HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-05 - Newport Balboa News Times• ver s· ' .-Issmg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tntlay'" II A .M .• P.K.T. Caught In Uctw Jnnt'tl 1\\'~ I I_N..-.... OR......,.._A_N_G_E~_c_o.:::... AS T ·_s __ L_A __ R_G_E_S~T_c_t_T_v_f NEWSPAPER 0 A I L Y ONLY ABC "· BALBOA ~ .h\ESc~. .... :.:= .~-; .. .:.:~&..... . W1.ld Eddy· 111 t '"'''' d 1tH '"''' dn .'1 ' l~ "'' , .. ·• •It• n l 1 'IIIII .., ,.. c . , ··" ·· ......... " ... · aps1zes ~ ...... , ~~-~ "" ....... . .... , I --l:ltFF;-.1\'II.I.t-:, Mt'' Mun·h :'l EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SE~SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MES~ 1''"'' 111'' 7!'17-''"1 •••wh'"1' ' ' I "'.llo'h••J t'lll""''.t IIIVI Mtllk l•o•l VOLUME XL ... ve Cf'nl• pc•r Copy St:WPORT BF.A('H, C ALlt'OKNIA, raiDAl', MAIU 'll .\, 19411 t '1111.-c! a•,. ... Ac•nlf' Tf'lrl>hoto" \!Ci l 1111:111 ull•·t •t11kluw n t't>tl\'n•lr • h1 "'~·· I'" 1 11111 1 1.1 m•·ml~o·n. ,,, hrr 1 ~·"''' "• ,.._, h-''"'"'"'' \;"'-'•'1•• t.• ct.'Alh t in ""'' ••I I h•• "''"'' nvo•r 1 rq•-dl ... In 1•""'111 }''•"' I ;\ It •'•t•'ho•l ,. .. , '""'~ Ill ll •WWV" Int.; h•''"' ••I thl' n vo•r 11 malre ""''" "I ho·tt• t'llltjlhl lht• hun\ In a ht•ljtlo•-. '""' >tulfa.•n ~flip, allun- """" I ho• O'l ul I IIIJtlllnlll a pl.r tlf lho• ho lll~;o• 'lltt• ho•ll l ""'" wol hln hull • ~::::e:!;te Three Teen-Agers . Confess lllllllllo' lt 'tltfllll!: ......... ,., ............ . Hits at Wallace Support Shasta Power M · 1 M.l R · bb SAt Hi\~11-Xl'l•. ~Lor ·, t\'1'1 arlner s I e 0 ery I'"''" '"'"'" ol•"'k' In thf'lr 11uart~ra. ( '""''' """ "''I•' 1>11 tluly ....... 1ptuntttt•·tt·ol ''"'" tlw •hiJ• Into IM h'V \\ulo•l• n l tilt' Mltu~I..,.IJopA .. \ ,,,. '••'ttlllf) ,if lut•·••••l' ,I /\I • 1\..... ~.~, ., -·~·., •.• ~ ..... ~~--I\\·· ~ ...... ="·'rtlt I .. ..tt.·tt·cl .ttt•l111"'"'' 11 •lt'"'"wt "'"' •llh tt••tu \'•n ,,.,"'' ,, .. ,n tu t .. , ... , .. ,. '+-\,ul.thl•• !\:ta\~~o ,•,ulf•''"' ,,.,l\ tlu, llllllf\ Ill '"·"'' ll.tlll till•'•'" lot '"' St ,,,, u f t '.•hi••• ru ,e •u~ In ,,.t.t.. '' ul It •L Itt' ' ,,,, 1 I '1op1 .lttlttlllt• ll11tWl11•kl, who 1 1\11' Ill 1111• \\lto•.-1 101 lho• 111111' ur IM •t•'o'lll•·llt "•'Ill olol\\11 with hiJI Mhtp 111 I ho• t ""It 11>~11 "' II~ 1>4'41~. twu1l-tn~ •u•l•·•' lu h i" t'rt'"''· "AhfU\4..._ •lliJI .. WASHISGTOS. M•rc'h s.- ( t 'f>) -('10 P"""dfont l'hlllll Mur,..y tod~y nnoc1 II a r r y Ortdkt'f' .. ('10 rl'jC'Ional dirt'<'· tor ror northern (.'aJJfornla bfo· c.aw.e Drtdcf'tl 1.. ..uVPOrlln& flenry A. Wall~ ror pnWck-nt. tl 'II J ( o "I Ill; 10\\,o\ Ill tho \1 II tttt\ t .ut \\'•tlftll llt\lltt~tt11 1t h IIIII, !\h l4 a'kod tlo· ~l.tl•• 1111hlto llltloltt~~ '"'',,,,''·""I I!"""''" CUttttnt''ll•ll Itt 1lo h •rmlflt' "Ita I !Itt• :-... t II II I II lh•l•' ;~,Htltt ftu In L:''' tht< a~•\\•·r ' nl I ' P \ \\•~~ nlwl1 ~1 tr l ll>llllh' 1" '''""' ll•oll)\\••••1 · "'"M""····ll "'"' .1 .... ,,~~ , ""'"I ... r~ ... Ito Snn ~n""'"l'•' th•• llttll!to''l l"otp• ltuhl .t 't••o•o,tl lll'urtttt.! hHJII ll,l\\11 It lllllhtl Itt lit•• '<>'Ill t>l r''"""'"'''" ~onnttllnl'l'll 11 """'''I 'l•·t 1 t I I \ lilt' I nltlto•t ) ollhtOt l 1111\\ II lndrt) LV:) A:-ICELES. Murch 5 "" -· ,,1 I il m ttt """ h .. tt IUJlt CIO Von•-Pri'Mdt•nt Allan onlo to,lotl prorlto'' \\til ho toll""'ot l "·:~'! .. 1"' 1 "'' '"" 1 "'"''tl•><l ""'''' S.llaywoOd toda)•n•fu-..:-dto,·um-lot Jlt•·••ul lh••lr '"'"' nl 1 '111 -~• -'·'·'.t"ko·n fro•no 11 "' 1'111 '' 111111 11 nil •r ·rl 1 ' I: 1 lw llttoh'r 11••·•1 on lou 1'1111: 11 '''"'' ment on r<'port~ ht' woll ltr•· Jla1 r~ • 11' I'HIIIIll1Hto•t1 '·'" tl hat 1 1 1 111 Brtdl:e!. as CIO rl•glonal dorN:tor lliko•n Ill•• ttflo•r unt1o·r '""""~-''' ' 11 r~' ",.,,. 1 1 ',., for Northern Calofornon soon lu d•'ll'l'llllll•• hot\\ olw 111u1r• 'l'lh' >•1111 1" l>~hl l••lh~· tlttol llu·' An) word along lhal lone. ht• cuulcl t.:• 1 tho• I"'"'''' '" 11.,.r, hurl •·1orlt••r •·nt••ro'lt 1-'lrMI ('h~trl'lo !illid as he arrovtl'd from San F'ran· Tho· I ttl••r -"'··r I'll ' (( • of t 'ho t~ I Sn•'lllt~t In So•lll Ut•Hf'h 'II I ''!_11' 1· r 11 ) '' 0 r ltul luul ft~uml nuthln..: In Iitke•" cl..ro. would have to wall until he ""''' 11 tf,;n, lu.-•k t .. ·t""'" lho• • had a chan<X' to talk wllh CIO S Rr·rlnnu~lwn ltllrt•:tlt 11nfl l l 'nlwo• -•uri 11111"Y JKOI11JII "P-Prt,~tdent Philip Murray. 1 lho• l'.ll'tltt• c;a~< & Elt•l'low <'c•. 1''"'"'"'11111 of tlu• ""'''''~' WttA dill' Woth Ha)"'·ood was R. J . Olt•r l•·t m~ n( 11 "'n lrrtrt lttr fl ... I Itt thr Mlrrl <'UC•po•r•ti<Jn ""'"''1'11 Thomas, former pl'l'!>tdenl of lhl'l JlO!I~I It~ lht• l'tlfnllltn~· ul 11,.. p<lw-ttullroh• nflll't•r J.1nytnn1 ('orneot·1t •,ond Clo Unit-"' Auto Wor'k"rs, m"n· l l"r. A no·w 7!'\,()()() kolow~tll .. ,.,,_ m, •·rr 11111 1"'1 ru ""'" ..runttrl < "~'t n • ' ' IS TKII:STE NEXTT-Communlat.a, Ntlmated at 40,000 In number, parade tn a fften .. 1 ttoned a.~ a nominC'I' for Brodgl'S' demonatraUon 1n the free territory or Trleate. The Reda ha•• .. ned pubUc notice lhf!N l'fllltlr ~ '11 l:ll 11110 Ojl<'fAiton "' I n .._.,. Sh11~1·o rltltTI on n11d AJ rll ( ·.,, tlo•t'l •l"•tl•l1 11 I"" k••tl c·"r ,.,... that they are planntna to swlteh from peaceful cooperaUon to qU.aUon, and oblenen ' · ' "No comment," Thoma~ <'Choed. l«no..: on ,, ••·l<'t.:rttno 111 'Wttrr••rt on ln mt ul ltw All Am1·rll'ttn nuor beUete Tr1Nte may beCome the next c11rect Commun.l.lt pr-ure potnt.. d k 1 1 t ., 11 Then h<' added, smoltng, "Why aao lh;• !ll:ttf' (YIUid mark•·• llu• • I '11111 ) '' to·r .> 11 m •·· •'"'' should 1 take a demotion!" Thorn· pnwe•r thruu~:h an~ 11o;:r•n!') 11 fir·~· I''"' ttnd lalke•d In the· dri\f·r. ANTON tUJTI'UitA Anton Suttora Given Award u is assistant to Haywood. K 'C I T l~nrttl"d. "0 lonl! n!l lhrrf' wu no H kka. whn had no d rlvc•n h· Bef I San F . rt . w·tl Tallman Oil ''middleman profit .. ('(>1\Jl(' vr rt•l(latrlltlun card. Sua-~~~~~~;~~:~~0 sa.:~:~~~ rug e aln ruman I Suit Set Forward H<~l..,;:~a~'!.:lct'":a,!~ ,~:I'=~ ::.~·.,~~lo':ouaht lllcka hi ,.,.. <'11~-~h~~~~~\'t;· ~h.lf'~~~~~n;::; ::~:;~an~ri~~~-~~~ ~:~r·~:~~ Refuse T.ldelands f Sf f Again to Mar. 30 :~.r:: .~~~~.~:·~. ~~:.~:: 1! .... ;;"~ ~~· ,.',~ • ,t~.~.~.~r::;./'.~;.-;.:':~.~··.-~<,;~~:'.~,.;"~:; ~·7.:~.~~~· .. ~-~:;.~.-:~~~,::·,.:.-... ~~~y ~~~t stormy leader or PacoftC' Coast CIO 0 a es ~ d lstrlhutmn I he• rnhl~o•ry < 'urnl'l'l .-truv•· lu..-k ~·nt"ll with llw lit '""" Stnr m•••l longsho!'l'men fo r mon• than a de-P ro·!<odtnl! Sut~o•rior Judge R>t). "lmm• olt:ol• h ''" •· ····•r•l uf 1 "" ''' ,-,"''' I lo.:ltwny 11n1l lflool lt·d Ill 111 Jlt'r!ltlnllt'l ln•1•·•·• '"" "' J .. •no.: cadt:>. Hnvu·OO() W8$ St:>nl here ... h •lf'l(fllrtl I l'flffiiiiiiOtt'rtll'f1 \\tlh """" llllrl ""'"'' .. llw>klll" llfr lho· ll••nrlt N il\ Ill IH ... Jtllnl ....... r. ,,. '--Wille•r ro"'ht~ ml<>ht bf' ncl J '<I monu Thomp!lun 1tld11y COnlonuo-d "' from v,rashington, r('portf'dly 10 \VASIIIN(~Tu:-.:. :\1art:'h 5 I th ta~· .-d t d: I k Ulf Go•n(•rnl, Mollo•l,lai(Jt '"""rfl1110 1:1 '""'")' 1'1\f .. tt l pr• •• Ill •llllllltW• ..... ·II·· "··· ftl'l' Dridges. (liP I 1111' lhn•al or a p ri"MI11·1lllltl l Ill . (' ~ I~ II l' IV' ~ pac ~~~(' It• Marrh :\II lht• Tallmlln °'1 "''11 of l ht' 'tltlt• ltttltlw llltllltt·~ 1'11111• .... Jlll'kl·fl 1111'111 Ill• "'"' hrnu..:ht ..... II "' otw "I\ 1' •. "1"' )'l'lll' I 1-..<trltl'f, hn\\t'\'1'1. \\'aho•r John-···~! ('1\~1' nro~;onnllr .Sf'l for Mar 9 mt~~lfln l I Htlll 111111 •h•· l'lltnnll~ n .. , ,. "" fuurllo Ill• oint Altr r a 90-monulc hotel room velo today hung u,·rr a mn~:rr ,_ '""· :-,:, hra.,ko Htlorn.-, "l'nl•r:.l, ·rt 1 t 11 1 tit• '" '" tlu· •lnll11n wh<•r•• nil ronlcrenCI' WJih Bnd~:r~. Jla}wood ~•nnal boll hi gl\'r· otl·nch ltdt•l:ond .. ·:oul '" n ~lato•mrnl '"~I ,"'11' 'llt'h "' ill'll•·n """'''''S rompllunts <: t•n Ill" r ll >lrl 1111111• '''''"' lto·ur· lhro·o· 1'1111•·,11••11 l'o r·•• nl~tllun """ tllutlo· ltv r ·'I'' d I Ad "I "ge·ted hA ~ ·oan " r M 1 '1 \\' II " T 11 on~:~ on ""' '""J•·o·l :or•rllll·•' of •·lo•·' II II .,.,.,,,,,1, '' '' 'lr • I'S'N , , (.'(' ar, · .d su.,b "' "1'.~!'"' lo lh<' !'IIIII'~. auohortl\' '"'~ M'1U"Ill b' tht• ~lah·~o 11 r anr "rs 1 1111f1 " 11 • ' • " • . . to 8V01 em tiiTil.SSml"n . I . ... ' . 1111111 or lta\r• Hn l Jill'"""'''"" Ill lhr· nlnf I' ttll\1' """'"' '"' ltt••rllot , ..... d d -I i H 'I lntt'I'IOI' So•ITO'Iar) J ;\ Kt'\Jj.; .J .. hn,on lir•ltl l(l'rll'fll) roo· ~tH i o· <list Nl r(•o•t. rtl(ain•l tit(' lt:'r lht•) -tHHtld 1'\l'ft't•l' II .. Police Officer ~·I' ..... ,,. o•hu I fllttlllllllt't•t'• 111111•·. Bri . .~~~~ ecltn<'r 10 IJU t. a}· tulcl H prt'" conf<or<'nce )''''••rday Wllno·'~"' IH•Iorl' tht• rommollt'f'. 1'11Y ttf Ne•wpurt HNorh fur· the II•· ~11 1tl :\llll•l,r:or••ll ""' l'll•·••k """''lt•·<t llw -"•'1''""' llllllltllllfl wood !illt · thai ht• wu' "qull<' co·nnon" l1rl'"·l 'uhmot1t'<1 an nmr·nclml'nt whwh rtj:!hl tn 1111mp l'rurl•· no I frnm ·'" tnl: w ith th•• ''"lllllll"'"" t~·~:al AskS $] 03 669 1'1\t'ttfl••th Mutlll•'' urul Itt 1 h ,: Bndg~·!< d<'Ciintod comment. dt•nl 1'111man would \'o'IO a '-late~ wnultl r•x<'lurt.• nll\'ll:llltonal. fiOtlfl uhl \\t•ll un lhl·tr Jlfllll<'rt) "hwh d c'JIIlrlm• 111 111 ~•·•• •I th•· 1.,m ' ""'"lh Mnt .. t Tttott'l""' IIIIIIMI To Call Murray boll now J)(•ndtn~ h<'forl' ll •t•nall'-'"""' rul anti J)()Wf'f d<'VI'IO(liTlf'lll~ ml~!ttOn '"""I lltr••t•l th• J•(;&E I' ,rash f)amageu. '""· s. f\'11'•' 'l'l••rt,.. .. IIIII ,,, Moo I h n.. d h _. be I ( 1 1 ht') mnll·nfl os lwtnj.! rutnl'd hy ~ ., "I plan to II' l'p nnt' , 1 I.'!< I l"nt ousc JllniCIIH') su omrrut h••• • ,.. •m !--Ifill' Jllrt~l tl'loon. how Ito fl"l""'' 11( 1 It• 1w1we•r o ""' I Jh ,_11,11, ''''''''" II ( ... I' ) 'I .. II _... ddl'd "'IN'itl!l or lht• l'llltfW'd Wt·ll. .. 11 t••r n 1111• ,..,, tp .. UJTay. aywuo ... a -Kru.; 'lltd hr "would tnclf•t·d" ll~k "'Arrr•tt "'"' '"'' loltt> ...... , r·· \'llllol 1")11• ltllw·' ltll\fllllfHI III!HIIIJ•I 'Ill Ill) ,lupntt•···· lurt'l'" "' "I wnnt to thonk thr mallo•r over :'>1r 1'rumun 1U 1n•nt lh<' 11111 11 ... ho•l Judge BJodg tt Tltt•or~ "' an arlhm fur I hi' dl'-<'lnmrotloor1 ·""' '"' I""" 1 1·um ·'"""~''"'· '''J"'''fl Mllrd• I'• I'll / n .. , "'"'"'". Muo•l~t~ll h lattrl,., An ~·1-10 .-•-.. elfts hill I ma•· ' t I I 1"16 e duratnr_, r•·lt··f 111 whi<'ll lhf• I'll)' •. •v~. '-""" tuo,. ,_. ' re•a t'l i1 'IIlli :or mea!'<ur·· Ill "' I (#Ill)' hsul rlr adl<wk··rl ""'' 111' Wlll'tt Ill~ lttflot!ll l'ltlloclr·rl Wtlll ·•II lt .. lll ,111111' I"> lot t\tti(U'I I, 1'11 1, fll·t·ide to tak<' acllon my~l'tr" tt 1 1 Tl11 1 R • nrflo nltnc-•• .o~;:oon<l tlll w t'll npc·ra-1 . . . WI I II 'I' n. • govo•rnml'n op-1 ecoverlng IJCI~III Ill lh• '"'"'''''"·" l""'''f Th•· '"""'""'"'''· ltNIIly '"kt•ll ~"I" 111)1 IIIII "' IW•l Jrlll:t, \ •oll'/0 1111 ,,llltttl~. Rrid~Ze!< has b<'Pil under cnntlnu-pn~r~ tho• jlf"nthnJ.: bill, dnlmong tho• 11"11" os t Xlll'l'll•tl ltl ,,.. '"~t<'d tJure•~tu \\11111' arn" nnrl '"", 111 r•uttrl In nwrorct lto111 'llt:ll'd;'l·\lo ''""' M'"1'h I to 11; 1'11:, , • ..,, OlJ" C'nlici~m from the nlllinnal ~~ .. ~~~ ro~.:htrull~ ll!' fl'dl'ral Jllll· From Crash -~lrtllrtllnno; ·onrl pulolw """'''' ,,,,_ flrofii.IJ:t·~ llltlllttly ··•I""'"'IC 111111" II ••• I II CIO be'(' aU~(' or ht!' nppo~llton to ·-J Newport to I rie-l' In lllo\ I llrtl•f II\ "Itt• h tit• • Ill\ '" ,. till I fill( ""''' .. , •• , """'" h ~11t h 11 I an ond his ~upport I''' :u·tutf1, '"'"'~ft "" 1fu· •·• ''" I I' I r.. a p ' . \\'holl' lo;ruh ··xpro''-"''cl ht' "''~' rompnn) II ... ro•lll"" Ill ""I' "" '·,,,.,, '"""'" '"""""~'"··•I lor,, ...... .. forth<" pr<'~identoal candodacy or fNir o·at r)(o\\l'r r·t>mmos.-wn •puko• ... Coty Juri~:•• ll:orr~ I. lllnd~t•·11 Furni.Sh Sa../ "I I~ '"'""''"'"'' ''"'''" 111~-:h"")' "' !lu •~ "" '"' w''"'"t••l nnrl ""''" lll'nry \\'nllac('. 11 l m•·n H•ld th" 'llht'•>mmtll••' th,ot ''1'" fl~ltlfltff: r .. •·o~"rtlllo! lrtdn) II '<rttd , "fhht "" """'lrtol•• r·•ttl•l 1~ •• ~~.::.~:· ' 1 ' 1 ' Wh• ' 1 "''''' 1 '''""'""" •·f ""''"I""' :111<'.:!~ II•~ \'I('W~ ;lrC' rlollml'lnNI )' 0[1• tho• "'"'I" 11111 wnulri tnlt'l'""' rr .. m I ,. :0 1"1'1<. II ;o ('Clllt~lltn n· c . ,~ .. , II I I I ,..,,, t;o .. o. II "" •• k '"' Itt ···l•llflllfl ,,. d I . r h I 'I I I 171 " Jego rulser "'no ••• 1" '''"I 001 I •• 1"" tli0\1 1 .. , II I I T II '"111111"'"'' pt)"l' IO '~('VI('"~ 0 I I' na oo na '"'" fo•olo•tal J~l\\1'1' nnd """''t!:• ,,.~ , . ..,,,~ 1'\1 01110.: fll '1 .I • r I .. ''""' ""' I rJO rr a :\11 )n ltS ~t:lt('ri h\' If ~ trHI Sitnt;, An;. n\e•r hr·d~f' '·. 'u~ IW''"' I Ill I dHnJr ht ..... i ft l'l.·o····· k ••''"''' •• r '"' f ,,, ,.,,,,,, f lfl ,,., f jflt illlil ,,,.,,, l ·J;: "11( ' ' · · • • · t lt.n;d p1'•'1•'t11 ... un tllliind \\t'llt'l' ~ ~ HS "'' , . .,,, , ,, .. ,,, tu ltH" ,,, ''"' n1• nl ,,f tit• 1 ,,,,,,,,.,"" ht•llt)•ht (''(f'('UII\'f' hnnnl hNiflrd h~ :\lur-1 I I I II (' If·· \\:0~ l.ol<•n "' Sl ·'""''JIIt•l . A. l ll l·(;(/ ,\ ,,,,, lo•ollr••l mltm I "' I r t ltffw••l ,lllhtt•'"" •ttlfl II• .... 1 "'"'"''' "''' I'S' ""'''"'''! ,,,,,, ray n H f'l•ptu ' JH4''''" I'( l) f•fl l t "'l•lt:tl lftUll• dtnf•·l\ lulln\\Hl'' •·r•tl't'r J\;, ... tu•• n l'''rt'hHM•d lf\' . ''f1 "'' til'''' ,, n •HH In ''''''''''' ''''I'll•' Ill• til I>\ "' '"nll'rC' ltrt' a half A dO/I'n l':l~l· nll..,.tf•ll>'l' f.o•litOd llitl•. lit•• ('Hill lho tl'lttllflf \\Ito I< I;• \\1, lrt ol~ lito• t'tt\' fott It'• I' I lulllhttttllll~ rtlhkt• tl /o oolo lol• 11 tl o 1 >llo"l IIIII• ' 1''' l'.tllll•if t it• 1'"11 111' f,.t I"''' "i' .~rn (.]() 01•'0 \\he) mil\ h· , ••. ,n11 ...... 1flf' ....... rl1ht• hall pt·rh;qi>\ot UU·~,tf , ... "'''""'''It) t,huultt•r poh tt '"' J·•''ol ····If ht\ San ,,.,~ ..... ~.,. ,.,.,,,,.,,. ·····I h t' tUJIUI•'-II· h,H,•d 'I'"' ,,,,,. ,,. '"" •.. ,,,,.~, "' ., .. ('1,'11~1,,111 1,,11 fnr llrotl•·r·,· nlac•t•." an1•n1tnntll~ ."••1il•f L:l\•· up the• ''11' l •••cu It,,, lit·"'~ •I ''' •,•, \\ ••·•I •\•r ,,~. l''U•t ,f •I·""'~''"" •n•f tfu •· ('''''"' lf1"" ,~tfl ·~••tr u'•· utul " " '' I I I I I S 'll .. ~r••-ol '•lfo•ttl' '·•••I ll• ""111•1 . I ll:""""o(l riN·Iar•"l rtl:"' ,, ',,. nolo" • tal•·' l•,·on ,.,.,,. ''' "'""I" '•··to '" " ....... , .. " , '"'" ,,,, 1 ...... r ''"1"'1'' •11•1 .. '"'' ' '" ""' "'" " ""I' ltnl tf,, •• lnp .lnd U""f n:l\tl-,othl· Jtl tlt,,t,, In ••••• ,,,J IH 1\\t t •• , ·' ····tiJ,tll ••• , c·.-.: .. '\\:t,lt\\•trft.l \f·r~} f ·"l·dd _,, '"' I fl. , • .,,, ,,, " ... t .. •'h'••·h Prt"""'f\fl (1•1 P:tntlui.H•·' thf• "·'''''', ""', tl .• ,.... • d , .. J "'' ''''" \\ ' It •rl• ... ~. \\'· __ 1 1,,. 1 ,,11 , ,1 , ,,. ·~ 1 ,1 .. , , JtlHh.:~ \ 1r,. pn• ... ut.·nt n;t nw~n R .1 1"1 • I~. ,, It .•d '' r th• ,.,, > r·o•Jn-• • ,, , '11"'"'"'· l•unl>'r 1'~'''''"'"1 or lh•' \\ lll.lld \\ (; 111 "'II "'"'I '" '"' VISIT CORNERO I ............. 1'" '1' 1""' ,, ''1 '"",JUnl''r (',;l.''.nll)t\r t•lans Orfr(·,ni·znd ('ICl,\lltt~\\••lk••l',lrt l)•tlntt \\hn •••tnr•l ...... llllt ... h~di •"'J,wtttt' ,,.,"_.' lqq '"'•ttlll t•d r ,... ·'--GRUNIONS LE GAL . .,,It lo•o" "" 111111'1" '" Ill<' t•n..• ul ,'ll ,.,, '" • •I ""'I w..,,,. t·nrrit"C.I to ltu•Jtll·•l' ln1 1 "'"'""'"I .. r •h•d oollol .Jilltt"t tn IIIII•·• 'l'tw IMM1 ... u( t \\ 11 ••I Uu• d••n•t ~,,,,..., 1')-rl,.... ,.,. .. , 1-'''"'" ""'" ~I'll' ~till ml•· '"lot ·nw N111 d w1 •nnk f'otmJlk•tf'•~ lltll ''' ••~o:ht In 1lt'i'JI Wftlf•r 1\ ~'""""'""'" "''itt thHI lhr t'Uf' ~·nt w"' nonnlnte tno -ualy to 1••nm1 oil\ 1n.: 'If"'' 111111na c "''"'"l ......,.. 1'11111 t' II Stnllh, M••mphla """"'"''' "' 1 h•· ·t-'I'Cif'ral Ita,... I Jllf•• whu hutTI.-'(1 hf>N' 1t1 11hl IIU"" vlvur.,., '""' thttl t hfo Wlllf'r .... nmnlnv "'' '"~' t hAI If lhf>"' _..... nny hll••· INIItlt'll, thfoy'd ~ hi' In Nl"" tlrh••n~ by now" no owtn,k o ""'' n•llf'Vf'd thfo ,...u- lno 111tu1 ttnfl Wtt• 111 lhr ho-lm wtMtt llw ~hiJr lllrf'hNI and ~ 111£nln~l lh•• hrirla(f' W11l1<•r "'"'•· of S t I ~~Uia, pial .. r rho• •hiJ• thttl .., .. familiar te •·V•·ry rlve•rmrtn fmm lhfo (iult to :-(a fo~oul~. ,.w,.m allhtK't', alt....,. ~lnfully lnjun-d A IIUdcJoon ll"'f'aiW~ C"UUFnM .. ttw rlv.r Ml.-d lNI IIC'ddent. K ttnw Uw boa\ OU\ .t ...... 11nl1 ll•mnvod It to bit• ....... a. brl<fc'e ptc•r. IIIIJO• Oltltf lhlll In the contu.lca .,,.,., lh•· •h•ttt•rtn1 .-..h he -It'" ~Ill 111 • • r n htlfn4'-1 own l'ril!ftd... • """' hi~ hfr "My 1'1\Jttlltn WIIJI br)'Und "lJ n•AI't\,'' I 111M~ Mill "I uw him 1ft ttll' lllllt lllflflll'nt whMI hfo Wf'flt Ult- ,,,., with hi• 'hiJt " ·n ... t'fflllh HI !l fl m I(~· Jut u ll(hl rrn11 n'fl elurtn11 • ".,.,u,. 1 lv•·r '""m•uv•·r lhf' Jlf'rle~ ftHWtf•·r ttf " n111n l,...r •tl tho· tow· INrttl'a hnr.:•·• '""'"",... ul unwtual 1'1tt rf"nl~ ...,._ .-......, l('"'"' tof th•• m•'" Wt'f'f' a.lli""P I'"'IJI•rin..: fur I h..to mtftnlrttlt _...,. \\1wn lh•· Nuto•hn. h11ulln1 lt\rw or Ita •I~ .. 11 llltt't,t••• 1111 thl' rlv.r, •urlttt•nly "'"" '"'"""' lntn thr wal) "' ,_,,,. 1111'1.11 ~1111! ttw lr<tJol "Wt•fll un~ Itt :10 "" •>flrl• "'"'''"' lft,wn-rtlv••ntt•'" ,,,,.,,.,..,,., thto cwl" IIU tt•n t II" •fu• 'Y't\fft,.....C 1n n-,._,. )I' 1111 A• , .... Nllll'ht•/ lllif.rnllriwft t Ito htltlo;•· lit•· •~trtv 11 •wHI rlr- ' "'""'"" rn .. tt••n ••f th•• w~tt••r '""' lt~~l lltt• N11ldtt•' "lo:"ln•l tlw ,.,.,., .. ,., .. '(,.,,, .. .,, t 1•·ru t 'nlllr•• who wu ••tt olu l, ol till' I !Itt•• •lilt I lltttl lhft I Ill ft Uf f,;ttl "• 11U1ht httltt Uf fhl- lt,\\ tftd I• tko d II lll'ttlfllf "''''di(hl ,,., ,,. ' ,,,,. , 1\. r ·· I In • tl.t It '''' ~,.,, h•'l 'w•tna ,., fltlv ttl• '' •••I 11n't hi I ttu1 'un '· ,. ,,. ,.,,,,., ••• tfil ., .. lh or lhf" 1111 ft q t I ••l•ftltl"itltlllh f\ ltlftt• ltllh..._ ~:',.::~:!;1"::·,;: 11·'~"'""1 ''" 11'' :~;~·~.''11',1 , ;i'',',1, :,',~:--~·-.·,:· •• ::~· •. ·.·:, 1 :;i' ~:1 '1 1u" ""' :-: ,._" ~,.r 1•· I ·I· • ·•· .. ''"" ,1 ........ , ... ,1 Welc:umt• J.,ur Eash•r Wt•(•k Visitors ,\l.,••l11•'111t••n•·•' \\it' T tnl Fl~nn n •'l,,n· IH..:~·· ... t P,,,.,.,., d•\•lnJ ... , •11'• f.trn~•hn• c·t lf ·J,.n , f tH ,,.,,,,.,,, lftpt•)!Ui tl I f1 '•ftf fh I' QUARRY 6 NIGHTS l'o.lt" 1 ,.,, I \\'lllttrn l'rwo•:rrf .,,, .. 1 1111111 ftll ''""'' .,, , .. ,. c·1 f• Ctl :.lt\11•1' ;u·u t ,,,, •• ln.d 11 'p1•· nl•·nt-: (.'-+f•-•'· ~·,., ~. ,, I· t\' ·~··I ,... ,,, ... , 'ltl ..,tJtl••l"''' 1\ •. ,,, , .. ., I .... nl.t11\• lr .. rn \lah\lltk•·• \\1'" II• ,.., .• ,._. •1 .• ·J.ru· ... , , .. ,u• ''' '••1 1'' '''' l•••l" I'' f•n 1''1r '' IH trl\ t l,r• tdl•, • I A WEEK THIS MONTH, .. ' It 'I .... , ... .... .. Ill ¥oilh I 11 nu t 'h 1rr•••• 1 111 1 o '"'''"' •h , ..... '''' !UI•I '"" ' , I It,. " q,. l!t•t.,., ,,~ '•' ,t ',, I I I 0 •I• It,,' .,, ..... ,. •tt l t lfl •••• ,, "" tftf' I I '' r • r "' \\h • I• t•~·r ·•·ttl\ , .. • .,..,,,r. .... S.tr ,. d ' I I• •'' ,., ! l'.t \'. d '' u , '' I u• " "•• ' •·I t ••••I • I I '' tt.. , .. ,,,, I"'' k \ ~ "'''' F I.HH"I ... (f1 n th ('o:• t1 '"'' .... ,, , ....... ,, ..... ,, \ ftn 1 ,,., ••••• t f1 llu ''''tlrl•Htl ,tt .. " t ( til},,.,., li e f. t ... • t f I f.... I if ,. "" •• A I I'·'· I !