HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-10 - Newport Balboa News TimesYo11th ·Da-s~rom Jetty By High Seas T •• y·· .-. ~.-~ .. ~.S.T.12 .See Boy now .Ina"' """""'"' ,_ ·-. r.., ~~--l .... ·-.... Washed I"' lll•lti.tl' ltolo :1 I till :1 1'1 H.111, II' t. I tin I ·Ill \::.·.:::::·::: .. , 11nto Sea ! fhl(h Wlt\'t'f' t&uhfod A~ fillh- LARGEST TWICE·A·WEEK CIRCULATION IN ORANGE LARGEST CITY COA ST'S BALBOA IM.ES ~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, • • • 1 '1 1 1 hi~ 1111\nun.: 11huut R L 11\. I Ia ~'bow SEASHORE COLONY LIDO ISLE NEWPORT HEIGHTS BALBOA ISLAND COR ON .A DEL MAR COST A MES~ l''tTn1111 "" '"'' ~~~ to hla deaU. VOLUJIS'XL 11ve O.ta per CopJ NEWPORT BEAt'H, ('ALIFORNIA, T1JII:8DAY, ··Dat \IC\ 10, lMK M~ t laUf'd rr,_ ,..,, 7 Nl'MRER II tlf'JNHIIIII'III 111111 mn•t 11\l&nt .... THE I Ends Life SAND In Oil City CRAB Breakers. By --~t ill ••••u•·hiiiJ>: fnt' ,._., hody. I A•"'"r"''' 1ttll1 JlOIIIIII~ ~Uft. S C t l A •'llllooll '" lht• \'h't im Ia allfl'uncero-ay en ra ve •'"'" ........... hiiVt.• 14'1111\llve~ • , ..... rl•lu•lfllflll "" -'•*'lth...M..tu.. 0 111.,;111111. ~'tl, .. r :.011 Artama at~ Ove rhaulln 1/l.ng: ~·::::~t~~ ~~~::~):i lt·~::~~~~~~a:~ tl11• ~·1lv l•~<tklt'J: fti"NN with Ia- '1:1 ollll'• I'•'!: I~ I rntlt~ll 111111 lkii'Y\4' kit· 'I,,,, ltttl..; It\\ Ul!••d ''"I'' ll\ •'llh "' o l (·•·ntlod 1\\t' tl t'UI 11tl1l ftt\\fl :'\t•\\ IMtll ''' Hulh••H , ... ln 1111• t~l l 1111: ('Ill I , .. tlh'• 1 .I II \\I l·h '·"" '"'·nl '"'''."'' \\Ill itwltulo• u ll •II·· I•·•" ••ol•ll•·~-.··1 In hl111. A r ..... ~ 1,. '1f• It\ t wt \\ 1 t'lt 1\tt F n• hlt'l\ l 'tut't' !llli l tho• f••ll\ •n 111' 1111 f'l "f••tl\ I Wto'l<o~l lttt11'h "II~ ftJIInfl hi lM .1111o 111111 lh•·t'' "''" nn fllthln~r a...r Ill II SA M __ , BOY S('Ol'TS, Note where one or two national chiefs at't' atTusing the Boy Seout:-: of bc<·uming military, wh il'h, to my mind, is a Iotta bosh, because these future Jeadl't'S, nO>.\' OUSC'IVin~ thl•ir anni,·er- s:u·y, tll'(' doing th<' things that Bafl('n Pmvell pt•omul- gatt><l years a go -to I.Je manly. tu be brave. to IJt.• po- lite. etc .. pll~ a ~ood dt'('<l e,·<'t'V dav. If lur· no other rcas;>n, than that of tHki.ng th(• hoy. ami girls for that mattcr-('lff the str('Cis and out of mis('hief. nnd teac h- ing them l)('ltl'l' ways of ('Jn- ploying t h c i r t i m f' H n d m inds. till' work has b(•pn of inestimable benefit to the youth and the count ry. Given m ore occupational a f f n irs such as Scouting a nd the newest in cante-en work, and. the nation is promoting a system of education that wiU take OW' teensters out of the paths of vicious play into useful endeavors. + + + Red Croes. That was a good choice in selecting Tom Henderson t o head the cur- ~nt Red Cross drive, start- ing Ma r·ch 1, to raise a quota of more than $11,000. Tom will prove a worthy succes- sor to Mrs. Victor Gract", an amazing and forceful leackr to follow, hut he has the abil- ity and aggressivent'SS to do a r-cnl joh. In the m•arly 10 year.; that Helen Grnce has ~n on the joh, she ha~ rail"o('(\ rJoS(' to SlOO,OOO. In- defat iguhle in he r· effort~. insatiahlp in hpr· demands ftll' m oney and her k('('nllt'S..'> in finding whl.'rc ;1nd how to g<>t it. sht• h<~:o; perform<'d ;1 ban~::-up joh in 1 h<' (':lll"t' of humnnity. Symputhy goes with hl.'r in <':tring fnr hf'l' stricken hushnml. pt'indp:d cau~ of lwr re-signation. + • • t~litors, Awak.-! A f:-um mn~.:azinc' J'(.'('f'lllly look a poll nmong ruralil<"' an(! dis- covel"('(! that 52'· of the fanners or lhl' u. s. hart neV<•r hear·rt of the-1\tn rsha 11 plan. That look~ like a slam at the countrv editors of the country, wh·o haw• heen dealing largely in IOC'dl mat- ters rather th;m national a f- fairs, and indicates that our nation hns undergone ~e radical changes a \-\'ay from provincinlism in the last 25 years. Not a bad idea for the publishers in the smaller town~ of the c-ountry to 1"('- vise their publishin~ stand- ards and give their readers. in their own. homey way. a summary of world ~vents. + + + Barr LumiJf'r. The lx-auti- ful building on west side of Newport Blvd. just l.x>yond north \O!'ta Mesa. will on M arch 1. u•;her in another rounty indu~try into th<' harbor distrlc1. Th£' plant. costing C'l()!;(' to $75,000. will stock ahout · 600,000.000' of lumi>E'r to ser.·p nn <'VI.'r-in- crcasing MM-1·&><lch popu- lation. L<-s Stcff('n~n of ('~ rona d<'l Mar. ~·ho h<1s het'n a huver fo r th<' 8<\rr propl<' for sf..vl'rnl ~'etl rs. h:Ht a pn r1 in u~n~ his !'mplOY<'~"' to <'xpanrl townrd thl' harbor. + • + Wntht>r. ltl':ll'fl on thr air: \\'hE'thrr it 'c; r o I d , whr th"r it's hnf. \\'(''\'1' J:'ol to h ave W<'fl thf'r. wht>lhrr or not! S••ictdt• lty drownin).: wa<. tlw "11 1 "I~;.~ n nil l'<tl om•r's t'•'JJC.Jrl 111 lh•· do·lllh of .\I t~. J.,ftn II. l'11tl•·•· w•xxl !\1 .. r :!~l Al'u<':tcln •t ••···l l'•t~'ll ;\l•''il. \\hi)'(' htKi~ \\ill-l•lllllfl I 1n '"'-' ~urr t•lf l lunttn,.;lllll Jl,·adl ' )•''f••ld.ty at I I 11. m . l 'toi'Oth'r 1-:arl Ahb<'\' ~IIIII th,tl '""''l t;.:.,ta~>n •h•>"'<~l ~lr;, l'nd,.,. WtH)(J l1<111 ltt••·n Ot'"P"rttl•·llt fur tilt• ptll-1 ) ••11r "''•'I' 111-h,•:dt h. :->um•·•. 11\1' llt~t'llll' hili-Wl'l't' ftiUntl 1111 tlh' II< HI~ p ., 4 c 1 p 1 c •. \ '. • OCEAN l11t' ~111 h •'f I \f" I t•" hl I t•<~< I Ill l l,,,,l !!'I Itt I I.• 11111 '111.111 '"'I'",,. 11\•lll' ttt.l~tluu· ,,.,,, .. "'d•l•\\111\ tHd p.,\.n,,nl ,· .. ,,,,,,,, ~1•l tdtl•it J"!.tt't\ .11111 \h .11 tdtt ~~ It Jtlt • lfltl'llt pf fltl11otU If\ lt.l\lllhllld+•\\11 I h· .• ··ttl. t ··I t ···lil t .tl '" I" ••• " 'I \ ,. "'I Ill! I )l .... lt't'f"-•II ltd I"'"'·" I It, lt1nw Ito ""'•'tt l\lo I •tol•h n 111111 ,\h ,tl.tdlt 'illtl lt'pLH'• lilt ut ttl l \\tt '\\t 1 plllllfHitt.' "'l.tiH•II 111 H li t'!'' 1 olltd In 1\1 o o •II 1 lilt 'ltld I Ji lt (I o 1 I' I ,\It lto1111 II I Ito II• I II tl llltJ•I \II ' I fill It I .. .. "" I. It ' '" I t " Ill II :'-I \\ • Iii I '•f li j t ••ti lt\ lit t f t l11' Jl •'""' • .,, n····" ~,, ''" ~ t,·l· '"ltl• " 1'1."''' t .. lttt• ··nd ''' lh·· I'" II ttl ul,t ''Ill h• t tilt d H it h• I"'' lht'll ""····· ....... c It,., .. ,.,.,.,.,., .. , l\tot lth'll \\ill!"'''''' IIW II"HWl'<lJ, 11. '' ""'"''' ""'· ~klpt•·• or the f1 •lt111.; I•· ~•• \\ lll•·t· \VIId 1 ~nw the 11\ll ll 1\ 11•h•••l l•1· 1111 t'JII'I'JIIillllllll7 l 'o"l I 111 1 II II I •lfioll l\ IH• '•'Ill 111,;11 11 11\o' tl l1o• •IINNI (tfl 1111' ,.•IIJ ... j1 ,,, •• ,, ,, 1•:·'1"'. , ,,,,,, .• "' th·· '' ''·" ·• ~~) •••. ,,,. .... n .•• H,rhuln ,~w I• 11•··1 •h"" 1111' 1 h·· •·•ttlll tl••tl "'''' hi• 1•1111 in nmt tlockl'd I() ,._ I tltll' <ol 11111 l tttd II llltl rt th•• 1!1 1'"1 I till' IH'dtl••lll Itt· I tit.·'""·'"·'''"''·''"' '"''I ltu •••II II l 't•llt"'"'· 1:\t:l FftiCCJn til·· ,., 1 ""•ll•·ol '"'"I '""'"'"1 .. 1 '" !''"''''. 1 """' ll••tu•h wtiJI fi•hlna an 111· ''' "'''" I ''"I '" ,,,. '" ""' ~·~~~· ruul ,,,.,,,,.-.1 llllt'k wt.n '' ._,,.,t f•lt lfl• lfH('t••' •'tH• t(l h•• ._. t\.V th•' \\ltVI' ht'\•nk ffft .... '11•·· 1111 II• 11 1• oil 111111tilntl•l'" ltrtl<t"""' ltt'lll full utullhllt WM "" ltloorto•\ looiiHtol lito• llltf''"'' '"' I"'' tilth' lit• o.aw him "'' 111 11 "•'' 1.,.,,, ... .,111 AI pr•·u 11111•'· ~h··rrH'a rn••n 1\-.d ll•·t' hu•loantl, th•• uti I~ knu\\ n ~Ill\ 1\'111' .ltollll I I L'nrlo•l'\1 '"'"· ,,tid tlt'll ~II!' ll'fl tlH' h(IU~I )l''l•'lll t\ I ltl"nlln).: :11 ;tlonul 8 tJ dtll'k I '01ltl"' '·'" th•· ''·" ttl 111111 11 find itll•'•ll l::tll·tl, lt ttdtn~ llw hu<l~ Sh,. h,,rt •PI• II< ni l) l"ll krd tlw t ,,r 11ml 1\itlll II Itt '"' til <tlh Ill lit• "Ill .\UII\ t: 1:-1 SIICl\\~ (hrokl'n lin• ... I lht• I"'Opc...,-.1 '"'d lun "' ('••ntral "'" '" •~· ''"1"""''1 u j " ,.,.~, •·~tl tlt:tlt'(l 11j $:\IH,!U."i. ,\II l1rOJtt'•t1) 11\1111'" frmu ~lt·t'ttcltlt•n l'lllt't' to lhfo J<•tt,\ ~>Ill '"'"'"''"'''I lnt tho• lilt Jotul't•IJit•UI, IU'(·unllllt.: Itt ('It\' t:n.:lnt'('t ,J, fl. \\'t•hh. II htt "!Uti I Itt•)' Wflllld Ito• 1ft Ill ,., ••If tlttoiiJ;h tl11• •I r't'f'l hntorll\'t•tnt•nt d•-nul 1':\ tf'n<l ,,, "'" f'll<l uf I ht• l"'""'~ul~t. I,,, tltrwt ··~t 1 11\'l um:~ """''. John I Cou.ncil Ent· oys Relatively Quiet :--;1111•1•·1 Ill ~llvo•rnolll t'ltlt,VIIf\, '""' I I "" "' "ltl "' """ ,...,." t ht• )'Ollll\ Session·, Deals With Many SubJects 1"'' tiiL;Itl 1"'" ""'1 not "'"'11 him .,.,,.,. ltu:• '"' l••l•t hi• •md., that · 'l1to' ho~f~ I' Ill Ill\' Jlttt\1 11 ~~HI • 11.1:.1 I S •1111 Atilt t~·ndllll.; IIIIWi il! :•I'I'.Jn)..!( nt••nt" ' Motel. Apartment House ·Owners Band Together for Area Promotion 1..~~·.11 mul••l :mtl -a p.11 1tllo't.1 ro•t.tt') uf th•· o•h,trllht•l' ,,( !'Utn· tt,•·t··~· Sluhl\' ~L•••h,,, •·hantht•r II'<'. I· un·r 1111t j l.h tl'fOt hy ·S ul h••• ilmrl, CDM Couple Hit House-Moving Rig on Highway ''~''IHHf lt••tt••h •'It\ •·••Utu-...11 ltt•ltl unr ••f ttu•lr •f'•lrlt"41t .. ~ntt• tn ~•''•·tul uu.uftt, \1 •trulu~ ,. .. 1ht•\ hur rh·•l thruua:h u lunat ··tu•·~•·t u f ruu iiUf' hu~otlttt'"""' '•'\f•rtht'lt•·"''· tht• tUt .. •fllt~ot \\t\tlt ttHt \\llhuttf It~ hh1h ll~lth. I'"P I• tl till" "I I h• t'tl'lltl tl ( ,,, h•l1' j t "''I ··d ,,, Htlll•t I t 1 1''''1"' • •t '"''''''' ''"'' nt "' • -. ••tl ,., \11• ltoottl :'lld·.uld,ll l'i fl , t•l It u 1' hdd , t ,,, ... tl "• r•~ tu~ .,,,,lilt! I 1 11tll',tt\l'i h•• "u' "'"*ntr: '" Ntt"'l•"'' 1u I"' t"lllrtV II \t I' l•·ui n .. tt Newport Beach M!Sgt. Retires After 31 Years •'l"''t:ltdl~ ho~\1• t.nnd•·d tu.:•·th,.t ft, fllttnH•io' lht• lt,,rl•o•l hi<' t S;uul~ Slt'll,..l' u l Sandy'< M<ll• I. I \•a!-1 ltwh"·'~, Cort•na tlo•l !ltur, H•ttl Itt· tla~· Fr ,, I ~ 11 ... 11 u•ltl anti Itt• •• ,,, ;\l.•n•h··•" "f th•• ~','"" unani· Gr~•· 11 ,,1111 Itt .. 1 111~ (;,,1tf, 111 .. 11 111tttl•l) J""1''" 1ft•• itl('ll l •'hnmbcr "\tl\lh '-llt•t•l rtrul t .'• 1fw r t .UIIIItl' nl It t•'llttll It• Itt•• :\t·llt••l1 llufiHtl Y •• l ltt I t11h h 1 t'IIII'II"Ut'l ftlll tit tht• lntlldw.td IIIII' t llntl1 nl th••••• tit• '"''""' \\11' th·· upplftltl hlll ur I • fo't~li••t II hot ll~kt•d loot II "1'1'1 ,., """" ,.,. "'''' lw••u--..• tH ~"It Ynrht flub Will Build To Bulkhead .. r ~· .. mnlo·l'f'<· """ ''"''idNt upon a hi'IIIHI tllll'o'III•Ul..: !'itlllllil11:11 lo lx'· ..:in mmw•lual ••ly A 1 lt'ndin~ w('r<': t(tr·•· t • ·urnnn ff• I '1ul , ''' t • lit )ur•·•l .• 'l •·rdo~~ \\111'11 tit• 11 ''" cra<h• d "''" 11 """~·· 1 .. 111~ "'"' • •I 11 To 11 1•l•• l 'tl) 1\1'111' !"an t:lthn••l A f>'l'~•·nu••r 111 ''"' ll:t~Ht•l<l 1111111, Mrs l·,dnll 1\udd. f-.6. nf Y•1rk\'ltl••. ''''"'''"''"'' ,,,. ""''"''"''I in ,, .... , .. ._ ,.,, •. " h··n· "" t tu" pu~··) ltnttllll'' '" 1l•·•· "f hu•m•·'l.~ 1111w '' h~tlt•,ale• •·nruh""" urHI f)ovt'lti.-.. '111•· ,.,,..,,rtl "1'1" ""'''' tlu· I'!'· '111•'•1 ••f IIRrloflmllllllf'r It u • 1,. II A \'f'll'r an of holh World W Hrs. a nd almn~l 31 yC'nrs o r a('ti\'t• ~··r· l'iet', M Sgl C'Jart'nc.·l.' Ostrandror of Nf'wport Tkach, C'nllf , was n•· tire-d from thr Army rl'cc-ntly 111 Kt•lly Air For et' base, hcadquart- en for the San Antonio Air ck>pot. Fit"<.. I m•••'l in~ nf t h•• J,:rmap 11 n> lwld F"ri<lay, Do'(' 6 111111 11nnllwr n~t•••ltlll: 1111~ twld lust 1-'nday. 11 •~ inll'ndl'd that lh<' g-roup m•~·l fur lunchf'on each Priday at th•· Crown of th<' S<•n on Coast hh:h· wa,y. All rental property owners ft.nd openttortl ·~ lnvttf'd. Snmly .Stt•ln••r, S t-: Nl'w('omb, :0.1n'll,.·1••1. AI \\'inn .. r. Lltmpt•rt's rnutl'l. E. E . B~t·~:~·r. LMo H nven mntl'l: J 1-:. J urkson, MPSa motel: II. "us also lnjurro. "'""' tbe f'Jty C'OUIM'AI ,_ ~ ,..,.. ... a IMtiH af ...... ...,,_.._ ............ l'• tti~>: '" "'"'"" Annftnct P JlftJI· '''""· AIIN•t·t II Clbt-f'1l, IWlH!n B MnN'. and (1\H\f'r J: J\oiWfll .. 11pl!'dal offlcen to patrol tbf har- Sc~cant Ostrand('r c>nlistc-d AS a privAte in June-, 1916, nnd dur· in~ his rlrst rourt"<'" years sC'rvNJ in lht' Infantry hrf<)r<' tran..<lf••rrin).: '" the-Air F uri'C'S in April 1'1:11\ nurin~ \\'orlli \\'ar 1, hC' ~{'r\'C'tl with th•· 139th J nf:mtry in Fr:~nl'ro, antl wns wouniiNi twil'f' in a ction. AI Fritlay's m('('ting, ~('Sill or the group WC'rl': H a rry Wt>lch. !II'C· E . L. Munz)·. Staae mole I; L.. L.. ()ffiet>ra convoyln& I he houllt' J onas. Surf npllrlmtnts; Bcveorty 4!4M ....., at1empt.cl to n11a ft...,. Lil'ntz. Vtlln Mr~rina and J11rk fiPid rl nwn ltut '""' 111• fAll•·ti '" \Vollmnn Mtrad•• Milt• m ntt•l ~top Tho• l':lr Wl'nl und•·r !Itt· htiU!Iif• t I ar 11~ I Ill' Wlntbhlt•lll p~RIC thfo Junior f'II11111Jwor of , .... ..,, .... ,..,. •• LhUiktt , .. , lhfo 1100 rcratulty trrutlf'd hy thf' ..tty t'IIIIIWII fur C 'hrt~lnuuo clt'<'<lra - tllln,, M•~·., o. n. ~~ h~l n11l,\ """ Nlllllllf'fll I•• m.U.r . w . A1'4'"Wll1-~ 111~ RfM 'ftu!WtM'IIil lor' I"" o·lul~•· <of II ~"'I' 101"'" prohllhllll)• lllmllar ~ '"~"'" "' '"'''''''''''"''" "'' l ~otlt .n·,,.., fron~ prlvnlf' <rwnf'f'll of wat~ 111 No'Wft011 llt·t..:ht' ('•••I \.\lto<o·~ll 1"''1"'1'1)' IH"'ttll111 lhl' hAt1Jor. Jl\rr. 11111,,.,. ,, $11 !~ tl"'r t'MJIII'1111• frar •lmiiAr IV'f"Yllla, Valentine Scrip Case Denied by U. S. WATSON TO Thf' frt• lll'l'llon \\'St.; flt•tllflll~lll"rl Thl' f,,lfl•'lfl~ ttnd ll1•·11 1• ~~~· n lh•• Nlltnrll will llNI, fnllnwlnlf thctr tll'rl•lnn In fll""f of 1111' VIIC'hl •·tub, "'lit llk••ll• '"' tl•onh•tf RUN AGAIN J.:•'r w o•r •· lr l'ltl•·•l foor 1111n••1 111 jut'H'!I at 1h•· 'l'••llli•lo · I 'tl) I Ill• t ..:,..nry ltos ),lt.d. ...... , ... '"'""' It", .... -···· .. ,... ., .. '"''""' fn• It '"" ~t·1;ulltll,ri Htl Jlh I fttllldfll .. : \'II" fl lllllt•d I,, U• •• , .. , "' th· I tlllll• II ,, ... ,.,, tl ,.,, ,,,, , 1 ... , ''"', "•It 11 .. r• '"'•···I •. " • l!'t t•rt h~t ~ \\ft, H' d \\t•fllltJ' Ill' t IHI I t1Jt l1•d Among ~t·rgl'anl ()~trnndl'r'!: llii'R rd~ 11ncl d••f'l'l':tli!>n" durin~ Itt~ l1lll).: c·nrN•r . nrt' th•• l\lt•\ican l111r· <IN' S <•lvi<'<' m<'<hd. Vwl<ll'~ tn••<l:tl \\'odd \\'nr 1 with I hrr•l' ('111'1'' Amr•rirnn T h• llto·r rlhhon, Aml'ri· l'nn n..rt·n~·· mt•tl;tl, Vtl'tor r m l"rlnl, ETO rthl11 on I lt•ruratin n rihhnn, c;,•t·m:m~, n nol 1 hr ~ood C'ondul'l "'' <1.11 ill \\·, .. lei \\'or H C'ity 1\llnrn•·~· Jtnlnnd 'n lllmf¥.<"" ~110 ."•'''"IIIII~ thnt tloro applll'ft• Ilion ol 1111' Vl,l.t l .:tnrl C'l\., \t hf'l hml r lllttn•·<l 11 -r;tk•• hy Vall•nt tn•• •<'I 11• lr• fn1m••r· f••dPrail) -owncrl hm·l~ •m lhr 11 \tnt· pr•>t••rt~~ had l"'"n d t•nu·rl lt1 tlw l l<•f)llt'lltw nt "' l ntt•tttor . I 1111· '''t'IJt, 1\l'l'flllhn~ In ('tiY Arl· I mina<t r:iltl " t ,,,,..,., .l .. htt S 111"' BALBOA I StAND MAN h,t< ••'<'i"l'lnlll.h l11·• n uwd In :tl 1o•n1pl' 111 ·l,tlk 1 I tlllt 111 ,,n•l NAMED c.o. 819th llll'••ltlld ~ .. "!"'''' Ht•:tl'h TRANSPORT co. rn dill•·. 1111' J l•·r••llllfl••nl nf In· 1 l••ttor h'" 1••111~1'11 rtil •l:11m' unci I p,.,.,...,,,, ol ~:tn Frnnf'i!'•'•l. (',tllf :tpfM'!lb. ("apl.tln OrTm \\' \\'11g ht :!fl1 At;:tl•· Sl , l in II••>;• 1•1nnd ha• I" •'II n:mwrl N•mmanc!in~ nffw<•r of Ill•· nt•wlv ;tC'ltvatc•d ~1 1lth Tr:~n;,to<ttllt• 1 tnn Purl ('n . an nq!Aili7N1 '''"''"''' OK Half of Pay For Recreation •·nrps ~tntf llllh hlomt' Slitllfln ttl p) d H d Hnlhort. StXIh Army h•·llrqu,trl•·r~ aygroun ea onnullnl'•·d ri'C'I'nlly I A ,.,.,•ro•t•t 10n11l rn·n~t·am, ''"'" Thil'> un it is f•ntitl,•d Ill hi<t or~· .... nn'li ''' thl' hu11nl of ••dtH'Illllotl. hnll)l' hnn11n. and :lny t'lllllt'< ho 1\tll Ill" 'm:tll'rillll~ niriNI, 11 t1o•vnl· lonj:;in g In lh!' 57Rth 1'ran~fY1rln· opr1t yr•l<'rdny. \.\hl'n tht• f'ity 1 ion C'orps Scr\;1'!' C"ompan~. ln· [;1t h••t-:< nf N•·,.·pnrt .IW'arh Vf'll••d artiv:11t•<l M11y :11 , 1!147 ~1at1 111~ to •·~tnlriltUI•• ~1750 In '<11111'1•"' lor :~drlr•t•~oo i' 14M FN I••ra l fluilthn~;. I a play ground SUJlC"I'inl('ndront. I~ An~:•· II'S ·nw m.,,.,.. ,. "' m:"'" a ftl'r I hi' WOMAN DRAWS FINE, YEAR'S PROBATION FOR DRUNK DRIVING I'll\' lttlomr•l' hMI rrf'l"'t'trod th:tl pllrtic·•r<~t•"n-ln ro•rrNtl1ttnal rH'III't· '"'"· RlllhnrizNI unrl<•r th,. stntl' t'fltJC'n1innnl <'<)(!••. was lrognl. Although thr •'ounl'il 'tipulut,..d that th,. ~um from thl' city w•1ulrl MnrgArl't !;; h 1 r I I' y Lnwrl'nCr, h•• u~M onh for ~ltlarir!: the m nl· Rich11rt1son's Yllcht LAnding, Wll~ tl'r of whl'ihf'r to h irf' n rlirrctor founrl guilty yC'R II'rdAy on a rlrunk nr n:lml' 11 ht)llrd of flvr Mtlzcns drivmg <'han:<'-w ho would ~"'"'" grnti~ w ns not S he• was finc-d $250 with $100 dcdcll.'d. "Ul!f'X'n(!rd 11nd put on a onr ycar Th<' ~rhnol lv-.nrll hnrl ('st imalf'd proh~tlion for nn r <'J)("<ttC'd !limilnr that ~niRril's w oulrl ('1)!11 $.'\.')()(). chnrgN;. H l'r nJX'rnlor 'll liet'n!l<' WR~ I ThPY Will prl'sumnhl~· JliiY lhr also tmsf1('ndNi for 90 daYll hnlancc. S''""'''' ( 'llil• A \VIrts• II, ,, tl ·t ;ol '''·' ''II" lh1 <~lid,,,.,,. I·~· "''""' '""'' hltrllllltll'l d thltl ltl would II•· 11 l'ltlldtdlt t•• I•• •w-r• • tl t.lm,,•l f Ill tilt • ]t'J!t'l:tl llr•·'~ IIIII ~ I huu~·· ;,f lltl' ,Jun" 1•r11nary •·l•·•·ti••ll II•· h• o'ltntt• I h•· f1r<l 111 <tlllltl\1111 '' ltffirudly lnr th•· lnp •pot in I " IIIII(•' ('Oil til) ·s 11111 Ill' l•f Offlf'l . .i dom I I•· 11111 ~····k " full fr>llr yo•11r ll•rm Y.'r~lston, whn r111 111 Y''lll'll "''" nn AsM<·mhlyrnoon rn•m tit•• 'T•Illo cl1s tnr t r,f s••ulh<•rn (It anr;t• Nltll> ty, w11~ r•l•·r•t1••1 S••r1111<•r an l!tlti tn fill thr un••xp1r••l1 t••rm ,,f Thnmn~ I I ITnmmy I Kud1~"l. n••w ~tal<• l'llnlrnllf'r ()rl(Rni71ttinns Rnd tnrltViflu;ol• 111ikf' f••lllif'lnt·rl \\'ltl Sttll In rt•t•nl• t hi!<: nllm f' in th•• pohtiral l'<'•·n• with which ht• i!l Sll r:nnihllr WATER-BEHIND-DAMS 'SAVINGS ACCT.' PERILLED R!'t't'nl rnin~ whkh f<•ll on Soulht'rn ('alifnrnia'~ p nrc II ro d fil'ld~ cam,. 8!'> if In Rnl'>WI'r lo lhl' statt>'s prayo·r!' hut its no t lin'lf' to ~'''Jl pra~·ing yl't C'•mltntllr-.:. h11rd-dri\·in1t r ains rtrf' ~1111 nroNiro<l. And h"""Y ~nowfnll in lh•• mmtn· tatn~ tM. ''' a\·,..rt 11 SC'fl<lll~ '"m· ml'r shnrlnl:<' of irri$!11ltttn w;~t•·r nnd f'l"'"''r ~o !:;JI'!' f'llf'1ltC' Ci11s nnli F l•"'· tril' pr,.~ldr·nt .Jtt nw• n R la r k "1t01 t11Cia~ t'l•llnS•·IIo·<l "l·:,·,..r y kll1111 til hnur ~ .. \'1·!1 I> 11'111• r lw htnd 11,.. ""m .. Tit• Tl•onn~"r l ' 1rl) 11 h11• '"'''" •·h~· r\• rl. llnlllli Ill•'•' lvHI no fltf. (11'1111\ \llr mn m l1111.: thro Sirrrn~ lht~ "in t•:r 11 I< tht· "inlfr •"flnt< p,,l'k n"rmklll 1:0 tor .!It f1'<'l tJ••t·f\ l •n ''ll><t r;·gtOn~ wbtch for WC'r'k!l hn\'ro ~hn\l'n nnly lra('ro!l: of !lllOW·-~----- thnt pt~trs ttw m:~jnr rolr· in wntrr ASK RADIAL BEACON l'uriS<'r\';'1 t irtn A!l on!' r•nl(inC'l'r hR!l rcmarkNI, \\' A I< it k , form••r rnttrl!'tl t~'''" m nn-m:ltll' r•'"''r"llrs nrl' lhl' f nrm· )t•Sll'r<llt}' ~~~lt.•'rl th• •·t1t' nl '1 11 r·r'~ rhN'klm: n,..rnunl, hut tht· J••lf 1\c·M h '" T"'l""'' '"' ,.,,,,,, snow p;v·k 1.~ hi~ !'>"., lgn~ ocl'nunt I Clll•lll .. 1 l lmJ!' I!• :,r h '" • 1" I • TV•t'llll~' lht• "•filing!! llf'('t'ottnl " rto•llltl I•• ,,,.,,n 1\11 •h• '"" ,,f tloo ' is ti••Pl"t••ri, t 'lllifnrn>ltn~ ;'Iff' 1in:· jt tl\'. , r1 t.1 th o •I ttl• , I""'' r. lnrhl~lry In Thl' m ltt'•'l I'·•• 1• I• r r•-<1 '"I 't'l •·•·n~•l "' in tlw u•l' of r·lt'!'lri,.il) A<l nuni,tr tll\'t• '•ff ••·• r ·'"'" ~'"' u nt1l t it• rom• r~· n•'\' i~ r•·soh·N1 or~. F nrt•lrHtl• II. 1\<·n tln<l<·r lh• '"'''1 nf ''""'''''""< rh•· • nv Tl'"ll''\ 1~ 1 I"' I "til '"' •lu•r 1 ll\'1 <1, 11~ m :tjllr 1 ~P'•II' "'" of ft<•l\ • r f ,,rllll it·~ '" "'"''"'''II rr.r t• .. m p:. I 100 bl' 1ht <'nrl••f th•· 1•·ar ,\nd 11 lit!" w 1n1 "r "''"T'Tfl~ m~tkl' 11p fr•r Ntrlv wtnl"l' d ro\!lh. n11 VII''"' t•'"" ~horl/t"' •ht1Ulrl ,,., r·lnp llt'IU U'" :-ITOI.f':S !>l r~ F l,,r, n,..,, Hlm:t. :1'" I \1 '' r tJ". sh••t. ':'\t\\Jtttrf t•J,.,•f''d h•t * 1'•41 1\tli~'l' hrllkrn in'" 1t ''" I .1•111 I I''"''" p:t tl,.n.· ,,,, Jl"t '·I ll Yo'J111Io.w IHlfi lht' rlttltl V.'l ft lunk• • n r '"'' th• fplltfitl~ ""rt' ~~~""' a• ~t11l••n '* r• • t . ~~"I ,j '• 11111'1 IIIII '"'' ,.,,.. • 1,,, I ·' II\ j fl I I I,,,,, "•'•I Atftt lfO•d ~· lfld S11n1t1 """ H• ,, , fl!•tlf 1 ,, '" 11 ''' • r t • ., n h• :., "'' l 'l t!u .Jq~.H('I' of f~t .,,., • • ·• t I 1 t. Heart A tta(·k Fells Woman On B. I. BridKt· I, I I ""'I ttl 11 Suffo•tin).: n h• .,, , t , '' " I ',It J;,t tl•· Vttl••nt Itt• ;,: "' I • I I,., f'W11rh hotjlf•\.tlll J \1111" ·•I f· I unrl rl'l"<•ivNI 11 '"'"'"''' · 1 til 11 lurl' lhts ufl•·n··~·tt "'' •II• \! '' ''' t" .,. I •·I I' •lttllll , ,.,,. I h i• J I I II h· I I • ., ll ' I .pit f "" ttl lin I li ! I. d d ftf I I' 1'11•1· "'I t ' ,, t I ,. t I I I I .. ,I I I II• I• w I ' ,, ., I ,, ' ,, I tfl I (• I tjtf1tt\: :--;. ',., '"' ·'••tilt '-.ll~tiiJ \\ \' l I Jllf••fi II •• 11( pql t.l Ttw-t If' t•uutwll .. t.:u•'41 u ,.,.,, ,, ..... 1\llh u ... •l•h • hl•h""' tl••tm ttttu·ut "ltlt·h I''"' lth•-. t '''" ""' ~,,.,,. ,.,., lll:\11 '''"'~ "" tuu uth" " th•• ••It\ utft '"'"'11' 4 ""'' hi.:Ju\ It\ tu ttu-\ltrtu It• 1 ''"'' uutl Itt C nrurut tlt•l \tur. 'lfw t ••t•lu •tl f tf\ t ""-"'''''' .I II tn~t • '''"' ltttttf I"'' •Itt' I I It \\,,..II lit •• \ I ' H I ........ llttlf'fl IC•••·• 1\ ,. \\ uu tlnL: • rl•~t "H~tf '"""L:h", \\ t·hh h1 \ • It,, 1·•1 '' t, 'd f• •,d ~ 1'1 ,,., .. ,, lt·•l ttu• u•hlt •• ttw t ttu·\ tuut t.,-.t h·r "rnt. tf ntl\\''''· \\ ,., • 1• 1 ' 1 1' '• 1 1 ···1 lu·t •· tult;ftf '"' htur•• tt~t ''' ,, l ttdt t!t\ \\t ''"'''" lftotllt t l ,, ........ h·· ,,. •••. '114.\"' u" '' l • . J It (. I \It ,,,,. \ l't ,f I I I I H•~•·•l ftii••H•••f ftt~tl. ttl ""' rtt t•·, l't •lltJ • "' ttd t' "'Iff t '.)1, I•' tit•· .u, I,, .. ,,, "'"''''It th•· htwl• J•l 1., ,1 '~I '* l t l•h l u f "l \\,t\ "~1.\t•'~ "•ufft" I ~ tt t .. H tHft, IJI.Itn llt .j It 1, I I·' ,, q ' ,, I '"''j,,• + ... d ttll l ,, """""'V ·•' I lit ,, .. ,, ••• ,,,, .H u 1 fl ,, I It ff ,l lfl f tufn 1 •If 1 ·,, 'I"'" I 1•1• r (,,, .,., •• P ,,(lp 1 jjl ,, ,,,, ~" H'l I fll lfllf!,' I,, Ill II' t ,. W • llfl11 ')HI'-\ """ f t1'1+f ,., I( I• 111 •, t' I , 1•. til h••'l t dH d '"•••l•rul "''It t•·f••flf•d Itt tlw httild ,,,,, II Ill 1•1••1-' j l ~ ,,Hf"q' ltfl I t (',,lltllttH·fl ,,, lt~tt'k ,.,." .. ' ,,,. • .... , ... liflll Ill rnvnr ,, thfo '<'"'"' "'"" "'" 1111111r• fnUt~wln" re-'Olflllt)O'Ifolotllotfl~ flo•llvo•N'C1 hy nt~ t·:llt'ltll'•r .1 It W••hlt 111111 f•>nn« t'llltll"'''' I( I. 1'111 ''''""'" 11 111•· r~·""''" ""' 111111 ""' r ll.7 ...... 1111 "''''"""'''' "" ''" INNI6Ut ~ >hltlnlttl' '""~tnwllttt111f lnalkhl'ltdi l"r -..-.htf '', . .,,.,lift'"' urll''"" "J'If'(1· , .th ,., ... ,,,,., lo1 ''"' rlt y t'lttlntil. I Sttt• ,. Itt n•flOII ••~<••·14 wn••·rfr<>nt !•1••1•' f l \ tt\.\111 I" tr\\" l11 lh1 htlfk JJ, 11! lift,• I\\ h uh ntt•IIUM I h/\f _.,.,.. 1.,, '"''' 1.,,,,.,,,\ ''""''I ' w,.t.·r\ I''' , "'''t•tl·•tt Itt'"'''' •• r ''"' ynd rt I'"'' I I'\ I•'' '"" '" 1••1111 '" ~hllllll.r lt••tiJ'''-1 f Httl~ ftd\'Hit• t•ltllf•f)H fO 1" 11 ld 1• • 1 Ito• I" tile li••tt• I I in I' I c , .. , ....... , '1•. ,, ,,,....t 1 ,,,, "hi • 1111.' tl v ,, J,•;u·uM'I. I "''' r1d• tn ftll "' nnd hnt•r .. v•· u n- "'1", ,., r., 1 '"'" th ' '' 1y .,,,1\t ''"' lu ''"'"'' , .. ,,.,, u .. ,. r·~·~ I • lil o·d It\ tl .. •••II t 1111111• nl tlwlr I•''"""' II·~··· '11tl• 1111, II Wl\11 • tl1 d \\JII l1• tJ•t·d fo t t tof'f'''•· I tHttlol ltlll foi~ t '' h ttd '"'' 1111111 •l•lf'· "~ ,,. '11••' rtn111• .. 111 tho·n 1>1'· tdlti'II IMt 'M'""""· lull wllliltt lltt· lunlt,. nf '"'' pi• I ht•ftfl 1111''. It WII.O ,., .. 1 Rvm11ro luidw• l hll>", I '"'" I nr E (; Hr<•tn h l• "''" II' I Reveals Gross Inadequacy of Local School Fund Support Asked ~iManr,. .. r ~~~·.tl t ••l~<·• ''"'" 11 ,. inJIIN'fl Wllnl:tn '" "" """. "' •I ,,, I Plant as nntl ~ummf•n•·d ''" ;uplnll ''~'' ,,,, Expansion •nk f" Hrr to St '''"'''l4h fp fll1 II t·, t~~.