HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-30 - Newport Balboa News Times... IMIAfliiD (JIIISi8. AI. the I DO&ltk:al campaip near. 16 ftnale. OIJP9I&Uon to ~ JolltkiD No. 3 -to vote a ialnlmu.m ~ ~ yearly for ICIIool teedlen -tJeccll1* 'a-·aDd JelL WbeD oae _..,.._ thaHqt u. s. p1ned · aa ucendaney in natkJnal and world affa1rl via our democratic educaticlaal ~ tim. and not by acddent. oae --~te that educa· tlaD baa peJd otf in bup div-ldeDdL 1bla country, with aa enonnoua wealth spends about 2 pet. of lta 1noome 00 education and ln tbe worid- wlde struaJe between com-JDIIIII'm and democracy, lta autecwne will be detennlned br educAtion, not by force; ._ victor w1ll be the teacher. a the l()ldjer. 'nle exodus from the tiKber profession alnoe 1939 bu been terrific. An Ml· mated 350,000 teachers have quit llnoe then to go into bet· ter paying jobs, while 60,000 DOiitions are still unfilled, tbe work being distributed =the remaining staffs, yoverburdened.The ame ratio applies to women, tbe coUeges reporting a big drop in graduates. 'A start tD the right dlrectlbn can be made by favoring No. 3 on your ballot next Tuesday- and anyway the election ls lmpo('tant enough from top to bottom for all you back- ward, indlfferent folks to go to the polls and VOTE. o.t Ia Force. Nearly 150 Democrats and friends gath-.-ed lut ThUI"8CiaY. to wel- come Speaker Alben Bark-• ley, Wl1l Rc&erB. Jr., Ray Ad- adMan and others at the N....-nrt Harbor Yacht dub. ·--_... ........ _ .. It w,aiUP"'III"'"'•.noo-u--' to ~ a -tD the attemooo followed by a iood steak dinner. Mr. ButdeY. wbo la a bland, un-hurried aentleman f rom KentUckY, pledp!d hla sup- port to Mr. ~.If the DeoPe tend him to congress; atttO for Mr. Ro&ers. Hlgh- JIIhta were renewing old ac- quaintances whom Mr. Bark- ley kneW ln KentuckY, such u Noel BerTY of Santa Ana. B. Z. McKinneY ot CoP\& del Mar. and others. Inci- dentally a boost was given Jim Farquhar nmning for itate aenate on the Repub- lican ticket, with Jim mak- Ing a few remarks. Gnat Qllaporih. Har- bortts, generally, will mourn the pe.salng of Grant llllngworth, 73, who man- apd and -built the Alpha Beta store at Costa Mesa over a period of 18 years. One thlllg for which he wW always be remembered. was bla kindness to the needy durin~ the last depression. 11me and again people lim- Ited ln tunds wt'I"C given their groceries and tofd to forget about it-which they newr have. Deoeued had been ailing for the last few ,an and son Jim has oper- ated the store tn the usual 1111ngworth efficient manner. Who Is to ,Blaine. N ote that Dr. charles VickerY. president of a non-sectarian Institute and Rev. J. Camp- bell White. pastor of an'OhJo cburch. in speeches In Los Angeles, blame the falling off ln church Income to public greed. All of which may be true, but It seems that con- atructlve criltdsm would ac- complish more. Why can't the chuches operate their finances like the Red Cross, the Community Chest and other like orgnnlzatlons? They can just as well meet on common ground and hold one big money-rnlslng rally J'!!IU')y. May one suaert that 110me religious denomi- nations are a I-tt self-cen- tered and should stand at a distance and review them- lelves! lloRdays. Getting t h a t Um! ol Y'!flr, folks-referr- to Thanksgt~ and Clllimnu. Preskient Tru- bu wilely put the 1\Jr- O.y ~ 'J'banka bide to 1ut 'Mnll'lday ln the )"NN'. Nov. 28. allo bu tbed Nov. 11 u .AftnWiee '-· ' ,..,_wwm • .. , I,_., .. ....._.,. White's Balhoa Island Cafe AND ()OII*YAQ. aD_ QiNIIir ...... ,..,. ..... ........... c13alboa u'farkel ... ,...... .. _., ................... • IIAIX ..._. a ••• r••aoa. OAUr. Balboa, Hub of Newport City I Newport Harhor Fillllin«. Newsl Is Goal olBusiness Group ._s .. ...;.~-:.-,...-.-~---·-.~-·-d _ofiahenMn_; 'r_N_e•...;;.=--~--ak~-.. arbor_up_plen_.t)' Unanimoully apMlaa with thetr lion hu lone bea u ~e and A ~t wiftd tuo1 U" bait ot cood taekle trytnc to hone ~ that this procn•lw ~ a thorn In the .... of munlclpe.l ~t IWWtc owr the ~ with thftn in. lion ot Nt'WJ)OI't Beach "ju8tly de-ottidala. It wu the lattn body bait hard to pt. ,......_ hu been Ton. and tone of mackerel MrVN recocnJUon u the Hub CitJ which uked the ~ernent .... falrlJ tooc1 on ..,_ wtwft the oeran ::,. th~wa~ N~ :.!:; ot Nt'WJ)Ort Harbor," the 185 nwm-aoct,llon to cet rid ot the wtndow-wun't too f'CIUI1I fw ftahln& and -·• fiah n kin ~ h W. bert ot the Balboa Improvement leu bulldlnc. the boata COUld pt out. Port .,.._.ar are rna '· I a ...odaUon ln a arneral nwetln& It wu recalled at the nwetlnr Orance repiiiU albecore a Dille or theM days. Sea ~ulrta t~· the hen •t ln motion a procram to of 'the lmprovemeet ~roup that ., out. KJQC'a Landinc ~ flah doled t¥ eannerlea Jor a make It an actual fact. several montha qo a deputation white ... bMa a~ trom.25 few WC::YL ~: :etx!'clc-~ •...,. YOii a.lldw V1IM d. "r'r HOI • I" -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lNUaUnl Uw procram wu of fllhcrmen aent a ~tative to 80 poundl. the Sport Klnc set-at now t ta ............. • Clyde R. Johnaoa. prnldent, man-to a RUlon ot the el~ council to tl"l ettrht or tftl a day, ~UI hNi-:::;: a: da~~:~ .:! LUDLUM ~-rpet w--a..-..,... ot Johnaon'a rNtaurant, Bal-uk that 'body to I'MIIe Improve--but, bMa _.. a ,_ barracuda. · ~ Ull' .. boa. He appolnted John F. Vo~rel menta to the lav._tclly bulldlna. 'nMo MUik: tram Earl'a J..ancU111 hu boat atarted to link at' the dockl 1-._.. .... a ..._ ...._ ..,_-_unA .tlfA OUR NEW HOURS of Balboa Peninsula, proprietor-of polntlna out that 80111e01M' had, been catchinl calico and rock btlpa, ~t ;.~k 1~ =:~ed~ = ~;;;;;;;;~i~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ a boule turnlahlnt atDre here, u broken out the ~· and had halibut, barrAe\lda, albacore and l cMDJ to the bottom ""• .. t there chUrman of a committee to work Indecently marked ..., the wall• on even one blue ftn tuna. , • ,.., · toward that aoaJ. Vocel allo II the lnalde of the Rruetur.. Flah.lnl' ln Newport Bay hal chaAnnan of the Gl houlin& com-At the time INmben of the city Melly been aoocl · Bob Locan of mlttee wh6ch 11 t:ryt111 to Initiate ooundl cllacUIMcl the lltuatJon ex-Coeta w...:. caqht ala ~ from the ftftandna of a home for a lltlnr there, but took no le,al l 2"" to S pounda on rUOI' clama homeleel World War II veteran. aetlon to authorbe the repair of near Bay Shore Camp. Harold 7p.m. Poetmuter Given Pin for Five Yean Perfect Attendance .Johlwon aald that Balboa II now the buildinl. '~be matter jUit Graham ot Newport, e&\llht 15 the lite ot Mvnal publlc utiUt)' drifted alODI unW NC!Ifttly a dty amelt ln 15 minuta at Earl'a Five--minute talkl by memben compank'e, namlnr l1nOIII theM offldal aJIIII"((IIched the improve--Landinc one ewn1nc on razor o1 the club featured the luncheon the Southern C&Ufomla Edilon ment UIOdatlon aad •uageated clama. lin. Harold Graham reo-ol the Newport Harbor KJwa.nil company, which malntalnl .a that lt mlaht be a IUee elvlc gea· porta a 1._pound apotttn belna club Friday. WING SANG BOAT A RBPAIR.YARD 811 Cout HJP~ 101 ,._•••-1&14 CCC • ••1;!:t _. .-aw•Mr ,_. ... .... .................. .., ......... 1. branch ottl~ here: ·the Southern ture It the a..odatlon would reo-caUI'ht tn the channel ott the 'Thoae makina apeechel were C.Ufomla Telephone comp.ny, move the bu1Jclln1 tr.ft the per, Balboa Pavilion, a record ftah, with Earl W. Coppenmlth, ~ho dll- wh6ch le erec:tlna a new and Iarin an UIOdatlon rneftlber llld. l1x other apotfln none te.. than euaed aviation; Harold link. who telephoM exchanae bulldln& here; It wu pointed out that on.•· pro-8 pounda. c. L. Henntnr. 764 G talked about pnclllon lnatrwnenta and the uaodaUon head added creutve mow by the auoc•atl~ St., Ontario, and D. A. Calloway, In a machine shop, and Art Rern-11!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ that Balboa hu the only hotel Which wu ftrat trow•Oicl upon by 303 G St., Ontario, had t.hrft hi& pe who ~ke on hill ~foot t ... ol any conaequence In the entire Mayor 0· B. Reed. hM provt'n a apotfln and ovn a dozen amelt t and the crew and the owneR -MA ... .&VDiJ8 UIJIO& J8IAIO) ......... --.. ... Harbor area. very profitable IOUI'Cie ol Income they caurht Saturday afternoon who ahare In the proflta. derived 0. ol the lint tlatnp that the for the dty. 'nUl .._ thf' pro-from the Pert Orance Flahlna trom thelr utdlee. .-ada lion plana hi do under the poaed and lmprove4 and enlarged Hole. Pin fiahl.ng for amelt. II Poatmaater Herbert F. Kenny _.... procram, Johnaon llid, wu parkltnc lot aclJIIotnt to tht-Rt>n-good alone with the good mackerel waa preaented with a flve--year.,Pn. the removal of the ruined lava-dezvoua ballroom. The cmlarge-run. tt'ltilying to five yean of pnfect torJ building which now atancla at ment of the apece hM Increased attendance In the club. the end of Balboa pier and whlc:IJ. city parklnc tunda lnmendoully. t CU:fN Von Kt-nnel, fllhlng maea-The club will hold a ladlea' night !~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~of~lta~de~~~~~~~~oo~~~-M~Qa~~~~~roo ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pr that hll ttrat opinion was Ill-many years, Ia burned up about Friday night. conaklered. the flckleneaa of aport flahermen ---=~..;;... ______ _ One other plan of opt>ratlon durlnc these fall montM. '11w In the new JINIII'&m atrftd upon ~an Ia calmer, the boats aren't by the ueodatlon i!Mmbei'S 11 10 crowded and fllhlnr Ia good. Why advocate the erectJon o1 a lodge aren't aport fllhennen rolnc out! bulldlnc In Balboa. -Where aiJ The·boata are alill running. Corn- &TOUPI may hold thetr monthly merdal fiahermen are brlngtnr In meettnp. I flah to make aport fllhermen creen ·. Help s .... Estates, It doesn't take a large fortune to take advantage of the benefits of a Trust. Many of the Trusts we handle are of a mederate size. Too with envy, If they could only see the fllh. ~e II no aenae le t-Farquhar Grateful ung down juat when IIC.hooll•tart ... Trun words were never apoken. For Loyal Support The Miuawlt. from Port Or-ance. go... out acoutina for alba· core 11nd watchel for the birds or Jim Farquhar, State Senate can-fllh after bait. When they round didate, laued the tolhinc atate--up a IIC.hool, the excitement be- • ment to the pre. tocla.y: l'lnt. Many blc albaoore are be-l "Heartening reporU fl"'m all tnc Joat thea<-days by fishermen gll!llliN~IIii ovn Orance County, pouring Into with no unck>ntandlilc of how to Need Your ·cabin Rebuilt?· -~-or Altered? Sides or bottom painted? t.Ua We C.. De ... ~ ... Y011 Oaana ...... ...... t.Ua Sterhng Boat Works A Trust may be practical for you, too -come and talk it over with our Trust 'officers, today. our headquarters, mark the clc»-flah for them. 'l"heet' albacore are ~~~ lnr days of what hu been a atren-runnlnr up to ovn 30 poundl and ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ uoua but clean campe.lp. -===================::===::; "I would Indeed be lacking In r- TRUST DEPI'. SECOND FLOOR gTatltude If I did no t aclcnowledee the debt J owe to the members of my own newspapc.>r craft, who have unlvenally treated my candidacy W1th a rt'lponae for In exceea of any merit J ~. "To them and all the loyal frlenda who have 10 aeneroualy given of their tlme and l'ffort, J pledle my bl'lt effort. In ~»half of Orange County, If II be the will of the voten on November 5." Wlli.EY'f REFRIGERIITIOII JERVICE COOIPIIIY ..... _.......__ ....... .. v...& ..... o.r.a ... -..... ....,.._nat . NIPt. ~ tua MET I CLAD PRODUCTS I by CLARK & BATES -Look for the Bronze Mailbox - Metallizing- Welding- e INDUSTRL\L Tanlu, keela, ruddera, c1ldl ftt· tl!'~· hardware. e ORNAMENTAL Art object~, doon, atpa, at.ora front decoration•. e ALLTtRS Speclallsta In ateel, cut an. . aluminum, braa, bronze . -ALL WORK GUARANTEED- NEWPORT BEAOB 501 Mtll Street • traly fine shirts tor California 11¥1111 • Made fo r easy or active living. . super soft . fabrl<:;$ . super comfortable tailor ing . styled ·to a Cali fornian's taste. For either dre!s or informal wear a satisfying selectio n of colors S3a95 to $16~~ .317 Coas-1 B-oule Yard Soal) lAGUNA IIMOII The Record Tells WhY·· 14lt'• Time for a Chan••" You'D Cl9f'H the ~ DWrict DMCIII a MW C.. ....-em ..... you look at the IDcuaabeal'• ..... OD 'fital --... TbeM are lyJiical examplee "*- hal the NC«da oi the ICIIIII Ccmgr.- ~a. -.4 ..-... a. v.--z..,,,-.ey ...-. ,.__ ••• 1M ..ty CaWonla c-.--...,. .. - or o---at-.. ~ tWa WI••• 1~ .... He ..e.cl qCIII.Jut tM Ato.lc ZMIVY C..trel 1111. .... 90Cate4 lr1 Gea. Ei.MUo-r aacl edler Datleacd 1.-_ .... He ~ agaiut llltenaatlnal cooperatlea aa4 - pcmciH foreip -kola b our 1-,.ocilldl • • • lrr oppulil9 VNB&A. .. ,.-.. ollod~al !N4o Atln-•• aa4..Uar--.., _.. a. failed to •ot• wllea c.,..,...._... .. e-lM-IN Rlala9 pro..t.loM ol tllo GJ I!& Elect RAY ADKINSON to CONGRESS The Record Tells WhY·· . Ray Ad"lnson Is Qualified 1f All able public otiic:iaL Ray AdJdneon Mr?M b 14 fean aa SuperiDteodeDt of School. for OraDp County. Here be clearly ct.DODMral.d bJ. executlft flbility-made a .. ediD9 record tor bODMf. bllri= .. illte adminiatration. * A .,..tercm of World Wrzr L father oi a Yetercm of World Wrzr D. Hay Adlri,.... will cut through red 1.-pe to aolYe .... teraM' problem&.. He wiD tigbt to torrec:t • uaJuat prcmaaa. oi the OD-tb.-lob traia.iDg BiD. He will demcmd a llpHCI-up oi .,....,.... bowia9. * A Dati.,.. oi the 22Dd Di.trict. Bay Acfldnece I. a IGDCh.r cmd '!rid•ly ~ OD 'WCita' proW... ' He bow. what~ d.. agricultural aDd urbcaa · -... u. --.... --=-:1 _.... aw ..... DOD -:-moa. "•• ~ • &DKI•ao• eta. •a1 a. . ••• IYY88 On Yoar w., ~ to S.llbl ... Or When in Costa ·- Stop at-·· CH.I'S DRIVE ·II ' Barbeeaed SaDdwiehea -Fountain Serriee 10 L m. to 2 p. DL · 1811 NllllrpOI't Bhd. C1J1Ut SDVWE AnnoUJl(ing the Opening ... New Service for the Bay Area ColltrKtors Ecpl..,..._ & SIIPPIJ IIIII Jlfewport -'""-1 BilL W-* ef H.....,n .... : ..... ef IIIIa St., 0.... .._,.._a-- We Have Brand New Equipment . For Rental • 116 C.F.II.. P08TABI..E Ala COIIII"UMMU ADl TOOLS e WIIEEUtA.aiiOWS PHEUJII.ATIC TillED TaACTOU \\'ITB BLADU AL80 CONCRETE BREAKING AND SANDBLASTING SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS SAL~ and SERVICE Pan· Coast Venetian Blind eo. Landlord Strikes Have Little Effed Here, Vogel Says tAncllord lockout llrlkt'S qalnat IJI"'Opt'('tlwo tt'nantt havt' had lit· tie .tft'<'t Ml't'. alth<MAtlh they have tifton In uletc-nt¥ for eomt'tlnw, John F. Vott'l, Balbo. ~t and lnt'Onlf' proprrty owner, wtr'f'd the Natk>nal Honw and Propet'ty Ownen Foundation of Waahin1· ton, D. C .. Saturday. V~l 111'&1 advlalna tht' nat&onal I'Ml .. tate board that It Ia poe· libW that the atrlkl' beaun "-. SHt· ~ and San Frandle'O .. alnat '"'' ('Qfttrol by tht' OPA would be ol lhort duntlon and provt' u h'Wt• ,_ .. hu tht' unpobllc...-d lock· out heft'. V~l't lt'ttt'r ('Ofttatrwd the fol· lowtni ,.......: "a.ll\l !fwmbrc' No. 24171 ot rour II"'UP am takll\l tlw UbertY ol WTIUn1 you. . roa NOr& BOUU ........_ e1 ....... , ... o.&a ..._ ..... .._ ..._ ...._.., ...,.,. .... , __.. ''Our aputnwnt a.nd lncame .......,.... .,... ,..._ .,... nt-• .... ..,.._ ,...,_., . .-..... ..-., ~ ct.~ Mar _. a WI ~rty OWMR have •xperlf>nol!d .u. ....._ • ...._ .........,, ••• ...,. .. 'I'M are ,,... eet .. 11 .. -. ... .....,. aua 1 ,. -. .. .,. for eomt" Yf&n wtth a loc:kout .._ 1• -...,. ........ _. It t.all U "'-• te 111M h. .... fl6 ... ._.. _.. ..... ,._ ttrik• lwre with Uttko tffecl4. .. far • 1'..._ U... ... On!p. --N.-.nnw ~o by Btcknfr. "We have wtl't'd •wral wna· ('A ton and ~ that If .u Ma;~~ c;:w;.te Jdl. Barkley Frowns on · . :: ... "!'" ... ~ w~ In Tustin C&rnival F d' G 0 p "Until our ~·~e~ ..... twnecl r·len s Forecast wout~:1d. t:.:-nc!orrurr:::.a'="~·= EL TORO. Oct. 29.--0I.Udnn of -~~ Marine famlllel of the U.S. Marine Corpa Air tla'Uon and of the Navy sump bate ..... to partidpatt' tn Kentuekian Scoffs at Predktion That Lower ~:::!c:;:;;n ,::!,v~a~;ua~~ Chamber of ConpotW Will be Republican "Our an!a Ia 50 ~~nt vaeant and rven the nwaare MUnp a1. lowt'd U. lll't' dlfffcult · to '"'t and our proprrty badly run down. 1UJI OPA N'fUift ut rt>llt'f. Nrltht'r wtll t.hc-y rft"'Onlw our noeort atalua. 