•ttl .,, ,,.,., ,, ,., ""'J' ,,,,,' , .. lit" II' .. • \ t " 'f t,. 1•1 t\ q ., t ••f• ~~~ I I 1 • ~ ,llu Itt t tllf••l Itt t 1 futth fttlfl!tt • tff tlt\.t\l•tf '11l•" ('lc• u\ 'lll"•tuk·••• ''l"'"''dl d . .rn on th. \It "'"''"'' 1 ~"1Hl• 11• '' '""' t•l• 1 ·d t ••'' 1.. l"f .. d,... lr • •HtHH'II ("t~flltlt'''' .,,, T·h ru1 }l.ul 'n•• ,.,.11,11·1\1 •fl 'h• 'II rt'l •o~ qtl t "•t~'•• dnu ,, '•n 11' I"' •1 l u~l•• ll• ttt•·•' '''''' ,.,,,,•t •···• ''' t••u hil\'•• "' ''\ n ·pnrt•·d HU:..trn c: ,,f Hnd\!•'"" and tit'' •~'""'·''· '•''J .rnd 'u\tlt~ otd 1 '' '111 ' 111 ; '111'' 1 h• ._, 1•·: h •·l·•'••d ... \\hl"h nuH: ••I ''' "·••d .tn\ annnunr•,tn•n' """'d td l n•'•''' n,d uld li•I•P"l ,.,,n 1 ' 1 "'"1 •l•·"fl Ill 111• dioo •l\\il\ • I ••••rid t .. ''""'" f••l ,,, .. fu·hlut..: l ~ttlhtt ... ) •· 'I '• '""'' "'' ,, H" '""''' ., .... , ,, ,,. h'ittl l ,.,,,. '"·l tt ld•t•l ,,,, '"''"'''' "'' d l tf't f \1 tilt I I t• Jl! d I 1!1 I ljp 0 Ill ,,1 q ,, IIIIJt.fl jl hIt f ,tf,.ftl t ftll ht d ttf• f till\.1 111 ""' II ttl Ito• t lt jhlltfl lio \ tl!l,•tl \1 11ft " I til 1 lftlt d f4od t• I;•, lilt l 'tl l'llf"\1\l!l f l •tlfl !Itt II \ Wtlt t .!IHI lo o•ll' ~ I I h.t\"t• l tl .f'U01t' fiOIJ\ tt~t• n.t11••na1 ~1 :•d :·ttll•''' hh huf1l1 1'11 !•••"''"' ''" \'•11 i • I •IIJt \ttll lhf• ht•t•f\ It l111d t ntllf"•' ,11 ;-\t'\\ Y•11 h 11u· •1ft1•·•1 ·n,. Fl·t·,, .... t.mnn~ ":t .... th.,fu,t .. ,,-, •'I"'' ,,, t.tlk ,,, ·r,.n~. \' •' .,,,,d '·"'"'• ,,, "'''•l•ttt t:tt' '"'' ht 1 romfotrno·ol hn"'"''l oh.ot Fhnn .. rlo•·•tl on.t •·:ol t"n lhal I"'"''' :ontl f'•lt•· 1 hool c• It ''"'''"'" ··••' ''·" thr"'"'" or "• h:orl ,,.,, r .. r ,,,.. ,._,..,,,r ...... :-1 !'turm' ~"~'"" Thl' :ll'fl"r"~''~ h•··••··ol no• ' tnl: la'i no,:hl ho•l'"'"" 1 1.•~'"""1 Ortt11-:l''. 'J11omnl' nntl I!Jolph I Ill \\ llrtn. orcnnllt'r fur t hr• "I'~ I rna 'I ('J() t .. nfl,..r .~ ;,, flltnCtllnio•ri hy fro'(llll'nl nulhur,l• nl loud c-nn· Vl'r--i\1100 i\1 nnl' potnl. Ortrll:r'' fl''l'kNI IIIII thr• hntl'l room t!oor ill nl'w .. nw n and ~:-till "Ynu _ mny 11• w1•1l co I hnml' h<\~ ~. WI' :~n·n'l 1-:'""ll In •:o~ onyl honJ.: ·· J Ia' \\·OOft'~ ''il'*'m•·nt c·an'" ""~' h e w;,~ Jrnvont: thl" hntrl S•·•'m· ln~lv irTolalt•t1 lw tll'('l~orl'rl '"'" wan' I '''mf'nnl' "hn "oil l'tlnfnrm I wllh niltonnnl n o pnhl'} .. Thf'\' w ill rt>rum ,.a~l n(l,.r 'o!'·' tftnl: on v\~ An~o:e•ll'' unto! Slllur- dny. "hl'rt' I ln~woofl nncl Thnmn~ plan 10 contlnut> rom;olldntion or telr pho nr com(k1ny uno I' lin~· wood ia due in Washin~on on TU~ny Thomn~ plnn~ to ~:n lo I:>c!trol\ 'I: li I WITH BOTH l\IORSISC. ASU At'TF.RSOOOS Mt:S!'CIOS!'I hfold to &ol".trrmrnodat~ -rf)' lOOCI P""""'""' IU41«UrAt ..,.n11-"'"''' tlf'ltl """" day.l'f'h. '!9 In thfo nf'W ~1 .00CI.OOO t1,...t (ltun-h of C'hrl•t, IV-"'nU•t. at ~SO~ \'Ia IJd'l. ,.. Y.art, C'allfonlla •truc·h•" ctr.lfl"'NI "' lifflrl'" A. Ho"ard or l..n• Anl(1!tf-ll hu a w aUna rap~W"IIy nr 1100 a4tiC'f1w-nlf'd "'Jth an additional SOO wat-nf c·l-roqm -..-..... fJhflt•l "' llo·• kr" t d H td • •I• ttl t I•• r• • I f, ''" \• '' d· r 'tl • I 1. '''" '. •" • hut • ••t ,,f l•ttt•IJ'h' 1 ht "' ••, 1l1• t ,, 1, "' tilt• \ •1 t • ""l" • '''' til, Jt .,., • 1 \f '"' I • '• tt•"" r h • • I• "'II" tl • t,, u t•l••tl• ''''.I d ''"'' ltttl h I • ',1 I 1 · ft•r llt•· l'l u '"" 11t•• l1•• f•t' t1 •t•f r th•••••tlll' • \ H .• '•'• I I I" I ,,.,. q,, ., I II tf,, '" I '"~·· '"' , •• , \. .... Itt tti\IIUitf~tU ... lh· f ,. \\Uh" H it,.,,,. ),, I ~"''"' tt1 1 l~••ltlu• •t1•l ft•• 1;,.,,,,,,,,, l tt t l I lt'h\••'' l• It•~·, th\ I•"''"' I•• f"''' l,t••k••n ·•t•Ju • V.••~+tl "'II ff• •lt'-ltllt'll••f 1 .,. '''"II l•t•• "'''" tit•\ '•\Ill ,..,1,,., 'A•tllld h.-• tlfiUf• •"''' ttu·y , , ·,, ~o• I"''' f~· ,, h ,,.tJ , '''''" I''"' • d ,,,, 1111' '" ,,,, _,,, hwlt ''"' ,, .• ., ••• ,., ,,.,,,, ,,,,, h '""' • ,,., .. ,,.. •I· 1 \l ,, h· ,, It•' '" "' 1~'''1 """ ',~,.-. ,,,, fl ,, I•· ~~~ h It v..a• ""' f .. f••·v··d '"' \\I r•· • ••ri '"'"''''''' ,.,, h•H•I' ,,,,,,,,,,tf II•• ''"' f1t...tt ,,,,,, 11.-I·~·Hih '•'l"lvlnl•tr l d hu"•v••• "'' IHU•·• t ,.,. .. ,,,,I ttf f IIIII I'""''' d ····''" ,, .• ,." ,., li· f\• I I ,. 11 • '" 1 .. •lolr .• • >l.. , .. 11 • .. 1 100 ~ • 1• '" •fill II lfJ 1• '" \1 ,,. lo lit. \1 t .lt Y.X I'I.fiUr.H •I ,_,I l I"" I I tfllff 0 ,., I"' 'I' I II pIll .,, ''"'''"~·Jtt \Itt, I, ~,,,.,... ,, ""II'' ... ' It . ,, ,, .... ;u • ,., tl''"'" 1H •uplll l •u•~l '• 1'1 d u l•t II I• Itt \1tt•h }f ll••t•t. ••f ~tr• •tl•f"'' tl•ttlfHt•ht kl fl•t '111 \'''~' •Uti Itt 'tt• t,ull'' \if f t1111 '"If tH f dH trt•f •uti \I,.' t\1\.11 .,,.,, '-'t 1\~df)o!H WIUl '~ "' ett l• fl,,,, .. , t .. tt.: • "'" \1 u• h .'~ '"''II I I 1~. ••• 1..! 1·, ~· 111 , ... ,,~~~, '' lt.tl.tv vdu•u ,, l!ft'C h••lttt·r • c•·d •t , ... ,._ tflll t••rdt tl tft, HUt'''"''''"'''' -.ultl ''~·l•t~l••f f..ttt• f111ef f'rut•k••r '''lf'l. INO DAMAGES AWARDED FLAMING CRASH SUIT I · ... " IOJol'' "'II ... "'"" •. 111'"" "' ~""I' II '"'" \'• ,,. '" 0\ ,., •• , ,,, ,,, .. r.,, ... ,, ,, ...... ,,, •. ,, ,., ,.,,,,,'"'II ",.,,,,, .. , ...... In Hu \ I ,, ltt• ... ,, It 'I t.• I •t ,...... h ,, t J ltllfl•;q,, ••• tlt•t ,,. • .... tl It • f I !t I l'lt• ·lllf•"''" 1• I If I t ,.. f •••• ,,,, 1'1 ~~·''' I,, ....... , '"" ' I~· II II ' I• ,,, .,. I t ., .. ,,, • t •• "' \ l If,, ' I ,, I I' ,,.,,I '" q ,, , I "I. J, "·t ltfilft~' • Iff\ '•tl If• fl11 •ffl \1r • ;\I h \It"" lt dlf t,q ,, tnd "• ,,, ~,,,,,." , .... 1't11 ,,,. ,, ~· "' I',,,,,,, '' '" ,,, •t t•~r ,,,,,,, ,~r q j,, HI •f "' tr ''' '"''' '''""'i 1\ll •'f1 , I•• tt 1•t,• ,I'''''"' ,.,1,l ,,,, ·if)( 1.,.-.11 I\ I• '' r r• ,,,., fl• ''",, . .,.,, ''" ,,,.., I t\ ~"I "''"' • '"" 1 J•lry ,,f "~ "'' ro •• r tit• 1 "' "lttdt plnttl(lu•rl lntn I Itt• II Ill lol lito• llliOf'ltlllt' Ill Whlrh tltt• l ll·ltll,. "' '' •• ·•''"' ~tnrt wloll'h · lo;ttl I• I II •lr t" II hy i\flro'fl 1-: ~~ "It•• 111~" I""' '"' It I•• 111 Ill•• t•ru~h. 'f'hl' I•·• o ". I r•~t IIIII IIlY ~hcrwc-d, to o•l ~'''1'1•·•1 "" tlu• hl"hwroy ond• l~·r· Wit• ""' tllf>ltmr 111 rt•plllr& 11 f11~·· ttlto•t hiM lt~:hiJt wr•nt out.\ Titt• II· 1111 n or n Httntr oJ hl11 and' llolb nH•••hlnl'• Wt•rr• "''' tttlrc• Page 2 Nt';wt·o~e1· K,\a.HoA s t::"~"-r"" :o-jSolon to Ask $2> Million t "'IUPA\ s .. "port ~. ('allf. 'ta rrh ·'· I!H M ' ' - -N--d --A k""d 1 For Emergenry State Housin~ 2 N D eva ans s .t: 1 I .. •1 ,, 1., To Begin Power 1• 11. ' hll I 11 'I tf l iO.f " FRONT I:eduction · ., 1' • • ,. PAGE ···"' ,. . ! I. I :I ' ,, d ' IHI if E·A·R·L·Y . N-E-W-S * WEATHER * R\ USITt:ll f'ILL~ ' I ,,, .. '· I' I " '• I •\ '· ...... 1 •• 1 , ,., , ••• t''" ,,, r f1 .. ,, , 1 I''. J• ,, '''"" ,f • • • t • .,\, n •Ill 'r ·I•"' ·tlnh•~t ut• nt tt l 1 • •t • t • I I I ' '· ,, ' . • • •n undt•r ••[J!'Tlflnt11 1 of tho \\. •lllr! I'll i •nstruc· .. .,, fr••m '" ('hollrt ' 11nl11 ,. •I'm• nl" • 1 I.Hlnll ol 1n .cuh. :ooorthnr. "tO a f"'''', I • ttll,.lt••fl pro).!''"' t .. I • ., " , • d ·' ' «'f•rpor-~Ang\.·IMnnd\'IC'inH) ~1t,,tl~l n•·\\ u •tf••t tn ru;r •tu rn tn't f··r ~·, r '"' •• ''•i•n .r•d tt ,, •' ••rnpHnif's -:Jear Hnd lllightl)' WAnnPr to •l o~ • ,o ('dlf flll•l 'l o lo'o 1'1• lo o l1o ol ,\loo II o'' hoUJiin S( ~ing hr~ rloudlnetiill tonh:ht ,\llnrcl , , t1 ''"'' ,,, ...oo1n 1~ 1110 •I· IM,IIIo I", k• 1... , 1 •! ha\'1' to _, Satumny """'h It lilt' chan.:r· In • >!.olol) •·I "" Hrf!r-r " c'ht~ ~ ··d '" ·n .......... ~-. ot.r .. "n ,. ..ol I. I." I ' " 'I· IliOn vote, c.rnp.rratu~. tu n C1•Jrru ' ._-,·nt"rat' ••Hu·r, th,. h•· "• "• · ku'l-' •n ·•J·I~·U•''' • ~'' ~ tr.•l '' • 1 ' ' • ,,,, '' ·lhf;'y Southc.-m California: MObil) 'fiiTIIlll"'"" \\Ill piAl'!' ,, on ,.f .... ,,, tho o\o•r,. .. r Ill "'k f.,, hi~ ill • f "' ,. "·· lo ·" • ' 'l'liSion ._,. and llhd'IU)' Wlll'l'Tl(.'r lOtiO)' lo·o 1 lhrlolll'looolll lllf' "''~I• no Jllorl •llf•l••rl I I• •loo•t lo• ""'•'ol 11'11 • n•" '""' • "" • ••lllrl nrol lx-k~Mstng hl~h clnudlne«.~ IOOI).:hl rof riot• snlo oltu·•· Ill•· looll• In :ony ••vo•nl 1 "''' ol ,,,. 11 'lo' \•·ol' < I• !'l ion. ec!Saturday Slightly wamwron In thl' mo•llnttml.'. AllArd ~~~k•·d l ll'c;, .. ,, "'"" h•totl•d 11 '1""'1 ·;, •· •• 1 111 r~•inl!l of ~ 8Ift portion Saturday ·h· lll"rlltclt.ol•·•·u•·l•'r.olllln "l oltr) I"",. ll.•l ·ll•l' 1•"'''1 ··" '•'1'•1111' I ,,,,\\Ill ~1'1 his ----'''fl"''lm• r •n , ... , lUI.! •• ~ mnr·h r ..... ,. I ~, t fl • '·'.' \,t'fl d uwhut• ,,, f ttl I • 111\ •• fi;("r t"('n .. BOOKIES LOSE l··c toC"'>•ohlo na &ro ll '""' ,lf·l I ·' ,,:, ••• I., •i'JII••I••I·o•u n '" !.('1 up TELEPHONES r. ,.,, c1 1" ,,, ,.r ... ,~.'(j t.r•m·nou1 --- PHEONlX, Ariz . Mar. !\ (UP)-Bookic'tl hf'N' W(•rt Wllh· out tf'l~t· l'l'rvll't' today in the latest dc·vrlovnu·nt 01 rounty att.or"ney Fnnc:il Donofrio's ft.:ht ..-,l.nst eambllnK 11w mount11ln atalrs tC'll'phoO<' end tf'~aph rompttn)' atoppt'd all M'I"Vioe 10 bookmak<'n )'I.'Sif'T· 4ay at the N'Qut'tlt of Donotrlo, wtlo uld that hla Mitt mow• would bC' to ~ver ff'Ut'd wlrf' nu·· lac rM!W1I comlne In to thl.' dty. Mort-Ulan 1.000 wUdcata Wt'r t' cauaht by UoenJf'd OtlifomJn 1 mp. ,JII!f'W lut year, accordlnc to atalr tlpra. Newport Harbor Headquarters ~~ Sales and SerPice Seaboard Equipment Corporation u. Oeelt ......, ...... Mtl •• ,., ...... Olrllf, 'tl Purity 'tl Accuracy 'tr Dependability • f# w. r.Dcltw Ow prncripOon Doc IIIMdl ,uu ... with nth ~ ol accuney, Only lht' rlMi t, , ........ drup ....-d +Ko'""! IUIIPIOII •• ..,. oauo WWWHMfPBAWMAM •••.-oA PBAJIIl&CI' • ,,,nn~ ,, .. m '"'' 111k•· ·""" 1(•1 STORMY \\'onnt muo ,.,, nnri h\ fnr ~ .. utlo '" ---------------------------------~.:::,';·,~l:lt~~lnd••n·C.urdnc·rvollr· •• nd l Strippe.-Does Her Att for full ege SUNSET AT FIGUEROA IS WORLD'S BUSIEST And Winds l p All Soaking \\' et # 11.\'ro ·~· It• 1t 't:t . Lo ,, ·,, ·, ,,, ,, '" 1-'>L' any. t l P • '-=1u tu\ '''' "''IPflli r ·' \ ••ra • 1..• •• , • ._ (._lrt)11nJ;: It ruu ·, •1 •• hh' It Ul• ta t~f t., ...... , te ,.. . l -, t \ • • • ... ·""''• rll"') .. t Per· t.OS A!"C.F:I.F-" Mhr ·, tiH\ ortll ll o•d ... t , ..... ,,,,, "' ,, ' I I ' 'I •I I'• II\ ,.,,,,., ol,•a n of IUPI Th<' Ioiii' of "hll•l•"'' •'<•r· '"""L: \\lilt lo•l :ool •lutlo II' otloll """ loold Storm)' M r ln tlw wo rld" tooav "II~ • .,.. l'.tlrou• 11 h• r •,," • lr I• ·"" ,~,,. ·•"·') I !ll~·t'd hy <'llllrl lf'!lltmony on rzo.:lot 1 lttlo ltl..o 11 "'"'" 1t11 lol.oo·k · :--11. ""'' ••ul f' "M'S, a d e· Sornwt Alvd nnd J<i~tu•·rr•ll St to;oir•••l 1 .. ""'' t11k,, ·,.111 otf T iro) ",,,. 1\l . .r. Lilo•oorr t:1rl Ulousc Tr~tffic F:nginn·r Rlll1•h 'I' O.lr· .q•p luoul 111111 1,11 f ,1 11,.,r, '"d •• '''"·' 1.1" I. 1, I 1 T he band 51')''~ rounr showl'd 1h11t :W,2."17 !'tllt1•lll• I~··•· '"", ,, ,,, •,,,,, d t•l."on•: .• not S tttrmy we nt nutOJnohll•'!l nn 11n ft\l'rll~t· Jlft'-llnl\•l•ll\ "' olofl• 1 111 :o'uu 111., ''''" to. r loout I"' .o1ut ..;tonds. thl' ('OI"no.,. durin~: t ho· rwo th""'· loounrl ,,11 )•'!lto·rday I, • ••" • '· lol"'''' .ond lklrt hour llt'I'IIW:b from 7 :Yl-I0 ·3n 11m • •" • • II oro •' """ r Stormy 11nd 3-6 pm 1'h1• Wol~hlrf' Alvd -·n1'' 1111 " .!1 ~·oorulll •lriJit~r '' ••I • ,,,, '" • l•ooo t 1\lv-prece \\'l'<l«'rn /I. VI' inlf•rllf'<'tlon. whkh tunl• ot "I' h• r• "•Itt th• too roo! lo.otlrzro).; "Ill u.l<l'd lo h,,.,. llw l ith•, hnr! onll l froolll tu r • lulo arorl \\•'I I '"'" .on :O.hooroo) 1.01~ . ..:, o1 ,111d sllppc:-d :/4,970 in thl' Umf' period. 11111'1""'1'1" I•• •I ''1"1' • htc l1111'k l \\10 1111.• I• '''"' llo lo.lt'k of h t•r Tlw I ruff I(' I'IWf'k !'llnl«' u p In ,,,.. llortlill·· 'r '"' '-""I I'IIIIIJIII~ llllllk• '" I• I ltu Ill drop. But )'PIIIf'rdll)' tn 11 ~1111 to d••lo•nniro•· 1" ""'' ''''''1' "''" ·• "'·'11 """ llo\ II• I• I d od lht· \'llluo· C•f J ohn J luu1JC'h'~ rh• 11 1'0"'' oJ lo '' 1 mo-llcfiiiiL: lfl 'llh 1'111\\1) 111 '""'lt•ruus IIU· fW'Ofll'rly nc:UaCC'n l to the conwr. ""••II I'"'""'' "'"'' 11 ot lo ool '-·''"•••d round II ha.~ ...... n ('(Jnltl'mnt'd by th•· nut \\I ''· h• ,, orl• cl • ol.oiiO.: I .... ol "'· ~· ,,,,, ot "". .·.n nc-<1 her lllllt' for the H ollywood f~way • 111 nff '' .rt• Ill• '' oil• ol h 1111.;1110.: oo!l I II • I" • ol ol ''""'d h1•r in. o•m "" I'" S lnln1\ I . 11101 I 'lllllo " ' loonl<l' 1111' win· Oberdirektor ,,.,._ , ........ , Dr. Hnnann Puendef tabon t M-.,or of Cotutfl4' and Un«Wrwc· ret&17 of State In Ole old Wflma.r R#pullllc, wu f'lf'('lfd Chlrl ltJf'('U· Uft uf ''Otlerdtl'dWr" ol Blmota- Ule COIIIOIII.O Amf'Mnn and 8rrt· \ah ~UJ)IIIInru W>nea Ul', ~ndU lhWI llf'r•m• Of'Tman, • c:l~t appnJKh t.o a ~htd Of •••'-unce Ul~ •nd or Lhe wou. Ad\'l'rtlst· Burglar Alarms S tw t IIIII• ''" ,,~ "11 to " "1·11•·•1 1 do·\\ • "'" • I t.• o I 1111 k, 1urn l'd It fl'loll, fo•llr I·•'"' loolto," '""'''"I"''' ''"" ... Ito• olll nut of t ill' Ill' I""' r lop .. onrl ""''"'""'·' loluo•k '"''' 'I t,.. lo.orul ,,,, .omloll-<1 for "' '"'" "" .tnlho"' ''"~ :O.I•1111 ' • dos<'ardro \\ • I. I•• • Stu 1.:"1 d unk• ol lro o lo •I t1o" "' to I I"' MIU\l'llll'li. lho •·""I'"~ l.oko• I IIIo• ul llu· 1\ll••l' ul lhl• truck i\1 II '"'' uno· ,,,..fl "l(k•rl h•r, ""' tuurztl ''",,., • ._""a>. on Slnrm) ~<ouort. 11\11 m.oh• '""I' nto< 1uJ• ul :ho• l•~•l lt.oll ,tadmm. did m•'l!lt ul t h•· rLonn~o;• I n.ol ' I 11 lh•• 11 • I• • !'-tuo my sulft'rro v.•hftt botho•n. her . h• r lot '"'' h .ontl lcw~o·m'<l h'1.'lt\. "BO}ll "til ,,.. hny~ ... Is llw only S lw saod one· ('trl'tl soc·k<-<1 hl'r, l:'llf)lnnatum wlw I'An mtL~II'I' )\'llm t.: st .. .., rour t'oom pt:Utoon " II nil ~lnrll'tl wh«'n St11r111y, In ;\•I\ I I 1, ""~ '"' suno )I'd ""'"''' nllllll ·~ Sll1l'lt' Lnllrf'nf'l', lht• cJ.onuo).:o' r;, '"'''~ ht•r ph)MCal ~ltiO ~h·· IIIlo ndt·cl '" '''lnljl.llt.:n "" "'" ~. :0.1.,1 /lol ..... 1 "'"'' had ,,,,, tho• l'llmpu-toor l'.ol :'-1.-Jnt~n·. \\hoi a s.~·· 'I"'"' ....... ,: ... 1 1\.0rth ul 14'f\.< runn•n1: fur pn ·sodo nt ool tho ••lh< 1 d .. 'th' ,ond ,, ~1 .51.riJ n n..: ~t udo nt "'"IY "luch •II•• ,,,,.I '"' d rupJ•ocl on 1-"l ' 11flll'lllll' 11 arno'C'I lo • 1 the• Jak,• lion ' ""'" ''"') <nul ,.,,, si.~· l~o·llo \I'll lto•r s:;c,, 1\'rl~l 11nsn't o·nthUIIoB1111C, l'ith1•r. Ill' "·•11'11 ""~ o uor~t·!l lr~ ommo r'!lton ulm""' 1:111 ••XJII'IIM! who•n. a.• t·Cil · 'l'h.tl "II"" l all T hrl'<' of hr•r 1ur •lf tht• r ArrtJK.l'-' rnn~U/IrU', h·~ ,., ruu~w1an' ''••rt·tt't h.tck 1n put 1o111 1on '""ur r;ur~ont.; :1 hot ~··w C!rll'ans ~1'1, und m •l><ody h.ul l lnto•r\lo 11 1\.llh thP lllrlpJlf'r 11nd l • :oool 1111111 tit• nt tho 11 hrnut.;hl ~ltli'TTl)' lo 1ht• f11•ld .:'ol) '"II' 1:•' c·.on • r '" "'' r. huu~•· In nulr~rt~ph COJIII'' anol o.;luo m} ''''" 1 '' ol, · .ol lo•r"l fur ho>o.>!'l •·•rrulatlon llo• limo t. oro.; Father's Beating Fatal to Youngster Protect Your Pror>t•rty Special \Vah·hmcn Furnish<'d Spring Bouquets From $1.00 1, SANTA ANA: In LAGUNA BEACH: at Macre'a f'aU. PttoM I tao .,...,...--.--ftlt..-.. ,. &. •· • ,,...,., 111. 0a11t7 -()pea s-a,. a ....... ,.. fAr-T ,r,p~a«oJ Jta~nct A. Rubart. a . tltlpe bll wtrt, LoTn.lnf'. 20, up Ole 5lt'~ of a Chltai O poltc. etalloo u Uley 'Were bruucht In for qu~tlonlnc 10 &he dtll.h of Ultlr eon. Thomu Vlct.or.' 2'•· Pollee u ld Huben ad- ll'llttt'd beaUJll the chll4 with a bell unill t.ht boy l'OIIaJ.osed, and Ole~ a.. &oo& &he yo~atn to &he h~pltal atll'r com ulllon• u t ln. 'Ibe bQJ died JO m.IDIIIAI atc.er amnl at Ole hotptt.al. 1 ~., th• ''"'~··I"·'' t•.tt ~" r ... n·.111~ think rh '' ""' • .on ro "''" • from , ,, ..... n1 'i"'" rl~' ,,, .,,, tU •• put•• I'T'IIIIo fi Ill \\hoolo ,,olo• 11 11fl11' IH't'l• I rio nl' 1111 r, 1\ I , .,,,.~rrl I·"' roncl n wroll f'""' ••l11•h tho \\1111110,.: It hi· <'kll ••too Nlrom IIA('k into t~o ...................... lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltoililltllilltllilltl ...... ~!!i!oa!!!!!!!!llt•!!!!!•.,..,ll!!!!!.ell lt.off,• lrllio '• \\ h' o•;on I :o ltPio ,,. tlt•nt• to I )Ct tf.t ;tt'' It l''t lt"lt~• l' U1 ht\t4' ln p·, h', 111 h' t, '"If'~ 7•'ntrh: l<~ll h'l ltll\.5 II I~ I filii t'oiO\o'I'SIOO ,,r "''Ill• o•f 1 h• t•lll "l.llo'·• II phront h otW... ~ Ullu 11\UIIIIll<'·UnLI dl\c.'ll· II)C ( .. res . --- 1 Experts Ask Valley Farms To· Cut Acreage :-:.\t-IL\ :'oil ;\T• t ;\I II' :; 'UP) 1 111• t t'• '' '\ :11 . I 'tfllf'~tl ''uh·r 'Ill.,., l\,d, trt II'' Ill• Ill. IIHJ .... f IJr 'il.t 'l 1t.r "·t·lu•tll I IIi "IHIP if f•rup 111'''' Ul f 'thi••IUi t ' i'l fllt .tl Val· • , 1 , tl ... 1 .• 1 ,. t 111twa :.re:t'i ,, t , , , I• '' • '' u tnin .. 1111.'• •I ,, o ""I' ··I \\ olo•r nnd f"'''. ,. , ,,.., '''· , ,,,1 I'' l loo 1'' 11• 111 • •I I II IIIII''< In Ill• ~It I IIH• f\ltt tlld ~ 111 1i•.l'lll\n \ ttl'\..., Itt f'•'tlllt'l 111• II H I'• :n:e• Of u ,, .,.,, •I •. , nt'' t•• 1111 • 1 '''"'rC'nt ... lu•1 ' •L'•.., 'I'IH· 'h"l t u·o ; tt lrf'acty lo/o\o• t lto•oollho• 1'1•.11 I thtrl Of ( 'llllfl•1•11 • "" I h• olo ••IH'ht t•nwr· l't UC'\ ,,~,,i.;;. :'-1• rom1 hrl•. pollolll' ortohlo••s com· Ill'""'"' r ''' ntwth l'oll .. r told a 1111 o•11nv ~of :~,:.1~1 1:11'0\l.'rs a nd 'III •. N AUD St\I.T Japanese masters ot t he cullnn ry art! watch Intently as Sh1geru Y.lln:t~hlla . ciao In ancient costume, d Pm nn s lratc·!l tl1e l::)hljo method or prrparlng ltve rarp, a t a recent fe stiva l tor cooks In Tokyo R rason Jur the solemnity Is that the m e thod as con:.10~rtd the m nst aJntcult culm~uy accom p llshment. I frorm 1nrlus1 rinli~t " fll Frl.'sno that th•· (io olllt!hl 1111~ proot.:rr'I~Ni fTom 1 !h•· ""'l'lllll,.. '" 1 lit• "rrilical" ••;u,•o ~:\'o ry m:on, \\Oman and d ooltl on C""lif111 m ·o •~ l~t und to f•·• I 11w rffl'cl~ o f nn:v prolong • .oil• n t•f ''"' drn11s.:h1. Polll'r said . ~ Blames Politics for Paternity Suit (A elM Te/,plloce} Ooftmor Jim Polaom of Alabama mret.a rt'portera at a Washlllgton, D. 0. preM conference but rdu.wd a dlrtct comment on a pat.emlty .Wt nled acalnat hlm at Cullman, Ala., by dlvorcre Christine Put.man ~n.ton. Polaom declared, ''I'm In a poUIIcaJ campatcn In Alabama aDd I haYe had t.o fae. t.hNe tacUca In othtr political campa111na.• .. II ID W~toa to *U!y oo Udelanda leab laUoo before a Coo· ,_aooa1 commrt t.H. Newsmen Freed in Contempt Case ~. .... Four From Here On Suppleme'ntary Jury Panel List 1 ;,,., pi fnr 11 f,.w prl'di<'lt"d <"hm•·,.,...,n-Mtf~ tlilf"~ht r" €'111! ' ftornoa no :or I h<' Orr•t.;un border , 11 lw1 ,. lhl'l' ar•• lo·n~t nN•dt'd, the 111•11tho·r l.111r• '"' tnrlnv S.:ll\'1" no o•romfo rl In 1 lw llrmn::hl·~tricken ...1;\h• ,\ no·\\ •llpplo•mt'nla~ ju~ pnnr•l \\'• ~I• rn ~. 'rorlo "·o~ add('() to rof 100 nilmt" •-;a' dno\\n !tl'la~ 110· r'.1hfnrm:t "" a droul'lot roro•a, 'l'l'ld olo·t· ohn•<'ltnn of l'n:'<.~rlong Sup• '"" ~. '.oola'< puhhr '' n .,.,. ('Ommi!'· .JoJd~·· ll.tynoond Thum~un to •IIJI-'l"n c•o·ol••r• cl a hro111 n'lut a nd ply a •uffot'Jt•nt numbPr vf jurot~ prol\1 r ''"'" nC'a rll orl1•n'irnl with lo> h:mdlo• , • .,,,., on ~chroult• on t'lll< alrt :oclv nrrlo·rr·d in C;~litr)r. Or;ongr <'nunty. "'" C.o1· ·v .,;t Pillm:on fnllnw. C'lr·r·k F rank C'un!