HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• 4COsta Mesa Extends I~I8nd to-Newpol!t Beach ~-N--o-··-we~ __ .!bei44~ HA RSOR·WIOE AND C O S T A M E S A "'HD ... I: HA ... O .. 12:1 O tO 1:1 VOLUXE XL_ I Fr't."d J. Dud~y. v•~i<k>nl \)f tilt' l \.,_,,. ~ 4 'k<4m1~E>-r nf..-<.-:onl- rn,~n't'. today <'aiiN"I un H<llph !\!.•~~>~·~. h l'arl of tlw :'-\1•\\ lkll't 11.1 rl1111' ( 'llllmiJt-r llf Comnwt'\'\', to ~•Ill 111 :e IIHIIII:tl t•ffort to '11h·1· P'''hlt'lll' "afft'(.·ting t his ar<'a HS 11 whnlt•", In a fOtmallettt>l' to Mnsk··~. ntull<'~· s:wl· "At the lasl m~t ing uf tl11• hoard''' dm'l·turs tlf •Hir d~alllho ·r 1ol rumm4l&~ a d lsn•W t•luw.'" ... lli·ld,ul a.uf&'&""'"w ... Uac...~t-\ 11t tlh• rhaml~·r of t'OI~I'O ••I '\1''' t~wt Ht•lh 'h . ~1111.1 .\u .•. onol 1 ·,, .. :~., "'''·' "'•ll'~in){ t~tlwr in B •l •~utw: ... lllt'l'llnJ..: t lw tnt•'"'''' 111 tlh• l'lli1•'•" in that JMif1ion of Or . 11 '1 • 1111' 111 "hh h 1 It,· , o1" 1 "·"" ,, ·'''"· ~''"1"11'1 lk'm:h and t l ,. '' l!ol lllll~ ol c·.~ ...... '"''·'.Ill' '''"·I''"' "J\fll'l' conslcit't't\bl• '"'' ""''"' ,, ,,.,,,)ulh•n "·'' I'·''"'' I'''" uh11:: 111 suhsl.lll\'(', thut yOt • ,,. '' o•d uf "Ill' d,.,, ... '" ""11, "11h 111111 "' --"---w---..._-. ..._ __ --,.,.._,_ LA R G EST~C: ' .. :~.!_J IN ORANG E CO A ST 'S ... -, ...... ,.,._ S t.W I'OJCT n t: \C 'II, t \l.ll'llltS IA, T IU'Kl'40Al', YEIIIU \II\ !li, 111 111 \lt>IUht,. 1 nit• 11 e•r, ""' ._p Pt'tl\'1' t'\)1\UUIIllitlt,.._ W)\1'11 ~~th~ l~f(l'Clillt.: this lU'l'ol~ lb ll 'IL,h.Olc. ·"'' "•'Ill).! '"'l.'l"l'l''(t "\\'t• :u" nut unmm.tful nf thl" far t thnt t'llt'h iruh\'hhtnl l,lfllnl\111· 11' ha' 11, 111111 pr~thlt•lll-1, hut \\ \' tlol hdit'\'t' lhllt t h t• lnlt•n .,ls u( this 111\l t',lll h,.,, I ~· "'n t'tf h~· j111111 al'lll'ltl1•s nnd th''"'flll' t~s lc•ttl'r IS 1~·1111: "nll.•n th.11 ~''" 111:1~ loc· ;uh'ls.'tl 11f tltlf' wh4h't< to t'\'IOfll'rHh • 1\tl II '••u "ht'l1•'1 ,., '' ,. 111.1~ " Ttldal''8 II A.M., 1'.8 .T. lltt"' .Inn..-"''""'K"' ,,_·-.('e., ...................... , .. 1•••h Il l il' f: I u;-; '7!1 ''" "loll "" II oil "I' 1 ht nn,l ltd t .l, I loll'" \ 11f II HI I ' Il l ""I'"'' 1.1·1 "" ''"''" 1'1\4:1' Rake Text Books as !'Slanted' IIIP)-n. "'II'''"'''"' "llltl hltu~ Am•'l"h~•" •• t It' •• , "'1'1•1·'111• Ill ill v lt•\llliiOk• ...... 1111' I .... ~, II\ •'f ·~···II·· ,,,,_ .. • ...._ •. •·': '''\11\t:ll 18 --------------------I ttlo' 1111 MAY DECREE CITY MGR.II·',: .. ,· .. :.;··:.::;~ ... ~'',:::··.·:.: .... :::·.h~:: ..... ,.~··· ht' ...... , .... ,, ... ,,. ......... , '' "' ''' l•••l • ''" lito• ho•n r ru ••I •' '1 .. ,., tl ,,,.,, ... Ultlt• f'l'flUnlttN II\• ""'"' diiH' ttlta.·nlenn In <'"U. l••ltuu THE SAND CRAB By SAM ''Hint Act· l'lu " 1" ' " " llw auhj< .. •l ,,r a I Ill 111ol h ltlt f I'IIIIIIIIVI'IIIY Iilii'• Reactions to '" · '"· Pill ~··~Inn ,,, ttw h·c• I,,,.,,. It ''"''111 wlwn flu• •IIIli' I Council's City ~-.... ·' ,.,, ...... ~~~~ .......... ~ '" ·• FRt:EI>OM. Judging from th<' tt.•ns of thousancis who have jamml'd through the histork f rt'('(lom t min in Solllh<'rn California, tlw Am· erit·an way of lift.• aptx•ars to satisf\· thl' multiludt·~. So many' import:.mt rloc:Uml•nts from tht• ciay~ of ow· fore- fath<'t~ are r•~nl<'<l. that young and old \'it.'" "11 h awe ;mel l'l'\'l'I'\'Ot't' the pti<'t'- less rt'l its ( r('('(!om has at'· t'OmplishNI. D.•spitt• t h<' faC't that sonw of our pr't':'ent.day t•fforts Sl'<'m a hit opp~~c;ive. yet tht' idrol()f::il'S of Htt.'-"ia and other c'OUntries yank t he lilx>r1it"S from under th<' t·om- mon man. Their dt .. lil~rate lit.~ can only IX' O\'<'n -ome IJy bringing some or tht• down- ' roddt•n to Anwtit.·a and gi\'c them a first hand preview of ff'('('(!om in practice. ••• Rell&loa Flnt. Had occas- ion t o go through Los An· geles' Pershing Square, the hot spot or the curbstone or- ator. nnd stopped t o list<'n to what the nrgumf'nts were all ahout. ln the six groups that I encountered five were wannly di~,c;in~ r't'ligious topics-God. the Devil. Hell on Earth. Infant Damnation and Christ's · Authenticity. The !;ixth bunch u.<;('d Com- munism for its subj<x't and strange to say. had th<' few- est numlx>rs in the circle. This may have bc<>n an off day on the tatter disserta- tion. hut if th<' left-winKers feel they arc g a i n in g strength with Wallact'. the crowds in the park hclied such hO{X'. + + + Smart Company. Grant- ing of the request of th<' lr· vine Co. for MWD water by the Coastal dlst rlct. reveals how impor1ant that great concern regards its need. Ap- proval gives thf'm the right to bring wate1· nll along its lands from Lnguna Beach to C~tn M<'S<i anci indud~ the various trarts opened for sub-oivision. Thl''' long han• mack-l'xhaust i\'<'. sturlil'S of water stral as in Ornng<' count y and when the lat<- James Irvine ttll:c.'d the t'on- st ruction of the r~rvoir back in the hills at th<' time the Prndo onm was under disru.,c;ion in thf' enrly ':?(Ys. h<' han vinuallv rli~·••nil'd thl' wells in f<t\'or of im- pounding wnt<'r. Thl' prople who vote for such things arc muf!t much slow<'r to n'nlizc !Lc; g:rt'a t va lu<'. • + • Taxe~~~. Onl" odd thing abollt our tnx<'S is thnt W<' vote them on our~l\'cs, then let a few sJ)<'nd thl" m illions in thl' he lief they arc h(.'('(i- ing the wish<'S of th<' vot('r.;. We also forget thut th()!;(' in offire put diff<'rent intf'rp~ tations on what the (Jllblic should hn''<', hut selrtom geLc;. lnstnn~ art• so many that it would hc foolish to <~I· tempt t o list them. • + + Frank Cuprtf'n. I f<''. ttw grand olrl mnn of thl' nr1i!lts' colon\' of Lagun<~ &-ach ami one of t hf' mt>l't kimlly ~nuls and lm;plrin.s:: p.1inter.; in these p~trts. Thl' pion to rx•r· petuat<' his nam<' in th<' r rt'· ation of A mf'moriol Ar1 <'Cn· ter is thl' niN'st nC'hif'V<'- ment to come out of Laguna Beec-h in man y years. Prior to Election .. ''" I• ok u• •U(Iftlo ll'lt'lllnry It'll .. Manager Plan ''" 111 _,.,, 11111 111111 ••lathlh ar•cWe. I \11 1111••111• 1 loll' l ho• l'I!INI nf II• ·\lll•'l lt'.tll 1\o'\'lolulhtll tlt'l'lllrt'd , .. llohoTI I• :o-11111111, fltlfhotll l~l1111ol l•••k• \\'t•rt• "~llll\•o•r-•h•••" Mid .... Ill II IIIII:\ ,oo\1 ( 111t'111l h I ott lloo fill• ll!lllllfool II II lrtl'o"'flllllflllll Art• "''" ( """'''1 \\ .,,,., 1' • 1" 111 '11111: I I I I I II ·-II U'H" ~·• ,, tt·n t n._t"· ,,, at1n•..- 11 1"'"'"'11 '' '"'' •II • ''' 111 ""'1:••• , ''"''""' 11 1~11111lllllt>o· ·~•Ill dnwn I' it\ t t'ltlth tlf ~•\ H t • h~thlt•t ._ • I, t•l,•tt :,, "' tl•11•• ttl\ th•• ti'H'i'tton aJ ( •:dlturi,.I-"Who-t'lty Man· ac•·r~" ·-'l'l"'•n• on 1'&«1" R thl• ..... u .... ••' 11111'' , ........ d tft• f•di.'''HU' "'1••1t 'h• th•, th•' 1.--.•tc!' "'''''' •uhvM"'IYe. ttu nt " H"""• 1 t•• tlh· •'II) t'""uun ~ d, ~t hldt II l''"f"'l'.tl let nut..,.tth I ( 1 1111\ft'-'"''' thHt '" .. ,. Rtl"J~ • "tuhlhlllll• ''' ·•• u t'th """""'',I til.· h .... k~~t ,., ...... 1-.n te'<1" lalalrwt llw I ' s '"'"' ul II•IY••nutwnt, :\l11yut It H R••1'<l lt.lda) nanll'd ,, t'nlllnllll• • ••f fnur 1(1 •lud) tho• arho~.tluhl~ .. r l1•rm .o1111n uf 11 I'll) m •• na~;•·r I),,.. 1:1>\'c•rnml'nl 111 111· • n 11'1•'<1 h) lrrcltnnnl.'\• Th• ~ 1nc·lud1· J ohn ~111lnrs, t•r•·l'· • nt I'll) :uhmmstrnll\o' tlflln•r , Hnland Thtomt"'""· pr<•,••nt <'II~ .olltorno·y. J..,.,.lf'r lsh{'ll, prMt•nt '"'""''lln:.u1, anol Jk.tn Rradfnrd. lw11d of tlw j11mur <'hlu nho·r uf t.·urnm .. •rc-,•. "AI.I.'" \\'Y.LL t\Uli-T ' ... y, youq C'tlri•topa..r C'alktn ... AI liMo \\hrt'l uf thfo fan.,...,. old r~~o~·ln& )'a"l ;\IOt.t.t r. UH1. C11ri,.toplwr I• t ht· ..on o r Wr ndt-11 (Skip) C'alkl-. d,...,.rr,...r of fin,. lw••t•, alld hi• '""'' ·l•m•, ,. ho makco tlw-lr hnnv o n RaJ boa a..taod. ph111u It~ "Skip City Fathers Hear Plea For Wes t Newport St. Repairs In Tues. Session l '"t,\tflllthllt h\ tlt•hU.U h1t• llutt•nt .,, ,. , tt\ u~otuu..:_, 1 I•\ ...... tf1 f I fhtl lth· ""''•'I II I \\til fu lp lfu '•t•a:tltnn t•t t"ttUPh• (lo ll I Ill lll,ll't I lll'lllltt tl h) t1l d ll\hU1 • t Ull fw If fiiH\ Itt I.\ ~U •hii,Ut•' II illt\ ...... II ..... ,.,., •• , .,., ... 111 I lhlnk '"'r 1•''''"'11 '"" I· tltlllrtlll1 ... '"'' t•U"'ht•d Utltl "''II h·· '''""l'hl , .. , ... , .... d ty !'ollll11'11 " llolll I i\•folt111 IIIIIJIUII lllftol lit\ IIIIo I IIIU•IJwt lllt'llll w•r ill I lu• I ht•l II•'" I 'uut1t'll ~IIIII rlu• t'tl \ • •'lit I< 11 • u••llutt Ia n A s;•mtth· of modPI m th nan<'•·• h~ "l11d1 1 h• d1o1n~r rnny IX' o•nM I· r fl \\'Ill f,.. f'rt ~l'nlt•d IU I he• I'OUII· f'll a t •h• rr n•''' '•·sswn ;>.t .. r ~ ,\ T•H'MI•~ ..,._,on of thr d t) roundl~allf'od altrr tht-ffa(tJIU' Mon· '11 11 In lh•• rl~o:h t 1hrt·•'ll>tl1 lltll •••~ ... ·hrttulf' w•-lnlf'rrut•IMI h~· \\-hlna1on· .. Blrthd•~-f1Ul t hrouch 'II '' 11ut •11lfl•·••'111 '" '"''"" 11 ThUS Rn ISSUt• Whlrh hll' In rt'· ro•nt W<'<'k~ hc>t•tmlf' lhl' top pc}lllfr· at qu••stlo n •n !'l;l'wport ll•'tll'h h1o~ llft'n hrou~thl squar~>ly lnlo th<' open. That its lmpnct may tw-ex· pl~-lve lx'l w<'<'n now and April 13 -(']CC tion day-l.a downrillhl ('c•rtain. a tv.u·h our A&l'ndn of bu•lnt''' roml'l'M'nt'ln& "lth a h•ranfClU' o• te..-LOl'IIC Ci,\T t::oe. rlpl, .,.,...1'1" thfo l..lon•• ••u \r C.-d 21\ )''"' I~'' '"''"' I 1111111111'''' h) tHIIIIItnll'•' 'l'hl• I'll) "~orablco <'Ondltlnn " of \\'«"1 Srv.Jtort "t~tJ. and f'ndlna v.lth • IIUr· \\, 1-. C urnult, t•nooo6dt·nt or ltw tluntlna;l un ltf'A~•h f'luh, 11hu 1•r•·· "·•~ ••11:101111•·•1 11• n ti lh ,., .. ,.,.I'll)' pr1...-11"'1"-....._1 to run akt4-r th,. for ma tion or a l'lt y nU&natef'r tHif' of lfO\. _,,.I I hr• "" a rd "" '"'"•" or Uun. lnto•rnallnn•l hfor,. \\ Nhtf'ood•\ 1'111111} >, "" n.:11 y, lt••u 11 y, 111 ,,.,11 tommf'nl f'nal'tl'd throuah dh or· .. _ --------...... Th,. '"" -'""""""' • ttua rlrr ul " '"'nlur) ul I..Jlhlul atlr nd· •ul1,1 ultly •uutllt•r lltl&n It I• now dlnanc·r . · ma nrl lh1<l Stro·o•l S upo:rmtcnd(•n l ._.. In U un• At'lh•ltlf'a, t•ho1tu lo) \'••In••) 1111 ~ 11 Wtlllam <'uv~rl com ply I~ M~ony lllllllf .. "' &uu4 llOV<'rnnll'nl Th<' city mllnager ... U(' IS dt>alt iah•ly with urd<'n to cW t hway Topt·c l Kenn eth Schmt•dt ha vr .rlllc--11 In our &l'""&lnt-da,y w ith rl~"wh .. rr t-"n" nut th<' llr au ··II" thnt , .. -·,lei t-_ ............. 1ft '. ' . '"" ' , a wall Rnd otlwr olo~t rurtlnn~ ' " '"" ~-~ ... .......,..... ,, ,,,. of \\ ··~· :'\PWpotrt ~l rt'I'IS, Ill· ··rl't'lt'd Ill (;('HI .,, I f. l>llnllrry ,,,. 'fo Re At. red Hntel Venture ,, . ,,,,.,,.,' \'Hit'(f hy th• J)t'opk> lro.c'JUI'Nl Ill :t lt•lll'r ~IJ:Ill"d by . 1-: U lltol •tllo to·ol IIIII) loy tlu• llf'lllllo• ('hallr ncf'l' Ru!lln••u AMn. M !;<; Ill ., G rr :liR 3" d S l h<lll IH•f•n ~··t'\'111 Wllh lhrN• W ftr• 1'1 I I I. ll II .o ' .n 'WIIBS rtlnls h) ('lly Allurnt',\' Hololllrl (, t d Permt•t " . "'""' . t'll) llltllllla,tt•l' "'"' Thl' d ly ~:roup's ll<'tinn 1<1 ·I rll•·rn •ll '" C'll~ ~:nwmo•rr J l 'lol llfl'-'''11111) llll'"""~ "''""'''l .ran e ''"Ill• dut illl: ""' llllt'll111 Ulllll d irt•ct challf'III:C' 10 thr Bus tnC''" \\'l'lth a(to·r lw tulrl lhl' C'ouneii 'l1oumt~"00 a fll•r 11 n t•tfi:hiMtr, flt•ll·l 'nl ""'I" lito· llu 1111' ·11 1 l t•l•• ''' ,J, • •••I '"'"''~"' lto•o•ltulfS.•t• lru'•• ShiH\, nunpl!lllll'rl lhllt tho 1\lr'•lf ol tlol•l 111••11111' 1111111'111 I ' II I II 'I II I ('"nun('il, II pofifl('.ll Rfrililll inn 11f thllf II loOI;·I IIOI;t' J•ru~:r:tm Ito 1111• '> ,Ill 1 'I \t IIIII 1 ,,. II lilt " 1" t oil I I• •fl II\\ fho • l'ltllrfc•r " ft._ lr:1t l1ur·nrrn lm~•n•··, untltmt•'"'''· (Iron• ~trc·l'l~ m lhllt nn•n was lt;orrll·r~ l\\hll'h diiBArry m .nn 1"'" lh• 1111111;•· ,.,,,,nl\ l.o'otl'11• "'''"'"'""'11 It """"" '""'"'''11 1•·•••1•'· II:,IINIII r••11llo11 ouut llll'm . ,. I) t.. , t II 1 thJn,;, ftrnt•·t •~ u plltt'•·r n tltiiO)...' ,.1 ,....11 .... .,11111,,r• 11,,1, ,1 ~, 1,111 .. , .. ,11 • ,1 "' tfu loWn l :I<;Sfll'llilluns \.•hnsr ·'" 1 1••· """ 111 I•· \\ttl' • ;u u cnu' "' '• ··~ ., • hi II' III pl:~nk l'.cll• for rslnhh<llnh nt 1 'I" f'lo·rl '" '"" '""' \\ 1 I h 1 n "n C'l;nm 1 1'1"t nu·to 11 h•·r rill\' 11 1~ ll11r 11l•l ~I•', 11..:• 1 lo•1 '"' '" '" • """'' I••·• t1 "' .. r t 11~ mnna~;l'r ~;c>vl'rnml'nl yr Rr '' ""'· 'u"""1" •I hy ft(,lwrt I 'Ill po nnl<·n<l• 111 ••I 1 "·'"1:'' ,.,,,,,, •I· ''''' •· '''''' ','ht t·ru-c nf lh•· "1111:11 1 ''' 1~ Tllrrll'l1 11\t•r 1(1 ('htt'l to( f'uhrc· hs. I'll lwh:otr of (;o·n•·rrll Pr•lt ttl•••lfll will 111'1~1" Ill• ,,,.,.,..,,, ·'"'' '1' 111 "1""' •I ~:1 ttu~. }·u \'"'•' .. n, •. HU!\IO('t,;f\ ('utln· R R llu(h.tkln~to.un fnr nnn1~~1s \\a< lu supJ;I~ tht .~uy "''11 tu•·l "·uc •1hl"t ,.,,.tnt• '"ut pr•a·ruu" A' 7fllftu•• ""''I t•ll \\ttnt~ to put t hr m:tff•• .. f•J thr thP rt"t)Uf'~t nf thf' Ht~lhtU\ P nant .. u~•-.·pt• tl ''' fl"· t'uUJlt'll t•:•ll~ "'tnhl~nlnn f If I \\" ''''""' ,.f '''''I h •t•ttt• ,,t ''" \ nlf' of thr pc'nplo· Tho'\ 11 .mt Aslln folr !'IIIII ''!.!"~ In 1 ... luratf'cl lHtlt1 111~ 11111 ull•·••·ll 1" lnrm-•• :->:t•wl'nr t II• •• II "111 oh>• '"~ tlw I 11 ' I' 1 1 ·• 1 1 1111 l'hOS('n II hoard or l:i fn· .. httldl r < :01 lh·· m l•'l'''l'llflll to( :\lu;u n •• r 1"''1 111 ""'' ''111 l•'r ~;nllnn unclr r f•tnl'llon• ....... '"· ltl\ ,, 1111••11111 l'ttllll ••• " ,,. \\ hn Willi If! tlraw II 0('\\' C'ii:V l't'nt'll'r lind l 't l)tr:ol ,\\T and at 1111' J .\\ ay l;oflk \\ •ll;ttll I till• :ontJ p)UC'I' dt•· o·ommll lt•l' "I lift Ito t•l·tll loll f11 'rt t'lt ol f'ol•' n nd o;rlrcr th•• manal;l'r Th••1 also llll(l<o•('ltvn "' (', nlr;ol """ o ... a n 1"' r) Ill,,.,. "•I •' ronds< •·• llo• •I •'•, •'"" II F '"" '"' 1"'·"'1 "ant lp c•tptur<' lh<' lhn•• l'llltn · Rl'•'llllf'lt Tu 1"' l1f•P"'nll'f1 15 11 ~t..-•t·•nl ''''""">' u l 1'.,11 .. • •I '" '"''" .. r ·1 l loo " • t1 1"'' I I I , II 1 m:t)ur ' •·•·rnrl"HIIf"t' \\hO v.·lll AI Uti) I''''' hl•lo'"ll . , ,, ,, 11,, ,,1 11,, ,,, u•,, , 11 ., , 1 1' n ·nnh' '' 11 ~ w ,,,. 1 '" '' t' •n· (;r.mt••rl 111 ,\do lo \'•m J-'1,.•·1 was h " 1 \ I 13 tlu ("It\•\\ ttl• !'lrrrl h~.:htlnR pro ''tt'lht('() ('I ., .. , ... 1, 11 t' .. •nul•l••· 1.,. 1 11 ., .,•dl••llt••'' .. , '•ft11utlt h ·''"lro · pn n "'""'' '~ 1•·rrnot to upc·rRI•· n 1 'f1 II .. t .,f I loo I'""'"' •• I 'uomdl, •11111 I '" ltl ,,., ... "' u •.•• ) rlUIUIIjlt'f I'''' tfl ••' l'••\•'t ttttwUI 1'n 1 tu ffl\'ttl 01l , • 111111' II "" Ill• luollul "'' lhlll t h• I•••••'" • u11 'h,, .. ,t• tt huurcl nf ,, .. ,. .. ,. .. ,. (:Oast College Adds a Mtl mberH To Faculty Staff Hut if :\tayor Rtor n • 1'1111Hnttll't ftsh ro·lntl lou~•n .. ss lit 111 Mr F n l1· Jl'":l n t·r·nt l)' submlllt '?Y A L 1"•11 111St'IIM•I""I "'~"t '""'' tl•·\•·lnt• ~~~· "' I otl \\' "'·"'I'' .ll'lf'S ... :,at ob~f'r\'('r~ t)l.fl(('l It IC cll'n S l Ancl t :orl1u n ~ ftl'\'1111• ':r>llr, t'lll:lllt't'l r .. r, Ill•· Slllllhf'rn '"'""'Ill, ............. "'''' I'• I ',,,, \\'II I """ II ·'' ,,. '''1:'11111 1111·•11111' 1111 hll o!"-pass f RI'nr11hly 1'1""' a f'll) wn~ lofltnnlly 1,1111 1,, l.!fl ahr•ad ( ·'11,1"r11111 l:.dlson ( 0 I 1-:nh•rl~cmuwnt \\til 1 .. l''"""'"·t ''''t• '' "" ""' • l111tl """'" ttl ''""' 1'1, 111101111•' t '••n~t ·"""''' t 'nl nonn.1~1'r pla n f'IIIH'Irtlloy "'•hnnnrr \lllh hts plnn~ 1,,,. 11 1,.,,.1 hall 10 "1 ~'1.'11 .~"1l't~rl'l1 npprontl n f 111'.'.ns ""r nr II II 1!"•'•1 .. r "Jo·wl'"'' !11• I"·"' "'" "'" '' '' "' .\t .. I• 1'• llutllll nl llu•·•·t"'' ••Pt••lnlrtl :->:••wr'H I Bl':u•h rr.•··· Wt'll havo• lit• lorHI•·t1 Ill 1<•:.! L Bn\' Avr;, line ~l•tlltrtlluns If• r•tn u ... t· ll•·nrh •llid II ,.,~ , ,,, •1,, '"'' •''' ""''" 1•11•1• '" ''""'"'' It•• '"'"''' Ill''"''"" ,..,.., will ol t'tl} ll~'IOLij.!Pr in nlftn• ht'fort· :ofl••r l'llllfll'llnl•·n h•:trtl C 'hll'( llt.od· 1111'h \\:tl• I hill' nf'rrts~ I hi• \lflfl''l IIIIWI'Shlp loo Ill• t'lf\ l•l ""' ''"1111•' tho II tlotlto • ut lloo "l"" Vtf' nus I rlf'l'S ('I)IJn('ll ('Rn plot 'hf' •• r •••. ,,, •• ,,, l•r••ml"t' I h.~ I no (',nr-' h:n h riiiJ.:•' "" ,.,,,,I flt~:hwny I '"V •. , ~··h•• •I Ill s. "' t'llllw·t "" ' ' " " .. Tho , ......... ,, :OIIIIHtflll'<l \\'t•hh '" c·t Att I J) h t propo~al ·~·~~ ••f(N•t, ;md I hi' ,nu~l "111111'~ \IIJ\111.1 ho• '"'' j'lllf'ol tht•IL' nlllill'" ~'"")' "'"' r·····r l till hnn~ I y orney. ...a wyer t• a (' I·.' ... ,,." I "'"'. "''" lol l .h•ll no·ss ~Crnup s pohllf'al "punch' 11111~ j , I "'· J tlul•· oull• II'. "'" ll l•l••llllo·cl '"' well I)(' clllm""nrd 1 ••unt't mnn I.e·~•• r l<lu•ll '" 1111; into I Ia I'll) tlw arrn pru SSU "I , "( _. f •• d , J• •t N f •'" ,,.., , .. ,,,\(1 ,,. tht• ("nn1J11UJ11IY ("hn~t JM• ... •·d fqr tht .. n~'"'' J(rnmmar school ' e, s I a .-a Uil f) f)r s I • (} • •If tift .. ,'"'" f l•.•d ul ,,., flt\tNI•lll RaJ,. .... Qu• .. tlon• fh•· llfl'''"' "' Jlf \ ~ ... m11f'l c· tn 'h•· ('ldf Jht\'t~n tract. The rr '" lotffl•UifVI'M ou•l llh fllltlft• ,, IIJH M t>mh<·rsufthC'<'nunrllwt•rt'll<l· htFII'I' nl 11"11. ('altf. '" o;ulo('ll 'fUto;t;l t'Rnl• lrlllll~•·t-rt•taryM,Ifl'•ll ' 11wnnw .flotn""' ,,,,,,J.,"""'' ~,,.,. 11 '1'1 '"" 1' 1'' "'''"1' ''' llull ·'1 1'1'"'111 ''"'11 1111'" ,,( \'l~'ft hv 'fhnmp,nn thAI ;, ):t\\' runtl~ ht'r•· for fTll,,..tunar\ Wt~rk c l)odtl ur lh•· i'f~lllUll·•r .. ,.h, ... r.r l•ltnot Uiillflfh \ I• ,, \\ht•l· , ... ,, •• ,,,.j ••• , •• ,,.. lfl \\hd "'·'"' th• IIIJ'II'h d ··l•llfttlt••n t .,, ~~ passrdiiiSl)'l'!trhythi'SIIllf'll'(!l~ T~llf'll :tl•ojolln•liln :1 t.:••no·rnl til'· lwt:o rrl '-n MII<"AI;\\ l o• '"'" ,, ,, ... ,,.,, •• , 1\••llltl '" '""''"'"'I''"'''" L'ttlttll 111!'11 •lh•••lln H••l l.tiUrP Hllfl\\'~ t hf• ru1npt•~·n or il ----'rnpttn~ ,,. lil(f ft t• "'''"flu I ll)' , •••• ,,.,, ,,.,,,,,.;"''"' Thlftf11"'''f1 \\ltfl;f ,.,., fHiur " II PI""'• .. '' Wflf I'll) m;;n.~r;:rr fllrm of 1:0\('rnm<'nl 'St.zea ble' Jump In Assessed Values '"'1111'11 alnr. I Itt I· •. 'I I "I' I I ·•l•l.o l II ·' ''" ""I""' '""'''"'I' ......... 1. ''"'"''"·'"· ............ , ..... . h~ the' City CCiUOC"I) "'llhftUt holt1· t ie•• flllll ott•.du 'f•u tiH\ ,.. • 1 •til'•' t h!ltl•flttl' Ill te•ll fl tWI t U\'hlllh f hntt1 -. ff J ,.t•Wt~~t lilt.: :. muntrrp:d C'lt'CIIon Due Across /'~~unty Says Enderle """ "'"""'''" ,, It \ I• I' ''""' • '• •• ol .,.,.... '''"' ,,.,, ....... "'·""' '"·'''' •• ltl•l "'''" "' ... ,. "'. nut\\ht•thrrth~nu~tn"~~~;C'uun \.JU •I.Juhn ~1.rttt•l tl••tt ••••h•t , 1 ,• ·1 ·• •·•I ,,,_,,,,,,,,,, '"" f,,,.,.s ''"''"' l••luu.l••l-:' I II _. tt.~ri~l•'ll -r)o•",o \•tt~l ••dlt•rlt••rn 'I 1 11 1•1 1 'I 11 ll•l r 1111 r ll 1 t 1 '' 1 nh\\ •rrop the' •~t;up nr ,,.,II ,\ ""''·th)••' Jflfl1Jl 1n aS.Sf'\54\f•d fM t r••n t t•f stt·tual vnhu• u ..., 11 • • • ~ • ·' • '~ '"I 1 " '"~-1 '' ~ \\ '' 1'1\1 f'"ontinut· t41 pr~~s (or r.n t"lt'rlthn \:tltJ:ttH•O'-thrnllt:hn•tt th•· f\nunt~ :\trnnt1mc. h Altuh· nf R,c;, ... ~IIC' thf"' C'OUnrU ~\•II tu,, • .,,,. '"'' 1•·1 '' •t ~·• I• t'• '" l"'ltlt'"'",. •tt•tl• •'•'I '"'" u•••l•''"'' ''' ''" I~ H Olt)(\' fiUf'<ltOn \\'t\fii; pr trtlr tNI rn r 1ht"i ~Par hy m~n111. and f rtX t•h:trl'f''-Hl f •r:lOL• IIIS:hl l:tl In t"th 11'1111 I •I '111 t jt11tfl•'-U'' fll'fff II ,,. Ht~l .tfl J•""llllll t'- rl I k I •1 1. 1 1 1 ol'tlt111. lh•· ''"'' '''"'" ""''nrt 11, 1 I• 1 .. I llPI"'"r" I 1· )' thai I hi') n o" c ·'"'"'' ·'"' ''"' ,, 'lllflf'" ,nl ~'r r r•>IIOI) lor th•• 1""' t 1 >••:tr~ •h•J"' '•'' • 111 ,,,.,. '"'' ~ ''' hll\t• no l'h;ont·r· ltl IAC'k W1r•r PTII· .\IIIII tiil'" .... '•"" \';olll!lllltll' \WIIilrl t hotl ll~!o(~Sm• ,,,. ""'" n•·nrh ,,. lllhh ,, •'' ' ,, ,, I''., lo\ ''" I•''"'''''"~ RICH EX-LAGUNA ro;"~~~~,''\t:~h"::··~~.~ .. ·,:::··~~,'~ 1:.~·.~~~~,::.\' ~~· .. ~~·:~· ;o~~: •• n~1 ~~·'!.,.~;~ ~~;.·~ll·;~ .. ~~\~ ·;:::~1:·.~ :~.:.~· f't~:~:~ •• :.~~~ •. {::..~·.: .. ~: :.: :'::::· ;::: ';:'I" :~ '::·· "·· "'''"' r "'""''" I BELH O P DIE S ro·atly l><t n rluly Rfh't•rtl~f'd nnl1 Ill' foi l I"' C'l'nt ar·r·qrchn~; Itt fttclln·<~ ul 1'1111111 \ •r.ot,. nn "" 111' I"' 1111'' ''t "1 Thompson hils ad\'ISI'd lht' Cll)' Ln~l l •llr l:tnrl '''''"'~ nvrr ~h· Awhlool I. II ~:1•kf'l '·••·•· lnunrl•·n ·llo· 111 11 17 :n 1 "' FREEDOM TRAI N 11 ''1'111' 11'' '""'"· )0(, "'"'' '11 t'nlln•••l !lt:aln~l nmt>ndtnl: lh (' ''i'Unly "''r•• )lllllt"'d nmtclo;t huy,l~ ()Tan~;•• •·•·unly'" l'l:\7.:\)( hh•l i'tll• nulo •of tlw ut t.:•Hn•tot I''"> "'''''" In• '"'''' " lh• ""'"' r I II •lfmrll'v It""""' ·n, .. ,.,,. ,, • • IN L. B. SATUR DAY '"'""'"' '" ""''" "' '""'""''" "> noDIIUC<'I. lhf•l Co)Uid put lh~lr r•ronn.. 0 prtoll"'' rnm IIIXJI.I\1'1"-Ill nn "~"~" d \:tlur• .. r $1H!I,fi7'•.•~· '""' th~ lof'lotlton ,_ ,,, ,, I .. , .. ,... 1111111 \1111' " "''"''"' ,,.,,,, ""''"' , , .,....-Entl,.rlr ~:nrl. In rromtoiY Wllh a un<l a l:o)! r>•l•• of ~1 l't•nls un r:wh silion tn " tf'sl in 11 S)'l<'<'inl l.'lf'l'· ~1:11r' Tltl/lrl1 nf l-.qunh7:otinn tlr· Stt•t "hof'h r<'•ull••d In 11 111,. ,,,,.,, tHl lhlll 8 llouncll\ I ""' '" !•or l1w f'r•·•·tl•om l•·uvo• v.to• 11 '" "''" lfl •ll•·tl v•·•l..,•h" I ton. \\'hr rc lhnl would lt>R\f' mnl· mand lhrll all..,·~:~mf'nl~ lw• l'llUAit7.· of $1,49:1,791 :lH (•1r nprr1111nr;: .. ,,,,,. 1 or1df-n In ""''" " "''" llooWf'\'• '· '111"'1 1" !"1111111 """ (''"""'"''""' h·•~lollrd t••rs !<hould tht' council, '" tlw l't1 ~~~liS to l'r•mi•:'I P ' \\tth <"hnr~:··~ 1, .:nw•rnm,. 1 Tl 1 I r '' 1111mll110 h•• I~ 11111 ,., rllltll "'"II· II Will I''' In l't:l't. wlotl•· 11 l .. ·lllt~•t• 111 llv· · 1 " ~~,. rurrt•n > P:u ' , r Mac A 'lf'vv·~ , nt, 1 1,r•'' , .1r, t" I','"' 1 h•'r ' 1,' f .o~•ttL' H' h''h ~~~ t qr I I• ,f • 1 f ,;q''Hih J ·''~''"'" H•·nr h tw mrnnllmo•, \'Oil' through 11 mAn· now lo•\lo·tl 111:111n'' pulolw utllt•ws. ll"•·s••, vnlu•· i~ .,.,1''•1 t•~t'lH'o Will -· · · · ' ·· ·· ·•·· ~ · · " · · ' •l!~tlly hr lt1 111 ,,.. "ltPm rlr) I"'" ''"' 111l• '''''oo l•·d ''""'' '"'''''" c·,,r .. l\ro ;,,,, .. ""'"lwt "' ;ll:t'r ·rrNtltnl: nrdinnnl'l', 1~ nol ~·r t ndju~tm••nh wnulrl Ill' mnrJr tn 11 ''"' r•ot1· "' .,1 lonn~i nK ,. ,,,, r lrnr hnn~o: n~<•'~~~·rl lr.llll'~ up ;11 40 .;)1) '"'" ,)t ~'l :lH~t,:'>AAR.1 Mart<'lllrlct thr t'''"''''" llo•tl "'' 111 l•u ,,,.,.,,,. ''"' "'''" Y.tll '"'II' '"fllllo\ 'hr•:•t.:•• f·lllllll --------------~-------------------·------------~ I • 11~1 hod n••v••t .o~k• I f•·l • 1••·•'••1 ~· An••\•• S•~•· JN•Ik"ll\ I h "''' ,,f ~'' llortortllll u ~ w RENT CON"rAOL HIT BY REALTOR AT CONCLAVE rllllndry "'""'' ·•:"' "' 1 1111 "'•'" 11 S• 1" '~:••·: l lo•~t••lo 11 "'111 '""' 1"'" '"' "''"1 "1' 1 "' 111 "'1' In UIIJnC"II mu"t ,., •• nl ·IH t A 1.• \" t.• h lllt•tl "' n •. f '""" , .• ,.,.d., "''H v ,.,, '•til ,,, q., l.u}·•·h t ,,,, ""'',. ht '1'I'J"'' tH•rnu''' lh••• , ... n11 •\ •' ''''" nl ('at.,,. ttld (1wll\ Sh I ,, •• ,,,,. tt.rarh t.: '•rfllnA "''' ... ,, ''' • •, 1 - If, • 1 •I I Ito' h11lk ul lhfo AUlhc:n """ •••ntt II"'""' "rllt·h .. It• the "'''-"' •• 11IIIH11I"'I wllh" une "' """. ool Il l "'ltiiiiii KIIun• whl~ I 'tollllt• •111tl Wt•ro• "I'UIIIIIIIInla t• II toll I tollllll• I It• IHhlo 11 I hAl thrN> Mn&Mftt o'llllo'll(lll' .. hll nl!fWT'Y"od t he-booela !ol'""' ~"t"•rltlll•t~tlfont at rubUc '""'""'""" II")' 1-: Hlmpaon, Dr. l'nul II lltollllfo, •nd l..na A.np~&. I 'o•unl\ ~<'lto>ula lllt••rlntrndcoftl C. < • 'l'rllllnt:hnm ,..,., ... "fuul~" bJ l'lo•vo•r l""l•<te•ontta City Attoney S•y• ln,ector 'Made M st.ke' City Att......,. IW..S-0 aalcl "It lcx*a like ,.....,. nw1t • n•l•l•kr " v.•h••n Ill' appf'OWid • hulllllr111 t•·rtnll ffW • &... ~ ptlyalrl•n. l >r tt w a .. nt. ...... hulll whnl w.. tt.'tiCTitlf'd u e "novrl" •• nwt ur,. AI :.(X) 'fos:a- "'"'. 11111114114 l•l•nd '11"' t'tl)' nll•trfii'Y h•d tr frrrnc» lo ""'•'""'"'"' of :t 11nlla t..W. fi wsu ""''" I•,.••IMt un lho• IM!dl ul :1 '"''· llu· WIHolo· IW11f'Wialnll lone lootlldtn•t Th•· Nlf'lal rur llun I• Ia 1111 "'''" '"'""I loll' lwo f•mlly m~ IIIJI•• tlwo•lltnl(• I h•• ""'"''' ''"""' IIJ) wllfon Kaw M•'i '111111, .~II 1-,fllf'r"llt Avf'., IW. 1""' t.lnoul ,,..,, .• ,..11 In thf' c1~ ••nun•·•l .,.,., Rtln~ "'"' thl· unit lo~•k•·ll lu h••t "Ill ... Jtll It:\ hulld- 1111( In 11 II '/ mM" ~ho' AAk .. tlw ••II )' 111111rtli'Y IMtlfll bl.,. wlu•lh••• 111,. hulldlnll wu In •lo- lttflr,n 11f '""'Ill( urdln•rn·rt~ 'lllltrlll""'"' ,.-,)111'11 l hnt hr "eM '"'' think'' "">' .. n llnArw,.. hAd It • ,, ''"'"'••I 11111 111111 hr cU I• • I 111111 N• I~"" h11l1 ..-alba, ''mml•• 11 nu•tnk·· '" ~~,,,..,,vine ••I< II ,, llltVr•l lolllhllfll( Ill I ha l I~ t•nflt.n .......... M1~' M•-t 't111n ""'" • llll'l.~ I hat lotolltlt I • Ill 1111111'1' •••t'ltor~ 11r l\11lhoe l•l111111 "''' lllt'lrklllll 1111' 1'\1.,. l"o tlo 1\I'WII \' "1\Jt.,lll ftfll 114'1'k • 1111( llu• ""'' ''"" llf 1111• • lly \\'loy '"'~" 1 N•·lrwm I'"'" r•·etu- lnlllll( !111'' •It•• u~lu><l 'Ill" '""•'lf"''1 JU tttrti"' tl tu luulll 111lu llot mntto·r 2ND DOG M IRED IN TALLMAN OIL FLOW A "'" •.c>of ''"•' y• 'lt•n!Joy frll vir.- ""' lit lito tori "'""I' Ill ~1:\ 1:1nt S l 'I'Wfl Wt•o•k• liP." a IIIII•· hull•l•• h11•l ,,, ,,. """ ••••I frurn '"'" mire t'l l'llfl'<l lt)' II ""'<'ftl/11; 1111/1r•f'ICrtHtnd w••ll '"' llu• V/ll!r.om 'l'lllhnnn (tro- 1"'' I y fMtW IIIVIIIYt'fl 111 llllf(afi- Wioll'll will tl•·t•·ntllll'' wlu•lhl•r • n•ol lh•• •til llu•t•• "'"> I•• tounrped '"''· l'ttlll'l' Wt'lt' lo•ol lfl•·tl rrl Yt«lllf· till'( II vll'llrt t liv 11 M t ~ .lllhn"4m. :tff} 4,1nl ~I A •' " .. "' "''l"'"""'"t .. rrldul t••ll•·tl ''"' •tcov. 11o tu•f••ty with lh•· Ioiii •·I 11 plulio hur 1111tt.