-.1 d· ,, 1, t , 'f'·l""i''" " "''I h••ll"• lh•·'-•' ltl•ll" r •'t·•''''-. J't '• J'• fH't:tl 'ltlllili••f l 1,n VIUII' J<tndt•r- Santn A na 111 ,11,,,, 111 ,111 , .. ,111.o1 'l'lw .,.,., lhl'''"' '"' , ''•·nd•·•t t•lll•tt'Jo l •·•I ''"~''''" ·n '"'""'' lwtt ••·a<·h•'T'll. M~. Vlllt"nltrlt' ht~d 11'''011 t•tll ,,_, ''''"" ,, I' lltfOIJ1l.' up 1•11 l•'lh urttHnrt h Olt \:htlfl \.,,.,,,,,,nttl train .. ,,, ,,.,,,,., 1 .. 1 wru•l•· 77 ''"fl"·· IN! hf'r hll~lomttllo ll .. fll,.lo 1 i .• ntl 1 , .,,,, ,. '"' 111 ''''i'""'"'""'U IIW ltr•· tll•lw l•·•l ltt lltt• I''""~ """' lttwltt'l''. lwn rnnllUI. :.!net fur a fisltin~ fltttn1 II•· '"'' '"" ""' , todd•• 11 1,,.,1., • ""' tll•lllltl 1 ·'f',, """'" 1''''1"'' '' ""''" lrt v•nrl•· IH 1"'1"1•. thrf't' ll'ltl·hrna. In~ nl lh•• 11111•· •II•· "'ft••n·d tit• 1. """, t•1, ,, 11t 1""''''''' '"' "' "Ill• "''"~' li"Jt'l~ '' '''" ltt•t ~''"''"I twrt '""'tt" :lttl l(rftllt• f\7 puplle. nttn(•k . """•'lH h otfld ,,, 11ftrtl'' flllll I Nit huw· fHI ffiOII' ltllltl ~·'l trl ltw I"' tWft t.·nt'tll'l li f)Ot· rufUl' POLICE COMPLAIN TO POLICE; OAT-BURNER BACK OF IT ALL P ollrl" r•·omllllllnlnK t<• 1"•11•·•· "'•• a n""' a.n~th· t•n •·ttunt•·r•l•l ''' ltM'aJ t~ffi..,·r.• Nttlurll•" nt~trnlnt.: Muta An" 1.-•11• ,. • ttll•·•l 1 h•• l• ... aJ "'"""" , ...... l•htllllrtr.: "'"' •u mMtftl' ",.. '''JH'Itft•tlh • ulllttl( llt,.tr •latl"n and h•·• J.llrlt~ th o"' fur lnfurnu1Uun .,, ...,,,, .. , "'"' f "'hrn 1,,..,., ,,,,, . .., • I""'"'' t '"' ran-..,, ... , '"""'' th,·n• tu •••• ··da: lnattnr ·., ""' So•\\ purl t•h•r Ph•'"l' hfo<tllr. l'li I"Wpnrt 1"•11• •• l'lfl'<·k•'ll Itt•· plrr anrt ''"'"'' t,, . .,,lf•· \\. \I, ('ul•t .. n. Ill():, \\. 2n1l "''""'· Mula An" m .. r,. lh•n \.\1lltnr '" tr1vr 11ft ln•• .. tr•·r •nl .. tnr~ <of I<I"'IC l"d ...... kl·· "l"''"""n• "'"n'''''"' •. IMifn,. tl m , .. MH'ul•tl'lll \Ia• taJio·n '" lit•• atat1011 anlt htl(lkNJ fltf llll•·a•·d pabllf' latmrlt'all'"'. , 11 It ., '''""" \' ,1 .. ,,, ,,,,1, Jlt•t "'' rtuu\ l:raclt•~~t und :,~, Wtrtlltl tw 1tw 1\httVt' fl!"ll''" ,. r ,. ttulflt• nf It J 11,1~11 MIJ~ t lllloOttdfttt1 nl l•lllt \t'l \' lltlt~lllttlflt ill I Itt· l111:lll'f llttl<" ~ ll'lnj' ftlf' ,j11uhll' fl('tiiiiOn !11 ~~ f (r'•l" \\It'' uaf ••11111' rl (,,.,,,"' "-''''''' '' fw•t'lf'l"• t~f "'' IH,.k of ftu·IHH• ... 1,,.j ,, th .t \~o.,,ild •H'fl''·"' '''' ''' , .. ,.,,_,.,. fh•J ~1~tr lltVI N•·Wp•,rt ~"l"''""'''"''''fl4 J'o;nNtKn ,.,.,,.,.1 ttw lqr•I'•P '"' ,,,,.,,,J I''"'''''' J:lltrtlltlilr v ho,,l,. tHtV•· It frrurwtlltftt p1t.ldt'frl 1.-not ,.,_. of ( .1 ,,,,, 11 "'''' '''"'·'''",. •·n~t''j ''''"I '''ll'•llru~'·nt In f•Xf~~·~~ ''' ...,,.,.,,.,,.~ ft ·u~*lu '" ttut ntw ,,, ,.,,110111! ,, •1.,11 • "t1 ttHrnlilf• ,., l\111 rr11n•lt• 'i ""' h · h•utdt• tl litHI ""l'<t v 'f'hutv " .. tt l•'t•••n'f Atldn.,,nrd tt•Ar lu-rt d 111•, ,, 'tit• tt••t ''" kuul• q•~t rt•·ll • '''ht '' "''"' ,,. h:•tHtl, ... ttlf tht• ''' ,.,.,"'''' If lit•\•· l fl• fliV••rt•ruwtllnll , 1, dt•, I r•·•~'" • \J•I '"'' d, 'ltttrl "''''H ,,.,, ,,( tin• IHIS''' tt ff• "'' ''"'1 '•"''' 'H lh•t •'lh'·'f'"''n"' urt· f.•rr .. ,''1'' PU!'I''" f"t thdtl r•n Ut tht· f(trttl•n•:utt•o lid H ntl 2tt(l \td t tl .,., .. J•'''l"'''""t Mt'h;.••l tUNi'W· 1· • 1 •I l··t "' I ,., .,d t .. J .,,1,11' 111 J't 11d•' tw \t' tuul In rltt1tl1h• "''""•i••n I I"" 1 I It t~·llf '4 wtll ,,,., ,,uly rtlJIPVC! ,., t 1 Hit n'l I te~t. •I r; llu fl t fll""''" f tt~t;filt ''''"'"~ fi11 Ht1 J IIt• ''-I ltrtJ' pr ;,ltfttJ1 l111f ftr••Vh1e 'I'H + •I . . " ',,,, .. d llh. "'"' It It It' ht·t "'" twr J'PttiJt ,, f•H r•d •u ,. ··~t•Hfl'-lt tfl ,,, ..... "''tine ~~ ' I . I' I""' I;.,.,, •' q,, q ,, , '.~ .... ,.,Ill h elf .. ""' ,,,, ,,,, ,.,,., ., , H I· • •t t •• I q • "' t•·•tlltr• '' ltHtt'JI•' und '' •'••nrl Itt• '' I' i! 1111• ''"''n'·•· t•t'HrtfA ''lit I I I ' J f J'l 'l••f tdt~ ,jljtttl:tl ft htft•f IHot l fit• '•.tlllit 1'-''f'l \\ttl! fiJt\i f••f ••tJ fllttft tlflll Ot!tfl't'ftl' .. '14. · d ' ,, r , •I thh • n •H•f • •n••"••' • "'" t ''~'~'' "'1'" '"' •un ,,·, d•, .. t. • ""''"''''tl' Votu rh tU':e(i, t' d '•' H t fp tlf •lrfl !:""' tutfh •It ''t •Iff• I lll td • '' lt>t\' u ndPI '''h'Udr•rntlt;n fear th .. I ' ., ... \\, f, f 'tl•tf 11'1 '" '*'11'1' 11 h lttlr1~' 11,.,,. • I .IP,Il"tl uutu•:tl'•fl tllt"h (•n · .tdr ,,,,ulnl•'''''' t-n._,,,, f .. l N•V•f"'''' t~··h ' •J .. . '' ,, tl t 'lit t t ... , tt lrl'-'f I H 1 t h :111d kilo f• •I I lit Ill ~,, .. ,,,,., ,1,.,,, .,, 1 1 "' 1,t, tttlht,1ni•J•''"fl ,, th• 5,r''"''tlf fl"Oit "<7 t•'tJ•d tit•• '''''''' ''"' •;Ill·'''"~' \"-fl'"''ufh;tthts.thP"r ,,,..,"' k,;,,,,,, .... ,,n 71 I•HJ u: }\tudt·'\\\ttUtl•t\• 1~t flouhlt~u1,tlu·tl' t\.oo I• '" It• ·~ "'" "~'"'· '.lrHI I'• loti• ,,,, "'"' ~ It I' Ill ""'~''' up~ 1 " 0 '·• 1 , t '' ,, 11flt~n•uu1, Jo'i • 1''•1" 1 ., I ,,,,., ''· t \\O •1 ' .1 ,. 1 1, .:rnut•tt lhfol '"' ft•ltr" the lnAdv\6. I nnrt t"m-..,-ny-.• l"'~lf ht• 'trlf'•t,t•tt I IJIIfrl.,.. :lt tl Jff otl lt "• f• rfH )I ,\ift o•d ''./'' h• 1 ', o11tt• t •~•Ill l ul•tl tl V 1•1 ~lie It jllllt'l·dllll' WIJI .. 1 Tit• lt•·w ,, h•H•I l"''l"'~l'll l•l l rt l 'nrnnu tlt•l Mtol , ttw Mnmf• mttt't' 1'\'Jtl••n t -- ) t=~---==:--------=----------------:--------- Throngs Witness Balboa Scout-0-Rima Week~ End Spectacle _p~~ 2--~~~~0R~ •. ,?a!~!\~, ~~~w~.~~~~o~!1~ ------------BY LAND, -BY-AJR ...;__·N-0-W, s ·y SEA I tTwo-D_ay Event Draws Throngs To Rendezvous lDisbursements ·Of City Hit $151,1:19-97 BALBOA ARMY MAN RE-ENLISTS RUSSIANS BLAM·E · ALLIES t . ~ \rttt\ t•h to'W• t~\t'ft'l1 FOR WORLD WAR II 1,'\ fH.tttl(•' t nUtll\ IIII'U l11 ..... ,. t ( ht• rl·-.. · t \\ .. '!fl f I. ~h ... ·il'ratl c•rut-w•r"" lu luk•· MOSCOW . 1 l 'l' • Sn\ h t Hu'''·' dln rgt'lt Wtll\) 111111 tho• "·f~'"''" b lltty for \\'o~Jiol \\ .... ll I•·~ 1111 tl~o· shouldt•n< o( tl,.. t 'loll• •I ~tal•" \.1'1'1\l [k11111n and !''·"''''' In n (i()n(l·'"''" ''"'''')11•111 to· plyin~ \(1 thr• '-''C'J~·t oh ~•ttl11t·nt~ "'' Ru,,tfln·(;,·rnl .• n d1p1"11' .,,,. I• I;• t aons mad•· publw J)l !))" l"liltl··d Slittl"' la~t """''" ~q,,in l'hlllt.:o·ol t h1t.l n "uolrl•·" 1 ,,,n "' Am~'t'ican dolla ~" hullt up ·'""" l litl•·r', Whr ""'' luno• ;mol tha t An~J, f"h.•n('h »Pf'''·,"'"li'nt plll C••t nm11~ In a pn~ll ll•n '" ~tl tl~>· 11111111 Ho•d>o·ro•llo·o·, 11n•l ~1:111.! old l 'l. '111• \rihtlf fur '''11111' I ttl lttld II\ till' J\1 tll'h lllof• I I II 111t•t tn 1""'"'''"1.: 1111 h•1 fl ''nJ.:I• •I t1UI .l••hn l·u •• I 1>'111••' Alf 111 \\••J,h !)II IIo•• •tlt•l J onto'' \' b oll o• lol I o·~•;,1fiii1J.; I fto I t Hftlltt 11""' Vdth ( ;t'lfJl.tH t•:q ul.tl I h l to 'l'h1" "·" 1h• lu<t ""''IJ,."• ttu · .. ~,·· .,, ,\Jl1i•f tf''lll , .... ,,.." l tdd \ f111 }Jlii•IH••:t~~~~~~~P itifl lh• tlfrtl flit rtl _,.tttf 'r1H loot1f'IIHd "-l.t~'t \' I 1 lh•• p liJt•\ ul •'l'l"'"'''llll'rlf .a nd lit• It tJI.II!'IH11~tn nl \ ~ttl••t'l l\•• '-t't IIIII> "h11h wa • ~"ll~h• lty Hu"'·' I'' 11\;ol J'l'l ":" ,~·•il •l ,, 'till 'J,,,1 "'' t•·t h I"'"',, dttl ,.,,, t·• lto'\1' lh" ''"I" 1111.: llill••lll• ,, ' .... ,.!f l'*''l•lrt \\jj' d tl\a:l I1HI hi I i I o ..... t.t '"" · ft. \\. (:tu~. ft. Klrtlt._, .. K. R•·•" II it,.,...,., ~1ujllr ,John S. ,\1ulr, M~:( I .. hod•; '!nrl r11\l: T. '\ulh .• 1. I>• t •L•l'~•·· \. ~lft>nl•'""· \\. C ~rutnuu ; Sr•l '"" I ''''"art, \. 1\o,o•r , .J. 1\ullrr. '111(' twn-1!.1~ "fl<'<'llll'lt· of ,(·tout- in~.: ''"J.:•·d lh ttw Boy Sl'out~ nf Alni'IIC'It 1111fl . < 'ul, Scnut' t•,•rn•· lo ;on •·nd ~unda~ rughl "~ IIi< c•t.zf,tln \\;1 ... run..: dt,\\ r\ l'll tht llnajUt' ~t'<llJt-(1-Rilllllt hl'ld ttnqt•r' 1tu· 1\IJ...,pH'•''\ t tl lth• (lt, n1~·· )~:ru ... Iff '•' llt•t •d COUfH'il, 1 :'\m .. l~•Y Sc·o»tl~ .utd uno• . .;cout- m ,t,lo•r l't'C't•l\'<·d tho· E.,glo• ll;ul~<·. I h11.:h•"' ""·"" -•·••ttlrnr.: t•ff··~' 111 lllh• liot .:•·-1 'Ill~),• l•l<''l'llliii!Oil. lof tho • oi\\,Ud Ill lht• ht-rnty n( 1111' 1 11!;'"1.:'' 1-.mpit.· ,,,,., t·fltto.-11. 'l111• pr•·"·lllitltnn ""' 01 llll·h hght uf tlw "'"""''' S t'lllll·( t.ft:lllt;t 1"111\dUt ,,., Saturclay ltnrl Sunday tn lho· lt••ndt•t\'tolh lhollt lootn, which tln·w ·•ll '''''"'"'•·d 1011("1 ,.j,,,.,,, I!Htf c;,.,,l,Jil~ l:tC'•·n "II h••ul t • S Cllpt\.1h~tt<' .\llf!p<>rl .o flcl Il l' "I:'Ufl'l a f1nn pnhr~ uf rull,.•ll\o• '''''IIlii\ f mm t:n~o:IAnol lllotl ~-,,,,,. •· th•· n oll' "ilirl. \\'ol'ld \\'111' II \l •Hild h ll\'o• h N.·n l'nclo•d 111 t til' fit'' ~,at with Hitlt>r'>-r1. r. ·'' tf1•'\' plltllll<'<l 111 !111• 1'1 II ' t'l\\,olof ,;."'"t'l n .. ~-1.· ~, ... -t.tl······ 1' 1 DEF!NE · 'lt.ll ~··d LEGITIMATE INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS _R~C'('i\~ing t ho•t'UVl.<lt·ll hulloo·\\,,1',' . l.otJ\ Slt~lllo~n :~nd Htorl . .td :\1•••· ) 1'.~·•·. ·,.r"~"'P .!:.!. Snu1a An :t, ·c;, n .. .Tiw dOC'Umt>nl '"l"r"'"' ''"'") l'!)<-<'Jftl'<i ln-t.1nt'>'' uf 1 h•· i\mo·rl- l'l\11 finnnC'i:tl h;wk tlll! ••I Ill•· 1;,.1 m fln war mad11n1 and ,f tho· An- ~lo-F'n:'nC'h ni~.ll')' \\ hwh. tl Mirl. 1!'11 tt'l \\'ou \\"11r II II Jllll fl-11'111'11 · ,,,.,.,, tin tlw OftwC"< n•1~:t rut i••n pl;m whwh 11 satd. ht•lnc<l ''' '''hutld th•· t:.•n nun ann~(·~ .. 'tnd11'1 '') llli~t!'d tho· ro olo•ullo·l:rtll) pllt,\<'d by !lUC'h 1:1 o•lll i\mo·l'll'ltll ftn ltlli'Htl JlO"-rrS ll..< Dul\>nl. lltt•r.:an, IA"l· I ' ., ' .. "' ,, ... t •I J .. 't •• d 'flu• <.l,ttt• ~>! S u111 h )l:ok"l '' I •JIII,I ,tndm~o: 111 ,,., "'"'''" ol pt•"lllo' laon . 11' tiHH"\ .trHI h\'•'"H .. k ltd • I 1'"1 ... til t' 1.11~:~· II'-fHiflt loll·. I'\ J I I ,,, 1-!.•·ltl ... II\..•''' ·ifld ..... \f ,.t1 ''"''I 1\ltllo t:tl• II "·'' .ulttllllt of In tt.• '"""'''"1~1 IIJit \I f• I I II I t I' • I I t r ••.• r •. ,.m \\ , .... f,, ... , llt:t I ,, d lU ., ) .,, I Jt t ,, J ' '•\t11 J •I •I l'utlo•fl :'IIIIo < Ill \>-dl ,,1 •I \\!olio ""' 1, IJ,U~I <111111• r. \\',q ld ll•,ok ·I 111 '· II 11 I , I, c·l•~pw d t1J n l)ll•t~l .. I' '" td ,,,,, J' . ' '• I ! " ,, i' , r . \• ' I• ' ' l •I I lt. ,,, •I• 'I I \' , . I \loll lht tnx tnl1)1 • 1 • l 't 1•d ..j.• 1· .r.hr,,l paul ~tfii11H tl ~t'tiUinl.t!'\l•·r-. 1·1nnp '.!.'.!, d '"' IJ'>(•d ro -II Ill" ;.• i '' ,,, '.,'I tf, to·, ~I,,, H;tlph H•··· .ond n .. g.·r· r;,,,dllll, £.\· ! I I,, lqJIJ If' 1~1\i, Sl.t1 tt pt .. r-·r· p,, I ·~nt), c ..... ~,, ,lt ...... . Ill flq lh d ('IU • IJI.I \ f •'II. I o llo t $~J(M I " llu If' \\ ith l••ltll ns Ill • '1l/• d•·du. ' ' .. ~l li !t•t. •\ ,j, d Oil tft• ,,.,. tto•mi7.1n~· + ... ,j 11 1111 !ll!•lu' rth rll tn~ C··••l')..'i' Slulllnt• tlhtl n .. ~··I h.j ... . 1 I • I I • ll J•.t~dll•o•J,.s: 111 1". r.,,, :111; ~~·.tl f:o'oll'h, Frt•d I ol , , I It I. II •·1 J!, Itt n, •. J .u .... k Tl•••ll H), ~~·.d n. oll'h, ;_Hld •' I• .I I• '1 •1'\ '''''' 1'•1 ·1 1;,,, llollth l', T""'l' ~o:l. (lJOtng1•• '·" 1""1" 1 1 ~ '"' •· Ill oltt ·il l o·\· An •''llf11:d••ol 11~~~ So·<•ll l, p:tr-11~' Ill • \•' .. t•l ~+I 'h• ,,d. I twip,.t.·d •o lht• •'f!\J•II•' ,.,,..,,,itiun, ·t1\t1 ~,,,,, 111•"11 ' 1 l,l .. tl dt)l, JU• ..... ntH1L! t l~t· ,,11, ttnd uf11,., •i\t'' • '""r ;\II .tl 11Wtl Hllll I t .ftdllll!'>t'd ; il( '''"ltlllt.' , .. \\t 11 .1~ th~o;pl.·,_y)n~ t\•l I ,\Jt~n"-t''-, fhJJHdi\ lllfl\l!ny l tl,dl ' I••IJ'f1t d lhH111;h S\•(1\Jt n•• nt .... ! ......... , t1urn fir•. tlH·fr ,jl!.tlfltn.,:-' '''" ,,,. iollt•·l' ''·"'""'~ • ;tnd a :ll••ml><·l'' ,,f l•·•·al ('ult p.wk~ Jtud Afl•·•· c•omplt-lin~ an 18 months .. nli•t tll('lll in the U. S . Army two \\t•o·k~ Hl.:o. Thomas A. Nulty 18, <'tl) lr• 1sur•·r ,I ,\ C::onl toda) \!.!:.!E. Bay A\'C'., Balboa, today re-'' I···•~· t1 lh" J:.no1''' ,,,.,,.nw nt tll l ··nhsll'<l for thre-e y('af'll. II """'·~· mr n1, <h•"' tnl! a total of Durtng hts f 1 r s t C'nlistmcnt Sl.'•l .l :l~l \17 '"'"' uut 11f llw cotyl :'\ulty sern'd with lhl' Ml'dical l>l'lachmc-nt of t he 171h Infantry rrr-~rAAtr_r r!o :t 1n.: tht• IJa~t 30 d;~~s. ;.1 J ap<tq for 14 mo nths. Ha\'ing R·•ct•tpts durtng thi" s:.nw !.lt·rtud '''1.'11 much of the Ori(•nt, Nulty tot,dli·cl '· 7.-.H,7fi!).~t.1 lt·a\'ln~ tota l j t.ttis 111m• chvsc to SC'rvc In the fund$ jK'I". ,.,,.,.k ur St;u7,6:!!l.96. I r:uro p(•an C'onnnund. J'Ji,lturs•·n h nl~ lni'IUdl'(l : . ('111'1'• nl ,.,, .. 11'•' Fllnd :l:J,:i!l~ !!II Scouts Annual P.1rk Fund 67Hl9 c •1 p w ,,-,.,, ,. :llainl• lllllot't' Fun<I 44.~19A:! ouncl OW ow \:\'~r.-~~;:~~ l··untl 1 -~~:;-~ 1 Scheduled Feb. 21 Sp•·l'iiol F uul! 1:•.6·1~.8:; 1 ll·•·11ry Fund :.'.005 (13 l The Annt,w l C'utmcil l\'l••t•ling !fq'\ i\c l, l~·nd rL•dt•mJ>-li nd no'COJ:nttion Dannl'r will be 1 i11n F uncl 129 02 I wid F'o•h. :.!I ~~~ the Community · ('o•nlt·t l'ltJIJ huuse, 1104 Wl'St 7}'i 10 no I !'Ill St ' Slllll.l Ana, Oran~c 1-:m- :.!,ClnR :l.'-t 1t•ll'i· :tn•a ~lll1ko •Sil1i'll rt'\'l'!llo·d to- !;,,.; T :o'\1 f-"qnd !'1.2f.0.7~ day. 1'1111•, 1y Fund 37,3:.!:; ll!l Tho• so•ssion wtll t'ulll(WiSt' anr t ;, 11• r;d ('lly Hc•tHI Rt•· dt mpl i1 •n 1-"11nd Ht·lin ·nwnt Fund ---------------1 a flo ·rnut•n hu,.uu·ss nwt·tinJl: and II;() o~nd 110. ,md troup:< 5 . 6. t.i, lho· t·\l·nii1J: fo•llmvshill councll and 17 anii :.!Cl l ~""''ltL:JIIIinn ft•l l\lli•·s. <J~lt' hlln- lrwlud(•d 111 tl()(oth lf1,11t:1~, n t lhP , dn d and fa fly an • 1':-<J)('Cied to at- .s,•utll-( i.ft,llna \\ 1•1 ,. t'\hihllturh 11l t lo•Jtol , flllg•:'lll'lnlonr.: <H11111od e;ll'o·, 111,1 I . , .. · ..... :11ol l~ot.llly. d tt 1111'11'), ~,.a I O r.tnJ;>r l.n1p11 •• ,n l'a b~l!f'~in to- ...;,.,111 irta: !<i~nling, journalism. day Ju.tNI P al'k l OG. \ 1-\\ post '"""!.:· Jlh~-icul tlo·\'<'il•pr<ll'nl. han-:--=,.; :G:~fi. (',•,Ia :\lt•o;;t, r•s •me '?f .\II X \\ h11~l' dHll'll'I'.S a r\' dUC' tn tlw1·.t1 ts. a ••1·onaut ics, cooking. r a-;\ln rch. "'" ,,, ,, ,, huh n1!t) lu l"••t!I!J .. I ' ' ,, r l•d ', 1••.·· 't ,,, J111 m UH• .,, j ''"' '• '.,, ''' J " ., 1 • ''""'''''u''''""' '" r('li~· • 1 •·I I d• dlit 11• 11 •II '\,ll ~l Hlht\\t•d ~I''H11 l tt~'l'' l'flnf'lo•tt It ~ktl ttr :1~ 11d•' ,., t 1 1111 t'JI't 'llll,l.tlwo·s In 1 ,~,,1 1/lllg s,.,111 ll.otl1in•: and 11,. ('•o-rlmim ll'n nf llw 11ff;ur W!'l't' 1 d I• "''" l>o·no·l1h IO\\,!I d hutldtn~.; ltt•ll!'r :'\,•!,on S nndfo1d, ftl'ld (''llf"l'Uiivt•. '''" olt d twltlolo• '''IllS ft•r \\1111·h :tnd m'"" ~~~··lu i ''tli7o•n<. Rqw••· .tnd l hJit•h llt·;H'IX'k ; !)l'l''id1•nt o f Tho• llltllo•tin sr•h cdult•d F <'b. 16 liS thr d a ti' 11f thr no•xt d·istric-t nw t•l ing ami SCOIIIl'rs' r oundt!•hlc to ht• hr ld at lht• Wt•l<'nm•· Cafe in Costa l\t••sa. Time sC't w:ts 6:30 WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS Pnlpare Vour Tax Retllrll8 Earl~· Oftle&-COSTA MESA BANK BuUlUng o rflcle PhOIV: "-"on ~9...1 .Keaade-1•~ Beatlon 6010-M .til,.\\ I t, •'••I •• " ' d II I I "1,• I l .. ta If tft t•• I dUI II HHHd PI '1(•1 I , • ,, , I II :: ··I 11. •I • • 11'1lu· 111 l tlttll•''" tr\4'tiiJ.k-tt :,tt~d • '' dtt ,., '' ""' t ... l.•k· n llll'lll!h •' ·••nlt•!l tn tho· '-kth ""''l"t' pack" 103. tlw C'llllnt'll is J AmC''> A. 1\fC'ri.:old. ,11 "'" t d!• tf '''"II'\ 1tl\1-;; On --------------------State's Et·onum.v Ope ratin~_r at Hirrh '11 ' '"· '""1' ''" f i ll ~. llt)\1 lug-* Sell ft Through Classified Advertising * lk' \\'iSI'-AuVl'rtiS<! ,, ~· 'I '• IQI\11• I'•• I 1\i • ~111'11 n~ ltl llll· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pm .. I Level ~\ tth Index Better Than 1947 llll:. 1•-lnn ·. i•l d···· !'''' n~··,;; l!rtS(l-II I lin•• ''"'' 1•·11•1 111 ( dtft~rn1:o : fo·d - , .... ,,ldl •:•• \ ,,,, n•'-'''"' ••111 '"', J••l•~ ut~l 1rttlt\lrlll:d in~ ••ttl "''H't ll "'''\11 11 ~ .rnd r flalr .. nnd llllfl\ I 'I" '! ... , .. ,. . .t ''"'' ,,. "lt''' ,,,,\ttiiiMNI IHNI ,.,,,JI.t'IIHIII l:t \tlo,. HI' t:l\11 !'\f'l'\iCf' !11 lo • I q, I ,,, \\ 1tl1 "I ).; .' 1• 1 1 tot t 11 ., 1 I•' .tk' •I•: l.1\l' l,tl,o•Jl l11•'tl I''•~ I h(•t'k> It•\!· tllf iH 1 I Ji• 1, uhtl\ "'"'' •'•••·fl ;• ,", tj•l't II •··•1,..., lttto I tl lflt••ltl•• l.t\t' fur JHittf' .}l'ilJ'S : 1 1111' "'" •I· ft ''•ttl •I q 1d. •·. '"' f'•ttt l•••t '1 '\1 tn 'df~;\1 , l·t .. ~Jt~:if'l f••"' hdttHI ttU1t) f:tx l nlt•'l•tti•l\ t• Itt 11tn \•.n ,\1 11 If\ ttl •l•~tfU• dh·r tHXt'Ci "I'' f•dt a.d 1•l•ph111h·, J••lf' .1\N~IY'~Y,N~fY~IY'...-.JY.I ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '• \tltu l I .~. ••11111 1 \tt'l-r'd•l• I I ,,, .. ,.,, '-t\UU.·... Jdt, HI' '''" pn:l tltofl '··~··=--· """" .-.~~~.re-.-.--.-.~mr••~•~--,r•~• 1 1 11 ,. 11 , 1 11111 jf,,,tlll ,, 1 1 1 \ 1111 I IIII ...:.•,,,, 11 ,1 \~ d ,•,l 1, ... ,\IJI ~"' 4,, f· i,t .. l nlti''t"ll••t t".dldltt t:t\t''• Thanks To You We Will Reopen Our Larger and More Complete MEN'S SHOP Thursday, February 12th STRAIGHT from the FEED BOX: OUR QUALITY ZORIC DRY CLEANING SYSTEM IS YOUR BEST BET LIDO c·LEANERS 456 Newport Blvd. Costa Mrsa "TOP OF TifE HILL" Phone BEacon 5798-J 4 , r ,, ' ,, I"'''' d , •••J•', \'' 11 t1 , d ,,, '-IIPI•I~·nh·nt I·' d ' "" t 11.1• dlat .... '-P<'t'l;d lq ,, I ! I d.,, I 'Iii 'II ... Jl.' , lit .t I t d tlf JN I' jtUt •ltrt lilt t l••d,'lt t t-f 'hll\\'p .j fl• l)t ,•t f lllt Ill ~ '!h. "' .0 •1 ,, 1111 "''r ~· 'j'' '"' ,,. ·"'"'Jtt~l .. I t •' I I ' J J,., • d t ltl tt'l l ~ "J'Hh ,,_ Itt • t:'' • t' ~ 11111\1\tUI• I t \ t .t ' I i' I •I I"' 00: d l1 I I' ld I •• t't I! II f1H11 d Itt lh , .. , (_'fll\1 1 'I• II I ll,f\il ~ .:, .... '• ',, d ~til ,,, I ,, • I '••t d~ """ "" l"' "' l'll•t I f"r·~,· \J I %;:. :&11~"'\\FIY" noons C' \IU'\t~T~ S,\SII \\lXDOWS :-d•H t•l \\ttl,''"' :,,,, .. t,, ·'·'''"to 1 I"''' ••r ''l·~•u~n~-::1 '" '1'1 '' ,~ • ~· ,,, '''1 • · '''"'m··nt '"'I'''' '''!""'"' t111d 15'h.3tw.aoo6 3n Jl I... ' t, ' \ I tl ddt. I"'"'''.,. I ·I •' \. d·.. pd d, I ' 11 ~J.tlt. ':'!1 I I I ' ' I I -, ·• .. .., Ill• )I,,, ,,,, ',,, I , ~ "'' '• ' "' • '1' '" • \"' • •'I""· 1 "'It'. '•a. • ···. '' · lh50 ~ew110rt Ave. V ollic Dnlton Coeta &leaa "C ·., \tl ,, ,,, t .... 1.,, t\t:•n , "'"'"'. t ,,u ._. """ t~o,tuu "', •II , h~r~ t\llt\ 1 -::n:r:·•~r•:·~r:••:•l:,.:·:' :r:··=-.l~·=l•:n:t:··~· -=-~~~~~~~~~~~==~~::=::~~:~====~==~===~~~~~~~~~=====~~ It• ,,, t I l t •ft'' w~· tJI ;~~I" I , I ,,,, _r___ --------------=.-::.-::.::.-_-_____ _ ~ -TIDE TABLES Southern Council o.:, ->.11 I ~I'· •• 1 ''' ···" • 1 Of Chambers to I ... I Hear Discussion \\" I I Th 1; II f'll li ;\I lt\ T 17 \\" IH I t'l\111' \IC\, lOIII llh:h " ... · .. ~ 'it ; I l( ·,-, ·, tl Ill :111 I ti 11 117 I ll 11 '•'J. ;\;1 1:! :\11 II I 1'1 'I ~. 2 ~--417 I 'I :l .ttl Il- l 1'1 I 7 I 1:1 I ti :; :\It 1 (; tl .!H It\ -; ~~ I ~' 'l :c. II II n7 ()fi llhth IO:tli :1•1 Ill;~!! ·I ll ll :M ·I I ll ;:i(l 11 II :~>6 13 :J ·f1i•l :!4 1\:M ~6 WORTHINGT ,., , ... ~ Refrigeration P"R.ZON AMMONlA I tGII to 110 tGe '·''" 1 ))t~\\ \\ill 1l11r IIC t Itt I . \ l ,., ':0!11 \ "'" l "''"' II~~ . J"lll, •tll•''l1"11 \\ill l>o Ill''' • tl t :'!ll " 1'1'1'''"'111 "' ,,,. ('dlt"l"" Ill· II:\ ''"'"'" "' 'f, rhnnl<'l'\ I'' 1.•·1' 4:~n \hin l '1tl ;rul~o:• ;,, a ·111··• 1 1 ,• nr (Ill, 1 h·· ~ .. llt1w rrt l 't•llnnl ,.f lit• I' tll- !\:1'! ftu•nia :--:1a1•' C'h:trl\h• t 111 1 o~tn~ 11 ·, m•'r<'•·. I :11" .trrl H \'.tl• ttl Ill• 1 , •• 1\:31.1 L:innnl \ tt'o·-pro •«tllt•nl, :ttlll•·•lll•, rl ll9 10011}' 1.1:1\, nw·r !'1110 nf 1111' ~I.• I••' ,, '"" 1 ·1 l :2.a Ill!; hu•IIH'SS lllo II :Oro• ,l;t11 1! !O 1 ~ lt••:tr ltr I >ul1r1rl.:•· ;,t "" ,,,1,, IJ. 7;09 ""n ~·"inn Thur<ol,o\. v. lot 1 1ry 2 2 J~l. an lhfl J.n~ Ant•••J,., H1llrt 11t t' I':~O n rtllr•••m. fo llt"l tnL: , ''"' Ill• nl ~ ~1 i'ttlnnu l l •·r• tn~·t•t lfh.'.; an 11 . II• lds o f a.;rwtJiturr•. ir!lht,.ll'\ • ,, "'"11, n.tt un,J rt•<ootar•·-~~. 111. h'' "' ...... ~ t'l:d Sl t•unt ~ .• tncl It··•' • I •thl ·,, 1, _ o'ttH•fl c~,.rllnlllft'P \Of ... ,, .. J" \\I I ht- 1·1n ,,1 ":\n .• tn 1 lf11.;hlt.;hh o•l <Ill tt'lll 1•1 • t "'' 'In h, I t• kl• d I•\ tho ,,,~ c••nlr•'''''~ ,,,,, "", 'I"" ·""' Ill "' ·~· Ill• "' t•f i lol• ,, t l .,., Air Conditioning Jilt 1ft ( l it •tl 11( ( ·, •It~ I '"" 1 t\ • t ,, ,, , I' 'liJ•J·I~ utd hnut,,r'"'' .. :t•, ttn~: "' "' •tl.ththl\ Ill! ' 'lilt 1•1 ttl !it"' d I'' """•' t ~Ill\ ttl '. Hh.· I lid I '''i•HI h. II I I "" 4hP1'1.tL'•.;, trt ...,:,\qifl, 1"'1) \ ' .. •. H, I tGII to 10 tGe • ,., t "' t Pressure PumJ)8 Centrifugal Pumps 1 f t'''l'.,. fu tlil 111 '0\ I I~ PI P~,; I till I I ., '"' I Pw AD P.-ort~~~ &IHII All UqaJ48 11t stoc-• call ftl 8. Loe AnpiM 8L, Ana.bHn• MMIIM' 4~:1 Sr1•t cit !Itt•'. \ 111 '' 11:s <ttl<' At thr ' 1\:t>w~ Tinw~ PRINTI~(; s T ·" N n :\ n n 1 'i. 1: n l!l !':.1\'1' ~·n11 lw 11h I imc :111fl 11111111'' Bf:AC'O~ .·) ,) •) ·I A. C. Spt'ncer 11!1.~ Ci>a't tlh:lm:l\' II I 1)~11/tt!ffJa~ I -~ ..\-NOCOVER NO MINIMUM AlAMITOS AVE at h~ St ·lONG lEACH ·Ph.8 ·t974 ,- HOT WATER? ''Hmm ... 1/t'tl rf) tbrce timr f flfter ... 1m than half tht Clt6&l ftJr sizt~ le sure the storage tan~ fits your family's nteds STOIAII TANK CAPACITY GUIDI Hv,.b.r Nv"'b•r Slorog• Cop. ....,,_, .. droo..,. Golfo•• 1 1or2 30 1 3 or 4 40 2 2 or 3 40 2 4 or 5 so 3 3 so 3or4 4 or 5 75 SPEEDY • • • ECONOMICAL cn.o t ... botb u.rp, an a!II01llt11ic gm u·attr htaler has it. ,,11 "IT'S A BARGAIN!" And th e new automatic ~t:ts water heaters cost f,1r less ... co buy and to operate. They're practical ... speedier in replacing hot \\":lter with more as it's ncc~kd . If your family 'is modl·rnizing with an auw m:~tic l.lllndry ma chine or dishwasher .,, or addin.~ :1n extra b,lth roo m, a properl y sized autonutic ?s \\',l[('f hl'.lt('r wil l ha\'e r'·llf ) on tap! F1)r terms an d !'tzinF inform at_ion, see your clealer. .._------------------------------------SOUTH(-N COUNTifS GAS COM,ANY ,,. ..... "TRAV~L __ . ._, .u _ .. ............ "'""' ... ..,.. ... • AIR • SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO ALL POlNT8 Pbooe 1.acu-a seo Lambourne 1 ... Travel Service ~It ~ A~e. LllcuDa .aclt ~--~ for METAL Wt:ATHIR I TRIPI Save fuel! factory-Trained Mechanics :0.'1'.:\\' ADDRESS: 521 East 1st St. Santa Ana Phonr 07lSli-W Remind Gov. Issued Publications Essential for Safe Crutsing . :~.~~"~:;)~~~~~:~~~:~: f\,~.;;,':''.'.',~~ 1 Lists Roundup 1:·•~·· In l'rUI!illll!. \\ lwllwr nil 11,..1 or Winter Sports ,.:rnml ~cal·· ••f amluloulL« '""'·'" •1• • . A pM~111!MI nr '" Hw r.-IHII\..4~ r,._ Fact lttes tn rea ~~ nclo•fl ~·~'1,.. ~ itoluml \\ ''"'' <~. •·un mnk•· nv I>~' II•·•· s1:1r1 "" tlw \\ 11h lh•• ~·•ulhluml''< lon~:-ll• Ito}· 1!~1~ !'l':lSom lh .. ln h 1 0\o•rh.llll /IIIII ,.,, """'I ,,, ... , .. ~. ·''''" r ..... lh hl'lnl: up 10 ~b ,,. I ho•lr S•'III!•IIOI! """1!1111! Ill h i ;!1'111111 ''"~ \\ .-•ko•JH1 I'"' lfo•hu.:. olf Col\• rlltllo'lll p uhh,·., lho• • 11111111: llulo'.lll "' 1111' "'"" I lOll!' t•!'$o'llll'll fnr <,1ft• polt•l1111: lllt•loilo• ('IIIII 111 !'PIIIho'lll ( '.lllltll'· ancl na\IR/1111•11 1111 11~1.,~ ro lo•a"~l ,, tlllh'k 1••1111•1- Amflnt.: lh·• tn\'altl(lhlo· m.wu.ll~ Jtp ,,r ~""" ·I~•• I• I"''"'"'' Ill llw thl' ~nft'1) -mondo-4 skippo•r ,.h,mlcl "'"·' Appr'"'""''l o•l~ I'• <ko '''"' hll\'!' ;~h;)Ufd, in lh(• I'''"' h·· plolll,. ·'"" Ill IIIIH•t.:can .. IIIIo•;, olt'l' """ to juurnl'y far fl'(or.l 111~ hollllt' '" oollothlo• 1n Suitt II• 111 l '.llilunllo rnnorin~;, ur 1• IIH' Thlo• Table•" und 1'h.111 lu\\• 1.1111!1111! trum t:.•oo c·urrt•nt Tabl"" pr1•p:ort'd '" 1111' lo•t'l 111 -~~ol lo•••l 111 lo•n,.:tll 111'1' l,'oasl a nti CI'Otktic Sun·,•r l ~•r:ot-111"''·"•nc "" ·' tlml~· lou"'~ 111 1\tt i7t'<l t lela I rurr'l'lll c-hurls Hrt· "'~•~ \\'iil•'rll\1111. 1\llh' H•d1·•· Hill I ~I"'" fl\':oilahlr for ="•'" Ynrk And llu~lun \'u11··~. 'Itt ""'' ··~ 'h"" 111. harl'llors. S:on Franrisro ha\', 1.<111~' Tho· •'ltlh ro lk•l'l "·"'' n•l•' '""" Jsl;,nci-BIO<'k Is lionel Sc>un~l~. 1111c1 111'1' u\'lltl.ohl1• .n I ho· numl~<·r~ Ill· :---urra~.;amwtl hay . Nanllll'kt'l 011'11 1•~1. ,,1 lit• '''"'"' 1111-: 1101\'o•n'< Sound. lmlo•t" IIU•'IIl'o', 1\11: l't111' I:.! 