HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-17 - Newport Balboa News Times. J '• . ·Million Dollar Richard's Mark~t to Open (2::t!W School .Bonds Appro~ed By 6 to 1 Vote ~ ABC ONLY 0 A I L .Y NEWSPAP E R . 1 N OR AN CJ a C 0 AS T ' S LA R G £ S T C I T Y ~ BALBOA Toda)•'a 11 A.ll., P.8.T. Dow .ICMIM An....--·-. "'· ·---·-~-·· ltulu•l I till• lt~tll' l 't II lito'> II\, .. \\.1 "I' ~ ·Ill a:• 111· ~:1 :11 "'' \'nhllllo' ti<ttl,fll lll ''"""'• .-:::._,.1---Me~te.Ww,_._l'a.._ &.u Citizens To Back $500,000 A $.'\tlO.OOO IIC'honl bond laue Wlla EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MES~ !;~~~~(~~-~·>-,.: .~.~~~~~~~h=~ No•v. t•>rt Bo•twh Wf'tlt tn thr ~&. Asks Europe Aid, Universal Training in Historic Speech SEWPOa T Bt:At 'H, CAU t'OilNIA, WE DNDDAY, JI.\II{'H ll, 1 ... 11 ,Nt lMBF.& tt' ''' 1'\lll-..u" \'t>tr ot ronfl~ In . Induction of Draftees 'Could Begin in 60 Days I llwlr a.:ranutuu· "''hool hoe.rd and r .. r thr futun- Oflll'lnl t 1\hulni iUI\~ •hoW: YU NO Pn .. ·lnrt :Mi.\ 7'J "'~"·lm..-'J ~ 31 "'''", 81. 10.1 l ·notnl VOlt' 1'""1 ""U 7tU,ol wtUda ft>Yr Wt•l? vol1"'<1, 11 (.) Dullcn. IM- IJO'rlnh'lltS.•ul t>f IJirltmrnar IIChoula '"'vrah'll u.l. llt<lmlna t'lv•• Hwiuund l'llfht hundnHt _,..- ~1.\l)'·foor ,...,.ltS.•nla havr otfldaU, n•a.:l~trro .. t thr~·•~huut ltw t'lty .... I" •·•um~thl> "'Ill ,.,.,, thrtr ballo48 tu 1 hr ''""''"a.: munlt·lt•l r lf'C'tiolw. llu t mnn) "' tho'ti4' Wc•f't• nut .,.... l•l•'lt'd Ill tltt lt' Itt \'tilt' lhrttiiiCh the "4'1HNtl 111'1111 j,~llt•, nntl olhrMI ft141 llfol IM•th••t h> r~•·•~·•••· tl'll•lr Ira• ''"""' s .. ,, Me"' '"'" IICih"'' ""'"'' "'111 nnw lw s.t '" 1111• :oo"'"'{ l•oan1 ttl •upr~ "',. wt .. • wll n•lvt•rt l.w• ttu'fn far httl. "''''''11"11 lu •:t~JOIICfl. An•l An ·htiM'h t~"'l'll" l..lnd aNA llh """' I 'I" II"' v. 111 lo••a.:tn ,,1'\'&Mlra- ttom nl ""'"'"" hltt••twmt .. f<l r n o-~~Mil' I h•ll ttl l:o o·lu"'t """"· II io:Yr»- lllt>~llllll, •h"t• 111111 uoltlllltKtttl Afh- lt·l II ' lm·tlll to•• .. . ' • 1 I ,. _ .. ~. ,, • DrOp in Shipbuilding Industry Reflected in: Lay~offs Page 2 ~.~,'~.~~~T s~"~~;.'!.~~.,~~~~~~~; .. !~:'.~.~~·L. A. C. OF C. ASKS TIDELANDS · TITLE BE CLEARED I 'I trio "' tho ~• ,,, ' '''"I '"''"''''•'"·'' twit, un tnt•rdent to whtrh 1 .. '"11th llw ItO!' WRII'J' ahullm..: WaUace Beery f N D . '""11•1~ Ill lld•ltrlll•. '""' t latnh•tl " l ult tl•lfntnattlln over tho • r•· lhl' ~tall' uf Cnltfornan." Withholds Military Shore • JAN.-FEB. DROP HITS 5,000 2 J,1 ,,, '"'''·•' ..... ,, .. ,,.,,., ~ltnuln 1 •"'''"h "' lh•· ~<otl undet th•'l .