-r lh•· •It"''" hllnii'IOII Thomtt'l•on '"'"•1•1••1 ,.,., "!WATER H:it'''''f)n ,,, lh• I .~. I,.,.'" n •.• , ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL BAR TO INDUSTRY "' MANAGER PLANS TO BE EXPLAINED , ... ~"« •llh "" ,.,.., 1 .. - -. Owl s~w ... Th.-"'"' t•r"--t two ,,..,u,.... of tln,..l) ........ .., ff)ll01lf'l" .. , ...... 1 . poflth. TM y •111 .... ""II tW: "'City llfanacu C..U•r n •· -t by flrillnan<•l'" •n•l "CCe,. llfutllC"'r t .. l\.,.mlnf'nt "" ......,. ,.,,__ .......... W~ for Uwlm. \1lrl••l ~'I''' t ••fl•ld\ Jtlti ttl Hilt• I ',. I •fW ' ,, •• ' t ..... ,,,,, ...... ,,"hi ,,,, ' ,, t' t ,,,,., ftt • 'tt•nt• rt h1 .. IrS• 1 ••U v.l.,.t ,,..,, ,,.,. cl•1n• ''''"': ftt• ~\ ,.,, \\tft ••• ,til '"'',.,,,,,, illt .. tl l•l ••rt ...-.lt•••tt h•-.l.-1\.\l"ffl tr• "" •tll• •I;• F1 ( ·'" .,, + ~tl lfl • I 1.• ,, I .trt'f tltt• \itutftWJt\ft f f1 11 ft ftt tit f lt•J• d ffl f If ffi~Jt I fltf 4•1 ( f,f ltftfl ilt t ~t ff f11 lfltlnfffl H,ltfll \ ll'''•ffiU•._ lt1' ttllf11) :--,uJ, 1t.ul th,el lltJ,tlj.!fllllflltltl t•,n •lt11•••1• r r · ''"r \\'til" \\ ""' 1 1n nn nil I''"'' 1111 I nAt lv•-<~ I<J "" •I• w 1••1• 1 •11••• •t•ll\•r"l 11 1 ll•udtlll:'''" "''''' .. r roJ•I••·•~I m••ttly fr.ur hnr· 1\• '" h ;\l•ontl"'r ,l,.,r• nnll rnorlnu.o In t h• •• t•lltoll \\ ,q ,qt tl• "' ai P•t-''' fh,·•• "I \'• ••f tht t "I"'"'• 1tt' I• ntH ~ '"''' t•n•hl,."'"• tnrlu~tn ltiAnnln~e '• • h f1' ••1• 't1 J •' tJ,, ~ •.• ,.,,, 1\11' 1 tf,.,,,,d f• • d '·•I •l•tl tf., '''h''"' f•n ftu· Jl,,J••I l lra f•tt•h•t (•l,1tHlf ~l111 th• •••till r,tlfh C,rtJI 1~, ll olf\ ll•tl'ltl "•'•n•~· l11n•l ~"'"'' '''''""') "' llor l.1onl( plnnnor ""••••rlot•••uw lh• •hnw I II•:Hh lu •r•k"'f•l•·r '" 11 Jllrllll 11111r 1111' "' •It• IH•"'' t pl•111 f•Jr-lhr• ''"' lllltllllo •1l "'" S11nln An rt Rlvr•r •I """''''' l(r•rloll't' n~•l In lht• rS..v• lop- "'' '" ••I Itt•· .. , "''~'''' tolllln " ~th••rf'­ltn•· f•or rrn• 11111111111 rwllvlllr• .. w• II •• ~ • • •tntru 11'1111 chiJtttlfll£, lll·r~ ...... , ( •,,,.,., • """' thf• Jtruptwoo~ '101'~ '•'"''" v ltl/·~· tl loii(IIWHY III'IWM'ft I .t•ltl! Ul'ltl lo ltnr1 Sun lllf'~ll. I )lf(p """I It r,·hrt~IVNI I'IMtnly plAnneJW '" \' ••rk '""'"'11 "'''h •on nrlf•ry .. II• It• r"""''' lhr lr11trh· "'"lf'AII~ "" r·.,,,., Jfwy . will• to 1• hnu nd to '"' '"'IJM' ~~~ lh•• •••(lllllltlon In- ''"'"~''" nn•1 "-" oulottlll•~nAI fi'CTM· •l••nal lt•f'lllllf'!l .,,... ml\dt> IIVIIIIab~ 111 Vl-ltora • LAn NEWS FlASHES Railroads Win State Rate Ri8e Force Benes To Surrender l'l' \1;1 ~ I I' 1'<~1 11'•· flrt•d ~Joilt State-Wide to Educate Public Foto-Views PJI(JE:-:IX -IUP l lll'ir<'SS West Coast Canners to Get Better Research SA!'; ~'RA~CISCO • ampa1gn [rOfft the UNITED PRESS Dimout Returns . To Central and North California :-',\'\ FIL \'\('JS('U tl!Pt -1111 I' · ••. ,, 1d,11,, 1n ('n.trlll Jt:o~lrcorHI• 'll~'ltttrn~ rn California p 1 • .: ,, ,, ,1,, ,1 1 , \ ,dt.-l l 'r··~•- •·.oti·•Y wnn '' '"~"'' "' l'nach ratl'8 ob no I t ''' t g, n• •. 1:1' lrtJ.: tn li• ln•rn -' 'L ,., Jll' ·• nult lu :l.5 '''II!"' l•t• '' •'' •h.'t'+ ptttti H ru•w 'f'hl' s ial·· IJIIIIIII Ulllotll'5 com-\',tl'111• I rho' I ol• ,, '" c .. rnmt~nlst 1111~~1on ann .. unc•o•d 11 ha~ authoriZ· p,,1111, rt h i·,.,, 1,1 (;nl(\\:tld. T(lftA Y IS SAF~':'fY DAY. \\ 11!: ''"' tho·m(' the S.J11," "''"'"'" '''"' No. 6886, Vt>ter •"' of ~· .. ,., 11:n \\'ars, has laUfteht><! , , ... mi••AIJ.:Il 101 111ako· the public m"'' ,,,f, 11 ''""'l'tous. Ac~'OI'dinJ '" 1 'oonunanolo·r Mont<' R. Grtnw., •II• l••·.d ••ampr111:n is part dl a ltAI•·· 1\ Ilk )•r<oJ•-. t conducted by 1 ho· •lltt•· d··p:ortmo•nt nr tht> V~ter.ln .• oJ( F uro•tto:n Vh tr5 IO ht'lp .. \'\! II','· :ort•toJ• n•~ and proprrty d&rnaa1· 111 I 'HilfoornHt By WALLY GERHAR·DT G tOIIi Grlmd.t tdl. :.!3. todCty admil- ll•d tha i sho• "l~t•ht>\'C'<i s ht· ha d fa l- l!•n in IOV<' wilh" Bla ke Brophy und had •·n~a~l'd in "nrcking" with him on nunwrous uccasions. Incrt>asro n •sf•arC'h far•ilitlt·s for the h<>ncflt of \\'1·~t Coast l'an m•rs a nd in· <'ludc·d tn 11 m illion-and-a-half dol- lar building pr<II(Tam recently ,au- thoriZt'd loy llw :'1/alluna l Canril'rS Assodation . accordin J;: to Howa rd 'f Cumming, prt'Sident of Curtice Brothe rs Co., Rochester. N. Y .. and also pn·sidcnt of the national tradl' organization of th<• canning indust ry, 111 lht• 4<lth a nnual meet- ing of lllf' Cann<'rs l..t'ai;Ut.> o f Cali- torma, ht>ld at the Civic AudJ. torium. Cumming told tht> California canners that the ver y importance of canning in th e business economy or the ir State constltutt'l a valid reason for Improving and enlarg. ing r<'SP.Rrch facilities. SAN FP.AN\ISCO -tUP) Northt>m and \E'nt.ral California returned to wartime lighting d im- GUt at m idnight tonl&;ht to con- eft"Vt> e lectric powt>r . Forced by the wont winter 4routh t>mcr~tl'nC)' In the state'• 1\ktory, th<> dra.stic <'lt-ctneity cur- taUmt>nt shut off uuldour lig hting .ad rE'duetod JlOWI'r r•onsumr>linn from the Orf'l(rln l'ktrdf'r -to t ht> "Nlachapl m t>Un tuin5 An t>•llma tNI 3,~,CII,J,fl00 )X'r$0nl -very u~t•r t•f ('IPctri<'lly, from flll'm('ra to n i)llo t b •tsdou ll phtYt·r~ -Wl'f'C aff('('tro. 8outhl .. tl R:llot"fftptf'od OnJy Southt 111 <'alifornw WllJ exemr)t1•d f rom tlw hruwnout HOOV('f l lt\ln liliJ'l)lto·~ uloundunl powC'r to tlw t•'l:'"" Mllllli ool lho Tehacht~pls The hfll\\ IIUW "'llh HrtJI'fl t! Jo~ the """'' puhll, Ullllllo'> <~olll mlastcm hl 1'(111,,,.,,. d" mdltnL: powt'r ""'' wut•'r rP-,ottft't'J( It WIJI l'VItllfiUI' Unlol 1 !111\~ JM"'Iltl} 1n thf" aut umn '' "'""' 1111' ~llo to·'s alnktn~o: Wlltt•r lllhll'". . ol tho· IIH'ro•ll"' Ill IIIII' Wl1 h II n·- 1 ••nt rullm: h) tlu· tnh•rst ato.o c·nm - rn• ,.,.,. c·oo~rmu•SI"n ~:ranltnK boo§ls o n rnl<'tKIUI•• lrtps. Thl' P L' C Ctls(o Rra nuod rall- rnud~ rol"'·~ In ~l"'t'lu! larl'5, Vllry- lnl; fnm1 1:16.1 In 16 !+ )le'r co•nl lnr·ludo'il In tra m" l ulling wtthlll I ht!l CIIUill lift' I ht• daylhch hi, 0 )>- r•rutro by Svuthl'r'n Pactllc l.>c- IW«'<'n Los An.-:•'11'1 and s'" Fran- I'I!ICO. U.S. Expected 1'o Halt Credit t:totl\\ ,,,, t'011tp l• tdl a ll~hl fllrllo: (~'''P '\ (or •'ttl~ )~, .,,,..., -·· fll'l'•'fH h1)\ ne•\\' • 'lthith 1 ur (,.,.,. h 11rtrll· l~ttn..: ~··lll'l'oil •trike'· to:•"''''''"'""' rl• l•>~rtntl'n'' w 1• r t• \.rmws pmnll'd out the •PP4'11~r•.: ""pi 111111 11,.. 1,.,11~1 to:rl)•, :-.iton· ll•lilotlal ~lltllstic·s 111 loclc:at n ,o .\liu '"' ~;oo\o ·tnnwnt ,1nd t'll}' n(-'1'11 1111 tth' drl\'<' "Safe ty Ia a r•·;ol I"'""' ,,, I,. olo•rtll'<<o·d • n ntll~S llllllflllll l ~~~ Wo•ll liS s tat(' PI'ObiE'm.' l'ho •t• "' I• '"'"""""s .• rro·~~~ in 1"' ""d. "\.VIth ~omrone killed hi' :-;)o•l.of I I oofl o•lo:t!C•'' oo( JolooiiiO)t IIO'I 'tO)o•nl I \l'f')'~'rlvp minUtes ' ,11 ,.,,1,..,,1 "'"1 '"""'"''"''''I••W-11n '"'<'lrlo·n!al Injury evt>ry thr••· , 1, 1,1, ,11111,o1,1, 11,.. 1• 11 1 1 ,. d ,,.c•onds 11n ••Co nornlc loa.~ ,,, ''"'" .u otl (;to•ul 1111111111 •ootno• $11\tH~I" minute . ' . It I' ol TIIIHI;hl 1110· H··d~ W•'rt' '" t'Otl· I I 10) of ,_, o'l I )'1111"' 11f I hoo lllo t uon11 l hf•• P•• '' r ndH•. •··nnununu'ullons, Pr ~">otl• Ill B··no·' l'i!OI'• h·ol ,, fll(ll•• ~·t.o\<' prololo•rn. O ur I'Onlmunlt\ I• "" ••xt·•·plloon \V1• m ust all un;J,·r-,, •. , l'h foo J,,,oj llllo•fldo d )oo do )1\'l'f \\'AS IIINGTUN -tUP I Tlw 1,, 1111 11,111,.11 ,,,11111 tlw "lotU iturt and do ooiH U mltod S tnt('!t w ill prnlmhly ru1 ,\1 1, ,1,1 1",, ,1 1111,,111., ,, ,, r ,. toto! I '" stoop 'Jus ~ .. ri<>w and no, d off fu~lwr o·rt'd lt to ('1J•(•h nslu· "'"""'' ol hi 1•1111,0 . .\o•\\l t !lo·~~··;: I• ~~ loss" \ltl<ill ll< fl ro"'<tl)l oof l ito· ('ommUrot>l '"HI, \I IOO'Il )W•IIt•' l llo •ol "" th.·ooo 1\, ,,,, .. ) .. t lh·· s .• fo·ly Camp ... I' M'i.tllro· or I"'"'''' lho·r o·, uofoollllo ol ,, Ill••\ lrf•ll ),, 1111110 II '" j(, rH·~ .owl llli'','IH.-11 tiH• ('IIOJ)er atlon ,, ~"'''lllmo nt .. ttl••llils !''olll llltllt.:lll , "''' 1, 111 ,,10 ,1 ,,~ •. ,111,1 1111, ('om -II (/ rtt•tL:II. 'upc d ntendeut 'l*h<·"'' '"-f•U1 ('' "'''1ft ltu•r•' '··"'I tH"'''"' ~"~HIP j ~••ltuuJ'\, c·hll!ln'n tn th(l Newr;t•ll 1 dtllll•~· 1111~ t'llllllll} "'~'' "'""'" 1\•·otto•n \\'lth ICifl·· null• Ill• lll'lo """ ( oonona d t•l Mar Gr:111• htlt '"'ft4•rtll( ''' t •t.lt'IH•,In\llkl~l '""'"' "''' h, thrt \\tfh fln••l '"''' ... ..,,,.i.,,l~ tiJI\t' t•nlc•r£'d a S.,J. I''' tiO'III•III.' ool """I""'' I 1\ •II 111111' hnol t'lllll~ Ito Ill, ''''''''I llno1 II "IIIJ.:IIIl l't~lllo·~t 1\liu.Mar lt> Jl,.f. "" • 'lll)lh ' '., ol tlllrl to• I lll·o , .. ,,, .. , '" 1••111·•· "'''II""' f• I" 1011<1 :'Ill • loth}'l'l' Sr•vlcr, Jll I ,,f "'"' l ·•' ,.,,,, I. • , t.~ •" nt.td• I,,, ... urd• "'"' dt~rh h ,d rldr•'(t '''fl"'' ••t lh• "'('h(.)fds: \Viii dll • '" llHol:•· .on "I" to ,,,,,., ,. "'""'I Ill• '''''"''' \lltal'tt\'1' ,;afety ' \\I 'l l r •• 11 ,,,1,._11 ,,, 1 11~;· t ·1kiiH! '"'' .,f ,, ... 0,1111u 1 h\' 11111 '1'' '"",t" ""'lll'dcd the '' II• I o ntl ,1! "'111101 c·hildrf'n I I' I I I t•11 f •• tflllt11Uih l .. •j •II• I I 11 I 11 , , ~ fl., tl a•'''"" •'~tl11rtHtt••, \\ltu'h .1 ' •·It' ~1\Ctn ~·· , ......... l'"""'"· ,,, \\'t hr during · , ,, ~ott•~tl." It HIt.,. tt ~,.''full pH\\· , nlp.ncn I 1 ._,, t t l.l11l •tt .t .uut JNdt'J• .tl Ill• , .d,.,, tfl\t1 d hv C tttld '""'' h•·o'lli 1l1•11 I ""~·· .. r 1l1 •· 1• 1 1 • omm .r 1Ith tn •' t u ,, \\'lnnr r s ln d'"'"' l t•IH III J•Hbl" ••tilt•' It\· ,.1,,,.1h •.• .,,,,..,, •n•·Judt• Ma ,, , •l'ldlttC ''"''''"'' lllrl l.•l:•ll••n• I' I' I I' II I YKJ , , , ,. • t n"-'"'<•''('1' (1r , t•,, .d.roo:od lho 1'"11111 111" "1 111•· -'1111 l )l 11 I'""'" 1 .11•·•11~ Smith 1!1 '1" "1 I·"'''"'' \II III • IJIJ >It•\•ol l 1 :,,1 l:•ololo.J. \oohwv llrt • I ,,.,.,JIJII•·II \\h11'11 111011ltl 'IIOIIlto'tl 1, I' II 1 d ·J k),R I I 11 •f H qJ 4 .tn H(' '"'' 1\ "I ,o•Jdo '' wlofln """ loool)l .11 Hh'11>' "Ill '"' Ito lrt Frida • 1r1 ''" 1'1 1. ''' 11 "''''" 111<l Y II IIIL' 1•1 1111• \\••l'k 1\l the V F \\ 1 tf•l'l•t~•l !ltd rti\Ut~llrt•'•''t i1 .dlt':td } l ~r u' . h "' .~e·•· • ol ••11 ,, ll1oruiH'h )•llr~·· "I ·n :-., II 1 F Tho 1'1111111111111''' >\\ 11 tl\ c•r.:.onl/-" · ,.,, 1 "~~'1 :or lOr ire ol· o cJ ,, ",." • l'r:o~•l•• • \\'o,rk••rs' )lui IIIlo Il l )'l:ll'o ol It slrt'l'l ban"' \1 I " 1 • I . h··1o11nl! tlu· ""'tl~ "T ODAY '" · 1 11110 11 11 1 '' ,. ( "lli111'1111 o'I'·IO· '-'•\FJo:TY I •AY" :ol lh<' inte rllf'CIIo " ( 'hto•l Jo"..r l'!o\'1'1 BURGLARS COOK, EAT MEAL, LEAVE DISHES :II! I III·:ST P o t. P I ~ :<1 \\' nodll ol( :'ll•~lt·~tn l'lllll)llrotno-d flo pultt(' IH'I'" tnd tt)' hur..:Jtor,. o•nto·rl'o1 hill "'"'"" IH!<I rttl(hl, ('()ltkt•d and a ll' u full o•c1ttrsr llallan din nl'r, and th••n ~lcolt• h1~ p1stoL T hey didn't wa:>h the dlllhl'tl. oot :'>l.u n 101111 <'o·ntrnl Colorful r~''' ,,., ollld "oft•ty lllllj!>l n st amps ' ' '"Ill~ dl'<tnloul•·•l too leading pl11•··, or '"'""''!'!' Tho• ltruj..,'TAm w ill ,,,.,, !o•nlotr<• o1t~ll'lhlll 10tl of the Ul• 1\ IHHok, "lrt~tl:t11nn lol Live." ('tlnlotl'tllolo r 1~1'11111'~ i!l tieing "'I ''~1••11 110 1 ho• o·.unpalt.:n loy a V.F \\' l~mtmlllo··· ''""'l"'~·rl nf Kt•nn•th ' Story, \'•·r~o:•l lllokll•·n. H o m o· r ~IIIIt h, l lr.rry l.ut, .l·•ltn Kfl•ft•r Rnd F rank t 'rc)('kl'r Dean Challenged on Statement 20°/o Tax Cut Will Jeopardize State X-Rays Given by Tuberculosis Assn. 1.1 1s 11:-.i<~~:u:s. F'r·h :.>6 ·rn .. c '11 lthll'ntn :'llanufiH'I llrt•s All>;o'll'ill- lll>n '•winy dt.lll••lll(o•cl Stntr· Dl- rPt'loor 11f FtniiiiC'<· Jnm1'~ S . O!'rm 10 ~uhsta nlialt• ht~ ~llllo•nwnt is- sul'fl 111 StH•r11m rntn f.t~l wc'(•k that Fnrt y -<c•\·o•n ono· htmt.lro·cl l\\••nly- 1111' ~'II': J.:t•nr·ral fllnt1 1n x ro•-four 1<17:.'1 I J~>r!'ons hAl•• n t•,.lved clut'llllll l•ro~l ;om ad\'cK.'!ItccJ in u fr~"<' t'h<'~t X·rays m 11 twn \\'fl('kS lull hf'ing prPSI'nlo·d tn till' Lo•j;IS-<un.-·y JIISI I'IIIIIJIII'tl'(l by tho• O r- latur<' hy A~so•mhlymo•n .I J Iloilo-an~:o' \nunty Tuht•t'flllt"t~ Asso-lmu~:h nntl F.rnrst n (;o•ddrs Wo"'llld ('1/ttlon, fH'Currlmg to Frank llen- ",l<•t>)lllrdiro• nt'Ct'SSitry fwwt toms of dl'rsnn, I"Xt'rutiV<' ~<'ert·l•lry tht• Stnh•" Whilr lht' prtmary •~•j••rl Wll!l Take the advice of Reddy Kilowatt, and fty your ~te saf'ely. It's just as easy-and so much more fun! In 11 I'Ulohr h•ttt•r Al\'ln F.. Ill'-'" x-rny St'hool st udo·nts nntl in- " Itt. 1-::o.••rut 1\'t' \'tct• f'r<•sitknt 111 l111~trio-s. '' J.:rt•nt mnny "ltll't per- th•· 1'11)1fornin 1\tnnuf~tcturt'r~ AliSO-"~"~ look :1tll'antn~t•• nf tho• ser- l'lallull o•hnllo·n~r·tl th•• I ltrrcll>r \ It'•' Anti ch••l'k-up~ 1•f Ftrllllll'l' to .• n,.wo·r 1:.! quo·stlon~ 'Th•' sur.·o·y includ••ol S Itt'·' AnA ••tlh•·r JOUhhl'l~ nr in (lo·hnl•' "~n l1 1~h sr htll'll: S ;onta 1\n,l ('ndf'ge, !ha t nil '"'r m nnirtln..: \'irws m ay (;:ordo•n Crm·,. 111..:h ~~·h·•'l Or- loo• I h11ro•u..:hly 1111d <'OIIIplo•to•ly dis· .on..:o• lltt.:h ~rhr•ll, F ull• 11 .. 11 fli~th ,.,1~•··11 nntl r<>n•Hk r;od nhjl't'ti\·o')y " •<•hoM•I. F 1dlo•rtnn C ollo·v.· fl r I' n Just be sure to observe these four simple rules: 1 II•·'"" d••dHrPd th:ot lht• :!0•. IIIJ.:li sr•h.,.,l. \'nlo•n!'IH llt~h .,, h•lOI. ..,, .... r.ol '""" ''" t~•thu·t"'" prn-ilnfl llttn•ln~l·m flt•ao'h llt,.;to ,, ltOol.l jl.(trtrn" fm .,,.,. "'""''' o~f all T lw Jo:-ra) (tim.<"'" II• l't•ad <)• "",. "' th .. Df'W markl't op- '''"''''~ Jn th,. llarbor IU'I'&, wll.at l"1llf'l..,. dn )'HU think w iU attract o·u~tomc•raT II! Ill MAYFIE LD. Mayfie ld's \larkt'l. C'r)l;la M t'sa. l'rH·•• tnd ay ill na uu-atly in e\'ery- ome's m tnd. As a m c-mher of thl· Certifil'd G roc- t•rs, tlw lar~test bUytng zatlon type w o rld, icy is organi- of Its in the our pvl- to met>l JlrlCt' !'Oinfi<'l i· tton in a ll fu·lds. S r co n d ly, we ht•liPvt• 111 carr y- rn~ a lan:l' lW· , , 'tttn o f p• pular. na11vnHII)' ' ,,, 11 lo· .ond~ Tills lod\ltnl ;o~o:o· IS ool 'o Ill I, li> hooll hy I hi· hi~ It Ill 11 l1•1 lll,ol'ko I m us t nf tlwtr • I 1.ro.t 1 tht•tr ••"n Ia I'll n <I I liwl I I· 1,1 '' I I I 'I 'TJIIHTII, ."'-lit' I llt.tl l,, I, ( 'ol tlfl.-t dt•l ~tflr \\I 11,11 0' 1il\\ •1)" ll'lt•C) lfl ~ho• '"n ... • t111111t .. I' .••f "'"''t••ssful )tthr~ ' It • hIll I" ~· I ,. !f d• I 111 dH 11 ••, ,, t I 'I''·•"' I\ I' Ill ,, lfHI h I", "'It 'I"' \\ ,. h a\'f.' II• I d ·I 11 o \' lu l1 o ''"" o II• \1 ol llt'> o' "'' lui lH ,, I Jh""'J•It\ alnl I •• ~., r !'-1 h ,.,,,.,, \\ I '' • ~~~·aql.d··•l hotllt •·fl•\(·k .... h\ Jtt111 ttt•· t• l.ah d 111 111\\ •••J.:• lh• r 1••1 • • 11\1 ltli HI trld ~twttt~ plt'k Up \t d ) '"'" ~ \It''"'''' lor 1h1· ul- lttt•'"'' ''''"' h ·' •rHI ,.,, .•• nltnt·~s I I •ll 'h It It 'll .\ I{ II. Hic'h11rl1~~ 111/ltko·l, !.11111 )..,J.. 'llw l••llo~··, ··mvloyt•d to at trn!'t •. ,,~1u1n•·r.,. a r t• mnn> 1111o1 t1 1!' oollr hnpe that \\•' lth\1• <'lOJIIUr- f'(j ~om(' of t ho·1 f••.tltU'I'~ It\ 0\1" "''"' mal' k I' t wh iC'h "i ll do JUSt I h:o I T ho• cuslnmo•r• ap- prt•t'lilft·s : fal t' I,. ant 1 I),.'"· lwau ty ami l'•olllll'r t 1n tho• fflfld rnar k<'t 11o1 \ r·•~h t prto'l', \nrit'l~ • ,f lor:on1ls .1 11 ol htl:h qunlit) I hrulh:ltlllll II' r ,\ C'OIII'I ••uu~. frii•II(JI\ """"1'1" I o• f.t•l, ;\1'('\IIIIIC' dwl'ktnt.: '''") .trltl :ompiC' pa rktnl: Sp;t('t• I fl l ( •ll.,.fulllt 'I t'Un\ (10ft IH't1..;, full nntl 1'1111\)oll'l•· 1\o·r\ wo•s 11 lto•n nt"f•d•'d :uut •• t1ttlllplt•lt•, un•··slup shupplu~ l'!'lllo r DR. L. YARWOOI> D. C., PhC. ANNOUNCES OPE!\:ING OF OFFICE 18rJ6 NEWPORT 81 .. \'D. COSTA MF.SA CHIROPRA<~OR ASD DRVflLES8 TIIERJ\P\' Tf!l.: Rt::lll('on M67-R 2 3 q. Fly your kite in an open field, away from pole linee and overhead obstructions. ,,f ,,.,. ,. •'1·1·· of I · .• l.r .. , 1\1:0 " 11·· liy a • Ill'S I ~~·····""' '1111 1111· lo•ll"" 1nc "'''I'" •holllol Ito 1--------------- 1 okt•f\' I Never use wire, tinsel or metallic atring. Be aure t.he cord b perfectly dry. I( your kite cat.chee in a power line, let 10 immediately. Don't pull! Phone th. company owning the line, and a linemao will come and get you.r ki~ for you. ')I '!'lot' •••·o·.oll••l1 11111.-I 1\• p:t\ I f ~IIHII1d ,,. ,,., I II 'ttf•HI '' l•dHt l tnn ''' l">afo ~ I' · It, Ill ~' ~11' p~f~~, ••~·n .;;·,;1 1;1" II H"l ttl•· Sl It o ftl .. 11 I 1 '1 •• !• 'l'tu •·•'P''''' "''lh tf1t I n th•' ~1 -'tlfl P~ r·,•·tt d l1u··•ftln I t\ ''""''" ''" ,, IIIII I) ,,. .'II I IH\ •. , •• d ll d ,, I I 11111j•til.dlttf1 ··I '"·II lit\ oil I '"'"" I .Ito. \\I ··h \\n111tf ':''' lh• 11\(lt\•1~ ~1 -' o M~ '.1~ ~~. 'i:\1 Tth· f.t'l'-''' I''> "tlhti •. , ,,, ttu· H.tnk .ttHI ~tit I"'' .~'h'" F1 '11 • t•ht'-•' 't*.t\ .nt•l th, ( .. lfl111'1dltHO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA . I ll\1 0011 11' 'I'H\ •h•liihl "' J'lllltdo•d ,o .'tl' 1.1 '< rrt·Ctl1 .d t• t • , 11111 ''I' .t' u "' I DISON COMPANY •• r '"'" , '" "' r ''''""' , ,,, , TtH• _________________________ ...;;;;;;. ___ 1 \\'(\\IJ.I •11\o' t ho l.o \)>Jl)• ,-, ~);\ ~1)(1,. GENERAL. ELECTRIC Available Now Refrigerators Fletplete Ironers , Electric: Ranges Electric: W ashen Automatic Blankets I • Electric Sinks Rotary Ironers Home Freezers Vacuum Cleaners Water Heaters Garbage Disposals Apartment Kitchens Electric: Kitchens end Cabinets -LIDCt ELECTRIC CO. Stl OOUT llll\'A'' -AT TilE AI«.'ID:S PHON): IIEACOS MO~ (\()(\" ltt'\\11 t I1N'Jiil'l ol. l'h•' (',>nllto·t Is l'l,r·nr 1t 1~ "•''"' •'II tl~o• Ia\· I payt•r ~,~·kittJ; r1 Ito f fo om 1'\t't s!'i\ t' Stntl' tHXt'l', nnd 11w tax-,·:-atrr t::nr~:int:: nrt tn!l,olllohlo :tppo·ttlf' fo•r ~p··nl1m~: 1 tw pllhhl''s n1omo·~ S. Cal. Edison Opens Redondo Beach Generator T!w Snulho•rn C nhf••r'nln F'rh~o>n 1 I C'IIOli'IA n~ 11'1111\ )IIIH'I'tl HI o\)M:'r:11 lOll tho' fir~t 61> ~~~) ktlom ntt u nit ,,f I ~~~ nrw :.'1' l.tl!~l klltl\\ al t sto•ntn- o•il'('lrt•' l:t no'rtltii\J; <1'111"11 111 Ito•· I dnnfl,, 1\ 11d1 Th1' II• \\ SHIIrt'o' nf )ll>l• .. r •"JII'I~. In h·lp na l'l the unpro·,~·tlo•nlr(i t1o•n l:onl1 (elf • IN'trtrl ' ~ Svuth\10 and Co·n lrnl C'nli(o)l nl:o "\\o nt •'II IIJo• Hnl'" w1 iT1· •Htt ,,,.,, n'''"·' ,u,t1 "tHk· t'T•''' ... ,,f I "twknh·n nw1 .. 11 t 111 " .1rol 1111\ .1rd c·omplo•l tnn ''' I h o' ~'\7,11(l!l,()(l(l plnnl I The Art of Framing Pictures LAGUNA PICTURE FRAME STUDIO FRESH CRACKED CRAB llmt" 4 to 12 p. m. CATF:HIX(f TO PARnF.S :\XU BA.NQl'ETS f'm>kta.lh A\'allabl«> Oosed Tuesday f ll'r sta tem l'nt cam e whtlt• at- tornrys for h rr husband, William Gr imditch jr , 25, cr oss-••xamined h c·r In a d ivorce s uil Grimditch a nd his w ife both have suro for d ivnr{'(' and both Sl•t'k custody of tht>ir IWO Chtldrt'll, Damac.-sou Ftlt'd Brophy, son of a P hoenix bank- t•r, was n a m<•d as deft'ndant In a $:.!;''1(),000 dAma~;!' suit brough t by C;nmdit<.-h . Hrnphy was ltstro in the complaint as on<' or the men named In tht> diary of Jay GoUld ~ailroad fortune h<'ir t:'ss. Gr lmditch's attorn<'YS. headed by forme r W isconsin Gov. Philip Lll Follr•tte, malnt1un that St'Y<'n en- lrt<'S tn th<• diary gi\·c intima te dNa1ls o f th<' r om ance bciW<'<'n the ho•irl•ss a nd Bropy. FREE!! - Along this line hE' cltE'd the fact that tht> total value of California'• 1947 pack of 36,228,060 Cast'l of cannro vegetables and 33,162,724 caSt'S of canned fruits came to $314,200,000 and that the raw products purchasE'd last year by California canneries returned ·~ proximately 13:.! million dollars tQ California ra rmE'rS. Fleet's NEW, MODERN SEA FOOD MARKET OPENS TODAY!! And Here Are Good Only Some of Our Opening Specials Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Large, Fancy Jumbo Shrimp lb. $1.19 Salad Shrimp-very tender lb. .94 Delicious Swordfish Steaks, no skin or bones lb. .99 Lake Superior Whitefish-by airplane lb. .98 Chinook Northern Red Salmon Steaks lb. .78 Fresh Water Carp-small, tender lb. .39 Red Snapper Steaks-no small bones lb. .59 Northern Halibut Steaks-center cuts lb. .64 Local Halibut Fillets-sweet & tasty lb. .79 Snow White Crab Meat-qourmets' delight lb . 1.39 Northern Fresh Cooked Crabs lb . .49 Fresh Cooked Lobsters-llh -lb. s1ze lb. 79c Large, Select Eastern Oysters per doz. .59 Stew ing Oysters per pint 1.29 Local, Fresh Barracuda-now in lb. .48 Van Fleet's F 0 R Fresh Fish! Today Tomorrow -and Every Day! Open El'ery Day -8 a. m. to 6 p. m. FREE DELIVERY -Phone Harbor 2400 Van Fleet Fish Co. 111 McFADDEN PLACE "In the Heart of Dmmt0\\11 :"\cwport" FRE ,, 4. I I E 1\•otltlng glre• 1 1 t '~ a ,,., grf!a er J ronlldf'llf•c tlta11 ,,.,,., 111 tlte bank! ' Prove that to y011rseff by building a financial reserve In a Bank of America savings account. With dollars in the bank you will know the power of ready money .•• to meet oppar· tunilies ... to bon ish worry and care ... to make lile worthwhile! Start o savings account today at the world's lorge1t bcmk for savings. 1Ju1tk of Amtricu Spencer Tracy lana Turner Zachary Scott In "Cass Timberlane" Pltltl c·art()fln ('lAMir "GOI.I\IIAif'K§ ASD TIIRt:F. RE,\RS" Startto 1lumodar. Man-h 4 Ginger Rogers Cornel Wilde "It Had to· Be You" ;\IAI'JU('t: (8uu) ,\1.'\R'fi:\Y., r1~;ht, ('o rona d~l :\lllt df'•la:-uo•r. h•'"-' bl-t•n ,...h,.•to•cl f•lr 11 fl"'t ,11\lltil In 1!1.17 for thr c·halr pll'turo-d atMI\••. llf wa. .. munf'd tn thf• honnr b) a c·nrumltt..,.. uf judlN frmn tho• .\rm•rlc-an ln•tltorlc• or ......... , .... ,... !'lh "I"'"'"' In all ...... ~ IIIUIINI In thP IIIIC'tllutlulllll cl""'l~:"n ''""'I"'' ltlull. Tlw.1 lndudo• t:r\\ In•• l.rn ·o•rto•· aurd .\lr .... t: .. t;•llo· •• o•rrw . uf :\o•\\ \ urk tIt)·, fur " prlnlo-d fahri<': J""" L. ""'•~:. ul' "''" \'urk ('lty. fur n \lul'o•n rutorlo-: l~urt \ ,.,,, ... , I or t:n~;lo•\\ uud, :-.;. ·'·· f•or .. ll~o:hlln~: do-..J~o-n : ('lrlJrc• t'ulkt•n .. to•hr, "' Ko·rkf'lf'\, fur M \\all c·ol\l•tln~o: dt.,.l~:n: and \llltlhw fur " furnltun• _d~. phnln lo~ (;,•rh:~l'll City Refuses to Settle $2050 (')aim For $250 at Request of State Fund I 1\ JWnpusi1 HUI \\ lu•1, It) l h~· ~·tt ) l1 • \ \1 11'1ld ,,. d·· dtl\\tt fn ~I n_';, I ol So•lq•or t n •. , ..... \\utrlo'l So ll lo I'"',,. r l:ollll ,,j ~rj-,11 ··~ll ltl .. l IL·~ l'i:tltll~ l11110111lllll~ In n ppruXIm ;o lr•· .lo•IHI'O•II. low·.rl 1•1h•'1 111111 I' ht• \l •'' I) S:.!tl~)tl lor s~~)l) Ill fa\'or of ll!jttro" Ill ,, lr:otlw ·11'''1111 111 \\ lulo•l '"" s l u t; t'l)!l\ll"ll~:rtron tn~uraru·o· •HI dut~ for lllo• ,.,,~, 1 I uno! "as r·c•urully fi'Jt't'tt d lwn•J John~nn 1~ ~··•·\..I n,; " ~··Ill• 111••nt Tlll·~clst~ ol S3rij•t lr•'m t h•· llr l\t·r of tit•• Till' pno(~t<,;,l folr 1111' atiJU,OIIIlt'nt j ,.,,. \\hl('h 111)111'!'11 IHtll T ho· o·rt~ \\;rs m udt· \\ho•n tho' s t<Jtc• s;ud ... 1\ano•o•d turn l ht• $~11'>1 1 tn Jlll)' llllrlnl! hrs l:o\11ff :t nd tlw ~tlltt• IIIOIJt-11 I'OffifH'n!:ll t 11>11 tn t<tiJitl!: $J1~J T o ta l "' t ho· ••laim s c-nmf'S I•J $:1.'1(10 Tiu• pr••poso•l1 Adju~t n ro•rtl l """ld '""'' ~l':rlo•rlrhat iluwn 111 , ~~:~s Californi; l 1 Labor's Real Wage Increase U rider $4 SAC'HA~1 E:'\Tt t :-.:.•h,,rrt·ntwrt.;, fh1 "\tat•' thn,._c tnr .. 1 lllfht~lt'llll "l:ollllll~. l'il~~ ""'' I" otdiH'U•m \\ "''k• ,., on l ':tlrfqrnw h;''" •nrr•'rt~t'd tfu·tr ·•rtt:-~1 "':t~i,' h) '''" I lr:111 S I il \1 o•o·k MADE IN HOME. CHURCh OR STUDIO l k '''(lOri~ th;rt 1ht• "'' ,,,,.,. ''"'•~·· In th•• Los \nc•·l•' ,., •. 1 tr\ Ill, 4't•nliot•l \\ :t<. S'>S lt~l. I'• •1111' II I ti '"''' ~41 1.1 tn l'Jil 111 ~1111 !-rut· • ,,. ''· thjl tt .. '"'''' "' '' $1'1 •t:---, tn s;,. IEAunFul f'ORTUITS Of Bride •nd Groom C'NE IN FULL OIL $16C:MftLnE p ,.., llllioJ :111d !l.:t : -,7 Ill 1 ~111 T lw liM'~ lo••k ~~~~1. hu t th•· (Ill'· 1111'<• •·h rn g, .. , 1111• n tlu d o•<h ll'llo•n•f "'l.tli ~··h:tl'l, "ht r~ ... "' Jf, Pit11l I""''" II h:ol "·" •• It "' '"' l!tli ,., I'J'I' ,111 ~ • ...,, .. ,,, '• , . .,, •• ~ r· 1, I II'• "''· 1\ llhlrool(lirll! I ll\•'" ltlld .tn .d lo\\,fiH'• h 1r fll•' )UtTt :.-~. lfl ft\ lu, .. • •.•• \,.1 ... ,,. 11· '·•k• n uut We feature your Wedd:ng Story in Candid Shoh I h• \ 'IHt\\• d \\t~l ~~ 1' ... 111 l .n~~o \OL•I•"' \\t l • l'•ffuu• ,, 11•1 pf ~.,,1 ~4 , til 1'•11 olo ll;,t , l.o'l I ••·· '''"'1"1 1t •lllJ•III>'~I '"lh <.~!t KI 111 l ~lll In Siltl Frtenc~l.sr•n, lu• ''''"' 1111 f•1.:1111'~ ar•· ~:l l XH :ond S:ll 'II AUSTIN STUDIOS Til•· fl~llrtfll: ''as rln no· "" "" :t<•l1111p111111 I h o• Ill• I' a !:•• d H•t•k \\ • rtl l n ':t fli'I<Oill SUj>(l!>t't lilt.: II !.1111· th ,,r I"'" So•h:u·r• n h• rt.: ~alii tlw ' "'I """''' t ... ~til l l•·s~ for a "lnt.:l•·· IH'I ~"" 1\ tr .. 1\'ulllrl s ulff'r ho ·:ol ,,., lrh. •nH• dt•<hu·t lt;nfii SANTA ANA 5081/2 N. Main Street Phone 1463 (i. \\'rll" MlriW'Ir l'\hnw": "Things To Come" IU1d "ne Man Who Could Work Miracles" Raymond Massey Roland Young Sir Cedric Hardwicke ~unda)' thru TuMOda~· lana Turner Van Heflin "Green Dolphin Street" \\ NJ .