HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-13 - Newport Balboa News Times2 COUNG-IL VOT-E DEY¥5 TIDELAND OIL LEASE LARGEST TWICE·A·WEEK CIRCULATION I N OR AN G E c 0 A. T . s LA R G E • T c I T y I BALBOA ~IMESc~ Today'• 11 A.M., P.8.T. nnw .I naN A \'tlf'al" ,,_ ....... ~'·· ·-'· & -.... '"'""'', .. 1, I~ Il l ''" I Ill 11.111, ~•I ·-• oln ~I I '111111•" II I I olll I ~ \ ••llllnt• ttltHIO'\ 'lutt"''~ -·--~ ..... Kill try-to 'Railroad' Approval l h " •• ,., .. ,. \,,,,, ,,f :\ J n'k·n,a... "' tlw '''~ '''"'"'" >'''""'''<lily n-- THE 'Independents' Achieve Unity ~~: On Aims, ~hree Candida~e~--- candidates ..... r: :,. ·. ' . I IIIII' IH 1"'1 l0110AII)1 a IIIII)' h'Mflll .. " ... ,.,.,. 1lr11wn In 1!11:\ hrtwffn tA \\' Jo:lllttll, II 1>11111( l"•tu•h t.lll • ''''"'"'· '""' llw l'll)• nt Nf'Wl~ "''"''" I•H tlu· tlrllllna.: nt tldf'land f\11 1'1111•, lllotlht I Jthll"' Vf tho• C'Vf'f'o pi• ~""' ••II "' ,. I I l'•nlr•wr,.., 1\ llhlu ' lh•• o'tl) WIU h'IIIIIO~IIrlly '"'' t flld it •I nfl•'l J>:rno•at l"rl..._ "'I'' • '' 111 ln~o; 1 "" ,lrr~··n~ Oil ('u ool t .. •n.; Ill n<'l• ho~<l a~ko'<l tho• cit)· 8 Y May Declare · lnll11·" '" 111•1""''' tho• toM tan- ""'" I 11l I Ito h•tu"' 11\ t•c I u hi• ('Ofll• "•Htt\. s A • 'On Their Own' Jl1STICE. You get speedy justice in the Newport Beach city court-at least traffi<: violators do -and the Mon<1ay spent watching (comparatively new) Judge · Harry BlodgE>t handle the culprit<> was good to tx>hold. Flanked by Chi<'f of Polire Hodgkinson and rourt s tcn- ~·· the judge. in a firm but kmdly tone, promptly dis- poses or many cases. He gave his first jail sentence to a young gob, who not only hit 80 miles an hour in a 35- mile zone. but l'l'peat.ed the perlonnance after the officer gave him a ticket. so tht> young sailor, a bit mon> sol- emn than when he entered the court room. received his senten('(' to meditate on his behavior in thE> loca.l bastllfo. Inside or an hour the jurist had disposed of 10 traffic cases with an absence of grumbling from the prison- t>rs at the bar. • • + Out_>· to Commun.lty. In an editonaJ the L . A. Times gives a brief resume or the physician's duty to Commun- ity Welfare. thus: Both the Los Angeles and 0 r a n g e County Medical associations dese-rve to be commended r or the prompt action they are taking to end certain abuses. Because or fruitless efforts to gain emergency aid, both county associations h ave compiled lists or those doc- tors 'able and willing to make emergency calL~.· In Los An- geles the association's execu- tive conunittee is reported to be considering the expulsion of those members proven to have received 'kick-backs' from laboratories. D u r i n g the war phyt'licians remain- ing at home ca.nied an exces- sive load and could be for- given for not responding to each and every call , but with conditions returning to nor- mal calls ror medical aid should not be Jong una.n- swt>red. + • • The CatllD DolM. A new and unique kind or doll was produced during the holidays by Mrs. Fred Catlin of Lido Isle. She uses a dried apple tor the face and builds old ladies around them in such a beguiling fashion as t o capti- vate kids and adults alike. The apple face, as it shrinks, causes more wrinkles and the expressions are deliciou.c;.. ly withered ancient grand- mas. The sk.Lrts and dresses and hair are in keeping ";th the subject, arrayed as tltcy an> on the clothespin body. ... ... , + AA to Mldw"'t .IU!<It:IOf'. Speaking of justi~ in the lo-caJ court remind$ me of a case in the middle west while we \\'<'n> v;sitin~. Two mt>n had !';CiZRd a girl anci a pro- fessor in Iowa. travellro with• th<'111 to Wi~nsin whel'l' I ht' man WM killed. the girl a.c;.. saultro and both thrown ~1t. ~ murdt-l'l'rs \\'E'I'l' cnp- tur<'d by a IJO!'.~ of 50 farm· E>rs. I nsirlt' of <~ w('('k t h<' pair wa" indiMt'<l by a ron· ven('(') granci jury anci givm life ~ntf'nC"C'S. (State IHw pro h i bits c-apit aJ punish- ment.) Haci that f'rim.-hap- JlE'flcoci in Crtlifomin it WO\tld h<t\'<' I'IM.'n months hcforP lh.- triaJ nnd t hcn n t lt'a!'t an- otht'r month woulci ha\'(' f'O· !rut"rl in t l");n~ the two. Just whv It tflkcs lonJ:r<'r in th<' Goid('fl Stat<> to m<'te nul Jus- tire. ('8.Jl, no rlouht, hc an· swE>red by ~ ot our ~ and offldals. • I R<,m·~t·nllllivt'S o r th<' llarUI•t a"•a 's llusmps.c; and tmprovo•m • nt as."oCIIIIIOI'\.'> mC'I last nJj:;ht at Rll· ga n ·-. raf<' on C<XL'l ht6h"«)' to Jl('rft"<-'1 rtnaJ d rMt ot &ms a nd pul· tct..,. tn Ul• put to t~t In thl' munl· C'it)ltl l'lc'('ltOn::. April I:.!. 'l11 t:-'' tL~ l•·an wd today 14' !'(. ron ... to rocu~ lht• blurn:'<J polll ll'lll Pit' I Urt' ror 1~8 bcgllll to dlvulj.tt• "''''' l••lut ... l ''"' tl111t d<'v~luv· 1111'111• \\ o•llhl, Ill lltl) l'llllo' haYf' to o\\1111 I''''"'"' Ptlurtl' h) tho• At - ''""' ' I :o•n•·t te la Au<M'IIIIIVII ul ''"' • ".,. to htlltlt 111 ''"~"r" tn hra~ on 1 '""II' ··-w tu lll'•l••r thf' IIUit ··lhtllllllt.: .. r title• '""'''· oow hrldl ''' tlh· ,,.,,,.~,., t.:•"•·rnnto•nt. twlcil ,,, .... ,,,. ..... tht• outlin•· or battle-lines whtt•h H\oard uf T hut"l>"'"' ('c...,..,.. l 'lt' Att.•lltt\ Hulnml ·n10m~ '"" \\ h11 lui\ dro,. n up " n1•w 1,. ... "'' t h ·· .I • t'•·n• c ·, , It•' ,. • h11t waa lton lnntollllll t11 11 1 ''''"''"'"ndatl()ft tlucl tho• t'IIIUII'II IIN'f'Jll thr 1W'W 1111 ""11''1111'111 t.hym~ fl•..ci, and t ·,.,,.,..""'"" t .t-.. to•r l~hrll aart'f'll. WJII rontinu<' to txo mon· r lt•url) to"'; RaJph P. MMkey, . Real r~ta"" IU11t. "'"" 11~t rlrawn wtthm thl' n<-xt ft•w day' "ho ln•tallf'd orrtc..-... ; t:uc:....,. ('on..-r. •tatfo _. .... tar)' of ('a.IU. Real A puhC} romnulll'<', compn!-<'11 t: ....... L~latlon ; William Sanford, -""-4 of s ... ·port Harbor or Fayl"tl<' Birtcht'r, Rob<'rt J::a.'t-l~rd uf Kr.alto,..; and T om Hf'ndf'noon. outcolq ~t ol ,_,a. u,,.,. and maatf'r of C'f'~ at uuaual lllutq""l aacl 1-taalal~ "r."I·IIH~CTkY.U IU t"'Ci, Ur. l'aul \an l,...lr1fl'• ~,.,,,.,, r ullrr Trtnn lakl nn lh bratn'flt41• un thoo _. .. ull '!lith 14t .. Mu!Mia). At lo" tHit' •t-·t•h•,.. .,,,.,ht '""'" 11rnmHt thf' ,.,..,. Thf. Trlun .... pull .... etf 1'11h I'"'CIII(tllff' clan...... • tlllooloo It\ llth•hr.••k man nntl Harry Abhton. ha.~ \'tr· •-• ThuNay nJrhL at \'AC'h~lub. tlhn!" h)' <~rhan:lt. tuall) romplt•tcd on outline· .. r T t •)4 F t 1 Race Horse Game, Scouts, Canteen, I Laundries and Trees Get Airing what "tnd<'po:>nd(•nts" (liS Oppo~l'd Elect.· on of Chamber o.·rectors e on, •> -00 to th~ city haJI faction) would likl' Cutt p II d llut t 'mliWlhlk'll 1'\Nw-rt Allrn. ·~~~accomplish('(! by a cllr ad· Planned· 41st Banquet Set Jan. 29 er, u e mtntstrauon. Formal statlml<'nt of ' F Be h th~ir policy Is expected to 1M> forth· . t fOm 8C Moo "" ~II< 1 11nd ftt.lllf'riiiOfl twa. ""' lt•l rurtho•r tlmr lllalnllt ., ..... t•l••ot lltnl Hw tnAIIrr Ill• IIIIJII'O~ t.•omtng ~urn~ tomorrow. f:kiCUon of dlrf'C'to"' to Ulfo board nf Uw C'lltamlllf'r of NMI-wUJ rt't ua••,.r way .. 1thln thf' IM'Jt:t ,,.,. das"' a.rNrdJq to .,. ___ , \\ht•ll 'fll•~•luto• l>k~;lt"' ll l•ttlh•ol i"'"''' 11 ''"' \tolllt'h lit••\ 111/lllllnltl 1 u •tt••t r•h• R ru'''"' .... ,., •. ..:u,v• .. ,,.,, '' .,, 1 h·· ",., Tf'lmt 'l l·fol(ll f'UII•'• "'""~I h)' ..:roo\\tl·IIJI"" Il l 11 :1 1\lnln S l . h•· t.t'tl•'l' ,<f-lll 'l"•~·uot o"" "•'I•' 1111 "' Clllt'l' Apprcwed I Candklatft by H. :-·. Kf't'ln), P""''df'nt, •·ho baA alreAdy a anwod hi• appo .. a-ta Th1'1'<' randidatH to run tn thl' thf' nonunatlftC I'Of1\P\Jt~. • .• Dr Paul \'unl>.-<;rlft. wr•nl a~t •t ('II k .cno ""'""''"''' ~' n•• " ••' ""'''''' '"""""I'" 1•• "''"' 1 .. •"''~ Slltnlf'y Thr lo loot· l"'l'tntla whl~llrft •l~llllniC frum • 1llr IOC'atf'd out- oldr ltw rll)' llmlll April counctlmnmc ra~ h&VI' !"('. Mt>m ho'rs n( Ill•• hun rd \\h11~•· Realtors Laguna re1vcd tarit approval. it wru. h •m \S I'Xplro· 1 ht:-\ ••.or nn• ftalph ' ' II(T'Otlnc1 ••fr l tith lilt'"' No'"l"''' .. r th~' hlllltlll>l.: rtf 111111 '"""''" ""'' •• ,, .. 1 Murph). fnr thrlt "''"" Sund.t) ll(l<lll, o\tlo.llh••t 't<;t•lll••n t lhH•\to lh<' <'II \ f'•KIIII'II 1111•• II •'oofl llfl thr lll~othl.) liiiN'f.,..ful l 'll•luto•tuo 11C'IIm .. r t ho• ~nuthl•1nt1 '"" I'V•II '""''""''' chth•·t .,,,., \\luot Mn)oot llowot •·1111""\. 11t11l '" .)hr·k !'lu11tmo•t•, WhiC'h h.o, -jti'<'IHI lrtlf·rmlllt•ntly II II lt•~"l , ... .,..,, lo• ('1111 llu• "f1111 \\lu1 Will ro•tlr•• u(ll"l 1'1 \0' 11, ,111 lt•lph I' M .. kry, IOC'al N"altor, apuko• IIlli Mhaqoly 11111lnat admit- t in~• tlw Jrrl(f'nl lntrn-t~ta, nr any - ~··· Ill l~tnt1tWI IUC'h nU .,._ ll'arn<'d Tiwy will announct" thl'lt ,.. A Guests, w.·tness candirtaC'y on lht'lr own. it ts 1>1'· 1\lll'lko •\·, lluhhar11 lim"'· lil'vro. lllld will fil<' agrunsa th" '\')'· Pat~··•-. ~~~~J<·r• Murphy. c .. "' Installation Fete lov.i ng tnC\Jmlx'nL~. none of whom C \ Me< n rry. S T llunlap. II OY"r tlw ""1~1 tlw I"''' \llo'f•••k •h•mPntnl t••ho•, '"' Mtllll '"''''' · lht· l••lh·o• f,.rt'o· DUtr•" "1:1111l/; tn •nt l hc• ,ar u·k 1 \lo•fo'lrn~ illhl 1\t"" 1\tud 'ooll•• k 1\ '"""''' t•or ""''"It 1"1 "'""""'" ha.~ tonnally mdicutro ht' ,.,11 run E Krnlloll. Brad••n F tnrh 11nol ror n'·l'lt'C'tton · I , , . 1-'t 0 \\ altl'r S Spte..r. h•• !Hm t. a yor . B. ~. Ma.c;on Stl<'r I 'l'h lllld Robcn AJJ~n. " nunun;,tmR enmmtll<·co wtll 1'wo o th<'r councllmm. LA'stt'r nom<' tw1o rnndtdnt•''-for <'lll'h lsbcll lllld 0 . Z. Robcrt!IOI'I. \\111 1 \ aC'nnr y In lxo NIINI. tt('('Hrdtnl: to hold lh<'tr >oMits until 1960. l'hnmiX'r o r romm,.rN· bY·Iawt~ Among th015(' known to be IIC'· and ballots containanR all nllllWii tlvely en,raaed ln m81184Png tht' . dt'Stlnlt'!l or theo lndcpendent·bu.~i· by dtlltrl('t~ will lw maile-d to ni'S.~ group. bi'!;idt'!l Airtchl.'r Enq. mC'mhrrll man and A.VIton. are: · IIC'ndf-.1 h) Sand} MncKrov th•• J ohn Dantt'll Rot~s CrcPI!'y, No' I· nnmtn.tl tnl! Rrnup t•nnl'tl'ls "' .luhn son Sltltrord, J ack Coli" J 11 I tam l'll, Tom W I l••ntl••roum Nd- tCap l Rn..:an, Wilha m Sa ntoni, ~"" St allorrl, T ony lit ''h'')', L II Ray Donllld. Waltl'r ~rhan:lt and 1 :-\u,·m >tn ttllfl R L C'nl lt~. Voln!'y flay jr Sand~ Mf!rKtc} 1-:IC't ''"" rc·sult!l "oil l~o:• lin· pmmlnPnt l'lalhoa l n ~ur n n <"C'I nnun•••rl at tltl' 4l!.t 11nnual m l'l't· bn >kt>r, ha.~ aJn>ady puhJicly dl"· Ill!.( nr lht• l'hllmho•r Whtrh Will Ill' claim!'d any intl'ntton of stnndan~: h"ld "Jnur!lrlay. J a n :t9 111 th•• for t'IN:tlon.. 7':PWJlttrl llnrhor Yttr ht clulo Rfoctatratlon ('ampatp Mt•mlk·r~ nf t ht• !ltnnPr rom-An Acth•t' rt'gt."lratlon cnm· paign wall lx-Rtn soon. hehind ll'am.~ tmm thP various busln"'~ and tmprovPm<'nt a.<~.~ation.~. 1n an lltl<'mpl to geot out a maximum rt'gi.~ I' nod VOl('. WhPth<'r thr <'OOiition of lnriP· pendf'flL~ will l'nl<'r thl' forthcom- ing campeign bt'hJnd a C'ity man- llgeor plalfonn. or will m!'rt'ly 111. te-mp( to 1:11in a thl"f'('.flfth!l con. t rol of lh<' ctty council, ha.<; not yet l>N-n I'I"Vt-al<'d Th11t 11 city man· ag('r will bt' pushf'd ll'. howf'v~r con.!JdPI"C'd qultl' likC'Iy by Wt'll·tn· tonnC'd obst>rven~. m 1l l<',. arC' lfPn!l tahiP, Rtcl ph MR~kP~ 11nrl lladd Rtn~;, l.ldo 1~11' tllhl<', Etlw l\fa n10todd 11nrl Waltr r 1-'ran:t. Bnl. IKI!I J~land t11hl(', Maurif' Stanh·y and J.tnwnod Vtck ; County t ahlr. S am Port Pr and Rf'n Rr<ldtck , N !'wporl t11hiP. llnrold Woldl'n· lx-rR and L .M. Blllk<'IIC'y; \oron~~ drl Mnr T11blt'. Wnltrr Gt-rhardt Rnd lJr (; N Pt'aAI' llnd R11lboa tahlt', Voln<'Y Jlay, jr . and JW~rt K illt>rrr WEIGH CHOICE OF PLANNING CONSULTANT t\1 •Ill ltl'lltlhtlhon d ttltl<'r ·rn<'('l · I'll tT oft \\o•ro• lllt kr rl 'II' h\ I ,I'<' "'''"' "''""~I hill nool 1111111 I l l ool lh•• foout '"'""''' 'ttf11pl'hlt1K tlw ltll: "' l\•1\l~lrt n .•.n•h and La~:una Mlllwt nk ... Swul • .,. Atlf'hnrn.:·· Itt• lho• '"'""'" "''" "'k"l ... t•'llllll '"''''"""''""' ool 'lllt h ......... ""'' f'1l "It wnuld," he aald, ''b. " fc10t In lhr d<10r •nd '-fono lnnc tit,. I'll)' "''"'ld find 11..-11 f~ '" t••rmlt oil ut.,.rallnna wttNn 1 h•· o1 t )' limit• " lk ;.e'h ro ·tllor.•. \\IHCh IIIAI Thurs· c·allr<l 1••11•••• Whtl In turo nnllfi•'<t l lh•• l'flt'l'lllltuo ool Ill•• 1:11111•' 1•1 1\to• c'oijo•l hlv•l ""''""''~I tltt\\11 tltc.\' tliChl jan\ntt'<l In f'RJliiCity th~ lh~ h•·rl~·~ tlo-pnrtml'nt ttnrl ( 'os•~l 1-:11~" urt••t 1\11•' \1 n..C 'oollo .. •k Nhm• .. l 111 11 o~tOIItcl ll•'l' '" •lurly Guut1 t••lllll'tl '"'' thnt "ll•···u-.· t•••mtl l'''~•l••m .. "' lnn•l"'lll''"" nntl '"'" mntn dlnon~o; r•••m nf thl' N<'Wport , I n Hun<lrtorl~ "' l l.•rh .. rlll• .. "t"h•·r ''"lot ten ............ 1 """''' IHul ,..... ''"'"t.:• r .. r lht• llt'"'' I'll )' hnll "'•'ft• T....._.<._ 1 b r w1r Yur h t d tt". olrth M!t.llkf'y, " ('Aittorntn R··al Elltal<' dlatrlct 2 I'd un th" ho••rh tu wtln•••a thr \'"'""'' ,,..,II '"'"'"I It) t ho• l'llllll•'il ( 'u11111 '"""" Hul .. ·c lou>n Sllo·r •nd I .~tal N"'"miW'r, thr cUy w• ""'. JlrPstdt•nt, oJflchtlly lruttallt'd oprrioiiONI of thr t 'naat Guard urul WltJC '''" tn •·It•-.·• 111 ''""tlu•r 1,1,..11 t•,.wthc•r with Salkw~ 111\ll l'hall"nled hy two applk .. b to otrii'C'MI nt '"" twn hoarct. p-uti ttw South Cout tuc:, Wal,.,., name; \nay 't'n•tuAU?r J A. Oant IM"" IJ"'I'Nta for the ~ l94A. 1\'Wl'tt camhlnl'd to f'Ull t h.-y ach t t 21 thr CJIUnt'll WI\• 1\l'<'tt-.c! hy • Gl on wtthln the c·U~ Ulna._ ... ll••ncltns: 1 11,. ltt<'al 1.,.,11rd an· Wtl· nrr thP lll'aC'h 1 Mt"" M11t1 '()ll••·k <~I th-..·• llu lluotlou Pledge $87 5C)O R Nf't'l, •• IUWT Aw.. ~ lt:t m Santnr!l. r~~'•'•ttd<·nl. w .J Hill· f.ln('~ Wl'tC' rm~Jli'C'I '" To·l(ltl '" 111(11111,, M il HI .,., .... , "'hr·rt• o,ht· ,. • llti'IIV o kl'd fl)c thr r1Jhf to ~ r•rtmh. \II'" Jlf'<'!<trlr•nt. lind f:\A hnld hl'r ,,.., lin Ill h•.:h I cd•· "'I (' .. f'lh->n•lt-<1 ......... ,., .. H)' h1C4I ,_ ... n To Presbyterian ull from h i A '"""l"'rly and Nr. and Rhn<iPn Cl'fT('tary rn~lllllf'd AS :chctUI ~·I( Ill I ht• t•YI•nln JI "'"'" 1:/Ctll< ... nml "hili< '"' II "'"'" .. r H . h H . Mra Wllllllln T•llman. 213 Urcl ,H•·•tclt•nl nf tho· IAI"Uilll Jlotortl lhl' Walru~ fllllll't1 111'1 nfr 111111 pn llf' 1'1111111, •h·~llrl .... IH'IIIt~l Ill eJO' L'l 08pltal ~· 0 fllt•ll In su, ... rlflr C'ourl to "' tow-... hAr In 1••1"1 "·' '"'II "' I h•· •''" i'n tw flit fnrt •· tl11 r•tl)' Ill ar11nt thf'm tfwo \\ :t ... I lnw11rd Gwynne. ''U • 1 1 t nil TPtnn . "''II known ho·rt· lind "" ICIItlllll'l'u\lltttf'l, l :orul•n,.uto lt ttf t .. rnnu•lt·I Mtu , ra.:t 1" fltlmll l ltll£nonc rlonrd Prf'strlf'nl T ••m II• nrlr~on rrrsid!'d as ma.•l•' "' l'l'rl'm vnil'' in 11 hrtd dlnno·r pq•· ~:rnm durtnl! which hi' introdllo•tod I I nrry Wrlr h. rhrrmhrr nf rotn· m<'r l't• !!P<TC'IIIr)', \\hom ht-d uhh•-11 nnr nr t hr mPn whn had d on•· m n•l lr\ m 11 kr l'III'WJWlrl flrll<.'h thl' ~ur c r10sful r••11l 1'!111111' dt•vt-lnpnll'nl '' rrprr!IC'Ill8 today. AI!IO prMirntl"d WPtl' M11ynr t ' c; K tmhlr nf Lagun11 lwarh Anll F:u~t&'nr Cnn~C'r IIIRtf' f'('(TI'Iary 11t the· C111ttnrnla Rul F:tti81P U!IOC'III tlon ' Con11t-r pri"St'nlf'd r 11rh bonr<l with a "('roll or "apprf'MIItinn" And rcmlndf'rl thf' rf'Rlton or thP rtod•· nt ('thl!'!O of thl'lr C'allln~t Fr~lhowm.: dinnC'r, mPmhrn nntl ~o:w st11 wr•rt• •hnwn lhf' trrhno· c•nlor proodllr ltnn "C,.IIfnrnln V.'ny nr l.trc•" Whtrh dl'lll!'l~ llf•• 111 Pntry In IHOI <tunml't ~ ll•ortululu t ll!'f• \\ ,,. llllflztntflt:•'li odl• I ho·ltll' ~• rlpf>l'rl .. r "II fl"' 1 "'''' wt•l~othl h v lht• nwnt·r nncl \'ulunl•••t• Local Officers Nab Desperadoes ' 1 t lhr ~~~tno•tl "'" ,,. "', .. 11 ... 1 , ''"""'"" .,, ,,,.. , "'""'"·r ,.1 ,...... ·nu• T11lhwu• •ull •aatnac tM ., •• 1.,., un lfu• /htun.: nt • ,., 1tu f1 ,,1• •• t ... ,1,1t .. t .-.. rruutff••• 1,.,.t1,, •'It h~t• h•..,.n "''' trw trt•l In Su. ~>!"""'' t.ok•• " l~tft,.tm.: "" lht• r •·l••lltol '-HI '••• Ill , . .,ntrlhllllnllo l••rt .. r l 'tHtrl ""F r io til. ltUt\ur lt"-k•~•l 1hut lht• pnl11 \ '" , •. 1,, t•·•hh .. ul~ ••I llu· fuuhur u tt•A "''"'""' ''htl•· ('ntuu•th uu u It,., ... ,, t;, tht·J•f"u ,w..-••tl l't •~t,yt,•t utu hu~ All• 11 lll•tltlllllll•"l lhtol Ill•• l••lt•) 1•11111 -.ltlt It will lw ''"'lllt••l ,111 lht• tA ,,, t•l••ttr h urul••r ,,,,,, ''"'' < ·,,.,,. "''' th v.••,.t • ... ru r "' th • tnt• r ,, ,. Plh u.tn f t Z H o ht•t i11Wtt110I••t.}f'fft"fl llo lt "' fh\\ lUI Uttl ''•'-'1'~~'~'' l ho• l'nlllllWlll IIHol lito• t••ltn• ltl\tl Davis and Gay Will Move into Orkintt Store Site h H'II't ' htof\ft '" nkf•ri ''"' ,. lit to. I I n ••. ,lffli•UII' 'Hilt,.,, .. , , .. clttt•· F'our rerrnt>rl rnhlw•ry ~~~-1~·rl~ I"'""'" "''I utili>" l'''"l"•" 1~ ...... '.41f..1 ."'.1 ,,· I ,, II ~ • ~· ·" Pl11n11 In lllltV" lntn lhto Qnofon \\'f'T'<' rnpturf'rl hrrc "' 1•..