HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-01-29 - Newport Balboa News TimesWould Ban 'Seiners' Mex-ico -to San ' Simeon lATE WIT-H-· CDM BEACH SITE OWNERS --- LARGEST TWI C E ·A ·WEEK CIR C ULATION IN ORANG E CO AST 'S LARGEST C ITY f ----~~~~~-~--~--------------~--~~---------' BALBOA ~~11\\ES Tuday'• II A.M., 1• .8. T. Oow .lon..,. Anf'al"' ,_,_.1 .... .. _.._I. 4-a.-. I'"""'' I .. , ll.lll· Ill 1'1 Ill' ,·, .. ;o1 ;,;, "I' :>II ,\,!hi lit• l :"o I I ill!,,., \',''""It' ~ .. ·p u('.o ~tun''"'" ......... -~ State to Condemn Park Land EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA..-WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MES,t N••.:nl 'nO••U!l h ,. t "' t' t' n P" r .. l.ottol~ I '1m ·lut,inr.; I )ffk"t•r U L t:ro't'll, o•l t lw .-IIIIo• tltVIlllllfl 4 ---~V~O~L-G~M-E~~~~~~~~~~~~~="=v=e~C=~~~~~=r~·~=·~p~y~~~~~~~~~~~~N~·;~~"~'f~~;I;R~T R~Af 'l l , ('\l.lt~IHSI~THrRMDAY, ~ANt'_''-'-' THE I Seek to .....ttLI!IrL., 1-.•;to'ht•• nntl JMII'kll, 11ncl IJidlvk ... ·-w;r--• l Nl 'MnF.IC a l:tntl '"'"''I' u f l \1non11 ttrl .._ -'-.;_ _____ ......:=----===-------------_;;.:.; ___________________ ht'llo'h ,..,,., '"'' o'tiM,•n lly un~._.. Mo·mllf'r t'n ltt•tl l'r""'" SAND Piace Ban ~ · .. : CRAB On Ballots '~-~~-~ Bomb Raised 1New College Gets 1 '":~:. " .. ;~.:::.~;:;"~~!.~;llt~"'~ From Bottom ''' lt.•ll'h I' M :"k'')'. ht~·l\l n..Utor; """ Mu"ltl 1..... At\l(l'lo~. • ... Of B i D d ~J\A c OK l">tlfthl J•tClo'" ~\1llo•rl1oC\, ha~ ay tS U ampus •'•>tllpll'lo'<l l"''luultuu) npe~t'nl,..._ I .. 1 til &Wttt'<·l .. 1'"'1" .. '"' fur lndl• A '"'oil 1 I o. l1o, 1 .. •mh ,, th nl l<ooo Ill I h o• I o"i't•nl 1\ 11111111\lllt""' ~ .BY S AM Ct;NTt;N ~ IAL. Fro m Ncw- pol·t Ha rbor to Sonon.1 in the M o ther Lode t·ount ry. is an e lo n gak>d s tep o f m o a't' tha n 400 milt•s , Lmt t he tra n - sition from bay and ocean to mountains is andcnt lo a't' and reek!' of.the founding o( California -IJL'Cau~ 1 ~-1~ marks the lOOt h unniversa ry of the Gold Hus h Uays. ·nw Missus, d o wn for weeks with that Gosh-Awful flu. and me journeyed away frum the sea level to a dryer dimt•. with most gratifying •·estllt.s. This country is lu s h with ancient lore and as vou tra vcr-:;c iL<; canyons and · hills you try t o relive those o ther d;l\'s of blood and lus t and vio.le n<.'t'. all for the lu1't' of the magic yellow ctust and on:•. first d is· covered u y Jim Marshall nea r Coloma. £1 Dorado eowtty. a nd who. according to the J"('('OI"{fS. \\"liS c hea ted out of h is claim and his ~old. • • • -Knight's Ferry. En route to Sonora you by-pas.<i the main hig h way to visit this quaint v illage and the cov- ered bridge said to have been built by Genernl U lysses S . Grant. but whC'thcr he came to that locality bcfon:• o r after h e won the Civil war, cannot sa v. b u t d o know p ion(.'('rs s;\y h e spent S£'\'e ral years the rt'. At J amestown wher(' Mark 1\\'ain and 8r('te Ha•·t wcrco said t o ha,·e dis- co,·ercod gold and long lx>foa't' either ll('(·amc famous nut h- o rs. 1 hc two "ork('(l as m in· e r-s a nci ciid muc h s luidng o f ri\·c r sand :rnrl g ravC'l. S haw's Flat in thC' sam c vidnit:-· w as diS<·m ·ca'!'d by .Jim F :dr o f Comstod< fa mP. Fair la l<'l' wl"'nl t o San Franl'i~t·n ancl ai<ic'<l in it ~ rl<'\'f'ln pnw nt. • • • Simo ra. Pictlii'\'SC"J\IP. \\ ind· ing r oads twis t you into~this quaint pl:lN.', an c>arly tiH•xi- t·nn Sl'11 lt'm c nt a nd thl"' hPnrt of t ht' B o nanza di;o;t l'id. '11t<' SlOt'(' \\·incln\\·s ;JI'l' fiJh'fJ \\ ith r"<'li('s o f :rnc·it•nl mining days whil(' !:relics in lo ng dn•s.<;N; a n rl t ight -t·orsf'l t N l wa i"t s m<'a n rlt•r up :mel dC1\\"I1 I hc s t I'('('IS. ••• San •·rnnl'i!WCI. Thc>n ''I' \"i~itt'fi S:an F•·atwi'-4'0 a ncl in o nit'l" to gct m o r't' d ata o n t h f' 1 oo. vC'a r-otcl town " w l"'nt tn lhC' s t:'lt(' <'h amll('l' or c·om- nll"'l'l'(' anct th<' S. F.\. o f C .. but vou'd IX' s urpri!'.NI w lw n vou ·l<'nm thc:~t n C'i ther g a't.'al organi7 .. 1tion had ll cl :l I' n thing o n th<' M o th('r Lorlf' count rv o r t hc ('('nt <"nnial. p.-1!'.'\ing t he buck to a group t h('\" !'."lid w as in t h<' f<'l'l')' I3ui.ldinl!. 13ut th(' N ational Auto ('luh n<'arby. rumis hcd th<' lltt"rntttl't'. fu'f('n 'C(l lh<'m to t he N<'Wp011 H n rho r C h nmtx-r of \omm<'r<"f' for rrol info. w h en th l"'y nN'rlNl i1. • # • t.i>r1nldt> l..a"N'nN". s,,,,. ~rt ruff<' I ...,,,,.T'f'nN' in n va- ri<'t v 0 f pl:t ,.s at the o ld <1.11'· ran· Plnyhnu~. h u t wh::~t puzzl('(t m e is the> poor 1'1-.'f'J)- t ion o n<' t:f'l !' o f I hf' !:I a cr com"t'T"S.'ltion. \\'onrk'r "hy th<'v can 't put pro !)f'r a cous· tiri c;n the> nurlil"'nc,, ran h Pnr <'nsih · without c:tr:tinin~. al ... n w h \· n o t t!i\"C' on<' ll<'lt r r lh.:htim: duri n~ intNmi~c:inno; so vnu rnn ;rt lra!'t l't'<ld t he p roernm<:. I3ut ~~~c;. l"rl hl"'t- ter si~ off o n the gnpc'S. for fear one-wcxtlfi !'.'lY ,,.r W<'T'f' n ot enjoyin~ t h l!: \"ncntion. S \('ft,\:"<11-:!"TO. t l'l't ~pori~· m••n '!'\ "' J..:d niLa t ion.~ nn• bnt·k•n..: 1\\n propoost·tl lnilialt\'o· mo·:o'ill o • tlll•·ll tlld,,~ ~~~ ttl•' a llurn,·y 1:<'11· •·t.tl' oltw,· 11 ht<"h nrc• d o•<tj!nf'CI 111 trgltt••n ~•at•· r .. glll.tllull 111 r nrn IIH"I'I"t:tl ftl-11111~. Tho• ltr~l llh :•~w·o•, ~lw•nSPI • tl I •~ lito• Suu11to·1n C'oU11l'll ••I Cnn~tna · 111>11 t•luh<, \\nllld •''""'' ('ahlt01"111d l"O<tstal \\lU.o•t·s. W1 ilttn lht• tlu·•·· mill' 1111111 . fr<Jm r.lf'xt,·u Ill San S tm''"" l.tghl to purs.· H ·tno· anti nound 11.1111 lll'lling r Tho• ~oTotlld Wctulrl ··~t ;rhlt<h 1'1•• 1\,lfo·r·-. ul S:on Fr:tnt'l~l'O B:w. lh·· Sito'ram•·nlu and San ,)(;aqum Hi\·f'r~ al\ri thc-1r crdotllaru-. :tS 11 n t'l holtotn:tl ftshmg .or• ,, uJM'n '" hook ;tnt! ltn1• fish••r m.·n onl~ Tho arc-a. t•xlt•ndm~: Wf'S I\\ ani to :r h n• :Ol"l U"s tho• Gold1•n Gall' frrom l3otnt Loht>« In Pncnl Hunrt:r. \\f•uld I IH" dn"•·tl '" '"mnwrrral nl'l 11111: J1oth mr:o<uro·~ must lw o•nc1nr"• d hy 1 ho· ~II! flat uro•" ••f :.'11 l,ti7..! qu;ol- tfto•d \"Oit-r,. lw fnr(' llt'C'nmtnj;! o•lt~:•· hi!' fnr lht• :-.=o\1 mh••r s;o•nc·tal o lo•t'· Iron hallot URGE LAGUNA JOIN R!'commC'ndtng l'lr'Ons;l~ that L.1guna RNtrh giv!' S<"rinu$ <"lm-.ioi- C'ratlon to actively ntablishlng Distric t No. 8 of the county'll !!<'W- ag~ dliposal project, Dr. E . L. Ru~· sell and Vinton E. BaC'on told m<'ml>f'l"l' of lh<' Laguna Taxpa~ · ,,..,_. as,.ndatlon of lh<' pmj<"Ct unrl of its advuntAgt'l;. R:\IJlOA ARAI.OS~ 01\'I'.:R K~S RTORI:V •land ... on the Pa vilion d ()(•k In <"Old wat.~r dlvtnar rear t..lw~n al l<'mpb tu raj"" a •man bomh from l .... !May hollom. '"'"' ma..llf', "llo""' In INII't, Ia ,.,.,..,, ~ IIH'hf'l> Inn« and wa• • dud. ('rnwd "' "JW't'lalo" drawn h~· ,.,..,, M'llllrl,. JW'It•rf'cl Hill h~· th .. tlnw th .. oom h WK• •urflu •·d . l "uiUI~"''rN . ... fJU"'tlu n uf "It('"' 00111h f'llllV frt•lll. JlhiJIU lo~ Jltto'lll'ut'k ------------~------------ Sample Public Opinion Behind Business Council's Six-Point Platform; But Few Are Skeptical I SJUnpltn.: of public nplnlon n-prdlnc l ht• ,J~·a,..lnt l"'lltlr a l Jlru-1 cram rf'('("ntl~· prtK"IaJmt'd by a H a roor·\\ ldr Jlntal~e•ruatlnn nf RutOin,..... and lmJiro\~ltlf"nl llMOC'Ialln n' haot df'ttttll"l r~tlf•tl "loJ,. l"''"''"r to·o•lltot.: In fa\·or nf Uw proJlO"AI ... It "a' notPd lodll~. llm\"f'\"t·r. Jl<llitk<ll oh~rrvrrs • hf'r<'. "ho hn\ <' follnwf'cl llw c•our~r ho' ~.o lll, ;nul \\ell ht cit''" tlotrt• !I of low:JI muncrcpill d••t"lt••n ... :or• lhr,.ltt'ltOolll th•• I'll~ loo t.:tnntnJ.: Ito 1Klll11 n \11 I hal tho I"IIIIIIIUIIo•o' "l'l"'llllo•r1 tu l•lllll'h prn~:ram ~uhrml lo If by tho• Hll'l• lflfOotl!lilllllfl \\Ill JKII"II flttlr f111tl· Ill''' ( "•1Unnl 111 lho•rr nno• fornml till:" '''' '"1 1~ p roololo nt" arul tho '"'' pn·~~ ro·h'~~" I" hr~rdly ~1Rrl hnt.: ro lolllt \\Ill IH• m .ulo• k nu\\!1 '" tho• 1 p11hlu· f1urtl tulu tn tanl•·~ If \\'a' Th••11" tlt•lut.:hl ~··rms to hr lh:tt, lo·:ot nl'rl \\"tlh lh,. • 'rrptton nf 1h•' point •·;olhn•· r .. r '''"""'''"ll'nl 11f :o c·ct \' I AUTO 11l.tn;•c•·r fnrn1 l•f -.:P\••t nnwnt, thro rounrll'~ pln tform ;qopaH•ntl~ FEES work•·fl 11111 hy Fayo•tto• BtrtC'Ito•r. VEHICLE DRAW IRE lln rry A~hlnn :11HI Jloht rt 1·::,.,. !",\("Jt,\:"1!1 .:-.:Tcl ,1.1,1 T it•· IIHIII I' <1111111~ :t t.:PIII"'I":tl ro ··~lalo •· II• 1\ •I do • f'o•l'l•tt "tltllll (o•o•< loll Ill' nt nf :11111< ant! ol•jl"'l'tl\o'" 1'111'• r.-ntl\' h•'lfll.:. pu .... h• c1 "' ··•tit• r t h• nlr•tnr 't•ht••l; .. '"' nut l'Htrl~ "' t•r· t'll~ •·••unt-d, lttt pl.tnnltH~ -'nn'lnll .... '11111 ror tho oh:omho·r tlf r·umm••lf'• h 1"1" ''"11'" .,f •m.oll l r:11l•t'~ "•~ oh • ol • • lito ''"'"·~· .. f T t ... \\ •r \-1• ouh ulnl•tr•tloon ,,..tA' fnnlM'rh •lot•no\NI ,.,.. _,,. "'"" tlo•l M 111 h••ftl'tl l'nlil 11011 tit .. l'lllb.ot I• '' '' ,,, tol t\ .. 11 tlw l'.o ool '!t~ ,.,.,...,. ool l•tul •n•l lottlldlnl!' •I~ l'anta \na \rnt) ;\lr •-I!•J••t l• "·"'' 1 ..... 11 •••111 tu llw• •taw \ tlht•h ~\ ., • ~ ~, 1 ., ~' ,,, 111 Uttt •I -..It~ tu C tr•nK'' ( .. ,. .. , .lunlut '"''"••.:r. TtM• I ran,frr "A• nuutr fu r • •\un • iff h~•· fin Al 1 "•I 1, Il l to• It ,,,," ,, .. &ot••ratlooll ool ltto• JIJl\ltto•nt ••I lit•• f.Ur \alur ul ~.IMil 1,.._ 100"(, ptlb 'l'lll• 1111,1111, M n .. ko•) ,., k1. u• rtu\\d , I 1 l~t· llf'nt•flt 1111"" '""" .,_ I ' t I• '1 ''"' • ''11' "''"Ill 11 1' 1'1 I 1 I "rll ··'"'I'"' "til '"' l•otlttlo•d lll•lolo• I 1'""~'"1111~' t'llll 11"w 1-· )Killftc'd .. r''''"''''''" ,1 'lu .. "'"'lHI"''"" 111 ,1,:~"~.-~.'.t 14 1 1'"1 .. '' d···d .. ut utu ·-·•ttalt•' th•· lntut ,.,.~,..,.,., ''N~ J t Url\111 Jl •lutl, lin l 1t '1 ""'" "' '~11'1 '1.11111 lt.ttlntt \tdth ptul••tl) tM"f\f•t • II aatu1n.1• •h , , , 11 tt •• '"''"'' "tiiiiH H 1• 1 ""' 111 h '" '• ''' ll••to Itt• •• , "'u"t' \II II '"' ,.,, ... ,h-.t , .. ,,, pt•u•'l\t"4Un.c •• ht· •ntel .~1111 h ·l'l Itt ~ '· ., Ut tltt hIt h ul tlh' d.d. PI •• ,,. ltll•" Ill l h · "'"· ... I • ""' •t. d ttttl lutuht up···l 1\IUI " .... ,.,,. h.u, 1UtUt'11f•"'l It \\'Ill rll·· ~ l~•Ulj•ti•H • '''"'' I•· '"'''"h't;ltl • I ••UIItll T\•1·· ,,, tit• 1"'""••ttd lllt l p ltnh•.t , .. , lllhl•ll~" nutl l d,'tHnUH••U ui•t lutl~~te: "11t'l'' fU""I(~ Ydwn tho """''' ",, ,, ''""""' t1 1'1 "1''11 ~ 11111 1'•' "'"'' '' tl '11111111 1'"1''' ol ' 1110 ''1'"11 It 1' '11'11" '"·'" l•ut tt••t tllllll llw v nl·t• fnrthlcr l)tPL: 1,0 tlu , H••l\ ''""''"' Ill tlu t\\o \t H ~ llttl11 lh•• tl,ltt ••I • \• •'II p.uh•.t fhttl u ppttt'\UtVtlt I\ ~lOU,I ItiU u luttJ.: \\tth flflt• '''Jflltf""ltrt fW\ tbe t•113 ju ... • dl 'II• t•ntllhlU 1,1 It· o ,•1 rl u ,,,,, ... ••+lt't 11••'111 h\ lull ''''' lh• 'I"'''' , .. , llllptu\t'llh'ttl ,1t ,., .. ,.,.~-.. .. tur'ht•UI••· tlt••dl•\ 11,, ,, 11,1 ~,,,1 "' """' \\;l h PUI ''•tll.tlll\ llh t•\ 1111• tHII•••!• flu,"'" 111Pih \ h t•\~tll C'lt)' ~~ ._.... rt~l' 1., , ,111 ,,,.,,,, tlm t ttw • '""'''"'·"til""' lttttll•lt •'"> t••lt "'"' I'""' '"''" nt 1111• t'lllt••lll ·n1,, rttv hn~ nln'ru t ,1,...,..,.1 • homh '' ,~ 'hi ~~~·~ .tnd nur h t I• ,,,,.., ••I t••l• IH'tll:tfl•'t I , ••• u , l'•·t•·•"••u putnt.-tl out ttu• ,,._, .. 11-.. ""n••"hl~• uf C\•~ (,IIIIo "'' t• Itt lt.OJto lltllr tl ltllllldtd '" lito• lt,tll,l••t '"'' ol..t Mut loo•owh rr,.nlttllt' 'lllf)I II~W "''' ....... \ r:.aa ••• "·''tho 'I II'I .OO io'' Ill tit•· ..... ''"'"'"·~I Balboa Man \1 111 mnto•lo llu• vnluttllton n( lh.tll fiNI too • It •It• I• 1 lo Ill lito "11 !Ito· 11"tllo~IO\ h ooullt ltool 0111 )ttltol Ill 1>111\hll•lllll 1).,. huhtll("' If <'lr ." ""''' ~"''" ""'"''" lh•· ,.,,,to\ I '"'" ''" '"' '""" C PilOt f th•• '""''"""' ,,,,. r""" '"'v"w "·~' 1 111 I, ... ,, I t< I' \\ttt'ltt "' l'";t h 11 ''' d ftd ttl\ th•· "'"' ,,, 0· 0 U\\ttt't' Atr~trla.'•fl "'"'-''''' '"'''' \\tth ll.uhnt hutd,,:, .. t 71 t.u•hltttL!' u' F ted PI J I ll 111'11111•"1' Ill ~:,hclotl • A" ""''"'" I a ane ,,II. ""' k IIIII.) .... ,... ••• n ..... t ...... om '' I•• d .do.dottll •Ill o•t , tu "I"'' 1tlo~l lo\ 1111· I'll ' nl No•WI•IIt ~t. 11. ,.,, .... 1 '"' •• '"" , .. c1 .. 111.: .: ,_ .. "'"'''" 1····• ,,. n ......... M"\"1 c 1 11 lt.""' .,,.,., l.om&o I ,, ... I lu•·, nmn•"~: ,, .. m '""II M"' ""' t-"lllt:. :l:t. lit•a·~ ""I" " ....... , ""Ill""""" •urh • IIKol•t ,),1,,11111,111, l••lt••• uuol ttllooto·" tto tho•uull\tdtlol lllnlolllol·" ("•·1111111 lt\o•tlll•' l t.oiiiOiit f~•Jolloot ,.,,111,.111,1 luo • 1,.,,.,. ftorwan~ le ('()til 1 ,11 ,111 "' I"• ,,111.,1 .ttttl Ill' 11 tll•lo tto•ol lout 11''0'1\111..; lot lito' "''' ktll•ol ''""'''''"" \\hon It 1"11111 llu• •tnt•·. 1,.. •llhl 1 1w• '~"'"fl fMif1\- rrO\ltl •••• ''••I I•• f,lf'• lit~ 1111"-I fllf• .. t '\t ,,,., t.:t•\• ltlltl• h i Hll t • •••I UtHtttt,;l •lllt•n '''1\ll't' plnnet I I t lh .....o r -II~•· \lflO: "''ttl I 0 o• )o•lly llr-•c•-t11t11k' :uul Utl••tt-tl lu''' u 11 t ttt 1•·• t"t"''' .ut•l ""''""' In "'''l••t'"T\ I' 1 1 1 n,.. ,. ,,.,.,1 '"lrtt • lndlkk.,l In lhiP ....,E.lJ•' ,. ul• thr•~• 1111._."''''''"' ''"""'"·"' ,.,, •tthlll' tlu•• ... ••• "tlhu,1Ft•·-tu• t"uUUI) \t~lt'ltl t) kllllu..: ~M ,_,,, .... , ,;,,~·n '«lhl 111\-• I I I '"'' ..... ,. ,,,, .. ,,,.,, ... , lllltl ,,,,, ~,., •• HU ·•··t•ttt1P•''-tit•· ''''" "' .~:~~1\ .',,'',:::·,;,,\\,tit I \\'',;,\I IIIII. h •ll•t 'h"l' ftt •• ptttlt .. 'llt•U unfl l fU•"" trt•l tU fltllttt.:tutlnrt tr,:\IUt d Jlu"t'\t'l h ll ur thHt lllntf wtJl "' pt up• 1 ut.tuth n;u H • '"'I' Ill'''" HI ha\ tftt• Uti '11"• u u luwt ,.,1•1••1•-tl U\'t•t I .I* (;n. "''1 1"' "' qUft•-.tl Ut Uflt .. •, l .. if)\a r11J • IIUIJIII • tot I otlo•ol " 1 f 1 1 1 1 ·'I'IUH\IIn.tlt• t.ut \Uitlt' nf s.::.ftwl ''" t •rtfi\Ut\ ru·nt c· .. ,.una,:H ..... ,. .... , II '"' , •• ,....... u ru Vft u,.., Wrc~:hl loflfl lltoll k ~'ullo·t , I'·•· ,\If llllll•·lul l to•hl• lit lloo· , .. ,.,. \'o•t•l flll "' ln~t '"' lto•lll• lln•l ~:\o•nltuolh 'rlutttl(h, (:ro'f'n ·~ \illkm'tn •ttt1• nun .. tH ttl ltW:1 \, ••\• 1 I It• "' ''·' ,,,~,.,, ... , '*'' , .. ,..,,.,,,,., '71. '"•'''''"' .. ,,,, ttlf' "lhatnl•" ,~.,. th•· "'"''• ,.,1 .. ,..,._ ht tnkf' p..-. 1•nd ,,.., • • t), d Ill dt •"'''"'1.. lito I •ltoll uf tho t•nlll'' llltllll •II II• f l'\lft•· t...,h •n t•• un unptt"l'• tl '•'r•'" "·' •• ,., .. ,~ '''"''I""' Pe ttrutu \ntl, .. ~Ina: lu.c (•ut••nn ttf•' M•r •ho\rl .111tl "'"".:Ita 1t tv th• ~111 luool ll•t\\ 11 Inc tho• Alrlllw "l'run' lace. Board Approvel 1••1 1 ( 'un h·r~. llur1mnk, rnr thrN' (,,Inn c ... ,,. I' fl"' lnducW .... • Ctllt hlll, ltnro•oloolll "'"' , ........ nl( Pl .. na for c .. mpul ttl••lllh~ lhl~ tlllrt'llltou• "' lhl~ II""' n.t t " I d I k II '"" I '" "' lit• nn.•rMU'(! !1.•11f'ah 'lliW'na In tll"11" ""'' untk'I"Wil)' In _,.,.. ...., C'tlfl&&emcm a ,,. " <'n a .,u 11 .. _1 .. ,-..,__ K 1 fN,.ttf\tlt' In lhttt ,...,... for a pubUe ,_ C>f th~ a-owd away by the 1lle Board of Tru~tM'to or Or· ·-bolt "' ._.....,..,·. omeT and n park throultl • pe"'OMM other"- I till(' l h•· h<1mh "'"~ lnndo·l1 nn~;t• C'o11r•t .lllnt~>r" ,,...11••~:•· hn• 1111 C'ollt.a MHA at lh# ltlayft4t1d mat• bJ ._.. ._._ ... I 'I h• •Ill• <t toll llto\o\ I' II ho•ro· did !'""'"'''" pl11 rt, lot Jnv out 11 1-111111,.1, kf'l; 1 A ~I lltl ........ cl <'Oillf' from ? I "Ire~; I• ""vivo~ I 1o h l10 wltluw. oon till' .. It•• ool t h•· 1 ... ,, ... , IIMII\ '"'I . "I I (111nn ('IW•' ... (f Jlllrk try ----------a.r ..... 1111 ..... oottl•k ll l' ool r· ... c . 1"""11" 111'11 ..... 1( ........ "Ill If' ···--mo•nll' fll lll'il I " I l l\1•·•11 In IIIII•' foot ..;,.,,fo•ftll••r I'~IM ''"' ool tho• Htlll•llt ncltln'll~ I)' Jln '"" lll'llllo"IIOofl lit 1\J,..cl II l 'o•lo '""' ::~~~~···Ht ool tho I ..... ,.,. I0 '\0'111•···. (', of e. Banquet n •.. "h···l ' tlllfllllll•ll oll\o I oil l .~ast for Kenny h '"' uh• ath ltu•\• d '"'" tit• .1d RealtorH Agree To Restrict ·~"or Sale' Signs '"""'''·''ltltt tuuldtr,a· .,,,., n f ttt• e·le ,, ... ifn h•ul•llftJ."., "JII f.,. 1• fl ••I• lr d ltl """'" th•' \\ tlh .. I ofltlnrot .. oof tho• .,,,,. t11vlll· ltlft ·-1' ' • I ·' I ' t.' ' I • I t II • t .. "' I '\ • ·~ fhltrt\ ,,, .. I ....... f ....... ' r .. r ft d lil .... , If ~of tftl f , •tl I I I fl fl tf~ 1111• ft l·l \JI ooftu I lt•llltl u• · '" 1 .. ttd ,. d " II t .. '" ••I· ,,, l 1tflltt1tt1 •• q,, "'"'"''" I·· ... ,,,,,,. lu•• tllitf'h ol All •t"'' t,,,,. • '' • l•fUt I f, \\ t t ,, f '~I J f 1ff i tf I • ,,,. nltf tit ... ... GOONISH HUMOR FRAYS MOTEL OWNER'S NERVES T. '"' ''ll••tlu, ftu \ ttll tut\,. l'ftnt • '"'''' ~" ........... , .... ,,.,. ".II. ,,., htuo .... t 'HI. 'rtk .. 1 ht• U lttr u n "h•• "'"''' I t·••t ....... • ,, .. , ..... ~ .. .. As President 'l't• I ... "" 1 1., lh• 11111111111 """ ltv "" oovo rwllf'lmln~o: m njoorll' -.:. "l••tf II ,, I to .. I lltt• !1/o "l••t ' llnr lwor n .. nrtl •• • It ,, IH I• • r ••f It• ullutllll .,,., "'''',"'' tu r.~"" lf'l lhr• c ""'"" 1,, "Ill ..... "I '"' •11lo•' •l~:n• wtthlu u .. , ... "" •• ... a. •• t j 'llv lluolt• uf N•'"''lw•rl 11.•111'11 to 1 t q 1'1"1•11to • 14hio h rt~•· •'ll"'u•ho•l1 II ' t 1ft U IIHIIU lltl.:ft tf \\lift t tttt IUIN•t ••f lht• flllt11rcl "''';'"' t•••Uf uf t I<, No"'"" I '11ot'-"' """ 1\ "' lttkt•JI 111 tltt• l"llt II .'I"'' u 1 1 1 "I'''"" Ill• • I tilt' nl tlu• l•utrol ,,. . ",.I I I •• I ''"'' II "Ill lot• . "" ••. 00/lfllltllllto&: "" , .•••. 1 ...... 1,.,..\ .. 11 "'""' •t '"" ,,, "'' •1•to·1>llutt wloll'l• ·- '"' II• 1 lo 11•·11 loq:wr 1"~1 \'• 111 llo·"il'-n f •tllllllol hf'llnlllll ulhr f' U\ • • • 'f'flt" lo oo •l "••tktllll t'oollllll'llllll•• ""' h "" ll.•vo•r ly I IIIIa., "Ill I •trll Ill~ I olll''"'" 1\o , .. " .. , .. I '111111• I w •• ,.. I I l"••ll•o•l• '• ol "'' lio" 1·~·"1 1-.tonl tenet ... I '" ' '\fi! ...... , fi t H ' 'lo • Cool ollll "'I' •h· ' 'Ill • I I I ll "'" l•olltul I hill lito ro•llfrh•lt-d · • ' • • '"' i•r , , ~.,, ... ·,. •1"'',. '" ,,,. .,... 1 "' '"'"·" "'w 1"'"'fl, t•ntl,•l thlt•ll•ulll""l"''vuwn••rs • t1 ''•· • ~, 1 t·' ••rl ltf ~ Hrt l 'nt tt•t, I'" I \1 .. ' I•• I, " I'• ... ,,, 11"" tol••l•tlt•~ T l ... ltollllt'CI I <I ,, t• II II '-ollol \ Moot•Kto)' I '"'""till II t h• \ oloto· llltol •luloll111 '' 'til • "' lhtl J(• tth \ V.'tll IHU ••f ~,,., ... It V.'h"' Jlf~u fnuult. I "' "•II 1\ I til lh• potltlw. '"JW 1"1 d- .uul f.11 111 II 1wk'!. I Tiwy rot·o· inPhno•rl too ho· ~k· t•tto•al Till" I\ 1, ,,1.,11, •I ltwl.l\ '"I tho•\ ''~· ttnttl th•· loll~tn•<S ~:rr•up l "d ·"or I l.liiiiJ ol""· t1oro·t•ltor of tit• I I "Oitt-:fc,, I ll." c '''11'\'\ ""'' h•r hur \\h ro rf '"'" '"r "''""' "'' dt•r:ord• 1:• 11' r:oltll• ~ f .. r """ llltdot . Slott• I •• I' If"''' Ill .. r :"<ltot•w ,.,. lo..-ulltttt ho•ro• " ... I .I' \. a•roo•luollun• "' \lanlht. 1'. I. I ., ....... '"""" '''"'" "II• n• r "hu "" ""' ""':utth •.._ ''"'' L l ftl:\ f ,..,. .. , I I ld IIIUIIIfJtht' lt;t "''' ti fi Vt'lll'fll" ,., rt•t~·ht .. _.,ft, .. "''' 'Ahuh '''111•1 '''"'"' 1 '" '' '*''' 1 "'"' ' '"' '" • ''' h 'A ••• ,.,..,.,,.... tttli'H'h tlv lty ""' ,.1~ ~J""f'lhC" r• 'nnun•·nrt:ttifiOt; hu•J,~~ c·liluhlnt.: r •w"-' ""' r ttnt•·ru .... t.fl .. ,, ttla) I•"''' In \u U"rl• ntl '''""''' u ··• "'" f"oolnl~ ,\,krtl "I' orlto'llht 1\ Ioiii• r If• !Ill I''" 1111 !Uh o·nturo· aoldotrf' , .... , I ..... , ......... tn I hi' l'hlllprolut• ........... Nllll Tht'• lttt'-tO''' e·otJnt .. tl .t .... ke·fl fnt ,,,, .. ll,.ftt """'r' 111 ,ftl•tll 1 ,011, fuutl•· \\lth nn nfl·nnth•· t '"' Thf-"'fMtf"'-tttltlt-.. ·• ,,.,...,..,,,, .. \\Ill "''"' , It ~ .:c:ohJ,..Iun• n l uf a o ·tt ~ mnn· tnt• 11 •tl• 1 oot 11 'II• 1, 11.,, •I , nh l ""t.:lllu •lo· '" It"'"· l 'lllrolu" ,....tur: l<•«••t h .. r "lth \oowrlo "" ''""'"'"' n..:t~r rurrn pf ~O\rrnnv "' .. n;., flf I\\U't' ,, ,. :u ).ltnl ''"" Sil:r111 011r1t•, ttntt U ttrlf'MII IUn•l•lu. 11M-u-ctal f•rtt\\tl .. , ...... ,. •• ,, ..... 11::1 lmm• rlt 1c1 flr!o\"t'-ll•n'-foot :r ""'I ''"''' ,, 1 I · 1 1 I I llnrloo.rllt•, ""'•·ho .. l th o· '"""'I""" hurr) lhroou~th "'"'""'' .... ,, .. , ... ,,., '' 1 1''' '•'Hf'•"-lu1 h••"'auluac ll~ht. I•'''''""' J~, 1t •t ::: (~~:~!~~;~:.::~:,.::·::·:::~~·:::, )~~;;·,,.:::;.: :,.;;"~:;:,;;:~·{;!:;·• ~~; I ~~~~~ i::::E I :~~:sH ~r~rch l'Oofll r<>l POLICE CHECK ,\l'r"l"'""'"'t'·l'• tloto• lro·l I tilt lm pr o\onwnl nncl f'tontrnl nr THEFT CLEWS '!"''"'"' \\olltlll .... llftll t' .. , \•"' l :"\<IAI•"' H· ,., , ........ lloo• hl':to"lt :rnri h11rht1r fncilltl!'~. 1.,, 1 flo 1,. 1o " 1., 111;, , ,,11,1.r, 1, •I hy C'OUnly 'll l\111ro It nf I 11111•' • otlll''"''" Alth"UJ:h s trll un~hlf' In chntll:• f'ultr•· Hr•• \\nrklnl: oon 1'111•'' l!o,,tl """ oal• "" ,,,.,,11,.,,. ,,,' ""11 hr•o n "'' ok 'l;o,t '11' '11'1 t." t h<' nnmo·~ nf thf'i r lhro•r I"IHirlt· fo und In l lw lottrs:l:•n rof Htr llfwlrl 11ha l , II•·• t "'" I'""" .r lot •l .. otl 11"'''11 rnllo·l lo•d "' I" '" • \•II I• oint•·~<. thf' counril is known to bl"' S~'l'\"11'•• "111lt<111. :1 11:1 \\" C';•ntrrol •n t.: loo l••n ,,,.. I'''' '""'" c1 j l(in tr•·:d m • 11t-"11 "I•• •• '"" "I working hnrd :mel qlli<'IIY In prt'-'''"'nw •, "'"'l ~·r• :-.=ontth•r •on•· 101t1•· 1'"11111 ''"'"IJo l l••"'' s.,,,.,ot ~1•• ''"1'''"' ~'""'' pnn• tho• ~:rnunll wnrk for an in· J11rk K1n1:. ~'"''"" o•wno r, n •· tho lou<t rt•·'-~ dt~fl 11'1'-111 ll•o\\lt'oo\\'n j hon•l. drtw· r'hlllrtllllll to•nSI\"1' o;prinJ: rnmpai~ J~•rtt•cl llw lottr[•hor~· Mnnctnv mrrrn· :-.;, ''f"''' and J\;oll1,,;o 111 11 hod l 'l"ltf• ,.,,,, "I h••-1'111olu •''"" '"'" \\"ilh tlw thou~:ht thhl fl hr'n\'~ Ins: Tlw thwf h:orl ~nono•ll •'111rnn•··· hrlo·k Oor l'l'lltftortr d 0'1111'1• ,, •··It'd• lltt'lllfllltl: '''"·""''"' •I • , ••• , .... n•gc~tr111 ion will work to lhrtr nd -l thrntts:h 11 ~ttl•• rloK or hv ltr,.:okrnt.: IIH'~ mu,c '" , r..,·t•·tl t'Cr~l~ 1111 ''''""'"' d '· '""' C.• ·•••II \:tnl:tt.:••. :111 mt r·nSi\"f' "~11.:11 up to tho• t.:l:o•'< rontl nl•·n .. l n~; llw lnrk Ftr l"' ,.,,'.,,. "'" \\ho•·h , 1 ftor ltotl.,\ I Hlllltlt••n• "'"" l.ot Ill lit• wot r" clnvo• hn~ ho•f•f1 pu<h••l1 1 ~ll ~• l:i t·:t~h 1411< l lok~'n from lh•• •fl•lllllr•·~ •ol lt .otll" 11111 '''""0, lln~l~or ltoolt "" '" II'" ''•' thrro11c;:hnut t hr I'll\" In ('<~rnnll do•l • rn•h l•oox l•t~;dh•·r \\llh 11 ~1r1 , "'" '-llrr••ltnrl ""'" ,,f '"' '''"''I !"lotrl•·nt' "' II•• 1"1 ''"'" " "'·'"'' '.1r~r ~tlnnr. ··~' ,.....;,plr IHI\<' r••t.:l~· l'h"' k .. , •. ,,. ht•lllll: ll.olt ... a l•l .... 1 ""'I hto\l '1''11' "" ..... , , .... "' ...... l~"'r••rl, urrorfling tn It rnunr11 l';qot \\ :t!tq I '''"rt ••ot•l th•· JYI· "o·ll••rt Hrtottn<l l•ltontl A\• ''"'' 11 111'11 l•ll !h• ""'' "'o•lo '''1''' 1 •I• 1 <ttOk•·~man lir• h:t''' "'''l·tl c•~otl I• or!• lh;ot • oo11•orl11 :rlol•· :or• II 111 '' "'1•.1 ~ ,,.,., Mnr 11111011' ""1101 'I •' 'ft•A~Iotl<;~nt1 "TI;I\• Ynu Jl"R·I Ih" :or••lr:tl"lnc ronrt ~~~m~· r)ow~ ,.,.,,, 1111., '"llrnolotd • q, will NI'Wfl'lrt r:1 :11nm.or ....... , '•••1"1 l•torf•li"' ;·nrrl< :or• h•rn.: pnnlo•rt, l•fl h \ lit• tlll•f :oro ll"lnt.:•h••k•d tof tho· o•tl\" 1 ."·-'-~_.!_ •• _,_,_·--·------------. GIRL SCOUTS 'BUY A BOARD' DRIVE UNDERWAY AI It "''"' IIIli( to( lho lllu'olinL: TO I tiC f "' 1.11.111 "' ~~ f II ~''' 'llt:lt'1 tlh iJ l.t.l ,l'l. \TillS Thf' 1111\' " Rroarc1"' rBmfl!llt:=n In T h t• llffi<••tn t w 1ll fill~ fnr m:r· r II<• ft~nrl~ Ill I •lp hmltf tho l:lr l lo'fl.ol• 1\llll tho l\.411~·11 1\1\ l.rnn< '"mmlllo' 'n \l••cul o\ 111l'l • ' on• T ho• '"'' Tlmo' '' '"" ~C'Otlt ·t,tttlr !lull~~ on I'IIY proop-doclo ·•11•1 c;rrl ._, . .,,:t f.tlho r • prn \\oft• m .orl• f,r llu l'l•••moJ I 'tk· d uollnl( loo•llt\ lh•• '"'•lUI tro of!\ ol lith o{I'IC'•nlr:ol \\lll<Hf· \trlt th• lol"r 'tallnwnt "' 1111' otompl•l• II• t.tlh unt1• r\\ t\ •lu~ ''" k \\ J't It, Hlf '' , .. , ra l••ft•ll •'tnn JP\" tt •• ntou\ 1u t •• h•1tl f ''")' '''''' rtf fH•" a ''~t•·'"" rttll\ Fll,:h c ;1rl ~,.,.,,, hio" cwlcr cr. I Itt ( :1rl :-;,.,,111 t r •~•I'' )t., • tltolllol• II 1' \' nm~:. F• ltr1111r) I:J rC crl r •UIJI I 'lllllllh •n •l ,...lahli"'h rllt:l •imul~tmc l~o·ot<1'-wtllrh "'" lrn l''''" '' •I ''"'I '1 1'1'"111 lit·•· :or•· 11'•1 'UJ"r''11 10•'1~ 1 J-o,l ''111: htllty f•or f aJiftorftlll \t•l•·r:u••' ~I c~th Ihc... llwldtruL lund a t ;ott· .!I r:,·t S"""' lr•••l'~ rn tit• I the• "' •·ampf1rt· and wr·rn• 1 f•IIJII I ~. Tt~rw lfl ,...,. 1 ,_.,, pr•·•rnt .. c11nct• 11 1 ~.:r~•· nnd lit• Itt\ "ctJ, n •••to lr•••t•• 1~ tnt.: t .. rm· "'" 1 .. •II)'''' rl It\ •h• I'" fond 1 .. ,1 %. ~:n11t 1~ ~7!'1(10 1 rd lhltr fiiHI'ntJO , __________ _. ____ ..~ lllt:h"'"· .. , .......... It ....... _ Ilk• II '·"'' f hrl .. hnfll• ''"' "'"'U' ttftl ttl i1t t •f tt I"" fttt M la\t lu t tttttt· l u t h• tnttiFI ._,,. un r u ""'' •I it thr•r•• T tu• "'"'""" ''"' tHI "tnhul"'"'' ""-••·nf fu th•· h•"'"'' 1hrtt \\tt • " ,., .... ~.~ lhtt A ",.." ',.,., •n•l ..,,.,, .. ,.,, IU; 1\\u • rth"' ,,, .. ,,. •u•nt l u '-'nruh'ttt '" u n r "' fht• Ulttt f'l hKtl I nll•·•l r .. r t hrtn. On .tan •!4"! .... ,,.,,., ''"' '"'' \\ttrt• "''"' ••tt tt ''11•1 IC"''"'' •·h•••• Itt lht• ......... 'I'• lt•lthhttt· • '' rn 1•" n \ uf II• lut .. , ••ul•t ""''' nu I•· JUt-. ''" t h•• oorlrlro oof lloo• • a ll" an ol 1, •• uf••· .. , •. ""'"'"• ttn thr ,.,,.,1 thr.t It .,.,,, h•· a. f••rrn •·r t•tttttht\t' u -.lnl( nul .. •n•·•• ,,. •.. tl• '" fut ,,., •·ntc:•· I I I ... • flp ,,. tl I•) lh•· , .. ,, ttht. ,,, UUttll •••II• Uth t•t ,,, .... ,,.,,,~ .,,, .. , ·.~"I"'' t I f,,'"*'' • hhn •h:n• I tit fo r rn t \\ 1\ ttl I .t(• J lu" fill" tw • 11 rt. lftttll~~~t~frftfPd_. lhr t.•• ,.,, ,,,.,, •I. ••v til• • 'I"', t• n, .•. ttf 709 ltt•Jdster for II '''" 1•1• ""I "''"'' " .. c rr•••~l l•tC'Itl ...... , .. "h• '' · lur ,.,.,, · "'""• nre ~pr"ancr T••rm at C,1 A '''"'"''''' ·• ..... tr ... '"'"'')' """' ·~ ,.. ~ ~,. • I "' ..•• II\ \ I lot• • ool I ..... ""'"IIIII It)' p,,., .... ,, "'"" ,,., ltu "lu•n .c .. ,... ,,. ,,,,,,,,."' 'Ill• ''"'""'''" uf Uw "'' "'' 1 d ~ '"'·• ,,,. 1 , ,,11, , •• h '"" ''"''""' lttlf••"'' •I '' f'Jf tluy trtul r•·t · '' •• h• •I /ff't '' ,.,,, "'' at wu" "" I i•..-1 tltu '"'' wt~t• h llt••tu fw t" vullltt- 1 1 "olv loonolo d Ill• 11~• u l ~hr.n11 n nd ,,,,.,,, "' l•r~l '' "' '1"' • :. ,.,.," \t f••••utl tftut "'"'' ... "'' ,.,~ nu"'' frr · lttUUI 1"" t t Jt"'ll II 'flit hi ltf t .. •ttt•t pt If•,-... \1, n flld• fth lttt •I I)\ I V..lttlt tfu 1 f flllfl ' I• •I \\I,,,,, , ••.. 0 '.' f ., ,,, , I."'' "',~~" , I ,~ h ,, ,.,r, "" n ~tn•l "''' 11•1 '' • ru••ll• d In 01• ""Ph''""'ft1 • ,,., ... q,, '' "'' :'kH •dude•nht l'o"f 1'1 ~tolll~tl o 111 ottl• "'" lot oil •J•••·Iul Mill· d• "'' l•,tHI f1l1 •f'tt•·~·· fi~"IHt·~ IUt' • \IJqq\1 11f '''' ltiJ'Itl .. , fttl>ftf rtt•· ···llttt• '" 1.1\l ol'' \:\ f ITY.II I"OK 1'4f'F.P» .looun l"l ••lllW•·II ('lll t•ltltll. 177. l'oolrto ltrlvo•, l.ltfotllll" llt•t,.lt,- I:IVo•tt II l lo•ko I )II•HII•rtluy hy lr.c"'ll f'lll iO"t· foor lh lvlnl( <tiC "'I' h In It ~ oo11l•· 1<•11•· "' Tu~ltr• tor1d IOI·A lfito;ltWIIy YEAR 1947 DRIEST IN HISTORY OF SOUTHLAND 'lfu "or 14 17 I'"'~ •1••"11 "' tlo••l"'' ""'""' I••'' 1 •llof·ll "'""' Il l "''''''" •lo"op In lhdr •m•lfor~::n1tuwl ,. ,,, t , ,.,, •II•• t ,. ,, '" ''" I Y , •I •• • \I• t,. ,., •••v ,, tr•·rr•• n "'"'f r I• ,,.,...,. In rn•.-.t lll''f"llft~ ol ' •• I. I ••.• I •• Arw•·lr• ....... ''·•·I· Ill• ,, ., •• "' l"'l"tl•·'•"n rtllrf I 1111• trr rtlltrv. r•clnf oil ... l!}f(l w. '' ~~, '" ,, • q •' ,.,. \\' •'''' r .,,It, '••" • 'tl ,, '''' ""'' • ''''' ,r.vt,n., f,.J.,v. lh•· '''''urt·tlt·ul '•",..,. I . I ' • h ll II '.I,,.,. ··fl•· I d '1 ''"' ,,. ' .. ,. f "' It I .. ,. ··I I ftl!• ,., , ... IIH ... "' \V•th 1' .. 17 ICh•IW • •f f l'H• tltJ• fttl t~•fr y 11'1 '''1 1 U'111'' f lttl tlit\t•,tttt' U ,t,.trltlttt llk fNftiW fh1' uvr-.. 11. 1,1, •••&• 1, , 1 \• ,, \o\ , IH'•,.. "' • u •I• , .. u•l111t ,,,.,1., l•.,·at untf• t It~'•• ••f '' lnt•fu*A, thr• hV•·rtlntft o1 .. 1 u t )\ \ ,,, ' • .,f r••ll• I• II ,.,. n ttl \" •'• r t. ,. "'' ,,,, t t.t tnuy,,..1 untl•·t ~.,,,,.,,, tt~•"'"" ltttA t•,..,. D q t q, ,q l•tt•t~l l'''•••rt t f tf,,u '''f'l'h ht•.