• nm,. .. ~a n-Il ll-4 t:,;l'lt.,.lw• !ilhn•1nJt- 2 day11 nnly! Louis Hayward Barbara Britton "The Return of Monte Cristo" Plu• "Adventure Island" Quota of State's Prisoners Serious .... SAC HA \fi':'\Tt I 1('1'1 Til< 1 nlltlllto r "' I""''""' ttl l '1illloorn 11o·, ''ti-tf •· J•l l,nns tn t :tn "~·~I n tlh'l) 'lt.t 'f U•fl' ff~lln· of ~J . .!:.'f) on .f11n :ll, J(wh :ttd r\ .\lo·l ;,., •• •1.•1•• dll'•·( 1•>1 nf ,.,,,.,,,,.fll •n' d t·t·IJtrt•d ttwJ;,, Tlw pr '""" 1"'1•\llll tl .. , "'" rn· J•t f·,,..:;;·t1 ''' :llu•u' 1 ,:.!:!~• 1n fhf' p:o~t \•'ltl 11ttf "" n• '' I"' n n·•n•·n1 c•:-tp;u·· 1 11~ I"'' 1 ... ,.,. :ulrl••ol :\tn ;,.,. '·'"I "f'lr•• PI •·r••t ol\llt ol frc11ro• IS II<'· ('Oifllr1~ ~ ,.,, Ill• I~ '-•'flll'l~ tl'' ~~~Ht I J•· ,.,.,,,., I• d Ill 11 r "l'"'ll pt r<t>ll n u\\ h"ld' '~7 l••·r 1 •·Ut n H+It I'' '"'"'J •·I' I hllll I I fltll'tll I Jl \' h ao; ''"I'"' t I) fut ;tnd ~:ut l /Ht•fll ll1 , .. '•V•·rrru\\d •·ct tl:~ 1 ~ r •···nl Tho· (':drl .. r n u• l n•lolttlr••n l•11 \\ t•fl t•·rl nt f'··h •··h·•lu •~ n• :11·1~ 1'tf• p•r r·1 nt ,,, ,, tq\\tJ• d. ~\t,f ;,., '·•1•1 \\11h f\\l t ~~f'lt.HI)' pt f'lijt)lrll!' f ol(}l 1 u na I n ( ,,.., .. ,1 ,,, •::tn~ell) 1nf• nd1•d 1 for ,.,,. I Civil Service I Amendment Not To Go On Ballot A11 ''"' m p l t•• .odd "" :uri• nd mr·n t tu ("t\11 ~•r\u·• uad.tnhrl'• num l .. ' ~•11 h1 l•l;,•••n..: :o rul• r (1n ffu rut11'''' ,,( rnunu•tp:tl •I• t' 1 11110 In lot• ft•ld lr• r• ;\prll 1:1 (.tJI•d .11 ~<1 • rd .. , • ' T il• J•roJ•••• d ""'''llllttH·n t . "hw h \-\oq ltf ~ h'•Ol.!•' ""'' ,,f thP r•·qrtu•·· m• p • .... lnt c '' •I '' r' tt'f' apptHnfm•·rn In r • ·•d · 1' •l<l•·tll" rn~t • 111! n(. "o·l• I'· l•w 1111d l"ld• 111 '"'~ r• (llst·d Jo ,,,,,.., ''" til•· "''""' Il l th• '""' t<•t•l'••. ,,f I \t~ Atlqrno } H•d:,n rl rh••ll'i"''" ·.,, '·"'' '"" ,,,,, '"•· ""'··· ··f I )f. '•· ll ,, ,,, Hit • tfh 1 ... II Jl••l•il•l •I II· (loll Iff ''"' ,,.,. '" .,, ' '""' r 1r· • n'"" ,,, 11 (I • • h uq · '' '" "' 'h'fd fn '''tit i t • 1, • I! fh• I ''"I f It 11"11' '"I t I\ tl "'•r'r•• fj ,,. ,, "''''d''' t11 hit th,, • I ' 1.• ,,,,,n, llo'h 'l'"•ltft•·•l 1• t'· '(.;nJI.._ l H I\ .u. "'"I ,Will, r:-: IIAWI<!'ll,\\\ If.. i ll' GET R~CH DIGGIN' A DITCH"; Protlnim This t'ttt ec~u.u· r.~~o. tc. ~ •: \\ ,_ 'I' I \1 1': !04 1'Hrntht.'rhood \\'t.'t.'k ~ ~\t~ "" '-~'•' •1'1'• I t \\ • I( lll ~ l it I',. It I 1 ;. 1\. •I ttj II I · •• ' I ,, I I • II. ...,,,,.,. \ •.t!IJ •• hi '~ fo{t• , .. I ,1 \, J, '11, 111 "' tl1t f'ih t •tiV IIIHl d t t .t \ .,.., ",, ,,, tt\ll\• ,t 11•'"' th·· ,,,,,,, •I ,. lj ;, ,,, 1,,, .••• I. t t "·' lit hll1t \ dUd It II '"'''"" I I I I I I I tT"" "'· ... , ... \. ' ' ... .,, h ''" l h• ,, ... •••••• '• lilt• Ill '"'I .. .,. ~ II U /Itt ~ tt••• h;JU.., '"lqj, ""'1.11 '''" 1d l it, ''''"""'" ',. ~~~ ··I I'' •• , II , ... tiHI t l ,.,., ,, ' hit I 1 11111 •n•utt 1 '-·'""'' 11• ,,., ·11 .... d "''' ,,,, "' ,, .... ,\1~1 ••• , I t ,~, ,, \\ j .. I I t t II'''" ". ,, Htttl 1\t l \ \ 'IIIII'•• I \\,llh•l ,, ttll lll IIF.J\Ut:o R\' PR1:8lDI:'T I.III'IS ll,\Tt:!'l (bl,..•k ""lrl, f'f'nl<•tl find oUM•r '''"'"won,... 1 ..... , •'• 11 , 1 .,111 111 11 1 , tlnn fur th••lr lalw>"' In !Mihalf of Utle lolrl l'-<•o11ot "l,flllf'O ll•m-" .,. th .. ,· tt~llc .. l 1111•r lhf• fuuntf•llnn '""' j 1 1 Munday. lndudf"d In lhfo rheerful _,.. c•nll ""'••: llut.to.nt Rlf'lot1•r , ~, II""""· Alan Uhnu, !'41 Uutflo·~. 1 •' ' ' '111'1 "1 " 'I • 1' '" 1• ttonM'r Am~<>ti'Ofll, f'aul ('ox, Gordo• \\1'1111, Jl111 ~.t .. rk .. lh . \1 1fol~····· \\•ll••r t ll'rhanlt. t',....l Uo•nt .. nrth. 1 ' • ''""' '"''' 1 I "' til• • ""''""""' a.nd .lim K.y. ·--"' plinh• h~· I;,., h II oil I• I",,,. I ' ' "' •I r:• Ill ' dll 7 DISTRICT CHAIRMEN SPEED RED CROSS DRIVE 111 I II 1'''1 ····:·" 11 "'" 1.,,,, .. I ·I "'' q •• t ·~ llt 'l l \t to tht• I' t ... , 111•1 ~tfld ~h" .lht•k 1 )-,,, lltt ·r\•·''1""1 ' ur•'U Itt *'' t1J 1 "''' I''' thttldf• • 1111, ''''I t I lftlltn.tfl\' h ·t\1·lh•·,,.,,._,, f•••l1l 'tl••t t .. :.xrh "'''' .. ''· c:hli '+'''•" '' '' 11 lh·. '''', ''·'• \ ttll d 1h<' ll~tll .. • 1•11 1 1 .. tilt· l '•••tll ~~" :0.1" ~~~. ld"" It Sulilh. 1111! l••t , ''" ltto hll I"'"', .I , o.l '"' , •'II \..I. Ali i!·\\·,'''" thr··ct th•' .ta~\t' :-;,,,,th''' ~\•lt~fl \ nu ,.,, •• h t, \• t ~ tll .t t.-n '""' tlh • \\ttl! .LutH" I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I ttlll.l!tllt t•l• ¥11'"" IH H• f lilt .. , ...... , ~ '··· ,,, ''" l ltllf11 t'\h 'Jt all ·I h ot lfllltU t 1llf ot '""'. I oil I\ I•• •f'hl••' tllut o H I HI . "'" .. u .. ,,,,. t I lltll "h.P ..... , ••• ~ '""'' ......... hntN'.)' 1\t ••ttb lft~IHI tlu•n ,,,, ,,.,,,, Ill ( lr~aiii/IIIIIHI t>l Ho•d ('n,.;s \'nl- rlnh•o•r "''" ,,,., ~ (,.,. tIll' a nnual 1111111 l''lllll•l•lt:ll ll)'(ir ... ll'lio•ol f'tttllplo'· 111111 11 11~ \\• l'k II llll tho• lllltiOIIn('('• llh'tlt II\ ;\lr' S oot 111.1 Allo•ll, Ul· ··•'t'tn t :,r ''"' •In' ,. tn ,., • ...,t(lt·nt uti tn c '''""'d. I ~1.u . t~rul \1,.., I '··~' t ..... ,. Hl'l'-""'•d "'' "'""'''"'h 'l' "'"'Ill' ... ,,, ..:y :--.. ·,,, "' Jl.,llk•.• 1'1""" 1.1.1•• :-;,., .. 1• .. , ...... ptthh~twr . r rl•· ,., "', 1. "' ~ '" ''"' "'" "''r'"' ~ p_. a. palmer """-.J..A1 o.AIIIIfC) t 14'ttt•fh u ( 1ttt• ll.ttl•t•l' 1\f't'U, of rlw lll 'l~>llltnknt nl ~· 11'11 diJifl<'t , h lolnlll'tl l,!t41•• h.h t.,,,, h"''t..:t~t·~t ''' ~'"' "'''' T ""'"' .uut Jt,,n H•·•hh' ••• ,,, .... ,, t•• ''"" 111 t h1 ... ~t \h,, •ph (UIIIP•• l ttlt t !"" 1tfld ~t'\\J itOif thUI1 t1hH ftll fht• f-U,Iflt1<C ••tlltt!l ltl\tl l t .lll"IM•t f tl tllll f ,H "''"'1•11 1 111~1 realtoro; In 1\.dlln:r :'olr' Ht•l 1.: •• ,.,.,. 11 ill l1111 <' C'h!lr);•' n l lho• r.·~tdo ·ntt.tl ('nnl• f''"l:" ''"'" .!Hilt ,,, . .,.,, N•·wporl, l11•h :llr, ,,, ~t .. -s,,, 11 .. 1'\11111 \lhllo·l "' t h. IIIII• ttr't• \loll'k "'' ''"" ttutl 111111 '"''"' tl • ,,.. rlt'"'"" H.o). ll,ulw>r b ht1hl uno! "''' 1\llo•tl IHitt•·• llw rl u • '''"I"' 1111.) st .... " IIIII IH• llllll··r tho•II'"HI ft.""''''""· l:t'IWI fll I""'"'·'" \\Ill ) 1:-: II\\\ 1\S II \\\ ~\Jpl "'""" "' M t' Suo• "''"'""·'" .. r tho· l'lf)( fllnd l"IIIIIIN •r:rt n.. lll-lt•' ... all Saf~way mutt a re cut only from top aradrt ... lhen trimmed waete free be/ore wr-i,hin~. s~e. in the diagram "' rtjlht. what lhie rnune wh~n you buy IAmh shouldrr rout. Our lamb ahould~r t naeta M<' cut Ia inrlud .. the lull live mraly ribe. Both thAnk and nrck a re lrimm~d away brlore your puh hate ie WC'illh,.,f In rnn· tr1ut, many markrte cut off and tell as nprruiv~ chope, porlione whi<h ar~ rncludrd in thr s .. f~way larnb ahoulder rorut. Many lt-AV<' thr lr .. trndrr nrc k on . .so ..... C'Vt'n fail lo r~movr thr huvy ehanlt bonr AI Saff'way you rrt. and pay for. only thr portion that will cook juet riaht For mute aa for all foode. be rurt>, •. ehup SAFEWAY • LAMB SHOULDER Jb. 53~ Five rib shoulder roast. Neck and shank removed. HALIBUT STUK -:-= ~ &3• HADDOCK FILLET.::~ •. 47• SMOKED PICNICS = ~49• BEEF ROAST sna::.IOAST •. 53• I Silmon Fillet .. sa- .. a-... Limb BrNSt ADvonsm PIK8 All lffK. TIYf THIOU&H lilT MOIDAY, MAICII t, 19~1 II All WIWAY STOIU 8 • W. OUOMMGMI• " ............ .....,. Short Ribs c-..... .-lify 11.1. SIH Port Dry..,. ...... c.-..... .,_, WMI~ Aiwlcoh v~co.w --·-.. . . &;.; ..... ,. ........ _.., Grape Juice 01-. ,..,... _. M• Apple Juice T-Toe :=:: 21• Sugar Belle Peas zo-.. ... 1 .. Garden~id• Peas 2 '!::· De Large Olives t~>onor -·" ~::· De Medium Olives t~>onor -• .,. ~:: 20- ~ Rancho Soup ~:' ··~· ... 11- Mushroom Soup 2 ··~· 21-__ ...,btanc~: Tomato Soup ._., to~~·· .. Vegetable Soup .GI'IC..., 10!1. ... 1 .. TOIACCO Prince Albert =.": , ...... a- V•IvetTobacco , ... _a- Granger Tobacco , ... -71- Tobacco s.~~~ •·•·-II• ,SAFIWAY SAYINGS Jell-well t:.ut Side Newport BIYd.. Volta .._ .s.w .. ~ PorlliYer DoWdowr trlllo ...... lolling Beef ,._,.CIILMeM,. Harvest Blossom FLOUR NEW LOW PPICES Ill te 16c ~"':! 1. 91 ':! 3.75 ''!!' 7.30 Kitchen Craft FLOUR NEW LOW PRICES 11 t 49c 2.16 '!.': 94c ':..: 4.25 014 l .. Ush SCRATCH REMOVD & POliSH 6-CWKo bottle 23c I Dr.•"•' DOG AND CAT FOOD 15·ovnce (On 11c Sunnybank .. -.. » AllswHt .. -.. .. BluelonMt .. -.. .. DurkH'I .. -.. .. Parkay .. -.. .. ... S.feway uperta •lect t6p quality produc.e riPt lla the arowin• areu ... ruala it to Jour Marb,. S.f-.y . PIPPIN APPLES .. 4• BELL PEPPERS .. 21• LmUCE (~:·.:·~ •. 10• CARROTS V f'f(~t .. J.Jr oht>ri~OIIII( f'or l11tk11111 (It fr}'lllll CIIW, SWUY. Jtri llHOVED laYa Soap u,,,,, u•IJ,,..,,. "''' erwn.- Sierra Pine Merrill's Soap 43c "" !.~ 1.23 f'flt ,, .. ,,.. ,,, f,,, .,.,,. 2h .. ISC c It' t: JJa 6 12G CHERUB MILK = :.: 170 TOMATO CATSUP ·.~ SODA CRACKERS::. ·.::· 25• IYory Soap ,,, ltwn•Jr r ,,, ••• th Mentll's Suds '::-J8a , ..... 28 .. ~. Dreft MILD CHEESE ::r:= ~::SSCI Rlaso Soap Cror~ul•r•cl. ••,,, • Iori••• 110!;. C.tnl, Balboa •' I I '()I • ,. r • 1 f( • 'I N-f!W"POftT-It*b-8~ NEW8 ·-TIME8 tH: b _ TtU'RSilt\\' ~M'I'"'' "....-h. 1'•111, , . ..,,, ~6. ~~~~~ a r or Annual H. S. Arf Erhibit Set lor March 12 • 14 Wi#lt Mem~n o1 i;ocol Glubs os H01teues , ... I -Feminine Christian Sci ence Services fo Be Held Sunday in New Church FtNI Chut ch of ( 111'1"1. ~r .. ·n- \\ 1th an arm of lh•· enmmum~l pari) en 1'\'•'r) NlUntry, lwr stalt'd •01111 ·~ 111 t .• kl• 11\1'1' ~·.odt U1 turn. I•JIItirally 1! puS!Illolr-. or b} lor~·· \\111 n ,.,h' I• o•ls ho·r·~· If stron~ , llllll~·h. 1 ho• 'I" ;1k1•r "'lid A hun~-:ry h111111'IP~~ JX'OIJI<• pn" lUt' II lish'ntn~; ,•ar for l'urnnlllroo~l IWOI'III:anda 'rh•• solution " tu ro·l.uilcl F.uru1w 111 llw l•••nt "h•·r.· l>hl' 1s self ~ustaimn.:, fuii11Wtnl: tlw Marshull P lan. Sp•·akin~e of Amertca. hC' strt•ss.'d the nl'f.'d for governm•·nt housing a&.--reasonaule cost for homelrss Vl•h•rans, for unlvo•rsal military 1ra1mn~;~ as tJC•ac•• insurnnec, quot- '"lol Ct•n. E1scnhowt•r m sa) ing that "''' must make America so strung that no o•n<' "''II darr attaek us Mrs. Jerrold Spangl('r in I roduc•'<i Mr CPrl>t•r \\ OOSI' tqlis \HIS tnus1asllcall) 11pplaud,·d by cluu nwmh••rs I n tht• abst'n<'l' of !\Irs FlorenC'l' Sh••ar('r, vrtwtdt•nt. i\lrs. C I' I' I I Jtohnson Jll't~tdo•tJ at thl' mC'f'ting. Following the Washington's birth· day lllo'm(', the lum·ho·()n tahlf'S "•'rl' <•h•\'t•rly lll'rorall·d wtth largt' r t d cht'rnt•s and blul' and white A moun. nt or silo·nt rn-a)'('r was t>b~··•" d hununnl: th•· nwmury of ~It;,~ F1 un<:•·s D1111luth, !oliO\\ 1n1: "hu~h Mrs. t,;,'(lrl:•' Fox sang a h) mn iu·c·t•lllJI'llnl'<i !Jy Mrs. !Jon lluddlo•, It Ill Tloo• <aluto• to lh(• filii( wns "ltod • hy !\I t·~ l.awr!'nt't• FrrdPrirksun, t lw t·ooll••t'l rt•nd by Mrs. Marvin \\'tll'ox. In tht• Art C'orm•r. Mrs. Ardf·n Lon~ f'I'I'SI'nlf'd lin t'Xhiblt or plc- turrs putntNI hy studr nts of M~s llarhara S tiiiH'r',; art class rrom Hartxor l ltgh st•hool in pastt'IS. gou:ot·h·· and char coal. llosll•sscs ror tht' day were Ml's- dunws Gllbt.•rt Brown, Ruth Colt., P A Chnmh<'r lln and C. H . Ridl<'y, Balboa blaad <'lrdto Ilttll)();i Island Circlt' or W S.C.S. "ttl mt•t 1 Tul'~day. March 'l at 1:!.3io 1> m at Mnr C'asa, memtl<'n hnn~:in1: a nosrbae lunch. AnnJ.. 't·r·surH'S of thus•· whos<' btrt h· rl,n" !nil tn ro'bruary. March and Apnl Will I><' honort'd. Spring Bouquets From $1.00 In SANTA ANA: Cor. Rroadwa1 at t1flh Pbo-6500 In LAGUNA BEACH: al ~IIW'rf''" l'aUo l'twnl' 11~0 0 &N'n ft:OO ;\, :\1. to 8 :00 1'. M. Dally -O(W'n !'undA¥" A; Hollday!l Community Concert Membership Renewals tl~l :->t'\\l~·rl ll••:wh olllfllllllll'l'~ ..... f!!!~~~~~~~:!!!!!.:!!!!!.:!!!!!.~~~~!!!!!:!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• n 1<'1'" "11l """' "'' Ito 1d Ill I hr·or now d111rr h 1 dtlll'•' h·•·:ol<•d :tl :1.'111:1 \'o11 l.uln at \'o.t ~l.olll!::'l, o·\ o·t'Y !'untl:o~ mo1rnon~: .ot 11 •••·1·~·k :ond \\'l'clno'•cl:t\' t• \' (' n 1 11 I' llh <'ling" " h i t' h ;nt·h ul··• 1 • q 1m11ni••• 11f ('hri'll inn So·u·rw;o h••~tlln~o: 111 R u'l'lo"'k Sunol:oy S(•howo1 fur J1IIJIII' Willi•m I. Cammack ......... Coatnr&or PAINTING • DICCOilATI~O AND PAPEIUIANOISO ft. Bu. f'f~. 10: On-hid A"''· C'oroaa del Mar Picture Framing PY'IMnpt ~rvl~ Ill. r.. ASUF.R,.OS 407 Coast II iway ('()ron" drl ''"' -and Avoid RUSH-HOUR Traffic! TIME YOUR TRIPS FO:it C ·~NVENIENCE Benlo~n 10 a.m. anJ 4 p m , l thl ~liN 6 p.m., 1hne are more lfttl anilabl~ nn lflint and III>JH>r CHAt""'· al\1• 1-tiiC'r u p· po""nity co rt"H and rd o. rr•,l vr CUil'l'~'C '"'h l'A>~ •nJ ftlioy t~ ~Vtr·t han!:•n.f; JI'C'IIt~. • POll aUSfNISS-Con'<'llotnl drp3rtUrt'f Ill tiH1U<InJs o( datlnacioo poinlt in Los An):dl'), Oun~C'. SAn UtrnaJonn anJ JliYftlide CounciH ~"'~ b)· P1ofic Elt"nroc Ratl anJ Motor Coed! u..s. e POl ~1-Principal placH o( hi.uorical, romantic Md .-k IMerac are rnch~ •Ia Paci6c EIK~ric Md coo• ..a., U... lc'• (aa co so .,.~Hrt you wane to and t~·IHtt you ..W.. Be JOW ow• "r l<lt" with a P. !. MAP-Fold~r. e flOII IHOPPtHO-Thftt il no btntt rimt th•n ~fWHft 10 &ad 4-when tiM tnffic it ligh'"' and ahoprin~t mos1 ~"· ~tl t..ioJ f« hotnt btfon • alto,., rim~ ro ha"~ rhe laaily dinMr oo riiD& ..... ,. ~-~..,..,~I() ..ttl" I t1,ft f \\ '"' ·'• I lto•IW\\ttJS foot llH'mhi'I'Sillj) in llw Ct~l1111lltrll ly C"tJnCf•rt JtSStlCta~ ''"" rnu~ "'' rn.uh• nn tht' t•\'C'nl n~ <•I th•· n•·" ftn.ol rnncprt . l\tond:oy ,,, ••run~o:. \hr••h I , Wh<>n \'lnlonist I'11UI ~llkt•",.;ky Will he prc~o·nlcd, too·o•nrdtno.: '" Mr• Gl•orgc Yar·ll11'~, 10 111,. :'ll!l' nf :!0 )'Pill'S con\'t'nl'• ""'"'111111 n l'lonu'mnn. ~,.sks wtll 111 !l::\o 11 m b•• on '"" luhlo} o ( tilt' htJ;:h school I Tht•rl' l\111 ht· '"" s1·n ll'l•<t lu·ld llllolll"' llltll fllr that purpost' I on Suntl o\', I I h ~"· f\nl' Ill thl' r•·~,:uhr hoo1r nf II "dtl('k ami Host Surprised .otu•l lu•r at :l IWI I'm At Birthday Party ,\11 :011 o·,.rolo.olh Ill\ II• ol In :tl I'' nrl Hu~::h l\tr~ltlliln of ;\;o·\l'port llri,::hl!< 1\:t" "III'Jirl"l"d nosl nt a lotrlhda} 11:11 1~ S:ttllrliiiY ,,,.,.nmo.: w h o• n Mrs. ~tr~l tllnn '"' tll·ll ldo'ni'l~ 1o h•·1p ('l'lt·hrntl' tho• cx·- CM ion. "I ~::nt 11 hi~:: nprnn wot h KP' on 11" .-nirl :O.Ir_ :O.Joo:O.Iollnn. r numr ra ltn!:: hts g1 fts Rummy w:t• pla)•'d, w11h I" 1/1'' ~;(ling lo Mrs. C'harlrs Portf.'r jr. nnd F:inn n1111a Thr All;lr socit•Ti"~ of 1hr •·hurrht'" of nur Lady of l\1 t. e;, r· mrl nnd St .Jnhn \'onnowy willl tn<'t't \\'o•dnrs<llly, ;\hm·h :1 nl 1:.!.311 p.m. (()r 11 do·SS<'rl lllnt·hr·nn 111 tho htlme t1f Mr~. 1\:lciH'!ns P Brei· tno•r , 1111 :->rorlh Hay Frunt, 11ll1· h1111 lslnncl. :->.tlo\•' Jl.tllchl• '" T1Hmh1, d ulo ('o•lll'lllt.l l',lf loor \\Ill 111••1 1\llh )lit 1.1n 4 It f, bH1 l :r ... nl ''' • I, •\ "TRAVEL ... "Y alt nw"n"" ~••llutte .,.., Tl,.k•l• • AIR • SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO AU. POIS TS Phone IA«ttna I !lCMI Lam bourne Travel Service :!Ill ~an Avfl. Laj{una Buc·h Mesa Upholstery I 1;-~rTy McKee 23;"~1 Sr wport Rl\'d, Cu!'>la l\1(·~ ,fr, Ill,, 111 1111 \\' d1o• ol o\ \1o • h 'I •rit••i 'lac· \\'I II I I!' 11.\\\ I\ -:11,\\\ ... II' Honor Roll· · Prosperity PJuggers T . WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Eloo C'ml"""' . I~IIC\n A ~hrtln Outboardto ('ompltolfo l'IU't'lt F\lml..,.ln~t .t Oee.r. \'IW'ht Brnkerap A ln-urancr Rarftnr SS--.SUO VIa Oport.o DEA.'Il W . CA.MPBF.I.L Lester & Co. • Memhfor LM Anplft Stock Enhaap Oon~m-t. Muntrlgal aad Corporation ~urltiH 515 F-~otral An-.. Ratbo&. Ph. BarlMJr !ott Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life · Health • A~rident All Types Personal Insurance llubor t.a6 • U!O E. 8Grf Or. e Ba.l"- Baumgartner Jewe)(lrs """,.," VOLNEY HAY. JR Hay's Camera Exchange ntma ... C'at'l]f'rM ..• F1nlalalq • Caactld Canwn1 Portralta e &01 r.. Ctontn~l RA 431 -Balboa 0.. B. 8trit'kPT. I'""·: C. A. Rf'rhfortA. \'W '"'-. RAJ \'. Manhall, T,_.unr Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. ,.., O...t Rwy l'h ltar~·• !\,\.,~. ~""'1Mlrt Bfecota Uull,._..,.., I rul~r A !'t••"t.~r cw-T -a. f'an n...w .,~ BREAD-TIME STORIES C. XIT~HEN _T!:ICX ) •••• -.· If If '\....(, ~ IS ·-·-~.· fVEI EAT an applewich? Thin allcea ef tarv•· red-skinned apples, brvthed w ith lemon juice, put together with sharp cheese, hom or lunch· eon meatl c:!_o.~s~ H~-~-~) DON'T DIVE IN-put a draw itring In boll! ends of the laun· dry bag. Then on wash- day, untie the bottom string and out comes the la11ndry. ~ EGGS, SOUTH AMERICAN 2 Tbt. bvtter er morgorine '/, t thtoclclocl clriecl IHof I It~ tholt ~ewclet 'I• It' •olt '11 c. choopecl Amerhon ch•• .. 1 c. connetf tem•t• ~\Ill' .. ,,. Brown beef slightly in melted fat. Add teasonings, cheese and tomato. Cook over low heat until cheese begins to melt. leaf eggs, add to mixture and atlr constanlly until eggs are firm. Serve on tolut.trianglea. If you follow the time-and-labor tav· lng ho11sehold hints In Weber's "Good ldeaa" bookt.t. 60 lllu•trated pages. FlEE, from the bakers of good Weber'• lntad, lo. 1730, Dept. 471, Wllahlre· La a,..a Sta., Lea Angel•• 36. Fathers, Tradesmen Push Completion Of Teen Canteen Youth Center Hut Wtth ft~tlwo: nr ~~·11purt H nr· ami !\Jr· and !\tr.s II M. Knl.:ht. bt)r high •IUrlo•nl• JOinlllg trod, .. ,. I 1"'111 ~~•'('II);•' Ciu111nn ""'' to ,.,, ... --....;..-m·m m-an-t=i tut't-t~~p ot-ht:rmen put up ail th~ ftonmr lion of T.-cn c~lnh .. •n, t ht' "''" ""' k. all ll11Unto .. •l'lllt: 1111'11' I IIIIo' ywU! .(,"l'fll('r IHrUClUIV on ~ntral nd ~~. 'flw)· 1.11'\•. \\'allt,un Avf' 111 n•tng rl!potlly. Don tok('al-Ko•tlh. l'ht!l Stuntl:o~,;t• ;\11 ll:tll tum, c·hmrmun of tht' butld.Jng pro-!\t tkt• Rt•wl•, Dt<'k To" It• gmm, 1\atll loxlll). "Tiw tnlt•r''"' <•f tho• ,..tudl'nts IS im·rt·n·m~ "" lhl' "TrHP 1t" h-be•· COmlnl; a n•altty nnd thl' folluwrng studl'l11 ~ who volunlo'l'r lhl'll' l't'I'V· t<X'S n..:ulurly di.•wovt• u nwnl ion." he s.a11t. Vll'Y Ill'<'. IA.'my Bmwn, J11<'k Smith. lloh Smtih, Ttod Pr•lman, "Pent'S" Pl'lt>N<m. Dol'k Toub)'. ClifC 'l'rirJP l!ltd Don McCullum jr. 1\t('Cnllum also cih"<< the fo llw- mg lisl of <'tmtributurs: Ehe ll dub Book St.'Ctlon No. :.!-dona lion : Gordon B. Findlu). snack bar; Paul J ono'S, lnsuranct' don8tion ; 1... 1... Is\x>ll, cl.'fTient donat ion; Sluart Dunlap. Insurance dona- tion: H ayward Lumber Co. do- nated material and 4!QUipmt•nt and the SI:'I'Vi<X'S of I hear l'ntjliOY<'ll. Ray Johnson and Mr. Spencer whi)S(" SNVII't'S w~ <'o•nainl) h<-lp- ful and npprecratt'd. Donations WI'N' aJso n:'C('ivf'd rrom Mr. 81\d Mrs Rkhard Oth· ITI('r, Bayview Builders Supply, AGE NO BARRIIER IN WATER SPORTS ~E\\' Yt>RK \\'ht•n II C'llmt'll lu tlon·o· o r mun s ralt•rllt• oiUtdoo)r SjJOrts ho a11ng .ftshllll: und hunt· 1111: llt.:o• apJJt'llrs to tw no h11r· m •r Bul in prnl'lacull)' o•\'c•ry olht•r rt'(:n•atooll lht• t"Xtt•nt of a m an's partwopat ion var it!K inwrscly with -1'. This is rt'\'l:'l\h•d by u natiun· »•idc' sur\'cy Tht• Anwrican MaRa· zin,. r<'C<'ntly conduc trd amon(l Its malf• nadl'rs Th<' rt'Sults ulso show rd that 71 out or eVrry 100 m<-n a<'tivcly t'ngafo'(t' in some form or outdoor sports and ~o:amc:'S. Now Insurance Agent H enry Vau~thn, 13:11 W n t Ua)' awn uc, has tlt'<'n appomtl'd rt'pre- scntallvr in thls area fo r J effe r- son Standard Life rnsuranoe L'Om pany, whoch has ofti<'l.'S at Gr N'IU- boro. N. C. News of the Churches NoTICE lt"'fl,' ''• ~·-"'1 Ot,.,r. 11 _ •• ,Puauc NoTICE . ..;..;;...._____ ·I 1 •uo llw.illi•UJI I <lll ,, 1 'I o,,ll <~11\\•t:.l l ti.';o 13tlo1 1 'Oflt t l 'CI ( HV\K U TUKI'l PuBLIC PuaLIC NoTICE 1'0( 'IIUUI. RHSU t:t.t :t 'TIHS .SOTU't: .L~.lo·a lllo.:b . ._ _____ _._ __ _ Sl' \1,1-:P l 'ltttl'\lSi\I.S Will be' '' • n •l :"ln .. •t :-.1 \I I I • 1'1(1 ''":-..\1 . ..; \\Ill I"• '''th ... ,• 1' htttl\\ h&\t•fl h• lht• l"t'\~.,."'"'t :.t the• pfl h.,' \_tf the~ (.''lt)' ,,.h• l l~l 11 t ... l t•tt l\•'\1 .d tfu e•llht• t•l the• ('\~ tiUAthf1...J de'O:'t~ u£. :N~ t'lt·'*-Ct~H. ~ ~0'" p !d ..., •I'd I'll l'lt'k' l 'l.o I. I 'ol) II Ill l 'tl\ ••I :"-• "I"' I tt..tdt ~··h.-..tl•t~ltt\'1 uf tlw l'uun· lt.•.h'il l'.ohh'11111t. untal -& o'dolCk " •·•••I I~~· It -'11 t ~·"lt <'.,ltl ''"'·' llllltl I •••I••'• t' ,l( tlt!llllll'. S4<th• 1>f \..'ahfvrlll.t,j l' ~~ ,.,_,,\l>tf\h ¥ l~g. a l ~hlt'h '•1.,11\olui•H \\ .. tdl 1i1:ot In :u•o•nrol"'"''' 1\llh Ia\\, an"""' lh••' ",II h•• tlUhll<'l) r•1X'n•-d •· o•lo•o'llun \\111 '"' hl'lol "" tho• lfith .md "'•Iii h•r I"'' ruo"TliiiiJ: woo k II" "• "• I'' I' •' l,1yo•r "o\ .. r 111.111 h l 'lll'l II) ~IIHI PIS· f·•"·'"" I. .t .... ,. lltll. trll'l, lk•IW<•o•n tho• houa·s o•f 7tM) t \•ll'lnu'll"n uf I' l' l ' ("\arl" "' "dnt·k 1\ !II ttncl 7 1'1\) <''d•"·k P ami Gutt.•r 11nol I' l' l' Sid<'· "'" o l''l• • 111tll<o•o ~I . •1111'1111: "htdl l"'t'ootl ,onrl l~o·· ",11k' .ulp <''l\1 111 !'\,•" ('lty 1 • '' · • .wll.m~: t\\o'l'n "'""'' I11•Urs till' 1"'•11• sh;1ll lt.tll "' .1r ··~·n.t Sir•~·• nnrt •' ro·mutn "I"'"· nt 11 llu·h . o•lo••·t uln (·,·nil ;tl ,,, o'IHII' "" • 1'•1• • .wll .. •r· tho•ro• \\Ill hi' ~uhmi lll'll tht" quo·s :-.,,, lootl \\til hi• l'l~'t'l\1'(1 unll'>-~ it I I ""I I IPIIII • lion ,,, l"lllnl: nnd M·lhl1j; ho•nol~ '" .11111111· 1'11 II , •••• , .. ,..at Conn fur· r .... ,,, ""' ll1o•l<'l or suit! l to~ll'tl'l lol tho• nlll<llllll 111' 111,h.-l t1y rho· Cit) t-:!r~:lnt't'r. , • 111·••• $~.00.(\(lc) (M) l~•lial'!t, f11t' lho• pur-1-:al'fl hod niU'I be• lll'COIT\pllnlt'd I',' 1111111 [ono.f\o•t J"'•S•· itl r;u~tn.: n1nn1•y for llw h , h • 1 fi od ~. ralihicr's I'·· Ill··• • llll' I r" 11 fo llowing purpt~~;o·s Y 1'11" ' <'< r 1 ' · l 1 \\',,, k•·r chl'r k, "" hul•l•·•·'s bond\ mndt.> JlftY· • \ 1 1,_, IRI Tllf' purrhnstng .. r srht.ol lots ahh· Ill lht• l'tly or No•wport Bt•IICh 'I onh· • , ... lm I hI Th•• hutld 1n.: nr purrhnsin~ of fur 1111 umuunt <'<lUll I t n at h•Mt tl'n ~'"'I.. ~doool huildtni:K 1101 l"''r C'f·nt of tht' 11111111.mt hid. '1'1''' "' .• ··I n.,;ono.,•r . (cl ·nw mnkm~; or nlt<•rr~lhms ,,r ~ 11 ,. h .,;uumnty to ht• rn rfellt'd 1 "' l11>1111t.: ftr,.mnn. ncl!lltions tn th<• srhool hulltl-should lht• bld~r to wh<lfl\ thl' ""' • ~:•·•·ll~•·r In~>: ur hullrlinJ,:s oltwr lhttll contrnrt Is ""'nnli.'d filii to t'flll'r l \II ,·,,111 1'"''~"'" such all mny h•· n•·•·•·ssar y fur 10111 thl' <'toni rnc.-t 111• '"'"" C'Ur~nt matnlo•nflnl'1:', opl'ra· I n Ul'l'ordanN• with provl•lonJ of I'""' olt l'lnnr F an• !ton, or rrpaln C'haptl'l' :\!n, StatutN> of 19.'\1. th~ 11 Ill I d) The' r t'pairtns;, r<'storlns; orr<'· C'lh· \num·tl of thl' Oty of Nrw-A•pl •It "r I 'rushtllt.: burldlns; f'f nn)' ~C'hMI hulldlnl: por:t 1~11·h. has IISC'N'tainl'd thf' l'l.ml ~ "!:""" • d amas;rd. mjunod. or drstro1yo·d l!"""rnl pn•vatling rnt<' of WBift Jl.,\lu.or• ••r M I" •· r by flrt' or oth rr puhlrC' n alnm· llf)Jllro•nhl•· to tho• work to ~ dOf\4' ""' 1 1 I' f' r "' t "' lty. :h fnlln"''l' I 1\lll>'lo·to· '' r 11 II ft>l Thr suppl~ins; M schoc1l build· IIOW"Iy p..., PI-ploull l'lunl l ins:s wrth furnllurl' or nf'C· \\'ac .. ~·alf' w...-jt'••ll•'to•lo ur A•ph,.lt rnnry IIJIJIAn'lltl.\ .. r a flt'r· ('t..-lt\ratlon: !'I'" ncltnl{. M t• • manrnt nnturr A.~rlhnlt or C'rushins; I • luulll'lll T~tmt""" I f l Thl' lll'rmnnr nt tmprowm••nt plant 1-.'n~o:inl't'r $1 90 Sl:\ 20 "' F""''""" Mn· or thr school s:rouncts Asphalt plnnt dryo·r· ''""'' lliM 'fiiiM I ;l"• It':.'\ I Ill I 411 --~ \I ·~•• ~~~· ,·h ~.:. l~U~. ••' .-. hh h \ol Nl IIIII•' I It, I \\til lk' jllllolt<'i) olf'k 1\0'11 111\l It 1d 1•'1 l•lltllll\11\h \\ttth It" I •ll1•" II ~~~ 11 ~'II ,, "'"' \ 1'1" I I ~-~ ttl '''" p~·•l lt.,, ••dJ.••·••n t ''' ~tnt•· llo~.lt\\ 1\ llo ul,;o· "'""II IIIII ,, • I •••• ,. \\I ""''' ~ ..... , \\" lt•l l 'lp•• HUtf tq'f•Ut,t•n,Hh t''t tiH'It•tt• t1• I••• t utu,,Ju"'l Hth1 111•11111•"' ~\J h1d "Ill h·· •·~·~'t\•~t uult'""" It h Uhhl,· pfl " 1"''1"'""1 ftlltH fHI "'"'""' h) lito• l 'll) ~;111:1111'<'1' J·~lt'lo hid lllll~t bo• "" •IIIIJWIII io•ol ,., 1, u ... h '''l'tlflt~l "' 'u~IHt~r·,., o'tll~'k otl' hulolo•i " ho•noll lllll!lo• I'll)' 1chh• l•t lht> ('Ill"' N•'"l'"'' ll.•no•h 1!'1:..~ 1:1:.!11 1.,,. ;/11 ttlllo'ltl\1 '"IIIII I I 11 nl lo•n•t lo·n 1 1111 1'•'1' •···ttl .. r tho· n llhl;llll hhl, ~lid I t,:Hllllllll) hi ho• l o111••1h~l •h••lll•l till' hhlolo•l lot "h11111 till' 13 ~~ ,.,.,.,. Jh'l '"" ••" Ht''-\•1 fntt tu ••ttlt•t 1 77~· 1-t -'1\ 11\lllth···""'""' 1~1 1 6.'> I ~Ill 13111 ln .u~·•H•tnn•••· ""h lh•• ,.,,,,, '"'" "' t,lnptt·r .1\17 ~'"'"''" .. 1 111.11 ,,,.. l "111 l '•.YII•·•I uf tlw '"'I> .. 1 So•\\ 1•"1 ti.•owh I"" t<M">'rllllno'tl th··· ........... 1 1'"'\lltlhtt: lnlo• "' ""~''' nppho•nlllt• tu tho• "'nrk In ..... •h•r)•· ,. .... r.,u .. "' llnurl) I'"' IMfttt \\ acr 14o·alr WACf' I!\~~ ~ ~~~~·:·;,~flo•rlll flf' FIRST FOURSQUAAE ~ OF COSTA KE8k' ' All -of thr r<'rt'J:otns; ~llll'fiOS•'S mnn orftro•mnn 1 7'r.'i 14 20 I'"" • t ,. I,. Ml\o•r "THE FRIENDLY'" OENTILAL r numrra tr d h•·n •an 11r1• h1•r.-hy A_o,phlllt rukt•r unci ! •t• 1 1llotr 1'11\'lnJ.: ('un•lnll'th\11 Sl X• c •a••rHittl' urul Te•tul· •'I' t•t Jif\PUftlllt •• . uul ,.,, .... ,n,~ tt••l,. $11114(1 Orans;t' and c,..brlllo &n. ud Mn. G. Wlllar4 1--.. Put.on PbODf' Jlf'al'OD 58!41 Sunday School 9:30 a . m . Moening worship servtoe 10 :•!1. Crusadrr serviC(.' 6 :30 p.m. D<'r<'an St"rvir.-7 p.m. F.venin~ evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock. Wl'dnccday. 