HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-19 - Newport Balboa News TimesWhat, When and W:ttere of April Elections! 11u'L'(' Cll~ CUOnt•tlrll•'ll fo>r tht-fu ll h•rm o( four )'~lint. • • • \-lf1tnt.: fur lht' ll'\';1 :lllft t"<lllo•o:lhlll fo>l' tho• l'"'l"l"' <•f pn>VIclln~ ~•1 C'll)' lr••IL•Uh'r fllr ''"' full lo•tm of r .. ur ~··nr-••• Cltr ch•rk n nd m.uul.lllllll.! , .... k .. Ill th·· \'II\ •• , "'· 1\INHI 1\.· ... h ......... ·h ,, .. ,, .. ''I hI"' la \uhl•• th• l\'11\ '''' UHUH•"'l"'' f'\lll""f'"'" ,\1\,t It• ttdlltUh•" '·· J "'-41 ••• , ...... ,, ·•I '·"•-··· I ~ 1'" 1~-~·, 1111. I Huh'hnt t ''""'l)r"''' th" ,tut•· In ''·'''' ''' h.• Vt~hod for 1111' full lo'l'lll .. r four ~ ,•;JI":-o And thl· lulho\\ lllj,; pn~!IUII ........... ) ......... a "'" vr l tfh'CII \.'l'Ub I .:,.·1 "" ,., ... h ~ 1\IU.\1\1 ,,, •1d.'l·'· Shall ut'ilinunc.· ~0. 51-1 or l ht• c-it~ of ~··WJlurt IWach. 1'1'11-lho• ·'"' "''" '·"""'"'" .. r •• II "'"IN'II~ Ill tho• I'll~ ·•I :-, ...... , .... , It "I"'" "'" """'"'I''' ,.,,.,~,.,," ••• ,.,. ho•hl '""'"'''). 1\pnl 1.1 1'••11• "'"'"'"I"'" 111 1 11111 nml '''" ,.,,..,,. nl Rpm nntt rl .. 1·•11·"' II If pl ... ,., hm • '""'.:" ''''''~'"'''"I "' 1••111111: t•lll•'••• PRt~t'IS('T SO. 1-I'Rt:('IS('T :O.C). S-I'Ut:f '"C'T ~tl . .\---I'IU'.A "' '" ~-I'IU.c'l"1' "'·I l'ltt:c l't ·r ,0, li- Ow e~ 5 1!1 :\5th St :-.;,."1"'1'1 1\.•:wh 1."1.141 I ~-.... 11 111\11 1:11 . ,. I lit, II\\ II\ Ill "·"''I i\11.1 ·''•'1111•' 7•11 \ .......... ~ .... .. ~ ... J~· .... A H "'''"'t~<lfl Bt•ac·h "''"l•••t II••HI'It <'•11 \!.11' "''"I"'" ll·n•·h '''"I"''''· •·It ..u...;,._,_, PRt;t'ISt'T SO.!-I'Rt;c·a~C'T ~o. f-l'Kt:t 'I~('T SU. ~ I'U:( "I I ''' l'tU:c I" 1 'II II I'IU .t l't1' 'II I : I'Kt~t'INt1' NCI. t:t- llo·ll•'<li•'t ·~ ll··~•ol··· ~~~·. lt~t :\lllt i~Ctlol i\\•'1111•'· ('lltoiiiM clt•l M rtr N ~ l lo•llt'H'h', t;nru.;t·. ('tl~ llall, \\,oiiJ • t:,u .t)!o· ltltd 1;. o1 I •·••·· ''""'•' ~~'"""',;,.,,,h.. ""'''I t.• t'lulo "''""' 1-'tn.• ~tu\Hlf1. r·•r•• St,llh\fl, • .. ,,,, Stdth'"· f) .. -'l.d•. tt.···h ... ,;,,,,.h• t~·,, u ,,. u. '"'''", T I H b 12 ''l()i' \\'""' <'••ntra l A\t'IHH', 7(1:1 ~;."1•1 1\.t~ '''•'llU•' :t!i' :\lmllh' o\\o'IIU<', ,\)\ \\ I 1'•11l1 d \.:•to• ~It•~ I :.:.1 111-ollt .. lhl \\olllh' 'H d J e • a r () r ~~-------~-·._·~ __ -1_~_·•_·, __ rk __ ·:_"_.,_, __ _! ________________ ~ __ ._,,_,_~_._,, ___ •~_·_·'_'_" ____________________ ,_~_._•_•~_'_' __ '_'_'·_"_"_' ______________________ ~_. ________________________________ •l __ •'_'_•'_' __ '_'_'·_'_"_''----------------------'-"_"_'_•_··_'_'_'_'_·'_"_''---------------~ 84iil ~~~ EST HOME DELIVERED CIRCUL AT ION IN ORANGE CO A~T 'S LARGEST C I TV ~ BALBOA MES Tnday·· •• A.M .... .s.T. 1 11n Gas Tax Uuw JonN A \'f'~ ,._ ·-. , .... ...... :::-.:. •· ·~~:: :.· ·~~ 1 Demand lt.ul" l•ltl! up '' l '•tltl" • II ''" 1111 tl:l \ ••hlfl\e• I ltH•tt• 'httt'"'" l4<•h'l·t ..,., .... ........ •••••• c 'It\ """''"'''n•ttv•· ( lffl,..·r Jntut 1.-<.ul••t' '""' l••ln) llwt "llrttnlt• lto•tul\\ ll.) I'-'"'lilt-: lltrult•" Itt II ftl(ht tho• .~ ..... , l ~·t~tll' ul c,n ... Ia EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WfST NEWPO~T. SEASt:IORE CGH;)N¥, Y!'O 1St!, NEWPOitT HETGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MES.A ~~:~:~·.·~~.: ... ::~::;:,';"',','.'',!;,"·:~:~~~1 .. ~,~; -:st:\\J'ORT Rt:.-\C 'II, ('-"J..a..-<c:)RSIA: Tllt'RSilAV. FD~tt' "" Ill. Ill lit M •. , • .,;, ''""'"' •• ,.... ow • -~. , 't '11\f:N "I ;~:~~~~·:.:~11~:::"· .... ~ ... ~ ftttllb IIIH'k THE SAND CRAB By SAM CIT\' CHARTER. Mm:h has been printed about the proposed city chitt1.CI' 110d city manager plan _to be P": sen ted by the varruu.-:. bust· ness groups. but little hus been ObSCI'\'Cd alJout its tJro- C.'Ul'(>mt•nl and cost. Ft·om a l.'\.U"SOI'\' look-st.'(.' haH' diS(;O\'- CI'l'li t'hat the ~·titiuns are stiU to be t umL'd 111 to the <.'OUtll'tl anc.J if thb i!'-~u. JUSt how l '<ttl till' matll•r IJI• p lan.-.1 0 11 tlw April h ;dlnl '? II t akt~ from !'-l:\1 ~ tu 11irw ty d11y-.. to g(.'t a JI I'OJK''''"II' IK.fon· 1111· \'Oil'l'"lrom tlw tlltll' tlu• !'-Ub- j(.-1:1 ts g t\1'11 tu lhl' nt ~ t:l~·rk and at t h,• pn•-..,•nt "t'lllllg sud• ha-. nc1t '""'" <1•1111'. It l"C<Itll l'l'-' I>C't \\'C't ·n ~ll K I a ncl 70U rw mcs of q u:tllfi,-.1 !•lt'<'- tol'S on the petition. "hidt is repot1ed to be in clrcu!;:~tion. • + • City Ma.na~c·r (:ost. I lave been hcan ng a lot .tbout coe>L'i ~~ l>Ut:h a p~otu .. Frum the kno" !Lodge pos.~·:..~'<i by this commentator. ttw city must first vote itsd f out of the sixth class and adopt a charter which would provide a city manager, \vho could or would sci<'Ct the various dt'- partment heads. Tis report- ed that the local plan calls for a set-up of $30.000 for such an office and $5.000 sal- ary for each councilman per year. That is the · samP pay Los Angeles a lderme_n. t-e- ceive and such a mumf1cent salary should attract good men to run for the posts. which may ~the solution to what some of our citizens feel is ailing the munici- pality. + + + Good Men. This brings one up, or do\lo'Tl, if you "i ll, to the question of getting good ml'fl to run for the offi ce. The real execut ives or busi- ness leaders in the commun- ity would not touch the job with a ten-foot pole. Yet many of them point to the way the cit y is operated. but if asked whethe r they would assumt' tht' burden. give you an icy stare or a deep grunt. Why is it not ~c;~hle for some of our able ctti7A'ns to take up th(' cross for the ~ar­ bor's future, more precanou.c; and in n<'<."rl of guidance. than eve r t:x-fore? Many of them have achi<'\'cO succ('!'S here and bv the sam<• token should ·try and gi\'(' t L"-a forth-right administration on the man~· complirAtf'rl proh- lems facing Newport Beach todny. + + • 84-autlful Store. With the Missus \\Cnt to inspc<'t Bul- lock's Pasadena storc t h c other ciav and founri it C'\·cry- thing pt~1pl<' s-~ id. n.hout it . An1ong th<'m thnl 11 1~ one of the mosl l)('autifttl (•mpcw· iums in thr "·orlrl. ln!'tf"MI of floor<' t hp~· rn !I them l••wJ.;. likf" tlw lm\C'I'. mirldlt• tnd up(lf"r kvrl~ a nd ~"'"~'~ J;,nrl- ing hns nn Arra~ nf lllt'l'l han- rii~ thnt is nrw :11111 ''"'II· ing. f:\'I'I"Y rlr l:ttl j, \\III'Kt~l out to t hi' nth. rlN::r"~' and the t hou~ht ill\ nh ··1'1 mtt"l h a v p r:mSNi f'nrllc"'~ " .... S~Xlr<·h. llf'l 'aiiS.' lhf' ftlrm-..h -in~ anri nntiiJII~"" and "(')(wb. f('nntlnu!'c1 nn 0 111'k Pa~:r 1 Five CMata per Cupy ")o'o>t 11 111411: IIIII\' tilt' 1'11"'-af 1 Name:--~2 Business ·Assn. May B k lito• ooWIIII\ flll\1' ""' lio '<'n f"' .. "t•)V• Ill~' llh'll 111o.t 'ltolll' It( lhj~ ...... ac ~~~·Ill\ f1111tl 'S t11l111' l'ftrii}Wtl . '11to• • "'''' •lu•• llhnn• 1•. he! , .. , .... , ''"''" '''""'"~ "' " ····nt ,,1111 \lo iMiltl tlto •ftfl II l<>lrtl t•f ltlloiU( ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get Master City Street Light ~Plan May File: LENTEN NOTE li'AROISt:s comt"rt'd stlth Sl. and (~n dnt·hflund tru.-lt loo.l If, talll'•'" a l tiN' $It-~~ • U n \ •'II r 111 ~tddlt It Ifill I ""' l "'"''' '"' No"\o\ I•" t ll;'onm, ht• roal4. ,,,._ ............ Snll"'' l">ittro .. l ""' ""'' ( lrnnp ···•u11' '"""''"'hlfl, "rrunllnl( tD l'.ohl•• 1 "' th•• "''"""~'' autv••y ,._ 1• •1 I, I• ,., •tllflll~<,l uf 200,()(Wl poi'0- 1 •I•·. • tf "hw h !'tel ._.,. '""'t 1llwo llw Ill r'lth·, C'l ll•'' rt'l' ,. I v t• ( l V e . ••twhth• <'o•n t• t••r ttn l ICRio<1llt1<· l'la. Stafford, 1 . Greeley t't'nlr•l .\\'f', lntf',.,...tlon . TIM-.. ~. aho""" hrl"f' M"·tt(>l.anr u1• thl-m.aln ,.,., or thl' load, l•tf'r tO<Ik l o tK.t..tl hronm• and ~""I'' thl' ,,..,,.n_l fMm C'f'tlt,...J ,\\· ... to thl-w .... t .. rn f'nd of ('ua'l Hin t. ph11to h~ \'t•ln··~ I Iii\ Jr "tll'\t ~ ••f :'\••V.pttt I lt,:hllrlt.; "·" '""'fl lta:hr• "' , '''" '""' .,, •h•• dl) 111 111 '"'" ''''"' •lfl l•tfttrlatl•lfl elf llw Ill dl ,.,, •. ,.., c .. lilt• '"'I"''''' • •lilt'' ltlltl tho· "'"'"''" r••••-lvr l t"ttfUJ'lt•l•~t Htttf U \niUIIU o f I t•• OfU nh•tul.t t "'"' ,., '', ttnt.: ,., ~·t \ ...... , f11UIH1\ 111 tht• t'll \ \\Itt 1 .. • (•I•''• t\t ,, •• '"''"' •• ,,.,,.1,1~1fh ~··· ...... '""' ....... ··h;hth..: ..... , •• ~ '"'" '·., • off•·r '" '"''''" Hlh t u uutt L!'•ll•tf• ~·'"uhn•• '"' •II••'Ut•11 I""'''"" .... ""' , ..... ''"'''lfl -· , ...... f.tttt tt\tlfi•'Hif ll.lt1 ' ut Hl1\ 11\1tt "" ., '" ,..., AJthoul:'h du•t'('l con frrmall"" I('IMrlfl , .. ,· .... '"'''ttlh'il." ""' '" 1 ltt•\o'\1 loll-Ill,\ rh.•l !'l'l~on S till· I ford ;!ltd Jt,..,, Ct••o•l•·\ nl.t) tH\11 ltl•· f,,,. I'll~ t'flllllttltn•·n 1111 rio. I Bu•lll•"' Cuum·•l',.. 1>-potnl ltckN Ill lw put '" t•·•t tn muntc•t~•l , ), ,. ... ,, ,,, •• Ill,, l tiiiUI ,, flttt•ltrt'-! , .. l htfl " \\t II ..... llllt•tttlt thtttt• 1·, '' : • ln•ld" '' t ... ,,. •·····ttntn • ""' ,1 .,,,. ! \l i\ttl If It ll·~·.t "hnonh ,,., '''' ~''''•ld 1ft .. u.lt 11,1 I''',,,.,, 1 1•1d 1\ \\ • htlld t d of f"ttJt\ t1f tht• f l.tl IHnltlhh ;lttl,• t l~ot ,,.) ufl ' '""'' h• ••• '" tl ,., g.,,,. St.dl1•1tf .. uul (•I•• I•\ ,.,,,. ,,,., ... lf\\••l\•" l lttlll th.· h~ ''" "' IU th•1 ••1 . •n lliill"ll .Hld l'l,trUIII\• nl 1 h. H11"''"'" .. t ',.tllh'd \\ hu 11 ttiiH 1•11 • 11 ; ,. ,, ""'''' 1·' 1 "'"' l.u ... n•·· .•ntl .thJ•I ••\ 11,1 rt' ., ~'" a.t l H•n .. •• II II\ I tt~ h .tJit••l ' ' I St,tl f••ld .111 •l•·•·t ru.tl •••Ut &.n t t)l \\ht) fl t ltetll p lttUIIfhUI lfl t 'l\lt' lu1ttlt1•11-.. Hl ''\'1,.•11 J,.. 11 h Uttl tift 1 IJ, I h.unlH I Ill ('Uft\111 t I I 1 t ht• I' t~ll.tiiiii,JH ul tht• t h .1111lt• I \\:tll•r l~lllllllllit•t•l, i' t'tlll~HI~t• .J ,, ~I ntllj:: ho•l 111 ftll' wlthtn lht• lll'tlt rut Ill\' Gn~·l··~. "hn ,, :t l"'"nlllt·nt B • .t- IH~t ro•llllllr .tcld "11" 11''' ltl;lll •"1 SPONSORS TOLD DRIVER EDUCAT110N BILL 'GOOD' 111 Ill• I II~ clo•\ o•l••t•lll• nt' ho•to• tlutlll!; • tho·>:'"" lh nl :"-• ''P"rl II< .IC'h ,.,. . . ;11,p.u t•nt 1~ 11,,1 rn.ult• up tu .. rnuul lit,, .• ,,, ••Itt• •''~nt.dl.euth' ••I •• ,.,,,n ..... ul •h•l"'"''~ \\ul• , •• u tn '''''""''..: .,, .... , .. ,,., ... f••t 11!1 ti.llnll•·t~ rutt11~ h•• \\nylfl ,tfl·l 'cl It\ fh ..._h\\ t\ l't~f"ttltlt.ln It I 11"' t.• lh• h1ll lt.t" ,,.,,. '\t l \ """'' lh ,,uti '"''" onh 11,. ,·nmmo·nt" \\lto•n 1111111 """''·"'"I t •Ilk llut11ll •••I ,\It"'·'"'' ,.,IIIII lo11•h '•'I""''' , ..... ,.,. ... r.; .. 1111 tnrltt':tlltlll .. r hi,. lll· "' "'' '· lo.:• '"'' "''" '"''"''" lll{uou k • .,,., '"·•' 'II• 1_,< i\n ,,, >:""IV ""'" .. J •• ....... "I lo'llllrlll' :-.,,.,,.rt lll'lt:'~>-. tw h Ito•· 11> Ill l .. tt'l \\' ~Lolli""""''"''"' ~· 1•' l 't11 ···•II• t:• \loll h.t ,. 1 r• ttl,\ St.11tl• \ I• I'"'' d Ill Adol1 1 ltt•\'o'tl tn II<' c•11n,.ttl!'rtl1~ ••rtll'lllll-: tho· l tn.d do .ol t lh111111'lt lh• ''"'• 1\•HJ.,Iu•p ' ft nlll ,lllll• .'1 111 J lll\'111•·11 llllltf llll'illll 1\, "" l '1111111 hi'-n:tnl•' I· J:l""'l;lftUt' \\11 ... ftMI:t\ ft,•utc h lilt •I .. ' ltltlti ... J\t• fn ll ltlf' '· ••• ,,, •• ~ r •. r '''· h ... , ....... , " .,;1\lf t ... tu .I h~ I Hlrtcohrr • nurct~ h) .. ,,,I"' uf tho ,, .......... t '"' 11•" '"'"" "'"'"tho "'" ,., .. """l·lh• """I '"""" II " ... . lllt UI 11f t"fhlt t iiHO \ttl•' tu '''I Up Itt th• c•ultfUtllt t'flt"l ,.t•huof lu luuad·rt tl ~ro. ltlllf'' En'''"'' \' c t Hnurh" a'"'"IC!ilant e-.•·hnul"" .. , u r ••l lu r t•ull•·•··" 111 •n-ct nt• ttun lu ut• huh• ,., u t• h <'h td nl '"' '"'''''Ill ur "''('ctndal) IIIIHIII'hllllf ,.,, .............. , ... ~ h:l\t' ,, •IIIIIIJ: \nhtll tl•"t 111.11•• ,,,.,,,, I•\ \\ ltt1 •i f i,.Ut tit• ,,,..,,,., luutl .. t tIll • fit llu • \ f I 11111 ttl• '"·-' tl •• t \\, "' )'•' t •J l'u \,:ttulli•••t 1 ltftult t flft 'I tlhtttL• .• ,h, I ""l l.hl f ' ,. l .. .... t I .... '"I I'll , ... ttl "' ••• , \\IUt f1 It I d h •tt I• It \o •• 'Ito 111111 I 1 I~ tid II I .. ,. It I •• , ... I I" tt '"'' \\I II "' ,,,, ,, ,.,, I II Iii,. ... n. ~ I •\ ill I ,, .• I ,,,,., ' ,, .. , llu ' ,,. \• I '"'. II 1\t Ill •• 1111 Jll flotd lltlf • Ill pt!f 111 tho o ~l\ l ltl It 1 1 I till" ,, I ., ,, t ,, ,, I'' '\ ,, I , It .. , .. ,,., ... II 'I . .. Tll.\~1\~ 1 "·'"" \ ""· ,, , ...... , .. ,... .,, '.... " .. , .. _._.., .... "' ~lilt It" I '"'" , ... , ..... ····lh t•rt .. t fu th•' rr .. ut u f th•• h•u•-· ,u,h~ad uf un I h•• tuu ·k l"''• h "ht•rt• '11U "nrtft"'41 tl \tul I ht• "IUfl hh•" ••u•• ••r f" u •·••1•t••" '"'"' .,,,., .. ,. c•• •·ttu t r••uf u;,, "'' IUu~l ..... \\U \ \ttU I•• I u~~a &..ttu\\ ) •·-h·nltt\ \ uu '"'''" II """ "'" rtr~l "' t .. .,,,,, at lhl~ klntl "' .,.." lo•r \'nu had "'''' "' an ldf'a "' lhr I""'"''"'' ln1uhMI Itt .... lt•·hlnc ''""' "" .... ta.t•ll'"-'" mall •·lrc:ull lu hnnW' df'lh tfr'y I I I I I ... ,., .............. . .. \\. t.h lt·I•HI ••·II tul•ttl 1ft ' ... t f •tl fl t II 1 If 'ttftl UttJ•'il ltft ft.t• k 1'111'•'. Tallman Oil Suit fonf inut•d To Marrh 9 n, ..... n •r ''" 1 ,.,, , •• \ ,,, ~." 1• '" I<· " r, "• v. 1 "' 11 \ 1t • u•l '1 , • \\ tilt•• Ill 'I •tl111 '" 'I I I It ol S t t'ontactt-rl ltttlo~ 11.." a 1 htnl )JV-- !-<tbl<.' nomtn•'•' wa>: Fn)o•ttc· 11rrld'· "~"· Corona llrl l>l:.r busmc.,.,m.,n II<' s:ud onl) . "I tlon 't 1 hrnk I'll run " New Four-Year College Is 'No Threat to Coast' 2 G •It • \,. • A t• )I () In I hi~ K"'•l:•a.ttftk all) -~NJ I Ul yIn l.l'O c ton ere "I 1111 rll~ . .\n•t ~uu .... , .. 1.,,,., I t•k lq f•tf"' Uttl I •• , fltltftf tl I•• I l•'lf1111 1 f1• 111 l u 1"""1' ''" fe ntH I h· ., I•• ,~, .. I I' 'tit' I,. I .. ,.,,tl, lit I Morals Cases Warren's Drouth I an~ ... l .. ). thfl ,,. .... ThtH'tl<ll~ I L' (' II I '"'"''"'· .. ,, ..... , ... ''" " ,.,, Anl hllll\ .I F trluc•c I I SantA Ana . r.~mergency ,a hr lt..r \\r .. 111 makf' .. ,,.,, "''" tttHtl ~1 ., •. It •• SHf"''''"' ('uurt fttdr•• fC.t \ rtt~tfHI f 1 llt••tnf,..."ll tl• • , .... ., 1tw '"'"'''"'"'"''" f,. t'ttll'-•' of til•· 11111 •I•" k• t 111 I k pi I ,. 11••11 '"' frlitl V.lt' "'' h•·•llll'"'' ••• t ... •'-••lttl h•'t .• , ... , ,. " "" ·~IIIII~. ht• altltl. ,,_ •• ,, ... 1111111( '"'"' thl~ ...... 1\1111 "'"'~ • 1 11 h t h • • 1\h nll•••ul ... l llll"lf' t••• ut.~l •" ,.,. ... ~uuc-.1) ....... ,. .. ,,, thftt I• "l'f• ••I I ht ••• '"' ,,~ hn\ P ''li 1111\,.( Ill" II' t•"t•tlullt} t>f ,, ...... ••\• I IIIth til ". 1 .. "' \. "' .............. 1(1\111 .. ''' '•'' ''"'"" '"' ••ll••'utt"tl .,, " I" I"'' •tlntt l•t 1 t • tl1•• tutuf e•lty l'"'f•tll iflotfl 1u 111._. "••ttu'Y-hut 111t~f?' '• .. ,., 1 • 1 '' tt• •1f tfu· ••••u u11 jlltllfiHtl lho "''" tllttft 11f ....... ._ ....... ,,, ................ ~ .. .,, . ,,, tlu , ••••••'' \.\lilt ••u• '"' nt te I\ t1 t 1\t• lllf.tl 41ft I fttHI fhf It• h••HI•I lt-t\t u ltk•' UOh~tUlt • l loo 1\.IIIN II 111111110\o•flll lll /U "'••ftllttt hut 1.-..l.r ~ IIIU1th11l a '"'' ""' ,, . '" .... d "' ~1""'' •••• ,,,., "' tfl\tlillt~~····· f it•• '""' "''""'\ "' •\l•ll•lu•r lit•"'''''" .... ,.... t.11 • fllfl •ttll\ "1•1utlr1r IHI \\••••n I l ,,.,., 1 f.,luttt l •111t I It• 1• rthlfCUI• ft ... ,.,.,,..,,.,, \\Ill h tuottl•n t t.rr ,, .. ,.... "'''' up ttu• n•·•-.1 t•tt a ltt11l f • " \ ftt f h1 • fit I 11f t.1 Uf U\C' ;\\ f It " "' •• ~""' .... t\ ,,,. . .,mm•·••latlu•. • I a • "'If "\ ~~~·r". ••••••·•ll•c mu•k-l,..t '"'n•·f •hll• ..,.,, •tt-a.tl•"' nl Itt.. lr rrv lin•· • ...,..,. , ...... tvf'd hy '"" NrM • ,,.,..,. t•ocl•)'. II •·-•ut a... rr rwlnlrtl Ill full dur to thla "''""1,.1"'''• '"""'Y •If , ... tulrl•• .... ''""''"""I' .u ................ ... "" lhr "'"'-· Brrtcht•r Ita,. r<'<'<'ntly lt.•rn tdt•n· ttfiffi Wtlh till' h111ldmg Of tho• 111'\\' Atrlch<'r hutldtn~; m C'omn11 dt•l :\1ar. n n l"ntrrprts(' in w hrch h<' 1.-. rrportl"dly ll<.~ocratN'I \\lth '"'' nut -or -town tn\'t:'qon.. I II' '' n m t:'mb!'r of llw llu•tnr'~ C•)(.JnCtl'" policy rommrll,.,. whtrh d rrw up a plarfom1 C'nllin~ fnr : ""' "nl• n••••rl )<..,l•tffA) 111 ""' .,,,,r1 lu ""' thr .,..,.., drlh Oran~:•· <'oa<l C'nll••l:,. \'u•••·l'r<"'· m11ntl" '" th•• ('ounty jntl, wtth '\n nHtnrtl ""rrl 1 '' \• 1 1'" 11 ,.,...., l"'""lttly a.nd f'fflrl,...ll) I" 1•1 'l'loo '"" V lllw •-"'"""' "'"' ttp ttll'nl Jrtm•·l' Thnrntton ~a ttl ll>da) r• •'1\C'd hr r• 11nd n, ,, I toll 1tn•1 '" ,..,.,~ '""' ul Y'"' "" llu· I 'II•• T ollrn1111• ,.Ill 11~k "'" ~llllf'l • 1 "'' •I loy I A ft. • k. wh" lruuwh h t .., 1 "-'' h ft\o• m~onth< '"''1"11<1••1. h) .luclc•· 1 1 .. ,.,. ,,1 1,,,,,,,,.,.1,,-rrc•-'t .. ~~ '"' ''""' '" •I•·• lilt •· tlto•lt 1w.lt• ••I th••llr~t 111111 u11IV ••·rvlr.,• ,,. II• ' l' "'"~ nn ul<lllr ff"<t Ct\o·r I I' '' •fl f'tlllft•mpllllo•t ''' Ill• • \IW't'l " "' "' I I I 1 r ,, I Porlgt• ,rto•r h•· ·····ad••ll 1:11111\' "' .. h .. rr ,,,,. ll\'f'. I ltl l ••• ,. ""'' llll•tll ... '"""" ..... '""'' '" ,,. ""'I :Iii v•·llra ltV,II AI 1''"1"'~11 ro >1('11 t• n nt•\\ mtr·~··ar · · • •I "'Uihl1111tl rlrn11 th ,,,,,'''"'\I''" ''"'r cniii'Ct' 111 tht• c lrango' <"uttn· In ,, •'hHII-:t' nf ltOI1tt\tttt-: ""'' "'" 1\ul If ,..,, '-'" rnl ... '"" l ••tl ''""' ""' \4••11 ''"''''11111111! '""' "'"' ''""'· wlu 11 ''"'"' w••~ ,.,, "",.... 11 u nntu•n h ) c;u\ I,,, \\.ur•n tl41( ....... tMII 11\r hur I'! ur lA 1h•1 ,.,,,' llfl1 f dtllllrtl' '"""'·""' '"'""" uf •. ,,,,,,. •• ,,,., .................. ,...., , I I E~tnhh~hmrnt of a l'ity rnnn· t:.ll IIS.Wr rorm or 1:fl\'l'm iTII'I11 I\' l .t~nr.: 1\f'ltf'h llrt•ll "'''1111: .. p; ~I'll! "'" r.:•rl ''I"'" h• r \1 \cor II n H·····l "''"' ...... , \~o:aJn. th•nlt '"" "'"'"" """ """"''' ""'' ""' ,,,.. lult' ...... S"t .... Wllltll S.l W ll-... .. lmmNltOit• rro\'I<.IOflS rnr .. T lw prnpll~··<l "''" ,.,,lf,.c·· ...... \\II\ '" :-.; ..... 1"'" llnriKtr 1'1111111 llttfoall · s t~ltltplllt.: "' "" '"""" wt•ltlllrt•nlly ,,., .... loy .... l11tiiWNt l'uvtlton. p<'rmllnt'nl Ml}' WOI<'r I'U)II)Iy lt~•·n rt•r•,.mm• ntl<.-1 '"' lh• t 'Aitfn r-ll••·lt ~··t••vtl ''' tt•tn'· \tlr· tol~-•n•· ) .'tottllo• "' I oltf.,llllll ; "" ~ ... ·~·· I' t a.• ) a'on tlnll•"'' "'"'' ,, .. ,., , .. ,., t ... ,. ,,..,.,. ,.,,.~ • :\I i\clrqwtt<' 'anttntinn. "', < 'nmm•~~1.,0 "" fl,..h• r E•lu•·a · ,.,0 .. 111,1, ,., 111 1,,111,11,, .. ,. 1,, ... ,,r<l 1,, 1 I "''' ;·••m•••, •·I ',,,, , c 't•ll ,ua r~X I) HH ; •1, k I ,... •1 , -tt "''II '" ttu l'ullrttitr•" t, '' 1\. r• '''••'• •I uut 1t h Mitty ttu •·hurte,. t41 l>o'•\'t:'lotllll••nl n( il m.'l$1l'f' "'"' linn It \\llttlt1 pro\ttlt• for a n I'll· Thr tlal• of lht•(l("llll•n•··· ... ·a~(/(( '''" (11trll Alltll"'' ..... 1 ..... ~linor f)am8ji({' '·"'' ....... •lnll···· lo y thr• Sl14tfl1 •• ;•, ..... , '"' ......... "'"' fiVf' in~ plnn r<ollntt·n• .. r :vw ro "'""' "'' •n '"'" :.>4 t'l-17 tSI l'n tftr.-1 l rafftr a nd porktlll: ilrl'fl -,\lt•·h ···l ...... "·•'"•11. :.',",rtf ,,,,, •·••• •• ,,, ....... "''"'' .... ,, , .. ,,.. ll.t•lll "" '"'"''""' ... II <l•·t•111 "' ""'' '"' ftotol ,.,.~· .. ..:·"'· t 1 -·" l ,. 11 .... tt•·tl,•r•·ft ,,. .. ,, .• ,..\ tltrtlllh t:'l t (,.,, h• l!r.•', It "-A .t" .. ,.,.J,fl •n '1'1..-f•·••y 'Jfflllt at.•• (,,.A r•..:lllhr con m l lr T hornton cfrt•II;'O.t•rl fht• pntnt }".., ":•~ fnunrt L:Utlt) of n f•·lonv • ''''"'II II tl.•rltt \\,fln''''·•v rnurn p,,~, ,., hf·tl uh· htl 1,)' ttu rutlw~ty ,,,,., t61 lm prO\'•'ndwhn l ,anclr rolnl'trlnl of lhnt It•• dtd ""' ho·ll<'''' 1111' prn· mcorhl~ •·h;cr;:•• ~~~ Sllt.ll'rt•lr ,lotd~· '• th tit•· c;.,,,.rnn• .. "" ".· 11<•1" llo• .·~tl' It•• t l~t!ldlltl-: '1,, .. '''' '''"' ••·•I q,, 'I' oil"""" I """~'''''· Wt llt•·r "'"' ""'""''' l'~<'ttrh an nr lOr ac tl r" _. I I I l'••'••·rr r.·nrdn•·r \ l"''"'<'r ,., n . '' '' ' I' ., '' I' ' '' I ' k ThC" f\\'Cl 0'\Pnt Jt t~ h~•ht•\'t"fl, \\'Ill f)(t4\t'u Jf1"-l tfllttn n \\011 ( J'f 0 \ If I' ~ .,. t !!'I ' rt ''I I 11~ I I , tf f 1 ' oo t,l lftiM f 'All' It t lrt:tk• ft"h' ftfl•\'1' Utll lot k• t•ft ftlr nn thr tr uwn Rut '""' "''II rnmr"'''''"l1 fnr tlw ""''I~· laundt••tl 'II••· )olin£ '"'''""' ••I "rvt<'• •• ''"1"'''1•••1 '" 1.. •I ,.. ''"'. ot , , 1 •' """ ,,., •I "' '"" fl,,.lt up '"' "" r,.,.,, ""'""''' '""" '""IJ IJ)·~ 1 D. d ha\'f' "'hnt ·~ tnntamount ,,; ~n1ttt t tl:t!o-1 c•ullt't:r "-lth thf' nnnt.:flrq ;.nfl l:tlf•r Y.11h I "' Snt\run1•nlft .'t ,.,,, ''I•''''' • ..•• , •• Ill'''"""",.,;,,,. .. Whit'" ,,,,., lt••••l•·ltwll t.uu .. ,,.,, ,.,,,., A~a ~a ty ...,.,ar h:l<"kin~: frt•m th•• Au~tnl"\.~ Coon· ·n ... I (' J"lt" rl•lf••rrnt than f;, n l 'atlon'• Tturrl Army '''"' apply '"''"' '"'' ""''"" ,,, ' ,,. •I '"'' n '''''" tit• "'"'''' I'·"' ""11, A • • ( • Cll A thtn1 1":1nt1ttlatr hfi~ n,.,,. .. ''"' '""r ~·" l'tlllo·~· , .. h• l''f• "''" lht•llt'I'IJI'''''"n r .. rt··~ '" (;., '··n · llttth .. rllll'" '·•\ 'I ,• ,,,,, I .................... rruu•l• ~···" ,,, ... , ............... k. "'"'''"'"''" I ., SMISt In Mtylng r nrly not h•·l'n rl•'<'tt1c'<l urw>n pl.otn<'(f Th•" " r•••nl fu r II< m ,,,, "1•1•11• d f•or I• r "''!I t I" n "'ffll't<•n r f:••n•·ratllt '·•I•"' tl\' In t•• I ,I • '''" "' "'' '~I·'"""" '"" I•' llo• "'I 11•••1 "t ., • q ,, ' (} t w I M t hc•nou•·· \\1• "·''' II "''I"'"''"'"') '""'"""~II) z n \\ .. ,. .. "" d<·m ttnt1s " \• ,. ' ... Ill• Ill tho hll.:•· ,,, ..... .,, •. "' .~. ......... , .... , u e Cf)me cl un tiH• If•\" r • tluc.tflf•nsd lf'\•l thai ---------------------HH • "' •·I I•· ''"I' t r.dl1• .,, t hott l w() Aliens File As First in Race ~.~.~:.~,\'~~"~,;;;~~: .. :~~ ... ::: :::;~l·~;r::· ~~:; SEE DEVELOPMENT LIDO CHANNEL WATERFRONT '·'·w·k II ~ •. ~·,;:·:.~··,·.,·.:•, .. ·:~ .. ~~~.··,' ... ~.·:::~ fllllll; ... " :t l••rl•t r ... th••lart.;•l CG 50032 AIDED '"''''"""'"' ""''''"" I 'IIII•·•••MI In tho• n•• a r11 tm•• IV>l,.•rl 1 114•hl 111,1111111,.11 · .-\ lonr-rana,. ptan rnr tlfo•·rlottm•·nl nf thr \\',...1 J.lttu f 'h•nn••l .. ,. ... ,.,n.ul ''"• ,,. ... " l''"jN-....,1, It ~"" l.nl:''" 1 """'It .,,,d '•·•111•1 1\11.1 p,.,., All••n pit·-.·nl I'OttnCtlmnn from lf'amf'd today. t•rom Kina·• lAndin~ '" Thl' Rhln<·, t•l•n• ""' "" t.lw•ttrlr~t ' '" r•·lurltl'h llw •f'fllr•l ,,.,. ~VESSELS IN JAN. 11;..111t• l•·u•l ;on•l ''"" • '" to•tolor &lilt >II l<l,cnt1. h n' nlrrwl) ltlr.-1 "' '1 hnrn'"" • ''" t h t r• m•·n•l· '"' I"''' 'I"•' "1th nr~ • '"'I"""NI """' ,,.., for )'IW'ht .. nwn •n.;ft,h••MJw-t> a.llk... '"'' "' ,. "' '". ,,,, "' 't 'I ''' t • t surt~,,..'fi hun-.;"tf f•lr a.notht'r t("rrn •nJ ,.,, ut t.n till .tl• P·~'' t }1, ,,. + • + I --• • • f ' ''' , •' ,, tl • "' I•' •,~,;,' • I'' , I tUl;ll, II• ·• u ..-' ,.,, •• '" ,.. t.. I ' ,. Anrt runntnJ.: tno. "·'IJ l"w't R L Al· ~l;,IH"ht ,,f~ \\'"''''fu(t nu r c r :ttH•O A ~1 1 1t!f,., \\,tf•tllt•n' tl•·\•·1"1' ,,, '''-'"•' ''''"•'· J(,,f,.,,r • •Ut • ., ''' ' ''"''"'' ,,,,' "'"" ,._, \1• '''" ,,,,,,,1 "' :--;,.,,,,, ~\u.~t "''• t ~·•· .~. ;, fl••tlft•r f•\tnOlun l rn•tlt '"·'' t..,••tJn '·''t•n l;1y NIW~OifT 1, . ,,,,,,.~h '''"""'''"•' •• 1 t •• t'-'••ft I •• ,, .. , f,n -.lt u•tl tf "'"''' 1t11 ,,,,,,.,~ ,,, tt.., ('til lrn, llnlh.>:t 1111•tnr·« mnn. Wh11 Wll' .. lhr ftl"'l c·nntltt1ntr tn nnnounrr Jlllltur •·•·II· •• Ill q ••••ttltl •• n.t ;:ro>~llttl I '' •klltr n·~t ''' K••w ' Hl"""r.J '''''1"'"1 1··· '''"'''' ''' •·I· I'••"'''"" '"'·''''· ot•d ,,, ,~,.,~,,tl•tt•· ,,, ul'''""' IC···" f , "' ""''"'""~ .. \'V'." and \\hn \\'Ill ,,Jn lndf•llf'ndr·n tl) C"nh~t , llllt•J't ,,, • 11•1 '"''' "' t I' J.nntlln~ flfl tht• \\fl'' Lid O ('hann• •·· '. ,,., ,, "'', q I r \\tflt ""' lrl'l tJI ,,,, "q'""'•''''" n-'" h t ofl "'' t ... \\i ,, • .,.,,, •• '" It II' ,.,,.,. .... , .. ,r'ff - on II "J:I\'(• •lw 1'11\llll'il h;~rk In th·· llll 11111t:tl "llr"llm• nt rof :-""' •Ill ITllllk•·d ····lllnt• IH'• ttl••nt ro( ('p oll .... , Tt •• '''"'"'I. lo( ""'. ,.\ I•·• It··~"··' •• r "" '\"'"'" "''"'' v ,,, ... , .••• \V ..... 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''"""II ·,,.,, •••• , .• , ••• ,,oj.,,,,,, lh··•••ll' Wl.de Support,' Busl·ness ('nuncJ·I S"llys c·r··•· ,,,,, "' '"'' · In•· "'11 •. ,,,. ~ • ''00 ,,:-· · •··· • ·• " ..... ~···1 '''"''1 '"' ·1, • ·' ...... ...... • ......... ,... • • ..,. •''""· , ............... , 1'' :>• •tf' ..J'J n l r•r•·· tflut\ ''"t.:l• "''''' ,.,_,,,,,,, "\\ . =--~ ·•' '"'"' I I• f'f .u· ''" l ulr. ,,, ,,, ·' tl • 1'•1""' ,,, •• d '-"''''·•t 'r t,.,,., I' t···n •·• trl f"'""" "lf+t•'•tl 111 rru tott1 1r1 ("•1d••""' ~ I 0 f•,, 1 ll 1dd )',,, ,,f Jlul .. ,t 't1 \'••• 1111"1 '' :•)o( q,, ,,,..,,t A••V•'I• fir~ IT\ ''""'"" 'l"·k··'nlolll fill '""'·'" r .. , .\•h·· ., '" hr, •• d ...... I • I' ltu• n,j ... ,, ...... ,~0\trlf'd hi h.t1 h••r 1h•' r·,~, ;r.~.n· I \\d l t..-•• k•d .. ,,,~ .. ,,,,, \\ill ... ,.,,,.,,, .• rj ,. ~-. fi r ',, ·n ·r·' f ...... 111 d '••d t\ 1'1 ' Pldl• ····I .... ,,, ·~ •trl.lrll lf '1 ''11 ''"' ''''""'' I I II . 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I f , •••• lft\A.d • I ••• 'I •1 ' ~ I '"' '''" II t•Kttf•'·•'-\'"""'' , ,,,,I ,, •'I 'd "''tl; ,. ·~·I •"-1\ '''"" ., •• • • '" I df, .._,,+JIJ,, ttt f d Jfttllll l tlt•·ltnliUIIIItf" lo• "~'~' r n•tl ··~n•••• nn•l tit•• "''"lrt1· ••f ,,,.,,,..,, ~h·· ;\1.,,1 1'\ t·.anutptl ··l .. ~rurl ,,,. t·J.,,r "''1,.,.,,· ld"tf ,,, •· ,,,, '''' .-.t.ur• · ... •· • 11 ,1 .,,,, 1111,11 ,,, .,,,1 J• •" •t~>~··'· h .• ll·•' ;t M hf'•ndu•rP ,,, th .... ,,,I·, .. , .. ! ,,,,,t \lit ... ,,,, ...;;,, .. , 'II• rr····' I• ... "'"-' luul• h .,. utlttr rmrk \\til. ), •• ·,,,1 ,,,, ., ,, 1 .. ,.., •• ,1 ., '\t ··'''' ,t1•1rt•·r prr,\tr11n~ (f;r n rt') m .an th11 l1tH•· ttl•\ h•\• r11.trJ• "' f.nr dort J u tr1JJ., fp,ra, pl .• n~ r•t ,,,.,,nit 'IJt tltttllr' d ft., t, .. l h·ll• 1 '' '' ,,,.,,, 1''' '' •·•"'* 1•· • '' 1 I •• '1 lf1•l '"'•' "' , tJq-'-'" l"•tltJII''" '11t•• I t t fr·r If \A. I '''"' J •f•-if t I ttlllt•tf '""I'' f"Jf• I,. •It ,,., h•• •'••)u t•• '"'' n n) 1 .. " lo r •• , " t lrn•· 1c:.-r r .. rm ·•f s:nw·mm,.nt If tha• l,.r n • .l I•''"' ·•·•·•mottt-1t1or<tl lov l'htlmt•r' l ll•·•ltrnok "'"' 2rnorn•·l hro·tktr••"""'''"' t ,,,,.1 "1\•r "' tlh•t '•f~'""~ ••I "'"" • , ' J • t J• I • • I ( ( c - Old House Numdering-5ystenr8iv-en Back to Cos a Mesa SUPERVISORS GIVE UP-ON 'NEW' SYSTEM -------------------- Page 2 :"'a t. \\ I' 0 It 1' I L \ I. n 0 A !'l t: \\ ~ -I I \I I :0. I T ill It'll\\ '''" !"''' II· "II, I ,.111 I ol• I ll. I !IIK ! LATE NEWS FLASHES (~reenhacks Unn't 'Look So (;oud tu . I • 1 \J, .... , f11 , • 'nc·w' hf• 1 • •• ••• It Is arru Foto-Views · . !Warren's Crime Commission to Give Reports t \'1'• I ll• * * • Insurance f. ... rl:t UNITED PRESS ( 'on ~resswnm a n • r, ·lld•·ol ·l•nrk to tJ1. · n '' .. r ttw c•ftu ,, .. '' .... t.r' to n ·pl By WALLY GERHARDT f11,1 IJt u:,:r1, .. t••IN!If~ ft•unt c;.,, 'rtllll' \\';orl'"ll', II\ • <J•'I'IItl t'rllll• I ('u rnrna, ..... ,,., \\Ill tH• '-lttun1ll• fl 1•• p. a. palmer IN COI,O IAffO \1 ' I I w o bucl . <nsuronce counselor . .. L A. Jews Flee Arab Ambush It,' I ' • ... •• '1•1 had lf!NI '"' c;.,,,.,u .. r '''"' th• lq:hl:•t•u, lltholll ;\l.rt·h 1, 1!11• ''·If<· dt•(t:ll t·j • '"r "at ••r '' .-11" ,..,,. •• an all ln•·nt r•t f'qrr • t'ltttn, h:t~ •• n nt,tUH'• tl 33 33 vro li do, newpo r t telep hone newport b each. beach. cold ! • , It I.• ,. 1 111 ' ,, .1 I 1\ I .' \ l I \I •I I' ,,, 'r at''·.,, 1 • ,, •• , .. ,\f •• , u ·',,h .... '" -i 1 f II ,, I ', d.. t '••"'l ta ~,, ..... tl •' h• ,. lht ~ lt•ft • 1' • • 11• l oil~ lu•t·n d t· , 1 .... , •• 1 .. n•·\\~ sy,;rt•n "'"' '"". \\ •· 11111~ ha\ ,. raliunln&' 1,, '""""''r .• \\ hat '" ~our uplnlun ~ l lno•('tnr Hwh.tl t1 A. \It'(;,, <,ud j tho· r•·t~ll •~ 11 dl ''""'nar11o· \\ttf'k •Ill:\ A LI.I·:-:. lllll~j.;ISt -:.!0 1 Jll'f'fortll•·d 111 tho Jllt•l tftrt••· I'' 1 • ,\\'''"'' 1\;oll•••• h l .• n tl \\',. lllorllho;, 11111 Jllolt,tltl\ '"'" 1 lll<'llld•• h.::rbor 1500 * * U nll•ol • " '•p•·:.l J, , l·r: r'""' ttu· ,.,,. t ,.,.,.., •ft •. # •h ,, f"if'hl f ft1fl1 I tt"' ,\J,tt t \\I I ........ la• 1.• <1 I 1 \< ,,, 1o '""' •••I " ,,,,, f""SC"'.tl •1 1' \\ '' I' l••f 1• t1 .til ht•ll 1a 111. 