3t. After Nov. 5th. Aab if Newport Harbor Marines. are aldlna the tchool 1 f N • ti W Jd R t• d Li '11M! writrr firmly bt'llt'v" that l't'ft I Ct'IUna wt II run a I ~ )If! u C'OUnt', fiVt' )lt'81'1 Of WhiCh WC' hA Vt' already atruqlt'd thf'OUlth." t.~acherl and atudentt In wiling 8 Or aVJp Oft. OU t Ire aft Ve up dltpi•Y booths for the ret~. in California t Lt. John Pratt. public lnforma-.,,_ __ _ tlon offlct'l' for tht' air ltJtio~. r'e· Unl~l'd States 5<-nator Alben .-. HE I~ ~<11 11 in Wuhlneton." porta that tht> corp. it proVldlntt Barkll'y, wnatt> majority lndt-r, 1lle IN'II·•'••r has m~t 10 many an .l'ducational di•play, cutaway dcx-sn·t have much falth In the pre-peopl~ In hi1 ITOU-cot~ntry jaunt rngme and rt'Crutllng poelt'r for dlctlona of hit cl<*' pt>rwonal durintr the pn'St'nt campalen t hat the event. h'lend, Emile Hw-ja. Waahlngton. for tht' tmw t'M'in~t tw had for· II"LLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Wecldlq~ ud De. VMM X l'lpalsw D.~ C.. publiaher of The Path· gotten t h•· nnm~ or n nt' or hl.t rtndf'r magarln('. mot1t lnfhu·nttlll womftn campaign· F:L TORO, <kt. :l9. t'lnal re- Informt'd that Hurja, who l.t a ('" In Alahama. porte art' to be-madr today by former mf'lllbt>r of tht' Ot'mocratlc Durtne tht• dtnnf'r "1\'f.'n In honor Lt. Col. Arthur II Adanu, USMC. .. chairman. ln1 tht• ll. S . Marint' Natlom1l committN-. has predicted or Ra.y Adktnson of La~~:una I:Wach, Corp~~ phu.-of the-Santa Ana· that thf.' llOUSt' will be Republican Democratw nomtnl'<' for oonen-u ........ tl ,. 11 ,.._ __ 1 f N .__ •... n ' ommun y , ,..,. cam· a t<'r ovt'mu.:r 5. lhl' aenator U. S. &•nlllor BarkiPy n>markf"d pair bluntly told the <'<lit or of Tht.' tht.t h<' ""' nwt 10 many old Kf.'n· u:· 1 1 1 t' ld . tht-M 1 News-Times tluo t "I havl' little tuc'ky frt••nltll in Callrornla that h d do 0 ,::, ~/'r tht' Ill' nes fsith in h la fo((-casta." . ht-hat dc~idr·d to llvt> to be 100. c:m .... ."~ fund. •> pr~'IM'nt lntt>rvi•w<'<l at tht> Nt>wport retire at 90, and "romt' out to ,.... IC llarbor Yacht club lsJII Thunday Callfornh• to JIJ('nd thl' n.-malf~Mr a.u that unwanted U1k:IP evf.'nlng, th<' Kentuckian aald. Un· or my "'"" ~ amlllngl). w··Emlle Is a ell*' l)('r· That shnuld plt>aae-many ~-N-..'l'lmet ada t..mp. :: Cuehmoe lewelr7 tonal friend of mine. and I would tucklan• "ho now live In thia atatt'. :------------. Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop !lot Oaeua Froat We Wrap Gitta not do a thing to hurt him. but he hat madl' many prl'dictlona, and moet or them have provt'n faiiW.'. I have little faith In hit forf'- cuta." LA.>avlng political pr()ll:noetlca· tiona for the moment. lh«> ·wnator from K«>ntucky. whom thl' latt' Prcaidt>nt R.ool(•ve-11 oftl'n kindly rt'fcrr('d to 111 Dcu Alben, wu Death Takes C. 0. Francis aak('d what he-thoueht or New. Fun<'ral Sf'rvlcrs Wf'rt' h ('I d CLOTHES POR MEN Al'JD - port Harbor .. · . Thur!lday at II a.m. at GraUt'l "J eaw something or 11 on a cha~"'' for Ch11riP11 O.Car f'randl. hrll'f tour thlt afternoon," replll'd !'>3. "ho dlc-d Tul'llday 11t hl1 home>, g~ .. ' S<'n. Barki<'Y. lidding. "Ja It Ollt' 11101 Clran~te ""''nue, C01ta Mct~a. ~ ... MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE .BOYS ,.. a.. ........... \\'ork IIOTOU a.BUO.T • Have this .t-Point Check 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE P B 0 N E. B A R B 0 B t 1 t 5 • Fe.den J'hed • BodJ Repalriac. • Auto PainUna f50 Citizens of California Proposition #1~ is a1z UNfair Employment Practices Aa. for naviga tion?" II•• wu born In Brooklyn 11nd tJI'pMJ t/1~ That QUf'Stlon was reff'M'ed to had hvt'd hc•n • for a yur and a C)l C)t Harry Wt>lch, CX('CUII\'l' IW.'CJ'l'lary half. romln~t from M•ttlllllppl It(' of the N«>wpor t arbor Ch&mbt'r of w a • emph•)t'<i wtth tht> U. S. 11'7 ...,.. -'"" Comm(•r<'t', who was prt'Sent u Tr('A!'IIr)' dt>rmrtmrnt for :.!3 Y~'AI'I. ....._ ...... repr<'!U'nlatlv<' of lht• ch11mht'r to II<' \\AI a m•·ml,..r uf thl' M11110nlc ,.._ ......... 111, wckomc the sen11tor to • '<'wport lodg•· of Mt•mphls. Tc'nn. and or :......----------' Beach. I CCH!ta Mt'IIA ('ommunlty churt'11. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Whe-n askl'd If Buckne-r Dlack· Survlvln~~: llrl' hill wH••. Lilllnn; '= t'rby, formf'r h('lld of the-pt'r!IOnnd two hrothf.'ra. llt'rtM'rt nnd Milton department or lh(' OPA WRI ttlll Frant'll or Nrw York. GILL'S tn Wa5hm~~:ton. 1>. C. tht' l<t n· Rl'v. Carl J ohnson ollin~t ll-d at lucki11n who obtainC'd hl'r appoint· chllfl('l R'TVIct'll and ltf&VI'llidf' ,..r • ml'nt for thet poet, hct~ltatro for viOl'!! at F~tlrhavl'n ('('ml'll'ry Wl'rf) ----------- "moment aa If trying to rccall l by the Silver Cord M1110nlr lodiCf' DELICATESSEN the namt>. and t hen he taid. "Oh, or Santa An11. FOB VB.TBBAN.S' WB.LPABB FOOD SHOP • ...._..ADDiea.-• :.U..7 dnb •• , • DnMbtp • Plddes • OIYM • CheMe • .. ... • 8ardlaee • AaebOYtes • Craebn • Bllealt.e • ~Bolli I VOTE "YES" ON PBOPOSmON 2J SHOP AT GILL '5 For......_.v .. ...._ Better Meat. rue; Oroaerlee I TI1e llcterans of Foreign Wars and the Disahlcd American Veterans urge you co voce "YES" on •'roll<>Sition .. on ~he Novcmhcr baJloc. U5 r..t An. IAOI1NA IIEAOR SPECIAL • SAIDrS DRIVE· ·11 Ytal We Baw HAM • BACON • BEEF e PORK • DlcRSS •• n pi8 •v-.t•at 24 _ .......... Have That Glass Installed BEFORE RAINY SEASON HARBOR GLASS co~ %811 ~.,.,u. . AutoGu ....Harbor. e . BoatGiaM ... ............. UNfair beco\ISQ it de~Hs the riQht te o triof by )ury UNfair becaus• a political c:ommiukln of flve mem bers has power to threaten and punith you. They en Investigaton, witnesses, proMCUtors, iucfges, fury and ~ec:utionen lllis measure will legalize weyhound racipg in alifomia -under strict Stacc supervision-and urn over .f per cent of all crack wagers to a Vet· .. ,.ans· Fund adminisrercd by chc State Depanment •f Veteran•' Affairs. Llncol•· Mercury Owlei'S-----------. ~ because .-compels yo44, '/0411' *lfe, yow doughtw tK 'f04I' sistw to wortc with people regarct.: less of their color, race tK natlonOAty. Every fair -minded American Is tolerant. Evwy American,.. Mnh a criminal law whktt punithes you for refusing to hire tK work with a penon forced on you by a polftleal ~- YOII NO Propo•ltlon #II C.• • 'M s for T"-w•• • Y* HO Pr.Jr k'ullL r lc :will perlorm a di•inct Service for California veterans. It will guarantee ADEQUATE PINANC- TNG of Scare-sponsored welfare and rehabi.liwion activilics, includinJ suppon of cbe Veterans' Home al Yountville. It will rdi~ve c he. bxp&yet of the burden of payinJ for these servic~: ~reyhound • ncing will pay the bill ins~ead. . ' ~ifomia veterant a~l< Y<lU to surron t!.:.--n in this campaign. v• "YES'~ oa Zl 'OeMNI • ....._, T ...... ay. N~'"''" I) New Mercury Motors Installed •·• ·• • •·•· LISTEI -KNICKERBOCKER SAYS -, ...... ... PARTS, MEN, EQUIPMENT all serve to clve r• • better Job q11lcker •lid c••,., er. Alii& Abollt Ov!fo Dowa Pa)'IMIIt ..... I Yew ... .., KNICKERBOCKER'S 1111N .... It. . ' . Malta • Sanchriehel • Hambwpn 1 Semea Held for I G~t IDlnporth, Former Store Mana&' Grant Ill1nporth, 73, rnana,rer fOf' 18 years of the flrat Alpha Beta ~tore ln Coata Meu. dled ll!!l:at~trdltv 'f'9t'nbl,-1n Sante Ana where he resldfd at 802 West Se- cond at.reet, He wu born 1n l..anafi(, Ill., and had Uved in callfomla for 59 Bicyde Rider, 66,· Seriously X;~~=~ Injured in Boulevard Crash wi~"!,..~ .. P'a.llare a. IJalt .. a~ elp a& tile .._, el ...... ~ Newpprt Harbor JW\1« ... ~~ ~ ~ ,._._. .....-..ii)ii Ia-eoHece builcllna. By aolhc U\ls, ,_... a. r.... lA-, ... of Ul ... -.......... ..._. N...,.... ... _ f.....a--al tatl ld the ~ ... wtlo -..... lib Wqele .... It -.... ., -.......... UJO<' ......... ~Coa Vft .. \0 ....... •rt...._ poMee _.., 'rlle,... w. ,....._., 111 w• ••........, Newport Bea.o..:..-ta .Na ,,..., ______ ,;__ ___ •c-a. ...... Jchool prindpal, the add>l boantl LAUNDRY on ww IDVKlB Broaclw•J CIH.-s. lJlllrccwlaAJ OMea ..._ ft. lleMIDII 5'711 Wi&a-qtJAUI'Y OW DaY a•ANINO 6 DAY &BBVJCB.....,J'88 DBU\T&Y e OftDf U'I'Um)AJ' AJ"'''!!IIfOONB • ........,._ Boz OuldJ • Oltn111a b 0... ~. 30 of thHn betnc spent In --------•---------------• Santa Ana. Ht' retired from his poaltlon with tht' Alpha Beta stdre R E S U L T S 'nle motorlat wu driviq DOrth will allo be in a poliUon to obtain on the bou. levard when. the bkycle a di8count 1n the amount ol meMY on whldl the victim wu rld.lna ~ to purdlue that portion -------------------------w three ye.ra •eo becau~e of llln""-'"-S e e IU waa a life member of B.P.O E. ahot out of the &harp and hilly of the aUe. . decline of BoiM avenue, directly Mr. Daridaon told a repreaenta· Su•Mt vacuelfAP lleiMol o-acrou the path of the machine . .Uve ollbe New.-~ that the s-ta A-• ........__. t Toedter attempted to avo6cl atrlk· 2!10 acres which wW be applied GORDOI a~ FIIDLAY The ''CENTRALINER'~ 46-ft. AD-Steel Fiabetman CENTRAL BOAT WORKS --Ia No. '7'94. Santa Ana. and of the Firat Olrtatlan church of that city. Surviving Jl't' hiJ wife, Bianchi'. ol Santa Ana: three SON, J&ITI('!I ol Coata MN&. Jack. Azusa, and Robert ol Santa AM: two dauah· tera, Mra. J&n\8 Mar16tC)ld and Kra. Eupne Wood, both of Santa Ana. and t'llht fT&Ildchildrf'n · Funeral wrvicH wert' held 'I'Ueaday at the GraUt'l chapel Oolta MN&, with the ~-Gerald Buh, putor of the Jo,l"lt Chr1s- tlan chuhch, nlflcillllng. ~'nvo of Inc the cycle by awervtnc aharply for in the newly amended petition to the lett, but the bAcyde atJ!uek to the War Aueu Adm.lniatratlon, the c:ar'a rtcht front fendfto wtth ~ MYeral uaable bulldinp. auch force that Ita rider wu Amonc theM are a motion picture thrown forward ao that hla head theateJ', a Ubraey. a c:bapel, • rammed intD and lhattered the hup rec:J'Htion hall, a oamulum. rtl)lt front wtndlhleld' of the auto-~ buiJdlnc aad _.eral bar- rnobOe. . radt buUdlnp. Tbe latt« could oolft'&&DI'Oa AXD amLDD 0..: Nil OJM&..... ..... ...... "' pABINET SHOP SERVICE ~ AND IIILLWOBK T. C JOJINIION, SUpt. ., ......... .... ...... -... Thla une ........ ted tm-..o forced Hilly be uaed for houainc ••udlet -..-~ .,_.. veterana and for ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~;i~;;i~~~~~~ the automobile to Jhoot aaou the Hopee of the ooutal Jchool ·-------- road. where It came tD a atop ell-bouda were about to be daahed ~------------------------. the favorite 110f1P of th<' ~ased _,.. lUng by G. Willard 'RaSMtt. Th~ wu a hard foucht contest that saw the SaJnta.., their win- nine mirf'ln In the laat few Jnin. utes of the rarne·att.r tht' Indiana had acared the cliMap plenty. Quarterback J~ Fouch and Fullback Baker 11\ede the SA tal- lit>~ and were offenlllw 1tandouta for the winners. Tbe Fullerton lll)e outcharaed the s.lllt forward w~tll for a conalderabie part nf the <'VI'nlng and made three aucc<'lsful ~;oal line stands. 'nle Saini~ meet the Newport Harbor T ai'Jil thil weckl.'nd In the feature match of the Jea(UI.'. lne to the office of the MN& Boat Informed that the California State rt>etly below the atone atept lead· early Jut week when they were ~lD-5 Worlu, operated by Camille Beau-Department of Finance had no J0-•'11 fl1d t•• ••o• for everr occ•slo• · ••••••• IICIIdlll t•e ••they get around" at .. BAI.II()A • ...., $53,282' That flpre above Ia quite a lot of JDODeJ • It .. a1 .,.. ... an te o1 on YUJrB m-m-•• Ia tM Dllft .. oal& of laa oftlce. (.1J.IIL11 ... J-.. ... f,I1Ua ,_ ltM-41. laeidentally, it Ia YOUR JDODeJ, not the Sheriff'• • Bll--latwiFU , __ ,_,t.'taa. .,..... I ......... -~~-~ ,_ , .. ,.... .,.. J.tO..a 44 .......... 16.14. milll• WOW IIQNU, 0111,.. ..... -_. k:a I b ............ ,.,..._,_.., .... .._. .... _.... .............. ,.., ._ .... 0 ...... . A , .., .,. ...._ .._... .......,.,.. 'ftlr ~ an h ., ... .-. -............ ,..., ..................... ......... _, ....... .0. IIO!OY, ..... M ..... lw ...._ • I C&JIIIft .A.~ '1'11e .._.,.a.,.._ CAM M ;1n ... --1 '1r. _.It CAN M ;c:•W .,..._117. hat • ... el ..-= .. 111 b...... ,. .......... liN ... ..... ...,.. ~ a.trtcta CAN pt tall ............. -. ..,....._. •-•&Mu' I ,........_., .. ._.. .......... ,..,.~ .... ...._ .. __ ..... ~ .. r .... ...,...~ ........ WII.,......_ ... ............... ..,.,... .......... ........ JAMES A. MUSICK ...... ., ..... ., .. a Pallbearers wert' Lloyd Braddy. W . J . Jllnsley, John J. Jon~. Km- neth Houck, C. W. T1•Winkle and J~ MJIUgan. Honorary bear· era ~ Earl Bun1~1. Frank Boolw, Ralph Brandl. Conn E1Uott. A. I.. Plnkley, William Shirley, J . 0 . TaUman and W. B. Wllii8JTU!. Grarwstde r1tes -rf' In chiii'Cf' of B.P.O.E. No. '7'94 of Santa Ana. In· tftment ~tlt!ine In F'lllmavt'n ceml.'- lft'Y. mont and which Ia Jocated on a ratruJ.v fund available fOI" ella-. sharp anele from the atop street poaa1 fOI" the operation o1 the bale IIIUittqtoa ....... 1-Aaahf>lm 0. on Newport boulevard. u a junior colleee. La....an wu thrown clear of the A conference between Jarnn Th1s wu conaldered the upsl't of the week In Sunaet circl<'l al- though the Ollera have cf\·t-n J>r<>- mlw all aeaaon of bftnc one of the pow!!rs of the etrcuft. 'nle game, which wu a bruill'r, wu a ICOC'eleu Ue until 53 seconds wl.'re ll.'ft In the eame and the Ollen made the oniy JCOrl'. Bill Wt.e and Ed Dowdy w.·r(! the standouts In the Huntlncton Beach offenalve and were m&l.nly rPSpon- slble for lhe Colon .. t8' downfall. Anaheim had ~ conalderc-d u machine and he lay 1n the road-Dean atate d1recor of finance and way near the NN& Boa~ Worlu Prtndpal s. H . Davidson and' Ray until the arrival of a private am-Elliott, Newport Beach and Sunt· bul~ which took him to St. lncton Beach .educaton, at Sacra· J01epjl1 hoapltal. Phyaiclanl dew rnento, dildoaed thia fact. and the termlned that the injured m&l) auf· ectuc:atofa were very much clla- fered multiple conatual~na and couraeed over proapecta tor the aome fractures. Hla condttion wu coUeae until the ajlpearance of the said to be fair. fecleral authority hl.'re Friday. Membership Favors Balboa as Site For Veteran's Home Rldinc with thl.' Coat.a Mesa "We're a Uttie more hopeful motorllt at the time o.f the mia-now," uld Mr. DAvidson, u he an· hap, which occurred. according to nounoed plana for re-applying to the Newport Beach pollce -~port. the War Aueta Adminlatratlon on at about 5:14 p.m., was Mrs. Her-the amended application. "Maybe man W. Toedter and her mother-so~thlng will COO\(' ~f thla a~ No. 2 team behind Santa ,\na In 'nle BaJ1:10a lmprovelllC.'nt auo-pre-5t'ason dope. d ation on Thursday night In a gefK'ral ml't'tln~t held at the DowaeJ' ~raa ... ._ In-Jaw and two children. plication. At ll.'ut, we hope eo." ~ballroom gave blanket Too many ~~eamperlnc backs that l.'d from W. H. Bannlater, Vl.'tq;ans approval to the> plan to finance the advanced the ball with IT('at gua-Ser vice Councilor, that aince Ita buUd.lne of a hollK' for a homi.'II'IS to ~as thl.' caul(' of the dowi1fall open1ne October 1. the Center has war veteran in flalboa. or the Oran~temcn u the Downey given poaltlve, direct ald to 115 It waa the uprt'1111ion of the squad made· thl.'lr tint winning veterans. nvmberahlp that thlf Jot should league game a aparklinc one. J>ow-Thill aid hu cont.ltted of fi nd· tit! purchiUK'd In Oalboa, althnu~th I ney'a league record now atandl at ing employment for aome flfty- the auodatlon rt•celvt'd oHl•r. one win and one tie. havlne brokl.'n five veteraht. locatine r oom 11 , from penona who own available even latt weck with Huntington apartmenta. and In a few cpsee, land in Coata MN. and who of-I Beach, o-o. houte;t for ~)' veterana, medl- feftd to sell two Iota. both at o.-. tllb 1"r14FaJ • cal aid and helplar to unnge llOOO each. • . j Santa Ana at Newport. 2:45 p.m. hardship Joana through other re- C1yde R. Johnaon, prl.'lidl'nt of (Thos game hu been changed to lief agencil.'l. ~ IJ'OUp, nported that Ralboa the Santa Ana Bowl on Saturday In addition to thole direct serv- landlorda had otrert'd to .