-1.'1' ,;~irl unl) c•d tho• l<':lri of ('nhforni'l'q Gov. ohHIII !'>0 Jlll'"l' ;oil' :1\'<Hiahh• on ~·:11 1 \\'arn o 111 nrlHII''olllo:• ~IIIII'· t ho• '"'" Joll~ , .. n.·l' now SC'I''Int: \\lri• ;orln;oton n "' n,,,, ·1.1 !'.1\in~ ""' th 11 tht• ntlchtoonal jurcor, 11m•· a~ a 110"' 1 t'nn~<'rvation \\ollrld lw• n••H II.'rl tf mo rt' than nw·,.url' •lo:o·•· Jll~ <':J"'' arl.' ln<"CC. 1 "\\'1' hnn•nl ~• • n .on•·thinl: lndurlo•d \"II tho• p<onl'l fr11m I .. .. . . · I "''''1'"'1 B lot'h :•ro•· :-,1,,, 11, 1, n ) "' Pnrtr r <;1111 F" r~ hnu~l'· \ I • 1 L ' • k c. S tlllnl , I hnlr1• r wtll ha\'1' 111 r·c•n"'fl't' pow. . ,nuu \ r r.ln .8 • "0 . \lrPdi" 11' Hou~wll•· :'olr~ .r11111, 1. t'r r \o·ry 1lro1· \\olh11111 rnin It c;nw·no·nol\ kt . a nd :'-I rs Flurt·nn toron t:im· II~ ''"'' ria\ rln~··r to (' ~halc•r I r.ol '""''" · I llrohr•rt f t'Rn• n <lip• r• o<nr of HIGH Sc Ool f'"l" r f• r lhr p11t.hr utohtu <rom· H nto•'Onn. 1nlrl lh•· Fro·"nn mo l'ltnR FRESHIE SAYS '"'' •h•· t.•k··" nnrl rc••·n l'irs of E W S I s o· I n~orthrrn (':ohfornt/1 '"'"' ~0 low H A PANT E th:tl th•· :or<•a hrul an oncli!'at<"CC Jli ii.J.Y\\()I)Il, !\tar.;, ll'P t l~'"'r rloficH nC•' nf ·llltllll'\,!lf)() kil· A ll·)'l'ltr-uld llollywood I!IJ.;h "".oil h•uor~ \\'hllo· \\ .olo·r slor- ·•·hn~ol r. ··-hm;on lud.ly c-har~:• tl .o;• ,. "~ .. lhnn h:olf ,f throt in 111 •; .'II otckr •<'hoolmall'~ llllll'llally dr~ 1!l17 ;ond only 'p:'lnl'• (I" hm• ;~ntl clr.ol:l~o rl hom ot•••ll :!~ p• r l'l n1 of rap.1rity, U$C or .. t.uol lito ,, hfMII) a n l for doon~; uf Jltm 'c•r hro.; "lioro•d tu hi"'WC't'n •'1111 '''"n' rh11ons.: a ~rhool rt'C•" 1\\t>·:ond -a-half and thrt'<' limt>S I~· t .. 11 Cn.mmt•r filro an as· la.<t ~Pror·~ fos.:url' on murh of ''''''' "ol io 11 do atlly wl'apon rr·· nnrtht·rn Hnd ro·ntrnl California, pl'lrl "olh llnll)wood pollee. O'Arten said Phil Dike, Joan Brandt Named ·Art Exhibit Winners Here Phtl llok• .111cl .Jnan lrnm~ llr.lnrll, ( 'oro.nn Ill' I :'ol.or, nolf'tl I '''lllhtanrl :orlo~l', wo r<' drdrtrt'd 1\lnnl'r~ 1n rt1P thorrl ;cnnunl nrl o•,hthot h••ld lot thr ~{'WflOI'I R<'ltCh I' Lorhor llit;h <rhnnl JUdi:l.'ll tO· tl.o~ "h'o'l"r! nokt,.!l ... nll.' \Vhltr 1 llo :orh" ''' wonnonr; uol [llllntin~; "holt· ;\lr~ llnnnt'~ • lll'>.'s CM· II• "~•k lop honnrs tn tht' wn. I lo r colnr r f:L,,, :'oluro· thron II:> can•assl's Wl.'rt' • n lo•ro•cl in tlw <'nnto <t, 1\hor h tht~ ~ • :or "''" <'CI·~JMon<nrt r1 hv t h c• ~. "pnrl I l.orl~nr Alho d ,\~ts :md th,. hi~h ~<'h•)()l Tht• formo·r ,::roup '' rl .. n:olloS.: a $:!rN I a" orcl for th t' •·ol \\hoi·· lho• lottor 1< lol fJrO\'td l' 1 <"1->'1 prll• f111 lh•• \\":t• r colur .ludJ.:• < "' ro· :'ololf<11 d 7.nrnr·~. \\ ono :\l.tr lin 11.11 b. ora Suntl'r, I ' .dn.o J\ Po 1 n .onrl Hllth Pl'a· ~f'\'t'nlh and C'tJ!hlh ~:rndt'rs of Co-;tn :'\f<'M n nd :'oii'\\'Jll)rt B«'ach ~rrnmm:tr S<'hOill~ nnd th(' Harbor llogh ~<'hool stordl"nl~ art' on,•itt'd tn rnt('r in n rontl'llt o r thrir own. "hi<'h will h<' ronrlur tl'd in con· nrr tion with tht' mnln t•xhihit. .Sponsorrd hy thr ~rwport Eh<'ll <'hrh nrt ~l'<'tinn. tht• sho"i nc woll hnn~: m 11 room ndncf'nl to the hhrary t 1 .. ~~~ :'-I t 'I I' :'-1 llo•H kons \VII, } I• ho ot! rn:on l11r rho• arlatr Exhobots art· 10 hi' limilt'd 10 cui". wa tt•r I'Ofnr. pn~trls. draw· 1n~:;s a nd rollif'ci works. hut no hnnd nr•fl "ill ht• Ul'l'c•ptro nC· rurrlon~: to l\trs F: rC'Cil 1\tartin, Sl'l'IOn lo•a dl'r. Prll( ~ nf SlO, $5 01nd S:! :-.cl arr tn Ill' a"ard l'd tht' "mn•·r~ Tho~r pl:onnon~: I<> • ntr r IT1'1\' ll'ill'f' tho>ir \\Mk~ at tht' hu:h •c hnol offo('l' nn t lnlo•r than Thurstl:t~ nl HI rom Pro·~l'n1a1onn nf prllrs w oll ~'~~' marl" lhrol ni~:;ht :o 1 H n'rl()('k (A em« T •I•,.Anfo} Both N"'burah. N. Y .. Nn·a atsffera lnvoh·rd In a <'ollllt'mPI ol cvurt cue which altmclf'd n allonal publicity •~re tl'mporanly fret' aft« tpendtna fl'!'t or a IO·day ern~nce ln )1\11, followlfll a Habea. corpua proeredlna. Nt wa Editor Oougla. V. Cl&rlr end N'portt r ChiHIN lAonant trf'te Jllll'd fnr rerustng t.o ~\'1'111 toOUtCt' of lott.ery tlclo:eut phot.oc"'Pht'd In thl'lr plll)tr to lltwtrate t~nmbllnll story. Here Leon• aDd p1.,a with t ·year-old aon afll'r rttumlnc home. B1l w1f1 toou llappily on. Durrn~: thr 11. ''''"''"'"''' \\ .. • \mf'rirAn~ rlrnnk I• • •1 oolo It '' brewlntot lo.:an' ••I 1 11· ,., .• n, · ho., .• sh rulo of tlw h\1• '''"'I II I ol' ,I .\llh10th:h1 tho ,.u,r,.,., rl Lnkt !'up• t it 1 t4: f)j .! t• • t lt'hl\ r• !Cf'n ' • lh 11 ••1 , ... •• .,,,,In I' Lu j \\ ' ,,. ' t'll>-1 hun11r:ololo• Ill• 11111\llS on li n t It Clnllp< \\o nl I , \\';1\'111' l.:t· r'om, G lrncl,olo•, :oncl l 1:110d Srntt, I H:unro Bo ·•<'h \\ IIIIo " runll m. n· ·,.n.; llonl In ~lolul lltlfo·ho"'" '"'""'dol :'ol 11 oml l.:lll'••n I' \•·"1"'' H•,,r,arl, l'••••nl:oloHn o•f "".onls 11111 ' d.• Jd u·· n• \t Tf lit ... ,J,, ,If ~ 11 ,.,,,, h ·t •d•·od \\i,.n•h· 'I .,' 11 \\oil t•lf ll ol \ • f" II loo llt• ~•llldtt• I I 1 ... '" ····II" UIJ· Ill 1111.; '· r d • r ' 1 I ' I • ., , , " lh 1, •: ot • ' ol " II r.. 'I"'" h,t\\••n ,l d,,..; f• .. n1 ..! .. , I. , ... I 1. ,, f fll ~:t''Y ro'l'rrorl'h nntl oO\'I'nlonn was fuc •J~~I'd hl':l\ i I~· nn on<'r• r.-. d pow . •r on lh<' nor cluron..; 1"~17 ~I'W plnn,..., ndcl• cl In tho ~ ,, , ·~ air :11m ondoult rho I'll """Ill th .. ~k\'• •llo'Ok, J>ol"olo , f: lll,loo I , J> lfllh~r 'lnrl ~k\Tol<'k• I ;\·11 \ t•li11h ''I :ontl l<•,l:oltlo•ho tl '""""lid 'J••rl rt ('· "'d... .\ t'iu·, 11 r h,.-. .. i 41 1' t f1.:1t t••r ... I'• •d• •·n '' , .. r,,j ,.,. d ·n.. , ,, , ·s ,., ..... -, .... c:o 1n 111. q lfll I d :ti"*\ l11dt d n, ....... ,,, ,,,,t(, th IJH'•..:, in I od •I no\\ I II I lo I' ' loor hoch· .,. 'tl lo oil I !-II \\ ,, If·•· olo nt; r· •~ l.onk ..... onrl h ·1 • 1 "' Lillo flh I. FUN ZONE In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY .. I WASHr -GTON (JR.) _.......,,.. • .-...., ....... ,...... ............. ~ • .--•,•'""•...,.•~~ ..................... ~•-·....,• .... •,......•,•-.• ........ • ............ ~ • ..--. S •: W 1'0 RT a A 1.80 A N I!:W8·TIIIIt8 • Pag~l BF.HT !<\~'IT II, pro-.ltJt•nt of C'*la M •-sa Lltln" l'luh. ,, ... , .... ,.,. frtlOI \t•lt•raon ""'"''"''" uf I hr or~~:anlratlun a t'IIIIII>IN•· ,.,., o1f n..-.. lndudlnr; ttu· natlnnaJ b~U~no·r and 'nii•JI•·r lahlt> flll~~ LAGUNA 'LUAU WEEK PLANNED LAt ~l':O.:A BEA(11 111•· Jun- Alost Exdusn'e Ice ys n • Worry OYer ~1arshall Plan, Ice Cream \\ .\~:tll'\t :'1'11'\ \l.ot· ", ~1·• 1, '"'I 'I'·"' 11111 lh<' bl~ ( II.Jr't It \l it.~ Ill :11• 111 llh '"''111 •holl• 1\ 1• 11 1 l11•1111 II 1\,UI llnw I ''I "' ltt•lll .11111 u lt.tll ltt•l,•n • 1••1 " ll!tlo• 11111 In ''"'rt , llu• p.'l.:• 1 of all nat111n• rf1H'to•t•nl,.l1 In 11 ... lnlt>rnllllttnal Llun ' llf Kilnlln· tlun. lA•It lu rlj;hl ,,,. .o\rllt• S11 oart L, \\'urhl \\ '" I I 't'lt•r lln; 11<-rl Smith unol lla rttltl lorllUI'I, , .... ,ran uf \\ t~rld \\ ar I. 'I • 11 .... ~ ~ t JL.•JU.l!'11 lli.JU\i.'S '"'''' 1•1• '' ,,.,,, ht~ tl.t\\1\ \\'lt'- 1' ,,, ld J,,. 1 "I'I••J to tlrdl'r. un:t. I ";o) • o" 11 1' ·'1"111 111"'1 l '"" 11 '" llw fi<••r. u t'(1Upl~ • 11•1•· "o~·~ duy. do • II I "'"' \\I . I pl.!\'"' ,.,,,,,.,. "'' 1-'tft \ '" Ill• I.. hi'. I ... ·h wtth lilt' H I 11 ''"' b,•) \\llh l l.trllllh! ltd t•l• .. "''" ''I IH.'~•I tlt\htULtt.nn '''1 It Ill otlhl ·' l lh '• ful ,,f ,,,.,~d ....... II ' I •et I ...... ,~· •ll .,, tl' lll• ttu· tll\)1'-l \ 1 'a ltl .. It'• I d r.q-. ,, 0 \tl 11\\'• ~~·ut t':\l'ltl:-.1\P ttl111'" lht) ·~ \'htti U\ tlh ·'' 11••111 I I 11111 1 II· ''"""'" II" " 'ltl ••11.1 ltJt \\ itdl··\\ \111\,lld ("llo \ t tllo I Ill o.:o l ltllll 11; ltl I 1~1 ;\tul Ill• ,, t.tlw holltH' Jill,\ ~tt\1 .\t tl! I,. 1h t '1ttth•lt tf '•ll ''' t,'-f1fi\t,l llhH\Ih"rh•'~ '''. • ul '' 1111 llo;11 \\'t1rltll) )t.ol , 111 p 1~ :,., lit< 11' tullfurnUl \\, d •1 t•• t.,.._,. ,,u·,• ttl d a l~ l•lu• .... •, ... uti . \\t l h hlut'k folk,. 11\t'l' lho lt' \\11,11 "· ''""' olltrl Ito'. 1\lolt'll till') llt't ~t•IJ \\.u U ''' "'· t •u.lllh'"' \\'uahi \\t'llln\.: an th,~ ~'llh :..•''oii.HU\ '''1 1 .. II Ill . ''·"" ht• I'll• lno II "''' 111•1 lillh' I I •• I IIIII I• dill r I rll··~ "''" 1.,-'""" 111' In lin~ I 1 Ill, I •lt•n I l..ol\1\\. luo, ''"lllJ'otll 1<ltl I hill~ fl• n • n o· tit~. ''"r Ill 11111 loi'I.:Ut•d "\\ t • t111~lt l Ill tltl f ll'~l ~llu· \\1 ~I• I II k11J, IIJtJII'Ilfl ol Wt'l\1'· 'hiiii:S r..-~1 and l.tkt• t ...... It( IIIII' 1111' ,, lont.:hl ,., II Jotl'kt•l , ltlOkln~: l'" ·• lk'u rd•· ·rtus ~~ u n ,.h,t·t aon , ''' 11 , "'' t ·1· I It· ,.,,,, ... ,,,, tlult• \o tl 1\ooll hlhl\\, llo-;1' 11 l'loltllllollitlll Till' lltHI~t· hilcl '''h•t ·~'''UP' ol ,,,.,, "''r' h1n1 uh.:' •I t u ~• •h.~t S4tmt• ot ht.,h•d •1._,.,,,,,.,.,. ui•~Uil \ht•itlu• ll'u,q .~ltl h·•··• h~Hk,,d tO&.f lt'l'l,llnnh•nl of h ··:tl :mil "''"111' llol :t' n ..... !oLin).! 1111' 1\l'l hJ 11111.-lt It~ •• l l't ~h~lllt ll I'Ofl~trC'II5· lu~-:h 'l'h •11 ••11" •'•11lt•t.:•' '11111''111 ~ 11p.orl a nd 1•11111 11).! 11 h.,.·l, '" • 1111'11 lo•l' t•omlt>l'l 1-'otr 1111' l'llmrorl dunnt.: £.1,1<'1 \.lf'.llioon ~· lht•r a.,;:olll \\ll h ;.mall llllk l nf It·· ''""''II 1'11111:1'1'"""'"· lhnl )I 1 "I'<•'! Ill Ill<' Jll• ..,, h.t IWI II I 1 ,;, I Ill \\ t•lllll~ lt•ll t.:•tl II lllh \\ o Jl, ·•lltl I 1111 I ht• t'rt nndJi, tor C'lt:lntht·r· ttl ('nmm •. ,.,.., .. ,,. •n· !oUI'I'fl "J.II:\U \\'t•,•k" l:'t)l 1110' l:lt't'n l.tj;hl fl'\lrtl Utt I'll~ COUIICU h • a.•. ni7'. o•W r11"1::". 1'1'1N il11,>clli or llw 1 11- \ ''""' l1••t.:•• ~'"" 111-t l ll''i ·' ..... ,, '''""·""""''I l 'm!tlrms l'lt•ai h \':o!l••r ~•'•Ill '. l.tlolt•d '•'I• ''",,.'"'lilt.: Ju.:lt JH'II'• d "'I tlw ':'"') ••I lito• '"')' "'"" f•ll llw C"'"' lu Ill•" "11ll·~·,,. p:.lh•'41.,~~~: j1,,t1Ctl J•••ln~ \,,,., .. , nd -..o ttltl 1h• u·••d' :'''11'. h,,,, l"•h1tt·:tl nmht· .md ~~ ol.<nu~l ~111 ~.1,,........-n nf-nom """"'~""'!-~.~... ..,,,l-<h•'f'l;.,..r~-HI.,_.~~~·--h."•~ 1"''•'r n .. ..:I'Mt•'a nu· ll ~t , ~·n1.n~: puhth.,tl , ·'"'l 'itt~n' ·• I··• ••I th•" PI• .t. ,, ........ ,H:o-"' pn..:•· l'h 1~ "' "' "' 1111 Jl ,,,,_,. 'I" .1k· ,,,,, '""'· I• "'' I'""' II up lu l11• • 1'1 ,. ... 'k "'t'l •. '"'''" "I'· lilt• p hll'l' , .. .,,_, t ''"" 11 ANGlERS Boatmen Yachtsmen Capt C. F. Stancliff \Viii Soon The Manufadure Of high grade angling and boatmg equipment, featuring the finest fi shing chairs built on the We. t Coast! ! A new shop and s tore rooom will be bui lt at 53 1 Freese Ave .. Wil- mington, Calif .. to be open for bus iness on or before June t. 194R. A few pre-war teak chairs and other items in s tock now. Write for particulars. Capt. C. F. Stancliff 1128 Broad Ave.. Wilmington, Calif. "We're on the Ford 1 .James Roosevelt Invites Seven Deanocratic Leaders to Los Angeles I, s ....... 1 l h·· '"1"1"''""'1! 'l"'k··'· ". ~-'""~'"" """ ,,. .,w n r th•· I lllt'll 1"1' lh•• l lo'll10('f:tllt' otlhllllll~· llh IIIIo"' tol lht• '''n ltlo' lllll'ltl Af· ll.tll"ll Ill•' lu1111: b rntiS.:hl II\ l..o;; l:tll'o t'1•l11lllllh•o• tmll \\ltll SI"I"Vc-tl I .\11~··1••• ~~~ .J.ttlh'' tt .. wl~•''''"'. l'h;ur-a' :1 llo'IH••n:otl' •·•mtm llnrll'r In tht• 1 o n ,., lho• llo•nu• t.1 111' Sl:ll!' \t·n · P:tl'tlw l\ln.:nu••"'' '' /IJ,o •In•' ,,( ''·" 1•nmnull•••• lo•r 11w St•utho•rn tho• 1111"'1 lll'll!'l.l;olt' l'ha1111110ns n! ( '.dtf•HJH:t ,flu'~' ... ''" l ),t\ dUUh 'l 411\ \\•'""'lt'tll ftl.('l,llh.II I•H1 111 111f' Sf'n• \p11l 1.! Ott'. '!11"''' \\ h11 ¥.Ill 'l"':ok h•'l'' ttll II tl tl:lrl' fton.-1'\l'tT N'\'1":11Ni II') ol1~ tnt'ludo• s, ""loot J I ltt\\,ot d :\k(;l,ttlt ,ut q PJ.,~,h t .... l .• nd. vd111 ""'k n\··~· thl• 1 .dl·tll•l•ll'l:tt\1 JOlt Ill l'f1111t tllot/1 ttl 1ho· 1 11m.~ '·''"'I ;o...,lllm,tl <'l•ntlllll 1 t,.,. J.a ... t ~~ ,u Uf'-o 11 th•• f'•'~t~naflon •I Hooh1•!l 1-•. ll;•nn,.~:tll . ~··nl!lt)l 1 •.1t11lt' I '•'JII~·r. "' 1-'lurldii. urw ut 'ht• I• ,,thn..: ' .. ," I )l·,tl ,.,~.,~~ •ll••nt' lft tl11 · t"ntlt't~ ~ta t··~ S•·natP, un•• "' 11w Ill••'' \'ts.:orttll> ;ulvo('ltlf'!> of 1 ho· ~l.tr..,holll l'l.n1 Ill I ht• "''""''' l•ll'•'t;;n n •laloun' nmunllto•o• und I• .ulo•1· o l tho· "n:rlt··, pro-l.ol"ll 1t1Drt', r St u.•tol .111-.o•ph ( l'~luhunt')', ttf 1 •;, ~ 111111111:. rt>-IIUI h11r o f I hi' K~­ f:lll\'t;l'·l 1'!\'l:thon••) bill, whie h j ,. !lc•. '11:ncd to ll~;htl'n up lhl' anii-IN!'t 'law~ nntl help c hi'Ck mrtotJon; So•naiOr \\'orro•n Mngnuson. or 1 ; .. , t•o•nnr :\Inn \\'IIJI J.,'IY'n, nt \\ .u.ht.~ll/14...-., ~-· 1"'1"-Affltl friPM .. r l'tt''"" Ill 'f'l111111111. :ontl a rnmwr "'\"'ft'rrl t•·:t~f•·t· 1n t h•• '''"'" f<": l ;.,, • r n ur llo·tl" 1 I 1\LI\\' r1( Ulnh ru11•1 hl'r Jf'ntlins.: J).·nltl('f'atlr• o!ft ,., el \\hn h ftt•• 1u •·n ;en •IUl"""fM ,k•'n lrlu•1 ·tl 111 Ill• J><•lll lo'.tl llllt'lllfiC• ' ,tfld Ill hi Ill lit •II ~~~ .~ II ,.,1 l'f'Tl 1!0\ l'mnr M m 1· twit'•• 1'1rrH'fl 10 tho• ~:m'o'I'Tllll"-lllp .. r 1'1;•11 ltfltl nn\1 runnm~ fnr n lhtrrl 1r rm. \\'lie; nil 1 1on:o1 ftr•''ltlo·nl of tho• \ .. unril It! Slnl,. 1.0\'I'I'TIIlll'nh 11ntil 1!)45: I I'" Ill P 111l•'l'. ho·atl ·~f Prr..idl'nt T"tm:1n'' "'nnnnlll' ('ontmi,•inn In Gf'('('('1' arln formt•r OPA nt1mim•- II'III1W Pm·H•r I~ nl~o o ne of thr n nt hmnl c•rril'rf"' nf Aml'ril'nn~ for J)rm()('r·nt ir Art ion, 111:K'ral polill-j rnl j;!rt"'Up whlt'h hn~ mnn-lhun 1000 membc~ In California. HOLLYWOOD Novelist, Hat Designer and Pres~ Agent Combine t'ff[J u ' . " weJcome-~.Jome comiDittee HOLLYWOOO. MAr :; t I'P I -A nn\ .-11<1 :ono1 n h:t t tf• •11:n,.r gnl lf'lj!!'lhl'r Wllh II prf'~<; lll;l"nt nnrl hf'IW•••n '•m thl'y'lo• man- A~~ In n •vnlulltlnt71' t ho r~ tl'l'• ful rnutirif' .. r till' h1v1k~lorr tnrll' We're among America'• 6400 Ford DealeT• UJiw k~ that better •era-ice to you today m~ans m ore sales f or us tonwrrow! ~hf"n tlu· f-'nf'cl \lolfnf' Cnmpany pion••rr•·•l '''o'lil•l\•' ,J,·alo·r•ltip•. nnf" nf tht·lr J•llfJ'"'''' ".,. It) l'rt•ate ~twriali~t·d l· .. rol •1•n i···· <'l'lllo'r~. 'litO'\ 1.111" '''·'' •.tll·l···ol "'f\111' ru-lotl!to•l· ,.,.,,J.J \\IIIII tu nrol•·r I ,r,1 .... t;:.utL T.,.J.I\ .. tim .. • I ·,11 ~o·;rr, lat•'r. "'' f.'"''l I I,·''' 1--tdl olu our 111111·•~1 In ftrto\ .,t, tl w l.in.J ,,( ~··n j,.,. tlt:tt 1'3"'' ~oil 111111', fllttllry 1111ol lruut.lr. I ••r tltr -impl•·•t t"·riot<lir l'llrt• nr m 11Jor n ·p air-. ,...,. II•. Yuu'll g•·t tl1f" brnrht~ u ( uur 1 • ..-.,. ... , ... Ferd Parta 2. Ford-•r•I•N Mee .. •le. :J. Spt'4"1al Ferd E4(.,p•e•C .C. Faec.ry .. ppreve.l Met .... a. C.•ve•le•C ..... , T..._ r-~o..w ........ ,.. .. ..._ .. .. "--.U. .,_, S..OW.,. ,......,.,_NIC ,.,_., """-.... ~ n...r. '-lory .. ,..,_- NK .......... s..,__.....,,_.,. ......... We Dealers know Fords best! THEODORE ROBINS Thr WAy if Jnnk~ OIIW, l h<' l~• .. lll~l"r<''< nf tomnrrow will hiiV~ lo !IIOI'k $!11'1\'1'<;, h~t<lrry. Jl"rfllmt', fl'mnlr flurnv-rufflf'~. n nct "'hilt II<Ni In h i' ll~ml'nllnnnhlt•• '" sell lhf'ir wnrf'<~ J t st ;lrlt-.1 wh••n Mnrmlrty Knn- tn r. whn u~w•ll\' \\TIIr s :ohrout h nunct ctogs nnrl. rnun tr~· ltttmp- km~. hnll•·rl rnll n nm"l nil~ "M I!Intt.:hl Lnl"r .. Pr••~<<: Aco•nl I lrln Rnr•l••t1 rf'ncf th•• thine :mrl '"" ht• h•·:tt1 ··Hm· pl,.tt'lv \\',II 'In·. H~orq"" lt>Ok••l up K .tt11t1r a nd l rooll• ol hom ;1r••11nl1 In mN •1 IHot n t:ol<• o K••nn••llt llo p- k•n• ('rlllld h•·. ''" I' A p tflll'd , fl•·'lr•n :t h:o l •·t~ll•·d "l\ltd no.:h• I· it.'l' ·" poo I Jnpk l n~ c;:111l Tlf''l! rntt "'11•·r '' en 1• .. Ht •n tl~ 11 on a fn t '•( hi~ l•ttnr•ru•f t••M'-f f \\"n.; "'~J•po .. •f1 fn h•· ~t\\\ Ju• :-t~~umN:J J~, I "I, '' ,.,. I •I I \••\ ''''" '1n \\ltn t t H•l'-th;"' ttt.-~ '' II '" '"' , \lttltto•ld I ,r,.· h •.t h· f ,,, d ('h ,, " \ ntt r •·t·rv ,, ,,. '" ,, • I 1 ' •• • ht 1 •• \\"Ill l 11 ~·· • " I • 11 • ),., .. 1, 1•1 t In r'rnd ,.,.~ \' 1, d '-'11'1*""' d to , •• ,, 11 I """ ""' "' •I ,, ,. "'''"I I' ,, I· ""' ~ 1 • • ,. 1 1 , I• ,, , ., •I .,..., , • •1 '·' ··rn ... I, feot 0 II of tof "tn • t l dttln't c I 'If 1 l·••' tl 1 t ''" rl fr,.,l ~ ltk,.. ltll' ' Ill• ,, ,,,,, ,,.,,,," . .,, '"P ~~ t"n t ' ''' 111 d' If~'' •· r pq hft .. flr·r" r11 J , t 1 t "' ,.1 ., t "''' · '~''""' .. r ,,.,. ·~· .. ,I '"""'hili- ,, ... ' Jl1 I to II \\o 111 "II 'r'lfltll~h- f'r~ lo( 'I loo11 ol• ltko J'lto f!,.f.,' f'A n '''' up "olh ., 11•'1'1.,····• m zon'lfltc- lltr• tl .ltthn "'' '"'~ l'k'< Thr "'''"I' ''"" .... "'"'""I'' tl ~tl•mt• with I ~'llrrin~:q nnrl rr~<lttm'' l""' lry" l'nw hr><: 1'1'11 11~ ~1 11 rt• rl Why nnt 1'"' 11\\lt\' ~"''P 1\'ll h "nu· r11p. lAIII frnm ('n<IIIJII''' rl'lol (·~tll\.e woth ''Mr I. II " nrrh,.n · IJI'ta w ith "Th• Simi' nnt1 th,. ,\rrow," t 'mltr,•ll/1~ With . R:oinlrr•f' r oun- '"" Trtrtill;,~ w 1 t h 'T nrlllla Filii~ .. Anti ll••k wh111 .,,.m,.hod \ r'Ould rln \\tlh I.YJI'>\ IV•••· l.r• • "G- S lrlng :O.I11rt1r·r' · Author~ With ;,n rv,. ,,.,, for thO'f' llnklins.: l'lt~h r,.~eln"'l m11(hl f'\'r n ch:tn£" 1h,.lr lltlt:'S around. 'J"wn11lrln1l ••t'llf'l"'' h1m 11 bit tr lh,. hook clubs -•11rtl'd ~,.,'«!Jna out lin~tcr~ IMff'ld ot bnob • dJvldfonda I a ••• IHIU\\ '~""I'"'' t\•--11, C'a.IU. Marrh'A, , ... A I AM PIPITO ANI IP YOU IIAD OUI FONNY COitiC YOU Wla LAU ... .. HAYI ON HIS MIND IS ~TIN& IIANI AND CHASING GOILSI GOILSI IF YOU DO NOT UKt GORU. TOO ••. Ml AN' SINOI DOG PONNYI -·---... B~ The DAILY 0 ••• • ••••••••••• *z* •• 0 •• 0 ••• Aa ••••r•••• ••IIJ , ................... ....... ,.... ..... ••••••• •••••• ••• ............. ,.._ ... ,.....-.n . ...... ,, . ... Tarzan 11••· plt·lw,·-.;tnry o( the m8ft ll'ltiN' (l~ll'l'·lllllref\l.A WC!t'ft fiW h •a-.t .. t•r !Itt· rrlmiUvr fOI'Oit, II lid \\ h• ,..... ~· l'l'fl~t.h and dar· 1111' "''I o• tl•·-.llu•otl to l'lllfl'Cill 111"11 ' \\ ""' 11 l•v /·,1,. . ., Rou ll u 1 ''"'l:lr~ lllltl olrf>t~ • I '" ,!,,""'"" th ,.., ""' • "' \_ a oa ··ae r .. ' f' --89,445 Vehi~les Registered in County for '47 ~tratlon (I'C!C \\o·rc· JX!Id on nree Finn Factions Firm Against Russ • Jlt;t..SI~I\1 , ~h11eh 5 l l'P I 89,445 vehic-le-« In Or~tn~t•• rvunt) ,.,,,..,,. r~•hllr:ol JIOH1ics t110k fi rm 4turlni 1947. llt'<X"lf'dina tn a rt·· ''llnd:l-ro1ny al."•lrh l ott or f\:orllt port rt~lvf'd from t-;dltllr F. 1 nr 11 S!o\ 1•'1 '''"I"•'Jtl rtor no !:"''·' Lam1lton, st11tr dlrN'tor of molorj ''""• 1111 •• n 1ollt:ort<'t' wrth t 'tnllonll vehlclft. c· .. ,nmltt•·•'" "' thr l'"rllan,•·n· Dy t)'P('Il, thll tOtAl 1ncludt-d tnry dt•lo•s.;lllltlll~ of llw t'umo'I\H· 11,344 autos, 6,7:\!'\ 1 rurk~. 1.574 I 11 •' Ill( rill mn 1111d llllf•rul l•llrll•·' IJlOtorcyrlo'l and 9,79:.! trallen. o·.ollo•tl un l't• -rd•·nt Juh~ 1-. I'IUI•I kh 1 111111 lo·nrlo·r'o·ot ll<'t;allvt• rl'<'lllll• mo·nlln liOn' It dot'l no)f tr.kr 1ntu 11('('(1\Jnt VariOYa stall,o, t,•unl)', rlty and ottwr tyt)l« ur rc-.•·•'"'ffiJJl \ t'• IUcles which total• d M.J&a •n th,• alMtt' llll II Wh<JI(' ltut )'<'flr Tot~tl (1'1'-f\llld rl'~tstrauona for tbr f'nllrt' t tatl' 14t'r<' 1:1\'l'n as U7'9.531. an all·ttmr hlt:h. u aamp.~~rl'd v.'ith 3.442.t6 1 for I!M6, t.bf' pn'\'iolui noeoro )1\'llr. and 3,· 113,394 Cor 1941. tht' rf'<:Ord prt- war ~ar. Vclud.