1\ I; ' I t • ·lfh -''"' stnrt~,. ;1 '"" ., 1 11 I'"' t n l\1 .. " '" h •·nntus i<>n 1 ' •I r•lu"'d "' '""'•d•\nt'- · hould u ~ •' our ·J••••il t(' ro·o'"lllllh·n.t ''""'s "' J•l<l· "'' n ~ltUrCl' ot 1.11''·"' 1 ''\tll<J'trlt.: I•·J.:I,filt 11 ,. "". \\,1ft I , ... t'.tt•··t 'l'•fl I IIIII~ ·•' 111"~11 111' ltulw:lllllll lh.tl Ill<' t'<llllnll~"i"ll' •11"1 <I 1'·•111101n~J "'''"" hu'"''''' 111 tht•lf' ""'''''' '" n•·•·•~ ... ,t·y 1•• '':ttl""' h••"•'\tr·. Jt,..., t'llfrl" frurn SAM'S SEA FOOD II I ,,\ '' t I' I I \1 I \I \hll\ '" \ i'' r ' I' •' • , 1 ' \\ tlllfni'•'I'U1~ sy~t hr II d H 111 ilil la.~t \\ ol 11 , • .. u rol' numb•·• "Sign of th1' Swol'dfish" ,.l h It\ f \ '. t I .. t" h 'J ' II H \ an ;,r l• I •'i*tl 1 ,tJ , r I• ~,, •u · on u ....... 1 ''"•'., •t 11 ,.. tl• r t'Jl"'' ... 1111 .. J1), ltl ,, I I I I t ,,. Ill ... , I •I "'I I• ( 'ustellu Takes Dt• Val era Post J'l(ld • '" 'ht .... ... .... th ... II ' l fif"'1't ·~-.11· I It it. .,,,, I• •I I • ,, , •• thrntu•fl , '••••trl ~q,ll•t "• ,., '•t '••t d· anr.-•> 1'1•~ 1, ,,u•t , ,, \\ , .... 1 • •• • :t. • ' .. 1, ' , I'• ., I• ,,,, "' ltlth" .... '"'' ,., t!tl, I • I I ";. !-. .... 11 • f J• aaht t ... , ''fl'' , ~ ·~ ",, ,f 11 1 '·I t1 It It I I II. t '.tlll \f d, .. , .. , \ 'I Itt .... 1 ,, IIH pit\• •}' lfl II .. I ..... h t \tttll ,,, ,.,, I • I ''" "'' •\lflillt.: \I .l&r. It f I .. , ·····" tllll•l tl ,,,, ..... ...... I I l ltl t l ttl t ,,. I II u n 4r p II ... \ ·.r .. I t I •'" I 141 I 'l'IUctv r~~ 1 II• l••·•nl t1••• ~'•11hM'11l lhh l ... •' , ... qtd tlt•l soh., \I I J•l .. lil•·m. h······ l,tl ••ttru"' IU""ISit•d UJ)It' ld rt IH•fun• ,. I f fit I I\ ""'I\ lt'l• "'f)Uicl lll"-ltl • ~, fa 1 r •n••llu r -..uu1,, 'f'h• ... 1•1,, ''"'' t'l•, dl'lltflllfl<lll .~,L:Uhi,IJ :O ll))ll'o l"•ll•d ·I IJ:il iJ! till loll II. \\,• '111••111111' 'IIIHlltllo d hi lh< l'nlll• ~II" II I rl ,hn\\'· """"'II 11 hu h ·'1'1'·"' ,;,1, l.l\ 11 , "''' il't'tftttn ..... •·~·:d ••t ullnth''''" '"" ft~Ul'll Ill• ,, li•tc·-· tiiUilt•(h · ue·,., tll'1111""1 \\11JI'''\..; \\lin f11t .IHHtlfH.!' \1\\IJ il~ ''' t't•flh lhiii'L.'h \\llh l•l jU•'-hd 1111 l'~• ........ hl, I thud .. 1111 c "•utn· ,,.l .. rrn,1111,u 'J I 1,111 t. t\t lfiP,h• tf ll11' ,_f\,\\1 1 HI I Jllllhl· Jll ... 1114•1• '"'' ttltHIP .. h .t . .!.. ,r, 1 MTie "East of Seal Rt'at Open Da ily 11 a. m. to .t. _:;. J. • COCKTAILS, SEA ami ,-at Surf 11:30 p., m. FOODS 4!\".ttunud )a,'"'"'''''"" •d Itt• ' '•t '''''' I 1 U nl1•11 .J, "••h \t•l• d '" '·" \ •. ,1 • '• I '· '"' \ ' • • illlll1• d ,,, I\ 1 l u pfp' • 1t .t fill tit • \frfll1t •• II"" 1•1t lt Ill"' h iO\H I It ••••• -... l,t•· Jtt• '•• I',., ... '' It• t• I' ul .. ,, ~1 • I \ ... t,u •II I 14 lift 1i1.!• •·f •t..:.hl 111:111. '""' ln"'l ft!lh th •I•P• .tf til' • Ill lhr I tltlllilltt I '.U I ... I '" I ..... ' f 1 II til, .... ,lit •I \I · 1\ • '' lll(ltlnL: ( ·, ~ •, • 1 • ''' ••·•••·~~ s nunlt• '' 1 I r ,,,,,,r~t nut prnvJd(' a •· .. ,, Ill "' lt<'llllanll\ llnrl Ill";_ w reeking Yards '' "' ,. .... ,, ,..,,n~ atldi lton d \\,tl~r 1•.:• 111'1 Ill ,,, .. , ... l'ly lllrurmlll~,; I To Be under STEAK DINNERS NJd thP Attutu.1n, t•h 1ht l 'nt."" I 1•••1 '' 1,.\\tl •" It tdtl 4 ··" i til lln1• I<•IJI u~o ltulo d '"" ·'"'"'' j' '"' '"' 1'111 ' '' oi<11"11 Ralilll \1 ,, 1\11•''' """ ·'"""' I· ,,, , .... I I I• ,, I Ill ... I • 'I State Marshalls Expt.•rts For Feh. 2:t Tidelands FiKht ~ + " f ~ •• ( •, ... I I \" '1"1.1 11" fJI08111I I t ' 1 t rt 1 .. t. d ..... CuiJnt~ Cuun .... I •II.'"' Itt I'Ottl)"'ti~Hit• Jnr tht•lr ... "~~""·· .. , '"·· r.:•·"l') .. r •h· 1 Surveilance "''ruat 1nn .t .L ~.t l'hont'!<o: l.on~ IW!U'h X·lll·i 9, 802·1HI a.ncl X2-l-11.3 •111-:t-lnuw . J• ,..., I•" "'" ,., 11. '"l' • ·I• 1 to ,of, r ''"I' '" 11 • , ,,, • L u ... }una.: ~t t-B• t t: \1.,ut H'•· t' h tnd• 1 .. ud• n• • tit' .... I • ;• •fl "'' I<OtiiJ!ollll< I ''"" ''·•~11 1'11 .I II! I ' , • .,, I•\ •• \tilt• .. , I.'". I ,.,,,,., 1,., I • •• • "·" mstrur tf•d • ,,,,, ,, ... , .. Iilii uf numt)(lJ in" ' , d .. ,. tlu •·•n:1nnl nl<'lhnd• ,, I 11 ,, 11 11 [ "' ••..:•n' 11 \\ ,\1.1.\' ll I'Al·~ ~l A;\:-; J,.,. 11111 l.tquur' • llldlxta lslflncl \Va- to I. ~til uf Lu' An~t.ll' ~' tl lfUI II ' t • • t1 • t '''" t .. I h• l 't u 1t \1 r Jack I h 111111, uf S "' lt11 ,: .. t 'otl I "' •' l' .. ln•'''' ~~~' lla/dC!Il .• lol 11 1' '1111' huc1 ·'''"Ill•' I.•H"~ i\mlr-r~nn, 1111• I ' ""' hll,.Jn<·s~. GRILLED ALASKA SALMON EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY One-Third Reduction tor O ul!lrc-n Houn 4 to 12 p. m. CATERING TO PARTIES AND BANQUETS Oodrta8a A vallable OOied Tuesday ~\1'1:\\11 ''" .t i'• t"oll ''1''""""1 111• c·u,ta 1\lr aCh"" I "'" l'u nt'•'d •• '""" •" · • I • 1 "' "' ""' ""''' I·•, .r 1 ·.,mm• n••· m upposlng 11 , 11 '1 11 rnl~:hl h1• I •'I""" '" 1'11 "''"' t''-•lllllt""IJ•ft"'"' rttUlll~t tlf1'-! rll4.'thod!C, ,._11tl d l rl~h t for "' q'"'' , .... ! II• '" '"''' tid• I •""' "I '" tt f;-, I"' r f'••nt ft( < .. ~tu 1\.-h,~ '"' J•.tthuu.: St·rt· t\lfl:l • "'t••f•lf lu 1rU1~ .. 1111 tl,• t•t1 tft' •tt,t •·c.lf tiln~ 11 JO favor Of th• oU'I~. J ;,m 10 'I I 'I'H' ' It Ill hdl '" •• , .. n an '" ,.._ .,, tl ~'''•'Ill II '' ttr of hulrlen~ l \\ ,,,.,1,. 1,.1, ~, ,, .!:1 I _ ___ 1 t.:•·n··rnl l'I~·C· . . . M . P . r· -~ .. ,, "If h S(M., ••• ·'~'"'"'' ,,. "'''Ill I·•· <t ' ''""· 3JOr act IC f .. , r ,,utt t' thlt11 tu.t' • '" \\til 1 .. I 114 PI up,."';d~ •Jr '"'""'11•<11•1 m•t•t•••'"' '"' I•I'I'·I P t R t d l "•lthn~ th•· prnhlt•rn '"' ~'"'n as Or S epresen e I''"'"''' ~:,, n 111al1~·. I thin k WI' '"'"'' ''"""I''''''' .. n '"'' l.uuf, ,,, · ,,, 11 '" "' t11111_,1f '"" 11,.1111, 1 ~ o Sh" • T Jk 11111 '"' furl'• ct 111 jmn lh~· ~ll•l ru- "' Ill• ,l.off rho• l.'lolllt pl.m tu t n 1pp1ng a S I J••It l.tn \\a lt·r lll<;lfl('l liS ftUr only ,, it\,. ,.,.,I 'h ,, \\' l k lo .•• tt•nd ~ • -. • i i!\.,Urant'f• nr an ttdt'(JUHtf· and c·nn· I ) I I I t 1 t SA< fL\\11 :"T11 rl P I £\'1 11 ,1;'"' 'lll•l'l" \\'p s hould ho w· 1 ,.. 11"'' 1'"1:' .,. 1' 1 11 ''1 '' " '11 •· nl·•J"' I"" 1 "" lh•• Parir1c Coa-.t ,.,,.,, try ,,; "'' 1h1s rn w;th o ur I .. r-.nulft I uf lttt 4i.f n ••• JUCht'll·r~ II I'HiflOUI ft t• 1~<-l.t: lUI\ 1'1' IS ttOT( \\1 I" r• pr• ~· nlt•ll nl lhl' WI'Stf'rrtl pn•'\••111 wnlt·r !'~"'''m ns f•ffii'H•n lly '~'""'''"rt ''"'~' n ;nf••rrnce wh.H'h "" po;..sihll' 111 11rd•·r to ki'Pfl frvm l'nrt\• "'" lrl Slln 1-rnnr1sco On f , It ~~·nal1110~ lht• tax ))o"l)l'r. 1-''' ·•11 ''" '11" n<'•' l'hl'Ck by ''"'I LARRY S IIH:LDS • Ruild••r • c·t.,\HI-\1! 1:-:T K··nn•·lh M '1 tl• '11·""1"'r or l'tlrnme rce d1~· 1:.!1 Garnrt. Rnlb(la lslnnd. i\!( a Smith. 11 l'oornunu < ••llo a;•· '''"'' 111 ••h••••rl ltuddl'r. waiC•r is 11r 'Ill N rla)trunl A••· ll.tll"'a In .ollr111•Pn to rrpr<'St'ntath'MI a pnmary con- J,JJtnll. 1;. On<' of '<IX qudl'nl uf· nf l ht 1'11 11 'o, hl'lld"' o r the lan:t•, ('l•rn hI' C aU S t' ru'f•rs '" '"' prtl!l\1011 rl Ill lh·· IU I')'(" r.lllrfliiO, "'''llrn~htp. airline n nd thl' luck or it 111111 111 f'omonll t'ollt•~t•, II('Cordtnl: lrllt'klll~ I'Ontpllnil'l! WIJI attend t hf' will S 1 O p ru- t.> a n nnnoun1·,•rn• nt m ad•• lhts "'' •·lrnl! Plan~ for dl'vrlol)mftlt or r. u r r drvl.'lop- "''''k t1y Culonl'l 1 ~-. c nnrk1•, fun ra;n trs.dr· tr:.Hic via Pacific ml•nt or t h e pmfl·~sur o r m tlltury s1·u·ncl' a nd l'!IIISt J)()rls nnd coordination ef· rommunlty . I l.~t·tt<'l< Smith .,. as l'rvmul• d f rom l<.rl!l f1•r •urh stmtula tio n wW be think it was 8 till' l:f Afit• ut fu·st ~l'rJ;:••ant 10 dl"'<'tlS~t"d Shl\ml' WE' didn't • a•l• t "' mntl IJo·lll•·na nt join \\'MD whl'n ------~---------------------------------------------------Food Cos~ w~ h a d a t For LuXw y with Economy- Go Cl1air Car on - LOI a•OILII • CNICAeO UXutt\'-ICO.OMY-111'1101 '\"1>U ~et allrhrte _.hen >~)U t.v \lot cluir car on the sucamlmeJ , amooth·ghJm~ Nl ll' G·Ur, St.ltt-the li ncst, fiutest e:nra.fa.rc tnin in the hi~tory of Southern Plcilic'a l.u -t#tilwdt GoiJen Stste. Route. Yo u srreJ fro m Los An~ d es to Ch i< ago in just .C5 rcteful, arcftre hours. A lururiouJ, reclinin& dait Ia youn-pcnonally-for rhe entire trip. h 'a Dambcrtd-racrvtd for you in advance. Pot your pleu~. thttc'a 1 new, handsome col'cc ahop·louogc with 1 bar as ,.,.ell 11 a apacioua ctining t«tioo aervina delicious mcall • modeftlt prica S·P ••• '"••41r So1tier1 r•clllc E. B. SHARPLEY, District Agent 530 ~orUt Main Santa Aoa AltO '" \'Ill •••n in transcontinental Pullm2n ac-rY•~c. it's the ~'>['It' Gc/Jnt SIJit too: sleek, JtteJ.mltneJ a rs ,.,.ith full choice o f accommo- dati•Jns: sections, roomeu cs, bedrooms, com- psnmenrs, dra~ 1ng rooms ... ne"llo' J.nm ,.·ith I\ A~. MexiC.tn· imr•rcJ drcnra11ons ... m•'•!<"m (,,un,cc (ars ... throug h Pullmans to New York anJ St. Lours. eo "eOLOI. IYAfl"t• •••• I•• yeur ""' &r S. '· Agel'lt lor .,.,.),,..ofio,., rtt•rw-oHo• D. W . HOLTBY, Agent 2.;th k ('o&"t Rhtl. 11 .\rl~e•r Create Problt'm rnnn· •• ,,.r '""uto nil J,!f'l twhind lany rny-llll!ent mmf'm•·nt thai 11111 In Nutrition ln~ur""'"'" ~uppl~ tn thl' rltl1rns This 11m<• 11·1·, not muff 11 h) ~.\C'ItA;\It-::-:l'l l IUPI. Thr l m11do•qt1,1t•· ""ftl.t11tllort of tlw i:<· ,,.,,,. II•JI·<rtml'nt .. r puhll<' h••alt h ~Ill'S 11 '"'"'d "'"'' 111 '' th•· rnnt••• nulntH•II proh· I• 11-11"11 '''''"'"'' to rts "''' 111inn $200 · C , '" .... ,, .... d 1111• ··tl) tn lho hil:h '" amera , ... ,, "' r .... .r Equipment Taken Tl · ol• part nv • 1 ~:lirl in a •• llOrl !•· 1 ;, '• 1 nor E~~rl \V~trr<'n. "nurn-Pa ul \ Poltull 11'1 '1'111 '!""'''' ·•~'''"' t••t"'''s ,,, r••t't l\•d (t)r A\P, Ht n•it l""l,uHf t•IHWI•d 1t1 ''' •'• '' tl \1 hll'l1 \\111 11•·11' J ontiiii'S poilr<' lit I Ill• lu•lll• hat! lto•o•n ''' 11'1•1 In lu ·11 prtl<" ""' ~1111 ••nl• ro ol , d II• rn~ ' ollh rl .11 '-.!110 II • t 1ll1ttlltrtt n .. d, , ..... toltn lr~• IIi''''" J!,,t.,tt ... ltKtlll \lut\ pt ~~hl•ln ,.,, ..... ..: in'• ,,, th" A l\1 ~ """ t'llf1hl 1 •ttHl pn• .. t,• d' · t), ,, '"·t~<~ 1 '"' ,,,.,, ... uch J'''''''r .u Ht " t~t • 'I~· ... •Jt • tlt• '' r " .._ tnd 1 ~·. "' h.'"· , ,, 11 ft'c1 "' n• lt'lt l ~" '1••1• n lt11 !Itt 11 lttlll••d 1t w• th t•lt• tl \h••Jl .tH'I'\UI't d '"''01f11tl1t 1••1 \\+tll ~ ttlll ! I tl I •• ,, ......... t ,, • 1 1 ~ I' 111 .. I ! 1.!. S port Tops • • • Scat ( '()n:•rM TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP t\ u tom o l'~ ti e U ph olstcri n ~ B 11;1t and T ru ck Cushions 1 :)();) \\. t•st ( '(•ntral Newr>ort Bcach II \RHO R 1910 They Are Rich L~~;~s FRESH DAILY Alive or Cooked t1ll't of ~p ~ Trout • F\let of ~k C.od t:,,.,,,.m &atloJll" • Sbrtmp • Abalone Steaks 0~"-tf'N. tAict('m .t W.ten • FUet of Sht"t"p Head FISH MARKET \\110LE8ALB AND KETAIL NEWPOJI'I' B&ACB !ltMI ST. A~l> LAFA~ PRO~ BAJLBOa Ill !I 'PI ''''"' motur \'• h 1< I• cl• Jlfl!'lnwnt II •II ••onrl1wt 11n H1fo rt'll ,. rho•c•kup nf IIIJI<IIIlllllllo• \1 rt t'klnL: )' :t r ol !' lhrnllduotll ('alii"'"'" in 01n ,.ffo rt ''' '''II h l.'llr th•·ft ~ lt··..:1<n ,., Thom .... \' :\l.lll•n•·l .mnollnt·• II BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ !\lnlnn••y ~1111i <1111•1 1111•·•·,., wnrk thrmu:h ~Om•• "'' •·k••r<o 1" ~•th· "' il111t• lit'•·n ... • and ''IlL: lilt' nllm· lu•rs of 11111111) tlo·muh .. ht·ll ''""~ '"'' tlw Jllli'IM•lo•· •hf , ·'I :<1•1 i<hnig .. ,.. l•·n:-•hlo· "'' nt·rshrp II•· pl:.n~ '" a:.,.IJ:Il Jl IO\t•>ol11.::11t01< l•l lht l'lw('kup Wftf'k C In!' nf thP 1mport:tnl purpn<t•S ol lh t• nil\')' In tmw nf lia r i< lu C'()n lrnl lhf' wah•rwllyl' for l1UI own us!' and to d1•ny lh••m 111 th•• t•nrmy, So Inn~: as lhf>r(' rs trilfftl' on lh<' SC'II~. "'" w111 n<'<'<f n na\'y 11n d it must hi' thl' l)('st rn lh(• b<>~t wo rld. tSf'f'rNary or t h r :-:a\')', .John L. Sulli\'an l 701 Slat St. Harbor 581-R I.OIANOIL .. MCXlYWOOO lONO IIACM LESTER & Co. PASAotNA ~ IIYIH iot SANTA ANA SNftA-ICA l'~Utrebft' LoJ A"I 'I'J Stodt fxch-t • 515 EMt Ceatnl Ave .. Balboa Harbor !061 Newport BMcb INVISTMINT U CUIIfiiS ro Mtn rHt INVISTOIS' NIIOS are in our shop sells cars • • in our showroom 1'/u, lu,l lt,r 1ft> f.'fU'(/."\ ,n, ·u totlt~v tlu., IliON' Ford . .., .~t'll ·~ 1011101'1'01(' . \\ ,. """" 1h.11 tlu· o'll•toru,·r '' ltn'• l•nJ'I" ••illt illtr ...... r\1••· \\ell \\HUt l u :!•'I u u .•ntr f, ... , f,,r a lh''' c.1r .. T h .• a·a <Ill<' l11~ r•'ll"'" ''I" ,,.. "'·''-''it n 1'"111 1 I•> ci•e t lw h•-.1 I nnl • ,.,,. f.,r (, -~ lllltlh'~-. \nol fnrlull,tl•·h ,,,.·ro· in I Itt• po·i!i"ll In ,J .. it. t lur 4·"l'~ h ·r<l -o·r~'"' ,.:i••·· ~~~~~ tl1r •• .tuuu .• ;.:•· of I. F•r•·tralnPd MPcohanlf"tl •• , their ellperiC'nce NYee rou time and money 2. Geaal..e F•r• Parta ••• m'de right. fit right and lu& r longer 3. Faetery .. ppreve4 Met .... 0 o o enginMr•dalped (or better aenice at lower eoet 4. 8,_..1 F•r• E41•1..-••t • •• juet right ror Fordt. Saoree you time. money and trouble a. Ce•v•••••• •••••• T ...... Come U. 10011 aM 1ft for yourwlf wAy Ua.ere'• no place lib .. Mme .. jM Ford H~. • Yo"' fertl 0..'-'1,,._,,.. ,_,..,_,_Hie f-..1 AIIM Srt.w, S.,.cfcry r.-l"f' -NIC N-'. l..,._ 1e Hie fen# U·-· S .... ct., loii•••-•-·NIC N_., s.. ,.. .. ,...,..,.., ,., ,;-.,d ,,.,_ ~Dealers know Fords best! THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Deafer Since 1921 2Znd A C'ntra.l PbotM! Rubor t8 ('A I>'f. II \t(IO l'lllt.t.ll' 1\11' Jlrt•.,•ult••l \\ilh 1111• 1\·ltHtl Jot :tlll- lytt• dina: h .\ h~ I ht• ~ a<·hl •mt•fl ur ',.,, l'"rl lin''"'' "h<•n h•• 1 l•ll•"' ht'n-11r1oor lo '4·111na: llfr 1111 hi• lhlr.l ·r.,unti·IIW·\\ttrltl '"'"1:'' "hldl ~ndt'd In " hurrk 111w In ,, ... ll••hrtd•·'· · 1 Local Y urhtsman Told Drama Mo thers Circle Meets. OES Club fo form ~~" I h i !\: 'l 1 Of Loss of Fanl('d Pidgeon \'awl 11. ,,.,,, 1 l11\u ~u.t uh ........ ,., ,,, ·It" I 11 ... "''n•••' 1 ... 1 ,,.,.., J ~" J .. 11ut. 1 "l~h ''II ut ' l'uh~' ''1\ ""' "'''" I '"lil \\.J-J..L lllLJ. tn.L} h.n .• lll \~II' '"""".,... •nrh.,-i .,,,,trtHi ,.,, .. "',rtr1 "-," .... ,,,, "'' l h• .. t tlld "''htl•• Htut "'"~ ,,,,I Ill .1 IHIII h tfh til lht :\t•\\ ,1,., id•• ,,1 .-,•nh~ h.h k, '" ""lt'ltllh'l""' 1\1 t J,htr t, ... ,l,ilt _ ..... hut lh• "'k iJ•I'•I 'll~t ti-J~II .Ut' l~t't•II UII\ ... t,:.1··~1 11111 Itt "u, .. u.r .... 1r.~.. l•ut t• '' ,. ttt\ h Ptlh" llP\\ tt '' 1,,1 ••• , I h. u I'' \\ ... I t•tt-: •• , .. ,, ,,,, .. , • \ I I 1 h t ......... Hh' It II"' ltl\.tltt 't,dh I '"'' ··"· tt1Uit I lflh Ill II• dllt lllltHI ~·1 II illlllt • .. •h • \pl.tlth .. t hlo\1.,~ '"·'' r ~\ ll tti\IH Potl._. , .. , .tl tU.tri.IL;,t I ••I' tho • II•' \\ ,, l•olll lt'td,"·l,\ Hi'UI(' ht1 l\11 ti U' J\•lt·f!h•'IH' ttfhl J",•lt•· Ul lh.tl l 'hlt.;••••H \\I' Itt lt,i\'t' ~~I' ;:t.lj•h ( -..' \\lu• ,, lu tu•··ll ·'~····h i · ll\•'l ••d Ill• '\4; 1•••1 )tl\\ I t.• !lw "'''" ~nut h''''"'" ln ... t ll\111• "I"'" t'•tl1\ tt 1111t,1 •• k 1,, •I\• , I• 1t, 1 111,111 pl. tlntt nt 1h1, •hu•l r•>~lfltl rh, l 'd\\.tHI :-'tH!lt• 1••1ttlt t t11.111·tt-.:• I ttl \\lldd \U\.t~t' th (. •t tlllll "·" ht t•lttlt .trl.l '""I! t · .. t.: .... ,·l '" ~~~· •.• tlt•tl 11 lllll "~ t 1'1 11 11 thh. ••I th•· l't•h. •·••h' '' hh'h IAirt\· l tt.'.tt'h I Jo'"" .. \n..;• 1.' h;tl'lwu ''' l't'I'Ollllh'tf 1h.t1 I h•' I .tllh 'd 7~ ~ t';ll • IU.tk•• "'11).111•1'1 .If I hl""ll ll ~ ._:uin..:: uld IIH\I._;,IIt~t tlllli ht"" \\1(,• \\til' dlttUI\1 \ th•• \\tt•ttf ""11\,.!lt• lHtl\tJ.'1J Open~ Chiropradic· Offic·c in M('sa l . S. Na,·y Offers Sele·d ion of , "'"""'· ::n .. , :-;,.,",.,'" Servirt.• Sc·hool~ ___ 1_ , ··-· M~ l'rt'<' ~rmNmrr"rt- 1 "1"'111111: PI 1\1-. ttllwo• II•• \1111 1'1 II'· 1111 thtlttl•l '"' .ttttl t ft uLI, ..... tlt l Jl\ tf f,t ... U•\\ lt~~t tf h•U ''''' '\ "• • Hl'tl } \1 \;,I \\tt~llt f till• ht It' t I t•l11 1 :-: .... 1•1• .•• $t·,.t.-h l8pl'. \'llriiiiiS IIL••S, \ln ~nit' 111 lhr Ni'WS·T111u·~ I '~ '1. 11 \ I • I I 111\ltlt.: Ill \11 t '"'"'" ,J •••I 1\ lh tl lho• I I S '1\, ~~-' r., • .. 1 Ia h ...;, lhtt•l '~r.ut· li tft' \\ t ft I' t t t ( t I I tltt qtl th(l I I I It'"' .... It ' I h •II ,,, .t .... 1 \'lt't' '''ht'l4tl I"''' , llli•llllf 111 l lu· 11)'111:11 I ',,, t ,, n tq d •' h• t\\t•• tl flli• Hl:t'' 17 tnd :t J '' h" ''. , l1•d "" 1•1• '~.,u ... rtuiP tl \ ''''''' tl• •h~o.•ltl•• ... " '" ,. ' ' • tl I 'I I h t 1 ,.1 I I II \'I I ,,,..., t \\ttl I ,.. Ut ., . I " \1 1 I t I I I I II \ t•""J I \' I ' Page 3 l•t I " .. · ~Inn• Thctn $700.000 it \ .lt't'l)~, t'ars I I I pit I •ll I .\ru l 'l at·hint·r~ tu Ht• Sold h~· \\':\.\ ·~ \\ ~· I It • •I ~ ..... -.-~~ ll tth•l"'-4-.atff I • \ ,,,,It , .... 1.\t I t ft t \ If It \\ tl \,t tl It , I " " I I \' '"'' I' \\I dlttl•,lllu •·•I 1.••11\ I q "• \\til he· I • • \\ \\ 1 .. htt1t I n" Hh •I I •• \nt I "' t '11 J , 1• 'll \ t. t tl, It H put ..... tf ,,, • .~"'I t I <''····· Httf 1ft I h qtlt l!t ~lt t t• t t 11! J•lu\\Jl. I '""''"" t "'' I \, It ••• ' ' t I dlt f'4. II ••• I '"'"'' """' ..... h lflllth I II ttl I ••lltp•·lh Ill ,. d ,, ,,, \ "ttHh •''1"'' ... "HWtl t 't il'l t i t ''''"'' '"'f\1 ... •·I·• •.• , ...... "' ,, .. ,I Itt ••• '''"''"' lfiU Itt tft ''·' t I t h.. tfttl f1\llf"' •I I • '' t tlfU·i,l ti t U t !(lqj t'.tt•h l'lttlfllt tltt l nttt"'' "''\ sa•• nutt ,,,., t~tlt l h•·"''''''l'' \\lth u ft•w'"' I I llhlf. 1,"" tttd ,f,II I!Ul \\'U..C,\1\tl •• , , ,1. t , h I ''""'' •·• '•'lt'l ttna a ', ... , tlu •tt \\ '\..""'•" 1 ~•11 d I I • •I tl ""1:1 l't 111'ka I•• •· • .t l1"'" ~~~~ t•• $."111\ll I • 11h 1 "' ''" t fp \th llt·l , •• ,. '"' I• "'""llth'Ct '"' I •I• '" ... '' •·• '' T lc '"':T "'''''' """"'"I I .. 'I , ...... ,,. \\ I I,,, tl Itt 11'1" .It ..... .. dio •• Ill 'I• • .IIIW :'Ill Ill " ol Itt! loto•lm 1\ 1111•1 llo·lln ' ''""' d· I \tn t tl'l•h l••t • ull ... tn , ul Utt•i• t l tu ... ftlt\~:1 tfH It I t tl tflltt h t ,t l l I(P\t BALBOA WOMA~ SPURS LOCAL RED CROSS DRIVE I.CH \1, \\I\ I '' l'\1'1 lwltl ll1l•lt lll•lflllfltluu ul t~lllo-•·" '"'' "''-"' ol lilt• 4 lu1hli• n ''""""'' ""''~" uhn\•· ar. '' ,,,. c , '""' ''"'''" l•rt•nUt•t• •• ~ntlth. l <~~t 'I• 1 1 u tttttl n ul1 r. t "''' 4 ""'"'''' C u uuu,.ud••• 4•h•rttt \\.•11~•·1 . '-t~ r .. tar, .lt•;ut tT\\n \: t re •a"ur•'r. C IUf .. t tf 1\uut"'' 1 :eul ''•'•• t utuutttntlt•t t .lttlu•• \\alk••r , t :.~•··•' l'tlut•• \'tt tll•·'· It~ ul 1 h i I • '" "' 'l ••lt l Hnlhua wu 1 P•tl '" •1'1"' •• \1 t. l•t "" t'luuw•• 11f "'" • tl1t1.,. 1.• '" tltP ~1'\ 7uUc' •l t 0111 1 ttl ttld '"'" •tll••·l .Aunu•uw. Ill• tll '' ,, ... 11 ,,,t, tud t\ h) 'f utu "' nd '"""" d 11 H 'h •t t•l ,h: ]!lt>l l!td ,., ••.• l•llttd ( 1111111•..:11 \\IIJdl \\Ill 1 .. tPitlhll'lttl Ill lltt• f';l'\\11(,11 fl 1 l1ttJ lit f fat \1 f\\Hfltll, t h111 ;\h ... •~ 1. '"!"'I ·''·n .. r Halho.1 lo '' "• plo d lit• • It, 1111'•11 ~htp n J 1lu •• ""I' "'"'I dt\ '''"" f•tt l ht• t•;ttlll' tl II l\l 1s .\11•11 1' IJt ,l'lll'tl 11l lito• 1-:hd t r1111• •• nrt 11 ..... '"'' u ,.., 1\t· •'~'''""' ~tt tlw IIH':tl 1(~·•1 ('rn..;.~~~~~'" 1tHth"t ,,,, .• , 1r1 tl't'•nl ~'''"' 'llu·, ,\..: t h iU flt HI of l h1• lt''l· h.1 ..... f't1\.IIU1•d IH L!~t· • .th t'\f'•ttHI••tl •'• ltli •' •'•' 1 ... ,,,11 J•q tl•• lund ''ttl\· ,,.,._1, ott tl ,,.,.,,,,n, utd I Jt• 1 r l···•~r· ... tal "•t l ''''"''"' \\til kilt . 'o l\t l tl.:t tn 1111 ... ~l'dt' t'.ttttp .u .:n It .alii" Jua fh, • h!hf I t ... ut• lilt.• I tlh· \\ dl I.;• .1 tU tJ••I t '"""' Tlu' • ~· '"' t ... '' ltil h h •• ,. h. • n "1 u p ll~ 1• atl,hut .... r. IJ• ('tt••t IH 1h•· \\ot k u( "I II• lid• I•HII .urtl ""'" 111 ,.,.. llw lkol l 'rn~" :'llttl!tl S ol\it••· 111 "I" t .ttll•ll \\lilt :-:.1111 1'••1'1••1 a11d 1d11i'll l."t )•··•r l\\••nt~ n 11t· \tllllll I I:," 1 ~. dol t• h """ ·"'" Jl>tllt t•fo,,u -1 1., 1 d tl\, 1, ,,.n 1·tl .1 '"'·•I nl IX11:{ f'll .. it h•r t h• hu...:Ul• !'-' t1t\ hH•tt HI hntu, hHd t'ntuplt t1 d •t~7 "'~i~l\· Jn tlh J#·•••Ht·'l't .u•)u r ,\ ...... ,,...,,,,u•n 11nd Ill t ;1r l S1•tt1ll \l urk I h111n~; lh•• "'nr ~ •.. .,,.. ""h·· .... ,,·~tl ,, , ...,,,tt r IJI• I UIIJ I rt ll't nt... J'11f.1l ll\llt'Hl'i' I'U\11r1"(l Jn I I I I I I• I ·'lll••lrtlfl\l'll' frll-unt• .. r ,,,.. ''"' '•1 '1•• r<"l' "'" ·''""' lht• k· ~ , .. ,,,,lttll' '" lh• ,•,un iMt)!n ~·· , .. ..,, n a •• r k torganll '""" T lw '"1'"1 t.:l to\1 til nf .\ ,,d u.1ltl•• hut n .. l ..-.·rwr;t ll~ r-------------------------------k t•n\\ll lt•llll nlll11'>;\l111111 ~t·l-\lt'o' 1J·1• 11•·1·11 II\•· ~:" lllf.: of hus prtul l11 d • f,ll ullll'r 1"''"'111 ' It\ 11 1111~· pna ttnc 1. .. ,.I •'·""'' t p tlt•·nt.!'o In 11ut ltt~IH th• ho ... p tl.tl '"' tr•··•' l lilt rl' 'I Itt·,,• .·.uu, r P·''" ,~ .. \\hu o lllt l\\l't' \\HIIht h 1\1 lh tft h ••""'· plt,dllt tl f itf' IPU~ l""l.ttHI .... h.t\ ~· f il ii' Itt I t II tid• ,j fp !111\~ lht I'I•IU h•n· d t .. I ,,, .... nr llttltl• • dl I ' .uut N o smokey rooms Pearl Oil, a lon,t.;·timc \'ft·~r· e r n f.11 o r itt·." soh c n l·n I• 'lCU to rt·m o 'c all tr.lpun !lt \ rh~t CoiUSC )lllul..c J Ot.l )0UI. \\hen \uu u'c P,•,1 rf Oil ~ou \1 !J um h.11l Ill .. djlo<l rurn· er~ ... '" d .. 1 ~ ,, • .1U) IIJmc l't·.u I Oil lcavr\ th~ air frt·'h ... wun't u int fum k EHry drup burm ••• ~i\("1 nl<Jrt' heat and li~l11 fur you,.doiiJr. KING OF THE KEROSENES PEARL OIL It .·nf.,J lu"Jitt,d II• l'IU• Ul 1 i. '•hn • It l•u tl tl•" h1t"" , t•l t' t .... ,, •• I l~o 41, It,,, fl I f I 111 tf 1 Senate Votes Budf!e t Slash 11111 ... , ,, 1·••11 \\ \'111'\c. I'"'\ • I 1'1 I I I tl• \t•1o I l•~t t I 1 I .lkt 1 '.* -~, .. U'"' li_. Jut. "''' ftl P H '"h 11~ 11 •n1 ,,. ... h•ttf.·•·1 ~~., .-.. 1{, puh •• lllfl)t1ill •'• I\ 11 •• ,, d lh• II ""I h1 ... nn , ' ..... H •H• 110ft 1 '' ,,,,,11 Jut I lu \' It I t• t ••·I•J .. ttl t.•uh•t, ,· "'" I• t ft t• I I tf, d It\ 11 1 ft ltf f • II •. ,, ... ''"•• h•ul 1 ttltllrttlr ...... ,., 1 ft1 ....... f1 tJ 'I tl t1\' d tl h\ \HI J \flh ,.- I v.o n't l f lll' Uj'. I I I I Former Residents Have Bad Luck On Way Here \\'•·td ,,,,, '"•11 111'1'111111)\ 1(,, A Stc -•1 ':o lifornia P roduct ·--_, Clayton Thompson \\1tolesale Dl~trlbut.loo Phooe 155 Ree. Phooe 1094 Not Pretentious e e e No ... not the larg-c!'l home in lh<.' llCighborhood but one to he jul't ly proud t o own. For a comfortabl<.'. livable home such as the one listed below ... read the Real Estate columns of the News-Times rach 1\J<'Sday and Thursday: AI CORONA DEL MAR Two bedroom modern. a beauty, $9700 For fur1h£'r information and d<>tnils rt"garding this property, tum to the Real E.c;tate Columns in this l'iSU£' of The News-Tim~. The Only Harbor-Wide, Twice-a-Week Newspaper ·'"" :'II r-. I 11 1 ,, ... .,, II "' 1 n .. I '·"'"' "'"'" '"''" ''" ,\l lhlll llth It IIIII tn I !It Ill\ I • •'• nt 1\ 11'1 \\ 11 ,,,, ''" Tit•· llud1otnn.1rt' '"'o 1• .. 1tltl11, h•tt 1111 ''' , ••• .,, tuat It I III II! ol loo '\, \\ lltllll"\ H'J( ( ·.111 .ttl.• l t~• Hlfltt .,_\\hfiS.,:tJ h,u •k httnl•• II • ' l"tilld II d1of ""' '' llttl np 111 I H tl 11.11 1'1111 \\If ft ( tllfttn tf,l ftntl ~,, .. ,," lq•l l·t· Itt th. '"'""H 1••\\ 11 111, 11 1 11 '•II tl• d ,., • t .,nd tulf• d •''''' 11 1 11it•nJ.. lh llh' ,.,.,11 pt· 1• 11 1 "'" k· d ,.,_,. ,,t fJ,, I 111111\ I I I \1 I "'" "I' \\hit II II •It l!•t• I, IIUI trl lfld f•1 1l .,,,, ... \' '• ""'• I til 1\ Ul ll•dJ.q • •I• I 'lhtll \\I ll \\'' Uq•.t • d l1 I • \\ If I"" ti l 1ft tftt• lt••'Jtll tf \\ llh d t uJiJ, J•tl• ltfltttpl l St. James Men 's Club To Organize feb. 24 .. """ t 11 • 1 'u•~ •• t t t. \1• n ... , hth ••t '' .l.tt11•. J ,., .. ,.,,, ••• 1 '~.,,r, 11 "''' 1,. lt•ld r .... o~,, h it :t ·or 7 p ttl .1: :\n t IH(t'" f',d •· 11111 ',trld ('u,"t hnuli·\ 111 d .. u·•· .. , d i iiL' to lh • \ h ;u . tho• Ho i 1'••11 \I""'' \\lll•l•r t\11 ''''' ,, .... ,,,, rn•n•t,., ... ••I 1 h• t11111 , h '""" 1ntl• "' m• '"'"'' ~ or I tilt• r-. ••I •lultlro 11 111 lit• • '""'It ""''"'"''' ,,, , 111' a1 4 •I It• "''' ntl • I A Positive Force · for Good in Your Home M OIIS1WI SCDa MOIITOI All the news .•. every day , •• wroHen to glv• you t..lpful Ideo• and o hopef\11, vlgofoul v;.wpOint. Th• Chrilllon Science ~ltor • b.itde' tit new' ond thoughtfu~ ~tiOrtOI,, ho' f.aturK for t vtry ~ber of the fo,.oly. ) u .. __ .__IHCIAL .... oM .. ..., .-.......... - _ __,l,, ·--"!1~~~··-6 The ""'"'"''' Sc-. "'-«>!..,.,. $oetety 0... N.,.....v ~''"' looiO<> IS -~ p-..,.., ...... 0 \IM('OI .... ~· ~Yb\<ropt-to n.. '"''''""" k..,_ Moruloo--_,._ f8f II Nome ____________________ __ s""'---------., Cot~ Slot•----· a., rtllltHI. t 1 • l llltl 'l \\ "'"' ot Itt'• h l111 .111 d Ill llh• t•»l nllll't' -..•r\lt'f' uff l••••r. 1 ur rt· .. t U ••ul plttttl• I•\ ,\tltl\flltl .... Safcway brings you fruits and vc-r.trt.~hl,.._ nf ~'"";~nt,.rd qualily, price• them by the pound. With everything mr.1~11rl'd IJy wri~:l•t. tl.r re's no need to buy more or less than you need to m01kr yo ur pur< h,,S(' l omr out in even .. dozens .. or .. bunches." You lf'l<'c I thr <':\.It I .1nt1111111 yuu w .-1111 of nn it<"m ... pay only for what you get. Lr~" (.,.,,J w.l,h 'l l. m .. ,,. rnonr y i~ ~ .• vl'd So be sure o f full value OQ every purt ft.t,,., •·very J.1y ... ~hop SAI·F.WAYo DELICIOUS APPLES C ri11p juicy Dcllc10 Ut Appl.-a from th.-or~hMdt o f th.-alate of Waslunaloa. Ev,.ry l1it,. ia " latle drli~f,r lluy 11 oupply o f Ddiciou• 'pplr-• tod11y. Juronl( thie pro•fu• • r-conoumer ~"rnl. lb.W CRISP CELERY UTAH TYH. D£11(10US I IOC IN SAWS 01 CJl&HlD b. BANANA SQUASH ummn IOI&Il ALL PRICES IH THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THROU-GH MONDAY, 194 8, IN STORES IN FEBRUARY 23, All SAFEWAY THIS VICINITY. Red Grapes r.mpt'Tor ••tirl)' (;tl'l'itl 'in·. ,_ 1 SIJRE of retJI meilt vtJiues blttJuse ••• ' . Head LeHuce 12 G . II' . "" :-> • .ll'«oiY 10,."11 Arl' """'""'""'' '""d"r .. ,d juu Y. ,.,, _r._,·_,._P_· •_•·_l,_l_f,_,,_,_•_l•_I_··-------~-~~----C-,\ "" . w"''' fo-. lu·l•oo• w-.,hm< """ m•oO foo , •• , """"' Fancy Cabbage 3c J ; ... ~ SALMON FILLD .r::. ... 59c _~ ..... ,_.: ... _"··· ~-·· .l._,.. _lb -\ '\ HADDOCK FILLR FOR UNUN MINUS Spaghetti · 1 :,~:; 1 •• l " ••• 3.. ROUND STEAK ~~(~~~~: lb. "A 1" Spaghetti t.~~ White Corn Meal ' I I ~ 4 lc I Yellow Corn Meol Seedless Ra isins ·Lorge Prune\ • "'" -::;·. Sugar Belle Peos IJ ·•• '"' 10 ..... 93• ' t. PIECE LAMB BREAST '~·::~~ BACON WHOU 01 FWD CUI 59e (UIIlll CUI. II 6 S•) lb Beef Short Ribs .. Lifebuoy S01p t ...... r"'' ... •·••h Bor110 01ydol Solp l'u• lou~tolt, '" d .. h~• D1sh Solp I Iron• o '"'"""'I"" Ur Super Suds Con• "'''" ,,,.,1 In l,f .. , f.,.,, IYory Fl1kes t "or r.,, .. flltttt • ,., .. , ,.,,' .. -. 0 ~e. 100 •·e•. J5c .... l:=. 37• ~~~:·· 48c: l~~· 40C Su-Purb Soap 14·•· f.tatml•t,.f ~•n•l ''' tl,, ,,,.,.1. ~•• Scotch Solp c ••• ftul•lttl ••• J, Jl un•ltr u •• k• II II S11f~wey p ulu y l•o ptoo ~ .,fl tlf'tnt "' J()W Ae V'"'l'-1" (. ompar,. rnu JHI' ~•. )""I II ol ... p "' !'lal~ .... y Peoches (0\1If' , ... ,, ('~·u.-.ol,.-, ..... 21• Marshmallows ,..,., , .,, ~~~ Cornstarch "·"o''"'d ,_,. ... . Hyde Pork Cookies 1 ..... , Venus Fig Bars ,.,. ••• P . C I '"'"""" onlv eps1 0 0 IO..to<>\11 o•lrol WlWAY SAVINGS rl• II• ••• 21e •• Nu Made Mayonnaise -" ,.. Cider Vinegar Old ~.u .. ,.. .... Sna-White Solt~~..:..""'..:O ~::a- Calumet ao•·"Q ,_ , . .., ••• ,.. HOUSIHOU) ITIMS White Magic Bleach Scotch Cleanser l::"',:. .. ,... t4 .. ... TOIACCO and SNUfF Tobacco ..... ,.,.._.., p -o T obocco " , , ,.,.,., r '9 Garrett's Snuff 1!_£}SERT ~IN£ Port Wine • ·· ... \( ... ..,. .... .... 1.39 '111/IS.W~q~s BREAD E.nrit l.ed whtl• ,, w)t•et tfu,.,J N,,,., low pric• el Sol•woy ~13c ~:.:·"·lac litdlen Cr~ft ROUR r.li llod lo1 ., .. ':-!· 96c 1., homo holt.• tt u ... 2.25 ~· 4.45 .... Hiflest Blossom FLOUR "fl fHHP' ,,. fen .. ly """' r '" b•i.•fll • ,,. ,,,, 1(1•\ ,., 't::· 3.97 100·'" .... 7.89 Schilling BLACK PEPPER 1\ , .... ~ , .• 1 ,,. • ,, • .,.. .. 