1, Mt·· (;o o• 1:\1, \l:tlllll\lllh \ltl\111111111 1:\1, Till' c· ...... , Pllul. IS~Ut•d h) I ht• I ·, I •I \ ,, \\ I:!'· .I un·· l..oko• I.A't'\ Ill• Cvasl and Gt'<>do•!•C Sun 1') · t>nl· 111~.: mart 1 ·11111\ •1~ Surnmol 111 I ho· \ ido•s dt•l::tilrd clo·scnplouns or l n\().1\tunu ltl'o'fl', !Ill \\',olo•Jtn.on shnrl'lmt•s anrt hnrhm·,. '" :on ,.,. 1 1•1• !'nil\\ 1,1 ,.,1 t.! 1• Tnl•h' Mullll· It Ill 111~11 cannt11 l~o• •nrludt-d onl 1,,111 ,::, ;onrllllth' Htd t.:t'lll •\n..:..t1•s na\'IJ.:.'IIIIIn o·harl!< Ahhuu~.;h "''" :\,olh•nal 1-'tlt'l'~>l Sntm \'.lilt•\ 171, t•dalum~ 1\t l'l oH1•a·t•d only at '"'''' · 1~1 ,. 11 ,.,,11,., ,,11 • :-;1,.111,;11,,11·, \':tl" ra~l;lnt; rnllll fl\1' 1" ~t'\t'll l':tt 1.. 1\oa.: Bo•,;r Loko• I I t, 11ml l•l)1l· ~""r". :-;''PI•h;nwnl " an• 1""11d ~·;· """ 111 ~.11, g, rn,onlono :\,olwnfll nuall~ :md 1 wsr 111lpurtc1nl a r •· F"'' ,1 ;\II 1 ·,., 111 :---.or••·~•·· 11,.,11• 1iun' 111 lht• pan·nl \IliUm•·' :oro· T .oll anol Slur·to-~ ;\lo-.oilu\\' 1_:1 tnth~l" nsahll'. •1111 Sill:·• I J..,;,f 111 s. qth•ta :'l:.t· Tlw l'o•a"t Pilnl, '' h u·h ha;, 11.,11,11 F111 , •I :'>1oo:-l ,.1 1111 ,,. lol\\ ~ e' til\0 (1 !:'rtf'llfif irnlly f l"f• m -1t,•1ortrr ft'rr m ~~~· tf'M 111 1.-.,,.,h l<kl·l··hy \\nlk """l ... tu<i .... ~~ ... 1 c; .... ~ ... ,~·(:.::0111111-: , ... ~~·~···~ •• 1. 11w 19th •···n•u•·'· t'tln~~~~s ul lh• 1 11 1 ,11 \\ 1 • • I , •1 . • l .1\ .-I ol ) I' :1 ·' I 'Ufl, , ·tl1lJ' 1'.'tltl\\lll~ '-\oltmlo''. ,\I .'11111'' ll.ol1 h lt•oloull"' (',on\nll, !"!111\\· ( """I 1 lnlll >oo't'll""" I. ( oL.tl ( tl.o•l HI II 1 · s 1 1 l ',u·tttt• t 'o,,~, Al.a~ki1 It\\•' ..,,~,·-,r,,r1 Iii' .If).!•', '·•11•,1•. •·•··~ I 11111' ', l'un ·ltl H11" HIHI lho· \'11'1!111 l.lll.o· ,\II "1' Ito'"' ~11"" \ .olio •) • I h i.! TilE STAR LOOil8 DOWN-Scrtrn stnr Esther WWiama. who tnowa her way about a awlmmtna pool beraelt, at.ays dry IU she l ns~rta a alar composed or l!Ovtral mrmbrra or t.ht Town Club, CbJcaao, ln a n•tmmln~ pool ten ~torlea above Michigan Uoult•varcL Harbor ,, ,,, I ~111 " "II• ' j ..... ''"''' j Ca lifornia Out Of Doors Hv \'JC ~tli'\A IJ ,\:--1 l 'nilo~l 1 ;1~''" !->I a ll ( 'nn'''"'f"'"d,·nl \I "'\.It' 11 ,., T lo 11 , I 1\ I t IIIII• ,,,, \ I ut .. ~ , ,., "' d,, \ th t 11 1111 I llftll!jlfi"" Ill J 1 I tl I•• I•UI d t1•lt 11t q ,, .. ' I I 1,1\ I p 1 tljo ! I It llf I• I'' I i II ,, ,,, ... , •• '" ,, \ ,,, ttu t •HIH1 1t lh' f.n, f,. r•l lllt~l t tlt•tl .'H f t N•II I • 1-.11 11 d \ I ''"' l1 q ll Hu 1~~ llli••IU• f••l t It ft ''" , .. tit• ttl ••t d•' h• nt ~~... tlu NF.WPO RT BALBOA NE\\'M-TIME8 Tl t :I"U \\' Nt•\\ f'•llf. l"rb. 1 ltu WILL CALL t~on ANU n_.;IJV~R Aay \\'orta ~. F.\tlra nr •'1111-'nm. ........... ) .. -· 114 PA YllOLL A<'COl iNT I N(; \\'. ~. UARDNER • Jack's Equipment Rental Contra<"ton' Equipq1ent e I'I.AIITJ:R llllX&IUI • ••ILL uwa • OON( ·aJ:T'II: 1111XJ:JL8 • T1LUL&IUI Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Coata Mea SIGN PAINTING -AND- All Typee of Comm('rcial Art l.oc-aW at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD t. W. Pierce 11~t NltWPORT nl.\'11. nr.AC'ON M1•-w COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Events ''" ' ff tHJ I) • II \' I• ill ...... ,,.... \ .l!. \ 1 I \1. tlo •lot IIII I :\lo ll• ol \1 , •• 1, ·tt•• .. tl\ I I "' I " ,I I I''" I I II I ''•' t 'II• ... \t ·Hid IIIII l.t ,,.,,, •• , ~ th I I .... I I" Itt\ .... Low Cost-St;ong Permanent Itt Ill '• I ~ e.. Fooda Wltb ll11b Orlr r '"' I hi ..... H I II I o I It I I tl " U l '" I jt tl ft MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. Or, eomplete eq•pmeet whee JOG wut to eat.ab JCK&r o-. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS .. 1""'11.& .... & HARRINGTON LUMBER~· 1tr. L Bay District Yard Pbooe Be&oon 5111 518 Cout IDpway At tbe Archei Th• '" olh• r 111111 '' ~''" h In-.... It I l •t I tl I t tl UP '. t 111·1 II I I .. ,, •' tl It II II ......... "I I \\ tltlld •IIH \\ I •tt I I Uh 111 · ""ot ""' ""' '""'"c '"'"" Local Tennis lu•l. \\olio"" •·•In m .okou,.; II••"" I 1t ft I If •• If lt1t It\ tu t. •" • I 1 I·' I I It tl,tt t11 I Itt I" \\tift II It,, "'"" ,,.~~ , "' "'"··t·•" '·''I "'. k. Enthu c1"ast s Help • 11 I 'I 1 • JJ.!.l!L lu::.U • ..J-n.: Ll~-o \\ '" n ,, I• " ~ ' ' I It ft \ ,, \,UJ t t 'ltlllll .. It 11""'. "'".,. "' Open Don's fourt I I ,, ... t ,.. • ••• I .. q ·•"I t ,. I,'" ·". ·1'1· ., " •• , ·~·· I • • r II, 1 , t •'' n '' art ._,,.,,H c·loud~ y,.,.,,,,,,, Sutt.• .. \11 1 tullt·a.:··· ... 1 ,,1 ... '• ,,,, 11 II •ldl•t•t' "' ... I h I ....... ""'" It lltl ft ltttr ft •I f(•l pt IC th t I J ,. IM•I1 \\• tlul L.'• I t il\ lh• u: l•1 ''"' t\ '' t'tt~U 1'-" lht· ·' ltHio 'I' uollo Ill'' Ill I' I o•lolo I • I II II III!'" .,( ,, I ,, ' '"'11 1ht "''', ... ,,~~·\\tit , .... 11110 U<t t i l•• lf' -.' tlul 1.. Lttt t1••tl '" tlu '\•tltlt\\• "' ,,,._ 1'' ht tfH. tft• I tl~ll fltt' ltf l h t ttl l•tl'-th•· t'ttllt t..: UU( ,t I Itt_•, th•·· "'""''t .. , ,, .. (tUHti1 '-tlf' 1ft 1h II I 1 1 If I • I \ t .. 1\• f I It, It I.J,, "', t 1,1 J. , lu 1 aa &.• :1 , .. lo. I • 1'11 \\'• ,_ "'"' f;ll'l ol ''"",·~I I "' I .... ''111'1•1•'11 t'•ttll , .... \'u t 11.t0.''"'""r''" llu 11 \\tlh lta·ltf, tur llll f1 1 pl.t\ ''• t 1 I tul l 1111 t .. tt HtH "'''"I'''"'' tli.ll 11 ... , ,.,, .. ," "•"1"'' 1·1,""" :'II·""' t:. ,,,rtt ""'' ,_ ..... '' "·· 1" '' .. ,. •· 1 "·' ~·n~· ,,f 1httn thu t 1111\l•l;nu·l'-ro If~ s.t1'1il.o d··u t .. r ""'"'It 1ht• t•ollt\~r,l u 1111 ,tt ,,, t ,~~· .... d I tll••tr lnrll''olllllt'~ rond o'ttn1pl1•1~tl ""~ lltq 1,,, 11 1,,1,.r;1111 , (or I hi' 1.... 1 '1 •" "" ''"'" •' '"' ool1 1\ 1h••tr fu..;l ""I" flt~ht Rt<lllol'd ~qiiiHI Tho> 111..tutlo• 1\111 l lur\\'l>(>(l. 111 'l"'lllrtlo\ <'••tilton tl• • r T•·h•K•·• lo l ltthl'l' \\'llllnrn C'rnwmPr .lnm•·~ ""'~ lt'1,11111111: I• lfoorm.111 I',, t t/t>unnnc ll:tl'• 11 ;,nd l\11 • ll•·lo•n l\1.11 lllo•11 < ll:o!!ad1111 ,luhlllll• ;\1 •illlll llr 'i t.. I•• ,, 1", \1 ,, ""'' ol• d I • I l'ltlllt•loltrlllllll 11 11111 11:.0 a nd ~"I !"lllollo litH Flodd•JI>IIIII1 1'111 1 loll \t tlo• •••1111111 .. ,. 111•11• ""'" ~'"'·''' lll't'fl'•' ,., ... \l tf Htu kt' l(p f, t """'''' :tnll Jf.,,, .. , L .. ,. , I I,. 1111 . fltt. .... I ,,. ul· tflt \\"' flul !I JU I\,tlt ltt•t fl'•' fH:tJl\ l h.,.tt\ttnd \\ht l \\rfl "-t'l"\t '' fH II d lt•tll 1•'1'1''' l ttl I l'''tl• .. tl ' II ht t ) . \\ .. '''". ''"'' llu .c. tt~ ll&rMf ~~~~. c ·u~TA Mr"""" l"ht'llf' Jlcoa ron 6-IMO-M I'',,,, ua.:•• u\11 I•H•k '""''I·IIJt "••rk UJ!t 1 1111 1,1 lnl!ol ll ltll"l olotll'oh\.trtllloll l II• It t01l •lo1 1•11 ,,., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIIIL'•I •'•lnt•l•l•tl '"" ('onun•lt'l:.l s s k F cJ II\•~ ••I 11 1111, •II 1 1 , 'I "'·'"I ......... "''""' tacr mo er et• ~ .... .,. "I 1·1· ... ~,.,, '·I , • , ,... 9 I 1 •1•1• 1 \1'1'' \II• ti'T 1 1 U 'r~ F A I JJ 1111' '"'' I'•• t1 111 11 1• ,\II•• 1 THAT'S WHY more and more people art buildin g today! The joy and pride of home owner- ah ip are unparalleled! GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONTJlAOTOK AND BUILDD omae: Mit o-t ..,..,_ CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINET'S AND IIILLWOIJL T. C. JOHN90N, Supt. Plumbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Double WATER HEATERS, Standard Brand ..... $25.00 $52.50 T oileh, Lavatories and Laundr'¥ Trays - FLOOR FURNAGES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING CO. -Pboae llal'bor 1186-.1 - 260'7 Oeatnl Ave. NEWPORT BEACH I Enjoy Delicious Mexican Food at .fa Prula Complete Meals from $1.00 2588 Newport Boah-\'&l'd COST A MESA 0pet1 5 tot o.IIJ 'BEACON !~ttl n~ Mo ... J ''"'''"11 l'tllll• l llll:illw• l'ln or ng {lrS ert' II J.of• II .. 1 "1 \\' t•ll•• d• 11•1 lhlld ('lun··~t land 1''1'"""''''. •I uu.: l.,entltnL' ruudt tlu'' rt-\\ uul l A '' t • '"''''·~ tit• I I• • •I a·•••111..,. 1 ·•. • r c"l,.tt ... 11111 H utto tnt.nu.t , .. HI-tthtnt .. , ... nf t h• l~df .. ,, \tH.!I , .. ,,,, u ntt ,.,,, •'•' . ' ··I I I I 'I f•'• t.ru'd•1 lt•·tt. .. ,hr•·•l•uufuut·r ~•·luh '' "'h••ht•d 1111 1 ·1. ~n I •·.till• 'h••t 1 ql ,, •I ••r IUfllrtL' tl• ',,., Jtr••lll•• c: ,,~rrll' th• I ,fl•n.:a-.. ,, • ''. ''' h ,, ':"''''"" • '"'' '' ''' d "d' •••• I -..)u p Th• • '' nl '' th. '' •••fttl ••I th I Sth.t ,,,,,, d t ''• ••1• ,, • ' Ill o\\' IT IS Ill 1:\l. o('unl ' I ~ lll.l)or f, It ' '"'"" "' d lt~r • llu '' IIIL'•' 'I I •I • '' • .I • ftflnlp tf(fl If tl runrP h\ ftu \\ uul uu fl \\ '"'' t .......... ,, AIH111·" J ''"' I I,.,, .. , 111 ttl 1•1••1• .. . 111;111 1, .• ('"" 1,1 •. t•l.•n• ~ Onr•· ;\l·•·lllll' ",, h·l<l I"' l1i :ol • 1 II h Ill lho ·•II ;ond ft•'t' ul II••• -.;, "1"'1 1 II "''"1 Y 1' I 1 t I•Jh l\1 Tho l t•lt 111ol 1 • I' 1•" I 1 I l!tOUOft 111•1• ''"''ftl•lf••t•(ft•t•lon 1!~. lhtlt \\III IH :t UlttllfH! 'I h:t' t•IU~tot•d ,,,,,, '' ,.,., ut "' lilt• hltmp lh.on "" 1h• ('uh pl.11u•. ''" 1111 "'1"'" ·"'" lit• II "11 '~" lill '""" ·~·~·· lo-lo 1·1'1 11o•l "" (tl' on H l"'lttft• I pi Ult' r~,, th:el n-utf· th•· l:ulll'' '" t h.n .. ·• td th. 1•' tl··· ''"'"' ... ,,. t tl II tt•tltt l1•r < ·,,n ... ul•·• ,,_,.,, th•· "'1nt1 •~ :. t•r;uu, •1•''Y" '·11rt 'l'h•' '-'II lUI' !It • t 1, ,. '"'"', '' 1 f "' Jar,~::~· rr1;'"c;. nf tur "' rnoll••n, trl n t•fn,,. '1d l I~~~ 1•1, , ..... , rt I•., 111111'11 tho• ~11111•• 1\11\' 1hlll II ll<oX BARRETT'S, PINK 'S l lllt·~t Ill• d I•\ I '"''"""'""' I II t1 '' ~-.... rar lull ol a1r llll~!ltl .lw• I'OII~tdo•ro·rl FRONT-RUNNERS IN I. llrl'o l/111 ul 1\r '''''' I 'd til•" \\lfld \\h t•n lllf' l'ltr .. mo>I'IMI: rr fl "" \'Ill•· lllld Ill• ,. ,,, I'''"' II '"'1:•11 lll•llli•lliii'Jolrltll' \\••ro• rl)llll.: MESA BOWLING llu~lrlln ull····" '" ,, ... , .... '"''I an lhiol 1':1r 11 Wlolilll nul f,,, nff••r'"·rl l lnrro~un l'toll "' .., 111 l·1 111• '" • ~~~ tht•ll1fi\Ntwnl of lht rr1r, nnd H:unll' R•·.olty tof c·,.,la 1\1•'·' ~f)f·nklnt.: fill Ill• t: .. l•l•ll '·"'' rl•·tlho•r \\1111lfl n muf'h lur~trr m1Kl••l ~~ runnom: 11 full '" J.:hrll•'' nlw.u l chaptl'r nf lh•• l t•o ok \\ 1 11 '' 11 or II hhmp (lnly If l'tlht•r on,. nl llll'll no•:Jrt•'ot I 1\111 ~ymrr<nn ~ l.t•llfi(liP, hurl 1111'• d lit ool"t.tt••l• l'llm l' tnln Nlnlnt'1 wath lhr ~:roolnd P :•inl•·ro;, on t ht 7;,11 h·:o~o:u•• II\ IH II\1 o( Aurh 11 rn• "~"''' I oil •1••1•1 ••1 1 un•lrr lhf· l'llr """ld lho•rr hr :Ill\' 1111: Nmlonuo·~ '"noll m ••rrtly nlun1: 1 hAt An llll""'llll''''"'l~ 1• """ "\\lnrl r·HI'r1" on 11 · ltl Tlruro• ('~trnllhnn'• l\l··~n llr·•'l•·· <'humrr11111.: "'HA ~.dfll"'' • >'1' '''I l>rK'~ 11 hl'nrl Yomd hold A light alion H all fl•h !!pawn, rnuhl rl•'l•l•t• tit• tl '•"' planr hnrk morr rh:on 11 d Ol's u 7:"-,tt rumplt•t•· ~IRntiJnl(~ 11rr rJfoJIUIRIJon 111 "hul• '', 11""' '''I hi'II\'JI'r, m orr powrrrul ~h•p• For \\' I, " Ink,. or 'I rt ''"' lhl' All~"···r lo lhas flllt•'lllllO. rl'ad narrl'll~ Rl'ltlly 31 14 Thf• f'J.:I(S """ '1•·1"11 I toll '·"'' tha~ t·olumn nrxl Wl'l'k and 58,.,.. SyrriJI!'IIn'' 1'1unt••r' z;. ~~• &f>pn r,.nlly ''""''"" " ~"'''I"'" • rarh l'nlumn ror 1 h r• Mmpll'll' :o.ff•!<a Rl't'rt•kiiOn 20 25 Whlrh lrrl'rtk• "''" 11 I h• 11ttl111.11 \ st8ry DIIVI!\ and \.ay 14 :11 lnhlhrtum~ t•f lflotJI ttlltt k•r l lo.ou 1111 I'Xflo•rl' l"'>•hlllll"' ttlloltl ''"I Thnt 's 1111 fnr tndlt)', hul wp'll R«'t' you nl'xl wrk In lh•· R/JIJ lra~:ur·, P1nk '~ !Jr111:• lhl' joh ''1>•·1'""' 1111 '""" .. r ht1ld R lon~t II' Ad n\'l'r I"I'N>nd p lltrl' 1hrlr nnrmnl ,,.,., anrl t ""' •••11 I Alpha llt-111 who •~ l'llrro·nlly lw•· WAll thl' wny 1 ':oil 1"11 ol !\!"""'"" ing prcllllt-d for lhr number two hilt< 11 ltow luonnonl' "I' h ~~~·· ul I SANTA ANA TAKES OVER LEAGUE LEAD Thl' count y R<'lll 'll r rdouhl Ahll' SAniR Ann nppcnrl'd todny In hRVI' llw Suns•• I lrn~tH• hn~krl hnll (ra- I'Rll pr••tty wcll undC'r control. 1111~ wa11 mnnirr111<'rl. in n, un- crrlllln trrm11, whr n thry handl'd 11 hrrrtoforl' domlll('('ring H un!. anrlon Rt>11ch fling a 1«-rrifir '44-2!'i Jhl'llarkln~ '''"' rrldl\y night Ill Snn111 Ana Thr w in pul thr S1lnl11 I)IJ( In rnm1 "'''h 7 "Ill~" Al(lllnlll on•• 101'!1 11nrl <iropp••<i t hr ( JJII'rll in ll'l lhr St·Nm<i 11l•lt with 11 tahuhalion l'lf :l nnrl 2 :---''"'fVorl IWnch'll T11r11 h:o\• 1Jnrlo~pul•t1 lhtrtl With n r~"<'­ nrtl ''' 1 "•n• rot.:flln~l t hrr<' Ml't . hilt k' Full•·rlno 1:\-:l•. I 1rnn~:•· 1:\.4 1, ''"''"' 1111 ·~·f.• nnrl IJownl'y 11-61 t r lttl in lh'lt nrrll'r ;\l,.ntiR)'" •rht~lllr Pllll Sanl.ll A n 11 llf<lllncl 0rllnl!f', Nrv.-port llro~l••r f4c .otnsl F utlo rlf/0, Downl')• Ai!A•n•l ll•mllnt::tnn lll>~trh whlll' Anllh,.lm drawJ 11 h)'l' ~"1••1 hy ~)mp,.lln'• l'n1nlt'r8 th•· IIUhlltllnt••·'· I•• '""' f'ompiC'IC' PIJIJ stnnrltn~t" aro· I \\' 1. ·rwo ln ilulto\o• l"'lol••·n~ 1., t. .• 11 l'mk'"' l lrU~t~ :n 1:\ lll'lllnl( "' ft~h In l'l•rl111n <lr"""''l Alpha lk-1a :t4 :.!1 a nd roR•Irtl \lololr·rA ,.,,. """ '"'lnr Symp!'(m·~ P1111111•r :.!1 :.!7 rlr('ulatrd fur "'linlllltr•., lh'''''l:" C'r&wford'a Druga 16 3:.1 mil th(' "'"''' --~-=--~~-=----~~-------------BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ Harbor 581-R .. • OWN YOl iR OWN 110~[ Plan NOW to build your own home. Plan wisely, plan car .. fully, but start planning now. Good rnaterlala are available. rtnancing ton be eatlly arrong. ed. The main difference betwM" owning and renting a home Ia the dawn payment -yet ft II the dlfferenee betwMn belno • home own., -oncllulf o ,,.,.._ tr." This Message Sponsored by the following: Barr Lumber Co. ......... Ana. c·.,.ta NNA ....... OUM!r Y.,., Bayview Lumber Co. 111 lht Mt.-r: .. a of IU .... a 1 ...... 1 .. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. I 'IUt It s_.port nlwd., f'oela Itt·- Crown Hardware Co. 1111 (:n .. t H wy.-('"rona dflf Mar naniel Paint & Glass Co. IM4 S•wp•u·t ltlvd.-('oeta M,. .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan r:IH-frt••l.,. ... liN' 19!0-1001 ('OMt lfwy. (;ordon R. Findlay Cabinet Shop 401 lOth pctrN't f Dutch Heacock, General fAl ntractor /It O ftalt,.>a Av,.,-(·o .. ta M,.. Orange County Builders Exchange ~•~tt4f ~ ftfflrwi•'•Y ftulldln< -,.._ .. A- Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. !'ti""llf>r1.. l"un,.rtn•. I.A4r'ana. R,__ rwwl l.a llabra Amon West Plumbing Co. !111 c·-tra.t "''"·_.......,, JIM"';ol 11\\ N ·,Ill I~ t)\\ ~ llll~fl I 'Pa~e 4 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -TIMF.S Tt'r.fiiO.\Y Nr\\port fll'art., Calif. F e-b. 10, 1HII Harbor Feminine ACtivities Cast Complete Boolc Review For Ualincla Kay's Hats ol Past Era Show B&PW Members What They May Weor in Future For "Fa_rmer's Daughter" St. Joachim's Guile/ Bringlo~ wH.h lwr a fo14Jr-4)o·t-.\~ ~l(>n ~-~ Ilk"" II +'M"'I'1 ful -, h S mt'lockon wnlct• stu· ph•>•..t ... unl rlw m .. ~onn••· ,Blue Buds By f e eo Wl'arln.:. amon~: othf'r <'(•~••mu s l '.o~>t ,.r .. ,ut.·nt~ und r~<'w m• rn Vi s't Marine Lab. a hilt and C11JX' whtrh h11tl lw-<·n tw•!"'< "''""" honnrr'fl I.'W'C111 rmd f'll('h 1 I worn 111 Pn'l!tdf'nt Lrnroln's tn n <'t't' rrl n In\ • ly •·or~nl:l' l'll!<t Hhw llu ~~~ "' tlil' ~ •• ,, W•·r·· a ugural hall. Mllllnrln "'"· ·•nw l"' ~•~'~• nt' "''r• \liort:WIIIo• \\'loy. !:"''''~ Ill tl••" '·"' ""' trn~; ,,r Lady With the Hat~>.'' m'"'' o•hnnn· tho• l'lut;~ for"' dow( ufllt·•-r. lro•n,. . tn,ly t'nlert:dnt-d 7~, rn•·mt••·tlt o•f :\h•rrts, Mdlln·d Stunh·y, (;tl'lhn i l'1oof '"111 \lr ~ :\1."1•"• 1• '' '"' BWiint'SS 11ntl Pru(o.,5io)nlll \\'o•· '1'11111"-hrrtllluro lh••• ShN·I~ r l"·tt h11l l \l rttfl•· ltl•t l "'"' 1••· men's C'luh wtu n lt11•y "'''' ·n rur!'· No·w m•·rnh<·r~ wo•n• 1-: m m 11 r ••n·• 11• I '' ,, day ('\'t'lling tn .1111' ~-'""" dult l "llj;ht'll II•Jlt. l.yd ta Slw rrnnn I rt .. fl., .. ,. 'h.·""" ''"' I'll,, tllotll) houlf-. l<\l•lyn \'11rno•r, Arnl'ta r' 11 II I, •1• ,.11111 11 •ol '" ,1 ,11, lolo tr .. n l1w ,) Mlu K11y wor•· fuw uf ltt•r m~ony1 P.~\rtlt• !'p11nhlfor. Ell11. dr· Murk. "·', 1 11 111 , , •lowu•ll 111,11 11,11111 , pt•rlod cm:tumo·s 11nrt rnlln)' ul h('r ~ llt lotwth Jl, ss.. Junt• f urrnr. f.A• I ' 1 I . . I 250 h11ts, 1uit1n1: h••r 110f11:S and Shtplt·~. Emmn \\'rtlkins. t:lalrw !lrtfl ''"'~ ""') J,,, I h• > <•bit noadiogs to tht• vnrlous st yl1•s \\ t•hh, JI'!IStl' Hill :tnd F.l~ll• Stun•• •lti•ll• d """" '"' II• ~"'" ~~~ ,. •· Showing M'lme or her I!Ullll'nlk P or(lthy Sulht'rln nd pn·,tll(·ll "' ''···tt II ofllo .. '" "I II '" 'Ill•\\' rill I: hc-ad$:cflr of )'l'&rll ~;ont• by •11h1• 11 Khort huslnM!ll SI'IIStnn, foll<o\\ rn~o: •ru• ,, 1,11, w ould aay "C&n )'uU •muglnc your· lht• t11rk••y dlnn••r s••rvt•d hy !'o·trM eeiVMI Wl'aring this•" l l'nding h('t F. A \'uun~: II• '''" ,, II I Ill: "" !Itt• II'" lht• a udlt"net' Into I( file'S of laughter; t-:ll.tn•· WI' ISS r(•porttf<l t•n 11rv· 1:11 " "• t •• '' 1 'ool 'd' • 'hil l• '"~ lty then cuntmulng w ith "\\'PII, John-~t·ss of tltt· prugram fur tho• '"'' ,. "' '"' 11 ttnrnt .. r J,, t\nu J'nodenc hu one in hll new col· rJOl'scs' Nl~:ht dmm·r whu·h wtll II <~'• II I' d·• Tul11ll ,,ntJ I< 11 th Y br April 1 at N•·wport lfllrhor I : .. •111d• r-,._ f•r ,.._,,,. llall'ty •.. may not satisfy you. Why nnt lllrefiCtt\m It NOW -whllt> you c:an. WA&&F~ I . WEI8Eil ......... ,........ ............... l., ..... ·-Ul• .__ f'e. Francis J. Horvath \'aC'ht club and for which t iC kl'l~~ l'r• 'o tt l "' t • ''""' "'"" t1 :d~o "ill bf' avallahl, Marc h I I t luI ~!"flo r. ... k I'"'' I • ,11•r A prlzf' gl\'t•n lty Irma 1\tarph-s Slt•-+1.5 J'uu n• II. I'• nm I ,,.,.,,;,r,l Willi wo n hy Arn(•tn P aul <tn•l lhf' ( · •rul fll.,\\o r , ( · .. nnl• s, oll'y rtn•l priL<' 1(1\t•n h) Fny Calah11n ~H·111 Jl •• rt lt t t.(ut~: Tho· 1:1r l'l ""r•· :w., to A ida t;urton Mrli :\fnrph·'( 11nll • .. mp.lllll'll hy ll11 1r It .tdt r. Mrs Mrs. Calahan "'''rt' both ,,,..,·iul St .. n• h " k lh• 11 "'"'""''''· :O.Ir ..ruNts. • t", 11 and ''" ~lr~ Ua~tt.n. ! • Residence Phone: Harbor w:n-R Jeanne Fulghum Feted At Luncheon Mrs. 8ernicc> llut•ston ancl Mrs. Franet>s 0<-ntry, 31<1 34th strrN, Wl're hQSI•·~Sl'S at a luncheon h.,norlng Jl•lfnne Ful~:ltum, who has i>N.>n "mploy('d nl th(• JI)CIII of- fice of lh(' H·IPphonl' cornf)«ny for the past Sl'Vl'n rears and who is now lt•aving to makl' ht•r home in Alhambra. Yellow daisil's and purple iris W('re used with yc·llow candles as a springtimr decoration for the prettily appolntl'll tublc . Place5 were laid for Mrs. J ewel Walkl'r, Mrs. Frieda Bates, M iss Marion Mowe. Miss Maxine How- ard and the hosttolilics. <'~>~I f•Jr Thl' Farnwr's Daught<'r, "ht<'h w111 IX' prt·s<'nled next mnnth by H a rb o r Communit y T'layrrs. has qpw ken compTerro ltC'rordmJ: to ~larian l<<'p~r. pub- hell)' ch~tinnan. It will be directL'<i by June Farrar. Par ts in thl' pl~tY And thosl? who wrll lflkl' t h<'m a r.•: Sarah, Gcrt· rudc llo rn: MArthA. Fri<'da Bales; Fatlkr. Francis Horvath; N ellie, Jl'nn Llns<'nhard; J:~ck Da lton, Don Moorl'; Richard Mur.:atroyd, llarold Barnum; Constable J enk· ang, Robert w sntz; P.ett•, Warrt•n Crane : Bi~ Mtke, Dick Malone; Mag. Marian Keppcr; The Drunk, Don Dic kcrma n. Anothrr part, that of Hawk· shaw, will bt• played by a person who is remaining unknown, even from the rest of the cast, and whose id~ntily is known only to the dirt'Ctor and to the president. Edythe Lippincott. Only Woman Legislator Addresses So. District,· Clubwomen T al<e Stand on Liquor Control "The most critical problem in chairman. following 'the rcsigna· the stalE' during the 1947 sNJslon lion of Mrs. McBride, of Balboa. and today is the holl!ing shor tage. Mrs. Rockwell is pn•sidcnt of the California· has gainrd thr('(' mil-Son Dlcgo Woman's club which has lion nl'w citi7.<'ns in thr last seven lhC' d tstlnction of having the larg • r ears. Thts Is the grcat('St mlgra-rst cluh membership in Southl'rn lion in the entire history of our District. St J 011chim's srulld ml't Thurs. day In thr auditorium of thl' parish school, Orange avenue and after a Shor t business srssfon prt>~ded o\·cr by Mrs . D. 0 . W ilson, ftfem· hers heard a review of "Eagle 1n the Sky'' as presented by Mill Dorothy Rigdon. Defo re tht'-meeting adjourned 1 he 'n tnE'mbcrs wer e served cake and coffee b y the hostcsss. Mn. Earl Schetne and Mrs. Harry Nolan. Be Wiae -Advertiae roa IN8UUNO& liD Howard W. Gerrlah IMIN..,.,..-t .......... 008TA IIJalA .._....,_lUI Automobile • Fire Accident • 14fe Uoenae aDd Contnlct Bondi Wrtt t.n Casino Cafe INOOIIE TAX SERVICF. /tit,,, Rolph Deaver, Girl Scouf Commissioner, Reports on Gov. Warren's Youfh Conlerence T h nt ('ulor .. rntn rlll;o·n• .,,.,, 111· r I tit• ~ .. ," '' .,,,. lltiHIIItn "' tt•r•"ctr d in lht·tr 1outh \\," " till' '•>~'1.1 1 111111 ~ • .,,, 1 ""'' "' rn~t a lllllrk:thly d· mnn•trnt.-tl I•) '"'' "'''""~ l h.or tlo I I !>IH l:t '"'Ill' f:wt tluot ltol •t tlo lo ca t• « frorn ,.,.,.,.)' ,,, "" 1 tow tho· •I• tilt\ tit •I I toto nat ion. F urt h<'rmorc, C'Xpcrts say Mrs. Edward A. C'rokat, San tha t this migration will not s top, Dit•~;o. llrt'Sidt'nt, prrsidf'd at the and that anoth<'r tr n million persons om• day sessu>n also a t the ex· Ft!CifonJ aad State Offb: S28 %8th St. Phoae llarbor I~R RMideaoe: 116 35th St. PllciM Harbor J92Z..K 11ft !fl ............. C08'l'A .:ESA ,__. llll:iM!oa 611 I·W '\. w \ ' ~~ T1w'y d<Ut't ('(\fttf' E<":. UM~ ....... u. .-n- ~ or ~tl)' lor our ~li.IM't, dfo· pi!Gdal-'t> wat rh r.-p a I r w n 1 ...... It'• cloi!M' lliCiiiT ..... rnay 11(' ex~t·ted to movl' hcrc in' N 'Util'c committel' ml•eting t h c Coc~ta il lounge t h<' ni'Xt fl'w <lr cndl'S. ·nu.' hurdcn l ,tr·r vious day which was hrld a t ...A_ ftJ trl ••f tho• stat,. turnl'd out 111 .,(ton fll'l 1 ·,tl, • ""''' 1111111' flu• It""''''' tn (;u\-·rnur· \\'ztt rrn J; tn I,,,,,,,,,,.,,. 11 1' '"'''''I' t lt tf 1t1-1• \llnn .. n tu u lfo•lttl hr.~ ,.,.nft'r••n•·• .or• '"It" do'"'''"' 111 t'lrtldl• rt that this con<litiun placcs on our: th,· P lnntf•rs hott·l. Rra wl,·y. U <t atr go \'f·rnmPnt is almost twynnd 1 ' Serving Complete t·omprr hcnsion." Mr·~. K11thryn T ., W lcJ D I p :--;,,.,lnust•, Snn llit•gr), o nly wQm on or 0 Y 0 royer L U N C H E S o•n ''f\ttlh \\'o·lfl!rP whwh wn~ lt••hl '!':1111 t) Ill < 1•11'• 111 "' 11 11 ,,.,.,, tn l'lll'f ltfHo nlu, .1.,1111 11 ) ..''t .ontl :10 '"" 1:11 1, 111.,111 ,.,,,,1,,,.. "''" ''" " ... t11ld thl' rnr ml11.•rs 11nd gw•sts ut- ~tlll11' ~.r 1111' hh;hlll'hl~ nf 1111' I 1\\ ""' I """' .... ,.,, ,,,, ••• , .... ,. ("flf•·r••nt••· \\t•r•• rdztlo·d lo) ~'"" .. t thtc '"''"'Ill If:•· ltrt "" irt spilt' mt•f1Jhl'r o f 11w sln tt• lr~:islntun·. At Methodist Church and lt•ndin~o: the• I'Xo'CUII\'C bollrd m t•<'t· ''Till' \Vorld at Prayl•r" is the D 1 N N E R S in~ of thr Smtlht•rn Distnrt Cali· th•·mc for th" Wo rld Day flf Pr~ty- l!ulph llPII\I'T. lnr:ol l;trl St"<oUI 11( Ill•• • • lldtt H•f" . .!!,!111 iull•ao tt•·· \Ill. \ '" "It~. ColtO \'f:ll "'AL1 t.l("' t·ttt tho• '"~t.l~rtJ: l'~tk•• a fh•r ('ummicl<ontu r :trtd l\tt«!oo ,J u tly \\tlh ""''" II• ''"'''"'"' tl·•ttl l··,.,,tlwlr rua r rl"l:'' '"' ~unday Ia fl n1t lltrl,fl.llt dturl'lt, l ullt·rlurt. Tht" fornia Ft•fll'rntiun of Wonwn's c·r, ln h1• obsr•rved Friday. Fl'h. "{:{ l'lt1hs hf'l<l in Br»wll'). \\'l•dm•sday, 13 at Chnst Church hy 1 he St•a (1tr•l •ntlln. Snuur St·uu t, lo1 "" 111 tho J,m ohtllllh' Ill •, tit• 1 J, .ul lort~lt· i• 11..