HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-15 - Newport Balboa News Times, ... 51,000 Miners Walk .Ou~ Paralyzing ·Meat Strike -~ ~ Over Pension Demands Looms AS Talks Break THE SAND CRAB SAM AWAtU:SIS(i. Clad to nott:' tht• gt't•at awakening of H arhl)l' folks m lht• s.,•rious· m "'s of llw \\:tll'l' :-;ituat ion a~ m<>ntiont•d la:,t WC<'k by Mnyor !{('('<'! "hl'n Ill' l'X· plain('<'! to lhl' clbt1;ct l\~\\'D hoa11 l lhaL Xt'''Jx.>rt &•ach w as at last ali\'l• to tlw lack of ~1<'lt'OJ)()Iitan w a l l'l". While the hoarcl ngn'(.'{l to admis- sion in c:a~ l<X:al d ector-s e le<:I OJ'S vot<.-d in favor. what Mr. H(.'(.'CI did not s tale how d ifficult was the task of J)('r- suading the MWD group that conditions had changed here. They had said that bench voters hnd lurn<'d flown the pr6{~1s s.cvPral t imcs and wantl"<l assuranC(' I ha t rtn- othE'r elect 10n would t<IIT)'. thE' mayor convin<.'l'd the wa· ter board that su ch woulc1 IX' the case. + + + \\'a~r Rates. City Treas- urer Gant was discussing complaints of som(.' citizens OVE"r the higher cost of thdr water, from the old flat rate of $1.00 and $1.25 per month. when he said. "brother, you haven 't seen anything yet ." Whicn brought an answer from Charley Hill. a Balboa Peninsula pion~r. who was just back from his father's home ln Santa BArbara. where water is bcin~ hauled in at so much per gallon and that $50 a w~k or month h• being paid; that lawns and golf links are as bro-.\'n as tht> dusky·huro hlott«'r on City Cl<'rk Rinehart's <k'sk. Incirll'ntally. Charley bclii"\'C'S N<'WJ)()r1 II a rl)()r will p<lss Santa Ana in populallon in a fpw yl'ars. a prf'dictinn lon~ ago marl<' hy thi-. t·omnwn· tat or. • • • t :xpc•rit'nc't'. What ~t;JJ·ttvl all I hi-. t;llk on \\ ;1t••r t·anw a hout wlwn I he• a fnn•nwn- 1 tot1\'d L! I'Oll(l. 1111'1 •li 11L! Ill'\ 'I· dl'nt;tlh 111 Ill\' I'll\ l'lt•rk·.., cof- fkt•. \!1;1 Ill 111'-l'll'-~ill!..: 1'\(H'I'I· t'llt'\' 111 nlftC•' In tiJ,• ltwth· <"Onltllt.: Apnl l'lc•t·lio n 11111~ t wo c·andid:t II'.., ;11'1' -.c ~·kinl! 1'('-{•IC'\·Itl on Cnon•·1lnwn l\r1h Allf'n ;1111! Clt•rk Hmdwrt. both \'t'IPI';trl!' tn 1111' ~('J'\'lt1' of lh<' mmm11nity. lt takt"'S from onP to two \l':tl"' to IC'am thP intt'il-at.-·pbns of thC' many p1·ojc>c ts im·ol\ ing n city likt• ~t·wport &•ach. J\ IJC'n has st wiif'd I b()S(' dt•- tails C'ndlt'S."IY whil<' Hinc ... hn r1 krnwn pnK'Nitll'(' on minut('S, noli"•:-;, onlrnannos a nd whE>re to finci what hap- penNI I wo Y<'ll r.-or 10 :.·f'a r.- ago. wA('t hr·r in husinl~" or ci\ic affair"" c'\I1Cti<'nt'P i-: in· \·atuablt> 01nd must II<' INII'TIM th<' h;u "tl way. • • • HO!IpitaJizrd. (".<~in~-: min St . J()!;(>phs h0"pital. l~t'tWN>n Oran~-:<> and Santa ,\ na• t hr oth('r dnv. "a.; Jikt• J Jr,1H' Town \\'('(_•k m J.:rt'<'1111J.: l1r r'al cititrn~ 1-·ir..,t on m v Ji~t \\'ill' no111hll" J•r ('r;n,·:td Rkhtl'r. \\ hn I!" n '< ''' r•rliH.: .... -"' tC ""nn1tr UPd "" P4•L·•· S • Kt:T ,'K'I'ti TO S.\~ u~t:c.o rrom hi" llAN>nt· .. h"""' In \\ llmtnr.:· tun, Kt·ntwlh t:. ,,.._.n\JUI too. I c•u nl rnl ot hi-llctll f'OIIpo-t•n lllr.:h\\ •> 101 llf'rtr \lumln~: ( nn~nn runtl. in ('nrnna dr l ~tct r •·11rl) ~ouula~ mnrnln~;. t•Hmlnst to r .... t. rh:hl-...,dr-IIJ), far d••.-n lhfl ~nk. Mfl•·r rull- lnr.: "'"r ~·•rral II,__ ~.·.-man, .u .. t.alnlnte onh mlnnr brnl~ .... and abr""'o""· ._,.,. ahl .. to drun.,..r '-'k up on thoo lli~th"a). rl•te • 1'•-- 11\lt molor1 .. t. and ~.;ro 1.-.runa Rf'eorh. ,....,.,... ~ f'allNI hi" hnnw and had hi• father oome to Ill' ..... ._. -phoJo by Admjral Mine Strike Grips Nation As Meat Supplies Perilled l't'J·rslll'ttl;, filar 171 •l'Pt ~turo !hu n ~~t :l(~l snf l runt 1111no•rs (JIIII WOI'k lndll) Ill ~UJlflllrl of J(thn I. L.o•\\1~· <I( mand fur 11 po·n- ''"n ph., T ho· "·olkulll" CPnlt•ro•d In lh<' hi):; wp~Jrorn Pt•nn~} l\llniR fto•ld. An OIW•rnwr~· !<pok,·~mlln <'Stunal· ed th111 •IU'IJ('r ,., nl of mlno'rs m th<• Ptlt!lhur~; 11rr•• rdu.<~l'd t o enlt•r llw pot~ II~ lhl" rN<Uit nf Lc:•wo<>' <"hilrf(P I IIIII lhl' Op<'fAIO~ h11d "df'· faultt-d" thPtr ntotrN'ml'nt Wtth tht• l 'mtt•d Mtnt' W orkl'rs . In nlinot~ 14,500 miners join<'d thP slrlkr• 11nd 4.000 morl' ""''rl' 1dl1' tn l ndwn11 !';,.vPrnl thousand IHtlk<'d OUI In Uh10 In mnny In· slanct•s, th,. m lnrrs app<-anod rtl thl' ptt~. hut rcrusf'd to l'ntl'r wh<'n tlwy twnrd Lt•wts had d t•cl;u ,.d 1 h••lr run I rff<'t "rltshonore d " In tlw l 'montown. Pn , dr"tnc l. ho ilrl or tlw C'Oktntot coal lndus 1ry. .oil hut th,. mdo l"'ndr nll) Ol•'r:t t- •·0 nun•·' '' •'r" rPJ)f)t le•rl rlu~•·d Th•} II o·ro· • 'Ill o'lo•d Ill •hilt 011\\ ll .\!.ot .... ... ,., r\\n qf fht• n ;tfhlr1' ht),!~t''' lnt 11 fr.wk••r>o ll.td,,~ t••J•·c·t( II a unr"n P''"l"'"lll fnr ll\••rton~; :o nkllnnw ulo· nwal slllk<· ''' mlcir1t.;hl tnnt,.;ht ~wtfl & Cn :ond I Ill' I 'udah\ p11o·km~: < 'o . 111rn••d d•1wn 11n ,.,:. h1t r a 1 onn '<IIJ.:J.:o·lll mn nf 1 hr• ('I< 1 I n1tf'd l'arktn~>:huus<' \\'11rk••rs "lw('ltlL~I' \\'fljoto•S And rnnjor C'IRU.-C'S 111 lho• C'llntrllrl should not Ill' mnl· t('n, tnr 11rhitrnt1on " ltfflroals or Armuur At t 'n , "no thl'r m<'m~r of lh<' hltot four '" Hw J.Jilrktnlol tntlu~lry mt't to r"n"dl.'r I h<' prHJllt!lnl. They Wl.'rt• •'Xj)('l'tf•d IO \'(ol(' 81otllin~l I hi' plan Althrour.:h 11 Wll!l not tnl"ludl.'d 111 thr llnllln nfr<•r , \\'ol,.on & C'n . nlsB rdu••·<l 10 ~"""""'''r nrbllratlon Thl' par ko·r l' 1llltl udo• lllWIIrd th•· arlutntlw n -41lan mrlw11t•'1l th.tl nnly tnto•p ·rntwn h~ tho· pro•sid••nl r·r11rl<1 hAlt tlw \\ allwul . wh1r l1 \\<llrlrl 'hul II•'"" 11 tlur<l nf lh•· 1111• l<ont: tnrho~t r~ ' ... City Bid For Water Studied ~•''<'l.lllrl llo •;wh's hod fo•r no':\itlt••n '" lht• Mo·lo orl<llll lln l••t 1h~•• H'l "·'" tow1:1\ '"tlw hAnds 111 a \\lllo•o .. ~~IWII\~ t'l\11\llllllt"'· 1w•nch 111: 1111111 "' uc1~ Th· ·•I•PIH':flllln rnr !Ill~ I,,~ \\hll ~llhmllt•·(t to 1\1\\ II l•'rul:t) h) .I wit.:•· < · 1· t ~ ,, ulh of l.a~;unu l~t'Ht'h, lt'JU.I'~t1nt :t1 1\ t.' frurn th,• (',.a~l.ol \\':ol••• fl•"lrll'l \\ h 11' ,. nwmiM•I' h.ot1 (t~rwurdt•<l tho• h id WTfh an tffi.onlrn liJ, r••••ommo mla · n u n nr :ti'P~'"' al C 1 t' 1\flm••••"'''''"' I trfl•·• r Juhn ;...nlut" ",,, 11111 11111•1 "' In · ol:o) 111(1 lll\o1111ltlo iH IIIIII \\nllftf lio (,., llit•llf1111l" '""'II~ ,\u iiJIJIIII':tiJooll 11'11111 l >11n11 Poll nt ""' nppr"'•'n "' t'rul11) ·,. "l'Utnn m Los An~o:c.'l<'• Th•• In tnt• ~·o:s prior hid WRJO ~:r,,nlo'<i t~<"Vt't'lll Gus Kerner, One-Time Actor, Died Saturday Itt \\",o•hon~:toon, ol ""' •• porl"rl 1 h•· t.:•" ••ntm• Ill "'"" prt'J>ann~ lo 1 ,,, I ·•1!·1111'' llt• wa lkltlll If 11 ,.,.. ''Hll• "'-J'l'f •Jtt trl u~n~ ot n ..:1•nt•rnl t te· 1111 ( ·~ r\1' (·run~;. h•·1oll ltl 1 h" I· ~ :"'-\1• tJ, t I It •II flld t t •rtt'l h 1 I tttfl '' I ~ Tho llrllhll. \I IIII~• l t••.l•(t n1• nl• lt••r, :tr• """' d '" •lrtko• at n ut! I AtJ,!hl on 1111'1 1.11 r.:• I"H ktn,.; pl.o11b 11('11''' •h·· n:I1 1•Hl ;&f'f'PJH• II thr .tl I htlo.ol1111\ l•~""lw "at l:t"l nt,.;hl "11 t' ltdlfl f'HlHIIIIflfl~; 1 \lt'• "·''" \\ tltl•tl t lt d '1rtkt•' Ill '"'"•tllltf •ndl"flt•'-.. \uh ,, ... rnal \\111 p~tl l•t ltdl I dt d 'Itt• t•••·d '' ,,,,n 1 ........ an rtt. f'nt ... H ·.,n,IHII• d un t •,,l..• I ' f:,oiJ•lt Ito I'll 111. 111111•11 fJII""IIIo•ftl ,,,JtJ lth IUU"n \\l•ltld t1'1 " Itt 1t tn1 r.di1Hl II 'li t 11 tt k1 '' \\11\tltl t f .u tl ··n ""'"'" ,,. 11111• ••It' fi•HU I\ \\H..:• Hll r • ·~'"'' 1•11 ••ill'fl\t •<',.ntonll•'fl "" l':1t.:• 11 1l(;rammar Sc hool Board Puts \\'eight Behind Last Minute Bond Push ,,, .. \ ~ :\1, fl)l•• .,...., ••( I llf ~l':~rnmut ~rht" •I 1 '..!. A "'' •I •· .trl, · t'UII• ,., .. ,., t t•Jn--•1 '.~,.. ~,. 1 ''' ' '• 1' 1 111 ''' .,,, lon;crrl "' I•' lndn~ f'l"lllnt.: fln.ol 1""1 ''"" f••• lito litlt 7th :ontl l<llt "'II knoo\\11 fll'llt••t.:•l ••I Ill• II I ffur•f(;;: ,,. c•·f PUt fhtl \f)fl• tnnhtr )!rRdt c; tolfl• \;I-' I' •t I ...... rn u •• u .. , I ~I ;t ""'.ll.ol• ''' l11r lh•• ••l•·rtlnn ron :l p111plt· ~~~~~ 1n llh l 'lolt ~::'~''"" ., .. ,,,,, '1 '' 111 till' llll•t1'•~1ol 111 fl o:d l••nd< In lh• lf;o\• n :IIIHh\ "'"" wtll h.,,.,. 1111 nmnunr ,,f c;,~.,rvt,IM•t '"he "~' rl fHr f\. I 'l• r h ,,, , • I• t•r . .t• tl ,.,~ " ,. I "l'l••rltll)ll\ •·I l•.lfllf'IJ•a llllll on lh• fur•h•·r fon·~nt•tnt.: of n F.nr<l\ nN<I· 1•11th•l.l\ 1 f••\\ "'''"'"' lti.;o Wit• 11 . • t•1 , 1110 ",, h '"' '"'"'' ~:•· .. r ,, 1111 1 1 1 I d olo tilt nl.t('~ ~o·htlftl ftffoflt t11 lw• 1111! th• If r hoJrlt• n I to lit• '""J••I 1 1' 1" tl" Ill! ltfo Ill ' Ioiii "' 1 loor;ot•·d In .:'\1"1"'1'1 llril;ht~ ,;,.,,..h •rh••"'' •\'ot~·r. tn l 'lorr ,'''1"'1"1 1•"'1 '" 11 111''11''11 1"''1'• T \\,·~f••n .Ja). ~tU1anu J)n,.lrl ll.t\•n \\IU \ttt• In th• (',.r•\n,, d·l '' tur .onrl 1;nrrlm1 f-ondln~ "'110 ha\• ~1 .,1 ""•••I ol II\••\ h,o\1• lw•n II• I'--'-'"'"'" l·\ "" "'''"""' qtllo 11~ furtlt••ro•ll pl:tn~ fur ll,..l'lll:tlolo•·<l \lll"r~ In tho• ~'""l~•rl llo•lt•n Strp h•·n' ''""'' "' •h• II ·' nt'\\ plant, •11ll•h:t~l7•d I••I.I\"IIII·J H••u('h ""'••lth•lrlr•t wlllun th• •ttl• \'ttl" tonol l11• 1.'1"'"''"'' I I n•·•·lt rnr l h•· r:llol'or:ol lfln o f lh• J"lll~t 40 <lay<~ I "''"" ,. ~·· ''"' '" """ " 11\t• 11;''1"''" •I honrt~ h} :'''' r~ h•·ro• I T~t··~tltl\ I"'"' "Ill lw ''I" n fr~onl It""'' '''' "" "I "'~ • I torn ~.\ ·' ~''"Jl"rl 1\o .. ,.h llth . .rh anrl .Noh ~ 11 01 ,,, ; I' m 111 '"'' ltr• '1"'1 Ill"'"'' ""''' ,,,. ""'''"'' rr o~rt, •·~~~~ unrt s•111'i:: n•·(·ct th•\ •u·•' p,u,,. ,.,,,"'II t" 1,, ,.,,,," ''''" un''''"'' 'lf'. rh, •trlrh1ttln •I athh·tu I t· , ,,,, rl 1• 1h• f•d· ""''~ ,1t•~' o·tltl t" II •· ,-1 •·l "v'"'"'' l'~ll1 l 'lli•"I'IT ,,,,I l.ll'r otll• f'lt'O;tllll' n·d ""t•••l' "'"'" f.uul't\ ., '·'\'I~••' ,,h1,.,, 1 1 th.~ ('•n 1• ~••m:ot"Q '"' ''"If mott, .. n ''"lhrc•1r .1 1 \\ J I•Hffh e .. , 1 l'1~•l t1•h ,,.,. ,,, tl1\ ••H h••fi"' F '' .. ~·,hi• .,, •. , ., Till •tl•l ""''''' ' 1 : 'I 1 ~ ,11,1 tl 111•111 1 '1~11'1 '1., '•" ,,.,,,11 ... I l Th• . ftnnr •• , '" .,,. , ur tt t\ ~ •• t ,,, ,,, I fi·! ,, " ... h,,, ''' "'"l'''l""' ,,n•f n tf • '11n• ttl \\ tH1 h t 1, n C.:t (' J t \f I '• • I tf, fufi.J•t'htft'tl, •('t1f111n•it'fl ;.n f 'il~(· '' \ ~fiTt: TO 1 .. \Tt. I ll.t.K~ 11 •!::-A:.c ,l-1 .1 ~" ~,,.,. ,;, t I'• ,.,,,•h• ''' f 'ttltl ••rrll't ,,fft• ,,J Uu • ·,,If,*~ ''•r-•1f lnt• r n tl Jt, fo'll \\ttl I' Ill 1111 I Jill 11 11111 oJ JTt 1• lt,fH~ f f ''• tl c-.tfll'llfl~-t ft l.tlt f\lt • Hf l 4t1 t trii''·'H• t '' l•ltllf1' p \<\•"' t•t • ,.,,,,t t cf '•' f , I• •• ,, ,, If ,, t \ f \\I '-~ 11 I f ····'\•• tiHtu-.ly u,.,., .. ,,.;•1 u hill t•· r•·u• \\ I•,..._Jdr ttl 1 f llluau·, 1''"\''' tu arnt .. 11 1 """ ,, ...... , 1-. •lu11tt,. natlnn,.l •·•u•·r ~r.:•·u•' ( 1!•111111 I ' II, ... '" , ... ,,,4• ,,,,,, II I ,,, • ., 1H I• ftl~1k' lith lit 1 I l s ,, .. 1 I . ntl• I" thtu· rn. rh \\ t I ,., .. "' htp• I PI• .r,• I I ··ltl• I I \\,\!'(IJJ ,folH'. \fnrdo 1', ( I'P 1-1-t'fl•·rlll .loull(•• II• II!JIIolllt \tt)or,. tud•~ efl,tuf,....,••f , h~tr:· ... that thf. C'IU tuul 1 IH ,.,,..,, <~font l'hlllao ."furra\ ''"'"1•-rl tlu· T,.t~·lfMrtl•·l _tu·l '" wlultlll( '" u.-a-,., .. ,.t.h· 111 " '"'""' "' ''"ndtdatr . !'It Y.\\ \ OltK, \fnrt h l.i '''1'1-Thoo t.lt I"'"''"" '"''"' ao.kNS lhf. .1~ ... """ \;"'" ul Val"'ll"" ,._ .-.. '11 ,.. """'"· I; han11n anlt r:tH•I 11 th,.1 ._.,11111 acr.,.. tu a I r"'"' '" ""'' ll~ehlllllt In lhoo lfroh l.and. II M ... .......... • ....... ,... """''' ,.. ,....,._.,"" In !1111•· '"' ,.,,,.1•1 rPalhon al a ..._,.,,. ur lh•· 1 "" Nl !'ltallon-...... flr11,\' '"""""II 1" fniWro•• att""""'n ,... l'<lllltd l ._ .. _ .............. 1 I•• I aJ.,. "I' 1 ~ 1'•1• """" ,,,,.. .. u .. n I hi.. Mfl ... rn'"'" .... , 'h•· ....... 111111 ..... '""''""' ......... lh•· ""-'"· f 'nll"l ft41at ..... ( hholl .,,, f> ram,. mn,... 11.-In 1 r~ '" .-nf"lt ""' " f11rrn ula '"' •-"'•lln11 "It h .,,.. lint,. lAnd dllrnuna. II· I' fl ltt•(.'u\·t·rin~ J.'r,nn Ht'e fin~ uf f) 1-ft. Sd1uuner Tclday'• II A.M., r .8.T. l~w .loaH A''"~ ,_ ...... "--· .. _ ... l. a..-..... , lu•h•~'""l• tt:i 1~ "" tl'.' lt.~tl• ~1<1 .'1 .t11 ll.' 1111111 11•• 1.' Ill "I' II \',>111111•' lhtott-1 ,lllot•·• ltfolt .. ·l 11•1 .. n •• .l'llfl .,.IIIII *** Head On Sma~h; ···. 5 Killed *** 1'\\ IP'Tt:U \\'ltf:C'K.\ffi'! ..... ,,. I , •II lh1tl r rm1tl1te aflf'r N u · •tt• t .,...,.._...,.,._ "" ............ """ .......... , ............. , ... lift ......... ........ l(alurtiM,\ nl.:h l. l.rll. 1\\u ul lho• hu~._ ""' -"""" ~··ltocftlt ... ....... GEN. MEYERS BEGINS JAIL TERM TODAY '"'"'"~ h) I IIIC'IH'\IC'k. llt.:ll\\tl\ '"''"'""''" lt"K111y ..... \l••fiJ.:II Io oJ It llf'llll·ull tvllllllllfl tft \\ltlo It II\• H•t•ll n.:c•t• \\'t'r•• kill ... "II , ...... 1 llt.:h~y f\4ll lb of~ I"'' 1 II• ,,.,, ~·., lh••lr "'">' hdnw ,, •• u, , r•• '"~·n h•utt .. .; \II tl11· '" '""" '"'rt' In IIIW' c:.r. 1\t. .. ••tit•·• l'•''"'''n.:•·r;" "nc1 " Nl\Jpr&. 111 """llu•o , . .,, ",.," lnJur-rd. 'l"tw )oolll h'~ '''" llll[lllro'nlly Wo•nl ~~--.....,,.. t•f ~~~~~~ rul 1111 I I S tell a mile ""' 1 h "' ho•ro• ruut •Wo•rve'lt In front "' ,, """'"'~'"'"' ""'" I " 11•l "• I • l'lillllp llutr. .. """'"~•""" II• '"'"· lh•• c1rlllft"; t • • •I•• I '"'"· I I. 1-'11n111 Ana, __. ,,, 1 1,,..11 .. ' "''"fll<'. 111, Mary J- '"''"'""'''' II ~fOttlll A,., ... .lfl('lll•·lhu-""'''· \:\, (~t • .._. Da n I\~ U.1 f1'\ tt .... ta .... ""• '"'-• u. ~munlt)' .-. ''""' "' o•o ltlo Itt" o'<ttlltlllnll Jfr a r•r••••·•l "" tnlr" '"'lny WallaCit '" '"' t '•••t•·•. 14, ~n11111 Ana . ._ •II•• '"" t.:• •l f•-nm tlw 1111111<• ~ ,,,,,,, ,, ,,, ro lu\ n• '"'~ w ••• trow lf,,,.,,,f "I ttl I ;hlfft•f\ C:r uvr, tfi1Y• • 1 nl Ill' ntltt•l' t•nr llttttllltl'" ~...,::­ ""I:' 1 1-.lo """' l1r"c1v. :..'9, ahlo oo( I ;lltll••fl t:r"'''· I• llt•~~tTIIIMf - ''"'Ill' ~··II nl C'nmmunlly H.-. ~'~'"' I \111'11\ '"""' 1111• IIN'IItrnl CX'- ''"' • •' 1 ·,llt .. n tiM I llwhwny f>a· I I • ollll•"fl f'tolllll IIIII lo•~trn, althoJt&Cfa It "'" "-'"'lllllnrc1 that lhf' """" ,.,. """"" I"""''"' In the "dt•~tlh • "' luol1 ,,..,.,. l(runlnn hunllnK '""' "l•t uoro•ul l . _,. "" rnutf> '"'"" I''".""'"'''Y lr nvl'tlntc ntlf'lh "'' ,,,.. ltiKio" a) I PrHJ)(•rty Ta x Levy in ( 'uunty Now , ... '"" ""' 1'"" \V( r•t r $1H 11 f L' h I) "d t ·I. ,,.. , .. . ,.,. " " • , ~t·s . :r.· ur r..~at· \t.'SI en I ••• I I I I I,'., -· \\ '·'h ""' 1., .. , .. ,., ,,, t. \ ,.,, .... ,,.,,H'' 1,,.,., 1•'111""'" 1•\'\ lttttHll'fHJtlf I. '.t. ' ., u •• II •••• •• -..,,,,, r••\• 'flltlf ,,, pu trw•''"' ,tl_. I "·· ,,,.,, ""' .,. ··-" t lUI• ,,,_. •I • " .• •I 'l I ,. t t'q / $k ,, I' ....... ,,.," ,,,, t Itt ''I 'f ••f•.t P'''l I I'\ ,,, • I• \'V ,,, t,\ ,,,., ,,,.,~~•·• ,,.,,d'tl• "' th• ''''""' '''""'·••·d '"II''• I• '''"''' t••trr•·~··'4 In •'·' ,,,, 1 t ,f, •I I • ' ,. I, .... ,, ,,,, \~''' ,,,. '1 '1'' , .. , I.,.,,, 1• , •• ,, •• .~., ••• ,"'' ltffl••""'''' ,,, ~Lttl 'lft'J ,. I '".a I''' I 11•1 ''·""" 'if•''' l~\ud I••• t't1 .' \\ 'Ah•n ,,.,. Vt~tf)ll"'''' \\hu~h ~~ '' t•t l\ nntl ,,•, .•• ,,.1 "'''"' t'•ll 1• "1'1 11•· •·It .•• , •• 1 ., ... , ,,,, ,., .. ,,)( "'''' ,,,.·,,,~ r.~ '''~• '.~, ••!' • '' f I'''' t••'Jd J, \ "•' '" '''~Ill tutt• H•tlllf\ lftdtttl• •I f;•\V '"' .. 1'•11 · '"" '·•'" ""' ''•'1•1\''' "~"· 1.• "" 'l'lf 'IX'I'II I \\' r rom,. II)~ I • ~' I 1 "''' •I• I •• ,~ ,, I h f I I I . '·· " - •• ,I ' ' -·' , ·,,,, t ··~.·· •• ··.,I t IJ#tl '· f ,,.,, ,, \\H' 'IIH :'Ill 1'1.' , .. , 1'H:l 1~ fH'•I~I f\ ''' f,\l•·d fur '1 , f f '" , ,,,1,.,, ,,,,., 1 ,,,,, ,,, 1,,, I"''',.. 1,,, lr, .. ,,,, ''' 11..-tnu'•' 11ncl • ''' .. ., . ... I ,, '• ·I '. , 1 q, f ,- 11 II • r ..,. o I o I If I '' •I 'I"''' 1~t1 l f~ \\ 1 ~~, t •f I'•, '''''"''"' ,1 •to~nll\ 1 1111111~! ,t f11 '•1Utt'4 ttf nltJOf"Y '"''lit''' "''''~ ,, 1 .1 "'''' 1,,, 1,,11 l ! ,.,,,1 v,,,,, lot .d ,.,,,,,.,,,unl" hrt rf·· ., .. ,''''"I'*',,'""'" ''"' ,,1 ,1 ,~,1 u.·. 1,,1 ''1\.tfll' .,,,,,n th•· ''''" "'"' ,,.,.,. '''' , •I ••t ,,, •' •·''' \1 , tJ'\i"''' 1.,1 1 .~ ''*• ,,, ,,., .. ,,,, ,.,,1 ''''' ,.,,,,.,nttl•nf" "'"' ~hit~• ,,,11 t ~ •• ''''"' , •'•i, "",,,~,1, .,,,. 1.,, ,,, ,1,, '' • • '-'' 111 \puv• 1 IJoh't' ""''• in ,._. ,. II I q,, "' • q, ,,,, ~ ... , 1 "1,,\ ''''' ,11 l''"l"''tl\ ''I"'"'""''"'''' lu•·a1 •"o\•tnnu·nta ''',I '"' ,,,. 1,.,""''· 1 ,, •• ,,, ,,,h '''" ,,, tlu•·•·tl\ t•·fl••t l•tl Ju ,,,,. rl~lnst t ,tt t \ ~·t ,.,, ... ,,,,,._,,,,.. ,1 ,,,,-c \\IH•It '''''"' ''" ,,,,,,,.,lv," til•• 'l'tt'PllY· I ,), ' t .. '' ' thl,•r ruaiJ" ,.,,, , I ;,, .. ,..,.,,.,,,,. •nlfl •, ••I ••·· 1 1 flo lt t•M''' •r•t t the •.t.t1 1 v.J,,,,, l•'''l' t ••IH)f\ f'tl \', hHd "''tt••uJ tlh1 , •I q, '· ,, • f • '• • • •I I ' ""'"''• .. ~.," '' u t hud,·· ,.., '"' Jft1)( l!t nr•~ ut ... ,,,,, •h' 1,,11 t~·· '"'''•'••t ,.,,.,, 1 t ''" 111 •h• rnuklnt.:'uJl••v,•r c·aa... 1 • , .. ' r , 1 '1 • '"'· , • '" •1• 1,, , t •' • ·• ..... , • ,, ttl I, I 1t II i•. >f I H 'I • ,,, , I' 'I ' I ft'~ \1 '· 'I 'I' ,, • '' 'I t•• I• r 1 •I·•' t f•;r )'IJI ·,,~" f" "'' ltrn• (ut ulf fitX· d 'I f t I 0 I f Iff ~ 1 I '"I 1 , .. , .. I f tJtllol '"' 1'1) t ,,1' , .. ll!.tl• *h•U \lilt···" ht~ard II ""' 11 "" '"'"' "••mt> ~u\• '" t,, tit• 11 •l•••·t··•l r•'I'"''"'''TIInt tvr~ • • \ ' I ' r . ' f .. -MWD Denies It Is Seeking P.age 2 NEWPORT BALBOA NE\\~-fDit:,. MOSOA t ' ~"!'WJMI" ,.,._.h, Calif. 'farrtl 1.,, INA --------, r Beulah Overell Warn of Beach Development Threat In Federal Seizure of Tidelands .. Morel Water . From Colorado 'Faces 1 -ay "'''·•I , .. ,.,,. "'"''''' '" .1 ... 2 N D 0 D T lu '" ••11h • ul (';,lllurnt.a '"" 1 .. F RONT 'Jru"l Sentence !',,,,, .. '"'·"·h •I• ,. '"I""' Ill 1"". Asks Support ,In Fight to IIIII "' ,,,,, "''' "' ooUI public Sty I A lz ... .•• "''" IIIII , •.