HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-04 - Newport Balboa News Times.. VOLUME XL Five Cra .. pt'r Copy four Major LA Meat Packing ~ Plants May Shut if Strike On · I.OS ,\'-Ct-:1.1-:S. :'-lilr 1 tl..:l't 1..-------------. ·' '"'''""""I·· '",.,,, ,.,,·k··•:s'l 3 KwaJ·alein 'In k• \Itt It> ~~uul•i 'hut tlu\\ n r""' ""') ., ~.., '"~'I·, "''"'" .md Ships Sunk thrtt\\ :111 ~1 \\ttl loot r• t>UI ttf jotl", prtt•l-.tllL: uflll'tllb ht I•' Suttl lu•IJ) By u s Navy Tit, 1• llrltn.: l'll l •lltlk .,,,,.,.,~ • • onl) \\ tl,llll 11nd ('.,, ,\rmour, S\\ Ill .till I ( 'llcl.th~ "I· I. 11 .. 1 k··· s •• t Inti; I~< nil• 111 f•,,.·t-.· 1 "· "hll'h SUppl) ';'(I IJ• I ('I Ill Ill ~IIIII ht I'll Cuhluntt:t ~lito .11. ,.,... nut tflo o•l••ll U. S. ~Feels' Out Market CITY 1 In \ lr\\ ttl t hf' "hl•·"l'"''uJ In I••,.... I In dl~ n111nn~;rr l:""'r"mrnt. rN'IIlf'CI t•llht•r It~ torttlnan•~· ur h~ \ulf' uf lhf' 1"'"1'1" thrttu~;h <'N•allun 1 of a l~ett\rd ul ln,.•h ttloh•r-., lht· '''\\ ... ·Tintf'" ''""""'" th•• ""'"" uf lht·l Bn,hlf'"" ( ttnm•ll ''"'••~. \'r• .. h•rdll~, I hf' rlt~ ~;o~u•rnnwnt ·., "''""'" h:ol d 1 ,. t• r 1: f• n I \'lr\\ a•nlnt WIUI rx· • I pr4......,...~). j\ .. •fM 'Itd iHf1 I loiUH d 1 h tt oU\ i f'I1 1J 11 '-ltu•·lur• ... n••d•d '" p JI ., ... 1111 :• ~umP ''nnh1'1on tn:t~ hn'•' h••••n p.u· \\llh rn.1n\ "'h' 1 IHHl:l• "'1\' r ro•rtt1•d Ill lltt• nund• of "'mt: 1"'"1 ontl lollll otlcl ·,,.,,klltL: "'''' A plr• tty n :t'-1111 111 Hit' :w lu •n tol lit•• I, h,,,,,.,. ''•'" ,tltd '-htottltl • mtu~l.l dty f'llllllt'll Ill trlllt dttll.: Ill•" llr•' rn.tll) t•lh• 1 lo •,tllltt ' n"l n•tll flO'-· 10 C''lllloh'h a ,.,,~ m .tnitl!•'l' ftof1lt 1 '-lhlt• untlt•l· 11,.. ~lttnl<'tpal t'"'l~" of j:tO\'t'I'IHn••nl I•.) .. rdtltatt•·•· \\ h• "jtoltllll>. .\t•l '" a "1\lh d;t·~ ••tl,> ,\ a.~krd."\\'h~ ~o:unh•·ltd"tth tlw l•'· f,•,\' .. r th•·••' \\llldt nlt..;hl hr r•r•n- tit1on l><'in~o: <'li'I'Uiat•~l ~~~ tht· 1111,1-'•ldt·t··d art• fli'OI~·r·tllmttl r•'Jiff'l'f'll· nC'S..~ 1\!'")(·tntion n•ur~t•tl ~ \\'Il l n ot ta11on Sut'h m ••lhowt a• ... llrl'' ,., 11· the o bjt'<'l of tl1111 pt·llllltn nPt l10• rt'"'nlat llln (tn thr I'll~ r·n unrll "' accomrtt'h''<'~ hy ,.," ··nurtrn•·n• ,,r rnmor""'~ u, w•·ll "' maJI•nll•·• 1 liUCh nn Ot'tltnAnC'f'~ ;"tnt!trnd~ tn llfl'''""' '"" ll"mtn·1 The lln~Wf'r t< lhltl 'll('h lll'lh· :IliOn or l h<• C'IIUnl'tl h) llloor htn• nRnl't' wtll onl) par11nlly :tC't"llm·l f'lOhiiCtan'< plish th<' ohj('(·t of I hi' nu'tn~~ llthC'r rr:tltll .... "'htr h 'lwulrl . ho· A.~!iOCilltton roun<'tl m f'IIY'III ;"tttn.: 11:'1\'••n rnn!wi•·r alt•tn lll"t' ;'t muntrl- this IX'Itlton, ON-au•r an nrrltn:~nl'• f\<11 rourt. dl"t).lrtmpnt:lhznl&on of m ny b<' rf'tl<'nl•'fl n t .m~ tlml' h) I I'll~ rum·t1on' ;"tnd m nny othN'll. t hi.• AAmr <'II) rn~mril 111 ;1 "llr· ,,,, -.t:•t•·rn··nt hn" h<'<•n marl•· ct'{'(iin..: counrtl ;>;nr dtt ,,,. l>o ltP\•' that. \\llh •urh 11 rhnrt,.r. "'' 1 h a 1 nn orrllnanr r i<pt'Ctnlly 1f woultl lw ~•<trim!:; nut Wtlh tm un hastily pill"!'('(!. "'111 Ill' A.~ C'nmplrt(' l tnrd ~:r>Vf'mmf'nt nnd onf' wl11rh d foolproof &.• thr AAmr prons· thr rour1" harl not f\<1'""" """"I ~ <'mhodtrd tn ;'t chartf'r, thl' nnt1 lh:lt nnim:mf'r< would hov•' to product of thl" C'arrrull~ rnn<trlrr"'l l l"' pas .. Ni nJ:aln nn ••\'•'!'}' cnnt~·l\· t hinking nf A Ot'IAnl nr lfl fi"'P· <lhlo• <Uh}'of'l '!'hi'-1'-n111 Inti' holdertl. Such C'oulcl on I) h" rl1•-1 Th" Boani nf 1-f"~hnltlrr<> ~hould carded or "''f'ltkrnC'd by voll' of thf" ilnrl undoubtrdl~ '"" hn\·r thf' II'· ~lc, thr samf' n.• 11 WA< nrlnpt•·rl l•tH anct' or r·ompt'tr nt lr£ol roun· F\Jrthformon>. it '" the opmton sci. skilled tn thrsc mal l('nl, who o( the mrmbfon! of the BuslnHoa I C'onttnu<'d fll'l PaJ;:r 41 l.od•• I I•· I '1111• ll•otl" j f 'I \ I I l.tol" """" ''"1••1 1 Jl,•,u h I'JCt:r l'f T ,.,, 12- Fr• f1o1 ~ H··""td••n(•t• !'.!'1 l lilllltlof\d i\\'1 nlll' ll'tll"'' 1-l:r n.t t'ltt:c "f T 'o. 11- B··u··dwt ... H•· .. id• nr .. :VY.I ;\litn~·o!·l i\\'<•ttlil' < 'ttl"n·• "''I :\l.tr VENTURA DRILLS DESPERATION WATER WELL fr:sTnc \. < \I ... ~.\tu If -1 C'f' l --4 uunl\ •\\ ldr attrntlnn ".,. lt><·u-1'11 tu(h•~ on a ""II b,._ lnl' drlll,...l h~ lh<' r ll)' of \'r n- lura lot au.,••nt "" da.ntrrNtU•Iy· I• " "at•·r "lll'lll~. ('II~ uffio 1111• ,.M '""''" nf lhr ""II ..,...m lu lndlr alr a """ '""r' •· of \\at~. A 61 · ",...k tlruu~thl hll' hrttttKhl IIIII•· mmr ""'" I hr••,. In• h• ' ul ra.ln. ,\ l• ... t l"•mr '" '""'" '" h,. ln-"'a.JI•·•I In tho• "•·II, \\ hlr h h,... b<'f'ft .. unk 147'! ,,....,, • ,.,...nrtl IM4' lrw thl11 vlf'lnlt). Th ,.._,.11 I• lrM'alrd nra.r '"" mooth of thf' f4uta Cla.ra IUvrr. ""\::.:">. 1 Toda)·'• II A.M., r..s.T.,Scores· now .lonf'f' ,,, ... ,...... ... ::= .~-:-,::..... Sov1·et ''"'" Il l "' ,, ... '" "" tl Htt tl I ttlt•t .-.,;, ·h• II"-' "I' I hill •I '"""'' u i Pressure ~·lt'4't lt-.t un l'tt.att' I uut ~ 1 "nt.IC '" I\ 11'1 \ ""'"' \It• .... I ,,, IIHIIIIIIIIII llrU• , t ''"'' d '"'''' 111 '' "'•' •·••111111u nlltta ,,.,,., d h11u •·• .. ,.h4h···••••" u~r :Western Europe Red front Near Treaty Agreement t. 1" It it, d ••I pluu~:uu: hh• t"ft\Jrt· It 1 11 11"" hl•••l lo•tlh, 111111 lhlll he ·••" "'"'"'·•·"'"'"''" '" a,c 111nc 111 t hI ''",,,,_I l••••k• 1h• ••h~n. t tw hu lll ttltlttHI••t lilt• ftt 11 11 t• Ull h~ '"' Itt tit I I •· I h i I'': I ~· ,, •• ht U1 ""' tflt I l~t I• II I ll•' t'ltlllt\•'U' lt•1 tl11 Itt I llttlt' .Uhf "' I t ,., t·r I·' 1'• rllh • '" ,,, •·hit d If; I hll .... hHnd f "lffH h t "· u. , ... ,I \tt .. ,. r''"''"' .,, 1),,. dt lu\ tlu H·•at·h fu, f) rnur ,, ;jr' :t1'1f, httth ,, •hnr i)f ,,, •• ,, 1h• d!t\ lq•h t I 1\ h h"•J· j 11\••r lor,Junc lf1t• bav ttnfl '' ,., tull, Jtrttt'nd•·tt '"'' , If•, '• • launo '"'" un I~ I•~••• t •·all••d \'rklltl' ''"''' of '''' m""""'' <.;, 11 1;,,, o1 1 ·n,;,• 1\a~ •h•· tu~o:o nn•n~: ,,f Itt• 1 ll'f;,,r;,, 11. s :on ,.,.,11 , .,, \act1tt n~! •nt•·rt~l ,an ~·\\por t ll:tr l ''·•n~•·tJ tlu· •·Htr•t1\, '"''' f1 ,,, l .. tr 1\ltll'h Itt· :onll \If\ S•~tllttttl • I tr l!'i Ill tlw ftr~l !--•md ,, 1l•• t L:T""" 1, • lnw 1 hr"''l:h llv \ • 1t r "' ~·· of 11,.. hill II• <fl• tl In :\!:tl !!•IIi \\Ill I• Ill• !'Itt l"fll' \lot•• k• nrl ,, ,., ' ••I "'"'t•ft· w••r•· \l'lltniC th• 11 natl\t I 11 lt'l't"l·••••r•· w11 ~o 11, ..,~, .. ~s '" , • '\:trw·:.) 11 m•·rn lw rot u•t h••k ··~ thf lr China to Stage Counter-Drive Against Reds I I II ·.t .. I I ,, I" f, ft I f I'• I oft "'"1'''''' ••I r. •I ... '" ttt:unt.IIT •·· "''''' I I . I I '"I I ' • 't til '·,,,., 1"''" lo ttt I Ill( I ....... 1 I .; \I '" h do I I t'• ,, ,., I ljl lj I II I If ''' 1 ... , ••• t. Ontt-Armt•d (~,sht Mt•sa !\lan Is fhamp Fisht•rman, I nvt•ntor and Now Flit•r I" ,, I I IH • ,, ,,, ,.,,h II,,, ,.,,. :~h· I I ,,, I ,, I'''"' lft\1 t '"'-''' ,,, ,.._ ttl , •• ~ ••• '" f,ttU p t l .•,'H'I I ,.,.,,, , . .,,, '" , .... , ll'l'·ill ,,,. ( •,, l ,t '"'1• •I "fH o I t ''I flfl\ t f't 1\f rt t l ltff tf fflfl tf I I tl ft11 fUfH,tt ff'lf\1 ,., ,.,,.,I II ih ,• I ' .,.~ "' •I lit f I ,,,,. ·•'' ''""'~" It• I '"i '''''" lh· ,,.,,.,l. t. ... ,, f "hq• '"'" .llld} "• 1 •11 I•'' '•I \' ,~,' t ' 11 •I• It''" \ \ '' \f ''''''" f ln·ht '''h1J'f•l ,,,,.,,,,"'•' t.fh, ,, lu• ha" lurulrd '~" ' 1 ' • 1 '' I 1 1 l l•.••lr 11• • ,,. f,,~ • '"' ,,, "' w tultt "' lttt rru.n -. • '"' '''"' '''''"" ,,f u •u k•·r•·l .,.t 11 ''""''''I'"" hill ht~~l''''' •uht,.\ ultH•• ·••••I \t..llh ttfiiV Ill" ortr· htrn I.... '" I" 1 ••' 1 ol "';", """' "'''"' ttuh:uullt'IIIJI.N'tl lutlt• td ,,f u-.11,,. tlu r u~..t••rtt 1ry ,•n•• d \.IJJJI ' ''''"' '''''"' f"'""lnl''" 10 q , ... q • t l , , 1 tf ftr1Htl•nt· n• 1 lw ••j.j• tl It lutti4l ,.,.,lin •''' 1 ' "' '' '1 '' l'p"''' tl"'"·tiJ"' f n ,ro thr• frllt ,,.,,hi th• 1111rk•P I truJt tlwrr .. :--:;,.,q I If II• If "''' ,. I., I •'•' I Hi''· f(, ,.,.,, \'.Ill •• , Will k ''" 1fl• ,, I '"' \\ ,,,. Ill• .,. •• lfrtU ,,. W M ... fl •l r· ltfl 1' t•l I .. , •••• ,. Jf,,Jfllntl F •Hfltl f ''•lttp,ttl\' Ul -.;.y •• ,,. '" "' .,~ ,., •. ,,..Itt• ,,, th•· K••n. t '• '''' tn•l "' q, 1 "'' 111 • ''' w I n~·l tntl it~ '"' • tt}.'ttt•·•·t f u )tt,i'l \" ,,,,"' u tt•l tflt••W fit• r utt•h ttVt•r I , ' ' '" • )u r• ,,,,,.,I ,,, , t ''" d I "' ,. 1 tfu ••1tt•fl l't11 It• ,,,..,., ·•'• rl • "'' t • • .-' t , ""'•llltl• 1 lrtfo ftw hc,.,tf Gop To Go HOUSE-TO-HOUSE FOR REGISTRATION ;',,'.',;·:,',,:•:" ;';:··,.:: ',',':, n,: .. ::·::.",' 1"''""' 111' Wt<t 11'1'"" Wt••'k•'ti v lift tt,1 ""'I tt• ('nlutt ,,.oap.tn\ 1 .. I RAID .. ~ARBLE G .. ~E I'',,,,.,,,, '~'ld••r A h•••l~f'·ltt-h<rt:or· f'un\n'• fur 1 ~n N tmmlll,.,. J<ttnl lv, ,fl. •I th• tu tl•t'"" •• •1• ,.,, •II IVl AIVl r~s·•~tr"lllhn or ,,,,,.r, "'II ht n•t•ttns,: "''h Vttlin,~ u .. , .. ,,,, '" ,,, I ''··· \ f•f•l tfl•r•' ,,, ,,., .,,,~,.u ... Wtl ft futt. fn uttw-·'r AI, ''"''''''k'n t.~ n ·puhltt·nn \ttlun '" ,1( ,,, '"''' ,.,'*'' ,,,,,.,, ····r•H' ''"'"' ,,,,.,,,, f'•l•"''·' l••s~\·'lor,ffl.. \J,,, ,,,., t. • ••t•l•"''''' ''''"I"'"''"' ftrm tM·r ~r ,•ur~. 11 wnA nt.trf1r·rl ,., ,. umtll•, m •\n 1,nrt ,,,, mt•,-. ,,f , ,, , '"' •f ,, '''" '•' ,· "' 1 i,,,,, \ -.v.. • l'll·f ,,.,,,., f ., 1 ~··'"'"'' •• " l'tfl, '"'''• t\• ... .,.,, • nthfl•tf.,rttlf· r 1• • 'an•: Tu• '''A} nl~tthl h t 1 h,.. ,,r , t ft• I"'''''' 10 f ·, ntt ,.r , I ,1,unlt t • , 1-. , , :t•l , tu ·~ '''• '""' ·•' t .. " 'I') ' ,., '',;I.,·, u• It • tl ,,,.. "'' ,, t..u r • •I ,..,,,, •. 't ••I• '"'· tu r rt•ntllf •Imine f1r•~ uf flnlt•h I' Mn"k' \, :"rWJtt<ll t• 111 tlu• •h•tnrt ~ '', ' '• r •••'••••r• l.•1t I'•••'" "''" "I "''''' "I~ r •01111( "'·'"''' I"""'' '""" ltt,•l lt•·,rfllll: fndlllll'l' '0. ,~ •. ,,., '•mt·~·•s.:n ,~hrurmun trtr t h• r,J u"'"'"' .,,,, ,,,, r. •• ~ ''"'' v.dl ''"'' ,,lrt h I•• ,, I til ,,,, ,,tf,,,,. .. "'' ttlttt .,1\ ''"\•rt f••Wn ft, •• ,,,,._ '"'V' ftllft ..... trnh•tl ...,-., ... llrronl'" ~'•••mty flrpultiii'On ('•·n 1 11 11 1 , II• '"" 1 '""'""" Ht• '•·••" I "Mitf ttul .\1• tl• '"" lu•t tttL:hl '" 11" 11 '' ''''' '"' oo ttf """'' • u11•l ,.,,. H~t• radu~i~ tr:tl l''•llinlltl•·r '•ttlnt•t 1 mrrn •• '""1'''1' \ltllh•Yo~. d•l•l"''' ''' tlo• '"''"'' lfwf'"""' ·n,. I'"'"' t tfol••vt .. t"""' ,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,. uf llu• t•lullf'·R~ Mr\1\k•·> anrl J,t•flo) Anrll'riiOn, ""'I Mr• Arlw S""'l' uf l '•r'lllt ,,., ... ,,,,.""'"'I ,,, ••nnl•l•·•• '"I '''' ''') 1••nl11tlf 1:"'"'' •or<l iiHJttt'''· "'''" l•'tl•nl••l loy Willlum TrtiJIIY t'hairmnn of lhf' lost11 Mt>Sa cam-M•·U W~>r•• narm>d hy MIUik<•Y and J•ll•n•. It Will 1rnnollnn'ff J1'111f'r n ld. nf NI"Wport firt~h•• ___ FinnS Find ~ toophole-in Sta·lin·'-s-Demartlfs for Pa Page 2 Ttlt'fl."(U \\' S""l'"rt u.-.. ·h, C'allf. ~tar.·h a. I !IlK N t: W P 0 R T 8 A L B ()A S E W S -T Ul ~ :-. ND 2 FUONT PAGE E-A-R-l N-E-W-S y * WEATHER * II\ 1 '11 1 11 1'1!1 (Jh \I\ '• 1•1d I I I'' 'l•t YMCA-YWCA Set .\1ar. 15 t'or 1st Annual Dinner . ' .._, \' I ... \ \ I I I , " ,, I' I \\I '' hI' II t,. I \ ' ·~\I ,, • t . ,, \1 ' I •• , t \' . ,, ~ 1 I' I .. , I I "· ,, u " .... ' I '' \1 I I II City's ApJJiitation tu Administer SA.-\AR t; tilitirs Turne<l t>own '" '•·•'··· ,., I 'tit I I t. I,., •• ,, •• , .II 111 I ' .. \ I I \ II '. 1., 11 ,1,, fl ,1, Hh ru.,, ... 1.11 rt.Ja •'• 1ht1 U11Ji' •r 11 nf Wllh \II I,, .,. I 1 II• • \\ \ \ • \ r• J•, '' till• ,ru '•I ltl'l I ,, I. I I II I•' ·'· II I I 1 ~ ,, I I '. •l I J I ,, f •• I I ., I!• ,., Cl I " tl I " I ' I ' If f I ; I • '•·••t•l • I I• , .. 111d main !I , ... II ' '• .uul ~t·\\ ··~· ,,, 1\o llio• S:tlll a "'" II• .rh} Ur·,. , ... ,, l{in~rside Firms foto-Views By 1 ERROR IN TRANSLATION SEIZED ON W A.L L Y GERHARDT \\ha t ~Itt .'•'" lhiul~ ol tli•· c ...... ta '1• .... ( hurutwr 111 t ••tlllll""r ·····-. 11f· 'ft·r In \\t•rl\ \\llh th•• ''''\ltttrt 1\t'lh h ( lutftilh·r t1f ( •HHIItt'rt'4' UO IUIIIII:tl prol1l1~111 .. • :\Jar rnrr• <"lt•lll of on r•rror tn lran~l-1 ''"" 111 1~ PIOI'itlt' tllf· loophnl(' Fin . l01rHI lli't rio< to r <c'tlll(' ..,i~,:niru~ a onoltl.lr~· p:u·t w it h llu•~hl, oh~1·rv. 11< l tjW •II•rl1 tncl;,y I) I I• ' tt! I ... ,, , I ,., I , d ll\ \\ h' 1\ 't d , II I t.t tHp tt &I'll•' hqt t •rlld t!I•Ci tuHt tPnt~lll j! ,.~· !:IJ 1 ,I t' I I f I'· '. ' I I ..... t d ttlll I I 1111! II •J I ' I II • " ,,. \\ ht '• I I •ol 'Jtlj I C'FFERS fO WAGER FOR CANDY BA R f J, ".Itt It tl f •• ll ltl I• It lut ,t I I ' t Ill f a u th t •• ,. tlnlll•l· nr ""'" IUj,., 'I It• It Itt l•lttt ill• • •I U ~"~It tl , Fe ~-.· Failure if Puwtlr l~ates Go l 'p 11.\IU:Y \\I 1.1 II ...;, :• I '"'· ''" 1 .. ,, 1 1~. wh t 'l .. u•ll•~ 1 •d t ··•Ill· 1111 ,,,. 'I }11' ttl It r ut \ f,,,. t ''"'~'I 1 tltnn 'l111• • •rrcor w;o• fnunrl In I ht '' ,.,:~ol.·tt IIH\ or Pn 'nl li'r .Jn~,.f ~t.·tl. 111·, I"'~'~"'"" lt•lf••r to l'n•••fl •·nl ,IIIIo" 1.; I' t:l"lkl\'1 tl'fJlll'~llll(: fin. 1 111d In ··nln inln a lrr·nty ol lll•·ntl•llll' and military ullitH11.'1' \ '' 1 t••·ll r rrrn~lllllon nr th•• 11·t· lof' llloJit"llo•ll lhl' ~11\'li•l l'l1111fl i1 ··, ""'!.! 11 •imtla r. hut no1 nn lo• 11• ,,.,.s I'·"·' 1111h Fmluncl :o< "~• •1 ·n• d 1111h llnm:oni:l unclllum•.lt y Soulhtlll (',ol~ ll u~ Ll , el• oil ... d.n ,,.,H lol olool Frill,;, ... lilt "lot.:lolh ludli I "'" IIIII• II II k •m jll KI UI ,.;. 1!111 I'!OIIIIIIIH'<.I t•nld DIO.:h l \\ 111!1) '" '" 1 oolt.:• ~ .111!1 , $ ! I f I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I ~'' ...,, ... , .. , .. I • . ' •' t a.),. \\Ill Trtt• t,.,-tt ...,, ,.,..._ . ,, ' "Ill ... " I' .... • 111 I t ojilo•l I ot . ". 1+. I II I ti \ o lotlofH • I• Itt l it tt ' 'r't'• I• j • II • • I n jH lloo I 1!111 th "'''I .... f .... • \ . '.,. ,.,, ....... . ,, .. .. ' .. tl ''" .. ' ,,,., .. Itt• ••111' \II I I 01 Ioiii I " "'\I I '"''' .. 1 lt tl If '• , I f I • ""''• tf H.tr " ........ . ol .. h n II I IH I flO j II• I I I of .... ,, •I I l • I ...... .. "' .,., ... ' ' .. ·I .. ,, ,I II tl q \ ....... ~ \ II f., '''H''••I h\ ''1'''""'''1'tfl\t I tfl f ~ I I . I It I l lltfl ,,.,, I I •'' ,,, t I!,, II •I tt I ' t ... II ' t I. • f+l H • .... .. ' \ \II \ o1 •I '\',' '\ II I I 1 I 1 I• 1.-'I ol •I I""' tt 1 t t II • \\ 1 " II I o I•· _, I I , , I t I I t 'I ~. . • 11 I I t , •• 1'"' 1 t. Itt'• • .. t.,l ' I •I "'' \ ••• ,... I" ,,, • 4 ' •-.-'f"''"'t-"t; 1M' W 1 ; I ~ I• to •' h I I rl • I td 1 \\t 1,. U I"• .... t ~ n• • •n 1:• ut I ' •'" •h ,,. I I I I ~ • " t l ~ I l•lt , I I II I ... tu Ill• I I',, I, I It II II II\ I " ,. 't., \It It \11 . I ' I ', .. •I ,,, I.,, II til II • " ' I '• \\1 /o!1 I tit I ,, Ill! I It Hit f f I llfll ,,, I .. ' ttlthfl , I '''"' II II ,, I II flo •I I \ \II • \ I • tt .. l lll I ,t 1'1 d ... It " .. 'I \\ I IJ I I' f'·" l. ,,f 11t "tu :.: • ~"''"" :u u l """..: L• .. ,, tl a 'Ill I I·· ~;.utt• • llu l ( \\ "' \lo '·""'' r ; 'till '' u· h••r• ,,, ....... •·· I,, • \\ ,.,, '' "p••rl. r•· f,, lur• •1. h•· ltth l ., .. - '" ,, .. t.n tn ·'''''"""" ''• \I• '"'"'' t •I "'' n l11 •I lht '''' .. ut I ,p I~ t It t f '• II"' It \, r" •·L•• 11-•• ,.. • .. \\ h, tlrt•\, .. tl 111 t,. .. • ,. u • •r "II• u J,, It• urtl I"'' ..... 1',.~·- JUSTICE DOUGLAS. STAS SEN PROPOSED AS CANDIDATES J.t I •, I I l' '' I I I 1 •I "' '· I I I· '• t1 " II I• y \', I tj• ,, ; i If I d ,11 • 'I " \\ d .. I I '. ilo" T" I' It I o/ I I•' • I 1•11 Ill th .f I ' I I' 'I ,·.; .\lnr •I finn" I ' lo r,, .. IJII It ..,, S 1 I I f 11 I lrH1 1 •, •J I' I ,. ,, .. lalt• It• I I II IOL: •• ,, ,\ ''" 11 II J.. lht• H I lo ' I• ''' r. ! ,,. , .... • • hoi\\ I • Ill I I rt'f II I 'oo ll.111ol ( ·, 1 I' .. ' • •• • \ ,., ,J r . I I j , 1 illlb \ I ~u " 1 I tlllo• tl 1111' do II lit< II fil l d· 11111t t .tlh' 1• •'~•I ~nUUJ! I ! ! I f I If ~I "" LOS ANGELE~ CJO S~t ~T \YIDENS OVER POLICY ( Arrnt T"'"'''-"roJ cu~tortl& tn~Pfi'tor Francis Jc>J'l.St'n p:Htl's ~~o•arnlng slll kcrs em >htp- m•·m of SCietlllllc lnstrumPnts cun~l~flrd tu tht Rus.~lan-r•mtr.,Jied tuntnq~ Trading Corl) .. rall•ln, but IJ<•tug held by R ichmond. C!lllf~ cu.o;t"tn' pcndmg a rc>I)Urt from at<•m lc S<'l~'ll!l'ts nt the Unl\u~ll ' uf Callforrua The Cyclolronlc SPCcraltles Company of MorRga Calif~ 9-hlch mnnuf,artur~·d thl' lnstrumPntll. Sllld l ii<'Y fiTl' t•lq trot t1 r• lllll• Uli devices, IIJ~hou~:h cu.st.oms •llflrlt~ls believed tht'm w t.x: <..i~~.:r COUIILCrll, !~,air Sex Doesn 't Know J nk ~ \\'fu~n It Sees One , Thinks This ~H~n '" 1 '', ~ ,, t ·, .... r 1 \ 1• ... , 1 I ·I • '-• '' !•PI I !l oll h \1 1 ,,. I .... ' I I ~ ,.,, .. It tf•·u..: ''" 1 I 1 lut• oml 1~ Ill I 'I l•ld \\tilt 'I, , .,.._ t O ••I I, ', \\ J1 11 I I II ''''"I I 'lttrn· I' I •I (' •Ill· .. ,,,., 'I l~t\\tf1 . l h t lo II II I''"' ... -"' • till l l" I II I .. ll.t\ I I' I '\\ 1 f • tl r I I t tl d '•. ' .. ,, d '''"' h " II HI \\I I 11 It, lit I •Jtl It, .ntd I •I II • I till tl I t !II !f J' I, 1 \\ t , I Hf• ,. ~t .. •" HI • II \'\ \t \ 1'111 I ' :,1" •·I I •I .,, lo ,,,.,,,. II/""'~ lftol,l \'-II. Jl• d~:<-- 1·' • 1 • rt .r .. ll I ht111\\ 1 tul\t \\h~ u lt~lh f lll·ta ... l ! ... Ill•: 1•1 ... ,,, l111\\"" '"11 t!lh , , 1 , t • •, \11 .. , ' , .. ' til\ ll••l \\ ht tl I ' 'I I • ,,, j ' I .~.., J f);ltJ\ ", I' l•·• 11"1 ... I,,, I '"'''"' ,,,,,,...,1 •• ·~···,.lilt '"Ill• 11 ~11tlrH!\ "·''''' .,., \\ h ,, tit '''•' fl •·d"'" ~'"••' 1••• u l 1 '•r"''"'I•·J~•"t.lt• '•'1· ,,,,,\J f'urtJ~,,~s I, ,,,.,t, '''''" ''f•t tl~•t•h 1, ._, c ·.~it•.) ,1 1l d an t•l • ,.,, 11 .t, t. ... "" ... , . *'~•I ,,,, ,,, ... , ,\ rn.aj1•nt~· nf lhf' Finnr~h par. I• 11111 no "·'" l'f'JMIII••d "1'1""'''0 IC ,, 111111' ·' to·•··•" o•ttnt;aimn.~: d .au.;c II\.. 'o( ..... tlotm:lrtHin llllCI I htn. ,,,.,,l p;u '"" Tl h • hlf•t I Will lflo·<; llt:ol iill • " '" ol ''''"'·'""' '"·•II h·· pro. .f, d ,., • , ... , ,.( "itr Ftrtnt"h 1• '"''' '"'''l"''••l lht.; lo1 JU1..u: I'll • , , ·•llltl "" l)u• l-'lt11ll•lt 11 :n1 '' \11 h1 ,,. 111 ,.,.._,. uf ho"t 1111", I "'II tl. """' ,,., •. h:o~ ntl flit. 'I ''"11 I I "I" tHn1· n•·t:uHotflnfl' nn , t1 . ''' .. J Ill• iod•htp 1\lth H11••1~ •t•d l lt • l•'l•lll tr:ln•l.tll\tll 111 ,. lin' .. 14 1,. 1 tP:t\' PI• liOt•tH nn ()p. J~·tttllllt\ t11 P~'~'l"'''' Hutr.:. f 11 I 111lanol • '" t•1htu•:ol p.o rli,·~. • 1ol1 •11•· , . .,,.~lll:lna"l ·lo•ci 11• 11\nf"t'.olrr ltr II 'I t ... 1 \f'lt ,..,,.CJ .I publiC, \it\\' I I, t'••llllllllllhl~ l:ll ~tl' llw f'IICL I'll "111 olflilll' ft\1' p:trlit•< HI• O• • d 1 1 ollr'd nr t•r·uc·a:tl c·cult• ''''"''''1 l,ul r\ •n 1' ,,, h t t1• U' ft,.,,t,lnn .... \\ 1th 1' "1 11 11!1 1!1 1 • ;••rto II "l'l""•·d • 11 rtnht '' \ J•l u\ , .. ,u,., h ,·111 • In· '"''' d II • d· 11''"n' 11 111 t .. h•rl111nl't•'ll '" '" JHt\tt• rn••IIIIL"~ lt( e.wh r t t\ "' 1 11 ll1t11t nl,rl \ crnrtl, I I I I I I I I I t • • "''"' • • 1. •••••• Thh I• • ...... I • •• \ •, .1 J I ...: \I" ,\ 1 ... , \u I• .. '"11 t , •I'J'o I f tt \1• I. f I J , J., ' ,\ IIJ.:• Jt .. I 'Jt ' .. ,. • •I It I I II I,, ,, ,,, , flit-,.. I f I ... '11•1 ' J '""' ''"' \ I • 1\ II ,. t •• ,,, ... , ... ''•au \t • 111 \\fllll•u ,...... •r'•d 1111' 1"1'"' 111'1 ,.,., ......... t.u ... 1h 1t t .u h •t• I• I • I '···I ,, I 1•11 l 11 ~1••l 11t 1 h• Ill\ I'~' fl :'\,,1t t ... ...... ., ...... u . ..,.,, ..... 11 l•lt ... Ill tit H tlfl,f•ll' lt.tf ;I tit• ,,., I p' u! 'II• t\ t tl •t1.ll t 'Jt I ..... itt u .d "' ,, .. n .. ,u.nutt• • \\ • nl aulu iC l U•H hlff,t\ I ,, •• , d ''• \' \\ I fl ""' d I I• ; l'•, 'l.t• ' r !'tulip :O.Iurrn' I•• !1'•1' l•u •"' l h tttUI•t ..,l uul lt•fl f•t· ftUI t ltll l 1ft " \\lfHII·\\ I"' \\lll~•tl ••fl t •• It·• • t I ll d• .... ·u ., It tlt-h • •' 11 1 t' ... ,,,, ·ttttl 'q, d It , • , r "1' 11 $500 for California Veterans Asked "'I ll(! I I \ \ ~ 1 '• t .ud l!u ~ p. a. palmer I I • I t •'f " ,II \\ • ' q• IIIII• •I It fl • I 1 t •I .•• "'"' IL . .: If I t fJ t 'II I Jt tilt t~ll 1•1 t q, • t1f1• I \\ h• 11 II u·tu"'' I I• •IIJ•J••t I I J., I '/1 I 1'.\1 ' 1•1lh·) II realtors I h• ' .. n .u u alt •·• •~•••--"'' '"''''' 1n I'" • I It I • ·t 1 ... ,J I 'It l It .ttto I '• \\Ill • "' ,,,,,, I""' ru~~ln t 11llt d h) lr· , .. . . '. . .. . ....... \\tf I•• ,,... ~ •.• ,u •. '" (' rh lt~IIILI 1 • ••:"""' 'I.• \1 '' '" 1ll P l.en :uul •1• t .. kn• \\ H '' lth I.,,..., 1\llt_:t I• ... C "ut1\ L ltlllloo lou :\.ol111h .tl 1'1111'1\1' ('J \ tttftt 1111 d d f,t H~'' 1! l'11lt , ..... ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _I•_''_'_'_'"·'~ l_'•_•~_iu 1 uf l_t_"_' -"--''_'·'~~·1111.11 1 11"" !'-~HIIf ht 1ft t 0 tl I ttl Ill I ( '14 ) 1',\4 ° • nnr dan.,rur 1>-· \\'o•., Only NEW CHEVROLET ·ADVANCE·DESIGN TRUCKS FOR ~8 -have all these new and finer features Here is Advance-Design that provides the cab that "breathes,"* Uniweld all-steel cab construdion, fully odiustabla ••at, all-f'Ound visibility with rear-corner windows,* extra-durable frames, specially designed brakes, anti many other features. CHEVROlET anti OKI.Y C!Jev,olef IS FIRST! .... ~ ....... ,.. .-..~ .... ,,~/ ............• ,J ...................... .., .............. ~ lfW ~ 4-SPB snea.o. E1 JIUCI JIAIWIISSIOI 7 ~ a. ..... •••l~ ~Meoll ._ ...... ,....w. -·-..... ....,. .. antom lDVAIKJ.MSMI SIAISHin COIJIOl IIMttoot ... _ eeonlolfl ... ....... .. .......... ''I .......... -~--~. lfW fOOT-O'lUTID PUIINI lUll O.~•f• foot·opetot•d por\;,0 bro'-:e Of'l ~-h WI ... J•\p<t•d frQt\lft'MtU()tl Pf'\> .Wet t'l•• d•ot f'oot area. "fW IMrtOVID CHIVIOUT VAlVl-I N-HUD ENGINE n.. WOI'Id'o fiiOOI HCI"'...Ical ..,g;,. 10< "' olu. Hot gr.crt .. dwoblllty of\d opetolitlg eH\cletq. lfW MULTIP'li-FUTUII DIYflOP'MfNTS Hew •P'"'•d reor·o••• thof1 otfod'"'..,' to whe.l .... bt •~ ... O"Y·dviy "''dol• .•.. "•a•lor oprl~lf• .•• tot.w prop•n .. tl\olt beo•"-t · Mol cleolfl\. CULBERTSON CUEVROLET CO. Inr. :WOl \\'. Ct•ntral :\'{'wport B~at'h l 'hillll' l brhl)r i>l!l I h tt .. h• .... tut l h tl II IU tk• \\o· t 11 S, 1'' \\. tl• II tl' """1' ll I tll~h " tt • 'tH pol'l •U hIt I 'I 11 '"'' \\h•ta ~ .. ''' 1 •:•1 1' tl ' \\ 111'11 ttul tlh•l p1u- t •• , .,, 1.,,11 ~"'' ,11,, 1'"'k 1111 11 q,, l.•rlll••mP •I•' """nolltl f ill" 1,,,. .,,-.,1111,1. !',\«'H\:'\11::-.:TII. :'-J.or IUPI 1 "''I rlau ,.,.1,1J.,!o 111,,tf,. 11111 .,f nd \11 111d •\•l11111•tl 1•11 1 tr ,J 1111,r,,1 ,,, \ l•rll 111 Jlln\rrl·· a m:txtmuru , '""PI• •I I''"''"' 1t11 •1nd a '"·" 1'1 1 •·~· '''" 111, ,,11 ,,.1f 11 • luonu-. •I .-.-o~~l for C':1tofornrn \'N· ,f'""l.ool "' '"" t•r •h•tl ,11 l op 11r \\,.,,, I J,,.I-,.,, '''" •ul11 olk ,,.,1 11,.,1 II 1, tt.on, o£ \\'orhl \\'.or II hat; tx•rn 'llt II too u l HI frnnJ n( \\'1'11"111•, II ottlll II • "'lit'""' ttl I• I otl 11\t ('.,,t,o :'\1•' I fltlt,.(lll't rl Ill lht• lt~<;t•mhly. ,,.,,., t•• uln'H•· < 'uit•' ·..., h ''' tHil· ·rt I I 1 ( ..;,. 1'•·11·1 11l11 • 11••\"r lt•l••n ~~~~~1111111,, r I !It 1'1 on l"l "It'""'""'.,'" ''":1:•'' 11· lllt :t'-llt• lltillt IJIIl\'ICl' 11r , •• •• "" l.,,., .. 1111•• lh•• I 1 f I 11 f l•·llnlt rrh of !'J(J In ,-,·11·h o•,•···.~r. 1 '"' J '" r \\IHII;tfl ' h . .r "'"f'P ftt:,n I 1 f """ IC ,.,a :lnr ;u p .. til• .i '' ,, ;n .. -'""''1~ '•1 " 11' t "'"' '"·' <lro···l II) I 111\tll\otl ,,,,, Ill ,,,., 111:011 fnr ''" p · munt h .,r l·•nme ''' Jt•· l h• '·"hltf' ''' ;\tr s ("' • ~--, l h~ t"IP•Io~t. ·' I I I · ' '· • 11 • • l 11 1• "' I''"·"' 1" _,., 1 ,.,. tlurtnt: lht• wnr anti .