-'"""''r ·ll"anae Anne •·o·rrf,h, tlnur.:hlt·r ur 'lr .. unci ,:\lrto. 1\( ~ nf lh•• ''''<'1111\r lw•ar<l nt thl' ''' 1'-111 111ko• Itt tit• 4Tiflll .. ~.,~ .. ·~l~h. 1111 Twt'ftt v-S inlh ,,.,.,., t•l11•loo I • \\ ;,~ tw lllt F••hrul\ry 4, whPn ~hi' 11f1Jlf':lrrd ns with Mr s. John PCischncr in 202 Main St. fl'fiiUn•d SJ>I'<Ikl'r nn thl' rl:~) 's pro· t•ltar~c·. Time nf I hi:' scrvi<'c is !':"•J.c•rt lf~rhur G•rl Scuut -''~"·' Tlr·· ~:••''""'' I'"''"!,, n111•1 Jeanne Anne Gerrish Bride of Robert W alters •'II• linn Wlu r h r on\'o•nt 11 'I'll• "'·'~ I.Hto•r 111 (',,Jtf,ll nt 1 ~ 1111 t'o•nctnl' • , • • ~ram. :! p.m. and the public is invited Balboa, Calif. A f h · r ll•lli n~: oC rn •• n y 1 11lls p.1 ,~. 'r. ': 1 :n:t:t:r::n::d::. :::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;:;::;::;:::;:::~ 11o"n rnr n lunt'lw nn m .. •m~: n •'"·•hl "'""' t•l ""'''"' ,, ah· In Rtfes of F~rsf Chruf1an Churc h, Fullerton \\ lui• s t ':.(o•, Rnlhon J~l.mtl l -t:•l•• ~ tro "'' '"'"'" ···l'•tl.ttro~n I' till .:o.t,,. lk:l\,•r r i'JII>ttNI tilt' ful· •lttruw tlw '"1 1" "11 ~ 11 1 lo ,,.,1 • I • 1 '" oh•rr<'h, Fuller-• ·I o1 ••c•nl fur hor ha t and lu \\IOl' t•Kr •riJtli (rum t hf" Cu\· h••·h 1.,,,. lu t u 10 1,., •'•·•~·-'"·•• 1t 1(•' •·nSunday,Jeannc • tl 11 hich wert of rntrn•!~t to W•l· ( 1111'0 of lh(' SI RI<'. ;\Irs. Nti'I10W;t- <'Oni'IUdo tl lwr l:tlk by oul ltntnl: I hi' splo•nchrl wnrk or t hr• II'I:IS- Ia tur•' on m:~ttrrs or bettoor l'rlll· ro r·• I Ill" ... ,lrr-~ ·rhtar•-' I)' I I I I I '''0' I ;. • " til "'' r nr Mr. and • '\I flo ''" I,,. • II '. _, \\ l d<lin<> ,• u .~ tt M'n .., .-t•l -,~ ..-u tf11 '''' rta. f u 11 ··I ••l ••Ill r •'"•• "'1 ~ mur ntnt: '" Ito• u( tn r tf('Uf.lr ttl """'' r•·ll~"'n. ,.,ftll'nti•m. '''' """ d \\ t:.rrrsh of 118 , "'" '''' t l."'"''' .luhnson •·at11tn, ~lnttng that. "on1• l•·nllt ll'rl''l l t 11111h ,111,1 •lllt•lu~fltou t "1"·it··~,:"•th~tll•' o"hw.:•'il \·nwswith t 1 \lt-\l tl•'•lf,, ••lnt""ftlw "f tlw tulle: which \\'l'l't' irrlrct· "l>.•ltnftlh lll'\ " lurt:••ly n h~-t•nurt un•l pr .. h·111,,11 .,111, .• ~ ""1,• I' '•tl \', '•I "11 tlf Mr. and ,,.,, "'"''' h 1 .,., 1 111 I""· :\Irs. •luc<'<l w•·ro• hill<~ on rducntil'n nnrl tort11lur1 ul ullr fntlur,. tu t:l\'t• :•nrl "" """ lu 11th 1mt 1, 11,,,.11111 • \Jo '•'"' 1 \\ ''' ''· ~l:.~ \Vt'sl 1, !Ia t, 11 •h '"' 'Ia.. \\':~rrrn that amnn~: thl'm n htll 111 f'n· ~IIUrtl; 1'1('411•1·· '"'' prOJll 'r trntnlfll: .... If, I!....... I\\"''"'' ' . ,,.,, I ttll··r tnn. Thl' "''"'" ,.,,' "·" ., ''"' run.·h lar~o: .. thr ohjl'cttn·s n r :ill I'IUIC' ·•lid •11\lfnnwnt uur l'lulflro·n.~:•!O!II Ft•II•!\IIIIC '"'" ;Hith o·,~. !Ito• 11111 l:o \ l 'olh 11 I ' l'tt• k JJ<•rfornwd I•.,\\ I l'llllo·~~." ,lftfl ltu(l. 11n • ~tmply thl' rrl'lllttro·, (,1 , ... , "'""' "I' 1111,1 l:l ~··• 1,,1, If,, •• •• "0''"' 111 '"' prl'~rncc of' ''" II•" \II' \\ olt .. ro; ""'''' :1 \\'1!h. thl' .''\'t•r uwr .. n"in~ rlrsin•l l11r punt I clo"'"~~'"ll" ronr•·r111n~: "' ,.,. "" "' 1ft• '''""t.: I.'OUJ)II'. t • '"" ,o ·ll•tl ••ro'lud r .. a·~·IJ.:•' f••r ( nhforntll In'"' n ·m0\'1 •1 from Baby Shower. 1 ••\o·r~ ph.t<•· ''' )"'""'" 1..-.. r.t.111, I',J"" ·'"" r,JII• .. ,h•l" of white '''"~ • ,,If h·1 '"''lo:uul l•fl nn thp "hlal'l< li~t " t•f 10 sthto·s \\llh· F d T h• ~· "r·tro~u~ nw t TI11H•<I ,, ,r 1 1 , 1, .ol .f ,If, 111 num:lrd wtth • l•otlrl " '"'' tn '"' •Jn.tmto nrnt•••ll ••Ill l'nmmttnlt\' lttlllllr ''"ntrul. or A opted Son ,, "" ••n ·""' Fnfh \ ll111rl1tf1~' ;\J .. r. 0 """' I .... ' Ill ... .,,,. • •• nks nr I •' I Ill • 1 I "ill' ,, II ..:• .• tln.tf•· nr I Smrllw rn lll<t riel. \\'f nt "" ro·t•nrrl · 1 · tit"' 1·~, l1n·ft "IIIH•I Mill 1• .. 111·,.,· Ill' hi• t1 '·'I" 1 ~ 111 futtn :t back-·., "I• It llatluor l '1111•n H 1 1: h :o< a<loptin~: "''' pl.111 to aid thl' ~Lenlt'\ f ···:ttl, 'h'\\ l\ ,if opt.·d ~''" ,\ I I L ' II I . . I (. I r . ·r I • t.•. , .• ·, , ·•j'"llll fll-. "''l''''''fll tllJ.! .1r\ l',dtl11r. "'"llrtd 1111' tlu• \\o•tld•m: party ... ""'' til( ,-tt ''''"" .11n 11H 10· 11 10111111 tlllf•r<""'' r••d•·raltnn II Mr und Mro; l.mn111t C.rt "'' · I t 1 1 h I · ~tt, · I ·t• •·1 tiLl· 1 '' -1, h ·rs ltl fllnr·•· 111 • f"ll\ •r ( ' •t f •a Jll,t \1111f 1 ''''''Ull1i it1Hrl' :t ll•tHh•~t ~Sinlt .tr• t tt\\•1 ... rl•••••q itlt•c t •• • ... • • 1 ' tl .,. u tt 1u '•.. . • r , ' t1 1 f) 1) tn- 1. l:l tlnrlwrr homl•·\nr•l. wn~ thr) 11n11 h•ok 111 ''"' 111111 111 '"'''"' ril~-I" w~. ro~IJ<'tl with whil,. satin r ib-'''' 11 '" l'l'l 1111 Y 111 till· law nlftco·l divld u111 hqu()r lin•ns•· 1n tlw lu1n<IM "U'·'t nf hon.rr (It a hAhy l'how••r l'lt~~JIIrt• ''"" :oltOIIL! '"· Willi• ··:tr , .. lo ,, llllllu. or 1.1'11'1) ,\mit ''"111, ('u~t:l :O.It•S:l .. r lrrlrlo•f'!> .. r ··:tl'lt 1°11f1ltnltlllt)' Tilt "I I ''11 ro•t't•ntll' l!y !\tr~. llllrrr \1 I r I I 111r \\' ,,,, ,, " ., r.:l"'illl'tlo• \If J•l'lopo tSt ,, II l'i'-htu•n '"" rh ·· I tl'h \\'hltnlllll ·IIHI :'>11~ l.loo~d (;.,t.rll'l I ' ',"· lfr't •''"''·' "'""'" Fr·t. Till lorttl<·. \\hot 1\ '"' 1;1\'f'n Ill Fullrr to•tl,ff • h .,.11:••1 ,;nd .tnm"r '•·lf\ ,;ntl <'t riJtl l lito i'"".r 1,.·,. I \'., I II h f .. , I ft~l ltiN•f\ 'fttll• .. , lh• , .•• , IH •• '' ~·· ~., }h' f tfh• ... \\'U~ )(l\t '" • I t 411 f ,,. u 1n1·rn h•fllt• Htl IU1 .HU 1 I CHile C"" ! ' 1 "•· ~ ::·.:; u\ 'tt'\'' t t'h ' , n , •,, ! 11 d .- ht•Uit \/u tf It 11'1''11"" "'1' , .. """"'''' , ... •••1 1~1 \\btft• HI• ti t.,"' ,,,,h a r.~ I J ' I :. I '""" l'lttl ·"' \jolflh "ll'll! /tll•lft• , ......... "'"' I ttl .. , t••plum 0 tilt' :11 111~ '""''·,,"I'"'">!'""''":"·' ur '"""f•llttl f•\ tho~ 11• Tit•· f''""'' p:tr•ttl' tntli•· 1 ltiJI ""'""" 111 "n••l f•l "'rl•l 11111 1 1, I , hi hi I ~~~t'llll\l!lo• ""' ,, t '''"I , • .,If,·.:·· '"'·"""' l'•rll.tlt/111"1' 111!1 l>~fll•k• I I ' I Ill\ I I• I • '"It I \\ c 1 I r1C • \ .. • ( ' In lluu••"" '•' t••t th•• t th\·, \\l111, ••It tntltt\lnttt\ t.ultl .... r ,t.l,~h tn H l.t 11 .,, \ h~-•l•• "' , '!':·\ \\til!''''' tJu 11"rn, l t 1t1.-tnd dll' ... ''"' \\ •tfw1 "' u11t t~ II'' ·• 1:1"11 1lt ••lol I 1 1' 1,11to11•11 111 . ('••lltroll '"' \,,,11, luhl ll o 1 II I l.\4 .11 \\t ~l (,lfllt•o•ll\\o;h t\t lllh·. It "h""''l j,,. 1 , -.d f , U't"' \\ li p 1\ttf. 1'11/t 'I "'" fhtl '-tilt• J••lt I ttl\ ft•f t ll h l! tllh I ":,;:,'.''' l)~;'hlll tll\\tiiJI J-'IIIi•t lull ;\It'\\'" ~~"ofo\l olf, o,;lll l •oo '"• ,,,. 1 '' 1' ' t ,,t," '1 "''1 1••1•lu '"' u. .• J, '•I '"" •'"·"'' d •lltl lit'' t tt\ ""h"" ~ .. r n1 u•S• 11hu'r f, 11 '' , .. 'l'f" .,,,, d •·-.. , 1 ' I·'' •• "' 'l·· 'II""" c:"'"' ""'' ... ,.~·~~~·~~·~ '" ...... ,, ·h·""l ""'' "'"'·· HARBORITf:S '' 1'••: 11 ' ' 1'" "'' twh,J( u( '' 11 ~ fh••1 '" f1 I rh tiHI \ '•tHI•P'" \\,,~,. l •ttl I I' " .. " \\ I' .. ,, In ol •••• l ... u ••• c tlrll l•l•lltl.' I. I •.• 1,.u 111 1, .til,,'"'" ,11 .. ah, I rl "" l it~•" 1th. 111.ul •I "''' ,, 1 .1• II H Htn~ oil l.tol" ''" ••·•l·t•ll•• \It• I• •'•I '111••1 \\ 1ll1 , ... l~•lllll•at I. ·I I Flo ltJ•I tlflt.: (1"111 tho o·rttll d lo "••Ill ,,,,,. "'""l."t'""''"'"'"'1 11,, ,,,, 1 ,1 11,,1 111, ,.,1,1,,r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,, . lh· II L:n\11\ .... ,,,.,, ... ,, t' I nt •' 1111 a ••• ,,.a f/1 r h I ·•'I ttl If\ Ill<"· Ill I \' tt l fl \•Pit••lll \ \\ I"" t •lro!t tit •u1•pttn'• Hh•ll , 1 , "'I", • fn(,IUJ .uul h.e ... 1 .. • u , • 1 tl t..•l h), PICTUR E FRAMING (. t 'STII\1 'I \Ut: I It "It:)'! \Jnd• I It!\ f'' Itt d J.a.:,.unn f;llo•' fl\<flftf,,J J.o>lit•l ~~' J,,j of Ill J•tJJ 11t.1f tho~ Jto\ ~t \lo ~111111 11 Ill tlh Ju1J 1 ht•r of ttl\fllo'l' l •t•ltlll'~. f, fll,. foil' ol I ~II lh • . ."tno S rl\tlt' l(,y ~;'1"''11 II •ol· lh• II •111\1 \ ""'' t•loiOI • I 111tt '"' \ \\oro• "'' IIIII I \llt'olllllll It IIIli s\'lli'JI" 'ho .. till' I 7:16 S<l. ('ua~t llhtl. II oft\ ~•IHII II , ltiJ•h:n•• lo th \\t• ilolt lo·lrf•l'ftl'o• I' i1 1111~~~ J•l •l lllll llllll• 111111lt 11f lh1 •o 1', lll'<h otlll lhl' l.11t1r t lllot l.llfl!'ll ~--..... ~-----------.J Picture Ffame Studio 1,1"111' J: .. ~l. ''"". h u.:o l <:, :'>In)' to""' <top l'h•n lh.tl lltt• \ 11111: lottrl Tllotl llu\\or • \\•, IWCI o'ullt '• lt it.rttl•, l.\ol~11 \l•••r•• ---- J .. llldt!lll. ~ .• r alt I :dlllrtll•' IIIII· , ... ,.,,. "'''' hf'lll lll\' ln\'llt:,, r .. '""•I.: I\< t•ff'lllk tl.u" •• I I uf "·'"'"('It) and Sll/.111111' 1'11 11 , ••••.. Pall\ (;:ol.•rw l. n .. lly <.;do•\\f', ., .. fir ,, 1111 11' '" ,.:lflit•lt'·''' otnt11 I r 1 k I I • tw•a• """ ··nntra~••tlt: ,r,, '""'. 11 ··• ,. '''"''· Ill. • • • .\l.ttl~ I 1 1 ,11 ~ ltlt. :-.;,.1-.t Ztrklo•, '1-HIIll'l~ ''1''•'"11 tl,.·n"'"'" SO \\.II W/~1 N I I I :\ t II I I t;l1•/.t, ;\I ll\ ('htltl• .. !")" I.I'SII'r. \\~tn•n :0.1:1\wt•ll "·''I '1!111> 't·\\ •101 " · o\\Jlt•l' •·t;:lh 1·1!; H•:h\ I'"" J .. ;a,•r, :"tonllll ~"••lll!ll l. "'"~' ··no·nllf n•tttl: "111•1 J)tlm•r•· l'p•h llo• "' ' h<·•·n •·•·rt f111,tl '" ltts Jt,ft,.. '"'h * FEATURES: Beverly Vogue Lingerie New Le ngths :'\C'w L;ac(' Trim I I.ilf Slip l.:tt ••• Trim Fitl<'<l T:1ilnred (;, 1\\ rt.; ~\·I,.n C~irdh•s c;,,rll'r· t~·lt,- in the 3.50 :tfl5 2.95 1.!13 & 5.50 3.00 up 1.95 Hosiery & OH ! Original Gifts ! 4HO s.,. Cua,t BI\'CI. llacr~· Patio -l o~.&J.,'lana •n<l th,. lt~>•t•·~~·q . n ••llr t;u l ."''"'lf "Ork "" lin• l'r•··· .. ·•lrnt: tltt• '''''"'' I, .. nn ,,,,,.,,rt '""' • • • ;\lr. anll raJ:E JII:"TI~t .\TJ: :-;,.,,l r n~ ~tft!< h111 unnhlo• to "'"' 111"1' '1 11'111 1,.,,., .. "11 '' 11"11 ~IIIIth ~.1111.: · n,., ... ,,,, ·'''" 1", l\1•~ I: H ·'"""~'"" .. r ·"·""''''" '"' Ill•· "" I"' r .:l•t It tt'k It '' I'll• ,. .. nncl tllt·n· ~~~n L••lnntl \\'1'1'1' t't'('l'nt All Wo~ Guara.n~Mc! '"""' ""' l\lr< ~·111''q Ctto'Wo', \\o•ll l••r "' '" rr"nl•l•' tlw 1111· . . 1:111'~1 " .. r l\lr. and :'>lr~. (;, urgo· ACROBAT s·HOES • 1-DAl' I'Y.R\'IC'F. • \l ,, 1;111•• Atl~•l::osl, ;\lr~ A ll ll t•u·tnrwo• unrii ,~J\(11\\IIIIIt tv 11f till' llw n •t'•t•t lt!ll "1" hold "II• Cltii J•Ilt:tn, ('.,s t:• ;\h sa '• • ;\Irs .-,._ a-n.we '"'l•ll ltll'k otntl l'nrnll<tlpatnrk. 11 ,.1k nur C •rl S<'(llll 1,.n.,c•r!l llrl' t llltt olt ,.,n ,l lt,,fl .''' th• ''""•n· \1 Ill f 1• 1 ,1 jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij d "" • t: ~ • 1 lit :11 " , ,. • 111 , u i' I'" 1 t , 111, 1 111 " · " ' r' :\ I l'l' I " 1 ' 1 • h r 1 • ' ,, ' :" ~ 1 ~ n 11 "~ 11 ' ~ ' ' 1 < ,. ' · · ' "''''"''II' I' I ho·m Ill I \'l'r~ '""cthlt> I Ill tit "" ,, (o•it' '" ro " ' 'I l•'o;. ~~·~ ".'"~~~.~.: ;l.',' .. ~n~· ·;;;n·~ ,·:~~~,\;: ".'.~.~: \\ ;l\ .. t s•ltt\ • 'iO :trlfl \I IJP\\ I (ll"' tfHt t ~ ,,, ~ \\ "''I ~ Ill I' II I I'' • I r I ,, •. ttl lltll'l !:lit '~ "' ll;tll• .... hi: Keep Young Feet CommrloiJ/e, Safe anti SMART Srvlro arc cri•ply nl'w, cnlurs !!UY anJ Ill•"'""· Your )llungtl~rt are " til Jrt ,.eJ fnr 1\11 orrat~wn~. Cut to tnrh f.'""~tion lon~ll' lu rnin~). Mu~..t••scf••,•• •q• u•turullv arul \n U Lnuw )llllr younc ... rrr<~ areron•furttehlt· '" ,., MO· ons. Ru~~·.,.l lrathr«. Clp••r alv ma.lo • •. wo1ulr rful va_lure in lon~cr wear. t:ilOU>C frvllt l•Ur ""'" a11e fllriJi"· • NEW SHADES • Or Your Old Ones Made Like New • • Broadfelt Venetia(' Blinds • • Come in or Call Us Asphalt Tile Linoleum Hanson Shade & Linoleum Shop Cor. Newport Blvd. a 2Srd St. o.ta ..._ Pb. 8eacoD 300f.,J . Carol Terry Leffers Read by Hostess 1 '" and. tho• .1.11 llllllt'l~ anti \\',tt·r<•n I I.(IU<h (1( (':11011:1 "'I ;\!,,,.. ••• 1 Lf. W il/iam Reavis Th<' 1 ltd, H••t.:o rs nr 1 t.11·h .. r lwHrlo· Now An Author l n ·rl ""' '"''''II tn s •. ol n. ·•t·h • • • '' \\ pnrh r .J.IItlt·~ Ft "'l of I' II• I' fll•tn h• I ol.ttt.·h•··r :\It" I' I"' r. "" • r ' 1 t•. I •.! tho• :\;t\ .II Ht 'l'l'\ o• to; o n " '"" t • II 1 rl ·r, t rV, \\ bt' ~~ I UU''It •II tr•\ tttl h,tr 1.., Uti f 1, •JI \\ \\'( 4'~,· t'l Ill~• t tf1 1 ht• lh \\ ;lin 1 .111 111 lrHIII \\I ro· I 1 .ttl II\ :'>lr< \' f:. Jl, :t\ I< 1'..; 'I<. , tfl ,.f \; 1 t l'/111 lt•r I';-..:-; llP\o r • • ' ;\It· ,11111 """ ""'" ~h. •flfotl:un••l ~~ '1r< 1·,111 ," \\ ,1,1,11 , 1 :\It s lf 11r.1 h 111.:. \\o•<of l!lth,rroot. ' ''" "'.'" t' '''. ll.tlh" 1 hl1ntl rtrt'l. 1 C'11~1 ·1 :\lo-•.1. ro'llll'llo .t I ,,, ", ,.o. r I "':t T•l 111ot "luo 1 , J'••' " " 'lll<t ( htt1•h ''' '"'' :-;,,, .,.111,"'" 11.,:, ,,11 1 1, 1 ~ (n m <•kl.illlllll:l ""'''' tlh·\ "·''' l\ll·flllt• r• "'""llll ,, ,...,,.k luno11 'hl•l'•' 1 ... ,i, ,\,""ttl\ " '"" n \l~tiiiH' :\It• h a1o.;'!< ttl ltll•" '"" 111' 1"'~1 '" '' "' t1 fnut <.ol ttl (11r II• \t•ttl 1 unlu 1 ,.1 , , •; 1 • • • :lite I d C'h:opn1;1n o•f ('o~r11n.1 ••fltl J'llnl'll II II' ( ·,.,,..,. (; I/o 1 to• d l'l :'tht t~ h11111t' :l(tr I .'\ 111\•lll h'> .\It • 11··1• 11:1 I l.or,·l 1\',. prr<rcl• <1 ,.i~11 "t' h ht ,. tn r Ill!; 111 :\lin· tllll :'>It . :O.J.'Ir~·tll ,., n.•nrllitrn ,, ,, T ho It· "'' 11.1111 \\ .... r' ,, "' " nr:tl• ·It~ . I . 111 llo•\'nl lolll" :\It < 1: :0.1 \\'tllt:.m, Qtt .tnlit'l'. \'t 1111d .tfltllolot • ',,. n( (' .. r .. n.t tlr•l :'>l:lr W1< t:ll'o•n Sill '1.11 rno• "''111"'1. h 1~ ·1111 "' 1 ''' 111 1\ "''"' •·nn bl' ~~~ 1.:•"•1 th,1t ho• i~ ft •r m.Ht nnls fur tlw ~··r:tphot•k~l 1''11'-;t, 11 111 "Tit lilt.: "11.t 11 1ol ••· '1 1 gOold for nuthtnh. la 1h.an l'r "''''' whtl'h •111• mnk1•1' r1,r ho~ptr ol~ ~1 111 h·s In ttl\' Ann.oJ.oll" 1 .. ,. "'"' f'ln n~ w1•n · m/1<11' f••r t ho' rum. 1 ht• \\','IS n stllrlo•nt' 111 t ho• :--;" 11 nt:ll;•' :<ltfo' whid1 thf' cirri•' "i ll 111'/ltlt•my. lu•l tl Apnl 1 in SM1 l11 Ann and Tlu• \\'ur.J, mn nn~ '" ,. 1: , ""· l\lrs f'h00k orf,•n ·•l ''' s t o r c t>f Dt<•k St,'rn. who~ .. ~to•l " • 'I' nrt ll'il'~ unt il lht• snit• r.·r·!<on~ hll\'· rll"llr in Snturday E\'t•nlf1>; l'o''' 1111: lloonutittfl~ 11111y •'all M1-s. Har· nn<l Colho•rs 11nd thr 11111h .. r r:r:11 •' nt llarl-.,r ll~l . .J o.-Mrs. lt•nrnN:t It> ~nrl In tho•tr Rh ·•I· • Rlttl'r nt llnrhor 699-M. !'rut~l'r. :\lidshtp .\t pro~. nt :0:1. r11 IS dllWn H,•rmllllo1 \\II) Hh>nt l•tn.: ltx-nl r .. t,.r hu t ht' nnd h•~ " (, h•'llf' 111 ''"nw hack l(l t h•• l~lln.! l'ml' da~ Tllnrk l"'l'l'l'r l't>n~tmwd in 1 h•' l 'nltt'li ~11\h'~ /ltni'II111S Ill 1~.000 Inns n Yl'llr, it I• t'l'tim:ttN:t. Mesa Upholstery I larry MrKce 2S50 N f'"'POrt Blvd. C.(l8ta M8& 8ft! GeiH' FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES H AM OR 110'! lmportN Wl~.s and llN·r O..Urata~n We ~llu lb Wed.dJtta and ntrt.Way ('ekh GENE 'S BAKER Y 7011 Cout OW)'. C'omne df'l M11r I will lw n.: hnrsh :ls lltlth :10tl 1\!1 uncomrlr,1mr~ln~ a~ jl:~tit'' Willinm Lhlpj C:f'rri~fln. To lK' a puhllr1~t in thr$e t lml'!t ~ l'm RS slick ILq nn 1'1'1, quick ~~~ ,, llzllrd. 8!1 tln•lt•ss as a squirrt•l. Volt11irc. WOMEN I !!'!.!!~~.~~~~~~ I .~. •• ... Mh•'"" ,._.,.. ~·· r••ft--. ,.. • ...,....._~ ••• ,rt"'F)-"• ,,.,...,, .. ~ '\ '"· r:. r. "r.u~ o.r .. Mt.r . •• , " ... ,.... ,,...,.... •• "'""" ""' • 13 1 It y,...,.. lllPH"f•lhlftC lft ca111"th .,.....,,.. """ Tlu,,.....,. "•",.. • • "' '" ' r '" I ACM~tti.\1~ arr tf'Un•lly cnn~lrtJrt,.•l ..• !.rrn uf arcl1, tlrtt~lc uC t ulc ami l'uhture SHOfS FOR IOYS AND GIRlS S..;&~~ -OPENING SOON- lrillbst"" Cuf·IU~ _..,.... stra~ht I <loU g <JUHl SliDe Shop \\'lLV\' A:-.JD :\1,\R\' Allf>ISU:"ol C()('JJRA:-.1 409 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ·• Offer Jobs to Fire Fighters SACRAMENTO tl'Pt -Tlw stat<' d in s ton of forr!ltry is look- lng for 1.100 nblt'-hodit'tl to fi~:ht firl'l durin.: I h ,. romtng scoason from April 15 to Novt•mbcr 1. The jobs pa)• from n to p of ~:!-13 a month down to ~170 for the low- est clRssificntion. fM I'St hrt·fi~:htt•r. for which no <'Xamination ts r<'· qulred. ThC' state pc'rsonnl'l board will ronduct civil srr vlce tt•sts for the othf'r <'llll't::Ori('s on thr follow- ing srht'dule: For<'stry ~~1uipnwnt O(l<'rnlor , $243, F l.'b. 14: forest ftrl' truck driv<'r , $:l00, I' I' b. 14: fon •st fire- fighter for<'mnn. $231, Murch 6: forest fir e lookout. Sl90, March 6; fir<' crew cook, Sl90. March 6. Stn·ssing t hC' nl'rd fo r an nmplr fire-fighting for<'<', thl.' bonrd said : "To efficil'ntly control rang<'. waten~hed and ro~t fir<'S in Cal- Ifornia. thl' state is dr prndl.'nt on exp<'riencro, quick-thinking and Wl.'ll·tralnl'd m l'n. F ire suppression is now a scicncl' similar to war- farE' a nd r('()uircs pln nm'<l s tra t<·cy, cfficit'nl lut'tics. nnd ml'n to work a s a l<'am wh1'n trainrd with mod· <·rn cquipml'nt." ilt Musically Spea~ing l Shriners Plan Q~TULU:s coLE.~ I 28th Ceremonial in Tlh• huninJ; of a rty IS -::y Shrine Auditorium "" Hnrw.-•n~: svund. not ~tnt! 10 I h\• I'M ; )"t'l a i(T'€'111 C'OOl(ll~r un r .. imltul•'<l lht' sound In a ptt'i.'t' uf mush· Youn1: F1•1ix Mt•ndlo·S· snhn wus wa lk- i n s:: with " frif'nd in 't h I' country, and t)u~ lads rt'SI<'d for a w hI I r on " ~:russy knoll. 1\ lurt;:l' fly n('w past. and M<'n · d e I s 11 o h n im · m <' d I at I' I y c· h <' c k <' d his ~~~I ur<1u~· "''••nln.: F'l'llrilllr)' ~ hn~ ht'<'n s .. t "l! t ht' d att' for ttw fu').l !!l-IS ,.,.rt monlttl and m ill· nllun, hv P oto·ntntr Edwnrd T rn.'k uf . AI M nl11lknh T r mpl" ~hnno•rs of t hiS \'11'1011)' h nvf' no•\'n I noiiHic·d ltl h l'hl tha t dato• 01•·n 1t1 ft•rm cnrtt\ 11ns 'to C'utnr tu ~hrtn<' uudtt<>rhtm t(l fl!l~lst ttw candi!laii'S in "tT <oSiilonl! th•' hurn· In); sands Uf thf• dc'St'rt " The l't'rt'· m ntwll "Ill lw Sl'lt'l'l llf'Ular \\llh t lt'll'nlnl l o r•· nnll irJ;f'nd. Hnd will lw prc•rt•d!•d by an i\rnhiC' rf'\'111'. C'1•rr m on111l dirf'et ion will IX' .undt•r JO.~l'fth WRd<' flrlj;llllC('. P o tr ntntt• C'ook polntl'd out thHI thr rr is still limo• for Kni~:hts Tt·mplnr and 32nd d~r<'<' Srottish Rite Mnsuns to ftll• lll'titimu for S hnne mcmlx>rship w1th John P. Trtll!IS, l:<'rll'r nl uwmbt·rsh lp c hair- man . o r Erm•s t L . Jlurst. n ..._-.,rd<'r a t Shrine• nudilo num Costa Meso Couple Fetecl On Silver W eclcling .Anniversary I Puauc _NeTIC!_ l 'ICITIC't: CW TIU :.Tt:t:•~e >1 \l.r. I 1 lu \\ orluo ... 1.11 I l~o· .\1 ol ol 11 o•l !~ .... ~. ·~ ... 0:1111 ••• l ... ·k I' :\1 .tl tho :->~tUih Fto•lll I llll ollh'' I•• l ht ,.tHII\t \ ~---,U t lf.tU'•' Ill lfh , .. ,,, ,.r S.u,,,, ,\u' '""•"'' .,f t )t ... ,.,. St.& I• ,,f l \ah l.u n a ••. It• hotl h "• l"ttl, , ...... 1'·'"' " ,,., '""·'''''" "' l'lll,lt•o• 11<ttlo•1 lito• llo·o'tl ••I T t ll•l t\t t'Uit d b\ 1\,ttl'oi•t \\~\t·~ lth' • .~,'ll"''rut iPn, ,,,,,,,,f, •I ~,,., tl l''lc. 111 1\,,.,k IIIIo, I 't•~·· 1 M•l ,,r I I Ill h'lool 1(, •'o>lll~ Ill I h•• ••fft,•o• • of '"•' tt•·•'•H •I•·•· .-( t ~rnu.:•· ,·,uanf)' l • . .Jd ,u ul.t. antl t.\ rt'fuutn uf ,,,, l.tllll 111 tho• iOft\lllt'lll 111' (1<'1 h•nll/lno~· "' ••hllruth•n• -·~uro~t lho•ro•h v, lltt'hHh11.: llw lort•nl'll 111 I clo•folllll. lloll ll'\' otf \\ h~t•h \\'II~ r•o· •~•1\lo•tl I h'lo•ho•r 11. 1'1-l i . In 1\o~ttk t:••ll l, l'.•t.:•' 77. ,,f I )fflt•lnl ltt't'<il ol~ In tho• ulfll't• ••f till' llo•o'tH'tlo•t' ••f 1 h l.n.:•· < 'ttllnly, ( 'uilfolrnill, will ~I'll 111 puhlh' lllh'll••rl 111 th•• h il(h ,.,, hultlo•r fo•r •1\~n. l11w ful Ill""''' o1! t ho• l 'ml••ol ~lfllt ... \\llhucll ""rt .tnl v tt"' Itt 1itlt\ 1'-'~"'''"'tnn, or 'au~uanltrun•·•·•. I he· lntt•r•·~t '"'" IO'\t<l ... ~:thl T t ll•ll ... ~~~ ~ltH1 p,.,'(f NF.WrORT BAI.BOA NF.Wf4 .TIMF.f4 Page 5 N .. " J•n~l ""••·h. C '•llf. . ............ .. ,, •• "' ' ,,, t h.~ ltu ut ""''""'·~ ~d h• N··" 1"' I P oo•tl.:tnt.: I •omf)- tl11 n "'rl"' nlloul lo~ tlo-.....-1 t , !'oil olo•ol :"oil o•noho•r :::\, 1 !lJ/(, m llo,.-.lr •ltl'l, n1 rn~:r :\"11'1. of 'lflh•t"l u.~ .. •• ol4 IIWIIt'<' :'ll•>rth •I :1 l 't"J nlun.: the• t-::,~l•'rl)• lin•• ••I •nhl lnnct o'\lll\'I')'NI h > '''" 1"''' l•r•'<'l~ln.; t 'o•m1\llny '" th•' •• nh~r h th' ,,f •fth• t 'utl '·''"'' St•t·~ llt.:h\\H\. ·'" ,,tttl '' tllo'l IIIII' h tlo•"'IIIIO•tl In It llo•t ol '" lho !"l.olo· 11( I 'alllttllll14 '"''''''" ,l.o11uut'\ II. 1~1~'1. In ll·•·k ·~·.1 "' IUII:t' XII, t1f llo • •I' I hl'lh't' 1-'ll,lt'I IV 11lt•n1: "'"' o'o'l1to•t lh~o• n n1l nl•11111 !111• , •. , "'' • llrw 11f thf' r••~tl I" ••11t•o I 1 olo "'' 11.,~1 In ~nil I tlo •••I I t•o'ool olo•ol Ill 1\oto•k ~111'1, Ill "~'..:'· ""1 •• r 1 \,.,~'''· •)•·•"-•~ti ur ~.tid I lt lllll;t' ( '1011111\. hl till' 1"'1111 til ho l'lllllllll: t·'X<'I'I''I'INt: ·nn:rw I-'ll• ll\1 11 11v t••rllnn th""'"'f lrol'l11ol•••l w ithin till' tw~· lll'rt' ~ro·o·l uf lntul d··~··rlht'<l In lht' tlo•o-.1 111 tho• ('Ill' 11f No·W· II< WI ll••llo'h rt"'<'HI do•ol Au~:tt•l 1:..', 111;'1 Ill llt'ltlk 411:\, Ill (1111:<' 1::11. "~~, .. rrrnnts ..t:"'u.IJ nton~:•· 1 ntmt\ A I S tl 1''\I'FI~I'l NI ; lh<' Fll,lo•rh :\11 r...-t thrr•··•f "" '''"''''f1 '" thf"' ~uuth,.rn l'tu•tl ll' llnlh o1111l I '""I'""Y h1 ,,, ........ , ... lo•tl .111111' ~~· 111:\1. Tru•t hu•h~olln~: f··•••. f'hnr~M. and ,.,,., n'co• tlf tlu• ·n-,.,tl'<', ~unw f''l"'llflo•tl llndo•t' lh•• lt•ntH thl'l'f'Of, lnll'l<''' tho ro't'll nml $1f~o'\.OOO.OO '" unf'llh1 prln~l flf 1nr nnte •..-c'\tr.'ll lh••ffhv. "ith lntnftt th<'rl'f'n "" In •nlrt 1111tr. 11nlt IU~ l'll"m r nlllr\' llt.:r•••·n~t·nt l'ruvhtt!d. 1\nto••l Jo',.h ~. 1!),111 Rf'l.l o\Nt 'l-: TITLE I 'OM I' ANY 11 ·,, pnrl\tt· ~o·~tl l n y .J A llnrvr v, .Jr \'II'<' J'r<>•fct,•nl l tv llf'hrrt f' Knl'f'l~tnd Au't ~rrrcotuy l'uh Fl'h :\. lfl, 17. l"'lfl N 0 T I f ' f! NO'I'II""' IS IIF.flF.nV OIVF.N 1h111 ~•'ulo'C'I hid• will &w ~~ hv tho• ll<ortrtl ot TruatN'!I nf tM n rallt.'•' i '•'""' ,l unlnr C'ollt-str up to• 7 ='II P M Mnntllly, M"n-h 1', 1!\<IN (o•r th<' (flllnwinst Jl'lrf'ha-: 1 T~tro•h~t••• nf fnttr "rhnol h~. 'J l"'1rr hnar n( H1 mt~. ;\ l"'trr hnv nf lltt't•t• l'~h rc~tlatf'r• ~lnFfttTo\llJI (o\r r"r h I'IAM of lto•nt mnv two "..-•urMI 111 lhf' n ulll• n··~· t lff t•'•' olf thl' l''lr ltlll(l' COIUit .h mlnt l'nllf'l:l' lnr11 It'll "I l lth 111111 "ll" ~trN't~ uf tlw 11111 Santa Ann A11ny Air 11rl'f' o\11\ 1-'o h Ill, 17. l'U" 11111 "lw•u low M11rf'h II. 11\.111 Medical Assn. Points Upswing in Health Insurance Morl" th:~n 5.000.001) Co1iforni11ns are now proh'l.'lf•d hy !lOrn<' fonn or \'Olttnl:try h rnlth iMUrtl n<'l'. Dr. .John \V. \Hnr of Snn Frnncisro. Prt'sidl'nt of thr C'nlifornla MC'd!· cal Associut iun, n•po rll'cl In an oddj-rss to th1• Sa n Frnnclsco Dny /\rca C'hupt,•r nf 11u• Amrn cnn Cnunr it-on P uhlic Rr intinns. con n •rsation to Jlst<'n intently to lhC' bur.zinl: as thl:' fly disappc'ar<'d in tho• dis tan;e. A few w«>ks later. lw t'flmpii'IE'd his OvC'rturc to a !11idsumm<'r Night's Dr<'am. With a t"illkle in his I:'Y<' he showl'd his frif'nd 11 Cf'r taln dt'S('(.'nding bass modulatinn and said -"There. that'!< t hr fly that buu l'd past 11~ thr n tlx-r day" JUC'ndelssohn had 11 1)1'\sinnaH• ltl\'1' for naturf'. St'a and mountain. "floating cloud and traihn~: !llJSt." Ill' was son or a \\f'lllthy bankrr: e\'l'rything that mon<'y rould pro,·id(• was his. YN With all ht• rf'mainl'd singularly uMpoill'<l. 11.-h ad a sunny nature: hr lnvNl to sk r tr h a nd paint : he• l'Xt't lll•d m ~~mnast ics a nd 1111- har·d~ The only JX'Oplr who d id no t loH• him wr•rr those who w rre jralnus Of h t'< I:Otld fort unr . of hi~ s::rniu~ and Ius ha ndsnm l' a ppc'ar · anC'l'. Ill• il' lu•s I rc•memlx>r<'d hy his oratorio E lijah , a nd his l>f•au- tifui Songs without Won ts. Mr nnrl l\11 s. lll'rm11n Childs. !i:.'O W r st N lnc'h'<'nlh stn •l't. ('0!1111 l\lc·~n. rt·h'brnh'll thc•ir !'th'f•r wo •d- diOlt 11nnl\ t•rsary r<'('('ntly u ml 11 ~:n•up c•f fnrnds and· m'i~hhoN ~urprt!lt•d 1 ht•m ltv a rri\'ins:: w ith n (I\'<' tit•t o'<i wf'rldin~t rakr rlo'C'l•r· a t• d Wtlh <:11\f'r h(•ll:<, 14hif'h h111l !wf'n m11do • II\' l>o1roll hv Trushl'UII. :11111 l!lfl>o WI ~ppNI in ~ill'f'r. :\Itt .. \'IU .\ltC!o<. ttt:tt:\IA.' t'IIJI,J)~ :.:n \\, '' ""'""nth .. ,, ... ,, ( u .I• ;\I•""'· "hu 1\l•r•• Kln•n • M.lrvriw· I•"' "" t ho·lo "'",., ,.,..at.llttk annh·rr..nr~ b) " ICniU)t of frif'Wda .ad IIO'o!;hl•'l ' h ,, , ' ''' I' 11 ~: ~~~~~~·l oof '1'111'1 Ill l'"'l"''r U...'