•• k' :\hoi l.!olll lllid m e r ona tr , ; I• fl,, d ~·"''·rtnn• nt a.s sue .. , •• ,lui ,, '"""'''''""t: Iii It• to the •1• ,,,,,, 11"' ,, , •. ow·"'" be loat Foreign Trade For West Coast Is Pushed Little Gray-Haired Lady Waves Hand Through Air and Makes Lovely Music CIIICAGI >. :\tar. 15 1 L'P • A '"'llt> perfonnt>r by ronct>ntra • l11 tlr ..:ru) -lwad('<l lady \.\8\'t•cl ht•r· tion picks mt'lodlt>s out or tht> Suutht>rn ('kllfurno.o lll<riii.'IJ.Ni· h1tnd 111 !111• ;m· and "''"''' m u•H' alr by mt>asuring th(' lt•n<~h of l'f 1ft HJ t'IU~ (ltHii t•flttl f' llf lh 1• PAGE t•d~t tl ,u\•frtflt•U1 , .. ~l tin1 fil l• I 1.11!-. A;'\C;l·.I.~S ''·" ,.., loo 11· •·1 ""' "'lollll , .... , '··I· E A R L Y ' 1 t 1'1 II·"'" H•·ul •• h '"'""M' 1 ""'• • • • • r ,, ··r..tl .1'1 ''"'"~ r. ... , t1 ·• llt·tl ,, n .. , " ,, "'' N • E. W. S I I 1'"1''' 1'"'11 11 '~ I Joill l'l'llf••nt•r un 'I"'' 'II' I>~•~' ·• ""'" ''"''"' ,,, '-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~~~~~:~ ~~~~~ h1f ·11111 d1'1\11i1• 1111•• l't.•ll'l ll II• \\ Ill• •Ill• Ill ~, .. ,~.,., j\td .... ,,. 'lit II. l itH I ~, lflft:U t',illlotfll•• .uut ll • I loo·,fl l • I \lnl 19 BULLETS IN l.t 1S ANGELF.S-.No additional R !""' " 1 I . . 11011 1n lht• C'Wa"'" rdt• I'Cimpar~;n .\ ,..,.), :.hi' ,.,1if! 111<l11\ ''""'~hod~ tht' t'lht'J' waves." ' ., ' from thf• Co o rado rtVI·r IS '" slrmulat ' fc r ·r~n trlldt• through "'") ht• durn..: II . ft dot•sn't sound so l.'llSy. Yl'llN I• •1: 'vus.:hr by ~'allfor.nia in lh~ (',thlurmll. 1 ( ,,.:.~on 1111d \\'~t~llll:· .\lr,.,. Elo•nh :\1unf'ak. 11 '"'·"'"· h 1 '" • d1~pu~t-.• wuh Arizona O\'<'r ' 1.,11 lulrl.· ,,,.,,1,1,11 11,.,\. lmt•·lus.· ago. a r adio compuny 1 uugl11 tht• ht h t ~ ·• ' ~ 1"'''·'·~1 hu~in.·,;~woman wh11 I'C'· tht•r•t•mrn had s.:rt>ul pfl)o.<tbtlltll'l> for "•'•' rrs.: s tn 1 I' 5 ream . '""·•Y. lhr .. \r~h h!JIKJ11111111'111 "' a -.·nlklt·' 11<'11'\''' Hrllio• Bur ko• 'Hid 1 Th bou 'I lifo I Will'< I h i' s tatement rna. de .Sooullll.'rn 1.,,1,101.11111 1.,.,,11,11111 '<UI•· · gt'nera use. e company ghr t od 1 Be p G iH t ~ 111111 tJIHyln~.: ht•auttful rn~·llld . .-produc tion nghts from thl' Rus. ,,,. 1 "Y 1 Y n · r .111• 1'11/llmtlto•e flf lht• W~,•st<>rn Tr<1n~-\\llh a littl•· o·lo•l.'ll'll'IIY <Jnrl u ft•W ~ian lnv('ntor for $1',500.000. , , · •'""''", 111rl ""' Jrut.llc beach .... ,,,, 1111 ,~~, IJi tlh,utt start, '" I• ;,,,' I• ,,,,, ""no11rar~· -• ""' )Pur u(l••r th•• )''''ht t'Xf'l""'d"tl .. • 10 Mrs. Hattie Fields,: thhl hltlllghl "1'1 '" '''·" "" !'holl'lo; .\ ""II I"" ,,,.,11. ••llll~··~·n '"'' r I ' , l ' ' ,, ' I • ' ' I \ \ I t ,, I j ' I ~ Pi Re •d t, 1,, ,,, murrl•·nn~· 11~·, I'·"''"'~ r " Oneer Sl en II 'Ill' '" '"' '•:•1••1 I 'I 11 'l'••l11y 111111 kt·tl Ill•· ,.,,.1 "' '' ' I ,,11 1!•1'-1\ Tlo~• hdl ''"'' It CAR FINALLY HALTS MAN WHO RAN SIGN .... I'• llary of t he· Colorado Raver porlaiwn ('onft·ro·n···· ltt'JII'C'No•nlll· \.\11\o'' <ll 1111' ha ncl .... t'll!'-1 All '"" ... ,,,.," 11011 · l i\'l·s "' nul, sto·1unship. truck <ond n•·•·d ,~ ;, rh1·n·mrn • · The company ru'Oducl'd a fpv. :-:1atinfi: that fhis position Is un-arr lint•!!. ""rl lind tt·rmiiMI au-I'XJ>('rim <'nla l llctll and dlscov('rC'd Ilk• I hut or Arizona, Which is 111111'1110•" .. ';;d frpr•·lll furwurdcrs ·"''" ,\l;orwuk '"uno· uf thn•t• IJI'I'• llrnt th(' thcrcmin t•mlttt'd only •. ddl . I 1 200 000 u ... '""" II''" play thl· lh<•r f'min, II k d h wls r r t ·• ''"' 11 1>: 811 11 Ilona • • c·ontltrtst• tlw llt'W s.:rouoo, w hich "1'1°8 "" s 1111 0 ' 0 mos JX'O· P Q • tl 1\.\u·ti•" \!1:11'• 1•'1'11~1 r.:run11·1t 1111 "' asses Ule y fill If . ~""'"" . •I•JII:or hr•tr .. ss Sh .. 1','1' l'o •ll.'•'" """,',',' I '1,1:"'_; ~·,·:::' '<I I I .. ''"' IIIII• I· " ,. ' Mn Haith• Fwhb. 7~. fii\BS••d '''"t "111' ''""1'1 n"l tmrnc 1111'' Y ""' "' , It• 11 nulltfy t;,,t yt•ar s away quiNiy yi'Sif'rd~ty 1M t h•· Or -,.,.,~,. 1 ho· S 11111 . 1 "'(1 "II 111 111 ''"''1'' '"I''' "" , "'" 1 d·. '''"" "Ill• h II• ld alllf' 1anatarlum followrn..: 11 pro-"' h•·r '"'n·nt,. \.\ '11~ '"''' '''' t•·tl•, il t:"'. onut• ''' II"' tr!K'h'<l lllnl'tll. Shr hlld O<'o·n rl'-Sh,. pl('ltdo'<l "1-:Utll} Marc h !I IO 1,1 1.,1 1 ,, 111, 1., '"' ""!"·'' tl lui• lna\'<'d theN' from St JO!I<'phs l•ll·oUI1 t1 rl\ 1111: and •llld •hr· rio"',. I-• ""' hoapit11l in Santa Ana wht•r•• sh•• hWR)' frum :t nunnr .tr.lfftl' :or-I!"' r.l ll•' 1• '"' "" "'' • \lr.u •··•I had tx>t>n tllkt'n J a n. 3. c·rdo•nt 'to a\md fJI.Ihhcrty " lr 111 '" n• 1!11 tho '"• ''" """ 1:11 Ill 11111. Fields, Who llw'<l Wlth ht•a M1ss (l\l•rl'll mu\ 1'fl 111111 1111 j''''l..' I"" I for Ill• •h '' lul•llh 111 buaband l kf' AI 2()8 :lOth St .. WIIS h<>ndllnt•s C'll M1orl'h 1 ~>. 1 ~17. ufl1 r -- llarn in • Tusiln, thf' dllughtt'r of 11 dynamah• hhosl pn'rlpllnto'(j n ""l't:t:Ut:K ~ ;\URt:U llt:Kt: Martha Uttt-rbarh, an t'IU'I)' Santa 1 l~·llo't"''k tnal in ~~o·hich stw and he r 11:111~ l.o·• ;-:.,nrr~·~. l)(.)o'·,.r·uhl Ana ~ ••ho arTivt'd In Call· hoy!rl<>nd ~e~ aetluittt•d of m ur-:'\""J,JOrt lk ach dnu:L was cltpd forni8 tn a COYn'f'd lll'llf'Oft. l'T nto: r r wo•,.Tfn)' pnn•n 1. I h) l'ulu·•· Saturcla ) lor !>p•••'lirn..: ~ ~a.M'd had llvt'd ht'f'e. Jmmtorftalo'l)' 11f1t·r llw n •rdiC'I , ·,·, 111 llu :l:i nul• /1011•· ''' IOI .ar.ee 1924 and ~VIOUII)' to tha.l 1 ~fi!tS (ht n •ll anno unt'C'd ho •r IO"' 111111 I lrtans.:•· a\o'nlll• :-I ann••> ts In In Santa Ana. She-had a Wid<> for Gollum h~d t'OOio•d dunn~: t h•• ·'1'1" :tr 111 C'll) 1~111r1 :'olllrt•h l!l drt'ko ol lovln& frlmda lhi'OUihout trial and sht• t·anct•llo·ti plan~ '"I tht' county. marry him. II• v.·,~·· Aoh • r 11 Sht' ll survtvf'd by, oth<'r than ,. Ill .vr"t.TO'\ 1'.\IIK, Mv. 1.\ -t I ' 1'1 l'ull•·•· t.octar '•·ur ... h•·•l fur f ht• r •.. ...,_,.., tl.,.... \\. I uh\1·11 ,,.,., th.-m a 1 .... rnllt··Kn·huur , . .,,..... \\hill" tllf')' I"'' 1!1 ltulll'l~ In hi~ •·ar. I uh1 ••II, !II, flnllll) ~l uppt'CI a ,, . ., loloo~•k, frum ht.. hoalft lt•·r•· 11 h•·n l)ulh hi' r rar U,. ,.,.,,. ,hut a\\ a.1. Jl,. "u Ull· hurt, aJthuu~th fuur bulltot l111lt·" In lh•· •·ar rlnteM hla h...cl. l'ullo•p ht•I[IUt th ...... ...:,. ..... ( uh1 •·II jumprtl • •lop alp. Th•·) ••ld a... olll• ~" llt"l two , "'' and ,.,,,.,.,, "'\o•ral olhf'l'a uff I hr ruad. .... had "" lllau ... bl.. l:- .... hi' a.c•tloono, lhl'y •aid, a.d .,,. ""'' '"'"""(' '"' ...... .,.doe o1 r tohlll'r_\ JH'IIIIIIIIC hi\ '""tii(&Uoa. her huahand, two 101\111, Willis, of Ne-wport Jlclghh .. And F.r ne11 t. of BeJboa. bland; 2 grandchlldr('n , and " bro thr r, J amea Utterbac h, Group to kepresent t'intond in Mosc-ow Meeting of Sacramento. Fun,..rnl lil'r\'it'f'll "Ill IX' c>nn-1 dwtf'd by Smrth and Tulhill rn Sar'"' 1\na tnm'l~rO\\ :JI :.! (1m Gas Company, Chemical Union Sign ·1· Year Pact I n it rnltiHIIIIII ( 'lwnllf'AI \Vurk- _.1'11 l 'nl{ln. '" IC'III~ 17. ~:l. :'>H. fi6. 7Jil nnol ~:I. A 1-I. urHI -"'ulllwrn Counllo ... r.u8 ~·mpnn) JOintl)' ~<n· noonc'f' lhf' •l~:mnr.: ••f a uno'·}I'Ar ('nolrn• t.,.-..\lt1m~ l •1 a 7', I• ""'' mer••,..,. on nil ,nlrtrlf'l< plu• '",. ,, . .,,. 1• r hour on •alariN up ttJ !"~""'' c #I ,, •• un L .tntl nn•• , .... ,., J)('r li• tu ,,1 • .r , ~~~··• lh • .r tl~lfrl' In 11!'1rlllr11n, nn adJustmr nt o f $56,()(11) ()() IX r )1 olr L llllthZIOio; INI)' ratt-a or mtn nncl w111rwu WtU &JliH'· f"i In t'Ht'<'l. r Thto rontract In ..:••nc'rRI Ia d · fec:tlvt' from March 1, 1948, run- nlftc for one ye11r from that da tr . "J'bt> pey fn turt'11 ar(' reti"'llcth•t- lo Ft'bruary 1. l!Hil ~------- Tele,..,oJ ~&.lObo lit. PualltiYI, ol Plnland, eonftra at R~lalnkl with the d~lqraUon that wtll r~pri!M!n~ FIJI• land durtn( tbe Moecow meel.inf to arran1e a ne w pact vdth Ruasta. Shown c trrt to right) are K. 0, Jdman, Dr. J . 0. 8oed~rjelm, Onnl ~lt.ontn. Dr. Urho Kr nonrn, Pnmter Maunu ~kkmla, Pnsldtn& ~Yi, l'oradlo Mlnilwr C&rl Enr lltll, Reinhold Sl<'nt.o. Trjo Leino, Om. En& Heinrlche, Oen. Olltar •••• •,..•ter ee•tl•e•H '"•• •••e• ,. tile •••kl Pro.e tflotlo yourMif by bvlldl~ o flnonciol reMm 1ft o lank of A!Yitrko tGYI~s occovnt. With dollors 6ft th. bonk you will lmow th. power of rtody MOney ••• to IYIHf oppor• tvnitits ••• to bonish wOfry ond core •.. to moke l1fe worthwhile I Storr o s,ovi~l occounl todoy of the ~rld'a lorgeat bonk .. iunko£ .!mericu IIA\'10NAL nr.l.~ .woaAriOM ~.~,.,., .. , ,,., .. ,_ .... ..... " .......... , ........... " ... " ..... . ...... , ...... , ............ . II landscaping Art By Cl1•nn I. Bl:ll'k. C' ,\ I. ,\ n~ ca.·nn 1 .. m • ..a ... • . \.1 .. \. Tift: ~TIIR\ lit' IRtuc; \TICIS (I ''-t!.ffu•ull It•~-II' t•• •tl'f'l• ("I ,, r.· t ill' l.u 1.. "' I"""' tlunr.:• ·" lu•·h l(t ,~ ... .II, •• ·IUII~fl:tt•l .. I ~., ,, , ... '"''' t•·r<o•n' f11un ullll'r part• 11( ""' n,,,h,n lu\41 •llfll• •II!' Itt ''' pt, ~'lttlU\~ lh•· \ .d th• ••f ttl t..:,.tltun 111 U~ (. "11ltl n1 fUHn' \ t• \\ UH! '''1111 11 ho~t ·"~'""'' nut • "'"'''' n "'""" th.-, ..... , .. , .. ,fl., Hl\t' \\ dtl l'f Hhlt II\ tot ,.,.trupl• .uul ltl•1 o~tb lt11'1' 1P U 1 n rl1t t411tTt • PUf' f .tJtltll~ tllt'f't•H ... IIh: 1"-•t-UI.II tPit \\tilt "•'•1 Tht--r. l•t'tih J, rn \\ b tl• I ttl POl t.utf It I II,, \\II' d t 'I IU II'PIIt l~t ftlt•I 'L:\I dtdll tt flttlnt'' ,.,. 11 \\tt" tht\ ,,,n. 'f ll'llhtll~ ... ,,,,It d th ... I HI ... If!! '-llo "' 11 oor,:.ol h•n f'h,~ t'nn,, f \ ttll•l\ dut t'tlflltnl 11' \\.tit t \\ ..... ••tH ••f tIn '''''""' \ '' ,ft!J t'onlt thult"ll"" I L • ~·• •' tht JW:u·tu·, ••f l t ;J, ,,._, 1 It \\ , ... 11\o ro• In ll1o 1'1• 11 '''' \ .dlt \ 1ll.t1 tiH• Ju,l ,,,.,,,.,, .t llh tit tJ .. .-t ""''1t iU.t1H lltiL.lllt•tl -Hhi h\ dt ttlltt t fl 'tllt"t I lfl' lt1tlh J•llt t \\ 1111• I'·''' ,., llu I' "' ' I .. I \ t 'llflh I Ulif ell. II \\ tl1 t I' f 1 1 '~\1•1. IIIIo I• '"'I 1111 loll II 11 11 .. t 'litH l•t If\ h."' .... ~·· t 'te .... ''" "' ,,, ... l'rlmllh ,. \lo·lh• .. t• rt•\ I tl'•d flh \\,~,,I\ I t•t P•' ••• d ''"' ~. ,.... t ,, ... , It' I. I ,,,, tlf 1ht ft'fr.tc't'-1 lltl}httfl'tltth! lht' '''"I" ltun ''·''''''' lh •q !Ltt 1 It ... 1UtP'' Ill 1)h d&h.t rha ,. .._,•11 'jll\• f .1'\ Jtf I 0\' ,.J._,, I I ttl• Up "''" '"' •1111•1111\ 1'1.10(1•'•" ,,,, 1•f 1\ ,1(1'! lllj: II'I'I'S ~~~ li11oldiflt.: ol IIIII• ""' PI' I Ill I rl•lo.·· I ''""" ''''"' fp h•h· f't•t.llll 1ht• \\tift ~It I" 1'1111 ~""k 111 l'l,.\lly F11rt111 r- Tih'l•· 1kt•\ tlt\l,•d ,tt\ ''"'"'' J:nr llrU aud 1. 0 . Vuhen ourl. One Survives DC-4 Crash ' t I ( f fUI' /./, lthufp/ Mr~ TrlpnllnA 1\.lro of ('h kn~:••. lfll!l' •lln l\nr (If n •. I "' I I '•C rrn~h Ill Chlrn1w A.rpooll I~ ull1'11drol I•~ a 1111'1 .11 II 1 ('l ,._, 11 , •• p lllll llhl'ro• ~lw I~ 111 rllllr•ll ,., ndltto '·' II• 1 ~''I''''.,. • t·• i ll~ 1 "· 1c l')t•l I '" 1tt'rl'htd ltl 1h,, tit I\" ''1'·•~:--·t'H "' t'P \~ . ,, )I I Jtf' .. •hldl l'lli.)JII•t.l ~~~1'1 11) ll fltr 11\t• p.l!,f' lo•·k of! II K 1\ I'll II•>\• biiiiJI ho~h(, ~l t~Uild \\ t'I'III'L '' ,• Ill fPI fht If I Ill, •• I In •1!1• h !'l1•n oon lh• • '""''"'" "I 11'1'11! .1111•11 I\' I' muq ,., • •l1 I I h • ),.,b\lllf1ahh ... ,tr,d , ...... \tllfl"' \\lth Mar Arthur tu J>errnit t ·. S. Prt•ss Criticism I~ J ~p. Arm,· ~t·wsp-•p(·:·~ ,tiiHIIh! llfllt I' fl'llrtl!' !<tldl <!< llh' prr\.tlt• pru k ,,,d 1h, ,,1, n•. , 1 •• I I.H't 4t t '" ,, •I , .. "'' If. ,. ''I ·t ~Ht·c1·n Inn. •• "" •f q \, .... ,n.•n. 'h· ~~ 'trt• ,,, ''1"' hnl •'I t ft•tn,e) lift \\I' I I liP\\ I ' •~·'(••I•· a 10tft • ,.., ',, t' 1 '' •l ., In• inl'lllti••rf 1\ ·····t r. IIIII I ' In "'" ..;utrl• n, c"un~tt\lln~ •1''· •·' .,, •• n, lut'Cf' 111"1•1 1\ ath •HI• • h 11H1t h !1, \lfl •n · ''" .:.11 dt'll 1111" ' 1 ,,, "' I""' II 'I If I . { }' t t ot fl ' I r , 1 )\., ll '' I I 1 • t • •• r "t ; • t ·: , •• \ '. '" t ,., J• I I • •I I ''I ..,. . .... I' \\ ft. It I' J'-I I '" I. • ..... ' .. \I ~. I If "' '.I.... II' •d· \t" ,, ·1~ (I, " 1· '"' \ I ' ' I" I I. ·I t •• I I~ 1• .t h· ,,, u t , , n· _, c • ut '"J'I'rt ""'•,., II•' 1t ; -P' l tt•IH lito • 1l :-· I•' 11 1~•1 11111.: lh1 ,, ''"1'. • ••I ,,1111 :\1 .. ,\nllll! o·l u h< r /' I ol • ·I 1' '· .\~ I" ~f) C'ftl'n tho I l•t \\ • t ••llhl f•·urn ~· lt•S'lPII t'n lift. ·''hut fl,,,, !h""' "h" lrH-d 11r1., l•o lor< II<' II Ito I) •tl• ~lfo!llllll! II lift \ttiii.IU)io: Pill cllrrf•·n~. "' !lh"ulcl rn:1k•• • '' n l'f. lllrl '" ('ll!llh lllo' ut rhl~ 1\llh ··•llu·- IIN I·''"''' ,,,ul 1111 :\l.H'i\rlhllr pn•· I ,. 11.1, .. fM•f or ,...olorado r1·,·or watnr " \\o•1rd lllU»II':tl rnstrum('nl whtl'h pin who n"""n>ntly h"d t h . ··~ ~ • ~ will s tudy and Sl't'k lri1JU'fl\ ••mPnts 1 ,.. u,.,..... ~ • '"' II<•· on its fii'OJ.lOSI'd $700,()()(),. 10 •Jffshor(' t'Omllwrt·e. 1•10k• likl• un old-fashlonl'd writrng wronl( though I wavi'S. Production • ••• •rrtgn tion proJt'CI, Griffith U· 1 •·sk "'llh 1"" ~hort Sh'l'l llnlt·n-was d1sconrrnul'd and popular in· ,, rl••tl: Apporntnwnls w•·r•• m ado· l1y S u.u· IIIIHl'ht'<l 1,.rc~t languish('(! But not Mi!ls 1\ll 1 hat California seeks is to S llllrlow. drs tr ier rn u n 8 g <' r, Wh<·n :'>tr~" :\lorwak plus.:~ 1n rnto 1\loneak 's 1''"'''<'1 und preservc thl' Colorado Arno·n n m lla\.\lllllon S INarnshap .a h).!hl "fl('ko·t .and walk;; lll'ill. tlw ' S ho• j:(iiVt' up hl'r caN't'r as a c•on. 11 , r wutt•r s upply t hat has at-('o · Los Anl(t-io>~. who '" l',CI.'CUII\'1' lho•rc•mm howls hke a han~hPo•. r•'l'l \'lllhnr-1 a nd SJ>('nl months II ·"~ l)('l'n allott('d to lh(' South -'""lllmllte•• mt•rnlw-r lind Soulhc•rn lluldrn~; om· hand a fl'W rnchl•S l•·a mmg to play th(' instrum <'nl ,,,. 1·11hfnrrun a r,ea by contracts Calrfor.nia rq:ro nul \'l!'o· t'hlllrman t rnm t111· rr..:ht ant .. nn<Jt•, !\l hs ~tlllrn>d on by \\hilt »hf' rullt'd "a ''"" lhl' fl'dl'ral govt>rnment." n f tht• Wt·str rn Trun'IIOrratiOO :'>ll•n••ltk rontmls llw Plll'h hy l s.:ro:-ott Vt!llon .. Thl' IISSOC'~l1on secretary point-Cnnft•n •nc•o• I !a rlo" "us numed ro •lr~o:hl m"'em<'nt,.. T o pnlduc(' hr.:h IJ.'<'UU••' ~ht' belwv<>s the .'.'gol~- d 11111 thai. rn ord('r to utiUu lhC'SP J.lO!'IS '-'> M II ·rlho'rlwr~. tun••' 'ho• movl's ht'r hand c~0,.,. ~'" 81:<' of thl'rt:'mln music wall 11 •• ,,. s hart• of wa ter from the Los An~:etl.'s, con~ .. n ·nct• charrman. to tho• ~tN'l rod. She move!. 11 far· come about 1960, sh e Is 1 ·,,,.,1ad!' rl\l''· .SQuthern CaUfor-_ ut a r(.'C('nt San f ra nr1sco mt'<'llW: .!lu:l:. ~'-l.O-m&k.--~ .. t& ~ • ~d nLl COomn'Wnil~ hft"'t"-t'XPf'lld~ SllO('h ""\':'":.ed .»y4r ,... chf'.. <;'ltfm-n~~ ~~ ·1mllar movem<'nts of h<>r otht•r aftt>r a few m onths pract ice. . ,,1 u»Suml'd obligat ions totaling a muo:r o '-ommt r<'t', w l'rl' t r h t1 •. , h 1 ·f • Tht' tht>rcmrn, l'hl' !laid, Is SUit· , ·,1' 000 000 , 1 C'onfer<'nC(' was !ornaally orf.(RIIl/· 110 1 ·•us('S kt "1 ' 1 antl'nnaf' w ab le only tor "slow. tx-a uliful mf'l· 9, • . <'<I rPtll't lo rna e ow tones. . 1 • l ;rtH rth askt•d lhl' p«>ople of Cat-. I Stmllar movPml'nts of ht'r otht•r odtPS: b<-cau~t> th<' t nlest error '" llo•rnra '" ho•lp proll'cl the state's h;mt1 causes lhe le ft antt:>nnae to jut1t;rnf.( thl' wavl' ll'nf.(th~ pro- 1 'nl·•noclll rl\'t•r WIIIC•r rights by Worst Snow Pack ('(•ll!"f and control volume. IIUC'f"> n I';JUCilli' cllscord • "'l•t•orlrn~o; p ,. n d 1 n K legislation "Then• isn't any way to JUdg<' Nc•vt>r. ,.,,, !'II)'". should a J>('r- th " woulcl IIUlhor i:w II settl('menl In 50 Years One tht• ('OI'N't'l dis tanc(' nec('ssary to I f<•rml'r llllt·,mlll lobe play lOn f.(('f , t t h•.• Ann.na-C'alifurnia water pntduCt• 11 certain ton('.. M l s s !han two m nUll'S. cause or tht """"'~' b)' lhl• l.j s. Suprc111e Cause of Drouth ,\lnnf'Rk S~oid. . . lnlt•nsc• C'Onet•nt rntlon rt'qull"('(j, ( "'''' "You s imJJh' mu:t CIY•i\tt• II ft~·l · B w· Ad r - SACRAMENTO.MKr 15 t t 'l'l 1111: for air "· I I' IS('-V('rts<' State Chamber Thl' stat{' divt~iun of Wuh•r n · nw ffiU•IC' '" snrnewhut Ilk(' lht• swrrrl''l ha~ survt•r•'<l !.now rorulr-m .. tnnchul) lllllo'" of a violin. WELCOME HOME! Favors 1947 IIIJIIS In ('tlllftlrnia 111111 t'I.JIIlt• Ull .,., 1111 ;, mallo•f' of lh(' dt'C· N..:--D--bor p..-.. -) \\'tlh lh•• C'•lnc·lusron thll l "lhl' IS 1111'11~ 111 lh1· ln,lrumPnt conlll<'l· ---·• oar ..,, "-D Tax Rates t•~'~~"·•"l> lh•· puurt·sr o' ·r • .tt '"II" '"" l'lf'C·Inc·,,~ an rh•· bocly," Mt)o.' i\Mt:KICAN LF-GION I ho• ( 'rillflll'lloa Sl,ol• I 'lt·tllll.,.r ,,( t 'um nu•ro•o·, Acrwullllr• ,..,rj In· ,,.,,,~ l od 1t) ;tnnuurH't•d thtl tt' 1 o\ ''"ffilllll \•••·' a nti ht• 11 ol ul ria· ~· llr lhat hot~ uro•uro•rf llllnnr.: lh•• ~lun••ak o•ll.pl.!lno-<1. "I ~Ut'S" )OU ln•l..._ allll__.ly ,_.,., • ..,. v .. I•·"' ~~~ ~torr• · 11111-:h• ;dmoo-.1 '''~ lhat thl' th<'rt•· ":::"'14':.:::·~~.'":~ 1:!!.~·~ • • tor' h:"t' ~unt• "" I• 'utef ttl I ,,,, or ,.,,ntanuiu~ l ot u1ulh• t Till' ''" "' p; 1 c·k. ~~~ olt illltc• ncr llloo~rn~t~>/~"~'1~1 ~~~~-~h~)~l~ 11~01~\l~l:~h~l~l\~,~1\~'t~''~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fl• ••• Ftt" I'·•J.:••I ....... t 13 ·h~•UI :\11 fj ------ ·~·· ft Ill ur IIUI'IIIiil .... 1.4 I J • •l!• t •• nrt tu ... (, II••" • tH'IIt .. •·t, h "' t ... , n n1.tkuu: ,,., \t '' ••( ""'·" tl lht• pit '-It 1\l d tt'ft P•l .t I I\ •'•' ,,,_ t n.u t• d h~ tlu 1'~1~ I• ... dun -. \o·rnrt1rnc In St<~l•· l'h,,l!,l•· 1 • ,ul••nr 11,,, r) ,, .\Ill• I, !I "',, · q,, ,,c·o ,u l} lit • I"" t ··u 1 ut t h· ·,, t ~tlt "' h) 1h•· •·•ur•nt ,,.,,lufl llll' lt·j.!l:ol.otur \uw.ld lwo "" 1'1111111nt.: "'" th:,l th•· "''" 111111 •II• Ill ohtolll!hl·llllolo 11 (' •' tfttl ftll ... tflf I flit f11•,1 tlf fht1 \1 ttl It.. t IU f ... , .... ,,, ,,f ,,, .. , .... , h '' ... ll1t ""''"' th•' h ,,,. IUtru tl l'l' ... ,. I It I f•,.,, 'tid tftll ,lthull~·h '' o 1 tl I• oil ool •llo•\\ l1 II tl111 111 ' Fo h I Ill II\ " \\ ·-' It hi '"'' !Iliff\ t '· •\\ \\ /1 I f f .... '' AT II :UH A. ~1. Under New Management ., Adele and Bob Harritt l•rnt"'~'' tt ..,l;at,• ••'I"' n ciatUt• dL1t'l (':tiJ, f~•l I''JM'III IIfH.,,: "!4Jtt •III ~WI ''"' lho II" ,d ~· .11 l 't iH· . I • ~ ' tnd ,,,,.,, 1•11 "' \\I I I ft ' I '" ,, , • ' I" oolf, d ,,,, of all kinds I • .at HI 1 ha 1 ... , t tt 1, ., • '":. 