11 ",.,.,. ., ••• J,.,y • '., ''• ... , l·eu•r• 17 .... ... ( CHERUB MILK·:!" &c t Al trOeHIA WOW II PINK BUNS PINTO BUNS '~!~~=·· ••" J2c , ... ~~age ~!79• t:40c }) CORN MUL MAZOU OIL':: ftc·:: age llACJ( TU l ipton's Teo ,..,. ..., .• ,.. 11- , •••• ., l•lol•t t I lib ton I )~t Canterbury Teo ...... ~,, . .., ... ·4,. ,.,. , •. ,.f'l·-~••nv ,.,...,.,f{J. 1 1 tt, , •o "?(' PANCAKE FLOUit, SYRUP Pancake Flour ,.1 Flopjoclc Flour "''~· . K oro Syrup •· 1 1 ••••• 1 Koro Syrup ...... 47• 47e 4" ... 'Ill .•• lie '" ••• 17e Edwards COFFEE Nob Hill COFFEE • ft., h I vii f,,,.Jiu l l,l•n•l t::· as· ~· 43c Airway COFFEE Mold. m•l!o• brew ~~ I.IS ~·40c SAFEw-AV RI G HT TO LIMIT RESERVED . NO SALES TO DEAlERS I'.Mt Hide Nf"W'PO"l Blvd., C..ta II~ ii~House umdernlg Page 2 flo t,; \\ t• c) tc T U i\ I. 1\ C) A S Y. \\ :.-. -I I \1 t :-.1 1 Ill IC'U \\ '"" !"•rl lt•··u·h. f ,.lit ..... Ill. 111114 ystem-Given Back to Costa ·Mesa SUPERVISORS GIVE UP ON ·- • * * LATE NEWS FLASHES (;reenhacks Don't Look So Good t u I I .I I 'NEW' SYSTEM foto-Views ~Warren's Crime Commission to )I Give Reports 1 • 1nsurance f• trl rl t ( 'on~r.esswoman UNITED PRE SS L A. Jews Flee Arab Ambush ol .I I' ll I ;-. ,\ I I \1 tl ,. \p \1 am,,,, d • 11 ...... ,<~, , 11 ,11 • !' U nit,•ll I,\\ 1 lo ,\••po·r~t I• o•l• I It • "' thf' '·,,,,. tt ..... , tft' II If 0 tit II «!11!111 It 111•1 I "' \111'• I• • " , .t lllt'ko If lo\ 1\1 rJ, lo.olllf, lorill\ fo\ I I, f"'S("itJ•• ,, tl \\~t' I• JI'PilHt ltU), •II tati\rh \ fl .... ' .. j ... tl ,,, • ••• j I , I I ''I II l t ~~ ' \I h I tl J ,,, •• ' ,, ,, .• I tfl ll 1 , ... ,,. 11J• 'Htl\1 I ~I· I '.... II . II• 3n tUt11tul ,,,,t.•~•l'•l I''"'•' on tt · -.•~~1 '"'' ,,1 1 '" '' rPpon I '·"I ( 'ustello Takes De Valera Pust I tu•• ,. ' f I I f \ I fl ~ It +1 I f \ Tho till\• 1 •I II • lu•t 11 •11 1• pt'd HU q,, ....... ..,... • II, ,I I,. I I I dl It I•· tina '' ,u.' '' '·'' tnd t• ,J ' ' ' ' "' .. •• I ,,, " •·•·• l'a "'. \hr••tl\"tl 1 • •• \till .: tlttl. t ,,, \" '• I 1••1 I\ til• f 11' tt I\ It, ur~··~ 'Jh· ,,,,,,.,. • ., \\ ,, ._,, • ,, ,.,,, ••• fr, ~. ... , t .... t·, a t lt•Hl\t Ill 1HIIt th• ,,.•ttiJ•trtl"" "'' t \ 1'''''11 \t\ "' It• t•h U-id htH t•llh • '''' ",, '''""' tl 1•' '• ' Itt II' I* H • l •n I t• '"" t ~~~tlnnnl h· td 1t; tt '• t ... 1 I IJ1t P 1 • t I''"""' ••t I' •• 11 "' • "' UnJI•'tl J, \\ "" o\f'l• of Ill '' \\ \'ool h I lo of Iooft II ,\ ( '''''flo '' ' I aa1d lht' Aou rlt .iU' u n tlu l 'hl•' ·ld l Hthltfl '""~''· ·•' J, uht • t , lirK• Ioiii 1111 luO•·.t ft. II !'nlrut ''' oh\ II\• f>ll l I~ '"·tftiiHII ft&hhl l\1oo\ 1\.'U'"It•IUIII J111t11' ~ 1°1' \,of, 1.1, I o•lo I Ill oof I • Ill I I F1l~f'lm11n, J,,.., ph l'uro·o•lt. 1\1 ""II ••I h •1•1•·1 ''"I' Ill II•• • ,,,. • • I L W.hlnl(, M F ll•'t..:. 1\110111 "''' l•t•lo lltll•t• nolo II•'• loo•l "'I' 111 lloo K Oflll.lilllll / ..... , !11 11)\~1·11 .I fill~ I '·"' h) II "'''' .. 1 ;·, '" , •• '.,,,,,, IDI. 1111 uf [..(.,. An..:t•h·'· ('rot • 11nrl '"' 1" l11 I'"" In llw I 'o "'" !lltfl .Jack O.·u1h" flf Shn l>lt'~tt•. n .l 1 ~~~· > ---- GRILLED ALASKA SALMON EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY OM-ThJrd f«odut'Uon fo r Olildro~n Roan 4 &o 1% p. m. CATERING '10 PAR'I'II'..9 AND BANQUETS <Joektalla A vaUable Pia. Harbor '784. For Luxw·y with Economy- Go Chair Car on the - UK .. Y-ICo•••Y-IPII•• \'ou E:tt ~II th~ wh~n rou g o \'1.& cho~ir car on the sucamlinrJ, amooth·gliding NtW GrL1111 St.lfl -the II nest, fiutest ~JCtta·f&te m in in rhe hisrory of Snurhern JIKific'• J.w-~tiftldt v o lden Stat~ Rout~. I ' \1 I 1 l'uut "·'"'''' """' \lttllu •''· t•l~•'' .If Itt• IIILtt '' huul ,,, ... \tufo .... , ..... \l nl• ,,· fit•· n~· h• T• I fit .... ,,, I \tUIIII:, tl t'l lilot•l• .ol ... I I II" ..... ""' ....... , ... ''""'" .... ,. It t• thh th.tt Ill• \ tUIIHt flt.tttl~ ftl ••ttht 'I' tl U ftiiUrt' ,.,,......... ...... ..1 ... "'' ..... , ... , ...... ,, ... J, .... ,, ..... ,. ''" \\lit ,,. l",u ll ..,,,,,,., •I \tulut .tutl <II tit• ,..~, ... I·~··· IUIUit ,.,.._ '"'' ...... U, up1,. .11 ·'"', ttl I h• Lut~uu-. J'ur I"'HUI , •• u , • 1 I lt,tll, '••II• t.u'''"' Stat ~ ~larshalls Experts For Ft1 h. 2:~ Tidelands Fi~ht ._,\1 'll \\If· VI I ' I I'• I '.Ill· 1 j,,, rur "til .. , tlil 1 f, '''11'1.·1•• ,.,, .. ,,_ "' I 'J't If, fit flit '' rtf fl' I h11n1~ f ••I ''" ru e-.htJt I•• ·I •'• lut• l uul"' .tf 1••11;.:1• .. ..,,..n,.J fH tiiiH' ''II 1tu ltd , 1 • .t '~'"' , '·'"" l·dl t-. "'"'" •n \\ '"lllllo'lull h I• .!:1 J\lloollll \ I •' II•·•·" I I"' :-.: ""''. "r ''"' t '.lfll"tlllo' • I'• "111 •~· ... uhttHIIt tl h\ fth,l!fui'Pf lh.-lt•..:t'l• l tfl\t• '"lllftHit" ••It tukl.tnth u' "• II ,, '" 111111" II ·'"" 111• ml" r1 ,.f '"' ''·•fl Tt ... t'"'''l' t•h•n "' I•·•'•' •·,u l\ , ... ,, \\t•k ''' htt.-nd ltu nu • IIIli'' "loo olulo rl h~ R ~uh­ l tltllfttlf r.~.· ut rlu '' n.ll• Jtld tC'Utry 1 ulltnlll lo•o• I~U: flU \ 1'1' IS KOTC' C'l.t\IH ;\llt;>:T K••nnPth M Srnlth. " l'llflliiF\11 1'11\lo·~.:•• ~1Udl'nl Ill <tt l N IIIO}frnnl A\o', nAiboll [,lt,nol, " 11n1• II( ~II( SIUdl•nt Of· fWo'rs lu II<• rornrnulf~1 In I h i' RllTC unit nl l'nmunn f'llllf'~•·. accordrn~t 111 nn llnnou nt'f'nll'nt mnd<' th1s Wl'<'K loy l'ohonrl '-"'"' (", C"'ar'kc. vrvfl·~a<lr nf mt111ary •cl<'ntt and tnctlca Smith "''hll promoll'd from lht• .:r11d•• of f lnt .. 'rgo'ant t o c·~odf't lH'rond ll•·uh·nant You•r~J from los Angeles toChic:~RO in jUJt 4, ratfu1, catefrC'C hours. A luxurioUJ, rrclinin& cbllr ja youn-pcrsonally-for rh~ ~ntir~ trip. It' a D&mbered-reserved for you in advance. Jlor JOUI' ple.aure, thue'• 1 n~. handspmt eol'ee abop·loun8e with 1 bar u wdl as a ipiCioul dininB l«tioa tuYina delicious mealt • modcnte pria.. S·P ••• lrl••llr s.,,.,,. r•clflc u• '" nil •••n in mnsconrin~ntaJ Pullman •~n·,,c-, it's th~ NLIX' Gc/J,, St.Jit too: slec-k., tn~tmhn~J cr.rs ~ith full C'hoice Clf accommo- datt•>ns: stcu ons, roCim tttts, btdroomr;com. parrm~:nu, dra"' mR rpoms .•• new dmtt~ •·ith ~ .. ,, Mex&,.&n insprr,l d('( Citatio ns ... mo,lc-m lt•ltn,l:(' C':lfl ••• through Pullm.llU to Nrw Yodt anJ Sr. l.mus. 00 "OOL•I• lfAU" t• •••• ... your ,. .. , br S. '· .Ag•"' lor ,,,~,,..otte,., ,.,.,.,.._, E. B. SHARPLEY, District Agent D. W. HOLTBY, Agent 518 NorUt Main Ph. !14~2 t:.t h .t Cua. .. t Ill\ cl. II.\ rtlltr I s.ata Ana '\ ~"" jMtrt IWaA·h I 1 I J \ t " I ~ I"' I 1 n t'\ft'1 hi • I It • •I' " It IS lit"! II , • 1 tool• d lo;oc·k to lh It '• ol lhl• f'OIJ ·I" •\•""'"" h> r••pl ,,,,, q • \ h. •tl t f"'lt•d . ,.,, " (·,, ... ,11 ~t .... :-;,\('1(.\!\11 V!'l t ot 'I'• I'll• l l lf <o,t 1",.~''' ... ''I"''''"" frnnt f~•l\ • 1 nor \\',•n • r1 .... fl\t '1"'t·r.rl ,., un• 'l'ttffUUI""'""If iU' \\til lu 'tiiHtUfltfl Iff •h· r;*''''""j'' uul '"' t• ~"t .• uu. ·'''~"'' \I ori h I, lito· '' ol•· ol•·p.111·1 ~ 1ur u u l••r "I'll" .ar•· at ..,. •11 1 nu•nt nt ,.,_,.,,, 1 h•n' h,1, ·'""'''""'' ,, By WALLY G ERHARDT P• a. palmer w o buc~. on1uronce counselo• 3333 v1a ltdo-; newpo rr beach. c altf telephone newport beach, h crbor 1500 I I• flu .\ lift . "' • oil\ IH·o•n c1J· .; I ', 111 11 1"" · \\ '' 11111~ hM\1• rMtlunlniC I 111 ••o'IUI Hto'lr.lld r\ \li-Co·•· ,,otd lo\ """""''·\\hill '' )U~If "ltlnlom'! th•• I'• t••ll-< \\til ''lllllllol l'l/o' \\101 k • * ' •I I '\ . \ 1.1.1 :0., I II 11&.: 1.:1-; I • :w I I 11'1' fool '11• d 111 Ill" p:1, 1 llo n·• .I -;;s;·~\st;:s,t;u;u;u;t;L;;:e;~t;b:j;i;1j;:;::!i;!;it;;:t~;!;"t;;*~~n:;;(t;~ I t 111l I I I "' II• ·~' syslo•n ""' ,,(,r•·s. " t t, 11 a" • •' f • 11, t n ~t 1 , 1 t • " " 111 II t~t~ufusit)O ' \ t' ,,,II HI 1 t 1 ..... " •·t ".'"'('"'""' ··•1 II I ' IPHt lu fIll~')'' f I ~ t '•• I I t I t I tl 'hSf \\ , d tl t •.• hi tJjl , ''''"'' uumh•·• ... I \l'foldo• ('o ol I• II • IIi• I \1 I fH f.u II tl d••• II, I ft•M n 1hHt "" ,. '•til ,,., ~·"•' I I''''" 111, .... , ' •tlf t1ttl11' lfl'l'<lt~(J Ufl'U t •h lH•(urt• , \I• • 1 ' ..... t' h •· \\ uuhl II 't'll'• tl \11 \I,, OlltllfiL: (', '· • , II• ' • h• • ntult \< ~ n11rnl ,, ,,,.....;, "•·qht nor l''"'ldt"' a ,, "• f••t t ·~ "'' , \1t•~~~ta ·'" r:wxtn l , 1 1",," ,. .. , ...... tl ..,,, t '••l•nty ( 'nur "' I • • I I I 'L' I• \\ " 111~1 ructo'll h tit t 11 I "''""'l~·ttt tJ( numtJ.t-.t iO' I '"" "II ''" 1•11~111111 l\ll'lhl)(}, Ill ''' II·• I • l'n•l11o,"l' I' ;\lr' lla/,•l Colt ,p•l \11111 ,,.., f., tt .. ~ J\nu•·r·<~nn, '"" ,. IH• 'I'll[••([ ''"' r""'" Mo•llll ,,,,,, lu 1 t~l ( 'nnHHt•f('f' In t1pfl0Sin~ If • I''''" n1 llllntl.,·nn~: nwthods, , "" lh:ol •1·l t••r •···nl of C04ila Ml·"·"" loll' d oVI'I:IOt'Oinlo: II In favor Of ill• ._, ''-="'''' S\~t•·m Major Pacific Ports R~presented On Shipptng Talks 1 11 I" ,\l'o IIIJL , lt.ofloo••• l ;.l.ulll \\'•• lltunlh, Iotti fllo.l.,olrh \\••Ill lllo'lllrlo ( lt .. u1d u' c· u ur 'i••·(·tl w t Pt'ot'"'" nd 1t 14H" ••1 "''fl ..,,,urc·e· uf f"'~··.J, t P(ftHt•••..: I• ,.,,,,,,.,. \\ 1' I ' .... t '' f - IIIII\ ,,, '""~'""' 11111 If o.llt<oiiii)L; I' fll t't .,, t I\ fll .. ,. ••• 11. • •• t ;, ~ r tfl,ll drill lUll ttll tot• tl ""II III t \t I •'' t·lt lh 11'. I•·•' I \l1\1tlt th- '"ltlllll' \1\\ ,, ·'' ,... I tl•u•" n., t • .. ,.,.. I II ,, ' I'""''" tl I, ,, ltlt'-\\t'l • 1 l•t•ltt.u, .... ,. """•h•u·u ... l\ Oo 11 1 "' f• I !If 11111\ ollld II foi- l •" ''" ....... .,, •.•• uf,lttt .. rl eJ \\,etc:"r 'I' It '• 110'• Ill !II"!• II} lll(oot 11111114 ·"" "' "'"'I",., tl• l,.r lht•rr p\&l•1h ul tfw l.,"l t\tt~ ttl th,· ludtc.d tttU lh 11 lh•· ,• .. nunl,, .. ,n .... till tfl lllhUll'"""' ; " th. u ,,., •. ..,,, .. I '·''"'"' Itt'''' \11, h 1' ,,,,,,. frunl J •loooll••• ,.,,,.,Tho''"' ,,1,1,_'',"''._~il: ... • It• I tl"" ttl,,,., I'-U• tl .& , __,.-- •till ,fiHU' ..,tlf•ltl lie tl h\ I he t't1H .. 1111"'"'' \\loll it ot•lllloroll\ \.o\ 11, It •otl r • ~uud" nt ,, It 1 l••lh•lt 101 ,, til•'-.t .. ·.u ... t "'''"' ... '' \\h•t lui 1 , I 1\olh I• 111"1"1 ~ llll••lltt tllt•tt Wrllcking Yards To Be Und er Surveilance 1 SAM'S SEA FOOD ";';ign of till' ~\\'lll'nfi,h" .t .. !_ .t . I Mile East of''Seal Beat·h. a t Surfside Open Daily 11 a. m. to 11 :30 p., m. • ,f, -J. COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS and STEAK DINNERS .t J. ;1. l'hont"S: Lon~ JWa.(oh )HU-;!}, XH2-CHI anti X:! 1-05 \\,\1.1 Y It K,\1 ~ ~1.\~:0. I'· '"" 1.1q11nt' · 1\ltlltota l!-lllnd \\'a- I I 'J' I Tlw ~UUQQUUUUUUUUUUU~UUUUUCUUUU~ '•l'l m 11;111 11 fl I• 'llll' fo,l('\ I I Ill\ ltU'IIf•'" I \\Ill ('lllll'•'d•· II ol 11 llll&:hl lit• I I I 1: lo I fur loolltllll! s.·rl· ,.11,1\ I 1uu an f ol "' 111 hultl&nlo: , , •• n•·rul f•li·C"· ""'' \\II h "'k"t'l· II• t•l"fl"'·"' lur I'' 11Im..; 1 II•· flruhl• 111 ""' "''"'11 a:< 1"'"11•1•• ~\onlu:oll), I llunk \\'1' I" ttl I• for o·, of In Jltln tho• ;\lo•l n•· 1• .loi on \\ ;o 1 • ' Ill'' n('t ns our on I} '''II•• lllotlool \dllo h of• p 11 1111•'111 lltfl r·nnrlowl 1111 I Ill• ""' o d l•·o·kup u f ttlllttn1nhd· \\ r 1 t kttu!' \ tt r cl ~ tllrt~tll.'lttolll ( 'oltl"l 111:• 1n ,;, , (lrort Ill •'IIIIo 1.':01 tholl< lt··~l,llolr T lwm.o.; \' :\1 ""II''' ·lllllllltn•·• o1 1111111•11•') "'"I 1111110 II II• "'' \\ to!'k tltrt1UL:h ~untt· ,,,,.,•t<•·r' ''' ...., • ., .. 'tltltJIP J•c.'•'n ... •• anti t·nl.!tll•· u tun· lwr,. .,f lrot;dl) ll•·tll••fl,fll'll ••ar<. 1"1 '"'' "'"'"'" ,,f • ·•:oltli,hnl..: ~·~· '' n>o~l>h· "'"" r .. lup f!, plan~ 111 :t«ll.'/1 :11 olll•••llt.:·otol~ Ill iho• I h•Tkllp \\fork BAYVIEW LUMBER co~. Harbor 581-1\ ( lnt• II( lho• llflfll!l'lollll 11111 Jlll~l·~ llf ·""lr:ono·o• u( Ill :OIII'fJUitlo• unO 1 1111• I Ill' n iH) Ill lin\•' tl[ \\Ill " Ill !'t\CRi\\1F':-..'TO l l'P I-E\or\ '''"' '"l'l''' \\o· shuuld, h uw-r<mtroltho•\\lll•r\\,,},ft•r••urn~n ~t majur port ''" th•' Pttl'lftc c, .. ,, ,.,, r lr.) '" 111· 1111~ In \\llh 11ur 11~1' nntl '" tlo·n} lhPnl Itt lht \\Ill lw• r •·ror•·•••ntl.'d At lh<' west(•rfl I'"'''"' "·•I• r '}'lo·m liS ··fflr wnth' ••m•my, ~~ lunl( us l twrro 18 traCflr / trnnsrkort.ollun runfo•n•nl't' wh11hl ,,, l""'lhlo· 1n otrrlt•r 111 k<'<'fl frnm on lhf' SNI~. "f' ~I ll nl'f'd ll nrny .~ l'l•O\o•moe; In SAn F mn<'ll'ro on ~, h 1• n ohllnl! th•• l:o' IIOI)'••r and II must tw• thr 1)("81 1n I hi' 1>(•<1 .. I t r John L Sulh,anl '70l St.t St Ne..nnrt &e.c.b ~'() nn al1o•no1f'nt'l' rhr ck by tho I 1.1\HRY S IIIEI.IlS . RUIId••r • world. ISt't'rl'lnry o f 1 hI' ;'\;11\}'. •tnl•• r1nmH·r o ~mml'~ d1• 1~1 (;arnPt, 1~11~ !~and 1\s a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ r iOllf'd luuld••r . l\81t•r Is 1 -----------------In nddllifln lo rl'pr('J('ntatlvrt 11 pnmnry con· or thl' r&tlo..,. hl'nrts of tht lat ~:•· r ••rn '"' c 11 u :u• r nllromt, s tNtmshlp, a &rllnt uno lhl' lat'k or it tru cking coml)ftnl<'!l w1ll att.t>nd "'" w111 s t 0 p fu· "''"''lOR Pl11n8 for dl'vrlopnumt .. t r u r f' d i'Vt•lop- fnr i'IRn trndl' trarrh' Vl8 Ptctfll'l mo•nt or t h (' rout ports lind conrdn10li0ft ..r-I community. I forts for ~uch llllmulat\on wW be think It was 8 rtlsrussed. l'lhnml' WI' didn't --------I jo in \\'1\tD whrn Food Costs w" had a Create Problem r han· ,. \\'(' '"""111 nil 1:•'' ~hmd I any lnto·ttu:t•nl m"' ,.m,.nl 1 hill w&ll In Nutrition ln~llll ''"' '"""" ,,, llw rll171'nS This llln•, 1• I ' nr•l 11111ff 11 ~~~ ~ACR.\;\I F;":Tfo IUP t Thl' m:ulo• ,,,, ,,,,t..n olh•ll ,,( lh•• 1'-· <Int .. do 111111 m•·n t .. r puhlu· IH illth I ~"''' 11 "'"'rt '"" th ol tho IIIIIJ••r nutnll"ll prot}- J, n' nul\ l'lllfllfH' In till :til• ntlun $200 . C I oiii ·~ ,, ll oololuo<'l l~ '" llo hiRh '" ame ra '"'1 ''' ''""' Equipme nt T a~en T lu '" 1•1111 "'' 111 ,,,1(\ In ' •• JlOrl '" I;.,, ••rnnr Enrl \\'11rrrn, "n~ 1'.1111 \ p, ll11lf 11'1 Tow'!'"''" f rnH' ' ... ,, ...... ,, trt• r•·· I ., If\ lur ,,, f 1\ I n,, '''·""' I' l"'' \• tl Itt ,,,,,,II,, \\hid! II III h• ,,, I' 'IIU·•,t••h···· II ' "" ,,,,,.' ""' '"··II loo od JII" 1•1 111 It 1'1'11'•'' 11111 •I til •·Ill• I• tl •I II• 111' \ IH• II ·•I ~::o~) '"''' rlllftllt•''' '''""" l '''•ltn It ""''f'll f!•h•tl< l•f>f,rtt \)Itt\ f'l~thlt ru ......... , lft\r• \1 tht•, 1\ 1\1 \ H ilt t t•l• I I trU\ JIIO• ltntllu" lhd tU t•tr'l.tuf ''''' ""'Hlh 1JH'Inr .uul .t Ll 1'1"""'"' rtt•llt , ,.,, h .. , .. •'l!\ u. b. lfh • ,, ~•1t·tt ,,. ,,. t.,,. 1 I' ,,. 1. ,, n., lh· It ''I t•dll••d tt~<~l th , ... t h ,l \ \h,•O t CWtUII•d illl•fltl1t j,,,\\,lll ~ .tiHI It., •I I '"t... II' I t1 ' 1.! I' Ill t I ,_, SJ)()rt Tops • • • ~{'at ( 'on.•rs TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP U ph obtcrm ~ Truck Cu~h inn...; i\ ll t ( 1!11(1 btl c B o.lt and 1\cwport Bca,:h II \RROR l!l iO They Are Rich In Iod ine LOBSTERS FRESH DAILY Alive or Cooked F1Jet of DN-p ~ Trout • ~t of Ro<-k Cod • F..ut4'ra S<:allop!' • Sbrlmp • Abalone Steab • O~~ters. }'Mt.-m 14 \\'Mtera • J"Uet of ShHp Head BAYSIDE FISH MARKET \\'DOLF.SALE AND RET AIL NEWPOJrl' BL\CD PROst BAI&BO& Ill I I I un ANOI\n MOUTWOOO LONGMACM "'SA DINA POMONA IIYIItiOI SANTA AMA UN1A-ICA LESTER & Co. M,.,.b,. /...ot A"'''" Sloe It &ch-1• 515 lAIIt Celltral Ave., Balboo Harbor t:061 INVUUUNl SICU.ITifS TO Mill FHl INVISlOIS' NIIOS are in our shop sells cars · • • in our showroom . 1'/u• lu,llt .. r lodnv I lu• ·"'t'ITit't• Ill Off' Fords ·"'''" ., IOIIIOITOif' ,. Ford .... rn· ·u \\o• ~1111\• t h;rf fill' I'II•IHIIII'r \\lrn 'll hnJ'II\' \•ith Ollr ... f\ ••••· "til \\.till ... c··· ''" tillr ""'' (ur n fit'" '.u t 'r li.ll .. ~ ""'' '·•:: r·····i!U ,,,,, \\t• '"·'"'' •• re I"''"' l·• ~·\C tl,. h···t I .. r.t, .&r•· 1 .. r I· .. '""~"'~· \n,\ f.,rl ull.ot• \1 '" 'r•• Ill 1\w l'"'tlio~u I" olo~ il. llur 4 ·\\B.' I ••r•l '4 ,,,,,. !.!''' ... ,,, .. t ill' ,,,J,,Itti.IC•~ uf l. P•r•·tralnf'• Mf'cohaniN ••• tht!ir t!llpt!ri<'nN: .aves ,ou time and moneJ 2. ~aal..e F•r• Par .. ••• made risbt, fit risbt and 1 .. a lon!er 3. Paec.ry .. pprewe4 Me•• ... • •• enf1ineer-desisned for bettu eenice at lower co.t I 4. 8pMial Per• "-1•1.-.-a& ••• juat ri8ht for Ford1. Sa..- you tlme, money and trouble S. C..aw-ealeat •••••• T,. ..... Come ... to011 ond,.. for yo~f wlay chue't no place W.. .. ltoiN .. ftW Fonl wrviu. * .,.,.. ,~ OMiw ........ ,.. ,_ ,.,... ,. ,_ 'rei_.,..., St..•. s,...d., ............ -Ntc ....,..,._ u....,.,.. '~ '"-· s,..o~., .,,., __ ,..K ,.._._ See,. ... -..~ le# ·--ltef- · .. ~ Dealers know Fords best! THEODORE ROBINS Your Fore/ Dealer Since 1921 .. , '~ \! 1 Local Y Hchtsn1an Told Dran1a -,.;(othe rs Circle Meets. OES Club fo Form Of Loss of Fan1rd Pidgeun \'awl I I M ' ' J ... A. ~~~ rh· 1 ,, ,, .. ! ,.,,.t. .. ctdltn .. •h' ", ,,, • 11 • 1 ,t ... , " :--..nl"'' 1 ... 1 .. l 1\\ I 1 ... ~ tlld• 1 \\ IH• It II u 1\ l'uh t'PI1 ttld S.•ut u +-t 11~<) m.n h.•~" Ill t\\tf-.f"' <l1f•'~f ""'"ln•t th•'" ,,,,11•1 '' ·''"' 1 ,, ·, 11 11 lut.l "'t11 1,• .uut ltlll' ''"'' If I .I IHII I h U• u• t lh '' \\ tin ••1• '" , \'llh' h.H l, h\ "'•'Hfth't II. 1•11 ,, ... J •• h • •• 'II" th.· .. ,, J'Jt. I l,h' pi ill.. •lit Ulh't'l ,,,Ill ... .11d 111 ,,JI,• .~,, ... ,,t,• I~JI I,,,,, n" h••tt1•' ,_,.,, lt 1~ l'lt· "'''' •I tt~. I'Jdo..''""' 11 h' h."""-\ i U II "' llh .tlh 1\thtlt PI I' \1 1l.unl11 •• •h I•• II tllolll·lt.:• I o1l h• 1'.1\ II H' r,•lt plh•IIP .Ut•t l\•1.· L.l·ll'" ( ... \\ "" ,, """'··It ,, I ·" Itt. 0 1.tll ll uult••-·k •····· ,,, .• ! ,, 1. 11. • 1••'11' ~'thl ,JI d S o>ltl• loll Ill< I til. oil II-:• I o1f t II·· ~ · •L•lua.a \·"til • lult ·'"d lttt1)..: '1'1 It n tut ... t•l tlu l'td, , . .,".,. \\hu•h It ''tllllllt'tl th,tl lht• l.lllh•d 7~ ~t 'Ht I' I d II I\ 1 ~··It I I 'If HI t 11... \\ lit• \\ I I • ' Op('ns Chirna>ra<·ti<· Offke in t\lesa I ,., '''"'""' :~:1·11 """""' Hh d ' .... t I \lt .. ' It, ... tflfit•lltH I tl '"l"""'t.: •·t '"' ••fill'•' ,,, \\til t•• .. 'ht t h lf"1t tl h ttld titUlf• ... , 'It 1 l'' ,tt ht" th \\ I••• ti i••O l~ltt 1'·"1'"'' 1'.1\d oltl, ~~~ 11 j,, \l,o• I loti: lolom IU\ d h'l t \ 11.11111"···1. ''"I '""~' ''"'·" th.tl lh·· ~.... \\ .... l"'tl lh'UI.It I\ lh "\lh· '" th II l't,lo.!t'tiU \\,, .. ,,. h.t\'' dt• I '"''"'' Ill• It; lo••l )ll" I 111 1111' !'tutth..:pr\1,11) Jtt,ltlllh' UJ'k'li t'PIU plo ltPII .. 1 till• tht11l ~~~tthllk•• ,, .. ,ld \ u~ a._,. }'hiL'•••H t\\ h't .111,-d '' ltUI t•f l .... •rtL-11•··" h lA'"" .\rt~• J, .. h.tt'l•-'~ t1; •11.11-.· •ttt.ol l-,·· .tit lll•lo•l'~. ..:·•1111! llt•Utu l th•· \\ti' ld "'llt,.,:l•• .. hatult-cl l . S. Na,·y Offers Sel~·tion of S('r\' in• S<·hools 1':--.. ""' '''''''''n\; '" S:.ntR \ttt tt ... t ••. " ,, .. ,,, th.t th·· \'~ 't\\ ttfl, 1 , .. ll 1 ft ~~ h•utl t;t.ul· ltd•' ''"'' t t •l '''' 1111 qu.dtfl .. t'\!'t, I 1111'11 ,,, ).' ..... l·•t' th•· •' \\ '~ ! '• . ' II ' \ •• .. I I I d , ... .. It '' II I IL 'I ,, . ,, '' t lll\ It ,,t I I' '· \1 ...... 1 ,. I ' .. '" ·-· 1''' 11 I Pa 'C 3 '1un' Than $7fHt.OHO in .lt'f'JJl", t'ars I :'\ t :WI'UHT U .\I.UHA ,, \\ ••otl 11, "'II, C ullr --'-'~Ill, 111111 .\nd 'lat'hinc.'r' tn Bt' Sold In·\\':\.- . '· \ I tl . -.. I •I' ' "f \ IH.j J! I I''· '\til I 11 II\ "" \\ d II ,,,,,. 1 t I \ 1 I* \\I IIHtttUihi •• ll'tl l\ 1'1 I '"" he· I I I \\ \\ I·""' lo •II 1!1\,1 ~~- \111 I It ' I'" 1·\•h 'fl \I ,, I •• II 1\ pllt' ' h ,,, 'I It,, " I'' I I I ~ t" t ..... ,, I I I" • h •llll I It " ' ••• I I • I II'''" "'C, ,, .. , t•· , ,,,,, '' "''"' '' n1. "· '' u . '"'''''' '''" h H tlll•l• .uul I I I 11" "• II I I~ II I' • •I \ ,, ,, ., ,. ··'It II, ... "''"' t 't HI•·· .'ttt l"h'ttl ltt\Ul "•-1+~ "' , ... ~'-t, tlu.-t••HI t~tltt•nl t hJII t .t U t ,,t,l t t 1 II" ,Uttl lllflt• ,. I '.," It I "h ,,, .. IIIIo I • tnut .. • •1' .... \ l't7 ~·.trh '''"1"1' , .. ,. $-1'1 "'"' t•~tlldl,\+'1•' \\1111 u (t•W '·, 11 ttl ""'t.tth'f\ \\n~ttn• .J, t .l •t '''""'''"l••rnrut 1 It t lflt+l1 \\.1\,."\tft 1! .. tJ •~ t '~~ 1 11 ,, ~.~n,l 'l'nu·k• I'"' ,., ,, . of ,, "'" '·''"' ,,, ~:171\ll I t ttl.' tt, 't1 IIJ• \u. "'' • t•. I' "'tl• •' "' h·~tuh-d I I ,, \It ''' 1.t 11'1 1 lt'tU:T ,,, I I I I• I .. ,,,, I I ,. I •• t. ~ .• .,.,,. (',\11'. tl \t(l(\ l'll14ot:u' ""' '''''"'"'''\! 11l1h 1111, 1\ '""' IIIUIII· lytl' d lttathl h, tt..-~ :M·ht't'H'n uf '''" tJUrl llurhur "h••tt ht• 1 l•lt• ... l hrn' prfor tu "'·ttlnar ufl ''" hi' thl"t 'runnd-lht•·l\urld '"~"1:'' \\hh•h ""~ In " hurrkunt• In '''" ll•'hrfd• .... l ,, \ ••• \\tttttl t .IIIII h·. I I d ltlfl' ... It I I h., .. , II ... I,.,, ...... ,.,h ... •l lt••tll 1 .... , '· , ·ah .... nt Ill t h• t• ~ tt~tr j 'tl \ \\ I •••• •I '" ... ,.. ... lt'••h ' ... , dl .• til\ '1 .. 1• thlh' ..... '" .. II h •1 hit h\\ t\ tUHI fit lin ( ,, ··f '•'· .... lit '"I I It I h• ,:;, . .,,,... Ia!'('. 'nr1nus siL•·~. un .oout 11 "1, .. t., , 11 1,1 11., snl(' ''' tht• Nr ws-T utws. 1' .u.·· ... 17 , , , .. -., d· I ''"' Jll I \ jt '"' BALBOA WOMAN SPURS LOCAL RED CROSS DRIVE t11dl1 ... \ ·•l•t•ll I "I PI••-. I till '' 1\ '', tit 1 11 •thf.· In 1 1 """'"'' til 11nd1 1 ttu' U't'tHt11th .... I 1• u •.• s I' I tth t I I '.tit It• t ,. tltllt'). It~ ul fttt~ol IUi._hl •I lh•• 4 h nhltllll tt•,huuttut "ih1t"U I'" t t '" ilt I 1 ••Itt l'nlhua wu lllfllftPtiUit•l , • .... • "" ........ ,I ................. . tJ.) 'f'ortt I I• 1 uf• 1 """ d u • • rot HI 1 ht )~I IX l(,,j l '1"'" I tttld I lllljooo.;ll Jllt~Uit ' I• I I Ut'• I \\ h11" t•llllt A nnutllh 1IIU ttl "·•'"' tn.ul. 1•1>41 ·~ , ,,,, 1ttt ,,, lh• 1 ... ·,1 Ht•l l'1u'' llh ll.ttl"'' All 1 1n ,,.,., nl '''·"' ltw,,1• II 111 11h P•J"'I ttllht' J,Uc \1. \\1\ 1 '"' 1'41"' 1 l~o•lol llwlt II"'"""""'' "' o~rtl•·•·•' Jthtt\•' Art' 'I •I•• 4 1 tflllt.t n . 'f l't•·ttU• ,. t• '•ul lh. ''' \I•' t.lrlln \\.•1'-'··• "-w 1 rt•1ttr'\ ,J,•.tu t f'\\11\. ln·n .. ure·r. C lltlttt•l M•r\tt~f" ufU·•·r. 1 .. ,,.. .... U ut 1\t tttltt'\ , !tul \ te•t• C HUIIUitthh•r t ,ltlltH• \\ u 1t.t•r , ~''""" I•\ '""'''·•I t , •• ,, Itt •JIP• •• I t .. "' "" ··hut w•• "' ''"I •l llll I t _ .. t h· '.''\ /lfllf• •• I I"' ltd tt\tl ·~~It '" f't'' •IIH• .\~ thtllll 1ft"' l h• I•''' lt.,, lt .. lilltd Itt ~l,,dJ~ t\J•utdt·d •!·nl•t' ''''''-"" II•• lh• lund 1 '"' '''"ttiiHIIII ,,.,•1•••11' uut f llt'lt' 1\lul'lo "til '" ''""""' '' •t 111 tl1• l'o·\\ J••rl II, '"" "· • ''' \1 ""'"'"· that ~Ia·, I! I. ~-..u: 11 , .\11• n ••I p;e1L'II ""h•· \\ qt ·'I'IHHlll "'''~lit'. "''" 1 n'• lfl tlu' ~· dl' ,. IIHP.IIJ.!I1 '' ·'"'' t111' lltl· • tt.:ltt '' '"'' rttt.ol ,,,,. '"II 1.. 1 m .oJo ot 1.1-k lltt' • :\· f t 111 ' \\hu•h h,,,, twt rt ''I up h\ 1• tll'-tttn .... I• tl• • ft•d trt th. ""'" ,,f H,dhn.t I • ,, • I•'• ol t lh , I• Ill> o , ,..hlp fll ,,, 1•:'1-ld•llf. l t ll\1,11111 1·•1 lht' ''ilft\,! II 'H \11 lltud~''''" .ttut \\tuh 111 ··~, ,,., lt••t ,·,~.-., '''''''' ;--:,,.,,.·~· tn !\lr' ,\flo 11 1.., El~ II c to 1, .• nrt ''l"ttiUII) \\llh S.un l'ur1tt .nul \\h~t hl.•'f)•'•tl f\\•tlf\t•ll• \tthut ·l J;, U 1:,·dd11•" \\ hu .tt•f• jj•IJII t•httlf -~1~ ~I dt t\t'l' .. !lot I \t•d t1 l1 1l tl u l \)•~.tJ:\ In .t ... urt•J of 1ht• ttl•'rt J•il lh• hll,tll• ,..-: ell\ l'lull ~~~ hnut .... uut c•t~ttq•l• '' •I 'J"\.7 :.'~1\~tt· h ...... ,. •. , n 14'11\P ftlf c '" l II. 11 ., I I,... l'ttl.tl ""'' .tC•' t'u\t·r.·.t 10 an l ht· J'.u•·ru .·r.·lt'h•r A'''".'·'''''" If,, ·•PJ•~tntn,•·nt f•ll'""''"' lh•' Htt'-,,,, ... , ,, uh••t ,,,~,,~ 1h•• nnll nt (itt IS''""' \\nrk "llltnl! tit•• k• \ 1""1''"'" 111 th•· l'amp:u~:n :!t•.IM-• 111,,1 k \\llr )'"'' ,f1,· ""'II 1• ., "'·"r torg.tnt/,1!1"" Tit•• n ofJttl I!I'HIIIh o•f ,\ \;tl111l•l•· ""'r "'I' l!•'llo•rnll~ I kllu\\11 t• 'lilt u t lid' :'lln l••l Sl'l'\11'1' r-------------------------------1 II" '"I'll tho• ,..,1\ 1111! .. r """""'" I lu "' folr "''" r I• "" "'"' I·~ ''''"'' Jtul1tnl-• ltw;,, 1 tlh.•l ptlltlll' Itt I I I No smokey rooms Purl Oil. a l11n~-tim~: \\ n r- crn flulrti\,1\Sc•h ~·nt rtl•'lt.ll 10 r..-rnn~t• nil lr:l['Urtll <'~ doll (.IU)I.' )llHJJ.o.: .111J )0UI. \\ lien ~ "" "'~· l',·,tt l Oil you "!.!nm hJ'e 1<1 Jolt'"' 1'-urn· ~·n . . "' , I. 1;. '· .td) ll.1me I ~un 1 I I I I A Sic:··' No keroseney fumes l'!'.trl Oil lcJn) th(' air r rnh , .. "•m'r uinr fouds. [l('ry drup burm •. , giH>s mnr(' hear anJ li~h1 fur your doll.~r. KING OF THE UROSENIS PEARL OIL -:olifornia P rod utt '"'' t1 "'*' tlh h"'l''' tl fttr ''' ·••· f 011 nt ·n 1 •. ,, .• ·.ctH'•,. .,.,,,,.,.,,, "hu ,,ftlit\\1"' \\t,uld h.t\• tw•n llu ... J ''"·""' rl l .. r lo~nl,' t• ....... , •. h oll o' tl u ... '• If 'II tltl· .t , .. h ,,, lht • "'" ltut• I t ~ 1•1 11•, ul h•'l_tt• c•.tt • 1Ud It ~ I I,, , .. , ... ,.,. d J I'~.,,. fll flld 1••• ••ltfl, t1 lt)f''tl •t• .. lttl '-rf lttf lt • I .1, '" .... , ••• I '"d ... h l\1' h· I" II I I I tl1 II•'• St-natt' \' otes Bud~et Slash ,, .... I •'· \ •••• I I• ·I · I f I ·l· ,_. -,1 4 t It-Ill. I ""' It It' 1 I' 11 • tf f 11 I 'lift I'' til<~ II, htut~·· I ~, 11 tl•· It• 1•111• , I If ,, ftlf•d •'· I\ ,, 111)1 ,, Ill• I ,. ,,,_.Uti • ,~ ·~ ........ ·~li'i ' ,, ,L,,h It I tl~t \t II Ia • 1' ... , ...... d lt•,ft,, 1 • , '' , ... It I "'' ,, I t dt fl It\ "'' ,, •I Ill c • 14 f I Uh tf ~ollfl 4 fl)rtl}f fl I tltd "'' ,,, II''"'"' If It\ \Ill I ,.,, Former Residents Hove Bod Luck l 'On Way Here I I I I I __ :... \\.,ttl II; .... I .. fll'l'tl\ttl ,., ft,, ·"''' ~Jr, I I' I;, ... ,, II ••f .111 ,,, .1 t .d•ttl lllu•h loolo ll '"'' "''"'" Hotdt-•1111 •II I 111111.1 t<••'•·uth Ill \\'Ji, n•' \111 T'"' fhl•'''"nn:u,, ,,,.,., Clayton Thompson \\"holefl&le Distribution Phone 155 Res. Phone 1094 Not Pretentious • • • No ... no{ the largest home in tht-fl('i~hborhood but one to IX' just)~-proud t o own. For a romfort<lble, livable home such as the one listed helow ... read the Real Estate columns or the News·Time!' each Tu~ay and Thursday: AT CORONA DEL MAR Two bedroom modern ~ a beauty, $9700 For ftu1hcr information and details f"CRarding thl<, property, tum to the Real E.'itatc Columns In this issue or The New!'-Times. • The Only Harbor-Wide, Twice -a-Week Newspaper •· .. •d•n'' fl••• lo r '''~···''"hut It 1 Hlhtl 1-. :'\.t\\ ltt!Jfl"-\\.H k C'ltl• •ld I f tl,• "'"• r' \\flo t..'•• ho~c·k hu111•. tloo I 1"111111 ol tlld tt"t '''ll>d IIJ• Ill '''"'I'"' ..... n \\ '"' c' tl•f••rrltti !uul 'J.ut~,f t.u~ J,.,, lu q ,. ''"""·' '"'' rt llH II , II ''ltf1• d II\. I lOti l•dl~tl d •\\lt t t1ttr1~ b•IIH' f ttltl r·" I• ,, ",., h· t1 ''''II ,, '"' I IIIIth \\ ht• h f'•dl t • I \11 <tool \It • l :llol 11111111 ''"' ,. tl • " \' I.. .... I til 1\ Ill ll•dt.t 1 1·lt 1 '''lUI \\!.u\\" lfq',l•d '' tl1 \\·tl I• lfJ Ul !f1, IIH"f''' d \\tilt ""'""' f''" '""""'' St. James Men's Club To Organize Feb . 24 f-'' ... , '''' • fut .. · "' If, \t. n ' , Int. •.f '' ,J ''"' I l""'"l'·d • l1111• h "til t .. • hold l'11••ol1) r•h .!I ot 7 1•11 • 1' '\•·lf••ll ... t .tf• l71h'tHd ("o."t hoult·'·•••l ,,, •. ,.t•hlli.: It• th • \u.tt I "" It•\ 11 •'•' \J••••r• \\h .. l•r AIJ ,,. It \\ "" Ill' Jllf rntu·t " "'I '"' '"'"." ""''' ''"':-. !'' Ill' '""''I~ <~r l.oth• r' "I d oildr• n 111 tl,. r ltltt• h '"'."'"'1 er• '"' tl• d t .. a t •• nd. I A Positive -Force · for Good in Your Home • OIISIIU scaa •not All the MWS ••• rtery de~'~ , .. wriMen to g ive yow helpful ldeot ond o ~ful, vlgotoul ~lewpoint. The Chroation Science Mo--t tor • be1o~1 1h nn•• and thoughtful eclitOriOI\, hca ftoturH for every mernwr of the fomotv. UM --,_. ,..., IHCIAL .... N4 .... ., ........ ,..__ .... __ ..,,, ·-'""~...c"-=-1--Jilt ""' 0.•111•00'1 S.C....uo ,....111*'0 .. tety 0..., NO<WOt ShMI loot"" IS,--'" Pte-o•• .,,., o ·~•ot .,.~· ~ .. P1..,., to The C.""''""" k..,_ ~~ ... ---..... N~------------------------St• .. t __________ -: C11y Stot•---· "" ... Safcwny brings you fruits 11nd \'("{{rt >~l •lrs of ~IIMMllr('d qunlity. prices them by the pound. With everything mra:o~urrd hy wrid11, tlwre'a no need to buy more or less than yoo need to m.1kr your pun h.,~r • 11ntr o ul in even "doz:ens" or "bunches." You sdt•t I tlar (''·"' olllliH tlll )'1111 W ;'\111 o f nn itrm · · · P"Y be sur(' only for what you g('t.·L··~~ f.,.,rJ w."l•·•l. "'""' monry i~ A.IVI'd So c.f full value OQ every punh.