HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-16 - Newport Balboa News TimesTtl SAND CRAB ., SAil ·~~~ eta. .. COUDtry bum --wtth lndlpa . T b Ia. poor fllh II able to pt around to muay meat mar- lr.eta and condlUoDI aft aU the sune -larp crowd a waltilw tbeir t:aar. at the counten only to ftDd little food. ODe thla& tbe b6a ~ lttlcal lleiD to fora'et .. the tems-~ tbe American p!b-Uc. You can write columna about the atfa1rs wttb Rus- lla 8Dd the troublee ~ &!- rope and the-people duck their cheeks with sympathy or dllr8Ust or e,naer, u the caae may be; but when you tamper with their eating and llvlng-watcb out! Lack ot -p. ot canned stutfl, of toi- let paper, gelatine and doz. -ol other items, brings the harra.saed consumer down to the old ~logan ol the nineties when Tweed was in power and the New York 1lmes printed, '"Jbroo(i the Ruca1a out!" to what will happen next November when the voter wtll do Ukewise with the administratlOO incompe- tents. One old chap, a rugged farmer ln overalls, a blue lhirt and lots of hair on his dJtest. was laying down the law to a federal offictal on the Mesa the other day, in this wt.e: "We have fought for 150 years to get where we are in tbese Unit~ Stata, yet we must start in and feed the people of Eur- ope who have been trying for 1000 years to learn how not to atarve.. Why must we ooatinue to permit our so- caled leaders to send tons of foodlltuffs, etc. to the Old World, on the theory that AmericaDs favor IUCh a ~ ...._ Tbe Slavs, the ~ tbe Gennans and the reat lmow how to wage war, but ·they aeem helpless in their eftorta to wage peace and as Joac u the u. s. keeps them aolng they'll cont:tnue to lean on our country. Bah!'' ._ ... Lett Wblpn. Note the Gallup poll gave Secretary ot State Byrne's ftnn poUcy a 5-~1 lead over WaUace's a p p e a s e m en t way ol life. This seems to be about the ratio of strength of the lett-handed group, so m e 20% of the pubUc, whUe the other 80% are satisfied with the United States. Main troul* is that the left wing- era are more vociferous and ~n more, thus creating the impr'esslon that they are stronger than they really are, while the vut majority Is quiet and goes about its buSiness of earning a living. But one supposes that ls the penalty or living in a free country with a shortage of hou8ea and meat and sich. • • • Baek to Ute. Well. here's one of my many "bulls'' I'm flad to corTect. Last week got the impression that Fred Storey. fonnerly of Balboa, had pes9ed oo. Con- lider my surprise when Fred phoned and said he hated to disagree. but he was still live and kicking, that he was still a realtor and was espedally Interested in Yucca Village on the 29 Palms highway. Fred modestly aMerted that the nm unit of lots had aU been IOid and a second was lmder way; that the tract oompri8ed 3000 acres with a townsite building and busl- nesa was good. In fact, he ltated, many local people had bought lots and were . planning on winter homes. • • • --~Offer. Johnny v~ aeJ told a News-11mes re- . porter that be had a group ~ water' system operators who wouJd pay a halt mlDlon dollan tor the Newport Beech plant and ~the had mad! the offer to Mayor Reed That could save the =:-~~~ Jobnny'a friend~ would live Win · 101ne uaarance on lllllllltbly rata ., Costa esa Ed·itiOn . NeWport. Balboa-News Times f;OL~~;IDI;~IUL&;;;;V;UW;;---------------• ' Harborites ()pen NeW SUbdivision A. IJ'OUP ol HutM!Itt. .... ftOUDCled CWIW the ,.._bftd the openlna ol tht'lr .... 3()00...cft eubcllviaion at Yucca Valley, mld- wa)l betw~n Palm Sprlnp and 29 Palmi. 'I'M project compriaa a newly devtoloped vUtace ot mountain and detft-t t)'"Pt' tlornft and there Ia a l"t'dwood-bullt hunUnr Iodato, res- taurant and cocktail loun~ and a well equipped fire ma1ne and poat office bulldlna to boot. 'l'ttomu £. BoucheJ, fOI'TIWt" harbormuter at Balboa, hu open- ed Uw lnn and !1 ln charge. Gey G. Richardt of Santa Ana and FrM A. Stort'y ot Balboa art' ~ exclualve &Ct'fiU for the vil- lage. 1lw vfll•ce tract II owned by the foltowtna bu&l..-people of Nrwport Beach and Balboa: Flora E. McCann, Oty Atty. Roland Thom.-on. Guy C. Richardt, Fred A. Stortoy, AI An<lt'rson. John F . Vogel. Ollvl'f" M. CampbeU a nd Ouy B. Tampl11. 'I'M area under devt'lopmeuft Is 100 acre~ larger than Uw aty of Newpor t Beach. and It hu Ita 0\\"11 watt'r l)'lltem. The trac t 10ld alrndy compriat'tl another 160 acre~ and thJ1 Is now repltote with buslneu and homt' bulldln&a. The vfllagt' hu a l<:hool building and Within t"ea.ch there are two newspllpc-n and onto macalint>. Npt. Heights Girl, Print Shop Worker Injured in Mishap Suaeetion Made PENCILLED PERSONALITIES MaeKay Offen Fint That Newport Sell ~ Bv JACK I.IN~Ut. t ''""'!(" ,\otw fA)t in BIA ~ Rendezvous Will Be Stene Rof.ary Hallowe'en Party Ita Water System ' To Fi~ance GI Home Suge~Uon th1t Ow O ty of Newport ~ach •U lt1 . prewnt Wlllt.r t)'Sttm to a priva~" wawr Compa!\)' and allow the lat t« to dr\ elnp tht' lncnued .-de ,lf t ht' mwddpallty wu rNidr throuch th{' boud ol cl1rt'ctorl ol the Nt'WpOf"t Ctt,.Jnbtor of Conunert:r MondaY.· Poltmuter Herbert F . Kmny U"t'pC]rted to Uw nwmberw of t h<o board that a dtll('fl 1Uit2f'Sted tr~· Idea and a lao :ruageet<'d thAt II hf' j broaclhecl to th'! dlrt't'tors of thP mamber f~r tMir ro~ldcratloo. I Only OONM'NUI ot ~~rnt lnwnt .-none the dlrt't't~ wu. ··who would want to huy tt !"' Up~!" Bay Plans wm Be Divulged ' Rt'port of the Upprr Bay dt'-I velopment plans Will be madt' at tht> hearing to be ht>ld by th<> IICftalt' lntnim commlttt'f' h• 11dt'd by Stalto St'nalor John f' Shrll··~ at thr Nrwpart Harbor Y11chl I'!Ub h4'rP. Oct. 23. Thia announcenlt'nt wa1 madtl by Walter Spi<'t'r ot tht' rounty harbor commlulon a t thn mr'E'Iint.: of thto board of ~ton of thf' Newport Harbor C'hamber of Commt'Tct' at Whlte'l Coffe¥. Shop Monduy 11ftt>rnoon. U. S. Geologist Will Preaent Water Fad8 At Huntington Meet 11w 7.alttoa Improvement -. <1atlrm hu N'C'elvt'd ~raJ often: of fltl~ls of land for the atw ot tht• homO'It'CII vett"r•na hOrrM It l•l~tnl 111 ttnanc. In llalbo.. I ·rtw bulldlna commlttN al\· n!lunl't'CS tod11y thllt the ftnll olfw w .. N'()o•IW'd fNHII Randy F. Mac- Kay of 714 t:ut ( 'rntral a""'UIP, 1\alboll. Maf'Ka)' otff"M'd ~ ol twn lot• hf! OWN In Miramar ltrlvo• "l'hf' "JII(I("ill lion will eMil a 111t .. \lln11 ahurll) fflf" lho' flllrlll*' o( •~on-llk,rln~t I ht• th 't'rt<l I"'" llf"Oo 111.,..'(1 11nd I ho•n ""'' wtll ho• 1"111-n tnr tt\.-allr Bre•t InJured I• Road Mlslulp ,_. annua.l .....,..._ putr cl ttlr N_,art Harbor .....,. cWt ttwl,..., Will be..,.... .. tM .... of a C!ArnlvaJ far 11'-...... d\11*-•nd Will tab ,._ at 1M RM'Icltav.-baUrnom ......, et at thto padco ldlool huUdt .. • ,_,. ,._. ...... ,' 1 vrrt .. f11 rrly. a. ....... IWII et -n. ...,_ '"'-~'""••ow ,.._, ._ port • .._ N.,..,._ ..... ..,. donatc!d by Dnb M*" ,_ U. o.:tn1 AINnea Wda 'I• C)('('ulon, whJClh I• ~ '*"t. ,_, .,.... ....,... to ... • Ot-t. :n, 11nd Dott Allfon, OIIUMII· • ___.. abaud tbe ........ •t. m11n. "net l'fl•lnnan t1 tht ....,.... U. Pllr..-lktppfsf!t w ..._ romm ltiN!, 1tat" that '"""' 11sr-8..._ c1 ~ta ...... ... .. .. J>rl.,.. -an-In ltOfto for the ddt-• ...,.... ot potenUJ ...... ... dn·n thll yf'ar. .,-tkilfll • OW I'OYh\11 f11 t..w 1~1-Will be ........... to llw ... abou-d 11\Jp. nnf' jud.:o-.1 u -.rt"'r 'lw ... t me .. _,__. 11 .....,._ 1 _..,... COI'IUmt'. _,..,. """;.• .J 0:::;::::___ 11M' tommltt ~ ....,_~ ..,. •1,_ ww-. Walt"'" o.rh& t vo ...-- M" ,..,........ "7 "'~ dill Mar. NI'WI-TbnN ..... l':"'h~ Mllrlon C'. I~ nr.dloft .... ~. and llllltlld L. .,..._fill It "'"" 111 111 unrlo'lr'rmhwtl lflc1Ay ( folndt, 0 · 1~ ~ J84'tr Nf'W1l0rt Af'tlch, "~ ... "'" lh••r 1\on"lcl t' lllr•nt. 1~. nf ('olr •nd•Tuny lfl"rehf'y. N!WS wrttrr fM tlw rAW; ..... fl11lht'lt. JUI•II\Inr'(J tnlr·rntol tnjurlftl • • • n .. ,. thf"N'·"'"> •·r11~h "hldt or-Chamber DfrectG~w n.mum artd Gforhardt .,... ,.. ··un-.. 11 "' Ttw 1\rl'lw .. ~11tunlay ARk Prot.--61-n •or· p!'('tf'd to makt' tht'mllf>lwt _,.. ollf'rnoun ~wv &I ...... lhtp whitt' 01'1 ltw ...,. llrr·nt "'ht• t~ ,. '"'''""' In Sl ~aJ Ped.crlana duwft Uwo aouth«n rouw-. .....,. '""''f\h' l"'"l''tul, 1 tru ••.:•·. ""• 11\•1'· thine-Mid iaholll.,....... .. ""loth• ln ltll'o'<l. IW•hr.,. •:ol1l, Whl'n Ttl# dllnlff'f'nUI C'Ond!U. fill -• DAUlinal lMm f« ........ ll"""'n lrum tlw hur k uf ""mot1w-<'nut hl11:h•·11y from thr Ardw ta ~ .. 1c1 hrf~ tw 11ft .. ~,,.,,,.,. nnlt lntn lhr• ""'h of 11n thf' Mly llmlt1 wu =.c<••• at -. ......, for aft1ttdftl· nnt'CIItlln~; nutomobllr. ' ttwo mHIIItff of ,,_.. .._,. o1 dt-a.rMrdt admUtecl tw .,..._•t ("OIIIfou'nll\ u twhWII)I fllllt"' f'f'· ro'("(Onl of thf' N....,.... "~ .... wtusl thr ~­ l'••rlo•!l 1h11t thl' arn.otM" w11a l'fl""-C'tt11ml...,. uf Commto"• 011 ..._..,, ....ad put him to ....... .....,. ·I'"'' hy \.lo•n John~"'· 311, (I( lhf' Vark"" lmr.rouiN'iilli IIIDnt 1M U. ~. "l don't ""'* r.t .... ltAih11n mntrl • thorou~thf1rr """"' .....W • a a IOGII moll." lw Ml4, ·~ ·n uw JM-o.•••·r "'•I• ""'d tn ""''" lnf'IIN o1 proti'C11nc J 1 blau 1 hMr u.,. tww1 that • ...., lor lio~·n hit hv 11 l'llr 1lrlv.-n by Rlrhard t'tlprMIIJiy whn C'llltnOC .,._ U. nw ... I. 1\o'nrwtt, :t4. nf Wllmln.:lnn. ruact In llllfl'ty cfur to ta. ....... • • • 'J'lw lmrmcot Ill 1111tt In hiiVf' lnl! I UinmobiiN. . nARNtJM Wll a pubKdt7 wrt• 11-'11 llro•nt lntn' lhl' 11lr "rtd Amnna ttwo ~~U«"~NIImw ...._ far ttwo M•t~ • ...,.. Claf'o 'J'hf! r«Uhtr Oct~ rneoetlng of 1 I wtwn h• l11ndl'd. Jl"hl'f' 11111d. an Will nnf' that ur..,11..,.. PM-paniJoft In lloii)'WOOd .... tw the Oran~te County Cout aaocla-uneumln~~: f'llr rtrlvl'n hy ·'"'"kiUin Ull-11)111 hf' lnat~tn.d, ... ....,... Ntenod the navy u a ,...,.. ..,.. lion wiU be a joint rnHtlng of th~ Fred v Bennett ("lwrry, JA. of l ..ot~ Anto:I'INI, t't11tllt wu that thf' ('tty falfwN ........ lft P'f'bnlary, 1144. lie.,....... lor Cout AuodaUon. Auodated • ""' •'"II In tlmt' to 11vold hlttlnr •lucty a 11111n nf p&adftlr ~ a ~,._..,.,, CPiambEon of CommeT"~ and th~ thl' l11tl <T<Maln.. 11t ttw ..,._ ...... Lew he ... triUWI...,.. .... wateT" u.en of Orance county u Enafneer point.. ._...tal ~. with tlw ,_. t1 ~Pf't'S(>nted throu.rh ttw Oran&t' Pilo•• S ilo ' l l i tlaJTy Wl'll'tt, ~ ~ ~tofftllt•, ~ct-._. County Wat~r district, the Orange .,...... V. D rtt. tile _,.... __._ "' Raa.lt _. ..__.t, ... ,. a., a r8 n on t11ry. u ld th11t t he lanai dlwtlbw .,.. appointed UIOdat• .... fl County nooct Contl'ol dl1trtct, th~ "",_ .......... ....._.. ....... .,...,_ .... ctrattt•• ,__ •• ,,. Swin• to Howaer ot romm .. .....