-rf'giltratlon rC'vm~ a.t )'l'ar amountl'd to 119,674.· · 1tl8.94, tht' rt'port aaid, aa com- panod wtth l 16.m ,IOR 91 1n 1946 -.1 I13.909.Th3.38 In 1941. Parent-TeachenJ Congress to Meet in L.A. 1lw t'UnM"rvlltlve and llht•t 111 c·.uruuuttf'•, Jf .. •lfHJ1H•ndNt r.-•Jt'f'tJ~·n .. r tho• "hulo• Snvrct l'rol'"'·'' '" nu ;HIUtlt• TIW Ut;:"Mifilln .:nHifl -.11111 rt I'Oitlr! nut nC'CI'Jll any t-"'ln · n"h·~•" 1• 1 '""'' on the put 1«-m ol Ru"'11o'' 8Krt•o•n~o·nt>o with I lun t;tnry and Rllm:.nla J uhu Kuavasto. lcoadl'r ol thf' lli:ntrlan group. II&IC:S after thr• vl~>lt tn thl' f>N"h:k>ntlal palace !hat It 'trun~;ly o~ a mllltnry pttrt 111•ith R.un ta. He refu!W'd to M) 14ho•lht•r it ()pp06I'd ~llallon~ ,.,,,_ Ubt>rala Informed the llrt'IJ· rt.•nt that In their opinion F'1nhmd 8hoold noru~ to take up n l'g•IIUt· ll•>n~ w1th n.u ... <oiA on Preml('r J ust>f Stnlln'• pmpoql. "Sum a I)IIC'I would havr pn·· judlclnl lnflut'flce upon F'1nland. nnd br!nr no bf-neflt wtllch '" nnt !ilrf'ndy lnduftfod In thr fW'IIN' tn•uty provl11lons. lllld In thl' Jli~S· Boerd of mana,tl'l'il of the Call· ""' •tatt> ot condition• rearhf'd on fornla COfiC"KS of Part'nlll and lhl' ha•lll flf thlll ti'Hty," a lllx'r· ~,.. will 'W't't In U. Ancelet. nl ~tlltl'ment uld. Hott'l Clark. Mardi 10 and 11. Thb ~8pltr thr attltudt> or thc p~~r· Ia 0.. lut l"f'CU]ar bl·monlhly ttf'll. an Informed IIOUI't't' reportl'f1 nwet~nc o1 the-board IM>f~ lhl' that Pauiklv1 J)ftlbably alrrnrty ennual convrntlon In SacnJnt.nto had IN'If'Mcd <k-lf'l:alt'tl to nf'a,:ntlatr .... Y 12, 1.3 and 14 when olflcrena w1th RIL'!IIa . The n_.pttprr Nya for lht' l'lt'Xt tWO )/"ani wlJI be PrMUif'fl llllld nf"'lltlatonl woulf1 llf' elected br lk~tl.'l from t.M appolntt'd not later than tomor- 2145 unlta In the Califomla Cnn-row. .,..._ A th~·man Mnl!f'rvlltiVI' party {)( putku1ar lntere.at to board dt-11'1[11tion hl'adrd b) O marman a.mben wm 1M> thfo l"t'ppO1 o1 Mn. Arvo Salmml'n vudted Prco<l<kont a-u Scott, o1 Salin&~, llf'W'nth Juho K Ptwllklvl at thl' JJN>'itd{>n- ~t and state dlNctor tltll paJaN· Ahortly aftt'r noon to 'G( heallh, reprd1Jic twr reamt at-CCJmmunlr Rtr th1· dl'('l~ion. ~ In auc..o &ct a hHJtb "Our n•ply tu lht> Pf"ldM\t "a' GJnfel"f!n()(' ~ by the Na· in all rnpo.-cu n•·ptlvc " S~tlmln.-n tiona! ~ ol Panftta and Wd U hi' 14'1U• lt'IIVIng tht' polll<"o' ~ and attt<nded by olnc:!enr Hf' aald hi' told tht' pn'tlldent thAI ..S c:tu.Jrmen ol ~ natlona.J a11d thfo Pfll11Y dto<'L~ion wa~ unanimous -.a. ~. A ~ A ~h·a;Atlon fl'f>m tht' agrnriRn II"JC"U" Whidl wiJJ make ava1J. porty l'ntenod the pre<~ldl'ntlal 8bAe to loca.l a rNa now laddrqr j chamtwr aM tht' C'onarrvatlvr•• 1.-ft. edaquate heaJOI IIt'rvicft, ~ry A llttcral party de).roption walhod l\lncla for aldl lll'f'Vkn. .... out-In thl' parllammlar)t bulldlne to ~-NaUonaJ 0on&T'(!II8 o1 Pal'-call on tht' pn'llldmt. e~~ta and TeedM'n. bt>llevtnr U\&t Tht> p~~rty "-'JJOrts to the Pfft.l· W.. hNJtll ol the nation Ia a pub-dt'nt tollowt'd word that 111<' Com- lie ,.....,.WbWt.Y. wtJI IUIIIJOrt a munl.tetl had opcnC!d a c:amp&lgn to .an-part.INn btll to 1M> lntroducofd stir labor rmupa to dr~T~«~~trtl· .. ~ to prorickt fereda.l aid tlons ot thfo type lhat aided thE' ... IUdl a pnjlct. Communlllt roup In C'Lt'dloslu· a.ad lin. l. W . Hl.llhel, pn.t. '•aJtla. ._ ot U. NCPT, ·-n. bW wiD • = =~~ .. -:::.:: Earp Is Gtven ............ _....... ........ Lil 1m • t • .. , •ny .. tile .... e p11801U1len -,... ......_ DOIW, tllua P · S AN DIEGO, Mar. 5. -fUPl -~ diOd In the eawttJy ~ -£\wf'lw Cayton Ea~. 26. OIIVt'· ..-a C111¢111ftuntty for IOOd twa!tb . hunt, Cal .. wu ~~mt.ncrd to lilt' Lc:helor Haa Kitchen tmpr!JionrNont toct.y by SuPftior Judre Gordon 'Thompeon tor thr~ kldnappin~S. a robbft'y and f'S· C'&pe from a atat. prt.on camp c:llnwlt'd by a wlkl. 500-mlle dash for frf'f'dom up l he California rout last C't!rlatmea day. Earp wu l(lVt'n a Ufe acntt'n~ for kldnapplnl( 0\artea Garrison, Vallt'y Centt'r rancht'r: one to ~ )lt'aJ'I for klc1napplna WArrf'n M~tz. Brawlt'y; ont' to 25 for kklnapplnr Mn. M~h; five to II .... -W, • o.-. lift' for robbin~~:' an Indian of two rttla, and on€" to life for I'll· ca,.na from a atalt' prlaon c11mp at Moon canyon. near F.-rondldo Tht' IK'n tt'n<'t'l arr to run ron•rc- utlv,.ly. -................ ., Ne •• ¢'I· BALB(!A .. · · · · • t!f/t..!T .. ~A TOMOUOW -c ' • • • .._...,..__ HUNT naOMIUG --u••••• -ULL -coau•• -u•w•• ftA.aft 8UNDAY Humphrey Bogart Liubetlt Scott "Dead Reck011lng" ~.,.-11 -A/10: IEnY CO-ED . ' EArp and 11 rompanlon. Hrrllhc•l Graham, t'IIC'aprd from th.-ramp. 11nd m11dt' thr dt.,J)C'f'alt' da~h up tht' roast. forcln~ot Mnr Mt•rtz t(l a('('Of'npany lhMTl 8.1 II ltMIARI'. C't!rlatm11' rvr Mn Mrrt7 WM rt•leuC!d unllarnwd ChrlslmR~ ria~ 11nd lall'r tho' sumo• dav l hf' Jl:ur 14't'rf' C'Rptured Aftrr 11 ftlln-h:ottlo• 141th poll~'<' nrnr ~n Arf1o In 1'4'>Uthl'rn Mont.-rt'\' munt~ ll.,th wt•r•' wnundrd tn th.-ru:ht nnfl Grl!hnm tltrd of hi,. lnjurt~ $1"n:otor \\'m KnnwiRnrl rnlll'i7· tnl: 11.o'<'lllmlll hm Bttl't'llll pultlu·· II) "" l'l•n t rut \'nllr) n• "inr>t't'llt Ill••'' . .,1:11'.!' III!Ttins.: filii P r f'.nt)lw•l'l'< IYJY' nf lnf(lnllllliton. "'''k in~: to klr! tho• Jlllhlic." St'll that unwantt'd ar\Lclt thmu~th Nt'wa·'::.-ne. ads. TONIGHT a TOMOIUlOW Ginger R09ers Cornel Wilde "It Had to Be You" 8ATUIIDAY iiATL""iU Kiddies' Stage Revue "The OVERLAND TRAIL" BTAilTI SUNDAY Rita Haywortft Larry Perks "Down to Eartll" "'MISS IIKVMMEL .. -Thta JOUDISler la 'ear1n1 the ''Mlal Brummel" dreM dutrned b7 Trude or Calltomta. Featurlnt a wattJe pique, weaklt, and eyelet embroldetJ trlm. 1& II eull1 and ulaplJ laiW4ued. May Start on Arizona Power Project Before Settlement of Water Fight ~;~;~~:~f:~tJ.~:::~i::~: .l!!ff~~J Ar·umto prt•.lt'<'l l>rtur 111 lwlll••nt~•nl ... Hif:D ,,, th(• Ctlltlun tlu·A•""",., ""l••r IIStlOR:-o:t:.r i.J\nJ( llarry IUihl ",,., ho·lnji cun"llo•ll•l IUtltl) I ··-r s I 1\ to Mlu Potnllni: out lhr· 1Jf1:t•nl no•o'il lur o~"""!'' u 11~ II nlt • h 1 t S Jo•tlfl ( l;u k or C u!.lrt ~1··~11, at Ut· '"'"'t•r tn t t• nn •u n t•t 1ur .. •'("n"'· ""'. J A ... co ' •• tl h 1 _ llo• Cl11Jn'h nf lho• Wo->1, llotl'l Laat tftr') nnJ,_: -11 '' U\th~ • . ~ ~~ bc·~o:lnntn~t 14ork oln tho· n nrla•· ran -1-nlflllt'r, 1-•~ \ •·.:1". • l'Y yon dam tf It n n ht• f'k>nt• w tthtiUI pr .. )uftlcln~r d11lrrt' tu ('ulurutl(o l f:SGAGf:Mf:ST8 nvt>r w111er by thf' 1140 ~tatt'!t. STf:WART-IIART MA.N -Mr. California Is ht;hl ln~ the• vro-I And Mf"' llttrr) llru 1 m••n have an- je(:t on thr I[TT)Und' 11\it t \4 /l lt•r to rwunrP<.I lht• t•n~tiiK<•nu•nl uf thtlr wham 11 II tntltl~>d would tw dJ. ~aughtl'r Sharlt'), 1~ F.mE'st S. vrrtNJ from thl' n wr fur trri~otatton Slo•\4 nn u ( Sull•m \\ ''"t Va. No oC 11 rid lnndJ In r••n t ral An.Lnnu cJatt• hus h<"C·n M'l fur I lw 14 4-ddine. Hl-p Nttrnll P011l~oln, 0 Calli . ll'lldllll: foe• of thr prO)f'C.'I, J.ltld lhnl h•• ha' no nb.lc'ctlon~ to toarly t••" o·r ltf-Vt'lflpm<·ntl'. ~.nee watt-r ~;r11nr! o vo•r thl' tlritl£1' canyon cJtom t'•tUicl hi' routr-11 to) Ca lt fm n111 · D•·nl(l('rnllr Srnn 1 Of' Shr ndan "'"" no'y C'1111f , nnd Pill Mc:Cnr· rnn, Nrv , hnvt• tnt ro'll1ur t'<l a sr·n· 11tr bill to ~''n!1 th•• rll wiiUlt• to tlw Ml(lrt'ml' rnurt fflr llt'lllo•mo•nt Knr~r hn~ Jilild th11t 11 ts n ~tate pn•blrm lllld up to thco -tatt'~ to !If' tilt'. * Markets at Glance* Am Tel 1r T,.J Ot1lad1a.n Pactnc Dupont Gt'Mral Motors Cood)ear Kl'niM'COtt St'an So Cal F..dli!IOn Standard 011 US StH-1 150' .. 10'4 166 52'4 40'4 45'4 34'- 26~ 57t; 69 ... By UnJted Press S'T'OCK.S lowt'r In dull trad· lnr. BONDS lrrt'I'Jiar: U.S. Gov· emmenu d id not tf"alk. CU'RB STOC"KS i !Tt'lt\lla r SILVER unchangoo In Nl'w Yortc at 74'Woc a finE' ooncc. WHEAT f"U'n.ffiES dot~l'd up ~,.to orr '4r: C'CIRN up ~c to otr 1,4r : OATS up %r to off ~c: SOYtn:ANS orr l t.., to '2c: 11nd LARD F'tiTUR.ES up ~ to 20 polnu. IIOCS hi~;hl'r, C/\Tn..E and SHEEP strady MA.RHIAC.r. I.J('t:S8E8 STI:WART-OEWEY l:I'Tiftt L S lt•wart 21, Shlrky M&rif l lo•"''' 19. IM>I h (',,...,,, Mo·sa. Ill. A 1-. ~;.<:;l.~:v -~.:Zt.l.l. L£-ster :\1/olh••w' rlla k••,Jo•). :!~. Nt>wport Bo•:H'h , Jubntlft A Ez•·ll. '27. Lana ll.•tu•h WIIITF:.J 1/\TIIn l<t< llurland n \\'hrtr, :!5. B••llrtnw1•r. J o Ann l lathl'tiCk. :IK Nt•" port ll(l11ch. RIRTH.8 CRIJMP Tn Mr anrt MN<. Cal \'rump, 6 15 36th St.. N<'wpc>rt ~ach, in S t. JO'Iepf\1 hospltaJ, Mttrch 3. 1948, a son. 6 lbs., 15 oz. DI!ATIIB FREULER -Mlu Magdalene Catherine, 71 Dit'd t'arly Thun · day a t hl'r home. 110 Amf'th)~t Ave. Balboa lsland. where she had I"Psldt'od 22 yt>ars. Shto was a ~ tll'!'d bool<k~prr and a natlv~ ol f>T"Hcott, Ariz. Survivlnlt arc • s.istcor, MN<. Mary Cottman and a nlt>C't', &rt'nlce Coffman. l..o<> An· gelett. St'rviC't'S will lX' ht'ld at 1 p. m. Satwrday In Pltrct' Of"'Oi chaf)f'l. Los Angt'!l'S. lnterml'nt In Fore~tt l..a14Tt, Oaltz MortuAry of Corona del Mar dln'Ctlna. It was thE' bf-st or times, tl was tht' wont or tlml.'l it wu tht' r~o:r ur wil'dom. it waa the arr of lrw1l· ishnt'U. It was C'poch of hf'lii'C, It wall tht> epoch or incn-dulity. II w11.1 tht' !lt'ason nr Lhtht, 1t WIIJI lh(' sruon or Dnrknt'ss. It ~ os t h.- l!prln~t or hope. It waJ tht' wlnt,•r of drsJllllr.-DIC'kl'nl Not Pretentious • • • No ... not thE' lnfl!~St home In the nci~hborhood ... but one to be justly proud to own. For n romfortnble. livable home such as the one listed below ... N.'ad the Real Estate colwnns of the N~Times ench Thesdny and Thursday: AJm()!l;t rinlshro. You cnn pick your own colors and ck-corntions for thi!' moormistic 2 bcdnn. homt-with naw-tont-fin:'piRC't". Slt-1\l for ~50. For further lnfomutUon and detail!' regarding thl~ property, tum to the Real Estate Colwnns In this issue of The News-nma The Only Harbor-Wide, Daily Newspaper for U. of C. Drugs ~A<'RAM ENTO. Mar :'l.-tUPt Tho· M nato• flnhn('t' commlttM.> <JI,.ol.'rt-t•!l lt.dll~ nn t h" advillal)ll. II\ ••I IIIJ)JrOIII'IItlllll( $1:l3,04R for flu Olltl.! 10110 •••I plunt projtoct of tho• t '.oll lorntn Polytc'('hnir at·hool ut S.on Loll~ Olti~PI.l H•tll.onol \';onrlo•r~o:r1ft, l<'~:tislativt• ~tntl•t.,r, 111111 tho• t'Ontmlflt'l' thr- Ill 111• o•t ' lfllt·t•t(,r, J\tr,nrt~t• Kidrl•-r. 11 ,. 1 '' '' d1nll'ttll~ l n~lm•d for Ills J<tlt I h., t t lw projo·ct had ~eono• ••·'••n•l 11 ' nors.;r nil l sc·orH·, and th111 1' ol tl'lll':olotl llw work of other '' ,,, •I• f'IU t '"''"ll. and pri\'ate in-flu,tt ~· l\ltlol• r Itn:uo•d that I hi' prOji'Ct h td •·hl:orn•·d W(trthwhllt• n•sults 111 rl• '••lup1nt.; plant" from which 11 • • ht:11ntod rnro• oris 11nd I:'XIracts ''""'' •I> lmporttod anti tx>ea~ of tiH' II• w rnduqrtt"S wrrt' plannmg Ito 111ol\1' mto California SM'RAME!"'TO. Mar. 5.-fUPJ Tltt• Unlvt rsrty of California 1.-k•ll thr s•·nat(• finance commit- ,,.,. toda~· for $542.000 to improvl' u ltJrmt•r mnrtnf' camp at GoiNa. ('al whrch It hoJ'NI to obtatn for It~ .Santa Barb11ra campus. Tho• univt•rsit y originally asked tlw munf'y t o buy lund to t'xpand th•• Santa Barloora cumnUJI, Jamrs c ·m lo·y, unlvl•rstty controller, said It 1\fll' I'XJ)('f'lt-d tht• W.tr Ass<'lll n•hllllll'trntton "'nuld turn lh<' r..,l, 111 hltllt' ovf'r to tht• unl\·<'rstty \qlloflut ('Oit. Tlu• monf:'y would tl(' usf'd. Cor· lo-} ~nld. IQ mll kl' thf' 405 acr<'a 11n11 7n huildln~:~ of lh<' hns.-usable n' 11 unlv(>rsl\y rampus Thf' t:om- n""'''' postpon••d af'lton on thf' r•~1urst --------- BUYS PAVILION RACE GAME ll.•mnrd Koch. Ralb<)U Pavthon amu"·m.-nt cc·ntt•r (lpPrntor, has Mn~>unrf'd the pUrc'hllN' .. r lht' Pa- vlltun hnn<t•·nll'r J:llrth' fr o m C....orj;(' f'o(•trht•ll Thl' game wiiJ bl-movo-(1 from the r('('l'ntly VII· cut"d llowlrnJ: olll'y to thl" arcad<' lo,.Pr floor of thr P aVlllon "''O('tat!'d wtth Koch tn tilE' amll•f'mt·nt r.-ntl"r rs Ha rry Grlese- bt'rt.:, rt•llrl'rl rt•·<',...st'a dJv.-r who hn~ puhlil'<hcd owv.-ral books on the w o n !1 •• r s of the undf'rwater world Hls tw~<t kno"Tt book IS, "I Divf' for Trf'a~urt'". Grlrsetwrg Cllml' In lhl' llllrhor 9r<'8 from Cn· n~n Purk tn the• San Fl'mando Vallf'y Thr· BJrnculturc of th<' state or Oklahoma Is varied, comhlnmg the production or both the north and lOU th. Com. rotton and whut are ._. larrettt amonr the many pro- Ac:U of the farms ol t.M slatt'. -18 Jon to the nces, .~otum­ .nttng to ppln~ dur- tnbJy Cordon D. Tlnc:lh•Y'• l)('rmlt to build a $131'1.000 rourt to ronsrst or :lO unit~ u.t 636 Jut street. Lop- po.-d tlw building t••rmlts ~:runt ••d by B utldms.t ln~Jw•<·tur 1\ ~~ ~""'' son fur lhf' mfmth nf f'phrlltlr) Other~ llu-luclo·rl In Fo hruary·, huilctlng "t•rt•: 11. C't·flftl' nc,bo·rt ... tlu••t• 1~ r· mlts to hutln (1\q•lllnt:,. 111 :!Ill 1 :mil 2015 M 11 a rr~•r ''llltu·d :11 <:H . OliO t>ac.'h unci unt• nl tili!\ Vn1 Ltfl" Soud VltiUl·d ul $:!5,1MIO. Grorae Lotrean, IJ('rmil to build d 2 uor y 5 room apartment at 107-109 \'1u Florence. Estimated \UlUf' SJI.OOO. Kay Finch C<'ramacs, Jl('rmit In orlt1 to pr<'SI:'nt bulldin~~: at 1:!1 ('(oas l llh:hway Estunated vatu(' $~'()()() William M Engll~h. pl'rmlt to htuln 1 ~tory 6 r()(lm ut .Jl!'i Poln· ·••lila E'timat,•d \'llhlt> ~7000. \\'tlltum (' l.amht•rt. JX'I'mll to h ilild 11 ) SIOI'\' 3 UntiS at lfl119 E. f>L .Srmlh, IH'rrHtt lu llutlcl l \\' C't•ntntl. ~~~ltm<th•d ''ltiUI' $12,- u 1 story 7 unrt ~tnro· bUtltlun; .11 ()()() 12o ~r;:~ttn "'''IIU< F:slim.oto•cl \Ill· .luml'~ E :\ll'Kt•o•, J r . po•rmtl Ut• 'l.l,l.lt)() • w htuld A '.! s tory 4 ruum dwl'll· \\' G Lasl..y. rw•rmll to hulld in~-: 111 619 Jusmmt• Estimated a I :.tor)• I room d"••llm,; rtf 1 ~1() \.tluo• $7()()(') 'ffofllll :ownuo• Eslrmat••d \']tlUt· (' 11 McKmnt•y. jX'rmll to build S6ScJO .c 1 ~lory frumt• dwt'lling at :n 1 J L Ftshf'r, !X'rtllll 10 llulld a • C'olloln 11\'o•nUo· f.stimatrd valuf:' .story 5 room d"o•lltnt.: ~t JR ifl ~l:!(X). Chanm•l pitH'€' Juhn & KothiN·n E Mor~:an. 0 . L Porlt·r , fJt•rmtt tn build Jll'rmtl to hu1ld a 1 story 1 ram- addition to )'ln•s.-nt dwo•lltn,; at rly dwf:'lltnl! 111 51:? 1\tur~:u.-ril<' F:s· 900 S horr Orivt• Estrmull•d \DIU€' toma t(-d \'AlU€' SROOO S:.?OOO. G D . Ynun~t. J)l•rmlt to build Ralph Wilma I. pt•rmtl to build 8 18 'J S~Or) d':''t'llinc .at :16 O~~n 2 room nddllton to prt'st•nt dwdl· lloult'\ ard ~.sllmatt d 'alut' , 1;>.- ing a t 336 Poinsetlta F:slrrnutt'<l IIOO \'alu<' $2000 I Arthur Lak.-, permit to build · a I !IIQTY R r pom dwellinR at 430 Rt>rt Hent~ r:x•rmlt to butld I 1'\orrls.sus F:slimated valu.-$12.· ~otory car .. 111 66li.l Stat•• lltghway, 90o Estlmall'd t•ost $4()fJO. Floyd C and Cathf:'rtnt' M J T . Brown, rlf'r·mtt tu build Krnmf:'r, permit to b u i 1 d a 1 a I family t1dditrun tu prcst·nt ~tory 4 unit apartment building dw•·lltng ;,t 3:.114 Anwthyst Es· 111 l633 E. Central avenu,•. Es- limatt•d ''alut• $7500. llmlllt•d VIIIUt' $18,()(10. 'Broken Butterfly' Phoenix Heiress Awarded Children PHOENIX. Anz , Mrorch 5 1 U P 1 C'ripplcod Hc•tn·s~ Gtola Grimrlttrh :LJ. Wlls told 111cht} thot ht•r rli\'Ort'l' ll<'CN't' a lso guvc• hl'r ru~tody Qf hr r two C'htlflrf:'n Mrs. Grrmdttch, Jll'rmano•ntl} InJUN'<! 10 nn RUIHmobtlt' IICCidl'nt, said the· rhtldrf'n ",.,.,. n il !<hf' ha d lt·ft to llvr for II S. War.-. Jl('rmit to hurld a I st ory 3 room dwelling at 1816 lX'<'Un front Estimalrd value $10.· 000 R L Wyrl.', rx-rmit to lluild a I family unit O\'<'r ~:arage at •119 Fo•rnlo•nf a\'l.'nue. Esttma ted \'al· U€' $45()(). RQiand J. Collins. (X'rmlt to hulld a 3 room !tpar tmE'nl ovf:'r ~o:ara~:e at J 19 4'Jnd street_ Esti- matt'd \1aluc $5000. Marton llRrth Krng, JX'rmit to budd 11 1 stor) 4 room dwelling dwelling at 611 Iris avenue. £a. timated V111ue $5BOO. C. E. Me.k.t, permit to build a 1 story 4 room dwt'lling at 611 lleliotroJl(' ~:Stimnted v~tluc $5.- 600. Lnwrt>ncc Whct'lt'r. permit to hurlf1 a :.1 !!lory 6 room dwt'llinG at 125 Turquol!lf'. Estlmnt<'d value ~11,(1()(). Rollnnd L. C'ollins, permit to hu•lrl 11 '1 rumily, 1 story dw<•ll- ln>t nt ·1110 39th s trN•t. F.ltlmatl'<l \'ld Ut' $950() Colrn W . Rf'ynolds, pc:•rmlt tu IJutld a 1 story '2 fnm1ly dwt'lllng at 130-13'J 4:'ith stn•t•t. Estimated \'IIIU(' AA50() Holand W Nichol. )')t'rmlt IO huild a 2 story 7 room dwellinG 111 4 Ya\\ I Road. Rc-acon Bay. Es· timntr d valuc $16.000. F. Sargeant. J)('rmit to build a I ~<lury :') room dwelling at 209 Mnr,;u<•rtll• F.s llmated valul.' $8,. 000. F.. Sar gf'an t. Jl('rmtl to build a I stor y 4 room dwelhn~r at 209 Ma rgu<'rrtc·. Eitlm ntcd \'&lue $9.· 000 Bt'n F Fenton. JX'rmit to hulld u I story 6 room dwt'lling ot 618 lk'Nm boul('vard. Estimllted cost ~1 :.1,000. Dr A. L Rtrh11rd.~on, fX'rmit to bUild n I family unit over garage at 214 D lnmond avenuE'. Estlmal· 1•d valuf' S5000. Dal GrPttl'niM'rg. permit to build 11 '2 story :Z unit building al 1549-15:'>1 Mirimar Drive. Estl. mntl'd cost $16.000. Paul D llil('mlln, permit to build a I unit apartment ovcr g11rage at :.10 Rudder road, Bea· ron Bay. F:strmntro rost $5000. R L. Pt•rin und W . Seal, JX'r· mit to build 3 unit building al 447 Via Lido Soud. Estimated cost Sla.OOO. Wilham CJakdt'n, permit to build u I s tory 4 room dwelling at 423 Orchid D\'t'nur Estimated rost $8000 JucJ~:r J :\fN'(•r-r John .. on of 1\H'· son. in 11 df'Ct,Jon m::uh•d to thc· ruun d t•r k and ntltlmt•) '· o~'~ard· I'd hf'r a ron t,.."INJ drvt~rct• frnnt Will111m II C:rtmdttch )r , :15. f'hlladt•lphta Mlf'tnht,.., OLDSMOBILE SALES and SERVICE Thr-"Arnkrn n utto•rlly", ;:ro•al· ~eronddaua::htf'r flf rrlllrfmc! l)roon J ay Goulr1, was I,'!Vt•n ~oil' ru .. tf.J(f) nl Wilham, 2, lind Glnna Gtow, I r.rimditr•h w ill tw allOWf•d 10 visit lhrm OC<'astonnJiy. Atlnm rys for Gn mdtlrh lnllt· C'atf'd thf'y woulrl a nPf'nl. We Repair Any Make Or Model Automobile The judgo•'s drctston did not f'um- mrnr on Grimdtt t·h'~ 'rhar,:tl'~ 1 ha t a r!iary, kf'pt by hts wirf' whilr ht' 14'8." ovcrsea.~ wilh thr nrmy, prov£"d she wos unfit 10 rear th<•tr chtldl't'n. ALLEN MOTOR CO. ---------. Do you want to rent T Advpr . U.. In u-e mlumnJ. ~ tA ~ ~ro· ,f!J( .~rica ~ales l 21 '7 Broadway ·6 oAt I on .AJuc.t ot 1Ti Tlmu . TED, S8,000 TO 110,000 GO· : flrat-ci&SJ reCereneea .erful future. P 416 Tl .dusiness .a ID\"e. - Phooe 1434 .. NEWS -TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Will Solve Your Problems READ THEM FOR PROFIT USE THEM FOR RESULTS THEY PAY BOTH WAYS Newport Harbor·s Only DAILY Newspaper Member Aud it Bureau of Circu lat ions Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication PHONES HARBOR 12 or-13 Union Trade Charges NG'I'ON, Mar 5 -I UP) rival H ollywood u n i o n today tradt'd char~:~>s of cering and communism. exchang<' was put into t hr or a H uUSl' Labor sulx:um- Tlle !louse group 1s m- igaltng the AFL JUrisdictlftnal kt' wh•ch has bwn pla).(umg m<f-'I<'S for 17 months. a tblt'gram In I hP ('olmmtt to·~ F. Walsh. prcsrdo•nt uf lnt••rnalional Alh!II\Cl' ul a t rIc 11 I S IU!;l' t:mpiO:\'l'S, Herlx.rt K. Surrl'll. prt's- thl' ('unh·r.·nl'c or StUdiO , with "J)rO·CtlmmuntSI uc- , rt'callln).