1• ~ ', ~ IJ•I~ tut 1111 ... :uJt•• I" rt•MI .,n• • ..... illllll lo•tl 111 S71<1.7 1!1,!KM I :\lllo'h•ll 'a h •tf lh!ll lh•· II"'"' ~··hr t~ll!-1- l!l WI)Uirf ~l't' II cldlt'lt'l11') of $13.'\,. l!t l.OOO In O\i't ;dl ~f 11f+• t"'"'''ntlt'ft ~~~ ''"'""~' "' ~·r:rll .,,,,,. ''"l'~'llrfr­IUro·~ lttt It ti"Hl d1 \ f'·" t. Itt 11tt•ll""l• I 11 11l , J II\~ I II \ ... 1u '"' "t "'' ,. .... ,,, ... "'·"'''''I }h t•l\ ~~ 1 ltp f,,f fh t4 (1U I I"''P J.tkt•·' \\ ''''• II \\ntJid lu tlfl...,ttllrHI Itt f it)) "''' ., oil II\ "·". '""" ""'"'' "'" ,,, lit• ..... do~\ '" 1\ lh Jlt•t ,,,.,, ,,, '"'. I I"· -I .. , I( ,,, I "'''"' "' "''" I IIU..' I• \• 'I It d llllh I I" I Jd tt( with our special -dressing HOME MADE PIES GOOD CHill Uifferent Soup Each Uay ( 'omplete Fountain Servi(•e :'II IJ•hdl • llol fh If Ill.; Ill \! 1111/ol· flilr1 lid Ut•l l.t\\11 dq•JIIrh' lUll• lt1• ,,,,, or ... u•J•'"''"'"d.r , ... r. ltt'l • .lo!r··~tt• ,-"'' t• ,hu•lturl ···rh• ,,,.,,. ~"''a uu1t nt ~ budd· 1n1: lit • tl• ·II• ''''I 1111 \lilo '''II "fhllt ''" ,,,., .... I"' .t, ur ;tn•t • ,.,, .. nornu ' th•uc to I•• , ... tu pr• · 't llt1ttll •• td Ut ... lt11• "'· II \\t ""'' lh•'" lllnf( ... 1111 \\ 1"1 f,' I• d•h 1111, lh• ,,. "I'. *If c. till HI h. t " i\ ···~'I •t. tr ' u ''" ,,,,,.,, tf111 ' h "• IIUp• 11lt'l tl ,, t\\ It\ luufl,t BAY Fountain Cafe BALBOA ~· • • • • • • • ·~ ............ 'ill~ RA \' • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a dJ.ult <Jaluw; io Bad Folk:> Are laking to -the " HARBOR AREA'S ONlY DAilY Newspaper THE NEWS-TIMES You f'an HaYe it Delh·ered b~· Carrier .Just fall Harhor 12 Wafoh Our Class if ied Page-You Can'f Afford Not To -... ·. • • • 1 JP.t FitthtP.r Corrier Tests Moke Aviation History ·'I 1 A em• lel•pltof•J Operational Jet propelled a1Tcr111t were landed and flown ott a catrler tor \.he first Ume March 10 wlwn th, Navy'• newut and fa1teat plane, the Norl.h Amer1cac P'J·l "P\u"J" aueceaatuliJ compte~ ltl rtnl tr~. aboard t.be OSS Boxer orr Calllorn!a eout. Thla dramauc photo ~equence ahowa Initial Iandi~ &Dc1 laieoU. de-5edbed by b~ official• u "mult!Dw 1-M--Wtn-l&-M•&J a¥1alioft:LL -Tov -photo lhmral Comdr E. P Aurand. HoUlton. Tn., comlnl! over the stern of t.be Bo:ur and Un second photo1 plane handlers rush out to dl>:f'nRageo tall book &tier a perftct Iandini!. having caught the No. I wire Note ~hort l,.ngth of dt><:k u...<t>d In brlngln~t plane aboard . Landing s~d wu 1~ ltnou Third phow In lU'rtea aho..s Lt COmdr R M Elder. Portland, Ore, read, on catapult for first fhght off the &hlfl )t't ,.n~:1ne turnm& up full pov.'T A moment later •bOttom phutol, plant hu rt>achrd 130 knots lfPf'l'd nnd 1!'311', deck after ~~~-root run on catapult Strangles Wife After Blaming Housing Shortage IKE CARPENTER CELEBRATES AT RENDEZVOUS HERE J'c•ldtr.t I mo.: '"' I tr~t :tnnl\ ,., CJIICt\G< l. :'t1ar 15 1\ 'P I •~<r) a~ 1t n<~mc• hand" l<'ml••r H<t Lut70\ 311·>•·ar·<lld '"'•·rnn. "1"111.: '' tth ."'~ 1'1''111 > (,.urtlt "'"'~ tudu ;hnt hi' stranlll<'d h is I hlrlhfl•t), Ike • I HrJ~·nt•·r '"II hrtng ' I > h 110 ... n •h• rl', l ru, urc·h•"•frll ;tnrl c•nro•rlftlm r• Itt y.~. t ' Jit'('";tU~f· J f'\ u.-,1 J.: ..., "' rl,..t• hafl rutn<'d hts mar rllll:<'· 1'11M'n tlw ~· •·'"" :J I ~alho)lt' H• n II~> walk<'d Into a puli('(' s tat ton clt•.t\ uUll ltallrto<.':"· ~.ast c•r "'''' k, y<'stt•rday and tolrt pohC'l' h<' had ~!'tarltn!:: Mat<'h ~0 chokrd hts \llfl', C"alh!'nnc. to 1 T l11• ye~un11 m1w~t rn v.a• M•lt••·t . d··arh "\llfh m> harl' hands." rd fur th1~ hnnur, tr.olltl tnmtl >41th Sh" w;u. found d<'Rd tn bro tn 1 nrv. 1lruu •• IITI'h••'<tra~ d!',ltn•·•l fur 1 ho· ~t'f'nnd rtnnr 11par1 mf'nl "h••rl' 1 ~~ ••rdtl~n. "" JJII.~I ""''"'llrtns u( lhr LUI.tows ltV!'d In thr sanw Stan Ke•nlun. Phtl llatTt~. \lnudr hutl!ltn~; ltl't· hts wifr'll foth<'r . An· Thurnhtll, ,.,,. haw provt•cl. IW· ihony Brttinn. lhn'i' brothrrs, rnusl' nl' ht~ !'X<'Pptiunlll s••r1 .. s tlf Frank "'· ('f'OC'kf'r, ""' llept. fnur Sl~l!'rs a nd I hi' husband and r 1' r 0 r d • brc•uktnll l'n~·~~l'mt•nt". •·hlf'f ot s-·porl ~h. wa" aix childrf'n of onl' o( thr lltS!I'rs ~111''" lk·· oq :anrzt•tf htll h~tnd ill awiU"CCecc thfl A~an Sa· Lutzow Utd hi' w a.<; discharg{od llnll)'..,..ood. 18111 yrar UonaJ Red (',_ nwoda.J for "''" fr om the umy tn 1943 Rftl'r ll·<'rll· YNLn of rnf'rttortoull wn-if'l' In ing two y<'a.rs The couple• mar· '!'nsh for That D<-11d Tort·h · \ oluns-r t'1"l Aid and IJfp rtl'd 1n 194<1. and L'U t 70W srud hr ,. • • Thr hrnk.·n · ht•<trtt'<l llrt' "'-'1RC' Srn1N". ~ nwodal wu had IX'<'n trytn~ t"nc<' lh<'n "to l:l'l sv.11mptn~ rn•trls with ~""" fiiNI ,,,.._....~by Harry A..-.to n. u t- an 11partmrnt wh<'r<' W<' rould brl fnr ah!'nRtmn nr """"'"•n• fir~ lntr rhaJnntu1 of thl' s-·pon by nursl'lvi'S." I ~<PI If' " ~rnv. tnt.: mol'l'mt•nt In ltnn1 lfarbor rhapt.f'r ctf tbl' An..-rt~ "Th<' door lwtW<'<'n our npnrl· th1~ IYJ.tt• nf lllll:'•ttnn R!'Rrt thtl' •·an R.rcl ('r<-. mrnli" "'"" AlWAYS npcn." Lu17.ow r<•\o•altnJ<: stor) In Th•• Amc·ru•.ut photo b) ~'<'knt•r s1o1d "Tht•rc• W!'r!' too man) r!'lll· \\'t•o•kly. that ~:rc·~ot m BJ::i</lnc· •1•'· -------- llw·s nrnund ;1nd "~,. wen • n•'\l'tl tnh~th•d 111th nr t Sunfl~<)" '"" Th" d p lllnn(' II t.:OI !'I' I l'llltlfln'r '<lnnrt .\nl.'c lc ~ ~.,.rmln<'r I tr arty ir .. I <' '""~.:, ,!''" ,, ·"''"..: '""''' Need s Only In l'ltfl '"me• "''n<>tl'·nllflfll'll ttlo 10 ()()0 N ' '''"''''"' ho•lt•'\'o'fl the' ll ttltf• "' '-Ill'-I rio· ....... :tl-:1 II'IIIIIJr• 0\tnlllj: ;nul ' ames ,.,.,., h ttl h<•t•n ro•.tl'h•·.l m (I~ lilt.! lor• <tr~ ----1.11!-' \"1',111 .-.: :'-l et 1·, ,, 1'1 "''"' \\ '"'"' t111t t1 'r·•"' ''''''"' 11 ••~~· ..... ,.~ "' •h• tttiiH~ur ,,,, ,,,r,fu··•'l'''' fH\ t t I ( • tlilt I Ill f '' dltt• If II 1 1' "-,\n c•·l··" (·,,,tnt\ ft•'L'' ., tf .,, \''-" r""l ,,, ... , '"'' tl t fJfl.t~ J:, ...... , II \11• f jl j I I "'""''lliti tpplt~\1 tl , .... ,, •••• ,.'lo ,,. ••• tr•·.: lil - ..... 1 ntnc.' ''1111•· 11 ~ ••fl ha1·r ,,,,,,,,,,,,d fr••flt ,.,,,., ntllrtlt•'"• ... , ,,, ",,, ,..~ tl ll• •II• d '' :!7'l,!.,~ .. , SCOTCH TAPE 'OW OS tiA Sil -•1- ~E\VR-TIMER !ilurpl~ IJmi~ Newport Harbor Headq,..arters 1 ~~Ar~MIIIII Sales and Service Seaboard Equipment CorporJttion I t O!\ (uul Jllwa.)·, 8Nw011 ~~ S f'Wll"r1 a-ell, ~a.Jif. HOLLYWOOD Newly-Crowned Mr. l'. S. A. Flt)xrs Muscles and Asks for Lana 1\lrnrr II• 11.1. \'\\'t k lll !\fur 15. t liP I " I 'l,tthV)' HolS~. llt'\1 b ·lTOV.~l<'ti 1 1 .\11 \ • sA •· fr,•m t\lllttnodl\, ( nl · ..... , I llc•,,•cl tu~ Hl·lllt'h hlrt•p!< todti~ tllltl \: ,,,hi l1c· ""~ r••.uly fttr thlll t•h&n<'<' "' rtp)llo• hi~ nllt••·l··~ Ill lo'<'httl· ,.,,,,\r "\It 1111: tin h·· ..... 1 ~11111 T).lrnt•r ... ,, ,, \1 U\• I "'' ''''ld II • PI \hl'tl• lj'-·lt~o. I l•h '' • UtH II• I I p t ,,, ,,,, """ I ••"' " ' lfl, I ., \ til .r It d " 11 ·' L'l It II"''"' ,t I II I t I lfl lh tl t t !hI 'ff f• ~ ·••.t !\lu ..... ·lo•·num Clnn<'•'~ tshnrl fttt l 'lt~ro''"''' 1 h:ul hi~ ~<tt.:nHis mtx•·•l '" l II ,, htth• lit~ M'r'"'" 1~1 Y.lll ht• H ''•"'''' ''''"' 111,. """" (o>r ('tii'IIJI ))1•:\lttle•, Whet diW'Stl'f,\\l•o "' I I I Ill ilo tl o cctd IHttk•• IU;l\'h'S \\'rfh ~t\ss Turn••r i'''"' ' ' '" ' ,,. "' 'lo , lit h"'-• "Mr U !' t\" AAid he''d ju~t ~~~~ • '' I " 1111" ......... , w ttlt• (cor l'uulc•ttc• l;uddnnl " ,, 'I• ,, 1\ I " • ,,, I •• tl .. ,,,,, Hosts IS :.'1, With t'ltrly brown I'" I I ... c•h• I ...... ~.. ..... htttr, hro\4 n e·y,•s. 11nd 1t pli)SI411<' '"'" 1 • • ~ "''' thftf tnnk hlfl\ t•l~tl( Yl~l\rl Of ('X-1 t\ I l!t itft 1 \\ t , 1 J11 \ t\ •·r1·ts£• 11nd ''''llo:h l·hfttn.: tu ~rt " 1 ''" t:, .. , 1• 11,1, o1 It w~ta shlntn~ with oil 11nd caulvt•r· l11c ~ , 111 ~' 1n~ frum the' st rlltn nf rlpphn~t tlw 11. 1, 11 , ,1, 1 , \ , "" '''"' mu~dl's f11r Jthutu~trllph<'n ,,., 111, lie• wun tht• ttlll' of "The• most IN'ItUt rful n111n" Snturda)' nrghl ln>m 11 ho•hl ,,r 16 br<mzt'<l liUp!'T· nwn Wtth 11 1:1.11"1 a fnur·fOOI tolid ~;olfl truvh> a nd $1 .0tkl cash ,, "'' \\ "'' n., \\ • h I I 't ""h. 'lo lq llh •••. , :l1 1, IIH h•"' .' •' 0 ,,,. ,,, • 1 2 CITED PASSING IN F.\\' I'ORT D "I.ROA N EW8 -TIIIE8 p 'Ill 'It\\ ''""''"" 1\o•,..·h , t 'allf Man•h 1~. tilt" age I SCHOOL BU S HERE ,."·· .t, ,,, ... \\ *· ··", ,, .,,, SILVERAoo·s 1 Marsh·tll ttt ::~ . .' :. •. ,',..' ,,;· "·~::.~.·:. :: :"'· ·• C ANYON'S BACK App~a~ ·It Ufl A •• ..... ,. ,, "' • ,, .... \1 "•' IN LIMELIGHT I c ~ I • lo • tile • d ',,.\ ilt•'" ••I •II• J 1.11,..; ,\:'\'1,1 I I ..; f>lkto'h I~• ' I t. ~· •nd I H 1 '' '' • 111~tltl \ ..... ""•h•·t.u t •• ' "' ( tt 'P ' ~tt'l ''''"' ,,a St""' ('tt-""'rJ:r I ....... ,11. ,, f ·h~ '"'"""'' I I Hlll1l'l \till I. ltu .. lth• ptt~t11111• th I •• , ·"" • • "'"''"·•'' \\til .... r.'IIIUtr ~<1111\)••Hhth' ••• l l u,,JtfJ t.,.hl •uh If t•IJtf lh• '"''·d •lf"'h flhlll ••I I..,, "-I "-'Hlut ~ll\tlld" ut \l t 'I.A. 1 I ". n. u h ttul I uu~. ,,, 1 'I tl '•h' .hltt \lhh I tl "•·• ... ••..:' ' ...... ,,I \\ ····k-····· t•ntnnu·• ,.,.,\~ thlt,, '''"'''"' \'t•<lt ''''' h,,,l '"" htth l•••ltlh 1' ''l .. lt ftjufiU),! tht• ~Ill\ IUUH\t'f'1'ftr)f uf • ol '•'11'1'" ''II 1''1"'1 "' d 111"1 1111 l••ottuhn..: .. r th·· l'nl\c•n.lty e>l I' tbt., d til. 1" '''• '~>"'-'' d \1 t I Ill• h\ ''I• I'' un.t• t I h•• •It It 'hllh•••UJ1 \n1•th;t lttJ, I•· fJ,•Il••l \" h •f ttlll f>liil•'lh'•' •~~-fit' \\ill 'l"·uk 111 1ht" npt•n air lit '-\\"" lh \I''-' Uh'"'' IIUI"'•'lt' I ' '' 'klltt ••Ill 1\\•• h•'U1 'lo 11 tl.l,\ dhl htt dd ,t~l tn "" l htltlt' Ill i\ I. IIIII •Ill h.tl ''"11"111 •'1 l ••ll1; 11•'"'" lh•'lllo'l l'lw pulolw •• 11wllf'd II II I ~·· .;'It I '"'"' ~~~.~11.1 \\ ,., 'I k Ill .. I t llfli IIH'~> ·"'""lllh 11llh'l11 U\ I hut u ( "11 ,,.,. \\'t'1' "'' .:('t unn••r 1o1 11111.,11,. ,1 .. ,, tltll•u.;lt ptclltt', ""' \\'o'fhu••d/1) wllh 11 C'flnr('r- ,111,. , c•c olllf\ 1\llf 1 Ill•' l"ll '"""' o'llt•o• "II '>4 11111' lll'll'r r..tatlunahlp :--u1 . 1 , ·'' ''"""'It 11. 0.:1111 ·" 11111,., .. ,1.~11.t 1,, ,111, ,;""'~'' "' ""'I I flo · tltotl1111nl Wt'lr11r••." •pon- ""1 \thl .ell '"'"' lot.'"''''', .. ,, .... ,,1 ""''' ,,1.,11,.11,.,1 I"' •••••·•I h) ""' l11•t1tutc• "' Jndu.- 1•••1• '••• • .,1111,.1 , 11,1 1., 1 .,111 1.,,111111 """ ltl,.l Ht'llltlcctla 11n•l \lnlw•n~lty ~ \lc•to•lllll }(.,....... p\\ "' d ,.,,, U t'~>liiiU .tth' ptt\ 'It'd I t'UII 'It •' '"·' k, , t.•"' II\,,., .. 'lolht\\ .. ,~ th. •'"''"lth'1"' "'"' tilt'\ I tU • t I lp lt~ottk ttkt h1111 It l·th•"' uu· ••llh '"'' h•''"' u d 1\ Itt l,., •I• thl'-\\:1\ hP ,,ld•·d ltut '' h· n J '' ., ,.,._, ,, •••u•..: ,,,,, • '"'•"" h.~ • ut ••Itt t t • dh tt~•d l~t \\ttlk ,,, 11 'l'ht''• lht ~ 111\1'1 • I."' • I r• 1 tth tH "' "''\ktu._ ••" • '' •11 •• ,. n,., ···-nu "' hit'"'~ ,,, tiHI '' n 1\ tltl t • \t tl ,,ftf tl Ph!ftl, f I ' cl c•l\ 11 ........ , .. ,, ' I·'''" ''\It , .. , "" I h \\ "h ' II \\ lllt.ttli• II• .ol11t t ···lll••t ttl I '" ,\tc ~ t It•"~> 1'-If\ I h .ll ... t .. , fht f•.dh h t '''' \t,ll t ••1l,t ,, \\ lt•U IHtt\tiiP'- 1111 "''tl"" ... .t.l .. ttiUhfll ~,.,, Uhl """ t. '' '"'"'~"'"' "' h,,, lu-.•n llt'-IUI t, .f thtttll).'lh•UI l lnft•l ltttllt'"' 11'- \\t II .... '''"lt•l• I• ,, ltUttt,fll'd I"' I .... lit •• II\"'''''''' fltl hult•l t~f l•'l ' tHf• "'''1\IPt' \\~fh dlll'h l'-, .. .,,.: "'1 \ttl SUI · ttt d '' 'lo II HI Suttdu' ' A '"j" k Hn•l tlu Thcu•rltt), tlw 1:\th Annual Sit .lo>hto AtllllllJ le'I'IUre• will br• 1.:11 •'II It\ l lt Jnhll W Studf.- lolt k ,., . 11 S c-.unmla~hmrr ol dlu.·r~t rn.:. •JII'rtklna on "•:duca- '"'" nntt tlu• F~eto• nf Dernoc- f/lf')' lite• hll(h tttHwr~tl t'lflh•nt ot lhe """'~' """' nt lhl11 ~1111 whh'h ~ "'"'" '""""'' f•H' many yun u ho•nt•f u•lttl ll'l'lltme•nt rot• lhl¥t! auf~ If•· als11 won a tlt'l"tnoh• <'tlni<'SI ft•r · Mr S11mson." whto'll .:uaran· '''''S h1m a scn~n trl't wllh 1:><-· l'.filh• for Ills "Sumsun und ()p. hh•h" movit• • ''' l\•l11tfl~' d pto"'J "'~'f\\t' t11tt\ I• tit It It ' J• 1 t Jff UH ,h"" tho 1" tit"'! 'It I \\pft \ huu 11 l•tt n...... I 'I> '.. ...~··~'II \\ lh n ,, I !\ .. ,.. I \I '" ' •• , ....... ill\\ ,,,., .... ~"·'"~ "'" ,, ' I"',, tH U\ .. , ... , t l,ttll '"" h tkttt\: "''' "'"'"''' ..... " lc·t ln.: ltunt arthrltl~. uttuna. let cl/tc'l.\1"1 nttcl r•••plrllh>r'y lila. • ~tl•n•: \\ •II ,... I""' t•l··d lt' 1h,. "\.nsh." llro·at heod nos~ whe•n I he·> handtod o,·,•r Ius prlz••s "Gush GO!lh '" St•;v<' ll••t'\'t•:< frum Nt·W Yc•rk. lnJJh" '•· h.ttnr ''''j',."'' ,_,,,,., f~~,~· fC,_,, "'11"l "Hu t t '" '''"h '''~'~>I"'"' h• Hh tt. ''''-1,, I'' .. u.·ttt • l~ot u t tlh 'h , .. I ~.. It 1 '1 1 I "' \\ , ... 1 "' tilt. I loUt ~It '"''"', cllcl 111 l'l lh 1\o \\1" r\thottl•• "' ·"' '" , .. t ·~·' ,., \ 'lo\\ ''""""..: lu II"""'" tunc·~. twwUo<a p&....t ''" ''"' l ruwt•tl J~l'l· "'''"(' wraPid Ill ll~l>t••l•"' o•lt~l h Ill ltf'I'M'I'Vt' 'Uilt ,., ,.,,., ttllt'ltlhtU h• H'h'*' t•"'' lut ""''I ~th·"~>l'~> "'II ''"'"h. lit l'l4'l'h t h•fl I .. 1. II • , til Now. • "Many l~ a year tht> pc>oplt• t'ufll to the Red Cross -mwt• n yl'nr t he lk'<.l CtuAA turna to the poople; that time! il4 now." • . onee-agat-n-..------- it's Red Cross Titne! ~ Out of human suffering the Red Cross was born; At the scenes of human suffering the Red C.1'088 takes its place, Emergency is its call to service. The unpredictable disaster- the unoontrollable flood and raging fire, the stealthy epidemic- when theee striM, your Red ero. quickly reaches the vict.ima. to oomfort, sustain and restore. The Red Cross must be prepared to~ inetaa&J71nto ldtoDt any ~ anywhere. ADd the Red Cross will be ready. It will be ready because your generous dollars always have made possible its merciful wotk, For the sake of the unsuspecting thousands who will be stricken this ye:tr ... for the Ra ke of those destined for injury and anguish; ; , the Red Cros.<..;..now turns to you. It's. Ma rch -and Hed Cross time. ThiH iH the a nnual a ppeal the Red Cross makes so th:tl ynur huma nity m:ay he Hpreacl throu~hout the coming year, a mong all-irrespective of raoo, color or creed. You'll heJp again, won't you? ·~IT'S YOUR RED CROSS ... KEfP IT GOING NEWPORT HARBOR PUBLISHING CO. -_____ ._,. Publishers ol THE DAIJ., Y NEW8-TIMES --<JJ.s oil~ ,4~ (jn-4 ~4 ~~~-- .. , • P 4 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TUIE8 l t age MONDAY Newport a-a., Ca.Uf. Man-ll 15, INI , *Markets at Glance* Hollywood Ace Am ,.~~ • ,.~~ · 14814 Cametaman Is Ou\adian Pat'lric 10.,_ • • Dupont • 166~ Heart VtctJm ~ral Motonoo 51 '• Goodyt'ftr 40 Kmnt.'C"Ot t • -15 '" So Cal 1-:.tt"tm M '• So Ca l F.dt'4"•n ~'fi Standtlrd 1 hi 57&, S S Sll .. ·l 690.. B> L'nlto-d Pn•"s STOCKS 1rr•1.:ulno on fiUII•t Irati lng. S I' BONDS tnv~:uiRrl> htl:h"r COVl'mm(•nl~< did nrJt tntdi' C\JRB lltiX'ks 1m•.:ularl) hlgho·l S l LVF.R um:hllnl(o'tl in No•\\ York 111 74 "-c o flnr nun•·•· WHEAT futuro'" rlt~ up It' tu off :.!\lot"; ('t tflN uno·hun;-:t'd ~·' up liHoc: 0,\TS up .p ,,• to u(f I ,1• C ATM..E a ctivo· with r h n t r ,. ateel"!i I 00 to I 50 hh:ho•r IIOGS and SHE.i::P acclvl' I:A&N .... A MONTit v .,.. '"' _,.., ... po~N" •top&. !At mt' ahow you thr tinl' plan P"'Pil~ by the Mrtropolitan W AJUU!Jii I . WEDEll _, .... ._, IC...-i -.. Kw Mt·ll ..... ' w Llh .__ ("e. ~~ arc-now more than 2.500.- 000 acres of trl'l' farms in the \'l'rnun L \\"a lk•·r. ;._a. tnt••• n~ttwnrtll~ kn011n pholl)l:ra jJhiC ,.,,. ... ,,., •·rtc•c•t,. '"XI~ rt 111.-<l .. uthJo•n - 1\ Ill ho~ hnm·· Ill 1:!3 nlly t"runl flAIIH>H h htnd . Sundl1} nll:hl from It lw11r1 IIIIJu•k :-.1' "IKJrt I~.>.,. h llr•·nwn \\ "' k•·•J fhiPt• h(lUI'!<~ tt\tf th.-~1t h'ktl1 rOttn "'n' lin 1nh:.l;ot"' hut ho· lltllt11 I u It l>jtllnd \\"lflkr·r "'"" 11 "•·II know n 1 ;H"ht,.m:on uno I "IJ"rt ~orishln~: 1n Snut ho•rn C'ahrt~rnt•l..,. II•• "11.11 p11SI· l"tm1ntt>d!lft• 11( •lt1f" I lull)\\ tM>d \'1Jt"hl t•)uh. hut ror till" Jlll8l So"\• ••r;tl )•t·Jtrl! llltd ko·v t ht~ homo• ttntl hottl ho•r•· llos ho nt , Clhllo, IS ltr1· rhurl'd tot 1 lu• 1\ll)'llhc•n • lnlldlnl;. 1-"ur·•·tl:hl•·•·n ) • Hrs. Wolk••r hutl l)('<'n asl!lldllh'<l wlth RKO stucJioJI. ru·•t llS \"llllll'rtOIIn, thl.'n hf'lld Of tht· Spt•daJ ••rft•l·ts d t llltflnto·nl wh1r h hf• di.'Vl'lnrx>d. Tlw IHtat ullal·k \\llll Wulkt•t s "•·c•ond l.nsl spnng ht• had aut- h·n-d an atthck but had Improved sutt~f:tl"tunly Snturrlny lw wa s dls<'hargl'd rrum S<·rtp(l!l Ml"lllhCiltl' clinic:. La Jolin. ultc•r u routttu· ~"~••·•·k-up. Douclu fir rri!ton of thr Pat"tfic 1-:I(>Jtltans or llltiiQUII ) tt~t-d •Y•· Norlh•·esc. • tltladt•. rougl.' a nd n;ul J.oOitsh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 , .• Kiddie's Paradise Brings You Some Timely SPECIALS for Your .. Darling" c tuo ""'"'r month-l'nd spooelal! l l•~l~llllnt . l 'ruoon (" 11 1 1 1 !ll(t' Sprtng S to•o•l frlllllt", 11111 11111•••1 ~l~r~. il'n~t• ho•nl'r, full llnl'tl. l.lt...rh• wri~hl . 1-;;"' '" ""'''' 1\ &ood vs.luc at $36.95 OVA MliP t:R $2995 SPI'lC'IAL at NOW! 18 THE TIME TO BU\" •. .,H H 'Tt Kt: a·s •:: Hamilton Childcraft PLAY PEN Tilt" '!1-l"llOT ("Rt t~t:R ~lf(CH ( 0 . ,IJ( .. tr~nf'd by "llllam ~ttae, Bfo\·~,j~ 11111 ... ~l"nl ... llorr thn't'·luurth~ ul It tuHr bt-lu\\. l'lhure (;Utf., _ _. 1 -•t r II h-·• n on 11111 "' hlf•l. Th.-""' "' r 11nd a bo.t ~IUn11l)' 1'\f'n n• .. f" ..., 1 d a. IWI 1 II""~'" m•n•~e,.tl t11 ,,..,.,.h tlw, ra ft ""h uoot~ m nur •rftaC11. 1 11 1 I ·I th · ·rul ... •r 1111 t hr· IH"al"ll tllld lo~f'cl ~tuula,\ tu•uu. lht· '""'' uu pu u • • 1 •h••lu 1,, Admiral 11 lntu 1 ho· h:trl,.,. I • Corona del Mar Gara v.e Gutted, Car Totally Destroyed in Fire 1 ,1 ••• ~, t1 tl• ..:.u ,., .t ... ,,, , ..