-. rop~-. , ... .._ nr, 0octr. otr\chl ,......,.._ Betty Patch, 21, ol 42'7 E1 Mo-water rom!)llnlt'l &nd the water N-.ort ..,...,.., ()leta ...... ,.,...._.. tlltto l•tei'l!lll• of Jo•• A. 8 • hazarda on the ,.... .... ,___ b U.. U. I . Naftl ....... 81 dena annue. Newport Helahta. commlttt>~ of the Orange County =::;' :'::.-=. '!. ....... ., t!:'.,! .... ~ ~=.!'::::;. Supporters Claim Ia tNt a rt'Q~t to ttw .......,_, a. na.p. • bookblnder's aPPft'IUcr tor nw F arm Burtoau. . ... ........ --........... •nrtL . --I drpartrN'ftt. uklnc " to ........ ... ... aon" ol Dr. IC.. ...... Nt>WpOrt Harbor Publ1ahlnc com-nw nw.tJnr will be ht'kl at 6:30 -..,.. --...& lin& -.. 1a •• rt Wll.. • tv . 2&-MI .... .,. rn.a u. .,.._..., ......., _... ......, at ,... .... pa.n,y, wu palntully ft:'ured lut p.m .. ~y. October 22, 1M&. IMidl aa ·-· ..t ,.....,.. I" a • ... wp ....,. ....._ _, -lmJ)I')rtant MW l"bor ••nourwr • brlctr. to the ~ and IIIMr t.c.ptlal 1ft ~C.-Ot7 Th~y night wht'n a car ca-at Memorial hall In Huntington .. • U.......,~ al ,.,........ &.MYlar ~ M._U.. ror • u-mrnu h•vr t-n r i'Cf'lvf'd hy F'red / _. ct ttw 1 t ,._tall ' reened off Nt'WJ)Ort boulevard and ~ach. Ia 1111 .. _.. a~......, ta. worW, ,_....,. o.aa.., Jlawall, Howtlf'r. eandldllli' tor ""'""MY ""'-U: " -......... 1 ~~ ... struck • t~. w .. t ot Mont~ VIsta • At thl• tiiTI('. J~ F. Poland. = :=;--... ... ..,__aa~..::.~ .c-:~~~~e~'::.".: =~~ ";:::;"'·~;;t:Y ;;~/ •ne lfl80 to 1t: ._ .:. •ctlac.otla,.. ~ .. avenUt'. Ground W iler Dtviaion. UnJted --.17 t.o ...... " , the .... ._ ----rf'<'tQr nf SotlttH•m Calltornlll tcw Saturday n MY)', lluftum haa bren a _... Mia Pat~ who wu a pAUCn· Stat .. ~I SUJ"W)'. will ~ ••rlalde tn1ri1i11c Ia .. ,._..,11,.11\·f' juet now with tht'lr mllny Jln"'llf'r 0 el8 ot ltw IMIW-rllalnc 11nd ,.... writ· ger In her car which wu drivm, 1«11 the moat vitAl re-~ult.t of lt'Vftl Deawta ....,...., a1 ~..,.. rnjoocta lnC'IudlnR thr Prnh trl"'· . --lftc 11arr of The N411W1t-nmA California Highway J)lltrol ofllc-yean work by hlmwlf and starr ............. , ... wttll ......... rnn hoi til l ''"' Irvine lnt:f'llll Harry l.unllf'bo·~~~. prNIItr•n: nr Two Wf'll known a.t. ·-Oa tlw nlrtlt '-tON thlt ... ,, en uld, by Loula Autenon, 20 of In tb~ lnwstiJatlon of ~ coutal Tht'_!lhls lift> work ~ran and' •nl1 ov! 20 ;...bctlvllllnM and mayor thco S~tllnn~' Union or '"" Pnclft t.ual.-ntrn h•wo .1nfwwof ,..,.. ._ tn aaJJ for Olfttral AMftfGa, 2278 Coli~~. COtta Mela. 6errlir. hl1 first job wu u rodman In a lmprowtne'ftt jobl. h11J lnfform(od Anllw)M)' L Nnrrlo K" 11nd wo'lll upo•n 11 IW'W """' .. ~ a.rnum cllat'I<*CI to lhr fldltor crt wd ablto to be out today but 1s Thil JWOjKt hu ~ 1po1~ 11urvtoying ~tan.: In Custer Statf' 11 tt .... ,.._ 1)0.111 J>r• .. ld(>nt ut th.-FNk-r11tlnn ''' lllK llll'lf"o• S11turfta)l "" lhr ..,._ Ttw N-1'\lnN that a .W.l .. dPo k f t .. _ 81 k Hill Sou •'nnt' mnvt-.. to • ., 11n111' rounty 1 ·"-.. , 1 f II . · , 1tlll under medical t~atment u and paid tor jointly by the Or-par o •n: ac • of th In t ~l4() llftd hullt hh• <~"'n hom" In 1 -"'""·.linn ."•111 rm11n n "'"""r • to '"' knowr1 ... '"""' Men ... ac-e.~Jatf'd N-York rnacaatsw ts. a rt'tlult of her lnjwit'tl. ~ County Flood Control dia-O.kota. Thll Ia the lara~• 11a1r• S A h h 11 hi If I Northt rn ( 11lifnrnltt l.•r,.,r ·~m• <Yif'ltln~e tn ttw twu CliW'IW!rl. ...._... f'Ciftlma.ton.d him to write 111re Minor lnjurle~ wtore alao suf-trlct, the Orangt> County Water park In thco United Stat<'l, 160.000 \·~,71:~ a~~ ~~.e~':.n ",:;p<illu:h7,.~ I ~Itt~¥. I hilt lw rn(JoriM'tl Jfuw~Wr, rlr"" <'r~twlry llttd C. T. ~ 1 ...,..ual anciN o1 hll 1Jf1'Mftt .... fe~. pollet> said, by Beverly Au-dJIIrict, Lol Anctoles County Flood IICT<'II all under ont' fence. \" 1 nd , _ .11 , ... .ro·nnun llnnount't••l l.uni1••IM•rt: Thl' "''"" atON' wtn 011""' to tJie lofnc trtp. 19 i f ,._. I dl nd n ---d ot •r~r•n a a .._urt ,. rr !I hoi' !l/oll1 '" Norrll'"ll ...... f • • • ter10n, , 1 at~r o LouJI Auter -....... ro 1trlct. a Uw IDUftJ PrNid«tt Calvin C'40IId..:e usrd II•· wu l'mplnyf'<t hy thl' r s I .. . " .,. ...... o thf' W'l"ll ~mat.,~ 10n. Mias Aull'rson waa the third Water commluloners of the Oty to vaC'atlon th<'N' and Frt'd Jf'VerAI r•nrotinf't'n In l940 In Snnln AM 11~ "it hi' rtt'dh lfowrAIU(·~ 11~ ""' 1honk~:' 1•:1111 c'trrdlnR In thf! dut1, _., wtn __,. OEIUfARDT wu "" u~ Th I h S u un or ""It nM>r. •t~lll n 11 ntot 11 ~t~1 1111 1 ""n 10 11 tl 1 II ..... ..... ..... pauenJ;er In the machlnf'. 1 ot Long fko&ch In COOJI('rallon with ynn1 lattT rodr lh<' PrNtldl'nt'• j 1 1 · 1 1 '""' '"""' 1"' "'"' ,. n<'<'-d "' lhl' f'Vf'r ,...,.,.,.. ..._ MWII phototrr•ptwof ht'fOf'e and t' m 1 liP occurrf'd when a the Unltl'd tat('ll Geological Sur-favorite mount. Mhttlt>tOI' and ha~ ns!ll~t•nt diiJtrl<'l r~·~lonul l'nglnf'f'r 1 ,.,. 111 uw...-.r •rullln•••• IIN'IIon P'11111~ wtD be uunftll Uwo lat• wu Iff wu <WW defective atecrlng machanlsm camr Vt'y. s.lept many llmea In the ~ thAI 1~ lhr Ftfth ltb trlrt ThiM )oh ''~ ••11·rotl't1 to thr J<rh h•• -··· k• •· n11tlnnally •llv<Ttllf'd .,._. c1 ot thr INdtnc phntfiiTaphrn 011 off In the driver's hamh, tht> pollee I Dinner Will t~ IM'rvcd and N'l· wu -.t'd by CoolldKr. , mltr11Cf'd ttiP llmllll\r , !lur w . Luntlo•lwr(C tw•mtr·d uul '"·'' l~o·-nwon"• r lothlna:. lhr el.alf ttl 1'ttfo N-Or..._,. llid. • rrvations will tW' n~ary. Bt>nnctt J'OIIt' from rodman Hr '''I! "' liMo San r:::tnnlo tt!m lliiO~r• ,.,.u~· ttw lry·lll"'" nf hi• ,,, .nnl t-:vf'1'110n Ia formet" ,_....,., ol 'n~Pira)IUM. l>nf' ttl IM &.p Tars Take Shaky•1 ~ll Game From Garden Grovers, 13-0 rn~:lnecr and on to camp auperin-f•un•,.na. In Nm•f'mlw•r hi' wu '"1 on llrt·v•·nt 1"11111""1 o•rnJurlll'• lhf' M o·lll(••r llllf'f' and Cl-•.....,. Ia !Iouth'• ll'f'ate-t llf'WIJ)IIJ~. IC. tendc-nt In char~tr or 300 ml'n ln 11 n1.-frrn-d from thr f1,~<trwt 1•n-nont~. h•· Wfoll nwkln~e '11" "n· •~lntMt with hi• fethfto lft Uw alao ••• lhll nftiMal fthott)ll'arfw't' dnm construction. LAter he-h<·· 1•tn• •·r·a otfl~ to thr S11n1tt Anll 111'411"""'T"'"1 nil "" IndividuAl ("hwll'y l'"umlt~ bulk for IfNI Mardi Oru eelfttwalkWW came chief en~tini'Cr Cor this 1nnw \rmv Alr hallt' 11nd Junr·. 1943 In N-Or..._N rO, iiC!Yf'rlll ,..,... park. An lnlert'lltlnK lldclhthl "" l•••lqrt him appolntf'<t l!enl'rnl 8liJ)-Red Feather Fund or·tve RoUt """' will t'OIIaborau Oft tht' IJ'Mt park project 11 that thr • 1 Hllt•n&-nt of ttwo po~~t l'nl.!ln•'<'n fhfo IM"'riN nf •rtlriN whirl! wiU Bl•ck H illl 1trranu and rivf',._ Th•• df'partlnl'nt e~~rMt fur 1111 app.er In rutun-luu.-. ol 1'he nt'Vt'r had rlah In them until nur rwr~nl('f,.n~. rr palr 11nd nrw mn-Nf'WI-'nmH liM htllh ftf'WIIJlAIW'f' Ji:OVl'f"nment planted r"lnhow trnut •trtor·tlon WMk for thl' SAAAn. Open H Wed da '""" Ml~ they wnuld tW' on tlw Today we find ~at filhlnr therl'. I •rnnl[f! county lllr fh•ld llncl for • s ere nes y elm '"' any ltnrorort l\nl ~ ot Nrwport Harhor won anoth<'r Under prot~ Aft herdl of ,,,. ~uartrn nf thr W•••trrn nrww wtlk'tt m•r IS.•vf'lntl In th,.Jr ball game Friday afttTnoon , 13-0. Huddleston& Return. bl.lon, d('t'f". elk and many ottwr ~ 1~ 11111: Tralnln~e comm:tnl1 JMih durinc lhf' voy""" duwn and but they almo~~l lo.at "their mole-· ' apeciiTI('ns of wild lift>. Fred tt'IJ,t l~·nntott ll a 32nll 11r·~o:r•·•· Mn,.on. bllfil. Ttlf'y f'IIIIH'I In '"' a:<MW twn skine In fright before subdulnR ll Don Opena PeniOnal or tht' beautiH or thl• rolortul .,....., ,, lllt"mber or tht• EAJIII"rn !'!lllr, 'l"hf' llfl"lllnl( 1!1111 "' '"" Nrw-• --'""""'· flghling Argonaut !.'Ieven fr o m 11nd uys ""The motlt lntert'tllinR "" ~:lk and o1 thP tAmN1 '1'1'1· 1~1rt llurhnr t'nmrnunlty l>rlvr tt}o I Co t Gi SlJ ---- :Garden Grove who did everythlnc Finance Office Here liCt'nt' I havto ever vfeowt'd Ill lhr· r.n..;l····. an mrlnN"rin.: frAt rrnlly Wllrfl ,. j.(IJIII nr f-14.39(1 Will tlf' un y J Vetl ~ m Geo 8 R II but ouiAcorto the homt' equad. --granite rock fonnatlon known nc llr• Ul 8110 II rn<'lnhf'r nf Sl~tmll fin-d Wt-drw.ltny nllftn. "' thr· Nr·w-Sum to Chamber for rge . usse Tile localll made two lightning-The-N~t"«' ". I r•1 honorary rollr·~tr frntl'rnlly. r••rl IIMrhtor Ynrht f"luh, hy t' • • S ff St k uick ~N)rlnlt thrUllU, once in the Mr. and Mrs. Doa lluddiMJtnn. Tht> firm of R.lub It Bt'nnt'tl is Ifill hobby II juat WORK A )'nlmt·r. d •Jrlnl' " Lllnl"hf'llfl I Annalltice Pro!'ram u ers ro e q d h I th I t wllh their small daughtf'r Mar-Ml•r•tln~: "' ""' J\mtrl1 "' lllr•••·tllrM first an tht> ot er n o as 1 • --tl d t n~1 . --KArl' &A'"• rccen Y movr o DH • lifltl 1 llllllliiiMII )I 1 'hr·~• f'••rwrul quarter, and WeN' thenccontent tlo hoa Island from Oskaloosa. Kan-K I d Sa H w·ll (."uunr·tl Till' (.i.•nt•rJII ("(,.,·,.,.11 I~ T ltt• (/rlflll(f> ('nmfy r._.. ol spend the rest of lhe a tcrnoon n •h th h d "--n look" now an ys e I <• I • h au, 1lli <'r~ c>y a ...._~. 1011: • • rumiJI,.•ocl ,,, r•·ror•"~~""'""''"" "' "" '"l•·n "",... tiM vur,...f to nw .... u " fr<-nlicd eftorl to 11~0P t t' ~j sfler businC'SII interest. durtna Uw • "'""" hu•m• •• nr11f ~··rvlf··· ,04 run-"flt •r"l" lttlltrn "' I'~ far thr hAppy 'isllon who 1 ~aten f 8 1 war. No 1tran~eers to the Harbor 11.n11;,"~ iu I hi'' nr,.11 1 ~trr.tn~ottnt.: nr nn Armtetlrr D•' aftt>m oon to explndr In the acet llrt'a they owm-d " cot111~to on thr Ask E d f All c I · •·•·lr•hrAil•"l In N """' f~arrtl. of CoRrh Wendy Picken•' warrlon. hiRnd ~lnC1' 1937 which ,. .. IOid n 0 t Ml I """"'"' Will ''''"''''"' I '"'" M•·mtw>t• It lt~t __ .. ~ --. Tht> S11ilon Wt'n! outcaJ~. hoth laat year. not knowing that clr-'""'"'"'"'"" ,,1 .,..1 k••r nnrl 11, 1 "'" nf lhl' N••WJiflrt lfFtrhor Chtifn. . I on ro s "' II•· ..... ,,,."' rtllttlV<•JI lio plt•k lh•· r I " ·-·u f" _,...,., on the ground and In Uw atr, but rurrutnnct'll would Jl('Tmlt th~m to 1 1 1 1 1 "" 1~ 1 1 t"' torr crt Ctll'l"1mf'rY? •lid P'.-t w top..notch dt>Cen~lve work lnalde r~turn. ,.,. ,. ... 1.1 0 111 rtr-rn ": h!ltlo•m 1 >' S t11ni"Y thr AmrllrttcP n.,. · their own 2().yard line enabled tht' . 1 De<-larlna that he ~llev('t thr •, "'"•1""'-l)'llff'm 11 1-n<ll poulhf,. frf tlu• ll(•nrfltll "' flu• 1 on11111111lt.> 1 · 1 1 .,.,._ Tan to It Ave off tht' determined Althou~th lntendmlt to l tay here-time hu come when tht' Unit I'(! "•Ill f'qUity to rontrol Jlf"l<'f·ll or I.,, .