~.1 5 for 1 I 1 1 1 1 1.... 1 ' '1 c·.rg 1 •ollil '"" loll' tlw 1 1•\'o•rv mnnlh n£ St•n·t~'f' 0\'~rscns, .. ,,,, 11111 tilt· (onr \\lth :t 111\\ ''I ' • • I',.,\ \\.a,\ f H ..... , ttt\\f1 .utt '' ~'PI,.,'C up ~" , , 1 11 1 • · · I I" Kll II!Jt ••n 1 111"' '1' ., woun:oll n ••· ll\HIIIl• I' t 'H\l.ll (' .. 1 J lllltl In ''\l'i'f'lllh;• g,()() fil:tlrt'. I 1-!ll·lr.lnl•·• 1 ""L:In:t m r "s tnrn<'r l nol harrh\ror•• bill hats) . ' • ' ' ' . ·· "'" '' •,:================. flo-111 '1!1•• ·, m f'nl 'oro•lu (>UI ro£ Ill •I I I I( hllp.-1. 1111 1\i!t.Oihl.t\, f '""';\).<I • .~ t:t't'• " u ... ,~""' ..:f.-,.,,, "l rttn't . ·IIIII "' "" lnnhl/11'1' •I•Jrr• II . I I 'l'llt'\ I'•' rha•rf' hi<' lllll ot" '"I'll ,j ' .... I IH ;tt \ '1 1 Pfk•~··rt ff; d d 1.. h ln••l Ill' "l;door l•f lltlll'h~ 11·,.nr Itt• lllrH\~.. lin ~rs lan mg uo•lwt·o·n I c· l~·rr :ond Ct'"'" I I t• t I A k S T 'l· "' t 'hamlt•·r nves Jga e ."\S tate ax .. 1 ~·,,:..,m.·m . '" I Sorrell 'Red' Rate 20°/o fut :.~.~ .. ~~ .. t~·.,~ ':·:~·-p t C d I l I al J'I P!olt 11'1• 1 ary ,ar ,\1.,.,,1,·1•\1 • .,., •• .,,."'"''''h ... , __ , '11 \' .. ".I """' Jl•• I • \II tl ,,, \\ \!-ol ll:-.:t;Tto"';. \I or II'P t ''"' •It H l l111 • 1 •, 11 I'••~ ,,,J t .. 1t. •••IIIli' 111 • \ Jll•tl,f1 l tl"tr 'lthl'tlflHlHf~tt 1 tt,l'l t I •, tf' ,.,JIH •d •1 11,, f t•t 1fl&.:ltl'l· ........ ~., ••• I·''" ,,,..~,,, "'"'''"·r .. ,, ,., ••• ·· ••• ·~r .. ,, .. , .. ,,If• 1,,. llu•••lfh,t!'<o l ll~t h~tl 1~ ~ .. 11•·11 k~~ fll'ltr• in''',,,,,,, .... '• l•t l ,1 hnJh th• .. • ll,, lft •lh\\1'4~f JIU I,tftt'11ttll .• l ... ttlk•· 'I'll· .. • · • .,, '•' •\o'l dlu I t • Utllt'•fl'l••l 11 ltfh\\odt l .. , lh d "• ttnlnHttll'-1 p 11 l_\ t·.trtf t I tht~••l t,, ., • ' .,,, 1 .. I , , n l 1,, 1 1,, ,, 1 ~ ''''-" •1 1 1 ., 1 , ,, 1 •• '' ~~~ n•u tJ., .... ., 11'''1 1 '•' \\•ttftl Itt tl 11 f •I at lh• I +ft lnt ... ,,,I d ,\ '"'tt ••n1nu•r"(' :o-J"-'kl·~man in-.. ,, ... h .. l -• I• • ~,· ......... th• '"'•''"''' •f lh•' .-rfi,.r,. •• r th~~<' ctw tt• tl Ht '' li.Hld\\tlflrtC • 'J-1 '" l~tqJd II d 1 • f ' II I \•'" ,. ••Jfd , ~~uH r•UII''', fh d ft.• , ,... , f !' '"- Ill " 1 .. 1 oil• (( rn tn t·nmf>:lrl' tlor '" • 111 .'U l~'r "'Ill l t.a ,\n 1 nlf;•h• 1, ,, 1o 1 1 .1 ,,111, tuttunl~.'''''r· ... ,,.,,.,lt.:\\nhthf·<tt::· ..:,,.,. 1: c;,dd .... It l'"'"''n't '"'""". \\llh th• h··d~ ,..\, \\., ,.,,,.,,,. nn tt p.trt~ c•1rt1 nn\\' untft·r l'·n .... l"'''h•il •·I '"• hI rl••ltt•tl th· .,,,,, 111 fh• 1"'' I•\\ ~~ .,, , ... '1\IO~· Tht• f'/lttl. '-ll;l1t·fl "ll•·rlu r1 I '''"I' ll toll!ol 1• 1 • t•l llll•larllll• "''ttl \\• lo·"'' 111 lh· 1,1,1 11 \\ill J., I '''"·"' "•':"! J-H ... •nl~tl ln ;, l't P'1' 11" '' '' IH\\•1 tll'f trt_, •nltH tll p tl'111\• 11 ,! lll P'l\ ~ll f•l• "''" '""''" :1nd ltr.llltlo••l ,, 1 1 .. II• 1 lot• 1h 111 tit•· '"''"Ill•· "'' IIIIlS 11£ '''"' 1111 ,,. ..,1 1,. 1 h 1, l•hc~U\ ·In S,•rn•11 t 1.1 h) 1 1 1~1 111' • \• u I'''''"' 1 .,,,,,,,. ,hou'd f ,,, ,,,, .. \• t,\ 11111, h ~"I" "1111111 11• •• l'h,rlrmnn C'arrull l 'ml• • I"'" 111 '•" 11 .. ·' •' Ill· 11,, tl• t1 , . ., .. 1,. 1 tl o••n I) ., • .11 1\'>, ll . 1' I "did 1ht \'1 ••••1 · l'itl1h t 1\ I ,, ltlt•'"' "'Ill I. 11\• II 1 \\tttrltl L'l\4 Snrr•,tf "I'\• f .\' 1'11tflf •" ''l;ff"'' 1• ''"'' 11 11 '''''' .t d••· I•• •'\pi un ,,.,, ,,,rd lh co: •HI \\1' t• nt!t nt ''I· 1 .\1 t, Jtl11..: 11n , ' "Ill o oil all till • h.tndllrillll~ ,., lllploo•ll •I 'II Ht '"' • wh lridtlli•fl.ol Jit t '"" tof ·"""''' • •,, th.tl h.-d·· fl,; • rtt l• 1 • 1 'tr• <: •• f'h· • •rtl \\ ...... , H'IH.t1 h Pf'Hdllt'•·d ln 1 C • tllfotll11 1 It ., ... t.na\1' e•nnuntt- .,, "" .. ,,, , ' '' • r ·,..,\ntt r '' "* ,,. '"''''' ,. ,,;. ''''''',,I •Htl\\tt' Ul' I \Jt lf "'tl htiJ•rt fh t' 1lt~1lp tit tl fl p t Tl If I .,, t Ill• tf ftt \h I ~ P R I~ T I N (; l" T .\ :"\ J) .\ H ll I Z 1: II • ,. ·I ,, • I ...:, 'I t ' l I • "'ol \1' II 11 h olh 1/1111' ,flltf llol •fh'\. ... ,_ William I. Cammack l'alnUn&' Contractor f'A~Tf:\1(; • Df:CORAT1XG ASD I'APERJIAXGI.W; Ph. liar. 8'75-J. 802 OrchJd AYe. j ·•· Corona df'l MIU' Mesa Upholstery I larry McKee 23.)() Nrwport Blvd. Cosfa MeAa \j ,, •I \\ \l I '\\ ...... , t I ~ I h I I· 01 II • 11 \11 If I •• t t , '·· , • ' I ...... ' t I f 'i· I.J \ t ft I 0 1t •I 'l ••• B I : .\ (' 0 :"\ . \. ( ·. Spenter I :\lilt' Ea~t of St'al Opl'll l>ail~· 11 a. m. Bl•ad1. at Surfside to J I ::JO p. m. tl•l' I t ..... ....: ' '' I I • I,, ,, ' •t I • .. 1 i I' • \ Ill• "' ,,,,. \\ ol tf t,,n • Ill ,, tf • .. I' ,, ' \1 '· ,. '". ' \ f\ ..... , f ···t ' \ \\ '., ~ t .. q tU'• 1•11 , ··" 1 •'•·~ 'l 11 .... 111t t" ,,,., ,,, I .,, .. t 'I t ... ',.,, , ... l '(t' ft1'1t I j I I" l'Hjl\,,1 l I t 1\ t ,tr.J "''llld lh pi u••~ d 11' ''"""' '"~ Ht• do J I d I}. 11 Itt' \\ '' 111 f \I I lll adl•••ll <,l'l'llll•llfH•' II• ,,tJih• , 1 t l ,.,. '' •t • ~~, •• ,, d 'II ,,, ~·p, • r 'II' 1 d· t' I•• II\• • n tho I \T::;r tn•l • t .,,,,, ,,, J•r• •dtH·• c ~ .,.,., I ' II 1'111 '. IIIII , .. ",) It lilt.; ~~~============. I "TRAVEL I ... l>;or "II ""'"n"" ........ .-.nnn• an4 T1.--•M• • AI~ • SEA.. • RAIL • BUS '-TO \f,f. f'OI"T~ Mw>nf. I.AC>tnA I ~Nl lam bourne Travel Service ~19 ~ A"'· '""-"'"" lk:\orlt I J;l', C ""'I llh:l111 .1\ A Positive Force for GQOd i9 YOllr Home 111 CHRISTUI swa MOIUTOR All lhe neW1 . . . eve"' day , .. wrottcn to give you ~lpful Ideas ond o hopetul. 'tlgoroua 't•ewpoont. The 0,111101'1 Sclt l'l<e Moo. It~' be\1dcs ''' ntws and lhOuO"I tul ed1IOrtols, hal II'Oturn tot ev_,., rnen>ber ot tt.. fomoly. , UN Htlo --... •-SPICIAL IRt,..vct•~ , .. .,..,,.~....,_ -__ ,.._ .. ,, £j~~·C'.--:::I __ I(; g: c:."'~ sS:.;;:-e Nil_,.. **" loor.-IS.,... __ ,,. P~e et't.. 0 IC"Kt04 tf\t~• ~'~'tDf~ to ~ (""'lt.ICit\ ~ MOI"•,Or-one mC)f'ltP\ for $I No~------------------------­S""'----------''"'-------------~ic••­..., COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS ancl STEAK DINNERS llarhor r.x 1-n f•11'nt:1 'nt• •I fr·•·qth than ~('~('~ '('\!'Ill ~l'n"r hurl! clnm ll mrry pt·ar lt':lt'lt t'\ r. ~\\I'll th• 1r r More Than 100 Vo-t~t-eer wo-rkers ,LEW WALLACE I Rf\.·nnlds Expt.•dit.iun to ."'ind N t:WI'OKT BAI.ROA NY.WS ·T Bn:spa.re 3 ;·;---JI...,.rHICMICI4--'""'&MwtHf+-;;::-Ull G c TAKEN I 1'111 W411 \\ S•·~t'"'' "·-·fl. C'I~Jif "''""'" •• ltttll ~ ross Cify-Wide Dr1ve 'tv~~sl GREELEY~-, bost ~tOlllmlins Stop~ in-Hml·a.. ,,,.,,: .~,.~,u~~~~'~\·~.~~:-tmlrrf-111TIIItonRt •- H '\\' r.·tnrv than ont' hundrf'd volun-'\l r~ JlHsto·lll>.,.·k, :'>I rs 1 Il l Tho• 111~11r,11wo• t'll~lno•s~ c•( HH' II' 11 I I \l 11 til'• ·•I 11 '"'"'' 1.1 """"''' II•'"' '"''" '; ·•' 11 ':"1 ''11 1'~ ~~~ .. ;~.;~~·" l'l\ 1 "" ll'l '> \.~'-"1 ••t..l>.t ~ltiiJIJW'.l> b>dq "\\'~· m O\'Cd hC(\? c hit-fly tx·caUS(' ,,.,.r Wllrk<'l'£ lhl~ \\Cl'k tw~;an tlh' t lt•rlllt' ;\11·, tltll'r• II '\tr~ \'tc t,ot ,· to'\\ \\':tll:tC'I' has .... ,.n tllko•n 1·' ,,,.,~,,, IH It d '"I""''"'" I I "" ••• ' .\1 tho • '\llltt o•l~ Who'll : ."~": '" .• · .. ·.~ ~~~·.:·.:.~.: ·''" ,,, •I ' 'Ill ~·.·~::::.11' : .• \1:111,·:~·,.:~:~·· u:~t" ·,~::~: it's such a wond('l·(ul-placl' to unnulll rund-r!ll~ln~ ('amJlAI):n ••• 111111'1\•·1' :'llr< \\,dl<'l '\;,ollll r,:llr~', .. , •. ,. I)\ 1111· 111'111 ,,( ,;,,,.,•h·~· """ ·,·~:•t ·.r, '11'1 ,q,·, ... , .. q, ••'111 ,,'.',1,•·. ,'.','''o,·,·.··,ll ,,"11','0,,' ••• '.'.'',,.',',11111 '"· llll tto. ''''"''"Ill .. lolllt .. ll i 'lln.d t.•lt' .... 01 •111111<'1'1'1111 ~hi~ r atsc chaldrcn -the old cliche but till' Anwru•un fi<'d ('russ 111 tho I :m. r I''"' r••lll, :lin llu~:l\ n,,,. Grutwll, ;~\:.? :0.111111 ~~. ll11lhon. n,,..s .,. · "" 1'"' •''' 111 '''' ''I lt'slrUt:.UUtdoorhfrnnt.lultt'rt .. st ll.tl'l•···· ·'rt"<l ,ltndpr~llmlnarvr('.-hlfl, l\1t "'-l t \\1 ..... ·.t(·k . !\tt''lo, t ','lt'll,·l·····l··' ,<('lllolt' nH·tr'lht•t' or lh~ ,,,.,. ~llttllut..t ~''•'U" 'I•••\ I' \\t '''"flit \\tHI.t , •• Ht'\Huhb nnd ,.d i1Ul \\t i t 1 .. ~ l''"~"•'llh tt rt'"'11t\t'11t awa ... •nt. ~-, "-., • ,, 1 , ... '" ... t!hllt•lllh·~•""'""'"'·tT•'", Th,•,tl l:ukttnftu~•n•'IUU&rt'''".,. In sports prodUt'C ll husky lind IK)IlS in\IICIIIt• th.ot tht• drl\'1'. R·~~-~~~ .. Fr.llt.'ll' ,,,,,.,,,,h ""'"''~" 'IIIII IIK'III~ ""· "\ 1\PI IIillo•l···n I 11111 1 Ill •1 111'111 ' ""' ,, II' Ill •1 '•'1•1 111111 ~~~-n., .. ,,ld· 1111•1 ':\l,odllllo Ill .• ''"'''"'''"' ,,.,,, .. Alho•rt w. handsome gl'nf·rallon. Uur chtld· 11h1l'h thts y1·ar i!l under tho• lo•ntl.•r S F:ASih 1~E l \JLL):-:\' 1;o'n1'>:•·1 M 1ss llt-lo•n Kl•tll, fl•r mall~· ·' '"'"'''"· '" .• .1 .. 1 ''' I'," "" 11' •1" ,., . ., "'' d 1" lit llh•l.t• t,~ 1.11 ''"· '"I' ,,, th. 111 •1 ~····-,;,.111\, 1'1'•'''"''"' ol tlto' t•w·t(lc re n ar(' rE'mllrkably l:ood swim-~hliJ ur T om llcnd!'rson as &<'n('r!ll I htH:ol'r~. d talf'nl:tt\ Y<'III'S II So'('f'o'tllrY tl1 \-\'ulln~. be-\! ,. ·'1' I \!t\1 ••11 1(, '""'"'· 1•• \ 11·''·1-'"'' ''" . ,, •.. hi IIIII, '. I II' "' "" I., ..... ,, • IIIIo . .-.. \' ill Allll'rh' Ill St.•aul'lll)l """''"'IIIII~ m ers; WI' don 't know how good. <'hnirman. as tllf't•tin~ wtlh "'lt11lt>· :O.:t<\\'I'(II!T III<H;tl'l'!' :'ll r~ l r :m w ~~~~'"''"t.•fl with Gro•t-t.•y 1\llll 1"1"1• 1 1" 1•••11 '"' 1111· "'"' h '"''"' ,,, IIIIo ! • ""'""'""' \\ ,..,,111q;t••u. ,1111t \\, 111111·1.,11 i,,,.., ,.,.1,., •••1111p.: 1\1111'''"'"" 11111·• '"'the The Am!lll'Ur Athh•tic L'nrun nt•\'<'r lh'lll'll'll r<'Sik•ns·· thn·u~h.•ul lho ..:,,. ''''''""' t'h'lll'll\olll o;n ....... 1\l .• rdl I I lito lot 1• I, •II • I "I ' \llllh ,, "'""' ,11 1'111'1111'" l'ot:IIOI aanctwns a<tuatll' ''"'nts in l>a•· • 1, ~-·· J Uln1mlllll • ~ ••• ........ ~. <," or OC<'an Stnl'(' com !X'\111\'C swim --n ,,• , . .,mmllll''' m c-t;nq~o· .. r mutt m111g rf'IIUirt•s a 1.10\il lttr tlw turns soli<'ilatiu n of out-flf-lt'" n )lrnp und t'nCiu:,..d Walt·r. undastiii'IH·d •'I'IXJi "ll'no·r< wiHO ttrl' part·llntt· by wlnt.l and tidt·, for accurah• rP~td1•111s ho•n • has 11ln•:tdy r<·l't'\\'o•tl , ttming. nann• th:tn $1:.?011 no 111W11nl !111• Our u mphtllloHts Y•lUn~slo·r~ .m ~··.11··~ 1:11111 1,( S~:! .:!:ltW), wtlh llw the H igh S chnCtl sw1rn t<•am dt•an i a:ro11t,•r part 1,f th• ~·· r··~HI••nt~ sltll up 111 sl'llOC>I nw.•ts Wtthuut l''''"! '" h•· •·nnlao'l•-d ,. 1•11~111• ~' '""" having pnH'IICo•d 111 a pool. Uunn~,; p11 1~n . '"""'r 1 t · jotnl l<'ildt'I''"'Pj lh<' past H·n )<'llrS till' Tar h •:.Jtn I .. r Sam P ul'to•l' a nd no•n H••cld h I! hils won •·tJ.:h t ml~.'IS and pllln'd ts mo••·lln~ wtth full ro>nflt'r:o ll~<ll In tlh• o tlwr two a~:atnst sl'lll"'ls fr••m hu~tno"'s firms in thl' ut·c·;, t'quippt.•d \\ 1 1 h poHis tlno• day lttlll l>ollh dt:tll'lll"ll Rrt' ,·,mticloonl \\lll'n our lllr;:'h Srhfll•l plll11~1' is llt>tl thr tr sh:tr•• of llw qlll•ta wtll Cim slll'd, 11 wttl b<' iniC'rt•~ltni: to '"' "'''r-~utos .. r ih•·d hr folr t' t hC' t'n!l lit'l' hem· m ;ony sll'llltnliiiJ.: \'111101 -of 1 lw campaign . pto ns lh1s aquutk ··ummunitY pro-Tilt· f.tl'l I hal X::l', ••1 1h1• Ill""'' dU<;rs \A.'hH'h ltr1ngs us . qu11e logi-t•olh•t•!o·d n·mattt~ :ond ts ll'"tl lfl l'tlliy, ,,, ,Juan Uudd 1111 .. oil'• ''· liii:•'IIH•t• "tlh ,,.,. 1111 E \ iiLl 'TJ()Jii Of' T .\LY.ST I"'· ••in • ,.,.,.,,r\1' o t Jt<-il C' r O•' Jc,;on, 16 )<'llr old llt;::h S!'ho1o l dl':t:-to•r n h• I SIIH'<' ils or~11111 juninr ><ncl tlaughtt-r ol tlh' '\tttr'l<lll ,.,,.,,.,, "' hd ptr;;: llw \'olhllllo·•·l ~tal ! Shupl>ollhls of n alholll lslll nd, II III ko·l''> Ill ohlu\n 'llfll•lll'l '"" o•nh·rl'tl htot' llrsl !'t>nl••st ;,t tht• 111 '"~ llnn"1' f•'t'.•t•d tho·lt l'ollllll ~~~·· of ~tx wh.•n slw r;:an d nwn tlw 1!11111•11 '"" ItS " t.:l l 1. hut :u• tP· h<·IH'h Ill ''"' font o r lluhy S tr!'l'l ''"""'''' that 11'~1~111111'•' 1\ til lh tfhll!) Sin~•! "P<HI~Illl'd lht• t'\'1'111 \ I'• :td~. llilllfll~ an rl 1111111•'""''' 1\ bllll ""·"" <• (>•\\' s trokt s In lh•• ·'''lll:o!ol.• '''"tdd fl!':o~l••r "'''~' I»'· Cloal t\1 '"" ,.ho \\·nn u lll~'thol •'\It' lu n · Annl h••r lal'tor IS "" In 11 t·ontc•st t"'ld at Balhn:o Sh• 11 HI•· 1.111111" hk'lll ,.,.,•,ortl o f ,,.1 · lh'<'d 111 thr \Htl••r ''''"I'Y ,;umn;o~r \1•'•· '" ,,.,, n w,. \\'h"n II~<· srnw• 1 ltt•t•:lUS•· II \\'{IS fun an d lur tho• PI lh•• :\1111101' ('olr)J~. lht• \':1111'" sam.• r <·asnn jutnrd 1 II•· II i ~II :to'll\ Ill•'' 1ol I h•· I lolmt· S,•l'\'11''' I), - S ehou l s \\im ••·a m In lw r first I''"'"'' nt . 1 h ,, m or:ol<' htllldtm: m<'t't wllll'lt 11 as al;•ll nst An-.hl'lm "PI k ul illl' Jurtl"f' Ht•d t 'rc"~ rtnol shr 11om Ow 1111'<'1' rn·nts sho• H · '• ''' h \\'·11 • r ~:tl<'l) :onrt Fit -.1 I r·nll•rt•d ; n ·lt<Y, :.':'i Yt•rd anti :-)1.) Aut r·;t~np.o;:ns nr•· "'~" ••on~HI•·I o'd yarcl lrl'•' style• r lh•·n tho · lalth· (I( Ill•' IIH'III Cha p . \)ru• nt~ht wlulr swimtntlllo: in~1 It ~·~ ~··• \ tt'• 111 tlw <'lllllnHtnll_l IS tht• S t1nta Ana Y\V pont. J oan's ,., ttl••nt rcomarkahlo• styl•• "as ohst•rvt•d hy Acnonl1n~ Ill A tty. ll11rr) A~h· 11 yunng LICUI<'rt;'lnl tlwn staltom·d l '""· :w1111~ d tlltr'rnan n ( lht• )(wal nt th1• Army Air Bast• whn ar-('h.q •l ••o, lh•· f11nd dn'" thi~ Y••:t t ran)::<'d (or h<'r (I \l')llUI With lho• 1-. Ill rt ll'<'l .111 lll('rt ·ao,tn~ no•l'd, f>ll' famous t'mlt'h uf thf' Los An~•·l••s Ill•· fl••m :om1< tlpwi tlw t ... ·:tl ur~:Hno­ Athlf'llt' ('luh. Aillf'f'n ,\lh•n /:1110111 toor "nr<'•· 1\:1\<' nrnn• th:o11 ~:r·n··r:tlly w in !"'"'''' P••r!IKI, ;orlll th o• omtlo11tk 1;. fnmnUS hf'o'IIUS•• h••r wumt•n'~; t1•;tnl" dtoUitlrll 'lllo'f• tho~ ,;t11rt Cl( 1111' r .Joan 1mnwd11ll('h mnd•· til•· frw tntT•'•~IIII: rHIIu•r lhlln do· L,\ A C jllnHlr l<'hn1 r ... · \1 1111Wn lint! ,., • '"lrll.: ,., ~~~ for ~1'1'\lt'l'. pill' III·. al lt-r wmnln~ twr llt"l r;ot·r·, mad, 111.11 t~ "'"II' '''''"""~ :on• n•n-1 tl1t· ~··nl•lr lo·itnl In tho• "'"' twn 1'•·rnNl I ~··arl' s he• ltn... h•••'llnh· "111••1\ :\It ~ H~tlo··ll ,\llo•11 I of 1\:olhn:t krtlll\ n il< ;, fn·•· ~I\ lo • !'hill11joll ·ll ··It lll lll,oll Ill t•lt.tl l''' "' Ill•' ,.,.,,.I 11 tnnut~· 11ntl pl.ll 1111; tn nto'l '" 111111 dolllt:tl "''o 1t11n o l Ill" <'>llllp.lo).!li l'llhtlolltllll" nil "'' r S outho tn l';olt· lllttdt ,.,,,, '' tho· •'11111•· ll.oll1111 (111'11111 l'hPIPC• 1111' ,t< <-h• I' tal-''" •I hit' ""111111• lo ·rl ol tlloi!IOI 1,,..;, l'tllt·d . ht•r tltt'llll'•' 11'1'< "Ill" ;oro d of '" L.::ttll/ oltllll t•• l't•nt .ol 1 lito (r•'f)Utrlil~ Ill nwltnpnltl.trl 1':11"'1'". 1111 '1"·'""" "[ 1:11011!•' ltl h1 •t I• Ill l\1'11'•• 111 Lifo• :\l.tL':t/111" In tit• I<· 1111\ o~nd It• I llotk• I''> :ol•' 1\111. f'f'l\1 S l',\,\1' '"'"nnun,:: :tnd rtn·. huq1 lwl• .•• ,.1 "'1"11 II·• ''" 111 1" in~ ,, 1'1 ltl•ltl ill ""' n,.,,.,.h lid! .. In II 1•1 lht· 0'<11llf1olli;fl Tltr• II ., ll<llo t. ~It•· piiH'o ·d in <'<llltl~'lllwn d••niJhl S•'t'tilln hll!: h•·"n rlt~ttl• d With sueh ~tars as Ann Cur tis nf "''" "'"' dt~!ri<'ts a nd t h (' dis-I San Frnnc1sco whitt• h op,. of tit<' llh'l t•hairman 11nfl IIH•tr w ork1 r< 1!:!11< Olympic~. (ui!OI\' :\l r. and !\Irs. Uod<l nr•\'(•r went fiAl.ll! •A PI·:!"I!\;SI'I.,\ \In in for s wimming :-.;,m· tlwy rlt• .l.tt'k I lollmloll, • h•1ll m11 n .. \l r~ s ,,lt, t'\'1 r~ lhlnl; ltut '-'''' 11<'1 \\'till .lnron 1 ~"n" r·,, :\!1•< lf..t,·n 1'\ho·ll. :\t1·' lht•) .ollond :ttl tlw 11111 '' ,111d 1-'t.·nnnr ll tl.~<'k• '\lro: l(.llllh :\lo~• "'""k b t11'1'•' It• r '" t h•• Ln~ i\n-11011, :\lr" llnt'Pi h~ Y"nll• \, :\11• g.•lo·~ t'l11h and In lit, P an111• 1\•:t"' \l.u-t~on ~tnt.:lont..: .\l r" .lt•ano·fl• Cluh :11 Lnm: llr·•wh 1••1 lwr h"lll' Hiltt tl, :\It' R><lh .l<~tl' .... '\lr~ J-'t .. r anrl II a I f 11<•rk pUI>< Saluni lt) 1' ll<'t· Hulo11h '\l 1·~ .:'\t:tn•• L••rthnlcl mnrntn~::s J uan t11k•·s !lw hu" ''' ('I 1111 ):-,;,\ PFI. :\I All :llr• tho· Athlt•lir Cluh :\111s l sw1mm••r•I GIItd~lnno· l l:tll'lt, !'h111rm:~n (nr dt• I tak(' f1111ly work ou1s hill J oun I net ~1•111 h ,.f hlghw:". '\lr• l luh- JX'rform~ w oml••rs \\ilh hl'r !hr1•r l tmr·d llm\'1', :lit ~ F T Ch;qun.111, prac·t it•·s a wccok I :\Irs lt:l,l'll\nntl Amlinc;. '\!r~ l'lw r- FAS :\1..\Jl, I••< I lx:or;tr·l . !\Irs \Vnlllu'C' n urtun. As thr Li\i\(' dOt's n/\1 dilul~·· Mrs . :-;,.w lon Cox. :\lro. l.l'\1:~ 'J' tlw mldn·s~•·s of womrn swim· I :-:urm:1n. :'llr~ E G l lnnnr , :\lr~ mrr~ .• loan·!; f.tn mail Is hl'ld fur Co·u rc•• p ,.nn<'y. Mrs. P a ul Davis. h<'r at !lw Cluh Hnd sh•• has 110xrs l\lrs Sl.url<-~· ll;1df1rlrl Mr~ .lot' Of it , lt•llf'r S (rnm all 11\'l'r thl' l\·lus tan1 ill ••h:rirmrtn fnr thl' ellS· wo rld. comic. App<'altn~; nnd just lrtr t nunh u l lhr luJ,:hWII,\' fr{'sh. Th<'r<' is ttnl' frnm a ,lnp nACOO A J~L,\NO !\lr~ I'I'~I!.Y in Tokyo who hnd S<'•'n ll!'r pic-S l'" I Y. r hsurman; Mrs Dixon tUrt' in th(• Jnpan<'S<' wrsion !lf Smtih. Mrs :'linrmn \\' ~nmpst>n, LiCr . On r outfit \'Oird ht•r "tho• Mrs lfnwrord D n 11k Pr and Mrs girl Wr would m ost Jikco to swim J . B. Sl!'moms. rnpralns: Mrs w ith.'' Strollt-r \\'htl•'. Mrs J W P~trrm. Thf' Hl!l2 Ol)mp1cs loom up In .Jr . Mrs Prc•ston Duncnn. Mr• Joan's futurr and wh{'n ~hr 1'1'-Kt•nnt•th Krr•m•. Mrs. St;tnltoy J\1,.. tirf'S from C'On1j'IC'IitiV(' swimtntn~o: Inn. '\lr• c F Sulli\'lln. Mrs nlmr &h<' would lik<' to hr 11 rnllrh ltk!' .lnhnslnn. Mrs Rog1•r \\'at<oll Aitlf'C'n Atlrn l\frs Tl:1lph B rltmmtll. :\lr~ ~: 1\ Dill l'Ol' KSO\\'? !\1••1\lt.lof'n. :\Irs \\' P flw·kl'o', .II' :\-lrn. hI' inc runslltUiormillt) :llro, llo ·nr~ F o•ll•nt.:". l\lr• E I. strnngl'r , s w 1m slt~hlf~ f~tsl•·r Rf'mlln, :'ltr~ l.••nrt.:r Rulg,.r. ;\lr' tlmn wn m r n anfl th••rr(orc. lh•• .I F n urk•· .lr , l\lr• Ro h•·l 1 sc•x••s nl'l't'r l'umfl<'·l·· in !lanr t tnn••rl ln1 tn. :\Irs llu~::h I l :'ll nrshall, 'cn•nl~ \\'umrn ~wtmnwrs :tr~ :llr" II I' Y;orn..tt, l\lr~ \\'tl ltant 1 g<'n,..ratly l:tll ltncl w..tl hu t sturrJd, ~~· .. tt. :\lr< ~~ F:lrnrhr·1h \\'111<r1n. h11i11 ·nll' frnil ~o:lrts fi11 1111r h••t·11111;.1 :0.I r~ l ,mr,v l,l~;ht '\lr< Lo•<; SnrJ., r h:trnplllll ~1\lmnwr ... '('., rl'll•>rJ I!•' tu II', \It " I'• IT~ Rlotn<.' :\l r~ .t .. hn nm:o!Pur ~l:tnlll nt:: a ~Ill ~ll lntm• 1 l l~•:t l~•11l. :O.I.r~ 1·. I l \\ tlllams, :O.Ir<; m rty 11•11 mooJ,.I :t <Witl1 !'lltl Ill'· \~ (. \ld ll'llt~ 'IIIII :\lr• H'lht II Jl<•;•r 111 11 1ttot1• 1 111 iii till' "'"' ,,, 11r 1'1 11 1""' t••:wlt "'llllltltn); :-.II•· rn.o\. hml f'.l ,\!'(1'\: 1~.\Y 11 \HJII •H r;-; t'l r. do ltf•· coi;nd 1111~k (;orJ 1.,\'\:1> ,\:-.:1• 11,\Y S 1Jt1HI·.S :\lr- J;\1 1n11111 I'" I'• itr'lt th• 11 l•llnl•· In ·"11' lltlolo!ll-•n • lo.Oil llllfl , ;\lr< \I' lhl'i•· ,·;orl~ '"' n!w~ I·"'''"""" \It ' \\',tlio t ~I '"'' r ''"' People's World Ad Manager Charged As 'Red' ~A'..:•FH,\:"r1~<'n. '\l;tt· ·I I Ill' l ,\ •r•·nnd •·hat'J,:•' 11 ;,~ ••n fil, torl:t~' -~~:ain-.r :'\:~r Y:~rtt~h aftr•r t h f' immicrntion ~rr\ ,.., rlll'>'d 11:< d{'flOTilllllln l'i<~r· 11~'1111~1 tit• ~.1\­ )'{'Ar-olrl. !Wif-C'onf•·!'~•·tl rnmm'lllt~t nnrl :lcl\ •'rll!'in~ mnnn~.:•·r .. r tlw Onily Pt'l'lpl••'s \\'orld Ttw n"w rh:ar;:•· h••lfl 11t.11 lh•• communilll pnrt.1 In whirh .,,.. h<'- lonJ:-" hM \ITill•·n and prmlrrl !tt- rraturr ndH)('A IIng \'lulrnt m·r r· throw nr t hf' \1nt I nd St a I•·• 1!"' • crnm~>nt ThP !1r~l r h nrJ:I' c•la1m<d Y:o n1~t· b<'longl' In A I"''" l<'ltl p;,1l~ \1 hir'h' lld\'O('Rtf'il nnd 111111:hl 'I' o•rl hrnw of th,. l 'nttril St ul••• t;.,,, """''!\' by for r •• ;\lt .. rn" llnh• r1 S P• ~1~>ttltn rol th<' tnHl11~r:ll1(tn ~t·r,,,.,. , .. ,'.t th• Yanis h ru,,. m.•~ f, 11(1 to 11 n• '' l'nttrd Slllti'O: ~llpr••mr r .. IJrl •l··- cistOn •m \llwlho r lh•• ('nll11'llll:ll'' pflrl) s.t nnch f.1r "T"Tr•nT o\'rr1ftF~o\\ of t h(' t::O' ··rmnt•nt \ '' .....;-,,II '-'••'' \ .\, 1.11 •1 • 1:--1.,\:'\1• :\lo·• '1'111>111·• .loll\• ~. ril'o.t Ill II \It ~ 11.1\ ll,.rHI t; ll(t•i''l' ;llr' \\'lllt,llll ~rtlit~:111. \It' \;whoot,, .. lt•·:\1;11 1;, \l1'< \\'.or "' r H 1:·11• <, '\lr~ Hi•lhr I l\I.11W 1 _\11·~ I ''""11d F :'lllllt<ft• lfl, :0.1" 1· :-;, 1l•· llr"""· :\It'' ~:rl~~h,· l.q•· ptnf'OI I IIAI.IH 11\ lff'llll :!lith Strrf't In lblh•t'l l't••r I :\lr• J1n~ IO:o•1·no o'hilll llldn, '\lr~ "'"'' 111 S tolllll- ""''h, !\1r• 11:111'1 S p:tlr!:nr !\lr~ I I l tl•n ollo :'ll1k11 , :llrs 11:1/••1 llt~hcop, :'li t~ (;o·on•r l\Tnnr•· Til•·~" 11 01rk• r ... ,or•· a''l~lo·tl lr.l 1111 1\.om."tlll:o t'ltllo whtr•h 1~ wnrkrng n>~ " ~:r•JIIp 10 Itt II • 111 thts rlrl\r· :0.:1 \\T't tTlT Mrs Shrldnn B "rntlh r·h 11111 on :\lr~ Hrolu•rt r·,.~. \lr< Hll«• II H• dtltm·, :\lr" llnr~t. 111 Ollt ('~~··nti.ol trnd• rr•u ''.,. ""'' 114'• Hn l1n•·c;: nl fnmrnnqp •dlfltl .... \\(·11 ;,~ tho'-' ~of our all11' 11'11' prot<'r !lnn 111 or•·:~~ 11f 'ol d <t r.!lo ~il' 1mpor11o1v • ..:ur·h ''" 1h;• >•··~~ ,., 4i! t•l r.tw tn...t to ll·d :ocl\ ""''' ol 1 ··•~1· l•~<'fllir.ns 1111rl •h· ltko . nro n 1• •• '• •·f r·n111 ,, tr \"' ~'•+n 1 r,,t lh• .... ,.,, CJnl~ "''''' tlr ~~II (Wo~•T .-:in I ~Tf"'T 1111'S 1-'l•·•·\ ,\d morl<l S 1n1111 FLOUR is the basic in- gredient of many foods. W ith the fl our in one ten· pou nd sock you con make: 2 cakes 18 cup cakes 2 puddings 2 pies 36 rolls -24 muffins 18 waffles 96 cookies 40 biiCuits 1 meat pie , , • ,h11 IOIICOI Oft~!~ fFOYiol CANNED FRUITS and JUICES Castle Crest Peaches l9-oa. 25• , ... Cho.ct of holvel or 1l•ccd. JO·oa Fruit Cocktail ~~~~~ ... ~~ .... Grapefruit Juice "'·••· , ... Town Hoou•, nolu•ol I I 8 oz con, 9c 1 Martinelli Cider ••"•" 79• Pu1r, Sweet Applr C·der IQuorl, 22cl CANNED VEGETABLES Tom a toes Go•Jcn>•dc Sugar Belle Peas Diced Carrots uacn• 21 -oa. un l O·ol. can 20-u. can BREAKFAST FOODS 17c 19• 1D- Wheat Nuts k ln•tow'a Carnation Wheat Albers Quick Oats 21-aa. ,ate. 30- 1t-aa. ptlf. 18• 41-aa.Ma 3&• f 20-oz. box, 17c I H-0 Quick Oats Quaker Oats 2~:~· 17• Regular type or qu1ck cooking. MARGARINE ....... ...... ....... ~~~·- Sunnybank Allsweet Blue Bonnet Par kay Durkee's ,. ••• com• 39- ,....,com" 40- ,.•114c•m• 3g. ............. 3 .. ........... 3 .. SAFEWAY SAVINGS Strawberry Jelly u ....... , 31• Coloforrtlo Mornlrtg brond. Marshmallows rruff·l·••• , ....... . ~ ...... , Jell-well Gelolon 6 Deu~rl J•n. ,-.. • Slrow~rry, Ro$pberry, Ltmon, Oronge, Cherry, L•mt. Cornstarch tc •noslo•d 1-111. '"•· II• C• Popular I 39 •gareHes b•o"d' ,.,.... • Your cl"'o•c<' of Lucto.v Shoke Comel, Chestt rfoeld Old Gold P~oi•P MorfiS Poll Moll or Kool ,.,,lh regu- lot ~•PS Hcrbt'rl Toreylon or Rolt •gh wolh cork lip HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Spic & Span Swift's Cleanser Sunbrite (lt'Onstr 2 2 16-u . , .... 14-01. COftl IJ-oa. , .... OTHER •HOW TO DO• ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUI "Qulck-•H·Wink Yuet Brude" "Ltt't M•k• H•m Croquett•" "How to M•k• Chrome Cut." IUY YOUR copy TODAY Sc 2Sc 23• 13• r------, Advertised Prices Are Effective Through 'Next ·at SAf£W4Y· Fc·w othcr food~ <~rca ~ intp\lfl ,\lll a s flnur in you r kitchf'n nnd in your L11ni ly 's diet. It ·~ a !,.,~it· in~rt·dic'l\t in ll\ll<'h of your daily cooking. 'llwn·fqn•, you w.tnl it .d w.,y~ In h .. pc·rfc·d. You can <l<·prnd upon f11111r from S.tfr ·w.ty to lw ju~t ri~ht hc·1 .IWH' f wqu("nt dc·li \'<'rica keep •,(,, b lrcsh. S<·lt•ll )'lHtr l.l\'ltfih' llour Ill s .,ft'Wil)' ollld t'llioy its frcsh- ltllllt·d g•H idnt'"·"' m J ,.