>l><', •·Hry d.1y .. :-~hop St\1 EWAY. DELICIOUS APPLES C ru•p juiry DrlorJOuo Applr~ from thC' orth,.,J. ol lh<' 1ll\le o( W.uhin(!t ..... Evny hilf' i•" 1811C' d r hs:l•l lluy " supply tjf Ddtciou• 'f'plr• tod;>y, dullnl( thie protlu• •· •·< ont umC'r C'Vrnl lb.W ALL PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH CRISP CELERY uuM ""· orunous lb JOe Ill UWS OR UUMlO • BANANA SQUASH ll((li(IIJ 10 lUI MONDAY, 1948, STORES FEBRUARY 23, IN All SAFEWAY IN THIS VICINITY. Red Grapes r..mpnor \lft"tt (;t111•4t t.ilf" ~, IIJRE of 11~1 me6t vt1/ues btttiiiSI ••• ' 12 e II' . . ,.It .Snfrw.•y mrl\11 nrr I(UI\tllnlrrcl lrntlrr ,.,.,J juu y , r ut l.ri•p ........ r ... ··'·'·· lb c \ ~ . w ...... r.~ .. 1 .. -r., .. W~ll(hlllK M.,,~ "'""' fot your munry -!~.;.._~~~~-, .. ,-,~~-~~~-~~-a-e-~b-3c ~~1 ~ ~. SALMON FILLO .:::. "'· sgc Head LeHuce fOR lENTEN MINUS Spaghetti "A 1" Spaghetti '.~~~ White Corn Meal Yellow Corn Meal Seedless Raisins Lorge Prunes • '·' '" :·;. Sugar Belle Pe as J-r. ••• Jl·•• , ... 10" ~ •• 93• J-t• ••• 23• 1 •••• 35• lO·•• , .. , .. \ I HADDOCK FILLO ROUND STEAK ~~(Is'~~~; lb. lb. 1t. PIECE LAMB BREAST T~·::~~ BACON WIIOil OR 1•0 CUT (CIIIIft CUT, II 6S•) lit Beef Short Ribs Lifebuoy S01p f .. , I• II, I "' ltalh. Bor110 01ydoiSo1p fur 1atm•lt r o f tll-.h"• D1sh Solp ( J,.,n, d nthH tiUh Ur Super Suds f ''''' ""'"'',.,1 lu I.Su,-1.~ .. lwory Fl1kes • .. , flft,.fllltl•• ..... ,, , .... ' ..; ... ... It= •·••· J5c ... J:=. 37a JJ I·· •• esc ~·· tJ •, ... 37c ~ .. Su-Purb Soap J4 ... '•••nul,.,,. t ~~"''Itt II,, l•••••lt "•• Slolch Soip c.,tnul•'"'' .... Jeutul., ll •• ... lolling Beef J>l.t,.tolo•ut I If• ••I lb.,35c lb.32e 11 " ;-,,.(,.way pool1• y I•• I"",. ~<II tlrm• "" f.,w 111 ,,,,..,1,1,. <..umparr ,,u, ,..,, "'· y .. .,·n ol•••p "' ~ .. lrw"y Peaches (Q\Hf' (tf''tl (..-.o.u Hot.,., ~· .. , ... 21• Marshmallows , 'v" , .. 1 Cornstarch ~"'0''"'<1 Hyde Pork Cookies Venus Fig Bars '.,. .... P . C I ,.,.. ...... .,..,, epSI 0 0 IIJ•r>0\01 ••hOI \1 •• ....... SAftwAY SAVINGS 41• 21• •• Nu Mode MayonnaiM _ .. ,.. Cider Vinegar Old""u · ......... Sna-White Salt~~:'.:e •:: 21- Calumet ..,, ·"0 ,_.. , •• ••• ,.. HOUSlHOlD ITIMS White Magic Bleach Scotch Cleanser ~:·: ........ , ... ... TOBACCO and SNUFF Tobacco Tobacco ,,,. ... _.. r '(I Garrett's Snuff ~ESSlRT WINE Port VJinc 1 •• , ... ,. ,., .... ... 1.39 ~!~~J.~~~ ... c~.l,kens lb. &9e "'71111S.W~q J.t s BREAD F..arit ... d •h•h or •'l"•' elu ~d l'u•• low prico et Solowey ~13c ~, .. ,.( ..-=--= litdlen Cr1ft FLOUR Jtllle .. for """ ':!· 96c "' homo bolo.• •• u ... 2.25 ..... 4.45 .... .... H•rvest Blossom FLOUR 7.19 Schilling BLACK PEPPER A ,,,.t , .. f.,,''~ -..•11 ~,. "" ,,u .. r hu)" • 1 at ' • • 14owf'lf• •"• .... 17c CHERUB MILK·:::" &c C.AliOO.HIA GIOWH PINK BEANS PINTO BEANS u~!~~=·· 'flU OW ""' 'lAND CORN MEAL MAZOLA OIL~ tell .... s . ~ .. 12c age 7gc 40c J age Edwards COFFEE l ipton'' Teo '""' ;., •• w j.,,,..t •I lb t "• I 1~• "' ... e Canterbury Teo B""• "~• .. ,., ·4,. lv ' •• ,.,,J.•''\.1 ............ (;~. f I " I. <.1 11'1t I PANCAKI FlOUit, _SYRUP Pancake Flour · "' · Flop jock Flour ~~~~·, Koro Syrup •· 1 ' •• Koro Syrup • .• ,., 47• 4 .... 47• Nob Hill COFFEE f(,, h rull lot>do••l 1.1•~·1 l~ 11· !;!· 43c Airway COFFEE Mol<l, "'olio• b.ew t~ 1.11 ~-40c RIGHT TO LIMIT RESERVED . N O SALES TO DEALERS • Page 4 N14WPOBT BALBOA NEW8-TIME8 'l'tflltUmAY Hllwpclfl .......... C"llilrr. Ftili. U , fNI Stu#sitlert Dance At Country Club, Elect lane/ ol New Ollicers For Coming Seoson R . ( t.fONI' I l.us,:rr lo rt hc•~<ds 11 IM'W roatf'r or vtf1n·r lo t Surf· ...... dub, ~~ •• (Mtr f'l 11..- ai~t d nnt·•os ttf tho• ~. ''"""· whwh ended tho• ltr"l ~··or 111 fh•• liar- "'-ltrt' .. " "'""'~I } 1)\>nt.: , ..... ,lh''lo dub. W oth oil •Uf", ,11t~o•n• '"" a~1d1• tht> tnforttt.l o(l 11 1\ ot> lll'ld ull F rldJt)' th• :1 .. r ~nrtlll Anto ('oiUn try duh M,.,.,,,.., • ,,nol tl•1·u lo:IJI'b l!l •rre ~tn•• tNI lot lloo• duot lo) llt·IHI Bradford, ch;urnt•lll oof thr· fwourol ot dtrrrl•·r~. Mr.. llnotll•wtl anfl llr nnd Mrs ftol•·rt J'\c1yd )r. At ttw ltU~IIli'S" '"''''''"~ o tfll'o•r« ·~:tw•an '" hl'llll lit•' ~·utili r •• r I til' (l)flllnl,: )"1'/lr \\1'1'1" I iloolf"flfltll. J\11 lAKt•rlt•!. tr•·.,Mm·r. Rt>h1·rt f\l•)•d ;. ; liPo·rl"l llf), l<ol,.•r I I lulrlo•n , oh- l"f'('IPI'S, 111111' llrow•r ttol: Jut!.:•• Rnl;.·rt C~~rdu••r. Jt,.,. Alltns,:hl 111111 S11l l,t•lltl·r· 'l'l•~l tn '''"" 1111 '"''' dlatrrtWII "'"to· ltulph llu)lo· ontl S11l llnrwy Ttw o·luh wa" '"'hlltofllll} do I"· ttr.,tcd """ rl'd anrt whtt• am1 n~l '""•nt•n~' h•·arts 11r1 anl(!'d t>y M...-f~ Wrl1~ omd M,... lfrT- 1"'' lltu\\no•ll Ju~l rl'lullt•tl l nun ~<ttp11n ~l·r~ 1.1 t'uuhlr tonrl Mr!!> Lo•u111trd S tllf· f,.rrf ru• .. ,, "' \lr "''t1 ;\lr~ T•·rry ,\tun \It'< St,.f!urc! •~ ltw furm••r ·'"•'"'" r.••t.:" .. r n . .th"rt Tl ... '"1111~ ,•~rl« ",.,,. t·harmtlllo: Ill tho• n oW l••tk" 1\1•). \\htl'h loll~ tlo lttlllt ly t.ok• ll ,.,,.r Amuns,: tho• lllolfl\ \o I II tllolll lilt.; lol 1111' mU!Cit' u l ;\fsll'kt" :-;, ll toon ttnd hts ••rdlt'M· ''" "•·n · !'otr~ .I•,;• S tum11 jr tn 11 •lllnlllll>: ''"' "' nn\}' sut•n. l'\11111 ! ll•tn•rll. I""')'" .. !(flt lll !t tl(•\( ,.f , l<trt"-' l''''" :\It\ I,Jt \l r t•n t·•• 1\to~·lltot! \\o/11 111~ II hlllo' hHtHI• k1111 , 1\11 ~ .J,·r I"} Shtrl••) 111 11 hl111'k f'llnt ,\lr"< L11s,:•·tl••f In ftll ""'"' ""' tiro"" to( l•lu•. 111111 ;\It ~ l.o1rr}' Slttt 1•1~ Ill IIIII > lolllo All 1111' Sllll•ltlo-r .. Hrt• l•••ktttlo: to tr\\ltrrl Ito unntho•r )' ,,r oo( 111111•·· •nt.: :.ntl lun .--:::--;-;::::;::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::~ Musi~ally Spea~ing II 1 llATIIJ.EJ:N OOLEMAN -------~ ~ EbeiiCiub i NEWS 5 NOTES U ft• wru :'loll III"R}A l"llf)' fur IJ'I'"t mll~lt'tfln" Mun)' t•f llw rn _.("!'(' ~X-"lnr 111 rlt~lllhncxl Juhnnn rtl':tlr7rn~; rh111 n«lhtnl( t.;l.u.hlLu.' ~··h:t,ttun H;,c-·h u11 tu :u 1~ nf \\nrn• n ,., nuJ• ft ''"" • \1 td k ttl ft(ly 111111t"'" lo .. l. 111•'1111"" ool I It • mtlo•!( mnny II ,, \\ , ... ,. I Iotti"'' Fl~·ll ( lulo .oil 1111\t• tu ""'' n tu ,, , 111nl ,.,., ,. '"·"''' l'' •n .... '"' t I •1 1hur(h nt u"l'· , • .,~\,, ,,, Lth• 1.r.,(•· ......... .,, _,., l lltrtn~o: on•· nf ,, ..! 11 11, 111 rlt• , lulo I""''' :\\1 • 1 It •• ~ •• pth:rrm-1 ~'" ,,.,1 t · :\llot1ttl "'' 1'"'' • I• u• ltl.:l"~ a 'It I ht" lit .. lll.ltl, '"" lh , I tf ...:• nl .til '"~·· Ill• 111 llo• IH t~· <olol h) '"' rho· '''"' 'h ,. , .. ,ut-.qd•. ~1ut, '''' tll.tll I''' •• d·" I ,,,, 1 Harbor Feminine • By WinlfrNI Barb"' + Residence Phone: Harbor 1637-R ------------------------------------------- :'lot:\\ UIKtC TUK~ uf ~urhldfo" !'Wrlal dub, follo wlq ...,.r eleetl"n al .,......,n•a ftnal claaee. At ~ft trout I 1-JtHII:" Kuht'rt loanlrwr •nd In c-.·nt.-r I• 1L ( M-) Laprf~ol. """ 1'11aln n•n. Buok row, ~ft to 'rl~thl. ""' f\o1h Uu)d Jr .. ,.. .... ,,., ... .,1 l.....,.u,...r; IUlb llu ldrn, .eei'Har~: ttall'h tftoill'. K,., AJbript, llalllt Uro..-rllll:, filii '""'l••r 1111ol Utll t hor'"'· Missionory From India Speah to WSCS Group Acufe Neetl ol New School Stressed by Supf. H. 0. Ensign at P-TA Founders Day Meeting Annual Dinner Meeting Held By O.C.M.L.S. ThE' annual dtnncr ml'cllng or thco Orang£' Coast Mtncral and Lap1dary Soctely w115 •'njoyl•d Monday cvcnrr11: hy R5 mt•mb<•rs and guE'Sts at the Crown of Tlll' S•·a r <'staura nl rn ('oronll del Ma r A plaqut-was prc&enrl'd by the mt•mll<'rs to llownrd Burns as a tokt·n .. r o•st<'t•m fo r thc founde r 11nd first pn•sido'lll o r tht• sociNy. Bob l':t•H'I', Ill'" JII'••Stdl'nl. Wllil maslt•r t•f t:l'rl•munlo•S St)j·Ukl'r fo r tho• !'\'t•ninK was :\trs. GlAdys } htnn~tford, n •prt•· lll·ntutan• for :-I \\' Ayc•r & Suns J>iurnond Co. of N••w Yo rk Cit}'. IJoor h••·t un• l'oc•·r••d ~til phascs or t ho· dl11mu nd tndustry from the rntnC's to lh(• eustonw r which pro- JI'I"tn l litnle rn s lrcto•s And models 111 (urnuus dramunds us tllus rratton. Flrld T rip 1-lrrilt-5/rop-e/fRIT·-, --i R•-ttr.d 1Helterl Assistance League Says To M&et in Orange Memb<'rs of the Harbor Aullt-The rE' w1JI be a aocial and buai- an~ Ltoagttt' w~ tnformt'd TU"" nt'u mrf'tln~: of thr Orllllre County day. F t>ll 17, thai I hi• final pay-01\ Ulion or lht• California R~llred m!'nt had b<-E'n made on the ThnCt T!'achers' MSOCIOtlon on 1-"rlday, S l.op and Uw pr~¥ ~leare4, A Frb. 27, at ~p.m. in IM f"rnb)o- 1:11)' lun!'hl'On at ow home or Mrs. tE'nan chu.rch. 191 Orange str eet., Jam ('$ Ro&:<'rs on Wt>St a.y A ve.. Oranwe. Th., purPQIW ol the meet. "as th<' sc(·ne ol thE' announce-ine 1s to hon or the past presl. mt'nl. d!'nts Th<' spc.•llker will be th<' RE'v, T en dollllrs a wt'l'k was unan-Pt'rr.Y f~. Schrock, who will tallt rmously vott'd to be contributed to-on the subJ<'l't. "111e Bible Is ln- wurd th<' ha glwr ('(!ucatron ot a H·rf-s ttnl:" ph} slcally handltappt'd studE-nt m Tlwro: "til be a social hour and tht• arN1. Tht• group was told Jhat rt'(rt'!ihm•·nts ~111 IX' St'rvcd . The a "'Aundlt• Tea" ts sdtE'duled tor m<'t'ting writ he In chugl' of Mlsa n1'XI m onth by Sustain ing m E'mtx•rs Uslie Fo" l~>r, prC>sld<•n t. "hl'n frit'nds will gather at the home o!'Mrs. Ann UCI£•r on Udo Isle. Mrs. E. E. noudinot, chairman o r thl' Thrift Shop 11nnouncE'd that a half price s!iiE' would be featured Tut'sday, F'<•b. 24, and tht' shop thl•n c los!'d until March :!, whl'n 11 wo uld rc•-opcn with a large sup- ply o f spring things to be sh own Ill<' two w{'('k5 prec<'<iinl: East•·r Saturday aflt'rnoon. March 13, ml'mlxo~ will act as hostt'sses at thl· Art rxhibit a t _lh<' Ne\\porl llorbor U11\on High school. Mrs R.ohert Gordner a nd Gt'Org£' l lnl,t•••n Ill, r<•nrt.'scnto•d the Jun- I(HS Mrs E T. Chapman. Mrs I (,•nry F'rt·{'lllan and :'IJrlj_ Rol)l"rt \\"alko•r ,,, tstro llis. Rogers at ttrr-tunrtii'Orr Delta Gammas Nome Mrs . Harvey as President • • 4 • • • • • • 0. 0 •••• Re-Opening 8ATVRDA1r', F'EB. !let l'otlUI&r l'riC't'ot ('It,..... Tuc-t-. • So·wly Dec·orat.ed ••••·•·•t•••··eg I I r ··II, ltUIII:.t} ''> lOIII~ I '"'''I """ ,, \\oil loo til ' 11ntl \\ tl ltuul 11111 ''""'~ llto.lll''· '"'" :llt ..... I'•"' \l1• .I h I 1111•11 t"o•lllliflllll lito• 11\0\riO'\, ll kind ,, r HI ~·'"'" •\IH\ lh~pl.t\1111! ,,,,. 1100 I IIIII' ,IIIII :Ill' \Ito\\ oil ·~ "' lito t.lr« llurolrl Jlan ·•·Y uf B<tlh11a lsl.tnd \\IJ!o n:onwd prr•std•·nl nf I >r· nn~o:•• (\tllnty Alumnool' !1$.S•~'Hittun 1\f P t·lth Gtonrrna a t a mNiim: hl'ld Tlll'~dll\' t·\1'11101: llt tllf' Tll$ttn lttlllll' of Mr' I lnrold (:iminn 1 II h"r· ot!lco•rs ...tcct•·cl w,.,.,. :llrs u·~ " yr•r for II••\\' oft ( 'ho•nt·y vio't'-f)l"o'Stdl nt , ht•l\ft;•t1 'tl U I 1 ,,, '' 111 f••.' It• ul •:• ''' t t1 •I'' t 11' tl• ', tiHtt t1 f 1lk j,fl I • Itt tu ''11 High School P.-T. A. Notes :\lro, t'h•·,t••r llnrHIII, \n .t~ltro·•, :llrs llo·lo·n ~'""''"~· s;•('r• I lor) :.anti CAPES U1ro•w hrrn 11 o'IIUJ•Io• ool li'h lll·htl~ '" oJ, 111 ol"lll'' llo•lll•"' II •'-• otlol 111111 \It• jluth :-.o, '' 1 ''" 1\\oo I :O.lr~ ( 'ltaalo • 1-':11"!1. JIUitlo('il ) In o•111"11 lll'lld Ito• fuunrl II rlw •u r, "" "''" 1 ~ \\Ill ho• cl••l•llt~o ol It\ 'I"'''' I •• .11 "'"''!.'" \\lid \It· .I I Prtur ttl rltt• l'lo•t•tloon :llr.:. (' \\' Tho• ,.,, 1 1111\o• lwo.u rl .,( ;'1/I'W·I I>IItlllll, 11'111 111!; Jllo"tdPnl 111>114•1111· the'* l~td wus Hhl•· 141 hU)' ftl(td (tit 1\ ,,,,, t• d ltUM'tt '' ,\u•dtu I I• ·1 l:qtt, f , ut · • l't ,,, t "uilt•. '1''' thttl •• ir•. "' J,.,.,_, \Yh••n t't~hlt\••n ••u . 11f lt1• ._.,"'" •u.: \\Ill It• ·• J· f, 1• ru, \rul r '"" ,, ... , .. ,,,,,., 11• • 1••11 lll,;h ~•h•••l l'.r.nr.To ,ll'hol •·tl ;\lt ~ 111ln•·~ th'ltrnr,fll vC a ·""'"'""'''"" "tll "'', 1 \lunrl:o\' Frh I ht llh't• Itt no•ftt, In li< Itt ld at ~l r~ ,\ ru•ruln.ettn•· t•t•n\nuff•·•· ,.J. (•f•~J hi' J:ol J:t j.lh a.; t)r~+UtUil , tht ffiutl4 t"illllfflfltltl ) uH ttJ,ItJilll fl111t' t.H est sttll('lltl "1'-" /IU;(IIII"Illl-d It)' d o•-'"' 1"111111111!. " ""II IIJitt .. n~ of '"'"· (lro·~tlud .on<l , ,1• 11 '" tlu f!Uitltr. lu 1..• '' \\Ill t hn"' l'"und.' of f1sh llul unl'C' '" '' ·'"'' "'·" 1~· """""' ol ""'" bb 1111111 I) "lUI rt'!'Oio(llllr•·l Ill' ,.,.. \1" \l.ot 1111 \II' I · :\I I'' •IIH"· joyoo;l 11111111(:1111 i\4'1'UrJiy, lllld l1\t-d ;'11" Itt• ft.uol lll lllno I \If' 1"1t II lion~: 1'11lliiJ:h tn lll"thH•· l ll'l uma.t· r .... r 1 1'"" ''"I :\I•• l t•olll•llt in.: oolpuf of lniJ.'tt'al l"urnpu,lllfln!l, lt .. lrl 10 mllrT)' IWi('l•, flllfl tO lto'('(U11t' lilt• 1\ to 01 flo~tll h·" I• o II Jol IIIII• ot too faiJWf Of tWt'l1f)' r htldrl"l1 foolloo\\ 1111 •til•\\ untl lito•" fol.oll tScrap book llt•ntl lltllt.: t•• 1tl• nol ,,,.. ·"""' I•• lliolk• rv~t 1 \Uitl•ll' 0 1 tthl.tHl lh k.-1, ;,~ A bird ot para•itV> h as "" '41nl:. IIOr a flonda rOM' II fr11.:rllnt'•' Vollalt'f'. , '"I) ,,, l"""'hh· I}(• W ISI' < KIT.£BE1f _T!ICE .l • 1(!-.-.·. , )....4~~ 4# Adverll~• WASHINGTON Pll-t,rootl roe~ ._,., teM ........ ,. layon of o ,..._ cello. M••o • l•cy go~ ,. . ., .... .,.., .. ,. -~-· ,...lty ., ...... ,.,., . . tlolly for • '•"•'" .....,_ .,.. ........ tho ...... C 10t7SE~OLE_ liNT ) -.--·_: ~~ d --.---.- DON'T liON tho ""tolna-h•"l them on the rode while ttlll damp, rvn another rod throvgh tho boHotY~ hem to keep them tawt and ttrolght. LITTLE MEAT PIES ' ..... ·~~ ........... , 2 ~-.• ...._... ... ~... , n .. -. ,...,, t .... "~ ........ >;, ....... lrt• .. l l~•l' .,,...,. '",.r., I "" •ell l •ctrr. ~··'"' '"-"" "•~ttt•' 2 .~ ............... ~ .... ,,. Sowto thopp•d meal. onion, tomato and ponlty vntil onion it tlightly btowft. Add flovr, bovillon; stir, l•f miatvre boil. Add eggt. Line small mvHi" pont with pa•try, fill with Mlatvre. lrvth edge of pattry w ith water, fit on pattry lop, preu edg•• togeth•r. lake 15 mi ~tvtes in hot o"en 1•425•1. cT'~ 'r!E !._RTJ~B t ) -.-.--1)~ 0 ----.- DOZENS OF TIME-SAVING, mon•y· aowlnt ho11tthold hinh, 60 page• of •om I" Wobof'• "Good Idea•" book· let. lllwttfoted, too. FRU, from tho ltokon .. tood Web•r't bread, lox 1730, De,.. 461, Wilthlr•-La lro• Ste .. loa Antelea 36. '"' I II I!· .t '""' I , .... fi d lt~C ''"I""' o'uolo \II-. lt••l \\•~111 \\"l fh ft•r '\t \\!••tl 1ft h'fet' ('Itt,,, "'' '""l"fp .. lltttll .Jun•' 1~,.1~• t'\f'n tt th•• l><nul• f''"S /.1$ tl wtll tnko• 1 '' Hr '" ''"1111•1•·1•· till' nl'w butltl lfl).!:· h. ,,, .. , 1 , -.l .. r ,.1f1,.,1 ~ fnr lh•• •·nmtnl: .::1. :•1 I pm Ill llw lolf Uity tlanrn~o:j ''"'''n""• hnmt' t\pnl ~ Clt~•·r!o roH•nl. ,,1 tho• hn:h Qo•h•w•l Thrrt• Hf•ll<•llll•'tl "'-rr :\lr<; ,I :\t lo:• n-' • .or Lth I uti. tl ;\lr' E t\ I lurllt'y. The Cape Suzette IIIli \It' llol• II·• 11.11,'1 '''' loor ll.o II• • 1 I •I 111ol ( II I lo lit,. I I I lo I I ""H It I ''"'''''~' ,, I tl -~ .. \\ tlh "hlf h Itt ffl ek• '' t •I• fw•tk' 'l'o~tl.l\ rlw f• •Ill I h .:r:ult• I ,, 17 •·nrniiNJ,, nough fur t\\u rllu;.,.' hut tlwr•· ,, fh) r•-"101 ii\'Rilrtblr l••r tho· "'l'nrrtl d;,<~ Cuod ti'IC'htn.: t·un 0 111} ~~~· Ut'l'OiliJlhShl>d In ol I frt~:< P( flO I II\ o•r J:'"1. :.!5 bi'1n1: II murl' ul•·al numiH•r Th~> ('081 '" tlw '"'I'·'~'''' """hi I><' 15 ~nt• tw·r ~too of assl'u<'d vaJuaUon. rn t!'rm~ uf mllllo'), tiW \HIC'rJ 'llo'Ottlo\ ~~~ .. 111 th•• ""cl loy fnlllnl( to Jlll'' th•· hunrls •• ~ ~tddtllunal ex~n" 1 w oll ha,·c• In be mt•t tn any t'Vent :· th•· ••dUC(ll()r snld. 1\llll~o· """·luwolrhal ol.o•. "" 111,111• nooh . t wko•t,. :'<Irs II :0.1 \\';ollon~-' I 111 11>·111 \I 1' llo·nry E~~,.rt , h• r< ,1,. '"k•·ll 1,1 r nl••r h)' IHJIO lo11tl. "'"" l•ro/o'" .•lo < Horton I \It, I tl~·•r II 11111 .ond :O.h"" ~t..ru •ttt rullo· t.olol• I"''' • ,\Irs \\',olto-r Spll'• r. to )ou r ordC'r _ '25 from --• -• II• If• 'n ;-.,\If"'' I l lo tt•hl• ( 'udo• SoT\'t"d t tH• nuun huu It• ••n '' ht••h '' ••' pn·· ····ol···· '" '"' ... , ... h ~'~·"'·fo-ol~~~ "'" lto-d,tolflo' •• n•l ~trs n nn\ T···• h(l<;lo''"' fur th<' ooflrrnnon ,\ rq••rt ,.f lilt' Fomrth Dt,trlct ~~:~:~·, ~' .tml ;\II s ( 'I• Ill Chrt,tro•,l "''' llltlrllo c o.otlo• mnthl'rS As-1111 ' 111'1: It• lol •11 1 •• 11;111111 IIIII 1-~o· '"''"!! M r-; Httland A \\'rtt.:lll., ~1\u1. :oloonc "''" lunr~ ns to how llr• n•''' moo lu•.:. M :tn h If>. 11 ~1111 mo•lh• r •'hlllrman. !'oit•wpurl tlto• anraual r •'llflrt~ <;hnuld ht• mndr '"ll IH• " dtnn•·r nl \'ictor Hugo's It ' .1 y;onr '" makl' )OUr "ardf"(.tlo' 11,11,.h ~('htool w• ro• Mrs L E nut ~~~~~ lou~1no·,s S('SSoOn at lh<' homl' Ill k u •.. J) , -~1 ,.. ~trc (;r.ut.• rr•pr.·so·ntnto\'1•5 (room ul !11" l.nuto "'''' Rco)nolds , 1-:m.•r· •>r (', ,,,r, r ..... , r. • ' ,,ld noJ)' II• lift) Cape-able at Valentine Par'J. For Firemen's Aux1liary I rrll~l)l'l'l I I r rrwtnhl'rC \\'l'ro' hOII• rtrt•<l wh••n ml'mlll"r< nf lh•• Flrt•· m,.n·~ lllll<ilrRry hl'lc! a Val(•nttnP (' \\' Fr~·· :tnd :\Irs fuolph \\' tttu lhoro;t of tho· htl:h ~£'hOOI wtll 1-m•·r~""· tho• lutt,.r twol pourtnl{ ""'\'I fur tlwtr scoconrl Sl'SSion on :O.Ir• F 11 \\II Iiams, room me>. Tllo•sday, ~-"••It :! I. ot I P m . In thl' th•·r r h:olrmnn, Corona drl l\ta r •f·hulll llUdtforrunt Thco chalrmnn '''h<'<ll ~M IISSt~tC'd by Mrs. M '' M rs J t . Sauard. who lnvttN! P. ="""lund anti Mrs Gf'Qr,:tl' L any mntho·r 11f htlo:h "''hll(ll studt•nts Cnlhrll', Jl(lunn~ Mr~. John Sl".-ll'y 1!1 C'Ciml' nnt1 l:l·t IINJUiltlll<'d . Tiw (trllt Amertcan madc nfll's "''r•· munulaclurl'd rn PE'nnsyl- \'unra rn IR14. Like th<' axe and th{• \)lnw th!' nthcor two t ools with which t ht~ {'OUnlr.-wa~ won. rifii'S wt•n• made by local sm iths out or local Iron Strictly Tailored p11rty 8l thr hum•• nr Nnrmn Orls- t'OI'. S lln n l"rnllrdinl) llVI'IlUI'. f'nur t Whl~l WIIS plnyl'd. pri:r.MI h<'ln.: won hy June K!d<1il'. til'l!f: Mnxlnr C'nnnr ll, srcond und Jl'rtn Mrf\t~nlll!l, {'fln~.-.ltitinn mrthdRy gtftll wr•r•• pri'SI'OII'd '" J\1r~ Me· \loonrol•l Fclh••r ,lolhn~on. l.roVcornr IS.•rr)' nn•l ;/.f·ncohllo Frrr.tt S p••••lrol 1:""''" J'fl ct'nl wr•rl" ll.t•ttr• Octl•·n, Anto•tno•ll •' T o><id. Ethl'l ~11111111 L•·ol.o ll:oun. .Inn•· .\ol 1111• u no! \f;ll' \\'t•flltt'll Pros· 1• ,., I' •' lllo'l111" r' \\ • ro· :O.I·ol\o•l Cun- lh' I II••H 1,. '··nn~. (Ill\ •' !'t•arlc-!1 I '"' t•lll\ A lhrot.:ht, unrl P.lo•!tnl'r \'.tn l'o•lt !\ll'lllho·r• lnl'ltuh'11 Mr ~:n~t~n potnrl'd out th .ot n u r pr<'lll'nt ~ducallonal l)'llt•m and hutldin~J h avc ~urh a hl~h rating in the S ta lt' t h111 tho· 1'11n· c1pals M the !'l<'m<'nt.or} tll'hools ot &1utlwrn C'nlifn r n111 will rnrrt ht•rt' in ;\lay to stud) llwm. ln•'oc:ntwn w;111 r;l\'f•,. "'' Or l111rry \\' \\'hill·, ll"ll"l" r~land Chapd Sprrutl t.:w·~l!' "' n• ooll "'' rs or thl' Fourth clt~trt• t. ('('I' T lht' rl'trrmc pr••11•d••111 :O.tr~ \t ''"" A ~'l'lwrtl uf Or.onl(••. I"• ~ult'nt­ ,.,,.,.,,, :\lr11 Erh• .oro I ~I til · 111 of ~nnta 1\na: th•• "' w h•~''", ol ~trs <"l•ttulc· !'f'•·r M S.onlll ,,,. ' and :O.lr~ .ll'rrnltl Sl•1nl(l!'r. fllo ~tdE'nl And Mr:c C I Crtylr S ul'u. Mrs. Wlll.am 'l'ru~l > wnlt hospitality dllllnTI/'111 Fi ji Island Service Told By Loco/ Pastor Fu ~ 1 ~· r\ ,.,,,., on I h~....-ont\ •'rctA I \\'urltl I'"" of Pr:ryrr ~tart In thE' Ftjl I• 11\llt 1\0tl I Itt• Ito•\ 11ll'11111~ (~th<"n fo;o\lt•r •·I :-.;, "tl(lrt ll:~r· hor I 'r• -I" I • n an o hllrt'h, tu111 of .tlt•mltu • 'lll"h ., "r' II"•· \\ lttlo• ho• '"" to tl opl.un Ill tlll' !"o~tllh Pii- Ciftr \1 I• n ho• ~l••k• ;ot thl' lo.·al uh~l'l'\ oil • o ho 1(1 Ft h 13 In C11rt<>l Chllrl'h lo1 t hi' ~~a 1.11\"('l'n(' lkr· o f N• WJWlrl n. H"h I''"'' ..:o•hnol r' ;~. """''' 1-'t•'"' ,\ lrn.l Thom1•· P T ,\ and :lrd 1 wr•-pr•'"tol• "' ·•ll'l'l ''"' \1 ''""' ('ttrtl1• II. ,ltrn,. Korlc!11• ,1 1-'uurlh rlrslrt•'' Ant•lho r <rw•ak••r \It"' .\hull, I I •· 1 Ioiii .-.r 11 •Ill" ~1wh ~~ '' ~~''"' ~lu• hnol \loonu """'II I lOri''' .• ~..... ...... llunotro·d w•·r· r•:l.!ll pro ,,,,, nt•. or . ~ Hlfo•ru lo ol 11 l1ulta ·'1"1 P1 ll.orry ""'" i'•tl" lo""lll 1\fd)o•rl.dll. E"tlw r th• lo'<':tl ur,;nnll.oll"ll. ;lit, '-•trah I I I I (• •· 11 1 \\"hit• ool 1\:oii Mo:o h l.uul ~l'l<lkl' em • ""''""· •ur11t 1\' '"'"ro ant lk•\1111.1n. :1 l'h . .rro•r nwrnloo 1 th1rcl .... 1\ lhl' l.urcl·, l'r:.~•·r \It•<. 1:1"" ~,.,.._ "'' nl'o rt!'l'tW )ol o 'ltlo•nt ;ontl oolclo·"l II\ 111 · nn~t ·~ l.onol '' t.:• ••··r.ll '"'"' nw n ·rnd ~lr« l•t • '<Hio·nt :\lr-i\lho•rt "t••rk<'S. Juhn l'ft " •uwr "'" f•ll•t;r ''"' ••lt,flr· Dr. Harry Worley Dies In China '"'" (' II llotfol,tn' \Jr, I '· ol~t•th 1111111 I I• "" :'<It'-Ht•l•' Tt tno• \It• "ally p, 'tttrl, ;uut Jlllllflf" P·"' 1•1 ..... lt•n1 , ,\ni\PIIIIo o 111• Ill oo( II~ <k.1th 111 "" I d: '' H II til l 'hill.l o•f l ll' l l.ilt\"\\'t~1 1~rnlo'l' :\11'' lltl l 1\ •I"I IIIL: "l'olli;t· t •'""t•h ttl atut h1 i•ltwr· nf Hu\ \\"ur ... 1w '''·'' '·\" th'' '' \1 '"" , ... '' ('f\~· Loco/ V icor Reelected to Dioceson Post I• \ ' ( It"""·'· \\" '"·"'' \1. ""·') '"'I I lit I n r I ' II II "•· I I I (' t Till' fl· \ l'attl \luooft ",,,' 11"1 , ,, "''h '" 1 ,, ', h,,,, .. , th• ···••1n-'' '\' T '11' p,' \ lt,,~11 ~ l ••unc1 · \ w u ••1 !'1 J,.n •' 1 l'\'l't•p;,\ r' "" .. "'"'" ,1, 1 ""'' ntt .. n I • ld 1t 1 • , ... I • 1\ d, '"' •1 1111 .1 ' th•·1 •·h•~t'i ft '' , ... n • t., r. d • h '" n•·•" 111 II lit,.,,., \lo thood •I olllllo h I 1'0 1•1• •Ill• I'' lll•ol. \lo 1\' ('I ft iO' of, I ol lt11o Ill oil 1 ltl'1o.tfl J'o\. ,, \\PII•\ \\ 1 .. d •''' ,, '''l''''" \t••'t1fl \ U1• '''' tt J nh(l lh'llh•ttiHI II" l .n-. \n··l•,tfiiJt•'• •,1 !.tt 1t1.t fl• ••l •f 1111 J , ...,~,,.,, 1 '"' '"' \\• • uJ ttu• ·'', h••'lf1i htlcllt •li'l\ If lh• n~~·· ,. tl '''""'''' ,, \\ \th 1'1 •• ,.,,,.. "., ·IIIU t.nlutlf I If· ..... '"''~t••l\t""H•f1 ,,,, ,~, "~~"·' ,,, .. "\,·', r"",,' I'"''""",, . ,, ,,, ,,hi" , ""' .. , l1· t ,,\ '''" '" ,,._,. ,,, •t --.hp ,,,,,,, ... tu"•ltn ... q\hl\••n l(l"'''''' • t., 1 \\ , ,,, 1• ,11 tt'' ,, '·• 1 ,, , ' \ ,, tt•n t 11" 1 ... ,, ,, ' ' ' ' n ,f.., .. t u1 I tJ, f '\ ,, \!\' t u It\ 1 Ul '\ th 11 I • tl ' t\llU f II t fl t d l ,, ,, • 1 I 1 .. • ( '1 1 h h\ It • :-... t ..... I • • • 1' n l f I t til •• • • • \\! h ~ \\ ' ol , 1 1 ' 1• ,,. · 11 1 • •• 1 n ol r. 1 •I '' · "I "' 1•\ •I· It t f ··~ \\h•• II ll .... t. "' " nd, .J 'I t '11 1 ' J:, \ Ut•l • 1 '' 1·' b)' I' \\ , .. \'t ... I ot!'t •tt \1 " I .I I I I .... "'' II \1 • \Jr . \\. oll.tt••fll t '· ,, ... , T ow nsen dites Join t o Hear Leaders \ IIIII 111 ~·,.·"""'' I T·•" ""tv!. fu11nol· • 0 "'" to oolo I ond I I l'r ''"" ,,, l .tl ltbr .l, 1"11:111"111 •11 "' lh•· :!:!ntl th <tt h"t t\I'~IIIIIIOi tPII \\ o I o• ltnlloll'o'tl 0 ~~~~ .... ,!' "'h• n :"\• \\ 1~ 11 r H··H• h '"''' n- .,·nol <'1111> 1\lo't .tl 1111 "'''"'' 11f l\tr .or1ol :O.Irl' ,\ ~ T ll .. mp•o•ll. !"'ant:1 ,\na 1\\"o'nth' Pr :"t•rn111n P r ndl£'- toon "' S:ul F'rnnn•r n ~tn t•· nr· ~, .• nllo'r ""~~I",,!(, 1 und nwmhf'rs ,,( llw l\•~la :II• '·' dlllo "''rl" Mesa Upholstery Harry McK~ ZS50 N~wport Bh·d. Oollta M"- Spring Bouquets From $1.00 In SANTA AI'-JA: ('llf . Rroad""' lit l'tfUI rhnn .. s.·.oo In LAGUNA BEACH : •t "AI'I'I"'' l'•lln l'tlonf' II~ • • •• !.-~• •. • • • • !: • a • • •. i * •. • ...... I 'lS'l So. Coaat Blvd. Newport Girl Hos Birlhday Porly The Art of Tre. Oal PatJo Dor is Spi••ll••rt.:••r. diiUKhtcr of ;\lr unci :O.Irs LoUI~ SJttr•ltxor~rt•r, :n1o ('l~ttnnt·l P ia•'•'. r••l• lirah'tl hc•r J'•t h lt11 tllfloi\ un F o•lt Ill ilnd ton· lo rt:ptto d """ n luomhur~pr cl tn- llo·r. Clf• '"'' lw·1nt.; :\lnrtan K uhl- lllo ~ o·r , ~lull• ' .on• I :llllrtl~ 11 l..ok- ko n ••nol Ito 1 Itt"' h· r. Fr.onk Spll'l- 1>< r~·• r Framing Pictures 1..,1, 1 "''' ",., • joHn• d by Bnh Hnotluk :or11l lttok l .. ont• fur tC•' LAGUNA PICTURE FRAME STUDIO t ro·;ul'l ·'"'I • •It•. ""'' ''" l'\'o nlnt.; o f fun Yardage Shoppe N. Coast Blvd. laguna MORE FABRICS ARRIVING Beach Sheer Rayons Bates Prin ts FLEISHER YARNS The Foundation of Good Knitting OUR OWN STYLIST & INSTRUCTRESS W& a ... -.....,.. 'is lwre to show new st~·ks ancl n<"v stitches in hand-knitted clothi'S S\\'F:AT F:HS AFGHANS SOCKS No charge for this se1vice START Y0t'R K:'\ITI1:'\G :'I.IT.F.DLES CLICKING NO\\' 0 ="1 TIIAT 1'\F.\\' SU'7\nfER DRESS It's \'as~· to learn --you will han• lots of run ~i;-it .""••• NUBBEE ANGEL CREPE BABY FAIR GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Hadd JUne journ· Saltig-Hubhatd Rites Announced lrom Reno t>yed to San F'ranclsco to ttc lhe!r An invUAUon to t.bdr nllln)' brotht>r. Ralph Ring and his w1ft>, fnt,nds. ma1ll'd from JV>no, to at· ?ust back from It yt>ar and a h alf tr nd un ··at homt-'' announced t ht• 1n China. • • • Thc> Camt>ron Thoms, havin g rl'ntl'd thr lr Lido "Tnarrlnlll' of Mrs. Walton Hubl>ard lslt> homl' for tht' first of Junt>. art' jr. of Lido lsit' lind E r nest Safl1g planning to sprnd a Yt'llr In O rr· or Los An~dt'S '1111' N'('('j)tion IS ~~~~ • • • Mr. and Mrs. J E . to be.• ht>ld Sunday. Ft•b 29. at thl' \\ t•bb and Mrs. E C. Wt>bb of hum1• of llw bndt•. Orang!' Avc>. spent tht> w~k e nd in L A with Mrs Rtly W alk t'r , M~ Safttg 11\'t'd in llon?l~lu for \'ISIItnl: For!'st Lawn. thl' ltudios sum• tmtr, lll'tng ~ht>re ~h~n th! and brt>akfnsltnl: at T om Rrt•nR· war started Ttamf.'d ln poll~ min's o n Tursday • • • nack fr "o rk. hl' S<·rved dur1ng thc> war 1n a hnnt:'ymoon ut At•upulc-o ~~~ Navy lntl'lll~ence. Ill' ':"'II tx-as· M t•xiC'O C'lty art> Mr. and Mrs. soc•at•'<l wnh Ch~rlt•s fannt•r In Clifton Slt'l'lt', :?17 Onyx avl'nUt'. mar ktotm~ a val\,. for oil m~­ Th<' brid<', former Mnrh• MeAn· •·hirwry a nd h.-and MNI. Safllg drt>w o f Brl~:~:s. T•'Xus. w 11 ~ a "all mukl' tlur home on Lido l.sle. JJtc·wardcss \\'ith An\\•ricnn Air· ---- lint's. • • • Mr and Mrs llrrmnn Bridge of Country Club Childs or C'081 II r.h•sn I'Oh·rtainf.'d Mrs. Laun1 Ouv1s ()( Arcndtn nnrl Mrs Vlnni£> lrr lnnd of Indiana 'Ili~rsday • • • Mr. n nd Mrs. 0 T . l h'b!'rt, C'osta M£>sn. rrturnf'd Wt•dnrsday <'VI'nlng. Mr I l<'llcrt from ii month In Phllf'IIIX with t h ('I r daughtf'r. Mrs c;,~Jrgr Krauss, his wifr from (;,•org,•town. T«'XII.S, whl'n ' shl' ll!'!'<mlt~otlntod rd· at h·<'s who had SjJl•nt (,l r!Simils hc>rt> ltl•d curnat1u ns and peac h bios· "'"'S d1•<·oru1t•d S untu Anu Country clui.J for tht• br1dJ.;l' \('11, whlt'h was hosti'ssrd by Mrs. L. W. Bemis und R il'hard Plt'llt'r. 1-'&ftrrn tablt•S \\ • ·rp In pi ay I lustc•sst·s for th(' mt>mlll'rshlp lunl'h• un Frh :.!It, un · Mrs E II Cuthn•· and Mrs. II<IWard Dakt·r, "1 t h M rs Ct'flrJ!(• U l\\ t• t>haJrman for th•· month. l -· Dinner, Program lor Boots & Saddle Club A "Hon~e Qun:" v•u llw I~· tur('d c>Vt'nt on tht' rro~:ram "lwn m•·mbt'rs t•f tho' Mt'IH Uoots & Saddle cJ u.b 11\t't I &s I ~· Ct:k. Al .the Anwncan Lc'-ginn hnll, C~ta 1\k'Sll. Jl'an Thomas of Santa Ana was 0111!>11-r t•f t'l'rt'lllllllll'S, IIS.Stlh'<i by Art Wlndrln~:t>r. 1\:rwpnrt llt'lghts Th•• QUIL wu prt•J~~trt'<l I.Jy Mrs. T R Ho•x, Coeta Mt•!Ca, •·ntrrtalnmeont chutrman 1\rt \\'mdnn~:rr nnd Mr,; Lt'Ora C'offt'y Wt'r!' h(ll\1 and hosiNs for tht> po tiiJt'k dlnnt'r wludt prt'<.'t•d•'<l tht• sh ort loU~Int>ss mr('t ing 11 1 wltil'h t-'orn·~t Puut. t>r•·~•d••nt. prt•· Sldt.od. C'ommltlt•t• t'hlllrml'n wt>rr up· voin~<•u ltJ ~t·n·•· 111 tlw pltt~·day of t ht' As~orutlt'>d Rldlltl: cl uhs t•f Llr· 1111~!' ('011111 y, lu Ill• lw ld l-'1•h :.'2. a t th!' lh'W cluh gro lllotlll 111 llnm•l· ton lllrt't:'l untl My,•ro; Pl~tt'<'. <'us111 Mt''l' T R Rt>X ur~;f'<t nwmh•·r~ I o 11lt•·nd l h•• S unrt11y "ra•~•n~ ht't'll" liS I ht•r r is s till plo•nt y t•f "t•rk tu lk· don('. !llrs "Sund~ · Sumlt•r~on, "HU) 11 lk nr h" nd\'l•rtlsln~ t'ha1m111n r•'· portf.'d :.!3 '"'llt'ho"' snh1 Hurnw lltlllt•y unnu•m •·•'ll lu• tlt•nnlh>n of thl' \\Om•·n·, l"'"tl•·r lfl(llll 1\lr< Forn·~• P uul \\ail 1 ul<'d '" 111 •'St'lll REAL--::=:a=::-T_A_n ___ --:====::ft:~=ll::E:AL==EST=="=T'E========·= th•· nhhlln• HI tlw plu yoJn)'. 