• , It I• '"" that hy unltln!f m "'"' ,. '" r nl""· .._. ,.....,. tou hdown ertorta ot the Orance only for the wlntl'f" they were ao Stalt'l mUit c:hooM betwan ron-"""~""'"" gooda unii'U th•or,. I• ''' nil ro·qu'"''• f••r dtlnltlllln~ ,,, rr·l fl;?l l?f' dllnR f,.d. lea~ champe ol lut year. :~~n7'~ ::: ~:; ;::_ tlnued rectmentat1on and a trf'l". '" " contTol of •II farlrlr11 lhllt lid nnl1 Wf•lfllrf' IIIC•'nf'IMI row•ry. Wf'l~~::~;·t~ ~::.! e vr•-uneontrolled economy, u. s. &!nil-~" ,, makt' up thf' 1"0111 of I hi' f.lrll-I'-'"'' ho•nl'tiiA ..... po•l"lttlly ''""''' "'"""I ... __,. -• • • trlct. incluclii1K eo.ta Mt'IA, th&t tor William F. Knowland h "s duct "'"lltlllly nt·l'l1 ""d rr•("C'Ivr C'nm-lhf' '••I d tllmfwor fll AWI-ut» Rlght end Dick BrAce account-tht'y 10011 cledded to •tay and Mr. pl~ed hlmMif to advocate the .. ( munlty t 'hl'lll !'!upprn t. will try fit rlllllf' aoot"" IZIO to eel for both Sailor touchdowns and Hucldlt'tlton Is t'Stabllahlna a per-1 1 fteeftllty lhla woullt lnC'Iutfr m11tl'h thr• ,.,.runty IWn tar a. e.t.-··--.a I th tat ndJ ot IOI'IaJ finance bUiineu In the area. tftdlng of price con troll on con-r•trntrol of Wlllfll, rllw "'""'rial. I lllrlnl( thr '"''\ unltomt•niNl Wllr IJr~tllnn twrt•. two""' n e ou ~ .. 79ntr run •---· t f t"-,_ , ... and •~ gooda and arrtn&ltural ~ pr l)tlt• and ratlonln" of lht-IIVAII 'Y"''"'· lh•• Wu < h('lll L>rlvl• Jli"Oo ----tht' day when hera .. ~ yar&l on IUVouunet>men o '""" ~n ... ....._,_ ~t J••u _...._ Con ' ~ _.. • 11 .. r ·'-f ... 1 lf"'• k • ftnal further d t II will ~ made fbout ..._ .... , ,.,.._ ... ary .. ,,.,,. • u'•ll' llmltt'd auppi7'Pf rommoditll'll v 1 ''" un ..... or .. ,v C' Wf' ..,,. wor an end·around play for the N ~to:.~ &'rfta NGiinm 1 •II> not favor a controllt'd erono-nntl nthl'r loc•l rl'llrf •a••n•·h .. tally .In Uw fourth quarts. Thla owm r · Knowtand polnteocl to the lack of mv ·· 1 Nuw th111 ttl~-w,.t-<1tf'llt hu •·••u · WM t he ~CUre that broke the badu Mr. Hladdlt'tlton Is a former ban-ITI('at, ttw thouaandt ol unnnJiht'd . . , ... , '" funf'llon It ill lhl' duty uf Look Mapzfne Wm Carry HSlhor Rid& of thto Argonauu ani lalted the ker and t'tiCI'OW company execut1vto homeir, cloaed lndultrlal planu anct Prnc.1almlnr h i• fatt h In lhl' ttw Cllmmunlly C1t~•flt '" r•nrry r1n Runt" for the locala who held an of South Gat~ and WalnU\ Park Am• rlcan l)'ltf!m u th•· rm" nf-. . · ""r"'"""nt11tlvre ot r...a: ....... 1111t'CUJ"to lead o1 6-0 from early In and could ~ad1Jy lt't' the rWcS for la~lon~olmce u ~~ thndat ~" f• lniC the rnoer lmprovt'd II \lin~~: h 1 hhr• .:roup kwlll ~"' lnfrwrnc~ ,or 7ln". lll('hlltlnli: twn Jlfltl(•e» ........ the ftnt quarter f1 here na 1 t'COnOmY • .._ • .a _.. II' ntlllrod for all Knowlanct u id· 1 ,. """ t•ll nn .. lhr IM'f'd nr vl~itNI Nr wlfllrf If..,.... ....,._, Six mlnutt'tl ~ter tht' opmlnr • nanc. company . clued ht' dJd not bel~to "our ""\\'htft tht'. Elihtlt>lh Cnnlef~ lltlf'rAI ~Ilion lind •uppnrt nnrl ttlfllc " ridr rrmund ... .., . whiatlto, the Tan took the ball on Welch •-Honored A~c•n l)'lltem ol "'"' mter-n' "'" on JanuaJ')' 3 ot .,..x, yru . ''' n·llf'h •h•· 1:""' nf $1t..:mo. Rnmr ~··wrRI J'lll'tur" ..,.r., ., ......... -" Uw Gardm Grov~ 30-yard llnt', u u priM and tht' rllht ol frw col· I tt 1111111t ~dto Uw rolld wr will 11( lhr· ie&er•n•·""' whlr h llr<• wrll 11 Willi ullf lltaf f~te- a reeult of • tumhlto wtUch wu Ject!Ye bercalnlnc ~tW4!'4"n labor (nllnw. Aa a nwmhr r •Jf lht• S4-n-kn11wn Anti dolniC " rrnlly worth , th••m In onr J"th..., rtl • fer ICOOIJed up by lt'ft E nd Bob Kll· Harry Wtolch. necutlve lt'Cft-~net manqemt'nt couJd •urvlve In at•• r ......, vtpou.ly ttdYIK"IItl' Whlll• jQit And n."'(f tlnnnrllll IIUf>" I An llrtlrll' r ntUH ......... Utn, and Mtollo nwde nhw yards tary of Uw Newport Harbor ~am-a ~trolled economy at m 01• tl •• '""'*"-Uoll ot O.f'.A I'Ontrnl ~~ arf' the U.S 0 ., T h • U 0 Y Tl"ll.lrltt C1n Do -ea. ~ Of'oorat .: nuu~ll. R7, o( 3M Ruhy a"'"'"'· 11111110" 111111nlt, 111 In ....,.,.. Uncia •"nltulum fnllowina: a ''"*" S.turd11y whl(it lf'fl · hll lrft pi&' JNirallrrtl Ill' Ia •n old· ltme ""lflf•nt of "'" l•lllnd, wlwr" 1w .,.. fl"ltmf'rly " m ntnc.'lor ,.n4 huii&IP, •nd lit "'" fnthf'r of Mrw Conrad~ • II\ apjle of hill 1111VROCf'd 1111:,., ar ... n ..... " h•d IH'f'n Wl'll and act· lVI' aftd wu partlntlarly lntM'fttt!C1 In churm wnrlc. t.w·•lnr a ,...,~ ot Clvilt ( 'hur coh hy the Sea. Corona Service Men Enjoy Beach Under Red Cross Program I to ~ A.!JronaUt 21. Halfb.ck bt'r of Commerce will iwpl' ...... t phere. fl\ r•r ~ and cfural>lt l(ooda Xt"<JUII , Sf' a Sooutt. C\.tb Scouta, ("(wut " Brl-;, Hanz&J thm faded hedr and Uw local orranluUon •t Uw con· "It Is tlnw that _.. faeed ~al-11nd apiealturaJ prnducta. J am Vo•ttnn• f>l-rviCP UurNu, Church 'rh" 11rtklr "111 elii'TJ' 6da -Book Ren•-""Aid ftred a pu. to Brace, wbo ran wntlon of the 1t1tte chamber In lt!H," Knowland ...n.d. ''Tht' N•nvlnoed U..t euch 11 prop-am will lind w•lf•r" liOdf'tiM, plal'f'll trnm S#atU• tea.~ Y &v to Uw tout and on .... nat pa., 8u Frandaco. Decrnsber • and 5. war hM been O¥W ,.. mora than bo• btott• ... to IIW OW" Pfcpkl Mayur 0 n. RHct Will N'Jl"'llf'nt Jlury We-lch, taMtft ........... Clly Ubrartan Marioe a-...y Roy Ward lhot anotMr tMrbd Into Weldl •• ~teet clelrrpte • ,...,.. When ~ n•• t ,. 1 • ttw City of Newport BMch; A. B. tollt mtmhrn ot U. ..._. 11 ._ ..-.portH to Oty n.-1 . lht' rtcht IJat. ~ 8rta put • MGnday b)' the boud ol diNd.an mteta. J ehaU ~ OW npNl 1111 .. -.... at a ~ ~l&e, tht' Realty Bollrd; P . A. l"f'ctMW ol U. ...... , II _.a-t Uaat bed~ l'ftiW and,.....,! (OMit' s-.... ,.., Mft. ol ....................... ,... prw. • (()w«l IJ 011 nee""" I'I'W'r('e, ~~~-••• n;lbw broult:t hiUO. DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and A.-dates ONCB M-Hoar Radio Service SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA · 08118 Y• .. ftlllt ftlee teDiilea.o..poa.e,: All N.-w • • • Even ttie Locatlott ••• OM-Half IIDe Eut ~Old Locatklll Oil Ou:t ~· Beautiful New - Cocldail Bar We Lead Southern Calltomla In the Sei'Ytn8 ~ -SEAFOODS - ALSO YOtra ld.a of 1'1.'&\D -VDilT OUR Kllau:N - Sam's . Se• Food 5pl aad Fllb Market -c-.. c-.. ... .. DAY IIOIIOOL OI'K!f8 001' 1 an..:o.a. ...... ~ 0. A. .. ...-. .... A.. ~ Pa' '41' ..._.....__ D&H'fla'IW M&WrvU M*<W DR. OO&DON &. UPP DENTDr'l' .... _ ...... 1 .. ~ DO!f .-mGO ................ ...................... OCCIDENTAL un 1Mlma&N011 oo. RayNiellen ...._ ................ ..... -...-.. ........... ..... a T. •tlwwora., 0. D. Opl abW KDa IIUimf&D ~ D11PLICATD ---... .. ....... ... •• OIJIIRI ·-ft. --... . ...... ..ac.. Robert A. Crawford lftl!f...-t ....... .............. ~ ...... Scotcll Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -t-N_..EW ... S • nMES I'IQ; 2 2 ........ 2 • t T • 1:10 Uldby ....... ..... .,., UI&Malla..,_ o.ea--.O'm • Ill •rtx .&w., ............ ........... _ aor.t. .. an.J7, .. D. PHYSICIAN Uld ~ BAlboa laD .ve.de omc. HrL: 10.12 a.m.; ........ Phone Harbor ~ H. R.. Hall, M. ·D. tmo..e-.., o.-..... Oftlce Houn: •12; H ................... S. R. Monaeo, -M.D. Bit Bay Aft., .... llutlerltM . &a .. -............. 'l't1eDr 'ltiJ B7 A&Jpofntmllrt Gerald Rauaa, M. D • a:IO W..t OIDtnl A.., NEWPOR1' a&A.al ........... _ .. _, .............. X·R.17 8erYice T. P. Reeder, M. D. .. "· OIMnl -. ... , ......... G. N. PEASE, M. D. 0 I AI .... -Dbpat SCJ&f&IC.. ......... --". u. Jlleuu,..t .... o.ea ... I' .,., ., -... . llltW. OIMnl ........ .... t'n'"' ....... .. PIANO TEACHER G. V. J..INSENB.UU) Gnduat. ..,..0 ..... ,.~ .Ph: Hutlol' 1Z2·W 1D w. Ocleu rrc.t V ecla Thompeon Teacher ~ Plano and Orpn ........ a...., Say feUowa, e.pedally you mellow ora ..• do AJnta.t ,....cloadeal 'r Ita pat- you lmow tbere'a a place wbeft ~ can pt ~~~ C:.:e: wt.oO.:I Newpor:t H~r. ~~ News Sportflahlna A.a. ot Newport Harbor tbe exad ldDd ~ aladm, lpOI't lblrta. UN. aDd ~7 ~ .:~ all the other ultra4D&I't -~~1!!!11!!:.1~~~--1 =-bl Uw oounty'a ~tin Balboa-at tbe foot ~ tbe pier. In tW Balboa Inn buUdlnc comer . . . lt'a the Piper Jotm.on Men'• SporUwear lhop. You"re Invited to come In and tee wbat we~ ltutf Ia lftlly auper. ............. ........ ... eoa. GAUr. • Houn: 1~. Ewnlnp: MoQ.. Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 9 . COITUCTORS' REITAL EQUIPMEIT jaeger Comp~.rs Comet Saws • Cement. Mixers Wood Working Equipment Dutch Heacock •• Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beaeon 5508-W 1,.. _. a..ta AM .&ft. -Oollla .._ E. MCII"''t.on to MondQ at t :JO a.m. bl Dept. a. Santa Ana, .J\adp RQmond H . ~·· CIOW"t., fat alallnmlftt to duty. J\adp ~. who hu ...... moned a lot ol. JUran ln hla day, wu Included with PrtndJ* Raf· mond II. Elliott ot Huntinct~ 8Hdl Union HiP 8t!hool and tlw followlna: Coeta MNa-DoMJd J. Dodp, Lulher W. Johnatoo, Mn. Clara B. llaJoah and MuNock ·Mathaaft. s.Jboa ~Mrs. ....... w. Drudall, Mn. BeaDe M. Kina and Mrs. Pb)'llll K. Unitt. Corona ... Mar-WlWalft DeJ- Ide and Georce Edlon. Camp Reeeip&a Told· a.c.q,u b'OIIl tlw camp IJ'OUftCII fat Sept~ am- ounted to S2f91.24, Clty 'J'reu. Uftr J . A. Gant told the dty ClOUD- dl MondQ attn-noon. Earl Etk:k- ler, camp CW~tocllan, rNde tlw ftnt ~port . .... Radio Service ..._....,_MM-W Palmer Radio .um IUlO'l'lll() .... , ........... OOft'A IIDA ALLMARK CARDS For Blrthdaya ...... .&.1\w .... ..... v-•1'1&•' ta.,l :: CJIIM I lew*t Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 1101 Oc.u ...... We Wrap Gina .....,_,_..........,.. .... ., IIIII l:llclewiN4 a._, ~ .. ll. Calli..... ...... .,... ~ .. .,_ ....... .... ....... .... .. C!MIPt "" ... Mcoea•le• llrotiN!" ..._ at tile _. o1 Newport pAer. ftle .. , Ia a -ef Vll'lll fkoott ef tile ·-a..ae.a eo.. .... oaee. -Walter ~rdt Photo. The Bayside ·Plating , Co. c. c. "Chuck" Wirth OFFERS YOU A DISCOUIT If Y 011 Brl111 Tills Ad to Us Wltlll• 30 D•ys We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert 511~·-~••ltlls .&II ... O.UUteed -Estimates on Wholesale Lots of Ceranties SILVER AND GOLD • Tea Services • Antique Finishing • Trophies • jewelry • Candela- bras • Ceramics PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine. Plating • Badges and Souvenirs C. R. "Bob" Hand BAYSIDE PLATING CO. Phone: Beaeon 5113, Days; Beaeon 5358-R, Nlchta COSTA MESA 191' Harbor Blvd. Has Jobs Opa For 15 Veter•• WELCOME ROME! Ne"fflt•rtat,... .. A "'WeAN LIXHON · ............ --............. ..:it:: ---.............. .. Quallt, a.a.a..· .... ~ Bu04iq Mat.iale • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. fl. L HO.T&TL&R ..... _ ... I ,.,.,. ........... lOHN SHAFER. VERA BRYNER. ... "110 RITA" LOOK ·at the -RECORD! 1'1 YIAII Of •nc•ICY I ICONOMY II AIILITY Ill • R e,elect SHERIFF JISSE L IWOn ......... . ~. ....... ......... ............. I.Y.O.I. .. ...... ..., ..... YOTI NOV. I "R1·'EI1t1 IAI Jl• ru ~..., IAI /..,_ STEAKS Fully Aged • Juicy -Tender T-Rone -New York -Filet Mipon Top Sirloin and Delue Planked PEM'EY'S Balboa Inn ·Cafe Italian Kitchen SpedaiUea •Qchw.Jcea or veal C'AOiaa ....... -;' d LoiMter Fra Dtvalo • l,.