HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-20 - Newport Balboa News Times~u ern. Reed with absorbing interest the aims of vruious city groups to mak(' this a IJetwr plac:e in which to live and thank goodness. if it takes a mu- nicipal election to awak<'n us to civic needs, lh<'n for pete's sake let's have campaigns oftener. One gt·oup HSks for a permanent water supply, impt·oved sanitation nnd tu:u·- bor <.-ontr-ol. ch.~;mt'r bt•adlL':':, etc.. etc. All th("Se things make some of the old timers grin a bit. be<.·ausc thaI seems to have been the p~ gram for lo. the-se many ~rs. Yet. the council cans· an election on water and less thm 300 tum out to vote! Why wait to lock th(' bam aft('r the horse is stolen? As for more adl"(!Uate S('wer fa- cilities I beli<'vc the public prints wouJd adviS(' all a11d sundry that the county has been plannin~ sut•h a p1~ gram for mort' than a year. + + "N.-,·er ~Wad lt." Listcncrl to a racliCI bt'OMkast I h <' other night by Candid Cam- em. in which a conreaJcd "mik('" t'('('()rds w h n t 1 he oth<'r· f<'llow s.-lid. TI1is time the man ask('(l a numlx'r of peopl<' if th('y had h e a r d President Truman's s()C(.'Ch and Senator Taft's answer on the budget and feeding D.arope. None or 'em even listened to the speeches, let alone reading them-never cared about politics. but tht>y "'('('(' quit(' int('rt'Siro in Dick Tr-ac·y and lh<' littl(' ¢rl that got I<X·ked in "Should<'r's" diamond-studded suit caS('! It d()('sn 't malt('r wheth<'r it's th<' way \\'ashington s(X'nds out· mon<'y or lot:al polit ics, propl<' rlon't want to ix' both- ei'l'd a bout wa l<'r. S('\\·er'S. lx'nC'hf's, zoning, t mHk, <'IC' .. just so long as I hcit· lit tic orbit i~ lt"'t alon<'. + + + Thf' Awakf'nin~. Now that variou~ gi'Oups ai'<' nrou~ m·<'r cl<'<.'l in!-{ tim.'<' on t lw Council nC':-.1 April and thf" hope" that tlw m:rjorily will install a m~na~-:('rinl form of gm·C't11m<'nt. hcl'''s hoping that ahl" anct intelligC'nt citi- Zf'ns a r <' pr'I.'S('flll'() I o tlw C'IN:tm·:rtP. who rlt) not ask Sfll'<'inl favors hut onl~· a fair and si nct't'' admjni-;t m t ion. B\· thnt I mean th:tt nil in- trt'('sts should ll<' t'('(~izPd. not onlv htt.;ir.c'SS nwn. but v:lC'hl sni<'n. fishNmen. homr ownC't~. inrlust riC'S. amtt"<'- nwnts. n~Trat ion. f"ll'. To rN'O\.!niz<' thC' tiJ:!hls of all vour I hrN:' c·oundlm('ll .;houlrl ix-we>ll hnlan~ .. mC'ntallv. fair nnrl lwonrl-minctNt ;u;rl ahiP tn <"hOOSC' wh:rt is IX'sl forth<' f"lllil'(' comnmnitv in- stcarl of just on<' !'N't inri. Of f'OUI~ th;:~t's n ctnm l::rrg<' or- clf"r. hut t hi" dt v hr~s rlm:f"ns of such nualifiNJ persons. + + • Bur\· Hatl'f'Cls. In n small 1 own \\'h<'n a p<'t'l'On is 1'('-fusro something hy n city council. h<' at on('(' digs up thP old hntch<'t and muttf"rs th:~t h<''ll show 'e>m. That·~ no niCY' wa\· to win nn C'l<'<'- tion anrl \\·h<'n you )1f'nnit fX'OPif' " i 1 h p<'J"<;Of:'lll gmuc:hs to .,m ~·our m('('tmq.; ~·mt t'<' doing !'flm<'thinc that lnu1.s t h <' wholr •·ity. 11n"artNI ambitions :-tl'(' tough hnhi.-:- to 0\'C't'f'flmc:'. hut nlrl :-\1'\\'· por1 l lnrhor i.s ).:"mwinJ;: up cnouqh 1 o 1 lf'l"llilflf" q()()() :mel tnt<' mf"n to rn1idl' it:-> OI'S· tini".; in prnJ1f'l' l'(')ntinn to th<' !'N't of thf' world 'R4'- c:mSI". thus far. nnthim: nrw has ))('('n p1'M<'11tN'l on thf" politi<'nl pb lforn.' th:-~_t has not nnrl i.s not ll<'tnt: InN! by thOSl' in :ntthntit ~·. You'll find that out whC'n you take your seats at th e council table. Todan 11 A.)(.,. PAT. BALBOA A\ESc~ Dow ~... A veftlt'N -·-· r... ·--'-6.-... News-Times ~ Wins CNPA 0JM•ntng gun in a fight tho• ( lntn~o:o• Cuunty Lt•al:lJt' of Cit j,., ha,. untlt•rWkt•n ugrunst. thl• bout o1 tlf "UfM'I'\'1:.01~ Wll.'< Ji.J~·hal~o•d lo• day wlwn thf• nanw of \\'llltam t' Jt•t •lint·. foliTlll'l' ('tty auditor· t>l Santu A11n and known :os <lilt:' ot tho· ho•,.l tnf'unut'<l lontl t'll ILo'll" 1111 llltiiiiC'IJlal H(ltl CoUnly 1'1'\'t'll'.lt''• Wit' ~ullrnrtt~u thl' lo·aj.,'1.h's t•l>•'· t'lliiVI' bonrd for· lt flllrll\'111 ;,,. 1•·111· JICII'Iil') t:t.'( l"t''l'ftfl'h con~ui!IHil •nu .. w;o,. mad,• known toda) h) C11 y Adnunr!'t raUv~ Officer J ohn Sarlo!'l' "ho, Wll h \'t•r-noll L:1111:• 11 bt'\'k. Is prrpanng a specla.l com- ITUllt~ n:'pon Cot· t.ht> u 'UJ;Ul' ul ("itt~'Cl«'Ctltn'(' bOard u~ a pro·lrm-1 lOIII')' Sl<'p to 1'\'<}Uin• lho• bt~ttd t>l -"UJX'rvisors to allocate an eqult- ahlt• dtsttibuuon of ... tatl· 1:1" t~ funds ltack to the <:1111 '!> "For a long lirnl' tht• Clllo-s vf thl' cvunty ha\'e not brt'n n.-c·c·ll'· rng tho•u· just ;;har<' of tlu~ '"'"' gas tax fund... Sailnr~ -;atd tu· day," "although at ont' tim•· til!' ruunty rllfl tlt"lrrbult• th..-,.,• m onlt'' to us. I lhtnk thP onl) n·;o~m wc'n• nut s;:dting any of it now 1:. that W<' itr'l'n'r gorng uftt•r 11 " Tho' ('illl'lo• dU<' mare ill, ho• nddt'l1, lhl'l'<'-righths tof u rPnt. •tltat would nwan a t.,wJ .. r uii<Htl $-IOU.OOO a ) Prtr 111 :tdthllonlol "'''· enul' for Newport Ek-ach. ht• said. I Rrllnrt Summart.ted I Sni l~tl"" pninlro out. 1 hut Oron,.;o• county population. according t•J Tablt• 7 t>f the sewage surv<'y rt'- pot1, is cumprisro of 200.000 p.'O- ple, of which 50 per cent plus liVl' In dtiK. Otles recrive ft,.._ ('rght hs Cf'nts JX'r gal. gasulinl' tux pf'l'dkatl'd on populatjon 0( tht• I'III!"S. anrl thl' cnuntlt-,. lt>Ct•ll'•' nn•' :ond lhf'N~('i~hths t•••nt~ 1•·r gallnn g:o!-nlinf? 111\. :tllfl(':tl• d rottghly on the populariun of tht• t•o ountol'<; Tht•ro• i" no t'Qtllly. ht• said, in ••\dlloltnt.: from lhL' unr anrt lhrl"'· ,. 11: h 1 h,. ,·,·nl• altrot·:ll•·tl til''"' fMW!tlt'<l oii'O'!I'-'1111Jih ht'l':tiiM' lht• l""f)pJ.· t•f th•• ... •• ar•:,,, ht~\•' :•"' 'llrnNI lhf' l't''-fl'"'"'hilo ly of ln~·;tl ..:• ., • •rn m• •n 1 "\\' .. h··lr······ lh:ot '"" , .. ,; .. J.::O•ti J:nt• tux sho\lltl lw• all"""'' t1 on 11 l•'l•tll:otttm fi,,,.j~ 1. (• l lw lnln.l rtl\ populttlrnn l~t•in~o: snmo·what mor'e rh:oll ;-,o t• r •···11t t•f lh•· ''"tJrol• filtfllll.ollnn. tlw :olll)(·attnfl of thrN:. t'IJ.:hlh• r••nl• Ito lh(' ('Ill•''-\\Ollltl I IP:I\'t' lho• ('ounly wilh ~orw ('••Ill 111 '1'1"\U'P th.• l'lllid jt}l 'tl dnd tJH t'ltl•'' \\'tHIId h:1\'t' n llki' itmnunt, '"J1ll, I• \\'1' ft •o•l. :0 f:oio-111"1 hurl nr It Jlocnt inn fnl' I hi' tli!-olf'lhllt If 111 nf tlw >:11" t 11 x funrl ··~, ... \\t' :.11 knn\\ n, .. "''"'ldt•fl1 ('ur .. na ''"' !'far ro•allor .Juhn ~1UIIdr ha.. hAAI hl10 lr uulllo" tho• PA"I I••\\ \\t ... &c ... II "'''"'' lhll l lh·· llll•• lllld nul-lltlllf'nl o"l fuJ( tmll r.r•·· dt•ll:ol•·•l "" I•'"• ths:n nln•• ""'~''·'"' trtu ""' nntl auln-. tiJ'"" ..... ra .. llollmo•h krr•• n orn•·r f\1 C '""'I lli1: h11 II) 11nol ~'"'' \rlhur Hlv•l. T h" I lu :-iottll••lr, ltt11•r uf tlw lantl· , •. ,t,w• .... n ut lful nntl 11\\ nt·r ur ""'' "' 1111' "'""' .. ttrau·lh'f' l''"l~~"'llo·~ In So·\\ Jkor t ll•·llt·h. \1 II' pttrt• J(Kfl. l"r :h·········· of ()l:tnJ:;•· .... ""'' ,.,,~ MOLESTER OF • oil llw Lt\t''-lh:JI lh•· nu·;,l f,...,,. \\'lt~•H ;\!r·• l.11n ;\1,.11.',, ,, 1 •~1 pi•· o'\( lh,. aro•;o l~,y Wtth lht• t·\· (',tl ortllll H••ul. ,.,,..,,. \I• I ('••tottnn or th·· t'nllnly lllor:U) Lt'( .. 2 GIRLS JAILED '•'1'\'f'tl " '.or o·nnl ;unon~". I "' S :tilnr-. l'rnpln•IIM llifl l thl~ :tl-till\\ .II• h••d f,r "l•·t '""It •01 lo¥•:oltnn \\Ill \\ork nt• han1Shlp on ('llnlf'l otnl< ••f d otl•l mnlt·'-ltnL: in It ttl.l\ '-h• tf•·ntl•tl II \1 t' 1 ''" lht' mun1~ mrtt1 p~ram 11• f••r loH'Itl lh•Jttr•' '''II'"'" Sllottl l\ rn ""''II llo•• l••lw•• a numh• I' n ( ~,.;n--. th•· t'nllnl\ lht til• •I 111 :t nllill 1\IH• I'III INi llflt('·o·o-.. l"•tnrf lttllo ho:tr"l ••f '111 •'1\t•o•t-. hilt' ""' hun.., If \I \\'t""" ll ttl••• 1\hot•J\I.u· :o~:•· :t 11luno· (nun• I II n .... , ....... :u). '" ln1fKr-~ II \\ ..... J••' k• tl up t .. lln\\ lrl\' :• ('tlm I''"'' rr~l'-t• 1•'11 ,,. l'utlnl~ rt~ttl '":\ f:,. n "tlh 1111• pLoo111 '''-'ll' ol lo1 \lr• II ,\ \\'tll••n. 1\o•torll•lh Hl:tt-••I t'\ll'!t Olllptlt In th•• toll••' lh• 1.'1 II tt tlll11' ,q,; I ll tlho:t :,111'1' Tit•· tt.tto•fll•. lloo•\ lo•tttllt•l t'!>tllll\ \\Ill '-I Ill h:t\'1• nl"l' n11111t'\ 111>: th:ol h• r k '' "' old .:r:~nrf· ):ItO•· ft,hiiiJ.: 11\'tultol•l•• for r11uno, ""trl< th:tn 1~ (l.o•r.:ht•·r h.o•l o·ronw h11rn•· from I \\ htl•· l••lt• ,. pnnr yo·l1r'. whtl•• many of llw otlt' th•·a lr•• and told .. r hl">inlt tl•·p:ortm••nl :md h:ul th••rot ·• ''' •·itl!'~ h:n··· l">f~ll 11nfl \\Ill ronlinoH• rn••l.-l•tl l••rtl utJI '" 11,.. ••not of 1110' 1 It) 'lll'l'l••n~o•nl llwir .:a•nlm•· Ill\ 11,,._..111,11.,1l 1!1\• n It~ lht• ~:rrl for 1h•· Rhol'-lh•' "''''11\'t·r••l t m~tno•y wolh r.·v~mu• rr·0m prtofl''l'l~ 1 :ttTfl 11,.1 '"'''~' wh•• lwtl 111•1,0 m ~''' ,J llto~.;•·n. · ~~~~. 1-:. t it • ()lli'<t''· ho • $~Uri F\Jr1ho•rmnro•. 11 .,111,..tl 11, r lo tht• 'h'•" lo•rf pnlif't' Fnml. B:tlh•wt. h:otl :t•loo·t1•·•11.' \• ' r:1ncr• '''"'"'Y hn1' n •pll'nflid nr·t-, , 111'"'''11 rlw ,Jttlw ,.,,, •• """ work or rnt<•r·l'nnnr'(·tllll.: ~1:11-t> 1" '"'-\1 1"11"· known 1" clr• ~--.tl'o nrd 1'111ltl rn 11, l••fl t¥1W:tldu·d :til hi~hwny" whirh ron~tilufro no hur-,tnr.: 111 t•htllfro·n·!' rl•·.r·riJ•IInn 111,, \\' .. dn··~d:ll . (ft·n on lhl' ('nunty tl"('a.~ury 1\!a~un !';jlf'r. Ltd•• thl'ftlro• rn11n-'111r• Hl;u• w;.,.,. l•"''"~''"l o11 Tilt• r ronripll' nr ('0\.llll~ IIIIO('fl· lll.:l'r. h>trl filo•ol a ~tn11 111r {'nmplltlnl prlfnll•. lf'l,{tll and ulht•J'WI•o• tinn •~ no nl'w or radirnl depar-'111,,.,mt ... r l:.!, ~tlll tnl: that 11 mnn lht•or :wti•ml> hy l'oltr•' l':tt•' ••n fUr<'. !';arlnf"" fllllly "'111 1'(1 . \\'a llf'r ~~~-ttu•n n ·l••:l"'''' I hnd molt·<tf'fl 11 l~·v•·ar-rolrl Ctrl In __ _ Thl' rnuntir" of T.l>'-Ang••l•·' • filt,\Sf;t: TO H Y.,\K I.Y.MKt. S:on Diel!n. San Rtomamlnn. Ala· h1" 11H•~tlr•'. m•1'1a . l mpr rial. San Matm Sl~ki.l A rl• t:lllf'li rnnfr·~•tttn wro• •ten• •I ynu C'olu<ll anti Or:tn~o:•• hnv•• to ''I t.~ \\'rttv•n (~ollo\\tf11: Jkt<lltl" tol••n· I crr:tt rr t)r lr<;,,f'r 0"ITI"' nllncillt'fl llfu·atron ··~ tho· '"''' Cl<lt•r• •omf' (I( lhl'lr ~fL< Ill,'< funflo In flnl' or mror·,. (t( t hl'lr ell il"> AI ono• I imo· ~or anolhl'r METRO WATER I • II,' ., "United by Ideals" ·~:·,; ,, .- tJL..,.• ---~Pii!J~· ~ A GIRL SCOUT IS A PERSON WHO CAN ON HERSELF AND ON WHOM ltult"lt\111' ltotll' ' 'thlh~, 17~ :11 tin :'>!< :'~' :·~1 Ill' :~· t:•l:· til' 1(1 -·---.... Third Award LIONS' CHIEF ASKS 'U.N . COOPERATION' lit• ft u•l \\ Hd• t • 1111\ • t1h110 uf ''""' ,,, .. ,,. '"'' IIIII tlttd N· \itd ¥1 ,,, Ill •' I I I "'' ,,._., t • "'''' lllld '" 'I ill ·I I \ " I ... •I I"" "" f "''"'' f litfl\o. l 'tt t.ld l l ll '''" ""i!fttlh ··k ', ' .... I !liM ....... luu •·rt't lltt "''' "' ... , ... , , .... , ........ ,..... \ .. .. n• • '' '" t .. -ur ,., .. ,, •. ., ••• "\ul•·t II ........ 1\ I ··l tru .. n l i lt •• II ... tft Kttllftt 8uildin9 Permits Promiain9 to C of C If l~ttlltllnl I"'"""" ,.,,. .,. lntllo """" ttl aAh'.,.f'f'fn""l, ,'1/f'\\ ,, .. ,, ""••·h ...... lhf' ..... ,. '" ,,._.Un1 all u,.,..,. ruunly. "'''""''' llul"'' f 'luwnh"r uf ( 'ttmmt·r•·,.. pnlnlrd tttll f t>- (l•v tluol llt4'7 IM•rmlto, whlfoh lul"ll'"' U .II'UUIU, r,...r-1· •·•I Ill II •Jtttll•·altolfto fnr u ..... , ..... "' • .,.0. """"· Th•• '"'"' lntltulf'd ..,..rmlla '"' ""'''""""" anti ,..,,,,...,,. u "•·II "" fttr "''" hulh11111"· ,..., • hltlltiH·r ......... . ....... , ..• , ,.,, ... , .. ~, '"'""" '"1'1"~1 .. 11 o·lllr• In Or•nl" • """" In• lttolln1 "'•nla AnL Tho• lfl(ttrt•" f.,r f' a 1 h t•ll)' ,.,.,. •. '"nla Ana, el,SIIt,ttO; '""I'"'' n •. ,.. h. el.ll2fi,SU. I "''" \f, .,. t'fllt .... lh,. ...... >"''"' "tt h hull•llnl pN"mlle t .. t .. tllnl ''l.l111.'7llt II . tlllttiH II "' .... f, I It 1\ 1··1 ·•· •• • ......... '" ··" .. '"' , •• t~ ...... Mother Pulls 2 ,,, ....... ,., lt'l·d "' lh• ),." •• It rt tt•flff r n l ''''ft I'H/ li 1 p.tt 1 '•• '' •' 'tift• ,,, uut ,,..,,..,.,.,, 'h• ""' ,., ... tf,, ,.. If• ,, d•tlt ,, \lfftffl ltffl f1 I ,, ~ /IJi f I T~~ .. ~~~.~ .. ~~~~ "" lfl j•u t \• •ff '-lfll.!t,t '"'' • ill qqttltd tft• Itt, IY.11 IUtV • hllflrt-n S dl f11rllt,dtr l lt~•tlh•t Y.tlft lltt ho l•tlt ht''l••ll ftrt"\fltlt"fl Wftll t I •r11l llt•tt l•i'''''tt''''" •ut•l ,,, \'•I• •••\•d It\ ltuu ,,u.ttu r \o\lu ~ ""'''"" ,,, Htt h. l'hlll "' ,,,.,.,' 1111•'''' hll\t• "'I'll II lt•tt)ltft lrltV.•·•I:1 1 ""''' ''' t ''hu' "•·h• 'k ftntl h\\hH .,, u t.IH/•' ffu tl lt•\r llt•fS ,. C"•rlllta • • • IJol ,f I lw I "'' lo1 1111111 ,\I '''' \1• • dwo•llllol' Jo"tltlnv 1"111•1• ""' ,.,,,J ,, '"'''' lftfj\.'t•fl .,.,,,,WI If l 't.yllt~ 1\ttrl, ~·N. ltnd RELY I''"' '" "hllllt\ Hu" t:d," ''''''"" Ht• lwr~l fl . '• "'''""•-., ('teUflrt·t-t fll rt .. "'''''''' 1t1 tlt•·ll l•~ttl l l••tt'"' \It 11ud M" ftltltunl II llarr...._ 1'"'111 "' ~,,,, .. , \•111•1•.., ,,,.,, 11"• \"i•lr.rlu St ------- OTHERS CAN RELY I .. ·It'' ... I 1\ .1." , .. ril l Nearl)' Clt'an Slat•· Of AccidentR Over. '· ··" .... ;·::::,,Last Wt•ekend As Fu~ Pall Lifts ¥ -· New Sanitation Plan Would Save Farmers Prohibitive Tax f•utn rht UNITED PRESS STUDEBAKER Page 2 ~~~~~·,oa~ .. ~!~!~~.~~~w s-TaM~:s General Increase In Price of Milk ·To Advance Sorin~ Date for I'GOLD'TOWNTOGETIVerierable Doctor I US to Speed-· t ... ,, ... Seen In Rising Inflation Spirat i'roposals 1 completion of 1st ~:~c:~A~~1'f~ Gashed In Fall LATE NEWS R . h F d t I .. ,,,.,,\\11 "" ,, :• I,., • : l.t••f .... Ill• Olltln reu ons At Westminster Dons' Classroom I 11r romrlld R ichlrr. 29th & FLASHES eJC 00 0 \ ~o.IIU I.>• '""' ••• Ill "" 1 ...... ,,,. I'"''"'"'·· lt11"N"IISo' l)tht•r ..... ('(ILIJ:'\IA :'ollrh •tl'~>l ·nw Ct•l'ln l Slfl•t'IS, N{'Wport. ~ufft•rt'\l C b U t .. , ""' '" ,, ... , t ,1,1 "' ... ., ""· ''' f·• '""'tdo·ro-d. he ,,,.,, '' q ,. I• •flttl! 1111 lh•· furmrm: \\a111 t ll•·•~•lliJllo trunnt ""' l .. tl!t' lu.nh'lll\\ff ••f .(':oltl~trnt.as C!'mvus a Sl'''"rr gash Rbovc his eye when ur nres Ulll• ,, \\ ,. ltl .. loo ,,.J loai.ol lo\ ••• I,, •• 11111 lll•llrtano·•·. h(•rd ,. ' f ,, "' ., C'uunl\ ~'lllfl lllt<IO lit<· :.'IJ-ruoun t•ht~~rtMim unit o'\f~···tt·d \.o;lrl Hu .. h t•n flue o·nnu~.:h '"sup-hi· hll IIIIU 1\ dtlc h nl'ar lht• l·urh \\ H \\ '""'"'"' , ',, 1 .. 1 •h • pi" • ""' • n>nt:omo•r~. llaM•I•I" • ,, • '" :1 "·ho·•h•l• •I :ol 1•1 11m , 11 11 111 tht• 'PI 1n~; "01, •l•·r. ~,.,. port ll fl'"" 'l>i•IM 1 llul 1 ··~lnma N\n"truC'IIon Ill tf1c G r<'Yh<'Und d1·-\\,\~l lf',r.·r,,•, l oll .!'• •I I' ,,,,, I""'''' •I \), • ' •• ,. .ol I' I • II •tl<l ht·•·th o• f•·~-s \\ <1'"'''"\ Ill 1111• f\or.rcl ,,r SHJ••r ·.•·n hllndto'<l Santa i\011 I'"II••Ko' l'olJ I "'" h.olo· •lifo' 1\P'CI :satur· pot Ill: ('on~t lli~:hwuy . • ______________ __.;I"','' I IP .. r S till•· ,, •I •h·•" ""I \\···II· oil '"'" .... • •• \\Ill I I 1 tn S· nt . /\n;t • n '\I' f tl 11 I I II "'" .\ 'IH'l'llll ..cllfh•n .. r rho· ( ·o-, I) !\t ' ' II -d ... D• I 65 t ·1· t. ~ \I f11\ '•"'IIi \ 0 \. I• •p t \\ ,,.,tltuarn I r I NI f 0 •• ~-· r. •• • ... t: I, ' t•:.Ja,.:t•r > Jt\\ ,., " fl\0-lt lf~IU ;\llt'h I ( 'utu lt•r \\11\ h•' f\U\\'·n r • on nco \\ ns {[) ~ 'unu h Htk ISC ose I 1111111\ '" "" 1,1 • I ' !(,,, ... •I• I'" I I,, .. 'I " I' II I I • 1\ •• tt." .In• ('01\C'I'rl II IIIII lw ror"l""''" lllllt•h IIIII ,. .. n l l'lho•ll flit·~ '"" IH• thl flr~t "'"'1. '" ho ,,. 1111' '"'"' \'tllagr tlw \olfl r:o hll' physt.f'Htll .lh(' ., Gl Students t• 111 '" 'l••tl lo•Kl ,,, t;,.,,. olfl ,.',:: .. ~' ',11 1 •;;,,,: 1 .: .:,'.',~' ,·, 111~1111._ •1 "• od1·•P1 1•"') n f t ho• ful · • 1 :,·,:.~:··:,~~~~~~tit:~~lo'il~l ~~~~.t~;,~i~ ~~·;:,1:~~:;~,;"n·~·,:•·~:,'o:;:11~';~~ ::;:11.'.~:: odt•hr"ll' itH , "111 ~ )t(tth tlllnl-~~i•'•l~:;:::1~1 oldt 10 has o fftl'o' fur ,,, • ~u h ""'" ,,,,n,• 'lt\l•·~~~rd •ti'lil\ ,,, 1111 k Jt'('ht.IM' rn~-tny p :H I 1 •1 "rl I '''""'''' IIIII "' ,,,,,,,.,,. t "" pro•hlo•m w\thntll h•·l n p "lllljiU~ ' •n ( I I H h I Stolt· lto·P •IIII,.II I 'i••k•·l"'" "'' ,. "''" l:o'" lll·<·n lrn.o••~ ,.. .. '-cl'l ' ,,.. I·' \\'o•ll< "·'S dd!'r· 1,,(':.1 l•olw.· f!Unt <'II) Sln••·t n agana I I '' 11 olo•l" ,1, d I• lltl• It\ Ill It I• \ H I f>ltotiUt'lt•m 1\l m1lk 1 1r '' .j 111 pay l)rn ltltuth'o• lf\Xo•,; I lnl) "'lll lo•l't•oi <lo•l .lfi' IO'fl!,llll r. II r •I , 1• . . ld oJ, l;,o•trtll'nl l't'SIIIIrl:\lbit• Will'n IIWy •otlll ll'lli .. h ~ .. ,. tl'll "'"'''" I I I II ,,, ,. I \\'f)tf • '" I r w ., 1111111'11 fiJI' I II tlt>fllfll lt1\IM "till Jl lit\'( I , .. II ' '" • • J Ill "' , •.• ,, ,, l o•t lll 1111)11\hs llr{' !I ' I • '1 f ··~ ..... lit• rii\ISh o•O Ill\ tho• ''""'r•••m ( II 1'111\'k.•rl With llw l~n~lf'IJ('f\tJn •. 11\1 I _., \I '' ! ,,,,,~ qr ~,.,,, ·•Pftt ill ,, l'''' tf ., rllt'•l jf'!fiH•I l 'tlltlf t I I t r I I,,,,,, tf i,trl f'f t)r~nn • .fafion , I I I t I I I h.t\t•tl,tJ\\n()ltp•'r fll ll'np~'n• ( dl ~ . I HI !"\ . . .•• , -' 1111(' lll l'''fl l ""'''"' f ,.,.... ,., \ \\ , .. "'• ,, I ,, If 1''1( ~ nr )('{•( I•' f IIIli I\ Ill' I •• "' I~H) utn .. I II' .Ill ... -I I n ·I (' l'fiMII'hll\ orrnt!ln rC'I!IIr n~: IJI'lltl· , t 1 .uthtll ,, , ... r • d l ,,.u, Tt 1 rl tnc •• r th•' ~t r~t•' ..-( ••• ( '"' 1 ··n-.. d .,,,, ,,,,,~,t \.:,·n,·\ ""·"• '(J<:t~ , .... nt•d"u' ,.,,., 11J•·l 'tu'••1 "'''''• llh ''"' i I 1 ""' tr, til• tu\'urahlf" '"''' ,,•;tr••f' Krtt t.\\n t'ourtyur s l ,·I t 1 S lU •'rtutrriC"A -PS. th,tl ti;) 'tfll llo'olfl Jo•\\, 1ollo•ndllll: "'''''\'•Il l ofllto••'l ll l•·ll'tlto.olt"' 1 11"1 II• "1"1 t o'tni M)III •. l •r l!>lll lto·r< do hlll'l' d..Ctnill' r<'· J.oghltnt.: ftxturo•~. ('o•iltnl; floors, l>lllllool {l'•'ll <tltun lol':\ ·•1 T· ---------------- 1 I '•' •II•• ol o•t•d l01'h•t ''"'' '11 !•·II' 1"r ~ tl h WI ' d dd I>I'IH••I ' ho l'ol••lfllo' lllll"r Ill• ,11 r .. •rm.on• ho·fllt < 11,,111 , 1•1 _ 1""~1 •1 til''' tn I •• maltt•r . ul-1 \\ln 11\\s an fl(JrS ~trt' 110 \\ rn-,d.t) l l11tr. d ~'"'''' r; I iloll ••I H •t.!hl' '""·" 1,.,,. 1., \tar•h,ll 111•11 , o1 I•·• •l uo 1 I• 'ol I ltd ltt.:l • 1 "'1' '1 '1'1' 1 " I••IMI •••I ""'· rl'~:tarl\\l'lll\ of "lnllo•t1, unrl t'IH'h r011111 h11s lu•t•n Ill' hloS rurnl'd uul a SJ>f'l'llll \'Ul"SCI !\1:\N, HTART F.ARLV! tlu\ I ··n it••· ,, Ill flit• ll!l.:.~llllh olo•·l fh· Ito•\ Ill IIIII I' \\ '" )<I'll I ""' (' r· ,. . ( 1 ld I' h I u d w 'I • I'·'"''' .. r '"""'' .'hal farmrro; patnh ·rl a dt(fo•r('nf !<hi\dl· II•Ur·PIIt.:•• ··1111 IIlii whio-h Will h•· ,\ Ufe lntMlrane«< PfOITUil wUI fo ·ll'<' II fill\ Tho \ "" 1'11111• Ill II , •• II "" ,, I tk·· .. 1•1111!11•·•1 lit•· 'It It I a I urn Ia .. u \US s n er ay " "'" L'••t '1" IH•nrftt~ rrnm I hi' I lllackhnartls. sonw ollll~tO•· paint· fl u\\ n 0111 from MIC'hl~ltn 1\I'XI twlv you .. 1n your way. w~ C'&D l'~tlo ... t tn< al•o·r tho ...... r lollll '" I l it I I I I R h. 1'. w· h M Gl '"'I ' ;ollltoth:h thl•) \1'1111111 (lilY 111•·. a n-' rl .. a n lll''llll rr•mltiM ,,,,~~-• . . . . '<ho"' you how to •tart. t"""''n" "'',,,,.,,,,Ill a ''' II•· f T It ~ " ' ... " T I I II llt I d \llh , •• u .. t ln ,,.,,,., .... 1'111\o·r<lll llllll•h do~l .. l •'ft-<1 'l'r••lto('lll ;\1 u IS lffi(l ore amor ....... ,,.,.,,,.. "' tilt' ('O~f p f in-IIOI~ho·rl. ~-'"""r ll('d~ ;wd 111!11('1' Ill'"'·') I \\1 Jrtnm• ' "'AUEN I . WI:ISEJl c;,·r..h .. n l ltr" h , J o•" l'h At:••n•'} t oll.ot ,,., '"•rks a ro· now IH•ont.: rtdtl•"t1 fflr nr-jii<'1Urt'' "'"' fro•nl 1111' ro;asl. anrl WT..,. 1&., 111__. ..... PII..ILL IM'I "1••1.• •Ill·'" dt•fllt'fl l l.oL:.t1111h 1!.111 1 I • t • II • • d ',..,, •· I,''""'~ "hu " n nr• of the ro•Hl n ,. n••\\ "1111t tnt inn pl<~n i~ n 1 rlitmt•nt, and park tnt.: loL:hll: ~~11'1' l ''"r"'" clo•;tltn~.; II flh lh•• ~old rush. .......,.._ Ufe .__ 0.. po1 ''"""'' "" lh•• /\fwlll'"'' 33,997 Full-Time '""'' ", ''' ·• ''"'' 'lo•~ '""'' t•tnltftr "''miJOIIl'n • .,..,~ ''"'"""r lh,.ori~mnl •wtupwhil'l'l '"'''II 1n11 m stu•l••llt .. ,,. ''"'"' llo· '""' lll\ttl St d t 1 C t '"" ''"" •I·•·"' "'' ''• """" "'''" 1•••"1"" ur h11 succ.-u tn 11 ~ 11 <t r ~27000000 o k d k 1 1 I' c· . u ens n oun y: 1•11 1'•••• .• ,,,,,,",,, •• I '''.. I I k ,, ,,,,, c·a <: ora .. . ~ n ··n ,,~~ant ~t.:htan.: Hr.~ .. II oUrltlll • h<Otrllhlll ul tho· .lo•\\ I d I G . •II .. urotlt,; ' I ,. 8 yscrap r•. '" "" '''"'' "' thr tiiiiSo•l _and a nnw III'IMI: inslnllo'rl '" '"'' Ill ol io~ I SERVICE • PARTS ish As;:t-111') ~.lo.t'\ltll\•' 111011 l··n 6,110 A u ts o•nq "''"' '''""'ltl" Ill. lfoltlfol .,,,, "" 111•1 lfltflnt~.:hl Jlforlit>S .r . otonr.: '-'' rllll• tn lht• m•tchhnr · :oolrntnl~t r:olllln hlulollfll! \\lffdt f!(l :tl.'lltnct lh•·ll •lllt•trt11 11 1 11111 tho•\ :-,,\l'fl ,\\ll ,.11, .1 111 .:• oi l'• 'Ill• •I ""I '•'' t I"''"'' otl •'I I• '•II '''" Ynr k with til~ 1 .... 1 ,,f 'MI l'o •nt<i 1•·r SIOO 1':-tlu-:oi<P i><·m~; pninlo~l :ulut..• ,Jutrl•• •·n ll,tttf un th•tl '"'" ,,,,n,,l 1 t *''I ••· .. ~rl t 1 • 1p 11~1 flu ""'''•'• 1,,,.,, ft~~w•nt. .. Manhat l •fl • , "tt\\' 1t t( prp,,-,~··ci to lav .,.,, .. lhn•.-n •rn;unlnt.: hutldlnL!' ,.1. SALES • l fb~Jiltl•'l'fuur\th,ttl ~ lufl •'tlt(ttlru • puhllf ,.,,,.,,,_ ftll f h ti H•I•'" HI q ,'1111·1\ 'lttUt \\ht lt\\tt lttt Y.l\u•h ht•\\N)(t-'h u th ,,,, \\htt .. ti.\\tT<o; ;\Tti. nti.t~dt"fi rt ,tf1~ t•rt•("ll'(' ttr•• tht t•,tft•ft rta ~'•' <·•·n•• ·•' Huh• I' \t •• (\t,' " .,. dl llltt•· t • • P tff '"''II"'' ut ''' \\ I ~'«< f• I r t,l, It•' 't ' 'II ,,~1 ' 'I ttHl lllll'h' '''' '' n1 actc·ttn~ tu t h~" hnt•t.t tnft 1ht• m .. n·~ .,ntl "''"'' n ... In• k •·t "r" l.t f I I I II "'' f 171"1'0. 