-al "''· \\'lilt tl,.. '"'w """''•"1'" '11 "'hh h ~ 7:l'\ :t•t w 1111 111 e·1111to lu thnrlttf'fi Sund11y lc·lt umtf'ltn<~. th•· l'l rtm•·cl '''"'"''"I ttdchtt .. n 11 .,11 1 ,.r 1110 ,11,.1,.11 uf loullt1lnK at 171l3 N rwport Aw • 1 tl I II I I I .. (',,.,,. Mru by l)avla and a.,. R41dln hull,. tin trnm s .... l 1\••rwh a l(lllll' w hf'l• '"" "11• ') " '"" ••·~·k , 1 """' 11hnut I IVM'lft, w11a 1 M s 1 mu•lr 11nd aPJliiAIIt'f' d4-al"rs heft. lllf'rl!'d llnrh~tr nHor<'rl' lfl lor nn 1" "1'' '" '' 11~''11 · lt'l 11'1'11' '"'"I•• lrmn t h111 llrPn, l'lrwh 1111111 llf'Pil ri'Vt iii-A ...... _ ,__rty Ia __ thr 1ookt1Ut fnr A lltft• J'ntMtf"l L'r••••n "'"'' ... ,.,,. luru• , .. ,, .. ~ttlfW\ ~1··rnt-..·r~ uf thr IH*I'''"' ., •• nr I""'W""" ... ~ '~"" llf'IIIK v•r•trd hy ()rtclne Ot.plrt- ll<'dan !'l!ITylnl! I hi' hAndlt• whn ,.,.....t •• T...., C ·a niH'ft '"'"'"' 11r•· "" nttlnl( W<trtl "" th•·tr IT!f'nl l lttrt' r,ad hPitl u p nnt1 rr>ltiN•rl Mr • ('I 111 ltn ,.f , ,.,, 11,..,,1,.,. I"'"' 1,. 111, •l•l•ll•·nll••n tu t lu• lo'todr·rAI (~"'''fll M,.. 1-:vrlyn ... l,.rrnN' (}r. f. Mnr<•y. Mt~lnrnnw \lnt..t 1.~~~ r•·•'ltlrot ,.,.,,,,.11 111,..,.1111., "''')'"' 1111 "' '"' ftlltllll'lrtl ,.,.,,,.., nt ltm .... 1 .... _ .. ,.."· C S71 " " " 1 1 1 I ttWIWr, rr110r lf'rn)' t'Hn<' ......,., a Ollllt llwy · nt It•"''' toffl\•~1 tu• "l:natur•• '" ,..,,, 1 •• ,.,.,,.,,.,,.1 1 '"1 '•·llo•rnl ""1 J,.,....,. nrrllnJCf'm<•nt with Oavla and Offlf'rr•l'"" n ur•l,itll .,,,, fl nltoh ,,,,.,,,...,, l•·n•··· "'" '"' '"'' n•·w "til O'llllhlt· I''""' fnt ,,,,. ...... t;h)' fnr """ hnlf nf llw hulldlnc C'nrnPC'I s tllltiiO••cl thror t•rlt••l ••ur •,;,I S.·•"'''I""" nrul '"''''''' .1,,,,1, tollhl '" 1 .. •111111·•1 II ••u \o·y ,,( "' 111.,1 ~tt1rtrl'll• •t.mPIIIT!f' bf'ftJrP II I I hP 1\rrht•ll llnrl on I• r• o I''' tl I h• ( 'llnl•·•-l .,,,,. I \llo ,. _, nu rIll , , lh• Ill• l11111tl1111' otl• 11h • 1111) I• IN' liCit ~, 1 1 llu• riAl "' lhr )'l'hr !o\lulf'tly lhrf'f' City Authorizes Letter Asking Beach Lease Terms UIUI~ \\' llrtl(f::'l. prflmtnr nt IIIII· "1 Onn:~ld I. ~"'''" I ... •lrl\'t•r "''' 1.11<11' •I••'· '""1'""' '"''''''""I Mr• r;rt·o·n Mn•t 1\IOrrtll Sllllf•nnlln, l!f'IIIWIIY t'flr V.'tlh lh• '~'l•ln,n••t• roofTI'o•l nf \\1111 h "Ill I•· loll• k•~l lo\ lithO o '" '"" lilt' lu ~ IIW'h I ,.(IC'I dlff•·~rnt'f•ll ,.,.,,.., hriWI'f'ft hna rr•Hitor. Y<'!lt•rdlly rl'romrnd· 'ROUNDTABLE' Who ht>ld h ~ ........... "" '"'' '"''fl ,,.,,,, ... ,,, '"'" •.• , ..... , .... , ....... ,. 17 th Latest in Trailer nwn••r-rof Orkin• ltnr•·. OVI'r tlwo ThP rily gm·rrnml'nt has IIUi h· o rtzrd thP ll<'ndlns: nf ll ll'tll'r tn thl' Statr Park \ommi~11lon allk· In~: rnr tPrms ant1 m ndiltnn!l or II li'A!\1' nr lhr \nronn dPI Mnr I'~<'Hrh )'lrn(l('rly Th,. nrt inn, ttmrrl to lntrrrr)'lt park nfftr t11ls wh,.n thry mM'I <Jn J an 23. WAS promptC'd artl'r R J. Grt'rn. p11rk lands purrha!lln~t nf. (irl'r, ~IIIII" nh·i~inn or Rt'n!'hl'f; and P11rk11. rrw nll"d hf' hnd m Atlr rl lt•ttl'rl< tn pro(l('rly ownr rs of nil \ornM dl'l Mnr hrat'h !'ltlrs fll'kinl! that 1 hry ~rt indtvidual dati'~ In dlsrull!' IIN]Utsitio n nf thf'ir prnp. crty hy thr S tat.-nf CAlifornia rnr \J!'C' • 11 puhlir p~~rk Thl~ park. hr P'<Cplnincd. mn)' I'll' lf'aJOPrl nnd to(l('rat!'d hy tllr r tt} nt :-\t'wpnrt I'WArh SP\'Prn1 IRnrl lr~tn~rc·r~ h!l\'1' Ill· rrndy '"'''" !'1'1 nnd thP PnlirP tran~tt!'lonn i~ I'XPf'I'INI In hr w nunrl lip within tltrrr tn ~~~~ mnnlh~ INVESTIGATE" COMPLAINT ON HEIGHTS 'SHACKS' •·rl that I. J)C'mtnl( T iltun tit' <'On· MEET SET FOR wllliC' lh••y wr rc· ~~·•tt dt•tl. til•· f!llll nnt1 IICih nn I '•'Tllrnl 11\'!'11111' lrll••' ••I r•·ml!lnlnl( IIJHlN' llUA[lPrl~ \\o•ro· tnk•·n '""' •'ll•••~h { t f M l'idPr('d fnr lhP flOllltinn rt (lllln· WEDNESDAY NOON lnllld•· .... r nr '"' l••h•·· ''"'"''I t l'ltlur-.. n .......... ,amp or e~ M" r;,, ... n M•rrlt·l11y I(IIVf' ~11- ntnl: ron~ultnnt rnr N r wp n rt " ~ raltlw•t t''""'' '''"' .... ,..... 1'\••· •••• 111'11111 .. rr "~"'" "'"'"'" 11<'~1111111 ":ll11111y llnll•··· til VAf'Atf' BC'ar h \Vtth :\.1 ~:rnups frt•m th•• rnllrr unl't••rnrntlt t h• r• '" ., 11 "''" -"""""''"I" S II Mrll't\ I ~ vy 1'11'"' >' 111111 llllft l) '"' '"' k •·\ ''" N .. ,. :t'\ WhC'n ht> •till tiN'\IjtiM In m11k ln~ l11~ r <•rnmmo·nrlllltnn.l tt11rltnr 11 r,.11 tn\'ltr·t1 1, ~t·nd rlr·l,.. Mr~ Mn rt'} ,,1, lll tl t•tl '"''' or 1.,, "':''' '""' "''''''" ool o•l••·t tl•·ul "'''''' ,,f '"'"'1-:'' •·•~nH) • "''w•·•t !hr rrr·ml•r• nrc• ~. """ ren nrlr:;g~ )WIIIllrrl f•IJ I lhRI Ttl ton i l!lllr·s . lilt• ~··rnnfl mt•r•ltOI! or thf' lh(' fnur m•·n ... "''' ••.• ,,.,,. "'"" llj1>11cllll ..... Ill •'IOl ljllfU ''"" \\llh (I '11111 ....... , "''"'''f"fl ,,,,,,,., ''""'' dlltl,.,l II"''""' rnr ""' t•ntlr•· hulltt· harl ""'flllrr•rl II rrputatton A~ rt ''Rollnrl T nltl• f•••um wtll h<o h• ld hPirt hr·r "I' ··If "''"'''' '"'"''"' ""'llltl Ill• "' lrl'lltll•'<l ''' 1\. oltltturl h•• It '""' '"1: With'''"'" ""11 f;,,y, nnct thrn notrd plPnnlnt.. rnn•ullnn t nnd Wlli'o Il l 1:! 1~ p m Jan 14 1,1 lhP l'••w. Ao.okt·fl tm•tt•pu '"" "' ,11 111, t1 , '"""''"'''' ''"' '""'' II•• h~t•l t•r••\ .lutl1 1'""') '""'"'''' tho "''"'' "' •• r••rlt-tflv •••rw•t1 nnllrf' Ofl ~lllll'r• '"~11 kn•·"n h • h ,. " h rl 1 1 1 ,,.,. "'"""'' '"""'' 1 ""' '·" ''"'' 11 1 r 1 11 ~·· • v~ , rt'. /1 Ill., a /1 pnr t llnriM or Yndtl c'hllt rohho•r y, th•· ~~~~· ''""" "''II ,, .. t·~· " ·~·" ,.,, •.• , "'""' "1•'11 "' '""" '"' "'""'"'"K"I '•tl nr '" (. h d t tl l h I I 1 I•• ••u•lt lfhllo•t lool 111" ull • ,,., 1 an on 0011 n~: llfl <• orn f111n · \'nln•·> lin~ Jr well prr~tld,., II llnrolrl r;1,Ntm ,11 " rtll\'t•r \\'II "l'l•ll• """" ,.,k ... l loor '' ''""''") I '"~< ""''r to lt·r "'' rnlnntlrV.l tt( hi•· ntng romm•~~inn llr• nl~n :outhnrl'lt [wsc~ lr•nrn··rl '" "'"'''' ,,, !!pf'f'tlll hllm "' M•HJ.:Itll ,/o IJ:or r\ II r•·nllll ' r '•·n~l•l•·rllhl·· 1··~:111 Wrltlll( ,., •. , •. 111111 ,,,,. ''''"''' "'"'· ,,. .• ,, lt•t••·· "''"'''' .... 1400" rtn~ pre'~""' 7•oninl! orrlinnnrr~ o•hatrmRn, .I II ,,.,,,, ft•·l(nn whn Turk N te nd "''"'''"' I , I'• ''"''·' lon,• f.ttl•"l '" tlol ••ntttrtt· "h•·t h•·• ""''"' "" t•:IO'It p~o vod loot""'' loll\• l lrkln• ••••n• I• "'''"' wlndlnl( Th•• r ltttlr·•• nt 1t l'nn~lll l llnt 1• c Xfl"•·t~ ''' ,,.. ""'""'t111hly ~~~ nt I k h. •• ;,,,, '"' 1•"'1"''"' '" "" odv pr•• 11"' ''1'"''"' '"'11'''' ""'1 "'"'' 1 "'11 "I'" llunl •·I••Hrunf'r· l ttlt• ~toll unrl• r ad\'l~t·mr·nl hy th,. pl:tn· T'llll" (tor lh•· rr l11unrhln~: of ThP mt•n "'' r• r•l• '" tl In cho rlf \1•1•· tlw I'" nnv--. """ '"1"'1,."'"' I '"''''"'11' ''"lll1'"''"1 n tng r Hmm t<!ltnn whnsC' mr·mhrr!O the· Hounrl Tnhlr· t•n\toum 11 JC<•I· f'" 11nrl S••ul llo ,u•lt ""'" o• ''"" '"' "''"'111 1~· 'loolh•·• ""'"''" 1 "11 1'• "1"1 ·:' .'l•t "11 " "'"''"I TABLE REQUEST FOR urc• C'flnl'orlrrin~: s••vrral appltr:tnl ~ I tnt: ""or /I p<·rmnnr•rot f'flUn!'tl lllkl•n ... """"" '"" Ill .... till I /\<Ill ,,,,,,, •I " lll•ll rll/\ IV~oo·tl"'" ''"'''" 1" I ·~ ... 111''"'· '1••· '"'"''I ~tit 1 rrnfl flclllll ttr-11 "''"' l lflo•·•·f· "'' 1"'1'"· u 1'"1:' l:cottlfll 1 '11111 Wlllt EXTENSION OF COM S.lll"' "Ill }'rlu Wlllt tlu• pi II IIIII III: •·11;1tr I til tilth y ""k oolltf t•lt•·lo l• 0 otlllll I'•'IIOil Ill lrlo ll ll••lltpl In tl• Ill 1' IIIII!"' ll\o•t 1~ftl ft•••l 111 I 1'11111'' I BUSINESS DISTRICT , 1,1, lh• ·'"'"' 1 '''" l•t••\US•• tlf'"\ln~ r.u·•ljtf'·" COMMUNITY GETS PREVIEW OF COLLEGE P~NS 1\!N'Illll; with llpflMlllmFIIPiy r.fl C'Of'l'lmllntl~ f"'P"""'Ill/IIIVI'~ In )tl'r '>Mil h ll:h ltl:hl." nf NIUC'O\Itflnlll of. ft>rtt11:1< pn)jlO!INt hy thr• yl'l·lllwll'n in~: (trnn~;r \nn.~t .htntnr rollr1:•' nttw111l~ o( thr <'Oil!'£" 11nrl \h:olr m:.n Jlsem R l.~H:on1. c l<'rk ••f th•· hoan1 nr in'"'"""· !'ummr~ "'' th•· IH'f"'l•nl Iont! frllll rt• rnotl•t<ok 111 rsunt tn;.tt••n IW•nrh t 'n tr.n lltt.:h ~n"l l:o." no~;ht n ( "'"tl;mC'r 11n•l mctnwtmn '''I l>r .lmn•.., \\ ·no•t~nl••ll ,,,., II ll•rw"' ''"''"too lot• 1,_,,,,.1 .,11 ll•ttlt too "''''"'"''~'"'''~~~ lttotl r:ruw lrll' l•ltln• In l't•rHnll tf••l ·•rtnrl lhPm JI(•Ivc•'" tu tlo!-f'•ovr·r 111 .. f'"'"'''1rnt 1.,11,.,.,.11 "''to 11 ,11,,.1 11,, '''" ,,1 11,., 11,"' ,.11 , lt:oll ~., •;• , ,, '' ''"'' '' lu ttl '"" '"I'"'"'"'' \ftor W•·" ''""'''''"'''" Nl(nln Y~"•lrr. lttut1r•" ftl C'hlt<"'' I; ltll' \\11rk tn l n( ••l't.t'III I•III:OI ;rntl '"''ll~,r ,,,11,d llto OIIIIrt•oll~l \ l>ltll•ol "''"11 loo1 lit• t~•f kllot• ool tlw frt111lly t'ICI ofll\ hff•trllt<oll wh,.n nn lljtfll'lelllf' ,,~~urf· tn unlnJ;! tn tnt• "''lth •IJ•fl ~ 01..,..f1, in ltll"" ,1,,,,,., fo.-.llrnutlrtl" Jl •·l• 1 .,.,1 f,, S ,,1,,,..,. 1,,. ~"""· ,"' tl1• ''"'", "'"''''hd ,,f ,. ,~,,11,.,,, ,,.,, tft•· •·Hv ''''''''r·• ''' Af'flrUVt' t "~ ~;h.,..Ntv Tran"'"'' -·ru t I ,J. proh;.t,tr u t h •flrlhn " ,, ttu '••tl• ~.., "''' .. , .... ,, •. ~, '"" il• '' ''' It••· t .... , d II"'',,, ffl;' l-.1 f ~,,, ''\ /qtllu,, uf 'h•· •uut h aid•· ••f . I hP '"''' 11 1, ,,.,,_..,1 tl,l•· 1, .,1,,,. ,1 '"''''~• 1,,1 r""'"''Pol 11., 1,1 ,11,, l'l.omolfo, olo•w l l••r 11,.. "'""'"''' 11 "''''l'"tl /\10• froocrc n • .. ltlrntllll In If \ th• ... •· ''"''""'' rl• •onnc f•••r ,..., ,. t .1, I I' "' •t ' I II I II .\ .. 'I I ''" ..... ,,.,.,... '"'''"" ,,, '""''"''' II '"'""' l•fltV•·If '''""' r .. r .ICthn r 11 ,.-· ,. rl!t f;\lf ,. ... (t I' .,, , •• p .• t•\IH ,. u• 111 •• , \fotf \I . '"''""'" M '1:'' lrlltntnl.: loo II'"'· 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 It 1• l'''" • '' 111ool .,, It• '''''"~··n "" llt··js'"'''" o•·l'll ••r torul W11lt••r l'nw. ·r,,, to lhf• tlntVf'J'ttv (If "'ftlf•l '•I s,:rru u al tf1;.: , ..... ~,,, •• 11 1~" "'t' ''" 1 '' ',,. l•ll \l-!r '"'~'',. .. , •• ,,,, "''''' "" ,,,, .,,,, ,,~tu•r I r h • I ( Y'''"'' , .... ,,.,, l h ll '"'"'''"'I 'I , .. ,,., ..... ~111f to 11tl -.; .... , •• ,. II• II'' I I ' ' ' y ''l-:'' " r ,,u ... '" n JW'r1', ,, t ,.-. .. ,, , .,~ '1'1 1 1 tll•flt\ 'A 1U hn n•• ff1•· ''•' tl ,,. ,1~1, l'f trl "' H v ht.ttl'-If' 1 I V Jl IIIUIIPH1 l'••mml~alnn >'"a"· 1'~"'flllr<otl 10 "'"'1 ""''' ·I"· ''url••nl ' """ TI"N' ,... Tum U••Wl• New Spanish, Other 111•'1 111 ' '1'•11•ly '"'' '' lum rlown """'"'~'' •-tlu•·r.fl•lfl "''"'"" ,,,. ••f <.; 1 Thttmton ,.,... .. tu t•d tt .. it t•t•·h ,,.,, , •. ,,.,..."". "' h l•h 'w\.'t •• ,. Cl t B . I "ttl "'' \o\htt ""~ ,.,,-w~tt with It t im<• ._ 1 t I I lh 1•'11•1 11otu o It ool aSSe S, 0 8 <jln l••lloo to( tolo'lur•·• •lntWinoo h11W hl1 Rf'mO\•al fl f \fatr1r ula1Jun r11rn. flnlr "''f'l•lrnllotn "''~tl•l 'lltW ' " 1•''1'1'" " '' .., IJr T\.,,,1 II P••tt•l""nfl. prr .. t•l,.nr dtvnl£1'<1 thP Niural tnnlll ohy .. ·ttV<" of (")rnnl;l' ( ·r~1.<1 J umnr r•nllt'\;e' II o·nmpl:11nt t h111 nnn.confflr m · TI11•v :trP I Ill' d\\1 lltng~. tl •· ~ r r I h C' t1 II~ o,. .. ;,,.unnal ('llmJll'lrnr~ - T to "~hlof k., .. h11''" hl'•·n r·rPrl<'d tn th,. fJilnlll\· ,,...me m••n nntl w•>m•·n 111 nrt~:hhorhnr.ol1 r r fll\.,r<:tdl" Droll' 11 P"n rrtt of '"''~''"" •·r I•·~• tn ""· tn ~C'WIY!rl H• IC'ht.,, w:~~ !<nu ntlrcl trr 11 \rtr"<l ton:t l ll<'ltl :~n•t .,,,, '"' '''"'" yr<lt rdll\ Ill () r• Ttnl(ll'~ full\ t•o P"""'' :on '""'"I"''"" fnllto\\ ltll' I r~·· ~~~~, •I ""''''I' ,,, I,,,, I ........ nll).l . ,., .. I,,.,.. '" '0 At Adult Night School 111 ,,,w rl \ """ ~·II fltUIItlt•ll ''" t hr••r ••nlll"'-Tot •·na ltlr '''"'''111' ""I) l'lfl " ""'" ,.1 '"'''"' '" """" ,,, ' •Ill• • lov hot~lur•oc tron··~. 11r~tll•'ft n ·, flll'l'r~trlr llr l\ ,., anrl Elll:l'll l' I (;h ·h· ( ClffiJM'tf'n<·~ -Tot IJilloltf~ \\'t•yunl , 421 Rl\'1 r<lfiP n r"" ,, .. rt .. nt~ tn runt-11''" •·((•""'"'' :o • ThP rompl:.tnl rtr .. w lm m• ritA I• m ,..ml,..,... ,,f n f:m u lv H r·•onu~un arttnn t rnm thP C'll\ ('f)UnMI \<hfl!'• 11~ 11 <tntr a nat tnn nnrl a Wl')flrf m<'mhl'rl' orrlr rPrt thP hutldmg ln. Pf'nonal F.fnri,....C'y T•• 11 ... llpN:Ior to ch('ri( lh!' dwrlllnfl'~ oust ~tudt·nb. thn:.ugh a ~m +ln\'t• f:ul•,.l tn h11:h ~··h•••l '" n ... , ETER S \ , I I "IC""oC'I••I '" "'~''''"'' PARKING M •'' '" li-t'"""'''' S l"'""" 1 '"' r '' l•r"l" r •l•·w·luJitnl'nl ,,, •·n lrnnr•• rr.,Jtllr••nu·nt \. lu ..,,tnf\ ,... 1 1 '" 1 1 t ( n 'l•tn'-· 1~• "' ~ '''''''"'''' "' ll o •,;,"1•••' • •otul o ~~~··" 'llrntttirm tor u nlv""'''' ,,, a•·m<l\•· rl,.ftll• "'''" , ·-· ~. • M•-·llo'llll•····l ~ ,.,, I' ,, ••• ,,,_,.~ t \\ 1\ t ,j, '*I ,,, '' I, ' I f I,,, t l.,.,, •••••• , r , ',.,,. "'I' ,,,~J4 .., \.\'•·~· flllfllllt ht• ttt'hlt•\-A ·tml thu~ '" 1:·''" ••ntrrmr •• '" •Itt• • ·~• hu·h,·r '"''''"''''" nf r·h'•lf'•' Sftn\1 ,.,,,,,.,"',.,"d) S•·u•n'''" ,,,-, t.rrl•r ,,,, "' ''" '•'trltl l•~• !Hil l'•" • '"',,,,,.d .. , I '"'''·''\ ' '' ., ,111 un,lt·• H '""'"'"'~ ,.,,.,IIIUI~:t tlftn urr.lnnaTralnlntr -T"'''''"'"' /\r1 1-'t••ltl'< k.l I'"''''',,""'"' oloOI ,. '''"'· ,,,,, ,. ''"'' ,,, .... 1'•1111 "'"'''I ., .. ,.,,.,. rfllltll"ll, UIHIIllnwtt•l)' ·~h,r·nftftfl/11 nr'f .. ,N unall"' tn n-wl"t ' C'ttn\fMJr tlr.n ~·\ 'It •• •td,,.,,,,,., ,,, ,, I \\ •II "' 191 ' jl .,, ,,, ,,, ,.,, t ,, IH15'' ( ·,.,.,, lt•llltHhn t In th·· fut'f t;( thr plt•n nl'<'ft~ •• r ~t~Joalt~ Ill thr· ''~'''" 1\ Jl•omr·mnktnt.; 1!'> .t .. ll• •I "'''"'' •~·'" '"''' "' I '''''·" '"'"''' 'ooll· ,., '"''' ''" -,:,"I"" t "'"'' '•trnml~~,.,n·~ "''''•"'· flnllll)' r~m t/l tn~truM t••nrtl \IJf'll· R.arltll, ·~ttllr·• ·" "'' ,,,,,, :"'"' ..... ,,, "'''"I'" II ·'"' '"'''" ll t•lt "h···· ·r1~o l''flf•••tl In '"'•I•• tilt• mattPr IM'nd- tlltf'llll up~.'"""~ nn•i •'Uitur:s.l oil'· AJ.:TinJiturr 1'• J • nt "'' t•·n. "'' lolr•·~trty "' ''I"''" 1' lro~~ w ell n ••• I ron Mtmdt'Y" tond '"II " IW'rllllloll l t·tcl'llnlnn nvrr th4> tlvili<'tl Will !)(' pruvldt'<l Bf>auty ()prrlt.or 17 lion II ·unttnu••d ''" lliu'k Pa&t' 1 t•rNt - __ ....... = ...... --.............................. ..c:: .... =--.. ..... ---..-..... ,....,......~-----·----,.-------......... __________ ~-·~------.. -··-·-----------·. ~--.....,="""===-"~-:~.o:a--=..=.a•::.::. __ ._-..__. _____ ,~ __ ...., __ ~_..,.....,, .. ____ .,_.....,.....,,_..,";-"""'..,....."'~~ ----= -· -~ ~ cr:-.• ce=-a-I --..&.lfiilr;;reseC-• ----~= an:-likr\\1~ rrllt'('t tn t: 'r:trr· ity or offt-rin~~. Building costs aJ"e still going up.'' I ,,,,'r ,,r•n~ •I• lv•. It< r!~'''" '1•1' Aft• 1 'It• ultHcr• '"' "l'l""'l ""'' loo J,. Ill• '""".'"''' th< ~)<:lo m tnr l "nC'hlna;t amf Ita~ ttf tltr prr•~;r11m rflnllnUI>~ thrtJitlo(h l dttiV rtf r•vr•ry /\m~rl~11n ' ~r·r , ''"" ... ,, P''' • tt tltHif ' runn • u~rn •eltolfll I'·TA 1t tponiOt'lf\C body. • ~ ' • t t • t • ,. ,, t -· • • - Helicopter Maii .Service G~ts Underway _Desp~te F~g Here . l W~3 LICENSE FUS HIGH ~;! !Construction Page 2 ~t:WI•OHT HA LHU A Nt:\\'~-T IMt:S '1'1 .... 11.\\ LATE NEWS FLASHES /•I'm du:. UNITED PRESS SMALL GOLD ON RUSH M• .:-.,-rnn;v .11on 1:\ ,,.,., .louo. 1~. 1 11 1~ VANDENBERG JOLTS MARSHALL PLAN ADHERENTS 1\.\~111'\f;J~<", .l.on I. 11 I '• .0..•11·•'•' i 't.--.o•l• nt Ar•llllr II \',on do ut~ o I' I H • ~l u lo, )•tlhtl lolluuu ·~··,,[it !II ~ .. ,., •• , ••. , ~ "' ,,,, 1\1 ,, 1,11/J!I L>l,1n •••I-•)' ""h ''"' •lo.•"''"' IIII o· l hHI ho• lt\11,1 llj•l•"'' 0:<-•llltiW tho· lull ~"'~l,l o•o.l ••• n~l.o ol ·•• •I '''•"!> t m.•t~•·nt "" 1111· l)u••t• ·•" In 11 moder n -tiny \ 'nhfnriWI · 1-!••l•l "'1 1'"''1-!1 "'" ru.>J>." hundn-<l< .,f po•r·~''"'l Jlo· l lll~lw•l hi~ I'UI'IIIIIl-! '''" "'' IICTI<I ~hf'd lhrooUi;h lht• d1rl olf II llio· d'"''' o•f II lo tlli; l'oouwl ••J ~~"'" drr>o.'niOYoll 1'.\t'aiOIIO!I h) illlllt•r n · •11.111 pf.'tn lo·SIInl'lll}' fol'f'"i'lll<·d 1•1 lilthl lunljthl ~··Pkinl( hur,·ll trt'll ~· h i< So•ri"''' Fttr••ti;ll lt.-la11""~ •'l •rti- Uft.._,_ll hMrd ul $:.~1 ~enltl f>h 'C<'ll ll!l llf'o• h} ~•1'l'l'lllty "' (",ttutn•rro• lunwd Ill• h),-" hulhl·•z•·r I I l•uT IIllhl'\.. ~l un• thnn 1 :.!~ l'UUU, 1·aluo-d :ol '! \'an~lt·nt.•·r~: lor.-okt• int•t lh•· :--;,., .. Sf,{l tQ $7ll N U'h ItS C'<">Jin?tnt 'll , f<'lltr~· ~ lo•SIIIJH•Il)' too l'<>lli!IH 'll_', ll•·nlll ~tlr••ud~ Jmd bo-t·n du~ u11 1•) t h r.t 1h••n · ts .. , .. u ,uli; ~".''T"~""''' lr••a.~~n· hunlt-r~ ~mn• tlu• lirst l .,j~·,m tho• Mlmom~lff•'""'.; n·qu··~l '"'alnkf'" h••n • l<t~l S~tlur<lll)' . lt·r $6,1o11M I,t•••."•' H• •·:orr~. !1 1•· Jtf'u • ..:ram thr••Ul-!h 11 • l~rsl 1.> "'"n•l•- l~<·..:m"'"t.: ,\,,nl I f))ll•ninl(s fnr l'•·h·r""" '"''"'"u1• Vicar Boycotts t o pour intn lh•· ( 'h 1l S<•r\'11·•· l.<l!l Officials Meet 1st Mail Flight 1 h• ,,, t"l •u ,, I IH'h1 .. t I" h· I•J•I• I n "' " r " < I tl> 'd I <I otl •lo l ''" 1ol r•' .I 111 I •~ owl •t•l•' "' t .t• II I• 1• I ""' " •I• h• ol •io• ,,,, •• , r ,,. n,,,u· ,.,,, .. ,n "' •, " j••l I ••I,) ,.,.,,,. -~·-' I\ oil• ,,,, ;\ololl' .. ud 11 1 1ro t r,rt• rw• ·•"''' •01 1,.,101,,,_1,1 l'''''''' )'II•"• l i"~•l, '''"'" l!ot 1 IIIII "il ou llo' llt,l\11 '" llo• ,I ,,, 1 'I" •I I 1 • •Ill llo It• 11•'"1'1•·1 "' t ~ 11 1• rn ,\1 I"'"'" Ill• ~<J ... Iul• ,,•, 1 .. r "'" l.w•lin .. It I Ill ot '""'' • • •·I• d,,, m -.;, "i••r' 1011d '"'" ~,,,,ol ,n,:• d111 t1 , !'un•l·•'" .