• ffl ,~•tt ,tft~ lrtt't•H•U·(f 'I • .. '' 1 t 1 .. ,, •I \\ lut ft It •• If I'•"' "''' '""' t ... ' II Jf>tUt plftl' l.u 'f Itt• t"tHJIIttntttlut·• ,,, IUifttWir~ ,, t t'• v Itt • y. ,, ''" t• I It •• ~. r It " .... ''""' ,..,, •• .,ut fltfrtf.tll ttrltl ••••• ulutittn J,!ruwth hu I I,_. f •tt l t), I I •·frlt I d ft1 ' tl th ,._.tit)" I •J,f 11 ''' 1 ffiJth.tJf/f'tf fttf• Vtfftf flflf"f'f f flf' {•tlfC). •t I'\' tf•tl th d ••rth ~1 1:\ J •t• tttll t; II• ntl'1'1 Httlflltl f ,ttf•~f(.Vt•f \1\ltlf'f UI S<U•fh••m(·~ti- 0 1, , 1 1 oo to I tol I olio 11 111 tloo I • ul oil "' loo '"' • II l't'IIC ltutl f•ollu:o A f•"' •lro•ldu'lt to( hill tl;,,. ,.,, ,\,,, or• it •lllt tll." lh• '"'"' I'•'•. ,,.,., I II '"llttllllltllt•• ""!Ill .lilly 111111 ,\III:Y~I ur J!l<l71!4•rv .. ,. II \1.1ul•· q ,, '''"'"'I !I r· .. n. Tl .... •"·" r••··ln ,,, Sitllllt<·rn C"MII· ,,, '"'''"' "'' llllllflfltlo•,IJy tltf• ,,. .... f,,, hPt 11 11 •• ,,1 \ "' .• -. ,.h tlkHtl' ''I• f,,, fil·• , '•ftlllt•u ~t '" • ,,,. 1 '' u f • u l • nt tlt•t•tl ''' ( ·ttfurntkt fC ivf•r wutw ... • Page 2 NEl\'POKT BALBOA NEW8 -TIIIE8 '1111 R.Sit-\\ :'• "l"•rl n ........ l 'aUI-. ~-·~·~ LATE -NEWS FLASHES Asks Closer Inspection Of California Budget William I. Cammack l'alllllac Coalftdor PAIN'DNO • DECOllATING AND I' AP!:IUIA.'I/0 IN 0 ~ Bu. t'7lhl. tot Ot'C'hW AVf'. Oo.-a del .. ., * Purity "'k Accuracy "(:( Dependability Prot euh.lf\aJ tJ<.Ill In fIll h11e ~jons Is as ,·\tal an In· ~nt a.~ 11ny of th1• h1Rh quality dru~~ we Uli(' In com· aKlW\dlng rrwdu~lnl'S. Th~'tit' atores' lllOlil lmJJl>Mant S(•tV· ln.• is tt• accuntU•Iy f11l ,,,..,. IICriptltlfl" t•xactly ~ t h1• docto4' ordl'rs. aAIIPTON BAA80il Daco JfKWI'OIIT FIIAUIAOY a.u..80A PR•WAOY GOP DINNER 'Say Children ~Solon Says IS SELL-OUT 1 Of War Dead Kuchel Ignored \\'1111111 " ,,, '" olt• I lhr Ill· nate School Aid Tax Fallacy nullnl'\.'llll 111 uf 11" Lull "111 llu) '11/.n, t t11hlt "" 11! \'<'t<'rans who olllll\1•1 I""~"''" IIIII•' '"'"' 'I'"'"' 'llt .. MI S AN FRJ\NllSCO. "" d , •. 1 1 ,.,ult ol war ~~Cr\fi""' d•• • ' I '-" 1 t tl l' 1 1 .. ,.,,,.,. fll q ,, ( ,, w.:• ( HfJIIt\ lft•f I• ,,,,,, 1}1 .. 1 tl'{'} muu be""'en· " n·· \ .... ,. J ,,. IJ I •lrrllll 1 1 1 1 .,. a ' PJ htroll:t'l lnr th1· 1!»1'1-1~9 ftSCiil (• J•U 1 h 110 1 1 IIIli• ~~ J:rOUJ ' 11'11 1! Ill 1111.1111 Iori lo!>SISlU~ (rom 1• ol \\ol' Ur''t'(l t<··'tl' 10 II .~181"· ,, II 11111 "~~~ 1 ••JIOrt~"'· .. "" J ., ~ {tom tht UNITED PRESS foto-Views By WALLY GERHARDT ~~~-1,,1," 1 .,,1111 ,11 d Jr ,111,.11 til• '""' •·I Cul1forma while at· nt•lll h) J\!.St'lnhlymun R khllrd J . :-o:AI\1.\'S l )'.olt•t-IIOI'I ,,.,.I I''' I ... 0' ltlllrl '••111111111•' • •atrl I h ol 1' 11'1"'1: ltl~o:h school and oou-... 1n II .. I\\ II;. :n th diS I rtCI n •pubhc•IJil I I ultlll" .,. '" .Ill) f••lt·rut corn-n.a · '''bat In • uur OJNnlun dU('1> ~11,..,0,,111 Ahdul Bt•) T.1ukun. th• t t ,, 1 1.11, •tt• ffro~.c <CI 111 S•J a~t ,...,. I ~·I" 11:.; :tnnuunc·c·ml'nt crune on • " • I S I Ioiii 1 ho \ IIIII~ .... r~·('Ctvln .. , 81-n I r s c· ..... Mt'toa Dt•t'd m• .. t . :0,1,,1,r 11J t h 1 ~ A rat. IPSIStlln'''' I hit! till' lanul•·•l l·ttlhlt•' c•f . ..r••·t ·-th• h<'l' 8 o a acramt•nto news · · ( !.1• 1 .. ru1.onn, d1r1•rtor of .veterans 1 • 1 s 1,,.1,1,"1.t•l ••lw lro(f tcotlu} thut Arllh· An:, t 'nto\111'11"1' ·,.,,,,.r "''It' ' • "(~d<'rl rom lute• Controller 1\L RIDJ-:(IUT. unlanh>hL'd furni- k ~aHull~ !<llld ll)(:hty • 11 K I ·"\\ l'h I''·"'"' "'"'lei lo·lld Cit h l.rk• II :"hr "'" lr• 'n alii• '" "'' ' n .omas uchel that the cost tort', l 9 I 6 N t•WIJ'Irl hoUit•\'llrd. thor•l "'"' 111 w,1r, \\'tilt n11"1" 1•"·1 ,.,.,.,.1\~,to·llt• "'' t.•r .1 r. \\ ,1tlcl1!iun.,! St~oH· ulcl <•f ~20 a month fur "' ~tat~· I(U\'c•rnml'nl i n C'rNUI('d 3!'l Costa !\h•>oa ,1trt) all) II>.,; h• n.r•lf lo\lth tho z11111 lnl•l··~ 111 1),. ''"'"I'' '" ,,. • "11"•· I 11'11 "'lh•"l 111 $\0 n month f ur I" r l'r•nt clurin~ the 1946-l!K7 \""(' 0 ,.,.11 n ·al pullt'~· protr•t'ftt>n. I'·'" •II••·· ,, '"' "'"" rlu~o I' "''" " lo L'• 't lr.tdt• school Ia -o-ll,t.'•ll )'l'!lr ovo•r the prt't.OC<'dlng , tl I a r-pr10C1pllllr 111 r<•l(itr to tX'IIl'r 'flw Mlo)'trr l\11111 AraiJ lurn•s Jlr•·· t·w r. 'lfl•·<l "> tlfl• ~tate Veterarw De-Ji' r wd. Total cost of the last t'Om· trufi•C l'Ontrol J>ltn~l l(l !o<H'IIfl<"' thl' llvt·~ uf 1'\ltf fur I Itt• t~·jt••flt tof tlu• ptth I" lulo•nl' l 'llt1C'Utllln81 Act. 11'1lS pll'll'd yt•ur Wflll 4!'i5 million dol· ( '(lrtdJtwns BTl' 1.(.-~t.tlUO mt·h In a four-rncmlh lw "iall'h n 111;1.r II >-h '" h• ;11 J!,.,. "''"1'1111''' :rl~n 15 avallab~ 10 11•1" I r ,. 8 1 t y dl'plor- 1·r•"'l'llil:n al(llllll'l Ow Ziuntst s "•~'II I' H <•'-•'11,'1• «1 "rl.'ltflll·'""" "1'1""' "1 •lr·r····•'•·d \'('l(•ra,_ undt·r "llm''t•v••r. s tall· tax r c1e nucs 1ol!ll', Jl<trttcular· I " turh "uuhl11tar t "I h i' mmllh' I hi' ''" • ,.,..,, 1111<1 1•1Jlrll1 1 • I '''""' r•lll• I 1 ' 1 1'1111 ,.,. •'Uill~>llln<:eS. It,,..,. uls(l tncr£>ased by ov{'r :.!'.? p<>r , IY ftor I Ill' c hll· l\11tlsh lr•11\'l'" T hr· llnllsh h rllt' ol tlw lto•puloll• Ill S•.tl• (', ntr ol It'"" ol1..:1lll" uri' widow. and • or11 :' thl' South Francisco lt>~tls·l dr .. n. llur JUH'· itllllCtiJOr•NI tltl') would 1•nn1pl\otl' ('.,ulrtltiC.I•, tho h oll will hP •IP"n rlo rl•h•ll •'I SoriiCr·mrn who ~rt' htltlr dl•(•Jnrl'fl. mh• rail' 1s su~,_ lh••tr t•\llC'UaliltO nu lltlor thltll Ill lilt• l'llln•l' l~tll"\\1111' dto• clrn·l l<lllo·d '" ,..,,.r\11'1' during eltht•r "l'h . I ,. r••l".'"d to ... ~ · r· ttml' 111s cornt' to comhat '~ ,,._. Aug. 1. n• r '' • tid \1 .tr or who d ied _latt'T liS •I , 'I t~rlll h•"rr' which !lt'<'ms to ahuut llw wurst t , r• ,.ult ,,r 11 war servtce con-,,,,, ,. su(lplllnll'd 'Virus X' 1n Sac· 111 I hi' c:ount) Over 2000 Hear I tit I'll" '""lltihly. I' tlllo•ntl) Hnd giVt' tlw ~llltl' I:OVt•rn-A rlr·qttat•• puhl't' T lu ,, ''"' Ill• n t1t••·rl not hal • 111• ell 1111 't•C'unomy s hfJt' '" tht• 11 r ''' t• ,. t 111 11 l Youth Forum "1' I'd "I\,,... from C'BlifOI'TIIIl, "II . l.lttiWl!; s;:raphlt'ally 1)1.>11'\h•d \\ ould tU'IJI Ill n •m t•t1) th•• An BAt;ll,\ll dtn•t' lt'l'l ,. , '"'' Ito• ""'""' .,,. dtll,d must hal• "'" t•Unc•· of Jnt•\;·nt•un 1s 1111rth r• S 1 1 ,11, . . ... '' •1•1• t1 1n th• ''"'~' for five year• 1 hl·i"'''" that a tax r eduction pwtncl nf 1·un• \\',. c·11n sa\'o' hot It l'rNrw·r .·1111h ,)lt~lllr I ''. 111 1 Sr\t 11 ,\:'111 "'II • llu\\ •~•• In •I "'' 1111\t ••f ''l')llil'utlon. A child . 11 ,. 1 , . . .• Ill•·~ ;ancl pr1 1J•••t~ tC "'' 111:01~1 ~llii!C' hy 111r II\ rrllt"JIIIrfllll l u· 'oo·rl•• lh• t'l •l\\tlll' I"''' 1111r II!'NI~ I II I I I t...-·t J I .,;ram Ctll'\ K UOtllrluk~:n tlurtnl( 11 I i'' I 11'1. ,. 0 ll f>JI \' (Illy ...... Wt'l n " I 'IIX !I 'S or th I . I I '"" p rult•l'llllll r.ol\\ r alho•t than ti lt)', MU'I<I•IIII: Jill~"' •' r••JII'I,.I " nl ('alrt .. l Ill' \fnl•h I' h.·on.: cit.;. tit ~· 'f IIi smd 2 1 I ' . . ··~. ICI II t• l'~ts II ur•• IIIII I' It h•n···•l tnlt• d l••t'l duo• 1tl ln1m Nrltnlr\IYll'n :.n~r·l• t1 ltv :u• ,11,~,.,1 trolotl '" 1111,1, 111 ,11 .:1~11• ' '1 ' ' • '1rl,•111 l'fiJIJihng illlll(•rtant pru· 1 (I f \1110(' It lll;l'd ) ltillt•nl'i' lw ~~~1w<l 11 1111 lllll;nn 1 ro Jtl•''" 111,1111 ,, ,,( , ,1111 111.,11 . .1 '' ',u 'I as r<:>crra 111n, nN't'Ssary wlurh fnllt-<iln rtahl o• "lh•• n lollllll· \\dlnlt·, 1.11.,. ,11111 11 Ill.''"''' t'r""l''\ 2 IN COM SPONSOR "" t.tl "'1\ll'o·s ;onrl n r•·St~onnhh·w· ('J\Hl.'r(l;\1 i\1~.1\ltS, jJhOIH 'UJI· EX-PREMIER OF IRAQ FLEES Wllf:S JS L:\GUl"A D ROP L~ TO SF.£ THE NEW CALIFORNIA FASHIONS t~OR ST\'I.E-ML~DED WOMES VOIN SHOP ... -~~!.u':!!.!ach Pacific Heating Co., Inc. Residential & Contmercial Heating. Forced Air, Gra'lify and Floor Furnaces Harbor 676-R 1709-11 Coast Hiway Corona del Mer * * • tnsurance p. a. pa IJn•r IHCOIPOIATIO w. o. buck, insurance coun~elor 3333 v1o lrdo, newpo rt beach, calif. telephone newpon beach, harbor 1500 * * I l "'"lrns,.Jlrnq " mroiHW '" .S,u'l lotll•lllH f••r lho FOUR BUS BENCHES ,,, 1St Ill I'UIII'hi iOnul funds" l'nllc··· ''"~"''' 111'11\ \ ..: '1 ·1 r" .. '"" tla\ c· .. nt. It ...... "'' ,. ""'II I"" "'l:l~la f<rr, \\'ho IS chairman ••round thr• tumh'<~ nl '"' rr·~•~:n1-t1 l'1 1ol•l••rn~ o•lfll<•d lr} r~ovr•rfl"T t:.rrl I"' tho Mthf'nmmtllt•\• un r<'l'\'nUc -phr'S, 1 1:~• :-;, "Jl<ll 1 I.Jouh'vard . ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ t'osla ~lt·~a • .... 'ftft 8a&. laa. ...... Shirley T em pie Ronald Regen ~•..,_,...•,r•tac. ............. ...,. ., .,..,... Hagen Girl" -tl ' ., ... .__ Don Castle LAte Tracy .. Hlp nde" ......... ,.._, hh. 1·1-l Joen Crawford Danna Andrews Henry Fonda ---'Daisy Kenyon' .,_ ~ f'horte ........ " .... &ul_.nr Ha.r~Mtr 8ltowtJrc:!! ~Fabulous Texan" lUarrlftJr Bill Elliott John Carroll Catherine Mcleod AM n\'lr. C'olor r.n-.. __,_ -rilE FOOTBALl. HICIH- U OHTS 01" 1M1" Mml~l <'n. a(tt•r ttw wnro;t rlotint.t \\ ,1rro·n • V'1'11' 111 "' t'urh-~ldc benches. 1 o11ol l.1'1:h llun of tht• j•JIIll cunstilu· 111 th•' mttlon's hlslnl'})1ad r lnlnwd ('ttcl\td• r1111110 ttl 1 uoolh p1 .. 1rlr llh '''1 11"' lh r• 11! ('nrona del Mar luttt.tl TI'VlSIIm C<>mmlltN', lldvo. 14 llvo•ll nnd fpn~'d .lhhur s t.t•J\'· j11 tl,.. ~mull ,.,..,u1111111t~. r.unll\ lfl· ""' 1'"11"11'· hnv£> lx-t•n placed ···"'' ditmnut1un uf fnlls a nd £>X· t-rnmt•nt In rc•!'ol(n l••n ·SI'> 1nr•Wttt~ ru c·1•1J ,,,uth 111 •·•·m·..r11"01 Hll.t•rst•C'tions in 1o .1\'hl:lln rrs 10 ~lalt· I'XtK'ndllurl's .::rou t,;, .wo t.ll"· nr•n l lur pruf··~~· 11"' ('1'"'11 ('nmrnunity.' thanks I \\othnu l an)• curtallmr nl of m•res· loculi ~tun<!llf<h 111 )ttllth t:utclllnt·•· 1" n•all"r .luhn Sadleir and •1•1> I:<Ji t•rnmt'ntal functions IIHw '''" llrlnk ju,.t ly 1•C lhc than kinl: (,...... I 1,.... n11tt1Y llt'\'t'r thmk. who think the)' do! Janl' Taylor. n.n.. Fri., Sat. ~--tt-JO..Il Joan Crawford Danna Andrews Henry Fonda __.._ •Daisy Kenyon' Mua. Uuu Wf'd. t 'f'b. l-4 111e P'k!btnt wt.. r ... rta.. .........,'Nalwa...,_. D..-tkl AeU-!!1 MGreen Dolphin Street" !ilfarrtn~r Lana Turner Van Heflin Donna Reed Richard Hart .... tt Errol Flynn Ida lupino Eleanor Par~er -'"- "Escape Me Never" l11uld"r J~oltlh J lnyh'. w1ll 1 ... r•·M•rnn~; th••mt'!l o111111111: Ttw h<•nc·Jw, havp bet-n locat· llw 13 f'~<nl'l cll~t·us~lrm suhJ•'<'IS •'<I 0\I'MI!-l' from the po8t olfl~. 1M hil!h ~rhnul anci rollege IIIU· ''~'"'~s c r 11 m lX'nny's Cafe, dl'nts w ill tnkl' "" ar tl\'1' part In nrro"' fntm llampton's Harbor t h,. worktn.: eunfr·rr·nr<' l>nt.:• .• ond nenr thl' lntel'lee· T h <' .SI/111'·~ I Of' t'llllf<'r<'nl'l' I~ t 1110 nf Coa11t H ighwa.y and ~pnn~on•ct II)· thl' C"n hfnrma Youth J\lttr Arlhur Blvd. Commil!t••·. t h ,. ('nmm1ss1on on Arlthttnn~tl tx>nche>-ma..y .aon Juvf'ntlr Jtl!iltn •. rand th,. Jud1c 111l he !'J)fln,.nrc•tl by other Corona C"ollnrll C"nrnrml ,,,,., undl'r dtn•e· •It• I M(lr mt•r·('h!lnls, according 110n of th•• Youth Authority 111 report!-from th<' local &W· -----ne~s A'~OC1<ll1on. To dllfo' W11hnm llownrrl Tnft is thr only Prt•!Hci,.nt of thr· U .S to IRII'r bt•l'llflll' ( 'hll·f J uslit:t• o f thl' Revenue in Quarter lf. S. Supr<'nll• c·ourt STAYS SILIN• Affirms Smaller •' Meat Supply LONGIR !'AC R,\;\IF':-:Tr l tl'Pl-FiJ:· ur~·~ SllJIJI"ltllll: tlw pn <1wtlon th;H lhl'rt• \\til l H• a ~lll'tlkr rllt'lll IU)l- CASINO CAFE WILL OPEN ON FEB. I IA>\u~ Verw<:>y. gt'tllal Balboa raf•· and cocktail ofl('rato r an· n<•unc•:od the r<'·Opemng of th\· ('ltJoolnO Cafe, Balboa. r l'b. 1. J'•)pular gnth(•nng !>J>Ol for lh<' f"h•·rm<'n and local N'llidrnts. lhc• c.of ,. h11~ bNon C'ln.;f'\1 fo r thrt'{' "C..'ks for altt•r-rotiun~ \'o•rwl'y ha.~ r n,::ngNI Mr. lllld \I,... Ct'O~I' ~:lhl'olll ~an 1)1{'!;11, I•• "lll'r!ll•• rhr· <·n t ~r-r. 1lw J-:ll1~~n~' ltnvl' OJli'ILth'il nutnt•• hu;. ('3ft•;. and 1 •·••aur.mt<~ tht'l't' Hotel Greeters Meet at Del Mar ply In 19411 '"'''TI' r<'ll'nM'd 'ocia.>l DF.L MAR !\i(lr{' lh:tn 3(NJ In r,,~Jrl!1' A ~"~'"· ~lltlt~ttlr"'n '-rm·mtH"r" nf tl~t• \V,.•t•·rn l'llllpt•·r fhf' ( ahfnr~i.• < r"JI ;11111 l.rl o·~loc\ .,f tlw ;\fllt'f" "" Snt'll'l) t1r Tr111'1'1 lto pullllll.: !'rrllf'• ,\,:rnl' tr•• lll"lttll: lto·rt• ;rl l >tl Tlw nwuh• t 11f t .1ttlo a nd M rl Ttul ·""I :'-111 1 h•"• I ,, l'H• ,,_ I'll"'' -.I.IIIO:htott•d Ill tho· 111'~1 11 c•l ""'" \\' .'\tollloll•. ""'Ill t 'llt ll o ttf h'-••I J'tJ, Stttll "'lhl. "\\'(lS: (t)lt t .. IHti ~I IIUtltn • fl,,t,t 'l •~l•t ""' Greoi!Yew 1948 tiJoo\11 lt' 1• t , • nl ,,, ... ,, lhl' •~ur­ " •J~•tHICIIt.: lo 'llf't '" J,.l tlw Jtr('- \ tnu' \ • tt '"'' al ... ,• '" ••PlY ut~\V(' , , It t I\ I \ I •• t ~I\ I ' tl."• 't ··•rn1•·11 ''"'"' !"t '"t ···u•ttnuf•d , f,,, n 1 • l h I '''" h u 'h' upln1uns I t • • h , '•''' "'' ''"' . t:, ,_,,,, ''' rs I 'P r't 't t ''1 \\1 • \,, (n1r ,. '''"'~ ':'"••HH'' I t d ut•l uttl Ill l ilt l't l~ rtU ._,f ttUf- J•Iil FERRY SINKING TOLL HITS 288 1••1\YI• •I I'• n .. ol• olh tnll , , .. f 111 d f I llo ftfJt 1 11 d _., .... '•llfl11\ 10 L'::l. .1. • ,.I. lt~r ·H1k1n .,, ,, \\ '"''' u h r t·)t')(t,1t Aer'l"tOel'llr'Or ~'"ln.: ·' .,. "', 11 .... 1 .... , ,, hwh J ~~'''h k ,,,,, , .. ,,,1, .,, l·~,,h .. n !l.tlt 11f tlh Jlh"•,t .. •l "" Utd t l <\\~ el-. tl'd tlu I• II\"''' .. ,\t•d truro rh• fn, ""~ "·••~~~ 'Ill!' 1· ... '·", "'''" .• 1"''" .. r •J•k."\ JUP••11-~I' if•P t!l \\tth t•U1y I l""1tt "''."'"up "" hlt'l. h \,, ltttl· r•h anrl • 1111 \ "' t 1 111.111 '' •ld,..r . 1 .,,. ""'~ 1\111 .. 1 I" I"''"'" tl•llltl I JUVENILE INFLU X UP P t •u l•'ll JtCl t 11( tl ' ''"''' I• fh, lllrl!• ,., ' 1 It• 1ol 111 1 ,,.. ", .,, • n ~t:\1•-.. I ... h1 t tlHIU I .tl'l \t "'l n~<·nl-.. r tl ''''" flu· • f•••, '•• 1 .. rnn ll· 11 • • ,., '"' t!\1 nl lh' '''''' ('f"(HI\ Ju tllfti UJ r• 'HI f :u t ,,, Ill f'ttltrnl IH f' .... d, ul , 1 ,.,,tf, tl t I rop .. lt r ·"' , ,, PIPER JOHNSON STORE TO RE-OPEN Pipo I .lr>hr •11 ' n • " ' , t. t '' ~11)1'!' Ill flall• .. .o \\ dl ''I" 11 " •I .. , r.t .. nrla.'·· I-'• r. 1 .111. 1 , " '"It ~h~ins.: r .... \., .. t\'-l\• 'ftll~tf 'n, ..... ,,.". ,, • , ,,, nd," .. ., . , nlon.: tho• ·~, "' ''""' • 1 th• ln11 Arcndo• ll.tll'" • \\I Ill• • hr I• • prll'l lll' "' th• ·'I''''", I lt .. p '' •: nnd P IJM 'I' .fn ltU "I' \\•'1•' "'' ,, ltJ• ltlr tn p thlf•ll.(h lito "'"''"' ,.,1 111•1 Mrxi<'•' NMI ,lo rhl\•fllt, tJ1 lh•• t •t•l \\oth l thr1r "t"t ,. 111 ,\ lh.tmltt 11 1111111' 1 han hnlf thr• 11011·. 11 ell llr•\'111 •• .oil h1' t iml' 111 t ho• I1M.':ol •lltlp I I th1nk '"" lln•t n o•Nl "' a .: ood st rt'l'l I 1..:h t lfll: pru~:ram It has n dl•Cmitc• saki y f ac t o r a nd sho uld r<'sult in lnCrl'ltSI•d bUSI· nrss for mer- chants "ho are op<>n 1 n the eve· nang S••rondly. I would C<"rl amly lik<' to !ICC a m o tion p1c1ur£' lh<'<llrt• It would givl' th<' pt'Opl<' of Co.;tn Mcsa n chance to lt<'l thc1r entertain· rnrnt locally and should h ·nd It> kt•c•p 11ur ('hllctrt·n nur nf m1sdud at ll'ast fur part of th1• day fU:l'\ 1'\ERES0:'-1. r<'al «>slate. 197:_1 :"/ • \1 J)(ort Mt•sa. ~·· t "' ' 1••1·1•!• II 1 1 1 ht>lllo•l ,ord, Cost a \• i1 TliJlllll) t: ru\1 'm.: I' 11 on - ntllnll), I thtnk II 1 , 1 .orlr·q11:o t ,. ""·• n 1·t ,tltun ss 1t1 1 ''"''' ,, ••• ,4;,.1 1 ,... p11•ltkm \\ • Ill' t .rpllll\ II 'ttltl lit.! q tUlt d ""• lid•· ln- d II I ,f "I ltnn I t ',, fh I ·I ftt I .,.,fill I 'll,tlftltlh' ,, '~lot j 1 jl I ,,1 f1' I I I • ol I tt•' ,, •' \\ 1 ' uJ• I Pit RTS A BARGAIN AT H/llf PRICE Tl t• I :r :'o•l,11 .• I'•• I• 1 \' 111 I .t"flll,l ~~. II 11 I ... •''II 1'1': , 1 ttd ' ntl 1 '"" dt·r I'"'' •. \\ I I I; I o•;t\llt!lll 1'11'-4'>; Ill ASSOCIATED Tile Original Marine Dock I :-:.\<'1!\"1 '\J11 •II'• l'hl' pn~uclat , .. u ~tl t d1t •t h1.'' ,,\~t lhC· lfon..; f,,, tu \ t1lllh " Ul• 1 • , ... , 11 lt\ !) 1 1 I• r o't·n t tltlfltll' \'1\1 \·.oft llr•lt11n i •llro·c IPI o•l t11o ',.,11 t, ,\lllltuttt~. I t • t•·t·t•••l t,.<l.l~ 111 •II\ "'!'I' 1111 lit•' luk fn t ·"" "'' h. til 1'1'1.:111.11' Jtlll'l' Til"''' ~il f il•'llt, ·"'' 1.!~ti11•· 1"1 ••II<' r("IJ II' l••t flh• (lit\\· dc•r llrr\ ;1nd 11\tt'l· f,,,. lht• t',tl'lh Tlln t(,,, ••1~· ~tfl t•J'· Ill ' :t I II t't' '"'''' l t!lll "' dill· 11•'1'\l.tl'<' :tnll d:t ...... \\;11'1'. ,\ ll ,.,, dirtttt'l'\\ an• l·=•ltt•rn. { ... l lil'll\ (':dif<•t11i:tnl n:tm· ·~I ''( lt':l ll~•· Hlo ... som" i s nuw I'll di.;pla ~ fn1· t lw fi I'!' I l inw. ~·lo\\t'''· ft1rit an II l<':t'''"' in n:tltlrol c·ol"'" nn l':wh Jlh 't'\". You 'hollld ~'<' t hi~ :Hid tlw n~'" "Admiral" nu:tJ .'J'pmp nofrit.:l'ntlnr ;It fl:ll). o. Con ... t Rlnl. !'\""' to • I 1 ht• FC\rd C.:tragf'. ,.. a.._, Froea Guoline --Diesel Fuel •• Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop Way c~a l'ard• H onortoct BATES & SON Harbor 481 FUN ZONE • In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY TIM .a.ttt S." .. Gas ••trlaerator- ntt" hrllll:." vou th•·n•'"• .... t ""d hlh"ill U\ r• I r ICo•r:tt '"" ••n tH t'llll•tu e 1\ bu• I •• • •1 I ,.,.,1 I '" I, 1 \lt•l'<~l t •./. \ ,.,,, t.H tr\'~h ''h al ~oo '"d ,,·.,:~·· t • \t ll'l• .\ :-;)) :'o•n •·I ·~ '""'""~ .ltfl r••11 l frt·r·tltlfOt ~\-l••m 1h.ot h~,.,.n·t n >-Hl .:l•' Uli'' enf! pnrt \•' "' •r •·r t'•·t """'' :\lt~r·•· 1h111 .:u.--.•uoo • "tu ~ htt••" th• C~ ,c H· '''.:• 1 ,,,,r "'·''~ "'" nt. l.h t .. hH').!''r. .JOliN t'. \'OGEI. Balboa Furniture Store 100 MAIN, BALBOA BAUOa au I f••lto•l1 • 11ol II ,,r • 11 1.., ( •· 11 t lh· t• '' ,., • .! "•7 t-,., ... ••'tl ,, I< tn "'• I I'O.ft •(h I f I I I 1f1 , 1 1!)\• 1 , ... , I II. I · 'Ill t.: I', 1)1, '' •: S-T-A-(;. E \\'t·d .• Jan .:.!~ S u n .. F t' h. 1 ''The Philadt'lph ia Stnry" \ ,.._,u\thl<roflt H,,,,l ( ~tfU•~,h lh l'hlllp 1~11111, at The Pla)·house Laguna B<'at·h l'llunl' 1 !II ftM>I' n ·f'll N>" t• it 00 &-$ t ;,(1 !no· T.l\ Ttn: rt.\nwn•r. nL" m ·n .n- 8an4•,...., Ff'b. ~. 11\, '!~: !'t•r .,, u . tl, at 11.00 r-rn .. 01.1): TIMF. & FOREIHS MO\Tf:S. ~ffmbrNIJp JS.90 ...... ._ ... lty Mf'mbtlna.Jp Only .~@ l- .....-,~-.,..,....-. ,q I ;.-,';v :3: METAL WALL TILE Rm•tprnor · Wntl'rproof PemlMt'nt -llf'i'nra tin• Can IW 1\ pplic-cl nn Nrw or Ohl SnrfRc..- Qomc-nt Tile-. R<WlfiDJ: and }1oorlnjt launfrdlate Installation FHEE ESTI~f A 'TI: Cheerfully Gi\'ert PH. HARBOR 213.~ Pacific Tile & Shingle Co. 2901 lafayette Newport ._. <WII. QUALITY ~ j .. Printing ~!, 1 ;.~., Service ..... · \ "" &.:t"l flu· Utt• "' '' h•·u \t•n l•·t ,, ... t tl••· ' t n· .. r '""' t• r I 11 I J 11 1: IH••••I•. \\ho·tlll'r l•trt;o• ur ... ~~ dl -"" A:ht~ •tfLdlt \ .,.,.,,, iH•: I \1 I. II \ltl\111( I ! t•r I :1 L_·.=~· ............ ..__.. ...... ~ Newport Harbor Publishing Co. r •. l-l.lhrrs t"f rll( Newport Balboa News-Times Tt ·r~f'I\Y at~,! Ttii'RSf'IW Nrwrort lk~ch. Cot!.f. ~II that unwantf'd th.rouah N_..~ adl. article Jack's Equipment Rental Contracton' Equipment • PLAa'l'D lfiXI:II4 • IJDLL aun • OONcam'K II!X'C!I8 • ftAP&!I8 Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Colta Mesa • Before Yoa Balld or ReiiiOdel &ample aDd DlllplaJ &o.. Color ~\~idea. plan- ning aJda, comprei'M!n8- and llnoJewn. lve stock of ca.rpetJ LUDLUM Carpet Works Chrysler Marine Engines Direct .Factory Distributor SEE THE New 20th fentury Models • Ace • Crown • Royal ;\t·'!fl-!1'! h .JI. ''·'!o-1 ,,., "I'· )1·'!11-1 j,j ll.p. -· ... ·-. ~ • 1'"'4 Service and Parts Available at All Times ..II • ' : .... ". ,),:{ Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Cr a ft Dea ler 925 Coast Hiway Beacon 5271 Help Save Meat and Eggs ... Eat More Sea Foods ~IOISIIRS They Are Rich In Iodine LOBSTERS FRESII DAILY Alive ~r ·CoQked Filf't of DM>p Sea Trout • FiJc-t of ~k 'Cod • Ea8t4'm Srallo~ • Snrlmp • Abalone Stf'ab • 0)"tt-M'. EMtem &: WMtem • F'Uet of Sheep llead BAYSIDE FISH MARKET WBOU:SALI: AND BE'l'A.IL JIC&WrullT ll&ACB ,., Launch Drive Against 'Shame' Of Calif. Traffic Health Council Elects Fullerton Woman President l Serg&ant Shorb Says •••• A r • ..-1•nt rnll~h'o' In t ht• l ' S llo•prt'St'ntnlht's of ' a r 1 o u s A1r !-'or!'<• I~> ("luttll•· 11 Ta) lou h••allh 11ncl suc'1al so 1' II'<' :tl:<'tll'll'' HI. ~"n c•( ~!r fl ntl M rs t' F nnlt f.:T<HIJI~ thrulll!lh•ul thr roun· Tn~ lur. IJ.!(o :!l11t ~~ ('o••t ~ :\lo•,,o I\ 1111d md~ 1dU11ls mlo•rt-sto'<i In T •l) lo)r r1wnwr l) lllll'tlol••d :"o'WJ'tlrl ,j,.,,., . .;, r\ IC't'~ u ·,·rt• llr•>St•nl :ot j llarholr lllf.:h M'huul F ro•lll _1!11 ' An off<'nSIV<' loll Hit• a~;ams1 1 ht• aham<'ful rcrord o f d t•ath and in- jury . r<:onom•c and S0<'13I wash• causl"d by trafl•t• al'<'ldt'nts. has bt•rn launch<'d hy tht• C"allforma As!IOCI!IIIOn of Jnsurttn<'t· A~;rnts and th<' l'l:lltlonal Auto mub1h-l'luh. al"Cocchn~ to W R CIRss•ck ol Hollywood, pr<'sidt'nl uf lht' In· auranl"C produC<'rs a nd II. E:. Man- ners of San Fran<'•sco. ~~·n··rut manag<'r of the mOt(lrlsts' cluh, in a joint publie anno unt't'm l'l11 thr nnnual c•lt'('tton or urnC\'rs or I to 1~7 hi' ~··n.•d \lllh lh·· l ~ I lho• ho•ttllh t•uum·•l eol O r llnc1• C1•Ut1· :0.:,1\~ 'fuylur \\Ill mllko· ·•1'1'"''" I)' Moni1ny llll:hl an tht• Hoar<t t•f "''n for tlh' ll\ Hlth•n .nw..nunu .... , ~·dur:11111n hulldmg. 1~15 1-'ro•nch ,c·h•'<•l "'"' t•f lho• rmln~ ~>•·~\ h'o· S ln>t•t. Sanla Ann T lw 1 tranco· ,.l'ftt~ttl< •llll'n•l•·•l h) lht• Air 1-ur.-.•1 C"tlltnl)' hranch. Amt•n c:m Can<'•'r lur ~lii'I'I,IIIL<'li lralnlnl! f11r II< SOC'Ic:'ty, \\8S lh•' spOn!>ur uf lht•j mrn prucnun folhm In!; rtw hU~IOI'"S \\'llhiO lht• llf'\1 r.•w \\o•o•k ... I llll'l'llnl: over whlch the reUrlna hnl<t' t .. h n\o• m~ t•fflt·1'41c~rllto••l "' Jlt'l'Sidl•nt, MISS \\•nu \' J on••< pro·· II\" tnUOII'Ijl61 Jlll'r lllJ lhOII n •· ~lrlt•d. Mrs. F.stht'r Long of Full<'r · mzttn' tn l>t• rl1•n•· .m '"'' I~ fur lho• tun WitS d;•cl<'d prt.'srdt·nl St•r·\'1111-: t•IJJ "llr·a,,." '" 1111~" nn II 11nd l ·m Wllh ht•r·. Oil till' I'Xf'Clllll't• ('Oinl· Min> IIIII I tht•rt• Will l11• f1f> Ohjo'('. mllli'<' \\Ill lw \'II'('·III'<'Sidt·nl M1ss I inns t'lfl llu·tt· flllrt A.' S.)(ln It:< 'nll'lma Pol l<ln. or Santa Ana ,,... ..... I hiS .. tn t ion I~ OJK'Ot'(l I ·"·ol< for· n •lary Mrs . Eva Gnno:ft'n o l An.1-ward to lll'l'tnl-: '"'" o( \'!Slim-s. lll~>o fwim. unrt t reusuN'r M n<. t::dna hop<' In ~··• lnl.• of t'l'<T\ul~t. Cruwft~rd of Santa Ana. With 33.600 'kftil'd , U!OCJ,()().) In· jured and $2.200,000.000 uurrly wash>d annually. t h r nation's trarrlc toll has l>t>conw 11 du1~;race, Califo rnia's rt>cord. rt•p(lrl~ lh<' National Auto mobll<' club, 11 liP· proximately 3.800 falnlilirs and 75,000 J)('rsons inJUrt'd 1n fl2.fKlO al"Cide n ts. A m ajority of lhrse !I<'· cid<'nts rt'Sult from mistJSP of speed and lack uf t•uullon, l'our· teay 11nd common Sf'nSI' T wo out of E'\'rry thn•t' nccid1·tHs ln\'olw m istakes hy lht• drl\'t·rs W. Stanll')' l\!usft.'ll. M. D .. was Thon:11s M Orr. o fo rnwr P'<trol· lnlr()dlll't•d to the ~:rour u" lht• III IH) With thr 1'\o•\\port i:k'llt'h Po- rouncil'~ no•wly arpointro chair· lwt• clt•l»trtmt•nr \1 h•J ~c·n·coct f<)Ur ntnn 11f rttl'ntal h~ l(io·no • ~ ""rs \\'llh fh•• I r ~ Mltl'ln•• l'orps, ~ Broken Lee Won't Hurt Ao Much • • • if you haV(• M<·l mpoll· la n Al"<'rdc•nt 1n~urnm·•· Alok us about 11. "Aaar:' ~. "r.t-'t a M 1 3.1r4 ..e .• ~ ... ,...,, ..... rh. "., a:.e1 "~""uiHtflt.ae LU,. ln•ur•nfT f e. this wo•r k rl'rnh~t .. d in lhr U S Mrs l\l:.r) A. Cnmph•n. t''\t•t'll· t j, ,. nf I hi' lvcal cam·cr socil't)', A rrny for I hrN• yl'nrll Orr I!IIW muf'h lol'lfnn Wllh 1hf' lrath1•r· arl 101: ll'i tJr n.:rnm ch:ur rnan inlrO· d ut't•cl l>r :\ltld.ro·d \\'t•hrly chmr-nf'•·k~ '" t hr T';cn fll' lhefll<'r frt•m 011111 1,( llh' <'M'<"UIIII' 1·ommrlh'<'. ~o·plt•mhrr 19-13 unlll tho• r•llos,• .mtl F n •ol Juhn~om, assl,.tnnl slalt• ul l ht• \\ltr lft• look 1mrt In <'am· cllro'C'I"r unci I'Xl't'Utl\'o• st•o•r••Lu·y p.n.:n~ 111 lfw J'l.:llrlh !'o1lnrnnns. 11r lho• l.t" An~;l'lt•,. hranch \\h•• llr ... mllrk i\rdHt•·lnf.:u PlulrpJIIIIr'~ IJ•IItl lnhuto• 1, llw ,,~~~~lltnc•o· :rnrl Po·lro'U' c lrr WitS o·nll'l•'fi In 1-o•af.:UI' lnr lhl'tr IH''"'' p:orl ,.0 h··· "'' formo·r 1:rrull• of T •·1·hnrrnl lt;~lt ,,f lfh· , :tru•o·r par11 111._ lind s, 11;1 1111t unol pl:w• ''" mttkllli,: 1tw I 1.\1 '"' a (',rr•·••r llw pro•" nit'" prof.:ram • • • 1 Sh I I 111t• nt 1 Itt• ro·l'o ol o nll,to•o•' 111 ·County Sa es ow tho ,. s Army '" c.nt N•·lh, I M"JJ" T "'" ••I )\lr, h ;1 t'l:or k, llunltlll.!lun Over I JOn ax 1:. ,,.h Allhtllll;h tlrtl\' ~·;I )<'llr!; e BOWLING IS A SPORT YOU'LL r:s~o\·; A SPORT THAT HELPS KEI':P \.0 1' IS GOOD PH\'S I<.AI. ('OS · DITIOS. Mesa Recreation ' ''' ·•1:•' 1\:..rlt h~~ hncl C'lln~Ht.-r.lhlo· S.r.'l.tlllo•nt" T;o\.thlo• '·"'" pro •\11111• ~o·r\lo•t• "llh the• All 11 rl:tlltns.: !'It :11:1,:'or>c I tlunn.: I ho· jo',., . .,,,!o From Ot•l• ·l~·r I !),J.I 1rt1t1l l hr••t• llltllllh~ o•nrlo·tl :-;,'1'11'111''•'1' :IO,,.htn•· l!ll:i, :-;l'lh," r.,.,, llo•u l<•n:onl, l!f.r'l'. pno\lflo•ll tl'lo'llllo•' 11[ S l.flll'·l \\'1' ,, hnmh:t~·cltt•r \lllh lfu•Rth i\1r :iX!I In Ill•• ~t.tl•· {;,·rwr.ol ~·untl ~·111'1'1' II•· rpr·:rll~ \'1\'ldl~· hi~ frrs l 11om I lr .<111.:1' c·1•1trll ~ at"""· :w· ""~"11'11 •l\ o'r o·n,.my lr•rrrll)t•) who·n t•onlln;: '" rnf~ormllll<lo n•lo·a~l'd ·l7 I' S pill no·~ wo•ro• "hoi 1l11wn toch11 II\ \\ tliiMtl (; llom..ttr. Althuuch hts plnnr• WI<:< "'' hndh l'h:urm .. n 111 lho• St:olt· Hnnrd ut ''"'' up thnl '"" •·n~m••s wr nt ~:·l't-tlltall;rn T h o• s , .... 1f•·~ Hflll '"'' tho• pilot wuq n hh• tol ro•turn ro•\o•rrlh" "''''' Ill 1•·rc···n1 :th<l\'o•, to hr~ hnm .. lta~o· lho· , .... 11 ~JI0111tllnj: '"""""'" ,,, ''"' :-.;,lit \\ho wac: lt\\hrtlprl lht• i\rr lhll 11 quurto•r or l!llli. H"nolh ,1, tl.tl "''" thr(••• rllt~lf·ro; nne! tho• ru ld•·tl I ''"""l!"'"t-rd Flym~o; C'roc;c: gract. l ,,., \ f'utlnl~ ''"'''1•1 .\lptno .nfc·c1 rn I'l--l:! frol!ll I hi' lfrtntfnJ:If•n ,luol\•tl .o111111'n:t••• ''''r lh<' lhlrd ll•·.tl l 'mnn ll1a,:h ~rhr)OI \\ho•rl' , "·" 1,, .,1 t!llli. h•· """''' ,, ol 4 1111.1'" ""~ ,.dolnr nf tl11• llunloo~.;lon I lk .wh ·•flo~h 1.11-:ht< II•• Htlrnrl(•d lo•l, prtrt\'lflotll} o'nf.!,•c•·rl HI lho•l ,lt,• l 'nl\rr~''' ro( ('otlrlnrnrn \\ho•r•• '·"'' 11f Ill• :oh .ond dnnk~ rorrolu•·••<l ho· "·'~ a m••ml<~•r .. r lht• \\·rll•·1' fflPrt* tt•\t 1\llf lhnn ,10:. ul tftt' t •nnfPrPnf'"t• Demand for W AA Water Distillers SaJ~mf'n at \\'ar A• .... t• .\lln tlnl,.trallun ",.,., ,.,.,. .. ·k· ln~t tho•lr flf,.., t'"'"~ t u find '"rt'"'" "T -C"' (tho·rmu-c .. >m· t•r•·--'lun I "uto•r •ll,tlllo·r" ""''· 1l•·nlv In ~r.·ut do•mand tu~ 1'1111'•~· uf tho• l"'"tr .. ·lt"'l dr)' "1"'11 In ~ .. ut ho·rn ('allf,.rnla. .,,.,,.n,. uf tho•"" m .. ·hln,..., "hl1·h mad•· frr •h "ato·r fr"m 1of•f'a1S hrloo• at "'" )' ln,.tll.lla· lion .. 1"' ~""' h I' ad fit· at .. u ... ha\o• bfot•n •11ld to •-Anc"l"" l'nunh• anu \arlouJ .. 1•111.-.. dur· Inc iho• ,,..,t '"" nuonth ... ",\A r M·urd• r r v.-al. ~ .. ..,,. T .( · unit• .,,. bt'4nll 11~•1 un o·naAtal plain rill,.. t .. "frr"h""" t hr \\ atf'r fr<lfft \\ r ll,. IJOollutf'd by ttall \\ atf'r ·-vac•·. U n ,. t"\f'ttrd mlllloealrr from ~ant a Uarba.ra. "hn "alol h•• had tw.-n "hard hit" h~ t hat r lty',. .. trld ratlnalac ur "at .. r , t.,J,.phnn rd In ..... It hr ruulol "JHr lc IJI,.. unf' nf I h r T ~ unit... and .. tart II t•• mlllklnt tr .... h ""'"' '"' hi• 11118 Nrwpor1 Bh·d. <'OHTA Mt:~A Pta. Br.aron IWI62·W ,,, h• r ~o:ruUI" 111111 "lllt'h • ""'' Ins ~ •. ,h . l'lllt~tr·ol '" 'ho· AdJUtr<n l rw d r.. n··rnl' dt flllrtnll'nl r.nrf. lw•c.llt,. ~JICJ[JlJ~~~~~;;~~~~r~·'~f'~l~a~,s~"'~r~ .. ~-d ~ " 1 r · _, .. r hr• tr:t•n•n~: '"Jtlurnnlt~m h•· 11.,~ •,.,.tatr. \\ hlc-h adJnln• thf' RA FOI SKIEIS or oRyeno olao -"•'• cold, tlrod or wot. Put 1 V. .• flp. IUIOf Oftd 0 thlclc allco of dovo·atvddod lomon In tho bo"o"' of o tlou. Fill with hot block too, aHr wltlt a cinnamon 1Hck. - L B0t1!.E~OL_E ~INT j -:;: .... ~~~I( .... :;::-=- VUY lAlLY CHRISTMAS HINT- whonovor you opon coffoo coni, aavo tho motol aplrala • for noxt yoar'a Chrlat-£ maa troo. Sprood thom ~ out to molro shiny, col· . orful corlcacrow curfs. · ' Tho lroy 1orvo1 01 o ~ 1 ~ hangor. ~~.~~~ POTATOES WITH COnAGE CHUSI • _.,,., ... ~·-· l ""~· ..... ·- l """'· ......... ,,.. 2 •n• ,,,.............. '~ ..... Woth and pool potatooa, allco, thow fTy slowly In ahortonint until tondor. Tum Into balling diah. Mix co"ogo chooao, a our croa~, ogga ollld aolh. pour ovor pototooa. lalro tn alow. ovon (275 •t 10 min a. or unHI mix· turo aoh. Sorvoa 6. (LEAP Y.!