1•''"11" "'"'"· ,,, '"I I I •• ''·· ,,,., ,,,, "'' I I I 1'1· I r h k • "r II I .... UJ • h • • • "' "'' ... ,. , of tht I., •• fl, ,, ,,, .. ,, • If I I 1' I·,,, •• fUll II ( ·clttltl)tSSion lt.: ,, f '"' I'll\ tnc ttr ' (o \\'Or :t .. r~nfl ~flli\\t•r hutldtrt l'' I , •• I lllf Jlo•pru tmt'nl "" lho •tlltlt·lll' Tho • 1 'I'"" ''' ''' "''' ol •·••• • I If., ",. '" •lt.,itltl lw• nhll· to 1111 "'"'""l"lwtl "ll•·h :o phon "'ulllrl 11nrl< <•n lh•·"· l'ltol 11.,, 1, 11, 11 11 New Studebaker Commander .Motors New Studebaker Champion Moton $225.00 $178.75 llOtnt 111111 "'h•r i\nto·rtn on 'I" 111111 ''1'11 ' •1•1'·•''''''111 111 '11"'' • •1•1••1 "''' 1 .. l•l ol•ol llo•• '""' h\ ·, 1, ·"II !.1 lh•· ~.;nlt1 rUJh 111,. ·' ''· 1.11td u•r' ulll~ l'tl!hl ro•nl~ ''"lltflltlr-<1 11nll u1,,1111r r111,..j1111L.~. Ul'RR\' WIUU: TUEV LAST rrttlll('ll n il• r ''"' l\1lllm: "" 1-l t•l·" 11" ""'' 1 '11' ..,, . .s '"' 1' "' 1' 11 .. 11 "ltl "II ' "· IJ It' 111 ...... •I"'' .II"""''' ''"" 1''"'""111 uf fo)rntin~: "i\" rtis-1 1111-: pl.tt••· C\l M"""'''' 1\ I'•····'"'' Ill -'-' ttf I , .... l··:\0: 1' •"1 ,, 1'111 1"'" l•lll••l· llull\1\t••l h Joe Nickertz dc--ntl• m rn tM• ''' lth.,:luw h ".,1 ',•:•~ '-\11''' ""h"'''•1 1"''''' • .tnr l•tth '"'''lffl•rl 1 .,., \''" "''',.,,,,ttl,,., )'•tf S llKU ,,., ~~·~~ \u l uuttun Oh 1r 4· thltN th•·lr l pterru·ula rh p lurnlunt.: 1.._ ""'' l.tk· If I l ift•," ,,.. l'llnl'•••ll'll. "I kn •. w I I '. 'lnfl , ••• I In I! II ~han• or I ('I . l trunlthM If• "'i'';. 'tthlt•ul urut 10 d11' ... ,Jta,.,j" ''11111 htud••~ ttf•H lfH r• t1 '' •' I ',a,,.,tflll I II I II ""''•I"' ·''"'"' ~uhl mrnln" h•t' • ,,, "' hlu lrlln~.; lh•• tn•:tlrno•nl DOG BITES BOY BUT clnt' llf .r. llll•'nnroh ,,,,.,, ktllt•ll ,,, . "''''1.! I Jlllllllf .... .:• ,, • I ' •• I I ·r·" liB' 1111 'II I. 1• "''' 1111 1111' .. I I ' I 1rl I I . ~ ' I • ""'''''"''"till r t1 ""I" vl~it-...... , 11 '' •nl '"'' I l•'n >111 t n~.; t "' r nwn , 3415 W. Central By Uc:/o Theatre Harbor 510 Uw-;\rlth<: 10 111111111~1t ~t1lllh Ill ,\1 l'lli In lll•hlooofl 11" tl• I' trl 1•11• 1 tl• Ill "' II• 1111• ""I IIIII I 1n ' '"'" ~WE'LL PRINT IT I I .,.. 1 I y,,," ·• ''"''1•1•· uf I tmt·!l wh!'n I ' Ill oil '' "t·r~ Ill llw pl<~nt "' a J••ru•Nir·r·, ''"'"' '""'"'t t .. ' ..,...: ''" ,.~" ·"" I' •It ,\II·' I•• '"'I'' It•• •I•• ', . .._, ~ ' I ''f "t' \J.·•nhatf:tu 'T n\\r r'!'' "'' d ,, .. _ phrt llrll•· ,rUth"'""' .uul -'..'t\ .!Hf l ,,f ,,, hn.. ""'·li•'' ~t~Jt", ( \ t'tt• ,, 1 1 d I I II I I I l 'r' I•• II''"· ,J .. rtkltts nnd Atl.·olr '''lll.olll '"til It pl11n wnuld snvc n· 1"' Ira IIU>nul rnunn• r nl SEVEN DAY EMBARG0'•01 11" <lUll '' Ill •J•I Io I l"'''t llld .._1,.111 'l11 l• hll.,do·o,f 11\t'l ' 1\ I k I I f I 1~, •. "',, ''''llo•n 111r Slll""C'rlna 1,.1,,1 "'' 1 •t11'lto·t'' ml\111'\' whl'n Nlm-l:<'o·rtnL: IHU a n•'>\''l'lllil'l' l ht~ •~ • •r•·tt c ••\'" '' • ••llt1 •·' '"'''' ;\IU · .l~ullt.il' .'111t ft ••ttl llu·,, .,., a ...,,... fllo v PUT ON CITRUS FRUIT otlllt11Mf.!•• '''"'"'' "'" H •f<7 r••O.:IJ !.", \do•'" .lttll \l.ot•h·oll """"' fiJI• •I -;·. o.rlt.;ltl:tl "f'fiP!!lllt• OJ)I'rl'ttl ...... , ..... , "llh lit•• ('(t~l ~ nf Hlll.'ratin~: rw l Ill'"' flu l Wt•'ll l•nnl II r .. r I 11 11111 I till" •I•' .. 1 .. 1 1 1 II 1 '"' lho· l tto·k ll1tymrs al-.hll'" '' "1"•"1" ~: ~: F'ri•hv. r hil'f of \l'hrol tl's "'(orltt ' 1 vl'1'"'11 '''1 ltt •llllll'l'••l 01lll 01fl',o)'lott\~lll oft " " t K"'""' ... 111 11 · ,.,, I • 1 1 k t 1 1 '1'1w1 tttl lr 'o•n\ ~ut nt the r*tn ,1( 111" ''""n'."'" rlt\'t'lnn •1f illlniration. La rry Rut~,r ..A .-,,,.1\,;1) tFin I J ttn :!II o\'P r 11 "'' "'"' 1111 '11'11 ''11 1•·1 ' n11 ll•tr••tfll "II Ill• •IIIII• tllol<' " a ' ~ 1111 \-\' C'o1H ra\ All sh\pnwntll ,, frc•!lh t'loru1a IIH 111Wh Jllllllll I ql~ t.:•• /\dull' ,11\tl It •• ~ •. tr~ It f.! II ""'' ,, \\ t•l'k 1111 vo•ry hl~th·CIII'I' ·; .... "111 1 I ho• n~rnll Par~ :;:('('! i~gd A \'1•. "'ilS htt '''" h) ICIX r.-rrto·r f Nlt to northo•rn mllrk••t• wo•rt 'll''i'l/11 t'l"-"'' rn !It·· '"""' \ "' r ,. I 'II II• full I 1•·1 II'" ... ~1 .. l.tiMIIllr ,, tttf ''"'· ~II) 1111• r·ri 'k s , and thl') ~ 11~1 I •rr~nl(f• n,~nl7' y n r pnht d I ' ... 1 I' ''141 -~1 u llrlnl:, ,._ Jlllll or t (' allpgf'dl)' uwno.-<t lly :'otrs T ~. CJI'do-rrd sroppt'd for on•• "t•••k 1,1• tll1•n ,., h> to 1111 •fllll••nrs ln·nr11,..111 \11,_ 11..,11,.,,1 t ho~ .,..,,. k '"> 1 •• 1 t'Hn k <'l'P '' up "u lon!: · · ct..,. u 8 m f'a na t1f r,.MI'CIInK t'\•n· ,----------------, "h•·n mm to··rtultoo ~tnt~o•r noc k ·" \"' c••l J)llld fo r it " l•llmptnt.: nul n f <'«''l!lJX>(I\!1 nnd th11t Pc•ft-rs 1109 \\' flay n\•,.nur Ro th WIJITK'nl a.raln•t fruit t1amn~:rd hy F t J liro)rn" 111'1'•·1•1•'<1 11n tnvltatuon ,\t11ur ..,.,..,rr• thl' lyrics to onr1 Jo••lltrt ton nr Wl'll!l is in<T<'a."ing lhr Peters· l{'rrtl'rl>, n nllllt• and lut Wf'C'k'a frt't'71' Tlw f'loridll ragran ap ,,, •1110.: llu· I• trllnt.: Toolo• In thl· '"'""''" tuno• Y.hlle \lashlna acn;<.• :-\• 1"'" l .. llllner ll( ~,.., llnhra. a ro•malr . h tl't• IH <•n lfllotrilnl•·o·rll'ol ntrua Olnlml•s•on lnti)OIO(od thr• Morale Bul.lders c· .• ,, ... ,., .... ,.,,.,,,, "'"'" , ... ,,.. ful\fl Ill II 111)(1/'ah , whill' J enkin• oh;u <ntlln nf thl'· Outfnll St>wrr -~y ~ll41r~en 1111: """l"'"'l lnr lh• '"''" '" ,10,, 111rno•d out thr· tw-st·lt'llt"r . "San l •1~11 11 1, w ornl'd lh•• ran<'h!'ni not For Sale Cheap ,f "" 11 ,111111, lui' ""'ft.: "Tttrn~: F•·rnronrln \'allt•y" or.r• nirht who nl "' r .. nw antn .. '~" pin~ rf .thry ":rr HIT AT YOUTH DRINK EVIL l•··•lll• t;.,,,lnu t"Mr !\tu•lc"l l ·• Clll"' n f '""'!~ ke pt him awako·l•lt~<.tll,f;C'd \\r rlnn t "'a n t dt!(- ,, llklfo• olul l'o•lfl \tr \\'orr!.~" I I :-;, tho y'r•• nm nnltC'Ipatln.r an) 1 . ••nto nt•-d l"'(~~h· tcharm~: " pro- Ynu !'an I ftt.:ht n ",, wath11ut ,\llrllr !ruublo• \\ oth the "Qld rWih I hem•· r rnrn "tth us. hr d rdarl'd fllurMh' _ " - ~ .. lo•t. ""' l'lllll'l/l' 11"' hl.:h c OF c DIRECTORS STATE CHAMBER Ch p G & E SACRAMJ-::'IJ"''' l l 'l't •~lnlll111nt1 "' till' .1111""''·-c.· urnt~ J arge • • • J &mMI Jl Qurnn. 8«'0nd dt!llrh'l lur '' ndan~: ••~ nwn llllu lmlllo· ~~~ TO HOST BUILDER, PUBLICITY HEAD 1 c h• J D mNnh•·r uf thr Allllo• hnftrd nr lwrntl)' "t'\•nlo-<1 W\lh 'nn<tnl"••>rl SKIPPERS OF FLOAT VISITS HERE I as lng n on am ...... _ .o~-~ffl( II I ho•m 1'1111\lfft.: I or ' -;::::::::::Bc:::::"':::'i::se::::.:::::A:d:\:'"::r::t_ls_e __ ..,.j PRINTING I STANDARDIZEH to sa\'(' vou lx>1 h time and mon<>y. BEACON Enjoy Delicious Mexican Food at .fa Poda Complete Meals from $1.00 «quttl,ll!lllnn, lt>I1A) tlt'l'lut~c-d II Jill l•tl lhllt M llrtlll "'fllrll''< '"ulrl . w th $37 000 00(} _...t Pf'Ot(ram ,,.,.,l:nl'd to C'llrlf\tl 1 'h ,oml;.•r .,( i'ltfllnwrc•· hot~trtl nf l'htltp J Sm n•'"· Jluhliclty t1o-1 ' ' I •• 1 1 .. 1 l tl'rniJo.,l h) \\'ar t\•"'''' A•lmtn· an • anmn~: nrn·rutt• n undl'r· rltr•••·rnr'< ""'" :ott•·n<l 11 'JII·rirol ".'•'lor ,,r t it<• C.olrfornut S Ia t ,. 1 !'1\('l'/\\l'-',",' "rn ll 'J>t Tho .'i52!) A. C. Spencer tr.AA Nt"wJ.ort Bouk-nrd CO."TA MF~A -dri kl ls trnltu n IIA ~urplw. I . ~ '<Urplu• \ r ·' _ .. n "ll 1111'0'111\l: T llllr'"·l) til 1:.: J"; In tho• I lwmlk•r "' t 'nmnH•r•···. ror ftjlrt· ,, .... 1.11 ltllr<'loll •• r ~.l'l'l.~mllllo•n Quln J<t ft 11 Wllr ffilllo•rtlll fll(lfl) "''l'o· hu1r oil 11 ., n aa II ('r ntrf'flnl: with :'\o·I'J••rl lluohor Y:whl 1'111lo. 11 o'1111llro· ltnll tndu•ll) ~toppe-d tn 11,11~1•11 truJrly tlllll thM n 11Mtft'(' S t 11 .a n nd 101\ll·~llnhurn lull11f1, • Iouth l•r••· 1 " " • ,. • acral'l'W'n o <' 'I "'"' l'('lunt Y nu-d u<·ts. 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That judat't be• ur~trod In lm· ~ 1 Th •• , •• frn••Ttlnl Ill lll'lo·• /If•• tlM •'hiunh··r·~ """' "Fitr.:ht of th(• lto·l,'n In 1'1111111'1'111111 "''" lf'O IIItr('· l 'lllt• F IHI n '"' 1111 tlw Konl!~ poet' hca~r ftM't on m lnoo nnd .. toalo• "' 111,.,, lml Il l 111 fl 111 \\-.lno•.,. ~110\\htrrh" lnr th•• p,1•1t~lo-na .mo•nt~ ,,r Itt~ ,(fico· Jlll••r ..tu:lbl whtl vtnllll • tlw lltwor '"" s whh n-attrd Ill ll."lt' ttl mlr\Vrl!l rill) .I(!IIUIH) ,.,., Ill (>Ill II( 7:.: "''~ r .. urn lffto•nl "' 1( .. , ... p llr mlo•, lltttl "\\'t• ltl<o• Ill kN•f• Ill ''""" \\ tlh HtdJ;ord 1. n .. k. I •·L't<oo:tf r··d.t 2. Thill tho• l'lnllrrl 01 ,..111,.1171,_ "' I'•Hh St .uul N"r'"'""'"' ,,.,,.,tho• f,.lll \llllfll.' •kll'l•·r-. """ 1••1,. ''"r•orl B• tdl," lit• ,,1111 Yo:ur rr,o•u•n rltro•t'fnr •11d q,, lollr••au t~-I tolll' 1'11 lh•· ""'' .l•fldl ;\!'''"" 107 l1111 lllot' horo• a• lh• ln•H'Iol "' 11!1" \l nllltl •to 11n•'ll "l'l•••• II• I'"• ,u. • a • .., n<TNI!W Jlt'nl lfh • llltlllnAt • k '• .v i 'l\'<ltl ''''. J\,,11 ... ,, l•1 otlll II<·\· """ m "ur 1• •••zudt "n <tttllhtr F ·, •l•t•lh otln tl ''' til• •··, <I• r.1! tav...,.,_ crnd U~uiJr ,t,rrc (1\llnlll · r II r Ill MEDICS SET To j rn n n .... ...'4 11(1 \'-'"'""""''' A\P , •• ,.h,t•nHn,~· p .,\\11 ,.,.,nnll'''''" Ito! , ••• ,u ......... fl lr\J t)' 0 Jl' lit.: tl I I lllllflfo:,lo•J' • 3. Thllt thr h·~:• .. lnrun· ,.,. ••~<•'Il l 'CLEAN 0 :~· . .'."··;,~,:::;;· :,',~~~~~ ';·:.',,'.~.~~~;· t •. ::i:~~ WARREN PRAISES :·.·~.':~~:~',';.',~· ~.:~~c··,:,~.;·"~"~~~:,:~·· ';:.:':; to t'ntU't 11 Ill" fn rhii11Jinl! ~1111111 H USE' i l Ju,flllft• ,,1,. 1·,,,.,11,1 ,1,1 ~I or 1 1 1, L'l f rom workinlt tn liqu .. r ''""'' JUNIOR C. OF C. 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'"''· .. 1,1111 tl• )l~·n• d tu .. furn l• ••ttl :1--tn ~ ~ "' I 'uuu'u 1 '"' "' t • tltlut "'' ".1s • cntnmillf'f' In l•llo('t• lh• 111•111•11~ """ ""'" llf)ll .......... ,. t c·t A , ........ 1 ltHI:t~ "\ {,•I 1:.11 1 \\or· '1'11•··· I l'l• ol "' tl IJ't'• II• lllld k~11 t1th1·r ...... n ...... 1n ''"'' 1"·~~'"'' • IS 1 v ttorno,_, ' 1 lflltttU,: tll"'''l""' .u HI \,u h•l·'-"'''II j " • ~·,J lth t '"' 1 \Ut ttu~ '"-trHpl•• •lit• .. • H •1 6. Thatrnor.·rmphn"~'"'lll,ll'•••l ,., "'~'W• n l ' 1 1 \ :-... 1 1 1 1• 1 f\l ll.ot•· ,,,.,,, 1'''"1"· 1'""'1 " Clfl rducatlonlll pros:rnm.-tn ···h····-•• I '"1'1' \ ' "'' F \1 "' ,\uloff, I"' •orl· nl '"I ' ~ ... '""·' . '· "I """ ,, r ,,., l;uw oftl'll ullto•l " •l.o!·" r"' •nd <'lVI(' lind frntrl n nl llr '11011/o• I •r :..1'1"' ~ ••• ) :..hl\111\ Ill ···~"" I I If f I I I "1 I ""'""'rt't' I\I O 1.. \'Ill \IIIII• f \\ •Y ~~''"' tn\ nil o•C '"" \.I I I "'Ill• tklns "' fnuut ''' f h• I l \ I \•• u te\•• \ .. ,,. '' '1 .. 1 '' ••·.u c ••f '-''•'• ''"''" •.l1n I l l \\ tilt,."" ul DurlnR World W11r II wr '1"'111 48 billion dollsn~ In 1•rodur1• 111r· crart. Dutch Heacock GJCIIfDAL ooNTIUcroa PAINTING o.. ........ as ..... ~ ....... .-.... --.~ WORTH I NOT ~frigeration I"DDX AIDIOJflA ...... "' ... AJr Conditionlna ........... PreaurePumpe Centrifup) PumPI ... ... Pitt uw ... .. ._.... ...... CliD .•.. ................. ,..,.,. ....... Utlf h tt ......... t "'' :., ......... ,,,.,,, \\.otdtl '"d t\ '"''''llfH I d nw .• ,.,.,. .• ,., .. ,.ut I I ll( f,•d••nll .,. l\.1 tlu•n ,.,fll't itlhltltn. I ,\,k 11,. ,1,.1,. l••t.:t•l.ol•n•• 1,, ••1 a ppro•\lm.ol • II I ll• 1o1111ol••·•l I' 11 ''11<:ho"ll "111 •l.rt•• 1h• lllll· 1n tho" :tt• ., '" "' il "' lh• , "" f'ftltt"'l to.ft'lftJ:•·r.t fc'L:I'-Ltfltl.. '1\\\t '"" rtH ntt\.:h i•Ut ~h· ... t hh ' t o lfll t fi.Ullht I ••I ftlrllltlt ,,,. "·'"' ,,, n .;••r \:tlrnn "' .. ,•,rt'! Htl lfHI \' , .... ptu '' ''''" HI• Hid lt!1'otl t'PtUitHff•···~ uf ft't'fl)'lufttt't :•" tU "' ,. UH/,tll• n l1t\f II I .. 11'111111"' , k odo 1" I<'' ""1 '' "·'' tho S!u l• H111 11( l',oltf.,llll•l fnr "1111 1'1 11"' ·"1"11"'' 11"'111 "' \\HIIh -• ·=":":':''="===-===-=:..::..:=~.:_:_ Ill\( hf•ll~•·~ .tllll • ··11 1111.' 11\1 •ltff I 'll~ 111\tlo• 11\ II' 1'1 ")• l'h 1•111 "' fill• ; l~·nllllf··~ lou 't1•l11flllll ••f tho• Ill\\ .. • , , lr 'llflfll>: tof ~otttrll: "" 11 t1,1 I• ·"'' 1. •'ltlto•r It) olt\l'fllr ' nr I•)' llllktf I rho• !'if.oll' llhr "' ( Jdofo >rtltlt "111)1 l"rr··~ 11r ltlfll< •'11''/l~l'd 111 ''"'"l'l '""k• 111 lho·"•1ll\\~''1'' 1" "'""''''I •n 1 'I .·11 1 11 1 In ,,dtltlto•fl tf1•'" """l"'h~·~ anti UJ)Ith:tt1l'•'" • • ) '' lll.t~n n ,, , ,., " l,,, •n..: h.t\•• ('nntnltur.·d .,, '''''ttC ttl• n 1 1 r1•1• :oil '"'ll•"t' htl'lll• "~ 1,,1 to• tl•• "tlh tilt' 11111'1•1\•·nwnl tn r(•Atl~ 1n C'~tlth>rnt:o 111 ''"''"'''II" :ulmir"''l;t!l"ll ,,( Jll~llo'•· 1n ''"'" nwnlho•r,htp an~ "l'tlc•:-tt l ".ol oftolfl•a """ t••llllt•d tn.o!lo•rs " • 1111 pnollo <, lnhl1rlltnr11·~ 11r 1111·1111•~<1 ho• '·"" 11 "•·ht.-!1~ thrt•u~;h t ht•tr SUilJJI)' firm~ o•r.t:'>t.:"ll tn 1!11 1n11 Pr lo >llffllllrl ·""~l:lnr·o• lh:tl lhr r•'('('l\'tn~: ro•hnt"" !'tl\ft• n r.r ... """' '" , ... ,.,r m II' I'Oifl'olll• I •hit· fllt',I'Ciff t' t t l fh1 1•r l'l I I "1'\ ~~~ ( •Ill• lnrno.t lly l"<lltn~· """ ''l•n,.;th ;ollll t.:n •nt.: ""1'1"'' t trill I• ·""'' '""' tq pn•~rttm~ ''hu·h ''' "A'·'""Hi•~ Ill '''''l)t•" 5 NEW UNITS IN NATIONAL GUARD 3 R•oquro! :-ttl 1 •lint) lno•tltc'l\1 funl'ltull ••I r•'<'<lft1Mt•nohnll ;,nrl 1\l'l· !l(l('l('lto'!( 1o <ltrf'<'t lh<'tr "''"""" 11nt.: In Jllo •mnto' till' ,.,,ntlnunu.~ to I'!< "" prn fl'k"tnnal "'ntlur l 11,,1><•ttl'rnwnl l'f olllr lo•.::rl 1n<ttiU· tsl<r prnmpl :ond , 1~;r•r1111, 1ttsrrp-t wnc 11n11 pr nl'l 11'1'• lmnry nr tonn ll~t!iln<t nn~ f10('1l1r Amnn~.t rh~·· n:mu-d wn~ City :-;,\C'Jl,\\11-::-\TO. -11111 ~t\ •I'Pt • nc,l:on c in rl'lmttnL: prr•• roc•·• ;\I to rn•·.' Hnlr1111l '11"'tnl""'"· 11h1•. I-'ll'•• n•" unll< ••I lh• t nltfllrnoa NEED 'MUCH MORE' RAIN: ORANGES OFF >~lomt.: """ C .. rctnn X Rll'hm••nd 'a ttnn:rl ~~uilrrl hrt\• t ... n '''"·'' 1 tr on~:•·. nnol lrn l.:r, .. ·~· . SRnln , ol. tho ••ffu·o• ,.r lh · ,,,,1111 "" 1 ,, 11 ''"" '' •II <o•n ,. on 1 '1111m•1 ,,.,. ;-.;.. 1 1 1 :• .. ( flt«cfru:l N • r o1 •rtnt'luu·.~c t,14 ,,, •"''' •o•fo•t'f.<.><l lt1 l'tltllll\lltl'o•<. I !no lllllo•cl ":t< tho• Ioiii! \l,·o h ofll/ I '.SA<'IlAM_ ... :->T O. J:-tn :.~· 1\ .,. ' \\ ··ro• .J.tm .... H Tur ko r :'.1 n \\ ..,,. o'fl C .ol .olr} ftot'l)llll.o "'"" tr···l· I Slllllho•rrt < l<ltfo:rnuo t'tfrtl' ..:n•l\ tnt.:loll,, ami St:tnlo•\ ;\I f\1•mh.lll!(,l "·'" llt'll\,tlo•tl tn 1 ~" ,\1 .,I,, o<'r" llllt•t lllo\o' ntlll'h Ill•'''' nun 1Jt 11( S:onl:t c\n.t t lor lltf'tr o•f't>pS llrl' ttl <f.•\o•lo•p llrotp-1 l>tth ho•fl ciiJIIIIflo•h Ill tho• \1" r1 I rl~ '"'~ )'1'111 !Itt• <1,1\t• • .,. .. ,. ro \lo·n .:o·f IIJ'Ifll•'ll' ·~ ···~~ l··nrrl l ,, ··~I I·''"''"'"" 111\ol II· I•WIIIII! ···rvtl't' olo•d ;H···tl I "{I I II' •1•·11. ,,~ l't'oio't.ollolll t'ludi~· -rn.Hlllo-r I~ .'IHl I . 11 11 I ol I •. I On lh•· '"'~'" .,f .la n 1 ""I' ltPII". 1' It 111••1\lllnt.: llo 1111ln tlw .. ,.r\u~ turt•4':''' ;t t.•t.d "'~ -' •1111;• o"r••1• ••r ·,, tillt\,1-W• l''"'k•·•l t h,,,,.!' .ti\,1\Jf .11tOtltH-.t r. .. ,,., It·~..;: t h,tn I"'' \•'IU Th,, f,,rf . ,,1 '" ''•trl." 11 .. ~~· '. Nl j,,,,,., I I \ ,olt•fl , 1 , 1nt~ \'~ \tt~\1'\4 \1:\ ''"''I ... ,.t n.,,, J .. 'o't It '"-.. !WEST NEWPORT OIL WELL STAKED OUT 'l'o•n ""''"' < (o>r lho dt ollllrt.; ,,f I "II \\,fh Ill 11r lilt:•• •·••IIIII \ 11.111 '" •'n ft!t'fl d•11 1111: lh• ", ··k o•n tl tnl; .Inn If•. 11 \\fl~ "'''' rl to~l:l\ ln,·too1"<1 ·''"""I! "''" wrll!< ~~ · th•• A tnt'rdn PNrol<'unl l'<1fiXJrlltto o's Irvine We'll No. 58-7 rn W r a 1 N C"wporl. SA8II DOOM roa INSUJlANOI: sa Howard W. Gerrish 1108 Newport Boat~..,. ro~TA MUA ..... .,_,.,. 1111 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Uelft\Je and Contract Bon cia Wr1 t tft1 Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quant;' Feros _,_ 0.01 OeU.-.ry-"--lUll lin S~wport IJlftt. COI"T A Ml:!'-\ It Is Htlrnatl'd lhttt 1t t akt'S at lca5t four ~an; from <lrllittn&l de- •icn ldfoa to the firtt deli1·~ry to ttw Air FOI"Ce ol a combat al.rplan... STERLING CABINET & CONSTRUcnON 5a63 VoWe Dalton o.ea• .. OIM'O ;) t.u 9 U&ll)' 8t~A('OS ~I C'IO!oed Monda;, Sell It Through Cla~sifieci Advertising YEAR END • FLOOR SAMPLES RADIOS A.M ... F. M. With Phonographs. Nationally Known Makes I Up to 25% DISCOUNT If You \\'ant a Good Radio at a Rig Saving -Come in at Onre as There Are Only a Few. They \\-'on•s Last Long . TURNER'S Your Electric Appliance Dealer Since 1926 205 West Fourth SANTA ANA Phone 1172 ''T 27 Trophies, Record 221 Dinners Served Up At Balboa Anling Club Banquet; J. B. McNally President Th·<'nly·l-t'V<'n trophu•, an•l two hundl'l'tl nnd l"'•'nt.>.·on\' ·unw·l 1-I:K)U,. dtnnt"f"< WI'N' l'lr•"•·ntt><l nl••mll('r' and ).."\1<'~1,. u( tlh• Ralhu.t AnJ:hn~ club. ~r•rl·l) n1,.:h1 \\ h··n til\• f.lt'lllt "" pf tlw :'l:o•\\ P"', llart"'' Ya<:~l clui.J ""'' 1.1x•~l tu tho• hrmt fur tho• 11111111111 nu d -wtntt'l' f1~h•••· ml'n ,.; llnm~:• . .1-i<tnk l.mrwll ... ur~;um~-: ~'"''ldt•nl. ht· ... t ... t u p lht• '•"til ""'' ,, "hit~ ~"<JJ<IIt•h ;,l,•n~: 1\ll h lt•lt Ltlk "·" tlh· I"'"''' d·· 1,.,1.,,1111•1 • ....1•'\'ft"tt '" ..... ~,,, .t' oliW•I""' lt~t lh•· t"'Ultln ;... ,,.,,, \\•'1'\ J H \1 !\i.tll). l"•'•ld••nt <: ... rr •· I '•" 111 •1 \lt'•'·fll'• •HI• 111 Htll l'thl; "' lol• 11 rlull·. :--t'1't~tul 'u·, it'''"'"''" l•r ,,,h .atnr.· :'\1••n ,_" ~~~, .• , .. u" '. I. I .Ji•fl.:t ... :""t't·r•·Lu":~o uut '· •.• ,, n• • .\1l,tn ... .-n "'''1..:''"' It 1 '11•·· ltt'oetd , 1 du·,~·h•l ... llh·lud .... :-'td n.h ,.~.., I "' 11 \ l llh lh'tot 1\ ,,, ''" ~~··· I \,. t J'1'l o'/ otlld I.IIUII'JI TROPHY AWARDS 1947 L..tr~··•l Bru.lt!IHII. It• .;\ \ l.ad;l.• 111· l ;, .; , < 'flq,·l, Fit-,..1 :\l,a tlln oof '' 1•10t1 \\' It ~-'•'" ll'r 1-'tr'"l :'.1,11 1111 "" :.! I I hi,. td I!• ~I .\· llt·•·l 'l't'o •1 '"·' 1::~ JfiPitrld' ( 'lt:u11l ••·r ol < \olltllll't <'•• Tr••Ph) 1;1 I 1~ •lllltl' ( 'lulo Ttttplr~ llo>\l ,tld 1-:;n ·l 1;11 I•Htfld'- Fu-.1 l'l tlt' :'.1.11 lin IJ, ... ,' 1,,,·1.,1,• Ft .tllk S."'~•·l f1••1•h) J 1.11 to!< I. \\ '"•t-:: I'• 1• •lind• St•t'untl 1'1111 :'ol.tthn. h•'.t\\ loH'klt• 11\l..o• 1\: Ft llt·~ T:••ph) ~.tl J,r:1rt ::1~· I""""'' ~. llh L.-• -· .. ·~ , l"•uud K~o•th I•~· .:.:l'o , l••t.ntl• S"·onall'ru.· :\l11l11t tllotllluntatld. n,.,,,f Tt o•ph~ !'l1ff l;illt:rt•·ll l!l<l•. l•tttn•L, l-'11'-l I'll"' :'.l.trllll lrt:hl 1.11·klo · ~·a,1nl.. I 1111 I 'l"tupla) .\1 I '·•) Ill• II'-I I . ]lt HIIHI- s;l'<'<•nd l'tt.'• \hlltll , lit.: h i 1 tt kf,• I;.,,,, s. n 11 , Ill• T1 "l'h\ .\t lholl' ll.tttl l.'t: t••lllltl F'rl'l l'tl/1 \1 111111 :1 li ! oo k lo• ~l.lt')!'ll• t L.t\\ ,, "' • St.,~ontl l'tth' :'.loJ tlllt 'I ti l.to l 1, l.d .\!lo 11 l'lt pll\ )t.'l J•t~IHid"' It I. l fttl'l do• • Sm.all• -t :'.l.ll ltll .\I •, I:. , • II •I ••·111 "'111• "'' ~";' J••IU1d'"' 1...;11').,1••1 \'o IJ,o\1 1;11 1 ,\tlhlll 11.11 tl L:•r~-:o•:-1 \\'hll•· S•··• 11.1" 'I to ],,,ld• .'I II,, II "' ·~ '' l~•n ll•'ko• .:•lh ('lui• Tttoph~ I 'loti• 'li·oph~ L:ll'h•"'l .S110>1lllt ( 't tt.tk> I Stllool;,. II""''' T ruph) l'o·t'l' )'Plio II !1 lh• 1:1 ttl L:tfJ.:••st A lltat·or·o•. ltL:hl 1.11'1d" Hoo~ I t,l\'111'' •n Tt nplll ll:atT) Huftum :!X ""' n "' . 1 'I 0 1' HU\\ I'IC 'Tt'IU:s , l .t:t'T TO RltUIT: (I ) 'J1wo hwomJnc board of dl,....t.r-., h ••11t lllldtt'tM'h , h ••lllt S('('()nd larg<'St Alhii<'Of'l:'. li~hl IIH'klo• !'on Orange 'froph) Sum Pot'lt>r· 'l7 lhs., 1:! toz Largt'St Altwcorl'. 3 6 tacklf' llol:t \\'ian Trophy F rank Unn<'ll 30 lb~ .. R oz. · S«ond largt'st Albucon>, :\/6 tn<'klf' Munnt' Sai<'S Inc .. Trophy Dr. E. L. Rankm 30 lbs. First Tuna, light tackl€' Stngg Amuscment C"o 1'rot*Jy A T . Al"\'na -29 lbs .. 12 o.t. Second Tuna. light t rt<'kll' Rriggs & Mc Ka> Troph) Ed Allm -12% lbs. Llirg<'5t Tuna. :l/6 tackll' J R. Mc:O.:ally 1'rophy M l"'l' Dunna Dand'lOn 14 ~. lbs. • S«ond largest Tunn. 3 6 ta<:kiP Rn~:.s..~ & !\1<:1-\av 1'rophy Jack Bu!T('IJ and F'rank L•nn<'ll ttl'd at 13 lh~: ....... F runk IJ IIJII'II, Ur. s .. h .. , .. ,.,. \hoJiai'U I thr IN'\\ I~ , ...... , .... frr .... un:-r I : .......... ,.,.,,.,, ...... ·n ·lttr\ ..... . ·'"II"'· s,., ....... \ ,,., ....... ,, .... nt Ulll l'lj!l(, t•r .... ltlf•ttl ,J. n . "''' ,. .. ~ ltlltl \'k-•· ........ ,,,, ... , ....... 1:1' l'r"'"· t '!) T\\u hnnl ""rklttl( \ulunt•· .. ,..., "lWll(' •·•utplh·-hun" o f \\nrk nlf'anf "'' hiU!'h '" lht• •·l11h In 11• lfr,l ·"'"r In tho• "''" t•hthhuJt..,., ;.\I tho• lf'fl l..t••• Jm.,.,. "hu fiiiPd th•• I""'' nf IOf'('l'f'la r) .ttlfl '"'' ro•·••h•o·lo••l fur lhr I'UIIIIIIIC ~ f'IAr .. , llJld at lhf' fl&r ritthf fhf' ll'f'nlal \\ o•ll(hntl&,.tf'r, 111M' llf fta.ll••ll '• "'lo·rr•n """'I flO' II, c·t .. n •nc··· .\tktll ... ln ... :'lit''' lo Jmua ..... ''· 1 ...... ~ Rf' """ thf' Rlllhua M•rlw tiKnh• .......... , ... ) fur .... . lllr&:,...t fl,h un ll~rht lat'klr. II•• ''""llflt'd "''h,. 1111 JM>UIId, _. u._. n .. rttn: ""'' tu \lkln"''" .. t•n•t .. llr. •••"'rr•· ('hrH•II \Oith fhf' ('fuh '"""'' fu r th,. larl( ... f rt .. h nn n>d and ,......,, t'lnark'• "hlttltt.: •·•h·h ""' ,. I'!K lb. hrouulhlll. ,\fkln••un 1 .. huld lna ttw P'ltl 1\<w,...tl .. r tro toh.), a haad--.w pJI. ,.,.,.,.,,.,, '" C'llff 1\rl.:· n,.ll fur thr ,...(•nnd tare""' m arlin on nN'dlum t&rkll'. (!'I T"'"-\0111 ~f' u\'Pr tlw-ct .... llul• ... uf ttw hlte lhrt'f' u f S.>ulhl'rn ('allfurnl"'" ,,,..,., fl..tllnK duh .. thf,. rnmlnr --: Lrff le rljrhl, J. II \lo·,aJI.), RaJ· bc>ll \nl(llnr t'luh: lklf'l '""'kf', Smattwm ( 'allfornlll Tuna d ub. and CIMrr r 1'111""""·'. c •talln" J,.laatd Tuns dub. Jlh•'''" I•) "'""' I lltt·h•~··k IIIII' I U\1 ltet\\ I'IC Tl Kt:l'l. l.t I'T TU Kilo tiT: (It lm•utnhll l'.....,ltlrnt ol. H. MrNaJI,, un thf' lr fl P"'· "''"'' ""' •·•·••qw l'rtt•• '"'''"' fur tho• '"'II''"' ""'"" nto•<llttttl l•••klt• lu ""' \O hUW'r, Kr tlh IA'f' ..... fl,h '"'lt.:h•·•l In"' '!'