• ,l~t .. ,, '' ';' 1•1 '•utc1 uy mnrn .. ,oflol j,J.Iffl clo 'lito\ I oJ it l:tlo 1\IOdt l 11.1: I ' '1'11 1\ I' 1111 II\ II •' ()( lhl' flf'o • l'trtltt• ,,.J 1u ''''•'ttln\ al 1l~t• r.'l lu ru•u "''''" lh•saidht• 1, 11., ,, t 111 '"' t1 1 ''"'" it•l II• 1o J, o•l I''" '"' • •I '" ·•> rthout I I ~~~...:.:...:....;_.:_....:. h nftt 11\• ""'. \pruM ilt•r nr 1,111 """tt u .. t •• , .,. 1 , •••lid uff,•r nu t·11 , ,,, p.u ,,.,, nt ~~rru ·t,eJ, oi;,eut , IJ· ,. "' "' tt , 1 , ... e·aus•, Ill• '"' "' llnd•l•tflltth •J o ro. .. ,llt \ fh tf ut d , .. ,,,,,,, .. t lht• darn I ,,. .. 'I, II· "H•IIIft• I I 11 til nhlal t'.;h ••• h;'"'' .,,,., ... , .• ,ct h} ------ ri~o ~!i Handled 'Fury' With Finesse l l!t:ITJif§~~ID tc.~~k~~ Corporat~on BIRTJIM -.:T ARKEY-'T'o Mr and Mrs. f!,.lw r 1 ~tarkl'y. 3/Y.\ Diamond Ave-. A ratn . maktng corporation :' 1 '""' Island. tn St. JOI('ph hos-ho•udl'd hy Paul M11ntz. famed •''' ,1 !\lrorc:h 14'. 19-IR a snn. 7 lbs Balboa Island ractn.: fhr r . WitS an- ' "' no uncl'd toda) \'·: '-"' >:-.1 To Mr and Mn Don ('ap~talizt'd at ~"10.000, W l'at h- \\ ·-nn •11 :.0 17th S t . C'ost11 ~~a. A1r. lnt". in "htrh a number of 1• '' Jc)'(t•ph hospital. Mar<'h 12,1 nurlht•rn Artznnrr ra nl'lwrs an• tn· I '•I" n •nn. R lhs . 11 ~ 07 t1·ro·st~>d .• plans 111 Ul>t' a nuvy lor- fk·clo I)'J)t• horniM•r otlld a COnl't•r tf'd I n r:ATIIS B-:.!4 M ltdwll IMimho.•r on mak1ng \H:O.:t >Ln. fll'll)' J am· Nmc-~;,111, hy tho• dr}·ll't·, .;ol\"l.'r iodadr , " .. rtl dau~hro•r o r Mr and Mrs . ,1111 watl'r m••throd.• .,r pn•r•lpllnt- 1 11""''"1 llrnr•lt1 ur Gra~ts Pass. ,111: moistun• 1n clouds , ,,, 1o n d lrornwr rt>srdl'nts ~~r ~Iantz, tw1cc• "•nnn· nr thl.' !len- ·,.,, 1 t.l•·~a. cllt•d W r drtl'sday In, 111,.. tTOSIH'flltntry sp••••d t•n•nt, pro- t. r .• nul}' lwmo·, in O rPgon atlc·r I ldt-d till' plan··s, ht•lot•vc•d to IK' I• • \l••nclo•d 1llnl'SS. lh•· largo•st Y<·l us .. /1 10 ruan-mak- 1 I· coru•r 111 ~··r\'u·o•s arP lu '"-' lwld In){ Dtrrrow M. Thnmp8on. F'lag- h· •tlr11· nr Ill 11m '" tlw llarold ~lfoff, 1\rt:t .. rormc·r nuvy pilot, is I I:. oil!" I ~·urwral l"h/Jj'W'I, C'O!!I!I \ ll'l'•flrl'81de•n t. lit' II f)" Wn~isChl'l , \I•,, Ro·v G. Willard S tearns. ~•Trl'lnry-trE'allur1•1· 1, '''"r orr I lw Fnur S•tuart• church, 1' ·,,.,a Mo·sa, will o rtic1ate• lntr r - 1 n1• nt IS to lw in Wrstminsto•r 'I• murtnl t>l\rk. h.l R:'\F.R, Gt:STA\'E, M At his 1 """'· 4~>1) 1-:R~I Ray A\"i'. Ralhoa, 11 \11trd1 1:!. o r a ht•art ailmt'nt. \ r •·•lr•·d rharat"h •r actor. hl' was ""' n In Nf·" Yo rk and hall livl'd " thl<o lort·a 22 ye-ars II• '" ~un ",.d hy one· daur.:htc•r. \lo, ll•·lo•n ~ll'phPnS nr Balboa 1wl h} nrw r.;rilmbon. Ed\\ a rd (' ,1, ph•·n~ ,olsu o r R11lhon So•rvicf•s ". , , lll'ltl a 1 3 11m tclfl.ty in DaJI z ,, .. , llo:or~. c "ort~nll tit• I ~tar with ", Ho•\ l'••rry S r hriX"k urfl<"tat- '" lnto•rmo•nl "a~ on lnl.!lo•wnod I'" k ,., m .. to·ry I 11.1.11~ 11/\T'TH:. i:i ()( 20~ ·' o h Sr !'unt1ay 11 t Ornni(•• san I- • of IIIII Sho• I~ SUr\ 1\"t'd h)' JWr I t•h.lflll l\\tr J:nns, \\'tills Of :'li<'W· 1. 1 II• n:hr ~ 11nd Erm·st 11f Rnl- ', , l"llltlfl. twn ~;rantkhildrl•n and '" t•r,th••o·. J .tlll<'" l 'ttcrtlllt'h of ~ • ,,,Jrlt'n lu '• on •. ,., "oil lw h••lri Tuo·.,clay • .' Jllll tn ~m1th nnct Tuthill S.tnla Ana MOTHER DOES SOME1HING ABOUT SON'S SHOPPING r .. mm~. ·•1:• d 7. dtdn't ttk .. 1(0 1\t IU a,:tt ttUI t\( tU\\0 ltl S.:• I IH' • r h, .. ., 11 .. h.orl "' 1111~!1 lo•• rmwh 11111 on shtrppm~ 1 ril>!l w ht• h nut nil ltro tl hut l••rood horn. , ... .,., \l:unma 1\ hu 1~ ;\lr~ II• It n I' '' r"'m, fi/1:1 ~nrt h lla) Fro nt l,,,,,lly d• n do'fi tlw unly lhrn..: to ''" wn~ to «•r~<·n 11 .. hup h1,tS• H. lllu rr dotlw-< ro r T umm) .Inti ;,If I" ht11 llfHI r.;irJ rrir·ncl~ l'tllllof I• ' Ill''";.,, S o ''l' S.t111rtl.o). :0.1 ,, I ! II 1:1. "'IIIJllll;lft , .. ••!"'"' cl Ill :.!~'1 1 " :\l.o- 1 tn" 11\"t'OIIt •, lllllhrt;a f~J;ontl Wllh ll ... m pl··•·· 'tno•k .. r "'Ill" rnr "··~!­ _. II') 1:.!. r.;1rls, 7 to I I ami TPt·n~. Ill tn lfi 1 Marshall Sees Fateful Hour Sand Crab tCont1nul'd from Pa~ee I ) aftt•r 10 days of scl"ious 111- nt'SS. Then on down the hall was Walter Longmoor·. who has been presid<'nt of most of t he c ivi c organizat ions a t"'UUld these parts. He is coming along nicely f rom a bad b~akdown. Then Walt took me across the hall to City Judge H arry Bladgett. who was reported to have lx>en in a "minor' 'accid<'nt. I larry said it only bmkc scv- I'D ribs. mist rea ted his collar hone and m('S."NN things up quite a bit. Hcts to havt" his hig-cy<'fl wifl' help h im "'ith his law and incomc tax mat- ll't"S. whiiC" sacl'ifid ng SOm f' of his munly fiJ:,.'Urt' to h~pi­ ti'll fat"('. Walk Off From Plane Crash \" ,\S~;\ 1.114 lltt l, ;\lo·. !\llor 1'\ ' \"I' • H•'l"llllwan l'lf·..,do•ntoal \~l'tr oil I HuiH tl ,\ T,d I t1f I lluv .or ttl ~. n I 1\1 o"ll llr•'" "' • r H ~I•• • ... , ·tf• d lnjut} f••fl·•) \\ h••n ,, t•l •• n .. tn llhfl"h tho·} 1\o•r,. mork1n1: :o -1~· tl..trtl" "'tnt.: t hrnud1 ;\Ia IIlt' tl•'· \o f.,jH tl o fll'lflo• l f .. Utlfo• lind 11\,ltit• , '"'', tl l.ontlllll/ "" 1 tw ..... l•.,uncl 1\• nn• t., • , ,,. r I HARMAN w. NICHOLS Oleomargarine N9.t Exactly Born In Sin, Said Baldish Little Man WASHl NGTON, Mar. 12. -lau, who a&.id ht> wu a chemlat 1 UPI-The baldish lit tit> man 1n for the Cudahy Pack lne Co. the gray sUit aald that-ahl.'m. ·h... He startl'd ouc by sayin& he- wouldn't rxactly all(•ee that ole-o· knrw he was m a spot lirMle hiJ margarinl' was bor n in sin. But company makl's both olt'O and alm011. butte-r. Thl'n ho• wc•nt o n to say 1(,. would jusc likt> to gl't it tnto hr ra\Ort'<l <.'Ontrnut>d lax~ on tlw n '<-"Ort1 that: Tht> rt'COrds of oleo. I ht Bun•au or Internal Rt•\l'OUl' l\lr Douglas dra~;.:t'd out 8 'h"" man):) sooal sinnt•rs han• l.Junch ur charts and hottll'd rx- ,,..,.n IISSlJ("Iatl'd w11h th<' manurac:-hrb1ts to ~how that In· hud round turo· .. r olt'i> s irwc• lhl' middl•• "70's. 1r1 Ius luhoratory that 1t is lm- 11•· add<·d that 1t wasn't nl'co•ss<try posslbll' to produ<X' colon •d olf'O-- tnr 1 h~ cll'rk to put t ht• \\'tWd• un wludt tlwrr IS u 10 l'f'nls a ~1nrwrs"" In quolation murks . Ttw pound tax Wllh•m t :ortific:inl col- " 1tm•ss Wl'n\ back to what hi.' coij-orlng. I'd ""crur olragjn ous l'ntrl'pcnl'US. Thill ktnd ur flonrr cl lhl' corn- Who ruckt>d up t he for mula front null('<· Ttw dairynwn -the Con- tlw Frt•nch and proceE'ded to uS(' ~:ro•ssnwn lnmt Minrwsoln, Wls· sul"h v•ls and rats as wer e-avail-ronsin, l'H'. wnntf'd to 'know If Hill•· w thl'm -which many of Cuduh~· colurt'd its buttl'r, too. them unhe-sitatingly sold as but-Mr. oi.uglass ~aid he guc>ued they ll'r." Tho• WllTWSs, to get down to the poont. was Charii'S W . Holman llro IS Sl'cr<'tary of thr NatlonaJ CooJX•rative Milk Product'rs F't'd· •·mt1on Aftrr three ~~ of tt'Stl- rnonr by lht> oleo side-tx>forc lhc:' llouS(' Agriculture commlttC"t', it "'as hts day in the sun. The com- "''' II'<' 15 hc:'aring arguments on IR bills which would t>limlnate or modify fE'drral taxes on oleo. Mr. Holman, of CoU!"!K', would hko• to src the pr('S('nt law rE'maln on the-hooks to prott'<'l lhe dair y fa rmer. Thl.' wit ness said that, as he I•IUkt-d ut it, bUtll'r ts lttE' balanCt' Wh('t•l or thl' WhOit' da1ry tndUSlr)' A l'i>". hy God's righr. IS poSS<'SS(-d 11 oth four fllUCC'ts. We ll. hr con- trnut"'d , you can't have On<' faucet fur c·h••t•st•, a ratl have a se-cond for l"\'llj)ornt••rt raulk. And a third fur "hoth• milk, and u f o u r t h for hut to•rfttl 1 lur frwntl. tlw t..'IIW, arn"t put lo~;t•l ho•r thai \\U)' Thl' hoq:rsl 1.,1-:tii"Uituritl ondu~lr) IS trro cum- 1 plu .oto·d und lou ddH"all' lor lh!il ko111l 10l lin t':\ISII•nc:<' You dry up tiiH' fmwl'! anll ""·'' h.q.po•n,.~ .. '<atd llolmnn f"lo,tl Ill! ,tfl:. I h,. Un halant"ln); ror •l 11o 1 1.111111111: .ond 1 ho• n •d u!"lltm • ·I I ho· t,.t:d 'uppl) or flu1d m1lk IIIII ulht I oJ:11ry pru<IUI"I~ ... I "lit • "'"'"''"' IS pro· II) h:trrd} , 1 h tll1111: ,, "11 Ill's!> around I t lr II lo tl :'-It I fulrraara lthCtUI rur ;1 'I• It lr1tr tllll ~t "t r.;, t 1 I' I) far S•1 11 llllllo d l•1 ~11 \\11~1111 p IIIIUI;· dad Tltt• olc·o hloc wuntl'd to know 1( Cudahy maybe wasn· ntc:'rt'llt - "d tn cn•attng 1t m on since It Is (In the recordl c of a fe-w companit-s whic h ha a patentl'd way for thl' housl' ·tfl' co color lht• Oll'O hl'r8l'lf. It COmet ln 8 SJX'<"iul hag and hu a ~loring bulb insidl'. Thl' hoU.!l\'Wt(l.', wHh· (tUI upt•nonr.: rt, .:il"l'~> 11 a hard sttlll'1'/l' and dO('s t he coloring withou t ge-tting ht'r fmgc-rs stain- ed. Mine Strike Grips Nation t C'ont inu<'f1 from Pnge 1) bur~:h un•a rrsultln~ rrom lhr wulkout<> w m< <'XIli'CI(•d lfl total mort> than :.'OO,OIXI toms tuduy. It wa~ fl'loro•d llwt tho· loS~< would "onr tnmorrn\\. Wll!'n Hnnther :?0.· (I(~) mmr•1·s 11 c·n • •'XIX'C"to•rt to j•11n the w ork !<llopp:.~:l'. 'l"ht• l"~l\V jtrt'~<ldc·nt d!"mnndl'd pn)m<•nl of ~lf~l-a-murrth pc·n~•~~n• tu wurkt'r~ 1•\"• r (;tl who have wnrko·fl :!It>""~"" llo• pro p<Jst•d the )':0) llh·tH" l>t IIHotlo• nil I of ttl<> fll) :oJI )"·'llf>jHll'lt•tl \\ ,.jf,tro• rund, '"lldt null ,.. ''"'""'"''' to to tal -.;tt II N N II N ~I Amon~: the ho~ protlu("o·r~ h1t..)7Y tho• \\:tlkoo111 .. \\,,.. l'lll .. hurr.:li"""Cnn· ""1111Jotonn l"" II C'u. lilrl:ll>l <'<lm- nwn·liol , . ., .. , 111m 1n rh•• n.otion. I I r••[l(orto·cl a dll/t'n do·t•p JiltS t'lt~- ' d .oncl ""' "'' 111 mtn•"" '!'Itt• firm's f'rt"IUt"llun 1\ .... "" "'"" lhilll :.!:i,· '""~ d;lll) €ityur !\lncle or ~tlrtho'l"n nuch Off ihc• noor (>n 1":0'-'o'f' f-"oold' I'll'· tl)". 1-'ull !'Ill'. 40:o.40 t'>o• '"mmll!o•o• Ill/of L:lh nll.o h:tnll' wnh ou r .... f,• 1111! lo ... t ""'1"1· ol tlo• or numlu r und """', '""11 tho or arm!' ••nr·~.. 'h•· •nc·• I'll• n ur Anl• rwnn tilt! I• 1111· noon-o· .. mmun"t ,\tit• n• I "'"''rllm• nt '-•'' ~· ar A MPI~SDlD $1495 f' VALl"l': A T ~ .,.. B1by BathlneHe St.andard Bathinett~ Trimble. quaUty. By Corporation. $1295 To Bahy II ISO America's Finest CRIBS Kroll. Lullaby<:'. Whitnl')". Thayc>r nnd Ruhyltnl' $1995 up Whe;i~~· Sh~·~··"'" THf DfPARTME.'\'T STORE EOR CHILI>RE'\ • BI R'TH 'TO FOUR'TEEN_ TEARS •. ttl s. 8 \'CAMORE 8ASTA A.~A .. PHOSE ISM 1-DOOU HO&TH OF IU.NiliN S 8t41fe Boen: t :IG t.o 5:10, Satanta,_ t :JO t o 8:30 P . M. a a ; a a a a a a a a a a a a • 0 a t p a a a t • • • • • a 0 a (AcMe T tltpiiOiol VIer Admiral Oeora• D. WUJTII., Oettl. commandrr or Plrat Ta&lt: PUrer. ron~tratulat~l! pllota Comdr E. P. AuraDd and Lt Comrtr Ro~rt Eldt r trtchtl artl'r t.hry nrw FJ-1 Ughtn Jrl Plane. In first t r1ab or Jtt propt-Ut'd a orcrArt t.&klna off and landing on a carnrr l\1eat Strike fmminent o t"••nt onw~l f11•m 1':11:1' fl t•• ,!ton I. f"lto ""'"" h.;tl IH tltdt tl t ~q n Iii I tl'• \ I 1\ tl 11111••11 lit• \1-"1 \11 ol ,.,llll ltorl :0.1••11 ("ttl !• I" .tnolllutdt • 1 \\ "' knh n .... 1•1• t1 "'' ,, ntrl•' t't't1f tfh 'lt ~1'• lrl'1 lUPfll h 'l1it P·••·k•r' titft r•d 11•· '•nl•· tt.:lla•· In I ht ('It I 111111•11 )lU I \\ '''"" ,\: ( ·,. Hn"IJ" r ••I 1 II• l•1.; p.tt·k•·n., I 1\ II htlt't '\1 I ht• t>ft.•t" Thn·o• s till "•'' 111'1"' ttllll :o ~trike roult1 l11• n' ,.,,,!I hy rdl'r· I rlno.: th•• th<p\1 1•• '•' l't·•·•ult•nt Tru 1 1ntH1 unrt•·r •• ,.,. 1 ~··~fl('' pr·p, 1:-;11 ~n:-; M thl' Turt-llnrth•y law If ~u.•h artlon 1s onltt:lh'll h} tho• 1' ~ f'•ln•~•hhtt.,n .;;, :' ,,.,.. :\1 r Trumnn •'•'ltld tWclt•r thl' .\t to•rnry (;l'nt•t"R' It\ .,.,.k n o'•·•ort nrdo r tlt•- ln\ 1n..: lltt· 1\.tlk••llt 111r ~~ day~ '"iut.• ,, r.wt-lllllhno.: l~o•.orol ln\t"i lr hoi I •'" I h!" IS~ Ill'S lOud" lrll Rtjnlnd~r \\"lw ll m:tkofll: l'll~tt1\\ tdll'~ "1th ~~~··· •I It It ol\' r rl'·''' I ·•llwr I h.ln hnml, ,.,. l'llrc· •·• ;ulrt 1t ltlllth 11r "·"' lllr "'·•!l••non..: ~~ rtl~,, tntlll'rt.ont tn m a \ono.: un' nu n,..,-<1 n-,, -1•r""" "ol r I'< ~• "...,,. It> l<t _.,, •It·· n 1'ltll• '' \\tl1·~t'n«:eJn­ t •I · l•r 13Sit' 11' Sehool Hoard Pushrs Yotes , 1 ·.,,. lnu.~l fn•nt I' •.:•· I' ... H' j ., I ''. ' ... ,. I ' I-I 11 1 'loft I I '' • n '''''''" '' •·II "' I 11•11 .. , '~;I' 1, '' 11 .. I' I 1:.' n \ 1 ,, , , H!• I'''"' ,,, t1 ln<.;-.rrt \ ••'• t • I•• If I• ttt •' q , I'',,., ... J., 1 II\"' ( '"ti \If 11t'C. IPtn• ' , ... , •I ·• ""' 1 •' It '"'ltoi •r 1 • 1 'II I I' tu 1 h1 lll't d It\ I t 1r1t:; 'tw f,dln\\ tn~ IHIII\t~t f "' l l,dh.ro~ j,l,ollol I·,.,.,.,,, tl• I \1 11 I I 11 hoo, It·~; \,II t••rl I\. '' h ;-.;. "l••rt ll•·•l."ht' ""' 1.111" ],,,. ll ,ll'l•o~o l "rl I I\ Ill'" t I l.11 ho•l' 1i FEELS NO PAIN PAYING TAX UNTIL.~ HE _IRIES IT AGAIN " \"lfiS c;Tn". \hr. u . 1 f"l'l-Thl' In I• rn111 Ho•l ''"''" '"''"r' ''' Chi': \ man "f•·•·llnc n" pAin"' "alkNt tnt~> " mltl\\ ··~t•·rn ,.,. fll'l' anti I'""' hl' In• """" II<\. al><>tll f "!OO. Tht• n .. , I •hn. '~''"''. ho• \\all..- "'' In :tnt I I rl•'11 t" ''" It lll,ftln Tnltl ht• h:ool I'Aiol Hjt lh•• IIJ\\ "'''"'"· I h•· mAn rrmarkNI: "1 S.nr \\ I haol •'n " oltlnth "n••. hut I tlloln't kn u11 It 1\ a~ that ~t_...•>cl." Yuo.;.o..ln\"1:1, AIIH1n1.1 ,, n cl Hul- cnria \fflr!'h.lll ,.,tttf. h;" ,. "'llomt · ,-(1 .. n I 'rut•'<~ :O.:attnn<> r••snhtllun or lrhl tlt·toll<'r ··nlhnc rnr ·' hnlt to foro·or.;n lls~tStltnt'f• '" l h•• Gn·•·k curnll.1 hand~ And he rcmintkct tht• s, nAt •• 'nmnutto·•· thlil ltus- 'JII anti Poland haw • hoyrollpd Htl' t "N ll:~lknn l'ommtlll'l' to "ork for JY•rt("t•. Mnrshull's to>j~llnlnny on lhl' no•w Grf'f"k-Turktsh ;11cl 11111 wn~ the• first M n st'n l',: n r So•n11to• RJtpr·ar- llnt'o's Rrlwd4lc•d for hom I h1!1 wrc-k. In t hC' COUrlll' or t ho•m, lw Ill I' X· Pf'('tl'd to 11d1 illf' cmnmiiiPt•s thai 1 he ~:uropt'lln ro•rm·o•ry pn>~:rnm Till~ )utU> 1•1 111 tl•" '' "l'·ll"lltUS II\"·! onr.: ;ot • '· .• "''" h -knll 11 urk n n t1r .oncl ''""' I •rl:•' h .. 'd rvoms on " ""''"'• rr..... '"' l'(omhort '''"" l.111nclt 1. mutl r•••m ntnno•o·t .. "rlh tt:•· k oi,•ra. n :111ol L:ar:oo.:l'. nnfl h~.~ I• •II r• ar .ond tr .. nt c•ntrnn•'l' An t'\11 a h111 hr••Hn. ur lrt\ ntury ma) 1 ... otflt1,.d ndJoiC"• nl tu I l11• In until\ rnom hy a ~l11:h1 ro•rtrrrtng('I'H nt .. r tlw :-t•T>l' lr:u1tn~; t1own 111 tlw rPI· lar Thl' k rtrh<'n nro' 11lM nmpl•• l'flh· lnrt~ nnll t"ontnln~ n hro;rtkrn ... t nl- l'm'c• ;~no1 snark h11r ~lltlll\&: u'"'" on ( 'lo"~•~ 1s no t t"nouch lu stc>p Ru~s1an ex-Th .. "I~ 11 pl11 nn1n~ ur tho• 111 1nl( pans1on. Mor1• mol1ltii"Y strrn~:th, r(l( m.r•·•'•·pt1on h111l nnd dininc po~~sihlr includonc n rr•1 11 al •Jf the .n"'"'· 1!1\'t•~< "flo1c·wusn!•ss ro the llv- drart. pruhnhly w1ll Cir.;urt• in h1s 1111: ar••a .tnll !-<'rvo•s to ~l'p:lrRII' the rrrumml'ndnt1ons IH•rk t·r n fo•r rrnm I hf' t hri'I'-IJi•d- Tho· St'C'rt•tnr) rac-l'd c r m\lng do•-rtwtm lfllll Thr IW'drnom I'IO~('IS mnnc~ In C'On,.;ro·,~ rotr u rr:lnk Olfl·l llll\' h lirn: tl•"•r~ Tlwrr IS ttn •''It· prul~nl nr I h t• \\Urld ~o tuat111n tr,t-l,or.:• 1"1...,._.-t on lht• fi'C'I'Jl!IOn Ch111rmn n St yl•·~ Rnt1co·s. n. N . hall . " ., ., ..... "''''" .... .... ., fl· ;-:1 'OIIW.• I -..u,..o- • •, ·n,.• huusc· is rr11mo• constru<'lton, roof or II Ark asphalt shins-:1<'5 to 1!1\i' 11 ph•asing rontrasl with lhl' II lllo• Whllo• ~1t1in1:. rirl'·ri'SiStant a<ph Ill <>hir11:l• <> '" Rl\1' addf'd pro- ll't"llon from lhl' lhro•at of c:homnry l:.xclusl\'t• .. r l.tn/1. l•urlchn~: co~ts f or mm.t lnc:tllll••s r11 ,. i'~t 1matl'd a 1 $1tl,iX"~) to S I :1.0011 rllu t' pnnts nnd huildtnl( SJlf'CIII«'ort lllnl> may he uhtmnl'tl rre~m tlw rordutr•c-t, Wal- lrr T Anicka. IIIII' \"nrr ••n Road, Ann Arl1<1r. ~l111.h . hv rd••n •nc:r 10 H . ur lht• So·n····· Apprt•pnillltlllS Th I d d I . b 'ld' h M t • I th d f t·omnllllo•o• enllo•tl t>n lht• nclmtnts-ere S nO nee to e ay tn Ul mg your Ome. a eraa S, me 0 S, I• trat1on tol loll~ ,.,:-~.·11~ "''"' so·rious-nanci ng are such now so that you can plan to build and own a home that has ~p:~rks plnn :O.:o illi I) 1t ro•r.:nrl1s tlw thro·at nf 11:1r h d th t 1 d b "ld' • "t\rul "'" 11 .1n1 •v knc•w sp····•h<'· t e a vantages a on y mo f!rn Ul mg can g 1ve. 11th "hnt IS 1:11101: to ho• """" b J, f II • "'~•ut ,,_.. '"' ~aort This Message Sponsored y f e o owmg: 1'\HOWISO : Bing Crosby Bob Hope Dorothy lamour 'Road to Rio' SOW 8HOWISO: 'Swordsman' In t"ok>r-:\1 ... , Barr Lumber Co. !ilanta Ana, co-ta ~~~ IUid Six Othf'r l'ard• Bayview Lumber Co. ' 701 lll"t ~L-t:a .. t nr KJnJt'• Landlnc Costa Mesa Lumber Co. t 7111 &l S~wpnrt Bh·d., CoAt& ~lf'!la Crown Hardware Co. 821 Cna.t Jlwy.-('nrona del Mar Daniel Paint & ·Glass Co, 158-1 S~'M"port Bh·d.-('o,.ta Ml'tlll Ets: Hokin & Galvan r.~trlrlan• ~ln<'e lfn0-1()()0 ('naat Jiwy. Gordon B. Findlay Cabinet Shop 407 SOth S~t · Orange County Builders Exchange !Wc-ond A B roadway Bullcllnc -Santa A- OWN YOUR OWN HOM£ Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. ~t"'-pc>rt. F'ullt rton. Lacuna. BI'M. and La Habra Amon West Plumbing Co. !tn7 C'entraJ A"'" -Hartw.r ltll'\-.1 OWN YOUR OWN HOME Want Ads II IIU81NE88 GliiDE II Bll81NE88 Ol'IDE • a A~ ro BUT II IMtTIUCI\.L a UDIO .. .tli'I'OMOTI\'11 a orm. • 'I'M Nt'WI·~ wtll not be ~ 1ponalb1• for rnon lhu one I.Dcor- rt'(j ll\lf'rtlon of an advertiMment, f..Wrve. t he rl&ht to ~ daulfy any and aU ada and to rtJtoct any advert!wment not eon- forming to rUles and reculatlona 68-llc Roman soldiers toook part their pay in salt. TOO LATE TO ('LAS!'UFV or ----------------------- WOOD FENCE CONTR. All T>'J)t"S and Styles \ j F II A 'rc>rms Fn-e f.sttmatt'l Anrwhert> 10 C'ounty \ 'p to 3 yrll. til Pay Ph., S A. :.!579-R. ELECTRI CIANS I SlnCl' 1920) <'on~t rul'lu)n -Marine Sales and Service No Job T oo Lar~;t• !'l:o Jol, Too Smnll ~tf< I WANTED TO REI\'T -PaJ'('nCs with 4 childt<'n facing C\'tctton. Et.s-Hukih & Galvin Need plfiC(' to li\'(' unttl JunC' ltl(lO C'ons t Jllway 30. H arbor 2245-R. :.!6-4tc Phon" ll('acon ~7. 