7 30 p m . prayer sen·lcc. BIBLE CII'URCH unltrd nnrl ~h1oll ~ vc•tl'd UJIOn ln1nt'r 1 ~ 1:l tO "I• "11 rt mnhtlo• Rn. Dwielltt llla-. put.of Meetin& temporarily In the Sn· enth Day Adventist church. cor· ner of Old Count y road and Bolaa Ave,. Colla Mesa. S11nday school, 9:45 a .m . WorshiJ> servle«'-11 :00 a. m . Yo ung po.'Ople'a aervl~ p.m. E vl'ning evan.:ellatic servi~ tiS ono• sins;ll' prnJ'li'Sitllln Asphnlt !oopn•nrllnl: 111"• 1 ~aid bond s prnpCISI'd to bt' issolt'd madun•• O("·rnlur 1 90 15.20 1'111'111• • 1 nn(! llt•ltl ~hnll lw o f lhr dPnnm i· ( '11q••ntc•r 1 90 1!\ 20 "''' l'l'o nl nation~ hr rf'inllftr r sJ~·rlfio'<i, nml C'.·n11•nt 1-"lnt•h•·•· 1 975 1!'1 AO II• o1' I 1" 1 ~· It•• shsoll ht't•r intt•rt'lll at a rRII' uf no t I-1111..'1TIIIII to ntl Wlltc•h 1 t•• ''""' •'\rrrdln.: rh·<' (X'I' l'l'nt Jll'r an-m.tn 1 :\!'1 IO.I(l II• '' 1 I 1 11 t ' It•· 1111m, pnynhlt· nnnu:olly fnr lh,. firs! I '''"''Y doll) r·•·t ~'"' I'"'"''"' '"''i"'' \'l'llr tlw hnnl110 1111\1' to run, nnd mnn 1 ·~I I ~ :..'<1 l'o• 1 "" 111 llo ,. ,, ko·r ~1'1111·UI1flllllll\' lltr·rl'llft•·r. nnd s h;-11\ l .;lltoll't•l' I :l:l 10 ~' I 'I•'·''"' tw numlk'r&'tl from 1 to !'10(1 ron· (hl••r l"''''"r '"''''''' "''""' 1 'I• 1 llf'r /we. ~l'l'llliloly. Jlllyflhl,• "" follom!<, tO· ,,. 1'1'1111•' I 5:.!5 I:J::Kl f•,.,,.llttl 1\l t\1111: 1\ho 7 o'clock. \Vl'dncsday, ~ Anahrlm \\il (~M•t illtH H&' \Uitl tllfh ••J•I dt~f Rund• Tf) Jll'l'"<ll' I 6."l 13 :..'1• n .. \1. r I.,. I .... ,. OfTR LADY OF MT. CA&MD. :!Oil I !Ill t •• --, 1!4;, \ llol',ll\111: 11111• IIIII•"' .IIHI •lllttl.ol Ill>' t•h U)lt',tl ,,...,,,._ ltll' .... ·r~u "''''' ,.~,,, .... , ,,, ·ol Ill' I j Ill t 'qlltth' l"ntt h t •1• I I I ~~ ·'1"1 '11''"'"1'11''111 l ~t :.'<!It ;ll.tld "'" ,,, \\'1111'11 111111 1_., 11t• "·lntlhl.l,ft I I tiO//It• 1 1 ~1 ....... . 11 Ill I Ill II '...'() 10 1(11 1·1 :JI) NF.W~ORT BALBOA NF.\\'8 ·TIMI!8 Page 5 rut K.'"" S""P'''' ,._,.. ... ,('alii ....... ,., .... 1,,, ... ouol \ !tl l'tpo•llno• \.~J.J.... I' ... .: " --- 1111\o I' llh'hhllllt- \\ 1111 h '""' k tllld nil ~"'" ''' 'l'tlh'k' 1:.!14(1 I'.M .. LU\'IIItNT \\' ANTI:u \\ ,, , '" pl,,w ''"•r or v•· <'IIIII l11! ••r ol.o lilt) kln<1 11f )'tU>ol "'"I. 1 ',oil 1\o•tH'IIII ~·.')t.1.\V l(i-tfc \\ .••••• , ..... k 1111\t'l' l'oulo·t .'!)110 1;..1! \\ oil• I l'lllo'k I 011\ o'l • U l!IJ ,;JtU'I.Hl'll41tNT UYtT.MF.U n I\\ 1\:'\'1'1-'1' i !\loolollo· to.;o'll man fiX' .tl .. h\\ t•~lwt 111111 mnrr•l<•n""'"'· _..._,u .:111 ••r flh'''" 1 riO 1:.! 14() Sro·1uh o·lltllh•) nwnl ,\I'I'IY at I I 111 '''""' llnt t o••llt':< lllntu·r lluu..-. l'tl 111\.11\ I'll" It ll•t""'""" l'l II! l1 llo'I>•IIIIIHIII llo It• 'I I ·li~ I !Ill 11 1411 1 :\.:.'0 I~· ~\1 If) 14(1 I •'lh ltlld lll filii:''· I '•'"'"' l\11'1111 1!\-lfo• t:orl fo•r c;o•ttrr"l tlffh"' "•ll k , """~~' l"vok ki•••JIIII.,;, ''"l'k'l'lo•tWt' fll"'<'li· •ary ""''""r H:' u;.:ztc l"t'CUU lt•t \\'nl•·h-•U"'•'IliUII \\ ,u,•h .. U'• ltiHH \ t\,'!\ I :1!\ I :l:1 111141.1 WANTEi t '1'\\o l "llllr•'tl"''*· •lt•ady t .-lt·t k ,., 1·\•t"'''tt:tn 1 ·S1:• \\'rnrh 'l'hor-k I ln\·rn \.''.,•' p .. ~, h,~qr ndll1t hHHtl \\ h •'U ••t-'f'llt lllltt .... \\ ••• \>\ Uh'h. A·t-'t'tiUh·"· •or >llntlnt It tllll'hllh'll" IIIli r-.. .. hul "ttl '"' '"''•'111t'tl fro•m 1'1 t ''"''''"'''w wh" hl'l~ 11111 h<'"'" II· '"'""'~' 111 ,.,., ... ,,.tllni'\• "''' h tlw 111\J \ t•lolll-,.f ( 't111111o•r 7!ll, ~IIIIUh'll l.C ~tr-~. '" '"'"'"'"··I I'IMna 11\ll)' be• .. -,.•n. •nd fnnna ot l'"''l"..,nl> '"""l>o. 1'\'IOirll<'l , • 11 ct ''"'"'tfll'llll""' IIIII)' Ito• ubtalnl'll lit '"" ulfll"' o)( thr (.,I)' Enl(1.,..r, 1 "'t) !lull, NI"WJ••n Ho•l\'h, ( '•llf Tho' IJ~~'o'lal 11 trnlh lfl ul IH"'e· l"'i'll\ •' IJuhlt•t' I• I'IIII!'Ci tU tht' "1'1"'1•"'•1 Hl'\llll"'lllf'llla" anno•lu'C't '" tlw hl11nk ,,,,,.,, 111 llnlflONII, for 11111 tlirt'('llutl• 11a t•• hlddln~e. I'IC' . ..,..,. t"' t y .. r N"" 1 .... , 1\o•a•·lt ,,.. wrvo~ thf' 11jlht to• l"'")rc't any or foil hlf111 t'I'I"Y OF N f:\\'I'UHT m :M "II lo1t ANK t. RIN!o.:J IART. 01) C't•rk . I ltoloo<l Fr lol,llll') :.!4, I~M l'llh l''o•l• :'fl. Mn11·h •1. I~M Th•· N••w• T\IT\f'll 1viH noll t.... r11· 'l""'~llolr for 1\hlrf' than n nf' lnl'\or 't'f't h•-••rlltttt uf #Ill I •f\ •'f t W llh'fl' ,_"',. t h • rlrrht to rorr,.rtly lnaalh ttll)' 1nrl nil ntl' <~r•tl In rt•jt~•(•t ltl~\ IHh 't'rH•rttu•nt nut C'ltn '"nninl{ '" 1111•'11 "'"' ro•r.:llllo tlt'ilta lilt l(r •'1111'1"'''"'''". •hnrt lu•11n Alt~.>IY ""'" ll~trrlllun'• l tlruwr llmiiW', 17th ntt'l Ort~n~e••. l'l"tn Mt>IUI. \1\.ttc •; IIU . t .. r wurk in "'"" th<lll• F:ll· Jlf'rl••n•""' Jln'f<'fT''il, llf'nTumcont. Al'ply h;:f&~rt• II A 'M or 11fter 'J :.tl I' M :.!11 Marin• Avf', llt~ll~>~wt hlnnd. l!\-:ltc WANTFP ll<11•kkc~·r to take '"""l•h•tr char~~tr or book• 0.•- ··an flcl41 1~2tc: SAI.nJ MANAGER f:lri'C'fltll>nAI oppnrtunlty for f'llPf""- IMlt'C'd MINman FUlly aut~ matlc~ *''"' .. 111.-nln1 appU• an~ $1!'10 to $.'\(X) .....,.kly. OJm. miulo'IOA .. :acluah·•·· N,.wport lletl1'h 1 e rrll ory to Of"lll nrlf' It yuu Qllltllry. SaiH h•l .. : lrada t\.lmlllhrc1 Wrttf' n-"R-U" c/o N-..,mf'tl 11-6tc • lto•frlj,il'rlllllr, lllowr O.•nctlll, hu-nl· 111r1·. miiiM'II Rn Nillll ito•m• 61'11 llr••ntl ~I , N••" J••rt II1•1Jtht1. I'PIIIo•r S11 nto t\1111 Avo• III·IIC Fr lit S t\ 1 .~; Ko·nmttn• WRihH' WII h 1Htnltt, I(IMKI o\o111flll1111, S..'\.'\. -"''II F lllh-\, N o•\\ tKlf't llt-11C'h , llnol•ol' 'l:.!f~'\.,1 J(l,~t() l'•·t•lotll l.tllnh •~•nl h I n o• II filii lrn~eth ll'lnt•• ~l11• l'o•t SHXIU IIIII• I •n•'1 lf~t·o•, $:\."14) ••1 l'o>tfl'f't ''""'"'"" l 'lotlfll' s 1'1 11 I 1'1 AIUI F riday 7 .30 r m Youth Nl&ht ~ud Bible Study. 14:!S \\'eel C'f'atral AY-ue Sunday Ma.s~f'5 · Sumbf'ro-d Ol•n nm · Run I ,,,..,~••••• 1'11111'1\'lt• !'I.. ot t I ... ,,J,' llpo•o. l lnl•hr .. h 'f') lnatlnn \'o•ah .... , •• , ~no II> 110 ''" \\'luI I Tl , •. I n·, I I .~ 1 t : •• .,.. '····· I:.' :.'It fU1MISf;. .. K O_t_'_ll_, __ r:_. -----·-· ,,. ·t 1 tfi :ltc to 1 Ill ~AI .I'' KniiJlll 11h1,... f'ur npt ••lni!TII•nt 1'1111 "Art" A<l•lr. llru """ 1437 -rt 13-4tp !l a m and 10 n m \onft•ssrons: Saturdays r r o ra I 00 to 5 :30 Vld from 7:30 to 8·30 p m. 1 "' :.:n ~I .II(MII M I 1 < >1•·• "'"' "'"'"' pll· ..;,-,,. ,, • '"' ,1,., :.:1 t11 Il l 1 .•~~1()0 ~ 11~>1 ~:r·;uh·r :.:0'.:5 1620tT"" 111.1111• ,,1 (~rn<l li to 1~1 1 11()111'\0 3 l l'nl\t'l''al t-:.ltiiJIIIl• 111 ,, ,,1 •. , """ f.l '" Rlt l ,•w•HIO 4 "t••nolnr ''"""'' r1 ,..,,, Itt • l.o r I u·.~· "• "'' Ill 1 n·. ,.,.1!""-t tift ......... ._, .. , .......... I fl tlt td ""tlf 1\ COROSA DJ;L MAll C'O~OIUNITY CHtrll<'ll, COSGRJ;GATIONAL Perry Frl'df'rirk Schrock. Minister 611 Jll'ltOi rlli)(' A\\'nUP Corona dl'l Mar ~I IO IINI 1 ,(~~11111 !'! •lnot.:lln•• do o·no k, !-lu"••l ''l•·nolor 1111 '" t .:u t.noo no 6 11 •' r r "' k ,.,, r.:•·. r, "1111 "'" 1 ,, .. ,. ~ ,, tf\)&1)1 t .. ll Ill ft tt \\t'f "~ •• J lliO 1 1 ~'1 to 11(1 1.(W'\Otlfl 7 d :u11•h••ll "r•'l'allo•):.! 10 l(j lli) lllllhluto r 'rntnt••r, ST. JOAC.'III!M C'IIURC II Oru~er A\•rnu!" 4 •, IIH fll .. ,lll""flf•t I !17~ Suncl:t), Fo•hru .• r~ :!9 l!HR 9 :45 a.m C'hurc.-h School. Rf'tWf'f'D 19tb Alld %0tb l lltt>lf14o I,Oitfl(lll R Opo•ralur . 1"11111' If-'> l:l :..'O ..,,.,,,., "' J"'tul( II~ I ,., IM 1 ,(lfl(l on 9 IIJW'I'fllur lltllo•r I~. 14 ,_, T \ "I ~"""'' ... 1'-lln"..'()fl 1,1lllfllll) 10 ()po•ra tnr II'IIC'Ioll'· II'"''" 1\lltll'lt· H~·utlut I u•.: \\"I k• I ;\ .... ~ .. ., .. I I "II I 'l7!\ 11 :00 am Mr>rninl: worship. S<'r · m11n "' :llr SC'hmck Grr at Chr1~11.{n ;\fttrmations :'\v 4, "Characl•·r I~ Sal\'attnn .. Cn't. Me.a Ma~sl's 7 a m. daily. ~unoay R a .m anrl 10 C'onft-ssions Saturday, _,11 In :?'.!fl I IMWI (.I 1 I hulhiM1'r lllllllll'r, 1111 111, 0 m m.l-'.!1 to:.!IO 1 (~1(1()0 12 "f'nlp•·•·. •ltaJ.:IH"' 'l'l.orr .. , ~o l hl•'r nr I 'lCI Tt tu k I!JO BALBOA I!'OLAND CHAPEL %111 A&aU Anaue Rev. Harry W. Whit., ANO('late Putor Church School. 9 :30 a.m. M!•rnin~ Wurshir. 11 a rn Ntl !'iC'I'\'11'1' FPh. :.!!l ST . .1011~ \'IANN!:Y CII'URCB Balboa lalud Sunday Muses: El a rn nnd 10 11m. lyl'ar round) Confo;osslons: Saturdays from 7:30 to 8:3('1 p.m •nd 7-8 p.m. 4•5 P :.:11 tn:!fJ'I 1,{1(11100 13 •lltlV••I "1 h uml Ill · 1520, ltr,ol' T \t•• ~hu••·l .'fil In .!XII 1,('l(M11)C) 14 tat·hmrnl>o I !)(I T trtl1t•l11 (.'OST A MESA COMJ(tJJ\IITY CII'URCD .looof'ph II. Thompaoa, MJaltWf 1%4 r;. %0th St. Ph. o-MI .. M Church 11chool. 9:45 a .m . M orning Worship, 10 :50 a .m . Yo uth gro ups, H igh IChool, In· t('rml'diate. Adult, 6:30 p.m . Evt'ntng u·n·icc. '7 :30 o'clock. P'trt.L GO~rr;L CIIURCII :.!1<1 ln:\IMJ 1.10'100 1!'• C)Jw•r:ot~>r tro•ndt 11111 ' Tr•lll'lllnJ.: M HI'tllnl' "'"'"' I !Y75 I i> ~~ :\Ill to :\:.!11 1,Cifl(1 ()(I 16 T I' II<' k cit 1\'l•r, •If :\:.!1 Ill :\Ill l ,fiOII Ofl 17 I :\II tn3flll 1 .I~~HW) 1R I llmt) t nwk~ n r :\61 '" :w~ 1.nno.oo 19 ,,..,, th•m 4 ytt• I ••>c. ~~ lldl'\0 1,()(1(\()() 20 wnll'l' lf'\1<>1 '''--' •IOIItt •1211 1,001100 21 Any <'111"111<'11111111 1140 I IJ• I'll It If' 1'111\l'l''<ltl l·:qulpnwnl I 1£11'1'fliOr I ShfWt•l, l'lr nii:Htw, I ,.,rrtck. l)o•rrwk f1 II I' 1: I' l 'lnm,h• II '" I '1 a no• nmo11~~1 ho•r••on 1111 ·I:.! I ''' 110 l .tll'lll no :?::! 1, ... ~ lh;on 1 15 1, .. 14, C11q~ nl•' 111 '" Hio 1 .01~1no 21 :-.: .. 1,,,1 "111 1 •. '"~·~.,.,, .. , 1,,.,11 , n n .. •• ,.f 11 ""'I' 11;1111 ·1XII 1,111101111 4,1 ('nnllllf'll•r """ hlo• root 1.,,.11 lo 'rr 11•· k" "r ''"'' l"lln~)/11) 1,11(111(1() :.!:i 11., 11,,.1 111 :u .. nnl.oll•'•• ""II 111, 1,,., l h:on I "'• ""'''" I f-'111 lh<' JIIIFf""'' nr hold1111: ~;ud 1 1•11>11' n l C1llljllo•l i'tl ..;r tiiH•" .,( lt•VI•l •1•t'lmn. tlw Sr i""'' l lo•lrtrl "11'111 1'1.!'1 '" 11mo•ntf1.,1 ltrl\1'~'' ,,( ''"'"" 1 ... 11111! ol •• lu r• lo~ ''" ell• rl onln :.! t•t1111, 11111~ 1". ,,.,11, .uul 1111 "''of 'J'I"owk" 1 \II'-hur Jill I •wl I 4:.':'o II 111 1\f•f't ,.,,,It~·) ~I\L:Ir,1'411 ttu•lufllf\~ fatt•ttHift, ull•·t , ..:t •'h "•'l ••tutor C'n•H·r••t e• ~1 ''''' t ,,.,.. .. rhlhr' t~IVIn~t 1' 1•· ttn<l rt\lol<ll1• 1111'1•'1 l'llj'ltlt'l't (;, . .,,., ,., . 1111! 11111111 I Jio•,l\ \ !Itt I\ llo'JNIIt Itt tU llo· o\\ I~,,, lt•·t ~otr lllolll JJ, If• I f 1• \ d t•l Jf••l"l I 1p 1'1 ''"' I'H\• tn• or lit• ok• I I 7'.''• I !Ill I ~ •. ~. I ..:. TirE !'o"':WPORT JfAKBOB Ll1Tit£RAN CITURCII %:!nd ud f;ldra, Coata MNA Sunday SC'hool, 9 :4:'i; mornlnK "''nrship, 11 , E"ans;C'Iistlc twrv1Cf'. 1·30 p m ; Mod-wf't•k prayt'r mret- n~t on Wednesd11y, 7 :45 p m : toung J'l('Oplc'l! evangPIIstlc wrvlce ·On Friday, 7 :45 p m . 1\mul I :l,.o•rlnn P~t•f'oJlf'l "· numiM•r•·•l 1.,, 1 .. ~111, I• ,.,,1~. 1•11nrr ,. 1 rtntl ''"'" 1 h.oro ~ ~ ''' 1 In~ ''""'•·rutnr•h . AC\ h• r .. 1naftt r .. ,,. .•. ,f•rtttiHrlli> ttHtV lw t•ltl 1tn•-d ut \\nl••r It'' I 11 r~, , 11• , , "I' 1 j(', clo ~•·11ho d 11nd lh• I• r•Hns hrro·in l •h•· tofiJt•o• of lhf' l'ol\ l ,ro~:lnt•Pr f lrt\1'1 ' to( 1••1111 11 I I'll• 1•• t\ I I I ., .. ···'· ,, .! 10 1021 n.rr Dr ive Ncwroor• llciJthU 1oft• r 11101• rl lw tnl( 1'"111111 t1'nl .onrl ( 'tl\ 1 l:oll :">:o·wrlf•M Bo•ou lo, ('nlof Trw I<• ~ ••h looll I 'luttp 1 'I" ' lfut I t/, "A C'hans;<'klls Christ fo r a ChonRing World!" • 9:30 a m. church scn<lOI; 10 ·30 ,, m dt' '"" 11 ur.lllfl ~•·rmon sub· jc<·l "Ht'< l 'p, c lh !\Inn nf Gud " R('v Hl·rhcrt C. Rolh. putor 1164 E. Wilson St .. Coel3 Mesa "Come O n cr-You'll Come AgaJn !" A~Sr;MRI.Il!:~ OF GOD II. S. Ml':'ltillftn, Pa•tor Amf'rk•n Ll·t:lnn llall, l~lh 'llt.tlrft• cl ••I• "'"'' nl !';lid Sdl•"ll 111•· "l•~·utl utto•nllon ,,( fl"•"· I"'" ''""' 1.' \lh c m"RCII OF Ctlll18T 1>1'1111"1 :mrl o( llt•n r•"l"l'lt"' JW'I'III•' httlrl••f"" tl-l'nlt ... t ttl lhr ""'" lo\ol l """rl ll••·tiun Prl'nn•·•~ :\It' IH'r•·· "1''"1",.."' lll"l"'"''"'"''' """''"'" l>rl\o't" ••I l•11n1p C'burf'b ud Wainut RtrHU I '" :OI't••onlt rt .. rr ... f'-"' ....... , IIIII, Ill' ... Ill•· lolnnk funn nr pfOJ'lO"IIl, fo)r 1'rllt ~· 1:! \II• L •• noaDf' c -by. Mlalatf'r "' rotn:ofto·r rll "l:nrtto 11, ... ~··no• In rolll rhiN'IIIIIh "' In ltulrhn~:. I'IC' hut I•" lhun If. SerYtC(.'I!: Sunday. 10 a .m .. Blblt oho or ro·~Jlf'C'Ii\'1' Rrtnrl ~:II'C'Iiun 'n il' City ,.r :'\""'IIOrt fwnrh 'ro•- Srudy; 11 a.m. Momlnc wonhtp., f'r••ttnt tJ; ns h• rdn<ofto•r ,.,., fnl'lh, "''"'''' llw ro,.;hl to "'.lt'i't un~ nr :o1HI Sillrl n tflro•r• nf F.l<'l'tlnn !~hall 11ll l11tl.~ Christian Science I''""""''' ~aul ~·l••t'l tlm and mak1• rr-~ nTY OF :'\~;\\1'0RT nJ-:M"l l FIR.ST Cllt'R ('fl OF ClfRI8T '"' n~ th••r• nf pur~11:1111 111 law F1lA:'>:K I. nt~J-:11 /\Il'l , SC'~IST Tlw 'n!lnc pc <t'onrt~. I"'• I lin~ \tty C1c•rk. !l!Wll \'Ia Lld11 at \ Ia :\falll4(a 11,1.11 • ~ :cml ol1 ,.,.,.,,·.,rr,,., r«. dul~ I l.ol•~l Folot1tan :.!•I I'H~ A hranch of Th" MothPr f'hurch. ol• •11'111111•11 ton rl :of!J •tonlo·rl arl' :'1.' l'11l1 Fo•lt :lfi, !\llon'h 1, I!M~ ycl~ ''~''' t It'' 1 Drlvo·r~ "' P u 111 11 1'niC'k< 1r. Y'l" ••r m on • "'" •·1 I• " I Oriw·r~ "' Tr11• k" · "'I'll I 1':0\ '""'' I'U• Jllll'ilv I• -~ 1h1111 c; '''". l trl,·•·r• .. r T• 1H'I<~ Th<' First Churf'h nf Christ, Sci-lolltoll" I · rnt l~r. In f\o!llon, M11asachusettr.. 110:"\U t':I.Y.t 'TIUS l'ltF.('IS('T PuBLIC NoTICE ,,., ... , """"·"' I'Jo I !".It I .' I"' I -1:.!"> II 111 r ...... , • ,,. , ,,.,, t ~qll•ttt/1 ' l'.t"q•·• ,, t ,,. t •• , ,.,,.~ '1\p. S l 10\l I .. I '"'. '" ;\ I I I • fl Itt• ,,, f'l• flo t11r11' "·'' 111111' f .,. ' If I tf I.,,,. I"·'' l '•tHtt•ltt•'ttt • tp• t .. "' I "htt\ I 'l ,,, "'"''' l t. ·····k I ~ I I I'. ,,, II to·k f " I f ,,, "I 'I IH , .. "''' t. •'I· ,. •• i l'tltlt )'• VI I t . '"'' I '10 an•l C'o•ntral Avfl. ~tlndav •••luw1l, !l 13 a.m Mornl~l: so·n ·lcr, II a .m . F:vc•non~ ,., :~ns:•·hsttc scni« Sunoav School 81 9 ·30 8. m . Sun-'''· I pno·tl\ 1 .. "" • n "o t!nv ~··n:ic',. 111 II a.m. Wrdnl'lldlly ·I til 1111 1!1<1• oil tit• :oc• :t 1111· 'nTH t~ TO ( II"'Tit U 'TOIC"' ru ul lit '"'" l :\.tfl11H! !\1••t11tnJ,: :tf H n't'l•uk lq ,11•d lfl (lr,ttH'•' f'ttt q ,t\ \Otln6' t l hf\•f" ,.f 'Ptl~' II 1'.11 f 11 ., I d f 'lft ,, . l ,,,. ,, I 1•7 I ":· ''-'" 7:30 pm l\1111·\\\'l k 7:30 pm at l HNtdtnJ.: t.•~•m lornrc·d ttl 111 '''"IIIII" '"'I""' llo .ll'lo :-;, .. 1. ~I Alii• 1'1!1•1 '1•~\I.S '"II '" l•o•ol 1 ,111 "I , 1 P:dm ~lrt•t>1, } •.• !I .. Hl. is clpt:n dall)' 't $ -l ~ •ul 1) '' '' tl ' d tf '"' I lit••· fl( th• t .,,, f• '''if\ lu ••••' '' Ill s•·r\lf'l', Thursday 111 (111111 1 pm 1., ~. pm <'XC't'pt Sun-1'111 1 '"'; l 'l \• '''''"' ·I cP • 1• t1 r·,, II dl c 1'' •• r '·•·r·•• ... 1•1 ,., "' 1'1• I• ' ,. I ·,,; f 0 I fH t 1 1 c1:n'~ nnfi hnl~tlay~ n.ttlt,nnlly oh· 1 • ' •1• ·., .. , .. ' 1 ~. 1' h :--:.) .... 1 ~. 1 ' •' '' 1 '11 ' • 1 •II 1 '' ' I''''' t "' I • ,, I ._1 r' 1-rl I •• t t • 11 ,\' r ',, '" , , ' I ~, J 'tnl 1' 1 n · : .. • t .. l I\'-' •' ,. h h " , 1 ,. I' I • , '" II CIIRI~T 4'11t ltC'II rn· TilE !'£;\ .,,, plltoloc ·~ r• rdoall .• · tnvllr·tl lo l'l .... , 'I II ·I I • 'I" I 11 \ 1\ II 1 .. , .• I r• I,, ,. " I ' ••• ('~tnm'nonlt\;\ll'tiHI()I•t l •llondllwtlutrrlt~tlnlf'>Silllduso•''l •It •tt:.ool '' t•'l'""" " !ltd''''' I' I ' 'I' 1-ttll \\"••'1 ( ••nlrtol \\f•nol\' •h• 1~. adtnlo( Ito• 111 I • '1 11 l'o" l t11 • • o •' ',II \'·'''• 1 '1 \', J•, ,, r '7:'t l 1• 11 ·, I • Ill·\. Y.. II '""~1··11, l'""tur ('l•ll'olt '·I·•·· I ' 1111 ,,,,,, .,. \'. I II I II .. 'II' II ,,, n1 1 , • , \\ ,, h: 1 t t , Ut- l.\ I 1'\111 ... \\I I .... I 7 ( I' 11 ... ,If .. ltt1 l.t II i••• J,,d t'• Mtd·\\<'f k prn~,.r S•·n ·•n•. \\'Pd· neslln~, t'''' •·; <'d dt!'h clonnl'r. 6.341 p.m t •nt:-.rl\'Tt:ru \"' ('Jit'IW II S t:WI'OICT 11.\ICUOil ChiiJl( I by th•• S••a 41 1' ( 'oa~r llo~;hwa)' I '•11 ""'' rtr l l\lar II A :-.1 :.lnrnlm: \\'t~rAhip l'tl''' Thuntll~ \.ohl'un, pastor 33.11~ r.rnnd C11nnl Balboo l!tlnnd llnrbor 2340-W ST . .JA!\IF.~ CfiURCII PROTF.!'TANT J;PISC'OPAL S'!09 \'Ia Udo ....... 1' l1 1111\ ,, I, ... I I • ••I , ,, I• '" . I I '""'"Ill 11 I ' jt .. tC I 'II li I I ' h ~ • lt•l '" till h• 'II •1 •t ,,. rna' 1" 'H·'' 1:'' In .l t •I p11 t .. ~ 1)11·· l1111d \\h i+ h liHJ J,,tt•l ,;,.,J u! )"Ur Ia iit•·•~ ..:hcth JOII 1\fl•(> I lot I t'IOrl' i\1111 tl'l th~m . lltf tid~ II' > fl\lt "!, ... :, .• ,,. arttt you nud•Jr' uantlilllt In lh•• ~l~thl or the na1 1un~. "hl1'b •llroll h•·rtr all thr~e "rallll• ~ llfld ea)'. Sur,.ly thlio jlrl'at n:tll"ll I• a '•'IPe nntl Ul·•l•·r~l llll•lln« prflt•l•·" PhonN! Harhr>r 1231'1 ond Har. 426 In "S1 lt•n•·" an•l llt'toll b with K• 'I Rev . Paul Moorr Whi'CI<'r. Vtcar to the !krlptur•·•" M•rr llnl:• r 8:30 a.m Hl'ly Communion. E•!dy qn!'stlon~. "\\'hat arc th<> •I•• 9:30 am Church Schl)l11 manilA of the Sr letlf'" <Jf Soul~ .. Sh~> 11 ·00 am Morning Prayer' and Jtn-'''"rl. "Tb" flnt «!"man•J of ''''" Sermon <First Sundays: Holyl S•lrnr" I!, 'Thou eh~lt haw• n•• nl h~>r ~o•h bPfOrll ml'. Tbla mt I• C.ommun inn I :0:1'1rlt. Tber;·rore the comm"' •I 10 :00 a m Thun<clays : H oly Com-m"""• tbl'; Tb'lu r halt ba•,. no munlon and pra~r·rs ror the sick. lr.l~'llt.:rn• "· no II!,., no ~·•I•Ainn• • r ,, tru'h r fl hH••, tt\lf tl1.1' \\h1 h R'"ENTR DAY AO\"L"TTST!II CorneT Dolsa nnd f"'ld Country Rd. Cost8 MesA Sabbath l<'htv~l, Saturday morn- Ing, 9 30 o'clock . Pr~aching aerv1~. 11 a.m. ... "rth.t• .. tl l h'' ••••()fJt l l '" •1n•r, •• • 1 "" o ,,It I·•',. Ill• > ••· •o·ttltor Tol11 I :on< r,.h~h 11 h.,, 1lrink m ·od• nf \(lllr n olk, ranrorl ""''• 1 " , lrll~ HI rho•f "'' Rnd rt)fl(lc !I harl•·) I• " ·i •• '· I t " '• I I " \j I ... II I .• I \\I. I... I I· I I .. "" I" I • 'I II I 1 .,. \ ... ,., ... ...:I I'" :"1\\1,,\"\;ll ''"' .t I ••• ,, " , •• , •• ,.1 I I '' ,1, 0 I I 1 I• 1 t1 I 1 ft f II 1\ t f t I 1111' II I 1.1.1 lilt' l'l(f,( 1'1 'I I I 1 'I I o1\ I I 'Ill"< \fo\ I o I,, It I I II '··· •' , •• fl I I I I •·I ,, I t '" ' , ,, I f rt llf til' I I f, I I ' • 'I I f I• It 1• • ,,,,,.t ul• •• •t-,,; ••rnl·•:•'•t\ ~·. ''' ••t iltu d '' • '" 1)'1''' •t I r 1,1 w •I l•rl "(It II f t•IHI\ otllfl' pH tUltl r l tt1 ••t '•lfltl•t ,t,,rvf• 11,1 t\ i\tp ft • t ~ d •I ,1, \'I ,,,, ... ,, I'• •• t. ,,, t+ i. 11 l't. l d ~ •• tl;. ('i t\ flf "'"1 .... ''' 1'• h i ,., '"'''' ,, I ,,.,, \I,,,, ,,,.l n"l 1·t fr,t '•1 ;•rtl••unt HU'tl to .11 '"' 1;,., tt nd ••tl l'l" 1•t• ''"' ,,, f•-.•ot11 l'tol f.f',l ; 1'1.\1'1 11!•1•111 •h:tll loll t lfll t••t ,.,,,, ,( tfl•• II "'"' lllot \\"'I 11 • l'o•t•ll I.' o1~ t .. '" tlu (,.,,,I fl•l ~t..r ~··hn(tl t.uJ ~·u·h rn~ttHUI\ ••• Itt ''''",,,,.,I I 'J't lll1k ,,, ., ft I,, 1• q q 1'~ I !q 111 lit 111 ''lid <l!loolllrl. •l1111tlcl llw ]11'lol• 1 '" 1\ I r•tlt lito• • lti<llll,' \\ 1' 1 I \ 1 \\ 11• 1 I• 11 1 fltlll'•l' '" fl•'''h•tl rt.r ~Hltl Hund t f\tlfl trul l'ii 11\\:lfrlttl filii (I ·····r ·r,,.,k '"" :, l"t/1 r.,,.,, ,,, 111111111 J 1,11"11 1'1"'111"1 111111 tho• r'<tllll'flf'l of ltii•K• IIJ1 ~~~~ 'l'l't>l< 11; ,,,, •or '1ft:-. \\A\''.1 I lt.\\\'1. In llt'l'll111·ont'•· 111!11 lit•• pro. \lo to!••r 'l11wk Pttl •l 11,,.1,. v. ,,,1 I• o1 ''"l"''''"r "''""~ .. r !'h 1f•l •·r 1'17 '{t ell · ,,f u11•1• 1 ;•·,1~1 ,. t1 1 ·IT• II l<l t t 1111 ,.1 ••I 'l'l'll k ~!Ito.: F l.t.A \1 A "I tHEWS 1 1'~:\1 th" r,". 1 ·""""'' ,., rio• • 'lly N•· l11d "11' ,.,. ,, "I•'"' tr"'" "I ,,., ... , '"" 1 ... ,.1 , ,1, .hu1.:• (,(~'""'I"''' Jt,,.,h h:tiiC ~,,,.,,.,.,,,.ft t •hntr ltt'IHI \\h•· ft,, H•' ft,,,. Ia I•·'" th··n 1~ tr,n !lilt" Hl tllll!'f',\ (' r;I'TIIHIF. IIH• I''"'"'' l•ll'\'totiiiiL' "·•I'• ,,, .. r•·n'"''" '""'"I"''"''''"',., .. ,,.,,,, .,, Tnool<\ .Juett:•· ''l•t•ll• alol•· ''' lh•· \\'Irk '" l1• d .nr v1~1un• "' I'""'" r :111 , ~,,,,,,,.~ I• , . .t ,~,, '" ,,, , "'' I tor It •tllttltrll rl o·l• •'l11r nf sllt•l .,,. 1••11"",. nl 1••:"• "' rom• n•l• t1 I·• '"''" n '• 1v l•• I' :'>:• "f'••ll lll'a< lo Sl'lul'ol I It~ I I II'! lln'lorly 1'•"1 lll••m l'llol" IIIII\ lu• · • • rt, toiVI (rorm• I'' • 1 • •·f 'I 1 '" ~' 'lutll In• •nlltl•rl lq '""' 11111~ tn l \\IIIC'' ~~·air ''""" r•( 1"''1•""' "'""' •• ·~•tort , ·111•1 l••t•d I•'"'''"" • •1• lh•· S•h•~•l I••''"" l\<onrl Llo rto••n l 'l""lfloall"n 'l"''lft<ltll"rt• 111•·· lo•· ,,1,1 oln"l nl l1•''""' l't~ l'o T l'r11 trtrt .. r "'''' lo 11 .. ,., 11 ro•otlo nl I .:.l••~t·r~ r;, n• r al 11r 1h1• ••flo•'• t1 '" ''1t\ I 111'1111" r '"' • 1 ,,( l't r• l'- 1:'>: \\lf:\I ~S \\III.IUIII·. "'' (''"''""I'''" qR"o •t•d~ll l'tl) Jl;oll "''"I•••' H•·11olo !'olt l l•·,'oll"''"'" •·•I• hr~\• h•r•lfn,., '-•f '''" h.,rvf, ttu' ttp•a ""'' .ru1'r•ud f•.rnin •••'"'''' I"', A, :•tt'f' 'J1,1rrtrf.t\ ,,r t•hPJtl \ )'fl)\ tr._. Hf ptHtiOiltt ·n '\f' "''"''·tl t'ffrt~Jf fl ft( Jlf'•· 1,1\tl ,,f .,.,,,,,,. T \\'~ . .STfl"\; .lAY ""'''' • I • • 1 r 1 • 'l"·r ll•• '"''''' • • • I• •I •·• ''" I• ,. ol ,, •· •I '111 t;4 ,Hf..,,'.; n ,_.J:":I•LAY ,,..,tJ , ••t•rhttn\' Prt'f"''~al I'• ••••· ,,,.,.. ttrtn•,•ll h .h ,,, ,.,, .. !\1 ,\1~1( '" ,. I)! 11•1) ,. ,, '""'. I II •I ,,, lit• hi onlt I• I 'I "' ,., "''' ,, '"' I" 'I •• , I ,, fc•l ;\t• m tu ~~ ,.f lh• « ,.,,, rnJn1~ J\.,arrt ", tltt r rt •' I tr ,, tl f•JII tltt• ' ' '' w,, ~,rtltlu ,• 'tr t• I , 'f''' ,f,' ,,r ~"'"l•t~t H• t•h !',h,,.,I J•J\ ,, .. ' '"' ''f II ·rtt• ( ,,., ,, ''''I~"H' I:• ut ,, .,, •• ~ ')o I ol ttl' I ,,, f ,, 11\1'1 C'tttlf\,\ c·sda I'',\ • '''"'"''" ~t·n·"' ,,,, f •••• I I,.,.'' II !\ .,, lu If f,1 r,1,, I • r•lro I ,-, t:· trl ooll llltl• \It• Tooo• ~ ,,,..,,., p 11J, ,., ,, 1 '• _..~ \t .• r 1.,1, rrrt lo~, , • -:,,,,,, 1. 1 71"J P r{) rrn· rrr •. 1 \':t" or•·r· 1:1 .\<'If •. •t l••·•·•l•lf' ,,., lift 1'\fll 1 11!1 .. 1 l 'or•<~ o• ('o l~ l 'lol ~ II• •t of ll•lo 1 \\lit I IS 11,\\\'KSIIA\\ • JC,·Itc • ,\•t ·lo·oll l•.ol<• 1 ,ont1 ltniNI I • t. '•1 1'•11< lroor11r t•,·; 1:.!4<1 I'•Jh' 1-rlo .,tf;, :11""" 1, I'll~ ft• •• '" .,, t .... I t • I I'• I ·~, I 77:1 I 77'\ 1 77'• I I\~ II ::o II . M. LANE 11100 ,., "' 1:\:JII lit: At. J-:...;T ATE 11WW1 l 'nolf I AVt• No•11r No·wtoorl l'lf'r t-:atnhllalwol Slnl'l' · 19:.'0 H>nMF:t 1 Wlndahwkia A Hetti 1 'f\Vf'n maltf' tu urdoor AIM Moos lrrl-I; t .urlt• !'._ta trr tale N••· Wurld Proc'lurta C'nmpany 303 Third St., HunUnrrtllfl 8MC'h J'tlnfw Huntlnaton IWadl llll ~tt· CESS POOLS and SF.IITIC TANKS INtllllt"d An)'Whft'e tn c 1r11nrr• County • 'ontraM nrtmnc s,...,"' ( 'onne<'Uon 1 All W<.rk C:u.rantwdl t 1111 ltulllf'l\no''f' ('DJTtf'd ~ilvcr PIRtlnsr n IP I't;lt, ORA~~. C".OLD l'ullllJolnl .t Rf'flnlthlna Oayt4icle Plnllnsr Co. lql4 lfarhnr n lvd C'owt• M ..... C•llf. f\eacon !Uti 1-tte Watrtw. • C"octn • J~ C'J rRO NO ME'TERJI twpelrlnl -Prompt lltlntc. 8etwlhW ....... VAN DRiltfLEN Jt:WI:L"1' 1711111 N~t Blvd n.ta .... lotte Jlt>ndlx &. MaytaJ(I Jtllll W11lttnrr lo De UNCI at .J. H. McCOHMJCK l-1 Hll \it~ VIC'trwln "' BO.J/g WASH-A-~ 4'75 N,.WJ!M1 ntvd. C.oeta ..... rt-w llreoon 5T70 1<1 1'11 '';"'' I I .'rt I •, 4'11 I I ~ II I•• II·· II IJ• HARBOR Plumbin.r Service l :l t((• liftM N •·wp .. rt ltlvd . l\•·11mn 6 11 7 Rf:J"'AIRINC: OIIR S I"Y.1 1ALTY ('nnlr!lf'tlnr anl'l s~ 9-trc C.OOPF.RATTVE noo~~tNo r,o. NC'w un<l Rtpnlr l 'h"ll'' llo 111'1111 f,:J 1 I 2!\73 t:ll1••n /j111• l'u1111 MN• 2n ,,., l'l n:AI!~ !'1-:ltVIIT. I~ T ill· 111\flllltrt AllY.A IIAHHY HALL I•AI"''TI"': 1 'loVn tAI-1'1'111 I •to II• to ~.1 1 1 l'•t t. Sfr••f•t ( ·,~' fl P.1 ···H! < '• Ill '\II II 10-tfc FIREWOOD MIARf'flAI. 6 ORIQU'I'!TI Mtf"''MPT OF.f.IVERY Wright Lumber Yard 17144 Nf'Willll"t nlvd.. tV\-rrA MF;.,A I ~•<"'n !MMI5 ID-tte Plenty of nood Ttr. AJJ SIZM C,t,mpnund M otor OU ( :allun, 7111' I W t·t-41 1•rrt A uti) Supply ;\Ill"""'' I) I"'" lr•r I tK.V. ·;,.,.,.,, '""'· , .... ,a MMa 11-tr• \\ Ill I I )• ... l'f'.fl .. (l" \1. .. ' 11'\111 1• ,, ..... ~1·1···· '"' II, I II I ,, 11 •• ,. •• ,.,.. If ,, 1 .... 1•,;--, I I ~· !tc f ,. 'I' Ill • I •.1 lilt' I f' II• I tl ,, ... ,, l '"' \ ' f It I 'If,. I \II I I llo 1 • lr ~I ... ,, •' , .... ,. If t " It ,, I I •' I \ t I ~ I , I • , , t ,, , t, ... r, .. 1 t I ,,, I 1\ •••• 1 1:, •, •t• , II lip I' 1·: I" ,., 'I I 'I I f ,. ,,,,,,, ... I I t I '' ...... ,,11''1) I•'( 1 ol I f , .. If l ll otrhl• f 'l Itt 1 1 tttl 1:·•·1 \'.ill ,,,,.,,~. " ltl ,. ,, I ,. , .. ,,,,, IJI~' It'" d t 1+1 11 flu t' ,,,,,.f-.hl• ld I • ~ ""k ''"" •' :•d l \\ t •lth.d • ,, '' ,,.,, t I ~· ,, II· 1 ,,, n•• I •If t1 "'h" \ \(('1 1\•ft,trl,' ~ •• ,,.,., \\til •'·• I '.,,. ''"' It ' ' I I I ' til' I 'I t' I " ''" .,,,. ... "llf't•f •• I '*•'• 1 ''lttflil tlflt' ill f If htt$:f• t •., ,.,,,,,,. , .• ,, ''" ·~··1 1 1:'1-1tc: ,,, loto -11 Ill It• i.o~T ,,...,,. trot ·:oo.u tt I·:J .. ,•t rnlu x Hr·fri~(·rntor II .''1 -------1 · I ,lo'~'l lll••rHI• r ·.,, ~· o "'" olll•·l lr t''"' 11 1\ttltlltlnll•· rtru.v1·, Jlrlll'll('llll)' rn tf, t ~tt•V "' ttlu•tl ''"''~ I""' ,., .. , f\t,th Itt • ,,..lf,·Hf rnntlltlon. 11 Ill ,·,,"'"" >111 :'ol ot 11t '"'' I~··"""' 11 111 J,.1f 1."11 1 I"• ~~l p l'lt""' llll ol•or :l'/7fi .• l ------1 lfl·1tc P:Mf'UI\'MF.~T WANTP:U Ill --- II ·~·I -----Tltl•f \\ o•llllll' ltlil•ltln•· ~2ft on filS ,I;,.,,,, II•' h '· :.'lrd .lt' f ;; I"'., "', •I I ~' '•h•l "' , ::. WP'" f I h•1RhtJ1 tll•l 1• lt~tlolt II F :"• ''"" :•••II II• ,, ''" •,•, •i I 16--1tf' 1:'111 ('t•tHf A\• ~'"'I"•'' ll.·u•tt ''; 111' l'LI '~11!J N(; StJ Pl'LrF.