_AR ~POSA!:) ---: 0~0 :,--- IF YOU WILL aond Ul o ponni poll• card with your nomo ond oddrou, wo'll und you a froo copy of Wohor'a "Good ldooa" booklet, 60 pagoa of handy, helpful, "how• to·do·lh," from Wobor loklnt Company, lox 1730, Dopt. 431, Wihhlro·Lo lroa Statloft, Loa Angolu 36. '" • n llSI\ICn• rl In lho· Puhllr lnforr- mnlrnn ~··n rrt• Rl Fori MIIC'Ar· r hur. C ·n hfnr0111 flurin,;: t he• 191111 M ro r c h of lJtnll's. m on• thun r.oo.ooo volun- ll'ers from I'Vt'ry WAlk (lf lifc-wilt I><• 1 ronllhllln~ A rnl'rrt•nn lct .. lll!\ tn· IO l!'rm~ ()( IIC'It\'o• All~iSIIlOC'I' Th1~ •~ tiH' rft'morralt!" wny o f fif.:h lln,:: a humAnll;rrllln w:or llf.:•11nsl dr· ~:vrry mnn, womnn nnd 1't11lrf m11~1 l'nh~l in lh•' fu.;ht h) 1 1"''11111.: 1111• 194~ Mnrr h nf l lim rll ·Ask---Is Water Supply Adequate? fN't•aa. llf' roHaldn'f-lno maay CO\f'rnm .. nt ac•·nf'lrt~ \\f'rf' ahf'ad "' him. PuBLIC NoTICE URUINAN('I': NO. NA Thr Ctty o f N t'wport Beach. by and lhrou~h Its Clly C"ounr ll, dOI.'s ordnln os follows : ~E(IJ()N 1 C lrdmnnN> !'11 !l:..~ rtf I hf' t'll }' u( ('\; f'WJlt1rl llo•tH'h 1" hl'rf't;y llml•nclf·rl. f1UI"1'UIInl In S<'<'· I w n :\ n f 'IIIIi ( )rolmanrl', h) r iHIOII:· ln~o; I hi' bounctnr io•s n( I hr• r>t•ll riel /Ill !lhm'n h)• l llstrlf'IIOf.: ~lllfl. St•l'· I IClO 11 t ho·r••• •i tn t h•• folluWinJ.: pnrlwuhors. lt>-wit 1.111~ J:\ Ill :.!J, 101'1\L~I\'1', RJI'I('k I. bt~l :O.:o•\lptlrl Tru1'l, ('ily 11f :O.:t'wpnr I Rt•;.,•h. :tr<' ho•r••loy r han,::. 1.C '~ A:O.:(;FI.~.S :O.:uturt ha~ c•d frum ll-:! R··~•d"n•••· llt~lrtl't 1!1\o•n SnHiho rn c·:rhf•ornt:o ''' "''" · In 11 C'-1 l'umnwon:ol Dr~lrwt ••n•l mo., I ompnrt;,nt 1111hlw S l·.l •rtc 1:0.: :: Tho• ,olkol ,. nne! 'llh ""'" 1~ t hr• \\:tlf'l ~IIJlJtll :ulo fnr••f.:lliO~ t lrtltn onr••• ''' ~JI ,hrtll quak '" m ••1•l f11111ro n•••·rl~· IN· pulotl,.lwd c•nro· "' lhr· :--iF\\ M n n t h ~ of ro•rnrd . hrt·:okon.: PC IHT BAJ.nt lA l\:1 \\'S.Tll\IES olt nuchl :t rul \\,tl•·r r:11 1onon..: on 11 nr·W~fOIIJJo·r ••f f.:•·n•·tool Clrrul:tfl.,n "' "r:1l r•11 1"~ h:tl•· ·~•mluno ol '"I pnniN1. puhlo,ho•d llntl crn·ul:ol••ol m:okr• llw ,.,liP nlm;,,t n' pr••m· In lhr C'lt)' (If :'IJo•"J•ol'l Ho•:w h , lu lol 1nrn1 ~~~ lh<' sp1raltnf.:' of fll'tc'<·' ~h:tll Ink,. • ff,.,., 'Inti l1o• rn fnr•·· ,.,.,.ordltlJ.: '" lt:rymonrl :\ln tlhr \1 lh1rt) rl;o.'s ••ftr·r rt~ pulolll'lllr•on l'fu..r •·ncln••l•r, Cnlnrnctn lt1vr•r I httrl" 1·• rltf} thrrt thr• foro· , Jl.,arrl 11( I'll It fur 111:1 f.!urnc I h riHr:tnt••· '' ~~~ rnlrnd ut•o·ol ··Tho• f'Hlll'ht'l•·rl rlr~· spo•l l "'" 111 n r<'f.!lllo~r mr·••!ln~; 1•f ,.,, , • .,.~ f,.,.ll,•·rl tho ;,q,.,,,,,, 11( nur JH'II· ( ·l,llrwrt 11f llw l'rly o f :O.:o•\\tHirl pi• ton 1111• 111•·•-.lng prnhl1 0 1 uf Ho•tll'b ho·lcl "'' tl~o· :.1:11h rill \ 111 1• ,,, 1 ·· "'"' :\l.rlllt•·11 ":O.:alur .. ha< Atii!IISI. 1'117. torul "''~ flttlllly I'·'" ''"'""II!' \\lilt rlrJtrllllllt' dr•flrnr-... ,.d atH1 .,dtoplo•r1 ,., 1111· :Hith·rJa\ 11 h:ol " 111,,,...,, ... ,.11~ "tllulrnn !ill 111 .lanot.q) I'll"'. h\ lhr r il' Sf•tttht ,., (',.eltffln11d \\otiJd h·· (,u" c·,.,HlC11 ;d h lf·~ular rtl•'t•IJfiS 1111.! l11<lo\' \\o·t,. tl nnl fur 1!11 "'P lhr•rf'of, II\ lh<' full'"'ln~; rnll 1'1111 Jt)trtU'rt':lf \\•lflf '.11Jiply "(• rf'('l\~ \ulfl, fO\o\lf • fr.,m tltr• l'rrl•or.o llu ltl\•t rho o\YI :-.; ,.,,,.,('Jl .\11 ' A II• n • 11•1• \\ultitl ho I!• n• 1 tl anti ,.,, S1lo r, 1•1• II lt••h• rr, .. , Hr•1 o1 ··.,nftn• cl I•> tluo<• IO\\ t'rll•' lnt•ktlll: :"I of S . I I •I .,1.1 1.~11 '-.: :0.:""' 1 "'l•l•lo Ill• olaf '"'If< I' lot l.o t• \<ho 11 All~l :O.:T ('r tt •;-.,1·11..\ll :-; :-.;,,,, '" • rl• d A'rl'l ST F norrk I. Htno h.u 1 ('tty l'lo·rk J•, "~''"'' fl\ """' r \\,tlo I Itt 1'\t ltollill <111 fit II 111011'.1 ""}' I h • 1•11 <io, "" I h• 11 II o lto·n"l \\ 1 nt.:< t 1o rl11\l• lhom thrutll;h lh• \\:1t•r. '"'fll\ anrl c r:11·•tllll) r•'tlrnct1n.: I h• 11 I"' I IH'hrnd I ho m .r< r•uldf'r' Tho• ''""'' loud f•tto ~·•11111: r>r dtn:,,, • '' ''L:n• d .•rut ••J,pro\.ttd It\ 111• ttor" ~·o;lft 1!1) ••I .f:otHH•r} 1~1.$11 1 1 It P.l.f-.11. ·"">••r 1'1111 .l.on ..'~•. l'IJH WHOLE BROILED LOBSTER llouN 4 to J 2 p. m. (' ATF:RISO TO P ARTlES ASO RASQI 'ETI; C'O('kfall"' A ,.ailablf. J•h. lla rhor 7X I .,........) Mltrtt..,•n. nnt,..,. plan· W.. wtlo ""' •l•t••r •·rida} .,.,,.. ..... ~ln. llct a t l..al(llna BNM-h Hlc'h II('IH>ool au<lltoorlum, .., .,_, artl"t "lth llratt~o:•· c ·uunt )' 14) Ill· pMrt) ur<ho.,.trll \II-~11111-•n {. "'",., "' "''\l'rl\1 flllhl """'"'" froe-u Trlnit \ o·ulh•~o:r·, t.oondt~n, " .... ,..,. ..tlo• """'" t'll ho•r f••llu\\ · ""Ia• ct"tc ,.,.,.. '"'' '""" aloon a •lud,.llt Ill lh•• Ku,\ al \l'adNll,l of I'IW1•, t,..""'""· Ttl Jlt ••' ,, , If.• th ,., ,, "'~ .. d,•pth .. , .. , I" • ., '""' ... ~. Ut tl\. lhP NltV) '"'lllllol ' ol "''"I• '"'" '"I unh·• r n .. ,. '' '"'"' I ttl I u·h ••I U1t~ 7,4l6 Ofllt't·r' ''"' _.-, r;l~ tlH'II 111 111 Or.:nn11• ol \u J!,.,,.1'\ •• Tiwrr '" I 1 I l11111h '111111 I hliiJ" Ill angUn~t th ,, ''rut. '" l"'"l•t•, lf'ltt'llllfno·~• ool 'I'"'' '""' ,, 1'111'• l l'l'l'nll)' tol lllllltl \\',,,ftllll:l"n Irvin~: Crt'am of Amateurs In (;oldt'n (~ lttvt's \1 111.1111 lho Ill lh t ;,,1,1, II ;;),o\ ,., hHHn t.llh 111 ,.., h I ·, Ulht ;, \\ell r ...... ''" , '' utt ••t '"• ~.•uthl11tht ,. .~ • .-et. '"'''I'' .. ,. ·••• "' '' h.et t••••n• ....... ,,, h,· t h. h.'' ttu .. , ,t..~ ~lu~ r. ,, '" r.. l.t 111 tlu .. "'" 'lift I• I tilL'\ ' 1\lt h'' ,It •' 't tt\\ '''"C olll I r,.:lll •It\ , .. , •• ,., ,, ""' I h Wo'l.:hl lhlooll.;ft ho·"' \\\''ll(ht \\ llh II -11.:111 '"'t~·· ).!euna.: It• th•• f"''I•Ul.u c·h'•'l 111 tlh''" t•~"n' ''•·ltt'f\\t't..:tu ... up ~ .. l>j •t h I Ito• IIIII~ I h.t I IJ,;ol lo1r ~JII't'll 1<1111 -1li'"'' lf1111 l'lljOI\ \\lltt'fthlfl 1••11• I J~lllo'h••• tt ro• ""'"" h i ht• ~~~~~~r"'ll In u11tl1lh•n lllo-ro• •-II•• IIIII t .. ,,., ~1111\o' fa41 ~t'flljiJIIIII! 1!<• '"' • II lho• fllluh'l~ til tho• lit'\\' ""' ,,~. ,.,,.~, "'htt•h hu~ '"'''" Jultl1•1l tho!< \1'111 Tlw~o· lllo• lht• l>o•Y• \\1'111 lllt\'o• hnct ~1:0. olf' It·~~ ~t'lu-.11111'<1 1~•111~ Fllllllll~<lil•ll~ ,.,.,. """' l'<•l111: 1'\IIHhh'll'tl It's more than a new look ln cartl It's a new experience In riding comfort and wide-range vialonl N•w1941 Champion and Commander convertibles, sedans and coupeal A fabulously fine new 19•1 land CruJMrl NEWPORT BALBOA Nr.wi.TIIIIr.S Pa&!L_3 Orangt foast ColleJr~ Setks J.,our IJusst•s to 1'runsporf St udt-nts I,, Uti..'• t ",, 1"-l .IUIU••t ,,,)1,•..:• \\ tlf phi\ ldt lt.IU"-J-.tl IHUPU fttl loofUdt Ul' tl4"1o ll Hh' ,, ........... th·· ''"'"I '"' .. htftttft \\h••n n")'UI.It flt,,Hh fhHl f"-' Ill .......... -. d IU :--;, ., •• tttl~·· PI ., .. , \t •1 I ht'lro t ltt httll\ \\,l It oh fh tl til 1 ht• It fllf,tt IUt•t•l 111.; tlf lfH• lt\\:tl tl PI 1'1 "''' f' ''" .1.111 .'1• '' htt h uh,, HUihdllf ••ef lh•" H•hHttU'II,tll\t' '1HII , .. ,.,.u •··• ""'' r ... tlh· I···"•' "'" , h., •• "r •·•u•· 7:.• , .. ,,,,·n.:•·• l•u, ..... , .... "·II\,.,' h~ ~··t•ft'IUI\t'l' , •• ," II ,, ,,,, ... ,,.,,.~, I IIIII ..... It 1•11• "111 "' d,, dt l··n""l '"'' lnp ' tth•ltl "'~: nnd •·\ ··uht.: I•• t 1 ""'ltlli'l 1 '' '' d•'"'"' \\ l'httlt: I•• l ldt~ lu IIJ•' t"'l•l l,•t.:•" If ,,._,,,.j l11 ;I fiHI\IUHUU :•7h p•·''''""" '"'uld f,,~ tr,ut'l"'l'lc•tl ''' th•· • ••11••..:.• tltuh f1h · ltoWII ol ,j"'lllo~l lo• 1'1"\ lllo• JOE NICKERTZ Au "l'f'"" "'"''' llltltiiK'I ol 'ltttft•ttt~o \hiUid l~o• llr\llhlo• Itt el· •··nd •'••II••._ ••• •I ltuu'l"•rtnl tt•n ""'"-" tu•t I"''' I• I•·' I " S tud.'ut-. t•l the• tlt ... lt h•t tl.ll\t" h'''" I'*'''"'''" ''''"''""'·•lhUI ...... , 1;1 a111111111 11n•l lu.:h "'"""I" .\ ,,,,, ' ...... .;.· t ·.~.,, , .. ,.,. ,..,... ·•~·:"'''"' 1htt 1111: ",.,,,.,. tolllllfhli I• lol ·••k·····d "·' ''''"''' '•~~:• l1tllt ·~ ur ~""""''' W<•lllol 11111ko• It 1111111£"'"· ''"' '"' '"""' ,lo .. lo•~tl .. rlrl\'111..: , • .,. I ho• hiJ:lll\11\' Ill jlll\lllo• 4'11111 II 111•' oil• I 1 lo•l \\ olf J>o• filllllll'illr I)' llhlo• Ill Jllm'h/11'4' hllltll4'11 h)' cft8. tt-lhuthtl[ 1'11111• ol\lo•r 11 flvr·>:"•f I"'' r.~l \\II huttl hllttcliNII'IMIII( *'- t•th h·.et lnn:1l IU t•t.:I1Uflt Yll can make IUft of important ~avin&• in your w ..... .., .... -. ol d.o foocla that ... relatively plentiful. BecAute they are not tearCJe, &bey are cenera~Jy lower in price. Just aee how muy delic.ioua meala you can plAn from the IDOneJ·Nvin& foods lilted below. ~ .ure ... tbop SAFEWAY! SAFEWAY AU PIICII LllfiD All IPIICfiVI YNIOUeN NIXf MONDAY, fll. 2, tt•l PIIPAIII~ Gili Con Carne "" ... -.. ·~~ ...... Chtli Con Corne --27" .............. -. . Chili Con Corne ""--D-·~c--. p:..,._, Spoghotti-c-""'--1 .. Spogho"i .. _ "--11- Rcmolit c':::::. ~--1 .. ~M!J P5o Cruat Mix•-. ·~--. 1,. Plocrust -.._.. .._ ... 11- Calro Flour-.. _-.tO- Coke Flour .:=: ~ ... Coiro Flour ..... "" ..... -. tO- Cairo Mix ,_ "--. » • ....,. c..o., wtr.~ .. , Coiro Mix ~:;:.., ~ 38- D.,ll'a Food Mix o.-.'::: 21• Gi119orbrood Mix ••;..-24• •o.........,,~, ~~~~t~d Mix ••--. Jt• Gi119er Coko Miac::.:,.••;:;-2'7- Corn trood Mix ~-~~ 22- lltquick :-:;" ':'::: ':.:" M• lhcuit Flour (.7.::~: -=.:· M• ·~tt'. '~ Corn Muffin Mi•.,.-~. •:.-; 45• Hot Roll Mix ,..,,., ,.,, ..... 25• WIWAY $AYI~ Pot MiMe 2 , .. 21• Mcwni119 Milk 2 ;e 25• l fiC'Uitt ~--=:. ·~;· ... Poncoko Flour,.,,_ •·•• ... 27• tJO.I .... I:,.CI Dlxlo Fry Tomato Cohup ~.";; Dog Food ;;;-::; ....... "'' .. ... ., .. ... Tel. .... .....,._,__._,_..._ _ ............... ., ..... , __ Walnuts -----.OIU..,UUII ot !C.IfN $TA•s Zenith Rice ~ .. 18- :.:35• ::·35• ::40- ":22- .... 4 IXcmHO JTOitn • JOOD aancua 9 OTMII PIA 'f\1111 _,. lot .... 'fMUAIY • ...-, "., .. .. r--·~·~ OM WI Y'MUISOAY, JU. 29 Prunes Prunes Cherub •tk ...,. --... -a· Alrwerc.,.. .......... _, .. _ ........... Ill ... IIUCoflle ••• .. ... •·• a-... • •• .. - ,_,... •"'' ,._, .. rno,..,1, • .,.. YOJII ron •ni"' -" ·~~~~n':'!., r "'' of ~oi•••Y -I. • • \Q\14\h•r .. auonnl ... c-... ....... '"" ...., .. , Eftllds Coffee ,., ......... , ... ,.. .... ..... fl)lrttw r.a•'••.2• ..... t7,, BUF ROASTu::=.irl .. &l• f RESH PICIII,.C"_S~ •. 45~--.. -.~ ... --........ BEEF LIVER :.tft·"'• •·59 ... ~-·:· ~!!;~ E1 tmOt:t'"' 39a .J/ PUDDINGS COD FILL .. ..tto 1\. ~· ~~ :: -6c P'a~e Bacon 6., loUlDI Beet •. 25a A• ~~' • • I.,, .. ,.,.,. ..... Pork Saus.•a~ '"· 69-Sholt Ribs lb. 2Sc: I'... 1' ' .I ' • ' ' ''"""'' ... ~ ... ~ Rose fish fll e 45o Pork Butts "'· 63° ... 11• ...... ,.~ ~- ,, ..... ''htlr Ju,..• ::Z:~~--- FOODS (of,_,~ ·, • CuV,.\ • lillY'S J l.,.,, ,jlld' ,,, ,,,,_ ..... '"''' ,,,1)( .. ; '·"'"'' .. t,,,,. If,.,,. ILr.-t• t·,,,.., •. ''I" .• ,, .,.,.,,,,. ,., .. ''''"'' t •• ~, ......... '·•·•·11 .. ,.,, ,..,t.)' 1 .... , "'•"r· • t •. ', • "' '*'1' \,,,tal f, '·~•· (.I• rtf''• f ••• h .... ,ll,tttJo \o r•t111l r .... ,,, u.ft}n .. \ .... , •· u,' r ,, '"'"'' • tu, ~"" "'., r ''•·'41••·''' \.,.,.,,,. \'"«""" f.l •t, lttnoft \tpiAf , lf.,,.f ' ,. .. '~ Prunet .. :~:·:., ·:.· 1 .. Fruil CO<Irtoil ....... Ia- ,~ .. ,.,., l•t•l' t t '•1 ••I It llf ""' I fl Y:!at@Il~f Slked ~food ";.;;:;~· ~ IJe Sll<ed lllfood .. ":.::.:-..:.--... ~f!IMJ Whlto Moalc 81ooch ..... » ................... .,. .. ~ ........ , Glou Cleo nor ..... -· •-... 11- Sproyer .... .... -11- Silver Croom .... .,... •-• .. W'lm Apr,!i,~.~~ ~:~ .... o .... n Wlne ·:::- " .... It. , .... ... ... r...t sa&, Newport Blvd., <A•ta Meu 8JU E. Cent,.,, llalboa .. _, 1'¥ ,.. - • I .a NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS -TIM 'Q.e,::__'I=-__ __::Tift~~fiiA:=D:.::A:...!l~' _...:.N~·-..:;:~·pnrc::::.;t:...=Bf'~IW'II C'allf. Ju. tt, INI Cub Sc:ou#s Honoree/ By Sponsor Group, Elementary Sc:hoo/ Porent-Teoc:her Assn. Hatbor Feminine Activities Need ol Women's Interest in Polities Stressed by Speaker ot B. & ~. W . Meeting "II Is amnzlng tha t JX'Ople will \ ul<' fur an tnft•rlor man tl'lllcad nl a supt•rtor \\oman for an im- portnnt olftcc" said Gcraldtnl' Ha dsr•ll, mlnUtl' CIC'rk or lhl' sta lt• ll~s••mhly, Sllt'll klng bt.>fon · mt·m· lw·rs of llw Ousinrss nnd Profes· •n•nHI Womt-n'!! d tth whictt m t-t a t \\'hll(''s Park a\t•nu•· c·nf•· ";u, J'K,rothy S utlwrl.,nd prc-:ndmg. O f particular lnt£>rest wns Ml!ls l ladscll's own atory of h~·r job how sh l' .got II and of tw r back- ground trainin.: which httS now provrd invaluable. "Olb ~outtnt.: Oll('ftth'it un tht'll:"''' :Ct'Vf'rnl ptnnu •nl<l,; \\hllo• Mr" pnnMplll thltl It h~y d uld is n Ellt>n norc·hM·ntus' ~· m nd grnllr haf"Jl)' rhlltl unci 8 h"PIU chtld Is 1 puptl~ ~:on~: II\ I' •••lit:" ,wt•ttll\Jihtn••d Dt'VI'r 11 dc·hnqtto·nt ' wn ld II b lhy Mtl<t> M:.r~;.trd ll•1•lo 11ril'lt 8o)"'<'l')', m chars::•• nf a procT8m :.1111• Gt·• •rt.:<' \\'!<•'111. ,,.h,·llulul _.hldl twttd tributr to 1'11c-ktt Ill!> l>(l('flkc•r lor th•· altrrnunn wro~ 1111· and 110 of lhl• l'uh S1oouts and rohlo· '" IH' I"''" 111 ~onli Mo • 11<•1.: Pf".'s<•ntcod at a rl'l'l•nl rrwl'lln~: rof 1 hthl ~It toho •n• "' ( 'urunot tll'l :'\!.11 I t.tw spnnat~rmg nrj':unlnolllln, th!' ~~~~~~titutl'rl o•nl r11n!'tl1l: lw r uwl P art'nt -Tl'af'hf'r ABJIICiallon of 11'01'1' Wtth ho r O'<olttrl'd 'IIIIo"• urI N e ,.. p o r I OI'R<'h t-:lo·mo•ntar)• lt[l• 10 :-,;,.,."It). "lu{'lt "o 1" tt•rnw<l ll('hOOll "unhdll'\t'Ohly lu\o I) " I Thr ntt'i'l 101: wa~ ho·ld Ill C.:~rnna lltr~ !I lot \t·~, 1,1 a ~hurl hu"n•·<~~ cScl Mnr !Wiuwtl \\llh Mr!< Rll)'· 8,.~,11111, ,1f•1.,,.,.11 1111• J~olnt thut I mont! K . lliorv<•y prf'Sidin(C, Sllt•rt~tl "'"'h••rl' mu~t nul l••t <'lllhlro•n 1:" ~nltlon WW! l(l\'o'n (\.tlo Scou t to\ tht· h uK "'"II-~ snnrll'r than fl\; lfoedcn , ('l.lhmAAh'r Roloert L. Cal-mlnllto'~ l••lorf' I hi' llus 1~ 1lw . f••t I Us of Pnck 110, Mrs Stanll'y MC's-unruly ptultlro•n 'hn\t' :olllli!o (} >-~''. ton. coordln11 tor and flcon Mntho•rs. l'r/11 Ol'llr-no'~'tflo•nts "'N'ntly the Mesdam<'ll S troll1•r Whlh•, Pat W aldron, AI l'lt'~l·r. Ca llis nne! l.lrl SC'out~ 1of T rtl()tl '1., un1kr M rston , In w11rr1·n Wl'lucr, Cuh· tlw clirl'rtinn of their leadrr11, M111 11\UII'T of P nrk 100, A~<slanl H F:. W lllh1nu and Mr11 Fro••l WoortdWIJrlh, t()ltk ('Art' nr !IITIIIII ll&rilf Nr wlnnd, t'nnrdlnatOI' Mn duldrl'n wh\11' mollhN!I nttr·nciNt J a ck R.nuiJ uml Dt•n Molht>rs, M~· clarN>t AUAUSI rtittl'r, F"rt>d Me-tho• ntl'l'tin..: Dou$tnl, Hotl••r t Wllt•y, Barhnra I luwnn1 llarn••s of l lt•sr•rl VII- Carson, W 1-~ Mt•lrht•r. Wtlhllm hlt;:l', pr1•11idt·nt or Ornngp C1>t1t1l) McDonald, J ohn Set-ley, Willis 1\ltnc•ral and I.Apod~ry 8'"-'11'1), h11d F\elds and Gc>orgl' Moon •. ~tn r xhthlt 111 t he chr••l Fint skit of the prognm '"nle At the !ludul hour Th11 11 I ;ru•l·· M ae\dan" Willi fti\'Cn hy Mrs rut· mulht•l'll ll'r\'t•rl ItS hostc·~~··~ \\'tlh tc•r'a De-n 9 a nd Mrs. Plc•~o;f•r's U.·n Mr~> Thnm~L~ J•tn•'S. Mrs. 11.,1 1 ~ 1 6 tollowfd wn h "1l1l' SIC'SID", One I J nt·kMIO, Mn1 Wtlllam ltu~to ,.,. 1111cl of UK-Cut.. )'(•l<'r Jlo•ndcriiC'ln, ai!IO Mrs. Ronald Jl;,rtuw fllollltng Phones: Hnr bo: 13 and ~ • • Residence Phorte: Harbor 1637-R Patricio Vol/eley To Be Guest SpeoA:er For Ebell Club Pot I I ln.t \':tllo•JI )' \\til I~· I:UCSI 'I" :tkt•r \\ h f• n ="t'WJI(JI'I nl'nrh 1·.11· II t'lllh tt1o•o•ls in till' dull hous1• 111 :! n'do•·k ur1 Thttr~oll'l~. l•'o t, 5 < lru of tho• ontt,lnndtn..: 1• r ,unul- 1111 ~on tht• I• t·turo pllotfurm . !\11ss \';,llo•lt•\ rtt1'tlS nn 111troductinn HI lt1cal o~lltc·n~· .. s Sht· hus "'"'"' six munlh~ of tit•• proq )o•nr 10 1-:n~:land unci th••ro r., .. ,. has rhusf'n as thr ~uhic·•·• .. r h••r ll'('lun• "Youth looks 1\1 1-:n~l:ontl ." Sht• <fUIItCS Wtdt'l)' fmm tho· rt·l't·nt ltt10k lty C. V. n. Thompson. "lluw 101 Ltkl' an En~lt~hmtt n " Sho· wilt supnk mr nt with ~.,·,•ral !ihort n •\'11'\\S nnd tl'll t hl' !'1(11') of llt'r httiP tlo~t ''Nellit"," who so•n o d "1th th<• fiNl Cross. Follrowlng lhr pro~:nun lt'a will Itt> sPt'\'f•d hy m~'rnll('rs of the Ways ancl r.1t•ans l'<tmmitt!'P Frto·ntJ, 111 1-.11('11 \\til II(' hAVPY tn knot\\ th:tl lttt• 11ro ~1dt•nt. Mr!l nrut·o· l\11'1\atrt••. woll prrsidc a t th•· Fr·ltrtllor) m••••ltllt.: Sho• r••· 1\ll'rts tu tht• l'luh 1111"r an ah· ·~· m·•· tof '"" lllftntlt~ '" l'ttll~t· of ttl no"~ :\lo mho 1 ~ 1 \ t.-ml I h• II' I hanks :\}iss llrtdsroll, "'hO ''II~ lutroduc- ,.,, hy Mildn'd S tanlr•y. Wife of ,\~so•mhlymnn Ear1 S tant<·>. •S hl'r· ~··If o•xumph o•f what sh(' prc·oehi.'S rur sht• ts Ill•· ftrst wom an to hold do>wn thts d iffh•11lt ami t•xuctin~.: joh, ~Jl''Oking of womC'n tn politics. Mtss llarls<'ll llllld thl'Y should aim for f'ClUal pay for ••qua l work. Sh<' prniscd Oranl:<' county fur t he men ~""' from here to Sacramento, t·n lling Sam Collins the "most pow- rrful man m the stat<' nrxt to the t.'tWI'rnor" nnd told of hiA efforts tn W ashington to l!l'l tidl'lanrls rc· turno'd t!l thl.' stalt•s : Earl Stanley ('am c in for acciRim for h is bill prnviding for drivlnl! Instruct ion fur high srhool studf•nts. which '"(' tr rrnl'd one or tht• m os t con- '' ruct h·c• ptt•r•·s of ll'l:tslat ion "hil'h has llt•1•n pnssi.'d. Others mo·n t oonrd "l'r<' ~<'t1:t lur \\'atson, .lustus Crno•mt>r. Tt•d Crail: and Tnm Kuch••l The c-lub is spon!\oring t he Mnrr h of Dlmi'S thts )"C'ar fur the ltarhor nrl'a nnd ~trs. Sutlw rlnnd rt•portl'd 8:.'95 rc•ahzt•d tu d ute. Announct•d wr rP lllc m l'c>ting of Jo'ch. 5 w ith !\!••linda l(ny, "T he Ltldy W ith the llats." as ~IK'IIkrr: rounty rrctprocity day, i''t<h 13. a t ~anta Ana with P at Wil~nn of L11kr F:lsinnrc 11~ l'J)C'IIkl'r and nn IIUf'llnn a nti whtlt· l'lephnnt sale for the fit·st m••••ting In March. Ml'mbcrs wt•rc• nskt·d to submit idras for the• J3osst•s' NiRht m <'et- lnR which will !:H.• ht'ld April 1 at Nt''"l'X'rt lla r!)or Yacht d ub, S nlly Nrwlln Wall introduccci as nf•w ('O('halr mnn of finanet' N('W mc·mll('r<: int roduct·d Wl'rl' Ellza- lwth l ll'ss, Frl'lda flat('S, Lydta Shl'rmnn. Nl'llt• Tnvlor lind F:lste S tone·. Carolyn \\'I'IK•r, pall! stnlt• prl'stdront und Soutlwrn District L<'~:lslati\'1' r hairmnn. Willi nn hon- or I:Ut'SL Mrs Wo•ll('r , formerly of l ~'lS::UOII Bl'ar h. IS now makm~: hl'r homo• tn Corona del :\tar. Pl'i~l' for thl' l'VI•ninl: 1\'ft!l rtona t· "d I•) Jl:unptun D rug stton• anrt """ IJ~ Elsu• Stllnl' C~e oncl Three Candles Sc:out Leaders Pion I \III.I'Citm t.utt,t::o~· "I'OI'T .\Itt:"\", IIH7 IHntWr In u.e Harbor hl~:h ..c•hool art u hlblt, 1 .. buw on I I• 1111 too I'""'""" o·ull•·~t•· ~ '"'''' It 1~ uut~tllntJinl( •mun~e the Jr1"0GP "' /,urtlo.,., l•it-l.u~ nuw on dl,.vt•3 In fot lonnie Porler Juliette Low Rolly, I ,; ... '"''"'"r""'" ~:•II•·'>· ___ _ 1 1" !\lr~ 11nh• 1'1 l{tllo·fl'r, \ ll't'•(lri'St· d··nl \1 hu '" l;l'll<"toll~l y llrl'~idood itt '"" uh~,.,.,.,. .. r :\It<: :O.Id~l'idr Value ol Hobby Told to Members B. £, P. W . Club Leaders Attend Conference 01 FAC Book Section Attl'ndtnj; lhC' wontl•r C'unft•r- l'nl'l' of nu~on··--anti Proft•S,.Innal "GI'I 11 huhuv and a nc•\\ tntc·rl'sl W••m••n lwltl Jilll 24-25 a t R.£-d. Bonnit> Mar Portl'r daugh ter or MoA:e Campaign Posters 1 Balboa Island Ma tron "Point A reno" From Singers, Dance rs, Mr . and Mn. Sam Portt>r, U l San AI thl'tr mM'tmg 1\1!' ... 11.} mum-H d At Shower Harbor Hi Colledion W onted lor FAC Arts fs Crofts Chats ond Sews In lire," Sllld Mrs. L. n. llldt•nour lt1nd' W('fl.' Cat•ulyn \\'l'IX'r. rm»t llerftardino Avt'flue, shared birth-lng In lht• Alfwrkun IA'I:IIJn hull onore ck)' f•tlvllks with a JlTOUP o1 thl' Lcad,.,-s club 0 r tht• (;lrl Scout .\1•• Hulph 1•1,111,1,,11 •• r H.ollonH /n Pomona Exhibit :Players' Production J'IIIUIIC friend~~ on Saturday , enter-A.,;;oclatton of Newport lltJrbor ~\ht'n snt' spoke to thr Book SC'C-stnlc> pl'o•stolt•nt nnd •outhi'tTt 01~­ tinn of lht• F r iday Aft•'rnnon club ttict lrnhlatl\1(' chair7rtU n , Oon>-Mo•ttth•·r~ ot the• Arts nnd Crafts hi .. nn c na wart-. thy Suthr·rland. pri'Sidt•nt of tho• ••'-'--... _m -'lh oranwos In , .. _ 1 1 l•land ":•• h"l"'" o1 '" ··ntl\ "''" -• u..-~• ·-·-'""' mall!' plans for thl' nnnua Ju 11'111' ......U,. ro11ow~ by luncht'on for Low raUy to tx• h<'ld i''rulay. March -...Ja nwmberl of the younp,r let l:l In the hl~th M:hool nudttunum. ..S tWr rnot.hen. MrJ. Ec~&ar lltll, Jultett!' ww D WU 8oftnle'1 third blrt.hcs.y. ChnJnnan. o(fl•n:>CJ "UI:S:t'Mtillrt~ ttltll ~ and wh.ltt-~~ peu decor· th4' l<'adel'll wnrkC'd out tlw .:en· altld dw hmdwocl ta.blt' and favon eral plan for thP program ~ tiny wqona and doll tx.le· Poatrrs advcr1 tsing the· "Bu> A .-,. ~ blJ1hda¥ cake wu a Board" campa.IICJI W('l'l' display•'<! ...__. g c:.--m affair with a and materiall distributed for male· ~ lnllc:rtptJon. ing mo,... BmaJI trUNU wen-Johnnie Me· The dati' of F'riM.y. Feb. l:l WM CliDIIm, Duffy Sm.lt.h, J udy Elll.a, announc-e<S for ttlc 'groOnd·bl'l'llk· -....., OunpbeU, Nancy Spri,..er In& crrt'mOfl)' to start conatructlon .... Bmlnie'a brother C.ry. Moth· or the Glri Scout ''U ttll' House" eon Pftef'Ot weno the Mr~ and It wu plannC'd to hllvt• a Dan ltkCalJum. Ludua Smlt.h I ll, c.mpflre t hat 1'\'enlng for s:irl~ ft.u EIU.. Dean campbell. lluJh anrl th('lr p81'1'ntll. Sprtacer and the host-. Mn. ~Wtft-_ Thimble Club to Meet Neso P.-T. A. to Ohser~e With Mrs. Killeler fovnclers' Day Foundml' Day procnm of the l'aftllt -~ Aaodatlon o I o.t.a Mtsa Elt'l't'lenl&ry IIChooll wUl be MJd at 2:30 p.m. ~. Feb. 3 In the Main IChool audl- tarUa. PM\ JlftlddtraU of the or- ..... don will be hononod ~· Do ,ou want to ..U ItT Aclwr· -.. u.e-columna. Nt>WI)' or~:nnt~ood Thlmblt• eluh of Conchita I' 11 r.l o r. NHtf\'1' Dau~tht('rs of t hf' Goldt•n Wt>sl . will ml'l'l Wt'flnNldlly, Ft•b. 4 nl 10 n.m. wi th Mrs Rolw rt Klllt•f( r. 17M Qcl'lln bmtii'VIIrrl, Onlhun Sevo•ln& is bt'ln..: dnnl' for hnnwlo·S.!I chll4ren and all ITI(•rnli('Tll ar1: ln- \'Ufd to come . OffiCff'll of tlw club nn· Oo;·o .. thy Ht•rmr~. l'h11lrm11n Bnd Lill<f<n Gnnt, JW<Tt'lnry·lrrnsurrr. ''Your Ford • IS It ''"'k 'ho\\o'l twill Ill th•• II•'"' Chtr till\ 1'0 hill lit' ,.f :\I,, ( ;, I .olol Shirl··~ "tlh ~lr·, ~hu II ~ .onll :'\lr< ~-'tl'l .SI<tlll••' 'huMII;! "'"''''"" dUIII'' _I J t ~ m• n ,urpl , .... affi'u r. nnol •>no' that "ro·ttll) "'"k•·d " Gam<'' ~··rl' ftt'l'l llluyo•d. ltr•t prtlt'• J;:uiOi: to Mn< C. E \'am.·r, Mr·s. Hollc•rt Grlf"<S<'r Jr. nntl M r~ AI IIIII"'<'" I h ('nnsolnttnn 11~ nnl'< Wt•nl to Mr.. 0 . A Jnnl'". M r< i'm l Cnol .. y and MIS!! Kntho•rm•· Vun &•nh·n Mlln}' lo\'o•ly ;:tft s Wo'l't:' j)HI>d in a ht~; hn'k••t. tnmmt't.l w1th 1110k and l to'<l ~11h hlu•· rtlohon' lc-.· t'f'\•lllll o•uko· ~ ;o, "'1'\'o'<t oil I hi' t·c- trc.,.hmo·nt hour lond ,,, mntlr or ba h) h"lltlo'' \\ "' l'ltl·t 11'(1 uut 10 11111 t'llf"' \1\(twh \\o"ll' l in~ ll.onno•l ltl~lltt'" •llfro'lll'd \\ llh (lltl'llffiOI' Pt •''-f'nl ",,,., I h•• huntu ,..,. .tnd ht•r mul ho•r. ~I" I l ,\ Juno''· ol•l• ho·t nunl, :0.11" \',tn St'<tlo·n . tho• :\l••,<lnrno.., L• "'' Ct.lnll:tll, \\'tlltnm ~(·ustt•r, t :r t•''"'r. n .. x Alhrt~ht, ll""''rt \\ <lint•''· J""'l•h Gallant , llh'ht<rol T O) l11r, 1\luttrh• S tunh•>. AI l lor.·ath . 1\f'n Morn ... Vllf'n('r, Mttltl' ftl•llrn~. \'t>rnl' Smwl~;tt\'<-", R11•hanl Snr.,lt.:la,., 1-"ro'f! C'uo lo•.). SIUIH'I Ounlll lt, 1-:!lll h MIII'Oc)n , ll nil tho • htl'l!"'·"t'• our future ! " Tomorrow's sales depend on lww well service your Ford today ••• ~ ... rcri o..1en .. lookioc abeacL Ye wat te lUke nery Ford owuer a ._. __. b yeen to come. Ow.....,. .. tiaple. w.·,. keefllt~~ the ........ ..W. ia tbe very beet coodjtioa.. ~-_.,......,.,..mer pricn ~ We eaa clo thia beeauee o r our four Ford ....-ice aduatap: Foc-cf-traiotd Median· All. Cauiae Ford Paru. t 'actoc-y-apJYO•ed ltaet!M* ud S~al Ford Equipmen t. U yoa're <.e of the email percentage of .ord owaen who h .. n't ycot tliflroV('rt'cl thie lpeCial kind of llt'n ii'C' you ~··t from f ut·ll n.u.n. you'd brtter COIIH' ''Ito""''' h Miay h real u no.-o f time. Dlotnr~, a ntltruultlr. .. ~ Dooolor-,_ .. -.... ltiD AlliN SHOW, ....... ,......_, -~K .,..,.._. • ....... ---HK N-~--... ,__ ... __ _ 1. Fact-¥-apprqved Method• 3. Genuine Ford Parta - & forcl..tNined Mechonica 4 . SpeciaJ Ford Equipment S. Convenient Bud')et Terms -. ' ..,. Dealers know Fot·ds be st! ~ THEODORE ROBINS P'boM Harbor 28 \ I' 11 Cl ,.-1n•· ·-1 r 1 ) SN't oun of thl' Frotlay Aflt•rnoon Tl k 1 1 d 11 ,. , 1 11tol11na t"' l'g(' tn an·· . .:• • '· m., •• lor •·m u ••. \\ 10 te SJX'A C'r s ar t' <:<.o ec tng locnl dub: Mane Hamtllon. "ho I h f t·-~ l'lulo f'"""'nt 1l it I 1..1'£1110 II nil on 1 h r 18 d "" "' 1 "' munt ts ea "'""' an o·:ttl ~In old!lmi• slt<1w solnjt!< and pnt('S a t I <' ag(' o a.n now lllll'ndl'd lhl:' prnur<>m ses~100, I 1 1 1 t I! b Mllf :d Jan :.!0 and SJX'OI II pll'asanl day h 60 1 1 d ( t e ·-o·-:·' 11 '11 ". pu " 10 s Y ur. 1 t.:lll!-\\ hn can pr••st•nt n ro·ason· 10 vtsi ltn~ li nd dum.: handwork. as · nc u tng onC' u 5 on Sadc Fox, ht>alth chairman a nd Zur11•' n.ollunnlly k nown Cahlcor· ,1,1,, f;~rsunile nf tlw C!IO·Can ar<' l'hina l RO yC'ors old. Drngon de-Oorghild Strphcns. chaJrmon of in· Ill' Itt"'' and rorm.-r st udent •If I n•·•·<lo·d f"r thC' "o•l••t•" tlltr.on; til e Tht• u~ual lunt·h was suppl«'mentC'd si~tns copied from ChinNW patterns ternat ional relations. I II h h ,_ , ' 1: ,,,. a riCI<ctous N<kc bakC'd by Mrs. d h 11 E '.""II'"" \'II ''1:!', w fl'r<'. ell .. """ 'nlr ncu· Il l lh<' O('XI Jlrt·"·-tlon " Wt>re use on t e r ar l'Sl uro-Thl' fashion show and Christmu I I ouu, Ida Spaldrng who was nsslstC'd In h' h Jd h d ''''tlltl: tn~ rul' <lr o pam ns. "' l larhor Cnmmuntl)' "lay•'rl JX'BO c: mil, s l' to t c ~oup. an Prt'vti'W sponsort'd by lhl• lora! I II hjbl I r • s.·rving by Mrs. :'.!arvin Wilcox. h fl hi d I his ', '".'''·'"' tng .~." ll' ('X. ton '' Lot<l(' rehl'arsmg will .... n~A...o .. d t c rst (' na rna (' n I coun-club ha d so intl.'rested otht>r clubs I \ I _1 '" ..,. ... , Coffe<' "as ser.·f'd hy Mrs. G. W. 1 s . "'nl ' r•·na. an ot .-.n lmg loy llwse JX'rformcn. ry W8JI yracuse. thtll three others in the dl!lt rict to\\rto••l h~ and lnnncd for the IJ)i'i'l· Lunge. VlsltinJ( the mcellng was Mrs. nrc planning l>imilar affa.in: and al •·'<lllloll hy thr Newport Bcnc•h Alstt nl'l'drd lire nn old!'r man l n addtllon. thos£• aiiPnding were C. W. Clark of the Santa Ana won tht' acclaim of Jna GC'rrit, l 'ntun lltJ.:h school from Ita line 1" ploy the pari of "Fathl'r" In Mo•sdam!-s F.lda Raker, H. H. Etx-11 club. who Is well kno~'Tl for South('m District presiden t, who , .. tlo·<ltton or pmnt ings Which 11 "Tht• Farmer's Dau~o:htf•r" and a U nt>au. JC'an LaWTr ncc, II. n. hr r collect ion of antique glass. quoted somt' of the nice things hn!-nntUtr rd and continues to ndd ~"""1:. hand~o:.tr l:t'nth m11n to 1>4> \\'nod rough, J. C Cooper. Thomas Jn the absence of Mrs. 0 . D. Sllid about It by Judge. Robtort tt3 hy holding nn annuaJ exhlbllton tho• hr ro. IICCordlnl: to F:dythl' Lip-\\'ro~:ht . Andrew Lupton. Sherman K lns::, chairman, Mrs. R«'ubcn Day Gardnl'r. "' \\lurh nrlt~ts of the res»n an• Jllrwntt, pro•stdl•nt or th!' Playr rs. ~allo'r. i':mt'r y Rnndnll. D. C. Mnc· presided at the br ief business M('mtx-rs I'C't umed full of en- d k F Ho ho•l!r~n ls ror lht• JJroduct ion flro· K I II I K II d U ( I Sl . d 1 '"' il ••d tn ~t·n wor 11. rom tht•rn 1 t ld l'O/t', f• t•n r r r, an ••• ss mt'l't ng. tartng hostt>Ss u t ('!I thusiasrn for thl' chief spt>akr r. a nn•• Jllllllltn~; •~ st'II'Cicd and pur· "'I OJ;: 1" ··~ch Mnndn)', Wrodni'S· L)drt ( 'ununt. w ere Mrs Gunning Du ller and young woman who runs a cadt>t , h'"' rl , .... h )t•ar. Mr. Zonlf's·~ ·~ •) and Fnda)' <'VI'nmg Ill th" Tiw r.:rout> \\oil hold t hl'ir n<'lt\ Mrs. W E. N lckt-11.-aviauon school and who '" JU!'t l'n1n1 An ·n;o" was acqu lrfd laJt '\\'IJIIfl Hc·arh Grammar school mo•ettn.: tn u ·gion llull, Feb. 3 at bark rroJII'l six months' tt•achino in l.,udttnr<Um 11 ° "l'rtn.: .trld tho• )l'llr tx-fore paint-~~§~§-§§~§§~§~§§~§a§m§.~§~§§§§§§§§§§§~Br§§W§Is§e§§A§d§v§cr§t§ls§e§§§§A§rg§c§n§t§in§a§.