~kc·d lnods nnd ollwr dt ~l ll's . You'll he plcnscd '"''· ,,, tlw llt<llll')' ~.~viu~ priu·:.;, tt't'c·ntly H·Jut'cd nt )'our neMby S.dt·way. KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR Fml"st ~t.ulf', ~nril hrd white fl out. Millrd fur u se m home La kinl(. Not~ pTicu . S'ECIAL OFFER! NEW KIND COOKING !.POON o,.ly 25c ond words "Kitchen Croft" from bog or recipe folder 5-111. "•• 10-lb. .. .. zs-~. "•• so.ttt. hi 2.18 4.25 Get full details and order blanks at Kitchen Craft dlaplay In atore AIJIITIIJIIAl liW 'lltll IJII llll. 6 Monday March 8th In Safeway Stores In This Area. HARVEST BLOSSOM GLOBE "A 1" 10-lb. sse 10-•. .. .. L----~_...J 2 ) -16 6"1C• S I. 9 I ; ) 0 Jt, t." II• S J 7 '>. I 00.-lb. b""' $7.30. PILLSBURY'S BEST '-lb. her. o49c; lS-Ib. b•r· $2.16. bot 10-•. .... Enjoy the full eating Satiafacti on of Aavor perfect m eata. Every cut &Uaranteed to pleaae. ~ lt. b••· 4?r: H ·lb. ""•· U .16. GOLD MEDAL CHERUB MILK Ev.porated, condenMd. '"'.,16 to11 12c COft c COli BACON SQUARES 5 ••. 35• TOMATO HOT SAUCI Gardenaide. Full of flavor. GUAlm POll JOIOASI 10188SIIIUO SOY£ WITH WIAGI FRESH PICNICS CORNED BEEF SALMON FILLO NOITHEIM PAN·RflOY rv.,= .. 2 •• 9c PEANUT BUniR Beverly brand. (8-oz, 19c) 11~~· 34c 2i!~· 65c ~ I tMitN 1MUI NtiU Egg Noodles CoTd Mtodal. \\ iJe or Mrd. •-lit. 33c pllf. SpagheHI l-Ilt. 38c pll •. Cnld ~J,.dal. Lnng. () .11,, 23d IYory Snow Fur fin,. fal ,rt•- Vel Powder 15-os.34C bo• Borax Powder l-llt.26c boa 20 ~lult T•·a11o lorand. PalmoiiYe Soap Bath tiu, Latlt•·r• eu ily. ... , 14" !!~~~~~rt Soap ... 15a !!!1~~. !~~t.d ... JOa LUI Bath Soap Fint quality to•lt l eoep. Pork Sausage In J.u, \ ,,k ... 11 , ~"nJI.. lb. 59c BAKING POWDER Link Sausage lb. &sc Ci'lumet hrand. Not,. price. s-·:~:la• 7 Sc Spare Ribs /\dd n .lrrr nnJ 0Avr•r tn yl)ur trlt'nutl w1 th ""lt!c - l iun" ftrn tt our n.~11urlmr-nl <)f f.·11111 (,,.,h prudu<..t". APPLES . u~:~~~:~' lb. 4%c . CAULIFLOWER (II~ WHIO RUSSETS CELERY u.s. 110. t POTATOES UTAH TYPE. MEATY STALU. fot SAlADS 01 TO COOl resentatl•on ( ttrtC'\'nl o r EIN~IIon for said Bond 4 }cis w 0 artl'r 01evumt>lp1.t25 ILJL'IL~Uiil.l~iZ.--LJL. _____ __ [;l,;cliwl.£uc1nc.-t · Ur i\ t•rs 'LAY OFF U S. Of Flag Top ~ms A:-o::-:A c oom.tA!" -ydrbut- ~~l'~t'lr•s.,Tt-mnr-.::v:rw.;:;,;;.flt:w1H-1-b!IARS AuctioR---...- *_;M=-ar-k-ets-at Glance* Fish & Game to Off 'Shortage' CitJ_Manapr [~·~ ::::.... ::;:~ I Scan 12 Pro jed I ~ ... ~~.~.~-~~ ,,.,.,, .. ,", "' Gt-rwrnl Mul••'" ~'-'" S.\1 'HA:-n.:-.·n '· \l.or 1 l l 'l'l '' tlt.oll ltl.olo '' ol I'"'"' '•••H 1'1 "' ('.ood y1·nr tt •,. 1'111' ~1 ''1' '1'''''"11 ''1 ft,h 111111 111 I"'"''''" "''' 11111 l •It• Jl:ol Kl'nnt'('0\1 11 ,. l:'tm c• unnollllll't II t"tl.ty t h:ol I.' , . .,n ''"" 11,,, 1_1,,11, &'Drs '\1 1 ~:r';:,'.'~'~u!~~:::·;~·.:~,.:;,ttlt.~" .~~,,~.,~':: ,,t .J .. \•, ,, , \Ht .... "'' ,, .. ,.,., So 0 1l 1-XIt"-Ptl .'f,:,.. ut 11, 1 .. r;'''' '~ft~ h q• ... ot 4 •·rtl• ut tur S tnnrlrlltl (ltl ',j '• I '"1111"' "'11''" '""" lo.oat d tho I"'""" ool 11•·•·1 11 tl .. 1.111 l f S ~h·• t h11 '• (It'' '• "' '·•I ttwt 'JitJ' "' '' ~1"" "•'""' I lilt• 11"11'•' ;oo...,.rHLt\ II.• l 'llllool I 'll !'lot k ' Jn\\ ~11 IU t~\llt 1 I HhU\' J\Oflll• II'I)'J!III. II) loo\\ o I :0.. c·r0\~~·mult·n1' •'·"'' S alvt•r uu~·h.111•:• d 111 "' " 'YC'f"'k ,tt ;1 '•._ ( t\t I fuu .,l 1 ,H Crn'"' 111 1 1u• ,, . ., \\ It• ,,, !11 1U"•' ('lrN ·d u;t ~' I ~• f, 1 t ('(lm up I '.• ..... rr '·-·· "''' IIJI ~ tu 1a,.1 , "')'"'"''' IIJI :.'1 , tn 1c-. nml '""' !"'"' .. ••t• -~' '".'X til•' I "'"' "' '' ,,1' ol t .. I Ill '" loll. I I·· l•t!ltd "' "'"' II\~ ••• ,,, Ill!• ••tll•l\1 tflt nt• '' ,, .... t up''' Ill• 1''17 I•·~ ' .tLII• •••I H•tl ~!PMiflhOn to ·'"''' 'l•,th·I•1HI I~ l \l.n '"'"Ill lh• II+,. q,,_. \1',11, ltll; I,Ht '"''' ' "dltl tl• I•\ ttfttlllo' IHfi 1111'11 II nf tt tJtH ,,,..}! .Itn•1 '''" ',. ''' I 1.1 '' II.IUt •I'"' \1 "" ,, I" .. , •• " "'' Ill! I I• I I" " I '. I I -•I ,,. I\\ ••itltl I II t I 1 I l IJ I It • I t • ' J I I ,,, Pt,111,., n'' \tlt ,, , 1 "'"'' \\, •• n ".a '" ... '', \I •, ,, I • \\I ,,, \ I' II· •1· , It 11 \It 11 f •jd d tutl ,._ .. ,lt,all "ut11L;•I tPurn 1 .• t; 11 , ,,,, ,1 11 tl "" \tt'• _,1.t I t·t• rtttrtt' ''" ( ·,. ,,, i~ ,,._•u• t~l••it f4tf \ 1 jfl' 11 d \ t .. q••l1t '• f t. q.,. "-' "' ,_, '· tl• '! t111"" t •• ,, •• H I.: nu''"' . I tit· Ill~ 111ft~' \\ , ... potnL- 11 CIV M ol ~r. ¢1'1'JI 1 •.•1-ft lt It II'•''' ..:.•'•· u' th•• roht 'lu11u4tt '' tt,• l••llt 11 •11 ... 1•••· c ,,uJ.• "'• ,,n~ t•• llt .. ult1• t \\• "' ••· ~ulcl t .. J.;U hum•· ''.' t 'I",,,,., tt 1, It, l•u ~ 1 1, 11-.-.t···•-'> hOff t•• ,1,,..., .. lttflr-t"'"' f f...tft • uf 1 tf111 ,, \\ ... flt I • '"'""-II\ • S ln~>p<>etor lr·~~ thlln 8 yd~. ""'"" 1:11111• tlwm tn tht• rt>tipeco SCIENTISTS' Lt.ons Program II ' IHE:'\E \\"<>ODS \\UII'r IC'\'1'1 u~ ,\ """·'•, .. , ''""'''' •·h~orttoql an ;\ {. Judt:t• OTivl'rs o r Dump "'" " ,fl.,t.l· f,,, tlwit fL~sht11nr• ND Tru<'k.._g ym. but 1 "'II •• '' • "•·•''''"' o r an' ,\ ''tll:>.t:T• 1:-\. M .. r 4.-tU P J c· .. ..,,u -'l•·•i• "''"'"''' "·'''"'' .\tlSS ~-;t_<;IE !'\EWLA l<'s~ than 1:.1 yds. to<~tt·l·• •I ,., t '''''' All thl'~· 1 tl\\,ortl l ' l'undun w.k~·d l.lun~ r luh llh'<'IIIIS.: Tth'•Utl~ n o,;ht Juclt:<' watt•r lr v<'l 1.50 "·"' •.•.•• '"I"'' Till' I'OIIrt~ " 0 ooll .,, "'"nal ('(Jnlmiltl'e on ' wa~ hts.:hhs.;htl·U IJ.) tho• plt••o•ltlil· nu~o •:t,ECTIU~ PRF.CISCT Dr ivttrs or Dump tlo• II ' '' ,. •' I'''' ·• ' anti thr cour •I • ll<t 1:) tuda) Lu SU\'1· ltv\'· I tun lo thp C'lut. of .. n ''"'' r~o·;on •h~f;n!hulo• oil tlw .tr•·a ,•mbraro:d Truck~ 1:.1 )•ds. '"'''I'''''''" ol • ,.,,oll,thll'. r.;, 1,111 .,,.1,111"" frum .... ,1n.,l tlaJ: nnd small tahl;o fl:tr.;' J•IH•'· hut lr~" thAn 16 I I I "'' "' t 1 1 1n l it .om:• ,·,,unt.v '"""!: pn•cinct~ ··••TH'•'tll '"'" 1 .. , 1 ""th is sc:or1 , ,1 1111 ,, """·'"""d and hurn--' "'" tn,: ,.,,I) t•ouult~ I '''' I •' •' yd .. W:l lo·r lrvl'l 1 .575 '"" I o ,.., 11 t Th t l :'\f'wpr•rt Hr;H'h. !'\''' ti. 7, 9 , l U, Th· I'" I""''. thltl, .r R ('II •• 1"1"''"''' oiii ,Jl'h~ un tll•·lr Allfl• r.,.tnllt I on ,. oiL:' \\o It' Drilt•r!\ or Dump ''"',,I "1"1 .. , \\ .... , II ... "II I I , .... , .. nto•tl .. ~ \1 ,, ... ;,, ITI•'Ifdot'" "' t::. :tllol 1:1 Ttlh'k' 16 ycls or • II '· · ,11 I" l••r ortltt1 lilt· (',"1·• !\1··"·' .:•"1111 11'1 11 1.1:>.1: .''1.,\('l tlwn •m ~ ~.hllll "'""'' w :tt••r lo·~rl 1 775 ''"'' • .,,,f.,n 1\lo .. II•·•"' tho· n.ollllllill 1 t 1 1 (I :\l·r ~dk••l ool 11" • t1, n .. • .,, dtr•·ct l'"' !"cd!IO') h :11 ''""" io nll"llltc'•'", lt.tt " " 1 '' "' 0111 " · ' · l>n\'1'1'~ 1'r Tn~.k" '"' • 1 ••• '" "' >I..JIIdUit..ls, iiSkl•d the I' 1 1 1d d ,l,,r, lf,•l 111• ·• """ ''' t•l••alo•d tllf•rl'lll lito· """' mt•l''lllL; "'" t .. • do \oolo·ol '11'' llfl.' 111 "·' 1 t••r.;:d p:11lna ('tip. •.• .,,,,, .... Ill (( I I h • ''""'""''" tv IIIIPI'\lOl tn '" 11<•:oiiiiS.: '"' h n:lo I II••·' 'I,. I, tltliool• .. r 'lol'll••n loor ~1110 n .. ncl l h·-s th:t;, (j ton• l 125 "t•·ol••l ''' :,.~·,•;Ji,.:;"::y ~h:n~:·,cl ,,f,~ lilt ll"ll·"·l 'u ·AIIto'lll'olll •I I'IITtl•"' 'I""'"''''"''' lho•l.looll• II"'''''" l'too 111'1 . 1111\'0'1'' p ( Trurks -·' '•· '''"111111111'''11"'1 h'"'"·'·" I \II'S \\AY'\1 I H\\\1 "" t' ''''''" tht• ;utnu1 ol•ln,tftt,utl 111ll" ~~ .. u ''11.,., .... ~ ~ · h•.,d p:~~load cup. 11 11 1,11 ••I q, •·\•'trUtH•n1 "'I r '''IIHJiolhh I• J'h, (JIIIltltl • ,If OIJJIIII•II'IU.flll• J: 1'111111' .. h•l\\tlrl;)l<:..)()•l'.lfl5 '"""'!'''' "" '"'11"111 tni••IJ'Uftlt• Jlo \llto.lo· '1't<rtltlll' Itt...· u t ·Ill ''"'I'"' \uto:htll \ottth• \1 1! . ..; 11.1,\;\l ,\'-l•ltl:.\\S l!n\o·r~ul TnKks.:. 1 ,,,1,-,111111 It 111 twdananct• I 11'11'' '' H1\lll\tt.L' (·t,nUun l)l\td,ou '' '"IHt••'"' th.uaut.tt1 1 .lurt..:• , . lt .... al p.t\ln,arl c·ap l·oJ•' ""'"' .,1, 1 ,.11 1 rnnttus;:. I,., lot'•" '"Son Bourk• B toor .-th11 ,1111 .\IlL" Hlllll H'l \ t ' (;( rtiHII.I ""'"•'•·n'tnl?.: laT 1 50 I I,,..,,,'"'' f,.lluw .. thl'OI ••tol•••l"1 H I.t , alld u ll\l'r (''"'a '""·'' .ltllltl.tl ft,h·ll) ,louh:o , .• lltl\•'1" nf T1ut'ks !•'"''"'"""'' "'"'u,on••· till' t rn1 1 1'1' "1 1111 1101111'' '111 11:} \\'tlll"''l"'"'"''•l 1•1 tho• l,lloll~.lltd 1-•dt •lll.tllfutl •1•<lllr "f. s.llc.l lco.;:tl l>il\load l'UJI. '"' Ito'" !I\ tl.o ... l'llY l(u\ 111 .tloo loo lo. hold ,Jomo• ·,.,; 1\uh Skrlt•' :-;, "1"'11 l:o ,ll'h :'<'ho•ul llt~llll'I J ltl''lll'o'l1. 15 & ~0 T 1 575 • 100tol<l t .. •I ''''' ~"'''l"'l\1fl•l t•h•ll 11! thltool• ul Jtlllt.;t,, \\ b ltOII•J~fllllotl oh.llllll.on 11f I)W ~~h.lll lot· olllttloc1 111 \l•h ':'n) tn 11:1\1" 11f TtUih~ \\ I I II ol " I• d otllol till' bene ttl' I '"• 0 ,,. 0 Ill I ' puhlll'tt) "·-. ' • lltrtotl t 0' Ill t "·" ~·· I hr :--;, hoo"l 111"'1 I ll'l Iloond 1-.h ('I tun I h·~:.tl p1l) lfoad 20 •·I • ,., ruon.• ·• o lw• "JOfl<'r II• •, 1.,, .and ~uc.lt..l!'li dtMnt~oal' \\tilt· Thrf o· n•·" m•·mhl'rs \\o·r~ It'· I'••' ,,.,., "1 llhlf•h It• "a 14''111t•nt j Inn• 111 111111<' 1.775 "",',' 1 " I• 11 1 .. 111 , 111 ••lr•l••l ' '" •• ~~~-1 "·'''' m.ut. •• Ill· 1, pro·ll ,,1 l'u··~tl.,,, 111, ,..111~. ,,;,.) '''~~ 1~,',1,·~·;~::·;"'~, t\~·,',:~~~:1~~~· ~~~;·, ll'."''''. u f5 1-;u~;d·hc.l • I 'to' I) l,!ld '" ro•l'l'UII to p \\O'l't' AI•' c;, .. " (;,, M .n(ll'ld uf .. ... 1'''1\ r ~ "' pr.•a t•r l('onttn<h d rr.,m Pace 11 11.90 11.60 12.()() 12.ti() 14 :.!0 11 40 11ft() 12 00 ~- 1:? 6C J.l :.'Q H 20 VAN FLEET'S 11"1 "'" foot all II • It''' ,otlllllltn n • lllt•h In t.:n\< rtlnll'nl :.t'f\1('<· ('oo~l,'t .:\lo "·' .uul .:\l.lt•lt.<ll Llrulo•l u f lhtr<l<ltll ul r• 1!111.11'), .... t'llfl'k' I 775 \\ '1' ·•I·I••H\It tl !'.U1\ ., ,, •• , .. " 1 1""~ I I I I I ~ . J ,,. 'I• • 1• .on •••t m• 1 • ) rflfju rt'll tho• I I• ;"~' tf 1 "" <unlmllll·•· tu 111-1 •1,11111'1 tl 1 ~t .. r T \\'1-::-Tt 1:-o; " On,·rr~ o f Transit-'"' ··••II• II ... q lolllfl TO tho• W•'· .,,.,, 1111' \\ltuk ljU\·Situ ll ur' • 0 . (~t)!tl)(l:O.: II F l :"'PLA\' :0.11\ Tru~kl' und<·•· I• loo II l(oo • II 1<11 ~ I• }. ollooo o lo Ia I·,,, .... tu I r· .... \. '" ,, ·'' I ... , .. '1111• I unrl l11' , .. ,, ... , .tfll \\'.•II• 1 t, •'HUt ''' FRESH Newport's Most Modern Sea Food Market C 'holo'f' .W.. •·m>d al M< .... ..; .. ,,,. l'r1c••" ,,.,..... OaJiy ... II L m. leo 8 &•· IlL nf 1 hr t••ooplo \\ h• llll'r or not 1 1 "I• , 1 .. l.ot "'"" h..t \\ 1·1•n 11 urktnr.; :-.; Bmllfott tl T'lo nha1t1 1. ,\ . :0.1 ,\HI! t:O.: I' 1•0 1 If> :1 ~lb l\o• o~d .. r 1-'•····h••l•l•·r-.: should 1... . nto~h 1111cl tho tr L;H'l'rn111..,1t · \lt:r \:thf T:a 1'11~1.1.., "[•uhl•o' :"11· nth• r' o f tho• (;,.,,.,nutr.; r. ..... d Dt "'''' 11f Tt<irt,ll· to\• 1 tt • '''''tnt' I""' 1.65 1'1 IU" hi I efllt I l'tlX J'l\tl1"'ltfh IH I tl""'' '"' th• r rtuHI' lui lh• t ,nl ~· ••I 1•1•1••1 \\tl• tlt,tU"""-•tl tltd ,,, t \'-" .lp;••lllf t t1 t ",., ··I·,.,, •I 111 !1 '""'·'<'II) r hnrt••r . 11 It ,, , llh to lito• that thts s hould •t••ntltn~ " 11.,1 rlt)nc· "''" 111,. pf :-,, \\)1W l ll• ·" h SrtHwtl 11 " ;\lt.x TrUl'k• 3 • It• '" ''"' 11' \ • ••• ~ ....... t h•-n su' t • ,, """'' H1 unt•tt," ( ·undnn Jo.,tl(l \..am•' c'an· ,,.... rtlH'' p tl\ 'It.. t t '' t, tlf 4 •r:tnt-;' ( ~uunty. (·all-I ~d... ur rnnr•· l .'T7S '~'''I '1 r·····ll·dd•t' hnvt• ,.,, ~~,, ... ,~·· t•f tht• \'l·ry SlJCClal ... , ... ndiOJ: nnd flll ''"'' ,.,.n ,Uf'('•'''" folnta •G .• , •• nd ()ll P&J.k•ltnt.• ''·" '" ''''"'' "•'h'lllt'l' Thi~ ~~~ ·I·• 111•111 1\ltll'lt .llouo\11' o•tto•q;) h oiS IUU) ru;uuliUll lhal uiiU·I~ ;.tiC It) I'Uio Fth 19. :!fi :\1 11 I, 1!1 1!< \\'ulktn~ Truck ,.---------------.....-l",..."!..!:.lli.!.' I··•· '' tlt•·u '"hmt.ttca...u· •I+ ""'" .. , .. •of-!w.,•·~tlth.-~Mrm:-t---:r-nt..-\rrtn '1""' IW•O•''· :~~ ,,,... fm\'1'1"!'. l'nt'lur11ng f I I I r I . ' ..... II ' '"" ~. UTU 't~'TU ('U~Tit:\t'TOR!'O I 1ooto" t "' t•'"l''' ,,,, I ll!Ufll•d •l"'''""'''''l••lllill) ,US.:L:•'' ti1 • .r 'ato• \\'tllt'h Tt'UCk llnd II ' ' ,.,. "''"'''" "' th" ~1111<' ll"t:t "'"' ,•,nuntllt·t· S.:l\'1' tlus mntt•·r a ll "I/''' or T ntc.-k' l.W \It Klnol~ e f(,o•:•"""altlt• It toll,. '" h· , . .,,.,,, d fo·t•tlve. Tit.• 01nq1t1.1,. ho•:arlll~ 1111ct t'llrl'lul l p N S I·:,\LI-:D PHO I'OSAI.S w tll h1• \\'u t•·r Truck Dnvcr .\('C'Ol 'iTI'•· I'll•'' "'""''' 111111' ,,,, full l'On~trll ' •IIIII\" U BLIC OTICC'S ,.,.,.,.l\'o11 a t lht• nffl!(' or tho• C'tt) l'ndo•r :!500 s.:al. 1.-175 , .... , .,. , .. ,,., ,. TAX ltETtJ Rl\S IIU7 c """' lh•~· (II.• ""' t•.().) I "'" •'""'''' ·•II ,.,.,., . .,,llry f'MJI)III 'uttltllllt• • ;oln ·'"' •~ l•llllltlfn,· flit -SOTU t: 1\o•adt. (';tldomlll. u ntil •I co'drx•k :!5ot.J S.:itl o r c·.,,,,,,, olo 1 [\J ,,, 11.11 :I.'.! 11' ''""''' '11 "1"''11 oil rltil.l'n!ll'cllrl<l "·'' oll'l'"') '"'" ('ununn'!> '"sona-1 I' .\1 "n !\larch :!:!. 1!1-18. at whil'h rnt~rl' 1.60 13 :?0 l-1.20 1:.1.80- 11.80 Ill ~tl't'AUUt':' I'IAf't : (;)t•n E. Fuller I "'''" .. r '"' l•h't'•'' n r tlw l'h/lrl•l I'll<· I'll Aonoll\'1111 "•'11\tlh·~· S('tiOOI.I\OSf) f:I.Y.C'T IOS ('lo·tl<. ('\I~ ll;tll, Ctt) of }1.;,•\\JXH'I \\';llt'I'TI'Ul'k l)r l\t'l' •---------------__: 1'" h•·ard. ,1,.11, Itt 1,11t1t.,lun~ 11, eh:uhi'S "'"'~~''' " lint~• lh•·' wtll hr publidy op·nl"d l nolu,trliol l.tft Trul'k 14:.15 ·----1 1 1 Ito 1' 1" .:1'' 11 to lh<' 1nd tPati. Cut· po·rfPrrnmh work as Tnt1•k Cn•:t"'l' and ............_ ...................... •••••••----.... • lltt•l I" I• '''"''"1. a "'' •o:to:n·l qn:oloftN1 .. t .. rtor' nf "';o·WI.~<lll ---........._ llloo tolt·a,,ol lflll'l ~·I ·• ll'11t•rl Ho•.orh Sr·htoul I •t•lt wt nl tho ('.,\111· loollm" 1'to•t111·1n l.o175 1.90 l:l80 11.40 I I ,lj) 15.20 "' "Ill ~I ll lllrn'l•ll .I bl~:.•r "'"'' ,, or ( tr.tnc• !'tal• "' ('.oltloot nt:t I ,,,., ...... l'pt••r H.l) (o( :-.;,...... ITtlll'k Ho•p:unnan ·• loo '-ol'to ''''' u l ('umm<fl<' \\'I'"'' tn ;wn•rtlotnt·o \\lth h". 1111 t••l1 lb) ndjart•nt to Statt· Tnwk lt•·lt.tll'llltln YOU have a stake the • 1n Now TBAT suoAa Ia pa.titul qafn you ea cbooee JOUI' bnDcL Y-ea 007 the ~ar that doN JOUI' famil7 _. ..-pbora the moet ,oocL Aad t.hara HoQJ 8apr ... prodaoed m thie .,., No eupr iD all the world ia purer or finer in grain. No eupr ia •weeter. No sugar ia more !pUklinl white or runs more freely than thia famou• •urar home folks here rw and make. Good eoou know that Rolly Sugar i" J>f'rlPct for ..-ery uee-for bakin& cooking, canning and at table. They huy Holly Sugar lxocaust• tht•y l1k•• it •.. and noh• this plus benefit that cornea to every family in thi11 an-a: · Holly paymentR to nearby farmen for 11ugar beelll -and t.lw Holly fnl'lory pRyroll-l(i ve o booet to all busineN hen•about.B F.ven more important ... When thislocn1 suJ{ar i.e eold in theee local part.a-cloee to where it's grolfu and made -freagbt coetll are saved. These orw .auin.B• HoUy COA-Gild elM•-•hare with bHt 1"'0'""' in tAU ore& So tht> more Holly Sucar that ia eold at bome. the more local srowen re-cem for their auaar beeta. Yoo haft a .take iD Holly Sugar becau8<' it'll real ltoftw Utdufry. So next time )'OU buy IU,C&r IDde aun ,.oa pt Bolly Suprt ----______________________ ,.,. __ EmAnNE 61/AKl/J.A!E/} PURE SUGAR PRODUCED IN CAUFOBNIA 'Leelll tt ee~n tvho rvtlfll le boost tiN;,. Ito"'~ ar'4 JUJtural~v f•at.rl tltu top-qu/ity loct.l sugar .•. lh~ sugar "amed HOLLY • 1. II ll·<l 11111111 1 1, l.'ltlln 11 111 1.,. 11, lrt nn llw lfith J Itch"·'' Bn•IL:l'. aloou t iOO 1 111'11"'" Ito• l.tt•t ,,lfol l'otltlunh,ollho•on clav ,.1 .\l.orrh I'll>-111 ,,111 111,. lt•ot uf.:.'l" \\ololt•rlSCt'<'l \\'n-To•,tnb to•r . I 525 1 :\5 1 35 1:! 211 J(l~ 10 8(1 It I ,, 1 "ol t. , 111.111 d• ,c 1 ''" •I If) 1 nc•t. 1,..1\1,, n 111, h.,11,., , ,f i 1 WI 1 tl'l' l'tJ.t<' •''"I ·•I•JIIII'I••n:rn<'•·' \\',at••ltnu"-'lll:ln ,,,,.,,, """' ... u .... nl•-'••1'' ,,.J,,.k A .\I rtnd iOO n'dtl('k p llto•tolo to I•· l'un t..,h o'<l :•n•l \\',u ohnu"•nl;•n '"' 1• t 'I'' ,~ on , "t11un•11:1· n~:r•nt \T <lllltnc "lw h I• 111111 .mel lw "'''·'"'"' C'lt•t·k 111' Footo•man 1 475 'I I I I I t I t I .... I I 11 ... I I I "''"' h T t11C"k DrtV('I' to o lit I II o '! 1·1 I II It' \\" l"'l'l'll \l hll'h tuuu' lito pull' •hall ·"' olf \\I •• IPI'o•l\'<'i \In I'" I 11 80 "' 0\111•111• tTl 1111' ll''~ll'l&lhiO Of l llrtlitlll UIN II. at \\htt·h dLCtllUI I' llt:lllo 1•11 II JII'UJoU•,tl fum1 fill• 1:.!1.l' fN'I' hnul' ''"' ol ,If IIIII\ lo) C'nndun tho•r• "'" lw• •lllollllllotl ll• 'Ill'" flt•ho'<l hi tht• ('11) Fn.;mo•t•r_ ,uldtltnn.ll \\lw n IIIM'I'ittlnt.; I ' 11,1 nil I I • m ~, -1 I""'' o· '"m·h. i\·Framl's, Valley Residents (;ather to Protest Power Cuts I I t(ln oor l~'otllllC .10d "I lin · l••rlfl• ·" 1 1 I o, "' at •'11 J~• ll" 11( ~.oitl n i•lrto 1 too tlu tii'Hf!ttl ,,( 1•1 ot ''h f"l'f"!tftrrf f"T C":t'<'lnror'' oor 'illltlfor a ll'Whnll'ntc: ~-tf•l.tJO•II•t ''"" ,,. ,,, '"' ''"' • hoo·k lol "'''"''' 'IJ(onlll """"' "'''' :-, .. hiol \\Ill, ... oll'l'<'tlll-<1 fi'Om a loll' IH tho• ('tl,\ ,,f ">o•\\jlllll Ho•;,;h 1('oortll'tl'totl' \\hn h ll• Tlt)l bl'l'n II· I 1~''' o( t d,\lflt . .' ,,,,., \ l••l II• 1 I r .. u.)<\ '"L: ""'I"''""''" t• I' tt\ .,.,.w,nt ... ,., .• , I() 01 1~'·•'-t i ~·n ... I HI ,u ('Utd.uu'•· "'llh fh•· pn•· •··to • 1 " 1• r ,., nt ,,f 1ho· amnunl '•-•""' .,(I 11:1pto·t 7!11, SLatUil'S or II 'I *J h• I til' h ""'' .... ""I hllll' 1·•1 ' ·,,, "" ,,,.,1 'll ll •tlll\ ... h•· rurf··•t .. .r 1!1-''' ,,. olllto·nolo•d Tho• 11111ftl111 • t•l Jllll o lo I Ill • ool 1 luootltl 1111' hulft••l' I•• \\hom '"''I I'·'"' rn;1y loo• •co••n . unci fut-rns of 1-'l!l :'"';lo l 'ol \lfl I t l ·l'• lluntltt·d' .. ( ""'"''"and m l 'l'' 1.'-11 I ,,,,j' It• '" H. ~ ,. t tllh'H"' "'tu~•l hlldtllll.·• • ••lllt.ll t I• ;,\\,udetl f.JII Ito <'1111•1 Pl"l~"·'''· h11rtd'. l."flll'lll'l. !I n d '11w 11111klfll' ttl 'tit• 1 '''''"' "' '''''' lit• '"""'wt I "l•~·•twll"'"" ttl:ty h .. n hta tnt'd Rt .-1f!th r 1tfll' '•~ tt.. ..., 1, ·• I In •'" tn.· "' '" ""'"''' "''"' q 1 111 !11 ·"'''""l,onr-r-\\tl h tltt• JH'0\1'-1~''' ''""''' •:f llw City Engineer, I .. I ,,. ,,r ('It '1'1"1' 'l't7. S r.·1,,,,,., ,,r ,( 1,". II oil. :"'•'"l~lf't ll·•:wh. l 'ultf. ollll :-;oil ,lnalllllll I ttl• \ ~ l' tilt• I 0\l Ill Ft• ... fllll ,, •• ! t\ 1P ... 'I, I•IH r frnrn '11'' \ •' rn 1\ lu 111 • • J t 1 ,.1111 ,111 11 ,,1111,11111,, I" II th•· ,.," C'oowt•·•l .. r lh•· \11~ ,,. ,,,,.,.,,, ;,tlo "''"" •tf pros· dt ,...,,,, j~"\\•1 ••••'•tlnttnt'''"''••~'d ••1"11 ,,1 '•\'J•H' 1~ •• wh h, .... a,(•,•r1iun•d i P'''tl\•• huld•'l ' ., t·alh~d to tht- 1\ tho ''·"' 1•1111111' utohll•• I'Pin· •••• ''"" Ill' ''I'"' tho• r•n• •.• Y ·,,,,,,,,lll1'' r:tlo• .. r l'•••t··~·" fto ••t'IIIO'II\0'111 ," ltnll<'l\l'd ·r 11. ttJHII Ir'' •~ ... ,~~•uh···• ,, ""' 1 1 1 k r r ff.IJ"'"" ''"''"'"' ool '"' "I ••• , loof11•1ut· \\ ••.• lftftllt ,,,,,. lot lh·· \\lllk ttl ,'"Ill .. ,. I .on 111'111 II prOpll~:tl, ror , t 'onlllll'''~t" tdlu t.d" 1u1 t•tarlc , .. ,11.,,, •. 1, 1,,11,,,,, u ~ lft<t'lh~n' ''' tn huhhns,:o r tc. \\lth lilt• 'til•' t'toollt" h••tltll 11'1 fl.'" II'• ct '11 ~''1 ' tl "1 •I• '1'"'"1 ·n 1 ('II\ I :'\ I H I I I I I I I lluurlv l''t·r Ill·-'' · 11 • ''" 111'1 • <':w 1 n •· (ton\ln•··· tit• Ill '""' '""'' r ,.,,_ lY ort· hr Ill 11 1 ""'II',,,, oint • • ... ",. ... , ... th r llt.:hl 10 r!'}''Cl an)'()(' I• wk., "• •, "',., <~ •• r) and mrvlt· II}' \\ ~·· !'4•·•o.l•· \\'flltt' all bul~ I • , .. I ... ~. "' Ill• 'oil Hill~ I:1C'k '"' nw <>urrohinL' .. r "hu .. l h•ulcl c '"""'•·alloon on~;~ '"'It furntlltt• ••r ""'' I 1 .. • 1 .. n•t tl "' C ITY llF :'\F.\\'I'IIHT IIJ:AC'll ,._11 , ·ot•l'•lttll, ,.( t••r · !'•to•'' •'''"" <11.'> Slfl'«• I·H,\:>.1.; I. RI:'\EIIART. ''' 1 uul til .rut .. rtu\\p,u h,, IU tht C'tl\ C'l<•l k. l!ll.tlo \ ttn·· '"'' , ••l•otrll ollooiJ from ffilllolll 11111111 "I' t.tlool' .ollol T.tllf· lt olool ~·,,,1,l.lf\ ~l .l!l l~ •It, tit I I • o I 'H ,._ 1\ lth rf o Th• 1"'" llt•nl "''"'"""''"' ••I l•n•·~tnMit• l'ul F •l• _>II :\luth ·1. t9-l8 "' tl ,. ~• h ... I cr•UHl•l"l It• I • J,, . ._ u.--,, .. ,1, l \e 4"·' • • n' '" \ II 1\ II t1 1 11 I. t• uul I 1. o 1 • 1111p.u" hut 1 II •" 11 1 h '' ..:·, J-.+r oof II o I \\o I "'l't•lt• tl 11.111) 11·, ,,,., 1 ... ,, 1"' ·n.. .,,._ t Ill I I tift I I I ,. tu I '' ..:·-, ... r \II uf tl\1 (, 1t cnut5" purpu~•' \ II•' ttl IlL',, u I •tt• t llttn1•f't h d I••• 11 tit tut•h\ ud rultl rtu •tnlff cl :uul '' t'1 h•· '.tl• d up"n d~ .,,,, •• t t .. ttl nnl ~·n" ,.n.·h Jil uJ -."·"t•n •t•dd'h :-:. urlu·ntl' 1 !t'l"'""'' d ,,, t11 ,, ... ,,,tt ,,, d h• ,, n I ;,:; \ Ill• ~ Lllttlt '' lh r' 1~11 end , .. 1ft ~h .. 11 t., .. ( th• d• n••nll t ,,,,.,, I n' I ''Jto I \\Ill'' tlln11 ht n n ,,,, '' ,, ... nnnnn~ hf't• '" tft•t ~p·' .r,. jl .. tn•t llflt -I.'""'''',., 1 10 \!i•'"'''" •.. I''''' 'tht Jto\\lr , ••• '1 ,u ..... r '"''""1 ·'' •• rtlt ur nul t;u.td .,.d nt ,, •• ,,,,. ,.,., '"' "hi• 11 , ,,, ""'\ fl r1 t hour, • ,,., • d trt...• (I\ •' I" r • • nt ,,. r nn· 11 .r ,, •I \ , 111 1 n•o p 11 11 ,1 lt,ollll lllltn t••~ ololt• onnfl oil\(, r lit• 111q no d t•tl lool II''.''"'" '' ar till' '"''"I"' l ''' Ill t un, a ncl Thc•y 1 11111, 111 1 111 1 1, 1 1,, ,,,, k ~· 1111 .1nnu.oll\ tho'l'l'ltflt·r. aml l'lta ll n "•rP 1.,,1,,, tl•llo rlto\ 111 ,1111.111~ llt•I11Hlllllr•rl ftoom lto>rll~t l'!lrt· 11,,. lw•o•ofl••· tho 1 11 , '""'"I! 111 "'''1111\o•l\', Jl•l}iih lt• "" folio"~. to· 11111.;:tlo 11oll pttttl)' •:Oit.o•r tiiiS I \\it . ~ ,.11 r 1\ond' To I tr J.i:o·nn..t h I'· •II• 1 ""' •It•• tilt II· S umbl'r f'd fl••n •ttn · llun t oo·~ N'Tlltl11"1"!1•1 ·""' 'll;~lffnl\11 nf (lnl'lu•lv,.) lnlltlnn \'o•a r. tho• llloo 11111:. '·II• I tiP do ll~hlll I" 1 111 :..'0 ~1 .11()(1 ('o() 1 ::'1 In Ill I IMJCtf~l :! lll,o 1\ Itt lo. JII.Hio 1111!1\' ton lhl'j flll ~\'1' 11''1"'''" l•'lllo• lllllll1·ol Jlfll fil) l l~M II I() :\ t el l h• \ \\Ill llt•l a:• I • \ll I I"''" r ril too <:It 1 ,0tlttT~I ·I Hnd th •t tl•~l· , ...... \\dt ··~1nlut~l~ "1 tn lOn l.nnonn ' \\'Itt 1, 11, • 1 \ -11 , I•• ,'t I 1 •1 t•t t.,:fl l ,t'C ifl t'IU fi II 1\htll 11 • 1,,, 1 otl ol l lh l.ltool lll 1 •~•11oft 7 ,1,1<111 Ill'" 1(~• 1 nul••• R 1 •~1 110]~1 IO..I '" ~··~' .'fll "':.'.;It • I ,, • In 11 In ~'ttl I •·llol ...,, ... , ... '\1•) , 1 • '., ,,, 1 1 ... 1111 ·• • 1 r. 1•~" 'l' *t"'' -~ .... I tt• I tt J I o • t•l 1.•······ I ·~•<IMI 1 o,."' \10 l llllttlli.) 1 I 11'1! 1.1 I ••• I .' ·•lfitl 1 • I •I 1 fHH .. . 1 ,. , ... , 1 l~t tn no '* I ' I" I 0 ., 'I Ill II r: 1;1 I I 17 1" 1'1 _'0 -'I .. II II ~ lltollol.l lo f '"·'"' ~:IIHIItla•t l 1 II lldo•J'I ~''"''''' j , ... 1 Srul•·• J"ll.lll' I •·It ttt•tnr.; h t<'n·.., ''I' •rtlo·l~ p o \\ ,, r t ,.., ~J ... t ( ', Ill• nt l 'lllt'h' r l l~··•nft•l 11nt.: I ' "n \\ olt k, r .\ · F rnm•• I Tttuk i\pptt"f1llrt a·:n._·u:••• t I 111• '" '"'-I I I II 111 .,, , .. , r ;\tr C'"'ttf11f'l•""-""r 4 )p-'' .. ,, t • .. n, •• '• \11,, t ( ·~ I' ,,. p \ I h. 1\ J•• 111 I r• • 111 ,, 1 It fh ., I I I Hi' J•: Itt c,, .,, 1 1t. I ! . 1\ I I I 0 \ n. I" r. II II I! •\\ .J .,,,\ r:. J•tl" ., ,., II• ,, .. I I i7~ 10 1(',0 I 9i5 1 9i5 15~5 I 7::; l 'tll 0 , 1''•' ~ .. 