&tr4 -....,.. Dell«httuJ. TMtJ ............... Fish and Se, Food Corktails OOCKTAIUI DIMQa MNt:8 HUN'11NO AND Pl81f!NG U:.UON GI'MD IWIDAYB EVERrrtmfG IN RECORDS ,,f!l=~i . WE RENT PHONOGRAPHS wrm IUXX>RDS IMMHIUTE DEI..rvaY ON • RADIOS-RECORD PLAYERS & COMBINATION PHO.NO-RADIOS lee 'I'IU•TC~~"~~~RDt-WAJUID -' llJ 11M 1&.. N~port ..... ..._ ~~arbor 10'71 . . STA·ROI'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drlab -Short Orden .... ~~-··--~~,-~~jcwDMNa ~ Wf tw l'llel K .. pllt -elll WILLIAM P. MEALEY 0--.aL OONBAOIOa Relldentlal ,... Catmwrdal BulJdllw ...... :--61'1!1 ......... ............ . o.e. ... I S LA· N D PAT I 0 Speaker Hits CommuniSm In Radio Talk on Howser A dl.ltiaet, .......... ....-s•e--------.--- la.lt ~ BIPertlt. (11'0-11"-.-£-..:--I' '-h ml.oeDLacd9uitwillt ... ....._,. ~L1'UIIC &AA candida~ .... u.e u. s. s..ate. To Usher lit Yule who cledAirel that C'olnal&lalatl 10 ('vly u. ,._ planDed to ... Seaaon on Dec. Happy ••• u a lark beau.-ber dean, IIDUt appeuance ratee admtrlna llanoeL MANDEX C1eaDen • mel !f .............. . MalDMrt.llllni,LM. ......... C'ontrol of G1 hA&h public oftlcee -- •n the Stat.r.• ~~ted by 1be Orancr County Cout ~ 1 ~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~ who IWWipt ~ WU'ftft t.ck datJon Ia coatlnulnc I~ plana far I. onto otftce ~ a hup m&jort~ Ia coutwide and communltY a..t-1 ...... --------------------. the prlmar)' llf. J~me 3, the C.I.O.· mu celebratlonl, lt wu anncMIJlCled • •• P.A.C. Oan adr::lat-bedled comml~ by Polltmu ter Herbert F. Kenny, tee:. are puiiUna their endoiMd Y1ce prH~t of the UIOdaUoo Announcinc Openlq lsialld Refrlgeratl011 5eRice H~hold RefriJeraton Repaired· ¢"ndldate. Ia hopee of a Nowm-Monday . ber 5 vtctG17. Spuklnc bffon the board ol dl- 8aDc:l!olt. appeartnc-on the ame rrcton of the Newport Harbor Muuaaa..O.. • .Lee ....._t with Olarabrr ol Commerce, Mr. Kftyly f'rM ......,, oudlllate far at-aald that the Chrlatmu ol»ervancr \OI'M)' ....... wtiGnl be rndarlft, will ~ opened at a rneetln& 1n told al tM ,.U of lcMet CCIIltnJI Huntington Beach on ~ in ..._. ... JiOiltkL ~ ~· 10, when all Olriltmu U«tlt- "1'01' IIMftft'• ..-. w1rJ DOt Ina alone the ~twill be Uchted. tl'U our peGIIIe the truth T dlmuld- t'd Banc:raft. "'WWtb botb GUr..,. Mrs. Heacock's Kin woo we are pie•.., thll CXIQ1Inc • r~acal year to IPIDd on the ma1n-Dtea in New Orleans tenancr ot Gila' armed fOI'CieS the -.. • ........-.... eaa. AQwliloNe ........... .... 329 Marine Ave. T. E. Rllehard ANNNOUNCING the · Openinc of the c•normou~ IWII ol ntteen blWor! Word hu ~n received by Mrs. dollan, and to keep. a mlWon and Dutch Heacock. Balboa, laland, of a hall ~ UIICkr a rm 1. the c»ath Sunday in New Or Ieana Whom are wr protectlna ounelves of her brother, Capt. J ack R. against at UU. P'Nl COlt? R u.la Sederholm. He was the 101'1 of the And her Comntuniat-eontroUed a1-late E. T. Sederholm, Pomona H bor Gl c lies. orange grower and entered the ar ass 0 ~ G "Every Comlpua.lat 1n thla state U. S. Navy Ia 1918. ::::o=~Y_, 0~ ua: IS~=_, N~.:::::: who foeti to ttie polla nt'Xt month Later br joined the Merchant • ..._ IIi! ~ tills 1~ r;::f _,. .. Ia M ......_ ft-&lie will vote agalnlt Fred Howwr and Marine and wu akipper for 20 1811 IA~a,.tte a-JlarW - , ........, ....,_,... ~ ~ No.-lle!rl· McMJO.n Photo for hla opponent. Do you want yean, ~Ina w1Ut the Gulf-Padllc Automobile. G'--e »-t G'--~-==:========~=========~1 --. the endou ement ol the Commun-llne. .... DUll .... ;; 1 Allotiated Cham ben Cab met Officer May 111t-oontrou.ed P. A. c. to be ~ • . _. a.& Lettertltc 1· Clll PRODUCTS "! CLIII & BATES Reject Teacher Plan ·Be Newport's Guest ~on~~'::!~~ r:;:; Mam St. Pays ~~~~~:;;~:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~ ----HOWler' wUI be elected, but patrio-Main atrret, Balboa obullneu Memben of thc.> hoard of direct-Naval repreeentatlvee from the tic votrra muat make a apedal men have paid the Oty ot New- on o1 the Newport Harbor Cham-11th Naval Diltrict will br gu4'1t!! effart to co to tbe poUa Nov. 5, port Beach f'5 for extra Uchtln& ber ot Commrr<"'t' voted Monday of the Newport Harbor 0\ambtor and ahow the wbole UD1ted Statee for their thoroughfare, accordinc to table the r«'t?nt recommenda-1 or Commer«> at a I~ to bP that the enclonement ot the In-to an Item lncluded In the dty tionA of the Auoclated Cbambera • l(lvcn In Whlte'a Coffee Shop, Bal-famoua P .A.C. II the !c-. ot ciMth." treuurer'a report for September. ot Orancf' rounty. boa, on Tuctlday. Oct. 29, In obsl'rv-· OM of the ~ndationt ance of Navy Day heft. made by the county or~~:anlzation The commill~~e headed by C'apt. wu opposition to thl' atatt' rt'fcr-McCarty expects to have Secrl'tary t'ndum tC' J>ll)' school teacht-n an of tht' Navy Forre~tal Pftl('nt a.s annual minimum ll~tlary of $2400. the hono~ gUI'It u the navy offi- cial will be In Lc» Anaeles ahout that tim<'. LOCAL t 'ANNF.RIEH OPE N 800N : llF.APPEAAANCE OF 8QrrtaT c·Avsr:o slfUTDOwN Education Auembly · IWaJ)JX'arnnce of tht' lt'a squirt. Plans S. A. Meeting a mild funn or fT'Ari nc life. Which ri'IWmhll'J a 1om: tuhe of phoe-VICI' Chairman Julian Beck M phoru~. haa cnust'<l n shutdown of the atnlt' Ul('mbly on publl(' c-du-.....,...., __ ...,;;,,__ __ ~-------------.1 the o•nltre Pactfoc CO&II fishing cation announet'd a meetln$: w1ll indultry. The squirt occun onCi' takr plAce at Santa Ana. Or• 22 a year, 11t :.!:31'1 p.m. In the Uncoln srlu>OI MEN'S SHOES Priced at $10.96 11w aquirt has no effect on tht' at 1415 F"rt'nch atrftt. All achool edibility of the fillh. but the prca-trustet>~ and admlnlatraton or the met' of the marine life In contain-Or11ngl' county achool e~tem are en ot mackE"ral ready for the rt'QUCIIM to attend. rnarkE't Ia oppOII('d by atate fish Dilculllona will be COftflncd to lnapecton. repor~ on IK'ed for houaln~t 11M Local Qllflerlet are e~ed to the flnandal ability of county ..._ oprn qaln In a few da~ and mem-trlctl to provide 1Chuola withm tillt ben ol the flahernwn'l union who audita of atate IChool fundi .,._ were temporarily laid off during Cf!'ivt"d hy local dl.ltrlc~. the ahutdown are ~~back on the job. . Skiing Planned · An 4!laborat<' prO!tf·•m of wat. akiln!l Ia planned for L:tke EllS- nor£' Sunday, Oct. 20. accardlaa to V. H. Rlcht'y, chairnwn. aquatic: commlllf'<' of the El~ln•w·· Chun- tx-r of Coml'fl('rl'f'. Tiw •ctlrdulc of l'Vc>nt~ onclucles Men'• Slalom. Mt'n'11 Jumpln~:. con- iiiiiiiii.l teat of Trick Sklin~t on• I 1 lptlonal Ridonl[. and 111mil11r ,., rnt1 far women. .A detailt'd r11p~ of the pm~:rom i.s on filo• at 1tw nfrlee ol Ward & Hanington Lumber Co. L~ AND BOILDING II.&~ .. t . .,........... . ..... ....... 111 . Ill OO.UT BIOIIWAt' AT ~ .tWilRM ''Rendezvoul at the Mariners'' White's Balboa Island Cafe. AND OOOKTAIL M.a ............. f!13alboa c}ftulre t • Before Y011 B•lld or R81110del ..... ... Dllpla;r - Color IUidel, plm- nlng aJdl. comprebeal- lve stock ~ carpeta and Unoleum. =~ Repaired~ LUDLUM Carpet Works liD ao.llt ...... 1M. ..._. ..... AM-UN'I'A AKA t~ Nc>w~t Hu~w <~ano~ o1 ~---------~--~----~-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comrnt·n.'e. Anyonc> lntPrr!tted II - Steel Arth Construction aa advertised in Esquire - • Sold Exclusively in the Harbor Area by announcing • • • • ' change in owaenhip HERCURY CLEANERS · 1844 ·Rarllor Blvd. Costa Mesa -Expert _Workmanship-- -Pickup and Delivery- -J-Day Servi~ urgt'd to look IL ovrr. White House Cafe ...... 118! a...-Beach, Oallt. The ''Centraliner~' A New Steel Cruiser by Central Boat Works Harbor 1580 IL I.D 0 ....... WALTER PID8EOI ... JOSE ITURII RQDDY lcDOWALL • JAIE POWELL ,... ...... ~ JLOIA MASSEY • XAVIER CUBIT Me ......... .......... "-~ • o.......,....,...,Mietot.__ .,.._,. "' OIOtGIIIOHIY • ,..._. .. ,JOt PASTWWt • IIIJIO.OOUI~-.. I"'Cn. Starts SUn. Oct. »-Bogart 6 BacaJl tn "BIG SLEEP'' E. J. l.Bud ) Jacklin CEMEIT WORK .,.. Worll w ' r a ••*~- CALL 1 111·1 1"01& INJI'OUIATIOK (PoUtlcal Advertisement) Hear Prominent Attorney and World War II · Veteran .Speak . THURS., OCT. 17th 8:30p.m. RadloKVOE on Behalf of JAMES A. MUSICK for SHERIFF of ORANGE COUNTY .. .. ELLIS IROS~·NUR.SEIY • • Landscaping • • .• Flowers and Shrubs . a., ...__.JiboM ............ ~---, -..... __________ ~_ .............. ....., Drub Garden Grove, 13 to 0 (OoiiUn~ ,._ ..... l) a Julcllnl act, but took the IMJher over the douba. marker for the tally. HCII'ftll'a C!Oftverslon att~ ... wide and the Sa1lon ...., 6-0. _N~~~~~~~H-~~~~~ G~n ~ bade ltroiiC fsturtna a weU coordinated .,.... Ina attadc trom DonoYan ~Bolt~. held onto the ball, wl~ a f-L::::======~===========::;:::'J minor lntel'l'uptionl, well into the -aeeond quarter, but boiPd clown -------__,;,..-------------on the SaUOf ten-yard 'tripe wt~-~ out ICOrinc. • , 1 Delicloualy Prepared vial~ t:. ~ ~ ~~ + + + + •penlnl pueea wi~ nice 1'\UU\lnc NEWPORT CAFE -M Bov 8erftee + 111~ ..... N~ ..... MEREDITH~ playa took the baU to the Sailor lix-yard JiM. Froar the llx, Dclno' van went ovw for a 1011n, but tumbled in the end 80fte and the ~ leatber wu amothered by "Boc~Y" HOI'I"ell and the tall)' wu nuJUfled. Braoe'a flnal IICOI"'! came In the fourth quarter and t:Nit WM the ball came. Outatuldina perlOI"'DADCftt for the Sallon were turned In by defeftliw atandouta and "Doe" Venetian Blind CQ. Hanaon, Dk:k Brown. "Sblner" Roberta and Horrell did the aterl- ina work ot tumlntr the Arao- nauta bade time and time -caia. • • • Mention muat allo co to Dick Brown, aul»titute halfback, for outstandlna ~ld bloc~. especially on Brace'• lona nm. 1bere wu one man who ~ttood a Now Open ......... .,a.a-........ Complete Repair. ~d Renovatinc . Service Free Eltlmate. chance of eettln, Brace before the Red Feather end had cone five ~ but Bro)VII c:ame out ot nowtM;re and mowed the would-be taclder down and· Brace wu on hJa way. c · • The Artonauta bad much the amp·algn on ~.rr.rmin~: his phliOfiOphv lhlll ~te:-;_ of}! ~_!tta= -:o""o:; a UnitC'd !'tlll<'l Senator should -•-&.-,... ~nt ·all of l h<' people of thto Sallon' four ~ rolled up a rwt (Cont. From Pae~ 1 ,· m ttre "'"'"' a nd n o 1 Pf't'UUN' cain total ot 270 y&rcll to N--Palmer the Chambft' ·oc Com· ~:· ll. s . Sen~~tor William F. port'a Ul8. mM'ce; 'Herman Hanaen, the N--Knowland this WI'E'k pointed out JIC'R MEN AND BOYS Runninl playarwttecl the Garden port 'Rt-aeh Bualnl!llll ~ena M · that polich·s 11t1optf'd 111 thto com- Groven 125 yardl and they made aoclaUon ; AI Anderson, the Bal· Ina 80th Bl'S3ion of C'Alnlti'HI will ------....;~------------~--, 131 throuch the alr while NPWpOI"t boa Buaifll!ll Men" Auoclatlon; have a far·r\'a ching t>fft'(!l on Cal- &aineod 780 yarda on ~ lfOW1d, John Wallace, the Balboa Improve-ltornla's fulur~> On.Your Way g~d 8(MIIti 8/.p to Santa Au Or When in Costa Mesa Stop Q at--· CHUCK'S DRIVE -II thanks mainly to Brace 1 lo~t~ run. 11\('nt Auoclatlon; Irvin G. Gordon, Knowland d!'