\ltllo'l' stud lhe Chumbt•r tx>-patern ity Case I •• ,, ,l.lo•lo• ,, .. ,,, •. ut!l ''" ;oil. \\ ,,, I ....... lllf'illtlmg oil." I\,., IIJIJiroprtale ('nnl:rt'SSrunlll I F" R 0 ~~o.·1~ 1•1 I''" .... • ' •l•f•l"l'rt "" I• ~···1 I 'h ontl"'' l'r•·,te1t•nt R (J \ltll• r " ''"" •huultl ~1h•nct• t~ .. f;•do•ral Is Dropped J., I'''"" '" I·. IlL I'" "'' 'II·•··· ,, •·f ''""'' ,, lht Bw.rrt Ill aaytng, ''SI>I. '! IIIII '" Culllorma. lltlllllnds 1\ I, J\ (; E 1 ', • •, , • "' • to • I • •"' \ llt.:ol•·~, • '.tl un"u ,., ,,ful 11 tlt•mpl• h-•' • tl,,,. "IIH'h It,)' lht• sanw flo!: I<' 110 Ll.Y\\'0U)l, :">tAR< 'II 17 II oil l·or oof ' ''"'" "• tl• tl,,.,,,l lu "' m :ul,. u\o•r the past rlt'i'Atl• llonrltl IJ<• t•xlt•nll"'' to 1111 lhl' lanrts IN INDUSTRIES t I Prtmarily n•fll•cting a sharp rt' llul·tion In shtpbuilding, factor) •·tttJolo)'m•·nt in Calt!ornia manu. la<·turln)( Industries dl'crl'as<'d by a pproximntl'ly 5,000 between Jan. H 'PI Artr•·~>s lilo~rin \\'11ttn•·)·~ E A R L y 1 · '· '"·" '" "11tatn ''""•·rship and ">ntrul ott<! r•·MtUrt'<'!l in nnrt h'-'nt·a th all cht~rRr·s t hht \\'1111111'1' B"'·r) fn. • • • • 1 "" 1 :-. •• •1•1• "" •:••1111 111 ,, '"' ''"' lo•tl• r,ol ,;:uvernlt'lent of lh•· 11 '''~;,1,1,.. Wlllo·rs on luko·s and thr rt'd lwr nlt~rtllt·t~lt.l """ Wl'nl ,f, ,,,.,11 1 ""'' d d""" lh•l ,lt111•' IHI••I.onfl,. ••I lht• U nited Sl:olt•s. -1 ro·;1111S tn nt•;trly C•\'t•ry !Stall! of off calcnd11r )l'lltr•rda) w h ,. n N • E • W • S ,,,,, ot •11• .1.,1 . •·I 1 ',dtl nt 11111 "1~ "t 111 '"u ,,..,.,.!!luna Congr. "$ r• 'liP tJnton. uary und F(•bruary, PaUl Schar . l't'lll>crg, dln•ctor of industrial rc· lltttons. annuunccd today. Accord. ft(>)tht·r of thc• r•rlnrlp;ds shu\< t'fJ ,,. ' 11, "" ,.. , "' "" tlu •··· tr ill•• I 1'" d to •'''"II' r•·solutlona a urh.or· 'l'ntlt·r u lun.: line or dec isions t.tp fttr a BUilt'rlor court 8hV"· 11 ,11 '"'" j .. 11 dtol!l' tl~ ''"It''· outt1 IIIII~ anrl •lirt•cttn.r the at 10rn•·.1 111'1111' tu llw C11ltfnrn11r C';lst•, the CAUl{' ht•llrtn~ot :\tt:\'t:R I.AII'If:~ C .\It flo 11 lh• I• do t.ol ~·•l•·rnmo Ill l'••nernl In lortng 1ujt against rho !'UI'rt'llW l't~Urt had UnifOrmly U!r N•ltht>r lhf' .,., \,'l'llr·t•ltl 8C'Ior's l •,\ I .. "T "' 11.1.\'\\'1" ,,, ( " I ,fiJI(• .. r ('nftfornta, 811Aertln~ till• 111'111 lht• rtl:hls ur the s tall'S to im: to pn•llrnlnary tabulations, 1 'lulal o r 464,600 produc tion work· c·rs waa employro in manufactur· 1n.: plants '" F l'bruary compared IHih 469.800 ln the prl'cedinl month nnd 468,200 a year ago. """"' • 1 .ttu t th.tfl I I), ... t.th• h4•S parn· 1 th l' 1 ... S 1 -'· 1 1· 1 h d d a ttornf'y nor I'OUM<'I fur thr 32-M11r. I? 1 t 'I' • .Juhnn~ .