• u.S )1.,11<1 ,..., • \- ' luoi•·•L 11 ,\.,.oil•'"" 1o11d S;ulla ,\n lo llouo lllll;l"" Jl,,,,•h "II.:Huoli.)' "·'" uw l•:tlo •I "' It•" ,,p, ''"""" rl.,·hl. l•1ll ·"'''"\ ''''" •.• 1 .. ,,,. ''"'"W••\"'111 ot•l• I olltli rn: "i"'" lo;,~ ,,,1 j.,., n f,IHII<I lh•·l ,. Y• I .\1 • .-.1 "' "" II MII "il' llr•l 111~-:hl l'l•l • f• \IIIIo ., 'I" 1'1,1 <' o•'h••l 111.011• , 11 lo) j>lululo lo•h Disagree Over State Tax Relief Am:rh•J oll1ct'. """" "11 , ... ~~~"'"~ Film Star Names 1oc':<tlf'd "1'"'" ''"' ~1 "1''· '' "'111~ At Baptizinqs pninll-d f'IH ""Ill.)'. '-',\I'I\A,\II'Yl'•• .Iron 1"! 1\'1'1 Apj>ll('llllflll loot UjJt"llHi i;~ ll'<'hllh• fJ.>:"'(II>:"' l.tn 1:.' 1\1'1 \'1'·" ,\ ~1 ,11 , ,\ .. ol1ii•I\1U o!1 ""I ''"'' t:HrJ•'nlt•n•. plumt"•r.•. "'"~l•n~ • ,, •• , \\ i\ ,;,,,,,,, ,J \\'unhlo~t .. n .. ,\II , tl •• , ,1, '""·•} •to• ,,,, ,., o1 ,, 1 ,. ' vntut nwdu_orll•"'· lui>< oro'!'~ M!•l hJ,. ~tom•~ ,•hlltdl '""'''"''"'~'' '" )•-I ,111, 11., 1 1 ,\1(,111 1"11• •11"111•1 t~· fliiRJ lo'f'IUII('IIIn~ 1,.,.j111 thfo l 111<'1! You lll<f I•• IIH VII• lo l <ll q , 1 t,o\ t• I" j t,< ,o ••lir l m,.n •lo.opllllllt.: "' •hthlf••O """''~~~ \~_,111t•l•IIIHI "'''''"'"II llo l Your IIH8 l~nAe Lllbl ..,, 10tnc to coat you appro~:lnu.tely U mo~ than the' amount tndocu~ on JOW" turrcnt rea"i~trauon sJip, Lhl! Aulomob!le Club ol Southern California -.IW1M-s Recent State le&l&latlon lncre&&rd. rn:*-trt.ll31l fi'U Jrnm 13 to M : Pf'OYkled lor paymenll t.o the nearee;t dullllr. Ml!.,mum frP~ w11J bfo n . Wotortau u e urat'd tv malt.e Jlcens.e rene,.·aJ t.lll-'hCiotiOI\4 1:.-twe..n Jan. J....,. hll. • to avoid penalue~. Dutch Heacock o~ OON"nUOTOa PAINTING IIIII• I' 11"11}"''""' !dm "lr'''· '·"" ''''''"'' H tl t~niiiH'I•n t ',,k, ""'"' ", 1:1 ••)'h"und, ,onol l•fll I lo• , II Ill 1, Ill ,f llo• lnl' o t fl.,ll.., I o I • Allro-... t)'ltil"''"•"~'''''''''l'l'·l ''"' _,,1 1,, ... m .. u ll•· .... d '"IS A,, 11 ,1<~< l hr<•o• l.:lrl' ~~' ''"" "' 'IH'tl rl• ,, jot• !•·•I• ,j •I oi•IIIO 111 lh 1' tl11• 0 o \.J() ege riH'IIIVU~ n:onlo.,.," '"' o;~wl (lnr lo~••l.o !llr•' "I ol< M:u•l1 ••"''""['I d., • WJ'II I Sonto Ano Puts On Preuure for 'Freedom Train' Ouuti'M .. f .. futht •f Wlllll••·t )US <'/IIJ<I 111!111••1 f.o •l• ,j,,ul<l , . .,11,,f,.l' ro <h!o'IIL\' 'II'' ,,dt•JII .Jan scaptng . h .tCI' . I t•:n<llt1ft:..-l _ hnn I<J ft<'•'•'fll Ill ~ ;onol 1,.1.,,.,,11 ;1111! loll• !!w"'" "'"I J '·-t $12 500 lhl' ~·"otl uhl·flt.<lu<oii Pol 11Ht11i' ur ., '''' '"''"".. \..US t J "'>N"r• 'N ' t'tt M '" " _. 1 -~· • " "· ,._. or ts • HI")" ~I Ill•• ~Ill,,,.,. I •u't•t.;l"l .ff•IH•·~ ' d 10 I lh t'n~l~•n "Th1• ma ~Jnt)' vr lht• "'"'"'' 11 • .. 1 1 .... ••l•l :-;_,,,, .\n .• l 'ull•·~·· llmdsc~tpl.ng ["'' rnA ,. Jttng " ,. .; I "":m ''"""''·..-. ~~" '" ~" 'I'• I ' , ·• t 1 I • -· ..... , ..... 1111 --· litkl' f'll'r...·ntion Ho llr'l' tho-.•· l••r· · · I h , , 1 .. '"' , .. looiJ ,,,~, "l'l"''·''lllllll'ly $12,:'100. ''' 11 '' "np t"lt II ~8.'11 · •· r•·f'<omm\'tll I 1•1 10 fl •' ·'· • !I· y i ..:;;11 nt \ F h ~·, .. t from AmPrirnn film 1111/lf'!'l. 1 Th;ot w:1s ,,,, fl>;l~~"<' ann01.1nCE'd ·• n · 11 • na . l' ruary . , ,, k•·pt Jt l 1h•·1r 1'''''''"1 I•••• •· "' • llnr)frl Yo,;l !W'ctl'la r y t II is un -~:n~IL~h and un -Chrc~ll(ln 1 lh luo· ..-1 111 l'f.l:\ 11 ,,111 '" I ~·1.:• I Dao'h·'-· landacaj)(' ' · · o ~-~--~ _ wtur' '') '"' ' -· ,.,.-~,1, t'l "' fu·r rd•·:osc of nl.'ws Santa Ana ho:ont of Mucatlon ' Burns ot Seo J•t•'·\\Ji t tiiiO'~ • ' ,. (' "' .on .. th•·r t•nnlrll('l lt•L f<ol"oo'I<Tdl'd JJCii!iun" In u S . ;~:;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:::;:::;:::~~ l "it•lin ~d•f,.,J thlll ~ ~~~ ln'f ~~~' .,._ . A 1 1 nd ltll'r\1')' Gf•neral Thomas d I . 1 t • ll•'llt} ''"'"· l .os "".1:" et: a . 4L Aboord Save nrlht·r th,otl u • ,., u< ''''n J•r ,. '•1 ''." 1 1 1 1 .. , h jot l whif'h 11 was IJOint<:'d 0\Jt '"' ~~ 111 >r<l!<'ll·l't lnr ('llll f•orn1,1n• In <f'JtJ•r •II I ,,. OYo>!l on I ~ J . We SUCCESSFULLY TREAT: ' 1 ·I 1 1 , d [ '' lho· '''"IJIQrlltY silc nf th~ ool· ~chool children of lh1s a r<'a N~ \'!IRK. J 11n, 13 1UI'1 ll•tN· t•t· lolllt ~··llr~. "'[•t•'fH!o· · '.,, •h · d 11 h"d I s-167 t~· :rcrordf'd th€' pril'ill'ge of In· I I ·' V II 1\ ill I"' n•'f'<'"~"rl In \!·> l•lldt lv 1< ~~' . ' Sill IS I II ~ ' I . h h" I d 'T'hl• 111my lunenr .~h P J~·'"' · · 11-~~ ~f'f<'JIIt•rl IIJ.:IIIn~! the next ~prc11 n~ I c tston ca OCumt!nls Conn<:>lly """-" """''Ill by fltv' nnd rtw h1~lwt , 1•1'1'·""r rlo1•'< 1,.;,-,.sl nf $:.!393 .lhfl.'trd lhr train, ll.bnntlo.,rwd 900 mll<'l< ar S(.-a ll)(l:.y, l .t"£•~Lit!i'•' ;\ll•hl"t R"ll •rrl ,\ I Pr('5•·nl .sdwduh•" call for the ...,.. Dke~ • ...,.... bul two n~n.ll' ~h•VOI "''01'1 11 .~:rlm \"nn•l•·n :n ft .tl!nHI "''" J\.,1r' llHtl tr;~in In It'll"'' San Dil'go at 1 a .m . ...,... _ ......_.. ~ t.>alllt• 11.1:11Jn~1 hiJ.:h WII\'I'S llno i i<VIk nw w•·~··nt ,.,,,,.s ''"" 1" 1111"11" APPEAL BAN Fo··tJru<lr~· 23 for t.o-. Angt•le~ a flf't ~~~~=--~ :::!,,!6 ,:u'::~;~~~ ~~::.;' h~~rr,.,JI~~~ ~~~~ .. n~~~~~~·'·'·:.u::;::!/~~~.~ ~~;.~:.:~ :•;,~'. ON CONTROVERSIAL I" ''"~' d .1y slop In lhP southl'rn ~ ~-Low aa-.1 !<mN" dawn. •''<!• ndllllr•· pr··~r;uu u! !I"· ~tnt,.. SCHOOL: BOOKS •·oly .._... • ~ -lUI· 1\11 !ht)So• 11huurd Ow {'onnflll)' "'''~ m:ll•·ruol!} ' _,. ............ Olio~ wo•n • .1<11\'t..-1 nnd notw w :ts ~<'n · FM "H.\~IEXI'f l, .Iron 1.1 ~UPI = -~-Bn•t!Wal • .-~~..~,.Jy '"J"""'· 111..11 thl· 1•1~: t ran~· Licenses l ifted 1 '''"''·'1 •··•~ ,,, 'h·· ,.,.,,,ro\'cnial WITIIOVT tiiJINO IJtraQUV, powt hlu:t.•~l fl<·n·.-1}' thr~tut.:hout th•· "II1UIIImt.: ,,,,.,.,.., .. ~·· r i,.. 1 of STATE GOVERNMENT COST UP 35 PER oauoe, IIDICL..,U, ''")' ""d "' llu~k ho .. ·lo~l ,.,.,.,. '"' 11.~ In Out·of-State "''"'"'' t•·\ll •• ,k~ ·'l'l "'"ro•d "' " !"AC1lA~1 ENTO. ·'"" n -rUPl oaiNtHDCTIONe 1101'1 ~ill•;-. a l'•omrl(•t•· ""'·" Orun~ Or ivinn nw••tln~:: .. t th•· ''''" I·• ,,.., ••f ~u-C'nl if.-.rni<l'~ ~1111,.. ""''''"'"'''"' ..._ o.-.l...a.. .., rllloun )II I .<•~ Ant.:• I··~ .1-ul !i and eo-<1 M37,000,1YII'l durin!{ 1 ..,_ IW ~--t nit' •tnh• ul M1unp T>tfld•.ln·~ 11 S,\C 1 tA:0.1F .... TI '• Jl"' J~ II'P1 Ill '" P~llh•SI ill;, I tlw 'lit h • JNI'• 47 rl~rnl )'o•:or, 11 jump of • Jlel. DC PILO lttr.:•• IJ<:IIIII fl I'TO)jl, Yo'tlh hll)' Ill (",111,,,.11111 1,,.,1,,,.,~1 ~ ton• IH•In~ hi! o'h ll•o• llo•· '""·k• •1•--•jlil•' what ('Pn\ v•·••r II"• l'i'''l'i•"'~ \'Par. l)r,E,F, • ·• ' "''l'flnd phU"I' ln It~ /0~1/t'tllllln•HI ,,1111 lwo•n"· ""~f ••n•l<·,11~ ,,. r•·· :mhOIIIIl ~ In 11 lo•>;l"l-•11\o• l11111 on C••nlroll••r Ttu•nws I I 1-\w'h••l 1111· 111 JIM IlL N-por1 ,.._,. ll~t Thf' ""''''• mlliiUIII< 1!111111-: I~ ,,,.,,,,," 1,1. lh'll"k• 11 nr n·•·k los~['h•lll, rh. ~'''''' tl•i•'•l'IIIU'II I of nonn..-.'<1 "''b~· ~:Z~.o~~ t~•tl"" 11n11 """' ,,..~~:t1h ·'· "unro•ll•. ,11.,.111.: ,.,,,, 1,,1,,,,. "' •·1Jwr "'"''"'· · il•" '''"" ''"' •··I ,, t .. r tlw .. •Ill•' , •. , ''"1, 1'<'1•'11"''"' •,;;,:;,;;;;:,;;,;::::;:;;=L~''~"~''~~~·· _ ~~~--/'h• ,1 ,1, ,.1,,,,,, •••ht!'il' •kl'"rt l'lu· l•'i;l~l .,t•m· ·•' 11 s 1'•17 ·•·s-wf'ro 1111 ~~· 1.-·r ····nl '''''t til•· I 111,.1, •••~· lo•~".t ''"1." ''"" '' rn .. ·d '" llf•l""l"""'l' m··n•'Y 111",..\'t<ill~ "'' 1>•· """''hs NO"''Nr:R\'I S(I UK.\Sf'it: ('OI',;T\' I n .. ''''''''"''''' •.•• ,,., ..• : lllo l tn 1•1 r·•n •ll.o<t· lh· ...... ~... Jil l• I' t .. ;.r. f.;tll loo•l •.wl !ho• , ... ~, ··~llrr~· Ko·a ... <nal•lo• n ·1·, rH Ill•'"'''· I' I ••I l:ts ,;,.,., ,-111 .:: , . ..,,,.,., . ._ '"'' "' ''.' ··~uiN•'r•l l"•· f<>l't'r :tl! ,,,.,, , ,1, "~''!' ,f lh,..! TUXEDO RENTALS Kat .. ,. l~o··n.., ._11,1•11,,,,,.. ,.,,... '"''''''' 111•l lin ,\mot·t•"lll rho· •·li oll!'o'!ll ~lllll' ·nw l.~t.;••' fwio or "' lh•· lo\1' Hill ,., ~1 11 1 .• ,II• "''' "'1'' 1>1<•11>;111 !11 ''"' "=••11• "' 'I!•• lnl"'r•·n~ .. 11 " ·I .;;:;::•r!-l;\i;('ul i'lmp \II I•I)<'.J n H··lotlool o••tl for rnml• ltnil !itVh"'''" ll!<'lll<!il\1' !'!I \\. •·•ourt.h ~~ .\f'l"''"'.:'""n~ ~BIGGS I CALIF ) ~l!tlo• ·~ut•l rtl< ''"" ,..,, ~· •'• "'"' MAJOR'S "'-'• ""• l'h"'"' :.t .l -\\ • State Shows Mar~ed .1l!o~·~·•i"n~ ,,, • ''" • ~~~~~~~---..;;....;--......;.,~......, ROTARY BUYS RICE Jack's Equipment Rental Contradora' Equipment • 8K.D.L a.-\ \\'8 e TILAILJ:RA Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa GORDON a~ y Mlto...& .... .................. ,, CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINI:T8 AND Hll.LWOI'R T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. --- SIGN PAINTING -A..~O­ AlJ Types of Comm e r<·ial I..oc·ah•d al WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD L. W. Pierce 111& ~'PORT DL\"1). 111':.-\t'OS I\G79·W • - Art Ill! ;o ; ..; t ·,,I ,l,ott 1 'l • I '1 ' • I It, l:•o'l'' H"' 11' , lulo ,.,,\" Ill• Improvement in Auto Fata lities I FIRST NATIONAL LISTS DEPOSITS "'"I'"' 1l ''\\II~ ~t••"~·•t ·•' "'11' no.:n ..; \( 'f{,\:0.1! '\T•' ·1·'" ~~ 'I '!•• OF $28 084 041 ''' ,,,,. ~~''""' '" 11111 , o·.orl•··••t l r·,.l,ttl/1.011 11\'lli•• 1,.,(,, ~t .... ,f ' ' "' '"' 1.,1., ''''1'1"'''"''" 111 111 '1~ l 'olol .. tlllt lt oll l< •I• ,q,, ,.,,,1 Til<' Fll'<l :--;,,,,,,,.,1 llu nl. "I f 1" •'1•1• .. 1 I '"''!" 1 ,1 .. 111 Ill< I" r • • "' 1•11•• ,. '" 1'•1: Simla An'· 111 1• (,,,..,,,. Jl"" Ill· I ,, .. ,,:,,,), '''"'"'Ill"' 1 •'"111 'h<II:OI''I1•11!h l •todiiH l llol IHI'Il ~1 111•111<111 "' ''"lldtll•ll ,,,. 1111l'•• I • o<!ol1 111•·•11<1• •.ou l 1111' 1•'11111 1''"11>111 l1 oil I•· 1.~ .. II '")Oo ••· :\1. 1'>1-;' •l<•o'l•"'' l"l o! <I•· !t '• 1<i• I 1•1< '" '''''" ''1 1111•11 \\',, l•l 1'11", ''••ll lllll'>'loll!• I l "!lflt•lol I l"'~ll • 1,f ~~·.o.; o•s 1 o•ll 1,.; Till~, l•·lllk .;,Il l•• '''""" •1 1 ,.,.,, •I• Jl•!',l I'• I• I"')' <•I !l1•· l'ohl"'"''l ll1 I> .,flit'l,ol~ 1'••1111 "'" 1•'101'<'<•·111• .on I ''1 '"· 1"' "'' 1''1'''1 ''''' 1"'1'' lnrr,.:1~·· ,( <;_·1,1.'•1.'-l i;:t ~I ll•"•' .1ww ll!o iholo\\oll l•o•,•t!olllo'''•l<l! l•,.t !llo 111~1 liiiH' 111 ll11o• ~~ 1 .~ I•• ,I 1:,,,,;,. '"'' ""''•' ''" u~ "• •I""' ·1·1 1!11 1•· 1111/'1 •'• ,,,,'Ill \\, ''' ""''"' · 1·-~1 f!•·l I'" Ill 111 J,i! ollllo-.. 'fnl;1l 1 •'"""' ,.,,, "'.'\t\ I l·l.fi'Y. -t!l, ol'•• t:\1 •11 """'' ''' lh '""•'' 1•t•t•l· od IIi• '"'""'I"'''"'' ,,,oj :t7••"• If" I' 11 1, lh \\•·•·Joj "1•1 \Ill!""·' !~''''"' \\olo kllloo\ 111 II",,Jjto 111 • ... ., ••I ,J<,n ,,,, · l'•l• ""l '" t•ot .. t l• ''''·"dttnt .. ,l "111<1111.:11 ,,,,,,,, •11<11 "'''''''" lo'llli '" l:t"" ~''''" .• ~ t il••) ..:r"" .. 1!\o·r . tlw 1'o•l)lh'~illnS ,.,.,,~lllo•r lhis 11 J··~lr:t l•l·· ~i..:n .. r l•·1mt.•. tt('fYird· in~.; 1" th•· Fnr~f'l"l''"'''';' llnt11n- Dl l J~.\LITE '1ETAL WALL TIL l't•rmant•trl • llo·•·••r:lli••· J\n,.fpr•"'f . \\ ;tl<'fj•too•f (':til 1:,• \pj•Ut•ol 1011 ~I'll ,-,r I II. I ·'Ill I'*' t' l '•·llwtt l T iJ,., J; .... fi n:..: :tnd I 'I• •• •r·in..; lnt!llt'd i:ol•· l ll .. l.ilb li"ll 1·"1:1-:J· J ...,!'1 \1\TI I , \, II I'll. 11.\l:no J; '!1 ;{:, Pm·ifir Tilt• & Shin :!le fu. Z!NIJ J .,Jifll~t•Ht• Nf"wpnrt ~a('h , C:111f. I. ., ... ~, \lt lu•11o.:lo lm,ol 11..:111•·• I•·•· !·•1 ; "' '"II ""' Ill "' I '' 1\ .-1 I '" 1 .. ~""' • t • • Pll IIIIo 11! 11 , l~o I"" l~11!o Ill•·•· Scotch tape. varloUI u.l~ •1 t hl' Nf'W!·'Omes alzn~. on I It' \\'iSI' Adl'•·rt•~·· Everything in Tree Service TnpJiing lh•nu•,·ing Trimming • \\'1 ' IIIIIU: "'"' and t •nS,\~rt:ST,\1. THt:t:~ 111 II "'i't:("I ,\I.T\" l'htonr ,\nllill'hll fl iK.'I I " 1 ° I ,Jio'('l Reliable Tree Service \mllll'im, (',.Ill. B.efore You Build or Remodel llu r lnl•·r··~ti nc and Color ~:uidf':l., piM· nJn~,; :tltb:. <')mpn··hcns- nnr1 linnlrum In~ stc"'C'k of l'f\f11CI,. LUDLUM Carpet Works IG! tModl )l&le. 8t. n.c-,_._ .... ... IIANTA. ANA ,, I I I Here Off to Fast Start GARDEN WALLS C'<o11Sir1H"ll"tl loJ:ILil\} IIL'I'o• • lol II\,• ,_,,.,,. 1111.;11 pll<'h lhitl l nlnt,s t AA.f~•\'•~• ""'''h ''' n"" loul ld-tni;s ~1ur1t-d 111 !h•· <'II} fi'ln n~-: 1~17. u..-.~.nlm~ 111 .\ :\1 building inspr.•ctH. llh•• today that fX'rmitll is~no •d fur llu· fit'S! )II d U}'ll "f lht• Y''"f lola! Sl76,71;'i Tho~ fh:ur{' ts iil- 1!1<lsl twi•·•· as 1-:1'<•;,1 11S llw ~.933 ro•rord•'(! durin~-: lh•· first II) d11~s last Y<'llr Low Cosi-Siron~ Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. t%85 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Phoae BMooa 5189--M .lnWnJ: 1t'.<J!'t' ~:ranll'd P••tmis- ''' Ut ~i n l'm~truct10n Sl:·,.-,, fir~! "r lin• nwnlh ur•• i\ln.. J . ( ullins, ,( lliv,•ulll•·. who I I ll'<'('l II ~:/4 ,500 r••s•dt•llt~· Ul · \\' Hay A\<::.; G ll Linddl. 1..<.1-"1 All~t·lo·s. who \\'Ill loulld LUMBER an S I U)(IO hlltnf' at 1313 \\', ll11y l A,.,..; .Juhn PHrt<·r. ,.f 16 J111rhur h l<lnd . Wllu will rnukt• ;, $11 :,011U llddill(}ll '" hiS "'''"''· IIIIU (' L Em.-t . .,( '.!·1 l!ay ls!u nd. 11·hv will I 11dd 11 .~<'t'l•nd ston· l•l !H~ ''l'~i -j BUILDING MATERIALS till t'Silt;llt!t•d ('o,l~l ul Enlist Enough County Men to Form 2 Companies ' .. " ltlf"""' t:nm11:h m~·n '" form '"''' lllt!'llJ,:Ih <'llll1Jo:1ni<"S \\'i'ti' ••••lli<O,•d 111 Orun~:t• rount}' 111 19-17 for tJ s ,\rill)' "'"' ! /if' u s For~ •\rn•n llni;" 11> an nnntHmr"m••nr tly Major J S Mu~r. \ltlln.l:l' County Rt'('ruilmg O ffiC::t't , a IO!al or J.'iR nwn wt•r•· ~i>;nt-tl up d ur· ing 1!H7 und llrt' flO\\ .~t'rl'ing ttlrou.~:hout cht• world, Of lh1• lulal of 3.SR enliJtl'd, 176 ll'l'tl' ri"SidC'nls "' Sunla Ana. Th(' nwmiJf'rs WCr t•: fron1 N I'"''Joort.flultNl" f'ulf,•rl<ln Olho·r localiti("!l 10 31 Plumbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HEATERS, Stondord Brand .. $25.00 $52.50 An~<hl'im t lrilni';l' l luntlni;tnn La 1/;,lor;t llro·" G!trd••n Grnlo' f'u~ta M•·s11 llalttnt'(' rot ,~.,11111) " " J:t " ' 7 Toilets, Lavatories and Laundry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -PhOBe Harbor 1185-l - & W o!ll• -Adwr!tU 6 II 2607 Ceatral Ave. NEWPORT BEACH DOOR~ ~C'Rt:r.S'~ STERLING CABINET & CONSTRUCTION WIS'DO\n; l'h. ""'aeon 5 3 6 3 J,),ill -"""''""' h 'l'. \",.\lu· l"l 1lt nn Ninth Anniversary Store Wide Sale NOW GOING ON and Continuing Until Sat., Jan. 17th Up to 50% Reductions! Yo"lTII Til t l .~o ll"l'h•" <•t' I l ilt \lll'lo "lf~ \\Ill• +I 1111 t'llll 'l'h l l•l l• '" no· \1 ''' • '' ·ro ut:H. Girls' Department on the Balcony All ~l••rdmmliSf' Ill lt4 '4lu!'fil l>rh'f"S Bm;mEs Hi-Chairs - ClUBS i\latfr<'~:ooes Cia-. llraiN'>. t:lf'dric· llt'lllt•rs ,...:;rn:l ll l·:lt'l 'lrio·:l] ApJ•Ii:lll<'l'" :'ll;,,i••r l•;h•dno·:tl ,\pl'li:•lh'o•.., \·a,·uum f'l,•a/lt•r-.. • Funt•tu" ~lal-;t• llotll"inl 1111s!t·ss .\lode! ELE('Hf(' IL\:\(;I·:s .\1 ;';·, lli:-c.·ount! I lnfllr'o! i:11 •• f\ •li\ •'IY Infants' Wear Shower Gifts fW'41U1't~l l "ri1'f'S -On llw f'i~l floor Basement Toy Dept · up to SO% Off \\' agons 1"2 Price 1\lTCJ-IE:\ SI:\1\S and End ( 'ahint.·f~ \II Su l o~ta nl iall\ ltt•cltlt'l'll ' 1:.\lllfiS ,\ ('O.lJBJS\l'IOS IU IIIO ,\ I:U Ill: II 1'1 .. \l't:m~ All :11 f ;ro•:dl,l l:t•!hlo'l'il l 'ric·o·'~ WHEELER SHOP -tl 5 N. SYC.HtOJm ST. '! nnn,... S'orlh "' RIUikln'• SANTA ANA OPEN DAILY, 9:30 to 5:30p.m. SATURDAYS , 9:30 to 8:30 p. m. so Ju:n .:s os • so tr.XCIIASGt:s • ."-1.1.. "'•\1.1:8 n:s..u. ' NEWS-TIMES California Out Of Doors SPORTS By VlC MINAHAN l 'nitro Pr£>ss Staff CoJ'J~pomknt With 1.\ob (it<lrr :--\I'll \\11 :'\ l't 1 ,l,on \,, d 'l'l 'I fl, ,., '' .~ ph nl~ ,,, "l~"·to;u;. n·, t\1'\\'-h' • '~UH.! ,,I 1 th' \\ ,.,.h' 1'1\\\ 'I llh tho t'1'h .1011 (;,011\o ~\•tnll\o'· ..... ,1\ 1\\t't tu\,: ~1\ ~.,n t-r .tth '\'t.'\\ tn •11•1'11-'• Ill'\\ ~l-,.11'1 il~h111,.: I• 1''11<1· t "•''" \ ,,, h'U' '1"'' t!'ID\.lLS -C.LUUIA-n•·~ ttnc ... ,,nd '-\'11"' tu••l't ,tt'tt\11~ ·.,II thr poh lll'\1·111111(\11\'t' fi'IHII 1hat -..u,,·, 111\1!'-l nl tl \\ ,\..; '''til t.t~•·n c:u ·.,• n( 111 ... pot rh \\!'> !oohH ••'"· 1.-t" liiO',olloloT Ill ollllcf tho lwul ,onot pi<'h up ~omo· IW\\ 1•ntb ,\s II ro·~Uil 111 {flo• It< IIUI tfUI • ha/.o• ;'lfHI fu)( Wo·'\" tl:or1 dunn..: T ilt' f>tll'k~ t'nl1nut1•d III'HI ._;oo\'j'l'll tht• Pill'! wo.,.k, lllo'ro· ha' l,.•,•n nwnt 1,11ctllf1• h<>)'S. r1r<' still 111 11 w•ry litlh' :1('!11'11~ Ill 1111' !Iran~.:•· Tho• lalo•st lll' lolust at tho• F"rl County AII'JIOI'f, In fal'l lhr-ro· has •·rul F"h anrl W11dlllo• St•n •tt'l' "aS ~~·n 1'1'1') lit tl•• at any all'p()rl tooiSt·ol lo) tkrt Cartwn..:ht. t'lut'f alon~: lht> C(lll~l II'UITI San llll'f.:ll· nc nn!Urlollst 'Ill San Fnont'IS('\1 to San f'r anclsro Tho• wny RE"r t put 11. thrl'l•'s Ttw fl u HJII· a sli~:ht d!sc·rt•panr)' uf about ~.· dt'miC.' h11~ ulso OOO,IKICJ sumi'Wh<'rt' in thl' l lnitt:'d takt•n 11~ toll Statc•s. '!"hut's th(• dltfer t>nce bt>· Mrs F lu y cl IWt't'n DU t•Stimati:'S of lhl' na- Marlm ts still 11on's duck population and tht· JtOY· 11 u 1 I t• ~ 1 <' k, f'rnmi'nl's. while Floyd is Thl' DU has tallied up the ducks slowly on the and com!' out with tht> ligur!' of ~orge Hoch. mend . MT s . lll'kn llul'd Is also ~lowly rf'· cOYI.'nng, as is The sheriff's RPS('rVo' A e r o Squadron hI' I rl lhPJr n•~:ut<tr monthly mt'Pim.: la~<l Fr1d~<Y Tt•n· tatil•e plans wen• laid fnr rad10 lnst all at wn "·ork for c·ontltct mg llt'arch planes. 