~§§§§~§§~~~ 101:" II,\ rto·!l. Rrnndt a nd Dan Lull \\ •'I 0 oi!'IJIItfl'd l hi' plan 'or having collect tun~ "' l'\o1101tnl:' hy thr· coun1 ry'1 I• '' ;or I ·~•" m htr.:h ~rhools throuRho•JI Sotlll\o•rn Caltfolrnt.t 1~ fllllt ga<llllll: I'M•("oltloorll) nnd t'to•tllt ix dut' till' "".u:.DYrl II• ad o l'ntl'n lligh IChnOI fot:. hc!n~ ant• or the ptoneer• or t hl' plnn. say Pnmona nlfodaa. Loco/ Liquor Control To Be Discussed By Chaplain Pearson IU·I<II'fl 11f hquoor t•nnlr!ll to com- 111111\tl~o•' t ht'ttllt.:h tlw lo l(':tl nptlon I'll t ho• ="•1\t•mlw•r h.tllfol Will IJt• Rd- \'tM':OI•<rl lo) l 'hll)llollll Ed\\ tnl 1... l"t·a """ f~o·lol .. , 1, t:.ry .. r the Sn11tho m (';1hfutnl.t Trml~t·ranet' ~·Mio•t ;tllcon. \\ Ill• 11 ttl 'l'''ilk \\'NI· rw•d.t~, F..t1 I .. 11 t 1u-ist <11urch hy ' .... S(•:t, 7 :Ill I' Ill ,\ mmr<t .. r '"' :.'11 ~··:•r• .ond o • haplatn tlttrith' tho • \l.or, t-h l'l'llr· ton hn• :o m,,,, •·I""' , nmnr.tnd of ht" Sllh\tl'l ltnd \\;~, •t'OI If\ 00· •\\o•r I I• It rt'tllh'•l rnr lito> ",thll'!<t ·t••:tk• ,. 11\'rtlhhll' .. Cnltfutnl:o " one· •·I t•·n •IIIII'S un I ht• lol.oo k l1•l l"r IWtn~; ~ith­ ,o>\11 ·••Ill•' f••nll nl•·••llliiHIOII\ liquor t•ont 1011 '''l'''l.tllo •tl .md tn hA nd Wtlh tho• ltl)ttnr •'ollllrlll \'l'lol tnltin- th··· i' noh o•··"''' ,, lnnt:-l'llnS::t' )'01111\ t'thlt'.tll .. lt l•l•'l:ram n( ~cicn­ tirtr r.wt• '"'''"··mutt.; lho l'ffl'Ct of :tknhol ••n tllo human IIOI'Iy. s,•r. 1 n.: "" 1 h•· hn;~ rd nr direc- tor-. nf tlw ~.•ulho·m California Tt'Olf'<'fi!Ot'o• F,,j, t.tfii•O nro• rl'prt'· wnlnlt\'r>~ nf d Htt• h••' nf ~'0 de- """""''' tnn~ ;to• I ""'h nrt.:llnlza-tlnn~ a' tho> i"t'llo•t.ot••tl \\"o>men's cluh~. < ';tllfotmla (~••n~,,..~ or Par· ""'" :onil To·no h •. ,, l 'nlloofl i nurch \\'•'m••n :.ml tho• \\'vnlim·, C1lris· t tnn Trmp.•mm·,• t 'nwut Cub Scouts do Trids, Win Merit Badges A (\(l)' ~o·uut tlo·llllln•t ralf'd t ht' fl ng ~'lhtll' .tnol :\It 1•,., k 1n-. s.cout· m n;.to•r· l•f l't"'l' :1, I tl k••ol In bo}-. of t v h ~,·,•Ill l'"•k lt~l •<I t.ht' 11\o'l'lftl~ ho·ld Ill '\• "1• ort 1\each ~o;ramnt.ll '' h•-'l "llh l 'llhlltoostcr \\',<rr'f'n \\·,,,,_..,.1 •n , h ... ~.,. ,,,.._<;ist· ttl h~ Jt,.j, II lto•ol llto'IIOO \\ I• \lt~h l't h ),, and < ;,ullo'' ,11111 ~"1 1 111 ,, 1 '' ,,,, won I h~ I ~ II ·' I l.111d , 1 oll '"" .;ood 0 ••ttdllt I 1\1 llol• "'Ill • I • II I !Uld .ttlo·n•l,llh • 1" I lo 11 ' I ,,,J, ·•• ptnS \\oto· 1"'.,.'111• I I·• I; "•II \l.'l .\11· loth. ll••lolo~ 111.11 1•· 11. I 1:,) \Vtl· 1t.11n• tlltol ,., '"" I t.\ o t\•h •lfli t Jtlt til ol\\ I \\ o '• [)en ''" 1.. l .• " •I• II l~tiT) II "'" k 1.. ,, t. "h II "linJ II ,,, I·· " I ... ,.,. " ' I ' \)W . l1,11 I .ltltl•' 1.1!• "' \\OI( t,,.,t ... \ tnt! I• ,\ ••I ,,, " I t ' ,, ,, I .._ t I ' 1\\ I "" n ' I• \ I 1:, • \ \\ thl ',, t\ -\1 " ·'• I Ill'• ' '0\\ l It h • • ' I \ d I : h !l OC'I ~ I 'I" II t "· I I ., .\ I ~tCh·l ttl \' •111 '''•It h •I ,. lod '""" ·n·t .. t 'I• ho)'l ,,,.,. "''''' ,~,., •• ,,., l.h\thm !'\hh., \\IU•h tu '•-'""'' .1'( ft l~o•I•J>, .tttd Jol ·~ •·• • , • l •I musk:. I l ltJ ) • "· """" I "··• ·• mnn can I I""' • till•' 111 lh• t' S Arm)· 01 1'. ~ .\~1 ~ o rc~ t.or II\ 11t.llls uf 2.1 :\, I o I .~ )•'•tM: Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers • ... • T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. £leo Crul~" . IAUAOD a ;\fartln Outboard. Comrl,.~ YaC'ht f'l.lml•hlnc a o,.ar. Vat'ht Broker-ace a ln•ur .. nre Ha rbor li3--M40 Vla Opcnt.o OEAS W . CAMl'Bf:LL Lester & Co. M f'mhfor Ln• An~IM S tM k F:u hanp Oo•em mf'nt, Munlrlpal and CorporatJon Sec-ur1tlea 515 r-Cf'nlnl Ave., D"lboa. P h. IJJirbor %Oil Clark & Company MF.T A.LI.JZING lndud rlal .•. Oraamental Ht lttll St. Newport &e.dt. Plaone Uarbor !lei Greeley and Grimes Insurance Agency "SEE US FOR PROTECnON'" Itt llala Street llarMr!OM ... ....,_ '· •. w ..... )If~ ...... Mamp- Ets-Hokin & Galvan H.-port Beadl • San Jl'rsnc:ta:o -Wl1m.lnctoa San Dl._o • St~kton _ ~CLUI8 PfL ---..., 1 ... ~ BmJ. Francis J. Horvath Real Estate a-Ta-. Jllfon~recteral ••• Stale ~: 1!1' Utll -Harbor 180&-ll BoliN!: 111 a:u11 -Harbor 'tn -a Newport Bfoadt Padraic B. "Pat" Evans T.ife -H~alth -A ccid~nt All T~'P<'S PE'rsonal Insurance Jlarhnr 1119~ • ~~~0 r.. Surf D r. • 1\alboa Dr. 1\farven -.J. Reitz Pi1~·~ki~n -Slll')!et:ln 'J\oro orn,.~·: ~ I'Wf'Or1 llfo:trh \' nn N'u~.,., ('allf. ''II~~ \l'. C'Pntnl llfllft \'•n S n3" R IY'Il. rhOIII'! Ha rhclr ·~··R l'hont': !Jt.a tf! &-1801 <Hio. 0 . IJfrlrkPr, J' ....... : (', A. lf,.rhfo"" \b r.-, R11y \', l'lal"hall, T N'a•u.,.r Seaport Boat & Ya cht Corp. ,., o.,ut n.-,. '"" ""'"""' ~~~ll'!. s,....,.,rt ae.dt · llottrwrww1 c , .. ,..,., ~ ~Jl(lrbl&er au-T_. SUI Boa .. j Baumgartner J ewelers l n11ured Diamonds Balboa -Balboa bland '"l'HRF:E TODD DROS." TO DD S DAIRY QUALITY Al"o"D 8 ERV1C!: IMN TPrmlnal 8tJ>Ht -Santa An" -r oM SMI 8•IICI--. , lh•to.i"' ..... _ ~••• .. ,._.._ Ow-. OreYO , .• N_,....-... ,._ ilaotl&lt ,,_ VOLNEY HAY. JR. Hay's Camera Exchange 1'11ma ••• C'arneru •.. Flnlshblte • Caa4tcl Camera Portnlb • 601 E. Ceatral IIA &II -Balboa Linwood Vick • Realtor • 111 Marhte A"'-BaJa-blaad &a..-r H41-W ..• Harbor 1&3-M GeaeraiiDnranoe "JOHN DORY" CHOICE SEA FARE • POPULAR PRlCES • .. IE. Oeatral a& hi-Bar. toee-W-IIaboa M. R. BEEBE, Manager Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet -Oldsmobile SOOt West Central A\·e. Ph. Harbor 51S ROR KTI..LEFER. MGR. Coast Properties Co • 8(-Aitors -lntoranoe '"We St>rv~ the Entl,.. Jlarbor ~a" 501 E. C.traJ A1"e.-Balbo-Jiarbor IIIII II. W. FOSTER Harbor Shoe Shop SHOE MAh."'T:'iC ARTISAN a R EPUM e C'Ddom Bout 8an4alt Onwt-t.e Dr. 8<:'.holl 8c'llool of 9c*!Dtulal Foot Cornlort 101 E. Oeatral -BalbM .. Laguna Beach Singe Again featured At Presbyterian Church Dorothy K t'C'rl, soprano, of La- ~;Wla lkach w1ll Ill' ho•ard as solu- ISI a t tlw Sunday .. ,.,.\'1~· u! tht• l't'wport I I arbor l'rl'Sb> l••n an t•hur ch , to IX' h••ld nt 11 o'clock n1 C'hap.>l b} tht• St•u, -110 CollSt I hghway, Coron::~ drl :\tar. The Stn¥t'r of thi.' nciihboring nt~. "hu plt•asl'd lw r llslt•nrrs 111 the st•rvlt'<' last Sunday, ~;ruclously cons<'nh·d to a n ·turn t'ni:.JI:o'mt'nl.. "Fortify for Frustra tion" lS nn- nounc('tJ as th<-suhj••ct of n st•rmon to be G"iV('n by the pastor, thl.' Revrrcnd Thomas M. G1bsun Young Churchmen to Reorganize At St. James Church Youn~; P<'<lpl,•s ,:ruup uf s( Jamt·, t::lltM'"P..'ll <'hun·h ~til '"' r•·· artl\'111 l'rl 1 ht" C<>nllna; Sund~. F t•h I. \\ht•n tho• Jll't'"'d,•nt, P t"•' Sntllh IS l'Uihn~: II mt'<.'llnl; Ill 6 30 J1 111 nt tlw o:hUt'-'h Tiw IWW Oll!llnll<llit)(l Will I"• tlw \\mn~; l,lurchman·,. l .oc'll\,'Ut' anol \\til tn<'lutll' a fuurfuld pt'O- ~-:nom Of \\Ill 'hlp, s..•n II'(' ft•IJ<J\\ • '"'Jl unci bluely m accotd.Jnl'l' "11h ltlan' nf tho• dtll('l-s:m lli'I:Dnll:ttmn tht' JluuM' uf Youn~; C'hurl'hnwn. All ynllnl; Jli'Oiolf' uf St. Janws dturdt, us wdl as otho•t~ lntE'r- Cb(l'd, at'l' irwtll'fl to a th•nd. SHOE SALE! fu'g. SALt~ Price PRICE Men's ~.R5 & '585/i Loafers S!'U~O ssso .. ' ... Ciahrlo•l Suluduhln. c·o,.,. ... k rltlt'r aad daft<'f'r, appPartn& '"'"' Mon-day rvf'nJnc whrn Community ('onN"rta Jln'OM'nta Don ('o_.k• ••horu• at tiM-hl&"h IIC'hool audl· klrtum. Sword Donee Featured By Don Cossack Chorus Here Monday Evening o .. ,. or lho• m .. ,, '1'1111 ful l•·r- Women's and Girl s' ~1\.00 & Shoes SR.RO . . . . . . . . $450 & ssoo sunalltlt"' 1n lho• r:~nk~ uf th<' II;, IH r·d l'l;ol~ttf l l•>n 1\•,srwks who "l'l'''••r "' 1 h•• htL h -rhonl nmll- tHrlurn lu•1 • ' n ;\lomd •Y <'\ l'flln\:. Jo', hruru' ~ ouult·r t ht• .ou~plro•s ••r \\'omt•n'l' ami C.1r1~· Cloth W edgies ~1.85 S2 M ....... Patent $!l.RO & 'Soo t.o Sling Pumps I Wll h hl't'IS) $7.80 $485 All Widths : E to AAAA OTHERS ON SALE OF B)lOKEN LINES AND SIZES Sale Begins Sat., Jan. 31st 9:30 A. M. Sharp LAGUNA AVE. BOOTERY 220 LAGUNA AVE. LAGUNA BEACH .fta\tlftl S P E C I A _·L Exquisite OIL MINIATURE FREE WITH $10 ORDER FOR PORTRAIT You Must Bring Th is Advertisement Balboa Inn Ar<'ad.- !f.()·1r·I·C:·~! Your Used Typewriter l•hooe- llarbor 311 o~· etba tho• ="• \\purl llnrl•or \'11111nllllllly \ "pl\f"(•rl J\,,tk't.tltun. •~ thf' J:r••nl t 'u~!';u·k nrlt•r and dnnco·r. C:ah-1••· I ~··ltl41uhm, lwr., nl Anwnrtt n j OO}'.h_!X'd ''"'·I'IJII~l· ur hiS IIJllll'ilr· 11111'1'~ tn lllt>tum plrfUI'C''I lllld thr R lnr.:ltn~: llrntho•t·~ ll11rnum 11 n d B:11ll'y <·l n·us. f1I!II'O\'t•r•'d in a r iding ili'ndo•m y Ill Snnta Rnrhnrn, Snloduhin jnin(-d I ht' I lon C"us~~ncks to po"rform the t raclitional nnd t•xc·itin~; IA-~t:inkll I hr ~word dnnC<' uf llw Cnssnrks whirh h<' had lcnrnr d as a boy tn Kutum. Tn th<' accompnnlmcnt of u Wl<'rd rhythm chnntt'd hy thr ehoru.~;, Soloduhln jugr.:lcs a doun krtl\'es In n prMcnlntlon that holds ''"nrt•rt audlenC<'s hreathiMs. It Is 11 linrlng exploit cllmaxt'd by thr "htrlwind hopak. 1'\;t<'holas Kosrruko rr. conductor 1•f th<' Don Cossacks, has tralnt'd ('\'Cr y ml'mber or the world famous chorus himself. lie US('I tht'lr \'Oiccs as th<-organist ~~ his stops. "I am 11 llt'lt laugh musl- dnn," hf' sa)'ll. "but then, ('vt'T)' Cussnck IS horn w11h a soul for music." l .nul'" Thnnta- J '''""" 1\1. Ko•nno•tly, til\' I 11 I 11 n I m:uta.-:o•r nf !Onul ho•rn C 'nun tiM II:"" • "'"I"'"~ In Clrtanl(•• c•nunly, h&' a nnuuno·<'tl tho• ft l'l"'lntmrnt I ,.f :\11,, I Ainl••· H. T hnmiL-a.- hnnh· .. -.. n 1o·•· ll lrf'l•lnr llf thl" 1 aro•a tn IIU<'I'I'I"d 1\11'" Uornthy 1 Unno·an. \\ hu ro"'II:D•·tl rN" .. ntl~· In lakr a lto,...ltlnn \\lth thl" •latt' o..:rlo ullnral t"oct••n•lcon d1•part· nwnl. f)u )'1111 ":on I tu ro·nt '? Adv<-r· t •'c m th•"'" <'olumn- and just note what we do! • • • I • I Machine dismantled . . . Thoroughly cleaned and lubricated ... Reassembled and pdjusted to FAC-. ~ TORY STANDARDS; using genuine factory ports, Including new roller, feed rolls, ribbon and minor ports. WORK GUARANTEED. .. "EVERY GOOD THIIG FOR YOUR OFFICE" 102 IORTH 1111 SAlTA AU PHOIE 143 L. A. Man Designs Stained Gloss Windows For Christ Church \\'i>rl.nll.: ••11 H,., t•rly houkvarcl. 111 ""' .. tudt.• ,.r tht· 1\•'\'t•rly Art l;l~ .!ltd ltrror t'\•llllli<n)'. Miracle' :\ltl,· at'l'll. I>' :1 man "'ht\.44' work r "'"'Ill• s t h•· nllrrtdt•s l>f nncl('nt. n~o•th<'\ nl 111HI n~o•r•• m.-wtl'rn IIITWI. 1-'t•r '*" ~··Ill'!' c.u~'"''' \\'t•rnt•r hu o't ,.,,, tl "''"n•••l ~ln ... ~ wmd<l~-. ot 1 at ,. ho•.out'. t'h h with irupiratlun. ,\s n ~ .. un..: 1111111. Mr \Vt'rntt' ho•t'llmo• tl•'1 pi~ a ttr11C'h'<l by the q;llf1<'11 ..;la~s "onctnws In t ht' <'llllwoh-,ol!! uml o'<itfi!'<'S of Europt'. "'"' ktn.: "olhullt nn ln~lrUt'l(lf', ht' ·~•ll\'o'l1•·•• hi~ nrll~t k talt'nt rur mnktnl-: simpll• lo•111h-d gi~N win· tlows Ill thl' study of rl'lli:IOU!I, l'll'htrtlll "mdnws I It• Rltr ndrd ltfl' t'lm<s,.s. purc-hnst-d hookl of 111'1 :o ml ro·lt.:luus :cymll(lllsm. hnuntin~.: lihr·arit•s to !ltudy their lf'XI~. EntirPly sl'lf-lnu~:ht. Ill' ttf"fflllrt'd 1u•1 only tlu• nU'dtttnln<"fur mAklnl! wtmJ,m s th11t would,.,. stront: and •·ntlurlllt:. hut 11lsu crt'lltt'd lntri· <'Hto•, olri~:in:ol d•••i~:ns thnl lnt('r· "0\o' rf'1tl:iolll~ s~ mlwtls with tht' hlo-ndm~: ••f rtrh t•olnr" In h11r· m .. nilo' nncl lift thl' l'plr ll Pur 1111: th•• 1•as1 twr nl)' yean C.ll>l11\ o• \\'o•rno•r hilS rro•.olt'cl win· dow~ ft•r ttw mat"t>lo•um nt Fort•JI 1.:~" n .ami for I .. ~ 1\ nt.:o'l•·~ rhurrh· •" anti ""rn)llnfhnl! o'oltnmnmlit'll Mr \\'o•rn .. r':< 1'\;r>rmnn Ena;:ll~h rt ~ulo•no'o· '' 1111 o•xrompll' t>f this nllln's ~;•·niu~ fo•r ~:III!'S t'r<'Rtlnnl . TI1• n • l~ n "jl'" o•l "Inflow" of pol- l~lwd mnnn•t"'""'· nnd s tnlnl'd 11lnu l;tntcrns of uuusunl di'SIJ:n. f n l'il'rl. "M'i'h~«'Ttii!I\W 1l1 1111' tmmt', frum frnnt door 111 l:llrlll(l', Is of hnnclsnml' INidrd glau. Curn•ntly, Mr. \\'t·rnPr 111 fulfill· in..: an assi~:nnwnl In drsi~:n win- dows for Christ ChurC'h hy the Sl'n at Nrwporl ll••:ll'h, now undf'r ronstru<'tion. C"olnr~ will lw mod· ifil'd to our hrilhnnt Cnlifom ia sunshlnl', and thrl't' wlndoww will be' dt•slgnt•d to ftl lnte> n wnll that mAy be OJX'n'--d by sliding upward. so thl\t the ov.-rnow or th<-ron- gregat ion, during lhl' aum~r tourist lnnux, may be st'atl'd In tht' patio. F ortuna!<' lndM'd Is 11 mnn llke- Gustavt' Wt'rn!'r. whost• worka of art will remain throu.:hout the yrars to romf' to ln~ptl'l' future genl'ratlons · $200 Prize Announced For Ann. Art Exhibit Thlnt nnnunl N••wport llarhor Art r\hihlt nt th,. ht~;h M'honl ha~ 1Jt'<•n "<'I for :\1an·h II thmu~ :'\larrh H with th1• ="•'"'JlOrt lfar- hor J\111('(1 1\1'1~ duh II" '<l'lfl<I:Cnrin~t l:rt•UII. l\11' C' 1\1 l•·aktn~. Rill· IJoa 1" rh1111 m:1n fm• tlw III~J'llll) J\1'1 ''' ~ rl'•tlll \'111 1"''' Snuthland 1101111!< nro· l~t•lfll: 111\ llo·ll In l>hnw tho•tl' Wt>l'k• \I llh a ~I()() 1>1 1/o' 1;11· in't '" th•• wlnn<'r Jlul~;lng will lllko• pllll'l· in tho• hlt.:h !'o'hnol ..:al- lo•t')' lll't'l~·dtn).! tho• ••11•'111111! 111 tho• o•\hllul '" tho• puhl11• l'.lllti'Jpattn.: hll t>-1• "'' aJok•-d to '"""''' '"" ''n' k' •'lwh, Ml" I h•;oklll• "'"I l'wk 111• "'''"''\\Ill IN• nfl••lt"<l (~t•r\lr thtll ••t--.: "tlh tnl I"''''"" 1•111111., lu I>·· .o nnnunrr.l Till' ;!fiDII:tl a111 11'11•111 fli'U\Id" 1 h·· htr.:h "·hnnl "II h an n111 '' ,,..j ffl&.; f'Otl\tt' ttl :ultf I•• It" IM'O" th• 111 t•nll·•••ftttn l'.t'l "l••n'""' h 4,. tn • hulo•d 1 h•· :-.,, "1••11 llt•:td1 1.1··11, • luh """ 1 h· • h.uuiH r uf ' ...... .. ,, .. ,.,. 1 ..:·~· \I' !\I ·, \\ lOri IIIt.: l"llflllll; " •• , l'~ttrl I 1\ t I f1• th 'lh I ~·· "·'".t"•..; ,,, ... , \ltlr .. ," z, , l ~lhll" 1ft.tfl :"'14, ' 411\,,, ... , \\t ,, "" th,pl,ty, ;tn•l t h· u· ,,\Jt•f•ltufl '" • 111:11lo• ff'l om )(t!'l I lllllo'' Girl Scout Executives To Hear Commissioner On Sacramento Meeting ;\1N •tlnt.; (()I' Jtmt•h Ill \\f oil ( r l'urk nv••nu .. n •f,. 11n l'uf'~rlh\ ~"'' :l nt 11 n m . nwmht•N i,f thr '''<f'rutiv" ho11nl .. r tht• Girl ..,,.,Mtt A~~f..-tlllinn <tf :-.io·WJI()I'I /l.ot l••r ar,.. lnokln~: forwnrd '" ht'•nnn~: lloe r<'llOrt '1f th.-ir nl'w <'Ommi"'''' ··r MN RAiflh f)l'ovt'r nnd !',.ntnr Smut. Ml!<~ J ucly C'hnpmon Thl' tw o ll'ft W('r!n,.~•1ny, JAn 28 rnr Snrrnml'nlo to atlo•not 1111' Youth C'onfl'rl'n('f' whtrh "'" r:tll· rrt hy F.~trl "'ai'T('n, Govrt nnr nf Clllifomtn. in ronjun<"l '"" "1111 Clllirnmia Youth 1\u thurtty Gorden Pest Control Subiect lor Meeting 01 fAC Gorden Section J n V.'llldo·n (o( lhf' roounl\ ··~·· cultllr'll ofrlro· "oil allclr••" tlo C:nrrt.-n ~r<·tion .. r 1 h•• I '"' o\ J\ft•·rnnnn rluh ,o1 I~,.,., .. 11.111 I , to I Tlw looplt' .,f Ill~ tn1k ", h• "C:nnl1·n I'• ~~~ tlllll Tlw u ('""'' , M•·mh1·r~ wtll m•·• 1 :tl 1:0 "' "" '"r •• ~w k 1""' h. ,.,,rr ... '•• '''I' ., .. •·<I ltv lito• '""'"'~'~ :\1" ~ltl <ll;tn ~tolt• 1 nnd \fr , t; \\' 1. ,, :• 1'11n'' qn;thl•· tn t'ttJtl• l•11 I 11;1 h ... ,. •11 a·• d lu II• ... ~lr \\ .old• n '' .! I• Ill Santo Anon to Instruct FAC Hom ecrolt Section ·rh· 1r •• ,,f,, ,,, ". ''''" ,,, , •. f ·,,,,I \f, 'I } r•d 1\ ;\(•• I n •rttfl h \\ t II ft • I t I j' ' r•lr·· f •• f t I, I ' ' II 'lr<r! '' h lo , on /\Ill' t 1n l.q·1••n 111111 I• •• 1.t .ron• ot '" 'trlt.' '' •" k .,, ... , • ,., Jlluu• r , huf~ ~h••"lnt• 1 l••k t•f tnlt·l•'' trt 'fiJtl.ffl \AIJfk ~'''' (:,,, J't lt•f '' I trt .'-''IIJI,I t\na 11111 1'1\• 1"1' I ••II ~ ,,1 •n'tJurnun :\to ml~ r'i f>P l01 lor In!.; II lt·k luno·h ;and rulfoo "'II lw• • .,uti h; lhr hr.r..l<·s,, :\IT'll ,J I ! T~t)lur M•ssage lor fathers Final Theme for Parents' Forum ··rh, \ ,. ol I!,, 1, ,,, '''"" rn }'.ltho l' I• llo ''"'"'1 1•>1 lh• k •·tut, •·• 1 ~ 1•1 ,.~, "'' •I "' I'' l'llo·rlo I tl, 1 o1 llo. ltl lh 11111 11,1 ()I fht I ' , nl , \ ••t \Hil ,, t", h, llh ~"•'n ·'' ''· ''"1••11 tl .. t 1~·• 1ho:l• lk l111o•J II' .r111111 o>tl 1-ol•o II 11 \ ; 1\1 1 :1<1 .. .. I 1\t T .• t•· r .,., 1 '' ,1 ,, ••• '" ,,t """', n .tt ''''''''" "'"'. t '"' h ,,., J;:l\or\ I"''"",,, II''' 11•1 lot••·j •• 0 1t'ft tla. 'tlhtl\,tl I d•t• ,,, It' 1\:0.~>n l1 llllt ·11 tho \\ o•olol I ohto' oltt•ll Cl>nlo " 11, ,, 11\lo•tol """' 1,111 And to 1\o l o1 ,,1,11,1\o h '"'"'It'll 0111 I " I .... , ••• '111 ''" I"""'"' k nnct ~,,,\1·, d~·"·f ,, ... , "'" ,,,,,k Sill' htol•l• 1''''''"'''''"1' ''" ''"''l\h•L1\ II \llh\11l11'' tlld )''\t1fltt h•~;y, ~Ill! hot \lootok til •'o•ll11"lllll' C\•llc·~;. •llu1•111' ;lllol ud 11!1• ""' b.. tin "'ll·q,uutn'•' llr. !\to·rlo• t 'aJu•r nl tho• la•tltutt' "' t"••nll~ lto•l•tlun-. final •a-lu•r f,,,. J•"-r•~nt•' t•'urunt. J\1 IWt ... , u1 ,h, '" ,."""'''·'"' •l" tho• IIMI ••I tlo. 111,11111to• ,.f ~ attuh Rdatt•m• 11 I "' \11co•lo • .11ut "·" PuBLIC NoTICE bo•1•n ""''' 1 olo ol "llh lllo• .ul\111 ~tiUrtUI n J•l ••~·t un ,,, Ht, ,tuh ION'IfA.Ill ('S &AlL ft)r tho I''" tJ 11 ,. ,, ,11 , ··TIIo•lo• 't\1 ICF o• ''" l 0 1 f'l[lll t:ST ... TI. Ia no ..... ,,,,11 ,, ,·, 1 .. , •tl1ol•l ~~.f!.,~;·.P,.\'F,\:~.r~~No,.'~,T~··~~ st '"'""· • , .~.. "'''1", ,,,,,,,, : g~ :~gn~~ !';'f,;o~~T,'!',.,:?t "hfdt ... ftt PI•'•"' .... "' ,, "·'' '''I •OH"-'"' w .. fflEt,_. tn ... psr. • • I It fh'• 11ul t uthu' , .. 11, 1 1 tttt 1 11 ltt"'m t• d11 t u llt t ;, ut ~~ \ 'J, t 1 t 1111' 1 :~·:~•.c At;~•;:!~; ... c Mulllt • '"'' oof I '·tht••t nil "' .r. t ,,_ ..... I rr A·halt I h •. ,, n 1 ,,, '"" " ,,,,.._te .. l!.tiU II I t•h '""" • h ttl Jl\,tJ\ nf ''''tIt, 1 .. t•" 1 •••'• fh, l'.tlt '" r. II I · I ., .... ,.I llh•ll' ~·t ' •••• ' .... I I~ '111 ... I I ...... ,,., uti• n 1\;t\\JiPII l u ut1 •l•1thttlt1\ t '••"''' ,'"','~' 1 t "•'~ 1 ~!:~.J~·~··~~,.:~··•',·,'.,:~:~\1 :.~ "1•1tlt •I• It • t\t ll \ ethl "\• \\ ltt•t I 1 ... \t 1 tl• ,., tt• r ''••11ft tttla 't.tlfi'N' lf.trhur If h ,, ht'ttl' pllllU• ~1 Itt• /: .... :~·~,~ •• 11 ,"~11!;!~: ..... i';·t~•f..,:~~:; •• rtt'"' "••h !'ulltt ~ I),,, ubun. ~u a....u ........ , ......... ,._ ""'1 tA •t"t!'C "'-M..~Jl Ptruu .. , .. .._.H or thr" tnr11 Tfr ,11il _,. 1 ~"O"T r-~\~q Arr 1•" Strtff It '' t p.111 11f lh•~ ~utull :;.:~·~~:.'4:~;, ::!,'~·u .. '; ~~;~~7.~','.:','' '1~.~~'"7..': •·•l11ratonn t•r,..:rnm, ttwrl' Ia no '1~~.t ~"";.,;,,' ~:~\',~, ".',~1'.':~~:", 1i1~~[;, Char~ti It ~1•1•'11' •••~I t ;ul•l tfllf"t .. ll\ Nfut th• •tHII H( 1.2.', ,,, ,_ Hh ltlC~'"t•fl\ fl11tu th ... H b 't th ,.'tttlt '''" 11( ltt•tt Jnl.,._.t &Q•l '" h••• er ora es on e ... , , ... ·•~··-.. , ........... "''"""Y ,,,,. R ''" "'".'' Jlitlltflnlf'lllt ec:uperating List 1 h., ...... "'" -'"" ·••v .. r J"""""Y· D. \\', llulth.). PJtl'lfl4· t-:h~~tn(~ .'~,~~" ':~:t''tu~1!;;!, •.1 •1t '!.~.,r~r~:~nr:!~~. 1\I:Mit. '' h1u·k homr frnm S t Vln-;;;~ ~~~"~~~.,'.~11:~:r·:·~ ... ~~~.~~:~ '·,· .. ~:~, 1"1 C;•nt'~ ho"ptl {I) Whi.'N' hi' Wt'nl the l•tl ~ Ill•" k .!.,~ I,Kko 1'rlto I day tw-ron• 01ristmM for a chl'Ck ~~··,~·.•~.;·~~;,•·11~';J~"n1~1'4',~,. 4 ,n"~e Up, Tht•y lrt11llo'(llllll'1)' pUt hllll tu IIIUII~ HI l••ulo W Han<lor• and bed and kqJI hun llwrv Ho•lf'n~o'(l !~(';1 .!' J .. ~:"~~.w,,.~.u•\:~l.ll"':.~ lut Slllunloy, h\• will f"('("Upl'rttlc ~~"' /18th 111,.,..1 N•wrort n..th. a t honlt' . -· ·~~.1.'::~"'·~. hor .. lov ··~·.. ' ... , "" Htnry llnrn' uf \\'f•<tmln,..lo·r TI'Y.,;t>AY th 17th 1 r ,. 1 llVt'IIUI' h.tS 111'<'11 ill '"tth 11 hl'llrl I!HJ\" ot 10 oot ''' h.rk •t "M •,::"" .. 7d a.llmfnt but h M~ HIJI•• In '"' up ;',7! , ~.0~111 h~:~~ -~ ... ~~ .... ~t;"ri~"' ~ Bndf'n F'inrh hAl b<-cn hlwlni: • '11 1 .. r !'loon Ia Au al l'uhllr Al6"11otl a bout wtth Vlru~ X bUT ls ahlo• lo ~~~ "; .. ~!,"y~ 7.~.-::::_.ra~~.~:. 1•:';, be OUt lli:IIID I"" rl&h\. IIIlo d Ainl An•l Into,.. .. nf W~ Ll'lnnd Wllcw., 3410 Wt-tH OMan l-'1nnt hntl -..•\•'1'111 m•·mho·l' ol htr rnmlly han been Ill wtth NEWPORT BALBOA N8W8-TIIIIC8 Tlll'N~U.\l' S ""l""'' ftf-llf'b. C alif. ~ .... t9. INI Page 5 .ahl .t .. t ... th lattl• hV' (tt\h~f uf jh-'m) :::1 ,''' .~:"'• ',•-,!:,'~ 1~h;~::,.,'!7' :~'~.':r••t~ ur. r•"tU \ ''' t ,.,~.., .. urrh h•nt ••• ,. ,tl,-t) • •••• ltl·'t"" .. "' "''h llll .... t•••t "'"' ttt•l• ••1\"t '\ U th lt'f tu\ h •• u.t ttu• J.llith .\ •" • f '""'u'"') 1'•1" H ~ ~n ''"' 111a a1 • •'"•' ,, t~> ~ 1ht • <'\tu\ , ''" n•hl&• \ ·Hullf\ I • ''"'"\!.,. • \l I \ '''''' ttl, \\ !'(I n••·•n A \f I \II .. I r •• I ·.tu '-'.It ott ..... , ••• , , ..... ~ I oil l'ttl· '"" ~.. ... ••• ;. 'J l\t .. l'ht• :-;,.," .. 'l,tm•• ~Ill nolt llf' rt'· •1"'"''"1•· '"' "'""' 1111111 IIIII' lnmr • ··t '"~' 11 h•ll uf 1111 111h'o•rtlltol111'nt, • ,,.f\ • t h r tt.:ht tu 1'\•rr~:tly I ''''" ""r '""' 1111 11d• And tu • J••o•t till\ '"" ••rt h r llll"lll noll Clln• '"•nun.: tol till••• n111l ro•wal1lll01na eli"IN&MII Cll'IUII ( '( IN'l'HACTOHS I• "" Jt,•,hlo•lll in I 111111 I '•>lllllh ·t •'In I lit nlolllllo!• AA Iff l•o"l So•t\1.-· In l•'to't' ~'s lltlllllo·~ .1. L. BHOW N l'ho•no• l t••Ao'o•ll :\~'~•~• \\' ~ 411• II . 1\t. LANE Ill' A 1. ~:ST .... n : ... ._.._~ ( \nu 1 J\\ •t l'o:••ur No·\1 1••11 l 'll'r I '' ololt'l"'tl S1111~· 1!1.'11 R.tf.o <' A H t• EN T E H '''.oil ololo• lm nh ollnt..t~ lt•'IH••Itltlll: ~ Ito 1111lr l'hunc Santa A ntL] 09thW CESS POO l.S and St-YnC TANKS lnatallrd Anywh«e tn Ot-anc• C'oun t,y Cootrar t l'rtllloa ~ Cnr\n~ton CAU Wort! OuarUltMdt Full ln1uranc. C'am.d .l. It McCO RMICK ll ~ \'ll'lolllll S l C'o•ta Mt ... Ho•tu'lln 1\211 HAnnon PlumbinR Service ... tl. 1768 Nf'wport Olvd.., "-me 110M\\ REI'AIRINCl OUR SI"F..ALTr Contrat"lJftC and S~ tT·tl< COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair ~ 8Ht'Of'l !laBoR l5T3 11:'1&-n Av• • C01ta ...... »tie I~ YEAR.q ~f:RV1Clt IN Tilt: HAIU.OR AREA HARRY HALL I' A INTI NC. C"'NT1\AM'Oit 774 t:1111 19th Stn-et Ph 1\foa 1\413 <'oela MC'U, c.& ..... 7-4tp rEMUNAL ----------------------~ LANDSCAPING c.,.. nl .... _ n owtl'n a nd Shruhl Plant.cl Hal Crawford Jl~ Alvtuado J'laC'I' llarbar TU OALHOA IM-tlc C. M. NEWTON Contractor llc.ne C'otulnwttona, ff~Unc A Rrpalr, IJC'I'nJ\4' 6 lnauranop l"'horM' Sant• Ana 1090-W Utp rt>RMEU W~ A Hatrt c--.r. ..... to .... ,_....,....._ ....... lAidloe ._ ....... N\1-WOI'Ire ~ aa.pan)' JOI ~It~ Hun~ IIMdl Phone Hun~ a...ct. lTI 110-"' S.'')(l ltt-:W AJU > ""or Info lcoadlnc In AIIJIC'•'nhl'n•l"l'l of JM'rton• who tramprrl on '41\ 0-dlllt~c roupe t~~trkt•d ftt llunl. 1\c'arh ravllllon l"RI nll1ht, J•n. 17. l'hon4' liar. 8'.l6 7-4to l'llAN"POaTATION .. WANTF.f>--Rictf. to Loa Anpl..._ worklnr houn e •. m. to • p.nL .JOY.C. llunqlhre,-., ICYt ......... wetrr. O.lboa. ~lei LOft AND FODND • l .. O .. 'IT-1 black Cockrr SpanW ~p. anawr" to "Ondft'" hM tan~ OD-JkN,... ~ tm't C'oeta M«'M ~.,.d, Ph. 1\foaron ~ or llubor 420. 1-tlo Do you wuu to r.nt ' Act¥ .... tiM In u-columna. the-nu Olnll1o• l'lh"'l '' lluo•k 111 lu' Th•• 11 ~ Arm y or tr'SAtr 1-nrt'•' uff l'rK lu till' y u II I b Of 1\111• rkn tho• flno·Mt lt·todt'rahiV '' ~omtn~; In llw ~mid todny d•'Sk In lltt• poUc. 1taUon after \\ "" IN \ "'" ''"ttl 1\nu\ und 1\lr wetk' ••f '""'''-'· ~ l•rc'f• fto't'nlltlniC Olflt...-r:, More Class Ads on Next Page Now on display THE1948 CHEVROLET -I Newer! Smarter! Finer. ''I I . nrw \ h"' ••·lrl fnr I Crtme 111 ;\II" " .•. 11 ll H ere's the one In 'cc · I w , .. l .. r h.11111nntet, martne~~ ,,f I,. •II"• I" • "R l'J4l{ lll'ln\(~ Y''" new 5 . ,ur•· .,j I\ I( i t ,., -an even l{tt',lll'' ''" •' I new ,ntcrtor luxury . . I I II ''" "lrl\tcr vll uc, 'l'ST cos I •\Ill WII t .. " Q\'Al.ITY A'l 1.0 \\ ·-· · fi II th~ ,.11/y r ar 1n tU 'ce line tn 11~ c' · · Chevrolet'~ the lowt \l ·PI'I ~ 1\.Miy hy ,.,,her, h Ria C ar feat ure\ a Pn ce clus lomb1mng w e .,· .. "K ille and Ptt'llttVC . U atitcd Knee nCI'''" \' a\vc 1n llca<l l·.ngtne, n ptoplr d nve C hevrt•let• l~ k No wundcr rnMt Acuon H y<lr•ullc . ra ~. h any other make, I Chevro lc:ta-t an -and rnort ptop I want and tcvc:n !Odt' Rictal natiOn-w id e rcgi•traliOnt accord1ng to 0 pendent na tion ,..,de ,urVCY'· t1 !!l!P: IS Fl RST I c HE VR 0 LET-(;Ze~'o'•'- .-&...vs. ~.... . r .I!L:tl~ ~~ .. ~.~~ ~~;@{~ .. :~~~~ CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. Inc. :JOHI w. < 'rntral Newport Dl•arh l'tlontll II arbor 1\1 a ! • Page6 N&WPO&T BALBOA NEW8-TIME8 nttrasDAY 'Nt!WpO!! ~~~. C.Uf. 1-. tt, lMI Want Ads WANT&D TO BUY D roa IID"'' &J I£U'I'OMOTIV& • ...._ • •:...•_u._a_!'_£_n ______ ...:· •=-=•=•=u.=-=•=•::•::n=------•~ a.u. aT Aft Jo'OR RE!'I:T Fumt~lll'd • 41-t,od ~"t•·r Dh. 1 ~17 V-B Ford. l...aa l IIJIIIO hoiW"' T uJtf..,ll dll< ~111\t'. t~oltn "'"l ltltlt·~ s:l'J95. 22a E. S.,. VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION BRIGGS ~;IE'Ci rulux rl'lnl(l'rutnr ~o llft t r~onl Bulhull Island. a..4tc Bl h A G • •• BEST •• BUYS Will Pay Cub P'cw your turnltu,.. fJ' what havt ~ l"horw 8eaalll ~ Crawley Furniture Co. l812 Newport Blvd, Cola Meat 92-ttc 11)(1 r-,: .. t'htltlr• n "' 1"'1~ (.,,.,.,I ~ lilt ;..,\1.1 I::» I "63" DeiUJU; anc e ' ates-Realtors-Ginny Gates tn, ('u~ta ~1 .... 1 l'hoon•· ll••1.:m I ultli.l• t ilt Rlldlo. lwalft'. 212 Ma,rine Ave., Balboa Island --COntinued From Preceding Page !')lii.'H-J ~ .tt· n•"' r.o\ftn "'()I cuvt•,.., Two-tocw Fe IH n~:~T l.ttl l'' /II I< I'UI '", otlll-'tll·" , ... an t U.•nutiful oondJ. Phone Harbor 1034-J Evenings, Harbor 746-M lli>UJ;t• I"'"'' lcll fl""' •I : l-•1 II " ~_.-: .. ••• ~. II. Stric:t&er. 11 Orcum.akan~t. sport Jlll'ketll, lUlls and coau. Altr rllli2n•. ~:n W, Cftltra:l. Jl ar ~ 1973-J . 8--11 c woax WAHTED-lronlDa tn m) ~. Plain cw fancy. S30 Su Bemard1no Ave.. N ~ w porI Relahta. 2&-ttc WILL DO LAUNOR\' work In m>' home>. 246-IGth PI . Costa M••n 7-2tp Good lAundrus avallablr. Mun· day or t'riday now open Will tervr ltinnt r part!,.. and hu!fl't IU~. J{('({'rfnCI'!I II n r b o r 1~14. 7-2tp • WANTED -*Con~tenilll woman with he-art and home Ia r It •' ~nouah to board and room rour airla. q-n 10, 1-&. 16 and 17 Room for t'mpi0)-1'11 mothl'r lll)- tlonal. Muat lx• In !'1/f•"'pnrt llar- bor School Dullrit'l Can pay CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "W~ Buy Almoet Anytl\lnr" GRANT'S Phone Sea. !170'7-M 1&&5 N_,..-t Blvd., Cotta Mesa F1J1lN1TUilE rua SAL& ~-ttc. a FURNITURE REFINISHED AS YOU LIKE IT KEN GRENSTED 21311 MIMr Stn ... •t COSTA MESA Phon~ llarhor 1070..W For Eatlmall'll On Cuarantet>d Work 99-trr B ('\1, ft. Ct·nPral EII'Ctrlr rn•t•7o•r, allll In rrtttr, S26!l Nrw 11rkt·, $314 :'>0 Call J111rhor 2211 1175.00 month. Writt" Bollt 533. 3-Rtr Balboa. & II Pro.; __ E_W_I_H_l_I..,..L-Y-\\-t-ti_I_I>-.,.-B.,..I-• .,..11--:1-:l--,, ADDmONAL FUII·t1me man with sprin~: & mr1t1 rt•s~ Phl•n•· ll•·u car n~ rnr Rawldtth husl· <'on 5071 7-'lt,. ruom, J lo·•lh•. clt•f1 ''""'' ,..,m l 11 \\ H.,~ :--,,."'.IJOTI. 8-1tp :11nc t~ I w·l•·•• II 1• tfo '· duuloh ~f( ;...\1.~. t~tl Jt'l'p, comp&et.t> 1 ~llrttrl', 1;., II .,1 I• n•·•<J '--' 1 oO\ > IIIJI Q Stdl'l. Xlnt. U,., t••r Ifill /II h '• •r 11•111111. ''' ~1-:-J 11aant !It nwch~tnocally. Ph. H.r-1 ''" JU111' 11"1 tn' ('.,11•11·1 <1·1 1 .... 11 "-·' 87-Uc Mnr flrlrl"'•r 1'•6 ~~ 7 .'lr Flilt SALE-'-II Ford Dlx Coo- P.IJH:'ol "otlt I"" ''' 1o ••It ·~ it"\· "' 11l•lo II• ..tll'r, radio. ''8 Jl. hit• •IHftUH• ttt f1•\\ th•OI• Hll ••"''• !'lit, ... l'rtVII ftt party. 8ef. ll••llw111 1• """"'" l '.tll ll.ot ;-. ,, uwl ~"" a t 113 DI&IDODd. ~'lill1t n :tllo r ·, '"" "' ,,, ll.tll>ctol l>l.uul ll!orl.lUr <!~J. 1··111( HF:O.:'P 1\.tll"'" 11-tl ,lt•·'•' S.llc f1an•t• 111 tiH••fl 111•11"' h.ltllt'h• ol I' >H !>-\LE 1!130 Ford Coupeo $1'111 a na .. nllt II<•\: II 1'.1' orll 11.1 I ••1'111• l·um)ll••t••ly rebuilt. Hy. 17, l"ulll 7-•1tc olt •••lw ltrhk••s, $:.165.00. 31!! \I or I• oolcl, I ·,.run a del Mar. JiM. t•or 1"-'H·J 7-2\t• F••n Ht· :-.T ''"' ,, ... , .• rift k••• 11 o•rt 1111 flll'lltllt'~ ~l ttl.t() ~~·r Wl'<'k 111 J:tth !'-! ~~ \\(• I Jl, ''It 1: 1:1 11 '1\ SIIJw•r ~anett neartyl 7-1!(' n•" : tom•·. lnadt'd with ~xtru l ___ I ull 11111rntnj(~ Harbor 1294-W. FttH HI' I' .! '" •h •••ll•. •l•·•rt 7·3tp rn•·nt ~ 1'1• ht Ito .lllno I •lh :-•·•·r n 'ALl-.: r-,:, "" ,.,.r ~.. :qo.u lrno 01 S:~to.roht \ H '. s , 1 W 1947 Merauy Ill ~ttnoln\ •,;,."1-otttl .. ol, c· .. '""' S tnllftn \\u~un All extru In· tll'l Mnr 7-2tr l'luoJo.d, ra•lttJ, h('lllt'r, fc>~ U&)lta, -..,.