\I• 1 .r' 11 t· nt t-u tatl'l to lht• anu.'!l ""L' "'n••nl 11 t' 11n na\'lgabh• )"'"V-old Mtss \Vhtln<'Y would , , . f:11nnu~ 1 .. 1 ht~ '''I"""' 11 11'"11111 rh·l'1' 111 '1111 '!""'' 1 O\'t•r utul ntlllo•rals oon~lned thtrt•ln \\aft'r' "tlhtn lhl'tr boundari{'s " cornmrn t. I '"""'~ ~~~ lin\\ .1rtl I l•r.:lt•..., 1•1• "' ae.-ry muld nnt he rt'llt'hNI hJ:t'lll, ro·tourt o II Iuthi} ''' Jll tltt·•• M 1u Wh llnl') ftl1•d !ltUit FC'h. 13,,1h,ol ho~ 1!117 ( 'rultll II' • """ 11 a W{'t'k aflrr th4' <'hold'a hlrth !'""' <'nUl"' \\1110 ~'""" --~,,, o·r ~1o1d h• r•·•' nil)' rt·J•'r-ll'tl Bto Wl10• -Advertllll' ,.,, ••lf•·r nl ~; .:•11 '"' 1111 , ... ~1ode l Airplane Fans to Get County Field FIND THUMB WORTH Tuberculosis Assn. MORE, THAN FINGER '-Plans State-Wide lA)~ ASflf:I ,EM. Mu. 11. - IVP I -A thumb wu "ortll A c·•••J•crtt lt\'P pl11n hl'IW('('n •n14.05 morf' th\.n a IJttJ"' llq· 1 h•• 1'<•1111 r ~ M Oran.:t·, Sonta Ana f'r today. t'tl.)' l'o'l'l'htttun di•Jmrtmcnt and I 'I> mnut h mot11r <'ar dealt•ra or llarlt>y G ufff'y WOII 11141.16 dam-c.... for 1oM of .... ncac tho• c••ullt) suon Will gtve model itll plltl)t' Pnlhusia.sts nnj> or I he thumb f r o m !41\1a.,..ph1111pt 1 Meet in April I FIW(ollrllgl'CI by 11 Christmas Seal 'itl•• $1()(),1)()0 largl'r than that or 1 "") prc·\'IOUll yen r , dt'legatcs j tlornu~houl thl' s ta ll.' a rt> looktng fm• ~~ rl) tnJC ureu tn thl' WNt ('.,rp. whUf' 0f'OI'Itf' R&urum 1ot •only S7071. 70 f or 10M of IIIII Tltt• <'Uimty suptorvilors hhv{' lt·ft llttl .. RD&f'r. Al'rtl I, 2 and 3. Wtth approxi- ·•I'Pr"\Nf usr• of n rounty-ownl'd mat,.J)' two W<'<'ks to go for thr fnr\\:ord to the annual m cettng or th•• c '11ltfor nla Tubcrcul011ls and 1/o·;tlth association an Long Beach, ,,, •. Jl!SI nnrth of Sanrla~ro CTN'k, Thf' mf'tl, bnth nM\'ie ,,...., 1111111! ttf fmal returns, the sl'al "" rtu• nnr1h of th<', cr M"kbt'd ancl lt&rdal't'a, •aid the er-e ~-'ill•• rc venue alrrady to tals $1 • artjut·•·nl 10 the p o 11 <' r ru~wl IHU'Y uj(f'd lhf'fft t.o IM-lp Ult l lll7.tNI(), ' " bt•um anti It dropped lD lllci{ . r11111:" h•n•l•. 1 Itt• Caltfornla association is a Th•• county will grad!' thP lton11, '""''ration of 60 't' associations, l"'nvlclf• u nital ion fodltttl'~ and whwh wall send egntea to the 11nd othl'r forms of tuberculosis. nh·<'rsc trt•nds Wl'rc r<·gistl'r!.'d in Sl'\'t•r~tl nf tht.