HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-22 - Newport Balboa News Times............. ~pDr.t Fishing Regulations to Be C.hanged By End· ol This Month ( Stor~ on P•9e Three) , I SAN CLEMENTE AR-EA MAY GET YACHT BASIN VOLUIR XL THE SAND CRAB By SAM INTER-COt ·~('IL. Quit<.' in· trigu('(i with the fon nat io n of a n Inter-C'nund l to rlis· cuss. intJI<II·tia lly. tht' nN•d s of ntpirtly g t·owing h a ri>Ot' distril'l. Al!io ~lad t o null' tha t SC'\'('J'ltl ('t):o.ta Mt'sn folk~ we re ut tht" me>t•ling, lx~·aust' ·thc needs n f th<' h n r bo I' sh ould de finitl'ly indudC' tht:' ne<'ds of th<• M~•. Pl'ltl'tW· ally all Or"Ranizations of th<' community W<'l't' l't'pi-cscn ted and while t hl'l''\" will I)(' t imes when the ir l'ffo11s appe :lr hopc)(>R<;, if t h <'Y Jl<'f"S{'Vere. in t he e nd muc h :wromplis h· Jll('llt can IX' ;whicv'-'<1. lla ts off to SUC'h a WOI1hy E'ffOI1 t o so lve the multip le pmb- l<'ms o f such a widt'-Oun~ al'\"a. rlividcd by a bay hut ttnitNi hy rommunity-intt'r· t>St . • + + Hospital. 1l1at's s lll' <' a S\\'CII·t'l(•gant s i g n <'r't'<'t<'d abov<' the sit<' of th<' new Presbyterian hospital toward which $590,000 has been sub- scribed. Progress has been m a d e in the a ppointm<'nt of an a r chit('('t a n rl R.;tub & Ben nett o f Cost a M<>S.'l as <'11· ginccrs in layin~ out roarls, e tc . Obviou.c;Jy the amount raiserl is n o t su ffi<'i<'nt a n d it is h oped tha t $000.000 in· eluding f<-rleral a id C'an lx> m ad(' a \·a ila hl<'. but nothing 1-ca llv ran IX' rlo nc until the boarrr s applicatio n is ap- provro und <'r w h a t is known a s the H ill-Burton ad . ttnrlt'r which non ·p i"'fit hospita ls coulrl r"N~·iv(' ~ 1.00 a irl for· each 82.00 s uhS<'Iil,l('ci. • • •• Church (lrowth. Four1h annua I rn{'('t i ng o f t h(' C'o- rona ct .. l M a r Community Churc h . C'ongn.~ational, r'P· vt'a lro a most ('ncouragin g s tat<' o f affair~. R(•v, Pt'IT~· Sch roc k . (.'h.'(·tcd for anotlw r Y<'ar. s:tid th('r(' W<'l't' 1:11i :tl'· t ive nwmlll't~. I h a t t h •' C'h ure h de ht h a d h('<'tl I'<'· dUt '{'(! to .. ;),000 a nd t h ;t I a bala nt'\" of S 1.1 ii w :1 s o n h anrl t o star1 lht' nt•\\ \l"n r . H r g ;w <' hig h p l'llisc-to· Gus Gr·upt''. l'f'tiring t 'h airm:ut of thl' Bo:u'fl o f TI'\.ISt<'\~. ancl w ho h af; l>t'\'n ill for ~orne• wN>ks . fo 1· h is unflagging cf· f o 11s in con struc-tim.; the buildings and s ta r1 ing the s t ruggling rong~ation on its way. lie al~ p raiS<'fl S<-<'· r't"fan··TI~nsurcr J o hn M<.'a· d or for his fin<' w ork a nct a lso J\1~. L. A. i':orman fo r h E'I' c-ontinuous and s r lf-<'f· (;wing <'frOI1 s a t all tim('S. • + + 'IIOIIH'·Ouard GN'Sf' .' Rl's t romm .. nt o n Pl'\"s. Tmman's S tate of thr l 'nion. c-nrn<' from Senato r J ohnson . C ol(}- rarlo . who Sl1id: "those s illy kitc-he n c·t~binf't r .. llows who know so littl<' about Amrrka ga. ve t h r p l'f's id<'n t somr m is· er:tbiE' ro:1c-hing. 111c Am('l'· icn n fX'OPIP a l'\" nc>t Ji tt lr eh ildl'\"n whn mus t til' t n lrl that thl' FM('r.tl gn\'t'rnmf'nt ,,;n fill t hf"ir· st()('kin~=:s w ith Utopi:m ism wi 1 h nut a n y f"f · f or1 on thf'ir p.1 11. 1l1is 1._ <~ tim<' of J1('ri l. not p!Pnt ~. ,,, .. rifi('('. n ot fm' rid rr-: Th<' Pn:-<-irlr nt ·.., 'k i I chl"n ••:t lotn1•t' W<'ttlrl ·n ot t .. t h im ...;,~· fr:1nk· )v 't hr ~t nt<' nf t lw I 'n ton '" ha rl. a \\'fu l ha d . :m rl till' .... t;o tl' of t h r w orld '' (W"''" •·I~ rric:htrninc . ·n wy d o n't l'':t · I iz.c h ow ,,·c·ll tlw ,\ m r ril'nn ~pi(' 1':111 l<~kt' a l'ft\ll.!h . tomth. 'blood . "\\'Nit n n d tPa~· ~('1(.'<'\·h \\h<'n tha t i~ the m('(iic-in<' th<'Y nrNi." l LARGEST TWICE ·A·WEEK CIRCULATION ' N OR AN G E C 0 A 5 T ' S L A R G E 5 T C I T V Waterfront Owners May Ally for Voting l':\1clfon~ tb8t et.ber ~"'" ot llarbor·anoa bwLI._ lnt.c-l"t'fft .. may _.k to join fort'IN M'lth Uwt ,.....,.nlJy • .,•thatf'd Hu .. tn,._ ('o until of '*"'"*"'" and lmpro\·enw'nt ...... w·latlon,., atla.lnt'd ('rrd.-m·,. todll.\ "hl"ll ,. .. pokNUnan for boat o" """ and wa lrrlronl nll"n m:ulf' It t'lt'ar Ulat lhfoy an' not to IJf' wft out of IlK-tJkolul'f' t•nnw• munll'l&l&l r iN'tlon- A,Jrll Ill. ~--- Cttmtn,xJnr" R. F :\!olo•r. Sl"a Jli'IIJW•rt~ ""'"''rq und Wtll I a k t• So·our lt•ad• r anfl rt'PI'l'l'<'lllllll\'t• tlwtr <'ttl1o'll"""1' lt:ll'k In lho• t'o lln· "" '"" lnt.••··<'uunril Ia non-par· c·1J Tlw hr1rhc1r 1' lho• lttt.:t:•''' ltllqj. I ''11 11 rulutr!-taltlo· discu~ston fCirum II""~ In :'\o'WIIflf'l fll'nc:-h nnd ~hlllllfl Ill "' lo·~a l·· .. rr .. m so·n ·ir·o•, hu•in··--'"' JlriiJio•rb ri'JII'··~··nl t•ll 1111 thf" a~-...l( IHtltlll, \\t•lfnr•· nnd pror-.. .. rty '''1Y ''rHtnrtl .. t:r·n11p~1 -..·,ul t.ICla~ thrtl talks an• T ho· lht'l lll'!-~ i\ounn l ill ~1111 ·l~t•tMJ.! t':ti'T'If•d on 111 Hn <I fort Ill ""' lctnt.: f,tt· ltrHtl ftltJiriiVIII Clf Hlt'ir t'l'~!il :tlt .'o' W:Ofl'l'frlllll 111111 hllllflllt.: lttt•o•o•,r·ancfnJrtf ('!l \\fin Wlfl filr (pr ill lt•f'•'-"" 111 1 '"'" to nw•h l'lll'ir lh" ''"llllt'lllllltllli' so·n1' noll\' lw ld prn~:r:om \\lilt tht• J.!o'lll"ral 111111• "·' !\1.•~·11' C I II llrl'cl. :'>111.Sfll1 Siler, 1•11'111 arl\:ol1o't•cl h\ rho· n usono•!l!l :ontl H~thr·rl r\llo•n . l"ctl1t' nf tlw 1 •1111111'11 · llll'lllllho•nt~< h:'l" onflwnfo•d "lwlho•r o~r IIIII ht• Will St'C'k fl'l'l~'t'l iOII Th:ol lht• Co•llnrll hnd 1<'11 lh•·1 rtoor orw·n '"'" 1mplir1t tn '"'' R • • I plnnk •• r lh•·tr :tnnounc·.·rl pin t-egtstratton s rm m f'itlltnt.: for "tmpro' ··rnNtl Pushed In COM und rnnrrul uf ll<'ac·h and harlxor rar1httt•s .. A~kt•cl for, ;.lso, \H•r<' · 1 11 1-:~tahh~hmr•nt nf a c•rty man- :tJ:l'r furrn uf J:IIVt•r nnH'n l t ~ 1 J mnu-d t:Jlt• pro\ as ann~ ft)r a po·rmnno•nl rity wato•r supply • :\I i\ll"ruat .. ~amtat•un • I 1 Dt·\ ''''•fll111'nt or a mn!!ll•r zon- mt.: pl11n ';,1 l'rur~o d 1 raffll' anrl park tnt.: f'\11111 111 l'ommndurc-Molt•r s rro•'<lWd lhul lto'J.!I'I r.tllllfl tof \llll•f'!-tn Jtr<•Jt· '""""11 f,.r rho• rortht-omml{ mu- mr q oal ..,,.,.,,""' '" "ll()('tllllnr;:.' ;~ 'I"'"'''"'''" fur lht• ('oruna do l l\tar dtSI III'I Sl'lld lodn) Ito J.!t'<IIOII " Ill'<'"" dill) 1 \t r) ol.t) ,.,.,.,.,., ~.oturd.t) a fto•rnnnn" m till' IH"l ~trlu·o l lnttr" ;11•• fro m !l tn 11 :om anrt fn •m :1 to ;, 1'111 ho•, t•·rsu11a lly. .\11) nno· d•'"trm..: tu f•'t.:l'lt'r .11 hn11r•• m.t~ dtt su It~ 11 l••plwnon..: llarltor :_~~· \\' .I\ l t'l:l•l r.or Will I•· l-O.:Vl uut hnd no pollt1<·al tn-, :-.;110.,.,.~1<to•rt•fl vntf'r' \\o•r•· alsu r·••rnmdo•cl lllrot rlwy 111ny I'I'J.:ISII•r "llowt•vl'r," he-said, "I h a V (' "' :m y flrt• statwn '" th,.. r ot y And ralkt•d lo hoat and watc-rrro111 "' th,. c1ry hull. t•·n·~t New Cancer Treatment to MESA SUFFERS, WANTS RELIEF Be Aired In s. A. C'Chla M••,:ln' an· ~urr.·rm~; . I ;]nil th•·) rton't mC'Iln r••r ha('ll' Ir'.<. Th•• <kane •• ( ounry h•:alth t'tlllll· a ll ho•r'.tU'•' nl thl' c-ounty ml'llwd I'll w tll m••••f al th•· !'.mta ,\na flf nunol••nn~; hoth•·.~ 1:•1arrl nf. 1-:dowa tt"n.,huilrl~nl:. l l l:ll ."""""'~ 1.-•Htt) i\ntl •·r •nn 1-n·n1'11 S t , nn J .on -ll 111 • ·Jet I' nt ("'Ill :'>1•·'·'· h:" .o•k••l '''·'' .. .,,01, .. St:\\· Ut't'lf•t :Ks ot thl" Uraftp c·-ty ( ""'' \-.n ....... lur lhc·lr 11,...1 tt"'"'l' tolt·lu,_ lmlnf'dlal,.l\ fol · lo"1ntt f'WUon In IA«una "-'II ........... ) nl&hl 1 .. II lot rl~ehl . '"'''" c· t. hhnhl1•, 1"'111111• n ..,,,h, p,.....d,.nl; Ru-11 Bartllw-, \1f'tl ~t. C "''" \1• ... ,.: l'urr-t R.•al, ,,,... ,.,......._,, M-c·t..n..-nt.c-: S•m l 'ttrlf'r, d ...-ll,.....tktlt, Sf'wport ..... h ""'I l'"hll•lw•r "' thf' '''""·TIIIt<'': Allll tlarr) \\l'lo·h, '''" lktrl HI"BI'h, l'f'~Htf'd IW'«'"'tar)'-trea •ts ., I'""'" '"'" I• ., 1. 11 1'1•" I'• lo r•·"" Laguna Mayor New Q)ast Assn. Head; Sam Porter, R. Bartine \'i(·t.--Pres. \\ lth \ta)'"' ( ·. H . IUmbfr of ..,..._ Rc•tu h ''"""''" un•nlmuu•h In "''no• w. 111-IM ttn..Jdrnt bf thfl u,...... I oollrtl) C n••l \-"·1•11""· !"lUll IJ. l'urt .. r, ltllhll"'"'r ot thl" Sr .... rt I\" II"•• ',.,. •·ThtM''· ""' I'Wtf'd to l'f'IN'MoO•nt Sf'wptlrt ~~~ • \It~· t•N"kl••nl "' • """'""~ h .. ld In thl" arli-t.' <·nluny Tu.-.day ""''· :'\:tnh·d tH ,, r ', odttn~ \\ 1 t It • -- l'nrto•r Wo'to• n \\' llartlnt•, or ' SEES SOUTH l'o1~1 a M•·"'· Hnrl F"rrr•st Bl'a l, San l'lt·m.-nlf". n..·-<'1····•«~ was lon..:-WATER PERIL t onw Sl'l'rt•l ary -1 r cuaunlr Harry ' Wl'lch, 11l1<n of N ,.wport ~"rt\.' 1-nrmrd lnstvllllrion nf tho• nt•w nf · I I)S 1\:'\1;1 1.1-'S i\ \\.'1!'11111~ ft t'<'r' wrll ll<' mndr· 111 1 Ito• llll· rh •• Solllltt·t n 1 olo l"''""' ""'' ""' ... ,,,.,.tt lntl'~ tlt•Xf tllt't'l lnJ.: d.t\ lw fn lt't•tl tH r•• '"' t f•• \\nl••f' (JU f·~PtnJ,.! rw··~·~t.·u1 c;,•o r~·, tfhllliOt.,: ... ,,..t, " ..... hf'Jil~ IH" \\'h• :t f IW•1~Utt•d !tf ,.,., •• lfnon t• t '•····fl Ul ~.tftl t n;u h.tr .:t :u Jtl , .• " w hirh al~o fr•alllro·cl till' "" :trd tlt[ "" • '"'' "''""I' II fo, •• '' ''' r ••f l 'llfl'l llla" llt:llllltl.: lnoplll!''< IQ •h,\ 11\ l'r••!ul1 1f.,l•ltl" ptt'ltl•lll \\trtn• r~ 111 th•' l atltt.)ll' Ul ~l tl•-.. • I II• f '••l••l •"'' lti\• 1 ,,, .. ,.., t '''"" (tf (·h n "'tnl:t' Sm1l• .. · unnu al ,.,, ut • '11 ••ttl\ ... •" ,,, .. ,, ''''"' '' II• 1 ~\\t•t•p<iii:l;tkt ' \\ff\U•·r t1f \\tHrh \\1\lo. I tfu tniHL! ft Ki t\ tO II •ft\ '"'I"•• til Antique Colle ctors Offered 'Historical' C ity H•ll and J•il II ·'"" h,.,,.,.., ~··t l_.tt ,,,,,.,._ ... ""h ..... 1 ..... th•t K"'"lt·r lhhiiC" ,.,,. h• '"" 1,., .• tuno fnr ~""IIOrt tt.-·h. ,.,..., Uti .. : "C 'It> hall and jail nnw fur ...,.._ tour opportualt)' tA •U.,)'IUe'a.,...U.a -• aad -u )'_, .... -... C'lty hall Uld Ja.ll, •n hhotnr1· ral •nll•cllt•; .. " "" N'"''' " '""" l'rll-. ,.., .. ,,, c·arr1NI t•wla), hy fl•r· ..... '""""'" ... "' ..... "''"""'"' "hot kn"" " IC'""' lhlrtiC "lw•n , .... ~ _. II. ""· ',.,. n ... .,, . .,.. .., " """ "til .... , ...... h ... l ..... 1.. ', .... "'"' ....... t.•nt, •• .., •. n ut , ....... ..,, Tucla~··,. I I A.M., 1• AT. Uo"· JonN ,.\\'f'r&C'N ,_ ...... a C'~ • ................. .... ....... Ill ',, II "I' l 111111"' 17.' .'·tt dn I :7 I'''; "I' I I .l.' l .' dn II Harbor Experts Study Site ·nw I! "tll••lltl) t•r.opiiiO•ol t•ln11 fur M MIU'..R tl '47 Saw Strides I Made for Coast Improvements I o••l~thli>hllll'lll ttf II Allll\lf )'.aliil hnrho•l In tl11· S1111 C'lc·mo•lll•· I.,_ l>t•lnt 11ro•n \\ "~ IAI'klo•!l •••rl,~ Mt~rul." "' 1111 ,.,. fllr•mho•u ur U. 1 1t 1111'• I 111t1tl \ lfllrt .. •r r.v1una. l'th Jtl• ""hi• I\ I "" UUttt.tl t t ltttf I ,,,,,, ,, ..... ,, ,,, .... t ,•ttlfU.: '· •• ,....,, , .. , ................ •·~1"''-!'t ,,, ttu• hoa ... "' -.u, ... , ''"'" • rtu• 0 Hllt•h .. lttll' otf lltr I'Vllmft• ••~ \\' '''' 1 S ~plt.,·r. 1.. G. S\\ ,,,,' I htll'l 1 111~11··-ftnrl f'lln-"'lt 111~ • ll~llh •! • It I. t:llUo•,.,.ltt ""' ""'1: Ill N·~·l·· .... Ill Ito• ,...._ I•· "' •• '" lh·· lu11l"'r '''mrnlattlon ''"' I'•• '"It tn .,,,.16,1 J \\ lu·u t tt tlu tt 111 \I u u•t lift•• l t \l 't letlrl•l t tHI• ,,,,,, ... '••k•n •h lt ''' 'hlttt•ltt t•tt .... " \\tl\\ tw•ltl ln 1111. 1•11 , ,,,, 1.,11,,,, 11111,1.,,,111,111 '·''' t 't•m•lll•• M"'"' l A'<• ~mllh ••I 1t11 '''""1''"''''·"''11" ''''"' '"" t 'httHh•t ~.f ,·,,n,nt•'ft't• ~ Ill '''"\ '"''" ~'"''" r••vtt•wt•tl the "' ttf't et t. "'1''' '"'"''' -.•v ... r,.l ~,..,. \\h, ,, .... ,,,. rtu '''"""'''•• ''" •\'I• ,,. '"''""""' .,,, •. ,, .. -., tn •h•• n~ •• ""I"''''''"" II I "· 1111\ """ .... ' It ...... Ill ''"'' ,.,,., l'lt• ttl lit \\ , .. ''11' • "''lttl H\ tnt• lt'Ji1 I''"''" 1 .. , .. ,,.,,1 Htlt fhnt ttu~ 1..,,. •tt I' ttl I Itt It\\' I W l ,.., .._ 111 • llh 1111' 1'111 '"1111'11"''' "1 llh'l I I I I I I Ill I ,_. ...._ I·~·• ltttll• "' •'H'''"'l.: '"" hlt'h ,-,dl,tt u .:•n•t •I \h'" lhnt h,.,.....,.._ \\ '' "11hlt•"" 11111' 11 '1"'" ••I th•· t tttlltl t .. ,uh uuttt~•'-'U"tl)' lftf'ltf .. '''"'''" ••I llti' t 1'1"' '''"pnal ,.,.,,~\ :;-. ""''' nf.,n.; fht• r.W\At af 1 t..,, •n.t "''' t~lht l ttw htt·:ethut !-\ .. u tth ·ttt C'tthf•u ntn "' ' '' ''""" Ill~' II\\ II\ uluu~t !Itt• l'otllll Itt No•" I"'"'' Uw""- 111·"' ' nu ll "' 1" .. lttLethl "' It II' J\ t h •ntlhn " tl!t ttllf•t'l•ttl '" thP 111 • "'1 "' ""'1 turul J'l n \\ lh ,,f N•'\\IIIUt t tfftthcw ,.. e 1\"'" ttltotll ""'''''" ltlfo•fltld l lwtrtl rtrul )lll'hllfll( o't'llft•r •nd It h\n lft\1••1 t "'' 'llilhtlt lttuo , .. ,uf••r "'"' t••utl•••f 1utt It••• thc'lM-t.- ••h •'-''"' "' l o4•' Au~· I··" urut fh• ''''''•••I Itt fto~Htl' ••••lrt't.l thf' ... I"''" • 111 "nn ht ~ 't111 At ""'" "' '"""''"'"'"' .. r nrlofltktnftl h"rbcn t lu ,,. '' ''"'"""'" • '' ttltr:•· t ·uunl \ "hh'h ·~•ultt t-...• t-t•tu•tu~tl wUh .. _. ''"'' t•• .. ltJ, '''' "''' f••I•••·Jtt••utt•tl hurn N··~,,..,., 11Arhur •tHI '"' ·'' "''"' """'' , .. ,,.""" "''''• lnfontt"Hu rt ''•lh'1'tt'1't '" ~ I ••l•t tltu •I tnu" •tutlttt• nl thr "'f'\A • til a.. I na•l I .. u ..... \,..u,...,l lou rtl~ltt •I h ) th•• 1'41111 ('lmwnff' fill. I oltt• ol '"" It,, n ,.,.,,,.,-t '"' 1111 '"I" I~ l"r th•· ""''of thl" rnnvnltt• I··•• "'' 11111w tuc \\'h•·~tl ,111tt ''' In maklna Ita "''"'' to ttl# ~ 'Itt I ,, .tt•1t,f1Uh "' nr Itt•• (' .. .,,., ... " .. , .. ~r\ lftftt. '""'"1 , ""''"' ""'" ,., .. r.1, 111,. 'l'h•••· ftUf'ndlna tho--Icon rn.n ··• ·~· '" '"""'' ''"" "•th 'h· "' u t '·'" • ,, uwnt•· Wf'rf', In .. dcllllt'tft to IIIII' "' .... lfi•IIIIIIIHII ,,.,, "'''""'' 1 ~·11 '""' '""' ~mlth, .,. A na...,._, lo" ·'1'1' 111 II II\ • I P \\ It• ol otll uf o'lllth lllllll, o•lf\ lllllnnlnl[ I'(~ tit•"· '""''' It• n .. ,,,J ''"" l .t'\\1~ l't1'11lnn, Rill:~ ( '••rl• • 1 tt ••\• 1 th. 'fltlh l tttlt 1'un It ••f'lttt..: t ht• t ult·lu rut' htt"-entf•f • ''' •I t tt/t'l ttffh •11h t11 ttHtH\ V..'U)Ji. "' ·•"•'ttt ttt' f,. , ..... ._ ... tht• U tif- lrlllol• lo r tho• 1'411111' ul ('nllltlf'lllfl Su~t~e•·•llfon• ltlf' 11&-l•nd lf~lllna haa ucx:........ impol'taal.. MUG~! tm hl-h"lf of "'"'•' al mm""anlt'" llllt•t·•••lrtl In lhl• vllrtl •tll~'•ll•ll1 l'lttll' f•tt tit•· "'""' l'flrk lw•. I\\''''" :-.,,"I"" I ll1 11f'l• rtrtrl 1111111 lfh'f•111 H• ,., h "'''' '"htuu·Mt ._,,,. 'l•f• I thh tfUtlfh' 1/ \\'ftt•UI f'ftrt ,.,,.,,,, I lnrn lh ... ,.,., C 'hrl Nt'tww'.ce'*s. \\' t' l't•wltt, M•·rlun lfltC'k.et, J•ttl•ll-hr r, 1'41111 t 'lrmf'nlr !'(un, _, I llffll••y lfun~lltun. Rrprt.,..'llt In• l)n •ntr• (l:Juntr ll11rhor rommluloon wt'rf' fonn~t ('>\airman Walln H. ~. L G. .......... EIIMr ........... Nlmf>'lnYIQtr thf' mmm._kln """"' I w •t ' Wo•r•• ,It I. J '• II t•rllfm, f'flit- •ulllnt~ <'llt.:ln• .. 'r 1111 lfnrfo11r 1~ lo•nt• 1uul Mo•r ~tftn Nt~tlr. 1\ltrbnr I ll~llh•o•l fiJI II) \\fl'ff'll, .f .. Tl'fllf7 u l lito• ltlll l1111 l'•lfllllll••lfon, WIU at. tu ttu• Jtrltr f\ Ill :O.l tltln ·fl \\'rhrly, t•h:urman tluot.: ,,.. ll••n•· · tn a r•·tn1un to tlk l .. ol!llna 11, :wh ,1,), r ''•mlol• "~' 1 "'"'"'·' ,,11,, 1, "" ,.,,1111111 fur """I'"'' tll·,.l•·r· ... nf lhl•o·Xt't'UII\'o•commlll•'<'llf lh•·•·uunty '111~'1'\I•IH' II•• 'aitl Ill• 1''"'111111 rltt·I••IIC l ~·.u·h 1.,,,, •hil l "·" '""''" 111 1 .. , \lll!•l.-j---------------- 1 lrnn~·· County hranC'h Pf ltw "·'' ro'J~~'~'"'Il llll'' th•· f'h.mtl~·• of ,\mt·r u•a n (" tit ~~ ,, "I h ,..I 1 --r, l··s:r.tnf.., rtl;tl·rur,.·, nt lt t•t•h\ "' 1l \• ,,,, ·•·· •·· P•l"' •n ,~ ,t., 10,000 Expected to View Mammotll Orange Empire Area Scout-0-Ram. Spectacle in Rendezvous Feb. 7. 8 • a n c'•"ll' . <X'I' ) •• I t•unun•·tc•• t ,. ..Inn ... t' uh \ olun· tH h df ,,f ht' c~uttlffliHUt:. h\ ,. 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"""" l"'"lllltfiHtt• 1111 "•l••trh-lllltJ>I• ... :O.IIIr) A ('.unptllll, I'Xo'CIII I\t' ~~~·-dt'l'fl• •'•ll'h mol•• In (•o-t;t :0.1•''" 11,. :-,:,.\\,·'l'lfll;, II 'Ifill\ 1 1-1 " , ~'-1•. ,,J1 "' 1,. 1, """, ,., 111,, 1• "Ill 1 .. ,1"1!"1 I··""' 11 ~ 1 ""' H I Itt "111, 1 11111111 l n·l ar~ uf lho· l lrRn~;r Cnun t 'l ='-''"lt(lf'f ltrolllo•\artl '" th,. c·r•ur11y l.t~tn•·ll _:IIi II:" Sfl .. ,, IIIII• II•• ,1 ·• "" '''·•"I'''"""''' •It• '"""I'" lit• ll•fl•l•·t"~" ltullror•m. IW · r· .. v~~· .. .,tlw •otlto~trr trorlr•..,.,_ hr:uu·h u( t h •• Amt'ru·r•n ( ·anc·•·• J til\ u lul~ lith• •• nd t•:au"'''' n t,nll w r... ftnot J .... l;,nc1 .J:tlflj " ·• n d I ,, n tid "'"·'' d ''' '' '' ''' i•l f 't ''" ,, ) .. \\. q lf1 ''-• '·''' ''" • I II ,,. I t••' "• • 'I• • tt•d Itt \t. t il Huth••' tttul 'l'rrwl•·rf•••f. ;/..-; ""'''f). "til olllllnt· till' pro •<••nt 1 1111 on•• ""'''to h•· 111 Ill•· tlt•ttl':tllfl• Sto 11,.11,, l1, :!•~l '\l.tiii',.J<I \• f ·,,,,,, .It till< II • .. 11. ·• 1 .,,, .t \I• 11 I 1 '-•r\'ll'•' olft•r t•d h) fh• ()ran~t· \\'h ll('\ 410 th P otlu•r 'lf!t• ur tht• f:t\'l•••''f·lhlll \iw •lt••t,tl•••t, i H,, t•f 11411 H•t,ftt ,,l ltlt f J•d iUtllltft \\ti ft t~t ktl41. htt\'• '''1 ••fl•l tt rul .. lf'llf'lfuetri Srfl Ufr.,-,ftiiM • Coron·• d~·l ~l u ~tnll t h~ '''""''" l l•l.•ft • '-', ''''''· ''•'h '" .,., •I• t tll•••hh "'''"l•~.t" ••I f q t.-. ""'''' ('ttlt l'u•·k• u r•~ nutkln& qnu1t.' prn~r11n1 ,,,.,.,., th•· nunlh••rtnJ.: 11r. tn hun ' · • · • ,, t; .. Jt.,ld." ••I • u '''"\" • ••' 1'1 ,11.1"1· I I~ of ('th .f /1 ~1•·'-a fnt ''' 11.'•'· t 1•1111' l.t"' \t 'tl \ttd to "" '''" 11' "''1111,. Htd ~,,., .. , S•·•••H• llt~tlll hh· fUtti*I JUit fh••rrti•M fiW"• IUJh-SIWI't:tl J'll<·~l' lllVIIN! fur Ill•· , • ('IJ,.,..,. ,.f "" """''"' I"" 1 "'' 11 1 1 i \t'rllllt.:II\C'IUdt J )t J ~t lltU'h•\\', Pu,tn,, ... ,,., .... , ~1 1'' II117PI (~JII fr···· ltl th·· I•·U1tl td .)~t\\11 !ttht•qrft•t t•d v ••• ,,,ldttl .,,,, .,, hnn\\11 I !fltllllif .,,, .. , ,, '"Itt, ....... ~ ... "'II ,,,,,,,.,,'"'' 11ult tti-.. I·•Y"· nrul ••• .In m 'l l\t' li•"d•t Ul fht · i\Jl)t•ltt'an f•l'4•ft••!t•tl th•• '"''thod ht•f':tll""•' nr t\ lt ('••rrl rnunh•t lfl f11t l!fll '''"'"'' .. .,1\• •• , h•'' .~, .• ,1 '• , .. d ••lllflltd tl ~ ,,., tli 'lh • ,,, ,,,,. l "t~•k '''''"'''' "''fllilt l't t H .. f•l··•·r , .... ,"' "'"' St•fl ~rout ~hi~ (',uh·•·t ~·•t'l•t~ JW11J.:Iarn t~·r '''"'~· ,.,•nltt .. UHl t•\ htr'rt••t~r. :t nd ~:urt fh,, alt•·n(fln~.: tit•• ftJ .'tfH4•' ,.''""'\ h•ttl"";tnd ,, .• ,,,, ~.,,,,,,,,, \''' ,,._j,. •l•t•t•tt•• ••I I'•~'· ''h"' 'i'' '" •n•l lh• t •tfi •IUd•• \.\Ill t ... ''' •I•Hlt'''"-''"'"'1' •.•. ,,,,,,. l•hu~ ~ f tl ... P'"'' ••rftt'i' dt'l'·'r tnl•fl t "\\on'f 11,, ''Wt:lfl••n's .fanu'tl'\ ""' ""'"" 11 , ~ 1, irlf••t'\P \\ "'''' 1,,1 11 "'' flu ntfl••l! t ,,.,,1 ,,,,, l •o•d ll"'•tl ,,, It•'•' lfu .,,,..n .. , .. •·f lh• 1,t t h•Jr "'"k ltfl_\tfnnc tlllttl o1 lltlll•••~n1 ''""""l \\tllf•• l lnu'' f '.d• \\t'tl•""'''' Hid ''"'PJ,,,,, '"It, ''''' ,.,, \\f ,, rl ,,,.II ,t dd t..,,,,, '" \J •'' ""'·'"''"'II , ..... nv••tt In •u•IW New Ballots For Chamber Officers Out 1, ,u f~tpl•tf" Shtt \\"itfo. r,.r,.n~;n~ lol'"'''''';•'••.rt ,,f ·• ''•l••t ltltt• d ••·..:•· ,1, ... ,,,,, t•l I• ••~~ll·f l•t~•l"''' lu•• ft" ''''''' '•IL'"''' \\til ''''"II f•••f••tpHf rrtt' 11, tt•• ,.,.,.