-ilUIIJJ!.ln Ilk' (',.unt )' .. r I '•nn~o:••, ~I IIII' 11f t 'rth lullllll 111 t••rlh•n 11f 11hk h 1'""1' o'll) h 1~. •tlh""lll''lll Itt 1111' tl:t lf' ttf n ,.,,, •hthttlt ,,( '·"'' •I• • •I uf II II' I ld o'fl "lhtlh ulo•tl ll<lllt I II II' n:nth ul ·ra .. ~, ~.. hll 1 u,.: 'h n\\ t\ ,,._ :1 Ul tp ll~t'tll llttl '" lt.\ttk :"; ol I'·'~', :1:. :IX, ;\•1 11111! 1U ,,f ~\1"-•'•11••11• "h" ~~ '~'"" t •'•"•H•t111 nf "aHi \ ftoan~ t' ( "t •tlllf\ \ tl• ~t"t tlt.'tl 11' lo lho\1- 111 ltl~•k liN, nl jlnl:t' 71\ uf ''""'11<1 ll•'•'••rtl• In 1 ho· .. ru,.,. •• r th•' '""'"'' u ... ,.f"clt'r ttf '·'''' 1 ''""1:'' ( \•unt' A t.~O I''\I 'I T'11N•~ lho•~l' pnrtt.ttt._ '"'""'''' '' "' •~"· ~tilt•• ttf 1 ·ultltlf "'' h \ ,,, ... ,, ,.,,.,., •t• •t IIA "It. II T't-'Tt-:JLC\ON, St'<'l'f' I II r )' Jlo" rd of 1T1t•t•'MI;· ~.,. rout .I • m lnr C'ull•'lll' t•uto Fo·lt tn. 17, lMII Dr. C'lillC' ~nid 1 hl• fi~:un• rC'prl.'· s•·n•s nn incrt'IISr Clf hpproxim atf'ly 1 ,ono,ono n,·,•r 19-16 C'nrollml:'nt~ in (Scrllp bonk itl'rnl Patricia Vallely Tells War Experiences To Ebell Members !11'1'\'lt<' and ill•·mruty lnsurar1C'e "A !<c'n~(· or humo r is th<' onP plans. T hr mtllloln inrrr nsc ciosr ly 11unt:: 111 c•mr1mcon Englis hml'n and pnra111'1s lht' l!llli I!Ttl\\lh in thr Anw r i1'11ns ~hart' l101 h 1nu~;h n t n umb<'r nf vnluntn n · ht·nlth in-thrm~f'IHs llow<'wr, lhl' En~:ll-:h suran<'<' ht•nr(~t·inrtr~: h(· rr portrd. p<·upl•• do not undc•rs tand t h r "Tiw numllC'r 11f C'nhfnrnla mr n. Amrror an ""~ c•( th tnktng ... s:11d I.Ut·NIS Wf•r(• 11 hi' :'\1o·~~rs. lim I J\lo ·~<rl:uno•s ~:arl Trus lwun. Ah'.x < ll<en. f"h ris ~nr{'nst•n. 1. 1 u y d l.:ohl'it•l. 1'\nr man Trushr im. Et-m nl \\'ado· ;ttul .lad1 w:ict ... ul;~v l\lt' nne! ;\lr• Hl'lf unci dau~hlt'r 1-:1'<'· lyn !\lr nnd !\II·~ Jnck W ndo· """ fr"lll l nfl w na :Jnd an· vi<i110L: 111 •h•• <.,1iltl• honw. Mr. \\'a cl(' bcm~: h:tlr hrutlwr to Ius host. Elementary PT .A Executive Bel. to Meet wom r n nnd chlldrr•n nnw pro-l'atril'i11 \'all• ly Tn) lor. w h u Th·• 1 o 1:11lar ll!f'l'lint.: of thr I'X• to·cH·d h~ surnl' fnrm o f volun1 nry :o:lro ~o;,•d r1tfkn nf'rs in irlf'll", cus-rrult\'1' honrrl nf th•· Nl'wpurl h ealth •oo:ur:~nt·t· far· rxcrt'<ls ltw com•. and -'l"·r d l. ins t•·ad of s1m -Tkarh Elf'mc nl:~r)' S rhnn1 P nrl'nl· nurnhf'r \\ho woulrl hav<• bN•n 1tlia ru i,..s. \\lwn !<hi' oppr:~rl'd hr-To·:orh•·r :''"'•W'Ia ltnn w1ll IM• :~t the a Hc•ctl•d h~ thr rnmpui'\Of\' hrallh f•'r" thr ~''" (.Orl Rr:trh E lx-11 d tth hrm1r of ~lr!l>. \\'1lo•)' C'oc·hrun. 201 IO~uran<'t' pitons nd\CW':O IPd hy on T IHH''ici.J). Ft•brunry 5. i\ha lonf' a1·••nuf', Balboa l '<lanrl. {.;tJ\'f'rnor \\'arr• n and lhl· C'IO .'' "Tiw Amf'riran ;:roldor r a nd h i'l \\'o clnM:cln)', Fr•h 11 a t 9 ·30 Am n r_ C ltnt• told t he· puhllc n ·lnttons ,nnf•,hnt<: 1s snm .. thtn_.:t 110 /\mc•n · nu~inco~., pt'r tam ins:: In I I\(• F l'l>· ~:roup. o':on fll'fl ern~~ l'trl will 0,.,1,r !nr-runry Hi Found rr<t n ay m<•l'tinc :.:• , .. ,.,,~s Mrs T:.~l"r 10 spl.'akin~: to hi' hl'ld Il l :!·:\!) p m. in thl' ,,j l!o·r l"'n•o n11l '''lk'l'll'n C't·s in thl' C'oronn d1•i 1\tnr school "111 hr I'll• if11' war tlwatrr . di~cussrd. • .. ... . ll.. • .. ' Carr's Feed Store Hav and Grain Quallty Feeds -§- ~i1r told tlw story of hl'r little i\t llw Founll•·r>~ n ay nwf'tm~ rt11g, l"o•ll~t• anti nf lhr Nllllp:tninn -l\tnry llllllo·n S tt'ffensc·n , Wo·ll· o.l11p ;1 chit'kl'n n:tm l'd C'ht-Chi l'tll\'(' known ~nprnnu 1111cl dirN'Iior nf tho• toil lonPiy pilot. n ,n'dom. m ono t· C'crlllan Sln~:c·r~ nf S 11ntn An n, th<' t•nY. and lon<'hn~·ss werl' the l!l'n-llnrhnr Mo l h••rl'in~l'rS >md 1 h• :\Itt. ,\,U :\IHl'<. ca:ulUlt: \\'. I'II'I SK jr .. ~~··t \\llh ""''~'"" t•l h .. rwr. ;\lr'-( hou t.· .. !o<rnllh. 111111 '"'"' OIAJI, l AIII• lllu~;o·r. "' ••••rc•1111111.1 '"'"' at the• hoult' uf \1,.... l'<mllh, ,.j,.l,.r uf lltr hrldt•, "h'' 1 .. tlw '"'""'' l'h) 111,. \ oun.:. IJttt .. .lat'tjUi'llflf' !'4mllll I• """ r r l(lrl. l''l"'" ~~~ ( ;, I "·" Ill DUIJ' Oea"'7 B•-lha l8t'l Newvnrt Blvd. rrai lot of tho~·· !<lnlinnt•d on the C'hn lr of the Community rhurr.h, Young Costa l..Jesans ,mall Pori Iff' i<lantls f"loro1rl.l cll'l l\1nr. "til llin~ ,..., Rnlurn from Mon eymoon CO"T A MJ:S.' Fnund• r!' Pit\' d 111irm cn. :'llr < J\l rs Ta~ lor w;o:; prcsrntc'<i to l't•f('\' llru ru·s, ha~ plnnnPtl 11 l'lo•\'o•r I • I:"' ll u1<1 ·• ht•IIP\'IlH ~•II ========::-:===.:.·==-=-=-::..:-::: •lu d:tlt ~~~ :'llr~ Htllll'rt t.;illrfo•r, rrtltt" ~k it l'lt<l 1,1,.,111, 111, ,.1 lh• :-;" \1• r • 1 1111! 111 ""'' l'"'t:t:un \h;urm.on. (.;rt•l't ing l .. o•·ol i•n:o~nithlt••n wtll lo. h"n••l· 11!' ,·,,I 1'1.,.,. "''' ••• ,,, .tlld f \ Do you •control' your budget by CHECK or by GUESS? A checlcing account at lanlc of America remov11 the guesswork from your budget. At a glonc• your check slobs reveal your cvrrenl balance, You lcnow which bills havt been paid for your cancelled checks ore o p01itlve proof of poy~Mnt. When you poy by checlc, your mo~y Is safe -frM from danger of loss or theft. Open a checlclng account today ol a ny branch of lank of Amtrka and enJoy lttt convenience and safety of thlt bank .. me.. • If" nol< Ill till' t'lulo a nd IJI ··~111111~ '" I r II 1 II'ICII. •h ,,, •. , "II" r -\it '.. •.. • ,. .;IOJilk •• I I lh• '""'' lou~tllo·S>-~'''"-tnn lll'l'· 1111• tHl• pi "' d '"1'. "'" ''ttl '"' ., "• • ·I· 11111•' ' \\ft• •• I on I i thrh: ,.,. 1•1 u,..:l',ll11 \\ : • ..; tfn· pn'''" 'h· hu n• I .... ,lit' ,.,,,.., 'nl fl . I "' "' ll ,, , h• I I 'I t I ·I f h•1 l•t •·' !ou• 'lc~ I~'"' .ldll~tlo \\ht~h 1, 1.,..,1 11,11 """'I \l• t1 •tl 'l'tilo .I ll' I •· '""'"' 1 .. 111. 1111 111 r " 11 1 •' 1 •· I I •1 ••• , ,,,. .... ,.,,.,It I th· ~, •• , tl I t ltH H1 I, 1" •Ill\ '' """ olth lo•tlllh "-'''I to< lot 11111 II• II · f111111h )I,. 1 ''"' 11 • t lo 1 1111 I I ' Ill J'''' tt••rn'•••' '' ,, •ntltH)•t•··rl t tl• tll•••t .a :'t\t ft l't ttl•· t.:ul • • tJ I • •·'' I ' ''' ... t ;, •J 1--.• \\".J .... ,,11 , ... "'II' tlld Ht• ir l• 11t• 1, \\ill c· t . ,,,I I I •1 II' til t .. r 'Ill oil o htlclto II 1\ll\• ll• rJ, • ,. • 'I pt• ·• ,.,, t• 1 ,,,1, tt n 1• 1 t '''"" ,.,.,, 1•h••n~ 1\ I ,, .. ,. ' , .. llll.tlllh ii(IJ>tlllll·l ,. • ...... I h II II h'·' 1:. ·"·' II 1 I 1 I' Ill "t: \\o 1' \:r< j{,.lt. .~oli.\\' • II I• I lolo I 11; )II • ll .oluld \\'ol· I ''"' """' '"'' fm tho• ,,r,,., .. Newport Circle " .. ,.,, ''' ,,. :.y, ql;ltnt· ... l fllf11 J.\:al~t'r C I .,.,,., • It olrl•t1 -.,ul .\1 ll>~rv;11 h omp etes Pleclge A!l Elidenn' In Against Tojn ·r''"''' ,,. 1· ,,, .. ,,, ttl • \I I• "'. l!t .. I '-·'" •• 1 '''" \' • ~ • ' •", t 11 11 • , tt • ~ I• t •n~ 1 1 • , n • I •r • ,,,,, 1 I ltd• I 4 J "'~ '"'t t I , ... ,! 1 , • .,.,,, r. ,,., ,,,, I,.,,, tl tod I\ WOMAN TRAPPED IN FROZEN ARMS OF DEAD ESCORT 11, 1 , ,. ~, . .t t. r ru '" ru ttl• d 1 "' ' :'II·~ .I II \loll" trr,t><llr• r. r••l, ,1,11 1•'1 11, ", •• .t •·I 1)1, 111 f,Ht"ft fl l}u • fllt•fft.:,f' nr $~()0 flf) thi ;lll lrlUf)l" tf1f l (1 1 t \t td U f trf I llllrl'h hlltlllln~ fllntl. hrul IH•o n II ,, """ " ., '" Ill• I • loll ''" IIIIo I '"l'lfolo t•d. 11111 11 tho· :"\o •IITtnrl I'll "''•IIIII l lli•lltt . .l ""'''''' "" ''I• ttl \•htl!oo f t•hureh lt\ lh•: St .t 1rnt'"'"•·•l l .. t!h d•l•••""•· •'I•J•III•~t t tun~ , . . .. . . I"'" 111 IIH' h~omr• t1f :'ll r~ l·.11lrtla I •llrho•fl t. :.• 1111• 11,, '" nr-t1 (1!11'1 I HI:"\( I. rt I:" t :\luI It PI ;\lt~~ I''"' Ii i ii . \\'•·~1 <'••n lrnl n,·,.·j l' . o 1 ) I' 1 1 I Lt~l'l'f1• P H III r·n. :!1 ·rrt·nton 7\To ,. -f r, ..... , i ,, "1 •• ,. I• I ' ••• , fl '" I I 't\\nkf tt l d·a \br'•~ak. tfMi:t'itt ~~ ' ci·I 'HI ' • ' n\ •rd~ tl th• p, ,,,,. "''' p~ n.tlt\ fttr . . fn :\11' .J 11 Hc d~lmu pn slllo•rl l l)"'-'·''"'"""''1"''1flll11'"1otltlt• Ju I'~' If ),.,·k·~l 111 tho• frnt o ll :trms :oru! \11 1 .. 111'1''' (;rll ltlno•r lf<fl Hl I 'lrll•ht .1 HI '"' oo)of j .. "' h• 1 <f, ad • ""'1'·•1111111 d· \ltl tnu~. h• 1 <llhJ••cl h ,. 1 n 1.: I Th" It\ -h• loo11 · I• 1 o o•o lrl \HI' I 1 t• n•l,hop .tfltl Fo llr•l"lllp." lollm~: hor (,,, ancl l··~·· Thr won· \It• \\"tlltt<ll '\I.'"'"" t'·ll• lh• ATTEND SAVINGS. LOAN CONFAB IN NEW ORLEANS do •'·' s nl I he I rtwk n th 111 Whtr h 1·• "i't.ll!l m1 · :'llo...-onn' 111 H• 1 • t<• ' Ito •Ill\) 'J' S 1.~ !If', 11, (If Joplin, l.o Ill " \\l'lo ro·.ul frnm fnr mo I \1oo "' nl '" •1 • p la•l m~h l, \\o·ro• ll••mlw r' .oml l)w F .ulh J .tr "·'' '•••"-lttl ,.,,r l''""'ft, \l•'rlln\.!' ~li ~•-, '"' th• \I"" r:. r 111"• l'htllq.-; uul ;\It•• ~I· (•·n~·hl tn ftt t h•t""(·l( (rum luuh·•l IIJ\\,tltl 'lt l •nl ''1"""-'' \a,.:u1 ... IU'"'.''"'' ''' th• ~•\\fit+r l I''" 1,.,1.ot·.•w 011mhn·~« llhtrh T ho no " mo·olltiL: ~1111 h~· ltol<l 1 dl•" htl ... .t:,.,1 1 nl-'~ ,,1 1.,,,11 •1'1 lhtoolll{lt I" I I•~· .ond ,ums tl lh•· hnn o lof ;\I~ f . J) (,no,.loll ·''""'·•'toll I• II .,.,, 1-llol o\ •h i• ll•or !lor .. · how·c; ~lu• \\IJikl'fl h•··l'" l 'olo :::; '·' "' oll•lltl ll" :·lr•l ,1nno111 \lui fut ~~:tw for('•fi th· frnt•n :u·m'\ Pr·t'''"' \\'i"'f ,.. 1tlr> \f,·c:•1•nl•' I I,, .. ,,,, f "nttf•n tt••• ,,f 11 \~.,~11 ;q,'lrl 'll"'·:.:h Ill -"hi' (tllnl lilt• \J<:o ll ( ••••1•11 11 l<ool-t .. tl,. .I II I' •I "'t\1111'• olltl I '' Ill Ito'' IIIII•· II I Th 1 1 \ltll' I! II 11111 \\ tllt:om :'II '"'"" , •\n ~ \t• ~;,tum ''•·•I up th• t'tHUl· 1 1 1 1 ' ''" ''' h ;.,,... .u t ''' tlu ta• t .. 1 , • • 1 1 f I oo lll :•n I,\ llo ~lllloll \\'11-. 1 • \ tn.tt !--1\ t-:11 • !'" \\• ,1 11 hl'rt•. , 1 .. 11 t ' I •' rt ·•••n•••tn• • u.• t t U·:tl1t I•\ th1 I 11•11 I• II ""''"n~rillll~ 1\vtt farmo·r~.,ltllln · t< \'''110''1~" f\f'•h ''~1' .I < '.oltf• rnc·c S ,, \till' .1ntl I ~··••• lloo\l ,crll ili~~ins a nr1 llt~tlnn -~""1'~~"11•\;}''~.Y 1 j 1'1r~:lklll, 1 '~111'~•· l ~:ww• ~!'ol• \\uio• It 11l•• ••rt'•llll '1"••1 ,., SfiW hrr flrflp T hrv rorr1"d 1 •'" 111 r . ,., u nsa 1'1 · 1-.mrna n o I 1,.11 '•' tntn a \\,crm fa•·mhr,usl' nnd \~ "''h••rfn~r1. 1: ll:un.m••nrl. J K lho•n• n ·\·fl·rd ht'r . I lltt!l l. :'li t'" ~.bl,. :--:o•\\ilir!O a nd lho• ltl""lr·~~~ Ebe/1 Music Section Social Club Enioys Hears Abouf Folk Music Valentine Lunclteon F•1lk ~l11•w wn~ thr suhj('ct of rhr tnlk Mrs. Flon·ncc Anrlcrsnn ct~vr lw fnrl' thl' Musil' !W<'tion of I· h<'ll dull. WhE'n t hr rr~ul11r ml.'et- 101.: was h<'ld at thf' c1uh hoU!W on Frtdl\y aft<'rnoon. 1\l r< l'lnri~f' ,Jr•~kn f'Oir•rtllinf'd m••mh•·r~ nf thf' Grt -T~r·t hrr rluh "ith 11 \'11l••nt1nr lunr hron on Thur'<dny w ith :'l:tnll W11ltcors all ~hOIItl'l<l' JII'Aftll n n d 00V.1C'MI ll••<'oratrd tlw tnhlr• and \'nlf'nlinl'!l Thr f11ct th8t lhl' hnll11d wns thr wr r(' r xrhllnl!l'd ftr•t n l'ws story was hrou~:ht out ·'"'' th:1t thl.' wandrrin~: mlnstrl'll 1"''" Mr~1illnn r t'f"<•I\'NI th;o B(X'<'· cnnt:: of thl' "AMI And lov<'S which tnl priu. 7.<'noliiA FrMI hnd II nlthou~h chan~<'d hy murh l'f'· htrthdll)' ~ottft and Otlhhir Rr>lmont pt"nt in t::. havl' com f' dnwn to ua "" :~nnl\·f'"'llry r••rn••mhr~tnr<· toony. S Jl"t'iAl f;;ltr!llc "• r" f11"'" ~ar· l\1~ A. J Ruttl'r sBnR ..-vera! I• •. J ('nn \\'M t 11nrl II• h·n ~ftrk• .... (I,IJ>lrl~ a mong \\htf'h w"rc Oh \l<'h. n formrr mrmllf•r M,.mbrn1 :->u~nnnn. Flow r ,..ntly S wM't /\f-1" • r ,. J,~..-.nnr~ Zul"' l;~•l11 :'<f~­ tnn. JW.rwtifu l Drcamo•r 11nrl nth"Mi \l1ll:w i\lm:. rllnml"'""· B<1hlue :'llr~ KRihlr.·n ('nlo·mnn rond ~fM 1nrl f,.li7:th<'th llrlmnnl. M11ry Me· T llnrd ~f'l'lf')' Wf'rr hr.cti'S'f'S fo r I '"""''' :'>folrlrrrl M••rrtll. :1;~•n<olHa ITtr nftr rnoon Tw o 1\III'CU wcri'I Frncl•llnfl l hr> h<.ctvc~ 1'1"''"'· 1\lr!l /\nn Jlf'ymnn nad Th•· Of'l!l m" ton~: \\Ill hr M11ffh \lr• f\nt hlN'n rri10kr n. 4 "' tht· hrom• •·I Mr~ Fm ct .Ale/a Gorton Electecl Presiclent ol Police .Auxiliary ( lfft••••r< ~·l'rr• l'lrf'lt•d b)• m•·m lll"n; of Nrwroort 1\t•nf'h P"ll•·•· '"'~ lll;;ry wlwn lht')' mf'l "rill \'t••lll C'nrn<'l'l 111 twr homr nn \\'••1'1 I '••11 lr11l lt Vf'nu•• Th'""'' narru·rl "''"' Aldll r;orton, llf'MIIdf'OI :tnd '" ll't ly nurdl<llll, ~··rfl'lllr\'·trrn ... Jro , Ruth Gt•rr111h, rf'ltr·tn~ pr•·~trl••nt . Wll~ prrS(•n l•·d wllh 11 s.etfl nnd $.i "'ilS \'ull'd f•or lhr Mttrch nf l>irno ~ Cl110~•· r hN·ko•r!' wnc plitl l •I With ... 111101' ~1r1 l\fRntl(111 IHk lnt• ftr~t pr""· "'<"(lnrl c,...ng 1u :'\1• 1 <'l'fl,... ("ro•ll(h:.n nnd :'\1An ( '""'" ma n•• rron~ll'(l Ill·\ r r l) 1 ···rnr·rl "''~ ,, ~~~,,,,I J:<l• <I 11nrl mo·rnll' r• W•·r •· \ •••I o ( '••rr" 1'1 0.•11 ) l'h• hue, I -.n huu •'l•.nt.:•.m••r)• t:larnr· ~I· ~t.onw ol Huth r;,.,.r"h. ~l•·rt , •I•-<~ c ·,,~11'1• '" Alct:l r:nrton. ~tnrv f'II~•Jm•tntt Aurlrr > r.,lll•·. B••1; r h 1!11111• oil 1'1ol C'IM•, 1..1'\'r•l, nnd IS.•· l.rt('<· 1111~. 1 11 lo•o 1 • I \It 11• I \11 /\ ' I : l \ II 1111 I I •· lu1d• '" '" lltt • q ·I ·.tl tl \I J ' I \\ 'I II • .t "l<tttl1 Tloo If• 1 ' lllt ,, I"· 'ttf ~· 1•lt J ··I I '" ' ., '' I• • I " I h• ht "' ' It· t 1. \4 ft t\ I I' I t I •I I Ill~ I .... h· , .. ,, '" rl t u"""l , ,, 111· ,I H., ••• 1111• ltlw 1 , I • · , 1 •lit'-l ltf1t1t I \• \ I 1 ~ .. 1 h I ho l•t ool ulll.olt , ••I II" I hoMol ;\II "I•Hiil lu 1\.tltl(t:t : 11, " , '\\' \1r'l. ~l•lrlh I" tli• ft lt•JthtH11 I 11ft f I ' I II 1 I ,:I ~~~ I ----. ~UGUC N _OTlCCS Ill . \Ill " • Thr• 1\:t·\.\·l•n t 1 f:• ul1 f ,f 1'1, '"n~ (.,_,nnu.._,,,,,. "1 1 ,I f'' 1 , llr·:trtns,: ll j .. II II , • .t '• I I r , .. t111nn •·f ,_,"lfl," ''" •'' I lilt ' "l l><, I u. II ., t I ' ' • •• t l"•rt H•:t''h t •.t,t ', ,,,,, I " ,,( lolr " "' I I I• "' file ··I· .I r I• r r. • • I I' ' ·n,. '"'' •·~~t. . '" .. , .... , I) IIIC ;tppJu•:t lh•ft \ ttf 1, •• I I•' 1 I, 1'1111 Ill I ho l ''''' 1J I '• • lly lln ll. 1'•"1•••• 1:. c•f •fllt:l lh lortlo·r ,,f •t q,,. !\:, \\ t••l I I ~ •. ,, 1 ',. , .. ~ ,, .. , ... , ..... '" ,. .. W A I 'fTil \1 1'1111 \JFI! r , , · ~· , • 1, H ~r • I II I 1'1 I' I o ~~ ,., , ""' l·'••h llr 1.' l<I IH C:E R T 11 I("ATr-nJ n' • , . .,f • ._. t lf.TITIOI' r tn '' •,fo '/f f'ur•t.unt .,.. \,." 11 • ..,,.,,,, '" Ji ?1'1'1 Clvlt (• f1,. (It r • '''''" ., rtt .. , ,.,,,~,, "':·, 1, ,.,, •• ·qfy U•tt l thl•) .. • ,, I I' -t ··'~ '' t1 1 '''''"''''"Y t '' ,. , •• • "' 1 ··~ 14tl1 ' \ lflfi' fo(t f '""'If Itt ff,t' f I 0 f 4.t •c.1, i I '• "' h ,.,,,u.rv ,.f ~ •o•t .. •• • ,, ; "'''"')'• • ., tl•·r 'h1 ,. , " , ,. ' .. 1' "'" ••f TAVI,ttiC Iff f''lfr· •. trtt lthd lift finn .,. '"'"'.-.~u·tf r If·• , ' • •• , .. ,lfll, -····--f" ""'""" itt '"'' .,, ' I ,,.,.,. ,,, , ... •ltfr n•. '• ~ r ..,. ' wit ltlf'IIAtllo I' T AVIIIII :"•,11 '\ 1 ·~~~,,. ftftrtu.r '• •1• r f H• , t. 1 ,. -\I,IIJ;IlT It I II"Tt'lll',<.l ~'•II ,'\11,,~·,•: fl~~~trf,,., •.,.._.1 o~ rt "', , '\'fT ':Y.fl" •·•tr hhn•S" tld~t ''1t• ·•~•) I 'h"a•ry lfl4~ h lf"ll-\1!1• I" 'IAI'IIolt Al,llf liT II 111"11 Ill '~ 1 ATf:O,.I'AI.IPf•I''·IA I ,.,.,.NTY ,,,.. '•h A' ,,,.. I •• ,,~ Ttn~ ,..,., •J•.-. ' t , •, .~" " B•1tt ,,..,, , I ,,,.. ',,, ""'"' ••• , I ·.;.,, .. ,., ,.,,, lh tr ~, I , ••• I I • I ' I Htat• ,...,,,,,, r u ,,.,, 1r1 '"' y ~ ,, v h.nAtf ""'' ·• , , 1,.,.,,, , " '· '""'' ICI• ''"' t •l ,.. I , I t •n•l A •, t • f Jlult htf•• '"'" .,.,,. '• ,,, •. t • .,, t • '••n,. ~h •• ,. ,,,u, ., • .,,,. "•'. 1 , 1 I ............ ,.. .,. •• , • I I I ... I ... I ' " ~.:;;.~ If\ "'' th"t *h•') ,.~, ,,,, I •t,. t•: "''IT'IP:fl'' ".\HI PYI•V f t 1:, t'tllll1111' ,tl ''" l"•hot ttl In l1 I '' t I htU pf tltt 'l'l11t t li nt• ,,f ,, .. l '.ollf .. llll t ~ ... ,, 1111'11\\,,., , ....... ·u~t 1 1 tth t IHh" Ill$ •l1 ~• f tlh d oil 1 ol• • ol '" lito• :->tulo• c•l i '11 II lt•lth I ,, I t !l "' ., .l.ttlltdt' II l1• 'I tn lt••••h ·"'' .. '· nt I'·~·· )oC 1 I I ) I •• "' "'"' ,,,. \\.,,,I" )Ill• 10l lioo ltNI (llool I II 1\1 uf \\ 1\ f t•l tt1t I 1\ tt\\ IH tf h\ ftt•• '•uti It• 1 n 1' ., • tI t f' It alh nutl t •,,lt1J' t it\ ltul t UUhtlh' tl\• u~·•• ~. •••• h 1, ( . .: \\. "'' ••··•u· t ft~ \\I ,t, I" \tilt ttf "'tttl Jtt0 r •• tf ,, t.t .,, \\ ,, 111 .''• r •• t tn •lo• I til• .. 1 1'1•1111 ol 1 ltto:h I lilt• ••I lht P ... tilt ' ••• 1ft II\ ~. \\ 1••11 1\:ol ·" • ''"lol"l" tl .oil(\ ,,, ''•·u••• •t ~ •• ,tit I uu·" ''' I Itt t\. I f"t I It tttlt \I tl Ul fill StJ , .. •Hut I ·, 111 t ttl th1 St t l• ••f 1 • 1hf,., '"'' '" ••n•l '"' t ~ .. • ••tan•' ••I tit ,,,.,. tn ,,., •·· ' t n • n t t t It 'I t ·,, ' nt "• " t• u t (:, "h l'latutoll 1 1 \1 ''' lot uh•• • I ~•I 1•• ft rul tttf' · 4 '"'I '" :\4.N; a •• t ttf t• tl • ttl•\ u f \\ hu II tl• r H ,. \\ '' 1t I ttl d• d ~. f'" ''''" t ,., 11 •.'M Itt I··'"''· .'ttl t't 1• u·· .. ''•:\ nf • •It 1 • 1 d U• f'utd lh• fti • ,tltttH! • .ttl lu11 ,,f "' ''''' ''' tu,·h t '''' 1 1.• f"11""' .,,,. t'tttll "''" untl '"' I tilt •' :r-:ut itll KM ~•\' 0 1 '"""' '11'~1 I I f•·••l . Ntorth AA• 1•; • 1 ". •• t·IJ 11:1 r., , •,,l'lt ,_.. 1, \\1 I lt,"\11 ,, '1 "'" ,,,,,,, t ,, ... \\' "' , .. If,, "'""' ~ ..... fl., t h l'ol ot\ I 1'1:1 • tu llo~o•k 71'1 ttl p ...... :..'ti:! •• , '''"•'tltl ll t·t•tttd ". U\•1 hv tlt•t'tl tt•tttttlt•ll ~1u\ ~·~· 1'~1 .' Ill I!Htok 11;11, Il l IWtl:t' 'd 0 ,,, I 111 10'1 tl lt• I'•W!Ic, Ill !111• 11ff~t·• .. ( t h1• '·.,,.,,,~ lt•••\t •t fl•·r "' '·"" t h ""•!• t • .. ,.,," i\ 1 _...;1 I ( ru111 f h t• ttf .. t\t' tlt''l4'111w•tl tf""t ('IH 1• 111 oil 011) 1',. 111111 lllilt'r h \ •h .~ u ft.•n '"'•''""'"', '"· llttolo I It lit! 111• Ill ... tltf /If toll t• ol• '' l lho •I lo·tol 1•1 t•(• I I I , \\hit h "''" ••II 1(11~-IHitl .. I Ill I It \Ill" • ,,, h·•n ••at.-tunt"""'"' "' r•· ••· "• I • •I ''' I r nnk t "lro lotio I .,. 11111( 1111 rll•• I !'II" Itt .... I hi U til I .. tl.tlt tl ,,_ ...... .... l'llti lot 1 ...... \I \ltll• t . 1 Ul tl f It •I llt"h Itt f fu ttfMt\t• •I•' I 1 .. d Itt,.,.,. I f\ ·''"'" I'' I 1'11:\t: l ••l .'1 tn 'I t .u t ''' \it1 I "" •hu\\1\ ''" • ''"" ,,,.,,.,,,, "' n .... h 1h tl l'••t••" :,,, \)( ,,. Htul \It t•l :\1t~~r~t • tlntu "'" \1.'1..-. ', ,. 1 1t d~~r~ ,,f ioo tttf I It .tnl"f i tiUI\1 \ I• I "''' 1•'11 , ..... ,. ... 1111\ '""'. llh ll ~.tf hll\ ..... ,,,, h\ ,, ••• l ht•tJ ,., ---1'\HTif'F. n t' t•t'ht.U' UF.AIUNO Till' No'Wjwort llo•llo'h (,IV Pl"n· nllll' l 'o•nttlll!l•l•lll \\Ill hn ht 11 Pult- lk 11, rtrlllr llll(•ll thoo npplll'~tt lom ••f 1 1 N 1\..,•mnn 1\llll Jt•o nnM' l~t­ "''"' fur n '\('1 l"''''''nl trc•nt )'llrd ···lltlll'lt "'"' " '\41 , ... ,.. ... ,1, f l'flf yllrd ,,.u ... ,•lo fotr I nl 1'1. Rlow•k <1, ~f'l'. &, JIU IIMI/1 hl11111l ( 'rtllfllt 11101 l'uhli•' llo-nt lllt' llt••rl lht• "1'1'11· • ulh•ll 111\1 , ... ho·lol '111111••1111'. f-'t•h, 1•1 1'~111 111 7 'IH II Ill Ill tilt' <'tolln- ' II t 'luu nho n 1 'tlv I Ill", No'WIWirt Ito "h I 't~lt fut nln "" "' olo • oof tlu• t 'ltntn nnn ol the "lo"t••l l ll•n••h I'll\ l 'lomnlnl 4 1''"""'"'''•.,l \\ i\1 1'1 II \t I • •'II( :Me II til. 1'1111 .\1 ~ It .J I 1 I I 1111111 11-:K, St o·r•tlln l 'otl• ~ • It 111. 1'1114 WEI4COM E HOME! Nt~wpnrt llarbnr P..t Ill .UIP:HICAN I.P'.OION ···-.. , .. _ ..... --. ... .. ... _ ,. , ........ -,,.. ...... ... ... ····-....... -~ .... .... ..-u\\ MY.K \'l"oi tl HKANCIY. t •nt •NT\' TUXEDO RENTALS \\ MltllltiC' • ,..,...,I. It)' MAJOR'S !~.: .. ~! :.::""' Ua••n t:\f'nlna• h) A,., .. o~nlt-• l'h"'"' :U t i ·W We've put in 2~ MILLION TELEPHONES since V·J Day I . Comp le• •plicae IIIIa &hie -lhouu orfa of t.h.,m w.nt lnln the two mtUI•m mtl,.• of wire we've put In An<l lh•t'a •mly pert ul Ute el.ory mar. than llfl() new bulldtnl(• or atldtlJun.. oom- pl"• nl'w •W1trhln1 NJU ipmtlll In alm• .. t •11 uu~ bWI•hnl(a .. ~ er11i ••tlwtr ta.,htl-.. ,. 1,.,,. addtt<l 111 th• face of eha riJI)' naiAcl cuete and l••ucb 1111pply prololf!ma. 4. Where dof'a I he MonaJI eoml! from .•• mlllt••n• ,,, n"w W()rllln l( tl•oll•r• n•·• •1 .. •1 I•• ... V.M ~M't lin I''''"" "'r• 11 ,.·• \111 U••n• rnu•l ''''""· n••t fr•un t•l'--- ph•,n• lt.ll tuet ,,.,,,. tt.''"""'"la of,,....,,,, .. ""' l'\11 th .. ., •""'liP t-1, W'•tk ;u lltt1 t• I• l•h••flf• fn .. ~•t n, .... I •, --.11,,. t "'',... *''',.."•It d1illllrtt •• fltU•I I•H\ H f• Hll1llnhht ern,,unJ t .t 11 ,, ,., t '"" ,. I, W'l h•rf In llrf'•k U•l'urol• • .,111111 .... <1111. To- 'I"'""'',''' _..,•r~~o lllt( tt\t•r ,,,,. f••Ut th nt•fi•J f-,.h•tthun.e thnn ,., th•· w,., • 'tul "'"'' """' ~.t thrt\f• ••u•r1•r• uf ,. uull11rn A•11l, ••n• •· t•\ttrY .j,., uutrl\' t u~t~~fttn•.-r• m""'''• t,\>,.. "' ttw lh tued t·• .,,,.,,.fl ,., .. ,,. Uuul two atuJ • •1u•rt•·r U•IIJI.,It t•·l•·ph~·••••"' t•• rru•k~ ttu• r•ln. 3. We're ellll worl&ln1 ••••••• lime. Orct.n. o<mt1nu• lto lln•od In, Tu fill ... rvr. ... , .. ..,,t~ """.'" ••Jd. ln,r faclhtio'e at the ratio ul m••rtt than 11•11 • ml&. linn rlollarw a d.y ev•ry <lay A ''"II" lro vt•elfullot, )'M Jiut lrl•phl•r-h•v" )., ,.,. 11'''"11 111 •• """• IIO'ftorll Ill tilt-Wtofol Atv l flo lloo• eyol .. m l(rtow• ~·oUI' telot.,hune .. r,.,QI t-ovwf• m•·•• ""lualol11 aiJll n. Pacific Telephone (~ aad T ele&rapb Compaay Mttt t•u U,OilO '"''' wMUIII 1111111« It t.llbll n11 lllftlt leltfl•-"''"' 1• lltt Will _. .. , ...... ""'" .............. ..... ....... "" .......... ,.. 'T1ll' nrxt ml'l'fins:: "ill llt' held !\lilrf'h !'\ with Mrs C'onliiAII('f' JAY· \\'lo\' ~hntlh1 lhl' j.(fi\'Hnmr>n l or rNI nnd M.r11. Rocinl" Cuppett u l thl~ !OtAir NISI 11.1 much 111 thl' f'n· hO!'li'SSCS. lin> Frdrnl budgrt. 40 yrar s lli!O! 'lht' Of'X I mi<'IIOI: Will IJ<• h~>Jrl It I 1 h r 1~"111( ••f Mr~ f't•oUt.:lortn "'tlh Mr11 M11nii(<Jm••n nc ('''"""' rttcJ: '''I'"Un, .. ,...., "') ft,.,,,f ., 1 ,tffl••·t" .,,, ..... "' lh• ··~, .,.,~ ... , th 1t 4 I .,,,,..,, flt •f 1 toltt ft •t lff .. tt .::;.·I . I':AI,t 'lllf!A 'iAllt:WA t•-rll 'l"''"" l 'ul t '" ••·'' ,,11 ,.,..,,,.,y ""'1 ... , .. ,,. '(y ''•trlml••l'"' '"~I'J '"'" '"'" '~ C~U;f r ~ t fit t f \ H ..... at ''"' •ruJ ..... ···~•l•· ...... " Page 6 NaWPOBT BALBOA N&W8·TIME8 P"'T&Nrrua.E FOa SALE a roa llllNT &J AUTOMOTIVE a TDIU •IlEAL ___ a_T_A_n: _____ ~• a&AI.D'I'A'IW n ·DIPAJ N_.,.. ... , 1\#&1'11, Calif. ...... ••• •••• A GOOD BUY-.3 Jll:.lJIU.JOM Furn'•bM ~~ ~tll..-1' 1~1 .... 1~7 ~Ford eotwfrt-a II&AL UTAft • . mo·nt bv the year. l OU W. B1t• ~ot.l• o'toUJ"' LA-u tban 500 miles, AALII ~us • J~-'.' A \VJ S'E BUY # ' •J Aw ., l nqulrQ upatairs. l().~lp !t'i!l :n:l t; Bay Front, Balboa nm SALt:-F\111 1Pnl:1h mirror. I .... , I' ... llo•IJ• y.,,, I~ \\'1 • ·i\-.-1.-:-J'I~(A,;_{ .:::J'-:-:1 \:-:-,.,~.~I~roc-)m-.-par.....:tnw:.:...::.:.!,ll I h l&nd. • 84tc do\'('nJIOrt, mnsnlt• HoiJio·, huf. & bl ft'l, do'l<k , hospitol hffi llnrhnr HA HHOH Fl'H~JT L'JU.: ('h.on · n •:uomlt e. 307 lala ml JI•H SAU'-1~16 J~p. complete 1046 10-41c Hili! Jl,lll••r Hhol c ·,. '·' \I •·• "''' 10.:-h , ''"·'' t11p Q sides. Xlnt. tirV', Want Ads WILL TAKE lN BOAT OR HUUSE TRAILER -----------11-ll• ruH HE:'\'f O m • IX'riOn, funu~l1 JJ«Uol & rm.ot.:hanlcaJiy. Ph. Har- 'Dae New.-nme. wUl not be,.. f'OR !'J\l.F: K•·nmort• Wll,h•·l t-:J.~.c. Hl·:l JlJ!;~ 1(.\ ('!Ill '-lOfT I I'll 1\fl/lrlml•nf m .oo per monll l>tlr 1 1 ~·.1 9'7-ttc ....,..bl• !or more than ooe lnoor:· $S!'>, :..'0-~;al f>ay ~ :'1/r{(ht ""1''' ~rnr r .. uncl :.!15-4!9th St., N ." net lnMrUon of IJI 14Vcrt1Nment. h a l.•r. $:l!l (IJ I Jl (it 1111<1 (',.n.ol "·"'I" "'"I oil I 1" •I ''"' •Ill If ~... r: lll'l('K blue. 4-door Modan. on nlt:e 2 apt. dwelling. One apt. vaCIUl t now; otber apt. vacant In June. Close in N<'wport Beach. 100 }ds. from OC'('an, Call Beacon 5713-R. E vcmn"-s llarbor 1086-J . 11-2tc ~ the rl&ht to oorrect.IJ llltlht1.1 h.l11nrl ll-:•1p ~"' l'h llull••l' I.! 1'1 H 1 1 11' 1 Jlf'lrt 11""'"h l ()..:!lp I• rft'\'1 runtltuon, not a scratch. I ... nd ., •• I"" J\1 "1th nnvut~ .. _lh It "'' 11 ·~I ••·••ulorlv. Has scat -,._ daaify any lnd II lUll ll to S~tALJ.. {(&&> hr·at•·r>, liit'IIW> c•J...,,. BOAT~. bt '1'1'1,1o.