> he~tvy goods in· rtustri<'s. In add ition to a reduc. lion nf morl' than 4,500 in shlp- loutldtng ht:IWI'1'n January and Fl'llrUIIr)'. lroy-o(fs totaling about :J,<MIO W(•rt' ro •r10rted In automobile, furniture, · "nd electrical cqulp- ml·nt tolnnts . On the other hand, llw nirt·rnft and lumlx-r mdustrie1 loj:ll'lhl.'r added approximately 1,700 production workt•rs to thcU' roayrolls. The nl'l Tt:'sult of 1 hese shift1 was a rt'ducllnn of 4.700 factory workers in the durable goods dl· l'istons as a whole from 270.600 '" January to 265.900 in F ebruary. Lnst F'r bruary durable goods plants t:mployC'd 275,700 produc- ....... ,.. ·-.. , ... ...., mnintain lh(' l(rnunds Tho• r··· May Use Horm n s •llt ll' mi.'Cting to l' l'Ct orrlcers and As In lht> past, lhl'r(' will he no ('f<'ll llon d£•pnrlmC'nl Wtll ~·····r-0 e t't>nrtuct other business. Dell•gates rl'gistratlon fl't• !lnrt !Ill ml'e tlnt;s , \'l~l' llnrl oprratP thr no·w prujtorl, To Reduce 'Citru of the Orange County Tul)('r cu-"'"' be orx-n Ill lht· puhhe Wtth F.lmrr Jun!lll! of Sll\o•tatlu S ''"'" nnd lll•alth a~!IOCtation whu Amont; th1· 60 partwtpants in Coast College Places Insurance Over District t ion workers. Most or the decr ease hdow n )'car ago is attributed to rl'ductions in aircraft a nd s hip- huildin~. In all other indus trirt rornbint•d, thl' total is higher thnn htst y.-ar. .... "-' ... ~· ....... l L a. RIUNK.I:RII<Wt' l'ltnyon. a rt'lor('d •·n~:lnl'('r ""'' Fruit Droppage ·"'' ~C'ht·dull'd to nlf{•nd lhl' mt:'et-th~· program \loll IH.· fiVe llUI·OI· mnc:IC'Iin~t l'nlhu.~lll~l ~trwr 1!117 I lltt.! 11re: Pr<'sidl'nl. A lliiV<'n stalf• J:U<'St~ 'fhl') uri'. lJr. \Vtlson '" dH;r.:<' s \:"~; III'Jt:'l; AROINO c· I \I '11111h, Mrs R \\' llsleh. l\·trs. Ra) G Srmllit·, :-;,.,, Ynrk. prol••sst)r Tlw l\.•an1 of Trust .. l•s of Clr-.~. " • n •.. ,r I• 1~ d 'f ,.... J 1 ( ttn••· ("••tl ('II I -' And thl' P l)mnuth tlt•ul••r,, tn-,11 •1'1'• l'~l' of hom 1110, 1., '" '1111 an "ray Otnston. o 1•r1•\'1•ntl\'t' mo•<1H·tn•'. ('Ornt•ll ~· ' "1'1-!1' tas :.ppro\l•n 1'11Jdllll: ll•·nr) ll.oltl""'· '' H r•dU••· d r"JII"•t.:<' of citrus rru;,,j l.~<•l••~:attos \\'til m•'•·t nt a husi-l '""''r;.ll,\. !Jr J,'""'" 1: P,•rkm~. tilt· (fl •net· <'"1''' lnsllrlln<'•' 1\~-.c •• lilian 1111d I. H (',•111111' of Stnlt "·" tor•·olt• ''" fnr th(' n<'ur fUIIH • "''' lunl'lll'nn ;\pnl 3. Thr fir.l :->t'" Yolrk, ll1i11J,tl:lllt.: lloro•t'l"r ,,, ,.,.,,,, ·•' 1111' ""''fl<'.)' lhrnUf:h Ana. I""'' pl•·d..:•·tl ~~-""1 111 • t J'I •••Ill) h~ 1 1r \VIIhnm Stf"olrl 111 "''' tlays of tht• m<·c•ttn,:: w ill lw tlw :-.latlurlal