~ • "•t·l"' '''"'''''" • '''''"'' """ ()JII·n ~nturriHV & Sundays tu•u• •f Vtu ht ,,r 'hurl• 1 laJ.h"H' I · l'f,1 11,. ,,,,.,. II•··•''' 1,wc1,,., I'• oto r. ~.'\ld-1!. "" w u ro•r h•·••ll.,... 1-1·111 "··~I 1ft .. ,. "' w "'1 1:"1 : II• ovt•'• ~ ''' f,,.,, 111~ ull '"'" ul~n hlack l''f"' ~Ink' '-#; ,,r, ~ U1• Sh1o\\> 1 luo!h" ttoiiiJol• I•• ~2 !\0 :1 1•, !\It" ln•• A• • . Unllll'tn blnnd. lfurlo<tr :J:/Ifi\V. lfo-llr A ' 111 I< W A NTl II I r••nlnl( In "" 11 '"~ I 111"'"" ,.,,.,., ,., '"""' 'o.'\11 ~ .. , ' 1 I ll•·rrt.o ttlln•• ;\ vo• , N ,. W I• 11 r I :J More Class .Ads .on Next Page . • • ;· .. s I" rom Page us • Ul.& KIIWI:LLAHit:O 140.00 G. E Aulom 1'0IIe wool blanke-t: pt1ont-hearing aid $180. 502-3tat S ---IIUC c-li:'Ctrrc S2fl.oo Audl· SJSOO cost I • Newport 13-tlp Beach. EL ri~erator SERV The GAS Ref 8Qnx> Mudt•ls A\ R liAh•· NOW Balboa Furnit ure Store 100 Moln S1 , Phonr Jlurbo 2205 C'oa111 01\'rl Phone llarbo Dalbnn or 14!\ ~rwport r 116 l .. I(C wANTED ro ilf"Y WILL PAY Ul' TO 11 $3()00 For Tour 0111 r>n>p· Round Bobhln R .. go u ... d T"'adle rdi•M t•l AI• hJft or <'•·•..Ill SINGER CALL IIA ROO I!EWINO MAI"IIINF. n J49ft.J 14-l tp Cuh WiU Pay Far :rour tumitun )'a& Phone Beacoa ar wtlat have 5656 iture Co. ' \.RAr"D 1'1,\r"l I l<tmh.tl m:.tlo•, Itt l.ouls X\', lkuulllul case, I: X· ..®WlL: Will;.. 1'111111 hill I tiD I lw tuld lrnrn n ••"' UAN% St II ~II l>T . ~~'II 1'\o Mum, S11 n- Ia Ann 13-Ur SPI:'\I::.i'. Ro t•II'J<""'-d. Tcnru;. Jw.r hk" Ill'"' V. til s••ll lor hRlltl'l ...... llAr"Z-SL11MIIIT, ~:.~, r-;,,, ~lr.rn. Sonlu Ana Almnt.t lUI) JIIIIOI>S 1(1 dloost• rrnm 13-tfl' I' I ,\j\'(1 l 'phoblo•ro•d tn ~c•rw:t'''""' llhh· n. JKII<SI••s··rl So·ll "'"' tvr nnly $:/!1~ 'rt•rffil' Thl~ I~ II ~·nuly. IJASZ·S! 'IIM IIJ'f I' I AN() C'U, !\:.!11 :-;., Main, Sunra An11 13-tft• I"HK UNT ... Ft IR Hl::-;·r 'l'\\11 IUrrll~lt•·tJ tt[oltrl· Pll'lll'. Ill'! IIIIo• )l!Tcl lJ:.!:i E . l' .. ntud II',. Uall •• u ur J •tum Jlllt l•oP :11~o By }l'llr ur M·u.~onal. 16·41• l-'111{ ltEi'iT Sln);ll' AJIIIIInto•nl r .. .-"'llrkm.: mlln 1:!7 l..'rtrl St I lit Kl:AL £5TATE I .-; 'h• I 1 ••I• I .' •IW ~Ill'! 0\lllS. ~ \o • II• 11 1 fll~t•Tt lll•luol•t• 1 Y & 1 11 ··~ ·~I) lit HI ..:, :-.'"1""' Jl••,ht .. t 111 rur ~·n'·• ''"''''' J lti lit' TRAILJI:IlK 11 I· I Ill • .;A I I \•lr1111 •I r1 .ttl•·r ''' • fh 1, o1 h• ;IIJt \ t 1•fl ttl l t ,lft~ j 1•1 II I ;11 .. \ "' I 'II''""" llr I >it II l '•'lllr,ol "'' . :--,, 1\j•ll l llo .u,l, ,,, 1 'I• .. CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA t:Y 1 1\\':\~.lt ~. room modern ho•n••. , louwo. dusl~Jn locatloo. • >l l ,,r ltKI 1 • ...,, Jrunta&e. Fur- ""h' d ur unt 111 nlsht'd. Pr1cecs , rrht t'.l•h tJ,·al !>hone Beacon :,~.J 9-tlc Tup Value · Bay Front Home Lulu 1•1•• N"rth Oay 1-'ront Horne '',tit 1 l .. •ch '""'" untl rnuid'a room · 1 "''"'"· an '"" ""ndttion, unrurn- No •wpou t U.·1crh. II>· II M ust Scoll at Once ,l ... h•··l Ill II ,,,,. twadi :onrl pier With "ANTI:D TO RL'IiT P I A 1!1-.Al"lll-l'l. :--.1-.\\ ~ l•olrcoeinl fl.,;,l , 1• .. \\n I•·'""''"' 51:!,500 for hmno• I· tt• fOIIH•·, 1(111 •L:• • l•lllhj Ill,, )•·.or, I' I ttl• .... ,, on b&lanoe U of fiUf;'-1"11' "llh I Ilii• I• to· I• "''', llllllt.tl l')•tllto •ttl> AI r,IJll:\' for a~ \'••no·ltun l•lttlll•. 1 111;~ 1.11('/IL BUSI N~:s~ m:.n lind r,,,., lll'ln~ C'\ IC lL-d ln II) '"'" ..... , k~ nt .. 'tl 'J 1)(•\lr•-•lll h"'"" \o\'111 ,,,.,I ~:•lOCI do·ul un fllUtllllln~; '"l'"•lt• ... ,. l'hmw II< rwoon lit~ I ,., _..,, 3 AIJI'L I'S 1 ... dr.~.m. ·~·It 1ft d' It\ In~: TOitlll hod {;111Ut11l llo••r JUI), Au~:.al. St 1•1 It• ·•~••nulalt• Pro•t<'r ll:oltJ,., hit} I runt rto $1fJ,K!i() ..;j l'ct\\':'\1.1< I :I.' It '""'' II' • . c • .,,,,11,1 1lo I Uc !ttl H tlt SAI.I: 1~""''"' nl "''"· 1\0IIt lu~t long. Two Fine ll(•ach Lots Crawley Fum 1112 N...-Part Blvd., :-.:~:\\ 1'1 •HT 1:-.1.,\;\l• <l tnit'•• 1., 1 "''"' 11ttr.ll'll1 1 ro~identl&l lloJIIItlMhlo• lt.-h r-:u '" ''· tlu h.HI 1111 n .. , lt-.! lnl !-oad•·w rolk" 1111fl CASH for USED Furniture & 1~tane.~ ''We Du,y roRNrnJRE REFINISHED Aa You Ukfo It KEN GRENST'ED :llltl Miner St., Collta MNa PboM Harbor 1<Yro-W Far EltlmatH On Guarantftd Wark Boata Priced To SeJl JO.tt. Cam. Spt. F'laMr. c 194.21 aooo 10-ft. OU.Oatt Sedan Cru1kr ( l~U) So5600 Jr Cabin~ IHuntM' 19381 13300. G. E. MINNEY nt C..t Htway, Newport 14-tfc JOlt SALE New Model PC No, IT 1tt1 a..mpon, compltt~ rae- .. A cnaWnc ~uJpmmt, ln-d~Mbc outboard. fl.!5(50. Phone AXmlnlter 2U'f1, t.o. Anplft, -• 1'" .olt .. n "' 11·•11••·• J•, lllt1l>UIIl near hahtl,. Juu~;nkyo•r. If>:}:! T.tma-I•·•' 1111: IHolh "'I•••. ;til ullltlh" r.~k. l'ulm S1orm~:s l:l-Kit'l l'IIHI l.luut. 1;,~~~ llt·o•.m ~ '""' t~•lh 1111' 1\ t) llolll P••• 10 tactng on :--,:, "t••rl Jl, nl'lt, t '~till tl ,, ltru.,r.J '"'', ol ~II• "' l'llhcr or T\\'~ I ur lhrN' hcodrnllOI rurnl'h• tJ hOUI<'or 8j!ltrlmt•nl Rl'ljiMIIlSihh·l ufr n .\ltt:AJ:-\ ..'"•XIIII J'"' :·~ l~·lh, r•·.:ul.tt Jll'lt'" IUCIII hUlllnt'IIS ma n. ll<·tl!'ttll !'i31)7 loln~·k• fc ""' l ·,., ""'' tlotl Mur 15 4tjl Ho•tt~•l! ~l.ctr"U) I only ~l'l">tiiMt ~25 Rr·'WARD--:11 :! llo•llui•"IM' 11r l •htont• llr,rt .. ,r "' &::. J()(tx. W I (i· t(o For rnlurmullun ro·~ulttng 111 our leulng Dulhon b lond lltomt· Mlnl· mum 3 I.H.-drooms, unrurnlsht•d. Harbor 1!i75·J of P U. Box 373, Balboa bland. 15-1((' DOILUIO& FltH ~AI .fo. llfOMintt•~tl ~111• 37•, hy Jjr..' IN •t, >llllnhlo• fnr <1 unitS 11n1J ~llrltlo;l'\ i!-7.!;>'1 IIWill'r , )~1:\ \\! ('o'lll rlll "'''. l"t•Wpurl lll'11rll , 1!'>-:llp RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W ('o·nlrnl Ph, llur 40:.! ~'IIH TIIF: IUG IIT LOCATIONS Cull llarlo<•r 6:.!-W HUB POWERS J. A. BEEK OFFICE ('! tSTA MES A :>-n••m hntL'•' 1'\n '= acrC' $7.000.00 owtll'r "tsllc·,. to) rC'Iurn Eut nntl "all 111s... "'II rurmshf.'d 2- 1~-droum!'. hnth, h\'lng room, dln· tn~o: r"""' & k1trhc-n VIew of "I'IK'r ll:oy rc'J:IIIn 11nrl mountain~ t tnly $7,ru o o(l T1•rmll ~hown by ltu·ha rd II Jt>nt•l'. Rnx :.!12, Colla Mt·o;,, llnl••l t I l!l'.t2 F. Ralboal I 't~sl.t :11• '·I flo lll'tlll !l-1:.!4-J . 1':--.:ITFll FAI1l\1 MWNC'Y t'Jt7 FJN,\:-;I'J,\1. n :NTt·:n RLDG OAKLA:--.:1• 10. ('t\LII'O RI"IA HOME LOANS 4 Y:!-6-6 Y2 •;;, HENRY C. VAUGHN 498 Newport Blvd BEACON 5197 Rw. llarllOr 11170-J 1G-1tc 9-tk ~---------------- 16-llt• BALBOA ISLAND AVTOMOTJV& A na&8 .. •·on SALE-1946 Jl'<'P, cumpletr canvu top Q sides. Xlnt. tlrL ... palnt It mcchanlcaJiy Ph. llt~r· bor JlS..J. 97-tlc :."~!:.."'t a';:'>' Wheewri1~; ___ W_e __ H_a_v_e_. _S_o_l_d __ TI1is l)(':tlllt(ul 'l·h:'flroorn ht101<' !'plendidly hullt jtt"l ll(•(o"' rhr war is off<'I'NI fnr s:ll!', c;)mpll'trly fllr· nisht'<l. I ,OI'IIIt"ft on nnl' of I'ktlboa lslanli's nil'('st s tl\•ds. rl•~ to o..hopping t'('ntt•r. Shown hy nppoint- mrnt. l'hont• llnrhot• 17iti, Mr. Adkinson. Small IX'nrh hou!'.f'---only $10.750. Sl(.'('ps S(•ven . Complrl('ly r"l'dN•orntt'd and on<' of th<> clevt>rcst little hom('S on the Isla nd. You ";11 ht-a mazro when you walk In the rtoor-Sf'(' this tod~y. Phone Harbor 1776, 1\tr. Prouty. 26' x 8' CRUISER 18a N~ Motor, W'f'Y nice tlfttulhout. Vah~ 13:100.00. Wtll tndR tor loca.l property. Give ar t.a. din..._. Harbar 129t-W. la-4tp PUMPS WOR11DNGTON JlltE8SUilE • CEH'l1UFUG.U. For aU~ 8odln ~Uon • So. t.o. ~ St., Anahrim PhoM 4152 1~1- llt7JUC.U. A aADIO M IPINET. CUe lllahtly ctamqcd Ill ahipnmt. N~. You can UVt' on thlt. Anolhcor splnt't t)'llt' minor piano,~ for only $187. DANZ-SCHMJDT PIANO CO .• 510 No. Main, Santa Ana. 13-llc Wl'EINWAY GRAND. Perfect con- diUon. Gor&f<>UI. Save at lt>ut •1000 owr nt'W pd<."t'. DANZ. SCHMIDT PlANO CO., ~20 No. lfaln. Santa Ana.. Al10 small 8bt Strinway mirror t>'J)t' 1pnet. Over 1900 Used Cars In Th1l ArM and Havt' ~n Dolng BwUnHa ContJnually for Tl Yeano CARS PRICED TO SELL '41 Nuh 4-door Se-dan. Nl'W Paint '41 Font Dill Coopt', Motor Ovt'rhaulf.'d. Nc-w Paint '30 C'hc-v. 5<-dan '34 Cht'v. ~<dan. Tod">ts Prl<'t' PriN' R r d u c ,. d $1 nn ' Evt'ry Pay Until So I d. '47 Dod..:r 1 ron S 1 " k <' ~ only driven 4000 ri\111"1 ~ '36 Fnrd :. Wd. Dlx. C"JI(' $1119;1 ·~ 175 302 16:\C) •19:-l THEODORE ROBINS Your Font ~C'r Sin<."t' 19'21 NEWPORT Bl::AC'If USF.D CAR LOT 1843 Newport Ave. Down Town CO!II.'l Mt'sa COSTA MESA --Rcaron 6207 16-1tc 13-ttc ------------a.,=~UY-=:::-:s=:P=:I=:N-::E=::r=-.-=Bto~t.-y-:Ron;:--. S;:-w-,-<."t'-:t tone. New. Now only S.'W7. DANZ..SC'lUUDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 'J'erma. 13-fc COAST MOTOR CO. PIANOS wan~. Will pey hlghl'St CMh pri~ for your UICd piano. We nef'd Lht'TI'I for our rC'ntAI ~nl. Danz·Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Mnin, Sllnta An11 13-trc SOLO VOX. Thr or~tan you Cltn attach to any plano. Come a nd 1i1Mr it. DANZ.SCHMJDT PI- ANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa ADa. 15-Uc BOB FROESCJ IL.E 1008 Coast Highway ~con 5032-J '37 DQdgr 4-Dr &-dan '41 Ply. C'onv. Coupe '41 C'h<''' 2·Dr S<'<i1tn '41 rtuk k Sdt. ·~ Ford Coupc- 'U Ply, C'OUJN' '40 Ford CouJ)(' . '4('1 "''''' 2-Pr '46 ('he\ ArNI '35 Pontine S<-dnn 626 1391 1099 149:! 767 1196 993 1027 2151 392 8PJNET piano for rent. 6 monthR ftl'lt alJmnod whfon you huy. D~IDT. 520 No. Main. &uta Ana. 13-tfc COAST MOTOR CO. 1008 Coast J ll~o,"hway 8<-llrort 503:1-J -J N S U RANCE- e At1'J'OIIOIIILZ e 1'ACJIT • <X*PI:HBATION 16-llr CORONA DEL MAR ()p(on rtaiJy for inspt.'t'lion-lx'autiful Cape Cod J.. h<'<imom hom<'. Many fine featurt'S inc-luning v~ l'l('tinn hllmls, l':trpcting and <'XIrct :1_. bath . S«-519 MargtH•r;tr tocla~· C'lll Harbor 164fl, ac;k for Mr. D:r\'IC'S, Srl('('inl for short tim(• nnlv. 2-hedroom rompletely rumil'hf'(l•homr nnt1 60' of frontag\>. Room for 3 mot,-unil.._, \\'orth f'\'('ry J'l('nny askNt. \;til Harbor W·1G, ask for J\fr'5. Maroon. Ot'\'ntl and R:w \'14'\\ lot ttnol~tniC't<'fl \'i<'W. fi!)' fmntllJ.!<' This j., n d~t >it~· huilrtin~ silt". Call Ha rbor Hi·Ht. nsk for M..,. Maroon. BALBOA PENINSULA Fin<'. nrw 2-I~Nir·nom hnml' in £'xrltt"i\'<' ncighbnr- h<lnft. ~hwco mn~l n wllon. Fireplat'<' nnt1 pan~.' I rny hNtt. \'c•nf'tlan hlinds. :!-r:-~r garagr, P<~tio. Let U.t; !'how \'llll this ont:". l'li''" n"<hrc'f'd to ~1;:\.7f10. For fur- th<'r inft,nnntion c·;tll Mary Dk kson. llnrhor t Ot ~. NEWPORT BEACH Trnilf'r rump with !);,;,· ft •nntotg<' on lOt llighwn~• anct onlv on!' hk11·k fnlm o.,-an. E:<.r't'IIC'nt !':<'1'\'iN' station.· l':tf<', hou~' and othl'r impt't)\'<'m<'nts fnr trnil£'r ~P.1t"'f' n•nt:-~1. SN• thi-. tocbv. B<oaron ~7·1~. Mr Thoma." or llarhnr 177fi. Mr. Prouty. LIDO ISLE Llvr on <>xrlusiv<' l.irfo lsi .. -fo r onlv $1 !1.000. \\'e haw• an nttml'li\'<'. \\'t'll loc•ntro. romi•lrtl'ly fumis h-ro. ~-lll'rlroom home for thnt priC'f'. SJ'I('('ial f<'ntures: til£' show<'r nnd hnth combination. New ).!as range. Br·ick fia"Cpla('(', Jots of storag<> span•. g:ll-:1).!£'. pntin. We ha\'e th<' k<'Y anrf \\ill be pl<'a.<;('(l to shnw you this onc. For furth<'r infommtion call 1\tnry Dickl'on at Hnrhor 1013. - 3113 W. C'l:N'l'R.A L N.wport Beech EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVE RING GRE AT ER NEWPORT HARBOR .. STU" DUNLAP hlb and COAST Hwy. ~ MARINE A V£ Newport Beach B&lboa laland 615 COAST "''''' I Corona del Mar 16-ltC' a IU:ALUTAD •u.u. UTA Til NEWPORT HEIGHTS :l-bMrm. home and sgl. garage. Should go G.I. at .ti)(JI.I! SlOOO dcm·n H~i bdwd.--t.Joors and 't1lt"\vork. .. !'1000. COSTA MESA -SPECIAL :~ IA•<.h'OOITlS and 2 baths-$8000 full pdce. This ex- l't'JIIional vtt.lue has a nice 2-bednn. hQml' plus l'>.tra lll'ilroom and bath wmr garage. Oruy~ 1:.! yl'ars old. J.m-ge lot in good location cl()S(' to shopping <.'<'ntcr. ·nus will seU quick. RENT TABLE If You Pay- ~10 per mo. in 15 yrs. you have paid $ 7,200 liO (lCJ' mo. in 15 yrs. you have paid 10,!)()0 xo per mo. in 15 yrs. you have paid 14.400 100 IX'r mo. in 15 yrs. you have puid 1 ~.000 l·:lton D. Barnett I 'l·m el G. Burnett B.ll1ll'Y Francque Brokers BRIGGS •• EVA F. RHODEN Realtor Phone Beacon 5713-R 470 Newport Blvd. BEST •• Evenings, Harbor 141:1-J 16-ltc BUYS "J>ut Your Surplus Into Income and Watch It (;row." II I wand new cabins. 5 trail<> I' lots. und IX '< 'L 1 s lot'\.' bldg. on 1,:.! ac. lot. Est. mo. lnc. ~:-)O(I,i HI. N~WPORT -2 b.r. house block from OC'e'an, $5500. A BUSINESS FOR YOU-Hiway cafe-small boat. works-knit shop--2 beach conC'<"SSions-d<>-nut shop. Fred BRIGGS Tressa 634 Coast Highway Ph. Sea. 5778 Res. Ha r. 2476 16-ltc HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Newport Beach $7500 Balboa Island $16,500 Balboa Island $10,750 Newport Heights $12,750 Lido Isle $17,300 1 bednn. home--less than 2 yl'ar old-fumish<'d. -FACING GRAND CANAL --4 bdnn. homl' with gar. apt.-old and run do'm but maybe somt'l>ody wiU like it. LOL<; of sl<..'eplng room. Small. but very livnlllf'-- sk'<'ps li--Goo<l c-ondition. Fumishro. 3 t.x-d room -E.\.'TRA well built-tile show<>r- t-oppcr scf'('(>ns, t'l c. Can lX' bought fully fumisht'd incl. NEW washing mach. l'E'frig.. stove. <.'tc., for Sl:l,750. ~ bednns., 2 baths, dble. garage, excellent location. Partly fum. TC'rms. SPECIAL! BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX near South Bay. V<>ry atlraC'tive Upper comp. fum. & immedia te Ot.·eupancy. Priced for quick sale. $19,750 -terms OFFICE RF..:NTAL-...."uit(.> of :~ offices-MIRACLE MILE location. Long T<'nn l<>as(.> at $1 ~~ J)('f' month. TAX SALE-City now st'llinh CITY 0~\'NED TAX LOTS -Many exct'Jlent \'alut'S -S<>e us for list. Harbor Investment Co. ., I 'I ~ Realtors 30th at W. C<'ntrnl Ave. Harbor 1600 2:!!) Marin<'. B<tlhon Islnnd llarbor l ~:n I T'S SPECIAL Nrw Mod<'m At t rnr tive 3 Bedroom Hom e B.1y anc1 O<"t':u1 view. llnrclwooct flnors. lilt> sink. flagstone fii'Cpl<tC'<', 2-car garagt'. . JOHN E. SADLEIR. Realtor Corona dC'I Mar l h·ltC 1505 Con."t lliway 607 ('oast lliwny lladlOr 1·11 llttrhor 1·1:!:! Hi-ltr Lovely rnn1·h honX'Sit<'. Ma~ 1-.' di,id~l into ~n 60 foot lots. ~ :tr~ AAnrly loam. En~t sido•. ;til utall tic"' tn --&-, .. -- HENRY C. VAUGHN. Broker 4~ Nrwport Rl\'c'l. Ph. Beacon 5 197 R~. H A NlOI" 1070. .J lfi.ltr At Corona del Mar 60 Foot Corner Lot \\'ith \'it'\\' of both Ot"t•an and Bay . Priced fOt' immerltate sale $3000 2-Bedrm. home, very neat. This is furnished, $7950 . Two bedroom modem, very cla.•;;sy, $9250 . 1\vo bedroom modem, a beauty, $9700. Two bedroom, modem. -Ask to llt'e this. $11 ,500. 2-Bed.room, new and modl'm, South of H.ighway $10.300 1 Bedroom Home. Neat, $G,500. 2 Bedroom Home. Cozy, $7.400. SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must have Je,·eJ ones. these won't do. 3 Lars at S2000 for All 3 ;2 LOTS at $2000 for Both Some Fine Level Lots -$1500 each W. J HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where TI1e Flags Fly'' 16-1tc WARREN M. BUCHANAN REAL ESTATE -INSURANCE -INCOME TAX COSTA MESA 3B .R. home with 2 extra lots. one on <.'Orner. This property is located in a very good neighborhood and is a real buy at $10,500. Terms. New 2 B. R. home on lot 60x135. This property priced right at S7500 -terms. Th·o homes with two bedrooms each, on one full acre. Located in induslrial district of Costa Mesa. Priced right with terms. Choice building lots in Costa M~. Newport Harbor and Peninsula. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Mo\'e right in-bc•autiful 3-bedroum, 2 baths. fur- nishNt. with the finest castt•rn ftllTlitur't'. Wall to wa ll car-pets. fir't'plac'C and fumat·e. :~ la1-gc• bay win-dow~ wil h Jov<>ly drn()('S, ovt>rlouk ing Nt'wpor·t llnr~ txw. Patio with b<tr-B-quc. Yard tomplt'lcly ft'nt'ro. Lands('<t(')("(f to pcJ'fC'I.'tion. Ne\\' gardt'n fumiture. OvC'r:o;izN'I doubl(' gurage. W<> will Ire pl<'ascd to show yo11 this house.· day cw ('VVC'nings. Takr> ovN· G.l. loan at •l''r . WARREN M. BUCHANAN REAL ESTATE -.· I~Sl1HANCE !:iig ricl M. King. &riC'S 170 1 1 ~ Newport Avenue Costa Mesa Phone &>aeon 6272 -E\'£>. &-aeon 5149-R 1S..1tc VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phones: Harbor 1671-J -Evenings, Harbor 746-M Harbor 1 034-J Deluxe Income Propcrty-1\\'o romplct<>. separate uniL'\, d oS<-to s hopping toenler. Beautifully furnish· cd . :l ll('(!rooms. fir'<'plact'S. Mod<'m arehit('('IUI'l'--$:l(i,500. 1\vo unils fumis ht>d, :l doors from Not1.h llav. Won't last at $16,500. Rcntt"(l for July & Augu"'t for $1,100. PENINSULA Hurry. Soc thi. rl<'IU:<.<' home. FU'ady lo moq > into. F'umishro. :! patios. piano, etc. A pcrf('(·t gem. Bnlnd new :.1-lll'<lroom hom<>, fin•pi~H't', \ l'll<'tian blinds. cornph~tt•ly caqlf'tt'd. walled patio. douhlt• gar - age:', till:'. l 'rit<'tic·ally on the tip of P01nt for o nly Sl :~.750. CORONA DEL MAR 4i'x J ll'f Jut , SO, side of Jfi\\ ay. :l lx~IJ·ooms, fii'Y'pJare, ha1·dwovd floor~. bl~P tuurns. II tl<'. douhll' ganrgl', hcauliful y:mJ \nth 1-:th•nhou~· at Sll.l:lll. This is a real huy. . Pradkally fini::olwd. :1 bedrooms, fit't'plal't'. hugc> Jiv. ing I'OOm. "indow :-(lal'<' galort'. rlouhll' ga ragl'. over- looks all of Coronn dPI ;\Jar. ~JI('I.'ially built for $1!>.000. CORONA DEL MAR LOOK. Duplt>x , neat·ing m mplt>fion. 2 IX'drooms t•ach, fircplat'\."S, lots of tile. Double garngc. Com<>r lot. Lovely lOt.·ation for only S1H.500. NEWPORT HE IGHTS Ul\'cly :l-IX'droom hom<'. goz-grou~; yard. hnrrl\\ood flout'S, clinin~ r'Oom . I ilt> anst cuplx>ar'tl spnC't' galnre, douhl<' gar.t~l'. Sl2.X00 unfltrnl'\hNI. ot· S l4.H00 fur- nislwrl induding new Spint'l pi:mo. l"<'ar luwn. COSTA MESA 1"<':11' town. n<'\\. 2-l)(>(froom hnm(' romplct(' \\ifh fin•plnc ''· h;1 rchHlOrl noor~. and ~:tl<l~l.'. 1-.:.'<t'<'pt ton- ally laJ~C' rooms . J>riN'd right al S97;;(1. BLANCHE A. GA TES-R.ealtors-GrNNY GATES 1S..1tc Sergeant Shorb Says •••• Robins Ford Agency Congratulated On Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Here Manufatturing PayroU Climbs ; L'l'l l 'sll· Tiwodurc Robillll Ford &il'OcY Lutt'lt word o n lh<' propo8('d was tM>In~; oongratulatt'<l today by n ew uniform of the air forces is .1 R. Davi:s. \'let:'·prdident of th~ ----·----lhal IW--o£!1~ QCCUIJO[l-J:UUi'-'lCC.I:lfiFtrrd--Mnt·~ O(Tftll'lnn-WM madf.' ns )t•l and that If and when tlw ,,hs"rvanl'\• of till• tw<•nty-fafth agrN'mt•nt has tx>.-n r i'ACht·d , no li· a nmn·rsary n f R ohans as a Ford flcatlon wiU be made lo ull in· ckftt .. r Polio 'Hot Pack' Demonstrated to Health Council Tlw llt•alth <"t'lln•·•l of 'lnm~:l' t·,,unt) <'Vm·o•nt'<l nt tht· lloard or 1-:durntttm Rutldm.:. !'11ntn Ann. to h••11r II rt'J!Ilrl 11f till' Jlri)J.!rt'!'S of thl' Mard1 ••f I 11rn1'S !'ampaa.:n :md Itt -"'''' ,, tlo·rn••ns lrlltiun ttl h<>l pnc ks fr.r poliom yo'litls <'llSo'll r .. rrttll,.. lllfllllll:tt'lln ln.: ~~~~ 1 ttll I• rltmh1n~ n~:nm nftl'r th•' hll: 11rop •• ( '"'' ··nff nr tlw "'"" '11lo· ''"''' llo•INtrlllll'lll ,,f In illl•lrlatl n•l"t "'"~ rt'l'••fh'll l•>dAY I It ott t'ITif'll'\\ r'<·~ (\f rllRIIItfii('IUrllllol ' . lt'I'<'St<'d partii'S 1lw Anny a nd 1'\;,avy Journal. unurticial \h.-ckly t·au•rin~; to m l'mb<>rs or the arllX'd fur ccs. rt>et•ntly p ublish('(! lht'lr \'f.'rsion of th!• prupost•d unalurm liS follO\Io S : .. Th" color, 'nlr furc(· hluf.'.' much hkl' lh«' Rrallsh RAF uniforms, hu hN•n dt'l'ld<'d u pon and tiH• df.'· sh:n itsc>lf fairly wo•Jl Sf.'llt.•d It "111 ha\'(' a roll rollnr a nd \K' of f1111:1'r llp l<'n~:th Cht'vrons fur non· •·o.muniss1un•·d t•·r~<••nnf'l Will I:><' an th•· form (tf \ .. s ~hafll•d h kt' li tyhz· 1'11 wln~s "ilh ltw upo.·x d vwn On· \'<•rtl'd from thl' 11ri'St'lll c lwuons.) Tlw insi~:naa n l rating "111 ho• car- l'lf.'d hc twt•f•n Ill<• \\'lni:S Ro•placm1: tlw n'~:ulur ratin~:s. sud1 as ~•·r· lo:l'IIOI. will lw Ill'\\' llnt'S hkt• '1111'· l'rllft~mun'" A r('('Cnl t•nlas lt•t• Ill tht' U. S. Army is llt•nry :'\ r.utf wh'o r<'· stdr•s with hi~ Wlft• nnd twu sons 111 457 ~untu Ann A\t', N t•wport Bl'at h A \'t lt•ran of nl'!trly lhrf'r ~Ntril H 'f\11'1'. (;,,f( ~··n•tl 1n tlw Eurnp.•an th• atrt• '''tilt tlw 3~th llarhnr <'raft ('., fn r 1 '' n } t•.tr« Anottwr r. f't nt f'nl•~•···· tn tht' l ' ~ Arm~ ond l ' ~ i\tr Ftor<'t' b. ;\loll \In !II f:, 111~. Rt 1 llunltnJ:· tun B••ad1 I '''"' d ill'•' 1 Itt• l ' S .\1r Fnr•··· .an•l 1~ rum r••'t'l\'1111: "'"'l' lrrtlmn~o: at l.;u·kland A rr tJ •• s~\ San 1\ntun•u. 'J',.,,,"\ "II 1s a rpal plt'IUUn' for all ol Ul' h f'r!' Ill thr C't'nlr al offi~ t o o•xtl'nd HI )Ott our hrsrty ron· ~:ratululiOM on your compl('lton nf twt•nty-tl\'1' Yt'a.rs as a Ford d••ull'r". ()a\'IS sa1d m a lt•ttt"r to llo~Hns Rollins hu plannf'<l n o ct>h'brn- ltnn 111 thl.s linw. hut Siud a ''rl'al Oflt•n hflll~t·" would hi' ht'ld ~tmul­ ll.tnrously with thl' Introduction of thf' nl'w 1949 Ford modt-ls lat('r .. , tIlls s ummrr M1ll~ V•'"" \' .lon.•s, rt'l 1nn.: pr('!ltdo•nt turn.~i lht• "'" ,., o\\'t'r It• M r" ~=~tlwr T IAHII:. no•wly .. l,·rh•<l prc~idt·nt f~tr tlw t'll"Uint.: \t'ltr !\It'll l.un~: is ft nw mbcr or tho• furulty .. r tilt· F ullt·rt.•n .Junior Cnllt•~.;" ;md 1~ pn•rnmt•nt tln lh•· ntllrll 11111 a n•1 h••11lt h f'(>lll nlltlt•t• of SODEN COMPANY IN EXPANSION 1 l~o1th Slf•T•· nnrl rutanl~~~ flllfllll'~ ~~~~t)('llt I itoltS Mr A I. RIHtht•ra: t'11nlo·rn:on 11f I Ito• ( lr:lftl.:t' ( \111111 ~ ( 'h,tJtlt•r uf 1111' 'l'lw S!>dt•n Rt•fr·•~:••rut lon S fll'l'Htl· 1'\;llltonal Fountl.tlt"n f.1r l nlonltlt• •tt·s < 'u. o f ,\naht•tm hns npo•rw C'i Pitrnly~l~. wn~ 111 10,.:rnm l'llllirmnn a nf'W \\an•houso• di~plR)' sah·s· of th1• ,.,.,•nin~: lit· ~lalt'<l tlml n •· f'll(lm lfl(•att'd al 1011:! Nurt h l..<•s rt•tpls frnm tlw r.tnrf'h u r P im Ps An~:t•lt•s S trt•t•t, Anaht·lm F'oHlr thl~ ) •·ar ".,,.,. nl••ut $ \,1111() lt•!!s thousaml squaro• ft't'l nf lluor nn·t. thn n ln~t ~ .. .,r. 11,..-t that tlw 1,,.111 IS u~··d as a mass dts11lay nf l'\lllf· , •• q 101111rd n ~''''I''" wtll apprnxl· rn•·n •1al and mdustr1al rl'frt~:o•r· n t:ll•• ~1:\ 1~111 atwn, au· •·un d tllltnlfll:, und ht•.JI · Hnt p:wk 11.,.,.1,11 111 \IllS <'X- LASSO HONORS A IIDO-Las.sle. famoua movie and radio collie dot atar, Ytalt.a aprtn1er ape.nlel Topper and b1l mtstrus Carole Ktrclml'r, whom Topper ~cenUy rrsrurd from a rattJe.make when ahe wu playing nrnr hrr home In Van Nuya. Calif. Topper, whlrh killed Ule analte but 10t two bl~ dunng U1e batUe, waa 11ven the Redheart Award for VaJor. trt.; •'IUipml·nt, ' I I ~I MILLION WORTH s,··~I 9~ Par (,ellt ··f (,att•t···rlll·, .• t •••.• , •• toJ. Tl~t• S<ltlt•n tlrt.:anllatllln·,. "''r· I' :~on•·• " · '" 11• 1' n 1' IIIII, pll\ ·I v ~ ,, ,, ~ , ..... d t•p ti'IUII'fll and tnlltn offll't' ;~;.::~,:lt··r,:;~::~,',h"1 ,·~·;,"·.~: •. ;~:11\~l OF WATERFRONT l!t"quire ~1t.\nlbrrship fur Enlplu_,·nu•nt "til .-•unltntu• Itt ht• ltM'III•'<~ :'II •·onnl'i'ltnn "tlh ·' n""'"n'IJ'O\IIt•n EQU IPMENT TO BUY ll.!3 ~ U:•s An~-:..t .. ~ Strt'<'l. An;,. t•r•·•• nl••cl "' :'lit" II• ,, 11, rnh.ol'cl ..., \< '1!.\ \II -.: I'< I t l I'• \l~•ut ()Jd .•r\t· .. ·c;· J)t·n~·a·C,Il ho 1111 Till~ ur~::mll.t l tllfl I' IIIIo' ,.f 1 •t I 'I f I • • • ttu ~' ''~ ](, .,,. P .• tt ,,uu. ph~ ~u·al ~1. ,1, 1 h.t 11 S.lf"-,.,,,.tilt ""' t h ',., I" t ., ut u t " urtt••n • .._ •• • th•• t•hlo•r fu-m ,; nf tht« h•t·ahl\ Ill• r.tpt~l< • "'' f,,,,,,f I•\ tit• Clr-•·I""''""' ""''' "I lt.tr~.:•·•. d l\ • •. Ill '""' '"·'"''' t•tt, "' ~~--~~~· t IJ ){)()f)_ .tnd tht• \\,tlt•hou~.~ lias unt~ ur ... ~. (' I I I I I Ill . ,,, I I ' tl rl),...'t' .... ,.,, I"' ... (' ''J•I•·r 'I lui d.")\, l th'"' ''·'"''"' .uul ulht r Uti\ I I,. It I.. II ' • 1Jll t .. ,. '-IPII l.tn_·.~t ~t ,•r k.l'-,,, r.•lt'lt't•t .,tutn k I I t I J) ~1 h .. p:u··~ ••• u,,.,f 111 1\lt••\t• JlHin tn,t1 "''' ,,,...,,.,, u••ltltttn~ '"" nu•t•u "' ""1''11 Tll•l11 h 1'111' '' • '~'1"' f ''i!IIIJtOit nl Ill South•ln t'alllul'lti:O lh• 'Il l)~·"· ttl tilt' l'llw ...... , .. ,\\lttl·l .... l ... t•d .l t.tl•ltltl lll<t rltt • •, •• '''"'I''·''""'''"" ...... "' c•rs••tlS a ()11 'l'lwlr ltll'k•r pl:t111. lll••al ,.,.,.,.:lit·' p,11111 ,1 ,,,,1 ·,,11\f ltltl~tl·· '11,1,1 1,,1 .. ,1,. ,1 ,1,.1, 1-, \\'ar ,\., 11•1!1tt•ttl "' uttltt'''"l '''"'""' ... ,, l!\\ll , 1,, 1111: IIIHI p;u•kor· pl.ortl, dtttry :tnd ll:ttntnL: ,11111 f'llthlt'.tltt ort \\Ill hdp "'" '"'"'"''''''''"" ,,,,tl 1,~~~~~ tl ,I, .. ,J '""'' '1 1'' <'nl .tlllm!-..t~nc Ulill't•tJ••h<o\t.:••a'<fdl~pr·'q"~"'''''''""''·''' •lnu·tt nut •I ••• '''" ''''''"1111tt ·r tl tuut •ttut•ttu nt .ll • •HI1 1''"'""' th. '''" ,, .. ~, •• ·.~, '''"'"' ''"' •nrtu•lrtM~ tn ·"''' '"'""' W\'l't' 111\hl 1.~1 ;\ f'OI,CIO:'I I 111 tllll'hiW 11)47, II .:11111 t•l Sl':'tl,t'llll,tlll(l tWo•r !Itt• 11.'46 J\1\\ I ttl! Tltt· ftl.:\11 ,., nn• lotr pn .. htt•tlvn •'IUJ•I\•\t"C'!( 11nly. th,-. '''11Wif'l lnt't\l '1uct •Hh l '''' nul hh'h~th• •''-'t~h.'ttl, "''" t '''•'I) ""'' "''"1111 lo.uul• ''' • tnph'''"' l'lh' U\t't oa..:•· IWudth*tlttn "''' kt•t Ill ""' ''"''' t'llt 111'\t $.">4i 17 II \\o'l•k oh tt lilt.: l1H7, 1"11111111 t•tl \\lilt ~-,I •''t U\ I~-ttl. ~;\' .' l lu I ~~ l l urut .'Ill; I Ill I ~lltl lltttil'l)' JNI~' rrtlt•• '''' hhtu~••' l'l'ud\h1flun "'''''k'-'t'Jt Ill' lo• ~I I.' Ill 1~14'/ Tho• ~~~~~; t nit• \\U-. $1 ~~~ ALERT SOUNDED FOR 5 ESCAPED JUVENILES S/\nl 11 /'Inn 1••llo'o• th'Jlll11nwlll •tl• l'lt'll ''"'Ill l••lh•t• ltl ho• till tltt• lo••kottll 1"1 till'"'' t''l'lll"'ll )U\ I'll tlo• .. la ottlt tht• jUVt'tllk• IMJflM' 00 l'11u1 ''"~·•. S :mtn An11 I 'nt Ill• II Stllllt••l .. ,,; 111111 n ...... ,' 11t .. lltt"•'" II;, ...... ,.1•••1 Sltlllltlrt) ""'' ttrn.: "'""'' (. " 111 'llw l hlttl '"'"" .t .... "" (;ltl:l:. 