~ell two nirht. lce11 numeroua veterana juwe l't'· Iota, both at $2000 uch and above, Downey Ill Fullerton, 7:30pm. ccivt'd advice on the "G.!. Bill of and one of these was located on AnBhelm at Orange, 7 :30 .,.m. R1ghts", on the Job Training Pro- the peninsula, and lncldenta!ly wu Huntington Buch, Bye. varna. G. I. Loans and Jegnl milt- the moat favored location to date. ters. A rreat deal of auiatan('e HOWl'vf'r. the uaoclatlon made I rta f Givin hu been f'lven In filling out forma no dedalon for the purchue of mpo nee 0 If for terminal ll.'ave pay. notarizing MY one of the Balboa Iota, the Stre88ed by Kenny, papera etc. Ezpert Radio Service PIIOM BeMoe 5004-W Palmer Radio AND Jl!LEC'I'RJ() 11M Na.,.rt m... OOIITA Ita.& apccwd thouaht being to give C • Tr Bannlstl'r ltfttt'd also that u tJw wholf' mattt-r of tht' financing ampaJgn ea811rer the veteran• learn of the service ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ plan mor~ lnvestJ1at1on and atudy ' centn. th~ demand for uaistauce 1 before actually bu)'ine the lot and With the Community Olest drive grows.. A greatl'r number of calls atartlnr construction. to raiSe $14,450 two weeks under-for usiatance come In earn dAy. 'ntt' mf'mbershlp ~Hrned to agret' way only :lJr,;. of the quota has "Knowine that the Veterans that JORM:thlne should be done for t>eton raised, uld H. F. Kenny. Service Center. one of the moat the hclmelesa veteran and that the Balboa Poatmuter and Trcuurer worthy cousl.'l gl.'lling support aa.Jctatlon ahould be the lint to ol the Community Chest .. he from tht-Community Chl.'lt 1~ <Jo. Initiate aid In that drecllon. But strvssed the net'd for Reneroua ing tuch a splendid job In' aldlng the membership felt that It would contribution~. He tlatcd tha t our vetl:'rans, only serves to further 1:1:\ wlaer. to lnvestleate more fully nC'arly 10 pc_•r-cent of this years I emphasize the net'. d for gl.'nerous 1M coat of financing the house quota will go directly to the Har-giving to thl.' Community Chest on over a 20-yelll' period. bOr Ar_c•a Vetcruns Service Center. the part of the good citizens of PINE8T TASTINO 8IZZLINO IIAIIIItrao£118 BftAila (rt I lftr lte .... .._)I B 0 II PI: II A ll ED YUIIII1' IIEaay AND APPLFI: P0:8 ·SHEP'S Dress' Suit Stokm The locaJ Vt•tt"rans St'rVIr<• Ccn· Newport Harbor", uid Mr. Kl.'nny. ~r. located In th~ AmPrlcM Leg-ltll 00.\81' HJOBWAY ion hut Ill 191 W. BAy, Newport, John K. F:lllott or R11lboa cele-NEWPORT ''You Mult Order Now ~-for the Holldaya" ~ Sf'.! .. ,_..._ ... t_......,.._ .. ..................... • c...-... ,... • Olocolet•tieoo • lcntchM e 0..... ..... Mar...J T-... Topo. le•eulb .. f• ...-.We ........ OlliM T ....... Mit.-~ Alae •-mfll WOOD GaAJNB "'-lOYAL lAili PAD CO., Harbor S8 - . ~c.~!: ... ._..,., .......... a... CONTIOUED IY NO GROUP OR CU9UI FARQUHAR STANDS FOR • Fru enterpftae, fine. Ia« and alway•. • No compi"'ODiie w i t h Commllftiam, • AriNcncioa ol ecrik:ea. ( • Fewer laWI aad a-de. pendency 011 leplacioe. Jim Fcrqullcr · • ~ ol a free .,.._. • Neiaber orpn.ized la&or acw orpnlud caiptal, but Mr. ud Mr~. U.S. Cici.ua. • The conti.aued duelop- meat of Oruap Coullry. candidate for tlt e office of STATE SENATOR from o,..... C01111ty VOTE NOV. 5 I --' b -n.. lloale of Good l:.ta.. nto •• ...-a, •-1 c 111 .... ~I ~ ~~~~ y t~Commun~~ed h~hlrt~~~nt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======================~ r 1.'1 rff or 1101 Eut Cht'St. the Amen can IAI!'\on, and and Mrs. J::lllott b(>lng R\lt'Sts at a - Central avenut•, Blllboa, reported the Chamber of Commerce. clln~r a t thl.' home of Mr. And Mn. ~.~~~Qrt ~ach pollee the theft Upon invcaU&ation, it was learn· Euceoe DeBra. IneJewood. lUll, ltU4 Jlnlu and a c::ane aome tl.me durln~t the night ol Oct. 22, from a car park<'d out- akle hla home. EB WENEED ... tlllap,... ........... ft..~,, .. ..... Plc*-17· NOTICE Da. BELL'S ovnca .. Be Cloeed Temporwlly on account of deeth ln the rarnllt'. Watch papers !or re-opening . INSURANCE • PROTECTS • HEALTH WITH Have You Out-of-Use· Office ~achlnes ancl Equipment Lylnt Around Gathering Dust? Tiernan's Will Pay You Highest Top Cash Price for Your Used • TYPiWRITERS • ADDING MACHINES • DUPLICATORS • SAFES • FILES • DESKS etc. PlaoM 743 N_, for Ifill , ......... ( . • • TET 'EM TAP dte cap mat .. ,. HOT .. oltee .. they like, while you L •II duoqh dilha. la11ndry, and claninr ,.lore widl oaty a bot -~r -ry. l'Mre'• .. _,. pleftty for n.,.Uina wiMo aa adeq1aacely· liatd. tlfii...Uk '"" w•W l..ur is 0«1 the job, Today dM a~ lamily aU. foe hot wartr 140 time:~ daily. 'Thmor· iow, wilh all-lie d isbwuhera. with wuhinl madllaa. at1d odler labor·savlar applianCft d5ily available, the nftd will be nee are-ur. All ad.quac~ly·siz:ed. ••t-tk ,.,, w-•tw ""-Hr h an «oaomy for now """ ,,. ""·'· . So. -your desl«r or m~rchanc plumber n011r. find ouc bow llanw· p.rfcn ~·~~ htn~in1 can IIi~~ you a smoocher runnina hom~-and save yo11 I'IIOCIC)' iA the I~ nan. ' IOUlo · Plenty if Hat Water with .. 1 Ole* ,_ ._., •• "-- ... ._ ... r 1 SfOIAGI-Tlll ClPACin GUlli -~ .... _c. . ----o.o .... 1 1wt • 1 aw4 -I twa -I ·-· 10 a a .. aw4 4wS ,. GAS .. , , -,...-------------"T'!Sailor-Saint Game Pu111.ec Noncn p,ll J~· A. T • t f Se . Bark~' NOTIC& M INTaNTION TO •• u. ~K~~ J Moved to s. ranscnp 0 n. s . NOTICI: 18 tn:Ri.tY lliVItlf .,_. ,... ant tn tlM l'"'vlal11aa ot I!>N'IIo. ~ ''' t ... Cl•ll ~'l>ett of the lltatt ot t-.llf· The Newport Harbor-!¥nta Ana Address Here L'ast Thurs y J(;:h ... llt·~~ 'l::;r: f ... ~urt o=: PLAY SCHOOL hlP IChool football came. orlal-w o ...... u~""""· MU'IIte 1 "''• f71 nail)' ICheclulecl fOf' Devtdilon Flekt Onul.r~. C'allf . V.lldov l•t•n• ,., ... , ln N-011 .:-..tA--at•-, too P:l.Mr.n 8 ll•ITII a111<1 11.4RT IC. ~'I~ PRO·D1' ~"' FOR ,___ ... .._, ~---· NIIITII v.......... ... ... ... ..... ltld· 07VUY .QiJI ~ · BUSY M<>TH:ERS. • • • bHn c:hanptd to Saturda)t .. ar Cllr Callfornl&. , ... , A FULLY ~UIPPED, SUPERVISED, FENCED-IN nlaht and the conteat will take 0\ lrman lAdiea and GentJe.. aahl It rould not aff(!('t ua or our l:r":J:"'1 " -·,.111,..1 PLAY YARD AND ROOM FOR place at Uae MW\IdpU Bowl ln -n.· a · farm Iii·~ )"l'l that very aaaaaaJna-"'~"' and a•ofld will Sa ta .&. .... accxwdl to local of "~ n_,.. k lh•wn u YOUR ~ "'REN WHILE' YOU n ..... _ I'll • 1 lOfT" that 1 am ln Newport Uon hi thfo torch that atarto li an<t llaro:lwa,.. allld "-n.u...&J ftdala, am ' WOTid War I bor Buula.ard. Co•ta ll~• ... l'u'lf~·~ SHOP Wo NC'WpOrt Harbor, whldl wtll atlll arbor on auch a brief vialt, aa I · and th11t ,.,. pu,.h ... 1 RK OR PLAY. • • • be' the home achool, wUl lt.rnft' would Ilk~ to a~nd quite a whUe \\ • wnn that war-and aald Wf' , .. p&ld at 10 o'rlu ... , "A~W......~W•" sl ARCI'S CAF.E •.. , Mixed Drinb -Shod om .. _ .. SPUD ROWll, Mona1n -}oei'PHUQ OQuin, ().....,. 101 lltl& ftMe N•,.t ~ INDIVIDUAL ATJ'EN'l10N. two-thlrda of U1e aate and lt Ia out hen'. had rnadf' the world aaf• fOf' De--~'j(A~ol'roil'Nt~ SPECIAL MORNING SESSION expected that cloae to 8000 fana Yr. Rocen (Will Rocen. Jr.) m~ral'Y ~that all~t' "''"'J' W th~ ,.ty or r~!'',~r ta Ward g_ H • L be If"-. wUl at ted. a few mlnutea q o l•n away Ill)' w ll rf.' coul ~njoy acy. e • .;~:.ye. o.-'.~,'t .. : 24th, 'i':. . UN"-1:. AJQ)arr~n. ~um r Ule FOR 2-AND 3-YEAR..OLDS .... e. w.u. I am plan-•--on ltv-withdrew lnto our lhell and aald OI!)(),.(Jit I: O I'P -...... fM'\'t'r attain. We beaan to en!C:t v~ndur Opea Moaday Tbroa11l Sahrd&J Vi Announcee Beauty Inc to bt 100. and 1 am coin~ to barrltot:~ IU'Ound our country.,&-ttt,Mv~~t,1,! ~tattTtt ._....,... .. .,. Ia. a to 6 p. Ilia. • • • Jl'ull Day ts.OO retirt' at 90 and come to cantor-fort• lonR tvrry •nation thou&ht we 1'\ah Ott. II. lf41 .,._ ...... lUI • fioarl~ ••• Woellll~ aatoa Shop Now Remodeled n1a to atay. 1 have aeen • lot ol h a d an · alrtlJht ~partment ---------~;;;;hl~~oo.ut'~~~IIIGIIW~· ~~·~";;;;;;~~&~~~~~-~~,...~~~~;;~ END __ old Kentudc" trienda ot mbW anc. an1und ua. hla memory and hll family •ncS. 1 WEST or PAU AVENlJE, BAI.JIO~ I8IAND Vl'a BHuty Shop at 1103 Cout I ba~e bMft C'allfomla, vel')' ciMr In 1933 AcloJph HJtw rc»e to am COnct'rned, ot eoune. about J'w lafOI'IMU. 0a1J J1ut1or aa hl&hwa)', Corona del Mar, hM bMa frienda, We-~ frienda ot milw. IJOY.Pr In Gfnna .. v. We aud: "J{.t who ronws to the Senate. It may --"-1--' .... th boot .. _ -~ f I --v-v ... ....;...__., and _, __ __. • .., · bt 'norwo of my bt•IMM. excent W'f' • ..,..-.-o:u -• rw ._. or ... , w•, ,.,...,.~ ~'"-"' ano lht•r cflctat«." We t.houlht It '' prtvuy and a new water aottenlna that they have come here to ll'"t could not affect ua. our I«W'I~y. &rt' In the middle-of a Ot'mocratlt" t I ._ ......... 1 ..._t•-_ .. __ me thla f.'ve·•--admlnlltratlon. No matter what .,.. ern na....u...... ar ...., ....,.. .. _... ....... our N'Onomy, yet the rlafo oi'Hitler .. -----------------------.. pcliOUic. • ..• We are alllntet'ftted 1ft thlll Ut anotho.'r torch whkh atarted happrna to Con1re.e tor ttw not Kitty Buaby, fOI'IMrly 0t Chi-f.'lectlon recardleu ot our pollti-World War II. ~o, )"l'an. the rn.ktent Ia colnl Balboa Central Market eaao and Balboa, hu beeft aecund c&1 a£fWatlon. We t.Ueve In coer-to be a ~mocnt and t.hfo cabinet to ualat. VI and 11 lklllecl In h&lr taln lhlnp, certain theorift ol We ralll4'd an army of lS million Ia !rfllnc to bfo Democratic 708E.Cen~ Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 atyUnc and cuttln&. tlntlnl. perm-10vemment, politically. I have al· mt•n. Wt' apt'nt 3!10 billion dolan. 1 am IUN' you will f«telv• nwo anent wavee ot all t;ypee, u -u ways attributed to the rank anc1 That waa only our ahare of the If 1 t'XJll'f!M an lnlt•rftt In tht' Sfon- u other lJ.Dee ot beauUftc:atJoD. file of the ~bllcan party the 1000 billion cloJlan paid out by the ate ol thr Unltl'CI States. I want ri&ht to be rec&rded u honftt and lrt•<tsury uf the Unlhod Nadona. It to N'm&ln Dc-r'llOC'TIIflc, ot COUMif'. alnc:eft. I am a Democrat btcaUH &> huwrwr romfortable we may J want to rMnaln part of thfo I think It meana doln1 th~ ~at-l4't'm Wt' muat remember t h a I tnm which I• rt'lpoNihlt" for thc- f.'St aood for the ll'f'al"t nwnber whlll('Vt'r drap down mankind tc-amwork In thla lrf'C!&I Amerlt"an of people. . . . anywhi're In ttw WOf'ld, whatever t'f'a In which we Uve. t want 111 Apin We-Have , CH.OICE MEATS Priced roa YOU& OONVENIEM'OE WE UMADI OPEN JI'IUDAY A M'I1J'a.DAY EVENINGS "TTLL t --· AND ALL DAY SUNDAY • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feect. -1- DellrDaauw; an-INI t.a1 Mewpert......_ 008'1'A IDa& ''So we ha~ bdor• ua an elee-t'ndan.:<'n hll llf'CW'It)'. f'ndan&en not to lntrrrupt \he work Wt' are tlon. 1 do not know whether It Ia mt•n ktnd evr r')"oi·hen'. Whatewr dolna. the mo-t tmpor{ant election ln the c-lev11h'S mankind anywhere In the 1 bc-11.-vt' that ohjectlvt' can t-t country or not . But It ae,enw to wor ld t•lt'vat.. II aU over the be aerved In the Sfonat~t of tht' me. ln vi-of tht-aul)auon wtllch wor ld. Unltl'd Slalt'l If w• l[t'l a !"'ran exiata 1.1\ the world today and ln Sn, lhra elf.'Ctlon which we llTt' brt-ath of fri"Sh air that WIU Roc· view of our own f'COftOm.lc: altua-approac·hlna hu two aapcocta. Ont' rn wtU brin1 IHI. t think that from tlon at home. that the oorwequen-la International It m&Y afft'Ct our what T have found out In Calltor- cn of thll ele<:tlon m&)' bt OIW ot rl'latwna with other natlona of tht> nla that Ia what ta IOUII to take the moet Important of any we have wor ld. I have-twlee vtalted Europe plat"f' In California thla rlt'Ctlon. he ld ln thll country In a lone time. t inCt' wt• de-feated the Germana. 1 wUJ malct' Will Roc~ the 1 had not Intended to outline my I havt> IN'n 160 of the lar&I"SI •a.rne pledKt' I haw madt' tt.y A4· reuona for aaytna that-but we cilll'S In Europe laid wutt'. 1lle lc lnton. You ~nd him up tMN> u ait In our homes here In America, only thJn& thf.')' havt> done to""•ard , r our llt'nator 11nd I will la y myac;lf we ridt' In our automobUea when rl-t~nstrut'llon Ia to ~lt•ar off the out to thl' r xtf'nt to twlp him male• the da)''l work la over, we turn aldt'walka. I .have k'l'n mllllona of tht' ht'lt Senntur California hu a dial and brlna the mualc ot the PNJllt tTOwded Into biUM'menta and c>Vfl'r had. world to our Uv1na room. We haw Ct'll11ra for piiiN'II to atay. My rlvP mlnutC'I AN' up Thank auch a fl't'llnr of aecurlty and com-I haw romt> back to my own you very much for t hl• wondt-rful fort that we cannot Imagine other country and I thank Alml~hty God p,~~rty and r~tlon. thinp In the world maklnc.• dll-that I llvl' In AnwriCA.and that --- rerf.'nce. no bomb hal hit any city or farm Manila folderl at N.-nm. A at udent ...... lnated the Arch· In the United Statl'll. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ duke of Auatria and hla wU'e. We Tht>re wu A reuon for that. A • •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. v eat Amerln n hact the COW'ale to forf'5N' thla danaer and to lift-ATTENTION! Home Ownera! Do Your Christmas Shopping ,Early and Save Too . . . ~-/PRE.-CHRI~TMAS SAL~ . . · · 1n Our G1ft Department . -tl AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES -tl Gift Glassware Dishe8 • Gluses Vases • Seta Mirrors . Bar Sets Servin&' Trays DART GAMES Arcllery Sets DOLLS Child and Doll Furniture Teddy Bears -Stuffed Animals - Dogs * Cats * Rabbits * Ducks •• WHEEL GOODS Telephone Sets Games of All Kinds Blackboards Jig-Saw PUZZLES Water Color Sets !.Story Books Baseball Bats & Balls Sewing Sets Six-in-One Boat Sets SOUTH COAST COMPANY 2212 We.t Ceatral Avenue Newport Beaeh .. pare U!l for lt. J reft-r to Frankllh D. ROOit'Velt. Wf.' rail('(! the lar~rHt U'1l\)' ln thl' world, unleu It wu the Rua- alana. WI' demobllu-d that army futC'r than any almllu army hal ~n demobllu-d. If you will ex- ll.m ine what Concrf.'tl ha• doM In the hlatory of warfArt', you Will u k hu any ~eovernmenl t'VCr trlf4! to protect the war veteran u we have? We have provided for ~hoollna at thf.' «'llpt'ntf.' of thfo llnllt'd StateS plua $f;O a month for aln&~ nwn or S90 for rnarrlrd tnc'n. There art• 3 ~ million vett'rana xoln1 to achool now. More than 1 ·~ mll· lion are now In college complrtlnK tht'lr education where tht'y ll'fl orr whm war atarted. Wt' have more I'I'\Of'K')' th an ·~t! ever had In the hlltory of thf' Unltro St11t N1. A lot or peoplf.' ar<' not 1!01111: lol volt' brcau.e they nrt• lndlf ft •n •nl. Wht·never tllf')' hrwe not bet•n pr011perow 11nd net-dett fO bt• rf'~I'Uiod propJP hAVI' aJWit.)'l turned In 1 ht• l>f>mocrallc party. 1 am 1111klng you a• 11n AnlC'rl- can, not all n Kl'nturklon or a majority lf'ndt·r, I am ukln~e thAI you ovPrwht•lmlngly .aend to thto CongrNra thla up.o~landln& mnn of Whom J huv1• hf.'ard ao much. Ray Adklmon. H you aend him thert' I wtll tell you this. I, u majority leader, Will do f.'vr rythlng In my power to -thllt hill bllll art' &iwn proJ)f'r oonatdc-ratlon In the U.S.~n11tr. Spl.'akln& for Will Rotrrn , Jr I knew hla father , a creat Ameri- can. I havf.' a df.'t'p affection for IL I D 0 lllat.-0-Wood AWNINGS ud CANOPIES .• -~ ,..-n _, ... .,_ ..u.tiM!Uoa .. , ...... ,,.. .. , ........ u... . . . ()aMalt wtt ...................... . We .... U.. _._ fer ftW7 a-~r Q:iJ! .a=, -q.ail_!l Venetian Hllnda Wood-· Allul • • 8 .... For Free IDit.lmatea OLU: hAn-a:Naaa· AWNING 00. ,..... .. WJr:DHUDAY, ocr. M-~ llt7NT -IOIIJif CAIUIOU. in M-G·M'a "A LETTER FOR EVIE" TIIUUDAY • I"UDAY • IIATV&DAY Oat. It • Nev. I -J Nlctatlr at 1 :61 • t:et • 1-.r ......_-.... .-'" _... ~ J111 Hnn , \ 811r11 IDIIIIIRirf ~ \ VIYIII 811111 n __ ,. Celeste HDIII '\ .l""llnl~P'l!J ¥111-EIIII flllk L1t11111 ·~..& The Sign of a goqd J mens • • lappelllelalr Clol~l~ ..~ • .QW~/ Kuppenhllnwr ._,, .tllftld will mft"eey manufadurtnc ftne ,_ •••••• they ma.luJ ..,.. tt.. elc+M ..... -- throu&h the outatandlnl --In ... community. Whln ,au -U. t. • K~ 111ft tn our *-' ,_ ... know our bullrw. ~ ... our •••II• t1 . . ~ty and .moe . . . baw .._ ._.., • endorwd by Kuppenbebner. W~re tbl .... ol many other ~ bnndl, tao. . JACK PRICE Store for ••• .......... We Don't Lllce It ·Either We reJrer the crowdiniJ and inconvenience you have beta auhjccred to o n our rnnapmtatio n linadurina recent month~. Anticipated delivery u( a l:arae number of new lftotOf •• cuachet o rdered IoniC •Jn hat bcflt delayed time after •'- diK to lah<Jt difficultiet In t~ but lnduecry. The ...,(ac.. ruren n11w ad vi~ rhat ttKre will be (unher dtlay in cklinly due ro w ntinued bbnt' dill'icultk t and rhat it will be IMc ttdt year bcfme new coa' hca arc av:allablc. By r:vu y tncAn' l"'"'hlc wt' arc r:ndcavnrinJ to cab are o( prc\cllt heavy Htlumc uf ru\h·hour·rrncl, but undl ld· duional cqu•pmcnr it avariJhlc ur 1 plan tkviwd to tprnd pnk huur lu;uh. thrrr will he very heavy lu.ading durin1 murnin14 auJ r:vco111g ruth he,~.