1 , " 1 111 ~ 1 1 • .. t, ;c' ';d ft+ ,, I I 0" ... , HI l 1~kl !WI 1 ,1~ ~I II(\ I I • \ •••• ll•·•·t ''l"' j I .. ~HI 1 }\.'"'") SLJOHTL V duin1-ytt nry de: murt--11 ctue AVIICo u yon fa ille chit drtee for JUnton Rayon fa•ll• ia cht pnf~ct chotc~ for Jun•ora ~­ UUH II II )'OUnl and Ctllp loolttn. w ith 1 v~ry drn•y alf Noc•c~ 1he touch of •t•~ty •n th~ ttt1~d rayon uffna bodice onnff and fltfiY rufft~ h~mhn~. I t I\ ' I,' 1\f I ~~I 'l, j ' I I' 1 1·• ·,, "' ... -·' I.,. '·''''I' I Ki I"' ·t. J•lll'l'"" nf '·"'"•n• "ttl 1 •.r. 1•1 ,,, , • 'I• 1 ''"' _ 111 l••'lo•n thr ~''""I l ll•lrol"l 'lt11ll l'tunp t ll" ''"t t(n f,, llhl at tot h t I'• h\ h\ tdt d tilt• 1 :.' l't.1i0lt~l' ( IJw't:'l"l n, I 1 ,-,, ,.,,,,., P ttt iOC't <:, nttr"l1h• f't•d l ~ullolll/i'f 1'.u1l,••f 1 1 • .' r·,m•• 'till\ • II. n~'lwrrlnnftl'r I s .. , q• 1 ur llt •.; ... ,,.,,,,, cl .1(111 tho lk r>••lt< '" r• tn· .,,,,. !'hool'd "r oft• r I "''' n b1 II ' 'I";!' I" It nl o'lll 1\.••nt ,\ t I 111 h· (ll:llofwol o IC"I'Ioor~ 11f "'IIIII St•h•••l tt'o'nl~ 1 9() 1,,_,.,., ,,,, •·f tl,.tt· ••"t••'t\'1' Tt•nduttt.: :O.I,IIhlll•' 1\,ond ~:to C'll•'n Prc-rono·t!' .<ro' lwro•· 01• r·1t,.1 "' ·•l'l"''"'"rl ""'"''"" oof •·I•·• 1to>l1 a~ \'nllo .-~.•1 Eqmpmrnt ho r· tn~(ll"r rlo <11'!'\'llo n tn c, f \1' tn "rlt'r:Jinr l!':hn\dl ·1, 1r r• •1~ ('IJ\• H11n1 l J-:lrcticon D t;tJ:hn,• J'Wornc-k- l'ro ··met• :1~ h• ro ln:tftr r cc·t f(lrth., R n r 1; t' p, n trk on<l •mel nrfir •·r• ,.f F l, o·ttnn <lt(lll \1 .1 n1, h ,., I I n r I unfiotrl <:\10 J"lo'C'fto\fl 'tnf1 m:'\kt• n'• ('r.ITll'l lllrt' tlu rl'olf I"II"U:\111 10 l:l\\ \.1I'J"''n'•'r Thr 1otins;: prl'l'tnct~. p.11lins;: T thlr ""'"'r S:1w 19iS ~10 190 tllll'<'~ rtnrl rh r l t<•n (l(fu•o rli n ul) l 'l~'rat••r I !l-;'5 cl~s•~:u.1 1o'<l rtnd ·if'l'"lllto'<l nrco :1~ 1'•1•• n,,,, r Fnt·· m.tn ::' :l::'5 Ioiii'\\"!<' l'tl•• Dllll'r :'ol.on rnsn J:I.F.CTIOS I'RP:C'ISC 'T Ht1•1.:•· ,,,. 11 '". k so. t ('1111"'111 •·1 '' .1!1 and• HI• .lit :ho .1r1 :-t • m ·l l'tlo• D n 1• r 'l.ort ,,. ,, •• ..j "' ( ., Ill ·r l'nllnl y \ nt ins: I '~<'n-trk n arc• Ttl Tl l R5 f•1t•C'HH'IC :'\1'\\ l"'fl J:• 'ld1, :-;,,. 1, I'll•• l)ri\l'r ;\l:'ln ;· :\ -1 ;,, ~ •• 111cl ! 1 I lo•:~rl n. • k :'!on.:• r ::' 00 1'1 t1 t.l;'l:l~ Pl.i\l't·: th• r••in ~hnll l"'l1• n 11wr :\Inn-~ 11, 111 the :>.1'Wit..lll II, n,•h ~t·llll\ll.. ft•'C"k ~ltno.:rr j l'• ntrr~l Avo•nu,• 1111\\• <'II l:ltlt llllll l P l'l\'1'1' n ( Tntmp l ''h Strrrt:< tn ~atd f'tt~lrtrl 1'llll'k• ,,r lr•<. th:-tn 180 L Ill 11 _n IO!-o,o I \ ~'() 1:! ~(I 1 I :!0 15 ~) )1, II I I "I 1-' ~·o I I Ii/) 1 I '>11 11·"" 1'\.'11 ~OTIC'f: TO ( 0;\ TK \('TORS Sl-:.\1.1:1 I l 'fH 11'1 tS AJ ~<:; \\'til br ,,.,.,.,,, ... ,,, 11w •. rr .. , ... r ,,,. ('11)' r·t .. ll( C"fl~ ll:tll \1'\ u( :'\••\\J)o)t:l 1: •. "'" (' . .til••lllt tH1111 1 n'l'l•~·k I ' \I .. , \I Iff h '( )'q ' ;,, \\ )tf'{'h llll" tho\ \\ill l o fllllolll'l\ 1Jpt•nt•d ''"' I· ul loot I"'' lunn•n~:' work a., It d I"''-.. <'"11~,.,,, 11••11 111 P C" c· Curh~ :-tntl f~utt••r· ;11u l P. (' C. ~ull'· \\ dk• ll lj:or,.nt '" :"'cow Cih ll;ol l ll•·no· 'l:!nrl su·····t rllt;l t..,Pnfral A\'f•nu .. :-;,, hut \\til Ito· li'('I'IVt'd unit.'·~ II 1" lll.tdo• •·11 a (ll'l•llCI~at fotTil fur· 11i•h•·ol 111 1 h,. C'ity f:nr.;int'l•r. I·:, It h loiol lllil'l l>t• UI'COnlJ'llntNl "' • c,t•h rrot ltfH•d or rnshicr's •·hr•·k •. , lotddt•t •., hond 1 mndl' pa)- <hlo• In 1lrt• C'tl\ u( !'\1'\\IICIII Ilf'~ll'h foor .m .tnll•llnl '"l'tal 1<1 :tl ll'a.'t t•·n '1111 J• r • • n l nf tho :Ul1l>Unt hili. -ttl' h L'tl;or:tnl\ 111 Ill' forfo•ttoorl '"""lol •h·• 1., ·clr•r to \\hltm thc- • ••nlt.w• ,., ;'"·''"'"! (;ul to c•nto•t •n•o lh• '""'' u·t In ,,.,.,.,tl tnl'o \\tlh fltO\'l.,itm' of I 1 a t"•·! '\'1i ~laTut••• nf l!l:ll , t hf' ,.,,, c · .... 1\f t1 .. r tho C'"' ,,r :-:r"· , • ., t I~· oo h t, ,, ,,,,.,., c;unrrl th" I 1 Ito' " Jol• \ •llllfll; l':tlf' Of W:li:C'< tl•t•l ''' • 1 • 'h·· '"'' k 111 ho• rlnno ,.,1 •\1 llnurh f'••r O IPm \\ a..:•• :-,,:nl•· \\ 1\Jtf' ../ ltt,,if,, :.tluu : \ ''"' 111 'r '• II n..: "' ttl I II. 11\I'O ' ~I !)(1 \•jolt oil 1•1 •Ill It~ • I'· II tl1 nil II • 1111111 \ l•h'olt l.ol<• t :011d PHI1•'1' \•jolt til 'fll••olfllllt.: t1,,, h•n•• •'f\t'ratnr I', I I• lllo•r c, n ,o·n l l·'tnt•ho r 1"1 ~:1111n .1nd \\:tt•·h- I ii:i I !10 l !)() 1.()75 Sl~• :?f1 11 ~(I 15:./0 15.2fl 15.8fi tn.m 15 ::'ll II· 11·~ ohrt~ 1:15 10 .fl0 n :.tn l:i~ .#,lk•Jtq 1 ltl•·t· l~'"'•·r or c·r tnt" ()po•r;1lnr pnu;,nr nf'l'nlor. 190 qs 1 5:!5 1 65 lfi sn rmwr 2 00 16 .00 15 :!() I )po•t :tIM mo)l nr p.:l· '' nl ~~;rndrr 2025 ISM l 'n"•'f':!l f.()tllj')ml'nl I f,(l •·t• r ''"r """'·••I •ll.ocltnr. rll'm l'k. t1 •' ,. r 1 r k hMJ:C'. 16::'0 • ltm<ho•ll <lr rt·nno• I 2 10 1 11"'rat•lr rump I r,;, 1 t fl() 'lfloT:lt"r. rnllo•r 1 ~ I( 'f'l'r'tlnr lr:'ICIIII· 1600 httlltlr•t l'r t:.mpo•r. <C'rHf'l'l', firnct' Ill' 16 20 16M 13.20 14.80 14401 <htw"l or h(')(om .RI· tnr hmi'IH• 1.90 15.20 !Cootlnu~ on Paa~ nw> a It- 13.20 16.00 16 20 16M 13.20 t4.M 1~.20 <Continued rrom Pqe 41 E)peret:or; tftfteft ..fM- 2.275 18.20 Puauc NoTte•• DIPLO\'M'ENT w.uri'D • "" \T~. "'''I'PLID' • Al'TH~UITI\ r: .t T IKL'4 .. N ·~"'PORT BA I. 80 A N EW8 -TIJII E8 Page _S Trt•nchm !llachtnl' ,... ------~ ---Tnt tc.'4llA\' ~""l••rt 1\Nw·h, C'allf. Man-h •· INA _,...,__,;.'..="""-;.;.;.;-~._-• '--===" 1 'AI' Alii f \'Cll\li\:-1 Wants J'O I I. '\1 I .. 11 , tilt" 1. ,,, ~~~ Tandom chine . _ • 1.97~ f)C'ra tor 1:>.~ XOTIC'E ClF PrftLl(' 11£A-KINO ...... 5"'.,'-1, .. 1,""11 ....... ~>._,huu"rkrl't"'r ni'A .l!OOd-. "\ -""' .. r ,,n ,'fr", ~ \o\;.1: N 1:1 :l ~ tcltAI. F.MTAT~ Cnl\o•r sul Equipml'nl ,,.,u_ 1.,.1crcn1.'C ' tlarh••r 1973·M '", l 'h• '" 11 '''"'' II• 1.1 ,,,~ ·---===~------__;::.:::::.;.. 1' r u e k dnvcors of dump t rut·ks o f ''P''rlltor ( Shovt'l, Thl' ~('\\port B<•ach City Plan-' v 18-311'. 1\1'' " ... ,., .~ ·, ;\tl I' Ill \fkt :\1 ( n: t-: ( ':\ H~ Ill •• "I ·s I Ill II I "\ I'SS :\Ill~ I 1.11'1' 1-'0il !<A1.F. Llr«gltn<'. l.k rnck, 111111: c111111111:-st~•n \\Ill hold t\\u 11 1 '<' \ ,,.11 -' l't•olr·~·m """" · ull tll·h, .. t Nl-:\\'1'\ lftT tS I.AN II (11Me. I~ than 4 yds water ll•Vt'l I •t :?5 11.40 lJI'rr'tl'k B n r g". P uhllr lit nrlnl!c upon nppllcatton -' U IU( \\ A-NTl:..U Jrorunll. U\ no '' 1 "' 1 "'' ' ' 1 1' ,,,. I···• "'" 1 :1~ 1 , u , .. , '-••• .:•u .oro· '"' h ~>:th''' '••·m~. "llh '")rn,•r H·1 lui ~l,kwAikA and (.'l.m~.»twll urt'l'unt• 2.10 16.80 11111t I• 1111.,n .. r pr••l'<'rly 01q wr·s a.uu. ~.:.111 ·•r r..u,·> ~ Snn 'I: ·-\I I :-1 ... 1 '1• f 1 • '""'' 1 In , '"', \1,,, 'I"'"' 1 nn.t t.•1lo'! "''" 1'11111:•' 1111111111 l~o•lh ~hlt•R, nil ul\1111• ... l':ti'P''IIh·r 1.90 15.:.tl) Ill 1 .. ,,. ~''" 1:\, UH'IU~I\'1', lllvck (', n .·ru.tnhthJ ,,,., .. N··wpor t I . ' ...... '"' ,, "' ''""''""I I IIIII' lt•l \t\\1\1'1 11 4 ,,,., :-:t . f'nlll 1.111111. tlli4ll; ''•'•'1111 t'r.mt 1\rll·•·r~ of Dump F nst ~•Ill~'"' 'l'r.wl. r-;,•wrl\ll'l 11•·11!1113 ~16-th lit ••11 •11'""'1 111"'' ~~~~~ \\'11 .1, 1'.·\\' l'h"'"'"••l•'•lll \;.!11'<\\' ~~~•11· N••wvort llt·ou•h, 1'nllf If A n y cltts.,ll l{'il 11on omlllt'<.l lit'"''"· no I~ than 1 :\5 10.80 No b1d "Ill ltt• llN't'Jlll'll fmru 11 T r u ,. k s uf h•ss ( .-• I • " ' ~ t I • " t 111 : \\ I lh·ru II l'r•h Prm.•. 111r r••ttlllllll: T )l't-'t:KF.Il -lhun ·I )'ds w a lo•r lHmt H ~ 1., Jl.:\ t:Mrl.Cl\''\tY.' t • __ \ • '\,''I''" p, "It '('(ll' l lOI.I..\H:-\ Coni rnr tnr who has not l)(•t•n h- Cf'nsl'd 10 rll"''(tftlHII('\' Wllh tho> f>lH• vi~lons of Cha plt•r 7Hl S l!IIUII'S uf ] 9:l9. "" 1111\l'll(!t·tl ll'"'' 14:1~1 11.40 Th1 11,.,1 pultlu· ltt·r.rtn~: ut~Vn \\'AN1l.Ll) Job ;111d cylin~··r 1'' 1'" Llnl·r,·s "I I I u m II tltls :tiii'IH'IIII"n lltlllh· h• hi Th\lrS· ~~ 1 s itu·tll<'ll 1·1 t• Trul·ks. ·I IdS hut pl'l~'ll\1111. ~ t'UI ~· • , , '\I I ' " \1 , I• I 1'1 '" d".'. :\l~t rt'll I!< 111 7 :\II I'm In 1111' · · 1 I I 'It I \\'111'1'• ·• 1 'I \o·,_~ Jl\an . ~ ~d· In tJntOil S \(ljl. I I ' lo I I lit 1'1 II • ••11•1'" lo I •• Plan~ tn:oy h•· "''''"· a nd fnn11s nf I"'C'II"";ll~. t;,,mt~. l'tllllra~:l. and ~JX'I'IftC:lllon~ 01:1~· lu• oltl:tlno'\l Ill t hl' oflll'l' nf IIW CHy l-:111!101'<'1', City llall. l'<·wpnn lkndt. Caltr. \\.lt • . 1 ,,.,,. 1 l'nun1•tl ('1 .. 11111" r I ·,,, llall, N•·ll'· in•• ··nmHti•IIIS. ~· (1)1\'tnllll .\ , '"' "· • 1 • 1••• ,.,,. II· 1 ·15 11 60 p111 1 )11• H'h , 1 '<tllt.•t 11111 ,.., t 1 1 1 <. 1 11111'<'1'>' Ill I \ 1111111 I HI' ·•rill I' •• r tho•. l'h:tlrrrlllll or HI Nt'\\'S-'l'inlt'S. !'J,•wpor \\ . ,.,,, .. I I II ' .. ' lo ,, "· \\ !HI ' I ' I 1 '.\1 ~'1' ,\· l\1 )\)\' I W I'.\ I:T \11·':\T 'l'nh'k~ ·~IUs hul lito• )1,;, 11 1'111 1 l lo•.tdl C'11~ I 'Lmnm~-; R<':ll'h . (';ell f. ',: '·,,:1 1 ,; 11 \\·;.,, ·~·: ·, '1 I• '~ 1 han ·1:.! 'tis -... • l •11110H"tl•n \\',\;>;'1'1'1' :\11\llll•• 11r1•11 1111111 l·•r Y l•t l'lul II •' w.lt••r 1,,,1 1 :-10 1:.!0<1 \\',\1'1'1:11 ;\1 P II~C;\ICI()H, ThC' !<Jlt 'C'III l 11111'11111111 l•l ptt>'o· J"'('CI tV!' hllhll't~ " t•;tllt•d 10 I Ill' "Proposal lh'<IUII., nwnt•" arm''"'" to tlh• bln nk fttm1 ot JJropo~at. for full thii'I'IIOn' Its l(l btddlns.;. l'IC 11w C'1ty t•f ~l'" port Reach !"('· ""ri'<'S 1tw nghl to td<'<'l uny or a ll bills ClTY OF -..;E\\'l'OilT BEACH 1-"'RA.'\K 1.. lli:'>IEIIART. C'll y Clt•rk . Dstl'd Fl'hl~ary :!4 HHK l lrt"''" uf 11 u m p f 1'1111."1·'11 ·' ~ 1 1.1 HHHt l!'h .. Tt '"'"" -\:.! )tl~ :-,., r.•e ,11·~ tlt<llll .1•lt• r "'"' m:otlllt•n:•IHT -"'1• ... 1~ '1111'111\llh Ill .\pply "' \ltll ,. 11.11 ""''"·~ I'"'"' r llol\1>1' l f'h iuul ( \1 IIH"•. t ·_...,fa ~, ..... " 1.1111 lt•ss thnn 11> l'otlt :\l.t1 1 !<. 1~'\.1$ ~ds walt'r h·l'o•l Ori\'o•rs n! n u m p Truc•ks . 16 yd~ or nHu t• \Vtth •r I• ,,., Dr11 t'rll of 'l'r ut•ks • 1~~;111 pu~load l:'n- I"'C'it) lt-,.s than tl lhn!l 1.575 12 64l t:,., !\"" !\OTI('t: tH' l't Ul.lt: llt:.\KISI· --------- 1 \\',\-..;TrP Tl'•' ll'~ltrc ~~. < <It''"'~ Tho• ~. \\(ktl 1 lit .tdl Ctly l'l.tn· <'t11Jih•lll1<'111. ~lu•rl hour~ 1\ppl~ n 111: 1 • .. .,.m'''"'" "111 hold '"''' "'''' II ,n '""" • '''""''' 1lf\11"'· I' thltt• II•· ttllll-:' \111(111 tht· t~l'l'h·l l -;'lh anti ''r.tns.:··. , ... ,..,., M•'" 1 ' 1t uu1 .uul , .. '''"'" ,.r P'''l'-'' 'Y 1~'·'''' 1425 11.4() ull no•r' .,( l•ll' 1:.! In 1~1. tn•'IU~II'<', -----------.. - 1 715 1-l 20 \II "II \I ,\ It \IIIII I. ' I I •. I' \ '\ I • I • ' . ,, t• ·I_., • 0 ,, ll o .. It ,, ~ II I t\\ II ' I . ' ... I\ \ t \"\ I I \" t I ' •• '.,, \ 'II It II ..,.ttl I lu t .. , II\ I II • I tp , I l 'It) I \\ t I 1 o o l.d o , ... \1 I "' Uf I \t I , .. 1{. I i j "' 1 ,,, \I I I .... ,. I I .It• I " ti l '' 1 d '\I I f II h \f'l\ TIIFI HH )1 :1-'. 1:1 I IH :"\~ ' "~ ' •I l t t I '•q 111 I ' .. 4. t lhf ,\ ''t ,,,, d '\ I \\ I •, •I. I HI \ • It l 'l .'I• c ·o .\~T ~' c rrnn t ·n. e., II' I 1:111 ..,, 1111 Pub f',·b 26, Ma n ·h 4. 1!)..\8. P111 c•rs or Trucks - 'lrs.:al payload l:'a - ll<ll'ltY 1'<'1\\'f'\'n 'i and 111 In ns T riC' I 411. f:wutr.: "" I 1111 l-.1un1 ~ -1 1 "AlJ: lltn"CF.t.f..A 'T.Hr!' H••acl ~·"'I ""' Ht·al'll, Cahfunu:l, F.J.Fc -lit ll' H,\~(;1" \\'1111 tlr<l' \I \\t' t.l \'\1 • h 1"" • "'I II I •I I , I II u ''" '' ,,, ',,, :-... d '" llo 11••1 SOTI('F. TO <'O~TRAC'TORS SEAU:Il r n < IPOSALS will bt• r c·t•t•i\'<•rl 1<1 1 h1 n!fir<' vt lh(• C'lt y Clr1·k. C'lt~· llall. ('tiY of N<'wport Rrw·h . Cahft•rtll't, until ·1 o'I:'IO<'k . -P M ftft M~tr~ ~~r ~' ~t~bi<: t imt• tht•y Will hi· puhlicly OIX'Ot.'d nnrl r••a!l. rut· 11•·rlorm1ng work ns tollnw!l· Jnslnllalinn nt 7~73 IJtn. Ft Dri1 1 rs ••I 1 rurks lo·~;al 11:1~ luad l'a- 11111'11 Y ht'lll'l'l'O 10 and I ~ tuns Dnl'l'I'S of Trucks • ''~il pa~ nne t'a· p:ll'tl y lwl W<'l"n 15 ~1111 :.!0 HillS Pl'il'<•r~ of Trueks - lt•~-:nl c•ap~clly 20 11 f>O 12 ()() 1,575 12 60 (cor ro•tttOitll; ltnlll H-1 ... Jt.:\ \It'll , ..... k. r. ,., •.• •llt'lll ltkt' no•\\' Tlw lu•l pulilll' lwatmr.: 111~10 t'nlulllh•ll ~1">1> llul'l•ur :!~•:\1 1111~ llj•JIIh':tlll'll "tll lw h old T hur<· tfl.:\1(' tl,. )', !ll.trC'It I~ "I i :\11 J1 m tn I hi' !'t~lllh 11 I 'haml•• 1, I·~~~ I lull. ~,·w­ Ilt •rl ll••.trll. ( ·,. ltfurm.o lh'.Jirtkr ur lll~ Clillll'l\lUn of 1111' ~"" Jll'l'l llt-ho'h Ctty Pl11nnin~ ('.,nmus~lun. \\'AI.'I'l'P ~ l.O~r.!\10< 1n. P ill J.M Fn ,, 1 ·t.t.En nno t:l<. S('rrt•l ~try Pi\<"1-\AHil SIIJk'r )( Motnr. rom - plt-1•• Wtlh r.:••nt•ratol·. o•n rhur.•lttr, manifold Clut•·h t'olllllllt•lt•ly r•·· h ull I I Ins l>t•t n ro·lnult. no•w pl'~­ ton~. f'C'I!I'I"'"r1 Slll\fl !"uilnhll' fur htllll. \\'rtl•• !llr lhlo n, Jinx 3!ll, \.lc•ndlll•·. C'nltf l'hPn•· l 'hrtpmro n !'t-1237 17-:\11.' uf :!'I" dlaml'lr r Ct)ll('t'('l{' CY· lindr r PIJII' :olonJ: Thr S tntr Ions ur mort• 1 775 14 20 P 111t !\l.•r ·1. H, 1!)4R Silver Platin~ C'OPPF.fi. 011/'ISS. GOLD P t•li!'hing & Rl'finish ing H i~:hw:11 . I f1n1·1·rs t•( E u c I i d N o bicl -will '"' rrrrivrd unlrss I ~ Y P <' Spr~:ad•·r It is mad1• on 11 propt1Sttl lt'rm fu.rn·l 11 , r ut·ks f T. . iSh('d hy thr City EnJ:inoc.>r. 1 r~,·rr~ O ranst~ EnC'h bid m ust hC' nl:'companic·d I · 1 1" T r \ll' k s • hy lt·a~h. ('l·rltiii'CI nt' l'n~hirr's undr r 3 )lis chrt·k . or lt1rlrlo·r's hond 1 m ndr pay-P rilo•r.;; nr Trotn~tt ahl<' to lht' C'lly of N .. wport R<oach :\lrx Trurk!'-3 yds for an amount NIUal to nt ll'asl or morr tr n ! 101 Jlf•r t't nt of lhr amount Cas and 01l P i(X'· bid. such ~·u:u :~nt y ''' bt' rorfl'itrd lint· \\'o r king sho uld th<' lttlltlc'r to whom thr 1 Trurk Drin•r.;;, in· ronlral't 1<; "" .... ct,•ct fall to t•ntr r 1 f'ltHhnc \V 1 n c h lntn lht• l'ctntr acl Tnwk :onrl a ll sin•s t n acM r!lanrf• Wllh the pr~ ."f tr u rk!' 1 71~ H .20 1.65 13 20 1 TI!'i 14.20 1 60 12RO ''i!l'tnnll uf C'lthph•r 397. Stil l US of \\ iJtrr Tr~l:k P rll<'r 1931 II 'C'tl\' nnmrll nf '"'' C'lt\' ·llnll··r ,!,)lVI J,;:ll I •17!'\ t 1 au nf 1"~11 ;~.rl Ji,•arh. ha<; hSI't'rlatm•;l . ~n ltt!l "'111 lx· a('co•pto'd fr om fl l hr I!( llo•r.tl pn•l ,!lltns;: wn~:w rat•• < untr.tr l••r "ho has 1ull hl'c•n It- an ollt•ahlo· In lh• II nrk 10 I"• doni' I I"•'"" d •n art'flrdn nrr w ith I hi' Pro· ··I I• lin .. 1 1~1nn~ ,,( ('hr~pl••r 7!)1 , Statutl's I• s , , \\ ~ r 1' "l .. d lluurh· l't'\1 Ulo·m 0 ·1~ · a<; am• ""'' · "'""'' !"o:tlh' \\'Ja¥1' I Pl:on!\ m:ly lw !'rl'n. nnd form.;; ('I lfl . tl ttl prnposnls , bonds, cnntra1'l, nnll a.~s • " "" · r 1 tt · 1 Lahm·••t• 1;, rw r tl 01. 'I"'''' to•afi .. IIS may "' tt tntnN nl Con•ll.;ll'll"n Sl :\~• ~10M '~''' ,rflt'<' "~ th•• C itv F:n~o:ln:·r•r, 0 1 1 T 1 t 111 11;,11, ~ •. ~~'l"'rl BNll'h, lal•· fM!I'fl r~r'> unt •'rH • f,•r~iit. 1•rs •• r 1•n• "'""'~~' • . m ntit• ,.,,.,·lri•· f111• !<IK'l'tal n11o•nl1o11 ,,r pro- 1111,), 11t,r.tlllljl '1"<'11\'' ltori(lt-r!' is ('allcod I n thr mat'llln;·~. and "Prnpo~a l !l1·qutrrnwnts" nnnrxr!l ,1mtlnr m••chanlrlll lu I "•: hla1_1k form of ~rnpo!>nl, for tools l t sr· n r· rull rhrr<'lt"ns as to btddlng, etc. •1 11 1 I P1 • T ho• C'tty of Nrwport n l'ac-h rl:'· "" t ... y <' n~c;l at''h j hc•r 10 1 ~5 1., 10 <rrvt·" tltt• n s.;hl 10 rl' I'C I nny or , ' . -;o :til hirls Want Ads Thr News-1'1ml'5 W1U not be l'e"· cponl'lb1e fo r morl' th&n one lncor· r<•ct lns<'rtlon of an advt'rtiWml:'nt. rl's r rv<'l t h t' rl~:ht to correct\1 C'lnl'oslfy any ond all ad5 and to rl'jl'rt any nd,·ertlsl'ml'n t n ot con· 'ormlnl: to rules And regulations. ~trr Bayside Plating Co. 1!'114 Harhor Oh·d Cost11 1\ll'sa. Cnlir . R1•11ron 5113 sttrc WatchPS -r"OC'kll · JP'WC'Iry CJ ffiON0!11F.TERS 1«-pairln~t -Prompt ~rvi~ Senslblt PriCH VAN DRIMLEN JE WF.LRV 1786 NE-wport Blvd Colla W.. llfl~lN-.:R~ oumz u 3·tfc ------------------- ED \\' ,\ LTF:TtS T l LE IONTilM~< m n neh n oom". nr:tln n "ants . ,,,, l!'th ,!(, -..;''"'l'"rl 1\1'•'. C'11<fa Mi'sa T'hom• nt•l'lt'tlll Ff7(1C\. \\' -~ 1R-1 ft· E:-.fll'l'l Wateh & .J('welry tWrAITll :"o:C: Fino' P111ntnnr1~ nnrl \Vnlr h('S NE\\'I'Oll'l' .11-'\\'ELF:HS < Unc1•·r nrw l\lt'iaJ:rmE>nt l 11 6 22nd Sl • !':ri>Jpl'lrt 11-tlc H. M. LANE Benci ix & Maytag!'l .Just \\'ailtnl! In lk t 'st•d at BTI~'S W ASH-A -TERIA 475 Nf'""'Jl'lrt Alvd . C'lllltA M,... Phonr RParon 5T70 10-trr FIREWOOD C11f\RC()AL & nRtQUF:TS PROMPT DF:UVERY Wright Lumber Yard 1~ Nl'wport nlvd . COSTA MF:SA IJI'oeon 5ft4.>5 ( r1hllo·r-< or ~holn'r" 1 70 13 r. 1 'IT\' <IF ~F\\'PORT HE/\(11 PmHI• 1 m.on I iO 13 60 · I 1'1 I . 1 I' I •.• n(( I ' onk I. n.,.. lwrl. C'tly ( krk ~Jl l.t t '"'" t 1 1 F 1 'I l'l iR I 1 ~-1" 40 1'111 c ' I • . . llrAL. F.STATE ~(ll)(i Court A\'1". l\o•11r ~~\\'pori P it>r F:~l ahh~lw•l Stnr'(' I !'120 Plenty of r;o,,cJ 'Nre.q All Sfzc:'! rnn• r . · '1 -Puh h h _.,; \l.11•h I, 1!'11f< fi-t (c C'ulltm: f, · •·It I II• r· a111r til• •nt~lll r .. n• Jlrstl• r' I oil ol h• f'< I Frn•· c;,, .. t,•r 1 fitch· "·'~' ""' ..;,,,~·· J",,, 1111! 11111~ 1 I Ill II ~~~ I (i:!:l 131~1 XOTH t: --,,.,,R~frll \\'lnd~hlrldlt .\ lht ... , rnl'rrc mnolr to orc1<'r Al~to P lr' '\1 tTi cr (IF' F ll.l'\r. ASSI'S:-' htlR~!I & T.UC'It• ~hl'('l~ fur SAil' \11 "'\T ~·qo T ill I'I )~STill'l'·l f',mnnund M otnr Oil r.Rllnn, 7ttr _/ I 45 T IC t'\; I W 1\ S.\;".IT ,\H\' Sl \\'· (>!' r r n II II ;~\IJ)J) Y '' I I t 1 lq thl \ \t ., . ' ,, ,,, \I ,,,, tU\ I , ... , • •11 ,,, \ t I t111111 't I II ..... . II t h• II 11!"" \I tth l 111'-11 II t I • btl t h q\ llh I ~ I Pill II\... '' t I I \ 1'11• I '"' 111\\. I l•\'\ '1'11\111 >1' 1'1 '"'" I II f II ,,, \1 "" . \II 1 out 'I'-'' I ~1 II l'l \ '\t 1:0 \\ IIII o tl loot IIIII I• f I d· , ... ,, ... ,. \ttllf ""' t•i.dlll _.,, ' =""l•ihl t llt-.;lu 'l .lilt•~\ .tltt t ,,,,,, \ '"' Jhllto '''" ,, .... ' I•· "'I I 111 ...... ,, '" H t•h" lt. tl• t l l•ud ,.,,,, '' '' '' .11 I ,,, I I ... ,,, '"'"''~ '"'' ft•hl \I 1\ 'lt 1'1\ '~~ I( lilt" lh ,, I ,..,,11111 l •t ...._,,,)II I I \ I I ' ~ .,, .t" ('() A~T f\t OT() H ('0. lt•l" t 'oq I ll to'h\\ tV 1\t II "" "\41,\..1 .f 1'1 llo• ... \\ '''"' '"' 'P"" I''",,,,; '-t'li\lll t l 1'1 \"\tt I '11 '•;" '" \1 t I "'-t fd .t ,\f\.t TIC \II .P'.It~ ,., •'1'1 \1.1 Ill 1'1! \II I I! I IIIII 1111 ···" •l•·ult 1 • t•' <.''"' hi lt I \ •,, t'l fl11'h\\ t\ HI '\I .1 111 IIIII 1., • I• I 11\oolllll II \ •• loti\ I tl• I \\t ""''' ·~ 0 10 " I oof 1>\"\i' ..;1'11\lll tl' 1'1 \:\t I • t' • '' ,., \1tu, ~.ut t 1 \11 t 1 H· ·"II ~~~ 1' "u ',,,' 11f•lltl•l-•tl' ,, \\PHI ( IS t lp '' '' ' '" 1'111' lt.l'• '1 ,.,.,., 11" .t ttl': \1, r:~T \TI': n ,, .. u •~~• , ... 11''" ,., ••• r. ,,,, ... I 1'111•·: HI-:~Ti\L \1:-\lT ~ITES :-1 1".1 I t•• II•• ll1u1ul II•" ( , ••• 1':'' \ 111:: I I '"'' •"'' I"' I 11111111 •I • 'd "' -..lut•ltlt nt \\ttl n .. t (.f, .. -;·,on I'M: lo I ltt•U 1• 1 I• t t rut\\ :"'.t\• I :t, 1 ' lll'll \\tlh ( 'u lt,tl•• ,, I· ,, 11 \"\/ '-1'11\llltl <••'17".001 1'1 \,11\ I) -t,10 'II \l 1111 ..... th ; I ' 111:h '-t1tl1hlo f111 'lflt ''""- f , \• 1'• tf• .,,. ln•IH•t ''1' til I "' ''""''"' tt ....... . !""-1 '1\.1 r II!IIIPI .,1 .. "'·' .... 1 ,,. h "h• I lflf ,, .... ,., YPII ltl'-1 I' t\ , .• ,, '''''"" ••I ~l't • 'I•""' II \ '\I '' 11\111 •T '·'" "\o• \1 "" ~ Oltl I '\to I )'I lit :01'1"'1 I' I• I ,, Ill ,\O io "''' ,, IIIII I' ,, I J 1 '• •\\ I t I tf 'ttl I ',,I\ ' I'. I ,,,,'I ... ... ·lqplh ..... I t\\ 'o,/ I I I pq :t W. c·1·11t r:tl An. 11.\1(1\t ll( llll lll Il-l :!tp IIAl.HO/\ '1'1 !11'1.1-:X p .......... lih•· .• '·'' '"~' , .... ,,tttl 1(, Ill I 'l'tllPI f\H\\' lttt\ \\ lh 'll I• ,,h I ' lt11 ~~ hltltd t l ~t.tiiH ( ·., Attl :t,•tt\t "' \~" \• '' n1d '"'"''('tl .. ,~'11 '• '""" ~""', ,\ua 1~1 tl'·l •!,.,.,, .. , \1 ' 1111d•t •11't\ '""' \\'•11 111111 I I"''" lolllt'''·'"l•ll, 1:\1 \1\\l'o,/, I" lltll[llll\ 1111111 hill• llllht '1•11111'' tit llotl• \.tlll•' Ill """1· .• 1 .. " 1••""" H•'l"'' .. '"''l I ~17.1 •~• 1:.,1 ..... , .•. '" tw• ,, .. ,1 "" • "~' BA 1 .no A lllttOihl) 1""-"''"'' Thl~ ".'I Of'FAN FH ONT ).'•·m 11:1111 S t hnudl l't:>ntt ( •• • Alhltl""f tOO pt '"''"" ,,, , ft,..,, .... It• '' J1 (.ttffltt'P ~ htll ttl ~ hut h. f ll•lll '·' "\,. 'I oiii "·'"''\Ill kl•lf,.tt ;•oomlt 111 111 1' mol olltt 1 'J 'f I 1111' I"' It• I ,,, ft I ,,, •• , •• ''" • It ol J•l:tflll ):tt1 1•• H ll"-t I lh 1110111 !'t loll "' "'" :\htlll T l • I'"' I• I f• <'I '"'""II ... '"'-t\• '''' 1 '11• • !' ,,,(. Atl I t.'O l't II• ------------------I"OK KF.ST .I I I( 'I \ ;". I· Jl t t"\ I' I 10 ,,, .. t'I••UIJ t '"' 1 r I ,.,, ' 'u •n•~n , J,,,, ,f f"' •I f It p , • ''' , tut ~· ,, r A II I "' J,.,, .J ~I '~'"'" I I. t "'' ... , COA ST I'I!OPEI!Tti·:S <'0. t 1 ttf t I l ttlln•t II '' Ill tl• ~~·\\' \'i!'\\' I [to ml' t •\ f I'll w •h i··•, I uiH• llntlw•r (;n, itllll c 111 l'q• ltno• l·tl""' 1 1·111 11 60 I 1 1 .:n .,.. "';u W orhl Prndurts rnmpan) I W t A t co I fIt ..;y~TI \I 1-..: S l-,\S ift tH I 'Ill:\ Third St • lluntln~tnn TWnch Authorl7rl1 (k'alr·r I •H 1\ I A"\ I ll • I'll I H STI:I I I'.S rh"'1'' IIHnlln~·•"n fl••1u·h 17R IR.'lll r-.:r•wl~tlrt J\h rl t 'r111t11 Ml'll• ~·111••1 1 n.'" lloolo l ll ol lot•l 1)'\j:_' 1 I (t. I BALBOA t 'I( 't•:A!': 1·1{!1!\:'l' PPI 'I.t·~X <'n !',.,. lc1t l·~lt'h :tl':trttn•'lll h u.; fl"•pl:tt.,. 1\ <~OOD Hl l Y at $10.~00 ~Ol i TI I CO /\~T Ht= 1\l.lY COMPANY !(,....,., ( :l•~·lo•\. lk,tll ~tt' l lll:olllt''' ( lp('ll'lllllll '·~ H1•.d l·~ ... t:t1t' Ht~•k••t• !\1,•111,• < :rllllt'' ln,lltllll•.,. .IP.,..f'hlllo' \\',•hi•, .111~' :\!.1111 :-:t II \ 1.1\c lA Ht•.tl tnr l'h . llm ·b t•l' :..'tl:\ I H/\I.BOA ISI.AN() l·'ltnu-.lu'll t'P tllplt•l•' lin ... 1-1"""''"'111 hnllh' 1-. h.-In~: tllrt•""l f••r t h o• llt''l 111111' ~i •knt lhll~· lntll\ \\ tlh IM 'Illl· tlfttl (t,tl i•• .mtl 111:111\ ttth•·r ft•alllt'\ .... l 'rl•-.-.1 lm' ''' .,..JI Nc 1\\'. :11 <::•:1 ~·1 111 C'.tll Mt• l 't'nllt~· nl llnr 177ti 1-'11111' h'lltHoll\ htlllh' 1111 IIIII' ol( tho• J..,l:lllll'' lllt't"!"l -.1!''<''" ~plt'1't lttll~· ln11lt hl"l h c•(tll" lht• \\Ill' l'lno•c• In ,.,,~·llt•lll t'tllltlil inll a tt•l \\ ith•ntl d tHihl Pill' of 1111' hc'!<l lui\',,,. h n\'t' ,.,,.,.h a d l mntt .. llall' 1""'-~'SIIIIIn . <'nil Mr 1\dki"'"" Jla rl ~t•r 1771; BEACON B/\ Y H i~ht ''" lilt• l~·ndt 'I\'" l~·alltlful wnll'l'-fnll'll """"'" Tim"· 1111'' "Hlt•,·.frnnt l11ts All IOI'IIINI In thl:-: lll•tttll 1h1l 111111 ''"'111.;1\'<' I I'll•'' S.-c• lh1-.c' h y n il nu•:m-. lw•f""' vo11 loll\', < '111l llnrl"'" 1771; mul n~<k f•n· Mr i\rlkln~lll or 1\1r l 't'ollt~· BALBOA BA YSIIORES c lnlv ~~ 000 down. Nl'w :.! nnd :l l~t -cll'llilfll hnmi'K \\ lth \'lll'iiiiiS nnot•p(:tll"llrld t•lc•\'lltioll-.. l'r\VItfl•llt•llt'h nncl 1111111rlm: 1'1'1\ tlt·f.!•'' F ot· ftll'tlwr tll'lnll~t ""''"'' Mr 'r1tn ll\a-., llc•:lt'nll :1i I!'<. \.1.1 Ff-IIAVEN INVJ·:.•,TnH:-: u r Hl 'll.llEHS i\n c''",'PikMu tl mul- t tplt· in•-c•llh' Int. ( 'I•~' Itt llf'W t :lc'flll'll1nry '"·h uol -.It t• in n Ill'" and I''''"''"~ ,u ... t 1i1~1 >«I' fr,.ntu..:•• '""'"' to 1•·r11tit ~ li\'1111-: unit.... ~·l.fM)(l ('ull M1· • Sdllt'l "t', llc •.t•~•ll ;,;•(, NEWPOHT BEACII 1•::'\('l·:l .l .Jo:N'T lllt'lll\11' JIIIS.,Ihlllt h.._. •1 hc'(lt~ r~•ltl, :.!- .;tnt'\' """"' I.Hn;o• friPIItll\' llvlna.: I"'HIIII with lttiN nf lh :hi ( :ar.tl!l' pills l':tt' po.t1 l•'t•llt 'l-cl ynnl. \ 't l'llnlt'M t'.lll l11• l''rtdil ~' I'IIIIVI'I'lt<tl lttln 1111 IIJIIIrlnll'lll. J'r\t"' •. !l.