«'lared that Callror-a~ only 22 yardl by pualne. ~ the American ~..qton, Hubbard c. nia now ha~ n JXlpulnlto:l ''' 9.000,· Saalon were allo de~eeted in n-Howe, the BoatbullcJ..r• ~-000 and •·n n I:M' I'XIIC"r ll•d to IX' fractlona of the rulea for thret' tlon · Father Thomu Noonan, the aecond to 1'\t•w York Statt' In popu- 15-yard penaltll!l. Catholic Church. and J . Lealie Jatlon h) 19:1(1, u h•• w 11 r n f.' d The Sailon open thelJ' leque Stl.'ffenaen, the Scout Committee. qainlt 111luwin.: ft:'di•nl !Jurc•aur-1 schedule next Friday at Fullerton Also Rev. E. D. Goodell, the racy In \\'nshin!!lon to man111:f' the whe.n they take on the lndiana in Community Chureh; Mn. McBriiW, oompl"" ltu~in.-!ls of the state by~I...-----------J a njght' came tcheduled for 7:30. the Ebell Club; Mna. Hill, the remote cnntrul . Grammar School P. 'T. A.; Mn. "M u nwmh•·r of the Senatl'." New Rooeevelt Dimes w. c. Fowll'r, the High School he laid, .. , .•><'lif'Ve our l'OOnomy 111 ....... A ... .............. ...._ ........ ,. Ar P. T. A.; Dr. Pc~. the Rotary and our political atnJctun> Ia too Appear in Port ea Club; Theodore Robins, the Llonl compkx to be f'ffectlvcly And pf. --Club; F·. S. Blowt't', the Klwanll fldently opcrnted i)Y any burcauc- Fint Franklln Delano Rooeewlt Club; Hehm Randel. the l4lon racy In Was hin..:ton In pea.x>·IIITK'." HANSON'S ten -<Jent p&ecl!l appeered In Balbo& Auxiliary: S . A. Meyl'r, the Oon-Warning th11t the Ameriean D--beeued Sandwiches -Fountain Service Monda)'. They wert! received from eregatlonal Church: Mra. Hitch· peopa. a~ at th~ orou-roada. o..-the eut by Rweell Dietrich, editor man and Mna. Franklln. the Eplao Knowland said: ''Ttley muat de- Shade and Linoleum Shop A New B I' I New......._ 10 a. m. to 2 P· m. of the Beachcomber mqulne. The eopa1 Chureh; Mra. Jaae ~ c1• on u fre<> ~y or a con ........ CURB SDVIOE e-ta.._ ~ ciDnes carry the proft)e ol the aa4 Mn. Hendr1c:Uon, &hto Rei kllillt'd economy. A controllftl 1818 Newport DITU. • . tat~ Prftident. Crou; Mrt. Hc ..... ·bwon.l U. ,U.. eclll'lomy of nec't!Uity ...wan. not ~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~M~the~~~~~~~t a~ ..,.;& ton, The Bull,_ and Profeaei811al thl' control of 1111 raw matertall, f Women~ C ub. wages and profits. toeether with V enetlan Blinds . Window Shades Delivery · -:Installation Free Estlma tee ...,. WW Char&ea McLauahJin. the J'laher. the niiOC'IItion of labor where l11hor _____ ..:..._ _________ ~-----------~ mana Unioa; H. J. Forsythe, the Ia nPI!ded ahd a ratlontna of a vail· r-Balboa lalfhd ~ Mena A-. 11hlt' suppllf't .... Such 11 control· • • • ... Opens Saturday, Oct. 19th Do You Need? * Slacks * Suits * Sweaters * Sport Shirts * Sport Coats * Underwear Featuring Nationally dvertiaed Linea • IN DOWNTOWN 008TA IIE8A. Nut to . ...... 5-10-25c8MN. • aoclatlon; Braden Flncb. the Coro-It'll t'('OnOn\y ITK'ans a trrminotlon no ~I Mar Civic Auoclation; of fn't• ~nterpriiK'." For Quldl 81n1ae Call lleaeoll 5004-.1 101! Urd 8t. eo.ta Me. Cly~ Aahf.'n1 the U.S. 0 .; Kate ------- MCCMn, . the Balboa bland Jm-Se-ll that unwanted article provement Asloclatlon; Norman I through Newa-Timf't ada. 1....-----r--------' Pabl!t, the Lido Jale Community r-----------------------=-----, Auoclatlon. and Mr. Jackson, the N, H. Yaeht Club. The cornpai«n committee exprcts to announce aome one to reprel<'nl the Balboa Yadlt Club by Wedncs- d~. Report Sew« Fees Supt. John D. Mc:Mlllan, IK'Wt' Dept., dty, reported to the city tr('uurer that clurirta September the d ty received t270 for IK'Wer connectk»N. I Plana Addition I WIIUam Crllp o.f 223 Jumlne avenue, Corona del M~. Ia making I an addition to h1l dwelltna. -, ..... For Your Q)nvenience We Will Remain Open Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. 1 and All Day Sunday I . lf'l'Wa P«f1-to l.'CMI Phone Bea. 5131-J BODY WORKS ... PAINTING Central Garage and Collision Shop ~.B.Ivenon ,_H..,..,&Bhd. OOftA._. I Balboa Central Market '708 r..t Cflatral. IWboa Ph.: Harbor %'7!9 • GORDOI · a~ ·fiiDLA Y OOJf"n.AAO''a AJfD 81JIU»D Otfleea Nit 01M Ill.._ . ..._ ...,.._ tit CABINET SHOP SERVICE <JABINET8 AND IIILLWOIUl T. C. JOHNBON, Supt. Freala Daily Oellctou. .... ~ Or, OOIIIp..U equl..,..,. when ,.,.,. wut to ea&ell your owa. HOlMEN RSH MARKET SAIDY'S DRIVE-II Y•t .We ~w HAM. • BACON • BEBF e PO_RK_-f~"__,~ • o.pood ............ Oil ........... I • -lllnt ••• llltl .._. •, . GA$ RIFRIOIIUOil Authorized Dealer for Harbor Dlatrld and eo.ta Mea Plaee Your Order NOW for 1947 Modell ·vOGEL'S 100 Main St. ,. Go1111 to l•lld y.,...,....., ..... ,.. ........... ,WOIIred oat .. ,_, ..a.t -or _,._ JOU ........,. or ..tnetor air ni'IJ liM.,...,.,.. ..... -,.,... for roa. . '\ . ....... ,, .................... _.,. .I ... of ........... 4!01118 tne, ..... ,_ p OYW tile ..... wttll J~ balkier ... ..... to ................... f .. .... ...... ho•••old ........... ,_. ., .... .....,. Ov ........ ...,.... ........... ~ to Wp wtt1t laJCMI& ,.... or prold • 0.. ,......__,....,a lot ol..,.._ ............. ,," ol a.t ..__ ETS • HOIII & GAL VAl 81fC. 4 ... . 1000 COMt lllwaJ Pllolle ...... ,. ............. ., , ................. or n ELBCI'RICIANS . GOJI'we ..,. .... . . .. - .. ·~· ft.Urf, BOa, w ·~ ~ .Hambutpn"~ Malta Sunda• • Coffee and Don uti Waf flee . · Coast Venetian Blind Co. ... ,.. •. ~ IlLII SEASOI )I.. J,. ~II~ 2t & 38 Thread LINJ;N LINE Trcoo• Rods Zane Grey Teasers Swordfish Leaden Swordfish Harnesses MACKEREL BQUIPMENT Nets -Lights Scoops -'Strikers I' I ..... r .. I'J ~ n HAYDn' oor IT-WEU. GST rr· Miracle Mile Motel .,. OOAft IIIOBW.&Y ................ ................. • 40 Unlta and Batba • Unit Heat • Box SprSrwa e lnneJIPiinl Matb II ! 8 PB.M4 00Na..J Balboa Civic Groups Make Arranpments For Chriatmu Fete The Newport Harbor .,chamber ol ~and the Balboe Im- provemftlt aaodatlon announced pluw for oommunity-wl!k obeft'v• ancoe ol a.n.tmu thla year. For the put 10 daya Bob Brown, Balboe Bobby Shop proprietor aad member ot tJw Balboa Im~ mmt croup. hu ~ ttw> plan with people all over the d ty ....._ MeanwhUe a committee from tM chambfto of~ wu appomt- ed to oonalder Ouiatmu llghtlnc and decoratlona. 'Illey arf' C. R. Johnson, L. H. Norman, H. J. For- aythe, Herman Hanson, Irvla Georce Gordon, Nellon Stafford and H. F. Kftlny. Camera, .RHie Taken Uttle Mill Bill~ DUion, of New-r------------. port Beach, Ia ~ally elldted at albacore. 'Ille fish wu caucht from a Newport Harbor live ba1t ATTENTION! Home Owner• on... AM .... HI eo.f.t ... Good Loella to Yo. a-: 81at11-0-Wood AWNINGS ... CANOPIES ---.,... . ... .,... ... , .............. .._ ~ ld ............ o-..1& .......................... .......... ..._,_~ ·'":o-;r ~ .r=:; Veneti::8Unda Wood -• Alai - -Steel For Free Eatlmatee Call: SI.An•~aaa AWNING 00. u.... .. Ant' M'ft w -Ne. Drlllre ft. I ........... Refrigeration ni80M AIDIONIA ...... 1 .... Air ConditiOiliq . ........... Pre.ure Pumpe Centrifupl Pumpe ... All Put .... All~ ....... Call ...• oon'A JIDA ...__'llll Aueo.obDe • Fin Accid.l • Life !.Ice.-... O..tl"'ld a-diWWU. WIUEY'r REfRIGERimlll JERVICE COIDPIIIY ..... _____ ...... -OMit ...... 0... ... -........... .,.. ............. ""' v-tud ........ .Coatncltor n..t.'l' ~ wou &n tomrDAftOft ., ....... Harbor !514-W ..... ~: ......... _ PuaJ,.tc NoTtcE NOTICE INVITING BJDtll The Board of School Trulteee ol the N~ Bead! School Dla- trict, Orange County wiU receive b&da at the lldlool otnce, 14th and CentraJ up to 8 :00 p.m. Novem- ber 5, 19t6 for the purcbale of one Wled Ford Transit SChool Bua -....... ()roup C...t)', CaiUOI'Dia; .. lndudlftl .. Ford I SeclaD clcllwry truck, __.. No. 2)8118. CallfOI'Dia 1NI Jtc. No. ..,12, and one Ford I ~ toe puel truck. ~No.~~~ ·Ida INS Jtc. No. 12N281. The elate when and the sac- ..... l&kl aale Ia to be made, tbe ~at.lon or price for ll.ldl .... to be peJd, laJd chattel martaqe II to be executed and the ClOIIUcleratklll therefor Ia to be paJcl on October 19, tM. at n:OO o'c:lock~. M., at 1018 Cout Hieb- way, Corona del Mar, Ora.np County, Calltornla, Dated: October 11. lNI. CHAJI. W. ABERNA111Y WA YNJ: B. O'NEALL Intaded v.... ud Intended 0\attle Morqqon Pub: Oct. 16. lNI. FREE J'Dli:WOOD for tbe baul-... J"-BMcaa 5411. 'ra.tte ..,..._~ .. RADIO SALES 6 SERVICE SpedaJtDftc la repaJrlnc, Tronart, Inc. Radio, electronics, ~ and wrvk:le-mar1ne and ciclm8Uc. Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport BMcb. Cal1t. ~ttc FORMED Wlndahlelda 6 Hatch Coven made to orcle'. Alao Pln- lllUI It Luclte Shftb for aale . Nu·World Product.~ Company, 303 Third St., HunUnaton Beach . . Phone HunUnrton Beach 118. • ~ttc MET· CLAD PRODUCTS -by- CLARK & BATES Metallizinl Welding Speciallata 506 30th St. -Harbor 2508 Newport Beach TT-ttc PIANO TUNING and repairiJic. J. B. Brown. Wr1te Box Ga. R&. 1. 388 aro.dway, O:.t.a Meu. 78-Uc LANDSCAPE Qesl&inlna. 2 8 II Newport Blvd. Phone 8 an t a Ana }15-J. 15-lt.c ol flfty.flve to alxty •lmwntary puaengen capacity. Said bul to • ~"Met all requl.remenll of the St.at.e Board of Education and the ne.. partment of Motor Vehlcl!'s. COOPERATIVE -ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon ~R 'nle above bul to be delivered to the achool ready for u.e with· ln five daya after award ot con- tract to the aucceuful bidder. The Board of School Trultees of the Newport Beach Schoel D1a- tJ'k:t,.Orange County, J"ftee'V8 the rlcht to reject any or an blda or walve any Informality in a bid. T. WESTON JAY, C.k ot ,tJw Newport Beach School I>latriet. Pub. Oct. 8, t:S, 22, l!NS. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE · or BTOC& IN T&ADE 1» &. aeth &t.. Coeta .... .. .,. SIGN P ADITING SoMa, 'l'ruc:b, ~ w.u. Mid BulJetiaL ....._. ~~Mal, Wood _. ..... ~ AL LACH:MHER lnl Weet O.tnl Rubor 120-11 ..,. PAINTING 12 Yeare len1ce in Newpll't NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~ ArH that DAVID M. ROBERTS, rftid. Harry Hall lng at 1662 Newport Avenue , PAINTING OC>NTRACJ'OR Cotta Meu, Orance County, CaJ. Pbonl BeecaD ~ lfornla, Intends to mortgqe to AL 774 E. 19th t tnet Mode FORGJT, resldlng at 2881 Santa "" ______ ......_.,,.....,........,~~~~- Ana Blvd., Cotta Mesa, Orance toR A RELIABLE Pabat .Job aa Count)', Callfornla, the followtn& your home, call Beecaa U. detc:rlbtod property, to-wit: alter 4 :10p.m. l~tt. All furniture, fumiahJnp, fill· toAINTINO -PAPER R.ufOJJfQ t,u r e 1 , equipment, inatallatlona aDd OllOOR.A TINO toola and utenalll, inducling fluor· H. &. Mc:OoeUcl .