11 was also decld(•d to hold u breakfast flight to Del Mar Airport on January 18. All aero squadron m t' m b l' r s and friends are invtted. Tht> rt>gular m onthly shoot was ht>ld Sunday and there was a good turn out. Next Sunday is to be a competitive ahoot day tor all the reservt's. ODD FACTS ABOUT FLYING: Jt is cer tainly odd how many peo- ple will buy transportation with Oy·b)'·nlght charter outfits when for the same money In many cases, they can ny in safety with leglti· mate operators. It only takes a little Investigation to determine the reliability of the carrier. Main· tenance Ia the most important alngle item In safe air travel. You ('an be certain that any outfit who has a good maintt'nance crew has a good operation. Good main- tenance Is costly. Consequently, the ny-by·night operator will do only the barl' minimums 10 that his profit will be higher. This Is do·wnright crimlnBI since It is only a matter ot time until It rt>- IUits In an accident. Just as there are many licensed drivers a n d automobiles that are unsafe, II() are therl' many pilots and airplanes that are licensed but unsafe. ln· veatigate first and live longer. We are auggestlng to the county supervllora that tMY buy a good FTOO outfit for the county to get 4 .. Months.Oid Baby Receives Fishing License LOS ANGELF..S -Fishing li· \'t•nsl' number 943343, 1 h c Oi· vls•on or Fish lind Gam<' hRS lt>arn<'d. bo?long11 to a four·month old Los Angeles girl. In a letter to Executiw• Offl· C<'r Emil J. N. O tt, Jr., 5porting goods salcsman J ohn F . Parke stat<'d the llc<'nse was purchas<'d Cor his Infant daughter beo<-aU!I!' the three·dollar ff'l' will aid In the State's wildlife conscrvation IICtiVit it'S. "l want hl'r to have a part in futurt> good fishing," the sports· man said. "She alrt>ady accom· panles my wife and me on Wet>kly fishing tripjl." KILL 2-4 LIONS SACRAMENTO, Jan 13-IUPI Twenty. four mountain II on • were killt'd and brought !llatl' bounties during Novt>mber , rom· part'~! to an avE-rage November kill of 19, the State Division or Fish and Game reportt'd today. Humboldt County led In lion killing during the month with eight. Oth~>rs wt're : Sha.sta. four; Glenn. Tehama, and San Diego. two C>ach. and on!' rach in Kern. Los Angell'l;, Alamt'da. Sl<"rra. Mendocino 11nd Tulare Counties. State TrapJ)I'rs took 508 coyoii'S and bobcats, and 348 other prt>· dators during the month. rid of this Cog. When this gl'tl In operation. we'll have more news for you. So until next week, we'll say 10 lone. •H1:! t\P'\ \t t1 Jl, 'I''"' !1 11 ,~d•\h•tl' •httt It t h \ U\ l thit'l.. , .. -t,UI 111t1111 f l~ll1t''-th·'l ~, .. ,·, •'''''' ,,f hu t!~ ,h .. ,•hi l .. ,~ood l..ond l'l.oloh 111: 11 Ill und,•uhi o••tl '· htll 1 ilh lop·o•ll l•lll II 1\ ,.,,I ho•l h01ttl~ up. \1 ,, eo•llhl '""" '""' ur I lh h~ ~' M'a ... ••"' In \•1,U !'1. ' C10r!\\ rt).!hl d.um~ lh•· IIIJo'k 1"'11 Donkey Basketball Slated For Thursday Tht> hilar ious garm> ot dnnkl'y basketball whkh made such a hit with f)('ople ot tht> Harhor area last seuon, will oft<'r an t•v('ning of laughs wht>n thl' Lions club of Newport·\OIIfa Mesa play lhc faculty of Newport Jlarhor high school. Th!' HI Tara. athletic ctuh of thl' S<'hool. a r<' spon10rlng tht> fun whkh IR shUI'd tor Thura· day. January 1!'\. at R p.m. In lhl' high school gym. Ti<"kE"ts will hi' !'iO C'f'nl!l for studcnt~ a nd 75 <'ents for adults, and uftt>r th<• donkrys arP fl'd, tht> profits will ht.> fi:iVI'n 10 thc "Tar·Pil", new T('('n CantN'n of Nl'wport Harbor Jligh. and th<• Boys Clul) of \osu Mcu . Th!'rc will hi' a prrllmlnnry gam<' of legitimatP baskt>tball prC'C!'dlng the animal gamr . so thl' puhlic is warned to com(' t>arly for 11 seat. Ruii'S for this unlqur g11m!' r!'· quirc th11t the players ride tht>1r mounts at all timt>l. and donke) ditpOIIitlon• being what they are, It le difficult at tlmcos to ob!lforvt> tM rul8. Santa Anita Preps For Big $50,000 San Pasqua) M011t of tht> big narm> horse. prt•pplng for th£' $100.000 Santa Anita handicap will appt'ar In thf San Puqual $50.000 fPatur«' nn next Saturd11y'a S1mla Anita progr11m. Plumpt•r. Adrogue. Autocrat, Cornish, Knhcht. Rurnlng nrnm. H~tnk H.. Prevaricator , Plover. Rrabanron. F.lpls. Flashro. PaJ)I'r· boy, Srcnav. TTiplicatc and Covt'r Up. Rack to On Trust this 4- y!'ar-<Jld 110n of Allbahl. ran a spanking good race ovrr lhf wel'k· (•nd hcforl' 51.500 to win thl' S11nta Cat111ina. going ltll' mill' and om•· flghth in 1:511.4. with J ohnny Longd£'n putting UJI 11 strong ride. T('rry B11rgc•llo o""-nNI by AI Sparkrs, t'llmt• up rast to take sccond from PINIS<' Mc-Tropical S!'a Wa~ fourth. rtiVf'r Up fifth, Whfatfl<'ld sixth and Artiller)' &<'Venth and last In the field. Among developmt>nts In f'll'<'lrl· cal appllanet"S Is a twin wafOe bakcr that makes two fUll·alu wafflt>s at 11 tlmt'. 1793 NEWPORT AVENUE PINK'S LEAD BOO Pink's I •ru~:~ huYI' 111ko•n a c.•m· m11nd1n~: lo•tocl m'o·r 1 ho'lr rl\'111~ trnm Alllhto 11<'111 In thl' ,_.., howl· ln..: lrft~llo' c·urr.-nl ly und.-rwlly 111 tho• Mt••ro Ho'<'l'l'lllltln 111111, Ctll'l • Mo·u Pink'a Drujfs A t,Jha 1\4'! II SymiJI(>n Palnlo•r C'uWiord I >rug "' 30 'J'l 1:'1 1l Clrr'a ,_. 8-.e Hay aad Grain ~r ... -t-........ _ .... ,.,,...,... .... oeiWA--' PRINTING STANDARDIZED to save you both time and money. II: A CON 51!6 A. C. Spencer 11110....~ I I I I LIDO t8LK •o ra~ O N aDUTH aAY IN .. .. , ..... LOCA TION. rAYO .. A aL& ""ICII AND &AeY Ta .. Ne TO QUALiroiD euv•"· ,. ... ·\.··-·"··· HOM& WITH ""'""'""' •o•T eLIJO. JOA'YNII r u .. NACII ...... ,., a •aOttDONa. ·~ aATHe •uoL.l'. ""'ca eeo.ooo. • ~ . p. 0 . pal~ •NC.Nt()tAICO realton ')))r e I f P ••••f\•0 \>•Ad ,.h. , ......................... _.,., ... t.ha t unwanted N.-.. ':"'!mN ea. I W~LCOME HOME! I N•wport Harbor l'oat ttl All!lllJCA N I.IOOION I ...................... , ~ .... I ......... \&.It ...... .tela.,,... . -... , ........................ _ AM t~Dfl FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES HAJI.BO& lliJ .... rted "'-aad .... Belka .. , •• ..... 0 .... ,. ...... ........ .., OIIMa GENE'S BAKERY ,.. 0.... ~.ow-... - ClMilfted MIDO_U._ B A Y .V I E W L COMPAIY HARBOR 581-R IMMEDIATE DEIJVERY LUMBER · WALLBOARDS Shl111les ·Doors· Mot11di11P '101 3llt St., Eut of Kml'• Lanclbaa N...,...._._....._ ••.• COSTA MESA STORE HOURS 9 to 5:30 A'lrotl1 ~,n .. ·rm;lll o\\ rwr "' llr· kol1~ J>•.'l'·•r111ll'll1 -.Inn· m I ·~·~hi :\1" 1 I• \1 olool l10d.o~ lhool lh \\Ill \.n .n•• llw J,r,'nl•'-'' 'h•· ~''"'' nt•\\ iW('tiJHt·!" itt t•·J ',., .• \\ •nc tt rt'· qtJ('~l II) :\lr-i•:\ 1 '' 11 Flo I'• two· C:11•• 11. u\\n• r •'I ''"' 1'1111• t !~. '" mn' t' ··~s•'\\ lH'l'• (l11 .IHt\ \ ~olh•·rtnnn mr1wa l•·ol lh:ol •l•f· ft ·l• n•·•·" htHI an"'''" twt\\• • n "'"' .. s••ll .onu :\II·<. C;r•·o·ll ''''I I• ~~~·· ;1nc1 ~l':u·•"\ arrnn}!"'llh•f\t..: fnr th•· ~tnrr hlli!thn~o: Til•· d om111< t ;un ... h•• s:11rl, "twn !-llo· 1 'll~"rl hi!' n ·nl fftH'll HO jl\i1r,\\!~ of ~_27~, pt•r OHHl f h Profits Shot to the ·winds! ........•..•••.... . . . . . ··~·············· • WE MUST SELL TO THE BARE WALLS • ••••••••••• • • • •••••••••••••••••••• • • • • '" ",,~I I" I .s .. ~ Bird's Eye DIAPERS Gauze DIAPERS Many Items Half Price New HENDAN BLOUSES S259 !oFF 3 · PiiNers 56 c NYLON HOSE 5111 OUTING FLANNEL 80 PERCALE 33c Finer WOOLENS . 41-Lb. NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS BOAT BLANKETS Yardage DRAPERY ORKIN'S Department Store 175»3 NEWPORT AVENUE • COSTA MESA W"l" UKe\VlM" n'llf'ntn~ ~~·:1,''1'• ltv of off<>rinJ:t!'. Htulrltn~ ~ts are still gotng up.·' N< '(I .OIId I,; allu•rn~"~'il l •" '-'\'"''1• fPII tlfll \ Ott\n tttlf\ IW'h•»l P·TA II ~Inc bocb. l~s~ 11\lll ~\. • ~ THIS aUUIIFUI, FLOOR DOIS IHINGS FOR YOUR KRCHIN DLE ·TEl ISPIILT TILE ~· HANSON SHADE & LINOLEUM SHOP ..O.Jf...,.a .......... . .,.... ...... ....._ .... ... Franrasro !'lacultliiO. a 16th et'n- tury ltahnn artist. lnvcntcd the tllt·-vlctur... pt~lntf'd ronhnuously ovrr a ~tr11up aol li(JUarc t.'t'ramac '"" S1tv1n~" "' loll farmlws s nd and1· 1 vldunls an lho· l'nall-d S~IH to- taiiC'd $11, :>SiliOO.OOO last yrar "OK,~~~ morning swimmtrJ, divt in! 011r ntw 11111¥J11111tlt ga.s waltr htam haJ pi-tnl) f ' HOT WATEI1 Yts, Slrl 1e "" the ••ove toni! "" '(OVf fOiftlly.' nHCh ntUII Ta. CAPAOTT ... Cbect I« Sial 1 I a-• ·-·· 10 a a 10 a-• ., .. ., ... ICONOMICA& eatomatic '..s wac~r bftru c:x»a lela ro buJ. •• leu ro operattl ADd il lCIIIOGII lUll il pcopuly ..... cu laMp ..... tJI .. boulebold .'*' pJealy olt.oc ....... ., eo 1-40 dmee daily. Bma t.duooa, _.. ..,.,,a..-. ...... Jt,.u. ...._ .. ,....w,aw,.u.,- L-------..... ---------,."""N c•wn•H e.te • .,... Feminine Activities Dr. larffey Katz Pro~•• Drawing Card For First Session ol Parents' Forum Be Wise -Adwrtl~c Mesa Upholstery . Harry McKee WILL A FUNERAL llll IE YOUR FAMILrs INHERITANCE? Wall ,our widow ba•e 10 pey your fu~ral a.od atrlloNtY biUJ out of w insur.ace you lean her! W1ll frieod. bne liD u- sume the burden of red-upe be- fore mooey (or fulllltnl billa cao be made available? Un,ler the f orrsc Lawt~ Proeec- tioo Plan all funera.l bills an diminat~ no matwr when <¥ 111here the need oocun nprd- lns of how hnJe has baG s-Od in. In addi1ion, "tra cash an be rrovided for "lase illnfte" a n' cemetery bills aad a monrhly ush income to tide the: family OYU. Y•• M•X .,..c;fy -x ._.,.. •-• -• city .. ,._ -M•• ilo .... u.s ... c ........ The cost 11 surprislnsl1 low. F11nhermorc:. the Foresc uwo Proteruon Plan provida cub aod loan ••lues, and theft CLCI be 00 a &tM'meD" Mall CDUpoe TODAY (or ftH dncrfllcin folder. MAtL !* COUPON 10DATI ~~­.......... co. .......... .-. Dept. RA·BS-111 ....... ~ ,._ wed -· wicbouor 001101 obU,.ao.. • foWK ..,.._ .. the Porett Lawa Procectioa Plaa. H- ~"------------ C.,----------~z~rw .. __ _ • Wedding Veils • Bridesmaids' Gowns Let Our Wooding Consultant ll<'lp You Plan Your Wedding • Phone 0821 MALCOM 'S 101 N. Mala 307 Marine Ave. • Balboa Island Announces the Re-Opening Friday, January 16th Featuring The Same Fine Food In New Comfort Bill Harvey • Dean Bowen ToUetries -Street Floor SAVE HALF! WIND and WEATHER LOTION Reg. •1 size P t.O• TAll LIMI TED TIMBI GUARD your tt n der 1kiD asainet the dryin8 effecta of banb weatbq with famou Jrwl and F tiCIIher ~ 'Thia cnamy-rich lotion helpt keep lkiD 't"ffl Yety ·lOft and 111100th ... diacc:Jur. ._..6.nelinesduetodryneu.Kak.- a wonderful powder hue ... ud lauoothiqafter-shne lotioa tool . "' " -. \ \ fovrth, erc•M•r• fAC GorcJeners Learn About OrclticJs Schultz-Ott Rites Set for february Tht'rt> ltrl' mort• than {1\'t• t huu!:· Annvunl'<'n~nr ,., llw .. nl(a~tc>· and \'Brtl'lll'S of nr<'hids \Ur)m~; nw n1 ,,, Mts.'l u11~ 1 ltt, owTw r or 111 thcrr n• ('{"''•·•I') 1:1 u\\ 1111: '''"""· the-Crown of tlw S.•n &-auty 111111~ from hogh :lillllll\(•• ttl loJ\\, s.dun 111 1\•r•mll cll'l ~l:tr. tn \\'II· lrt•tll dry l'ht11111t' to lll\1151. l't•l,t,•d 11.1111 t\ ~· Sdulll/, '"II or :\I rs :\1 ;~ (';,.,, n l;r. dt•l t'<IUIII~ ,: II'· :\1ol'll ~.·hull/ "' S iiiii.J ,\nJ\ \\'ib d,•n Ch<Jitlll:tll, \\III II ''"' lll'lot .ol<'ll fl ,ul• 1<<'•111 1\ II\ lto•r flltlt'OI!.,t IH•furt• lh•• t~:rrll• n Mt'llvn of '""I \It .rnd \lr>-\\tit< I F 1111, ~1;, 1-'o lrl.o.' .\l lt'l'lltlloll ..tuh J,oro -; lit• ""') 'tn·l'l ~ 1111 .1 AlliL Tilt· 1-:ltt\\ in~: l'llllilttlllll~ oil"' :'Ill,~ I tt t. \\hi' ~~ II llll'"llx>r or \,tf')' tn t h:tt >-ollllt' 1-;J'"\1 1111 th(·l ''•'l'tllan ~llll:•'f'l>. plan• lilT Wt•d · hark nf lr•·"s tllht·r' 111 hum11, 11r Utr•c t .. -!-. 'l "'") 11 ·•Ill ~•1111•• lhl'l\ o HI I l'll\11 l'lllll·il••,f ttthr•n; d•·noanrl ., "·" "' , ,,.n t••m· Judy Horris pcrn tur1·. "" >fll'll k·•r s r att<O. :\1••mho·r~ Wf·n· ~nllt•tl Ill "" Tokes Over Cale hcauty vr tlw lll:tll) Ko.U.tdlrttnW :'\," ''" "''' l>f tlw Gtlhs carr s ltdl'" 'ht• shtl\\ ··•I t ht· ~:roup 11oot •• t :..'tlll \\',.,, c,•nt rut nH•nu1• Ill unl) nf lwr un·hu1<, hur uf flo" •·r· Jud) lim r ~~ "lw furnwr l) op-in~<: \'tnt'S. shruhl> ttJ' lc ... ·s '" ''"·•-• n o I• tl ,, lk•l•lllilr l'llf•• 10 Santu ht>1m City Pl!£.k. Itt 1\)J!tntlon, nnd An.o l'ntl1•o· :'ll r' llarn,.· rnanlll:<'· Ill ho•r r.wn ):tf'd "' S :ulllt An11 IIH'n l th•· pi,,,., ha-lkr•n fl'{ll"'Hrlll· r'IVI)Uil l\l rs G ro•Ot•r hns lw••n 'd ttl<tcl•· '" an 111 tr.u:-11\'t' lilthl ~.:r~ll'lm: ~tort phutm:n•phin~: or-o·n ·• n .uul r.·d. (I lid homt' m11d1' pit'S I l'htds lt•r r.rtt., n }•·nrs and has :on· muktnc a htl •Ill 1 ht· nwnu O\'l'r a lhousnnd JJIBnts. 1 Tl11· dt·ul [nr fl lw bu<inl's~ wns Thr M'l'l ion llll'l ror a ,J'IOI lue k I hancllt·d hy Fr:llll'l~ IIM\'Uth. I ART AIDS REHABILITATION NEWPORT BALBOA NSWI·TIIISI Tt'MUAY N..,...t ......... Oallf. IM. II, INI Page 5 Horbot Players Nome Directors, Prepare lor Ploy \\'tilt """ '*'"'"''"" rlo•rli-.1 Mnn· ,1,,~ •'', tun.: h\ llll''"'" ~~ ••( llatr ~~r c '.•nununu' ,~,,., • 1"' ·•' ,1 '"'""I' lilt; 1 .. 1.1 Ill lh·· ;-.:,."t•>rl ....... ~, ,111111••1 111111 11ffll'•'l'~ 11'111 jl,• I lh!Ot'll \\ ,•,tttt·"''" , ... ,,,.,u.: \\ IH u " ~··n • I of '''"h II \\ lfl Ill' lt••t.l rl,l ttl(' 'H11t pt."-.• \\. "'' •It •1mll '"'"''" "' ""' nh;h .... , th-.•1 r.n " ••lh' \t 111 ....... h• f.ll lh·· \ ,., ... ,,.., loll h\ th· '"'1!'111 '"'II .. f """ l twk•''"'"" v•111"'' ,,., ... , CESS POOLS and SEP'nC TANKS lrwtallf'd An~ aa an.n .. C'ount;J ~tTact DrUII.na s.w.r Cona.ctt.on I All W..-k Oua.rant•en t''UlJ lnaur~ C.anW .. 91-lJI ------------------1-"0 RMP:l> ~ A Ra .... ('tt~" m.ct. to ~. A* ~ .. tel-A l~udte Sheela r..-Mia Nu.World Proctucta Cum.-,. ~Third St~ HuntJ~ta.. 8HdL. P'-w Hunttaa10fl a..ct\ 111. IO·dl HARBOR Plumbin.r Service lum'hl'nn '"I h l\!1·, J••tnt l.alvrt•flt't• • 'h•1''t·, .... ' '"' 1 h·· i\(·,-~t,lun. M r.; p:·•osodm..: :rl 1111 lithll' \\hol'll \\8S 1 1 1 -.;1 d • II • fU'\" • U oU 1'1 fU"t•~l f•Ot Ul I 1\'o~hl~ tl•t'I>J,ll• ol "1111 llu~.;r pvrn· tt11· Fo ld~t) t\ftt·rnno11 club and I J<>ttlcu. rorree was S<'rvrd hy thl·';\lr• (' D ('nopl'r. -----1 ~1••rnh.·r~ \\ IJ, • ",., ,. tn 1 he) t)Ut' ht't 1•1,\\ .. 11h \ : ..... t ~l"'rt •• •Hu"' ••f rh,· ll•r•'l' ''"~··~I '" ft~t 1'1•' chto """ 11( lht• 1'111\t•n., will l'fl' ••'Ill I I 11n I h•• I'VI'nllll! uf ••rh 8 111 tl11• (11Hr••t. of th•• M,·,~l·th. ~1111111 Ann,''" ln•ltl\tlnn nf ~""'• """ l'olttllllllllll) l'ln\·r•• ~~ •• £1ruc ... llt•t II \\ttl tiJn'f'l II ,I IIIII' F.or 111r wth> I~ t!ha,.llnt~ IIH• 11•'\1 lot'<>~hll'll•lll, "No·l~ 1111' ,..,..,.,,., ·~ I ''"llthll"r-••r Nn fiothflr t•• I :ulrf•• ll••r" "Ill flt•lo•c·t rtlnvt•rt loll lho• pJOrh \\'o>ihWa<lfl}' rvt•n lnll ITM Nf'WlX!rl Olvd., BHCOft ao.'a R.EPArRJN('; Otm SPICCI.AJ.TI__,...__.....,. <'a..tractJnc and ... ._ U S E 0 U R E A S Y, 6,,,,~ 'l(!/1 .. YOUR HAROLD FINK pin• prelllckoat'a pln on newly~·~ Klwaai• t•,_a. dent .lac'k .. ub at ln.t&lla\Jon ~-·* hrld IMl wf'f'k. lA WN left ...... "" TIM'oclol"f' Mt>Y.Iroy, wU.-of ouli{Oina ~t. photv h\ \'uln<'y I Ia~ !!:,_ Ebe/1 Sections lin I uul I or •I II ·r " I :.ol io .. hh' \\Ill 1 I• ""'' HI ttl at 1 t \lulu I Jllflllun 'I ,. tit•• \ I·\\' llrr1: 111 n .. u ••.• \I I \\ t t! dtllll In \ • '' 1 til,. ,,,_., l'OIIt.u r, d P U llu•at I•'''• flf 1••111 PI \lh• \t•lt 'l '"' h~t'"l•ll d~ro ul \11\• 1 li'<t "'II t-""h••\\n II Jttt'!otUIIII\rr! th, rt '"It'" ul n h nt,el ttHI ,, .. tlt••n tl f f'hnhifit t I It~ II \\ ot h llfl t II It hUt \\'hit• "" "' flAJ. tl tlllltiiii'H 'IItl •If ,.,, ·~H\t' ln>trllo't'"" ""'' ,,.. ""''''""'" th••• Afl\ tu lh,,u .... hntl' '''ult• tu-. "''' •PI••·• • tl• '"'II tnt,,., ~t II\ fth ' .. I Ill I lo• •'II 111 llh lt•lf• 1 II<• •11111 Ill\ tit tl I '' Ill t • thi ••IIU;I tlhl l \\ I 1 '" I •I til "" \\ ••• k lit ,, ''' * q •h.•u '" t1 liP •··lytl'•'"· n•n ..... ,, \\ ""····· I fit''"" hltl """' th,• t:J I d 111 ,f,lttll f•lll f tt I 'U H 't h\~ Sh•• tc "'"" n'lcllll: fur 1'"'1"' 1111d If It II\ ••n•· ''"'' pr.>duc'<· from "" nllt•' ft•t' \\hnl••vc•r Ink•·• tho• pl111't• or 1111 rtl lll' In llltll1c'rn hm!Ara \ nny hl~·h hu iiHnl'd ahoi<.,., rh•rhh•' 111\il high hnt~. 11\riJth bi'lli. old r.urnl- t llr••, (h,'\ "Ill ho• 11l't'ro•t'IIIIN1 AIM '"'''chotl Ia 11 m11n'• a1111 whiC'h may II<"· rltl rlc•\\'n to fit till' hl'ro. M.n 1-'nrrllr ntn)' h,• M lllllt'tl'd at Httr· hnr ~I Jh &hll··•r<: . KTfc•rf'd ... Twn )'4'&nl llfll'r vfanU~. t.he COOPERATIVE ROOF'TNG CO. t'f ... Nf'w and ~pair PhoM O.aoon UII).Jl l5'r3 P:ldrft Aw .