\o\, ,.,, th~ t'll~ l'flf'l lt'l -..e•n)f•f, Jllf'lflh' lh1 ••l tr •ttlt•lfl'••f lh• I 'f"••rtl.tll\• ••lt•llt Jot f'•J• •I •, I •If ttJI• f• 1 h f\ lft. ''''"•lt tf 1:., ,,,,qf l f!•ttl' '"',..'" ttf lltt •t•ltltf ~ •tf llwlt ••• I f-'111 Ill• n hot\-· f ttUihiP ltl!f'itf lnL,! tl •tiHI.t ...,., n • \\tfh Iff ph I 1"-•I• '\ t•flflltl ,,t ot fJ!II!I I "'' II tf V hltl f,, lllt •l I '''' J• I 1'•1"' f ftt ~t ttltl f t f l /t fl ur ftlhtf l ltt I fllf't• tU V ~If flt t'IHtr• fir•·"" r1tu• tn ,,.,,,. rt· .. ttl••nt' :ehlft-l 'h•· f1lhtr• '" th' ''"ftl•tt lf ,•l ''!'''""'I.! 11111,, Jf,1 ,, '' 11 '''' 11 t 1, ,,,,,,,,, 1r1 f tr .,,,. \\~otl '''' •t~.lt •h• rtt•fl \ "''''' '"''' uttl ••r ltut ••t lu•t '"'''''" ''' tnJ,.!h~ fltt 't'IHH1 1~'\q t ti)Hndtt'h·l d rt•,t f 'nt••h l ftl'h ,fi,,.,J I._• '''II' 1 1111 tt>IIJrf\ ''•lltfiJII I,,,hlif!'' f,, .. ,fll' tl+fttt llftt' Jlltlr\ tl1tt1 •l;t'llll""'' l 't •tflthUf :-:t,tf1rfnrtf ,,, '" th·· n'l•·l hud rn t•Htlf'l ~to.,Jnr•• .............. ,,.,, ,., ,.,,,,I., ,,,,,, 11,11, IIIII ••''•' •• , .. ,. 1\t ,,,,, ,,, ,,,,.,,,,,, ••• ,. •• , .... ,_ ,,,,, ,.,,,.,,,, ... ,.,. ffu ''''lndan~-: .. r <'•l,t:• '''''·' B. I. BUSINESS ASSN . ,,.,0 ,,, '"' , , 11,., ", IJ t , • 1'"'''*' ,., •··• '' • ,,. ,., .. '' ,,, '"" •·I '"' "••·ldn ''''··I '"· I''" ,.,,I',,.,,,,,,. ,,,, th• , ,, "' ,.,... :'\:••"' \t'nr hliiJO''-for uHte"''J' uf L\tfl I'Otlftf \ ••ffwptf ... htt\f' •h···· TO MEET tn 7flt ),,,,.,,,. •.• ,. ,,,, ••••••• ,, , ... lu· ''"' ,.,, •n·n,,h '''" V.tll f,. flu .,., .. "tllf'' ••• t Mifll" ...... ,,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,., t tu •ltn 'C' I 1 h•· l!t4R l-..·\a f'tl lo C:ftf" ,. ~f'\4 pt•rt q ·uuhl• ... \\ tl h c ·,.,~,, ~1··'-U ( ·,.,.,11 \ TONIGHT I• ntl \\ ,, ... h.• , d , ,, 1 11 1 1 1,-.u • 11 •II 1, u,. .1 ,, • tf r '" 11,1 d '*'I' '""11" 11··11· • "'"'' '' ''" I ·•II ,f • ,., •. •ItO• \ ••luu •• • t •·nrn fii+C.tw'•r (l Htnlh4·t" of ('nmnt•rf'• C1••rk H .J Snltt h tu1tl th•· ... ,.. 1\ r·n··•'tanL: ••( tit• Hdl• .. 1 J til ;,f lh•, ... ,"' ,... • ·• • ,_,,_, '''''\' fttll '"I •t.• \•'•·••• flu ''"'"''" 1 ''1 1•1 '"''"' ""'1•• lu ''''" I•\ ''''' u ' St rutf· "'"r,; out toci:lV. ,W ... f"\ ,,,.,. .... 'hat tu ... \"'I I .... , •'..:• ... , I I Hu ... •n··~r.:---,, ..... ,,...,;,llt•rt \\ rll I Jl ( '•••II'•"• •'l'ltl ,., I " •• , It • ' I 0 ,, •I wnlt I ,, t .... "", ... , •• tO It I .. I ,,, "'"·' Itt ••• '"'"" I I ftutttH I h , .. ,., .• ,. trtif If II ltultna :\n nun.tl•-tl ittf' l''nn tlf'Jlttfu•' :u·· htl\tn..; tr'ftiJl•lt· 11Hu-...tf:t~ .Len:.! .•• tho ,.,0 \' tnt·hul· ,,,, Ill• ",,. .... ,,. , otttl •tt•lt•ttd '"''' ....... t\ ........ I • ( I I '"'"" \fl't•thlthtttn n . \\"1·q ="••\\ fl'•r1 (; .. ,,tun H Ftnft ltl("'.:'\tlnJ;: P~'"''''" un•h·r th•• • •u . o l t h•· ~··:t · f'itf•· Ht1'\ t 'o • 1 I r·••tanul lt.tuun,· ,, .. ,f ' • , I• 11, It 1 f I' • 1,. 1 1 1 1,., ,,,1 •• r ,,,, ''"' • f 'fu "'' '' '' ''til t.. 1' I• '"'' •I If tt'' \\' 1• '' "' N• v..a••t f I ~· •rh. tny. tt\mt rac·tur. Hn lph P \la'-k··~ I r('n t ~tup ";'~ (·o r·un:t tl•l ;\Ja r IJuul• 1 '' • .u~•·•nUUirtV • u,·•n· "', f ,, u o. 1 11,. 11dl• "' 1 ,, , , 1, I •I ,,1 ,,,1 1,~11 1''' 1 l"tltlu t f\ •I• ,.,,,,,,. I••• t 'fl flttt'f'f•. r·--al ,.. ... ,at-~. ~11\\()0M 1\.•il('h JJuh· fH· ""''r\'t"(j Hf i (,O •• "' .tnlu ..... l tofltltfllt II tfl lt.lldu,, ,. t. ,,,, t•llldltlfl•t •• , "'' ,,, • .,,, ,,,. ,.,,.,., ''" ''"'''''' "'"' ,,,,,,ry hard c 11""''' hn:ot lnulrt.r.r. H 1: SanJ•tatJ•on Expert tn :"'""'"11 '" 11o .... 1 ....... ,. ~~~~~•··· ·•I•" ...... , ,.,,, "''" '"'" .... ,, .• , '"""'·"·• "" ,, .. , ·•II '''""I,,,_., ,,,,.1." •····'"'j tt.r•""" ...... ''"' ~ .... " u,..,.., C:ttll'-till dl~tnhut nr. r um \\ I . ... ,,r n .. \4. t'Ofnnurt ........ lfut •• •Ia . t'rhff,, "·''"'''" ,lo(oHo "' t , .. ·l•u ,, I It\ I ...... tl d f• fl n l , •• .,. ' ... ,,, ''"I ~.til .. t ft iHfttt •• H fl ,,,,,, d I tf J ltJ \ttiJifl fol t•.Jjq 'lnnrlo•r-nn rPnl ('!;IRI•'. l.tdu 1·1·· Ired By Co t ''"" "' , '"'''''I .till , .. , ,,,, I•. •lrrtfl lllt' .• , .... I• "' I I ' I•• I · un y ~ , 1 " , .. .,I ~~. I ., ,., ,,,. ,. P 1\ l'a lm•'r. ~-,..at 1'!'11111'; Erlw;n,.l ,.,."'· th .. ··h:omt•·•· ••J '"" ", lu•lrt ,., .. ,,, ''''"'" ''"I " It·. '·'" '" "'' II ,., ""' ' "'"'l . .t.J. J)rnak (,r U d VFW INSTALLS :O.tnnl'fl,.lrl. l'lub maniiJ;:C'r . l lr Tttd lnrtl Pn ,, 1111'1111'<' "l .itltiHifiO:t \\.1\ •·I l.tl lflnl lf'U hlll• ' ......... '•I \ "'" '" ) '-= I (, n t-;n-. Nf'WJIOrl ,John n nnor ll 1 I r lh ~I rr"' nnr•-t tm• will ll<' ~hown Ill thl' m··· lint· 'lf!olr·u rll I•' ''"'""P . I rf'•oiiiiii'J••<I "" IIIIo k l'llilt'l I L'••r 'Tar ·)··t· 4 NEW MEMBERS ~:~~;,~~~~~;:;·; m;~~~~~ r'\· '~·~~·~~:: ;.::;~:~;;~ ... "n ,,11,;· r'n;~,..o;~:~·n~~;.~~~l MEAT ON TABLE RIGHT FROM HORSE THIEF GULCH ,f .. n ~at. (',nrem••ny ~'"'· l'l"ltrf'fl· flnlhn:l R•\h,.rl 1\ ''"n•ul!:tnl nn.rl \\',,,,.r ~llpply f"n--.~ '-= ' 'f I .. m nt \'>Ill ., £tnl'('r frtr :-.:1'\\fH trl n''ll''" Wrt~ o r·t t h I ,,. .j, " I •• '"'"' •• lr .... , "' '" •' 11'111Y. tomu~·· I' ~. ' I . '•·m rolmr•d It~• thr· I• fl , ( , "'''·' •·m "'I"'" II\ ' Jfft\ (•;trll•·ra ~UJ)J)ht"'40.. P Pnln,IJill '~ . •• . 1111 '. SUJ)I'r nut hf JIOJ'I1 Tilif'f (\tll\ftrt "'"'.... II. "I t ,., ···" I " ..... if ,,,,,.,,.t) hr•:tktfll '"1 ,,,, T tf ,, ~l'(:f·l .. n S'lm C'nlvrr. nil rtt <t n hp-1 \l~nr~ 1 ""~rlnv ll~ r·on<lll l tn~o: rn·j l"'rillr \\'1u :orlll'"d r••l:o\ '' •' • •, I• •,. '111"11 ''1' v.oll 1'"1 '111•l•·tv.:ov fill', :"o m 11111 r :-;0111"'1' m iiOU(;l('-l:l~l"l"r frt 1\~(l~f nn flf:OOI!f' (•f1 lll1• lo••:o l \'~'\~ .. ~lf'mlll I\ :01 •' ltfi i'HI\ ,., .. 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I II I I"' II ltll(ll l.tnf ,:.,• h\ \•• • ,,,. ., i l••u ntl f"t t ~\h•• "'''*' lfnn u r '"' J1 I, t;,ruf \\til f.t tfHI• 1ft l•ft• f f•tft ,o, "'t f VIff ttfftt'T'r'" ft, '' •••' •I '• '''''" h • •I•' ••f it• ,., ''' t flt· tluy; \\·, .... , Et•h th .,.,,,. ~u·t"nntn_. ~- l.;'n ·'""("'anr••rn' ,,t t' •• ..tt1•• tnd ~' li\ tlr anc" (."""'' \hllpt<'r "' tho· t\rn••n,.nn ltl'<l · Crf,.., t h\ '"'I., t'IHO • uula.u f•l.u, 1. tur I"' ;,I h• ·''''tll'lrt••f" lhro•l' "••• k' 1!111•' tt., ~ ·,t ht' ,,,.... •h•· •I• ·I< "' .,, .. linmrlf" '"''"" th,. rr.:'ll" • '''"'''"".: " anrl h•~ t•1wn lo ll(· IYJI"'""' "• •' • r n Mn'"' l'•trlll'~. ~hflrt ""'' "''" c·. ( IIAI Nl'lt.H1 r•~l • .I ,,., 1l •u1•• I fl t If t• ,, • h•·l>' n •' )of. I,. • ''' r h•· 1•11,11,.. ""' j ,. I•' 11 1 "'' • '' l ur 'It • t.rl lhu 1 lll.u Jtt • ll••l• 1 1", l"'"~~t 'lfl•l tt11t t, •• ,,.J .,t tlu •'"'' ••' .f\f ,,rt ft tt y f fn ttui•· Itt,,,. U•v.•lv tl•""'h!rtflh'CI 1111'1•" '"' • nn~; l"rill ''' r,.,o:tllllllfllto lft ttrlt1·1·r "' .. -· .. - • Attorney General Reports -Two-Fold Action Page 2 N t: w"Pp:tio;sR;-:;Tr-;;BI.jALiL~siilno•A~N;wz;;-;wii7iis-::-;. T~JiiMn&&s-:..:;;~=-=;:;:;;~~-~~ I LATE··~;;~ N·~;~~ .. ~~;;~· s;;R~-' ... 1: foto-Views Opposition to U. S, Stand to Precede Hearing 7 Committees Suggested as Basis For New Grand Jury Investigations I FLASHES F~~~~ ~;.l'~z~:~s , Ii I By fr•"" thr 1"'1"'' 1 '" •I• 1111111'' loltl 1'"111 WALL Y UN ITED PRESS ''I I l••d·•' tlt . .t I,,.,, oil• 'II G E R H A R D T ...... ,., illtt flHH .. , ..... I·· •IH II ,,t ,111 I '••IHfl Iiiii' I J• t• '' \'\ ! I I''\ \Hi oi:'I;(J ~·o ,, •·I ,, ol·t ""l•ortiJn<lt' In " • •'"' o '"·• "'"' fo rty.11 " I·~.,. fht• fldt•l•·' I S• \t n t"irtHtUtlt••·'· 'U,.:J.:t•..,.Jp~f fttH1l tt'Jt4 tf~1~ 'IJbllUllt~t If~ f1H I1l•'l • '"" 1111' ''"'"'"''' , huH' U.·\'11 ~o<•l Ul•· W'IIM rh11111lii'O '""I fllo·nolw•r, 11 oil'• ol ll\ tho• II•'" j>'lllo•l oof \O'IIIIo'lt1o'll f,t fl~t• tiiHII);•' ('uiUif\ (;o:llld I II\ II 1\ ·'" t!l"·ln"•tl lt.oll•l) . l)l ... ttu·t ''"""''' <-. .. .,, ... (~nrn on,ol ~It• 1111. ,l:oil l'l'tolo;oll••ll J)o .. ( 'lljlj' ma n 1.: (· .... unit I ... •• J II T ,\1,1.:\1'7\,, Stalin-Hitler Plot to Divide Europe Told I •• ), I d... ,. I• d •I'll IF& "' tl qiJn \ r~l· r I, •d• I .,. If ... 11h '''"' !'••p 1t ff\tu I h11lld' 1 t , 1 • L!11\ •'t run• ''' I •• ", ,t,,,. t 'lit I tl.,t ' I ,,.. il l h ... l H• ''"'' tl IIIIIHU\ 'hti ... ff f hlf11 I tfla", t d tt ... ., lfltl \\. \~l ll't;'f'ft!" •1'1'• 'l'lto r ,J, otul • o I ol fl o• "' tluloouo I Sl.dt• l ,._p uttlt•rtt 1 ohfl,hqj .t;,• lftttUilflfi!H I11J 1 tth 1\l" ••I U \1' ~fi/1 t•Htt t;•u t lj!JI't' ,,f io"ttfi ICII \.,, ~~~1U ntj!ht \1 loll'h ''"'" •I tlo •' ~ .. , 1• 1 u u....._ ... 1,, ''~", tl "ttl\ 7'\ ,,, • ,. • 1ft.''"' I B 17 M Fl' ht ln f<;l{\ lhool '"' l'nolo ot :-:• ,,, ' .. ,, • on. ercy •g -no lou""'''~"' )Ill I~ " \Ill••• ll•t',ool.lll •ll't ,\n ,\or Of \n A..,,,, •• I tH t'l f< 1; It"•" 11(l t.wl n •1U 1 'rh•· dn•·unt•r.t"" ...... ., lflt*hhktl ,, ... ,,,.. ,.11,.,1,," 1., t 'h11,1111 ,, 1 1 N :a/1 r,l,.'''~ ,,, s"'''''''11 tttn ,,.,. I'll• P lli "'''''ltl tt(ll••rluh.il '1•·•~ittinn' an "t"'" th• S••'"', ,,,,.,, "''"' 1 ,1d , .. 1 ,11, \'noon " 1' '·"'' 1•• "·"" "'"''In '' 1il' At'lll\ '"'' 1111 th• '"" 111 lll<'tJtlo· tha i •h•· ''"'lid oil \\lth 'I' 1 1 1 II If tto. If I thf' ""'' 1~1\11" J"""" ,., fli t'\ I ttl \\ .. ,, \\ •• .,ltl \ .... t lliJf1t~~ t • a,:t ... tt.iflllfl f111 fh• 111&.: ·•· tl•lt. ,• II I I \ ,,, ,, ll'tfl ~ I • I : I•'• ,I l•o 1 II II" 111 . ,., ..... ,1 t ltJI!II ' I rlor •ol. ,,, I '''' 1 ... , ,,, •••• "f r.t,ld Jt I ,,ftl\ I I I It I I II" 11 t •It t ,, t/ltr.-"'t'"re •I 1.,. '"""' loy A 1to11 I I•.! ".: ffn~<-.•r, Who 1 • 1 ''" r •I !1 11111 \\'allhtnl:' · .. 'I 111 '1 '11'11"1' ''111 114' 'JPI• • ,, I I· ltllllfl II\ lh(' f•'<l· l I 'f I '' 1 "lrti.' fhl' ~fAhlt...t -=t • I ,, '''"'t U.) tick·);.,. I ' •. 1lor111' til•· C'alifot · • II I ol,.l toool\ "lth lhf' I• ' • rl• 1 "''~~" ·.nrt d··rrt-e of lt~t ' 1 ro 11 • I 'oollr I Thl' J>t•ltl 1•d 1. ••t•l•l'•d llo\\'Mcr "t''' .._, O t,fl tl fti'UL.:ni7f'!C Aft; tit I " \\J II fl )! t\t 'Jt\'ttf (Or ft •• I I t \\ J!t I' p1up11rflf"1' \'ltft ,t ' I• • II lfo orl olfll lolllinn doll • 1 .. ''"" lol lito• j>('lilion " I , • d "" •It• o·nnlr'nllon of I) ,,. · tl " "" 11 •I• rnl ~ritur• u·o~u I'.~ •' ••I r h~ht~ "'h1rh t ( t\' t • '•I "'"''' ~tfl,.ptit•n nf ". •. ' ... ,, ·' It nttt•U .. ~,flll111lhfHift ul In"•'"''· .1rul t •qn~l:tl~l••' <'\I \'" I \ \liii.I!T J :\1 ;\1.\l('q:-.. Jt• S• h••·l". l.ah,,,, .... ,. l"uunt, su. ,\ 11/\Vt;:"-\ S~!n1r l••tnt,..,of,·nl r.t L'JIJt•:w\ Ill•· .:\'1-:l.l.IF II ~THitl l ''" I• C'uunt~ llo,ot~l ,,1 · t:•hu~o-f{ 1·:1 1-: \'\'Ill! I'AJ~IER llf)ll, t\!:h·, , • .,,1111\ l u•tllt'l \\':tto·o t·. ~I ("tt:'I;F l•'ot •·· l.l..;lo lui..: t ·, llll'lo•n S t••I1H \\' S 1-:I!J-:HT \\.o lt·r l''""'('ft"n s .. ,.,.;., H•~otls \\ f' I-'J-:1.11:-IFI! lltodt.:•". 1-'l,.,,.l t'tonttnl : l{ton rl-. ,\ IIA\'1-::"\' s:-.~h1 1 .o nol Ho ,•l• 1111->ltton F1111•l• nf ltl•l tll'l• loud llo·llnqth'lll Ta,, .. r 1 l1•• ,,., ~. t ',•ont\ Clflw•·• T 11 ' ('ullt•<'llol', ,\ .... ,,Ill' ,\cultfttl'. ·r, .. , .• , ... ~ .. ,~. c·(lr· o•n•·r· :tncl I 'I! hilt' Admtnt~l mtor . 1:~ • urd1•r <-.l••1k, ~l :qp .. ttt'IIIU a nct ( '•1•1111.' C'nun•t'l n1 11 •• \' 11 1.:: tt< >F:l;r.n FH,\:"\1.; ~I 'S LI::I ~ .I .\1 !\IAHTl:"~;, Jr :->•t p••l\ ''''1'. t'our'dlnltltn~; CtlUO· J ill!'\' F \'IIC ;FI. o-tl ('oKtrlhl•ll"' :•1111 c;1 ounol ... l'ur-I) li 'IS F ~TIH I :< 'II Srolo• • ''·''"'!! Al!··ut, .\tl\o •t·tt-.tn~; Fluul, ~1: \.:\'10:1.1 '\' I' !'\liT! I F "' ·ontl "·'l""''""n F und-. t:lo~·· I' I rl .\ c· lt,\\'f-; 11"" 1-'111111 l'l.tnn•no: ('""'"11"'1"11 l':ol'k .. lhllloltu~ lrl"I~'\.'IOr.' A n.:lt'\.Stt,tll• 41 o rut n u I 1 u" "' 1n1J t :1 lltl.tU\ 4tt11 u 1.: t lu 11 ""'' f:UNJ~ ~~j\1 tl I II'J'IIII htlll fll I• • 1••1tj'' Allut tt:t• '''"unuut" hun• h t•tn 'J h• 11,11 tufut• 1 .. 1,,,,.1, 1 f•• 11 111 • J•, 11 , tu HI' l1 fl If If !...uiJ , .. , .. lJ!\. • ·I , • '''"'"'''"'-."" thr· :,uor u~ I II,· oTro 1 rtoof TI i~ nn)i<•rf\1;:• tl_.,' fj Sun··~ur, Po..~tk Dl-.ltWI•.!.'rui.~llu;.u•l •"-1-;.tHIIItrntJnn \co it·t~lt-;llai(·;;,;-,nl,,ll•no·r. 1.1\'o•· I ' \l \I, C"l II 1.1 o( 'II ' ,J q , ••II"' •• un \\'ill rf'!IU1t · t ht> N1111 tw•tt:n lltltt••• t1l H"rt 11:11 It• 1, , •oo l t lo•ot 111;.,1 1 \1 1 1, 11)\ \ ,,1,,, •I·~ k '"'l""'lut' ,,not ln•lo•rtlf1111 1-lt \'lo\ 'I'SI ~'!'\' 1-'unol. 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' '" •tllrttd u .,,. thtt rom1 ll•~lot!.ol. lku lth \\.•lf tt••. \'o•t· I.YI II\ (' 11,\\'IS Th•· Nut•rnh• t ~ lllh.rnJalwu .. tl II ab '"'thor •••tf , ,, ntualh t lt•uuu~tl• .t t , 1 I 11 •I "'"'''"" 1l1·il ,, .... ,,,, frnrn the-•'"'"' l 'ur•ftiJtlro\lllo'nl Ht•li••f \lltS \\A,ITA .,.'\Yitf:H unnl r..tuJ-••d lltlol"•n11 •11• 1• rtt•l• 1 1111111 1, 111,,111 1,., l o, h , '"''' ,, "1 1 ,,,., t •t••••,tnn, ftlthou f l't"l''''t Sl-•n•oor-.. illlol \\.-ll.tr'o .1 I I T,\1.1.:\t ,\:-. f-'11n o1-. \\' 1-' FEJ.P:"~; t :R •lon '''l"''~··nt th••m In lu~ flo· I'''' .,,111 1,11 ,,11,11 1j,.111111.,11,., ..t lt•tltii!T A f r nst• nl tht• trinl. •II• Jt,tll. ,11, 11,. !1,,1 rloroo 11.,. htool I Ott 11, \ .'. • \l 11 Ill• Stu.i Ml"ftlur•tUia tho l hollto 1-.l.ouol Thr papN·-.. i!t•nf•rall)' nrl" :'l;n1i Adnll 1111)• 1 ltn.tlh olto nlo•ol llfl 'lloo t io·lot '' ,\ ...... \1 \ \I '•I • lo•\1" o .••lolo ol tloo!l prON'i·)l , "••'·I '• ""'' 111 prntractc'<l l1t 1'1•· '"'''"'' . ..-11"n on lhr t trl• I~ '""' .... oltlt "' " I hf' openln~:t nf .,-- 1 I rTM"TnOranda uf ronv,-.r"atton.,. tw • ,,n ''"' ·~"~""''' ~t.tl ~rl f., ''·'"""•. ,.,, .. 1' tlu Iff"'' ,.,_,,....n N a7i ond So\'lo't ufrtl'lftL' "11l••\ •' ull I;, 1 rtl:O tl\ "' • tl• tl tfl, ""l"'l lunl fl''' f rom M9 In 1~1 r\n Ru11.~11t \t'r· l1Joll.ro 11 l'•·nJn•llllt \\lfl••h ltthMto,llo•ko' tol " ,.,,, akms ol ttw talka Rrt• rwnll11blr rl"'' I'"'"''"' to 11 111 to tl•·uon TIIf' docunl4:'nls an• NR7i \'t•r-t'rll 1 "' I!"'"' 1 '' ' '" •till·'• ''' 1 ho· II S S('nate jurh o'l'll ' o'lltflmtll•'" nn F €>hruary !.'\ "" ., IIIII "hirh w noJid quick I\ I• tnoin-ol• I It•• fo•drrrtl lM'Izurc.-'ol I alons o1 r('latlons briWt'<'n RuJC<III Jk Wt~r -Ad,•••rltS<' 1 "" n t lout '' t'tiO tu• thru"n if \1 II \ h) I ht• I''"'''' lntroKiuro·rl whilr How ... •t "'"~ 10 \\'·o•hlnt:lnn. lhl! bill 1<: , 'l"'""•r<rl lo\ ~'IJ.:hll'f'n At'natnr• Jack'S Equipment Rental Contndon' Equipment • &lULL uwa • Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. C0t1ta Mesa Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Commeftial Heating Fore«/ Air, Grovity and Floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R 1709-1 I Coast Hlway Corona dttl Mar n• l.,!l•·•·t to rt ..:- lhlo't \\lilt t'l)fl· cliltofll' '" !Ito•) ••• t ... " I \\ ~~~~~~ , ... ~~~~ 1 If '"' nhtrt• "'''"'" 1111 111u11 ,.,,.r IIHtt th•· I" •~ I''' ''''''" tho•tr nptnl•ln 1111 1111 otwlottlin~· ~··nntll~ JSnn wland anol 1 ,,.,,., n• , ... r l~tolof .. rnin Th• nl•'.o•otr•· •~ r ndoN<I'd hy th• 'u11nn•ll ·\~~'"'lnlinn of Atlorni'\S r.o·no r:•l tto. t'• unrtl nf State C'.-" •·rnmo n t< tho• N111lnn11l Red .! "'"' '"" \~~n<'o:oltnn Rnd thf' 1' 1 11oon:ol \\' llo•t Cnnsl'rvRtlon A!!l'<•· 1 I'\'\\ I w 111 \'Jc'h It• .olt .. r, :It! ,.,,,•,.,n It ,,.,..,,•nt f.<·~ lllllll' ownrr·l :\l:u·uw "'' ttuo· ll.oll•oto "lr~~tcl j•IIIP o f :oil hnrl~ IN•nl'nlh navl~tal•l•· I ''"""' sm:· '' ,,, "" "''lun 1hr boundtuic.>s nf , .... , tll:ot t h o' ""'"c ro mm·1n1: '"" rloud on In· '" " • 1•, I' • r "ll ort•l " olo '' .ontl t•rf\'r!lo' prn fl('rtt• •1 ,.,., ry ull tttf•tr· • "' "'' tloo :<uprrml' murt rt ... nt.olh•n .... r ',. '"""' o\llnrno ,. (;o nPrlll Hf'W•• r fl• ul '" J • ...:_a..;~ ,,,., t111• d t r o 1 '"" 10 ,., o·ry I II\ t'f\ tnt.: I Ito• ft•ti<'rlll J!:OVC'tn I I.-flo r••rflnps fill llf jot l'(o•f I Ill lol pflrl'hii!W' tight-Ur. "hrlnn Uu rf•••· Ill t ,. lktrk ft'. of II tiULt1 r•""'i;tUif(·f~4l nnd fhf'l tj ... 1 ,·J••;ttl\ nt.1tk•·tl,l ,,r hntl~ 11ntl•r n:t\lo'Ahlf' Wlll•r 1pARENTS FORUM "~ ''"" 1 m•·n· \" h• n• '• r no ,.ddt for nn 1 ionnl ,f, 1 tlon t h I• II<'· fr n!l<' Anti tl'a\·lnl( lhl' dl'f•i•lnn ••n TQ HEAR DR. DURFEE •'llll~f',l"'' tim• thiOI,"i 1•ff •~ f\ltrl nt "" nPr<hlp In C'nns:r"~~. ~tn~ Olr 1111r rlllltrr•• a nti \\f' 'Mtoltlrl l"• rl'·l•"l•r•·ntr'l'ftltrl •llrl n111 rl1•dtlr Utr Tho' lnmlh 111 lho' l'.trl'nts' llllfttlr 11 "''''II lhitl ~~"' '' nott ""I~· 'I'IC'<>tinn. Ill• lull llnw••·r <nld. l'oof'lflll "''''''' \l oll h•• pt•'<o•nll'll It \o•t \ lnlf"lll onl o•l"t'fttlll hta l :t' I' l''(pt•t•lorr fOI nll'f'l All nf th•• oh-'llon•oi,O\ l oon .!'I, ,ol f ~~ jtnl , In Ill\ u)11.ol o tl ,,..,,, nl I loo• 1:rN ol '"' 0 I••••! '"n~ n ( 1 h•• l'rr~ul• nl, \Vho \1 I • n I '' r-1 o1'111n l lo 11 f•·• , nll'tllo•tol ""lltl I"'"'' "' h oi•· ""' .. nly ''''•rl "' nn.-•n·ll nll'l'llrt' 'lull· rlll••lur o•f 1111' p ,,,,d•rla 1'111111 "'~l••n·.fltoltl) .,.,,,,. "'11t \\',o\ anrl """ ,.f \lo•ntal I , "''''""'I 1•111 111 llllo•rnallun.ol ol:unun~.: tho· ltclr•lnnth In the (;flolotll'•' l'lttllt' \\Ill "l":tk nn ~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:~~~~;5~~:i~:: llo•:olll• " i G old Ce lebration Pension •Packa•e' Th· ........... ~ :.r.· l'l'"" ·" ''"' a hi~:h ... IH>ool .tllfllloot lfllll Ill) 1'010 · Faces Shortage of Raked By How !0\'C'\111\' ·nmr"'"~'· oOIIII a rt• -~~·n (you Guessed) Gold ser •nr.•rl ... , c ·,,,, r :II•"'·• I 1• m••f)l or\ ="""'l''•rl llt ;ot•fo F.lo·m• nt:u'\' ·""' I l.n• An~;o•l•"' ,\llllrno·\' Grnrral ~"•'"l"•l'l lhrhool lloch ~tloowol l 'u 1-'1 . tl ".: llnw <>,.r 1••1 " 1'1•ndrmnl'd t•nt . T•''" llo·r '"""'''"I 111n< :-.;, loll· Help Save Meat and Eggs TO DEMONSTRATE PRUNING , TREE CARE IN MESA Til n tlo o olio Hill' 1 1 I' •' pruntn,.; olt•nloor"ll o 1 '""' •duotlulo·tl fnr F rt· o!a \ \\ • 1 ,. itllll•lllflo•o·(! to o<la \' ltv \\' ;\I ('nry, ""~t!'lan t F1rr11; Ad- \ t~ur Tho• f1n.1 IS St'llt•tluh·ti fur Ill a tn ,,, till' (' A F ltnk pin<'<', ly lrlow k 1'11!11 nr =-:rwpllrl mnl . 11 :!:.! Tw•·nty-flrlil qrl'o•t, ("ol'ta :'.tt·•ro A 1 :! It m, a s muhor d••tnoon• •trllltutt t-•dtl'dUI<'Ii at thP (' R !null jolm··· nn )'\,.,, )'l•rl 01\'d,, nu11h 111 T u,t in l~t·l\"'''" \\'nrr('n lorool 1.11 ('olunu ~ln·t·l~. 