~:"•ll\\l th h •t11l:-l'ull Mt'S P lc'kson n l.llnr•l~tll' 1111:1. NEWPORr IIEIGilTS :• .. tw-.lt·onm. 1\1'\\ lv t'l lll!<lnwt•.,l 1\hlt't'l) humc•. l~t~•uutl­fllll~· la ttd..;c•:tpo'll .a ud In 11 1-!tlllll lll'l~-thl~tll'hoo<l. ('om· pll•11•ly fo •llt'l'l\ln h :wk y nt'tl wll h f1,11t 11'1""' 111111 flow- '''"'· JJ:II,h\'111111 nollll'!l, IC4'1'VIi'l• JHII'I'h . })o\lhlt• ~III'IIJ.:'(' un :till'\' ·n,ls i~ tlw ht't41 huy nn 1ht• mnrkc"l 1ndny nt ~1 :.!.~00 ('ull Mr M t·Kim'-'Y al llnrhrw 101:\. 31 I :'I W CT.NTRAl. N•'Wl••rt l k•nrh EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR ,C' n V E R I N 0 0 R E A T E R Nr.:WP O RT HARn O R ISth A.N1) ffiVTNP: ~­ Ntl"WPP't n..dl Cu:ml nnc1 1or Wntch- m un s,.,,.,,r 11 1 11 r lnycr 1 F ,..rlultnJ.: Calllk- l'rl ,, ..... I, .\I 1 rY:-: ,s < ., '" n " q{) ,,. 11 ,,, 1'1.,\T I<ll 11\' IU· St •I.I 'TJI '"' I II-' I F< )J{ HI :-.I' 1\l ' 1•1111!''''" •1 ··•1 I I 1 ~"'F.Ct" POOl" ...a 1'111n'hi'Tltr ~ttppll."" 1 nt~•rtl•. 1•• "·"' '·"" L t.''• V t :'\TI·;>;Ti tl:"~!l:l l~'<li\:'\llt lt· \. .. ~.~ "-,1tnu I ' ,.... ""' I ftl•ol "\hi fd\\ lltooU""' f U•I•Ltlf' l•nll''' tit ...... "' d '" PI• ltlll"h I 'l(t't J11 tHU t1 fJ., flftt "' \\t•'\lt' •. ,. r utf• 1t d 17th """ CYlA~T lfwy N-rtnrt Brr~rll 22S MARfNY. AVE. 1\A I bt-Nt Island 815 COABT HWY. Coruna dtt1 Mar 111-ltc S"" •·r 1''1"' • ·llllk• r tu" 1 n I! ruulkin~ tool~ 1 St'Wo·r ptJll' r aulk••r - CC'mr nl Jninl" Tarm:1n ami 11111111r· mnn C'cm1•n1 tuuo,ho•t JU.omtornnJ.: I r 11 n \\'orkc·r A • Fran,.. Boom T111ck i\PI•rt nt tr r I :nr.:1111 •·r. lnC'huhm: ftrt m.m. 01l• r. ct•·;, ... ,., Air ('ompr•'•'••r O JI(lr,llllr Asphalt r t.HII I· II •. m:m Ac;ph1tll nr <'1 tl•hlltl! P l:onl I 111:11 • • 1 Hn"ll.lll t•r \1 1 \ t 1 H11\ t II" I :t I lot (~ttl\1 11 ,,. "' ,j'. plt,tll pi till I <"nnn ·• I•· "I ,\.plt.tlt ~1·1' 'II lin·· ",.- l'flllllll'hl l'.t:lll·lltl! or I• 1111~111111' :\!.1· 1'111111' ''"' ""'''' < • " n ,. r ,. 1 ,. \1 "' · r 1 1pt•r:•'••r • pit\ Ins;: 1 ~II(' ,, n tl "'""I I·· 1111\<'1' F.nJ.:tn!·•'r ( ;,.'"'' :1 1- lilt.: 1'1:1111 llrnv) 11 u 1 y Ill'· pa1rm:tn ll('a\y l l U I I Ho•· p;urmnn · h<'lr•·r P n\'rml'nl 11 r • n krr 0 f)C'rnlor P ump Opt'r;t 1 nr n on!l 011 Ml\•nl: :'>In· chtn<' 0 J)('raltlr Rolll•r Op<'r:tlur Skip Loadr r 1 lpt•r· ator -\\'hrl'l T~1)(' Srrrt>!l Oprntnr Tow ntndr ror Gr11d· l'T O JX'rn I nr Trot'! Or 1!1 -L I f l Shm r l (1r•·r:1 t.,r Tract or O pc·r 1 IQr - nu11!1n7rr, T :lmf"•r. SrrnJX'r nr Drng T y p,(' S h01 r·l or Tl nom Allnch- ltlrn111 Tr n !'lor Srr n J"M' or Drag T ypr Sho\'cl ·nrF: '1'1\lt-: /\~1 1 I'J.i\1'1' o F SEP'I1C TANKS p I p E <'••ntr:ol ,,,,. l:oll••·• "I I'"''"' llf:i\HI:'\I;ASTII SAIIJ\\'!1\U\ ' I l l:nlw•r:ll"•l:l 11 !11 "•'"11"1 lnslllllrd Anyw hf.'re In 1\.nl\' 'IIIII Hlarl<l ~~~ lit 1\:'\ll ASSESS!\IE!'\T. Oranst" C'nunty Toilrt~. nnth Tuh• J.n\1tln1 ,,.~ ------------ l ontracl Dr1Jltn1 lao; I Iron S trtll• I:!0-:\2 tlou hl•·' 1 VI Ill IH~~'f' I· '11 ''1'11' o1 1'1'''' 1 "'' "1 I 65 13.20 HALI'If P. MA ~l<Jo:Y ~I ll w ( 'IIIII I\ I l 'h 11 11 •Ill.' 'I,,,. 1.!'125 12.20 . l'llr!':llllnl to ~l;tiU IP "Jtnpru\'1'· "'''"I i\1'1 .. r 1!l11 " lt••tm: n"·•sto•n 1 40 11 211 7 .. r tho· !"t n••·l~ anti lltL!hiUII ~ ('no•• ,.r tho St:tl• n f l',tltl•tlnt.t. 1 40 1t 20 nnl ,..,. '" ~ rt•lt.' t.:ll'••n 1 h.tt tIll' 1 !)75 I~ flO ~~~I"-n nt• nil•·n t .. r S11,, " of 1 h• St>wf>r lonnectlon 21x3:? l•·rl.:•· '''IK'. "'" flir '"'"· )' "1 '' •IIIII ~'·" ·1 11' tAll Work Guaranlet'd' lll\uhlr> f"lt.ina ~lnk'l, $1fi r)(t ''I' f l lt-lllllr••lw '"'"n·• II• I :\l :~r , • ('()}{(IN A ))1-:T , MAR f'u!l lnlllrftO('(' C'arr1rd Slo•o•l Sin k<; ~-, !lr, up • I• 111romo• rl~tlt·ll S1\ln~ F aur •'' Flln RF~T ,\f "''ll•lll .,, """''I S ltl 1'11 1 1~-' IIJt,lfWAY c;;;-,!):; ~"'" r"'""t 1.'" :"'" :--' "· ..... ~1 11~1 St·ll al On<'t' :t.IR \'ll'lorin St C'n!:IA Ml'5a l.:tn••••l Plltmltnw •l•wk •n 111 l~t•rl Jk ;,•·tt l'it I I 11 1'1-'-' I! "' J . R McCORMICK I ('II\ 1 ol -..;, \\ 1•11 I H• It h h'll IIIC 1 !li:'> 1;) M m .• ~t. '" "''' '""'' n t t•• 1''"''1 th• no•:trnn ~)(i!) •• l IIIII'• 1'11\11\1\ lkll"l n I '.,. ,, 1'1 \!"Ill I I ... \\ • 1 .. •lo•••ln "'"' I ,,.,,t H• .,,, tt•• pitfl•• \\'A!'oiTY.O TU RY.ST ,,f flit'''' rl• \\ tth It l\t t ••It ft h f'•, 1 """'~ ··ntl • 'I"' u~' c;; ('r 1 h'' ''"flliOittH'· l tlC\ J;-,~n 11•1n nf ,, ~·•n•'···~ '•'''' c;,,,,.,l 1n S• 1'-11o n 1 11 1\• ·•n'l ,.tlu·r c;:Jr••l" Hl•l dl• ,., In ""aid ('II'. ·'" t·unt• nt I :;2~> 1:! :!II 1 h it rl h1 ll• ~~~lult••n ol Into n llttrl "''' 1 11.o1 'tdnl•lt d h1 tho ('til ('ollll• It;-, 13 :!tt nl .,( ~:tlrl l~t l\ on lht• :'lilh tl 1\ ~ A l ii 'J.T<.: 1 .. •ll •••t• t .... \"• fl• II t fl 1tttr "' f lh'lll 11l 1 .,, J't l, t ', •I 1 fu el• ' Itt 1 7'7'i 11 .!tt n1~ .~1 1u, t•n lh• ~th d ,, ••I :'\t ''' h , ..... I It• '"'' I,, \I• nd ,, p.. , 1111 "'' t1 \1 11•l !'II' t1 tl • """ • I t• •n , '•, t.. t \1 ,, I -t. c ·,."'"' 1 ('()() PF: H A TtVF. ROO fl~t; \0 ~""' :tnrl Tl r·p::~ir 1ti:; t'h •,},., ,f rh• ,.,,, , .. ,,,,,,1 "' Phtr• I~• ,,.,,n (';217 I t;\ _,,, f) I ( t ,, I ,f "·• \\I"' +I I f ', 11 I"' I ,'!'•7:\ F:ltl••n /\'" r·,,..rn M<'M I •I 1'1 '" lilt• II ond Ill·• I• oil I'• I 21\-H., I ..... n~ '"'' •• •·f• 'I '" •), " II~ d n• S F.HVE T, Tlw t ; A S f:t·fril!rrator \1• d· '" \• "loltl• ~~ 1\V 1'•11 '1 •'rt '-t H:•lttotl I'"""' II ., ,,, I I ~-. :•.·t·, (· .. ,,, 1:1\d :\•\\'I"HI l'ft"ll' I htl•nr I IIi •I trt ,,, .. td I I I 0 ·11 \\ill '" 1:.! VT:AH!" ~F:TtVl\1: •, tt •l ''' 11 , '''" ,.,1, C'•ll llll'tl. '"' TilE IIARnn n ARF.A l'r, ft•, ,, ',,, n• ,Iii 1t , • ''".' .. '"' ••I 1\ R"Y HAT y 1•·--•n•.'l•l .oll lllh•l l"l•"fl' H ,1\ '' "'''"' " "' "" ""ti: .. , ·'"" rttrr-.:TP.-~1. r n:-o-"11l.Ar"'TY'IR I w" "nm .f(, nl·v WILL I' i\ y ~1; ~~on'' 1 !)II 14 II II '"' --m· p i f•, I ~ttL' .... L'I ,, 11 d 111 ' '274 F.mol 1"th Str<'~'t 11w "' •f tl.t•tnlllt otu•n ,,r th• P'• O•·n ~"11:\ rn~ln MMia,f'allf '"I" 1 "''' n d tnl nl S 'l ' • '' ''" llu 31)-ttr (''''I n··u•·•r In J•l••t•H' 1h•ft ln IIi 1M I I 7:.!.'l 13 ~0 V• r Y qr 1•1•1 I.,, I' ll~'~ttl Tr''"'ll" l' tHUd 1\ ·l•t Ito I • • '' lit !'Jt ,,, At!• 4" t• •ttd ttl••n ·"'"" r ·~ t. \1A,·tt i•;f: r,\1.1. 11.\nnn n t~'111-.l 1t\ •n\' 1 •·••ft l u •I 1 .• ,. t I .. 1 .Juh. A•t,.,, t •l•' I', •' • P rtl••t 11"11"··• '"· to n• I'· ~ ... lrl~t t.l·· I !t t I I ~ ' t • I h :l11t '· tnt •• • •, ' t• • t •• n"k I ' tim '-I·'" I t-••r tH''''"' •' ,. r ,, ;t\otftl• 1: til. • I II fftlU fl 't t.,..,lt•'' If II 11 I,," I ,; , f •·I I t ol! II I • f I I 1··1 t:l l•" II,,,, I . • :•f~l It ,,• I •,. f ~·\\'''"I 1:1 .. HI • 1 \\'11.1. I '\1 11 ,\•,r,l I • I ,,, ,,. ·'" .. ,,.,. ,, r I , II ,, i ,, l•tl •• tl I I ·, .. :111 v,o f f I '\' ... I' f ••• ,.' ••• ,1 tl• ,, \e I fl I I \\ I I •I I .. ,,, I ' ... ' '• '. t I I I I . ., . , 11 'I I ,., •• , ( I "' l r I I I I• II IT'~ ~\1 \I !'I' 1'1"...; H.t\ y I· I: I I :'\T 1:lrl• l11o \I I• lil'i I' • M•·•n I I I' t ' tl I ·• dt t 114 I I ,, I f"' I ,,, ,.,, I ,,,,,, ., ·' •I I '' llt•J "TN(' J'P. '~'WI"rl I 14 Fl•r· ----REAL I':ST ,\TF. WA~Tt:ll "" """"l.otm tlt1t th• \\nlk ll't< r•r.RSOSAI. ----------------------1 !)() 1:l:.:t1lnnt 1"'" 1•·1l•r01"l ,,.,.,.trltltl' '" -p S h t l1• t fiOII'.tl l HI 'I k'IWtfi lind •lllo ! uhlic • t cnograp Cf ,, I,, tt•l ,,,,,,, • ,. i ~· .... .. '••'I j ,. ,,~,,, I ,,, t d 'I 1 !'\:?:; 1:1 :!Olcl:tnli:ol m:tn• r "r who rlalm th:tt 1 ~ny f\1'>1 l tr•n n( lh•• ""rk 1\'rt~ (<or 1 R:l 14 flO nn1 r• ·••••n nmol l• rl ttr til• I' till 1 f>3 13 ~ tnrlur1r d '" lh• f'ttnlr:lf'l rnr lh• lc:onW, fir h·t\ lfll.: ur m:tkiOI' 'tO\ 1.95 1560 ohi•·l'lloln I<• th• <'•lrr• 1'10'"" nt lh• I 85 t4 M ,,._,•<;<rw nt. or rlr ·~r:.m "r ''' h• r 'II I rl<•l• rtn inalw n ttr Jlltll'• < cltnt.: llnurot 1n '"' ~~'l ;\l:trirw /'1\'r 1 1!arl~r In\' C'o 1 1\ulhnn l otlnnrl I l.trhor 1:\31 4 Ill) H -tlr ('ASH fnr t SED Furniture & Appliance~ "W" Duy Alm011t Anythln.r" GRANT'S Phon~ RP• ~7m-M 1r-1;, ~''"''POrt R!l·d . r, .. ,,. M• ·- •:.~ t'r.. 1 775 14.20 11( th•· Sup•·rintrn!l••nt ••( S trt<rol• .J.O~T ASO f'Ot'~O U t 6.') 13 20 nr ,.,,,. Fn2m• •·r ~h oil pttnr In W'JJ p C h I I I I I 1\I.A('Jo: t•,,,, n1 I• :oth• r f"'r~r I•·•' 1 ay lUI 1 713 1-1 ~ 210 16 M 1.90 15 20 I It' \.ty "'I ur I l• lNtttn~ nn 10 f',ll"'' 1'11'•11• ll ·ool"or :!1'"1 \\' F"•or y<l'tr f•tmltur~ '" wt\1" ~" 't tl• :P·~• '-cnlt n t ltJIP• •I Itt I h' ~aa(t " _ " l'tl\ f'to•1nr1 l loy hn• fh· otl rtt•nt: in f~"" 'tl<l 111 .,,.., ''''" P hnrtl' J\rno~on v.·>f; \\TIItnC tho • Crclllnd<; .. r ill'l'''lll F nr f:\frl.l \''ff:"T WASTY.O • I c·r~'A lr \' F'urn itun• c .. 1 fi, •1 r q oll••n ,( ~'litl 1\'t~rk r• (o·r 1 ___ 1 · VI 1fl1:! ~""'l••t' 111111 ,., •• ,,. \1." • nr o· 1~ h• r• '" miH1" tn I h <' nhnv" \\ \'I;'!' I 1 1 II '"' <, • • '"" h) r~' 'I'}. 'ft n , ,,,,,nrrl f',·c:ohiHttn nf lntrn,nn 11~1f,J, 1 .. r<• n t ·"'•r-1., r ""''r (·,til ----- l ••'•rl tl " 11 11 ""' .. r :'-1 •r•·h • '' '"nl.' II• ;, ~.xx7 .I K 17-'ltr fl't'R~rT,'KF. f'CIR fiAI.r: l'tlfl FP .\'I; I\ I. I'll "iFIIART <'ltv Cler k l'uh.-:'>larch 4, 11, 194A \\' I 'Ill flit)\\ \'11111 c:trflo 0 ror \'II- \ 'lnl lu t v r. du oLIII ktnd u( vw·d 1• "' k r r.tl R··nr1m :i.:RJ. W 16-11c Fi ll{ S;\1.1-' "1 Ill""' lhou II• • I , '1~1 :! Y lffl) f tJ$•, nlltlr1t• fl11\1 rtf W 11, '"u f.>A.II clnoJt•"~ All l(tJC>d l'ltn· 1111 u>n llaollltr I ~.r,:.~ l~:·q, ' 'I ~ t l I '' Uttf'lf \\' 1\ :'\'I' I;, "'I 1••1 'I '' "'h\' r• ""-'•I He hit ,,, , I I \\'111•• I' ! 1 1:,,, 'IJ", 1· .. 1 :'>l:or 'I ' I "'I I• I' • ' f' I •• ,, ,· •• I 'I I f I ,, •.. ·I I • \\ _,., .. " I t\ '1•1" ''"' "'' n~ MUNF.\' TCl L()A~ M U1ANS Ttl nttJJ.l l 1"1\ ''"'"""''• mOfilor·nlr.r rtr ro·flnl\nr• WI' I•''' rhrocr trHAI .,~ NF.WPO RT BAI.OIJ,\ n.I>~.HA I. , ~1\VJJ'I:f";~ I, 1 fl/1~ i\SS ' 3.13.1 \'tR I.HI•• l'h llllr 1•n1 :VI lfl H 0~1E LOJ\~S 4 I :.: . f) _ !) I -:: t•; IIENHY C . V/\l'(;IIN 4!JH Nt·\vpr,rt Bl\'d f • •.~t II, l•t 't• 1\\•hll• r , .. ,. \\ • t r ,.. ,,,,, 'h 1 11n I f I '• 'I I I • 11t t .,.,. )lit .· •I· I·" I '• l 't • I I 'II' ' " :::"'~''' I'• ·I• II I l .• ,, ., I \\ Hf 1~ ,., ~v 1 fP... ,, ,J. A. HI·.I·J\ lll· J.'J(' E f I I'' l ,o~lltllltl' 1'• ,,,, . 1\1 Af ., ·=--"ol'17 llcs.. JIMiwr 1117</·.1 I ( 11Y•Atl II•(J IHIII UU l(t•l lloi' ,l(oL I 16-Hr ''''"'' IT 'S SPEC IAL N•·w M ••d1·m i\ tl r: II' I i Vt • J Bedroom I lome Ha\' and IIC'I':tll \'II'W l l.trd wo<od n·-·1~. lllf' "Ink, flai: ... t••lll' flr~·plat•· :! l':tt' 1:a r'a1:•• JOli N SADI.EIH. Hcaltl)f' I r,ll~, ( •, '·' t •' ~ ; ( 11 t I llm .t\ I IIII !1\ ''·"''",. 7·11 ll.lll"•r :! 1~:! This Is the Emblem of Experience d, Ethical Realtors In You r Harbor Area ~ ~ : ffi ull1 le l1sl1 OIVI Sinn 1 HUY Y01 JR PltOPEitTY 1'1 "" SELL YOUR PROPERTY Tllrough A Multiple Listing Reo/for Wtwn \'mr l.l"t \'uur l'r"t"·r1~ \\'llh Any Mf'nth•·r uf tlu' Muttlr•ll· l.l"tln~ Hhi .. llllt. \\lthln ·IX lluu,... It k Aut.o- ml.\tkaJI~ u .. t•·41 \\ lth t:H·r~ ltt·~&lt.or uf Tilt: Ml J.TII'I.t: J .I~TI~Ci UJVI1'410N Over 70 Members . , _ .. .. \ uuoA Nr:ws -Tt~,J;RtOLLYwooo ~~!?Jet Misses 1 !!os-stps -<Mrlooking-the-·Real Lady ord-When He · s.~:'e:~o~~boa~~:;:~ ~~"~-;::';,!:n~ue.!>Hih'·\lld•· rrntl· ~~~~~~U~,~~~,,~th~~~ .~~a~~~:,,~~~!~! .. , ~~~~'~'~'~::~~Be re-'•t<'~ A gain of al~l 1'48 r 1 1 · •-A~~I'IS o thl' lti<'R n~III UII'"' Tlwro··, ,1 lluh 1,,.tf 1n h••r fum· ••IPI••"'O t•• 1,. ha\ln'l. that'a noth-tLr• A nal'y pilot buzz<'d the Garvin·s Real Estate Instruction Starts Sat., Mar. 13 du .. wu •. lilllU o.:vntr cr.cts, ht-r\S, I~&S- 1'11, prmclpal and a&<'nt, PScrows. ll1nd ~Q.PmiC-1,. real estat~_l!!'ar­ tlet's; and, mathl'matlcs rt'la- lL~·c to prcpan~ st.atcJllCilU.. on ~ross and net lncomc·s. prorating taxcs. &nsurlt.llcc. and &nlcrcst, h&· urtng ctosin.: stAI<'mcnls fo r s••tl· Prs 11nd huy(•rs. hrokcr's and sall•s· mun's cJ9nrnlsslons. etc. ~unn, ilsllni:S and maklna Jain; go1n1: through I'Scrow, etc. Ther e "111 be a reasonable tul• lion C<'t'. wh1rh can tie pillrlh l n· stallnwnl~ l1'osp<•t'IIH' srudl'nts from New· purl. 11.1lhom, and vicinity are In· 11t"d m Mr. Canin to attt>nd tht "Utll:nl~!: St•Sslon" Wit hout charge ur uhll!:ll 11011 AD\'. per cent In r ctloUrN'll dunn~t 1947, · h 1 t now urr• $<1,·12!1,3:.'1, w hod1 rrr" I''' all ro~;t.1, Ann Solh•·rn 111l!ll 011h ''"'"''"'''I lu I l' way her ,, 11: OJII~•rl and rJJ!Pd to cr 1.1ck acccnUna to a recent compilation ~ F d • . ... n•~ A "llin 11r S2,f""«.76· 1 tood111 1t111 ttl• 1:""'1" Ill•' p1rk1n~ ltll•n•l• arr actina. th• ... "n Frunt·l~(·o·l..o-o Anli:C'II'!O or me n IHI ~unwn who dcstr <' made by the Callfornaa !:iavtn(:l ~ •· .. ""' H .... -~.o I< lt>a tl J c iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-------·"ii'iiiii.i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "n Ill•· "'"nl: Sootlt••tn . i\l111p 111\11 111~ ffil' ll~~~ to •1.,,d mark. c ·wu uJC _......... 1 rn ll' rca t•stah• pro 1:s.s1on Welcome TOOt R Nt:\\' NEIGIIBOR TURNER DRUG Chrysler Marine Engines · Direct Factory Distributor *** SEE THE New 20th Century Models • Ace • Crown • Royal 11-!1--ftlil.p. Service and Parts Available at All Timt>s *** Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Craft Dealer 925 Coast H iway Beacon :l2i 1 1 • Tit• I • 111 , 1,1, .oh• 1 lit• 1 11• lo··~· "", 1 "'"'' "'' Ill• n•" mnn. lh<' • '" lltrt•l' 110)8 to miss tho' dthcr lc• (!UIIhfy f•>r lttl' st:str CX· 11111. rnr " 1'"1"' h• r thr1·,.·~•·llr , , luu klo ll IJt I• lltm: Ill" th<'y k now , I''' 1·o•flln)( lrn;t <tmtnatwn Cur 11 lorukl'r's nr sall'S· olrl ol.llll'"''' \II .. , ""'h• tn' •••• "'"'' l~ooncJ•,II•• '':""t.: t.arh<'lor 1 I' ''mrtr l.nr~ \\'angllltrd Jr man's tlcc·n .. ·, ur '"I lho·tr· own "'"' '''lilt' h• I I• ''""'I"' "''h I" ' tl'lhl "".' I""'"'''' I thtnlc I' rl past th!' LOll Ang<'l<'!l 110 rsunt&l knu\\h·d~;t· ""'' lu rlu mwh '" ''' """ t• '•'I•• ,,,., "' llt••m. '''"'"p:al Airport '" hi~ nn\\' Class \\ill IH• hold un Saturday 1 h 11 .. 11,, 11, 11 ,, ,,,1 too 11 11 1\ Ioiii. "'" .. n, • r11111:. too Ea-· , 1 1 Fu:hlf'r 4·1 rmnuu•s. :.!:, (·H·mn~;!>'ut 7 3U Jl m 111 thc• John- ,,1.,,111,111•11'·''""1 '"' lhotl..rno I""·"" \\h•·lllh•\ '""'"hr rover. • rol• .C ir·r hi' lo•ft San F'ran·l"!on lluMnc•_, l nl>IIIUil', ·ll5 N '!"'"'' ~ '' lll••l """" t•·ntf~lt.orl "ool•• '"'ll·l• oful I"' m~:ht , lu I• II· "·" thrl'<' m inutes and S)ramtJro· St . Sanla A na, and wilt h '"II'·' Ill"''' ••·I• •h• l"lll:•r• \' '''I ',, J, '' '""'I'"" u f a wrt>St· ... • .. nil;. tOO latr to equal the b.· C'tmclu•·"'d fur "'x Wc·!'ks 1\\olt:ku" halo '"'"I•'''' '"' 1'1111.10 ,., •.• llool ,; .. ,,., .. 11, (; .... rj.(l'." ,. ••1'1 "I l\1'() yrara ago by an lnStiUl'lltln \1111 ..... ~UJI<•r\ll>l'd by ,.,,1 .. ;.;.,q,,1 11 '" '"'' " tll••n ''"' If, • ,, ol11 ,, "'"';ttn," Mtss ,,m1 p .llfl • !\t r. Eug,·nt• G 'lian1n. a li(•,•nst:d ( •11q 11111.,1 of th• 11'1,11., 11r """" 111 '·"" c 'ilrnl" "''" lhl' rin~ ,., ro·at <'l>\1111' bruko·r. 1\hll has h;cd I 1 '"~'""11 ''"' ' .. ·1··<1 , .. ·'""''""'~'''l ·•ntulll"·"lnw•rhl~ •·I •h• "''''l'"ost in t hr Nor t h ""''' •31• )'t•:tts ,,r ""ll('rtl'llC•' as J ,. , ..... h·· .. r .. pp··d clown 0111 I '')"1.:•·•fond 11 10 ,,, •• ,t11,11ol ~~~ 1111"1'' "·"·1 '·"1'1\\'ll hhlm.too '· au .. clurallllnuldln•<·tnrnndt('aCh· \' , '" 111 Jol hno', hu71e'(j 1111' IOW('r 11 1 11,1111,.·~ 111 th• l•·oJ"'' ,1huo"l •'\II)' ollol "'"" ''" ool•roo tuurhcd ht5 , ,,1 11 111, !hOIII:hl WA~ l ht' ~ •·r ,. Wtll thoruu~;hl) l'XIJIIiln l o:ay.. I'"'"'"' 1 I '"'• • ""' c ;. "fl'"' snN•r-m:.n) hundro•ds uf liU<·SIIOns s1m 1 . •. • II• Ill. nn·l(·d , and l<'ar ned 1 I I t lllll:lil 11,1 1.. ,, h ool \It' • o1 1,, • t' '"''' lilt II\ h.uub uH ar to till' unr·' u~•·d 1n previous , ~ c. I"' I r ftt·ld, a t Santa s tatt· c•A:tmm.ollml.' anti 11•• Canal ' "••lh• r n .... ,ad •I It"'' d "' '''' un '''' 1 , ·" ...., ,.11, _,, h\t• 1\,11 th· 11, ,, ..... ~.. \'• 1, J ~••' ''" ..... , •~· u,,,.kau~ nhf')UI t'X.•m•natlun \\JII h•• bas\~ t•ntir<·ly oloou1·"11hl·•""'"'''' •·llool,l '' of•·•"''"' '•·\\ •Ito· \\Ond1·r~o '''"1'' .oltr·r ni"'Y palo!, Lt nnrnnn)l>,lmj)lo o•xarnlnatwns pul).1 1.,11,,..,. ,1•11 ot ••k• ,11 to•r l•t "'" llo•"· ,,.,,.j, ""l olly h11tl H" •Bnlo l ~:ldf'rm1ssrd llslu d IJ} lh•· !ol11l•• f11,1~11m ul tUL••• JIU••• .~I• )'''' ~·ot hu"' lt .. tU \ t• ,· •rl \\ttt, l1"'ti t 1r1 ~'''a\ •11•\ \'.1ttt n '•H IItu:• f•• ttW , lilt fin • t It til ' d••l• n ""' IIJ•' "" h• t lu t• \\ PI• \\htltlJM d .IIIHJit· I I,., \\ "' \\ , .. ff1'tf\f I f'11; I d o!l \''I t. ,. II \\,n H t .. ,,J•·t•ltu ,, ...... 1 ,.,,, II till \~ i ,, q .• I .... '•I I' II. tl J 1 th ,I f o\ II lit I ,,. \\ IHt\" h ,,.~ ,, ·' •• ,, I \\ ··' II HI .. ttf r u lol) t • tf I f.ta w J, ft .. r ' •: q, • • rt• \\ .. \\ • , t '" If Ut ' • \ II , • t! I I lt\tf\l!fu.• ffh ,_ fll ...,,, 11t11· .. ,,., h. t11 I• 1ft l tr\\fl 111" 1111 1 I 1 ,,, ol 11 1 1'1 lr\T ~l'lorc•r I'' • lrl oml '•lid hP 1:01 lost. rl·al t·Sililt' 1 1 , h• ,1 11,1, c o1 l• '•• I, ""' 111 m111UII'~ to fmd 'fh 1 "I"''' .,rtr•r I ''111111' down OUI ,, tr:t~nllll: IIIII t'llfiSISt uf ,\rd "'•I· "' un tho suh . , '""'·" Eldt•r salrl. flrlwtocalu"'"~~'"•'n nn th•· n ·ul I•• I \lo" ;.; .. tlo• Ill ~'ll llnool, "I'll I'SIIll•• '""· cl.-tl•. murh:··~·~. fort•· I to •I 1•"1 1 1,•1to 11 \\ lit 11 .11111 l lll\'1~ '"' '" -\\ .... 1,. ' "-' .r H••ltP l)uvt~ ;~,,,,,,,f•d • '""I ~··"'ift hnlf tt" 1 • 1 I• ,,... , 't, In .dlu1•·' hu\'t• us " I'"" d• , .. I'' u11 tll.tt h•·•·ttu~· •t -""'"'' • 'u ' ttl l "'' unfl t•lup •, n ~••• \' '··, '"' lh rn"n rnunrh"' • •. .,, ' 1r., " ~ , •• : .. ,., n • ., ... ,, ~~. tlu • .: '' •ttth ,,,,, tU••nlhl( nlonJ.: I ttl• '"" •lu t J t I tl tlfl• •• \ tk• h .. t,r\ irttuud ~ I ,. .. ,.. :\tt•'l(tC'U I•·~ •on•l that's no1 tll11 t Sh· lut~ t• f.,, tho• ''l"''ninl( nf • ''" • rnmPnts. llkt• clocks, go " 11,.. nl"''"" m•·n j.(l\<' t ht>m : "I I ,'II\ o'IIIITl l'nl s flf(' llllolll' and rl ''' nwn. s" hy llwrn th<'y "'d. f(l(l \\'hrreforr. ~ov­ '"'"'' l'tlho·r fl,.tll'nd upun m"n "'' 11 "I'"" I:O\'I'rnm<'n ts. LA>t I • ,., ••I anti tllo' J.:OI'••rnmt·nt ' ' '·• lo,oll If 11 I'<• Ill, lht')' 1 ,. • 11 llut If m .. n !)(> hnll 'oil • llclt•nl't•r '" "arp ~omi 1 .. th•ll own turn \\'II· l'•nn C~~~"I1~S ~:.~.~ 1 ~: ~. ·j tho• S o·\\•·TinH·' 11ill ~ot~&rt vru- clowllua ut a o•urnlr· l'lllo:'' lo,·lud· ln1: lltt• fullu\\ In I( I nltr-d t'•·•· lut•• ~~ndkal•· luj.-ralo·r.: lour- do, h) (;u8 Arrlula; Tan•n, hy t:daar ltlo·•· llurro•Uitlh ; (uri) K a,\••·. h~ ~"'" l.f·U ; Strana:o· a. lt ~ .... "''· b,\ t:rn r ... t llh; Thr \'uunl( ltl••• ,h,\ ~''"'"lo•r tmd 8 l'ri""" unl 111111lt·. l\lr. l;nn 111 Wilt also advise tlw l'uh l\lar ·1, 9. II. 19-UI. Welcome To Our New Neighbor TURNER DRUG Higgins Distributor Complete Yacht Repair Service Phone ~on :)171 • G2a Coa.o.t lli~hwa)· Nf'wport Bt>ac·h. ('uliromia ur BEST I SHES -<Jo.- TURNER DRLJG View of the New Store, 900 Coast Highway We are proud of the part we had in the erection of this new and modern drug store: Aero-Chemical Co. PAINTING ANU f1 •. un~ t•R04U1S(i ,.,...,. ,, ..... C'-'nM'Uoft Ura~ In!:' R, Orange County Drafting Service 110 ('oaal Hlcll1ny NEWPORT Bt:At 'H. ('.o\Uf"'R."I.o\ .., .. \\'aUd.-...._._ 1\4'11 ft4or1 ". Murrl• Daniel Paint and Glass w. P. 0 . Roll t l• Marine Steel Fabrics 8TRUCTURAL STEEl,~ CER11ftED WELDING Doll (~If' , .. , o...e 11111twa..r. s-lJO" ~~eoee~~ Hugh Cairns & Son, Inc. m ·u.ut:Wo\ l'hnnr ll11tl>nr I I I !J • .f Tustin Cement Block Co. I'I.ASTt:RISCi R\" ''''\ 1.,.,,, ""1111'1 ""' Ray Gardell I ~""'"' '"" l 'honr l"anla ,\na M l 1·\\ 160'! OriUI~tr ,\,·r nu" !"IUIIA .\na l'honf' Ranta Ana -tt96 Bayview Lumber Company c~ast Contractor Supply 'ICH • ~I •I !iU~t l'tlofW' lla rbor Ml·ll S t'wport R4-lll'h, ('aJif South Coast Material Stafford Electric Co. Rt~Ail\' MJXEO CE.\It:ST 1110 ('nul IIIRh\\a~ l'tloi'W' ~·un ~I II ,., .. ,.t tl Rf'e(oh, ('alit. .• H. fl. Holbrook nt:t•t:snAnt.t: ru Mmsc; ~10 • :i:lrtl ~ltf'f'f Sf'\\fMorl J\o•af'h l'hnnf' ll:1rh01r I IIII·\\ General Neon (ompany 10'!~ r: .... t •·ourth ~tf"N•I, Santu \na l'honl' Sa11ta '"" 1141 Ill C. E. McCormick <'O:SSTRt 'CTIOS CO~WA.'\'\" Gf:St:R..\1. Rl'ILOISG · ('f:~F.ST \\OR~ !IM Sf'\4'JWir1 Roult'.-ard. t'l"'ta ~,..._ PhMW' RNu-on 5(1~~ Ward & Harrington Lumber w. u ·~mt:R Welcome Tour New Neighbor Tur~r Drug • LAJUll' E. aaows 811 Cout WP.••J· Newport BMdl ......... .., ........ ~ ... ..,~ .. -,. .. ., ....... ., ......... ... Best Wishes To Our Former Employee Vern Turner Till i"?fthll DRUI ITOII Hampton's Harbor Dru1 · Vi~~eent's Balboa PhariiiKy Mac Pelletier's Newport Pharmacy Sdut yours at ..• YOUR NATURAL IJAUTYI Popular and Different I Your wcrec of bewitching lovelinne from dawn call dusk. iriT COVIIS ILIMISMIS ir NO DIYING • NO CAKING irNO NIID FOI POWDII ir NO LOSS Of fll SMNIIS Wnr Prism•cic M•h·up unch•na~d .U d•r loaal AmuonJir usr 10 un! Tbu~·· a cunan rtH .. ~,. akin, ud chc widen• noJ~ o1 alaeda- r oun •mona ch~m. TURNERS DRUG WELCOME ToOur New Neighbor TURNER DRUG Coast Contractors Supply Company Earl Videry, Manager Truscon Steel Sash In Stock Schlage Lock Sets Kwikset Lock Sets Qomplete Bullden' Hardware Une Jl1a.illh Hardware for All HOUIIM!fl Glidden House Paints Ccaplete for the Painter Delux Marine Paints Now Comlq Back With All Pre-War Colorw 810 Coast Highway, Newport Beach BEAOON 5261-M Latest Window-Dressing on Coast Mariner's Mile-Turner-Drup-Opena BJ L P. Wrtpt -'!'Uml!l"' ~ON":-tetm IH'O\'t'mt·nt ort lilt' riiJJidly t'Xp.nd· lcndln& llhrar)' mg Marlnl'r'a Mllr, Coast hiitlway. In Owl J~tlUPPin& ctJUrr \\ill IHlld tlll'lf l•m nul OjiCOin¥ to-With 11n lnVC'IImC'nl ot mc>a'• dll)', Frldn)' and Suturdtl)' than $50,000 tlw 1t0tl' floor lpA<'• \'t•rn Ttll'lh'l' lli'J>lllul Jlhurn111c1st Is .,,., ... Cuur tholuaund (C'CI an th•• Jlul'lt~•r' ., .. ,.,, will opcr ll'lt• M•~<lo•rn dt'illln•'<i tountliin t11clll tho• uitru·rm~1·r'n ~~·uro• Built by IH'Ii h1t\C' h l'r n ln1111lled .wl~• llu.:h L';urm; fur the o" ncr. E. M l('lllh('r dt••'Ot throu~rhout 1-tlU Smith. llw o'<lrno·r hwh.lin~: t."'n· lain so·r\ IN' Will tndudl' hmchl'> tams tilt• ltllt'1>1 In h.:htlng llt•t•ou In oddllh•n h• M~tunuar)' ll't' crt'1111' I 11s ""II""""'' c.••lan~: ;md on the und soft drinks 1• • Xtl'riOr !'>l!ldo•rn r1,.turo·i, s h 0 w 1\Jrn('r. a &rlldUIIII' of thr Unl 1: o'lllil'll, ,.,,unll•r• nnd 111mrto•nanL'\'I versll)' PI Mlnno1iQIII in 1937 ha,. 1· hous•· tlw lar.:•· , nrlrt)' of 1un· bt•o•n uss.octoh'ii wllh dru& ato""' 1: tlrlc•s Turn·····s "Ill stuck In Nt•Wpllrl and nalboll tht' pa$1 l: T h (' pn 'sl'rlpt 1110 d••purtmenl lew Yl'llrl and I hi' lui six mon~h~ 1; hnndl£'ll the' hill··· in medicinAl hill workt'<i with C'alrnl llnd Smith r drugs. for ph)•sktnn.~· pn·scr·ipliona <m lhe dt.'al~;nln" a nd lllannln~ 111 [, 11nd the.> pal<'nl mcd leinl' clrpMJ't· thl'lr new llUIIdlna. 11 nwnl (IIIli """ f ull wult M I ht• i iOrl' Bevin Sees li Actor's Son Need for }1 Held for Beer Korea Election 1• Botti~ Barrage U )N1X)N. MARCil 4-tUP)-f: IIOLL YWOOD. MARCH 4 -For<>t~n St·cn ·tar y Ern~ I 81'vln f: tUPl-Actor Lon Chant'y's 17· told t"'mmnns todAy lhllt he hupro I) yc>ar-old son. Ronald, was held In c.