• C"ceta ...._ 2).4h 12 TUM IIDV1<2 IN THJ: HAJUIOI'l A.UA HARRTRALII PAIN11NO COH'i"''lAcroR 2'T4 P'.Mt ,..,. .... ....... Mll c-.. ..... o.a .,. .. As Low As $18 per Month PRESENT CAR ••• Corono cJel Mor Women G11ests ol Mrs. Scltrod Present Ploy Review W ednescJoy Alternoon r ntn-tJuru ct ''"'' ..: ,, •• ""'' ..... tun on tnt> nr""" Ft h\ 1 1' ,. '"' nw,. C'Otl<'1'fl llri.:lllll~l Featun•t1 In 1 h•• ,.,mttll: lll'pln~ will Ill' tho· ""rk of till' y t•llnl: mnn •h"" n nh•W•· ·n... llt•mrilt!' tw-IJ)fd hrm "' rl'c-.w•·r> llntwrt B urm, form. r 111111 lnl' l'()rtJII t Ur· "'' runn<·r. l111l1it•r of th•· DFC. thl" Purrl•• llr•11rt ~tnd tho• 11lr ml'dal. WM " pllllrnt In I linn hol'pltal, f"hii'&I:O "lwn 1 lw I lt•m· rlr;:t •• ,..,. t hl'n· nn t hl'lr lltur I I '11 llUo.l>. l l h. Ill. b.ri.C ul th" lt••H IIIl'' fh.d ..... ,,. Ltttlll\ \\Ill t.lk• 111111 olllot 1111'11 holllll' 111111 1(1\'t' h n n tho• "'<IIIII\ ho• ,.,.,,.,. fnr 11 ~ , '"'•"II' d f ut ure• ln , . ..,n,ttu'r4'tt\l ,u t 1\c•c·uu,.• tlh'tr .... -..,_ •• " wurk lui.•·' lh•·11111""~ frum llull•w• ~tnl! ,on ··~luhlhlu~l ltum• llw lloenrl11a l'lllllhll 111f1•1 llu• I•·~ 1111• hCtiiW· lrf,• ho• m•t'lt• lllln•n,. pl•nl nfte•n att•lna a .-GifAL .... tw-laht or 30 ,....,, --------------\\ t/ - Wlfll II ALL·NIW OLDSMOBILE ENGINE .......... ..s '*' ,_., wMt matorilt8 -about thll .... Old.- .... ....._ Prec:Woa-buDt with DeW materia~~ throulbout-iDdud.iac qiiDdw blodr. c::tllllbWt, timiDc cbaiD. piltoae and rode-it carrie. • factlar7 IUU'IIDt«-ADd it CIOib '-th.o a ~ overhaul. Euy budaet t.m. are available-1o caU toct..)' lor an early inatallation appointment. NOW AVAILAILI fOR '3 7 -· .. 7 MODUS McLEAN MOTOR CO. Phone S. A. 6446 201 N. MAIN SANTA ANA 'l"wl'nty rtw membe!* uf C'a])illa Circle' and tht' C'hurl'h Sch oo I Guild o f Cor ona drl Ma r Com· mumty church on Wednrsday £•n· joyl'd lunchi.'On and 11n aftl'rnoon or st•wlng at tht• Santa Ana home' or Mrs. Pl'rry SchrOC'k . Wl{l' or tht" put or Plans Wl'rt' madi' for th•' annual church dinnl'r . to bt.o hrld Wf'dnl'S· day f'\'('nanl( 111 Pilgrim h all Mrs F'ranC't'S Cox will arran~tt' lhl' musical pro~otram &nd o n 1 h•• com· mil tt'i' in chnrl(l' of 1h,. dlnnl'r arC' lhl' Mcsdanws Sidney Blackheard, L. A. Norm11n. 0 Z. Rolwrtson. G1'r11ld Rilchlt•. John Mt•ador . Nl'wton Cox. RAndall. G. L Kopp. John Sadll'lr, Arthur Kl'mJll'r Rnd Myrtl!' AIJI'n New Son Born To Meso Sltop Owner Nn rc~otulnr nwl'tmgs or Eht-11 Rook So'CIIOn~ Will ht• h1•ld lhll month, th<'ir pla('t• l..>t'inl( takt'n by thl' pn·!wntallnn or Mnt LarTY J ohns o n W<'dnesday of th•s "''M-k at '.l p.m . a t thl" club houM> Shf' "ill revit•w thl' Broadway hit, "n orn YC'strrday" and trll about olhl'r Nl'w York plays 'fht~ mN·t tnR " tlfl('n to thf' JIUblk. tht• ~tdm11s1on <'hllr&:t> lleln1 50 Cf'nts Costo Meso WSCS Outlines Yeor's Worl' Sr111msh • Amrrac11n <'irdc• of CI)Sia M!',;n C'ommunily ('hurch Wll" piiiC'I'(l itt t'f'IIII'J.:I' 10( both 1he nnon lunl'hf'<"'n !lf•rvl'l! I hi' W S .C S 1\l thrir Thur~rtuy m l't•lln&: ttnd of lht• JMII luc·k $llpj)('r to '"' hl'ld by Jim &-xton sr. or tht' "Man" th•· Fcllow~thlp gr ou p tonl&bt ~hop at Costa Me11a, Is we ll known ITltl'sdayl. ll(llh h t'ld at thr church In th(' Harbor arNt Hnd Is or -~111'1111 hsll dinnrily 11 Vl'ry modt•s t man Thl.a M1·s Ruth llnrn,.lt prNIIIII"d at Wl'l'k, hnWI'\'I.'r, h(' tlt'{'m!l on th(' tlu• WS("S ml'<·tin.:. ll lll·ndf'd by llr·•,::~:adtl<'ltl l'lrt ... t hr ro•n!'On IM'lng "'' r 1110 m .·mt ... ,.,. p,.,,h nff1ct>M 1 11 no·\\ son .uul •n••ntlw•r"' tl'lok pnrt tn 11 prn· I Y•·s. ·''"' ollltl SAlly tor•• pnrl'nts 1.:1111'11 "hwh uul hn,.d work rnr llw nf :1 ~t·\ .•n nnd n hntr JMIUnrl lwoy, 1'111111111( yo•nr ;rrul whlt'h was Jlr•·· l•~rn 111 :!·:\It n m Jan 12 ond nam · "'nlt·ll unrl"r lh•· dtr<·l'tinn 11f th•• , rl11lllrlt·s Thl'.) h:l\•' liiiHih••r """· I" 111!film t'lu111 11111n. Mr~ FlorC'Ilf'l' Jtm jr ll••rnston t '111fttd S1.t1•' ~·nn~untt•r" puul Tlw llllth::l'l fur th•· Y•'nr w11~ I ~'lid, :till. !\Jrt.o l\••1trt• HI'•• F f)\ ~:tVt" II \IH'RI Sllltl Worldn~: "'llh Aurna, Jllrl h..tr~o t'd dlacoH•r hi~ t•lr•nt nnd "'orkl'rt toward ~th'lnll him th•· bn,IC'II ur eomrnrrcinl ttrt In rhr boy llttl U\0 a photcrf,trrrphlc m1nd •nd thf' C11J)Icily tn put hia m•·nul ~It' turl/l lntu rolor on peJll'r In a r!'<'t•nl ll'llt•r Aur n• ull1, "I wu dl~charaf'd from llln• .. last Wt't'k I 11WI' w•ry mut·h ••f my t<'COYtr)· to you and F.thyl ~tnd I'll nr\'t'r bo• nhlo· lu h'll yc.u how 111111'11 YO#Ing Meso Pianists Tole on Air SoturcJoy 011 Radio S t11tlon KXLA, Sal· ~. JafiUttry 17 •' ~:311 p m . on thl' J>rOKT""' "Pianl~t• o r th«' f ulurl'" w ill lw l'••arurr·rt thrt'<' 1'111olrnurr•.: lll1'lf 1.-ltlll/llltlltlo n "nrk ''"' llulllrtl:' will 1111 '" thc- \l'l••rllnll' ln•lltu t oon• 1n thla •l"f'a ••ncl rxhlhll llu• w1•rk •h••>•'vr rot. ll'l'h •d first AicJ Clones Stort Tltursdoy At Costo Meso A "''"' rourM In •t•ndttrd fl"t 11111 Amr rknn Rl'd f'tnaa. wtll Atllrt no Tht1ntd11y, J~tnu~try 1:'1, 19414, frnm 7 In 9 r rn at lhf' Mnln •l'honl, 19th atro'<'l . Coeta Mr1n, ttN'Ort1lnl( tc> Mr11 MlldrO'd Ml11hr"'ll, ln8trul'llor 'Tlw t'IIIU wtll tn<ot•l 111 llw lllltrw• IIITlf' tln C'\tn· M'l'llll\'r ThurNI1fty. fur n ln<' WN'k• At 1 l11• I'(Otlt'ltll'llln uf 1 lw I'(JUriW', l'l'rllflt'n ll'' Will llf' l~llll••d In thtiiW qu"llh lilll ~··hrv•l drlvo•rN ""' r,.. 'IUJr•·d to kr•t•p t lw tr 1,.•rt lfh-"11'8 In cn<>~l •Htndlnl! ut 11!1 1tmo1, ttnd l h•·y nrco luuf'ft fur a l"'rlod nf lhrf'C' Y•'"" f:lll(h • Sc-out• arr alt10 lnvlt•-d. t•rovh11nl( tht'y h" v" rr•Nr·l"od lhr· lll:o' of Ill A Junior F lrlll Aul 1'>111 ~·· un<l •·••rflfkttll' )"lin&: fl\Jinls or r.:.-,. l<uthlt••·n " 1•1\ o·n ,,. lv•\ • nllfl Ill rill yuun~err rulc'mAn, 414 Th~tin il''l'llll•', :'\•·" filion IIi. "luo t•nmpll'lo• 17 •on,. 1••rl f\Ntc h J•IYI''' \\'!at!•• ••I ~~~;,o;J I"'''" 1,1'""'' "".1.,,,,11111} S W. Sunrro Ana ""'lllh', l'nsl,l ,.,.1,.,11, "'"""'"" 1,. ,.11,.11rt MI'~A . ~ill piny Imror"'nlfllt h\' '"""l.t luk•· " tr 11w~:l•· hnnrt111ot". Thnm(lSoll 1\1"' I h." :'\111 ''""' ••I ol;l ·" ", 11 11, ,, H·r ul lnn11 1tnn11111t•'ll I }l(tlllft li\'o•ntll , ( ll'<lit ;\1• '"· \\oil 11 .. 1 ~llltlh II Ifill tho• ~1111 11•'111 1 r•:ndl'r Tul•"' frnrn '."'' ""'""" ,,,.,,.,.,. t·,,1111 ,1 t 'ltroJ•I•·r·. 1~ l h•· \\ IM'Mia It)' .lullllnn Sll "'"~ ""rt ,11 ,..,.1,,. l(ldutrd l.lln<·, ur 1'17:.! ;\I "'"' "'' ·•"1'11U<', < '"'"' M•~n. \\111 t•l 1\ rtoo· f•nt m""'mf'nt .. r II···'""''", 111 >'J St;,,~MI 'M~l.tiOO lor rrult~ und t•,:;l'l:olrl ·~ tn 1~(; I I{ I hil t •• mount '""'" '""·thirds w(•n t ror rresh 1oroduce. Othf'rs will reRrt your cJAull lrod '"nnt" on I· 'IHirp '"""' I•"""" a<b M \OU are rt•adlng thesr. I '' !111· Moonlh:ht S.m11t11 Club Members Honor Anoheim Motron I f \\JC'-1 ,, ''If,., ..... ,,,., k "'""' t'r h••tl•fl UtL' ~11 " l\••t•f•t•· I'• lflt••ttl uf ,.,.,,.....,. ...... VOft'A IIDA ..... .._ ..... Tlte cripplec/, oiling wotclt feoves tltis sltop on uprigltl, lteoltlty timepiece oncJ tlte operation isn't costly YIU:r: t'.MTI'fATr: All \\ "'" CluariUI.....,.,. • l ... t \" ICY.R \'It t~ • First National Bank In Santa Ana \t' eh• tilt \\ h• u ,,, 1ntu t~ uf ttu·1 f :. t , .. , ... tlt• 1 • lult '"' 1 'l't,qr•tlitV "1tl1 \l •r \ \1• I''"' d•l ltti'll"ll" ''"'"' "''" l\lll•lr"l l\tt• '"' ~~~ {'''''''''''"4' ,., ....... ""-·••b ... --~ Puauc N o TIC E' _.,;.._..;;...,.;,_ STATEMENT OF CONDITION RESOURCES Cash and Due from Federal Reserve and Othr Banh U.S. Government Securities State, Municipal and Other Securities Federal Reserve Bank Stock loans and Discounts Overdrafts Bank Building Furniture and Fixtures At the Close of Business December 31, 1947 LIABILinES Combined Capital and Surplus $ Common $600,000.00 Surplus $600,000.00 Undivided Profits Reserves for: Taxes, Interest, etc. Income Collected Not Earned Other liabilities ... 1,200,000.00 684,451 .85 1\ , • 1 ntH I• f-t tfUhtal.tl•u tu If) IJt• rlo\\t'f'-' "hi• h t\w rlf•'tl'tl ftu ~hn• tt•u fl lt1hle lltHt flit' t Ul" UfiJI l t<lft' Ut•l oftur tiiH•rtt•lt•ft<lli f'ht flt'd ''"' tfu· lfw ttw l*f11• ~Ill •t 1tf h ttUIIf \\UN l•t i "t•nf' •·d "tilt " lotio( II • '"'" urorl unnlv••r "") crll• ,.,,,. '"''1\•·•1 ltv Mr~ I :\1• I )flll"lrl. ~:ll711hl'lll H..Jmunl •nd '"'"1111111 Zllt .. • s, ...... , r•rlt •·• Wo•nl I '" ll•·ll'n M11 k~t\'ll'h unrl I .... lit Mr IMIIIcon t\ filii I 'f1ttlllll1011tll Willi Wdl~lmf'd ·" ·• "''" m•·miH 1 t~ektnl( lh,.. JJIII('t• l .. r Mr• M1rk""" h. wh" t• nuw ""' ktro..: 111 ll1<· ('.,'1111 M•••11 ••·h<"Wll 1 111,..,~ I"''"' nt ut ""' m••••t lnl( I "''It '\:IIIIo W11lt• r• /',~·nnl•ill Fr•Hll ''"'' I h;t ,,, .lt•,k•• 'II.•· n• "' rru•t•t. 1101.' \l oll 1.-.o \'ulr "''"' "''"~ lu IH• II• lrl 111 til•· lo•nrH ,,r M r~ J•·,ku I 1 Socia/ Events Precede W ecJding Cf'I1TII II ATr nl IHI~I ~I'U r •ct•Uoue ,,, ... Nt~~~•u• TIH. f",fll'll ·I<:'IIP:I • '''"'" h•:,trr. ;.:~!,','' t~t't~~~ .. :.:.,. ,.~• ;,~fl·l~~~!!t\-• t:.~ I 1.,.,,, u,., ••• l '~tiU •rflllt utt•t"' lh• fir I lltlt+h • 'lf"TII ""'"" •·f tt ... rt~., t ••tnt ' ... ,,,,., .,,, f h,.r .. ,,,, ttr rn t• ,.,,..,.,,.,._., I ,,, I h~ '''""•lfllf ,,..., .. ,.,. •hr,._ ft•m• IUIII At1tlr-~•• I• ,.. f11llffW8 tu wit IOMtr.l•lf tt WAI.Ktr.ll ,It llt<l Ml ~ ... , ... ,' ~ •• h W TNP:I\!4 "'Y harol'l thlo Mh <la1 ul J anuary 11148 H>Hiel'll I) WAI.Ktr.U HTATtr. ,.,. r AI.I,...IIti'IIA I r'ftlll'tTY ,,. lti\AI'IIIIr. 1 M Ill'/ rill I\ ~~ h <lay "' J lllluary A II . lt-41 ,_.,,.,~ m• • N,.,,.,., ,.uhu, '" ~~~.~:~·r .:.~:.".,~;~u;:.~tf,i~.1 r:··~Ar.: P:U II••"•" '" m r th ,,,. th~ ,,..,.,n wh,....., h•tn• 1,. ""t'"' rlh~ ,,. th,. wUh fn lnatr•nll"ll' tuHt ... kn11wl•tf•Nt '" fftll lh"' h• .. ,,., .,,,.,, th~ ""'"'" '" WIT.'/,.1<-. Wt,HI',ol"' I h••• tt•r,.untt, ••• ''"' h._n•l •nf1 "''fl"'' my .. trl• tal ..... , '""' ''"" •n•t , ... , tn I hi • I .. ,,)(It,.,,. tlr•f Af-'tt'" wrth,..n I'I,Yiofl: P: IHIP':IIWIIOfo l ~.·::,~,',~ ~~~~·,''' ,.:~111antt (Ht M l11 I Mv I'••JtHnl,..•l"'' "'~'''"• ~~~~ It "''" ,.,,., .. , .. ,, r. , •• 20 n ,,..,. I "" , ""'' "'"''It Jon•••• ol••d ""' Thr Nrw.·'nf'n1'11 wtll not ~ l"f'· READIN08 Monda1 to ,......,... 1114 f!. Palm. &uta .... ' QUNUona ~ 8l.GO llr mall. Mn. Dll.tl. 1..._ LOft' AlfD POOifD • WlU the *1 detiMr wt.o .... 1117 Ualiu eut WW'Il ,..,._ ...,. to t» hand la_.,.. tbe lat. .... '" o.e.mber, ...... ,......, Mn. C.. H. o.-, D llltd at., N.wpart 8Mc:tL 1-l .. LOST-8U.)"'d or ...... '1\i; Shephetrd ... Nmlld ... • ..... Whtt.e with brown 1P0t • ~ A cmor .,_. Newport ... ... No. :M> !rood rwward. u...,. rrunt apartm.ftt, 21t~ ......... Ave., Balboa laland. ~ LOST • Boy'• R..cl platd wool jacket. on Htp 1k:hool lewa l''rldtt )' R.et wa filCh llchlal offlc.. "-"'arcl. ~ 1-lle ~-. PRACTICAL NU1WMO -0... ""'""-· ...... a..aan .... ll .. ,.. WILL Takl' t·are ot t hlld In mJ homf' •1urlnK the day. 40c haur ur ':l 00 • day. lluhor 448-W. S-ottc WORX WANTI:l}....Jruftl.-. tn ._, lllonw JJtalft or laney. 1110 au 8f!marcltno A w . N e w p or ' llelftltl -.tt• llAIIY ~f"J7f N(o, wuh wtn4uwlt, "'"'"· lttrdfln wurk, r tl' (:ol· 1•·..:,. hny 'rJ )'I'll" uld ~ J111rlwtr R.'t.l for Jf•rry llllmarcl. 1-4tp ... PI..OYII•NT CJP'PW:Illm • IIAI\Y S I'M1N<: ny woman n - Jtt•rh•ru.,~J In l'hlld l'nrr. Day, I'Vo•ulnl( !\Ill Jo: ('t•fllrnJ, flalhoa, :.Z-2tp WAN'n;u llou~WkN"JW'T, two In fttmlly l'rlvllll' mom, Udo t.le. J>hurw ll11r l111r 61 :t 2· 2tc W ANTJ.:n One• c·up•nter, c.w l(llrdnr•r, 111111 """ I"UUItndlan. Or ""K'' I '111o•t J unlur <'olleectt. f'tW MJJVft<'llllun "' N"WJII'lf'l llarbar l lnlron IIIah Sf•htlol <Jfrlt:ll' S.lle • Fl lit XAU: ll..-d NJWJJfTII'nt for IIV<'rhC'Ild I WIOIC l&rttl(f' dflor, dt111lrl•• •17-" :lfH C'olllrw Aw .• IIMihoa bl•nd 3-ltc ~·on S AU: -('ht>ttfl, IAcUft cloth- InK ~IIKhlly u..-d, IUe 10. llr nvy Nlrtl, dri'IIIIC'II, •klrta, a.lao "'"'"mlly d""-· 3t.fl Potrwet· 1111, I 'orrma d,.l Mar Harbor ~o.•, '\ 2· 2tc W•trtw. • ~nc-Jul • J""'lr7 C1flll INOM•:-rr;n.q JWpeJrln1 -Prunpt s.r.- ~Jblco Prlca VAN DRTMLEN Jf:WII:I.RT 17M Nrwr•wt Olvd Coe'-..... J .tfc Uncollected Accrued lnte'rest Other Resources $ 3,839,264.38 18,700,159.63 952,972.83 36,000.00 6,020,481 .74 460.27 391,506.00 95,83 I .38 10 I ,621.03 6,629.23 Deposits 135,902 ..... 21 ,898.37 18,632.35 28,084,04 I .48 "' >loluw "" S.o tou tllo\ .,f M t~• ,t,.11ro •Jltln,lttl,. fnr ntttr" th11n ron,. lni'Or· "" l .ltll I;, uno! •lltlll!lol• I ,,, M• I rf'M lnfW'rllnn nr lin •dv,.riiHm,.nt, ontl ;\1 1, r •• , Fr,, 1 ,,, 1 ·.,.,,, M•·"• ,,.,.,.rv""' t h r riKhl ''' I'OITN'IIJ f., lool!lt t 'oolt IIIMI lll''llftlo•ol 10 llltH It l'llllllfy IHI)' 11nt1 11!1 11&1 ttn~ tn "''' ''''''' • '"' to\ "'' tu ul• , Itt 1 r<'j<•rl 11nv lldV<'rtlt rmrnt nnt ron · '"'' '•lu•\\•' ,.,,," '"' h•·r "' '"" l•ormln~e I" rul•'<~ 11nt1 '"•••l•lloo• WA~IITNG MACR""n:-S "' fl• I h l ld •••,ftiHHI't. ftA..tfr ~') IJ .. I!f TOTAL $30,149,926.49 TOTAL ·$30, 149,926.49 The First National Bank in Santa Ana Welcomes Inquiries Regarding Financial Problems. Quick, Cour- teous, Confidential Service on loans Makes it Good Business for You to Do Business With Us. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORA liON ... f~IRST NATION!\IJ Bi\NI( 1 N 5 ~.nt.U G..,nc_ AT F 0 U R T H (, M A I N I I"''' 1'11 " n l 1" tlo• "111' '"''"' ltflMfNQI't Ol'ffllr! '"I' till fflllltl "' "'''"'' ''"' ,,,. I------ It Yllll drtn'l h11vr OM Ito )'OUa U wtt•hlnl 111 • I' ' f f "'if'' f t( '-. I ft f I I U ol ftlt" I f!ll't ---- U1 ••I H1• hntl' "'' t,, uft '"litlol", \1o • '''""·' M ••t l'"lortli, I vo:\n l I '"'II' Sl lfl . l·,·v, 1'/I.VII'rl "''f', •,,, '"" \'trl.!lfltll lllo•lotrtr trt 1111d l '' '' " • ''•" '''•"' 1,.,, •~•• ""''""'' ,., 7't'fl k ~rultK rt Av•· •I • \\otl•litll' 111 '~1'1'1 '\:l;'f'I IN 1\1·:/1.('11 fl,,, .. ,,, .• •tl lho Kt.,,...,_,.r Y't·rr Ph•,ru 11 ft ",J•r:• \11' \l.ttV""' tlo ltrt<l ~~I~N It• 11 II \ h" u "''"~' ~>IIHh•·•uu• •hn"''''f tu·ltl -------------- , .... 1"'1111 ''1 "' "1"1 ~~~ f.I••YII( LANDSCAPTNG \\'trio \\. ''lllltlhf•·r "'''IIIJ<' wllh r .r .. of LaWN II 1.:11' ''' 111 • '' 111 111"1 '"""\ '"'1111 I F1uw"" •nd 5hruhe Plant I'd 'rltrl ~·,fr, •·I •T}\1111 ""t1 llnl'n H I C "' ,, 111• '"''' r1 '" ,,.,. 1,,, ~,.,.1,11,,n a ,rawford Bll..L'S WASH-A-TERIA 47l\ No·walllf1 lllvd., C'.oeta W... Phun" I.Jto • oor1 5T70 l'T-tft FIREWOOD f1fARrYIAL 6 OntQU!:'nl. J>l\riMPT OEl.IVERY Wright Lumber Yard l'nw N~ BMl. COSTA IR!SA Beacon ~ BAL.OOA Motte: -~ I 1 31~ AJvuadn Plttl'f! Harbor T14 Ill nl• 111<1 I r •·•·~ Jll tl\111<' ft I tta I y ;--:;------::;;;::-:------:---:::------:-7'----::=------u-·C "lmnnt1 rornt ~tln~ l)f'rlt11y hydro-I :·:.:.:TI,7:~~ ~·~:.''n::~~·,;~·.~ ·~:~~~More Class Ads on Next Page 1. .................................................................................................................................................... 1 t ysnl•· lur ~atlt r add. , - N('( I ''"" , .... ,,,, "', k I "''-*'"""' '•' Vt rt A • • t I t I '-t ·"''"'lll'lrt llnroor tJmon lll1h ~eMol P-TA II ..,.,....,. bod,. ·.., , • 'I - I r. 6 NI:W8-TIKIU TITJ"..f'UA\' 1-. 11. 1MI Want Ads BO\T"l. "tJJ•t•u~ !U IMON'ET TO tAMS N Af'TO"ffYI'TVF. a TDUP.~ lli ltf:AL f!ln'ATF. • REAL:::::~;"";;.;T~A;ft:;."""""===-~· lt&AL I'ATATE ::OC:.:;.;:_;:,::.:.::_:::.=c_ _____ U tA ~~ Tl.l UL'tr /t, 10\ly, trnpru~~·. ~•1 : ~ \!.1 : J~:t!t S tucic!ba.ko,r '"' ' 1:7' ('••Hh r I..<JI in t>:o·"''I'Orl BF:ST nuy IN TOWN p U M p S 111,./,rno w ur roltntthor Wo•~>W· !'" •l•u• ,..,ll:ul ln 1,;1.ood •hlpo'\ l l•ihl•t,. '"'' SW•t lull l't'kt' 'r\'ICI 1:!1 IJo:dr<•om ltomo•Ji on om• DQAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CQ. • R1:.AL EIJT.o\TE • .... WOilTI II ;"/(iT\!;-> Pm:SS{'It~-; · t'~;:-;n:l t't 'r.AL , t\,,,.., rru~• d·~ •I• "'' ' totuut• ,)Jy, JlliHtY ~·l!(lru. Rmr-1 • oil I~ •' ''" ~·7 1,1 -fl. 1'\'l'n•n.:• (u ll tu·n · 116 lo,ot frun\llJU' on :-;1 \~l 't <H r 1\,\l,lt• t,\ ~ J·ltt'lUoL o,; '"' po w• (',oil ll~trl,\or 1820-J 1 1:, •· ''" 57~·•-H :1-tlc huMy ~l r{~·l in Cosra Mo•.5a. Dun't ~·nr ,.11 l'rt·~~urr ,.;;\\'J:>:I:!:i .~ I••A:-A.')."i~ ''' m•ruwo• r.t 319 Mlil'iKold, c r .. [-l•rl\l :>o:T••\\'S lJH..'t\TH r~-o''l"r'lvoJk••this l,}l)'.Sia,?OO tnk<·s s.Jd,·n n..trlto:•'f UIIftn I .)3:\3 \'ill l.t(,i" l'h liM ·~·~ run I rt.l ~l:tr ] ...... :1 1: n 111 1;\I F. "II I ~ tWri' IIHWn • au. Continued From Preceding P age 623 .S,) l..iM AtlJ(I'i'"' St , A..ntlhl.'hn I --~==oo-7.:.,;:~"-;-,..:,.._::::'"-'''· '.I \\ , .... n 1 •Fi i>\t.:~:lt fi l~k. 0"11 . '""'n I '•l•<u ,\T•·~n \lo·ry ~n<otl tvr WARIU·:S M OlJ('JIAN.'\:-.1 ~IoN EY! " ' ,. ' ,,, 1 71<1 1 ~ ~"•'l'o'!lfll') t\1'1' 1'11110"' •165.' .l-Ito NE •'D .nul o'l l,,~o.<, I '1 rvn. l :l:!-ln . wh···l ' 1"1'1"1'"'" 1 111'<"1' <J ~ • 1:. ' \ Ill t-:'!'1.' \1 Ol'C'IIA~ \S C'r ... ta l'.k~u Bt· 6:!'7:..' :.;,.,. 1 • 1.,1 q <rrd,, H• lpl <r l ,,,,.. 1 '"~""' ~uur '"'.'n bod1 I 1 '\ t " · ' ' • J.Jrc 111'-.h AI •• ft,\11111 .. ~.r1 ,., •>II )1,,1r l ouionC'wl .