-otnt ll&hll and cu water heater, Ut Old C.O.b' Rei., Ooet.a .._ but ellceptlna mechanical refrlcer· Pbclae BI8COD :SOJ.S.J •tt. aton and mechanical refTigeratlng TUJif'ROaTATION 11 unita, of the cafe known u "IN --·-~~=~--=-~--- AND Otrr CAFE" locafed at 109 BICYCLES McFadden Place. Newport Beach, Bold. twatea or R.e,.u.4. Orange County, California. voom.•a Term~ and condltiona of mort· 100 Mala at., ~ cace are u follows: • IIMM, a.Jboa lllu4. The chattle mortgace II givftl M..u. to aec:ure 1 note In the prlndpal aum of $2,000 on the penonaJ auun AID8 u property above-mftltloned. S a i d MACHINE and MACHINEL111S mortgaee note w111 be ~tver~ to _ Pennanent Waves the mortgagee at the law offices nnu lnd M·-'--'-Why Suffer? pttln& her pkt\Jn! taken with an charter boet on day reaonUy. To help with the ·meat ahortace, many '·d'ach, ·=· .... PalM .. 0N1a ... ...,_..._ of VIW. ltJ-•Atwap ,.,.,. .. -IDe, ... Lew .... rr-r. -..... ....--a,...... ow w .. ~ > A r•la ftl• ... ....., Allxata ,......, ..... o1 thNe boat.l are ReW haullr-& ln of Roland ThomJ*)n, Suite 208 nc ----. • ...... ....,.... ... Ax', r Spurgeon Bldg., Santa Ana, Evftllnc.~ppt. Ph. Harbor l~W • ..._ 4GI Orange County, California. on Vt 8 Beauty Shop ----------~ Wednesday, October 16. 19t6, at 1103 Cout H1way, ~a cl.l liar :jjjj-----;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ______ ;;;;;; _____ the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of ~ttc tona ot mackerel. ~ said day. , .oer AJQ) I'OOJifD • This notice is glven punuant to WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Hi~hway 101 ...._...,..Itt. l7 te ev ~Tee-...­....._.,..., ...... ~ or~ c to 'he ..... ltF ........... Da. E. F. BEU.. D.C~ n.o. • ., 11M Stftet Newpert a.&, C'allf. ..._ Rartlor 1114 11-..: Ba.nor 1111 ._.., ._ • n-. •• ..... ....................... ''' .......................... fora.litwiUe ............. ,.. ... ., .............. .MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE nnt CIMI Mt • rta' ·- • . 'IUs.,.. • S;ttt'lf • 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PRONE BA8B08 1115 •r fenftud • W1leell StniPe-ct ·llot7~ • Auto Paintiq • =:.w • ~:.!& t50 HaYe thii4-Point Oleek -' Section 3440 or the Ch;l Code. LOST-Black purse In Corona del Dated and Siltflcd this 8th day Mar on Poppy, with ration bookl of October, 1~. and etc. Mn. Emeat Crain. Re- DAVID M. ROBERTS Wa.r:d· Phone Beacon 5811-W . Intended ~ortgagor ~ltp AL FORGJT IDIJ'LoYKDT WcUfRD • Intended Mortgagee Pub. Oct. 15, 1946 . NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MELL AND TO MOKTOAOE f'HA1TEL8 IN BULK W ANTED-Houae work by hour or clay, live out. Write Box 'T' c/o New.-nme.. 79-2tp CALIFORNIA ftt>glatcred Nurse wlah8 employment In Harbor TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 'Area. Write Box "0'' c/o Nrws- NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVEN, Times. ~2te pun~uant to the pro\'1~1-. of Sec-POSmON WANTF.D-Young ex· tlon 3440 or the Cnlifornla ClvJI perienced atenographer, refer· Code, th11t George Von Gruben and -encoes. Typing, shorthand, otfi~ JO!II'ph Pouliot, whose addreu la management, also aales. Mn. Route 4, Box 463, Santa Ana, Call· Whyte. Harbor 1165. ~2tp fornla. and Wayne B. O'Neall, IDIPLOYIIKNT OrrzaED • •'h<*' addreu Is Route 3, Boll :::-:-~==--~":"":':~--~-- 165A. Santa Ana, California, all WANTED-MiddJe age oo.e- or the penonal property herein-keeper, experienced only. MUit aftt'r ~lbt-<1, and tilt> ll.ld Olu. drive car, $12:5 .,.th. Harbor W. Abernathy and Wayne B. 0'-2130. 78-6tp Nt'llll lntt'nd to mortgage to the HELP WANTED, MALE-Local aald ~e Von Gruben and Jo-or traveU,.. ln bUII.nex for lll'ph Pouliot all or 111id peraonaJ yowwlf. No money ~ulre4. property, which penonal property Good Income. You are 101.11" mm II dt'lcrlbC'd gen<'rally u follows: boaa. Apply 508~ No. Kain St., All of the IUppllea, fumitllft, Santa Ana, Calif. T7-3tc trade fixtures. equipment and tooll locatl'd In and about the WA.JTRESS WANTED atx dQI ~ C'leanlnr and rft!Ovatlon ""*-Norton'a Bay ~ Cafe, bualneu known u "H 0 me 1'7tb and Oout HJchway. 111-ttc Super Sf>rvice Co." and "Home HELP WANTED-Woman or 11r1 Super Service," which Ia 1ocat· for pneraJ houlewwk; I'DOd ed at e!w acldreee known u ..,_; 11w ln or out. Hart.ar 1018 Cout Hllhway, ln ,~ 1112. 51-tta •YALftl _. ·~~ ... ., FtGie8038 ___ ... ____________ ~~--------------------~ ~Oil " • ULE ..........,.,. • IIGAft, .,...,_. ~-~..-.AL!~~AII;~-~OVI~~~~-~-~~-~est_:J_.~~-D'f;:.~ ... ;t:~~=~==~1t~tp-.u.~~-~;d'a;:::::::::::;.,~-.u.,~~-~~Aft~=::::: .. ~i;;;;;::~~~~ -~ su.c. lD New• SAVE MONEY roR SALE Double W. ....-_ FOR UNT-11101 llodaa J;. Grah a. J FOR ali C 0... ... Mlr 6 part liNda c' t" ~ matm..· ctwat A ~ ao. t11n Pro~« 181M. El Bayo Trac:t am w ohnaon Realty ft...._ 1 blodl "-' ICftool.- Dept. 10-2tc ~ = Map&e ·· ....... _ .. _ . .JUG au MOIItaro. BalbM. 10-ttc •• t h ar wtthout CIPift ..... -Home on Bay Ave & Investment Co. ol Bhd., IOOd locedoft tw • WAN"J'ED-.~ boatmu S =-Map~ =::." Suit. ... = FOR SALE-IS IC&yalc,. ~ = ~ ._,Y::..:: I Bed Rooma, 2 Batha, on~ Lot leN Newport Blvd. CIOIM. OWner. Ph. H.a».W. lO l"tftaaM .._. ........ a-car-Olroltw DIMtta ~:::::~:::::~ lramt. Wat« tank 3,!100 a.J. A epc:rta. r-""'cela, fw ....U.. •26 000 0., Ph. 8Hcon ~W ... tfe fiii'U, ~ **-l. Hictl Sa tower, IOOd hHV)' t l m be r L dube, Clburcaa HaJtMw -..L • • "'''""'t -. .._ __ ·-" • ---------..:.:..:.;~---~.:..:_ ____ .......;.;;;.,;;;;:; ...... lO rtcht 1DUL A~ la nta Ana Furnitm:t _co, SID.aJrilfil(a pincllr. W h l t e ,.tfe .~,.,. .-n _.. -•- penon. hdtlc Mar1Dt .u.oc.. ue w. 4th st. Santa Ana f'MIIIIfl uobM nap sz.oo. -Furniabed Duplex -~ 814 Cout HJchway. ~ltc S.. Our 22,000 ~·Feet Phone Gar*n Grow !1881, Rt. $26,000 -" 'nlREE-JlEDROOM BEA\11"1 011 WANT -Expert tool and die f'Urnltur-. Dlaplay 1 Box 508 Genteft Grow. I0-2tc Cushman Scooter I ~ 1 Bath DGwn nw acne; 1\6 betlw. heat«, maker. 8a1ar)' and percen•·-FOR SALE-Cornmerdal n.tUac ~ Work 2 8edroor-1 a .... Up •lee. r• .. -·, , ....... ·-..__.. o1 profttl or partnership . .,;;;::; boat, holdl l" tona meckerel. ·-. uoout fruit ;;;, ~ -.;d c:.;;;; Harbor 2151-M. I0-4tp Hei'Mfter lt we ...cap your Incllldina newly lnatalled moor-• 0. :::W,. r.:':'~;_ equtpnwnt: g monthly ...._.. A.N'l'ED--01 &nc. Prtw •1ooo. c. a JoNwor~. -W. L. JORDAN from o0 ..... ,_ two ,...... w pable DIU ar 1114'1 T I R E s Corner ~Ua A wIll 0 n 700 £. Olntrel, 8alboa Thia ... I'Ml buy for nr.ooo. to Qb order~ ,_ handbep, CGita Mea. ._2tp .. · Phone Harbor 151 'l"wnnL =t =.:-n=: ,:!i We cuann~ae our ''c.a-" to J.Mt FOR BALE--30-rt. IPOI't ftlhlna II alloy 6 Wyckoff 11-t&. Silk ~ MIDI. .. T Oceu 20 ()()()' uiLES cndMr. New av,.Mr C'rowft. .._ ...._ ....... Jtarc1w.e ..__ HALF ACR&-.F ._.. Oeatar BJdl,, t,-1 Beech. , m IdMI ror private u.. ar chart .... 111 CbMt ....., ..._ aa,.w l'll~rvRT BEACH IMDUS-ac:ro. from ea::;.':t~ ....; 'J'I.attl and t.hat'a DOt all-Phone Harbor 8111· 10.4tP ,.._,..t IIHda ~~~LOT~-~ MV new ~tal Ill,. ·~ ________ .:.;,.:;.:! WE WILL GIVE YOU FOR SALE--32-ft. liNI fut aport • ..... 101' :19th St 11-4tp. 1ooldn& OCN.n and "-'-· au-t flahlna. Uw belt charter boat; · room and double ..,......, '1'1111 ~ ~ merUn ehalr. Carpent.a A'fallable .-oR SALE-Lowly two-bediOCIIII Ia • 1'H1 buy at_,., WELL PAID JOBS with $20.00 Now ~ ftlhtnc. ~ ,_ ........ • t home soulll ol hfchWQ, ,.,. :=!.!::~ore=--~ _......., montha old. Hardwood noon. ~BEDROOM ltuooo ....,. ..,...... 0. ... -111011 tile kltch(on, balll, nr.,a.c.. cer-.. SQ. Nkle' ............... FOR BALE • Oommerd&l boat Cd ...... • petlnll. venetian bl1nda. ...._ oa halt ecn. ~*- New ~ ftltM. 2 to. .. .._. ~. 114,500. as HaUo~. eapadty. ~ to p. PhoM _ _ Oarona ~I War. I0-2tp Real Futures for Yo~g Women aa Telephone Operaton ONE TDtE RJX:APPm IN 5 ROUU. Hu.dniton Beech laa. alter .... • Olle&nCWIIIW M I BEDROOM home bl bN tliU1 ---U8'!1N08 WAHTI:D;- •:ao.. ' -..tp AN'I1IQlS ~ __. BQ Shorftl. Barbecue, :.Uo. as-......,. FOR SALE-Outboard Mow new 'Ksh V .,.,. W..t W etc. CaU Harbor tXr.J. 10-2tc Evtnrude, newr uncratecl. t 7 ,._ ...,._ mo. ,.._ ~"":":':-=----~;,.;;..;..~.;.;.; In mc.t COIDIDUftlU. btc1nnera ~ crive bue PQ ol 130 for a nw day week, wtlh atra pay for OYer· time or duty at certaln houn o1 the day. R.P 4 eyllndft' Rnti"Ubbe a~ .... ~ an NICE NEW lot ln Corona dtl Grah &. J h n~.t ~ ah&ft tiu-12 lncb tl Mar For Sale. Oal1 Harbor am & 0 naon ~tJ pellar bladta: ~!PI 165 ~ FOillti:NT-Attncttve roam. Jri-txr-J. eo.2tc A lnveetment Co. S2'75.00. Pbooe Covina J5.al. = ::::-~th. ......_. WANTED-To buy or rent 500 liN N.....-t ~ 8>-Uc · · 10-lte to 1000 fHt Ucht manulacturinc 0., Ph. a..o.. NN-W ;:::P'Oft;--:S:-:.A.LE:-::--S::-urf-:--:=Dar7--w_;:t :;11..,.:.::.: FOil IU:NT--R.ooml aM OM ~· PhoM Harbor 2151-M. Nl&ht Ph. a..... 1121o.J Costa Mesa Tire Oo. A equtp. RHd.'/lO 10· 8Je Rtwr QU"tment; adultl Oft17. 421 ._.tp 10-lte Aw, N....,...t. PhaGe J1aroW Jlardlna, Balboa. 8>-tle ~-R. Tt-2tp FOR RENT ~Nk» fOCIIIl far 1DU In Reu at . Learn thJ8 lnten.llna. work at lood pay In your own CIOmmunlty. You work wtlh trlendly people 1n pleuant olftces. 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA I0:8A Ph. BMoon 5'741 Alk for AJ or Hank. WANTED TO BUY-Balboa on eana1 front, near Udo ThH· clinlh7 In IOOd condltlan. Ph. tft'. to2 CJ~. Newport ' . ' ' . 4 Harbor -.R atter 1 ~ttc ~-8lncte nMXII. = RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT 00. 16-ttc roR IALE-e•hln enaa.r 22 tt. = Balboa. Phone 8Moaa A. R. Drlte and ~atea J. W. Doak FOR S-ALE---1965--JH~Je--tt-e _5_h_p. lonl. ~ 8._.. mot«, dQL ,..tp Bee~ ~-W 1936 Newport 8lvd., 0o1ta .,_ Excellent PfOIIIOtion ~bWUel. APPLY Southern California Telephone Company 100 E. ~Y ~venue. Balboa 514" No. Maln Street, Santa Ana or Call 0\.lef ~rator S).tfc mot« 1e00ter ln cood condl~ Juat palnt.d. WW tndt far 22 FOR RENT-Roam. r-u.a.t On dlaplay &!boa-utucs SpOrt~ ft. or X ft. bcMe traDer or wm OBI7 In new borne. Prtftt. lnr Goodl 222" Marine Ave take cub. 7311 8eMbcn Dr., bath aDd entnnoe. 0.. .,..... Ba1boa ul~ ._.t~ Newport. Ph. H-l.as.J. 'JO.ttc IIUia. Writ. Boll "N'' clo N..,._ S A C R I F I C E ! 'l'lma 18-ttc Stt. caaiiDI!t'dal ftahlq boet, FOR RENT-New DulWIIe room aeelltat for maebn1 ftahlna and private bath. W. ahoww A-1 caodltlon ~ ~ atall Twtn or double bedl, ball -FOR-eftcme. MUit •11 lmmtdlately ~ and IDt.enprlnc matU.. JlSOO.. S. M. Atldna, P. O. b ea. Unt hHt. Spedal rata for Winter Planting «15· 211 E Bay Froat Balboa permanent cuetta. Miracle KUe Holn;..,.