Tllh•l't'Uit•''' "~"H.'t.t· "hll'h flu llhllf':Ono·o· o f t>rnnt.:<' 11 :.on I•> ;\It ,,.,, ,,,.,k,lo .. p l,uf•l-jrl .. • l'n"'''"> oC Cnllfornto• ,,.r•l•·\ull·d tn M'Jiaratt· s1·~sions 11n l1un. P r ltti'IH11tl II :'>lo:oll• .. lr i <'u.,~t ···~11·~.:•• "til l"' pl:orc•tl. lnl: ('"''""'"'·" •tllftllrt ut Rh 't•r•lll• 1•1>·· nwdkul ·nnci puhlir hr allh ('ht<'Ht.:P. lllfld,l k"'"'" dt•'·'' sur-1 'l'l11 """''"'''"'" ,,f tlw "'""· ·nw rr .. n11 11rJ,11, 1111 ,,.,,,,. 1!1 ='r••:tl~"'l.: ,ol lhr nnnual ,.11111, t·l, .• ,,' nf IIIIH•t·r~losis •·•mtr11l, t.::"nn ; ,,,. ,\It hut :'>1 \\',oll..o·o', ' 1111111 ''''""'I< t•f 11111) IH·· nsNJ l'>ondurabh• goods industrll'l 1 mplnyt·d n total o r 198.700 w as:t' Parnt'rs in F l'hruary, sli$;htly be· '"" lhl' JAnuary l<'\'t'l of 19':1.~'(1(), Th{' currrnt fslctory forcr·, how· 1·1 o·r. was 111 th,.. ht~,:h,..st Fl'loruary It·\ t•l rm r·t•l'nrd for thts ~:roup ut tnclll,lrit·~ ami r•ompnrf's \l'tlh 19:.1,- ~o<~l in F"loru;,ry a yc•ar :o~:o. m11l11·1 hltJ•I•"" lllttlolll1c-. It 1~ 1,r,.l 11,,111111,, 111 t'tollnl·Ction """ ,1,. "''" .. n,. jn1111 ~ •. ,~tr•n. \\';~~~~~~H~It •ll. 11 (' "'''I'• t,tt·~ uf IIi• • •• 111 . ''" I>H•k•1'" '' -<H1tn~: tn tho· · 1·1 1 Sllt'JII(Iflt,l•'lll "'"""'"''' ,., lh• "' ,, .. , 1·,,,,1 .flrni.11 ('ullt .,, p 1,. ltlhult• tn"III":IIH''' tou .. ln•·ss on an oint·• t1 h111ulo ,.,, .. r f "'' 111 llr:rm·· "'"""·" "I '"'J.:•' show her•· l lr ,.. (Hitlt(' rw.,lth ~•·ssttJns. dt· 1 • · I \''''''""" ,\lllllltll•t ' """' ''"" 1•1 .,,,"I"'''' lf>llt• .. lo!l ln (lo'trll· 1 '111'111 •lt• I,..,,;., '"' n tlhmnl ''"Ifill ~ lottt "'' • • "'' ol pit• • '"' !"!1'1\,,rt '' 'lt•rdav d('SCrtllt·ol Itt• 1 • 1•·1 '"""'"" lulunll"'•'r nntl pro-~ 1 1 l111l.•ll :-. Alltl•t'''" \\1,h11t.,:toon, rqntlllt'or•!l,. "'''"'"'' 1,1,,..;1,1111 l )tlllll;•• ('"""' Jn~m.•n•·•· A <!IO· fh 1111.; I It• n• 11 1 o tolllul~ \1 ttl lo '' • • 'I" 11111o "'' .11111 suid that Ito· '"'I• • "'""·" ~~~ 1\ntl.t•l' ''til lot• t'lltl. 1 II I ,, (' ''IIII I "'-'"''I ~ 1'1111· HI llh , ....... , ,., .. ,,. •. , 1'1:011 .. 1·1' Ill!' r .. 11\\'ln~ IJI'J,:ollll· '""' ''"" ··•·1·-1\\tl "' , ... , • ., "" ''''"'" \\OUid IM• nl•l· ,,, ,,,,,, \\>lit ,.,,. tlo•\l•lllflll1tnl Ill t 1ft• ll1 d llt ~.II II'•' f'/h fol Ill ,.1 1 >I 1,,,.,1 tlt,ftl{'l / llll>ll /Ill Ill lt'rS: 1•'4•1 d a '". f d I lit ••• I••• r •• , ,. f'"IUOJt tltl I UIUOh'r C'IItl llS4• ,,, ,,., I•····· ""' ,., tut ... ,, Uttr<l, 11~"-fiC'•··· II I I t I I f I 1 1 •1 ,1 111,111 .1111., lllllll.