\l oo~r ,,.,.n,.nlh.'ltl ll'lh'k <In ll;, 10'1•11'" N••wp.-q·t Al'i'. • ' .• ·ol< I.,.,,, "'' ,,,,,1 !t.• 1 ,,,.1,,._ I'll•..-$l-g,J•,o ,' I '"'" ~I• '<II 11.· r.:t7'_! oM~1~&'2>DIICE~~~~~~~A~....,~~V~O:;,..--,,;; ~ •" ~ '"' FUll Qtllr'K SAU:-cosru M(!Sa. ~ s( ''·'' \'UX 'l'h· ur;.:.ll\ r .. u '''" F 't Salary 1\ ... k "' ,\U\1 '1'1('10 lt·nnll, Burn I ;\.1tC' :\-t .. ··dn>(on\ h v u ~ t•. hardwood F.A(wn:JRY R~:nt 'II .T ft"'• II l' l<lt:wh h i 1111r I"""' '·,,,n, ,nul Uflll .ure-• "l>lh· llu• ">~l oll 1<\'ltll~thl(', · rr \\:,l•'r Frun1 l.<11 t~U!>1 rmd ff,t(!MI, lh'lnr:: & dinln~: room ('af'o Bud• d{'l;"u'l rom1 .J,•~c· "llh ''· •·.~h ''"·t ·H JJ "" s .·r ... wl! ''""'" • • .. I Car or Other Secunty ~ 1 '·'''" '· ',,.,1 _..,11 <,,11 ,.,. , ••• , d .. 1 S I 3 ~ 5 ' 1. ;,: t 1 k r<. ~ • ' uc !JO'Il' .. -('ar r:::u·ur::r. flrep ace. Yo'll.lrr ff..:.lln~: H'~l••m • 1\(Tl •C'•• '•.!11 :-,: .. ~t urn,. ~'•Il l•• ,\u L ·11• 1 Hmrl'll' It-'" I nnr1 10 · ·1"' •··~· 111 ·!In'' '11 l'r ....,al~·r I· 1 hfl\1'<<' '"'"r LHiu ('lui). Call SD50H. Phonu fkollcon 6:l72 or Ill fl.l!'iO. W•li .TII~" hill' mndrl i'iAi'i" Si'll\."1-~1' 1'\o-,:)-llo,.., li d n'lo...,.,l I !11'• \\ •'•llt,r •• l "'''• Newf.VI I ll:n!,,.1. !·l7t1 3-lf~· .. !Wit>\\' Otld bllllr1>nl:' lot m C'll· J\,.,,,•1\ ll.orl..,rr !'i ll! 3-2t1 ---------~'!.._ __ :.:___::"::::~·__:· _______ ~t~4~o~p t'llr <W g , .-;14 •t '"n'· St·<\' Nn" nnl\ 1 ctu•ntl!'. lluhnr ~'0:0-R aft~-r.,,s ~1 l< 1 1,1111 .s, '"""'' p , 111,. ('., P m ...... I! Tn. \ n.r.: :"c":_c;cc;:;;-;cc;;:--c;;;o:co,:" · · 5~,, s., Murn -"' 1111" Arr,, B lb ( I d FOR SALE--l.Jt!r• mndrl ~·wrrl 'J•·rm~ , 3-tfl t ~-,,-,-S,\1.1'. 1 11t TRADE-COVER-a Oa 5 a n KP rt<frll t'Ulor, o& cu. ft. EX· s·n :INW •"' (;1{,\:'\1• f',.rf,.,, I I• w·,,t:r l!\'. lnllli.~ of •PitC'I' A.tlral1i\'e 7-room house with gantge apt. Excel· cc>ll~nt nmdlllnn 32"..1 Orlyx, Bal· ffCO. ,, "'lll>•lo~ril.• n•mpll•h · with B•• I I H · ronrl<l<•>n r;.,..,_, ... u~ .... 11,,. "' ent ocation. -·M built '" 1941 ~-~•= 00. laland. Harbor 2-&91-M. ""· .. ·':;"-.· ~·. "-, . I ...... tallk il tld S!U\'C', wired r~r ~ Ul • .,.,. ... ..,...... y !•·Jul$1f""rm·rr r><·\\ r•rw•• I•M11· '-~-" la...,.e llvo'ng room wo'th bea tituJ (' pi ----------==~"::.:'~lc Ill< .rr 6 rulls Pnrrubl~ --~,.,, ·., U COtTier' U't' • S<-hrlllrll Plluw t·,,, ~~~' N u M·1"' -'""'" Di ' 3 ~---and 2 oo••-""•lll. $~•:::, t»kd ull. Week ,.,.,· ntng roonl, uo:uo.....,.rut .. .,.,., Lots of BAy"'""' PLATING s .. nlll Anll A I~· ~nu.ll ~11.1' ~....... " I and ~~-.,~-1 • o lOt<". -· Bl"d .. ·•-•· M-l lt·nt'••n 5:>4;,, o'\'l'nin~~:a & lUll· C' oset Spaa.> cu ............. ~. Thet'mostat control fur~ Sit• """'"Y mirror tytitl· as .. n•· ,.. • ._._ ... ------------~~·~·~''I '-a;.~· ~ZXJ drry~ llarhu r :!'~'iJl-J_ l-2tr! nnce. Qald ...... ~ ...... -·-.. ow .. • ar-. a..v ,... Dlrr _._, •• ..._...._ .... ._SUI Cllr .......... lJitla. c.ta --........ ··a...~~~ ..... L~O'OII trum Alpha &11 trrlarkl'tl 1 J.\lr a&AL M1'A.n • FO R SALE .. SOJI. .. f:Fl C.RAND f>r11M ,.J t h MO~ W.un'ED hot' ... lilully u rvf'd 1'11111' 11nd YUI 'NG MA:" So•l'd. $60(1;) To ~r\oh. PtiN'd und••r th<" ~pln<'l ~tarr n••w IHI!UnC'U 101" llarbor ~I of thr .. m,. plano makr Rri•ll lnt••r••stror.: firctf<l Jhlln nj: Cati LI£Una ()ellC'h ~13 lor ap-plan. Wrllt< nmr. "t:" r:/ n N.-·ws· polnllnf'nt 10 -tnllr\Jlnent Tt~. 3-Rip 3-:ttr: • ~~:c~--~~~~~;c, .• ~DTO~:•:•:"'~"'"~~·~.,.~=·=·~~~~ SPINET 11lano for romt, 6 monlhl l• r~nl allnwl'd when you IJuy CO AST MOTOR CO. CORONA DEL lllAR S OUTH OF' HIGHWAY Must Sell at Once I A BEAt.rnFUL NEW 2 bl6ocwn homr. F'lrl'pll~. ll:lU'~, Pltkl of flapton~ Mlh I"'ncre!M> tencr, VrnNian bllmb, r uaa. ' Price $27,500.00 Only 4 doon rrom So. Bay;'l Nk. rn:.n Polt Otnoe and Busine'Ss Center. LINWOOD VICK Realtor GonenJ Inatranoe -Dvu:-S.:Iunldt, SanTa Ana. l-tfl' Forml'rly Com~ )(,:or 011 SPIN•:-T ·rypr_ mirror ptano. Rt... All•·n Motur Cn Re duced to $10,200 312 Marino A...,. Balbo& Island pounl('d. Ptty balan~. T"tmll 10011 cr. .. u lhr.:hwll)' APPROX 14000 IXJWN _ a~ 78Cf ,.___, .o\nolht>r for 1195. Drun ·Schmidt (!i:ra(;()fl 503:l-.l_ W ..-.n Aa&o ~P 1 Plano Co. ~ ~o. Maln,-S.nt·• --~t~Y 0 \VNf:R -l--------------------_:3-:_l::::tc 43~ Tl><h ll a Avf', Corona del • t .._ Dlr*' . --~·~"~" ""'"'. :::;:-::::;:::;-;::;:c'";:"~"~ I '4 6 C h ev. A er a Setl an -ll&pat ......_ a.e. .._ ;: · Radio. •·ot: Light.. · 1? .. BALDWIN m•lk tplnet typo• mlr· "2195 ror pl1no. Elllncton n'!Odtl. Onl}' "' ;W::lt.JI:~·~•:cft>:;~MI:::c'=:----=• $2115. Thla 11 • lovely lntlrolllWnt. o.tii·S.:hmld t Ptano Co., ~ A GOOD BUY-Horr-o. or Lhe W urUt&rr, S20 No. JS A WISE BUY Main . Santa Ana. l-ttr: 1At Us Help you Be WIM BALDWIN GRAND-Fine condl· Uon. A I 1 o Hamilton cr•nd. HARBOR FURNITURE Anothn" uaec~ crand onry ~­ua Harbor Blvd. c.on.. ~~.a Tei:rn.. o..t•SetmUdt Plano Co. -~lk Santa Ana. ~ No. Main. 3-tfe WANTED 'JO BUY C.. I• III"DJU,L AlOfOIDfCDIIIN'ft. ee..p trvwpartatkrn. IIlio want SFER ....., •••-tN<L-.. HARBOR TRAN ....... 2111 W, CB!tral. New· U GHT HAUUNG prron ..._ 1ot..frtp. Pbone Beacon 6638-J Wll PIU' Cull ~~~ ... ,_. I A a ., ... .... S-lu ........ -... ~~~~~:;:;~~;:;~~ .. O.:w'-JWMil.za Co . .__... · .,.. roR RENT 1-room A kltctwn· .S ...... t ...... C.UC.:: ett•. all I.IIJIIII". flO. Pl'f' week. 113 1.5th SL, Newport fkach. CAIIR -_ ... ,., - S-He F'OR RENT Room, priYatr en· truer 1ood view, rwv 101 Hcth· •ay. llllo Nt~ &.trict & bull 1tos-. 1103 LarUpur. Corona del Mar. J-2tp FOR RENT -2 bedroom ltlevalt'd '40 Buick Club Coupe SuJI('r Fully oc.quiw1-d. $1345 Transportation Specials '35 Pontiac 4-D. Sedan $345 '36 Plymouth 4-D. Sed. $300 '41 Chev. 2cD. Sedan Radio. Fog Uchu. $1 245 '40 Ford Club Coupe $995 '41 Plymouth Coupe $11 45 CO AST MOTOR CO. 1008 Cout lfl~:hw•y Bucon 50.12-J 3-ltc -home, abo 1 bedroom IT'OUnd 1930 Model A Ford Coupe, nee\· FURNITURE REFINISHED A8 YOU LIKE rr KEN GRENSTED 21!11 Jrllrwr Strft't COSTA MESA PhorltrHarborl~W Fer l:atlma!N On GuerutHd Work • .... , ~~ honw. Both ~ly 1\amlah-lrnl runnln1 rondttkln. EnciN" rd. both platw nrw. l-1 M loea· cornplr ti'IY rebullf. tt y drau l l r: Uon. Pnofrr buslntW peopk. Call br•kr'll, nl'W pt.lnl. ~. PhotW' •I 201P4......a3rd St.. Nrwport Harbor 1820-J or call at 319 DNdl. Callf. 3-llp Marl~tnld. ('orOI'Ia del Mar. _ J..2t c FOR RENT Tw bedroom llucro =~~~~~"-,~~~~;.:.:.; unfumlltw'd. Mlllt alcn OM ynr F'O R SALE Mod('l A '31 Ford \c>uco. M:!o.OO mon\11 223fl O ld COUJl'l', good rondlllon. hr atf'r. Santa Ana Ro.d., Colt11 Mru fORih:hlll. L'95.00 St'f' 111 Wlli!On· 3-llp whrcl Caf1· :!3:.162 Nf'wfi(Jrt Blwl t~OR R.E!Io'T NIN'Iy eabin, W"T')' rf'IIM>nahlc COil 5249-W. furni sht"d C all IJr,. J..tfr FOR RENT Prh·at<" room, b•lh A Carat::<'-621 Poppy, COI'IIM dl!'l Mv . 1-21p f'O!IUl Mrsa. 3-l!p fo'OR SALF.-1!131'1 Ff'!rd. '.f? 1'\!C't · n..rry motnr, !lt'nlrtl \l(•ams. r11din, nC'"-' ~in!, nt·W rlrM lmnii•C\l· l11l<" !f'liln IW" fin11n("('dl 119 29th St., NC'wp.:trl ll••arh. Phunt• lla rl10r :!30'.! day1 t('arll. 3-2tc Nrw Stud(' truc:k. cabin chllllil Mar ttc ABOVE TilE ARCHES -Froat vi-: inlern tln&: MW 1-bedrm. hrornr: 11rrp11C., l.v1e JU'. Prb 114,800. Call Hub PotNn, Aet- ltar. fi2-W. 11-tfc F'URNISHED HOME 2 A. R. AND DEN. H~ r«JOM, l irrplaCl!. Unit hetrt. AU i;l.l('l ror 113 . .500. WARREN M. BUCHANAN .11{)1 '1. Newport A.w . Coata MI'Sa -Be. 62T2 &:ltr: 3-bl'droom furnllhed ~ a. Eut aide. Corrwr locw.Uon. ~ft. rrOnt•a:e. four-car a arac•. lin- nv4iatl' pounaion, 180. lr.aD pr1r:e. 12000 down. Ph: BaMOII 571].-R. ~vtnlnp &aeon ~R. l~tlr: BALBOA PENI NSULA NEW 2 bedroom home on point. Wall to wall carpi'\ th~t.. A buy at 13.500. WARREN M. BUCHANAN 170 1 "• N('wport Ave. Colt• Mt"UU -Be. 6212 a.ltc 2-bedroom houae In N"'PQI't Helchu. CorneT 0 \@ alnk. Pine n oon, apadous 'A'anirobH. Com- pl~tPd, 1&'100. PtKIM s.- .STIJ-R, evenlnp BeatXJn 5'n9-Jl l ·lk RESIDENCE Lclt 67 ~X165 on wnt •ide ec.ra M .... Wata and l'l('('trlciry in. Phone Bucoa 5113-R, eYl'nin~:s Beacon 5719-R. 1-tlc 3-1\rdroorn homr F:11~1 side C:O.ta M<'lla l.Ari:" livinl: room with fln:pl •~'f'. har<l.,.,·no...,.l floon. tile, 1200 Sq. fl f10t1r ~ttac'r Fenced hack )'~rll, dl<uhlf' I:Hrfll;l'. 12800 down. tmlnnre $,';Gun prr month A •1': rnh·n·~t . C'llll Jlartlor 365-R t .. uc Coastlawn R('a lty Co. FOR SALE -OventUlff'd chair . lar(e Wktln chair With foot rnt, rua; 9x12. rur: !lxl. Ice boll. AD dwap. 1100 ~an 8]\'d., Corona del Mar. J-l!c W ILL R~:NT For 5 yrars, btainf'ls (lf factory location M I ZonC' ti()J(9:\ 11 . Wrlle llo11 "J" c/o New•-nmct. l-4tp 1':-1. ton . 152" wht't'l hase, liAS l W ST BlT)' in {'l)(l;t,1 ~~r~a. SU169 39 F'inl'lll & mo.t ~momi­ C'al lrurk on thr markrt lndny wn.L TRADE my tab\(' !ott Wt'lt· tnr;~ ~lfoctrlc rancf' for J:U tAble top nne~.~ at 428 AYo- eado, Corona del Mar. 3-4tp FOR S ALE--Chnp, 2 dl~·ana. por· l!'f'laln top kllctwn tablt', hljth ovm ca. n nR;t', ~ lb. Ia-hllll, 3 atrala:ht r:ha1n . 1 '""i n twd, bolr; aprlnp A rnaltretre ~·11 or tnldr for full ~olu bt'd. 31 1 Gold· Pni'Qd, Corofla del MAt. S-..1\t: Doubl~ bl!'d A lnl'll'npr1ng mat- u-e. 110. 506 36th !'1 . Nt'wporl s.r.cn. 3-11(' 8 cu. fl. Gt'no.•ral Elrt:lnr: frl'f'Ur . tOll In crntC', $:.'6~. Nev.· l>l'll'C, 1314.50 Call Harbor 2211 3 BEDROOM IIO MF.-D111bo11 hi· and J11.n 15 to June hi. l'h11n•• llarl.klr 1429-M. 3-th: ',! l.,·t1rm honw·· un h;r ll ilt'rt'. !'m11ll \!>l<'!<l hnu~r In ro•;r r. f'!ild<rn IIi r nhlnt '''I'IIJ'Illi'nl. F:mul) "f''ll;ln l ~7*' ~~~·~ ,r,, .. n r h n,,,,,,,n r•·l-":1 :1-:!TC 1941 Stt!dC'hnkrr ('.,mm11ndrr Si;c, <1 -door ~l'dan. <l\'C'rrlri""· t•l(', Tiw drnm•st rl.l'IN! t'llr I ha\'t' <"W·r M't'n. llurtl' II won'! \lo~l. FOR RENT Sepc~.r•tr furnl11hrd 19-IQ J>onli NC' & S rnrlon \\'n~:••n. • . 1 , hOUS('kl't'plng rooftl. Ph Harbor rxro•ll•·nr "'"'dillon. A r><~<l huy Luhl hde \\ atl'f ~ rflnt 1191 or inqulrr 123 30th S t., $ ·~) I N...-..,n-1 96-Ift.-111 I!~ 1 Jt ,\V ~; IWr\I'Tl FI'J. I lh'llro•'m &I .Jr"' N11•k,.r11., Srudd>nk••r \'lo.•lllf•r, 1 h"rth' .1 lull l1.or1 .. "''"'~ ruom, l-tJ;, W ('••ntrnl ,,,.,., ;o>""'l"rr r•rll :•t•· •l!o<'k ,\• ll•r,-.r \\'Ill,,. WA!';'TF.O 3Qf 4 1'<-dri'N)m horn<' fl••:rd> 1/.,l'l~•r ~>I (• ~-l!t· 1IHifll:<' t .. r 111-.ut. l"'"l•rll on for large f11mlt)' t: ~; Minnry, ·rns 1'.\~t:t. ·nu·\'K lr'r.'l.l'l l.nt .. :· .,,. •lnplo ·~ "' 1~ .• 11"':. ~··"·· 711 Col\~1 l li~h"'llY B••nC'tm I i>•>rl , 1'l1••11'•' In!~ 1\lll t~ •\In· !1032-\\' 1•41!. O r•'l't"l,·t Xo·"· l:oo·lorr IIUilt 0:"~: (IR TWO Ro•oh•i>r)lll hNr.'<l' tor 11p1 furnl~hl'(l, n•'nr ~"•'"l"Jrt ltclinhlr husl m's.~ 1'•'"{11<' Yo •~t r l)• to'nlRI. C111l llarb01r IY..l ·~ .. tro· C'nlo:lll•' IIPoh', >;<'•'1'''"111111~· rlo>r"' Jrn•l c•~"'t "·i•h lrll\'k tlf•'11 fll.A ~t'l~ \l1 r·n •rts l H•Srol•'• Pl l'lnonrlh ••tl•l•'ol To'llll~•«>(••l~n•o ''""· •'I Jl nt~•t· .'II'•· It .1 !1• I ~~ 1'111 :\-~'1(' ·1••1 :-;,. ,.,'"'' Hl,·rt Fo rr ~;lli• lh 0 \\'nPr 3·~tc. TW(l (lH TIIHF:f-~ fllodrro:•m h .. us•• "'"""""",-"'"""""'::;:::::ic;;:Oi l O..lhr.•n t>r U11!hc ·~ hlllnd Fur · Llt!<llna 1'-'rll'h l ' ~I ~·h:•':":~·· .;'~'~'·~' =oc-~---,.--''~'·.:c~·! ,. ~·I· \\ 'J'\ \ r • I WI 'HI ;, ' ~I ''"'"' r 11 :;-: "'''1 ~•rl lloll'l\1. ,·,.,,.,1 IIIC' FOR SALE f'nnt.ol<' P Rt:kllrd 11<>!1 nlslwrl olt \lnfurnl~lwo l Y••nrl)' ri!'COr d J>l')'t·r rMhn J7:0. llr.-·,s••r . f d rC"n!"l nt'f'dffl I>)' ''C'I, "'' ,. 1on chest, brd l"Omplrl(', ST.'!: t !•lll' 1 ~.1, & loot 11001, Sl ~•.: rork-hllll)' Ell.crllcnr rd••r .. nr•'" .._;.11 1 ''" II A. -&13-J. 2·•11t', t all table. S\5.: lllm!Jl'nd tuh\C', FO R !'ALE l!~l!i .11~\'. •'<>r>o plC'I•· 1'1111\'11~ 11•11 I.J ~•rl•'l' :\lnl litl·~. [lllrnl .\ m•'<'lurn ... ally Ph llur- l'("!t 111'1-.1 :J7-tr(' •or l l'n• ''''"'' ~''"'"'"'''·•r<l­ "''" • !'I Ill''''' Pll'•trl• 1•' I''' f• ,1 "''"'"' I• 1rll 1'' '' • :;.. ... :,, ~· I' oil II. 1• ''" '1':'1:r H I ', o.r1.:~ Jl,. ,~ 115.; studio t'OUr:h. S\5 Phonr WA!\~f'EI"' i'O nl:NT Furni~h•••l Kt:AJ. F.STATP.: ft• , "" ·,-;7r1.Jt 3-tk or unfurin~h<'fl ',!.ll('(ironm 11p11rl ·.::::.::__:=:~:_:: _____ __.:=-_ __: Harbor 2595-J. 3-l tp .OAft. .ui'PLID • 40-Ct. Crulln 15.000. IWIIbo 19'141 «).ft. AU1 SchooM'I' 17700. t938 11100. 30-ft. S pt. F~~l!chf'l\1 '41 J88(10. -... G. E. MINNEY n 1 Cout H!wll)', Newport Beacon ~-W. J.tfr: n..DAT FOR SAL£.--OIHp, com· p1ete wtth ~t• pU• helnpTI. See It at 32C Duma Vilrta, 8&1 boa. Diad 'J'WitcMil, Ph. Harbor 21a.w. -.uo: nwnt ,.,r hnu!l{'. )'••nr rountl pr<'- fC"rrl'd. Rl'anm S629·J 11r ll11rhor 443 .• John Snllors. City llnll 1·4h' Y~rh~ Ski111r> 11nd wlf•• w 1\ n I lurru~hf'rl n111orrnu•n1 nr h,>u.~·· 1•n Y<'Rr 'rmrnrt rC'ntlll loll;'l l~ S " t•hilrlrt•n. no prt!< Call Roh l\IC'· Nrlll. IJI•ncon 5nt 3--llp U.o\1, E8TA.Tt: t:XCHANO& .. NEWPORT HE IG II TS ,Just rnmplC'INI. :!-h-.!n 1nm !>1\tt~') lionw in 1:!01>!1 d istrict. Cnmf't' lill' <;illk. I Itch ).."l'arlP pin£' ntwll' .... f'IPnly of dll~~~ ~]);'h~~-Pla.•:.!f•J«I insidl'. ~hou!l't G.l. Full pti("('-~~-.()0. GOOD BU ILD ING LOTS In NC'\'ll011 IIPi(.:hts. All ulilitit>s in. ALSO C. GALEN 4911 Newport Wvd. DENISON-Realtor Beacon 5197 Coata- COSTA MESA New 2·bedroorn homes.. Plaster interior. Large living room ana clining room. Lots of cabinet and storage tipl.Ce. Garage a ttached. On large lots. Total pria.- mly $7,250.00. Will G. I. New 2-Bedroom Hornr-. hardwood noonJ. tile draln- boanf, double garage. Only $7500.00. WW G. I . SEE US FOR BEST BUYS IN 2· and 3-BEDROOM HOMES IN NEWPORT HEIGIITS. C. GALEN DENISON-Realtor Geo. T . Cutor, Broker Marion Gregg. Salesman 489 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Ph. Bea.con 5197 3-l tc Opening in New Location ·Blanche A. Gates-Realtors -Ginny Gates 21 2 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phme Har. 10J4..J -Evenings l--Iar. 7~M Balboa Island Well built, beautiful 2-Bedroom home, newly ~ rated. Flrepla<.'E', hdwd nrs .. lots or till', concrete patio, double f,.rarage ronstruC'It'd for S('eond slory. 8 years old. $17.5f0. .. One }'('ar 'Old, w('Jl constructed home on rear or lor with room to build on front. Upstairs, lttrgt' liviing room, 2 bcdrms. with wardrobe ci()S('ts and buill-in cabinets. attractiw kitchen with Jots of C\Jpboard spoOl". Beautiful bath. Hardwood noors, VC!lE'!ian blinds. Do\\nstairs is t::"arnge and bedroom and bnth. Will comider lradc on baY front property. Two bui lding lots. one on comer. Corona del Mar Almo;;t new, beautiful 2-Bt>rii'OQin honl(', lnn::e li\'ing room with [il'('pliiL'(', panel rny twat in every room . doubh.• garage. lo\'ely yard. If yr.'llr want something upusuRlly Rttrat.'lh'P ;mrl a little diffl'J'f'nl. at a very low prirt'. !:l('(" lhis nl ~11.000. Unrlcr constnJr tion. Bcnuuliful :1-13Pflroom lw m(', f'Xf ra larg£' li\·ing mom. firt'plnt'(', doub)1~ g:araJ;t". &'t' this whi l£' thr•l't" is time to irwoqxmile som(' of your own idea.-.. F'inc.·, Jevt'l lol. S.Ju lh nf llif.:hl\:'ly. 11(}).:11~. for ~;t_lfJO, Costa Mesa S2!)(1() rim1n. $ftO.OO l'k'r mo .. im·. inl.. huy~ onl' of lht" nlOS I atll'il!'til'i' nlmt'r.<l llf'W ~-ll!:'ftn"rm horn<~ in Cft"lil ~Iesa . Fi t'l'plnn~. I11W1k f·a ,:.~. ])(•:rmN ·t "dl- ings in Jivin~ room. dnuhlt• ~;u';lj.!t'. n ak floors. Full pt;('l.' S!"li'OI.t. \\'illt;lkl' '•II or litll'l' m Otkll','\r in ti'Mk'. S25()0 dO\I'Tl or will \..I. llc:tt tliful :~-!Wronm hnmf', hdwd. flr.-. thruout. Lots of t ilC' in kirchcn and IJ.1th. Largl' living room anrl ri inin).! !'(l(lm. YouYls lanrl· scaped, and fPn">ri and 1'1'\.lS..;.fpn('\.'(1 , Total prk'l~ $10 .:)()0. One of the IX'S! half aerN on t.hf' MPs.1. \\ith all kind" of mah.JJ'(' fruit and nut tn.'C'S. llf'JTi<"S. ern~. chick''" cquipmenl. erc-.. ami a I'L't'Y nkY' :\-B«.troorn home. IA-1 us show you this. You'll like FOR SAU:-LA-pump and f bUt t.u1t: CIDIIJI!rlete, f75.00 like ... ' a., DWtJ1ct llantlraft Co. a.a. lalaftd. ~tfc CR.E'STI..INF. mountain h o n1 r , furniJhl!'d. Large flrrpi11C't'. f"a· tural ga~. ll~thtl'. Rnd w•tf'r. Ur.rd UHII!' ~inC'!' r('modrl<'d and p&ioll'd. JflO m llr In \iliiiK<': 1 milr to lllkl'. Will !1.('\1 or tradr for bay lat or honw in 1\;ewporl. Balbo6 lll•nd. or Oaltl08. Qv.'ll- Pr: W. H . Wl\hf't~poon, 944 "F." St., San &mardino. Calif. Ph: l5849. 1-3tl' &>\·C'rnl ):!ood. low prif'\.>d n.osifk•nt \;'d in Cost:~ M<'Se'l n f'(':J. lot<:. New port Heights N~· 2-Bedroom modrem hom<'. Gat·ngc. this nt $9<100. Ten n s or ,,;u G .t. New anrf tx-n utiful. LarJ;:"e livin~:: morn. fil'('pla("(', dining room, 2 brorooms. 2 harhs. stall show('r. Pall('! rny hrot. ~ 11ind0\\"N. Good view. $11 .500. Boat Malntenanee and Repairing Frederick Yacht Co. 12U CIJut Hhfa7, N~ ---BOAT 11ROI(1!:1UI - ... lfc FOR EXCH.o\NG~: Hu•inrs~ lnt In Yui'Ca VUial:•·. rJO.I' x 1 7~' f11<'· Jog 29 Palnw llll:h"-'A)' l ~>r TO'!