17 ......... , .... ! "'·'''" ''"' Hit.: Itt "' 7 :\41 '11t••tttt .. "" tlntl S.unJ••I• n••· l••llt fd,•tul·· atHt h,t\t' h hu• •''''" un• nf "'' olnu11 l~t•lt.:h t uno I .i~~·~•lt'l In I• '., .and ,,.,. 'hlr tt( ~ .. a~·.:'"' h. h• '~"'I ltt•tult"'l t.u :'\'•''' '''I 1\ IU"t ltttt1U' "' ........ ~. '"' f'llll··-wnlko't l fl\\'11\ ''""' t ho• h••lll•· 'lotlttllt) nlwht Ito•· I•" I• d ,., 1111 -.lth' 111 ""; IU 1• ''' \\• I• ll.•ftlloo l .llttottt t:•. ltfltl ltJiltdt I AilONO WITII NKW aAlOIL -The erue for lon1t'r lk!N baa e.eo blt that old HoUr· wood at.andbJ, Ule aaron~. Dorot.hJ Lamour'a ae..n one, wbleh ahe W@&l'l IJl .. A Mlraele can Rappen.. .. 1 10 lncb• loDPt &.baD Ul other abe bu wona. Tlw ann~ lt•r•hnir:ll ~r·honl plan I' ""'' tof tori;!\ < 1-:1'1'111 IIJII~IrtiiOI· t "'' fur I h• '• 1. ra11 ami 11011·\'1'1 • I I :til,'"" \\lttt \\.l(ll, '" t'h llll'.t' hi' tlhJt·a ttun anti '"' p:utl \\ holt• lt•arn- il11-: ('It :uth 1'\ tit t't~ltlil IHIIInl' 111'1:•11· ,,, "' ... I'O fl!t '~~~· ,. tl.d \ "' .r tilt I t l!• ,, I h i-t't ,lll :tt ••• IIH'h lfl t ct . '1111 I 1 .. ' ••• IIIII! IIt fl\• IHih I --h•p :r;:,'.',tl.'r~,.··~i . '"",::'.:',','' ,'l~·~'. ·,:·:,' 11''1 lit '" lllli''"'"•. (',tllfttf'fllll :trttl Tl>t' I• rt L:Ih ttf I IIIII' f'•'•tllttt'll fur , 1" 111,.1, <'lt•tl I•~ "l'i"'lltl;llt'lll 1 I II ll.t~ ilo \ L.tlooot •\• I I lot •tit ,, ... lilt" Millth a ... J· .dlht't ~Hk, ( ':daf . 1111 ,, ',,I ( .......... tl· pt'fHI-.. pitrtl\ un f,·.',·.·.'lll' ,,,, 1•1•1 .. It tot\ ••• 1111111111• ll \ \ "' ' tihiPifllol 1..1~11 H'1t I lth '"""' I• h -.1 I !t·'" ··I ,., 1: I thll U\t! 11<1 lh •U· 1 n I II Ill' l II ' . ... !111 llh tl 'h lfl, '' ,t. '''I I tl \\'~•lf fll't• l;.lllllll•"· I!\ l~•l h lttnlt• 1\lo•\il'llll-1 II 1\ I• 11-lttlt II' ltlllltl• 18 lt "'"~ ... 1 rtt•· ... '""''• •• 1\n•J "''th· '"~·~ '""'' ""'" tlt••m llldt••na. '' 1 " ll' 1 '" ' ,. 11 11 I fh•• ·11111•11111 ••I tm u)\ t'n1••nl of 1 •' 111 trlo• II\ t lu· trttlthl • 1 d 1, , ... 11un ·ITt·l 11 Ill ,1, lt••·o.lllt'k l\••1'' t "u ... lt~1111t .... St•r'l\'• •l•l•·•''"'''' ,1.,,,, .t ,.,,,,, I tl I' (I • fldf Jl \'1''' 1t111fh tltlltlll111 11l11t "-tt \\h.1f lh• :\1 rl " ~Iii II s I . c· •. ,,,,, '·"' ,\111:•1·-\ dt•tW"It nl Tho IIII I• '" ""'"'' '"'""' "'" • t '' ·: t•u 1' H' • 1•'1'' Fthn"" 'tlo'' Ull! ,,.,,, n1 t )r·:tn'-!•' ... 11-. ''"'" 111 c • dii•H tun ",,, t .. 1"'' II•· Wi•r i\ny h u.,h ~<'honl t:r :tdll.tt•· t'ltn ~··It'('! I\IH f11'!d< ill lntl'ff'St , a nd 1\\'o l'ollr'f'!-111 ''Ill h llt•ld ttl Ill· lt·rt '' If th••r•• '" an nr-..•mn~ in un,• nf t hr l't1Ur8t'S, hf' will be ac- ,.,.,,,, rl f11r 11 hf'lur•• , nl''' •n~o: for t hn•t• ~··i•r' an the Ht '"' 1 dttf'tlt u·l ( h ltfl 'l n t th R .. • I"-I''"'"' tit•• n fl••r· ru•v.l lw lt•t• t1 flirt! lit• '"'''"'' 111 11•u•l\ ' 0 '1 • " 1' u P -..... t •••llfll\ pnllo ('.'h•'' \\t i P 'hn\\'fl 1ltt u I htt •Ill• • If•• I t\• Il l I" I s I ..... : '"'•nHHtd, a.funtl.thlt• Itt un~Uc"'· I,, II .... ,H I l'~1 ,, •I • llt tfl ;\ft, t...;.•' •1 I• tf' • 'I'\ h't~ ·.nJ.!•n•·• ,~.._ .-.... n-,., I '' l(u ......... II .. 'l't11 dt.t•'nu .... ~ ''" Cl IY ml I I f t ~ ,.,._._1111 lq;lfj,,, Not llltttl'iiii'S lilt l lt••do•tt Uitttltl lo tt llttl '""I )(li t•·• ~-··I"''""'"''' loo oll mltlt•ll Itt \,. ,_. ~t so,a 111"'~1141'r" t lf" llt.ttrth ••n (•ltnu·al ••vaclt•nt'f" as ''"""•'tl . ,,,,t t•l th" li1J7 ·•~•••llhrtt, •n tlu 1 ... , "" , .• lt-11 • lilt ''''"11 · '"" .''" "'' l'lt.:•·r·a thtn Y•·t ," ht• st111t'fl "hul r•·•• ;trf'tl I II I I A . '""1 ··tll•tl !tor tit• tluv•l '''"I' 1111111 ""'''"'"'"'""''"''"''I"' 11\.!lft••t•f'• I t.t~ !('I'll Ill nil• flflotl\t't tl lo,\ p;tt I o f \ tltll' "'fllri• Chrysler Marine Engines Al•mg "ith a finr Nlur n tiv n. h(' \\Ill l:t I J!fl(ld :trill) p:t\, ~:nod "'•·ort~ ""rk. ""'I do 11 Jllh that's lntt.ortant ••> l11s l'nttntr~ ht'IOI II )t':trs and In \) r '' n 1: ,. Ioiii I""' ''' lh•· :II ttr•h uf l llmt•s, VETERINARIAN "' 111111111 '1"'1' I.,,, .. ,." "'"'" "~'''' '""'"'• ' '"'" "' I ,11 •1'1'11•·11 t "''''' 'h, ·•r·· lnt•n t"" ••·•tlltt • l"''''n' ••n1,1t•,•l '" ru '"' '"' 1•1,,1,,1,, "''' 1,,,,,,,1 Uireet "'adory Ul1tributor ' -_, .... ~ \\Ill •ttlllt'll.1\ l't'\t' tl lht• t':tU~f' of ROBBED 0 s I F ]4J "·' tttu••u tH•tut"' ·•' tlu f lt1h thllatt 1 ,1p ,1, tt \\•lt•l• tit· tvthn m\• Ill" llllil L;l\t' II< n p n>-tof Ill• 1r o•llll>lu\lltt'ltl l 'lth •ll 'I'"'' 1,.,1 1111,111 ,,11tf I hii\O' kntmn a\;·~· IJtlltOIIl} Ill ''"''"'' oi:O:t'fll :t,.;.ttn't lht• t!tSI'a"''" ,., ... 1\ ='''"'"'""· liMIG Con-I '""'I·"'' r"llllrt' no•\\ ··mpltl)'l'l'• In I · I' ,. \II' ....... ·····tl ,. """' *** SEE Tflfo; \\'hnh'' t•r "·'' n •tttllrl'd tu he dn nt•, 1 ht• < '1rcuntlnnll 10n WAS bt'· fnrr·h:tnt! '"'" a ll till' I>Uhlic d<'· p:trt m1·nts m 1 hr art nf pr<'ct'ivmg J If 1\\' :'\OT '('(I DO IT. 1>1r !<t ns Ot•ll't'llS\' l<tlkl'li <ollllUI had m t'fl htl:h" ,,, , t ·,,, un11 tl• 1 M.1r n •Jw•rt• d ~1111 th•• """'" llttrht~ ·1 '' "' •I 1• 1 lllll<ttllllt"tt '" $!•1.:1••·· I .'II "' ,1,,, not lnokm~: )uu 10 tlw flit''' ''"" 1 F b D nc1 I rUSt l hal 000\f'nltonnl tdo•a llt'• e • 28 eadline I Itt l fto•fl <tl ~'\I trolll It <'fl'h IHt~~l 11 "' '11 11 ' I• 1" P I ~-~llot'l tl\o'f New 20th Century Models ho !wsty "til "'.art hunt"\tl:. out u l in "" ntrw•• ·• I I h•· ll., ' a nd Cat In ultltlaun. nnw t••r ,.,.nt uf tltt I"' • "''." '. l it• '"' ',.,_,. I• '' uwnl On Appll• t• " ... ".''" '" t',ttl•'fi fur "uuunt•·nanr•· h '' ''' ••• ('OUnlt·nanc;•, any d11) In lh•· "''''"· ca IOns I I I I I I lt"'f"'" " "I" t ·•II ~ ·•' I lt· It 1(1\•· ••I m••nth•·rshiJI .. Thltt ...,.,,..,~'"" r•·· -• Ace • Crown • Royal 1f thl'H' •~ an)th•n~t to 1>1' ~ut l>y 11 F Rad• A ld '1'1 1 r k 1 I , .. l lil'kt•n!' or 10 ud •. t.·on Ill ,,.,, II I ,,. I ""' p ""' ........ , '"·" lilt' Snltto 1""1"'' ,, .. , .. r EMERGE FROM SHOW '"'lit 111111 tlu rtttt.: !Itt• na.:ltt o f F t•h unarm mPml• rshtp tn 11 Jllant 1 ... ::1 fllollllf,tlllt tl, HI '101111' t'/t W., Jll't'• TO FIND TIRES FLAT M-t~ •. ,. llll·t'f-IIUa.p. *** Service and Parts SOW ~ERVISO ORAXOI': l'Ol'XT\' TUXEDO RENTALS ,\II aJII•IH':llmn~ fttr lhf' l!llH At· 1\alt·r I<• 111 $1\.(Mltl A ud1tinns fur Otrfl•lll llfo,,lf•ll•tl 'lll!.:ti S fi)IISI hl• m;tllt·d It~ 1-'o'hf IIIII) :!11, it \\'al! An· Weddln110 a S~lty nuunr·•·tl ""'·'~ MAJOR'S 221 \\'. t •ourth OpNl l:\'f'nlnp by Appolnlment T ht· """""' 11111~1ral l'ttntt>t'lit itm. ~anta Ana l"ttone !U 21-W i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\hlrh os d•''l!:."lll'd In d i,ro\'t•r and 11 -•'flf'ntlritl!t' """''"~ h•·~WI'f'n thl' a~-:•·~ of Ill to :..'9. w ill gl'l undf'r \\'lty Ntrl,\ "'''tl month P ri71'll w1l1 lw lt\\ltrrlNI r•• Ill \'tll'llli!'l~ Sport Tops • • • ~at Covers TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automobile Upholstering Boa t and Truck Cushi on s 1505 West Central Newport Beach IL\RROR 1910 • Before You Build or Remodc! ! VWt Our late~ LUDLUM and Display ft.ot,m., Color guides, plan- ning alds, compl'f'hl'n" and llnoleum. ive stock of carpet.' Carpet Works II%% ~ MlllD 8t. Delicious I 'l••llfllllllll'll' Will h·· llt·lrt lHtlh 111 1,.... An~:• I•' 11111! San ~·r:w­ ' ,_..,, ~. n11 '"'"'" ;•nil l111als \\Ii i tw t·onrhu '' d ut I ••• , ,\rtc•·l·· ..... and tilt' \\1111\t l• \\Ill lot• ltt·:trtl llfl It tt 1'•••11\l ul. ht•• ttlt• ''' ,\J•I"••·II tun .... rn;n h•• ohLttnr~tl lttttn th A t\\,, ' I\• ltf r u urul, I ;~·~·~s~~~~~:,~;~~~ NOTE : 75 JEEPS TO GO ON SALE '1 '' f\1\ If'• •r•• Il l • t ·thtt t• t..:un .. '"I 'n t h '' ,.,,,, 11 uh t..rt••\\n 11. h t ft' I tf1 tit f11 'I t I 111' ttftl\ • \\ttl \ ..,..,., t • .\d fttiO ! t 11ft •rl tl I ' It II I . '"''" I • \\ I \\ f h 11;f1 f.hd \\ i,.,,,,., ,, I,, tl •• ·'Ill 1'1 \ ' •I \\ I I j,, j I •. I ol '•\ ... , HI' "u t l'f .... I• I \ ~ \ \ t \ ' 11 1 1 hot !\'•• "' l·H:\ :tnd 1't1 I ... • I '. I '' II I lft•;l' '! •' itll , ' '" ·•' ,,. . I II I ,. :•• .... ... I II 11 d 1\ ·•"'' t't, .... 4Jd\ , I l•tt t SPR ING FOR 4-H " I tf .. ~ ~ I If • ·'• Ill '• . \. It IJ t t , ... I t1 tl unful•t ''· It'-' 111 I lo ' ttlt ,,, I \\ •• k '"'"' A Positive Force for Good ~l tN'k loon l(>lrl puht•c Itt• ~U~fW't'IS '• nl 1111: t•·r" 11111 fn•fll qut II In t.: !Itt• a lurrtu•r • tnplu~··· til'f'hnr.:t-d 1n t~ruou or ,.. .. 1\uru•ar.: "''''n~· th'"' •• .,, __ .littlllltl \ 'l'ltt IIHifl '"1'1.-•s.-i ly h as f•l"" ··~ 1t1 Jtttn !\1.t lu·u•ll"-11'1~• hi• I f11 u lllo tUU• lollt•• Jlltl kt•tl Ill lho• l.ttloo '111t'ltllt' 1111rk111~ 1111 ""' • • 1"'1 '• II 111:11111 Itt Available at All Tlmea n k•·Y 1•1 tltt d twtur'!l nfftl't' *** I I I I ,. ''"' It ' ... ~, •. , .• "ltY "'" '"'lit••• fl..:-1 I • • • un• t hnl llu• ll\t'!l tll!lllll~•-.1 "' In ;wu Cttrnplnint•. l r>tn.: I (lurk. trnfflf' ltl'o'tdo•niM 1111 lit•· f"" I 11.1 M•tttll•' "'' 1111•', llltll••ll t ~llllltt, lltttruu~o:hlar••" Will l'llntJll'fl~ltlt• fllr \\htl lt'JNII I ttl h i' ltr o ~ 1•11111 lllto·tl '"'' huusln~: rl··~•r .. y••d Itt rnnk t•WIIV ·'"" \\ I I I' •I ''". S:trtlll Atilt, "'"" rur th•' C,onsfr,u•ftun n ( ..... ,__ .. Ill lt•r ... rt'fHH ...... tiP• tIt I .. t11t1" fH" ltflttt•tl lt·s"' In tft.-,tl,, .. ,, •IHth "' t~:·· .. r I"'''> Kenneth E. Wilson Co. II t: A V t: N l. Y 1\1 U S I t;- F'Il~llts bet ween San Fran- cisco and llonolulu made by U niU'd Ai r Line!! Stewardesa L>orothy Rllt>y provldrd t.he Inspiration which led t.o her wrllln~t her first popular o;on~. "Wnntln~t You." She's nnw workln~t on a new on~ with n llnwnllnn mntlf "The 4£Jlh Slate." In t fltt f f'lt't' ,..Jtuufeln't Jll u\ "II tfl' f,or murt• 1111"1'11•1•· '""'·" ~'"" ,., '" rnnd··~ Purity Accuracy Dependability t:\t•r\ thtw• "''·" .. ••hJera.tt .. t ""h ""' ,. .... , ....... , .. ""' "' lllllnr.: ·"""' !"'"'''''''"""" , ••• \tJU ••n rt IM• -.ur•• ••f K«'''Urat•·. ltr utnl•f ..... r,·tc·••' II.AMPTOS IIARIJOR UUt'lt Nr;WJ'ORT I'IIAH.MM 'l' BALIUM PIIAH.MAC1' fSAM~S~MSEi~~F~OOriJMl ·~· Jl "Sign ••f thP Swnrdfi,h" :. ~. .. t R 1 Mile EaRl of Seal Reach, at Surf~idt· J 1 .t ~ .t Chrl•Craft I>Paler fill" !ttl II lttt lt l••lll't llillliotllt• Itt 925 Coast Ji iway Beacon 5271 ~ TYLER CA~ES PUT ~=~t~~~ I .,... __ _ ~~~ ' " IN ANY STORE I rr ,....,." .,. or JetbO--. 'J"'U' rnre.t drp.ftmtf-. 'f<NI c.lairy dql&ltmnJt, your Crozcn bOO. 01' -,.J/Ifl fl"''hJcc dcp•nmmr ~Ja N EW UPB-it)IOU,..,. or:w .UC. anJ orw prulita, call in Tyler! ,,... ......... c.- ,. ••• w.,tt ~ • F,RESH FISH DAILY in Your Home M CIIJS1IU SCDa MOIROI 1 ~ Open J>aily 11 a.m. to JJ ::w p.m. COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS II aDd ....... , .. ~ A new Tyler cue •in things up. •rracu .., CUilomen aod holda okl cuatomera-otJen DII'W _.;Jmce that rr.run il • p rnKrc:ui.e, Uf>to-l~ '* e.ablishnxnr. In uiJirion, of counc, Tyler CMCt 1111:: properly enguwned fur cur lt"f'Yic ins. JlfOP« ld'rigcra tion, C!'lonomM.al upcncion, aod ,_ cJ.. p'-y ul mcnhandiee. .,...,,., ... t ..... c......, '- ... II they catch them .. We have them. TRY OI'R FRESII COOKEil CRABS & LOBSTERS BAYSIDE FISH MARKET WHOLF.SALE A..~D RETAO. S I':WPORT BI':."CH PRO~T. IIARRO R 8U All rt.e news . , . trlflrY t»t •.. wrlnen to ot ... you helpful' Ideo• and 0 hopeful. -~. VIewpoint. Th. Chrlstlon Sci~• Mot\ttwt bealdft Its MWS ond rhoughtfu, edtlorlola, hot feotur" fot .,.,., "*"t-of !+-. family. ·, "---... -....:.~ .......... ..., _,......._ -_ ....... , IL.n~.,._-;-w;} --O S Owlotlelfl Sc-~ ..... . ......_s .. _ , .... ,s.~ I ,..._ --0 -101 ~ II ...t.<••f)!-,. n,. ClvltticM ~ ,.._.,_-"*'"' lot II ~---------------------s .... , ______ _,~----' C.ry _______ St __ .., STEAK DINNERS I .t 1:. .t l'honN: Long 114-AA·h IH0-'79, H02-00 and H2\-o.r; ~UUc::JUUUCl\:J WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS ACCOUNTANTS anJ AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS Prfopa"' \'our Ta• Ret.un.. t:an y OfnCf't-COST A MESA BANK BuUdlng O UINI l'h•one: ._,_ &Qt ... RMI~ f'~ 8eecoe 6010-M ,,,., ••. ,,..! •.••. ,,.., ...... •oot• ...... w-..... l'ttr "ffl' lifr '" your ~lr(' -w rif<· or J!hofw ut t•nl.l) fqr full ualt,rrJtlllll >h lllJilttl 1 'J ylc:r k 11 you! Complete Mar.et anJ Cole Plannin g '•'•• ......... ,, ••• c.... _,_.._ REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Ollice: 623 So. los Angeles St., Anaheim Ph. -4652 Sales Display Room.s : I 002 No. los Angeles St., Anaheim t _, • 4 h~\\'l•_jUU: B.&._L.O,A NSWS-'!1.&8 TfR'MDAV N t BMc-11 ('alit. t'..tt. M IMI ----. N~RT BALBOA E W S __:f-1 M E-6 ~I liON. IOHN P111L1.1PS ftLEPIION'U: BA.ILBO& U, 11 AND !01 Tho I• " I llkln(.: ~11)101: In tho• flnlll)~l~ ~rlwon ~~~'(· '" 060; mac- • 2"' I~~ ... nar.dia.J ~ Vol-XL ,.,..,,cr"' oh1tt r•un,.o<l••ruo~o; lh• no•<:ourn 11 l!i '" frK't f'hromJum IJ ~r: 10.35 prr monUI anywhere In N-opor1 ~le-ach and C:O.ta hurorlll'ltl" .ond I" • ''"n" un•l• r 11111 orun lr :\.'• C'"Jif"'r II 10, lillln-llelia; Sl .OO fOC' 3 mont.hll; 1;2.00 l or 6 montha; $3.75 sx-r year. \\ludo "" tnU'I '"" k. o "'r) mo·m· rum llllr utlu r o•lo·mo'nta 0.06 KaU--Sub5cripUoo ~able 1n advance: $3.25 pe-r year In Oran&e IN•r 1• , ntro lo •I '" ""'' h&rt Woto•, • ou·h • JJ, r···, tlw unr· J llko•: "Minl- eoounty; $3.!10 ~r yeo&r to 401 Zone; $3.75 p.r year to 8th Zone. 11nrt '" ""' rt.•m.ol:"i!''' '~"'" I rr..• mum phySII'III pro[)l•rtrt's: 22,000 Dltered u s.cond-Oau matter at Ole Pa.totfice 1n Nf'WJ)Ort Beach, '" uolol '""' I tl1111k • '' n m••mt .. ·r J••omds PSI "'"Jol Jt;,ti(J(r pounds Calllond.a. under l~ Act. ol March 3, 1897. tb l'nlltldl to ur\1 o h••'ll ".wh "'"· PS I dung~tlllln I'!•. As the IIUb- SAM D. PORTER Publlsh<-r ~'""• 11nol I II 11of,o 11 "'' """ oo•mmot ,,... l'huirm~tn ro·marked, ~ WCIUS s. SMITH. m -Managine EdltOI Tho• \\;o•IHnL''"" ...... ,. l'lllll• ""no1··r••c1 of thl'y Wllnlt-d. chair W. F. DIXON --• · • Advenlslne Man&gt.'r ,.111 lh•· lt1•t uf 1t11 "', k "''" loorn fw an "l"fJhant l'on·u~. PriD•1--Plant, 3011 W. ~ntral Avenue, Newport Beach, California ( ... ,. n••r lu•.ttl~. '" • r 1 • '"'' "' liuw I h· >n,. r"'tuort•rnr•nt "liS welding Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach , ... rn,.lll • •. 1111 "''I""''"''"'"' """ 11w lr·..:s of th·· chairs. tnstead ot ~ ... u tao f Over to \' <11\'•·1'1 tlu• I ""I'"' • I• '.C ,,.,· ••• '· "" '"'" •nl! t ho•rn. Mu~t makl•rl! thought AD ;eNe lAC'&! '-• or ..,.. tho• p1111 lou~r .. t • It ••r~ r .. , •offw• IS lo<rl11n1: woulrl mak<' r,.pa!rs eaMier clut1s .\1\ lrlt·lld• at t,•·•ro• "'" rt·· SP'"rltl nff•·rNI rhl'npo·r chalra. J Active rTt•·mlw·r tlt1ot '"'' r• ·•" "'""' '""' now '111'•1•· tho· offir•·r In char~te. orwotl••nt on !Itt~ \\•okl\ l•ft•r """ Stoori "As Inn~-; ll'< hr' hrtd any-Mem'ber "'"'ll' ,, ,, 111 ''~" I ,,..,.11 al n~ nn rloonl! '" rtn with ol, nu otho·r chair of -::-::=-ollol,lnrllnrr "' ,, Jdl "' "' ottllllllll'·i \\otltlrl ,,.. IWtOtr:ltl than tho• on(' 11 rr4 iun J•l "I' o • olltl r "' '"' ool• "'' •Jwt•ofoo·rf " ,\nrl ao "'"'th•·r time. lokr· tloo• l.1rrl f• ••til• d m ·• fl••>~l "' Alii' '"l••~no"n """ ut t,.mpt.s to 1··11• 1' r' • t' I•" 11 ""' 111. .'.'1111 ,,.11 tht• Arm\ ito·rll~ '"'''""~" they Whose City Manager? tlo't rwl I '" I" v•1•l 111 ··•' o trr 1:tth' ,,,. •·h· rJ• r t• '" tl·nnl! 1 h\' wron~: tht c" .. 11 .,. , " • '• qt "•'I'll d tp)'rn:t• t1 ... ft rt\.J *f'"h I irPI''"J•rl '''""' "tf)('Om· n uP• • 1\\ 11h t ""·· • ''n\ 1n En~t·l ... • ft urm ·u tt ''' fh• rn,ttpr s uc-h The city council Tue~cla,y went on record as favor-"" •' 1 I· " •··· "·· '" "· '' '1 • • .. 1tJ tt •, t ••••"''' • •I"' h ul 1 .11. fl (,.r mg a study of c1ty mana~('r ~ovemment. . "'"' ,,., I•·• I· , , , • I·, . "I•., By or dinance to be voterl through by the coutH~t.l. •1uor•·' 'I to •' ,, .. , '"'' ""' c1 •· N ot by selection of a board of fret•holdeN< by puhltr 1" • '"" I " ''' .... "' 1 "''' 1qu u t• ', I f., 1 t ,,, '-•. rid 1,. 1•••• franchise. . . . I• 11" ,, , .. '" ""'• .. ~ ·I· ,. " ,. .. t ThiR po!'e~ a number of mt.er('.Rtmg quc!'t JUnl'. . "'' 1 "1 ·,. ,. , ., '" '"'' 11. ,, '"' Where for int;tance cloe~ th1~ leave the Bu~me~' 1 1' ''"'t"' · .. ,. · 11 " "'' "' '" • ' ' • · h · \\t ill ''Jtl! tPDI•It• ,t,tl 'IJ4of·,lwa Counc1l who plan to pre:;ent a pet1t10n ttJ t e t tty ,, .. n~ '"·•' ""' """"' ""' ruul. council at its next meeting calling for city managt·r '"""' • ,,.,, •· ,.,, ,,, .. ,., It••" Irk· government by a hoard of freeholders? 1t is the Bu:-i-''·""' 1 .. ,.,,.,, ness Council's intention to put the matter to the volt• 1 "''" 1 ":" '''" •· .'" "'"'''''· • h llh th••ltltll lltl l:l'\t,l:-<ultitt'oh of the people and to regulate the caty carter an( e,,.ron•·•• •1.,,,,,.,,,,,,n. 1;,, , .. '"'' selection of the manager by 15 publicly-cho~cn free-"'" '"' """ L'• ' q,,. '· .. m:r• "''llllll holders H••t'lll" '"I I·' lor ll.tl \ '"· .IIHI r··utl • • • . 'J . h o . ' otlt·rr•. "" ,.,,,., l.~>o~t: l l••r• 1111' " W1.ll the c1ty c.ounc1 n?~ perm•t t e uu~m.est' 1,." ,,11,1,1,., Council to add the1r prnpos1twn t o the_ forthrommg · srtl·· rr'""'. 'h·• '" ~··" ''"('' ballot to be voted upon A pril l :J? City AttorneY. """ 111 .. ~ ,.,,,, ·"'"'"'""'' '"'""" Rol d Th • th tter Of a prOpOse'<] ('a'vl) to It<· t._1,1.; ·•• 1'\lttul•·•l llnrl 0" l't)n-an ompson, 1n e rna • r"rr" '" th•· r .. lt"""'i: dwmtt·nl Service amendment, M id it wa.~ his advice that the • •rlolu ot\ lh.tl llh 'J•I'IIIC''IIIflllJ< "''' '''''"lr"~"' J,,,, .... J .. r hu>- "'' • 1 ''" '' <:.!,. , .wh. lh·· Arm} J.,,,..,,, ltd 11:.' ··•tll'tll\ I.!•M"I chnir11 I'Wtlll I ttttl\k \tt 1141 1 tur (ft l:i t.'U.Ch lit OI'J''''''' •1\•~1 --~·rM.7,1Jt)() f"l I U tl,t ( •ttr14ft '' \\ I' ltf j,..0t d fUr(''" 1111 11 tlu• 'o·uo' ' 111·1'1• In !11•· llllrlgt•l J•H 'tfiUI\.tl tit f• ,,, \\ • ll~•·rl lu lit .or t lui .tlhiUt I hi' .... ndllio..' otlltl\ ...... ,.'"lilly tht• •rllo\ ltr •'> iholh:lor "'' ouc:ht to l•r""d·· f,.r 11 ''' 1111r .• rtn>, and on , ••• ,.1, •trrmr •• ul• ,,, IIHtl It Willi "" 1' ,.,.,. 't, m .. r rl"'""" 111111 doz. • "'· hood 1"11 tllkr• my chortle In 1• nronllor11: ''"I '"·'' "'" knt>w .rl~otll oloo~ ~n .. nth\ "'"'"(! of tht' 1~ ••t•l•· on \\' o•hott~l""· 11 C .. who nr;o Jll~t nr•w rt·llllon~: 11huut It In '"" ""'k ~ lli•J•·r• PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Sl'SSY IGLOO DAYs-Florida 1s copying the frozen north t hf'SC days, but with quite a different purpose. Johnette Kirkpatrick says the Eskimos can have their Igloos made of see ror protection from the cold, but she'll take hers made of plastic tor protection from the sun at Dayt.ona Beach. The Editorial Circuit Rider 1 A •fhlfli'Ntltm o f P.!.ttlsortat ,.Nftm.-nt frolna r t.lifnrniA o~•eiU•P'I"f -·-"' I . r lll•l.AI'OIU,Il'l , .• ,..,. ,.,_ ,.tart c·--- 'I h• ""'''li 111 \lt~h.rnriJt~ Gandhi h~ "' ''"""n'.; hullf'l was termed by I ' rlrl11rnla '<lrlw'" 11~ 11 rnasl'r- llhl• 11d 1111'1.:'""'''' '"'' rrf human llllportll)' • "• rlrl lltl "" n• llr• Jl·''~ing, \\'1' ''"" r•:all olllr~l'l\'r·:; ('lll l,lo:tn' Th!') lo•l ( ;'llrrlho sw~· ttl II o· lor nl(rrr· I hson 7R ) f'ltl S nut II Wit~ 11 llonrlu, llllt' of th<• tto.•oplr· for whom G11ndhi hfld nffrr••d his lo(,. 1\ hoq <lf ltn\f'~, whu on 1 h•• l'nd tll'll\.tlld •·tl II u l 111111 " . . . Gandhi. rt•rnnrk ll thr' ('r~IU!IIl Sttn llo·ra lil, "''~ ro ~ort 1rf hlilanc•· "hN•I. houloi•nc up thr· f"II'M'o•nhlt• f'lo·m•·nts to ""'rh:.loorw• tho· rarli-cal l:rf•Ufl$ 1 ha 1 ",, nto•tl \IOir·nC't• Th·" lalll'r prrrh:olol y \\111 1'1111~(' A 1:1, ,ol rlo•al of troollhl o•, ttlld Jlllh<oh· 3ooo ec"•~'c • •o•o DUIII.DIIIN, MICHIGAN February 20, 1948 .l Mr. Theodore Robins, 22nd A Central Avenue, Newport Beach, California Dear Mr . Robins: According to our records , your Company will be celebrating its t wenty- fifth anniversary as a Ford dealer February 23rd. It is a real pleasure for a ll of us here a t the Centra l Off ice to extend to you our hearty congratul a tions on your com- pletion of twenty-five yea rs as a Ford deal er. Your long a ffiiliat ion with us , and your service to t housands of Ford customers must give you a great deal of satis faction . Kind regards a nd best wishes for your continued success and pleasant relationship with our Company. Yours very truly, (Signed) J. R. DAVIS Vice President notiee of election, having been duly printed, i'houlcl not be changed. The council agreed with him by r e- fusing to add the civil service amenrlment to the ballot at Tuesday'R meeting. The Busine~ Council may chno~ l<1 call a ~pccial election. If the public ~hould then vote in favor of city man~er by a board of frE.>eholrlen-. and if. in the meantime, the city council E.>nact~ an ordinance AC'C'Of'TSTA~T t•tn'~I("IASM -MI'RC.I:OS8, M.D . th• ood h··•· '''" h• ";,, a good ffi ll I Joo\\o flftl I\ trt\1'11• rtf tho• (11, • h " ( .. rr' '' ru H h' J)llllt"nf tt~ I> 1\C'tunl rt\"11 "·" \'o•t) lrk••ly lh•• 1...-------------------------....J tomt• woll !'fliiW Whl'n lnolut nno1 lh•• creating a cit¥. manager, who will prevail '! Bookkeeping Se r v ic e ('OI.J~ t . HRO\\ S (tl~trh"r 11111 1 a.I ... IA \.U'IIT I I I'll Ra)-.idl-Ur '"" , ... n l1<1'1wh Dr. Obed Lucas Three J?OSltions on thE.> city council-a majority- are to be f1lled on April13. Is it ethical-is it practica- ble-for the rresent council to pas.-. ~uch an ord inane<' I jUBt ahead o el ection-time? If they do ~o. what i:-~ to prevent a hostile counciJ~hould opponE.>nt~ nf tht• llF.STI~T present adminhd.ration win control-from thrnwin)! I Z!M'I w. c• .. ntral. uartM>r 141141 out the ordinance and calling a ~pecial election to sr:w••onT nr.Acu name a board of freeholders? The city council's action Tue~day may tum in t o a bundle of political dynamite. It is acinch bet the GORDON t:. RAJ•P. D.D.S. BUiineae Council will not take this action l ying down. Apparently, Newport Beach is going to have a city manager. But whose~ Sixty Days to a Decision Recently a noted news columnist offer ed a pro- ~tive gueM as to why General Dwi~ht D. Ei8en- hower called off the forces booming him for th(' Presidency. Eisenhower, the writer thought, wanted to remain a private citizen so that in the event of war he could step back overnight into the pinks and green!' of a military man and l ead the Nation's armed force!=l onee again. A President can•t do that. C'lffllOJ'RACTOR Dr. Tom E. Rarton Cl nROPRACTOR ltl'7 ('out Hlctnray Corona df-1 M ar 41ft K,.MaH • r et tnt n-lfarlwlr 104A O PTOMr.Tlli8T E. T. But~,..orth, 0 . D. Optotnf'trbt F.\"E"' I:XAMII'T.O U:S8F.~ Dt'J'I.IC'ATr.O "'--.._ .............. , ....... 111• w. r..t...t A .... r" " .. ".flAt I s awroaT a kAt " A. v. Andrews, M.D. "I I • .,., ... , rn.•n '"Hhl \\Ill r•.olt/• !Iori 1111• h:ol:tolt'· 1111.: rnfho• nl't• nl t h•· Hoot"'' Em-pop· Ill 1nrlia wn< nut s" la.otl ulo• o oil l'tln~I<'IAS and !ilt"Hta:os .a 1 1 ('oa.t filch"'"'· Harbor 3341 ('urona drl ~hr H. R. Hall. l\1. D. P11)-..ll'len end liluf1trc•n 111">11~">. ~-~. h~ i\pporntm1•nt Trl~ahonf' 8CIA<'on :\Alii U1 flruadway ('c"'la ~~ .... MlltA.>n M. Maxwt>U, M. D. IICll ('out lllwey ('11r una <1"1 Mar OffiC'l' Jluu~· 10-1:!. 2-5 l'hone llarbor 1 or. S. R. Monaco, M. D. ~14 Bay A,·e .• Balbo& Harbor I '724 Offir:'f' lloul"" 2 to 5 p m. Monday throuct't ~ I•· "· ,, I \\ " ( ;,1111lht' Ill· . . . .,,1 ,,,, •·f1 Itt t1 \l••f• fli .-th.11 l•·rl 1•1 I '" o••t!l ''''It l'r lh ''' lhtlllv "lie· t!l ""' m"urn• rl lw 1';111<1' It t unol• ·f llllt•l••• "I""'' ( omoltt·!l ".,, th• "1".1 ltu.ol l•·.ulr r t•f. 111~111"11' ""' I,, o "''''" "r olotlw•t,.d ••I IH•II;on• oJ,,f.,,, lit•• II r ontru h.) ''"''' " ·" ,, t., '', t h " ' "' tl i f'(ll'l l'o ''"· "hut '"'''"""'' C:amlho t II 1 J"ll II "·" 1 L'"'~l ""'" · · 'II• , ... ,nhuo••rl 0 I II I I \ \\ tfl' .. \ ~ ~~~·· .. "•'' I rtl• d I\ ;t I tonolu Jt rt•onains lu• "''""' m:u1-hiJ• "llh •·•trilprnmo~•· tn 1., .. , 11 I\ I " '"II 1.,., ••n """ and dno,:1n:riH' hut 1'111110\ .o lll· I I I \I I 11 ld ouil•t<:tndonuur l'l\'llll .. tl\\"llfl oof n t11 1 , ' l t t.f ~ anrt· 11 \VOU I 111'1• '' "'" lot, '' '"'"""1: In-nrtrrll•. h•• ,.,, ~· ntc•d :o "" ''"~·· lr~:· nor• I .' I ''" ··n lc.-1 Yr·l , 1t Is not "."'' """ ""' ""' oftr•n ornllr·•~··~l(· lnlt•l •It o'tli lh ol loh trr·.~lli.!•· wrll h •\\ 111•" t \l'r lltfltr• n•·••d ~., mllll,\ f mtlloon~ \111 h !<" mowh t til h :onrl ~" rnt "fl '""'"""'""' t1 nnrl woll I'Cln· m11rh 1 rut h 1onrl lru111'''' ( ::11ttlho tinuo tot l~eo\1' 11 '"'" r 1111: ••H•·r·t ron . thf· (''"""'"' 1111,11,.11• ·nw ""flol ••arn.rl olio' wwlrl • mulllmnt.:, 1 .. '""'', ,1111,.,11, h" •. 111111 11 Will .. ('IIU.'<r• of ht" ''"'1!1•• 'tl1>1 fundn· • •I • mo·niHI r.:uoodn•·~• 1-••w wt•rltl IPtotl Jln•l•''' r lit• ""lid wol l nnxi~ou~- 1\ D"·"' "" l rtrloan o• .wtoon 1<1 t ho~ 'hO('konl: • 'o·no. '" 111 t lw Mnryl'· \1111' AJ•Jll•;ol I••·Oio M'I II r•ommo nl -lllt.:: "'I hr ( II' I II \\ :t!l uno· of Gandhi'.; own P''<'J'll" a llindu-" ho !I trw htm IIIII) •r·n • tn ko••·p l'r~ \\'Ill ft,. r!'lnr•rnl~<•ro•t1 for tl 11• dr11 nu·o .