24-tft ----------------------------~--1 PROFESSIONAL AOCOl TNTANTS Orrin W. Wright PIMIM: ll&rbor !56 ttl Apte A"-. Balboa lalaDd DIRECTORY OPJ'OMY:TR.lST E. T. Butterworth, 0 . D. Optometrt.at En8 EXAMINED LENSES DUPLICATED ·o.._..,...,.._, .. ~,_ IIJ. W. C'Htral A ... rto. Mar-alit I NKWPOaT ft&A('II .__ Tu ColllluJtalltAI .. _ ........... t ... lloollll_l .. PHY81CIAN8 • 8~EONS. M.D ., Exptrt Watch & Jew~ry REPAIRING Dreu maklna an4 altenUGM- r Womc-n '• and chllciffn'l d olh- lng, IJJOrt ahlrta. 1971 Nqnol.it at lr~inl', 'Cmta MC!IL BH: PlumbinR Supplit•s PI P E ~W. 2S-5tc tl~ah and Bhrk 1 Fine l'uunontls and \\'all'hl'11 Tutlt '' f\•Hh ·ruh~ 1.,,, .ttnrlc-• !'I:F:\\'POHT .IF:\\'t:LF:RS HARBOR C'a.~t ''''" !'lllk~ t:.'l :1:.' 11·•Uhltoll 1 t 'nd••r n('w Mllna.:•'fi'Wnl l • Se • ~ h:\.' 1 .. 1.:•· 1\·tlo·. •'II' 116 :::!nd St . N,•wpurt 17-tl; Plumbtlljt mee l_lout•lt ''hlua ~Uik'. stt; ;\(1 Ull •f.n \\'ALTJ:RS 1768 Nc>wport Blvd., Bt'aron 6111 S1,. I ~tttl,~ ~'\ w, "I' I REPAJRJNC. OUR SPECl.A.LTY t r I ~'•'1111· l'lul•••l ::0.'1 Ill~ Fouh'l'l~. Tn.t-: C'ON'I'RAt•ro n .. ....a'-f.,,Q,, -.:ontra~Uili an4 S......--1 I l ll11th Roomlt. 11n un DoardJ, ('tC ~tt. -ltfl!• '1 l'hamhttw -:a.~·k ... In 1!'\th & :":~·\\'}>-\r\ Av~ .• Costn ?.tt-sa ~ t 11 utt.,.:•' '·.-u,,t~ Ph•m •· Th•neM ~700-W-3 COOPERATIVE .h'~NTA N:\ }11.\TMIHNt; 18-lfr ROOFING CO. 1 J ~:ll•l l ~ \\' ~·'" 1~•• 1 i\\'t• ----±=--~M-:-~L:--AN-:--~E:-----New and Repair "'1n :"1\,'' ''"••tw 11''"'''"1i(lll . • ':.! u,· F:AL 1-.STATF: Phon(' Bt'acon 6217 1()6 C'ottr t i\ \'•' :"t'l r !'1:.-wl"''rt Pwr Esla hshl'd Sml'<' 19:..'0 8-Ift I Wlndlhll'lrt~t A Halo \ ·u, •'<• fllt<dt• tn Ordt'r 1\I"C' Plt!K lj;l.,.~ & Lurlt~ S h t"t'U tor l&k :"'u· \-\ orld Product• Company, lt t3 n1lrd St .. Huntinaton ~ l 'llont• Huntlnjtt:m &arh 178 a>-tte LEROY SLATER J!!73 Elckn Av~ .• Coata MaM Pl.l'~l BIN(; ~LJ'1lLJF.~ . »-.,. 12 YEARS SERVICE fN TifE HARBOR A.REA HARRY HALL P A.J'NTING CON'I'RACTOR 274 Eut lith St,_t ·11 &a. ~J3 ('~ta Meu. ca.IU •trw Opl•n:-; Sat. ,f.t ~till. ~, it ttl t tt • , I' '" C\ •:\IPJ.t 1'1 "l't 111.1 -1"-. lrh•lutltt•l: Will >tttd I ht'h \ olllt• S~:\ :'o\1 \\'itll htrttt• • '"" '"''"" tl totllo ~~ Ill •'Oil!pllr~thl.• 111 kt•• L~t\''"111 ... , ""'1•1• 1. '-1 ... , •~' .uhl up ftUILDINO MATEIUALI!t ll So~hd 'til • "'" • htrt • llllll.•l• ~I 7:\ ::.::.::=.:.:..:..::._..:.::..:..:..::...:...------''"('h L TILE G .• h 1"1• ·"'" l•l.t· I. ,., .... ASPHA T Cttroou '"'"'' ,1 •• 11,. ~·,:, Lino. & Plastic K11ctwn ''""' , ·, 7~· "" • Mm ,. An) 1 tun!,; Auy rinw _ _Drain:llo.ar:cf.s_ _ Lro•tndrr rw " , ..... 1 """' t"''~'' --. Contractor to ConsumeT ••·•1~. ,•I• ·•llllto.: "Itt I•· $-'\ 7 • 1-CA~H for lfSL'O ~I'J N•'T r .. r n •nl All 6 mo t.-rm '311 t'\)Ril 'J 1inor . '41 MM"Nry .,. " • .::. ' r•·nt nlhlWt•d If rou huy later. 11l1lt'. A I I'OI'ICSlllon, «'llceiJeont Fun1iture .!i Appliancee 11·· Jtbt Ilk(• " .,.,·lnp A<'<"'IIn1 ruhho·r \)wfwod toy tnf'd\anlc:. \\'•• '"" Ahtullt H•\nl 11 ~1lln•·t """"· huy wht'n lk'a('(lf'l :'l64-l-R aft~ 12 noon. .\nythtnlt · rt'ftll) llllll1·~l'ltmhlt l'l11nt1 (\, " ::ltr-&tc G HAST'S :1:..'11 N1' l'tltolll, Sluttft An11. 1!)..tfl" l!~H ~'( 1111 • Surtt•r l'lCI'\•IItnl mr- l'l11•nr 1\t•ft '17(l7 M 164!'1 N,·" l"'rt l!h d . ''••ta M...a •1 tfr Will Pav Cn~h ~-. ... y.~u r.trntlllf't ,, whal h•ve \'0'.1 l'honl' 1\o•al"flf'' ~ ( 'mwlf'v Furnitnrt' Co. 11.\1.1•\\ 1!':, l"'<'UIIIIIII)' hull! lliiiC' hu~t.:ulu" ttlathl llt'I•>All('lll<'tl 11111/tltt~· t'IHI hr• f""llt 1111 t'lll)' ni,•tttlll) lllt)'llll'ttll 'l'hl• Ia 11 11:•'111 llnttt Sr httll<ll l'lttn" l \• ,\11\lt'<ll 11'111 l•lftll"ll "' t'hlll'll4' fo 11111 '\~'It :'\•• Mnln. S1ullll An" 1!\·ltt' d rrltlll'ltll)'. et•al I"'YC'MI. ~ l'lllnl IIN\trr S.'\.'ltl llandlrt. lla rb<w !11\1 26-2tp FOil SAJ.fo: 1~0 ll<Jdtrf' Coupe, r11dlu. t ... lllc-r, fott lllthla. 11ood l'<mdlllt~n 1311 1!\th Sl . l~th 1Htd /i f\tol111. l'fllllll M, .. A, ' :ll-:\lc 1'::· ·,:,."1"':' 11'"' ,., .• , .. ,. -:t'l:'o:l r llllt'l tlf '""' pl!tllll 1.nvt•ly _ ---!rJ.:_tlt I l,•rt•• 1-'latt• llt'l hm Vo ll jWJI IMIY l!t l\1 F tlltll fl Sup.-r O..lux Turlur, radlv, hi'Sto·r, •"•I 1'0\'t'MI, Kntld r11hho•r, r.·t•ufn"'lnntt•r. 'llthrr"Mtoo I ra• 1\ l((l{'Mt I'IU Harl'llf 1~'1-R. \\ .\:'\'1' 1'11111 !.lilt: , ""'' ,tll!l •1111 l•rllltttt"' ttf ,1\t:'l 'l'••t'll\11, ''"til 11 1111k 1'11••11•' llnr 711; l>t\~1.-SI 'IIMII \'r :'1~10 Ntl 3.1Aitt. .:;, .!t,· :-:ontn Anft 19 -ltc· ,. -~It(' f'I'RSlTliJU': F O R "ALl': Ui Sl 'I :"I "I' 1•1111111 1\rn tttl 1\t'W I 'aar TllAlt.II:IUl ll -Vt'll!'l:ll'I 1HF rtF~'I NIS~ "·''"".,:•••I ht ~hlp~ttt·nt \\'lll .nnl •lln\1~1-: '11\Ait.t:R 21 ft. llt'C'pe ' ' lw lttltl 1!1'111 l>t I lt•t'l II;IW !:'11\'f' , i\Ji y,,., l.tk•· It Jl ... t Tt•lltt~ I'ANi'. St'llllotlllT .C IWh'llh'.llfU'I)' Q>oet huy No. I\ I !" I :Ill· ~~Tt-:1• I'I'N'I I 1 ,1 I . •t,.lto. s.·.,,. dl'ftll'fl \ l'rV ('kftn '7tJt) F. f'-Y 'I :\11 •1 ' I ' •t " :>~'ll N,, " " Avr , 111111~-· "1·!\tp • , ,, ln•·r 1-'t . ••~t it ", .• ,. 111 Ann 19·th' ~~ 4 """'"' llut lktt 111711 W ~· .. ,. .. :.rltllt<lt•" 1111 \;llftn utttJ>t·d Wurk ~.l-ltr l 'l tMPI.I•"I'I·· l ,f\"1111: Nt<•m 1~,,., nta IUtNT U Jft lti~W 'I'RAIU:It 'J:J ft. 1lrt>p~ 4 I" 1\'llh' tMirty C'oo(IOd buy No FPn nt-:NT 1\ltrn•'lh•· 'J n•om ct.••lr1'11 V"y dc-an fl:lllt\ J. S. np~trllllo•nl Mntt lurlh l 'r•l,nlt• I'll· l><1h~k. f'annyon Drive, 4th lrnllt'<' Ntllttt•J 11111tl Athllta 311 hoUIH! ntll'lh ot WIIJMll\. ~5tp ltolnnlf A\'t•. ll!tll>!lll :ll !\It· -. llF.I\.L ICM'Aft • F1 lR It 1-:NT A II r•~"tlvc• 2 r;;;! tumiJbcd _nPf!rtmt ru M19m _ --- ""'""1 tnl'lu.tln" """u"" 440 CORONA DEL MAR I ff'llttl n •1•· 1 'ornn11 drl Mu ~ L'.ft_&ll.&.l~a&'j llkWe-Maaac-t Coa.WtantAI k-V: -rordrews, ~D. PRY81C'IA.N aDd 8URGEOS SJWI'Iah~o•d an ~ln\'m.: C . 1tlth ~t 11nd Pnmona St. S.••l fill•· .tnt1 I.,., .. ,., llousd lold Goods & Small Boa~ I nm~r cO:St~ MI'S8 G. I our I" tl'o·~ llarbor 391 :25-ttc 22-~tp "''' \\ltlo r h•',ol• •~ 11• 11 .:111:111 '''" 1. htu rt I •~h.ur .... :\ t'M't'ua''""'' I tl•l, ~ l""'k ,.,.,, •. r1•r $11111 AI~ pltl'oll\' lttp t nh lt•, llt~l\lWo•I(Jl~t•rt_ ~1uwk-h~~r. rtnn~ r tr t-'·-.:n-1- l••nl , • .,,.,Jitlun 7 1ti ·~ f't,ln,..'tla, • \•r.mH •1··1 M.u :!·1 •I Ill ~ • •I< ~i\1.1-: lnrt••r ~llf'llll: :l I'Wih· Inn hrwk !"1111111"11' ~I t1th11 '~""'h llnrhtll ~I 1\ :/I ·!\tr S .. I'Aiti\TF ltrrrtl"ht"il htlU••·k•"'l'" llllt rt>o>ttl fttl IIIII' nr IW(l t'ho'ti'W lint h••r 11!11 '"' ,.,II "' 1'J!\ :llllh smmr m· motrwAY Oftlae: Coata M-Bank Bldlt. 8ea. MSW Coeta M-t'aiU. DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School IOZ Cor.al A-. Balboa bl. DAY SCHOOL NOW OPES 0. A..· MOaTINaL lt. A., eot-rttiOrt,.l IIA8808 Mt HESTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST !~0% \1, W. Central. Harbor 1480 NEWPORT BEACH GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. %8SS We~~t Central Phone Harbor 4~1....1 1'\~wport Belw:h CtllROPRACTOR r. om E. Barlon CI IIROPRACT'OR 1217 Coa•t lll~thway Corona d~l ~ar 1 tn M• nf1A.II • f'<Hift t Phone llarbor 1048 DR. L. YARWOOD D. C .. PhC. l R.'WI S e"'1JOrt Bh·d. c~ta M,.,.. e OflROI•RA<'TIC e I'H\'SIC>TJfERAI'\' • Colonlce l .lt't: IS"'t·n \SC:t: un: INS1 'RANCE Henry C. Vaughn 498 :O."EWPORT BL\"D. RF..A('OS 11197 JW•. Harbor 1070....1 ~fORTI' AR\' BAI~ TZ MORTUARJV LADY ATTF.SDA."T 410 ('out HJway Corona del Mar l'hone Harbor U (Day and Nlpt) , 411 eo .. t Rtpway. llarbor 5IIC Corona d~f Mar H. R. Hall, M. D. Pla)'11ldaft a.nd 8U'1{t!OD Hours: 2--5. by Appointment 'relepboat~ 8ea4'0a t\848 ISl Broldway Costa ~~ ...... Milton M. MaxweU, M. D. HIOI Co..,t lDway ( ·nrnna df•l Mar Offlrr l!l)ur.o: 10·12: 2-5 Phone Harbor 10«! S. R. Monaco. M. (). Hl4 Rn A\'e., Balboa H~rhor 17'!4 ()f(i('(' lit>Ur.<: 2 \•' 5 I" m Mnnchly lltbron~h Friday T. P. Reeder, M. D. Fr.' E. Sllc~le r, . tJ.- Pby .. lc-lana anti 8ur~teon• li,.09 w. c.-ntr al Otrlc-.-: Harbor 60t :O.'h:hl-f'hunl' lfarh~>r 77~-M ' Conrad Richter, M.-D. J~nt llount· 9::\0 a. m. · 12 M .. 2 ·:vi p. m. -4 ::\0 p. m. tOOS-<' \\'. C4-l'ltnl s f"\\1JOrt Beac-h Phon.-Harbor 2 103 I'H\'!i! U '1,\ S S-1'4l 'KC i t:O ~ S·O.n . W. T. l\looncy J•hy..,t•lan a nd sur~el'nn 9th &> ('f'ntral lla rhor ,.6 X -RA\' ~ 1-llour !Yn·t~ VltTERfS ARIAS NEWPORT IIARBOR VETERIN AllY H08PIT At, Horaooe Parker. D.V.M. Paul 0 . Butdaer, D.V.M. Brt II -a DaliJ. ln~l 8UD IOU S.E. M-Drive ('()ItT" • taU HOIIl). Be&. acne: ae.. Bar. 41111 COMMERCIAL PRINTING • • 2~ PRICE S~RVICE • 'nil ,.,.,,nan.:~ .'I•~ lilt h St , :"t•\\ l••rt 1\t'lll h :..'!'t-lfr II-' Yilt 'It fo'I'R!'I: ITlll\1': Ill nul hf·· Bloomer Giri'48--I .. E&SONAL "n.~~h •• t \\tlot Ito,,,,,, -~•a.t·•' Public Stenographer I Art) pit"""'"~; ,,, "' ... m "'' ~ .. ,d ~I ~~i , ,,. Must Sell ~ Once A 1\Ji:AUT1Ji1JL. Nf:W ~ bHrOOm hon~r t'IN-t>l•""· car.,., paU. ot flaiiiOf\4' •lth ~t• f~ V.-rtl'll"n bllnclla, rup ( Ar mf' l~lrtthfiiOI As tS.•Irrn storm~ allll C'hlll r vr n lhl! wealh~r burr8UB, actrrM Mona f'a ~man abl!orhll llullywOOd 8Un- Ahlne .. , but dill' an 't 10 toooo oear the water In her bloomer- t.Tpt jmeJ playauJt. Thr numtw•r of ~tudc•ntll 1n l ' S ···•ll•·c~·-p adt• sc·h ouls rncrNurd 229 Marine Ave <It arbor Inv Co ) Bnlboa bland Harbor 1331 lloun: 10:00 . 4:00 14-trc tl\ro}U~h t•llt l1" d "' I.•"' All Jr!•lt~ .,r .... ''"1111111: '"" •h••Uid llt· t'\•m ln.: lu Ill '!"IN VS~ SI'A('lo: 14JC:\M, up- tho• .lt•tl•·• 1'11 \ 'l'h•·l~h·t ,. Hr• •lnlr~ . .!141<1 1.-vlt•ll•• A\'o•. I'll ,t,ltn.: tiiHI t •hulldtnl( all we~rk llnr ~~•II .I l'!t·ltc :n r, ~I arilw A \'t•. .;wtt """'•·•! 1'1""'" n •. , .... ," A:..'f.o .. i?. •H ut-:N'I' ~;.1.,,rl""'"' r .. r '""'" rl \lllt 1,\ 1"1..\1'1:1 t :.!!\ '.!:.lt•· kitt•h••n •howo·r. ICfttftl!•·' Sill p •r IOpl"'"t•• l'uth .. ht· 11turrltl "''"" "tnl••• '"''" l l:l l~rth l'lo"' ol l'lh ••1 11 t\OATI', IIU 'I'I'l.ID U ~~ N•'"'l"'rl ll4'•ftt'h 2:\ 111' flJ\ :.".!lt; \\ :!!l ift~ \\ t\N'I,..I, lurhutrtf 'l-·•·tf hor~f & ·\i(; w. '", 1\I'AH·r~t.::Ni'• -N-,;~1v LOST AND FOUND n C: E i\rtl• \\, 1•11'1 ,,•1 ,\1111•. ~>II •'uoh f·•r ''"'''"'llt•nt hll North• lrrrur-httl. ·"-·n t•l r.•trl.:•·rnt••r . ( , F>l•l l '~t•nclt•ttn l'h S) t'ltnlltrt• EWARD "t I 1lolo h.., 1\o \\ II. n•'•'ll \ t'lh'llotn lthrul• lith 1\a ~111.1 $1 50 R , .... ,.,I' 1 I , I !IU;,:, :1.1-41<' I JN""OR ... "TION lA'Rdtn" to the' "'•' '·• "' ,.,,'" :.!!i-!'•1·· \11'1 )A N•'Wf'"ll Ill'"'·,..,,._.., .. "" 1\t-nrtt .. ....,. "' I () '( 1'1) M<>1'01'" tSI!IIIl\'"''' """''"lo'lll•. IN•hhttl I r('CQ\'('r)' or powl'r h'ndc>r nub-•HAl'~~" 1'\\oo ·~"'' llloltt'lll'll l \ ~., """'''""' ~ ~ .... IM'r 2711232 or y ocht La Scrana rll51' l•r ... ttl• hnotl IIIII ,ml•·r AND BOATS Lo!lt lwtwf'l"n Cllt nllnn Isla~ ltn•tl lltlo'trltl ''"' !-:l.•l•t l~<lll :-JI \\' l<t l '~~:p 1 ' II IIH•I'I' 1(,.,01 (t u I ttr ',I. nnd {.(Is i\n~:rlt-s hnrtlor, Frb, \'H} t• t ootttl•l• II tt I••• 1~.'11 II "''" "'' 111111 llt·prtlr• "" All 1'1'1\ltt•· •'lllt'rf!lt't·~. kltdwn jlrl\• 22. 194R CnmmunkHI•' Mr. ~·,; l it• Mnk•"' .,1 Mul"'" 11•.:•·• not u•••tl lty fftmtly, ptl· llurd. V Andlk•• :n '.!I, I .(l'l i\n· ~:1.1 1 Tl!ll Itt ~ \, 1, '"'""I n ot•• •I II III~ t ""Ill rt~il I 11fl llt , I 2 .. 71 l>an' H. Sllit•~ Nt'\\I~<Ht llolto:hta ll t•oc un J:<' I'S. ->-P •·ootl<h llun ..,; • llt-.o ,,:,•, .'tl lip ,.11., l'ttll"l Ill" 't\ I I • ~· ll<•ll•~'" :-o~l7fi-M ~111110 V.: "' :'t!t~lM ~'fl ~lr• j t:MPLOl'ME.ST WA.lllTED U ~~~ llrkt~ \\'ani• l lo· l.rl\• \\n~lt· • :•4 ttl' 1-'l llt HVNT 1\r ruul rii'W ,, .. ,jj;, SIIIPS l'C>OK Sotwr, A\'hllahll' •r l.ll\•11 '";nr.:oa p.,,,.,., .. ln "''' nn llull••n hl~tn•l A\nllnhlt• fvr s..•asfm n1 7-~771. :!'•·5tpl Phun• Pm.t l'uull ;:11 :.:;:.•,tl' IloalR Pri<'t>d To f;t•ll l """''"Jun .. ht Mil•' hll,Vf' f•'('·l jPt'tsr·rrn:-.r \\'AN TED nah\ sit· O Kt·d·· .(. '''"'" l•h n·····t.or Ill '"" 1"'" ~1'1 l•t•lwr r:O:ht•lllfll ooltltllt'lttlll ttooll• l'lt"'"' .... Wl'llt• l in•· or l'"nlllllflllln In lnl'llli/1 ,,,. 0 ~ .. ·lit nl I"'''"""" ~; 0 ••• 11"1 "~1-'' s·llliMI llooll\ \'I"'' ,.,.,, .. S ptiiiJoC• l 'ullr ... !7' lltll•t•·r l 'ttll••·r !t:IU"I 1'1 ~•7' ...... t'ltlt•rh t'ttnll"'lt•n l f.· •'l\l" t if·nr· r"••l•nlln t ·.,,, • \I• • 1 .'1; ··II' • 1 ,.. • ·" ·''' -\1, It "'" ~lt••l' I 1-'t•ll"""'l -- $10,R50 Sf'F. OWNY.R Avr . C"omna u Y t 1 w N •: rt • 'I w mom ('IIJffto plr•f,.I.Y furnla cod h.ouAo and c•r-"lt''. 1 wu IX'druc.lfna, V4'f'Y de- -lrt~hl;• IWII(hllf>ri14Wld, IW'&r 8lu< I ,thrary 111111 tiiH"r • For JW1c» "ntl ln•rw•o•tlon ,.,,.,,... Uartwlr ~112 ~.Stp Bnlhun I1d. Home t lnly 1~~~ ft frnm No hay ~'(11 11\ Ill> HM~ . l l .. thl, tt,... . fllll,...., l11r11" IHitiO, :l-c•ar f&r•P. $21,000 AI~• 0<'enn Front Jl umc•fol $!1760 up t'fl.-{',11 Hou<l"'" 41!1~\IM'I :lt~IJI · •a, \\arll ~:"\iO. 4 l.•~•nr-..,..,...•m. IM'fi"""Tl'f. "' tnntr Bend ix & M~agR ,; I MtNNL'Y "I''" tlllo·ttt '"' I "''•·t ,.,.,.k Tu W fJ FC10TE \\'ANTEll \\'til tnak•· r urlulns, r ",1 • .,1,11•1•· 1 .... 1,1,• .,,. ,11111111 .:lila , l . n •et1\t•r ptllnws. Olht•r pI a In Just \\'1tlltrtt,: ''' II.• I'Jc•d "' "'"' "n li:'IH ' 1 7 l l , ·,., .. , 11,,. "', N •• ,..1,.,t 1 lv • ••·•J•'r"n•· t 'ull 11,. 1 ''" r f<'n tor ~"'""!.! lt•lt•Jtht•nr· f\f'n: :1718-M BILl 'C v.,r A ~Jf -A-TF.RIA 'Ill It . I~' I''\\' ~1\ <11<' 2117 ('Mel llfvd aft•·r I<! 311 :.!.'l·flt c J 'Y • • • ' 1 NI'W...,.lR'r lt"''A(,( ---------------EXt 'IIANOF. t1 '• P r. ('\'fiT/\ll"S Lattndl'r<'d and 4-r.l NI'Wf••n rtlvc1 . c·,..,la MNA -----llt~rlour :14 U-!ltc Phonr lU'Ilmn mo LIVE BAIT TANK \VIl.L fo:XI 'IIAN<;fo: c:trl~' hran/1 <:t rt"!rh<'d. f:on<'Y lrnl'ns lnun-\0-tfc .'"} sc ·<~•l' 1 n•·w :.'ft· hlt'yc::lr fnr 14 or ~r·\ I..C:YT FOR BALE dl'rl'd Cnll Snntn Ann :.67121------------_.: ~tlrla hkydt•. 1717 Pomona C~ta Nt:WPOI\T Ult.ANP -a.a1ee nrt('r 3 p.m :.!()-5tc Pattt•r)'l(m·~ Lnndin.-c Mru. ELY . tl eunwt' ~-1 lat ............ \\. I .. FIREWOOD xt~. l 't>tt•l lllr:hWII)' JMavtnc both ~. an utntU.. •' cnn I" ow yuur l(llrw•n or va-.••·, 1 (f• Musr.v Tn IAlAI'f 11 ""ttl 1 •• -~. ...,,.. c~.n -• I'll Ill 1111 11r do 110~ ktn/1 (l( yard C'liAfi('ll.\1. t\ IIRIQ\Ir.J'S "\, \\ 1••11 I\; lt•"h • I n "" ....,.., ,...,... r ,_, "ork c·au n~ :w••n :-i:!X:l-W 1&-t!l' PJl()MP'f Of:l.ln:Rv 110M F. LOAN~ Nt•w(lOrt J'lcooA("h, Calif, tl ~·xt 'Hlll-!'l:c'J-:J) w,1m11 n want< Wri~ht Lumh<'r Yarci Jo:J,drk:tl En~itlc't •ring 4 1 ~-»-l)ll:.: "{, HAl BOA I•""'"" II\ ltttll ... ko•l'lltr, chlltl 17114 "'''"1"rl ""11 and lnst:dlatinn JI ENHY r . VAt ](:lfN ·' IWI•HM .. • .. r'n hum.-. n OM In nllr«. llr ('ulfk. ro ,, r<'nl't'\ C'll ll I'OSTA :O.IF:Si\ N l I \\ 111,·1 .. ·• 1 ·,, ... ,, .... 11 , .... ,,11111, ·I!! X t•WJWrt I Jvc 1ft ·~ ltlk rr11m lt~ty frunt Con· lf;u httr :'1\11-\\' :.!I 51r· 1'\t>nm rt ~11'•"1 r ,. r 1 t1 1 'lll ------- ~t,1 He ...,, ,, •'hllt•ftl I '"'' II ol l•·t I••• JIF AI ·1 •N :'\l'l7 •l•ta " 1\ InK r••onl, rt'll an., 1 11 1; It ,,ft., 1, I• """'"'' :\1 .. tt r• ll•'ll 11,., IN<I 111711 J l•r ••ftkfu~l '""'k, kllr h••n. IN'I"VInt -------------------\' i\:--lTI:D-.Joh nnd rvlinrl..-r pn•ssm nn. S tl'Miy siiuatinn in union shop . Inr-:tl work· in~ conrtitinns. Sc<-fnn 'm nn nt News-Times. NC\\rporl 13<-ach , Calif. HOUSE PAINTERS WANTED Ill ark l\lttrt•tn, '••1•11• h"t "' I'•" Tit• l')t Ho ol lo:\1-1 \\' ~·)Ill' PJentv of r;ood Ti~ All Sizee Com.,ound Motor 011 Gallon. ~ I ,11 ltnrtl. \1 .. 1.,, 1 I• ,. 1'1 trtt~ :'II I II' l••rdt 1ft lullh R"llr )'rtrfl le JlllV• ";';''.'\;.',',1', .. ~~~:;,:~1" \IITmtnTI\'1: • Tnu·"" .. Mt $1 ~.000-t<>rml'l "''""Hf I \\ ,;r lit t l ta,ft IIUU UC' l li•t•h' I ''':an• llnur l<••hlo•t I Itt It lo I 'ln11t• l.i•ptldttt• I• r tnnk J:tH•IC•'~ l 'l11•l11 I l•·•·trw l'll .. t '11!1\1 1'111 t"''"' 'I'•···· Et s-llokin & c;~dvin 1 '·1:.! Bu id < Motor· PFNINSlJI A POINT ll•'~•·••""l"l'··•l I w in ,., .. ""' nt•w• I A'J'n1~c·nv..: ' Moct.. ., .,.,. I :-.; .. " \\nl••r ''""'I' :Y,l"lltt•t I rtt ... ~'\ 11;1 It 1•1,.,.,. room hnmr ltr11ulltully la~nd- ,,•STAM~.SA ll••n :ll:lll·lt ~~raj.lt'l1 :.m. 1, 1,1 $12 ,500--term~t ------------------~ rtNF' :\."tx7:'1 ltulldln1 eltf' UOOO. ntJOut 40 l)('r <'l'nl lwtW('t•n 19301 anll 19-Jfl C'all Harbor 14!12-W :.!4-411' Wf'Rtf>m Auto Supply Authorl7Ml fHolllf"r t/()6 Nrwpr~rl R l\li . I'O.IA MNe 17·111 ll••o t'•n"l lllwny l 'h"ll'' ll.·ltt"hrt ··1'17 <'OAST MOTOH CO. 1\llfl Fltlti•;S t11U: II-~ I 'uftA t IIIKhWftY Jli ,,,. CO ART I'HOPRRTJF .. ~ CO. • • • IIELP W i\NTI:r> llou~t·kl'f'Jlf'l. grn•·r:tl $100 mn Mflthc-r nnd hoy 3 Exrwno•nl"f•d, s:dt•rc-nr•r ,. f.iv,... tn ('All ll<•nr nn !>"..!!'1~1-R lw rnrr !'1 :\II n m :.!.1-4tr •VANTE il Lncly 111 r nr•• fnr huh}' tn m y hnm•• fnr w11 rkln1' mnth••r ('All l\;•nc-t1n !l'lf>!i »-· fori" 11 11m Ao..k fur 1\fr~ Trur ) :.!;1 r;,,, W /\:"TEl 1 F lr<:t (1nss •·n'!lm•t·r for yorht r hnrl••r ~"'-"""'' Mu~t hnw• f'lCpt•n•·nco.· \sorrqu• I} 1• rt• t~rl r·n~in•·~ Sl~tl•• r••f• n•nrN~ n .. x Y .:.:. '~ Nt'W~·Tim•·• 2:1 !ill --------•' ,\;>.;TFI 1 ~:"1"'''' n•'"tl ,, .. ,,! rt'"'' ''~' :V/7 :0.!11rrn•• ,,,,,, ll;ollw"' '"' :md ll.trlwtr :!IH:! ~:1 II• 111-:I.P \\'A;o..;TEil C••••k. ftr<t ---- SERVF:L Th(> G A S Rrfr igf'rat or Snm,. Mn•1•·1~ ll\llllnlll" N()W . Balboa Furniturr Stor<' 100 1\fnln ~t • ll11lhmt P hnnt• llnrlw•r )ol'i 220!\ I 'rort•l I' I\ •I :'\""'l"lrl Ph••r11· llnJI••r I If, no ynu wnnt ,,, '""'. '1"1" In u .... ,,. ""'""""~ 11 •lr .;pn nT T( tl'~ 'I \T t '1'•\'1 liS Tay lor·~ Trim ~h11J1 AlllflfllOiotl• I 'pl•ool•lt I I ' l!flnt :tt~d ·r ',,, 1 1 • ,.1 , ••• IV•!"• \Vt••t t. !til ol ···"I•• I I~• II llnrl~rr 1'•1•• ,'I''" 11111 "A IY '/'.! (t ''lltl•••. ~lr•·t•1 '4f\ S lwlt•lutl<r•r <t tl•••r "t'f!nn ll11 .' \' H mf•lllr '"'1 ''' ""l••r $Nilll •II·• lu·ntt•r ' $1fi'l'\ rrfll .. : (';ontrel, nalhoa · Har ~ :U-tfc I'''"~ I'!''''"' I}Hr l••r 11~>.'