!K', 11 ... C'!t llttl~tulllt.: t•rr,ftl•·u t, al llw lllknotohttftf', t•n-nl• fhr ICtMI 11nt1 ......._, lroottfh loo llr. '''"'riC<' C'huc·k fur lt•r '"'IC''•I "'""'lltlll 1111 .,.._,, la•·klr, hie 1'!11 l""'"'l••r. 111 1 ""'"I" l'ru~ ... lt·ll ............ tnr '""' ,., ..... ,,.lit I fin·-"" jtlltoftll', IAOttl• 1\,...r ,,., ... , fur 1 .............. hy lady llnKh·r lu \1,..., llu11na Utt,ltt ... •n fur hrr 111 lh . l'! "' m•rlln. '\1,.... Ull\ld"''" huld• tho-.J 1\. 1\lo•l'lollll>' lru~oh~ fur '"'•""' lttntt un ~-II '"''" ... fur hrr II 1 1 lh. •••l•·h In thl• r ill-. \1,... 11•\ld"''"'" 1\llNI fl•hlnc htt•l ... rttf ItA•>. ll"lla.lh u-nf lhf' IIM,.I t•ttnol,frtll anal,.,. In lhf' r hah •-.... ut UUI uf lhf' ln•t•Y ll•t , .... ·"'"' c I I l '••rf' l'rlll'll '"tlh tho-Mrllflkr ltont..,. ln•toh> "'" artlt-d fur thf' larr .... t "'I<• I fin t•nN&Jif'r. ,.,., ..... ••ah•h fll l hf' ,...,.,,...fur II lt.., 1!1 ol• 1:11 \taraar .. l 1 .•• ,..,,..,., '"''" •urkl'• ••han•tt6nn llld) a-e attarll• lll&.o hooldl'r \Otlh lhr t At All .. n l r<•t.oh) fu r hf'r ,.....,, .... hrraktna t•llfr h , a tecl tJ~•undrr. I'""''" 1>1 1 lit• t11 ·~·k Largl'st fish by lady anf,!lt'r Louts Bn'l'r 1'rophy M!'S. Donna Dav1d~un Marlm 117 II>". 12m. Largp,t fish on rod and I'('(• I t J llm!' "1nnl'r for JXl"oM.'S••ton 1 BARRETT'S REALTY LEAD CUT TO I GAME California Out Of Doors San Marino Ski{»JK'r Tukt•s Home Manning Mt.'moraal Trophy in 1-C IFtra llm<'l Dr Gro Chuck Broadbill 4:.>R lhs Larg<'St !ish on ltght tnckl<' 13 ttm<'s w1nnl'r ror flC)N;I'SSJonl Harbor Bv VIC MINAI IAN l'nitNI t ir•f'ss ~tarr ('orwspnnti•'Ot rl·,rst tim<') AI Pll)'Tl<' -Marltn HH lbs .. 4 nz BIG CHARITY WEEK OF RACING AT SANTA ANITA St.•rllm: ltt(Jny :tnrl l'l\lo·nclmt:l tllt.: "til I• tl•tltlt'to•d 1,.,;; Anc• lo• 'ht.llar 1 '" •nfl "·" 11111,. lhrtliiJ.:h s •• tlll'll:n . I hat.: \\o•o·k or Tutl ('lulo lrw . rn.ak•' 11" 'llotl t:• •!llo '" ' .. It' oln•l ··oltlllll.'• th ,, h t\o r:trtn~· fnr •·h;;tnl~ '''II .,... f"nnt1ur1· ft•l "'"~ '''' t fu ttt , ,, .. rt\•.; anti •·ettu n•t tu f Ill.• .uul t"r tun• t•ft ~t1 !'arll.t ,\ntLt und•t th • oltl'· IU,ah• ... Ito ptttlll thftl'lh ttl Ill· t llfto.ltrltllfiL' t'lo1t"' ltk• t f\\111 1 p,,~,~ ~·• ':'"' t Anttot fuUIHiittt••n. ,, cltt• c •b c.,_"'', \" utk•, \ ''"' ,1url ''" """·Prt•!tt ('altfttrnl:t •·uq .. •t.tttnn 'f h• \''' k tl( f• t lllrt•4t t:lt•.-..: \\til Tt •t .. t ''••• • .,,, '\\It 111,,, J , .. , l.:trco•r prnfll' th.tn r .. , 1\lllnt:tl 'IIIJttllt;ll•· •·n S.tiUrrl.l~ \\tilt •h· "'"'11 Ill tho .Stn F• lq.. "'' t f~ tl ''If til \I' I' fl UfU f't nf1'-\ J•. lltltl fHI t lfl .l tu II• \t th:tt tt ·, 1n lw •• 1\lf. tlld \\ ,, It I lfl .l :tflllll' 1.......... ~ ' •''1"'"" n ttl • tr • ntt I • 1 •I' n ..... ~. ••• th. lit· ·td\ t(\1 ·:· ,,,, ,, Ill ",, I,,, ,, t '·· II fl,l, •• ,,, o th1u Tars, Saints Mix There Today '·\\I··· I If II''"' I ' 01~ a.altoon' 1111! l11• ro •:tlllt tl lrttm,llllllltll.: tol tho '"'·'~"' S ,,n l 'o·lol• \o .11 ]., f,.t, II \1 ,, C:.tll:t l l olllltott tho·-. flit' <'h.trtt\ d:"" (nr tht• !''r,,k.-.11 ''"" ltult~lll:• Thaoo ll.ott'l•loll 111,1 t o11f,, t• "·" ht nt r11 tif !"\,tllfit J\.nttlt ft1Unfl tftnn. \t tl ·ttfd t'ttll...: antJ Ct•1rltnL:' f'''ll1• fill• I• '' I' . .Jt •1tt l\ flltiiU1fiiH' trt d• ,.,, ..... ~ ,., .. , ... I' 1\ tl•otlfl, '1111 I te·h S:ttttl J,f/l,t\ J II .,, ",J .. f I t ._. tJttf ... f ,t ft t I "'-I \\ t ~ \I I I ,, t I•" q ,,,. • •I "'"' h \\Ill t•oll•·t't and 111"1~'1'"' lho• II • Ill' lo 1 tho lith !':uat:a ,\1111.1 tlo• '"·'"l''ll·d nl lito ltltMJ.I~~ fund' In :H'fr•tblod lhilrtl:thlo•, l ••r lo~ :'.l.ot•lt f. llt)l t.:ot loo 1111' Still.• ,\trt lt \l.otllllf\ ,.11 ., """ "' "' \o ol• nt :trail \\o•lf>tr• Ill c onl/.1• 1""1 Tht .. ~I"'' tal fo llln\\0., I hI' ft•·lll .s tllltd.l\ '·"Ill ;q' It " .• t1on-.. ttnl~ thn''' ~''fH'Tl'-1':0. HC'fU:tl·~~.iJ1f .t SU,;trl t fh;tf \\ l''''t'fli~l\t•ly lq o~nd Jll\\ 11UI t•l.t'-"'lt', 1\t flf.,l\1 1\ I~· lll"llrt'orlln llw t'OIItlllt'l II( fill"· fnt ftllto ~ It h;a~ :tiWa\;< fll ot(!Jit od loot flltll I • ol told• I· r• t1 lh ... t ·.,tlfl ttil'h f tt ll , C 'I t\''"' ;-..1 ,, p I: •• I '"' f .I f I ft tfi hl~o.• \\ I•• l11 , 1 1 tflt II }'t\.tlt J'dot..,. t't t ltf • ,h f '~tt l 1 ll!iltltttf\"" li ltn\\-.. "TRAVEL ... "' "" ""'""~" M...,.,,,, all1•n• ,.,.,.· T it "'""-• • • • • AIR SEA RAIL BUS -TO .\1.1. I'OIST~ r'horw l..at'lma I SOO Lam bourne Travel Service '! 19 ()(-pan A w•. l.&&"ttna Rf'IW'h Qualil!f PRINTING · ,\11 1~1"'' ''at 1nn1•f'\. :tn· JII ,Ufh'~·r-llt'(;f .... til· 1'1'<'1 Jll,tl) I' II I'll • 1,,,.... pnn••·tl lwr•' 1""•''' pill'•• ... c 'all Harbor I '! 1 SCOUTS SNOW 'PARTY A HIT l'tt)ntll ll)f't•(t :1 1 \.:rt'HI ~Uf'f"•"'"' lh·· '111111111 ~I'HIII Snoo\\ p:trl) \\o nl ooft toJI '' It• rl ttl• l.o•l "' o•k • tttl I \\ h, ,, ·r, ...... p ·~ 'lt4Jk t h· u t nh:u.: ~~·n'. 'k'' tn•l 1n 'kitl•-'-tn Hn. k tlr ,, :ar .I• nk .. l.nk• I ·rh• ,.,. ,,, t1 P~•r•~ v •. ,.... , ... n,. III J'•'<I n( '.!.: iH 1)' :t fltl rl.art•. lfl• • l•tollltC s,.,, .. , l.···u1• r ll:troolti II ,]1 on•l !-;, 111•11 l'u•l St.ttr·llH'Il ~:h""''l 111 l••nl!,. i,• .n.onl flail. Hnlph n ... ,. R:llmnntl l.n•tll•·r anrl Rr·rt ( :rullo ) I h• l:tl It r'" II :ttl h:l\ inc pt I fnrnwrl :a •·tun• ·Ill'.. on I Ito So'l•lll Trll•'k lnr lh' trap Rkh,,rtl \lu hl•\ tl..,nftln\1 'IJIIu th•'m tt1JO- l :tlfl r• tro•:ll loo jttin "' \\Jih tho• l•an i\l'l"nrriun: It• tho• Srnlll' tho 11 oonl) rlt~ill'l~tinlm• 111 '"'~ tho· lm l""h:aluiiiY oo( t.:••llfltl! "•m \l'l•rt.in" 11.: th•· 'ku" ""f' ('l•·~t ,entl lh•· \\'t•lat h•·r likl' ~prin.:" (,.r I h•• ""' JnL: Th• :-;,.'ntnr 1\'(ploorr·r l'n~r 311•, 111 l1l I h••11· fir'' r•rt:lonl/o·d pr•lJf'<'l l11•t "''' k '"'h 11 :'.T•·"'"tn '"'rl•• • II•• .ot tho lt•onH· 10( I h' tr ad\ .~ .. r "·''"'" l l.all \\ l11l•· tht• hth''' r•on~t .. "'''' lu•tnt.• t'nHk• rl ·untl·r ~·t ••1JfH I ' '" '' 111r •I l•.trh••''"' r:,,•u••n. J'••"t nh n loo r• 1111<1 II • or ol.otl• •b ''I.,.."' d rh•·lt '"'"' t ''' ... I' p trl ··•p "trtC 1n l.tn nltt f ·,~h;t~nl d hot .. , '"'" Jtll;·h lflL.' '··•.rn ,,., n' n, ... , "" .. , ·o n "' q,. u, ... , h f ·•·" I\•, .,.~ ..... n \\h•,ft•l'l ASK SPORTSMEN 'S HELP ON SPENDING $9 MILLION FUND ~Jill It d nUJldt• f ••I S,·tn' \n, .ill , nlltthl,,...,h. :u1 J•tdl11111' "' . , ""'"'"r ..,,,. lot •·,old :"' fl1. I•' I '• I \1 ,'' ,, ''" I"' ~ "" til• \o I "IIJ.tthH" It ..... ltrll tttptl•d '-\I'll \:\11 Yl't t tl 'I' • ., ·' ,,.,,,,, .. 111 ,,,,,, '"'' ,, dl '".~I !'I tit \\tldltft ('IIU'tlf\ "'"" H•t.lrd ,,.,, lutl t\ lnOIIIlfH I d If , .... r• ''" t o '' t• 1\• '"L"''''''•••n' rr••rtl '~""''' n1• " ... • lut. ... :,ntf .,tJ,, r l''"''l..,.. :tntl 1rttl \ tth l tit.. lit\ h11\\ tfld \\ h••11 In ""I" nd tit• ~'''"tfl t lft~• ""•111(, r·,.n t J \ .. 11111 flltltJ I f t ltftlf ft\ tt11 '···· 1.· II I tlllt• ll11 r \ Jt,.h_,,,"n '"' ,,. 1 11 IH'-I t 111·ftH \\tift lh• \1 t11trt ....;, I .. r t\\t lllnn .uul ,.,,,, •I , *I•' "' 'h• 1\rru~ Atr , .. ,,.~, \\It• ,. \t,t l tu~· \\Utt tu'-\\tl• .... Jttl•t' \tr n ul \lt' I r" '" !-=J•I' •·I •··· 'J I' ..... \\ II• II ... '" , ........ . '-'•H"\'""'"'"' !nr prn 1 t l' '-th l If,,, 1,1,,.111 .. 1 dtnc-r1 .. 111;,,1 1 1'-fl,t h tlrtu t t•' \\'irtt•r r flrtt"''' ••t 111,.1 111,1n, \\fat•h fa, ,,,.,, ttd p tt hl t r ,,., .. ,,,,l ... ·t .. 'ln•l"' u nrl•l \\t•ftt ,h,.taltl ''I"''' r tt• th• tu :entl "'''h n u • tlu "' '" 'tlplh II• '" t h• ho ltd ,\dr !.tfl !'-.1• "·''I .u,fl I ... tf th• tn lltt\\ '"l: •tflr!r· ,.. HhttfH rh•HIIft~"" luHil'hl :, _,-, ( ·,,~,, \1 I ~~~~· St ,,, t '""'' f taul!ltn~; :O.:n 1 1 ·~;,,loon '\, lllltt• t' l""ll'hl , I· " s .jl'fitiii•J IOI I I l ':,ltlnt n t:o ·,·'""' PTII'I ionrl ''I"''' t .. II It I '~~~ I ftt..f ~·~.,.~~ Eastern Yachtsman Here; Interested In Aluminum Sailers I "1'1 '~-''"-r~Ail'lt I'Ftrl'.•. ·n.,.,-. ,.,, '''1\\ ,\,,,,, .,, tfu t ;,~ \\. II ,. ... flrl I ht• ,,.,, Tftt• tltt•· of r ••1'""1 '' :t' \\.Jill ert• I 1:1111\no . lon iotl·•hap l ll'l:•r '''' (;••r tl"r. H.t~OHiotl. \\t II k n tt\\p Ill ":'"" ;I n1• '"'"'' flf thr '''''" ''" '" ~ tdlttrlt" ··•r• It'-f•H th• ,.,,,,, "' , • .,. H -;~t •hrtrthl•·. and \\t p,,...., 'l f t \, ,11 , 1~, ,.,,11 , ntl,\ ft1Jid~rt .I '',.,, f,tttf ••fl t .. l1 t'llf••n th• l1• 1 I t ••nftt•tH • .. \\Hit lt,n• l lnltt I J,, rtHtf A'l:tnft• h• \\~t"' d"''t•\•f••l Jln 'td•nl ~~tIt,, \IIHnlrt tJrt1 Jt,,,;~~t;o ·tiJ(t 1h t· tothtp In 1't.Ht f 'tl ,,f ,.,,,,I \f,,,. ffu tlp~ooh~t' ''' ; ltll Uf \\"tloo fllloo(tl\ft t·d '' \\hu f ff1 t \ t~ ,.j .,, rJ,. ' 1 •'•ll·lt ,,,,, t\\H\ :tlttt•ud tit•· '' trl' ,. lilt,,, nl tJ. I Hit I ll ....... t I ...... ,,,, ·'" I ,,.,,, r lq·ta' r·'·'"' \"I '"•'' lht •I f ·~' 1'1 ,,.,, •11, .. ,11 1H ,11 , ,, 1t .. .,,, '''' 1•·1 •·1\ l ~tt\.•'• f 'l ul I ,, ... 1 { " I. 'I I' ' f \ f 1 11 1 \' \I ~J I' lu 11. II'•'' •I • I .. If) ,t .... '~I"' "'' , I •I I \\ • • I ~ • f ,. • I 1~ I , I ~ \ ~ • \h ,., ' ...:, t ,, I • f , .. t ,,,,,,, ,. 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" I llu I 'I I II I "· ' \\. \lo I Hff 11 I t o I" I " II I •• , ••• I Ill• "' I,, I j,, .. , I IL."' ,. • ht~\\ 'lo d t 'l \t U L 1•1 1\ tf• Jti Htttl '~ til I I I , u•t ,, ' • ol HI 1 \ 1 11 "'""'' fHI1Hif1 It\ th til 1•1• ,., ""''' f ' 1,\lol ''''""'' ., 'lll ~'<t.l , THE N EW CALIFORNIA FASHIONS '"1 I I 1111 ~1 \l.t. \ti,Ut.ll \\11\U,, • f) I •·••t VO/N SHOP _ Laguna Beach '" 1'-----------------·-f_u_ .. _.,_._ ... _.:_ .. _"_" ________ , ... ..... f ~ ·'·" ., ... ' ''Forest'' Spec1·a1s IJttwr~o .. 111 •• ·ul '"'I' •·1""1f11•t1 rttb n~ \f•U ,.,,. t•·Atltr•..: rtu·"· I ' I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I LIDO IIlLI " 11 n n ~~I: f f I t (I~ M flltttl ........ 1'4 PUI""'f I OfAll ON H J (JiiA I tP I t Ci til• f f A • ttt .... , .... t,fW WAffU t Uf•""' ttfl•,.t+,. ""'' ' •• .. ,.,., ...... f .... ~ ... ' "' • r '.,.,, ... ,.,. ., nt ,,u r ,. .... ~ ,. .. .. ' .... Ill It •• , tf ,, t II t f . ., ... f I' f I r ...... p. a . palmer realto r~ 25°/o OFF .. , GAS "" BUTANE HEATERS \1 ,,,, .... ,,. Generous Reduction ,. • 1'111 1'1!11'1 I II SMA I .I. t :U :f TICIC ' Appliances and Cooking Utensils Save ~76':~ on a Marquette 8-Cu. Ft HOME DEEP FREEZER .a to -;•otl.lf S:iHI.I.i \,oltto Sale Price Forest Lumber Co. '!:,a I ~ •. \falu Sl. Page 4 HI N&WPO&T BALBOA NEWS-TIMES T1TF.ADAY Ne:wpor! a--... ('alii. J .. ;_ U . JMI Harbor Feminine Activities Camplife Girls Elect Ollicers, Plan Air Trip County Drama Chairman to Give Play Review THERE 1 ...... tlo. .; .. ,.. ..... Ia ···"··· ..... M. -•• L..tv"•• l .. oril• act- -· wi.o wilt hi• tlo. l .. d 1 .... THl PHilAOEltHIA STO•Y: wlolcl. .,._ •• '"-,.......... J.... 21 t.. • n •• ... , ..... See Geae FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES ..................... .......,c... GENE'S BAKERY ftl OIMIIIW7. o.-'-" llu Mesa Upllolstery Harry McKee 1150 Newport Btvd. eo.ta .... PbcJee lleuoa 50M-W sm N_,..tiU ... OCMITA UsA ,..._.....,...U%1·W a..-"· ~ or ro-Ut .......... M"t. ... 11 fJHf' watCIII r " p a I r wn11'f' lt'a ·-IUOHT ~ For Ebe/1 Section • R.eRidenOP PhON>: Harhnr lfi-17-R T;lja Tolull "a$ dccted pr€111-A l'f'odin~: of OM of th<' latnt Churclt School Guild Plans Y alentine Social And Square Dance ......:.P...:.h.:::on::.!!.:es.:.:.: ...:.l..:..:fa:.:,rbo,=::-_;.;IJ::...=and:.:.::...~=.;;.:;:__ ___ • ___ -:;By~ Wlnllrtd BarbrP ;\lo miH"r<i nf '"' :o'lllll\11\ ~· h•••' I Costa Meso woman 1\·tuhl "' th•· C'folnnn not \1" ,· .. rn· Serves Five Years J IUllJI).&..h.UJct..m•t"''"' h••tn••"' AIEl Toro Sfofion Children's Problems Harbor Players Discussed At 1 Name 0//icers, I Poren fs Forum , Sef Ploy Dote County Nurse Assn. Heor-s-Repo~#-i el YiJih ,,, Ill ur OIU(' Rrrd<; uy the St•a plays Will 1w J:l\'<'11 by Mrs F lor- I\ h• II lht• JUniOr l'<trrtpflrl' !;rUUJI o·OI~· :'-!urn;., d ram« d uurn1'tn Ot "" 1 nl lh•• llf•fllt' of lh.crr h'adcr. UJ:..uu;..· l~lll} t'••dur14tlon of Wo- \11' F .•rl . 'ton1·l~o~l·k. Balht•a '"' n', .-luto .... w•wn th•· lk1•11111 !{'('· \fl • 1\lfro•tl I J'lq •o I loi OI \\q Tt ... :-.,-111 ,111~ 1 ••mrlllt 1,., uf 11.,. I"'" 1 '"''' uflt~'<•rs art• !:ilh'llo) ll"ll "' thl' El~c·ll duh rnt•rts nt ,.1,1111w :"ur•• 11._,11,.1,1"10 .,1 111 . lunn•·ll. '"'''·P••·suhnt . Ju Ann I :\,t pm "" Fr111i1~, Jnn :13. a t , ,,tf,,, '"' tl .. 1r lrr,r t.u""' ... "'' • r c ·,,,1,1 \1o '·'" \lr , ,, 11o " . HH\ '•tt'l·'' hutH •I "" ,,. \\ htl·fl'\1 r1 .... ,. •• ',, r I' I tfl A '" l!orro•\ l\.111, "'"" kn(t\ln "' •I• '• 1"1" d his l<•t•" • "' f'•Hid··ms;· tn "' I 11111" l tpptm·nll rtf Lll111 lsi•• 1 m.•,. '"""" 111111 Jl.; 111 ,1 111,, IIIII! l1 1 '• 11, ''' ••••ll•·r und ... »h• Lt•;,h •r. rh• <hilt hooll••· !\lr, 1\l llurvath • • • '" 1 .. 1 Jn • '"lo n t uf llii.r· ., tl , 1, ,,,. "1 111, 11. 1,, ,,1111 111 , , ... I'"'' ol;u) I'' "''·11111111tl ul tlw '' c.·ttlln " \ f lit I If\ i f II \ I , ' .. I • I I 1 I, 'h' h P'It"'' ui 1~•• •\•• Jr\~' \\ , ... l•·lu \J,t ,,, t'••'l \I '"'' dt•dt' I''"'""'""~ l'l.t)ol~ .,, ;on 111H \\ ''"!-'I s .• rtl o Alit.\,,., l-oor ftJiuro• 'uiJ\111•·~ Ill<' t.:lrb !'o•\oJ.tl fllo'llhot'< Ill rht• MC.'IIOO •'"' t .. ,.,,,, IIH·o·llllt: ;,riO 1.1111 ,, 111111 111 n • !\lr ~ ,1 , .. 11111, t•'·•rt••·ll.\ tlll'ampFtr<·ln!\l uT it ur•· plllnrttrW rn lltt 11<111' future ,. • 1 I • •1••k• l~<•fur·•· 11 ~tro.o 1• JHI*)olfhft O\« r t., ,\II"' <.; I. t\••P() ,,,., \\II)< J ''''''''"' 1 r ,, "" I f•l• 'IIIUit•fll \V,iu ul~·• \\I'' hUH t\ II 1 11 l•l•h• 11, ,1• 1 ,,1,1 \\ H• \\' "'' fll '• .ot <It• :\''""'"'"\ Hnrr ... r ~'' aiPfiiOI ItUI$ la'tt •rhu " II Ill• of Ito oofltl'' \\I'll' flil•k . 11of lfoo .I \\llf .,1..,1 l•illll 1111!1 $;1\o• Ill ~1\o ot I'OIIfho I• lldttW II( II nJII}'• ~r•••cl, I 'I"' \ h:11111l:C.II. tllh'ltllll<'• tl 11'' '"'''''"'"' l .l:trnc.· !\lr · \lu·•·•tn \\tkllllll. 11,,11 lull· ''""'"""'."''"'""'JIIti'IY <'h;trlt·~ 1••1 o~nlll\n-.. 11 lty fllrs Gt:urg~ 'I' ... \1 "''I'"'' r :'-lr .. H11"• II ,, "' k I nlooll ''" ' ,,. ' ... I I ·r '" '" ,, nHtrl .l.ltl I'~ l'•l t ,, ,,, lh• '·•' n. ,. "' I • ·••J• n ts Hn· fnu prt•rl• ",.,,, "~ (;'""' (;,.~o·..;, .,.11, 1111 ,.,.,..,. t '"' 11 '''I"'""'' "' tho ..:roup lull \\'lu, 11 ,,r -.;, "!~"'' bla11cl "II• I 1;•111 ~11· 'l'ltylllr, htS· '"''' "'" 'l""lsnrs \\IIIIH•rtoo·tlt•d .\II 11'•1111"1'' 111 l l!..tl 1111· Jl'l· I J'J'"' \\ttf n t:lllt fn r •• \'tltH n tti1111H \ll I 'h ·· '*·I"~'' \1 ••• ''" ,,f t~tH\~ (H\ Whrtt ,,,, t .,,,. hn,_. huu-h ;u•' 11tH I ,.,,., "'~!'' u 1 , •n• , 1 tl I 1, ' ,. , .... '" ,.,,,,.. ,, •• 1 '"'' n h'hl 1 htnk," ,;nit1 l •r 11 ~11•1 rr •llll'1,. 11111\Utlt, ftUSI· ;\II< :"tkltf.l r"l ~" 1\'(l nn I hi' \I lot II lh1 ).:11'1,._ t.:•> Ill l ':uup 1-'tro• \II• <I ttl ftllll t ill "" '11111 l111th liS ,.· •11:o~:< r· l ••••tn·<;~ "' <h• 01 L:lii1 1JIItllln ·,1111'•· :\lo·lltl"·'' .. r rtu IIIII•• B tnls :er•• \11'111 1• mttl ul:tl'll\<' mt•rtllh•rs, 111 I''""''' l•o l11 "'hi Ill l'lil'fltll loodl ,, "11,, ,,1 ,11 11 , '"I''"'" ,1 1 ., \\• ,h .. lll•l '-hlfJ •In C'OIIIII of 1111' dotll <'lt ''" f>. ltru '" 1'1 u 1 ,11, ,1 1111, , ,1 , "' 1 •I, , 11 • , ,,, 1 1,,1 ••I IIIII' ~ 11urln~ "" ~ t•n' IIH<Qt.,nct" "'U '''•'1 J•atP~ h., ... t)11 d1·tuu '•'·n· ,f t,,,q.· h·•• ,, •• '' ,, ,., ''' ·n,.·· rn nurrh,~t t l't•·l ,1.1• ,,,,,,. oof lht• no·xl prl)· 11 • 1111'' 1'111111 ''"' .l lt l~ Sho· ~la ll•d l'".t:t T .. tnll, .'ho·lh) Tunno•ll, .lu r()Fon\ ttl1o·ro '11111: fll'<•~·~· .. m:< art " , \l:•r'o·lt 1:! 1:\u t :"o•\\l••rl 1llltt thll'Htt.: thl' ~~~~ lllllnlll l~''l'llod ,\1111 Jl.t\!<:11, 1-.ssto' l ... ·,ro·r, F:111t'l ltl'in;: pll.nnt•d f11r till' nH'Piings. .. ;, II•·"" llll<f) st•hfHII reurlirn r· lt;l:\ 'I~•" "'''' rn .<Jio• ltl '.!'.!'!. ''""''~ "''"'" l>;wk, Carol lllow.·r, C unntt• Ht•fro'"'""''"" ""' Itt• Sl'r\l'd at .,,(1 lit•' Ltdt• 4\, qtfft•o"' "t.:<~) ''"'' "'' f,, ... , • , d "I'" •, 1 .oul ,. r 1., , .• ,: .... tt '"" •·us it·r thnn t .. r· I'" .. ntwtft:tlt;l I,,, 1 , .. , ;, ,, 1 •• • •·I ' ,,. n 1" • ,,,,,,,,,,,., .\ls•t.lit parr nts ,.,,. I'll\" lo·<'tc·tl Is "Tiw F arm· Tho·~·· \t•ll,.; ""1111: h•·•b•<lr l'ilr<' St• It·~. llltiTII'II K tn):, P1·nny Es· till' llll'<'lrrr~. :'-1 r~ ~lorn~ ltrlin t fi,ll ll''"' I .. \\ ltwh I~ no oW hP· "" :tn ""urlv h•·~·s "''"'' lllltllo• '" o·ullar and Kalhy nmwds. ~~~ hos t~·ss I !\It• I,\\ :\'o•\\11111 unllt11111<o•ll l.,, 11,.11 11 , 1 , Ill f,o1·l•olld olol,l ol• I lit,,, ·I <I"" fnr ''"lnt' IIlii I" •I \\' ' ' I r,' '' ,, ' "'"' '" 'I "'"' .,. thqmlilnl'(liUr k lr·. ''""I''''' hll~ nnw h<"<·n lo•r rn<~l "' '" .. , "111 " t· • \\. ~, .t. 1., ,. "111,. 1nrl ~tmllnr proh1"'"~ 1 1111' ohllfdl o<llll III J'tll 111•/lllur• I '" ,, ,, ., , I' II·"'""·"' I,, dl loo o'llro tl It lh!' pnr·•' tnlek•·,•t1\''tf\f!tl,'••uflh• •'1r•rll•l' 14 , •' ,,,, , ,, •t •t\'h •· rtlft~t•·h,, ttu p,~uht•m ln th• llll•·n •IIIli-: rtt.olo·rflt 1 lwlt)l' I"' I ' I ' I''" It '1 ' "' II" '' ·" t h'lot "II\ ,\ d l!ltl "hn Is I I'll•' o I'll• 1f It\ tho• lt•,IC1o r . :\1\ flirt\ ,, 11f ooonoplo o, 1\ rolll)( \\111'11 hi' I-:'•~ I\\ h11 h,.•· \\ l(lo• o"(ltf'f ll n1 • In tit I~ Ch , f M. f C 1 k 1 , It , I' 1" 1 ,,,,,. Jt j~ 11n (')((', •• It• let te rnu e er 1 , '"'" lr t< n:~~ural for ,,,.. ~-,~ r.c·rnltl fttf•·l'rr,. "h'' '' fo Address B. & P. W . , , lol , , ,, '·"· ul11rr1: with thl' II"!• lin~ tn , .... ('r ;clil• n .. u <lo • I . I' •• "' "' ·~"h ·n tr• rurf' I~ '" l•lll •nknr nf ''·' d•ur•·h m• "'''"" d On Leg1s of10n .. """ 1111 1, ,,_111n In thr hnr • thut lht•\ ".,,., rnu'l ,.,.,,,,, ... "' '"' '''I f' 'I·'• tlf' .,f f' •• , ... '' .... th• f!Jtrl unrt mot h r '• I no \\ llloll,o' 1111 !Itt• (Tutlfo• (l.,lf tl ol ''""I n•t " flo 1 I\0'\IW I hi' Ch1lfl tntt ••"kt•d lh.tt .dl f•lt• ,., ... lrt th, '' •r lnt I'" "' .. ttl I l'tt• 'n ,.,.1 '1.1\\ 11 ,, t11f 1 , , 1 ,,tf ,. ''• tl•f'n"•· twc,ntto;f• nf '' '' r•">h ••l "' J•IIH'Inc l111lott" 'II' ''' 1• ,,,1, r)111t,-111,. 11r thr ""rnn•· , "' l't • ., .... t I\ I • I ' I, .-I I t I I \\ f j " ... ...,...._ ,.-"' lltro ,. "" ""' 11•1 ,.,,II It•,. to I Ill I I I II I I ''' ,. lu h 11•'• d -< If! l>f' tn lrt tl •' 1 ,, ,, n '"' 1111 , • • ~ "t " ,,, • ltturto• •I , ,., •I '" 1 ;, 1 old 11,. ll'llf,; 11 J,. , olootlll' o1 L:•"lfl jnh \11 11 tt11rt \\ ,,oc ntll<lt· ol hllllfl'"m'' II 1 IH oil II t•:tn l1111lrJ 11n !IUC'h 1 <lilt.!!' 0 IJff.tii!'C ltltil \\ lflof .. \\ tll'!!fl I hH ( 111111~1• I I• I 1(1 llo• '' olo fo II \\ tlltln llol m;;d\t•~ th/lt ('\'o 0 ,..,,.~ rlnnn lo•(l lov llw r••r:lrl 1" I h•· Jo""'' '1 · o•r 11111 nlu "1 o 11 ,1 ltt.:lo I Q i I mny S\111 I• 'h11rrh fo•r PIIL:.r lm ltr1l l un•l u~o·ol '1 1'1" '1 "'' qr\•' " 1' 1:,'~11 '' 11111., •ol•lo· fnr ttwm t o lcnr n '" df• ('tl\o•h· rnr '"" ru~l ''""' "' ., "'""'"·"' I "1 I ""I I ··;I ,. ·"' '"'"' lito• Orf'llll that tho' tlw C'!'1rl~lmr" pr~r:llfl 1""1111'' '11" 11·"1" 11 1 ' 111 t'' ,, ,.,,·, do "" '"'" liS llw Jlllrc•ut• A ··~~~~I l1'1llf ""• th•·n f'I1\0YI''' l•t•·•• Ill Jl• 1 '"" 111 f 1' 1' 1''1' 1" "11' ~·~ ~ ' · ..:1 1 1 1 • 'I" • t ••I th••lll. io; rrmovl'd :onrl rl•·H.-Inu~ r•fr,.~hnwnl " "''1''' 1''''''"'111111 · ,.. ''' •l•l"'lf•< ", '"1',,, '"""" r•nro•nrq 11rr fa ult •t•r\'o•t\ In fr<ml II( n d uoo•r ftil ltr<' l•lfo ''''" r o•ltJI•• on '"'' 11 ' '< ·'f" .. 1 1~ ,..,.J.,1111, o1 1,. 1111 ln lo·1•,·•11n~ lond•'l'' ·""' pt·r f;·('llcmlsts bccnu•• h\ Mr~ T'I•T"" """ l~o•r , ... 1""1'·~~. rt.., ''"'""'·1\·t's h:wl' inf('rior i•l' '. lr• .John ~lol11·r 'i•·llll••r 1 n ·' '' "''"'''' :~. •. , ·· •~•ntinUI'f r. Ka 11 CPT I ·'l'h••r.• tu•t A I N'T a n y per'"" I 1h111 d"' '"I II•• \Vhy rlo we rrA<ort I" IJo·~· T" hui1d up OUY'14'IV•'' I lu•l.:•n•l li• ~ tn wif(' lo make ho r Loco/ Women Named OllicerJ ol 4th District At Annual Founders Day Meeting N••"-pnrt ~·arh "as cl~:n:.ll) 1 t•r• ~HI• n t llnCI 'lr• ·1··.rr•:ld ~I' '"l: 1111111<. h• '" •mlll'lrtant." , ,,,1 llrt!l "rll lt1• tllr<·t'INI hy malo nul~. >~·rul•· .. ,. •·hrnnto·all) til •, '·'""' T"'' ""' \o>lunh•t•rs t•:•tt•rtl" lrt lhc· t'nlllll1111ll l}', lr· tIt I ,,, •t. tlflt• t•• pia~ I ht• part ' ( <\,,..,., j, •• c .r rHt~.. •·r····d t If rnmtl) oil ,.,,,,., m;rn ami 11n o• tO Ill" tnc'nm•• A l•'l'l·••nllll:(' of 1111'~<' h.,1111.,.r11, twro fiOI!it•nro; \\o •ro· llnllhlt• ''' Jill~ lhC' Kapp a Kappa Gamma Draws Local Members fo Laguna Luncheon J lUI "·•II•·• (~ .• nun., H1ttt a1 r I \11" \\ tlltomt Furnk•·•, II• "h \1 ••h . l r' Fr•·•l ., " .. not ;\II, I(,.J,, rr ~:a~tnn. • o \ ,,f :\'o "1"'' I li' ""\l.,llllJ.: '• .... ' .tt lunt'h• ••fl \1 ,I Th11rnrt~ Swan~nn prr· r. •I ·•ml Mt•' M ;ll c rtro·l C~:t ij:; • ·• flll•cr·a rrl un C\loot\l'r'l ,\t t p,,,,.,, frnJn 1h •· tturht1r ;,r,·n 11 1 • 1 ht• C\l •·~oll.tmo'" Sl rnllt•r \\I lo• ftll'h11r1l ~ll·warl, 0 1 t' k 1 ., •', o~~HI l!~t•hl!rtl Frr11~n·t ·11 ,. Fo•hruar\' 111•''''"'1: ll'ill bo• • r 1,.. 1111111•• n f ;\lr" I l11rnld Fnrn·. • o'l\ l"at;d11ta ~•r•••·l . l.ll r;: II n a 1:. "11 ·•nil all l<appn K nJII'l\ Gam· ''"'" 111 rlw nn•11 or .. invJtr d . r, ~ul;n ,.,,,, ... r S:! no nn hc•ur, lww· , , 1 1·. n •li•lm~ "1'a lr 1<: u~• rt 111 hi tlw fflmll\' lnromr fnr thM(' who •·ann111 a Honl rh•• full prw•· ;\1o mho 1 ~ ,,( I h• o••onlrnm l'l· prrc.l o·nr "'''''• :"ol r• It F 1n• h nf \\','I· mm•h r . \11"' s; )ltll••r 11( 11<1111· 111CI< rt Htnt·h. und !