~r Bros. Ia~ · • 1'7~tp Kotd, -roe Cout Hl&h•Q. New-m~ part Beech. Ph. Beacon 529t.J, N U R S E R Y R SALE-25' Lowman CIOI'IVDitr'-T5Uc dal boat. Vft"/ lood condlUoa, Order Now! FRUIT TREES J..anct.captnc aU pv, ReUOD&ble. Inquire FOR RENT -~Luxe roorna A IU.U: ~n • t~ Harbor Boulevard AMo. Doek :Mill St. ~ttc apta. Pr1cee r&nae from ts. to 117 .!50 per WHk. or INM\thly Mechanical Toys CGita Mesa Beacon 5200 Balboa Canvas Shop ratee u per O.P.A. ceWna. lOOT Electric and Medlanleal TTalna, 80-ttc s.n. _ ao.t Coven E. Omtral, Balboa. Jill. 2380-M. DoU BU&riet, Dolll, TelecJ"aph C Marine U~ 74-tlc ~ts. Velod~. Machanlcal arpenter Tools Harbor 101 _ ~"' :n.t St. w~ '1'0 amft' a To)'l, Steel Wa1ona. Brace and Bit Seta Newport BnCh 71-tfc :-:-:::::::-==~=-~---..: THE TOY SHOP Hammera, Hand SaWI, Etc. $100 REW~For rent ror un- 208 Marlbe Balboa uland 818 Cout Hlway Ph. Beacon 5007 Fire Equipment Testa fumlahed 2 or a.bedroon, houM Harw .2293-W ~tic Bayview Builders Suooly CO-Two, PJnne A Foam ~nil& at Corona del Mar, ar Bay en. "-tfc OOt ftucJ qatftn and Portablel trict unW June 1. BullMM Steel Kitchens c now anllable man, former tat Lt. Infantr)'. GLAU ENCLOSURES Auto Batteries rrs BOKIN a: GALVAN Ca.re ruar. Phone Santa Ana SHOWER DOORS Rubber Sepanten 1000 O.t Hlahway 1428-M 8C).tfc Southern Counties Ia.oonlh-11.15 EL Ph. Bftcon 5522 13-tlt 3 or 4 Room Aft. or HOUle for Su~y Co. Compounded Motor on WILL PAY coecl bon .. for boat Vet., WUe ,and Baby, In N.-.. 14-4 t Blvd., N. GaDon. 10c allp. Raw 411 custom b u II t port. Urcent. Permanent. Mn. Ph. 5852 Lacuna Beach cruller. Write Box "S" clo E. B. Neff. 318" 32nd St. 80-ltp 80-ltc Western Auto Supply Nf'1n-'nmel. ~tic WANTED TO RENT-Two-bed-:::FO~R::--:S:-:A-:-LE--:=--:-1 -t1J~e--=-ba-Ui~t:.:ub:..:.::1 AuthortJieod n-Jer FOR SAl~ tt. cabin cruller; room houle or Apt., for about a1x front door 3' x 6'8". Sewral .:..n-l838 Newport Blvd, O.ta M.. ~~Jeep~ llx; r:alley, d!Mt~. head, months. Lt. Col. Moore. Phone dow frames & IUh oomplete. 41-tlc w-.e ~I howe and eoc:kpft, Harbor 4e01. 19-4tp Call Harbor 2447-R. ._2tc IIEN!:'nAN BLINDS-AlumlnWD ·comple~l)' reconclltloned, bow to API' ar SMALL HOUSE wanted 1946 CUahman Scooter Sl'rn.OO. ataeL wood. Call .. far rr. ..U. atern; Olr)'llt!r marine enctDe-ta man and ...Ue. We do not Call Harbor 1247-J. M-Ztc maw. ~don A ~ See OWDft', 133 A1ate Ave., BaJ. drtak or amoke. no chlldren or So. Cout v..uan BJIIId ~ boe llland. 67-tfc ~. Pbolw Butta Ana 0991-W FOR SALE-~ matched aU-over Wet 18111 and Newport •~~ S M A L L B O AT S or write Bear "X"' Newport Bat-pattern 9 ll 12 rup. I Oriental Coeta Mesa. Ph: &.cloD 5112-W, boe News-'nmeL 17-ttc pattern 0 x 12 rue. M1lc:. hcJwle.. • .. tt< -Of touch. llcht marine plywood. WANT TO·fiiNT-2 or a bedrm. holcl turnlahlnp. alao 8 pain nre PlaCI" and KlDdltnc -Molded hulla OC' n.at-bottom. unt\&mlalwd houle. wm 1 ..... drapea. Phone &.aeon ~R. WOOD -Sidtfa, DlnchJa. SaUboatL Call Sun Pw1f'l' at Harbor 'ro7 ==-=:7:'=--=:--:-:--~--:-..:.:..;:.2tp:: ~Uwred ~=v~·~~ ~= or U. ~tlc FOR SALE-Girl'a ald...Wt. Call H. w WRIGHT ~ 121 Cr)'wtal Ave7~ Ph. &aeon 6666 ~!T~~ H~~~ 11&&1. ..un: r FOR BALE-Neon ti(.n Cafe. l11M Newport Blvd. J..ttc 811 Cout Hlway Beacon 52T7 ~teu:~nabte. Call BeaCIOII 5117-M. BARGAINS! 19-tlc ., 70-ttc Lowelt prloee ln tumltur. Ia m) Bring Your Bu,ytng and Sellinlf Probleml to Ua Costa Mesa nv&RO<»> HOME On Virginia Place, neu Newport Blvd. Lot 50x150. Back yard. Very private. Prloed for lmmedlatlt ale. Home ls vacant. Some money ln ftiC!'OW allowl yw to move In today. Price $5~. Tenna. NEW HOME ~bedroom completely furnished home on half acre; prage, chicken equipment. F\l"''t ~ ott Neowport Blvd. Imrnedlate po n m\on. Price ISZO. Tennl. BUSINESS ACRE HOME Two-bedroom ~ on Balboa .tl'ft't on 1at 135x330, campletely fenced ln, lteel chaJn lnterlocklna fenoe. Very good court alte or fut:\lre market de'Velopment. See our aJgn on property. Prloe $9975. El Bayo Watelfront Four-bedf'OOn\. twc>bedroom home. Private bMch owr- Jooktng Udo IAJe. Patio and IUn deck. Only wat.r. front borne for sale In this tract lately. ~1 elfe.. trlc refriprator and Bendix wuher. fttce "'7 ~. Tmna. Eastside Duplex aoee to ~hopping center. Both lldel completely fumllh- ed. Four rooms: two bedrooms.. maple and watMfaU !lets. new Kelvtnator, new Western Holly r&J'1P. Three rooms; one bedroom. maple ·let, electrlc ret~t.or. table-top stove. ' All beds box aprlng .-lnnenprlna matt:re.ea. Lot 66x135. Prioe 18500. Tennl. Corona del Mar Two-bedroom new home, large Uvtng-room, nn=· noon carpeted, awnings on windOWB. Plb •1 ,9e0. Thnna. Back Bay View Two-bedroom home, very clean, lj:4·acre, all fenced; bam, corral, chicken bOWie. Quick poueMion, $7500. Tenna. Ocean View Lot A REAL VALUE Two-bedroom home on one ol o.ta ....... ,.._ raklentlal avmUH. Newly deconWd IDddlt .... out. Jwt llated • . • a rM1 barpln at-, ~ ISLAND REALTY OOMPANY m Alat.. a.Jbaa MuMt ..._ m-w <X>RONA DEL MAR 11uw unlta, tumlllbld, lOUth ot ........ -:~ lot with fNit treN and ....... ..-.. ,_... two-bedroom apartmlnt c::la. fl ~. If e 'e.&. $7100 Cash Down Income more than mabl paym~nta an baluot fll .f21 ,~" Grou Prtce ISLAND REALTY OOMPANY 30t Aptt, Balboa I*nd aut. m-• ·.· .,.. BALBOA ISLAND LINWOOD VICK 312 Marine Ave. Broker 0 V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S We AJW Oomplet1nc HAY.,ARD t!!OMES 0 Conll8tSnl of two bedroom~, Uvtnc~room, ldtehln, cttnett.. batb- wmuN eo DAYS $5300 complete on your lot !'OR SAJ..E-...Alr caalpr_. $100. motto. I buy rilbl I ..U riltlt lltJSIOAL A UDIO M 1111 •--.. -N ' I alao buy tunltt'IIN. F'OR SA'L&0000i90 phoftOIJ'aPh ~ .-.wiiOC'e ........ ~ Neeciie's Furniture wtlll P> album of late model Newport Heights, near CJltf Drive on RedJanda ltreet, 50x135 feet. See our llgn. Price .$1950 ~ G. I. FInancIng on H o_ u a e & -~· o t 0tt1ce Houn: 8:30 to 7:00 --------....:::;~ D>t Newport Blvd. 0a1ta 11-. record~. 3008 Cout Blvd., Nt'W-HARBQR Phone Beacon 5031 51-ttc port •adl. Apt. "C." -.2tc Plumbing Service Order Your m<JREST prial paid,,.,.,... p&- Servel aDO. Danz...Sdlrnldt Plano Co., 1118 Newport Blvd., Beacon !IOf,IW lanta Ana. a> N. lilaiD. ~tic REPAIRING OUR SPECIALT'f Gas Refrigerator USED P1anae from ... Or wm Ccntnctin~ and SupplJel tTttc Now -net. ~Plano Co., at Vogel's S?QJ!· Main. Buta Ana. 70-ttc VENEnAN BUNDS -GLASS 100 llaln St. Harbor 145 REP 0 8 8 E S 8 ED ,..._ ...._ SHOWER DOORS ~ .,.,. O.tom Made and lnltaDed ' •ttt spn.t Plano. Now oaiJ t2l5.. Floor ~ and l&ftdinr equt~ • A ftr7 pretty plano. FlM tone. • -BALBOA OOMMERCIAL LOT IDftlt few rent lfAJfti:D '1'0 WUY II Dua-SdvnJdt Plao, 52) No. Bayview Builders Supoly w AN'I'ED--800 to 1m ~· tt: •tore-Main. lulta AM. TC).tte Priced For . Quick Sale 818 Oout 111w1ay Ph. Beacon doc1f room lpaCP. To aloft J"f!!ta\.a'ant GOOD Onndl. lllhUn. KwUmu, 3-ttc equipment. John Dory, Boa lt8, Stary A Qarll, 0..., Ballet A ----------Ba1boa Uland. .. 3tp o..-. KJmbd. w ..... and otb-lft. Pl1cM 1tart at 1415. TeniiL z .o R l C DRY CLEANING In Our Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER • Phone BEACON 5198-J Lido Cleaners 458 Newport Blvd. 3-ttc CASH FOR UUD n1RNt"n1RR: ~t. Banta Ana. 52) PRO}Io"l! BEACON !lla-J. No. MabL 70-tfe --~~~~-~~-~-tt_e Radl Will Pay Cub .u ....:., ~ For Y'Ottr tumltuft or What haw Beaecm 6768 JC*. Phone Beaea~t !Milt. Craw· Jey Furnltur.. t812 Newport BURT NORTON Blvd .. CGita Mea. 48-tfe t1l 0aMt .......,, N..,art FOR SALE-Davenport and two chain, cahlMt radio; alao bl- cydto; reuonable. 165 23rd St. . 2Hte or Phont' Beacon 5208-J, Colla IJfWCIAL AJflfOOifoao:JII'ft • Meaa. M-2tc K E Y S FOR SALE-lArge family gat MMe W11Qe 1'ou Wall Poultry Wire ranp, abl-bumers. t•·o ovena. ~ Ita Ft. W1de, '~Yo-ln. Meah $40. 315Goldenrocl AveJI Corona 100 ...._ M.. aaa. 150 P't. RoDI del Mar. 80-tfc 101 KariM, ....._ W... ~ew Builden SupDlY FOR SALE-Bencat naallb .... ...,. 111 o-t JDwQ Ptt. a.caaaom u a15'. Pbafte Harbor t-at6-M. ,.. ~ .,..... _ .....,. • 11-ttc ., Tt-2tp ,.. ~ --· BALBOA ISLAND STORE FOR t.I:.A.8E 221 Marine Aw. ROBERT. A. EASTMAN 8>-2tc R E L y • o ·N RELIANCE Lido Isle Swell view of both bays: two bedrooms. two betha, partly rwns.hed. 45-foot Jot, flreplaoe, walled patJo and bel'- becue ptt. Newly ~ted. Very clean. Immediate po n u:Don. Prb $21,500. . On Central Street fn Newport tOO-foot bullral frontage or which so feet lhows tnoome or $225, wtth lncreulng leu! to $335 per month. $33,!500. Half down. On Harbor Blvd. CJ0111e ln, 90x15(L __ -· --·-·· ·-··---~ -Half Down On Broadway, Near·Orange Street Nle& two-bedroom home: large llvtng-room, dinette. k,lt· chen hu plenty of built-In lnltallat1ona, terVtoe porCh, garqe, beck yard all fenced ln. Immediate ~Ilion. Hurry! Prle& $9850. Only $.1000 down. Halt acre on Wilson &trcet . ___ .. ._ ........... UK)() Two and one-half acrt'ft on Wlmon street.... .. ...... $4.500 --Both Zoned for lndWJtrietf--__ ,_ Open 7 Days Every Week, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. A. R. Drlte Beuan 5857-W and A.-oclatetl J . w. Doak 1936 Newport BlVd., Colta Mea 801-tc See DENISON & McBROOM -Newport Blvd. Phone Harbor 2447 -R U.U. ~Aft WAJfta) M iMO • '1'0 Wlf • Client WantA LOAMI 'i'd iiffib. ;;r . .......,..., S.Vnal Reel~ Butldin1 Loti. ...,..,.... _....., n• Balboa or Newport lf.,.,.n ..,... ....,.. ....... · Ocean Front Prefm-rt'CI ... ..._ • •1 ' ·a HDOUGH" WHITE -VIa Udo ""· ......... 11110 P. 0 . Box 78J Balboa 'I'SAJJ.-a PhonC' Harbor 11115 8>-ttc FOR SALE-2.4 tt. Eaatem Tr.u.r WANT -tumlahed. Lat1• cabana 1"00111. f'IN:trlc ~frtl.fll'ator. I'"PI 8 G. I. Home Site Lot or 8. Dea«:oft MilO.· Box a. New- E•t of 15111 It, port O..ach. Mr. Donovu.I0-2tp For Cub T~tA.DJCU J'Oil lllln'---Dt ,.. Call Mr. Wallact, Harbor~ CIIIPn 1wu11nc and _..., A8 BALJ)()A IMPROVEMENT .,._ equJIJINM, et• _.a .. ASSOCIATION ~tc! I*' day. We ,_,.. tM .... ~Broa. ........... All klndl typewrtt• rlbbonl In cor. 1Tlh A Jfewpart Bhd.. 0Mea atoc:k at the N.-.1'1mN. MeM. -... WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wtll Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW Wblle Pltcel are Hlah- Pbane for our ecut1au1 buyer who ril c:d ud ..,_ you ~ OPA JeiU)atiana, oiilllw --IDd ............ dltalla a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. awwawllt ..a btl r •• o.a.a • .-... ---. ............. •a-.•• ....... ,.~ J James ~udlar:y Plana Dessert Brid.ae: Heart Rev. Dean Report on Convention Harbor 'l1w W~'a AYdlu'y ol St. ~ IUIM. U. .Arcb-~--_......., Clburdl ..... tbelr bWMip ol Caateri:Jur7. Of the ftnt tall ..... ...._ ,........, at the btwl...