-"':':":'~~-""':""--":'"":'--:-::--! i't•·. I lnrbror 31>-1 1_.tr F< tfl 11f!"T t'nrnna dt·l ~tar I 1'-w· d ttp .. rtnwnt vo•tor 'rollnol nr "ln'rr "" ISt"-A Vt"rtlae unl\ ll.o\ A t ~<'•·ron \ tt " 1'111 ont· TRAJUM Il l I u k C1o·• n• ll;orl•tr :!:O il-\\ ll-t!l' TRAILER OWNERS!! ~ (til Ill :"T Lodn 1~<1•·--n-~~-v-=-1--r·,.·~-,,' \\'~: Jli5T OPENED furno~h••1l top~~rtm••flt Wtnl•·r f The Most Moder~'\ rrnt;tl S·~· M1 SHI"•'II Ar t 'S" TRA ILER COURT neu Starl lmmedoatl'ly Routt> n-perien<'t' helprul hut not r('- qulrt'd. Write Rawi411Rh'a, Pc>pl CAA·558-i11!E Oa!Uand..l. Calif, llnrll .. t .!7..'11 :v;-, \'In 1.1 tl o f t'n Uran~"~'e County F O rt SALE ~ Jltt•r• I"'"''"" l'h\lt Snurl 4-tfr h Jr llinl n~: ••'1, n~~tli•>~·nn) nl~" ------------.,.-11 Complo•tr PTt\'ale Bathroom Mbt·stos l:thlt· pari St'i•• 117 :"Jt 'f 1.\' ~t 'H'\1:-.11 ~:1> HI ICI~I & l)n Ench Lot cjnyx Aw . H11lh,," IAiun1t 7-'.!1<' p,,, "'" ltttth rn ;o 111 Sl·r' w••. I.Mt.:l' l..;oumlr) and Dryina Yard FOil SA L~: l"•d dnv.-nl••rl. 1;1'1<•<1 ~111 1111 I" r munllt. llnmllll 11:\1 :"o" W..t~hmr;: Machines -..... -~ ... -u· r'o·l•rl. niiJI .. /1 hlnn•l ~-If• --I ---~_, • <VJndHwn RI'Monnhll'. I..!X ~ Dou~-b-,-,.-tx-d...;.,..; . ..:,-pr-t_n_ll._•.-m-a-t-tr.:..t'llll_,_m_l~r-HUh St . Cost11 M .. sn. 7-Hr ~ m :n rtiiOM llu~J-:-n~~thoa t•l· Superior Trailer Port 8-ltp ror, chest of drawrn. tablr, $30 8-plt><'t' mod<>m dlninf! ~ufl••. mul ""d Jnn li 111 .lunr l~t r.h .. no· c .. rn('r ..'1st St. & Tustin Aw. t•k-•II. ""'3 .. : All)' "'ront. Rnl· IIMhor l·l~'fl M 3-tfc C'OSTA MESA -~· " ~" r_ r IWt t•lo·rtrw Wtl~hl'r, :.! 1!11• lt•• 11 boa b land. 8--4tc •'rll. 9.x ltl run~: Jlllll\l'r \III'Ullln FOil RI'.!'I:T ~ .. rar:•lf· furmsh~~ 3 lllc•·l" ~:~~~~of Nt·wport Blvd. FOR SALE _ Washin~t m~h 52() LMkspur. Cnr<•nn d•·l Mr1r houwkrt•ptns.: n"•ITI Ph llarhnr 8-ltc W U h · d 7-:.ltt 11!)1 11r tnt)ttln• 123 30th St . es ne OWit',l.'xc. runntn~e rvn 1'\""'flelrt 96-trt~J!147 tT it11SS-WRICIIT TraUer., Call Har: MS.W. 8-ltc BOATS, 8UPPLfD U ----------f/__ ..''i l1w•t S..ll "fUlly or trllde for FOR SALE -Krnmorr WI\Jih(·r. ;!·t oJOrn furn1'-lt•'ll ap.llllll• ""· l•·r n ;;I '"'·I'" :lR9 Wilson, Colta1 lood cond , J65. Phon~ {J(-IIron p J1 M p S mum•n1 llum•.., ll•r 1'1<1r•r l) flo'" r.lr"l!l 7-ttc I at8-M. 8-ltp r>l••. 31"1:! 1-:a-"t l '<'••an 1-'rnnt. Tinl· WORTiflNGTON h011 7-~t(l 134> \\'tSc -Advertlae FOR SALE -Kenmorr wuhlntt PRESSURE _ CENTR.IFUGAL M•cfllne. Good runnln& order. A Fnr all Prnau~ MO~ TO LOA.'II( M R.:AL I:STATE a _ bareatn at 140. Frt'd Jacot.. Sodf.'n Retrilft"aUon 5208 W. ~an Front. 1't1oM _ So • _ .. _ I g •-Rartlor 1100 8-2tc ,.... . &A.~~ ..... at " t., A.natwuv ' Phone 46.'>2 IJ.ltr FOR SALE-National cuh rtgls- tn In rood ronditlon. Rr~\llllr For Exchange ma, 19.99 rin( up. Pri<'«' $13900 20 Fl AUX SAIL ROAT-For worth $175.00. Sportaman Uquor lot 111 hnrhor llrt'll or Costa Stortt, 21123 W O>ntral Avt'., Mrs11. Newport Beach. Phont> Harbor J . M. MILLER LOANS TO BUILD. buy, lmprov~. modt'rnlu or rertn&J~Ce. We pur- chaM trult dH&. NEWPORT BALBOA FEOERAL SAVlNCS .tt LOAN ASSN. 3333 VIa Udo Ph Har. 1500 38-tlc. MONEY WANTED .. 1100. 8-2tc 15th & C"r•ntral lla 1:.'(.4 YULINC MAN NM'd.~ $6fJOO to POR SAL£....-t.llurMr dlx f'ltctric 7-ltr siMI nrw husln<'n for Harbor ranre: cold epot refrl~t&rator ; 8-llc arrtt lntl'r<'1llln~: pmflt stiRring ...u ndlo; flr'Hid4! ~ef and· Boats Priced To Sell .J:.::;'.. Wrltr Bo~ ··1-:" r• o N;;:; =-~~.wroucht lron. ~ 3t-ft. Aux. Ya~~a C.ocrl 193!5. AUTOMOTIV& a TlllU .. roa SALE -1947 Undrrwoocl 3Q..rt Spt Fbh. (Mitchell 48) -------- l*t&ble . .tth bullt·ln It and . 16600. We Have Sold cau liar: ~w. 8-ltc c . E. MINNEY Over 1900 Used Cars a.lvnnJL Whlw AlMkan F• 711 Coat H1way, N_,..-t __ ...,..., ~t. hat, nadf, liar Beaeon !1032-W. 1-ttc In Thla Area and Have> ~n Doing 14; ...,. loa _,., extra larp, SNIPE _ Radn( No. 2R99 &ood Bualnftl Continuttlly for Z7 Yurt t-. .._;,_.MY« W'On\. WUJ conctltlon. New But~r & OCft'O CARS PRICED TO SELL -~. N.w 9pNd Queen Mill. Harbor 2151·M. 6-ttc .......,., eledrlc pump. ,.uon- ...... Alter 4:00 s~ No- till. Apt. 214. t»h!ncS The ArcbeL 7-2tl' Silver Platin2 COPPER. BRASS. COLD Pulllbl.nllt R..f~Nahlnc BaYBide Platin2 Co. -1114 Harbor Blvcl o.ta ltleaa. CaW., Beaoon 5113 6-ttc FOil SAL&-Auto oour1 cabln, a.parate ldtdwn It bath, with aD ftxt\ll'ft. JWady to ~ mowd 1400. ~ at 605 VIctoria St., O.ta Mesa. Phone B ~ a con --.w. ~tc SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Same llocltl1 Available NOW FOR SALE-20%-foot Garwood '•II F'ord Sllfl'•r nix !'t'lllln Sedan 1~t. ~N'd with . fuldlo, ll••atrr c:'hry.l.r crown and eoqulppro :W rhrv Sl'dun with 20 watt ahlp to ahorc radio '3$1 Podgl' P1ckup M<lhtr t~l~phone. For quick ulr by . 0 .''rhault'd. Nrw Paml owner only $2000. Aftt"r 5 p.m. 47 ~ ortl ~upcr Ill lit Srdun Harbor 608. 5-4tc fuldlo. llr ntl'r WA.N'T£D-Prtvat~ allp for 30' crul.ler, anywhc'rt". Phont" York 105J. K. M Wooda. ~-4tr GOOD RAIT NET S350 00 Call Lon, St-ach 653104. 5-4tc 40-rt. CTulaer 15.000. IWilbo 1924) 40-tt. Aux SchooMr $T700 1938 te6()(). JO.ft Spt, Fish. I Mltch~lll '48 $6600. C. E. MINNEY 71J Cout H IW/1)', Nt"wtlarl BeaC'On 5032-W l·lfC '46 Ford C'om l'IJI"' nadlo Hutr r '41 Ford C'nn\' CIK' RAd1o Jll'llto•r '31 Ford lln111l~t••r '30 Furd S1'1111n ~··w Pnlnt 'iJtl I"I)'T1111Uih Sl••(' S;•dan nlldtn, llt•Btt•r, I'll' '30 <'hr\' S•·dnn. M •~ '4.! Ford Sltpt•r llh; ~••1l11n lttul&o, llr•lh'r, St" nnl Motor '-10 l'l)nmuth Ill\ SNlan $1275 750 154ft :.!7~ :..'9:, 1fl9!\ 17:\ t; •. ,;, ~. FLOAT FOR S ALE-Cheap, com· plrt~ with concret~ pitt' hancl'n ~ It at 324 BuPna Vista. Ral boa. Ol1d Twttc~ll. Ph HMhor 2142-W. 98-tfc THEODOI{E HOBIN~ Ynur Fttrd llo•alt·r Stnr•· Hl.!l 1 45 Newpo rt Ave. CORONA DEL MAR SOL'TH OF JUCIIWAY Must Sell at Once A OF:Al'Tit"l'L NEW 2 bcdroocu homl' Ftro•IIIUl'f', aara&e, paUo of flaJ;UOnl' w1th roncrete fenct, \'c>nrttan hltnds, rugs. $10.850 SF:F: OWNER 432 Dahlta 'Avt". Corona del Mar. tic FY>J'l SAI.F: flY OWNER-Pftln· sula Point hom('. 2 be-drooms. BuUt ~months. Modern In ~vwy rl'tP€'<'1 Enrh)IW'd patio Doullle ~tarllfotl' land5r8p('d garden, Til~ IoRI h. ln<"IUdi'S l'llrpl'l lind dnpcs. PrtCt' $16,501) small down pay- mrnl. Call Jlarhor 1256-W. 8-ltc 3-PLEX Balboa Ocean Front Income Property Pays 1;1~; on 0 P A . Fumishl'd. 1-:XN'III.'n I l .ora!t(>n Call Manllttl'r Sntttrdny aftrrnonn or ~unday l"llf JNE II ARRflrt 3~11)-M 8-llc COMMt:nCJAL Pnllf'EnTY -In Nr\loporl !Wach. c ·-~ "lnt' Car· nl'r, 'J1lis Is onl' .,f t h1• ft'w 01._ , , purtuniti••~t lt•ft 1n tluo; 11n•a. :"•·nr nrw ('II)' hnl 1ant1 ~pori· l1shin1: farilltl('~ Cnll Bcaron :.713-ll J-:,,•nlnt:• llarht1r 10$-J. 7-lfc 110 1'SF: In Pnlm Spnn~• for ~ale nr lr.rtdr for llllll>nll nr R~tlllna l~lttno1 Phom· llrtrl~1r ft·IR-W :\24 :'>Iarin,.. A1·r n.,Jt~·~~ l'lnnd f..:.'l Jl Balboa Furniture Swre 100 Main S t .. 881boa Phone Harbor 145 5-ttc F'OR SALE-LAwson pump and bait tank complt:'tt", m ()() llkr nt'W. Bay Dlatrlct lfardwllrt" Co Bal. Ialand. 83-tfc :-;,.,, Itt \\··~I l '"·''' ;\lo•llf C( •STA M FS,\ I" ...... n ,;.'117 • F s l B 0 ___________ ~'~_-_1 _,,1 .. or . a e. ~· wner Watctw. -Ooclm -Jewm, CJ'IRONOI4ETERS ~ -Prompt S«Yk» Scalible Prieto~ VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY l'rll Newport Bl..S. ec.ta M.IM 3-ttc WASHING MACHINES II rau don't haw GIN cJo J'lll'8 Wlllhlnc at MUSICAL a RAIUO SOLO \'OX-Th<' ort:nn you r Rn attnrh to nny plnnn Com,. apt1 ht"ar It nnnz-Sr hmidt PIAno Co 520 No. Mnin, S11nta Anu. 3-•fr BABY SPINET -~tsy Roes Sw~t tont•. N~w. Nnw only $347 DAnz-Schmidl Pi11no Co. ~20 No. Main. Santa AnA Turns. J.lf<' STEIN\\'AY I.RANII . f't'rrl'<'t BIIJ.,'S WASH-A-TERJA rondlllon. Cor~:('(lus. Stl\'1' al m ,.....,.n mwd.. .. Colta ..._ .,... a..con 5'T70 lt"rul $1000 ow r nrw priC\" Oanz- Schmldt Plano Co . 5:.'0 No. Matn Santa Ana. Also smRII size ll-tft St~lnway mirror ty~ splnr l. FIREWOOD CHA.ItCOAL It BRIQUETS PROMPT OEUVE.RY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd COSTA MESA Beecon l!MI5 113-tfc Plenty of Good Tire1 AllStze. Compound Motor OD a.uoa. 10e Western Auto Suppl:r Authortad Oe&Jer 1118 Newport mvcl. eoeta .... 17-tf• 3-rrr SPINF.T plano for rt'nt, 6 months rrnt a llnW('d wh~n you buy DllnZ·Schmldt, Santa Ana. 3-tfc SPINF:T TYJlC' mirror piRno. Rr- pot~.~r~sf'<l Pay balnnt't' T<"mlll Anvthrr for Sl!f.i Dnnz-Sr hmidt f'lnno Co. 5211 Nn. Main. SRnt 11 An~t :l-trc BALil\\"IN mAd<' RPirll't 1~1~' mlr· ror piano. F:llln~:tvn mo ldc•l. l lnly $295. Thts 15 lcl\'t'l\' instrumc nl Osnz·Schmldt Pl11~n \o . Th<" llomco of tht• \\'urlttzrr, ~-'tl 1'\n Main. S&nta AM. 3-lfr BALDWIN GRANr'--Ftn•• rondi· lion. A I 5o Hamilton flrAnt1 AnnthE'r USf'd I!TIInd (>nly S,').l<o Tcrnu. Dan7·Srhmu1t P1sno1 , ·,, Snnlll Ana, 520 !':o MAin 3-lfc• Cl&ulfif'<l ada 00 Kt't t.M JQI> COAST MOTOR CO. l :>o;I·.\V T\\O 1\~.!IJ.t M l\l lu m•• In II( Ill Fill W~( '111.1·. :"1.'\\'J"II t I I• IO.:hl< t lll'llo•r tllr •Ink l'ln" f l1~1r>t '-'1• •··I'"'' warrl· II~IR C1•RM ll•..:h"n' n•t~o':< !"tun" ""''"I'. pl.hH'rrl1 llrlli'•JO ~.o:t: .r "'~"'' v11rt 1.,,,, ''i "' ('.111 111 (111\rt•ll-;-_.,, ~.,1 111 ll••nr nn ~i't :\.n 1''"11'0.:" n.a. run 5779-lt 3-trr $1074 4tl Fnrcl I "hth I \>Ufll' nllolin llrlit•·r c ..... , l'nlnt $99!l 'li I 11\l< I '1111\ I 'ollll'lo' ..'~~~~ M'lll1tl 1111lo' ll ultH, hl"'ilo•r. ll~lln nwlir' drl\c' fill~ l':tr ·~ Jll'fl '"'' "''"''~ IIIII '41 Pl)mnuth ('hall l'nufll' Rral INtlh•·r uphc•l~tr~·. Rllrloo. hrnt••r $l~H l ':.'!I :'oltlllc•l A l<\1nl ('n Ul"" Rc>ttrr hu) tin~ 11111' l)tla~·k. '35 DOOt:l' So•1lnn J!\42 Mott•r $-195 ':l'l ll.1nt "" •t;~twn "nt:•'"· 11.1~ jlllll 111••·11 rnmplo•ll'l~ nl.l·rht\\111'1'1 $495 '.fl Stutlrhako•r Champion l'luh COIIJll' (h't•rdrl\ 1' nnd H:~llto $11 95 COAST MOTOR CO. 1(M\Il ('oa!'l f-ltJ:hWII)' Bl'nron ~'l2·J I.OT 1-1 II: ~\I I ~F\\'PI.tH T l SI.,\:'~. I I l'htllr'r l'llf'O•·r H·~· lnt '·•I•" ,u,, nnd 11.1\ lllj.! l'ltth ~ul•' .1'1 '''111111·<; r .oul Lund. :l;ll"' :It oiO'II• "''' :-.;, "pt1rl Ho•rwh. I 1ht t f Modern Cornl'r Duplex I lo ~1rnhlo "\, ll'hl•. rho>•tl l'PST,\ :\II·~.\ 'l\1" H••dr"""'' I t. h l lrw \'n•·ant fo•r lmm"lt'•· Pns, e; 1, II;" HAl. S ll~• ~I\ ''Ill I: RALPH P. MA~I\EY ;\411 \\' l'l'lllt ·" 1\,. I Phnnr llnrhor ·II):.' :.-31<' Amazing htcumr \'alttc 1 Ncwpurt n uph·x 1.·'" . ' l . u I' ;'l I ~I d' P! '" " t'1•1• r l 't11 ! I I· ol •• .. ('j,,,,, '" ~t oll \\ •'• I t:o.t 4 ,, • •n ,,, nur•n .. .J. ~t. M II.LE n. ~~~·nltc w l"it11 ,'1. t'.ntt tl 1!,11,,. I.e i ~ l' -~---:-:-------' . ,, BALBOA ISLAND: 2 B. R . ll<>rne, fum. Yes, only _ We h ave two avaUable building lots. BALBOA PENINSULA : 13.500 lA.-t us show you our two, three and four B. R. homes. You'll be surprised at the good values. CORONA DEL MAR : N<'w and beautiful. 2 B. R., large livlng nn. fire-plac~. South of h ighway . . .. . . . Only 10,750 Mnny good buys in 1-. 2· and 3-B.R. homes. NEWPORT HEIGHTS : Brand new 2 B. R. home, oak nrs .. n. rum.; many ,modem features. For quick sale. . ... 8,950 f Ask us about_ ow: manY. othe-r bargains. COSTA MESA : 3 B .R. ~~ acre mature fruit dise .. a para- 11.500 Ea st Side: 3 B .R. fireplace, dln. nn. nice yard. A ste-al 8.750 3 B .R. a lmost new. Din. nn. A beauty . l0,500 2 B.R. 1 yr. old Take over GI loan, 4 ~~. 2 B .R. very nice. A buy . 4,450 1 B.R. almost new, ;y. acre (100x300) 11 ma- ture walnut trees. benies. young fruit trees. all kinds: very artis tic hom e : fireplace. Garage. Tenns. 8,500 BLANCJIE A. GATES-Realtors-GfNNY GATES 8-ltl' At COJ'Ona del Ma r SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must have level ones. these won't do. ..J Lcrrs at S800 Each 3 LOTS nt $2000 For All 3 :i LOTS at $2900 For All 3 2 LOTS a t $2000 For Both W. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Hig hway Corona del Mar "Where the F1ags Fly" 8-ltc CITY TAX LOT BARGAINS Ch<'<'k our list of CITY TAX lots which have ju.c;t come u p for bids. Many exl'<'Uent VALUES. Co rona del Mar $9,500 Balboa Island Newp ort Hei ghts $9,500 Costa Mesa $8.000 Harbor Hei ghts $63.00 mo. Store Rental 2 Broroom HomC' with ~est hOit!'e, South of llig hway. fo'avorable tenns. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE . :l-hcdroom home in BEST I<X·ation. Excellent con- d ition . 2-bcdroom home-2 yrs. old. Can be handled for as little 'as $1500 down. G.J. loan of $6,500 now on property . II.nt. at 4'/r 1 2 n<'w 2-bdnn. homes now unde r <·onstruction.-Very larg<' lo t.c;. Will take G .J. lo.'ln. BRAJ\1) NEW 2·be-9nn. home -V<'ry a ttractive ~ign -large lot -R£.. OUCED to $2,000 down. bal. a t 4"r int<>rest. Com <'r location in New- port on OCEAN FRONT. SPECIAL PRIME inrom<' pro(X.'rty -10 unite; on fl R,:l lots fJI1 C<>ntrnl Ave . Ampl<' spnl'!' to huilrl ndditional u nits. $70,000 -terms. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th and W. Central. Npt. Beach 229 Marine Ave .• Balboa. Island • H a r . 1600 H a r. 1331 8-l tc IF YOU LIKE WOOD -FRAME & FLOORS Nt•w Crtlifomia Colonial. :! h('flt-ooms. den. p.1t.io . dining 1'0001. firrplat'C'. ('(1', l'nusunl )()('<I lion o rre-rs vi<'w anrl sounrl pt·ofitahlt• rwighhorlwod improve- ments m ·<'r·tooking tht• Art'hPS at :"('wpot1 l'k'ach. E~tr-:1 l;u~t· :l-two.lr g<I J'ltgt' -jlnd SJM~:inl prkt' of ~1 2.300. -For tNn1s, fl•t's nt•goliat('. OTI IE:R GOOD VII:."\\' Sl'£1·:." A:--.;n LISTINGS HUB P0\\'1-:R.S. Ag<'nt Harbor (i~-\\' j . A. BEEK 'S OFFICE lktlhort F <'rry Lamling l~1 lhon ls lnnrl At Corona d('l l\la r · R-ltc 2-Bednn. hom<>. V<'ry nf'il t. TI1is is fum1slu-d. S79GO. Two bl'droom mod<'m. n IX'aury, ~!YiOO. Two lx'droom. mnd<'rn.-As k tn "<'<' this S ll ,500. 2-&.>droom. n<'W and nt(l(if'm. ~llllh o f lliAhway s 1 o.:~no ()rl(' lo t looking ilm\·n hn ~·. S:!~OO. Beautiful Ol.,~nn ft'tm t lo t -..o"'Wl of 1 ... 1p m11 and hns grnno \'i<'w. s~noo. 4 Other lot~ !'()ltlh of Lngun:-~. Th<'!'4:' AJ'f' lll f1rl' lot.c; ~tnd hnn• a \'it'\\ o f lll't'a n . Stij';\ W. j . HOLCO MB 1517 Co.1st lli~hway Cm'Onn <iC'I Mar See Us About Tax Sale of City Lots INCOME -J I bremo new units with room for 8 more, pt>tmit for 5 t raile-rs: also store building on half acre. BUSINESS OPPORTUNm ES -Balboa Island Beauty S hop: good <'I.!Uiprncnt: busy spot: long lease; apartment ind uded . • 83.250 Coost I lighway LUNCll ROOM -Gooc1 business; low t-ent : long lt•asc.•. $3.000 Fred -B R I G G S -Tressa Members of the Mu!pple Llating Division 634 Coast Highway Ph one Beacon 5T11 8-ltc BALBOA ISLAND SWI a few vacant lots availablt> on Balboa Island. In- vestigate our prices on bay front. cana l fronts and in- side locations . BALBOA BAYSHORES SAVE MONEY. Apply your rent on the purchase or a new home in Baysh ort'S. Hig hly n:'Strictro with private beach and mooring privile-gl'S. For· furthC'r details phone Mr. Thomas a l Beaeon 57•18. Offi<~ at Main Gate 0{)('n Daily CORONA DEL MAR MotE'I Sites-:\<lultiple unit s ites R<1 Zonc--Exc't'llent value. ;,(.)' mmer lot-zonro for bu.c;incs.c;. Price Will Surprise We h ave s<•Vl'ral V<'t'Y a ttractivC' tw~ nnd thnx--bedmom n omes. A pleasure to show . HwTy to this offil~ with your-Eas t<'l', summC'r and a.ll- yE'a l· renta ls . LIDO ISLE LIVE ON EXCLUSIVE LIDO ISLE FOR ONLY $19,000 We now have an a ttractive. welllocatro, completely furn- ished. 3-bedroom home for just that price. Special fea- tures: Tile showe r and bath combination, new gas range, brick fireplace, lots of s torage space, patio. We have the key and will be ple-ased to show you this one. NEWPORT ISLAND Ve-ry attrnctivc. new 2-bNiroom h ome in an exclusive neighborhood. Price Only $9,300 Newport Island lots S3.000 and up NEWPORT BEACH EXCEPTIONALLY wcll built, new 2-story, 3 bedroom and den home. Has excellent ocean view. Oose to beach. Good neighborhood. Price $15,000 -.. EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NE WP ORT HARBOR 3113 W. CENTRAL Newport Be.ch TeL: HaJ1lor 1013 17th and COAST Hwy. Newport Beach Tel: Beacon 5748 2'J.5 MARINE AVE. Balboa laland Tel: Harbor 1778 81.5 COAST HWT. Corona del liar Tel: HaJ1lor lNI 8-lt.c NEWPORT BEACH Brnnd new 2-hcdroom hom e. W<'ll conc;tructcd and with lots o f cabinets ano built-ins; d ouble garage. S!l.500 Make a rensonable down payment a no mov{' rig ht in. SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY Ros.c; GrC<'Icy. R~:lltor -Bus. OppoM unit if'S Monte R. Grim('s, Insurnnre -R. E. Broker Josephine W<'bb. R<-altor 302 Main St. BALBOA Ph. Ha rbor 2034 OPEN~OR IN SPECTION 703 -705 Poppy -Corona del Mar 2 New 2-Bedroom Home s 8-ltc .Just mmpl<'tNI. For'('('(! nir fut11a('('. Fin'ni:H'N:. Flag s tOilC' ratios. \'Pn('l in.n l.Jiincls. Obi. garagp,, Frnmed for npartm<'nt." ahm·<'. n ow aJ'(' sund·~·kc;. Land- sea J'X'(I. rf'n('('(i. Oct' HI) \'iC'W. 7-2tc Attractive Furnished Home 2 bcdroom.c;. Pcnintrula Poinr -$21.500. Small h ouse. set back on lot. furnished. on Pcnin...c;ula Point. P lenty of room to ndd on. $!1.000, Canal Front Home To rent until J une. 2-Bedroom Apartm ~nt On Cenl r;tl foa· rent unW Jtlrit•. j . D. BURNHAM 2001 C'l<'\•nn Bl\'ll. Harbor 3 l !) 5-4tc Bcotcfl .. 1)1!. vanOUI al.z.el. oa eeJe at ttw N-.-1'\mee . done. Lllht"IS \\Ill r.•nd )nltr l'l/\ ~r(1,'1J ~-lie ada as 'ou al'l' 1'\'f!dln~ thE'se "\\'ll~rr lhl~ Flag:; Fly" ~ lfr "(:( Sell Jt Through Classifi ed Advertising Pu•uc NoT•c• How California Veterans May Qualify PuBLIC NoTICE ---l\w t.t111.-l '•~lo• ,,( thf' <11\ ,If Nt•W· J)ltl t lt..•otl•h it' I ht• 'HflU'. n\*' •'XI.,., v( till' l\1111""' Trt\rt no;.-ontr\t 111 1\o-...~ •. JWII''' I I 11! M lt>f'f'l IAII•")ll~ Ma.-. II,•"'-"''" o>l l)t·. 1111.:•· ( •IWII.>. t.'ahf,Jmla. run· llllllot tl\4.0111'1' nt\Ttlll'llV Alld "•'1'1 ht•j\>il<'l'l\' lli•lfl.: t ht• ,llltl 1~'1111'1' IIIII' <>4 i\<lollll.lo Sll •'l't ano l •h·· "''' ,, •• , ...... 1) ""' )tHu,;.t\hU\ ttu•tt•,,f, Itt Ul\ U\te•r · NII:WPOK1' BALBOA N&W8-TI111Ja• p 7 TIUIMMUA\' N_,.•t ~~ab-f._ ..... te, INI ___ a__;;:g:....,e __ ;:....;;.;;;.;;oao~IN....:..AN..;;..;CJ:~N;;.;:;o.-.. --rDor Farm and Home Financing Aid PUT I --QKDINAJI«'& ~ AN OR.UINAI"C'F. OJ.' nlE_CITY o t-!'\ f: \\' P 0 R T B E A C H CREATING A.l'P ESTABUStt· lNG nRE ZONt;S or •h·· '"'"'' 1\JtU hcrcaltcr llc &<k'll4•'\l ur unwnd.'it lt•·Wit S~:\·T'\11:-; .' All thhl l't't111111 n •(\1 llh 'I~ r" "1 w•••· 111 t h•• C't 1 ' of:-;,.,.,.,,. l1t•1h h l \'lttnlv vr th'· ani:•• ~ •. ,,,. ••I t 'ailf••rn;" ,11.111 bl• IIIII I• ht'"'") tl<'<'laln'(j h i C'o\11· lltiUII· ~ ... ,. z ...... ="'" O tlt• ....... II The City of Nrwport Beach . hy and through ats City Council. does c:w-dam as follows: Sf:CTIOI' I: Ordinanet> No 5~ ol th~ City of :-:cwport &ach Is hereby amended. pursuant to Sec· Uon 3 of saud OrdmRn<X'. by chang· in& the boundarll'l o r th eD11tr1ct as shown by Distric tini Map. Sec· Uon 2 tht:'reof. in the followmg part iculars. to-wit: Lot 4. Block 1:'>9, and Lot 17. B loc\S 160. River 5(•ction. City of Newport Beach, aJ'c twrl'b)' chttnll· ed from R ·3 Rc!lldrncl.' District to a C-1 Comrnertial District. SECTION 2: Tht:' abo\'(' 1m d fort:'going Ordinancr No. 569 shall bt.> puhlished once an the NEW· PORT BALBO A NEWS-TIMES. a newsvatwr of g!'m•rul circulation printtod, puhlislwd und circulated In t ht• City uf Nt•wpurl Beach. and ahall take etrl'CI and Ill' in rorct' thirty days afl<'r Its publlcataon. I h rreby certify that the fore- &oing O rdlnanN' was introdue<'d a t a r egular mcl'ting of thc City Counl'li nf lht• l'aty of Nt•wport Beach ht•ld ora the 25th day 'of August. 19-17. and was flnaJiy pass· ed and aduptf'd on the ~th day of January. 194R. hy t hl" City Council at a n·~:ular nwNinR thrreor, hy t h•· followanc roll call votl', to-wit: AYF:S. ('(') NCILM F:N: All e n. Sall•r. lshl'il. rtubl·ra,..nn. n,·,-d. 1"(11-:S. ('Ol':"C'ILME~· AOS E:"T. ('(ll1NC1L~lf::-.l : A TrEST Fr11nk 1.. Rtnl'h:trt. ('iay Clt•rk. Ttw nhta\1' a nd furt>~nlllg Clr- dma ncl' as !ll~m·d nnd upprovo•d hy ml' lhis :t61h day or January, 19-1~ 0 n. R~;ED. MtO•or. N-C....._cao. The~partment will nut flnlll\('l' the construction ol houS(•ll. or pur- l'ha~ an> prosx>f1Y und.•r t'OII· struct ion or N'pll!rs. but will .X· am.~ne pi1Uls and SJX"Clfica tions of propo&-d buildm1.~ and appnu •• , ... land IM'It'Cted Cor constnK'tion wlwn prupo-rly subnutt<-d b~ 11 qunhriood vctt'ran. If uppro\'t'd, a t'Ondataonal commitnwnt for pur- rha,.... or 1 he pm()('rt y wht•n ,..a u ,... fa<·lmily compll'ted wall tM' as:;u.od to tht• veteran a pplicant. Thas pi'\WI"Iotl ~hould nul dl~· courage a vett·run from upplylnl: (w· stlltf' JlUl'C'hase or a hllflll' hr plans 10 build. AJIY rcputable t'Ofl· u·ac tor can rl'adlly obtam ad•·· quat!' ftnancing dur&nl.( tlw ron- SI nact ion !X'riud. · Soa.('onVf'I!Uonal C'oaatrw:Uon lnd)vu1ual propt•r·ues not gt•n- l'rall)· I'OIIsidt>red conventionaJ, a.~ to tht• mah•riat~. ck>s ign or mt'lh· ods usl'd in their construction wall IX' treatro as liiK'CiaJ ca.w~ rt'QWr· tnl> cocnplt•te analysi~ a.' (u tlw ~~ ructural des.iJCll, 11.'!>1>-of matt'r· aals us.od, public ae<'•·ptanc•· ami rontmuin,:: marketabahly . Among I)'JX'S or con,.truction ron,..id••n.od a.o; ~l•'t'ta l <'U.'>t'lo 11n · th, ... e '"' ulvin~: pr.·rah rwalaon. u'l' or Olill t'IIIIIS In till' h:L~IC 'llllCIUI't• such as concrelt> t•·:o.ctopl in fOUn· dations l. coocwiP hlock. hollnw Ill•· nM~n•''ll••. "" m h•lh·. ur u,...• 11f f'OIICI'\'ft' ~lab nnors. Rat.-of lnt;.,._t lnt••n ·sl at 3 ,,.. .. t'c•nt Jlt'l' ~··ar ~~ flU'-'' th•ln~ ('httrJ.:tlo(l \ ••t••ra n .... un lhf•u· pur•·h<L"' t'Hn lrnl'l,.. ·hu' int•·n •:-:1 t t•tJ• ..... suhJ•'tt't , ttl JK•a·aothe n'th•ll•rnunalton. 111 II<'· cordllnt'<' with .,,..,n<Jillll' •·umJ11 h)n~. within a r.mg•• nf :!'• tu 4 Jll•r N'nt. Authonty 111 rhans:P llw rntl' IS VI'<INI in the California uf e11tcndma tht• P''nOO nt th•· t'(1nlr&Ct A ft-"· muntt\1. to provtdt• for aelmbul't!o('nwnt of thf' dc•s.art · m<•nt for tht• amount 11dv11nt-;'(j, tu-Tho• <'II) ,., N••"lJOM a. .. ch, b)' g•·th<·r "1th lnt•·~t It t ho• \'1'1· n.ru1 lhmw.'h ,~,. .. City Coundl. ~ .-mn de:tll"l"S. hr may add thf' ••rd:un tiS f••llnw" am.t~mt or th•• pro•maum ao h•~ Su-rtON 1 The-entin> City o1 nwnthly ~ynl('nl. thus avotdlll~t ="~•'"'T'O.•M Bc'lh'h as h•·n •hr d4-c:'lal"t'd any t'XIt-nswn ,i[ ht~o runt ract foll "' Ut' arHI 1,. twn'h) r·~tllbhstwd lhl~ J)Ufllt..,_,. -111 Fln • J)l,.an•·•. "h1d1 srud t)rv • ~ aocllmpnn....-ta na~l llt'l ·~ cil\'lllt-tl 111111 t h"''' 70ne"' C'nntruct hull1t•rs mn~ bl' grttnl•>tl (11r ltw ~'j.,'ltl;•ll"n 11f the• t~ Jlt.' and ud.•uwnul 1uln on•·•·' tor n•p~ua-... 111111 t'IIOtr,tl'll•r of buall1m~o~ ami strul'· irnti1'0Vt•nwnt~. l'aynwnts on ad-tun'll whtC'h shnll ho.• ~'Oflst n.l('tf'<l VMm·r·~ fur N'pairs ""' $1 50 flt'r 10 ,.11,·h ~ut'h ztlflt' The zones ht'rf'- m .. nlh Jll'l' $100 rul\'llnt.,••l Ad hy ,ostublishtod Ill'\' tht• lianw zooM VIU'lC'N for lmprovc•ment~ aN' ro•rr rn--d to by numlwr In tht:' tHHIII11.tt-d .. ,.,,,. lht• 1'1'111111111111o; •~•n· 1 rllt'l rJ<•rtutl. "llh tht• ll\Uillhl) JN1)1l1A'nl~ ht.'lrli: IOC'I'\'IIM'd propCII'· taunntc•ly Full lnfurmnlaun n•.:~tntm~: this plan nta)' h•· nbtnan.-.1 at any nf. rae<• of t hc Division of Farm nnd llumt• P urf•hruw" •1'ukrn f"1m "ll tl m<'" un•l F urms for Cahr Vo•h'ran~." re-- 1•·,..,'<1 by tho• S ta ll• ,,r Cnhf l,_•pt 11f \'et~·ran ACfnlrs I -1 Vl'tt>rnns hoant. wilh th•• ftJIIJIUVLtl or ihP Vr•t••runs Fin;m t•in.-•·nmnul- ll'<', t'Oll1IK1St't1 of 1111' ;:t~v••rnur s totr coot rollcr. ~• alP trNL,twf'r. rhn'<'tnr of (inane~ a nd dJr•'<'IOr ,\ Dependable "TRAVEL ••• by a.ll _... .. ._.......... ..... .,...... • AIR • SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO AU POINTS .... ......_1 ... Lambourne Travel Service !It Oceea A-....,._ II-* WOMEN .. , ........ ~, ....... ,. ...... I!"W • .... el _, AN roo ~e-ja•••· ~tt..a.a---'rf U•-• .W w-,_ .. _, ........ , ..... &. .... •• ........ , It's Your Glands O.r ......... .,, •••• , .. , .., ow~ .-.... -,_.,.._ f(• ...,_ Pi• ••..-Pi• ..,..,.-so •·~ Dr. E. F. BELL. D.C., Ph.(.', le? ._ IJ&, H--' ..... ttw. tl31 tt \'Mn ~···-•• 01..--........ ~ ..... •-r•.., n • ....,.. : $SOO CASH I pfor funeral and burial ••• 011ly $9.41 paid btl Jtes-rdleu of how li"le you hnr p&id in, ~ Port~t u wn Protrctioo Plan prO'Iitltt !MME. DIA TB CASH for funeral n · • , pmtet w~er the Dftod a riltl. , IUf IS ll ACTUAl USE: We hne permission to ~pro­ ~ce pan of a Inter r~ndr re- oraorrd : !-"AIIk..,~ M.lller fool ovf '- ~lky o~ly ti•o do yo t..lo,. o~o •• lfrk••~ •"" ltod po;J •~lr S9.41 premiwa~ your ntMPO'ft1 -.....at. otely poid I~• •~lire foro •ol~~e .I S.SOO. Mol~or woo ,. • ..,;~gly I~ ,.,. fod ""''~ lorf r~urtclor .. ~." alto rlto-.tl ... ~ ... ,..w #u"•'•' '"'..,.. o~u policy. S~o diet/ Mt>~doy -·~'""' If if ltod"'' boo~ ,.,, ..... polky, I tlo "of l~ow ~ow wo n>l'ltl ,.,.. -~•got/. r~;, It r.rfol"'' Ill• htferwoy.H Thit low-cosr PrO«'C''ion Plan lt i<curd b, thr f•uC'II la ... n l ife lnsurance Co .. 1 rMpon•iblr. old· line, lr,llal rrHrve companr. Therr c•n ne-ver ~ any ac~:U· menu. And you may name any funeral dirC'(tor, any Ct~l"f, any.,.hr~. Send l<>r lrrf tler~il,. FOREST lAWN liFE INSURANCE CO. ''fh• I••' l t'Owrt Ho,.. ,,. ,w,.•of '""''ai'W'e•• , .. ,, ....•........... ' r-llnt~lh 1_..., ee.. '• ~t. •&·RS·ItO 1 ' , .... ~,.... , : .......... c.M. : ' Wllh.,cel!lw~.~ ' : ....I -1v11 .Hfellt obovf rho ,_ : • .. ...... ,refocfio,. ,,.. ,., .,,,.,. , : ,...;,.. file hrdoft el ,.,.. ... , l>lllo : i No------• : , ' , s..... ' ' ' , z-.-City : : (1.,., l-It Cow S,_.. ~~ I ~--·-·~, ........ , •• ~-4 or vl'lcrnns aH11irs Non-vptr•rnnl'. f')(Cf'pl widt""'' or \'('ICran l'ont riH'l huldo•f'o, w h 11 hnvt• bl'f'n a.o,.,agnood vt'll•rnn,.· f'un· t rtlf'ts for· an\' I'CU!Onn are chars:o-d 5 Jlo.'r c••nt a~ll'l'{''' This rut\• •~ sub~>cl to rcdt'lcrmina ainn b~ thl' dPpartml'nL 11M! Pure'_._ 0111trvt Tht• amount advane<'d by lhc de- partmf'nt ror the purchase of a farm or h ome may not ex('l'('(i the appraised valuation of the pm· IX'MY, as df'tennined by the dt~ partmrnt. If thl:' appraised valu- S~~l HART, wtllo tiiJIC'll _. .s-atpiiJ, ••~ WM~ "'llh Dktl ~dnU~ end Ilia orc'hrtttra at Vau~·· ('air, BaJhoa.. A -- th·r of Ha"'all, "'"' "'Jf'C'Iall~ In l'olyn..,..an dan..-. Sanl clanred In !\t'w \'oril ('lty brtono oomlnc In Ralho&. ation is less than the price _askt-d hy th.-sellt>r. thl:' vt•teran must pay thr differenet> in ca.~h to the selll"r SINGLE WOMAN'S NEEDS PUT AT 5180 MONTHLY If he desires lo romplete the pur-BERKEUY', 1 UP I A •inglt>, chue, or he m11y submit other pro-working womHn •u't'd11 at il'a.Rt perty for consideration. $1110.40 u month to pmvic1e lh(' The contract price is the am ount good.' and IW'rviet'S generally ac- advanced by the depe.rtrne nt for knowledged u ncceuary to health lht> purehue, plus an appnti1!81 fe<-a nd t>Uiclt.•ncy, 11 U nlve ... lty or (currently $12.!)()), and other Californ ia rel't'arch committee said char~ott>S as ma.y be applicablE" to today the particular ctk'lt'. !'Uch os fire Th.-unJVerllity'~o llf•ll1•r Com- lnsurnnce prl'mium, title insurunet' mlll!'t' ror Rt'M'arch '"SuC'tnl &'o- pre maum, I"SCmw rc<'. t>tc. nomicli s~ud the saml· alt•ms that An initial payment of at ll:'a.~t now (."(]oNt thP smgjc worktnlt v.•C)- 5 IX'r crnl of the cnntract price man ~:.!11>4 ha~ on San Fran- Is required an the rase o f a homl:'. cl:oco'~> SE't>lt•mtwr. 1947. pric•·• or at Jea.o;t 10 IX'r cent In the ca!'f' wnutd havr ('OS(' $1127 in March. of a farm. The init ial pRyment m a) 1941. be waivcd if the Vf'tl'ran alnoarl) Thl' hudgl'l, lh t• c-c•mmalh't' Mad. owns an eqwty in the Jli'Ofll'riY or 1.!> not u men-'<Uh-"l'tcnrl' hudgt>t at lras t 10 per cent u r the df'parl· nor. on the other hand. an "opt•· mt>nt 's apprai:<ed ,·aJuataOI). mum" ~tandnnl Tht> coni racl period is dl'tl'r· .. A ... tnndard cannot be cnnsu1- minrd by thl" drpanml'nl an nc-t•nod ••xtrnva gant "hlf'h anf'lud1'!l cordanC(' with the Amount nf lhr ,11ch Hems as nnf' movie a v.'rl'k. purcha~l' iiJ.!f' and conrl•llon of lht> thn'(' lip~>ll<'klo n ~ear nnrl drt'SS01>. properly, and nlhl:'r fartoN<. Thl• a l ahout $10 Anrl shor~ nt ahot11 u~uaJ t•·riod is 20 ~l'al'l' ~ Thl' vr•t••ran mu!'t agrN• tn re-"H n woman llvan~ nlnn•• n•- side on the proj)('My within 60 <'I'IV~ A wagf' mur h hfolow thr ('0!