•cl"n _11. at h Ar•··•· D:llt'Y lho ·"' 1 "" ~ "'"" ttul ·""' 1 tlrtltllo' 1\llhm 1\ YI!BT. '''1 • fit• "'" " lll l•·n·ulu,ts 1 ( 1 1 I ''(''"\\I I II 1(\\1' '""''''''' "' •111,,,11.,11 1., .~t•·l'""''• "" "n.:. ll)n•n Fo•lflt·~. ,,,,. tu •h( • lltt~\ tt1\ IMIIu'•· '''''· •n• lh• ''••n'-!th•nln).! c.•f ~ .. JJ 1 1 I ,,,,, tltll'' I I d (II,'' ,\".\',Ill .-' ,,,, ,-, fil tl\od I I ••• l•·t•tt 'l>l<ll l "'Itt I .• 1'''"'·' p.tl•• n t :t:K STL'Dli:D . • I "'" llh' "" ~ :on .. , ·' ' II I \ c I & (' I'Ut.lu• •••1t,tinns. •l 'P• •J·h· J •·"' \u ., " Hun ... uf • t ttlt t .. , I· "' If• .,, t •. .,,(.,r-\1 :.r lur '. rf\:tl r•·•' e-y ,ren\•'""· '>1-:\\ Ytlf1K.~Iarch17-ll'l't J'h•· mt<lll'al ,., . .,~•on~. do·o;ipu•<1 •It•• 'l"'"'""l 11•.1•''''''" 1•-•tlo.oll 111 1 ,or1d I• '" "'"'·''''"' '" ll>:tny .. ttlfh'•' :-;,.,~,,~ .. llt>\\ilnl «;,.,.. ''"•""l"'·lo•htl• otul tlu•~t• ,,,, thr•'i' A ''"lll"' 111 l•••••r hro·••ing wtll I• 11,1.111111r1·1,. l••r fl/t'".t<'i"ns ..... ,11 fo•a· 11 , .1, 1111,11 1,,.11 11,. . ..,1,,1, 11 tl~lt. lh 1~~s &_ :'>kKn~. J a1·k .Satl- 1 , ,~ u -" I• a~.;uo· IIHI.t~ ·llllllotllll'• tl ''l:lllllt.: ul 1 1 All I r. 1 S T n '''"'" t h•l•' ll lto lltl)' O:lltltotllt.;:hlf•lrtlwftr~lltntrtro!l.,. lltr••tort•s<'nllt1\nnof scit'ntl0c iJ8·.!!'>-YI'Itr ·••ltl H"'"'fl ''' ;\l••n l. '.!;!~•'''"''"''"'''l'~"llnd "'l~•lllll.ltllon •·r ... rt•t .·•lson, ·. un!<l(l. hr•ll~<.'."' f'Uhlt<' •«l110111lnn in :-., .. w 1..,,rJ< on ,.,,.,,111_11 1111d m~d'•'nl 111111 · 1\ltdw11y (tty : F:rncst WhiiKQn. • y I f ·• ~ ~ •· •~ l••tll>fl 1:11.1111 It""' :'>l i~"~'IPIJI ft l•fll '''111•1•1 tlo,lo ot'h 111·1~ o\111,1111 So ·:ol llt•:tl'lt Frt•ti .J. S milh 111 P.-1 I...S "l""'t 1'4an l.a 1\r1a. ('•Jifllrula <'lll.Uifit'<l 111L• DO "t•l th<-...,, ''' 1 < 11~ tht• homtl 0 l'{lut'illlt:Jn I 'ur,;w:o/ 1rr·:tlm1•nl of pulmun:u·•· snutlwrn. 1 1 1 1 ============================:...:~t.l:o::ne~. _______ .. ____ ~_ ... ., 11111111\lfl('t•d I nday. I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'";s;u;r;.1;";;';;11;l;\;ll;'(';;;";nt;;;:.;.;so;;;(;I:C;·;;;';';'•;"';'"';;';ns;l;(';r;. ;";;· ;n;.;;F;r;t·;n/;t;·l~i .. Why we can service your Ford ~ lower cost! WHY YOU SIIOUll HAVE A CHECKINC ACCOUNT AT BANK OF AIEIICA J c\' ~rll ·"I C .er.ra .a!cs , ... .. ~lon •. nut ot 77~ Tl:nea . TF:n. ~11,000 TO ~10,000 GO-8TA Tl. "'fhe extrtu we put into our Ford Service gl"e you better perfonnance ••• actrudly cost,y ou less!" Exptrlenee Jue lausbt ue that only top .