'l't :untnc .111d pruntnt.: nf ynun~ 1ontl "'" d•'l'lrlllntt~ tr''"" "111 )')(' tlt•t ll•!'t•d loy \\' ;\t ( 'oor). Sra· <.nn1tl ,.,,,.,.,, 11ncl rlt"'''"• t•nnlrotl )'rool•l•·ttt• \\til ho• cl"t'll:<~o rl lr,\ I llr'k l'u lf•·r . ''"''"' :ont F:u m Ath I Mil' NEWPORT-MESA FIGHT IT OUT ON CHESS FRONT St•\\f~ort ''· ('oo .. ta ;\It·"• at • h •• ,,. \ l11rrrnRm••nt 1 .. •·urrr ntly unrl•·n• sy AI lh•• S••II Jit•rt tl~trhoor ( 'h o·"• duh 11 h I I' h nwo•t' f'ltt'h """''"·' nls;ht. '7::i0 ,'f'lolf'k Rl lh•• ~t'oottl lltll. 1.'\lh ~tnol Ra~ ""'"'"'· ~•·11 · ll•url U•·•u·h. Tht• ltlo•" 1 .. !11 hullil "I' 11 t•·Knt •·hrtltHt-.t"'(l uf t•ltt~•·r" nf lht• t\\u e•unnnunUit•,, In tnJc•• un t h•·'" t••ftm' fr•nn n1 hrr ··Ill•·•. T h1· ~·urt• nl t h•· '"'' ,,., .. ,fun : c· ... rrt ,,,.,11. t:. 1 .. l 'nllo•r· ... Eat More Sea Foods ~,\( 'IL \:\11 '\'1'1 I .l.on .'ll 1\ •• , ,,,, 4*t•l•l•t ·•tttlfl t•l tlt "' d ,tl t .,,,,, .. ,,,.I tf\ .. I 11n tltt 1~tnth .tiUll\\ '' 11\ HI tltP ffJ, t •\•t\ n f Lttld 111 \*tlthliiU.t ha' t lilt lfl,•• u "t\•t)' ,1 1 H ~ 01l Cotlt J tit•· • p:wk,oo:o· fl,.,,, .. l'rt'fi"•N I t'ttn· ml~~"'" 1., t'lo:trc t-rl ''1''"""1:11 omo n•hll• "' oM\'tN':JII'd T hrooo;ch :Itt• ''""I" r:ollttll tt( 1111'1 I•\ ftol'llll't ltl'lltflo•l• I < "f l ht• ell'• nCh tll l'thll':t lottn flo p.otlfllt 01 Ill'· lo ,,,, ol Ham 'n I c~·· ;ol on In l!· :l nj:;l' (·,..,~1 .lttnoo•t l'•oll••t.:•' ronol Ill·· •tnnc n tlllr• f••r tloo I""I"~IIIPn, II!! hl~:h '''"~·I tlo• ••· I•·• 111,.,, 11 1,, ,,.n :.! ''In,, f •• 1 .. \ •''"""· I : '''"I"''' "''"I h 1\urd:o~ llttl/o• '!, ( ', l'.,lmnn I, T. l'ot'"· """ I . ~-They Are Ri ch In Iodine LOBSTERS FRESH DAILY 1't1t• :-; I ,, 1 ,. t '• r\tt·ruu:.t ... < ·~~•nrtHf t•·• r. , ... r1• d l tHi t~ I lo,ol ,,if !111 );ooltl 111 I It•• l 'tu· l•ol ,,,,,,, 11 1•1'·"''"'' " l tlllltd tlf Fait'l l'fhl\ "'' o~tHI th• \!tt\t'l Ultl\ nt \\~tl\ 1 lt•1 un\ 11l n out, •'\ •" f,,,. tlw (;f'ltt .... , .•• , ... \ c'olo lol lflotll T h•· •. ,.,.,, •·h•h 1-. 'll""""'''11 '" I'•"'' '!!U . Am•·rl!olln 1.1'· I IOI!IIor••ol "' '·"'· II"""' I tlrrllr<'d . ht•l'n ''""'"' rl r .. ,. ll'lro•nl.: •• r ali i &;loon, S o•ltjlfll'l tt .. r .... r. "In IH'I'nrd a nl'o \'flit pro\"t~onn!' llJ.:<' 11 ,, I• ,11 tho ;or • ,1 I ( Ill• I oW anti olof'l"l""" or lhl' "' llllrf·.·· I' \\til 'fllaltft··rl ,,1 UPHOLSTERER ''"llrl• th•· ,\llootn,., r,, n•'rtl lo· ilfll'llk ••n hr• 'tlh jo•l't II•• •• 11 n:o·l ,,,, hn< '""'" II ,,,,, onl'l 'um -I I\'(' '"" r•'f't't\1111' '"· i\ n fr•llll OPENS TRIM SHOP "''""'' .. r 1 h · · t ·.ohf•ll n1 • 1\tll t>f Pn m1111., 1 ••ll•·c•• 11,. 1 twn rhn l llo.:ltt," 1'~'"1•••• tl • ""•lllllfll•nttl rru'flt<'ool ""rk 111 p ,. 0 , ,, r llni-\\ 11!1 om ,\ T .1}l111 lw• nnnmuu·- ""'''ntimorol p11r-.o1,nt '" tlw rC'· \f'rl'll\ :tnd fttlltoWt'fl ht' cr.orlll· t d 111. ''JK'n lnl.; "' lito• T:1)lo11 '~ l''""'"f \1••••• Hro\1: ''"''"":ond filion'"'" thro•o• \l':tr< of ,1111h .I T111ro ~hnp, 1 ~>11'\ \\' ('ontrtol :1\•· On Tidelands lighting fixtures at - La Pierre Home Appliance I..~Aguna Beach KELVIN A TOR t•hooe 6684 SAM'S SEA. FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY · CHICKEN $15Q_ NEW YORK. CtJT ST'EAK ... -.. ...... ..... . .............. t .:..418 WIIOLE BROILED LOBSTER .......... -. . -...... .$2.60 with drawn butter. BICOILED SWORDFISH STEAK . . -.. $1 .50 FIUED COHBrNATION SEA FOOD . ·-..... ._-. .$1.li0 FIUED SliRIMP ....... 1.60 RAINBOW TROUT .. .11.'76 Bot l!lllnoe Pie wfttl BraDdy S..OC. ...... • ..... • D1 ITt Sam's Sea Food Spa and Flah Market ....... : LDIIc ........ ,.. ...... SU-411 2601 OoMt IDP~ (N_,IIe&l ~~ Shop at SPORTSMAN'S LIQUOR STORE The Coast's Newest and Finest liquor Store ()pea 8 a . m. to II p. m. 2823 W. Central Newport Bch. Phone HArbor 1700 Dick Mcintire Nightly Except Wednesday I Vaux's -Balboa Alive or Cooked Tloo l'llfllllllti• • '\I "' tlotlllto·ol It~ ;\lr• .:\'o•llit· T Hot .. ~. olt- 1•·\'tor· ttl I h•· 11111\1 1 h.d It ' .t~ttlf\'1 I h• 1.1\\ fttt lftt .:11\ • fllllh ul tu t .... n f ht1 ~ Pl.l c•u t \\'oflo• \llo·n 111 tit•• P•~<'hPp:.tl.uc· hn•r•tnl ,;( 1111' • '\', "l••rl '1111' "''"n II •• ltkr n with Ill· P•'n\'Pr '1\1 tho flur•'il\1 uf 1\l••tll:lll T.o~lur 1~ \\I'll kn""" In IMC'I 1 111"~' l•lur t 111•'• .ond tmplt··~ no II)""''"' ll•ut<llltt, Tr x :o s. hr lla rhor 'll'":t ns 11n llpht~I-.IPrt•r, •t1tlolr'•'1111'11l II( 11••• pi'Mf"t«f'd ~f'r\'I'CJ ll< ""~1~111111 (IJrt'l'lotr 1111d inl :!t't .dl 31 1\)tlo'll h1• hill< Ito on \\ttt k· till• mlnor•nl llll\\o'\• r. f.oofUrt' or lhf' l':Omt• f'lopllt"ll~ St'f\o•il Ill \\'or· In~ foor llloof't' lhltn I~ )1'111 ~ Dinner Untilll P. M. Fie& ol Deep Sea Trout • Filet of Rock Cod • • (II'·" h\ 1 ho• ,\ ""''""'' r,, • .,,.rnl I\ I c .... , .. ,.. ld • ~ra 8twiJope • 8b.rtmp • o,.ten, r...tena ~ w.cen. • • At.Joae Stnb Fllet ol S~p DNd Ambitiou s Young Man l'l'lltrr. :t<" rol " '.u Rnrr dtntt' l-'1•r 1 tw pll~t '" 11 ) ,.,,,., h·· ll:t~ I '" l«th· n l1tlo ano1 "'ll"m.on of f f I 0 r 0 u r ) l' 11 r ~ " I• 1 " 1 ' ol 11 1 r 1111 s h 11 P 1 11 11 11 n 1 1 n ,;t • iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lho "'''1"""'1 loolh '"'"'''''' "''''""In A . I ..... ' tjlH'<IICin anr :lllSWI'r pl'riii\J loon n .·al'h I • f(, t'l t,on-.tlttllo· an :tit. mpt to lit f 11 th t t BAYSIDE' .-FISH MARKET ·~·-~_WIIOLI"r8Au AND Rr:fAU. N'EWPO&T BEACH POOSY: IIAJLBOR etA wi:;ht~ to llN'nlllt' a -.-.od.th'<l with loc::tl Jll'l tgt't 'l'-'i' •' firm 'I-::\• ,,lh·n t "·'r''"~'u.,., '·'" ·:, 1 ho ntt• tl\\'11•~,· (. 'n tlt•t:t• l·:'l"'n · t'IW1"'11 in mt'l't'h:mrll~tn~. I'"''· 'in~. di!'pl<~:-·. prnmnlto lt. in- ''""' in!.! mnn:t~in).!. \\til lt';t· '··1. Add"'" T. ~"" -.-Tim•'' GIVE FOR YOUR PORTRAIT VALENTINE'S DAY The lovel iest vale nt ine you can give is photograph done in our dist in ctive style. yo ur ~ ~ VAL ENTINE SP EC IAL: With each order of $15.00 placed before February 7, 1948, we wil l give you- A Free Sx7 Portrait in Oil Color Bernard nf Holl~·wuoct ~t uctiu Phone· Laguna Bearh -1 :U:l or more. I I ... w 11 ow f' !'I' uri'. ;\lllot "l'h"l"•'rltl" hn.~t :on-' 'I"'Hrp t l• ,.,~ '' '" u••l•·rrHint\ whu~ ... ... u I ,, • _,u1., .... ,11 '"' ~0tt0,,,,. ~ 1,, ,11.,. lruf"k t·ttt .. tUttn"'. !t-t*Ht ,.,,,,.r~ Hntl i"'"l'1•· '"I lfu ir t)l'f'IC:tt •n ~, .. ,rt lttf'"" r1lr f'tHl\1 rllhl•.,; \\ 11J ht' •• •. nurtn" lh· fri~, ··i.:thl m onths nr I 1~? tht• l 'nolo'll ~Into·~ o•xpnrto•tl 1 fh• ''' ''"'' ~~. "1 ' II 1"' ..:,m. o\'t\r 7.(lf ~) n1urr• hHrr,•ls pf ntl nnd hi' ti:l •••t:t t~ I' •tho 1" olt\ "'''' "( •h· h •••I· c>tl prnc1urls ti:trb th.on it tmpt•rto•ti '"I'' •f '""''' 1\ I .••• t• I .. 'I !• II· "" rl~o; Ul I hi" fl fl'•• nf tnn•H'tif1't flo ynu knt•\\ lht' fnt•:ttlt'l\ "'" • 1 '"'' l'o,t ''' '''' 11'1•1 to your nNtr•'~l l' !' Arm~ :o11fl I ' ••1\•· It•" ptnt',rn 11' '''C Atr t'"tlrr·• .,,·ru111n~ ~fl,lton ... I 111•h• ., 'I \\ • "'' t< '···. ''h'f f I \1 "'I"' : 11' nl It I\ \\I •• tl" I I n"" I ' t ' ' ' n' ' , t. 1'11 II • I r .. ,,, •o~·~, i r •• , •• 1• ... I I \I tl, 'I . ' . '• I , 1 " I I • •I• ' " .. '', r , ... II"' •I ,, "TRAVEL • •• "' 111! nW.an,." ._.._,,, •''''"" ""4 Tlrt.rh • • • • AIR SEA RAIL BUS -T O \l.l.f i'OI'\TS f'hnn!' I.AI:'trrt:t 1 ~llel Larnb ou rne T ravef Service 1!111 ()rr11n ,\\t'. I ..At:lllll\ llt•ft••h t' 'I ,--------.1 ~------- William I. Cammad l'lllnllntt ( ""' rnl'l"r 1'.\I'TI'r; • Ot :< 1111 \T"'' ,\,0 1'\I'J:IlU\'1·1 '\'c~ l"h. liar. 11~.\.,f flO'! UrrMd '"'· C't>l'lona dt'l ;\l llr Mesa Upho~stery I l:trry ~kKt'\' 2.'-'lO S r \\·port RJ,·tl. CMta ~~~ Phon.- BMoon 5004-\f !fob PRINTING of Q11alilg \\h tl•\•1 \ool,l IIIII'• I ,,, •I \\t • ttl d •l t ., t ·' t'. \ I' t I I • "'*'f''l h . tr~ ... t it 11tHI I " i ~ ... ( \1.1. II \ltiHlll I'! 11r l!i Newport Harbor Publishing Co. Newport Ba lboa • News· Times Tt I,, ,, rlll.l T 1\ h• .,. ='•"r··n Rn .h. ( ·,:11 FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SAT U RDAY and SU N DAY *** Harbor Events ~~~ Wrong Identity Of Targets Fatal To Hunters SACRA:\t f:~TO. Jan ';!:! ll'P I Ono• unrortunat,. hun tr·r ":'~ shut 11nd kith•d in Catit'ornin in H~l7 when ant•thr r hunh·r mi!'tt\vk htm Cor a rahhtt. t hl' !'t all' cll\'tSU\n nr f ish and ~:am .. t·nnunissiOn rl'(l<trt- l'd 10011) Anotlwr, the llivtston said tn ro•- portang IR hunttn~t f11tahtirs nnd 31 injurii'S, was ~hot and ktlt('{J b y a l'art•ll'~!' hunh'r who thClu~;ht hr wns n turkt•y A 1 htrd was lak- ,,rn for a d••••r and klltl'd Onr· hunlt'r ,,.<tS m jurl'd. hardly al'ridt•nlltll), whitt' hi' was l:lC'ndan~; ovl'r dn•ssa ns a dn·r hi' had Ju!lt ~L l-1~>--wn!l !!ITIJ:l:l'rt. fier ... portt•cl. and whr•n hi' rc•~;<tinl'd mn~rious­ nl'ss ha« f1,.,., was ~;onl' ThP rt•portl'd rau<~f'l' of t h•' <H'- ridt•nts pttrlllli'ls a last nr "don'ts" (M huntin(:: Saf\'1)'. thl' cii\'ISitm Slllcl llunto r' WPrt' kall••ol nr wnunrlo'<l \\'htl<• c:orryam.: a lo t.orlo-11 ~:un nn a !>I rt·t·t rar. pull in~; 11 I! lin fr•m• 1111 auto. phH'an~: a l!llrt hut t nn n <thno• \\IIIlo• hdllllll! ll C'll!lll'l'lll' lonkiiiJ! an 1 h• ~:un munl••. cru\\ I me t hrou~:h 11 fo•rtf'<'. f>~ltm~ nn th1· 1.;110 munlo•. and p t:oyan).! "solcltl'r :mel Jnr!wns" \'£'1l'rrtns ur \\'ortl1 \\'llr II tirO\'· f'd tht•\ hufl t•·a r no•tl how ''' h:•mll• 11 l:llr; «:of• t~. th•• dansion sr11l1 Only nnl' \t'lo•r>tn \\'U.S among tho• 1917 ('II~UIItli!'S WOMEN GOLFERS BEAT SAN DIEGO ' 17. 8. OLYMPIC TEAM-Now en rout. to eM_t.Rrl•nd.-thle h&efty-tetrm-wtU cam the Stan aod s_ymea tnto.U)e OIJmptc See-b6ekey competition at St. Morttz. They are: (left to rtlht. atandtng) Don Oe&l'J, Jack K1rrane, Alan Opsahl, Stanton Prlddy, Bruce Mather, Robert Bauer. Walter Brown, Ttce president of the American Hockey .usn., Jobn B. Semple, trainer, Jobn B. Oant.son, eoacb, Rubln BJork:mao. Bruce Cunlttre, Jack Onrrlty, Rober1 Baker, Ralpb Warburton, Jack RUey and Fred Pearson. KneeUng are goallea Ooodw1D Hard.lni and Terry Van lngen. · ----- HOOP JAMBOREE TO RAISETEENCANTEEN FUND T,.•ll ('till" 11, lrw \\ttl ll'•'o•l\'•• q,, ... ntlrt' 1" ,.,.,.,/1., .. r """II d :o• t\l!.'ht .... h ,,,,. 11i,1 11 J~•tUhol ,.,. 'I tr ,, ' •It • •tnl •n 1•11 th• It er· ; ..... pi'•'•· I. iiHt • \ 11 I U' oil 1..· • in .. J.M *I ••t t d 1 \' 0 1 \\ hlr·h \\Ill lfll'liuf, t"u' II ,,J.., th.tl1 ~· .nu "" \1 ''" , .•. · .. r th• '"'""II.',, th•· m.•••" 1~ 1\\~•rt lf •ttw•t l .•·••tnnnr~tf"••,,u•tltht­ Ftk', to·.tnl "I Ltont.; g, :u•h 111 !l o',.t(l('ll ,\1 lo.off.fllt• •• 1\\,orll• \\Ill ho pr• .,, nto ci '" t h,. nalt.;t :u uhm: a lht•·l•' "' ll.orl•or hot.:h (tor 1!'117 L••L:HIII'~ hno··llt• '' ltl h·• tlot<l \ lln•h'• (,q'\\'111'11 , .!lilt' ;\lar~ht~tl !'ant.• .\n ('oun tr ~ rllth'• m• n~ t:ntr lo•:tm •h•f,•;IINl tho l lt•'l'O Lon.' 1.:11lfo-r" 1).:\ ;ot Ilk • ~tnaa ( 'ounty r luh roursr• matl'h pl:t)l'rl tll~t 1\lnnd:oy I fur\\.trd ll• nt H11h1n-.un "nto•r '"'· .tun lo\• ruh 11 .ontl nrtt Sultl\ .on ~an 1!11.11 11 .. Suh• "rlt tw• lltll ftt•loo•t 1<: \'lr-~;u:11l1 , llodo:u·ol tlr·(m 11. 11t•r!!o n Ill a t to••, nnd t l.orlun C'tofflllllll :--;,.,.,, ""''k tlw toll':tt laci11'S m 1•o•t t 111· P.ot .... \'o rdo·• wnmo·n·s tram 1111 tho• HI\ ,..r,, n•ur~t· fnr thl' .-ltamp- ooorts hq• "'''''' nf tlw t.nc!if'•' !"<)U!h· "rn ( ".•llfflrnta tc·am mat<·h f:ARS SIOO A "OSTH aftA>r your earnln~t po"'"' .. wpoo.. L<•t nw ~huw ) nu t ht• !mt• plan J)J"{'(Xort'<.l by thl' M('tropobtan. WA&&EN J. WEIIII:& NT .... k , N__. .._,""LA. INT •-...u-w.-c.. e 80\\ I.JS(; IR A SPORT \'011'1.L t:S.JO\'; A SPORT TH..\T II.EI.I'~ Kt:Y.P HH' IS (;000 PIU'RU'AL ('OS- DITIOS. Mesa Recreation 111114 SPWJIOr1 Rt\'d. ('O~T,\ ;\lf:S..\ l'h. Rt:&<"un l\fl6~-W DURALITE METAL WALL TILE RUAtproof • "aterproof Pennant-nt • ~rative Can 8fo Applied on New or Olcl ~urf8('e Cemf'nt Tilt>, RoofiDg and f1oorin,; lanmtdiate ln.'lt.allation FREE ESTIMATE ChN't·fully Gi\'f•n Pll. llARBOR 21S.; Pacific Tile & Shingle Co. 2901 Lafayf'tte Nf'wport Jlfo.ac-h. Calif. C It ht 1 ~.;.omo·-. ;.1'111 fllllt•fl (ttr t h !' • '• ntnt.: ;or• ~. \\ pw·t Cr.unm:or ,•·h·"'•f ,,,·~u~ C(•~til ;\ft""'~t c;ranl· no:u '"''""I :at i p tn .111tl :":o•\\ t••rt A,,,..,, tf• tl h ·.•rn a._:,,ln""'t S.1nt•• An11 11,..1 rol'l ;-\a\ Ill H• -.•n ,., 'l pm Ill t\\o•o•n IUol\t''< ttf th•• f1r~l tnmc• t ho• Alt -<htr 11to} ·, C'ltt't tPam~ "ttl pia) nn ('¥hihlllnn ~~·~· .<ion Tl!'kt•ts ,.,,. nn potirl'mf'n. tlw ,\ mt•rt~·an L~>'~tHOn thl" llnr oor hil!h hod~ suh' now hy nit puh('l' Sllllllln,1 or mf'mhf'r~ nf !'C'hOOt sl udo•nt .PINKS DRUGS AHEAD BY NINE GAMES In tit• lo•:orl .onfl '"'' IO).! than~~ 1111 I h• or '"' 11 " ·~ 111 tlw J-(()11 """ 1-ans: to·11t.:IIP :ot • l 1onk ~ t llllt.'S. lw• .. l 1 &n\.! fht•tr rl• trl '-f ''Htllf••fafttr 1\ltth •• 1'.1'1"1 '" llln• I! lnlO'' nw •t.onflut,: .. t'ollk., llrtl\:' .\lph:1 fl, t • I !'~ '''l" ""' t':unt•·h ( ·r.o\\ forfl l tru~:~ " :11 .:3 17 1 ~ tO 1!1 1~> T.\R t·ooTR.\1.1. c·n .\('tl wt:,ot:u. Plf'Kr:S,.. '" ,...o,..n abm•· In r,.lhPr " JlrN'nr1nu' '""'"'"" ..,. lw ,,,., ,,.. ,,.. . .,It~· nl "''"I"''' IIKrhur I nlun lil.:h In 11 rftll,ln~: '!0-l I 1\tn l((llln'l lh,. IJnn" C'lnl• nf '\'o•\qMtri-C t~'<lll ,.,.,.,.In ""'"''""'"ha t ltnJ.troh~thtf' ~I""' of dunk••.• hll'k"ll"otl. l•h"l" lo\ ,\•hull , :\II1Tell Chicago Tho· :"::ttl.,lllll Fill' l'rnl•'<'ll"ll ,,,....,,,.,,nun t• .. ttnl:tl•-.-: th,\t la~t ~o :1r lol tlw l 'nott fl St:ot•·• thfr,. "' rt• "l)~,fii(N rtrt <. t ' tll~ln~: clamagt• ••I :ohtolll ~:;~1 ~~~~~~I() Cubs to Leave Catalina Isle !SAINTS NIP SAILORS, 42-40 I S .utt.t ,\rut ' on-nJ,IIIn•: S.illl~ •lollk flit' p:o\ -ntr luo~ko•t Ttl''"' l.I•S ,\:\(;t:I.I S II 'J•o ,.,,,1aft•rrlo"'" tnt:ak• ;o rluotluoc I. 7'7 Purity '/'.-AccurcScy ·/; DependcSbility (ollllrdlnl( ~·our ht>~tlt h ""d tlw ht>"lth nl ~our farnll~ I,; ,. htl( "'"'l'"""lllltll~·. I. o• I u" 'h",... II "lth ~""· \\h,.n th•· dllC'tor find" It nN'"-IIr.) lu wriff' a pr....,.r1JIIInn. lrt nur "'l(hh•rNt lthr&nniU'I't" fill II JJrfliiiJIII_\ "lth I»JN', (Nllf'nt drllfC'"· HAMPTON BA&BO& DRUG NI:WPO&T#PHA&MAOY BALBOA PIIAJI.IIAOY - hna J ... 11rtfC lt•r '' .,, th. '-PIIna! Ut \ttl•n \ :t\,.,, f n•tll "''" tl ollllll•' 11,1" "' lh• (111< 11.:<1 ( 'orl" llortoo•t I ,'1111111 lfh'h In .t 11 t I .. 1 \\,1.., 11dd 1t~tl'!\ flf d t JHnft Ufl ll'-1!-:t•f ·fo lrt ft•t• t f1llnl\ '1·,d l'\111 hn d l .tiiU lu •1ttr111 t lniJn._f, 'J h• 'J t11 \\111 L';t\t !' tUI!I .\n I 1 1 '.,,,1 ... \\Ill '-I.'' "" th• lrlatnl •rt•f tn.•ntl•nt 'u•\\ ••I 1h•· ~'·''"''' '' I ... , I tiP itl• t ,,., \ """ I f\1 ,, ,. I Jtll '' II ' ltlll ' '"' \\ ' I ·I· \ I I h· 'tfiHFl'tl I.• tt'llt• ,,11tl ''•"'' 1• ,, 111ntl .. "'' •·•• lh••\ \\~tUid I ~Ol tlll :tt l f"'''''"'"~tl It\ fttlnllfl•'f"ll n, I• lfl twt'.ttl't ••nl\ t"•· \\h•• ''Ill It•"' '•• h·~· • ~ ''"' "''" J''''lt•'• ,·.utd t.• h•ltt 1t ft11 ,,., ••''-•1 htntl '• t1' t .,.., dtn t t .. fttl' Itt• 11 r11 c.t , \fit I""''"'.,,, '-• "I"'' 1 t .. l~t\\ q' I . I'""',, ,, ...... ' .! ,~ ........ ,, , • f•lf I• II IIIII :f. II I to 0. ( "IIIJIII' 'fit• t ol • It o\1 loo I II 11111.0 Oil I I ''"'"I ,\ H ( h:t tHtll•l to t< IIIIIIIH'd oil lh• \\ o\ lootl l lo• • I 1 lo 'Jtllf. trtfl lltt ft~1t·lt \J1It'h 1 1 lro.IJIIIfi d f•ttdttU\ t d t ~, • I C 'hdl' Itt• ~ '' ... uul trH I• 111• rt1 1 Jt•"• ''"'" 1111 If ,,,,, 1 ''' "' tHu' "" ,,,, , ... l.utd IJ ... , 'IU tilL:! f!l t .. un:• h\ I llf11 I"'"'' , .uJd,·d I n l ht 'l ... k Hf ~n1 ~ il I .ll~ •:..•.:tJ l '"" I· ., llo\\t '' f Itt • \lo nd1t It I•• t•'fu I I' tl• t fhllt' \\Ill lu A tll t u·ht ,ft•\\ft t•• tf1, \\ ,, 1 lt.tdtlflL! Itt ~uulhtffl ( ,tld tJtfHoi I(;.)'''' u,,,j , illtl \• ... I ··l ·d l "'''lll•tllh' .•h· '''"'"1111' ""·"" olll•l "l •l·t•' I ,, .... ,It, looo Cohnnn h•·tol, '-'" An~:•l1• ('Ill 1,to111 \\olio., "h" .,,.11,,,,, •1, t :U.'•• \\htft ''•" 1\t nqk~ro.ttf.• f'.11k, (ttl l' tUtlktl"" t11 t f\d ~lJ 11 1•p •. ;v l1nt. unfl !-'t 1 .-.tth~ 1\r()\\n~ tl•.,d 11,. \\llh ,1,,1 ,,u1t .._,,• :0. oil tl• I r'lllrrllllU. .lotto '"II \\ton ,J"' j.,1 •• , tj 1' I" ,\11 f•,,,.ro ('••"""' 1.~ tl.!lt• f•:tf'll!'-\\'urd ":'' t'ntiiL' ,~r •:tl ''' ''Ill''"''''" St,llfh•rn t ',1Jfnrrnu 1 t~ ,,,,.,..._ 111 tn' •r•rht I ~·•'· ''"' ~ • ot • "• f'' t It• !".on 1-o.on tt•·o, ·""' 111141• r l'ou~ t. • ,, ...... ~ ...... ''h''"'"'"'~ ·•' H .. ,, ... "-f"••r•tl 1 ·•ntl Srn~•k•\ l-r\• ,, ,, _ ___ 1.! ''' round '''" th• ':"• \\I'' I' 1 ' ·' . ~~~======~=~~=~==~=~~=~~;;::~;;~;;~~ t n tlw I'', lunrn-ot' 1 II• " • fLYINc . -•A•u•-. -M . 4 ., :" '. ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Dock 28th I; J\n~· l'rnnl Gasoline --J>ies<'l Fuel ·• Oil FishinJ.t Sua)plie~ The All in One Stop Way C rf'dlt ( ard' tlnnn~d BATES & SON Harbor 481 n .• , ''''" ,,,,, ,,,,, '"' '··\.'"''' H• •' .. ,7 .':\ '•'"'AI 1'\tf M tthl'\• l.t()l ,.,, t I ~"I 1, I \\ I •t , I~· I ... \ ' I ·.I t I I ~ I .. . . ,. ... ,. I ,.._r, \ , , , ~~ 1, , .... r \ \• ~I f, ,. ' I'• ttlt ,I f I, •• l• \' \t r, • t ,,, 1, •'j 1 ,.. t , i •• \•tHrtt .d l I'• t•!•• d ,., ,lflt t'd t r11 t•d ~,,.,, I I It t' I.,,,,,, I t I ""' '" ltl'' , •I•••·, ,, ... I •• • j ),,, r .. . I 1 ol I f f ,, tjO f r tl tl f" to I i '111 I ' ,. .. , I I Jh• ',. \ ll\<lr •·•· •1 1 ,. 'If II f '""'"• ,fl t I Ill fl 11H \ -·· ..... 1 • ,, h rnrtnth 114· W1v -Adv~r!IAI' Sweeping Revisions of ~ort •'ish Regulations. lnrluding Two May Trout St•ason Oprnings. Dur Jan. :10 INE"'PORT 8ALBOA NB"8-TUIE8 p J Tllt'M~U\\ NP\\port llN~•Il, C'allt. ... ... : n l t.U. ·~ WINTER SPO.RTS I IUU l!'oi "ASQI lrr traiUA\ REPORT t.••s A~t:t"'l•:s ~'""' XlO t.:llt''" "ott Ito· In ""'''"t..~· ,,.,_ L' I II\ '• l!>ot et -l'l\\t'C'IIIntl ,..., • .,."""ami wm1.atn.. .. u .. n ut c 'all fonala •t••t t lh htn.,; rr.:ulallttn.., lllf•lu•ltnr.; '"" ""' tntul _..,.,., ''I"'~' ...,._ for tho· o•111trr ~"''"· ,.,.,. "'"""" l''"l'"'"'" uf ,,.. dh loJun uf fl,h J tthUU\ \ht•ll, 1•r-•1•rh·•nr uf lllllhollt hl,.lttt ""llo•rllttll (u•U~~I-., *'"''-'•l4' " '"'th•rt htdllY I"''''' .... lilt Ill \\ lh II I I( 'I. A'~ , .. ,,,_ lo"tl ''''"" 1111ol .. rtoo'lltl" j:lllht•r fo,.- 111• tllltol.tl 111 11111 , ........ u """'''"'' ud r•nw· "~'1'1111) ··" ~'l·atrd. • C'nllon, 1 I 1 ~I" l \I, to•lo,' .11 NEW BOOK, 'TUNA '"'"' ~. ,,,.,, '"' ,,; :-••ltlht lll I..... FISHER .... AN' DRAWS rot r\1, , , , t , , ., .1 ,1 \\ " .'I M 111"'""~ ,, lhoto\ I "'''''"'·' PRAISE FROM F&G l>t• ""'" I ,, • '·'"' 'Ill,,. I I IIIII J '\ 1°11 II ''"' ol llh' I o•h d '' t\ ll •• I '• t ·I I ~ f Ill t t I t tl _.tl fl \\ott tl •I l•f\ I•• I JH t'ollfl Ill..'"' n1•1 t i t lnrf 11•-l "'' ltHIIII•' 1\tttn-H \!, 1 , , 1 • ... ". .,,, ...; "' Luu. t H '~""· '· , • u ·hi • n , .. ""' It I \t 1 ..... ,'\; l IL:I "" 1''''1" I I " t I ' \ ,. I I I t I t I '•... j '". I ,., tlit.' ,, • 'I I fll I• d I•\ I tl fll • I IJ \i II H I l1 f \1 I "' ) • "'" ,,, .. I I' I '"'·~It tt lt h \l1 .. '''1lt1 \\htl ·~ 1 'I •I• •Itt\\ II llu 111• It"' t ntll "• I ttl lltti1Jft tll ... 