~:, Your (tlntinucd r•Hlpcratr\4 undrnund108 o( theM t <HaOlltlln' •• ~pprr:ciateJ. • • • Flowers and Shrubs SIIIIPIOII Urps . Newport Scltaol Plans for Four Proposltlolll3 ·Bonds B011Pt New Homes Listed Be · Defe.•ted Four hundred thot.wand dollars ,. In Bldg. Permits --worth of bondl were 1014 by th<' --LOS ANGF:LES. Oc,, 28.-Roy Orang~ county board ot eupervla-Approltlmately $40,700 worth of Mesa Man Crash Victim · J-.U. OOA8T BIGIIWAY-OOBONA DEL liAR Cllr-~-.&. ........... ,.. ................... lau-.1 SlmJ»>ff, a tall' auperlntfttdent ol on, alon& with a $50,000 IMue of I buildln& pennlta wet'e IMued by Rather than take a IHt on a pubhc uutrUCtlon. vlaitlna here to-tu-antlclpatlon notes. Olief Bulldlnr llwpector A. M. Naval tranaport plane fiU'Il a day, u pr('lls.ed grave oonc:ern that Southern County ban1c o1 Ana· Nelson of the Newport Beach dty lower•rat~. crippiH aerviceman Propoaitlon 13 on the November helm bought $250,000 of the 111150,· building otrlce from lut Wednes-ft Pensacoa., Fla.: Chief Phanna- gen4'rttl elrction ballot mllht be 000 worth of bonds from Garden day to Monday. clat Matt' Roy Jacksot'l Woody, ~. enactfd Into law by enthustut.ic Grov<> Union JJI&h achool cU.tric:t, Included wert' pennlta caJUna for lOa ot Mr. and Mn. Alby Woody votert confu.Jnc it with Propc»l· bidding 2 per cent and olfertq homl' constructions valued at $32,-of eo.ta Mesa,~~~~~ to awalt, a l_!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lion 3. premium of $2647.50. Net 0011 500: mlacellaneous home add.IU~ later pl&M, whilti carried hlm to comACTORS' .. . · IEITAL EQUIPMEIT Jaeger Compreaors O:met Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment HI' urged a "NO" vote on Propo-to tht' district for the 18-~ar' and alterations of $660 and 1ar· hla death In a namlnr craah a day slllon 13, and a "YES" vote on borTowlna will~ 544.512.50. 'J'hftoe I age constructions totallna $1600. later at Corpus Chrlatl, Texu, ac- 3. were four other blddl'rs, the hi&h· Home conatruet.lon plana were cording to word received by hl.a ''Thto two m~uu,_ are dlamet· est IIeure calllnc for $52170 In filed by the foUowlna penona: parenta here. rically oppo11NI to each other ," Interest. ' 1 John L. Murphy of Alhambra, Woody wu en route to a new Simpson sa id . "Prosx-ltion 13. If Nrwpor t Beac;h Elementary 1 who will erect a one-story duplex uairnment In California, havlnl it l:w<:omes .law, wm ,Teduet' state School diltrlct's laaue of $1!10,000 I dwelling at 612-14 Jumlne atnet, left Norfolk, Va., in a Navy plane. appropriations to local school dla· In bonds wu aold to Weeden It Corona lk-1 Mar. to coat $11~. Upon reac:hlnt Penaacola, he wu trlctJ Thla will throw an added Co. for 2% peor cent Inter-eat and c. D. Bennett of Glenclale, wtlo tol~ that he had priority 101' a atraan on local tupayers, while pr~mlurn of $77, makin1 total In· wall t>r~t a two-atory frame an4 seat on another plane over a leeler a t thl' &IIJTle time intenalfyinr th~ t£•r est charge $37,048. ThJ'H other a two-atory duplex with double rankJ01 serviceman . He retuaed pri'Sf'nt crilla In our IChoola. bidden aubrnltted flcures. ~~ garage at 3603 Finlay avenue, to take advantqe of his priority ''Pro~iUon 3, on the other tnternt c:harce would be 140,· Canal section, Newport, to 0011 ~use the aallor wu crlppl~. hand. will I~T~ue alate aupport 444.:50. $10.000. Woody chose to take a later plane ot the achoola, thus ht>lplng to rt!-Fullerton District Junior col-I K. G. Graham of South Ppa-wt'llch aublequently wu forced to llevl' I h•· present crlaia and to lege bo.rTOW~ 15(),000 .In tu an·~ dena, who will conatruct a ~ land at CorJ)UI Christl to repair tid patlon warrants from J"'roat house at 110 Sonora street and a blown tires of the undercarrlqe. National bank of Oranee. tot OM $4500 house at 110~ Sonora street. Whlle laylnc over there, Woody per cent Interest. Bank ot Am· I seashore colony, Newport Beach. wrote a letter to hla wife teUlnr ~rica uked 1.30 peor ~nt ln~t.l Miscellaneous construct.lon plana of hla traveling delays. Accordlnc wrre iasued to: to reporta, the Naval tranapoc"t ovt'rcome a aerloua teacher lhon-Louis Verwey of 421 Hardlnc caught fire soon after taking off I MEREDITH'S Ve-netian Bli'nd Co. Now Open ... .....,.. ol o.toaa Bait llllldl Complete Repair and Renovatiq Serriee Free Eldmates aee In the state." strf'('t, Balboa, who will conatruct from the a.irfield, and fell nam1nc Slmpeon polnt~ out that Propo-a foundation u well u treatment Into the bay. It wu not de-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ aitlon 3 haa won universal accept· for t<>rm.ite at hla addreu to coat termlned whe.ther he met death In-an~ by the voting pubUc u a $11100. atantly In the cru h or dl~ later · Dutch Heacock !'II .... : &.bar 102 orB~ 5508-W 11'1a .... ...._.&a Awe. -o.ta .._. "Bett<>r Schoola M~uure," and E. B. Chase of 1040 West C.n-In the hoepltal. that it hu the aupport ot hun-tral av<>nue, who will mak~ a two-In addition to his parents here cfrtodl of sta te-wide organlzaUona. ~lory addition to and install a kit-he Ia aurvlved by hla widow, M.rs. Public t'nthuaiaam for Propof\· rhe•n to hla preaent dwelling at a Marjorl~ Woody, and two children, tlon 3, h~ said, might sweep alorag cost of $1 500. Roy Jr., and William of Virginia: with it a well-inlt'ntloned but fatal Frank M. Malone of 248 16th two sisters, Betty L. Woody of maJority for Pro~ltion 13. strl'l'l, C011 ta Mesa, who will erect Costa Mesa a nd Mrs. Velma Ehle "Propo~~itlon 13," Simpaon a.uert· a quons<'l hut at 413 30th atr~t. of ~ew York, and a brother, Ray ed. "would be extreme ly unlucky N,•wport Reach, costing $1000. of Santa Ana. for California achoola." G•·ner11l Petrol<>um company of Mr. and Mrs. Woody returned Los An~l'lf'S, which will construct Sunday from Norfolk, Va. ~er~ 9 wood and stucco restroom build-tht' young officer was buried with All klnda typewrlt~r rlbbonl t. ina.: a t !'..00 Edg~wat<'r plact', Balboa full m ilitary honors. Mrs. Woody stock at the News-Ttrnee. ha)side. 10 cost $ROO. is cashier at The Arches cafe, and Announein1 the New Vibrapae Building Units .&u. 8IZDI lllJILDINO UNI'I'8 Brtek lllld C.., a Ill ...,_ Now Ia Prochdloa 1.-lr fer 8Ap -Newport .........,.. Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. U. Newpoli Aft. CoMa.._ ._,_;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C'. S. Rumu~JWn of 1005 lkacon word of her aon's deat h r~ached 41 stre<·l. Newpor1 lleights, connf!'tt· her on hia birthday. ..---------------------.... -.. .. f BLOT o ·FF OUR STATE! ~ WOMEN ••. I • .. ,... -.....-tw-lle cWinquency ICIII' JHIS AlGa bur I - YETERA.NS ••• DOH'f.IOOUD lty the roclr....,_ who ... ,.., ....... ,., ........... v ....... ..... • e!"-P-,.......,. wll ... mlllioMI lEN· ... .. Lirt-.l_.._tsel.., von NO .. #21 - ...... 1110• II II OPPOIID aYa ......._ ....,._, ....,_ _, ~~ ......._ ..,_ ef ..... -II tAMftftl1 ~ .... .._ .......... , c.r,..,.. ......... _..a., c.--. .... a-.. .. c-., I .............. , ... , , ... , 0 •• a.. .... ......._, .__ ._......., ..................... ... .............. ~.~a...... .. c-.. I ............................................. -...a..... .. ..._.., ... _... ..... ., ........................ Ia ......................... ., o.llr. e'· a ......... ., ....... ,......_..... ,..._~_,PI 0 = LA. I. ..... .aft ................ ., ......... , .......... a..... .. c-., ·- .0 II, l _l '1 .C.t=M-M I II I~ ...... .,.. ......... -.._ .... ~ .. Inc hill pr('l!Cnt dwelling and gar- 81:1' 11nrl Installing a kitchen, $500. 11 N.-lson o( 409 l d11 ovenue. \nronn dl.'l Mar. plans the addl- thm to his prl'llent building to I'IIS I $!'1()0. 1 I Ernt•s t Strong of 3701 Coast lxmlt•vre rd. Newport Bea ch, plans an addi 1 aon of a bHy window to h•~ prl'!'f'nt dwl'lllng, the cost to WORTHINGTON I 1)(,' $300. G11rngi'S will lx' erected hy Eric Lllntlwrt nf Loe Angeles at 6001 ()(~·ten Front, Seashore colony, N»tan~ ~. and C. W. Masters of 4 11 frill avt'nU(', Corona del !liar. who v.111 add 11 partition to his present garag<' for a shower and laundry room to cost $800. I Aeautlful Nt:'w Nt:'lgh~: "Little 1 boy, I n<'ed a loaf of brl'ad from the store, Do you think you could go for m<'!" Kid: "No, but 1 t)r;erd my old man sa y he could." roa INSuaANCE sa: Howard W. Gerriab • 1-Newport BotlleYut Q081'A II0:8A ..... IIMcoD 5JIJl Automobile • Fire Accident • Life U~ and Contract Bonds Written -,., , ....... ~ Refrigeration P111:0N AIOIONIA I toa .. It toa Air Conditionina ...... It toa Pressure Pumps cenbifugaiPumpe 'or AU ..._.,_ ... AU IJitalda .. 81oc* Call .... m s. Loe Aace~e. st., .\aabelm Pboae '1!5 1 "For Jlmml• •ni -,, Vote · .,, • ., 'on3'' Proposition 3 wtll relieve the teacher famine in Calif- ? fornia by guaranteeing public school teachers a minimum Alary of $2400 a year. Local taus UJi/1 not b~ incr~auJ by litis m~asuu. Stair funds ar~ availabl~ for this purpou. Two hundred California organi~tions, including the following, urge Yfli'IO \'ote "YES'' on 3-Republican and Dcmoc.ratic Parties, American Legion, Veterans of F"or- dgn Wars, Disabled American Veterans, AFL, CIO, Native Daughters and Native Sons, and P-l'A. A,J "m~mbn--wltN~ yo11 110/e "Yd' 01J J, N ~to flo« "No" o" '1, whiclt wo.JJ ft~rllt" r~J.a ~Inti iNtJ~qiUk 1dool IIP/"'OpNahOtJI. ,,,. "Rr ,, J/ (OeMNI I'"""' Tu.Mq, N~ I) CIUFOIIIA COUICIL OF EDUCATIOI . • 'fOIMI ..... IM4 IUMCIICID .. Stewart -Warn.er nts Panel Available Chrome Now •• Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN • UNC& 4 '.''I 1000 8oMt Bhray •Phoae Beaeoa Mm Ali~~ ...... P'r'ud8co-\\1lllll.qtila-8toclrtoa-8u ~ " ELECTRICIANS C-().Two Jl1re EquJpmeat for FAOI'O&Y, PLANT, STORE, OI'TICI:, FAIUI, BOlO: tf VOTE FOR VeteraDs Bo11es Provides $100,000,000 In S.lf-llqui· I·.: doting londs for Continued low-Cost financing of Homes and Farms for Veter- ans. Similar Bond Issues Approved by the People in Five Previous Elections During the Past 25 Years. "Will Net CMt tlte raxpoyers a lecf Ce11t" VOTE "YES" PIOPOSmOIIO. I CIINIIA&. B.ICTION -NOVIMia I ,_..,.....,. ottuaau•"' v.....-..._..,. ,.,_ ~ ..... ~ -------------------- .. BOOJa:a&PlNq SDVI'C'I: Colla r . Btowa (Bubar 1 ... ) IU lllanoa A.,.. AOOOUNTANTII A. C. BOrnuN AOCOUAtaat ... ~ '!WI a.mca ... ~ta a.... nl Newport Beadl 8.N.~ • ~bile Accowalaat ~oUNT.urn ~.WOA~~ Tu c-.Jtaat ,._ 0 . Pleroa tm N-.-t BI-rd. 0.... .._ PboM a-ta..a.J ADI'Oaft KEWPORT B4 T IKT KUtBOil 0.. ..n. .... of oa.ta ....... lltb .... ,.. oa.ta .._ -rt.T- ... tNc:tloa -lll.lee ~ a.mca &l'ft'IQUI:II BOB '1f I>IC& AaU~ Boqht ud ~ l'onlel&lu. Ola.M. su~ .... '-pe..,. ~lture ... \It Y . Otatral ll&lt>or 2710 )l.wport ..., APA&TJIIENU MRS. .UU.IN8 &. JA8PEJL Cot...-, .t..,._..ta ea ~ .. ,. .... ,.., ....... 'Newport Jleaeh, Clallf. AP A.JrriiEN'I'8 DENI:'S BUNGALOW COURT KJt<:bn llqui,.,..S AUTO DEALJ'.IUI JOIC NlCURTZ · StudeMker Bal• u4 a.mce O.ul-PerU aad .t.~rtae Come Ia and tall 118 ,our: .t.utomobtle 'l'r'oublea NU W. C..tral ...... Newpt. Beadl- AUTO REI'AlR a 8DVIOE C.t.RR.ICLL'S O.t.RAOII BodJ' and Ftt~der Wottt -4WID PaiDtiDI -Mntor Oftrtuwllq - TuM·UP and General Ra9Urtaa - WbMia ....... -w Central An .. Newp't Beac:b . PboDa flart>ot' 141-.J Their Pledge u Your Aaaurailce of Trustworthy Service and ,Merclaandiae A~ 8UPPLID . 1 HIIWPORT • Lt.LBOA AUTO 8UPPLY BdlwiAa Blcyc:l .. OM* w. CoU.Ie u• w. o-tra1 ,..._ nu N...-pert IIMdl. Callr .. OOlftSAOI'OII OOa80N • BAT 00. a-...1~ •--.--.....rwv..._ -~ \':i._ .,.!'3-Mft.a UTI' 8ALON8 CILUlLO'I"'1'U IUIAUTT U OP lAM ou ~~ wa.-a lpac:lalty Q 8tale Htpwq c.-4a1 Mar ftoM JIUt)or lUI arm-m.a BlCYCL&a lold. ....... Off a.palracl VOOIIL 'I 100 Mala ... llalboa -llartM llalboa 1Mia4 OOillftAOI'OU, .... a o.'l ORaHLaAr A WOU..IIW e-.1~ I -w. O.tral A ..... or.&. 1Rar .• '70 N-.ort ·llallilo&. Oalllenlla OO!ftii.&OTOU, BNr· a 0.1 W. P. III:LU.IIY O.oara.l Coatractor ., Newport Bl~d. ..._ ... eo.ta .. _ 'I atJILDDS a IID',AD8 OOlftaAcre>llll. ..... a ._, a.ru .. Boat WOitll CONRAD aBOOK .all ~ota::::..BuUd-C!Dftt~ e 8Wkler ... tJ.. ud Motor Waft Sub aad Doon ..... tAl Or4w m -..c.. ·-........ eu eo..t Hilla•.. · a-... RartMw ... , • IAJILDED YORK BOA'I' 00. N,_ Wl41aa a OOIIIIP.... U.. fill eiAicJt and c:u8\olll en&'-" ud com-mercial boa1a 21' tAl •·. Ha.rt>or Bl". u4 wu.oa 8tiMt eo.u .. _ --1M2 ... IIOA'I IWA' w:M .:>UOLA8 BOAT 6 CAN08 CO. "-ufacturere aad Dl.trlbutoft ot IJtttta. Paddle ~-Yacht Tftldere .,_. W. Central A~e. Pb. H•. 11M P'e..,ort Beadl. Calif. am..aau CONTRACTOR'S IIUCNT.t.L ~. SYWYthlnc In lladll.Mry W tbe Butldl ... CHtraelor ~lldlna aad CabiMt a.mo. DUTCJI HII.AOOCIC Pb. lla~ 1103 or a--~W l1tb 6 Sa.ota Alia A.-. .. Ooeta .._ cABUfn ••01' 00~)1 B. rrNDLAY CA'blNaT SHOP ~lladec.lll ..... tot ten ... llal'bcW ..... , ,..~~ CIIILDRP'8 .WAUL THE laOBBT 8HOP Wot. a~~a Sallr Bro1ra 111 •. C..tnl ...... ..,__ But><W t\111-W 4 JR. J4<2 6 JILL • Cbll,,. ... , ..,. lnfut'• Clothl .. Up to I IIDr Bo7tl ud •• ror Olrla 1181 ~ Neypof\ Bhd. eo.ta .._ CIIIBOPRACT08 DR. P. A CHAIIBltRLAIN Palmer-caner Tec.balque -l':lectrotherai'J'- HOMI': CALLS IN HARBOR ARIC.A 1N4 Newport Bl~d Coeta M-Bearnn Mil CRIROPaAOTOa DR. EMIL 1'. BELl •. D. C .. Ph. C. Glaad oW:~~. 1:n4 r-ale PJ'OIItrate Trouble Outro-lntMCinal Co11dltlona • • Hlah Blnod ~ra rr.. CnnJNitauona Phone ror .t.wt. 10'7 22nd St. "Rerbor UN O'LEAN'D8 THI: LTDO CL&ANZlUI Albert Matthew•. o-.r- Tou~ty~u"f ~::'1our ,.,liNt aar.nu -Dell~@,.,. l!lttr"''''ee- •M Newport Bl". Beaeoll ~J OOJfft&CI'Oila, ... -. a G•, l80UTU OOAaT OONSl'. 00. ladllltrlal 6 o-r.& ODMINCUe VeiMU llouadq WALTIIR B. I(JILLOTT aa 01ut Bl". Ranat "' OoniM ... .., OOlft'IIAOI'O ..... AINTDIG La: C. BL\.N Palnll,.. Coatracto,. h . Harbor *I 100 u ... 1 Drift Corona 4al liar. Oaltr. oo~cro...._.&DITDfe R. 8 . IIC'DONALD Patnunr-~~IW ~~a: fr=Md Olfll: Gt 01& c-a~~if.:--IDif •• OO'!'IfTRA~IA8TJ:aOfO l..._r1~~=-~· ~~~or ID the H&,..._. A,_ fur 22 y.,. Saata Arta -o.a.11 Bea.eoa '1110-J 100 lltw'-c-del liar. 6.111. Daft 1ft l(.'r.llfTO~ ~JIPaiiLL aiiiR.ION lltl COM& .._ .. ,. 8.Mtlcw .., Coroaa clel .... _________________ _____J oauo 8'1'011D HAMPTON'I JIAR.all DRUO Corona del liar. Oalit-le IUC' nt.LrMKR'I lft':WPORT B&ACR PHARMACY LONNIE VTNCICNT'I'I BAI..BOA PIUIUIUCY 71& E. Central • TelepboM l • 'LEO'I'BIOAL 01&8. a -Y. BAY ICLICr'IUC Rewlndlna and Rebulldlna llotorw A O.IM!f'atorw llotore aad Geae,.tore ror Sale 2811 W. Central .t.•e .. Bar. 1781-W F18R BAY 8101': !rTIIH MARKET Dati y Dell,.,.,. or "'-" P'llllh Shell ,.,,h A Sea J'oood 8peclaltlee VQh ~-A Uol~yete. N.,..-pnn BMcb Harbor 115 rtJllfi:IUL DIIIUJ'I'OR B.AIIn MORTUARY Chapel bJ' tM ~ ""'... t.be ,JI&rt)or Ana IA4J' Att.deM al c-... liar c..-.., Mar Jlartlw a NIIIIDLM "'RNITUlUI r\araltwe ot ~~~,. A .,._J' .._ J'lam~au..a DOl Ne~ •"· 0.... a..p ......... GAUGE a M.aDXK ....,. l V r:ao·a GAAAOII Coonpleta Auto A lloa1 11..-lrtac --TDAOO PRODUC'11l -Wel41q- t401 W. Ceatral lla111or 11'4-W Ne~ BMclil ~ .urn ll.uuu:l"8 NEWPORT PUBLIC JIIAJ\0'1'> ....... FY\11'-V~Iea Qutn,. O~en.. ud 11-a. C. r. LOY. Prop. ,_ttl 2111 Oceea ...... Ne.-,..t BMdl ~IU AND IIAAIIW'ftl TIDI W4VIC8 OROCIIRT 0,.. lllndaJ'--ao.cl Tbi&I'84U f LIB, 10 1 p .a. Complete Line or O~riee Pluty of 8Mr -.oG Cout Hwy. -•am....., .OTJ:UI ls.t,AJfD aoou AND AP.utTIIICHT8 •· c .... o..-Nub 1.11 Acate ~ 'lU-.llalboa ... kO'I'IWI 1 PALI8.t.D1:8 DOTIIL Roofl\8 and A u A Btenlc VIew Onr~ltlq If.,.,_ 6 Ocean. 01Mn All Tear Loeated a t w-..,., 81114 ol Saa.WW An.. eotona del Mar Harbor 1461 ()OIIPAWJU BAY YmW ICS 00. Cubee -lllocb ena.IM!tlce 1712 N-.