-Hty teniee paye out-for you and for ua. That'• why our medaanica take pains to •teh parte perfectly ... to do tach job u 4pickly and •• eflici~ntly •• po~~ihl~. We know, too. that n~W-('ar ordt'rll <'o me from our "home-like" attt'nlion to you Fun.l OWllen. Ye•, we've ~ot a hi~ ~takr in pnmJ: ~·uu the best Ford st•n ·ice at lowt·~t C'll•l. ( :omc Ia fOOD and~,.,. how wr M \'t' youlinw. mortc'y ad troubJt' with our S·way llt'n ·ic<·: I. P•r.l·trai•NI !tiH •a•ln 2 ........ " ......... .. 9 •.. ,•et•'7 .. P .... M M~t .... 4. lpedal ._. B41•1 .. ua S. ~lea& •~~tea T~ .... I r-~.......,.......,lee •• '!...,. .. .._ ,,.., .u... u.o •. s-.~e, r-:..,t ... 4~e ...._ .. &a.. .... '-"1 ,._..,, S..., lo,..,_,:-HK ...,_,. S.. ,_ .,..,_, fo, .... .-J ........., We Dealers know Fords best! THEODORE ROBINS Yo11r ForJ OHler Since 19.21 ,tffi! YOUR MONEY IS SAFE Yov ovoid the dong« of lou or theft. -/\ 2 ~.-~t.rn IT SAVES YOU TilE A few minutes spent w111ing checks and your b,u, ore p oi d. 3 ,··J 141-" PROOF OF PAYMENT Eoch conct•lled c~eck ;, proof of poyment. 4 ·l~ -'"' CONVENIENCE , yov are ill or busy, you Hill can pay your bills without delay. 5 ~ ACCURATE ACCOUtmll Check 1t11b1 ahow your bolonce-on easy woy to keep track of yo11r money. O,.tt your DCCOUftf tecloy ot any brartdl .,..._ •• .._.. .... ,, .• ,, ... n,,..._.. ....... "" ...... " ........ ... .. o~e Jon to the ,tlcet, Colum- .ntlng to PP!~A' .. dur- Jf ; f irs -c!.'lSl reCnences .erful future. P 416 Tl J1usiness make.~ n. t' !'ttreat .. dance h. ge, !OU!'1• trontar~ locaUO" o_ppo• lllltft paru ft('l\t' NEWS • TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Will Solve Your Problems READ TH EM FOR PROFI T USE T H EM FOR RESULTS -THE¥ PAY BOTH WAYS - Newport Harbor's Only DAILY Newspaper Member Audit Bureau of Circu1ations Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication PHONES HARBOR 12 or 13 · \ 3 Calif. High School Seniors Win Top Honors in $330,000 Contest ~Brings Back Cuban M e • ~ t: \\ 1'0 U T 1\ .\1. 1\U A N t: \\'S -1'1 M t:~ emories". "'' .. " ,, , .. " .... rl " .......... ""' ,., ... h 17 1"114 Page 3 \\'onnin~: tup hom"r' 111 u n,1111111-""" It '', 1110.: o :'<I""''' .otHI \\ido• $.'\3\l,lllWl 'lhool.tr~hiJ• l'<lnl· "'"'"'"' a ll! \\ance fnr fullf ~· 11• p<'1111on dt•SI!:md Ill a1d Amt•ru·an l 'I I·• third \\tnno•r. lla rn t'l I ~ ilUih, lhro \ r.o)t(OI'III I hll:h •1'111111) fol o) ,\llo•n. o>f 1llat•ho•r ~<·ho\tl) Ill ~··niors Oanh I E Appkmnn of '''·" '"II t• < "''' ••n•· '1 Ill.' ~anlu Munor.<. To 1 • '"''' 1-t .llll'l' l llonll•t o: ~ ='• h.ol.u ~1111"' "htdt •"' .link!> or Lu,; ,\nf;:o ,,.,_lind llurr~ t\\.llolool lo• t~Hil •·~t anl" "'"' ('l~ffurd Alh•n of Oj:.t tocl.o~ rt'· !"'"'' 