( that th" lJ\TSE "'as heard by Gl•org<' Browne Willie Htoff, convicted raek- rctortro: same 1nfluenn• •s stul i11 ATSE. Things will not in Hollywood unttl tt is .. had vo1red charg£>1 yes- 1 II' heads 11 group of old FL unions OPJJOSPd to He has denied that h~ was a communist. told the suucommittN• thnt char~Ps ng11inst h im up" to cont•t•al u rwt•cn movie studios and organtza t1on. telegram Walsh. now In . call<'d Sorr<'lrs charg- 11<'.'' char~<'. unproved and and A'18d(• under 1 h<• of congressional immunity. obviously launchro for thr of diverting public allen- from th<' mountain of cvl- presentro against him and the sordid tale or his Jaw- rarE't'r a nd pro-commumst oc- ies. amply corborrated hy hll! testimony," Walsh said. said hi' would come to chinhln• and cn t<'r "a pt'r- dl'ntal under oath." addt'd that Browne and Ri- 8''<' bel'n barred J)('rmancnt- ml'mhrrship in thl' IATSE h<' had no knowlrdgo.' of two lYJX'S or trad<- tJ> J loath!' thl' ccr and the com- m•~•·•a•rK<'tPPr," Walsh suld. breeds tht• ot her. They are a m rnace a n d should be (ll'd out. So far as I am con- . 1 want nothing to do rither B ioff or Sorrt'll." ashingfon Engineer isits Mother in C. M . Mrs. Elma C. White ot 1873 Ana avl'nue has re<:~tly a visit from her son, N. White, who flew down his hom e in Vancouvrr, He Is an t>ll'<'trical en· . having startro hts caret'f' the great power house ot S tan- Cohn. Sacrammto. be- Calif. t>ducator. on ret ire- " Like the Inmate of Nap rt enough to know that it to push a whct'lbarrow down than right side up. .. NOTICE OF I NTt:NDIED ""ORTQAGIE I \'n<l~r S.Ortl•>n 3440 Civil) !C'nd@ or lh~ Slate ofl IC&IIrornla) IS IIF:RF:BY r.tVEN . AT R L C'ALI,IS •nd DOR-y 1. <'AI.Lif'l. hts wit•. "ltllort- " wh1>~ Rddtf's• 18 227 Tw•n· ,,,..,.~, In th~ Clly M Newport. ••I Omnc• Sl•t~ nr <"alii· tntrntb t nmnrHcatc,. In (';JO:N· F'FTHO I.F:t'M ('()rtl'nttATIO!'I .,~.,•~ " wh<•P'! addff'u to 1011 !0\,..~·•·wt ~~ rr,.t ln ,h,. C"tt v ••t An~•l•• C"n11nl)' of V.. An~r•l• .. r r""hf .. rtun th,. r••tln.,tnc •1e· ,.,t twtr,. .. n n.l prnpfl'rt)' Vi.WIIl ""'""•'""' .,.. M,..t,..r• ~.. 27881 1<nd 27592. 'n' o l'UIUI' 'f' tlh ~·· l..,._f\\ 1\nlt Mntnr ="'' 7T4~'\~ l>ttl<lre n•• the und•notped • "'A~TEU TO Bl"Y ~rfl =~ .............. aldlne B. be the penona name te oub· .rribed 111 the wtlhln lnetrwn~nl. end "' lo.nu•l•d~t•d lu me lh"t abe ,....,uted lh~ ....,,. W\lnr"" my hhnd ""d otrlrlal .,...1 WM. W $AJia~RU NutKry l 'uhU'" tn and tnr NUl Cuurttr .._,uJ St•te Jtlar. 6-~-It·~. 11!(.1 Want Ads Tht' Nt'WI·Timre ~Artll not ~ re- ;ponf.lble for more than one lnror- ···cl lnlwrttun or an advertlst'men! •t:so•rv1~ t h l' right to <..'Orrl'<'IIY ·lasstry any and all ads and to rject 11ny advertisement not ron- lnrnung to rules and r<'gulationa. 68-tiC' 8(TSINE88 OUTD& tddlt> aged m&n for dJshwMhrr and matntt'nanl'l.' Stt•ady t•tnploymt•nt Apply a t onrc lla.rrtson'a~ Dlnn~r House. 11th and Orant:t•, Cu11ttt !llo•sa l~tk WANTED Two ll'lllll't'»t'l, iH'&dy t•mplo)mrnt, shurt hours 'WPIY now llarrlson·s Dinnt•r llotlll<', 171 h and Urnn~t<', Cosllt lltt•r.u. 15-ttc O lhel"' W\11 rt'ad your cluatfl•od ada u \·ou an noedlns t.het.e. !l.\U MIMl'ELLANEOV8 .. MUST ~ELL CIIEJ\P, lo!••KJ l'oillllillun luo')Ch· ~1!'1, nwhuu· da\o•ntk•fl, ro•\o'r- stiJio• t·u-.hhln•, $10, ltttl'•' du-st O( dtltW\'r!>, ~. Wttltn.: rlo •Sk $5 . N•l. Sl. flt~lr lamp. S:.!: "nd tablt·. $1 , l~•y's rool Nl/1' \ll-1:! ED \\'ALTERS ·~ SJ . ~~ Vtl~tnraa. t \~tn ~1~a TILE CONTRAC"fOR CaiJtn li tt'!lr ~)-ltc EI.E<IRIC RANCF: With dN.•p Bath Rooms. Drain Boards, etc. wl'll cookf'r, f•xro'llt•nt hkr new 15th & Nt'wport Avt'., Costa Mesa rondtlton. $150. Harbor :t537 Phone Bearon 8700-W-3. 1S-3tc 18-tfc ------::::---,--------____ E_x_JX'_r_t ----P U M P S WORTiflNCTON Watch & Jewelry PRESSURE-CENTRIFUGAL REPAIRING For altPrft1ure Fine Diamonds and Watches Soden Retrlserallon NEWPORT JEWELERS 623 So. Lot Angele1 S t., Anahf'lm lUnder new Management! Phonl' Zrnilh 46!}2 20-lte 116 22nd St., Newport 17-tfc 20Q6 Court Ave. Ncar Newport Plt>r Established Since 1920 8-tfc Silver Plating COPPER. BRASS, COLD Bayside Plating Co. 1914 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif .. Bl'acon 5113 6-tfc F'ORMEIJ Wlndahielda A. Hatd Watch<-s .. aocu .. J-etry Covel"' made to order. Abo Plu CHRONOMETERS l&l&M A. Ludta Sheetl for ulo· Repa!rtna -Prompt~ Nu-World Producta Company Sen1lble Pricee 303 Third St., HunUnrton BMch VAN DRIMLEN Phone Hunttnston IWadl 11&. J E W E L R Y 80-tlf l'nltl Newport Bl~ C.O.ta .._ ----------------~~ CESS POOLS and SEP11C TANKS lnatallf'd Anywhere ln Ora,.l! Qlunty .... Dlntrac\ Drillina ~r Connection tAll Work Guaranteed' Fu!.l Inauranee CanW J. It McCORMICK 348 VIctoria St. eo.ta Meaa Beacon 5069-.J HARBOR Plu~bing Service 12-tlc 1768 Newport Blvd., BeaCOD 6117 REPAIRING OUR SPECI.A.LTY Contrac11nl and s~ COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone !Wacon 6217 .. tic l!573 Elden Ave., eo.ta Meaa 20-tfG 1.2 YE.ARS SERVlCE IN THE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PIJNTING CONTRACTOR 27. Eut 11th Strftt Ph Sea. 54U O.ta Mea. c..Jll 30-tf< BILL'S WASH-A- 475 Newport mv4.. eo.ta .._ Phone lk'acon 5'T'PO 10.tfc FIREWOOD CHARCOAL A. BRIQUETS PROMPT DEUVERY Wri~ht Lumber Yard 1784 N~t Blvd COSTA MESA !Waoon 5665 Plenty of Good Tiree All Slzee Compound Motor OU cane.. TOe Western Auto Supply Au thorbecl Dn1f1' I R36 N.-port Blvd , C.O.ta ...... 11-tt• PJumbin~ Supplies PI P E CGalv. and Black) Tolll'tl, Ba th TUb!. LavatoriH . Cast Iron Slnlu (20-32 doubiH) 21x32 lt'dge typt>, etc. P_aso ___ N_.u. _________ u Doublt> China Sinks, $1650 up P bl . St 0 a h Stl'<'l Slnkl $5,95 up. U IC en gr p er Chromt> Plated Swlnr Faucets, 229 Marine Ave !Harbor Inv. Co.) Balboa Island Harbor 1331 Houl"': 10:00-4:00 l._tfc ~:ARNIF:-Why did you do It! I'm not happy row with anything le~~ than A.~soctated Scrvicr . 21\th & W Crnl.. NI'Wport nrnrh Good rarr milkes a good rnr • 20-ltc I.O~T ANO FOl~D $5.95. Largest Plumbnlg atock In Or- ang<' count y. FONTANA PLUMBING 23041 S. W Newport Ave. Cmta Mrsa Phone Bf'acon 6041 18-4tc SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Som" Mnth•l!t A1 ~ui:IIJir NOW Balboa Furniture Store H~l :O.Ioln St , Oulh11n T'hom• Harl~<lr H!l WILL PAY UP TO CASH for USED Furniture & Appliance~ '\\\• Uuy Abn011t Anyrhtn.c" URANT'S Phon<' Hca 5707-M ·~I \p.tl lltto·nt lltlnt'h f<'UI& tU:l'T FoRi(~, lti-1:> Nt:\\~tl Bhd., C011ta Maa ~-tfc. Will Pay Cash tel '"'' ''""'' i:'o'<i~t ~~·1 "''''1., ICP \1, t::o-'1 \Tt all IIIII•'••• llhhtdo•ol ••Ito \\ 0.'n1t 'I t •. dhu.1 .'d '\It " !\ENTAL t 'Nil' ~lTE~ ~ur )'"II lttmttur. ur "''bat tua~ you Phone &aeon.~ Crawley Furniture Co. tl41~ "'''"' pt•rt Ul\'d , Cc»ta .._. 9r.l-ttf FOR HI :o\T "'•' I lit nt~h• ol ''I'·"' rnt'll l' f'll\ollt• ~111\1 1 :1~~ V Cenltal \\• Jlal\).oa o•r l'htllh' Harhor :II:. r I) ) o•er ••r "•'II~Hnlll .t:• \ Ill' I I !'-nllul>l• (,,, l llntl~ ~f,_'~~' I"' '\ Ill •t; \\tlh <'••IIIIi:•', t-l'kSITt'RE FO K 8A.L& • FOR S ALt: ~ pll'c.• dinl'ttl' aet, 9xl:! wuol ru~:. mnple davl'nport, two pair rlrnr>c•s All aood ron- dillOn. llurhor Jj62. 18-2tp ==~~:---------W·-111 FOR HI :vr 1,11r1111, 111 11r l~o•us. IT'S SMA HT ;\..'X :'~lh !'I . ="••\\ I IT'S BA YFHONT )'f'ar '••rtnol port lit "h 1800·R l'h l lar l!l~·~ It "' I J , 17 .. 11,. :1111 t•·-a· \1~1\'t"ly your!( ~ STII\'t-: lwa 1 Altsu Gu~ r angt! lift ovt'n "' t.:Uintur hBrl,laln. 408 AI,,, No•wpor t llt>li:hll. TEA'Ciu n l>t-ltu''"'" "••nwnl l.ul,, ""' :-;,,,,h llu) Frmtt :l lhart• kl•lltnu·nt. 1111'1 )111\.tt• n •• tt .... n holll\(' l<llh Jllt'l 111\rl room 'Itt••• nt••tllh "" 1 .. 11 ""·"· t.:"''' n"•m '''"' m1•1tl ~ rl>t•m. boa 1·1•""' \\'rth· I' 1 , ~'··~ "1\h 3 h11thK ltr••J•l•~t.,. l••rn'tl 11lr 20-1tp m . lltllhn.t l~llltUI :o ·\to· llt•ttllnt.: nrttl :.' qr <'Ill ro~:t• unhtr FOR SALE flt•rtultful mahogany St•t·r"l nr). I Wind~url $100 Call ~l tss Mulht:un, llnrbor 1-11. 4!0-ltc BOAT&, fUlPPLID • WAJfTED TO RI!NT U ---:::-sG-=-=-bD=----1-G-F-:--.-Sroon--er-1 -WA N'f"'::::--T-(:)-.-!R-1':-NT-- 'Bonnie Doone 8aY or t k• :tn Fntnl lu•t.:•· turn Anyont' hll\'tng hills ag~tinat lll'r llhcd h!tt)w fill' I hP ~umnwr s,.,. .. notify mr aon. G F:. MtNNEY PH It MAJli"\'S 711 ('(last Hlwa)', Newport 9730 Wtl~htr•· llhd ' ll.•\t•rlt·~ IIIII~ .. ~, • 20-1 tc ~'u.;'"' F OR SALF. 16-ft. sail boat, new 3 AD L n;, IH·olr•K.>m. twin bt'<b stainless stl'l'l rrggin~ C'XC<'I-llvtnl( ro.1m llt•ct (;rnund fh111t ll"nt condition $295 5 1~ 19th July. Aut:u.r. ~l'pl n"11~1•""hh• St • C'OIIIR MMH 20-2tp ~ff•t nlllhotA hlly front nf' l ponllhl·· n..r~ J'.:o pru. no bad Boats Priced To Sell habits Juns:mryrr, lf~'\2 T11m11· 30-rt Com Spt Fishn. (l!Mll rlak, Palm Sprrn~:s 15-Rte 30-ft. ert ... er~f'dan eruiMr $25 REWARD (1942l $5600 For tnformallttn rt'Sultlnl: •n our 36-ft Aux Sloop ( F.-llowa _ lf'ulne Oalho11 l\land llunw Mtnl· S I<'Wart 1 $2501l mum 3 IJf'drO!•m•. unfurnlslwll -c f!. MJNNn Harbor 157'5-J o1 V c l Tfnx :\73, Til Coas·t Jllway, N<>wport Balboa Ialand 1!'>-tr(' l._tfc WAN"n:n •'t \urunn do•l Mar, "''"'''1 ''"'~ f.J :•.r•u l o1uwn I'IIY mo Ill thlc \ •'Ill "'"' "l'l••lnlllii'MI l'illl '''"'~·· !;~ \\' E:-a·(•ptional Vit•w Site 1 .. .., •• h~ "' iJ · Tusnn ~ ... nu.o. hn~-rit~w or 1111\ unrl "''''"" ·~· r,~., lnrnfltl:•' ltl 110 nnd 1 :0~1 ft••l lk]llh Jo'ull l'ru•t• f-\•r '11w ltts:ht I .<1"1•1 hm• rnll llnrt>t•r fo2 W 111'11 PO \\'FR.<; at J . A. BEEK OFFICE 111 'llr 7~· X l(rJ 1\ ~UII-;1,14' for~ unjj; lnt'IU•IInt: •rn•ll 1-IK'droom houae s 16.'l!'tll \'rr t1,.,.,,.,,hll' IU<'IIIInnJ> 11nd hard 1•1 dupiiC'IItl' llWNER 1R18 W. f""'entral Ave. IIARI'll>n 14!l4-lt 1A-21p =:::-::--;:--:-:--:-::-""'7:::--:---""'7--20--:-1-t c fum ISh I'd a Jilt r ltll! • n 1 "r ~ rnn II FOR S ALE-:t.l ft c:-ruiiC'r. sl~ hOUI<', h) 1\l~r•·h t•, '" A)trll 1 llALBOA TRIPLEX 2, \'-8 molor out of walf'r $800. TWo rrfln•od l•~•tll4•. bu''"'''~ Allrarllw ~~·vo•n Y••sr old ~ltlrro Terms Pl)ane Harbor 0~ be-man & m11thrr Y\•ar arPuml \.nl'l~l'll 11 ': und•'r Of' A ral"- twE't'n S;~ It 5·30 p.m. Attn Jleonnrtl, Snn111 J\n11 19:.!4-J Wrll furn Elt•rtrlr tr•fri~otrratlon. 6 p m . Harbor 589-M. 18-5\c :tll·!tlr lnn!•r 'Jirln).(•. f•tr llar•· \'a.lu41 a\ $11,000. FOR SALE-8-foot yach t nlllna IU'olft', MI8CELLA!IIEOlJ8 II RALBOA punt, mahogany scau and trim, FOR RENT Idral outdoor IBII't OCEAN FRONT rudder. Cl'nterboard. maat boon, lot , Sl 00 front foot all or part lall and oara. $135.00. 1407 W. 2100 ft. at 600 Cout H ighway, IW'IIch C'olla tr 'J hdrm . beth, Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Newport, Beacon ~. l8-4tp klcthl'n, romh. JlvlnR and dln- 16-4tp -.--avoa InK rm., firf'plaCf' and alua en-------------~ -"-• ciOM'd porch, petlo and ~tar. All MlJSICAL a RADIO M WILL EXCJIANGE Glrla' brand cncle»f'd, $13.000. Tr~ KIMOAL G RAND, Autht>ntlc rww 26" blcyrll' for 24 or 20" COAST Louis XV period style. Can't ~ ctrll bicycle. 1711 Pomona Coata PROPERTIES CO told, from nrw Half priC<' of to-Mtta. ELY -tt 501 F: Crntr11l, Alllbt)a . u ,.r··2fi,'VI day 1 cost This Ill a won~rful UAL aTAft WANTED M IR-Ifr rhanC<' to own a rl'al Louis XV !IIYI" Glorious tun!' Simply bn-WANT-Good lot Iouth of hltrh- utlful. we aay DANZ-SCHMIDT way, ~uonahlr price tor rash PIANO CO Always almo1t 100 Write P . 0 . Box 315. Corona del ptanfl!l from whk h to chOO!K' 502 Mar. l8-41c No Main. Santa Ana 19-tfc ICOJifD 70 LOAN 11 RALDW TN G RAND Repoaee~st'd. LOANS 1'0 SUlLO. buy, lmprcMO. moct.'lllat or nflnanOP. W• pur- dlue tnan ciMdl NEWPORT BALBOA f"EDERAL SA VlNG8 A. LOAN ASSN 3333 4' .. Udo Ph Har 1500 a.ttc Mllgniflccnt lnnal quality. Ac- lion u ccllcnt. Mahogany caae. 11bsnlutrly ~tl'nulne. You mut t ~"c ancl ht>ar this grand lnltru- ml"nt tx>forl' huylng a ~:rr~nd. TrrmR arr ra~y. pru'l' iJ lowrtt. DANZ-SC1lMinT PIANO \0., !l20 No Matn. S1111ta An11. An-AUTOMO'I'IV& A Tlll&lt .. other grand $48S. 19-tfr USF.O PIANOS w ahtrd ro;:-QUr. rr nt drpt. 1'rad" your old pl~tnn on a Spinr l Hl~thM~t AI Or will huy for ~pnt rl\.llh SC"l iMlf)T PIANO ro . 5'JO Main, Snntn Ana l!l-lfr nF.NT II f'lolllO, ~'l p.:;-;;;onlh H )'l'll hu~· lllll'r "''' alto\' fi mrt't rr nt JI,\J'\Z.S(.,IMinT I'IAI"l1 C'l I . r.~~~ :"'n ~t:ttrt. S"n'" An11 Yttll r:1n pun•hn<>•· :. a:ow>(l U'<toil pmn" fttr "" ltlll•• a t $11:; To·rm• l!l-111' WE NEED MORE CARS Our 0 11: 1l"''>1 l'~~r ,...,,, Jn C'01t11 Mf•8a WILL PAY TOP DOLLAHS For G<'M"I c 'I•· '" l •n• • New View Home OVT.RLOOKJNG ,.:nllrf' Harbor ana 3 hr . hdw noo,.., flrrpla('ll!, rnnalrurtlon and lnai<S. rtnlltl t .CN'ptlnnlll Thf' flnl'tt wr'voe "''rr orlf'rrd. RALPH P. MASKEY Ph · Jfar. ~ 9-tfc CORONA DEL MAR SOUTI'f OF JJIGHW A Y Must Sell at Once A OEAUTIF\11 . NF.W 'J hrdrnom homr Flrq'lla('(', 1Arlll4', pc~tlo or fl11111onr w tt h ronrr .. tr frnC>Il, Vrnr•lllm ltllnd..~. rul(a I f)I 'IT\' :•1 11 H l'tttll• Wrhcht 'I t Ill• r !-lui'" t • I• •· r• (t l~. rtr ''"""' \hllllll l "'"1:" ""''" r • t ,ql••fH '''' ho t "ult t f ltt1•n 1HUh (:rtltnn l'nr1.-.r.:-r••untt T •tnk f.,. •• , t:-.unu t'ntt,.rc r .. •un•t T &nk •)~~t•t f;,u •• n t"rut,.rc-ruuntt Tttnk A 1" l.nh• 1111 l'nntft tMno BLAC'"K Pal< nl Jralh••r purse los! 220:'1 r n'l!'l "" rl . !'I'\\ port P hnn•• IJ nrhur I Jfj S PI'\: I :T I"~' no llrn nrl "''" Cn~r ll;om:"'' fl 1n ~h!ttm• nt \\'til not h• tnld rn•nl tv•rff•i t Mit\\ ~Ot\ t' PAINT & BODY DEPA RT~1 Et\T , 1 1.' ,.,, ,, htu1tluu· '''' ur fl• \\1 1• • ._,l' r I •" ht 111• o r 11 ~ It ·•"• l'tH••(tlllll'• I'HII" 111r ·,,. ~1,,.,1 ,,,,,, '"''' \\'&r"'h""""l m Oal110:1 Phone· H arhur 2190.\V ~ pl··•l•r••l tr1•t•l•l nf'\I.Rrrl 1R-21C' ~'I .,~, •···n• r~'t•• Rarr,.l PIAl t•,rm 7~1' 'n::rk Tunk• F::\f1'1,0\1'fl':ST WASTED 23 .,. ~ \ .. :.ttn•-p .• k I -------------- \i' 1l ... I• ....... fl• ...... ~· .... ,! ( 'I 'Jl rAJ ;'I;~ Laundt•tt••l an cl ~'• .-·.-,.,.1 ()rfl4,. Rutldtni! on I h•f'l'k d 1 , t t -. ~ u1,'( ,.,,,1 :O:upflllrt... ~•r• It h•· . fnn(·y tnt'ns irlun- ,. •·n.-l,.•r un•l Bl•'""' tll••mP-d•·tHI ('nil Santa Ana !'>671:.! II• I •'"'r ,.,,, llr~hk F:l•vnt"r r .. r 11ft . llft• r :'1 II rn ,. v. '"' M '~t,1r r.~nrtH•n~'l Mtttnr n '' •~·~,2 ~t''" 1l,lii71 n~r T~·r" Yu nl hl'l'r"x 1'""' ~'' Tur~ Oft111k rtrk'A'"r f•lllnt: (":,hUll\1 u-.rt•tfl Hntul Adltln.: Ml\f'hln"' ~7· 114~" Anll<tU• Table. -':!'"x l:'' C'h\Uit_.r (',\I'AnLE WO:\IAI'\ \\'ants po- stllnn ns ltousrk!'l'f)<•r n•·at. ~ood mok. r· .. ro•n ·nrros. llariJOr 1973-M Hl-3tp \\'ANTED nnby silting hy rl'· llnl!l•· po·r~on. s:->Oc J)('r hour. Call I'VI'nin~ nra 5887-J-K. 1T-4tc FoR SAl I .:~ c'ul t'nlt~ \\o•tri· m ;tn Ltt t:• I Jll'l 11l G lr 11 ro·l o·ttmpll'l• 1\1111 ""'''' t ''"'' II• nt Httultt~•H1 ~~ • ..! •"' I nt:l••h lla~ • '"' I ~i IM I f,lo).' . ,\(' H'l.t t\ \'o Cw11ttll tl•l ;\l.tt ;tfiPr fi :111 pm 211-~t l' !-'( tl! SAI.I·: ('hrorn•• lll'~'<lk[it~l ~! 1. h1n•·l!•, •·tt,..k••n 1~ n. ~nuth '" •1. mt<t' lli..! 1-: :!:!n!l S t . ('ostn l\l••sn ll•·tw"n r,,IIA·R 211·:/lp F< •l'll .'II f't tht<' fl'l'l l rl'••/t' lt<tXf·~. I -:'1:! rulHP fN't H1·nrh In , 1-n '"''r11tln mhrln~ ,.tulhtn It•, ttlt·~t nf T•·,..ntt,.ltl ~trf\4\t '" th,. f'lly of r~•tutt \' "' Ornnv.. ~tnt• uf u l\nt1 U1nt an flltttr ut,.d Mflr1· Wr ('rtn plow your gardrn or ,.11.. I ': hiH'M' motor & comprNlSI•r ('lint Jot or do any kind or yard Pn••1-d to M·ll ('all llarl><1r th.,-~llrT\1" wtll t.,. ti,.ll\'t"rtort anti rnn,..,,t,.rA.t h•n "t h~trPft•r I'Aid at '"'l""k A M nn M••n<I"Y I h• 22th I M&r~h 1~4~ In th~ oortlr~ of L PI':Trtni.F:\'M C'f\HI'()IU- "' I~ \\'~It SHnnd !'\lrN-1. In ty ,, l..,t•l' An••l .. ,_ r·,.Huty ,,, nntu St•t• nl c .. u tnm iL .. .,..h 4 1948 r.E:-<ERAL PF.TROLEUII C'ORPORATIOS By W fLI..O:-.' A lll':SOt~R!'IOS Atlllm_.,. "Mort....-" March 5 114A Ft5TITIOUS TRAD£ NAMIE CIERTIFICATE lhe und~,.,.lfltnl'd, J~ntld1ne 8 """· ... lrllnt( ac 81\.fboa laland. Ia h~tf'hy c-ertify that I am In![ bus•n•~• In the ~ttll• of undor th• flrflfi(>UA nam~ 1~1t~r:'"~1u~'Yn~:'1 ·:, w~\~ Av,.nut>, RAII'>n• h l><n•l <"oun-OMin.:~. St•t~ t>f Call fomla. In '""~ral nut'111rf')' IK h• '"' I•UP· .. :1'.~' nrnnln~:::.":...rf:~ur'~ work ran Br .. ~con 5283-W. 16-tfc 470·R :liJ.:Jtp E~PI.O\'~EST OtTERED ft TARLF TCIP Gr•" ntn~4' G11Hc•rll --------------& ~:ttll••r 4 huttwr Sr,rriftr " MA:-1 OR \\'OMAN-For Raw-Capt Larst'n. :.!WJ:l c 'ua"l lit· lrilth huslnrss which j1.111t be-"ay, ~11\llbu ('h11rtrr11 :IH-3tr cilmt' a\·ailnhl<' Good opportun· 11y for wlllmg worker Wrtll' Ra"'·lt'l~h's, Orpt CAC·55R-14U 0 11kland 7. Calt( 20-ltp PERSON To handlt' school bud- 1:1'1 accounts. typing. & gm- rral ofttC'r work. Apply S A. 9431 or Oran~:e ('(last Junt<>r college 11 lh & 0 Sts . Old Sa nta AnA Arm)' Air ba.~r h<'twr-.•n X :00·4 311 20·1 tc W ANTED-Joh and cylinder pressman. Steady situation in union shop. Ideal work- log conditions. See foreman Ht News-Times. Newport Beach . Calif. -SPE(1AL Whtll' It lasts tn quantity bu)S l"k or lll6 Wf•ll l'Urfttrt•d llhl't'ltlll: a l 11nl) Sl\71 pt'r :\1 & 'UJ'T, rf·vl)('al)lr at 11n) t1m1· Ntco · kiln drlf-d rnf1 matr hrd h&rdwO(tri n(Jortnl( $:.!7<t & up romh Plywood. JllY· WO!Id, mnhogony & gum ply- "'oorl fnr hAr!i And tnlt•rtt>r ltn· 1~11 Maton rtc·. r;•mo•nt. ltml', d•o(rrs, window,., ~htn~:lr". ftr rtnortnlt. noysrn·s II)( I'. p>lrt' pn1n1~. hlrlc tnlll•·rtnl~ "' uti ktnrl"' all 11\'"llllhlr nn rh~thll' tnn•lrllf'lt•tn lin IIUT 1:\\Y r)ll)'· mPnt pill} wll nfllhtn~ down Cl•pt·lond Llrr Y•1 lij(t'l W ~ll h !';1 , Santu Ana ''J-tl• T•tm~ JlA '\:;1,.<:1')1:'\IIIIT I'J,\'\:Ctt'<t ~ • .'ll:"'n :\l:un S :111 t;, Ap., )'l.tfr S I'J'\;I T tllll t ur ''I" pt:>nn l."1tlv ,,,,, Fuu al"tt~m y,,u ''''' IM\ ''''' lt:tl.ttll' ttl •qq-, Tt ltt1'1 I l,\;'I:Z ~! '11\ltt •T. ~·~~~ :-.; .. \11tln S itrtln An.> 1\t·llr ~1'1:'1:1 T fnr to nt 1\11 r. m•• lrrm 11111 """''' d 11 v•••• ltuy l!tll·r I t's 111-< Ilk•· 11 <11\'tlll'" 111'''"11111 H.rnl ~~ SJ>IOI'f n"l\ lttt~· \I.IH'n ro•flfl) l >an1·~''hmlflt Pt11n11 I-,, ;,::n :-.;,, :O.Ir.tn, San ln Ann 1•1 lfc: nAI.Il\\'1:-.1. llf'llttttfullv h11tlt IIIII•• httncaluw pi:lnlt R•·t"''""""'' !I flnlnnr·•· ''"n It<• pnul on r nsy munthl)' pa~·mi"OI" Thr• IS II s;:••m J l:•n7-Srhmtdl P~:onn ('n Almn!'l 1110 piAnn" ''' rh~l' from :.20 !'n Mntn. Snntn Ann 19-t(r Rl'~r~·r:~~-OPPORTUNITIU -.. Ruf'i ne!'.~ O pportunities- IlEA\ "rY S JI( 11' n rnnn''Y makPr "lth h•tnl: •tU:trl•·r,, RI-:STA - HA:"'TS l rm ('"""' lltt:hWIIy httlh l:lo(ocl ~:nin~t hu~inr'<~('5, OEM1 I C'l l!'( 'F.~SifiNS. 1 nn c ·.,rr•n:1 tlrl :\I :or lil•~t!'h s.JI ~t•wtri fW> ;'I;I'T (.fi:'I:C"ESS H I:"' In hw put. It" m:.rkl'l 1 hl!l '" ll h••ttf'), 1\:"'IT SJJr IP "" ll:tlllllll l!'l~tnd n1r1• hu~lnr·~~ l11r lttl" or I"''' n•••••ll'• mtn>1t•t1 lll•t ... oc - FRED W . RRJG(;·s Au~mr•~ (JppotHmtey Urnkrr f.J.I I • .. u•t I I Wh\llt}' 1't1 1\o•o !)17~ :lO·ll r ll•tr ~klll••ct S p•, '·"''' .. \\til ll<l Your \\ 11rk <;. ,,,,, ,, '""" THEOD OHF: J:l)nJ:-\S V•>~tr Forti ''""'' r Stilt'• 1''~ 1 2:.!nfl Iii t ·, nIt 1 NEWI't lilT I :1 .V 'II 1'f ·"' C'OA ST M OTOJ{('O. H •. t '·' • I j u ,,,, '-'\I•-'• t ''" 1 , ' I I r ,. u ' •t 1 t1 I H• ~t'••U ' ' ' --\ '· \'. , , I I\ If II' I ; II t t\ )( " " t .. I .,,. 