1" ""'"" '"'" '""' II ,ol IIIII \1 ,_, \\ IIIII •.\ott It, I hHolt•lot ! l"'-1 II Ill ltot qth' nf lt.it ll. ,,, .. , \lttlt I 11111 \It''-''''hi I ..... ,,. I··"'·,,, \\ , .. \\t It ····~ "' '-kt• f.. • ... .~ '"'' II I ' lllh ., ....;~;,,,' ltll ,,.. '"'"'' '" "'' llldt ,, t\ ~., ... I llt'ttfd iiU' 1t t l ht I '"" p f '"' tf, II tit tJI• '.tl111 t',llt I'• 11 • "''' l n,litlll• .... ,, "" \\ , ...... '"''" t .............. '" ... , ............ ... '"' 'tt"\\ Ut~lh• .~ ...... a.:,.: ... , '""" ttlttu· t.,. ,., .• ttu.:-u•'""· ''''"'"'' H\nt. r ""I"''''" a rt•tt .,ff,·ttn" ...... u,.t•1• • ••n •lltlttu-... .... '"" \ ""'''. '''""" t tt.tlth """' "Ill '" ..... tt. \tOo• II ........ tiUf•'"'' t h• n • 1.... " r au I&. ttl •httu.:•· ln th.: u•••th•·• I '" I ' " ,, ' t \ t I ~·I Ill• ' ,.... ''" "'''"' ,,,., I• II l••lllt••1t ••I lltt lll.tltl lttttl ••I lh. ' S J h• tn.:,h. ""'' ,,, II 1 I ttul '' ••111\ 1 It \\ I•, I 1l•••\' • .1 t. ''I lttd 111"""' ,,f 11 '' p .q H tlh uruf, 1 \\ ·"' 1 • • Ill l\o I • hlh otl ltttlt t -... t\\ tllh \\Ill t .. "" 1111•· '' PI I ho• t ''I i Safety Insurance * P• a. palmer IHCOI'POIAtiO J J 1 3 v I u llfl("', 1\ t' w r ..,, t l; "ol r h . ( 0 I I I lc lt'phon(' no •wp"''rt hf'O< h. h tH I•Ctr I.SOO "'·"'' * * Pia~. ~~~~ Willowick Public Course On W.-t 6th 81. ~~ Mllfo Eut nf llarbor IS.,u ... vard .......... ,. Aaa , ....... Standard 18-Hole Courae -b I 00 Y erda • Par 71 IO I -...-------- There's MORE tender meat ••. POUND for POUND ... in this """.:..., __ .. ___ 17 .~1/ ~RIB ROAST ~cut ''NASTE-FNI~t I&IBW&Y ~1-•y , .... lmportanl etepe to brint you ptf/ed •trnt ~•I at m<>My·•"'"' pncH Fir.c and MMt '-· portanl, we ••••t with IOJ>quality "'"•'• ~~•-Y buy• only '"" lop IJOVnnmenl tradrd t_.f 'The rnNI ie th.e a~ on rh,. lin"'' '''"• room• on 1lw-W~·• To_,. yuu of full val~. all ml!al ie lummNf. "W AST'f,fREE." Th11 11 do"" lwforto your purchaee " 'WP11hf.tl. l"tina you th-o trnckr, mf'•ly porlton. T•ke home uo)e uf lhttte flavOf• ful. ovrn·ready ub roeete today I SPECIAl. pl~TURE sg~ POUND .V 1 11, ,,..lu.Vd '" •l•"d•~• Onh dw fint ftu "" 1 ~:~ ... ,,. ( Ul .,.\,.0 .,,, h" tu~& rib,., .. ,. ol S.f•"•l CORNED BEEF ':':':.: ~57• PIECE lA COII ':.:' ~ 19- LUICHEOII MUT ~~~41- HADDOCK FILLRc:: •. 4 7- a.<l IMISI YAlUU Karo Syrup •·• \-, •1-a ... 20" koro Syrup ..... , ..... '" • ... 1 .. koro Syrup ~;:~::: ';!. • 22- White Cornmeal "-w • , ... ... ltc) M 141 ,...._, Yellow Cornmeal • ...,. JO •• ... 140 ... ,..,,Jh• White CMnmeal Yellow Cornmeal Gt-ohom Flour ....... flour , .. <-·:.:::- Poatry Flour <.., ... laking Soda .:;.-~~. ~ YJ Itt .011'0"'1 ... I ·~· .... 13-,._ ..... . ..... %7• :.: 23• I • ,., ... :.~ .. MAIGAIINI Sunnybonk ....... ~ An ....... , llue Bonnet Oelrich Porkay DurkM't .. 4 ....... 3 .. ....... 3 .. ....... ..,. ....... 31'" •...... 31- All Pri(·t•s Li~t ('(f Effttdin· 'l'hruu.ch ~ext ~1undav, Jan. lfith • ~ ,...,.., •• Ill' •tt.ol *' ,,. • """"' ~ INJppl"'f t-... l~lfOf'\o~· fl'"t .. t !lru• f•u•'• n•~'• 1n pf,nuful '"1'1'1,, .,. 1 ,'Miff Mehh eld l)u• '•""" ,f tltf' )'•' "vir• t ''•Uf nu ,h ,,,. .. "ft..-eth•'""" •• ~ d·••·'•)• •• S.ft••r V.c •ut r-• '""I u) ant "'' •ul'Jdr. ~· · Lemons u:lUI •. 1• Grapefruit = 0,._ .. NUt lUll LeHuce Cauliflower ?IJU.hl..cqlifr SLICED IREAD I ""Hf•f (It MHlfr ~···~··· 13• ,_, "'" ...... 46° ., .. .. IS. I ... •• f!OUSI!!9lD NIIDS Red Oil Poli•h NoflubWo• .,..,~. l• ...... 0 .... " .... ... ...... ~FIWAY SAYJNGS J.tfi.Well .,.._I • f .. ,.... .. . .. ..... ,.. .. ·-. ,,. .. .... ... Vegt -Noodle , "'·::. ·~;· Pea Soup Mi11 , •:·::. ::; Noodle Soup Mi• 3 ·~;· ', ,., .. .. Mayonnaise II (I l o I I ;, 1•1 ~ t Prunes (H it0f"'l. ... -C ~~~.~Y. A~;D~~ Chef Boy Ar-Oee ... 37- ... n-..,., .... """'.,, " ,; f ,. '·JJ... f •• ~ ... , ,rooh41o Vloltoe I .,, • ._ •• 45• Slewing Hefts-- ... ·• r ••••• d, •• sa-____ Sll(ed Halibut ..ss-, ,., ., .............. ,. m f!lm!D Song flettorer ....... , .... ,., l ird Seed •··· • ••-,., l ird Seed , ·-¥, l ird Grovel • , ... Dog food ,' .:· .. Cot rood .. _ ... , Meal .... .. ....... . ........ ...... SMOIUNG •IDJ Gronger , ~ .• Model ''•" ..... t I •• ... George Wot'-lngton •;;.;· Moil Pout h "• ..... e.echnut '.' ··;.: ·~;· ,. , .. II-.. ... II• ... .. .. .. I Je ll- Cogorelte Pop•r .. , te .__. . . ... \•.- WINI$ Deuerl W in11 ":_:" ... '· .. Oeuert Wooe , ' .~ '• .., I.H Oeuert Wine ·~ ~ .. ,1 .,, 1.31 Appetizer W t<te ·.~·: ,, .., 1.31 w ... to~t•""S..,., • ,... ••• ., .............. . t '" --· t • Prunes <•• .oo .... I J• l •ll•i ltll Su-Purb Soap 35° :..: 35° :.: 4()-SAFE WAY <..c .......... , ... ... •tGHT TO liMIT JfSUVEO. .. -· ... "' .. - ' P J NEWPO&T BALBOA NEW8-TIME8 __ ag...-:....e __ 't_....;T:..;I;.;.I.;..l',;;,;R;;..,.,;.J);.;,A;.;';..'_Nf'wport .....,h, C'aJif. .laa. U, 1~ I-I arbor Girl Scout Association Elects New Ollicers; Commissioner to Allene/ Governor's Conference WOMEN PAT. PREMO . C"nll_:.•• ClotJtl' .. PETITE C'ASU ALS t•f f';:IJiomttl RAND (.'OATS A I FEATURED at SPECIAL PRICES Dllnday, Friday & Saturday January 22, 23, 24 Only Dutch Heacock ~~~~~~~!-~~ ~:~~~ 'C: f'a. OltNEJLU. OONTRAOTO& PAINTING Oolltr.cto"' Fresll Oraace Cake 40c ~, .. .... Ball RENTAL EQUIPM:Ettn' 4'!0 Balboa A-, Ooeta .._ l>iActly Behind Alba Beta MARKET SPOT, Balboa Island lind -..... I fta..-r .,. ..... ...._ uu.w LUXURY CHAIR CARS TO CHICAGO on the OOINO.DJn For a amooth-gliding, nperlative trip-with economy_: go via chair ear on the streamlined, 4.5 -bour-to-Chicago m:w Gold.cft State .•. finest, fastest extra-fare tn.ln in t.be history of Southern Paclftc-Rock Island lines' lot('-alti· ttu1e Golden State Route. A luxurious, reclining rhail' is )'OW'W-penonally-for the entire trip. It'• numbered-reserved for you ill advance. For your pleasure. there'a & new, handsome cotrec shop-loun~ with a bar u well u a spacious dining se<:tion that serves delicious meals at moderate prices. Convenient schedules, too: Leave Los Angeles 12::!0 nooit any day, arrive Chicago li :30 A.ll. second morning f ollowing. Reservatlo"u sec your fri<'nd ly S.P. Agent. He'll gladly scr\'c you. . s • p ''' frle•lllr S"'""' Pacific E. B. SHARPLEY, District Agent .581 North llala Pb. SOft ~Au I D. W. HOLTBY, Agent 2.jth li C-oast 81\·d. HArhcu 4 NI"\\'J)Ort BMch Cosfa\Mesans Aclopt Son Mr . and Mrs. 1-~mmt•lt Gro·"''''· 1!'113 ll;orhur hoUI<'Vurd, C"ost ,, Mr~n. rNurnPfl \l.'cdm•sday nft,•r ~JX·ndtng thrt•l' wrl'ks In Qutn<'Y. Ill. Thr)' brou~ht with t hl'm lhC'1r nl'w &d•,ptt'd son. St!lnlt'Y Dean who Will b<' tt month old Saturday. Heads Altar Group Mrs. J .M C"o" It' of Costa Mc~<a hn~< ll<':'n ap(IOHih•d <'hlllrmnn n f tho' 1tltar f'umm1IICt' of N<'wpc)r t IL1rbur Pr•·~lr} t••r·inn rhurt•h hy thf• IIIIStnr. th(' Rr\ Thumns l\1 r;,b,un Balboa Surgeon Elecl~ Head ol Allied Arls; Veterans Exhibit /nferests Membership ~I \\II It ltr ~ fl ;\Jim;::'' t•lrCI<'d In Itt· 1rl ll:o •l•ur Allwd .\rl~ fur tlto• I' til 1 • nt \o'ttr nnol 11lnn .. lln- llllilllt'o•d fnr ~JH!Il"lf"l!lt' l ho an- 1111.:1 l111:h "'hnnl ,,rr • \111h1 l, nWm· "' r ... "' ""' t::rnup 1 """"' d nut thl' J'Ut•trofl i\ l \~\fliiH' IJI'H~·t 1111 \\l th 8 1 1lk '" ll.o·,.ltl 11 .. 11 1:.· .. n 11:-r t'· I ,., ttl It 'I' :1ro•llllll Ill· \"nol••rl ~IIIII'S 111 \\It wit ho l,tllt::h l rtl II) thous· '""' ''' h~o•pllitltll'ol \••to•r~tn< I ( ·,,, r~ tnt:: Ill< It• :11111: :rt ,,, thl' \ • lo I tnS Ill i>\ t I ,1 I h1111•,111(J hOS. p:t.il• m:"l .. r '"' "' '""'n·11·•1rot· Ill • 'I'<' ;\lr 11o~nut · h:ts.:h• •ltrm I .trio •1111101' filii'! I' Jl llllllfll' .1 11 d t I ""ll \\t~fk I \t ll In n't•n Ill th(' I ''' •I• 11 t " ·•••I•, "• 1 h "hwh was Jlf ••HntUU'• d flf 'f t tl hf f1t raf'iaJ '.tlu•· t•' th, (lt\ot'tHt ... 1t1 « h~•n:•·· I 1\ plo·.r \\:t'-111.11lo I•\ >l11• •1• tk<'r f••t II o I" •'"' tnt! ot I m olo l'f8(5 I'"' th." Ill• 11 ~lr 11:\I•Htt:: Is •••u'•uutP, tu ... '''1'h. pt.uu1in~ llltollt• I' flip II•HIIHI ol io' ""rntry 1111~ \~'II tllol 111 tlir '"' 10 lim•• hr 1~ rh~pl.l\ 111.: 1 '"' ,., lo•rt '"" of ""' k tlr·11• lo~ '"' 11111 •tl• '" rnnny unt\t r""1t1 ' .erut ••a.: lflll.tl hiO' l·'fpo'lotl ill ,,,.. ""''"' '" w•~lon Ill <l'r\1 \\llh IJr \1, II H'O "l' Of· ftc'o'r' \\orl' ;\IJ~ (' \1 t••.tkins. \ ~<'• plo '"'' nt . !\1r• 1-( • :\1~rtln. 'll'to•l;ll~ :\It• Jlll'llotlfl \\' ()fh• lll!'t tr•·:t•llror :\!1• H .I \tlla· p 111:1 .11111 J111IH It \ C:tt• "'I rE'• I lrllllo: Ill • •11h-111. dllo'o'lllf'' r\n 111 tll\'111 :I rltnn• 1 hunntlnlt I '"" k11tl r• lt11n~: ••ff11 "' \\til be ~'"'" ,,, :>:"'P"rt ll :rl•q Y~cht 1'111h T 111 "' ~~ • '• nttlt.: I , lo Ill On "·" 11nl.l\. F• h II \lit• rt ,\t ;, will htoltl :t l ... ,,, :1 q, I '•II r lub ""'I'• ""II '' lilt• • 1. l'h':t.l r•,.,kt'd h••l •nil t·l 1111 • tl•' 111 h'lrt• of ~ In• I 111M I"' I 't t1t1t'• ,t, t •I t • h \\ II 41 lht 1''11• t I ' • ,. \\Ill ItO '"' •I I (..!()0 ~flltOIIIh! l.tl !1., •IIIII I tl ' 1 rx- I " I ,, "" ,,.1 \\l tch "111 I" 1,. I "' \l 11 • 1• •.,. for t ht 'i '''""'' I I' "' I ~ fl t ' ,,,.J I I • I II 'I 1.. or I I 1•'q•i1~ I I t I .,• lttl '""' I' t •I t ' ',,. ' ' •~ l.i. on .. ·: •, 1' •I • •'•·•I bv t " , " · 1 , .. ;s ,. H I~ I t' t \II I I• 1 .. H ,,, r,., ~' 11 I Girl Scout Leaders Meel T uesdoy I ,,. '. f1 I I • I •• ( '\ \1 l••rt ll \\111 OIN'('tor Cecelian S;ngers Winter Concert Jan. 27 LUC'\. Andnnt.tn mr/7o) ~npr:'lno nnd Jll:nfl•t::•· ttf ~1 •m•. l"tnll ;.;,,~h••tz. \\111 ho• ft'nturrd Rrlt~t nn thl' Wtnlrr l'llnl'o'rl Ill O~ram n f C"t'CII tiln Sllll-(1'1 ~. t•• ht• hdo Jan :.!7 In Eht•ll c-hthho'll~•·. Sant:t Ana t-11~~ Alldl'nlfll\ h::t~ hc-••n snl:u~t nt tt,.. :\lt~«t•m 1'1.,~ r .. r th•· va~t IWfl ~o•:tSflll' :tllfi tl.h ho•o•ll ~llllliSI "1t11 llw Tttan: :-;p.:nl•h ~rnup tn Snr. F l·:tnt'IM'I' .1110 ~.mtlwrn Clllt- fnrrWI :\Ia!\ 1\att.n :"It Ito"'' n n f t"orn· n:: tkl 1\lar "Ill dwo·l'l tho· t'llll!'••rt ;\11"' Sto•ffo•n"•n'-< 1pl:thfll'.tllttn' I 11~ :1, f'hrll:tl oltt'O'\'Io>r :11·•• \\o•ll known, '"" •h•• '"'' I•., n 11'11\ •' tn ("(""'Ulty nHa~it·nl t .,..,, • .., lt•r Jl\,UlY f \t'ftl' ~ht' '1Udt•~1t t1h t•l.l1 t 'tlfldUt I· ;n.: untlo•r F \1 , hll• t 111 :•t • til" 11 •• r tlw r:un·~· :"I I •1:11 I hllll ·'"" "rth \\'tlh::m Htplo ~ J!,• •I ul :"I J.uk··· .. (111 •:1•1 • , ... "I t ~·~~~ ''' .1. h In ;:d1hll •tt II• hoi l\1 •1 1.. \\l'h (', r•1ll:tn. •h•• i< r·ttt 1 :'1111~ l11 •·•·t111~ tho• 1~1,.:1111.1 fl,, .ro·h l'h •• II •'•tl 11 (\l'o'PHntllt!n lo•l t ho• lfll.., Fo••tr\ 1! n( Art•, nnol ·h· •· 111 • It •t • ••I ·JI, ,·hf'lr at ( ... ,nunttnll' ''-'"~~'· \.; •· l lf•ll:tl d tllll'h ,,j , .......... "·' ~l.tl ::nrl "' tlu II 11 l••r ,,,., .. , ;\lo•l h• I'· ,Into:• 1 to •tnrt. that Balfk ol ..:llllf'rlf!a •arlng11 11cco••t Resolve to save regularly through the New Yeor. 8onk of America now poy1 the new, higher rote of I Y, ~ interest on oil soving1 accounh up to S 10,000. Open your account ot your neigh- borhood bronch. 1!luu!t o( Anttricn NATlONAL ::_.,',·~~ Ai S\)(IAliON C ol•forn.o"t .S•o'• ••J• lo"• Collector to Arlc/ress FAC Book Section Lido lslers to Dine u 0 0 0 60 F'F'~ MN IIOUTH BAY IN PAIME LOC ATION, F'AVOAAB LE PAICE AND EASY TEAMS TO QUALIF'II:O A ND SEE THE NEW 9 4 8 NI:W WATE" F'AClNT CHEVROL[T HOME WITH PAIVATE BOAT B L IP, PAYNE F'UANACE HEAT, 31 BEO AOOMB, 11'> BATHS. BEAUTIF'ULLY B UILT, PAICE .310 ,000 . .+ p. a . palmer .,.::orrc-.. •to NOW OPEN real tars A New Beauty Parlor .· in the Nl"w Turn.-r Dru~t Storf' Bldg., at 002 ('oa..,t lfw~·.-Bt~·on 605-t-W Opposite All Anwl'ican !\tnrkct £>11\'U~IS <.iASTOS, Ownf'r and O~rator .,~ BREAD-TIME STORIES l ~~-~~o;D"l!I}~ SHARPEN dulluiuors .< ( ~. by cutting sandpaper ~;.. . into strips ... or by try· -< 1 ..... lng to cut the neclc "' ~ from o boHie. It worlcal • (....~~~~=:-) POTATO OltESSINO POl ROAST IEEP OR VW • ,__ 1 n.., . ....._ .. ... "..................... 1~ ..... 1 .... ......, 1 n.., . ...._, ,.,..., 1 .............. ~ .... ;loll potatoe• In th•lr skin•, pHI on4 math. Crumble oven-dried bread, brown bread crumbe onct Ofllon In .hortenlng, add c.lery anCJ parsley. Cook alowly 10 mlnL Stir Moten ege Into mashed pototoet, add balance of lngredlentt, MalOn, Place In grea..d pan, bake In oven with roost 20 mlnL last• with pan drlpplnga, atirrlng • yCM~ batte. ~ SNAP OUT OF IT with some "Good ldeot." You'll find 60 paget of 'em In Weber's "Good Ideas" boolclet -illu .. traled, easy-to-follow houMhold hintL fRU, from Weber lalcing Co., lox 1730, Dept. 421, Wilthire-la lrea Sta., lot Angel., 36, • ,_ · • m. q",, r"... . .. I '" '". '" I . ,,~------------~~~--------~~~==~==~~==~ ~o' -.-.ot ''' H0 11'"00D lONG AI A(" P&JAOf~A •o"'c"• I I\ f ''tDf \AN l4 ANA , .... t. ~0,_,,,. 515 Eut C~ntral A\'t'., Balboa IJarbor !061 IN\IlSTMfN1 SlC\IIITifS 10 MilT TW( INVISTOIS' Nil OS ITS A BARGAIN SEE THE NEW AT HALF PRICE 1 9 4 8 PuaLtc NoTICI! Nt'Wi n . t it' Ttct·~f't:r.·s S \I.F. '" tl•:t -1 The La Sohtna Pot t{'rv in LaJ::una B<>arh i~ fentui·ing ,·anrl~' anrl flO" d''" l'WlXP' ,,. i t h l){'nutiful n~ in manv ,·nlor" on thP lin" f,,,. ah01it h n lf ·,,':h'ltl:tr priC'\'. 11WS<' gift itt•m:-. a l't' )!Oifl~ for· nnt• rlnl)ar fot• t ht' po\1- d1•J' hn x and thrt'<' fc•t' tht• randv. Till'\' :do.;o ill'i' ofr,•r·- ing n larg C'.SI"It"d ion o( din- m•rw:n·e and ).!(a ... s\\ il l'('. A n I" w d innl"l'\\':11\' patti'J'Tl, (stl'it·tly C'llifol11ianl nam- ed "Or:an~t' Rlos som " i s now on ctispluy for t hl' first lim<'. Fl0\\'('1~. fn1il an d lenvt'S in nalurol eolor~ on £>ach pit'('('. You should sc:>e this and th<' nc'w "Admintl" Dual-Temp l'{'fdgt'r-ator at 950 So. Coast Blvd. Ncx'"t to the Jo~ord Garag<'. S lntr fund~ an• :wnll:oh),. for purd1nsc• of fnrnts anti hom l's for \'l'lt•runs throu~h l)ll' ~t all· o, .. par trno•nt of \'o•lt'r a ns Aff.urs l ':-i ,f~ I ~ \ . .... I • YOU CAN COUNT ON ONI HAND THE THINGS THAT COST LESS TODAY THAN IN 1939 ••• ••• aretl '"' tf tlltt11 Ia GAS I Y ou may find it hard t o be· lievc you pay less these daya lor anythtng ! The latest U. S. Labor Statis tics Index (161.31 shows you r C06I$ of living are tuo · thtrd1 higher t oday t hAn in 1939. B ut o ne important 1tem , h a ppily, htu~ not gone up-tltl" gas you use to cook your jamtly mi!Ois! • • • The pr11'e of gas has l'tay cd d uw n -/"'' er, even, th:lll 1t w as back 10 ':J!), An<.I IJy co m · pnrison, the higher othe r Iav- ine costs have go n e . t he grl'al••r "b a rgain " !l·•il has bt'<'ome. So fa r. the hne has hl'ld. It h 1Q tahn a lot o f "k row how " nnrl kl'pl ~on our lOt':<. Anci "c d c111't m t.>a n tocl:um:'lll tht't'n •d•t.either. There have b ec.>n o ther factor~ An a hnormally tn· crcos.•d u~ of ttns per huuse- h old I!< on,.. !'X1u thE>rn C ali- fo r n rn's gro" th is a no t her. B ut where t lwse co nditio ns hn,·e hrlpNi us by addrnR to our rev£'nu e, th..-y h ave also ad<.lt-d hc.>a vily to ou r opera · tang costs . T h£'y have helped us. for t he t 1me (l(>ing. to o ff· aet slt!ad dv c limb 1nll ex· pense~-for payroll~. taxes, matena ls, and even the cost of gas m the field . But the COI!t of extend1n1t our aervice to Ul ke care of ne w custo m· enr it running way up. (It now col'ts from 211 to 3 times u much aa it did in '39.) • • • Aa it probably ia in your own hou.ehold-keepina on the riaht lide of the led1er bu been a problem. Amona our reeponlibilitiee hu ~n the proviaion of an a ddition· al 1Upply of Jow-coet 1•• for thia anormoualy 1ro win1 area. The nearett r-ractical aource wu aome 1,200 milee away. To make it available, we participat~ in o ne of the biu est natural au project.J on record. The m a m moth f 70,000,000 Texa11-Califor· Ilia pipelinewaa eona,tructed, and on Nove mber 13 wu put in o peration. • • • ,... The reasons why wact k lllly even · one in Sou t tlern t: ali· fo rn.is u sPs g ns are mBny. N ot th<' lrast.1s t.he fact that y ou cnn :lffvrd to use it ltb- •rallv for all fo ur hoUJwhold p urp oscs-cookiniJ: water Msting, houre hca11n1 and J?fri1erat ion. NOW MOU fMAN IVU YOUR HOUSEHOLD IAlOAIN IS GAS ' CHEVROLET , On Display All Day gaturday, January 2~ I CULBERTSON I Chevrolet Co an.-.1 On I '<h.'' \ \1 I II. ' '·,,) u,; ,,,., ~ 1lr1 \ I \1 11 ,,,, I 'h '11hl lllo· t I tht l o111t I Ill "'d 1\ ~··~~· ,, " .. , I I l •' ·'•1 I of I 1 ·~I "' I ,,.,, t I utt l'• o Ill fl1o 1 4 f1 I~ If I • ••• t••r t' 1-•• '"~ i 1•1 .. t f ltl\'lo.l t ,,,. ''" , I .t \1 ,, ,, I . "' I • I "• 'ff ,. til 'I I ' \ tlllllt \ I I I\ I t '"''ll ,., ... I I I \ ' f ' ~ I I , .. I 80th & <A'tltral, Ne".l"'rt lk•h. nt:s. a•a .. \TUt't ' nos C'0!'4K.U 'K t'UUH\'8, "'Orld famot~• .ara«taa ··t ' I ' tit II" '"'flit " lit llullt1. 1111 l•t• · .. h "' t •rn ,, , t l~t r. 1 , dol.u,'l ll1 fit•l • l \\JHl h \\I~ It I "''''" 'I lo•t•. I I t 1'11 Ill 11.-•k ''~·n I' I I I • nl ~ •II It • d 1(, 'H .... ~ lu ''" .. (to .. ool II~< H .. "l•lo·1 "' l lrhll~• I oolllll \ I' oltlolll\1.1, \\Ill and dandn~t 1Crou1• fn•m tb.-N•trton nf lhf' Rh•t•r IMt! In l"otttlw"' Ru,.,.lla. "Ill "l .. lfl&r .,._,.. ~lnndll)' .-nnlniC. t 'r b. ! In U..-lalaia whool a.udllortum undf'r thfo ~oOiOMihlp uf t'11mmunUy C .,..,,,..,ta, Wf'd. tbru SaL, Jan. !I·~• Thf' •ntPrl•;.1 rnlt• nn h,uth.'"' anll f;u·m ,; pu1o'h as"l fo1r \'l'll'r;m s l>y 1thl' Sl.tlt• n .·p.lrtnwnt uf ,., lt'l'hllS Alla irs ~~ Ill>" ,mi .• lltr't'l' rx •r <'••nt Don Cossacl Chorus Here Monday EYening For Community Concerts ~··11 HI pu hl11 "" ra.•u h• lh,, ht.:h • <t t. .. t.l. 1 1.-1 , ,~It 1 ,,, 1 ul "'""''' ''' th. I'""'' ~~ ''''• \\tthnu·t ~ "Arru•l\ , ... I•• lltl• ,,. .... ,,."'1''"· Danny Kaye In Samual fioldwy~·" ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I n ... v.oorld IIIII\<~ c .... n. Platolf ~ p ,.n ( 'u>•nl'l< o•ho1rll<~ \\'Ill n ppt•ar t•r •·rh tilt ,,, '"., , lu .,,,, , , .... , ,~"11 1 '~ Hl ''l]ot Ttlo'l• ,. lo, '11.! I lo•o•ol I •·r ·rru .. 1 .,. '''"'", '' "-a lu .