-t 81~4. ....,_ 1171 Coate •• MJMWCJ& lB4RRY I'R&DdiCit DUIVLtNCII Protect that Wnrta ... With l_,..,oce Ull Cout Bl•d . Harbor l:MT·I Ccwona del Mar llf8VUXCJ& RABt1N IN8VRANCZ AGENCY _.,_ Auto-lfann-Ltabllltr Compen•tto-aon.s. I Til NewiiOrl Blvd. B•coe U66-J. ~ 11-. Caltr. nrnaroa DJ:COaA'IOM l J .t.SI'P:R VAl.l'! Interior Deal r u ... lture ~1..-tlnn • ~lfttf!niUII'• Venetl~ 811114--*lelerl Wallpapen Cl.altom Made OreJif'rl<l• Tailor..<! Sllp.CioY@N MO VIa ()p(lrtO Harbor :a41& Newport BMch. Celli. )E;I:Lg -J ft. 1!:. ARVIN Dllurv>nd•, Watrtlf'e Jewelry £apart Wah h A JtwelrJ' R•p<ofrlnll Ill J2ftd Rt N'n •l>'lrl RMcll _____ .... ,., .. , 2U7 J _../ LUIIBF.Il .. 'AltO ANI) HARRINGTON 1.\JMBIIR 00. Luo .. .,_.r A BYII41.. lleteriala f\uot rl<·t Yard Pb. --.on ltll <'•-• lltahway, At OM A~~ OOiliNO UCilVI<Ja C. R. STArr Moor1n•• lutalled all4 •.,..a,.. Bolly• Palated and Latter.cl. a-INI or~,._. J'or ,.,._pt llen1ee •ot'nro • nouo• 84LB04 TILUfU'8Jl 00. ...u .... ~tJ ............. I'IO.t. T llfOn"O ...... ,.. JI41,.1CA NURURT II(SOOL aJt ~~an ... .t.n. u.,._,r , .... P. 0 . -.,. ... llalboa blaa<l OI"JJIRftlllml 1 .,_ 8luunlned-GI..... ~racl ERNUT T. BUTrtRWORTJI, 0 . 11. G Optm-1 r1.t ftl. W. O.tral Newpott a.e. Harbor ll611 ':::::MO:::=:aR1 ......._ 6 Wate,.._n .. CAl.L B&AOON 67~ .., 1"000 • IC1PPLIU 1 DOOOICR I:LII Do ""le t.oo went (IB a neMioa auf liM P..t r .. ,,.,. .• 114111 at liM ..,..4 lflcellon On IIAibna h land. 11P"·thlrt-.AJral• Ht l"t!4!1. Wa'll P"••lde your pool with • .._ted ..-t. PIIOTOORAPIIF.RH t QNT l lm:JJI"''('K z.tebll•hf'd at N•wp<ol"' llt.riJOr Ita• Muter Marin• PhlltuiCraph<or '""' W•ot'o rtn""' lltudln uf Martn~ ant1 o,mn,,.r,.lal l'h••tocn~phr T•l•plll>ne • Harl)f)r 2C7 ------ Q·RIO KHOI'PE Watrhu RtH IInl 811 Yer or All· Indo l ""()T()(lRAPIIERS --l P IIOTOORAPIIItR IIIli l ' JliMfARD IIEJI:I,Y Tll .. lnru .. l'"nraUurft 306 llaln Harbor 22tl Jlarl•tr 4~11 Balbo<o lOI l!lariM A•• Rall.IOOI We) ------------_..../ ----- Pln'II"CIANI'I .t IIIU&OI:ON8 .t.. V . .t.Nt>RZWII, II. D. •u C~JUt 1 ,..,. ... ,. Rartoor ... Corona del M..- "lllllt Calla --Harbor....., .. II\'81('1AN;-.t. flltTROEONII l JOUN K. C. C'lt UNO. II. D. • l'h.J'eiC!laa ............. . t-4. 7-l :ao .... .,,. AJ!IIUI"'-t ....., ... lOTI ao a 1at11 111. O:J«a 11-. ouar. PHl'aWIAn A 111VaGEO!f8 A. 0 . U\IOHU. II. D. 1111 "-.art a l.-4. ...._ - RMideace ..._ 1m Oolite M- Da. W. T. MOOHWT X lt.ay lanlee Nlalll u4 O.tft.l N..,_-t llekh, ~1 .. CaU Rar •• PIIYAICIAD a 1111110 .... l. Ollft.t.I.O RAUM. a 1>. _, W. O.tral 4..._ N._.. 8*. ...._. U......lOJI ---- .uro nAnn:a l ~;· ~-r::c:::_, lUI o-.n rroet ~ IM6-W "e'llrport Bead~ ---------_____ .,; POIJLftiY l'ltODI10'1'11 l TWr:.~:ul:~:.:~ JOIO W. Central AM .. NeW)IM actl. PbotM Jtartoor u• 10 IIUU A iDYIOII l lm-"'tal• O.ll••ry oa Mart"" Radlo,tei"J)bo- and Ree.t~.,. J . K . BROWN C'OIIP.t..NT, ... ~ ...... l ilt Cout •••• ., AL IC8TAft N. II, t.&Jf8 aa.t.14'0a f~ .r:=."~_.T,':Q ~«;..o.:r'ettr we~ -a.... ..... ...,__ .. J, M, MII.LU "a.t.Lt'Oil IOiaA'I'IOJf ~ o..a.lle 0 I I IMI ...wl'OM'-~~ ,__ ••• -.. ~pen~ cwu: AU&AJif'ft a ~ Bl.W IWOII Qllaleoel ~ ......... "JtUN" •WILWt'iiU at t.llla 0.,... -Pal• ..... -.....,__ .. A UIUJIIITIJ a CAI'Wa ICJN<Ja LANDINO 6 CAn ~ ........... all liD ... ot ... J'ood Ill··~,..,....:.--- NIIWI'ORT CAn .....,...._ ta ,_.1, TraM. Ooo4 Old n-o..aw.. 110 ~~~-Pl. ~ ..... NORTO"'· BAT •noRB C'.AI'W 11\ll M .... Cout H.,. .... 1N1 aAOIO ll.u.&ll A llal\11()1: N•_....rt ._..,_ CaJUorate 8.0 II. llADIO I&LIIC'MUC .uro ,..._.:':!!~~R: =~-UnAfl&U'III c-.p...._ ,. · WliLOOIIII CAI'W • llartne A,.. ......_ ftO lfi!'N' C'.onUd Mal 6 HOflllll liMe Balboa lalaiMI PI--The Belli In the Coua lry hlftiiJ' ....., CJy Of'oope RADIO ,._V~Uillll~· -.<1 INewpn?-.!'~:\-Baa. at1at-ll IIARfHB llA.DIO IIDVIClC --- A. II lhiRTtl • Technlrtaa AI18AWY a c;A,. Radio llonllnr1na ~~-~ l ~~1'11'7 r....,.lto a C'allh,.llmw IJanqiiiiC Two-Wey r ail RA41'l """'"" WIIITW'IJ I'AR.IC AY. rAn n• B .16111 Ill ,.. • .,~ 1101-W C:<IMa M••• RltOm Aftllelt&. __ ,_._ -( DIO II.U1.14 A 14F.RVIC111i TR.ONART In<: Radlf YJ..,.trnnlr• 11-)urul HAl"• anti Jlfor•t,. Mar1rwo """ '""""•llr Ph II. I~,,M 21tr11 W r'•ntnol Newpnrt llf'arh, l'attr ,- ar..tr. F.IIIT.tTE P. 'l. BAI.A'I'fJN nJ:AI,'t'fllt ~ Ar"' 2 llf>UeM II~ ,., ~ .t.rr-I JI'>U- r. Ar'i::v;:~ . ..!th<l. tti rm ""n•l l'l•l•l•o lA ~If) 24M N"•,t;.r~ .. ~~~1iil ';;;"• ~~- ... r-UAL &IITATI: _/ ORAifAW ANO J()lf,..MN RIIAI.TT AN'[) INVII:f!TifJ:NT r.o. "4 Ac:r. • RMm Hwae O.•rloolllall OceM I t50 ... Acft ........ _ ..._ rll,..llllad •. _ 111.1100 t ~,.. I ft.oota ,._ 0.600 ... N~ Bl"-....,_ lf,N-W llarl••r .. ·:· balbon tel• IIAND A 08Avr.L lltnre l'h'l.,. ll•l'bor Ill ll.<oo l~o<eN~n 6117 •or un.w U W Mr"f ... ICI,I..AN a II()Nfl 'f.~; ltW.ft ·J~:;:ttna., ~~~~.! J"lll Mot•r1al ~ ... k flMinl 1 1617 l'elllral A•• .. ,..wpo.rt 11-.e.ll f'AI.AIJINI ~A P'f"ll• C.:O. I:A 1111 Y P'IIUfii:R • Wh<•l-1" Flllh lflth a Lera,...ll• 1 l'tl "er MG N•wvnr'l a-h. Calli . , HF.&VJ()E IIITATIO!f8 ALL&N 6 .,._IHO Aul9 ~r-ear w..-, A Poll• n,__a.n.n-~.""lea 100 w CeetNJ ...... ..... ...,__.1m IIDVIOII ft'A'I'IOJ'Ifll ~ ., ..... Olalral ." ...... - .. AI. Ollff-.L __., -.rAL wa. ~--.., :'L."'a..r' •• ~.. ....... ....... ·-,.~.~ .._......., ... ..........._ =•• a ,. .. ....... .....__ ... ,... ......,,,. 14WTa---::=..::-:.=n: ....... c.. ..... - N'lrWPO"T 'I'ACIE:Ul -....... .. ...,.,.._ ..... _ ..... ~ ..... .,.'f •• ' AJU -YJCJa II4LIIO.\ ~ ., .... ---.·u....,... ...... · ... .................... ..... or~"'--.... • ...... ........ "••"""VwT• ~ ........ Ia ,.. '!'NAhrara ~Cout ....... ., WIIUIU<G LJnw AJn)T ..,.. A. T. IOIDfiOW ............... ~'&.~.·~ ..... ......... .,.. w•w•ftMWI ..--.. ~ Orma: --·~"'-Oc _.._ -----~~-~ ._....,, ·t-!!, .... NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PBON1C8• BAaBO& lJ _. 1) Pt"' fEftrr~_.~An.-.. v.a-mvua ~ ,.._ lllMttao. ~ ~ We4r c·,. 141 \'ol-U Subecrtptlon Pllfable In A~:--$2:~ per year ~ Ora.nte County I $2.75 per yMr to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8t.h ZOfK' Dlterfll tu1 S«-ond-Ciass mauer-at the Poetotrice In N~:wpor\ S.ch. CabfomJa. under the Act ol Mardi S. 1879 SAM D. PORTER F . G. FROST W. F. DIXON Println& Plant. lOll w. Publ!Jihf'r Editor Advl"rt i.!lln" M llna~ r Central Aven~. N•wport &ach, C&lllom ua Active Member of "Better Schools" Measure Proposition 3, whic-h increaS('S the m inimum salary of Califomia pubUc school tea\'hers to $2400 ye-a rly is the only IIOUnd proposal yet advanced 1o halt the al;•nning drain or teachers from schoolrooms and teaching talent from teacher- tralnlng schools. The very qualincations of intelligent'\.' anrt £-duc·ation that teachers must have qualifies them for vocations in private Industrial c•mployment that are far more lucrati\'e than teach- Ing. That ll; the simple ~ason why our schools are so woe- tully understaffro. Tcac.hers are quitting to take better jobl.--and will continue to do so unless granted at least the moctest guarantee of a living competence. Both the Republican and Democratic parties---and more than 2000 organizations In every responsible civic, husines.-.. fraternal, labor. and veteran category-have giv<•n l'mposi- Uon 3 unqualltled endorsement. By an odd quirk of political drcum.o;tanre, the ballot ul~ lncJudes a school proi)081tion-No. 1:\-which vktually nulli- ties the progressive educ-ational saf('gUards of Propot;;itinn :t We earnestly I'l"C01111Tlcnd, for bt'tter schools in California, a yea vote on Propo&ltion :l, coupled with a no vote on Pt'<>l"~ .. t.Jan 13. Among other newspapers which also agrt!e on thl' ml'lits ot Propoaltlon No. :l are, the Los Angeles Daily News nnrl ttw Oakland Tribune. Their comments follow: e I RISE TO REMARK··- IIOJII. oWIIN PJUU.W8 LETTERS TO THE NEWS-TIMES \\'lwu '··~· \\ .~r'k'll lf'llo•r a~ )"'""''' In 1" 1111 I nnltN•cl th11t :c The F;rlclnr ~hill I I"" oll!r •l•h flood '"'''n I•• It llU I :"/o•wp .. rl RaliM"t "''~'S·Tim • 1 • ol<l tit,, ''"' mt•ln)nU•nt wa:< :'\•'"l••rl ll•·•ll'lt. C!lllfornla ottollntl "'' :1 1111lhnn lo~;llrt', \4hie·h lk11r Str· c• h'"''" "'"'t .,.,. h""'' 11ny 11m... 'l'hr \\'est Cll.Wi t Chapter "' tl11· 1 /l.ul w t• "''' ol I•• ~II)' .. 1~<· thnt lht-. Amphclu;cn F m:tn••••r A8snr .• 11,11 Ill' !till " ,., '" nl l'lnfllll)'nll·nt ur '''"'''""'"" nf ltornwr ml'mh··r~ .. , ""'''' ~~· lltollt••ll•. th•• ft~Ut•• '"-'' th•• s" cl\1 Fn~;tn .. •·r S pt•clnl H t o "' ···•m•· ,,, "'" o·lnoctlc•••t thlnko•c s: ~;adt>> that wr·r·· a ctlvatt•d st nrl ,,,.,.,,. ,, h"'' tlttollt;h'" aro· to:•·cwral· "' 1\ ··•I rlurln~o: \\'orld War II . lh " Ill ''"' I ,, till I• \\II ""'ll ""' h• lp ro·qlll'"''"l: t ho• Ill' if! or YOU! I"'' "' ·"" l.t\\ f>IIK,•·<I toy t'nn~r.·ss po;hlti'all••n ''' l•••·:ctr• •·x·"AmJ• t1 l••' ''"' ,,,. rnwdc rltlut•~1 Jt•h·mak•n!i "h" h•n•• 11111 ltt•t•n rea • '" tl '""' •en• n111 yo•l nt~<•ralr\•·~ the~ thr•mdt nurrn1cl ntnlllng ch u tHc• , 11 '"''" "'"' .eft•'"'' nnd l"''lfll~ 1:11 I t """'" '"' tlo·I•IY uppr~cilll• •I tl '" ""'I, t•l flu• o·lo.lo•nt of thf' I I~· yfollr puhlic·,,fl<•n wmllrl run " ttJ.oll '", ... 1 Ill' '" llw nnf' It will I•·· fitury r•·(Jtlt'SI 1111: :ell furm£'r .,, . .,,. 'I""' \\ .. ~ltl n~t on lt••lp tu ro•:11 It lu·n• ·•I :tn) nf lht· ti Ent.:tne«'r ·"'I• • 1 ri'(f' '" r .. m11r k that 11 is~"""'· 11<1 Br11.:adl'~ "lru lrvc on lht' \\'• '' tlollt~ 1" tltcrtl< lllt<rlll Th"r" is Coa~t ;,nrl elo·s•ro• In ht'<'Omf' t•lt•ttt '-loll "" ~ut'''''"'"· tn laws mn<l£' h• r~ "' our \\'t••t ('onst Ch opt• t', "' '"·"htnc tc•n n11r tn S tu·ram•·ntro, nmJ "'"" uls'o wish lr• llttl'nfl • '" t .. r ,,,,. "II r•lc:cno···. r .. r lh•· tnl/1·1 no•lo.l m•·· Iento: nn 14 no•l'('mi)Pr l!llti lo\•' nn1t l••r tht• tnhl'rt·nt st r.·n~th, •:• nollf)' l ~t l.ti'Uif•nant J,.., Jilt .,1r, htu ,.1.,, 1 "'"' 111 Arnr•ru·a F. Ro) lc•, IINutquartrra. S. <'utltl Tit•• l)f'l'lpll' arr thtnktnt.: uhnut t-:n~inr"r • r•·ri:tl Bri~nde, F oort tho"' thtnL:~ I rnn tc•"l ttf)' to that llrcl (' oltfol"' t 11 '" 1:1~1c1 to ~I' I nrnunrl 11g11in sntJ I ThiS wtll ,n,tWt us lo adequ.ll• I) ""'' 1 \\tlh )'1111 I lHI"' talko•d lu tnform all furrn• r i\rmy "\ 11 '"" oncl )Oil In mf', unci \\t' h11VI' phcl"'"· \\hn ''11 l1t nm\ h!tV«' '" • n :, I I aak•-d qu••'llrlln!t I nvllJ'ihly, un:cwror•· nf "'"" '''~"""'t ion Thl' ~tlwctu•n ,, 111\CII\C•~ ruon\ "'"~~' nr th•• tJlh Sitotn~ lollt'h un • I In ho·h:dt .. r oil mrml'lt!rs. I ''' lul••r l"l:tslalinn, 11n ~lrtkl' 111111 strl' lu tholllk \1111 fnr your ~, un prnductlnn tl't tlw I at'<' ,,r 1 h•• .tC'f• ln l"ll.•ll~h"';: """. ~tory. tnfllltinnr.rv tr• nrl'< """ trl( .. ol)o.· .lll:--1· r u 1:; fill' I.F: m~ly r•\'ldr:nt I' 1 !.11•111 f'l. T'ulolw R<•l:o lr""" r tf(i('t•r f111'l11r~ I •··"''"'' llpt·ak fnr IJ.i f>hJWrfiO wh:cl -""" rluln't rt'IHI '' ,. nll'mh•·r• ••I tho· t 'tt~ll:l ···~ 'l'h•• n tc·I•·L:I·•'" I "il ", tr•olll the n t1 •• prudllt'll\o''''r••n•••h •·f till~ IHolllln 111d 11•·1111 f•l till' uno•m. "ll)'in~ •I ol 1'111) rlo•f••~<l trtl l.o ll"''· '" lh:ol, pill' 11 '"' ~clu:ol cnn "'·'' ~~~ d4>SI'I •I•· d Ill•• do •l•·c·m llt'tl u•rt ,,( tlu• l"'"f'l•• n111 '" hotll, d t<f't plcnnr)' ott'IIIHI """"' to 11'1 111fhl1<•11 d o'''"' '" f'r.,. I• t.cko•ll •1"11111<1 !lw )111'111 d•wtu•ll n• • tl' ''"''''"'''r' R n d Tlw mt•·l!l"l l} .. r :c o•c onlrs!l'l I• \\nrk•·r~. """ lotl\t'r• 11nrt t••npl,. lo,,,11 111 til,. l'ntto·d :'1 ••··~ I ,, '" I n tlo-ll tf>lll t' \\•' lit' 1111 Ill 11<1•' \\_tlh ~'011 , 11nrJ \loll 111111 1111', tlh II 'ilfll•· huhl ,\n\tfllnS: ttwl;•v. v.hu·h \\• ''IIIP If''"''" ''' ·''"'d •'rl "'" \\11111<1 1111 lud•• 'ttth•" 'I"JIJ>:ll>;l'~. \\', lwtlh t:ol tu ""' k wcth 1'••1111· ''''•' ''' t 'f ',\ r·•-..tJu'UtiU' \V)ntt ti•Ot'• 'l"h.tl , ... , ... ,,,, .. , ·'"' ·ll'•'lW\ •·uuft"lt'"'"' .,, \\'A.\ Jn,·t.m· utt • tntt"llt•· ,.,.,.,, •• 1 • .an tlf· 1 .• I"''' Ill'\ Ill\,,,. cntl .. ,.,, on<l dis· "''' •'''"'' hko I •It ,,, • .,( J)o<l•, '"1•·1 ~lo•<>l q nk•' ,,... tlh n •fnrl' •tl'lkt•• ,If l h•• ""t' ool I Itt· Am• '' ,,1 sti!'h n ltntf' ~dl·ol•••lroll'!f\'• o·11n '""'''"' 1 ollt , 1tc,fu'<l "'' It I ht lllll"rt' I ho "''' h ,., <In nnt llntun>l at;rt••• uutl:c ""JIIrt..,fll'lllonat .. tnk•·'· I '"''I Th1• ('ru;,• l•tll \1"' nut , tu111 !toll lu•\t• lh•· ('un~ro·~s \\Ill 11u II Tho• :onrl \\Ill l~ot· ro··t·II;H'to'fl. 1n l~o•llt r 'ttUnll lo·;ollo·r' ••I tho unt .. n• h "' lurm It , rtol tho I•· •huulct I" , hMI · thl'tr tt\\n trotul•l••" \'ncr.n "CttC•Itm:·ull t•·rc•lfl" t•·fnr•' >It II [)allyN~. Los Angeles: nwmlt<•r,hiJil' 'lJ'' •·rn" ~·•·ttun' nl en~. that , '' 11 t'r•··tl••r c•lt10t t• M ••• Jf Calllomla is to ge{ the 40,000 teachers it nN'ds, !ttl' ''""""umt). or '"'' .... untr~. ~ho~n•t lw• m.ool• to I'H''~'"' strtk•, _.__._ be -'d hi h , I j~s~ ns .,, :on\ ~ruup. nr I"'"PI•· a~:nn•t tlu• l~o·.olth uml !':oft'ty ••I ~must ..... w c will lllt tf.'achlng to the I€'\C'I of a \\ •. "' htll l lrullltlo·' Wllh <00011' nr I tho• ~ ... ,.,,. It Jll'lt\ crlo•d fnr ac t. re.pectable profession. It's just as simple as that, So simpl<'. tho mo•mt"'" or ('nn~:n·s~ "h.\ not trill inn All ""'M' then~!' 11n· , ..... , In fact. that the Callfomia Taxpayers' argument that 'thrrt.' '''l~·l't untl'nh tn hnw th•· , •111•· 1'"1: m Amo·rlt n uwlu.ltn~ rr .. P'"' f &lrobl<•mh" Hlultl\' l•or lh•· lllliPn~. ttw rcmu\ 11 are other actors, besides lack or finance, which deter younJ:: I ha•t• l'lltnplo•to• laith !lent lh··~·· "' rad\o h•NIII~ lo•rHII·r~; unrl lhllh'' people from entering educational professions,' rtoesn't wash pruhlo·m~ "til lw• wnrko'cl nttl, ~and 1o·h:oncc·< "hwh ;ct't'lttnfl:ln)' I hr n111 with fact.. It doesn't wash wl. th the fa<.'t, for t>Xample, that h) ••mpl"~ ,., ... o•mpluyt•rs unci lroW·l I'" •!) .. r ·on) nr,.:lllllt•·tl movrm••nt at recent oonunencement exercises last June at Berkeley d mnkt-r~. W•lrkin~.; t~•~:•·llwr, n ll 1 Tho·~•· t h11ot.:• ~h••uhl l'nml' out r•l an lll:oiiiiSI l'lll'h tltlwr rhc• otho•r rllt)' tho· llllllln~ l)ll'ltt~d\ I' Thl'y hrl\ ,. UCLA. total ot only 45 graduates came forward to recdv€' I Wl'll l Ill Lo~ i\n"•'lf'S RIHI IHI , .... ,hac! Itt t'llnlo·nol "''" "'nl" c•mploty· Cl'edl!ntiala to the teaching profession, while thousands went hrttl'l 'tnk·· My~'"' hn•l mml" th\· ,.,.,. 11" w.·tl 1" wtth ""'"'rtunltll'!< Into better paying jobs. bc•cb, lt<•fnr•• I ,;nl hArk from my lll~lrl• tlwtr nnl<~ 11nrl :.tth\'l'r~l\'t' • "l'l"'lntm••nt , "'"' I (ounol a nnl•'. 1•lo·m,.nt~. ••fl ·"" lckc• ,tit .. tiler or-"Getting teachers is purely a matfRr Of payin~ the money rl'nolinl! •·If )uU don't llko• tho• ~nltltlcun~ Tho ' we ll ll•• hr•I[X'd, to pt them, U, instead, We sJt around W8itin~ for another Wit)' lht•~t• bfotl~ :tit' lllllflt•, \\I'll I' Wlll'n no•l't'!'~lll'\. h,\ !Ito• I 'nn~rt'SS, dlca n'on to make teaching look lik<' 8 lucrntiv(> career, we Yl•ur Con~o:ro•!'Jtrmcn .. T~··> w ,. r {' nrul tf tit• l'haflr•, "" 11,.1 r·nm <' " . , m11d•• up 1111 rl.:}tl , thRI~ "hat lh•• pr omptly'""" It I 11.1\•' .en cd\'8 libaiJ ftnd CalllonUa S sons and daughters SO poorly edUC'ated 1\rlll) r1tw·~ (or )"~ • I lor y "til t"· •ltlllulnt•·ll tJy t hi' they won't be able to cope with the depression.. . . Tho o'ftnlrnl'l IH'I\\o••·n Ill\' hold ( ~ornla can't afford t'o let Its schools go from bad to ol\\n•·r .. nnd lh·· unuon sal~ tlwrt· . , • . . . • \\ollllfl '"' no 11trlk• '• dunn..: thl' WOIW. It cant affOrd tht-fnghtentng C'ns1S 0 0\\' deveJoptn(C, lifo o•f I Ill I'Oitlrltl'l 11 11CJ thai chf· a CJ1Ib in WhJch the mOI'f' than 1,{)()(),()()0 ChiJOI'('O OOI'Tl in f•'r!'nl'f'~ \\UIIhl ),.• St•tllt'li h)' arhl· c.llfontla lirfte 1940 an' facing school dnys without :o;t•hool tr.ct cun :mel th.ot th" fmdrn.:!' ttl .._......__., tit• 111 lutrulm-.. \qoulcl IK• ltC'\'•·plt'll ~.:-a-. It) l"tlh 1o11lo ~ lnSif'tlll, llw Strtk•· Oakland Tribune. Oakland; \\11!1 o·.olto·rl. "llh r •• ~t ll'rt NN>king ... • ·-GI'O'Wth or the state and oth<'r contrihutin~.: fac·tors un th•· ''"'' •. clhh• • t..rt uns.•rwd . . em Uti' lrtl)'· n•rd< p111lc'll 111 lhf' ~.there is little doubt M to the ma m C'RU.