1• " 11 tlr I' tl II• "' .t •.' "po rt < '._, .. rfl f 1'-f Ill I'• tun .. , ••'111 \ St H • • • \\ t ... ,, I I ~· I~ It :,,, '\t ( !If •n vnr •1~s~ ., 1 1.1· l ft(IH ('"""' lllt'lt\\ II' I ."' ,\1 I I "'' •.• """ Ul ,, .. ,.,. '11 t tld11 'lA 1-flr S• "'"' II• II• t •, I tf•l•"' • d l.ot t • l••t duttloll· h•1rry (qr thl~ .,,,. t po'l, ,. '' ,,., '""' '"'" It• t 1 tl·~ I '~t.~~h '•1:! I ''"'IC'' !.! I •r ~··•lion Jt·,riH•. '•t •· t 111 :I•' ·-· 1 '' 111r1'• ""'. II• i<fl'r Fluhl III II•' :'l:t•W "'''' ('t• t , \I• \II II• "':f' '•·liMit rf,\'l'fR fW-rtllltllll IWt,.lfon•• l'lrt\ I :•t1 'lip ~1 '\'t" ------- ·y, (tid• ronv l"nupo• "~-,~~: Lc·vr·l_ Bay. Vi(•W L<,l •I(J J-nrd :.!·Or Srt11ln rt:ult<l, '""'' I ,,IIR r., AJI•·y rr Vrry n rnn ,:•1(1~, '" lll•ot k Itt•"' llnv COAST MOTOR ro. A lii ....... t '•tii>OII tltl \1Ar 100'1 C'lalll llll!hWAY $1!)1111 (':l~h &aron ~,0:1:1-J t 111m• t llnrb111 l'~lt ..!4 t l(r RF.AL UTATP: CORONA DEL MAR Duplex New. M(Jdern Excell«'nt lnc:-;r l ion. Annual inrr,m~> o f S:l-100. Y r,un; ror $1 ~000. Beach Co ttage, Furn1s hed On a ~2000 lot nnlv ~~~OfK'1 Many N ~w llon1c " From $02SO BwJinM;S ancl rrsidf•nl ial lo ts. TAVERN CO .. , REAL ESTATE 1301 Omst Jfiwny, ('ororw th•l MHr Jlh. tl:trhor 17•11 :.!0-ltc· HARBOR I~VESTMENT CO. REALTORS Newport Benda ~7~00 Balboa Island $It),~()() Ralboa Is land $1 0,7~0 Newport Heights $12,750 Lido Isle ftT.JOO 1 he 'fh'lll. hom lt'SH t hnn :.! )'t'lll' o ld fumil'llt'd. I-'M "tN<: (;HAND CANAL ·I btltTtl. h ome• with ~otl\r. npt. old n n<l nan down hut tnayl~ sonwhndy wiU llkt' It. LotA oC J1leepiJ1¥ roorn. Smnll. h\lt wry llvl\blc l'llt'l"fl" li <lond condJtlon. Jo\tmlshro. :4 lll'(ia·,)(lm -~~ wt•tl hullt-tlk-ahnw~ rot 'I I(' r s.. 'l'l't' na. Pt c. Can ~· hc:J\I.cht runy tumlahecl ltw t. Ni-:W "'"''hina 11\ftch. rerriJ;t., AtOVt'. tote., for $1:\.750. :l ~ .2 batha, . .d~ iftngp;-~~tt'Ht 10Cit.JOii. Partly tum. Thrma. INTERIOR DECORATOR SIIOP A ~toinR And wc>IINt.abii.Uwcl htll'lnt-M. 1..-!l'f' lncludt.• rt.xtun.~. C'qUipmmt and lc•niOl'. l~il,~l fur qull"k M.ko $:\000 OFFICE RENTAI~Jte ot 3 ~MlRACL.E MJI.E locatJ~. Long Tt-rm lftur at $135 prr month. TAX SALF,.-Oty now wlllna CITY OWNED TAX UYI'S -Many t'1C~IMt valUN -See ua tor llst. Harbor Investment Co. Realtors 30th at W. Central AVP. llarbor 1600 229 MartJv. a.nx. lUnd 'Harbor 13.11 2().1tc VlSlT US IN OUR NEW l.OCA110N Blanche A. Gates-Realtora-Gtnny Gatea 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phon!~~: Harbor 16TI-J -Ewn1np, Rubor 746-M Harbor 1034-J BALBOA ISLAND 2 -1:1 rt. lnt• v .. ry r4'W nt ttx..· k-tt. $10.750 and $11.~.00. 52 U. waiPrfront lot. C'"hoh't' location, $17.500.00. One--hntr IJICK·k rrom bay .. I .ovrly 2 8. R. h~; dJn. ln.C rnom , lllrJCf' fir?piB<'l", han1wood 0 00,., file kJt• t'ht'fl 11nrl bnth. T>c,.ahl,. gRnt((t>, N'fJWntt'd patio. BuUt just ~orr thf> Wl\r, hut look• like new. GnmJ(e ron· flltnJctt'd for 2nd 11tory. $17.~.00 or mnkP olf«"r. TwQ 2 11. H. unltx; uJ~n modem nrd\ltf'(1UR.', nftK· JOlOI'l(' rtn-plnc'f'tl, I'IIOlJl)t'lc•Jy fttml•hcc1 With mmhrd plywood intrrlur. Vc-ry attrnctlw ror $2H·,500.00. CORONA DEL MAR Wllnf 1\ buy! So, Rilh• or hil>(hWk}'. :\ 11. fl.. homP, on 47' lot. Jfnnlwoorl noors, rlrt>plnc'f', tile• klkhm. dblt> ~nrrt.Cf'. Jlf•r1N1ly Jtl)fltf'f)l.l,ly lnnriHI'IlJI('(I yn nl. Dbk- h'flr'('(l. C >nly ~~ 1 .7~')() ()0. Almc)';t Clnl>~hr-.1 You c'llll ncM' pk k yr>ctr (IWil ,.,.,l(lf'!C nnc11'1c'f'oratlomc for tlrl11 tllttelt•nlll'llt·:.! llf'llrr11 hnrnr with fl:r~!<I •IIW fln>pln.,. A slt'ltl for $X.7:")1'J.00. NEWPORT J IEIGI 1"1 S l..ti\I'IV fow'ltl t••ll 110 •~11114"1' 'J. l•·dt'ltOill'l, lllll'fl~lond fl t111r.. 'f'·l' ltt41' n otttn-.. t'ftlclf'flll klfdll'll, dtoOitlt• lo(lll'· IIJ.:I' lttld pn•l I) ,\';1111 1\ l'l'lll I ttl' •• 'J fil l( I II(J ( 'lltrlpll'll' \II"\\ ••I h:tdoot· ,utd '"l'l"llllldhw llll':t .SII'I hlt•lt "" lllttll 'l'\\o Jw.,ll'•"'"''· tlt•tt, d ittln1: ''"'111. fin ... p(;,,,. \\•11l l lool'<, oloulJI•· ~~·•f:IJ.!I', p111111 ltrul l•·t lf'•"~l M1tk !· .,ff•·t COSTA MESA , ..... ,, ... f ly l"·:ttlllfttl '\ l .. ~lt'tlllftl """''' \\ilh (llt'gf' r1llll. ln!'lllriJn..: lltttlm~ rt><1111 . 111t· klld11•n :and lostlll. h Ht'l i- WI,.,.f rllllll"', fi n•t•llll l ', dwtl n 111111 HIHI duultll• 1.{111'· IIW' '" dttllt'l' ,, ... tridf•d ,,'\11Tfltlltcll11J4S ( ,,, c; I ln:tfl , .. ,. ~·\,111/fl '"' d t1WII und :!if.,,, f)(l I"'" rr tolllh 'l'ht11 In· d ud r"l •·:1r)••lin~ 11nrl VPflf•ltllll I• Ind.~. ~:.!.•ti>IIIIIJ duwn rand ~~Jf).l llt Jll'•r· "'''· will t.!IVI' you 1t J>l'ltt'lintllv fii'W :l B. H homt• Wi lli nr..,tlstt'f', WIII.WI fiOOI'l(, ln l>o; or I,JIIfiiNII'tl llnd df.l!'l-1 sp tll't', dooblf• ~llf'- 11~(1' 'l11 is htllllf' 11'1tlly haK 1'11111'111 caNNY (;ATI:.<) 20-t tc BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS NJ-:WPOHT -L f)t hlk. to f)f'f'sm . l'lf'"r ph•r I .t~t C"-1 Zflnl' 4!l' fn1m 10 1 Lt fi()x t:WJ nr c;r. AII·Am Mkl. W ATEHFTtONT -Jo'u r. c'11t Ill!>('' NJ<WPOHT '2 11 n hriiiSI', blk fNim l.tt~·:1n Fred BRIGGS ~!100 1,1 ()() :\,Z"JO <1,f>OO !i ,!".OO Tressa f~.14 Coo.st I llghwny Ph. Ilea. 5178 RcR. Jlar. 2476 20-ltc I I Harbor Phones: Harbot• 1:\ nml 2~ Pasre 6 N t: W t• 0 R T 8 A 1. 8 0 A N E W R • T I M Y. "' t 'RIIl1\\' ~ .... ,..-1rt 1\o•&~·h, (',.llf. 'lnn•h .-.. 111114 Community Co~cerl Assn. Sets Membership Drive lor March f 5-20 T h f• Nf'" [l<lrl llarhor I 'om· muml> (.'nnr.•rl A""'-"''''mn w 111 hold 11~ lh:nl annW•I m1 mllf'rshiJJ dri\'i' !hroll!;hOUI 1111' "'''k IK'· glnmn~ Ml~r•·h 1~. Mr •. Stnni•·Y OlamlK'rs, "·'"•l"'l~n '''""' 011111. onnouni'\'Ci tft/111\ ntlran~· th1~ one ...,.,.,.k an yon•• "ho ""'i~lws to o 1 t.rnd 1 h•' 1 Si.R-1 !)4!) ron• · .. r I M>rir• mKY ohtn'Ptl 11 m•·mht•"hlp d thr r from 8 'ul\JniM'r workf·r or 111 hrndqunrlf'l'1! locntr d n t the-N'!ll ('IIlii" offw•• nf J A ~k OIJfoO'IIC tho• ferry landing on n alboa llland. \\'f •l'f ' h•ol (~ttl lfl, ft,llll~tltt lltltt• So111t't f•l lf\1""1 ,,ud tlu l h •n ( ·-.~ ~ ... ·k Chor us HIOllorl ~Jdl.,ld '•''"1''~•:• n •. ,,.;•c• r fur ( ohnl1l•l •• · .. ,, I • I· lrw "' l'o" \',uk "dl J,. if, •• ''~ au."t <. •(,ff1U\11Ult ) 4 o:w• 1 t \\u l'k•f'l• fhUifl$' t•,, i t11tp.tu,;'• ,.,., k nn•l '" "l•·ak :r l rlw unnu.tl I 'tMIIIol tCII clrlllll'r nn ;\J.tt I h I'• Open House Tomorro w At Laguna Beach Art Gallery ct1viti e s no•o,lfll'lll'l' I 1.11 hnt -.. •• h Presb f,1cria.1 SC'rvi• '-s At High Schoo l A!Jd. In Fuf urc I~ II t•tt • " ' I ll.f!) I 'I '' ,,.,. I t! f II :'-1 "'" • Ill j\ I t.tH I h .., ' I' 1; 1 It II I• •'ll,t• t ••I tt • 111 .. •• '.n. Teo Sforfs Drivf' ForPer.in~ulo Arco Red C ross W orkers '· .. ' p, - Tt: \\1 C \I'T,\1 :-. S for .._, Rulhw• lf'rrltury In thfo lkd ( N._ t'und d rh I' \\ hn urt> ht•ttdln~.: ~.:rnupoo "' •·utltfl•lll•ll• \\urki'ML. LPII '" rl~;hl : ""· Jlu\\~&rd Ullker. ~1 ..... S ornu.n \\. SIIIIIJ"""'• ~1 .... Uh nn """'""· , ..... ·'· ni 1'41~ -----~~~· lty 1\•·t·km•r New Edilice ol Christ Church By the Sea Open lor First Service,· Hew Members Accepted ~t. mhf'rs nnd fril'nds uf Christ (.'lrUJch lr) the 5•·11 ll'tommunity ~ll'lhodiSI I ml'l In tht• n••W l'lli· fu·r 14:.!11 \\' C'1•nt 1 al A"'' , o n Sunday rnorntnJ:, Ft'11runry ' :!Y, ll!r tit,• frr~l lim••. At HI: 15 th,· <·hi mrs rrom thQ t til\ ··r of I ho· l')1ur<'h ruuld ))(' h•·nrl'l. ('alllnt,: all 1r1 worship. • ~'l frftc-o n m"'"''' nrg;m ]II'<'· luch·. tfw Rt•\' E rlwarrl )) GtiOdi'll 111111 1 h•• R• ,. IIHrr y \\'ltlt1·. pus· tor~ of ,:-.;,.\\ r~·rt t'hUI't'h ;rnd B:ol· "''" t..l:rnrl l'hnp••l ro'~l"'''' 1\'dy, '':olk••d do\\n thl' f'•·nlt•r ni~l<' rwrl tonk llkJr plnt•·s 1n tlw pul·· pll und rhn1r lt~rt Dunn~: I he srnt,:1n1: nf thl' f1r<t h' mn the Jumor d101r. fnlhl\' o1l hy I hf' S •·m nr rhuir. marl'lh'll du" n ,.,,. .II<IC' rn a pror•·S>IIInal Tlw t'n llrr IH l•t.:r;~m ul tho' mo~rnrng \1 :r< •·:rr- ril d 11111 w i 1 h prur··~~wnal ~mu(lt hn1·<;:o; 11ntl •·X_('f'•-ded all ,.,.. tJ<•et:llluns Dunn~: tlw s (' r vI<'<' s n,,,. ri:•l windows t hAt hnd just bet'n Jtlll 1nh1 11l:rcr and thl' fltlrul ar - r:onJ:I'IIll'lll s rurmslwd b,v Ray- mond llill W<'r~ for r runnt•rs o f t h l' ~;r..:at<'r lw1tuty that Is to c:u m l'. Mr. Coodt•ll pro\lld('d truP l'Jllrit IIIII IllS( !I I'll I 1\lrl ill hiS St'r • mun, "Tilt• \\'uri h or D rt:ams," and h1s l1sl r·m·r~ fl'lt t hul he had J:ltiru d u lllrg•· portion of 1 h•• frrlf11Jm<'rll nf hts own dn·ama on 1111!: 1\'lrndo •drrl duy T ill' prlnt•tp.ll work or lht• next ~('\'•'1'111 mtHllhS \\Ill l't!OSIS I Of a('lllll'lllf.: 11111d• f•1r t h•· bnl<;~nce of thl' <'hurr h furn1shings so that d <'diCIIIton S('r\'JCl'S may I)(' h~ld •·at I) 111 Jurw. hf'lt)r(' lhC' nex t ( 'nn!o•ro 111 nwo•tJnl: Yosemite Porl Co. Has New President Y nSF::-; I T ~: NATIO NAL PAfiK. C AL , :O.IAfinl 5-fUP) As In thf' p<l~l 1wo >'Cnr• ndult rnf'mlx-rships W 1 I I <'0!'1 16 00; atudE-nt fnC'ml:l('nchiJ'lll' ~ 00 !M o aeaaon of at II'IUII four ronrer ts by today's I..'TCat muslral art1st• of tlw Co lu.mhla Com'~>rt ll<'rl"~ Mr•ml~·r'l nf til•• l.ut.;lltt.• II• •" h Ar l II~S•K'IHI I•m 11r•· 111111'11111: 111• 11 I IQII>I' 111 tlw An (;,,11•1 \ "" Siltl&r•l:o . 1\1un h H ntH p ru tu \\hlo'h ~<II II 11 IHI• llr• ''"I"' 1 d1• Ill\ rl•'fl \\ ''I, "' .,,, I I \\ t I ·~ Jl I• I I•·' d t I Iii j1 {1 I J f' 1 ,, 1'1' " I·, Jock Benny Suspects He 's 'Th e W alking Ma n Pilot Closs Plans Concert, Men to Host Ladies' Supper Arrives From Hilo To Visit Daughter C oodrll 1nt rodun·d ~1r and :'-Irs n ush S ll'\'l'nS \\ hOSI' frwnl'll} nnd rno nt'l nry CO<IJII'r :.t wn ""'I' m11ny ~Pars had m:.fl<' lilts dar IMl,SJhi•' lit• r~!lrl intr udut·c·d l 'hur ks II :O.tnrtlndul«' who, WJth his w1f•·· m rul£• I h e J.tlfl o f liW llj'aiJ\ 1ful no•\\' \\'urllt 11•r o r gan to l h•• ··hurr h, m r omm1·mor a 1 I on of t h<·lr sons ;\Irs l\1:or) Curry Trcsiddl'r Is tIll' "''"' pro•:;tciC'nl of l h<• Yose- mll<' P:1rk nnd ( 'urr y Company, 1111• hn111'1l o f dlrt'l'lors Rnnounced wduy Shr "II C'I'I • d~ hrr lilt(' hus- h.ond, I 1r Dm1.t1t1 II Trcsiddcr. I 'qln 'Hlt Ill "r S lanrord Uni- \'t l''ll)' II llTC chO'ICn a t lhl' <•lusr rampttlttn wr•·k nnd no single admlulona arc 110ld. A IUCC't'llsful nnd wrll t~ttrndrd aeuon roncludcod lnst W('('k w1th the brilliant J)l:rformancc ·of Paul P.fRkovaky, viollnl~l. Othl'r artlata appt'arln~: hrrr thlK yrar Job's Daughters lridge Fashion Show Tomorrow's Fete 'llleft wtll tx-<'ight lw-Autlful door prh~M 11nd rnC'h of thl' rrwrr than !50 t11bln will hl\\'f' 11n ln- dlvtdual prl7'~ whrn C011ta M1'111 &thcl, Job'• DnUlo!hlt'rl, hnldJ tht-lr ~t bridge and fu h ion ahow at 1·30 p .m. tomorrow In A.nwrlean Lrc1on haJJ. Owr ~ tlckPII ha\'1' '-" 80ld and thOIIr who havto no t purduaM'd lh«'m In adv11nN' "111 .,. ablt' to buy thl'm o t th,. 11nnr 'J'ht' prl<'t' Ia Sl. Any kind n f card film<' may hr ph1yl'd. T11l· Uea wtll Ill-furnl1hf'C1 but each ruc.-at ahould brtn.: h«'r own cards. Eloulae Qw,-n Will he onnnunr· er for tht' f111hlon show . which will be ~ntl'rtalnmcnt during clelaert, lf8mt't to follow. L0<'11I ahoJ:W "''~II provldf' ni'WI'II of ...,tnr atylt"' and mod<'ia will be JlfttlY and ch11rmlnr ml'm· ben of the .,.Owl. Tho·ro• Will 111 11 'I" t • •I 1•1 • · ~rnn1 u-; \\ • II u~ r. It • 'tutu n ... l\lur 1•· l\lullt r. •·nnr·• r • I'• •Ill I will r•·nd .. r -.. ~'101 ~·I·''"""' und \\'ulto r F u•l•·r, 1•1 • '"I' ttl "' IIJ•' '"~'H'Ihlh•ll \\Ill "'1111' l'lt•l• "Ill "'"., t~· rt1t1\ un.: ,,,., ,,, , ' 111tl ut ht•r • n t••t t.t1 nm• ''' tn '" l•d lu"1'd IJ) rdr•·l>hnu nt~ • .ttul .!lnC'Jal ••vo·nin~; •' "ol I j , ... t I It I I ' I t. t I* ' •• I' lr11' .... tl \ t IH( \I" ''' .... :-"'' ,.,. ·'ttltl I \ 11 It 1 I ,o '' \ II I' • \I II • I J,o illl .. , PHil. DIKE'" H\Vhlw "-"11" h"" INo4on •·h..,w·n "'' jud~.:•·~ fur 11,....1 a"· ani at hlcla edtool Art F.YhlhU. JntUI ftr&ftdt '" "aff'rC'OIIM', "fCAoY'• f'•Ue" &aklac anoU!ter nnL IA"fl to rtteht .,,. t;,·adna Krrut~ l'..rr,·. ul .UPf'n1ooor tor OriUl&•• c•ounly ... ·hO.•I-; ,,,...., t:t" "'"' Marlin . ""'' d ...U.t; ButMu-a ~r. hlch vhool arl dl,....•tnr and ltulh 1'.-ahudy, aaaat ... ~r. phCIIO hy (;o•r·h:or-.Jt II\ \1." t: ~HISBV' ull•·•l l 'r•" llullywuocl f .. , r ''"IMtnd•·nt II•" I I \\ II" I l\IAHC'II ·' •I I' I 1111 I, '•111 rs SUif~'"" • ·•' ,, , ,, .1". 111nny mlglt l It· II . \. ' I Ill ,,,,., .. 1:. , '" ·••I 1 .. r .. u~JX·f·tl'd til•· I ' .• J:, 1111'· I IIHO.kr or Ill trt· " u 11 d I t\\ 1111!, \\un't SO) ""' \\ 1\ ••• •• ••''-• 1 ful' sur<'. Jl•)\\· • ,. 1 It• •l .. • " "'T hP W olhlm: .\l .• n "'' 1 ul ''"rnlls like him I • \\ ·'' .,,. \hn" hns I• •., 11.o1111111h! up or1t1 d"'~ n on n olt 1 I ""·'"'• • 11 tlh ur C'Onat'·tl. I ol \\ •1tl ~ l'rollh or C:'"'" ''"' m • ,· 1 '111 '1 r11dln show lrrr "' \t 11 \\t ' t "" l ;Ut iS WhO ht• 1~~;, ·'"" ''"' • '·'" ,., s::o,OOO worth nf l•••l y,.., 1:• 1 ~1111r houlK' paint• d ln~rrl· "''' '""· rurntlurc, a rnllu .. ph~tfltll'l tJtll 1, lt•\'I,IOn ~ e t , n• \\ •·:u 111td trnll• r fur coat, etc I \•'" ~ '"'rrl.1y ni~:h t Ed\\:u•l~ plu tl1f'"" t lu, ' l'Ut,.~'\prs ''1'1lt') 'r•· l'"'l.o·ol from I!SI••no•rs whn "'lui• nllfl• thlln '"" m rlllo n il'\ltr • 1111 \\h\ lh•.( ""' J·:dwards moll.,. th,tll ,, II•IIII•Hl llullnrs for lh•· .\llh •l'll'olll l l1 .. rl i\SSOCIIttlon ,,, • II 11111• r""". I I l'nrd. S<• 1 :o1· L:tO•·~~··•, hnve stnttt .. ·rl "lltlb ,,, n.11n1·~ l1k1• Richard lhx ''"'' St.: I ,\1\ '" (' York. l\1(1'' II< I• '" rs \1' r•· dl'l•fl In the tl111 k unltl l.o~l SaturdAy's pf'Og'rrrm 'llw I'll"' •·1."' .. r ('II r 1s t t 'h•11d1 1h th• ~ •. ,. nwt :r l t lw d t "'It ~~ , 1 It n• w uf11ct•rs In r·h:111'• \'rn•tl ( '1•11•· '"'1111: p n •s i· ,J, ttl ·""' :\It' .1• '" l\tr·Don.tld ,,,. ,, l'l~t·1 .1t) "''" "' llh t•lll'> 111111 l:llrl ,,,. I HI•' h1 I, 1\,Jik J.t·l\\1 •'ll ihl' n••W ''"'"It l••.1hlrn:: nnrl lhr• oldi'T ;uu-on ·• 1·• ,., tou.; t '• n1n1 ... t'H·- •rt: ,, n • •I , ,.((, ,. and tiiii!L:Irn'IIS "' :0.11' .I lin• llu1 n~ .mol !\tbo; I ''1•· :-;, "lanrl l'hnn• tl f,.r a fllj:!hl IO lht• 1 "' "'. k ,.f \ftrll, th• 1 111~c; •·x· lk, ,., '" pn"" nl a I'I!OI"I'rt It> th4' o·umnnlrlll)' J-:ni'IJ Tfl••mlw•r Of thl' r\ll!>S J:n\'o• '" ""' ,,..,.,urt•r 11 ~I on boll that h:~fl l,.·•·n o•,1rn•·1l m r~n r nlt•rMittng "·I~ rlurr n~ t h•• m o nth. Tl11· 1 I, .... I' t ry1n~ lt:lrd to ra1Sf' Jh• m••n•) '" p\lrf•llu~·· I hi' <':tr- J•·IIn·~ lolr 1lw n•·W church, a nd 1111~ "·'"' nn•• nf lhf' w ays thry mld1 d t" t h• runrl. Tltr OI'XI nwt·llnL: ~\Ill h{' hr•ld Ill t lw 1'111111"11 11111 w ill lw h••ld tl11• thud Fr1da:. of lh1s month, ;\!.11 I'll t•• Tltt• nw n .. r '"" clas~ It t,. '•'n "'!-! I h•• lllll'l"'r te> th•' i.rdlt '· ,, :.o·nrly ''"'"' lito' I' «• ' f11r Jlw o•\'l•ntn~; "'<'r<' ""' :'ol:tr~ !'l :~nl··~ anti Mrs · 1 ;, '~~'''"''" nams. Th• ~ .., n, d 111-ll!'ll>ll' clo-ss1•r l ;\h· .. O:im••n <'I 11 k .,r l.r•ud, s. n . 111'1'1\t d ,,., •lnt·~dav :oiJ.·r· "'"'" I' om I llln, 'f II 1 ~. ~I •·nl'l S••l'• •Jitl \\ ,.,.k~ :o I tilt' hnnw o f lwr ila11~:hl•·r, ;\l r~ .I W 1'11 1.· I"" 1 lt'k, 111111 l:r mll•. ·t:\11 i\\'or',1d11 h\ o·nllt', ( 'ttrllllll 11••1 :0.1111 ;\I rs ( 'l,ork ""' lu·••n \'1,111111.: anoll lwr thflll.:ltlr•r . ~l r<: lhll) Blr·<'k h.ohn. 111 l l1lft Mr. BI(•Ck· hnhn t• 111""·'1:"'1: o·tllt'll •1f '"" I lilt• I l••r.•ltl·'f'nlnlnl' Altar Soc ie ties Guests ol Bol. Isle Hostess :\1•·ml~<·r~ ,,r thl' Altar 'ltt('H·· 1 it·s uf Our l .::tl\' or 1\11 I 'arnw l nnd uf S l .John.\' 111nnt ~ t•hurrh· t·s "'' rf' hrnrlwon ~'''""I" \\'rd· n··~da) al t h•• hnm•· nf Mrs :-:uh•th" lln•ttn r•r. llulhttio 1'<1· nnrl Mr~ l 'l)d f' 1\ShC'n pn·~uJrd nnoi catll'tl t•ll ;\lro, Tl,..ocl .. r•· Hohrn'< fur :1 r.·purl nf 1tw pro·· l.••nt••n d1n rtt•r, twirl 111 T h•· Gill· h•y , lb lhu.o nnd "It wit ~flo" • 1l a pr"r'' otr ":\"•7 !\Lon~ ho•:rut 1fu l Jll'•t•·~ h:'i'"" ht•••n d un:ot•·tl r .. r :'1 punc·hlto:Jr•l. o f Wlllf'h M I'~ !'\Irk \\' :C).:IIl'r IS l'harrmnn. Also dunn~; til•· ~~·n·il'r 1·1 nf'\\' IIH·mh,rs \\(•rr admlttt•d rnlo IIH' l'lltll't'h and thn ·l' hl~;h >Ch nol t,:lrl< wr n • bnptLtctl. Alth1•UI:h thl' dltlr<'h IS not ''"lllfll•·ll'ly rurnislu d. thr· hl\l'ly lt.:hl rn~: •·ffc·t·t~. tlw 1 hrt'<' m••mo- Sound Film Slated For Four Square Church ,\ ~Jli'C'IIll srr' 1<'•' \\ill It<' hf'lrl m 1111• Four S<tll..rr•· <'hllr!'h. Costa ~1•·-.:t 11n :O.tar<'h I:!. ro aiUrtnl: a 11 dmH'(IIOr sound film Sf)Clnsurrrl by thr U S F orf'stry dl'parl- mr nt. Sf'll'nk,.r rur thr <'VI'olnl: "111 tM-A lfr••d ll"nry, cnpt;u n or th<' Crusad\•r!:. yollnJ: p <' o pI e ~:roup or I hl' church. Costa Mesa Pastor Called to North R• crntly, graduattod rro•m L I F. E. D1blt' coli<'J:I. 1 h•· llo'\' .)nhnny Martin, C T\ . ha~ just ht•i'n nppointrd In a r•C~Sio'l''-111(1 ln 1111• norlho•rn C'::tl,fnrnllr n ty of Arcaln . II 1 I m ,. r l l•·hlm:onn, s:t<'nc>raJ rn:on"t.:•·r of Ill•· romrmw. wua ••1••1'1111 t'Xt't'lll l\t' \11'1' JII'I'Stcll'nt, und 1;dw1n .lanns, Jr .. Los An- r.:rl•·s, w:os ··l••••to•d \'ll't· Jlrt'~ltl••nl. Junn~ 1~ 11 clti'IJ('flll' of lhr cOr· JM•ratlon. :'\urman l'hnrHIIr•r. Lo~ An$!,.1C's, t'IIOIIOIII'd in «ffll"'' In lht' nthcr \'tc'f' Jlrt'"ldt•m·, I lr E r nrst 0 . La\\Tt•ncP. 11r•r k• lo•). "a.~ r ll'cted In tht• ho.rrd nl cltn•rw rs. Genevieve Sylvester Stays in U. S. :\1J~c; Cr•no•\IC'\ • S)'l\l•o<h r ll'h rh1• Wf'f'k fur h1•r hom· 1n In· d wnn Wlll'n' .shf' wtl: ~ll<'ntl thl' -umm• r , ret urntn:,: lll'r • Ill the> filii Tllf' rur.mt•r ltl<'al m·W~Jll\pt'r • tlolnr h.ul < Xl)f'C\1•11 ''' s;tu to 1 hr· l.ur·;~s1an •1il fll'lrls l)ut JUSt ho l•>rT st.lrt•nl: rl'r.·:\'1 d word tl"'' :~II w11nw n nnd C'h1 ldrrn "' n• lu '"~ t•\tH'tJal•·d , .. ,.m that ar.·:t Bridge at Lido Isle A c:andy booth In UK-lobby wUJ be ln ctw-aeo of Mar)'nt'llt'- Fuaer and her commltt~. Bar- '" 8tAwall wt1l IIUpwYiM dac-ontiolll and Mary W&mt' wtiJ direct tJw lfi'Yine. Phil Dile, Joan Brandt Tole Prize Awards At Thirc:l Annual High School Art Exhibit • "Tiw \\'alkm~; Mnn" playNI 11 '"'"''"k} 'l•lltn f'X<'rcilK'. ltll-1 ('Ill,,.,. Lnnl'lll'"" \\a.; "'' rvt•ll :ol h h und<flm•l)' aJII"•IIll••<l lluffl'l labtc• cr nlrred w ith w hit.-flotW· , r•, '"'" :\irs F• • J,•y nnl'l :O.l r • c ·~ t•ll llrnwn pnurin~ Costa Meso P.-T. A. Hears County Superintendent Mrs . Ernest McClellan Reelected President t\ tl:lll\'1' n[ this an•:r. H I"'\ J\lartin ntt•·nded \11 s 1 11 l\1p~;~ l'dtnuls. a nd for l hl' p11~1 1\\0 >•·:~rs has l)(·t•n mukm~ h•s hum•' w11 h Rl'\' and Mr~ G. \\'lllurd S h'urru. pastors o f lh,. Cll!>ta Ml'sn r our Square church. :'olr• llul'lrl H1n~.; n f l,lll•l Jslt• """ I ~~~~~·s" '" m• ml11•rs uf hl'r .trn.f~,. o'IU h r••t'•·nt l~-. J.:U ,.;ts bt'· 1111.: \'I ~1111.1 l.q t(H', l'r•I;I(,V Plt'g· 1·r , J nnr Ro) 1'1, Snlly P f'yton, J-:u nicf' Knnx. ! 