• r. '" th·· ( 1fliUill\ P f I 1t lh)'t' "-.f t1t 111 l \tlt~ "The Secret Life I ~ I. 0 .ot 1h•· lm:h <l'ho)t\l n1ut itorlum \l111ulav • '•'IIIII\' F o•h ~. ~pnnsorf'd tl\ I 'PIIIIIII\1111\ ('tlll('l'll~ ·J·J~ • ~-.. -t 'nrto·o th•· lo•:ult-rl'h lp of thl'ir lornoa • 1 1"1 1 to•n •• r "'"' h 1""1>-• rl> I •· 11t.,, '~'" fll It• tlu· tl.tt•l t f f t'HUtl 111 -It nt ""uti _,, t•tt ttf of Walter Mitty" In IN'hnl<'olor Sun., ~Inn .. TIM'II., Jan. '!5-~6-!1 Esther Will iams Johnny Johndon Jimmy Durante In M.G.M .'a "This Time. For Keeps" PitH SeJ«t.ed Slilorb "That Hagen Girl" Stanta~r Shirley Temple Ronald Regan C'ompualon Featul'lft Lee Tracy -In- "High Tide" ~at .. Jan. · Ray Milland Marlene Dietrich "Golden Earrings" THhniC'olor t'NIWI"f"llf' ~&.nd ('artoon SUa~ Moa~ ~. Wecl.. .lu. !5-!11 Hope Crosby and Lamour -ID- "Road to Rio" Stan. 1'11ur., .1-. !9 Danna Andrews Joan Crawford Henry Fonda -In - 'Daisy Kenyon' , (~ V' 4 • • .1. -,;; f-:a -;1 India SHRIMP CURRY \\ ith l\t;r_io r (~r'l·~··s CHUTNEY II our.. I fn I 2 p. m. CATERI~G TO PARTit:li\ ASO RAN(~l 'ET~ CO<'kta.ll" A nilablf' Ph. llarbor 7H4 0()S('(I 1\tC'Stiay f .m .. u• ........... 1 !';or lwiA5 Kosi· l llhotff tho \ hA\ I ' 1111111 IIJt II rt'· p••t·h lln• th:"tt (.._., •. ,, th•" •'' '•'n~iVC" f~o lol 11f Hu~•loH1 '"Ill! lnSplrin~ lltlll l'll':tl mii'H loa uutun: Hlll<l'llln foolk llWioofiiO'<, l><or<t••r •ut'< rf'J:Imt'n· j l Il l ( '•""ill'k ~IIIII.:" arHJ t ho• Ill'\\'~ I nf s,., 10'1 •""~!' Fu111ll\. lh••rt' is lho ''1'111111: ''"'''""''•' nr lht' olun•···• "hwh hruw~ tlw lll'r· fPrlllal)l~' IH II thnfhn,.; l'llnlRX 1 ln !·"'""ci 111 Prn~u1• on 1926. th•· P on t'ol,.~.ll'k~ mnO.• Htl'-ir ll.S 11••1-;-ut 111 Snn Fr:uwo~c·(l·~ \Vorld 1-':nr In l !l:\9 nnrl lllt'tr NPw Ynrk flt•lou t a t \nrr .. ·,;ll' 111111 11 Y•·ar lnlo•r Th,.y hn\'t' ~1\'f'n :'iOOA ron- ,.,., •~ In llll thr "ll~hout thr world anrl nr.· no" on l ht•lr I'IJ:hth Amt'f'· k :on to ur ~·f'nt)·SI'\'I'n llll. ~Inns frum th£' r,.~:lon of thl' Rt\'rr n on in &luth· t>rn Russia rompo~~c lh£' chorUI nnrl lhrlr dr<'l!l I~ thr mllitnry unl- ff'rm nr lhl' ('~nrk 'nldi('r. TI1r ('hnru.. 111 nnmtod Bft£'r the fnmou~ \msar k Gr n1•rnl Platoff, po pular hl'rn who nriHI'\'ffl re· n<own l>y turnln~t bnl'k NnpoiPOn'a In\ ndln~t a rmy in h1~ m11rrh to Mo"row llntll ri'C1"nllv mt•mben "'''r" not nll<>wrd to mnrry and ro •m rlln in lhl' ~rroup but thl!l rul- in,; I~ no m nrr ·rn,. nwmh<•rs have t nk•·n n u t t ' S pna•·r<l fo r natur- 'lllltothon Anti mt<•nd 111 mnk<• their IH•Itlt' ht·r o• 11\l\t 1. • II • ol,.lo• tol• tl 1111olo I lito• 1°'RI• • I 1'1 I• 1 "\ o lt II '' '"'"'" "" •• H •1' I I, ... , dt d tit ,,,,..,k :,.~ :•t p.n'• .L :'"' ,., 111d an .,, ''l't•ll.tt!•••H<t. \J 1 1•~ l1tptd "" ttl 'tid t If Ill~ I l"tlljfl'\ I dt '•'I ~~ft•d t' IOJICI\\, lt. lfl'Hih tl tf11 f"'IUI ttl IU 1'''' '"'" ••I tlh ••ftl•al.th "' lht t I lh 1 HI I,,,,, llh''"' 1\ t1\ "11d I I 1111 f lt1t .... tlt 'lo.l ltttt tl In ;• ,,,, d "' '"' S t tl• ,,, ,·,,u. fulltlt Htt d•d .1di111U\ 1 1 l!l:'l '" n .... ~. '""' 111 '"'I:• Kl or llto (f,, """ tho· \\·,.,,,.tl\' hno· nt ''"' llkl l•••t ''~"' .. r W~\ lo IIIIo I I\ "'' lh tl h\ lilt' Suy1 h• •" I' 1 • 1 I 1 ,. HrulrPutl C'tNIIIHII\ oHI<) l lltiiiiiiJ.: t h• lit"' ~~Uh 17 :\~ \\ '''' 11111111; lho• Wt'>olo I 1\ how 11( •IIIII 1!'10 fntot rll:h l Ill \\II\ -!•II '2~1 fo•t•l lol thl' lul• uf .u rhn11ry h lr.:h 11•1•· of tho· 1'111'11 11' Oo•o•1111 In No·W· port IIH\ It< ··~tllltl•~h·od /lOll cks1~:nro to•ol "North l.mt•" lr) lhl,o do~·ro•o• ro•ndt•rt•tl In t h•• l'u· p!'n 11r C'ullrt nf tho· ~'"''' .. r Callr<•rn111 on und fur t hi' C'IIUIII) Ill (lrltlll;•'. In Rn til'• lion t•rt tltlt'fl "C'ily uf N•·w11urt BI-Ao h. l'lnlnlort ,. 1-' M S t r· bri!lt••. ··t Il l., ""'''111111111~ .. ('n,,. ="•• ~:lf.f41i, n l'••r tlflt•ol <'Oil\' to! \\It it'll tiN•r o•f' \\ '" 1 ,, ronl• !I So•plo•m lw•r 1!1. l'l~~. 111 S.v•k .~•1 111 Pill:•' '2'1:\, nt l lffr Clttl Ito l'urrl~. I h••n•'" "'""1: u ltl lin• • •f unltn.tt ' h l,.;h lttlo• --------Assistance League Ups Scholarship Funds , Votes Money lor Local WeHore Projects lt~rr·t•IISP n( llw '"" ~d10l11rshlp ~nto•rnlt) tlrt'tiMS, <~lur·k ~ 111111 f1111tl" t" ~1/MI •'lll'h "a~ nnnnunred/'''"rl~ ''' :'\• "1••1 t l lnrt,.,, l11 ;ttldl of thl' A').l'l llll' 1\11' ~11111 11 111 llu J\"'""t'LtnCt f.~·ti'-!Ut' \\ht It Uh rnht\N t tp .:u 11~ • f lln,lt '' \\f t•• ~1 1 , J.,,,. 1 '''" ''" l"r IIIII• '""'' T•h·~dil)', 111• \'•n•••tol rorul "'' lt•tl•l•olfl I '" ,:11 at th•· l l.11-.h11rt~ hniTll' llu\•.o· •·I \lr' l'hllllp Smolh I \ouoo1111t nl tho• "'hnlllr~h•l~ 11 lo~r·lt 111 ,. f(il ••n hnnunlly In R I'"'' :nod !I 1.:1rt frt•m :'1:1 II J•l r l l l.lr· I u •• I'"'"" llil(h ~• h• • ol \\'f'rt' tl• ott hi· •·•I to .. m lltoor Hlll'lll'tl 1~111 oo1oh 1•••1•1) m lo •r•••r.•l tr1 t ho pr .. l'l•" nr ltoolh lh• ')', • n At•• l 'tr' lo • 11 on~l l lu C:ul So•uut h111f J,ro,· 1 I 11-0 t ,... flti 1111 lflht '"-hlp \t•1•tl ·• n it "' , ... ,. l1111ulo • d •loll.,, '" l~o .• ut , ,,r h .. -.·.uu.t:t1tun A flo r a r• P•ll I "' \l1' 1!111"'''' \\ IIIIC•III \\'II II' 'hit II'""" '" l h o llo 11t:ol 1'111111' n1 llltl.tlll• l I•\ th• If HJ.!tll' r••f' i't tilt fll tr h" , I lttt , n 11 "' ....... , ,,,, 1l t•• "'''''''I' "'' '1-llr ln\\.orol l lu 1•111 •h•·• .t o t••l l ohio 11111totr •I• rtl ol •·1!:111 !I •' "''lid l~<•u-.fl l n l h• ll uhn1 "' Mimi Ba con Fefecl At Pre -Nuptial Events Mut \ I ,,, Ito t \1une t 1: .... ,. t 1111(111• 1 oot \lo ·"'" "' • .lou •" l 11rf nf/t fl t •l 1\ tltH I 1'-fU d HI • lu t It• td•t•t tt '' • 111 I''"" tt l''" fH '' d t\" \\ tul' ..,,.,. " lw IIU Itt. d t1 n•~n' 1•1• • ~l•'td ,,,,,1 .. I•• fflt•• fu t 11 till• • •h ~•'lll d t\ h1 1'111111<" I :111" 11 l,\HI1 ,\IHIIIU,! lh• t \t ftf \\tl• I htll(t t •lltol•l ""'lool ,,, ,,, '"" ,,,, \t lltur • h11• ut• 1 • t. • '"" ,ttu\\• r ~•• lft• h••ll• ••f \1t I ' 1ft' \\htt lt r 1 llftl"f' nl I \\•1 •• I \t \ t I I\ 1 I,,,, I ••• , •• 1''" ,, "' •I I \ \1r' '' tl 1.~ .. k· '•• ~>tel•, ''''''''' l lllltnl.: lh• Tl1r1t1 Sho p 1 t•·rl 111d "lho·r , '' "'" t fh lUlu f'~ \\••f•• f ll'f UH d to t t 111"'' ruolll) fn•·ntl~ 1111•1 n•·orl.lul• t hilt t h• 'hill' \\1 lt'PIIl•' otll dl' .. , I lilt lim.:. IH•Il~· hillel .. r t "'''' on<l rurmturo• AI 1'''"'111, lllt•l•''"! Change in Time lor PTA Ex-Board Meet I fi·" t1"~ w it h r1un:tlllin• t':tll r :oll ''" 1-'nr th•· • "11\•'rtl•·tu • "' Itt• Ill ·r.~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1"'•1tt••• flt p:trtm•nl anti r1 I· h.'H•· tH~nc 1hf" ,-,~·un\•· '"''''' "' '''' II mr mhl'r ~Ill prnmpll) I"' k lop 11•1' ptlrt llnrl~t•r llw h ~··to•••l 1'•1•111 J.'ti<orl~ It W>t4 nl•n annnllnl'•·r1 th~l Tf'lll'h ,.r •••~''~'"'""n w ill Ill• ••t "' :o tr•IPphonl' Will h• ln•lttllotf •n j 130 pm "" \l••n•l:t). ·'"".~·to tt1•• nrnr futun•, nn1l tilt• p11hlol' ln•t,.Ml "' "' th• lll'lrllllll' I h• <'lln th,.n notify t~w II•IIJ:II'' •lor• ~·t mf•f'l lnr, "Ill lu ~w td 111 tlu• ltll'toll\ The "BIBLE HOUR" Presents --0-- THE MYSllERY OF DEATH! GOD'S ANSWER TO A Ql ESTION ALL l\H ST FACE! X X ' ~ ~ ~ ~,..-dal .,,.olurr "BIRTH OF A NEW WORLD" In Trdtnicoulor -Suun~l )lotion l'lrtur.- SUN. NIGHT, JAN. 25 at 7:15 ---n--- AI"'• \\'f'dn~"~· Sl.,;hf •. lanuar~· ZX. ; :~1 PALESTINE AND THE JEWS! Don't Mi~lll Thilll I..M'ttJI'f' AT Tilt! Seventh-Day Adventist Church Boha St. and NPwport Bh·d. S f'\\'J)Ort JIPitr;ht<l At pr•·~•·nt lhP sh•>r• 1• f•·:olllltll>:j dinln~t ''"'"'· ""J"""I'I' ''" ''t""'' " n umbt•r n r ~martly II• "'"'-d ''"f••to •rou 1505 WEST CENTRAL AVE. st:wt•mrr m :.\f 11 11,\ IUm H '! I'!:, Sport Tops • Seat Covers • Boat and Truck Cushions • Automobile Upholstering * T wel-~e Years Experience tt ... '''""" 111~ ''"u·•··• nnd ill• '"1".,., s .. ulh ~«· :'I I' 11 1 ". ,, 11~• , 1 r. ,., ="·•rl" ss II\' ~d \\ •••I Ill\ p;\ I " I "'ool "' ~· '7 \\', •I ~~~\( It 1., I olld '"'' h ;;1 ,II "'I \\, t ••• ''" ""'"'' '~·Ill'"'" ,,oll\t l I I Hot l uttl Hlfl\t \I,, •·· '· "l .. t t I 't• '' •tn t "p11 1' r"'\ t t\lpntllh\1\ h\ th ltt ·-·· •••••• ' '''"''' 1 • i tq ,, ttl tt("'" ...... ,, "j ' 'I' ••I ll1:tot t1 ft 111111 lht t\t '•ttfl 'I ~, I l'' ., tth llh t ...... lh ,,, ,,, ...... t lthd l tll\t\ttl ... ,, \\ 1 .. 1 ••• l ito .. ,,, '"ttttq• til\ '·' '"• I. llh I IHh ,,, tht ' t il t tollll I ~·lit llh It\\ ~\ , ........ lUI '• nt, I ltll\ '" th """t tl.._ d IU I .t. '" ,,, 1ht 'I dl' ...... ''"'''"'I "t ••ltlt d .I tfHI ,, \ 11 I '' 'I '" NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8·TUIE8 flit MS I.,\\ ~''"I""' Uo.'Ach. t.:aW. .laa. ~ INI Page 5 ->•lii41 rne SDORTSWERll QtV{ CUSTom-mQDES Has YOUR PERFECT PALM SPRINGS OUTFIT For The ~ophisficofecl Woman I~"'": '" C •• ,,,, Uhtl t•"unf' I \t,l '\ Ill. \t II :t:tll'! t tt~·~.. •I t:\ H t I• li't ,,(t I ,tf I h • ,,, lh• ,,,., I ""''II\ nh•tt•; "·Ptl ,~ llh 'l ltth 1111t ttlt•lh ' ,r SIGN PAINTING tlu• •"• n t•·t lith ,,f th·· t. tt tnup.tt\ d•'•'ttl·~·d tu '.11.t ttt~t•tt I t \'tH ,J. tl II\ J\,~o~tk ~,,., ,tl l\1\t:•' X4. ,,, I 't•t\fl"' ,,.,.,,,,s... ••t ~1\Ul I ll tllll:t I 'o11111). lo< lltt• 1•1111t Ill ho·~h1111111; 1-'\ I ' t I' 'I' I N 1 ; T ill' It I FHI '~1 1111) l'<'l tlvll IJu:n ul lrltllltlo •ol 11 1tl1111 tho• 1\\tOIII'to• (WII'I't•l Ill Ia riii tlo•J>t'l llit•ll lrl ..... •••·•·•• Itt th.• t ... ,.~ ·~ :\.t \\ l"'lf I l ~t'Ht'h ,,., tlltlt"il Atlt:tt"'t 1.'. , •••• , Ill llo -·k 111:1 ••• 1 1'111!• t:( :. 1\l '),I"' f I~ Ut"'\t' llf '\oU II l~l;tllt't ('tUI"f\ I.SP I'' t l•l'l"•; It"' I ·••••·ol\ :11r loo 1 t l~o o ,.,.t '" t't'll'•~•lt I t t tilt• S tttltlh t l\ l'tu •tf h H~ttht•tttl t "utn pan\ h\ .t .. ·tl II'•'••Ht. tl ,hlue· L ' l't,\1, IH ltnt•k \Sq Jtt pH).!t• i tt, u( \•1 1tt l.t1 Ut ttU .t"' lfl f h,-u l(tt't nf tfu '\ouuf \ H•·•~•Hit I o f ..... ht • '' .n., ... < • .... ,.,, ,\ I ' • l I XI' I· I' 1'1 l\1; tlooo~•· put"''""' • "'"' \t•tl Itt th•' !'t .th· ••I ( '~t ltfou IIIII II\ olo•o•ol lt't'"'"' tl l\ht\ •I. tH:l:•. Ill llnnk i 1~1. ll t f'IOI(I .'to~. Il l I I (I ll'lltl ltt•t'Oirtl~. .onol h1 tlo·o·tl lo·•~•nlo-.1 Mit\ :.!tl. ~~~1.', HI llo~ok 11:\7, lit I111Jo:t' ~· 1~' ... r lllflf'lul Jt,.,.,r•l~. In tltt· t•ffll~· "I tho• ('t>lllll\ rt.-.·.,rtlo·r nf ,.,,Itt 1lr11n..:f' ( '(11;111, 1\J.-;o I FXt '1-:I 'T i l'l:l; fl ••Ill lht• at~•\•· !l•·~t·nho'Ct ro·~tl l'f" 1•·r 1y nil nil, It'll' nnrt collt~•• hyc1rn<'llrh••n """"t""''''" ln. unrlo·r :111d upu11 ~u u1 lthovt• •l•••cTliH•t1 r~'HI 111 "l••rt ~ ~·ht.•h •111tl 1111. 1:11~ nnol 11tlll'r h)!lru •·urhon AUht-1 r'"' ,,,,. ~ •. , t• r•· ""n •'tl h 1-rnnlc M ~lrn lu ulr.:•• nnol 1\httlt• 1-: S lrn Ill ul~:••, 111 11 •I• ••tl •1111•~1 !\tn t o·h ~~. 1'14fl. t10 .l .. lw M ;\l ollo•r. u tnn rntttl tUHtl, let ttu• "'"'"•· ol··~··nlll••l 1""1" 11 ~, '"-"' l 1-:~1 'I l'l't :'\C: I oot 'J7 111 I, tH'I :'\u IPI I '" '"""' n Pll ol ttt.tlt It t lllfiHI lfl l ~ufi~ :o, n f llltl.'•' :' ~. :uc ..-,,. uut 1f t ool :\11"'' ll~t nr-.u,. !\1,,1"' ", ,,,ft.,. ttl '·•tt l I tt ,un•t• t ·,,Uhl \ ltu th~• JIU1ptt't u l lWI\IU~ lll tlt ~·.tt lttfl' t•t Ill ttl h ) •ltul J )t1t'CI ftf 'l'ruMI, lndullml( It-•••. charw:• ... auo\ '''\lio'll"'" of I Ito 'rrll>il o•o•, "IIIII~ ''l••orlotl """''' ,,,. t•••m~ flto l •'"'· oUio '"I Ill• I• 1•11 .1ud \\lti'oiU II-1 '" IIUf•· •• ., 'til IIi 'I'·•' .. t I'". ""'' I '1t Uttl th•r•l•\ \\lltt tflftt t 't IJ I ft I It t ' ltl 'lo. tltl ,,,,,, Mlllfl 'Iff' 1•1• lilt 111 11 \ " 1 • • ttu rtf 1•1 ••\ tt l• d I t I ..... t IIIII '" 1'1 I'll)( t:t 1.1.\"\1'1 1'11'1 .1. 1'1 •\11 '\'\\' I II'"' j!f t ""'• "t l 11\.t t\ ll oo \o\ ,, I \If t I ........ ,1 ,, I H\ I!••'"'' f' h •u•luut \ ... ' s. I I I I It' ,. ,,. ''" : .. , 'I,, '''I" -AND- All Types of Commercial Art IAM'atfld at WRIGH ··s LUMBER YARD l L. W. Pierce . 11M ~'POKT BLVD. Meat Shortage Worrying You? Uur N .. w M aar&.f'l Wlll Suun 84-Rfedy Wllh An Ahunda.n"' uf VAN FLEET FISH CO. ""-HllltiM 1 .. 8.UAliTY •a•••• l'r ua('~n:rJ C lt lltllllj( For That New look ··uY .. '-'11, SI'AICKJ.INH ('I.Art'llt:0'4 IMMAVI II.ATr.LY f'l.t :ANt:H ANU I"Ht:M.'41':U R\' t iM. Tll1!" AlhaJIIA..,. .. r ""' t'tf't.-t 1r• •nd ,,..,h .. ,. """""' ur •tttl> In )'ttllrwolr. ,\nttlff' drtu•·ln r .. rlol111r. Phone Beacon 6233 C'f»MTA MJI'J4A So•ul('h ll•t•. \'1\rlou• ,tt•·•. "fl l '--------------------.=......,-.,..;o,._....;;;;;;;o;a;;;;;~ .nto· "' Ill" No·w• .,..,,,... ·/'r S1·1l It T hroiiJ,!'h ('la~~ifit·d J\clw•rtil4inJ;t SHER~~;1~~~~~~~~S CO.' E. P. "Ted" HALLAHAN Wrll Known II ani" ar .. &: l'alnt Mrrc•hant In thr II1U'bf1r A,.,., M thfllr Nrw Hbltrll"tl4•r •• ,., ~hf'r\\ln-WIIIIam.-Cltaa.llly t•aJaC.. at 407 ('oaHt llighway ('orona dt>l Mar -tr LUND & SON BRAND Manuf~tA·tu,...,... uf Fin•· l'alnt" In Uran~" ('tmnt_,. In A•l•lllluu fc1 Thc'41f• t 'hw llrr&ntl'l uf l'1alnt \\'•· Will l'c-afurt• 1a f 'nmt•l••f., I ,In•· ••f Garden Supplies, Tools, Lawn Mowers and Insecticides I' Picture Framing Service By It E. ~'Boh" Andl'rsun, Sture.· .\JanaJ(t'r \\hu \\Ill AI,.., lk ,\1 \1111r S.·n lt·c· l•ur ,\11 \'uur l'~&inliu~ :"'if'l>cl" I I OPENING DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th HALLAHAN'S PAINT STORE 407 rbi'Rt llighway Corona del Mar • ¥ -· r Rent Contro~ Child Care, Pressing I Rise to Remark When You Need 1-N-S-U-R-A-N-C-E BON. I OIIN PIIILII'8 SACRAMENTO, Jan. 22. (UP) !etta. on et.Ucl care In favor of Rrnt conlrul and child care ap-conUnutn1 alate financed eente". Jlllf<'fltiY ar£• the two moet preea-Autborlutlon for Jbout 300 of on~ pruhlf'IT18 vn CaUfornla'a rn1ndt the ~ntft'l throuchout the aJ,at(> .. 01'11: w - .11 th•• r~rr•sent tJmt. expirea M'Xt JUM. ~ptkln Payable In Aclvan~: 13.25 ~r year In Oraner C.oumy; 13.50 per )'ear to 4th Zoml; $3.75 Jll'f' yeiU' to lhh Zont' rr rt,r•r•· wtt~ o1nuht 111 nn)un•.-11 m"'' l~•w•orful anti·lnnatlonary (lo'l\t'h \'asr•y, lf!'"itlatlv6 •~a. JOHN E SADLEIR d d h t 1 1 , 1 N' rod • ~ ~--· ~ The rl'nt control lett t'rs, the aec-""" • liM ..... ,. l11111o• HVI't 1 ,. or~ Ill' llr• Ill nl r r•nomy ay Ia fill) '" c .. w·nwr Warren. aaya the • l'"ll" nt thf' ro•h•nd11r. tha t HUI! lh•· ""''''ll~ of ~o\o•rnm~nt revenue. ,.,, ,111,1, t'ls kad llw flt>ld in It'!· rt.'tary l&id. are fairly l'\'t'nly di- .._... aa Second-O .. matt~r at lM Po.toffl~ In Newport Beach, Cft\lfornll\. un~r the Act of March 3, lR97 l\ .• n ,.,, I'IIOn Hllr . thl'll tluuhl U~"f t ~l"'no1Jiun·s .. 'rhls conclit'-I Vlded for an4 aaainst. F~t'ral o.-611 .... """' t• r• r• tl'l\'f'd by thl' governor with • 1111 ... "'"~' """' It • • 11 rl'rnm•·rl '''' "'" • '~"1 ''r1 ronly In the Federal ,, ~ 11.t 1,. rho· ft•rthcumlng aeuion rrnt controls arl> due to \'Xpir(' iiiiii.,iiO...iiti .. i"i""'iiiiiii"i•ii ... iitlelii"iliAiMilllii IIAII D. PORTER • · · · · · · · · · Publisher W CIUS S. SMITil, In ---• -• • Mnn~~:r:lnc F:dltor Wo·olnt•bflll.> JitlluUr~ 7 ·nw Prc~l· h•lrl~o·l ""'''' .louun ry 19411. l 11r th•· ''''"" l••glslatur('. Feb. 29 unlt'ss Congn-4s rcne"-s oli·nl ,.,.,.,. tu 111" IIIII uu ltlo•lt'• odl Tlw l'ro·Sld.cot s.u1d "~ I \ .,", md tl'Mt:'d mo&1 of the tht> ac!. W. F. OIXOf'f • • • • • • • • · Advt•rtjsing Manae<'r lu~ uounH.t ~'·''' • ( rlw :00:1111• 11 ' "'' "' • \f" nolor uro•-. hll\~ heen and ------------------------- Printinf Plant, 3011 W Central Avenue, Nt•wport U.•ach, CaJafornla Official Paper of the City '!f Newport Beach A ~le ~ luUtuUoe fw OVN 40 Vf'Ar• """'"''''' I th•"'~-'''' """ lkpolltlw.orl ""'" r·otnll nu t• '" IN· ht'ld at thr rllttftlr m Ill l't tt "'" !olotl ........ d. '""'''' ,;l(t• lt•\'f•l• .. l,t•l'll look at : 1 "''•" ,.,,. 'h•· ,,,, urll''"' ·•' t 'ln ""'"' f1r11r• ... ·n,., ltpprr,,_,rlatton!C ' 1'111'"· "rtf till' II tl 1•1 ,.,,.rno oorld ,, r '"' ''"''Ill ,,.,, tulk l $36,100.· News of the Churches - t f<IIWhl ,,., ""'' ,, "'· ,, '"'· ,. ·····~~· "l•llr""flllill'l\ Thl" Preai I I CO R ON A DEL KA& 1•o•! II 1'11111'1'" •I 1l• 1)11 111 '' 1 I• 11• !II • .-k• (llr $t:l,tl(.!,()(t(),OO(), nr I I I I COKKVNJTY Active @} tlf I!JI'II'ft lofo \\ Ill I I 10' I'll \ lfl .fll 111111 '"' "' ~7 ftfl:.! 11111),{)()0, wfth· I I • II ('lf('lU II, CONORJCOATIONA.L f• n• • rl I• 111·1"' '" 1 '"'1""'11 ''' • ""''"' t:oli"rl 11f the-SUpplt>· (.,,. "" "'"' 1 tJII, ,, '" "' ,. .. ,.1,, 11 , "' ,1, ,,.,1,1,.,1• whorh int'vltatJ)I i>~rr> Frrdt•rlck Schrock, MJniat« llo\tzEDITORIAL Member 19J SSQCIATION 't ~:AtM.J;L of ..._, . ., · '"·'' "'""I" hit'·• "''1tl•• .,,,. '""'' '·"'"" rlu••lldll)lll ,,,.. Y<'l\r. Mr 1 Gl I llo•lovtroj'le Avenue lott:•· ••f , '' r' 1"1" r ,,..,, .ool '" T tl • ,,1" 1r r·Pnl!r••" w1·rf• to fol Corona d11l Mar , . .,, ., 111n~· 1\pu ol 1•1 '''"' "' lo••l • I••" oh, r•·•·oonnn• urlu1lons In thf 1 ~untl.f\ . .lanuury :.!fi. J94R IIIII) "''' '"'' o1 ,,, ·of'l" 11 '" • ,, •' ""' •'• 1,r •h·· "'""'m mt'uage, 1, 9 t:l 11m C'ht~rch School. A Good Doctor 1'"'' '"'"hi ,.,.,, ,, II) t>illlonw; Mr II '~' u 111 ~lurn•ng worshi p. Ser· Tht• f'r•·•trl•nr'• "'''"'"''' \\lf\1 Tolu r ''":!II hilll•mll. 1 IUJ>JlOfi• , ... nhl \t r !-;dlrt:)('k :"Whl'nWe Dr. Paul H . Nystrom, who teache::) mar keting at '""'"'1' 1•·tlll 'lhot • "''"""'' ·••l•t•rut~unl h•·••J(Irnl Thl!bUil 'f'·•k· .. rr e'oun rry Clothr•s and C 1 b. U . . j . ll't ' h I '"'"': '"" ''" "'"'"'' lh• '""' ,,, '"''"' f 1:"''' lnrludn onh 1"'1 ,.,,.·,.urt llrh•~:· 0 urn 1a nlverslty, ani ln a! ( I ton eaf ~ an or# 1111'1111111•1• IIIII 1' .. 111111111''' I ,,, I tlllllltfl" llfltlo•r rho• Mr.t•whall Plan I ganization made up of !'Orne of the country's principal "····n '"" "w" It• tot •1•' • "'11 '""" ~""1,,,,,. "'' k1·•·p '" mind th• · t sto ff te · t t1' 1'nfl ll. 11 pre~ ,,,1,. , ••• ,., 1 •'" """''•• 1 t •h• .utnHn 1 · vane y res, o t'r:'l a n pOlJl an · a o ,. 1•,,-• • "' .. ''·~···m··nt 11bout ru · f l'(tl:,t hll\ 4•n• '"~'\.!''1•rl ,.,.,, e~,. m .. H e observes that one of ,the m am rca~ons o l' trll•· '"''""' '"'' I• ··n . 1(, "'\ l•l I 'i'l;t; L;H\t•rllm• "' rxpen!W"o h • . h . f . . ""'' '"'''' ""'k "' rho• d'('partmcnh Dlg p n ces 18 t e exCeSSIVe am~ )Jllt 0 monry 111 Clr· no'hl,. 11"111' ,. ,,,,, ,,., tlt'l•, "llnw t.urlgrts are In BALBOA ISLAND CRAPD. %18 ..... te A••ae Rn. llarry W . Wlllt.e, A..aodate PMtor 01urch School. 9:30 a.m. MMnlng WorthiD, 11 a.m. eulation COUp led With a (oreij!Tl .JTld dome!-iti C demand 'I Ill' ttlo '"I·'' 11 " (IIJiol\\0 tl l•fl lh• Iolii fill\\ t••lnr" lint• rtf the IUh· h • ' ' f d ' A J h llh•• 1-''11 "1111 11 ' ilf!f\IIHI lolllk • 1 T .lOllS VI A.N NEY ORUJI(JB w 1ch 18 tn exce!\8 o pro uctton. s a remt'( y, (' ""''"a~.:• · Th " ,, , l•w•k 11,.,.,, · '""n""' •' "11 ""'~"" I scnoe. s · · rules out price controls and ration in~. bl•lieV'il\)! that '"' '"' .,, '"' I "' \llt:•·l·' l•li•Hi l'h· I I oro• :II '"••·nrit•s In thnl Balboa ...... I f . '11 . . • I ' r I Ioiii :Ill .. r th··m a.;k,.d ror mo~.. Sundtoy Masses : the peop eo thts country WI nut m f1t•act•llmt'. ':'u )· ... ~ ... 