>arly <>lrctlona would bt' held In ff juvenile hAll today on charaea Amrr k nn-oceUJ)II'd South Korea n that he and a chum threw bet>r to thwut any poulble communllt l1 bottles at a movln~t JIUtomobllt>, coup from lh<' north. l1 thc>n t'ngaged its drlvt'r In a flit Bevin said thl're were reporll 11 fight. from the Soviet zone of North ~ His frlt'nd, Jack Arbuckle, :n. Koru that a pt'Oplc'l conareta had was ~d In jail on ausplcloo of drafted a constitution for a "~mo­ Uiult with a dt'adly wupon. cratlc Prople'a Rf>publlc" which Art atudent Ernftt Molnar. 27, would d alm IOVI'relgnty over all Burbank, aald the youth& threw a ~a. bftr bottle al hl1 ca.r yeatet"day "Such detail• of thll constitution as they aped alone the Cah~nca as have bHn broadcut Indicated F'r~ay. When he forct"d them It will be vtrtually a carbon copy to the curb to protl'lt, he aald. of conatllulions impc»ed In other they cot Into a fight that IK'nt aovle t aatt•llltt' countries " Bevin him to the h01pHal with a amuhed aald. ' nose and cuta. • B 0 t h Arbuckl d Ch 'Thla drvelopment, In th<' vll'w e an aney, of H I• Majelty'a government. ~- Ji!T&ndlon of the original movie phasiuos thr Impor tance of the horrorman. denied thl' charees. early establlshml'nl, by properly Uses Radar to Trap Speeders aupervluod democratic eiC<'tlons. of a Korean adminlatratlon In the &OUth." OIL EliiBAIIOO Opening With Turner's Drug Store Jad and Eli1abeth Arnold's Eliza betl, oRIGINALs Fine Quality Handmade Leathergoods Billfolds. Bags, Fitted Bags, Pocket Secretaries, Keycases, Etc. In a Variety of Styles, Colors, Leathers and Designs 8f-""r~ to \'l14lt our 1..-.ath.-r<"raft <'Ornf'r Sproc·iaJ Attrad ion For OJM>ninJ( l)a~·" An appropdal(' gift of hnnrlm;ulc· lc•;tlhl"r· FRF.t~ wilh 1'\1'1',\' pun·haso• of l1•rtllll'l' llo Not Mko. Thf-'liW OJWnlnJt'l 4 HHHHHl""1HHHt11 HHHt'MHHt-11 A H£5t4t:IHHHH Welcome To Our New Neighbor On The Mariner'i Mile Turner Drug Store We Are Just Acress the 'Street AL JOYCE MOTORS c·n~PI.I':Tf: At'TOWOTl\'1': KF.RVU'r.; Turner's~ Drug Store 900 Coast Highway MariMr's Mile Oppoaite Greater A II American Market ---------------------- FRIDAY Huyler's Chocolates Complete Line Don't Ju&t Say Candy -SATURDAY •ncl SUNDAY Free! Samples of SWIFT'S Famous Ice Cream J E·WE LRY Feafurint o Good Selection * RINGS * PINS * Watch•• * Clock• * Necklace• * Coatume Jewelry . ...., : .....: •• SAY:- HUYLER'S! FREE BALLOONS FOR CHILDREN ~ .) Prescription Department Complete Stock of MedicineR and Biologicals For l''illinK Your Doctor'" PrcscriptJona 'J Drinking ~ llallmark Glasses ror39c Cigarettes All Popular Brands '1 :l8 Carton Rubbing Alcohol Compound 29c Pint Chewing Gum 3 Packages 1Qc (~omplete Fountain · CA RA(:O'S tluality Meats II II Wt'"'ll Urutulwa\ I .... nac lk'AA'h Service HUGGINS & YOUNG FAMOUS COFFEE SEitVED EX<'Ll SIVEL\' Meet Your FriendH llcrc fHr ('offl-e Anatole Robins Make-Up For All Typctt Helene Pessl Children'H Toiletril"R Peggy Sage Nail Polish Complete Stock of Drugs, Vitamins Greeting Cards Water Bottles 98c Lunch Kits Aspirin · 100 Tablcl8 24c & Sundaes Harbor Feminine Activities Murder ond Morlgoge, Virlue vs. Villainy Feature Harbor Players' Next Production Jun<' Farrar is dlrl'c1mg the charms ul th<' city slick£'r -Cur huD.-&o.•s to the hi& cot) lD n ·st·uo• thl' ga l hi.' IO\'E'S-'l1le ~«lilian thr~tcnl .e.:cllw-\'a.nue frnaiJy traumjthS' JI&Wksh8W a,:rtl h1s man hut v. hv is lla" k· thaw!~ l1y \\:ini!rOO U...rl.u-e PageS THt.,'ll,.U.\\' SM11por1 ~·II. C'allf. 'la,..h &, 19UI NI:WPORT BALBOA NI:W8-TIMES Resort Honeymoon Follows Loguno Rites lor Deon Flonogon ol Costa Meso and Jean Dons*in lion,•) m unru n..: 111 l.uk•· 'l'11ho "' &nd S!in Fr.uu·1~ru Art· Mr Jtnd Mr~ I • ' .. n AI I h111 F lanlll:fll1, Whoh o· 1'\lll'rlll~• "u• "•I• ITII117<'11 In La~Uillt 1\. lh'h I 'nr111l1UI\II}' Pr<'1ib}'1o'IIHn , ~.011 l'lt Tho• lrnu• Is I hr foornll'r .lo nn 111 11 J,ollt• J);on~l<tn cln•Js;:ht. r ul '.!r unrl M r!> Jam•' .. Oan10k1 n C•l 'Jnurs- lnn l':ork n r1d !Ill· h1 u!o ~:r••lm •~ 4tol' Slln or Mr lltltl Mrb ( 'l,rr• nn· 0 Fhtnn~;un "' C'l>>llo \leu G 1 ,. c> n In ma.rn111:· · tw h••r fill Ill r. lhl' hr1tlo• m11olt> :o lt,,,·l) p1c1 ur•• In h•·r S::•'"' n .. r h• ·" y l'illln "11h ~·lkf' n( hllnrtm1ulo• F rc•nr h htr•• an!! lo.ns;: tr .1n A coronf'l .. r w•l "'alh t HI)' s;:nrclo·n- laii hrl!l hf·r (an~;o•rflp ,.,.,, 111at1 Jhr• rarri,-d ll huU'IIll'l ur otrdii<IJ and s;:ard.•n•ns Mn1 \\'llh11m A :\!otl•·r. "'''''I of thl' lJndr. WA!i m 11 tr"n n( honor. S h,. wor t' 11 S::""' n nl yr•l· low t11Uets and CJIITil'd ''" !lrm bm~q\k't or pmk r OM-s 11====~--~~~~~~~~~~~; ~·" cowns to( iim1lnr «tylo• hut In vsrird p II II If' I hut•s P atnrlo Flan111:nn, thr hrad•·~rOt>rn ~ 11"- t•r. "'~~~ In IIJI'flUOI~o,. ~tnd car- rlt'd TIIIIJmlln rOflo·S Thf' hrldt• ~ rou1ln. M Is a Mnrjor u· Jl1tnks. chol<> pink w ith y f'lhlll>' ro&<'S MI...,. HsiA'I and C'11rrll' Nrll FOIItt'r, frlrnd of lhl' brrdc-from Imperial, WI.',.. In pink and tur- quoiiP. rMiprcUvely. with boll- qu<'ll o f ytllow and T 11llaman ro.M. A rown or AtJUR ITC'J)r Wurn hy thf' mothPr ot thc-bride had black aC'C'HSOM«'S an•l with It ~ WON' an o rctlld <'f>rsa.:• Thr brl&>rroom'• mothl/r "'"~ In vloiN rr~ with pink aror•IIOrics and a con~a&t' or orchllh. Jack W imfll('r or C'ottR MNA lt"rvt"d u bc!at man l '•hf-n wrrc- RotWrt 1ond l"orm11n llan~kln, brotht>n of thfo br1dt•, and Carl Obt>Mo snd Mr r\'ln Grtr"'f' ol Collta Mraa. ~ W o m 11 n '• CluiJhQU.t• IJC'aullfUIJ)' <kocorat.d With J'UtJ· lt'l stocks a nd caJia hllin, wu thC' wtUnc for u~ recrptlon. A four-U•red wt'dd.ln.: cake, IU)JjH'(! lo) 11 m1n1111111 o !11 lo ... IUifl to:ruuno, "' .• ~ S• 1'\ rd Wll h pund1 h) l1r" \"or~111111 n .1 11 1, • th•' b1 11h " .111111 II tiiJ lht• ;J •l,lhll• • n( th•· tnh1ruu •tl ha1•h "lllltldA '11u hrttt•.,. tr ~•'• ~~ .... · '"'''"' ,.,, \\~1'\ h dr•'<>. ttl''"'',,., ... ottuJ ltH'I' \\Ill 1\ \\llh It ko lh t'(o "n • uHf Jtnft hl:u·k IH • • '-'Ill It_. 1'1&+• ~'lun~t~tollh \\111 rn:ok•• I h••1r hc•mr II\ I '•Ill I o .\11'~A Mrs. Spa/cling Eostmon New President Of Leaders Club El•·•·t···l tlr•·>~rt""' 111 u m••t•t tnto: h• ld 111 Amc·r'u'ltn Lo·f,!llln hall, .\1rs S t•llhlllll! ~.u•lnllw "' l.ltloo lslo· "'111 h• 1ot1 llw l.o•ntlo•,-.; o IIlio t1f l"o·lo' l••rl I i.arl~•l C :111 So•o •Ill ns_.IQ()I•I,IIIun f,H fft• f'tHf\ln..: )t 1U IJiltl'f' hflll'o r>o o•lt•t·ll•ol "'o r o• Mns !l!o•rrtll n.,u,.mlo ), •n • pro '"I' 111, Mr• 1-:ch1 ~trd I;,.,.,.,., r"l'utollnl( ~· ,.,, tnr\' 111111 :lin< J ult n I fooa~lnn. rorro ... J•uuhfl!; !!e•cr!'tar y. Thl' coom1o~: J uli••ll,. J,.r\1 lltll) lor M11 rC'h 1:.1 was dlsrusst•d and !Jiunll r·c•mpll'tl'd for "Churrh-s;:o- ln~; lllty thl~ Nrm lnl: !'urulll\ wht'n C:lrl .SC'e>ut~ \1111 ••lt••ud churrh 1n lull un1furn t, uliht•rong in Nlltt(rnnl Ctrl Sc•out "'', k 'Calm Yourself /s Comedy Se1ectecJ By Costa Meso P.-T. A. ~<'II'C'IC·rl frr r th•• pllt) In IN· prt•ll•nl••d thr lm•t t•f April II} CUIIIt Mt'l'll ":lo·nwntllr) SrhM I Pnro•ni·Tt••u-ho•r ASMM"tnlltlll IS th•• lhro>l'·ttt'l C'Cimi'C1). t ".tim Yuur••·ll'" w)lwh 1• nu\1 IN am: r••hc•11r" tl unrlo•r d irt 1'11110 ••I :\1rs 1\!rTIIt.:).:llrl Tiw pluy •~ J .. •mt.: 1:1\'t'n 1111 a IK•ut•h t. pro>f'o•P<il\ lo 1-:0 lol\\'llrrl tho• pur rhll-f' "' '''""'"' r.lr lho· Undut•rs;: !iC'huul ond dll t•·~ fur t6t\o• '"'' po•rlt1rmnnc'"~ "111 lw• ann~>um·•'fi l~tl••r =~~u.elt••et••4 ••••• • 4ellcte .. , ................... j • ................... ~··· <.._ KOV!_IKOL__!) ~IliT) --::.·.· ~, M~ • -.# N1XT nMI , • ., ~~teke ltehd, etule4 • telftateea er ,,.eft pep• pen, pvt the"' In • "'"'· fin ""· They'll heW their ehepe ltetter. 011 the ,..., put. little water'" the Mttelft. ~~~~~~ NOIWIOIAN FISH PUDDING , ............. Int ....... ........ .......... -.. ~~.--. , ... . ''• c .......... -..rl ... 'It··-- 1....-ve akin end ltenea ,,.,.. fhh; put lhr••th t.ecl chopper aneral tilftet .. ""1 very flne. Add flour end aeaaon· ...... Add ett• ene ot e tllfte; b..t therevthly. Add Melted fat end crealft; ..._.well. '"' In well·t,.aaed ltelrlnt dlth. Set dlth In ,an ef water, ltelle In .,._.rate even 13~1 for 1 hour. SerYe with well-.. ,.erted white aauce. SerYel 6 . THAT'S WIIU'S Ali-Ster Weatern l'hetlhf. SteriM of the lftoclem Weat, ••thentlc cewboy ltalleth, felftoue twit ..... hery Saturday at 7:30PM ., ... fh.M ttatlont: IOfJ, let An .. letl ICGI, Sen Dl ... ; ICXO, II Cent,.; kDI, s.Me a-Mra. Former So/boons G;ven Hou seworm;ng At Ne-w COM Hom e llii\111. II • I ••• '''" '"" tuu)1t\ l7.'Tt \\ II• r ''o"l Prl\t 1 ,.1 '"'' tl• \I ,, \It .11atl \It ' r· ,, ~ •...... I•·•'"'' H .• '··•lf1"' ,. .• ,,, n 11, ,,. • ' '''"" 1, 1 t'l ••lit-u l IH• till"' 1\ 1 " til l\ • d •·U' "'' •~•••Ill' t•tn '"•' ''••h H, Ht I , .... "''I ,, ftflll t 1 ·~, ., 1 d \\, 1, \lt f •I l'h•u """ •rl hill• I'•·• \Ia I \It• ILut \ ~·••ntl•t ,, \\r ••·• ~1 1 I lid ,\11. I IIIII \\Ill ,·r.tl' ,lftol .'\It ~ .. . r_ ~-4~~~~~~U~I~ ~~o­ ifUCl10n or "!"t•llw. Tht' Farnwr's VaughiW"," to he prfO;I('ntl'd F'n - day and Saturda)• nights. Marc h 12 and 13 a t l"I'WJ>Ort B e a e h Grammar ~chool un Central A\'t'- nue. Thl' play 1s o r.•v1val or om· o r t hf· uldo•st mt•lodramlll In thr~ nt·t~ \\'tth sex olio acts ac:ld(-<1, It prom lllf•s 10 prn' adc' an ,., t•nang (I( n•~tl f'ntcrtaanm £'01 Th'ratrc• patrons who haV(· ~"''" and •·n · jfl)'t•d "Tiw Drunknrl!" will not wunt '" m•~s th1s IO<'RI production 11 Inn~: s1mllar lim·~. MemtM-rt ot tho.• cast lnC'IUfk> Gt•rtrudP I l1•rn •ts S .trah. FrrNia Bato·. as :\IArlha .. Jack r o rd Ill Slade>. Rll'hard :O.I.clooc ns fill Mik,•, Bob Went7 as' Cunstnhle .lc•nkms Murton Kt'f1111'r ns Mar nnrt Onn I >wkc•rman as The Drunk. F:d ythi' L1ppinmt t nnd Ginny Gnt<'~<. nwmh•·r~ or the..n Playt•rs hoard n( dar<'r lnr s hn~e llf'f'n wnrk mt.: harrl on pn•para- llnns for tin· l'nman~ pnldul't10n. ·"·" .\II ' I '"" I I·,, • I .\ •• I lo• 1111, :ll1 tllof \Ia "' '' I• 1 \1 •' lhllll o I f/ol I • I• \II 111•1 \It • lltll ,,,,, • ''"' t:,,, '', l'·•rk .\1r• I •, •II .I oil , ' •I I: h 11 ' l':atk llntl \ H l'11 ~l .t tfl•" uf '-• I 1 \Jl • I \'' \ ( \\ t:' IUS II ( ~ Kntpt , ,.,,,..,., l•oll .. v.tlh hl'r ••on T o ny (Rill ~lc-llo"f'll ) -uthf'"' rrcf•l.t!r o ""'''''""'"'" ltlltJ Hflttt .... n-t In • .., , "'' ''""I "Th•· R<l~a&l t'amll) •• • ..rnlor o·ta-llla&y t o b•• v,.......nh•tl at lito' hh:h ... ·ltoHol rtudlttorlum t'rlda\ , , •oruo: \l.cro·h :1. In tht• rl'a&r, from It'll to rltftt AN' ~hJrlf'y S lliO!t- l .. ·r .:. Jlo·h·u \\ utlo•r ... Sid Da\•kt-oi, jr lll\lr \nn S mHh. J uhn ('Urr), Jim l''ll'lft'n,...n, ('uunJ.-Shuok. ldt'nCIIy of Jlawkshaw lhf' ramnus slt-ulh antl mastl'r of di~I:UIS<' whn brang' lhl' 1 ill tan H1t·hurd Mur.:ntroyd to justlce has bt'l'n r ut . fr om ull SC'rlpts durin~ r l'ht•arsals hy Miss F'ar· r ar to prev,.nt "''"'' ttw cast rro m 'tt·armn~: and rP\'r alint.: th1· ldt'n- laty of this do•mnn dCI('(.'tl\'1', "Nt•lll!', Thr F~trm£'r's Ollugh- tt:'r" is playl'll loy Jo·Hn Linst•n- hurc:l, II a r o I c:l I RPachcomber) narnum t akc•s tt11· part vr fl1rhurd :O.Iur~utrO) d lh•• VIllain. n caty s ltck<'r Don Mouri' 1s .lack DAlton. our h£'ro. Th<' plot in- A fl'&turo• ur th1' prr•so·ntlllllln w1ll he th•· •·.:cnulot· old fnsh· ie>n1·d" cJ r er p ,•urtuin C'olmpll'lc w 1 1 h actvc·rt•~c·m••nts of lcwul nwnhants "'h1ch 1S n ow uncll'r t'Onstruct 1nn t•)ltlf'C'•all)' for t hla rm·ludrarna ll11·k Male>n,• •• nd Lo•(' narn<.,. i.lrl' 'Upt•n 'isrnf,! wurk ern ·, 111' proj('ct a nd Don Dick l.'r- m an of CnStH\\Il)s Club will do Jilt' l:~yout. Newport Circle, WSCS To Send Food To Christian Ch inese !\.I " I• •• I f H.·,," 4 tt . ,, ttf \\ "1 ·..; ll o• 1 \\ • d i.o ,oj,JI '' o'lt l\1 t, I I 1 c ;,,.,tjo·ll. 11~1 \Vo·SI ~n·i.jfl 11111 '"'' .j f•o "nfl ., I• ..... , •• ,.. -: J~HIIICI Jlttt•k .tL.;I ••f luntl Itt I ·tu .,.f '" I"' f•i •h• •n -'·'f•·•n App•,u••• tl a' •, ·•rru•ut t•. tu ro'I'O'I\'•·. 1• o k o.:o ottol ~lolp lito• '111'1·1 ,., ,,, .... :Ill • t; .... td l :O.t" ,J11hn \' J(o n it lid .\It•< I·),,,. :'l:t·\1'· 11111!1 Mr• \Vall 111m \Ill""'" pn•,.ulo"ll 1n q ,.. ·'"" ,,., u( till' pn·~ulr·nl, Mr' J II ll•'tl'lttnP :rnd ~tl•n lo·fl In d,.\ otlon.~. llo•r ~""J"''I Ill'· lrli! "L•·nlo•n Tlt••lll!ltl,.· Mn J K ~:lllull , W S (' !':: pro•shl·•n l nnnnunc re i II II' nnounl \\' 11rk~h"ll 11f \\' S ( · S ro~nl o·n ·n«'t' 11UIN'r,, tn lw• h•·l<l ,,, t:;ordc·n r.rol , . .\lo 11uw1"1 l'lttlr<·h Tu .. ~clny, "'·····h 01, \\llh .. "'rnl h><'al o rr •• eo·r~ Jtlhnnlill: In nllo •rul Thl• Snrult l.o·..:a.: lll••nt"l'l".l I)(IX ,, "IOIW "''" \1• 1111111' <17 ,,.,. lh•· I' I "'" \ AI til" '"''I'll huur lho· '""'''"' \\ •• -c :.'''''' d .,, ,,, r \ U\"-' n f r,.,.-h. til• Ill' lo1 .\1"' .l.on• T roll :mel Ill t:o>~ Nt•wland. t\tlo•ntllnt: lit•· 1111 •'IIIII: \\o•n • ttw l\1 o••dl111h "' l lun i\rulo·r<on, llo-rl \tall<. I' I. ll•~:a.:•n~. \\'IIIJ,cm .\1 o\\ '""· c · II ltr111l~hn". R II IIIII, .t .. tan 1' I<• 11 ,\ II SimJ.- km• \\ olla.tm c.,,,, k, \\ S I han· '-olk• I I• t.; Elhooll ,\1.-, K;tl•• Ho,lol't'l•llll, :\II" ;\;o•\\ '"'"'· .\It~· 'l'uft nntl ,\lr• (;owKI,.Il Tit•• :'\ r l\ I n1••••lan..: will lit' ~•• tilt· Ju•nh• .. r ~1 r' Patriotic Theme Features FAC Bridge Alfernoon Ch<'rry pi<' With \1 htl'l•'<l c·n·nrn nnd floral drcora11un' fo•aluro·•l tlw hrul~:•· pttrl~ n( Fr11i11y Al- l<'rnoon club ht•ld in Amc-rlran Lr~tion hnll. ('o!ltn Mr~o \Vinmng prl7f's wt•r,. Mrs A L. Wlllinm~. high, Mrs ltow c•na Hod~<'. se-cond. M~ C II R1rl· If')', low and '" ;\lr!l Krnnt'th S tt-WIIrl. thr trawlhns;: prizr Porenf-T eocher Teo To le Held Sunday At St. James Clturch A l'urc•nt·T (•n('ht'r It'll 1\lll ho· hl'ld lrnm ~ "' -1 p m Sundny, Mnrc•h 7. in 1111' rloll~lo'r 11( St Fpl'f'I'IJIIII d1urc•h p,._ ~ll(nrd tu hrm~.: p "''"'~ ul th•• lnr.:r numhrr .. r 1 'lnrn·h ~o'l•(lo •l 'tult1ro •n '"'" 1 ""'•'r '~''''a!' I "11 h f•'rtC"ht•r~, :.:-:-..c, lr\\ lf 1111UJ1' h n \ I hro•n <o•n! nul ( )fl 1 h•• ~'••1111111f It 'll 111 •11 11 1 un• ~tr' f Ltr\ •·v ~PnH~r·c; .,., ,., ,. lho• f{, \. l'.olll ,,,, •I I • \\'111't'l• 1 urHI \11 • Jt.,lk 11 \"tl ltot.:t ·Ill 1 ( 'httro h ,, l11~•l •lit• r1n to·nol••nl .\II '""' '"' 11111 ll o• n•l• "··h·hn,.· Girl Scout Assodotion Has New Chairmen; Tra ining Classes, Scou# A ctivities Announced ,,,,, '"" • tru "' .. 1 tlt1W com ... 1111 11., , Jt . .at 11u" .ontl )lliiiiS (or IJ ,flrHII..: 'I ,,.,., and ;at lo·nt!aurr· "' l h·· nmun111o·o· nw ml)('rs r on-r.,.,.,.. I• HUI•·•t .t lltt•t•tln~ Of ttu· , ''''uf•\1• ftt~urfl u( N t•\\'JJi')rt ll1u I~·• t o~rl S•"lll ""~'ICiatlnn. ho lol T tl• '"'" lr"111 Ill a.m. In :: ''"' .ol \\!11"'' l'ork nV<'nUo· l'llfo• Mrs H~tlph I'''"' t•r, commiM- ~'""' r, 1111 rooihw•••l >tS n1·w chair · "" 11 :llr·· .1""" L•··h. hmld1n~ ''""l'·lll:n '''"'rfltlllllorr. Mrs Roh- o'r t A II ton, puhlwal aons: Mrs t · h a r I t:' s ( 1111"'• rnc·mlwrshap n•ornaruolon~: c·•rmmlllo•o·. Mr s Sp•lirllng ~;;,~1 tllan, torc•s ldo>n t anct ro·trro ·~•·n1 u111 •· nf I he· Lt•adcon~' duh M.r~ Mc·rrill Bothamlry, tla) \·.~mp 'll1• l 'om nut ,,.,. :lltomhc'n!' con- '' ro n•·•• Will IH• hd!l Mnr<'h J() at C'loro·mont a n rl all c·ummalll'f' mr mlll'rs tAking l<JI<'Cial tralnlnr.: Wi ll a.:u. llll'loHltriL: llu• Mt•srlnmf'" ll<oth;omlt•), II I' Ynrn••ll. F:d· " orol .\1 111••11 Alii o•d c;,lt.,un anrl ~ ol ( 'hapm"n 1'1 olnrrn: •·I ,. • • to '"' 1.:1\'rn loH 11111 11 ill 111• Ioiii•· ;on nutclc)(or 'Harbor Star Club' Nome ol New Masonic Alliliote 11111•111 l'luh" Ill lht fld'11t' ,, ""''It I" lll•'lllfu•r ... u( t ht• I IIII•·• of •It•· I l'l•·•·n ~t;cr wh" fllo t l'll•·"l.t\ •"1•'111111' 'II tho• h11mt o~f ~, .. , s .uu ''"''' 1lh•·r, Col~l" \t•', '' •• h :4.4, 111 ;tt '' rutant"f• \lrth \h• I II :o :'l:.l)lllr prc- ~ICIIIa~ .o I I It•· hu""'''"' mt•o•fln~. lt)-1111\< r .... th·· t'illli. pro•so•nlo•d lty Mr~ Mnw:l S1hl••)•. rhJorrm:on .. r lloo• h)-l11WII r"mmittr ••. Wi'rl' \ .... d nn •• nd , ..... l. plttd ~:lo•a.:thlt· lo1r tlw o'llt h .ore \\ II• '· llllllho r~ tlllttl:hl•·r~. !IISI<·rs Anti WltiOW'I or M~Utc·r MaiiOnS. \'tii'SO Mr:sASS "Rr: 'f\\•n youn~t tw•oplr, mc·mhr~ ol t Ito• \'0111 h Fo>llow~h•p uf C"nm· rnwut r h11rr h, Costa ~ll.'sa, Wt'f'~ llt~lllll<•tl llS n((irl'rS o( lht' ( lr - ut11:t' Cnunl\' Suh l>1s lrlt'l, Ml'lhu- fllst Y C1 11 i h 1-'rllnwl'hip nl a r 1111 n 1 y rnlly In Huntm~otton II• al'h !"t'~tl••rl \\ o·r•· n r>ll!( Rtll· 1n1:' •~'<'rrtl\ry, 11 o d Thoh11rn Thompeo<un. rtmtmttnll y ~.·n h'l' , h.11rmnn \\ "'('S ('IRn.t: S :\fY.t:TS •·fluro h Ill• I "' lh• .\1o•lhtot11~1 hnrut· u( '1•• I IIIII t '''"l"'r lo·!l 111 flo• \"II• th o II ol \1r~ fo-a t'l,ork, tt "'1 ' •• \ « '' t" rn.,n. rr' ,, \\·I'd I tl f''o I o<l lh• ~111!11 hcKtk, t'oo111nnll• I l '111" \'~ t 1 ol ,, } fur lolt'rnwrluth• ,. r 1111 TtwRtlAy, ~lllrt'h 9 at '• • ' 111 , A•nt:rwan Lq;ton hall • t 1 ll•· .. wnlt· IPad••rs un Mun- ol \I oldt I;'; ut thP s ltmc• lim•· .... 1 l'l.w•· !\'Irs AHr•·d Amt·$. '' "'"•' •ltr•t'lu r "''II h•• 1n I' • '' rtl fur tho• SC'Oitl!' I~ • . lulwl lo• L11w rnlly which , , 'II•' \!.or o•h 1:.!. 111 !'o:nt uonnl Gil'! :-•, ,, '1 \\ ····k nnt1 wlur h Ill on ob- " I\ olol'•• •tl lh•• (nundlnJ: tlf thf' • c.· tllllotlllln I I will hf' 1n char~(' , 1 \I r• J-:cls:::1r I h ll. Juht•tte Lolw •h •urn:an In t'IIIIJIIIH'IInn with Gtrl Scout "' ··k \\ltlf'h ht ·to:IIIS Wllh SCIIUIS 1111o·nchn~; l"laun·h 1n uniform this I"''""!.: Sotnrl:oy. Brownies or Mrs. l 'room\11'11' i'orr11111l dPI Mar troup "all "''' ,. " l'"l'tw•t display on the "'"''"" ,,, '11to• J~landt'rs, Bal- l""' l~i;onct. .\Irs . Waltl'r Cole. l•'•"li·· 11 lllllillll> l'llllll'niUII, Will t,, u1 t'h:trt.:•· ,\II 1rtl• r•·•lo•ol 1w·r~on« \\'ho cnn 1·11' 1\llh hutlchns:: thr Scout I ••I• ll·or•••· aro· a!okt•d to m mc 'unrla.\ tl •a t m L;ulu' w11l "rw· o'oJt f, • .ulfl ~anti"' wh•·• Announces Exhibit 01 Fine Western Boob ~ \.lf11jol•·• 11! '"lht·ontltn~; 1\iM>- I'r •t•lt• 111 \\ • ·•··rn h01o1k' I h ,, l't17 "' '" •t•ul ...... r .,, .. Hu\uu·t• .onol l'url11t ('itllt uf Lo" ,\na.:.t··~ "Ill Ito• 1 \It IIIII• ot on l h•• S1nl;t \not I' 11 lo I 11 ltlrJ.tr) t hru111:h \l.1n ·to 1.! Th• r•• ;oro• I I lw111k~ u t 1 h1• S't .. up, 1 h~,, •. r•·pr•·"'''ntln.,;:: tit• d·' ~~""" .. r I he• clul• Jud~;o•s arto•r '' o'll:hint: I Ito• rnr rlts .,( 6:.! 1 nl rlt·s puhli~llf'cl loy t'tln('("rns "' •' oll th•• Hrwky Molllnlllln!l dur- In!: 1946. \\ luh• I hi' puhJi!!ht•rs An • nf lht• \\'o•<t, 1l1f' •uhjl'c'l n11111rr ur 1 h• 1..-•nks l'ho~•·n 1s nut ron- rm,.tl lol ulfllirs o r that dllltrict. hut •n•·ludr5 portry, gnrdl'nlng, t h!' olnrwP, wrrtr rll anc:l artists. f'l<" lltNlk< Wtlh 11 WP!'If'rn tinge prE'dnmlnlltl', ho \\"t•\'r r SIXIC'('n publi<hPrs llrt' rcprN~enlrd. JuQ o r lh•• cluh WAll composed of l .c•slil' 1-: Rliss, lihrarlan of the lluntan.:to n Library, S an M ar ino: F rnn ris P Farquhar, bibl1o phill' o r S11n Franriaro: and G r ant Dahlstrom. print<'r of Pasarlr 1111. Th<' Rouncc and Cof - fin was nr~tsnluod in 1931 11nd Is ('(lmprlsrc:l of mt'n intc-rt'tlted In Mmr phllSI' o r hook produc- t 11111. frnm wTiting to print ing F:xh ihits hllw hc'••n a nnual $3.00 Steak Dinner Breaks Fast sim·c-1939. th is 1s the-S('('()nd 11ho" In~! 111 thr I nC' a I lihrar)' Srhrdulc· n f rxhihitinn s OJ'M'nl'rl las t Mny 111 thf' lihrary e>( lh<' lln iwrslty of_ r 111rrornia 111 Los An.:r lrs anrl will e-nd t\n .Jtrnl' 10, 194~ at lhr Lns An~:;,..lr~ City rollrgo• Thr books cnmP h('rf' rrnm lhp hhrnry n( I hi' t lnl- \'l'rJ:Ity nf Rl'rllnnd!t and Wlll go n<'XI In tlw Pn~ndrna P uhhr Li- brary Tho' •'nl in· J:C'ht·dulr• I'O\'rrs lhr prtnciplo• l""nl< In Cnllfcornta, \\'ashtnl!loln Jtntl I ko•~.:nn MF.~:\ C'I Rn.t: TO <'I.HTIIF. II T'rn\'ldtn~; l'lo>lllflll: fo1r 11 ~mall rhtlcl rl'f'lll!ln11 nrlo•tl lo~ :-.;, ll;lthnr. ho~111 1!1111"'· (",Jfo·~lo'll, \\',1< \011'0 I nn lw nwmh•·1' fll '\;. •a.:ltl~o•rhno\11 ('' r r I,. :--;., :1 .. r i 'nmm11111t ~ :\l•'lh"'h•l o Iundt. ('"''" .\1··~;~ lllf't'IIIIL' \\fl h :\In: (;,.,,ra.:t• fo'I>X f'llrlt'A itln~l. "a~ h11rn 111 \ ;,•rmlln} hut rnnw Ill lho• l'ntC•'(I ~litlt'$' AI lhl• ill:•' f\( I' photo lty ( :o•rhunlt Post Honored Queens 01 Job's Dougltters Toke Moiorify Degree T uk1ng . tlw 1r miiJIIrity dC'S::rt'C' lnn iJ.thl Ill Aml'racnn Lo•I(JOn hall. ('osllt Mo•s11. will ht· ":.: c·h:~rt••r mc-mlwr~ I)( C'osl<~ l\lf'sR llrtht'l No t:l7, lntrrnataonnl Ordt•r uf .looh'~ Daut:htt'r~;, mrlurlmt: thl' rtrs t two Jlnnorr•d Qut'l'ns. Mrs Joy J11nr I Rohanson I I lolkl.'r and ,Mr~ '\Jt'llnnif' Lnu ICrun!l l Colt'· man Oth11rs who Will ro•('o•I\P th•· <if'f;;ro·c-nrc-Mrs !\lnry C 'h1twond, Mrs Gluno Marsrholl. Mrs J ean Ashornl' and Mrs JaCI'JUrline Chnplnm. All will tx-honorf'd ltiJMIIs 111 rc-remo nif's ronduct.Pd hy llnnc,rPd Q u<'f'n C"oralt•l' Bur- rlirk and hl'r C'orrs 11f officers. H a\'tng mnrrir d wnhln thc pallt yr ar Ill•' ynung mntrons "111 hll\'f' all lhr.> ho no l'l! or ml'mb!'r - ~hlp hut w ill no longl.'r he activ~ In thr hcthel. lnl'ill'cl OS Sf>c'Cinl I:UC'51S fQr I hi' nl'l'll~lnn fin' nflir••rs of La- s;:una flrnrh D<'thrl No 161 Assisfonce League Sustaining Members Pion Bundle Teo Th" h•'llll' nf :\1r~ t\nn Lo•fftor un l.1rln lc:l·· 11111 1 .. t hP "l'"n" n f au ''"""II II a.:;otho 1101: nn Turs<iny, \1.11 1 h !1 \\ h• •n m• ntl11•r-c•f t ho• ll.o rhur ''"~1~1 anr•· L•·11~11t• a n<i lh• or· frio nd~ 11llo-nrl :• ·nunriiP ~r ... , .. ~'"t n h~ ~u..:tJiin•nt.: mt•m· h,.,, 10 ht·lp ro·plc•nt<h 1 hr ~trl('k uf 1 h· I'" Pillar Thrall ~hup .\11 ..:u .... l< 11111 lonna.: a f'lt\'k· :tJ.;o• f'to nl;lllllnl; ~ll011'lhlll~ Old nr m•w , l u~ nr litrlc·, mll~;rtJwn or no Jun~;o•r no-.-drd. rll'stint'd to help In thr• hnttle n~:nmst 1nrta11on nnd In assi!ll tht• various !.rogue t'lanrlth·~. ~~~ all prOCPf'ds from tht:> shop ~o:n mto sul'h rhnnnf'ls. FAC Secfions Pion Desserl Bridge For Morclt 16 Thr r.nrdrn S!'Ct ion of the Fri- day Aflo•rnoon club i~ joimng th~ Arts and Crafts seC'tion m spon- sorin.: n card p~rty o n Tursday, MarC'h 16. In American Lcrlon hall. A deSSI'r1 lunch ron will he Sl/rvrd at 12.30 pm And all tYJl('s of cud gamt'S wUI follow . M11ny attrnctiVI' door nnd t11hiP prizNI arr b!'ing plannrd Tickets will be !'10 ttnts. C'O~TA MEgA VP'W Coutlin,. Posf VFW will hold a dance Mnrch 1~ AI R p m in Lfogion hllll. CostA MNIII Music will tx-rurnishrd by \\'nil)'~ hllnd Procl'f'dS Art' In h<• d!'\'Olt'd In lht:' huilrliOI: fund ror thr pro- posrd VFW mrt'ting hnll. Casino Cafe ond Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES ond DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. • Before You Build or Remodc! , r Arm, Tf'l~r·h·>~nl Mr• nuth Or~~>!-~ Z~·l'l'~r-n)ot !'hlrn~n h•'ll'l'\\'tll'. <'OIIIo'l>S('$ ·: ; Ill~ I r.l tlln• It\ 14 dill'S l m mll lounc n 11< ~hi' tn)• •ll h ln..t b.:•• 11r c. '~'•'' II ., f'l't •hr otlr In lrr• ,11, hl't 11•' Alll:l'tl'd b\' htrh rml 1'1 L J ~· • ~f\ u,.rbr'., l"'f•~o·.tn h unr' r atnkt ·v.u v.~•·k, :t~1' f"',,. 