<.1 days from lhe date Of purchaSI' r.f thr ltl'm~ SJl('('lrlf-<J hrre !'h<• hy thl' rleJllll'tmt>nt. and m aintain cannot Jive a wholesome• ltff' m nc· 1111' pm pt>l'ty tl!' h•~ rt'l'idenct•. HP rrorrlnnN' With I hi' .;tnndards nr lhl' must kt'f'Jl the prolX'riY in good rnmmumty.. , r.-.pair nnrl pay all lt>gatly a.o;$essed Ga·t>al•·'t n ·ln11vr m•·rrn!'l'. th<' ll\;\1'' liS thl')' bl'cnnw rJUI'. I Ii' may ,...,.,., .. , l'flld, wns In r('(if•rul tnC'QmP m•l trunsfl'l', Bl'O~IItTf. •'nl'umh(or nrl ta x. whir h an 1~11 rr ... t 1111• ''"1:11' rt'nt the• pm!X'r1.Y walhoul lh<' womnn SR 53 hut tn th•· 19<17 writl<>n ('r1n~t>nt nf lht> d•·lmrl-hullgr l jllmpNi In $n:'l nSf' rrom $571 m 19-11 to $1058 In I!W7, thr• latt<'r b11~od on 11 $65 a month boan1 anrl rfoom ball. wit h lunchE-S at 51 cc>nlll 11nd Sunday dtnne n1 a t $1.33 added u utraa. Th•' annual cloth1ng flrur. ,.,_., rrom $95 to $262 Two Members AcJcJecJ To Bishop's Committee 01 St. James' Church Two new mf'mt~t•rs. Phalm•·r f.l. lrrbrOt'k and Roi.M•rt Vllh.~rnna. have he<'n addrod lo lhf' r• r.·ntl~ n11.med Bashop's cornmith·~· or ~~ Jam;'tl church by the ''H"11r lh•· R••" P aul M11on• Wh••••l••r Mr F:lkrhT'O<'k as thl' archllrrl "hn rtt>~ignt>d tht> r hu rch and "hu h1" n•df•Sl~nf•d pla ns ror thl' II• \\ 11n11~ of p;lrish huu~r. ofrirt•s an• I rt ... ,,. room!' Mr Whf'O..t.-.r wall 114' an ''"' An· a:<'lt~ this Wl·•·k ntlrndim: 1h•• ron- \'l'nlwn at St P our" r at11• rlpol at whtr h a nc•w ht~huJ.I of tho ''""" ~«' "•II l~t• o•IN'IPri As rt)so irm1tn nf t hl' rlo•pnrft>~• n t o f 1 'hnstian EducRtton, Mr Wh,.d · ··r will hfl\'f' ··har~:•· nr t'hrt~ll •n ~:rllll'lll 11111 tl:ty T hts S''""'ll IIIII 11 .. a ll••ndr rl loy Mr" Hnl" rl \ tll~t­ \:Tll ntt rhun·h ~f'hrwol ~111• r tnt• II· m .. nt Bonrcl and room !'<!l'l ... '"""'''''' n rlt•nl ..,,.,. lmmralll'f' '11w c!\nlrarl holtkr 1., pnwldl'(l fin • 1n~urnnrr f•m •t•fAi;•' 11n hi" pru- ro•rty at ~:o\'lnl!' ''"''I"UI,:In,: ~~~~ pt'l 1'1'111 uf normal ln"uranc•• ra il'~ thrn•n..:h "" ag1 ,._.,.1''"' tw•h \ Pt•n lhf' tl•·t•"lrlmrnl o~nrl a lara:•· ~r<liiJI nr ftrr in .... u r:ulc'•• c .. ~mp;tnl•·" Till• <"I"' 11f huml' cYI\'t'r"l:'' ro·- ~:nniJt>o;~ nf l•~<·at ulft .. r th• prn- Jll'l'ly 1<. 75 N'OIS r-'1' $1()() uf 10• '"ranrf', (for a flw·-~l'ilr ro·rllorl Fo r f11rm pmJ)I'rty. thl' rntl' , .. ~I 50 IM'r $100 Th,. firf• insumnrr pn•matam m:" I IW' arlrl•·d 10 lhf' ptll'l'haJ'A• C'onlaarl nr mny 1)0' paid 1n •·a:J1. a1 th,. '"' c•ran·, npt1nn HnnM' PrntNIJon Plan I All nrp1tf'LIIl1' arr• N'fllllrr·rl h~ lhl' rtr•rnrtm••nl tn iiJlply f••r h•·m• 1 fat .. of lhl' llnml' f>rt)lf't'ltroll l'l:tll nr [Jfl' ln~un.nr•· ArN'pl;lhlh1~ I !)( th•· applic•ant is til:'trommwrl llrt· ,,, ... n llt'<; nr till· unrl•'l'\l'lllfl l: 111·1 'ttranr.-• f'f•mr•"lnl''" hul I h•• pr•''·l t>n l poll~· i~ tro nl'f•t•pt 1111 \••trran~ l''f'l'f'l lhO!<f' Wllh Sl'rll\11~ O!l'l::lnll' nalmrnt!'. I Til~ p lnn prm·iclt.os l~rm in'llf nnt••• f\uvPnn,g 1 h•• unp:utJ hJdt-an•·'• of llw jiLin"hn:.o• r nnl rnrt \\ hll'h tn 1 f'o"l!--1' of d••:tl h 11f tho• 111~111 ,.1 dunn~; lho• ('nnl r:wl rx•rmd .,'lllllllnfo• <' ..J":•r toll•• In l h.-. pa·opt'rl)' lor hi• >~tn•ivnn. Wtlhnw funhl'r p:t~m··n• Till' pr•tnllllm fnr I hi~ 1''1\ r r:u.:• f'llrT''Illh j._ 711 ('rnl'-Jl' 1 mtontl Jll'l' ~II'WYI nr lhP llnr•narl hnl.1nro If lh f• roolrllf't Ttw n•l•• I' 'IIIJI•o('l In r•'f)l'fPrtnlnutl•tn nn lhf• t. '''" ''' m~ort 1111~ ,. 1• .,, 11,.., .• md -,, tu 11 111! anal' ~r• ,,,, ,...,..,, n( 'h'' rnv..-.rac" n•·~ d ~ 11n1 mr•r• aM' lh" ,. ''''·'"·' moonlhl\ 1 .n, •.• llm··n· n ......... n •• m .... an· I l\'1111 hy th,. ('!r•pnn f!l"'"' .anti llw nm~>~ml'-mny h.-111ft1N1 In t hr J'llll · C'hR•I' ~ll'llnK'I . hot•'lnl( th•• t•H•'("I FHA HOMES MESA RANCHOS {Corner of Flower & Tustin in Costa Mesa ) Last Unit of a 140-Home Development oo~t; f\.\\ ~~~~ t,~ \.,' ~ .. ~ , ~,~-~~\"<( ~ ..,, v~~ •• , 'l).r:, ~" ~ ,'~()() ' ~T' ,~ ~ot\ .. G\ s "'~ 00 \)ov.r" {ot s13 Send lor D~scriptive folder MESA RANCHOS 1151 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. a GEORGE HOLSTEIN """"'I ,,, I l~tnnhll: Ill tlw r••lnl ,,, tnh•t'n t h•ll ul I he.• "''"lht•l h 1"'''''"1:1111•11 .t 1111' "'•'•t•·rt\ iltw o•l I 11 1111h 1 lt.'loHI I Hit I I ho• '<ltllh••tll lint• "' L••t J 11.• '"•'I"' 111.,11 ,, '"·II' of T'rnrl '>I '""'"''" 111 II ",, k 17 1•1~·, 1.1 1" ,\1\ ,.r M• .... ···llun "'''" \l .ql' It·~""'' "' ( h· o111t:o• (· .... Ill~ l. II I I r" r n Ih. lht'lh'o• 1\o ..... ,~ II I ,, n a: tho• "~lllhlh IIIIo' olf IAII' ,I I. II. c: ·•ttol ~· "' ,,u.t Trao·l r•llol l•• 1tw t1111o.t \,, .... ,~·~1~ c~u "'''' "' lilllll 1.,, ~· th••n•··· 11"nh "'''lt•t I,\ In a "' r•tu..:ht I Ill'' t•• tho• llllo•t'"'""" uf th•• M111th· w'""'''' h f'''''-'lla,:lllhnl ,,1 th•\ "tiUIIlo•u,lo'l II !111 o' 111 "E' Sl "~ I ••• ''"""' "" 11 Mltp of ~:"''•lolo· Athllllolo,, ""'"''''"I In ll.••k I ll;•.:•• ::u .. t M,,..,.J hm .. nt• ~~·'I "'· H·~·onh ••f ~11111 Or:tn.:•· (', ... .,,, 1\llh ,,, • .,,.,,,. hnt• Pf ,,., .. ,,.,, :\!~ '1\•'' u"h 1p h Sotuh lt.IIIO:•· 111 \\' .... , S II H \1 lito Ito • J',t•( ,<illlll" lho• -'olhl •alh IHh ul "it'\lhltl :C't lit 1\ Jtl1o ...... l l••ll PI l ht~ ...-.·u~.' 1 '" ,,, "ur r '' '''"~~ 11, \hll\\ '' tt ·t IH,tp tlf ,,lid .. j.p,.t t.lllt t\dlllf IIIII lilt 114'1' IHU t h y., .... ,, th d····,· l lh I'"'' I 111\t' PI'"' \\ "''' ,, -.o.t "'"'' A\ I" H • 1\\ ft tlfl ........ 1 tlt.tp "' I ' .... '""" "'" lilt I Ill "' uf n . .tl ... i ,., •• ' H····ntl··~l If\ 1\••h I I" • II ool \ta.,·d l.u•· '"''".., \1 q•~ t•f ,.,.ud t '••Uttl,\ t u tH1 till• I I I,.,,. \\ f t h "''. Mll\ftt•'l 1\ J'l HlttU~,I{ It lit pJ ft~t• \l'•"fo•tl\ IIIII' 111 1-•t II lllo~·k 4 111 ... ,,.t I~"'·' T r.t•'l . 11Joorll'" nullho•tll •• l .. flt.; lht• llt•l llfl'tl 1hnhttl '''"''"" h pl'nl•ul..:lt tiOU ft' ,Ill ill It I "'''l'llltfl \\lilt tht• "'Ill• 1 lttto· .. r S ttl'l i\\o'IIU•· 1" ~tHt\\B ''"I UI IJI llf tit• ~1 \\ , •• ,, lt,h l't l•'t ··~···••1··•1 '" u ..... 1 1 •. ,, •• l1i •• r ~,,...,., u ..... '""'u"" :\Jut•• t •·•·ntth .. r 'ilh1 Ct .. u•h th• n• ··"'\.''''I I\ ulnn..: 1h•• l.e"'t ""~''''''"'-.t •···ntt-t• hn•• nt ,,,.r A\•n•u' e ... .,, 1111•·c · ~-Ill •II II II II I h1 '"1111wrl) r.u .. l•'f't~ '"''n ,,r th,• "'''''~"'rly IIIII' oof' i\l\,11 ,11111 Sln••l It" ..tuM 11 1111 '·"'' nlltl' ul N•·V. · P ••• ll" T1 '"'' llu n,. n .. llh· corll r.loon~ 1 ho• ln•l llh'lllltlfll'<l •nulho•l h prnJIIn);IIIUIII lo ItO lnlo'"'" llun ,. 11 h I h•· •'••111t•r lin•· nf Surf A\-••nu•• II> •h•w.·n on •I IIIII JI ur f:l·~· N•"'tK•M . n..-.. n t.•l an llo~t•k :\, I'"K" :n or :\J,,,.,.II"'"""' Mn"''· no(•. o~ uf >-111!1 C'uun1~. th•·m'<· •·~·~t•·rl) n Inn~ t h•• h•~ I nll'n· lltJIW<I N'nh•r It n I' nr Surf A"•fiUf'O nnd 1111' l'l·nlo·r lint' ot Oc••nn Avt>nur lUI 'hown on 8 Mut' of 'J'ruct Nn 2:\4. ~ In Book 13 , p&I{H 36 and 37 uf MIIICf'llanf'IIU• M8Jl8. ~rd~ nf lil\111 C.11mty 8nd aJon~ lhl' l'<'ntcr line' of Uf'l'all Avt•nu•· a.• ... huwn nn 11 Mrttl nf ~ltnn "B", N<'"1.0•rl ll••lwh. n'('Oroir .. t In ll<ook 4 l'•lllt•· 'n uf Ml,l'•·lillnt'0\.1~ M1q.. IW · onl11 ot Omnl{r ?·nunl ~ <'uh ri)ITI18, 11nri 11if1111; th•• I'Nlll•r lint• u( ( h*'t•:t n A v •• n u •• a~ ~hn"-n nn :1 1\tnp of ~1r-...l /\fl. rlltlnn to NI'Y.T•M"1 llo·n••h n· Mnlrod In Oncok :1 Jlf•.:•· ~'7 .. r Mt~r<·llan•""" "''''"· J(, .. ~•nb 11! AAirl C'!MIII I). 11 nr1 nHlp ro( r-;, . ..,,,,.,11 u ...... h ..... ·unl•••l "' f\(J(•k :t. rv•.-·· ~lfi .. r :\t a..r .. llun l'llll' Mrtl,.., f(d ·oortl, ••f ~111rl ('t'~,IO iy, nntl 111·111 ool Tiunl Atl- rllltnn '" N•''"l••rt 1\.•nl'lt. no- f'frn1f,1 In Jl,. oil :1 l'al(t' :11 nl M t«C'I'tlunf""' :lll•l"' n.,.,,,,, of '111(1 ( '1111111 1 111111 Mup ••f Ort>nn F11111t Tnwl l(,,..,,d,,.l In 1\(Nik 1 l'aa.:o• I:! ool ~'"'o•l lnnf'OIJs Mll[l>o. tl••·flnl~ uf .. nh l l'•tunly nntl nuqo ol S•·l"h''"' f'olmt,\' Trur 1 ""'Ot <1••1 111 Jl<~·k 7. t.W•I:•' _.-, ,,, ~,,.,' """ •·uu-Mnp• J!,.,.,.,..,, .. r "'"' t_·,~unl)1 '" ••u "'''"'""''''finn Willi lht• fllo:fh•·ll'lo•t fl lll'r '"flt.;ill ll oll nl lho '''"'"'' ••• , I} lin" .,( Ill• •·l1 ' I ,, loo o\lo" 'In 'ttld S· ~•'""' • ( · t I n H \ ·r rnt·t th•·r••, ,,,,,.,.,. , .. , h. :<iron~; I h• 1•1' t 1111 tolooolf•••l nttrtlu•u'-1•, I\ pr ••In rt ,. 1' 1 ,, tJ nntl "'''"l' ttu "''' fh\\. '•, h. hn•· ol '-iltd IU•., ~ "',. 1 ,,, ,,. trth'i'•. ,,,,,, \\l ift ,,., ,. ... ,. he~;h I art•• ltll• ••I •h• I'" It• t w••·ran tlu ,,,, .. ,., .. ,, .; t• rh :.l•tnf: ctu· ,.,,.,.,, hu·h t•d• lqh u( lh•· Pu••tft• 1.,,,,, ''' •til lnt•'l"-t-rittrn V"fth ,,. •fu ' lv ,,,..,,,,,,u.~:,,,.,n ••f ,.,. \\.• ''' h u n .... r • .,., ,,.,. e I···,,, 'h''" n up,.t1 • "'·'l' ' I l'l u ' ~l iH r•ot••Hhtl 111 f','"': 1':' "'"'I hill "II h 1111• 111<'·<11 htt:h 111lr haw nl 1 h,. I •,., 1f1o• I ll"rnn l11 !':•·" 1••rt fl11~ 11' '"'"'111""' '" < ·, ... ,, 1 • .. ,, II.''',.,. :-,,. :::lf>'i!l ,,r t he• Sutll'rior C'-111rt ,,( 111•• Slltlt• otl l'ullfo1111111 Ill :u ul [,,.. Ill•• t \'IIIII~ <If l It · IIII I!<' 1 twm..-'"•llll lu·n~l••rl> ut.•o..: tltt• 'aht ttw•,u\ ht.:h ,,,,,, "'"' ••• ttl\ 11111'1''"''""' .. llh lh•• •'>'111<'1 haw 11! .. ,\" Sl""''• II~ 'hom 11 <Ill ~a hi M np ••I l14tl l"\11 .... ,.,.,. lho•th'l' >otlll hv.•'•l ••• h 1111ol "''Ill he•rh 11111111: tlu• ,_.u.t ,·,•ntt'l hn·· ... • "/\' s~., ... , Ill 1111 illl<'l"il'<'llt•ll Wit h lh•• "'""' ····ut•·•· hth· ~·r !'~u·t A\.- n\u·. t h ,. n ,. •• nue '"" .~,..h1t'l,\ nl•••u: 1h1• ~"'" ,.,., .. , ... lm•• "' Sttl'f A\o•llllo• l11 lhl' l"'lfll ••I 1Wio(l1111111" l'nrn•l No 2 · l\o.·~mnlnw 111 lh•· ,,.,..,, "' ltlto•n.t'<'l 111n ,,( t lw l'l'lll •'I II II•' ,,, '''" s ...... , , .. , ...... ,, "'""'" "' .'nit ~~~-•• ,.,. n' ""'"''\' u "" II '""I' "' ~=··-· N··" , ... I 11'• t'll"il'<l Ill ll•••k ;1 tWI~I' '\j "' M •-•~·ll~tn" "'' I\ I.• I•' tt .. ~'"" nl \ •• a u .:_,• t "u-unt\ \ · tltl,•t tun \\llh tit•• ,,,.,,, '" l'''''''"t.,: lt11ttH tll th• "tlllh• d ) ltttt• ••f Ill•• k I. ,,f '""' t·:"'' :'oo•·" ,.,., "'""111.; 1h,.n, ... n••tlh· • t h ,th•ttL: lit•• 'uti •'•'"'' 1 luh t\f t~1 h '"'"' t 1•1 Itt\ IUit C't ... ltnft "''" lh•· •·•·ut•·t ltth' ••I H." ,,, I IHh ' "' '-h t t\\" '~" ......... li'•ct•••l ._ ...... ,,\\1'-''' tht tht ,,,,,,,,, h ·•l••rtr th·· ,.uh l 1 t'l\1•·t l!tt.' pf 1\,t\ \\ t'UIIt• \tt till If\ l <'l'•~l looll 1\llh Ill•• llolllho•th lll••lun.-.111"11 ••f 1111 o•n•l•·•l\ IIIIo' "' ..... :.' ... """ 1\lt"'k a. l~•·ru·•· l'llttlllht•l·l~ UldU,.: th•• hurth•·H'-f •~t~l~ Jfl'••lun~ul lutt ttf ,111•1 •'l<•l••rl\ ltru• "' 1.111 :!, 11nd ul"lll! at'.,, ,,,.,,,.,II IIIII' nf o;nhl l1•l :• ltnrl l1ll 'J:' oo( •Hul 1\l•ll'k :1 In llu• 'lOII I ht•n•l<•li)' • .,lnt•·l' .. r ... ,.ut '"'' ..,.,1. th•·"•''" ,. '"'''' 1\ niHil" I Ito· •10111 h1•1 1\ h1,. of -.111d lllow•k :t 111111 th,. w .... ,,.rlv prt•l"n~:•lloon th<'""' to 1 h•• tw•llll .. r l~<•.:lnnlnl: f'lll•'<'i l'oo 'I • llo•a.:tnntu.-"' lito• l••tnl "' antt·r..,,cflnn .. r th•• '"'nl•·r llno• nf 1 lo'l'ttn Av•·ntt•• wtlh I hI' ""''h"''"'''rtv l"''l•on~;n ll•lfl ot 1111' H••rl hw•••to•rlv hn,. uf I~·" 4 llh~<'k :.!~1 IIJ •h"w11 '"' 11 m11p .,r N••,.rw•r• ll•·nf'h II•·· rnrol•-d In """" :\, pttw•· :iii ell f\l,.,.,.llutll~ttlll M11r-. II• r'f•r.IA uf Oru n.-•· (',>unt), l 'llllr••rnlll lhrnt'f' nnrth••n•lcorly 11 I u n 11 1111d ~11uthw1••t••rly prulun~t· 11111111 1111!1 lh•• nnrthv.••••l••rly llnr 11f 11\il'l I ~·• 4. 11u·nl'o• rHlrlhl'lltllf'Orly ~tlnn~t thf' N'ntrr lin•• of tlu• fin. I llli<•y a. out h C'AIIf·rly of nnd pllr8llrl with 24th Strl'<'l 1\a 11hnwn on !11\ld map of NMNvort B<·af'h and lhf' northC'811tr•rly prolon~tllllon t ht•rt'<Jr. '" 11n hall•na•••·t lnn with flu• •uulhw•·•H·rly lin•• or tlu• l'nl'lfh• t :l•••'lt I•• JlniiWIII' <'mnllll n\'• rlaht llf w•v . lho'ttl"•· ~nttlht·ll~l•·r I) 1111101: tt ... lttllllll\\o"'lrrl) lin•• 11f lt iiHII II(ht (or"'"> '" nn h•••'t.ll•·•·llnu walh 1!11 ruorl lt~•a•l• rl) prulrona:•ll '"" uf the• t•t•f11t'r ltn•·· uf ~tl h :-:tn •••t A~ •ttuWn un '" mu p uf '-\t•t·t lnn "A .. N•·" t••l 1 H•·nrh. r"''"tdo•l1 In flnr•h 4, I'"~" ~I oof Ml~• o•l lten•"•'l' Mit II'\, It• ,.,.,.,,, oof "'"' (·uurH )t t ht'nrt• •••UIItv. • ''•·riV "'"''It lho • ~11111 ••••nl• r IIIII' 1of :..•nth S tP •t•t tn NU uti··•~· t·ttr.n With tlu t•t•ntt r ltrt• ttf • •• • "" A\• nu•• ,.,. ''"'"'" ou u ~t.qt nf Far~ I ll•lrltluon In ._;, "1•11 I J\1•11• I• r••f oil I• .t tn ll•w•k :\, r " .., ' '.!7 ,,, M••·•·llllll• """ M11p~. llt-.•rorol~ "' "'''' I 'o o~tlll v 1ht·twt• fitH U I\\f'Mt•th ""'"•' fh•· ,,.Itt ' •. , .. I '"" •• , f ,, •• .,.,, A\'• rHI•' 111ul Hiott~' t lu• ''''"'''' llf)t• uf t •f"• '11! 1\\t Hilt' U"' ~"''"" 1•11 ~""' Map uf "'''"' Jworl ll•:•• It Ito tilt• 1••1111 o f ... t:llfllllll: ~I·'(•I'JI 1/'. 1\ II I lilt! ' ' I ...... r• ,.r f"''fM't I \ \lltwl• ''' ttl• t 'tty .. f ""'· \\ ,,.,,, 1\t .. h t ,,.,,.,, .. , , ., Ulf• ""' d•• nl l 'ttld••t rllu "htll t.. '''HI '' II• t. "' •I· • t '"'" '" •·ort •ltfu~. J tt• z,.,,, '-•· ·n., .. ·, ,,, \\II l'u1 t • I ~ .. n. l'lfllllfll' "' It fW•tnt ,,f In I' , I ' I '•II hi .,,, •• tit I f '"'' ·~I '-'•1rt "'' ''''' \\tttt ,,,,. • t r1 t. I IUt• • f ,\ \."t t , 1 I #'' " .... ~ ... I 1\ I ,.,,, U tllt ,, ....,,,' t "'I ,, .. v ,, • fl II ,, 'I'.,, ft I ·~ dttlt~l 'It II I ft I t,fllt d 1ft lt.-.1< I 1•·•1'• I I ••I \ll~r•·ll1111 I ,,., ,, .,, .. I'•. ··••h. "' , •t tftV• f ·,.,.,, t \ f til f • tf lit t 1 llflll 11 ~~~ , ... ,,.,. ,,,,, 11 ,., f\ .•rut ''''' .,, JWtJ.:i'lli; '\' ,,, v. ttl t I I I ·I flrnnt:P f•,,11n h t ".dt''''"'' I lhr·nt'•• tHIIIIHtl~ d•JJ,, 1ft• ln~t m•·nfl,_,,,.,, ''""''''· ,,,, I I "I ,., I .· •til \o. .... d t. ,, ... , IJfJI '•' 1\ "''t••flt;tlfi Htlt t 1 t f • II \\Iff. !Itt Il l' 1ft Ju •h f odt hfll I of fl I f 1otf It fl I ,, I I fl lunl.::ttlun ''' fh• , .. ,,,., .. f '" I ~·:~:·~:~ri ,:-, ·~ "· 11 ............ . rf1rt l fJrttJ .. 'tl\ 110 tl• Ill th•• l 'ti V of Nr•\l.'f"''' H•••~'~' f ',,tHt l\ ••f f)r I :ero.-••. !'!Ill' ,,, I ',,j," ,, ,.... I 'II I ~ unrt '' h""' t.y rl• •·I u • •I lo • "" 't ltUt•· l-it•• z,,,., · .. , T"'' I•• \.o\•' l 'ttrt •·l ~, l J\1 i/lllfHIU' ,:d II • f••IOI 'I trH••r,•·•tt••n ••I '~" ,,,,,, lu • II( S•" I II I I IIIII " If h '"' " "l' I lin·· ,,f S u r( S t t•••t 1\d,ifn \\I Jilt• .. ,. PICTURE 't II J I I ! ,j ' I \ I I I tf fJ I FRAMING t 'l MT0\1 "f,\UF. I fC\\IF.IC ~···"·····" Jlr1'' •l a,...una Picture Frame Studio u~ ~·. t .,_, ""."· Uf ',.,.,,,,, H t\ .. , d, ... ,,,, •• tl II l it~fl l l't'-' J t,t pt• ~~~~ • ~· '1• I I '... "''I"' , H ,, f 'II If t l;j ., .. ~I .,. ,,f (.ttl d.,, tph Ill tl rf ,,,, tit• I ••llll j\ ~·I I lt .HIJ'• tlu It' t •i t ill• 1 b j I, .tlhfl1' tltt ,.: .... "·' ,, • ' •• ,.,,. IHH , •• ,.,, If,'• I i I II V l'f1 lht ;t; n f• t J '' t~J H ~t, .. t .,. ,f,. v n ,,,, .. I •• •t il' I I I ~'''""' ,., ··' t 11 t lj11 "' I •I '.' "' .,, ' 'I ,, ,,,,,. "' I li lt ,,, ..... f ,,,, ,, . t • r ' "'' tu •t• ••I t. ,p .. ... I"' I I ,.,, 'f ,. I "' f 'I fi••PII .. (. '• "' •••• ft ••• , ' . ,, ,, .. ' .,,, I I, u ,, '. .' ft• •u ' r q,. I t I tot ,~\ I I l jf "'" --·--------------------~ or A•bnu ~lrC'C't •• t hC'WI"' on runnln1 .. ~ noriht'ietfortr 11 M8ll ,,f 1\nll"' .. 'l'ra••t. r•·· 11hlll1! tht r.'ntf'l' llnl' or aatd n•rl11•c1 In J~•nk •· 1'-11'1' II, of ,...,.,, Awnu•· tn an lnlt'r114'('· Ml••"'llllll•"'"• Mnt•. ....,,.>rd~ tt.•n with ttw t'<•ntf'r llnf' ut thc- ••f t1rtH1~·· c '11unl)' Ct~ltfurnla . tin. I nllt')' n11rt1u•MI••rly o( rlllllllll~ th•'""'' n••rlhe•rl)' 11nl'l 11111 IWIUiicl ltl 11\(o •11hl fi'>Uih· 11,1rt h• ,..,,,., h ll lc'lli: till' ~1\ld "'•••ll•aly lhw 01! 111111 H t."•k 7. ,.,.11 ,,.r lin.-. • .. r A.111m• ~trn•1 th•'ll•"' llt'llthc•aah•rl)• atnn11 thco 81111 11,.1 11.,.11•11"rh 11h•111l ltlr C'Mitf'r hnf" of the-llut dC'tloTib> ,.,.,.,,.1 lltu• ,,( Atlllm• ~t N'f't I'd 1111•')' In Ill\ antl'rJ•'\ liNt .. ~ "'"'"" o\11 fl lll81' .. , lblti0\11 \!l ith tht• C't'ntrr lim• or lht• 1111, ,,,,,. •rr,.,.1 , '""'"'''"' In flt'llt •ll•·y '"lll lw••~<·rl) .. r ~<ntl ll•lo •lo 1 t•lll:•' 7,. uf 1\ll-•'1'11111\• I"'' 1<lkl l01 l't'llrl /\Vt'llll<' Kl ,..,.,11,. M "I'•. rt''''"''' ,,, ~ " 1 d •l111wn "" uld 1\11111 •II llnlhtlll <"r~lllll\ tf\ 110 lnll'r~····tl••n lt~~lftn•l tht'n•"' nurtho'llllc•rly v.lth ;, ... ''"'"" hl~;h thf·· IIIII' a lunac tht• N'ntr•r lint• or lhfl nt ttw p,.,•trt.• t "''"n tn N•·v.•-ltut tic-arrllw'tl ""''>' to 11n In· l~•rl 1\n' ,.. 11•·-•·rllw••l In to•r•····llun v.•lth tlw nMihwHt· 1·.,1111 1 •11,,. llt•(·a···· N11 ·~~7!1, rtly l""'luuaatlun uf tlu· 11111th ,r lito• Sup••• "'' 1 ',,111 t ••I lho• ,.,.~•··•h llw · "' !All 1!1, llhM'k ~I nil• ,1f c ',d lfou ~tin, In ttllol (otr i. IIIII Aho •l\ 1\ till 11\llf Mill' uf lh•• l '>~\1111 ) rof 41111111>\1' 1'11!1 l11tll"ll\ JAIIIIICt, lht'llt't' llflllh nln~· llto'l1l ,. 1\tll'lhW••'It•tl\' I'll-It'll) ttltlllll lilt' 11\J\ llll'n• "'''"1: 1 h•· 111,1 ,,,,.,·rll"''' 1,.,.,.11 tlo•n•'ll rwr I hw••alt•rly pr"h'll"· hlt.;h ,,,,,. llno• ••• "" lntM'llf'l'· "''"" 111111 "'""" tht• llortho•aal· tl••ll "llh lllo' '"" n,., h prc• ,., h 1111•• uf a11hl '"-'' IH, "'"' 111n~:n1 l••ll ,;f 1'\l'''''" O.:tn•,•l t h•• auuth••aui.·aly Jll'tthllllt· (,11111,.11\ lln\l lo•\\ i\\o'llll•' "' lllholl t he•ro•clf, ltnd 1111' 11t1rlh· ,.,.,," 11 "" •Ill• I m II' .. r ""' f'll~ttrorly lin•• uf Lui :.11, lllt1dc 1.,11 11"' •ltl•• '1'• ,.,., 1111'uf'l• II. IlK •hnwn on a111tl MAp of r •ootlfllt'l 1\ 11lr1111' lito• lit•l tllo 11 llttll••ll 1•11'11111. ltflll lilt• l<llllh• '"""'ol tuullu·• h '" ""'"''"'"'" ,.,.~1•' h• !"'"'"""'""'"' tho•n'tll ,.111t "'""I! llttl ~'''"" 1 lin•• 11( ''' nil lllh'lat't'll"ll with tiM' ("\I '",~ S li P•'' ••• n lntrr t'l'llh r lin•• ut ttu• flrol allr)' 0 ,., ,,,,11 "alii lltr ,., nl• 1 llau· ,,1 ~•lltth••ll,.l•'l l) uf 111111 t•nrnllf'l '' ,, 1\'• , .... '"' ... tu•\\tt •• ,. , tlit ... w:~••· A\••nu• ,.. .. tahu"n no Ill 'I' ool It oil"' e '1'1 10 I I ho tto'o ,,lhl lilA II ••f llltlt•ut lalAIIII, ,.,.,1, 1 I\ 11t''"'" ,,,t.t •"~''''~' ltn•• lht•u'"'" •uttlh\\t .. t••• I)' ""'''" .. r 14 ,, 1\\''"u" •·· rtu tntt"r ~,,,,h,lt "''h '"' ''"''' u .... t•l t ., PI• '' '\It t'• I tht'IH'•• t!L"IIth\,t''lft I h 'It '' H-.: "ltlt1 ,., "''' h ill "' ( ., ,., t'~JI !-'11 ...... Itt ,tu .. ,, •. , "''' 1 a.•et '' tth fht• ,.,._.,. r lin•· "' t ···utru1 /\' .. ""•' tlu II• •• "''"'' 1 h 1 nl•U'Il 'llin ht l't'r\f• t h th' (t( l '••f111'1tl ;\\t"fUU' It• 1111 1111• l ~•·•·lloou \\lth Ilk n••rlh,..rh l''"'""lo:"""" ••f lhf' " ... ;,., h lioll' .. r 1.11 1 fll.ll'k 4 ... r """' 111111"~" Trnt•t ll)<'nf'i• ... uttwrll' 81••111( l h•• 111~1 nu•n llo 1110 ••1 111 •I t h••rh pr"l"llll nti<HI hll•l 1 h•· w··~••·rlv I trw or ~11ht Lo t I nn•l th" aoHtlwrh• llf"· I•UH'II tlttU .......... , ltiHt tht' "•••I• l'ly IIIII' nr lui II "' ltltlll 1\low•k <1 nn•t t h•· '11111 hrrly l"'"'""ll"' hill lltr•r•"'f It• nn lrlll'l"llt'l'llun v.lth t hr t'<•nh•r lin•· ''' 1-'urf A \'t'IHif' "" •h1•••n .. n ~~~~~~ Mn p .. r """""' 'J'I-111'1, th•'"'"'"' ,., •• ,.~rh "'una •" 'ct ,..•nl••r llru• "' Su rf Avo·nll•' All """'" n ron lllth1 M8ll of Hnthrnt '1'1 rwl 1111'11,... f'tlalr rly 11inna •11111 t•o•nll•r lint' or ~11rf .\VI'• nut-tro t hi' IWlint uf '"'•lnnloll t• .. rr.·l No 3: lt.•.:lnnlnw nl th•· JY•Int nf lnt••r •N·tlon "t lh•· N'llll'r llnf' 1•f Ullh Slr-• .. •1 w ith thl' ~'<'nlt'r lhw uf llr<•8n Avo·nul' 111 aald <lt ••ftn i\\'1'11111' Anti l!'th S tri'C'I 8r<· •hnwn nn 11 "'"I> nf lhr 1"1r1t AMitlon '" N•·wptll't 0.•8t'h. r••c:<orl1<•tl In !look :\, p 8 it ,. 'J7 of MIIK'f'll•nt'OUII M111•. lli-M rf\a of flran~~:r County, Calltornle. runnlnt thrnN• northw ... lt>tl)' alon1 tltr aald l'o'ntrr llnr of 0No11n A w·nttl" In "" tntf'rllf'('llon wllh I hi' N'ntl'r lint' of :lOth StrHI ; t h••nf'f' n11r1 """"' rrly 11lnnl( I hr '"'ntrr lin•• nf 'Jfl ~lrrrt In 8n lntr r ... rtlnn wllh tilt' .. ualh wo•!!h•rly itnl' u f lhf' I 'Hf'lflr ~ h·•·lrh • Jlnllw11y ('rom(O#In}'a r ll(ltl ~of w11y •• u td rtachl nf Wll)' Ia •ht~wn nn 11 "'"" ttf S l'('llun "/\" N,.wpnrt llt'11rh. 1111 r•"'<trth•tl In ll<•uk 4. 1"'11'' :tl nf Ml•~'•·ll""'''"" M"l• . ll•·••urfl• ool " n i fl ! · .. unt )' ., ... , .. ,. """''" Ul\t<·l l) "'""1: llw 11"1 ll\l''llltonl'l1 lolulhw•••t r•rlv lint> Ito 11n llll•·ra ... ·ll"" v.1111 l lw ,.,.,.,,.r llrll' ,.f Hllh "'p·~·t t h,,., •. ••tt Jih••,.•trt ly uln11~· 1111 ,., ,.,,., llrll' nf 1'1111 ~'"" 1 ''' 1111 1••lnl of IN•jlln ""'~! l'l•r•, 1 "'" 1 Ito I llllllrll' Ill lho• 1"•1111 IJ[ Int. •~· • fli•fl nf ttw t•rn1••r llnr '" .'',fit '"''lf'f t \o\ lfh n, •. ····nt••r lilt•• ••I 1 ,,., ,.,, A\1'11111', •n •ulll .!"lth ~,.,,, '"''' t l•·•·•u• A\'•· tP h' "'' '"u"" "" n trtup or !\'"1"''' f~•·.~•h ,,.,.,,.,,,.,, lu II•H •k :1 I••H'• .'ii "' Ml•"·llull , ••'J'-' \1ur•~ lt••••••l._ hf t 11 lUI~'' t •••Uti \ f '11 ftftJt It IIi I lU I fllfH' ftH Jtt I llttl lhf hllff•t ly h l•·n~~t lt• '·•td ••n'•' ,,,., ... ,~".th ~,, .. , .• nd tit• ,,,uthtft\f•t h '"''lnn•t •ll••rt "••••••I tn J•n '" t•r,t•tflfffl Vdlh tht '''Hih\\c~ .. t ''" ""' ,,, .... ,.,,,,., . ,,, tt u H~tth' ,, • '''''P~trt\' rtvtn ''' "''\ ltwn• • ""''''"·'•"'~t l\ .11 .. -.., u,. '"''"'"'' -.••·rl) ltr11 ••I .. ,.,,, rtt•lol ••I "'"v ''' 1111 In ,.,,,,,, •• " lot.tlh tt .. ,,,,,.,, I :."''' r h pr tolftH\'•" If til nf ''" I t I It f h ru ttf lftt I If I tift \ "''u 1l1• '"'• t I) ttf iHd t• tt •II• I tn •1 1th '-Itt I I '"' ''lft'!i'll toll .... ''" \1 IP ,,, ·,,,,I~"' H• ,., h tf,,.,., • '''''Itt\\• ~,,., h .. tunt• q ,, II• It tfu tlo ft I 1\ l''fJf••ff•'lllt•,fl f•f t h• ••td•t h u• ,,f It•• I• t ,,, '' t ''"'' •ll• \ ttHI tt i11H,1 tht •• , nl4 r hn· ,,( 1111 ,,,. '"' \ .,.,,, u iiiHV H11 ••f L'·~ ,.,., , .. " .. "'" rl} n,,,. llllrl 1\ .''\ llfl d lito '' •' If t,,, • ~ t, r I • q ,, ,. ,,, .. ,.,,,,,,,.,.,,f •.. " Ito\\ 11 o n "'H t d ~lui• ,,f ~. • v , .. 11 t I ~• If It ••• ,,,. fft ft f at t I I fl \\ Jl ft lit' I f1f)1t f I H it "' t "' ., ,, ',.... ,,,, 01' 'Jill II •\' ' • II l I j tJ I f f If I .,. "\ ~ ft1jt "' n ,. •" ,, ' J •• , f t ••• .,, .. '.,.,.,, .. I 'I\ Ill,, • I+. I I It " V•• 1 I l l o lift• r.l '-l11 , It t1h I h •I• I • •IJ .. f • 't• t(l I I ,,,1 ,,,,,,,,.,j I II· .,,,,,. I ~ , " I '' ,, ,,,, ... I . l II '"".I t11 H••• .. ,: ,. ' .,, •I ,,, I . I t il'., .... \I •I•'" 1 • • ~ t r •I • f t It,, I .... ~ ~ ' ' .,,,, , •• I .• .,q. t I·· , • "', , ~.,., (,t J•, u, \\ • n••· '"' ..... I '• tr l A\IIIIU lill dtttWrtflt\ /on Ill M ot• ttl 111111••11 hi Ifill tt ... '"'""'' 11111• ul llw• 111"1 tl<~ .... n ..... ull•'\ '" 1111 lnl····•'1' 111111 "11 11 till' '"'lllo·l IIIII' uf 1111' lu o,t ulh•\ llt1111Witah•ll) oof ouul l~llllllo-1 I•• lh•• lhllllh• 1\1 •1••1 h IIIII' oof llloM'k fl. lUI 'huv. II I'll an hi 1111111 or 11111111111 l•l111111, tht'lll'<' •u111h••t~f1h•rly •<111111( !he• t'• lllt•r 1111•· uJ lh., Itt• I tit ••'I 111<~1 nllc•) tu ltn Ill· ll•r•·~·ll•ul with lhr c'f•nl•'f lin.• .. r n, ... l A\•'nlll', ... •twwn Clll ~uhl M111• ''' lt~tlhua lalcmd; lht'll<'•• aoot1111W•••1rl ly 1tlt11111 t ht• Jnlc1 I'Nllf'Or IIIII' (If I )t~~tl Avrnut• lu •n lntl'l' .. ,.'llun '"lth I h" IMI\Itlll'lllft'ri)' J•llllllll&• ""'"' ur 11w 111ld 1<1Uth"···•to·r. ly llnr uf lllnrk II. lht'IW'fl ""' tlaw• .. lrrly •ltmiC t 1M! lui nl<'nll"'""' 11'1\lllwuhlrl)' pro. lulll(llt loon Mlll "'""II 111" eoulh· "''111<'11)' 11111'11 uf 1\ltl<'lc P "nd nltll'k 'f, au ahuwn on u ltl ""'P 1•f ll11IIIM lal11nd, and ttw nur tl•w••att•rly 1"'"'""11" I I o n tt ... n~•r. It• th•' I'"'"' uf IM'tlln· nlnl( l'ltrt'<•l Nu fl l4f>Ctnruna "'' thto poolnt of anh'A4'''' kill of Ute• co·ntt>t liM nt l'•rk Avr nur •• ai\OWn on a mlltJ •of SM·IIon 4, Ralhoa lal· "nd, ,....,,_~rdf'd In llonk 'f, pap 37 of Mlec.'ll'llllnt'(-Ma ... Jt,-.,,rc'la ut Oran11' Cbunt)', '· .. 11rornta . wtth ttw-(lf'ftt.r 111M' nf ttwo rtrsl al .. )' Wttat fll 11nd r~aralltll to M•rtne Ave- nUt' u ahown on uld map of 1\alhoct laland, runnlnl "'""- north alon1 the cent«r Une of ti'M' lut dfoKrlbecl at~ \o "n lnlf'Ht'('lklfl with ttw NftUI' 11111' of thr ft1111 aii•Y eouUt of 11nd Jl&rlltlf'l 10 ttw north IIIli' nf Ulul'lt I :\ •• •hnWn Oft uld n111p of 1111111011 laland: th,.nr,. ""•' eton~~: thf' l'tlnlw lin(' ur I hfo IIIII dr!K'rtht>d ala.)' tn 1111 lllll•,....·tlon w1th th. .,,,llh torohJntcath~n n f ttw _, lin.· uf LA>t :11 of aald Dklck 13, ""'"'"'' nur·tlworly alont flu· lut m.·n llonNS J.lf'uiOfll· 111tun 11nl'l 8lnna lhr wo·et llrw ur 111111 l.t•l ..I I 111 lhf' nurlh · wnl ••utnr r u f •~till Lut :ll, tll•·ru... ''""' In 11 dlr,.c-r line lu t hr nurllu•a al C'fOf'llf'T' uf Lot Ill. lllu••lc 14 ur a~tlt'l ~...-11c111 4, """"'" lalMI\d, t h t' n c· • .,IUthrrly "Inn!( llw ,.,. .. , 11111' uf ~tHitl I"'' If\ and ttwo eouth (""'"""""''" llwn·uf to an lu l•·•••·•·llt~ll wtltt ll1r l'o'ntf'r lltw "' lluo fttal llllo•y fi'IUih ur •uti JNtt•llo•l lu lhr 111.rth lllu· nl •u lrl I llut•k lot , t h••nr'tl o•~tal ufulll( tlu• •·••ull•r llnr •tl ,,,,. , .... rJ, .••• , u ..... ''"''.)' '" 81\ illlt•l'l't'llull Willi ll11• l'<'lllt•r l1111 f,,, tlo,. flr•l ull•·v •·u•t uf n111l I''" 11ll•·l lo M flf 1111' Av,.. fiUf th• n• • "'''"" hlutt..:: ltu· ,., r•l • • lor••· ••I Ill•· lu•t til' ••·aiiM•rl ulltt) 1 .. 1111 lnc .. r••·f'll"n ,.,, .. ''" ~~·"I ,., nl•·t llrw ''' J .,., " "\ f '"" "" ,.,... "',.,, hl••h•~ ,_,.Itt • • uft•r llltt• ''' t•urk "'' "'" .,, ttu l"•tt•t "' h1•vtn ,,.,,., '•I '•11 1 •'-:-,,, ·, All u lllhlull('f't ''' I'''' f" ,,f ••1•1•"•''" • • IH t 1'tttlfltf't \\lift flu-. lll tl lftHIU I rtr•• ht•fl"'h)' ~~N I 111•1111\ fO IH ltlo•ll I, .. , •, '"" '11 •l111 ""' ''' 'r4,7 -.tu\11 f tl~t I ff• t 1 •• If t I \Ill tflt\llt f111m I·•IJ•I ltft , 1 '''" •1•·1•''"" u rul. ,.,,,.., tt u1fttl 1t••ll f ttl Ito puttiiKttHI rtt olo o I • ''" til II • ',J \\ l 'fllt'l 11/\lr II• ''' ·,I \\" I I \II ~ 11 lwW•pHJw·r ••f 1·• ••·' •I, '''I'''''''" IH itlf•·tJ, putt .. lt•h• .t .uul t 'll' 111 ,,, •I In II,. ('II.)' "I '''"I••• t II• '"II, utttl •11·•11 lltkt • lloo I uul 1,, 111 lull loort't• IIIII ly d111• It 10111 to nil uflo I OIN 1111111 Hflttpi !'HI 1'11! ,.,.,,\ • ""'' '"', J'tt•u~ f )r. ....... '"I \\ '"' ,,, r•••ltt•1•·tl Itt ,. t ''"II· 1111 '""'""V. nr ll1• I 11 y l ',tmril j ,,f !111 I 'll ~ •of :-l••wt.,r f lt•·twh. I• ld ••r• llw IIII o •I'll' ool loti\ l'ol7 lrtd" , .. '"' tll\1 '''""' d •filii ltd•.pft·~ ,,,. "" ,•t.H. •l1• qf .Ill tilt •• ,. I'•IH I•\ "t•td t t• v f ,,,.,,, •I "' u • r••a'u: J,,, ltttt '"•J' ,.,, ... ,, lty ltlf fttl · •'''' "n' \ '"' ''' \\ '' ''"' ''"'·''ll\11 ' lllt•n "tl•• J I•• II I'• lt•t h.,," H••·•l I ·,, 1j '~ I I tl '.t'IJ \If "./ l':oollt' \l''o t •• l ,.,,, '''IIMI "o/ :\'on(' f 1 • .,.,. ,.,,.,,,. '•td1u ,,.,, , ... '1"'n · • 11 '"'' ul'f'' ,.\ • d ltv "''I "''" :•filh •I• ,,f f '""'''"• l'ttH I' II Ill II • M.;v<•r ,\ 't•r I ..., I' ••v I 'I• r k l'ttlt ,jIll L't ~ r ·•nk I. ltlrtl h trl, .. ~ ·-f t¥' PageS NEWPOBT BALBOA NEW8-TIIIE8 TIU'IU40 A\' Nf'"J!U!t ~..-b. ('alii. .laa .. ~-. l &u . NEWPORT BAI BOA NEWS-T-IMES (' "'1U.&&"HON'E8: IIAIUSO& U, II A.~U tot ,......,, .. rt.wJ ~ aacl111ur.clay Aflf'raoun... \'ulume XL Sut.cripuon Payablt-in Adv~onN>. $.1 .!S prr > t•ur 1n ur .. n~·· C<JUnty . $3.!1o0 per year to 4th :l.onr. $3 75 t••r )t'Uf to Rth z.,n.· Ellt.ered u ~d..CJau natltr at the PO!l.U1ltcc m .'\c"~l Jlc&cb. California, undff the Act of March 3. IK9'7 SAM D. PORTER • • • • • • . . -· PuhllshPr LUCIUS S. SMlTH. m . -. · -Mana~:m.: l:Aill~r W F DIXON . . . . . . · · · i\d11·rus•n11 M unato:cr Prtntlna Plant. 3011 W. ~ntraJ Avcnuo•. Nf"WI)Urt Beach. Callforma Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~~~ ~ laatltuU011 for 0 \"t•r ~0 \'ral'• i!ATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~~ Active ~~ Member ·-:.. of · ··:::.- Our Water Supply The prolonged dry spell which may re~mlt in heavy crop lo88es and a t;ev<:re power shurt~~c, turns attention again to the possibility of d~-~allln~ ocean water and using it for agricultural, mdust.rtal and I To Rise Remark Ry .lUllS P IIIU.It'!J4 tu lh" I" "'''l•n lh< \V.