<>· d('ncoe lot In Nt•wport, URlho:r Jn"a. Writt' O'II"Mr. 5160 E. \'.,r . lno A~ .• Eq:le Rock ~1 , C'n\1- fornla. 3-:.'lr • EVA F . RHODEN Realtor EL1'0ND. BARNEIT 410 New port Blvd. ~ Bee.cm sn3-R. PERNEL G. ·BARNFI"r Bronn 3·ltc Two corner lots . Goorl vic.~w $1450 ('l!Ch SEE US FOR CORONA DEL MAR A1\'D BALBOA BUYS Ustings Appreciated Blanche A. Gates-Realtors -Ginny Gates 3-ltc J im Dook Ph. Har!Jor 505-W Clyde Doak 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar "By the Sea" Corona del Mar-Ni cest Vt'I'Y wdl <"On.'>lt'\1\.'lcd hwm.• of 2. IA.\Cii'(JUffiS <Hltl. ;i den of COUll.x'fl 1\'01:)(1. FiJ'C'p]ace, floor fuiT!;t(:'\~. Ill(• floor in bulhroom. Dining I'OOm with bay window. One bedl'Oom is a m:isll:'r size. Quality homt'. l'!tti.o and yard all fenced. Dbl. ga1·. Located in best resi- Ocntial S£'C'tion . south of llighway. Block a nd haJf to wawr. PriN'd 10 sell qui£-k a t $13.700. LiL.:.•rnl term • .;. Furn ished 2-Story-$8500 Upper story has cute living room with snack bar, sun porch, kitchen with nook, bath has stall shower . nice bedroom wi th Cro6S ventilation. Lower story has bedroom with twin beds, laundry room, db!. gar. Home is all electric. Vacant. We have key. Tenns or G. I. IO&Jl . 5-Room Home -$2000 Down 2-Bdrm .. dining roonl, extra large living room, ftf1!>. place, floor furnace, hdwd. floors, tile kitchen, double sink. plenty of built-Ins. Shower over tub. I...a.rge service porch. Obi. garage. View of the CJtCefln and Catalina on a clear day, $2000 dov.rn. balance $9000 G.I. note at 4%. We have the key. New 2-Bedrm. Home---$9500 Brand llE'W a nd shiny, modem. with fancy wood, beam l'f'dwood ceilings. snack bar, fireplace. Lots or built-ins. Plenty large windows. 3 linen closets. La.rge wardrobes. Yard is 40x60, easy tp care ror. Bathers' shO'We'r and laundry are !Ol'Bted -tn garage. Close to stores ln Corona del Mar. Best Buy in Corona del Mar Corner H ome -Furnished Stucco. 2-Bdnn. modern, hee.rly new. Vacant. I..ar&e Uvtng: room, fireplace, hdwd. floors thrudUl Nlcely furnished. One bedroom can be den. Coocrete patio. barbecue. DbJ. garage. Priced at $10,500. Will sell quick, just put up for sale today. Terms or G.J. loai!. Duplex-Corner -New 'lWo suites at rooma Bn!' 8eP8J"&.ted by double pr- age. Eaclt ·-t Includes 2 bdnns., ...... living room, hdwd. tJoors. turnace, kitchen with ncdc:. Front and rear pa.tia&. Priced at $15,950. tenns. In~ come ot $200 per inonth untumiAhed been ortered. Income -Best Buy A new, modem home with 2 bdrms., extra large rooms, fireplace, hdwd. noors. furnace. service porch, etc. And another 2-bdnn. h<me over double garage and laundry room. For sale at $15,900, easy terms, immed. possession. Vacant. Never been oc- cupied. Close to schools. stores. bus and beach. 3 Bedroo ms & 2 Baths Home New, vacant. rndy to be lived bt tor ftnt time. l...argeo rooms, nicely decorated. ~ace. hdwd floors, furnace. dining roonl, service pord!., etc. Priced at $18,500, good tenns. In orte-of Corona del Mar's nicest sections. House and Garage Apt.---$3000 Down &xllh of Highway, 40-ft. lot, ncar beach. New 2-bed- room home, fireplacr, etc. Gue-st or rumpu<; apt. over double garage and extra rooms. Vacant. money in escrow a llows {)('(.'tlpnncy. FUll prire only $16.000. We have k<'y. Newport Heig hts Lovely new 2-IX'{Jroom and (k_>.n Colonial, tile bath and kitchen. No .. 1 hdwri. fl oors, Wnll a nd noor fur. na('(>. F'il'('pla('(' with rolonin l mantel. Extrn large living room with b:Jy .window .. &>rvice poreh. p._1.tio, db!. garng('. Lot ~x 1 2R Roof '" cedar shingles, has Colonial ('\'£>S. Nic.'('l~ ri(>t'Ora tcd home. Immed. pos- SC'Ss.ion, $1:1.:>00. term s. In Costa Mesa Scver.d 2-ht.,.iJtrJm . new homt'S on r,o.rt. lots. Ni("('ly fum. llenrly. Plil'l'l:l at $97::'1(), !('rm~ OJ' G.J . lonrl. DOAK R EALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Jim Do.1k Ph. lfnrbor 505-\V 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Clyde Donk Mar "By the Sea" REAL VALUES Sta-rt The New Year Rig hi f)wn Your Own I !om P Ht·nt H~.-'(~•ipt." Don't Ptly Ofr :~-1 tc 2-BN.Ironm llnm•·. r-;;r.o;t :-<id f'. df'N" In 1":1'1\'fnrr Blvrt ~1 500 d(m·n. haJan1'(' S.J:\.:!0 l"'r !ll•l ;r1 ·1', inte rest . Sf'l' thi.'> on<' rodax. • Complctt"ly furnh:hl'fl 2-&lmom homl:' on half <h 'n> 7 yf'at~ otrl. This is a l'('a] buy. Prin't.l !1) sc-11 ai only $.'\500 -T('rm. .... If yl"'u a re look in~ f01· a 110m<'. Bu.c;ii'K'S." or tnromf' IJI"'Jl('r1y, S('(' lL<; fiJ"Sl , TWO OFFICES 1'0 SERVE YOU --.• B. A. NER ESON, Broke,...., Frank Dt::m 'Til'S-Salesmnn 1972 Ne~A'JXlrt Blvd. Costa Mesa 1907 &xllh Main Santa Ana • Phone S . A. 7240 PH. BEACON ~ Sell It Through Classified Adverttsmg .1-1 tc • "' ,_ th <# N EWPORT BAL BOA I ·'NEWS-TIMES I SOUTHLAND MAY BE IN ANOTHER DRY CYCLE N & WM-T IIII.:M T n :. .. p \\ .a-. II. INa 7 Tt:I.EPU 0:00.-.:8: H ARBOR 1!, ., A!lo"D %01 I PabUabrcJ E H·ry T w ·Mia.) noll Tlour,..l,., \fh•rne"'"' \'otum., XL ('Oolta ~~-F<4llllun l 'uloll•h•·ll t;, o·n \\ ~a .... da \ W ' ' t t •t k I I •:--,\:\l~l I F:o-I( W tll<ll •• ·-n.e Editorial arn r ~ o n a t\, -~~~.'"·II· .•. ,,,,,:--..... ".'" ~· .. 1 L~ttrl v l)t•d fc•r ""IIIII '"·" "·"· ... ; •••• I ..... , .... , Circuit Rider r.. ) , ,. '"''" •I tit I ,.,,,,. •n•ll•ll, 't l ltn~: '"'"'tit ) r •. ,.,,.~ ~· IU't IIIII \ .. E n tcr l.'d as St•t'<lnd·CI.IS:. matll·r "' th, l 'w·hlflh'o.' 111 "''"'lJOrt Jkarh. • I t .... ··• "' .,.. II ttsp· it a I ( 'ar(' 111'' ·'"""""' 1"'"'"'"' •• ····" • •·· "' •• •• , ,.,._ ,., ''' '' .ttt 1 nut ht~l ltt." ·''" ~ Uh 1 .:.•n..: \tllllooltllt ~ "''' Ill tho 'IIlii-nf an'"'" 1 I•''""''' •lr> , 1" '"' ndclf'd " ""'I t. u '-:'"" •lu•.c ~""""''" l "nl· ""' 111 ~·~ ,.,t.J•I•It•tr.~l , 1~hb "" the • •• ·I··• ,,.,, n,..,., 1111'\' lll•lnl HUt C'alir.wnm. untl. r t h,• A .·t ~~r ~larl'll 3, Ul.97 SAM D. PORTER Publisht•r '"', ,. ,.~;-,, • .,41 1, \.t ...... u. .. •~ ... lut~ ttt-pHnft1'i1tt.,.,111tUU th.· , ..... , th.,.t •··H~"""'l: '"""' ''"'"' r,,... ,..,.,, • 4!!11f~t ... ••....,"' I 1 1 1 1 • Pl"l"" .eU\ • h •h' '' , .. "-· h~r<t l \\ ,.,. LUCIUS S. SMITII, Ill :O.Ia nagmg J:::dator W. F . DIXON · . -. Ad\'l'rlunn~; M ana gt•r , t l '''l"h'llotl \ t tUt \\tlt 1 \\,lfht I lo•t I l.11~1' I'·" I "I 111 .. "'''" tho• t II· 0 II \\ •ll .... ' lltlld 1'1111\ I'"",, Ill Jl," , .................. ,,,,IIII I I I l1tt .. ''•'' tt t'l""i II \\111 -""'t.t'l'\t'" 1 ~t ''''I•'• ••nu·••t Itt ttl.l~t dtl\ tUt't tllh~t \t'UI ttlllt't"tln , Jh'l"'lf'ttn .,; '""' ·•II lho· ""PI'Irnwnlal Wlth'f' ~111•1'1""' "> ,.,,. ~t rl'nm \\111 be .,,., •• 1.-.1 '" "''" 1 ll11· ""''r ~<ruwlnc •I· III/IIIII l lo'll\) ell\,.,''''"-d~~U- 1\ht····· lh•·1 t'1111111, \luuld <'ro•f\te "'• 1t'hH'" '''''h l•~eu'h'" ,,( \Vnl•'r' for l••lh '''"I'" ""'' In'"'"''"~ 111 Suuth-' 'II ( .... 11 .. 1'11111 PrlnUn~e Plltnl, 3011 \\'. <'~>nt ral i\\c·nu.·. :-1,'\\'JHJrt 111-ach, l 'ah(ornllt Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach It, t h1 4 ttlpt flfiP 11\t'l t\'<t11'i!lllttll :t•·' r.,~. n th• 1~.u .. ""' ,,lf,·n .u ""'.:• n~~'"'" 1 .. , '""'""""h'" ,,, U lt lu, , ... l t ••tn tt ll•• \tnt 'u''"' l 1 tllh'l ''Itt '" 1··~1•1 el '' ''' •II' U~''""1''' '" nl tO\ ('itltt,•ttll:e IHIIilli''\ '" u\oul th•· l'-1'-'d'lltt\ fl, I• l'lh •. ,, .... ,.._ ,,,. UPI "\It ...... A DeJH'ndabl,. Loc-al ln~ttltutluo for OVt'r ~ \'ran Active@) Nl 1 1~tfto l ,tj ht•lllt' ltUIU'tl .tt\\ii\ htt'HU~t· ••l ' ' ' . /lu•·k" ,,(. '"'•'"Ht••t l.ll """ I uu.,;,• I tunhtll 't'•'•'l ,a,. '11u·"•'. I ht') 111, '"'""' "" 1'1 •'-'•l••t•l. tho•\ 1••1\ ""!"' th/11 :O.ollclh•lll l 'nltloor do·· I •t 1 k 1 I "''" lllt,lllll " '' ·"'"'•'fl tlt.ot • "'I • lllllo•l " Ill ''" ~··roll I~\ IIIII '' ~1\1•)•'<'1 '" \\ 1'1 101111 11t 1 I') H I I\"'' ul hrlll fh~ ~ H~h til\ h•n..: Member ~ 10~ I l"llhlut tl•• 1111 It • 1 ''ltro·•••nt~ 1'11"" ''''11' 1' 1' 1 •111" lin\,. htlfl 1" 1 '1'1 1 1 ' ' • l t' ,., h " ttt.,: 'I \t'Ut' t~lh IUt.: IU tlnh " •111>1•1••111 "' ~~'11111\IIII I'I H' ho• lllt'th tl '''''"' "' lito· I" tli>rltln 1'1.1·1 "''''' •" c·ullo•ol "' t" >•'IOta, 1 th101 hi<a "''11\11 !\~ttl milo·~ t•f na v- t,;~thl•· r h '<'l'a, !l,tiUO tttllo•tl uf rail• "''~" 11111l ovl'r l tl,llllll mil" of eta-. lu~oth\\ lt)'ll of I \ ••1•'1,111\ ll1•rtlo Ill \ "11111\lllo· u(to I "I I• H••·nt• 111 m.l '''"'"""" 1 nlllo•r \\tth 1\il!'l 111111 1 ~1 h•l•'r llll( 11 rt lholll tho 1 tl'\1~ ,,(II r1•a l l'\lf11• llfio•t lllltkiOI: lho• lt'tJI Ill lilt' h1•111e• oil (or ·~·· \\ hlto· tl11u~" 11,..,1 """"k' ""''' '''I"'"~·· 111 tt~c•m Prayer: The Nation's Need I PREVIEW OF SUMMER-Masses of dovt-rrray vellln_g on a matrhlng ch ip-straw cartwheel featurea a garden-party.hat de31gned by Laddie ~~rthrldge and modeltd by Chru Ktrrt-· ~ gan a t Miami Stach, Florida. • Ill\ llo•o "'"" tu r11n o•ll II third !'IIII I~ pi t lion Ill ' \,1111 lht• flt~koT'I flt-ld t ·,.l,f••• ""'" 'l•·nt, I r.1111 hi~ lfl••llt~(,.t.,,., \\llh lho·lt,llh'<TIII· k 11\rl lt•l•tlltlu .ttt I'·'' tit-• ~~~ lh>'} ('!fLa .. r t,._l t\ 11 h" .:"•·n ~r••uf t•n -,·h··~ $25~2rJO Paid Disability Claims In Orange C..ounty llw •nt.: llo•o'\•ntlw•t ,,,.,.,,. el111r 101 \' I. lf••lto•l, lltKII.ol:•·t oil' II to I • * • Insurance t NCOI '01A TID ''The greatne~ of Amer ica-the future of our na-tion-depend~ on all nf us. America'l' de!'tiny rests in the h and~ of every ind i,·idual, reganlles.~ of race and creed. in C\'en · tnwn and citv throughout the nation. · · '.4 .U '=I "Durin#! the recent year:-;, major crime has been on the up. winJ.r. At the rncl nf the la!'t war. aj.!e 17 led all other aJ.!(' groups in atTests for serin us crime!'. More and more chi ldren ar<' heing !eel towarrls crime as parent~ th row awa.v l'esponsihility. ~elfi~h ne~~ is often the keynote nf thr d a~·. a nd materialh:m th P in- l'piratinn fell' living-. ( :od. in many instantce~. is not accepted in thf> homp, ancl conce pts nf morality have been relegatRd to th<> junk hea,,. NEWS. TIMES lhtt·•~'"' '" t 11. H• puhlto'n"' ""'' lt'f1 h) fte, ;,, lh•U .1 ~t'ht,IU ttl t ht' f#Utk\,,( th, l '•llhlo\1,11' \\hh'lt UUty pru''' til ....... ,,, ,,, ... 1n lh•• ··hltlu•t•' u ( PH,H), ttl '1'1 tlfU "' f••r r. ~·I•·•' tlon • • • \\ t..~th.•t th•· '<lr••n..:,th 11f \lr \\ •II "• '' •llf(u•to•nt lot "r• tl• 11.. I'"" lt. Ita, ,1, . .,., •··•I r·•''''"'"~~t tot Itt ... ,., n hut IH~ •t•• I 'l•:thtllt' lll•tll tiiW• """"' "' lh• <'a lof"l'lllll I "'I'" II II \I'll I 111 FmJtl"l 1 w o bvck, lfl-.rollte COVftMior 3 3 3 3 vi a l1do, newpo r t beac h, calif FORUM OF PUBLIC OPINION .\II•>-J\a lt• :\lf'i 'tHIII H:lllktrt J,lntHI i ':dll••rru:t fl'e''"'" , o 1t """ "·"" 1 lwlp•••l It an th1' •1 11••·•1 t ilth ''h•n tltnl\ ~~ OH~t t•• J., tl•''ll t'tt, Oft fht• t\t' of .• "'''"'IIIII l'1••tolt•llltlll l'lllll Jllll"ll. llll'f\1 ilfllll "''""'"'II $.'!\ :l:'t4J tMI Ill t-..·n··l•t" "•'••· ,,.,., .,. t1 h, •·lttuu .uth· tn'tth' f ltunr •• .~"'""'' u t•'H ;\ tlt•Jhh ftt lnt•rt'U'•' IH tht• ttUIU t,.., .. , n~·\\ ··ll•hu' .... ,.,, ... , t•··•• "'u' .. l lo lt..J, ~~~ II 1•'"111 uf lito• lllllo'tlll llh IIIC I•• lito• t ',dllotrtllill 11111'1111•111\ telephone newport beach. harbor 1500 * * f>t•ur 1\11,~ lllt·t 'ann. 111 \\hill lit•·'' ""''' 111 ~oy J udgo· S\\ IIIII hH~ l'l;l,•ol lhHt lUI tnjllnl'llun 11111 ISSUe• to\"'''"·"" lito• ordmHn l't' lllo'lll l thllf ,llto~· t\t'l \dtldt \\o•ro• "1"1''•'(1 101 "'' I· 1111 .. 111111 l ~·t.:t•lu II . IIII o Ill 1'117 otll l l•t'l'tllll• 1·fto•l'l l\o•l '" 1 "1" II'' '1111•ttl h•· ''"11 1 ,l1on11111\ I f'liH lll~llltl••l \lt~t'lll t• Pl'"lhl> "'"'''"d m,,.,l 1 ""'" tin• I""" """ 1 •• 1,,.111 '"1 ,.,.,.11 11," .. r )'1'111 . ho '"·'' "· hullollllt.: r .. r 1!1:'•:'. tll•l•hll••> ho'\111111 tho· .,., ... n till) rontmo fit• 1111 l.uu~; "'''" h l'r1·~,. "'"'"'~ , •. , .... , . Fresh Daily "Can a nation exist void of all religious thouJ,!ht and action? Can we have inter·nal peace without morality? Can we builrl home~ without Gorl. or have worthy parents who do not know a ncl p~act!ce His teachings ?the key to t he~e problem!'-to hfe It:•elf- is God . He is man's neerl -his f inal goal. "My hope for the future of this nation is predic~ed upon the fait}) in God which i!-\ nurturerl in the family. No outside influe nce of a com:tructive nature ca n overcome the Jack of a guiding light in the home, and the spark of this light mw::t be the knowl edge of God : the fuel must be the strength of prayer. "There is no better way of doing our part for home life in America than by reestablishing the daily prac- tice of family prayer in our homes, because familie~ that pray together , stay together ." (From a recent racHo talk by J. Edgar Hoover. chief of the F.B.I.) Yuu \1 il l 1'1'1'1111 th.tl I loltl )Oil \I'>' :u·o• t:/1\ 1111: ,, p:ll'klnl: Jnohh•m Ill B<•\t•r•ly lltll• anll abu a 111111111: prublc01. Tit•• Clttl•·lt~ '""''' In n ·· "tnt·t parkm~; lk·C'&ll"t' the C'tty cvi.mt'tl wus .:nutttn.: '''lltpurar~ tX'rnu ts Cur parktn~;, """" 1111: thr r<'Stdr nti.JI uwvnw prvpo·rt) to llf• tltkl'n lind us,•d Cu r lhtll pur pos<• and bustmoss ..:r.1dunll) stnrtt'd mo' tn~t tnfo the• r.•!1tdC'nllnl lnroml' d1s1 rtrt. ftrst w tt h pa1 £od pHrkmg lot.; and lhrn IIPIIlud fvr IK'rmtts for furlhPr lltrHint't'll IO hutld J)llrktng ..:nra~:(•s \nlo•ol un hy tht• 1"'"1'1•• unttl l h t• tnlo.t lo•r •~ ltnlllly IIII"SI'IJ 1111 < In•• t lun~ thai lws l"'t'n furf'lhly unprcNo<••l "n my mind In hlllt•n· m~: I•• th1• nq:uJn·•nl, m lhi~ "'"'' h •r 15 t hnt "!h••n " te•rn110rary /Ontn~t l'ariano·o• ts I:" o·n It dOMI nut nwan thai lh:~t h l•·m110rnry. 11 may nw11n that thHI 111 po•rma· '"'"' und thai th•·.v c•nnn111 II<' ro•- ••uk .. d utht•r than rn thl' manno•r in which '' ":t~ ~:r&nhod. thAt Is hy tu•ann~;:, noiiC'o', t't('. 11nd t•\'1· d•·n<'<' plaNod '" lhl' ro'l"nrd thai C'otndlt•ons no\\ "'"rron1 lhr l't'· \oklng of that vnnnnrr If thl' l"'rs .. n hold1nrc 1 h•• te•rnporary J)Pr· nul is a hlt• tn show thnt rondl· twns h111'1' n111 C'hnnJwd, that In Cart m nrf' rtllrkin~: hn~ mow-'d In· to tha t rtts trkl or th~tl hi' haa mndt• suhst11ntr11l lmrlrOVI'mt•nt• on lhal prnllt·r ly. tht·n th~>re• Is a ~c•rinU!l ljUI'SIIItn ItS Ill Wh('lher or not 1 "" ri 1 y f'ltn "''''r r1•vokr 11 t~'rnnorary 'ar inn l'l· T l'lo Crftn• low ulll1 •ttol 11 tS •ftf "'"' lh•·r hi• r •• ll/ul u•n .. r tilt' lie\\ I kult 1 .. ""'·•lllo '"' luu· u( r••n '''l•lutu• llo·t 11•1. r""''' llw """I IIOn•nR l'•·rh"l" tho \\ ullllo'•• IT)'· I 11111111 1.,._1ht.· "''"kh 1 .. nl'flt I"" !I-IIII hAll •h""' 1111 omll'ltnlt•· l'rt• nu·ut fr11111 S."tl 1" $:.':'! In ,.,,,.,,,_,, lnnc1111on "f lho• Am••rk un ~~·le•t IIIli'•· with tho· "''" '"' 11111111 "' t1o•o•lltll'l. "''"llll>lllllt •I II\ ~••nw t'rtllu nt ••ttrrtlllll~< tu ht•n.•flt thin~: 111•1'"'·" htur 11 rt••flr•·•~tntt In ,.111,,11n1 I hi~ 1"0\tntr. II•· "'·I) rt•~•·••t n In thl11 "'"", ...... , ... " .. ~··--~~~~·~~, .~~ .. , I I Am"rlrA"' ... , h ilt .1 1" ''""'"""'" Ser~~~"eant Shorb "hr•>AI1 ltnt1 llhlrsoth'lll ... ) '''''"""'-a 1r rorllhl··"'' .,, '"'""' "111 he• '" Savs II metOd f111 r,H1o<'nl rtlt'lhllro•" llf'mo· I • • • • fnu r )'•'ftr' h•·n·~· 'f'lw unl\ "nnl Th~ , St~otn"l f't•q • Ia t'tiWnti,.Jiy ~V'011"1:> "' ~''•tlll'hl""' 1• 1" "•'t·k H """'""t.:•'-llf'Arln..: 111'11101\tllltlun Opp.'tr!Unll \ for 11-•·lf Ht f'Clllfll~ton lind dJsront.·nt Tn thr fill)"' v.·hrn mrn '""llht "lth 0 • • llltlno• loX l<ttcl llfll'l<rot, It lihuut frnm nne · mnn tu ltnuth••r ~~ .. a.:uutl Jo:~pn>s•tnl! II hdtr•f \\'IIIIAC'o' h111t j e•n,.tt.:lt lol 1~111\'o')' 11 rtlf'llllltlll' March of Dimes The annual drive for funds to be u.~ed in t he fi )tht AftC'r I ho• ('tl171'ns l'nlo•d to I'<'· vokc> thrsp pnrkonl( IJI'rm tts 11nd to ro•·rstahllsh thr on..:mnl znn· ing, ohJI'l'tcvn \\,1!;; mad•• by soml' llf lht• Stnrt·s whn hlld prr\'IOU.Siy pur('haseod r,•s•d~>nttal lnC'om P prop. •·r1y tHtd SI'C'IIrlod 11 lr·mpor11ry vnr- wnel' to usl' 1111~ Cor hustn<'>o~ p ark · In!( Thl'ir t'Onlo·ntoun 18, fll ~t . thnt thl'y havt• now '' '··~lt·d rt~:ht 1n this flllrktn~.: Jtnfl to tlc•prl\•' th .. tn nr t lh'tr l"'rtnlls lu r I Jtnanc'•· is takirtl: prflt~<•rly Wtlh1111t dw• pr11· r o•ss o r taw, o~ncl lhltt lh••> nnw huve a \'l'~l•·d ri~;hl tn \\hut thl' C'tty tho u..: Itt \1 lL~ nw n •ly u trrn· porar y l'llrtanC'c In p ll\•·r \\'nrds. II 1!1 Vf'ry l'llly rnr I ho• I'll}' plt~nrtHII: N>mm isslnn 111 ~:r.onl \\'h:1t lh••) lhmk i~ n lc•m - pornr) l'llrtiiiW•·. hut 11 IS <'X('I•dln..:- 1> rtirru•ult .• md mny lu• llll!JOl'lliblr ''"'r in r(·\o k(' it "unrlt•rf'111>ntlllo'(l flu• I'" rn m n 11 l.ttll'r, "'twn "'~'~•IN>tt~ \\'o•n • ~II II lll'n~t• O( I Itt• Attlo'r irnn \'11h ·t ~" 1\nll 11( II llmtfe'(l t lltll(t', tlw 'lllltkt• Mill h l!l thlrcl f'llt'l) ••fforl "'" h•nc1 nul, lht• ""'11""11· 11r l ito• 1lrw11 nnt1 to hiJ r.