1----Guf"ftt" rntr11rtur-rc1 w r rl'· M r At Corona del Mar 2-13ednn. home. V<'ry n<'at. This is furnished. $7950. 1\vo bedroom modem, very classy, $9250. 1\\'0 bC'droom modem , a tx-auty, $9700. Two bedroom, mod<'m .-Ask to see this. $11.500. 2-Bedroom, I'K'W Rnrl mOOC'm, South Of Highway $1 0.~00 Beautiful orenn ft'Ont lot south of Laguna and has grand viC'w. $2000. Otht>r lot!' south of Laguna. These are large lots and havl' n view of orean. SG75. 11nd Mr• J anlt !' Wllhum ll, Costa M••sa und !\tr 11ntl Mrs .I,. n n Tlu11n:1~ 11f S:~nt,, Ana , ~Ill's B1mi P111\••ll. llnll•'"· ''U~ '"'ktmwd mtn thr· club ns a n .. w nwml~·r Slw :11";.,, \\'tin tlu• f!tl<lr pro.tt' "~antly" Sundl'r·,..un 1111nuunr•·d Uti~UII•• llllo•r<'Sit'fl In ht•l'tlffiilll: II 1111'111h('r n( IIW d uh 1'110 Sf'!'Urt• a l•lank from tum nl 6:.?-l \'ictnl'ln II\ <'IIUt• 11r fr11111 ('nH\'it-y'~ funllllll't ~tur•·. Ct)Sfa M•·•a Holiday Stoge Pions Permanent Theater -It lilt~ l~t•••n nP IHIIIIII'n~tanrP Costo Meso WSCS Hos Yoried Program For Feb. Me•ling llsinl: ru th«'lr tht>m4' "World Oay of Prll)'<'r." ~A h1r h \1 obec'rvf!d tltrou~:ht~ut tlw worlil, JTIM1lbl'rl of t h .. \\'pn,rn's ~lt·t y 11f C'tlr latlan St•r\ U't• mo>t Thunda)' at thco •'hlltll'l. C't"\lllf• M,_ c ommunity dntn·h With Ruth Jlarnl'tt ~ld· 1111: ""Proctice Ninht Cltonne In C'rtlnl!r 1\ounty ,.,,lin.: prt-<·lm·ta 7l 7l r :'\• 1\ lUI I II••At'h, f\:,.. h. 7, ~. 10, For Symphony Orchestra 1:.', ntHI I~\ I \ ll.U :1a; l'I.At ·a-: I hl'l'f'lll •hKII l.llll.:U;Jl• II(• nt thr t 'nr1•nn ct.• I Mnr :<t•h•"'' t'hnh•n ltouhlln~: 111 ,.aut •h•trh•t l 'l •. uu ... ul lur !\iot\\11 ,tu,,lpc ,,1 ,.t.ul.:t t \'Uit~) Sympt ""' "'' ,.,.,,, .1 l<t'l··n•l ,,f ru .. ,,,, llt>;hl... lin· .,;t .. up '"" •tt.•• • at • p tn , ·" h ~t,ttu.t.H .. , lhp hlj l ' ..... , ollhlllt•l lltlll ~lt•lltloo•o ~ h• 1 ...... ,.. .... ,, •• ·'' 1. .. '"~ lt•'thh Will"" r ollhl .tt tlh ~·, •11\,d ••I Ao o I ·'I 111\n lk"' It tlffu•,·•·• ,,, I I• •'lh•ll lttr ~nhl ll<•n•l +-lr.•h.-., ...,......,nM- ~IIL' \\ .\\ :'\I I 'I( i\ \\ I. '"~t-"'"'" .\IH!" I 1.1..\ ~~ 1\:'\I•H~.W~ -.lllftl:•• ~lit:-; Ho tl ll H l'i\ ,. t:I1TI IIIIF ·""'"' F .• , It ''''""' u~l 1 l•'t'ltlr ••I """' NEWPO'R'T BA.l.BOA N1CWI-TIMJ:8 p 5 TUnUmA\. N-fM'l 11!NM, (leUf. ,...._at, It!!_ age .. 1: M I'I .H \. M EN T \\'A NT&D !'klflf~'t .'I) ) 1'1\1"1 o''tpl'riNlN". 1< nOIII'I t•unn· l'nt•afh• l ~_.us I I .. ut~nt rt•f ·····th'I'S 11 .......... f1jl.11 M 14·:.'111 f.MI'IA.H'MitNT 0~ • ~ALES LADIES ~-~'It \' t\HIE'TY Sl'\lttt-• Halhrla 1:-:lancl \' m·it•! \' ~turl' ~·t:t M \tt l:-o:t· A\'t-: FIREWOOD C'JIARCOAI, .t DRJQUI:T'I f"ftt1MJI"T'-(')1'!t.JYnY Wri~tht Lumber Yard 1784 Nf'wp:wt RIYd . t 'OST A M F.SA llHl"'O'' ~ • n w Dill' t>l PraVt'r prOCTam wu ••ondut·trd t.v AliM-Eastman with 11 numlwr of nwmlll'rll taking pt.rt This rt111' is un lnto•rn11tlonal «'Vt'nt, tukinl: rtnf'f' th11 yrttr on Feb. 13, 1md i8 nh!lt•rvt'<t In c h u r <'he I :'\o•l• I"''' Jlo•:tdt :-d""'' 1 11~1111'1 •lt.lll ....... ,,,,,.,, ,,, ,,.,,. \1111) Ill llw Stlh '<•l p 1,t11,1 11.,.111 ~:r .. ,·IIHn IIIIIISI \\II-I 'l:.tk•• ,,,,,,.,~ fur Plenty of Good Tirte AllSW.. New Camero Club to Meet On Bolboo Island l'r••n owl ••I "lut'lt It•· 1~ 11 ,.,.,. .. ,,.111 lin~··• ..-. •It .,.,.,.,, ,.,,. Ahout !>~ thl'f'lll:hOut tht' world. 1:-.; \\1 1'1\1 !-o~ \\'III·.HI .II~·. \\•· 1•1 ht•llt l-ull,,,. Jl:u t IIIII<' \\'1 Ito• ltt•ul !'Ilk II.•'"'' \ l\1111~. M••rntwrs w ('n ' mur h intt>rcttted In 11 I'IH't' rPI11thma m o tion plc hirc> shown h\' Mr!l J•·rry Dnvts. shoW· in~: chlllfr('n 11f all r11!'CS and lhl'lr R<'ll\'tli•~ nt Community Ct>nter, Ul!! An~;t•l<'s. It hdn.,; Ltm·nln'a h irthduy. this providl-d llw nntt· for folk 10n1t11 .. un..: hv Lud ll(' C'l11rk, \'in;rlnle S •·r.l r.n·n M;1r~:nrt>t Madl.on .. Ht•porl!l Wt•rt• rt•Jid frOm tht• l'ftr• IIIIlS ht•mt'S tt• whlrh C'hrlllt mas ltO>~;o'S h11 d hcrn ~··nl , hnd n box of 'J lq • '•lith Til t"IUit t·r~ttftl/t•il r•• l'l'lll•l \1 Ill\ h.ll1~t·l'~ \\ hl lt'llt•t•k n~ dlr•·• "'' ''til '"•'•'I 'l'tl\t'llll), Ft•lo :.!4 ·'' • :~· "Ill ,., '"'' h-.11\t• "' ~''' "'' ·'''' lltuk••. !ll•:t N••rth Ill!~ I· '""I llaH~··• hl.tnd. llt•lo'htl ••C ,If 1 hi l11 ~h '''h•••1 u'ual ttlt~'t tnr 1•1 ",. I 1.11 • II• • ;\I."'"' ••I tlflllltlll t.lnllll "Ill t.dl.. "" I •,,,.,, l'hult>i:lllfth\ ~~ \\ 11 I'"'" r-.. .lit' \\o lt't)f1\t' ha\ i' lh11t'llntn '•'t •'llt hiUHh' 0\1~ ,.,. ... " ''·" ••I ..... , .. \1111'1 . t·~t~ I' WI<S 'I'\ •:>-~ ,I 1\ \' 1 ; .. 1( I I( 1:-./ II Fl Nltl.i\ Y 1\11\HI•If'. ,. 11111'11\ l\1t•n lf,,.,., t'l t th• \ ~.l,.,,, tun.: I '•'•" ,t VI 1\o'l\11111'1 llo•IH'It So'lh"'l Ill• I rot'!, ,,f 111 nttj;<' I '<•IIIII ~, ( '111! foiiHU 1'1111 1-'..tl , ••. ~·ti. ""·" PuBLIC NoTIC E NOTil [ Of '""TI'N T IO N TO !1[1.1 , •• .rt .. nnrt l'm llll IWCI'SJIIht•t wu l P ueuc N oTICE l'•wlw rt ami St·nt In I lt•l!'n K('l•m '' •TI•·~· I>< 11~ 1n It\' Ill\~~' I"" hou,.. J.\urt•n f 'C IIUUI 1\U' It t:l P:C •T IU'-' ~~:~::•t .. r 1 ;.,,. 0,'~, ,/"~~~~:,:' ,",• .... ~ 1>4;~;; '•;,j TIW \'alr•ntint• tn<'llf was 11~1-d "iiiTIC F. • ""'"'"'~ "'"' MAIH I I I A•'I<~tlN r••r t hl· tt •' '' tuc"h ,,.,.~ ~··r'''~ hy I \ ~•··t··• . f , ... , ='"' 1\t.: U• •• I .. ..._,. -' ,1tf••t n lu tllt,.thh II• -.. U t•• \\'I t.l.l o\ M Ht•mPf' l't>ht•rmant'lrl'lr -l ufWhlc h '''"' ,, '""'''' , . .,,11 '" lh• 1 ""'I 1•111'1.\ 1 ""'~IIAW '"' 11 ~trs ~1• "''"'' IS ,~h;urm:an •Ill tid h .I ' I• • ''''' ul ~':• '' P••rt ~·~~·,·•,*'~ M~·~rt 1";~,:~~ ~ "'~:•'.:ht:-:'.';,"~1 ~· ;,' II\. •• h '-'• hu .. t 1 11,11 u I t•f t)h t "••liU ~;~)hJ'f',',~··~1,11 !;'.:.'\' •:,~ ;;~:~'.,",':~~,~~~~ Fr,·Joy Alternoon Club '' ,., • '•·•n•·· sru•• "' ~· . .r.l"'""' I ' ' '' ' ' ' a r , .... ,,.,,,., .. ,, "'" .: ..... ""' ·· " ... , '-" lh '' "' u···nt (I tn•·· "ttlt 1.t\\ ·'" t'11tut '"' .. "' ...... "''"~" ....... , .... \\'•tt Hr-ldc•• ~rc·tlun 1 h 1 '•~·n "•tl ~~· h· hi ''" tl1•· tr.t hI ;-.;~·,~: ·~, :;:~ .. \,,,..,';;!.,, 11 !-7,;•:·~ ... , :t ... ~~~~: nrlfh.:·· S t•etion ·~f Ft utuy Aftrr .. tin\ "' ,, l!t'h 1·'1~ '" .; thl "'' , .• td .. POII "'"' ''"'' '""' , • .,, .. ,~,.... , .... ... '.., .• ,Hn ''•'"l•'l l'hl~. 1 ''"~ 1l••iu 'h • l:t 1 1f' A lll'i\1 I II' I 'I til 'I'l l N 1'1'\' S.-11 1 ;,'111tln··•dnl I·~' t """ I•• lh>lll<''· ufrl•'t'tl, r ... ,u,, ~ "'" .. '' '~ • .._ .. , t'llnllnl.t~hm~ S1111111 htv•·~t "'''"' "''" til' JWirl 111111' J-'o•l' illft111ttll tlun. wr·ltt• 1\ol'l "I: t-~" ,. ,, Nt'''"' ·nm··~ 1 1-4•1• SA I.~:S MANI\I:t-:tt to~'«'l'llllttnnl ''l'l""llllllty f,•r '''l"'r l<·•w·~l ""''''1111111 1-\111)' '"''" nil\ I h' wu to·l •u(lf'ltllll: nppll •n•'f'~ $1:141 111 $'\till" ·~·kl)' l\tm ntl'.'llttflo'll 1-~\t'lll'h 1', Nt'WI"HI 1\•••..-h trrrlltli'V '" no·~o:nnl11• If "'" ''"""''' Snl•·~ lll'lto• l•·ru l• flll llhh••l W !ltt• lie\\ "It II",. •• N••" • 1'ht~o~ I I 11tt· :-;TEN(H;HAPHEH t-'nr ''"'n~>t nl-t 11111'1' "'"' k ...... 711 rm,~t lliway Compound Motor OU • O.Jion, 'IUc Western Auto Supply Aut hnrtl!l'd l>e.l« ID'I N...,..-t Rlvd., <'mta .... n . .- REHVEL Tht' (: A ~ H<'frigerator St•m•· J\l,.,t.•la A\'IIIIAhll' NOW Bnlhoa Furuiture ~tore IIIII ~hln ~~ . 11111111.141 !'htUI .. flllt"f Mtr 14:'\ ~·~-.~ 't '•..Ot. IUI'tl . N~>wtlOft l'hullt'f l lurltcll' Ill\ 1-'\ lit !'(A 1.1: ltl~otrlltl"' IMth S t 14·1fc: N••r.:•• 1-:t. .. ·trlc ,.. A I •~•mlltl•m tM E. 1 .... , .. ""''"" 14·41p t 'S FI\ .. rt h··· 1 torWTitt•r lit t>laa •'•11tlllh,n, ro·-1n11blt~ prlf'ol'd. W Muln ~~ , lllllllf\11, l'hnrwo ~­ l4•ttc: nHt~n c•luh ''til rn•\t't u 1 Arnt•rlcnn tt1•·t l'tt '" • •·n 1 h·· h•111'' ut ~ on :•;· '.';;~' .. ~, ',',',. ~··· ),:':"~.,"\,, ~·u·;.i :·· '~"~ •:•, 1.•1.:11'11 hull, 1:.' :In I' Ill. \\'Pdrt<'!l· .,·..~ ... I> \ \1 '"'I 7 I•' "' low-k I' "" ~'' ltH\1 ,.,. ,,,. '" •II~ <'tov day. F·l• :.!.:l. f••r a d•·~"'""rt lunch .. ~~ •httlth ''''"It t•• t attcl ''"' ,... : ,,~··~1"/·~u',~;,,·u:: ,-"'"''' "',,.,"IN"' 1'\••\\ 1••1 I II• IH'h 1:! Ht· l-'1!11 S AI.J.' Old Kl'llniON' wash• ••nn ~1 r"' Hl:ut\·tt•· ~~n11., "''II ~:lvt• '"' · n '' Ill•'" I!•'"'' '"'' I~Jt •ft, •lt.tl1 ,,,.,,, ~i',•r,'•" i , r t~~~:~·~,l~ utuc Hh1nu-tum flu:rtfi ''''~ \\'ill ht• J\1 r1' r•·n•.uu ••1••11 '' ''htt lt •·ltttttttt f \'~>u•l~or l 't·url \\'ho•t•lt•r 111\0 ~ll'l' D1lll l htd· lit• If lltll '" •tthllltll•·tl Ill•· '111''' \\'II I 1 ~'\~11' •::~'>;)lilA\\' dlt ....... n !\1r~ f'aul l'htnl:q •. t•h:ur· II•Ht "' 1'11\tiiU .. ··"" ,, lllt~t' luuul... v.~n.trof'll JUi tn , lt'-ks fur n.•!>O• r\,.t 1un~. 1\l'fl· nf ... 11d '''"''"' t t .. th• ~~~n .. llttt 111 I IIC1 1.'\.',,o~~.' .. "'ll'ltiA\\' t't•Jl t)l.)1·;\f. "'tllt,f'lcMI IW I '••l1<~r• l•'T I ll• I•Uf' l ui ..... ,, 1'1 '''" " k s ,, ,,.,..... "' '""""' ftlttfll'\ ,., .. t h· : ______________ .,.. • .... . .... nn . '••II •• ,, ,,,,. 1111 ""'' I n N ·r· . wtll lltll .. _ r·· 1\•••k s .... , '"n "•II nwl'l .It .! p m I ' I t-II' t•WJ· .m!'~ ,,.. ~ F 1 F 1 ··-1 · hnll '"' I I•• I"" • It''""' PI .,.,..,.,, lot~ •1••n~lhlt-for ttu>ro• tlutll nn r lnt'<tr ru .• , : •. • .... •. tl of'J!Ion tiH r h· huddlfiL' Ill !Hit I h.t .... liiV nl I ···-· tn~·~rttun of uu nth··~r'''''fflPnt :'>II" t,lnl-! Will pl••.otl•• tlnd Mrll 11 l l :"•·\\ kirk t•l Aunht'llll "'"I ~1•1h•••l ",'"''''"1'' ~,.. the rt1ht to ('()rTrrtly L:,l \t' tth• r••\tf\\\'S I( t 11 tH tnlft•• Ht t\ft l.tfltlll' H I I ~~~~~~tf )' f•t)\ tUUf ftJI At1A llrw1 fn ''''''''''"' t •• th• ,, h•u•l l11ultl '"•·)t.•••f nn'' uth't·rt l••'nlt~nt not mn. '"'' "' l ·tllltltlll'~ nih• 1 llt•lll '••rml n~ to ruiP• nnrl r.·~ultltlnna •t11h ,, tilt\ 1~ n.,,, .. ,,, l•1r Mtfr \\ t\ "''1'1 11 \\ "11"11' ;•'\ Ill, 11l•·•· 111'1"''" 1111•'•' .. , .. ,·-•n..: , •.• "lllllllty, 'r.Uit 'l 1 'IW'I '1'111'1', \:UtHt kthl\\1\t•tf.:t• ,,f t•olut ,r., tl•'''\!ll1 • ,, ... , lt·tu't•tt '''""'11{1t ''"'' 1 '' • It• ''' -•Ptt"r 1111111 \ Ill ~tu\1 lilt' lu""""'~ wttll ltlllll'• \\ Ill•· "''' "!" ..•. N••\\. r "'". 1:11 '"I' t••tt , .. 1.,,,.,,,",. .... r lotll'k L'IIIlllttl & ,.,, .... II ...... I I :.'lp '' t\' t't 1 • s .. ·'""" ~~w ~,, . .,., I''"Jih•·• ll~hl I""'"'"'''IHn~: N-c• !\to \·lo.,, 111 "' ll~tii NIII l'luor 14 .. , ... •AI.K MII'W 'IU..I.AN&OI1" • Ill~ '"'"'"""' s~·:t !VI ..... tr \"'n• dllt .. n 1:11 T"l"''· llnlholl llland. 14·110 "'ANTr.fl TO Rlll' • \\'1\NTI'II '"I lillY !'(kill IIIW, T ""'" """'''· " lrll'h n.·1t11 llltlnr 11rl"•r anw: amnii h1111C\ ••w: ., •. ,., Ill Ill .. Ill IX Yh'llt• ~tl .:lflth S t , No•Wtolrl Ho'lll'h, tlr t•ull 11rt..,. ~-~1 ll-2tp WILL I'AY .;:.•; •:1000 ... "' y • .,.., t •t•t I ''"I' IIN•t T ,..,.l• "'"'"'' Uut;•;,'" f .!~,:~,~~;~~rN Hf Ap S 1 N <; E H ':A~lr.~ec 1 Broroom lloml'. N<'nt, $6,500. 2 Bedroom 11om<'. Cozy. S7.·100. "hu·h has lf\niiNI ll111!rlay St a~:•' in rlu• <'l'lltl'r of Prnn.:•• •·ot~nty r ath••r I hun In Snn Dln:o. ~ant a n arhztr '· mort lll'rn C'h lifnrnt.t oor a I "'"rn•• ch <lltnt lllllnt nlon.: thl' Atlantic •••:ol" :,rt1 1-'•lr m •·r ,, • ., }•·ll r' "'" Mlahll~hm••nl Ill II lll•rntunt•nl s t:H;r -tho•all•r on or nt•llr Snn t11 1\na ha• ,.,.,.,. th•• dn•um ·•f ft•llr f!N•pll' ~~"~ Ro~f· lwrum . l"t•rlll.llt Mo·nn··~. Fl .. r•·n•••· nnrt llnrolrt Tnr· II•') I h11111" I h•· \\fir } l'llf"'I, I ht• 1d!'a ~;n•w on pllfll'l • last su nmwr 11 ht'<'llmt• n rt>altt)' w1th th•' fm <l ~··aMm of rune pla ys '" lhl' Tustin I ''"h Sl'hool th('att•r HAPPY EVENTS I tif t• ttl lltttlrtl f'UtiU'l ''I" •.• lh•U .~r ••IMir' 14 j 1 .. 11hlo· h•~l 1/1 "'"''~''torln~ot ""'' I 'I\ 1.1. Ill\ II 110 11 1491'-J t4-8tp SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must have level ones, these won't do. 3 LOTS at $2000 for All 3 2 LOTS at $2000 for Both Some Fine Level Lots -$1500 each w. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where The F1ags F1y" Delicious 13-2tc . FRESH FISH DAILY .II they them catch We hove them. BAYSIDE TUY 01'R FRESH COOKEU CRABS & LOBSTERS FISH MARKET \\'1101.1-:S.\I.t: 1\:\0 Ht:Ti\11. 't:\\ 1'1 IRT Itt: \('Jf '!lith !'OT .• \ "' I. \1 \ H :TTt: I'Ho-.:t: n\nno K nt :'l 1\t fors t twn tl'ams plannrd sr•p. ltr(llf'l}, Rforum 81)d Mrnnf'S f ;r II lht•att-r In T\Jstin, thl' Turnt>ys lor u n•• 111 Laguna llNtch. Rnrn~. vn. rant st ores, lar~tt' rMldt'net•s to bl' revamped Into plnyhousrs, W<'rc !'Onsld<'rcd and fln11lly rl'jt'Ctt'd . St'vcral ~ets of bluf'prlnl!l fo r nrw. ly c"On~tructl'd thl'nlt'r~ w" r t' dr11wn with actu11l locations In mind. hut huildln~; l'lllirnntr·s al· Wn}s cnnr <'llrd th!' plnns llt'fon • ground wus hrok<'n Aflt•r thr wnr, \\llh lh•· rt•l urn I of !'4t•nnr~ fro m comhnt 7onPs ru td tltt• T11rm•y~ frnm thr•·•~ )'<'ar~ ,,( tuurm.: 'h"''" 111 nrmy l'llll'lf>l', flw fuur ""'""~lllSil' ml'l nnt1 amal. I ~o:aml\lo oJ I h••tr-odl':o~ St.con a I"Or· l"rl<llun "fl"~ (Qrm••d. "IIK'k tn t hr 1•nt11n· "''d '" lltllllt.!lo• folt·ml, ;t~td JI,.Jula~ !'t;oJ.:•• laundt•-tl un ''' ftr~t <I·"'"" "'''" thl' <·mn111.,; .. r J11n•· .!RIIt. I'' ....... tltlll " :t'Hrl ur pol·l· ~"""a I l•ll>~hwtoun "'II ••t• n "' T ti,IHI an1l I Ill• fnur l<'llfl< r' hPt•· 11 Will l'lon.-!1 •It•· "'lllonunl nl a J'll rman•·nt 'IJIIIrn•·• th•·~<l• r 111 I tr:•nt.:" nmnty In Harbor Area t fl .. r•·1ueu Itt~ r•·'''""''' ur •• h•nltlon,• •• r ""' "'""'' ""''''"'': tl •tnhi:"l IO IIII\11 tlt fl•''lll•\o•tl non:s To Mr llnrt MNI \VIIIon '" fir•• "' .. tit. I pulolh ....... Ill R flt)i!'s, 11oll !lt:\, Cn~ta MI'SII, In It~ 5nnl :1 1\n:~ Commumt y hti!IJiilal. 1r 1 '11•• '11PI'h mt.: nl '''"' • •I lntiltl Ft•h 9, 194~. :1 son, G lhll !( o.t. Int.:' "''" t111 111t ur•• t1r llt'r 5 MITII To Mr and M rs N R •·"an • 11 1'101"'111 "~ ol It 1• r· S mith. 520 n•·rnard S l.. Colli& noh ownt n~tlllro· ~ M""a . in Oran~:•· County hospital. HI Th•• t•·rmuownl · ompr71VI'IIll'ltl F rh 9. J94R. 11 d&URhl<'r nf lho· •Phrocll t.:r .. tonrt~ DlJRKF:E To Mr. and Mra /Ill of 1111' fnr•'l;tlllll: riii'JNI~t·K IIRrVI'Y DurkE'<.', 2572 s. E . VIlla rnumrrnlt•fl hPn•m nrl' hrrf'hy Or , Nt•wport Rench, ln Sllnta Ann UniiNI and ~h11ll Ill' vutrd UJIOn Community hospltnl, F t>h. 10, 1948, •• On«' alntcle propoallion. a 1100, 7 lhs .. t 5V, oz. Said bonth prnt..,.rd to tlf' luul'd lllLL-To Mr. and Mra. Millon 1nd tto ld whnll Ill' nf thr drntlml· 11111, 7R•1R Ma~:nnlia S t . C:t>,l:t n&tlnns hrrl'ln11 ft••r ~tll'•·lfi•••l. nnd M Psn, in S t. J osrph hospltnl. F•·lr 'hnll lw'IU ml•·rr-~1 111 n rat•• uf nut 2. J!l-1~. ,1 dau~ht•·r •·xl'rrdl~g fiv•• P••r t•••nl I"'' 1111· MF:"JIIEZ _ T .. Mr And 1\11 ~. num. pnynhlt unnwoll> rnr Ht•• f1r~l T 1111rtm1 :'>t!'nrl••t Pt) 1\nx -:.:1. yr11r tltl' hf111tlll hnv•• Ill run, 1111rl ('""'" 1\li'S/1, rn !':tlllll i\1111 (\om · 11111n11~ huspitnl ,Inn 31. 19-U:I. II rl~tu.,;hl •·r. It lit~ ·,•, 0 1 l •A\'IS T u :'llr ""'' :'>Irs Rt·r· •••·n :-.1 P ull' ;,11 l ho h lrl ~~ ~l"ml·nnnun lh 11..-r,.,llfh·r '""' '""" h4' """''"'rt'tl fr uut I lu ~~•• f'Uf' lllt-.('Ufl\r h . p.1\ •hi•· ~'""" fulln"'· '" \\It · ftond' t 'nn onr1 flo·l l\l:tr F•·h :1 I !I-1R In "iumbforo<d Sunlit t\nil C \•Otn\111111) hu•tlllhl II l lni'IU'•hl') d-oiiJ:htPr, 7 II•~ 1 "' I '" .'II TA\'1.<111 T tl ~l o ,,nd ~1 1'1 :•1 '" In l!.d,.IIT:t~lo·r 111 :!.II .. , 1n .r ..... 111 "'" •;.• ,,, ...... Ill ~~ ·'"'''Jih ""~''''"'· F·" ril '" )<I• 1< I'I,IR." t1.1uchl•l. 7th~.,., 111 Hltn !1•1 \\'FST Tn \11 nnrl ~lr~ 1\o . .,11 1111 In 1.'11 \\'1~1. :\IY.I :l·ltlo ...;, . ="''"l••rl II•, It, 1~'1 111 Ill• 111 .SI .lu<;o·ph ""'"'lot l:tl. F•·h M, l'tiR, I ll I~• llil• lh·nntn ln•ll••n ~I lU ll WI I tH IIWI I '• • ""' I •• •• I~ 1 1 .... tl,. t I ·~·"~' ) l.ttH tlfl f I ttllllt ... Tu Kun \ .. ,.,, "• htllllll'hlf·r , 7 II•~, to! 01 II; I II• !)llo .S.\11.\f;I IS,\ Tu ~lr ,onn \lr~ 11(1 ''' .'t~l Copillo Circle to Meet (· .. l itH I .S;ol a,· .. ~a. f'() nux 1)(2, :OCt I I•• :.O:'II t 'n•lll ~1• <,,,I··· h 1; t!)IM, "' S ,, Ill .':.'I 1" :..0 11• t '""";' <., .. ,,, •. r ~-~ .... ,"a 11.-r ~l11r ''"" 1·,,111111111111y h,.,.,1ttt, .1 '"· .'•II '"~t~1 1ttti'IH N't I I~ ~11 ~I I'""''"' li 'i .. 'I Ill II I ~· I :'I II I • II~ 17 , ... ,., .,, 1'"11111111111 1) ollltl'd o \\oil Ill•••• I -,)It~. 11 1~ I)Z. :!lit tn :,O)II I \\ •·tlrl• "''·~·. 1-"11 :.0~• 111 :.! .:Ill II tn 1.1\t'Y 'J'., :'llr :e11d :\!1 " II, .tot :..0>11 11• :11 ~1 lul'rll'l11l1 lt·dl .'\11 • •1 ;\I 1':11111' ''"' lll:O ·Itllit!'l ~"""l"lllfl• It, :\ltlln :l.'ll l11 II \\Il l !11 111 • It 11 1 • .. r 1 h• · tol'u I , 1, :I I q l'-1 111 :--;I ,1,,,, I'll lt•o• I d. '1:.0 I Ill :1 11 I .·1 •Ill o~nd I• a ""'''''"' ''til It• , ,,,11 1; "". :.0 "' :c11 '" :1o;11 \lo \\'d ill ""10.:•1 :\lr• ll.otrl \\',\Ti\IU 'I'" ;\lr .w tl ''" 'lid t .. :v.oo '1 •1Hfl .11111 \11• Jtq• . .,ll II<IIIJIIIUi f ll.tll•l• \\ •I II Ill ~·. 1\n.\ l•l,i\,,:l'-ll" 1"0 (II f't \J1 I 1ft !'tJtld 1\fl ~ I U lf+l fq l 'rt ,ft, I \\h tl \\t 11 ll11 f(, 111111 lflttrt 0 ltfll'\ ho !•t l .11 J,tn :!~I, J'•l"' H 1..'1 '''I ll I ''I I I • I u I''' ,., ~~··· 'fldlltl I' r\UI 0 "'tl tip \\llfJ • II f o '"'• n 'J/ •h• "'''"Ill\ ''·'''"'' t1noll\ II''' ·1 .. :'>lr :o111l \lr I' ,,.. l•.t 1'' 1''' I'""''"' I IH oiWI I I, t!! "" f HfiH I tl f ,, .... 1 I tl H t ~I I '"" .. , I , .. WI I "'' •• f r tt 11'1 .. \\1&'11•d lt•nt q, 1.111 t•ttHrh •I" , .. ,, I tt ... ',I !"' ·l:r·. • t:t '"''" .. l'ftlt , .. ,,fl I\ C t.rt.t•·' '"11ld th• \I,...,, ,,. '-,r t·t \nt ,.,.,, '' v,., H" 1'"'1' ,,,,f,., "r ''' 1,..,,,,,,,, ftittl ... tllll·""l''' '·•'' :u J••l"" ttl ••· .,. ''''''"u th. '1 , I I I t '• r '-It• n ~h~ uu·• --; Jl, ... I'' •·/ It" tflrl rt I I ~ •• ,.,. ' I· '11 ' f '• t I ••. -· , I ,,, """' I "II tf ... • I . I :"'I ---------------'"""· ull '"' $.:':'\ 41i:.! Smo'll7••r H. M. LANE HEAl. ESTATE 2<106 t ·uurt A"" N1•11r NI'WIJC•rt l"'••r J--:.ottthliahrd SmN' 19'l0 8-tfr F"OR.M:El 1 Wtnclahtfolda 6 Hatrto C'OVft'a m.adf' to Ol"dw "* Pl .. ll tit-.t Ludt• ShMU for I&La Nu· World Pmduc'U C'ompan) 3011'tltrd St., Huntln11nn O.ech Phone H1111.u.ton BHdl 1ft ~t.b CESS POOL8 and S&l'lC TANKS lnal.llll.d Anywhere 1ft Oranr• C'.ouaty rontrart Drtlllnc !'f'wrr r nn,_,loo IAII Wurk r.uanntHdl Full ln•uranl'f' C'errtf'd .1 . R. McCORMICK J-111 \'lt'torlu ~~ t ·,,.,,. Ml'llll l\otw••ll ~lllf.'l .1 r..o·\\ l••rl Ito o.:ht~. ll••n fl:.!•tW It 13 ::tt· .,~ 111.1-:rs . $.'11 11.1 nn•l 1111 "' '"'"" l•lrlt.., S~'l "'et IIJI. kltdwn •Ink• $117:'1 ''I' tullt·l ••·ul•. atlt-nrllh<IC \\hllo•, $ii '~ up :ll!\ Mt~o lttl' Aw•. llnll•u• t.lnlltl llnrl~tor :!:.OIIi-W t:l :.Otr .SM/\1.1. 11.11• tw utr•ra, f"t'lflry l'lu••· •>~II $•1 !Y.>, uutatrlr lllllnt 1.1 ~ .:oll••n. l11alll•• o•llnmd Stl 'r., l(ttl· lun :ll!\ Mnrln•• Avr . 1\IIIIJQft I•· land. llari.Jof 111&-W 13-:Ztc GALVAN17.F.O l"IPF.. a\1 •lu.; lllttu lolou'k l•it••. ~lllllllrll?f~ llll)t' rtllln~ot• :11 ~1 MArini' AV1•. lllllhWI b lluul llnoiNor :t!.'lfi·W l:l-!ltf' Ft IH Sl\ I.E 1(11111•1' ~htN'II l'nr IIJII••IIIIIll•'lll •·ull "An" l\tl11lr llntl~·• l<l;l7 It 1:14111 1ft •'I' \\'1\'11 H Ill 1\'I'Flt.'\, rt•'"' $~.: .. ,. •. 111 r.~tll .. n ."0 tettllnn rv· 1111111~ !f.:'\1 ti l !'lull •h•IWI'I• 1'01111 pf•lt• S".fl '-..' :lit~ ~tnrltu• "'''· l l~tlt•"• h l111ul llnol"" :.t'.'Hi \\' 1:1 :••· ··---·-------....;. Will Pay Cuh ,.~ )"C:1Uf run-t~ or wMt .._,. ~ ~'hoM a.-c. ... Crawley Furniture Co. lln2 Nf'WlJOf't Rl-.d , O.ta a... .. ... CASH for USED Furnlt\D't 4 ~aneta "We Buy """"'" ... GRAN'MI .......... """~· 1&45 Newport BIYd., o.ta .... O.tk t-i tRNI'MIItE JU;FINIBIII':D Aa Yu11 l.lkt-II I<,.:N f:IU•:NR'n:ll .'l:lll P.11n••• ~~. r, .. l,. Mr .. l'hnou llnol• •r 111711 W ~-... ..-.n ..... ,,.. 1 •n 1 ;.,,,llllh'N\ Wnrk • DQ-IfC! I I I I •1 HI ,..ltll :t•:ltl\'1~ IH, $100 1:.0-lft• H •II :--.1\1 I llhit· ~IIIII "'"-'· IIi ''"' ''" • ""' •11•1 lw•ll, hux •J•rlnp, ~·~• l'h ""'""r 124(1ll l~ltc HATUlOR Plumbing Service J'iiJJi 1\:t•WI)IIII Jlh1l , 1\t•zu~•n fit 17 REJ>AIIUN(; OUR SJ~.<1AI.TY ('ton tract ln1 and SuJ•piiN C'OOPf':HATfVE H001'1N(~ CO. ~~·w artd l<•·pair l'h''"' f<• Ill itll .... 1 t !I I fr· 2!17:-1 J-:td···· i\VI' ...... ,,. ""- "' 21~>1(11 I ·\ ~.1\IIS ~·l:ll\'11'1': IN TIW IIAilll' zl( AHI·:A lfAHI ~Y JIALL 1'•\l "fTI'~'; ( q"f'rt!M "l~ Ill j t I• \1 I '' •I. II I 1'• t •• , •• , t (',,.Ill 1\I•KI• t'•tllf :V• ,,, f'. l l t • I I• •'· H, 1 111 I II 11 tf lh •• t I I, •II \I f d '. lilt It lo u1•1h ~.'I t;t I• I o• .. n l, •l•• lt\•t•'11 l 't .. ,,,. llun•u•a.:'''" l'•u•h ,._d'•.' ll Jtp • "'"'"' ,, I ""'""'''''' ,,,,,,... p uMps '""'' "'"'l l•l•tuk•l . ~.'·'~' •\ndl \.\'I IHT IIINf;'(Y)N ''""'" "''"'"I' ""'· t-:1·. t11 • "'' I'H~~"s' 'HI c 'EN·nttl-'tJ~L \1)111 ·~1.' :11,1 "'• N•"l""'l 1-uo~tll l'n••~llrr ) _II·"" l:l1ltol S owl•·11 Hrh l~•·1ntlnn ''"""I• l••d lit lllf,..l·t•tlllll tiiHI 1;/:I Su iA••AIIII"'It•o St .Ant~h«'lm ft •' ull ,.,, «.'"• Hd ~ftt• 1ft• t l 'h••tH ,,.,r,.' ltl 1tQ ., ''I-'' t II• .,~t.h ft, h ••.•1>< l\ H rll s \1 I '"''I"''"' I I• I d• 'k '""· 'i ,\I I I ~· .' '' h olt I• """' """"' •• fl'"'' t a l1t• 1 h11f f~tt" 1~H d J., d f l~tt J .. ,, 111 It• \ t IJIIt•ht~J'I t ,., I ' '" ,,., I If I~ t I t f ''" ·~ r t1 "'' 1111·• n f "I t ••• • I' I II "lo· • " ,,, :--:i h···r l 'l:ll ttll' 'I •1'1 I I I I \ '· •I ,, I ' ' I lo• .· !~:1 \ j.j,. l'l:llitt" f'u. I 'II II " I.... ,. I Bnal ~ Prlf•t•d To St•ll .Ill (I ( IIIII """ltl f• lldtt f I 1'1121 '"'""I t , ,. 1 ·, •til "' •l.m 1 •••lar•r ' I '• t li ' .f,t w, •'' 1. t ~111• I" II '• t,l w• '· ,,, t , ' I I,,,, 1\ I ,, ''I~·· t I',. • : \\ 1 :t lfc I I I' \I I ... ,, . ; ,.,,,1 I 1. Iff I ,,,,, lf10 ,\ I I H 1ft•" I , I .,, .... '"I'''' II I \\,I I I• I ,I ,,, y I. l•t It• I I •• t I, , 1 \' t' It I t 'I'll. \I od•l l 't' No. '''" ,,1 ,,. ,, ... .. flllftflll "' ... . 'I • ~· l 'l•••n•• I,, ,,,,,, It·~. \t .... 1 r, r 1 :nr. I I I k Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers " t I • ' ' If I I ' I I ~· I f t If ~ t I 1 I t I til, It #I I f I, ' .. 11"1 I!' I lliol • I Ht.rHt I J,, ~ tH' I., I•' .. I. '• h \:'l•l•ntttlttt •ff,,,, I•• • r h• tt If ,fit I Iff I f 1" J to, • I '" I tu " r • I" f t t • f .• • •t I • • In 1 f •f• •' \I I , ••• 1(-.() .. \1, ,, ~ . ' I•' ' ,., \\ •• t , d It " •.. •I I ol". I I. I I. 14 , • ••••• \1 • I I , I " • II I '· ,,, S 1·: I ~ V E L Tlw I t •I' \II ·. ,, ,, l···'tl /\11• \\ ,, " I '" 1 I II'··· ... II t. , .. •· • I· t 1 • olvln I, •II '-\t :-. '"'" I I t t 11 T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Z1clo Crulllflrt • l.au110n li Martin Outboartt. Complete y.,.ht Fumlllhlnlf • Gear. Yaeht Bn~keracll'l a ln•uranee Harbor II-S440 VIa Oporto DEAN W. CAMPBELL Lester & Co. llttmher l..oe AlllfeiM 8todr l!:lletaaac- Oo.-.mmeet, Munk!tpal and Co,o...ato. 8foeorttlfl(l 115 J:.. Oe•tral A.-... Balboa. Ph. Rart.or toll Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life -Health -Accident A11 Types Personal Insurance llarbor 1885 • 15!0 ~ llart Dr. • &~beat Baumgartner Jewelers IMUred Dlamondfl Ralboa VOLNEY HAY, JR. Hay's Camera Exchange P111'D11 ••• Ouneru ... .........._ • c..dlcl <Jamera Portn.J• • 110'7 r.. Ceatnl RA &II -.,.,.,_ 0.. a lltrtf"ller, Pf'M.: C. A. Rertlerta, V1oa ....._ RaJ V. Ma.raiWI, "'-"r Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. '711 OoM1 n.,.,. f'1L Jhort.•r 5-M!. llt'~wpon B..a11 UoiiJ't'M<WI ( ml-r • fl'pnrtet.er Chi-TNk llaU no.t.a Pr''""' .• f,,,. • .t•·• •• , f•·r'* ;.ntl ...,:,ttl f •ff p • '-. -f f h • ''"', "" 111 , OJ1f1Hf•l '·"'', I• I .,,,,1 11'1 I,.,,, I I• I IIJrfl' th• 1• ,,, pur \~,,,, ,,, It\\ '11u \ ''' 1111' 1", • "'' • t• dlilll: plat•t•fi4 ""'' ,,,., ..... ·~ll 11 •t • d •d·. I I••"' ~ I• I ~~~ · /'1 ~1.u tru A\t I II H ,,,,, I fl\ I 'q ~ II '"'''" hl~t~"l IIIII I• or I :1:1 1 IJ !JI I tl"l'll:rtlllt·d noul "l•lt'•Htl• d "''' :" 11 II• fnll''"'"' y.-· 1-1-.-.. -,-,-t-l -\'-1-.n--~ -~ .. --1 -. 11-1-t-lr-t II II I RUNU P:l.t:f 'TIOS I'ICt':f I'll( T NH. I ,,,,. '"''" "hi•lt •l••••rtt Il k•· l '~l 'l ~hllll m rlwl• ldl Ill• "'''" •·nt tr:wlor pi• ~~~· "''' I nrnl,. I,;,.,, hrnrt•fl "' loo .,,.,., I·,'"'' I \ .. llnlo( ~hnw "' """" S o rvl~'•·. !l:\11 W I u 1 II• '''' .L'•-I, ('• Ollfd. :0.:<'\\IH•II 1\o ht'h l"'"''lrll' ~ •" "'I"" '' .. 14 I !l, :l <1. !i k, "oul I I • tr PC II.I.J'\;(; 1'1.1\f'l llo• '' lrt '"''II P:MPIA')t'JWJ:IIt'T WAHT'Itfl U hr 111 tlw :'\• Wl-.1 I t:• I•• It "~'~•'"'' j f'••ntrnl 1\1• ro<ll' 1 .. '""" l'llh llntl r;flfll. 1~·".'1'1•11 /1\'lcllltlol•· rr.nr·y 11th s .... ,~ .... "" l •o•lll•l lr•mtlll/ \'·'" ''''"'''• •·r will'''" t lfftr~'r• ••I 1 1·•'1'•" ho ,.,,., 1\l.nd l"r .on•l •l•lo••l ''''''"I'' ~·f\11 • '"''""' ~,,,,. I• ,\ It! .ttl•• ·~t i\\' I i t lf,\lf'll ll Htt\1' t•I'I IIA'l'•llt.'i B:dlrfJ:t 1-'ll r nilurs · Sl1Jrt' '''" t 1 "'', 11 .. ,, ''""'''-lnt•·r· l l~tl lwllt t\of•d H\ i ft<I Uf lfl}' fluh h11hl f111tO !'!·"" """I'""··,,,,, .. , .• ,, .. ,.,., .r .... M .. ,. -----''"· """'''' tl.'ol r l:l itc W11trli•·• ('"ro<"k~ .I~'WI'Iry t 'IIW JNI tMJ-~fl-:llS RrpalrlnK Pr""'"' Sfontii'P Srn~lhl,. Prl,_ VAN DHIMLF:N .r~~WF:LRY I 7N1 Nl'wpttrl lllvlt C'oatA Mf'tle :\-lfr ~lj' X )ol' CltU ISF:It l'o 1·, 'J, w M1•t"r. V•·ry nice 1111••111;111•'" \'nl11o• $:l~o4JiHifl, Will frntl• 1 •k•• oltlf•·••·n• •· H Jlt S /\1.1 ' jolt•fi•·rly (;tv•· or ""'''"r l:t'H W. 13-IJtp t ·r•u•• o I " ' 1, ~I··• I~' 1:, Vl'ry ~··••n•l 1 IJ• n '" •l••••h'Ttt ( •wnter IJ~ool" r I·,-.-; \\ I •t ·2tc ~.~,.,,. n 1'1" I"' • 11nl1"'" 1''•1 ~1 1'1 :~'1' OnJ.'S W A ~Ul-A -TERlA ~~~I~ i\' ••• A '• 1:1•1•\f,\:"' S",.J•f"r ,,. ,.r .• t.h , >l•·•loh 11 11tl F l/tAT H l11. S l\t.t-: l 'lH••p, cora- J•II'I•· w llh n•n• • ,.,,. pll,. luonl"'f'S. S ~ tr "' :l:etl n u.-n• VIet•. ISal '"'" fltlttl Twill ho•ll. J'h tlarl« ~1.,:e w ~tto It••!• • • .r 1,,11, ,1 ' .,11 , 1 , 1 ., 1,, ,,,1,,111• •75 N"WJYI1'1 Rlvt1 . ('••'" M"'!!a ~ut...; 11·1 ·.1 \\ • .. '''~ l•t,.,,,t 1""''' r: ... "tAA-I•i.A f'h•.n,. I"·"'~"' ~no ,,,,_.. I H ·411' --:-.u s<.: I I \. II ;.1 \\'1.1\:--'fJ 1 .,.. J.'• •HI< WI\ vn-:1 • lr•lf\lnk In m ) 1M nosn t.I.J:f 1 1''' J•l(t;( I "if T ~""" l'l•ln t.r r,.n•-y ~:\11 S"l ore IU~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§!JJ 1 Sll. z II• rn~tr!ltnt• Avt•. N ,. ""I• •• r 1 ·~ 1 •lilt II tn• l•tol• , , "'' "• ., • rulora• • •I I Jld jChta 'Jio tit 1· .. \ ~I ... ) P&Jte 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS·TIMK A tcr.AJ. ~TAft •tnt:.\1. T.sT\Tt: • T ill "" .. \\ St•\\ ...... R·· ... ·h •• 'Mill. •••·••· Ill, 1!1111 I v. IlEAL E8TA1'S I! IlEAL ESTATE • &£A.L ESTATE ----------------~~~---------~ a JU:AL I:STAft • Want Ads CORO:\A DEL ~~A R Tl11·•·•· ~~~·n ·' on 1ctoria AlTUMUTI\'£ &-TIKI"..M 113 \' ( · ~'" rn ••I 111•.11'.\ \\' ~l •·tnqud llall \ · atl·r .• tght 11111 Jlc•S<ol I "tl ol\ I l<ltot I • •'• I '"'"' olt '' ,. to: '" r tlrll . ,...,., •• , )'-• • \lc Hl•k•,l•' ''"I• '' 1-"ul f1 ~tl• I t• ' _ ' t t'\.1 ))1., l1\\ t \ Continued Fro m Preceding Page Nl'li'l~' \I 4 1: \IIIII ~'-ll'-1 /1 .. font' ;-.," '· 11 l •A :>.i'·"t 'll\fll t l' II \'.t • !•.'11 '" \I "'' :..;,, t 31 ,q, ,., . · .. ... , • ,. 1 • •r ' It. • 1 J •J • '' J ~. 1( • t J.i~l ,~.,..,, I tl !--\1.1 1'1\t, .I• • 1' ''''"'l'h 1• '' '·" "II Q ,,fl, • :>.tro T Ill<~. 1'""'1 "' '"' "''""''';cll~ I'll lln r lo .. r I ll! .I ~t7 I I•· I • I ·" \I I • .... \dl "• ... M lilt\"'''' ,, B•t\d .... , \ '" ~• •ii••H r-,,,, !\· \"pnlt uL ~tt1 ... t ~PI I at One•· , ..,,i/. .:-;t·t· tlli:'. Priced like ,\Ill \1 '1 111 I 'I\\ .• I It•• PI ,,f,f (l in t.''· h•n" 1 ""'' • ~ ,, ' I•''" :'·;:,lin .. ~ J.l flll down. ,,( J I •L."~t.f''''' \\ 11 •·•11 r, •• r• '"'' . \', II• It 111 I 111 I ~I I '•\1 '\~I( 1·,.,! r •• ht1• '" 'II ~l.•r COST A ~1 ES.'\ :' "'' 1{1' I '111 ... ,.t,, I I It .) ht1fllt18 IO • • 11 ,. • • , 11 11 • 1111'1 ud1ng t l,tlo tiUI<·. J. .... ollltll, ~lllbJJity 'I \ '" fP·"" .. 'i\·rt11~ ,,, I. '••\')•til Jl, to lt 14·llp 1\Y II\\''! It ·, '""'" '" l•llt 1>. c. ~l a t i\E\'Z IE I ."II~ ~i.'