~h.n~:· tf•U J11tf111 1, Ill~ t Ill\ Ull" ft llrt1 par t' 'tot I•' htH1 'ot11• .. al•1 bl\t)\\ lrll: 1 '""' r 1. ~tlluu.. , t :'-1ilr'llllll '1'1111'' 1111. 1.'1 " ,,,,,, Ill• ,., 111111 h• '"" .,,nk lh" l'n•l• <1 Rll\11'~ "'tJI'Y \\11 h ""' alo•tllll hun•l" \\ ht< h 1110 no11 IJo·lnl' munu r ... wrl'11 If) rt•l•· "ll I "'"'""'' I •h .. uld h•· on ···r··~,. rl .,, ''"' t \ "'' n···· thut nu .... "" ho.-,,rl\~trll'•'d 111111 far 1n twr· no·~"'"'. ,,, '"" '"' ll'' I .1111 • quttl 1\ l(tlirt<ro.lt d IU Utt U ltnUtrjf'\ "hwh ""' 1111 • '' r• '"" \\, h 1«1 ., 11 1o n•l on Ylll;ll,ffl\ l,o II" n iH IU \\ ·•• I Jrtl}•l .:>llhtoiiO\'It'h ,11,rt h• h.,,f , ,, . '' uul '''"" t·t•·ll l•llf "'"'' '"'''" tho\ \\t'r4' stl(ll "''" n If,. hnd lrrl ''"' nnnu•s 11f hh~ ,.,,•antr\ ,. •. ,,n,, r:, '"'·'n' "h' n 1 h .ol "" t '"" "''""'' 11 Ym•r ... lu\111 II• n• ', r "''''I''' t1 Hu'''''n r1olnln.o Ilion If,. huol I" • II II I'll• rlllll 11'1111· o·r. '" 1'1111"11 '1'\\lo 11 •"'' lli:O ho· \\ill> the .:>t 1n•~•• r uf \\',u . Th ' ltulllllan puppet. lnaiollf'd as tl1r la tor. wh05(' nome It Joslp llr111 ·md whom we know o~ Tltn. 1•111 him on triAl for "tn•n•on." 1\ '""'" domestic purposes. . rrnm l 'm•l ''"' " 1\l •r•l rrum ,,,.. A few months ago in a s.·p~ech bef<~re thE> \alt-,., .. ,.,, s• •I" """'" .... ,, ... ''"' Ch I Sucict \' """ 'l'h•"· 1\ .. nh 1\ •• ,. I' II• \ o·r fomia Section of the Amen can emtca ;, . k · ' ,,,.,k,·n. l n•l•·r ,, l!'I":.L..JtL..ap.. Mr. Carl F. Wente. E<enior vic.e president y f uan H I • "rmrrn 1 ,. i:'' 1111 ,,,. rl.)·'""· -Ameriea:,1ITged -cto~rstu<ly orsuc a prOJect and dl'-IIIIo: ({ollnll\, \m•lllll ulluwNI II' ' b R a crazy trwn!l In IH• '""'· •u lhlll T;lu, clared his conviction that It wa~ Y no me.a~ · ·. 11,.. 1111p1w·t .,, ll11ss1u, 11\IJ.:ht ,.,. idea. Even under normal weather con<.lJttOns Call-~,,, ... 111• fr···· h.ond thn t Nounlr} fom ia has no abundance of water. And _now, be-""n""' Tud"" ,. ..... 1r '"'' r.-pnrts tween the lack Of normal rainfall and the mcreas.E.'d r•n· ,...rrt>N, Is pn·p:oro·tl ,, •rv ou1 1 t his, Ami RUJ<sh1'11 ntomu• homl" on water demands arising from the larger popu a tOn tht' Uni!Mt s '"'''~ !"11w the situation is growing doubly ac~te. . Wit hin tht> ll.'"' '"" ~'~'··k<~. one De-salting the ocean water on a b1~ seal~ and do1~g or tht• svurr•'ll or !'t>nhdt'nllltl In· it at an e.cJ..nomical cost v.·ill undoubtedly Jovolve d1f-orm1111on ltvttllnhl r to mr, tnl<t on u ·I W t my dNik a hit of mformrttlon ticult probletn.8. But the bright future of the es whlrh h.-•hou~eht ml~ht lnter('st will be badly d immed unless a vast and dependable mt-. It 'aid that th" Goodyear be d 1 d Rubht-r Com pany hAd thAt day r('oo BUpply of water ean eve ope . . . h ··~\'I'd from RusJtla An order for Nature has provided an inexhaustible source n~ t tJ\ndin~~: ~tr•tr-FOR SOVlE'T n. on our shore& It's Up tO U8 to find OUt how. to JT\S.ke :.!!!'a My tnfonnant thought It was ~....Z--1 use of it. Man's intelligence anrl mgenwty Vl'ry tunny 1 am not 50 lUre. ICWICIU w 'bl " Th.-wondfor II that this goVPm· ft freq\Jefttlf proved that the JmpOSSJ e can mf'nl, Undt'r that ume polley of be aehieved. It Just takes a little longer. that's all. Rl)pf'U.'mf'n I, lh(' lnnuenef'!l nf TilE PLANNED ST. LAWIIDICI PROJECT-Among the ftrat meuun. f&'forablJ reportecl from committee at the pneent eesalon of the 80th Congreaa Ia a reaoluUoo to autborl.le con.strucuon ot the St. Lawrence seaway and Power Project. Bere'a bow tbe completecl proJect. on t.ba N.ee Yort-oot.ar1o frontier will look-the Barnhart laland Powerbouae ol 2,200,000 boreepower (rllbt), Lbe Lon1 Bault Dam (center) and BbJp Canal Loeb (leU). STATE TAKE'S ACTION AGAINST NEGLIGENT DRIVERS $,\C'R ,\:'v!El\'1'0. (UP) -1be !';'"''' '" l>t•rlmo•nl of Motor Vt- hll·l··~ took lll'llon against 2,976 ,,..,.,.,.,~ dunng Novt>mbtor under a na·w Slllll' Ia"'' pcnnlttlna It to mo"" a~:uin~t "m•~:llacnt opera-tors" of ·motor Vl'hidl'S, Dlr«:tor F:d~:nr Jo: l.nmr•ton rt>ported to-day. Of tht-tolltl, 116 driven ha4 1hr1r hl'l·ns<•s n•voked, 132 CM· celled nnd 210 tuspt>nded, Lampton sa1d Of thf' rrmalnder, 340 were plncM un probatum and-1,288 were t·allrd In for intrrviews. News of the Churches FIRST FOVJL'JQUUE CJIUaCR h Ull LADY OP MT. OA&III:L OF COSTA 'VUA I IU S \.\'eet C.Ual ... ._ .. Sunday MUSH: (lrltnge and Ca~ril!.o 8 a.m. and lOa.m. ~v. aad lira. P· \\'Wud 8te.raa Confeuion.s:. Saturday~ fr om P..a.n 1 :00 to 5 :30 IUid from 7 :30 to PhOIUI a-co. use 8:30 p.m. Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Momlnc worship service 10:~ "THE Pa.D:NDLI"' OENTa.&L <::ruaadfr servia> 6 :30 p.m.. IUJlLI: OBUaOB ~ean lt'rvlce 7 p.m. Ev•nlng evanc•llltJc IIG"Vice at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday, 7 :30 p.m. pra,yft' wrvlet>. Friday 7:30 pm. Youth Nlcht and Bible Study. ae •. Dwta1at •1····. ,..._ Meetinr temporarUy ,tn the SeY· n~th Day AdvenU.t ch\U'Ch. car· ,_. ot Old County road an4 Bolaa Ave., Colt& Meaa.. Sunday IChool. 9:45 a.m. Wonhip ..ervie»--11:00 L IlL I I I I I I I I I I HERE IT IS Ne w 3-bedroom house in one of finest locations on Lido Isle -55' frontage 300' from pri- vate beach. Extra large rooms with cop per water pi ping throughout, forced air unit heat -2 baths -sunroom opening on spacious walled patio - stove & refrig. inc. in price of $26,000-$8500 dn. + Pea. palmer INCORPORA TEO realtors 3333 vl o lido, newport bea c h, calif. Telephone newport beach, ~arbor 1500 BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ lbrbor 581-R U.M.T .. and the Public whic-h In thr pasr are just now bf-comlnit known. did not hrlp fill 11 Thr order wu not aN't'ptcd. to ord.-r sur,phrs. say for example, OO&ONA DEL ~ OOIIIJIIUNIT'f Youna people'• ~ p.m. '701 Sut St. Newport Beat.h Ev~r •vanretlltlc ~~ -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~ It is o~n said that if CongreBB attempts t~ pa.~ a Universal Mili~ Training bill public. senttment will block it. And it 1s reported from Wash!ngton t ~at the lawmakers have received so much ma1l opposmg U.K.T. it will not get far at this session. Yet the Gallup poll reveals that two-thirds of our eiti~ favor peacetime training. The actual percent- ages are 66 per cent for it, 24 per cent against, and 11 per cent with no opinion. I How is it, then, that if most of the people want eompulaory military training the opponentR of the plan meceed year after year in squelching it? The only answer seems to be that the latter are better or- ganized and make more noise. Intere~tin~ly enough parents of boys who would be atfected. fa\'or U.M.T almost as much as those whose offspr mJr woul1l not 'I be affected. Apparently, moA Ameri.cans fe.el that we can!1ot go on hvin~t on a wi!'hful ba~1s, that 1s a wnr l.fl ~£>ethmg with confl1ct we mu~ anticipate every pos:->Jblt• t•\'ent- uality and be prepared for it. Under normal worlrl conclitinns compul~Orj peacetime military training w~~ld he m'ither de~ir able nor acceptable. But conchtton~ are nr1t norma and we mu.c¢ act accorclingly. At lra:O:t, it would :-~h.o\\ the world that we rlon't intenrl to J,tet rau).!h t nappmg - I again. "Sheer" Nonsense t I It costs American women a pretty penny to keep their shapely, er, ah-lim~s encase.rl in l'he£'r nylnn!' And one reason for the h1gh l'HRt ~~ that thf' l'heen·~ nylons-which most of them are ~aid to prefer-d on' t I J survive more than a few wearing!'. ~I Hosiery manufacturers ~Y that tht• 1 fi-riE>u i.<' nylons simply can't be mad(' to stanrl up under rlaJI~ U8e and they blame the women for insi~tinJ.! on buy ing'them when the 30 or 40 denier nylon~ would $!ive them better service . . Well, you can hardly blame the $!31~ for .wantinJ.! to make their Je~R look a~ glamornU~ a!'l JHI~~Ihl e. f1u if dresses get much lonJ!(>r it won't rr.n kt~ :t n~· d if ference (to th(> mE>n ) whethe1· thE>y \war ~tncl<inJ.!. ~I or not. REFLECTIO\(S OU. ANS'I\T.RSARIJ::i\-t\nnhTrooa~ """ llkr M'h<.,lult'tl ~tnJ.­ .t a ...alroed. F..IW'II "'"' I• 11 ntark of llNII(,...,.. 11lnn.: l h t• '""'' uf .... \\'JMooft W'f' look blw'k u~r thai "'"'" uf tlmo• thrr•· ""'' hl~:h· 11c11rt-tu t •taad out ._ .. If ttwoy \Orr'l' '"" flf't '") nr llto~rnln~; '"" .. all _.arpnwont on 11 df"'Of'rt. Ttu• .... hltthll~:ht• tlllllflpl~ 11 " tho· ... aw~ flllldt-s-•t until lh•·• '""''""''a \l•ln ul IN•11uh , un•• Mcttllctlt ht~DCIInc wttb oUW'rot, t•r'f'afln~t • "''' '"' o•l ~o:l!lrlull• n'· ......... _ AI-e~f aJI t'"' r.l'l'atlll'f'lt on tid' l'tlrlh f,,.ct 1:"''' m11n II _.....,,., to r"'"'~ !*'tu""' fnr him t u "'lh..,.. It 1~ lhr uno• 1111rt el our tw-Ine that makf'!l annh~,..,_,,,.,. h•lllfl,l mltt••l•m•·' "'""1: _,. joamf') l.llroup Jlfr. GRAUEL CHAPE L ... .,_, nn nt&l'DI.\ n ·s r aAt. ntaP.t"Ttlll~< ,..._, ..._... M~le '" rtalld•l' a.-4-COLOR MIMEOGRAPHING DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING Santa Ana Letter Shop I 0·29 pariJC J I would ~ even Now tit thnt Into Mml'lhln& handwr If you Wllnt.-d to destroy l"lat•. When I wa1 homr a y('ar Amt'r1can mdustry with bomba. .u:o. I told you obout lht• romplrll" Tht'rc• arl' llmt''· u I ride down rl"port nn Amt"rlcan huslnP~s and In tho· mornlnJt, wh('n I look out Industry prrparcd by II Ruuian (If thr· nr window to ~ If t.M n.:t'n<'y It "''M a 5000 pa~e "C'ala · /\ml'rlcan fin~ Sllll ni~ over 1101ne leo~: of Amr•rlc"n F.n~tinf'C'rln.: nnd nr our dPpartml'nts. I rise tAl re-lnduatr)'" Qultr up to datr•-1941) m~~rk '""' It !IIIII nit'S •over tM Jt Is A hondy tx,nk It you want ( 'apilol PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AOOOtnnA.I'ft PRY81CJAllf8 a llm&OEONS. lll..llo. Bookkeeping Service A. V. Andrews, M.D. PJIYIUCIAJif aacl t.lOLIN P. IUIOWN AURGEON ,...,._ le..) BALBOA VACHT CLUB 4tt c 'ou t IUrb"'IIJ· H.,.._ ... 1 Bayald• Or , N•wpof'\ Buc.ll Coroea del liar --DENT18'1'11 Dr. Obed Lucas H. R. Hall, M. D. rb>•..J•·Jaa lOAd f-UJ'r- DEN"nST I lours ~·5. by Appointmeat HOt~ \\'. (-tral. llarber I* Trtrphon .. 84-J\Nlfl ~ NEWPORT BI:ACJI Ul Rrt..cSway Coet& 11- CIIUIICII, OONO&&OATIOK.&.L PnTy Frederick Schrock, ltllnllter 611 H('liotropt> Avenue Corona &!! 'Mar Sunday. F•·bruary 1, 1M8 9:45 a.m. C'hurc.h School. 11 !Xl a.m Mornlnc worship. St'r· mun h} M r Schrock. "Days 1 hot S(X'ak." BALBOA ISLAND 011-U'EL %18 Aaat.e Afte.IM .... HarrJ w. ww~ "-'Jate Putet' Church School, 9:30 a.m. t.fJ\mlnc Worshlo. 11 Lm. 7 o'clock. ~ Wednftday, ~ Anaheim A11e. 8T. IOACJU." CHUII(JR 0 raDC .. i\\'f'DU .. ~twt'f'D 19th and 20tb Coda Mesa Muses 7 a.m. dally. Sunday R n m. 11nd 10 !I m. Confessions Saturday, 4-5 p.m. a.nd 7·S p.m. ('OST A IU"..SA COannTNITY CIIURCH I OHpb II. Tbom.,._, Mlatater l%4 E. !Oth HI. Pb. Rea. Ul .. M Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 10 ·50 a.m Youth groups, High achool, In· ' ST. I OliN VIA.!\1 NY.:\' CIIUBCR -"'j d 1 6 30 ltenn,,. ate, A u t, : p.m. BaJbo& lalaad Ev('nlng servlct'. 7:30 o'clock. Sunday lt1aSlll'S: __ 8 a.m 11nd 10 am lyt•nr round \ FULL OOSPit.L CHURCH Conh·~~lnllll: Saturdaya from !tad u d F.ldrn, Coet& M- 7:30 to I< J(l p.m Sund11y Sl'hool, 9:45; momlnc --,..·orsh lp. I 1; E1·angt'listlc servia>. Till: NF.WrOKT IIAKROR 7 30 p m.; Mid·Wt'<'k prayer m('el· LtJTIII':RAN f 'K UR('tl ng on W('dnPsday, 7:45 p.m.; 11Yl7 (11ft nrlvt> ,·oung JX'(>pll"'ll rvnngellstlc 1ervlce N.-wpclrl 1 lel~:hts ' :m Friday, 7:45 p.m. "A C'hnn.:rlrss C'hrllt for a Changin~: World'" 9:30 a. m rllurrh scnl'l(ll; 10:30 a. m .. dl''IO(' worship Clfl'RMJ OF CIIRIST Churrh u d Wainut ~ltnf'tll L. fha.,. .. Canby. 1\llnlat .. r SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast'TURKEY FRIED. CHICKEN $150 NEW \'ORK Cl 'T STEAK . . .. $2.50 "110Lt; BROII~ED WB.~TER . ·-· ...... _ ........ $2.50 with drawn bUitl'r BROILED SWOICOFISH STEAK . _ $1.50 FRit:D COMBINATION REA FOOD _ . $1.50 F RIED SHRDIP $1.50 RAINBOW TROlJT ... $1.75 llot ftllnce t•ie with Brandy Sauce SouP" • Salad• • l>f'Mf'rtfl Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market l'hrme<~: f.ontt Bf'al'h 11\0·79, 1402··00 and 824~6 I GORDON E. RAM,,.D.U.S. Mitton M. Maxw.-11, M. D. 1601 f'oMt IU14ay !311 WNt C..tral rorooGa drJ Mar Rev. llrrh<ort c not h, ps.ator 1162 E. \\'llllon St . Costa Meta "Comt" Onr•· -You'll Come !';o'l'\'lrt•s: Sundny, IO a.m .. Dlhle iliiiiilllllliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Study; 11 a.m Morning worship. Christian Science F IR!\T CJI1'R<'tl O F CIIRIST ~f'II:NTIST '!:"tOI ('nn .. t lll~hWI\Y ( !liur Sf'al Bf'ach ) P~e Harbfv Ul-.1 N ewport ClllaOPilACTOil Dr. Tom E. Barton CHlROPRACfOR un o-.t m,.. .. , eo.-. cW llu Un Kendell'• Pallo' ...._ llutlor 10&1 • OPTOIIETR18 T E. T. Bat:t..rworUI, 0. U. OJUOtnf'triel EYU DAWI~n L&N81t111 llt"I'LIOATI:D -......... -........ au ••. c--.. ·-.... _._ ••• .....,_., aaar. COAST OPTICIANS ••u r-•I·•· r-...... A -liAr-4l o'\.W l"'-'rit•llonoo t 11tt'(l Arrurat.coly lH-. l'mniJ•II.•· ~llA.If'f'od .. , ......... , ... 1f• E II '1111 1-.l 1~. llpll<'llln u \\' sntoot. !\lortimrr Srhool 30'! ('ur .. t .h ·.-. ll11lhooa I IIII . U.\ \' S\IIOOL ~tl\\' nt•t-:'\ tl. A. .ltllaii"W P'll 'M A o.t_,. r.,,_,.,,... "'"'"''· ""'' I I I - \ lUI('{• Houra 1•1·12 . 2·5 PhnD11 ttar hor Joel S. R. Monaro, M. n. KJ.I Bay A ve., 8&100. llarht.or 1'7U Ott~cp Roora: !totl p.rn. lloe4ay throa.t~ vncs., T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. ~ aDCI 8orpoaa U OII W. ('ftltnLI OtnfiP: tlartlor Mt Nlctl~ Uartlor m -M C onrad Richter, M.D. f"'rtoSo·nt I'''"~ II:SO L m. · I'! ~1 .. !:SO p. m. • 4:~0 11. tiL %9ol~-(· \\. c .. ntl'lLI S .. l'l"'rt lwJ\rh f'hOIM' lll\rhur 'HilS 'I \\ I 'IIIIT II \ltlllllt \ F rt II" \Ill """I' I r \l tlnrl\i'f' l '11 rl..o•t, J) \ \I, l '.lllll), ""''"··~. tl '·''· I I ' !1 ' I I I I' :-. ,1) t n~ • "'~· ,,,.,,. ll rl"• < tl' I \ 'II ' \ ll•"t•· n.~.t. ,\et;t;: H··'· ffu r Ul.'t MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island I A88EMBI.IF.R OF GOD If. ~. Ml'~lllan. P utor Amertraa 1.,...-toa ti.U, l6t.b aad Cf'fttra.l AYt~. Sunday achtl(ll, 9 4:1 o.m Udo Tllrat .. r. ('f'n tra.J AYeaOf' Uld \'Ia Udo 1\ hrnnch of Th•• Mothrr Olurch, The Firat C'hurch of Chrlat. Sd-rnllst. In Boston. Ma.aachuaett&. I I · Mornln~t st'rv!Cf.', 11 a.m EvcnlnK 1.'\'an~;:t'listlc servi~ 7:30 p .. m. at Sunday School at 9:30a.m. Sun· d11y St'nllce 11t 1 I'll. m. Wedneeday at Testimonial Mt>etlng at 12 o'clock. II Mld-Wffk u r viCf', Thursday 7:30 p.m CIIJUST CJIT'RC II RY TJIE 8EA Cotnmunlty ~ff'tbocllat Ide \\'e.t c -tra.J Av,..ue &Mo. E. ll. Uoodl'll, Pu\or Church Scho.ol, !l :lO 11 m :\>lornln~: \\'otr.~ohlp, II " m ~l'rmnn Reading Hoom located at 111 Palm ltrt"t>l, DalhoJ\, Is open daUy from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pxcept Sun· da>" and holidays nationally ob. aerved. Tht' puhlic Is cordially ln\1tcd to attt'nd lht> church servlcn and uae thl' Rr11dlng rtoom. by pa~ltor : "~''' ,f Tin~ \\'urld " -----------I I Youth Fo•ll""·,hil'. fi :l•l p m Ev•nln~t Worship 7:30 p.m. MJd·Wef'k prny.-r srn1ce. Wl:'d· nesdlly; C'O\'Prrd d i!'h dinnrr. 6:30 p.m. PRJ:!'OR\'Tf:ttt,\S C'lll'RCll SE\\'f'llttT II \lmOR ('h,qH IJo~ 1111' ~.•;1 411 1 1'1111•1 ll 1t:tm·:1~ ('olloll\'1 d1 I 1.11 \t .. rnln!-! \\',.r,hq•. It •• m S•·rm"n suhj"''' ~-'•••l1f\ loll ~·'""'~'"·I tion .. n.,, 1'h••n~. .... 1 ;,th.(\11 ,,.,.,.~,,~· ;\.11 '. t ~~ "' I • '1n ,1 r ;.11t~o.1n 1·1·""1 11 ,,,,, r _·:\In \\ 1otT . .! \\It," f II I J:C II r ROT f:..;T \'\T F I'IO.:I 0 1'\1. :J'!II!I \ l:t I 11l01 I 11nt'll 11.11 h, I 1_':1•• 1111f lt1r t.•;; l!o 1' Pnlll ~1 '••rl' \\ ho o•l, r. \'11• II' ·30 (I 1n llo•h t',,mmunlon. ·• :U'I n r11 ,.h•IITh ~~·111•• I II :00 A m :'>1Mninc Pr ny.-r nnrt =-• rmon. 1 F in<! Suntlr~ys: ll o1ly • • rnmunum \ I• no a.m Thu~rta~'l': lloly Com· 1 tnunion ond prnyrrs f1•r th.:' sick I'EVENTTI DA V Afl\'T.STIS" I Comer Bolsa and Old Country Rd.. Colt& Mt'M Uu·i~oli m ~i c·ic·m·r J., ... ..,.,,. · 1 I 11'1!11' 'l.u \'t•~ ''"' \ df ho• 1ho1 .. 11t. 1'1 or til• :-;,It l.t\ f, ,, • ., '• rni(IU hl All 1 11 • 1 • 1 I r ·,,,, r t 'J"'" h, I ' I : I I" ' Ill I. :'1 I· ' I. I I ' I I 1 ' I ' •. I ,. ! \" \\ .. I 111 h .. . ·, I • 4 I 1·1· II T··~t I I• •' ""'' 1i I lj , Hlhf ,, •· t1··n , I • 1 • •' 111 111 lu I I f l f'l ·I I", sd ''' \ a h I 1,1 I !t tl I I I,. . \ : . 'i I r I I I I • I . ,, I II ·~ .. '\ I .. l tl \\ '" 1 11n1t ,,., • • r t \, u ' , I • I •• \1 I ' tJ 'l I •• n. r · 1 • '; '1 , '\ t •1 lVI ' ,. • I I lo · h "'" l • '• 1 ''" In' f :n1) t t ~ • ' I ' I t • 1 t l l !i \ 1 • \\ I \ .... fli tS: 1l \\~H f• -l fii Pifl d' \\ 1t•"4 ,, nr v n~d I r I ' 1\ .,, • .., ' Anti WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Prepart' \'our Tax Returns Early Offh~OST A lU.E.IiJA BANK Building Office r hone: Deacon 6630-.1 RMoldenre Phone ~KOn ~~o-~1 Wh.thar 11'1 a m"r• cbj. ap, adtualm!fl or 9e:1ar&l g,oerbAul &r tJ r•l'l~c• ment parte ue naeded - JOU will be pluaed With OIU Mrvlce. We are an 'Au· thorlaad Factory S.nice Station" -ca.rry Ori9!.nal Pa.r1e, 11M S~al factory Wade Toola aod our )1. -ch· anlca Are Factory Ttal..aed. 01u "'~ < I• t7Uannt..d- __. 0U pu..... INIOIIab)e. THIS Sill IS YOUR IIARAITEt. OF EXPERT MOTOR REPAII SERVICE 01 BRIGGS & STRAnOI CASOLIIE MOTORS South Coast Company Marinr and Geot"raJ llardwan- 28rd at Cf>ntraJ Xt'wport Beach AtW 5 p.m. a.... !518-\\' I Sabbath achool, S.turd•Y mom· lng, 1:30 o'clock. !.:-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I Preeehlna ~. 11 LIIL llo !\ith ll llh l11 ~ 11\lho ~ II(IIUr•·•" ARt~ In ~h~ ~n ,·~. "1 h1 '" ~~~ t h·• mntr· nl'llll•• .,( hi• llllml\n IH•• h·· o! mnn •tral• •I lhf' ol I I ' 1.1(1' IIIII 1•f lb .. IHllll llf ~'ol•• of hi• II' IN' a fl1'• llun. bll tit linP•I l.no •' \\ o'h lhr 11ft1·1• nr~ or Truth. he \ •n'1•11~bo•il Prrnr." Sell It Through Classified Advertising l 1 l Thomson Renamed Head Power Boat Assn.; Kent Hitchcock Race Official I An1att•ur (;ult't•rs lnvih•d As Orange N F.\\' ~ . T I Ill F. R Pa ae 9 J llh. '!II, 1 •• ,. "' 1 fount)' Tuurnry 'l't'('S Off cu1 Ft~h. 1-l Harbor N F:\\' \'(IRK Lrn Th1•mson ol 1 Ja1•k l h •rslt•) ttf Miami was •·h'l.'ll'll 1 >.1 a'f111 "''n 11 ~~·"·tun~; vt.:t<·~ l '''l'n•t.tl) nnol All~t•rl A lwtth·t' ,.1 111 till' Allh'l'lt'llrt l 'ull ,.,. 1\u.al ''"" l'htlml,•lllhtn, I fl'.l!»Un·r j lllllluaJ. UlL'I.!l.Ulj.; at lhL• l..c)olflW.It<tl ''t tU • \ 'ttl\1 \" \1\tl\1.11 f\IU t ''-1'-'l ltth• 1 '"""'' ,,,,,,' PI ,11 ,tU\ I• '•I \*''II t lt,,hlf•tttn'-IHJ• 1'1:'' \\tit ,.f 111. t'~t11nt\"" ..:•tll 'tiUa •u''· ,,tf' ...... ~ I d·• II" I II ,.,,., q ttnltl\ one t'l11< ,,1111 BARRETT'S REALTY DOMINATES 750 l~an·••ll'• ll•·~tlty ,,r C''rlf-ln Mt'll• 'ltltftHI' p ti\IU\Ittt•a unh( tlh ... ' ,,,t t 1'1 \• ·~I lt•UI l ht.:hl'-"1 lh•• t'IIUitl\tt•'' I•• •'' I .1 111.tt \ tl '' '' tt111\•HIO•'•t1 It• ··•••P it' ... l ith'' Itt'"'""'' 11 h,tllh•d htn\llut: lt ;l\ tltHIHU.ttt• lfu• 7~) •" ~1 ''""" u,.._ ... , u t " .. ' hHlt.•p l'o•n•nwmt~, • '·'"' n•.:ht ~~~ '!eo wa.~ ~ll'Cted To Arbitrate P"'''(h nl . nw •·<·volt ol U1t•l . tit\ h\ \11 1\"d ' lP UI B .IIIh l\1 U ,,,,, tl lht \11 ,uJ,•\\I U" _.,111 ,_.. IJniJ lH lite• Events S(•U ihl'ltl (':tltf•H'IIIilll' 1\l'\l'r canw Charro Regatta orr . ,... )'""' \\11:-Jlllllmt'<l 111111 St•utho•m CaJ J>rOxtt·~. h eld 1)\ n•" Jo:a:-lt'11to'r'l', 111 ,.,,.,., \\',.~1 - t•;,wr C Ktn.: Brut;m.ui pr•·~ado·nl p Itt I I 1 \\ t fh ~ 11\1 I f\1111' l ,t' l lt'f\i~r.lt ~ tit• ~~'"'dtft.:'\ ll.t.l 11 •1• ''·" oil Ill•· \\Ill"" '''''""' 1•11111\ t '"tlllll'l 1'lulo 111~·. \\ .. I, I 'uhl h. \ •,,_.. '' '"' \\ • "' t-'1t I h I '• tlh' \Ln I• •I t lh • •• ""~' '\uuH' '!t• • 1 tt"'-"'-'tt•'L• \u.• tth \ \uthl\ • '"''II t.•ru l ,,,It, •n•t Hill ,.,.,,,,. ~~~ Oil City Hoop Five Named On CIF '10 Teams' Bul TI1um~vn t•alll•<l on th~ J.:h'"''~· ""'· anti ht' ma d•• 11 no l'Onll.,.l I I<' \<t a~ ••IN'lo'\.1 Ull• mwnously wh e n the Wcstem ~;h•"ll< rudo'l,l lwfurt• tlw 1-:al>oh 'l'fl "·raHhs. . ·Thomson 1 ht>n pu:.hl>d through h is rJI'\J):r.lnl or in('l"('il.S\•d The C. I F S o u them !Wet ion '''\1t'S on hoal l'fiCing In ordl'r h l W et>kly Newl< named Jlunllnt:;-~on prone!<' llw -"<'1'\'ICPS lhf.' Soolhl'm Deach on th<'ir list of "tr n good c;ulift1mlan). d<•rnandf•d Sanr · teams'' SOOa)'. t ton fN·" wert' b<>o~ll't1. a:-W•'rf.' The list : Complon. Rivl'n<ldt•. dub dut•s, and m~·mlx-rs hrn~c.-­ Whittier. ~nla l\1 onio-a. llunnng-forth must pay 10 tMII'Dd or f1ve ton Bench. Lo) ula, l loovrr so., bur ks JX>r ) rar. Burbank. Hoover G, ano1 Soulh The Snulhl'm C"alif~ominns got Pnsadl•na. sonw small mt•nl<Ut'o' or s:Hl~fac- llunltnl:leln 11d tl'h ('UtT•·ntl) '"'" whl'n Kt·nt llttl'lll'l<('k o r :'l:o·W- hlazing I ho• I ntll In I ht• Sun~r·t fiOI'l Ikach. IH•t•:mw rhaimHin or IC'ngup wilh fll p wm~. is th1• ~u•·· lht• lni-K>anl Rlwin,: C'o")mntbl<ton prisP in a eonfo•ro'nC'f• tha1 ft~;un·d . Tht• m'"'' hopt•ful !'tf.!"n for lht· lO ~'<' II lus.'h' dghl down In tho• futur'P of tha· AI'RA 1\$ rhid rne- wlre. ing ~tnwnun.: hody in thl' c~tt.mlry Tomorrow n•t.:hl. tlw Otl C"ll) was thc.-sl mng trunout of lht· out- quintl't wall rhall•'nJ,:r• R;ilph IV•t•tl'' ht•nrd pNtpio.', whro wo•t l' w ill1111: In thus-far dbappoomtin~: ra~o;t•r' \\ hn '''K'Jit'l':tlt• m ~'''''bli~htnl: r;tt'Ull: on have s hown a "o>aknPS.' I•• fnflf' a nut iunal I.J:a:-1' 1mt'1· IIJ.::ttn out on the cloS<' onf'!o. Brugmun !'l'mmnNI l'tl't' fll'l''trl••nt Sport Tops • • • Seat Covers T~YlOR~ TRIM SHOP Automobile Upholstering Boat and Truck Cushions 1505 West Central Newport Beach HARBOR 1&40 • • l\111 "'" ·, lto•.1ll) Krnl llttrhe~•·k. t'<'<'l'nlty-nulnt'\'1 ,•h:ummn ,,r 1tw Jnhotu'\'1 flJto'tn;: t \)flll\11""'"· "til tl•1•'1rl F ,•h .J 11•1 B1·o" ns1 til•·. Tt•lla~. t•' t'l'f•'t'\'1' t lh' Churn• !)u~' lh•J.:ill Ia llw ro· Fo•lo 7·~·9 Jlt• Wtit itlM) ).!:ttht•l· IIHIIo•tt;ll r.w n fo·nt 111'1' tw '" tlulflt.: foil' \'ad II· 11\l: l\11t~3lll\1' \ndtUI '1t~ll111t' '"' u &'-'" '-' 11ll ''''' •hf•·•'••l "' tht• '•·tnltut:.l tltl.dt llt •·•lltt' \\lth ...... t•ll',th tl ht ,ttktl S 1 1111!'••11'~ l 't~luto•t' Ill··"" llt'<'"'ll lh\11 I'-'' I• ,oc, I :n) 'Thl' <'\'o•nt, ,,,nr l u•no'il hy I ho• A P 1\ A. nnol Slluthwo•,l Hoal Jt;ar- ln.: A-•,;n . wtll bt• h t'ltl in ltw Hae\\'TI~\'tllo· t••n tunllnt.: ha.,lll c:oll•·•l "llw ho'>l ~>a·a h•v,•t mtll' 1'!111,...,. in th•• L' :': .. LILLIS ON YACHT ASSN. BOARD :":utTnAn L.ilh>-, t"t·ar o'otiiiiHI<tlo" nr I h•· 1..11111 l!;lt• Y;t('h1 r luh. WI\~ nant•'lt ~.,.·ro•l ory-1 ro•o-.un•r uf t lw htt\&ht tJ~ \\Itt• lt\t U\ \'t o'tUt.:.• '''IIIH\ ftHII llotllh pi ht1ih l' d , ,.):,,,,, r, II lia.:lo l' \\til I• l'")t• ol "' '"'""'• I,• h.u ttlh HJI'' .-uuf qq11h l\ tlh ",,,,' \\tth lh• tul' ••• 'I"·''' f l• '"" Luuh",.' lu lht ',., t.tl•·h ••hatHJih"""ll' ht't•• h.e•t :-;,•n u t ""'' lt•IIHtl' tilt t'ttth'"' l ttl ~\t.U\'h •lllh 111111, tho lou.ol• ••I tho• 1 h111111•1"11 •Ill!• llo~hl Ill t' "I h•l' :\l111d1 ~'1>1 l1H• )••II' '""'"'''mur k' lho• '''''''"' ••·tt•'''ll) ''' th t' t"uunly Aru.tlt Ut l'llt\ ''"•'·•· lh•• \\HI urut th• lat..:• '' tHUHh• t t•f • ntt h '" '" llu· tu,h tt \ uf I h• •'\ 1'Uf 1~ Hf\tlt•t I•·"'" "' tlto· \\Ill""'"'" ''"Ill'•' I 1111\ hl.onh• • ,,,. Ito lo•lllnl .ol l•llill Mt'I'<'IIIY \'urht A_,~n ut II lllf'o•llnt.: TKIS SF.RIP:M Ot' t"'tJK PlrrtJllF." "'''"' ("IIIII hr a•·'""lahl h••hl In·,., "'~'k"nsl In F'"''nlf: " C'han11, .ttH' ... ,ul .. al'<lulrin~r tllat s-·M•Ilf' n .......... ··uu•hlr r. .. l "'' .,..,.,.,1 L.,uJJno ( S A wr~' nnnoun1·o~l hy .JauH·~ A Ht•ach. In thfo ra.l~ 11tnky wl. tiP~ a.&ve In rat ... tuu,... lhlln 111-1.tnk14'4o (' ,-r on, • • a'~·····' •on .orhl'•·r __ __ ~~ IN< df'fpftCla ... ,. ut~t-........... r aca~ ... , ""'~) .. t ... " .. ~ .... u. llons ()n '.JR 14 STARTERS FOR SAT.'S $100,000 MATURITY fuast (;rid furd ~11111.o ,\ruta Purk'~ tW\1' major ·nu•n• aro• ft•ur m· t ivr o lhl'r.,__- '"Iliff' in llh' worlfl rarill).: lhl' l'"~~lhl·· ~t:ort··r:<. h ul It ·~ fi~:ured Rhodes Annual Meet March 6 \ 'tttUl,!t' ( \kl"'l JtUU11t C 11••11• t:~· $11~1,0<1() :\lalurtl)', •'M'IU<ttwly lor th:ot ttw ~:!'!41 I•·•· '" ••nll'r and lhf' lo ttu··yt•ar-otld~ is sl'llo>duh•d for ~t.51lllnddttlolllttl '" l'larl wall hnld it<; :tu~)lirlloll~ tniiiii:Ur:ol tho~ Snt-lho• fu•ltl Ito <OIItfl l'otnlrnltlm Thl' urd.o~ L<h AnJ,:t l••s Turf Cluh, Jne.. 1s nuakin).( pn •t»trAI-i(lllS In lt't ~uhnHII<'ri h)' 1-:v•'r••ll follow s: hand lo· 11 1'1 nw!l almo~l as tar~:•• as IIUKI'it: RIOI:R 1ht• turnouts thnt wall h•• on hnml ,lHlABANCt IN ~: Arl·uru lor lit•· oltwr Suntn Antill "hun-(~)R!"ISll K.N I<:IIT R No'\'t'S rlt t d t.:rllnolo r~" Thl' llnnd1r11p on POl 'lli.E JAY .J Ctlhrrt f'ph ~ Thl' l)(.rh on Man ·h 6 FI.ASIICO t. Ralls F lflt•C'n outstandtnl: o•ontPndt•rs. IJA!';Ili.EOATL" ~<t lloy uut ••f th~ onglnal nominations III::MI:.'T SQL'AW !'\u !loy list of for ty-1lx. hll\'r ht'l'n rhC'rkf'<l l.OJ'>r.F. KNir.ltT \ llh•rman hy R nrln g Sc.-cr r tnry W A. F:vl'r l'\1 MISS KJM9 1 I Scur\ock ns hn\'Jng qualifiNI a.s startc.-rs ON ·musT J l.ongdon \alifornia "ill pro•dominatt:> with P I.F.ASURF. FUND Nu !loy n·pn•SPntafaon but Sl'('ltnnol m -SF:CNAV :-In Roy ll'r<'sl will Ill' furnish('(! hy randi-~TAG NJr.liT Nn 1\oy dati's from Can~~d1t, Nrw Jl'n~ry, THISKEU ON F Zt1fl•ll Louisiana, Rhodl• Island. Dda-TROPJI'AI. S EA n Jamc.-1 \\Ill J'-tlllt lf'-ltl•• u -. h n•~~ttltl 111t'f1l fh·t ttl ~h•• I 'H~rt,l,•t t• .1UtUt•' C"t•llt•t.:,•' (· .... ,,.,,.,h., ... , .tthl••l h ''lo lh ,, !hll I'' I\,,,, I I'• ft•t "'~1 t•t ~o· ... hl,1ttl ui Annuul ,.,..,,,,,_,, ••f lfl•· HJuHI•·" tlh· "-''ft•••l h , ... tlfltl••u•w•••l {,h•< ,,, ''" '''"" 11111 lk It• lol Va l 11to• ••·h·~htlo• ~o•pl .!I, to. t'l\1 dll~ M111lo f, d ti :111 J'IH ,ol tlu• 1'111 lll\o'l'lolo• •ll llt lllll;t' ('tlll~l . Ni"llf'MI 11.11 1••1 Yo~l'lol t'luh, 111•. l ~·t l't SIMI 11111 ~'llllt•olotfl hi mnltnr.: '" I ,, ,,, lilt ,,, , •• til) 'IJ olllt.;t• 1',_,,, 'lo'l .!'.' ~ (ll I' Ill from 1' \ \\q1fl•t11Hitll, lo~• Hult) t'h1ol lo•• 111 (1mlfo•l N .. , 1:! i .1o 1 Jlrl'o'l, lltll•u l•l.otlll ",.,., tarv, I' Ill ~"" tt••t1tu"luu• 111 :':1111 Ho·a whn o~k• 111,,, llllo'f' "'"" t•llln ll.trolllt" :'l.m 1!1 7:141 1•111 Mt lllh nllont.: """" hun 1·noo11r.:h In ~ • .,,""'"'""Ill l 1t lllllo£•' <'t)lt•l .llo"' ad\';tnf'•' It• ,,.,.,In~ ,.,,,, r\utu"'"' :' 7 :Wl I''". S:uHa Aun nt Suulu Ell't"lhlrt ••I olllwo·r~ Will lflk(' Anll phll'f' nno1 1'1 o ohlo·ttl~ t'OII'r<•ntly IM-· I II llthhttnll, ""'' 111011 lo•llj('lh' inlt dtst'll"•'o1 tnfom•ally will t,. lo:111111' ""' lw''" 't'h•·•h•l•'il "" Jo'n. L • r 1 1 •1:~,.~ < "'' :.~1 "' 1 ··~•>• n.u.·..:·· "'tth llh •<·n u~ ~"'"' •• 1 "' qot·~t un1 CaU~IOI: ''ono • Ill ho• 'IIIII. 1111'1h••l• l"o•nl rill Jtllll•lt' I 'nltt•t.;o• fr'Unl f-:1 Ct•nt "' 1 ·,,urnntlu 11 h• unllrt-of nll'll'llfllot.: 111 1••11 •1111~ fH'OI"'I"h', I t Pia~, ~~l!w Willowick Public Course 011 W..-t 6th St. ~ M1lfl F..ut or Harbor Boulevard ..._ ..... AM ,.,N Standard 18-Hole Course • 6100 Y erda -Per 71 Ueasonable Construction Costs "" ~ .... \.. /'f. I • .,• T oie AJ~onfoge ol Our FREE PLAN AND-ESTIMATE SERVICE W m. P. ~ealey Generel Building Contrector Travel in Comfori · ~nd Tc•xa.s. \\'IIF.ATFIELD R. P£'nnnnc 11M' of lht• ro·\ '" ol \'llrtrl•·rhtll rul•'~ llll"• 1 1011 Ill I~IUil lwo or lhn-.• nnd m1,rr· ffl''l'" nt tn<·•·lln.:~ nnd lllldlltonal i llllW5 will lx• un·an&t't1 rrwnrdlnt.: nt ''"' , . .,n,lltullun 41\d In tltl' n•·nr futuro• l'o•t•·r"'" 'nlll ·'· .. '· California Out Of Doors Dy VIC MINAHAN Unitro Press Starr Correspondt.>nt I by-lnv.•s I l tt un~;o·l'owatt h<>IIW ..:nm•·• ,.1lt ZO.:cw Hh~~l··~ ""'ll•'rt~ lind ,... , ... 1) •>;I t•lltu•r Ill I htnl)nl,!llll\ II m<'m-J\c.ach c>1 ''' '''"'"''' llull••• hfora ol lhr ttJ•••·iallnn "'••rl' "-'•I· l'nlun lll~t:h -. hoool• hr• 111MNI roml'd In 1111' I • t'•'llt llluwlt•~ ~r· ' culnr '!' h 1,, 11 ,.1.,.. Wlllu II 1•11,1 ll)ft. OUl lhot Jn lh~• II('Ur fu· SAC"RAME!'\1'0 ti 'P t Suuth-I br · . . trn tun· tho• J'\o •11nl 1\r 'T'Milll..,.. "'111 Jlo~~oo•\'l'r uhjo'<'litlfl' 10 •oml' n( Ill Al l lln l.ul" S ntttl. :-;,."'1"11 1 hk·· 111'111111 "" "'''"''"""" lllloi<'tk -Complete Building S.rvic.