1:11<'1 ll••nro tln a nd Mrs I h'ndrrs~tn, Wa~ ewry clrtaU to ~ that thrir tint bll PArty Ia a ~. will .,. HonoN'd Qut't-n CArolft Burdick. CDU l'ostor Addresses Refired T eoclters 1be Rev. Pwry Schrock. putor ol Corona del liar Communl~y dlurdl. ..s.e .. d nwmbna of the 0Nntw County Dlvtlion ol tht cautornla ~tired Teadlt'n' Mlodi!Oan ....._ IYW!t In Oran1e with Cln.llp lftalbe,.. ln ('harp. Jntrocluc.-otd by L. L. Bftman, Mr. Scl\rodr IJIC)ke on ·-n,. Blhlt' II Jnteretlnl." Slnee the mNtln1 was ln Rl<'h In color and brllll11n1 In <'XC'<'Utlon. Phil Dike's "Wiuto• lkach" wo n flral plnre 11nd thr S200 purchaM-swud In th•' third annuli I Art ~how at N"" · port H arbor l'nlon ll1~h !l<"houl and "RI'x'• Castl<'" hy J()l\n In In~ Rr11ndt took lhr Slf)(l first award Cor watucolon. J ud&<'ll who paMt"d on 1 h!' 1\ll <'ntrlt"' were E\·adna Krau~ Per ry. ttrl supcni sor fo r Or- ani\' county l<'hoola: Mra El· wood M art ln. nohod artist : DRr· bara Sunlcr. ut dlrtetor at th1• hl&h achool and Ruth P<'lbody uf Laauna Beach. nationally Cam · oua artl11 and aculptor. R l'reivlna honorsry m <'ntw n WtrE', In th<' oil• dlvl•lon. I I O.vld Scot t of C'lar«'munt. "Coast Ntar Elk"; 21 La~n Cooprr of Rl\'f'rsid<', "Sttll Llf,." In th<' wa!J'rcolor dl\'lsllm d• nl Arl ''"'"' tn 1 ht• riJIHn "~" prtlil!lo· 1 ho• llh rary Tlw n•·W shufiS ~ttl lit' ''I"'" for ln~fll'f'l 1110 And th1•ro• "'" ht• "''''"'""" tn 1111 d ••JIIII I Ill• nl' ul I ho• ""h<o •I 1C• h, \'"'"II l le"t''"'""l .., ft~r 1hr'l lilt\ "111 IH· o,to nrl11·1' oil =-:t•W· J••rt lt.u '"" l 'nhlll ll11:h Sl'huol l'nr4'nl ·T I'i•l'ho'r iiS~U<'Ih I w n Thimble Club Sews lor Bo1oar M•·•·tont.: '' 1111 :0.1flll,ll • 1rr. nwmtwr~ ul tho• 'i'hlmhlr !'luh (I( C.tnl'lll! 11 1'•11 II • ~·'" o•d 1111 :orJu•l• ~ IPI' Ill•• 1.111 bn111:n· whirh will ll(• l,;i\rn tu huy mall•r lal folr 11~1' tn mul.111~ •·lo'lnm: fnr oq 1h11n elnhlrr•n F:.. 1, lrrou~hl 11 ,. I IIIIH'h nnr l •I• ~~··r t w n, Sf*t'\t'd \• tht1 hu~t c~ l 'r•'"'nl ''''~'~' tit .. Jlr""lrlf'nl of t'orll'ltllll ,1':11 lor . l.<•onuro• StnJ,t· 1•1 ~l.1q::••·o•t Th:llt'lwr. l11lho' 1.;111•1•1. Alm.o Tl11 1111JI:;<lll. llofl)· thy I lt-rnws. <\llllro'~ ( '•IIIIo•. llnlo~ llru:c~ un.J r tw hr,.h'l'l' haNw ol the put Pfftlcknu, t.tac.e atU>ndlnc. M,.., Fannlt' Goddard of Anaht'lm. Mlu L. Ora Connft1 and M,... John B. Nicholl, ol s.ftta Ana. ~~ JlftMftted with bHutlluJ CXJnqN of canwi- Uu. 'J'ht'n Ml.aa ConMII ravto Mill LftiJt' Fowlt'r of Laruna Bt'ach, tht pre«k!.nt now In offlcr. 11 CIOI"'qe from tht' put Jll'ftl&onu A IOC'ial hour was e-njoyed af· ~arda and lt11 was 5('1"VN. 'J'ht' ttlbll' wu hc'nutltully decor- ated wtth a howl of 1prlng Oowt'J'I -~·Ct't peas, namssu.~. hyacinths and snow ·fiAkt'S Mrs. Florcncx• Me< 'o) wn~ In charrc of reofrnhmo·nll. with Mrs. rrank Sye, Mrs LouiM> T1ra<hhaw and M lu \'lnnlc> IIIII M<tl~tlng, MIM i...c'ttliE' r owlcr ltnd thf' !'o·rr('l nry. Mlu Stella Johnsnn nf Lu~:11nl\ Beach. pourrd. honorary me-ntion IIWBrds wrr <'. 11 Wa)'l\(' l.aCom of Cil'nd~th·, "Island Sunaf't"; :n Matw-1 llul· chln110n nf Corona drl Mar, "C11 jon PlllUI." l'htl \\I 11 ' ""'' "111 """"''' IIJI "llh nnd a '""'II 111lcl ''" "''"'' th:11 •·an l11· l•11olo •• .t" " lhrn th• ·"' r:u:• '' I• lilll' hud~;o I" Of the prltr ~1nnrrso, Dikr Is from Los An~:<'ll" Coron11 dt'l M ar and J011n Hr.ond l ls 8 p('rmAn4'nt rrs1dr nt n f c ·,,,, na del Mar. Mrs H. E . Spauhlln~; w 11 s ~ha1rman of th•• ri'CI'JIIH•n r••m· .mlth •(' tlnd Mo~ VPrllll n. rnnrd wu rltnlrmnn of I"Jhltclty Prf'5<'nla tinn of nw nr1 l• "Ill bf' m 11dr on '11mr~d11y r \ •'lllllt.:. Mnrl'h 11 0 1 th<' ,.ntrit•« ~uhmottrl'l. 11! \\Ill 1-.• hllfllo: 111 tlw hot.:h ••·h·••l llhrary nnd wrll "'' nn •·\hthl t ion Mnrch l:!, 1:\ nnrl II 111 ··lusi\'1', hmn·,. h•·tn~ rn•m :! ,,, ~~ p.m nnc1 frtlnl 7 IP !1 I' 111 w1th ?>lr" Htll h !'lt'l'\l'r Flo Ill· nllnl( 1n 1'111tr.:•• (In l h•• •'I" ntng 1l.1y, ;\!.111 I• 1:..t, th• ,.~ "''11 ui~P h•• np•·n L .. ,,,, AI thl' hh:h ~rhnol Wllh II ''" /; j~{-1" t·fK tWJ IY:"fl '\, o¥:tJ JJ ~.1\:1~ .. --'-"...t ~;!,- BROILED LOBSTER Drawn Butt•r Sauce GRILLED LAMB CHOPS Roan 4 to 1! p. a CATERINO TO PAB'IU8 AND UNQVETS Ooctidl Anllahle a~~ \\'r h~:unod lhnt Mr. Btnny. hl'llll! un t'XJN•rt un VIolin players. mrt.:hl knom whol lht• walktnlot msn Is. [l(-nn) counfo•o;o;r>d hr hadn't pert1 m11C'h nttl'ntwn to th,. contNt. I n fact, hr !!Rid . h<' l('ld nm llattn5 '" 1-.1'1" ard~ pr()fCTnm llowewr. hl''d hrnrd ahout th•• wAlking rnnn mnd\• 11 tr-w J:UI'ISM." "'\\'••11.'' saoc1 J Al'k, "h•' mi&ht 1-.· J 11!'1·ha llo·lr•·l t. th•· conct'rt 'it•ltm~l 'J'hnl \'inhn on lht' pro- ..:ram hnd such, uh, quality. Or ma) !.If' h .. ·s J 1m my Firll<'r " I It-t hn111o:h n "lllm<'nl. "It m•~:hl hr mf'," h•• rl'OtctN . "A ff'w t l11n~s hnw hnpJ)('ncd ... "PropiC' hAV<' !llopfll'(l nw on lhf' !'lr o•r•t und \\Tittr n n~kln& II I'm Thr Walkin~ Mnn Oh, and Ma r) said som\•thln~ ~!)out lt. Thr hoy!l on thr show. too. They put thr \'luNI lnl:f'lhr r. nnd had som l' idf'8 It wns mr .. Thr bn)'ll on .J11r k'!: <hnw , And lllhr r il~trnrrs. fi i;Ur•· thr show '• "W nlk1n1: Mnn" r iddlr thl~ way : "T11111: hnn~: h<'ll t f'1111rr h ht'lls. [l(-nny·~ progrAm Ill ''" Sund11y l "lt's lr'n ond ""b' ''"" ran tell I I ,. n t h nlphll l"'t I• lll'r Is J. 11• n rw ·,. ftr:H in11r.11 1 "Th•• m o~lt'r nl tho m• tropolil' ftt!' h t• nam,. """' "' I ·• r n<'nny 1< lhr• m .o<l••r •'f '"' 1 Hill' !!how ''""' ll·•• ho c;l!'r H•"'h"''<'r is lh•· nn ml' of'"'' I'''''' 1 E.Jw nrd• ,,,.,,.,, '" "'''' r nolsl' "'"'' l h ,, ,,, 11•1111\ '··· (~;,JI•"I'tn· h111 ... t: ~rd ·qnfirt" 'II· nn' ·, ''" • •·· •• !1•1 ~ f\rnny ftl•l• ~ .\..: oin l" ".\ut.l l 1•t·''' •··t1 on , n 1 •• • ., t • I '' •' ~ 1 ', 11 Y ~nr"!C I I t ""II'' I I • It • " \if' I~ ;·,,.II ''" 1 " . 'I I ~ht"l Tht " , .... • •tn · \ n n if' I 111rr,• · 1 t·~o,. '''11 · I • l\·t n x· \\• tfi,,p n1 .•. 1 .,, r t ~. II II\ " ' I I I ' I 'I "' II' .. > J,,, f..p•t\\1 I II ' """ lt\ ,,,.,, ... "'' •\.It'll' · • ·~nrr ,n ... dr• ,.r , •' u•' \ ... qtu 11 \ 'IJtl 111 •\•r<-•!'r I n, fln\ lit 1\._: 11 d 1\ I • fl\\'0 •It<'\\ I ,J;o, \, " 1< 1111 II• ol "),, •1 ron· (o'l•lll•·rl """ lh1' •' I• 1 • '\\, 11 h. • "'' , , • think .. r 11. 1 h,,, •• '"." rJ,, · · , lot <'f \\ .1lk111t.: 1•n Ol\ prnl!l "'' l'o•ly "llmmmm .. Young Churchmen To Hear Member India Church Council Tlw 111 uhlrm fnc1-d by CostA M•·", 111 rt'J:IIn l 111 ils school sit· ""''""· IJUSI t1 h) a ~-:rowing pop- ulnlrun rtnd an li<"Uil' ti'achrr shurt.•t.:". " rs • x'l•l.unrd by Lin· ton T Stmmuns. t'ltUnty supcor- tntf'ntll·nl c•r st·houls, whl'n hr ••VP''"rt d ill' RU<'SI ~r··nkc·r a t thl• Fathl'r"' !1:11;hl ml'i.'llnl: or Costa Mc~11 E k m c·ntnry Sl'h ool Par· r ni·Trnchl'r a~~fldat 1nn. Officc>rs for lh" cnmm~ )'t'ar W<'rl' also t•lt•ctrd llrld tn thl' M111n ~t·hu<tl audi· tnrlum, thr Sf'SSI(tn W9.JI prr- sldl'd m·r r by Mrs. Ernf'At Mc- ('Jr llll n. J t•rry Shannon ll'd in lht• f1111: salut<' and also led In slnglnR America. M<'mlx-rs of lhf' 11rhool bClard WCrl' 8pi'CiaJ guf'SI!I, lh05t> prPS· l'nt hc'lnr Paul Norman. AriCl H ayward And llornl'r M t'lloll. Prr ll.'ntlng h l' r r r port ~~~ chairman of lhr nominatin~; comm•IIN', :O.t rs Kl'nnN h Sti'W· art Also r ondur t••d t•lf·rlion or ortlrers. \'ol!'d t o ortw•· Wl'rf' :0.11"' ~tr­ Clr iiAII, pr!'Srd t•nl :0.1rs En :O.I tr· ~,,,.,<.h. f1r!'l \'ll'<'·flr<'~ldf'n l . :O.Ir!< Dou~:la!l I hnr!'l~. ~"'"ntl \'IC<'- prr~JI'Irnt . :O.lr.. ,\rln II t\Wilrd . s!'rn•taQ : :O.tr~ lit nnr< 1 1·•~1-llld. tn•;~~:\arer: l\l r' I I"~ tl S:nl"hllr~·. lulltn n nn nnd pultlwot~. ;\lr-. fi(ly R<lU<h, .111thl1>r ·oml P·" it.•· m··n r:r1 ian l'r .. ~o,'Tfllll "·'' ''·' llu• 1;11 1" :rnrl 1\:•\' Cl···· ,•Jill• 111111• ,-riH tit ', ,·tl••n pf :0.11.. I I·~\\ 11 d. -.o•t.ll P ""' 11 :rnd fl•oJit• 1 "'"'''" r "hwll 1'1· ·"' d " ,, :o :-;p 111r-h Conchita Parlor Plans Enchilada Din ner, 'Adopts' Baby n n lh·· I 1 tHl ' ltH ,·,'I lui t l"nrlnr. '\ ,1 ,,t• I ' tt l1'"'' , .. ••f '"' (;nltl• n \\'• •I I" on • 111 h oi ttl 1 rlrnn• ,. ''' J-, ~. n . d .\J•nl ~~~ nl AnH'rH':III 1.• 1:11111 h oil 1 ·,._1 ' :\lo><::~, fl'll•"'···•l h~ '""'·''"'" .. r "''" nh ml11•rc; ~nnl"~tl Ill lH•rlttr ~·f 1.,...,,,,,., Sln~o r , pro'<uk nl flf t'illll'hll.l P nr lor. 1~ thr "''"~ "hkh lh•· Jlllrlt•r hR<I ',UhlJIII ol" nntl wlurh Ul ca l li-d t hul nnl~ ~~~ 1111~ ~:r""fl' "J.A'(loorc \ · 4'r a .. Th,. parlor prfl\ 1dN< all nulk for lhf' hnh~ "h1l,. 11 i~< 1n :1 f(l!ltrr hnmo' \\'alllnl: fClr :'!dO~ lion. o n S und ny "''"nin..: Younc Science Broadcast Churrhmrn's lrr1~ll<' ,,r S t. Jamr~< Epls•'I'J'Itl rhurr•h will join with ntht r y\•un~ 1-.pl<ropal· inns of lhr• rounly 1n 11 mHI· rng In hr hl'ld AI thr Ch11reh o( thr M••sstnh, F ourth 11nd Buah strM'IS, Snntn Ann Thl'r(' wm ll(' a "(l :m-~up~r in Uw "orial hnll Spr11kl'r for lh<' <'''<'nrn~ wlll Ill' o nwm~ of the Na tlon11l Council ol l"1l urcht'11 of lndla 1.0~ 1\:-:GF.LF.S t S~W'rillli On !'unrla\' mornln~:. ;\lnr!'h , . thl' Columhtn Church of •IH' A1r ~111 bfo hrOIId <"liSI und<'r lh<' IIU· spire-of thl' C'hrt~ttan S <"l!'nct' C"ommlttrr on PlJh llratton for ~U!tl!Ouri 'nlt-'lllih~t of ttw' ad- drf'Q "111 l:l(' · Llfl' AbundAnt .. The prOJ:T'8 m ~,II he' rt'lt'asrd O\'l'r S atlon K:."'l'X at 7 a.m .. Pa· rille T\mP. rlnnt·r IH' 1 ~·o It h ~;rad•• <'hlldrrn. Joyre tiiiiC'<' and Snl\'nd or l.nr· cia. T ht· soc1al hnur wa!l hrld 10 thr k mdl'rS:Arlf•n und<'r llw d•· "'""''" ur !\Irs. llayfnrd. •oclrrl cha1rmnn nnt1 hr r commollt'<', 1111' ;\to <dam i'S llarold !'lo·ck , Tom l;n)', Alhl'rl. ,·,J:d,.n . Pn ul Uunlnp nnd J . P Suth1•r lnnd . Name March As Bread-and- Gravy Month Thl' n11ming of M nrch M n a· tmnal Brt'ad and Cnl\'y Month h r i n ~; s nrw pro.mlnr nre to An old·fll!lhionl'd lrrnt This C'Oll'· binat1on w1ll mr r .. nst' fond sav- rnJ,ts. ar<'ordtnr;t to Rl'l111 SIAI(It!l. hom<' rt•ono m ll'l. If hn11:•·mak •rs sa\"f' m<'al drlpptn~:s to makl' if&Yy, thr n l:rr \1<' Willi hro•nrl fnr lun!'h ur supprr l.r nvy mnl'l•' rn >m mral 1lrir· pin~;s rrl nrn~ not onl) thr Cln\olr nf mt•al . hut lho· nuln• n1~ .111cl ~.JI :~hl'ltnn \,'IIIIo· :1~ "•II. arlJ~ !\los~ S 1:11:1:c l~'·'' r•' .on · 1l1\ 11lo'fl tntn f \\(1 IYfll'' hru\\ n cr nvy and rrt'nm t.:Lt\~ llro\\ n ~:r.o\ ~ '' nnd• \\ •lit flolllr that 1~ hr•)\\"TJt•d tn lit"''""'"' h.,,.,.,. ""' I, •' Ill , .. ;ul I• d Tlw 11•11 1111 In 11.1~ l"l~l I" "rl• 1 '' t;• 1 •""" Ll'ftllti' or ... 111lfl 'lou~ i\ltt•Ut f\\ fn I' t'11Wh hnmr11 d (l,.q,. .1< otnl•l•""'l ' " It "I I'd ft, •"II , tqH\\111'" • t 1•'• 1 1t '"''.., tllo llllt'''l 011'' j'•'\'" I 11f ll•tn l t'tt\\fl L"l 1\~ fll l\ ""'' h+ 111 ... 1.. ,, ·•~~ .1 rf.,,l, n ... '"' lltll'l, • .,, ol ,., "' \ I' ' ""' " Jlilll ).: ' ,, \ c 'It ,,.. i. 1 t \ \ I ,, I 1\•· llf h· ,. I Ill I. • tlltt 1·d I .11HI II• 1'''1• I l f11•:••\\1o•dl1•\lt ,tt .... tl llf1dt'• ll•plttl I' 1111lk PI 'ro om ... ,". t 1\\H I lfl h•"' ltLtp•.~,, 111 "'"'' 1t111 ol 1 '"'' hy Ill•• .u hh· ''''" ••I I tMik• d til t'lflflt d \I..:· l.~hl• ~ 111 U:o. h I 1\•'IU '· c~Jt\t•4;. 1'11•'1•1• •I "nlt•n , hi\ •'· nr ~:r•-c·n I• 1'1• r Koppo Kappa Gamma Will Have March 1 f Luncheon Meeting Sntll ho•rn C'nhr,,rnlll ;\lumnac rluh flf K ilpJIR Kn pJlll CAmmn I ",11 hnld A Junrhron ml't'tlnr at 1.!'311 p m Th ursdAy. M11rr h 11.1 111 th<' hnmf' of Mr< Andrl'w I Brown, :!140 EA~1 ('o•ntrnl A\'('· nth', T1Aiboll. A~s1~Un~ h(I!III'SSC'S 1 wtll hco M r~. Dir k OrnkC' I\Od Mrs. Llo)'d Mitchell, both of Rnlt'<lll blt~nd. 1 All Ka.ppa Gammo.~ in t.hc ter· r i!Clry a n• ln,·lff'd. fiNif'r\'atlon~ ~hould tx-m~dC' not lain than March R .. 1th Mra. Drakt'. Har· bor 254.3-J f1~UUtw of the Sea Dining Room Corona Del Mar SPECIALS Friday -Saturday -SUDday ~BROILED LOBSTER--Lemoa Butter BROILED SWORDnSH STEAK-Tartar Sauce Y.l SOUTHERN FRIED CIUCKEN Brolled N. Y. MINUTE STEAK, Mushroom Sauce lnclud-sGup, 8&1ad, ··~rt. Bevenace 8AMP: COMPLF.T!: CHILD'S DINNP:R.--41.00 e GOOD FOOD e REASONABLE PRICES Family Dinners Especially Invited BanquebJ-Private Parties-Lunch.-oM For 5 to I 25 People ''Les" Evans Harbor 1536 Lynn Sherrill 1017 C~ Hhny Corona Dt-1 Mar Free Parking Lot Next Door Cornu Heliotrope I; 101 lllway -Corona df'l Mar Hard To Get Materials ::\tn•m ... I I (~IIi )I iII~ I Sat('('n Linin~ :\la ttrc-ss Pads First Quality HUMFREY'S F1nf'F~ 823 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Fbone Harbor 2094-JT{'- •• N E \\ 1' 0 lo 1' I! .\ I. H 0 -\ ~ l':" ""'-.:J 1 '4 1 .. 1cial P aper of the City of Newport Bead1 A llrpt•ndablt-f..ucoul llhtltuUun fnr U\t'r ~0 '''""' ONAL EDITORIAL " s ~t~~o~ Adam Irish? You t't'mcmlx>r Adam, rlon't ~·ou? En•'s huslmn d. TI1l' 1 of all men to walk thl' Nlrth. \\'as he Iri:->h ot· Polish'!-English or German?-Biack or I I t's an interesting qUl~lion .. isn't it? To t.coll the t11.tth, the nihl.e rlOl.~'t say anything about mcc o•· his nation;dity. Arlam was a man. ll makt'S t hat very clear. He had " hody and a soul t'SpedaUy created the~ Goq. And it wa.o:; his soul that gave him his im· dignity. It made him a htunun being. I t was the scat power to think and t•ontrol hi:-; ac·tions, t o I'C'<'till the p.,st imagine the future. lie gave the anim:tls their nam<'S and· ruled over them. of his human powers. he would always be abll' to a saddle owr a hot'SC.', confident that the roles would be r-c\·et"S('(I-that no horse would be able to get a sad- ncross his back . Was he Protestant . Catholic. or JewLt;h? Adam wac;n't of t h~. The Jl'ws didn't com(' into cxistl'n(.'(' as a relig- J)('()pl~ until many thousands of y<'ars after Adam: and ristiallity didn't d('vclop until thousands of years ufll'r thl' of Abraham. Not that Adam dirln't wm-ship God. No. H e was a deeply reli~ious man. I le ac('('pted God's rev- ion with simplicity. and although he sinned mightily his L ord. there is a solid opinion that he J'l'J)('ntro that and that he is happy with God in h('aven right now. But why the talk aiJout Adam? J3e(·ausc it is through that we art' literally made cousins. \\'e arc all kin one of ther. We all ha\·e t he same qrandpa.rents--muybc a gt't'ilt. t. great. t:;t't'at to the nth <ll'gf'('(', but still. W<'.l't' all mcm- of the same hwnan family. Some of our cousins at'l' Irish and some are Swcrles: some Syrian; some at-e Japanl'SC. \\'hat of it'? We'll nc,·e•· know. this life, the ('Olor of Adam's complexion. The Bible is \\i~ silent on this point. As for our religion. over here in America. at least. we're I divided up among Catholics. Protestants. and Jews. What- our creed. each of us is sincerely convinced that ours is tx>lief God wants us to follow. And we know that ron- . if we follow it, is going to lead us straight to God our Father. These considerations ar't' p~nted in view of Am<'rican hnrhnr.rt Week. It's a 1 ime for r't'ncwing our ronvi<'t ionl-> the very real brotherhood of man through the blood of m and £\·t>. under the !'pirituuJ pat't'nthood of the Al- ty God in heaven. Disaster strikes! Whether fln' or Oood. hurricane or tor- or other catastrophe. the Red Cross is thct't', sheltel'ing hom('less. f('(.'(!ing thl' hungry and providing nursing C.'H C the injured. That is Red Cross Time! The unfortunate, the m and those in need know its min- touch . The servireman. the vt'leran. rmd thf'ir fami- ~'(' it in net ion. AJI know that in tim<' of trouble they (·an 111 to the Red Cross. Then. mor't' than <'Vl'r . it's IW Ct'OS.<; Ctw1ted hy the people. rom[)O"'('d of the propl(', thf' Rro r<>!'s !'('I'V~ all J.ll'Opl('. No da~· Jl.'lS.~>s without its hf'IJ• t-eal'h· somron<' in cn•t·y community throughout our land. To t·an~· on its natiom' ici(' pr·rl'..,"l<:lm of S('l'\'lt't'. t hf' Red f':w h ·..,.l'ill' calls upon the Anwrican p<•nplf' to dc•drl<:' lwl lwr it h~1s IJ4•t•n a ").!f)(K'l and f:1ithful l'Cr.·:,nt." :1nd if so tdt..:Ptl. In .. nntintll' tlwir ... uppot·t. 11H·ou~hnut tlw month of 'll'f'h lhf' Ht><ll'm-.:s i~ lllo1KI11!..; its I'll~ a ppc•allo tht• puhlk h~·l p ~u:-.bin il-.: f:1r-llun~ :11·1 1\'11 j,.... ill'l l\'i\i('s I hat for 1'\ · tltoll:tr t''l:(ll'ndt•d hnn~ (1\o' l o t••n-fr1ld rl'lllm in humnn ·II <1 IX'. :'\o ln.u•r 1\l•nl-.: \\'f'l'f' C'\1'1' ~pokt•ll lh.on thn-.:(' Ullt'l'l'<l io~ ,,., . ...,,rlt•nt Tntm:•n "twn ht• s:o1d : ";\!an~ fim<'" u yl':or thl' ,,..,,.. ,. ttt1'11 tn t lw l!t'il C nJ..;s. < 11111' a~' :or IIH• l{<'fl Ct'''"l-> turn..;'" Ill' JI(I()J11<'." l .c:•t lhiN' of u<> "ho ar'f' fnrtunalf' t•nough to IW' on tht• ·in!.! t•athl'l' th:111 tiH' l'l'<'l'i' tnK end, l'f'l1l<'ntiW'r lh:ot 11 takt•.., !'(' dollnr'!'> 1 ndn ~· to do :1 jnb f'fltl:tl I 11 t h:t t of fW111('1' ~·t'ill~. News AMER\CAN REt> CROSS News of the Churches · J?KST t"ot'BSQI'AilE C'IJUIWB "T ilE FJUESOL\~' Clt.S TILAL OF <'USTA MU A Bll'lL.f: ('JIUllCII uron~:•' and Cahrlllo Rt'\'. aad Mra. 0 . WlUatd 8._,... Pu ton PlwHie ~ .. ·oe IUI%8 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Morning wonhip ~rvtot lO:e. Cruaad<'r &<'rviet• 6 :30 p.m. Oerean ll'r\'k<' 7 p.m l::vening evang<'UJilic aervtot a t 7:30 o'clock Wt'dnet~dar. 7 30 p m. prayer aervlce. F'rlday 7 :30 p m . Youth Night a.nd Bible Study. C'OROHA DEL llAA CO MMt"SfTY C'llt"RC'R , COHOR.EOATIO MAL Perry Fr<'d.-.rlck Schrock. Mlni1ter 611 llo•lootror•· Avt·nul.' Coron3 dPI Mar S11ncl.1\. ;\l.llt'h 7 I ~ 18 9 4:0 n m Churrh School 11 ·no a m !\ltJrmns: wnr11h1p. &>r· m••n II\ ;\tr :-;,·hrt,.·k · C.rl'nt ('hro~l t o n ,\trirm .tllun :-;,. ~~. 'I RELII \'!-' 1:'\ Till-: KJ:>:C.U\1;\I 1 W {il 111 0 :'\ l :AHTII " BAI.ROA lf\LAHil CUAPEL u a .Acat.e A••• ll#\', llarrJ' w. \\11Jte, "-tate Put« Churrh School. 9 :30 a.m. !\furn~m: \\'nrohlfl, 11 am :"11 S( n ..... Fl'll :!!1. ST . .IOIIN \'IAS~~l' ('lfUJ&CO Balllloa ...... Sunday Muses: R n m and 10 n m I yrar round) Conft•ulona : Saturday• tTonl 1:30 to 8:3('1 p.m. 1027 curr nrive Newport llc.olghta "A Olang<'1Ha Olriat Chanltinl World!" 101' • 9 :30 11 m., church Khool; 10:30 a m . dl\ one worshtp Rn. Herbert C. R.oth, put« 1162 E. Wlbon St., C..oata M- "C'ome Once--You'll CorM Acain'" A8SEM111..11!18 or GOD fl. l-4. M rMillaa, Putor Amf'1'k -IA'!C'lun ti.U, llltlt tu~d c ... atTill A""' Suntln~ 10rhun l, :1 IS 11 m. Mor'&..a.,n1C't', I I a.m. Ev<',...-'anil'lo~tic KrV1oe at 7:30 p m. Mid-wt>•·k urvlc<', Thul"'lday at 730pm C'rtRII"T ('m 'RCft ft)' TID; SEA C'ommuolt.v Mrlhodlllt 14~() \\Mot ('t•ntr"l AVNUf' n .. v. F.. 0 . ~"'"'••II, Pu tor ( '1!111 •·h <.;rh .. ••1. '' "..I n m \fm mn~· \\ • • •I 11• 11 o 111 s, 'mon )o;llhJ• • I Tlo• C'n•'" '-:I 111tl• lh ~-'" I '• IlOilo \\' .. t •hit• 7 .Ill p 111 Mul-wf'o•k prll\ r·r ~· r\1n~. VolE'd- "''"'") • I'" ,.,, d •h•h dmn••r , 6 :VI p m l'llt~"'ll\ Tt:R I \' ('111 '1(('11 St:\\ l'fiRT II \flUOR K.-,.. ll\4·lcbt K lnro-. puccw M•'t·tln~ 1\•onporonly In th.f' M Y· t•nth D11y Ad\'l•ntist church. ror· ner or Uld Counly road and 11o11a A w . Cos to !\ll'Sa Sunday achool. 9:45 a.m. Wonhlp aervice-11 :00 a.m. YounK p•:oplt''s ll<'rvt~ p.~ E"emni evan.:ell.atlc ar~- 7 o'clock. · Wedrwaday. 