\\ port Blvd. ( · o:-ta M <>~a We Han• Sul<l 14·2tc hi till' h••U I f ,,.,, •• ,,,, •' fl -.(, .. , I• 1141 lt•HI , , ,,, I f lit Owr lHIIO l'=--(·1\ ('an; l\1'-lt··'t ••t IHdlll '" l••t l•t I ·I "· "' I •. '· """ ,., • •II• II• ,, •II PIA~•'~"•:•''" ''•~Jt t\ h••·•·•·t rn~h 1·•••··· '"' ,. u '"' d I ·"'' \V,• ,,. t•d th•·n, lt•r •~•.:· •• "' ,, cl!'llltll II It'll I I Ill ttl ..;, htttilll l't,tll" Cn :i.'<l :\ , ~I "" Sun• ., \1, t )I II• In .. ,,11, Ar•·Jt arad I II•V••I~•·i·n '"'u'~ .. ,~ .J '' tt"· I;' t o\\ .. , I II J'.,r llurth•lli!tll' suit•. 1 11 1otl'tJ1I• 111111 1 .. 1~. with I '''''''"'tn 1'"'1'• i'l'l'•' .,, on South ''"' \\' 1 ·111,.,1 ••n l't•nllllluln, Sl'l ~~-r 1 -,,., •I ·It• h' ol trtt:ll'• •I Jl1 'ldfHilt 111 '' \\ \ ull t lfl ""i\t tltl ''"' AtiPil't l 'lllllt l "'" rntrr "' l'l"n" u,. t1 l••r ""I' '"" PAI'Z-. .-('If;\llllT 1'1 '-11 I'll ~~:..'() s .•. !-hlln :O:'•nlll ''"' 1:111· STEJ:'•I\\AYt;ftA.l'\11 l'•tlt'tl '"" dlllnn G••r~t1tll~ :'It\ • " I• "'' flf~~~ 111 c·r n• 11 1•111'• 1•,\ -.;z SC'11:0.11PT f'l,\ '\;1 1 ('t I ~ ..... ~ .. M.un. Suntn A 1111 t\J .. ., 'Ill til aiu• Stc•cn" :oy :lllrrur I )1"' 'I""' 1 13·tfr tJu .... Jn··~' c·.,n11rtiJ.d t) '"'. '..!-7 ,,.uhr ... CAHS PHH 'EI> TO SELL 10 ( 1u·v !"I"'' l tl\ :.!-1 ~ • •r !'· rllt 11 II llutt·k ~'t ·~ ~""·'" .I I ~ Htcl f ll Tilt I ... "I~ I ., ~•~:•· l'lt'k \IJI ~tu• "r i 1\ t'l htoUJr'Cl f\.J•W JI;'IIOI •\lc i''onl ('HilV I )•• 1\..HJIV ll•··•ti-r ll ~ "' rl l • .. m· q... tt •• clto, II• ,,,, r ~· '' \l .. t•u· Ill ( ,,..,. ~· ''·"' "' ,, ·.15 ( II•" I. Sr.lun Sl l..''• 117:1 :\'I."• I I'' 17:-1 ;I•J:, SOLO \'OX n u ur.:;•n )"II ,.,, altaC'h to nny l•llttlu c ·,., .. ,. ru tcl hc•ar II OAS~.!'i('JIMII ff 1'1· A N<>' C'O , :'1:..'11 No Mtun, s c.nl 'I Ana. 1:1·11•• :I I I '111.1 !"• of Ill •r t Mf \\' l't h I 1'1 w• H • tl ",. ,. tl <I l•t I '1 11 1111 }' I 'nttl ~ " I <l TH EOI>OHE I~O J IIr-;S GRANfJ Plt\Ntl l<tr11lo~tl m.tt l••. 111 Loucs XV O.·uutllul r,..,., ··~ quislll' '""" t •,.,.,,, 11111 t'lut' 1 I•• told trnm n r 11 111\~Z­ SCHMJnT. 5:1<1 S c• Mcttn, Slln· ta Ann. 1:\·lfr Ynur "'""' I ll•:tl•·l :-.•nr·, 1'•.1 pq:{ ~('\\'IJIII't A H·. l ht\\ n r u\' t1 ( • ..... , t ~~ ....... ("O!'TA t.ll ~.._1\ l\.•111'"11 1;:.:m SPINET p111no lnr r••nt G llHtlllh~ f'('nt llllnw('(l whc•n )'tlU lrll,\ ·' 11 I l DANl.~C'IIl\flOT, ~•!..11 Nro M11cn, San111 Anll. 13-lfr I I Ito· J'•f:)'ll<j Uii,IH••H .\tr ..... q:1tJ 1 1''~•.> H\.1111 '0:::> HO.LO l~ .L~VO.) SPINET. Rl'JI!tlo~l'filll d Tc•rul' .IU~I l Ilk<' nt•w Wtll s••ll ft•r hulltnr•· DAJ'JZ-Sn lM II IT, ;.:,>o Nu Motn, it.l: Santa An.t. i\lmt'llll ltl(l "'"""" '"II•;J,"; ~ from 13-ttr Li'UI ~:-:-:~-:-:..o:--~--=-~---I Cr~· PIANO Upholsll'tt-d in t;ur~;cottu~ l' -~- blue. Jtc•pn.sr~11•-d Sl'll now fnr -';• · ooly 5:195 T• r mJo •rtu~ ,, 1o !llcll MAUl)' PA -.;z.St 'll~ti!IT 1'1· L!IL ANO ( '(). ~.:o r>;u M"'"· ~''"' ,, ;t,t I An11 IJ lfr tU il I lit: I U"f' 'S '1 'l"''•f I t ""l\' 1••11.)~11 It 1·; I ''I.) Ill .~elno:> pJO,j Ot. U''l•·~:-\ .lf'l &Ufld tH •l11• '·I 'I. I II "'""· l •• '" ' ,, '"' '1 •lltll I I '" II ..... ,, I .-' 'I I II .. Jt, ... I \1111,' \ld It ..,. aE.NT •• !I''' IH ,,., '•I ' I I' 'fi 1\ ,.In".) fttH -i •.l ~~~~---------------FOR R.I-.I'T l.11t ~-!'' 'ucun. pr11 ,,, 1'111h hnlh & kl lc·lt~•ll 1"1' tit 1:•' On ll11lll011 l~lullfl l'hwtt I I ott I••• 863-W. 11·11•· ••oR ru-;!'11'1' l'r"''''' t (~tm, h.tllt • jllllragc•. 6:11 Pt'JlJI)'. ( '•tr ttnot tit lj Mer COml'r of 4th 14-:!tr FOR R.f.:NT 1\Jill)()>c hlur11l. •r,~·c· &mill\ 1\Pftrtm.•nltl nn l.tlll•• I'<· lllnd. May \X' n·nh-d umll .J un•· U\h or b.J \.M Yf'IIT, Linwood Vkl<, R.raltor, 312 M11rlnl' Avo•. nul· ~ b land Jl~trh•>r ~~1:! "r :.!ll.l:l 13-2tc FOR RENT Attrlll'll\'1' rr"'"'· pc f. vatf' pnfranC'(', ~:ood \'I"", nc•nr .lOJ Hl&bwu:. bu.lnCN dls.Jr'"' and b~JSN 603 l..tlrlulpur Al'l'. Corona ck>l M1Jr 13-:Jip FOR RENT-1-room & kllchc•n· f't\4' all faMiitlra, $10 " WN.•k 113 15th S t., Nf'wJ)(>rt U••t~c'h J:l .. atc FOR RENT -Corona t:k-1 Mor apartmtnt Yf&r 'round or \\i n•rr only. Bay • Ocx-11n l'lrw Phonl' Jack Grt'f'ne Harhor 2574·W 6-tfc IUtNTAL EXC"liANOF. SOU'nt PASADI::NA Modr rn 3 btodroom 2% b8 tl\8, mt~ldl! room • bath, unfurnilhc-d. ll'll<'inu5 : for B11lbon hlnnd 3 or 4 tx•d· room unrurnlshrd I I rt r h n r 15Th-J, l*·trC' a&AL ESTATE EXCIIANOE '3 1 FOR SALE Wrl~othl Wood--;:;;;,. I'K'T nnd adjo1n1n~: tr,.,• '"''-'f• tl lot : utllitlc•s In, 11tl(h l:l'tlr ht~.;h· way, wlnll'r 1111(1 sumnwr "I""' 1~ I Will cons1ck•r I t llt11' fnr c'fll tn cooct condition 1111rh,w :!l.~ •. 1 I 13-:ltc DOIIAN 011: WILL. EXCHA:'\<;f: l.trh l•r ,tncl ne:w 26. biC)rl• lor .:1 ,.,.. :.>t c lfrls blryclt•. 17l'i P1>muna ('ust.t MPU. F.LY . If I .OKU TO LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD, tNy, UtiJX'0¥11, I80derniz.e 01' ~nnanct!. We JIW'· a.. truat dftodla. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL I SAVINGS. LOAN ASSN. 1131 Vla J..tdo Ph. Har. 1SOO 38-tlc. HOME LOANS 41/:.!-5-5 V:! '1 HENRY C. VA UG HN 498 Newport Blvd BEACON 5197·J Res. Harbor 1071l·J 14·lll• II FOR SALE-':l9 modi' I A pickup. 800-16 mud Jrrip tlrt'S, rl'"nndr· Uont'd l'n~inl'. nr w rtoar r nd. mra lnr~rr lt>Rrlirnalc pkk up btod. Phone Harbor 1069-J 13-2tp ''T BUICK. blue, 4-door s..-dnn. ,..-feet condition. not 111 ~tch Serviced regularly. H.u M'tlt cov. en, f~ llihU, back·UJl light. elec\tic rurb sl&naJs. Pnvnte party. Harbor 107-M. ll .... tc FOR SA.IX-193:5 Chi'ITOll'l ::! • door ooedl Haf'boT ~M 321 Poppy. ('oro""' de! I M u I 3-2t r ~ Wlae -Advcr'Uao! i liol ~ r ~,-.,..: u•• "'••\t ,(t•\ltf:11 JI I''"· 1 s•~•l :1111.1~-4· n H 11q11 'O:) UO.I.Ol~ .LS\'OJ TRAII.f:RI' •• I ---------- F\ IR ~A 1.1· '•1fi ''·••lit• l<rtL"''''1 1'rlllll'r. l i\ ft.. ~l····r111 4, Rll nlumlnttlll :cttll lout ''"'~ICI Ctnl•lt ln~l<k. ltutllnt' ~.;.,~. 11•'1\ ~'(1 :! "" 111111: I Ia~ llt'll 111'1 ""' St•·· n nl lh" """'< ~·,.lt Wt l'h'"'''l' ll•·uc'rtll !"~!." l:l·:!lc· REAL ESTATE :"I'\\' (lPI .:-.1 111 1\'SE :!JJ ,' l'kt'ltll. 1\ull><ll• 11c·nnin~uln f'lllnl J\•'"'1 loll), _' lwtlr>N tlll, h11r• ltc'llllt'. pi4ltt1, ( 11'1'1111 un(J Bu~ \'lt•W fr11m ~un ll•·• k Sm.tll 11"'' n pit)· rn•·nl 0\\'rw r. 11,,, hot 1~~-R 13-4tc Nl~ Rutltlin~: Lot In l'c•\\'f)Orf III'IJ:hts $1350 Cnll llr n c o '' 5713·R. Ewnlnr;s llnrbur JfiAA.J 11-tft• LAG UN A BEACH ~PECIAL 2 JIOUSF.S 0N nt.\'ll. CORNER C-1 ZOr'I:I:; l 'l f(tf(")' l.llt ',\TI(I:\. (ICf:A:-< S II W 111.\'fl SEAH ~·1:-;E m:,\rtt 111 vr u :n :r. 1.\>T T l I At.l.l-:\' (:,\Ht\I:E 1.1 IT i\1.1 l;'ll f' \\1li<T II $111,11110 TO· J1 1\Y S :0.1 .\ltl' ET Fct'1 "" l'u~""~~\Hn llo•t h l'niiS ~I 'HFI.Y A -.;\'tl:'\1-1-\Nt 1\\'S T III:O: 1:0: ,\ \\II:'\ lll:H F\ ·r. lll1\' I 'IH\ 'I':O.I.S I' A'' '1-.S F\HWF. SALE AT $17,500 r Fnr Furthr r l nf,.rmatlon.St•c LLOYD REAL ESTATE 200 1 C1 IA~T IIL\L> S0 . Ph ).,)jo'(llnll Hc•.u•h ~~~1:!, 6693 New View Home 0 \'ERLOUJ-\ISI. f:ntirr Harbor Arf'n 3 hr .• IH.Iw fluors. flr<'pla~. ron~t rurt htn ontl insl<1!' finish rlCt'<'PIItuutl ;n1!' fuw~t we've <'"t'r t>U rnod RALPH P. MASKEY T'h llnr. 40:? 9-tfc I 't •STA \I ESA :'\n 7>1 ~. t•• II'. ~7".1~-· i\ 4-r•w•rn ho>mt·. n••w ~·" ·•1.:1'. ~·'1:•11 .: I ~ fo~ • l>llr n "'""I I•! \ tt: ":l<h h••H••• "' Sltlrlll:•' r.~,m ~ ' \11 p•ultr~ hniiM' "'''" I• • tk n n!i• r. t1nuhJ, t hl\rro\\, i\11 l•1r .. nh· fo'i '••'l $.1,('11-1 I )(m 11. lltll•'k 1•._.,~,·~""" ShtlWn b~ Rwh•1rcl I! :Inn.~ • OfftcC' · C.•~t 't 'II• «11 ll t1 I t' I t l Hl~':! E flail""'' t't><l:• M··~ lk ;H•on f>·l.'-l·J l ':'\ln ·,ll FARM .\I.J.:sn· 807 F'ln11111'J(ll t'f'nh'r Rich: Oakland 10. CalJComia 14·11\' 1.1•1 l·ttl! :;..\II, ""''"'"(ott ""''' 111111 ,,urt or :'1.1.\\l'ttlt l' f'-1.\'\l • t'lt •tll •!'•''"'''"' """ ,..,,r;,~.;c·~ This ,,,, n•l H . l••t ~1•1•" 1,1 '"tl ''' 1t.11<t '" rltq•IH•ttll' $17,50() I'"'"'~''""' .,1, dl "''"''' \Jtl,, ••llt·o ,.,,,""'~Y 11'1 Rf'lll· )'.tttl '"""· ·1:1•01 :"11 ct••l' ,\\t, "''' "'"''' "'''"'r 1 1~~1-R :'.t llf•·l l 1:. ''" ,.,,,, ~l.:..f ____________ l4_·_2t~p BRIGGS \\ ATI·.I ~ r I:C ''T toll l··g· ·-htt1tl •• BEST \\ o·ll l t~lllt flit II •• BUYS l 'f '"·'· .,. ('1·:~11-.:"-T l \lt lt 'I\ I --. 1111 '"" lh ' t 'llllf r .. r 1·1'111 """". ltl'lt '· .. "" '"' ""' > 1.11 )(I [:'I J•; .! ..,1111'\ Ill II I' o!l' , Ill '•II Jli' 'I ... 11(•11 '"'' ,,.,, Jt.tl lit ''" ,.,, ... " SI!J.500 r rctl BR IGGS Tressa ti:\ I ( '(t(l~t llthhwr~y l'lt t~·a. ~77~ Hl'S. liar. 21176 I 1-lll' \'l~rr t 'S I:"' <H'H :-.:1·:\\' U >CA110N Blanche A. Gates -Rcaltors-Ginny Ga tes 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phon<>": llarho r lli71 -.J -J-:n•ning~. Harbor 746-M Jl:c rJICII' JII:\.J . .J BALHOA ISLAND Jttst a ft•\1 ''''I" (l'ctlll li:C_\'. l'l':u•lic·ally Ot'W, :l':.: tlltll". (ltlllhlo· t.!:t l':ll!l'. fill'l'l:t•, .. Parc•·l l{;cy lw ;,t, \\'1 •lltl••rful "" 111111' pmf~e•t1 .\ l·:,•~·pl um;tll~· at t r:t<'· II\ I' ~)Ill~ "2~l,I~'HI PEN INSULA l;o l'l!•'Hihl,l llll'tii,Jw d 1111 Jtlitll" .. : HI! h11m•·. '.! p.tll(,.. \IIIII fll\t•J\ j l.t lltt llll'lllllll't•, cl!tlli,Jc• ~.IJ'lll!t' ,1(.. ,.,,r:1 l •.tll lil1~ ,Jl .. ,,, ... \\ .. wlt·lltcl ltll,\ s::1 ,11ou. 1· .. '1'·.11'1'•'·" l!.llttl'l' :.! 1U : llt~·J •I.t"'· 1'·"1'.'· :-.lin th'c·l\. dttiJitf,• l',tl ol''l' olll!J 111,111\ 4'\11 :1 111'11)!'-. :-.t•t• :If 0 111'1', ;1, 11 II:•·· ,.,,.,.11,·11 1 lo ·l'll l' .11111 p l ll'l' Ita:-1 ~''11 !till· l'l't•d -.;IIIIM I {~tl' \1 \ll<'k :-.:d1• CORONA DEL MAR l'it'k vu11r n\\ n lll'l''....,:-."1'11'-4 ;\tid f\ni~him.: cll'tails \n hnnw· nt•:u·in~ '""''"'"11o11 :1 H.IL litvpl:tl'l'. dining f(ttllll, til••. dttttltlt• ~.;.tt':cL:•• I ,d 11:-. 'h''" ~ llll lh1s ll••lu\: l1111tlt•l n l 1 !11~ 11111111111~. So11tlt •1f llh.:ll\\:t \. llt'll :: It It ltonH· 11111t loh of .\\'11\tlo\\'.;, hd111l. llt~ll". lll'l'!'bt~· lilt•. tl•"tl' fUIIl·ll'l', I•IIS tlf t't•mhc•d pl,1 11 1te111 11:--1~1. ~"nl :tnd patio.~~~~~~·· pll'lt·l~· lt•th~~l & d uulrl1• t.:.II'HL:t', A ..,,,•:d 1111' ~U •. ,o. NE\X'PORT I I EIGHTS Bt•:tllf ifull~· latul:-.;·:q.tC~I ,1(. fc·lll'oO:! I~ J{. horrw. luhwl. flom". c·lll•ll'ful ktldw n. 1hwl rtr. f11m. & tiouht.· g ar· a ge• <:urne•r J.,l \\'Ill (;.1 ;1nd 'I'll fur !1000. Ve•n .tllr;u·tl\·•· :.! JUt huta.·. lu\1'1~· ~·ard. llt'wly , .. ,i,;h'll, Sllll.!lt• ).:.11':1\!1'. A hll~ (11\' ~'\7:>0. COSTA ME SA :.! H n. IHtfl)e'.:! hlk~. lmm ... hnpptm.: '''nl••r. Sp:w mns r•no ms. ln1s 111 d·~·l 'l'"t't'. hd11 d. floors . Appn". I '":"· "ld ~:!1<~1 dow11 .'i: ~I~ pt•r 11 11mlh. :\.;'tll\11\ lmlh•' :-;;ou '""'"· '1'<~1:11 p1i'"' ;.,:!tlil\1. H;llh'h """"'' ... t' II · h• IIlli' llllt.:t' li\'1111-: IWI!ll . fil'f'· pia"'· hd\\tl tin.;,,, lllll•fll•' tlc•11. :.' 1:11'\.!'' l11'flrms ))hi. 1.!:11'11\.!t'. 11 ,1-.h ""'Ill 1\ hHIIh' to r•·:tlly '"' pn•llrl ••f fPI' tllll~· ~1 :.!.7~11 1 BLANCHE A. GAIT. R<'<~ltor':'-CI~Y <;xn:.."' I I· Itt' NE \X/PORT H EIGHTS :!·lte,h•m . hnnt•' a11d :-~.:1. ~.::u·;l\!f'. ~hnulrl '-'" C.T ;11 :tho)ttf .l tlf~l d111111. ll:t:-htl11tl. fl tteii'X ancl tih•11nrk. S!IOIIO. :\.ht..:lrm. ho nh' 111 lll..;t nl"il.!hhe~rhe~otl :'\••" a nd l\\'11· buill. lia s dhl. \,!:t ra,.:c•. fit~·plat't', a11d "a ll -t t~\1 all (':U'J~'Iill).!. TIW Jll1l't' 11ll\\ n 'lltll,'il 1n · l :!.'i~1(1 Sc'l• this. . A ni(~ 2-hdrm. hmll(' :tl s:·r;~lll. Titb snlirl n('\1 Slllt'1'tl hns tilt'\\OI'k. laq.:<' wnnlrohl'$. and l'H't'ylh~ yot.J'tl wn.nl. J-:;;tsy fin:cn1·in).! c·an It~• an -;lngt'<"l. COST A ME SA SPECIAL :\ ll('(h'OOnts and ~ hath. $Hil00 full pric,-Titis 1'\· t"l'Jllionnl vnhtt~ has n nic~· ;.?.ll('(fnn. hon11• phc~ P:->1 ra bt"'Ciroom nnd ha\h with ga rn~t"'. Only :!1 ~ ~·(':tr:-o ld . Lnrgt• lot in goorl lot·nlion I'll)!;(' to shoppin~ Cc'llff'r. This will sdl quick. 2-bt'C'it"'Otn hom(' on 1 :H''rt'. 1 :\2x:t~O. Ha.o;; rlOithlt• gam~l! a nd fir"<"pln('('. ~'GOO. LOTS -SEE TH ESE Cn!'1n M<'S<:t--5:.!:...140. Goon Ea~l;o;idt• IOt.'.lllllll -~~!•~•1 1. !':1'wpor1 lll'ighl~. \'it'\\' Jot ..;){) fl. fmntag•• 11 i1h 11Jit)(1sfnl<'lro \'il'\\' of ()(.'1':111 and h:u ·hor. EVA F. RHODEN Realtor ELTON D. BARNE'IT 470 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 5~3-R. , PERNEL G. BA.RNE.I1' Brokers Costa Mesa 1 Evenings, Beacon 5T79--R 14-11r 1 CORONA DEL MAR 1 .,,,.1•~· IJthillt"'-" lot. fin•ost ~~~·at ion. prit'(' SJ (),;,oo . , \'''·" l'''"'ll•·nl \'iih~ m wpll ··nnstnwt('(l 2 & :: t. d e t~o111 It (IIlii'' fn•m S II .~Oil. A:-.k to S4'1.' lhC'SI'. BALBOA ISLA ND "''" 1·1•,lnll.. <! lm thc;. So. Bay F ro nt home'. l'rwt'fl 1••1 qui,·k ..,;tit•, . :1!1.000. Bra nd Ot'\\' :~-lll.><lroom, 2 lt•IJt,, :'-/111111 B~ty ~'ron1. Good va.Jw·. S2ti.~l0CJ. WM . ·W. SANFORD, Retltor 1\\'ith C.ct•t1ntdl' A . \\'a 1dronl 1"' .\l.uint• A n ·nut> f{.tiiJ11.1 Island l'honc•-.: :!:~·1 -R :l·Hi:l H -2tc COASTLAND REALTY H ~~1dcnce Lots Co rona del Mar $1900 Eac h $1900 Each '..!. dll>kt• lots for n 'sidt•nct' in Sctn C'INtwntl'--'1 7~11 1 l'ill'h. "' :.·)til' on lll.-s1 sln>~•l s in c o.--1:1 f\t("S;t~~JII() down: "':.!~) 11)<)1)1 h . '~ Al'l'l' ~·a\'i•·w. S I:!:>O. ~mall a nd la rgl' ralll'ht•-.-i·a11lr, ('hi1'k1 •ns . ltll'· j..,·~' to lr;H(C' ftJJ' Costa :\lt~1 pmpc'l'l)'. 17 Ac·'"' 1\ ith mtlllt•f11 .) ~'~"'rTI hou~· in the• wild :.! Ill It' •·ounr ry. ti!'> milt-s c'a!'l of S<tn Dit.>go. \\'ill 1 rad(' I.... h• litH' 111 ha J'I)Ot' lii'<'H . ~m;c ll, :2 l~t•d,·oorn bOtL'~' in Cc~:-.lil ~h•s;1-$(iOoO. '\'t '" . ~ I tt'(lronm homt'--lln futnis ht"(I-S 12.7:10: flll'lll.;h,>il Sl :~.7:111-' . bln('k fmm C lirf llan•n : I ltl•,.·k !rum l 'niun llig h st'hOt)l. Hll t\<'l't• r;tndl n<•ar Riv••t-sidt•; ~(Hill:' im(li'OVl'- 1111'111.' $71100. :\tan.\· ~m:tll ;mel l:tt~C' m.nrh£'S. For ftu-llwr· in· f•)l'lll:tlion <·:111 Ll·tmt S. Cofft•y Day or E:v('ning Beacon 5483 14-ltc W. CENT RAL AVE. :! l~vh·tllllll llomf'. frnm!' nnrl pl;cs trt·. fi t't'phll, ... , ··••n'P1Pfl•ly lllrni-.hl'rl, '2 t·ar l!:t ragt' 11 i1 h la 1~P ro(tl11 ;tl~t)\t ' thai •·otllrll•asily :u-rant:t• fo r ;tpa rtnwnl. H-:l /IIIli' "J '~ I HIll. SOU TH COAST REA LTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY !( .. ,, ( :n •• •J,.,. 1~,.:11 1 o r B\hlnt''" (lppnrlunitic•, :\111111 1' 1: t:l'lllll''· lll ... IIJ';IIlt't' --R l ·ill J·:..;l;lfto B rnkt'l' .111-.('('hlllc• \\'t•lth. l:t•a\1(11' :~11:2 :\l:11 n S t. !{,\ I.HO.\ l'h. lla rhtW :.00:~ I Two Fine Beach Lots l :?·ltC' 1 1·11•· A most <lflr:wli\'1.• "''i<l\•ntia l lrx·a tion 111 Balhou. n4!'<•r l ~•th thl' B;~v and ( kt•a n. facin~ on u hr0ml p~\\'c•l sll't't't. · F.H('h I ttl :l:i r .... , widC':l ()() fN'I dc'\'J). PI'IWiding nd!'- quatl' "'"m 1o h11iltl. anti sct\'Pcl lty :1 :ZO-f0i•1 allr•y. 1l1c !11" lots rn:cy l~t• I•Urcha:->Pd -"l'JI:IICI!t'l~· or tcr ~clhc•r .11 lh<' m :•rkt•l prh~·. South 1'\fteJSUIV. For the right locations. see miD POWERS. Agent Harbor 62-W j . A. BEEK'S OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing HARBOR INVESTM ENT CO. REALTORS New por t Beac h ;f.i.~OO 1'11-rlnn. llllrn<'--IN'.<; lhnn ~·c•rt r old flllni-;ht'il. Balboa Island $1 6.500 Newport He ights $11 .000 Newport Heigh ts $12 ,i50 Lido Isle $17,300 l'AllNG GHAI\:0 CANAL -llt~1rlll. hnnw 11ilh ~ar. Hpt.-n lrl and 11111 rlo1111 ltut rna vlll' sonwhndv will likc> it.· I.IJt;o; of ~IN-pin~ t•oom. :1 llt'flrOiltn h oll1l"-now llnclt•r I'On:-.1 111C'1 ion. \\'ill G. I. :1 l)('dt'fl(lnt -1-::-.'TRA wl'll httilt-til<' !'howcr- •·npJ'IC"r sct'(l('n~. <'If . C.-:~n l)l• bought full~· furnished in<'l. 1'\E.\\' washin~ mach . rPftig.. :o;IOH'. <'IC.. for I ~1.~.7.}0, :l ht"'flrms .. 2 ha I hs. rlblc. ~at<H~•·. <'~{'('ll<'nl loca tioo. l'at1~y fum. T enns. SPECIAL! BALBOA ISL AND DUPLEX nl•ar South Bav. \'(•t"\' t~11 r:wtiV<' tlpp<:'r romp. fum. & imn1roia1c· oc•·upnnc·~'· Pti<.'\."'<1 for quit'k sal<'. $19,/50 -term s OFFICE RENTAL-Suit<' ,,f ;~ orfiC't~-MJRA\LE MlLE lbcatinn. Long Tt'1111 l<'a • .;c• at ~t :r, Jlf'l' mnnfh T-AX SAI.E.-Cit\· nnw ~--llin~ (TTl' 0\\':-.:En TAX I.OT~ ~1;111~· ''"N'IIc'nl \'t~ltll'' -~"<' "' for li"t. Harhor J nvestmen t Co. Realtors ~ at W C'cm1rn1 Avf' Harbor lf,OO . :1:!~1 Marine, B.<llhoo l siMd Jlnrbor 1331 14·ltC WA RR EN M. BUCHANAN HEAL E.STXn : 1:-.:sntA:-.:n ·: I:'\C0~1E TAX C0STA MESA :\ H.H. IH•IIll' "1111 :.! t':\lr\1 lob. u1w 1ll1 l'lli'IWr. This JII'(IJ •'I'I ~ i:-lr>o ·;dt~l in a \'t'l'~ ~.:oc l(l llt'tt;hiRII'hcJtr<l. and i" a n·a l ltuy ;cl :-; Jti . .)!IO. Tt•r~rts. r\c•11 :! B. H. ltrunt· on lo t till:\ 1.'1:5. This Jll'"lll.'l't~ JH'itffi ti~hl a I S731JII. Tt·t·ms. A w•rv ll it.'l' hum1• for small fa mil1· :! l.ll'ilrtMJm framP.' laiJ.:<' 1<•1 . good <'h1l'k<'n y;ml. ·~311il0. Tt•,·ms. '1\\'0 h <H1lt" with two hl'(ln.x•llls t•m·h "" I full a<'t'C.'. in gfM)(I lfl('a 1iOn. ()\\IWI' l'l'lllrning I'H:'I . ~hL..;I sdl. This Pl'ttpt•t1~· prit'•<tl fur a qui<•k s;1h•. ~~· if today. NEWPORT HEIGHTS ' Fumisht"tl :\ B.H. humP o n lo1 till).t:r7 . l.lteMIIu<'allon. N\·ar llig h Sc:hc)OI . 1•,-it 'l'd d~ht . Tl•11ns. I B. H. honw. N""' rc'(lwo\ld fl';tlllt': Pa ri 1\-furnishc.'fl. \\'t•ll lot·atl'd a n<l prit'l'<l to sdl. · NEWPORT BEA CH lnt·ttnH· (tr''l"'"' y tW<tr dm\ nll1\\ 11 :"-t•\\ port. Duple x 11 ilh c·ttll:tt:•' in J't•ar, Tht:-l "'"l~t'rl y ''a l t'I'Y gouc'l hll~ "' :-;'j;)ll( '· WARREN M. BUC HA NAN ~igrid M. Kin!.{. &tics 11J·:AJ. ESTATE Ir'I:Sl'IL\~CE 1 :-.:co;m: TA..X Iiiii '-: :-.:1'\\ pcll'l J\1'1' .. ( 'ost<t ~l••s11 -Ph. lit•;wt)tl li:!7:! E\'!'nin~-ts Bt::.wtm !'i ll~I·H 14-ltc BALBOA ISLAND 1\n,.unit in('llfnf' t'C's iri(.•nt inl on the wn11'r. Swim in your ()wn fmnt yarrl. l:;.'ll'h unit has :l lx'<lrooms. ni<'l' lnrgt' 1i\ ing rooms anrl tomplete kilchl'ns. Cit'. ~\trnillll'<' indurlt"tl in one unit. Th<> price is r·ighl. $('(:>this today. l'honl' Jlarl>Ot' 1771l. BALBOA BAYSHORES C aJX' Coc1 I lonw. l·lll·dmoms , '1. h:tths. wall In wall •·a q>o•l tn~. "a nlrnllt• d•)S(>ts. uni1 hi!. h:crll<'t'lll'. ='•·(':tl' l.!ill'ilgt•. l 'rin vl rm· imnH'<"Iiall• s:llt•. Phone• ~fr. Th11111." ;11 J~·;ll·on :11 I~ frw :1ppoin1m1'nt. CORON A DEL MAR I lJ~·n d:11 l~· fo1· ~''"'' in:-.r•••'llttll .. B••,ullflll ( ·.q ~· Cnd ::.lll•d r•>~tnl httlllt'. :\!:111~ fith • fc•;tl lll'l'' 111d1111i11L; \o'llt'l l.tll hlind-.. • ·•l'ftt •lin:..; :uul 1'\l ra 1 ha l h. Sl•c• ~•I " \LII'.!"Il<'l'l!t• t nda~·. ( 'ttl''lll:t dt•l '.1;11' 11;1:--ttlll\ ;I "'" ltth /ltllt~l I ttl llllll· llpl<• tl1•·.,n1t•. ~·t'lll't' yt;lll' J(tl today Ht •nl;ll ..; :11·•· in d••1n.•nd. \\'•' lt:l\'1' !'-t'\ t'l':tl ;-l·l'111'111 l11111lf'S fo1· Vll\11' 1'1111:-.idt'l'll· lio n . l'rin ·d ri~hl :•nd will GL · B•• >;lJI't• '" illqllil't• :lhtnlf llw :111' hus in••o.;s lol \\'(' lll'l' nfft•ring f11r ~:tit'. Loc·:1lt'fl In ( 'tH'ona dt•l :\l;n· l '•·it~· ond l t'I111S c'\l't;llc•nl. LIDO ISLE A C'l H II< '1·: ~1-:J Y<II< 1:--.; OF' LIOO ISU; II OJ\ II':.<; dc..;h;nt•rl fltl' ~'l';wittth Ji\'ir·..:. 1':11\\' 1s 1h1• -.m.tl'l \11 huy hc•fn n • 111•· sunmwr '''a<.tltl. lillll' $19.000 Up Waterfront Homes, $45,000 Up Lido Jslc• \\'aii'J'fmnt Lots Lido tslt• tn~icl~ Luis S l7.~lllll up .. :~.500 up NEWPORT BEACH Bromd n•'\\ ~·l~t•drt)otn :-;lttt·t·,, m•.tt· I h1 • '"":m . Douhlt' g;11·a:..:~·. l;11mdr~· II'<C~·s. p:cnd ray lw a l. nsphall fill' flttors. frie«' ~!100 "ilh \\'I'Y A"l.fHAC~IIVE TERMS. NEWPORT LOTS \\'l'll lo<'HtNI husi1ws~ Jut ( ){ 'EA:"J r'H< >r'I:T n•.;i<fc•nt i.d lot l'A~AL FHt );--,;'[' m•;ll' 0<'\\' \ity ll:cll s:rr~,o S:!! t;-1(1 ~~i~llO Dcsireable Corn er Lot SCfx~o· in good loca tion. On ly $2,000 BALBOA PEN INSU LA HI::Al'TIFULLY FUH:'\:ISIIED. Ca p<' Co. T ruly dt'- gant in t'wry d!'lail. huilt tn <':Xa<'\ing s1:111d:mls o f lJU:llily. '2 bc.'llmo m s, '2 lt;1t hs. dtniitg l1t11l k ;end rlc•n. 2 shm\'t't~. :.!-t'.lr gat·itgl'. fil't'pl'hct'. floor ftlln:~t't•. hnrdwood floors. unr and g lassl'<i·in (1:1110. NEW PORT HEIGHT S BRIGIIT and 1"\I::\\'. ::.Jx"Ch'tlt.llll honw. F't!'('plal'f', noor fumat~. landscaped. Double garagr . God location. Price $1 J,SOO COSTA ME SA On<" :ttTC impt'O\'t'cl across from Ncw1xll1 lligh ~hool nt'al' h '\·in<' Sl. Nic't' ·l·room housr. lurge ham. double ~aragc, t'Omplete chicken t-nnch , J'X'O~. hou~. t'Unways, <'lc. Buyer can ~II 2 ln~c lois if w1s ht'S. Sec !his bargilin today. Phon<' Ha rbor 1776. 3113 W. CENTRAL N--port Df'ed\ Tel: H&rtlor 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING G R~AT~R N EWP O RT HARBOR 15tH AND IRVINE STS. "twpOrt 8totl.c:h Tel: Bftcoa S'7'!M 1Tth and COAST Hwy. m M.ARINE AVE. 615 COAST HW'f. Newport Beech Tel: hMcon 'S7t8 Balboa Island Tel: Harbor 1778 Corona del Mar Tel.: Harbor 1&41 l-1·ltC Sell It Through Classified Advertising PageS NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TJ.E8 TIIVIl8DAY .Newpo8l s-t'k. ('a.llf y ,.b. It, IN& NIIWII'OitT .ALBOA NEWS-TIMES TELEJ'IIOJIU: IIA&BOil U, 1J AND HI P' '¥ h4 I:Ye'7 ~ ... ftU'II4&J Aile,_ VoiUJDe XL B)' Carrl~r: $() :\5 [lt'r month anywtwrc In Newport ~Jl and Coslu J,teg; $1 00 for~ months; 12.00 for 6 rnontM; $375 per year. M&.ll--5uuo;crlf)llon p&)'&bl~ In advan!X': $3 ~ per year 10 Ora.n~:e county; $3 50 per x~>ar to 4th Zone; $3.75 per year to 8th Zon~_ 1!:1\tl'~ as !=...rond-CI~Us matter at the PO«itofflcl' in Newport Bt•ach, Call(urrua. un<k•r lM Act. ot March 3, 1l497 SAM l>. Ni1<1T.H 1-'ubii!Jter LUCll 'S S S:'-!1111. IU Ma.nagin.: l::<l11or W . F. DiXON Advl'rtisina Munuger Printlnr Plant, 3011 W. O>ntral Avenue, Newport &>ach, Callfomm Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A~«' U-.1 I•UtuUoa for OVer fO l'e.n ·Aetive ~ Member , , of - The Drouth Emergency Hits Here, Too! • .. , I Gov. Earl Warren hal' indicated he will derlart'l a drouth emergency in Southern California within a ~d~ I H~ also revealed that. he-is considering appoint- ment of a power administrator UJ gturly m~·ans nf alleviating the critical shortage of powflr la·lnl.! felt ' in many sectionA of the !'outhland ( althou~h, rr port- 1 edly, not in th~ Lo~ An~ele~ ~rlla >.· . . WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY That the ~1tuat10n IR critical lfl th•· .,,·,·rail vu•\\ 1 cannot be gain!'airl. That Newport llearh h a s as much at stake as other southland c·ommunit it•s is sC'If l evident. News of the Churches CitizenH of thi~ city have twitt• r••fused to do anything to further a long-ran~e program of wat(.·r 1 development. We votf>d again!'t joining the :\f,•trop<'ll- it.an Water district and we voterl aJrain:-;t th e develop- ment of more local well!' and u(l('quate transmi!'~ion Jines. What, then, do we expect to d<J? MJyor 0 . D. Reed h~ an i~fonnal rE><JUCl't ~rfore the Coastal Water diRtnct askmg recons1deraltoo of Newport's chances to affiliate with MWD. Rut will the top directors in MWD look on it favorably'! The busin el's council of busine~ and impro\'ement &880Ciations, who have includNl a propo!'al tn join MWD on their list of six political aims, have tlonE> nothing concrete a~ vet to reduct• that g-enerality to concrete and workabl<' proposals. In the meantime. thr rit.\''s fivf' wt>ll~ an• at thcir j lowest point in history. Within the nt•ar fu ture. Watrr Superintendent J ohn Mr M ili:Hl will add :16-foot ex1 tensions to his pumpR to maint<tin prnpt•r sudif,n. Ht• ~ams we may have rationing th is ~ummer. 1 The Jack of an arlequate watrr ~upply ·tan erippll• this town like one of the w eat plagu<':-: of old. WatPr ia an iSBUe that. mu~t be !:!Olved-now -aml h~c>yntHI the limits of political opportunill-m. The New~Tim<'R ~ron~ly ur~eg the city council to take every pOMible Rtep t.n j>~h tow1\J·cl~ a lon~-rang(.' 101uttoft of this iMUe NOW while they can expect pubJfe backing and state-wide coo peratlon. · Water is important enough to demand the full attatfon of a first-rate com mittee. I Rise to Remark BON. ~OliN PHILI..IPM '----------------·1 Thb Ia thr Wl't'k whrn rtw r•-~~~1~· fnr rutl l'JIItlllnc ttnnlh• r o1n•· publlcaru J:O out 11nrt '" •~• lh•· for r~>t<>tm: '"nl•' \'PIJ' h·· ",,, ~t>­ donkt<y"s l11il. at Unt'Oin't. hlrth· 1n1: ttl ruos•• anp\ 1\, nnrl sttll da)' dlnnrrs. thUJ rtOlttll th•· h1'm"· 'WWk for thr Ol'n""'rllt~ whn. n nnroth.·r •ut.~ooh f"t tl••t nu,uu- lff'f'lf'ral. fu•md•·r uf " natlun, and "" flnol pre.ldent--Oeorwre w .... ll\j(1on '''""'"t th" ... ltf' or " 1••n•nt tcUidlnl( Ita chUd throuah the dlf. flt-ull. fui;Jlt•lho· ),.""· lfo, ...... 11 two fultiiiNI thla rHpoaalbUit)' .. ltNI\'1'(1 b) lito un"'Jittl'd ,.....o,nl ,... • dl'fc-odo-r of the kind of ~· riW'y hr boollf'\l'd ln. April 13 '" thr rlato• or the municipal elrctlon. and t1 tt"'tdrnt~ •·xp;'t·t In vot" thnt duy lhl'y must bl.' N>gistel"t'd on or hf'(l•lf' M/ll't·h 1. lh:ot ht•lrti.; tht> cl0111ng day for n.•s::lstrallon. 1\11 N"IOt•rtl' 11ro• !llt'rt'for nOtihed, hPreby, or the places 0( fl·.,:l.,lrutt .. n tonrl thl' nnml's or thl' rrgistrnrs. <~lTV II J\l.JJ Frank t.. Rinehart, NI'WJ•>rt Dt-puty :! l-1rtE STA'n0:-.1 No.2 E. W . Daynard, :!1\17 w .... , C<'ntrn.l Ofputy No•Wpor1 3 I-1RE ~TA110N No. 1 F . W. Crocker, Dl>p. 70:1 ~:n.st Hny A"rnut.' P A. lla}~n. DI-p. Bnlhclll 4 Fllt f-7 l'TA110N No. 4 R. R. Randrol. Oep. :\:! t :O.Iartnt• An•nur• C . E z,,h(-DI-p. llalht\IJ r .. lnntf 5 4:!11 :\1ur.:th·rtto> Avc·nur Florl'nf';• Anrk>rson. t 'r•ronn tlr l !ltnr Qcputy In unl•·r '" rpu11i(y n;. n n F.LJ-;<~n n (1Tlf-:;\: mu~t hnvl' thl' lr•n~;lh ,,, ""'"l··n··o• IL<> sh11"'0 h<'rl' hchlw ht•Cttrt• t'II'C'tlon day: In tht• ~T;\Tt-: • • · • · 1 Y<'llr Ek· :1 riti7<•n ltf the In tlu• l't l\''-.:'ll' · -• · !'lO dn}" l ·nll•-<1 Stall'S In thr l'llt:C'I:'\<•r •. -·tO rlrt)'< 00 dny~ J)o n .. t Willi nt-;~JSTER !'I;()W ' F _ W CJHJCKER. T>.·p. R··~ISI r.1r of Voll'r.t<. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Af'(•OUNTAST ·Bookkeeping Service <'OUS •.. URO\\'N (llaritnr UU_.I "·" .. ," \ .\l'llT t It'll .. , ..... 0. '··-· -· Dr. Obt>d Lucas OF.l\liTIST t~O'! t 1 W. C"c-nlral. II arbor 14AO Sf:\\ r ORT Rf:i\Ctl J.>HYSICIASS-SUROI:ON8, M.D. A. V. Andrews, l\1.[). PK\'SICIA1' and srRc:r.os • 411 ~ut ltlt:hway. tiArbnr 6/WJ ( !orona del ~lttr H. R. Hall, M. D. Ptl)'!llclan ancl SUfltt'<ln Jlo)ltr~: :!·5, hy Aflll(linlm,.nl Tri"Pf'nnfl ~n .~8 1~1 Rmad"'·ay ('f"'la ~~- w~k Of' II() lllll'r, l'hnnt;:o• lh•• n11nu • and dat.-. and deliiPr tho• •rv·•'<·tw~ at Jfltr~n Of' J11rk~nn rtlnno•f'll. to tlw mtld 11nnoynnN' uf tht• ,.J,•. phant. I n t hl' snml' Wfl)', tho• t , •• publicans will hold thrlr nllt lnnnl conv~tlon In Jtml'. 0"'''1'rnl "''"'k~ alter which thl' 1\f"mcx:rntJ will hold thtlnr. thu~ knnwln~; th; r•· <nnw ,., "" tw hMI "" lflto•nttt•n nt ) rnt~tn~; l C'cORUON K RAI:t(\ U.O.S. "Tlw rllll ~plttto·r• t .. t •• r llnit~l I '!M3 w .... t ('f'ntral Mllt4>n M. Muwf'll, M. n. I I fl() I Coaal llhuy \\••ultl tu•,~· .,,,.r,·h"''fl ''" ''·u·•, l"'lioHIII'Rlt}' rh<'llf' llarhnr 4'!1·.1 "Ht'!0\111 ·"' ~Hill lht• \\ llf>'l 11l tho• f, tlo•r , "1111'1'>' "'"1ol1l h 1\'• lto·o·n '"' t\ ltrahnm l.lnf•uln " publican I'Onrtlditll'll. antt "hom tl' Th•• l"'topl,.. IT\ f•lr ·• l··~d•T 1.• 1 • noft\lnatl' Ill 11111)0!1\\lon. 01 \\'hrlhl'r IIIII II Y l 11 11\'!lir\ ll\1• l~•llo': \o>t'._ It will bt• worth whlll' nt•ntlnHttrtJ; "rln111 it H "" nr•· 111 ,.,.,,., ''· "IIIII U)'on«': .1~ fr•nrlo·~~ 111 fa<·m~o: """ IHtthl•'lll' ! C'IIIROI'Rt\f 'TOR Dr. Tom E. Harton Cilli1CWHACI'OR I'! 11 t'~>a•l lllt:hway c·orona df'l Mar 11"1 t(,.n,lltll • 1'!•llnl l'tlllnf' llarh<tr IMR ( 'ur .. na tlo•1 \lar PH1t·o• lltt11N': 10·12; 2-5 Mt~~IMt Jfaroor 1116'! S. R. Monaco, M. U. fU4 Bay A \'f'., 8alhM Harbor 11:!4 OffiCI' llnur.. 