•nopl••to• "IN>hllf'ltl •l••tt lh," ltu~;lo• <~ttf(lo~·rt llu t In lito· I"'''"""' lh1• F.'! l 'o•nlru l rniN'rllll \".,ll••v 1111•· 11f 111111: r11n~w nwrluttlh'hl w11r Pr1·,~ d ... ,.,,.., "nne• .. r ""' "''"' (~oro·. llttltlo••l '"'"""''"· J•·• r•r"l"•l· dt~~UJttnc fJ~t•••t iiC uf th•• nffutr•• ~Inn uutl 11 tunll•' pntA'•·r . 01,,.. ,, ... ,.,,. W niiA('I• 1' till' tltou~:tot llwt "''· It\, tlo•(o•tt•l•·•" ""'"' l1o· ultl•· In th1• Am• ll'lltll llt~tplo•. IH'IIIIolly lnl· "'lllfllllnl•'ll to• with ,.,.,.h utlu•r Ill· l'rlll•-d tltl!i m 11n "" ~ .. rr•·tltr)' nf at .. ntly, "'' m 11ttr r hclW wlck-ly agaim•t infantile paralysi~ is now on . Stnn•n ·ly, hl:trt'Uilun-, lhl'u "" \l1'1··1•r""ll11•nt, "'l'llrt>l•~l tlwy m nv ,.,, The Ameri can people wi ll most certa inly respftflo ,· as usual. with their dime!" anr1 dolla r·s to thi~ appeal. __ P_R_O_FE __ S_S_I_O_N_A_L __ D_IRECTORY Th<> monev <:nllectE'd . it !'h nuld bE' rE'memhered. is u~d to ai<i a ll person:-; 1'<'$!:ll'dlrs..-= of who th<'~' <lr<' or J um l'o)mt•\\hat ramd1nr \\llh t ht• pll'urtmt.:• nnd I hf'ro· '" murh .J I. .,;,.,., n• ' ! !1 M "" ~"''~'~'1 rot' "' ''lllf1tno 1 ,.,, 'fh·· S•t.:1111l t 'orr ... '' ''' •·•1111•11•1• l ilt' lhull~lt l 111111 hut f,,. lho•l , 11 """'"" ,.11 '\ \l.ordl 11-11.1 It\ ''""''llf (,,.,f lro•\\tntldh.l\o•lw ott 1 \t lc ' 1 1 ., ..... nt' ., rr ICht• tllltl' • I I fl till~··''"' I Uti '" .. t " , I ,. ",, ... ~., lilt,, "' , ... At '"' ACCOUNTANT wh ere thev liYe in thP:-:1~ Fnitl•d State:::. Open ~:our heart. open ynur JHII':'e-and cd\'<'. IIN'Ome Ta ' Couult-ta A ....... u ... AMIII .. • ·-~~ ........ How Busy? Wli.LIAMS lo WILLIAMS Bualrt._ ~r..,..__t Cun .. ult&nta Tlw puhl it· ma~· fN•I th:1t t•nncn•-=:-nwn don't wnrl\ OtriN': {'o.ta ~fl'u Rank B ide. n.-a. 663!1-J f'n<~l:\ ~•--. ('aJir. \'t•t'\' hard. and in some• indi,·idnal in:-:l:tntt>;; thi:-: mt~y 8 0 0 k k ee pin g h,, ·ll'llt'. ll111 t h<> ('1111\!I'C'''illll!tl ~··on•hoard f11r 1 !I-t 7 ..;htr\\-.! th:H tlw Ja wm:d\t 'l':' :tS :l who!(• did mOl'(' th:1n s e I v ic e t\\'iddJ,. tht·ir th um b:-:. \\'1• ""•'I' n. dll H :-; \H•r r 111-II ~"-) I 'JJ ' t'OL I ,S F. DROW N f · t llarhur 16U ) tr·ndllt't>ll. ()f tlll':-l' :tl10ut 1 IiilO r:lnlf' ont o cr•mmlltf'C' 1 DALBOA YACH T c Lue !llld \\'(11'(' ('I111Silfc•l'(•d h~·lln t• Il l' ht•lh hr l\1:'1':'. !\Titl'(' thall i!..---B-AY_•_'11_'_0_'_·_N_•w-po_'_1 Duth !illll of 1 h c·m hr•t·anw l:tw. ( lllll!'n ·:-:s :d:-:n ha d t o pa:-:~ nn DENTIA~ ''l'l"'""im:tt<·h· .10.000 nr•min:tt iotl-. of II Ill' 1\in d or ' . .,.,~, :t nnthrr. -------~--- Openin g Campaign Speech 1 Dr. Obed Lucas DE.N118T uoty, w. Orn1ra1. ttarbw 16110 NEWPORT BEAC11 Thr \'oicr was Harr,,··-=. hut th.-word:-: \\'t>rr 'Frank-l:============; lin'~. Whaten'r el:-:<> ha~ ht't'n. nr rna~· hP. ~~ti d of Pn>!"i- rlent Tntman '=-now-w<>ll hattf'rr d ~t::tlf' nf thr l ninn a drlre~:::. it ~eems to us that that wa!' the mo:-;t nntablr f<>ature of it. Harni ha~ mad<> it ciNll' that hr is dustin(( off th <> old New.O<>a l pmp:-; for u::r in th•. qnadre nnial. autu!"n politital <··dra\'<lJ.!'<HlZa ( tlw rlrrtum. tn .wm) m wh1ch hi!' party has "::tolt•n tht· shn\\" in it -. la:'t four prr fnr- manc<>s. I Rut. unlr~s th(• Prr!"idrnt ran 11111 on a mr•rf" <"on- ,·iJwinC' nC't in hi:-' c·a mp:liJ,!'n :O:JH'•·<·h<'~ than hr <lid hr- fnrr \nJH .. 'l'C's:-:, IH' :'t·t·m:-: d•·:-:tinrd to attract mnrr fruit :-: ~1n<l \'t'l!'l'l:thlr:-: th:1n nppl au~<· ;tnd ,·ot(':-;. Lrt it nnt lw :-::t id . hll\\'1'\'r•r. th nt H•n·.\· did nnt put (·,·•·n·thint! lw had in to Jtj, ~tnt" 11f tlw 1 'ninn :trldrP.':·. If •· d id. Jn fa ct. ht· J'lll :1 p•nn·rfnl lnt of l !hint!' intn it llf• did n't ha,·,~ :tnd i--111'\'1'1' l il<r·I~· tn "•·I f r,.m thi..: nr :tn\· 11tlwr ('Hil L'I'f" ..... For in .. tall''''· h ·t· i-n·t li k1•h· '" l"1 t thr· t'nntrr.J , 1•\ r·l' \\':ll!t''. pri(·, .. ;: ;Jn d t''llllfllnrl' i, •• "l.i~·lt 1.,. l't•qnt• 1- , r) <'ll!lt r .. ), \\ hid1 a ft \\ lllflll t h,: "" h•· hr.rn d•·d :t ... ·, ·'l''lltH•nt -.. ,f :1 "pnlit· .... r:tl•·." ;-\ .. ,. 11 ill It~· l"• I th1 lfll)'l 1·111 \' Itt•' h it i \'Ill !I' I ,. J\1'111'1', Ill fl·:•l ,, ·:tdd 1'1'- ,;,.,. n1:111 ,. ltiJj:, "' 111 iin·ot•1 ,, :•n.l '' ••11ld 'll'ltt:dh· •t h it•l·t t l t• lllc ,p, 1J f••·t'PP 'it•· ''' tl), •Ji•·•at• · ,f \\':•-It· · .. Lr1nn h >trt''lllr·r:tt-.\ 11rl t,, 'IJ h:l\·,·, 'l" h..tt•·r ltwl 11 hi -= ft 'lr t i <·lll:tr 1:1\ l't'''"' 1 ;1 " prn 'l''llll "I~ if')~ ."a ... lllf" nf th· 11' t ••l t\·inll \ t•l •·· r•r.t itl\ Jll'ttJl'•'ltltop.: ·r·it•d in a t .. ne time'. .. Tn hi::; ntwnine rrmar].;, ,r,.. Trulllan -.ai d. "On thi.~ nc·('a:o:inn. a hm·<' all n!h t•r'. tlw ~'rtnl"l'l"!"'.:t lld th r Pr<>~t­ drnt ~hnu ld cnnrrntratc" thr ·1r attrnt tnn nnt upnn pn rty, but upnn countr.\· ... " fl t.lt that wa~ th; ve~· th ing hE' dirln't clo. Yr:-. thr \'mrr wn~ HaJ"D' s. hut th e technique wa~ Frankl in's. I I GORDON E. BAPP, D.D.S. SIIS w,., O..tn.l Plaoa .. Harbor U l-.1 Newpon CIIIKOPilACTO& Dr. Tom E. Barton CIDROPRACI'OR U ll OoM\ 111&1t-J Oorona del Mar (In Kfltdell'a Patio) .....,_ llarbor I Mil 8'IT.'N OOR APJOC' HF.R VI (]I; (;eorgia Taylor l'lthlll' Mt,.nn ~rvle'oe Sull\ry l'lthlll' '""''"'!.:'"''hin t:· \1!\llllllf S..n1N' .Hill 1 .. c • rtlral ''"·· lh lhna lltorlttor '!llfll-ll. r.!!M·\\' VY."IT.JU S ARI \S 't.\', l'IIIIT 11.\ltf\O R \ I:TF.HJ"oi \1;, lfO<.;I•IT \I llllrt\J'f' ''"'""'· ll. \', \1, 1'.111111 llul• "' r. U \. \1, 111 ., • I lo "''" 1117 ! " t-. 'I'"" Urh ,. < 0' T \ \It ., \ "'"I'· """· :,ot711; Ito· ... IIH . Ulll J ----OA \' M"IHH')I, Mortimer School 10'% Ooral A-Ralboa lal. DAY 8CHOOL .. SOW OPF.N ~ •oaftllwa, •· ~ ...... .........., IIAaeoa- I A. V. Andrews, M.n . Plf\'MIM A.Jif ... 8U.OEON llt1\.\t'\l I lu I' U••\\ lri I Itt ..j,. IIJI Itt hi"".,.,, I •• lti ... ~ ..... " 1 It Jl f 1 1 I frul• 1• lid• hi wlh l t"ltlt f r tttl1 1 ftt f t lin \\ I 1 ,. t I, 1"'" r~l h• "• r ' tu tit• \1 • ..,....,,\\ hth tl ltl\ ... ' I \ ',, I • f I~ I• .. , J '" '"'' I I I tl , .... II \\tlh ,, ........ , .... •••• ,., \ '"' ~ll'H tl I ••lfttltfiUU .... ,,. .. ft.,. tttlllo.)ofotll tth lt ult .., f "'••ttUtlfUII · •' ''"~ "r·'' •I .,., .un.,,,. \f, '', •1•f••V\ tfltf l'futiHt'f lfifl\ ' ,. t I I , ' I t till I U!tlilt,· U I Coaat JIJ.clill"a)'. lla.rtlw ... , Cnr.aa cl8 Mar '\ !1111 •· lit•fw' fn d• f t\' I t'-"''I' ,. llh ''" l •ltl '"'"·'· t, ,tlf •• ~th \\ '"" I I lilt I I ., "' 1\# H l "flfiHfllitlf It ' f 1111!1 \\ t f H. R. Hall, M. D. Phy•le·lu lll'ld 8ara- l luurs. :.!-5. l•y Appointment T"l~>phonl" lt.•a Nm 5R4Iol lSI Rr118d\\ay f :oaea 11- HJJton M. MAxwell, M. D. lfiO I Co-t lllw ay Oo r oea d t!l liar OftiN' llnun 10-1.2; 2-5 Pb(JIIf' llarbOf' 1011 S. R. Monaco, M.D. 8a Bay Ave., Balboa llarbor I '7U Otfloe BODIW: % lo II p. IlL llollday UlroaP ......., T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. ~ ... ::&1 .... NGeW.O. otftcle: B&mor ten m,M-....,_ ......... lTI-11 Conrad Richter, M. D. PI?IIE'T'It Hnurs: t :ao L m .. 12 M., %:10 p. m. -4:30 p. m. !9ttS..C1 \\'. Cf!ntral · N ewp11rt 1'-rJt Phnoe llarhor 2<101 Chas. A. \\'y lic, MJ). lnranf~< anrl <'II lie I rf'n Cnaat R h:h"a' ""'' ·'"'"''"" C'n r<tnll ell' I l lu r 1 1 n "> p n II • r I rq ~ OI"Tf I~ t.:TtUST -E. T . Bo~nrth, 0 . B. Optt•lll"lt lol .. \ "·" • )\ ·, ~• "r:u l.P:S,.Y.'4 llt'J'I.U' \TEO o-........,_..,_ 1111 ••. "-"' ...... "" ......... ~IIWPOaT II&M'JI So"· on ffand : SCOTCII TAPE -·~ NEWS-TI ~I ES I\ IJ11t\' ,,,, I , ,,, \ , I i I I t •I ''''' I ttl '•• -.,, I I ' \\ " t h~tpl(l fnJ 'Jf I I \\ I t f If I• "· I til It 'f't dd\ f't•lf • 1 "' J fnlt'-• IH 'II• '"' tl ' I l ,llfif ttl "t., tdt • o I f11 ''llll J tll••f H II t "' I ut, h• ''"' 1 h• • • Jl ,, ,, ., ;t' ~ t tf t I '' 'II I I " II \I I 1., 'I IIIII .... , II ,, ' •• ,.,. It ltft• d lfllo !Itt 11 1 I •• I 1 '•d• 111 "" tl I ,, I t' I I• . ,,,,, l•tl fq fftt '"''ft lllfl l1t I I' I tl ,., f U &."I f ill I tl• •I d I t t I I ~It h ,,,,, • ,, ·I \ f I II I I I . ,., u,. 'I l oo ,, •I ... , • ·• I '1, ., tl· t f... t, d i f I 1111 J •t \\ ... t ,, . t •• ,, 1 f +.It t I,, l lu \ f f I I "'' \" I 'I' It • lu I ll Ill I I 1 I I I II . . " f '-:'1 ' 'I' I!, . ., I ·d 1 J td ,, • • ti'H• dol ld• tl 1. II \• •t• t Itt 1uo I • • H It til ftt It I' nl • " J 1 'I' •f• \'I••P ,.,. ,,, It •I ,, , .. I ,, II· ,.,., d '"' I·'," , t ·, ,,,, t I"" "' ,, ''" ,,, ' ,, t ft..,lttflttl \\1tUitf tu 1 t tlf11 IH H • •J I, I • f•H'• ''" "" ''" r ,., •, \tr , t f Ill" tiUI f11 H•t .fl t,f tl 1 II 1 ff11 fl t1f t I -. 1 •I 1 I tit 'f I tltt tl fu f \\ " " ,,, .,,. I r. t I ,, tit tl ,,, . .,,,. I "I ' , •• I I' ,, I ••• , .. ,. l l tfttU I H•ltl f, •I 10 1 ~"hh fJt 1\ fu II I I 1 I I ''' 11 t 1Htq1l+ f• I\ t u ltl • I 1 ,,,, k h\ lh• I,,... f 1·1 t I f .. tl •I lt•·lf l ' ""k·· ·"'"' II I "I l'oo If ftiOifl,o ltol ritl\ '"" I Ifill oft 1f ' I h: ltHtlh UHI lj' ,, ,, I t ,,,, I ••f•al t" , , 't \ , , , 1 J 1 ,, 1 ' \' ' f I , ••• ( I 'I flit ~~ , I \ I ••• I I I .... "11 fti I I<IC t.itffllft l ilt .f _.., til ... , , .. , It'"' trt'l'h• '''"''~' "\\,,~ f th;tt ~rt t zet fll.t i'·•IIU• tf, •, """ tf 1\ II h ne•x I :0.111111.11 ' I."' ,\ • •oJ, I '>~n1111·r ... . . ...... ,. .. , ' r r."o#~ -·., I t. ,,. lt.u t ",.·~'J '/ltl --- JllOfl s .... ,lflrt lle•"l"' .,.,, c·o~TA \11,1'1 \ ,.,.,_ "-"'"' &I IJI t u' t•l IJ' t.t t ' f "'' t t f ''" ,, ,,.. ,,, ,, ,,. , ·.,, , •.• r ,, " .• , .• ,. ,,, ,, . I• '''•\• I II ''•I• •• , It •• I• l•f•••tu r• •I• 111 'l1• " utwt "' fu1 1••11"" ' I. \\I •'· \\. ''. t. '''''" IIIlo: ... \I ,,J ·r . .," ... ,., .. d .• , .. , ut~~kl ,, tf I f, li•A' \\' ., h· v I ""'fl•' .,,. ll+t It "'' lftt IHtlf ff, ''''"'1 t• d I , •••• ''" \\U I "" ' f I If I tfl )t !fflftt tftfl\ 1 11'hf ' '" " ... l,j dd. 1\ ,,,,,, ,,, ft I ' H •' " I t (I 1ft .. ,, '" hr u ol I olt I I It I• '''"'I ,, ,,,. ltd ,,, t .. , 1ft I 111 ,, • ft I lot ······h lj, "" ~. 1 t I I t I ~ I II I ' I , l#p ''" I I. II• 't• ,,. I I •I •I I I I II I ,, I • lo I tfl t. ·' hf • I I I I I ,,. I I I I ,, ., 'I • Fr;rrwi-. .1. II or\' :1 f h Automobile • l'irt• f Hri1···· ;(·!x '!Xtlt st. Accident • Life l'lt•11w ll~trt,.,r txu:,.u 1Jcen. and ConlrftC't lt.· ... ltlt•n•·•·: I lfi ~.it h Sf. ~pply U rnlted . .. Bonda Wr1ttftl l 'h 1m r llar l"'' l!t22·1C jl ·-------------------------~~.~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ !\:('I I o=•••._,.... .. ,, .. = ...... ,_ ...... ,... .... HOlMEN FISH MARKET Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commertial Heatin1 Forc.d Air, Grovity ottd Floor f•rtKJCet Harbor 676-R • 1709-1 I Coast Hiwey Corona del Mer WILLIAMS & WILUAMS ACCOUNT ANTS ottd AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS 1~,_,... l 'uur Tu H.tu,.... ~y fHflf'f'--('()1114TA Mt,.A HANK RuJJdl•a f.,...... ......_: ..__. Mllhl ~ ... I""'-..__ &olet-N . SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY nn~ .. CHICKEN $150 NF.W YOKK OI IT 8TEAJt WIIOIZ RIWILF.O 1Al 88TD wt th dnwn hutl« BBOIIZIJ 8WOKUFI811 STEAK fl.aG fl'KIED OOIIJUNA110 N SEA FOOD ..fl.aG FRIED 81UW1P ••.ao IUJNB()W TROVT .• 1.15 llot ..... ,.., Pie wt&h &rudy ,...... ~ • ~ • D • Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fiah Market ...._: ................... , ................ t .. l (,_.. l fiP,.•7 {N.., "-1 ...... , ... t • , ' • 4: ' \ • ' -, . Pap8 •8WPOat' aALaOA XaWI·TIMal 'n7aDA1' • ..,., ...... c.lll. 1-. II, IMI ( II110M ftlalcJ.) Stoa Market a:~ ''Hnat.. At a Glanee Jl:~lho11 P uwo•r Sqw~olr••n n•·m I ix>NI will h<'~tr W111n•· lhtJw•r •It"·: CUB~ carbon mnnnxll!l' 11nl•onlm: 11 1 a dJnnf'r ml'l'tlng, Friday J11 nU11ry 16 at Balboa Yacht r luh FORD DEALER READIES WELCOME 'nle tlnrt public~ ln New- Jiaft a..d'l ~ ~ new 1948 mode-l P\wd tnacb wtU take-pi~ Jan. 11 at M "open houaf'... At that .._ ~ RobUw, local Ford dialer, wtll &how ~ au-mllnf'd .., tJur;ka -~ ftrst po.t-war ~ ~ thf' Ford Motor com-.-,. 'nlrl7 wW be-opeo from 7 :30 a.m. unW 8 p. m. F'ric11u' and SAt- _..,, Jan. lSUI and 17UI. 1lK'n' OIBD TO ITA&-U'a a brtab\ new JQI' that VIc Damon•. eenaaUonal 18- JIU-old CBS bart tone ac.ar. II 1oot1nc tonrard &o. Leu • &.baa two Jeata 1.10 tM wu earnlnl 125 a week aa an Giber a\ New York'a Para- moun& Theatre; t.oda7 bla llDI1Dc 90lee " brtoctDc blm a WHtlJ WUJ ot $2.&00. wiD be a drawtnc rcw valuab~ door ----------,n.. Sat~ ~ 17th. F.\·ery soldirr In thr Army can takt-advantftl:<' or thl' frN• l'dura- tlonlll sy~trm of the ll. S Arm<'d Jo~ort'C's lnstltut~. SPECIAL FOOD ITEMS In Tins To Add to Your Package FOR SHIPMENT TO EUROPE Darigold Powdered Milk Darigold Powdered Eggs Darigold Butter Cheddar Cheese Orange Marmalade Honey Roast Beef Coffe.e Soups Beef Cubes Sliced Bacon ISUID LIQUOR STORE J20 Marble An. '··· B.alboa Island \ .._ llarbor IIN.~l • 0 V T F 0 R I K F.-stuart 8chl!ftel, .,,, a Nnr York magazine publlsh~r. became &he n~w c¥lalrman or lhe Na\lonaJ Drat\ Elsenhow~r l.tl!arue. Inc. Hu aim u "to complete the organization ot atat.e groups In all 48 at.atea b• Feb. 1. Mesa Girl Scouts To Elect Officers. Add Brownie Troops Cosln :\1··~ .• 1:11 I '''"'" 1\•~n.• .. , tloln nH'I .ltorl :, "lth ~lr < ll.trn llllhnN! unci c1osru~l'"'' tho• r<'II'Tif· in1: n f llw '"lh!lllllh•n ·m•l th. f••rmm.; of llro>\' nl•' I roop!' Nt'•'d (o\r It 111kr~ IS ~ro ,ol With 1:111!! tin It \\:ilfltH; h<l tnt! fllo !<rnltlr .Hit! onl t'rnwcl!alo lro.,Jl>-In OJl('rAIIC'to '11u•ro• ;lr·r •'Otllll!h l;lrls nf thr l>rll\\nlr :l~r 1'1•"11' II\ r··· qulrl' foHir nr '"" lll••t"'. it IS C'f'llflrl rc1 A l"llllOC ~Ill\\ I I f tho' no·\\' lo•ilflo'N' nr 1• :\lr< I 'lau«rn. :'tlr« • ll·•nmr P!ll t~ :10c1 lltr~ I l11lv 1 1~. dl'n Ml'l' Alfro'cl i\n\o'S. fi.IHI •·>,·r~ l :'lr)'. nwo'l'i 1>n•· d.H ra··h m••nlh wr I II I h•• l1 ·.uh r<. Tlw 1<<•WH\t 1o•n will l"lll'o't Mo•nrl.ll F•·h '2 111 lh1• hnm•• of Mr~ Etllt h l.ud1 TI1i!<l will hr lhrir AnnuAl mN•Iin~ nnd I'll'<' I ion of offft'('rs WORYHINGT ·•· -~ Refrigeration I"UUN AMKONU • ..,. .., 110 loll Air Conditioning • ..,. tiD ..... Preuure Pumpe Centrifugal Pumpe rw All Prmuw .. AD U.lllde a. a-. Call Ill & a-.bcelea 8L. Awt ,. ...., ... ~----~--------~ .. . . .. a ~ . ..: 0 ~ " .' • • ' "0 Jllf.. MRS. IDA lOELLA WHITE Mrs Ida ldeiiA Whirr. RS. of 264A Nl'wpnrl Bh·d . flo<'() }'('Strr- day at her homr. She had rr!lldl'<l ln 0r&n$:r county fnr 20 years Sun ·h·inr;: arr 11 10on. \.ll'nn R Hurst of Costa MI'!!R. thrr<' nirrr!<. Mrs. RAymond Pr nhall of \\'rsl- minstl'r. Mrs. um Hnyc-s and Mrs . Olio Hurrman of C"o!<la Ml't~ll; a nl'phrw. Buford C"h11ndlrr. und a ~ist<'r-ln-law. Mrs Allct• <nancl il'r nf C01<ta M<'SII Srn·il'f':o> \\'Ill bf. hrld fn•m n Santn Ann morlu- ary. M innt•!'OIA·~ ruml rountrws ha\f' I tht• ~rrvicMO of only :l::! Jl('r t't'nt of thr !Illite's doc:-tol'l' DONS, DONAS KEEP POSTED OVER AIRWAYS ---· ................... .... ..,......._....,.,_ ,...... ..... , ....... c--... c~. s-ea -.. co~-­....., . ...._,,.....,....,_, .--••• • avoa .. ., ...... ~··· p.a. VACIN &M .. .....,.._ of Mr.. .,. i ~ ··r • .. . .. .. . ~~ ,.. . .. . ... .. , ... , .~ Mary 8alely RNd, collep ,.._ cUo laatnactor, Uala )'ear'• P'O- ~ have bfleD luntM over to the rol~ ndlo work- allop c-1-, "1th au ducleata ~ rtven aa OPIIOrtualty to pin bnNWicaaUq ellperteace. .lack I.,Clkertq MFVN U mu- ~r of oe~onlell for t~ pro- cram. n-tar c.mp.. a..Uer Ia -trtbuted b)' KVOI': to provide --........ of --rad)O wort&alllop wiU. a - GEORGE MA80S ( rt~tht 1 of Santa 1\na, Rf'" I)' f'IC'C't~ prHicleat of z•so d ub, la handed Powell Projl-ctt award by ort(lnator. Tom Pow· ell, lt•7 p~t of ttw. club. ~l...an "·on 111wurd for handline '!o-.sl club'• part IJI tiM-C1lri11lmaa ahopplnc hf-llroptt'r-landlna-atunL Chait .... -raJ local member.. of ~lac famiUv wltll .... tuaJ ra4lo broadc-Uq. L.roiON MY:ETlNO 8ET ' Boorey & Poirier lOO PER CENT t"INASCED • t".JI.A. TER~S Am!'r1c:-an l..('g1on Post No. 291 wtll hold lht>1r n'gular mt't'llng lo .. night at 8 Jl m. • Add RoomA It Bathe • Gararea ron verUd to llv1nc •tuarte,.. • t 'rft e..Umata ~ llkett•l•ea. • AMiat In plannln1 lmprovr~nt.l Ml'mhN·~ hnve again h<'cn n •- mtndt'<l lhlll JKII'I mt"'llngl' havo• h<'t.>n sch('(h.t ll'<l on t hr• !>N-ond and fourth W<'<lnt'SIIII)'~t n ( <' v ,. r y month REfJ10DEl: Increase !ncome Do you want to Mll II • Adv<'r· tit~<' in tht'M' column~ 807 Coat~t lfJjl'hWa) CORON A UEL ~IAit, Harbor U:!'! or '!2!J 1-.J BUILDERS ~J. START YOUR SPRING SEWING NOW! Colorful new fabrics in the largest selection in Orange County. Fabrics for Dresses, Skirts, Suits, Blouses! COTTONS, 39c Yd. Up RAYONS, 69c Yd. Up WOOLENS, 1.95 Yd. Up TAFFETAS, 1.19 Yd. Up SATINS, 1.39 Yd. Up MOIRES, 1.95 Yd. Up FAILLE, 1.69 Yd. Up SpurJteon Bide . ~~ST.\ .o\SA l'huuo· 76~!1 BUTTERICK PATTERNS · flut Inn.... ZIPfX'I'l' :'llttllons 114 W. Fourth St. Santa Ana Phone 6688