\Irs ~: I IIII of "'''" fW•rl ;\It < I .•'1''\rt \\'h• -II lo ~ "'''"d' nl ur tho• \'r"lllrtl: :"Ill" ttthlf cl \\,t:--Otl'o ftr'"'"' Balboa Circle Discusses Proied Halllooll ('lr<'lo• rrlt'l r<.,.l'nlly with !\11·~ :\lmnw 1\akc•r Mr~ ~l•'ltlwn \.\'l'rtt lh·t·f.,, cl 11f'l•<~idtnJ,:. artll 1n tiiS· I'IIS'<tn&: lh••tr proJr•e t for tlw )'i'nr ldr tho· fiN·tsiOil '" th•· pro·~ul.•nt Ttw m•xt m"~"~ml: wrll h<' hrld r••h 19 a t l hc• hnnw of ~Irs. Par· Unruly Children in Danger at Bus Stops , Solefy Chairman Warns CPr Executive Board ~lr" L. J . Csf'nn r. mn~tnzlm' ch nirmflll. m a11(' rnany n·n<-wnls of ~uh~rrrtllrctns lo hoth thC' s tnt(' nnd nnllonal CP1' mn~tazuws ns \h\'Y nr(' prnvinl: In h<• most w(lrth· Whllo· Norma Briscoe Heads Firemen's Auxiliary hunnr..d wh,.n two offil'i'r• t'f Nf'\\·' l•·r. pr•·•hl• nt ,.( lh•· ="f'"fl<lrl lia r· ~•·'If prohll"ms In lnf('r life <'un I!• l••rtlnl; II dan~tl'rnu.~ situation port llllrhor Union Jlr..:h S('hnnl,lw or llrl'h <f'htll'll r T {\ Mr~ L•"rl 1 ... lr:ll'f'rl to !IJlllnkin~ of th~ bul· ,..,., l\1"' or unruly C'hlldn•n WhO l'llrl'ni·Trlll'h•·r n~'loclntlnn wr rf' lh ltoon .,f llunltnl!lnn fl<•AI'h. l.lf(' loot•k~ •n rhilclhnotl lt Is not nl'l'· •r•· \\,trlrnl: nl bus sto~. r.trs narnc>d "" nf•W nHtrl'r• nf Fo urth ;\lo mh• r •h<fl • hnlrmnn " n s In , "·,rv (n r 'ldult!l 10 !!Plink chilli·' \1 I I lor'< I, saf.-tly C'lm1rmnn of cll"trk t C'ahfornln C'on~rs!l vf rhrtrl·•• nf JWI'<,.nlllll"f1( r. n . ir lh"Y r:~o <'ontrol th~lr ~·n •h•• '' wpnrt llf·a<'h F:l<-m<-niRry p · f' ~~· lind T••A<'h•·N<. nt thr nn· •nu• '''"' rn•·r11lw r~ flf 1111' Fourth tnc••r ;mel m :•k" tho' rl~thl lUI:· "hoo<ol Con~:rc·~s of PArl'nts and n~~l nF ounll('r<' rtav mrrttn~t hl'ltl '"'''"'' ,,,,I"''' l~•nrd wt•r•• In· 1!1''<111111'1. In lhf' r hllrl "I hiiVf' ~''" ro "h• ,..., ""ko•tl fur immf'dialf' a c- .lnn 1!'\ nt JluntJn~:ton TWarh l lll(h 1•••1111'• t1 ''' \lr~ !"tplwrcl Th"Y •'holrlrrn. 'mntinuf'd Dr. Ka17 11"" ~<h,.n lhl" f')(I'<'Utl\'f' honrcl of ~·hnnl 11UII11ttriUm F.l<o.t'lt'() a' :lrc1 "' n · I rnto•n T ~lmm•JO'<. l)r:lnl(,. •uno· thr•·,. ••ntl 11nl' twn y~an old. <Ito CPT m•·t J;m I I nt thr hnm(' \'JN'·JJrt'llirt•·nt Wit" Mrs. Jrrrold l' ''"11111\ ""I~ I'"'' ml• nl II( ,,.hoot'<· Olml I hi'\' hn\'r )'1"1 to fl't'l a hanll ,,f \lr'< Rt~llf'rl I. (';II IIo;, 71B Jas-~pnm:lrr. prMillo•nt of thr lll<<lllf'lll· P r I I rttt,<• IIi l lr~ns:.:· ~·trn~v ln\••tl <•n lhrm for punishmenr '"";' .. ~'''011~· \orc~n\, ll•·:r Mttr :\'t•\\ n((tro•r< o f tho• F 1rt•mr n s tinn nnd Mr" l':<h:nr n II ill. 1'1 1" 111 1h nlflt·•_r 1 "' ,., • I'M•'nt~ ,,.,, hound In mnkf' rn••· "11 1 · rs nymon · arn•y Awu1tnr) \\o•ro· ln~lnllt·cl hy i'11rmr1 '"'''·Jlrl"sllio'nl Mr.,. H ill has also 1 ""111.:' ••I :-.'111 '' ,\na nnrl :"ol r~ 1 ttk··~. Rn lhr ~nlulinn is to noad. 1'1' '1111111:· lkt~~''"' wlll'n rlw ..:roup nwl '"'" l't't•n on lhr rll~trl••l h;onrd Ill' 1•·~1~· f:hn••c. ~Ill"'~'~ 1~'1r In ~1tnl:t An:t <.~ud~. rtncl lo•nrn In hl' 11:ood par· I ;\lr< llnr'<l loltl nr n('ar·a<'<'i· ~t11na lln)rlr n Takins: 11ff1t'<' \\o•rt· 1111inn rhnlrm11n "'honl~ • •·nr~ \\"•· lllurJ,• fo r n lhf'r p,.f••· ol• nrs 111111 u~kf'<l fn r mnrr "<'riou~ ;\ln nn 11:-tyll•·n, prl'~trto•nl . Jo·nn !\I•·· ,. ~· h r\ lei 11 l\lr• .John llr nry ~ nunlltor~ rlny ~1 .. n~ in !iff', why no t for parent·l' ·~·tw•r:•l tlll\ lu•t\\t>t'n p nn •nts :-tnd n r.nnhl, \'t<'l'·ttr,.~1rlo n l anrl Alma Mr~ Arthur r . ~IT' <-r prt-<~ ,. rhnirm•1n lntr•ll"lttrt•rl lh<' ll" 11 1 11~·1•" ••·l11 ••l rtl!lhnrll il's 1 th 1111 tiny ront'lnvr whlrh w~ ' · '"" -Thornpsn n. ,.,.,.,.,.,Ill~ ·I ro·aqur.•r " '' pn•cl<ll'nl~ M<'llrlnrn"~ r. P H ill Thl' P llrt'nlll F orum !ll."'if't 1~ "' n fttrth('r n\JI to m nlht'r q whn l'tlmmir ,,.,, 1•t1n 11·nw11 ;,nnourwt•tl hhthllghlc•rl hy 1'1t'CIIo n . nf o Utrtl•rll, 11f ~nnln . Ann, ft"l prr~<ldt'nt of I win" hc•1d :tt thf' hl"h •rl100l ..... h wi~h tn ol lc•nd \PT mN'Iin"S. FT id J t hr 11Wardin1t of A !lf'ntor IIC'ho nr · F'nurlh "lllt rlrt who Y rvc.-d In ... "' ~ ~-" hy lhr m·w prt•s t'nl wc•rr lHW ahlp •n<l \Iff' m('mtxonhlfl!l a nd thr 1"1" ~,r~ l\lnrv n n ntw•rt.•on of Thur!ldny f 0 r """ l'nnllf'CU'~ rnotl<m wn~ flMSf'(\ II) h!IV(' II ~l:'l'lh l<irlrlil", flnwr r: G<'lll'\;, J>nvnarll. 1 1 f fl"'•t pr llirlrn!M " •'· tv "'''''k" Thf'y nr~• !lllOn-.nrC'd by l'rftrlr \.lrl ~rnlll troop nntl thr hlslnri11n 11nrt Zrnnh111 Frns l. pllh· lflOOt n1: 0 1~ '' • ~111'11 11 Ann nnd Mr~ 1\ W ('n-.111 l\1('!111 nnd :"o·Wfl<trl Ae~~eh :~t1rr nl•l thr r "t:ulnrl) prtlll cirls Thl" fnllowinl: otflrt•r• "'1' r r l.riffth nf Ln~:unn Tlt•llrh Mrll .. 1 t 1 r 11 lir•ry. f "\o ,.,., •t l'lc•llwnTnry 111111 l"• Wfw>r'l ll11r bor I' Itt' 111\',. '•'•'n r11r n1: otr ~mil In fl\1\1'1' ''' 111r n·~ul11 r F••hrtJ:rn c•lt•rt('(! to 1'1'1''\'1' nr 1:• ,.. . .,. •. •' r~ 1 .. ·•11r 1".••1<••1 1•f ~nnrn /\nil 11111!\ • 11 1 J llfc h ~rhtwol T'n rf'ni ·Trnrlwr ;\!Ito-11•1 I n ·n c ur.nt; lh•• rn,.rlint!< n nw o•1inJ.: " \"nl,.ntln<' p:u 1v \1 dl F<to1·nrt1 M1llh.:nn, ~nntn Ann. pri'M· trii•Uio• ''' !\tr~ Rnlorrl Ktlr ff. 11 1 • 11 1 .. • 1 ,.. .. drt!lfln<. r\n C'hnr~.;o• Is m ul•· ~I not<-I I • 11 " I ;,r !'l'lllt·l" 11 t '" Ntrn I,,,, "'I< I Frul:t'. !-'• It 1:\ at 111<' 1 lllt•nl Mr!< (1/lllnl" l rfl'l I)'. t .nrul"n ,. ,., 111'0''"'' nl """ n:t<CONI fl\1 :ly r I h rl I ~1 ,. tho· Jtrnlnr """''!:•' tq ,., •·mhurscd 11 r.: fW\In1< 11r I I• tr m• rrr . 11 c··~ h11nto• ,,, :'\ntmt 111•,_, ... , .. 1nll I'''" CNt\f' 1ocl \'lc'('-Prf'"" l'nl. .. r!l rr~·.-ntl\ r l ' "' I h·· arl•ll l 1'11111'/llto\11 tlo·p Il l mcnt T'1111" \\' rt• ;n:trlt Hr 1:1\ '"It t h•• I• f I",. tlh'ntllf •r .. 1\lll IH· hllnllfo•tl Rn.v t'lnlry. \\'o•~rmm"'' r :!nrl \'II'''· I 1nl111 I I."~ ,.,,unl\ 11111hc'r11v nn ( 1 T 1 1 r 1 1 h I " I 11' <l"tl•· Tlr .I lltt•·q ft,.rnton, ltllflll l ' ,. rn•·m I• r• ur . "' I f' I:U• <I'< I prr~lllt•nt . M r' J• rrnlll Spnn~; ··r. ·"'''"' \ "'""' ··•h: .. :ttil•n. cavo• A rl r I (' L ' I I h I I I I 1" t' pr•·•• • nt n 1 "' n"'' •r,njtl' r , <rll or' ""'' t tnt.: " nno• 1\ '' t:t<; 1•0111 1 "lll•l \\~" f'l <\, 1 '' 11 1 :'\o "J•lrl 1lN1C'h :lrli \'i<·••·Jirl 'I· 111 1, r ,,.,.,,lint ,.( n• 1\ mo I hnrl• In ( k ( ( 1 ·,.,.,1 .l11nu•r ;•.,lJn:• •~ rho pre· l\011 • o1 1 numh•·r •• ~,.;,r ... In tJ r. prv• ~ ~~~111.: '" l",lh• r .lllhf1""" anti ,,, nl. Mr'l' It tl \\ II r tl T'nrnp ln. ••tlllt·~llo•n I,,. I I l"'f" r\ 1IH\I ... 11'10'11 •llltn&: rh 11rmnn II ··rrnc 1:11 "" ,,, lhr c .. n .. :rr ~· nr I~ .... \\ ..... llllilll" •• :"t~rll101 Tlrt•rtw• 1 )<~·nn \'lr•w . ·l lh ViC'I'·Ilr••'<ttlt•nl . <It IIIIo·• ,.,,.,. n••"' 111 1nc inlro'\fltJrt·ll ,,-111 ' I "h nr rtnlph Erkt•ll "fl''" l'or•nl< lnnTorl('ho•r• \loon lh• •t•n . .t IIIII• ~l r< \.N•n:• 11•tr·t . F llll••r l••n. ·'' h 1 nr •h 'I• nnrl ,, n ll ll ·I '"''' I I I ''"'' ........ ·~ .I lftll'tf\' :!::. Ill • ;ll\ I•"' II•' lnpic \lr• r o•rn 11:\ln•·• r• pnrlo11 nn I .,,., In·· n. ,,., 1\ ,, I" "Ill ·" \h'•··prr'<rllonl . ,. A '".,' 111 lhlll thoro l\llllw• .I no•\\' ... ,., •• "'11 ... 'II•II'Jnl! tho• ""'''·"'···nl !.row \h r r lm•, lo •r tn ··n••·rlrllnJnC <tn•l ., ,.,.,"'1"'''"'' 111•11\l .. r 111 1 oothor .. nnhnm fi fh \'ll'<'·l'r••Cinl'nl. ·' ,... I I I k• . .. ,. I • n . k <.:.In· •I -,h '' WVI '" ,, '"'''"''"" "'" "''"'I,. riOd lll•lrtrrfll•' r nllnt rr• ,, ,. pro-pr•" nl I'• ,, \IIIII I II o\do tl, ·"In I •nnrn Hrucltlll('M • '1~. o .'H \,·' I \lr• !\hrjolrl,. Ptrrtlo•y m:lli"l '"ll lnllttw lh<•l'l""' .. r lh• lo<'ttlr(' \'1'1111 1n 1',•11111:11\ l :\1•1'untlt! ,\In t 't'ltoolllft"''' ,11111• I 'u·•'·J•r•·~edt·nt ~ t'~'• r \ :•~-l<ntt\\ n tltt f in •\ pr•h .. ·t' ~· h. UlL! ''" ·J I ... , r \ ,. \' :.nnnunrr\rt tht" h:uhlh if, th t.,., I p,,, r., rH '·• "l<'k. /\nnh<•1rn. r••Ntrtltm: ~•<r · "'"'' fl\ 1111 t'•trl 11 or\'o' <t'ltt••l 11.~ J 1 • l lnm o•.C:.t•1,.,1 Coonro•rt·nC'I' rhnn~'r I • ,11 •I ;-...,11111 1:,,., ..... 1 '''"' I nry l\lr~ r:.t~:nr n I IIII. ="•'"'J••rl f,r lt.ort<lll' 11'1~ fl rholrlrt 11 1!1 !" 1nt I Mrs, ameS rvtne mo•o•lin.l! \1 1 \' IIIIJ'Itlrlltnl 10 _,Jl I J 11 r 11n .,,·rul J <•« \\ '""lm.u1.,., 1• h t r<>T ,,,.. r..-.rc• I f E f f • E f' . I•''''''' "'"'' . fl'i\'<ll . ; . I \n ' 111• r•· ·~ \It II I; I ··~·1 '"''I "r n er Otns xecu /V es p.on •n tc; 111•1 ,, ll'h••r<:. In lh•' Am ... r· nwkl .. rcl. t •rnn~r, IIUf!''"' · :1 n tl 11 Hl'l""'"''"" rr .. rn ,., r1n1n <II•· I A . L 1o-m T.••t:t~•n In II. 1 1:1 ~ l .l"!ll"n Sl . B 'd PI :\lr~ C"1roul1... ""''r, !':1111.1 Ann ,,,,.,~ 'llr« P lldlo \ ..... 1 0 SSIStance eogue ( ,, IIIli:•', \\I lin·"''"''· .hn :!R "'I , ge ayers hl<tllrlnn Filii< ol.tn•'IIW lllll'lr 11\ I h·· r. t"; ,., .. ,.,.,..,,,1. \\!<hill" In,,. Turn Out lor Teo \lr<: ,l nuw" l n u .•. ""'"'" • h •rr· ~ A ~t;/)() ~·'nltlt cdu•1nr~ltlfl Wit< I lltrnlrm.'ltoll ''··~II h Tlll'h ....... ~11 ..... "'""· I '"' I ....... ol 'II "" 1111" , .. o r ,, 1111 n .. ~ m··· line •hOtrlo1 11\lko At c t Cl b 1\\\llrJio>if l\J iSll ;\ht't' 1\11 (~tor!lnn I Ito •Jill lltlol 'I f'llt\' J'f'<'<o nfo tf Tl\ r o «t'r\.lflt\M \\Il l\ \Jr'< Jlaf\1'\ oun ry U lht· '''"'1111\1' ''""'"""'''' I lh<' · 11t ()ran•'"· <;ltrrknl al rlw l 'nl\·o·r ·l hiJ•h <dtn"l •h amrt ~Indo"'" :1ololo•rl "11nn•· IJM hllr ::!lfi .1. h.\ .fan :•t . ,... ·'"''''""'''· J., ''''"• .,(I,,..,,.·, o'utrn · ' \\·11h lho• ~forint: "'' :~llwr \\ltr<'h .. It)', !"111111\ 1'\l\rlll\fll Ea.·h rl\o'tlr \!11\'1'1~· ami <'n1nr ''.' lh•' "'"~'";'~ ,, "'a ltmo'llo•olt1 ''" Fo tol.t\ ,, hf'r The <1·11 ·• TTIII~h· c•h ei~nl'lll fll'o'\·lll••fl. qttino'l' .. , ...... ,~ m •• do• I hill ~"'"'lllr~hip nwnrcl I• nHt ;· tn l'f!OI;rllm Tho· hn~" l'll!>ir " I 1" h••llll Ill ('o\1'1•11•• olo I :O.II<r. r-;,lnl'y Plllllln<' Ttll'!ll'r , <o•nl \\lln l "" 111'1'1'"1''''"''' (1o•o•oll"llllnn Ill rollll· fill ltfln tnn-11 ~twirnt Wht• "1 wr 1 11''"1'rtl'l"n 1\ '' n I' h Flo·mo•!l! lr\ ,\nn~>•IIH'• 1111 n l "'' rn.ut. •hnt 111111 tltt• ''"l hr•r-~ll1~"r< mll~ir ltln nl i"n wllh '111\o•r rnnd••lnl>t ·l "'lsr mldll nul I"' 11hlr In rnrnplo'l•· 't'hool ~11111: durin~: lhr nft••rn'"'" ( 1111~ h!•••n .,,,,.rtr•d for 1}1,.. 01t :~lr i llw Jllnono. " lho "n n t • Ann .tn•l \\hit<· 11\fit•rs <10 tlw ht'llllltfttll~ h1~ ,,r ht•r ~·o1h's:e or umv,..,... ty pm.;rnm c..,.r rpnv••nrlnn in S:1rr:~m••ntn •n I lo •11~.;11,. "'II 1.:1'• 1 to• nl'ltt """'r l "l'l•'•nlrrl 111hlo• ;tl rhc• ~unta 1\11:1 rrnlmn" lln~l~ In thr 1:"-.> m••rnlwr~ pr,.s · 1 ~In•·. :\lnllwr ·S•n····r<: lhrnw·hnut "' ltltl (;\~ \ltlll '"''" .II I 1' '" tin ' ~ ... ('11111111 I' t'lllh hrlrll;t' '"" ''" TllllfS· Tht> ~11m of $2:\ I~ Alftlrrl In tlhlf1c ••rtl Wo•r·o• IIH't111~·rot 11f tlw llllnltlll: 1'1tm·•tf.r}, .l.ttJ • , 1 'I 1 I ht l·~l,.•ll 1 hr !<I :t lo-:-tr<' nn\\ nhll' to ho·~:in ll:t\' In I h" J•nl ril nC'C• hall \\":11; :-~n <dlr•lll.rllhlp (lind for ,. n r h •• ''"' llo•ll<'h lhs;:h <>o•hoMil l'lllllll'il I luh holl1<o', ~.101.1 ,\rw . l .. r tlwlr r<'hcnr~nl~ r .. r lht' ('CIO\'J•n'll •n .trrlllll:•'lll• nl nr <>nrlt•lrn,:: .. n~ nu•nliH•NihlJl nwardt•d nnrmnlly """'" lrwlurlo·~ T' T 11 ~ nr llw I'' "J''I'I. rhf' 1 l.tn, , ,, ho• ! for C L. , C l. L. C. I ;\lr" n, :t n Cnrnph..tl ami ~tr ... Fn\lrth rtl!ltrk t. ~-lth it• !(IIIII llunltnclnn llo•1rh lltc h nnrl Fl•·· ,,,,.,,.. rhrlrlro II nnst nurcn lTC es l1oolw•rl (1~;1·· \\o'ri• 111 ('hllrl!l', \\rth rnrmllf'Nfllp 1,( li.0!-10. Aw nnl•'<l !'I !It mrnr •tn ~C'ht••l• F<•llnl:trn \",til• Y ( 'ltatt m••n uno! A 1 ~ t ' :\l .-I' 1 ~I 11 1 •urh h ft• '"' mlll'r<hlfl!' a l thl!t ( '•'•'1\ll ,.,," ~ ••• ,, "' >1\'h anti w ... ,. I' I" I., ' ,, '.... nnounce M ee lngs I' r< '" l•·rl . I ··r 11' ,. l:llrman ,.f hr:Hwh • h II•'• 1' 1•. I• '1 •'.(' '"' ""' "'"'"" .\ l.trl!t· rn•wll w:u1 ,lttnunr~ mf'f'lln~ ftf'l'f'inm: lho'~f' nnn<l••r fro,m S tnl 1 Arr.•. I •tll•·•••·n \Ill\· l':f'\\"''rl 1111\·ht~ d rrh' 11( th,. ••Ill :.'11 l'llolt·~ Jo, m•· tn 111~.'· 1\nd \\t·n ·: Mrs 0~ \. lll•hnp nf 1lr-,\tlo•n<llnc lhi< "'""' th lil'-1rJr1 '" .. n n~:··· :">Irs 1\l:lrjntl• llllti lo•\, pl'in -rn····••nl! rr .. m lhr "'' "t"•rt "' :trh I'"" tlr .... ~··. """' r•.:'"" 1 .. ··h \\'~c . \\Ill 111<'•'1 Ill :! I' ll1 nn lfll·r· I\• n lnrii\JCill:tl prllt''< fnr <11<l '\., "'J••rt H. "h I l •• •h(' Thllr'•l·•~ nl th1• "'"' k ·1t tho hom•• ,.,,, h I ,hlo f'llllll ,,, .l .. hn :"ohur ···ht'loll Ill ~nntn F lo•nu !liAr\ ~··lu• .. l r' T ,\ \\ ,.,.,. • ..... ,, I",,.,, .. II. r' I... •n tn. ,., !\tr" F r o•<! \\'o•wh•Hrth. !II'-Tho• fun• ho·otn '"''' lin\! r .. r 1\11'111• ,\na J\1,.... rttr hnr•l lt•~·hrn. <o•C'· ~~ .. ~ lln\ "" ntl li: I 1 "\ • ~. pro•<r· 1 \lr~ \\ •ll·nol 1\1l111 n 1 n 'lr• \\"1·"1 (', 111r.~1 .~\'o'llll•' \\llh h~ '" r<: •'nh \\til ho• ''" Thttr~ll!l\', .lan r• t·1n . ,\n:oho•un .1 Fr:~no·t~ A cit~. 1lo·nl :'olr-. llnrolrl f' tv.,.,,,., . . "· ·• ·• • • '""11'• '-•nllo•\ \lr• \\ •'• I IJ'Ih-rnnlh,.r. ;\!,... t'nr<h.l\' ns h••~l•'~!' .''1 \\llh :'-lr~ l.ll<tltl<l ;wol :'-lr ~ II Weddinf( GfJwns _<-';:~ • E.-xQuisile Nc·w GO\ms fo1· the Bridt.' anrt / :, : L ) ru•r T.ntout·age • W<'<iilfng Gn'' ns '. • • \ • ~;f._,. • Wt-.!ding \'t•ils • Bridesmaids' Gowns ~2-:'l ~~· l.t·l I lttr· \\'••tltlin~; (';lnMIItllnl ll••lt• \'ull l'l.•n Yuur \\'o-..lthnr.: • l'htint' t»i:!l BRIDAL SHOP MALCOM'S 608 S . !\lain Ranta Ana ALAMITOS A 'IE at 1st St ·LONG BEACH · Ph 6 ·1974 MATI:"NITY 8TYLU Washable Rayon & Cotton c n r c Slu.: 9 to n Only Complete Maternity Shop Let It Come As a Surprise ~ 1n Orange Co. ~ / f])o,'nna cMa'tiv dfzop 1116 SORTtl )l t\IS, AR('t\D~Bf.IHO., R o\STt\ ,\S ,\ Tn.t:r•uos ... ; li60II SeJiri ·Annual Sale of/ Custom Made Lamps 20~ Discount on Entire lamp Stock Antique Furniture and Brie a Brae reduced also .ftuiiP .fu;Jd SI.Dp Phonf': lla rhu r 13~-R 11107 Coa. .. t lflchW&) ( O KO,.\ llt:J. \I \R Fresh Daily Of!l&doaa &e. P'ood• Or, comp&etr eqlll~nt wben )''"' w.at to catcll yoar own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL A VENUJ: -:- 1 .. 1\llli~S\ THIS BEAUTIFUL ~ ._1!: Ef4~ATF. .,11,.11tJ.ont'(' 111 lh•• ••rtlt·r ,,( thr ptrhnll nt 1r11n, :"ol r< I. ,I < •• nnr \i•o• 1;,, ,,,111 " ,.... \lr• •• 1: \~ ,.111 \\',.rJn,..ob\ .l.m :.'1' 11 tlh \lr• ...... rc\•nnllor ,,( t'hlld \\o•l r ,,.. •. tnd I ... ,, "1' •t•l· 111 '1•• I ·l · or~ IIIII ,,, ,,..,. II ''··q· '"' tl·l· ... •• nd :-.'o•\\J"''' n. ·wh ··•r· to• '"" m• I I ll lltnt: tn ··lt.oll!•' I " I' ''·"'L:•· N'llnty ""1" nnl<'l'll•·nt ,.( "'·'l'"'""'' •·h11l~·t ''" \h.., p, r•·, I f 11 11 A.ll Wortl Owarutf'M f 1 1 ,_.. rl , 1 1 '' • "'·' , . .,,, • 1• r• I•· ... rr· J-:l:olrt ,.,,,, Ill t •: \\',•<1 Ct•ntr:-tl Th. (rr '' p·q• r rnill 111 rt~lont.•l FLOOR DOES THINGS FOR <o Ttll<•1< ,\rfhttr }' ~tpho Iff ll 1 r • \ •Ill,.... f\1111 f'•tl I' lllrllllll I ( c• \ I·DA\' I'F.R\'lf'l: • ' • \ I I 1• I 1 ''' • ~ •nl.l r • I ·, '1\' •mtt• 1 \nt• rll', "'"' , . .,n,lr<lo•l• <I In lf,'YI J ,1111!•'. lttl~hApd <d lhP ~••lnM' lr< I I ••••• .. ru•••• ",,, '"' ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~;;;;;;;;;Prt;;C'f'e~;:IW<;:•:...,:;n;•;b;lf';;;;;;:::;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;;9i Ill• ll1" :0. If" .\ II•· r t ..: I' "n•· I'" I· II • 111 ""I'' "''~ \1 ,. ll••r•r ~.r. '' Ellecfive Immediately HOGAN 'S FOOD CENTER 1101 Coast Hi9hway , Corona de l Mar Will Be Known as CANNON'S FOOD CENTER Under the New Ownership ""d Mana9ement of • ARDEN CANNON We hope to carry on the same Courteous Serv- ice and Friendship with our Customers extended by tM Hogan~. PHONE HARBOR 179 \lr' I! •'l•h l lo• ol • 1 onol :\lr' .f ,. -:1,11 tnl I T h1 Joo ·l1 <o I· '• I I' T \ h 1ol 1 I'• • ••t d 1\11 n••\l' ,. ,h, t,,,. 11r~t· "''h ,, "" Ill II•· I• ,. I ,, Ill•"""' I ' ,,,., ... fH Oil "'"' h '"' l't'-:( '-hi•\\'l1 •'l fh, , '• ·tit''' H· pt .·-:• nt ,,,u ... 1\r• "' "' "• t • IJh• ,1, .... t"lnl•·c: .l··r toi.J :o'i•lll1'111' \\ tl••t ('p)o•, 1••'11 \lt•!'.dloun \\ 1111 11 ol 1\1111"11 llo-rrn ,., •. ,"'Ill I'"''" \\'1 II•. .1 <' ''' 11!1 11 \\' l 'rtrkl'r 1'1111 :"o•r· ,. , .• ,,,,,,. \1 •,1,.1\ ftl'\ ft,l!<h 1 ;1, '"' \\'lu11o '<'l<. ,l,oftn \\'o•'<l, Fr,n· o I • llo~r\.olh II 1\ "•·1•o•n \\' It 11tt• 1•11· '" ll P " n 11 I(! JT:1ll .1 I 1 ''''' ~·• ff, "" n. R .11ph n.-.1\'l'r. Jl,.l•,rt li:1llofor AI••' n l~tr i,·t < 11 urmo n ~~. <rl.1mo < Fli~:nr Hill. \\", "" ' F o<\\ 1• r. 11 •rr\ Rur<tock :tnd Jo;, nno•lh ~II'WIIrl J"('ar l> l(';(l.O(\I) (';thfnrnln l'f'l· l'rlln~ ,f W(lr1d W:tr II tHWC' ntf'd prl'h rninM\ nppllrllllnn~ ~1th thr Sta ll' n.•pnnmr nt of \'('fl'rlln~ Af· f11lnt to C'!ltnbllsh rll~tlhlllty under thC' \111lfnrnlr~ fiU'm 11nd horn<-pur- <'h""' plftn. ~GIVE FOR YOUR PORTRAIT VALENTINE'S DAY The loveliest valentine you can 9ive is photograph done in our distinctive style. your ~ ~ VALENTINE SPECIAL: With each order of $15.00 or placed before F.ebruary 7, 1948, we will give you-' A Free Sx7 Portrait in Oil Color Bernard of Hollywood Studio F.ARL McPF.AK -0\\'TJ('r and ()pc>rntor Phone Laguna Beach 4343 more, 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a a f 0 0 a 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t t a • t 0 a 1 0 a 0 • 0 0 0 a a ~~~~~Y~OU~k~H~~~~~ lfoonreac.h new heighu in beaury, sryle and prac· ricaliry when laid witb T&le· Tu Asphalt Tile. There are loads of exciting Tile· Terr colors, p lus smart bo r · dus and individualized inserts- co help you achi~e the dccorarive goal you're a(tcr. Whal's morc-Tile-Tcrr lloon wipe dun and fresh with • dafTlp clorh ... are srain and scar resistant! Your Boor looks "n"'-'" after long yeau of hard wear-because Tile-Tu plain and marbleized colon go Jtraighr through to tbe back of tb• rjle. Come iQ or teleobooe now lor more ioformatioo. TILE-TEl ASPHALT TILE HANSON SHADE & U NOLEUM SHOP ODr. sewpon .. .._ a tard s&. 0.... IIIMa PIL BI'Acoll ION-I- I hit 1111' !'('\ "' me hi• ~ Musically ~ B;r IL.ATIILEEH OOLDIA.N SpeakincJ n Christ Church WSCS Studies United Notions , ~ Plans For World Day ol Prayer f'lnt h'Ssons with the new study 1 II> bt• t>h~<'rwrt hy 1111 t•hurC'h£'!1 book, "We '"'" Propll'," Wo'r l' IN1 lhl't'UI!I)oout llh' \loti 111 "" till' ftr~t h) Mrs J I I l'lt·d.~tont• nnd Mrs 1-'t 1t111~ nl I ··nt, ~, I• 1:1 :qopumto-d !\tuy Dt'lo111:'r wtwn tht• stuc1~ n r\llllmlll<'l' '" "''' k oltll tlw pr••· ~· CoUJI ur 1'\..WIWtl"l H.-!t<"h VI' s (. :.-t:rnm Snnw<1 \\"f'l"l' 'hr :\t1"'11nmr ,; ml'l Ill C'hrl .. t n lUrC'h h) llh· ~.... ,1,11111 Pft'l'hllt'l , \\'tllt.t111 ~l.tii'SIIn, J\ rnund lttltlo · Oht'llS~tun fullo\\o'll l \J,,~ Po·lu.-,..,, :-;tqoh,•n \\ ~tlto•t' 1>11 th1" <•lltltnt• ul lho• l 'ntt•·•l :-.".1·11••111 .uul <~··•••t.:•' t: .. , lrln. 1 I Its pnro•nts lnsistro he bt.-come a doctor Tho· bo~ dl'tt·stro ml'<L- t.:.Ull'. and UlStstcd he become a music: Ian So th•· pnn·nt:. t•ut off hi~ 1'\lll••J:•• ullowatu't' an d Ht·c·t<lt· hurl to find his own hro•art and hut - h •r Fur S<'' t•n ~, aro; Itt• studll-d • 11 lht• P n r 1 s ( 'unsl•n ·at o 1 r t' uf Mu<~ir. nl- " nys 111 flC.)\'t•r· 1 ~·. hnrt'ly o·1u·n· lllj.; lilt• lll'l'l'•~llh•S llf llfl' hy Sill~· Ill!: ttl f IH• o·hotrlf~ t~f II I ht•a I o•r. In .oddlttull to slm:tnJ.:. hl' wns ahl<' lu fJIU) th•· fl••l.:t ult•t and the• ~;Uttar. lout thl'St: lltn• 111111\lr a c· ~'Omplt~hnwnt< tu his ~o:rc•at lrlh•nt. nr!'ht·,;trnllnn In tim•• lh'c:tor Bl'r· lois ht•t·anw tht· ~:n•ut art1~1 hr lunJ::t•d to lit' I I•· ti<'\'<'10r<•d ur- rht'sll'ltlloll mtd tlf'l'lwstral 1'11lpr to l'Udl n •'If'..:•·•·" that h,• Is row known ns_ t.h£1 "l•'lilhcr at ~odcrn Urc·hP:o>tratlnn · • • • A story IS lOft! nhu\11 hb I'XJN'III'Il('t' With \ht•ruhtnl \\ hn!'l' hark watt wnrst• thun h1~ h tto Thr mur" lah•nlt'<l tlw flllfiiL tlw ~.:r.·a to·r nwruhim's ,.,,,,.,.,,~ \\'l11l• th•• ~:ruff clrt'l'<'tnr tlf 1 lw C'onso•n ·a toirr was 1'\Camln· Ins;: 11 pl•·<'t' •'•lmiXIl"'d h~· lkrlin7 hi' rum.-"'"'n a o'(lmpl,.ll' r1·st or two m o•n.;ur•·,.. "\\'hSII '" !hal~" hr J.:I'0\1 lc•d llo'l'tor nn""'', d 1 wi~lt to prtl<hu·r an d fo•o·t. sir. wtw·h J th1111~ht route! lk'"' 11,-. prutluo•,.rl hy "'ih nc·••" "A h. ) 011 I hOUj:hl If \\'11111rl prl'>c:hlf'C' ll gOO<! !•ffl'rt nn thr· allrlio·n•·r tf .''llll SUI)· pr•·<:.~•·d two mr·asuro•s?" "Y ~;lr "-"Vf'ry ~ood. Suppro•tt thl' r C'st . Uti' l:'ffN't w111 he l W'tlf'r llt1tl" fScrnp book itl'm) Costa Mesa Bride Hon at Shower Phyllis Youn~. whO!!<' mar- tmns pro~o;ram. :\l r~ ,I J\ Ho11ltll.t11, \'luott'IIHIII ol( 1\lo·mho'l'~ pf ~"•'Wiltll'l 1'111'1•· •111'1'1"·'· •• .ott lo ffo·l ~ ,.f fll:ttll" ·•·f\o·c~ ,1 ;1~. t'olll lurH'III'on nt "'"'" ll o•fll '''''II"'''" • I th•• ('1111,1111,., tn 40 1'"'"''' Tho·> nut unl~ dt·art·d '"'''' ••I ltH•t ·nul l'lo•thlltt.: Whlo'h ~>1~11 hut h.ul o 111111~h fu,od 1oft \\•111 to• lho :-;p.uu ... h t\1\h I h' 111 In o\t'r t o ~~ r\, : . .''U tllu n · p •.• ~,_.n" al """''''' th• "-" llP '"''~h•n .•. m~ht I It .olt:ol ,\111 llhl '" th. \'oun • :O.I r<t J lo( Elltoll Jlr<'Sido·d ut ltult 111~ '11 '•' tlh "'o ~t•hl•u l~o•• I tht• uftt\t'noon hu~anPii\fiC "'~~inn J l"u''' 11 1 l'"' 'I' '11 ~· \\tlh J\lr~. Slt·plw n \\'p:otlwdoJrrl \It·" Fro·cl \\''""h"•tth •'" "' lo•art1n1: iu d,•,·utinns ?.trs A. J n1"11 ,.f " r .. m111111•.,. ·lf'l"""'''" '" flutte-r lt•d Ill sin~HlS,:. \\'t1h 1\1r s IHd k•• \lp '' if' h·~·J.., "'•"11:ht ,,,, ._ o·••mpll'l• ol '""'k~ loot' tfr,f t•olout" 11 r:. A Rurn"ll 111 tho• tmtno 1111 thtl:" ,.,.,.1, "' 1, ,11•11,.,1 '"'' J\lrs. J)('ln th·r. s~kl' nn :·A !loll· " til ''' a l••rnh I flh mho I , :llt' Jar GOt'!' tn .t\fnru ""rl M '"" F.l-.h•t :'ol.ol'\ F ll.tn"'' ,.r t\tt.1111,.. ''"', Nt•\\ land tulkt•rl o n tho• futurt• uf "hu '"'" Jo..' \o•:or,.. 