1\IJ 1.1~ ...... >~I lln•n•l .. ucl dttr;l<u 11 !hrl'r r • o'~ ,,r mlllt a dn)' $11,• lo.st U<Ul) !WI I>U w 1U4, \lllllt Our and Display Color ~rif'S, plan- ning aiel..:;, ~.:ompN'Itt·n~ and llnoiPUm. he Sl(l('k of •-nrpet., LUDLUM Carpet Works aer. ._. M ... St. l'A.VTA "'' i'lud i'S such nu\'t'l !ltiUat•ons as 1111'~1': Nrllll' Js t urnt'd out by ht•r foth<'r-0ur hrro IS SUSJX'\'It•d o( murdcr -Tht' \'tllt11n at'qUir<'l 11 rnortga.:o• nn lhc old hom<'stt•ad Nt>llif' cs inratuatrd with the Len# or Any Time 'Mr. Fish' is Your Dish Whc•n on£' u f m) nt"if:(hbors runs out of 1drns o n what to sen,.. tor dinnl'r . shP says, "'fh(•rr's always fish ." And 10 th!'re is. For ,.,·r ry S<'ason 111 fish S<'ason, !lnd ther<''s always som!' k ind or rash to bE' had. We'r~ too apt to ~nub "Mister Fi.sh" instc-ad or makm.: him the hi&h- spot or a mighty fine ml'al. Thla Bak<'d Fish can be the Ct'nter of a savory d inm'r, evt'n com - pany dinner. Bakl'd Ft•h 1 13 to 4 pounds I fish ~ traspoons salt Paprika I rrripr c:turrinR '.! taliiN>pnons mt'lt,.rl buttPr o r salad nll H avp fish r)Nln l'() nnd prr· pnrt'd ror stufflrtl! Wnsh tho r- ouJ:hly nnrl \\i pt• w ath doth Ruh c•;o\11\' w ath sail ~tuH and SE'W •'d s::r; lt•l:••thPr \\llh )ll'a\}' lhrrad Phwt• n n l.'l'f'no;o•rl ovt:>n-proof pint lt•r ur hakan~; pun and hrU!Ih \\'llh m••ll••d hutto·r nr salatl oil. !'pnnklt· papr1kn liJ:hlly m·f'r to p. Rakl' in ht•t onn l•l:lO -475~r 1 :111 to 40 minulo ~ untol W\•11 hrownrd Gurn1sh w11 h quarl<'rrd lo•mnn. Ylt•ld: 6 81/r \'ingll. Fteh Rcarnac '4 cup rat ldrlppln~ts I 1 la hll'l!poon c:rrn(lf'd onion I'" cup.o~ stair hrrnd crumbs l.IJ cup ~an 1 1~ tabiC'spoon~ IPmon juar(' I tabl<'spoon c hnpJlC'd parsll')' ~ l£'aspoon salt '-' teupoon pepper H t' a t fat. add onion , brt>ad crumhs, and bran; stir ovPr low heat until crumbs a re lightly browned Add Jpmon juice, pan- Icy, aalt and pepper. Yield: Sufficient stuffing for 3-4 pound fish. NOTE: 1 -2 t abiN!poona wat~r may ht> addro ,r mo•st dreaaing 1s dcairrd. California 11 th<' M'COnd largeet statt' in the U nion. * e J\1rnd mu•w •~ providl'd by \\'t'S ~1l'Wu1n, wt•ll knuwn local <'n · !t•rtalno·r "hn Will also he !lt•en 10 on!' o f 1 ho• olio &J)t'cia It IN!. The To·t·n A~<' \ant•·Pn group wiU supply rt•fn'shnw nts thr"ughout lht' pt•d ormuncl.', Curt11in at R 30 both mghts F rrdny a nd Snlur- day, March 12 and 13. Former UNRA Worker Tells ol Greek Lile At Copillo Circle Meel From IR to :.1(1 pl'rcrnt of the populataon of Gr('f'('t• is tt'rro rlz- ing lhj! rE'SI Of 1!11• country, sa1d Mrs . .Cass Rcro, s j)('akr r at the r!'Cent ml'<!ting or Capilla Circle or Corona dcl Mar Community church. Srnt to G reece with h<'r hu.- band by UNflA. Mrs. Rl'<'d wu In charge o ( displacrd J)('rSCinl In this "crossroads o f 1 llt' world." \o\'ilh tub<'rculosis and starvntw n takrng toll. mnny orphnns or~ dl'Jit"ndin!: on It o v <' r n m t' n t ag .. nclt'S fu r 1 hr1r f'XIsto•nC't'. she ~a1t1. and wh1lt> thr· ou'tlook 11 dark the J}<'l)jJll' nrc still hO!X'- rut or r t>t'stubllshlng a national lire Wo·rolth} Cro"''kl' rn th1s country hll\'1' j;:IVI'n ffiUI h fud, OOih cnl- h•t'll\ o·l) ,llfd 1" ln0i\1dUIIIS, tht' spc•a kf r ro•porh·d Mr~ .luhn S .ocllo·•r "lh n o•fl the m<'<'lrng J<rtd M r~ Fers;:uson lt·d in n llt•auloful dt•\Ot inna l ~o·rvif'c It \\;1:> \'ull'd tu ~IVt• S:.'O IO lhl· (;till"' ;\lo•morlal rund (or ,, no 11 t"'ra'h hall nnd an •'ftunl Hmnunl to tho· rl'h:ohilllllllun of Grt•c•k lhl'nloKIC'al s tutiPn ll!. Appointl'd ns 11 nom lnaHna ('(lmm itiP(' 10 S.•lr•t'l OHJ('t'rS for thr C'clmm.: yrnr v. crt• Mrs. G T . Asht•ndtn. Mrs F: I'. Coop and 1\trs L A Nolrmnn AnntJUn(·r•mc•nt 11 ns rnadt• that thr St'Wtng ~o:rnup Wt)ulrl mct't at 10 o.m . 'l'ursdny, Mnrch 9 with Mrs. Sndhrr M,.mllC'rs will bring sandw1rhrs and roHt'C and drssrrt w 111 be rurmshl'd by Mrs. Sac:llt'ir and he r asslslinc hot~ttta Mr!l. Allen At lh£' SOCIAl hour hOSIC'llf. R('rvrd at a lovrly tca tablt-d£' - ornt<'d with n realistic chp trt'<' nnd hatch et and wi th che tarl~ carr ying out the Wuhlnc- ton's birthrl~ty t ht'J"Il('. Hostr s.IC.'I for thP day WE'rt' Mrl!. HarTy Stau<'h. Mn. Walter S Wlgt'r and Mrs. RWtsell Hampton. * Insurance * 3333 p. a. palmer vi a w. o buck. lnsu•once counselor lid o, newpo rt beach, cold telepho ne newport beach, harbor 1500 Delicious * .FRESH FISH BAILY .II tltey catch fit em We hove #Item. TRY Ol'R FRF.SII COOKEO CRABS & LOBSTERS BAY$1DE FISH MARKET -\\liOLESALE AND RETAIJ~ l'o"Ell'PORT BEACH 21Uh S T. A.'iD LAf' A Y!:TI'I; PROST. HARBOR 6111 ·' .... ,, Ill tn "I JU •'( I ' .... NEWPORT BALBOA S-TIMES TELEPHO~E8: HAilBO& U, lS AND :01 l'ubll•b~ Evf'r)· Pay, Monday ThrnuJh t 'rlday \'olum,. Xl. Oy Carrier or M~~liL SO.&> l)<'r month llnH\h..:rc. tn :\•·WL11'1fl H\'n•·h nncl Costa Me~:. Sl.o10 for :l month'. $-1 80 fut· 6 months. !!l pN )•'•ll I By Matlm Or.tn"'' l'uUnt~ $'1 1~ r ~~·.tr, tv lth '"n••, S~•.:;l, lu l'th 7UI1t', "\1 :.to Entcr<.'d as S<'Cond-Ciass m.tt t.•r at th•• l'~•~tllfft<'<' in :-;,."putt B•·u,·h Cahfomm. uncl!'r th•• Art. 11! ~lan·h ;1, lt-\17 S,\!11 D POHTEfi" l'uloh•h••t t.lTil:S S S:\llTI I. Ill :\l.111.11:tn.: t:•ll'ttt \\' F DIXO:-\ .\ch·•·ttt•tn.: \1 '" ·~·· t l'nntm;; Plant. 301 1 \\' Ct•ntt .tl .\H'nth' ="•'"l)(lt t 1\.•adt ('.tllf,u nta Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A 0 «"pentl14hlt• IAH'Ill ln,tltullun fur Un•r -UI ''"'"' ~~ATIONA( EDITORIAL 1948 ~1?~ Active Member of Repeating Our Mistake It has l)('('n said th:tt il i;o;n'l sn ba d to mak•• aJllis lalH·. h\tl the importa nt thint; is n~Jt tn mak•• it ag;tin. TtH' Anwrkan pNtple ou~hl to rt(mdt•r lhat lhmt:.!h l . Tl11·~ ttlatle a ~'riou:; mi-:t;tkl' following \\'odtl \\'a r I and tlwy ;tl'l' I'I'IX':ttin~ it now . Tlw t 'nitt•d ~l<ttPS ··nnw out or t h;tt \\':tl' ·• 1 I Jo rninant ~·a pO\\'t'l'. Bul pulttit· inclifft•r'('llt'l.' to \\ ani Ill'\\ :-hip constntl'lion . whwh \\:t:-o ,.,..,..nlial to maintain that 1 ~1s1· APRIL -TW~ lHAMONi' IN fARL )" CHRISnAN T/NtCS. MANY PEOPLC WORE THE 12 8tRTHSTON£S success- IVELY. ASMoNTHSTONES. .. EKH 8CINC T~HT ~OST THE DIAMOND, MOST BRIU.- IANr OF GEMS. WAS THE FAVORITE OF Q.U£ £N M~RI£ ANTOINETTE ANO THE eMPRESS JOSEPHINE. FAVORABLE IN ITS OWN ~ '~.MONTH. ..,.,., •A•~• APRIL PEOPLE INCLUDE FAMOUS PIONEERS. SOLDIERS. /NOUSTRIAL l £t4D£RS, TRAVELLERS. ~ f•, A FARMERS SMALL SON. ~PLA YING WITH BRIGHT -:...PEBBLES FOUND ONA DIAMONDS HAVE ALWAYS EXPRESSED M ODESTY. PURITY A ND INNOCENCE A OIAMOND ENGAGE- linn. pennitt('(l th(• Aml'rkan fl ag to a lmost cli~IPIN 'ar from tlw ~·a . \\'hC'n P••:trl l larbor 1 :tllll' \\l' \\l't\' t':tll~hl '''"'fttll;. t,ltorl o f W':'St'ls and h :tcl l1l h111lcl frantr,.;tl~v to t·all'h liP 1\\0 ):1-';11~ a~o .tl tht• do-..· of \\'nrltl \\'a1· I I. \\t' \\\'1'1' MENTRING SYMBOLIZES tllll'l' acain a ~1\'a l m:triltrlh' 1"'"''1'-in fac·t, th<' l!l'l ':tl•''' th•· TRf.J£LOV£AND H.t,RMONV. nt'" \\'Orld h;ts t'\'1'1' kno\\n I ;,,,""'''' :t!_!;~in tlw puhli•· b lllthf-CJr>tt-«fhl /9¥'.i/t' 1-ft't'\•nt tO rip\\' ,..hip I'Oiblt111'1 11tll :tiiCI lltll' :ttl\all l :t~l' 1111 1}1(' ~·.t ._ ______ ;_ ________ .:. ________ _:_ ______ .,:_J ,, rapidty tx-inl! lost . 1 HERE~S YOU CO Al'lualh·. w••'n• n nt nnlv n't ll':t lin~ our mi~t :tkf' In ti 1111.. R IN ME TAX QUIZ titrlt' \\l't'l' ,:tlllllll lttlltlim: tl. in till' ttitldt•nl d.ty air "l lt'IIJ.:Ih :•, I 1:, li on. 1 \\• ''"" r 1\t•ll :ts ~·;r pc o\\1'1' '' ,.,,,•nti.tl I•• lilt' tll'oll•o:tion and Jtl'ct\.!1'<'"'' 1ol cottl' nation. Yc•l. \\ t' ,ti l' .tlhm til•' 11l1l' ain·t .rfl i ntlu,tt ~ dnn~ '' ith our· .... lupl•tlllclnw trllltr,t r:-. ,,, 'ir·tuall:-dr;. up , .. ,. II• k of 111'\\' 1'11111 l":ll h . It "l"tim;rllo;l th .tl ,,,. n•·•o;l :-,tit~ • 111'\\' ntilit.try plan••-. .t Y""'' to k('('p up\\ tlh till' l.ilo•-.t tlt'\l'lttflllll'tlb ;uHI m:ttlll:ttn :.n .tdl'ltllltl•• air forl'l' \\.1,.1'1' 11111 t•l't~du•·tng o lll'·lltird !ha t llllltl l"·r )1·--..; t h:rn in t•:t rl:-1!1:~!1. I "I'• 0' I I • '• :0.: I ·• I I 11u"" 1 ... H • l~tiJt th f.,llh•ltl \\h•fl \• J t • I II I •• I tl ••• HI ., ,. .. I . t ••1 ., I I ..... If t ,. \ f I ,, t I 'I• I I 1 I I•' 1\ ' I • "' II ••• !. '·' \\ .. I. ' ... t 1 ' It llol tJ I I t •l1l I ••1111 ltl• \ '"'" ··"·~I 1•ttll\ An}· tJ \\t '''II t•l,ttllll•\ \\ •t•• ttt 1ttl, •l'ot•lle1r I"' I ''"' ,, I 1'11 I \ 'tUII ,,, 11 II I I• \ II j f t ,, .. tf1· I'•Pjfl\t• ,,..,, \l••••tl • npl .... ••u• "''' 11 ,II• tllt·\\t d '"" '\•IUJt11ttU"" ol q 1 "'"' It 1 lh tl I I' ,-,I Itt 1 If I \11 • \• tt jlltnU 111 ~tOO • I hi ... lfl( ••fllt' A:-for o;lri tlS, lld lll't• 1\•it rl lla rhor \\l•lw d t:n r>:t~"l~ll"l'l' \1 \•t'lt ··•""' ••I """' I' ,111,\\;,j J,It ltth d•lhllti•UI 1 l,l til 1"1'1 ' ~~ '""., ,.;,,rryin~ \'C'~"'·I:; "rth a t"tp:tnt;.· of :t .. ltil Jll 'l'-<'~llS Tod ay \\t' t) 11, ,, 1 ,11 1 1 '"' , ,, ,111 1,,, •· ,, I• • d· .t "• '"" .\ :-.; .. h,l\tO:\Ii !<hips \\ilh .1 o ·;tp:wll ~ 11f l(:::t:: IM'I'SC)Il:'. ,JI 111\ • ,,11,1,,,,.11~·· t• '"II lit•' "' t" """'" 1" 1 I· 1 I lor llo \\' to m; a l'<:' \\f' guint; to :.1t ami do no thing? 1'wit·c• "'' "'1"';",'" 11'0 1"'"' "'""" 1'"1'1 ~1'' ;'l"'.t ·;'~~~·:.~: .. '"" ,,,1, '"' ha\'t' IX'<'n <'<Ht~ht llllJII'I'P:tt'l'(l for \\a r.1\\lc'f' \\'l' gol thruugh 1 ~;:·.·~· 11~, .. ,','1°1 1 , 1 :1 \~;~::~o•,·::;;',tl'.'\.',,:;· ''I""'" • ,., t•too 1 •'-• "" ·.cMI b I 1 rtd til••'''"'' \\I I tl• t~lhtt I II j, • f ' , ~ \\ • I •Ill ,, 11 ,_, 111u~·tr 11 • II I \ '' ,, '" lll • • f I I !1 I I •1 1 1, '' I ,ll 1\1 I " . . I •0 Ill I ' '· II \\ ' Ito 11 lo.; I t'' ,. tit• I ,, ' I. t •h• • I I , t \ I \If II I ol 1'1 0\ ~ t 1 ' \\ • 'I t t I I •Ill I \\ t11 t 1, I otl .. 1• ••• II I •J' I' I I lp t f I ~'I ... •• \ II lt • \ l rk 1 • . ~,11 '· ;. "a .~r :--..u\1 , \" , l: }\I • 'o.lt t 1 1\\ • \ II 1d 1 1 \ ', n1ft1 \\ It It \ t \ •' ' • lt1fl I t ltd ' 'I !I !I It•\\ f H I 1,• ,,,, \' 1\ \~ I I... .... I ... I t ~ .. I ~ .. -. I I I I 1 \\ I \t I ' '\ \\ ,. ····· .. II ,, I\' \ I ' \\' ltdtl\ I 't " I ,. '· ,f' I ·I ·" 'it j I 11+ ' \\ 'I• I• , .. ll o I• 'I,,, ... q I< I I I tl, I .. I'+, 'h' ttt II~ It ,,. \\ ''''• '' 1tul .I \,. '• t•1 l l I ,,, \\II •' I t, 1\t NI';WI"OKT nn KI'IU \\ BALBOA NEW8-T1Mit8 Page9 · -llii Eilltorlal Circuit Rider I & •~11ot'•HI.., otf Jt..'Ho ... AJ • oUil&UAlH f \"H I ,hf,H ttl" n,.••I'AI~ ,. •• th 1 r , .......... ···- "• . \lr t \l •lUI I " .... u ........ , ........... . \ , " '" .,. pt ..... t It I • f1 " h1t . ·-I I ,, , •• 1 " I·,, tiiJh ., I 0 \ t I ' II 1 t • It IIII I' • ' ••• ltl lto I o. 1111 ttlt t '· ~ II I 10 I I .. \'It I •I ' II I 1\ J, t .. I • It t tf 1 I 11 j1• Ill •• ljf I \lit ''"'' '• ,, . \\ t I' • I II I,, II • t ' \ '" lit. ' II Man-ti t , IINI r~~.~s nit o .. t l'ro·~• Flnomo·lttl \\ tlt ,., 'I\\' \. tl il\ \1 ,\lit 'll l 11 '1'1 )Ill 'IPt '' IIi P "' l 11111\t '' htflu•r dt. """•'" ,., ••••••• ) •'''''"' .. '11 tth' '"' ••I the '''"'' Hit •""· "'•'"'· , ... l•tt r tit. •· \\ ,, ""·~I ·"""'" I I u)tn •'" 1111 UU•\• ll1t l\1 lt I I "'lhtth \\ ,..., ell11lt•tt ""''"" • \4• fl l Itt 111\t t'l I Ul\• ., ,, tt d iu t h. lht• .tl• ttt 1l ,, t I I II' \lttllt d '"' Uh 1 tl I If\ I I\ l 'I I I " '"'"' ''" ~ •• ,,. \ ,., 1\ ''l1~t I I \• II •tH't .lfHI lh• :'\t \\' '1111\ \ 'l\1 , • ._. \ lilt I lUll: ~~ ""' IIP(I t,\t d tl '• I hut 1\ "-h 11• l•t•,tl tl ' t '•"''' '''"''""''"'d' til'"''"")\,., If 1111 o tlh tlllhtfl dfltl U '''"~ f'UI tl t t 1 ltl tl l!h 11 1'111 1 t\\1 \ t ·lit lll llt l Itt ,t llftd ttlttlf til ', '''" t 11 , ''""'' ,.., '"', '"' 111 "I d • •••'"•· tlh '' ,, "'u•l • • •• h ••.•" 1\h ut :'Hhl ••' • t I llu• 1 tit' 4 tl \\1 tf '1 •I '~t • I !• ''''' flh l uhl.•l ttth. lh• tUtf• lttt••l ... \\t lh UUh Ut t I l•t t It , t 1., .. ~ ..... th ", .• .t '' 1 I I 't I "' ft tuu 4ft • dl· ,, ,,._, llu • "' 1h tl••t '"'" I n dn\ h t 11 11 t ull tf 1 l~tl I lt dh.tl,.t '"" Itt IN •tit I•\ t tll \\t 1t' U11 lt.t-41 ··1uup llllt't' 't ,,,, ,, 'IO. • 1111 1' Ill t •\lil l'lt.d " tho •'••tl ''''' I, tffl' Ut lith 'It t'tlttll lltll~!t•tl , ' 1 • ,,. \' t .. 11 tta. ,.,,," , , '"'"'"·" ,,, ,., 111 ... •·· 1 '"1'"'' "' ''II'•, ... , ''" •• , , ·,.u ... ·.,1 \ I t• t ,, t. I\ ,, .. I uti .. . . . ,,, \\lilt ,, Itt I IHI tl I•\ "' 'I II • I It • 1\\ II I It "I II I ... II It,,, •• I ' •• '"II'\ • 11 II'"" "" "1 ltol ''"II "'" I"""' \\lilt '"" ""·' l'.tt p "" :1'. 1.1 ,11 1,.1 11· (,,_., tHh 11.,. , U\•u.l,,'l 1 ,, "'' 1• ,1.,,,,1 \\l!,l...ll....J_u_'.t'''~' 1'1\llh•llth t hl up .!'• ~''"--"'lun. ______ ..::;;; I q ., ,, f I I ili '"I ,, ''". till l!llf .... t I I II "',, '1\t t11•"' , .. ''"" ,,,, \.I I' Hlhrl '''" t '•' \\\'1 •• up u 1•1• II,., ,, t., ,,, ,,, I I 11 q • ljl\, d Ill tll\1 , .. ,. "'tll~llt 1'1(1 ,, "''' , ... 1111 t I '""'' I tt'h •• '"""' '' r • ,1 • Itt ttt 1, "''litlh•tt n••l '"' ..,1nult "'''"'lit lfl tl~t• Plhi In ,,,,·,•uf tit I tl It ! t \\I ,1, \t I tl 11 t\ ,. \' ,, •• I ,, I II I I , ... , '" I I ,, ,,, " ' I. I I II I o 'I , ••••••• It .... I I • tl t \I It " I'\ ... I ' ... ... '" "0 ... I f q \tit ttl ' '" h ,, ltltl I I " II II· I I I It II tl . ' . I ' I I' I tl lol ,t ... ti " .,, \I I I \ h ~ I 1 IH I ""' '"'' It• I lid ,. • I I I II '" 'I "' I· I •I ·' ,, .,"" ' I I ttl I 0 I f tlttl I , I I, •• II ltt\111 ',,., ... ,,, ltoi•ltth ,, •••IIIII··· ,,, "" , .... I 1'-t•llttlt•d ""''''"''"''"'('~ •I fltt I . I,,, 11 ,. _. t.ql II \\ ltl ,. '"'' I Ullhtl ·•I ·"' llttp• ...... : ,,, , •••• I IM' II f 1, It ,, 1111 ' ttll•ltl\ 111, ,,f ''"''"''''Itt t•ltltlt.•ll lt 1•Hfl\ it\ll dhht•(J I 1 \ ''' , h."" 111111 \. t t lth t~l , 1 \", l,tt 1• 11, \I 1 '' ttiU1 1 • I'-'', ... •d ~~~~ "'"'I'·UI'•·• ,,, Ill ', ,,, ...... tlo It, ",,. ' h·l ..... I' t ' I II " • \ t I II,. I l \1 tll I 1\• ll·tltl '• I'"' I ' •I t· I fu t II t J•l 1 ''"' f\11 tf 1Uitl. t I • ttUitl ... ~, '"" It dth I .t rt • I I ' , .. ,. ''''"''"' • It,, .• " 1 • 1ft t 1'1111"' k ftHif II tl fJ • I I tl I th I I '"''tl \ ltkt IP H tl I 1111 II 1 ,f I 11fl\' II HI\ lttHI 1'•1\ lilt' .I I 'I II " I I I '•I I 'J I •,... I llltnp t l11 ' '1" 1HIIt.tfl \\ If tit• 1•"' ft t•lft \\ .. tid \\ 11 ll 1ht1 lfwtt I' 'I I lttllt It 'oo Iff I " •• II I u I ·•· ,, It\ \ •• Itt I •I ••• tJttll' ,dhtl '''"""'" " l·tl u• t't• .1.·"' Tt tttl'","' '''" , t f,.,., I ,, .. ,,. , "" It H. ""' ''"""' I I lilt I • ,,,. lho II IW I ..,. t •' I tu' ···att t • n I• r \ ''" I •\1 lh th , 1 ul I ttul .\ t •-. lfu t '"up ,, , .. ~tt,t, S l lt•lll'lo '·•t tllt\\ttoltlfl ''''''"" IM·tt • tUh tf ·p ftt I th \\ l'IJ~ lth:h, •••I I•· 111 ttl• J,, I 1111tft ntul Sr.ntn I • \~, 11· I t h•'l l••n tlh ht\•lw t ''' • h \\tIt Ill•' ulnt It lit t'IU'IIr( Hw \\ •"htt1t'1Hit t&t ,u ttt..:lll tnto tht• ,,, It I I ... tftl\t1llfU1• •• ,,, '"'' t•ttlt\• I',.,,, t •" '" l·•lu tilt'' c •t u ,~t,·r 1tul t ,, n1 t tl f\1••1•~•"" I tt tn• •t '" I h• lr ' '.... I,,. 'It ·'''' I ,,, I ,,, ..... '. f\IHI I .t lilt Ill ttl Ill' l tu It til\\ hl..:h , It tltllttl 1 Ito ultt 1 ull liCt.'l hlll. , ..... \I t t• I I• •' •t l I I I,, I I II th '. • t \ ., • If ''"""• ···''""'",.' .... ,,,,, '"' '"''"'"·'' "l•l •ulutul h ' In thr I I '• ,, t'· \\ •tl•l 0 I ·'I· tl , I \\I ' t til • 111 tlo 1\ "' 11d pttt 1,.,. tlf•l I \t1 til l)ltf l••tl fit" •· .. I• f r \\I lit ,, I " ,, ,,,,. I I H tl ,, .. , ' .. , t tkltt . "' ,t • • • ,. '"' 1 .. I pl. ,1111 .• r I'''~''"''''''' ,,_,, '•••u .• lh, tlu ,,. 111•• n•un•·r•HUI 'I ,,, d \\JII • I ""\' lUll I' ' ,, 1 I I •Ill Itt '\\ II tl, lfol \ \1 I • 11 d tlu ,,,,,.,,. '''''" ''" ,.,,,, P•\t••tl '1'h•l'"''''"·''"'""' 111 ttu" t•l n u thrt t ••\ • 1 "'"' "' t·•·~•hl+ • ... n••thltu' th tt 11'"'1' '1'''11'"" "'" "''' ttk••. ""hi I Itt I• I lol falifurnians \\'jll Pay Nt.•arbl $25 ~1illion in fit~· Sal~s Taxrs .,,,,1 1h11,,, 1,, ••• ., ,,. '''" •• tuh•'"'th•· 1\th•t,fTtltl, c·.,nrutrt\un. ttt&t "'" fit• , lHI•" ( .. 1 ttll \ttt Ill lluoH• \\tit fh• •'•1flt11 ttl U\.CH 't'tUt·ttl '' t•1d .,, ... "''' • I'" '*'' ''"'' thnt tf w .. ,.,,. fft "• ~ 1' t 111 tlu• ~tnlolllfttllwt of l11t• I \ If tfH I I ,,.,,,, \'tt\ t"f ftlt\t'llf .,,.,., IH•h • th u t r••f1tt l11\\1tlfl ttlt t.•tt••l .. • '''''"~""''' •ltU• IUr•·. wr •ht~ttltl lttko• •1•'1"' Itt •U1ltlll/f' ••llr .. ,, 1'\\11 '~''' \1\l' t\d • t•• h .11 1• t •• u l 111 I'• It tt •H •\ t• 11\"L"I'" \ ..-.eth t•'Uttllli.t•ttl• nt I l1 ••II, 1 te, • til• •••II• • t ·• t '' • '''"'''"" 1tut t••lttlt•n1 th t tnlttt~~thh• y luc k and the help of alli<'S. Th<' next t im<' \H' rna~· '"''' ',. 1 "'" '''1 1 '"' "•'t:l\l '"" ,,;111,/""'""'''""' , ,, l'lit\ n<'ith<'r. I' 1' "'' 1"' 11 .. 11 "'. '" "''!""-' "'' t •\ \\ h• I \Pfl Ill·· • uflft ln llt , .... tl ,,,, ... I I I h .... II•. fl I '. •I un. c;, ,, '" th· \ til I"' It tfh .,. \ .... I' ''II ( I It I If\' I•" ·• ,.,I I I "I\ •I'll ''" 1~1 .. ,, II·,.,,. t•t ''"' •••-.u tltu,•tu t h. l ·•n\•1\..·:u'h Pt•~' II\ '''''"' It\ \\I' JU.,t ttl••l'l•d J rtltl'trtiU .tthllllU''' t hKf ,. ""hut """ It" itl•·n• "" """" 1 .. do th\1 \\til tllnlu• nil otf•l•"'lll~ ftll'tittn.W 1,.,,, I Iotti Ill 14·11 ltt~l'tlwr, lht')' 1 .. 1 "'" .-..tu ••·nt 'h·\\ "' th4• nf'f'df'(l ~lnl•tlt/nlhlll " Daylight Saving · F<>w of u.o.; l'\'l'l' dl'\':t nwd that California. th<' stron~;ltolrl o'r the anti-daylight saving mnti11gent. "ould t'\'Cr go for dod< jugg lin g on iL-.; own. But a ftl'l' Wl'<'ks nnd w('('ks of dis m aU:-· d~tr and sunny wl.'ath<'r just ahout C\'NY g roup that w ould o minarily op~ timl' l:tmpt•ring is now for il. This is ~pct·ially tlw t·a~ in C'l'lllt';tl :tncl :"o rthl•r-n l'HI· tf0111ia wht'l'\' I lw ll(l\\ c•r !»hort:u.:t• h:L" bc'l'ttlll<' :lc-llll'. Until the ()1\~·nt l1111l', i·aill to m ust lll"'pll• \\:t~ JUSI ::-onw tlung tha t mad1• for .... lippl.'ry ~~ n'l•b and muddy hal'k~ :mt .... Hut "ith clocks JUnnim.: ;o;l<•w. fa nn ;.rnd inrltL"tnal ()(l\\o•t· '"' 111~ c urta iled, a nd st 1'('('1 lig hts and thPall'c rnarqUN '' J.!t•lt tnc "hrrJ\\'11('d" '"' now 1'\';tlil.l' that rain ts ,·ital to 1'\l't ~on•'. IH•I '11ul f I ••I tU t ht t thl• llfl p H.!• 1 ·•'·•'•. . . ~ lulu r' lk• ... t~Uif•tn.tft• •• u"'' .,,. , I"'""''"" I•• I"' nd• '''' UNITED NATIONS WEEKLY QUIZ Q II c< tt h•·•·n ti••IO'tllllll''ll "hr•rr Q Ita' llto!o• t'\1 1 lu • n 1111 tnt o·r- thr l 'ntl••d '\:alton~ r:.•nt•rnl "'· n t1111111tl 111itl llllnl "r ~lupptnl( or· ''•mhl~ a-. It• rtl• • f 1n l'l1)oo(" ).." ttll.l tflon~· \ Y··~ !"•'• r• 1 11 ,.c;( n••rnl Tr\· 1\ ....;,, 'I Itt I'" · ,,r lh·· ... , , .... ,, I~•• ••d·d It\ ·• run• nettt\n ,ul· tt.1\• d'"·''' I••·· n 41• ''''" '''" t., '''"''''' •••II' ~~~~~ lt~""•l~• d•d ttt ... nltl ''"'''''' ttttf h tl\\ •'''''' •-'• ... Pl•• I .. ,, .,., ''" • '' •h• 1 ... ''"''' t••r '' • .... ' h , .. "'' r tl ,nt\ tl t .. ~uu~l •r t1, ·• • t1 • ,. u .. , q,, ..:• th t ,, n . , . t• ,~. , • • t \\.,., •r 1 1\ , .. ,, !'·JI•rtl'"' I I ... ••· ''''"' tt tl ••·•• '''"",if ,,,, ,. tl !I ltt' I j111l• I l11t1 Up h\ ll ,tflfltl" llf•fl I Itt t I\ .J,' " 1,, 1 •• ,, t• :--.'"~" It • ''"'''' ,,,,. ... ••I ~"••n•l'u·t ''' h •llu\\ l tfh l l'•\\•r. \\ttl h•• flu• rnttlt \\hH'h "''' '"''' 1111 •t1• t;1, .. , ,, l•t I ' I 11 I II "' •I•" I I l oti tt"t I I "'I"'' I Itt\\ I \'' Ill \1 JU'ol to f:t11lll'l'!» a long. Tl11• l':'t:thlishnw nt I"' ''··~ f hilt~' ,,, hw .· ''" ' ,,, I I I 1!•11 · '"' ,, nq~u :tl \ ., .. ,, , .... I "''" I II \\ "' • t I I I 1 I Jll \ ltlf llttt ... l 11f ('ofltffllllfllfl' II Ill{ I\ 1'11fllff11''1flfl • \ ol d a vlig ht ~1\'ing d uring lhc• t'tlll'l · 11 ' ""' •I ··• '""''"'' '" 11 . •• ••..-,,''" ,, • · IH•• 1•1•11 d•\ dtttl•lt ttl h • Ht'+l'ltftt tu l•tl tl• , ... t 1t.l1 l llll tl :,:c•1w:-· \\'illlwlp In s:t\'t' till' pl'f'l 'l<~ll" kilm\att...;_ Al'IIOn by lh1· 11•·h1lt It me ""' 1111 , "'·•' •• 11 tl 11. 1, :'t.th• Lt•gio;lahll'l' lo hrrnt; t h1..; ahoul should lx.'. n nd unduuhl-tJ t-11l\'l"• • I··,,.,. ·I "' 1. ,.,, ,, "' •I• •. ,, o , .. 1 .. 11 , o'(ll;. \\ill IX'. takl'n. 'I• \\.,t d II• • lit Hi t.: •II I •'!••' I· 1•1•1 I• •I I•\ 11, t 111 o1 \I, •Itt q,, 1· .d•ttl • '' '•~I·• ... n"'''t"''' ,,,,,,., tt ""' 1 I ljlu .. ,, •11 It ltlr' II or \\ It •h· I I ,, It I ' ·t• tdl•f I •t .. , The Rebel Yell fi,' ' •~ d , •·•u'''"... t "nil• d '"" ,..., ,,,, ,, "'' , ""' ' I t ~..,"I I ..... "~,,I 1htt f f1t't \\l;tih t .. , I''"' ,,1, ,n f"' t t 1 nt "' ttl tluldt• r1 '''' I• C ;, "' \,t ,,,, 1~, fn n •I \ 1'• , .. tl•, 1~: SouthCI"ll n •sis tancc to Pr't.'Sidl•nt T 1uman is bl't!inn1ng t1• I' t •.t "·' ,, o1 ,,, ,,, , _, "' 1 ,,, " ,,1 •. 1, ,,,, ~ f• I" .... It I I I Jl• \\ ... , ... t:'lkt• definifl• fo rm. Th<' \·i1oginia fli'OJ>OS<LI to k•'('P h1~ n;t tiH' oil ·! 1 .1 .. ,. ••til• I 1o ,,. '' ~-" '" ''""'" tit "' l(ol· ,., ,1 1 .. , tht• hallot in that stn t<' is the fin;t IX>Si~ive mov~ jn tltr• ""'')1'1· ' "'·' 1'1·· 11111 · 11"' 1 " """' • '" •olio" t ~·• ,,./ o'o•" • ... . r ,,,~,.nt .·. 111• l1ti•J tfll1 ffl11n1t ..... l.fl t) , ... '"' l t,dl d ,,,. ....... !ton. n1rs ;rrrangC'Illf'nl \\'Ottld pia<'(' lhC" <'h'<•lnral \uh-::-(tl l•l or,, \\,.r ftl ll1o'tlt t•• '""'''"" t 't<l.'••l 1., "l•t•••' 11, .111,1 \.11\!illia IInder thl' {'\ti1II'OI Of th<' [)(oll)OI'I':ttil' lt•;td(•r-:-, (If 1}11' tllol "" l'nol• tl '\ .ltotll• lilt• 1111 '·t•l '·"''"''" 1 , ' 11 .. I till• o1 ·, ~ta tt_'. tu • 1t '"i tl•lt• " ... t n. tt ,,,.' lund ••··•~ ... 1 • t ,, ,, •• ,,.,. If Mr. T t1tman stid<' In hi::-d\'il riJ,:h b pro1-:r;tm th•· nt.lln point of tht• l'ontrmo't"Y . and if otlwr ~OtJihf't1l -.t.rll'' follow tlw \·in.:inia plan. ht' d lltlt<'("'-of ••IN'I inn \\tit \ :tni'h 1, .. I• • '11 ,•, ltl• ttt, f••t 111 Ill \• .-. 11hn • 1n .\tt I , ..... 1d., t t I I d 1 • I • ' r. I I r ... I -• I,, ! I f t f • • "· t I ~ '' t .. ' , • • ,. I \ ,, I I I I I I I I I , I f I• • ol , ill 'I I I . ,. I, \ Sh ould llw l!l"puhlwan::-\\'111 l'lltJUgh !'l:t lt•:' ll•''t :--:,,,,.111- lll•r (•>ut:;iriP of tht• ~olid !"ntllh. of •·••ur~'l IP ~1\'1' tlwm ~1•1· " 11f t hP ;):H ,~h•t 't llr:tl ""''''it ''o n'tm:dH· an~· dlft t•r••n<·l• ,,11.11 t ill' ~H llh drw•:;. nn tlw o llwr hand. if till' I K'mcw't';ll -. \\111 a m:l jtori t;.· of t111• ••lt•ct(lr;tl \1111''· 1111· ~o11th. undt•r t h•· \'11'\!t llt:t td:111. l'nttlcl lht•n pn'\1'111 Tnun:•n·, ••I••• tion h~ t':t-.till .. 1111 I' t•lt'f'lnr;tllt;tlloh !ttl' -.ctltll'ttlh'l'l"'· Tho•,,• '"'''' \\r•llld llll olo.tl l I " • I ~ ... II ·' ,, ,, IIIII· flIt If',, I 'I, &.J \\I ... \ l't • l lflt ,..,.,,, '(tIll !'.•n:tllll' H.\ t•d 11f \'it'!.!llll:t ttl' !"t•ll.tlt>l' (;,•lol'.:•• ol ( :1 ~11 \'I If lhl" \\t't'l' dotll'. 1111111' ttf tht• • ,tlllltd;rl••' \\oltlrl h :t\ mo~jnril~. o~nd th•• t•h'• ltlltl \\tlttld hc•lhP•\\11 tnl11 lht•lltott-•· 111 l~l'l'l't'"l 'll l ;tti\<''· Tho•n• t'.ll'h 'ol:tlt• \\••11lcl h.t\1' ttllt' \Ole' ~1111 • tht• Tk pulolw:tn-.. 'cmlrnl th1• llt~tl'l' tlw~· \\Ottld Plto;·t tlwir ntt~ninf't' It) tl11• l 'r•·..;idt•m ·y . Till' ,·ount 111 \'l,•,·tnr;d ballots is""' h••ld 11111 rl .l:llltt<~l',\ li Finn I n -:.;ults of Ill<' t'll'l'lion mi~.:ht 11111 Ill' ktllm n until th :11 rl;llp nr :tria:-·"" t\\o lah•r if lltPIImt"'' m;HII• tlh·llllitl d1••·t-.ion -------- March 15th This i~ jtt!