2 In 5 p. m. Monday dlroup f'rtday ,.IKST FOUBSQUA&E CIIU.aB --rRE FKIENDLF" OZN'TUL OF OOST A IIDA BDIU OJIU&(lJI Oran&r and Cabrtllo BeY. Dwtlbt Klr=.. PMtw Rf"''. ucl Mn. O. W1l1anl 8s.r.a Pu&.on Meetlng t~mporarlY ln tht S... ent.h Day Adv~n~t church. cor- n~r of Old County road and Bolsa Ave.. Coate Mesa. Sunday IChool, 9:4~ a.JIL Wor~hlp auvlce--11 :00 L m. Younr peopl~·· servl~ p.m. Evening ev&n&l'lliUC aervtce- l"hoDe Bracoe 6111 !>undf\Y School 9:30 a. m. :\lornrng worahlp servtot 10:~ Cru~nd1•r serviC't' 6:30 p.m. 1'\f'ro•nn ser,'ice 7 p.m. E' rntng ~va.ne~llstlc lervtot at i 'Ill o'clock. Wt·unesday. 7 30 p.m. prayer ISI'r\1('1' Frtday 7 :30 J'l m Youth Nleht ami ll1hlr Study. C'ORON A DJ;L MAJl COMMuslTY t'llt'tU II, COSORJ;OATlONAL p, r o ~ Frf'dt'rlck SC'hrock, Mlnllter t~l I 1/l'!iotrol•' Avr nu<> <:uronn ''"I M11.r 'HI'"'" l;",l•Jq tl' ~. l!l\f\ •• n .1 "' c 'IH•rdt school. II • I • '" :\l .. t tnn,.; \\'t~rShtp. Srr- 1'1"11 I•\ ;\It So htnrk· \.ro·al 1·1111,11 •11 ,\llllntallltn' :-;,, 3, "I 1:1 1.•" Tho• lltlolt·" 1\.\1.1\0,\ 1~1 .. \NO CIIAPEL 218 Acate AYraue Re\', llarry W. \Vbtte, AIWH)f'lat.-l'tutor Churr h School. 9:30 a.m. Morn•ng WorshiP, 11 a.m. ST . .lOllS VIASSE\' CUUBCO HILIIloa bland Sundn)· \1 ~~~~I.'S: R n m •11l Ill n m 1 )t'rtr round) Conr,.sst n~. Sntlli'days from 7:30 to R :\It J'l m TJTII; NF.WrORT lfARROR Ll'TIU.ItAS <.lll'RCII l tr.?l Cltrt O ril·c Nt'l' 1•1rl lfC'l!:hU! "A Ch11n1=• lt'ss \hr-.st for a Chan~;lng \\'1•rttl !" 9:30 a. m . • hureh !ICn()(•l: 10 .30 a. m .. dlvlnr "••rshrp. 1«-v. Hl'r hl'rl C. l«tlh. Pll.llor 1162 E. Wtl~lln St • C06ta Mesa "\omC' \ln ro• -You'll Come 1\1;11in!" A88r:MBUI:3 Of' OOD II. ~. Mt•:O.ttllan, rastor Amertr an Lf>c'lna Jfall, HUll ud Cl'nlraJ Avf>. 7 o'clock. Wedneaday, 2008 A.nahelm A.w. OUR LADY OF MT. CAJUIEL IUS \\'Ht Cc-•traJ AYftiiM' Sunday MaSS<'s · 8 n.m. and tO a m. Con!euion~; Saturdays t rom I :00 to 5:30 'IJid rrom 7:30 to 8:30 p_m . li\T . .IOACIILW ClfU&CR Uran.-:r A\I'RIIt• Ro'hl ... 'n 19th IUIII '!Oth ('mata ~lt·aa J\1nss··~ 7 a m. daily. Suntl.o~ " :1m anti tn Ct~nf.ossinns Saturd:1y, and7·A J)m •tm 4·5 p m. < O~TA ~rY.Rt\ COl\I~(TNITY ('lll"'RC'II ·',''"'Jlh II. ThHmpo<<Jn. Mlnl•t"r 124 t:. 211t h "'t. l'h. nra. 6819-M Cht~rrh 11chnol, !!~45 a.m. Mornin.; \\'orshir. 10 ·5o a.m. Ynuth groups, High school. l.n· rerml'dintr. Aclull, ll;JO p m. Evenm~ St'rnrro. 7:30 o'clock. Yt'l.L GO~PEL CJIURCR 2?nd and F.ldrn, Co•La MI'IN Sunrl11y l>rhnol. 9:45 : morning l~mrship, 11 . F:vnn~··listlc service, 7:30 p rn : Mld·wro .. k prnyt'r meet· •n~t on W•·dncsday. 7:4.5 p.m.; roung fl•'Opl•··s <"' nn~;elist1c ~ervtce on Friday, 7:45 p.m . CJtrRCU OF CHRIST Cburrh and Wai11ut Strt!'f'ta L. Oua.n,. ('anby. Mlnlalf'r SrniCi'!l: Sundny, 10 a.m., Bible Study; 11 "m. Muming wor1hlp. Chriatian Science FIRST ClltlROI OF CIIBII!IT SCIENTIST I Llclo Tbl'atl'r , t'f'ntraJ AYftiUfl and \'la Uclo A branch or The MolhC'r Church, The First Church of Christ. Sci· Pntist, In Boston. MasaachUit'tla. Sunday schnol. 9 :45 a .m . Morning lf'IViCl', l 1 a.m. Evcnln~r C'Vangellstlc service 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 9 :30a.m. Sun· at day Service at 11 a. m . Wednesday Tl'stlmonlal Mectlng at 12 o'clock. Mld·Wl'ck service, ThuradQ at 7:30 p.m. I had lo mttkl' n l.lnl'•1ln-l"lt" ''~ tlw J!o•no•r:ott~>n~ wl'r• h<'lnrl' 1 8pH'Ch this Yt'!lr, 110 1 " ... ~ lnok· u~. l••:~rt.·r~ "dl t'Om•• '"II •. r lit• ..,. up 10mr IJUOIIItlon• 11nd r r f1·r · nr•><i fnr lrnrt.·r~tup Th.ot "'"'" lh•ll ences. I round thtl l,.t!,.r, In 11 " ') Lmmln r nm·· \\ hr• 1n 11~;;~ WuhJn~tton JVIj)t•r "If Ahrnt111m .. r • '' n 1n 1~;'•'1 t'Hlllll h,,,,. pn• '--------------· l.tncoln hsd ll\'c-rt tl'llln,," 1111d thro l•h••• to·ll th111 th .. ro· \\fllllcl 1~ ;on ,.----o_M'_o_~_,_r._.T_R_1_~"_T ___ --"~ T. P. Reeder, M. D. I CRIU8T Cm"RC II BY T10: 8&.4. ConunWIIt 1 M l'tboclUt Readln& ltoom located at 111 Palm street. Balboa, II open dally from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ~xcept Sun· days and holidays natlonlllly ob- servl'd. wrltft', "tht' Rot,r) 'rtuh WO\IJrl Allrnh11m l.lnroln 10 lllo• l'rt ~t· baw provhkd hun with n nUm· clf'nt c. rh:~tr" 11 ... \Hts n "••untn· ber o( gond hook,. thr LlnM C'lub 111\\)•'r, In 11 fn •nt it·t 1"1'"· (In)\ wtt.h a readtng l~~rnp. ~'hill' tht· Ki· '"' "'' mnnrh~ ho'(m o· th•• 1'11'1'11•'11 wanla cluh woo hi hAvf.' wpphN1 ht~ "hu h I•Ut him m nHt~ I fatMt-'1 r11lun Wllh u w<>Odron floor l!"ll• • 1 N'ltlt' l•·nd. r!' hut "'' "Ht! w ouh1 haw• hntt .:cwrrn-C:A n Pttl) h'l\"•• l<lrnrt.: 1, 'H1f•r" tf ...,t JW<'h'<'tlon ttf thr mtn1mnm tltt· J~U'I) ro• ,. hld t rh. 1 t~o llln.: ~ law. rand 8()('tal ~<<'<'IITtl)' l'n· n~o·~t '" tl••f( n1l tlw toh•·•l" nnrt thc- eDploymf nt Insurance woulrt 1t11vc-Jlrlt., ;llh·~ •11• ,, 11 hir'1 , h1s 11rt t "'"I ~n p&ld IO him tf Wai(NJ t•!f,•f'l'd '\II' IHII!tllo>d, 11nd I • Rtl.oc k th<'~l' 1llft'e not 1111tisroctory A ,. h1 tar· ani tu .-"1. < "' ·•·h "t•w 1 ndtvrr IL" 1 llb&p would ha\t' patd ht~ w;~y· tu 1 •• ~ul tlntt.: · >ri ,·,•mrolt7<'d lbrou«n rollf'~tl'. A CUI' "'"rkr r 1;1'\'l'rnrn~·nt I 11 ·•' :..., r1•n1.1 rk thnr WIOU.Id ha\'c IIUPIJII'IlWnh·d hI 1 \\I' \111 n••l n•••·o.l ll' w nrry nbnul ..,es with l'O\Jnly relief. a lo•ncl••r. t( wr rRn 11n···· nnd mltkl' "Ht! WOUld hill'(' r<'<'I.'IVPd II tiUb· II ''1115l' Rl!PLEC'rlONS A CARGO OF DUJIABIZ8. Rnx~. hi\IT<'I.~ and ln.·••nwlll't•s RN' ttowt'd In thr hollt~ of shtp.t. Th1' car~,, I~ lht• "'"' n-a.,,1n f1,r that lhlp's exllllt.•nt.'l' '\ Good lhf'IH;h• ~. kinrllin>'lt~. •to•khllor JI. nl'.!>$, art• sloWM 1:1 011r ~p1nt unl hold, 1111~ CRI'Jo:n makrc hfro hl\w• ro•nJooon. points It up to a plnn:ode uf r ,,..t,.nt.'t' A ship hi\S-" lif'f't 10111 '"" ani! f nl1~11 1\ C'OUrse; man hn_.. o ilo•Hinntiun and follows " ('(IIJ,....r T•• 11rnvr 111 t hr~ dt~· {ant point. l'mpty or h1una.n kmdnt>S.c.. ~~ our pn!~llti\'(' JIOW>'\ • r likl' I hl' !'IIIJI that arrivM with n rnrg .. J>N•pll' want. NJr n'<'f'ftlton w11l tot-in pn>t ,•rllon to t hr curs:o we carry. We RN' loodln& car;u nO¥o' What Is it! HAROLD K. GRAUEL u ........ ,.._, ..._ .... E. T. 8utff'rworth, 0 . D. Optomf't rtat t:\·t:~ Y.Xi\~ISF.D LF.S~t:l' Ol'ri.IC'ATI:D "'-~--........... Ill 14 W. r .. arool A-A . R-U11 1\&wroar aun1 COAST OR:f'ICIANS 1t&a~.,... ('-~-~ ....... , ... ....._,.pUG. PUled ~ 0'-ProftlpUJ .....,.... Otn. ._.., • .. I E. H. nnEL.E, ()pt.ldu DAY M,.OOL Mortimer School lOt Ooral Ave. Balboa hL DAY SCIIOOL NOW OPJ;N o. A. •oan~~eaa. •· A. ••• ,.,. ........ tpool "AiliiOa IIIII H. E. Stickler, M. D. Ptlytakian• and ~u f'ltf'O'l• 3.409 \\'. CftltrAI Ofnl'f': Harbor 1102 "Sicht-rhonr llarhur H?·M Conrad Richter, M. D. I'TTvnt llf''1" ~·~ n m • 1::! M . 7::10 p. m • ..t :10 Jl m !~ \\'. C~ntral """'l'Ort n-.rh PltoiM' Harbor !U)~ I IUO WHt Cf'tltraJ Aveaae Jkov. E. D . 3oodell. P .. &or Church School. 9·30 n m The publlc If cordially lnvtted to attl'nd the church M'rviCCS and UM the R~adine Room. :\fornln~t Wnrshtp, 11 n m Srrmon by Rev. llar1 '') II Jlfl('ker Youth Fdtow~;hlp, 6 30 p m Chri,.tian ~('i('flC"<' Ev~nina Worship 7:30 p.m. S mulav Tf'xl '~lind' I .Mid--k prayer st'TV1ce, Wed· . \nut j,,,,h kl.fl\l n tho• I lnd or ~; covered dlah dlnnn, 6:30 •hu l.n· 1 th 11 Ito• may tnHruct p.m. htot" • I • till· •llottt nl i'RIII to tbe t'•,rin'l: "'~ ''' h• t11•' c:u11t..-.n T~xt I PJlUB~IA.N CIIURCII n! lh•• ::-;111 '·•~ l.":·~l'ln l'~>ro1on on Ill NEWPORT lf.A.RBOR '\I•• d t•• .dl hl.tn• hPs or The ~I ... h•·r l'hno. !t 'J It•· Fll•t C'hun·b Chaprl hy the St':t of o ·111 t. S· J, · 1 q In llo~tnn 41 0 CoR~I Highwny II I• r• • ·•·~!· ! 111 ~l.otlh••"'' r.oa· CoronA dl'l Mar 111'\ that " • ••nlltt 1nn • fltlli' tn Jreu~. \fornln~ \V(Irship. 11 a.m . Srrmon ''bl'•• .. , him; hl111. t\11(1 ~nyin~r J.,ord. NE\\TORT HARBOR R~. ThomR!I Gihsnn. pAStor m~· ••·I I ant II••• It :tl hetlllo' •I• k of VET'ERI:SUY B08Ptt.A.I. 333\.t Grand Canal thP t··~l•r. J:tl'''''1u~t>· tolln .. ntNI. Anti .!··~~~~ ~;d•l Ullin him. I "Ill BoniC."e Parker, D., •• M. Balboa Island llarbor 2340-W o·nmP :.n•l ho•nl hint Th•· rrnturlnn Paul 0 . Buicbt!r, D.V.M. lltll'WI'ro>•l nn11 ~nl•l. 1AHII, 1 am not 8,.. II & Oa1!y. IMI llun t. h h ton s.r;. M-Drive ST . .IAMF.s c tnTRClf "n''":r t nt ' nu ~l•n"t.to·~• • orn,. rmtTA •MA PROTESTANT F.PISCOPAL 111\tl• r n1 ~ r,,of ulll '1.,.:\k lh•• ,~~r•l Ho.p. a-. 5078: JIH. ttar. 4811 ' S!ot ''Ia Uclo I only, Ao•l "'' ~rn .1111 >11•111 1111 '--------------h~>alr1l \\'h• n .J•·~u• li•·R11l 11, .-~~-!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Phones Harbor 1230 and liar 426 h" rnan•·ll•••l, nnd Mid to tbl'mthnt 1' JU-v. Paul Moorr 'Wh~~ler. VIcar fnlln" ""' · · I hn' I' i:;' lnnnol ~o Co ~tr<'t\1 r~ll h nn nnt I t~n•• t ... 8 :30 a.m . Holy mmunlon. Anl1 Jf'•u• •:ll<l unto 1 1 Pntnrton. I 9:30 11.m . C1lurch Srhool t:n tl1r •1n•. ,u •I "" tlw•1 hrt•t b"· MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island 11 :00 am Morning Prayer and 11,.,.,.,, t<n IJP 11 ''""'' 11n1n 1 h""· ..;l'nn<>f'· (First Sund11y~: Holy An-I hi~ F••n .tt t "·•~ 111 111 .. 1 In thr ·ornmunlon. l •"llt<am,. hom 10:00 a.m. Thursdii)'S: Hnly Com· ~luy llnk~r 1-.t.ty "rll ··~ 111 ":O:rl· union and prA)'PN ff'T th~ alck. r.'''" ~n·l '.'.' .•t·h "••h 1\•' tn th,. m s. rlptur• • •ArP "" • • h• II•'"' 11n 1 8EVENTR DA.1' A.D\~.,ST8 Cornft' Bolsa and Old Country Rd. Coata Mesa Sabt-t.h achool, Saturday mom- Inc. 9:30 o 'clock. ~~lla.a ,, 11 hon t ,. "Itt. h •I• • I•·• • ;n,J @ •Nrll· W\1 ,ntnmnn.\ r•'''~;·· tn turf,..,.... linn ~·• .• uthnrlly "Itt h J"•ll~ P"(l\ ,.,J I I .... r~IH-"' ol hl lhP "'II nl th,. ~·.otbPr "" h~'flll't\ Plr kn"•• t'l _,,.(!~"' • 1'1 "h ;t I• • ~11,.,1 rnA'" I Till I Iii", lt\1\ tn li< 1 ntol3llf'• •lib Oort·~ In"' th" ln.•" of Mint! ·• I LET.t'ERS TO THE I _ NEWS-TIMES . / Februar)' 14, 1948 Mr. Sam Porter. No>WpCWt Publlllhtnc eo. 3011 W. Central Ave., NI'WJ"Jtl Ek•&l'h. California. -Dtolll" Mr. Porter: The board or d irl'ctors or tht' Newport Harbor Teerf Canteen, lnc.. togcfhcr With the totudenl boa.rd wtsh to I'Xpress to you th••tr aint't're thank~for your donation or pnntl'd s tatio)wry for the TAR· PIT. Your prompt I..'OOJ'l('ration has heiJ)l'd to so•t a pattern for COM· munlty-widc> asaistanC'\• in our youth proj('('l, We arl' gratt·(ul to y(lu for your donation, and usurl' you that our young pt>Opll' wi!4J_oo.: rl•meml>t-r your generosity. ' You!'$ very tru.ly1 Mrs. EDGAR R-HlLL. S1•crctary Nl'Wpc>f't Harbor Tl'en Canteen, Inc. MARY HANZAL, S<'<'retary Student Body. NEW BABY' ~ abM4. Maybe ~­ Tbere Ia aa -)' way to pn!pll.l'e for botiL I WAU.EN I . WDBEa 1M ... a , w_. ..._.ft. LL IW? ........... ......_ Cle. .,..,.. JOU aall beJod the f'Hlii;W wui"out b<' ..... n, JQUt IH!IIll· IJOr• """'' be&I~G . ..................... . urul L.ooo h lo lo tblo """ 3 11ooJt-U ..... t b11 • bou., 01111 300 h from .,,, .. ,. -b :lira I•••• '"''n•• -lor~ au \UUl beal-•PadOUI ""II"" poliO -at alii lt'&Ul~ \00 D~ ,u. to DaenUon-·,ou thHIIIt liN: \bl..,_......,. .af•oruaN lor .,,..,. l••NIUD Of bOGM 6 r~nv\runmt'n\ -..U .. l,.... Untlfl'f'fTOUnd- no 1..,1 .. -""'bllet.' I Ur'l'l ('ODlNJI -lb'l i• ln.ll7 UOUIU-.J Ud •tlfl~nt -liUJT7 l'ri'"' noll 1211.0()(! 1~600 .town ~ p. a. palmer '""~OCArto realtors U) • • a .. •to•• •••'' '•"' , I ., ... , .... ,.5 ' , •• ' ........ UCG If You Want EXTRA PROTECTION for EASTER VACATION WEEK Make Arrangements NOW Our staff of com- petent Watchmen will give you the protection you de-. sare. .. SEE and DRIVE ne 1948 ES£/IIIIIIrc-. T 0 DAy! AmrriC'a'll MO!'t Economlral Low-PriN'd Car SHOWROOM NOW OPEN EVERY DAY WEEK DAYS - 8 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS-10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Orange County Willys Co. 310 East Fifth St. Santa Ana Phone 0753 • Before Yoa Build or Remodel VWt Oar ~ S..ple ud DllplaJ B0G1D1 Color guides, plan- ning aids. oomprehem- and Jlnoleum. lve stock ot C8J1)ets LUDLUM Carpet Works l-..._.. ..... .... ..._ ..... A-.... IIAI'IT.A MfA WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS one/ AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Prepare 1· OUT Tax Ret.unls f'.&rty Offt~ A MESA B.U.'l\ BoJidJ.Dg Offtflfl ""-: .,._.. H5-.l .,..~ ....._. I!JMoaa 1010.111 SeiJ It Through Classified Advertising I ·---· Ebony Trickshot Artists • • • Harlem Globe Trotters • • • to Do Act Here .. T h.e} hi.Uldlc u lllLll .J.U"'-....... m onk <'Y t1ut·s 11 t~o·nnut ,., "T rir k ,fi<IIS that thnll!" Dcccut.nc hall h:utclhu~!" "Yolll \1 Ill fltU).:.II (rt>lll tlk whist It•!" In (our shtlrl pura~rnphs that':< I h C' 'lt.'ll)' li ;, s k •. , h II I I l'XIX'I't s thruu):.lluut tho· nath>n ~urn up tlw ail I te>~ ur t ht• ont\.1 :-i A L Fumum. llarlo·lll t~l.llk· Tr11t It rs And (.on~ 111 l l,trh<Jr An·a \1 Ill grl II r h :llll'<' Ill ~'''' lor I ht·tn~o·l\ ,.,. whf'n thl' 'l'rutto·r; takt• on tlw N t>\\ ptort Lq:a11n Sftturdlly ni~:ht at 8 p.m fullfl\\ 1111-: a prt'ltnunary guml' lwtw••t•n ="'•'" purl Al<~IJCtllhoO unci nruud"·'~· Sh()o•s at 7 p m at tht' Jlal'll<•r ll a~;h ~:~m • J twk Nort h, of tl~;· 1••·,. :\1<•1nt·><, Iow u, ~port,. olo·p.ll't nwnl ,.,,11,. tIll T roll Pr~ 1 ht• "gn ·.oto•$1 tl•nm I ha\'1' ,., , ... '•'Prt " JOII'k ~~~ Ill'• 1'. otl Sll.o\\11•'•'. llkl:t . says ··You~,,, ~·Hlr nun1, ~ ·, \\U1 1h Wht•n lho ( JJlJ(;l=-'r\1. 1;t11ho• 'li ul· ll'rs (~11111' to lmt n " llc•allt-cl h) Culu .lolhll~lll. Ill~ !lil&illly thru !0\Jtturdll~ 8 :.&1\ ancl K:M ~Ui~t·,. t'luo•frN" mu .. ll'al Nl· nta.n.-to In Tt:( IIS il'OIAUl ~ "Good News" ST ARRISCi June Allyson Peter Lawford Joan McCracken -l'lu- PAMinl( t•a rad«' ll LIDO SATURDAY MATINEE CLUB Pn~tram for t'rbruary 2 hot Anne Shirley in 11.\ICI.t .)l Tot• TO f40TTU)1: c 'It \KI.E~ lUI\\ t :S . \\ \ 1.1. \' C'ICitt..;t; I t:fl. W.\tcll~. ll \IU: 1\ t: I.(' II t: K , C'tti'C'K Joii~~CIS, C l.t:O JOIIS- ~OS. 11111· 11f IIH· gn·al• '' "'•·~.:n• l'agt•rs 1'\t'l fll f'UI 1111 •I l!iOII 11! lo,"kt•l· hall fl'llnk,., l ito• Tl'"ll' '' f'llllltlly p r 11 t' 111 1 111 th• 111~1 1\ ,.,. Funnu•r Tlt;;n ,, Tltro·•·-Htllt.: < '11 I'll'" lonrl 1:" all 1•111 lu 11\o· up '" 1111-. >..tf- nutch• ,Ju..:.•n Slnrl•'l' lnr Ill• llulofll Lo•t.:t<>n \\'Ill IH 1\oui.AIIrtdt.:o anfl 11111 Sill· II\ ion ,,, 1111 ",1nl• I'' n1 Ht~htrt~<lft at 1'1 nfoor :ond Hall ll11h•·r1,.. .llttl Jam llarht'SIJn n 1 ..:uards. Three Days of Racing Set For L.A. Midwinter Regatta Classic '~~~r.r.KT,~.~.~;~.~! .. ~.~W~;~~~.~ ~ge 9 Yamtlnl t•.-,, """ ,.,.. '' ... """ •• r th• t "" "'"1.' t.• I•· '" t.l tfl, ·ntn-f'"rt,,~l' .. r , 11'111~ an· ....... ,-o. ""'' '" .:•·t 'umlo•l "·') :'uiUt<lll)' ~••IIIIo. rn C.tll(oli'IIHI "'""'·''"'II All ""'"' 111• fUlt~ t' ttf tl'lt' •!IUU&J rluhs artt '!' ,,...~. .. ~ , , "'"• •· '" ''"' ... , ''""' IUhl ,,, t h ,,, ·'"' 11 \\ho•n lho• I llh .\111111.tl ""1\\lllto•r !{,,_., .. ., hm:c-t:c-""'4"or 1tl tht> 1,.., An~:••lt'' \'.11'111 l'h1h t\1111 twnr ly -.o I"''' 1'1'"' ,,f th• ••ntn··~ In th,· ;•\o'lll' \\Ill h1• ft•11111 :-:o'\\IMtrt llnl - lt<ll \\ olh ,malto·r o'llt<'~o·l! rudnJot onl)' lit•• •·•~• 1\\n llu\'<, th(' P•H'fflr < 'hf'I""T'-. orro· I'XJ"'I'·II·d tn htj!hl\i.tht I flo• I 1 \!It Jill Jl l\llf Ill' 1\Jnillll( thl' 1111 t.!• •1 1:1'<'111" l'•'llll'"'nt.·!l In thl' I olo •11'11 ,•fa~• :uul ''"'' ul 1 ho• 010!11 T\\ •·111) .,.,~ ) .u•t11 ••hahs 1 hruu~oth· •t• • ,,.,·ut.u ••Ill ~ulllho·rn Cklthll nut ~l"'"'''r ,,,., ·'" lt:wtnJ.: ••lu"''' Witt lw• mal lho• llllll·\\llth·r r.oC'\' thr"lll:h llh•tr "' """''" r thiS ~··.tr f1•r l ht• flrtt I"' t '~ IHI\ ''""1h '~'''It l h t' ;\•"t"•tl 1•• IIIHI\Htl,, r nH \•r·~.t t' ,.,. h '•111th \,~t•lttnu• l'h.~ I '"1 I· t' I I 11 11 k -luJI ~>,.,.,,.,., -·1'•''11'11"1 ''''"''''1 1 .. ot 11 Ol I I' t 'HI h ' I 1,,,• l.n • •! ""'"" t '' Hh htll thnt """ llh '1'' "" I\ ll'lftl 'I ''"''""' :0...1'-"' ... I. \. ,, ,,,, ,.,., ,., I th· ,,.,,I"'' t ',. •• Hf1 :--. ••• 1 I Jl, \\ltl lh I t\\tl ft ht \lhl J\ U1~ d'l.'t"'lotfl\ttl flh l oHI \\Ill 111 11'• th, l11 •' ''''' .. ,,lin..: • .-pdtt•'t•'\1 tn llh ""'•''I"''' Jl.,d•·•• • 1 tt•... • •l '"'PI•• , .. "Ill h .... h.-k Y u·ht ' luh ,\ •1•11• t• ut ',u ht , lub tna• ,f, \\It Uhl It Utii1 UIIt: lip tth\U \\Ill '" Ill\ •It •I •It• h '' ,,, ft• '"''" 'tiU •I fh, '"'' .tUIIII t1 I h 't ttt Chh•t tht 1 tit ' SANTA ANITA DERBY IN SAN 'VICENTE SATURDAY !founty Amateur \\'lth !':unl it Anllol 1111\1111: lllll)' ··••It• uml loiiH.,. ""h till' 1\h lliiYI'" I oil 11,11 \\llllh I "' '"·I (\ualifyincr in lhrf'o' ttluro• ,,,.,•k:-I•• rtlll. lht·~ lu 111 \!Hlt.tl<' 11 <II~IIHII~' I I \!I I '!" •1.1\ 1 dol •11111 llo"ol''" C. • ,.. 1,.11ctm~.: thn'<'·Y•·ar-nlot~ '"'"'' 1n 1u ... r fl·" n.·ut:.r ht.:h tnh·rt·st t hia 't I' '" ..._, ,,,,, "'ll .1 ... , 11" Fanal \\'et"k tho• ltrtwlt~;hl "''" tlw :'o~ll '.l ~~~ S.on l \1'111' tn 11w mun lwr ,,f l'ttrly ()(orhy 11 " I I ,. t•·--11 t. '" t1 ~~~- \'u· .. t~lt• lluntlu\ap .,rtl l_ 1 l_tt tl\11•'"' tlt\\t•h\pUlt'IH' tha t tHH \ ~n to "'in 1:.ll It' .j,, I ~11d I '•IHt\ h •1\1 {,lu ,Ill \ n w f,~1 th1 1 'I Hth ,. ( '41Utl "" S 1111111!.t\ 11 '' lho·'lo•l lllolil'l 111111•· /Hill 1111 111111' Ill lho• lltho•r 'ilo '" 11\o• IIIIo • h ill•' Ill Ill• 111 \ll••t ll Ill 1 ,. 11 , It lllll"''ll~lllfl ~~HI1JM't i t •un. ht•l,•r•· tht $HM\(M,M1 ,·r· ,,, tht• • ~··nt ••1tt t'lft,Sh~ t'\tn t· '"'' ''' ""' '' •' 11 '' t th• .1 1, ,, 1.." lh·· ''" 11 .. td~•, '"'" "''' k !'unt •• jo\nlt.t 1 •• t t•\ "' t 1 '' pnl• "'' Uh' up l,,,,., .. .,, ttu· 1-ot.'llSt'n ·'' '' 11 • ~.,,, \ h'• "'' 1, , 11111, ... "Ill , ,,,,, \\,,11,1" 1 , h 1~o; "'' '•'flh-tl ,,11 ,.,,)'"'l: d" \1 ut'11 I ·rh. 1 1 It\ uut., ,,( tt,.. ::;nn ·' \,, ,, ,1 • ... \1 ,,,,, '"" ''"' \ 1,,1 th. ''"',. d ,.,,.n1 ~~ Jn ''" '"''''" un 1-. h .!''''II tH \ u• "'• ''" ·' h.uulll'lllt lu•~'' "'\1 I at ' '' ''"' d · 11 't" •h•t ttt.t I t , ,,1 .. 1.-,,,11 1 1 ,,111 ''" , ut•t•• '''' '-H"''"•'~~uat tul••,l S tt.Ht n l•ttlh t•\11 tlh ttUtltlll' ••I' lht.• '''""' L'•' ',, '' •·••'" J,,,, , .. ''' ,,.,,,,,, , ... ,1 .. ,\ttl '•: ,.,,,, ~It \rul.a fl.1tt1h1 1p It•• ""'' '"' ,, , n••" •• aut p l.u·••t'' ut 1ht• ,_tuk•·S. '' h·l t • l•.~l\ '' • \11 111 1,,,,hru •'-•"•I•" II I ·· ll•tt lt\ f,u ,pf\\\UIJpUh•f.IU•tlll '''"'"" 1'1•1• ••ltf•,t.ct ·tl llh 1lh't•Un..: ~tuy l'•l 11 ''1 ,,t\., 1 I•• It t''"'''' tit ,,,1, Jl ltlt.t t lttott lttl 1 \\l tl ,of.,,f~o•lhl \\~t,hmt:h•n ll1rth· lto\\,oiOI ltolll ••I tho· !'otll Fo•hJIC' 1'1• 111110 tl flu \\ I• II Ill\• ,f ,1 ,llhl ill II• lot•l••l\ ,.1 llu .,.,, h••ltd .• ~ I till ,, ,, ''"'"'" !'l.tl\t .. If ,, q\1 tfll\ ,. ... tl $:'•.•~"~' t I f I ' • d I t I I I I t \I Ill' t\t I,,,,,," ••• "'' I ,,~ t ,, tl F·h :.!:t ''~l'l•l•n••tt1,at\•·nlt\ ltwttwS~tnlil l '' Itt II'' I "I '" tu ... , '"' '' lu..,·t lh••• 1fll tld \ut, tHUitd' 'l'h•' :-=.1u \'u••tll• ltk1• tlu !"ttl \tttt, l •,tl•\ \\h~t•h ,.).,,,,, S • .tur· It'' II It\ 1 • 1 .. '' t l,t\\1\ tlu \''''''"' 1\1ti41IIIO hit llH l ;h' (',q• 1\,t, t i t\ Stthdqtl\ S.tllll.t~Utldt 111\tl,ttl 1 u \•••lllu tt dl t ltltlt · I • HI !Ill • hot IP tf • t '""' tlu ;d\\,t~J'\ ,, ,,, tl ,1 .. 1 t• ... t• ,. ''" 1 h• I'• 1uu·n ,,hwh ltn t,fu·d In httut rtu· •o tlft t u t11 • ''~, t lutn I•• lttl~·••''' 111 .. It il• ,, .. ,, 1,.,,11 ,,,, ,,, t.:t\t' 1 )t t b\ Ill I tlriH'fllflJ.! it fltt• ''" 1 ht• \ 'lllll•'lt •'•''' .tt't' t'O"~Htt•n•d U t'IO('h "'" lh '•I 11 • I 11 ·, 1 11 1 ''' l'• t b\ SAINTS RALLY, 'SUBDUE TARS California Out Of Doors Rv VIC Mil'\ A! 1.\N t 'nitNl Jirt"SS Staff Cnrn ..;pondl'lll !Itt ""-I ttl 1 \tt.t f ,t\ til llt ' t 'tlllll"t ll II io•ll Ill df I It, hi' 11111 Ill 1\ I tf,, i\\,1\ ,,., .,,, .. ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, t ••If lt"llut Ill th• • h~ttttputn,htp l lltdtl IIIII ''"110: \1.,\ .tllol f ,. llttl"'-11 \ pttotltlt •tl 1..-.,t \t II .tl ,\nu·-. f:t~l -hfl•ilktnt: ~lllnl' l~·t:llll :'/\<'lt,-:'\IFS'I'Il .t'l 'l T hr lito ""1tl•111 t'ololo•l llf.< '"' ''"''' "•Ill, ''"''' l.o n C:to•l)~<l lo"<l lh• I "· ·"''''' '·" ... n•llln~: "''"r tho• ;•11!1 ,.r 111;• lfttrtl ''·•t•• '''"~""' "' '''" un!l l:t1m1· 1111•111111 l•t Iooft• ''""'""""'~" , ''" "''·'''''''' t 1,, "''" """ 11 qt11trt•·r lh•n • 'fu• ~tla) ,,, t'r1HH.: '" fl"urul nut n ti••l''~'''•• :n-:11 "In "' •·r lh•' So tqw111 lllll'ioor Sn1l11rs 111 1!11· ('IJUnty rtnssir '1'11 1111 <lp!J•'III'IIIl('o·~, fllllo lt't•tl lfll' S1111~o•t lo•lli(lh' Iiiio• fnr S ltllll ('1>111'h 1111~ l\1rKn1ght'~ l'r.•w w ho nt'''••r ltrlll 11 i'IIS~' In whip tho• Tarq. h ut \\flO. 111.'\t'rlho•f('SS . dtd 11 twif'o• t h i" "'"~on 10 ht•lp run up a >tr mg of lo·n Wins u~a1n"1 only on1· df'- f1•n I. Thl' loss dropJ)Iod the-T ars to I ht• ltll\l•r o;1dr n( 1111' 50(1 Jn1trk . Tho'\' now ha\1.' lost ""' whtlt• \\i n-1 ninli only four Fridtt~ t ho·y piny ftol' olllntt\IOt'•fi fht• f't•lllltl••ttttO Of •T"'Ifl l '1111tl1t 1•1t1tt•tl 1h•\ \\ tHI •' tltl"\tl\ l••tltt\\ltl lt\ \t ~UII..:' '"''" llh' '''' ..;•·>-t ft!>-h l:tthhr tn tw II• I1J.h, ''" th, ht11PI 'llu "'It'll l''""''h td tlw ~aut.• ''"*' ( tt\IJt ,,,.,·1tCitn t 'uhl41rnt.t tn t••n .)''·nr". ''" ttu '"''''' "•••tid •Httl•" 1•111""'' ''' 4·lu l• 1tul \11.•h•11tt' u .• , I t \\iP·· ht~dt b\ th•• r11\t~lc•n nt '' Hh "' t t•utul h .nil '"''"" "1lhlf1 ''•••Uh .. ' I tho \\oHIIIi lf'llfC••IIHIII,.n lho·Milkl'· llu 1111 •• Iloilo li11111 "'""I' lho \l"11oloo\ •\•111111: l ho 1."1 ol.t\ hlllllll' ltl\tT n o•Jtr Lolf!l, ('nltr. o'llll'l 11 .. 111 :-.oil :-.IIIII'PII l.oo•lol '"t"' qll.ololllllf' l\llll•.tt\11•' II 1 '111 Hlj'htonl L. ('noko·r, o'htd olf lht' tho• :\lo "'''Ill fo,.nlo•r •'111\:o '''"'1'"" .. f,.l "" I• 11l1111: lluro•rtu u l 1\ltortno• Ft,.,ho·t to•s, :~nld tho• ,.,frlll'llln' t'<)l,l ~:1,000 < • r 11 k ,. r ck~t'ltl., tl I ht• l\1•>k•'· tumm• •• ~ "111•1• nl aatt~ ""I' .. r thl' '"'I s:olmnn slrl'ltrns 111 tht' 1!181('" II•• '"''"'""' ltw ladckr Will lll· l'to·a!'o' lit<' Shimon l'"filllutton of 111•· rl\<•r ul foolt"t l<'n·folrl an thf' n'''' fc•\\' .Y•\U.r!'t Boots and Saddles to · Host Playday To Dedicate New fluhgrounds in Mesa 4 'h tU1J tlt~t\' Itt IM t\\nttlt•tt ut fh t• Harbor llo.n \\10101 K'"'• ltltclt htln t .... air In I ho• flr•l '111Arlrr a .. thf' Tu. '""l!hl '"""t" ,\na l'4aJnla hoorfO ', .• .,.,.,,., In ••uunl\ "natural"' "'''' h '"''''"t tn :n :u trlumJIII '"' ..... tul• \\ ""' ............ ... ulth Ill IH•Inh. l•h"l" '" 1 :o•rlu•rdt TIDE TABLES 1'itlt • AI., t'lnt t'tl lit t+ttlfl't "' tM"'t"'U,.._.,, I liJ l,t tl.;•u•• "m ,,.,Iii ,..,_,,... p-., ··r.niU'AM\', INA 111 , .. f'l 1 \1'1 • Ill I ho• lo•llllllllll<'llf '1'110' I• l 'lllo'ttll,t \\Ill lu nl lho• \\'1!111\\ teiQ :l.l Ill .. :a "ll'k I 'hilt ""'''' "" \\ ,.,, I ""' s .'I )'ooloo ol 111 ~.111111 1\1111 otlltl \\Ill ho• 'Anne of Windy Poplars' % Cartoona :.....: Berta.! llil\\ t''"' t'11l1h:u n la I'U"sthly n('C'd lto~l plnro•, Downl'y thl'r l' llw I 111hll'r Jll'• •\'Uit·~ doublr ruurs•-s for t llc m1~;r11 t tnt.: u lmon. r •n•· !ll'rtt·~ 11f Jl()ndl' h:t~ 11 jump!! rnr Jpw w nt1•r lt'\'1'1. n n1l an nlh·r- nal•• mur"" for h h:h Wl\ll'r con- tnin~ 16 JUmJ)!" Tlpo• ;\I• <,t H•-•1' ~ S;.,lolt. t '!11!• \\Ill hr"t II (•ft\oho\ ft•l lfot• ""'"' 111111111' ('1111" o•f t 11 on.:•· 1'••11111\ IW\1 S•m•l.l\ ""•'II th• \ •l•11trflfl' rh~tr "''" dull t'f"llllil-:o l ll.onul- ton '' r~'''' "'"' "') •'r"' l*lu··· :\I"'" c .. ,,,,,. • '"" .,f 111• 11"111\ol llo•l•lll plu\OI,o\ 'I''.. '' Hph 11 ' '' 1 II u I,,. h• · u" h n I• , t Stth•l,l\ ""' '" IIH• lu..:h l••tnt :uful1 "IIIII•'' "' llw oln) ru u! IIIIi' tu H1•· hH'h , .. ,un lltlltiu """"'' n '111..:. ul l .tU, tht• ftt,UfUUOt'nt !'\u :•~; :1 4:\ :'1 !'I (Ill :0.'1 tl INI {1 u ll ~·4 114 ; •t:l 1\ ll l'l!tM II I l'!:At 11 7 I :U I '2 f~' !\II I ll I 411 t 4 a:aa :\II \ill H '7:M :1" ,., .. I I II 1.1 .... 1.1 !I bi~l;f'r loudgt·l than t ht• Stall' of 'fhtrlt't•n points nil In fl row Leon Errol Comedy -AJ- N r•w York7 pu t Santa Ana nut an rrnnt tn t•• KIDDIES' TALENT REVUE on the St-.re! 8uncla)' thru 1'uNday Ff'b. %2 A mutU ... tarred mywt.-ry wtth hllal1oua happenlnp! Lucille Ball George Sanders Charles Coburn Boris Karloff Sir Cedric Hardwicke Alan Mowb r1sy & Joseph Calleia "LUifED" Al110 ~ompanlon t 'ratur&- t ~hown otnC'f' nnly a t R:451 Roy Rogers and TRU:t:R In "On the Old Spanish Trail" ('olnr hy Tn~rolnr with Tito Guizar Jane Frazee & Andy Devine \\'t'CIIII"'dll~' ()nl~· Ft•h, James ason nd John ''The turned Glass" I''"" nua .. tc•nl f••nturt•lt••: TEX WILLIAMS nne! ht .. Western Caravan (~rnnke-.: ~tnoke·! !iltart~> Thllr"41n) "You Were Meant for S-T-A -G -E Sla'htly Ulna 8atUrdll1 TM mo~~t d )"D&ll'lic hit of 194'7! "Kiss of Death" Brian Oonlevy Victor Mature Coleen Gray Richard Widmark -A)- LOUIS-WALCOTI FIGHT PICTURES ~un. thru Tnt'"· t '••h. '!'! - Charles Chaplin Martha Raye ~~~- "Monsieur Verdoux" ~I Ar1 ~ \\ t'C'In""'"'~­ j,, w•:t.t$' l'IM'diU'Ular 'II mc·h· Shtm.,: ''Things to Come" -\\llh- Raymond Ma ssey _,, .... .__ Rola nd Young -In- "The Man Who Could Work Miracles" OUTWARD BOUND CUrta.ID 8 :SO a play by SUTTON YANE dire<'tro by WESS DENSMORE FEBRUARY 25 • 29 P.hone ~n·f'd Sf-at• SI.I'IO 4t ll.ftO fine, '-' l 191 LAGl"NA BEACH COMMt:Sln' PI.A\'FA~ '" thr th1rd rrrmw n rt••r th•'}' h11d 1rnilo•rl l:l-10 a l t hr ftr!lt •tllflrll'r , :!0-17 111 1hC' llnlf nnd :!·1-:.!1 !';nint r·c-ntrr Jim l'l\ll ragf'd throu1:h t lw <•H•ninl: to pokl' uwny :.!il flOints and wall a bag factor In I hi' r Ally <'rok,•r ~aid tht' lndl!l'r wn~ r C'- qurstl.'d h) < 't'n tra l \'rtll..t S porla- ml'n a nrl ~1\'<'n tup llrtllrtl)' on lhC' ch\'ision's ron.;tr ul.'lwn pro~trllm. \onstrurtion l'n~ttnt'f'r for thl' pro- jl-rl was Clan•ncc-0 t:lli~t<"' of tht• Stat•• 01\'tsllln of Archill'<'tur<'. 1111' Jlrul!llll" for lito• till~' \\'Ill hr .. ~ r .. llo\\,. 'l'r:.tl ltllk , '1 110 1\ M .Juntllr F\ ''"'' Ill 1~1 "'('fork I Tn111 ""' ••· !'Ill~,. '.! 111 ~ llut fUr•· :l lint Htu'•' 1 Sthk•· llrok•· ; t 11an~·· 1{,,,.,. Pollurk tltttnc•r 1tl n1••n (~ruml Entr~. I fXt t• nt Adult 1-to•nl~. I :\ll 1' m I Sto..-k Horso• C'la>t~ IN~tllnnlll llul•·~l 2 In Rt Clul R aN· :1 tilly ltnr•• 4 Don W ard carrll.'d thl' burde n of t h!' Saolors' t'arly lil 8 c I" a nd wound up th t' o•Vt'mng with 16 tlflints Ill' was fo llowl.'d by Hustr r Ptnkll'y who playl"d n good game-, roill'<'ling t en mark l'rs alo ng the way. Tht> conti'St waa still mathmall- t•ally on the fenet> until thl' iaat 15 sC'concill w h <' n Woodamall'a r h arity convt'rsion g a vI' Santa Ana tht>l r final 3-poinl m ar,.;in. ThC' st all' l>u ro•a u flf li(llm<' con-Trait Jlnr~·· ClllMR !'l StAko· llaN· sc-r vation has bouncrd bBCk wilh 6 RNICIII' ll•C'I' 7. Mualc-nl Chain Bn answC'r to r<'cl'nt ('!alma of for all. "c-xci'Sllivc AlauahtC'r" of d~r In JUbbona will ~ pr~IW'ntf'd to rf'fUIII'S opene-d by the \111ifornl• nnat, l!t>rond &nd thlrtl pllirl' wtn- FI~h and Gttmt• r nmmiss lon tn~r nr rR for roll c-vc•nt~ In 11!ltlltlnn, !ll'nson in 15 counttl'!l. points will IJ<• <'r<'lltl<'d In wlnn1·r~ Th<' win v.i ll put thr Saints In th<' Southr rn C'.l F playoff~ aJ fi<'VI'rly Htll~ l\tarrh 4-5 a nd 1:.!·13 Commi~sion<'r \\'tlllnm J SohA tnwnrdot th•• lrtJph) fur r.r11nd ll4l ,. F I' o; •• N•wport H .Hbor ol6) \V,.NI 061 \\'~11~ Tal~tra •lilt l'tnkl,.)' •.!• ..... ,,.)' n( Mndrsto IIlii tltt• 41r11ti'•IS (no ml\llly h<•(un • th• t'omml~stnn ll 11~ Ia~• ml'('ton~.: '" I .till A nli:l'l•' S1hn 1>aifl OJII'Iltlll' .,r t h•• rc•f111:•, htod 11 "slurm of f'l"''''l:· und h• ll~ko •;J lh:ot 11 lh .. roll)!h r.·,llr\'o•y (o( till• Whoilo· l••fu \ l11 o11.ot11• hy SUNSET LE;toGUE ST;toNOINGS -tull• I'XIIo•r l" In • t•llfk'l ltlltoll Wllh ~ ~ P11~~ ~f.~· ~f1~; •••ton·~· nlllll\1'' o•l Sf••rl~tno•n'' tt• ul• 7 '(?, ~~~ 7"47 ~lnllpS llntl JH 1\'ht~· trHIII..,fr'lt''ii ~ t ~~~ ~;.~; ~~~I Th" ~HfT1~' ··~~f1~o.,•r\'itflltrt ltttr•·ltll ' 4 r. 3n :11~ 4"' ltfi~WI T 111 :tlf lf11' I~ ('IH\I olllll•tl Ill :1 ~ ~::: :.'.