1" "'' I'"'·' """"' • "1 '11 • • guJ . d . . f th . h tho· l•.:•ttt·• '"' ''" lowk•, ''''"' 11• '" •'••' h·t11 f••r flu· pro'!lent year K a 111 und 10 am. (year round) !'llt to re at10n .an re~lT~n~nt~tlfl~ U t'll' J:lUrC a:'-.July t l'''·" '" .11111, '\II l'll 'o 11 '" •I·•'• "t <I• ,.,,. ,,,.rl work In mo!ll \ank sslons: Saturcla~ from m~ and consumtng actl vtlle~. H ·~ su~gesllOilS for ,, ,.,.,,., ',., ,,, lttl llf "'""' II' II . ,., \'I !lf\1• "' ""11'''"' Onr actuaJh 7 3o 10 8.3(1 p m. f • . . n . . I d . , .. I 1 tl ·r I 1'1 1' I '"1•''1 1'"' ,,.,~. tlw "l'f\rral Ao• 1 ttng tn at1on 1nc u e JO( JVH ua 1n t. a "''e ur-' '''" ''1' . , lttllllll' ,,,,., Thr•· .. n1, .... "ar-.. ,,, ... • • 1. ·rr 1 ,. .,., """'I I .... 1 ,,,. "'""'', .,,.. .~ ~... T ilE N ... \\·PoRT RAB.BOa tton 1n government l'\)enr Inf!. l~n <:Ul:O:, _ar~1 I 1:'· "'"'" >11" "·''' , .. t:ok• 11,, .. '"'' ··" 1 ·• '' ·• t·•tt ,,,, '"''t'atlgat ion U'TIIE RAN c n t:JJ&CB OUil LADl' OP liT. OAAIII':L 101 W•a Ceau_. .& .... Sunday Mauea: 8 a m. and 10 a.m. Conleulons: Saturdaya f ro ra I :00 ·to 5 :30 lllld from 7 :30 to 8:30 p.m. "THE raiE."iDL Y" CENTIU.L BrBLE CH17JI.OII Rev. Dwtcllt Ml•-. put. Mt't!tlnc temporarily In the Se-v· enth Day Advenllat citurch. cor· ner of Old County road and Bolla Ave., Coeta Mn&. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Wonhlp !H!rvt~ll :OO L m. Younc people'a aervt~ p.m. EvenJng evanctoliltlc aervlee- T o'clock. Wecln8day, 2008 Anaheim Ave. ST ... O ACHlM CHUIUJR OraP&<' Avf•nuo• Bt·t" ,...n l9t h aPd !Ot b C011ta Mesa Masses 7 a.m. dally. Sunduy X am anrl tO n m. Confl.'ssions Saturday, 4·5 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. COUragement Of Wag(' JncrertS(.':' <(nfl {'Xlra d J\'Idt•nd:-;. ·11•"·•1.'•'~ lui••tfllt 111of rl un 1• 11l II•• '"t111 11'11 "H' fuu nd to bt' irol 111n ("!Iff Drive On the a ll-important RUhject of f.UI'IIJW:\11 aiel. l>r. I'"' Ill Ill'""· foot' lotlo•IL'ft ··"' fo·• l'l '"'"' ll\o'tol•ll'"1 of••ms, large in I Newport llclghta COSTA MESA c;oMJfVNITY N h h ) ll · f I" •' 11tdl to "' "" I" • • oulw t l " I'""' '11' " 11" 'I'll" PITiplfl)'f'li wer• J "A Changl"leu Chrwt for a CHlTRCH Ystrom arm •e~ t at t e 1 o ars we appropriate or ' ' "''· ,,, .r ... ,,,.rr· tht· nC'tual or• I · ,..,~ · . "'·) · I'""' '"" "11'1"" 11111.' 1•0:11"' l•ol Chnnging \\'orld!" .lo..-ph 11. Tbomp..oa, MlJWI~r other naltons l'lhouJd he flpcnt H!': far 3R JIO:o-:-<l u ('In 1""1111: t•ll '''''''"I"' .'tt '' "1"1' lut~h•o•t• l 'nd•·r~tund mo• ,..,,, _., h I 1030 1 1 1 1 h ,.. . .,., n m., uturc acnoo ; : 124 E. 20tb St. Ph. &ea. 581 .. 11 Countri·es which have ~urr>l us."<.'" that toulcl ''II for r·~-'J1w f'r• '"''"1'' '·'"I '\\ •· "111'' ''1' 1 '" ''" "'''" 1 ,. nlwndr-" m, dlv1ne worstun. Ch h h 1 9 •s ,. ~ ,., 1 "k' tl '"' 11,11 11 "''' th•·Y a ,, urc sc oo. :. a.m. port a nd said "Everv part of th<> world demand for ., .. , lht• 'lllfll •·I '"""'''"' '"''I rt-gn fUo\', Herbert r . Roth, putor Morninl( Worshi p, 10:50 a.m. ' • • . . . . I rlt•·n .ultl• d ""'" •II\ · 1111• "' tho "'•' '" o:• I 116'' E "'llso St r-~ta ~--'i h Ill h __ .. 1 I consumer goods now ext~ttn.'! 111 lhts country that can ~-_ _ --~---· .. 0,,;./' Onc';_Y·~':'jj o:;,:-out grouPI. g -''00 • n- be diverted to <?ther cO\mlt'i<'l< t!VC>n tcmptrrarily will PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Agaln'" ~~~~~e·.e~~:· :.:; :cl~k help our producmg economy to catch up and mt<et the ----requirements of thll' ciemancl.'' -usEMBut:s or ooD FULL oosPn CRUJWB Dr. Nystrom 's prow-am inl'pir('d a n cnthu!'<ia:<tic AC«JOVNTANT jr iiYSWtANS • 8UROEOMS.II.D.I n. ~-M•·Mm-. Paator :=a~·sch~· 9~:;~ ,!~ editorial in the ~aturday E\'t•ntng PMt. which said B k k · A V ... dr MD Ameli_:~:;:;:;:. '!:a! uu• worship. 11 ; Evangelistic IIUV1ee, "Contrasted with the wisdom of state~mc n who in Ifill' 0 0 e e p 1 n g . . ·~.~·sa~::!' • • I Sunrifly school, 9·45 a.m. J:30 p.m.; MJd-week prayer meet breath declare that we haven't enough !4urplus tn a id SerViCe Md Mornmg s~rvlce, 1l a.m. :m;';x.o~~=~e~~~ ~ WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNfANTS one/ AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS Prepare V our Tax Returns Early Ofnoe-COSTA MESA BANK Building Otnce Plloae: s-a MS&.., ~ Pbofte a-.coe &010-M Everything in Tree Service Topping "k Removing "'k Trimming . WINDB&EAJlS ADd OIL...,AM:E....,TAL TILED OUR SPECI.ALT'' Free EaUmat.e. • Pllooe Alulbelm 1188 Call Coll('('t Reliable Tree Service ua Eaat CJeatAir • Before You Build or Remodel VWt Oar ID~ Sun~ ud IM.play R.oomt Color guides, plan- ning aids. comprehens- and Unolewn. lve stock ot carpet!-i =~ BepUred ~ LUDLUM Carpet Works ltn a..tla Mala lt. ...._ ..... "-1101 SANTA ANA Euro"" and in the next demanrl that all .thl• money up-t:OLIN ... B&OWN 8UBOEON l::VIlllflg cvangcll&tlC aervtee at on Friday, 7:45 p.m. ,.... . • 0 N • (llarlHw IM4) 4ll C IU b llutlw 1M 7.30 p.m. propriated be sp<>nt m tht!' country, r. .)'strom ~ 8AL80A YACHT CL.V8 o~t ' w•f · . I Mid-week 5(!rVicc. Thurtday at recommendation is a shot out of the oxy~en tank. It a.yoldo 0 ' ·Newport .... "' r{lroaa 4 "'..., 1.34J p.m , n:RsT ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ looks as if they haven't invited a ll th{' right profes.qor~ DENT18TIII n rRIST cm.;:;;;-BV nm 8 u Oranl(e and Cabrlllo ~ to Washington." H. R. Hall, M. l>. emnmwatty Meti!ANibt a-... d Mn. o. Wl1.lanl Be- Those who blame hiJ,th price'~ on ~pecial ~roup~ Dr. Obed Lucu Phrllidaa aad ~ tu o w ... t c .. atr_. A••ae PhoatoP:!::. Uti are barking up t he wrong-tree. Wf> havt• heen cif'alin,l! ..---Hours : 2·5, by Appo&ntm.t R~v. E. 0 · rloodetl. Putor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 'th · d f · h ) D &I'~"•"'• t hl!ro•h !"1·hu•ol, 'I :Ill am. Wl symptoms lOStea 0 Wlt Cau.'~E'S -an< r IMI ~ "'· ~crU. 0.... I'll Telrphone Beacon 51MB Mornln~ Worship. 11 Lm. Morning worship aervtoe 10:45.. N)'Bttom's remarks $tO t o the heart nf th(' prnhlt>m. NllWPORT auoa Ul ~_. ..... , o.• .._ Youth F .. u .. w~htp. n 311 I'm ~~~c~~::~ :~~ p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Evenin& evan~~:ellatlc lei"Vlee a Mld·w~k prayer IH!rvtc:e. Wed- --M. u.--n M. D. neaday: cover~ di1h dinner, 6:30 T:30 o'clock. _.._ __.,.._ Weclnetday, 1:30 p.m. prayer p.m. a.ervtc:e. 0 Promise Me! OOIIDON & u.PP, D.D.& A eo)umnist who follows political doin~s recently _, ••• v.tna wrote that much of t he campaiR'" emphasis this year ,..._ ....,.. ua.., will be on more and more benef1ts Cor the "little man'' -which simply means promi!'E!s of more a nrl bigger N_,.n "eodal gain.s" to be paid for out of public funds '----.-.-,-wo-.... -oro--.-- Dr. Tom E. Barton CHIROPRACTOR lilT OaM& ~ a.-.. ... ..., (In KendrU't Pallo) ,..._..,...r JMI OPI'OIO:TIU8T &. T. aau.wortb. 0 . D. o, ...... .. EYD EXAMINED Loii:N81:8 DUPLICA TmD _ ......... a..- Office Hours: lG-12; ~ Pta.ae llubor t• S. ll Monaco, M. D. 8lt B&y A.ve..Balboa Rar'bor ITU Ofllee Roan: , .. ,,. .. ·~~......., T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. ,_,, .......... .... "'· O..tra.l om.: llartloreo! Mill........, .. Butlor ,,... Friday 7:30 p.m. Youth Nlch PRE1'4B\'TERIA.N CIR1RCII NEWPORT fiARBOR C'haj)f'l h) 1 ht' SC'n · and Bible Study. 414) Coas t II •..:It way ('nrona do I ~tar fl,,, Thom 1< ~I G1lt~on pnslur Sunrlny !\lMnm~ Sr•n·w•• J I o'rltwk al :J:\.1 1~ l.rnnfl C:tnn1 Balho>lt l~lrtnd llartt~•r :.!3 \H-\\' !>IT . .IA!\IF.)4 ('lll'IU 'll PROTF.!"T.-\ST EPISC CWAL S'!09 \fa Lido Phones l111rhor 1:!3(1 110!1 ll11r. 426 Rev. Paul Moore' Wht'elrr. Vicar 8:30 a.m Holy ComrnunJon . 9:30 n m 1-hurC'h Sch (l(l1 11 :00 a.m. Morning Prayn-and St-rmon. I First Sundays: Holy CIJUIICH OF OIIIUST Cburc-b aad Wuat lcreete L. Duaa .. CultiJ, ao.later S"rvlcPI ' Sunday, 10 a.m., Bible Study; J 1 a.m. Motidnc wonhlp. Cbriatian Science P'DlST CHURCJI Of' OIIKI8T RCIENTift Lido Thf'at~r. c-trlll A••ae aad Vla Udo A branch of The Mother Church, The First Olurch of Ou-wt. Sd· rnllal , In Botton, MauachUHtt&. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Sun· day Service at 11 L m. Wednesday Teatlmonial Mef!'l1nl at 12 o'cloclL There is nothing n ew in thi~it Bimply repeaL~ a pat- tern we have seen many time~o~ ht>for{'. Nor i~ 1t a partisan matter-the candidate!' of all the parti{'l" will u usual sweat to outdo each other with prnmi~e:-< when they get down to the busineSt~ or bringing home the bacon in the form of vote~. And it is not confinE>cl to the contest for the Presidency-it filten-down to all ~litieal levels, including campaign~ for C'on_l!res.". fnr Govemorshifsl for county commiRc:aioner:-<, for mayor- alities. But i aoes reach i~ most ajl~avated form in a Presidential election year when the out." arc trying to get in, and the ins are fighting w hold th<.•ir prize. Just how flerio~ly the ~-called "little man" r('- nrds the gTandiloquent political promi:'l<'l' which art' lield out to him is a moot question. But. by thi:-< timt' everyone in the country who i~ able to rl•arl and rlo simple aritbmetic must reali ze that a ll the ":-:ocial gains", real a nd ~purious. mu!'t ht> pairl for. And th<' argument that the rich wi ll do the payinJ.r lost valillil~ a1U w. a.... •-ft....., ••• .... ..., ..... ,.-------------. Communion.\ 10:00 am. Thursdays: Holy Com· Reading Room located at 111 Palm atreet. Balboa, ta open cl&lly fTom 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ex~pt Sun· da)'ll and hollcla,._ nationAlly ob- served. COAST OPTICIANS •••• a.. aa~. ~ ... .._ ..... ~ . ., ...... PrMcrfptioM 1'1lled AC!ClWat.elf oa-PrompOJ ~ Ofn.. " ......... E. H. THJEL.E. Optic-Ian DAY 8CIIOOl. Conrad Richter, M. D. Pt-ewnt Houn: t :JO &. m. • II M~ 1 :10 p. m. • t :IO p. 1D. 1101-() "'. O...tra.l Newport Beeeb ~-llartlor 1401 long ago-the gra~pinJ.t ha nd of the tax cnll ector I ~aches down to the lowel't of income group:-:. and II it always rlig~ cieep. It is th<> averag(' man ant\ woman Mortimer School v.i!:.~AR:v 11~~ of America-not a few hundred millinnair(':-: who 10! (loraJ A"'" Balboa .... Bo..-rarkf'r, 1),\',\1. must pay practically all of the bill:'. And it i:-: not DAV SCBOOL ... us o. Rut .. .t. .. r. o.u 1. " ,.. G. 4. •oaTDI&a. •· &. 0,,.. 1072 S.F.. !\1,... Drho· munlon 11nd prnyl'rs for the tick. 1 El'"J:NT11 DAV ADVENTISTS Comer Bol•a and Old Country Rd. Coetll Mesa Sabbath tchool. Saturday morn- Inc. 9:30 o'dock. Preachln~t ser\'1Ct', 11 a rn. • •• Thr 'OII•h• 1 It ur !'I rl''' rrl•• ~l'nl~ n-o II .. '''I'll' "unci,,, . .l.w :::, AI 7 0:}11 11m tho• o•ILhJ•'o'l Tho Myst •·ry c•C I ••·.otlt · 1\ <nltl111 mr• 1Uln l"l'lllr•· ttl '' <"l1111''"'"r l'h· Til<' public La cordially invited to •ttt'nd the church acrvlcea and uae thC' Rrading Room. f.ln·i~r ::w Sdc·au·t> S u lt j··c·t ·Trullt' · ., , •, h•'\' tJ., .... H afll'to ', \t • liLt t,,,l ,, \1 ti1 .1 l 1ho11 lh H!•'tlt 1 • ' I • 'o I I f I ;-lot II olf1 !olollj: t ,, I' -II lrllflllltlttll I '. I ,,, I 11 h\ \\ "' .... t),,. I dl !t I ! 0 \ ~ ,., t\p ..!_ il •!" l.t·'l. flh H • ., II .~II " ''" h, .. , !• f h tl •• J II f nirth o•f " :-;," \\ "rlt1" wtll lh ' I ••I t l .. , merely a ca~ of payinrr th(' hal'ic cn:-<t:-< nf hit., ~nwrn-.l sow oPr.N tlr-s. 9· 5 llaal). 111~'1 sun. ment. W e mu~t pay. in arlrlition. (lnormou:-~um:-: f m ""......, 'I "0~T \ !'IF.SA th t • -l t' f f ) 1 IL&eeoa aa• 1 R011p. n-. 6()7R; Kr•. liar . 4811 C1•;tturo•1\ '"~" ·•l'lh'l" ttll! ''" flw 1 e crea ton anu perpetua 10n o a wast e u . owr ~•P· ~:;;::::=:========:=;f~===========:: pn11:n"n ''~" tt,. ''.""·"'' t'l""'""· 1 , ' , ... 1 '" 1 1""~ '"·'' rh·· pinN bureaucracy which handle~ the acfmini:'trat inn r ~-"<'Cih• :trl•''. 1\ h·• \1 oil lortf1C , .. ~u· . ' "' ""' II "'"11 .. , '/ ,,. l'lt.\lh A f t t · · tl REFLEC'TI()''t•·1S (\( th,. "'j''''r~ All .tr•· Ill\ tt••c1 tc' 1 t k th•t h • ''' t~· •I' "·•._ ,.,,, n , o grea ('5 lmportanc(', we must pay 1n le mnr('l ,,. w~tn•·•s., hap1,_11111 ,,.1"1., "111,11 .,, .. '"·'' ,,,.,,. ".,.'"""'I'" ~o-r1 precious coin o f lo!'t lilwrty, restrictt>d nppor1nnity,., !'Tot · t.tcatT!4-''"I' '":"•· ,.,,. ~•.:nlll• ,,, ,,,., . .,.,., ·' "' ··t '" "'" ., '•·" ,.,,1·"' ..• ,,,,, ""''~ th I. f I a ,....._ .. f(~ ('Hf111ltflll '"'''''fl' \\f •••• ,~. ·"' oiHf••tll tlh lffl I II t \\'lll rltrnJt'( ,,, l'\t 't\IM~"'\ IH •h.:t;llrt h• '· f: \f\ rl111 lh•' loiHII Ah•IIJt\ 1•u,k e stran~ tn~ 0 ent<>rpri~ in rvcl lHJH'. anrl ;1 I th( ,, ... ttl .... n •· '" .olllflo• "'" Tt·llfflo '"'"''' ,,, •• " '"" -tl• h ...... t Tlw l'f'tlt.:ram ''"'tho "····k ., , .. ltlflt .... , "' "'' ,,... 11\11. IIlii( '"'''''' other burdrn~ that ft,IJow ronstnntlv gr<>ater Ct~ntral-l ~ .. ,. ... ,. ,,,.,, l';j····k· Ill• """I rh .•n '''11111•11•11 folln"<" ·r;ll•·•fln• ,,,., " •. lo \1 <' "''"lift I ... I ln(t. llho r•• "" ltlotu!••, izaf f t ' ,\11 ~o:aolll" h:ll•' rill··• \\'hn ""'' 1111 ... 1 ,,,11.,,,11,1\" 'lloo 'r1w t·~,, patflll••fl< 1'.do,l 111• fl•~oll t I Iotti llpnu h''"""'"'' .. 10n 0 JZOVernmen . I"'''"'"' llllllo'l lfl.; <'),.,,.,, ,,, ,,,. I Uh·· ··f lh· ~;.olll• l'll lo ·I. wh nt of i t~ '"''"I'~ Tho•"' 1111•·•· \1111 11•·· l.o>HI ho:ll•l th•· "'I"' nf Remember that nE>x1 time a politician, regarr11 r~=-··ulo•• lnr 1111\ IIIC .... ·'"'''Ill••"'"' .,,"' 1"'1""" \\ ,,, .. , .. '' ,, . lfllf\S woll ho• all<\\ ··r. rl w. ilfl•''"·" I "' "'· :\ll\1 th•' ~filii ul Ilk ··hilt( f h . d h f 1 l 1 I 1 11 • • '•'l , .• ''-'" llhtt i~,.,,,, •n•t l1•• rr-· ./ "0 I{'(' e :'ee !', sJnj.!S 1:--1'11'('11 -. . .. . -· r." I ". • .. 'I Arr•llli ·'" '""" '"''"' 1·1. ... 0 ls f art\! an t "' f' h k . h ' . I :u'"'."''lt'"""·'J···'~" '''"'""''".\•'''' ... :,•l ttfttt r ... ,, nil!ht lnnllflr\ ~ L,,-',1 ,,,.,,, . song 0 more publi c "crift..::" to t ht• "litt IE' lnnn. ,, Tht• :->I PI' '·•""' lll'o' ,,,, ·•" ,,, II• i .. o'.ll• filth "1"' ''. ·'"" " I Jan. 30· lht' tnrw \\ 11 '' I •• '"" nr I .:. I • ',, •l "·"' 111110 "'' Ifill! h••r· ,... h~ lh•ll "'1:'1:11<. I• tlw ·"''PI t.:•'l111•·111•'n l1 1'-·"' 1'1 •'1\ do·o•l • o· ·•11 \\'Nr;:h in \..-.o·~ So Il l!',·• · Th• n . ''·I thoo """'"" ~11 111 111 ~.ltJah' old .. social ~!&ins" theme may have an attractive ring rli .tl tlh·~ '"'"''''Ill ol,.,, ... .,.;,.·~ l'l.l~ '"' t.;.(IO\o I .... \1'1 I 1'1\ SIIIUrc!ll~' mortllllt.: "' ll llf'll~·k :\loll',,_. ,,, • l 111•111\ th:ot lhf\11 nn I -until the bill i~ presenh•d, nnrl then th€' "little rna n" f ~.~· ;,:.",··;::·~.1,',"" ,,. tho• nrl··· ~"11 111 otlt• ·''•'I' c•tl II J:, ·I f . ;.. will h·· Pf•''""'' rf • n •.. \1 "' (;,~I ·1 11 ' ·•l I ;n.1 :0'111 I hal I II•· " .. ,., •11 t th t k h • .J f J Fl•q:or " llo" ~'"""' ,, c;,.,l nl 1111, ••r 'ht' '"'I '" tltl lll"'llh r• tr uth .. Wl pay, no e vo e S{'(l {'f \\' e.\ prnmtseu ~ l'l'(' GRAUEL CHAPEL ((lrl(o'l. ,,,~ qlfl'<llllll '"" 1\111 lw .\Lory 1: .~1'1 I ·1·1~· ~a.~ .• In "::'o I Party. It i~ really t ime for th {'\'oter t utn· and di::.-1 ~·•·" n· •I II· ""' 1dth "''' 1n 111,. 'J nnsw1•rr•<1 :-: , 1•1'11• • ""ll><f tll• t rh,. ·~,. k th:or tinguish between tht' hnnc:>::t puhlic official. :llHI th(' Tll'& -·•l'fnl.'l ..,'101&41. llla8n'O-'\ All Arl' \\'t'h-11111• ·•' tho• 1\•hlo tho I II. '"'' h•lt•l· -· "' "'"" tor professional politician. 1 .. .,._.., ,._. -••• ' ..... _ Hnur" ~··ro•·-< \\ """ ·'"' ... IIlio! ho ltl It , •• ' \ II ooflly "'I "1'1 'rllllh. th··~ p.A tlw St''! nth·tl.o~ ,\fi,, nlo~t • l'l r• t til•• :<•<' nn•l """I 11 n'l 1 -C"hur'ch. n.,,~,. ~,,,., .• """ ="l"l .. •rl ,,, '"'"'"'''' ,,. tht•) oM\ tho• lt'IU" I Your Grocer Works Hard Hf' tht•n ('it N l a numlwr nf f;H:tor:' \\ hil'll lw h('-nlwt m "•'''l"•rl ll•ll!hl• '·'""" "' ~" lirYf'::' h:l\·(' t't'l\trihutt'd to i twn·a~t·d vffki\'IH"\. ill· The president of a lar~<' r<'tail foud thain :-:~·:4Nn dud in)! laq:t·r ::tnrt':-: <l nin.l! :1 g n •:1t 'ohm1t· ttf ltu~i nt•:'o,.: reJea8ed a year-<>nd yre:'."' ~t.atrmrnt in whirh he :-<ai\1: undl·l' 11 tll.' n1o f. cl irN·t d t"lin"r.\' frnm fann tr1 f:tl't"n· "Nobody ha~ workec hard~t· t h;in vour J!I'Ol'<'r t •• 1\rrp l tn :'t' lrt'. 1!1'\.':tlt·r l'm pha:-:i:-: nn :-:•' If ·:-ot·n i\ r •• :111.1 i ni.l cost.~ and pric{'~ down. Fift<'cn ~·t::us :1)!•1. wla•n yeltr prt\\'c•cl tra ini n.l.! of JWI':'tlllllt'l. spent a dollar in a fnod ~tor<'. 2!\ t•l an <:<'nt~ W<'n t t(t W hat i:-tnh' nf frtt~d i:-trttt' of :til "thr r 1\ilul, ,,f cover the grocer's ro~t 11f doing hu~in<':-:s. im·lllllin~rl n •tailin).!'. :lnd tht· l·hain :-tr ll't':-:1 ... ",.IJ ;t:-indt'Jh'l1do ·nt:-• his profit. Today the~e function~ in man~· ca :o:t'' m:t, han • rnadt• tllitahll' l'llntl'iltut ia •n , 111 tltt' 1,11'11~1 · ~,.' performerl f or as little ns 15 C('l1t..'. W ithout tlw ,.(_ lf iJ.!h prin·~ h:1n• ot·l·urrr cl in :-pitt• 11!. 11111 \,,,.;,\,~•· ,f. ficiency which brOuJ.rht this about. ynu wt~ult1 h(' lH\~·.I n•ta ilin).! polit-y . Till'~· w(luld lt,• mul'11 h il.!ht r ,: Ill 1 ad , ing 10 to l fi cents more for every dm-r:1 's W(lrth uf1 nllt rt't;\ilin).! taken ~nmr l on~ :-tt•p:-: f (IJ'\\ :rrd i11 latt· food you buy.'' I y,•ar:'. MODERN MARINE SERVICE SH,ELL DOCK Balboa Island ., - • Plumbing Contractor . FIXTURES AT . RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER fiEATERS. Standard Brand $25.00 $52.50 T oileh, lavatories and laundry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -Phone Harbor 118&-.1 - 2601 Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ Harbor 681-R Nf'wnnrt Beach ---------_________ _...::...·· .. _ .. __ _ Wlrl.ch• U't a mara dl.ck. sp, ad)u.rbuot cw <;eo.,al o..baul -r. lf repl•~ -~ ~ Ue Deeded - JUQ ...W be piMMCI with 01U ...n~ w~ u e an 'Ao- thart.d '•ctory S.nice llaliaa~-cury Orlqinal Pant, -SpKW Factc:wy Wade Toob u d ov )to 'Cb· t nlC'I are Factcry TraJ.D.d. Ou '""' ~ ,. quuana..d - ud osr pu..... rM.IOCiahl-. South THIS Sill IS YOII IIAIIITEl ~F EJPEil MOTOR IEPIII SEIVICt 01 BRIGIS & STIAnOI USOLIIE MOTOII Company Marinf' and 23rd at Cf'ntnJ (lf'nf'raJ llardwa~ ~('\\'()(lrt Rf'l\4'h 1be NI'WS· "nJn. wW DOt be ..... aponatb~ for ~ than one ~ rect lnaerUon of an advert1Mrneat, ,_,-yee the ri&ht to COITtlc:tb d .. lty any and all acta and to rtoject any advtrtiaement not COO· formln& to ruiH and rtrulatlon.&. •ur •• PUMPS WORTHINGTON P1U:SSURE • CENTR.IFUGAL For all Praaure ~n R.etrlceration m So. Loe Ancetes st .. An&hetra WANTF.n Prh atl' slip for 30' cruasc'r. anywhf're Phon<' York 1051. K M W O<l<LI :'i-4t<' Ul fo'l')f'IT MF.RC\JRY Kt>t•l Sloop Almost n••w, ll'n\·ln~; \\'Ill lll'l<'rl· Cal\.' Phorw Lon~ llc•:wh R'\.1.!\1 !>-:!~<.• P Mnl' 46~ 6-ltr ---------,...----~ GO. an BAIT ~ET $3.'-olt (l(l t'ull t .. •nc L\o nrh 11.'\:lll4 !\·4t.· t'()ft SAL!-; Thur \\ashina.t ma- dlmt• llarloor :l.J;\7 6-ltt' COAST MOTOR CO. t',,mwrl)• All<'n M"tor Co. 101'#1 C'flagt Hi~thway lt.·n•"'" ~1:\:.'