<;(' of the ~C':II't'tly ph•llll' 1,..,111, ,111,1 1111• •l~>''alors af trained teaching personnel. Thl'Se men anrt \\'Oilll"ll, \\ ho ~1"1'1•'11 Yn11 ro·.ul roll tlccoc 111 IIH' IDUit poi8e1111 college eduC"ation and post-graduate trninln~.: as wen; are not re<.,'('lvlng remunernlion l'Ompal'ahll' to that wbkh they could l'am In business or othf't' profM:.o;ions. En- tn.-ted with high I'E'Spon!4lbillt y. th<'y are oft<'n puid ll'S..<o than tbe men charged with maintaining the buildinJ::s in whk h they operate". , , ''A state that has always bl"'<'n proun that its l'<iucutlonal Q'11tem and program enjoys the high<'St position in thP nn- Uon will not all ow the condition to endurt'. On th<' Nowm: ber ballot Its people will have ~fure them n AAla•·:-· lnlTt•nsc propol8l which a.<~ks no mort' than th<> minimum salary for tachers In Ca11fomla shall be $2400 .... "It Was put on thf.' ballot \\ith many thouc:ands of signa- tures more than wert' rt'Quircd ... nnrt nff€'r.-an opportunity to meet with rea80il and fa irness a situation of whiC'h Wt' c·an· not· be proud.'' Bitter Sweet It is not likely that the l'l."n"nt annO\.UK'Cment of an im- pending Increase in thl' rost of rnndy bat-s from fiw to ~ix eenbJ will bring a protest march on Washington hy fh(• jun- Ior consumers o{, Ame rica, but thet-e can he no rluubt tbat U1c j. c.'s are very much Ctlslress<.~'trat the news: With weekly nllowanl"('S ah-eacly strainro by higher movie admllllons, anll with inC'J"('nsed prices on \'irtually ev«'rythlng eUe on the juvt"'flliP bud~<'t, this :20 peor Ct'nt hike In the ro..o;t ot tUllng one's swret tooth will ha\'e a bit1t>r taste to young Amer-,ca. Nor will their t'ldf.'t'S ~ happy if a new "ave of "ltrikes" for hlgh('r nllowan<."t'S is St't orr by this int'l'ellSt'. Looks like we're approaching another domestic crisis. IIIDt~CE P.A.PALMER LIDO IS!£ PWPEIUTES -------·--------W. Q BUCK-hlsura~nce Counselor .tL. 1500 ~Ad 3333 VIA UD0 CALIFORNIA E ~ J. (Bud) Jacklin ,• CON'I'RAClOR C EM E.N T W 0 R K t1at Wnrk or FoondaU~ CAU, 1 II !~· .J f'OR IXFOR..\IATlON ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD. SPA OffM'I V oo the nnf>tllt I'IIU"f' to Ollie ID Oranp Count~·: All New - -• Even the Location ... One-Half Mile F.Aq or 0 1c1 Location on Coast 1 ugh way. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar W• Lftd SauthPm Callfomls In tht> ~~ o( -SEA FOOBS -- ALSO YOt R ldDd of STEAK» -VISrr OUR KJ'I'C"I-{DI - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fiah Market t•t c...·_..., (!lfNr l'MI ~) I ' \ c,K,\81'4 .. IKt:~ l'•n he dat[f'rOUII wbea they appi'OIW'II wl~ l"''adt ul ~tM'r1)' u may 1M' r;lf-IUH'd from tbe aoooma-ytnl' pbOtocrapll "hh'h w ... taken by the S ew'l>-11mH ~tocrapller rel'elltly. T'hf' huu~ 11bow•n llill'ealt>ned by n~ I• IO<'aled In ('oro-ckl Mar. F or - t unatf'l.)' ctukk arrhaJ of fl~nvn rxtlncul•hed tile n..-. photo h> C'.crhanh. Does Your' House Need Painting? · -tr-. No "·aJttng, Work don~ immediately by hiKtJiy "killed .lott.mf'ymeo Painters umog the mo~t mod- t>rn equJpment and finest material"~. ~ . ( Owned and operated by World War 0 Veteran ~kinK your permanent good wtU and patronage. -tr-- For Flee Eldmates- Phone HARBOR 26~5 Lee C. Bean 24-Hour Radio Service •oME. AUTO, MARL'\'S . &ADIOS RU.UREO Burt R. Norton tiS Cout 1Dwa7 ae-o1n 51• )1-.on .._.. hAlf, r Poliliml AriVt'rti~·m('nt l "There Is No Substitute for · Exper ience'' Retain Your Present Veteran Legislator ELECT CLYDE A. WATSON to the STATE SENATE t'our ""ndhlatc-for l'lt!C'tlnn In thl' !'tah• ~nat.-. hato h""l Ill :V""" nr \ rtlllahll' f'lllpl'rl- l'lll'f' ••~ a M'IO•oo'll'n tlou~ and rapalrlr ,\~'Of'mhl~ n111n rrnm lttl' ; llh lll•lrlt·t. Ourln~: rrron\ t•r.Jnn ~• n•any "•r· llnlf' '""" "'""'' hf• rhan~tl'd that II •~ lmtM'rttlh•· to ha\'f' a man llf l'~tPf'rll'r*of' In thl' 8 talf' IA•J:I'I"IIU'P. CLYDE WATSON is Chairman . ~-....... of the Interim Committee on FISH and GAME 11\'hl<'h prPpart"C IPgislatinn afft>ding Callfornin '" sJ•urt"" nw n and our ,.IL.,t c·omnwrc·ial fi.,hina: lodustT~·-·c·ond to non.-in tlw l 'nlt4'd ~tatN>. CLYDE WATSON has PROVED t .... ua hnul hJ, :vrar ' In lhl' Lf'~tl'laturf' that hhl altJiudl' on all mf'&Allll'' '" lllln·tNlr11 .. an. l'ltldf'd nnl~· h~· lhf' lnlf'rf'"h of Ull11 Dl•lrlc-1 and lhf' \\l'lhtf'f' of lhf' !'Otalf' nr ( aUfornla. Ul' htt" alwa)'l! t'hamplonf'd faJr Ia" • and P<JUal ju'IIC't' to all ,:,"_' llf ~t'ttrA'n~. PAST ACHIEVEMENTS are more to be relied upon than FUTl RE PROMISES Let us reta in the man wh o has proven hi s knowledge a~d fairness in handling Sport and Commercial F ishing Problems. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY &OOOUNT.&N'J' i Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. ll&OWN ( ll.utMw liU) ••• lluUe ..... Belllo& IlL Armand Monaco ARCIIITECT 814 w. Bay AYe., Balboa Harbor I '714 "!I Lakewood A- L.-AqeiM N0,_..7MOI Dr. W. T, Mooney Pla7*Jaa &ad 8arpoa PBY81CIAJitl8 A BCJIOJ;ONS. ILD A. V. Andrews, M.D. PJI'I'SICIAN I ... SUIWEON Ul Oout BJclaw11,1. Rubor Ill Coroaa del Mu U bD K. (), Chung, M. D. ... ,.... ucl aur.- 2 -4 7 -8:30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 1%0 Eut llltll Street Coeta Meea. C.Wonlla LaUJ"eelee B. Dorey, M. D. Physician & Surgeon l 321 MulDe Ave., Ceeta IIHa Belbo& b1aM I ftone Santa A-1511 l'lltiDe llatbor zee 1 ~------------~~--~----------· R. L. HOLFORD Land<ialpe Deel~ CBIROPRACTOR8 Waper DrugleM lasutute Dr. l\'tlbar C. Wac- Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy litO Coaat BI..S., 8oatll ........ .._. PboDe %011 DAY 8CBOOL Mortimer School 10! OoraJ BaJhoa lalaBd DAY SCHOOL OPF.N8 ocr 1 Grade.: Coli. J>loe9., Army 0 . A. MortJmer, M. A., O:xlorcl PrtDcls* ftone Harbor 15! DE~T-18'1'11 Dr. Otsed Lucas DENTIST I!·~ w. Central. Bart.. ~ ... JIQ!\\'PORT BEACH DR. GORDON E. aAPP DENTIST !8SS \\'eet Caltal ftoue Harbor Ul ... NeW'JIOrt ISSURANCE Unooln National tile Insurance Co. "t• ~ .. -lnollt'al.-lie C"Wwtft'' DOS IERl*HOAS ·J'tJnne Harbor '!M ·R SOl Martne &.... Da ii)Oa W . OCCIDENTAL LIFE lNSlTRA.NCE CO. Ray Nielsen .. _ aM AHioiMtt r'ell .. 1"11tnw Rarlteo ~ SIS P'. -., A•" ...... KORTICI A:'IIS Harold K. Grauel · Chapel "'We Out'llclvl's the llettcr Sf'l'¥t' by Servini Othen~ Best" t Plloae Beeeoa 54110 C'otata M-CaJJfomJa Ol"fOMETRI8TS &. T. Uutterworth, 0. D. ()ptometdllt I:JT.8 EXAMTh'l'.:O LESSF..S DUPUCATED 0 ...... -........-...... au• w. <-... •-n ......_ •n ~1'11&AC11 ' Robert A. Crawford Opt~ D. OPrO~I,.T Eyes Exnmlnf'd -Gla)o,~ Flttfod 18Ut aDd Sewport Bouleftrtf Gordoa M. GruDdy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Offl~ Hrs.: 10.12 a.m.: J-.5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ucl8~ Hours: 2-5, lily AppolntJneat Telephone Beuon 5fM8 Ill Broedwa)' Hilton M. Maxwell, 11. D. aeot c-t m-., Coroaa del Mar Ofti~e lloun: 1()-12 : 2-5 Plao-Rarllor ttl! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay An., Balboe Harbor 11'!~ . Ml .. Wll St., Looo Aq ... TU~ker 111! By Appoin tment Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. N EWPORT REACH Plu1111t Rwhor 10111 llo _..,.. t a.ll a..oa ...... x ·Ray Service T. P. RM>cl~r. M. D. Wm. 1.. Spl\'f•y, !'1. D. J'tly,ldan• a nd "'"Kf>f'l• S&OO W . ('f'nfral Offlrl': 111\rbor 60'! .,.,ftiPnf'f' lfarhf~r 1 179·\\' G. N. PEASE, M. D. Cnnsult&Uoa -Dlap~ Houn~ hy Appolntml'nt Phnne Rarbo~ 2Jflt..l ~ . 8VIlVF.\'OilS Raub & Bennett 8arve7orw and Enl(i•~ 11108 Newport BI..S., Coet& M- Telepbooe Beeooon &101-W %811 W. Celltral Newport&..- Telepbone llarbor •• PL\SO T F.M'IIER PIANO TEACHER C. V. LTNSENBARD Graduate ao,.., Coa~~erntor,, Letpate Ph. Horbor 1252-W 1526 w. Oct-an Front Veda Thempson Teacher ot Plano and Organ PbOM "-ooa M!O-.I '}..ki ' , MEWHJfi !MfOA M!~ I • J1lEE FIREWOOD for IN hauJ. EMPLO~ WAJf'l'a) • U.l.& WaK:II:LLAl't'ICUII .,.OATB. 1J17PP1.111:A ..... Phone Beacon ~ll. 78-tfc WI' ' CARE for chUdn>n after • IPF.C'IAL ANNOlTS('tiii&NT8 IIUAL ~Aft "' n DAL DrAft ., ..... ~ ... ._ d N Mn n E:L s nTMR-:H7 .t711DIIC88 OtTID& ll IChool and evt>nlnga. Call at 550 Or er ow! VIctoria St .. Coat a Mesa. SS.2tp FRUIT TREES I. 1\ \It •;o.; t' WJo;:-;T, h11w cllu..lh"t'ft I'·" I ncr•lup In •aid ftrm, IIArb.v l'lonuhtn.: !'\l'r\ IC'\', 1768 Nt•wpnrt lth d , {\••tft ~k~. nm1 Will nut "· 1 "'l•lll'lhlr fur 11ny "''"' 11r d. ht• f•l ~IIIII I'Wllllllny U col tX•· -------~--------~-----No•\\ polrt 1\o•tu•h \\' Nl'l·:n Fltc INT Ill lM t-: RADIO SALES A SERVICE Specializing In repairing., EJO>LO\'III:NT OP'rl!aED • TRONART, INC. SF:CRETAHY WANTED -ShC!fl• R&cUo, electroniC'S, IOUnd-Saleo~ hand. t)'lllng, bookkl"t'ping rc- and serviC'I."-f'narlne and domt'ltlc. QU1rl'd ~t'w oH1C't', rood wagi'S 2901 W. l..~t!i. 1~!::rt Beach, ~C:::"'~;~:y ~~~5154E9/]t- ===~~~~7777~~~7~--U~c ~~~~~~===-~~~~~--~tc FORMED Wlndahlt>lds A Hatch CERAMIS CLASSES-10 days' of Coven made to order. Allo P lex· frl't' training ln <'t'ramic and pol· ltlau A Luclt• Sheet. for sale. tt>ry C'I8.Ut'l, be-gin 4th or Nov. Nu-World Product. Company, Enroll now, a~~ bc>t"'l't'n 18 and 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. 35. llarbor 2370. Gift pottny, Phone HuntJnaton Beach 178. Corona d!'l Mar. acrou from an Post Office . . -----------------------~---uc ~~~~~~~--------~-REAL ESTATE salesman or aales· ROOFS -FOR- Winter PlantinR Hollister Bros. NURSERY Landacaplna 1~9 Harbor Boulevard Coeta Mesa &aeon ~ ~ 80-tfc Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Ill 'llA MAfUNE nn:SEI. W1th t llt\'t•r·TWtn Ills!' :!·10·1 l"t'· Vf'rs•• nnd ro'<IUrltc\n A••&r <'om· 11h•tdy n•honlt nntl m hnH l"lua t'l>ntJitu•n Mfrs of Ot LMtYl'ORS Dlt:SJ-:L EN<..t!Nt:S h~t .. t • • ~1,:n'·'t "'"''"' t'" Wt I R1·~1t' C:trpenters Available 1 fo•r l!<'nrrel malntenan~· and rt'palr :11111 j,:\11'1<1 IHIII!!o', (lVI' ) t'AN 1\ld, '"'"'l'lt•t.•ly lurtu•ho"fl , Plo•r Alld d•'M'k. '"''' t'"'"l' rn .. -.•r Mr I "olo'lllil, U••t""" :\:,.'f~l..,l ~-3t.• t'I.IN'J'I'MI'\\HAHY hol~. n•m· "'""' 1 hlll ''" td ... w-.tndl\<lr 11\'lna Aro•IIJ>, l'm!Jil••lt•ly 1An•1••'11jll'(t, 'J h•••lrunnu OpNI fill' ll\liJ'I'I'tlcln lflll4 St't.,lnt! Au•. l\.orl•na lil'l Mnr lt.214tc n. z. aoB.:anoN • :-:-:~-::-~~-:----:--~-:--t"all Harbor 83 .. ·on ~A I.E Lnt •111 t'o•ntr"l ,.,~. Nl lliRSI-: MARINI-: PRUI'tlc-T'S M·lf<' l'o·lllnHultt Potnt, ;!,<Jno• :1, ;:\.'\X\17 10:!1 S. E 16th St (',,.,11 Mo'l a I 'I"''"' r h:hl I 'nil llnriiOot• :t\!\ l'hnn•• B••t\l'On ~95 I"'R HP:NT Cl lltfh'l· ttl .ltthtt 11 Burntum1, :.'(1(11 • 1 l ic-t•un 111\'tl , 1\nii\C\ft ,_Hfc Rusln .. u hours 7;3(1 • 4, Mon lhru F'ri, At othcor tlmt'5 phonl• liar· hnr ~~-J 84·2tc Llldll' nlr} r1111111. tii'JIArutr t·n· II '""'' nls•l srn~<ll shttp fur n •nt l-'l lt1R AN II lll'l:t:.IJAI.I-' Al'Ht:s , ~•·lh .1-:1 Mlldt'nn. ~·rrwr t>f l flth I lu t'uat11 l'llo''l' Jlt·lllr tll'l\' MUhcll• St , No•WI"lrl f'hunr !'1147. M I 1~l11ns P•uHI) rur rnnrh 11r ''lh· t'~lR SALE Lot ~"ixUIS rt . thl'\.~ hlock• from bualn-'11!1 cl11trlrt. Coat a Mt"tA Cit• II• by ''" nrr. J uhn I. l.llnt(.l(l, l•t09 \\' lla)'l Av,., N~'"l")l't. llllfl..o.•r 1146·R Will IAiu• 1my rc'allol»lllbh• t•fCrr ••r trndt• !t3·4tc Ft'IR SALE '""'-~ ... furnlltwd homr on ~ runt t.arrf' \lvlnr-rnom .... flf't'J\Ia(.'f", kllctw-n, beth 6 petlo. 1\un"l IIIIN thl• -~n.a. I lfnN' of Jnhn n Rur"h&m., :IOIJ1 I k-.'An nlvd . llAII)()a, lt•tk ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Aglltl'. llulhoo lslnnct Phone 31T-W Very Attractive Three-Bedroom Home At1t"fl\.lllh'ly 1\tmhdu'tl nncl N-nliy fm• htllllt"flln h• c~'\tplln<'y. On GHANn f'ANAL wllh plrr and l>oftt W . J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-Uc woman to manage branch office In Nl'wport. Excellt'nt oppor· tunily for rlgh't party. Wrltf' Patterson Realty, c/c News· Timt'l, Box "R." 83·21p Southern Counties Supply Co. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 144 Cout Blvd .. N. 84·ltc Fire Equipment Tests C..O-Two, ~ne 6 Foam w.nlla. COo n.ud ar-tem and Portabl• .~:-:--:--:-:-':':'::-~-----R4-·,1_1r I cli\'blttn l"rtt·•· ~~~~-~ 111•r II• 'I'•· f"Oit HENT ·LIIrl(t', attuetl\•o· F:STARI.ISH t-:11 rn;AI. f'~"TATt: , f•hllll priV&\t' batb fllllly '"" 1 uflll'o' fc•r ~lllo• hi 1 \,.,,. J',11,.11 $20,000 COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates Kitchen and Wall Wuhin& FlOOf' Clunlng and Waxinc Window Cll'anlnc Caulklnc P ainting All Work Guaranteed Harbor 379..J HELP WANTED, MALE-Local -----C------t----T-J or traveling In butlnesa for arpen er 00 8 )'OW"'elf. No money required. BraOI! end Bit Sets Good incoml'. You art! your own Harnmt'n, H and Saws, Etc. boas. Apply 508, No. Ma.ln St., 818 Cout Hlway Ph. lkecon 5007 Santa Ana, c.ur. 77-Stc Bayview Builders Supply WAI\'TED-Middle ace houae--~ttc k~per, uperll'net'd only. Must Auto Batteries drive car, $125 month. Harbor R bber s.pu t 2130. 78-6tp ~th --~ ~ &AU: JIJ80I:I..L.Uf'n • Compounded Motor Oil FIVE CU. F"J'. DEEP FREE~E Galla~, 70c s<>all'd unit, ('()St $395.00, will -- Sl'll for . $325.00. Ne\ c•r USl'<f. w estern Auto Supply Nt>wport Electric AppllanC<', . Authorlud Dealn 2305 Coast 81\'d. 84·2tc l83S Newport m vd., Cona Mesa l~).~:allon ~as tank, 4!0"x20"x1)', 41·tft $15, Harbor 1294-W 84-ltp VENETIAN BUNDS-Aiumlnum. now available. • ''' .. tel)' r~olt'!l ""lntt•r r Ait'!l for M u~t ll•ll\'•• 111 '"" "'''''kl 1•·• nHHwnt l,(llt'IL S ta)tt' Mut.-1 £TS HOKIN A GALVAN 1000 Cout Hlchwa.y Ph. &aeon ~22 ?S-tft It! l;r,·yhound Ou1 StllliCln. ~1-oftC' A I. Mt\'II'IWNS 11\\'Ni-:lt !'111!1 :th t Nt•" 1-trt lkarh RC\t •\1 FO H RENT llualno"" num (11, lc•rro·d 1A6(\ Nt•wport 111\'r! , FOR SALE-Two-monlh·old 44ft. ,.,,,,11 Mt'U H:J.tlr -------------sport fishln~c: hoat, Uet•nHd. 3d - IW-:ltc· rut popular. Via p porto. ft2·ltc F t 111 HF:NT I.Ar;: .. sunn~ roc.wn 8'.l tff """ hflth In Jlrl\•att" homo· Lltd) --:::----:-::-----:-:------:::-:---· -'-j "' 1 h•lrrtt 'f1 C'\">U pi • · :..'1--~ 1\11 n m,. r Balboa Canvas Shop 1 •• ''" l"<'nlnaul•. ta-2tc Salls -Boa I Covt'l"' F'! lit llE:-.i'l' ltol(om '" ••mJlloy.-c1 Marine Upholstering 1:• 11flc·num or " C'\'UJll••. uutlldt•j Harbor 207 -224~ 21at St. , nlrurw•• Phun•· l111rll(1r AA-a·H Newport 84-ach 1l·Uc _ H'J.31r MUI!JICAL ,a aADIO M F OR RF:NT-Rnlln\, gl'nlh-nw n FO R S ALE IIBihrrnflc·n~ Sky only In nt•W hClQll' PriV&It' C'hsmipoon t•ommunu•11tlnn r<'· hrith anlt mlrAnC't• On · fl"FIIn· crivrr l'hnn•• 1 Jr1rhe~r :!f>4·Z ,,r ~11111 Wrltt' Ilox '"N" C/CI Nt.oWS· Graham & .Juhnt«>n Realty & lnvestmt>nt Co. 1(.64 N"" ll"'' fllvd. flAy Pt\ 13.-.. t'af'\ f\434.. w NIJ:ht l'h 1\o•nt'(ln :'l:llt).J TIInJ.:F: IIEilRf>OM nF:AtrrY ("' fh·t-Am•. I'' hathl, h~111t•r: rlt•l' """1:'', lour 11rrt•1 fc>nt_'t'd, fruit trt••••. to .. rn and rhldct-n rtaulpml'nt: $:.!~ ntnnthly lnromc• ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Aa!'te, Balboo lsltUltl Phone 371-W ~ FOR SOLID COMFORT Large Ocean Front Home Near School Al's House & Window Cleaning Service FOR S ALE-Wrcad ovl'rhead llll't'l frame garage door. perft'Ct con- ateel. wood. Call us for tr.e estS· mate. !UnovatSon A ~nntahlna So. Cout Venetian BUnd Co • West 18th an4 Newport Aw~ Coeta Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. 693-M R4-llp '!,nit's 7~trr fo~C IH SAI.F: Ce~nsult• nul)n, )tt)nd ('Ondlttnn, $.'10 Ro·c· .. rd 1JIIIyt•r . $\!1. !11!) Rt•.:olnlll S t . (\1r01111 de· I M11r. M · 1 I I' f'Ofi RENT -·Nt•w Duluxl' room ~tncl pr,.ll'lllt' bath, t llr • ahowrr ~t.oll, Twin (lr douhll' lltllla. box ~)lrln~: 11nd lnt<•NiprlnR mBIIrrtl· so·s llnt hrAt. Sp.-•rl111 r•tr• for llt'rmnrwnl 11111'8tll, Ml.racll' Mill' Mori'l, 706 Co111t Highway. Nt'w· I'Ort O.•ach Ph. S.·noon 5:.!99-J frum nil lraa,. folr two y•era SJ)l\MOlUt Rooms "Thla Is II r••lll huy ror $17,0(10 • 'f:( S<-st C'unlt 1'\K'IIon "(:( lmrnaaalatl PIANO 'I1JN1NG and repairing. • dltion : 14 ft. 5 ln. by 7 ft., $50. Available two to three Wl'l'ka. 415 Bl'gonia Aw ., Corona del Mar, ll't' carpenter. 82-4tc Trrma " B. n. '8, 2'.:: bnlh!l, In~ lJv. Rm., part~· --· dlnln~ot-room . kltdwn nnrt ~~ervh'l" porch planned for J . B. Brown. Write Box 633, Rt. 1, 388 Broacfway, Co.ta Mesa. 78-tfc 38-ttr RAniO IIOUSf: CALLS -·n nu:..:.nJo:PrtOOM af\&e:CO nnr \&.'14'. Outalrl.