~ ~::: fo11a l lailwo.; "' "" t'm ofl'l'r k 11 Fr1do1y'a O.lmt"t I itl' .. t rt•lt·rt~•·•l "' S.u·r:un• ""' 1-'HII•·rt· 11 ht Au •h•'1111 ,,. P"'' tlr Hur••fltl t•h u I .I••"-' 1•h S I f•tnt• r •"a:"' '' tlttflltnt.tl "n R•~· h '"' 1• m 1 • '''Vol•· '' II.,, ... ,, "' ''""'n'' '' 1, '", I" riHcp' tlu nu•'' :,r•pruptt:tlt h \\', ... , ..... \\,, .. ,,. •' :o-t.uta An .• 1 '''" • n .• rn•d nffu t•l ttl ,, ... ,, 1'"'''" Ma~· Ran Arms On Riding, Hiking rn• nr "'i''' th ,. ~u; t• "', "' 1 ""' ktlll<l '" t•lf'j' '"'"' If ...... 11'1 \\hll'h ,, II Ill 1'111; ll11n1,., "'flo"... I hil l S/\I'Hi\:\11 S'l'll il 'l't '' kotltlo~· "'"lllln•rlt" tlo 11 t•:•r''"'C' lll'•:tt1fl' •~n th•· ,lalt•',f'l"'''' (".tlfi •,J rll:,·, ,,,, ... ,,., ,. I ltiH'IL' tiHf f,d,ln,' ft ,111 IIIII\ ,., ttl t1:-tllllft<~l t!. f I \\If I ""'" \I .J I I' I ft 111 't •\. • t , 1. , J•t ttlnf"" d '' h·" I• .,,.,., ... , d "' 'n•HI t It Ill d •nd IIH 'I ~. d '"1 II I 1, I t\ hu.11 d ' nf ''II" J \ '"""'' II t rlil• 1 • '"'' tn1 tul· d ~., "" '' tl ... oJ\ I· II I " I \\ 1 1•11 "'' •·"rnnuftt•· '' :tdopttd I•) •h• t';.n" •''" I tft I' 1rh 1·11tii)II&"'"'I•HI ttUit tll\t• 1" I tt\' 11, fit f' ''I " ... I 1ft • 1'rtd•t t•1n1 ,,, lh• l''"l"'"d '''' "''"h' tntl ~ •n .f.,, I I • \\ht ,,,.I I ... , .... ••J '\lltt ' ,.,,,, .. ''"" 'tfl It,,. ..... ,.,,~~ ''"'''"' ft tf'h"l' I ftl\ 1111 ftJ • tlfll j tftlfltltll fl I I f!ft I liP H, J•td t•ttJIIIIU ""'•"" \\ull tl 1..,~11, •,tfhf••t•"lt '' ftttiUh' \\lffl •• I f lit I 111 ,,,,, I II·· 1 •• ,,. , .... , II II I I f.. p llf Itt I I I'"''" O....htllflt I fl I tllfilf Jlt•t '1"''' I f "''I d I • II 1'"1 .•.• If ( II ., I' '' I• ,.J It I I " I{ I' .\1 I (oft f tl1ll!•l \ flfdlt I'\ ttf\ 1 Itt '" tilt I ,I d I'"' ..... , .. I tllll~ '" 1111 ''" ' ' II •• ""I ., lttlf lflL.' lfl• \\II t '''I '"lllh,,t Ill ' •• , II \I.. II\" ... 'I ol I I . ' '• .ll t \1M .... qut 1 f 1t If 1 ""II ( ''"tl•. •I '' 1• " • r I 1\ d "''""' "' ,, ~~" d ,, tn ttd H( ".!'I I Tlo•·-.· dn "''' 1111 I lido• f.lr.ll(tf/ "'fll.rll t"'"1' lltlltltl l:tndHH' .ttltl lit' 'r'' 1 ~"ra lt ·n~,.,,. 'hll'' "'"··•nwtl Casino Cafe :0: I fj,',,'!.'o '' lnl.,f 11! l.'ltl~~t,l\(~1 111111 ~ I I----- • BOWI~O 18 A f\POilT \'ot;"LL ESJOV; A SPORT THAT HF.I~ K F.EP VOU IN 0000 PH\'8J('AL C'OS- OITIOS. Mesa Recreation 111111 ~ewport '""- COST A ~r.MA I'1L BF.-308!·\\' I and Cocktail Lo unge -tr Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Ma in St. Balboa, Calif. Four,,,,., r ,.,, tl n-u•d•·l ... t., 'h•••. rtf'"'· 1.,.,... •• ,.,\, JOHNSON -Jiu fu·)jf IUftiiiD .-t•?ll South Coast Company Marl,... -d u.._ral te.rtt"""" Urd ll ( .. r1ral '"'"l~•rt f\#o••·h Public Course Oa Wellt 5th St. ~ Mllf' EMt of llarhor Bou.lflvard r.o. ...... "-, .. ......, Standard-HI-Hole Course ·-6-100 Yards-Par 7 f • lit "'•'••I \ Hl~tflltt' 1"'•\\1'1 t Ufl 4 :l t :N ·~ A p pl'it\lll'otl• lv .'OC• h un••'"' nnd I htt•t' Itt•• t'\l"'''h'•f tt• IHkt• l•hr t ~u tfw tilt \ ' JIHWI .tl11 fp \\hit h tht• 1111ftlto '' ''"'"'"II) Ill\ II• •I Arl-~ •h 1\ ,. " ~~~'""'"'I"' .,f \\',1111 Wur· II 1' I•' nt :1 kuut-~ulonu•rl(o•d fotr ·• \••ut \\tlltuut r••ftu•ltlltl ~ .. n II'"' unwa ntf'd t.hru1111h N.,_...·;-.m. ada Shoppers go where they please. A store with that modern look is so plea ~ing to the eye that customers iust naturally prefer 1t. That's why It pays to modernize. look ahead, be ahead, modernize NOW! Th is Message Spon sored by the following: Barr Lumht.•r ('u. 'IUIIU \uft. f ,.,fit \It''" U lttl ""'\ t U tu r \ l\rtl' Bayview Lumh(•r ( 'u. 1111 :u •• !'41 Costa Mt.•sa Lumhrr (~u. 171h k '"'"l~<•rl flh•l., c '"'ta .\1•- Cruwn llardwart· Co. ~~~I f ·,,,.., ll\4'. "'''''" ol,.l Mar Daniel Paint & (;lass (A•. I Mt """l~trl 1Uvlt.-4'o..,ta Mf'OOA Ets-llokin & (;~,Ivan F.lf'o·trlr lton• "41"''" tll'lfl-l llfNI C .,..,t tlwy. Gordon R. J.,i ndlay Cabinet Shop tR1 110th "lr,...t Orange fAJunty Builders Exchange 1'4N'flncl li ttruad\4toV llulltllnlf -Manta Ana Ward & llarrington Lumber eo. s .... , ... rt, t'ull .. rt.oh, l.acun~ ""'' a.nd .... llahra Amon West l,lumhing C,o. t•l c·-tral AVf'.-llart"'' 11,.,'\-.1 -· Page 10 NICWPOBT BALBOA.. NEW8-TIME8 TRUUDA\' Newport kadl. Calli. Feott. II, 1M8 (~~ 'Jtltdt:l-~ Stock Market ~ ., &IlK lll'l'CJDIAlli ~ At a Glance Havl!' )OU c.'Vc.'r bc.'t'n on n hoot .....,.., eot'TI(()IW' f'flmplllt,...._i ftf II hf'adachc.' and askl'd to llr doWTI awhllt'? Or 1111 In on 11 smukr o•n· 'llt'Hathrd pok('r r.4'nlon wlwn yuu ft-ll you had tO Slt'p OUISidt• fnr a'-breath of frNh air or faU u lccp• Lt•nguor omJ a hnui b!'ad· achf' af'(' J,ll'lmnry aymptoms nr earhon monoxldl' polson In~; The IC"C''ndnry 111111:(' IS lVIII Of (111181.'\llllr rontrol for monOA•d•• atruck.a the ctmtral nt'n•)US II)Atl'm, and dl'- pn.si<'fl l('adJntf Into coma. The W11ynr llurpc·~ und tlw•r ruesrs tht' Iloh Muypolt·~ \\o•r•• In taw s•" ondnry •rag•• or miJnoxldr· pollonong u IJ u a r d thr cruiicr AANON ""hl•n rcsC\wd hy the ~t Gua.rd last Nov"mbc:or Subaf'Ql.M'nt lnnoatlgation provrvl that Ofl a SUitlitnC-d COW'S..' with tJw boJ\t trlmmt'11 to a C('rtam •rind dlrt'Ction, o prn hatch<'l o n thto atde vaC1JUm1·cl into the an- terior monoxld<' & a 1 from the ~xhauat at thf' transom. Am Tt•l & Tt•l 149). Cl\lllldiBn l'ot.Cifll' 11 Jlupont 167 ~ Gt·nensl :\lotm~ 52~ Gooch ('It r 41 % Kt•nni.'COI I 44 1~ S··n~ \ 3-1 So Cnl Edh on 26",;. Stanc!Jml Orl . 58~ I I s S t .. d 6(1, 50 Entries In Boys' Club Art Contest TU :U t t• ttY.K Y. ,\f; \IS '' lh" hriWUful 1614·ft. tlald&. o_.... .. Ma,; ('. l',rlftf'hmann "hu o'Hrllttllllf"' from hJ, ) ..,·ht tA~ Glflabroell, s ...... hii!:J't'rt•. Local Realtor Violations Show P t 0 t M t Bigtime Harbor c o -('tUIRMT.S cosc.RATt:LAnD. Mrs. uua r.aatm.,., ~twr-Ov~:r 50 rm:tun·~ Wl'f'l.' t•niN"t'll u u a IIIIUI If f Oranp ('ounty Repuhll<'a.t f'4"f'llraJ ('flmmltlef', f'11t .. ndll In tJw monthly art cont1•st ht'ld 111 =--~·wt•ll'l ll.11l••r •~ ~:rnwlnr up ~,~ .. ·UniCI' tn·I.-.Koy 1'. Andei"'IIOI of ('o.ta Mf'll& followlnlf his t>IN"tltm t hc> Uo)•s' l'lul• which Tt•mmy ('ur · (('unllnu•·d lrum 1'111:1' 11 ,,. I'IUIIJNU'"' cll&Ann-for ('Otlta M.,...., while .. _,,.., P. 1"'--•--y, •c 1 1 111 nwn· \\11\'~ thun 1•n1• ,... ....,,.., .. ,_u mnck And 1. c· nutton judi:Nf 111.-.1 · lUI' ~'"''' 1!1'•"11 • 111 ,..., .•. nt > ' ....... ,.,.1 •·amiMLII[ft_!'~a.lnna.t for harbor dhotric-t, .,.tJIN approvtncly. wtt•k. Awunlt>d blue rihhons w .. ro· IHh •••~:t:•••l••d pl.ort '"' "''"·II•• Ttw h1trl••1 1l• parlnH nt today in· CArrol S•ppl{' und Joo•l Moor ... Win· l'oljlll ill ,,, I ttl) lht• ~II\· r~m·. Ill IIUI lll('nl• ,, IIIII I li.tll .. ,r ro l,'!lllotlon vlo-Ca.lpania on 'Maskey, Anderson nt'nl of thl! lnt.,.mwt.IHtto• and jun "' 111·· 11•~•-rr•~: '"''111'"' s .• nlo1n l l '''"'"'' ,, , "" '"''~·· r ronflned to T t LaP I tor riiVI'Ions rl'"'lf'<'fiVf•ly Gold"''' "'hi "'1111• 1"''1"'"" '"'' •• ··n ,,of I I r rap 0 az Central Commt"ttee ..• ' -. ' • 1 t1 . , th1• •If•·" I!\ .om••lfl! I• • ll~Url:' CTII I bon honornblt• mrntwn uwunl~ I ' .uw•'f'! II• n Jlt-n\rrtm rn 11t111 .11o \n'l'lt to Danll't P··rklns, Frank Mt··l '" "''"'kl> ,,, I•. '''·I·· ••.~·· , •• '"'" 11-:•'· "" ··•·' ' ' ••.; ~.utt , ,~.~ '.'.'~"~;;:1, ~~~: ~:~:~:~ f:~~' ~~~~I GOP Co-Chat"rmen Gnv~··n Jnm•·s "·at• and Rkhlutl 111' 111 '"'''"II'"" 1'1".1' 1 '' In lor•• I"" ',.,,, "'' 1 I Itt f••••t had •u '"'" 1 1 11 1 1 '' ll.orl••r l•••tnd for l.aPa1, Intermediate Cage Clubs Mixing Sat. Two lntt>mwdiatr basketball t<'an\S are stU! ba!Uing 1\ out a the hrgh l.c:hoolun Saturday ntt;hts. Lnst Saturday, Armand !':<'Illes· l'llm won by ll 61 to 4::. ~rort' U\'l'r JOt' nrt'<'l's group. Other ml"mbo•rs playmg wel"t' Rkha.rd Lane. l\h'l\ln Smallt'), Phtl Shaf· rer, Jos{·ph Archult'ta, t...•w•s Ala-~ bvtt and J nmes l.!aml>. Tht> two tl'nms wtll mee t "!'t;ain Saturday at 6:15. E ntht.udasm and inl!'rest is ntng high ov<'r tht> prOfJOI'(-d ltclpation of the local lloys' club In the Southern California lloys' club basketball mort Man·h 6 and n Ill Pa'ladena. A hand launcht:'d glido•r contest wfU be ot-gunbed hy thl' new avla· SPRING IIATS IN BLOOM lion club. Ttw contt•st Is ~rht-d· ult-.1 for Sunday, March 14. in the -Among a display of ne-.r prtrk across from th!' Doys· club l aprlng bat.'!, trtgld New York 11lt' time Is 1:00 p. m. Regular got this one called Frencbte. nwt•tings for th•· twiation group liThe natural linen toque hu nr" h!'ld on Thursday \.'V\.'nlngs at chle blue and Y."hlte taffeta H:OO o'clock al the ~tub. &-gtn· poutr. Yello w and white I nm~: March 5, mi'Nrngs wtll II(' d a isies are scattered to pro- ht>ld on Friday ·~l.'ning" ac~r:J-mote height and a new m,:: to Jamc;: \\ oot1 "'ho ts m Uh t.te t·hal1:t-of th(' group. a oue • Dlulng di'C'pl'r Into tM-pol50n IU prnbll'm, Wa) nr I larpt'r con· aultrd f'ngln~a nnd toxol"li:llll and ~f'd ,.'ith ttw facta. Cnr· bon nlOf'IOI(ide 11 10 potl'nl that two paru mtxc>d wtth 10.0{10 paru ol trHh 11lr In a atven orifte<' rtrr damqina. A lower rali.o BOOn bt:· CIOf11H ll'thal. Thr~ to five-llf'rN'nt ol monoxide funws r('11ultinr from impf'rrf'CI ('()fllbustlon Ia f!vc-r pres- "'' ln all cuoiii\C.' ~nain('S C'ranl' A numtx-·r uf fJIClUTCll Ul • 1 1'') 1·~·ooflh· '' I• 1 111:10''111 1 h' '1 t• • •, 'ol 'I" • •I 'ot-\.o " Une 143 ; R , . l · . . 1 UJAKl our I:•Jmrnunlllt') .u ul "'' ,,, ,. r· I ' •" 'J" H• r Juc. lkck ._ld ~"'I 11lptr P :o.r .. ~k•) o !'• wpnrt alr'l'udy t•nt,.n'<i tn thl~ month -. . . • ( 1 I -t.....k ·r n..d ""-• n l'llt~l (Of' pump-,,, RNtl'h :onrl l,.o·lt•" Ando•r•nn flf l rnlo•r,..,J ,~1 on l••'lffllfll: 1111 to·r • • • "'1 1 "' • · c-ootr 1 '''· "" 111" 1 ' ''' c •I•' l<.d Trr•ml"'"· (~trm•·r =-:a'"'' ('oo;ta ~f,., • '' •II 1 ... ro·t'hlttl mr n N I I '"" •~ t t:uh. "' ..... t. ·• I•' ·~· . .,, I ' 1'11 1r )h' ""I bnt'w m•·m .... -~ 11"' 1 1 , Hmm.tnll•·r ,~ •kiJtJft'I'IIIR tho• uf 1&• n•put.lu·,1n ,., ntral rv•mmrr-"•ln•o; I n (" u smrt• II n.-or .. ·n· •I ,\Jh•lh··r , ..... ;I '1" •·f I""'" I f ill. 1'1 ,\ll't',J( f''l"-'r.l·) I \' II r J'c ' ' 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 ' It r tl!'ltman •n•· o '' •'~ t'I•IIIJIHII:n un::orllt.tlrun fnr rlw IB!>I lX'<'••mbo•r. TntaJ mPmlwr•h•r• '11 "''''"""' '" ""'' h• ' " ' tor-' 1 •1, •· • · ' • Jack's Equipment Rental Contractors' Equipment I~ now v i;\ AVI'rn);l' Blll•nrluntt !o;,onf.,,.l •.uti ''' .1 1•1'•1">' d of !flo l:ufloolplt 11'1 :.fariOI' 11\'(• !J1• '\o "'' fiiTlo Q rr~:utar Ntlumn· l !tl~ tltt'II•JOS, II "'" rlllnUIIOI'<'II d lh I k II..,'" f'lolf•• h••o•lotlll•ff loo 1"'"'"' tJ11 IIIII J!oll•>.l J,f uul. 1\11" frnt•d $511 1•1 "'''1'\101: lllo lust OlfiN'r. r. .. la) foJiowinl:! flO Ort.:anllatton urtn& •· I IlL~ wt~· 1" " ""'' 1 c. 1 11 1 1 n1 11 , ... n 1 f"llCh diu' .\•'·If tt ,,.,,.~ ul '"'"II'') ··ttu•.• ,,,.,.,, •••tut ''"'''•'I••> rnurnlJ18forl h· ltpuruu "' Jnn~ >aek a ••· nc n ''t'\''JH'lrt P tH'l s..,.,.nl~rn III'W mrml~<·~ "•tnt'd toonai """,..' I''""'""~ wl rnt•t tfw hay. , "1:" uf '""'''''"'~ tu Los Angl'lt's. ~fnsko•v. 11 :-.'t•Wflllrl HNwh rral- r lur, llnl1 Anrl··r"''"· II ('""'" :'>II'S:I 'h" rlub dunna I hi· J>l'"t ~"~·k HARBOR HIGH STUDENTS INVITED TO ART SHOW attorn.·y. " •. ,.(' ··l··rt.-d !ol 1' hrrak-Manhttll St«!llt'l', Thomllb Dhtmllr, fal<t mr,.ttn~; 111 whlt•h As~o·mloly- Ronn,. J acob$, DruC'C Nichols. Rrll mlln ~:arl W S ta nlr•y of :-.lrwport Unrlo'rwOOCI nnr! Dunalt1 \\'n~:ht ~lull•>nt" 11 1 IIH tl~<•r· llr~:h "'"•••I < 111•11\• ••I '""''"'' mllllt·r will bt' .t.hh;IOI: \\Ill Ink<' Jtlal'(' f)rtur to lla rhor wa.s hi)S\ lllltanors of monoxtdl' polr.onlnt.: 111'1' rww Junior mo·ml"'"" No·w In· ""''"nth nnt1 ''lf.:hlli ..:rucl••r. 111 tit• l••ft to lh•• • nllltllt" ''"' op••nrnt.: or tlw ''"'"' to ttll' NOT UNCOIOCON at Ira art' numl'roua. H. L. Mun· tl'lnu~lillt•• rrwmhfot' ar,. llJI)'ml1nll h~t~l-.w Ill•''' ,,,,. '"I tlt-rl '" l•1k1· l'l "'"'lor rho · rhn•t• wmning PtJ· 1,111,111' AI th•• '-nnw trmt•, man) .., or thfo CHF.I-:R tO lllid hi' hnd Tll)h•r. Julin 1-"ry, f)nn Tli~pp IUiol jiiH1 '" tlu•lr ""fl ltll ~"""Ill'"" 'l'"'·llo• '" ho•/tlln••uni'NI, MI"'!O 1)(-a. troubl~ with It on tltrC'I' of his \\'ll)'nt• c:rtffrn No·w ~c·ntur nwlfl· junollflll \ulh ll~t• flurtl ·"lllll.tl .til ktn' -.,11d "''''l:'lnfhng Orll~>oiS from southlund b o at I . R.t-ctontly "n Army t u~: ~N urt' C'>!'nt• .S"'''IIlrr. Jr,hn lo:ut ''\htlall lot tho· ht~:h ,, h•••l. :\to -. 1 11 ... '' tho• I""' •111'11 ~tudl'nt llr1 I~""'' wrll ttl' hll\ In$: tht'ir works lowtnl a dlaahlrd powrr holll to l'nltJ. u .. n \Vur'tl. J<lhn Tal-trol (' 1\1 l~<•nktn• nf lh·· Al lro;l All~ I''''""" .. nat \\Ill lukt• I)J:\('(' Man:Jt \'!0'\\o•tl In thl• !;Uil<'ry Whl"n twu Seettle, lulle-d thf' lattrr'a pal-llnmlt1 !':o·umnn, 1'->l• Y~tn-111')' :mol l'lltlt llnn .. un("f'(l 1:! thr•Ait.:h :.1 .. rv•h 1<1 rn a room ""'k'. 110 "'' nnrl 11 watl'r color ~ Into a &~p alerp with ()M'IIr I ll•llronct. \\ ·•••·r ''"'""· '"I' .1mi 1"''1•·1~ '' 1 h· 111~11 "'h••·l It\ IM-· pot ulc:k> "rll lk• ...,.J,'<'t<'fl for thl' school's monoxide fuml'tl fro m the• IUR'll .. -~::::::::====~::::::==~=~I " •II , ... IWI'o•plo1l lt•r tho• •h•plo!} , .. ,. '"'' tl••plu) ,. ""·"'''"' tlr~pllly :::!'·. ~;~:OOc.o~~~~c~~~~;~~~ [~ OBITUARIES 1 -CROSBY GETS SandCrab --.(;et M_as_t_e_r __ _ that rour or hilt frlrnds ..... ('rC' lloO -: ~ ~eroonl(' by CA r bon mnnoxid•• ' AN ACE : COSTS (Continue~ from Pa~~:e 1) Liaht Plan aboard tht'ir brand nrw l"rUISt·r. naarl.--r.ct"ant l 'tnkh.ou11 to\ that ttl('y arl' hOllplt ail:lM for SIX n tiH'I··· f.ll\\;onl l'lnkh.Hn (;J HIM PLENTY hll\'l' '""'" ......... ,mhlt..-1 from Wft'kll. Whrn IW(I rtch••rmrn in thl'fl M HIIIIII) Ill hi" """''' 111 '. 1111111.,_1 •• , 1'1'\ qlllll'lt'l' of th<- an outboArd launrh lnct ~umm1•r Al"'l•·nu A\•· l\.111".:1 l•latttl 1'1 1 "' •Yrt al 'l'• 'lh• 11'" ~l!tlll• II '" \\o •ll \\llt1h the q'"""n"' rt from Paa:e On!') Each Will h1•nrl t'ltlnfliiU.:n llt'll\ •· Ill'S rn h1~ dr~l r~t•t. 1111d hi' 11(1\'l~('r!' fo II <.'OUIII)'·WHII' hnrord 111'101-: Or· ~o;anlzrd by Mrs Ldtu Eastman, r hmrmnn of lh•• Ornn~P Ct~unl) Rr puhlortln Ct•nlral o·nmmlll<'<' ~:ado \\111 h11q• fhllrJ:o' f>f r11rrdat· In£ 81'1i\ IIII·S n( th•• \'flrlllU~ r r- puhllt'Hif r.:rour)C;, In uri II• \ ,. not 11nlr ''"' rump."lll:n ~:nal or t'lrrt- UII: •·.onrlul:tlt' hut fur I h•• rnlmo·tl· •alt• futuro· IIi•• r••r.:rst r:tllnn nf \IIJ· • " f,.r I h• furllwnmlnl: oil. !torn' I :'.lt"ko•\ 1< Jtll 'ld• Ill 1111<, \o',fl t)f llw :-;, "l••rt ll.or l~<>r ( 'h 1ltiiH•r ol I 'un ntl't ,.,. 'II HI A nolo 1 '"ll 1 ',., • • lll.D.L IAWI • TLULI:U Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa lighting Fixtures at - La .PJ.erre Home Appliance 228 Fol"fl8t A\·e. Laguna Buch ttadiM KELVINATOR Phone 668-1 ftOtiC'f'd their motor work1n1: lou>~r, li<-•111 •If \I oldo fi Ill'" fu· h ul 11111' 1\orll! 1 1"'1'' ffltko '1 h•ol• !II \1:-11 of 0111\ i>llt' ,\\tift :t nan' ont' t('anr d ovrr II t11 hold It d11"n l '"·~l "" ll.•ll•..:1 h lutttl Ill• I • I ""' " • ·•If 1" 'II •r-1" ''" 11 111 (,,,. '4''1n~ iltt'llllllllh' in shOt)- ' 1 h• 1111tlol l• • I 1l1• '" • I. Hf' ••u 10 afrt•c-h'1'1 hy tho• fum•"'· lht•~· ""'"'" . , 1'111~ hll J)ltrtn(>r h~td to ht'nch th•• t114.,1 t Jf,-'' ... ,,,.,, . .~ I•\ ha' ,,,,,. J .. ' 1:1,. • '' '" 1•1•'"' ''" -·-·' ''" • • + \\ h• I •· I :111-.tm C'n IO~I;IIItlllfln I "' '"''' nano·,. '"' U'f'd, thl' t\ ~rltl '''' t.. •I• .,, " hk•· tiH• •••• I '""' II '''" il ll flll:hf I l t.7 ,, I' ntl1 ff ttth ~ nl "'''''''"I .,f '"' t· .... ,l \1.,,, .... ,"' t .. , •I t••'lltltht••t j.,..,h ltt\••l ... u ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ••••'• r. r '~ lt"t •n ct,.,• "" ''•II I ', .. ,,, " ,,, "" "' I I • •t I t \1 lt:u, f,,,J, t1 t• PI f't•lttl , ... ,,, lhrou.t:h t ho' krlp nnd •h•k ltt•lp I 11 "'" •·•flf • '·•'h 'llo-1 · ' (,·,Hwl s..· •lt"'l ·1110, 'llt•""''' ·10 • \\"11 1· t 1 1· 11 1 1 t •I t\ t•tt ttl••••l•·•l" •t~. ,,,,, t,,,, " • ,.~ Ed Rlchnrfbnn. work In~: "" 11 1 1·'"' "11l' ' " '1 '" 1 11" J1•1,. lt•d 111 -.:1\ Ill'-.'" ;tttd I nan l('aky J:l'nl'rftlllr Ill Hrr hllrti'Oifl' Inti'""' 'loUHio '"'"''" ''"'. lfll I I Ill II• \\flf I n Landlnlot, "'M fnunol IIOf'lliiCo h•ll• fo ull•·r.tl "n" n \\• "' to.ttl I • It • I t I"'"\' tlu I< til .'II • \ .tl I llltllt•r-. \'.Ill J.,. plt•.t..,.'(l In a nd Qlv"n fln1t nld 1'\"1 dnut.:htl'r• •I<J \ ''' .• t• '" m Jl,lfoold c:r '"'I 1' ''' '"" '"' tl" l'u t11• 1 ,,., • lt•.tlfl tlt,d \\111. K. P i\C'I'S of_. a -local ynrhtsmnn ~~·rf' nvrr-['"11"''· t •,,..~,, lll•·l. "''"'"''Ito·\ '111" 11•• ~··· 11 Ito~, 1~"'11 :IJII"''"'''" lo~ l't't'Si- eonwo by moooxldl' ltflt ••nrnull' In lllrnv \\ltlll' "' j{.oJh,q I·I.Hid I \\,"''""''" "I'""" ''"' "' tl•·t I Ttlllll:rtl :t' I lt:rtl'llt:rn nf C..tallna rt't'l'ntly Atikl'd whnl hi' dmt"'l olltfl•••~n.: lttl••fltll "' '"" I '""'' ~''""' ''fl "'" IIIII k• d HI• 11w lltll lll' J.q .rll J::ttlk HHarcl did aboul It, lhr )'1\l'hltrmlln rt'· In Frurlun••fl f'l•lfl••l•·l-) lollflll,' I'"""' '''" n .. ,._.,,,,, to SUI'l 1'1'fl .lnhn II. F ll lll'y, -.ll.-1 '-llht I' I•M•h··· I''',., t ,,,.... htlt I I I I'"K"'• "Sold my boat," l'l"()tltl..,rlt t• loll' llltl\ 111~ I 1e COU&O'I'IVIt MEAI'tuat:t\ K.fo!l '"'"' llu•~ duln't lhtnlt II "•· "' ''"' htolo·.. L tt'l An~f'lo-.; hf'oorlq u n r lf'r"' II) ~·x 1-t'lli Jluwn•·tl. H 1•f ~nntn I 11 "''I' ('r .. <hv '1"'' 11''''·'""' 111' l'ot'lla n (l I'II'C':II t'-A· h(• \\i!lll•'<.l W~ Rarpn-did not •1•h to lfw up boAtlnr whldl alnt't' 191·1 haa afforded him, hla family and friftldl 110 much N'al pll'uurr. ln- at"d froql r11rt1 lrarnf'd. hr N'lmllt tile .A.AN O N"S • nha Ulll a yi I MT1 10 that It could Mver •«•In rTI('naCf' anyone. Brieny, hr did thl1. F.x- hau.t plpea art' ~ncaHd In 11 •aJt wa~ jackf't which M'rVl'll a durtl ~11 thfo pip!' and prr• wnt. ~akqeo. Tht' final f'llha1111 atrucl8 tJ\rourtt aluminum out. rillft'l 21 r~t hl&h and alotlf'd 1J ~t above dl!'dc to veont exha uat f\una For winter operallon the tlnal ohat.at ppe !. a alack which c:JJmbe tJw whee] hoUie lick likl' the atack on a ataUon waron. With thJ8 lnnovatlon he 1alns bftwnb-IWJ capadty for atorar(' In 0.. att part, no water liMa or 111utners. li'ft wnUiatlon of bil&H and b~ quiet a t the lrarwom Naval archltrcu hav<' othM' 8riiWen to tM prnblrm. Ed Monk ol S..ttl(' hu df'SI&nf'd a crullf'r with a a~p In the traMOm ov('r tile exhauat pipe lo denf'Ct fUmf'l (aJ.o handy for aWI~ra l. Mat· U.W. t\ahlalla ellh11t.at plpea aa ..... tJw outer tdcH or thr tr&n- 1011\ u poulblf' whrN' fUITl('S sland a~ ol belnr blown away. Aile OF BOATJNO Ann fllt-d nftl'r 11n ''"''' ~lt·<l lllru• ... <N'<lnrl m1•n •n th•• lll~ftll'\ .,r '"' .,· ·, F, h 1" c", I l'IIUr•·· In lldllt'\o' tlu• (o•nt 11111 lh• :1 dwn~t·. '' 1m1 II)' I' • n In fiR 1'11111;•' Ill'< plt/11 . ·l,lr Wll• l>'tfll 111 J\httiOIII'. !:--nltdt "' pruio• \\tilt \\hl\h Ito \II'\\< il f) lltld luu'J Jr\'t~J IO ('ultlurtllll ltll Itt< llllllllJih \111' "lllh 1\h,ll to Iff 7 II I I I 1• n tl h\ llw l.u·l tlt•ll h• II tel '" )' ... n'' ,. ,, '-urVf\t'f ,, \\11 t I th It' h I r (~ I. 'I ttl\ n '"' . nl f'h'1n\p!trn•• .It '"' 1m ,..,...., h" nt t . t• "''"lit nru t'luhhutt'"'. F.dwnrd. of \\'nln)rr S D . nrw HI•· .. tl'r. Mn< ('hnr11'1i C'hnpmnn. Ar-11 "'"11<1 h 11'110'11 nn " ~•rntb~ mo'Mtr. S 0 whrn <'\t'r)hnfh tn lh1· ~11rld "·•• S.·rvirr• ~·ill lw h<'ld 1-"nllll,)' 111 lhl'rl', lw •rut! 9.JO n m rn \.rnuo•l chntl<'l. "ll h intrm1f'nt tn Wrstmtn~tt'r Ml'fnor- lal pArk Ot'lopitr thr !arl thry rtrr plants. 11nd not 11n1mal~. many sJX'(iH or walf'r alstllr arr nbll' to movt' about hy awtmm lng, thf' World Book En· c-yclop~~l'dls 1111tn. •••••••••••••••• Re-Opening llAnJaDAY, FEll. II .. IJC..&-H61 New Booh on Site/Yes At Public Library N"w honk.l add1-d to lh•· hllr~~r)' shl'ivrs durin~ Jllntmry tnrluoil' lht• followlnQ. liS ro•portf'd hy Doroth<'ll ShN'Iy. lthrariAn • F'trtlne l\tockrr. Whirlwtnll In Prill· rl'llltJI. Rrand, Sih rrtlp's Sr~trrh Rur t, S I I II Wntrr, Lockrld~:r. Ralntrr<' County . l.ytll', A Nrtmr lor F.vtl. P.fllr•hnll, \' nnkl'(' PI\SIHI , Mason. Ell~tl<' In lhl' Sky, Sh<'r· rn11n, ('nil of thr l.nnd; Stilnlry, TilOOlllll 1-·ort)'. \Vt'l'~. Soml'nnr C11lll'd MrtJrltit' LAnr lind \\'hltr Anl\'h" llrdullo M)'11tnt ... nark . Pnl~{\n Sprrtks Softly, \.rutW'r, Tilt' 1-'I'Urlh l ... 'll<'r. Sf'ht•rf. t\lwn)l Murdrr a F'rll'nd. Trrrtt. T . Aa In Trapf)l-d and Y11trs. D{'ath Cuts 11 \'nil' N011·P'Ir Une Allrn. Thr Modrrn niNI<'I Rnk<'r C'aJC~o'll't~ :-.;~'" Fr<'nrh-F:nghsh ntr · t lnnar) RArtl<'ll. Th<' Rf'<"ord or Cops Again~t Lingual Rarrier: l Re 'Pidgin Talk' r ull<•t• ""l'ttUDif'r Ptl IIRifUal tllffln•lll1 ... ,.arty thl• mnrn- tnr. It all •tart...:! "h<'n Fran· ri'W'o Munlf'ro, C '"'• RJo•a, "ho d.-n't aprak Enall•h, 1••• ph k,.d up ab<oul t a.m., hf>al·llfl and rr)1BI 011 f'f'ntral ••'"""" n,.ar lOth atrHt. Po- """ '""" th,. f'o<ota RJ<'-to Or. c;rrald Rauaa for trNI· mrnt and lhr n tA> lhf' etatloa "hrr,. ldrntlly -.u allf'ft'lpt· ..... l'nltr .. df'lf'rmlnf'CJ bv uar flf •lp lani(UI\Cf' that thf' quarry " aa a o'llllk Oft t h,. Nlfnmrrdal 011hln~t bnal ~na Ab•llf'. f'aplaln of lhf' hoat. Ahh1 f'. \\'ll100n, 1116 U nit 'tr<'<•t. f'o>11t a MMl&. talkNS In" hi• <'•>ok and rr•porll'd t hat Muntr r o and '"0 uthrr ('OIIIa Klt•an• ahnard hi~ hoat had Af'qUirrd A bottlr Uld a nrht rtii'Uf'd. fir ~lllilf"'I•'CI poll•'" hnld Mon trro until hr !'!Mild perk him "I' thl-morntnr and t alk In lhr olttf'f' '""· I ht ,. \\ I t ••• I •lrl\• fl I, ••• I llfth I ! I ,., fH, t• t, • ''"'I'. nd •I• "' 111 1• I f II I I""' , .. l 11 l•l!fh ndt d Ul ' ,. I I I ·~I I 1111• " '·' II r• o "''nth • ft• r• •n '' ud··d u1 t thf I f I I • ,,, .... I h.i l l'• .. , ,. •tf•ttltl 1\\ II ''"' fllllflllftl <'II\ p.t,\"' I fir J•lo\\o I loti 111•hr'd Ill lltll:lfllo Ill t1 lt..:hl tn.• •h~trl('l• nnw"'' up 1 Rl"f'akdllWII h1 ,\noth Om 11l11·n111 l lr.·h'lln~-: 111 l,rJJ;, llt<n'-II' • rail o·.uJ~ Ill If"' Ill '' \ • I ol JVII'Io< Of tho• Il l~ 'lllf·\ \\Ill JIHI of t'<"'ill '' '"' olf•·· "'" 11tlt•'r llf<'•'' o;uch ns '"''• l '••ntt tl ,\\1• •fli'• ,,,j ll.'t~("-•ITll I tlt•llll'l h 1\ o• ,,If • .Lfl\ ht.•i'n "'''I 1t.tft·tl (Hf Pm;Ulll rtf,; I \\'ill .-\ ttl·nd Cit y '~ma~<'r ( 'nnfl'r<'nt~ I, I ,I :-; llltol aol\ ... 111 101•11 1 II\ ••llh•l \\Ill lflot•l I l!lofl •• ' !fl. .. II lj I~· fIt f I'' It I~. ' t ... •t S••ttth1•rrt ~ '.!l,torh&,, 1·, 1, ..!l...! • .''1 .11 l lo I \I tl J:,.,lllt •lilt S.ol!l.t I \loofllf 1 hsthlinJ: Itt Mfrltll"fl tho 1<11111\\·l I nil' llrt'tl' \\ ••n' ""'"'""'''11<1·~1 for lllmllnr tn.•tallntiun" 1 ~ h<'rt'. In Nrh C"tl.<l' 1 h<' "''"' ""ulrl I•• rl··· fraye-d by •r"''"ia1 aot""''ml'nt l · Coftst Rl\rJ , tl('l\lo <'t'n J~rt<ton station anrl Mr F'nddr n ~~ Crnt 1 ul Ave from lh•• Arrh•"' fr> :\lrF.orl· den St : 8.'1) Avl' from Rth Sr t{\ MaJn St .. \'111 Lido, P:uk A\·r from Agate-''''t'. to anrt tndwlln~:: Marin<' Avl' .. onrl ()(-ran F'ronf Edison C'c' 10.<:1 a II a tmn 1 O\'l'r· hHd or rmm r10lr hrttl'krt, 1 n ,,, Ave. from 1!'\th St. to Rth St . 1 ... ,". rayeltf' Avl', l'l'wport JII'IJ;:hl~ Corona drl M11r, Ray«lrl1• Aw• nn1l Sfo&short-Colony. "CUstom -mad,., .. etaUonery prl•ted to )'OUr f'lr &CI ·~nr.atJona. llapfd, qaallt)' _... I"' CALL IIABBOR It or IS Mlraclr Mill' Anti Con~t I fi~:hwny ••••••••••••• In Corona rtc-1 Mar may ~rrt rtlhl'r Ofl('. Tells Mischief I Malicious mt~l'hil'f was rl'port1•d lo loc11l poiiCf' Saturday nr~;ht try Mrs. J une.' F'orrl. 1:'\:.'0 W 2nd St Santa An11 · Punkst<>rs h11d cut thr hrar "1n· dow from h<'r r nr "hrlr 11 was parke-d in thr Lldl) thralrr parking I lot. •h<:_ r~mrd Newport Harbor Publishing Co. PubluhtTa of lht Newport Balboa News· Times T l'ESflAY •nd THUII.SOAY Ncwpon lk:~ch. Caltf "Jt'a a niet' oct'an" Wa:ynr 111)'1. "'You can hav~ a wonderful lime' on lt. But bl'roreo you go to sea dwdt your bllr <". YOOr motor$, )'OUr racllo and N'rtalnly your I'll.· MUll lint'S. Makr Jure.' thrno &N' eo kakl cauaed by corrotton In ptpea or h<Mie and that rarbon JnOnOlUcko wUI not b(o aucked Into tile atler rockplt or throurh oprn porta underway Th<' AIW of hoat- lq Ia, ALWAYS BF. C'AREf't'l..." ,,., A ..J t!.\-..... ~.,,,. c.: .. tw 4 rt .... (.\oo ':BI~ t: .. , .:..) .:'1~ • .,..,., '.13/,,/ Amf'rti'An lllfllr>mnry. ntnn.~hard. Malicious l)(om(l(·nr ) And Fmplrr In the' l\1 ischief Still Carrhbt•an norn. Still· Ltfl' Pnint. I Inc: In Amrnra, Thl' Hritnnmrn Prevalent .Junior. ""''td.con, Thr T <'nnl'llc<'r. WALTER L. ISREAL, D. D. S. Annoul'l('(>S the Rropenjng or His Offi("('S at Popular~ n--.s TaN. • S'-ly ~ralftl e • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • Ef~<•·nschtml, Thr Amrric11n I liad : :.taho·tollo:< m'""""'f ~ht>\\ 1'<1 up o~n I llour11ni. Mrn~>rtlll'!l In tho• Arnh lht• Jll•h···· hl·•ll•·t ho r. t 'O: un \\'orld .. In)·. Skrin~; thr Amrrir11.<. l'r'llnk~t••f' ",.,.,. ..,.,.,"to~ I r•11 1 Knpl11n. ·n,,. Futun• "! lhr Amrr-1 1 10~ 1 hi· '"'"~" "1nttn"" ft~•m 1,11 ko'(l kAn Jt•s , Ktl'ltv. A l'r•·n~ury of 106 SOUTH BIRC~ STREET SANTA ANA. C'ALIF'(lR;\ll;\ Practice Limited to Denfisry lor Children ' By Appointme nt Phon<~ S. A. 5:?fl5 or 2ti FUN ZONE Short StoriMt, K•nc. Tht' RrtlkAns. rar,. und \\ 111""'' I llall l t.: ~1 1 MrCTArkrn. 1-'<'tl•·r lrk lt<'mtn~lr>n nrw II''''""''· Hnll••"' l~l 1ntl. ,,,loJ M('{;ftrrrtt. Tolwnrd Rrrtrr P ht>l{\1;· polll'l' tht• r• ar "IIIII••\\ ott Ius r"'' I rA(lhy. Mrlllt'ry, Mnr1' ·n,nn Ct~n· \'<'rltbh' W1L~ r ut 11111 wlulo• thr r 1r l qurror~. Molonry, I ' s C'nmcrn. ,, ~~~ pnrko..-1 Ill Ltt!OI tlw:ll ro• Jlol "" I 1 !l4R. Pro It lr. The-S tl'rra !'II r\'ndn : ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;~ R.-r\'1', Afrlrn. 1 l'N'lllltnt'~; Rl't!'h· 1110: lt•t Saturdll) nt~:hl __ _ _ ---- nrdt, S\\'t'd•'n : llf'tl'rhnut•r, .I npnn Thrl'l' Balhna l•l.lnrl h.'" \\ ,.,.. Pall 1111rt Prt'l•<'nt . Rut h. 1\ai:H' Ruth caught attrmpltfli: tn I"" ·, ,.... •· 1 !'\~n. Trll'\'h:rnn Prlml•r of Pro· lh•' Mdl'\\lllk ·•l tho• t•l,uul t•· dllf'lton nnrl P lr•'•'tinn : \'11 n norrn, nfft('(' ln<t ntl:hl hy lo w·•l J••l .• , An Antholn~ty of \\'nrld P(l('try ; 1'ht'Y "'""' m .tdr "' I"'' k lht ,1 \\'li<kl'mrtnn. ttnl~ ''"'I Work10~ whl.'re rlw~ f1>und 11 .ontl "lllt~ou •I In BALBOA 0 Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY Wtlh Plt''a:l~ltll'$ Dlt L. Y AR\VOOU n. c., Ph<'. ANNOUNCES OPD-:1:-.:G OF OFFICE IRrJ6 1\'l:WPORT RJ,\'0 . COST:\ MES:\ O IIROI'RM'TOR ASU ORrm.t:~!'( nn:RAI'\' Tf'l.: ftF.IW'CIII l\:lt'7·R ltllllr'l' m t•t'<'nolw I "TRAVEL ••• hy all n ... an8" ........ .,In"• ~ y,.,, ... . • • AIR SEA • RA IL • BUS -TO \1.1. I'OI~T.; "'"-l..ai(Una llmO Lambourne Travel Service ! II ~ A l'tt. Lacuna Rf'arh ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Dock '!flth ~ Ray Frnnt Gasoline --11i<'sel Fuel --Oil Fishing Suppli<'s The All in One Stop Way f'nodlt ('ant• lln11on-d BATES & SON Harbor 481 ANOTHER SCOOP! In We made another Dandy Buy on a JOB LOT of GOOD Late Yearling Lambs, and are passing the LOW PRICES on to YOU for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Thl5 is definitely TOP QUAUTV MERCHANDISE and the PRICE IS VERY WW. YOUR COMPLETE SAnBFACI'ION t lNCONDmONALLY GUARAN- TEED. 8mall LOIN CHOPS SHOULDER CHOPS RIB CHOPS LARGE WIN CHOPS Lb: ..... WHILE IT LASTS! Fr~h -J.Aoau -Meety - BREASTS & NECKS for S~wing . ................. _Jb. XTRA SPECIAL for FRI. & SAT. ONLY ~~~:;·SLICED BACON SSe GR. BEEF~=~-~~ lA 38c PORI ·saus.E~~~ stc Chuck Roast of .,e,f ___ lb. 44c 7 -Bone Cut __________ . __ lb. 49c Round Bone Roasts ___ .. lb. 52c • \II l'ut frnm Our l 'I'I'AI. m GH Qt'o\I.JT\' Rt:F.F West Coast Meat Co. C. 0 . "PAT' FLA:'\AGA:-.; Wholesale Meats and Provisions lR-1-:' -:\T.\ll'ORT 81.\'D. At ~aron 569,j Cm~ta Mf'M I •