-J ·3,g Fw-d Lou!JL' Radio $7:!7 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Bc>aoon 5280-R FOR SALt-: Auto ('()Urt rRhan, f'••p:~rnt•• kltrhc•n & hath. wath \\' A~Tt-:P Hnll~<•a 1'an..:h)' ll.•r- ll(lr 1!171 ~-:'It' Ill 1-.. •rtl ('hal• <'"IIIli' H:ul111 I h•nt. r \;,,.>rt T'ftlnl $!l!l:l ;'~73 Elden Ave .. Coata Meea »tte c All faxturo·s R~>arh· tl'l II{' mtl\'t'<l ~1011. s,.,. 111 f.O!l \'a<'tl'ria St . ( 'n<tll :'\lt•<;a l'ho•n·· n (' fl r 0 n ~>.1fi.\\' ~~·~II' 1tl.ft 0rut~o·r ~r; r\11(1 1 \\'alllll l!t:' I I lll-·fl Au\ ~rho•>n••r ~771WI l!l~ ~i4;(l(l 311-ft ~pt F ash I Mttt·h.-111 '.JS ~.C-.{)(1 :r; 1 le'llk• 1 dt $ml7 1~ YEAR~ SERVlCE TN TilE HAR.ROR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING CONTR.ACT'OR 2'74 r;ast 19th Strt't't Ph. Sea. 5413 C.oJta Mesa, CAlif 30-tfr .... ONAL •• NOTIIT.-F'rom this d11 ll." forwarcl I am not r•·spomuhlo· ror an) d1•hts ront r11ctc•d nt:tnanst or h)' the bofll "Cterni-Jo-An" unlo·~ .. authnrilt'<l lav Aru::i<'n<' Bru~;nntl' or Ant:;lrno• MArtin 5-:?tp TRANRPORTATIOS 141 \VA :"\'TF.n Jlarlo• to) t. .. ~ Am:•· I,<. work an~: huur~ !'I n m 1<1 4 p m Ju~ <'t' Humphn•ys, :1(17 Eth!•·· watt>r, DRi hn:a ~-411" LOST AND FOUND LO~T L:~dws \\r&St "·111'11 ant· 1t:Jio; \" \\' "n hack. aft. rrhw•n Janwrry 1!'1 nn pa .. r "r t .. ·ada Rf'ward P hPno• Annho·am :\7;~) fi-ltf' u NF.AT C'OLnRF.O Cffit. Wnnts W'nt•rnl lanUSC' 1\'()rk h\• 1111' ria~· or hnur. Alsu COQk & <'hauf••re•t · t(' C'nn dn lhf' 1'\'f'nin..: mr11l 113:.! Ray Aw .. Nf'Wj1t'lrl Rrarh Phone llnrbor 14AA-MK 1111k fo1r Wanda. !l.:ltp JANITOR. WATC'liMAN -,\ny kind of work day or niJZht Bc•a · con 59RO. P 0 Rox 1117. Costa MM.<a. Good rrfC'rcnccs. T nm Doyle 5-2tp OF.Al'TJFl'L \\'hill' Aluskan Fm' l'll~•·mhlt• j~tc·k;ot , hnt, muff. si:t•• H : rf'd fnx S<'lll'f ••xt ra lnr~t'. two ~kin~· furs "''''t•r wnrn \\'111 Slll"rifirf' New S[lf'•'rl Queen washo'r. t•l•·rtrk pump. n·u~on. nhll-Aftrr 4 (\0 ~unnyl!ldt' ~ln­ trl. Apt :!14. l)('hand The An·hrs 5·2tp SERVEL Th e G A ~ Hefrigerator Balboa Furniture Store IIlii l\1;ain St . nllllt~>a Phc•n•• ll.orl><•r 11:1 !1-trr t·~~:n RFSTAl'JlAl\'1' STO\'t: In J.:<,.ld ronfi>IIIHl Call at !\tar C"aso . Corne r ur :'\l:irin•• & nn} runt. Halhtm 1-land j.Jtc Watrhf'~ • C'<X'k~ ~ Jewelry ( 1 ITION0~1ETF.RS R.('palring -Prompt Servictt Sensible Pries VAN ' DRTMLEN JEW F.LRY 17R6 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 3-tfc WASHING MACHINES U yo~ don't have one cSo youa wuhtna at BILL'S W ASH-A-TERIA 4~ Newport Blvd, Coata lalaM Ph<lne ~ 5'Tro 1: F Ml:"NEY 71 I Cnu~t I Hwray. ~''"port Rt•nc·••n ~·a~·.w I·Jff' F l.J.lAT F(\n SAI.E t1wnp, rnm· JIIC't(' With <'IIII('J'I'ft' pill' hArlj::<'l'8 !0\c•c• 11 tot :1:'·1 1\u,•rllt \'astra, llnl h.-1ft . Chncl l'wllehdl. Ph. llnrho•r 21·12-\\' ~-tfr Fnn SAI.F. J.nw~nn pump Aml hAlt tonk rurnplc•t••. ~7500 Ilk•· Ol'W, nny Ol.ltrlct llllrdwnrf' Co n nl bland 83-ltc Boat Maintenance Repairing and Frederick Yacht Co. 1.21!\ Coaat lllway, Nl."w port 1-"h.)nr IK'IICI•n ~15 ROAT nnOKF.RS 1Ml'8U'AL • RADIO I& SPLO \'OX '!11,. nr~-::an ynu N t11 nttn1·h In any pt.anc• \oml' nnrl h••ur II. nllni-SC'hmlrlt PlnrlO In 5:.!0 No. Mnin, Snntn An:•. J.tf<- nAnY S PINET -no•t.,y Rol88 S w<•N tnn~>. Nt>w. Nnw only ~347. Otrnz-~khmldt Pannu Co. 520 No Ma.Jn. Sar1111 Anll T<>rms. 3-trc STEJNW A Y G RANO -T'l'rfN't l'OndiUon. Gor~o:rous. S&\'c at l~>ast $1 ()9(1 ov('r n~>w prtN' D11nz· Schmidt Piano Co .. 520 No. Main S anta Ana. Alao amnii 1izc: Stt>inway mirror IYJX' llpinl't 3 -tr" '11 1'1\m(lll!la t 'hato ('o11ljll' H•·11l lo •.at.llo 1 llt•IHol•t•·r~. H~~tllca. h~~., t •'f' $l :!H l .~; '···'~·· I 'HIIjW' $H77 '11"1 l'.u ·lo. 11 d 1 IP ~1 ele•<>r s.ol.on .. f:;ulw ll··at.·r "\•" ~•·111 l\ovt'rs ro-'t•\\ p IIIII ~lin ~hntlo• Tha, ",, k!' , ,.,.,, •t•·•'&:ll to~tr.:nln $W.t7 :u; ''" 11111111h 1 ua A ~·uPtl \" ••t k Stdolll o·ar ~ 1 !I:; 'I l ~lit• I• h.tl.• 1 ( 'h otnph•n t'tuh c·'"'l"' ( '' ,., 11& II•· '""' R :u tw $11 !l5 \OA~T MOTOR CO. tw irl !()(If! ClltiSI lla~hwtty n f'nf'tln !'>O~.J -........................ __ '46 Hlli\K C.-ttr S ltP ER 'l·DR SEDAN. Two tone cray, ratlio. hratnr. ~t'nl rovrr11, like-nc•w Lt~!i than 11 ,(1()() mtlf''tl $2600 ca~h Phnnr Laguna Tll'ach 4343 diiY· timl'. 5-2tc WlLL Takr <'are of rhild in my ---------lT-tfc SPTNET plano for rc-nt , 6 monlha n•nt allow('(! whl'n you buy Dlinl·Schmldt. Santa Ana. J.Lf<' FOR SALE-19-16 J('('1l, oomplat.a C&IIVU top Q sJdl'S, X1nt. tJ.ree, paint & m~hanlca.Jiy Ph. Har- bor IIR-J. 9'7-tfe homr durin,; t he day 40c hour or S2 00 a day. Har bor 446· W. 3-4tc WORK WANTED-Ironlnc ln nu a.ome. Plaln or fancy. 530 San Bernardino Ave.. N P w porI Hetghu. 28-tlc DIPLOnncJ~~T orraum • FIREWOOD CHARCOAL & BRlQurt'S PROMPT DEUVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Ntwport Blvd. COSTA MESA Beacon 5885 SPINET T)'JX' mirror plano Rc- poucslt'd. P1y ba lanet> Tl'rms Anoth<'r for $195. Dlln7·Sdamldt P lano Co. 520 No. Maan. S11nta An~ J.tk BALDWIN mad~> IIPIIIt>t typt• mar· 11 FOR SALF.-Tc'ar drop lrallf'r box trAIIf'r h ox ~pran~ mattrc-ss , siN'ps "' o plar•• f••r rlothes, ~tOW', tahlr gror••r u s 1'1<' In· QU&rf' nt AMO<"i:~tr O il Stntlon Pnlm tt C··ntr:.l, Jl:!lhon •l-211' WA!'\TEO ~tun Cur profatahlt 83-tlc ror piano F.llangtnn modr•l Only ---------------------------- $295. Tha!!ls 11 lo\'..ty lnstrumc•nt. TRA TLER OWNERS!! Rnwli'&J:h hu~tn··~~ Prnduo•t~ wo •ll known Rc•nl npport unit) Writr Hawlt•a~-:h's, P•·pt. C'AA· !>!Vl-119. elak h•nd. Cnltf. 6-llp W A!\'TEO-Founlnl:l t:irl 1!1 yi'Hr~ or ovrr. Call In J)('rson Mf'~A Mnlt Shop. 1770 Nl'wport nl\:11 .. ("o~ln M<'~a . 5-2tc Plenty of Good Tires All Sizes Compound Motor Oil Gallon, 10e Western Auto Supply AuthoriZA'd Dealer Danz-Srhmidt Pan no C,Q . 'l'h" \\'E Jt ·~T < lJ'ENEn llomr or the Wurlit7.f'r, :;:.lo Nu. Th£' M o~t l\t ndern Main. Sant& Ana. :\-trc TRAH.EH COURT BALDWIN GRAND-Fan~> e~1ndi-in Oran i.Te County tlon A Ia o tramllton grnnd. "" Another IJJ!It'ti grand only $5R'). A Cnmplrtr l"rl\·nto• nnthroom Tt>rm11. Danz·Sc.hmldt Plano .:'u. On F.nci1 Lot Santa Ana. !>:tO No. Mnln. 3·1f<' Lnr~:r Lllundry nml llryin~: Ynrd Nrw Wnshin~: Mno'hinrs F.XPFRIF.~C'F.O \\'(IJ\1;\N Want· I'd for p;~rt tam•• nur~l'r)' work Call no•nron r>(l!)7 ror intl'r\'lf'W & IIPIIOintml'n t !i-2tc• 1836 Newport Blvd.. Coata Meaa 11-tl• FOR lli!NT •• I" I lft RE:":T Fur rll .. lh'ri '" n h•:d. room ( lro•:on Fnmt 1\\:u l/,hl• F..t• I to .\t:.v 31 unl\ H••Hinl ~IINI ('all ll.artwor 1!1:\'l .. f "' u•~:waa H1•nrh ~~>li f•·lto· ~up('rior Trai)('r Port Cornf'r :.>1~1 St & 'l'll~lin Ave C'OSTA MFSA WANTED TO BUY II JlOl'SF.KEr.PEll \\',\NT(:; n. Will Pay Ca.'lh N('w homr Jlr&\':111' room two school ac•' o·hilrlr••n. C••lrl -nl.,ry 235~:1 C1a\' St . tn C'ltiC I I :own tr:art, n<'nr h11:h ~rh1><1l. ~''"'J"1rt Rt-nrh :l·21p For your furnl~ ar wttat you Phone Beacon 5656. havt :Tfl, .I •He I( ·~1 II nil""' r .. , ,~, nl :l:' 3 Blnrks F.ast of N••wt~tlrt ntvrl fl·lll' FOUNTA IN GIRL GUNDERSON DRUG Balboa Harbor 516 4-tf(' \\'A NTEP F'ormnn Cnrprntf'r op- l"lrlt&nll~ fnr fir~t rln~< mnn \\'rt!t• Bt1X "B" r n "'""'~·Ttnw~. 6-ltp W A:"'TF:fl Arrhato•rlttrnl IJrnft~­ m:~n. rnuo;t hf' r rrnlh'f' ~· t:;oX\d on Jlf'rr••rtl\·r r••nrll'rlnt:;s \Vritc- Bnx "F'" r 'o N!'ws-Tim~>s. n-11p \V ANTED Chid rnJ;InN•r , rl ir~~>l lict·n~r. ROO II 1". nr O\'e•r . Jlt'frr- <'nrC"s. contact ynrht. J . n Cn\'a- nnuJ.!h, City nurk t"o li Con~t Highway li·ltp •.uz IIJ80II:I.LANICUI • Si lver Plating \OPPER. nnASS, C~LD PolishinJ: & R• rina~hanJ: Raysid(' Plating Co. 1~14 llnrjl(lr nl\d CllSta !\tl'sn. C'nhf . 11rll<'nn !it 13 Crawley Furniture Co. IRI2 Newport Blvd , Coata Meu 92-rfc CASH for USED .fVmiture & Appliancee "W.-Buy Almoet Anything" GRANT'S Phone lka. 5707-M 1645 Newport Blvd.. Colla Mesa • «2-ttc. rtJllN'JTUR& Foa s.&LJC n Ff111 S A LF.-1:\ pif'CI." thing rnnm rurnilurr cnmplt•tr G (' r t r u d e Swrl'ne•y, 2:10 P<'llrl. R11lhoa hl- nnd. Anyllme hrfnrr 10 :30 n m , nr nfter 9 :00pm. • 5-2tc FURNITURE REFINISHED AS YOU LIKE IT KEN GRENSTED 21311 Mlnl'r Str~t COSTA MESA Phone Hsrbor l 07()..W F'OI' Esttmatf'5 On Guarantl'i.'d Work 99-tlc fi·t fr --------------:-:---~-WILL TRADF. my tah)P top WMit- Build i n~ For Sale • :"F.\\' pro·-fahrarf!lr tl R J.:llll~•· ~IN 1 ' hld~ :?n'x2tl'' l '..!' Q11om~t·t t H"'· ln~thous!' rlf'Ctric range fnr ga.~ t11hlr top rnnr::r. Sf'e &t 428 Avo- <'llflo. C'ornna d1•l Mar. J.4tp R na fl Go'no·rnl f-;lrctrlc frl'('z<'r. ~tall in rrntr. ~2fi~,' Nf'w priCf', J..1H.!".O Call ltnrh•lr 2211. 3-Rtr ~l11r>n• A" . H:.tt ... a ''land Ph Jl;n h .. r ~''"· \\' il·:!IJ! AT C'Ofll1~i\ 1•1-:1. MAR " Hf'dl'oP m Home FI 'H~JSt 11 '11 Thiq Jo; :o 'l;ac·c· t ln .. up:erlnu·nt .'•'·•• ruuntl ur \\lf1'••r '"''' lin~ ,,. r I<'• .on 'I•" l'h•1111• Jnck Grc'<·n·· ll:~tl••• ::~>i l \\ fi.tfr $7!HIO I APAnnw~T Fl •ll HE:'\T l·:t ~ BPcl mnm J\t odl·l'n H oml' ;\J ar:atln 3:l·t Mau an•· ;\\'1'. il:altl<1a Stllt111 nl I 111!111\ "' • :'llruay 11"' • I I~ I :anti P hnnt• II :11 h .. r !\ 11{ \\' f•·:H 11ro.,o II :a"'","" 1 fl• •"" 1 'rut f.-:!lp h••ut ~~~--~------------~ Fl tit JlF:;>o;T 131 ll:olh a:a C'nrman rio I .M:ar AA:O Ot'1 11 111Hnth l 'ntlla- 11•·" an•·luelo•n '..! lwolr 1110111~. fatr· 111~11··11 t\\;ctlnhlo• IJIIIal .Juno• l!'i To·lo•phl\no• Ptt~llllo•nn ~Y ·fi750R. fi. If r FIIH RENT Al"lrlmo•nt, :1 rt,tom & ttl•• hath Aclults nnlv 1~!30 l\1ar;amrtr l tr , Ralhna · 6-llr J--on RJ-~NT Lido T~l<' n11 y Front Curnashrd npnrtrrwnt Wintrr rr•nt11l Sl'l' Mr Sirlwrll Apt. "S" Harbor 27:.!0 :v.;; VIa LIdo Soud . 4·tfc $1 n.:~oo 2 RC>dronm Home c In 11no• I ~11 11orru• nnd tr ... onw $17.:>00 LOT ~ -LOT S South nf l,:oa:ur~a ll<·lu'h V1rw "' (It'":'" $f.7!i Reautiful Occ•an Front I LHrgr Si7r. South 11f ""'IIY ' :'\H'ELY FI'JlNJS IIt:n llC)(JM & f>rl\nlr hAth, rrlllld SC'rVICf', ~''' fltl p<•r m onth. nnnunl 113 P1·nrl. naJho11 bhtnd r-...t rr W .. J. HOTJ'O:\JR $2oon I ~I .I Tf'l~(; Jl()();\of F••r :t lntlu • t.~17h C'o:~~t Ill\\ :I~. ( 'orotl t •I•' ':·" •·rnployrcl. Pri'AI" hr•rn•• p ( 1 ' \' ton • ,thr Fln~:c Fl~.. r. I• llo•\ I I I, natl~•:t "• '''It ~---------------·-~....:.' 111 •1 '~1-I n P :olm Sl'ra n~:• l"r <ol• \\'JLJ~ RF.~T Fnr f• yr11rt~. hu~inl'ss "' lratlr lnr 11ntl"''' "' II o11 .. , • nr fartnry ll.rntaon M I 7-'lnr l•lhn•l Phon< IJ:arlo"t '.)'< \\ '1.'1 follx!l,1 ~ \\'rill' Tl<I'C ".1" ('I n !\t.orinc· A"•. 11all•••:o 1•1-ot•d ~t'\\"i· Tlmrs :1-4 • 11 r • .:•1 .1 nEnnnn M 11o~n: 11111hw1 tsl- ""d .)ftn 1:1 111 Juno• l!tt Ph .. nr ll:crl•or l l~i-;\t :l-Ifo' t't:!1 1'~ 11ft' 1n ~. \\ r•'t 1 J 1, r ''' t F( IH Jtr-:~T S•'IJ'IIIItf' furnlshNI /Oif1t •I r •• r olllpll \ hHII•IlH' ~·. I Patt('l'1'on':" Lanning ·,'l;j (~·"I 11 11\'11\ :'\T\\'1'1 lHT J\1',\C'It I h"''~"k•·•·pan~; "'""' Ph llftrl10r ""' o x• •·11· nt '"" ,, '!r~• 1'1 _BO_A __ ~_._·_"_n ____ Pr_r_.rrs _______________ ., I I'll "' anqulrr 123 30th S t., II· 1 ... ,111 ·,71:1 f< . ,, '""''' 1\. S:\11'1 !1:u•ktna,: :"0 :.!1':~1 l'OII••I• ~;(•\\(lotrl flfi·lfco ''''" ~>77'•·1! I i • ,.,.r,.lttl"" :\'"' II '"'''r ~· C'H'• r .. MUSI':\' T() L()AN a& • r ' -nil• ll.o!l ... r .'l ~.t -~1 r. ""!' · ' ' Ltdo lsi•· \\ :1t1•r )· J'r&l1t rrarlaralh "' 1\ ' •• ,., .... tal'( \110'11>1111 f"lt int't 1 I Hltl)'!• It• \\ lfh :til :tl• I H hl1lo Ill• l'&&o•o• !-.'•'II If> l'hHilo lf:rrb"r ~·1 •• 1 "' "' .or 1.'1 1, ll••l anlro•j~ "'' ('"' n 1 tlo I \l.11 tt ... 'ft Fnn ~.\1 .1· :>ot1,.r .• ,, (;",."'"•>~t S1 ol:&ra 'I"'' rlll•11 l, f"''" r•·rl \\&th e'lan•l•a "'""II 1nfl l'tfl"l'f'''! \1 II )I .''1, \\;,I I ''"JI 1 ll ~h· •f• t:11lo" •• ,, "'" 11• ,. ... , 'l'lll.l< ~ .. ,.. '" ol\1 "' r oonl.\' ::::~I HI J ltarl•or f,l \j -INS·URANCE - • FIRE • Atn'OMOBn.E • YACHT e COMPENSATION J.t •A:-.1S Tl ) lll'JI .11 huv. amprovl', rPnd••rnlll' .. r rl'fannrar:-· W p pur·l "'\\'1 lll'/\I'Tit-1 '1. 1 t .. •Ito '''" <'hrt~" tru•l •lrl'rlll 1 """''' .1 f11 ll t, 11h• " • 11 1 • "' :"E\\'J•(tJ!T Jl.\l,J1( 1.•\ f'FI lf-:fl/\1, 1•1 II t1• dr oo )( /1, flo I \\ II ''· SAVTNr.~ 1ft U Ji\fo; AS~:-; lo •ttl'• l••r "l ~t•Jii• I" ·t•· 1° •' :1:1:1~ \'an t.acl•1 T'h Hu 1:r,r~, I I ••l•1" "' ""f•l•·\ • • H •1" • '' :\.'\ lit· f"•' 1 rl ,,,,.. 1"'" v IJ I, ', 1 ----------------""'•d• f f tl 'r, r ,,,..,. JJ) ,. II 1r If t 1\\ '~ Yl 11':"1; ~I\:\ ;.. ... "' '<I~~•• I•• •t:u t n•" '"""l'"'~ l11r J111rhnr :tl'll ln••r•"''"l: pr.,l at .,h1111nr pl:~n \\'tar•· llu \ I " • r, ~ .. ,,,. T am• !< 3 '<tp I ,\f'Tfi"'OTI\'E ct TIRr.J4 U I ••H-.\1.1 1'i lll1ol \·l•rTrt~l•r rr1frtt.r ~··l:en '·'""() truulttt '" •q_, •• '·. " ··~;t ~. ll<lh ~· 'I •• p tit -. ·''' I'H f\' J\1 '\' ..! t.f rlr,.,..,,.., hont• on r • tr •• r J,,t ft~ ,, rrrrnt ....... l'ln·· •• u k \ lffl ,.,,,Uf•l• It 1\ (t Ol t tl ttl J1 t , I '• "furnkf• r .. ,,,, rH 1 .. ttl~er ,1h J .,,, .. f ., .. ,, , .. \\,I IU I' t'olll!t <&"n lnmv '""'' h \\111 1 ,J,, I"' mrotil'l o•:ar II' ft:ol I tlf!\4 n Jtfl\ • rnont ~ •• tha~ l"d:n CO HONA DEL NAR • NEwroar BALBo.t NEwa.ra•aa Page 7 ----Tllt'M~Il,\" Nr"pnf't ...._""· C'aiU. .1 .... tt, INa _ 3·1t.•ltr.~•ul Stu'"' 11<>1111' In NC"''' -- ~"1' 111 n F li ii~IIW A Y ~t u)'ot :-\,•11 at Om·r A Ill-\l JII L L :\1~\\ J l>t>tlf'l"~<lfn ho•n • I ol• 1• u· t;ur.•a.:•• t•nthl n.t rh} .. ._ •• ". \\ 11h .... h ....... lt·th'l\ I Vt lit I H ,,,""'"' I th'' :': 1 tl.:"-~at) 1:1. \I.., 1• I I I I 1\\ 'I ll \I. Ftt~ ":tl .. I:." ( hrtl<·r fl.') 1\ 1'\\ 1 • l:t 1•1:• h ''I t ~o•a~o· ha '\ '''\ j ~ ' J t h"' \ , 1 "' r n I. \Utk l'llh II I I ~, ,, 1•'11' \\ "" I rnh.•• t , , ,, • ,, f, .. l, 1 ),,,,., t•d H11>.1dt I I ' lit ""'-"·\.II \ \dt ~~ ;&o '' • I I It I I o 11 o '"'' 1\, I ) t••rt llo•a,,ht' Th,'t'o fino• '''" ru~ plll!tto•r lto.l(lo•, t11r.:•• II\ rm tal.• •tnl.. l:1r1:•· l<ltdwr~ unit "'" .,.,, t••&o h I• olhtuh ruul •tr•ll ''""' ,., '•·n• 1•1tnll<~ 111111 otr"l"-.. oll•l 11,.,,, , ""'' <'l'lrl'•'tl'd 1 hn1o'llt d U1\I l UI e. ... ,. tlf\ t,,t "~1\ 1:.r; fUUI lo '" lh Ill II \t'Oll ""' !110111 h\ ,.,11llft•I•H ft't hh '"''' h1•""-, \!'1''"' '••-1 1\111 1111\tllo• 1't11 I~. I \:I.\ I( I 'I u'"~' ,, 17•• n '-1,,•\\ tl II\ ll1l"'llttfl1• Ut ••1\1\ ' .. ,. :\1altkl'll l 'pnw r n uplt''X I ·~ 'tl thl.· '· H,'llht•t th .. til ,·,1~1'\ ~tt -.:\ t'"" H·~•tl ,tt•n'" t'llt'h 'iht \ .•• l ift ,, .. 1'"""" ·1·· "''"" •, I •"\ II \I 1111111 \1• 1'\;TII HAl.PJI 1'. M:\:-\1\fo:Y 1111 \\ t 'o•lltaal/\\o' • un ·, ;•1 t: :l ,(,· \ :\It• IN COHONA DEL MAl~ Stll.dl ·~·tt ttlflllh llWIIt,lr<'ll t:o~<~l ''"'''' Fo•n''"' J':&li•• Full Pn~c$7;;ooo 3-lkd ~''"'Ill ll e~nll: J l ''·""' ..... """' .! •!all'\ ""llh' \\ ilh 'h'\\ ""''"·" Pill•' llll•'tiPr '''lthT 111 •'1''·''" S.•tlllt nl lluzll\\:t~ $11 .7;;oo J Oli N E. SADLFIR. Hcaltor S!:llllo•~ A Sn11th ll:llo•l 1\t ( 'n11d11n Jo'1m •l 1\tulli~n n A\-.,ll·talt• l kukl'l~ 'I We I t WFI< 'I·~" I:'-: < '< ll(( J;o..: A I WI. M A H 1:111;1 Ill' Iiiii n~ast Jl igll\\'11~' llllrlw>r j .IJ I'll' :.!·1:.!:! ...... fi,J.fc' BRICC.S REST •• AllYS \\'1\TI-:It F ltOl\'T 'lltc•liltlP I'OIIag.-1111 N c•wpnt1 lllry. Ju.o;1 ri~hl for a c·oupl•· a nd 11 hoa1. ~;,,nuo TR.A II.I·:H I' J\ HK Sl1r:-XU f,,.., nn N ••wport Hlvd .. appt~l~lltt:l h•l~· XOO fc'l'l clt-.•p. 1 Bl'SIXI·:.'\S OI'I'OHTitNrt11·~~ ~'~t llhnt~· l.w11 ·h R(JIIJIII. m"""~· ma kt'r; lcmg '""~·; "1J' rvnl .. 'I,C IC MI. BF.A IT Y S ll(ll ' :1 tlrwt~: '!. dtair~: un btt'!\' h lt,.•k BnJhoa J,J:tnrl. :1-y r. lt•a~·. ''''"~~'" a l opt . ind . :1-rm. up! mak ..... l1 "' n •nl 1;/'f·ttp ~:1.:!;1( I. Sec Us Ahout Cit y Tax Lots Fred HRIC.GS Trcs~a I'll. Htt)>, l~·tt. :117H . It••..;, llrtt'. 2·171i I;. It I' BALBOA ISLAND f .. Room H om<'. IJf':t rt of l.lttl(' l11lnnct. Wnlkln~ tliR· IHn<~· 111 'h llf!:", :1 ht'flt'l)(lnls, '.!. hn ths . l'm t••r1y in fin(' a•o ncll1 !1>11 RALROA RAYSIIORES Rtrv :"1 l\\' Jo'( •I! \'I It 'H Sl ':'\ntJ-:1< \'r\C'A'I10N $:1.1HJO dt•\\ 11 1'\t•\\ hortlf"'. Jll'l\ :tit• hc •ltdt, h il.:hlv tY'- slridt~l ~·.ar ol••l:ail, :u ul .a r•t••uat""'"' o :all.. Mt· Thont;..., :tl H••:lo-.•11 ;,j l~ ( llli<•o• .at 111.&111 t.;:tlo• ''1"'11 d:til~·. CO RONA DEL MAH R -;~ huilcli111: '"'' Gnocl valtu• tllll!l'l ... ,,,.._ 1\\'(1 2-h•-.11'"1111 """"'' I .:tiV,t• lt\'iOI! l'llf>lll'. (,.,.,, ... 1 nil' lw:t lill~ ''''''Ill :"tc'l' \ ro•w $13./~11 an<J $14 .:?.~0 FOR Tl W B I·~'-\T Ill'\' I :" ('OHCI NA I>J·;J. MAft- Sc..-• lhio; I•·Sillliful ( ';If•' ('rw l ::.tw.,.l rt,.,nt ltottll' l.lii'J.:f' livinf;! reNHII :!till lr:tlh :end · ,· ... ~lt~">l altr:wl h·~· NOW IS T lfl·: '111\11 ·1~1 I.IS'J' YCII 'B I·:M ... ~I't·:lt, Sl'MI\'11-:H A:'\1) Al.l. Yt•:AH HI-:1\:TJ\l.S NEWPORT ISLAND CANA I, ~1~c 11\"1' Nf'w :!-IX'(froom honH• ~~ h l!llr. agf'. :lo II lot Yow· 'own privati' halhin~: l~t •:wh. Price $1 fi,OOO. Terms. Newport Island lots $3 o 00 a ml u p RALBOA PENINSl i LA Fil'lf', Ill'\\ :.!-1·~'' CJIIIl l "'•1111' HI ,. l'fq,j, ,. ""~~'"'"II'· hO(KI. Sl11c·o·•• l'llf1..,1t1t• t 11111 1-'lti'JII•II'i' .otu l f'·""'' r·.ay hl'al . , ... ,l'lt:a ll hlt11d, ~ 111 1 I'·" ·•I.!•' t·:rw lt.N·d "'lla••nt pn I iu. l.i·l 1" '"' "' ~ ou I h j, 11111· Balhoa P c rttrt\ttl n l()h I NCOME BALBOA N.-w. ne~·:an l··1·••nl Tt q •l•·' l ••;t~•tar~tlh llll tll'l''"'· trt lhp "''''~~''''' llo&l'll ld ,.,. .. 1111 •11 Ill'"''' ,\trtll'lt•o rll•· :and 1111111111' t~·.cd.\ ''' 111.,\•· i11t" Sacriftc<: for quick .... ~~~L' etl $~1 .71!11 - 1.< n .. 'It II· I I J .t , I I ' . . z .. n.' ~\Ill til I !II , EARL W. STANLEY HI-.AI.'I' Ill C 11 V F. It I N (; c; H 8 A T 1: R "< t: W 1' I I R T H A H II (J R 3113 W C'f-=--TRAL l~tll ANn IRVlN"E STS. NPWpt>rt I'W>ftrh N(.owJ"'rt ~ Tel: llarhor 1013 T tL ~ 511N II&ALUTAft a aaAL ..... Aft • -------~ RAI.AOA W . Central Ave. ~ h,-.lt·oum htmu'. lttt11i,.j11'(l; fit''JIIn"'· tfntthlt' a.rur· Ill.!<' \\ lth l111~,. tYII.~ll nlN1\'<' h~c·nh'<t In I! :! Zntlt' Lut :11 • rt ~~~ 1t •:.• n ~ n .oou oo . SOl ITII COAST HEAI.TY I NVES'll\lE NT C0.\1PANY t:''" ( ;"~•lo·~. lio'.dlt•r l ht1itll''-' flJ'JIPI'IIIIllllr•J' ~ll>tllo• H C.;, 11111..,, l ll,t ll .ltto~· H.•al l·',t.ak H"•J,,.,. .111"'1'111111' \\ ,.,,,, I :c•:a I I til' ,:tr.' \1.1 i11 :--;'""'t 1\.\l.Ht '·' l 'h ll :al'l ~olr ~11:1 1 li -lh· ON F OF Til F COOl> Bl IYS !\:t•\1 . 1\~1111,\ h t111'C' C'\ll'.l fltt\;t• :.• l'lll').!lll'!l).!t', :_& lll'(f• l't~llll'. "''"· cltllilll' "'"'Ill ,.,,. 111111'111" ''"''!1 111111 ,.fft•t')l c'\11'11'"'' ha\ and '"'',til ''''" 1\l $1 :.'~1(111\)C\ \m· J'"'\1'1111'111' ,;llaf Je .. ':&ll~ttl ntfl't' t)lt• t>JIJ1t >l'1tt11Jt y .;ht' II loll\'<'1' '" "•all/1' .1 1'••~t l'"•ftl '"'"'· '"'••rluuk itrg lht• i\ "''""' tl'l111 :1! 