-Ware the conwatson, the Pbonetl 13 and D ._ ot Mn.. 0earte Yardle)', BU· ..ar-.ta'-4 the pr .... plaD ----------- boa Ialand. wtua ...._ a-.. ot W~~tSDc the' ~ and D H · Dewnilb ~ _. u.. aev . .,._ .-• ~ bad -. inner onors _ ~.....--•,,..... DNn. *-' e~--. ~ -tMW..-----Mid-WestenrGuests .. .,.u.er. AMo of lnterat .... the fact At the buiiMM w..&on the lit»-that at the'CIOI'lventloll c:hurc.te I"UUft Mr. and Mrs. Robe1 8kllea ol pt wu adopted and plana ~ recardtnc the remarriqe ot dl· Colta Meea ..,.. tw.ta '1'\aeeday to ..S fw the beolftt card party which \'OI'Ced penona bacl been mod1ne4 a IJ'OUP ot frWftcll wNch met in 11 to be.)wtd October 31 at 1 p.m. and It II now allowtcl under eft'· a fanweU 11&itY ~Mr. and at BaJboe Yacht club, the Hal· tatn condltJona. Mn. Bryan Hq. ot Ellr.c»Wcw ,.... .. tiiMDe to be feetund... Mra. Harry Welch ancl Mn. Sprinp, Mo., who haw been In lire. Walter Hitchman AI aeo· Robert Het"Cllcl presJ4ecl over coffee California tor the put llbl WMica, ..a dWnDaD. In c:harae ol tick· ~-te.!_~ WC:t ,;th ~ villtlna In N.,rport, BHc:h and .a_ wtlkb are DOW OD lale, ~ ._ --a t.a,una Beach. Mft, -a,. R. J'rankUa Uld lin. F. = ~.:.~ = Mr. H ... Ia bulb._ muapr a. 1'1Mt.er. lira. R. o.a1cl Hall ._.Uee b DI.Jioft Smlth Mr1 ot Mc:OHr)' 0J.Ne ud baiPtal Ia Ia da6I'P ot doar ......., Mn.. ~ EIJerllroek and ' · at Ex~I.Uor s,innp. WilDt lwn, C. I. tli6ib Ill .... ol ......._ '1 · Mr and Mrs.~_.. au-ta · ~ ..._ "-ood .. dWfthal wiD -. a.etww.ua. . tor' a week ot Mr .• _. Mn.. D. K. · ..... tbe .mac ot U. ~ J1et1Ne D-o.y and V~ Day in Bhw, Nf'WPOI"t Heiahta. · -...._. _.,Y deltveriea ot petro-Twt'nty ~ aat .,.. to a Jtw. 0... W ot .tile tr'==L-1 ._. ........ to our U'llled forcee 4eUdoua f~ 411.nne wtaldl ~::-.==~:U.It' '"' .... tMre a ...... 1,000.000 pDoaa. ..... folao-4' ~ .... ot ..., ... ..... ~ a-' or ......... nn 1.000 teak .,.. and pfnodde. To e-. the W!r7 ·Portr·atture and Commercial Photography dell&htful t'WftJq Mr~ and Mn.. Sld lee eavt' an lmpr'CIIIptu fiiUiieaJ PI"'O(t,&m ot violin and plano num- t.ra at ~ ~t of thetr l'lftb. ~t Wft'e Mr. and Mrs. Ht'dcH and thftr 101'1 Robert, who bad arrived ~ plane from Ex· ec-lalor Sprtnp that ct.y; Mrs. Graao R.alaler and claUChm. En· alp ar.ce Ralsler of Farao. N. D .: Mr. and Mn. D. K. Blue and 101'1 Jft'l')'; Mr. and Mn. Wilbur Lam- bert of Irvine; Mr. ancl Mrs. Gay- lord Blue, Mr. ancl Mn. Hft'llchel Funk and dauahten V~ma and Lfoola, Colta M etA. . Costa Meta P.T.A. Opens New Tear With Program of Speakers and Entertainment a.aa liMa rv-t-1'Mchtr u-f• a l'ln_.._. ... .-Je wW be beld aac:tatlca beJd t11etr ftm llllletJDI law. ol ttw ,_.. Ia the llalD ldlool au--..rta a. tile JeclelaUw iMtj.. 41tortum wttb Mn.. IC8meth aww. tute at c:>rup of Oet. 2 wwn an ........_ and _, IDIIDben ~ b7 Mn. LloJd ~. pneent. otW ... ·-beilw loin. Paul ~~n.. HanU SmlJ.h w the naa NonDU !lad 11ra. Joeesm Hamblet. aJute and Mn.. Roy 11ou1cb pw ............... WU made of the the ·1-TA pnyer nat mMtinr OD Nov. 5 when Ml8l ·. Paul ot the county hNltJt ott1c:e Mrs. SUer, necut:Jw director wW tall Oil tr.tmlllt for polio- of ~ Girt Seouta, Santa Ana, ~ ud 111ow pktUl't"' on ·the ipOke OD "What Our Mone, to eubjldt. · the Community a.e.t Doee fw At _.. ..... ot the meeUnc tee Girt Scouta." Prtndpal ll:wntt .... ..,... ... tM hoatea commit· Reettalked OD needl of the ICbool, t-· Mat' w C'!bal'8 ......,...,,_, espedally fw mort' I'OOin and IDOC'e -·--~-= _ _..,, buies. and letnJcluced the t-.cb-Mat. _.,laM IIIWer, Row- ..... .,.,... .. .-......~ .............. ~ ~ D1Pg • C..blnatloll Dbmen ~ New_.u-1 Seafood Speelaltlea A rw •u , r B&AOON 5465 Palm Ave, . All the 1\K'tt• atrnecl a &'\lt"'t book which wu pri.'St'nted to Mr. and Mra. Hedles, who have pur· ctua.«< a rC"Sidence at Palm Sprlna• and who expect to be frequent vtalton to CaUfornta from now JIUI& \\'ILUAJI W. ODOOK f . n.-former Barbara Lee BMpr, ..... ter ol Mr._. Mra. Harold tledl'er of GleMaJe _. ....._ ~ "..,_ -·· I ... a ,......,.., eftllt at .__,_ ~ ~ ~to Loomis s~ ......... ..,..,. --'th a.rd a.lmer. ad Sammy Cordiero. era, ......... WWft pneen._.'" cor~ ------------------------ : 3m W·E WELCOME YOlJ CHARGE ACCOUNT ( •.•.• ...,., •••u.--.,_ .. _ .............. ._._ o. ........ c ,, ..... on. Cub Scout Pack 105 To Meet Friday Eve Music and Social Scien ce Students Provide Excellent Program for H, S. P.T.A. aape. . Mr. Ree allo spoke on the ~ poe.ltiana 3. 7, 8, 8 OD the No- wmber' ballot, tellltlc ot the IJ'Mt need fw mort' t.Hcben In cal.l- n.e first mt'f'tlng of the 7'\I'W· In prl''•rt 11n~· pla)'t'T who rruty ~ ~ ~and e....._ people All new Cub Scouts of Pack 105, port Harbor High School Pan·n1 cl'ivf' Hn lnlurv. and also a doctor ~would ~t OD me&IW'el whetht-r they havt' attenclecl a den Tt'acher A-.eiation wu c:aJI<'d 1o n1 r•'l tlm<'S in a ttt'ndance durin& t.eac:hen. meeUn& or not. an u ktd to at-order the evming of October R1h, play. Members ot the bleb ICbool tt'nd tht' flnt padc meetJnr which by Mn. w. R. Fowlft', pretidl'n1 . Mr. Sldnf'y Davidson Introduced drama c~ p ve a aldt, "'l"ht' will.., held Friday, Oct. 18 at 7:30 with a rrrord crowd In attendAnce' mrmtW'n1 of ~ facuJty, and ~ Stroncer' with pa.J'U taken by Jlm p.m. In the auditorium of the New-The nag salute wu led bv 11M' &1'111 l'<l '1h<> prt'Sident with a check Steffensen, Jean Wood and PaW)' port Beach Grammar Khool. color guard. Troop Six of the HO\ rrprt'S<'ntlng a 1 00~ membership Rock. Ml.&llcal numben ·were 'nwy are to brine thetr ~u Scouts of Amt'rlca. JUchard Dodd. "' 'hr 11'11rhrn~ In the P.T .A. liven by Howard Cutler, accor- and frlcondl and there are to be David C'hamocn1. Leonard Jl>tll. The prOIJ'am wu concluded with dloniat. impromptu aldts by the various Stanlt'y Young and Jtorer Gordon " student panel diiCU&IIIon of "Hot-Introduced were Mra. A. C. An- deN, u WOPII at a handicraft cUt-participated In the oaremony. rod~". Memben1 of the panel were clenon, who wW ~ welfare chalr- play and awardl. The bud~tet for ~ year, prr-St>llm Franklin, Roy Warcl, Gun-man In ~ ol Mn1. Ra.ymond ............... fll r....- ... 'IS IlL PTA Executive Board Meets Wednesday - aented by Mn1. 0 . z. ftobtor1••tn. ning Butler, RUUt'll GUbert, and Warne, who reslaned; Mrs. Ver· eh41rman, wu unanimoully 11r-Mr. John rt&rton. vetnan State non Matthewa, "9fadq Mn. Ro-~ted. . lll~thway perolman, U. guest par-bert TlUTIOWSkl U mapzlne chaJr • tldpant, with Mr. H. Lynn HU&hel man; Mila Idft1a Oneman, new acting u head et the panel. nw music teacher and musk chalr- dlacuulon luted for well over 45 man . ... ., Mw•l •• ..aR·I'O·wat.a . The t-xec:utlve board of Newport ••ch GriUYUI*' IIChool Parent- Teactlt'r Aaaodatlon wUI m t' t' t Wtdnetlclay, Oct. 15 at g Lm. at An Importa nt review of pt>ndm~t lef(ialatlon .wu atvm b~ Mra. Gun- ning Bulle!', who atniMd the fad that both~ Republican and Dt>m- ocratlc State Conventions were lD (l9mple te accord maklnr pol&l~ Ow home of Mn1. H. 0. Boywy, the alotan. "Both partlt"tt a~tTMT- 1139 WNt Oraa-at avenue, W1th vott' YES on S." Mn1. Edcar mu Pl'ftidlnr. Mrs. L. s. HoeteUer and Mrs. Allee She &Do rude clear tha t tht' 3-"'l"ht' bet tn school~ meuure" mlnutt"' With members of the aud-Mn1. J:cl Mtrkovich, ways atlct wnce lnlffpotlne questions. rneena chalrman, announced a .... Douchnuta and coffee were eerY· drive for Oet. 21 and allo Jtat.ed ed with members of the executive membe'rs ahouJd not at th1J time board actlnr u holteteeL rtv" any &ood and uaable thl.niJI ----...... Drdt' will Wrvt' dou&hnuta and I California Teacht-n AModat.len coffee. IWconanendl YES on PropoaitioM Con~ fro Flee for Calllornla; 7-Provrd•"' rledion • ~· II\ t rather than appolntml'nt ror County ln4ivi4tt.4lacy (OT. che "M othn-co·be • -• If we do ""'. hovt ic. we ~t ic, yo" su! ....... ...., .. > ....... _ ... A. ........ .. CVonn!VeJ)larie Shoppe ~uunrr J. A. Cant elated.. uty Supt'rintt'ndt>nt of Puhl~ Ia· -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; llruetion and thrl't' nrw A"!'Odate il Supt>rint<'ndent!l, by Srarr Board We Ale..,..., &o l!lerYe Y•la I.._..._ Ill N. Mallf SL Area"' liNe. l!lellta A8a ...._ ... Ute WWtUer 81ft., r-t Lee Aaplea 11\t' dty coiJ«t.d $91.59 from Board of Edlaeatlon ml'mtwn in the Newport Beech flahlne fleet charter counttee: ~ F:sta~ cturln& September, buecl On the quallticaUona for O>unt} Superin- flve per crnt rroea rect'lpta al-tendents of Schoola. and 9--Calll ~ a ltatement flied .by Oty for appointment of one n<'w ~ I of Education: NO on Prnpollltlon 13-Would frN'ze prr!'•'nl ~rate ot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ alloca tlona for ~tupport .. r publk: ,.--------------------------: Khoola in Callfornla. thro~ rn& the burden of lncrt'nllinK ~l'lwol ex· pen~ on taxpayers In l ~· tl school cllatrlets. Mrs. Jerrold Spnn.:lrr rollowtd with a brief but romprch<'n~lve re- port of th(' California Con~:rew ot Part'nta and Trnchrn ron' •·nUon. LAUNDRY ONE WEEK SERVICE Broadway Cleaaers 121 Bro.dway e-ta Meea Pit. IIMeoll 5'7!1 BETI'ER QlJALITY OJi' b&Y CI...M.NINO 5 DAV SERVICE-nEE DBUVE&Y PUBLIC INVITED A atrln~t rmwmhlc of lht• mu.tc: df>par tmcnt under thr t1orf't'tlon of Mr. LE-t-Sa\\1n plnyf'd ~lnrch ln 0. !Rachl, Aria from RlnaJdo IHandt'll, A Gf'rman Fnlk SCJnc, :.._ ______________________ __. and a Dane~:' by r i!!<'hrl ~lrmben ol the enll<'mbl(' lnrludt•t1 l~t vio- lin, Lauanna Alton; :trul vtolln, Barbara Prittr t : :lrd '111lon, Ruth Grimm: ha~s Phyllll' l ~•k(', and Nancy W11l trr. pmno. l)"'" Ana • Interiors Clem and Ladle Herold Chriatie . ANNOONCS '!BE OPICNING OF AN AtmQUE SHOP AT 118Ji IIAIIINJ: A VDftJI: • uiriln&. BAND CL08II' ON IIONDAY (!)HGJ..i INTRODUCING MISS ONAR and Announdng ~ New Name (!)~ Smith. Coach "Wrnd)~· Prrkt•nl> ~:aw a tivt'-minut(' tnfonnntl\·r t n 1 k lD which ~ brou~tht out llw (net that the Nt'Y.-port Harbor lllgh School atreaes cha.ractrr bullctm.: tint 611 football. and wlnninl'( ~«-c<rnd. The team now h.u an insur11m•c fund • ~ Slipovers • Dnperiel • • • Lamps Venetian Blinds Cornices Ill IIAIIINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND 114 W. 4111 St. -:=•· PASADENA LONGBBACH • "· ........ 87: ............. .a... ' ..... .., Surprise! S•rprise! Women's ''BALBOA BLUES'' Are Here! Heavyweight Denims with Zippers . All Girls ~ t . ci"'"' lll ,~r II es ... _. s•'" '" Hold it !-rou're not d'JI"'in«·· 'T1IoK reallr are the new lmJth push·up sl«vn on (.ad, pm'a newat swatu mates. LuJCious ~ for IChool or data ... bautifuliJ hlftd.fash· ioned ia 100% .Up wool ... wonderful to feft ADd wear. White, black, wh~ wine, brown, py,. hclrhct, antrald, buftftr &mn. . ruby, ..... ,alow • .qua. SWEATER 7.95 CARDIGAN 8.95 Sportawev lkcond noar Fourth Slrfoet and S,cmuoft, Santa Ana .... _,