·" -~ "" ,. ,. "'" PI " " J -.v COSTA MESA 119jK1 any 1dvcrtlacment not con· o>Ut $-l OCi CllJt,1d•• 1~11111 ~\;!11 --1 -, ,1-, 1 1,1., ·"' orllr,trw•• 111 new h01ne ""' '' f .. ~; l1~;htl<, back -up light, d -·• 1o · 1'1 11{ s \I ·" • •' " 11..,11""' 1" 111nsula. Call J-1,11 , lo·•'ll'l' l''" h s1gnals. Priva tt' Jarmin& to rules 1n rea ... lis,~ ,.;111lo~n in,ld·· ''""""'' ~~ :!!i ~;:ol 1 17 1·,,,,:, 1,,,,,1, , 1.,11,1,1 ,, 1 " :!t~:!I·H trflll' 5 p.m. 8-llo 1,,11 1, Jlurlohr 107-M. 11-'llc UY UWNER -5 room modern homt·, c-hokl', clOS('·in localion, 5/J 11r If)() fuut frontnl;l'. F ur- . nishcd or unfurntshl·d. Priced r1~,:ht. Cash deal. Phon!.' Ikncon ~J . 9-tlc lun .115 M1111rw ,\\'1', .1\0Jllo ... o I• 1,, •• ,11 ,1.,, 1,1 111. ~Incl. lla rht•r _:.:Hi \\' _ 11·:!'1• 1 ::1',.,11~1: ',:,::',.,',,~ d ~ 1 ,,,,.1 l'h~tno 1"1 I){ fU::'\T flalboe 8a)'lhOr•, lit. \I. ESTATE a U St!'I:<:LI~ I: A )(Ar ;~. I 11.10 1< ( 'urn• "'\n111 •· 1 '1171 1,,., ·'"•'• 1·•·. I Thn '' l..-uruom houae, furnl.ah· tl ------------Pll'l•• ~l t h hntU\\llf(', $~!1J()0 Ph ru.l l\t "ko 11•1· '·"" \\It• ·hI l l.d -~~~11 I< mvn th. Box 241, Puadt ll• CONTRACTORS llnr bur 11-C 111·:.!111 h"·l \ ""' ( '!1111 II llo 17, l'oltL 7-l ll' CO RONA DEL MAR t 'or Rtt•lckntlal and Commercial Dulldln~t• F< J}{ Hl·:l'\T -Corona del f>t.or 1 SIII'TII OF HlGHWA Y C. GALEN DENISON Realtor Fut Sc.•r\'lt'e In f'rl't' Ealima tea FOR SALF \\'o•slinl(lluUst• d • C· ~lilt :"• \I I ""r•ll" '·" · 1;1 ~" 11 I Irk roosll'r, hroilo:or nttnrhmrnt I '"'I' """ '' .. Jo·l c ,,1\.n '111;u tm••nt ye!U' 'round or Wln•.·r and tahlt•. ('nil llorhQr IR5:.!-fl lu~11 ., IJ07 k 17th :0...1 :-,,.,,~,, only. Ruy & Ocean vl~w. Phon• Must Sell at Once . J. L. BROWN PtiOM &aeon ~255-W. H. M. LANE REAL ESTATE 2006 Court Ave. Nur Nt-wport Pin - -Elt .. bi~Siml 1DJ 8-4tc $50 00. 10-<111' ,\11 1 1 1 1111 J:ll'k Gn•enc H arbor 2574-W. 6-tk II nt·.,\l "fiFl'L N EW 2 bedroom T\Jll.f-:"~ & UIVntnlll'~ $:.!1 ~~up, \\'ILL 1'1< \1•1'. -)lll·!Kil t 1oolll••t l' ,-,~(I-::Jl~H:-:-F::-N-:::T::--:-L-:-Id::-0-1::-1-:-1e~Ba-y-F..:..rcl-nl It"""' Flrr(IIUC!.', garagt', patlo kltdwn ""'k' sr, 7'\ up; tu1lo 1 :O...ol ""n' 1 t .. r "'''""1' 1•1 "'" rt \ nt fins:~ ton!.' with concrete f~nce, l>i .. t;., glo•am ing Whitt', $1: 't:i Ill' l'h ltltll•"'' I0<\:•·.1 11 IIJI furnishl'd a partment. Wlnt••r ,., n• twn hlcnds, rugs. ;\1!'; MannL' ". v.·. lllolll(ll• l;o.lmul IJ l' . J 'l' ~f·Jl rt•n tal. Sc'<' Mr. SldweU Apt ... ._,. 3-1-lt Au'( \""I 1 S• '' (;,. 'J 1~1;\.'• Soud.. 4·1 __ $10,850 ST.F.IJWNER Nt•w 2-bedl'llorn hom£>. H unJwoocJ floors and .:n rug!.'. $8950.00 2-bedm l, hum r, l y r. uld. Dbl. gar. $9500.00 !~ - GtxKI Butll11n1: Lots $1500 & Up 8-Uc FQR.S M J."-JO 4-'U 1+.--fiM"Irtl',<::!: ~,, -~~H'ELY 1-'lJRNISH ED ROOM ~ Jltorbtrr :.!'..116-W. ll·!lp uuat~ l'l t e< U u'-' llrrrbur 2720. 365 VIa L 1 dj • ooll ~lllliil)lrr.;;: lar~;t• humt• ••r ;\ll-fl Spl "''" l ~lrl•h•ll lH1 1:1' carr . 71lA Hro11d Sl , N•'"llOrt ~~itWJ P r i\ ate bat h, m • I d. aervu•t . ~l.:r I luhlltt Ave., Corona del tlc Jlo•lght~ 111-:/tt' (; 1 ~I", 1 y $-111110 po•r m onth, annual, J IJ COSTA MES A I Pl'arl, Oallx.n hlsnd. 5-lft- 1 Douhlr brd sJortllR-mnttress. mlr· 711 <'<•n ... r 1 11"·1~· ='·-"I"" 1 rur, t'h t'SI uf drawers, ta hlo•. J\4-,oc 1111 :~~1-· \\ 7-lft• ftt:~To\1. t:XC'IIASGE :\I \\ f'IIHT J::-;J.AND -Choice 1.11 I' nm SALE Nt w :.!-bedroom home. hd"·d. rlrs., double garagl•. "$7500.00 SJ.'>(JIJ tnk•'' ull 2'.?3 F. !lot) t'I.CIA'r t l llt St\1.1. C'htup, <'um-$cll'TIJ PASAnE N A -Modcrn ;~I t'llllltt H-.! lut StdewaJks and Front. Onlloc)J\ l slu nd R-411'! plrtr "''"''"II''" ll' Jnlo· han~• rs I 1 I 1u 1 l~t'IIIC l~·lh s~tlo•s, all uUJitics. Silver Plating <"OP PER , BRASS. G< lLD Pol!shtng & rwf~nlshinl: I "'diuiJm '.! • >Ill • ma.lda ro..n.l J'.'•'JI (.l/11'1. ,:\311(1 1 larcus A vA .• S1••• t1 111 :1:!•1 lllu 1111 \'i~lla, !Ia •-1 I ( · h-.. -• n " "' M l '· un urms \c"'• lpaclou' :-,, "1.,1 1 n. '"'h, Caltr. tr 2-bcdroom homt' $1000 00 down . $7500.00 I""' l'lt~~rl TWit• lo• II, l'h l l.orhur fur' Halll()a lshtnd 3 or 4 t~o d :?1·1..!-\\' ~lil-lie ""''" unlurnlshl'l'l. H a r h '" mrt S;\~f; IJ I\\Onll 11111111' 1111d 1:-.·;~, .. f 9··111 .t\t•w View Home 2-hNJroom hOm!.'. fum b hrd. East S1d1•, du:~e in CESS POOLS and aPnC TANKS Bayside Plating Co. 191-t llllrhnr nh d .~,., l k lt\~H I .I~ol\1 "\<; r:nc,r r Jlarbor h nll lllnk l'fomplt'lo-, ••·liJO 1 '' \\,\STt:n TO RENT -&:! ,,1,, :11oo lol!\1 II11111S, flr.-pla<'t'. $7H50.00 r.talled ~ ln Oranp Count)' Ctwta Ml'6:t. C'olif . U•·nrnn 5113 6-lfc f"'" I!Jry (11-lrll't lhlnl"ur••t'" ''h"ttn-..m hnm<' 1 yr old - . IIlii l•land ~-~:_:1-tf_L ,IIf ll'SI: '"' IIJ><IItmc nt by COUj•l 1 "'"''"''''"II ''"" lll'-1d•· f in•sh -·11',mn.'4,, 1011,; ...... 1. · · Contract DrtJ.Unc a.-r ConDtctJon SERVEL to!1h \\til IPII:'-1' for ooc )'•·" • '' • 1''"''' ol Tho· llrh '-.1 Wt•'vo• $S Ml'l'IIC AL .t R•\1110 a• ,.,,,,., ltllnc-ho'<l u r unfum lllh"l 1 o u 1 otll•1ort • 200.00 I I p "' ~'w'l"' 111onth. Rt•fcrenc·· • - fAD Work Guaranteed) r.dl ----e.rrt.d The G A S Refrigerator I·,IH:-o..\1.1 : "\.-11 ~l"rt} 1'111 111'1 l'..Jl:OO:tt.l\\dL IIIIr!Jur2561.11-::'11 1 HAJ.I'H P. ~AS KEY n.n .H "'TI F. '''"'' ,, ,\,. n 11 :l·l><'<lrQtun h•lllll' Doublr garo.:l'. br~;•· lui <.ood ll'rllls. io•~• 11 I t•· ~IOSEV 'TO LOA..~ 44 :1 111 \\ 4'<rltri1 1 l'h. I la r 402 $10,000 ------------------------1 9-tfc J. 1L McCORMICK Som(' Mvdt•ls A\'ulluWc NOW M8 VJctorla St. "-'• Mee1 Balboa Furniture Store Sl !1.1 I \'1 )' Tlu Ill I .111 11111 1'1111 z.llut·h It~ h fl\ Jll·ift•• t nttH Juul llo·rtr i1 11.on1 S••lw11ol1 l'tan11 n. !'o.!\1 :'1.'11 :\l.oln, ~hnllo ,\fl.o 3 q , Lllf\:'1/S TU BUILD, buy, lmprow-.1 ,-li'-,.-n-,,-,1,-1,-n-.:-f .. -,-t -111 :'\o'WilOi l modt•rm.tc nr refinance. We pur· 1 1,,1~;ht' • 1 1•111 Call 11 ,. 11 r 0 n C~ GALE N DENISON Realtor &-1oon fl2t7 100 MRin S t .. Balhoa Phonl' llnrho r 1 4~ ~ tfl' c·hllso• trust dl't'da. :'lil-.WI•t IHT OALnOA FEDERAL !'it:l-lt. ~;"'""'~' ll:rrhor IOf~-.1. SA\'1:'1/GS & LOAN ASSN. _ 11-tfc H ENflY r . VAl'GI I:-.1, Rrokt•r (;1-':C). T C'ASTOJt, BNJk(•r ~tA itin:-.: c;1n :r:c. s ... r .... n"'" ·lflk :'l.'t•WJll'•rl 111\11. ('""" Mro;a l'h O._.;.ol'"n 5 I 97 HARBOR PlumbiDg Senice ------------·-F<1H S1\l.l Sthlllt•r Cr.uull'r111ta 333..1 \'r11 Lido Ph. Har, ~ W1tchN • c::locb • J-elry C1 ffiONOMETERS $.-,:;u $.!'Ill ilu\1 n '-.!~• llhllllh "'' h.liant • I '' • lit nt t'l•l)llllll•n •vc. 11• N.-wport Bh'Cl., Be1con 6117 lla»ADUNC OlTR SPECULTY Contl'ectinl and ~-9-tfc OOOPERA TIVE ROOFING CO. New and~ 12 TEARS a:J\VlCJ: 1M 11m HARBOR AREA Rt-pairln& -Prompt s.rv1oe St-nalbl~ Pr1cee Bendi x & Mayta~s J~at \\'.11ttn.: to lk l 'wd ol 4~ Nrwpon Blvd., C:O.ta M,.. Ptlone ~•con 5T70 10-lf(' l1111h••r l>'l;l-\\ 111:.!1• ~1 '1:'>~.'1' I''"'" fu1 "rot. r. munlh' rr nl rollul\otl ""'" , .. u Ill/\ ll:ont '-'•lllllllil :-;,,11" An.o 3 II•· ~I'l l'"'''' r;H.\:'>1• l'··1l•r·t 1'1•1111111••11 (;'"~'""' Sh\o• al I···"' ~IIMMi u\• r n•·\\ Jtllt'•· 11.1n1 ~··hnutlt l'1 on .. l'", ~'-'" N11 1\l wl S.111t:o Ann. AI~" ~11\.tll Sll•' ~'''111\\:ly nurror I\ I"' "I'"" I 3·1fo· NEED MONEYT So-t• l s for Quic k, H elptul So·n II'•• t.ln Your Finandal ='•·~·d.<; -Loan~ on l''urn iture-Salary Car or Other Se'CUI'ity I lours 111 111 1 and 3 to 5 t c 'lu~··d Sat urd&)'l) HARRY HAIL PADI'nNO COift'llACTOR FIREWOOD CI:IAROOAL • BRJQUI:TS PROMPT DEUVERY !-'1'1:'-I·.T 'I'YJJ" llllrtlll' 111ano H1•· --- '" -.etlltla-........ laJ o.ta ....... edt IJUU t·:llt.•·•l. Puy liiiiiiiiCt· T t>nn.'l IR14 ~ Newport Btvd., Costa MNI A11 nHwr ltlr ~l !l;i l'lnn7 !'khmi'J t J:Koncun 5220 10-trc Do ,._ wut to all It f Actvtr- ..... tt.. ClllumnL Wright Lumber Yard "'"'"' t ·,,. ;,;:n :'\u i\lutn. Snnlu .LAcross from AIJJha Beta Market) Ann 3·tfl' 1 1-11c ..;;;.... _________ .. tl LOST-Will party wtlo pkkl'l'l u p rwdinc lfauc. 11 N~r1 Har - bor Yldlt C1ub nn lut Fridlly call 8Mcon 5671. 11 -2tc REWARD - For .-.turn or 11m1111 anllqut' Iron cannon. which was m)'ltrriously diMppeart'd from 930 VI• lJdo Nord. JU>t um It r~ve r~ard at N_...n rnc!l. No q\K'Itlom .Ued. 10.2tp LOST-Fox TNTkor, ftmAif', Sun- dlly IOIIW'altlt'l't' on C<'f\t raJ A w A.lwlftn to "M lt71('" Broko It wtUw. 2818 W. Ct>rltral Avrnu•·· Newport BHch. 11 -ltp -...onmtft WAJI'ftD • ~~. lport jacketa, aultl and eo.ll. Altt'ratJons. 1527 W. Oeatral. Har: 1973-J. 8-4tc WORK W ANI"ED-Iranlal In 1111 '-· ,.. or fanc:7. 510 Sa .. ......, Aw .• Newport ....... -- 1784 Newport Dlvd. COSTA MESA &econ !)660 83-trc Plenty of Good Tires All Slzee Compound Motor OU Gallon. 10c Welltem Auto Supply Aulhorbed DMlt:r 18al N.wport Blvd.. C:O.ta MNI 11-tt• RADin n'NSnu-: 3 hnnd ~<hnrt wav(', ](I foot 5k iff C'hrnp, Ph. Harbor 1~:.>;; 10..!tc W Al'fTSD TO BUY II H,\LJ 1\\'IN rnarlt ~pi111·t I )Ill" mtr· r .. r lllllftll I IIIIIJ:IIIn mnllo I C lotl} ~::~r;, Tl,o<~ '" 11 '""I}' m~trunwnt l 1.u11-Sd1n1111t 1'1-11111 C11. Tlw I lunw uf 1 It• \\ urlt t I• r. ~~~'(I Nt! M r11n Snntrt Ana 3-tfr OAI.II\\1!'\ GR;\Nil 1-'lllt' nond l- llun A I""' llnmrllon s:rand A not l11•r IIS•'fl ~:r .or1d ••nl) $-')l ·, To•rrn~ l •an/-~c'hnurl t l'r:mu ,~u ~1111111 Ann, 5~'11 !'1:1). :\l:11n. 3-lfc Rt ~C. Ul'. \\A~Tt:U 411-a ~::'\1'1 HI ~.;\( 'I,:P C •t••• .otoor '' 1 I h hH'III (o~IJH\'Ifll! lnlo'fl~'-ll'fl Ill h11\ "''-=· 1··:"'"'~ nr lllhlla~,on~;. 1111 1•'1• • n1.o1:•• "''''"· ,.,, ohltslw(( ro•SIIIIIllllll nollo••• ShtiJl, o'lll.'ki.IIJ hnt lit~ un "rd•\ ltqunr ~tor,. •n llllrlklr 11ro·:o Wr ,,,. hux "JJ" I' II l'\o•\\ •·Timt•ll 111-:.!lt' WANTF:D -Go.ld hu1ldln,.; lot, ~l·t:t It\ I, ASSOt'St't:~r:ST~ st1 Bnlbon l~lnnil or Curnnu dl'l Mar. 1111\'1' 1947 c11r fur full or part 1rlld(', Wrile Box SR.'l C'uro- ns drl M11r or Phon(' llarhQr 2639-R. 10-2tp CASH for USED rurmtun a 1tp,!!•"ee. ..... .., AartNnc" GRAN'MI HAHBOH THAN!:)FEH- u~;rrr lli\~II,INI ; Pholl<' B<'a<'or t !l5:3R-.J I! IIi.: I !11 r lw If' llh ol t'>ST,\ :\lt:Sf\ 11 -1 ((' llt'81SF~ft OPI'ORT~ITIES 'f EXCLUSIVE \\1TII "S ANDY" Donut Shop In Market Good mone-y makt>r for I'OI.Iplt>. Income Property Hom<-•nd 5 Rentals. Rc-autlfuUy rUrt!llhed. OPA Cf'tlinp. $19 00 daily. ....... 11UT-Irl Pr1<'t'-$22.500 1M ,...,..t BMl. o.ta .... - a.tt.. Dinner Restaurant W_ANTED-_____ Piano ___ bl_ond __ apt_nt' __ t_ln_ Beer 1nd Wlnt' and H~. Nt>W lood condiUon. OUh. PhoM kitchen. Rt'd«ont~. Dot-!' ~.000 Harbor 1839-J. 10-'2tc rrou y~arly. Lot 50x144 on HJ. way. PriCf' $23.000. • FURNITURE Many Other Business and Income Buys ,\t'TO~OTI\'t: & TIRE~ We Ha\'e ~old On·r 1 !Inn U. t•d ('ar::; In 'l'hl>o .\n •.t a11 ol I (,l\•• 11•·• 11 I •um g I:"''"'''' <'•1111 lnU1111~ r ... :_; '··ars CARS PRICED T( > ~ELL . 40 (1,,.,. s ,. ... llh :!-O."If Sl'ol.lll II lhur k .S~-..· S•·tl.on ;n 1-'111 If IIlli 'I'IUit •I ':I-t ( 1 h•\' SN1rtn :IX 11t•IJ:P l'll'kllll :\lt~llll ( )\ t'l h:r uit'(l :-;,,\\ (Hill I '17 Fut rt Suft''' I !h :-; ... 1111 lt/\0111, llo•ll tl'r ·11> Foml <"•)n\' ( 'J•· Jt,,.(,., I INltr r '-II l-'OI't( C '1111\ ('I"' lt.~tli", I kill rr ·;m 1-'t~nl So 'IIIII\ :\ "" 1• '"" ':\() (111'\' St•ol:tn "" I· '.15 I I lei" fi St'fin n 1125 1475 295 :l25 750 1R95 ~·1)95 1195 295 175 -195 THEODORE I{( )BI NS Yuur l-'ort1 l k•:tlr•l Sino'•• lfl_'l 1845 Newport Are. J'l:t•XI Ill \\',•~1 !'H.t•l \lo•al COST A M ESA 1\.•n•··•n K~t7 r·c;CQ~; u•o.>u-'11 ,\1!,"4~11 I l"llQ.) 'lOOI 11-ltc 'OJ 110~0 1~ J.~YO:> l.9LS dOll~ ·'41 N !00 )Snf tllpl?lJ •td11n.1 J\IO.i !Jt, Z6tU 'llll(llaVWWJ S.\J!) S'i\\ 'J.JIU.lH 'O!PII'lJ 11~>1S lf·'"'H ( •. 6601S HI UJIIl!.rnq (IMJ \' J,I\IJ~)I 'OfPVH 'UWJ>.lS JOOp·;: I•'II\L\·'4..1 t •• 16EU REFINISHED AS YOU UKE rr A. "Sandy" STEINER J.ICJ -qru ~ .J.ll'lh'JI 'n1pnu 'tu1oo M.lN '.ldno.) 'AUtl.) 4 1!WlU,\t<f [t, &t.UI ...... .,.,.,. • KEN GRENSTED 634 COL~t Jllway, Newport 1015 Coaat Hlwny, CoronA dt'l )far Or Your Multlpll:' U 11tJne Brokl"r 11-lfc Z.66Zi 21311 M!Mr Strfttt 'nLULI:Il AJa..E. 2 win whftla. COST A M'E:SA MilO 0Dut flllhway, Newpon PhoM Harbor 1070-W Beech. 11-ltp For EltlmatN lOr WATER HEATERS, MW. On GuanntH'd Work J'Oa aarr u 2-flEDROOM lai'F rum. 1Pf'r1- 1JWnf. S.... CW.'nt'r Satul"dd\y 6 "Sunct11y at 506 Ft'mle-ar. Coron11 ,'0\~U ollfl( '-U!ll p~ Slf00'1 'lU·'"O~) 111.'$ "·':>o: '.liiiiUJ ~·<JI '!<.!,)4-<U,\\ l'l"'ll"Jllll,\\ 'J,., ·llt.'IH 'O!pl?lJ UU~'S 1,'9 ·"'lll'flll.) t•. .s2.50, lO pllan. lO plJon ~ 99-tlc bu0ll:l31.00. Stall lhowen oam-"'B&r-k-.,--B-.rs-.-M-on_t_f'N'_y_d_a_wn_port_ ~ 153..50. 315 llarilw Aw.. A chllr at SSO. •nd 2-paJr IJraJboe llland. I;J.art.or 221~W. drapn, ~rol&n ~inr, m . Mantel ll-2tp doc:* $7.!10 A S15 ; man'a bl· GALVANIZED PIPE. all IW!e; eye~ $18 ; Girl's bic-yl'le $7.!10; allo black ~. pJva.nl.llfd ppe Uprtaht pi•nn $95. P hone Har- ftttJnp. 815 Marine Aw .. Balboa bor 1,.7-11. 313 Montero. Balboa Wand.. Hll.lbor' 22l~W. ll-2tp ' 10-:ltc------------------------.1'011. SAl 'f-1\Axedo, 11ae 31, wry FOR S.u..E Bklad dining 1-eblt-6 lttU. ~. Ind. lhlr1 1r collar. chalrs; bed; twin c~t ; ~II Ptb AO. Call Harbor :z.101...J. tabW. C'alJ at UOO 01y St. aftt>r 11-2tc 11-Hc dt-1 Mar. 11·2tc ron RENT-I bcdnn np~~rt~N>nt fum lsh('d New.· 1111 J unt• 15. 881- boa blaand. llllrbo\r 1351-J . • 11·111' ROOM T0 RF:NT In rt'flnt'd h"'"" •1th kitr hrn pnvil~" In ('~ rona de l Mar. Box 101 &!boa bland 11-tfl' NEW rumlllhf.d Studio Afl',. OOf> hc-<lmom, t'l('('lnl' l't'frlt;: ~"" \11'111'. $75 prr month . .._'\3 At'AC'in. Coron1 dt'l Mar. 11-llp 999S llO("'S Jtl·t ,l:i("lf I .:_r t Gt$ poo;, '-ttn}l .t;>Qqf\J f'"'!) IUII'Il ~~ "~) :~elrw. l f'."'-~ !:1' r ·;:coc; lk ... ,,~'fl \l!.w\41'1H l"''llltl,. I ... •I 31H .)s::J< IH.i tlr •n 'OJ 1JO~OJV J.!'\VOJ (1,\ft(;,\1 N 1 AJI 111 Emo•r -dd Huy, ,3,750. 110 ft ll'llntn~;r•. Phron,. 1)\\'fli'f, ''·""'"' 17!17-.1 l l -'111' -f\tlvc·rt lse REAL VALUE IN INCOME PROPERTY 11-111' Hr:tnd Ill''' ::-IX'firoom homl". hd\\'<1 .. fin•plrtN''. nnri rll' fttlll . no•\\' \'lf'l.'tl'il' I':HH!I' .tnd 11 1~~ ill hOm(' llnfi Ill'\\ I hr plr'\ \-hdm1. <'n<'ll ~id(•. <'ornph•lr l,\ furni .... hrd "11t1 t'dlll.!l' & l't'rri~. Thi~ htrnil un• is nt•w. 1\:i('('(~· \:cnd ..... ·:qw'll. I ~:trac:<•s. p;1IJO :rnd h:1rl,_,..ltl'. lnC'Ont<' lt'o1nl cl11pl,., S l :.!tHiil Jl('l' tnnnlh. 'this is n"a ll~· lhr IK•-.1 hll\' '"' h :l\1' h:H I Itt \l':'r ..... l>on'l n1i-...<; ._.'<'in~ this l 111 lia~. l 'l·in•d !11 ~··ll ;~t 'onl,\' !'l!I,(HI(I, 1-:-Z lt'l'lliS. B. A. NERESON. Broker Frank Downes--Sak>sman 1 !l72 Nl'\\lKJrt Blwt C~tlt M l'Sl1 Phone Beacon 5255 11 -lll' \1S rT US IN Ol '11 NE\V LOCATION Bl~nche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginn y Gates 21 2 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island PhOfl<"'S: Jlarhor 11i71-J -EYI"ning-s, llnr hor 'i·H)-:'-1 -TODAY 'S SPE C IAL S - BALBOA ISLAND: ]3(>autlful lnroml' l'nit~. u ss thnn I Yt'ar old. 2 B.R., fi~plac'f'. fir. furn .. lnrg-1" liv. mom. Garag-1" npt. 1 B.R .. larg<> Ji,·. I'Oil m . plus <'Xtra B.R. and bath. Fo r onJy $2.'}.()(H'l. Goorl f{•rm~. PENINSULA: Comp. fum. ~ B.R. homf', 2 pa ti()!;. This i~ prob- :ahly just what you ar<' looking for. l\10\'f' ri~ht in. Pricro right. CORONA DEL MAR : ~ B.R .. l'xtm la rge li \'. room, fiJ"('plncc. UNDF.R CONSTRUCTION. You still hav<' tim<' to chory.:;c your own colo r sch<'m<'s , :mri to st't" this place is to want it. 2 B.R.. tak e over 4r; G.J. loan on loYely 2 B.R. h()l'll(>. NEWPORT HEIGHTS: Take over G.I. loan on 2 B.R. home. Small down payment and low monthly payments. 4 ~ int. on balance. ~ this almost l'X'W beautiful 2 B.R. h()l'll(>. Xlnt. location, double garage, yard landscaped. This is priced to sell and is one of our very best buys. We have two beautiful 3 B.R. homes to show you in lovely NewtJOrt Heights. COSTA MESA: A beautiful 2 B.R. home for only $8200. Small down payment and baJance on 4 $f-loan with low monthly payments. East side, near transportation. Best neighborhood. BLANCHE A. GA~Realtors--GINNY GATES ll-1tc At Corona del Mar 2·Bednn. home, very neat. This is tumished. $7950. Two bedroom modem. very classy, $9250. Two bedroom modem. a beauty, $9700. Two bedroom. modl'm.-Ask to see this. $11,500. 2·Bedroom. l'lE"\\' and modem. South of Highway ~10.300 One lot looking dO\\rn bay, S2200. Beautiful ocean front lot south of Laguna and has grand view. $2000. Other lots south of Laguna. Tht'Se IU"t' large lou and have a view of ocean. ~i5. W. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast mghway Corona del Mar , "Where the Flags F1y" 11-ltc DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Phone Harbor 505-W 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid, Corona del Mar "By the Sea" Exclusive Home Open House -For Inspection 1\\'0 bedroom , corner home, fr11me & stul'CO, li old. Fireplace, plenty of doscts & l>uilt-in.s. Br e- way to utility r'OOm and l'Ut' por t . Lovely Cent: . landscaped yar-d. Sprinkling syst<'m, paUo, ~ bloc from shops. Ve-ry pretty Corona del Maa· com e r. Price $12,900, tem lS, or Long Beach tm d(•. (Furn- ished if desired. Or late model car. Stores For Rent in Corona del Mar N ew building, comer, mod('r·n. Inverted windows. Beauty Shop. Bath, your own equip., $80 month. Nice Store. l ~x40, on Coac;t Hiway --125 month. Ocean View -3 B.R. -11,:! Baths South of Hiway. Comfortable knottY. pine living room, fireplace, dining r'OOm . ~r-vlce porl'h , garage. Built in 1941. Sewer in . P ril'e $11 ,750. terms to suit. Costa Mesa -New Home 2 B.R. Stucco. hru'dwood, tile. good construction. Garage. Lot 65x150. Priced $.~~50. terms. Wtll G.I. with small down payment. South of Highway New. 2 B.R. Home':' har-dwood floors. furnace, snack bar to dinette fa·om kilt'hcn. L.'lrgc living room. Stall shower. Dbl. garage. •:.: block to shQps & bus. 1' ~ blocks to oc-e~m & l'l('ach . l'rk'«< S 10.200. LiberaJ terms. Will tak~ G.l. IO<tn with small down payment. Income Property Beautifully fumishNI on(' lll'flroom home on fr'Ont of lot. Living room is :! lx::!O. Darlin~ Cape Cod horne. One bedroom apt. over clbl. garugC'. Apartment has O<.'t'an view from living t'oom, kit eh(•n wilh rtine tte .• Fwnishf'ct very cult'. Outsi<1<' b;1t hPJ'S shower· off rear patio. Ptin't'l Sl5.!J30. l.ibt·ntl terms. Corona del Mar-Nicest Very well constructed hom(' of 2 bedrooms and a den of combed wood. Fireplace, floor furnace. tile floor in bathroom. Dining room with boy window. One bedroom is a ma<;ter size. Quality home. Patio and yard aJJ fenced. Dble gar. Located in bt--st resi- dentia l S<'Ct ion. south of Highwa~·-Block anrl half to water. Priced to sell qukk at S J:{.700. I.ibrrnJ tcnns. New 2-Bedrm. Home $9500 Brc~ncl nt•w and shiny, mcxlt'm . with f:tn•·y wood, beam redwood t't'ilings. s n;u:k bar. fir'l'pl:l('t'. Lots of built-ins. Plent y lar-ge windows,:~ lim'n rlosd .;. L:'l rge wa rru-otx-... Ya rd i~ 40'\:t;o, ensv to'''"~ f1H'. Dn thcrs' s howct· and laundr-y :-~rt' l<x·a t;'tl in ~a ragc-. CIOS<' to s tores in C'orona dt•l l\1:-~r. Furnished 2-Story-$8500 Upper story hns cute living room with ·snack bar, sun porch. kitche n with nook, bath has stall shower. nice beflroom with ('J'OS.<; ventilation. Lower story has hcdroom with twin beds, la undry room. db!. gar. Home is a ll e ll'<'tlie. Vaca nt. We have key. Tenns o r G. I . Joan. House and Ga rage Apt.-$3000 Down South of H ighway, 40-fl. lot. nNar beach. New 2-bed- room homt', fi~plare, ell'. Gui'St or· ntm pus npt. over double ga rage anc1 r>xtra rooms. Vaca nt. money in C'S('t-ow allows OI.'('Upancy. Full price onJy S16,000. We ha\·e key. DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Phone Harbor ~05-\V 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar "By the See" 11-ltc NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2-bedroom homl'. Lovely neighborh()()(l. Jia<; nice hdwd. floors, dual furnace, tile sink. Counter table between kitchen and Jiving room. Built for comfort- able informal Jiving. We recommend this one ns one or the best buys in this area. Its new and you can move rig ht in. Should G.I. $9.000. COSTA MESA Modem 2-bedroom home with dbl. garage on 68x125 foot lot. Has fine workmanship thruout. Good cor. location. $10,500 full price, and take over G.I. Joan at 4?-. It's a beauty. LOTS OORNER u:Yr-62Y2 x 140, in Newport Heights.. Well located near high school. • 8 GOOD LOTS in Costa Mesa. all together-R..-2 Zone, nee.r Newport Heights. ,,,. ffiullr le L1slrn' O~t~SIDn EVA F. RHODEN Realtor r.r.rr: . ':1. : r.r:1 rr.rr -Eltoo D. Barnett 470 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 571 3-R Pemel G. Barnett Barney Francque Brokers Evenings. Harbor 1086-J 11-ltc . At Corona del Mar SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must havl' level ones. th~ won't do. ~ LOTS at S2000 for All ~ :\ LOTS at S2900 for All :l 1 LOTS at S2000 for Both SomE-FirM' Le,·eJ Lot~-$1500 each W . j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar ''Where The F1ags, ~y·• ll·ltc 'l· NnYPORT BAL.BOA NEWS-TIMES TEL&PHONES: HAJl.BOil l!, II AND I'IAM hed tnr y TuNday ud Thurliday Aft..roo-.m'L \'oi'Wtat'l XL Co.ta Mt'lla EdiUoo Publbbt'd E\l'r)' \\'o'(IJu••iClay IJIDcriptlon Payobl<' in Ad,·nnC'<': ~1 :!5 Jlt'r ~·o•ar in ( lrungl' County; $3.50 per )'l'Ar to 4th Zone. $3.'7j IX'r yo·ar 1 o flt h ZonC' Ebte~ as Sl'<'lmd -C'lass rnatt<•r at lh<' P vstofrkl' In ;'l:o''''llUrl l'k·ach, C'Aiifornla.. undt•r t h,• Art t•r !llarl'h 3. 1897 BAM D. PORTER Puhllsht•r LUCIUS S. SP.U11t, lit :O.t::mt•..:in~ 1-:ditM 'flil. F . DrX0N · · . -Allwrtising l\lonn~··r Printing Plnnl. 3011 W. Co•ntrnl "'''nUl'. N,•w1x•rt tkal'h, Culiforntn Official l,aper of the City of Newport Beach A 0f•p4'odabl.-Local ln,.tltutlun fur 0\'o•r -ICl \'t•An Uneasy Money If you go d o w n to ~·our ba:'l'ment and hapJwn to s tumblt• O\'Cr $90.000 in ('UIT <'ntv it mi!!ht he well ju!'t t o ignor e it. At l C'a :-ot. that':-< the ach·it'l' fnnn the f etlo w in Nrw Y o r k who \\'Pnt dnwn t ll hi:-< h a=-e- m ent a nd ~tumhlrd o \·er ~!lO.OOO a~l clidn't ignore it. N o w h<• wi:-'he:-; he had. l n:-;tl'ad. he r epnrtE'cl thC' di;;;cm·C'r~· tn th<• pnlic<'. Sin ce then h(• ha:-: r ect'h 'C'cl : (a) SeYNl tht'<'atenin~ lC'tlen: f rom :::r\·<'n cliffe r E>nt "ow n('r :-;" o f t h<' money : (h) A large in<'l)m<' tax hill fro m -gu<.•s:-; who? H e cloe:-;n't ],now "heth c r the ~('\'ttll lC'ttt·r writet'l' at·e r C'all.v J .. .'ltnninC! ffll' him o r not. nut he feel~ n r y unea. y -so muc h :-;o that he wants to gh·e the monP~' aw<w. 11ttl h C' r an't. Hi~ atto m C'\'S ::;av tha t if h e did Unc i e Sam m i)!ht =-t itk him f o r the t~i x. So hC''!-1 l'luck with tht' !10 (;rand -an <l thr ,L!Tief. M o r a l : p l'nple who ha,·P ha:-:emC'nt:-; =-h o ul<l ~lay o u t o f thf'm. n r a tiC'a :-;t. kC'I:'Jl oth e r p enpll' fro m thro w - ing unwantecl. ca~h into the m . Prices and Peace T he r C'CC'nt c)(•cline of the ~lock <tn d <.'Ommoclity marl\C't~ can ~ern• a (!noel JHII'pMc both h e r e and -abro ad . On th<' nth <.>r h a nd , it could lead t o a h ad !'itua tio n. Lel':o: con:--idl•t' the JHIS.'ihil ity nf a had ~ituation f ir:-:t. Jt':-; nn· :-:<'tn •t t hat althou~h w e han .. h eE'n ex- p <'rirncin)! ;\ h nnm thC'n • ha.; hN·n a hauntitll! f C'nr o f a h u ...-t. A r l":tl cl<'pl'<'~'inn "t'<'ITI' \'t't'.'' improhahl t~ in \'i<'\\' nf d•mw ... t i(• and ftll'('i).!ll dt•lll:\IHl fo r gno d o.:. h o w- e\'('1'. :"l·,·•·t·tlwl•·"·'· if th€· .