11ttl ,.11 ~.11 "Thl' Qu•·'ttun Mar k (If tlw Curt· ltrtlny. • trn•·nt Alaska." !\' •• ,, n ll'l'linL: "'" h·· ,.11 Ft·lt J\l1~s :->o•wland. r<·rmnr..•nt chilli'· 11 '" 1 h !\' ''" t .. rt If, rL:h '' 1•11 c•lo rnan fnr thl' \\'orld nu~ nf Pray1•r, "'1'\ Int.: th•• huH'ho '"" Lun.cbeon aJ Ntl Y C Honors Noted Authors :llr ami :lit~ II F: ('ht t,tl•·r uf California Congre.u P&I Studies Liquor Control And Child W ellore 'fhr l "lanr!t•r" ••ntr rtnukrl \\lth ·'I Tho• Ho.n ll ,.f :ll.oo.ol'• r-. 11( lho lunchNon F11rl t~· at Nt'"I"Jrt l!.u·l t',tlil .. rnta('"" '''""' I'll• Ill'-n111 hnr Yllo'h t l'luh hononn~ .Jnhn .I 1 I'• :ll'h• r~ tno •o•t 1111.: 111 ~ •• n I·'• ''" ~-·~~~~·~·. :ll.t!'f.:lh rill' J\lrC':ortll\' mul ,.,..,., ,l;tlllllll'\ I,.,-, I',,,. I ·"' rul ('lt'nlaxes 19 Thnm;t~ \\' Duncnn. nuthuo~ who ''"""tl••t·;oflttn '" tho 'Ill• •11"11 "' • :tpf'l''lrt d ''" tho• nr .. t nf tho• q••rf!'~ I'll·· ltqlltor l'ttnto .. l !'till'• llh· I·,.,. Years on For~'e .. r Authnr'< l'lr\1"''~ wloh•h "'II tv-~t''" h:~<t lo•ru: h .. ·n "r111u"h ''"" '- hdfl 11n tit•• fourth F nrlay ur o·.ll'h '' 1 11' ol "oth tit• 111"111• 111 .. r 111"1' B R • month at lht• Ehtll club hnu~r "0"111''1'' '"'""t '''"'""' tho '"""' v ettrement unci~ jr.,nt Rll<plrt•s nf thl' F:.-nj···•'l c·;oro ful ''"'""'' t '""" '" th• I d ·nnd '!111• 1«1:-.:'ICI•·rs honk c;hotp 11 Jlllrl ••f tho' l.o•c"t.'''"" ''""'""t . h •· on I h~' J•ropn ... .-cl rn , .. t s u r, • Othc•rs whn :\~lo·nrl•·d wo•rt• \It'> l.tqluor l 't•lllf'"l lw \'o·t·~ inlli.o nu:wnn. Jat•k Tto•rnr·~. tht•tr hll'l· lilt' .. ,, Wa~ a..:~····fl ,,.,, I hi" nP~s n~··nt. und Jo~n Thom~n ; lfh'll"Uro• Is n <IPJl In th•• n t.:ht !\Irs C:ll><'rl. "tstrr·tn·law nf J\1rl'. fltr~i~tH.,!&-wtH l"f"f"rlv..-t 'nn :vll'tltrthv· M rs IUIIW'rt K11llfn t:r~ . · · • · 'IIPflflrl Till' lr~tl~f;lll\'•' rumnutto••• act•_n~: flrNitdl'nt or Jo.IW'll club and w11l c•nnttnllt' s tudy ur ;.tl la"·s un •·hnlnTmn of t hr !lr('Ond boo~ s~r. thH prohl<'m 11on, !\I ro:. O twrl Lucas, chatrman uf lht• ftrst houk section , Bunlit<·r <'rN•lc•y, mnna~:t•r of the book shop, ;.nd Mrs ('r('(I!Cy. • In Qnl' wartlln(' }'<'nr. Navy fond •upplii:'S I'OSt $500.000.000. yet lhf' J'l('r capita J'l('r rlAy cost of fi'Niin~t :->avy mPn wns only 6-$ ('('nts A <~I uri~ nf tlw u .. ,. •Jf o•x1st IIlio( t'hllrt o·art' C'rnlt•rq In 1ndustruol ;oro•ns rl••lirly lntltc•ato•s !hal th•• llf'••d fnr lht•st• f't•rtll'nl still Is 811 o·n ... r~.:t•ncy tntttl••r T h r hoard t1r..:• ~ "1d1·~ror•·nd 'liiJIIort of t h1s pr11jN't by 'tal<' ng,.nc:tr" "·' 1(. 1'. \\J(II,IIT I<• Ill II II' .ol f • I llllh I • • II I t' II'' 1111 lit• ''" 11 1••11<'< lur ,., "-Ill 1111h tw :0 o,f, f'lliiiL' "''"' Ill 1)11• (.olttlltlll$ ,.,.,, •• r ••I J;H•k S•11111111 t '-, tlfl . u( ~ r 11'1'' tlffi.lt,.,·ilrrt In,, ""'"I y "h11 h f., .·.on In IAA'.! 111 l-•llftu11, l::nd wu.l \\ lh·r,· Jur)t ""' horn, tho I•' h.l\1' '"'•'II ~htp· "11 •·k~ -"""1.1"""·" 1'\11\'Y nnll Arm~ ''"l"'rlt'lh'<'S l.o•t t un Or)lhlln nt W .lArk wf'nt tu "'II With h i<: (;,lfl.fu tho•r \\1lu•n tho· C:tlll·f;tl hf'r II111I .IIH'k ""~ plnr· rrl "'' a 11ny:o1 Nav\' tr:11nln1: shtp, 11nrl 111 14 jnlnrd th•• Rrttl~h NR\'Y I I \\ ll' In 1 'ltOO 11nd In I hi' P htl· lf'IJtn•" th.ol !'umm••r'< ~<•tnt-rl thf' I '1111t~l St;ot··~ Amw nn•l lt•nk r art Famous Authors P/.ase ond Are Pl.osed With First ol Ebell Club's Author Reviews l tlo•t II\ l•••t•l• \\ lh• ·'I'I•'IUl'IJ 1111 1 this ltllol'<•l <'II\ tho• IIIII"' I IIIII Ill' lht fn,• \1ilih>l' 1(, \1<'\\ '1"'11 ll\t' l'l,o,·o• th•'\ h11tl IPIIIIt! \1'1 Kilo\ $~ ''1t t ' 1 \ l•\ fttt \ .. l.uh h.•t ' '"'"'k lpJ.,n lo t'•Hth• h .h 5< Uftt•t ... ,.,•JIIIi.: ~. 'I' : t II I It• H • luh utul lh 1.1 '·•• ll•tt' , H~u..:• tth nt' }'/'J...' ·1•1 II" doh ho•ll'• 11••1 tlllh I :\I 41 .;Ito'! 11, :\lo•t '111 til\ '"" f111r ••I I n f I .,. .. h\1t II r " I ... " I .. 0 h Iff \ ""'" ...... ~, ,,,..,, 1'1• .~.·I 1 11 t• \\ l •ltth •111 tt\l1 h\1r I '• 'h'ttt·~l ,.._ U" itltl Itt •':&loot IU • • ... ... t '.~ ... ''" t ,,, d I"'' I I tlllltlj '" l lt\"'~\ ,, '"' Itt l11 t \\tlltlht tt ~IIIIH!11111~ ,\\tl ltt t lt .tllh•.t tlthl fht ttltl h• ' ,,.~, ,,:, ''''''""' '"' thtl tl~t· ''''"''"Itt I• "" ,,, ' . 1• I I.'" lt ··I llf d, .. ,. I ftlt I It \ '\\ \\ l""' lit lilt "' ,, ,, II " ,, '• ,, ._,, '"·'' ",,, •• r ' 1 I 'I I I ttth ,, • dlo tf llh '""'' th· ''''"''"" ,., •n•''' ""' ~~··•h ....... ,.,,. '"''" k•hh·" I ·'··I II I ,, .. \ H "''""'• r .t ..... l tut ··I ""· ... ,.) "·'' lh I t1 I It .tl ...... .. , .. ••""'''''" Itt '''"" "••tta..l tl•tttlt fh;\' 1'tt,lt\h11ttl"" \\oUtld r I 'h t t"• tn' l 11 ~ •J, '''" ,,( " I 't • '''' 1• 1 ..... 1 II d \ 1 'l•l• """'Ill.; I ttl 1111\o,-,I!Ht<~l \ Ill '•'I tltt'1 fl t 'lilt\ t Il l '" '"· I''''' I till I I ""I'• \ \\,t, ••IU• Ht d In .1 11•1• h 1 • ••• '' ..,, till tt H\ ,. li' I tl h I '•' \\ t h h I \tP• lit tl\ pt t\ ·"' "' hPo1 .uut IH' \\ I f t pJ llh t.i .. h ft'i ' tflh f \\ 1'. lit I f I f\1 tl I I\ I tit "''" I • ~~. \\• It toll+ ' ll '~~I fl I dtll! u. unt·, fl o lu 1tt••) tl • I ct·•t:cl.l•' l •t·lt ... t., 'I'" '1' ' "'II ,,, "' ,, ·I \It ..; ... ., .. " \ o II \Ito II ••I h t I ft ·l tlh I It ""lilt It I ,,, ( •,"f.t \lt"" I 11u t • I • 1. t 1 '' • lllllhtt ,.t t I ' 1 " 'I I''" •• t l . tllfttttU'I "' ~ rk~ , \ \\h• '' 'ht 1' tH ,,,~, lnt \\ "" '" ,,f '"' ..... '· ""' 1111111 lho \lo ' I 'h ,J, pt I ~~tro.htt•f\f tlf f lh ··IHIIt ttt t.t \ I I .. ,,,,,I\ ••I I ' 1111 I "" .. , '1 I '·,,, 1111 I Htut h ,, ·'l•t•••nto ,, 1 .t;n It i ft1ltt1 "" \'t,"11H \ ftt l.tkt t'Ht't nf tfh• ut I ftl"" I tit lttt t 'qlt If II' ftltt"" ""' o6J\it •I '' •' ''''''"' tl, "-If tlh' lu •t•• I '· '\\ • f ' It I 1 ht ... ''t.. • t h IU I,, "" ti t''' '' '"' tttth htJn~ "' • ,,,1 Itt, ttl ''' th, •'htlte•h ••n '"'' •• ,: •Htt.f 1\ If 11t U f1l It d~ n. n• , , , •I•· '''"'" "'"' 1..., 1 I'll'• • r ""' ,t, ••I • 'l! . .rr. ' h o1'11 "'•huut tl•d .dl•tut.tl •"h tft,' ···d ~ ,,,,.,,tl" •• F •• , .ltnun t\ \1 r111 lt~l· (,., I " II , I ht!o .\•h•ll llhl :\!r' J~•o•II'I(I'IJ)' \I I • font", \11 , :\1 s 1111,.11,.,. 11111! 11 r \II• II" tor••...,·uth •lllt•l•l\• ''I \to• "''I. \\ ll'll•'l !ll~ttdt 1\tr!' I tho ~on ll•rn.uolllltt nfltot• nf l'ul ~l .. lllh:.tl lith! Mt• .lnmo•" 1~ !'l,lo lll\'lo.foln ur IIJL·I•" "" '"• • h \1 •11l \lr• 1°/tlll )l A111.:1"' !~' lllo•uf.•l,l 'l'llnot llo.ll'h l lll'h 11111 \It• II ,\ l•oti,'CI\11 (nr )-',,~trr h<ool •1111.1 I h..lJ,' o\lllqto• lllltl t• rntl llnh "., 1. \tr • \I If 1 ,,. k 0 11 A >• ·•1 " f, '''' ''"'" flu I '111 ·n~ol \lo • .I i\ 'l'tt\ l11r IIIII\ M;. \t'Tslly llf t',tltl"t nt:o, ""''''' Ito• Th··~l"''' l!nl•lll• ""'' ~l r• 1-:rrutll· m~Jctl'1 111 ''111''"' • t tilt.; llo· I~ R lt11 \\ llhll•· ,ltlfl'' M1" Ft Rnk Sui· \o•t••rnn n( 11 \l'ltr 1 n I I II f • • ' • II '" " '"'·' 11n•l M•• l'··•··r Anwh · July l!l'n 'll'!' "' lito• 111'111)' ulr l'•'rJlll \Jo' I 'lm k 11111! Mr' T tH loor . . nw "•·•ld•n~: ill ~I' I rur ~Wrno· :'-!1 ~ 1',.1Jn ll~t•wn ~not M tunc• In Alft.;ll•l and lttf' l'tllll•l•· l(,.lotn• "''''' "1'1"'''"''"' to puro•h11r;,. pii'IM '" ro turn In !~Ciuwol \\ lu" llh tnt! 11rrun~:• t•l hn\" mnrlo' rhr l!tl~ fall ''Ill<'"" r <lf••ns 111 1\••r "',.,"on '. pl:o•·· nro nt~ .. r nlt11r kl'!f'y '""'"" r .. r '"''" 'hurt h··~ ~" to Grorl:f' Spink jr .• will takl• plat'<' Jnn 2~. was honorl'd r ('· N'ntlr w1th a show('r ~tiVC"n nt tht' homr (l( Mr" \harte'S Smllh of C'ostrt Mo·sa 1\tth :O.trs Cror~ra Lt·· Ba n :1$ host<'ss. Tht• hrictr-1'11'1'1 Is thl' d our:htl:'r 10 th•• IRIIn~: nf tlw fir<:t "Ill>· r.orl) t•l Mlllnt·<:ut.o, :t."~,.. cioN' mnrttll' 1'1ohll' ""' I ' s """~' lllid I ""'' Tit·· IIL;o• I• """ "'"' 1111'1111 Mt•n N&WPO&T B-'LBO-' NBW8·TIM.8 Page 5 Tt'I:MUA\' Nrnt~~t•rt ~,h, ('aUf. 1 ... to, INI ' GORDON a~ FINDLAY C'ONT-.Af'l 0& 4 ND IIC1LDD .._....._.,, CA-BINET SIIOP SERVICE l'AHINF.'n4 ANU tUIJ.WOII& T C. JOHNM>N, Supt. Everything in Tree Service ToppinJC llt•mo.ving Trimming \\I,URKt: \k'4 a~ul UKNAMJ:STAI. ~ ot'K MIOY.C'I,\I.T\ "'""' t:..f11ttal,.. • ,.,.._ A~ liM ~ l '1111 t '""•"'' Reliable Tree Service SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY mn:n CHICKEN $150 N'BW YOU Clrr 8TitA& . WHOLE BROILED LOB8TE8 wtth ctra .... buttM. " .. ··~·-e::...ae ····-·-···--··-- IUIOILED 8WORJ)n8JI IIT&A& . . • .. -.... -.: .. -:.:: FIIIJW OOIIRIN-'nON II&A JIOOD -· -·---.. - 1'81KD 8U.RIJIP .. .tl.IO UJNIIOW 1WK11'.. 1.11 Hot ..... rt.wltla .... tJ._ .... • ~ • D ~ Sam's Sea Food S,. and Fiala Marb& ,._1._ ......... ,.. ........ ..... ... OaMt ...... ~ .............. ) of Mr und Mr~ C'n~IR Mo•sn ~lr of M r nnd Mrs of Stfl<'ktnn ~tdn<'y Younr: of Sptnk i~ tht• 10on Ct•nr~l:' Spiuk sr. Francis J. Horvath INCOME ·TAX SER\'ICt: "C'nl~adl' for < 'ht!rtr<·n." tlw rnmhinf'd f'ffort<~ uf ,\Jn••rtran IJ,,•rsrlls Atd and tho• t 'n•trd Nn- f ums .t\pJ'If'.ol fnr Chtldro•n has ht'i'n ··nrtnrso·rl ~~~ tlw !\'altfllllll t'uncri'Sll "' Pnr<'nts Hnd To·ltdll'rS, nnd the < 'rtllfnrma t'on..:r•" ol Paro•nls 11nc1 To ·~o·ho·n• ur~o;··~ ''' nwmll•·rs to loncl lho·or f~l ~ullhl uorl I(> thl~ "'f) h umuntlllllftll • Hurt "~ mu" "''r\'1• 7'..17 1 .. ,,,,.,,,. l.nlo •r th•• Army nl~n tuitl tltr• ~~§§§~~~~~~g-~"§§~'§§§~··~r~···~·~p~, ~~~~~~''§'~'·~n~l ~k§~\~\~'1~11~1~11~··~r§§§§§ i\l:t~kll l'lfhlt• llo• o·nl•l"'' th,.l 'IIIINI ~l n lr<> in I'WI:! 1111 1 h•• I ran•po\1'1 Sho•rh1Rn Ff'dfonJ u d Slat4> On the• f;(llo'SI hst wrrl' :llrs Oud Morit1, :ltrs Olli<' !\tn ritz, M iss Bohhtt• T:•) lor, :O.l1ss Yvonn<' F:vnns, B~tlhuA J\fi'<s Xancy Anrlrt•\\''1. Miss Diana fiurns, Mrs. Jo1Anna Oru~ch, Mr!< Cllhr rt Rurns. Mrs. Sidnt:'y Youn~:. Mrs. Cliff Von Kf'nncl and M rs S. B VInson. Offlre: 328 28th St . Phon4" Jlarbor 1M5-R Residence: 116 S5ftt St. Phone llarbor 1922-R 11h n•·" nto•r·tm).: qf tho• IN<IIrtl 1\ •II lo.• h• lrt 111 L•" 1\11~( lr•.; :llnrd1 ltl :mrl 11 F1n:-~l ttnn•JUill'l'mc·nt ~ ,,s 1ft "l"'"k' r:o; nnd 'otnl•·rt•lft'l'!' for llw ~Into• COO\'t•nllt•n 111 SatTil· m••nto) .1\l11y 1:.', 1:\, .1n1l 1·1 will f•.r 1111 lor<tl 11m•• Tit<•n, nnly 20 l:wk "'"' tn "''" tn thr famf'rl l '"""J omm•·l' lh•• ""I lint: w ~,,.,, ph tnt.: I h• ••·II~ nf I ho \\Iorio In tho• .,.,.,., vt•nr~ Ito• ""''oft tlw trnlt-1 in~,: IAno'll tw <'llfl"rc"f\ n l'torly t•w•ry port nf lh•' w .. rtfl nnc1 '<nw ~h;:hh 1 th:o t (1'\\ 111o· o•\••r pr 1\'tl,,~,.fl I I' Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers ON We've put in 2~ MILLI TELEPHONES since V·J Day 2. ('om pl~• Hplit'ell llkt• thl11-thnu~nnd" t)( t hem v.o•nt Into 1111' tw11 mtllt11n mrl··~ "' " r• • .,.,<yr put '"· And thnt'P ""'" I' •rl r)l ..... ''''" m flre I hRn 20'1 nf'W butiJonl!~ '" arlrllf ...... • ""' plf'll no•v. 8"1lt:h injl C<JUIPnl• Ill Ill o• 111"·1 >til ''''' hullollnlf~ .. tho:..e 1111cl uf ho•r 1 ... •' .: " • r• .. 1• .: e ddf'd Ill tbA f8C'I.' O( l!hlll'pfy r••lni; ,.,,,,,. o:HI IIIUI!h •upply probleme 4. Where doe11 the m o n f'y eo m e from ... Jnillton~ ,.f n .. w worlrln a d nllen needed t o c lr· tend aod improve aervic'e? 1\fil. Uon e mun come. not from tele- phone bille, but froom tbouMnda of people wbo put thetr aaYlDJ• to work ill the WllephoM hu•i· -To attnct tbeae worlun1 dollan,-mun pay • reaaooeb1e amO\lDt for their aae. Thia ,.. qutr. tbe ala ol our ..W.. at Wr Uitl a.c~t~qQa• prioM. tit• n lk' mAd('. J . We llad to break reoorda ... and we did. T()o day we're ~erving over on&-fourth m ore telepbonee than at the war'a end-a net gllin oft.hi'M-<!ua.rt.n of a million. And. lrin~'e ••wy day many cu11t.omen m o,•e, we actually bad to in•ta.ll more than two aDd a quartAI7 million tele:>booeca U) mab thia 1ain. a. We're lltill Wflrkinl( ftj(Hin .. l t im•·. lint .... ( ~tn'J0Ut flf fl,,,,fl IU 'J 1, fill foi4'r\ Iff flt•t .1 .. ~t•'rt Hdfl 111...: t .• I' • .. h1 'h•· r •I•• ''' tn•,rt· ttwu h.tlf A mtl " n • .,.., t tl•\ • \ • r 411•\ A hu.t•· trl\ t ·fltt rrt••nt, \t• rt1,1 I '• 1 1 '""" h ''' h• •lt ~utua,: Ul n -. ""'''' f\•l••t• fn ~h· \' •I 1\rdu ... 'l• Wi\•t•·tn.cn•"'""·''1ur t.t•.• i•h •Hr• fl4•r\ • t•• • ''""'"' n •nn• \ uluul d,. •••II The Pacific Telephone {f) and Telqrapb Company ............. ,..... •ettlli ......... ........................... '"'"''"' It "·'' Ill '"" I" lltlfl tltnf '" '·"' • lw '"'"'l"lt ... hanl•hulln1· ul lh• n ft•r '• ""'''I"" 11. , '"' It·• • ... \\tn '' •·••I lluntl' •• nd 'ftfl1t f '"' tf h.'"'""''' k I<• "" Ill '' lflo• ""'"' rn l'•r9 .l.o• k ""' ""' .,not "'''"' '" ""' k f11t •h•· I 1111111 I'• IH•1t·lfl11 ''""'I'''" \\ o•h I 'n 1• '" af'l'l • ''""·''' t1 It• '' ,, .... ,.,, ent~rlt•r •IL'ht '' u · "''h t ;•ll•r.tl t ••·lr•ti•·•Jnl ,luk •·l"n•rl • ... ,,,,.., '-ltttttn :tf (', ,,, 1 ,,,, h'•· .nt1 "\lnh~rt••••n Jt•.'• lltt '"tt\t tt lh• 1"•11•• •I• p.u '"' , 1 ,,. t•t "• tllf l h·t' )t, t n \\ 1!11 tl!• II .. II' t rio I IIJito I .I •·k ,otul hr' 1•1 • •• nl "rl• l n•·t ''. "linn• h• 111 11 111•11 I, • .,, HI\• ,,Uf•\ lt:t\t tHHII• ' '" '; .r I·,, I IIIIo pi 111~ l"r lh• !tttrll "'' ,,. ,,., h• Urult 1 t "'' .... h:t\• lht t tfH' ••f flh <~tro.t 1 ",,,., .. , ., .... ,. II ' ur \' n ,, ,, ,, • I " . \ t• r '' ru • It II "''' I• tlorll ,\ ( · .tlfnrni.t \ • t•·t hn "htt ""' '' •t I 1111 d 111 ~ IIIIo 1111: \\'n1ltl \\',tt I I 11111 1ltft l\• uplu~1 .fMM tln,f .eh •dll•t· ltnnul h'""''t.u u"'•• tr h•· tit.. ''"' lttt\• ~uffltt•·nl f•tl••r:tl h•·n•f1' 'o I •·••fllt•lt It h1• l•lanno•tl • 11!1• ,. ,,, 1 Huarc;•· ~ D U RA LITE ~IETAL WALL TILE ltlt41fptuof -Wat('tJitiMif 1~ f' rmanf' n t -0Hv1 '"tin C'an 114> AppllNI nn s .. w or Old Surf&4't' <A-mf'nt Tllf', ltot•fln~~: and flooring lmmf'dla t4" I mttalla tlnn FHEE J-sriMATI;- Ch('(>rfuJiy Givm . PH. HARBOR 21!5 Pacific Tile & Shingle Co. !901 .., .. ,..... Newport .._. <WI. T. WF:S'mN JAY Anehora~e of ~outhl'rn Calif. ~ C'nalllf'" . l.au .... n .. l'tartln nuthoarda f'nmplrt.-Var ht l"umi!Ohlnr It u-r. Vat•hl Rrukl'"'«" .t '"""'""~ Urorh"r J l'--., I 10 VIa Uf"'''" OP:A~ \\'. f'AMI'RP:I.I. ·tester & Co. (}c)•emlnflnt. Munlf'll•l and , • .,,.,.rattna 14N'urUIM lUll P:. ('r ntml A""-• Rlllhoa l'h. lluhur !011 Clark & (flmpany MF.TAJ.J.J7.JSO lnduot r11ll ... 0"'1\ml'flh•l 101 lOtti lilt. ~"""'"'" llrad1. f'tKIMI ll11rhnr , .. Greeley and Grimes Insurance A~l'ncy "SIT. I·~ FYm Plll fTT.rrJON'" lOt Main ,..,_. Rarhnr tOU ... Kalhna I . ft. W~ N~rt 11~11 ........... Ets-Hokin & Galvan N.-pt1rt f""'nrh ~11n f'r"nMJI('O • Wllmlnjl1nn ~n fll•'1•" • ~trlf'ktrm EII.OT1UMA Nl' IPtL ..,_,. 5401 1 OIMI ('-tut ftl9'd. Francis .J. Horvath · Rea l E~tat(' '""""'" TR'I' 'Yn·t .... ~ l'l'tlr rlll , .. l'ta&fl orn,.,.,· IIZM !lith -tlnrhnr 1AAl\ R lfiJmf': I Ill Sl\lh -llnrh"r IWZ! R "'"" JWtr1 llrlll·h Padraic R. "Pat" Evans Life -ll('alth -Acdd(•nt All TypeR PcrAo nal lmmrance Rarhnr 111n5 • '"til r:. Hurr Ur. • RaJ._ Or. Marven .J. Ueitz P'ilY1'1rlnn -StJrgN)n Twn N ""·port RrAt-h ~MS W . fW!tra.l P'bnne: Rarblw Ul-& orn ..... : V&n NuYJ'. c.nt. &9111 \'an NGJW fti..C. ~: llta&fl &-180'7 0.. B. ... ~ • ..-.; (', A. ··~ Vlee ....... .. , v. llanb&ll, ,.,_,. Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. ft1 OIMt 8"7. IPtL R.,...,r 1111. N_,.eft .._.. ....,..... {;ntMer ..... rta .. m.a-,..... ... ..... naumgartner Jl.'wcl('rM .... u .... -""""'" .......... '11 lltFJ-: 'JY )J)f) ltrtl IS .. TOUU~ J>AinY q l 'AI.ITt' AIIIU "'P:RVU'F. ... Ttormlnlll MtrN't -"'""'" An• -,..,._ 1181 •-.--A _ .... ,.. . "-• r .. , ._..,_ a..... ........ , .... .,.... ....... .. ........ ,,. \'(lf .N I·:V IIAY, .JH Hay's fam<•ra Exchange "lma . ('erNtru . , . Jl1nl ...... • Ca!Nttct ('a.--ra Pnrtra.l&e • Ml1 r: flflat.ral IIA t/11 -Jl&lhna J.,inwood Vick • Realtor • Ill Marin" A-. -ftalhna lal ... Rarl)or lUI-"' , . lf•n,r ..._ .. Hf'nflnJ lrumranf'fl "JOliN DORY" CIIOJCF; ~F.A FARE e P0 1•1 1l.AI1 PRJC'l-:<l e .. •· ('fttllal at J'alm-lfar. JOIHI ·W-fta._ M. n BI·:J<IH·:. M~t n:•J.!"r Culbertson fhflvrn)('t fAl. Chevrolt•t -OldMmohill' non KIU..Y.fLR, Mr;n fAlasf Properties (~,. &I'Aiito" .:... lnau,..,. "W~ ~.I'Yf' lhf' P:ntlr. Jla_rl"'' A'"" 1t1 &. O..t.raJ AYfl.-ftalbo•-llarhnr 1- H.w.mm Harbor Shoe Shop 8H()p; M 4KING ARTLCJA.N ......... a..--.. ........ ON ..... Dr ....... ..._._,,d-. hetOuf" ,.. .. ~_ ..... ~ -· Pge6 MBWPO&T BALBOA N&W8-TIIIE8 typDAI l!..,...., ....... Celli. 1-. M, 1!!1 NKWPORT ·~A -NEWS-TIMES 'I'SLI:PIIOHUt IIAIIBO& U, 11 AND 1M F.ORUM ....... l:wrJ htwdaJ ... Tlu&ndaJ Al~.en-Vol..._ llL Ooea. M-Uta• PuhiiUfld EYerJ "'.....,...1 01' PUBUC OPINION lul»a1ptlon Payabl(' In Ad\'anN'· $3.!!5 Jx'r y('ar in Oran..:c Count)'. $3.50 per Y<'lir tc• 4th FA•nc•, $3 7!\ t~t·r )('llr lo 8th jl'.onc 1 Gnt«'N'CC 111 St>eond•na.ss mt~tlf"l' 111 Thr t•O!Itotnr£' In ~I"WJX•rt llc:ach, 1 1 Callfurrun, un!lf'r tlw Art ol ,\thro'h :t 1~17 _ \\'~ do you ·Ualnk -..ilJ be the poU.t.lcal toapon. (la th.- .\prrJ f'lfy eh-c.•Uon) of the alflbll and objecU\'f' llt't forth Wit "'t'i·k by lhf' *"cWied BIIKioeM <.:ount•U of llarbor-al't'a bwll- 8A)II D. POR'I't-:R ----• · · ---Puhll•h•·r r I I .,...... and lmpru,·emf>tlt IINiO-'it----- LUCIUS .S SMIT!I. Ill .· !\lnnt11:101: l.ll11ur W. t·. I1L'Xt1:-.: t\dwrll~tnl-! ~lur. 11:1 r t·llalium<:' 1 · 'i Pr!rttrng l'lunt. 31•11 \\' l'•·nll Ill A\ 111111 :-.,,."I"''' 11. '''h. l '.ololnlrll.l Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach t\ II••Jit'llllnlllt• l .t.,.al rn .. tltull"n fur 41\o•r IU \"•·"-r• -4ATIONAL EDITORIAL l948~0~ THE GOLDEN CENTURY --~--- • '1, t t Active ~~ · ·'.l· • Memlx-r _ of ;..-. -·· Calif11rnia·i:-<:(Jming to tlw t·n d of it:-~;uldc·n < 't:ll- tury . We :oh(•uld ;-;ay. it:-o fir:-;t ( ;c,lch:n ( '•·llt\11'~·. f111' 1 when one end:-t•n .January :l.t. anutlwr will lll'~i n. The 1-'l·cond will nol lw as raw and a~ l11K~(·d a:-o was the fir:::.t in t·a!'lil'r day~ hut it pnm1i~t'!-i to ht· t·wn rich~r than the fahulou:-lv ri<:h I 00 yNu·s sint•t• .Jallw s Mar~hall cau~ht tht• ~lini. of ~ol<l f iakcs in the· watt·r at Sutter·~ mill. The m en who won• hi•ot~ and l~t·ard s and tolt·d guM and fllll~ht at tilt• druy) of :r h:tt art• ,l!HJI (•. T ht• roarinf! minin~ t11\\ "" that 11l1L't• '' 1'1'1' t'l'fl\\'clt·d '' ith ~old ~N·kt'n< from all ,,,.,.r tht• J .. doh<· at't• mt~stl_,. dl·- 8(>f1(1c). Hi:-.tory hangs as lwa\'il.\ c•\'t•r th .. m a-. dt~t'' the du:::.t and moss •111 ttwir sa~~in)! shad\:-.. T il t· tdd days have nmished hut tht.• mt.•mt•ries lh·t· nn . '"REAL ACCOMPLISHMENT'' ,. A Rf(i DITF.-At n rornt qunrry. from which comes th" mato·1tal JUr tilt• h.1rd ~>u rt acc of a U-:~!11 Suprrrort.ress run- way on Sulp.,n. In lhf: Marl:\11>~<; L~l:lnds. a big shovel digs up ruck .IIlii c· .• rrtl :o. It to a w:1r t1n~ truck. Onr of these shovels r.tn lua<l about 3GU trucks a day. U nen111lu~ nH•nt I n~u.-an t·t• ('I aims Filed Priur Jan. 1 Still Pay $20 'I• "'' 111•) "Ill lw ''I'} un-1 1•" • ''' ••1•111• ol lin lilt• Sc hlu,..1 .1 11 '''''''"' <;otl 'lwp "''11•r l ol 1 ' • 'I" loll 'll"lll:h ••!lull •tiHI I hoJ,. 11u) ,,,~t,, •I • I II'" ~II l"tf\ ,., tlt·h ttl I • r' 1.. Ill 11111'1 u\ • 11 • ut I I • ""' td ~ .' -.r t '"' • It I &•11 •lftl111tll, Jt,t tl\1 1 · I·'· I· 1 o Jo, lu111:• 'I IIIII•·. ·1 \ I • 1111• 111. llltll' :-;all, 1\o .. ok I '' • '' t• • ., th•· uh·.tl h tffl\ '"'I ttrff'' J hi, HI I'U I!' f'ttfl''tl) I·• n. 1w n •.JHt("JIJio~n 1n M'np• I I ltl I d ' tltt;ljt I 1\-, t•fJH'lt f\t ~U\• ttt • JJI \\,I t \UU to th.l\\ JUt t \ I·• 1 • • rt ·• ,.,.,.,,.,rutu•r• and I 11H l+1th \\llh JtO U'''''t'cf l +', .. 11 ur '.'II,I ~WJ,flil'tO, t't'J'Hunl) • • Ill• II P 1•l f·IIHit t uUitl l11 •• ql, '' h 1 ''' '"·H'• "'' 111 l 'at) • • • ••u fll ''til Ia( '' r') H•'l••rt-' 'I•• , , uun._• • l••ctt••n If 11l IH t jlll IJJII!(II I lnl't•,' " t \It• I ll.oll•olil l'l 11lol ... tt '••tt ''I"'' tltfl I •• ''~''"' •t "''""" ... n .. , • ' I I • t ~. I , ........ t I,." I' , .. ~ tt IH •d• Ill l111 fll.tlli•f l I II 'II fHIJ lft• 1111 II(.._ • I 111 l"llfld '" 1,. t•h-,. • ~~ ... ,, ,, • .,,, 1 1• , .••• u •• n~ .,,,, .. tt\ ,.., "'"' ttl '-tfl\ll,u It• 1. t•• .. •f11 j.:H\tlfUitt r\1 \\o1JI41 Itt tl i••••l.tft tU HH•t•f 1ft• I iiJIId t•>o· 1 ''"'"'" .. ,u·h ••' '' f ~~~··· • :\J,.'rh·n•~· "' Ill '"' llloll ... l ·"I'll Tho• mf'n The hubbub over compulsory health in~urancc l l'n•·n•l•tol\ III•J•' 111•111 '" • I'"'"' (I., •. I ' I lol "''' '" •·l•~o:•hlo• unt1t•t has been generating t oo much ht•at and not enou~h 1•1•" '" r,.,, 111' 1'''' "' ''" 1' '' "·· "' ·' 1" , .. , ""\ 1 .. "'''"~ nt nil I• h • h · • f h N • J J 1 · 1 C \\Ill ''"11111111• 1 .. 1 .. l111ol '' riot tllooll\ ··•lllln~:s on ttu' July t .. lg t , In t e Oplnton 0 l e atJo na n< u...;trla un· ooltl rill• "' I'"'''"""" ...... I \\• I k ..... , •• " ... ' '""" lo•r .. r 1947 Wll lh•\\ Ill .. rt .. ·•• lol t• '" IN· l'OJIII:rAIU- ferenee Board, which has released a new study uf1, .. o,~,.,,1 "' ,, ,,,, ,., " ~"·"m'""' n .. , '" "''" 111 (·ompu••n~ bf'ndit 1 ''' 11 '"""'" r. f>~l '"'' ""1'r1 lhr> health protection planR. rat•• of ~.:·, ,, "''' k 11 "·'' •Ill· t•·l}ll"'"'' und• r lhf• m·w Jaw lJ(o. 11·"' filii ,,.,.,, It must 1"' rt•nhL· I I " "'· 1 ""' Ill•·\ tu•• bu~tnillls mt•n and "So much attentl'on ha" been (Jt'verted to H.'()Cl'alized l•hllSI/I'I h•l•· 1"'1"1 1" 11''11111111 fotJ( ~. 