-'1 In" :11·11 ~·ou tha t ~l:rrd1 l :ilh is a pp ro:ll'hlll .. a t ;r l':tlf' of "l"'<'il JIO'-'ihlt' unl~· ltl ~l:tn·h 1:1t h. I 13<'fol't' mirlrli~ht o n th:rt da te• ;.mt 1m f:-t fil<'. or h:l\<' til th<' mnil ~·our fina l inc·om <' ta-..; 1'1'1""1 for 1!117 l(){!l'thC'r wttlt a ny pa ;o.·rnpnt found tro II(' dtt<' in ~·1•11r fina l <·a lc·ltlal it 11ls. Tlu !'('port must II(' m:rrlr h:-· :111 [1('1~1111" who l.':t 111NI ~:;oo or m ort• l;u;t Y<'n r in \\':lJ.:f"' or ... ;da ry or ~Ill( I I))" mr,l'(' r l'f •Ill Ill ht I sou r<'('S. i\1 th<' !:;tmP timr. if you ~"'11N't to <'am S:i,l)()() in l !ll~ rrbovf' thP ~~ItO c•-..;c'lllJIIit:n frtl' P;u h dt·;••n dPnt. or tf :""" ,., JX'<'I to !"f'N'in• mn1't" th:m !'lOll frnm V"~ttr<'t'<; nl hl'r than \\:t"· ~or c:..1l:u·~·. yort must fdt' a f)('(·lar.tti,.n of l·:o;;t irn:rtNI T.r, In thio; t':-tS<' you :-.1-..n pa :-· Lhe fu-:-.t qu:II'II'J'Iy m .. t:rllnll'nt nn t l.r :tnt id p.1 1NI l 'l I inr'flOW Ikt t I' I' g<'t hu.::y no"·· Tim<' ni<"'. ( Arm• 1 rlrtlll.,oJ Senate Pr~~lf.rnt Anhur Va nd en b ( r f KanA hi~ hu l ol ~ ·rrt'\klnl ~ &hof"tl)• b< I 1r~ OtJtnlll~ S• nn•~ d,.ba~. lit' • '''"' t1 hc'r•ll~ Ute U. 8. mu.ot acl ill rtiY ll) III'J!t""~ l.llt'r..""" Ar-r '" rv rr~~ram a nd IDAM Amene&'a r~urce;a 1<0 •baJt Wcnld W~ U bllorc t\ JWIA. • II ,.,1 I rl \t II • tltltlh' ftt \t .f f il I tl• ltt•tttl t•l ••tll t11 l .d I •U '-1 I HI\ .... hh\\ I fl 'lht• '"''''"' 1•1••1 1 •Ltltfl 1(1 ttlll" httl ""'"'"'''' l .. •·a1 ':tit•' t n'(~" ;, .... nf ,lun \ .. u11t u h df ,, d n/4 n rnnT• tun• 1'1.,,...., tllh l1 1 •·un,til•·t ••ti•n f tt •·7 ,,, tl11' 1 ,,,, ... th• t ;t"C .... n•··lt.•lt , r ""' I"' 1 , , n•. ,.,, ~~ 'o.ttll Ill'-1•1\ I t•o1 tl f 1\ nl thtt t I• I 'tnt I' tlu It 1••11• ••• t ... • .. ,, ... •••• \ tilt I '" • t •I I ~ ' •• t ..... t I~. ( •• '·•\ th•tJtJ.,.tf Itt It tldtt I, l\\1 Ill '•\\ \•·1 ~ ttl l't'1 'ttt•l \\lttl• 11'1 ''''"'"" •l••n• tu h•·ntl u Utht.t ''"'''u "lf"'1d 1h l .tll•trutf._l•ttl ~"''' nf tltf ttitt•ttlitu p •'ttn't ttt• "'' 1•q ' '' h , ... ''' • 11 .. , .. ,,. ltt•J•••Iut l'.,.'"l•ll~tu~(t u t ""'' -...·~•tnn nf f'fJn t,, I 1 th,tn Itt tfl\ 1111111 '' t1 • \'I 1.,,. f\qf H •tth"'""""' tw,s•tnntn~· !411ttll•' "·''' '""" 11 '' ""''hull •'fill h·· HHo(l•· '111o' TrttmtHI huch•••l I"' .. nl ''' l tt.l\ l•to•ltt" rt'"""I•'Hn 111111 •h .. ult11"· 1'111 T '"'''" ""n • qot1111l••nt Itt Uutl clo•rl\'••d fnltn 111111 •httulil I~<• r<••lu<·••t1 Tt1,. r1••1 , .. In ftilt f Hf, Ut Ott I·····''''"'"',,, .. , rh. It ,,,, ... h ftUt\ , .. , ••• ,, ,,. ,.,, t t\ t ''' I '••J•••I •rtl \ ••I llu ,..uJt" ••flu r • ••ua·r• "'~ uul Jlltttlft••t pt •·•I I \ I"" lflt ft 1 t ~~ lito I qtttll/ tltflft ... flf "AI h 11mo•, WI' mu•t ri\M'k ln- llitl hilt," ·~•m·ludo 1 tltt• t;t C'o•ntro ltlil"'rlnl v .. n.•v l'r•·"• '.:J.n t:urove, '"' mtt•l h•·l1• In rc•vfllf' An Plt- ltntt•l•••l "''"nomy In limn to 111ve II f I IIIII lho• IUtVIIIWe of c•om - tllllll l'ltl It I• II Jill)', thu• fAr, "" tunny 111 \\'u•hllll(lnn whet Ar• I "II \• I\ !'ttllt't•rtu~J wlf h th!Jt 111•1· I . ,, tl ~o. fthl I ·I lw . ....... • .... •J• 111' lr . ''" ''''' l•tfl If tf. 'tl\ ,.,. Hto I tf\ \\ h• I '' Ill• • at tnlo·l{\ h11vo• •hnwn tlu•tn· ""''"',,, It "'"'''' 1,,. """ ,,, ,.., h• • '" IM ""'"• tnt•·nf un Nn. .. , .. ,, .... 1,1 ...,,,1,111,1\ tft• '''"" '" '''"'"'" '''''" tluut un nn 1ft· I .J Jt 1\ tlu PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY \ •fl•••l '•' l t•t tttt•l ftru tt•h "h" '•I I tlld tllilt k "I"'" lu4lny'• ptut .... f f ,, '1tlt 11 I" t ' e1h ft•J"II I I"'"''" 1' 11' ilfl' ... ,, ...... , llf••'l thl rtlfl ll'"' •, I' tll tth• lit• ""' ltl luu·k ,, tt\ t •• t T .. II thl' h·• t.._llt•'•' tlt tf ))r. Olwd Luc:as Ut:~TIST ZZO'! 1 1 \\'. ( I'll I tl\1 llnrhu r I U\11 St:\\ I'OJIT 1\t \c II I GORilOS t:. H.\1'1'. n.n.s. 211~~ \\ ..... c '••nl '"' l'h<onf' IIJHIWor l '!l -.1 ~f'WIM•tl 1\o•t\l'h C'lllltoi'JI \f''M)J( I )r. Tom E. Barton (1 HIH l) 'I! t\( "I'! IH 1'!11 C ""'' llldmlt\ f u rtltHt tl•·t 'lor I , I l'hun" ll~trl•"r 111114 ()It L. Y .\ln\'OOI) • II c , l'lol I 14;,11 ',.,,I'"' t Ill\ ol ( ..... ,,. ,., .... ,. C 11111111'11 \1 I II • 1'11\ .. l!tllll ll \1'\ • t:. 'f. Htt lfror\\"rth, 0 . II. Ctptt•u•• tr t .. t t: \1 ... • ' '\If " " l.l,, .... l,"i Ill 1'1 II \II II ······-.... 1''"'''' :ttl4" ······"' ,,. ,, \\ t'IIIC t oft I \tf oH01 f ••• lltf Ill \I " '". ,, COAST OPTICIANS Jtta r ..... fth•, f '"'''n" ,,_, .. .., f'h ........... ~ 41:\"' ..,_.r111t1nn• t,IINI "''I'll"'''''> Ul--l'r•mtttll~-lt1'1mlr<•d .,,.,.. .... ,. ' tft " f: Jl 'J'Jt H :l.l•:, I ljll tt Po 0 \I I Ill ' I \''I " 1\nnk lu ... t•lnte Mr,,,, .. . "-'••n h •• Orrin \V. \\'ril{ht t·h·•"'': u""'''' ·.c·, i 201 i\~t"l" .\\ •.. , llrollot•:t J,l,.n•l 11\\ "'I JIUCII, ~lortimrr Sc·houl ~1)2 ('fo rAI ;\\I', ''" u..... 1~1 UA \' SC'JIOOI. 'U\\ 01'1 ' n A 'tft .. f t\4t H \4 \. f"hf.,.. .. I ''"' II••• fl \t(UUH "'"•! I'll\~~~ 1\ '"i .\. \'. Ancln·ws. l\l.n . I'll\ 'ill 'lA '\ '""' .... , JI I,I.U' Ill C un•l lllllh\\rt\. IIAtll'or ,,:\11 C Hrun~t •h •l \ls r II. H. llall. ~1. D. J•tn -.lt·t ... u tutti ~ltrl:'"'"' Jl .. ,' .' .. , ,., \l•ltt '"'"1'''" 'l t·l••tth"t"' II"•' "" !\IIIII l:il llrutt.tl\\"\ :\liltun ''· .\lll\\\t·ll, :\1. H. lll•tl c ..... 1 111\\lt\ f "' "" , •I• I \f "' , .. II 'It ·, "" • "' ,., u' r ,,,, It 111ft\ Ill "' '''"' ,, ... \.1'1 111.1~·•11> "' ""' "I'''"'• I du ' 11 t 'I"\\ 1\ di"'~tl'l" ttl Uti( I "liP:' A WillOW IIA,. tMl A MUNTII I """I ' ,,,, fill t I• t 1" \\ q••· I ...... ff • 'If , '••I 1),.,. '"' 11 iftt .,,..,111,,11 'h• • "" t:u • tltt• fuln r•· \~Uh fl••nwr ••f ~ I ,~ t1t1f ttlt ''* •• Atr(k fnt '"'"' "'""'"' I"'' .•~ '•'1 • ,.,, 1 1 t I"'''H''''" .. ul•••u• '''II ..-neull\ In• ,,,.,,. l'tuu ' \ \ Ill• ,, , .. III II· I",,, .. ft~t\\ • \• I ool tl .. 1 .. , ....... 'I··· Ill''" \\'AKKF.!'II J. \\'F.IMP:Il •• , ••• , •••• \ ... 1 "" ~·~ ~··~"'"'"' ••• 1 ....,:~ ... -:. .. ~.:. ... m:':"'.:..:,::.:~·_, "''lll,t"' U l I UKTI , •. Tt II• I Itt,\ lli~lo""' '"'' t lu•"'f' It I I • htl'l l1ll tl t Ut \t I 'll ltH:ht •'\' tpl f,,l "'fl••l l dt.,.llttU'•''ot, tl t\ Hit lt••ftf Utili d 11k th• It tf t• I ltotlfl~ ltlld lh t tt• I~~< 'tlfl,hln•• ,, ... , .• I ttl""!'"'' dtl jlill HI "'"'" ltlt!ttttrtt''-"" ,.,., , ... '"''""' 11•~·1•'' '', '•11•• "''''' rttlfl\ 1•'11''1' \\!fit 1tt ttt\ '\ltl•••'h l''.t'''"" It I I ' '"I'll tl t,, 1, hi •ltd l tllfllllt Ill tit' \l tltd fiPJtlh , t ll'ff J:fiii'M flit 111tf Hft fo II f ftt' t .); flfltlf ll 11 J1 1• p.dl •,I tlh t Jl-. tlftt \tl! I fttt l~tll lfflllr ' ttl fit•• phtli ftf ) t~t•tttt• "' 1,,.-.... ,,,,,,,., t 'l••t•" 111••••• •• 1.th ... ,.uJ .. ,,.,.,,, .. ,.r ftUu 'fl tl·, 1 11 tl• I•• 11 U ti I \\'I"' I 1\ •It• ''til ltto"h " I"•• • • • I• I ,,,.,, .. "It• '' I' ttul• 11111 tl t I (tt flf,. "'lflfl ~~1ft f I f ,\\ I . . ,,t I I ,fo I I ,,, f t l Ull,,, .,. S. IIAitOLl> J<. (;I{AlJEL H. "onat·u. ~1. -~..--~ ,,., "·-•·•o , .... ~.~~~~~~:~.: ,..,,: ·-·· •-~~~ ====~=======---~---X I I I Ia' \\1'. lb lll'lll If t,,,.,, ''""''"' \ ''"""'" I r l•la ' T. P. R,-.,..,-Jr·r, M. D. Slid l•·r, M. D. H. F 'I"'"''''''' ,,. .• ''l't.'"''" ,, ,,, '. ,., \\ f I fth 11 ,., II ,,., .... , If ttl Conr MJ Ric hter, M. D. "•u·t f \\ 'I ', .. , ( • ttf ral '',~I'"'' B• n• h l'h••t1• If , .t ... , • 111:. \1 II I !I ' \Ill\' '1 \\l't tll l \1 II Ill ' \II\ II \IC Illite Jlll;-.1'11 "'· ''"' til• ,.,. ... f t I HI~! "'" I' or~•·r, II\ \1 llotl• ll"r. " \ "· I ''' ,,. r .,,, •· I I t•l \ \t J "'\ ., .... ,, U• •• •,it':-i IC•' llnr. IIUt r----1 ll_l_•_,_,_l_t:_, -'-'...:.1·;_ ___ , 1.111. ""' H.\:'\( t. Hr·nry C . V l'l u qhn l'tll 'I \\ l't 1l: I Ill.\ II Ill \C "' :.l'tl IC•' II,, .. ,, lf•-:H .f MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island fLYING ·-A·· . ' ~ . ... ~ tj· .. ,,0. ·. fP ' ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Dock 21llh A ll111 I ruut (;mmJim~ I )i<'~d Fm•l Oil Fi~hinl{ Supplit·~ Th e All in One Stop Way BATES & SON Ht!lrbor 481 I I • , •• !t t • l PDO'e }O NEWPORT B ALB 0 A N F." S-T f \1 t" !'>I __ ...e ___ THt11180A \' _ N _,ort "-'*. (All f. Man-Ill t , 1911S ;===~~~~~~~~~sr~.~~~~s~~~ tho• );()(! l,.u~•· l11m 11111: hnn••r' ''' ;\It'"'' llf't'lf•,IIIOII h11ll Ill ('o.,.l:t :0.1•~n \\'llh n •I:! IX wrm. tn .. t t't·· t'urd .:non.: '"'" ftnnl t•tunct f'llol\ tho•\ h .tfl ll lllllllll'ttl.tllt'al o•t•riHrnty tn tho• hns: lor l tl"t pt ... ,. Truldtflo' Will l.x· ol\'1onl·~l lh'XI \\'o1hti'Mih)' 1111:h1 A r l!l••', ltt>l·llllroUto• lr.:ht lor .., •• Tourney on for D~zen Blin& - TAJUO :-lEY l& P 10 U JS AI':Cr.LES, M un.·h 4 ll 'l 'l T\h•lv<' gt•Ul·r~ who lll'Vl!r SIX' tht•ll ,.hot~ l('l' off tomorrow frll' !hl· rn- lt•rnattonal Ollnd Golftng chull\- lltOn~htp ! The Insurance Agency of the late Lew H. Wa ll ace has been transfer- red to the Greeley & Grimes In su r- ance Agency, 302 Main St., Balboa. M I~S Jn-:u :;oo.; KLATI fur the pasl many ycnrs with LC'\\' II. \\'a iiHt'l.' l n:-ournncc Agcnry will in lhl" futun' !)(' a"sodal<'(l with t h<' C twll'y & Cl·imt'!:--Insurant'P Agl'rh'Y· '''"'" plore ",,,, hnwo•\ ··r, '"''"!: \\.o);t •• "' s '"'l""" :< l',tlnt••ro, 11nd AIJ1hll lkt;o l·:.ol'h had \\on :.!:t und lo "' .'H Sl arulanJ;:s t IH'f' .,,... a.:ntnt• t uru• J • \\. 1 •. ::\0 l'OUn.l• n.'COrd.'i Will 1Je shRI· ll'rl'tt <lui'IIIJ.: lht• thn<t• tflo)>o fol pl!l,\ •m the l11~1t·wood Country Clull 1 .:vu•~•· aml m onl! uf 1 tw l'l•lll•·'· 111111' ""ll<'('h '" l)(h l pa r for th1• :>-1 hu ll'" But mu»t of lhvm "'II •·anJ M'ut't'>o thut would thrill muny lu Sunda> J.:Olfc•r \\tth ::u.::o \l~11m. F l\'l' uf th!' I:! !;lllfl!t'lo lost thl!tr 1 "l~ht 111 th,• "a t· So\ Ill'" I rum I ('unuda unol :o.tx from th•• l 'n1tcod \\'F. \\11.1. Cfi~TI ~l't·: to gi\'l' th(' S<tme eow·- I<'Oil" _,.,,"'i''' ~·ou ha\'C' 1'\'t't'ivC'd in th<' pa:o;t. PLF..AS E 1'\IITJo: CI1 A;'\C;~: CW ADDHF.SS rrom 2:!11:.! \\'(•..;t Cl'nl ral <1\'I"Olll'. :'\('\\'J"'OI'I &>a<"h tn ::11:1 ~1.'\1:'1/ ST11F:l-.r. BALBOA. e 80\\UNO IS A SP ORT \'OU'LL E !li.JOl'; A 8PORT THAT HELPS IU':EP t'OV D1 GOOD PH\'SICAL OON· om oN. Mesa Recreation Ptrtk'• lhu.:• 1:.! 1'- S\Illi"'N''' l 'rolnl<'"' ."1 .'11 1\lphll 11··111 :.t!l :tl ('r:o" fo11l'• ltht.:' -~' <IIJ tn lt1" -;·,., t ~r·u~,. a.• I I• •• ,.,,.. 10h11'h •l tll IHol. ("'' mur•· ..,._.,.,n, 1<1 ~;o llat fl•ll • llo•.olty ",,., lt·ad1111-: 11, , '''""'' of .IIi· Il-l Stttntltnl:" \\, 1 •. ll.lltt'll ftt•;olt \ :\r. IH f';~ mp on', l'lolnt•·r-. \1•••n ltl1'rc·,tlitln ~ :I:.! :!I , .. '!'.! :1: 1\t.W XB-47 J t:T BOMBER-In one of the final pha.sea or pre-flight testing of the new --~+.o.+--.Jttc~-X8 41 elll j~t. aw~~tt-Melc-'Wtng btmtber;-thTee or Ul r plane's 18 auxiliary rocket moturs are ftreo. Places nine on Pach sloe o f the shm rust'la~;e. the JATO (jet a.sslated Ath• rt1'' take-ott) units are muunted IntegralLy lor the Orat time In an airplane. Harbor Events 1:).~~ ----Cindermen Prep For La Brea Elimination Northern. Southern 1 S~l~~~ ~~ ,~~~~~~;~·~ ~~.ast L~~:~~~~ ~~.~~~0~, •• "~~~ lJ II I' 11•11•1 toooolfo I I llllllk>Uih 1°ol lo 'fit •t., tufl .lltd t 'Lthlhtllllr'nt ol "'• t• t•t' 'lit\ th, 111«=1 S ft·p i n • • •. \,\, 1 u,~, t ·"ll' , ,,, h;tskl·l • ,.11 ,, 1111.1\1 ''H' 1h1 '''h•·dul1nc I• dJ c ,.,If• 1 1 \ 1 ,d o•·:,tt rl to •I '' h \ ,, • 1 ...\, lunult , t"nnl ,. .,, ...... I I I I' II "h '· .... :-.t ("'(Ill ltt•ll11 \thi•IU' ~ll•t I llli\t i\\ffl1' unl) t'n I 1 r ~·· It • "t ••I t tt 1lt It• "' 11i ,.,, •·r·al '" • :.-." Sdtmult "·"" l'' ... , , • •• t.:,.ll11•'' ""'' ,,.,,sun 11 1•• ,,,,1,, ~···•·'" "·•n· I Ill t • I' Ill' Ul th• fl••t'lh .. , n uhl ...... u tlh t n •h\ t'uut" lit• :-;,ucl I• it I Ill• o 1111. II I~ II n l:o lt\'J'Iy • ohtlo tf I••• ._ ,oq, .. hlu11111dsun I' o~ olioou 111 rho I 111 11f 11l l!l 'llu • tlfltiUI ..... Ittth 1 '~tid he· da•l '' l 111ull \\ ·'' h• I• un ,, rutHfTtn~ u .. t • \(f+ • 1 '" '', ,, t'tt·''"' I"C' ha.~ r. In 't c·tu1l•" ru·• :1thJ,•t1C" f n- 1 '!looll '"'~"'' >111'11 tts now exists , I•••• 1"'""''1'·"''"' loy II. n Ill lo•ollo.tll • '>l.ololl~lwd nrxt S<'D· 'flooor • oil Ill' ""'''•'"' 7-Event Relays f,_ ________ j l':ltll•fl't'll ffll·niiH'I' 111 ('oowh Plastic-Fiberglass Class Making Place for Itse lf Dinghies in Regattas 8 . ' n· H f'OMT" l!nl)oh H•••'(l .. Jl.otiHII lltl(h It ;n·k arrl80n 8 mner ouse ~1:1'.\ h'IHfl 10 til o ulo•J tho• l.o 11.-.•.t ro•-1.• hnt.oll Into r I 'loth S lo I II II ~ I 'ioo I IX fi"IIIHI-11nd an' huoy- "-'e lllllftiiC-l 1,1\, ln111oort11\\ .ollo'lll•••l1 S• ho ol 11ollt'lll tho I••• •I Ill •m.tll ~lllllnr ;1nl --·~ftl • • • t:••)'on \'o ur t•o;•krthouk ult· c'ltllo, (oor .,.,,."'"'"I' ''oil h."'"' •II•• , •·1.,,~ ul tl .,,,, oro tlllil\ l lll'"r tlw nt'" I:IOHT {'OliiPLY.Tt: ('011 K I"Y. UtS S t:K ~ 1 ,lo•IJI Sp.ottL'f•l lu 1,..,, 1•1111' l oollol l t "" '' oonh o•lt'< ool '""'"''Ill ~•·r'\'IC't·ll lii)Vt:'r Slltll')o, I E toch ~ulft•r gO<'s uruund th!' \'IIUC't' Wilh n t'ltaCh uno.J \.:.11111) I '11w l'Oadt hnc·~ hun Ul• upf>t•••l" 1 t Ito· llh ll and tt·ll~ him "htdt Wll} to shoot und how far 10 llw 1:1 ,.,.n ·11)o•n ht• ~ o n ht>o 'I" 11. On lhl· ~:n·•·n ,,,. lucull'" 1111' <'Ufl "> l'ar "lwn 1 ht• t'atltl} I:IJlS a t'luu nn 1 ht• rtm I It· knvws wh,·n h •• '-Ink' a f)U II h} llll' ;.uund Ol I ht• ltull ctrnppln~. I lluh Antlt·rson. 111 '''Uio•n t artt l (11\IOCio•r t>l till' IOUITII') !-ofJOil•lll "· l•luul rt'{'t'o'a ltt•ll and ar ttVIIt•'$, till' IIJHI an r nll'ltl11 himl'l'lf, ''"lll'l:lo•<l a scurf' of 9fi tu I~ to tnkt• h11n111;. Ill tomurn•w', l~hlllt• ''fll'll!'r.< C harl,•s B'"" t•ll. lltt mtn~han1. woon lho• hhnd ~ul11111-: til l<· l.o•l Jul) at Duluth Wilh an IH-hulo· ruu nrl nf !1:1 D\ t:R t 't:I,Lt:D ST LO t TIS, !lla n ·h o1 t l 'l' 1 ·n tl' St. I"""' Slill -'l'lloh·• tud:,, r·•'lll'l'lo·d tlm r t-:ddlt· I h ••r. m •• n.;. t.:t•r vf rht• S t J"'ll'' {';,t.fltn:ol~. h;ul lll't·n h 1t •m tilt• ho•,tcl b) ,, ltno tll'l\'o• rlunn,; hatting fll'll<'lll'o' 111 1 tho• St l'l'lc•thut.;, l-1a lr':tllliOI.! 1'1111111 lit' -.·a.., 1 o•\'1\'1'11 ron tho• fl<'hl anct lnkc•n f(o thr• M •JUnt P:.Jrk hosptiUI X-rny'< ratl.-rl to dt~clo~c' ot frnl'lUrt' but cl01:tors sntd hi' wnu hi n •nu11n a t tlw hl)'.,pttnl from :1·1 to 48 h ours f•tr oh-rrvnt ioo. 'Designing tngravinp T elepho n e H arbo r 203 4 llt\ltll()ft ('(t\1;\ft'~I'TY P I.AYE HS Ill St:l.l.lt:. 'friE t".\J:i tt.t:•s U:\l'CIIITE"'t o,r -"-'0 \IUfllt:t: TCI t;not: ttt:K " l Wlw Is llnwks haw:' 1\n ohJ tlnu· nw lt>drtltlltt In ~ ttd~ -;•'"' t1 loll( c :,o acot11 t'RIUo\\' 61 :-\.\TI'KU.\\ -.\lurl'lo 1:! &: I !I r: I C'tui.Hn ":~1 I' ;\! ,,,.,.. fo'un Th an ~r>4port U..tu·h c;rnrllmtor :o;.·huol THY. ('o•n ll'lll ,\\o•. Uttt'S \RD K4·fN">hnwnh \ohu. 11:,.· !~;:;QJ::I~~~Cs::lAQQwJ;.. THURSDAY, March 4, 5, 6 Only SUGAR LOAF t:a.rh (Regularly 29c ) ji*iiiiiQii*ii'i'iii""'il4iib&AdiiiiiAiiwiii414ii:A:u:Q:QJ::I::m::u:u:Ai=i~s;:a~u~uiu=i. '1 ''tll ltu •. uuh~·r "" ,., .. ~, t•••ru tit• "' .,, '"'" ''''"''' ,,L',.tr 1 0, "11eltl ·rh.,. nu,,1 n~t,nt ••rd··• -l>lllllllllfl' thtlllll' 1111' tll\ lt;ocl o ol I t "''~ llfl ol lo lilt 1 l••ttl~ll poll l ll\ I ).llffl I I•• •1 "' ol l•1 I 'II• \ l.o llm.<n 111 \\ 1111 ol 1 ;., '''· ltH' l'olll1fi111l\',l "J,ttt \\i II til' ~.,, .. 't IUtt.; I(• dtl ltf't til \1 H ., Ill t '11 't• tit 'll~~:lf''' 1 \t Jtl:-o.l\t• fl\;HHif.u•l ur• f', ('It lllt' l'ttuwh , h1 ttltlt•t l l ht•\\t'tllu\td '' "•• ''·ltlh ~·.,, ... , •·ornt•U~.' lh• • ( 'luto\\t1 '11111h Afnt .. l "' tr1lo .1 11••11 • t h.tiHiw,q lh ,,, \\ h, f1t \\• • ht 1, '11 t" 111 Hit· t f I l tl1 •h •I d • ''"'P·'"' ,~,ru· .. ~..: aHd Printing · <'110<'01.,\Tt : u ·t:u ANGEL FOOD t: .... h OW nnu-ud Equlpmeat are Cleu Saaltary _. .... t, 11VT Db'INI'I'ELYNOI' FANCY OR &ltftliiNIIVE. &-&a.E Yov FOOD OOI..I..AR bayw a OOLI.AK'S WOin'll OF IIEAT ud after all th-,t a what oouat.. 'ftlre IIU8'1' be a OOOD REASON few our Steady Onwtll. CHUCK ROAST 44c OF BEEF ...... lb. A 0... 81111 t I r.t a-t ~~~ ----·-·-· . .lb.w All cut froaa tarefully ~· o.. ........ :g~:f -~~Jb.52c COLORADO GRAIN FEO CATTLE ..._ ..... ..., EASTERN SALT PORK A good buy at lb . FRESH GROUND BEEF Our Usual High Quality lb. LAMB LEGS U.S. Gov't Graded "A" lb. LOIN BUTTS~~':"{~;., U. S. Gov't Graded "A" lb. FM:- Real Economy EXTRA SPECIAL! PORK ROASTS PORK ROASTS (a..to. B•tta) BIU'-lloUed .... 'IW. 69° WHOLE t'llESH 34c PI('NU'S • to a lb. &\'f'ftp lb. o.MI .. ,.. Lb. Swift's Oriole Slic. Bacon sse Limit, One Pound to Customer lb .• W. Coast Pure Pork Saus. S9c VERY BEST possible to buy lb. J All 011& fNIII Ou VatJAL RIOB QUALITY BEEP' West Coast Meat Co. C. 0 . upA,-' FLANAGAN Wholesale Meats and Provisions 1M'7 NEWPORT BLVD. .._....,_aa o.ta•-• i)Potr lno· lito 111'1 filth' It ' looHl j•l,.ll• j,t" I lo.-J'Jo,• llt.f<l 111)•1 •I IIHIIflC ilool 111• f.dtllt,on llolf lu•- ft t ,,1\ \\h.tl \\1• l'.tlt t '1"''1 'J•.u U• ,,1 thltlllfHIIII ~·.tt \\ tl•' , •t, lllfHl•t1•tltlt· IH lht• Suo\\htni FHt' th•· 111"1 t11o ""' o•l '" I•''''""' ·•lid .. II JpO olllll' Tlw o' , o• , 1 , •.. lflll il\ flint :"it•\\;.tOrt \'t•hf" tht• ')'•;It' h .t\i' \\iln th•• It • httll I' IUh Jlh('t' WtHI h U\t l ''ltlflt'' If ilhtll \\dl ht• lft•• htln \t' ul l \\11 Ill}" ,, till olllll '"'"' lo '" •.:· olltol '"' t ,,,, '" lht II• •r futllrt Till' Penguins Start Series Sunday Balboa Yllt'ht r luh P<'lllllltn ft('l•t 'Inn s It' Mllt'\'h ~f·r'it•" 111 I 30 p m thlll roming .Sundny Mm·r h 7. n'1 th<' IOC'al r hth nnd !'ntmnl'l' tn thi"N' out of the four Man:h ,...C'('S Will IW' n N'C',..'III')' 10 qu11flfy t•ntrfl•ll fo r the:-onnuul Ea,.tc•t ll•-s:atta 111 I~ hf'ld M11rrh 'li-'J.R 111 Hali.H>a Ynrh t duh, ltrc•urrlon.: 111 \'l'!mn F\artl(>r, U Y ll pubhCII) d.IN'C'IOr AU-Northern Five Named ft\' RO RF.RT PRF.~'OTT ( t lnJtfood 1•,_ Mporta \\'rtt~r I SA N FRANC ISCO, Mol"('h 4 1 UP Gtan t Jttck ~1che>ls. onr Hf buskl't hnll'!l \'A~tabond.s, t o d 8 )' motlt• h1~ fifth o,trRt.:ht liJlll<'tll'· ant'l' on a f>nt'tf tr ('00~1 t·on fcr<'nc'c' all-stnr l t'am W lncitnlt Ufl n htstnn!' <'RRI' c·a. n·..-r that lnchuh"!l '111rrrn~ rol<'~ nt h<Jth thr Unl,.,.,....,,,.~ ,f SttUIIwm C"allfo rnin and \\'ashln~;ton. Ni- chola was :ol'IN'tr-d on thl' l!l-ll'o l lntfl•d f>l't'll." nll-:\ortlwrn oh\'t~lon hll~krthflll to•11111 lie• "II;. ""' 1011l~ )'Ill~ o•t' Ill hi~· ttll') o'\'!'r 1,. '"' n.wto·cl t•ll IH•th .ill :\ortht•rn nnc1 rtll St>lllhr m rll\t· '<11111 llli'ko•lh.dJ f• dill~ 111~ ••·••11110.: I"''"''' .11 \\a·h· tn~;tnn. "''f1htll11o 11 o · I <II'\\ .o" I S.1111111~ \\'htlo• al•tt l.molo-<1 ''" llh' fll'l ft\t' tn Cl\t' tlw llu•klo'' clt•mtn.t- 1 t lon of thl' l!ll All -tat 'I"""' I 1 ( lr··~ooll St.• I••', l'oo\11'1 ~•pllltn. ("lilt ('t'lllldotll 11 ,1•111•· o•niM•I.t\o'l •••I•I""''•Hf tht ··hii''I1111H H· ,,, .... un •'•ttu.•r ttH· '"'' ''' '"·"nd h'-'"l' I \'11\o'l' 11.111'>'11 '" f o H of • IJ,:ltl 1111'11 ,., 111 •·1'. 111 •111 \\',j III II .,. " :-'1.11· odl I l ;u.tlll ='I '1\ \\ tl I I'~"· Jl • ,j I liol;tlll l'oiiTOJI• f, ol lho I• 0111 In ;uloblt••l1 I • '" hoo' \\ ollt olll ,,-.., '''"''I''·'"" ,, '' l" ''''~ frnn1 1:-~t \I II' '""' I I "'""' I "'Ill I'll~· C'i .lll· d oi l ,mol \\ Ill'•' "• 1 •' ·•·t••nol •II 111).; 1l •••' ••n th•• 17 ... qu.ul ;:.; II' hob. a }::t 1~•111111. "' r .... ,t. ,,, UH'h It" 1 nLu' 11, ,,, t-:' 1 1 •·t t \\'n~h , wnn 1111 •Plllho·tl1 -di\i''"" rnnk1111: t" ,,.,. ;~t s .. ullh•rn C.tltf•·• OIU U' (1 \\Ul1UlH' ~,\\~ 'tutlt nt I <In• I t",rr Jll'l'' tt;u:-1~ l(lnk nii- No rthr rn hn1111r~ 111 \\'a~htngtnn ROWLAND ASKS BOARD MEETING U\f' 1\::-\\.FU :S. MARCH 4. t l 'P I P nt•thl' ( 'na:<t UoAJ0:11!' PrMi- dt•nt t 'lnn •m•o· llc"\ lant.l 1 n d 11 ) call«t 11 mN'tln~ of the I<'A~t:'·~t lxlllrd of rlirc•rt.1rs fo r Mnrch 12 at th!' Dlll mor<' hntc'l, J.,l,. i\n~rlo•s TI1r c>rtc•-cln~ !<•'"'~"'" wtll lnrlud (' n rn10r t on RO\\ I nne!'~ r!'N'nt 1'11!11· <'rn trip durtnl: whtrh hr ('(In· ft'rrtd w ith mnjor I<'III:UI' o fficials. it w11~ nnnt'unl'f'rl n• •, -~•" 111 • .oull<on.: 1'1·"'" "'"I l .o hllHII .om1 I hi' S nuwlttrcl '"II nm rot I h ·•·n oll lo 111-:l h t!--Ill too I .'l lno·ho•' hntl tl11• l~o:ol W•·ll!hl IIIII} J().l TIDE TABLES pouncts. Tht• mast and spar \\I'IO:h T•·•·· .,. fllRo ... In "r•lt'r •• r ,...u-.nre Tars, St. Anthony In First Tilt of Baseball Season I..IKtU fit:''' t~ a f11 rh,rk rii'Un:!-11 p m \\'llh IIIII' ciii,Y <If hlilllnJ.: l'foH'• two· 11nll• r th••tr h...tt~. (·.,,It h \\'• n do•ll •l 'tol<' l'ol'l<o•n~ T If' l.cl<o IO t h ,. d tlln\1111<1 t11da~ ,tl .'\ I' rn. .tr.:"'"'' ~~ 1\n1hony llovh M IA;ng lkadt Th ·I F ~AR('II, 19.a8 4 :3:.1 I'!:M 7:Zt of 5 (Ill 34 :1 3.') I :IS 7 :tt 4.7 1).3 3 6 II :5t 2.7 l'wkt'll' 'I til h11rl ""',,I,, ~t •• rt- 1111: l•n•··up h~ nO<ln lout h•• foe- "" d '" 't:trl lc·fl\ ~·ro·fl ThttrtlilS ''" tho• tllound . 'f'httl11 " I< n slo\\ 11:111 h•t· lo I' UIJ l r<~m tlw Jllnlur lar"tl\ lA lll'r- nwn sltrt• to S<'r' t'<lnlflt ttiiP., m - rlllfl" lltll \\'c-nthr'r\\'11)1. l"olll'lu·r : p,., ... ;:.; .... r ... •• lllll'lwr. "·"'' lt .. h- l'rlson l•r,, ha~r . n un \\'.trtl ~l't'· ""tl h.,... t'arl tl'n ;\loo.•r~. ,h,;f1. 1 l'l"f'· 11nrl ll11)cl llt•rt• II oou!ft•·ld Promt<tnr.: trtlo•n t fr••lll •Itt· Jllllloor \nrSil~ 11\l'lllck s IIIII ~ktl• ~ •l~o•rl­ s tt'p, llt•h llarris. thlrol ha~r Rnd <llllttdtl .onil lltll .I 1111• • oot'lt•ltl RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO Al-ln Color : Adventure Island ~TA~ T O MO RROW LURED, also Sport of Kings Ill' \\'is!'-Alii•; tosr Now Showing: ftfn OHIN-Ot""" ~how" Tont~eht 6: l;j fl: lllle: 9 :11() shooting down lo her toes ... sl'l~ 1/IHJIII it IWS 111/y II d"11111! COlUIIIIA PICIURIS ~~rosool,, ~ ROGtRS ·WilDE .. I Latest ~larc:h of Time-Cartoon-News Pla~t 9.~~~ Willowick Public Course On Wfll't 6th St. u. Mllfl Eut of Harbor Boule,,rd P1toM ttoaata A.a TIIW Standard IS-Hole Course-b I 00 Yards-Par 71 Thr C'11splan !'rA hii!C 11 drnina~:r hll!ltn ai'IOUt thr('('o-QUIIrtl'rs thW ill' lf="---t .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••l of tht t nfll't Mlululppl hastrr.- rour· 'l"'l'flllty '" 1111 · u•u:tl lrltnllll!: of all I) Ill'' \\'t•clllin~ tn\'t· tntton", soctal t•nod• :oil 1)[1<'~ of 111'1111· 1111: and cn~;rnvtn): at mnril'Sl cost. C ALL l:lAilBO R 1% or I S ($1.15 Value) 49c Half Give Gladly-Red Cross MARKET SPOT, Balboa Island · Sell It Through Classified Advertising Bnng your Fonl back home ... and save monmr! Our sales tomorrou· depend on how u·ell we service your Ford today! Ae a Ford Dealer, we have a epttial Interest in giving you the finest of eervice at lowest cost. We lmow that by giving you low-co11t m aintena nce today. ~·e will get your order for a Ford tomorrow. Our rlt'an, ('ourt('OUS st-n ·i<'f' iR I laP k intl ) ou'lllikc. Conw in !lcKIO an(l ~ ou"ll save t im t'. moo('~· a1ul trmahlr '"ith mar : 1. Fer4-tralal'4 M...-laaaln 2. Gea•l•e Fertl Paru :1. Faec.ery ....... ~N M•t ..... 4. Speelal Fer• £4t .. .-e•t _ 3. C:.•veale•t ..... , T•...., r-,.,.,,..... ....._, ,_ ,_ 1,_ ,_ .. ,_, ,._ .,._, '-"r '"""'••-NIC _ ... .. lW. .. h '-'4 n...t.r, s-., A"'" r aUt HltC ..,_,._ S.. ,.., --let ,_ flrtd ...,_ I 1 We .. Dealers know Fords best ! ! THEODORE ROBINS f"hOllt! Rarbol' U