-rr~ tor " I See Fire Danger S. Calif. Drouth pa~lon on hant1 hut unhnpptly S M ·r.,, \II-~TO oi'P o Tho· '"'" th11t dl)o•,.n'r no'o'r'"ur1h follow. a.<; t• r ''"rt'' rol .. r ''''l:t•l:allun rln ~tnt•• \\llnt'liS thl' kilhn~; whof·h nlrr•ndy "at•o'l11o1 nnrl fttrf'c;t l1ntl• wa~ n.< 1...-------------' Ions lakt•n (lllll'l' 10 fklmhny Bolt er-lu\\ .Jan -~1 ,.. rl11ror•1: tho• ~k nt•s.s is ~lront.: ho•tll•'l'n thr• lhndus nf tllf' for,. '''"~"" la'il •romm~'r •rnd tht> Mo~l••m• on mnn> arl'as, thc· :<tall' rt11·is,m orf horo·~try r•': and <'8dt Sid<' 1~ 'IUI<'k oo rtlnrg. [ll\rl• d loouy T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stidler, M. D. l"'ty.IC't&na ADd su,.._ !409 \\'. C«tt.nl OtnN": Harbor ten Slcht-l'hnn,. llarbor 1'7Z-M nusfortuno•s a~atnsl I h•• nlhf'r " Tho• pro Ill n c 1 tl mod \\on to-o 0 0 0 drill II I] "IU:tiJOn \\ •\!' much• 1'\'o•n I But. ln tflr rlo·llth of t;nnclho. mor.· ~ •. ,.,.,~ tn ~uuoho•rn l't~lofnr· lndln mny fine! hf'r ~IJUI ngain." nin h} till· fr•'I'Jilnot O<'l'rorrnntl' uf •IRICI thl' :-o:npn Rr~;l:<lf·r poontonR hravy Snnt'l An" wt nclc;, ohf' clo-============:: "ut "th•• wnrlrl •~ not kont1 ro ots 'tSIOII ~;ud [l••act•mnkt•rs Tlh' ~'llrly C11ri:<tr;on l'nl•·~~ n11n~ 1n tlw halnnrr· of Conrad Richter, M. D. rn11rtyn dird ""111'n ttw c-lnw~ uf oh•· nm m.tl n11ny sf•a•on m.olw up * * * • •nsurance p. a. palmer tNco r rouuo w o. buc~. lnsutonce counselor 3333 v1o l1do, newpor t beac h, c olt! telephone newport beoch, harbo r 1500 ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Doek !lt.h • Bay Froat Gasoline --Diesel Fuel --Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop Way Credit Carda Honored * BATES & SON Harbor 481 Whether or not the columnist's guess was a canny ~praisal of Eisenhower's position, the r etired gE.>nE.>ral hnnself hu left no doubt that while he h opes f or th<' best, he wants this nation to prepare f or the worl't in a world whose future i s as opaque as an Iron Curtain. Eisenhower, donning academic robe!' as h f'acl of Columbia U niversity, iSRued a statement realistically appraising international affai~. H e warned America that military weakness on our part cannot be hidden : that such weakness invites attack, ~ince agressors do P~nt Unu" !l :10 11. m. • 1:.1 M .. :.' :lO p m -o1 :\0 p m. 11(•8.11(11 Sllr:'OC'C'(I tit•• <'rlh') Jr'oF• uf f11r rJ,.(ol'it•nt'it•'< sn far tho• yl'ar, ------------------------- thl'ir ff'llnw nh'n ll1ndus, tro•ollllp~. th•· Jar.• •tt •llrtlon "'''' 'umrowr not balk at war, but m erely f ear defeat. Perhaps the most significant of the ~eneral's ob- eervationR was this: America will win or lose a future war in 60 days. A ser ies of lightning blows, atomic and bacterial, could pr ostrate this nation in a matter of weeks. Mortimer School 10! Coral "''"' Ralt>oe l..t. DA \' SCIIOOL SO\\ nrr:~ 0. A. IIOaTI .. It:a. Ill. A , lht .. ,. ,.,,,.,tv•• IIAaiiOa A.\t !00~-c W . (' .. ntraJ Srwrort ~~h Phonr llarhnr 2~0!1 SY.\\'PORT lfARROR \'"ETr.RlSARV HOMI'ITAI. fin~ rarkf'r. 0.\'.~f. Paul 0 . Rull'twor, U.\'.\f, n,... 0 t-l•tth fnrl •tJn 10'72 ~.F.. Mf'10a Drtv.- 'II~TA Ill FAA tlooap. Ofoa. :1076 : ~-Har. 4AA l.ln: IS~l'RA:OO.CF: The Eisenhower conception of any future war al' one that will go ~ixty dayl' to a deci!'JOn. i~ onE.> horn of the atomic age. Hundred-vear w ars. even four-nr un: ISSt RAS('t: six-year war s, apparE.>ntly a'r e things of the pa~t. SCOTCH TAPE Another Pearl Harbor w ould signal the ('nd. not t h(' -t~ Henry C . Vaughn beginning, of a future war . Preparerlness w ould han• NE\VS. Tll\IES •!t8 ~ t:\\ roRT "'·' u. Now on lland to be a fact when the first blow fell. TherC' w ould ht? RY.A( 0~ l\Hn Supply Umlt4~1 ~. llarhnr 1010-.1 no years in between. ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Where does the re!'ponsibility for preparedn <'~:-: r rest? Let EisenhowE.>r answer. "It's up to the Ameri- can people." he AAys. A gent'ral ou~ht to know . The Red Cross Drive Mark a eros.~:~ in red p<'ncil on your calendar f or March 1st. O n that date the annual Red Cro:o-:o:. drive begins. Out of 3, 755 local Red C'rol's chnptt'r~ throu)!hout the nation, thr ee chapter:-:--two o f them in T <'Xa:'- made a little n ews stir r ec('ntly. by prot<'~tin).! that their local quota~ were exorbitant. Other T<'Xal' l'h:tp- ters promptly r ebukerl the recnlcitrant.' by reminding them of the enormous ~urn~ of mnn<>v th<' r e:'l uf tlw country had poured into TexaR m·E.>r tlie year:-:. through the Red Cro~. for di!'3!'ter relif'f. At all time~. the Rerl C ross is alertetl ((,r cli~a:-:tt>r -and there is no 8Uch thing as an ''economical" di:-:- Ut.er. Even the counties.~:~ fndivirlual cmert!enci('s to which the Red Cro. s assiduously lends itS he I pin)! MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL . DOCK Balboa Island hand. wou ld. if rnlll•d into OIW. a:':-llllh' till' Jll'ol(ll•l'- t inn!' nf rl i:'<l:O:lt'r . 'Rt'mt·mhl·rinl! lll'r own tr ag,•di,•.: of t':lrthqll:d,1•. flood and fit·t•. ( ':tli fnrni:t ~·an lw t'\lll'.l'l••d t•• lll\·1•• lwr Ht•d ('rn .... :-: q11nt:1:' dH'rrfull,\·. In :m IIL"l.\ lllllo!d l~atlii'C' l':tn mrtt• ~·ut di:-.a:-tt•r tn an.~·,rlw :lll~ wllt'rt•, an~·­ t l.nw. Our t!Pt!:lllPll:-ttl tiH' .--\mt~l'h':t ll Hl·d rnr~:-: )\I'll-, ntll' tlw lw:-:t ln;-;ur:IIH't' ag-am ~t lt. 1 rorc• klndo•r to lho•or "~nono~" thiln wrll h • ~ '' 11 th dll'o~ 111 ~·0 d April 13 ;, "" """ or the ~.,,.,,,:~: et~to,m, ~~'' tr ' I N"Sirlenu. !'XJX'('t In vot!' that rlay ttwy mu~t tw rt'r::t,lf't't'(l on or bc.>fore Mnn:·h 4, lhnt hl'onr:: th!' rlo:<m~ dA,y fnr n•pstr'ltonn All ~odPnl:< nrr thPrf'for noufor'<l, ht'r,.hy, uf thr pillet"< nf regi:<truthtn lind lht• 111111\t'~ or the n-r::o~ll':\1"' ClTY IIALL Frank I. Ronrhnrt , Nl'wpnrt 1)(-l)llty 2 F"lRE STJ\TIO:-o: :-o:o.:.! E \\' n:o~n'll'd, :.!~li \\'•"t Co•ntral ' ().·prot~ :-.;<'wpor1 3 nru: STATIO:-.: :-.;.-. I 70;1 ~:~~~t 11~1\· ""''llll\' Tlnlhon · 4 l-1 RJ-: ~Ti\ TI< 1:-.; :-o:o. 4 :\:.!:1 :'-I :or on•• ,\\'1'1111!' Jlnlhn;o l ·lancl 5 42R :'>ln~tt··ritr Awnu,. C'oronn c1t'l Mnr F \\' C'ro<'k••r. ~·p P A llayclo•n 11o'r R R. n., rttl••l. [)t'p. C E Zuh.•. J.~o·p l-1•>rr•nt'l' Anrlr~. llrpllt ~ In or"fll'r 11, qunlify n~: :-cn EI.F:t 'TflH :o CinE:-.: mu·t h:l\'f' thr lent.:t h or h·~ll1o•nt•(• ··~ !'hol\111 hl'lo• llt•h•\\ ,,..,,., ,. ,,,,~.1 "'" day : In th<' STATE · -· -· I ~··11r IV> :t rito7N1 of thr• In th{• C'lll':"'f"Y · · --!10 d;o~' l 'nooo•d ~1:111'!< In lh<' l'lti::~L"C"r -· --111 tl:t~ • Q() rta~·"· On nf'l w:rtl rn:c~ISTEH :-o:t t\\'' F \\', CHCWKER. Pl'p Ro•~t~t r'lr of VntPrt 1\ 1· F1 ECTI> )'\,:; I.O~F.I.I~t:IOI'. \\ h··n k1ui;hoh•••l '' '"' tn 1111\\•'1' .o "1' ·r ....,,,. Phollrt" 1\1 lrt• ~ • 11d llo• ~ ,,,. '"''' 1 .ol""'' tlt.n ,,, ..... , 1111•111 ol'l'l \\'oth n•tl•l•· lh .. u..:h•· \\"h,•n ··~· ,., •. , 11" •'• tt'h '"""'ll I" pJ·\ .... , l u ,,,,., 11111 .. ,., I •'nt••f'IUUUl'• Ill "''' tt .. I· .. ,,. '• d· ... I •"'" ·r,, ttllh\\ I ar ... , h• c . ,., ht"\'tlfl\• "'"'I '"""I ,t lt ., I l II' I h .... ,, '"' ,,.,.,.,.,,. h• nun I,,, ... t, •· • "''' •1 nj>ot ... r~.t .,,,, f l ·• ,, Itt• "Ill • TI1t fl tfl \\ht'-"1 h , •• 1 •• \\,• t5':o 1\f.,ft ~~·'"' q fl 1 \\ •-1 1 nu\n h,• '' " n. '' q •'••n• 11 . 1h .. u,,.l,, ... •·•I • lt •ll~ hrL,.ht "'' 11 loo II,.,.,, •. , ot ol. 11h I··~'" I t" •I I I It 1" ·k •• \ ,. ·• ... : .. 1 , .. lh;ot ''' ·ttl•lo• • II I •1'1'' \\ ••1 •I , I' HAHOLD 1{. GHAUEL c II \I' Fl. ... ,.._, ... , ' .... ,.,.,... I ~--------------------------------------------~ I WE'LL FLOOR YOU With Our Fine Selection of BROAD FELT At Prices YOU CAN AFFORD! BROADFEL T 15- • DURABLE • INEXPENSIVE • IT'S BEA UTIFl L ALSO- Wt; MANl'FACTtTRE Nt;\\' SHArn;.~ Or \'Ot'R 0 Ul SIIADES MADt: 1.11\t: N't:W Venetian Blinds that G ive Your Windows That New Look ASPII.\f.T TIU~ror \·m ·n KIT('IIt:s Or UATII In ~Inn~· CHic,,... Come in or Call Us Hanson Shade & Linoleum Shop ('or. St>wport Dh·d . .t 23rd Sl CMta ~fesa Sell It J hf'uugh Cla:-sifietl Advertising , .... California Doors ----=-=-'"'.l!!lJ JU L GLACKIN _local Skippers Provt_Mettle in 'Midwinter "''" Jo ~ \\'ltd> l'l~'" ~t l. Out Of N~wport H arl>(lf' boa ts and sktp- pen provt'd t hetr mcltle by takmg aix nnu ln the rUiiWd and color- fUl S .C.Y.A. Mtdwlntt•r regat ta held this piiJit Wt>t!k t>nd at Los Ancel£'t h arbor S p innak(•rs and mainsalls r ip'Pt'<f to tattcn in thc winds which to re across the chan- • BOWLING 18 A SPORT YOU'LL ENIOY; A 8PORT THAT HELPS KEEP YOU IN GOOD PHY81VA.L CON· iunoN. rwi. m 11sts s napiJf'd a nd mor e than on l' man Wt•n t 0\'Crboard. !':Q11·racm g boats Wt'fl' ruJrd off the rour..., on :\lunda> b y t1w U. S. COBs t {juard p atrol. w hich Wt'n \ to tht• a td o f t'i~;ht s trlck<>n boatJI end "'haeh aid rd hy the na\·y, did tht' lugu;ttc and pa trul work. Frcd S malt•s dtsma ntlrd hts PC ro undmg thl' rnurk<'r o n thc l<'cond day and Cror~· S trom . aalllnc Hebl' E rickson's boat. loat hi.a mainsail. Jack llallman a nd T om - my Thomas Wl're among thost> w ho io5t thl'ir spmnakl'rs. Some of tht pt·n ·cntagt' handicap boats were in trouble "but". said a Rhod£'t s kip!)('r. "we wt'rc all so busy we couldn't SN' what was hapJl('ntn& to anyone l'lse." All finalists wcn• namrd Mon- day nh:ht l'XCl'pJ for the S tar class. most of which w £>rc over the line at t he start. w ith rcs ulttnC prot <'sts ftll'd. Thf' \h.O>III"''-11n1l h,.l lh,.,... IJI...,..t •n tt#flflll ••rJf'r •rtt I'(" I l'utf l<fl'n u .. th \\'•U• Z z,.,,.. nUl l )r !"1•\ .. ltv)t t~ ~. Tw•hte. M.. !\lr.J~k•r C'8llf,•mto ~~·· t ,.....,apade. &b ~I.-hill I fl \\' ~~1111111 I :1 tt• N • t ••~n AUtunar l)11n \\. t"l..•uatu J r , ~n\1 AU••,..utr Att -.;uri~)· ~tar t. •tau R"•ulu ••lthh,..ld JHtnd tnt: pn•• .. •t h.-•rHh. • ,tue hrJ~~t rare "tl.-rt "'' .. ' ~;t tlf'•' • r.ltUM"d h t\e beftJ r. KUU Prl"f"·.,.uta.c,. handh'&(l t . ("lr.h"' Dr C' Nu11f'nl 2 t•anluy C' l'. W1>ul"e. J. Sunuy, A Ma,·t..a• hl•n ""~t·s,t:~ '"~ ~r ... ,'...~.r'li:~~"; Wlll•r 3 llran11o llr U.•n Barber. Hhvclu I JaJIIf'\'a II Aln Rup4'rl; 1 Cuut\"'"'••ft~r \\' G ltu,.,nt 3 t•ully I J"•'" llll lrooouo h lonll l'll/'1"'' I Ta11><J11 t;~ne ~~~~~~· ~jut.,;;l"i'"I\I~~IIIIJ l'ltlllh, S. per 1 .. ~ut•Uf' Gf'or,c;f' K flttttnhur• J r . l ~'"'" t;;d Woll" J r S Killen l"l"f'<l W, l.yuo~ t'N' I T11rnahMwk HutH'r1 llwokelle. 2, M lol 0 F lak<' PI(' I Wahonl, E A 11-.rVf')' 2. ll•rr1•n. W It !llf'•f'no 3. Maruja, A Kallthooff'll 1.\ltlf',... 16 I R"'"'" Hay II Prr· s.nt• t u' •• '-~ l. t:dd y Smull hwot 1'11111111'"'01 (rA~ lintsho'll ~undu) but rHult• tab- olatt>d tod••>"l )>IIIAI .I. M lt.tiOATS :;,t-,lmJntor \'I•P ~Ur&•riM Bob Oel ... M II!Uih•n il6) lnt~rnuttnnal H • •-....t'SWf"t thJ&& T\lp· lllllO UKU-., .. lntfllnu•tt••""1 1 ur,. S. hnl\&4-. Va.n 0\ kf' S.u t"ratwt~ .._, t•talll~ llurM• •"" Auolln r .. pl ... 1"1\l•rtllo• llNrh Llf:hlnon.: Y.oun-l'n. 8. Yo...,. ll.lb· ... w~o. ur1· ('ht•f 0 111 J ao•ub<o. Cabrlllo 8 t'u••h Sooot"'• \'~t .. a II. n 1d1 ee.ver. Bal· h~lit.. l,ltltr ohlll•-[>rimA I, W H. 18 1111 ft yun 1,... An&:eh••. Ryun wu alan f'hatrm•n ,,f th• &IAAll·hH•l •tlhtl liiVhllo U lliNI'liiiF.~ f'<'IIMUIIIO R~o·al, t1<~o,,... Rudr. l..o)e An.:;f'lt"Jt t:l T1•r>• l'l•utll•ull. H ''""'""'· Oail-t .. n!l St,t .. ,t" llfl>llstlJ'I"''I'I'"' 8 Taylur Jr., L .... n~ Rt•f'h, l'ok'l: ,~,!~~ •.. ~~~~~;; .. ·~~· A'!i~. dlt~.h)'- \'nllr ft l'rN~s !'t.olt t 'o•n o·•t••nft,•aH Si\1'H \\II '\:'f't) I\ IJ'l 1\1 Ill 1'1, II I ,1,, tlh• I '••h•l 111l•• 111111 ''~"~"'' d lho ~1111•· tll\1""" "' ~~~ .. 1 ~ .••• ""I'•' 1'•111111\ r ... tho• \\flrlll 1Ulf1 ~'''" low•k II "N'O~nft h'(•k \\lwn,\\,olo•o 'I'""'·"''''"'"'" a.UJtfiSh. 1111'\ I• ool ,, lo•llo'r frcotol 1111' F :uon o'l"l'l'" l.u.;o· .11111 """" 11111111111~ II• ll o111 ••l l'hullt II >llllo'tl llo•ll ''"", ollt•lo onol J•lo'h 1\tlol n lo' ~'~• llooll• th!ll ~o•vo•rnt lllmoho'<l 10 nt "' t~•lll o•l lh• ll•h 111111 ~:nnw f1Uihnn .fpJJ.u~c "n't ''n un_,._"'~'f h'~t l •'••nu"'''"•" ''"I ••t'-•" th•• ••utn• "'"•'IIIII ••( fhttol o·npttnl \\Ill'"' 11<•••1 •t.olo• "' ltu• l.tml 111 f,.h Mn\ I t .. ro \ I ""'' l'ht~S t~\llslal fish-Sh .. ro•,lolo· ll>ho•l 1111'11 11t.o\ hn\'o• lnr llloh,.to'" lllo•ll · o•ll ••'11"'11 ~1'•'11 II'• lo·~HI n .. olll.l/1'11 "fll'i:th• dhl l'<llno· Ill \'1111'11 lo•h••···~ '"''"''''" ltll, tpth I. flo 1111 111: w h Ito• w nd1111: "'"I 1!\ 11u'ho•" t .. •t1oro· M1ooo•h tr•. 1\1111 I loron.,•l, tho· Jll!llllfllro· nnd 111hiro11s ,., ,.h11 ,,, ,.,. Mo·\ 1·u llll'ho·• nuo\ ,.,. c>( !II• I ' V \\'c•n~:, d iro'<'lo'r, do•· tllko•ll 1111111 i\111!11•1 No• 1•111: lhllll• Jlllrllllo'l\1 •If l'l't\llollllit' ro'so•nro•h IIJitll)' lol the• 1'111\\'l'll o'l'ti•IIII'<'UII•, 1-lfl\11'1< ll:onk of t,1lnn, 4 Tnn~ '''1"'1'1 11 mn,..hlllllll ,.f to•n 111 lh•• io;llll~ 11~11111$!, Tttl l'irtl: Rm ul. Nnn· Fl'l Hl\'o•r nrul l llnul .. •hll 1111) kana.: l'lllll n ·n,, 1r ,.~·o•hruws WNII hllo'k 111 lll•rno.ol \\ 111'11 I hi'\ ro•nll7o'lt I hill '"1• htnllirt'll m llll;•n 1hollur~ 111 111- fl.oll,.n 111hl••n I ,111111 I~ \\!lflh 11nl)' !l ln.1•~• •\n~t•rit'nn m t•II•'Y tho'llt' da~• Usher In REVEAL NAMES OF CUB PACK AWARD WINNERS Big Week at Santa Anita It • .111 111 olrulll!hl 111111 hrln~:• S1111111 Allllll, 1>1~ 'C'atl \\o•o•k,l W a r rrn Wt·t~l'r, Cub Pack 105 ll••l••h ,.,,.1!1 Th•· ntrrrnt l'nh· t I 1 I I I T ho' follol\'tnl: 111dandual nward~ m ·r S l rtl•'. Bl'ar Hnd~tl' and Gold 1 ,11111 •It,\ ,1 •. 11 111,11,1,•ro•ll" ,,. 11 111'" ''' ''1 11 '11111111111' 11111 lhllll I t-.,. ~ ' ' \tt~ ••f I he• \\ lf\1• t t III'UH.: '''U.t11\ ll'adl'r. ro·,·<'ah•d tuda~ tlw nam .-s wrrf' pn·~~·nll'l:l: Arrow . 1111) llamhll'l, Au .. tant 1, t• ..,,111111p 1., 111,,..1 n f ,,,, •• 1 111,.. I l l ll ll .a d ,.. ld A • ' ' "u~ at,lu H •tt 111 :\1"tulu\, l"uutll\l! u( prt'<' \\ anno·rs from llw \'artous I lcn I I lt'riW'rt Po·r r•.·. \\"olf o·nno•r . o·slr lluf.:l' 811 '00 r-'' hru11 ""' ;o 'lll.'tn I••• .·ok ''' .,,111,. ·' Jl kl W I f k ' Ill• '" :-;u11111ttl\ wln·n tho· IIIIo' do·ns P ro-,.,•ni/IIIOn of tht• ll\\llrds nad~·· nml Cnlcl Arru\\ l.<tr r} ruw. ooho·l'l Tarnow• . I) ..... ,, "'"' rnu" ~, ••••••• .;uollllllo~·•t Sunla """" 111\Smadl'atlht•last ml't•ltni:Oflht• llUt·k. \\'otr l ;uld und Stho•r Ar -llnd~;t• I "' l •·lltlll """ o otn~ 11,.11 llHrlllt•ll(l\l lll l~o lllllll'lho•\\11rlol ' ll:lt'k hl'id In tlw :-;, ... , .. uri B··<~Ch fO\\'l' .... n 7 lloht•rt Hl'\'<1. L iun nadl,ll' "''"'"Ill' lo•r lho• .... ,,. lo\11'1'11\1 "' ........ ,, .... • I'll·· I'"""' 1\1111 ,.,, ... ,. Mesa Recreation l·r:omnl~r !.Ah~t. "" '"':'"-&'M-t-:11:.:1;;1d~s~··~·~r~,~·.:.•·~··,.;.S::;';lar;:;-:.,..,~..-fl~._+':.:•=•l:.:.• ••·'I"•'• '"''''"· It" ... ,,,,,,,,,I,L-1 •• -' '~' !)(on 11 -.. nntnrr-:ttrt.-. •n R .lnhn F.l!l.!'l'rr.TwllT ~ " "" .~. "1 t hr-,. ~' ·~..._~.:...uu'4 llllll Newport. Blvcl. 1\ohiJy Alll-n. or Dl·n 3, WOS pn•-1\:Hh:• ·'""" \\I·~··· 1\o•ar ll;od.:o· 111111 Do•nawr !'Ifill(', (;,•un :r Moor r, ·•II • "",, •• Ill') 1111•1 \\ llll••r lrnut •1111'1111' ,,, ''" ~to~·····="""'"''""" COSTA Mf:SA l>•·nto...t \\llh a dullar lltll, for hu,•-•Hili il<•nnot ~tnpo·, .lunlo':< Enwr-,..,,,lstllnl la.•nno•r . 1111,1d Hd llt•y, 1'1111111"'"1 1ha.: Jt,,,, l.tl.• a nol l ok•• l•••l•' "II ~ollnol." "" "''' \\o•o·k Ph Br:aoota M6! w 'I!IS.: ~"''' ~ti lll'kl'l:;·tu Ill•' St· .. u r.n -",'"· \\'"n'r c;k""' Ar•:,•:'~, ·,·~~~·~lt-;1,.,.,,.,., ..... ,.,., ... n l ''"' H•tt·k ,kon '''r:,::''",:·;•,.,l '' '"'''I' ,., .. , '' ,,, .. '~~·:·.·~····'~·~··".~-. ·•··••••' '' '' ,._·,,·r··tt . • --• ,,,ma " tho· Ill' ~kill , •'ul y •' ,. clll'r . ll•·n !I Jo•rry .._ annnn, \\'olf . • " ' ' ,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Thl' Farsi llancin:rafl 1111 .ord Wlo' l .to•n I ;11ld i\111•". :\1• h Ill Kulll11•, 1\,odt.:o ,.,,11 Hat 1, r. I. IIIII 1\ndll"· '1"1" 111'' . 11"''1 1 11-:111 111 " 1"1111' •·ol h•r. ~~ '' .oltlh"l tl• I IIIII• •t ol t• 1' Casino Cafe and Cocktail lounge tf Serv ing Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS '(:{ 202 Main St. Balboa , Calif. Newport Harbor Headquarters .,.., Sal~s and SerPice Seaboard Equipment Corporation I I ' I l) .., 1 1 ,,.,,,,l,tnl lll'nno•r I 11 "ol •l '"1'1' \ .ol tho· l•'allaaao•l•' 1 1 1 I •••o ·n of In o•n " 1111 "'''"'" lot 'J', old\ I· t•h, llo'lll lllotl~o· 1\lld ('t{)ld 1 t \ • "II I I 1o • •>Ill• 1111 .. 11 11111111111: •l•'•'l' I P,·n ~~ llo•n ;, '1'11111111') l l.tto'h, 1.11)11 1•'"";' llll'h.oltl ,·,.no•, \\ .. •If Guld olo "''Ill •llllll.o 1'.,11111\ '" :·, fl, l.do. '''"''''' '" 1"'"·'1 .. ,,., 'fh·· .a\t••nda nro· 11\\ltl'll "·'" ""'' Jl ,.tv•· llilly h llhn, l.hlll ll;niJ,;•I.""' ;-..,,,,., ,\t t o•l•~ I•• ''"' "' ""''"'" ,\1111•''' 1111 ·I ol '''"''' .. , •• ,,. l •t >~l•d •l·· '''"' ..... I ,,.,, '11"1 111 '111 '"" ''· 1'·'"'1 • I I I I II t 'I t II II\ ]Jt•u ti .• tnrl 'h' (;.~wl (.:onchH·I '"111 !-\•1\'U·t· Slar Hot• (';.t l'tl'!\ \\tH lll''"'•·nh"CC to ' ... 1: ·• '""' • ••·• 1••11' " ·'" llol t'l\lll 111 l1o·n :1 l ion ti II""·IIU :\ltli'll!'ll, Pnl· l•o•n,olol :'>lon•ol11h ,.,,,1 Hu~:o·r·t·:nrly ltl••t '" Ito• l ol,., Til" 1'""'''' "II\ III II 11"11"'"111••• '' il1• l'lo•n! fill' It I f•t 111 I '111•1•1\ tPI ffH• 1 '\I 1 \t t l it 'lift \ljl ltJI t ~''"'II SYMPSON'S PAINTERS GAIN ON BARRETT'S Jl,.\\1111;' vii tho• :II• '·I ,·oont llllll•~ Ill tho ;-~~ ·IIIII XI MI lo 11.!11•' .11 Comes Back \\'ins 4:~-42 One-Basket Defeat Jinx To Haunt Tars; Anaheim I ,1 • II[ I I II •I I I 11 I II " ·• ~ • u "11 "I ;\nil • 1''"''" "' '' ,,,. • "' ,. HIH ,,, !\1,t\ 1 It .llhfiL' I·~~'' "''' 'l•dl '' fa ht 1 lt1t'l\ Ill I • thlt~l'l'hl lttllll)' 1,..,tt lUI\• tll"'- •l+1ft ' h ,, , t.• '' ttt uut al t 11•' '''"'' r••1lt•\\, • •"'o" ''1 .. "' "''"''•t '•' tuut '""" • 'lnu• tu tlu 1\lth11Ul'h th• ~., lh~ ut .. , ''"" \\Ill lh '"'' t F, h tilt t'tlllllll \ " "" dt 1\\ "'': '''" ,.,,, .,1' ,,, lh•· .... ~, , .... , o l tho• ,, .a-nn a.,:." ... ,., ,.: ..... lth I •"' J11•'n ' fl\11\ n ot ht• ,Ut\ .,.lt~k \\ttlt "'111J" ltlttul il\ lh~ lut .L• I "'Put t ... a·lwh•• rt•.ultnL! 1.,..,1 that '''u''•n~· rnut··· .• rut flldt•• h•·•' ti l "·'~ u,u lh•·••· fiUJ.;.h1 tn h·• "' li ol l•ll ' lt•·:ol1 1 •to11 h .. ld'" l•.ld l f,ol' II• :0.•·\\t)o•ll lt.lll .. ot 'T:o"~""'' lout I' I' oJ\\ IIHlhllt.: Undo I .111 11!1 ''llfl\'• I'Tio'li ,l.oua:ltt 1·.11111 11 II\ ~,1111,...,n·~ ·n'"' ooltl ':orl~ --.·:o•oon JIIIX tho• -.,,, ... h.t~k•'1 tl•·f•··•• ,·;un•· ah .. •na.: '' anrltnt.:" 111 I ho· 7~111 \\' 1. H:u rt tt ~ Ht•:tlt) 31 IR !'\1111"-""·~ l':untPr~ :1 1 2H :\Jo ''' n o l'rl :OI IIIII :!1 :\11 P.l\ '' II.• \.:.1 17 :\-1 In llw !<00 h·a~u•·. l'tnk'~ Orlllo:' hnltl •• I on~; t>d~;t• n' r r t hPtr rwnr· • •I r11al~. i\lphn Rr•ln Sllonohllt.:<.: •• a,.:.un 1\u ..... d:e~ •''''""'~ ''' t•ltfl lt;dph ll•>t~l'' IIHI ·•oo-)'oily S:ulw,. '" ,\n:olwtm "'"''ol ollll 11·1~ T\w ''"" f11tlo'1'l In J•ll' tho• Tar.. !rom lhl'lr (otUrlh pl:ll'•' r• l''h h11t 11 ollcl '""'I' I h ••m lo.ll'k l••lu\\' I ho· !"ltJO 1111ork l•la}lnl! o·\'t·tl, or nh"'''· \\ htf'h ha~ ho'f'l1 JU"I ah11u\ lh o•or llnly t'I•I1'UI.ataon tha.. )t':OI I. An!oh•·am·, \'11'1111") wa,. IIC'hh•\ t'il Ul 'Jttl•· uf , .. ,m.. ntt'•' nfft•"''';', l'111k,. l int.:' Al11ha Ho•t•l Sympsoln '.i< P:otntrr~ ('I ;o\\ loorll'~ w 3R '21 IH 1. work hy ;>o;t'"IJI•tt', W nrd a.ntl T ul· 16 ~lrll ilulh 1-:IJIIII'"'il 1<1 JlUIIliS :.!7 ap1•1'1' tn ;•arl) till' fa~o;ht a ll Ill\' 29 wuy. o Tha t It rut~;!-I)Qn W <JI tl'" 36 ••'ll"lrl ltol:o l loo 1:1:.! JlColnt,.l Hut It "'" t hi' Coloni<tl>' t.;amr ull th;o wa y 111 II~<• opt:or1•••·" 'l11o') 1•"1 Ill· H. '..!'..! 1~ ;111ol :11.:( I f•·ll luu·k fUVto him a IJfe l n.UMUW"ff pol-:1 1·:14i m ill\\ Ill Ill t ho• J;a•t ( raltll' ''Ut 'R RO,. IS \\'ORTII IT lr,· and ~··It• him to l;•am ahlutt Iiiii 1·anw ,.11 •1..:111n ,1, ~''" 1 hr1111~h Y!'--!'\dtrnllt .uul Slllnt.:•·r lo'1'1 1 h•· 111 Harbor Events 1· .. ,, I ''"II'•' I tl••n tit• rt~tp jtl~tl ~.,,, lt~tiH \H'•Itftttt t• .. q hl• ',, fh· I•· It \\ ••• 11\\lh d I"'' .... :·· '"lt1t HI 1111· ....... ,, Ill lfh ,, t~•, L lflh fl'.ll •IH' .._,l lff l\•lll ·rltl"-1 f thlt~tiU I tt t"H ,th "'' lt\ttfh \ tH.f f• lfl\ f••l t fh ht \\ltllt•l lit• t1ttlt ttl ttfll.t\ttl\ ·11 I I \\lfltll 1 It I \• at lt~t 'I •, ,, n\\tlt d '"' 111' u·~ fl t •tlltl \•lt••''111' '-tn,h•~· uut •h~ lu hth '''U'ht•ft "' lludon 111r11 -~IJ•ll•k hlwk ""' • f t' tun.t•tl•lll 40\\nf"tlf t'-h \t l I \ut ... 1 .t lfl\11 otl ontl h.111 ll'lld.1 'I·"' """'' \ ll.o\ ! lo" toll\ Ttttlllh:h.,.,. t h• \ f ,, ,, ' ' I ,,h , ... \ It h II tlt t •, 1\. I • " ·~·\ n ·r ''' huul :•J~ptil, '" t h• ,, U •nkut,· \1 tt•' \1"-. I ~.,, .• ,. lll'hlllll' '"" 11~ I'• II '" I•• ul· I It••• l.aul .t I '""' 1 11111 1"''""1) 1\ttrf'\rt• '-'ltllt*""•·•hu, ..... lturulu ''"'k l''''"'" .. '' utul ll,•t•l•\ ....... ._. lol\-. l.o•lt• '"'"· ('ulllur no.o h.olohul i\n.tl\•1' "' """ •h• ,:.ohio 11 t•, 1;J. J::}. 1;J. ~tJfhtnt \tlltt\\(Ut ('ftUtJ\t•f" ntHI 11 d•' L'-tllttp \\tfl h• '""''""'"' 1tU•I ------------""I"'"'" ,..,,,,,k, r th• 1 t. .• , ... ,, ,,, "" u.et 1,.,,1d ,.,.,, Of')' lw·~tnntnt.: Jo'l·uin~ Ill '2 4!\ ll m . n ••• '"'" ro·•l· r' llllo\' '·•k ·· 1111 ... lllll'llllllllllllll "'""'" •'I' ''·"' tlo.ol ThPy Will ml'<•t flo•\ o•rl) I 1111~ '" '"' •lt:lfl " oliO\' till Ill M llrdl I"• \\Ill ., •••• I"'"'' "Ill .......... \\ ... . fll"l munrl play \\'ot•·r~ 11( tho• S:wr:ollll'lll" ••rul llll••t•••t '1111 •lui IIIII: flo Itt IIIII\ '"•h•ln• 11:11 It'll ,.,._, liar-Snn ""·111"'" 111\o·r~ 111111 IIJit••r S1111 ""' ll•lih Ill•' uti fllllo• hl1'lo !:1 nt ~~~~\~:;::;•,'',;f;: : ,·,• .. •,• :;~1~ F·r .• n.,._, ... n u _\ ~'··ht th•· pt iJ•·•l •••u~ .. r H•• '.!.! of lr.~t ~ •. ,,~.,,. u .. '"''' '" 11, T.r.or a •trtl•·ol loll•~. wh ll'h m n) ho· l nkt·n 1111' '"''' 111111 ''"'''''" (,,, """ ~'~~.·,~.'~' ,\~1·, :: '.~;. •;,~·~~~:: w11h nc•t nl~trt• thnn Olh' n~-~ und , .. ,,.J ~.-.... ,. •. j u, 1 ,,11uht. th•• '4 ... n111 •u•-An•h•ttu a."'"' •!!• luu• nnft no rn~•r•• than thr•'" h•w•k'\ Jllth•unt 1t1 pt •·\t~~U!Ii t tllu\lttW." It .... ,•: '','!'',. AI• .n. un "'! ~,. ~ 1~·inc+. m inimum tdN·· nn(l fiv.-. .. n un I•·· u fn,·l·•r "' '<•·•Hnv u '"I"' 101 '"IKT I,Y,.\I•I 111 -.T\'f'"'·" fl~h hrog Iiiii It loj>t•lio•l( 1111111 M il\ I loo 1 11( lfu• I Ilk • h , lllill''•'l, Ill " 1, r1• "Po• 1 • ., In tho· ( 'nl111 Iorin lll\'••1 "'''" Ill' 11,.. '"" '" "tl I I \h o ,. t ',, , .. ,. fC• ·~ It J I• • ~"' \ .tulltt ,. ~ H •'•" 11 ,.~ ·~• '" I'Ortlan~ '" •l:ot•· •·ll••·uol• f1 •h 111HI .~~·; :~;~ RAnt•• ":tnlr•rp .. ur• 11nt .. ,.,., ll'lll·IJ •· ~••I• , .. ~~ •·· huw ft-..tu 1 ttt• n tak•• rtutll• t .nul t~:: 1'.:,~ :·.' r nrp ·rh•' •·:.n tuo t·.•uvt•t ·'"' ,,,,,. 1 1 " ' •,, 1 .... 1 I \41Hh Ill>. ftw•l ur '"'·•11• '· cltp tt• ''· {\ fll,tft tift I ~'HI tit• ll)•ltl fo f•• II J•llld l• Itt til ltfll• ""' II• ttu 1 ,,.. t lu Jnthlt• ', .. """ I q, I • tl'- \\1111 ...... II\\\""''"' l!06 Cout tu"•ay. 84-A('on ~~ Nrwpor1. ._h. ('aJtf. I ~~''""Y· "" havl' a 1tood plan fo r I'" I hi' 111, 1 1,,,., ,,'{'lontl~ .ltm WAJUlES I . WE18f:R l l:o11ol tnol• \\ 11h t:l Jll•tlll• 1'1'""'' i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~'~ ... ~~~-~·~_,~·~··-~"~·~·~:r~,~·~·~._~'-~·~,:!.~~"'~"~~~~~~M~l I"Ainl" tn Toum,.y In lh·· 1111'.11)11011', S .ont a ""''' ,..,, ... , ... •·•'"-tM ,. ~ l I hook stn(t lhlt' or ju ... t huH h,,nd' "1 ,' .. \' •• ,'/ 1~' .~',', "11' ' .. , • ..,, 11 ''1"''. Thr·r~·., lt•l::el )f•ur r''""'' Ja,fuul• ,,, ,,, 200 PARTICIPATE IN BOOTS & SADDLES DAY SEE and DRIVE I S :11n1 ' ".oll"t""' 1.11io•nd I);'" no•) ~\.l 2:-• to .tnn••\ th•• ~110'-\41 lt•:Jl.:Ut' IIIlo· .ond oh·a" on ·'"'t.:nmo·nl 111 •h·· n. ,, I I• II.Jl, ln\llloln•n:ol lo)llr· ,\It \ ( ;,.n I f. to·d ;>.; JJUWSl'r I •II S J.' l'llln•• 1'1111r• ro•n r••l "(;ood .. nlnrrt'lfll nt r••qmr•·~ ~:n<-<1 anlrnl h) ali t nfotrt't'IIII'Rl nrft('IRI~ tO dn tho• J•'" Tl111t :qoploo·!l tu 1-(:omhling :mol 11 II tIll' rno•kl'l:l " :\hoi• •h.\11 ..!110 hor"'' 111od rldf•rs l•••k pru l in tlol' olo·llll'lot .. ry phi)· oia) h••l<l to~ tho• :\1•·':. flont11 & !"11<1o1to• l'luh . Sumlrt\. 111 lhr•tr no•" l'lulo ~rmmrt-, ll:onultom S t nn<l :ll}o'r" l'hH'o• i\pprnxtmnto•ly 7(•1 <ltt't'lators a tto•mlo'<l thr f'Vf'nl ('l)dr' I IIIII :onol T It It•' \\• 1• r•ulor IJ<•a n rl' 111 tlw .:r.onol • nan of llti hor"''· rllllll\\•lt to\ lh• clo•d t 1'81 iun t""ttrt'rttun\ f~onthh l•·tt h) Fol · tl1t \"" t ·\t ut• \It ft,.,,t, U II rJ ~~•fl•tr• f hth I I I I t1 \ \\'t Itt~ It r 'i l .n llolot ·• \ .11.' Ho.tooll' • loti• I I I(• .,J, o ft td iiH' tlut. 111•l • •• tlftl'' ... .-.tlull Hul• '" The 1948 TODAY! • ·'~. !!..•• ./ ·-~ ,.. .. ~. ' I ,' '\. • .• ,. J Amf'rka's M O!IIt t~ronom1cal Low-PTirMJ Car SHOWROOM NOW OPEN EVERY DAY WEEK DAYS - 8 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS -10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Tlw d:oy·~ prowrrom l>o·~::.n with 11 9·00 n't l11o•k lnn l a ad,. wtth llu~h \\'"'~"" ronrl F11·1t \\'urro•n , lr.lll· hlll7f'r!l. .l11n inr M o''llll~ wtnl\1 111.: rthl""" >IIH I llfllnt" lo Ill' ITo'fitlo'fl lnwmol~ til<· lror.ohy 111 It<• u\\:Jr<l•·•1 n l tho· ,., .. ~, .. r th•• Hound Hnl11n pl:oyol"~' \.