11111'"). J,.IX, Zio'mer ex " 1 \' z,..,.,., ttn•tooplulrol••o11 on•lfl · pl:oln•~l ''1' 111'1 fttll·llfll•• porlol ll' ~•'rvnnts medicine that the phenomenal expansion of vulun-""'''' """''1~:•, :,, •II• ~o~ .. 1 ""'', .. , r1"1'' my rwr.omal a<o,..l('uotlons tary health trotection ha~ been overlooked," the r e-lh•· C'uhlllrll•·• I H ro;orlnl• Ill "' hn C'lark and Co. '"'" llloll1.oJ.!o•r form nr J.!O\'I'mment I • 1 \\' L'f '" I••~ \n~;o•ll'co'nUnl).l htt\'f'Sf'o•n port says. H he VOluntary p)anR ar"" On the lhre.shO)ci II ll}llWIII .. l4 l ''1 r 1 lh '11 ''' I "' San111 Anto G t F" to II• nrh :tllt;;a:••s '"' r lh•• muynr and of real accomplishment. It would appear to the beHt StJmo• Jlllilo·'o• 111'111 11111'• ,.,,,,n re Ires ne '"""''11 ""'lh()(IS In IIJ.In}' hu!linf'SS interesta of all that they be given staunch encourage-""'~ htt\o' ,,,~um••ol, Zlt'lll• r ....... M tal" . I-'IWI.olt"n~ Wi lli r;,., 1,.\'ayn{' ment." lh111 thrtr .... ..,, •. 1\,11101111 l'h•t·k... e IZing ''"' n I lll,.f 'llhlHniSir>fll\(' offrCI'r \HIIIft1 llf' ll<'\o"l••ol '" ~I Noll ·I" lh• o•l L .. , i\nfo!o•lo' l'olllnl\' [ hR\'(' The total enrollment now on the books of all the nf'W l:lw lot .. r-tll/101-: I~ Jlo•lol Jill~ l "l .• rk ·•lUI I 'll :-.;('\\pori Beach flllllld lht dfl('tt'nt·y nf · ... l('h ml'n VOluntary health plans--commercial and non-profit, ln••JII~ \\o'nl IIIIo I o•fl••fl tho· flr'<t 1110 I tlll/o 1' h:l\t lot•tiJI IIWilrdrd " fttr 'llfk•fllor Itt any part·llml' I h rl h ~1 0 )Q 00 ( 1 11 II 1 "'· 11 ••nrttr .. t·l •·1olh111-: tnr nwt allizln•· '""In•·•, rn•·n h"lrhn..: nff1r,. \\',,'rf' 1Pr0Up and r'nd 1·v1dua -"S pas..~e t e o , ( , 0 11 1 1'' Y•·ur • '" • .,.,., · ,, . .,. ""'r· • ~--..., -I' 1 1 1 1 1 lor• 1111•111• \\lilt ulumtnum for tho 1••\1n1: our lolltno·olmrn anti n•aynr mark. There l's some dupl1'cat1'on 1'n that fa'm1re, a," the Q o/o'( J')II\'Jlh•fl ,. ll l'l' ~ oifl ~ ol flo'" I. ,.,_ ,, rlsum~ lllo·d llllo·r '"' I urn "' Ill• r 1ft''''"' , ... piRnl Ill Los An ~I··~· If )I'Oir ;ond If tho•) \\t 'rl' physic.ian-sponsored plans often w ork in concer-t with Y~'Hr 11nct ,.,., nut ull····• , h n• •. .:•·It-• '"11 '"'" """''""'rrolor!l, "" l'nuld. Blue Cross contracts. However, it is evident that the l'ltllm~ Ill···· prtur '" !IIIII lim•• II "•'•'l'r<llllj.' 1" :\taniPy II Ctark.r ""h rtdll III:Oko• mnn• <1··rnnn<ls nf I h I I h I f \\ftl< 1•111no••l 11111 ~·111 tht•rr1111rt• lth' ho•1111 ,,, th•· lo•·11l ftrm, F'lrrstont· •h••rn \\",. :tr•• In ol••finol<· llh•rl (If p ans ave gone a ong way to war( t e goa 0 pro-Ill\\' liiN't'lfll':dl~ prt•l\11111• ltv• ('loll In\ t•,fi<;IIIPtl :ofl ph.nls CApllble .~~~~llllprPI l'llll'll l " 'Yiding voluntary prepaid protection t o all who may ro·IIAIIm) "' ,,tlrcl , ""m~ ftlo'it h:111d11n~: '"" ""''nllwng procea In desire il undrr thr nlt1 law tn nrc11'r In lh•• tlrNl lout ••ml .. rt up acC<'ptinl! ''Willi r 11< tho• rnrtln r!t<IU" ' rtrn· • k d • 1 l h h " tho 1 1ark An" Co ltlrl lrntls H 7. !1.11'Kinn'')', :lllnrr"'" rf'-Th~.l8· a remarkable record. 1'he voluntary plans .n (' 8 ''nn.u~:r '1 •• m·w 1s: .. •·r ·• • -bcndit ratf' -_ _ <lilml! on l'nrunu d••l Mror, "rtn<l it are a relativelr new idea. ln the be~"nnin~ they suf-Aakf'd If poll•nlll\1 l'lnlmttnt~ "Nrwspnr•·r Bo)'!l llrroo."S and IS, In my OIJII1IOn. Vl'ry tmport;ul1 •-..a the U8U8 rtrOWJ"nr pa1'ns that a Ways accompany I l h r k .. llll~lnl'l'l< M1•n" • • • Rt-ail how thlll "''' jnln th•• Mo•lrupnlolnn \V~t· JIC'I"1:'U p· lur ng 1 •· ''" "''''' !' Jlri'C'('"'"Io: t•·r lll~lrwl AI prr!'t·nt rnll• of anything expenmenta and Proaress Wa" o)ow But thr nf'W II•" 01\ d ft'f'll\"t•nr's hot1 llll•' l'arrwr 1••.1 ht•lr~o•d N'lll\'oc t a .... • " . • k II I cnn~umplllln " ,, f.lr IOO(l Jlll!l~lhlr G 0 F. S A 8 R 0 A D -Dr. Bt.ephen B. L. Penrose, Jr., G9, special advisor on t>ud- getary matters t.o Secr etary ot National Defense J ame.s Forrestal, h:u been elected f ourth president of t.he American Univer s ity or Beirut, Lebanon. He suc- ceeds Dr. B:lyard Dodge . who retires In June as hend or America's largest over-seas unJverslty. Withholding Receipts Due Employes Jan. 31 .\II •·mpl~>) •·r~ "ho ~ 11 htwld tn- l~tmo• 1 ""''s from 1 tw1r •'mJ.IIuyo•s' "Hio:t'S tllltlnl: 1!1-17 mu~l furnish rarh o•mpluyo• \\ith a Wllhhnlrlln~ rt'('t'IJll nn1 lu lfor 1 han Sill urrla). Januar) 31. Collo•£'1or nf Internal Rl'\l·nuc· llarry c-\\'rstowr stlll· <'d tuduy Wolhhnlrl1n1-: r••t"l'tpls on l1 S Trt•usur}' Fnrm \\'-:.! must tndt C'ah• I hr• l'rnpl oyt•'s nanll' and addrf''ls. lh•• l:rtll'~ nmtoUnl of \\ a..:o's o·arn!'d I!Unn~o: 1!).17 11nfl 1n1111 111('C101t' 13X "llhht~lrlon~o: from lho osr wa~:•·~ Th4' o•rnpl .. ,,.r·~ n1tmP nnd ~~rldn'ss mu!lt hko•WIM' ,,.. ~<hown Januhr} ::11 rs AI o 1 ho• rlra dhno• lou •'lllfoiCI}<"r" to fr io• tho•1r 1~17 ·onnuul llo•t'fHlt'IIJ:oii<JII Form \.\'·3. llll:o'lho•r With hll rtljlh'S uf Willi· hoot(lon~; lt'('o•IJII>• on Fnrrn \\' -~n. .tnn '" n rmt ""''" \\11 hhc•ld frnm 1111'11 o•mJIIO} o•o, durin!: I hi' ftlUTI h qunrto•r nf lr"t }'t'llr Purm~ Worhl \Var Jr thPrl' wf'n• 1:!7 rltff•·n•nt ktnllll of fJrrcrofl rn proou!'t wn th b . d d h bl' to k t IN'C'n ll!h'"l'fl '" d· r. r flhng lho·lr I ··r. 1/IW llnlllho•r '"··rl A rouple h once e ugs were Irone out an t e pu lC 0 0 rlntm' untot nllt•r J.ort I . Zlf'rn o·r frum '"'r> ll••lt1h Thnll In lhl!! ~ ,,, on" IIIIIJll• •·f ~··"'~ "'' routrl PuBLIC NoTrc·- .., ,... -,... " l1111n1•'1 "111 I hAl '1 1' 1'' 1 •· 1111• Sanlt• ll11rharn nn<l \ o·nlllrA wtlh -~;;;..:::. __ _ th .. idea, ther '"""W Wl'th amazt'nrr Rpe"'<·l. The next 1 h tru" s1nr) 1n '"" Am• r1ran \\'o•f'k-"' 111 •I~<· •:•nh· ,.,.1'•twamc•nt :~s - PERFORMANCE COUNTS few Years Wl') UndOUb'"'d)y Wl'tne"" a Very larrrh J·Ump \'lllltnl(f' of man~ d:wniHII~ Ill ~~ lhlll J;l't'/tl lllol\!illlllt• rJt,lrlhUif'd h CER'TIFICATE OF' BUSINESS 1.C' · ""' """, 1 • I rtr -..riff rtllllllllnl: 111 ., ru1•ifll.\' F'•tlolooua """' Nanoo • be h' hnvc• fll•••t 11w1r rfl"""' •n~''''ttl 11( "111 no·\1 S11nda) • '"'" t\n~o:.-1•'!! ln mem r8 Ip. ~,\;lftllnt·l d>A tnclhn~ \\lolo•r •llpph \\',olo•r TIH l ''l:fl~ lt•"ll':'l:t'P 1 1 h ":u t anc f 1 ... ,.nh u .. , •• ~ ·.~ ·, .. , .. ,u. ;,;;';t n l~~ .. r, These plan.<:~ are ROivin~ our principal metlical Frrsl. II "Ill!\\ n····· "·" \ '" f'.lllt Ill llr a• IIIII l'nn··· rn• •• 1' far l••lnl I ··•n••• ,, •• ,. '~"" ~· :-; .... Care Problem They ar "" do1'nrr t't n•t'thout t'mp(lrt'lt'nrr rnn~lc1•·rahl~ "'"'' t" ''"'""' lh• \\ h•·n· ,,.r t• mun, rr1o•o1d• ""· m"r" llllfkllt.ont 1" 11' 111 '" 11 '" '' ,,, . .,,! t',.llf . .,.,,, unolrr lhf' n. , .: "" .., · ,.._ t'h.onj.:l' "I 1.:11\ t•l IIIII~ nl••lltt~tl' lolh•tt' """ hlllll•' •·I II •fl.,•r 1'111111 0·-tr\Tstem of private merlicine, without mnldnn-thfl now IIIN•rnll/t•ol 111·"111111111 )Ill) llh'OII L;lll '" l'fiiiiJ1llnl• 011 hom roll/Ill I l•••k-I •'Ill• t """ ........... 1 ''"" I• • ""'1"'"~'1 "" VJ ,... n ( ~~;., "'''' kh tn.~ }nunc.. tl•\ n ~o" h. ~~CUr• fh.1t •. r lh• t "''"''"~ , ... r.,."u ~li"*''' nMH• doctor an in~trument of politics. and without ~Htking '"~"· uu ..... ··I·"""'"'' "11h ht~:ll •h· y '"'''k II·· 1• a:""""r.: nlcJ 250 Million Gals. ··~;~ .~·::::;,· .. •·"·:;, '.<~:'it".~t·;~·~, ~· the taxpayers. As the National Industrial Confcrenc<' ··"rnu•~: .. 111 .ml~ ""' r:tl••ntl:or wll~hinr.:'"" ln•na: Gas Taxed l·n Nov. '\~!;.~~;~;··:.~~ ,,, ... 1 """ :."' tl•> .,, Board ~ys, they de~£>rve ~launch <.•ncour~)!t•m(•nl. -----'""" '" ,.·.~~\.11 , , ""r..-~:n LPROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY !--:t\(tL\:\11 :\T(I (;ll,t•IIIJ• d1' :<T ~T~.IWt'<\I.IFI III'\Ii\ l tnlnt11nn" d•trtll~ \; .. ,.,,mil• r l•1t 11 1 ··•·t·vrr •·~·."11\:>.•.~: 1 •• v .,-----__ ''' rill> •th ol t\ • f .11\1111 ~'' A l', In a recent adcires~ on the EurnJlt>an ait~ J•rohl<•m A(l('O(TNTANT PIIYI!I&CIANSA~r&OitONS.M.n. m..: ~·><' .. '·" ,,;~ •:·111""'· ,,.,, '"' 1''" t·l··•· "" " , ... ..,v 1'"'"11' '" r-------------1 Jtff•:tft'"' for •tf1\ ;'\',,,, nlht r tn •h• ,._I f r ,.~,,t , . .ur~l ) '"'' ~,:,,, I"'' Senator Ball of Minne~ota l'aid : "I am r<•n vi m·Nl. B 0 0 k keep 1• n g A V A dr M () hi~tc1n ,,, '"· ,.,, ... ,,, . , . 1 1 • '"") "111'' ····' 1'"'~·1 '11 " "'" ·"· d h ..l b h f II .. n ews, . . . ,,,,,,.~.II ko ....... \•• ....... '"' tl•• 1 ... , .. .. an t e recoru ear!' me out, t at a ree econorn\' \\'i , ~:alluna~:· "' tit~· •;•m·· "'''I"" "' "1"'"'' "'""'' •· ""11'' .,,,, .. , , .. •II·· "''"' I . S e r V j C e ••lfVRH'IAJif 19-lfi I•\ I~ I t••r•·••rtl '1'1 .I'" 1"•1r""'""1 '"'' ·•· k"''"l~·l•••l I a Ways OUt produce 'and \)rovi<Jr a h irrhpr H~UHlar<J I ud · 11' ''·'~ '"' 11111 "" · '' • ''''" '"" ""'' ~ I t 'OI.IN F. RRO\\''N Bllllntllll't•d '""·'·' ~~~· \\'olltont <: '' \\11"···· \\1111'~"~· I ,.,,. of living for all the peop ('than r ither a Hnciali:'tir (llariHor ··~~, II II!('R(IF.HN Rorwlh doolllll.ln "' 1111 St·lt .. ,., ...... ,. ••I "' '••h·l .... 1 ,,,,.,, "'' U9'W .... • 'I h' ...... t t h• fH till ~tO lt1 till• or government-planned and controlled ('('Onnmy. I BALOOA YAC ~T CLUB t'naJOt llljtln.-.y ... .,b(w OM I Ao.ul! .. (I !jll ""''"'"· rn 1·1· .• ,rn .. · • ,.,,, •••.. I •• , ..... , ....... .. be)• th t h · f I I' .1 l Oor••d• Or . Newport lkach ('orua ad .... M., th•• m11,1 1.,,111 lot.;llro' "" ,.,., •,11"•1 11 1 ·lltllWo•1 •1• *-----* * • Insurance P• Gt JLGlm•r IHC.OIPOU.UD w. o. buck. insuronce counselo• 3333 v1a ltd o, newpo rt beach, cold telephone newport beoch, harbor 1500 * SIGN PAINTING -AND- AU Types of Commercial Art Locatfld at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD L. W. Pierce 11M !lo"I:\\'PORT BL\'D. BEAOON 11619-W OOSTA MESA I Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commercial Heating Forced Air, Gravity ancl Floor Furnaces • Harbor 676-R 1709-11 Coast Hiway Corona dr I Mar GARDEN WALLS Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. Uta Harbor Blvd. 008TA MESA Pboae Beaooa M89-M • Before Y011 Build or Remodel Vlllt Oar a.t.•«• e.... ud ..,.., - Color guidee. plan- nlac ~ oomprebem- and Unolemn. lve stock ot ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works 1e2 llleatfl Maa. at. ...._ S..ta ~ 1101 8A.NTA ANA BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ llarbor 5l'll-R 1eve a w en economtc reec nrnl' arr H!Ulc atl't • •--------------rnu··~ ,.,.,.1,1111c ,., 11,.. st ,1,. rn •ru , ,: .... ·.~ :;,., ,;•,,.:"'' ,., "·'1'11 the oth£>r freedomR ar(' in jepnrdy, and thr ~twiali:-;t.." OF.NTf!!ITI'J nwtor 1'..1111 I• 1111·1 I.IX•'' • ',);• ,. '111'110·· I • ,,,,,, •• :;"1'' II '-'-----11 have a)wayg hacl too much in common with thr tom-1 ' H. R. Hall, M. 1>. !'\•·• 11" 1·,, 1"" ... r •. , .. IIH~o: fr11nr 1 "' '"' •· t :·. .•; 1·"q munist.s for mv tal'te .. , I Dr. Obed Lucas Pb,y.Jrlan and ~'~RJT-'"'' 1\ hnlo•-. "' •h,tnhunnn .. r I!. I~ r·nu.u ,-.. -T-1-C -f:-. --- It makes very littlr diff£>rence to a nation what I DENTIST lloun 2·5, hy Appointment 0 11"" '1111'"11'1''" 1'' $l ll.~•.!l IS~··~· I bel d. I nnno•llo <I,,, ol Thl~ \1 ,. :til In· '( ITII 'l Is t 11'1<1'1~\' (;f\'1-':\' a a tctatorship w ear:-;. Th(' re~ult.....: arr :llway:-o !totll, \\', c-~.a. .. ., ........ I Tl'll'pllonr !Warun 5848 ('rNI~·· "' 71 f.H I"'O'I't'lll .,, .... ltw llodt Ioii i• \\ dl ,.. II,., 1\t•rl (111 •• the same. The ~tate dominate~ ev<:>ry pha:-r of I if<:> NF.\\'PORT BftA('R I Ill Rrna~hny Cot~ta ..... rr\'1•1111•·~ ,., :'\.ll\o•ntht r. l'•lri. ,,, • ll . .r r I• J.. st.ok·· llllt•k ··f II I'. within its border!'. It buries evt:'ry UIHh"~rta king h ('-'-------l'lll'lltnl'f1 "' lito ~:nn '" >:·•11"11 ICI' lllfl t IIIII<; ,.,,. lllllllt '""''' tlo ll\o·n· th th• k b f d J • • I nn<l lho ··h 1111:• In lho ''" I ''' I wh ht~1tl• r "'" 'ohomt tho• 'I"'':' nea a lC we 0 re tap£' anf rc~tnctt\'(' COntro :-' frnm ~,,,I'_ t'•ll1• o•tr,1·t11 • .lui~ ,.,.,1,.,11, 1,., th•· umt l•ul .111, It destroys the initiat ivt:> and entt'rpril'e of intlividual:--1 GORDON~ RAPP, D.D.S. ' MDtoa M. Maxwell. M.D. 1. l!l-t1 l ""·••d ,., -rr11,1,,., .. r 111,. 0 ,..,11L.:•' and e-roups alike. It l'tirfl up discontent by making j ••en cou t 111"'•' u~.-'"'' 1:" ·····~·m ··n•s (·,..~,, '"'ll••r ,·.,11·~:• "'" , ... ,.,",' promises that cannot po~ibly b£' fulfilled . A nd . in 1311 WNt c-tnl I C'oroaa dfll .. ., Rll10III1 Io•rl 1" ~.:·•X -;'ttl ,., Ill :"\'n. "" "'" "11 tho• llllll \\hll'h In '"''"I Nf'wport 8Mcb the )ont\;run, it abr orrateR mor"' alllf nl•lrn of thn n,'l · ,.._,. R.,bor Ul..... Otn~ lloun 10-12, 2-5 vrmlw•r l~t ti ,.,,.,,,.<lmc 111. SIK' .JI'IIi.;llllfll mn ... r 11, 1rl~ 01,.,.1~ lh< ;===============~=========~!Sa ,... " ' " " Phoaf' ll.,bor lOS! ~76 {~I n<«pc., d on 1 tw pro'''''"" II•'• "' "' I ho ''"' rwl Ill iOI 31•t St. tion's h rties in order to keep the ruli n~ r ia='" in Nf'WPOr' y.-nr "~ ~>:l r. 1• ~··•·11t "' "' tt•" 1 thtl~ '"" 1 ... ,,.,., "··rl "" , .. 7 .:111 power. ·-------------·-rns•' "' ~:as""""''",.,,,, ... , ....... th•·· 1•111 ~t .. nrl.l~. F..t,.unr~ !1, l !H R This m. ust be kept in mind b.\' the American IYO\'-CBIROP&Aoroa s R. Monaco M D hulk n f '"'' lno•ro•:o<o :or""' lrnm 111 Ill·· .. ffH't• •. r lho llotarrt ,.( 'rrll~· ,... E. B • ' • • thr Up\\an1 :uiJII'Inwnr In tho• I•···~ 101 lh•· 1 tr "'1:'' t·,,,.,, .Junrnr ernment In the cit>velopment of our policy t owarrl Dr. Tom arton 814 Bay A''"·· Balboa rotc' tlf un , ... 11 • .:· t'1mpu-'"'' nl•l !'.1n1a Europe. W£>, with only a fraction of the worltl'!' popu-CHIROPRACI'OR n.,bor nu ·'" 1 ''""'~ '''r ll:t''' l'nsla ;'.t.·~n I ti t • d f ' . I un o...t _,....., < ··"''''' r1111 . a . ~n, canno m e tnttt' y guppm1 the world without OoN8& ... .., ot&e noo. ... : 11,,:-;rL 11 l't-:n:n.~n:-.;. rwnmg ourselves. Manv Reem to have forJ!otten that (ln Kendell'• PaUo) ...... ~ ~bm.P'ricla)' S••tTt•1:or,\ n ... m t ,., Truclt•l'< an e~ntia) of th{MaN<hall Plan in the beginnin~ wa~ ..._ ..,..r UNI 1 •r.,, ... ,. ,·,."~' .Junonr < ·,.11··~:·· that Europe muRt do all in hf'r power t.O help h.erl'elf. ~-----------:t r----------...., 1 ~ 1 ·'·''' -~· ~~ ''"" But, so far. Europe has done verv little to !itt her-,...---orr __ 'O_IIO:TJU8T _____ j T. P. Reeder, M. D. If f h d Jd . H E st• ll M D Thr N('W!·1'1ml'lt \\'ill not tw rt· I 8e out 0 t e 0 rums. A ~ an example, St:>nator Ball &. T. Bau.wortb. o. D. I . . ICil er, • • !JlOnl'lhlf' for morr thlln one tncor-1 cited the failure of the BritiRh sociali?.<'d coal induHtrv ~ ..,......._ .-~· 1 rtr • In~· rlion of t1n adn•rt~rmcnt.. to produce enough to make po~<:iblt> re~UmJ1tion of ex-E\"1:8 EX.AJIIJJIRD I O::w~:r::n •N•'r\'1'!' I h (' rlr.thl to CO!TtctiY _.ft to W 1:' Th' L&N8E8 DUPLICATED N1alrt ~ ·ln~slfy Any lind 1111 1\ds and ~~ pone eSt f rn r,urope. 1!' haH m ad(l it ner(l::;:'ary -........ _, ~--.e llal1lor 'JT!-M rt>jC'('t any advt>rtlll'mrnt not ron. to devote much of Europe's br.)kfn~dmn1t'ailroad !'\';._ aua w. =.:: ~---•u "('AJ"'N" DOS'S lnrmln£ ,,, ruh·~ nnd rt'gulnlinnll tern to tht> joh of mcwin~ coal from tlw Huhr-a f;ll't Conrad Richter, M. D. LJ .J 1 LJJ .. 1 68-ttc which is at tht:> h eart of the Europc:ln prohlf'm. )fr. I SCOTCH TAPE ~nl l kotJ~ c~~~ c~ BrAISl:.'4S ormE u Ball SUf!J!esl<: that. ag a condition nf continut>tl aid. \\'l' e:so L m.. t! ~.. ------1 0f'lll'lfln~ OOMRIX\ TIHS mxst:ns P'Mtut1nc norr ~,.,.. Turkf'v o r Sllt•ll·t,,h M••ll . Ord<'rs fr-•n1 !i ''' )I) s<'\o'n ntJ.;hl& • P'or R~rvation!l· ~aron 546.5 imi~ that Rrit.:tin ~UJlJ•I.v a million ton~ nf enal a Now on Rand: t :JO P.m. -4 :~o P. m. "Most l lntqur nn.t Arti~llr F'.~tl· h 1:' _.,_ !toS-<' \\'. C'f'ntral lq Pill('(' on lhr W,·~t Coil~, .. mont to r.urope:m part~ anrl thu:-o :tllt>Yiatt· tlw m1 -111o..·E\\·co TI"IES Stow-port 1'-<-11 • be bl . h I ..l • J.~ ~-1' ..... Pbo ara e Rtratn on t e :lllu transp111'tallon marhilw. Suppa,· l.lmltffi oe ll&rbor Ul\l On th.-nJuff '"'"rto,,km;; n31"1111 La."tly, it is up to U!' tn :-how Etii'OJII', h_,. t'"Xam]llt'. ,.......... 13.'\Y :-~nd ="•'"I"''' J IO'Itl~·• th h f or.• r.RIS:\RlAS at t ~ ree enterpri~e ~y!'t<'m haF nritlwr a :-llpt•rior OAt' scuooL e nor an equal. Thr people of Europe must rr:tlii'.t'. in s.:" l'oKT u,\RnnR the face of totalitarian pi'()J):tO'a nda. that our ~_,·:-tt•m Mortimer School ,·rr.:Rr:" un tii i~•·•TAJ. i h "' lOt (,oral A1"C'o Ralhoa lat. Hnr!W'f' l'nrkrr. II\.''· It e only one which i~ capable of hrin~ins: a nation DA\' SCDOOL t'aul o. nut..tu•r. n' 't. both material abundanc(l and ~pirit u~l powt'l' and snw ol•t:s 1 11" !'· ·, 1 '·"' 11 ~ ·" ._ d W ltl':~ ~~t .. ''•''a Urh•• u-.:e om. e can hc~t defeat communi:ffil U\' out-j o. .... •oaTntaL •· .... 0"-[ C"OI"T' ''•:~' ~~1rwio1rolon.P1M; it. · u'tao:81 -I If~ BN.. ~llifl : ~liAr. 4611 ~---------------------· Fin•wnod & Fill Dirt Tt 11' :'• •II -1 '\\ ".\\"ATI:"\'1~ 7;\tlt F Tnll" r1 A\o' 111., rt'\•~ r' '" l ll'ACH 1'1 • no II H 'd't.' ., It -., .. pI l.A ~DSC API~G t"nr r nf T.lt\\ n~ n n"·"'·c .,,..<l C:hr••h~ Pl11n1t-d Hal Crawford I 315 All nr:uln PIArl' Harbor n4 RALBOA 84-Uc Plumbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HEATERS, Standard Brand $25.00 $52.50 Toilets, Lavatories and Laundry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -Phone Uarbor J 1 ~ - 260'7 Central A\·e. Nt~\\l'ORT BEACH .... uuu~ • BOATB. IUI'PI..ml • AUI'OIIO'ftv. a ~ • --------------------C. M. NEWTON Contractor SERVE L The G A S Refrigerator WANTF.n ~\:! II P lnbc•nrd F.n-COAST MOTOR CO. Fumk•rl)' Home Constructaona. r<'modehng A Repa~r, UC'f'f\w A l nsuran~ Soml' MtlC:It•ls Available• NOW j!lrw ~IIIIo' '''"' llll•k•· rond1tmn & prwt• 1\ull 111:\, N ,. " I'" r 1 lw· .. rh ~-II~ 40-ft C'rUUlo•r $."Ul0U t Wllho 19';?4 l ~rt Au' Schtw~r~o-r STill(! 1938 16600 ~'·" Spt t'111h llltltl'ho'lll ·.s 1660<1 Allo'n M•'tclr l'o ~~--~ c .. ~, lh .. hway l lt•ll t'tlll !'>1\12-J Phont> Santa Ana 1090-W -1-Rtp Balboa 1-"'urniture Store 100 Ma1n Sl . Balboa 'W Ohl:' CtliWt. Coupe :-.;, • ..,. P .• uH -nadil• CESS POOLS and SEPTrC TANKS Inat-&l.lf'd Anywhe.r. ln Oranp County Contract Drllllna ~r Connection IA.ll Work Guaranteedl Full Inauran~ Canitd J. R. McCORMICK Phuno• Harhur 1<15 5-tfc L'::>F.n ru;sTAl'M:'I."T sron ;- In ~;oM!fi condllwn Cull nt Mar l'u~.l. Cnrno·r 11! ~taruw ,11, flll) n •nt. Unlhua Island !'\-311· lllxl:! ARMY TENT PLATFOR~t & "'filii~ ~3:. (I( I Uo'll\ t'n'd Within 10 molo'1! ~•llll 1•xt rn Oil) Shon· Nmp 17th ,'(, t'unst 1111-:h\\'a). l':t•wport llt•>wh 5-1 tc li t: Ml~NE\' 711 1 \>a~t lltwn), 1\:o•"'(lOrl EW11cnn !il13:!-\\' 1-1 fl' FLOAT FOR SAI.t : "ht>ap, <'lim · plrtl' "''lth <'<'ncn.•le p1lr hancl"rl . ~ It 111 :124 Buo'nll V11t8. Bal hoa l 'hKd 'l'wltdu•ll, Ph I!IU'bor 2142-W 98-lfc FOR S AL.!-: Lawson pump and I bait tank 1'\'lmplt'lt'. $75 00 llkr n __ Bay Duitrlct llnrdwar,. Co. $l 2!-l l '.$0 Fnrtl Cluh Coupe lt;HIIII llo•a l•·r ( ;.'lowt l '~tlfll $!l~l:l ·:n OotlJ!" ·1-tlr. ~('dan . $6!17 M0 Vlct9rla St. COita M~1 Watches -Cloc.ka • Jewelry ~IRONOMETERS S.l. Island BJ.trc '-t I Clwvroll•t ~-cioor Hnc1hl -I lt-nto•r $1192. Beacon ~J 93-tte IWpairtna -Prompt ~rvioe Sen~fble Prlca --.... Boat Maintenance and Repairing P'ORIIED Wlndlhlel-A Hatd ~ ma~ to ~r. Aleo Plex. 1&1 .. A Ludte ShHt.a for ulc- Nu-Worlcl Proclucu Company 303 Th1r4 St., Hunt!naton Beach Phone Hunt1nrton Bead! 178 HARBOR Plumbin~ Service 80-tff 1768 N""J))O't Blvd.. Beaoon 5048\\ REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contractfnr ancl SuppUe. 97-tfl COOPER A TTVF. ROOFING CO . New and Rer~ir Phone Beacon 5280-R ='573 Eldm Ave .. eo.ta Me.11 2n-tft 12 TEARS SERVlCE IN THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTRACTOR 274 Eut 19th Street Ph. Sea. 5413 Ca.ta Meu. Callf 3().tf( NtmC'F.-F'rom this datr forward I am not r£>sponsihlr for nny d,.hts conlractt'<l against or hy th,. holll "Carol-Jo-An" unll'ss authorizt'd hy Angicnr Bra~~:antc> VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY 1786 Newport Blvd. COita Meu 3-t!c WASHING MACHINES Frederick Yacht. Co. 121-"' Coaat Jfiway, Nf'wport Phomo Beacon 5615 BOAT BROKERS lt you 4on't ha~ one do ~ •uhlna a t KtJSIC"A.L • RAUIO Bll.L'S WASH-A-TERIA 475 Newport Blvd., Ca.LL liMa Phone Beaoon 5T70 SOLO VI IX 1111· l'r~nn ~ou can all8t'h IO IU\Y IIIIIIHI (\11111' and h1•11r 11 UunL·Schm1<11 P1nno Col 520 No Mnln. Srnrn An~ 3-tf~ 17-tfr nAHY SPINF:'T fl(otsy Ro~~s FIREWOO'b CHARCOAL & BIUQUETS PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd COSTA MESA Beacon 5665 83-t!c C:REASF' TRAP For rN<taurant. PhOnC' llarhor :.trot. 4-:!tc BAYSIDE PLATING Gold • suver • Copper • ar .. Andquee a Specialty 8ft Out Ad ln Oranp County Phone otrect.y 1914 Harbor liUYd. Ph .. Be&. 51U Car. Harbor and lith. ea.ta .._. S" ,.,., h•n• Nt•w No" tlnly ~'W7 ll>Ht7-~l hrtuflt Puon01 l. 'o :>:.>o 1\:o ~111111. S:utlll Ana Tt•rms 3-lfr sn;IN\\'AY CrtANI> eomo1tl llln \.orl(o'I•US S10\ o• 111 lo·n~1 $\0(10 ll\'t'r nf'w prtl'o' Dnn.t- Schmldl Pillnt• Co . ~1:!tl Nn M.Hn Snnla Ann Al!4tl smnll sl7•' Stt•inw11y n111·rur l)'llf' IIP1111'1, 3-lff' SPINI:.I pinnn for rt·nl, 6 m(lnths rl'nl a llo<n•d who•n ynu buy. Danz-Sc•hmidl . Santn Ann 3-tfc SPINF.:T T)'l'l(' m irrc•r pinno RI'- PGMCul'd. P ay blllanet' Trnns. Anothl'r ror $195 Danz-Schmldt Piano C"o , 5::!0 Nn Main. Santa An~ ~tk ':Hl Ood_~!(' Coupt> $677 '.to Packard II 0 4-door Sedan llurl•n. llo•:ot l'r. N4•\\ St•llt Covt-rs 1\:o•"' P111111 -Sun Sharlt• $1047 '::!