20(11:s An~~· Ave.. OCll LADY Of' MT. \ AL\l&L U %1 w ... t <'Milra.l Av-ue Sunday Mane~<· 8 a.m Mid 111 n m C'onfi'Uinns Sst u rday1 fr o 111 I 00 to ~ 3V 'lnd from 7 J() to 83U pm ST . ~UM'IIIM < tll'Ut'tl Uralll(' t\\l·oou· ~1 11 ... '0 19th IUld 20th ('Mia !'1•- Mi'I-'S<'S 7 11m dnoly. Suntlny H am nn1l ill 11m. Conf<'nlun.:<~< Snturdny. 4·5 p m. and 7-8 p m <'OST A MltMA C'O!l.IMUHnY CII'U R('fl ~~ 11. T bompoooa. llllal•t« tU 1t. !Otlll St. P ll. l'lO'L 5819·M Church Khool. 9 :45 11 m M orning \\'f)l'!lh.lp. 10 !"J(I 11 m Youth !r"OUfl!l, lllr.th tchool, ln- termedlate. Adult, 6:30 p m. E\',.nlng ~rv1ce. 7 3/l o'clock FULL omwr.t. em -.en 11M .. d adf'ft, Ooet.. M- Sund~ school, tl :45; mornlng •orahip, 11 : E"AniC"IlltJc aerv1c:r, 7:30 p.m : Mid-w~k prayer rnrf't· .ng on Wl'dn<'Sday. 7:4:1 p.m.; founc IM'OPI•'• ('YIIni•llltlc IMrVtC'e on t'rlday. 7 :4.5 p.m. CHUJI.CII O F CJI&IIJT Cltou.rcll 884 WU.at 8treMa L O....e c .. .,,, lllla.Ww s.rvs-: 8un4ay, 10 a.m .. Bible Study: 11 a.m . Moraine wonhlp. Chriati.an Science FlllST o n Jac n or mnu"T 8~NTII'tT ~ \'Ia Udn at \'Ia Ma.laca A br1nch of The Mother Churrn. The Flnt Church of 0\rut. S.·1· rntl1t. In Roston. Maaesch~t 1-. Sunday School a t 9 30 a. m. Sun· 1!11y Srrvlcc> nt 11 11. m Wrdnf'tldii,Y 1-:lf'llllll: ;\I• • I on~: :ol H ,,·dm·k R.ea dlns: Ho10m locatf'd at 11 1 Pnlm slrN't. R11lhoa, \1 ope-n d.ally rrom l J'l m . to 5 p m f'llf"t'Pt Sun· dn\'11 s nd holu.lR)'ll n11hon11lly ol~o sr•rvrd Th,. puhllr is Mrd1nlly lnvi!NI to 81tc•ntl 1 hi' ' hurrh s• r VIN'II ~ond II'•! th• l:•"•ol1no.: H•~•m (],r i .. Ji:t ll ~···i•·•u·•• Lc·~·urt Tf ;1 if· '\Jan• I • ('' • f I 'I ,,t.tl b• I, 111 't \ n I fu • r.·f Of I ' ~ d• 1, ,, j , II " Ill If.. It,,. J It; I ;..:, I ' • 1 \1uht"t PUtl h , · '• •' 1 •. • :.1\ 1. ,,, ,.,,h ,\· l t\ln• "'''' tiL '.tit t.:.u l1• ' 1 t I • I. " • " ., 'I I··· I ,, I ' ,, .. t' '" .. • t • • 11 ••f '1 r r, ~· ,,, t. tu 1 .. A ~I I hill I " !"•lo•••1 I ... 11 1\ \1 ;\l .. •run.; \\'nr"<hlfl A "·'' • 111 \l.o"l""" '·•••t••l ~. 1J1Htfl !'-oulq• • 1 'Tht t 'IH,r(•h ftl 1\ '•: ' ,., ,. lt. .I•· 1 • ''lUi•" ''' ~· 111•· I ••·Cfft11f'• •• '·'' 11 tn tn ·• oi'HI• l~l fiL! ,.,.,,,, hl\t• Ht \ 'Til• .rn , .. t ,If ..... n p:'l~tftr 1 ' ")' ,,., 11 ' .. H,, fur ,,. t IH'l 1 :l:\..1 1, c;rttntl f'tn~·l ltt k,Pfft tt • \t \,..: A·I J ... ,I, I rrt1111 • •I I h,. •I• • II . Rflll hn ol• pa ri"'! nnlll<'ll 1•1:ontl ll orl.nr :.!:l-10-\V I t T}1nt mu"ll-t". jl.,......J_,., hntlt, IOJVY-()0 la\·ecl .an rl (>fl"n-1 I oiii "• II III nll'l 111'' I 1111'' tl ,,. I •H• •1 "-,. 1'\\.·~l ., ,_.. ~-~ ITt'!ll lll:t' \t V ht)IU " A Ptl t1•• tn •1 1 t ttl t J)·m "n...J J er1n 1'c C1·t·1·zen have been sT. "'M r.~ f'llt'IU'II ' 'ollot.l• ,, •• , 1'• "" v•· ...... '""" oc< ax cu 1a '' 11 • rnoTt:"T \ST F.l'l!o<f u•·~u. ' " a it in I! for ''!'ince the memory of man runneth not s~ng ,.1 .. t.ld.. ,;• ~ .. :· •• :· ';i,'. ',:.:··~'·~·.~·'· j1'.' 1:,':;~1.~ o the co ntran·." looks Yirt.uallv certain now. The offer r hon•-< 11.1rt~.r '-"'' ""rl 1111r 42r. '· 1 "I•• \"' ·'· t 1•1.•·. ,.,.,1 11 ~~ •• 11 ...1 h th ·n t . th. ~ t t th RI'V r .. ul l\foourf' \\ hrf'll'r. Vlcllr ,. '"'". ,.. •I I ••1lllr ~ .,,,,, ''" hu I aue \' e t>mncra :;; 111 (' I <>na (' 0 approve c I R·:IO "m llnly rr.mmunlon I '"' ·'lol•· ... , •• , • '•'I "''" h• ,, I hi• CUt 'if it j~ hcJd to :lbOUl S 1 hiiJin.n, indicates. that ~ :10 11m Chu•!'h Srhru I ' ~::.;',::;•.;1;. ~',\1 '•II I••H loY !ota)"t will b<' ('llOUtrh ~trC'n$rth to 0\'l'rncle th«? Pres1flent 11 110 11m _M orntnl! T'rsyeT an~ I ~lar r 11 •• 1., I'•!•IY •nn In · ,..;.-t Sr-rmon If 1rst Sum111ys: Jloly • " <> "'·'' ,., "''h " •lo H•., , th .. , l ('tommuninn 1 I" rlpl llr<•• · 'Th,. 1•11\)'•r lhlll r" 1 1'• rt) 11m. Thur!ltiAY'' Hnly Com· l•·rr• ~ '"' • • r>• :1•vl h•·Aio lh•• ,,, k muninn arvl prny••r1 r,.., lh<' alck 1• an nlo•nl•l'" fn t•h lhnl roll thi i!Jt• __ 1 '"" rn•·lt •~ 1,., ':"" .. ••·'r"'"'l ~F.\T.~'TII ll.\Y AU\T.:O.Tl"TM '• <1• rPIAI•' r •of lflru lin '·"•""'''! .. _ ~ • ' •• •· I'"•\~ I t.,,,,r '"'' h•n• I\P~~t1 Thl' fltp-flop m our l'tanrl on Palestme presents. a sorry I ComeT Bolllll 11nd 01d Country Rd "'" k.tr , , • rornt · • '' .. 1• h .~rr lmrnro of Amf'rican diplomaC'\· to the worlrl. It not onlv • Cn~ta M,... I•''"" ·~" •··· • "''~'~""" '"'~"~ ,,., 1'. • • • S11hhalh IChool Saturday morn-" '"11 : I •lot r r !1 •'' • • r '"" h""" to \\'NIKl'n our own U\t~lonal position, hut to un-In 9 .30 o'eiO!'k · .,,,.,..,....,"~''"' .t._,,, .. IM '"" l 'hri•H ... the U N ' . Prr;t. chi 1 11 11~'1nn nt I li• 11'h <If IToAI ltlnt1 ~ ll»•rnmrtP , • <'II ng S<'r\ Ct', L m. !!!.!..!.. \\ ,, "!'"~1, ·•• lo I nhl \I " 'o I P.-T. A. [ \CC ufirt.• 8 'J-:J rd I ' Ill" I• till tlH• f ;\I hi lo ol • I I • \\ II --- t A• ,,., I ,.,.,,,,~.,,,., l,t , I o..l J\,, 1 .. 1 •. t •••t , ,, ,.,.,, 'Aht~'\1' lf•(\ ''')!._it.._ fH,ItllltlJ 'lUI U~ thr .f:tt'lolll'"'' ·•tttl •t .~~~~ H1 l\1unua. '' l;rtt''\t,11u ~u n .. 11U\I '" uy L~,.. 11 llpl • ,, ~t·· \ "'. t I" lt\t ht•ft' hlll'•llHt th, IIUt't '''"' thl M r M• .... 1 . o ,, "' 1 "'"I , 1 1111' cll'•l • pll~ltl ,..,,, M ti(trt ,. ' lh lh, An 1 \ "' '' • ••·• . .rr.•t•L q t f"r I 111 '" I" lrt'nlt d •l Ule ~htllh ll wltl'al t•• • l h.r • ..: • ll\u• •111 • l•••ll"h lu •Ill alAJ V.ll t1 lh~ I 'I h i> at (tfr't'l111ur (',,llf f A""" T ,,,,,/,,.,,.J ,.. a mo.,nr •an awaJt. hll pt1110na1 ~1on11ln~;• ('t• • I. 1 !••1 1k ·"' Amb&Mador J ural Sla\111. lc:&vH the <:1.rrh Emhil• '\ Ill'• 1 I•~II'""'IC hla dlpJnmAIIc IJ( ... l In protrst onr thr 0 rrom1llllll • •t• tro '''' to ro.~­ land. 8 1&1111 •lllcl loe ... ~, r•on\'lllf"d lttrrt-f'l• •'• '•' ~''"''"' II• • • 8 ~acl.ed under urrlt.lc j)lt.t»\Jrt and <1u1n.• •lllllt•" tf,• 1 .. mmu,. ... t ~~~111.1. \\ n~ 1,, ,, ,.,.,, olrl4 1 '"'•"•r har.:•·"' tUhl lruul htQ • '"'' lh· "''""" n "lnutr: ""'' ~uuu•'"' ..................... "' h•·n· h . " "'"''' n •tuhule·r •• r tttt• '''''"' l'nhl lu "r-ltt~ lh•· tluv l~~tiMtul ~ ,,.. ..... ·•••ttttll .. I:' .. "'' ht Itt&\ ~ ... ,, ... uf ...... "' ............... ., ..... ''''""u ... . rta:htlu~. llw l•ln1ul I• t'llln•ull) 1•ru\hllu~o: ttu• l "' ullh an ,.lr •lrlp uthl \\t•alht•t "''""''"· ! f'gion A uxiliary t1ecutive Boord Pions Birth day Fete I l tiiU I I' tl I \ lit httfh•f til II' I I q ,.j ., ··I \lltt t h I ll I ~~I It t'• I '•I .-f '''"I"'''' lltthttl '' ~ I • 1' f''' u I .. i ,f I,,, • ,, r'l6t 1\ t l t!d '" 1111 I t I litH "''"'It\ I ,, t \\Iff '"" ..... I """" t tit 1 \1 II ' I I 1 I l it··''''''''" pt .~~~· ,, 1• , ...... "" h il H.d I\ \\II'-,, t VAN FRESH "•I " .. I I . I l I \\ ,... \ "'' •• It\ 'I 111 1ho \I tltl\..:0 ~ ...... '" • ·~ I • ' It,,-'lit t •• t .... t t I' ·~I\ •• t •• t1u It• d I "'"'" \• l'ittt•• \11, ~dtlt~t.., It\ JWtV• "'•' 'I Itt '"llh "'" \\ ··-Z..•'I1Hhl• I t•• I 'It. .. " I'',,, 111 '' • t•• Alrnn I h··~"~'"""" :. ,.,,,,.,, 1 111"t. ll•·l•·n I( ''"'I \1 oil•· l(o~ltooor Mury t 'I ''"'" tlllt .f • n • t Sntuh·r•. \1 111 "''"''" ~~.It o 1\lkllu• .. n. \l.u,•lln IUttl ''"' tl11 hu~rrr.lt!lll , .. \\ ,. A •I\ •·1 lil t' FLEET'S FISH Nt.'WJ)ort'H MoMt l\hKil'rn St•a Food l\1arkt't C 'hllh'f• ~,,,. f•'tHNI •I ft4o8 ... tllahlf' l'rlt ..... "I"'" ll•lh · .. II a. m, tu II 1'-m. I ll \td ' \ltllr." 1'1. \(-,, -------- I Harri son's Dinner llouHe ·;.·::: ,...,_ Maaaec,..-1 • e e t:""" un \ ,.., t•,,..a.,.tt...w.a. t . I fl It T c · fl \t I' 1. r. T r. f fl l · k ,. r. U t N H r. a ,. ~UU~UWWs;;:a;:&aL::& ATTENTION OWNERS of Chrysler · Plymouth DeSoto · Dodge Cars We Are Equipped to Give You Prompt Service + • • • ++++*A *. • New Motors • Motor Overhauls • Br a~e W ork • Motor Tunc -Ups Tok e your CHRYSL ER -BUILT C AR to Chrysler FACTORY-TRAINED Mec han ics NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS tol'll AliTIIOKt1.t:U IIAIUSfiK AttF.A PIGLETS' CROW CAtL-Tom Broullif'tt". a 4-11 Club mf'm- ber of Wa terville, N Y., plnys nurxrmald to JO n vr -dny-r)ld pJ.u born on hLI farm. The m other 111•w 111 ll r~t llt•parllt.ed ' Chrysler -Plymouth Dealer 2616 W e d Central Harbor 636 from t.he plglet.a because or her bad dll!poSJtmn . • .. lr • •• .. • • , IC • r • • • •• l ~ J . • Closing Day Classic SatUfday- Is One Hundred Grand Derby ' St. Anthony Whips -ars...,.,;;_---+----=- !9 3 in Ou_ting : 'nM' Santa Anita 0\•rby. "llll'h took top rankin~; In 1~16 In 1.11 ~~~~ the fll"t ~lOil,()('()..aclde-d ••ll••rtns.: f or thn't'·H'II r·old.' m turf hi~''"). will aQ&In bl· pn•.,.·nt<'rl n,. 11 ,,,.,. lar aurnr11on on ··ln!lllll: e11ty, Sut- untny, Mnn'h 6. The th.strtnr•· n•vt•t1 .• IHII'k to 1 1·8 m1lo·" II$ 11 ""~ t n,on H1:11 un· til IB~t ~ t•otr lllll'-•'111•'11 fbVfll' I h•• &hortt'r nm tr fo.r su t•olll} in lho· 8E'&son and l1kl' t hi' S('ho-dulf' of thl' latf'S.I pu6.'1hh' runnln~ so tJ1at Harbor Events ~~~ TIDE TABLES TitS• .,.. pa-d tn "rdu of O<'cu~ace Uftlt n.vree a.m ., dark fltrUroe• p.m . MARCil, INt F 5 5:~ 1:11 . '7 :tt 4 7 -(1 3 3.6 S 6 6.23 12~43 l :lt t ;jG 4 9 2 4 3.8 ......(),4 S u 7 7:00 1 :t7 I :UI t :lt ~.1 ~ 0 3.9 -0.5 PHILLIPS OILERS TAKE ABL TITLE S ACRAMENTO, CAl., MARCH 4-CUPI Thf' Aml'rk 11n haakt•l· bell leqU«> compl<'tt'd •t• tWawn th!. Wf't'k -~th t~ IIIII and tal· mt~ Phllllpe OUen rt•~Watlnr u team champloo• but with lrNh· man Don O.rludAie of Thf' CJ11k· land Bltt.Mn br~:dnr to 'M acor· Ina tJtle and a ne-w r('("f)rd CommJulont'r Davto IV-II•y a n- nounc.d ~ today th11t thf' lanky BarUdaJf'-ln hill fll"'t yrar 11fter an all·Amftican e&l"f'ft' at UCLA -.t a rww ABL r«<rd of !J86 poblta In 23 ramn. PACD D80N DMD DEL MAR. CAL.. MARCH t - (UP)-A ruptured main ......., _to thr hurt wu blanwd today tor the ••th fll ~ cftanw6gn Dt- Nd J::lqlna tht•lr char$:l'l> can vutullt ull '"". -.hi<' ronrlltlt~nlnl[ Tht• S:111to 1\mL• 11•·• lo1 l~<·uw HlnnnL; I h•• fir'-I t•arl~ '"/''"" 'I· \'t•:u·.ult1 r·lu'"'ll"". 'f1J"'\ tlflt ,,, rut·ruto.h 1\ lim• for 1 h•• ~pnn~:. •umtno·r ttnd filii •'VI•nt~ rnntt•,to•rl ''n lhl' lt•tHI· ing rR!'I' t'tlllf'l•• !I( I IH' rnunl I') In tho• l'>•••lo1 ''"'"I"''''"" I,,,, "''""" C'rolifom llo ~l'tll'l·ti It\ s,:rl'/11 ,.,, '""f'f·•~ ~lncf' th•· rf'\'IVIIl nr '''""I! '" , .... 81111•• e )II T rtl,., """ I hr winl<•r fl-.ltln' ho•l'i', \\'<·nt • II .'I tu f1nl~h fourth In th•· J.:,.nttwk~ I )(•rhv 11ncf wa~ ""Ctlftol In 1 h•• Pro•11kn~or 'I'rnplrnl S•·•• fontl Sll'fo- fllthl'r Wl'rl' olho•r \ttlltr•·rl• thnt l1n1~hNl 1hinl nnd founh. Jet Pilot th;ll trnlnl'rl an11 ror•'li or Snntn Anita wnn thr Kf'nlu,.kv (lt•r hv S wM-pic1n 1 HHO) was thf' flnt hom,.-hrt'd tn "'ln lht• San111 Anl- t 6 {)(>rtJy. In 1 hi' l<M"t lunal lnh 11 •~ """ 1111 ''""" lwtwo'Pn thf' F.n~l "" thf' \\'t'''· wltl't o'odl hAVInl! wun (I\ •• 810 . SCAI.IE IJU N KI NG- Lovely Pt'KKY Payne cele- brates her selection u 1948 Anthon)• lll&h ot J .. ,n.;. I 11. .u·h ... ollopt·tl Newpon·s Tnt· 111 tl••· 111 >1 1,11 11 ~~~m~ ot the sra'"" I h• '' '•·.1 ·nu• ~nmc went !>< '' 11 ll,fllfl~'' 1 ~ 11 ol .,,1111111&>, o lr fty, stut t.·d I '''" IIi• S111lor' 11nd pllchl>tl II\ 1 Jrt~fl,1 '' ln•lult' h•· Yt1ll.ili\ rt'""'plore~l t ,\ 1tt•·•IHII•'" l lll'k Lllm'. Thoma:. ''·''I ,,., '~''' "''~ '"'" 1111d l'rron~. 1111 •••• "' tl•• "' t.1 ••·11111rnatcs kcpt 11 "'I 1n h'•' " • .t• r I 1.•nk 11.11111ltun. 11 promt'•"~ h'l•l• o \1 •11 ko·ll lh•• last lnrunt,; 111 " '" ''"" I•H Ill• -ore onn. ~l;onola) Tar \'ar¥lly play!' t;, c·••l·1••1 h•~h .ol II"' tugh IChoul ,,,,, ""uul "htlo· 1111· Junior vat ,,~ l•lar• Ext·•·l''"r Jayvees •• c.,.., o .\lt•'ll Lesnevich In Final Ring Defense 'Test' Games Scheduled by Coast Marines "Donut. Queen" by dunktnl :-o:FW YORK, M ar. 5. -cUPJ the world's largest donut.. 2 -!\tort' than l!WOO !ana ~·· ('X· teet wide, ln the world's ~~···t•·tl '" pay about $125,()(.111 1u 1ar~reat cup of eo tree, 3 feeL "alo'h Cranrl Old Gua Lnnt•I,JI'Il hiRh. "It's Fun to Ounfl:'' L1 muk<' h1s last defe~ of the• this year 's slogan tor world ht'll\')'W<'I~ht championslup ''"111-:hl m 11 n•turn bout '"'" A p~~ir or "II'SI" 1:11101'~ lor l ht• Nat.lo n a l D onut Week, I Bllorkjark Bill)' Fox at M alliSUII Wrst C'm"' Mnrin<• AII·Stnr hiL'· M arch 8-15. SIJUar~• <->!lrSkn--- ko·tl11111 lf'nm hnvt' been ached· -, • • ult'ff tm-Pnrlrrr """'-s'!.Hrrffii~· 1'' aOO~rom :J7 Southern Cahf omta thl~ we .. •k nnnuunr.-cl < nlt!'h .Jtm • Tu~ll 1n11~y High Schools tn La Brea Relays Frldfly ni~:ht thr Stars mrl't lht• Unitl'rl !'p111'l1n1:: r.t><lfb qtHn· lt•l nl lloii)W!llod VMC'A •tl 'I l ~ nnll Snt urd~ty lhr·' trn•·•·l to Son Pe-dro to nlf't•l tho· l'•·<lr•• YM(',\ nl 7 .l!i 11n 1 hf'lr hum•• rt,urt 'Ow !lite arl' •lll lr·ll 111 '"l'l I hr nf'WI) fnmll>d a ll-slur tt•um lx'lor,. thr '""' of WPSt ('t~lt!<l !':ltV)' tournn· m l'nt piA)' in San Dll'i:O nr•xt Appm'(lmlll• h ~>UI athlo•t•'" (ru rn :11 Si1111 II•' III I ',tltl ul Ill It It I ..: h ~l'htN)I•. 1no luohn.,: lh•• o•nllrt' e lr """'' j """" tlool··..:·•""" "' 1:! '"" fiiii"IIC'II~oll•• Ill I noiu• I 11'111 t',tlll Ill till' I~• '"''' '"'·''' ,,., .. ~ Thl' flr ld ha~ IW'<'n <phi m rhrf'C rfi\I,IOn' l.tl ~t '' htMII'-flte•~hunl nntl ~mall "' lho·rP "111 tw "'""lc thr•..,-. n,,...., an • \e•n t·\'t•n t S rar11n2 rwu w1-.·ks al(o w 1th :-;m .. r;•o·n nt• rnloo•r-nr l'tt:l!'lt 50 m11rll'l<>s from pnlllll 1111 nv•·r RJIIr•h R•""l < ll.,rlwor ll•l:h tr:ll'k tht-wt'lt co.at, Coach Tuma hoi lt•am w•ll <•nt~'r c.-ut lht• MJU&d 111 17 m•'n wllh 11 J ••rl) SrnnL:I•·r h" 111'~1 sprrntf'r, furlht>r c.-ut !lchl'duh:'d aftf'r thf' v.1ll ntn nnr·hur on moll! combl· practlet• fra~ Thf' Stan havt' nllllon~ dunn~; tltt• tltty. Ro•f'<'l "lid b(-('n buill around a st•vt•n-man Thf' JIMJ.;rllm nuclf'UI of thl' noh-d El Toro Fly· · 2 p m. Shulllf• lnw hurdlf's , '! lfi fl m 4 10 yards, four mt·n, ,,,, yrl.<. t'rtt'h :1 ItO I' m Ml.'dl~y. four m•·n. 1111.'!-~1-1411·~1 1 15 f) m llolr mtle, elcht m.·u. 110 )'US ('O('h :1 :\ll I' rn llulf mile, four nwn .!i() \ rh t•llrh I Is r m Mtodlt'y, four m•·n. Z/()44().880. -1 10 n m Mill'. four men. 440 yet' ral'h. 2l-Hour TeMis Match Winds Up In Stand-Off lnlo: Bulla, lop marlnt• tf'am '" Cal· I four m•·n 1:.'fl \11rtl ifcwnla. 4!:10 p m Mill', f'i~;ht m1•n, 220 ~• ._.._ ydll f'lll'h Johnny Abell, 1...--pro-~ Wt'll Coast Navy lourna· :1 .~ Jl m. Two milt•, rnur mt•n. frs~<innnl nnrl mf'mbt'r of the liar· mrnt at San Dlf'IO will opt>n Mon -fiR() ytt• l'll('h ' bor Tf'nnl!'l rluh, wound up With a day March 8th and contlniM' ~tanct-orr 1n An t'xr itlnr match wtth throuah March :lO, Wit h doublt• Full rt Set C"hariM Enton of the Lakewoo1 round-robin •llmlna tion. Ont' navy e On S To·nnls rlub. 6-4. 4-6, 8-8. team tram each of thf' 11 th, l<!th. N t'l S • M k Tht' match <!ragged lhrou&h '"n 13th and 17th naval dtalrlcll will a Wlm ar ancl nnl'·hnJr hours a nd was callr-d A pmt-mortem narmnatklll by Dl'. Normar~ G. R.ob«rU. wt.n- Mrian, N'U.W thr fatal lnj\lry. 'fte--~deed~ ...... • tnaalftc ._.. ani\ .,.. com~Wl«', wlth tht' marines !)(-Ina off dul' to darknl:'llll. r~t~ by t~ aU-stan. SAN LUIS OntSPO, Cal., Mar In anotht>r club match, Blnny ...W Ia the blft.W of thr Dfl ... tnciK ,......,, tt • Mttmated that a -u man- ..-farm pond cat1 produep ., IDUCII mNt II" aa-e u t hf' I&IIW .,.. di'YoWd to puture. TAX RETURNS Aa ~ • ~·~--~Nb­AOOO'DJnDIO Glen E. Fuller M C... -.,y. (lb .. P.O.) _ Caron& cltl Mar. liar. 2422 . BINOCULARS 'SCOPES _. ... AND IIDVICE ALL IIAilD Autllortuod BI\Ddl A Lomb cllftributor. Optical Instru- ment rtpalr, HORTON PhotOC)rephic Supply --:. ~t.crrttc ........ 1 Ill H. Mala. "-*-Aaa. C'alll. $1000, 4-Foot :rn»P~Y to ~rst Mr. U.S.· A. One-thousand dollara. a rour· foot 'trophy, Wlll ~eo to tl'tc> mo.t pt>rff'Ctly built man In It'll' coun· try who wins thf' "Mr US A " ph)'IIQIH' contnt In tht' strenrth and beauty ahow at thl' Shlrnt' auditorium Marcil 13. The ahow ia aponaort'd by V1c TM~ny and Bt'rl Gooc1rlch. lead- In![ Southt'm California "muaclr ~eym" opt"ratort, to provide fur· lhC'r cmnpt>tltlon for th<»t' who havr won lop amatcur title, the A.A.U. "Mr. America," who arC' now clualll~ u proff'Uional Ciooclrich and Tanny rC'port that t'ntrlf'l are atlll opt>n Entry In· fOf'matlon may be IC'CUI'fll hy writ- Inc tht' l poMOI"', 6624 Hollywood Blvxd., HoUywood, California lkglnnan~~: Monday. Mnn:h ~. tht' N•ws-nmcs ••Ill -tnrl pro· ductloo of a comic-fW\J:t' Ill· eluding the follow1n1: l lm tffi Ft>alu re Syndlcatr lnp-r.tl f'rs SEE YOUR Santa Anita Feature Races at the Stag Every Saturday STAG CAFE in N~~~~~~~~CH till OOA8T BLVD. • ~CTOM from }"not(oo Putdll« Lot Open Monday, March 8 HARRY B. CAULK DRAFTING SERVICE 410-B 32nd St., Newport Beach (Across I rom Hew City Hall) E. Z.pelin Springer, Const. Enginee~ (Associate) DeticJn -Plans -Specification& !\ 1 UP I A nf•w national jun-Powell, of Balboa, won a vk:1or)' IM rollf'J;;I' 11wlmmlnl( mllrk of 3 ~cr Dia nn• Wakefield, ol Balboa M. 2 4 ~ In th,.. ~yard mM!Jcy bland. 6-4. 4-6. 6-2 . relay wu cla lml'd today hy F\JJ • lf'r ton Jayat't' ------------.... F ullcrtnn knockNI fnur-trnth~ HARBOR~ nf 11 llt!<'Ond oft thr old tlm l' as It .I .I~ dt>ftatrd C11l Poly, 61 -14, In a ml'f'l hf'rr 111111 nl~tht The w lnnt'rs alao tlrd thf' natloMI JC' rf'C- ord of 3 M 43 I ~ (Of' lhf' 400- yard rt>IAy MIU IIU'LI.F.TJN LOS ANGF.LES. Mar 5 IUPI Good ~kllng In So\.ttht•rn Callfornl11 t h" W!'t'kf'nd will !)(' ronfinl'd to hlghC'r 1'11'\'atlon~. thl' 1tatr ch11mfxor ot rnmmt'r<'t' sa1d today 1\f•JII nf'llrh~ ~kl1ng will hr In r.r,.rn Vnllt•y, Mill C"r!'l'k AI Rig Orar And Blut• Rlll~:t• nt Big Plnl's, 11 llllld Sklln~t will bl' nccllrnt a t M11mmouth Mnunt11ln In tht' t nyo dl~trlct und Ondgrr Pau In Yo- Hmltf', Mn Volney llay Jr and Mn. \'olney Hay 11r. of Balboa are 111 7.z)'ll, d('l('rt rC'IOrt near Rakt'r for a "'eek Mr and Mrs. J . H. Redstone of 36th strf'CI havc r t-turneod from Bakcnflt'ld. thr lr former homr . whcrt' thry vlaltrd thfolr son J . A. Bodman, 107 131h atrftt, CU8todlltn of !he local grammar achool. Is very Ill with vlrua X and complications. John K. Elliott of Ralll<MI Ia Ill 'wllh flu 11nd complic11tiona. JU>v. a nd Mn. E. D. Goodell spt>nt Wl'dnHd11y and Thunday in La Ml'!la at a rl'trc11t for mlnistrrs of S11n Diego dl1trlct of the Mt'thodiSI church Your S S $ Go Farther with a TIERNAN REBUILT TYPEWRITER We have your Favorite Typawrl.., at a moderate pricel R1U Y GUAIA TEED, CONVENIENT TERMSI •• E.,., Cood Tla.int /or J' ow 0 IIi~" 902 N. MAIN SANTA ANA PHONE 743 I AM PIPITO AND IP YOI IIAD OUI FONNY COMIC YOU wm. LAU ... .. HAYI ON HIS MIND IS lATIN& UANS AND CHASING GOILSI GOILSI IP YOU DO NOT UKI GOILS, TOO ••• ME AN' SENOI DOG I The DAILY AD a•serlliDI tallr featan wbleb n• .... ........... ,.... ...... ••••••• •••••• • •• tblap Ia Jla&area- UMI,...... till-. It ....... Tarzan Thf' pictun:--story or the man wh~ fc~t('r-parcnts were Ow heasts of th<' primitive tore11t. and whrn;(' str't'nmh and dar- i ll~ W<'n ' d~tinm to surpua lh••irs. \\''itlrn "' EdRa~ Rict /', "11 ·I;\ unJ dtpict- l •1 olr.:ltl.llo( draw d1,.!< a a a 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • 0 • • 0 • 0 • t 0 p 0 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • 0 0 0 p • • t 0 0 • a a a a a a a