\,.'\ lw• ":\1, I lltiA (''"'" l 'rtiiiM' S.,'\.~\11 I\\•'•IIH ,III Ai t 3ll fol11 i\(lf'l 1(1 ('lwv l 'ttll\'. (',~II"' ftAf11n,, , , '• 1• rn llrtrl••ll ;,wt M '/l\-t(1• I 1 I I tl I I fo O H S AU. UY OWNER 2 at._, ,..,. r•r , r•·• •·n I• 1 "I''" At r ry ,,_ L' 1 h ~ 1·-.. J Ill' f.' 1 "••en r rnn uttw , .,. orurOttn"W, ~I·\\' .M itchc•ll Sportsman 1'/ n .. lr:r· J c1•••r x,.,1"" lt 11,1; ·•1 'J ""'h~. !'IIIIo, f'lll r a wr ll ltullt, ' "·1 ln11lrl<• ~tnll f~tlallt,. 1lalrway, "II• ''•I; '\.!' (1tr\•l••t ~Ill II'\ ur i I :ra) t~ 1 11~1 • hl•lt lt·t , llt•W flhllll 1\llll llt••ol I'IIV• ftt'IIIIHilllhly llril'l'd Jla f hor ,.,. tfi7'J.n 21·5te r 'I tlr ll~ttl T ltllk lilt II Mu tvr $fifiOI) t ; 1\t ,,, ,.,, f~.'kt .H l '••t•l lft,\11\ :'\IWI~trl :.!li ,,, . 'fl 'lrt \1, & tti\IHH at I, I \II! \1 I, H II •, I• llulh• ttllr :l"t I'"""'" 1 •l••11 ~<drt u Jtu ru ----- ''"'~' "1.'\.1 Ff tlt S A LE t 'urr.n" 11.-1 Mu 2-l·:tl( I·'••• •I '·,,.,1,. ltw llf• jll~t "'II l~t••lr••<~m h111r11• '"llftllh•t,.Jy turn- "' 'II•· """" 'fli'l~ IAI11·II, flrl' l•lnl'l' 1-'f'nr Nt In y~~rcl 'T/ lll"h'•· :)-d•wot -.;, '''"' $f,,••, (;'""' l•t('ltl lun l l11r· 441 -M, attn ('OAST MUTOH ('(), !I I'm ~!\to 1-- ··~·" .... ,1 "'''"""' ':I t\1 •t .·: '•·'I<H N•·w View Home t iVLill .Ill ri<I NC; F:ntlrl' It arbor ~~. I tt• nrt·n :l p, . htlw n&tn., ftrr(\lar., 1•1111 ~/\1 .1 1', t1,11 llut l~·tl ' ''"""'''•••II"" 11n•l ln"lctr flnl1h 1'1•• ",,1, 1 trtlol p1 plv ''""' r '""'l'll"nhl 'l'h•• ftn1'11t we'v. 4.1'"''' •. • ''"'1•1• '• , '<~. U•·ttt "••n•tl· t'\t'r ,,,,,.rf'·tt n .. n l'tlll " 1 ... • "''" k ""I·· •• 11 ,:, r LET US HELP YOU rl11~!t. lnr honl rltartPr ~''"' lt'o• M11~1 hnv•· • '<Pf·r t•·nr" 11n (ir'•l r·ln~~ ) :tf'IH Ph''"" llnr dl77 "' r nll ~2 ('nasi lla~:hw:o), !"•" l ,()t'Oi'TI\1 1• I\~ •• ~ p,.,, ril•• trr'll~t llnrlwor 1'•'1'• \I ru t \\'• •• llny II \'I'. 1\:rltwo'l 'I '\lo ' I I:TMJ-: !'lilt\\' \l ol' tloo no w "Prine /i, ~'"""" r I ,\ 'Ill• ,•: f "'II \ \' I• l lto•l •I \ lo• f '1111 I l11• lo 1•1 l1 • Ill Ill I' II d f Jotto•oo oof l oo ,f ,• t,. .. , ·n,,, 1\" \o\nrul••rf•al •t .11 • h ,,,,,, tl ff hl l_,,.,,.. X.V ,,.,,, t,l,.,,,,,,,. '''"'' ~~n,pl\ tw,. "''I ,t '" ''" 1111 ""'/ sn I'! II ff 1'1 \'.•• I 1 1 Al\\11\'< nltr~·'l lffll 'l'tr~llll II" 1',"'" M,·,l• l 'u ll • HAJ.PIJ P. MARKF.Y '1'"''"11 'd ll _ ___:~~'1 1' !\111 W •'••nlrlll l'lt ll"t. 4(12 PERSONAL PRINTING _ ... with ..... YOUR PRINTING T e/ephone - -- , onrt 23 ~··· NEEDS ' ...... '"T F'.I) L· " "" .... ,.rrPI ury 1" "~'"'"'' mltOltl:lti'TII'OI r.o•n<·rlll Jn•:ttrnnr• FJV)('KS lht•-.t t n lnt" •h i··~ 111 rldt rnhri•"N If, r•·:tl m• '" ·. --~·. ln't pru·,..~ iJ7f\t1 '• lr• "'",:• t ;,, •r nnll'f'(l hv r.1,..ot1 I'""~' kt • '''"'' Mr.~. Swt<••l.•l·r , ll~tdo<or 11•.r. \V ~1 .. , r ••. ,, "'•I• lo '" • ""'"''" •o~t'J Kr.AI. r.HTATr. n .,._tfc ·,, \1 1 n S~oullt llrtu 1'1 tf•· FRANK P . .J OIINSON, Realtor 11:.101 NI•\\'JIOd Blvd. 0 rust II Mc>s~t $71!l0. 1141213()12 1~ ~ 1:1 nlf'"''· r•1mpr1t•nt l>n<·kk••• ~~ r ~n<N'i l)pi~t . h ll\'" fll•·.~~lnc 111·r· f<nn nlity Sulnry pita~ honu~ H oo't M -2. ,.~ !"rws-T tmc'!l ~-1 ~>II .. I (lfi S AI.t-; F:nw Y .. t•htnr Plot r hlnc-$~Ill 7 lR ,ltt~mrn• I "'" nn rl•·l M11r """"'' II " 1 It •• r fl7?-M :'I '1•1 1'.\1 1 ·\\ 1'. r.n,\:'\1 • 1~·1 ....... •"~'~' \l 1 r f1• • 111 'nt1,1l 'JU:e h t .. • Ac• ~~ 1 ,,,,,.,., \f d'''''""~· f'n ...... ut, ... ,r,,,, \ l''f'Huu You rnq•t "• o11•l I" 111 tltl'lo 1(1 tnll l n~lru "" r • •~ (.,,, It• a~ tnp 11 1:rrtnrl Tt lUI" hf I • Itt.\' .,, ,, ,.. l' "'"''''' I • \':i' '-1'11\t ll rr I'IA~Il 1'1 I, ·,.1 '••• \1111r1 S11nla Ann 1\n F fllll' rOl•m llllltW'. s llll't'o 1-(Hr:r~•·. :.! lr~oo;~lnllml h11ml', 111•w ~ llr'tlruom holllf', dtw• In mnrkc•l frnns. Nf•W :\ l~t•drl)frm hnm1•, Jr)t 125x27() ft. Comer. $fi~,(l0 ~7!f.')(). •• A Representative Will Call , ••• -Newport Harbor. Publishing Co. PRINTERS -PUBLISHERS OFF1CE St.TPPLJF.S 30 II W. Central Ave. Newport Be«Kh - Silver Plating· C'OPPF:R. nnASS, C:f'lJ.D P•111~hlnl( "' JV•Ilnl~htnl( Bayside Plating Co. 1914 ll:~rtv, 111\d C'ttslo M•'""'· f'nll f , IV ~tNin '\1 1:\ 6-t(l' w .• tl'hM! \nrk• . .lrwrlry nrn0 :-:n Mrrr.ns Rl'J')IIIrlnJC -f'r••rr'IPI S.-n1~ Sr n•lltlr PriN>II l 'f tR SA I.E i\. Jt-(".1) ~~~~ t tr ""'V r l(f)l')f! r•onrt , l•l'•k" 1"~~<1 $7'i l'h TWon r.:~;I\.M 41 2 w,.,lmln'-"' • ·1, t ,., '"'' t IR"'> l'l tr• 1 1 • 1'1 \ •,r '" w11nt•••'l trrr our 1 • p,t d• 1 1 1'1 H;l, ·~n1 u i •hi f•lllf1tl t.r 1 1"'1 t • t I f1~·h• "t ttllrt\\.!111' f .-::::::7::-----------l~ \t It ,, t l••t ,..,., I, t'h J•;\·:z. 1'01ln 211 ruhlr r,,.,l tro·•·t• 1,.,~,,. '11'.111 •1 1•1\' '1 1 11 .,_.,,;;,,I 1 • :l:.! rtthlr (I•"! Jt••lft•lt 111 l -,,., 1 ' "' • ,\lit 1'1 ''" 1 ·~ ht)M•• '"''fur-A, ('f'flll•r'·tt-.,., H • ~~ • ''I 'I " t ·,,, -."1'• lt~trh,, Prl•'•><l '" 11•·!1 (',.If ll"rl"~ 1'1 ·'•"' 11, "•'•' A \1 I'M ,h .. rt 47(1 rt :~. roljt "I 0 I ,, •I 'I.' 3',q S l • •• "' ~()R ~11 1.1· (•h tnn Mink holll I~"' l:tij•l :•:•1q, JI.U• 14, ~tllltor Jo-,,1( fill'. IWII ltiiC· ""TI !';-\'. \Y •,I' ,. fl "'I'll• I< till' I VA N DRI\fLF:N Nln. "17" :UC '-'1'1 All '""rY 11·11• "' 1 ''" t•1l• • 1 ,,,,.,l,tttorl f'inr-o,f llf I'Cin~fnwflort $12,!)()(} :~ hNirnom hornf' N(•wpnrtlfrlghl~. tlhl. 5e11r. ~12,600 Nt>wp!>rf J~·lwh ,tmm~> fiiiTti~o~h,.d, I ~ t1lk ()(•f•st n $7!Y.)i) l :l lll'<lr'cK,rn.S ) Tmll•·r p:.rk. bl01·k frnm ciiiWII tow11 Costa Mt•'(fl. Sp;w;• (r,r :l2 l r:aiiN"! ~1 !1,;,00. N11 r~·r•y fo'il14~1 mm1•r In o,.,la M1 ~a. $2:l.~l00. . ( T Ntn!o> 1 F. P . .J ohnsrm & Associates lf;fj/1 l':f•wpnrt Hlv1l . \IJ'\111 M<>M J'h(Jnt' Jl.•aN)Il GOr..R J F.\\' F: l. R y lln.IIM,. Ph''"" lfttr 117. ~-"''" •''"~'"'''' ,,,,, ., ,. , ""'' i:l'""'' I 17'*i N@'WllOrt Blvd C<leta M.-..1 Sc-otl"h '"''"'· """"'" II.{H . ron ''"" '-o•l " uJr . ~ '"'" limo '•·"' ~tic •ale •t thf' N,__n,._ !': .. Mttor• l't tfr I ' 11 ... 21\-ttc I • ) Harbor· Feminine Activitie.s Phones: Harbor 13 and 208 By Winifred Bnrhrt' P 6 N E"'I•O RT B ALB O A N ~\\'S -T IM ES ue 1 "'U:OO.IM \ '"wport ._ .... ('allf. 'lart·h 1~. IIHII New Aclors Join Holida y Stage PTA Executive Board A ims lo Gel oul Volers: f or Summ er Sea son Stresses Sale fy and Plans Summer Round-Up J11 I ljllfi luI I IHf\ ll•tlld ~~ Thl' dl"lllrr to hll\'1' 1111 votrNO of thf' liRrbnr hrt'll ko>fll thf' datt• !'ol nre h 16 ,..·hool huml ··I··•·· tlon 1n rmnd Will vm/"1'11 111 tlw rcgulttr mt'('t IJU: of t lw ''""'·ut '"'' hoard or tho• !'o•wporl Tlo•ao'h F.ll'mf•ntllr~ srhnul ho•l11 M11rt'h 10 in th1• homo· of Mn. t: (\ \\\lllarm . ~lfl l'>nrth R11)' 1-'rnn r, DlllOOa lslund. Mrs Raymond I< Jfrtn o•y pri'SIIttnl: Jo:arh nw mho•r M t h<• ''11t'1'UII\'t• hoard Wll~ I[IVI"O H fl~l Of lf•n votc:rs' nllmNI to phont Mondrty, Marett 1~ and ThNiday, March 16. to rtmlnd thf'm to votl" Mardi !6 and to offf'r tmn•por- t a linn wherf' "'"'d<>d. Ear h of t M ttn VOfC'nt thus phontod will r11n only n ·sult tn I"" tw lh • '"' 1'111•·11 r htldn·n St,1j •• H .. \o\•• h '"" pl•·l· q n• trr.:ullt•••ll U.tlh t \.\to uJdttH•fl tl I' II ' ,.,.I . Ill 'fhl~ '-u tn•rtltf'ldtUI"-1) '1 fl1ill' ltHt•'a••fl ,111 ,, if f•t•l• l'•ll;tl mn111'r, not un•• ,;, lw• '"'tl'ld• r• .. t , ,.~,.._:~ 11,, "' ••I , 1111 .• )un• .. '' Ht tn t ho• I IIcht uf lno-rt·a~··•l t 11 "' ~ f'u 1,11 1 '·" 1,1 \II .. '"" l "'" ~lnt't' thl' (o•W rlullltr" '"lol o•tl \\til Ant 1k, \\ o•lt th ,,, , "' ,.,,,.. ~uw•n t)(• rt-.turnr-fl '" lh• lt-~'i••u ,,,,1 1 1 1 .,f,. IJ """ ,,, .J ••11• Inc nf n•lrltllonnl •''r•·n~''' nnw t •.,,.,,, 11 ltl••l 1111 lool,ol '"'" .,t hfn in,;: t•• tu• rn;ut~· tn 1.tek·· Pfirt• lh• ~~~ 1, 'I'•"' d "', "' t1a-' " .. , 1 or ,.,, hulf·rln}' pr•os:r'lm~ Stronl( "" "' •• II ,,, ,, ~rhnnltt m••nn a '\lrnrt t..: "''''''" ,\tt.n,f•·•' 1• J11 .\•It prt• P oorly t rnlnrd rhll•trrn niNon tn· dw'tl"ll' 111,1\ ,, ''"" 1 .. 1 1111· """ ndt"ftUAft•l) pr•'IU:tr••d futur(• f'l'l hHih .t .... ,,,, d "' lut•·urtl~' I"IJ»I 7t'nJ l.,q rtf'\\ ' '"'' Ill 1 h•· I ht oil H' lnr ludl'd In thl' dl~rtL~clnn n r l>11\ t•l ,\II•• • '"'' rl''"'''" '"" Old hWIIOI'II!I WAS thf• 1•\ll"r·pro•~••nt rool•·• duo 1111.; tho• ••··""'' .luol.;o• hu11 ~top prohll'm Mr~ M F. Alo•'(rlntlo r tn ·~till •' of !111• I 'n· Jlo~t. Kllfl"ly ('h11lrm11n, rl'portNI 11111 1111ol .1.. t It• h"u"·l~•) 111 t hai ~he bad Klv~n m11ny hnurc "Th•· It")·" F .•ll• I> ·• J.)o•ll All- L--.;...._-----~ uki>CI kl-.,norw at1 Nll onr m<w<' votcor. lt Ia hoprd that. in thU way. all votl"f"l will bto con- tacted. to dl~c-ulllon n( the-prnhlrm t.•k> pill\ • •I \\ •II••''" l l.n ol) 111 w ith -chool IIUthnrlliNI nnrl liM· "Stal•• "' 1111' l'1111111 " rnta. While-aomc-!1lluAtlnn8 hAW' AlthoHt);h 11nl) :'.' )•''''' o t ~•..:• bl'<-n lmf)f'ovrd tiur· to ht•r wnrk All""' h '' ,.,.,,.,,,,,ft.,lll'ol ;on 1111· . . S uprrtntl'ndt n t of School• II 0 . F.MI~tn IU'Inountv'd 1h11t tht• votlne tlmf' will b4' from 7 am to 7 p.m. Votlna will t11kco plaN' ln tM conln tnN' halls or lhl' two t'le!Mntary achool-Votl'rt In prednc-ta 1 (which I~ thf' N•ow- port IW11t'h achooll 2 , 3, 4. 5. 8 and 11 IUdo lllc-l ""'111 \'ott" In tM contrllnC«' hall of thf' Nf'wport IChool. Voll'nt In prt'("tncta fi, 7. t . 10. 12 and 13 wtll vnlr In thl' .ntrarK"C' hall of lht> rornna drl Mar adlool. AnyOtW not IUn' of hla Jl""· cinet CCIIff Hav~>n haa not Y•'' bfotn numhC"rf'd I mlly phone-t h•• two ~hoolll to nht11ln th1• lnrur· matlon The> phonl' numiX'r "' ,,._ N~'fiOrt ll<"hool Ill 1!11rhor 23. 1lW' ~ numtM'r 111 lhr Corona dt-1 Mu achool Ia llllr· bor 2100. Notlr~ w ill Ill' !lo·nt hontt f[Om IIChOOI fur thf' par· rnte' f.Wonnatlon f'art.lnta of prlmuy ..-hool <"htl· c!Non arc> Ct'rlain to f11vor thr puaaat' of tht eehool hon<h alnet' ttwno It only thf-C'MiN' l'll'tv.l"'n that and rontlniJM ha lf-rl'lv Yll· 'alona-Utt C'h lldrrn thu• 1\fft•rtf'd fac:tnc conlln uC'd rrtard11tlon ol thtoir fduca tl<'n lark of roOJII'r lllin n in nlhr r f'l•"•l\• '" "'" ,.,,. ·'l•l•·:uufll'" llri'IIJI l~t !!till !Tt•nlinl( 11tHif'll1· Hl1 ••••.:• I' toll" •lltd to h·\'t'tnn, tlH -,lf'llllf.! 111 •olo·h \\,••lo•tn lh••;tlo·l Some-Jll•r••nt~ 11h 1 ''' tho· l•lf.thll'•toon · 11 ''·'"'' ~)I •' fl\('f fhllf fllh••r' (l)lll I f'C :\F'l' dto J'll\ oil II h • \• \HOI J.1ko• II nutinr,: thf'lr tim 1n "~t nntl H•'"'"" o11ul .tult•·l ''"" I 'h,u · Rlltu d" Itt lrus Ill " Till' ""rk lo ~·, 1\11111 ~ .. , '"" ~··Ill• h•· must ••· .. ,,,n~ h. """nm4• nctulf ,,.. "o' k••d '"' ,,tuu.uu• ··r •Jttt•• t•H .w-hMI "'tJihorltiM r 11n jlrol\lllr "'"' I'"""" ··• "" •• r•,.-,,.lo•n.t •·•· no onl" tbr ro•rnn•, tl ,mu~t lnll '"" '"''""' "'" llh"'"f.!' ""'· h•· In thl' l"'t or """"I! nlllthr.-l•l "·'' ;, .. ,,.,., ol ''' "''''I' ldo•\'hhln ~,... I hill rull'>t ,,, hu~ l<t np't nr·· r '" .,,, ltool1• oht•ytod hv nil r h llrlrl"n TI11• lnt· ''"' '"' 1 .. '·''n ht• ''·11 '''' "1111•· p trt ""' fnrt f~ tht~ ~Rf•·t y nf Ul~" In hl~h • ,4,. ••I htrf hl'> 1 t ,.., ut r hllrlrrn and thr rwoto'l'tiOI) nr nllt m I '''"''! lll•'ll "''''llllftlt11 Ill• IRII"JlOVI'rK' l"'f'Oilf'rl\· l'"•t:••" ll\ '"'""1: ·• ~.!-rll"nth Mn! II n '""""''' fll'lll.:r '"' '""''It Ill th·· n.t\\ 11\o'r"'"' d111irmnn, 11nnnunr.od thnt 1~·1' l!..oth ,\II••• 111<1 \nt.ok\ to'lurn (1tnlnn ~rtwln, rllrl'l'lrtr 11r 11(\fh lv I ftoltd,l\ St11.;o .a I l••r a 11 lnlt'r tho• hnnd nntl "rl'lw,.rrtt n( '"" u( "'''"'"'' 'l•·ltulit••tl •lull~ I v.•o ll'rnl r l<•ml'nl 11r~ ~hool• hnd llnol "'''""'h 10 t lw •h·Jwtrl nwnt Jllltnnl'd 11 fin,. rnnc-,..rt fur th• "( <lrunt.t "' "" Ln~ An~:•'l(•s f"uthr·r~· N ir,:h t prot.:rnm, Mrorr h ''It) ''""''1:1' 1!'1 111 R r• m ln tiH• 11Udlt11r11tno -====== of thr N ,.v.-rttVt R•·nrh F ll'mo•n [~ -Mulically Spea~ing II lllry llr hool Thl• Will '"' Hw rtr-t ut•f'Wlrlunlt)IP for l'l•r,.nt!l 11nrl By KATH LEEN COLr.MAN . frio-nil• In h••11r hollh of th•~· flnt• •-.::...,.-.:: " nrr;tanl71\t ion~ Mr S:twtn w ill (r 11t11ro 110lnl•h from ••nf'h •rnlt olurinr: thl' l'nru•o•rt Thootrlll' A 1-.d l"'•n. a(tl'r )t'llf1> uf ··~r•·llnu rtt<tlltlll, ~llflko· tho• words· Mftl·y hnd 11 l.tttlt• j,11ml• PVf'nll of C'hlldrc-n In tn'llllf'l four thrm urb ciltht ..h&\'c bcca- toid Ulat, v.ithout u nt•w ar hool Follnwlnli th•' ('OnC'I'rl !\fnlln1lo1 K11y Will S:l\'1' ho•r Ill' I "Tho I Jllh V.•lth lho• Jlnt~" .t llf'OI!IIInt !hilt AAII--f~·<WPn w>ry llnf7UI11r l"f 1 trr ll(ll tthlltnd 1 n t •• n ,., onlo• I• t~•rd· till: rurJtlt.l. <tru1 t II I' \\ •• ' •ll(. \\ t• I t' Jllll\ t ,, to ~lll'vt the-prl'Wnt lnad,..,,uatl' lltuatlon, thl'lr rnlldrrn will IX' hanctiettppfd for years by h11vtne Jon1n half-daya which, at bNt. Pieture Framinl ............. a a AMDDaOR 407 Cout Hiway o.-. ...... ...._ ...... 1111 K •=-•-h-.. ,. Fine Watth Repairing -·- Work Guaranteed -:-I Roberts Jewelers .ti ............ ...... ~ ...... . Refrigention ._.., a..oJfiA ........... Air ConclJtionin1 .......... Preaure Pumpe Centrifugal PumPI ,_All.. .. ... All ............ ....... ~ ........ ............. ! F:Jr..-llun nr n•·w nff•r• r• (111 thr romtn.: "'''lr will IH· m.uil' 10 11 11hnrt h11•1111'" llll'•'lltti.; hrfnro• thl" p rn2'!'11m {)peon JIOII<o II t I hi' lldlnt\l hr 1"\>ndur t .. d I•'IWprn 7 p m 111111 8 p..rn. AI II rt'SUII nf II VOl t• on lho• aum'mM" roonrl·UP Pl"tlf.:TIIm . 11 • v.•u dN-ldl'd to 11111r1 It In Mnv of thiJ Yf'llr, Mra J nhn W Tll'll~· too. hl'llllh IU'Irl ~umm,.r rounrl· up €'hlllnnan. to mnk,. nl'i't'IUinry ~trnn~tt>mf'nl!< 0) lllllrltns: thr· Pl"ntrrllm In M11y, ""Y rhy~ir:tl rorrN'tlon• ni'N'It'd tn Jlrl"·~rhool rhlldre>n r11n two m11tl•• lwfl'l'l' !l('hool III AriS In t hr fall AnnounC'f'mc-nt wn11 m 11tl•• nf Opl'n houJW 111 lhl' NPwport Hllr· bor Union H llth 1r hool to two oorduC'tl'd F r lrlll). loflly 12 frnm 2 to !\ p m Pllrl"nts of rl~thth Jtrlldl' r hlldr c-n Rrl' rKilf'C'illlly Wt'IOOITlf' ThC' f>II'ITlf'nlary P -T A 111r11ln thla )'C'Ar will awn tl four honor: ary mem~nhlp tk kets for Pa!'h oon<'t'r l of the fa ll w rlf'l spon- IIOftd by tht Olmmunity CunN'rl Aaociatlon, to atu&-nta In thc- colemc>nt&ry achoola . Thl's!' llrl' awardt'd on lht' haela of thr tltu- dl'nta' muslr11l 11hlllty Laguna Girl Scouts To Stage Fol• Dance Festival in Park An tnll"r natlonnl llll"llll' w ill prl'do mtnrlll' at tlw Folk n anl'l' F l'sth·111 to hr s1111:f'd hy thr La- ~;una 0 1'11<'h \.irl ~l'fllll~ nn ~Ill· liNin~. Mnrf'h :'fl nt :! Jl Ill 111 lninp 111"'' l'rork. L:tJ;:Una All C.lrl ~1'1•111~ nnrt rn o•nol' 11f !'l'ltUian~: nro• lmotood to """'""~ 1111-j;!;l\ 111Wf t•oloot ful t'l'o•nt l'ro·"·ntNI Ill h11n11r of .lullo'ltt• l.(m t ho• f•>~tnr1o•r n( (:orl ~l'<llll • In~:. th•·• ,. •~ lhl tirlrn•'~'"" •·h.orJo:o' hilt II hll~ ho't'llllll' I 1 il· d tlto>n,tl ot\o·r tho• l 'nlt•'11 ~I IIIo'!' rnr • oiC'lo Scvut anol ).:\11'!<1 to ' ~;lw n I"'""~ fnr rnl'h ~pur ••I llwtr lifo• r~lr tlw Julio'tlt• 1..1>\\ \\'urlol Frlrnrt~hll' F unll Fo·!'tl\ Ill l'hllormnn I~ Mrs I..N'1n11rtl Srhl'u !\>INI tW5nh<' \.\'nrr t'( ~~IIIHI 0t'IICh 15 ('rt'· 1 Ill or 1111d dtrl't'toll of I ht• rllln('t'!<. IH'<'I~mJlllntC'tl It) l\1 n! llt1h Thnmpsun Appt•Artn~o: m nntive C'O~tunw. t•ach trol<>J> "'" Jlr••- acnl 11 roJk d nnC'f' or th1• coun· try It hu ch011en. t..uk. tu P\t•r ) , , .... 1~.. hrtlll/1'• 111o•nt Fr n rn ""' Ill\''"''"" !llr E •I• ~ •• n pro><"o.,•rlo•ll 1 n th•• n·l'nrdln~ ur mu."ll' For '"'""' a lmO!It o•\ t'r) fll•~ I' I ot IIlii~ if' fl'f'llr(i('f1 On ~:dl!<tlll reo' onb \\ llS ~·fprtt•rl h) tho• 1:11 HI t!•'nllr~ himsl'lf lit• "11~ nnt ,, lu~o:hl•lll\\ 1'1 ho'" 11111" w;~l t,,,,, • In thts l"'tnn•·•'''"" Mr \'actor Volltnl:. w hn \\'A~ 11lUSICIII tltrt•t•Wr Ill lht· J-:tii~ln Expo·nm• ntt~l l.t~hurntllr) In Wl'l<t 1 Jr~tnr,:t•. Nt•IA' J l'rlll')', ti'IIS ltll~ ~till') .l11hn Philip Snusll, tho· hund 111Ht<t••r of rl'nown. ''"rt on•· rla\ tn ""dtll<l lhttt M<l· tnrt v. ~ u nt• r•f his fA\'Orltr C"'nlfiO"•·r' ~:rli~on rt•plird thAI h<' dtrl_ '\"' t·urr 11 hit about Mo- 'Art 10 wh11'h Snusa rt'lorted th11t Anynnl' who knew aa lit- tit• nhout musio• ll!l Mr F.dl~nn, f-:d tjon 11nd who d11r t"d to critl- rl7t• Mn111rt , WAll< . "C'Tazy" "hnnrJ10n words n .. w. I S<TAP no .. k It ('TTl I llrollrr Laac-h For 11 IJIII<'k lun('hN'In rlt~h th,t Is 0111 or thl' nrdtnnr y, cut lunch- •'i•n mi'At m l-ando rubo•s nnd :•1 trrnnlf' 1\llh 1-tnC'h !'lif'l's nr h11n11nn on 11mnll <~kl"''l'rl'< Plnro• lin rack or hrolllillt: pnn. 2 tn :\ lnr ho·s fr••m llw ho·nt Rrml lin· Ill ~tolrlo•n hrnwn, turm nr ''''('•' S!llll n11mrl h:~mhur.;r•r loun.., n m1 fnn!'t 1n h,.,,t.~r tt th.~ ~.u11 ''·''' So•n • 11 rnlohnc•· <nlntl. unol m•lk '" "' lllk c.uu . :>4('0 1 T S lit' :\1:\\TORT II \K80 R, ot.ervlnrr .lu.IW.tte Low day In bonor of t~r fOUIIdt-r, ~ ..,.,., ,. 1oa.:•·~&nt t 'rlday evee~arr In Sewport. Ha.rbor UnJon l Uclll lldlool audlk>rium wit h Rklt• lllust ratlnc tu rrla:-n r~tnnlr1~"< aHIIIaw.d wtth th,. lnl,mallunaJ orrranlzaUon of Glri Meouta. Taklnc part "'e"' n ru14 nl .... :ond lnto·n1w-dlat.e S.·uut•, alld Cllr l Marin..,.._, Ni'll,_..,tlnc Uotcl w nlor ~rroup. 'nwoy were dl· n ..-1•'<1 tt, h•IO(lt•" ""d ...,..•tutt h•alll'....., "1th M,.., t :ctcar Hill, olulletW> Low, cb&lrman, and M,.._ KaJpf\ lk•>I\Pr, ll,..rhu r """'" f~on.., In !'J\ariP'-phntu hy ~l·kno·r U. C. Reports New Child Cance r Hope :-'.\ FH \ '\( 'J~( "(I, M ar. 1~> '\o \\ h• I"' t111 \ultng vlctin" 11r ,.,,,. M lito • m .. st r ommon toe til"' •• , • 11h • ... ln C'hildren ., holtl out 111 ·• •·I~''' from tit t ''",, '" ,J l'.olllurntn Mt•olo ,. oJ "'"'"'' Ill tflo• 'J OUl'nltl oil I '• cll.ottll , .. r ••• " I II· llr\ " Silv('r, '" '""' ''" ••I 1• llltlrtl'!l In th• " h• ••I 1h ,,.,,fa,., ltnprovf'd r• '"''' 111 tho• tr••ntmrnt ••I \\tim..;' IIIII llf \\1111 h iS 0 hflthl\ Ill tlu·n till. ·'1'1'·"' 1111)· COOjtl'n tt111 cr .. 