-lnunrlry room . Ftne A(lllrtlnent owr llat·k 1\ny Nll"'•ly furnished. bl~ double gRrnJ(f'. ~ In t\amlshlnp. Other .. COOPER~ TIVE ROOFING CO. Brakes Specialists Tire PlaCY and Klndllng WOOD Now thul adr!lt111nnl rompe- tent h•chnir•nns un• 11\'llll~<ble, WI' llrt' llhl,• IO mRkt• lt•r\'lt•r 1'11111 111l IIHif ,.,.rt'. $\11,!'\lltJ fN ilUI't'tl. New and Repair Phone Bl'acon 528Q..R Z1l E.. 3lhh St.. Coe1a Mea 20-tfr SIGN PAINTING Boat.l, Ttucka. Wlndowa Wa.J.Ia ud Bulletin&. Ralaed Me~. Wood and Plutlc IAtten AL LACHMEYER 172& West Cl'ntral Harbor 1243-M •PAINTING 12 Ynrs ServlOI! In Newport Harbor Area Har.ry Hall PAINTING OONTRAC'I'OR -Phon- S.acon 5259-J &aeon 5413 2'74 E . 19th r_trHt 24-tft fOR A REUABLE Pal.nt Job 01 )"'UU' home, call Beacon 533C alter 4 :JO p.m. t().tf( iJ::IAINTING -PAPER MANGINO and Dl!lCOR.A TING H. E . McDooald 414 Old CoAty Rd., Co.ta Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-Ut TILUfSPORTATION BICYCLES Sold, Renttd or R.epa.J.red. VOO"P;L'S 100 Wain St .. Balboa 208 Mar1oe, Balboa t.liUid. 11 . ...t* Gl'ncral Ovt>rhauJ Home Service Garage G<-nerators and Startl'n Light Ha uling 700 W, Wilson, Cotta Meta Phonl' Bl'acon 5865 R 82 3tc Mechanical Toys Electnc and MecharJcal Trains. Doll Buggit'l, Dolls, TelcgT&ph Sets. Velocipedt'l, Toys, StC(!I Wa~~:ons. THE TOY SHOP 208 MJtrine BaJboa Island Harbor 2292-W RO·tfc HARBOR Plumbing Service Delivered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5666 1784 Newport m vd. BARGAINS! 3-tft Lowest prices In furniture 11 m3 motto. I buy right. I sell rtcht I alao buy furniture. . Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Rlvd. Co.ta Meu Phone BeaClm ~18 57-tfc Order Your Serve I Gas Refrhrerator Now at Vogel's 1768 Newport Blvd .. Beacon ~ 100 Maln St. Harbor H5 REPAIRING OUR S PECIALTY 52·tft ~Contracting and Supplll'l 97tfc WAN'TitD TO IIUY Jl VENETIAN BLTNDS -GLASS CASH FOR USEn FURNITURE SHOWER DOORS PHONE BEACON Mas.J. Custom Made and Installed 23-ttc F1oor polltlhing and sanding equip-w·t p c h ment for rent 1 1 ay as Bayview Builders Supply jlror your furniture or what have 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 Y'*· Phone Beacon 56SI. Craw· 7-9-trc lty FumlturP, ·1R12 Newport -------------Blvd .. Cosio Ml'llll -CIJ.Uc Z 0 RI C l"t11lNITUJlE I"()B ,_A I. r; 11 on lar~tc consult'S All work • ·-·· ~tfc S PE C IA L guarnntN'd. WANTI:O TO UNT U t'I\T HI IOMS. ~-lwodrtwlm, dlnln~t· lli::NRY W RllAINFiRD \\'A.._T1.11 s 11 1 I rcwllll, flr••t•'"''''· lort•ni((nat nonk , Nl'w Clwnt•r .S 0 S. Rlldto . · mro lnllltc' nr J:llrlll('' hnrdw'""' n,,.,..,. thru\ll{hout, 300 MarlnP A\'<', H arbor 7RO 111"11 111" 111 f•>r I"HIIJllt· .md ont• knntty Jllnc• wuo•at ruu111 IArJCt' r 1111'•· 1•'1 ll•·~t ''' n>fo•n•n••••ll -:-=::=-=:=:---:--~-:--::----8-1_·1-:-C I .. 1tl J1,.111,11n ;.lti,'l M<l :.Oir I'II()UI:h fur IWtt llf'dll Nl~· I11Wll, HIGHEST prll"l' paid for your pi· ::-:-~=-:--~--::-:-:--:-::-:::-----~ l••ont tmtl rr11r \\lllktn,: oll~t1111n• ano. Danz·Schmldt Plano Co .. \\ •\:'liTE It Ttl HENT t ;,.,,,.:,• \I I rruno olownl""'n l 'natll Mo"'llll, San ta An!l. 520 N Mllln. 7().tfc ''IHI\ .,f ;t;,,h und ',,., "" F m nt fll'lo~· ~~~~~ T••rm~ \'ull llnrl~lr :!1!17-.IK ~l 'Jtt· __ __ USED Pianos from $65. Or wtU rent. Da~·Schmldt Plano Co .. M \ttl'~ ,.,,,,,llin 11"11 "''1'' "''8"'' BEST hlJY 5lO N. l'tfaln. Santa Ana. 70-tlc furru~lwrl httll!-t' E>cf'c·llc •nt l'ur" cu •• rhu l• f'd ).A·fl~·· ur t 4'"' Mcrvt; lll!:tl'r IN tlnr hnlf IIM'I', t "'" luotll uulllll. nl•·•·ly turnlahf'd, ,.Jrrtrll' rc•lfll(c•rulloul ('lo•lln •• tt pin ln•trtc• IUlff 11111 1\o•at clf>llnr vnlu•· 111 c '""'" M•'llk Prto't·, sH;.n T•·r n•~ FOOTBALL S EASON IS HERE ! IWJ YOl WANT TO IIF.AR TliJ-:.c;F. GAMES PLAY DY PLAY ~ Well. yuu ._,," t ~r y .. ur r•"'·· wun 1 f_,t Y'•U. Rruuc )'nut t,uaay tuu ) t•r Whllll hKVt' VhH n.d1t1 h t u.-""'' W~ wtl1 ,.. ... hi lt lht.t )·t~u "'"•r th .. ..., tl(a.m,.~ • • .. arly Al "l"lt0FII7.~:1 • I'IIJI,("() NIIU I' \V,. llfltltl l,.lj,,.. hl J 'hill,., 7..1'1HU; •N•••Uin•h•l~l::.:l\1 MAJ .. •tt• . Knox Hardware Co. 4:.'11 F. 4th, Sanl.ll ;\M Ph \:VI 1-1;! :ltr .-:untr• Au:t •lfllll, I• 'CI 71'(11 l'llt•l Jt>n•'f< ~ "'" \\ I NTI•.It rtt::'li'l' A 1. Nuw ttll ~~~~~ 1:'1 t•r~ \'1'1• ran und '"If••. INolh \\llrktn~; wunl lurm~lu'tl l 1:111 ·•j:•• llflllrlm•·nl or -m roll I""'"' fur wintC'r ~'''""'""· 11 'i'.tmmo·r 11111n, S11nl11 Aoa ~~~~~ 114-~>tc• -HA IWOH BLVD. ... WA]'I;T~:Il 'lltro·o··ltl•r!J .,,Im hnUJit' SI'I.I·:NIIIIl 1\·ltl'l'l-:1,, t'ourl uc "" IIIIII>Wl b lronrt "'cntl'r nnly 1 t•u-1!1•·~~ •II•· ( 'l11••· lp tlnwll II··~• ,.,.,,.,.rni'N :?~4:'i No f'11rk 1 '"'"'" 1 ·,,~,,. M··~~~ l'ric·•· $47!\41, Ill 1 d , !'1111 I 11 Ann, :\71-17 W I Tc•rmM Ill II•· \tAN nrul "If••. tt•t •·hlltlro·TI ur J~"' ""'" lo11n"h••tl 1\pt 11r J.IS'I'INI;S WAN'rt:ll MI•IICt . Sit IIIII ''"''''"~''"· I:Oto(l rrl••r•·n•·.. c"itll Sun111 An.o lX1<:l K\ It•· DRY CLEANTNG In Our Own Plant FOR SALE -F.l<'c. R••fn~ , ~lo\'t', n F. P 0 S SF. S S 1-: D Mirror Tyre hrrakf11st tllhlr. rnuntl dinning Splnt'l P1nno Now only ~~-; WANTFI• 'l't' Ill '\IT II) lu•·11l jthUifiHH'l'f. '"'•• ftt'i'h •wllf) tl•11tH' ,.,. "'"" llfl••nt l•1rru•h•·d cu 1111 flulll'lu·ol I ·all Alit n • l'h.u mur). llud"" II I \\ "r lt.'il \\ <:raham & .Juhn~-<nn Rr alty & J nvr~tm<'nt Cu. PlrKUP AND DELIVER Phone BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners tnhlr, hurt .. t, rhoir, 1)0(11( 1"1\j;P, A \'!'!")' pro•tly pl11nn 1-'inr ton•• kidnt'\' drl'sslng t nhll', rhintz Pnnz-Srhmidt Plano. 520 N11 drn~. 6 fl. hln~:"d chl'l'l 217 Main, Sl\nln An11 70-tlr Ahnlon" 0 11II:Mlll t~l II :'I~W GOOD Grands M1•h1tn. KurtzmAn. RJ-.tfc Story & C111rk, C'h11~r. Jl11flrt A -... -,l-n_S_A_J._F __ :-.;_·-,.\-,-~~-l-IJ-,h-.,-1"-'-''r-1-:,d novls. Kimball. Wrlw·r and nth· •hu11n rourh, hrti antl mnllr!'~l> <'1"!1. Prlet•s 11tnrt nl ~IR:I Tl'rmA and nth• r furn1tun· ooll!l 31st Danz·Srhmldt. S11ntfl Ann, ~~I N;·wport fiellch R-1·:./tc No Main. 70-Hc XI· lift \\'ANT Tl I It I ''I' 1-crrn"h•••l ••r unfurnt~hl'fl h""" .' ttr :t 1,.'(\. rttm~ wtll I• ''"' 1'1'"'" ll.orbl\r 707 "'' lk ltif:l N•·wplrt ntvd 1>11y l'h l'-·nNtn !\4:\-\-W Nt&:hl l'h Br11m n ~:.!I().J fl \.Jio' T wo l in i l:-4--- 456 Nrwport Blvd. B&AUTY ArDA 111 ------·~~---~~~---78-____ Uc MACHINE and MACHINELESS PouJtry Wire Fon ~ALE Whit·· mnd••rn hNl· Radio Repairs room ""', (1\'r Jlh'C't·~ nc•" Som· All makC11 ; tnllH, t tc $1110 RI-,\\'AHI ~'nr r••nt fur lin· furnlt~h• II 'J. <tr 3·1wodrunllt hota~r 11t C'nr111m l1o•l Mur. ur llny rll•· I tril't un\11 Jlln•• I lltl'lnr'' m1111, lnrml'l 1~1 1.1 lnluncry 1111 l luy Av•• 111 111111"'" lll'ht•tl )o'ur Permanent Waves Six Ft. Wide. Two-In. Mesh Tinting and Manicuring 150 Ft. Rolls EVenlng.,Appt. P h. Harbor 17~W Bayview Builders Supply Vt s Beauty Shop 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 1103 CourHtway, Corona del Mar · 1 79-trc 15-tfc -. ---------Just Arrived a W ELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures f or Young W omen aa T elephone Operaton ln moat rommunltlrs ht'glnncn re· celve basr pay or $30 for a five day week. with pxtr11 p11y for O\'Cr· time or dilly at ct'rtaln hours of tlle d11y. Frtlab Heartn~ AJd BA'ITERIES Gundenoo Dru~ Oo. 117 Maln St. Ph. Harbor 515 10-tft fierearter If we recap your TIRES We JUarantee our '1C.pa" to 1aa 20,000 MILES and that'l not all- WE WILL GI VE YOU $20.00 lF ONE COM ES OFF" J«>gardlrss of S peed. mons hox ~twin.:~ anll rnallrf'ss, Beacon 5763 ~1:15 rhunr llarhor :!!1!1-M BURT NORTON ~4-111' 915 Coast IDcJ!way, Newport Fnn SA 1.1-: t ~~rd hr••ftkfn~t ~··t. 2.'\·tf!' ~ix rhrur,;. nil lwnt,.r, lu'rl. STEINWAY GRAND. Rl'llullful sprln~ts nntl mnltr<'!\1', small modern In black nnd t~llvt•r. Cor· rr>('kr•r ;11:1 17 Marini' A,., .. llrol-ho~n l ~lnntl R-1-:llr llCOUII tonr. This l11 an 11r1 plano If you art' furnl&hlng your hom!' F t iR S ALE lltl hNtlrr Wllh c-um· In ''Modrm l'" thla lnatrumrnt II plrtl' mJtllll;.t •nn N)lllpmf·nt perfect for you. J«>a~~m~!lbly Phonr lltl rh'lr 1:'1.'\.1 R4-:ltp priced Danz·Schmldt Plano Co . (1:-ff: (nur-lmrn~'r .:ns ~I0\'1', apart· 520 No M11ln , Santa Ana. 70.trr m••n"' ~•vi". $75 411\~ Chann•'l I!IP'EClAL ANNOUNOEMEI'I'TH 18 Plar••. :'lii'Wflllrt Tsl11nd. ~1-ltp APPfif-:('IATII I:-.1 f'IIR SALE !lot "lllt•r h••a l••r. \\'c· w1~h ''' thnnk ""I' mun\ ~lfH:nl . ~'\:"• Box 29R Purtftc fri,n<l,c; (11r th••lf th~>ul:ltl luln• ,. A1 r. C'tot~la J\11'1111 R4·2tp And S~IIIIH•Ih) IIUTin(( our "•••·rll ("t J~tPLJ.:Tl·' tllnmc roum ~"' wtlh IH·r,.au•nwnt rn lttl' d··nlh •·I ""' R t'ha•r" ~ 'J romJlll'lo• lll'<inl(lm lH'lO\ ••<1 llll'hnn•l 1tnll f;o 1 h•·r ( 'I.11HI• ""' •. '2 hunk lw'fh, !'i'\ rr11l rh:urs. P o\\ ~·r~ I Iars:•· th \ltn rmti rhnir l;orjt•• ~•1:no•cl kil<"hc·n l hhl•• !11'\'c-rnl lnmps :\IlL" I ,Jt ,\1 'I f'l 1\\ I ll~ I'll' :\ mann" pninttn)'~ Prl· Jt •11:-.i ~. Si\1 11.1 I H ,\;\.1• v:ttf• cal" T'hllnr llnriHu l:ZfJI FAMILY 1<1 lit (or inllt~·linn , IH-:ttr ----K E y s- BOATA, 8UPPt.IT.~ u Made Wblle You Wall ('nrt• .:unr l'hon•· S11n1" Ann 14:!~-~·M )o(l).tfr APT or S MALL HctUSE wnntf'd by man and wtft!. WI' dn not drink or •mok••,,no chlldrt-n or 1 $l!},Ht)H prta. Phon" Santa An11 f/8!11 -W Smull lfomc• - or write Unx "X" Nt"wport Rsl· boa NC!WS·Timt'l. 37-tfc 1 111 I,,.,.,." ~ '"''' nl S•·n Shun • WANT 1'0 fiF.NT-2 or 3 hMSrm unrurnlahrd hOWU' Will II'IIIIP. Call Sam J'ortrr 111 llarhor 7rr7 or 13· ~trc ( kt•an Frnlll Lot WANTI:tr 'fV I IH ::'Ii'l' T'"" nr thrl'f'-1~<-drr"'"' """,, oul'll ·'""" .. Rl•hllhlr form• r m;, )• ,, /r. I •lltth r,..,.,, •·nrfl \,!:IUtr.ant• •11 l•t•~•OI' ll11rltt1r l:i:\1, .J H.! lit' •• P'O R SAl.!-: Cttr••n~~ rkl Mllr. ~ tt lot, 1 hlnrk fr••"' ~rhc .. )f, 110111h of n!vd , ROOI1 I•" nllrm lnr In· romf• ( M-n,.r Ph II 21:l9 W 6.'l·tfc .fO-Ft. Hu~"i llfll'\.~ l ,ot r·, Ul• I Ill """"'" W. 1.. .JOHOAN FC lll SA 1.1·. ·I:.! ft , 1lu·•• I hon I, houll In I!WI Go•oll f•lr dwrto'r" VOOEL'R ~:!lltl 1111) ''""' • .cl, '' 100 Malo 8l . llAJ~ ~ rd''l'' '"I"' ''''I" "'"' 7<1 • I I · • ., ••.• 1, IIIIJI>t.o l'himt• llarhor trJ:I 10~ Marin~ Balhoa lll&nd U :.!~.. \\'oll~>•lll If"' , ...... 11 1'111 •II• lilt I l•lot )',:\ Seven Wllfl<' lncrPIISI'S thl' first two yean-prtlr! vacations. or t•nn~r~u•rnnl f1~h111~ l'ht•n" llo•twnn ~)11:\1-R ><1-·l!p , 114·t ~l\ Sltt•r• I·,,,.,. ' I· f f I I ~ I 11t111 . 11.1\ ~1 ._1f~· "'-I I fro Learn this lntrn>t;tlng work at . good pay In your own community. You work with frl<'ndly prople In pleasant orncrs. Excellent promotion possibilities. APPLY Southern California T elephone Compall.Y ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we wtll call for your ca.r In the momlna and d.l'llver same day. ~ $2.00 Mobll~tatiC' halllnce job when we recap your tlrt'l, fOT $1.00. No lead weight. or ··.xtru." Costa Mesa Tire Co. Jn R~ at 17~0 Newport Blvd. :l:!·ff rnh10 rrul~"r .\lu) !11• ''~··<1 1 fror fi11hin~e holll, ~7~1() I '11ll aft•·r (j p.m .. lint h11r H'i:\ •. 1 K.'l-lfr Fnn ~AI.F. --10 '' r nhin 6-ulllf'f': &IN'f'!l six: J:nllrv, tlinl'lll', hr11d. lnrgl' wh,.,.l hn•1~r nnd rnrkplt. M mplrt!'l)' rl'rondillllnrtl, how to wt,.rn: f'hrrclrr mnrinr rnll!inr St'C ownrr. 133 A11n1r A\'r. 0111· ho11 lal11nt1 fl7-t (t' WA~TI 0 TO RI 'Y OniMII dinlthY In grood mnrllllnn Ph Jlnrlonr 1f.#i!l·R 11lt l'r I p m. 7R-tfr COSTA MESA FOR SALE t.rnv S"'' ~Mut, 31 Ph. &aeon 5743 h p 111 2MO n r; M , $ZifJ Phont' 100 E . BBY Avrnur. Ralboll Aak for AI or HIJ'Ik. Harbor 72 Rl· tc 514 ~ No. N aln Strl't't, Santa Ana Motte WILL PAY gond bonus for boat -------------slip. Have 40' custom b u II 1 or Call o\lef Operator • 'nmll dullfted oa' crulaf1'. Write Boll "S" c/o a>-ttc Watc:b the a,..,.., cob.IINa Nt'lft-nme.. 1!.-ttc Cushman Sco(Jtt·r n r p111r Work fo'r•••• 1-:~limut•·~ On S••rl'k •• nnll H• Jl'll! Malloy & Wyck11ff Rr·nr ll:ollwm Mnr lnn ILIPI'"IV' 91:\ CwtAI III"IIY ]'1;, ",,-,rt '.,.:1,1 \\ !lA I f• FOR RF:NT 111~1\t :'llull11n 1tlr tur,. Pro}f·l'tur~ -"••unti ror ctl< nt w I t h or Wllhlout llf"'r;llttl' FILMS RENTJ-:P Yoor ••wn pictur,. show at homr, f,.atur•"'· sport.. mu.fcala. for partw• clube, t,hurchea. Harb<>r 2598-J 7&-tfc --- BALBOA lSLAND ·"'' • 1ttH • lwtlrtMttq, '";" tJfith t t~•O I "' \ ... ,., llifld tll'•fl , '" f ;,,.,.tl t .lh I I t1 t••r f•l I ltd ,\Juttlt •IJ'hl ~· II ' •·ld I 1H fll~h· •I IIUtfl• , ••.••• '•h $20,000 l.J ~W ( )())) VICK Hruk(\r :n:! :'>Jn rint' A \'I" l larh(JI MR-M I I Price Quoted After In spection OOAST PROPERTIES CO. RH.Iton "Servin~ Newport Harbor AIM" 703 E. Qlntral A~. Balbo. Harbor_, REAL VALUES 110~-INC'OME -fl\JSlNF.SS OPPORnJNITIDI tNSUHANL'F. Nr•w. m(l(lf>m 1 .....,.!mom lu,rn~ on •fi.: Rcre-Vft"¥ Mcl()fl tti~Ct rk t. ... A '"'"I buy ut nnly ''·~00 Nc~w 2-hc'(lt'Oc)ft) hutnl' In Nc•wJltlrt llt>bthu . Srwerw. nllf"'y. niN• h-vf>l lot. 12'x~l' ..rnt'IIM'' (".nod conatn.ac- llorr 1tflll un <''CC't'lwnr ck>nlut :1-llc'(fr'(l(tfll rnud c•m hornt• 1 . fiC'N• In ~ dlAtrict. Lot~ or flltlhullrlln~-4 nnd lnt il11<t•ly lnndllnlflt"d. $9.~00. Easy Terms B. A. NERESON RF.AJ. 1-:sTA'n: BftnKEit AND ASSOCL\Tm Phil 0 . Snlomnn -~ALESMJo:N --John Bondra I 'hone &nmn :122!\ 1 !t72 Nf'WJ)Or1 RJvtl. -a&AL MTATI: WAHT&.D ... , AUTO AEaVIf.!S • WILL 'ffi/1111. Loti ''" l.ido hlr Ff'l lt ~A J.E III:W f'edlllac Sport 111.,, loti un l'••nlruou lt• 110 JIUr I lt.>~••btl·l , ne•w Jllllnt, dl.lt.eh. rh•••· "' 'J. 11r 3 l~t•clr•""'' h•KII(' lorllk•'tt lent! ri'I'II JIII lmmaC\Ilat... Jn Jl .. rt••r dl•trlt-1 l'h"'"' ll~trhor j Mu•l ••·•· 111 HJoflt'I'I'IJtl~. IIIII. 7117 l-ll ·ttr 1 l•luntl ltt<rll~t•· 1'2'2 Ac•t• Aw llnllwott 1•1 N-ltp 110 ~=-JfD:-:-:::-::ro~:=a.o=AJif=-=-~:-:-=-=-::-11 No w r n; H ~: LOA.N8 TO UUJLD, btq. :mprt•"• D1106amlu or nftun~ N~ Balbllll "*'"'"" fta¥11CI I an4 ......., AModati(JII 333.1 VI• J.l&l Ph lh rbor ~~- Y••ur •tull••lrlll'd l1trr-~· r lymwllh l:ll·nh·r. ftArl~ II I Alltlt .. rlt•••l )tnrll TRAJLF.ll.S F'OR RENT Do you• 1 t · .. m'''"'" L•Jitlll'lltlt,n 11nd own haullnc and mov!n1 All '"111""'"'""'' fli'W equlpmeet, 12:15 aftd' 12 ~ 1 '1~'1 t ,.,, , ltoohll•c I""' 1t11y. We fumlah lhf' hltdl • MY"'t!n Droa. ~ SUIIkJJI I K••tt•l~ell r1111l l..,luuk•·r ~fntr olla Mr 17th lr NPWJW~rt lll~ .. ~· MMIII. • M-dt I I , •H. SALI lly ••Wfl• I I'd'• ,.,. .. Alllt'llt 1111 ~'7' II ttl• I itl<• •h• W f~• 11\)p~· I11WH IH'J"'I -.tq lf111' •• h ft ,., •• I'll •• 1 :0.1• •.• 'I'JIIill I I ·,,1'111 Jl:-11 "'' "r••• 1 HI d '<I .'lft Alt k lml~ lytl!·wrlt"r rlhlwm~ In "''"'k nt tl11· N•·\\~ 'l'lm•·~ ------- " (7'n)e W ANTJm Nfo:WPOHT JJ A IWOH MOTORS 1'1'""'' ll~ot'l ... r (i:li'J . WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wl11 Pay Top Prices SELL YOUR CAR NOW Wh~ Prl~ are HJgh. Phone for our oourteouA hu,yer who ...W ea11 and advt. you ~rdlna OPA RgU]at.Jonl, Cllillnl price~~ and arrance ati detAU. CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. • a.t'ro&olt and 0~ n.ura JDal tr..elllstlltnl_ ~ .... -o-. ... 111111 .. ~1111 ........ -r.,. .t NWWPGa# So them District Director Speak s to I H b Ha~bor Business & P rofessional Women i ar or ~ J . M cCiasky, dlrector·at ata nd11rd of ••fftd cni:'V so thf'y w tll 1 )up of Southern ntstrict, Uusi· not ~ LTowd•od out of tho import-1 Feminine Activities ._ and Prof~onal WonK'n's M t po~~ilions whic-h thry nchlrvt'<'t 1 Pflone8 13 and 208 duba. was apukrr at thc dlnner dunn.: tht-wor )'I'IU'S. _ ---------------.------~-------... unr of local busincu women. Mrs. McClllsky was introdu~ B Jb Ci J PI IF N porte Co ntry Q b B id • By WIDUred hrbre • R"'denoe Pbone 1637-R hekl Thursday I'VI'nlng til Wtuli•'s hy &tty Bar~tad, mPmbe.r&tlip a oa rc e ans 'I ormer ew r u u r ge eafe, BalboA Island. • chsirmAn, L~ WitS -~lr. M('('Juky, For Church Dinner Honored at Draws P layers Npt. H eights Cirr;le Makes Tour of GoodwiJJ Industry TeiUn& of her own I'Xp<'flenC!' <'hlluflo•ur·a t ·lar~l' . 1 s· hd F when lhe l'ntl.'r<'d htisint'IIS hfe in Dorot hy Sulht>rland, vke-prl'li·l • --. 1 lrt a y ete 'fhe October aodal program a t Sui FTancilco wllh a liltlary of dent, was C'hatrman '" ttw ah· \\ tth Mrs, S tl'JIIWn Wcnthrrfor~. I Santa Ana Country club drew 13.50 a wet"k, ahe outJinl'd tht• ad· sl'nN' or the pr,sidcnt, A Gi!r-pru ldent of Balboa ~ir;·IP, ~-S C ~ A bi rthdAy pur ty plus a aur· r lo!wr to t he Ha llowe'l'n fH tlvity Newport HeiKhts circle, W.S.C.S. with 12 mt-mbers prl'lll•nt, ~de a tour of thl' Goodwill lndustru.