\t'rf'. ~lou)!-~ T lonlllf"""· l '.oll \ ""'""· lion 11:.11 lt•lll l·.nt.:l" \\II rNtl l'nul. pn '"'' nt JllltlNIII 11111l t••olll \\llllll'r~ h o•lll th~ Mt•t<r. ttl Uw .tft•·rntw.n·, !'••ruur rvrnts "o•n II mil !'·•" o II 111111 Anltl\ Thornh:o1 r"" W lnno•r of Ill!' ''"' ·, "'nloor h tt.:h JIOint trtJJJh) olnro:ot•·ol ''' , . .,n P ram lr·n Jo•wo•h y '<tlllo' \\ ,,, tt .. 11111•· t;nl dow nf th•• T1·t l 'ol\ \\'rnns.:lr·r11 \\'lnnl•r of llw Jlllll"l I r """" "" 111\fl•cf h) tho· :\I• ''' I• •IIIII' \\ '" I .Ill ol11 flusso·ll. lal~" ,';f lloo I'll I 'ot\ \\'nanr.tiPr~ 1·'1\•· 1'111h" I'·" 111 q•.ol•·ol lo llor• f ·.,tllltlll ,. I ,., '"'"I' , .. ,, .. ,,,,tl•lt l••t fh• .... ,,, •Ufi Pn ''" • • ., "' 'h• rlt\ "''' J\t•ll,t dlt•t lnt . ll\tl• ' rtt•lt t •• •• ~. I\,.,"'· I'''" "' •• "'"'" l .ltt\rl ,..;\\111•''' r tf• 'I It IC•' Pt•h·· ~ilttth ~ tr.d• I""''" ""' kllll' I ·. I II 1( .. , •••• ' ., II \\'at lfotftl'lo 1\t I \\ tlttll lit'• J II ,., I I I lt••n \1r ,,,,, \It • 'I\ •I· • Itt •• '•d '. \1• I f I,, I t • ,, t I \ ..._4 I • I ., d .,,,, t •• , • 'I> \lo ... II I 1'1111 11 1111 I o ., I• \to f , od Ill I •• itt ,,.,," ,,,.. I tl q ALUMINUM POPULAR IN SAILERS .::: I II .. \'tit If I'''''' ~tu I t \\ • I I ',f t , .. , \1 I • .. ,. ,. I I l lflltllfl -l·t•l ""''"" tlt11t 1''"""1 .. ' H\t' "" 11 • '' ••I d1u~o,;h1t ' trl~l ••fh•·l ll:hl tttd1t\ '"tit h ,,, t. .. n '""''"'"' d \\tilt t \\HI• •ll•ut•t ••I tn:tf•f l 1., ••••• , ... , ,,,,. lk f ld•d "" .• ,.,, '' ol I 'J•• .. ( loto:tl t tf 't ..._t I f !Itt '' Itt\\ f I .If I I' V, rr tl ,1 , , •• I .. t ''"'" 1Jut11 It ' I I .... ,, .....:"""''"·'"A ~··1·1," ,.,,1\1• Ill • d th I ti'I'U Hllft t f "'"' fJffl(llll't '"" J,. "... • I h '"' \ .. 1 I I fl II • d f' "'•II• r' • ,f ·, l•tt• '· · ,,, ' . •• r •• ,,, I h• I :omtl• 11 1 t•l ool•l,o , o I I • I,,,, J(.ttl\\ •• \ • I I •• I t I \1• t +ftt I ' ·Ill t~ '• t I ,,,.,t I k•· I ,,, •• ,. {\ .. 'f, f,_.,l I ' ,,, II "''"' d , ••• f' I ••r nl•lfl• r ,,, • ' • ., • • Ill !Ill 1 ,. \It I ,, 'I ,. I • ' . "" .. , f,o• •I • I • -... ·I .,, "' t I tfl ,,, I t f " ?rY.'WPORT BALBOA-wEW8-ml!8 C'allf. Fl'h. Public Course Oa W~t 3th St. ~i lllltl EMt olllarbor llou.le\.....t .............. ,.,.., Standard 18-Hole Course-6100 Verda-Per 71 Your Office Deserves Comfort! ~ , If yo11 need new office furniture, or If ,..,, want to know what modern furniture equipment meone, conault Tl•non'e. The aclence of equipping an office, geared to mo4em Mm- po, hoa gone a long way. let ua atucly your nH4a entl give you a repor1. ALL STYLES and SIZES AVAILABLE • ALSO TABLES TO MATCH • Al•o J e CHAIIS .. ~Ot e IOOKCASU e DISK LAM" e DISK PADS e PlOOI MATS e DISK ACCIISOIID .. Ewry Cood Tlal111 /or l'o11r 0111~·· 902 N. MAIN SANTA ANA PHONI 743 BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ llarhcar &U -R '701 Sl•t St. S -T-A-G-E C 'urtaln 11:~11 OUTWARD BOUND a ploy by SUTTON VANE 11\n'('lc"fl hy WESS DENSMORE FEBRUARY 25 -29 tt.-rvNI "'-• t. '1.011 Ill fl./141 t lfiW' .... ) Phone 191 I.Affi'NA nt:Af'll f 'CUUti'SI'f\' I'I.A\'I':ItN ·-~~-,--~--w _,_, ___ -----·------........ ~ ...... ,I, j. Orange County Willys Co. 3 I 0 East Fifth St. Phone 0753 Santa Ana ll llf:-\<.,( 1:-\ ~ I I 11 }\j J,J jll .1.\•IJII>I' I • fl I 'I I I I I. I, ,, •. ,. \\ I ·'' .j I I tJ'\ t ,,. I J. " II 1 lor; ·~ r 1 ft • .-•I rJ,. .. ,, ljf ,, .. ,, '" fp , •••• t t\ ,,,,, h J••o •d \\olh \\01od•li• I" If,,,, •••. , .... ,, "'. ' fH\-"td ' ••• f I ..,_, L.t :t .. ••n t h• .ltf •tb'-•U ~~~IJI\tl tl I I• lo I J: o\ '\: \ , I' J•nllolll' oJ•oJ! '" tf nf fht' I JIll In \. .. til, til d \ f tl lttlf ffl I ttfl td• I Itt• \\' ,, , .• ,. ' I IWull HIIUI•:•r•· • I !':olaf ·n, ... '" , . :a.'XH htjllh l t f• • I • f ~~~ til• I JUt"' ... , I J, ... 'I .. , ,,. , •• d I --I Studebaker trucks FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY I ',( I I I \ \• r I I II • •·H ol ~~ 'I" ,\n,l II ''" !d t • • • r • I • ' ' 11 d "11 t•, , •I• o.h 1 '" r 11 · "o 1 I 1 .. 1 t r .. llom:' It )., • .-\1 I tl.. lnw f,·.otlln'' I • 1d ' 1 I rn t• r Ill! 1111 lllllnr.: J~, 1.!·~ 1'1111 "t.•rt · r .dl hrnut.:ht 1<~\.'>'\hrr In ••II• t • .outtfuJ r .t,k •I!•' • ( ., I• 11111111• I r· '"'' r r-: ,, h 1111.! .. , "k•·d "" .. A ll hrdt 1111 y,., 1\ \\'1'1\'h• I on!)' 4 .j f'' >II flU< 1 Anu \\sth •• 11 11• •mrr••vcmf!nt • 111 ,, •·t~ ••11h $16!;.2!',! F .-..ar o rh•·r l.:tf':o t mntl,.l< Ito rh•~"'' r rom p nr;•<. /1" in\\ :t< $12450 JOHNSON _Jiu /,i'H( lUTIOU O w:·:o·. South Coast Company I I Mar11M! IIIU'dware .. _________________________ .. 2-lrd. c~rt.ral N'-port a-.-h DICK MciNTYRE and His Hawaa-.... sic -oOo- HANI HART ..S.ou+iful Tahiti .. Dances .:ae.nw-... '"-'"17 r. ...... "'I'd ..... , t ntil I I J'.M. -rope lD Food .. --rope .. Eatertat....r , cut casts! TAlK to ""ell ~-w+to liM - Stv4efMllon-yev'11 h-••-·-- tto-1 ~-",.. ecot~•"'Y fleu,..t OvOf I tl-•• -ttY -• holf~ _... .... ofWI .. ,.., co~lty StvtlefMliOfW w-toW lett y-com~ wtth .. '"'' ,.... .. , ... -. c.-Itt o.wl ... fhofectt ... Stu~• •k• ""'" tovl.-.•. We'll tle41y try to ~. ,.,..._ "'' ... ot..ut Y-• Mw4vdt ...,c. l F 1- Joe Nlckertz 3415 W. Central By Lido Theatre Harbor 510 e . ~ 1 .-r -· • • ~---~e Shippey-Goes-Bt:iek to-Los_ Angeles -Hmes-lJesk wrd Writes A-bout Us -i' q 11 '"' c•ul11mn '"'''''"' r~·" ' If"'"'''''' tl 1~n t unly the bUllr T.f! I ViJ D •I t• ..... ~~-!':~~~·~--~s .... ~-\· C!6_n. .... k Mark .... ~ SltiJ•JM'~ run lht• fotltl\\111(' In "'''Ill''" 'tntl dtltrnht•r ~m l !tiLEStO=N-E-: ll.S-._0 ner ~ esec ara lOR~ ~-~ ~ --, crwt:: C1. 1~,}11.. lltt•flllll>' ~ ~... Att~··l·.,. n••·rrr t!OI·~·· r< lliut ' arr 0'87\ J B Speedway· Another Term On Bench· Ftght On ./1~ 'JtlatcJ,. At a , ance :\c•\\f•tll l\oillh IS lht• Ctl)' of 1•·r """"'~ tlhn·,•s. ~0 ~:'real thfll l BIRTHS Talk 1-Way-IJ'raffic 'Tht'rlll't•for ~ut••rwr7ourt JUil!;•'l !(l s~··· anoOirr lTrm In theOr-( ]! G) Ttrn• .. 1. uiH.tlll N• wport 1\l•at'h rhe deman•l • • ' ' • /\lltlllllllt.cn• 11, r••sarl•'n '~ twin~.; '"'11nl<:y n•·W nil• ttiOnll are beln~ • !I \l(fUS To Mr. and Mn . · . rt 11 (JCt· 10 Ill\' Jum· 1 primary. ... Ill~ .Am ...... ,. , ........ ,, .. "'"' :-r~ncl h:alf lltl'tr II\••S 111111 on ..... ,., IHH " on\\''; .. ' ,crlli. 1.··~ octw.w r St.. s· h d ...... d !Its f i r st • known opponent "" I •. ·r I 149!\ I I ' I I I thh h I I l ' A•) n fur U.•IJUrltnt•nl ,JO.mr ..... ICIII ) I -o-t.Janl\dttln P~:~c•fw IO'llt 11, nr rfli"" 1r,.. .,. ,,11.r ,\n) vt•ltur nvc•rncin~; nrnun<:l ~!i.OOO aplea l'.••l , '"''·'· In St Josephs hospa-,t< . un r," an St'V•·n dollar!> t~n R(>lw·rt Gnrdnl'r '•)nlll'r rrt) !oth~rs may hie-before closin& Uu110nt lfii 111,,, "'"' 1 ,111 '""" 1~ ''"'k"d Tlwr "'•·m• l•k•· a lot to put lnt• 1 . .1 ro•IJ .!3. l!Hij, a son. 8 IIJ& .. lU ~tnnp 81~1 Y CC'~1115 1 wonh orJ t•,alfllel Jlldgt• vf N.,wport lk11rh, 11nd pr~·s·l date Friday ! \Vttl be JustlcC' uf the ''The v.'ind IJlP blr w unci ltr•· and b)t>, ~ohl' blt•W !'omc-rn••• •· ·· Have )OU rounlt'l'l t ht' !lllrtll"tri'W·I ln~tt Sant.anas IU!fl'rro by us thu wlntt>r 1 Jlouli('YI'I\'l'"' w1ll 11•11 ) "'' thl'y have• follO..•f'd t•ach "('t.'kl> cl••anin~.:. ·nwy 11"" tlw •rourJ;:•· uf I boatyard.~ a.' wt>IJ u~ huu.<.t>wtft•f') Thl'y rhan~l' our ~l·>rt'IU' v11t uf· G<-I \lntot" :1.!'"' 1 M .. 1 1 I ln nd and no dool ' N " Signs Wl IC ('rl'cll'< a a nl'llt . ·I I·' "" .~ I 1'1111•111' l'ft ltlllfl' rrum ... nh'S on I'll~'\ ) '"'"'''" inti•C<;l'Ciinn~ I ) thl' S"<¥<1w . un ('Ill inl'umht•nc . ftlr•d \\\•dnc-.dn) l't'fl('f' Howard C.llllt'I'On or Santa t:••lliY•'llt .. .• 1 lltc·r•· i~ Mtllh' pro\'lslon for th• · ' • •-B) _ h' l.l'<t •tritttl1•' "'"rl•t ·•nu '""""'' w 1" 1 1 ~ nt the buJick> Rnlboa Island, Cuunctlmrm Robert mormng to df'l'lan· htl> anh•ntton Ana t o~tns tp ..:.·nm~···ll .'1•1 I .. n I Ill ''"I''·'·•'· II ~atlltllfll IS rl'-ururc· pro ('C' •10 . r~ o t:ATJI!; AJI••n satd tod I -Srur-; 1 lu1 t rl rndu·:, ' Jl(lw many penon• 1 Y· So ('a t SJ"HO 26 I I ,., .. ,,." , .. '" llf•ltol IIIII. tit• ,.,. •• m .. ,. ". Ill '" f, I I t ht•\ ni\ISI have honw-·'('II ~I l T. J () h n S<•tvJCI"S Tht• Jli'O.)t"<'l hal'-ht'(•n a p1Jro\'f'!1 Sl.mdard Otl 57o\o .. 1 ;ot r• ,,, " .t• \I'''''"'',, II "\'c•\\ (1111 I llc-IICIL . \1. lt..ttl Monday afternoon in hy !hP t•tty c·oonrrl. hi.' ~taH-d. rot. · · 1 t.!l 11 ,, , ltoloi ••I 111 t~n't a ~cwtt'l 1 1 1 1 1 fhP llbol I·' '' lll.,t lllitl")', C'urom1 d~·l Mn1·, lnwrnJ.: a survpy rmult• by Strl'd l ' !':i !')I•·• 1 11111w11 '"""1 '" t .. • ,,., r '" '""' 1 I' 111111~ '1 ••· ,:t" 1 •,, J~tltn So•hmll. 56. LII~:Una SutK'nnt£'nl1o•nt \VIlhnm CovC'rl. 1,,11 1 111 , ~~~""''"'' lit!' hi ur rn<'l' '1'~'11111 uf 111'' "'•'SI Nlll5t 8 wher 1 ~ ·11 t• •HI•nt \\ho dJI'(\1 Ft1day in Allt'n !<nll1 he• as a t,., ''lnlt'ri'SI· 1.,, ""'' '·"""' ,. otlh· t • 1111•11· II • \O•r }loU ··~•k "11 tht• hay you I('• ' ,\rt.t <:urrtntUriH) hn~prtal Nl" 10 Chu•r ur PolirP n R. llodj:;· '"' 11, t!,;c l I•• t•l •l I• II II• \\• 'tilt~•·""· llfl•ll who)(' neets Ol ;Jill r 1111 t•,tl•ndt'd tfiOCS!'. ktn!.on's [ll'('l(lO,HI fw · llllt•l nlll<' ,,.,111, 1 l•·r ''''I"''' 1'., al'lo a~n't 111;'',"" 11'~"''7~1 l~k".:·~~~ c~O::d.a in ,., :-··ltntt• a moll\'" of Jlhnfli!>, uno•·wny trafrlr· rtow on ,,fand ~ldt: ltk• ttl\ ,,,~,, 1 , "' 111 'I'"" I \<""'" 11 1 , ... ' ~ ' ',. • ,. • . enh "' , , .. , r11 l..ti.'UIIa tnt• tltt• 111,_.., ~~ t'j'e·t.... • rnmmlt It'<.' w11l ... tu!l) doon~ Into I'Om<'lhao~: )'OU r nna•·1 1 M • from. They disrupt unr "C'aiii<Jrnl;; I Harbor OVIe Wnv nl Llfl'.. • S ld t 1iwy ttb.tl pl:a ... .U ft,o\tM' \\tlJI th"ll EpiC 0 0 Mld","'~'~~t":.W. •S4-ool 1 Warner Bros. 1,,. ,, '"", , , , ,,,, ,, ,,,, ,, ,1, r '""n' ~~~~~n~'''" ;•r. our tn t ,., , ~···•~" tlw piOfJu-..;11 anti llud.,;ktn,un ,..aitl, tl '.''l I 11'.1 I• ,. ,,,, .. , .... , ,, .... r. •llO\\htt tl.s, tht rt• nftl·n ar~ areA "If It ft.otk' r~·n-iht,•. "''"ill II") II Both puiJit~hNI 111111 I" IV.tlt• ttptll · t tdl f nun a It lilt• d•stanr. ''""..; I• ,, ''''111'1111, < 'hurles •• llj 'jt'l•l 1,J 1111 111 "1 .· .. n tlw bland tht!-!-llntm ••r_ If It "'''' l'•·ll ·tJ• 1 11 lrforth r ·"ll'"l ~f,.nlo l'ark. ton llC'l'·""'<l thut th<' unnunl Mtrl· ,\1 .r,.,, •, puhlt••ttv dtr• ,.,,, leu Wlnt.-r 1'('1{111111 hold In ....... All· Me·II'UI )·lfl tc•rnnlttllloll. I'''"'"'''" gt'IM I !.arbor 18."1 "•'<'k••ncl nr tho• "' t',alttttl"' '. \\ ,,, If l.tl•·.' "'"I t.AYC "·'~ th<' '"''' ,,., It ,.,., lt'lfluy thl\1 \\~rno·r n ro.ttu" '''"' tn1nly hnd thr lil rJ.:""' IUJTt<lut """ 'ILII• tl ·• ''''"'' ,,, '"' 11,, • ''I"''' n rt-t'lll'd of :i!)7 c..'lltliJ)I'IIn~: Ultltl~. 1 1r,:ht ~ '" tilt· Nt·WI)(•t t fJ ,,, 1"'\ '"" •·att "'''' 11' wa 1' • works. Wo' muy II') ir nn oth~·r mu·. 111 , """ t.lotul "·'""·" "' m.tn· .,1111, 1·1 I'•••> SdtiiJ('k, J.IIL'>tur uf rm• I ,, .. 1 ' t 'I tit• ,. I ttl ,, '>lll't'l" 10 1111· C'IIY .. .. 111 t'dh( l'tUIM I I t \Ui trt•q··· th \1"' rrom fh· .... Jt\ltlllflll) C't•n&.:tl•,.:.tltunal •·· '" I•• 111 '·· ''•In t11 ,, It••·•' h• '' l1kl'ly to rJntl "' ul t'·•tt•l\11 dt•l Ma r, t)fl i- '" • '' t 1 '' 1 t • 1' ltl "'t• all~ '' 1,11 111· , "'"'' ''I' that two 111 , I I "''•llll•lll•·nl wu:, lu l\lf'l-80\'~' A t 't',\IRS ~··~t:T I '' 11,111 · t ~~-I• 1 '•• '' 11'11 'w' ·"' 1111 ··~ 11fh•,. t. •••. ..._ Hrt' c•loser t• ~\tJII•'' n, .. l,,ott•unl. ,.,, •• , •I' I• I''"'''"''~"""''"·'"''''""' lr•••u whichh· S tl111o'Y II l >a vHhon, l'io'c• Jtl l'" llt-nr •tf II">'' AJI:III')oo, Inc, r't.·· ,.,.;tlc·tl plut" It• 1\ultl n httl\'ht·urt I ont•t•lrn~: ur ·"' lhrt't'ltll':oo .. r tho· Ill'· ~;:trll/:t l ttrn 111 !'\t~l1on ,; (':oft· Ct ,tt,l 1 hiJ.:h"IIY. on t\taN•h I 11 1 1:.! ntk.lll. Tilt' l'llll..~l IIU.tl'll fll'flt'ltt\l)ol)' l'I)\)JI·,· I'"' l'rAII'fi h) pm VII1tr!J;; r l••llf) llf ~JM'f' I ottrdon !lllllllll!'hl lid. (If \\Ill 11'· tatnr lxlllh nnrl at"' n "'''" Jl·•·l' , .. •wtd the I• ''""' ''"ulol '" " " 1ro!ll'd rouN•. Onr• ('(; """' "''""'I It\ "l'l''""'m"'' h ~~ "''"""' I"" hy at th!' !'tllrling ltnP. anntlwr orr l'i·· '"'"u~lo· '" tl•• l 'tttt•·•l ·'' ,., .... I II HI II I I " ' I "'"''' IJI I .ill "·•Y "''"'' ••\ .... t " l • '•"P•'rt H •. wh '"' tt pJ:u·!' "'ht~r• ·q ,,,. u , I•"·• "'' "'-f1 •u11 It,\\ q ,, ., , ''""''. ,,. '-• ,, ,t, Chatstrl· , ... ,,~ •tt• 1 .. • ""' luc ''"'11-!h '"",,II''''''~ .tttcl oltttt rough, bw • u t , &·*·'''' •·II tt,. at •I• t I ' ••1• ,11 u l• ,, •"" ""''otft• ·I lu quiet an•t I ·1• •\\ '\ \l.tlt .. llrll ff:ll \I ) • "• I • h••lll \\'•~h,..,fl,l) a t t hr ll~:hlhoullc nnt1 n th1nl !'~•· '''"' U~oot u Sp;onl'h "r•t"n '"'""' troUt'<! tht• uct>a n. whit:h wn, for· 1~· shu"" 111 Jt·•''' t•f Sr.uth Alii• •• tunal~ COIUIMrini tN-number or •·u •• ,.,, •• , ' ''''1· .. •1 H•••h t.,1u u• I ~''"''' uf tts lstand""' \ 1'1 " '• " '' • ''"' ''' tl •1 111"'' ,,,,1 1• '""''''" rl '"'' many mill'" 'I Ill f •lill't' 1'1\;qM•(. lnglt·· I' •I t, •'• 1111 '' r). fctt :ll.dc•t~l m ••' f;,,,., n '.!I ul :!!17 l!ollt•ton I' •.ttl• I lot, "h11 Wit~ found I "'"""I·•) an lh•· family f><·,wh • ,, :"•II( S 1\iay t'mnt, Rltloun HARBORITES lltrirkf'n rttC'f'n. that hnl1 to '"' towro in. The managl'mC'n l, nN'nrdln~ Ill partlciponl!l. wa.. t·x~llt•nt the• 00(.' W Nk llpot be-in~ the:' COI'li!:PI>• Uon on lb~ mole whcrt• cAJ"S llnl-<1 up ll.a far bnck Ill' tho• rann•-rit"' At 1 :20 In the aftrmoon SI'VI'rol atar boat.s wr rr not yt•t In the WB· trr anlf 1 hPir rne<• wa. Ol(:h!'dulr'tt for 1:30. "But." ~11ld Dixon Smith, wh•) cn'Wcd on Jll'hc Erlck&on'i! PC "DH!Jitr w1nd. tiam&gl' ant1 cmv.•rb. ('Vf'I')'IWW' agn:~ this yMlr·~ 1'1'$t&Un wu a lot 0( hm." l &o,....t Sarurda.y'a W('athrr ~·u aver· q c.-fM L. A. hll.l"bor and only om• cuualty waJI n-por1t-d whf'n Andy Brown'a J.aland Cllppl'r hit lh•• jetty with rurprbin~,:l)• little dam· ~-On Sunday up JMped Lhe wtnd, elvin& the llllAll boats " bnd time. Sunday nl&ht tN-velocity lncrtaed to a 30 mile &&.lc:> whlclt continued throuehout Monday 0t the 27 PCs competinc the nn~t day. 16 remained to H~:ht II out In Monday'• blow. LocaJ en· tranta indudt'd ~Ti~' Strom. HaDe Erick.tlon. Marshall Nit'· dfd&er, n.d Smal8, Ed Glddmp aad Ski WIJ.Itln.an. Frt>d Sma.l•·•· 1N'7 Winner ot the BYC 11porta· 1hUl tJ'OIIh,y, had further occa.slon to pr'IIICtke pod tp01'1.1man1hlp whee a bKJiat.Q' cauCht on the Pt. J1nnln ~ brMkln& his mut. ltl.anha11 Nkdec:Ur bi<'W out 11 ~ ud Geclrct' S trom fi rst blew aut Ida jean)' and then htll main. &.wnl boeta were da!Tul&~ at moGiiap durinc ~ nlch\'s blow end to add to the excitement the two (ftW1IIIt'fl Wftlt overboard. mrs tJAddlnp. rather than nsk dam- ... to bla PC apectated Monday'e ,.,. tram a CG boet, which ls In lt.elf a teatimon)l to the me-anneu ol tlw wtnd u Ed dearly loYH n c- .lfte. Small boet rat"8 ~ llmltrd to tlw flrlt two ~ Thlrtf't'n SniP" tumed out lncludlna s.kiPPf'n Otck Deewr, Phil Gr'ft'nt', Jim era., ud Drew Gram from here. As you kaow Dk:k DMwr with Barton Be8 c:rewtnc. won the IC'rlt"' w1 I h Phil Gr'ft'nt' 8110011d. Dk:k .aid Uw Snls-had their own troubles. One went on the rodo bftakinc lt.s ruddM'. A.n· other, blown adrtlt SuncS.cy niJht , had a b6a hole chaffed In Ita aiM by a Nna'WQ F1atUr. SaturdaY• ~Uon wu ciON but on Sun- day many had ctitncult.Y holdlna their boell clown and the race wa~ tar lpt"Md. tit ell''' (HIIIIM•t \\ fl, II toll!\ II 1'111\1• n ( t'tt,t-t ftlll' r111 I •' I~ room ((It l tlllllill\ nl •••• ••I "' tl '''"''" "''1111 ''"'"'·llltl' 111 < '""''' o·rafl, lnC'Iud '·•Ill '"" \.to ltl t ltt h-. It had ·~•~• It o' II• "'~ 111\111' ''''hi._, yet lh('rt lll'rrnun• nt I• "'"' n'' Ill 1'11 • 1111tl • "" pl.••·• an lilt o ntart• bay In " '""' I.! I U l """ 1\ "'' h a r '"I} l:•••l .. wJmmt•r ,, Boys' Club Ent(lrs 5 Teams in Four Tourney Divisions Yuu •. ,., ''"'k "''' .. r Ill tf h ·'"' P Ut t•l t d!'-1\ It rldl uf hind. I \11111111\\ til ;-... \\ I•" I n. Hl'it IIIII I ,. I 'I"·'' llllk•' II I "'••JII Honally snf, \IIIII• '"'I''"'''"'''' "''hltllllf' '"' •IHhh·n .• ml '"'mmcrs lik1 FtVt• lt•um.~ """' loo·~·n tfll•r·fl l••"•r I>~•·•'' "Ill l•o'h•r--.onl "" ""' It ~Ill •· hll\('n ror tho '"the• rnur l'll\1~1111" uf lh• Sottlllt·'l """"l rul•'l' ''"'' lt•h•rmtn lltll 1 .... ,,, Ill lt)ooh•rm•·n. wtm com<· all ··rn Cllltllttnlll lulllfllllltolll cd 1\"~" lt•l•·" '" ltttll~t·, ('o .. h I\•"''" t lit• I\'' "''""~tl from lht' t•nst rluh!l. Thro•o· nl Ill•· tt'lotllM \\Ill c... ""' .1 do.u .11·1., 11111 ..uL llll'k• "'·I '''·''' 1n ttt.ctl\ tn,IIIOt'l'll, in pUr· pl:ty In f>aJindo•nu "" Mlllt'h 1; Til~· " "" "·""' ''"L''" •ur·..:• '' l•ttl ,, '"'' ul m11rltn itntl hruadblll. And ... , ... , '"'" dl\tsit•n-\\Ill pill) :O.I.tr n.otl\r '"""' .. '" ft "" '"" II· "' I \\h• n '"' \ ''""'" IIOt• tht•y reel 1:1 'f••11m nr~:llnlfntlnn und IJTRC-ttfttl """"" ·"' '"' n .. ,,·ll• '" "Jl.ltd for ,,11 tht• truutolr to whlr.h t ire ml't'lins:s will 1..-· hl'ld tiS fnl lollll \'o·t 111111•1•, lttt• .t lllt' tl\ :-;,.,, ''"'' IHI\•' ~:ttn<• lows: 1 •• 11 B··,,·h "" """' tJ,,, \\lth I:! and 13 yt•nr old s:rnup ''''I tl ot• pan•·~;yrr•· nw••t Frtflfl~'. fo't•h 'J7. Ttw 1<1 nnt1 'Tiw "''"1"''' lt.u tw>r ·"''" t' l ~)'f'llru!dgroupwll lml'f•ITI1Urs-1 n .. t 1111,.th•• lu .toh ro'"''' li '' !!1•)', ~···It :.!fi Tlw lti nnrt 17 ~~~·· 11111 all , •. nr """ ttlt· t•:orni\nl. un· ~rliUJI writ "'''"' \\'o•cltlt·~dlt~. M:u c·h l ltkl' nny otllt r "''·l•lfl•· lo•Wil Ill'· J and lhf' lA )c·nr old gr•ttJ(' "''II '"''' n !-'•· 1ttlo 1nal "' '""''"' Mrou~ rhf't'l Thur~tla). l\l.rnh 4 All m• ,., "''" r" off• r t/w ""'""' nncl thl' lnle~ \\!II IH' h1 ld Jl thl' lrH·.tl rl<1>~· 1 Itt lfllll' ,,f lh• "'II Ill lftP IM'l<'t , t•luh of 7 :10 pm lh;. nt• 1•~<1)· of '"" "'"d thr~>u~:h ~•'\'('ll Jtt'lltlr me mh"r8 or th•• lht• tr•···" '" '"'' 11111'11'1'111, lftt• 8o)"'' duh "'••nt to Pasadl'no hut c·hnm:rn~: anti 111-e•t ut~.: •·nlttrs or SIIIOrd:t) tn f~1rlh'1Jifi ll' tn th•• ~··n llntl l'k}' •1nl1 s:ulln~t rr:tfl to Suuthl'rn ('altfornin aa~· cluo lltl' flltlnfi·r 'r1w Wlllt•rs M Nt•l\. hn5ketba!l tourns mt>nl. port m~ptr" a••ll\'lty It' mrork •~ Kt•n Uyl'f!UJ:I and Jnmr5 'J'nll<'y pnrl tt'tltltlt(lll &:r.th n·hnlt, lnst nn•· had rharJ:t' of tht' group with Ar· In \'tlll ''''"'' 1•••. ~~ t'Url' !hill 'hl't•l mand Nt•lllc•e; 115 jumnr i'Onrh ,-h,: ''"'''" t1f lhtnl!.; l~<•tn~; dnnt' McmbC'nt of thl' tt•am making thr larl' flu· ~llltnd~t nr N<'wport." trip wert' Jnrk Strinmnn, J,•rr) Thill. llrl'lhn·n. It' lh·· ""> :-.;,." p .. rt lllf•·•''" n ltu,Jn""~mnn' Y11ll O<>nt.son, J im T&.lley, Roy Daniels, ran lmlll!m•' ,, hnr It tfflf•s 111 tlnrr) lU('hard Can I, J1m Nallon and \\'c•lrh nf 1 tw l'hnmllo•r of com· F rnnky Na\'nrro mrrcc. COMMERCIAL PRIITIIG • • 2~ PRICE SERVICE Irvine Re-Zone Plea Denied Tht• I'" tnt• Cn "It' rt>fu.'-<'<1 pt•r · mt, .... on tn IY'·7nnc their Coe.lt hl!;h\\ ray Jtl "l~·rt ~ Ill ~'tmformll) wath prt>S<·nr C'tt) ·hand zonln1: ,u·rc"s lh<' highway. 11w rdu,al "·" uffr r wlly hand. t'fl rlnwn h) t h·· l'larrnmg comm•S· '''m 01 nl1 hnckf'd hy the dty coun· rtl !rvinr• Cc• had ll•k•·!l fl'\r 11 C'·:! ''l"t,{T\nt, .. n, th•· ~><~mt· de61enatlon now h•·ltl ''' thP raty l:rnd whrch trnnrs on tho· htt.::h\\11) nnr1 cxll•nds '" lh,.. I.Jay TI1e Plannln& com- ""'"'hn off,·ro~! 11n nllt•r'Tlnlt• N.'· n1mmtn1lath•n th()t the l'ity r~· mnl' lh!•tr hl~h"·'~ (l'(on t;agt• to ('.I. rPi nirttnl! C-2 t'lu•~rfJI'nt trln on tlw watPrfront l)('rtron. • • • LET US HELP YOU with . "" \It r~tu\\n .t r.:r:u lua.t•• ctf thl' ''''II\ "' C".oltltotrua. ""'born ·•I 1• • •" 1n l 'a~oaclt·nu. :--•111111111.: ""' '"' (NIIt·ll!,, :llr. on I \It I !.ot\'•'} :II Brown, nnd • J,,.,, lt••r l l,tnt•·l :'.I Brnwn, nil of J· '·'"' n.o I .nt~<lllf•m••nt wu .. rn l n~o:l~·";ood J',tk m:oll<t~l•·lll'lt \\tlh Halt/ rnor· r ••' of t 't•rona c!o•l Mnr in charge uJ fiUh'l .•l .tn .tnJ.:t'nu•nt,. \1 11.1 • .._ .l.atrl•' )1 s,., vi.-.·~ ''' '" l~t•ltl Tll•·,tlnv •n llult.c rnor-"'''n Clltflna ell'!· :<.tnr. fur Jamt•s \I \tall' 'Kl "h" tft,.,J In hi'> hum!' '' s-_~; \\' < "'""'' ..-root, Rll lbna 1•1 tllll. .rft• r ,, ht 1d iltn(':.s. \Ia· \!ill•. a ttnll\1' or C'llnncta. •"lin•· tn t'llltfurm.l 60 y<'nrs ago •nol h 111 ll\•·•1 rn fl.riiiOil th•· la."t ·"''"" t\ tnt.: an· 11 ,.,n, J01mP< Mall~. jr. or llnmtltnn City: three daugh· a. t • :0.11, <1• t~ll'' E<f"·anf, ttl 1 .. 11..; 1·1 and, :-.; \' and ;\1 ~. Paul !'ulman ·IIIII :IIi' Ft o·d :'h.ank• n! II trtlllr rtn City ll• ' l'••rt"\ Sc )II r.-k paq or rtf • t •' r·. mrnunrt' C'ttnt.:t•'L'.altnn;ol h ll'f•lt uf Cttt'lloll •1•·1 :IIIII', nUi- •'l,ll••tl The· l~t•l\ Will hi' !-t'nl Ill r l.•kl:antt rnr intrnll<'nt. Let's Go Jar k and l\lanan Arnold un • h;wk rrom a trrp 10 ;-,;,." 'lll•·,ans. "Ia re tlwy "•·r~· tn tlml' fur :'.lardt Gr·u~ Tl..-y 11 •• 11 o frm· ttnw but ftT\IIIfl I ht • t'II.,Y full ur fog and Shrt·H·pw·t ful l of bill"''· • • • Dr ~:\'C'Iyn A I \Ill 11 of < 'usta )l,•5.t hu!l ht.•t·n 1 ,ot·:atruntnr.: tn San FranciSCo. • • • Mr. nnd Mrs Alh•·l'l Scht•c•l 11( San 1Jw~.;11 Wl'rt' W•·•·k t•nd r.:ut•s ls :at ,,.,. Emm~·t Cr.•awt• home on I JariHlr houll'\ a.rd. • • • John nnd i\111'<' Wnshtngton of San Dit•s;o '(K'nl tlu• \\o'l'k o•nci "tilt B~trl und .I an I lt'ntlt•l·son . rt'l ur•nrng Tues- tl;t} murnu11: :tlt••r llu• rq:atta 'f'hl' 1111'11 "' r.• hus) l<atltnr.: hut llw I; Il l' 1 hrttUt.:h CQUI I o•sy of ( 'upl. Ha~t·n•·t, l '. S :-.:. hnd 11 rin~;srde plnrr• on t hf• l'lommndort•s lll.ll't.:•· • • • Dutnr IIJIImnn uf lht• He•· pultlacnn rc•nt m l l'flmmlfl('(' 111 IIC· tnt.: 11('1'\l'<t-cl of t.:l\'ln,; II(' h••t t'tolll· mill mt·nt~ 1111d ramp:IIJ:ntng fnr \\'ull.tt'•· "Yvu t·an rll.~s thnl rumur '' 11 h thl' tin I' that l...()ng llt-;••·h Prk• '" ~our~; to mtwt· antu 1 1\all•"•' I"'"'''" th•• p11•r nnd N ~I n ·• t , .. sh•· snrd. Tht• jukt• Is, that I''"'"' 1111\\ ttlln~l) ~lart.•tl tlw tlllll"r ltt'l'!-• If' \\lie I I:' IIA\\'I~f'IIA\\'" H;.llc I DEEP SEA FISHING t 'e·hruary 211 "IIMl" tJw. l i»R flllhlnr; toe&IIOO at Port Oranr;f' MISSAWIT leaving daily at 7:00 a .m . J. B. leaving daily at 6:30 a .m. PORT ORANGE .,SUING IIOU ; .. : .. FISHERMEN! CASH on the barrel head for your fish . VAN FLEET FISH CO. "IN Til E IIEART Of' 00\\'1\'TOWN NEWPOnr· We are Offering the Public, for this wee k-end 5000 POUNDS OF FINE STEAKS at Ridiculously Low Prices! These Ste aks a re cut f rom Colorado G r ain Fed Beef-our Usual HIGH QUALITY- Aged to the very peak of perf ection, and GUARANTEED T O Y OUR COMPLETE SAT- ISFACTION. T -Bone Steaks Cut any thickness you like Porterhouse Steaks Wonderful for Broiling Top Sirloin Steaks 69c Boneless-These are really GOOD. lb. • Pork Chops-end cut Eastern <;:orn Fed Pork lb. sse Local Fresh Eggs Medium 1 dx. Sic Guaranteed Fresh large dx. 5 c Fresh Ground Beef Our Usual High Quality ~Wlt1"8 ORIOLE SLICED BACON Umlt OIW' Pound to a Customer Chuck Roast of Beef A Good, Economi cal Pot Roast Round Bone Roast N ic e for Slicing Cold 7 -Bone Roast Oven or Pot Roast \\T.ST COAST Pure Pork Sausage l'ou ean beet Ute priOf'o-Bt'T l'OV CANNOT EQUAL niE Qt'ALJTY-AT ANY PIUCE • lb.44c lb.52c lb.49c 59c lb. AJ1 Cut from Our l'!iU'AL m GH QUALJTV BEEF • West Coast Meat Co • C. 0. "PAT'' FLANAGAN Wholesale Meats and Provisions 184'7 NEWPORT BLVD. Ph. Beaooa 6695 eo.ta Mesa • ..... 1.-1 lMINia PU50NAL PaiNTING YOUR PRINTING NEEDS LICENSI::-BONDED Hook BNrdll~ aalllnc 11 brand aew Rhod8 No. JT took t h C' R.hocl8 lt'l"ift. Rftulll &monl[ the ICI'appy Star n~t Art' lUll unof· f1dal btt'aUJt' ot th!' numt'rou.~ pro1t'II.S but the combination of Dart!)' Mt'tcaU and Ed Fnuer r&C'· inc tht' Hubbard Star which ror · merly bel~ to Bamtoy lAhman ahould add up to ~omc:thln~r. And speaklnr of S.nwy u-h· man. he won the LC"hman dln~rhy terit'l In one of thOM' nl:'w piMtlc rnociela he dC"«<ened h lmse If. WHO IS HAWKSIIAW~ 16-ltc Onin W. Wright ..._:llartlor taa lllAptleA-.IIWbeablaM T eleplrone • • • A Representative Will Call • •• lJ Newport Harbor Publishing Co. PRINTERS -PUBLISHERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 30 II W. Central Ave. Newport Beach • PRIVATE I NVESTIGATIONS BURGLAR VIRGIL K. CONE -f'dncipal NIGHT PHONE - ' ' \ ALARMS A. G. OSTRANDER -Personnel Mgr_ yot'R LOCAl.. Mt;RCIIi\NT PATROl. can and will give you the hest thC'N' i!' in SUfX'n·i~ Burglar Alarm &r'\·· iet'. Our Alarms aN' built so thill the-y cnn tx-I<'Stro by our Patrolm<.'n each lime around to 5e<' that th<.'y are not only tumro on but in workin~rondition at all tim<.'s. In tht• event of trouble he is on th<' job immroiatC'I~·. Our Night Patrol is renderin g an honest, reliable service to this community .. FIRST with local and United Press News Coverage. FIRST with local features and pictures. FIRST with total advertising lineage week in and week out. • • • nat's the NEWS-nMES' two editions. Y011 can now have the Harbor Area's leading Newspaper delivered the day of publication by calling Har. 132 or 12