11 th ,,r tho• kidnt'y. Tltl' pll\•ll't:tll ro•ports A 1•r ,, ., .. t Jl< I' tl "'"'' t rr·ntf'd ,jn.- 1'•'1; "' I'·"'''' ,, "'l'lhOII' t H th" 1:1 tro· otdl hy IUr~~tlr.ol to•lll• ,,,I .,r 1111· korlnr·y. 10 ha'•' '""' "' 11 l••r 1~ •••~ ran~etnc frotno '"".tnt! un•··hRif to flftl'rn >•·ar>< .1 '"'''"'"rate-or 7tl•t 1w•r ,., n l In m•1't ,.,,,,., of survlv;o' 1 rl'll t nwnt "th X ray foliO\>\'• ol "lrc••r ) rto.. pi" <td nn repnr• F::l~·orcd With Corree ,.,, that. o f lnut pntlomls t rettt· SMOOTH • ..a.. ..w.Jy 41. o•1l \\lth X r.t} hlllh I.H'fore nn•l acribea t.JM delld•Ne ~ 1....___ ~np ounror'hoM7 nft•·r ~ltrco·r~. all nr!' still II II\• pictured aboYL A etroec eetr .. In-tla-..1 .-u. ~ '-""'"'" ••' l'nlil it ro•\\ )1'/lrll 3~0, lhl,fo~ fUiiOD aDd tha ntanl crf 1rklppln• 't:::=.:•:: ~~:.:;:;:,r:~:Uia wull llttlo• fl••1•· M survival ,•>( cream to U. eouamer ID&I'ket eom-.... ••ua-t t..• --"-1• 'bl T 11 d l cup wltlppod ., .. ,. th• ,.,.lin~· 1 ''''lfl" of this 11fflif· uane to ...... • poAI •· ou e--Jirht the f amily if JOU11 ...,. Cof-Softal ~1•tin in ro1tl wnlt'r. Ad,J t1nn !\tt"flto'lll ltto·rlltUrc !lhll'" fM Ve!Yet Cream for dinnn alone hot colfM anti 1 i unttl olo>•oh·etl lhHLllll' l•t•<l t.t'~UILS PT.C\•Ious!)._ with1ilat .-eonct-evp ofeoffee. Add sugar orr•onl'y n nrl tillll, ll'1• nltlntroo•rl "''"'' 111 11 l!l'ril"5 or I.' Thoae nro faYori\8 of million-atir until disaolv~tl. A tl<l .-.. 1.1 mil': I'·'''' 111• "lth " 'ltr\'ival ratr 111 rlcb, fla•orfu.l 1:0ffM aod whipped and m ix -.·ell. Chill in u rri.:<'rn'•lr ~~ 1•·r o•••nt • crtam-are ..-pon1ible for the u-until mixturt' lx>;u.s l•> !el. ll•·ut ur,- .. (ido Isle Yacltt Club Members Hold Second Dinner Meeting ol Year, Plan May 7 Opening l.Jdu b ll• Yacht club memlx>rs nml r:orntla·• tnt•l lur :1 "<'1'und ol111no•r mo•t•ttn~; ur tho• )•'Ill' Ill Martha Bushnell A I S. A. Ebe/1 Club for Spring Leclures Tlw Cat rlo·n So•l't tun nr !'!In I a ,\nn Ehl'll wtslws tu annu\111CI' lh" r{'turn o'll!;lll(<'fno•nt of !\1ur- t h.o Bu.,fHwll 1111 T hur,day, .\l.ofC'h II( a t '.! 11 m m tht• Eh<·ll rluhhou!w. 6:.!:i • Frt•n <'h stn•••t In ~110111 Ana Mrs Jlushnl'll'~ fall lrc- tur" \\31! ~oo r•nllllht;~sttt·ally rl'· !'o'l\'l'd IW•('IIII~o• of lho• Oll tlitund- 101( <IWtfl t) of lt<•r Wtlrk a nd d1Hrm or ht•r IJ<.'I'SOnality, thnl t lu~ ~Jirtnl:t •m•• fl•l" t•r arr.tn~o:t··1 nwnt pro"ntm is bo•tng gtvrn in llllSWt'r W th<• muny r{'\IUI'SIS t for her rl'turn. 1\, br•·athtaking dtsplay ts anttctpah'd and th!' Jo:nsto·r tlll'f!lt' "i ll ll<' r mphasil· I t•d with spr'\n!( n ow(•rs. • Tea wtll ll<' ~t·rvtod followin~ tht• program by tho• hom!' a nd GArden Sl'l'linn or Elll'll. Tickt>ts an• Sl.CIO and they nn • U\'atlahll• at th..-c-lubhouse. Tlw puhltc ts tll\'lll'd to a t- l••nd A <'•Jmph•tt•, Wf'II·•'<JUIJIJ'II'il ,.,lllp fu<'tory "II" found by urchc'<llo~;l:<ts t'Xl"!IV3IIng J>Ompt'ii. Thi'N,' nn• nbout two anti onl.'· \\'htto•'• ('Ill(' Ill 8alti().J h:i:>l !-'11· day rught. ('umnlo'lllur•• NtchoiiUR Do• l\lark 111 t, o<1u('t'l1 nt•w ml•mb!'rs of th~ LIYC llt•fun• tumm~ tht• md•ttnt; ov••r tu t•ntt•rtrunnw n,\ cha.H'flllln \\'tlltam Sulltvun. Tho• OlOIIIIO pkturt• of l it " I •Uillmo•r' I h•nolulu r<H't' "·'" ,h "''" to 1111 rnthu~•u,.ttc autl· jo'l1l't' WI \\.IS "\1/h('(•IS (1\'l't Jn• ....... Suiii\'Un 1111d ht,.. <·om mil h '<' ur<' cltrr.·nt I~ bu,.y on pla ns for a ~,:al.• part> to OJ~t•n th~ Jg,ts yuchl In); woson r (J r LIYC un M:o) 7 1n thl· bt•ouurul patio ot lho• cluh hilUS<'. Casino Cafe and Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. ttuar t1•r !)tilton I~>Clpll· In t~h~£~· ~"~I~Jr~h~l ~=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:::=~ Wedding Gowns .0·;~ • Exquisite New Gowns for the Bride and ){. :: • '7 ·\ Her Entourage • Wedding Gowns ( \'.,;.;~. ·l • "':.fc; ~ • Wedding Veils • Bridesmaids' Gowns !if-~.·: ~ h• LN Our Wt"ddmg Consultant _ \ \,} llelp Yuu Plan Your Wi'dding • Phone 0821 BRIDAL SHOP MALCOM'S • 108 N. ltlabl VAN FLEET'S FRESH FISH T h•• 11rtiH'Itnn 1111111'81"5 In mn•l traordina~ texture aAd fluor of til wt'll bl~nded. Aold vandl:t nntl Coff V • C Qu'~k a nd fold into whiroouod crr3nt. f'•ttJ r into f'llSo•S hdtoro• 'ht• llli(l' or lit\ .. • .... ream. ·~ ,.... I . euy to make, It can ba 'ktp~ quite a i,diviolunl ~•·rvin~: d,.hl'l' nnol chil N t' M t Mod S Food M k t \l'rtr-. IHlfl ,,, nr lht• UniYl'MIII\ while if ltored in the ftfnrualor . llt'l'crn l hours in refrtl!t'f:l\1\r unttl ewpor 8 OS ern ea ar e o f \~ht .. rnul ~'""''' .,..,.,,. unrl·' Try your h•nd al CoffM Vtlnt lift. (in•"' h wtth llltr•••l "''""""s Choic-e SC'a Food at Re&IIOilabte Prlcee th '1'1 ' \111''''51 a 1~,, c y '11 be d 11 h'-"' R e '· a,cl r,•r o! '•I ••r l\hrnschit:'J ch~rt •t~. '"' a..:•· "' " ~ • " nam. ou " r loCU. r>r ~ ·• Open Dally ... 8 a. m. t.o 8 p. m. finly t hr•··· day.. nlrl. opera to~! t~ recipe. lt'a telted, of ~XJUrM. • YieiJ: li · .rv .. l:;J. 111 ~lrFADDt::S PLACI: o n In I ~12, 13 111 Ill n II v(• Uld jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilj ho·ulth) T ht• ohlo•<t J'llllll'nl, Z7 ' 'l'llr• nf lll;o'. wn< 111~<1 1111\'f' when j11,1 ""'" 111 1!~'1. 10 )'o'llrll aft· I ,.,. UJit'r '''"" r•a r l,\' ~hnrlrakl' ·nll~ IR I hi" SNI!IOII 'fur (r('lh ~tra" ht•rr) s h "r I 1 ,, k •·. and t ho•r···~ neot hm~ mnr• rlo•liahtful to Sl'f\1' 111 A pnrty~ F"r A vnrla· lion with 11 rl'ltl pnrty touch, !<l"rVf' ll ~lt<'l' of vanllht lro• rro•am m thl' 1111ddh of <pht haking-1 llOWdl'r lttlwuit~. anti pll'nly of ~Wl'f'lf'no·rl hl'rr les nn•r t II•' top. Tht' IM·rrll·s mny IX' sltrf'd or par· 1 i111ly crushed, If drstrt•s , a nd IIRhl syrup may IX' u~Nl for ~<wrrll'ntnl':. Lrft -O\'"' IAmh Olah To mllkf' 11 new dl~h ''"' of tht ll'fi ·Ovt'r lamb roa~t. r ut thl' meAl in smltll •·ub<'s and add to a mushri)Om sAurr. m " d _. with I d tht•r fr;-~h or cnnn·~l mush· rflC\ms. Sl'asun Wo'll. and •••rvc P•Jiin~ hut on hnk .. d mal.trlonl tlmhAir• 1 S alami ~ak..., 11 lilt T o'\ gil'r n"''' 11·~1 I" "1:1: • dad • tmJ·,, to•ho .. ·""' I' h ,, p" I .. or t:r oiUnrl • ol11m1 'f'r) t Ito • 1mf' ltwk with 1111' .,t11ffn1o: "' o!. 11INI •·t.:J.:l< Tit·· Ill• ., t " •II ••I· I It· 11 1 I- n•\~~ .~,"'II nc •~lrn l11\ttr lh' ~l nsslt.•r • • o~e .ton to lhe ace•. ~lum- .nttng to ppln,.-dur- ~ Jf mbly I .~· ~r\l' .PI! .<'ri~'& Jalu 1 ·flo ... tlon .-<1 uet ot 17i 'I'lmu . TF.U, ~~.000 TO 110,000 GO- . !I rest-cla s s rf cea .frful futurf. P aT An. make •• n. 1\ r tut&t.-. clanee h. tO\trl• NEWS · Tl j'IES CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISEMENTS Will Solve Your Problems RE AD T HEM FOR PROF IT USE TH EM. FOR RESULTS THEY PAY BOTH WAYS t .. Newport Harbor's Only DAILY Newsplij)er Member Aud it Bureau of Circul ati ons • " -------z---Stoe. ____ _ '''1)' b1•n uts nro'n 't •l~' nr hr ll\)'. t:lml'r It "·'~' 1 •I; hi h. '' 'ht•y'n • li~ht. nurr) ond fink). "f''' 7" Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication PHONES HARBOR 12 or 13 ... " ftLEPBONU: ~& 11, 11 AND !tl Pubu.Md EvflrY Day, Moaday ThrOQI~ Friday Vol-XL By ClUTier or Mall: $0.80 per month anywh<>re in !'\Pwport Beach and Call& MeN; $2 . .0 for 3 months, $4.80 for 6 months: S9 ~r year By Mallin Orangt> County: S9 pt>r yt•ar : to 4th zon<'. $9.25: • to Ath zont>. $9.50. Entered as Second.Qals mattt>r at the Postotrioe In Newport Beach, California. under the Act. of March 3, 1897. SAM D. PORTER Publlaher LUCIUS S. Sl\tiTii, lU • . ManaJrina Editor W. F . DIXON AdvertWna Manaaer Prlnllna Plant, 3011 W. Centru.l Avenue, Newport Beach , California Official Paper of the City of· Newport Beach1 A DepeacleNe Local lnaUtuUon for 0\•er 40 l'ean NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~~ Active@)· Member _ of ..:"'""' f~ Enterprise and CompefifiOn Co Toae A bulletin i~:::ued bv an a~ociation re presentinJ! retail store~ recently made this wise observation: "Everybody has done a lot of talking a bout free enterprise, but f ew :-;eem to realize there can be no free enterpri~e without free competition. Many of those who are most vocifermfs about free enterprise are among those who are out for every tight little scheme to prevent competition. Woe to the retail trade, if it support!' these schemes .... Everyone ex- periences some form of competition which he d oes not'like. and injustices certainly a re involved i!l .so~e com petition, but, take n b y and l:tt& compet1t1on ts the m ost con~tructive and helpful f orce in our econ- omy.'• · Rome years ago restraints on free competition took the form nf punitive class t axes aJ!ainst the chains. A Federal tax of this kiml was aJ.r~rressively ad vocated, hut fortunately for the con~umer:-nf thE> cnuntrv. did not pa~!'. The aq:rumt•nt wag that prnal- izin~ thr cha in:-; was n(•t·es~ary tn keep the innE>pe ncl- Pnts in husine::::· hut the vPar~ han? proven that the in drpendt'nt whn lmnw!' hi:' ioh can meC't cnmpP- l ilion. dE'\'(' lnp hi~ own cl it>ntelC'. a nil Jll'o~rwr., Othrr ],inc\:' nf mE>a~urr:' whic:h would in mw wa~· Ill' annthf't' t;tl\<' t·ompfllitinn out of ri'Lailin~ ar<• t•nn- -..tantlv hrin£! prnjHt:o:t'd. Thr wor:'l. of ro\11':-'C'. wnulrl lw a 'rrturn. tn ratimiin(! and prier enntrol. ~~·arrt> tJnncl ~ would tlow into tlw hlarl\ nwrkt>t and thr 1 -R+HW4 mEl.r<:h~nt. wuult J1.axl' 'll31''t•lr cnwrl'<l :'hPh-f':-:. And tlw \':1:-:t ma inrit~· nf A nwrir:•n:' wonld :'ufft•r a~ a r('!'ult. (' Ctlll JWtit io n m :ti\I'S f~ II' t })P ]n\\'l''l priC't'. t ht• h t•:-;t :-c•rdt·t•, ;1nd tlw mo:'t pru~l'(':' ... i\'t' hn~int·~'. T hat i:'ll't tnw of an~· other ~ystem. throu~;h Salinas and ovt>r to <'Oill!t , date groves. Lunch COit!'ht>tla Vnl· through Vt•gl'tnblt" rui,rng un:•as l1•y. lmpr•rial Vnll1•y ft~nnt•r on Dinnt•r Santa Bnrbara. bom(•r. Pkk up trarn h<'n> for Marc.-h :n Santo Oarhara. l 'ht<'OII(II Vt•ntunt C"Unlll'll. citrus un.•as of ';\ L< -A 1 d 0 I During tht> U. S d1•pn•sslon of "' n~;<' <'S lin ra~gl' count ~ thl' '30s illni'SSt'!< la~<lin~: ~I'VI'n Nt~thl Mts~1on Inn, Rtvo·r·~illo·. I olav~ or m orr• (l(>t.·urrt'(! a t n rat(' 1\IJI'II 1 Rh'l't'Sidt• Bt·o·ak (n$1 11l~ur lint• anrt nnt•·half tlml'!l thut Mtslllon Inn. Co.1rhl'lla Vnlll'y amon~: Wl'l1·tO.d~ IRmill<'~ ~uTt::-Uwf' t4 •wdd....i f'hAftCf' It~ lta JIIcfitl '"''"W Tim,. thf'f"r ••If t. .... ,,.,... co~r•r•-'" ,.... ...... I lu • tt Ul ,..,. rtt#Tf"' I rd • • ...,.. ... , ..... abtr VOCR DIAl M r tKJ __ _ .,~, ' .. "'' ... ' .. t..\II'CJ --·--111 • ~ k t ( .. ___ ,. ' .. ktr I .:141 • o. "' "• ---,..,. • .. "'" ___ 1na ~ &. '"' u• 11,., • •· "•""'" ,u.ut ~ ,. \f J) l t L• Jl. ~ II -4 I "'"' ' )o.ttJ-T n h IIJ-1, k \1 ' J ' I t I. I I I • J. ' *·••I .... J ' I f ~ : ~: ·I 4 '1::';' h ' N ad t ,. t .• JJ •• , ... ..-......... I'·"-.. l .... ... .... Q ... J II •'-/4 t J ,,,, h \ lo I Lf'•t • h.I1J _,.,., , 'nll1r "-... _ ; ,'c~;~·: • :~.~''',''~, ..__J h ' \ (.; •' ICrnfl") h ' .... I I • ''" ' tht•tt h -.. Jtu '• '"'•<tWill ., .. •'I• CROSSWORD PUZZLE ..... ",..... ,_. M .. l -AniMal l .._.. •-••nt I Oiled . ,.~ . .-.. a '•' aa.&.W f.--r., r , l._n h.,., .. . ,., ........ . f Auau ao Atta•uto...., tt Hlp.n•t t1 T'1t •unH•• If Or<l\Mir& It _,.. ltellf .. -or, .. ,.. 11 -To .... n-•-a .. _.,.,.,-----D -Otua ........ _ ..__ .. .._.,,........ •-o----.o_, ·-----~., .... .,. .......... .._,.._,.,. n-'hllerl-..,_, INCOME TAX QUIZ * f<PI \\" • '"' • ~,.,.,., K \11't'-l••fl A 'I h I \\.! I o,p I 01 o I Z M C:;o;;;;;o;:=::ta.l......:......J ~ ..... ". '·' \t·-···'1 * l l~rtitor'< nnt••: This IS lhl' 1;~~1 tnd.l\" ,\ If \!Ill mN•t tho• •11'11 · ,.( 11 <••t ic·~ n( th1rt•·•·n l>r\Pf '1'"'~., tlltt"n uf tt I arm• t t:o IN·r·«nn \1 tm t 1pn und ~u1.,;:"•·r at1 u·),,~,. ''"JII:IIf1• tl•·lt\• .... 11 I• .,,, ~ o( h1' c-r .. ,, lfl· Btl! h1 w '" ftll "'" ''"" l••h·t.ol ,.fll•• ltom l •trtllnl:l. '"" ll•·"tl. ""nnw t;o~ r•·lllrn I I""' ltlo· ' tl• •·l.tr ·'''"" ••I •·•llrtt lto-tl (} 1-. " ,-. ... trnttt'll h. (ott• r)ttol t." otnltl .Ln t••·••' 1\ 1'11'1 .\t1\ nwht ,,,.,., fll:thlo·" 1\ Th•· ,..,,,.1 • rt• • lo,t• It tlol•• for .tn •·qotll'tto •I •••I• I'" 'I" ··lfto•;tlh .. I ttl.. th.tt I' totr " lllll•t rtf, ot ,,,. lnnu:ht til '' t•u "' rnu .. t 1" tn t!,.. h.tntf.. <J \h "'"' :.nl1 I " •n• t" ,.,,,I I • I '"' ,· .. 11··· ,, r of lnt• r n.tl H· \·I n\t•r "'" '"'"t Form IIIII• 1 .. In•. '""' ,,, •lht• t l•l"-1 ur htt,ln • ...... fultn~ "h :.--4 •,tt .. uhl \\ .. l·w·'< htt . \1.11 • t l'"'t ·• ,\ 1\•· -..tu··-\ t\U ..;.upph '~' "•'' (,' • • ., t c• 1 .,, , ''' n'"'" ,,f IH•~h ,.,,, n n.tnl• "-. _..t•• ''"' ' ·• '<Ill )•I ftllf1l" fJn 141 1'; ltfltiO ftn'i• '11;1\ fft• r f 'lll l1 ,,,. 'til• \HI., •ttd p i't1~ ,.-.tnn.d• ·• \ ~11 It'' lh• t •l d11'f1'htp ••f \fUll tit , ,,, , • , ... .,., ltt 1n , ,., till• tl '"' I" t1d• nt~ 1 ,,, ,n, •'' •• h .1rl\ "'' h ftlu J'l\"\ tl•t·l tlt11•1 tt f t'fl· tu~'dtUL' ... tti•Jitllf l11 \nUt l·ttlltl l ,. 11, 1 , , y .,11 '" ,, !Jiph fttr '" 1t!111 f''• ...... p t •:t til '''" lt tl • •· 1 \h ft 1110 of IUHt• l•\f l lltrtL! \uUr l l" I l 't' thu l11 "'H'• Itt l flt j.~-., 1'1l, I•TUru. tfUI \Ptl 0\11"-l lw )'It th• ··)lil'k lfl 1111' '•lfU• t f\\flltJII ;l' {•If• d tu Ill•· tnUh.th t tn '·'" '""I th• fo1111 11 Uh·r•· '' 1 t•l•!nd dth II•JIIt• 1t tPn ., 1,(11-.:,tJ ~rut ''""'"' th• ,.,,,. h· "'•tr• ,., l.l \ .. " l trttto r. tl01 I fl,,,, Ito • ,,,..k tho l•lnl'• I' 1 .. X tn II • ttl 1•1 ltl•· to' 1~1\~, ~ttnt:t l• •I "'' ro I urn I"" I ·• ·• I AG f" •14 I"'"' "''l•rtt ~'"''' .o11d .lt•hn l .. \. omm1 .ee l'htl ltp• 11 .•• lllt;orl~.;dl n,." -~'~•··"· T (, I •II· '" tlo.tt tli•l \\Ill _,.,··-""''" 0 omp ete I'" , .... , .. ,,. ••11 ttw :.?:.!ntl dt"r lt't I W t T ''' ''"'"'""''"'' 111 lit•• '"""' t im• es ern our ·'"'"'·" ·n"' .... "'""t I•··· "111 ..:·, I'" •I lo1 r t.tlrt P hillip• \l ilt_,<\~ to n .. ''"'""""''' "" ;tt:l" ttl ltlto 1•1 ('.tldOitlllol lind It,,,. l\1•! •I '" on J ll1• II• I"' "' I!• ptt·" ll t:tll\o hi• II•· dl I tt• 1 lu·l"'' I''' kin~·,,,, tit•· 1111• lliPittlo IIIII I ••lllJol••to• tho IIIII loolt 11111101 :11 jl;o\1• "II tltl' ..'!<llfr \\lito It \\I tfll t t tllf I d lo\ tit> ' tf tot \j 1 oft :'.f,. tfltl• Ill l'.tftl"l tll I t• f, •r I, l(o \\';t•IHth.,tool) lt•f '\;01\••nt ),.lf,.\1• I •,. r 'I • t. -'" I • ' I • \1 '" I 1 •1111• I. \\ hill• II "I \It• ••tj•t·l 11•> II t • tl I \tu l··• un itl \1 11t • ... 11 , \! ' .. ' ·l ., ", I 1.. If \\ r lloo .n ool \\ ,,fltnL!tnll .. n I l· • 1 ·In 1'1 II i• ol (" .ltlo•tnt • >1111 \I II· • •n_ \\1 Ia l h•n t ·k· lh• lour I I f., llto 'I f'' I I\ dlf ftt•f, • t ·J " I I wf-I •r '" ,._.,, .... n, Ex-Monarch Visits U. S. 'If""* , ,.,,.,.,,,,, MIC'hnrl ol RumAnia and hb m~tJttr QUt•rn fit te-n • · ,.., At lh,. 11111 of l~}ln..r ~urrn Ell7.atM'lh a.• lhry nrr11r tn No•v. \'.,tk r tr, Tht a-mu~rcb told .t«'l)llrttra ht llf"llrH'd n••'JJ .I>Il •n •r1 ot .,.., t<ould tree bla COWllrJ from tJte Coo1mu::.l.'lt.s I< I j . \ I I •f11,. 1'1 J\fj f I II f ' 1 Jt", J<t-•\• II II ,,,ltl•u h ·' II II 1111 h r ,t.~ ;. . ,,., ... ' \f' " t..l K l \1 6.1\ •n k t. \ I• I_) j t 1-\1 I ' t li '' 1\.o " ~' .,. H" I 'r '" ~If \ ' I I "' 1 •n ,,,, h. I \ t, \ ,, •11 1 I I -I I I ••11t1• I '-\. '""' h r ,. '' n 1 1 ~b ···~ ht Af" 0 I t t.-r to." • 1 1 Tt~u•• '"" ' k 'X I ~ \ ',.r '· ,. "' )(f \r'" t\' ' Ktl )'•• • \\ ,. "-' t A 1 t \\I '~•• K II f ll•r,. ,, Ann t\ X-'• • 1>1 u:-M '" "00 . ·~ tel \r -"1 I tnlt t\ \1 f•(" ' t. "' ... ft)' ",., ~-·. h l •'4 "41+"1 h lll-lluf"'•r mAn Ki~\·8-T~11u Ttt,-t 10 1 -1•• t I.J ~ .. ' h ' t • ,,__, \ .. \• .. " ' I I' .. •t • r K '' I .. , I h t 10 I ). H f' l I \\ ,. ~I" J \• ' I t ft J t( .. ~ J. \\ H • .... to I '' ~ • t • ~ tt . ,. ... f\1 ,r '"'"' 1 '•' \\ t "1.:.-w• t • t A·n•,.' ··t ,,, J. I ,• It • •n• •• I •I n1 1-.. ' 1H• 1!; Alt\ ... J l.•t t;., l ttt It h 'I( ,_,... Tl m•• •·u K t \r r~ , • ··•• Y J I ""*••rid 't••• )( '"' IC • I .. 4 R .. J'thlll K: ~-\\I~ 1 "•'"' \\'l'lrd k ' ,.,.-. "m"h 111•1? h "tl•().......th t •· t'luft )\I • \ I ' , 1 \•r ,, lh " ., " ' I I I I I I I I t. I ' I ' I h \ I ...... "' I II ,,, ., ,. M !e I I t• \1 h ,, ., I • I h I~ \ '-"" ~~I • • \ ,, ~· \\ ' , .... , ' '''"" '• .. • Jr rt·t\ J( \1' I ' • ~I I ,,~, •• It~ =""··· ) • ' 0 ...... )\ HJ )tw ._ -" \ I I 1 • n II :It 1<•1 T•t \., )\\tit ...... ,.,. •• d. k • A ''' h K• I -J'•I•r I' u •r ~~ \•' Kl \\I \ltJ•Ie 12 30 k ·'--It•-f 11:45 f( ,.. l 'ht ' hi. J\ I A t I I I 1\ '\ "••• lCF""\.! ,,,,.. , I • A M ,.,.,,,,,," ~•f't :lit f ,, T nll'ftl ==~~~--~~.~~~~~-------·----TF.tf.VJSION " ·,:. #I'''" 8' I•Jium 7 • .__,,,,,,., i'C"•h·••re •Ht tllnl \4"ch•e 1 !'I.•._I •H•I• HIIIIU'h 1"1,At ........ ·h•a. I a 11 \-t 'haa. I I ot•&-Tr••• 1• I'U• fTI'H•Iahtl 1'fnntattn fJ .~1• 1 , l•.~u•'-l ...... h i,, .. fl ·• ,,. ll<~~~lrtt h \• • 1,1 I \1 h \ hllf .... )\ " •• • • .dy h t ;\t -r-\' .• ,, Kl'' h •' K \U + _ ... ~ 'i I 11·• l"' I \ ' •• hilt I ' I '""' 1"\ I I 1· II•' I .;t I P. k '' \\ I I I ~ \\ I I I • h 0 to 1' Jl t • \ T •' 't 11• • ,HI \ I l~~r~t1r t. A • •·1 10·<41 ~ t f \ ,,, ... q, ' )\Ill It • t·._,. II" k ' t t ,,, ~I I I ."\. \ h i ' N ' .. I -\1 II " . ' j,t • .... h i ~ "' • H I I '. I • rr \ \f ~ I ~ •. :o hi • Il l ' I. I h ' I I I II I ., .. ,, ... .. ~I I '.} ,rf-'• I I \ I ••• , ,, i,t. t ' hi " .. "' I .. ,, ... .. k I \I 1\1 \ Kt , h I • \ "' . ,, • I \ • 1,\ ,. ',, "' r: t • I I fA )'\ • • 1'1 ...... K • AC-1 I Aq t U Jlt l ,,.._,'h '~ --.: ...... KVt•(• li' I 1;,_,., ){ • t ,, •• "" • • ... Kf \\I' I \1 "' \1. r tt: 'It M, •r'' " I:M WI .Ac-\h~• Kt' h • I••' _,. • K I A T n ltt•n"'l"'t&a k IIJ 1.1 'r I • .., k • \ • ••• , • '-\m .... ~;.~~ ,: . ' '"'""· -~ .. ti;,_ 'I w • ·• '"" -t k !\1(-lt .