(\ Pl~·muuth -t·ch·. ~ecian -A ~·>ud \l.ut.k. cru_ $1!1!) rOA~T MOTOR CO. 1{)(~ run!lt JlodiWI\Y Jlo'AI'tln 50:\:.'-.1 !'i-1 tc e-ra\', rartau, h.-at•-tr. "•'Ht N\'t'rl. loko· no·w J., . .,., rh:on ll.t"'IOJ milt'!! $24100 ea~h PhPII•' l.n~:unn llrurh 4:\4:\ dr•y- tinw ~-2tc ·:\1-l r llt-:V PA!'fl. No•w factory hwlt t•nr:in(' nnd hody Tiri'S ~nod '47 l'"IIF:\'. SEDAN St'lll rovrrs fn~; ll~ht. h .. nt•·r. almosl nt'w. Nn trRdl' nN'-do'd ':\5 PLYMOtrnf C'ONV ("()UPF. $3R5. FRANCES MOTORS or AnJ:il'nc Marlin 5-2tp . N.nto~~-tlc BALD\\'TN made aplnt't type mlr· ror piano. Ellington modt>l. O nly $295. Thll Ls a lowly Instrume-nt. Danz-Schmldt P1ano Co , Thl' 11om (' ot the-W urlitwr. 520 No. Mam Santa Ana 3-ttc Do'Snlo,-PI~ mouth I ll'aii"MI TBAN~PORTATlON •• Plenty of Good Tires <101 No C'nnst lllvd . LntnJna flto11r h Phon•• 137R 5-2tc WANTF.D -Riflr lo Los AnJ:f'l,'!l, wnrkmg hours 9 a m In 4 p rn Joycr Jlumphrf'ys. 31)7 Ed~:•'· wall'r. HaiiX>a ~-41c Nf:1\T rOJ1 )RFO \.IRL Wnnt~ r:•·nf'ra I hOIISI' "'nrk hy I ho• 0,0\ or hour All~•• ('(W)k & rhauf••n •l· 11• C":ln dn lhl" t·l'o•nm~: nw11l 1132 Rny A,.,., N""1••rl R"nrh Phon1• llai'IKir 14RR·MK lt~k fur W anda :i-21p .JA!\:lTO R, V/,\Trti MAN Any kino1 nf wnrk rill} ur no~l)t l3••n- cnn ~~ P n Bn-c IRI. Ct~~la M ··~n l.(l(l(t ro'f.,ro·nro ·~ Tl')m l ltJ) lr 'i-:.!11. S ITl 'ATHI:-o; \\'Al\:TEO Yo'lln~ mnllu•r will l'llr•• fnr r h1loirl"r l\ll1lo• Y••ll \I Oi k ~l 'i llf) pr·r \\l·rk '1'\'n d uhtr"n ~:!:'i <WI E'lr.•llo•nt Nlr~> In :1 rlr•:tn Iars::•· hnm,. f~l'i lr•~. rnrnna rl• I ~h r 1-:?lr W I I.L Tnkr o·:u·r• n( l'hild 111 mv ho,ml" rturint: tl~<' o1"'' 40r ""'" <•r ~200 n tla}. ll•orl~r ·1-16·\\' 3-lto• WORK WANTEO-lronln~t In m< ltnm,. P lnln nr t11nry 5.10 !'11T• n,.rnardino A"l'. N C' w porI Hri~thts 26-trr EMPLOVMT.~'T OP1'T.RF.O n \1.?,:-o;TF'IJ Fnun1.11•t c 11l 1fl <o•ar~ .. ,-(1\'0'i' r:~n 111 r•·r~''" \1··~-1 :'\l.olr !'hop 177!1 :O.:nq••rt ill\ ol (~O~I " 1\ll·~:t ~\ ~II" AllSiz.ee Compound Motor Oll Galloo. 10c Western Auto Supply Authortud Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta Me.e 17-tf• Rr• W ise -AdVI'rtiSI' ------------ BALDWIN GRAND-Fin!' condl· 11on A Ill o H11mllton if'llnd. Anothl'r U!lt'd grand only SSRS. Terms Dnnt-Sehmldt Pillno ....,o SanlJI Allll, 5:.'0 No. Mtu n 3-lfc P'OR llENr tl Ft IR RI-'NT L1rln Is le' R11 y 1-~ront (urm~lwrt :opartm1•nt Wint••r rrntal So•o• Mr. Sld<wll Al)f "S" ll11rllo r :n:.lll 36:-i Via LIdo Snud. 4-lfc w __ A_NTED ___ TO __ B_VT ______ n_ F OR RENT Nll'l:'ly furni11hrd Will Pay Cash F'or your fumltul"'! or wt!et have Ctihln, vf'ry rl'asnnnhlc ('all ll1•n· ron :121!1-W :l-Ife you Phont Beacon 5656 "''II.Y FI 'Rf'ISII~.Il ll lli l~l /(o Crawley Furniture Co. 1'1'1\.oro· ''"'"· m II III Q,.,., ...... , 1111~1 lk r mnnrh. 11nnwol 11:\ W A 1\:TF.n ~mall <'lf'an rar for rash P 0 Rox ~. Nl'wptort llt•nc•h 5·21r F OR SALF.-1946 Jl'f"p, oomplt't.e canvas top Q 11idi'S Xlnt. tir8, paint .\ mecllAnlrally. Ph. Jtar- bor llft-J 97-tfc TRAII.r:RS •• Fl lR SA I.E T "'" t1rnplrAII••r box l l'nil!•r h n x ~pnng ml!llrl'!<ll, ~l••••tl!l lwu plnr•• fnr cll)thr:-s. c;tnvr', t.•hl,, CTtH.,•'rl~ +;( t•tr Jn .. qutro• At ;\~~•)('liolr 1 111 ~I A tlnn l':.tm ,~~, ('• n lr.ll ll,ol1"111 "1-:?tr It F.i\ L 1':!-<T ,, Tf: ft I Lidn J~h· W:tt<•r Front 1812 NPwporl Blvd , C.O.ta MPI't 1 '• u l, llnll• :c ho.1:1nol ~ •• ,Co· 92-t!c "I 1.1 l'l"-l~ l(l l( I:\! J-'.,r :! l.ool,-;-, II \\'1 l\1',\1 'Tl ~TI. I 1•..-Jrnoru/ CASH for USED I I I I I ""''" :\ lull h ll h< lll:olll' r·•~·m o·mp "}''' prl\itlo· 1"111' > o 1 . I ll Ill r• 11 • 1'1" "' '''" k ·'-' flo•rd \\ 111 •' Fuml'ture & Appl1'ances "' · · 1 "'11 '-''"I ' r 1 1 • I ,.,,.,. llf 11~11 •• PI "I"'',, .... , "We Buy Almost \\') 1.1. HE!''I' F!\r '\ \r':ol '· hu~lno'li.' l.oo l11 " nr 1lt1pl•' 111 ll:oll•lu '\o" AnythlnR" I Ill r ... ·r.·r~ InC/Ilion l\1 I i"AIIlt 1••11, ··h······· .... , \\Ill ,,. 1'1111 GR ANT'S '"''11:! fl \\'ti l•• I~'' ",I ' o·11 '"l•t••tl 'l'•trlh '" lo ll~no·o· 11\\ll Phonc-~a 5707-M :'\o'\\'<-'l'lnl•' :l l •p '' ll:o,tw or ~"-·-1! oft•• r:l"' 1&15 Nl'wport lllvd., C011ta Mf'lll .I 11~:1 I Hill •~t I h 1:\l ~; Hlolho.o J,l--, ·'' 42-t!c 11n1l .1.111 li '" .l uno Jq I'll"'"' 1'1<1\',\('Y ---------------ll.1rlk•r 11:!'1-~1 .1-lf,-j : )., '"'"''" h•lllh , 11 ,.,,.,,, r I"' '"' Fr II< :-.;\I.~ 1:\ 1'"''''' ll\ 1111: nw•m nlJlmT1·Rr. FOB SALE ·~ ~I IR HE:O.:T So·lt:tr:olt• furnr~>lwd ft fr"01 ·11''' I",., h.11l ' '' d ltl•ll•••k•·q urn: r•••m Jlh llnrhur •·•·rn)olo I• 1\ ft no • 11 '" 1• ., 1 1 •• lurn1tu ro• 1'111111•1. fo· (; • r I r 01 fl •· S\\o'O l)t \. :':\11 l'•·orl H:ollw~;t 1•1- :ollol A~) tim• l1t f,.ro• )II :\11 11 m I I'll orr 1n,11111 ,. 1:!3 :\11th Sl. 'I" 111kl• • .,,1, Ill I•• .oqllfulh ~f'\\IK'rt !H•·tft' f.trtd •• qu·-1 _ "' "' '"' u 1 f'•·', ._ ••r nflo r 'I 1111 1'111 'o-:!t•· WANTY.O TO RENT U ~~~~--~~-----­... , •ll Si\1.1·: fl.,~-~-hon ·o·l·· ~t:'>IKI \\'A:"TI·.I • 3 nr •I hf•llr o\t lll1 I"'"'" 1>11"\ M nri~:nlrt '''' . 1 'nronn rl··l lor lflr~r· f:ornrly r. ~: :\llnn••y ;\l:tr :i-11o-711 I'WISI ll11:hwuy Bl'lll'ltn 'IIIII lllllllo'IJIIolo h \\'111 l.ol,o I Ill tntNf,•l t•,tr ;,~.; i•nr t tf"" n I',, 1 llto•l)l Sl•f' 1111' '"•l·n ->1•1 :-o:AIW IS"I'S A\'1· c·r tllr '"'A 1 ll t. 1\L\It F'\I 'FHII-~:>·irF:Il \\'(I:\\ A:'~: \\'unt. o·o1 l1•r part I mw nurq•ry wo•d; CAll Rr•aron :io!l7 f!\r tntt•n ·•··w /l: appl>tllfnll'lll ri-:'lt' Ft tR SALJ-: .C:qiHlrc I'XII'IlSinn :.0:12-\\' 2-•1 t r \VA NTF.Il ('hid l"lll;tnf'r•r, di1•~•·l lit••·n~o·. RO II P . or nvf'r Hr f••r· l'nc<'<, coni:H't ""rt,r J n r:l\~e­ nau~:h. Col v 0 tl(•k l'n I; rna~l H ighwAy . S-lip IIOUSF.KEF.PF:R \\'ANT F: n Nf'w homt" privnto• rr.nm '"'" schon1 81!1' rhildrf'n, ~::nod liAinry 2:1:.2:1 (f;w 51 , In rltff 11"1\'1'11 tr:~rl . nr a; h11!h liC'hrol. ="""'llllrt B••nrh !'\-lip mahn,::nny dintni: lnhlr ;,nd six r hrotr<; Thnr wn~llln~ mnrhinr ro·•••ndil11m •••l. P r ll po•s, f'lo· 700 Carnntlon. l'nrnna 111'1 Mar. 4-2tr FURNITURE REFINISHED · AS YOU LIKE IT KEN GRENSTED 21311 Min,.r Str<'f't COSTA MES A Phon,. Harhor 1070-W For F:stimRtl'll '\ llr I I;'I;E fiR '1'\\'1 I Bo •rlr11<tm huu~r· nr f'oa~tland f{('alt,V IIJJI. f11rni~h••d, nf'Jor l':I'WIIorl . 1>. II~IJI • 1 1,· I y I ll1•rollloful :l-ho·rtr.,ont in S:111 Jl, r -1 >1 " 0 II . Ill('~< rlf·olp I' I'Ar ) r ••nl:ll (';oil fi,,,-Jo,,r 13/NJ 1,. .• , n.1n'l1 nro f.,r :'\1••':1 pro1••rl) 1\\'''''ll )o( & ~~ 11 m :.!-•Ill' .1-h,.rlrnom h11nll' m C'urslm"lll''t I trnrlo• lot llr;or·lt prropr•rty T\\'0 (JI't TJIRJ-:1·: flt•droom hQtllll' . Oaltv>11 ur ll11lhnA b lnnd Fur-110"' ~""''' ~:u·~ 1""" nn lnl< ·'"''I nishc·rl or unfurnlshf'd. YeArly :wrru~:" tn C 1'''11 M•·~n rf'nlnl llt'{'dcd hy "~-"'· wiff' and 177 N1•wpnrr Hlvtl hahy Excellrnt rrtf'rf'nl"''!l Ph Phnn~> llt•nr.,n 5-\R.l IIA. 413-J. 2-4tc liONEl' TO LOAN .. NEED MONEY? Morl rrn f'orner Duplex O.•~<ir;,lol• I'• tclolu•rtHwwJ ('t I.ST A :\I 1-:SA See U1 for Qu1ck, Helpful Service on Your Ft.nandal Needs -Lo11na on ·rw,, l~·rlronm~ En<'lo FOUNTAIN GIRL GUNDERSON DRUG On Gullrant("rd Work 99-ttr Furniture-Salary Car or Other Security Houtt: 10 to 1 a nd 3 to 5 t CIOM'd Saturdays) flru· \'ar:onr fnr lmrTII•holo• p,,~~ •, II!\' AAI. $Hi l .1\11 I:O.:TII Harhor 515 11 -lfc WILL. TRAP!-: my lnhl,. lnp \\'••<;1- ln~;hou~,. ••lo•rtnc rnngr fnr R8~ t11hl" lop r11n.:•• s,.,. at 42Q Avo- c.trlo, C'oronn fl••l Mar :l-,1tp R Ml ft G••nf'rnl Elr•('lrl<' frf'o'71'r, ~1111 in rrillf', $:!1i~· :"••w prl<'l', $.114 ~tll Croll llarl•or :!2 11 FOR SAl.~: :!11 1 ~-routl C ror\\ll<lf!j • rhunr 'RI'A C'OIII ~··tl:.n •l"''•t'lhn:or. I•J\\o•rf•fl \\'lihi IR!ol., Nt'WJ)()rl Dlvtl : r.O!Ita Ml"ttll 5_411, t'hr~•l1 r o'l""" utd t'ljllll•l"''!l ~acnn 5220 !------..,..--.,--..,..-----:--with :.~• \\;orr_ ~hip I~ ~h•tr•• """"I t Acros1 from Alpha Rr ta Markrt 1 SAt.F' Girl'• IHcyr·l,•. Anrhnrl ll'lt•phoJnl' l-or qo11rk qJp h) I · "It Trnilrr Pnrt. rn«ln ~l•••n R ~~ I o)\l m•r only $:.!011() ll:~rl><>r fi(lR ,J-r Carl!'nn 1\:o 1:1. ~-ltp 1 S-11c LOANS TO DUTLD. buy, Improve, moder nize or r,.flnan~. We-pur· AUTIFl'L \\'hill' Aln!lkan F11x \\'A:O.:TF.Il Prt\illo ~lop f1•r 311' chue tTullt deed&. enscmh1r jackr t. hnt, muff. ~171" crutsl'r . nnywhert' Phon(' Ynr k NEWPORT BALDOA FEDERAL 14: rro fox !lrarf rxtra ~It,., Hr:'\1 K M \\'llnd~ 5-4tr SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN two !!klnll: f~rs nf'''l'r worn-\fill \R Fnrrr Mf:RC1'RY Krl'l Sloop 3333 Via Uoo Ph Har. 1!500 aacrirl~ f'I.'W Spc.'('d\,;'Qii,.t'n AlmMt nrw. ll'aving W ill !iacri-•tfe. WMher. d~tTic purnp, rl'unn· flee Phone Long Beach 853-~2 IIOHEY WAl'ITED 11 able. After 4:00 Sunnysldt' Mo-5-2lc =~~~~~~..,.--:-~~~- tel. Apt. 214. behind The Archi'S YOUNG MAN N~ 16000 to 5-2tp GOOD BAIT l':t."T-$35000 r ail atart new bullnee. for Harbor 1---&~w=-•-----::Ad-:-ver~U.~--_..;. Lone 8<-ach 653104 S-4tc area. lnt.erelllnr protlt •hannr a-~ -..11 DO pt U. jail WANTED-Balboa Dinahy. Har-plan. Write Box "E" c/o N~- bor 197 4 S.2tc nn-. S-lttp HALPJJ P. ~'!AS KEY :\411 \\' l'•·ntt"l A"· P hnnr• I her I H •r 111:.! :-o-.111' AT ("f tfl•l:-o:A 111-:1. !>fAR 2 Bf'dr0om Hom<• 1-TR!'<fS JII'I t l 'lll \'I Htorhr-r•ll• T1lr• Sink $7!WO 2 Rf'dr(JIJ m Home N•~.,J~ .S"m•• \\'nrk otn It $fi!)OO 0 flu hlf' r.ara_~!l" $1000 On Fmr l.r•l L f'\'t•l Lot \\'llh 1-'ln,.. v ... ..., ,r ll8y $2200 J nside Lots$ 1500 '"1 W. J . HOLCOMB · 1511 Cout Hiw11y, Corona clel Mar "Whnl' the F1a~t~ Fly" S-ltc ___ ._,&lt.U. Eln'Aft • :1 1\, ·h '"'"' :-;llh'•'' 11·•111•' ttl roo;,.\\ ('ORO!'\:\ DEL MAR I 1"11 llo·o~o.,ht... 1111''0' IIIII' "'" :0:111 I'll 0 IF 1111 ;II\\ i\ \' lilt" l'll,lo I ltl,lolo• l1111:o' II\ 1111 ltl• '1111-lto~I O:o klh'llo•n n1ul Mu:-t ='~·II at Once "' "'. 1•·•· ,, "·P II fuh 11nd ~~~'" ""I Itt\\ t I \ • lh hilt\\'" IUUt l'ra pa•~ A Ill \1 Ill 1 '' \1 .' '""""'"n '"'lilt I ,,, 1111.:• \. lh ' tf ,, J-1 H t ...... ,,.:_,. lllU hl h• '' •• h '""""'"rrh-t.~n\t"". l ,,. ,,1 .... ,lbl •I "''' • .ut.t , ,,, I" h'il ltu th u&C . oh, I "·· t I·. •'" l,tl ... ,, l..': ,uul 1,,, tl 01 • o \o It o•lol !111111 h} , ••lOt "tt•t C·•• fH, '''' U ht\Uh' NICWPO&T B&LIIOA NaWI-TIM•a p 7 Tl't~UAl' N_.pnt'C "-""• c·aUf. .laa. "· lt4A ag~- IU:Al. L'4TATit a KJ:AL UTA,.. • ------- i\ t'lh•lo •· l•lol~; lo•l l;,l.'i Ill :'lot•\\ 1"1 1 I J, 1' ·"''·' 1'111~ 1' ''" ,.,., ···II· nt tou\ ,,1 'to.ato~• , . .tl It, , ,, .. , "'•71 1 H I \ I IIIU~' '""'"":"':'" rt ·, fh' Ft'r ~al(' Hy Ownt>r ='ltl,,;,n \)•l'l•'' ' • •~• "til h.lll•llo l 'nll -l' u 11 1 1 II 1 • • 1 "' }\'Ill ~ II 1> "'' I ,.( Vl'r• Itt ' I I. ' It t \I f\lftt-.' •, :--:-·• It u-.• ln th ..... ~Jiunu'" :0.: F\\ I'\\' l IIFl lltl 'II lM lh•nw In !'\o•" Jl•••l ll•·1r.;hll< I 'o>rrwr 11\e '1nl. Ptn<' llrol"' Sp11nou. wiU"d· r••l~~·~ Sl II• ,.,, ootll 'lolo•, Jllltllltrt'CI 111~1olt• Jo ull 1~~"~'"' i't..,.lrl. Call J lo•II•'••IIJ ;,;1:\ It ~\o•ntn~oo.,. Ar'\· '"" ~71·1 It :l-tfc I I • •\\ 'I 1\ '''''" q ,., -1'1"''"'"'' "' ''''" l.t · I• 1,, ,,_,, ,, . t '*'""' I I. \\ ,.,. ,,,(\ t'll ,.,. :-:n i,IJ I IJI'll.._,, "''I l~10 ·k 1111 1<11 flll'lli,..ho-cl. ull l 't'IIIIISitlll 1'.,1!11 l 'io•rtl~ 111 1~11•111 to ;uld olll $~l.tltltl C:u1al Fr,lrtt llomc 'j',. ,,.Ill 1111111 .IIIIH' 1,. .?-Rc:Jronnt Apartmctlt • ln t ·~·ntr:d l11r lVIII llrtltl ,!uno• .1 D Rl iHNIIAM :.•1101 t ~,.,":''n Hh·d l l.:lr.bor :n5 ... , .'1t' ~1· Ill' COSTA 1\\ FSA 2-(l,lfll\11 1111 he~tllt', 1-:.1 ... 1 -.1do•, dtN' Ill, ~ hlk..; ft.,)(ll )o.hoppttll' 1 ,.rlll•r T:1 k1• to\ 1'1' ( i I low1 n I •1 1 ; Lot L-. Iii I \ l :_o:-, ~'t •rtn-.1 l~;~o•k 1 .t t~l l 'o1l111, llar-111'(1111', dhl, ~.l l':t ::o• •~11'111'1' Ide• ..;1111\, dtt.d flo~tl' f111'1l:ll't', hdw1l. fl•••1'-1-'r<~nl \it~\ll .. •:lltllfttll\ l.1nd .... •:q w-c l F'ull p ril-•• $111,tit~l \\'1• l'"'llllllh•tld fill.., IIIIo' n II! !\"l·:H l.t IT. li:_ll :\I Ill 111 NI'\I'Jle 111 IIPights :m•a. 7..t>l11'(1 r .. ,. f'htplt'\ h•lllsin~ ~ ... !hi" •• ,,,.lh•nl huy at ~1 :1~1l I 'h111lo• l\.•u•" •II ~171'\ I! c•vt•nin~..; ;,771l-H. AI.~'· St-\·f•rnl ~ood. In\\· pri(ffi n>Si(lt-nUIII lotc; in Costu Mrsn lln'ft. EVA F. RHODEN Realtor ELTON D. BARNETT 470 Newport Blvd. Phont.> Beacon 571:l-R. PERNEL G. BARNI:n' Brokf'rs Costa Mma Evcnlngw, Beacon STI9-R ~-11 1· Opening in New Location Blanche A. Gates -Realtors G inny Gates 212 Marine Ave .. Ralhoa l c:;Jand l'ht~(' lf:tr. tm -1-.1 f·~wninh-.. l(ar 7•11i-M BALBOA ISLAND W<'ll huill lo•.tlll lltll :.: """"'""" IH•rth'. like• Ill'\\ 11411 piY'\Iill' l'foll ... ll11o'l l11tl FH•·('I.u,·. ll!h\d fll .;. '"'~or fill", pal111, dhl I ' II' •~•11,111h lo'<J 1"1 "'4 '!~111d -.l tll'~' A ltll,\' :II S li' :-''"' \VI·: 11,\\'1·: Ill •• .·••o~l l>tJtlduw J,,l, ,,,,. "" ,..-,111••1' COHON/\ I>FL MAH 1\ \'1•)'\ 11•\••l\ .' l'o~•lro •"ll l hu rtll'. l:ol'l'o• Ill 1111' t •••Ill, rlinillt..' rtoiiiJI, oll •l ·•:tl I·_,,,.Jio•lll o•n tHII Itllll Y ll l'll lnnd -..·:IJ M'jl drtd "'"'~"' "I".~Jt KI Tt·trn .... \\'fo: J(t\\'J•: 111.111\ l'tltlll 1•11 \'' Ill h•1IIIO"-ol llol IIIOHII1t' I A" I "' "I Ill\\ ~··Ill N E ~I J>() H T I I E I\, II T s &•ntlllftli :1-l~'llt 1111111 lt11IJH'. 11111!'' li1 llll' "'""" din-in~ l~)llttl, fir·~·pl:11 ·t · .,;tJ, t lr ~•l". dhl 1'.11':11'•' '"'' t h11 rt a _\'I'll r old SEVJ·:HAJ. \'1'1'\ l'lul loll\' 111 :!-l ..... lr~••rll ltollll"i COS'J A MESA G.l. movm~. S:t~·, ...,.11 "" "''""'' I yr told .'.! i"-.lr-n1, lar"Jtf' Jivin~ ('l oi1H1 tforai fi<WII fiiiTlat'' 'J1Jt)o. '' 11111' Tot.:tl JWH'(• . :-< :!IJ(I ~:.! JIJ(I d r1''" h:ol""''' ~7 uu Jl('r month. 'I ', 11111'''"'' IF YOt IIA\'J.; .~:!IlK ! d11\\n p!t,\lll••nl 1111d ~:>~1110 Jl('r m o. yutJ 1·:r rt Ita \'" HIIIIIP<h:d •· 1""""""''''"1 of t.tlf' or thf" m t!!'.l :ollr.ol'll\1' '1. lw .. tt·ottoiJl '''•Ill•"" ill ('t"lll Mesa. 1-:xlm b n•1• 111 i n~: I""'"'· ftr''l•l;"'' ltttt•k• rt~"'~. lx'flfl'l4"!1 CY'iltm: .. 1 ... 1 .. nf ,.,,. :tJ•r•·:ol lllol l'i1 1·:u.~~· Will f;Jl(f" 11111 1'117 o·ar ill lt',ulo• :..1ft• REAL V/\f.I JJ :S RANII I TYI 'I·: I If 1\H; 1'•·1' J, J,,," dl"-lr i•·l . I \T ,,Jd :l lan.w IM·tll'ttttlll , 1 ';""'i 1~·,, ll··:d l 't1ltt ,. Pr<lln ltrVI r)jtfiiJ (m fil i-.:1 ~:. 11 "'' :~, :11· ···~~·:w•· Ti11 , ,, ,,.:llh" g(lod htty Hl'll••1' ...,.,. 111" ''"'' ''""" l•'~tll I"'"'' IJrdv $1 2, 0 ;:,1 I ·1 t: I Ill' Ir you a!"f' l()(lkllll' f,,,. :1 I f.,nl•• Hll~lll•"' '" ln•-tllrtt• P.rr>flf"r1 y, Sf'(• II' fil'-1 T\\'(1 f IJo'J-'1('1 :....; 'l'( 1 Sl<l! \' 1•: Y()l' B. A . NERESON . Broker Frank J)!M'rM"~--SAJ€'Smr.111 1972 Nl'WJX)rt Blwl. Cof;ta Ml'M Phone Beacon 5255 S·ltc DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. l 'holrto • llar'lll>t' :)(l!'l-\\' 31~ \01111t llwy nt fh'('hlrt. C'omna dt'l Mnr "Dy the s-·· St)llfh of ll1~h way Nt•l\ :..' 111-c l"llllll h tlllll• II:Jnh\ <IIIII ni\UI'S, runlnn•, h111ul.\' l..1tdu•1\. -.na d ( h 111' lu d ltu•lt•• Lnll{t' llvln~ """" l\>t1l•l•· ,.;:tr'IICI' l 'rh't' $10,:!00 'l'\•nn!'< uc· <:.I l~·llt•r' htrrr~ tl ~'till :uv illh'l\'1'1tl'(l. lloml' ami Cucst llo usc S.l\at h of lll~o:hw11 \' in < 'n a't •rm. rlt•l M11r. !'lt).ft. c·m·nc•r l111 V1•r~· ~·ul '"''"'Ill' '""l"lr,u1fnn Mnin hnn~· h1U& :.! h 'lltnllll,, 1h•n und :2 hulh)o, HOO '~~1-ft"''l 'llw ~"""'' h11n u• h11" li\ lng 1'11 1111. l~toclt'tli MII, k l!dwn ttnc1 h ut h . ~~Ill ~I r, ... , :I J.:lll'll~l .... I !.•malt h illy lnntl*'liJIC"CI ~ 111'11. in I< ~· Zouo• !'l;"n r t hi' hc'lwh. "hoi"'· sdmntll a nd """ I 'rh ,,., nl :S:..'t;,;l(IO t !inl,ll':!.!.!x hl•'t"lltcllllL --- New 2-Hcdrm. Home $9~00 H m n.t """' n nd s h luy, IIH'IIlt•m. \\ lth rnrwy wuclf'l, h •11111 1\--.h\tlllll t't•illng.,, s 111wk hur, rlt't•plnc"'•, Lnl.ll nf l~talll·ln.;, l 'lr•t1!y 1111').:•' wintlm\~. :11111•'11 dM•tA. I.JU')CI• wu"t"1h-.<. Y111,ll~ ·111\titl. t'IU\~' to c·:11't• (nr. Hntht-ra' I"Jul\\'t't' 111111 launch'~· n"• lr•,•l•'ll In J.:ll l,l~"·· (1tlfiC' to stor"" In < 'ol''llllll d<'l Mnt• Best Buy in Corona del Mar Corner -1 lome Furni~hcd S1\JN'O, 2-lwlrm. moda•m. ht"jtrly '""'"'· Vurant. I.JU'tJW} llvln~ m.lfn. fh't'11ln•"'· hdwd. ftoot"R Ut"aoul. Nlcrly 1\amildwrl. Ont• hc"Ciroum n1n II(' dfon. Qn-n-1..-llfttlq. IJCtrl~k'. I>LJI. g1mt6o,'l'. Prin'lt nt $10,50(), WII ..U qukk. Just put up ror ""'If' today. Terma or G.l. loan. Furnished 2-Story--$8500 U rlfrr 11tnry hnl' c·ut~ llvlna.: nWlm "1lh ~~naek btu·. Hun pon·h. kltdle'fl with nook, h11th hull 11tAll Mlow.r. nln.• l~r--rlmom with ~ V('fltllntlnn, lowt'f' atory hn~ l•oclrnom "1th twin tnbl. la undry mom. dbl. lf&r. J tom~ II' nil Nc-rtric. Vn<"ftnt. We.• hnVP kc•y. Tw-nna Of' c;,-,. lc-.ul Ouplcx -\.,orner -New ""'fl P..lllf~ nr ""'"'" 111'1' ~'IMiniWtl IJy dcJUt~ p.r. u._-r. Jo:n1'+t IIJIIIrtm.'fll lndwll'l!l :! htlnn.'l., lnl)..'t" llvtna mum, hrlwd 0.1u1~. fllmAf't', kltrhm with nook. Front IItle I n 'llr put''"'· l~it't"Cl at $1 ~.!M. h"mtl'. In· c·unu• .. r ~:!Oil Jlf'l' monU1 unf\lm1!i1hf'i1 bc_o.rt1 otrc--n"ft. House and Garage Apt.--$3000 Down ~ath or Hla;(hwnv. 40-t't . lot. n«"ftr hNm. Ntow 2-bed~ ruom hontto, fln•pinn•. I'll'. (-;uc>st ur ntmpu~ n~t. tM'tr duultlo• L!fU'Itt.:c• und c•-.:tr'/1 nXMTUI. VtH'Ilnt, mutlf•y In •~• 'It 1\\ nllo\\'1'1 tll'f11JNII11 ')' ~Ill llMt1' unly ~ lfi,UOO. \\'•• hn ,.,. k··~·. I nco me B~st Bu y 1\ I'll'\\. 1111•l••n1 lu"lll' \\ lth '.! IMin11.~, o•\1 1"11 l11tl('l' I'IWIC illl, flr,•pJIIt''• hlf\\'cf fltllll._., (11111/IOl', .... '1'\'ft'f' I"'" It, t'l'' 1\nd 1111utlu•r :!·htlnlt ltt>trlt· ""''' doohlf' ~'h l~l~t· :111d lrtlllttln ,.,.,,"' Vur ..:dt• 111 ., J:o.!IIWI, I'IISY 1''1111' lrtllll•.,f 1~""'"'1'"' \';,, . .,,, N,.,.,..,. 1.-.11 ••·· '"l'" .. t ( 'I<N' '" "' h o,.,l,, ··I"""· lnr"f mtol IM'III'h \'o •J \ 1\o•ll t o n-.llllo 11-.1 h <olu•· "' :• l•'llr'1111111' 11111 1 11 '"'" .. r · "1"1 "~1 "'""' I'I"'J•I.1•,. "'""' r"'''u"''· til•· Jlo•11 Il l l t,dlrr••lrll J)lllllll' nM•IH \\llfr loll\ \\(lltlll\\'. fir"' '"~11'1••111 I'" """l•·r· '"'' l,luatll~· h"nu· l'a l in :owl \ o~r•d .til (o•ll• .. ~t III,Jo· 1:11r I ''" 1111 ~1 111 1•·'1 n •KI· d••nl l.tl "''''1'•11. '"""' 11! 111)'11\1 :1\ l llow ·k 111111 l111lr to llllll•r· 1'11.,'11 too ,,.If IJilll'l< lol ~l :l,iiHI I.IIM 'I'III lt'1111/l . Newport llci~dtts Lo vt•lv llt'\\' :1 l• .. lr•••rnt 1111d dt•n ( ·,,,,,.wt, lilt• hu th 1111d k'!ldu•IJ. N11 I htlwol notJ~. W1111 111111 n11ur r11r· fl/1,.,. F ln•pl:tl'' w tlh l'oltontul 111111111•! 1·::><11'11 l/\11(1' ll\'lrt~o: ,..lfltll will1 l..:t y wlrtdiM' ~·rvi•'l• '""'''h. pt~IJo, dill ~IH'IIj.{l' l.ul :lfrx 1 :.t>-< Ht>~tf IH ,,,.Jitl' xltlll~lt'f'l hn.~t ('t,fonlnl c•w"" Nl,'f•ly tl1 •.,w:lf1'(l horne• lmnu .. l 'f)f)f&. '~~"''\.11111. $1 :1,:)(10. tl'fTII)I, DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT 00. I 'hOf'lc• II a rl.11w !"J(I;). W 318 CclMt llwy. Ill Orchid, Corona d8 Mar "By the S." C. \.ALEN DENISON 4!.1ft Ni'WJ.Iftrt Blvd \DSTA MESA !"i-I t.c Rea lt or C'..llfttn MeM 1\:1'\\' 2-lnlr~•,lll '"'"'"' l'b!oolo ·r tiiii•I'HII' t .. or1:•·llvm~ ruotn 1111d dllltlll; ,.,.,,, I·"'·"' ,,f ·~d tllu•l 1111d slon t!_'f' KJIIo'l ' f;;II'IIJ'o• lltl;w(lf>jl 1111 1:11'1:•· f~tf.'4 'f'11IJtl p rin1 otdy $7,:.!~.11 IJ(I W ill I; I ::.J•,,.Jr.,.,,,l I I• II III' l':lli•1 lll•rt l-'11·1•pl::,. I ~ II )) ltntf ;1 J,,df ( ;;ll'llt:o• ( 'hlf'k••fl l'f llllf"lll'lll (Ill I :li'l'o• 1\f.ll(!• "" 11 11 .. ,,,.1. N J:WPOtrr f II:ICJITS ;\;11'\v ~-IS.•Irw"n f ltlllu· I lr~t'fh\l ttlfl n,,..,..,., tlt ud n t111r fllrTIIII.,., lJI'f•;d<flll\l I.!! I', :oll.lf•lu,.f 1;:1111~•· ( iltly !!ik!t;'J(), 'f,·nn ... 4of" \\Ill(; f . Good Lo ts $1450 Up C. GALEN DENISON-Realt~r Gen. T. eutor. Broirer MAl1m Gng, su.n.n 489 Newport Blvd .. o.ta M.-Ptl. s-oon 51ffl 5-1~ ... Pge8 Stock Market At a Glance Am Tel • Tel . l~t " Caaedlan Plldftc -·-"""" U\6 Dupont ... _ .. _ .. _. _,_ ...... .118 Y'S MEN'S CLUB HEARS HITCHCOCK 1 1/IIC~ ~JJ.) A.~~:.~~.-~.~~~~.~~ . .!~-'~~!~~ By Hrrcu o flU! to Callrornla T~ywr a.o-om>' tlon to the loc:.al aovemmenta and l'intlon t.y the Auembly Interim "ThC' state should not undertake to t he cltJuu . As you are a~'&J"(' it you did uy mmmttU.,.. nn ala te and loc:aJ tu· any dm.•ct action looklnr toward "4 Stop inaeaalnr local taxN Newport Harbor area Y'Men·a ,sporttlahln& la.st M:ll~. th•· tlnll 111100 IJonathan J. Holllh.\Aitl of r.-dunn~: the high coat of Uvm& by Im paling exCHalve requlre- lt'l"il'tl elub mt'l Ju t nleht at tht' Mtu.utlon wu lll1 u•·u t.· ht'at!IJI'ht'. llunttns:t•m Par k, chairman) ' r..; in 1'u)1fo rnla. menta on local r overnments. aocial hall of the Collta MH a Com· lle<:aWIL' ol U\C ~~> ol baH tn flrlll1fnrd Tfenh~tm, ce neTal ~n· ·All !''"'" m{lnPy and funds, In· "~ Go alow on all but the m a.t SPORTSMEN ................ • .........-a • • SHEP'S GeMr&J Motors • -55111. Cioolt)t8r 43 ._ KtftiM!ClOtt , .. _ .. _ .. _ ........... 46" SMn • 34'-, munlty church a nd ht!ard Kent th.-. watPn., J t•· J )ll<fon·~ !\tAl'IJ n~t•·r 11( thr Taxpaycon' or&a niza· rlurl1n~ highway funds, should ht• crltk al conat rucllon projects ''' H itchcock , m arlne photOCTaphcr ..S MAUD n had to haul b1ut oil tlnn sBid 11t the commlttft ~•· sui.IJH'IIod to audit by a stat" rt>duce comjX'tltion with privJllf addN'Sll the group on w mnil.l of Ulrllt Beach ~h··n· 11 h:os ui\H•.)~ tnr '10 thr stiiTe butldtnc, t..o. An· 8~, nr·y indr pcn<kn t of apendlnt: building 3nd to conserve funds for yacht1niE aa 11 youth projfoct ~'" 11\()n' plt•ntJful 81\d our llpOrt· Jo:•·l··s, Monduy m omlna. J anu.a,.y u~··nclf's." t lmn when their C'Xprndlturc will Ht• )lnted ou t that a('(':()rdlng fi!JIInll hOh h "'''''' for,:•~1 '" lrll'• I 19: r;,J.mnding hiS diiCUSsion of how hsv~ a ben~flcial effN'I on the tn stait,ui~ ~leased by the Na -Pt~t 1thca~. 