-...... .._ ......... ._..... I 2265 Herbor Blvd. eoate Meaa l'nl Cahfn1Tlt:t rnm" into ttw ra ... h· anll·t.:nntP in11tat1v .. pic-tun• thl!' """k with lhr fihng of 11 proposal II• lwtn f""""'' "''"'' nnot l'>llnollaaul rwltlttJ; in lh,.. ll ,do't'-.,(t tlw h ' I Ill'. nrh I Jih•ll'l•·~ Ko :l~l I' \.... . t I t' J)n,,.,,,.,n~ Wt'n' ~., ~tmn~ 11 nr · ·~~~·~··~·~~~-~~r~·:·•~t~l•:··~l•:w~~:•l~":•o:ll:··:~:··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "l nunwnna' thllt lh•• <'olmmi~J<Ion Ktnhtr r ll ll<•IC :.nr. :"'nrth ha" oii'CIIINI 1,. ~:11 ,. llrtl:l•·" 11 lloitl"'lo••l • Hlloii'IP<~ :"'o Gl. H.olph o•ha nc-o• tu mllk o• furtho•r P"lto•~l~ f:. !"[lftl:r• 111:1 I· F .. urth Sl1• ••I. II lu•n I ho· ''"ntmt"l"" nw .. t:. in lA!< l.u~ Ant;•• I•·~ t ltl•••l•' :'l:n 131 . Soul ho•t n ( 'ahf••tTlllo , . .,;, .. 1 Titt• h:an 11 oultl. nr l'fiiii"Sf'. I<P ltm io"tl H• lht• thrM•-mlll' llmil of tlw ••a••·' tlfn,tlttlo••n l111• arl•1'1· t'fl ,.., " ''""ld ••\t•·nd f'"'n Ill• \t. \h'.lfl lhltdr fill th ..... ulh t•• :-\.1n J\n.:a•l"' .Jan :10 llrtfl :\I r.t•nri:P l-1rllt . ~m 1-'•t.:hth •tn•••l.l Suro P,-drco I Rhf111•.,. Nn :\3 I : Roh- .~n J \\'htt .. :li:! F'un,tun a\••ntt•• ~.,n Fr :.,,, '"'., t Jth,wl•... '\;.. :l", • ''" • "tl Pntrtl nn lh•' nurth ~I"'""''" I•\ tho· ~""'h·rn ANAHEIM FALLS TO TARS, 51-34 ... ·'"" .I 1·: ( ·,.1 .. "' ,Jf ll"' \\' ' , ttl ,, I~ ' t I ',.... \ ;. I I I ... fll .. ~l·' "" 'lf.o ( ··~~uh·d nl ( ···n·•'f"\ .11u•" t 'tut. ..... 1111 .. rrt•tt •'"' • II· tt u d •• '••• ,, l tlff, lii•Jtl tft U11u'll'\ II• f .. I! olf'lt l!o • d lt"l loo t I lo •l 11.11 11)1 h··" r. '· • , ·• t • 1\ r ... ·•I ,, Nimbus to Protect !""••·•· th~•• '' IIH• ruh•d IH u h~· '' 1'' '•• '' "' '"'" "····"" s''" Her Laurels , I ,, ,, 'I"',. \It 11•1\ ,,, ti.Uflll It's always fair weather wht• yot travel Union Padfic. Streamliner "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" Only 39' 1 hours to Chicago (extra Care). Los Angelu Limited To &lit l.:~ke City, Omaha •. Chicago. Only nights to Chicago. Utahn-Streamliner ''CITY OF ST. LOUIS" To Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis. Pony bpren two To Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago and intermediate stations.. A 11ariery of Pullman accommodations; modrm coaches; dinint and lountt cor unicc. UNION PACIFIC nCICIT OmCI-SANTA ANA 305 Norlta Main Strettt T elephonet 1877 S'eS~-~ UNION PACIFIC \tt I I f I (. dll• " t •• lh It. I I I • • .. I 1111 .,.. ,, l \ottlll 1 Itt tlt•• ~ ,1 I J1 I • "f• I\ \\ '"· \\ f'i It I ' I •lid ,,... ,,, ., •• ,, """ lh ,, ,. 1'1 l•'lt~t JttlllfiUII' IIIItH"' •h f"l \\lith\•lll•ltlt\tl '" • I· '' th•· 1 "' I• c.ot I"'""' " ,. n r Itt,\ ''''" IH , uf .,, 1,11 111 " \ ld· 1h t• ,. lfiJ •• 1tt ' 11•\\ I J f'l ,,.,.' I\ •• , I • 'J\. I \\ I i th,\ •·••• II • II I . "' I I I I ., \' t' t I ' c .. ,, til IIIII .:. I \I 11 II !\\~tlll•ld~ti \•t\tltu.-t 1 ,,, ,,.,,, 1 '"11 '''•n·h "'" 'ntn··d +1 I I ' t •I • ,, ,,,, t\''' ,,,,,,,If flt i' ,, 'I "-' ,. ' ~~ f1q• ,, .. lr• ' I I • lll.t1 I" I tl th. "I "' ·•'••Hil.' I ,. ftr ' ..... , I H '·'1Hl,. I),'"'' t. '" 1., (. '"·· ,. •• h '" 1·•1 ... ,,, I' ,., I \\ \ ''""' il Itt• ,, ljh ··~It ·••HI It'll ' t•t I \\ I j I ,., ,, I I fl ,,,. "' llw 'htrt1 tt •i .,, ,,,.., '1 t l• "'''''' f:qr Htt\ '""\ II • lu h fl f Ht 11 11 1ll ,, 1 q 1 f 1 )\, ll II I 1lf I ''h trHit •• • II I' "'' " 'l h t ••I t ,,, 'I '" ,. tl Ill I I •I t••l• 1 ' p I' lfh 1..., It •'lj p tlfllll • •til Jl tl 1 • n t ll11 '" •d tl II 1., 1 I IP (',1 hurH.t -It tunt• ""'''·" 1 Itt.,.\\''" p u•d ''"I'"'' ,,, "'',, .,., "nt•· pr ,,.,,,,",1l' · h ,, ''" 11 , ... "" ,, .. "'' 11 ~ ,, '" ... ,.,,, ... n un \\hlf'h • .J,o \\'n~ '"''''" l•.tO~·Il •1 -''"' \\•1 l it I• d It~ H·• ·"'"lit \ •·• t I" I I \\I,,, ''"' \I" th. t ,, l ttUi t 1ft H \\11,\ h.11o tlfl•.lfh Itt I \td ;1 "HtH) Httftd lfl,fllt ' ,,.,,,._ (t•ll f.U I fl tit •J ol pqltlltH~ I• ''""ld ~,,,. fqt fn ll tiP of 'h•~ l•:•l'''' hr hah tl tfl c·ttUitlh I « I d '" lttn..: '•ft l h•• h k• I p l ttthlt • I t•.ttfl• !Uh! t ! I ;-. o!l l't·:lfh I , . ., fl,ll I h•· ~.If' I .o I' 111' 1 ~•1111' llo•·rtl" :tlld :-;Ill .Ill "1'1111 H11 • I .o ttd lint. -.;,I' It • I tllo• tl ~ 'Ill' I l\q t. tlol tl" lllltltLIII•' 111 "11111 "t•lll'l l'lllhl• 1 7 ohortttt.' tit• 11, IIIII!: 1•\• 1' h11tl~ HI ,,;,,,., u( rnltj11r un-In ltlh•,. 1'"''1' '''•1\l•·'"l· !'''''' f"ll.t:tn•·•· 1n ''"'Ill• n t•.•lll•·fttl.t ·'"" "tllnr .. ·•l , .. "fl', -,"' .!7 . ., .• 1 '-t••ll•nh•rt """ tlt•n I ltk•· 1111 l ll'IIII IIIL'Ioll II• ,,, lo '''•111111111 d ''" 1"''1"'"" l'ol!>< ·t••t l • l t•lllllo' i ''i'" liu•ll' '"'Ill 11 :1\ 1,, rtl"lton.: , • .,1 ,,,.,,,, h•ln .. : '"'' n!.tt•d It\ th•·,!··rt,.n';, Jntla 1n-. ·q .,-, l 't lo :onol t; om" C"nrnnu•~t<1n 11 otl • · \."I' tOtdhtf C)t ltU'P ,,. \qit'l lfttU ~lJN"-of"'T IIA~~JF' t...TANDI~G~ otqt•l'lfnn~:. Hll· t'H"I"1' .. ""'.,tl tU 1 w L Ph Qpp Ptt I u •l,fH't fl ttu .. \\•·• k I'',, t •, • • If• 1 " ,. t··: 1 ,._ ,._ .. t ••1 ·•n:lll.\ 1tll •• t rfflnfl~ pt•p .,,d ,11\;1,. '''' "t .~. :;; :~:., :.,~: ,.,.,, •• ,, lhl lt•\l\..t·d t•d· ,.,,,,,.,,"'.".'"'''I 'f I I , ...... h\ '"' HuH tiJ I ' ••• ," c· .. n~· ,. ~ ~;.~.~.,,'.II '1 ' H ~. : ... ~ ~~;: ,'.:: \ tlltlfl \\JI~ '-llllJM•'t'<l fn h:a\'j• bt'f'M I 1 t t Hf••• N tQh f • ('t;u".,t. ••\-II .11 t l• t lrlllfH,,I•Ut m•••'flnJ:: " t. It 1,, \t • II ,.,,.._.1 H ....,.,,,··~"'' .... , th '"~ u:~rtth •· ,, ···"J· ,, "''' •.. ,, ... v • "' I v h•-. I ', fllht ' hltdt \ ' .. I '" Ill I . I I,,. ; I ) lo t 1 lt1'• •n1t •.1 l I \\ hi ·I ,\It • ), " I " " • Tho It 1\ oil I IJ I .,f t 1 ltfl•' '"· ""''' ,,tit ,., tit '''·" tl ,,, •'" 1• , •• \\IH 11 lu '''II II ' "' .. til I I'""' f II \. Iff ·•Hh I "I" \I ' ·" rt• \\ Ill• I ., ·tft•' f l., t \t I " I I• 1 ', '"' I, p I I J ,, ~ I ., .,, h-'' t l . tu f t f11 I !if .. lr! ,, ., \ IIIIJ • I I. I t t I• 11tf f fl I t I fi I 1 fllllf t lho I • It ne11\•d tnt" q ,,'oj r I fht II t I 1•11 fH I \' lu t1 ~1\ il'l" 1 J ~ •• 1 \\ t I ,, II ,t .• Il l • I ftt f• jdl q f I In •• tl I I 'I • II I I I It . "I ''"' , ... 'tt I' f ,f • J t I jt • It ,,, t1 )'I'UI ' ""'IIU!rl ,,ft) ltd .Jt\ 1 u' , , , • •It• I \\. 11 ,, ... ,,I Ill ,,,,, I' ... ~. ·11 ,, I ;,ul I'll r, I I :onol 1 • •ttl\ I• Mesa Upholstery •Harry M<"KI~' %350 N~wpurl Uh·d. Coltta M MA J•hon.- BM.oon rl'fMit-W DICK MciNTYRE and H1s Hawaian Music JOIN MAICH· 0, DIMES OIYeNowf ELECTRIC for CONVENIENCEI T HIS urcnsiv~ system of rail and motor coach lines provid~• quick 1nd co n venie nt transpo rr•rion Hrvice between your bome aod hundred• o f destinations in Southern California. Go via P1cific Elect ric-avoid traffic haurda, sne time and money, rid~ in com fon 1nd saftty, rest and relax while you enjoy c. ref~ traveL The Paci6c Electric way is tbe idul way to trnel on your shoppinJ tripa- -~1t• ~~-~ ~ 8'•··10.-ttl• --<A>- NANI HAiT-Beewtiful Tehitia• Dances. ••• D~-­ U.. II P.JI. 1 s r t.OI A NOt u~ MOliYWOOO lo-G tltoOI PAUOtiU I'OMOHio II~UioOf 'ANf.4 ANA \AN f A .. ON I(A LESTER & Co. ~I~ f'AIIf C'~ntraJ A \'fl., Ba.IIMM llarbor %001 INVIUMIHf UCVtlftU tO Mllf fMI INVIUOU' NIIO\ we SEI.ttM/ NOW THE BIGGEST ·. Como In end learn about tho blggoat trvclu thet over rolled over our dooratep I FORD ~ BIG JOBS Brand NEW for '48 Tht hrl!)lff )llur ln•ol, the ~ttrr w• lol.t ot! And "'h) nttll 'IX'c ,. 1••1 '"o hranJ new!!.::..:!!!~ DIG JOAS ... h•ICII•II fo11J 1 ru• ~~ enr huoh ..• 10 h•ntll• th• "1UIItlln. 1 he lK tot t f . 7 fllv )O R IJ ftl~t U I'J.III.oQ lht. (, V \X'; !w'ro .. , f .l) II 2l,,OIIIM. G v 'IX' ( otmc tn .... , li ntl ..... •llfJUI the-.. Tuant of Tt~Hl..tlum' l'~t•r •h•m l••t tht '"'I'"'< nl ,,,,, rru•~ lo lr' I u rn al"'"' •ht lull lont nl uvn I I'J ntw h11tl ~ ~ I tu<lo.• '"' ~~~. wuh nt"" tn1one, ntw t ah•. n~w lutur~• ohttwah•lul. •aoHul .. ,_,.,.., , •••• I• e44,.,.. •• .... 1o .,..., .. ,.,,.,,, ~w•."-Weltetet IIGGIR IY 43" 01 MOIII '••d t tO JOtS '•• ... ••• !loa It •••• l>voh Ho,. "'"'h bl .. .-'••4 ''"''• 1~ •h• folio 1 Ill•• "'•r ••• It lllwtt•••-4 f etd ''"'• • "t to-..petlM~~t ••th fh• ltl""' tf47 ~LOOK INI ~a•m••• THEODORE ROBINS Yo·u; Fora Deoler Since 1921 ' • P 10 NEWPOaT BALBOA NI!W8-TUII!M age T1U11l.'tDAY N"''P«t ._ ... C alif. .laa. %1, JNI The '~~>t'~tth.-r. ahout whkh mt•n h11~ bf.<>n ablo-I o do \'l'r)' Ill t1t• so far, Is st ill rat~ms: hnb "ot h uti mankind elc<'t•pt, ma ybe. a few hardy fi8hr rmrn whn At'<', in thl' eontJnulnll drouth, n vl'ry Nlrly and abundant sr11son. In nlnt• months you will know IC thcy arr right. ME ANF.ST MA:'II W hlto•'ll P ork Avcnur hM. throu~;h t ho• Y• 11r11 lw•. roml' a rr ndi'7,\'0US (or WI' II kno" n ylleht~mc'n, t'nll~• rn~t•n nnd r:t~: mPn. The iMal(na,. vr )'>wht clut. bur~:t·t•s from S11n1a BtarhllrR to San Olo>I:O 1S sc· .. n thl'rf' nnrl lasr Mond11y nl~thl wn' nn I'Xt'<'flllon Whl~'s, aflc•r all. ts u puhht· plu<.'t' and t hl' wor ld's meant."SI lhar f llOt in and, amid the jolllm·ss and cood f~llnlt bfot~n Rood men, r1IWd w March of Dlmt'll box on the counter . When thr theft was diaawered a alll'~ settled and OIU' yachts- man. flrat to bre-ak out, unburden· td hlm~elf of <.'t'r tain blasptw moua arntlmrnts whach wr rr ccho<'d by a dou n men, QUill' u ht•ar llly, and by their ¥oi \'I'S wllh aoml' mod· tflcatlon. ~ torn nnd <'mpty MnrC'h of Dime• rontalncr wns r<'~ruf'd nnd, It being t'llablllhed tlw thlc•C had COt aw1y with IOmC twenty dol· lora, the money start4'd pouring back ln. Folding mont-y, half dol- lora and QuartC'ra. Mrs. Minn Jlc·r · aheoy, M11rch of Olmr s chairman for that area. Wll8 ll'nt fur nnd thr altuatlon explained. Sht• wn• ~:lv .. n conaidcrably morr than the urit'ln· • •I twC'nty dollllrR ChariiC' Prirlll rof lhl' flOIIN• tlr•pl ••ns g lw n n rc•J')Ort 11m! It's JWin.: to be 11 roull:h d<'nl for lht' thl .. r IC the h<'arl)' )'llchtsm l'n lri'fiUI'nt · lnr White'• rv('r ll:t't thr lr h11ntb on him. • • PURSE S£JNT.R IAG AlNl. Joo• Dlxoft, wt~an and \'f'nt'rahlf' ball flahrrman of Nt'"'port Hnrhor IN't'ml to bt-wnrrll'd about n hill al~edly befor. tM alate lt'l[il· laturl' that will J'.IM'Jlt'tuutr th(• plracy of the ae11 hy tht' purac- Stock Market At a Glance Am Tel & T('l C·madl!ln P4.CJ1~t· t>ur••nt Geno·ral :\lo tOr!> \..oodyl•ar Kennl'{'OII s.~nrs So Cnl Etlbun Sta ndaiN:I ()II t_; S St .. f'l 151 11>\i. 17101,. 551 " 43 46 34 281~ !)() '·· 7!> COM ASSN . BACKS BUSINESS COUNCIL; BALBOA EXPECTED Till' h•~u,., uf tltr.-·tm' ut t h• Cunma lid Mtor llu~•n•·~~-ll!oc""''o lion ha~ nfftctnUy ,,.,, uh·rl ••• r.:u·k tht• new Buslnes~> \ooncal an th•·tr <'ll'Clton pro(lOMls. Waltrr J • t:er- hardt. mMnber of the boaJd, Mild toony. Balboa lmprovt'm<'nl IIS~IIIl>vn is f•XJ)('l'l~-<1 to du hkt'lll l!o'', ul thnu~:h conrirmau nn ha!. not y..r lx-t•n annuun<.'t'd. Crt hnrdt loJtld I ho• C'f>non.a olo•l MAr ~:roup would romml'nro· ll .,;·r· lcoo; of round tubll" lundu~•n •It I'll• ~IOns 1-\•b. 6. TIIC)' Will I"' ho •lol t'\'('f}' 1'11>11 Wc•l'k~ llllt'lll.olllll( lo•·· two•o·n ll<·nny'~ C'u!l• und ( 'ro\\ n of 1 ht• St•n n •staur-:1111. EX-ADVERTISING MANAGER, LAGUNA, B~:~~~~Eo~~: ~~~E~~•uurul" I S un by I.JIWN'OI'I' A t'ur•·l.onol .orv l J IIIIW'< \\' l\f1•tn tlf (OI1lh'l' •flllh 111\ho•l"' nr t ht• H"" Ill• lilt It· \ "'". hll>-Jl(>o·n nnnuunr•t•ll hr•to' I Fm'fTwt l)' llfh'o·t t '''"1: m:.nll~t•·r of tht• Snul h r•, "'"t Nr•\\ '· l ., 1~·· lnnd 'II> av 1111 '"'' 1\ I' ''"It' I• a tl••• 111 lhl' nrr ('o.lun) /1011 "''" otltlt)n..:j th<N~e respon,iblt• fur m;aktn~ Jr- ''lnt' Bo"'l n retthry 1ft• '~~>as. 111 'variOUJ! lirn<'S, r rl ... hlr·nl uf th·· l"hamiX'r of commrrrc, on thr boord of the U tHl'-rluh. nnd I)OIIf tl ml'mher And IJu.'ln• .,.. m:rna~;t r of 1 hi' Fl-sllvnl or AJ1, w lnrr. ~ puTI4' arlnr r I• or-~[ OBITUARIES ~ pnJzed a nd thr llttlr mrn Who harvf'tlted t~ 1<'11 and •urplll'd thC' ~--============fl' era food for t~ nation a rc-not orranJU'd lind theoy do thrir hMt. complalnlnr justly to th()5(' who WSU llllt'n. Will SIICrllml'nto "''"r lllten ! Who Ill r ettlng what out ot wt\!chT And why 11 It t~ Jk. publJc of Mt'xJCO has now madt- IUCh atrtnaent fllhlna lawt1? The UWWtT, Ill, mates, a ahoddy poiiUc- al art-up haa ~nnltted our wa- ten to be nahed out. and the na- Uon Ia lad1)' ln ~ ot food. 'I'M ~. btolnr rt!allata, IN't' our Jll"f'td and. you may dept'nd upon It, WSU put t~lr own price on fiah taken from thf'lr wa tt'rs. We can only lanwnt that. throu1h the ~ l"'f(t of the purw aeiiW'r, our flah havt' dlaappu rt'd to the extent that fish arr now onl)' abundant in Mt'xJcan watl'nl. It mictlt t'Vftl bto lmBJ't for Meoxlco to .., "no fish to. ~ forclcn· e-.." wtt.lch, In v1t'W ot what hu happened. would bf' just and aervc- \11 rtrht. • • • BRI140N II. kiSO Rrtson llt•mJ)hlll Kanll. li9, tllo•fl In hL~ homr nt 11R E 17th S r . Costa Mt•sn. Mondny ufrc•r nn C'X· tt'ndcd lllnru. A nntlvc-of Ohio. ~ wu a rNired m<>r<'hnnt nnd hntl llvrd In C'08 ta Mrsn rur 10 yt•nrs. Survivors lnr lw'c h I ~ wlr••, Myrtlt'; five sons, lrwln of Sun Franc:laeo. Elvin and J11ck or Cost11 MHa, Albf'rt of S11nta Ana nnd William of San &•rnardino ; two brothrrs. Luthrr of P<•nnsyh ·11nin and Samurl of Los AngC'I<'S; thrrr slstrn . Mrs. Ll'ns RAU$:h. Mrs \ A. Port<'r and Mrs Ada Lny of Pr nMyh·llnla, nnd e-ight g-r11ndrhll· drrn. R.t•v. G Wallard S trnrl\5 will conduct runr nl JC'r\iC'C's F'riday at 11 a.m. In tbr Four Squarr Got!pC'I church. Coata MC'sa. undrr thr dl· Tt!<'tlon of Gr11url mortuAry l ntr r- mrnt will be:-in Wrstmmstr r Mrm. orlnl park I'KU1't:t.'TI ON BAGS-Wtatherproor fabric alpper bqa are now In usf' by U S Navy avla- Uon groups to r s ho rt-term packaging and at.owlna. of aucrnlt Dess:,.a nt powde rs or c rystals are placrd In v..arlOus pa rta o f t h e plane to malnt.atn dryness, ana the sh iP! are lnspectf!d e-•ry 80 daya 1948 Motor Vehicle License Fees I)\\ Ot'l' t~f fill\ lit' flol"' 11>:•'1' .tlltOIII<.flll<'S are Urged by (.ho• l'tllll' tonrlloo~.al a:"'''l""' nr <l•r•.ot 1n• nt '" u'(' thP Collowin& tablo· 1n tlt'lo·nlllntn~; th• 11 l'q >-C'u ltl<tmt.o molt~r' \'l'htclc-hccnse taxr •. litH• :•nd l""·•ltl•• ·ol rutto• "' I•.: tr•l'"'" lor rulo·ndar year to dt•· 1•11 t nu•trt .. r "'"t"1 v..tuo•l•·• I •·trnq111 nt h ·hruary 5. 111 ~·tnol 11111 .. 11111 "" ('IIi "h·•·· l'•'l;l'tlatum Card; 12) t..o .. 1'1111• ltl'•tl'ko•t In \\ltU'h II f.tlb. '\) Ht.lll I'IIITl'l'llod IUTIOUOl of fto• tn n~;ht ·hand r·nh111111 .-.. ,. s •• " l.l•l•·tl \ uu Pu' ' ll.<tll to f~.r.o f tflhlluntrll i ~ 1.1HI ~.:\1 , .. I ·"·H 1.1HI ···" '" :..;n M 1111 r. .. \1 '" fi .. '\11 11.1111 11.1\1 ... 7 ;,o lll.lltl L\l lu :c.o 11.1111 M.t,t tu !l.:'in 1'!.1111 11.:. t r .. ru.:,u I !IIHI I ll,.'il lu II .:.n II fHI 11.1'>1 lu I:: ;,u 1.\.lltl l'!.:ot '" l.'l..'tfl Itt fHI I :I,;\ I lu I I ;-,u l l.IHI I a,:.J lu t.Li tl IM.IHI 11\ .. \1 ''' tr: .. \11 1 ~1.11(1 I 11.1\1 Itt I ~ .1\11 '!11.1111 I 1.1\1 '" IM.o'otl '! I.IHI 1M,.'\ I '"Ill :1ft ..!'!,00 Iff,!\ I tu '!U,:\0 ·::too 20.!\ I lu '! 1..\tl '!U MJ :! 1.111 ... '!"! .\4t '!:'I.IHI ~2 .• \1 '" '!.'\.1111 '!11 fill :!ll.!\1 tn 21.ioll :!l .IMI :!4.111 '" '!1\ . .}11 :!M.OO :!.,.1\ I tu :!8 .. \0 :!11.00 I •·•· , .. ,, ll•lo•tl ''•t: .. • .. lu~'!l.:~n '!;,.\I tu '!)4.:"•0 •lx :·,• tu '!!.1 .. >0 ·•tt "I t•t :m.r.11 ~hi:,, '" :11.:\11 :n .,, tH !$! .• 111 :i ~ : •• ••• a:1.:,,, :1:1 ;,, , .. :11.1\IJ I .... fH !1.1 . .'\11 :i ...... t l t u !IH .. \Il ::· ..... , .. :n .:\0 ·r; .\I , .. !IM.:WI !II\ .... '" :I!L~I ~fl ·,1 t u Hl .. \0 Ill :,1 tu ll.:iO II " '" 1'!,:\0 '! .. ';1 ... lll.:\0 ta . .-.1 r .. I I..'WI ll.:.t '" 1.\.~ ~ ...... , ... ~~~.~ u; :.t '" t; .. \0 tT .·.1 lu 111 . .>11 IM . .'tl '" 111 •• \0 4:1:01 ... 1\fl .. \0 You Pay NO.I)() SJ.M IZ.OO IS.CMJ •.... 11} .. 14.1141 M .fHI 11.00 J8.1WI lt.IWI •o.no .1.110 U .IIO ..... 00 .44.114.1 .. 46.01} . ... ofl .. n .oo ta.tiO • •. 00 10.011 61.110 G%.00 U .CMJ U !n RI!R GUN AT HOME-"Annle Oakley" taku time oat fl'om her "shooting chorts" to take up d in ing chorea wtt.h her cute little daug hter . "Annie," who Is s tage and screen favorite Et h t l Mc•rmnn !In pnva t e !He M rs Robrrt D Levlt.l ). ia lu n c hing out w it h E thrl Jr .• at Nr w York's S to rk Club JF YOU'ItE WIDE-F.Yt:D - The w Ide . eyed In genue wo uld lo(lk best tn thts w hite rutt straw sailor . flou n ced qut with navy polka-do t ~etlln~ tint ~aLhers u n der 'the chin with green velvet •treamers and a green carnation . Jeweler Recalled By Air Force; Sells Balboa Isle Store .lno•k llnum~:arln••r, H n I b oo jrwo•lt>r, ) ••<lrrda} "it< rt•-rallrd fur 1\rm) ,\or Fnrr•• duty wtth nrdl't" to) n t••rl '" l l:untlt11n F t('ld Fuurt h ,\ i\ F l ltl•t'' h) Fd• 7 l"r o•\1• nrlo •I """' thll\ II• "1111 t••l.o\ II• lutl IM·•·n t:l'<'ll lito! 11'1 h• hoi• Ill tloo)<. Ill \\ IIIII IIJI h" tu''"' ... ., tnt. t• ''' BUYER! If you havr a allltY or ablty-Ovr foot powrr c:ruiaer. hr 1ood aha~ •t th<' right prlet' you c:an find a buyn--i'rank Snundrra Ia looklnr Cor a h~l:ll•'r boltt. 11<' ~ .. what he Wllntll, he-hu the ablllty to tak~ rnr r of It, and h1' hu the bank roll to hnndlr a f•tlr prlcx-. We arc not In the brokrra2e bualne~~~, nor do we handlr tilt' lldnrtlsina columna In this paper. Men's Suit Sale • tn~mtlh fr11tn lllllana.;<;, ;\Inn· tron,, ll um•~::•rln•r •• -n.rl fo\'f" yrnr~ n~ .on utr fnr<'l' p1l01 lit• rour .. r olut) tnnk tum '" Enr.:l.ulrl nnol tiro 1>\t h All ~·,, ... ,. \\ ho·n· llr· rll'\\ -'~'-•"•mh.ol ""''1"0' Ill I ho• ramo ll l.rlll"'r.oltor~ 11\·:!t t n .. turn- ln~; llo 1111' l 'nllr·fl Stat•·~. h•• WIL" stnltt•n• d 111 \\ rlt:lot f1• lol. (lhto, ltnd tltd •• ,, .. •nnto•nt;ol rt~ ont.. tn llll' P-~•!"1 'llld 1'·1<1• Jo•t fo~;htoT!. F"llt•" 1111; llt•l hargo• Ito• "l"'no•d HHU1n..::111 ru~r J,~,, ,,J,~r~ Slnr4' l rt Jlnlho:o Tlo'< Ldl h•• fl(~·n··ll nnnlh· rr Jr'\\'t'h) sltc•p 1111 nnthuu Island Ye"'~1t·rtL•~~ (ur•u~ f11-'l''' HI n1y ~t·r· \'II'!', ho '"''' t lw l~land ~h"fi • • • $85 Values -~ .. ,., 'I CaL Tech Rain Authority to Appear In S. A. Dr. Irving P. Krick. lrndln!; mf'H•f'ologtSI '"''"" Ct~hf~,.nln In· SIIIUI(' or TC'C'hnolo~;y, Will ltlldr<·SS Oran1:e County \~'~tll'r dtstrll'l uf· fictals nnll th(' gl'rll'ral pubhc Feh. 6 in tht.' Ltttle 'l'hl'Oirt' of tlw Santa Ana I ll~:h sctuwol The ta lk will l¥•gan ut 7:30 p.m Dr. l<riek, who hnsr·~ his studif'S <Ill U S}St••m found l111:hly SUtC<'SS· 1 ul hy tJ... army nrr l'UI"PS, and \\ hn:h I~ In UIJf"I\IAIIIOil Ill 1111.' \Vl'atlwr bureau's "cyclical" l>f\'· d1t't 11111~. wall SJW'Ul< on "\\'t•tottwr und A1·tirrca11l Nur lrntll.n or n a ln As n t•lutt•d to \\'urr•r Surply" T ho• addr('~S IS hi•lfll; Sllf>n5orNI hy thC' COUn ty Wll tl'r d aslrtt•l o( which Vl'rnon C lll'il ts choir· man. SALVATION ARMY SETS UP -4 'PHONE STATIONS AS AIDS Mnjor Orlo Eliason. dtsl rlct mnn· agr•r of lht' Sa l\'attun Army's So· caa l St•n tt'l' rh purrm,•nt. sard to· d ay thnt fnur rdrplwnf' <'hll sLa· ttons ha\'t' lx•Nt S\'1 up 111 thl' l'll) to aid an llw ,\rmy's l'HIIlJI·IIItll ltl sollcrt contr rl!utaQnll ur ultl Cnot \\1t•ur l t~r r•·IW•t<'•·~'anh Tht•y Hrf•: ;-.;,.wporr Ro•11d1 nnd Bullll.lu. lh•• L1'" I I. \\'ttllnt••· f(, .dry t>rlh•••. ll.or · h<>r 3. :!:!fl:! \\' (',Ill t ;1l Avo•., IIIli· ft(•tr ls l.111rl. Lttt\\Otl(! \'wk Hr•:oltnr ,l ~11 :.: r>l:oo ,,.. ,,,, • l lal'l,ur :!Ill:!,, t'tll'llll,i< oh•l ."\l:11· .. luhol 1·: Sadlo•tr , r.·altor. ~~~~:; t'.,;"' II""'Y· llar·j l~·r 'il l :\ft, ll \\' :111\I'GIIllt H•. 71;\ t lrl'lollf, 11.11 hut 117\I·H "\\'t• art• rt'l'tl\ Ill~ olll IIIIII~UilJI} Jlorg.• IIUIIII~·r llf I' Ill• fo•l lihllt'\ roo o'hlld rr•n :11111 atlulr~,' .\l;tyur 1-:111- .snn s:~rtl ;\h•n' hll\(' t'<Jmo• !rum l~omollt·.'l or tn.dr\allu<•l~ "ho Sll)' th1·) l'•tnnut nllurtl t,, huy t'\'l'l1 lll\\t•SI-pr ·~···d :,hr\c•' Mrs . Max Schachner Hostess t6 Friendship Home Circle :\lo "''" r'< .. r tlw Fra,•ntblllp l lonw ( ·rrrlo·. or t'u dt• )<, or tlw ( 'usta ;\l o·sa l'umnrunrty churci1, \\o•fl• o lllo•rlolll)o•t.l lur t ho II' nlt•tllhl) nr• l'IIIIJ: '" t ht hunw •1r ."\Irs Max !::it•hat'l•n•·r un Jan. :!:! l>o•\utJun" "''"' lo·t.l b) :\Irs Sruuat l nn,·r~l . Takon.: twr ,,.,.t f111111 1111' lluok, 'l"WIIIIIIllo•d IJtHu l'"' l1} \\'tilt!. l.li.\lntrr·, :\Irs. E<l· "<•rtl IIHrt n ·;ul til• mrl>Mnn;or} lo·ssun ;\lr' C I Irs \llwtth<'a·u "" prrsui•·U HI lht• hUSIII('SS St'SSI\!n WhiCh W/\5 riiiiOWt-d by II dt'lfl:ht ful SOl'IUl hour AssastNI h)' hr•r mut hc•r. Mrs. A 1-·. Bjt•rk, tho• hostc·~s scr\'•od do hcaous l"•rry Ill<' 11nd t:offo>r In addtll<lll Ill !hOSt' llhlllt·d, HI· I• nohna.; IIH tli!'<'IIIIJ.: "••rt•: Mes· dflnh'" J"'''l'h I lamiJI,•t. U. 1-: Fo..ti. P A l 'h:unht•rhn, lion I lud· dlo stun. I 1,1, od ltm~:. Paul I lunlrt(l, \\' I• l lurrl'll. Arthur 1\I.)•J", Ar· 1 hur 1-.ultl:o/wr. ,\ I• tll' L'hrast<•n·l !oliO, I I• I• n Hu~•·. A L \\'II hams. .I t · lltlhna.; ... on<l II 1·: Jl.tkh Boots fs Saddle Club To Host Playday For County Riders T h•· ."\f.,,, llt>tll~ •lo S.ochllr ('lull "all h,, IIIJ~I' 1t1 thP "'~•Wt.oto•rl Hatl· tng t'luh .. ul \11 :m .:• <uUIII ) :-:un tl11), Fo•h .!.!. at th•tr 11•\\ l'htlo ..:a uur~d• "' ll:mulron ~.,,.,., 11nol ."\l)o'l'l' 1'1.,.·•·. l'p~l ll :\lrs:t I krllt·.ot a .. n <·•·rt uw na•'' w all lw ho •Jrf Ill hlltiiiHHl !01 I he dll) K flr!" L:l oltll ut r.u'··~ :uut ._::tttlf'~ nn hot ~l'·l h:tt'k Boorey & Poirier 100 rr;a CENT fl.l~A.~CED • F.B.A. TE&.M8 • Add Roo ... a Batba • oa,.._ oonverted to llriq quar1en • .,.,_ eaUmata a ~e~ • AM&at to pi&AD1ac lmpr'ov-ta REMOBEL: increase Income to? eout wrtn ... , BUILDERS CORO:IiA DEL ~IA.R Harbor U~! or !!91-.J Spu,..eoa BNc. SASTA ANA Plwoe 'Jill We are always TRYING HARD to bring you GOOD meat at REAS- ONABLE prices. This week we have a wonderful buy on STEAKS. llon't It-t thto LOW J•RJCE.'\ fool ~·uu. ThM4:• Sh•uk~ tlr«> out or our I'SI'AI. mGn qr,\un· n~t!t'. and arP a~t'tl t~. lht-wr~· JW.ak of JWrft>c·tion. 58 LBS. of for fine Steaks This Week T-BONE STEAKS Cut any thickness yo.y wi sh Lb. PORTERHOUSE Steaks As. you like them . . Lb. TOP SIRLOIN, Boneless A REALLY economical cut Lb. 59c 65c 69c e \'OI 'R COMPLETt~ SATISf'ACTION I 'NCONDI- TIONALLY GI'ARANTt:ED. Now~ a good time to put a dozen steaks ln your fret-ur, or how. about a good olt>' "Stnk Feed'•. BEEF ROASTS CHUCK ROASTS __ . ___ .lb. 44c 7 -BONE CUT _____ .. _ . .lb. 49c ROUND BONE CUT __ .lb. 52c PURE PORK SAUSAGE If you haven't tried our Sausage you have missed a treat. If you have 59 you KNOW it's always TOPS c• in quality and flavor Lb. • • West Coast Meat Co. C. 0 . "PAT'' FLANAGAN Wholesale Meats end Provisions JSI; NEWPORT BL\'0 . THREE "R'1". We 11re roln~ to ctvr you so me sea doflC' worth look · ina at very soon. An 11nclrnt sen cllctlonuy II rolng to bC' put at your dlapo~~lll, ftnd aomt-commrnt rna~ about wor thy ll'a books you may acqulrr loc:llll)•. Thry run t th- aamut from a NIIVll!llllon Enr y- clopet'dia to Captain H orntifl Homblowrr. and lh<' dlctlonftry WSII dt-scrlbC' whrrr thr noun "Jack " came from, and othe-r tt'r1111 now 11lrno11t loat In antiquity. NOW " , I Po•nrhm: "'llll'ttm• or tlh· orrl<'r" hi' I~ Itt 1'1'1'<'1\t• l·'ph i. llooUnl· 1:11rtn•r \\Ill ror.un lito lldt~n,, shop, Ill' ~.11cl torl,l\ CHINESE CHEST, LINGERIE FANCIED BY THIEVES HERE ., 1 all 1•1111• 1 <; lo•r tho tr,orl t iUo lo> '1'111 111 \11~1 ol lll \Ioi ii lop 'J'op 1·---------------------------· c'•·•"lt) anti l luj:h \\'·''""n Tit•• puhlt<' '' t•nrrh:~ll~ ln\tto·o "' rll•llrl lho• ,oflo lll•"ln (II OJ.:Illlll 11f Ph. Beacon 5695 Costa Mf>Sa e lalboa lslamJ Circle to Hear About India Mftnbt'~ of Rlllboo l~lancl (ir. e~ In' to rrn:'t't 1\tNU'lay. 1-'rh :\ w1t.h Mn. V . S. TrlT)', 219 Prarl aVf'l't~ •nd arc-to brln~: n !tllck 1~ to be:-~rv<'d at 12::10 p.m. HJghJJght of thr oflcm oon will bt' tJwo ~ad.ln& of lt'ltt'l"!l from Miss Carol Thrry. dnu~:htrr of thr hMI· ftl, who Is a m ls.dnnRt)' In lnfll11. Planl will alao lx• mild<' for 1\ rum· mace ~ to bt! l\('ld In Santa Ana in March. Casino Cafe and Coc .. ail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES aMI DINNERS * 202 M•in St. S.lboe, Calif. ,.. $65 '-\ . , I Louit Roth ; Twentieth Century famous California Models • Worsteds Gabardines • All Sizes Corona del Mar 1'•·11~ lhlr\<·r~ l11ctk "''mo• unltttl•' II\ l•h t hi" \1 ,,..k In I hr· llarhur aro a. Rarr ft,.m .. ; ,\ ('hlnr"'' • amtlhun\ "'"I rhc••l runlalnlnl( '"'"'rftl ultl l'ctln• anol I\\ n 'JUIJ,. m ndr rn hlllllnlf'r• 1\a .. •lulo•n rr .. m tho· a•r~~•w ,, ,\ltan llluu:. l '!f> C 'ullin•, R11lhua l•lanll. Thll'\ ,.,. a h ... ·unolrcl " I I h m1'111tl~ ·,. llna•·rlr •nd hrr •Jtruuhi' pant" at thr ll. K. Rulw'rt,. ,,. .. ttlr no•o•, 7tfi S . Or ran t 'r unt, Rnlhua. Allar Soc. Meets Feb . 8 To Ma~e Plans lor Pre -Lenten Dinner I \ I l)f' "1<.\lloii"W Ht:F. Anullu r r111"11~ lo, •• 111111 f)cll · luo·k luno II \\Ill '" h• hi h) tho • \I, "1 Hu .. ts olo ~ilt.lrllo· ( 'luh. Sun· o '). Fo II l•t ."\It miH 1 ~ 111 ,. uq;r•ll '" ,111tntl it~ lho·tt· uro• Jll't lhnc- ~und.a)" I• It 1111 tho• hi~ pl.o) da) Jor.,~:o·;om llnnt: ~our tnul• and luuolo 'Bosses' N ighf' Plans Started by B. & P. W. ,\ n lrft•n '" hn111 t o•d h) Ed~ Ill<' l.tpp1111"1111 "'" rhtf'l•n ft•r lho·m·· n( lllo' 1\o•"·~· :"t.:ht Jlll~t'illll oll llu~lllt'~~ nnd f'r~l!o·•,IIIO,d \\'unwn·, t'luh ilntl Elatnl' \\'o•t,., \\11:-IIJl· pomto•d d latl'lllil n ol II l;l'rto•r;d rnmmtrto•o• \\hrrh \\Ill wnrk "'" d··· Iiiii!< or tilt' nflfll l'. \\(H'n ll l;lolllf• I of ml'mlwr.< m o•t nt lht' hom<' ,.( Fmnl nr rilfllt• m.·nt!' for n pre·· l hl' prt:'>-lcl••nr, lxii'Oih,\' Suthr rlnnd. Lt•ntr•n clrmwr to I.~<• h••ltl ~unrl.ay, Thr rlamwr "all hi' ho•ld Art·al I Fc-h llnl Tho• l ;allo '· H.llho•ll •r.,m nl :'\:o'\\f)c>rt ll;ul>tor \',arhl t•luh nn(l nll<>n ht I'! p rn \\all h•• llllldl' \\ Iilii I' lh(' r rtnH' "'K'IIIi ('\'f'OI or lh(' r io•rnlt1 r'< ,,( tho• ,\lt,ar ~01'11 1! I'~ ~··ar r•>l' fhl' hlt~lllt''< \\om, II and ttw 1·Jwrd w• ,,f tlur '-"'~ , t .\It •h··n· .. ,.,..,,, •• •· TI1r rnto'l'lnanm••n' Cnrnwl ancl ~t -'·•hn \'1,11111•'~ Ill• "'I r ro>erllm I" Ill'\ l'r dt\'Ul~Nl llh• .(II \\'rdn<·~tln) F··h -1 ,,, _. rm 111 or tamr nn<l ul"··~~ mnnn~··· ''' I he lwnw ,.( ;\Ire .I A T.o~ 'o•r I 1~ '''"•'•'<I ''I" rt.ot1on• \'tn Q11111•. l.tcl•• I ~~,.. The-rltno~o·r ~··a,· uta.: "II h ."\I I' \\ tl-' ~~~ I h,. '~~>all I~· ,,1~.11 1,, lh•• rut•l~t• l:<'n• ral rf'mmllt•··· nr,.. "-':at~n f'pkrt r< "ilrd< n 'ktllfui pl.1~ • r m flrc-thAn An~ nth.·r r.onl ~:.onw nr~rrlan~; '" 1 lw F:nn t'l••r•wrl r.l T\nrnnnarn l'nt~c·nrr. 1.1tlwr th.ln a "pokr r f11C't'.' '" n rrmw tlltnltt) of thr l'lWC't'SI'ful J'<•k•r pl.t~··r l'nnlllrn~ h•m ''' dn•p ••ut trm• nfll•r nn~r unt tl :1 lo!t"'<i hnnd ~mr:: fll\'Oj: J-;\1'0 lll(lrt• 11111~>rflll1f I< tlw ~:•l(ltt pln~··r·l' •n••s.•• Ill'(' on ,.,.<.,•h ana: prnr~·r "1'<id• for o vrr~ ll('t ht· rnnk(•F lt uf,•r an rh'll .:r 111 mu•tr '"' 1 h 1••-.n l •ut,•nl,tfl In 'htet L:•' nf tiHnt't""" llo t, o ·r~ 111'1 1.~ l.t J\.1111:h ,\,:no'' f'lf'm•tm·t llaltl.• nn-···· :'1. llh .• ll.' \I h'h.auol \l.on•· ll o.•l"t·h 1-'··t n llnbh~ l.o~"'f• Shtplo·~ .\I ololt "<I St·t n 1,., ;lncl Hl'l h llnnrl\ ."\lo•mltt•r • nl rt{,. t'V'<'\111\o·· l>t\oll11. \\Ill ll'''" a• CIIIMtfred a& DO ~ct thr jr•h don•. & \\'asl' -Arf\·l'r ltsr ' .. s~ 11\lll ~~. ,j THIS BEAUTIFUL FLOOR DOES THINGS FOR YOUR KRCHEN Luclcy Home! IUtchro floors r~ach new hti~thta in beauty, sryle and prnc· cicality when laid -wich Tilt'- Tu Asphalt Tile. Tht'rt' arr loads o( excitins T ile-Tn co lors, plus sman bor· ders a nd individualized inscn•- ro help you achirvc chc d«orarivr soal you're after • Wh•c 1 mo~-Tilr-Tn ftoon wipe clun a od (rub w ith a damp cloth .•. a rc 11aio a nd tear rc•iuaoc! Yo u.t ftoor looks "new" a fcrr Ions yran o( hard wur-bc<ausc T ile-Tea plain and marbleized eolo r1 so straishc chrousb ro the back of cbc cile. Come in or cclcobooc aow (or more iolormatio~ TILE-lEX ASPHALT TILE HANSON SHADE & LINOLEUM SHOP «~ . ._-f'wpor1 Bh-d. 4t !trd St. C'o-ta M,._a 1'1\. RtM<»n 1100•-.J Sell It Through Cla."Sified Advertising