\mC'r iC'an p l'oplt• wrn• t o a liP\\' t hi" m:trla·l d ownt11•1Hl tn :-;tampt•dl' them intn a "clc•J'I'C''"';'"' :tttit11d•·" ,·:tu:-:in).! rt~n=-umrr:-: to ~harpl ~r r e cltH'I' llH·i1· Jlfll'm;ll hu,·inl! and hu:"ines~mrn t o cur - t n il t lwir <IJH'I':Iliotls-thry t oul1l . pro duce t ht' v e r y econ o mir r ;m<Jitihn !'l th Pv now ~eek to ~voi(l. Thi~ w ould p\:t a <"r imp in t h in.l!:-: h f're :1t hom(' and !'eriou:-;- '" limit IIIII' ahilit·: to aid \\'t•·.:tt'rn Europt•. T IH' Ru:-:-"'~inn:-; hiiJit' f o t· ju:--t :--uch :t dc•\'C'lopmC'nt. Now. f o r thC' hrighlC'I' ~icl r. A ~ub~tantial. but n ot clra:--tir. p r ier cl•·,·lilw w o uld l:H').!<'Iy Plimin atE' lahnr':-; nrw cl l"m:lnd ~ fo r hir.rher w ac:C':.: a nd woulcl t11t'r t'b y :wo icl furt hC'r <1 i:-:rupl ion o f tlw nationa I ('Cnnomy. At th<' :::amC' time it w o u l d e nahle our f o r eign r (•liC'f d o l- l ar:-: to hm· m o rC' f oncl ancl pr1Hluct..~. Tn othE'r w o n )!', wr c o uld ~i\'C' Euro pC' the needed ht'lp with lt•=-s :;:tra in in o ur o wn <'Con n m y. The d egr ee t o which w e arC' a ble to h e lp Europe will have a direct b t'aring o n !'topping C o mmuni!'m a nd maintaining peace. The price 1 eve 1 fi~res !'h ·ongly in that aid. Hence there i!' a vital relation- s hip b e tween prices and peace. Good News R a in. The h eavy b lanke t o f s now which has bet'n laid O\'C'r tht' m o untains of CaJifornia ha!' provided the fir·st !'kiing-conditions at m ost of the favo rite w inte r r ecreational ~pots. The !'now also p r ovides a s ub- stan t ia l r P!'C'r ve s upply o f water. The cl ecJine in prices o n the comm o dity m_arke t Jrives a !'tron~r indication that the peak of t~e m_fla- tio nary ~piral ha!' b e<'n reached and that re tatl pnce~ will !'oon b e mming d o wnward. In other words, the hi$!h co!'t o f lidng w o n't be so h ig-h. ThC' U nite d State!' WintC'r Olympic team has made the b est !'h o wing of any AmE>rican t eam in the his t o r y of the Jrame!'. ThC' v i ctor~· o f Mrs. G re t c h en Fras er of V ancou ver . Wa!'hington in the wome n '!' s lalom w as the fir!'t !'ki f'YCnt in the Ol~·mpic ever won h y an A m f'rican. T he· fi~tre :-okating of Dick Butto n. o f En~:dE>wood. New .Je r!'ey wa~ r ated a:-the fine:-t o f all time in Olympic Game!' competitio n . Letters to The N~ws· Times I DrRr Editor : 'l tlv•rin~r lhl' ri~:ht R(!llin~l intnlf·r· Mav I rnll your Rll<'nlinn to' nnN'. pr,•jurtlrr. and mt•unrl,·r· ~r:mrtinl! Fr,..nklv. I l'hnuhl hkr thr tla l!·~ f•rtmtlll')' 22-29 whkh Ill ~I" thr o'fliii'Atinnal t•rrort• or hil\'r hN•n ~rt n•irtr for n nation· thl· prt·•• rlir••l'trrt nt th1~ pr,.lol•·m widr nh••·rvonN' or Amcriran lhrnuchn111 thr yt'ar Fnr thnt nn-.lhrrhnnd WN'k , flll'll'rl'd byl r I'll~ n n ,\mt·riran nrotlwrho .. d thf' :'\lll illnaJ ('onrf'rf'O('f' nf ('hrj~l·l \\'M•k shnllfrl n•ll I" • pl:or• rl on thr ian• nnrt lr w• Pr<'<~ldl'n t l llorry S. •:~mr ""'''et•rr "': :"ntronal ,\pp!•' Trurn:on h:o• ai'N'pll'd th<' honorlll')'j ".'"'k or r .unl I o anrt f1••ron I p rh:~irman•lup hf'(-HUll" A< hr :oo "'" k. ""'thy a• th• .,. projio1't~ tn1h ""'"' ":"ntlnn:~l uml\ nnrt m:o' '" !<trrncth rl··Jl"nrl upnn th<' wtlhnc·j It '" r.otlwr 11 ~· .,,. r<•Hnrl pro- "' •• or ml'n or nil l'rN'd.<. r:li'N.' \!r tm .. r m ...... <low:o to .. n ,,, ''I!""'' nnol na toonnl nrti:IO" in Am••r l• 1 loo Jllq<tr ol• htt\\ our o'tlll• "" ,,f In rr•Jl"l'1 onr nnnt hf'r'c ruzhl~ unti l ttl oil\ rr• ••<1, .onol r.u o.ol lo• Ill ll.'•" '" rnopo rnlf' 11• rillun" in nil r·on 1 .. lorr••tl'h' '" ·• 1~ II• r 11nol• r Rff'IIC of N>mrnnn 1'00\'lrltOO. COO· I •l!ondon~ ,.f th• II lfl-.l ltwl P·~JlOn• rrrn :mrl r~'•I)Ofl~ihillt)·." l •thtlilif'S I nm ndflrr..~lnll: )'OU 1\ll Chalr·l Slnrr~dy. . mAn (or tho• :"1'\\'CJ')RJl"f rommlttr(' ,JI Ill:-.; s K:" 1\.1 rr. nnrl om ~N·kanlt your hrlp In fur· f'h~trmnn A National Problem of Concem to .An of American Industry HOW IT AFFECTS ESTABLISHED PAYROLL PRACTfCES WHAT IT IS -:-HOW .IT AROSE -.- Th•• l '~tlr l.11hnr :O.IImtlllroJ• .\0'1 llDll 1 1\•• t•ruhlo·rn. Tl ... F.m J.,ol,u !-'tnntlnn ls ,\~·t 1 \\'at•,· .11h t Jl,•tar l.,e\\' ;;11~s 1hllt 11 11111 l..o·r •ltoll ho• pnid 'Ill II I Ito• 11011 J,,,.., th Ill 1'111' lllhl tHll' h oil IIIII•'' lit•• ,., t:uhr 0 r;tto• :tl "lnl'l1 lh' 1~ '1111''"·'' d'' lo•t .Ill IIIII•' "' ,.,. t4o•ss til rno I~ hHIIt'' Ill t\1\o' \\ l't'k Tho· 111'1 ol, •. , 1\tll 11.-1 1111' ''l•·...:ulur t ht•~·· ul' .. ,,, ••• ttt1H' I':Oit' • Tho· IIFolhlo·ut '''1'1' tu~ o•tUI"' I ho·ro· I• nu tll'flnll h•n. l'r•llll••m ,.,,..,,, "'"'' l'ua"1 !oihl&~ ,\ln~o:, \\'ltolo • tho• '"'''' .lt'tho II\ tho• I'·"' Ill·· , .... ,.,, m :ol•l•lo·. ··qu.oll\ '" \\',•J1 ( ·n,,,, 'lttp- l•tllt.: A It, .och \\',,,1 Co•.o~l 1\;tlo tlrt'lll f'lltf'lo>)oi'S ilrt' l'l>O· ft llllh ol \\II h •ttol'< II\ "I ""1"' ttl \\,lit fttUI"t 111• It :uul ''il11t' 'loop :IIIII oltwl\ lou • 1\h 11 l'r•·.,·nt t•r~u·llo •• ttool ('un1nkh. !-'ltop 11111 •It• k tur• Ill• n o w.oll..tnr """'''I lo•n..-•h••r•·· llh II o1110l PII • I \\oH ><••t < Ill lito• ''''' t'flt'IIUJ.! t•I.M n.t h 'fl h,,, t' ho 1 It l'itlll otl 1)10 'II \111-:ltl IIIII" 1.o1t• lt•r .oil '",I, ol ·~ ""I k on lit• 111''1 "' lrn\lrs lll·l~i'••n ~\'"'"'" """~'~"'""' T ltts 111 • lft•t•l t'un~llttll•' .1 !--l\ .. IHJttr ola) Tltu~. 11ll ~tlf'h wnrko•rs h,,,,. l ... ,.n Jl·•"' Itt tht· mt•r- 11111•' r.tlo• ,,f '""'' urttl tmo•-ltalf Cor 1111 ht~ur ... )o,.,,tnd th1~ "~"'' how d,l\ . toll' :oil hnttt•s I}!'· h•ro• R.INI ., 111 mu1 nft,.r· ;"u)(l I'm. 111111 "" Sa turdn) s. Sun· ola)'!l 11!1•1 lwlu1a) ~. Th•· loa~os fur this or Jl:l) ltll\'t' lwo·n ('ItO II ht'l pro- \l~hHlS wtth tho· lnl<'rn:olilln:tl l.oln&.;,ht'ro·mt•n'll and \\'art•· hona ... nwn·~ t 'nt<ill, l'IC I, ami 1<'11" • •lilhlt,..h•-rl IJraf'ta,·o•s Tit•• •·ont r,l\'1" ""'' ''llll'l")- rn•~nt p•·:u·t•~"'•'"" ''''n~ arrt,t'd at on I:<HI() (a at It 1'11~ mrnt" lt:I\'P I~·· n m.•rl·· tHtol•·r th•·m u\t•r n l"nr:: 1• rnlfl .. r ~o ·ar ... Tlw t:ntl'l"~ ,.,,. Tho \\.olo•t (runt l-:1111'1") 1'1'~ ,.\,~n4'"1Hitun ul 1 h ,. P.u'ifu·~ ! · .. ,.,, '"'"' 1111' rh ot tit•· "'' r- ton~o· r.ol• ,,.. 'l••tlto rl In tho• C'10rtlt II I ·lJld .o< :tpph••tl Ill pnu II•'• .r,~ th• fHif' q \t tllftlt• I ol•' llt'o l lito• tiOIHrt :tll•'l'· HI\·-.. lf1ft IJU• I t 1u •f1 \\ tt111t l i{,~. l ••l I t hi• IHt•:JI\IItL' II ttl tO It t1f 1011 of !111 1-''tol I ah•ll' .;l:tlid Ill< ,\r•t :tqd JW'r1.1111t t'lllplo\t'J" \\ltn llot\'o• :t••tool Ill v••ul I III I! Tho' t 'nlnn i\Uo>rno•) ,.. t•,.,.tllun. l 'nlt•h \IIUII\1 \' I'UHit'lld flt.tf f q t,d t ttl r111h'' 'litHIItl tu .111 1\ • o•cl oil h\ oll\ltltlt\l lut.ol lt10UO... llOtJ..••d tnlll lot.ol "•'·'' 1'1111 ftot ·Ill\ ~1\•11 \\•' I< oltd tit ol •It•• "'" llo•t' ·•lfl\ql ol ''' oiJIJ•Ih d fo) 11 t 1 I If .,f \tt f•ttlff '• .u ul th.ol 1 ~I'. ••I tlt.ol o.oto• I • applto •I to .oil 1too111 ' '''" ~. ol on ,.,, • ...,, ,,, 10 'l'h1' ttto 1111" that ~mplo)l'l'S """hi '"''' \\IHol th•·Y l'"~' und• r I It•• pro•~o'lll l'f~lo·ttt piUli it II lot Ioiii 1111\;tl iltttHOCIII \\ hio'h "'·" 1.,. <'tlllol t•• ltl', 11r m or·o• 11! io•l lll JO:tYI'll)l Tho· tttn.tnol U•·•·l-lun. .turlr•· S"'"'" 1\tlkttttl.l'mlo'll ,:.;,,.,, ... l •l'tnt•t ('ollll'l. !-'Pttllt· ''I'll ,,,..., •. ., 1 111 No•\\' York. lt.tr1ll• ol ''""'" " '''"'islon looll.'""'"'"' tn th,• plumtlrf~ 1111 .1 .IIHirtn· ti. 1 !ll? In tl\111 tlo·o•l,h•ll tho• jtHI"'' r·O'Iouko•ol tho• tlw<or') 1111d 1111111\,., hdtind I ho• ~1111,._ II•• Sllllo'(l th.ol "tlw llll- plt,·alt"ll ,.J Ill•· plnuttolf's fur· mul.u• IH tho• llitll<•ll'S \\llj;:l' looll \\Otllltl oloool• h:o\•M' \\l1h ,.,r..l•lt•llt·ol lnl~ow ro•lntlons: put o ,.u, <'Ill,. ltur&.;lotntttl! 111 tl10· ,·;ol•'l:"l \ ul 11 rio\ II'\' lolr o•lll .• unnt.: "~"'" ~ undo r fnlSI' prt to·n~o s anrl J•H•!•,,hly )olrllln t h·· r• ,. '"'' • ' ut .1 sut.st !lnf utt 1""1""""., .. r J\utt·ru•.on In· '""'' ~ .. I· "1111\\ tth; I Ill>• olo·o''"'"" Ill\' l 'n'"" i\11•11'11'')' to••k tht•tr t'a ... -.· IP 1lh• l 'lult•(t ~tut,~,; t 'it~­ <'1111 l'ntorl ••I /IJIIk·JI• t nlt•••l !Ot•t• ... f 'lro·ull ,.,-;-,,, uf Ap- IH'ttl .. U•·•l,lun. Till· !-'•·o "'"' ( 'irt'Utl t 'n\lo I 11f 1\Jil•·••l' to '"""''<I th·· Htrklnol I lo•o'l''"" on ,Juno• :1, 1~1 17 Til hi ct·•tll't ""''"' 1h•• t•:•~·· huc·k lu 1th\ "'"' t 1't1tll I ,,.,. 11 11•·1• l'mllllt· I tOll II[ 111Jtlil 11111111 olllhllllliS fiUI' lit•• pl;nplolls Tho• fni'IIIICIII IIJIJIIII I'Illly SUI/;· j!o·l'lo•rl h\ lloo,. oiJollllull folr d••· to ·rnttlllllt.: IIIIo II llolllill tHlhlttnl $ duo • 1~ 111.11 "' •I olU I II hoi \I' umlt•l' "Tho• \'nann 1\ II <ll'tl,o') ,; Pt•SI· ''"" .. I-' toll"" tnt.: tlu~< dl'I'II'IOn tlw l'tttplo•)<l ' ·I I'IM'IIIP<) In !Itt• l 'ntt.•d St,1l•' SoJI•n·nw ('ntttt ,\ l1n • .J tl• o·1>-tott '" nom l!i•tn)( ;'"'"'' d Thl" 1-'urmul~t \\'uoolol .\pply. I r tJt, Sut't ,.,.,,. ('utili up- It• II• b. 1110' olo•l'l<o11 •1l "' tho• ('tr· 1'111 I (',.111'1 nl A l•l"''ol~, I hl~ '' I h• t .. c rtltoloo \\ hto'll o'tiiJIIII} · I J• \\Ill t•J .. to olol\ lo,o\o• lol U\1' t•l ((, tt 1 ttu"'' , oJ •It 1 t ,, n a I .olll,.tlllh .Ju,• lh• 11 o lltplny•••'"• "''' "Ill} lo11 tho• luturo•. hut led' 1\\n \• tl < It tl~t,ih'lt\t'h ~'I I I' I 1:-..l I'"' 11110111 11\'0 I ·•&.:•' ' ,, '""!.:"' I• I 1111111' I""""' \\ 'l,h • oil !lilt'"' II\ lnlul ltP\11' 1\ .. do. d t • .:• t .,, 11 •O:• ltnutly jIll fllrl\'"1 _:.;·f'l·.l' 'I Wt • lJt•IPrmlnf' lht• ·11111110111 thh t••r lust 10 hnur,. \locl•ll •b Itt• "''" · l'l'l'otl.tr I tf• ' t 't \.o I •'l'•• th~Ur'Jy • .till rtlt" t I" Ito S'JII• l'llltll llolo•ruoooo• tltt IU \ jl\i ... • r ''"" ·• r ·•t•• 'ftilt tph t ' hutlll\* I':U fHI1 '' lit ,u lf 1n ,,. p tiiH 1 "' t •,.. :0: II I' H 11'1! I I o•t, r no o It • :unuunl flu•· fut huttl' .,. • ,. ' \tt• It t\ S'l I I' I I' 11 I' I I t• , ,,,, .. I·"" I \1'1 "\ II 1 f \l 11 •11\ tlo• llo'W I\ llh h,.ftl, l•. I 0 I H~ fh I " ... , tl "'''" ... ~-I I " II • .. t I I ~ ... I ·• 11 •I 'r 111 1. ~ 1' 1'' ~~ I j ~ I " t•.otd ,., l.t ''"' ~··d U\ l !I I t I'"',, I' tl I It II ~' .,. .:~"1"1ll•· "' '''''"' 11tlun ••f I ••rmu· lu. l'ol 1 J it'~~~ I' Ill I llf t l11• I' P• ho :00 oiUt I I tlh '" I Ill I , .. ,, I,. \ I' I ' t•\ett •t f nn,,ll 1 !Itt• 11 I \ H11ph nf . ' tl '"'' lt•lllt\1· I I I ... ,. li .,.,ill \\ ••• , H I '"' (,tltt\\\' I I ,,. It "t I tl ,. f' t J I I ''"' ,.,,.r I t It tl t\ tlht l••f ~~~ u~:ltt 'I "' I" I ht•IH II 1 I tU \\otl k .;l 11 • 1 h n l It\• I,. 1111 1111•1t !'11ol ,, I I, 1 I I •II otdtl I" 1 .t •' .u ul ' I' I .. 1\ •• \\ IIIII I '"'''\ I'••" H f l'fn• th •• too lit • l(l '" I I' I ... , ,, ;'.... t t .. . I I .I I''"' II\ tWI 7 -.. , IU'l.~l l'ra• ''''' t n.t. r '' '' I '"'""'" tu lUiu •il \ 11 '1 4•,, ~~...'~.· tlo ·, ""'". I I •"I j !~· I· oi l·• '" 1""'1 $..'\ll.l 'l nt~· ttn•l·' "' 1\ l••l l!tlllol $',(11.! 1'1<11! Utulo I 1·1 • ,, Ill 111'111 lh'•· 17 -,.., I \• • ohio ~ '!.fl'! l11t 1 \• • "' nllh+llld thh· tn tfu, • \ 1 t 1• \\nllld ,ttll•tUhl let .,, ' 1 I 1 •\ I ull Th• \\ thlllnttl I 1111•1"'' r, ''""''' " •. 1 tit•• l'.wtlw • ·,..,,,, t I' • •I Htt""' ''"'' (•tr 111UI.t he "'' I up ,tntl ,,, .. h. l••l • Uh fl \t I '. ' \\' I ~" h• ~.II' ttl \\Utk I olo ol It \\" 1"111111 " •• II 10 1114ff' • \\ ,, I •••• " I'"'"" I, o1 l' I '\•~HII "" .n • ~ • ,, , t• ,, , .. u ,,f (._·n. '\1>'1"•1 '· I• ........ ,.,,oil\." t\ tt •H-It"" t. , l'"toll Hill I I ' ·I '""'' lh Ul If)• 'llt•"' d; tlttl 1 tl t t11IH 111lt lfh I ' ttltltltttfl ,1 tf 1111 U t"' 1\lllt ,, II 1\ h · .,, I••"'"··" . q ll •I '" II ' lilt lilt• •I •Hidtt '"'' II \\ ,Jo I H.\ Ill ,, '"".\I t ttttto• I tlo ... ,.f I' 1\ Ill t\ J,. 11\o ol Ill I ""'' HI • 111j Itt\ lit• Ill • ••t dt I• t" h\ •''"''"'', ,, '"" n .• " • nt ttl''' • •' Hhh\ t•l•. til\ ••1 lfue•IH'h ,.,,,(,I '"' l •dl' llllllh' It , .•• ,, Jl t ... , .... ,,.,, ,,,.,u h tl.tth ' ••• ... d .tl' I •••. I,, "'''"''It'll Itt It f\pfl,t ..,,,,. l.thPI u• t hl)ll••\lt\• 1\t H •f\11 HI .t~ flu• tt•~•.UltU 'nft•, 11tt '"'II ttl tlu .. ttHh.'hl th,h• I ol • I• ol I l" 1 11\o I • I' IIIII I I ,t I • ' ••I f'li\ f'l'•'' hi• •\ th,,t ,,.,.h 1 '" '' , .. , t, '"' thun " '"'"\ tttllltt " ...... "~tw ,.,, t• •I In ~ •. ,. ''''" fi ••I ttu~ ,\, t ~ •• i ,.,,."' 1 'llthll,ltt tl I•\ "'lith t'•IUI I ,h I ..... '"' ,., • 1 t '""' t ,,,. uu.t "'' 1·f''"" 111 ••I ,_.,,,,, .. ,., tl ·~·nt I"'"•'''"" l .. t· -~'•tHOl•' Pt ••lh•l"'" -lo•ll '"'· ••r •ltoll lk' U~t d Ill • tttHt•UIIU\." I h t• q uttft t t 1 ul u I t it•• ••I p .. l\ ., h·· IIIII \\" .... "' ,, ,,, tilt .~. ...... 4 ttiiHIIIIIt I ''" I •t tit tllt•h ltiUf 1 .• t .. •l h• lllfl,"'t h t\• lu ttl h• h i tUtl ltu tU.tlt. 1 ... Ullll• I \.fUll\ "' IIH \ 0tHI1tt\11 ''"' ~ .. t,,llttllt1•· ... , ... , .. 1 l.l•hllltlo .... :\I) • 1\.I UH tJt ft I' let t'lt Ill ft'111ple tf ,,, '"' II ' IHI'l••\ •• , " "" lo '" ... II III Io I I... I'"'"" "I foe,.,.,,· '"'''I'', l.tHtttt 111 th•' I· •Ill l .. ol••" S1.11u l.11 ,,., 1\1'1 ""\lit f+ ollt t'lit,.l lfl\ ,,. I' 11111"-'""-lftltt 1\tf tllltlt\ It +1'-l••tl"' t• 11 ... 1 In t d tJ, 1 lu tl•·t• 111\llh' tit•• t1 dt~l l1\ ttu ott•· 1 rnpltt\t r. llw 11l•11\ • lo•o lttttlll IIIII~ I 1..- apt•h• d It t • ,,, h ••I ht ~ro • tllpltt\ ''''"' uutl 11111,1 l1t• IIPtJh••d "''1 ~ '""''" '"• •uti "'"\ 11t ltts t'lltJIIct\ tth Ill S••••rad, thP l••ltiiUI,, '"""'' '"' UI•JIII4 •I It IIUIWII\t 1\ h•t f\\p \t ,tl ', ••t ltnttt tlu,, I•• ''' '''HI' \\Itt tt• hlttf' \\tIt' f tlttt J•Ht~t tu ··n u I t1h u\ ttl u .. I'•H f tl IP l'ttl lll l At ' lloto ol '' '' '"'' l.otol\\" tlu• fHIUtl•• ,.., ••I • ••1tl1 u t ... itt llu• 1 11th tl "-t d o"" tnt\ ttltlttftt I 11f I 111p lu \ It" I 1t\ t t ttl It\ I Itt Itt \\h• I• t It .tuht\ \\uUI1t ,,,,,. \ h tftlltf\ \\ntth1 H ''' l it \ "''' .th lh\ ' • \\ ht t • t II• I • tl • t ttplt t• I "''I htH• t th" I I I• • olo Ito '1\ lit tl lito •J•ptu tftttt! 11( tfH"'-'"' f11111 t '" I 'lh I .. ,., d I ,, ........ t '""I" '" IHtlll ,, ' ,, "II I tl t It th tltiJ•It tlu '"' h .. t t ~" tl\ I 11 tlt~ltl I I II olfllt Ill Itt , \'JUt It H 1•1 1d II!• •II httthl lil tft\ l tt th \ I I '" ,,,,,, ·~ ,.,. "'' f ........ Ill th ""''·" •1· I I d Ill! I • , ... ,I II' ,.,, •• ,, ••• '•1 l'otl11l """'"'· \\ltlolo ""'Jol o·,,,, I \loitlttlh t• 1•111 Ito I .tl lho ~·ol\lhlr)l l10•t )INU . R••prt•• If"' ulu ~~ , ~1011 I· 1 Ulll'l~• n1 t•Jl1.t l1\t " Ill ('t ·fH'H • It t\~ \\,1 •' ll!itfl l\ t l!ltllt 1 ,., ''' '"'' d 1111 '• tl tuHad•· .. t \. t, .u ,j 1 I d It\ I • !, .. ,., Ott• Jll•ldqu tnd til' t HII~• 1 '"' \.ltt1 • "' •IUt Ot I tl .... , ••• "'I t1 I tlf'IH• II ,,. \ I 4: f1•t l \ttt HIUt1 ... '"'11111 ,,,,.,, ''""' \\In ttl,,,, tdtt;..,,fl Hill • tt,, ft d•td elqt.et t tllt fJI u t •,.;11 thJ(•(•ci ot ltl~lf II. llttfl'll..t H11 ~-tll•tfo l .tl ,llttl IIIII J ,ttll+l&lft f••l July 4;t1 l t\, l11 f''ll 1t l t l f~t I 1., nf ''f.tOI •tflil•t \\•H •Jt .. 1 ,_ttunttou I"' t :11' '" '" J f J .. , '"' "' tlu • ••••n't' \• •• h 1 •• , ••d R 13A7 I""'"''''" J:"' o 11 tlo•• 1'•1• 1••••• ~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~--- DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL FORUM OF PUBUC OPINION Alone wtth thft Mtu&l di'C'tlne In IM'tual n•m~tw,. or unlfol'mf'd I troope of 1114' l 'nJted 8tatft, 11M ~ the falllnc off of a m1111My po· tftaUal that I• u vll&l u any 1[1\'NI ann of our fll(hUnc fn~ T1tr n-oord and lmpo~ ol the 11. 8 . Mto~P'r'hant Mar1nf' dur1nc '"" 1 ... 1 l'OillliC't wa• ~ of the br1pt 11p0tA on our war n'O'Ord anll flll"ffdtt 1111 f'IUC'idatlon. But. In our ~re for ,...ce. t.h.la -Ual l~&rt of our d4>· fNIMI llW'C'hanhom hu t-. aiiOWN to dJ .. ntf>CTate, whllfo at liM-MmC' tlllWI forelp ""'tA ha'·e crnwn unUI llow \4'e are l'nmperatlv4'1_y In 1114' ..arne po!IIUon we Wf"rf'O In 19S9, whM out'!Adf'l roh.lpplnc handi"'CC 10.,_ or our total llllport.. and 1m110rt.._ F'ollo1111nc .,.., f'Xtnw't" rmm unlmt_.habl4-tOOUrC'f"' •ht~lll·lnc thr C'ur,.nt pll(ht of nur "lllnkln«'' nwro·hant mar11M' and ''"' .. tandard• al \4'hlch II ..atould "" malni&IOf'd. •---- Saari F'LEF.T AOMIRAL lllfL· tlu• l 1nttl'd St:tlr~> 'l11•· only thin~: Bookke e ping Service ('OI.I.N t'. RKO\\ S (Harbor Ifill) 8AU.fll\ l'I\I'HT f I I 'll .., .... n. ,. ......... -h DF.NTIMTI'I Dr. Otx>d Lm·as DI'~NTIST tt02•1 "'· ('4'nlral. tlariNo r IIK!l NF.WPOHT nt: \f II s~:Y In l ndillnnoolo~. In Ot'lhiW'r ,, lht·y r .. nr is that '"' ,,,II l:fl hnt•k I' 1!'14:\: • 1 fl'i'l lh:ll lhl' trr•mrnrlnul' If• whnt W•· lhf•UI:hl wn• l~folnllnn, 1---------------..J ;.d\'IIOIR~W WI' holt! 10 !lhtp!: nnd :onrl rln lt hy llt~mnntlln~t our ,........-------------...., mrn c•nnnot Jll~tly II<' nulltru'<l now o;trPn~tlh and ~oinR h111'k to whrro• \\llhout tW"ttayrn~ tiH~·· tnt•n "·hu ~·~~ '"•·n~ lw•(ur•' I hf•ll•'"'' un)y rous,:ht ltnd ~11\1' lhC'I r Jl\1'~ that lhi'Otll:h ~lr•'I11:1 Jr ('II 11 Wt• f'l)> ,\m••rtf:t nut.:hl IN"' ~trunst anti nrw'rat,.. .. • ~lit)' 'ltrnn~ Tho~'" ,;1111 A rrnulol•-d " urhl \\',. mu~t f'o)n1 intt•· 111 lw :thlr t n J>Jl('ak woth a uthortl}', m rull knfl~ lr·rll(f• hot h or tlw jus Ill'(' .. r ottr po;.otar.n onrl nr nur ahtltty to uphold thut ~lnnd. \\'1' hlt\'1' t hai <:ln·ns:th nnw. tn !'hill!'. h:t~•·,; and m• n IA•I ~ k•••'l' tf'' Jn ;on nddrl'~'l In St. l.lolli~. Ml'· ~uri. in l!l<tf>. F'I.F:F:T 1\ 11:-tllt A I. 1'\ll\HTZ w:o• qun1rri : "So•ro1~•" ,.,. mrans ju~t \\ h:ot II ~tl\., JIOWt·r nvr-r lhf' 'lf·nwayo; F:vo·n If thnt oln\' 'lhnnlll t'lomt' \\ hrn t h<' hulk n( t'<mml•·rf'" wtll h•· tr~on'l"•rtO'fl II\ rur. lll'•·nno; mttst h.• t·n~••·d, tontl I It•· ltf'rtrtl flr•l'l~ \\Ill II<' rnnnn .. ••l loy m••n "hn 1111,.1 .. r "''''''"'''' I k 1111\\ I Itt• ~N> Hu I t•\'1•11 I hl'n I It• t • OORDON 1';. UAI'I'. U.H.S. !All "'-t f't•nlrrtl PhoiM' llarho r l '!hl N4'wport "'"arh ('IRKOI'R•\C TOU Dr. Tom E. Barton CJIJR()PHA("l't II ! JtJ'J ('1\&.~t lfll(hV.A\ ('nron• drl "'" •In H• '"'' • I' •' Ph-lfartMor 111111 1\••ror• tltr II•IU!"' or lt••pr••!<ontu· ''"'" l'nnltnottN• nn l\trlo111ry /lr- f111r~ on 1 !~1~• I IR J Al\1 1-:S 1\ f'IJ. 'I; 1\ :"T. pr<'~ll'lo·nl 11f I lit n roro1 lin\- \ ••r"'ol y. <,u orl "'1111" nlol '"" I'I•Jif'ltrR '" '"' l..tlonl( nllr maltt~ry ~lro'nJ;:Ih llt•lnl•·t.:t'lol~· <.11 r:qotllly 1 h:ol lluultts ,,,... fr•·l'l~· ''"J1rrssl'!l as l<l whr·thrr 11 •' 'h:oll lwo I'IIJHolll•· 111 lit X rnnnths .,f d11in~ our ,,:,t 1 tn rn:otnt:otntng , ... ,,f'f•" will lw o;lllfl!' Ull'>n th•• "•rf:w• 111 j Sllflloh lit•• :Oil' h:t<f < ron•! I•• ''I '------------ virP 1hrm " Til~: :"AT it t:-o;AJ. FF:IIEitA· Till:'\ tiF A:-11-.Rit'/1:" !-'1111 '1'1:'\(; r••f••)•lnt~~:· ··tn ''\" "·"' "''' hR\',.. rr• otrd lh<• a;:ro .tl o 1 rormHoluA 11f n • rd wnl 'h'fl' on l"''"r) ·n ... I t•tl• •I St:tl•' • ·'"""' m.oont :oon It( I",,,,,,,, rho u It ut• r In ,,·urttl .r ... r:ott' o( II .... \\I ok 11p11n tho· ., ..... 1-o• ktnt.: 1\mo ·ril'lon lllon•J••r lnttr.n )In• c; Itt IU1J14 •rL·tUI Y\1;1 hi lif t ,.._ anol tlo•'loJl'ololl' 11f ~111•1-.•flthft It~ n thtnr\ ,,,,,,, 1n nn • nl• rt-'• nt·~ Till-: ,\\1J<Jtlf't\:"o: I.H;IIt:"-: on th.-,ir rf·t·t~nt nrtf tnnrtl flt~nV•·nt"m l In :"o•\\' Yuo k C'il ) tulnplo•<l nntnn1' mnn~ l'llm prr·h•·n"'''' 1, '"loll,,..,, fllr ll >tll .. nnl rl•·f•·n...,. lh•· ttfl'•·ttt J•rnpn~llll•n lhtot 'Till nt•·t•·lo.oftl m:orin•· lw rt.·\'••I"J~·•I f " t t .. m m•·rnal '"r\ if'• 10 1~ '"''' toto<! 0111111 lrttn,.•l f•or mtltllln "n 11 •• '" ., 'tl·ol l"lrl !of lottr nn lt"n"l ol• f• 1 '' In ""'" t •n• /111llt••1t ll .. ll.ol' I• Su• I \\'nrn ' • • • i\ f "r'""" rtll) 1 ~ 'I'"" ·t Jll••••'' rn ·r.,k; 11 r,,.,. 11 . o ltl , '•111'1• "tu , t,. • trn• t n\ • ,f "t It\ ftltt lt .._•.fl t•.t!tlt 'lfJ, I In '•'• • f lit f tiJ't tof ft•• It f H l f._ I!• t;l It t C,J "I H,\1. I •\\ I I~IIT I • I 1 ~1 '-'-Mlll/lltL: '''•f) 111 Tlo• ,\m• 111 on Jlor\\ 1 It 1. l••r• thv ll•·u•• :-lolt-\\'o. kh !hat Vl• nt ""'' '""' "'' 1 tl\ ,\ll utt~ f'•omtmll" tn l~n. tn lrolotcto•ll \\llh n• '' S'ltt•lro) ~ l.t"' Of"TOMt.TIUI'IT Y ... T . Butt.-nmr1h, U. n. Optmn..tri,f F.''r:"' r:,.; '"''':u I.F.S14t:!ol Ul l'l.lf \Tt:ll .,....,.. &.~••" ......... \~Jtt•tNf .:\f It " t o ••• l \,., f't• t• ,,,,,.,"t-o I I ,.,,,lll'f'flllT "'·"II SCOT('H TAPE Now un llancl -·-NEWS-TDJJt;s Suppl~ l .imitNI , \\ !'I( IIIlO I .. Mortim~r s,·hool 3M ('nral "'"· f\roll>f>a 1'1. I'll\ Mlf'l \ "'!4 · !41'KHF.O!IIP4. \t.U. A. V. Andn·wM, M.U. I'H''Mif 'IAN 1U1II ,_I'KAiF.UN I l l (nut Hlpwa)'. llarbnr 1\MI ('u rmt• ~Mar II. It llall, M. U. l'h,r•ll'troll Alltl I"Urlff'Oft lln11o .' ;1, I•\ At•l••llllllto•nt Trh'l•fulft4' l..,tt~~'" ~A 11101 C'u.,.l tll"a\ f •• , ....... tlt·l ''"' 111 I.' .' 'i 1"1\unf' tlartHif l116'l ------------- S. It Mnnat·u. !\1. I). x t t n .. , 1\ "' .. lilllfw"' tti.rhnr 11H I li fo., 11•~11' ._' lfl ~ p fll ""'"""' 1hroul(tl t'rtllroy T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stidle r, M. D. l1h \~lf'11t11• IOflol '4Uri(NIIIIl ~IIIII \\. c· .. ntrrol flltlt•r : tlrtrl"'' IIW! 'l~ltt I'll"'"' lloorl'"' lH M C onr"d Richter, M. D. '.......- ,. ,, J• .• •• 1.' \I J• 1 'AI J• Ill ·:•l(t,,f \\ I I "' ,,., '"M f"''' U••tu .. .......... ""'' .. '' '!-1ft~ \ t'Ttltl' \HI,, I ~------------~ "'' \\ I'IIIIT "\f(HUK I \'t 'ft Ill' \IH II11"41'1T A I, tl<trlll,.. l'llrllt•r, It\. \f. <'• I NICW-rOaT ltAL-.OA NIIWS-TIIUt8 p 7 Tt'l'~lo!H.U Nt•\\JI<\rt n.-&4'11, t 'atlf. t'..tt. te , ttaa age • * • tnsurance p. a. palm•t IHCOIPOIAtiD w o buc~. lnturonce co untelor 3333 vto ltdo. newpo rt beach, caltf lt-l(l phono now porl beach, harbor 1500 * * ,,. .. •i'.lllhlll ln- 4 -fOLOU MIM.~OGRAPHING I HIU~CT I\IA,JL AUV -.:nTI:o\ING Santa Ann ~tter Shop ou·ltl 1\ ruuk • "'· ,\, 111~11 After a p.-. llu.laM-W ~port Tops • • • ~t'at ('oven TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automohilc l J pholstcrinR Roat ami Trm:k CushIons 1505 Wt'st ('cntral Newport Beach lt.\RBHR IIHn Boorey & Poirier 100 Pl:ll Cli:NT P'INANOKD e I'.ILA. TEaMa • .we~ ao.-a n.u. • u.,....... _...,... to um. ,..,.... • ,...,_ ..........• -.c ... • .taMe• ......... ....,..._.. REMODEL: Increase Income .., <'--' ....... , ('()MONA UEL MAll llarbor t tt1 nr !!81.J BUILDERS SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY vanm CHICKEII $150 Nt:W \'niCK (TT NTF.1\K wnm.t; mcmu:u a .. ml."Ttm f!.I'IO $2.60 \\lilt olcnv.n lu11to•r munu:u swmmnsn "'TI'~\K I•'IUIO:U ('UMUINA'nHN "'t :A t"UUU $1.60 $1.60 $1.'75 t'Kitm ~IIIUMI' ,1.!'141 UAINUOW TUOIIT lint Min•· .. 1·~ wUh Brandy Matte~ 1'4<out"' • 1'4&1.... • v-rt. Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fi"h Marke t f~l IADtr ftHMIII IW0.'7t, ........ 12, ... !tiel (~t IIJctlway (NIIU .._, ..._.., • Before Y 011 Balld or RetnOdel Vlllt o.r .. tllrwctaa ......... ~.. ud DllplaJ - Color 1\ddM. ' plm- nllwalda.~ and l.lnoiMim. lw ltodr ot ~ s• LUDLUM Carpet Works ,_ ............. .._ ..... 6-._ Chrysler Marin·e Engines I )ired Factory I HRtributor ·/r·/:"/ r SEE T~IE New 20th <:Cntury Mod eiK • Ace • ( :rown • Royal \1 n -1 "' h.1l, 1\f 1~1 ·~ h.p. ·tdd't ~rvice and Parts Availahlc at All TimN4 Kenneth E. Wilson Co. f'hriH-{'raft l>ealer 92a (~oaAt Hiway Ueacon 5271 •l•·flklns,: r.r s.:r•nt•r:ol v. ru1 on~ <Jf t ·1 Anf,'!l'lf'~ FlC:omlnrr l S mllltr•n '"'"'''r. h:t•l th~J 1!1 ""Y' -----_ - Th•·r•· I~ not a ~ln4!1•• •·•Junl r) In Sfotl th"t unw"nt1>d arllclt Fur"l"' thnt f• nr~ thu "ll'•·ns.:th nf Ulrourh N~-~ a& UA\' s.·uum. !II"" fii'F.' o. A. •nan'llrll, 114 -' . n.r .. ,., •·~ltvlp•l ltAilllll" 1\\~ rr ··~.~~~ '.' ""'' lw·r· 11.\'. \f. 1117:! IC t. \I""" llr1Yfl ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ t tt•,' .... "" ... _1_''-"'-''·_1_'-'_ .. _M_n_n_: _•~_. •_••_r_. •_~___; * Sell It Throu gh Clas..~ificd Adve rtising tf ~~~::A~aTN!!,~!.~! ~ .. ~_w 8;!1.~.~~SpJit $325,000 and Get a Goose-Egg, BIG MONEY SET Pickens, Ray Rosso Named Mentors _ ]! _ Says LcoaJ Postmaster in War-nin~ _ASIDE BY STA TE t-,q~ 'kJtilcJ, I Stock Market I \\"uulrl \ 1 1111 llkt• IIJ Rl'l rn on ... ,, .. Qm lly osldng too ~... FOR CRIME FIGHT B "H .. j At a Glance •lt-:ol , .. 