10 ~~~~;~~ ~~;.~~i. Ttll' ~tn tr of California ahould tht• st&te ran have lln t>Uect on «'mployment plctur~. 2-YEAR AG COURSE TO BE OFFERED IIU OO.&ft JIIOIIW.&Y JmWI'Oirl' -n. -., GMt ...... OLOIIIID Olf MOifDAY So Cal Edilon . -:...'9-.. Standard OU .. • 57 "' U S Steel. ... --• 75 Policy Changes Incorporated At Boys' Club A number of polky changn~ haVf• cone lf]to etrKt fOf' thl' ll~~rbor Ana Boy"a Club at C01ta Mt~a. Albert Spen<"'!r , t>X('('Utlve rtiN'<'tor . pointed -' today. ~ minimum aae hu been lowe-red from ninl' to eight ~an ol aae. and the l'lub Will bt' open to all IIICI' gruuflll In t he evenlnra lnatead of bt'ln~ oprn tl Ill Auocintlon of Boat and En -. ''" ... ll1<r·wlllnllt· hulldin" up hure r"· rho • rost of livin•. T renham said "6 Be rigorous In ('nfor~mC'nt nn · • lmpallr•nt f11r t h<' WI\'' fl'htnl.: "' ' ., of ho.sinf•Ss-ttnd nrofMsional stand· "int• m anufactun•n , 96 prr ~nl · ~('rVf'l nftc>r th11 fiscal v.ar. tlto·t ttw ~"•'~' ~hould · ,... .. h Ll C'l>ntplatn•~l th•·) ~ .. n • l:l'•·n " •~··•1 J ' a rds 1•f tht• mon!'y spt'n t nn yac 1.1 rofL•· ln,tt•utl ol 11 ft~lotn,: !I'll• 11nd ·Th•• stair should tax for revP· "I ftPduC'f· taxc>s to lt•ave more 'Thf' lltal!' of C'llllfornla l'annnt lnvPstNt in bnr1U undrr 32 feet. mnn} uf rh11n 1" l.ll~l>!u~1 snu~:ht ., ,. Jllll'pos~s only. ''"'"', '" thl' pockl'ls o f thr fX'O-SUC<'I'liRfully c 0 m h a 1 lnf!utlon Y<>ulh IJrtljt.,..l'l for c•htldn·n tn diiiMI'I'll uut vf Sun l'o<h ~> 1111' wl'l~:ht or t ht:olr Whole tiiX J•lt• "'ith Whtch IO ml·!'l lhP hl~h throu~h taxatio n." Trrnham de•· 'l'huol. lnw prlc<'fl nf kits for wmall t In•• •·h.lrt•·r f)(.olll """''' J••· I· '" r;,rlwr than Ita diatributhm. ,.II,, II\ In~ clnrPd boats a nd t he slmplit'll)l o r thr Slllan1 Ill !'\o•\\ ,~ •• , I r llll•l··n' ,, ,, "' "''"'' ('1101'1'rn to t~ peoph• ..! Ttl!hll-n up sta ll' 1(0\'t•rn· "MnnPy divt:or tPd hy gO\'er nmC'n t hol.hy wrrf' dwl'lt upon. also, b)' hu; IJ~:l·.l'·t · tf• s1111 p,~h ''· 1;111 VIJ 1 11f t 'r11tf•1rnla tod11y. "'' nt .,IJ :don~; tlw line• thr•111~h frnm private u.cp' Is A J:rf'atf'r tht• prom lnt•nt llhntn~o:raplwr In tlu• nu•lltl•· 11f •h•· nwh • '""''! :-:11111,. ~ ah r Ady made ahould '" 11,1 ••nf•trr••m,•nt. ~o that hti!Sf'S thn•at to thr pril'l' lrvPl and lhl' Dlscu:\Y'd wc•r r Jllllnll fnr !l"mt· In s .m l'•~lro. ltf'l•k•· '"" ht• l•Hol t~· hnul•·rl out into the ll&ht und '" tho• nt •t••ns from lax udmrni· JX"•Pir's lih1•rty than tht' sam t• tulrt of a huildtnl: whrrr young th1·r••• ru111 '"II "'1\••l 'ul11.1ltl•• fl,h· 11,, r1 tn tiC'lrrmtninK what at ut; '" hflt~n urr mtnim izro. m nnPy lcoft rn thr pockC'Is of thco A 1"' o yc>ar agncul t ural pro- gram of &\'nt!ral vocational lnt.e'r· I.'St , combined wHh agricultural courses of a non-vocational nature will IX' oH<'I't'd Santa Ana collcoge .. tufl£'nta n£'xt fall. I.>iN'Cior II 0 . Rulisf'll announced thl.!i W('('k. This program will be offered in a ddition to t hl' pi"''SS'nt agrirultural ~J"S(>S which prepare studl'nts to continue their work at a OUnJVI'N<ity. prnpll''ll ~:rl)llplt t"()Uld mN't In 1n1; ""'" S..ul .1••· I nlo·" II,.. "n we s shnuld hr rti&con llnued nr -3-S..t un f'Xamplco of fr ugality, J)I'OfJif'" r~trry nn thl'i.r various projt>cta. h•lll lollllllttnn , ... l''nt•tlt•.J I ,,. .. Y'Mf'n'li C'luh ll<'tvf'll 1111 11n ud ult Itt••••· I hut th•• lc•·HI 't•••l fl'lum: grou!l t o !IUprrvl.lc> thl' youth wo rk II•~·• "'til 1,,..,, I'll t•·r "111 "' 11' I nr t hr YM.C".A. OffiN'rtl 81'1' r.u. hii,.IOI'"' ""'"" ttlt' fl• \1 ('(ollfolo· ·•f tx-n S.,.al pn'll'idfont · llf'l'h JM1k~ ""'L""n' · 1 viN•-pr l'!lirtl'nt: F r11nk Powers, !lt'C· At Snn l'••rln• l•alt I• dulr•t• d retary nnd Olin Rhnd~>n. ln>~t."urer ''''1'1) :!I louur' 111t•o tho l't•l!H·U~ r•· tor Jntennedlatn and Sen\Qn th11t f"rld ay ni~ht movlf't will '"' only. A big hrlp in furth••rinl: th(• !loy~· Thana to the htolp of t.l\'O nf C"luh pr~~~:TIIm in th is 11rf'll Ul~ fathen of Boyt' C"'uh rnl'm· Pl1mc fnr n ~lx m nnth'll C'lm· bPn the aaftahop will br opcon on lt•st with 5UIInhlr prl71'!1 will lw ~y and WednHdAy rvt'nln~ r .. lc>n!'o•rl nr xt wr'< k w ith th,. ron· l :un•·r" ur ···•f'l.:··--.. ,u ltttf'"'l tn th·· htohur (,,r th•· '\'lfl\••uu·rH'•' of lh" ll\'t• 1>1111 I""'' 1\ ... ullll;or I•'•"' \\':L' tMt-ff h•·tt .1 t•uupl•• ••I ,,.,,,.., ha,.:n "'tu•n 11 hiUI ,, ... ,.,,,.,. \\11' an ch .. r••l "'''"' tltt• J••ll\ ""' th·· ''·' 1t•r !n th•· t. .• ~ "to" '''tr1u .tnd ,h .. I I IIIII •lr•'tl '111.. ,,,, 1111/0, "'''"' lllrl Sleep-Robber Rooste r Executed; Harem of Hens Not Too Happy ,, ...... hy th .. matuUaal hur llntt.. uf nature'• .a.n. , 1 ...... -a r•-t<'r "" ..... b y ,\. II•·I.•IHr ri, 1~1 Larkapar. ( '"""• 1l•·l Mar -Mrs. I . t\. ~t·hno•ltlo•r, 106 LarkllfiU, \\ o•n1 tu lhr puU"' aad d~ --well M ilft aH ~ Aftl'rtlnftn8 Of tr~l ftl\lr!I'(J inln thr<•(' par tlT; n nt• tlw' w t'f'k. C Mc:Gavr r n will ht• in for rllrh "~" J!TIIUJl Anrl will In d\arcc o( tN> ahop on Wl'dnHday t·furl•• p llrllrlp.11u)n In All tYP''" nt ~enlnp and Glenn All.-n will two nthlr•t 1f·~. rr11 ftwnrk. nrw m1•m· tn marc .. TUeeday .. venlnjEs. And bf'r~. r•nrf'nllll h••lp, rluh lll'rVit·· ot ht-r f•t~n may voluntM>r to r nd othr·r lt1·m" wnotlt1 I•· not ·• IJ:If'l:o !toll " 1••11 I '"fiiiJ'Joi'fl \\ lth l.u tk• 11110 \1 h1<'11 11,.n(l, .. l a4'11un. help lc.N'p the Jhop o!)f'n All o·W·· l'"lft•.,•n nt·W mrmhf'r" huvC" Dlnp of ttM' w~k. SPf'nC'I'r "nirl. joine-d t hi' Otl)'ll' nuh durin~: tlu adltln~t tha t mothl'n nr,. ~till Jtll!ll wr•o•k hr1nc1n~t tho· !Mal "'""'' nc'f'ded u •uhlltltutf'!l for ""m•• or 1 hrr~h1ro •1ro rn .111.1 Thl' nr" .lun l"' thf' mothrra hf'lplnt;: In thl' 11ftPr· m ••mh(•rli urc• ll••nry l\11trlwll noons 11"" urd ~mt t h, W•·nrlrll Mlll~t•rr~· 'nw-Club U~ary 11nd rr l'trllns: TUrh~orrl t'rnll'\', rtoy TUrtruut. rtu· tabl .. 11 In net'<! or currt•nt mil· l"'n Smith rrnrt St!'vr Rronka. Nrw aaztMt. f'un.r\y ~ and • am11ll Tn h·rm.'flortll• nwmht•rs nrl' Gl•·n radio, he at~ Wayw and r.rtfftth A Inn L.arsrn. Bur k 1 rrw-•JW are atlll beln~t t'Xplorl'd to Tht~rnltur~:. DaiiM Wll8on. W JI- ~ a 18 mm motion plcturr li11m Wnrrrn. P hillip Mlrkovlch projectcr and tcrftn u It 11 fel t Tlun Ke~III'T and Onnlr l Prrez. t•ultl •••t >Ill Y. olt 1 ""1ld '"' t~JI\1111 uall~ 1"""1"~1 · l'urt Or•n~o:•· Kf•tnMIV ·nu, .Y•H ... •-n J •,,, 1 • H .uta:•· ,.,,ntt' up """ II 101:11'11"111 olfl,\\t'l !11 th•·' huJI "'tftlllf ton \n~••r•ltna.: tt• Tnr11 l s.r .. t 1 tn•tnu.:.•·• u c·.•n '' ,. "ttl I;. ''n"t(l•"l ''h•·n l h•· t11od 11 "•:t,nft l '-llll'h aloo11.: 111 '''" tl llhll'll 1\ 1ll l'f>tllat'l the• l\\11 \1,\1 l iS"""\\ oil t111vo• l""'n hnullltlo! 1>1111 .. rr l .. •nl! ll-·11t'h rlur lrl&: t h•• nt~hl '!111' I':U 111'1' \Oo'llh 11 I'.IJI'II'II~ II( :\f.lfl 'o('totp• ful~ liS f'11fi1J).Il'f'ol \\ I t h I h I• MAl 'l>S' 2011 '"'"'"'"" I• '"'' • n tluom, \\Ill th••fl pro •'t·o•l '"'"''" "''"1 .. }1'1 wllh th•• ltl••a "' m·~·ttnt.: llunuuw Vla~t ( 11"'11tlii1RII \\ ... t•alJf'd to a.lt In jllllll•'"'''n l. llr dHr_. th•l th•• ru .... t .. r '• .. s~py-Urn .. , Jul•tl11n~ o·alll'd fu r t-.e ~•· 1 ro·n ll' llt'tlally. Th,. btrd , lllr -••h i, .. t111uld dlr. A• for Itt. - har•·m, thi'Y \\uultl boo all-fld .nut h,.r e•hanc·r If k~pt pt'll· no-d. Mr.,, "'-'harld~ ~~~~ Ul4' ....... ,, "' t "" ,..,,.ned ·-. A .. fur tho• ,.,.rut,.ll'r 'a 114'•- ... 11. t ht•lr tM'C'-Ieoeal dUC'k" lra \'t' .. umr thl•« t o bft •ur· m lt ... d . ] tlon to her husband . by I h r e "" [ OBITUARIES dau~htf'rs. Mn. M11rjoriP 8£'lman ----============~-of F rNmo. Mn . Aile('n C'nwford. -:::; or NPwporl Bt'ach, and Mrs. Mllr· ".o\R\' .IASP: ('ARPENTP:R \lr~ !\1nry J11nr CarpcontPr. ~. n! 1"1!1 \'1rtnrut St , ('()!;til Mcsa. •IIN'IImh•'(l S11nday in St J O!II'ph h"'J"I:tl ufll r un I'Xtcondt•d illnf'~S "h" ".1• horn in Kfln~as nnrl hnrl lh· rJ in f"usta Ml'~ll fo r 10 yrnrs. ;\lr< r·arpl'nll•r is l'Uri'I\'Ni by '"'I' loll~t..~r~d. Willinm 1.. Caq)('n· "1 !\1•1 t.ru thrr<. Arth11r and II. o; II "' k or Ka n•a•. and 1 hrPr •1q , I'" \lr-; Frlith Spr1n~:l•·r. Mr~ 11.,,,., •\m1·~ orul Mrc; Ruth -No•\\'· ,., 111 :oil nf K:trt .. ~a~ Pwlt:h l Kin· !II .n nf ( '""' 1 !•·•;1 "til l'ttndu r t '""' o·tl "1'\ 11"1" ·n nlr•ll.l\ Ill I (I 1 '" '" Snn t1• Ann \'IC'TORI,\ .\. 1\ll AMS \It~ \'u•to)rt,e /\tllllnid•· Arlnmll, "•I 11f ll:.'O ("hff Pr . :S••wpnrt f\, .wh. wofr nf W ll hnm Acinmll. r• "•m ..,, ··r 11f :"•·" Jw1rt R4•nrh. dlrd :'.tllll ony in till' family hnm <' ll .. rn In S;tnt 11 Ann, s hr hnfl llve'd u1 ..;, "pnrl Rt•ach lltr last 15 ion B rooks or Honolulu, H awaii, and thrl't' grnndchildrt'n. Pri' "''' run.·rRI S('rvic('s wr n h .. td a t 2 p m. Monday in Graur l F uno·r al rhopl'l, Custa Mf'Sa. Pri· \niP ••ntomhmo•nt was In Mtlrosl' ,, hlwy mnu~oll'um. .. ,\I,F R F.n Ul'ROI~ ,\lfrr•rl l luOnis . 47, of 11~ ~lth St . N"" port ll•·arh. rltl'd ~:llltrrla til hi• hrtmf' A nnli\'1' Of Louic;iflna, h•• h:trl lll'••d in N ••wport ONII'h fu1u· 'P:tr~ II·· '' ~•u·, 1\'<•1.1 I•) hts w if{'. Mr11 1-tilth De• I \ell' <>f !':t•WJIOrt llc.•JII'h. f,.ur hrcor tu·t ~. La\\ ro'tl('c', Snmuf'l. """n :mrt .llll'l'!oh OuBo1~. nil ol l .c1tll'l·'"''. 1 hrc•e• st,fr rs, !\!NO F:drlil I r rlnu•·f :mrt Mr!l FanniC' llunirh· on~on uf L.ro111smna. and :\In II. 0 \\'1•1rll'lllll n nf Portla nd. Ore.; hls moth• r. :O.lr~ l.awr<>net' OURois or l.ull"lllO:t Fun(·r ttl Sf'l'l'irt•s will hr W1·dnrs· clay "' It 11 m in GraUt•l FltnC'ral l'hnfl!'l, Crtsta J\11'sa lntr rm('nt "'II i11<• m Wrstmlnslt·r M('morial park. th•• uutrromtn~ f1'h"nn"n tn th•· l,, "', Shr "11~ n nw mt><•r uf t hC' F11 ,, C11urd1 nf Citrist Sclrntist. ;\t r< i\1lnm~o ~~ .. un ivt•d, in addi· 'a-A--::Tr::-::-=LE===o==F==B====U~DGET IN SACRAMENTO PREDICTED Ru.s..;ell made t~1s announc<'ml'nt altPr takmg part in a '(:O[I'Ullittee meeting whic.h agreed on the de- sirability of such a program. Thl' general feelings of the ng· rlcullure ll'adt>nl 81\d the l"('presen· tative of thl' sta te-dc·panme nt wei"(' that the two year progt'llm tx-of a gl'ncral vocational nnturc. plant nropagat inn. and lantl~cap­ rng for the c.uy n.>sifl(•nt!• :.hould be offcrt>d. Jack's Equipment Rental Contracton' Equipment e StoLL U W8 • TILULEII8 Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Coeta Mesa LUMBER BUILDING MATERiALS r•nrly mo u'Tihtl: 1111d 1" no•11r lh•• JI'IIY n.< 1•"'-""l•h• It rtw l"nrnC'r rannrot alwny~ llf' n~tht :11 the• Jc'tl} r•nt rnn~"<' 11.., th•• r·h11n ,.,. IK'III t" <'nte'tl:•', '"'' "'II. at I•'""'· hi" on ho•r "IIY 1lown unrl th" plnn •houlr:l t'lt.«· tho· ~l t uatto•n Nlf'lo,hh•rahl) 1 f h \\Ill',, 111 Ill' j 11'' :t" wdllnll to fi.:ht r1 1:1111..;i\ A "hntt I' 0 I • ·-' h -" II>" 1111 \ll'ltlrY 1n I" h.1lf of tho' iotlfl~l't" \1 !I~ fltl'r!ICth.J t'r e tvo• 1\ " • 11s surplct"'" ro•IP up Itt<' t£'ndt•nry w1ll ah\n)s l1<• 'spr·nd the mom·y· •· JOL YN Juniors stress the forthright flattery of stripes, mitred to a pearl-buttoned yoke, sleeves and podeh doubled for importance Right out of JUNIOR BAZAAR Sanforized waffle piqu e in wh ite with rose, maize or aqua. Sius9 to 15 $10.95 BALBOA s,om,~ nl 1!11• P nr1 Ornn,::r• nN't J.!l"" tlllt' no lltUI F t'ht1HII')' :!II a nol lllll'r "" '" th·· hri~;ht nr the~ '-'11· ):lln, ~l'otlf o•"(fii'('IS !11 hiiVC' mor1• than 15 hctlll~ ln OJII'rllt h~n Our· 1n1: t he• wrnto-r munth_~ whl'n ~nt••r ll'ntJlf'MIItlrl' 1;; loW. hllit i'< '<IIN'('t;.•· fully k••pt at thr• lnnrlin~: ·n,,. c·llr· rle•r ~·til <;lfiJ1 ht•r ('Ommuttnt: who•n thl' hny wnrm~ UJl in l h•• 'JlM"Jt Cart.cm MOIIOlrklfo f'riM1d W&Yllf' Harper who alon~r with M~ Harper and thl' Roh Mnypolt'!l, nrArly ID!'t hi!l !If,~ obonm till' A ANON hrrnu_q> nf nut~'" mono""''' llfii~OOinJ.!. hn~ ~inl'o• rhunu•to·n•ticnlly ntMI•· 11 lh<tmttl,ofl c;t urlr or tho• ~uhjc .... t Annc-<1 "''" """"' ,<tnrthng f;wt~< hr IHirirt"-"~1 thr• \1 ~ f'owo•r S ll" a r1 r r• n... 1 fiPJifY•"mntr•ly 1'10 "tmr11:1 nr '"'' n vc i:1<t F'rltln) nlt.:hl 111, .,,,.,,. ~~ n •lat•'<'l t'l••'· ~hf'l•o• hut "" wnnt I•• t;l\'1' \\":oyrw n nrt~l f11r 111~ !Into• nnrl tr .. uhlo• 111 maktn..: ''"" I':O htntolo· in\'<'"fll:llllne\ nf :1 nwnur~· 1 ha 1 hn" IH'nhnhh 111 A~t~t·mhl\'ntf'n E ml'lll R. G •'•t· l1t'11t•l•• rt .. c. rt•·ptthhrnn 19th District, "11" I I"'"',.,. lh•· toufh:•'' wM too '" ,, mo •mhl'r nf the Callforn~<l h1r h l1t~l ~l'nr :1nrl 11 sro·m~. if · f I ~ .. llr•·•·<:' from ~ru-ra· l.t't..:l~llltur••'<~ t\<:<l'mhly Stand rno.: '111 •H'tt"' C'nm~ittr,. nn RP,·rnue a. Ta' 1 n 1• ntu :1r•• <·t~rro·•·t thnt .. 11 WI I~ l11• ttnn :1ntl a k·•>' prnJ)Onrnl of "op••11 t'" n h1~h•·r '""' y••rtr, . h" ~~Jd. 1 ,.,~1011m11'al govt'mmo nt I"Hut 1t ·hnulcl he •·mtthil"lzt•d I 111 ~;.~IV nnd •·COnomically opo·r (;,.\ o·r nnr \\'arr. n'l' . hu<h:rt "ll' nt••rl ': I .. nt~ ~1>11 ,()(W).(~~J wluio• th•~ L•'l-!1'<· ··r ~llflfJOrl n 20 pt'r cent ac:rQS~· Ia turf' rar ke•u nn lln{lthrr . $1:\jl thl'·honrd rl'dtwlinn in Callfornln'~ ()()(l,CJIWl nf s()('('tlll npnrolpnnt inn~ mil.)Or tnxrs " ''"·rlnrrd Geddes. whtt'h Wt'rf' not Vf'IOI'd hy thl' ' .. tr all Rolland A Vanckrb1lt Go\'f'rnnr Wr shnuld stn r !>Jl('l'till nur i..t-~i~latlvr Auditor hu lndl· AJlJlrntJrlntiun~ :tntl lh•'. ~(X'l'ia: ., tNt thC'ff Is &olng tl) be any prf'S5urr " that fom (>nt ,h('m h~~;r•' lnrre•:m~ 0 vrr l11~t ~-·~ hc'll('VC' thlll th!>"l' sfl('Cifll 81lPro- !Ml 000 ono an nuAl hurt~;Pt then rrtatinn~ clt,..mt•d n!'CI'ssary for lh<'r~ 1~ ~Oinlt to hf' n ~iolmt tht• stl('~al :m(l o r~tnn~nlr ""~farr 'hnttlr nf thr hudt;:f'l'' rr1 Sacra~lnf 11!1• !'l:tlt• 'houlrl J,. lnl'lllrlttl ~~ m••ntn in Murch As at 1\astoli'ne th,. (~o·n•Tal H111~~··1 l11r thr Gm· "hf'n thr Amrrlran !:«'n•·ral waa o•rn~>.-• ""'"''n\· r nlh•rl nn !11 surrr·nrlt·r , ~ttlr anii'W~r '"'"""' 111l11r'rn:11 '"" rnmtnl: frnm t11 unr•·flli!!li<' spo·nrling prl'•~ures ~aiTanl• ntn Cahfetrmn , I" rnlhnt: mil~ I tlf' ·nutll', " r.,•r!dMl •11irl "ln in till\ mron•'', anti t h1•1 r<' ~~·It tnt.: thl• 'hnttlr nf t lw hudtz..t' in!ltt'ad 1 n•nll" to rnti 11 IHI! ra~t• r. r.•·rl· or pnrntroor•·rs I twh• \ f' wr'll Ill'!< I'PIIIITI''n to'<l _. 'I)TI" t<; 111"' 11 "'''''' 11 hiO<' of 'pnrco-tlw·tnxcn' rt'fll.''''"'n nf lu~'"' ,. :ond "" 111n..: Girl Scouts 'United by Ideals' I'll II"''" ,,., c•rrol h ltlu•rtr' """'"··~I r ,. t' _ .. r nm P ll"l' 11 ,;nprt''""'"' I~ 1:.~~· ''I'I IP ' , ••• , tl1•1tlh'< "' 'I'll I I• 011 '"'""' r .. " Th· • Jnculo•ll l:olly. \\',1\lto' ha,. lw••n mntt•nal~ nn1l ~p11rll' • oflltt)l'rt('nt. with kltrhl'n nnrl ntflr•• ~p:orf' ,.,,. ..r 1"1r "'''''' '"'' "'" ,., 1\ kttdu•n anti t~lfw•• sp.o•··· t< Also plnyl:"ruunol aro ., "ttl '"' Inn.:•· 1 1nt ... X !=' o ally nr•prk1l !'nnugh for arlrlttumat ro·~t a nrl l show t•r n'llom~. two h.lrhl'l'lt•·' \\'o•1•• Pnl\ 1<1111.!" 1 h• m~r·h ,.,. '" fll:h I, I h• r•'•l 1,.. an o·nol oil \\.or l 'h otlo'' lo•fro'f\" $500 CASH ~for funeral and huriqJ ••• only $9.41 paicl inl llt~r.lkt• of hnw lt!tlt V<'U hn~ r-oJ ln. tht Fnrfit J.;,. n Prurtu1nn Plan provo 1M IMMF· DIA TE CASH fnr fu~rlll n · Pfr»et wh~vtr tht IM'N ari'". IEIE IS AI lUUll USE: t Wt hn t ~rmidi9• ro rtpro- d~tt roan of • l~rr«ollf re- ttaft'd · "A!Htoug~ Molloor tool o~f loer ,.tky eAI)o F.•• dor• !>.fore ohe woo tlri<fr•~ e nd load poiJ .,.,, 19.41 ~'"illfflf. your t'OMpol"'r ''"m•J; o+ely paiJ '"• e~tti,.. lore wol.,. of S.SOO ,M,•h•r •o• ,..,..l"gl; ;,. ~~· f.n ....,,,,. /euf Jhuttdoy wh•• J.• tltow.J ,.. lrt•r ,..., lunetol ,,.,..,,. •••• polocy. Sloe dood ,.,.ondoy ~'"'"O· II lt hod"'' bH n lor Ht;, pof'icy, I do "01 • ...,w loow •• <c,..ld ,..,.. _,.god. '"'' lo certo••'r tloe ..._ .... , ... Thia l(tw-<c!Sf PrNt<nnn Plan it iuue"<l "' the Fo>rr<t '--" n loft loJura n« Co, • rMronlohlr, old· l iot, l~s•l re•r1vt c11mrany. Thc:rt nn nrn r ~ anr ••~u· mt11t1. And rou mor name •nr funeral dorf'\Mr. anr CT~ry. any'Whtrc ~nrl fnr tiff ,k,.,r, FOREST LAWN UFE INSURANCE CO. • The l ett .,.,o ... ,. No,.... ,,. l lln.,ol l~••.uo"K"e ············-··--···· , , , ~ ' , ' ' ,_, lan lilt""'""'' Ct. o.-rt. ~~-R~·l zn 1600J.~A-. .._.. ..... J. Ce41f. Witloowf C'Orl or oblo,..,..,.., P'- .....1 -#vii delw•fo obe.,t lh for· _, I•"'" ,rolecfio• '"'A /o< ell•'-""""e tloe h rJ." el ,.,...,.,/ blllo. i ! ,. .... --- --.... ,._ : $~~----------~--- : :r-_clfY. : 'L (f-l ..,A Co~ 5'-fe .A;-1) I I •••••••••••••••• , •••• ~ In !ltn~·. I'll I. " p·ntlw.: fund ~JlllC'f' '"' ptrnir .mel rrilft tnhl• < '"' a C:1rl !'•'<•II' Lttt\r 'I· ••~·· Wll~ \Vork shot! hi ~t:trt ~hc,rt l~·. '' t1h ,uort••rl \\hol'll "'''' tot.cl' ~\500 k 1 1 hr \.ir l !'rn11l< l~t•tnl: r1" '' '"I \1 tlh 1111 tnlo n~l\t• l':lmp I ·n ~tart · nrQ\'Iril _'I'WI h,fl:~ nf ('t'111t Ill tilL' tilt• \t •nr 111 rn~ Pl•·t• thl' '' 1 I · 1 \" 11ctntr ·r d~ Mr•mh•·r< of th• hnolcl•nr.: 1'11111 n··t·• co.~,..-~ ,,,, .. ,an ' • --.. ll'lllnn~ h it\•' ho' n f'\1011111.' '11111 nne mttl•·•· lr• \lr :onrl ;\l r~ ~~~nnl• t.111uh . 111 "hwh Ill• ,.,. of• rhrN' \'m1~ 111 . t'llillnrl•·n M··~~r~ illlrl I 1;11 J .'l'ctl tl < 1111, nffoort ll '" ~:ivrj 1•·~rl:orrto'< llt:loh.lfilll"'~'' .. rl~\'tnl \1~\ ('h11pm.1n tr . \\ .tlto•r I oolr ~.clr.:" 1·• pl'oo\lcl• f1•r l"'"l'l• """w ish R Jlill, :llurr:t> H"hh1tt, \\' It 111 111.1k, .,11 ,11 olnn ,1,.,1,. , "Ouy Tru~l\ I 1l\\arrl \1 ol1o It lln\\ trc l " lln:on l" r·:mtp1H"11 '" "' t· •tart· Pr tc•r , .. n, HIII J•h .l le•:t'•·r. \lft• d" 'I'll •o flo ol 1• 1 ( \, Ill o\ J"l\ Onf' (';ih<olll fllo)lo Tl htlldo•r o•l l)ho! o· hnttel' 11 c;:l I II h This :SUII:ll\ l~• "11'' !\l l.t\\lo 1' llo\1 111 ll• ol t'lltlf'olll'll 111 ll'htch l l llht•l' ocr~-::11111:1111111< Cl\lllL; lo th•• 1!1 n•r•l pothJ,. \\tli 1. t"()O·I nlln('l•ol illtl.nro t h 1• ""'I'III IIC'• r.1r·t ••cl f·•r r:111 :O:•·••ot t .... 11111 rlrnWT'I· IA'III:II• ''' :-.;, \\ J'lol'l II at h•lr, ll llll'h I 1 ,,., "Ill •rll ltw h ... onl• "1111' to 1:1\1'< SilK• n ~· 11r '""·"'' :t o"t1111• tno mhc·r~ ll[ I ho If f Itt 1 h • • 1\nd rr~hlp IIIII I I ht ( 'oollllnilllll ~ I 'ho •I lh u:hl\t of "'"111 frt• ""' \II ·•lhrr Whwh ,oppro•pna to' rumt-for the I n•"-ut, n ft;; \\ht' "''h '" ud tn tht' )'f'lll1 ." 11p• ro~t uu.: '\Jll """'" I 0111ji:JII'II lllll\ Ill"' '"'II e. ntrlbu· 11oon< 111 1\ .J '1\' "' •' t ', lttrt't dC'I ·nw :'\:I\ Ill A1r Tr:on<p .. rt "'1. I \1.1r nr ''' ~lr' I • ""'' \ lll•'('nt. , ,..,. 1 "'" .. tl•·•l nnh toll•' ,, .... rlult•tl l "·".hc>rt l fltl!hl .. n "' 'Jiool•h111" l111t• \\hlo 'h I hf' ~1rh t lt•·n "1• •' It"' tW't'n J.:IH'" rltr•'('l !'t'r\ ... ,. frnm \\',!oh "••tktnl: In ,,,,.., ''' "''' •·• rnlsr 11ngtnn p (", 1,1 !'.Ill Fr '"'''''" 11111111 ' fo•r th•" l tl'l• II 1•• Re· ·in It" f1r~t y••:lr ,.r ,.1• ral tP II ,,, l'ttlll~ thr} ""' '''" '••lllnl:l l\vH"'·<Iatly fltt.:hl" l in th;ll "' o'•lt•ktl'~. l~•t.r;·,_. •I 111•111, to 1r n,;;iom f\lrt\\'11\'~ ''' :-.;.11111n.tl t\1r 1 rn. llrl~ ·""1 llo'll!loloo•r< ''"'"I'. tht' llO~t. \\'ashln~t l'll, 11 c . \\f•ro• ~ .. rltrt'f'lltlll ,,f :0.1t•, "P tlol 1..; J::u t· hNI\ 1ty ict·d th.11 11 lronclin~ ''"'I 1111111 1.,1 nsir11'rNI t 1)(1 1111 n~:t•rnu~ !O n t I I.ftlttl fc'r 1 h•· "rth 1111 • 1, '' I)('Cn tf'mpt lt•:'l<l'd fr11m t ho· •·11 \ , '' \\, <1 ('t'n· t nt I 11,.,.tllh', MIJ'", 111 1,, llw aile Pt·r~nnnt'l ••f thr· :-.;n,·y·~ Air R··· of thf' Tar r rt. n." 1,., n can· SC'I"'t' Trnlnon~: l 'mt at Lnkf'hur~t I lt'C'n " nnlhn:'l n.l\ l .h•lh d lb I!! N J .. ('t\n!IIICIM lln lfl 'flltl <lll"'o·~ t·n t husln~til'llll~ • '"'1'•1 ,1 "' with rlnn:tt 111nc M \ th.•r .on• I loon\dtng m:1trn ;1l•. mal'lur1 r • """ hlue· pr1nt~ (1( wt"t•krnd trnlft•• ,• .. nrltlwn~ nn 1 nn :'lriC'rtlll htl:li\\IIY n••nr lhl' ~a~·~ hn~f' for tht• ~tal•' l11~hw.1~· d1·· Plan~ c:til f,,r ., m ... n N'<1m of pnrtml'nl WILLIA~1S & WILLIAMS ACCOU NT ANTS ond AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS l"'rf'llftrf' \'nur Ta.x ~turn" t:art~· Offi<'l'--{'tl~Tt\ MESA 8:\~K BulllUn~ orrh,.. r'tl.,_: ~n ~.., ~hlrn!'l' ...... ~ MIIO-M is the finest beer I ever d , taste ... .... o4 -I• .. _... ...... ......,.cl co H. R. Brin~erhoff :!II F..,.t !lrrl ~trHt :OOanta .\nL ( •llfomla ' Boorey & Poirier F .H .A. Tr:Jtirs ItO PEa CENT nNAN<JED e • .wet a-a S..... • GaneM ooafti'W &o UriBe quarten e Free_....._ a ttketlltr e .._..t ID pi_ .... IJDprO_ta REMODEL: Increase Income ..., OoMt Jllcll-1 COKOSA DEL MAR llartMw WJ or %!91-.1 BUILDERS FOG AUTO CRASHES INCREASE IN COUNTY I S Y OU R C AR S A FE T O D RIV E -; FAULTY BRAKES , HEADLIGHTS LISTED AS MAJOR CAUSES 11w numhcr of ;rcl'iriPnts in Pw c·oun1 :.· l'{'adwd a new f){'ak th is \\'{'f'k ;t!' an u n- pn.'\«<t•nt('(l f()).: ron1inuNI to bl:mkct th<' highways. Offi- cials sUI1f' t h<lt the' cau~ of the accidents (';m he nttri· butl'd to carelcs.<;nt'l'S. fau.lt y l.nokl·~. anrl d('fC<'th·c head· lights. One of 1 he more seri ow; ac· C'irlents happened early thl" week at the inlcl'S('Ct ion of 17lh and Ncwport Boulc\'ard. Costn M('S.'l .. DRIVE IN F OR FREE I NSPECTION of Brakes, Foglights & Steering Gear NO OBLIOATION For Your Own Safety Take Acivnntage of This Special Off£'r CULBERTSON CHEVROLET c 0.' I n c. L. L. HAGAN. Servil-e Ma.n agcr Chevrolet 3011 W. Central • Oldsmobile Newport Beach .. Pll. IIARBOR !H3 ··'' t