1:11Pll \'110:\\' ~1'1'1-:.-; i\1\:11 I.IS'I'I NC;S For f h•• rl~o:h f lr'I('H tluns. ~'•' llln\ 1'0\\'EHS, i\~:c'n f • • 1111 rhor fi2· \V j. 'A . REEK'S Of-f-ICE J \/II I NIH F c•n ·y I .mutlrt~ H-ltc LilY TAX I.OT BAHGAINS ( 'ltc-.·k t'llll' Jl.,.t of ( 'tl y TJ\X lots \\ hldt hnw jtt'll m 11w IIJI few hlcls. Mnn~· t'\t'\'llc•nt \' Al.lli-:S. Newport I fci~hts $fl.~()() ~·IK"CI111Ufll htHllf' :.! V""- nJcJ ( •nn '"' hunf'lll'fl . ror llli lillie• IIJC !$1 !"l(lll ttc)\vn. (; f. I nun O( ~i,!\()() llCIW 00 I"Tlf••rty. llnf. nt 4'; I Ralhoa l~land m C1 .0SJo; AN 1-~'TATF; :\-tw-.troncu humc• In llNt lnc·~tllnn.. 1-:x,,.lJc.nt t'Oil· dillon. Harhor Hcl~ht~ ~B .OO mo. RHANll NJ-:W 2-t•odmum honw -Vl'f"Y ntlrftt-'1.1ve ck\t&IIKT~~ -ln(l.'f' luf :\,400 rluwn. httl. "' 4 ~ lntrt"Nt. Store Rentals C"n nlt•r lcM"ntlon -C"F.N- TilAI. AVJo; .. flC'Br Nt;w ('lty !lull. A I *~ l, c )(,...Ill t-·t,.IOt t'Of'- twr lt•·ntlon, N c•\\111H1, A I _-.;o. Owrwr will hulld fo ,.,,II h•nant ' . hln<•k r"rn Nl·:W nty ihtll. SPECIAL! City I fall and Jail Now Fur Sale Yuw· n pJitWftlltlt y to Sltfls f,v llff''" umhlflon- ...,,., 11.'1 1111!1 11111kc• )'114 11' f,Jcl elfl old ( 'lty JI11JI """ ·'""· 1111 hl,tude·a l n ntlqw·. nffc•r'l~l ro r Ntlc• h.v lll4• C'lfy HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTOHS :lOth nt W. C't'ftlml Av.-2'~1 Mn r1flC' A YP, Newporl l~•ltt'h I filr. H'.OO r\,.Jt w lfl l!>~lllt~l IIJtr. n :u li-1tc W'AHHEN M I<I·:AI. I·~...,TATI·. Bl iCI fA NAN I NSI IHI\N C'E S1~1'icl M J\ 11114, Sltl•-.. l701 1 • 1"\o•\\ p rwt A\c• ( ·,,..,111 Mc~l. l'h 1'-•llt,lfl fi4!'72 COSTA MESA N'"'' :1.rw.,.l r m . lto llu·: hll"gf' lot . l!'•od Jql'lel l""· ~7000. J·:u~.v lt •r111'1 H J\ N( '11 1111 ;, 1\t'"'· e·o lltjlll'lt·l,\1 tft"Vt'lllfll'fl (t "'' fl'l1n'fl ;H'I.It/111 111"111', :1-l"'lf"tl k'11C"'I h tJU-"1', 11-PifltJI h11r11. f;wk n.,.1rt1 :tnd '"""~'· 11; pucldt.,.•k" suul r~u­ lu tiClf\ 1<1t•IW ,, ... .,, ,., ...... lltly tl'll-.1 rur IW'.IIIrtllna( ~l;t lalr C Iii M~ltts J.:IJ witlt l'~'"f"'I'I ,V. Vc•r·y l(t;r;rl lt.rt1t· 1 lrm stdjat'Mll t•1 pm\'l'tt ,.,11 rlt•hl l'rlov'() l u ,.,.IJ. JN< 'I l~tt·; l'l<e Jl'l<f!'I'Y tl lltttl-.. ftmu>ohf'rl or Wl· funu,ht"l 1 °11il..; ''"""'"'I~ r•·11l•'fl <;,woe I l••nllnls, J>dr-.-.1 rh,:ltt . 111 '1'1.1<:'\ ;,,.."'"" :r11d h ttllt llll'lll'ft 111111 ltl4•;tl for ftt•flll' 1111d n·11l11l V o•r'\ 1\o•ll lo~t•:t lt'1 l 1 '1'1•~· ~!(at.IU, 1-:ltH,V ll•f'lll' Tlll!l<f< t:t :IJI((WI:\t~. la.rtol\\•oc~l di1111 1~ /OMIIII~ l';aq ~·f•.,) 1\I'Pial(l.t'>l :.1-e·:ar I':H'.IJ't , r~t••·tol.a•·" '-XI :-,111111 "'"''~''· "' lrw i&lld r·•••111 l1.a • I( v:orl (, ~- W'<.: .. A ppn:l'l;l I L' y ;,,". I I ()II I (. Sm:a lllt••ll •·. • I l .. wk ,,, f.,l l l rrlta.,lt•~l. ••II l '•'"'"''''·' 1'••1111 t ·l··nt~ •• r ,,.,," t•o ·"'" ,,,, , .• ~~~~~ Ca rt;d I 1111111,; 'J'o lt•lll IIIII tl .IIIII!· A p.ll l n t<:lll I Ill ( '•·nit .) l•11 t••lll 1111ltl .lauw .... "STU" DUNLAP , ........ "' '" f\·ltr· \\',\ "\ ·rn • ~mnll rl• r,n rar fnr ra~h P () l~1x 311-1, ~rwport Bt•och. 5-2tc ;,ir(l :-.;AftclSSt'S A \T. ("I !nil!'\ A llF.I. MAll t7tla IIDd COAST Jfwy. 2'J5 MAJUNF: AVE. 815 COAST HWY Hcwpoort O..C'h O.lbne uland \.arona del Mar j. 1>. Bl JHNJfAM !'i-2tr Tel: Deeooft 57f.lt Tel . )i&J1lor 1776 TIH HArtxlr lMIJ Be Wi.ae -Adv~>rtD. fj.Jtc ~.101 ( ""'"" Hl vd J f.t r l t()J' :w; 5-4tc '' .. \ ~ P••e 8 NKWPOaT BALBOA !f8WI·TI••• FAC Bridge Section 'Raising lees' to ~ 'I'IIUUDAY N!!!JIW! .._., <lalll. , ... n..JMI Stock Market Continues Lessons Provide Home For • Need Dimes For Polio J Jllchway. We aald that befort> At ·a Glance 'f'h•· nru.l~c st>CIIon of Ow Fn.,Boofs cS SodrJle Club 11/.a&o. '11/JJ. TIJ~=~~ad trophy for pr1u 150'-''ll) i\flt•rnuon dub ""'~11 ~· for \t.·miN•rs or the Mesa Boots .. P .,_ 11 Am T..J & Tel , , J,l'<• rl lunrlwon "' 12:30 Jan . to any strickt'n J)('n.on throu&h 8 .. u_... sayln" C~ to et~ ....-a . nv.-nc-r "-nltdtlln p,,,.,,,,. Ji ll. I II I t tlon ~.t<l•llt < luh ~an thetr nt'w d ub .. ~ ,....,. , .. "' •~>~ 11 1 ~ ~'"" 111 ns rue b1 · lhl'ir local chap. t<'r . .I or the 45 foot TARLEI. who &Jon~: 175•, -. l • 'II be . ,, II tll)flo•r the-k>adt'nhtp or For- with ~Vt'T)' m,.mbt-r or hia t'Xten· 1Ju1•mt ~p. :\lr' lll •nrlt,. < ,ntl'l ""'1 con· 1, ,1 1•,1111 hy vuling to lt'al!e 10 With the notional fund I.'X· W~ atoppt'd by 717 Cout Hl6th· slvr ramlly hu su!fHrd from t hr C.·n••rt~l :O.Iut"1 -.,. 4:~~ tu•u•·d "1,, ,,f h•nd at llamHton stri'N hausted and so littlc-In thc-local wa,y yat~rdlly, 111 th<' sUfUteJttun "LoA An&t'les 01~~ ... S nid P ••tc-, Gftoflyo•ar 4:1..,. 1 1•;'1'''~ '.'"' s''~ :rtt•rnc:" 'N~~II ,1111 'h· rs P lnCf•, Costa M<'Sa, as tund, an eptdt'mJc In Uus local<' of Bob CUnnml(hllm, And took A 11 ~rood aallorman.\··nHI only thin.: ~-~:~('N)It ·q ~ I ... ~ '' .... J • nd .:MriiSll, ,..~ tit• ,.,,,. of rluur rww elub 11nd could bt> <l8t.astrophrc. Your d.lm<' '-• •~.. •t Scnn.•rt A Yacht , .. _ lnnd Is _..... for JhC'Sf' d11)'S 11 ""' "' ,., I '"',11"11•·11 110 MI. ..._. .. ,. 1 .... d 1 b c:an as..ure a rutuiX' rur 110mc child ..,.,. u.u.. .. '"' "" "'"""' So ('nl Edts.on -..... ~ I II :\1 I' ul Dunlap chal I •r•• ''"" ~rounv..~. an a so y Corp.Ouradvi(.'('nowtoallrruall('-to tie 11 boat ln." StnndltnJ 011 _ 56t,t 1 '""' · t. " • r· r•l •t\lll~ th••tr art1d,.s or tncor-thatrrugtltoth<'rwiS<'bt'hopt>lessly Jnf'n I• to jt(l ovrr then! and take GI • .\"Jil uors~ ll s Stt~·l 7.1 I" .. n nl ,•h· ···('II~~· ;;~~esd \1 lhtl'r'' ~~·· " ... n Thl' first .:en('ral mc-et· cripplt'd tor Iii!' IT COULD nE a look aiJO. Dr. Str k k<'r. Ray Mnr· W'h&t d~tor ~r wtt:-1 ramou~ ,,, ••. I' ·•llnllu.: ' no > I . . h ld M d . YOllH 0 \\.N ClnLD 1 h ..,. .. ., L------------· l<•r .ol II 111.,0 1;1 ... ,., M. n.: •·I 1 ,,. )lllr \\as <' nn ay lhall and C'urtil lf(·rho·ru, w 1 hont prCX'Iaimed In nn UOI'Prlltln 1 .. "' ,, lh•· ;\nll'rt('&n Lf>gton hall, ---Cunnln~;;ham, form th<' hrrtlns nnc1 tl'rm .. ~ that anynnr· who ran u I"'"' limited Evening < .. 1' ;\1t•<n Home-School Conlab ui<>S dcpartmt'nt or this nrw or · nground "" th•·M· •hi•H'11 was 1:•1111) C Under Way Prize Recipes Wantecl .., , 111 1> .. ~andt·r~<nn was chair-T aanrzatlon. whlrh. Wt' W ('rl' In· or IJOHtr S<'!JmllnShiJI? 1111 rl'mltrks ourses 8 L . A 'I' ,,, Ill "' , .. ,. 5tlf' commitl£.'~· and 0 Present f _ .. 1 th t • utrtt 1n Nr w y egton ,UXI 10ry '1 onn, .... s eon ) " · ,....,,. .. ·arropol' fJf a n •c••nt dt~Hsh•r 'I,H"~•H~h "•••I• '''""" •·! '"' , "I' , "'" and "Pop" Ct:n\1h'Y CCPT Chairman port Harbnr h)llllilng 'l'll~tom nil l.lll(llnll no'nl'h. 1'hrn " Wt•t'k :'l:o•WI~lrl llarl•<ll' l 'nlnn I I i 1: h '"'' r, .... , ... 'J.:ItlO l'n..t auxJUat \ ,, • I,. Ill l'h<lfl:t' nr IOCOrpor.tt ing buill IIIOCk ~•IIIII." TIW phrll~(' IS lllt••r ht• did It hlmBf'lf ~dttlftl tit•• I II'UIIL'•' 1 ·,_,,, ,ltt fll"1 1 1 lllo ... tfll.; tl pl••ll (ow all WOfnen ••I tit• 1 lull mor<' or l<•&s <mr own llrtd nN-ds , . .,11.1·.: '"'"' ,,,,.,, • llnur.~l 111 ' ,,.,. ,,1,.,, II> "'nil 10 their best ,.... 11 ",, •ll.;ff'l'd to hold an old npla.lntnl: Tiw tlurt~·twu and BU81NDS OVID& It i:t ~~~~ ,,( ,., .. n11w 1 l:t"•" "' tit· ,.,1 •• , r •• ,. ttH· cut>k 11<10k which th1• 1 , •. q,.,,,,., "n11s10to: bl'f'" and pnt-thlrty·tlv~: fl)(ll aport ftllht•rs a.nd 1111:1t "'lH~·I ·n,. I''",.,, ...... ,lim ,1u"lo;11~ Is llllhlt~htnlt. the Pl'l•·jlwk lunrlt l'llch Sundny ~· lh<' "lltd&N" lwe oh.)<'<'t 10 that auto· F' d & F'll D'rt ., "''"''or '"''' rn ... ·rln~r.> on lh" ,.,,.,l., ro Ill' u"'"J ror cornmunlr 'l"'"" ~.:r••unds unttl tht' burldm.:s --'-"t> ~·ordl ar-' nol only build-IreWOO 1 I 1_,<1,,,1,.~· ,,f ,.1,, .. 1rt•' o·lttl•lr• '' . '"'""" ~ ...,, ... ~ .. "'' ""'" und n ·hnhllttatton. ar• •·•on•plj•lf•d . Cecil Roicrs was inc. but wllln~t rt>adlly. Doublt> TOP SOIL-EXCAVA'n NC hn.ltb II~< ihtnl "'""" "" Janunr~ n 11, •h•oul<l prOv~ a valuable ad-•t·l~""'''d Grounds chairman plank~ wtth clear I(Talnt'd Orr-T 1"-A ,,., All••ndan•··· ''' 'llw. 'f·nf·-. h.t· ol•'•"" 1" lh•· kiiCh(•n llh..,.,..., and .:\••" m• mb•·rs lntrodul'<'d at the -fir •. rlbb(-d with ~nt oak 7391 E. a ...-rt n . ;:.:_ In ewA~O ,,, ··r.r. ) IX'f'llrt<.. ._, ·~· ._.. NCTON REAO 1 "''"' "" M u ....... H•·•r~-.. rna) II{• st>nl to the New~· "'" •mt: '"'~'<'. Mrs Forrt'st Paul, friU11et, ~and mahoeany tlnllh· JIUNTJ ,\ ,.j,,~. 111 r•htol••t.:raphy "I" in-'rlllll'<: t)r tv l\IN . Alma ~~ \lr' llurrtt•' llntlc•y, Mr. Hos!irld. lnJt, and monel futen~. this vc-e Phone II. B ~19'.!. 3-4tp ''''1:'11 "'' •I "II .Itt''""" .:o oil• 1 tm ~.~q fl•~li.Hut.. ttvt•nu<'. Nl'wpo•• \lr ;\1.-:\lu nu~. !\1r Arving and bottom crulwr loolu Ilk.-11 lot ,.1,.,11, '''''" on•llt" 11,,11 10 ,.,, ..... , the' dt' "' B···lt h I'""'" Thllrtll"'"" for lht> mont'Y from outst LANDSCAPING lilY' ,,,.,.,.,,lfiiOt.: IIIlo! prlllllrti: II ··It· I!• ,,, •hmo nl~ or pic• llnd rorr.~- Inalde W Ia rOOfT\Y, l im pi~. ntrtlll'' fur· !Itt• ·""·"• •tr 1 In :\l .. n L S -11, 1 ,. ,, n·.-cl lty Mrs Lorraine practical and oomlortahlr. Sht> ear~ ot Lawna ell!\ .... lont.ll) ~· •• rln" 1ft ••• ,lit~ aguna oprano I \I·,,, n~··r •• nd C"harlt·s IA>e, hosl ~ llx! 'l'rvin Olryalen W('l'f' In f1owen and Shruhe Plant~ ntnt.: ~I•IIOI•h "til ... "' L'·'"""' ... T 0 Be Sunday Soloist Ill I lu.,,, ... , lllr I hi' C!V••nin~ the job .... e lnaprc.-tl.'d, but thl' nt-XI Hal cra-~ord "''"'' Ill 7 VI "" """"·'~' •• n.r -•-,.....,_ .. twtn Pack "'1 1 for Presbyferl'ans I' ott) \\'tlltnms won th<' door -. "-"'"""1 up ...... ru . • 315 Alvara.do Pia~ Harbor 114 '11""'"""" '""'11~11'"11 1 1'' 'll""'~ I ardl whew INI' lhltt take-. a me-re ~ALBOA 84-Uc In ut hllit .. n '""'"' rull•·~:•• ,.,,.1, I'''"' thrft pounds of prt'llur~ to movt'. 11 111 Ill• 1:""" f••r ·~•mpll•rtlln ... ,... lkotulhy l<··••rl, sUJirano. ot L • 1be "cuatom-bullt atockriob" -il on..; 1 lw ,111 111.: ••·m··-lo·r ul urt\ nt .:•11•' I:, .wh '' anniiiiOM'd aa IOiol~>l s. a 1turdy •tock floAt. It•lfll tlnge Co ntractor .:1111,11 ,.,11., .. , •• .,,1 ~ .. ,,.~.,, '""I" , ""''' "' lit•· l'~··~lt)'trriAn chur1h Delta Gammas Hear Play Review aow nplaJnt'd be<:aUR I~ boat C. M. NEWTON lhl' ro11r""' nnw nfl,.r<-<1 tn fl:t\1 I'''' rto. ,,.,.,tl,,r SundAy rnomln~ can br diane~ on the IJJOI (Nt'w· •'"" 111,,"''"1 •••hwotl•on "' :'\• "I"''' lltuhur lo be held at ' j •\ 1" It,, I ;,.mrnn Alumna•· Assll!'-port Harbor) by tht> euttonwr. F..d H ome-Conslrucllnns, r.-rnoddlll~ l 'h •t• I loy tit•· ~ ..... Ill\ C'oa1t nl~h -----·•-a"'AaAhwholt~ll thC' L cJ M s· ff I''''(·,,,,., ... ""' :0.1nr. nt 11a.n1 I ,,.,,,f j lr1111&:••f'ounlyrra·ITII•·S· unun "' .............. ' u & Ht:"'ttr, l.tt'l•nsl' & ln-urnnN' f. an rs. lnno . ., \'' I boat We IIW I 1'>11y Star J Wuntt'd 1~ \J,,.. ,1 1 1 Jl<u kl'l I IS orJ;:unlat. ol 1\ 1 1 1 IIIII!; \\'It h .~ I'S ''II !t•r r ' ""' \1" • " T B I Sh ha' · 1 WI ,. 1 ,,.,, .• t . ll;nlour Isla nd Chrya.ll'n. '11\c-JlUrChiUI('r n I 11' Phflnl' Sl\ntu Ana l•r.~l-v .. -oi iJ 0 e n ang I I'll• ="lt"r 1··~1 ltrH Sl'l!l , r•·• I IW'Xt ln liN' w11ntl'd Pack nrda. Tht' l.t :-,1 11 ~tnnott. 11 s N ., has on tl~o· \\'o~rld .. '' annnunco•d 115 t l.. \1" (' \\'. P111111n l"'"~i<ktl mal tlnt bollt ,.;antl'd a ~ray hiUI' In· CESS P0011) and ,,.,, r .. r Sh.ondo.•l ,.,,,.r ·' "'" •llltjt r t of ""' ~··l'llliHI to lx> xlvo·n ·' '"'"'"'·''"'~! l'lllllrnl l"'•' \\'ItS lljl- t•rior. and IW'J(t romlna up wtll SEP'I'IC TANKS "', k~ 1, 11.,. ~l r• !'innnll wtll rol-''' "" H•·\ Tlt .. mas M. Clb111•11. I"''"'''"· 111 ro•tiOrt :11 tlw F..rtrU· havf' a brilliant Chlm•ll(' n'<.l In· 1,," ,1,,, 111 1.,.r.,1 11 rn•·•·ltng (lit tho• rommitll'c- .-""'. ,,,._, • >~ • • • ,_..,""' ,_.,., ~ Tit•• It• "''"·"'' ·•n•l h•• '•'tf••. r 1• "TAsks Common to lh<' Schotlls and lht' P-T.A " has' ho·t•n chosen ItS tlw suhj<'<'l fv~v•r talk Wlll'n Mrs Roht•rr IJQgt•n, chotrmon or Pnrt'nt-Educatron for thr Cuhfor· naa \on~rc·ss of Par tonts and '~'•'achrrs. Sf)f'aks nt the Home- School conf<'rPnct• on Wt'dncsday, Ja n. ~8. at thr Am<'rlcan Lt-glon hall. 143 S umon St., Orang<'. Dtnnf'r will ht· st·rved at 6 ·15 p m. Symphony Orchestra Features Pianist at Laguna Beach Concerl 11nrothy Srmpson Smtih wtll he rtw (t•toiUr••d a rttst ol the Uran~:•• < 'uunry Symphony Orch•·~otru con- N·rl on Jnnuary 3(1 ot LagunA l!t·;u•h Boorey & Poirier 110 PEa CENT FINANCED e I' .BA. TI:&IIS • ~ ..._ • a.ora • a.,... -ftned .. lt.taa • ..,..,. • .,.._ -u-aea • *-l&M& • Aatllat a plu•• .. lalpl•• 1 a REMODEL: Increase Income BUILDERS 8~ Bide-SANTA ANA ...__,.., Reasonable Construction COsts Toke Aavanfage ol Our FREE PLAN AND ESTIMATE SERVICE W m. P ~ Mealey General Building Contractor -Complete Building Service- 2265 Harbor Blvd. Coste Mesa •--'--....___ t~hullll 11rn IA•'-'1 ..... An.,_ .. _,.~ In 1 ' :O.Ir., ll<•\\'ttt ('ltt•nt•y, chau•. t-PVt'r, the-aam!'. Thl-lA Ct'r· Orana~ County 1,11 m" ;\nn 11,.,., r \ ""'" 1, •. ,.11 TV IU1'4I'I •• \ ,. ( 'lfP:VROLI:T '' '"· !\lr~ ll:H'uld llnr' t y, Mn'. •-•-• thl y r out•l .. -1 ll•l••rt !'o:I•WIIIn•· untl Mr-. Ju~1111 ....u)' IIOfllt' ~~ A .. ,. Contract Drtlllna \l"nn..: I"' ptu• '"' ;\It ·''"' 'r~ ' atock boat m•nufac1url'r l"llnnot 1,11111 H·•~·· r• ,.1 I.Hin l~l·· lt rtd lu• t'~tlt~<•tl'"" (1t••vrol<'l , Nt"wport h• nn•'<ly. cive )'OU "a.lcht UI\M'C'n," At Nt'W· ~ ~ mnllt•t. Mr< It• II• Stnnlltl. ll,_ \\tllllt•l•lol\ lhl· llt•W 1948 Olev"" t;o·tlrudo• llnr\J n( ('oronn dd Bflrn 111 C'al.-111111. l11dia, :~h•• ""· l:u rwd ho•r ITIUSICIII •·du(•ution fit 'l'ri111ty c .. llt•t:P, l..ondl)n. whl're sh•• a lSI• rt•f'"" ,.d hl'r f•·llow~>htp lh•l(l'l'•' lind I ht•·•• .:ultl tnl·d:d~< S he' l'llnlil1lH•d h••r Sllldtc•s 111 llw lloy:tl Acad .. my flf l\111~11· m Lnnrlun Srnt•f' h•·r arr11'a l 10 !Itt• l'mtl•d S t;•lt•s sl.t• has ~tlllltdl und,.r Tu- 1 lltas Ma t Ita), lltdt.tr tl llultlt~ 1tnd Jost!plt l'iao;tru _ __.:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!!! part Harbor you can. accon:llna to (AD Work Guarallt.-.d) 1., ,.11 II 1111•011,., llrdhwt I··• Snturtl.•r "1r '"'"rlrun••d th•• ~o:rou1• 1111h tlw manufaciUN'n, IOJJ)I'('t yoor Full lnaurance Carried ------------1 llflolllll: l"ur OI'W IOiid t.'OIOr• , do\o•tl) pr••"•nl•••l 1'•'\U'W of .wboatt'Vft')'day,orltyouwlllh, un•l ''""' ""~~' lwr>·IOOI' axnbln., ll'l th <:nrduns llrn.uJ"u~ h1t, "on 0w bour r~~ry hour." All n«'W J. R. MeCORMICK SEE T H E N E W """' lht• '.IH t"twvrolct ln<'Of'l)nr \, •r• i\~<> · ownt'n haw an inten!H' lntt>rt'tlt In wo Vk:Wrla S t. Coata Msa ,,,,.. m.tl1\ m•-chanical tmpro~~, ,\1 1 h,. ,.,.11 , ,1101,.111 hour :\I rs •tN~CJIIITt~•-~o ~~:~!u;:a~~ 8eeGon 50fi.J 11-Ur 1 • 9 • 4 • 8 '~:''' :~: ~ -------1,.,,,,, llnli :\tr, \11'1 'f'rickt•y ·~ ,_ .. .,, Do you want to 8eU It! Advt'r· r• ••n·rl 111 a d tarrrlln}•ly orrang<'d =~':. ~~~~~~or~~:=: FORKED Wl~kta A Hatd c H E v R 0 l E T _u.w~ilniit.hit'!K'iicoiiiUJT\1\Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'•"·'''·' iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiii .. Steport Boat and Yarltt Corp. may 0overw 11\&de to order Alao Plu til ~~unc a lone':" "'ant down ~~!14Lud~~ta~ 8 u L L E T I N I cnMr men an lnvltl.'d ovn 101 Third St. .• Hun~ O.ach theft; quite cordially. PbGiw H'"'ttncton a.adt 118 On Display All Day n,. rae nwn l'lt'f'd not IIIA..V ~tlt S t d J 24 away, ritheor. We ...... a ttak lady ~ a ur ay' anuary I theft, and our mouth juat Jlt('Tally HARBOR RTSON ~7::!~t!r:~~~,.~;~~ ~-:!:!b::!.s:-:~ CULBE llut when poiiW'r brew down 1u REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY C h J l C 811011 to lmow you have anchor and Coatractina and kppilte e V r 0 e 0 . IlK' . ......_ It • bettn to know you 17-tlt \ -holat a MU. 10th a Ceatnl. Newport Bell ~.*up owr to Tl'T Cout Be WIN.-A~ FORD'S FIRST ALL· NEW PISIIAR VEHICLES! FORD t1TRUCKS I 'ne btuci·DtW, .U.Daw Ford!!!!!!! !!!ilJ. T nadta for • .CI .,. beni'IMM an the irat compler.ly .., poanra.r "h1de1 to be luDChed by ford. Ye'n ,.ct ol dae DeW eo1iDaa, the Dew caba, .. DeW I.C' borMpower BIQ JOBS. and hu· ~~ncb o( ~~ Dew tn1ck feanarea. Come io aacl lac .,lbow yoa bow the world'• biJsete b.ailder ol endu lau pecked liz yean' aewoe11 ioto oae, Ia tiM ..., Pord &.at f!il!. Tnacb • , • WJc IIIOCIIft to luc loo~r • ·-.,.. t ':r-................ ....~ ............. _ ...... St,, S/Hingled New! *I lfW Ill IOIIt .,,_ ,._., r,.... ·-b.H"' O.V.W.t14$ H, u., le 11,$00 lk · · -...... u., ,. lo.oo.,0 ......, * lfW IIIUIOI DOUAt ..._ w, ........ -=-...;; .... crcu, ..... ...::::.~ ...... , .... ,..~ *W~ty ....... '--'-::. ~ ~ ..... ..... "',_ .......... -.......... .......... ......, * 1 •rw Thor r1er101 A -1111, .... ,.. V-l 'al Moot ..... "-' ,..,.,, u., .. l4j "= ...... ~ ~., ... . *OWl fit llW IIODfU I Co~ ....... .., ,....., l'ldv., f -.--.., ...., ......., ......... s. ... ...., ............._ o.v.w ........ 4,.}'00 • ...._ le 21.JOO lk THEODORE ROBINS YOUR. FORD OF.AI.ER l"JNCE 1921 ttnd a ("'tral l"tlnm-ll.~rttnr til SM'port ~h -on- BETTER BUYS --:u:.: MEATS We made a Dandy Buy on a JOB LOT of GOOD Late Yearling LAMBS and are passing the LOW PRICES on to YOU for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. This is definite- ly TOP QUALITY merchandise and the PRICE IS VERY LOW . Your Complete Satislacfion GuaranfeecJ or Your Money Cheerlully ReluncJecJ -~ SHOULDER !!~s~. lh. 39c a In !\ lh. ,\ve~u&N> ('ut LEGS Oven Ready~!.~:.·h·b. 59c Shoulder Chops ________ lb. 49c Rib Chops _ . _____ . _____ Jb. 49c Large Loin Chops ______ lb. 49c Small Loin Chops _______ lb. 59c WHILE IT LASTS! BREASTS ~:~~:~~An. SC 81'1:\\'1!"0 c. l.h. Our Usual HIGH QUALITY BEEF at PRICES YOU can AFFORD to Pay T-Bone Steaks ______ Jb. 69c Porterhouse Steaks __ lb. 79c Chuck Roasts ___ .... __ lb. 44c -Bone Roasts ___ . __ lb. 49c Round Bone Roasts __ lb. 52c • We~t.,C.!~~~.~r.~~ Co. I Wholesale Meets end Provisions hWi ~T.WPORT 81.\'D. Ph. ~:won ;}695 COftta )I~ e Sensational Savings DURING OUR STORE-WIDE 'JANUARY . • Clearance Sale Famous Makes ON I PHILCO ZENITH HOFFMAN SPARTON • Consoles, Table Models, Portables, Etc. SPARTON ZENITH PHILCo- REG. ;\!0 Jllu,.trarf'd. l-tuhfo Aut(lmatac-~ord~ 178 f"hanff~r. Khort Wan•. Marin~ tl&nd. ' Tahlf' Mndc-1. ('nmblnatlon Radin Aulnntall!' ~nrd 1 l!Ja~·,.r. .. Tahir ~lndrl. ( 'omhlnatlnn Radio and !ollnrtlf' ~nrd l'la~"rr. 1102.50 175 Floor Samples I NOW 1119.50 S79.50 149a50 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. NEXT TO GREATER All AMERICAN MARKET 'honr ft(-aron ftft:H '!'! C()S,'iOt lliJthwa~ OIW"n Saturda.\' t:nnln~ l 'nttl t and All l)a~· Sunday111