•a a t Santa Ana for their October meet· ing, discovcring the. l'normoua Amount of good done by the or- ganization both in aiding handi- capped lndividualll and In provld· lng UliCful arUclea at a low OO.t. vancemt>nt made by women and lnldl' Collver. Carolyn Web<>r , In St JOII<'ph h011p ta w cre s '-' priSt• fur t ho· huJ<i t••ss was the ato• Y "lwn dN'OrRtlons lor the Thun· urced that th<'Y ,lriV(' for a hl~hcr_Jlr"'ident or Orllnlw ('uunty ('uUn· I~ ro•('OVI•rlng from an O)M'ra lll lll. \\lwn M_rs k H .'\ld>nnald enlt'r· day hrldgc luncheon fea tured bowls ctl wu prl'lc>ntcd With 1:1 jJif'lllrt' M r~ Sy lll'ymon prr·~tdt•d 8t lho lalno•rt ~ rtdll\ '''''"'"i! Ill hl'r hom•• I r r II r ., d t ill v1 f Wlllte House Cafe • h d h 1 f M . · • " a r UI nn ra nr nell or of matallal.lon .cc rcmnnh•li at No•w. m~·tmlo( r l Ill t o· Him" n r~ :n r. Magnnlta fl\o·nul·, \nsta Meaa, llo<' tahll'll, nnd in the e ntrance hall port Harbor Vorht chth and t hunk· Mmnio• Ra k(•r, Anudo• s trt•t•l Four. tuononng llw lur thrll1)' fonnivenan I I IIJ ht' th ed for the many times she haa lo••·n rtll'miJI•rs wero• on a ttcndanet> of hrr mol hf'r Mrs I·. Lazartrh 1: ';"''~~ god I''" IC r aa n em urns. .~:racaously offtrtato'll a• lnsta lllni1 Mrs. Jack ~II!IHI lo·rl 1n drv•1· or Sunt>J nror h.:ra ' . 11 t"d e re~thors rookmi a codm· Offl-r · wms. hPr IIUioj.·l:'t l)('lng "Nature's Mrs L:uartf'lt 'a former N••\\ I '' liC<'Ol' w I pu~p hns ~~~ ~~ . · ' ~ 'II'AW man COnt ~U'"' t e tucu.., Marie Hlt>hsch of ttw h1gh school Mn~11'' ,f l~·t"Y.. ~fnst fnr ·~·· JJnrt lkat'h ·r•·Sido•nt. had cortl" J)l<roratlons Wl're arranged by 1~ I s taff talked op thOIIC iu u£·s un thl' llf'U on WIIS g \t'• to pan.~ or 1 I' from Stc><·ktolll, wh~>rc lhe wu~ h I M 'T H d 1 Fi\'P Pollar llanqul'l of Christ '''"'''"c ., olauchto•r, r.trs · Barbar 0 Of; csscs. · rs. 0!" en erson NOYftnber ballot Which •f(cct lea-('hun·h hy lhc Sr n. wh,l'h wdl 111· Mo·Donllld Anol n nt•w ~•no· ~nd MMI. Les Philh~. and Mrs. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii;:.-ho lot "'"" mbcr :.!1 ~ llh a ~urpnst• ola ul(hto·r s t ... 18 \'!siting a fhlrol ' ack Pllrkc, social chairman for llu• month, SUp<'rvlsed the bridge Memlx>rs took sac" lunchea wtth them and afterward held their buaineas met"tlng with MMI. Fred Wood~orth prt>Siding, and t'njoy. E'd an afternoon progr am. cn t,.rtal(lml'nt pro"ram rla ughto·r. !\lr~ F:d Mirkovich of ft,1 11 tablE'S I ('hn~otm.o~ ~·rnppln:-~ and r ar<ls 0 15111 :\lf<'SII ami thr two l illft-r• P rt.WS W••rt• ~·on by Mn . Blanchc Gorzuchovsk t'-DuRall ar{' bcinf: S(old hy m••ntiH r~. ~'"'II Ill\ ttrcl JniHI) uf tht>tr muth~c • .\nelri'WS, ~Irs. Parkc a nd Mrs. I",. '"'"''!\ or nott• par~ 1. 11nd th~·y .. tcl tun•· ''" nol~ to the• rmr ty. ,1,., 1 ,~It·, 11,,. srorcs going toward E ngagement Told llr•' •·x,..·•·ttnc a ~ll1puu "' .,r 1 tu~ \ M .,, L"' td h j I s r~ · I' "'"II 1U Ulil tlwtr tuurnllm l'nt play. ___. han•ly hu n~• ~. sn u,o•ful ami .,.. lnt'h rnuvro m ro hl'r no~ home, thl.' ----With Mrs. Frank Kt'<'nan. MA . 8•) nuor1) l"'"l•lo• ur•· ~;mllnl: t.llt'»IS tonk """ uppoortunity to sur . 1 • Carl Du Rail and Mrs. Stt-lla ----J•risc· ttw1r hnstc·'>l> witl) 11 house·. I New Daug hter· in Chnnr y tlost<'SI a t a birthday dwr~ 1\ "•·n••rnl ch,rus~ton .,.. ns 1 1 h 1 " ""rm111~ rouo ••ro· wrts a Ia tl · H · · H party for Wilma Kl'l"nan a t the hdrt nn lhl' •tUe',IH•n nf m• IOIK·r'l I I r It f ft { h 'r tgg ms orne 111 ''1 " " ~· s or N H' o lth Krenan Woml'. 1119 Bush atrl'et, with pc·rrnltrt••nt dtnn••• ro " t\11· """" '' I --Santa Ana, It wail not until rl.'-tlc•n~ "l11o cleo ''"' o·arwo•l tlwrn "lwn 1 1 1 d 1 1 \Irs Don-tit' llt<>ins is now a t · 1" 0 ~oos 11n 1'1r)'illlrtl ll 'mums iu · · " frrshnwnts wrr,.. scr vl'd t hnt the 11111 p!lonllllll: '" tollo•nol. onrl 11 \\'11~ dt t'ldf'(! thai tl !IUe•h ro l!l•rv;!lltlnS ron• nut l'llnr•f'llo·!l h~· \\'o·dtw~duy I f'Vf'nlru: lof tha t \\'o•o•k tht• nlt'rnhrr will Itt· c•huq :o-rl leu tho• Ulllll"t' (;o·nl'\lo•\'•· s, 1,.,.,,, r .. r tlw J'r,•ss nnd Winlfro•d llarlt" .,f ll11' No•\H· Tim•·~ \\O•r•· olf'),lllllll•" I'II·I'IIHII'ITit'n of Jlltl•lll'll) l'•'l'l!' t :~:·· ancll\,tl h f'rlrtl' llro•wo•r \\o ro• nuuto·ol liS II t_"tntin1•1t•'•· I•• ""'d•·•·• •• 1d 1t~· h ,r tht' mo•o•t1111: (I( Ill•· l~ount) o·ounrd in =""' ··mht·r lo1tght o·ulo11 ' ;n ul or·;utg•· candlf'" t~oonu• "1 \t:!S \Vt•st Ct>ntra l ave~uc-discovcry w11s madc tha t it was nt;orlo• ;o I··~• ",. noll• In kc~pl'll: ·'II h lwr daughtr r, Sandra Loutse, also an nnnounc'l"ment party. "II h I ho• Sf''osnn Gnmt•s w • .\ltol ''liS I Horn Oct. H at St. Jo· Th . 50 . • , . • ro· srrlh'~ hn~p't nl Shl' vAl h d . e guests, some youn~ po•o-plil)•·d . with Mrs. l .<otll~•· S(X•rldinnl · · 1 · ' •· g e !IIX pit' of Spurgcon Mcmorinl church tuknu: '"'" rirlol Jll'il.•·s 11nd Mr~ 111'111111~ ''"~'IL h'ld spent an evcnin~ or gnml·s' Fnu1k l.:ot;;r·wll fiOIH ht•r firs t :l.lrs . llti:J;:lns wus l hc former music nnd song~ ttnd WhC'n rf': HoMolly prtt•·-wo•n · \\'()0 hy Mrs '11"" "HII)111J Mason or Portland. freahmen ts wcr . '. d k i llulrl;o Y"um: anti Mrs. llarri~ 1 1~ ''1:"11 and \qs tur two Y<'~rs a wr·r,.. unfnld£'d t~ r:~;~~ tiw~~o':ni~: ( 'IIIII•· sr \\ .o;oo· In tlw U. S. Army. Mr.l \\'(-ddint:: JHo , I 1" r El C uo · .. ts inl'llldf'fl Mr!l l'l'lc An· lltt::~ln~ \\:oil H ~hip fill£'r on the c•·mor UIJonR II c,• mSJI"t r I ;> :2 . • 1 . ..,.., .._. _, 1 · • a n • an "Y -.orzu. nll'h ~lr~ S!•rlu· lrwm and Mn< · ,.., ·"''ornaRr 100" w;u• 1151 Statton· chovski son r M u G . · d t Sh· •h "h' · · o · rs •n nry orzu· Herberta Johnson of Balboa Island Chosen Charm Girl of Redlands Un iversity Campus Not synthetic beauty but the 1 Soon after rn tcring !hi' unlven~Jty g{'nulne appeal or h('r own ~cioua at Redlands shr Willi r h>eted aecre-- pcrsonall ty won Cor a New pOrt gU'l,j tary of thr frMhman dass. Mlsa Her ber ta Johnson of Bal: \ lt!Wld. the cov.eted liLle of Cam ,4~ Ill Charm Girl or fWdlandl univcrsity • • • last week. ._ A memlx•r of Len Ju sorority, she waa aponsorl'd by her sorority liatera u their candidate for Charm Clrl, in compt•titlon wtth liOm(' w l or the pretties t girls on the campus, many of them upper I clftlllwomen. TI1e con teal wu held Wednesday t-venlni with each candida te rt•· qulred to mount the ate~ of tty administr ation buildJng and lfl\'e a &kit or performance or some sort. Miu Johnson. demure 1n a quaint plaid taffeta ifOwn trirtl· m<'d in black velvet, wearing black lace mitts and carrying an old· fu hloned nosegay, gave a rendi· tion of U ttl(' Rt'd Ridlnghood, in modem l tf l<'. She c:ould scarcely beUcve it when ahe wu ch08en to the covet· I'd pollition. but the pr esentation or a bouquet of Clowcrs, a big box of candy and a box of nylons helped convlnct-her it was trul'. I H <'r lx>r ta Is the daughtcr of Mr. anfl Mrs. Herber t Johnson, 1111 1 North Bay Front. Sht' gradua ted this yc•ar from Newport llariJior Union High school, whc•r•• she was not only among tht' highc•st in scholaatic s tanding, but a flltpular l('adl'l' in all campw actl\'tltrs. Phone ~D 5824 Newport a Costa Meu CAB CO. "'!7 Dona e~~ (JIM/,. "'Moet u.,...., aed Anlatlc IEa'- lq ~ on u.e W•t c-r ~ oeuao. Combination Dinners .fj. New and UnwJUal Seafood Specialties L\ For RetlerYDUona BEA C ON Lily ·nt'lmt""""· "''~'r• 1 ary "1 ~"• "'JIItrl llo·11o'11 l:rmnm.u <o·lu••l. \\ ,,, \\ IOfl~"l ••I th•• t1r.•" •n..: IH "'"· u 11111r 1•f II\ lout• d~tn:olo •I lo\' < 'utm- c •.,, II•·. l"t'Wfllll't Ho•,,.h: Mr!C. 1-:hzn. ' . '0 • •'"t:: •:• ' Ina.. . l rho\'s.ki of Balboa. '"'"' ll• lnt""'' Or:ml(o·: Mrs. Mar · fhl' 1\\fo me 1 nnrl ~t're marrted 'fhe two mct h th , .. ,,' llhw. C:nlo•tn ; ~trs. Ro~rt :lft••r ,r•·c·.·h·mg .'11''1r dis.chargc:s vNo•ran rl'lurn<'d ~0 ";.s st:dr,?.,u~~ + I •ohio·. 1-.1 .S··t::tmctn , Mr-. Dan Me. and n 'ldc·d, 111 1-.xt o·r, Calif. unttl Santa Ana Junior rollc·~c· Ill' is _ ~11 11.,, .\11 < \'Pra Rn oddy, Mrs 1"011111: 1" ="• wpnrt )l(onl'h 10 make nuw a stud,•nt ut \\'hillt(•r. roll!'gl' \'•olmg, :\It' . 1-:ltznlwth Lazarieh, llto•tr ltt•nt•• .lr---------------------------- 11 s 46 s~ ----------~~----~,·------------------------J 26-Bou:r PASADENA • •• ..... .... .,. 1-s.M ,.. lti'Mt .... ..-:, " •a..ta ~ a Ia Byron LONG BEACH ltii'IM A Ye . OJ.a.npeb~ . . . brilliant ... a ooet ~ry Lord Byron with Its (XX'tic eoUar, dnched-in waist and glittering buttons. One trom Swansdown's dramatic ned collectlon ... exdullvely ours! Tallored in pure wool suede by Mll11ken. Sizes 10 to 18. 53.25 Better ~ 8eeand J1oar c·thwln 1\c•lo 1\ llo•n (;uo'l'<IJt tnlrooluro cl lndtul•"l !\lr und ~~,... l\td 'ln~k). \Irs \\, h.·r. I )uroot h) l!o-1rho·r1 o •I l.at,:Ufoll H•'lll'h \'to rlo·l Culfh'•'ll "' c 'uo,f;l Mt'l'll. ~lr' ll L Shaf••r 11nd dAughtt'r )tr. 11nd Mrs. Ruru., Lnngmirt' Mur~ r ...... ·"'':< llo-l o•n l'l'rkins. Catholic Women or llonululu \\'(•r(' rl'<'l'nl I!IJI'SIS for Vi's Beauty Shop H_n~ _ rr:•m s anta Ha.rt~o~ru. Mr~ Meet Wednesday s,.,.,.r111 da>~< At rtw hom(' or Mr. ~~~~ m h.1na nnt.l !\lr<t 1-n mk LaLar · and ~I rs. l had 1 llalt•y or IInley's t-:lst•· c' St•m,. "I ll:tlho111. Mario· Tlw Altar sorirty of Mt Carm,.J s W tlllflnlll of , ..... An~l'lo•ll. Fran· Balboans Vi sit I l'alhttll(' church will hotif thl'ir et'll Sh••rntr~ ul llurl••r lslanrl, t• ~:ular munthly mr•f'ltn.lt Wedni'S· M11r.,. tf,.rr .. rn. prmo·lpnl or """"'· Future Resid ent II·•Y. !"nv. 6 at 'l p.m . a t thc hom~> f"__l'l .r~·adt c;1 :ommar srhool, and I ___ rot !\l r~ Arthur Taylor. 113 Via L1l)' I h""'I"'V" Mr and Mrs. J E. \'nn W ig,, Qllolu. L1d0 Isle. -· 1207 Ed~:cwatcr. nalboa, a re b&ck HARBOR LIGHTS rrum 11 tnp nurl h, having spent I .\Irs. R. R McDonald and lrtrs cwo W('('ks in 1 '' •·~:on nnd two in I :rt Mlrkov1ch or Coeta M<'sa. and hy Mnlly Rrdmond nttrlhf'rn f'a~lfvr~ul. 1\lr!l. Ruth Tarnowski ot Newport I'IOMKIN PARADr; l n San 1-rAnl'l~<'n t.hey visited I ii"Khl~>:. llltl'ndcd a pcrformanCI.' I Wetlley n r·yson, who tll secret ary or Vcrdt s OJ}Cra, Rlgoletto, a t Los With n hlnrl' ur th1• hus drum for n yacht club, and fo\.and him Angelcs Sunday. On the same day nod " fanfllrc• nf trumiX'IS Ilnrhor 11 subsc-ri llt'r to thc Ncws-Timca Mrw. Mlrkovich's house gues t, Mrs. lllwh's m•w 40-pirr o• band und"r and plannin~t t o makr this hla Loull<' Stx·rldian of Santa Bar· thl' dlro'l"tlon of Ll'l" Sawin la a dd-future homl' when he rl't irl's aome bara, cnjoycd a ''isit from her son, in!( rhyt hm und IIIJtrit ln the Har· aLX yl'an rrom now. Ch'arll's Vucich, San Diego. bnr football ~tamt'S Our boy& ure pl11ylnw IM'III'r thlln they ha\'1' for a yr•ar 11nd the mmln~: ~ami'.WIIh Snnt11 An11 promis<'s to hr a thrillrr I!Arhnrll('s out-do t hl'm- lt')V{'I ainltJng ~rhool soniZs and ~tivlng out with soml' tcrrtfk yd ls. T 11nya SM:-Iy 11nd Judy Chapn"an With W111t Spi('('r and Fred Hupe an· again yl'll lcadcMI. and vl.'f'y e nt<rgetic ones, too! AIIO herc In tht' JX'P linc lla.rhor prt'11f'ntl Pat Gl11ss. Vcrn11 Nif.'laon and Donl'a Rlnlo( aa aong le.d,·rs cit' lwcc Golly, what a gToup of cutirs t hey are. I have nt>vvr 114'('n anythinlt shllrtX'r then thl'ir intf'rprclation of "Anchor• Away." 8wina" aed 8Wa)', W it h dancing and romaacin~t ~­ ing of 1111 time• importan('(' on~a.n}' hohby·!IOX· A~tt•nda. 1 larhor will cer· lllinly ht' the llt'C"nl' Of quit!' II hit of ~wii11!111K and rlinglnlt at O'.Jr lir!<t ni~ht dan('(' this Frid:~y. l-'1u klnt.: forward to ll lJ'OOVY Jivt'· day tHI~ Fr iday a-Bat Not Forp&tea Alumnu~ ll••rl)('rfll Jnhnaon~ bt-fon l'lf'<'tl'd !ll'l'rl'tary of thl.' Frc,;hman •·lass at Rrdlands .uni· \'<•n lty ~hr wa.s chnt~C"n out of a cln~ts totahn~ ovf'r :\410 studt nls. W r nr•• nAittrally \'o•ry proud of &rtn. "~mnll town ~:nl m 11kl'll ~onrl." ~~~ )•'I ,,lr ~RYIOIZ ltoes. • When in LAGUNA BEACH Come to THE SNACK BAR "WHERE A SNACK IS AS GOOD AS A MEAL" For REAL FRENCH ONION SOUP ORIGINAL GRILLS YUMMY HOME-MADE DESSERTS OpeD ()ally 1 I :10 Co I ( 0... F'rt4la,J'a) Slmday We 81-rve a SfeeW BRUNCH 10 .. !1 1482 (.'out Blvd. a-~ 5%'71 lN THE ART CENTER COLOR PRINTS • ·From Your Favorite Transparencies Blondell Camera Supply I Arclo•ll" J-o;1•nnh . lf'i• S trunk Cook 1 and huhhy nrr fnl!'tl ,.,,·,.n thr Phone I hnt'k• to RNII11nd, Harbor 1033 BALBOA 3(17 Palm Ave. ,.._ ttw-1\a(onn, 1"- \'l'rnn !"to l~"" ~:;r\o' n llmn-1~~~~--------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I •hnt::••r u( 11 pnrry n ro•w ~-RJ:O IIIII s\mm~ :'11111 r.. 1'1!-:lfl Hrt 'II('. I ,ltnuny Ar.;t.r•n nncl ~I.H'\' • ll'y ' 1 "f't·o• n ro'W ul I ho· mnn~ dt'lr:tt'fo•rs I I who mronu~:o·d tol rom~llln•• tour lhs j nf hrtl'llll 11nrl o•ntl'r lnt,l an •'IZ~ 1 111~11101: rollllo•<t, I Ill•' t hullt.:ht prn- \'okhn: inl'lolo•nt nt I ht• o•\'o•nlnjt wn~ IIIII l\t:t lll n~l)''!' l11d1111! 1\\ll pnunll~ nf hnr'lm In I h•• 1rnr11nl!' l~lflrol I mnyl~<• lw ecm~ltloT•·d It 11 pro·~~~n~ mnllc•r I liO ~o·n nn " ""'"' Anothrr ~lun·dl~ '' o~ ttnolo·r "·" nt Annc·tc•• Slurlo·~·s \\llh th•• ahk n!I~1Stnno·r o•l .. u,•h I l111 l~•nl • < "' llill \\'o•nt lll'r\\'itS, ,\lll't h hl~'ll'·"'·l S tew Gillett and Lou o\nn !':11111,.. !'On 11 <t'o'ITUI I hl'n ' \\ :1~ • ""' t• "' hnr~t· who' 1:11\'C' fllj:t.:) -h:wk n •lo ' I•> I hi' whnt.' lrtbr of thirl) tT II• n • < " ('rl)('k tn thl' OOC'k or who's '-l\C'nl- lhnc l. f'1M' \\'....,. 'om --~1M' 1¥1l11 'urn I M W P c.:I:Y ll~ahin~; today In a real 'nAn y ~I'll 5ho•l: ponk Cflr· d uro)' sho1rt ('f~ I Th,• ktnJ: slo'f'\ o•ll Wf'r!' lll:hii'Oo>d Ill lhr ~T!St \\tlh thr 11amf' b•IZ hr tt.:ht silwr huttnns that dl'corntl" lh<' front nr lhr coat. S11lly To\\ le has n dnrliniZ 1 onl', too, nnly ht'r's 15 m soft 1 pov•df'r blue Whl'n n.s krd whl'rf' thf'y purchast'd thtlr 1tl11d ra~:s. thr, owncn1 choru~ "SHE. rf1tt ur. 1 all ." ~at'a all now, untJI lht' Har· WE . WEL COME YO U TO OPEN .A CHARGE ACCOUNT ( ltO -641 -90 Day.) Marbro'a Invite yo11 to come IJtt and open 8. ChnN!'(' II('('()Uftt. Our stocks arc rompl<'ll' \\1th t.M la t.st styl('<; or LAdl.-' Pine Apparel. NatlonaiJy Ach·N1t~d READY -TO -WEAR mAR BROS clan/a ana, · na W'IE8T n'B ST. I'IIOQ , ... Stare 80tll'll: n.Dy t.Jt ,... SetardaJ lt:SO A. II. to 1:10 P.M. Ya<:'hl Basin ~lr. Lon~:mtrl' Is con· 1 no•rtPd \\'it h L•·wc•rs and 'o o k Lumho·r rom11;1t1~ or llonolulu a nd is on h1s "ay to CanadA to huy lumb<>r. T his Willi thl' first visit nr th<' bla nd•'rs to tho• mainland In S<'vc•n or f'i1:ht )•f•urs and thl"y CX· prl'~~~'<l dt'lt~ht l'd appri'Cifltion of !"I"WJI()rf llarhnr Mrs. C. D. S haw . wtfo was for I two yrars a resid1•nt or Balboa while Major S huw was atatlonl'd at Santa Ana /\rmy Air ba.~c. wu II gucst for the pas t Wl'l'k or Mrs. L. L. IsbeU, 1305 Ellllt Central 11\'('nUC. DODD'S o.-••· .......... ___ 1 1103 Caast mway Corona del Mar A n n o u. n c i n· g .•. Remodeling of her beauty aliop with booths which give you mol'e privacy. NEW WATER SOFI'ENER SYSTEM FOR MORE BEAUTIFUL HAIR • Hair Styling • Hair Cutting • Tinting ~ Manicuring • Pennanent Waves of aU Types IUTI'Y BUSBY, formerly of 01a1eaco _. Ba.lbae wt11 be _.UDc VI ta Mlluy'a a-utiftoeau.a FOR APPOISTMENT8 -PHONE IIAIUIOB t•w ln.dnnduality for rh• "M orher·to·bc · • • If u•c de 110l have 1t, lW ma~• ''· yoll stc' CVonn£Ve%arie Shoppe We Are llappy • 8ena •ea la I LoeaUo• R5 Ji. llalD 8t. Arcan Bide. S..ta A-. P1aoM ... &6!41 \\1Lituer Blvd., ,.,_. Loa ~ BAYSIDE PL.ATING CO. We ~laim to Have AU Expert Silversmiths -• the Silver in California -All Work Guaranteed ' Estimates on Wholesale , Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD Tea &1"\;ces -Antique Finishing -Trophies -Jewelry . Candelabra ~cctors -Bathroom Fixtui"('S Baby Shoes Ceramics ' Marine Plating Badges and Souvenirs Phonf': S..OO.. 611S. Day•: BeaOOil SS.~-R. Nl~hta 1914 Harbor Blvd. C. R. •'BOB" HAND c. c. "CHUCX" wmm COSTA MESA I bor Lllttt a'fo'lnp around qaln ~~ ... --------------------------------------~------~t ~k ·~--------------------------------------------~ ,. •