-." .... .. .. .. K I ,, ' I • • )(II "• • l e'•e~ h 'tl ,. , ....... ,d.,. K ., -Kll •• fl'friH ... " r .. I I I h ' "' '" I I I I I o I t ' • ~ t • JC r , • ).. ~~I "' . J( II I IJ •• X I II' I ... r' It 1\ I t it ,, ' If •• ' .. . I a•t t t\ . , . " .,, \\ ... •• y ...... . , . . , .. , ~ • 'Ute •• u I \\ tid ,., " \ t ' I • A t ._,_.t I. .,, \ 1 u f>•••me r r,.. K f \1 ' • '"'tub Itt I t • • .. ,._, • I r )(t ' --• , .... JO II '• • .... I ,, I I A• .. t }(\.'( f I e I., .. to '' w .~ • ,,. r I!Ai I 13 IC r r ,,. 1 to~u·r •• .. ..... , ' l m I'l l I• I h i'' ,,, c " ,, .d I I .,, .. o + ~II, I • I U • f "''·t ' ... I I' \f ... ,, ..... ; It I '" ... I t I ' •· J "' ., n ' '"' " h ' ' . '. \ I I "' f : 1\ I I I .. • I . .. , .. )(Il l .. \ • • • f '' " . •• I \\ A I' 'I '' ' ,, I I \ I 1 I * f 'I I ~~ • r " .. ' " ' I '• .... , t ~ "' ' '· k I t ••I ,... ~ ~ ,, I' u ,, .,,. k \ ,.... ••.. .1 • .... ~ lt \1 •• • I • ,lolf . .. JC I AI." F· \1•,u l k I f,l'• I 1 • t 1 I )( ).lt•f , ... ' ••• ~· \ " ·~ f \ II H•t • n A4"' .... J( ~I lfe .. """Ult ' o\ hO 0 \t I . ' ,., ~~ A \ ... ), ~ . k-' ~·· . ,.. .*.,. . , . ..,,, . ., . " • I At;.._.Wo.t• k., ,, .• • .• ... tl . 411• ' •• ,. •• , '-' f .,., ' ,. ,,~ tf , .... h, '•h..-...f "••tl• ............ ,~ WHEN 'T~SE ME : "'iS~ Fl~ NG T'-E "!N'T UPSTA Rc; "~ 0" &"lNG MOM INTO lC.,,' COILV K~V~'S GYM, 0 ' CO'J~SE !! '100~ NAME IS <!~NNA ATTRACT AI L D CUSTOVEqS, KID ~~ .J un~lt· ( 'on:-.pir atur!'\ :.'S wov UJ"6£0 ~ST A ''" y p Of' •!t. ~· I" •• y ........ ,.~.' ~CEAL£0 rt Ill FllOM r>-E lll:Sv.._ ... c • • . 0 "•S P~T11 "ClOY. BE" '<0 "-r:u •• ~f.-PA '-.. ,.., t,.~ FV ,~ ,•• ' -- • .. I A•<':;or:•t • ··("11'" ,.r t-r1-~.~ ~~ n ~Ako, • '' •• 7 r PageS NEWPORT BALBO& NEW8-TUIE8 BANNER HARNESS SEASON SET APRIL 2-MAY 15 JIONq.\\' Newport BMda, CaW. Mart~a. 16, 1m * TRAINING CAMP BRIEFS By J lAL WOOD Unltl'd Pl"t'M Spor111 W ritt•r * 1, • W··~t••m lla ml'Sl< Racing ~._.;-vi uwlu•lln~o: rnv,, for the club· 1' 1 1 1 ,11,,. II• , .rul 1 , • .., 1"\ •'(I IICaU Ul• tt"''"-"HtltUU ., O"tnklll~ t' •I tt t lit H trt• .woroll"'" 1111 "' I"• ol.o) m• •' '' ' I •l•l• "" •1•1,'" ••wns are""" I I 1 ~:r ·onrl '" 10 • 1 11.,." ,,t s.ortt.o Anita pari.. In~. "",.'' uut'''-"' In~ an • I 7,.' • ""• '•· •~•• \ ··p~ .. Jt•n\. C"tn·ull lu'l "'"' ''' Sanln ,\oil,, I ~ ' • I ~trk from~·, itt.o\ Aflrtl .:' tlllt~ll~lt 1111 '' , ... .t .. th '' th•• lo•;l( lnlf hn• 1• .. 1r. 0,., "''' , • "' tit• • ""''' count r~ * * * Sutumu~ •. '111) .1 r II . ·l ·vhn ch • • \" f'••-Prt'litdt•nl and uwlordont.: run•• " '' ' ' • 8111 , 1-.XI"<'IIII\• I . I .,;,. ,u.n•o•l 1'~17 ·•••··"""'"1:81SIInt • 8 Unltcd Pn~ SA:-.1 Ft,;RI'A>"'f>C 1• M ar<.-tl 15 '"'"''"11 :.tt•n"lo:'"r 11' rn.llo 1j,'',1 \1111 , '" I'Contrnur trnmlnc. All .... ,AHE~• ~AITh 15 -(UP)-I !UPI Thl' Oaklan<l Af'llm '"ll " n••J "'''k'" ltnntottnhc~·rnl'nl ' '• rool•l ,,,.,,. "'II I•• !11.111 two hut ft.J, ._.,, "'' • , • • , 'hi ,., n•·'' ·• ' Glen11 U f"nnan lllld Qlnr les Rlppll' squud I rekkl'd nor I h It Ilia} to join I ho rl'. w 111 . 1" ,.,~~ 1 :\loond-", 1111 1 •It .-I 111,1 ,. tlt1•n '"' 1 hr lnau&ur.ol were ach«<ul('() to prtch fOr the thc• 1'<"<1 or thl' !Nom fnr lho• rt•· '.'" II"'' ·• " ·. 1 1 io p rn .,..,.1111c .,, h.1n•l Top drivpr- Sac:ramC'nto "8'" l('llm t o d Ay matnder o f thf· rl(hlbitlon ""'""?" ~~alu~.ltt)''~· ~~~'11'"1: ·:.r tiw ""',.. .tn<l t r.otn••r~o "'II 1•·rfonn. qaiMt Unlvenlty of Soulhl•m Tht' ··B's" scjl'loorlult.-d rxhthtlton tlurtn~.; thh· Ill '~"~'',',~~lo·l" thPn· wtll ... , ,tl\111111: tlw I••P 1>\II"W!! for th• ,.._,.._,, with Los An~o:•·lt•s )'N>tl'rdny wu~ 1"1: nne I 1 ''1 •1 ... L"""' s 1111 , ,\ott.• "'"'"" ul nf this traclt· ..__......-..-. • tw nd rur tn.: on '' onu,l\ '· r I • ' • Ill Holdout Pitche-r Jack Salveson rained out. _.. nt . ·s lin· ,1•1 1,,r· Apl"tl ~. 111,m:ll ,\m•·n··un 'P"" w 1M' th• lllcne<l hla contract and reported The OakB pl&>•'<l S•·allll' tn n jo h; g ~~d ·1 9 (';o·nl'ralrtclmt~i.on ' ·'"'-'•~• (;~;ltlo•n \\"t·•l l:a<'t' on Mit) to the Solon camp. Yt'llterday's 1·1 tie Saturday tw>fo re the ~:nm•·jf· ·1 -1 $I 30 lnrlutlm~ tn-:c·,.und l t 11tul th•• :!-.')4)01)1 f,11ldcn Wo·•• exhlbltJcm lamt' with Portland was called In the flfth bM:'ause of ~ M' n · wu ralMd out. but Sacnnn«-nto raJn. defMted San D6l'tro 3 to 2 Sat- urda.y. ONTARIO MarTh 15 ll'P I r'"' nn :\lny R. Tht'l'<' will be sup- '"' t<otl h) t wn nonsulatlon evenu h•• \\"•••ll'm Pat· ... and the \\'est· II r ••.• un May 15. '"''" lorund no·w $10,000 stakes, • ,, ,,,ltlo•ll monl'~, will ~ The ""'wi ll' l"llt'l' on :.t ay 8 ana · Tht• II ·1 • 111 Trot on May 13. Tht.>se ,... ''I·~ ••xclu~tvdy tor three· ,, .. oltl trntlo•f' llntl rapo·rs and uo· !Jit•·udy bcln~ h~>raltll'd as pre- •, "' for thl' 1948 llamblc tontan, 1.1111•• Brown J u{;, Fox and <A"'<'r" !'ol.oko•' It '' truly u brilliant ham<.>s.~ ,,.,,,on rom111g u p ut S anta Amtn .. n "'''"'I "J. l o u"her In the Grand 1'11"1'1111 for 1948. I. LOS ANGELES. March 15. rUP-~ HoUywood Stan ~~ UCLA a • nhlbltlon l &me to- cia)'. Rain fol"a'd ca~llation of ,.atenSay'a acheduled tilt IM'tween the Stan and PIt taburlh PI rail'S at Glirnoft field. Manltgl'r J im ColiiM ltBVI" m011t of h i11 San Ol~o Plldn-5 a dny of n..,.t )'l'f'terday wht'n thc!lr l'XhlbiUon with St'ettle wu canot'lled McaWit' of n~ln. Pitc ht>no and catcht'n< n•· vlt>Wt'd signals for 8 ~hort limo• In tht·du~. * * * Coasting Along With nob Oe&er Forced to Re-Set Annual Contest Ot't' TIU:" 00. TtH> AMf'rt('aD l.ecton·IOpOIUOOrl'd Boy Se-oul 1\lkl" h1 llho14'n hfo"' ahovtna otf brta"ht and r uly Satuhiay morntnc. T'"' boya. all from T roo11 1\, Wf'l'f' ral1M'41 out Sunday and came horne In a IM'hool lluoe wllkh wM -t atw u-n wbea tile truck fumJ-'-1 by thfo city, ..a..own &bon, IMM'am e a bit water-IG«~I'd. Troop " . .,. hfoadNI by St-out-terw Tom l'erldnrt and .lollJI Doyl4'. r*tot<J by Atlmtral --------------~'-------------------- Tot.-m po~ dot the COWIIr)'· .. from vancouvt'f" to YAkutat. Aluka. Salt la the! world'• meet ph•ntl· rul m1Mral. ART CLASSES ......, z-e•·p-,IM to t :IO 4ft ...... • ...... -IIOOIIdly taucht --Charroal or Oil Painting. . . . Ex!"W'ric-nrrrl Teacher. Graduate-of U.S C. nn. Art.a •• -Put Studt•nt ot Art OPnter Srhool. L. A a.-: N<'wpor1 Grammnr School Rm. 11. Call Har. :r .. ul for Info. A Regiatration. Coast Line Liquors Whittier Wins CIF Basketball Championship 1\y DON TIIAn<F:RY l'nllo•tl f'r•"'' Sport~ Wntt>r * * * s~:.ATI11~;. \\"n'h ~l<tn'h ,;, t\"1' 1 Jnrk Ntt•htJI,· 11o·nllll "''' k mn\ ko~'l} htm ftnm plnytn~: 1,,, •. ko·thllll for thl' \"n"••f'tl~ "' \\"n,htnltlflll no•"(l ""ll•lln :-;.,, 1 hu 1 t h• •• •• ·"" 'h•no.: "1"110: \\ llh th•• '""'"' 101: o·;o,·••t", I••• lh I nut "''' , .. ,.r ,,,h .. l• '"'''' '"' IHll\'••f'l1\ · ... ,••h•"'•l ••f n l•-t h nttt ''' REDONDO ftfl"A< 1 1. ;\lut• II I!> ,lull\' tlo•nlt•l n u nd lw urll" 'I•'''"' tlJP l \\'lu:t~t•:-ht~:h ' 11 .. 1 '" lhl' M.trriculll mar k·~·p hun t••• d3)' ho'hf th .. ~lllh••t'TI (';dt(nml.t hu'' ,11111~tnl: 1111.,~· 1,. "''"' CIF hn~kl't httll <"hnmlll""'h'l'· """ 111 • .,11 1,.~.10~ ~nturdny'" a II\'" 11 '"'"'')' •Wo•r "''"'''•·r tf h•· ltllll• '""'" '" , .. n Vf'nturn, t rnu•• h1~ •·••··· H'''''''''"' rh•· ... , Guard Holh .I •hn"ot' 1111111 •I tho· f•••l, '" '"' h ,., .,,,., '"""hi .tdd '" l llllm~'y'• t>tll•l.trHIIrt.,; I• I to',., "" .tho··uh 11 111,ttk.tlol,. h-t ltl ~p11rk•~l \\ hllloo•t Ito It .:'!1 '" :!'I .,.,,rill!; 1 ·~·;,, .t• hlllf·llmo• 11'1111 llo• "I" tho• lll~ht''j 111 tlw IU•I 1'1·11"'' "1\11: ,.,.k'' hhth ~Jrl'l" With 17 p<llnt~ \\Ill lw• f•lll\llll.: hi• •1\th \•Ill ul C"')il''"" ••••k thtt\1 pltwo· h) I vhl•ll\ hto •k•·tloodl 111 •11•• l't~t•tfu• l11o\\ntn~: St"11Jth t''""'"'"'' ·I:! '" .!~ (''"''' ,.,.,.,..,,.n, ,. .,,,. W itt I tnt• ottl'r tnktn~ "" IH '" 1:: lnto•nnl•· rr•• .. llllllln 1111• .:·"' 111111 nn '''" I j;l(m t'fiJ;:•• \1"111 yl ··h.:•"•"" "' l 'nt\•"1'''~ "' \\'a•tlln~>:l"" .on 1 h•• .:111 111 two )''"" uf "kin~:',.,· pl.o\lnl: '" 11 tr:tln•·•• ,,, th•• 1 rtl\• , ... t1\ ••I S rH a tho·m C'altf.,rtu.o tn 1'•1-1 :u ul I~C> "ll'hlll' I' tho• fll•l I'""' I 1"\o•t tu t .. • n.am•"ft nn lh•• h1l c•ttnf•·r• n•·· to·nm fii•ITI lw>lh tho· nurlh•·rtl ,ond 'illllh••m 111\ ""~"' -nw ~:mnl I"'"' m11n hio~ l•~·n n11rn•otl nn ttw .til til\ 1'11m 1 ''""' tn ,.,.,.r, r.n,. nf lu• ·~ II\"<' )l'ltf' nf lllflll•"llll<•n lhl"" l ltnh"'-fr11m \\'11•htn1.'1nn arul IW Ill' SKY lit till II!'\(; P IJ h Tht•ro• ur•· lnts u ( rl11uda hantr;tn• .. ruuntl tho· •kto•~> lh••tw dayw, hut th•· "' a th .. r man JW.l CAn't WTtm: Annual kltt'-rlynlg contest ol I 'ui.J Scout Pack liY.i will be held tWX 1 SUllday. providmg 1 here Ia n11 ram. 11ccording lo Mrs. Jack anY moUIUt• lt.ouh, ('()oOrd inator. out or tht'm Th" ,., <'n t hu lx'<'n acheduled w m. Cro\\ loor Sunrht). M~trch :l1 at 2:30 p. m. It "ttl lw lwld on the Nt'wport nwr .... wh1o 11 c ;r.llllln;u •c·huul ~round on Ot·ean """' .... h a I'll l·llonl '''"' Ptlot l'•JI I ( 'ulunu:-tl'r \\'urf'o•n \\'ctl'er will llttt·ah• 11 \4••1'"' rn rhur.:t• unrl tho• public is in-unly fly • !><·~ , 11, • ., tn tht• oe~J'" l'rll•'' for tho• o'\'••nt includt• a d.t) Cona~ "'' kwk hall fllr thl' most original l.ttlelns. It•••· tlo•'tl:1'1 nnd n Vthra-T ool to be 1 ·11r l l'h• '"' 1' "''II r ing hom• '" ltn'lo·d 1 ho• Jl<1<"k "mning the "'"'tho '"" ('nh ht• is flytn Ill•'"'' fll'•t... In mltl11uon. clf'ven ,,. ... ., q,.. 1 "'"'' '1"111~< Ia 11 n•" "'h•·r· pr11••• will IX' o ffl'rcd rn a" m••l• 1 1•1 "", ,, •ttl•• II)' side I!<'·•' nlan.v •·h ... ~•f•t·atwns. IJH". 'lo11t lo I \\ 111t.:o•tl ~hip. It \\Ill ,,., ·"''"'•I '" 1 h• rt."' ur shiPII UJ .. .I ,.---] '" ""' :\1.11"1111 Sd••••l of Avla tr•u• II SPORTSM.AN'S F"l11\tl :\ht 1111 :o nol lh•' writer tl l•·mto·;l 11 "", ''"~ "' the V. A .. "" I[ CALENDAR Sl ,,,. l!(o:orol "' 1-:lltll'ullon. lhl' I I 1\ A •n•l lito """~school opo•t • t11r~ ,.( ''"' .or•··• Sum (' inll'r('st uo~ \::.....;;;...:===========:::!.J t:wt~ "..r'· lor .. ut.:ht to lig ht, tu ,.,·knbblt-Ait )C:lr vJl('n ~ot•.t· , lutltm: Ilk 1.11 1 t h.ot I hrl;l' Is m"' • '""· ,.,,.,.,11 San fkt"Oaftllnu. Lo!; rt~ .,,~ &;:1111\l: "" In <'rr lifornin lh '' \rt~:••l··· 1 11 :1111.:'"· fll\'o·r-HI•·. Im pcr-~ In ,,.,. f( ... t .. t '"' ··uuntry pul ,, ,l.tl olllll s .• n llii•I:O ('UUOitt'S No ~·· lho·r I I \\ •• L'• II• rally conCt'flo •I lo.ol: hmtl 1 h.t 1 1 h· fh tm: 111 this r('stlon •· l'r"Nlator~ Antma.t .. -!'\o de•~'"'' lo• Ill It• hn.:h• r ... , •nrlrtrds thnn " v•,t"-011 •Ill tlw t;tktn,: uf \\tlck;oJ,. .on\ .,thor. lll tlu>IIL"h '<011'1(' (('W 511. 11111lo•' ''"''"'· OpJil"'llln• ~upho•f' J.:• '''""~ "' r• ,tf, "•I for still m••• ""'""' 1111 ""''' ~~•:.o••·•. t"Ut•ll' '"'I'"''' mont "' '" I• 11nfl ~kttnk' :-;., h:lg hmtl Tho r'"c '• nt '' ., 1 nnd unltm• h ...:., ll•···n-•• r('(!ulnod f At ... Tel.pliotoJ Tanc• of armt nap wildly u ball IOal"l wward buket ln see-saw CalUornta-Wuhtnat.on game at &rkelty, Calll. Surging from ~­ bl.nd five tlmu. the OQiden BeAra rtnally outraced the Hw.kJt'S 64· 11 1D opentna aame ot Ule Pacific Cout Conlereoc:e champlo~hlp ptayotr. * * * Harbor * * Even is * CHINA COASTAL FISHING PROPOSAL ASTOUNDS tOfFICIALS SACRAMENTO. March i5-0f- ftdills or th<' Callfomia division of f"tsh und Game took u second look rect'niiY wh<'n they read a lcttE'r from the Fnrm•'rs Bank of Chtna whtch noncha lantly staled "S('V~ral hundrl'd m>lhon dollaJ'l' and an ~n­ sf)<'Cifl•-d umount or fluid capital ~''Ill ho• l.t•<'<l to revtta llze Chma'1 l'Oll~tal ftshmg indus try." \\~tie wadtn~: through the ad· dre'-l' and ~·~'TIIllun· o( C. y . Wen~. dt n'ctt>r, th•r;ll"l me-n I of ('('(ln O!fUC r, ... ,•urTh. 1-'nnnf'r.o. Bunk of Chi!'4. -1 Tan~: Kung I btnn~o: Tnt Pi.ng Ro<tcl. :-;anktnl:. <.111na. the a'!laz<'<l ''""11•·1'l' drtl "mh· qutrk f1j:Urtn~ ,-...1, h11nrtn'1i nlllhnn dollars In tnrlat t(on-ruldo•n (1111111 '' toda~ '"lith 1•'11 t huu,;md dull at-.. o\mert- t•an. 'J)esiguinp tnuravinp IIHti Printing .. Our ~p«'lnlty Is un· usual prml.ins: of all types. WC'ddlng tnVJ· tnttons. soctnl cnr rl.~ -nil t)'!X's or pnnt 0 m~; and engr:wmg Ill moot•<!l COS I 0 CALL HAJ\ROR 1:! or I S Liq BEER WINE lntroducinK Island IMhf~ry fntrn SC' i\J:nln !111• )"llr lw nutcl•• thr 1111~ 1 1·,~••1 (1\t• "lth n ~ .. n .. m·~ Jl"~form· 1 ,,,,.,. thl\l rnllill' it nil hut tml•"· 11t•u rl, .~ .1~""' I lh~t In h~ c~1· 11,h-1~•k•n~: n( lm•• rnrft,Jt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,, ctn .. t•·• \\ .• ~ 1 ''l'" t to d Vl'ry dl't'ph •llnfr,h ml.lll••l. •~·I• t·nc·klr'~. IT:th' DEL MAR Serving: l\"EWPORT Rt:.\ctt. ft,\l.tWA, LIDO 18 LASD, 8 AV P4JIH:U:l'4. BEACON BA \", RAUtH\ 11'41,- AND, AND ('ORONA DEl. MA&. •.. PHON~ Harbor 392-W· ~-W. (BU.L) MAUN 1 ,,,.,,. t11 t>vrrluok htm Thr Ill" l••llnl: ,fHII"fl'h•••••·r loorl llw Jlu,kil'• tn :o It•• f11r I h1• nfor1 hrm rllvi~inn ltulo·. "'lllhlt•hl'fl no•W "t'Ortn~ n ·- C'ort1~. nm1 lh••n toppNi th •' lltt•k t'''' """"rm~.; tn thl'tr pln)·-nff wtlh C H"f>J:nn c.tnt .. fo r I hi' northl'nl rruwn IW'for" thl' flnnl lwo ~tnmM of thC' 114'/bon n~tnlnst llinho univrr:c· IIY. NIC'hol~ n M'11•-rl :\9 point~ '" hn•nk th<• norl hl'm rlivl~ion'" ~ornr. ln~r rt'<'Ord (•f ~1 point< sr i hy The dollar ·~ has shrunk. But human needs have not. ''' ull ut us \\Jtu knt•w him. W tul. d.un• lulo·l•'" and ow·'"·"' lt'h •· 11 "'" \o•n unl"' t unall', this 11• """ lo•cal rn ~"""' ;uo·as ('u"'"" , 11l• nt In"'' "•1\ rr·flrcta a lack t•l fl,htn ~ I;"' uh~lrll<'l' tor 111"1/ltlo·d ~ .. r. tv 1n "' tn~;, hut rlllht'r In II•· mfn•·r•'"'''",n l~lfl ft~htnl: ltC'\·n~· partt;·ular O('!'llflll!tun In which h• "~JIIIr'o'fl wn~ , n~:u~:·><l <'n·p dull ling. o r "' P4!rl1•·d nu • .__:o-; .... ~ .... '{, "''lll-011 I <'t'!'<lt). o·nlatl~ luw flt~otht In clo ~. Pall~ .tncl I ""'''~'"" hftU ltrntl It\•• l prn'(tniiiY In !rt···~. wtr<'ll, e-tc. ,,, J)('r day. l't• J::tl•• nllnwNI 19-1~ \\'t•ll Ill' 'Pitt !WI'IIntl l1mln1t Ar1il fi,llln~ ho·'"n"'-• r•'ftUtrt>d, ]udgnwnt \lnrl<"r th··~r ~>ndltlw" Aht,lon••._M .. fch lf> tn Jnnunry II d()(""~ not tnko· muf'h lmn~tfnatlort 14 L•nul Ill <~hlllnno•s with n ot 10 rl'alll•' tho· hn111rrl~ hui th~ mtlfo· •hrtn '"'' •··d '11''1"1<'~ :\t int· llrl' no t prt·~rnl In nurmnl ('V(.'ry mum '"'' f111 ll"of .olo;o llont'"· -.•vf'n fill)" flyin~; tnl"h•"" 1:1 ,., n, •IX a111l "'~~' tv olf llr 1\\ IT IS no:-;~: C' on thl' pi-irwht''· ptnk '" nt·h··' hi:H"k II\•" 11•1 (f'• I tho· Wind trylnlt to turn tno•h•'• :\tu .. t t .. "'""1-:hl In ~hrtt•• htm wh1lo· ,.,..,111;~ Mnny pcoplt' alt\"1' In ~twll 1!11'1 lt•llln~ h('('n'''i "h•> tlrt''' t ' tr nlon~; ,, road dur-rNIUirt'11 •n~o: ~udt ""''' ~~~ the-wmll is blow· In~: :tl"rl"'' the-road . rc-ml'mhr r that Sptrtl Lal..l' tn O•>l"tt.•"' n Ill.• h .. tho•y mu~t kN'p pulhn1: on the hu n bo11<1m or "llhd "'""'' ~tlrrrln~ whrd on thr• "tilt> of the car from wh ich t hr wmd is bloW· in~t. 11nd think th11t tlw mrplane Ia affC'<'tl'd th<' sam(' w ay llow,•ver. if they W<'n' on V<'r ) smooth ltf' so that therr would br J\fi\CitCI\11)' no friction from lh<' ttrea. the whol<' cnr would ~stbly move !lld<'wi!W' wi th the wind. •n which cas<:> thf're would IX' "" poll on the ,,,.,.ring WhN'I Whr11 a vlant' Is In th<' air. tht' whqll' llhtp mov" aidt'way~ 11nd thert' Ia n" turnlnr force of a ny kind. Wind effl•CI on An turplllnt' Ia wry w idrly mil'llndc-r!'t(lt'>tl h)· pi· tots and non·pllot!l nllk•· If nny a dditional infnrmn tio n on lhtll is dC'fHrf'd . \\TIIr In Cnr(' Of lhts flllJl('r Thnt·,. :~II rnr this "''''k, hut Wl''ll ht• llky-hohblng lll:llln rli'XI Wf'('k • Vin N' flnn~nn of \Vn,hm~•· n -rat(' m 1~15 I A Positive Force 'for Good In Your Home _ .... __ .. ,..~ ...... .... t ....... -........ ,, iCi/IZ----d·-11- --- " LET A FISHERMAN HELP YOU Solve Your Printing ana Advertising Problems! CALL SAM PORTER at - ~~WVf)~T t14l213Cl? VUI3LIJt11~t3 C(). ••• ••• :-;tdwlo; cnm l' throuch \\lth 11 t•o)nfprrnrP-"hnll•'rtnl: :l!l t•oonl· in thr ftn.'1 ~:nmo' nncl ;:nl .'I In tho' !:<'<""1•1'111 M point'-(nr '"' ••I•, ~~:s::--...... ....!!· -.. .-til ....... ~ II. ..,.._.._ .. n.. OWtiM ac-~'---"" .... ~·------------------- NEWPORT BALBOA NEWB·TIMEB 3011 W. CENTRAL AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CALl,., When you give \',tntlmh u p thr ~,.nr "''h :.'65 r~''"''· "'" h• :, . \\" h·l· ''·I fnr thrf't' ~~~:t: .. • • llht'll ,1\ uln c.·umJ..,..fll tPr'l l.tktn.:; hit•k• • J>.,n ·""' , i'a~.n~ "··11 ~ .• t• 1" •"'• lv• I ,, I ' ,, ; .. "'1\:tk• ~·-------------~------I -L;--~--------~----------~--~~--------~~==------#~------~ to the Red Cross this year, rememberJ -r th~t greater sums are required to do an equal job • IJ!$ !!!liED CROSS ... KEEP -IT GOING+ f'e~/ Ma Siler 1"111111'" ,, ... ,h I ~ \\ttl I ' ltl(f' Qunlil!l PRINTING • e All IYfl'"" nf ~t ntion('l"}. an nounrf'Tlll'nt ~. dt· n'('t mntl rtr<"tl lurs pnntNI ho>t' 1~"('!:1 Jlrll'f'<; ('aJI Harbor I~ or Newport Har~or Publishing Co. p,,H,~I:<"" rf ·1 Newporl Balboa News -Times Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers T. WESTON JAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Eloo Cral~~erw , Lautoa a Martin Outboarcb Complete Yadlt t"'uralllhlnc a Gear. Vaocbt Broke,..-e a laauranoe llarbor ~VIa Oporte DEAN W. CAMPBELL Lester & Co. M-ber Loe Aaplea Ito«* beiwtce Oo....-t. llulds-1 ... Oo.,...... SeeurtUea a 11 E.. Outnl A""' Balbo&. PIL Raritor 1081 Padraic B. "Pat" Evans Life-Health · Accident All Types Personal lnsuranc~ B.arbor IBN e 15!0 E. 8arf Dr.~ e ftallloa ,.. ... · Baumgartner Jewelers .. • • #(, ·' "lru~ured DlamondA RaJ boa VOLNEY HAY, JR Hay'.s Camera Exchange • 0..0. B. 8h1dler, pn!L; c. A.. a---, VIae..,._ Ray V. ManhaJJ, ,.,_JILIW Seaport Boat & Y aclt Corp. ,, ("(IMf n., 1'"-I!Art-•r SSI!. N_..,.. ...... lto•IIJwocod ( ,.ul.,-r a l!tport.ftler CbiiMiae T-at l!tall lloata