1:• I lliH'·Itllrd .. r SJ.!'-.01_,. ,,,. \\itUI<I .... lnll'l'l'!lt4M! In clolr ... \(I( \~I Y.STO. Cl 'l') - Y ITCH I I '''l)1•rt• wnutd llko• to hiJ\'1' t h•· hit.: f;nnr rand hj>lplnl out r1 1 -·• ~ -lh m~m r)IH'"IIon 1~ m n's dAU"ht •n... .luu ~· u .... .-.·wo.W ftc-· W cndt'll L. "Pick" Pickl•n• and Am T••l -~-T••l l:;tl', rnnnr·,·. "' '' ' 0 " <'t. "'' • "lou .,,.,.rat .. out .. td .. C'al-rt d R I By !ilu .. lllh·lunan) ,-........ ,,I' I r II '• ,,, .. ,, .. \oll l ,,,,,,.,. th• 'nltl !"pnn :-.-,.,., tit•· ll'll(•r wrltt>r Clio ll .. llll.ll:lll llliJ;ht find. Utu.. ~)'mon . "Ray" Rosso haVt• Tugs ror thr Army ftnd torpo'ffll IJUj.o>· .. t 1711 I• I \\1111111 ~ . luu<l-luc k ji.IOr) f)( IW'inc In ~~~-r.. I lu II uri\ 1A _ ... ''-.. ('O sel~tt'd to teach l>hYtlcal boats lot Bntlun rushin£: down I 1 :rn• rcJI ,1 '•'f' ~-· .. ,~ I '·~"""''' 1 \\ 1tl oum Ari"m" tn-ll'1~11n , , .,, , '""' \\ :una'• 18...._.. <'ducat ion nnd coach nthlc•tics at the ways or till' Arkc•rmlln ,· .. nr·l t ;;...b' •r II ""' '" .. I liM II u.. llloii'IIIJIIC!illll' "I ltrl\'1' . :l:!;';,Oit't In Amrl t.wh:• l l s:·:u,t.oo fllr lh;, IO\• the• OI'W Orange Coast Junior COl· pany, the cacophony or !,;Hill I st• d 1.;,.111, .. ,,11 •l:\<4 ,,1111 II• '"''" ''"'' nl 11hu1 ~~ 1••r· rurrf•nry lork<'lt up In a t r 11 • , ,,.,,·, rh1· "''"' nlm .. C'Gift· ll•~t". PiCk<'ns will s<'rve ns chalr- ba.rRes takul~t un~111nly rnrrn 111 1 ~·.If' :1:1, h IJ •• rlt•· ,..,.,., I .m""' nl Ali i \\1111'11 I~ in 11 !'UllltomhoUSe In 1, "''"'""'· man of thC' division or health and Col\liOIIdatrd -~1u h mrmnrr. < 1 S.t l'.ll ~·""" '£i ' "' m•ll•, 'I h• '" 1t• h h '' r• oo ·nl l) I 'nil•'<l Stnll's," 1 h I' IWln•l 11 111,) ,;,1111 d u" D Into tbe physical t'<lucatlon, director of eomt> ba!'k to \'OCI ns ynu walk ,..;1.,n•'·•·· 1 t ) -.~,,. l«~n '''"''' ""''"1\ 1n l!rrnun,•. \\rtl•' uthl(•tlcs und assistant coach. ~ ... ' ,,,,. "''"'· IUiutht'r flcure ROllS II I h d r around thl' ~and!'ttlt arr·~" thl' l .... • ..... ·.,, 1 '''''• h-•m ,\h '''"' 11.1, 1 .. •11 ·orl•·mpt '11tat 1' '''"'f" thc ""'.....,n ,1 , o Wt >t> ea ootball coach. ,... • ..., ouo~:ht 1"""'" .. a rrw dl•truat-Tl 1 1 nal'l"~' l'hann••l from thl' C"lln·' • ,,,, 111 ~· "l"lrt I \u o•lt l11t1, Ito· '·•Ill, ~:•••• 1h1• IH '''r t•omNI ln. 1e appo n ment of the two men lnl luull~ .. mun g lhl' mnh•t.-ra. Willi d t lh n«'ril"'l, wlwrl' tho•lw llhtJl''llnls · • ., • 1 " .. l·ol '" 1 h• ""' Itt·•' J;, lllrt••ly '11u• · '''"'•~"" o•·l'ds mo"~y 111 rna l' u e rt>gulnr mN!tlng ' Co I E I ' •KC <·•1,1111<1 I· &;ulna: for lUI 11.-m or th bo d r onre nnurl~h•·tJ :-<ow I tw ~11ntl-Un~"J n)O\iS Tlw 11 r 1•'1 "· 1n11tl• ol In M"otll'•> o\l ol or 1 h•• tl••hlnrs r>rlaon ..__, e ar o tru.stl'<'s, Feb. 9, , ~ ~· "'' nllflo·tl lt·r ... •ly u "roan -so u OUI1 ed u Bas aplt la 111::1rn rrvllollz~'<l Into 11 ! J • Q • DENY REALTOR on •. ,,.,.,11:" 1111~ b(.,•n pla("('(f u 1 ,1, nllul lnrurmatlun." nn c r. tl JJ .Pl'ter-\ busy •hlpyord, lhts llml' loy that IRe atJ\'e uaet I'"' '"''''·"' ... nne• nf Which I ' son, C01l€'ge (ll't."'lidl'nt. MtJ'o~MOU• rnJf'TllM<i<' known 11s 111111' ;h,. kr•y In lht' ''Trea•.. CITY WILL BUILD Pick<'M has bet>n aervlng u UK' Udn Pt·ninsula 11nd 11ll th<' r(' .. nllr.UI"d from Pacl' Onl'l SPOT ZONING I trunk " ~ h<'ad rootbull coach and Instructor wartime m11rftlo.-r) 1\llt.l •·n~lnc..•r-In~; ""fl''<'lllr f&>IIO<'IOI; llh•lr 1.,. • Tho• prisonrr l'vt'n «'Xpla.ins 1 $600 BEACH GRQf N t.>f ph}'Sieul education at Newport Inc thert> Brr ltJ:IIln runrtlonlng In fjUI'oSI hllll(o\'t•l) ., .... ~.'"II 1•·1 tlwy :thtltl\ ,,, <<'ml thr ll'tll'r by'aA\ " llarbor Union High school. Prior a I'Tla.t pra('('ful 1ont.l practical W11y vwn on 29th ,.11 .. ..,1 t 'urnn.o ll· I Mur rN1I tur J uh11 h•• 1< l•·lwlun..: in the prlaon k'h. ""•'I' '' .. r lh•• Ralbo:t point as-to tht> war he was football coach an· ~ 'fllf' coonrtl 8~1, toc>k Ufl ttw Sudl••rr rnm·· up fur ro<rnrl '"" Tt11 11.,1111• and address ot a fTI• ,,1 ,,,,., '."' n tur a ~::rotn In b(' Installed at Fullerton Junior collrgt'. During IJtn the Conaohdall'd Co. had m lltter or un lnft>mlBI bid rt'('C'rvt'd >•·s•• II'IAy, In Ius lltll·mpt H• •·X· 1s !!•" n '" n •rdve all commun" 1 l or ~ ~lr•·•·t ll('ach W8JI &l>proved the elt>ven years he hu been In a~ the yard for ~evenl from R.. L. Callis Who orrrn.'ff 111 ,,..n1t lhl' huslnr·~:s dl~trlrt or lh,.. lions. II\ tho• •·•I> c•uuncil yrsll'rday. Orangt' county, "Pick" has earnt>d montha, II wu ~ht JaJt Au.-supply tht• cltYs furl nPNl~ 00 bi'· cr .. wn 1'ommun11 Y hy Sfl'll-znnln~; ··n n, ~flm•· frnud lettt>r br•··ol·• I F1~1 ,,r St'\'l'ral strp5 by the aa-th~ rt>put&tlon or t>e'lng "the best cuat by a t'OI"pp"atiOf'l or nlnr ml'n hnlf of lhf' Gffit'ral Petrolo•um In lnl'lllflr· the south sldf' of lnrnR· IIIII 1'\' r) ~one .. in a whll~ ... Ad.on• "•'l'ollt•fl to lm~rOVI' the point lik~d coech" In th~ ar~a. two of whom, John Curd and Lnu Cl)rp Jluwt>vl'r luun d lmon I..rl'· tlon Air t hr lrnRih ••f ""'' lui '"""ru nll'<l I'" ·•' It•·~. th•· l(ru1n will c•ost the Rosso has St>rved as head foot- 'J'Urner •• ~ ~ preaent ~'lll'r!l. tr r Js!X'II told the hody It Will his frnm C'nusl Bl\d H) II 5-11 \'tlll', '" I I o•tl\ ·!J•JirUAirnalrly $600 Washout ball coach at Chalft>y coll~ee for ~ plan of the Peninsula Is tlplnlnn thlll fut•l mhcht I~ uh· "'"~ '''lllllll'li out NEW CC BOARD "' '·'"tl h:" lunr.: hcrn a dlrtlrulty the put two year•. This year his llmpl~ and d~l'llOC1"allc, bucd on Iaino'<! onl'·ha lr 11 Cl'nt IM'r ~:ullun Snrllrtr hat! JW••vrt•u•l.l "'uhht j1n 1<•·•·1""1-: u S\Jtluhll· b<>adt at N team won the Junior ftoa(' Bowl cooprrauv~ lndf'prndr nt'f'. F.v.-ry chc•III.M.'r If It Wi•f'o: purl'lllll'<.-d In l h•· lhl• .. ('\IUn!'il'~ r•:tr "" n !amolar I•'•J SETS I st MEET WED. I tn·l'l. . championship, ll&mpina him .. department Including all~ a nd opr•n markl't. 11w ITUllter ""~ rc· .,u, ~• At tltar t11n•· hn1,.,.,,,, lw . '' lh· tr l.o~t ml'('trng point resl -1 one or the outstanding ju.nlorJcol- brokeragr, Is In the handl or sub-(('m'Ci 10 Snilo,.... '"k•-11 nlnn~ 1\llh '\l r anrl \l r~ rtu• 1' ~o;ul:.r monthly nleelln,· ••I <I·"'' "'" IHII\I'd In ha\'1• th(' prac-lt.•gt' coa<'h<'s In the country. H is contractors who hlrt' their own Real FAtal«-ttacclt> \\'.tllt·r ('"" ·"'· It~ I ,,,. " '"nlnr I II•· IHo.orol .. r lltr:·rtors of the r-;. ,, '~·· '''''"' ,j mul on~; lhl' Coast work t his Yt'ar Ia not just a "flash men, IUJ)I'rlntrnd th('lr own work ~hnt.:~ wrn· lt~:litN'•~I 11 11f ,,,.. o·nllri· lii•H k 1o1 l·tr·•• ·"' '"''' tl.ulwol <humhcr or ('.,,, l .... or d '"tho· "''"'r s1dr ?r thr In the pan" In view of the fnct and mccl tlwlr own payrolls. E11ch trlfl•· v.ho•n Mr 11nrl Ml'l. til l'lln·l \\'Ito 11 tit•· ( ·""'""' "' r•· tl• ru•·d 1111 m• 1 ,.,. \1 111 lw lwld Wf'dne!<d,ll ' I• '11 "' I 'IIII':U1t·o• ln\'I'Sllgat<'d. thlll his team was the WH I••r·n work• lnd<'r"'ndl'ntty thus rNitln-th'11 l'w't'nmr ""'""'~I """ tltr 1, ,,.1.,.,, .. ,. J•ll ll It• m .. dtfr•rl lu 11"''11 ''t 1 11''~''"1•wt IIarborY:o•• 1 ,'1"1 ·"' 1'1''''1011) lo.o~··•l .,, thc runnE'r-up eontl'nder for lht> Jun- tna hla cw.•n ld••ntlly 11nd inllilllrvr r nunnl J;l'nl'rnlll. nnrl '11'"'"1"•'11 n ""''"' '" tn• l11tl• ''"" tit• ''"' •·1••1• lt.olt•h I' Maskey, presid•' 1 "' • t 1'11 r lur Rose 8tJwl 11\St yc•or. and )'t'l bcnt•flts by thr prnxlmlt.V nJtrtu lllnrl.'·· (1\'o•r IIWir lut lh'lll lot ,, •. """~ ,,. huul ,,.. 1•11• "' ,, "". •Ill ., •I lt.dily Ask Suggestio'ns 1 PIPER-JOHNSON "' S d 1J Pi.AN-6RAN6-• 0 pen • uge RE-OPENING Conservation Fun(l Pipc•·-J ohnson nwn's sportswear SACRAMF.NTO -Cutifornia's stOrt', Balboa. w ill hold lht>lr grand nev. ly creatrd W ild lifo • Conserva-opening Feb 11 The store hu lion OO!trd today onnnun{'(>d thr· ~wer1 cl~ f<w two months for &1· Jlmccdurt• h> wloil'lt Sfl'lrtsm~'n and tt'rntions. dl17f'ns mo) "'"' .., '•"C•· 111 ~opt>nd-Another 30 feN hn''" bl'rn addfd lng the S3.000,!ltl(l nnnu:tl tl'VI•nur from Jlilri-mutul'l funds for major altong th•· ocean front Ill a N-ommo-date a lafl:••r vanel>' of men's fi!lh and game projrets l'luthlnt:: and sundri(•s. Nrw lines Th(' 1947 le~1slutur,• pro\'ldt-d ilf a tttrv haw t>.·,·n installed and thl' board Wllh " total or $9,000,-tht• luh'sl rn bcud1 ;tnd tO\\'ll w~r 000 to lx• nrpmprlatl'd over a Is ovoilable. three-year p!'rioo for major con--------------- struction projects only MalntPn- ance coats of the comrll'trd con- w rvation projects v. ill be borne by the Oi,·ision uf 1--lsh and Gam''· Statc Finance Oirrctor James S . Dean, 1-'lsh nnd Game C"ommis- 5ion Presid€'nl II. II. "Hop" Arnold and Division Exerutl\'e OrticPr ~:mil J . N. Ott Jr. will tx• ardt>d by alx aena tcll's and assemblyml'n in dt.'Cidlng Which or lht' IUggt:stJons from the public will be most suit- ahll' rn lon~-rang,. conservation ol thr slllll''s f1sh and gaml'. Su~:I:<"SI<'<I pruJI'I'Is muy be au.b- mllll•d hy any lnd1vuiual, as w~U as dvlc or sportsmnn's group, les- islutil'" rommlttct', and state or fed~>ral ag('nCy. Proposals may be prt"'entcd directly to the board. c:. typcwrittc.>n In triplicate, mailed to th<' Wildlife C',on~t•rvation board. Room 300, S ta te Office Bu.lld.lna No. 1. Sacramento 14, Calltornla. Roberts Jewelers 2%8~ Ma.r-iM Ana\H' Balboa &laDd fonne-rly BAUMGARTNER'S Now Open With a Full Line of Jewelry and E lectrical Appliances of lhl' ot hrn 11nd lhl'ir rommun thr nf'W f'll) lt:lll 'II•• ·nw !'II \, fr••rll •o ·• 1111 ,.,.,,, ll•1·t,"" '''" 1111 '' '"!>IJ.:nml'nls and 1 ( OBITUARIES ( ,. 11 [ ~ l n c·nmmrntrn~: nn th(' 8t'll'<'lif>n • • t • nt I '11 • rr .I .... ,,,, "'' !It• lli'W yoar'l ,... u till' l\\'11 ml'n, Prt•sido•nt Pc·tl'r-JIIIfllOSI'. 1 "~'llh, "11 '1 ''·' "'1'1 !-.odl11· d>·tr s···d 11 111 !lor I•''" sonmatll•lhc (II 1 t 1' ----Dnu~t llinrsly Is '"'' nvrr11ll $11Sfl lout ~<h••n tlw l'llnr!o•ll• lt~•ld • · ' · 1 1 1 1 _, ''" "''' tu• ~~~~~·· t)Vt'r, he ~ d · ' 11 nwrrrt; s n !'nwnt, -----------• • • · llllll' ,., ''"'"'"'"1' 1·11 1 11 .,, • 11'" -"l)rans;:co C'u(l.llt Juniur rollrs;:e is 1 mann~l'r lind Cl<'nn \\'hlllll(•k rMi-···~:,. r ... S.'lii!MI '"'') \\l•flt "'' In ""''" '"'·I"" '" •oil ., ' ltl .\I(TIII'It ('. Stf,\\'t:R "'r} r .. rtunlllo• ,,, IH' •tbl• to '"'· df'nt ml!nRI:I'r llnwnrd A Lo•l lri'W ,.,.lo •. n .. r '"' '"''' I' ·1 ·1'1• •I F"J·n,.,.erpra·nt I' 1\ ,,, •·l \1•'•'' \\I'll' lwlfl S.rt-II ---------------------------------------- IUhcontrn!'ts th<• mlll'lllno· ~hnp lt••f111••l h:1s;::hn..: n\o·r """'lt•l t"'t 11111' "' "' 11 "'''5 c,f two ~uch uul· Stan Rurnrll And r .·ntl ''"" St~-t (, ~~~~~· ~II I till h '1"111•, 11·· ,, .Ill• '''I. ()f ''. I '•' I • fl Ill Ill 1\:olt/ t•h;q•·l lollllltllnt; mo·n u~ ll:ty Rosso Drtd 'h' I'll) "''·'""' ·' ""'"'' ~~ Ill '"'''"'' \\tlh t•lu 111\'I'IJ•I" •11•1 a lee rs n '11 \1111111 (' ~1111\'o•r, 7:1, or c· ... \\\•ndl'll Prt•kt•ns TIIo·y have rorol tine (At niJ.,!hl hr' ho•('(omr s II hO\\ f. ,, .. , 11 n·nl ··~I ,,,. I'PIIIIIII•'"'n '" I '"I "· I \l u Ito· I' Sl/1'\'1\'o•d •. ,. ht.~ I I lng !'hamnlnnl tho' motor slton In n,.,.,,,,.. Halph :llll•ko•\'. "h•• It\\';,, ,IIWI"' Sess i.()Jl Here "J (on)' (l 'lllOII~Irlllt-d lht' "'"'"" ol ,. ,. II I c·,,,,,,,.,ll11111 I'·'''" II \I· II \'II I ,,, •1111 .. n.• •lin, ('1•11(' (' •'clndt C'hlllllJII( n ,,,, . Il l 1 I thl' 110111 illttll' nrl' 1 lt•r~Jd ."I rck t'lllllllf'd, Oll''llllrlh h1 ""t.:hl rl11• 11 J ' ' ' .1 ' ,. 11: o'ltms, ,. ~ .. II I I I I ol •I t •••1'"'" d' t •.1.u Hnd nnf' ~i~l<.'r, hut hll\' d t 1 and ~"'--ror ""~t.•r. L,'-' ,..{>linn mrtlt•'r 111 tho• ''II\·.., nllo nlllor) ''·' ro•·' '1 1 1' '' "'''"' '· '11' '' 1' P;trn•' t'fl\'lfll • rl'l'nrlb; """"' rlp "" .. • I I I I I L II' IJIIlll o(ll·-or "'-·u '.1 l.dltol \lt~llhl.olltlot l'll!irodo•na 1'1 I Sl I ( ' taki'S 0\'1'1' Wt>hltn". rrvoh o•d wlu·n Mr"k'') ('111•'1'1'<1 I h·· l 'I•\\ on• 1111! "'"' \\ 111' .' '"' I , ' . ' I ' I ,., n ~· " ' n rur Clf'S 0 I' l)'lllelll C'dUI'O· ., ,,,. ,.,,, .. ,,,,. ''''' II .~ .• olio• I ·,. <'oltl•••rul h··ltl lllt'lr m onth I I u•,,n,ln,,.,, '"·~· rn l\l<luntnin "''" 'I'll '' I I E. S. ll"llrk l Oixon, \\' nl 1,. r c•hnnoiH•f' 'f'h•· ntllllo•t "·" 1111 ''' 1 -.~ ' t) art• l!•·nt o•mo•rt rn I II' 'Ill' ·t \\I I'•• "I olll'• tl l'ltl ''"'I'll II ,,,.,.,,l1o' .,, \\ IIIIo•', rar~ on n -Il·· \'ww f'l'm••lo·r,\. II•;HI .. n.. lll••lo ~t ·n~c ' lh I .. (Bamf'y) llry1·r n nr:1 l111rnhJ Fink upon lrft tn prrv:1lo• •·vmJ•rt•llll'l' • • ~ ott h 1 ~ " ''" I' wore nn., <'11m•· 0. j I II I I I' tlu 11 \Itt• d ,,, ,., 'llo•lll' \<i ll\ tl .• 1 1 I Wil l l·'u ol.oy ru~;ht, lu uur f'llll••~:. \lrlh rio . h ~;I ~I run lhr paint dl'j\.1rlnll•nl nnti •l\\'!'1'0 1 II' 11~1 ''I' IIIII I ll' till· I I II I I\ Sk "ll: 'd """'I \ 1\t'RIC It ' ' I ll' that's 8 <'OrnhlniiiR or tnl••nlll fur d••ll<. pf.utnltll' I'IIITIIIII"''"' I • ·' . ' ,· pr(',SI (II nt ,, • ·~~· l'(lllllllt'n 1111•11~. In my "111111110 YOO Rohcrt lloyd ftnd 8(tn J nrk rnw l'~ntl•·ll· h,,,,. 1111111 t-'••1• I I 1'' ''11 "'. IIIII\ !Ill( :'In ng f'\1\1 I I".' ,. ' ' "'Ill :II 10 11. m I I')' an• 111(1'1 Ill llll'lr dtn,. n fld<l . "3 I I , .. 1 .... ,, .. I l•l''''ld.·rt OVI'r ,, II t:llui"l •• ,., ('•••••Oil tJ,•J Mar. Ruth"' n \1 II I' I r II handlc.> salrs nnd hrnkrro.:c•. 0\'l'r -· ''' orr•·rt I "' nt\··, 1•1 ,., It CALL FOR BIDS 1 1 1 T M _.. '•••I• ,, 1 _ . ,. 1 r 1~1r or uty In the slll\'nl!f' III'I!Jirlmrnt "tlU thl') tlu not till' oil ~ aiiPmo·\ ,,,,.I ""' '" '"11 ~ "11 1 om t..._. 1"1 "" • l, """ ch .. rl Srtoto•ntlll·r 1, l!ltH. J 1 1 II "I tit,· I ll.,,_.,. l'1111111y llh£•rirt's , 1111 1 •I ,., .,1 Ito 1 lr"r111' lrt Jl:rlhuu nnd thr 1-\r\'ln l'nr ('(lffiJIIIOY nl I'IIOI ··mrt:olfl)fl Jill ~·~· Ill!;' \\(llf t I lltd' (.u !'IIIII '1"\'\\lllk /IIIII r I d) I ,,,., ... h . II ~ti ll\ d lll l '.tiJIIIIIIIol , .. ,. ;,;j A Anahl'lm S<Tnflplnjt U1• for lhl· H' lnstiiUI(' . 1•·1'1111: IIIII••• "11••11 ol ,,.,. II• II mateur Golf atrrl millll. I'll\ IIIII 'I'•' "''" 1••11 I olt.ot •: ..... I ' 1,, I \\jL' SU I>I'rr ·. ', .. ·.II.·, '""I I '"' ''"''Ill '"'nt.: I '•""' looll , 1'·•1" rl \.nmner. I"' r ••I n• o .\11 o Sh·· h.111 rr-V ••en llr:RIT.\0 1: Crocker, Randel ''" 1•MI·"· ,.,., ,\.Jn •lll•lr oluf .... ,, .. 'I') "'I.. "' "''"flOI't S.•a I I " I' oil . '"' '"I•' .Inti II ...... ntry Blanks Here 1lK' mr n arr prnud nf thr rrtnt.:\ !"111lur• 11 I • .ol• ol and lot~loltn..: 1 .. 1 :-;1, 11tr Jw1 \11/·l•'k ulso attmd. •I t11rr 1, , .. •I 'It• 1, 11 ,1 "1 d 1,1 "" · fadlillt>S or lh<· )'ard 'lllrlr V<'rll· Get Red Cross •IIJ•JII\1111: .. r ''" 1111111•' 'IIIII ••filii' '" 1:111••1 ,,t 'I Sk""l:· Ill,. 1111 ,, ·nd .l oll!<'\ n ''•'1'1' Jn-\\'rlh qor.•llr)'lll~ rounll-fnr lh•• ~&111ft which opr ratrs on n unlqou• 1111111 '"' 1111' '""'""'!! "''11 ho· 1.1• 11 ""'' • r nnrl membt>rs , r 1•·10\t ll' "·'' 111 ~.olfhll l'l'n t'•'m• C'•torntv Aml.t••ur ('.,,Jf dt:tmptniJ I WI of rolll'rt ('ftO hnul out lli\II IS First Aid Awards '"''''' '""'''' tho· 1'''"1' ,, '"'' meeting W<'l• 11'1) •lilt"' "<'hl'dllloo(l fnr thh SIOIIIIII,I\ Up lo !50 or 60 feet. It connrct~ c ·,,ll ... lflh 111111 "'' tlw •·11\ hnll I• :--;,.,.,., 1nt. c 1o ot lo·• J>n'-t on• I 111~ 1 L-1 · ·1 1 o.1 h ~ •~ .. HI~ I r I' 11,1111) .!. l'l 1•ntr> I •. ,, ;,~oll<•r <'ar that lrnnc(o·rs C'<•rtlftt'lllt•<i, :lflfll'l~i:ll lun n·p· 1'1' .. '1• Ulll~ \\llh 1"'"''" ''"" !>t'l r .. r ll:trr'\ ,_,..,. s" lllC'a l offi~rs"' \1 l 'f( ,,, t-:~ I) \~fUTfl hl;mk' an• nnw /ll':trlahlr Ill ltM'IIl l a era bo8t onto a IYSI('m or f(''<t•ntlng 11101'(' thnn J()O llf>tll' '"' .funP I. '""I: lh th•• 1\!•'><!!'IIIIIOn. ~· 1\ .,.,.,\\Ill hf' hl'l<l \\'l'ilnrsday \J)Cir11111! I!'""''~ ~lolro·~. ""' tuUITI.I· r ailways which In turn ronnl'cl 1 111 :.! r• "' 111 C r:uu·l rh.•t~<•l lor ""'"' r••mmriiN• nnnftUnn'll th1s wtth !hal mammoth turntnhle dl'-unl•::-1'<'1'\'CI' OVo'l'l~ '",r"'' ~nr Law Allows Revocata·on of Dra·ve'r's ~~~" \1 ~-1'11111'1<. ftnmurlt. \\hO W('1.•k. \flaed by ,.,._ Aekt'~·" Co. IX'rt ... , W~<'~'-' pr•'!ll'l1 h• n r otr Udo p;~l"•u.la ··:..::_· alto thr O!il'f Frank ("J'(ll·kl'r nm1 fullph d~t•ll Sunoln~ 111 hrr humr. 2:.!1 To br pla~r·d tlll!i yC'nr a t thl' Jaraat ~ .. raJiw~ .... y In lht' liar-Ra.ndf-1. Balbon l~lnnd firr rnptarn License for Out-of -State Violations ~11l\\l r ''r"'''· C'tN:I Mr<;H Shr \\'rllowrt•k ruhl•r ('tllfrn:' nn \\'t•St bar _...... The a wan:bl Wl'n• prr.'l('nll'd ~~~ hMI lll't•n A rr<\i<l•'nl of C'allfnmia ;,,h •lrrrt, Snntn Ann, lh<' County _,__,., oor.enoaU~ly apeak-MMI'. Janll'S JohMtnn. fir~~ I nlrl S ACRAMENTO. n tP ) _ Thr ~criptll or r<'ronrts Q( convictions ror '->"1 ) rar~. Shr 1« 'llrvivrd b)' 1s nr~n to nny ~OH!'r who ro'sid••s I I I I I I I I I I ------- NEW & SPARKLI NG 2 Bedroom & den house close to private beach on Lido Isle, liv- ing room 22 x24 with Arizona flagstone fireplace -2 baths. Den opens on spacious wall ed patio-forced air unit heat- large ~itchen & service porch, co pper water pipes, shingle t ile roof. Price below reproduction costs -Only $23,300--$5800 cash. • Pea. palmer INCORPORA TEO realtors ~"~-.· haulaA.manlout t.herboata up to 1m chairman for aoutht'm Ortln"e hav~ '-·•c•n ri'•'·AivAd by thr "-··t-hrr ststrr. M1 ~ O.•tth;o Tillntl'On, rn Oran~:e county and hu~ un <'S· 0 ·-ta la • atnte dl'l)llrlmcnt of motor vrhlciM ' "'-~~ ~ ~..,.. i h h d hll h -....,;...., -un-coun"' R.ed CraM. mt'nl from vlrtuully ,...,......, -"•te "'' t w om sh .. 0'\A «' hrr hnmt•. tn ~ I'd hnntllcap. accon\Jng to ---r-,_ ....... at-., r.-porl8 ('nllfornlll's nf'W lnw prr· .. J ... d .,. J h ~---"'" ~ ""·~· Croclc('r and Randle w,. r r f'X('('pt thr naknt11,. Th• '"'l'a•-~ an n nr!'<'l'. ,.. rl'... ··annro• Da-t C' toomry mnnn~l'r. . milling liU$Pf'n~lon nr re,·ocatlon · ~· ... ...,, th r s •t ~"'-Jr r Baaat .......... _ a t ,.,._ Uclo Penln-praiJied ror lhf' tlrt'ICS.'I «'ffnrt thl')' numtK>r t)( rrl'~<•r•~ whrft r rrrt· ........ rno o 11ntn ,, on1r n V<> o•f'll rom 1'\'1'1')1 C'OUI'Sit' in tho• 3333 vlo lido, newport beoch, collf. Telephone newpo rt beoch, harbor 1500 .,_..,. """ of drivrr·~ lirrn~r upnn conviction ,. ' ~ Th Jt I' "'-h k 'II r IUia to ,._,_ wu , .. _.....,.ton Tuna hav~ put fnrth voluntarily """r for lin offrn~r In nnnthrr stale has from lh•• m·i~;hhuring l'lntrs of fi e ,,. ''ITJ ,y !'()(' v.t o . rnunty orr PXJIC.'<'Ird to porticlpatr• ........ ..,... ouu 1111d ftbovf' lhl' thl'('l' yf'ftr prrl1ld elate anti lnl•'m tl'nt w11l bl' in thl• )"llr in wh:'ll mny Ill' the lliJ.:· a.lpptr AMEJUCAN BOY. S he includt>d In thr IIWilrd. Thc•y hnvr 1)('£:110 In •hnw Its tr«'lh. OreRon. Wu•hlnctnn. Arimn:r and Plea!lant Vnllry co •mrtC'ry, Plras-1:"~1 tum-ollt In tlw hi~tnry or th<' WM hawed out and launcht'd In ~n promlnl'nl tn fl n;l Ald. wat•'r ,,,. d!•purtnrenl rrrortr d nl Nt'vadn, rrlllr<l' dts<'l~t·rl nnt Valll')'. N y nmnll'ur ~tnlf rvl'nt the cte.d of nlrht to l11k~ a d-safely nnd a e'f'irl••nl r n•\'Pntlnn rn 11'11~1 '!!\ lll'<'n.<~rs wl'rr nrdrrrd &WI· ftnta~ o1 full tidt'. So lii'U the th(' harbor on-n. It Will' poinlf'ff nut p••n<lt-d durrnt.: Jnmmr~ for convlr-~ draftf'd 115'6" dr11fll 8U· l111n!' or dn1nkrn drl\'lnR in Othrr xiliary IChooner , RAMONA. CALL LEGION ., ,.EET ~1111• ~ In ll••r.•ntht•r thr numhrr Th~ 103-foot • t ee l achooner IVf "~~~ 4H. on Nol'<'lllh••r. 34, und In PURITAN Ia thcrt' now having a Aml'rknn 1,..~tr)ll ('ll<l ~~~ ~'{II lktoloo•r. JR. llurrnt.: fl,·tohrr one bottom Job; alSO I he> 9J..fool 0 8-Wlll hOI d A rn:uhr m" lonR lll't'n~r \\ .o'l SU!'JJ''ndt't.l fc>r rN'kh'll' SERVER and McC'..ollum's FAN-\\'c-dn("'!tl:~y In 1111 l ~·~;wn 11111 {tt •l"""t.: on nnnth<'r !'IIIII' DANGO. Amcmg crul~ent Ill Ryron 8 p m ·nw lkpnrtml•nt !lllld rourl trnn· J ohnton's BY-JAC, her tran!'Qm · ___ _ aparkllng with rrl'llh r:otd lraf lettering ap11llrd by Frrd Pnolt•y: aliO the Elc.'()ll MERHIE SEA nnd SEA-CLAR. Sc-\·erlll or thl' llllnRM boats, rurrrntly tomato bont~. nro• thert' too-the COASTAL STAR S AJ\'T A PHOVIUENCIA n n t1 CORONAOO. Hf"'"''''tnR a rrpnrnt job Is a llttlt' knOC'kllbolll l>elong- tna to the Girl Srouts. Over al thr lnnt.1Jn1: I• nn n"•'· aome row or llonvlulu rnrrr~: thr C H U BA S<: t), \\'EST\\' Afil>. TETON, ZOE II, and SEI.E:-.-1. And apukinR or thr Lido l.llnd- lnc. your T<'l:ular .An!'hnr \\'11tcho•r would bt> dd tghted to hNtr th1s. In ordt'r to occupy o slip thrn•, )'OU need only PHY your rrnt nnd .,-not uked to \'ucatc ahould you \.ake your rt'patr work rh;c.o- wttere. 1be IUbcontra!'tOn! of Lidv Penln~ula, howewr. mieht point out to you their many facllllil's or r~comnlC'nd the lluallty of U1C'lr work with ju.sltfi11ble prldr . N1rses Assn. Asks Money Men and women'• 5<'nire (')ubi! ol Santa Ana r~ivcd a money apptal from the Vutltln~t Nurse UIIOC:Iatlon Thunday in a mf'<f'tin~t held In the Red C'tosa orrl('(' in U.. Santa Ana Convnu.nlty (',·ntr r Dr. Edw. )..-('(' Ru.s..owll. hralth of- tlcer of Or11ng~ rounty, a m, mbo•r ol ~medical ad\i sory comm•ttr..• ol the V.N.A . also president of U.. Santa Ana Rotary rlul>: ('all<'d I the mHUna at the rt'QUc·~t or the C!'JUCUUve committee ol the V.N A Dr. Ruaaell gave a hi•l!'rY of I h u.ociaUon'a devl'lnpmrnt, <·m· phuiz:ing ~ nE't'd for th<' nursin~ I .rvlot whlrh la on an hourly hnst~ I to anyone 1U enough to n<'l'd a IIUI'W. ·~ auoclation," hr 11111d "baa been included In the cnm- m unity ~tl ol Lacuna Bcarh. N.wport. Hu.nting1on Bee~. Or·· ~. and B~na Park. Fundi to .Upport ~ wrvl~ In tlw other parts or the county will havt> to com.-from thoee commun ities through leadt'nhip found In wrvlor clu.bl." -------- I Final Pre-Easter Clearance 25 DRESSES Now '195 To '4 95 were $6.50 to $22.50 ·--------"======::..:·..:;-.'("... .I."'\.,.. t ..... $10.95 $17.95 SKIRTS SUITS Now Now $5.95 $5.50 SLIPS SWEATERS Now Now "~nl<'r for Cottons" 303 Main St. Balboa I . I .., :;.,. .... . . ' - Thr cun~in's up -the ahow it on- anrl11l" • r 1n rltr apotlight of public fa,·nr ~~t im b •hion·plate Butck. Tt11~ homl•t. lot<~wny ~au.ty ia tak· lng hm" l11r the eye-appeal of ita ten Stl111 11t'l!ll}' \mlrt mooelt , .. Catd11ns: '"''"lttttt on the utter bril· lianrrnr lit l'or5td Fireball po~ ... ~ttin~ a·tpl~tJ.Je (or SafetT·Rirle r i•m. pd i, ,, ,0(t tires, a 1-roil apr 1111:1 111.! -l 1r bodies n ewly ahtl· t<'fl'd ~~·""'' rl iatu rbins n oiae - 1009 South Coast Blvd. for no leta than 50 n tw features. And h'a winning cunain calla on two major adnnccs no other car often. O nr Ia thr fabuloua new Oynaflow Dri,·e• where rhn~ i.s no grarshift· ing, cro~n automatirallv. ~ouJ'uJt 11rp on the gu-and motonng ote to m01gic iJ youn. OthC'r atar fC'ature It the Vibn · Shielded ritlt'. I lrre for thr fint time you're ahielded ap inll ,·ib~<~tion build-up that brings on fatigue. H en: no tiny trrmon can bannoniu into big ones. He~ it livina·room comfon and quiet. Your Buick dealer Ia ahowing tllla r-.:uhinn plat~ that'• touched with maE:ic. S« it. Chtd it for spacioUJ. neu, for aol id-fulin g str<~clinru • fnr au~rlati,·e finish, fittings and fabrirs. TI~e·n -to gel nne intn ynur lfolr.lge at the t'atltcst pttSJible date -gtf your ordn in now. C. E. SIEMONSMA SALES AN D SERVICE LaKUna Beach ~~l!,tQW N_JQ * fAI'fl.fHIU I"UffO * VIUA-IHIIIOID IIDf * &A'ffY·IfDf IIMI • HI-I'OISID ntn.au 'ow" * ~·rr IAtAHCI * IIOfD rotOVf-rutf * OUADI U".fJt COli II'IIHOIHO *IVX~MIINOI * IOUN.f:.!O!JJ.I ro'. "'fiNO *DUO AlAriC II'AIIC ADVANCI * fiN U IAtr AIOOfU * I ODY I r nJJfft Phone fl60 or I 094 Clul1tJed ada_ DO pt ~ Job dmM. L-----------------------------------~ WHIN UltiiA AUTOMOBiliS ,\AI BUILT RU I CK Will BUilD TH(M ....