1 .. 1 tho J·,.,.,.y, .. u t'ullo ,., J ,., 1\ o·cl w nrd I ha I I h•·) h.ocl ~('o•n 1 !'o•ll,.l,ot'-hll" lout \\ h11 oloo nool 11,1\ • ·u\\arcicd scht)l:ushtp~ In til\' fullrlh lot• 11\l't.ol "' • <I T lw ht.;lw~t-r.uak 11 11 n u a I p, Jll>t-t'ula sc-hul.ar.;IIIJI ''"'' ,rwlo 111 '" ('•oltt.•rrun. 17 )o•:u - l'tlflh'SI. uhl llarr) as tht• sun ,,( lila· .one! San 1 a M11nlc·11·s ,, antlf'r, Hi-:\It ,.. II Chffurd Alll'n ol \ 1:'>0 y('ar-old Dn ntt•l A 1\pplo•m an. whu I.IHI I'<·I ~~ , Pa!<ad••na flo· plnn:t I will grndua lo• from s .ontu 111unlc,1 tl' ~1\ld\ fur tlw mmt~tn and h ,, lli~h school in .Juuo·, 1s lht• 1w n ho·ltl ••fla.-o·~ on \111'111\IS sl'lwol 111 · of lllr. and lllrs . Dn\'ld Applo'mlln k;ona~atwn~ t It I' ti ll..: h o u I lu~h of 611 9th Slrt'<'l . Partt<:ulnrly ~l·hncrl intrT<'St<'d an sdl'!Wo•, tw hopt•s to du r<'Sl'Or ch 1n t has fil'ld. Dnnll"l is a m<'mher or tlw llonor Schulnr- l'hlp Soddy. Tht• so•t•ond winnr t, T<'r<'ncr Francis Jinks. is 16. and th<' son of Mr. and Mrs . U. F Jinks of 1010 W<'sl 68th Strl'<'t, Los Ancel<'S. A stud<'nt or C<>orge Washington Hi~oth school. he Is int<'rt'Sted in debating and h&S hE'Id orrice-s in thl' Mathematics a nd Book clubs Roth th<'S<' win· nt'rs Will !')(' st'nt to collcgc on P epsi-Cola Four· YI'Rt Co I I r g t' Sc holarships wluch J);)Y f\Ul tul- New Custodian Hired By College - O ranRr C'onst C'ollrgc h as a~ prnvc>d the 8ppointmcnt of JamNt llumr, of Huntin~:lon Brach, for I he posttlon of custodian II u m " took up his new job Monday. Rurr~>ll Wilson, Hl(X'f\'I!'Or butldtm:s nnd ~:rounds. and nrlh K··~!'l, custodutn. will II'R\1" ~larrh '.!'.! to aiiJ'nd tht' CUs- trldtan·s Jnstltult' in Snnta A nn. It was also rcwalcd On Aprtl 1-1. \\'cllinm Kim<"S. II!ISilllllnt !lupc-rtnlt•ndPnt en <'hnq.:o• of hustn< ~::. w tll at lo•nd 11 1 hro·•'· day m!"'lln$: of the• C'ullfnrnta Schon! llusmo•ss off1ctals m C"oro·· nndv Ar linn wa« alsn takt•n to award In ltll' C rown < ·ulll"h nnd n o d~ I'OI'!I"r:cllflll. lilt• htci to purcha" lvur· Su1••r-o·wwh•·" woth llati- Sc-utt :O.Iooloor :"oo \~Ill on a lo 11~o ­ tJUI'c-III<M' h11~1!1. Tho• htd prtco• lon t hl~ JIII'C'o• ot C'CjlllllllWI\1 \\'11~ $1!\- llXJ~. WHIN LIVING COSYS WINY SKY-HIGH ••• GAS SYAYID DOWNI San Diego Th•· ...... mluth.-. ""'"aJh , ....... noct by .-wtn•·lly, .............. throuah P b)• h R d tunn"l~. O\'f"r br1dl(f'1J. pa•l typk•aJ thatc-bf'd bohl001 o f tfw> ('ubaa F.\·-Uw '"""at rt11ra uf C'uha I~ "'f)I"'CCIH'f'd In n\lnlahr,..., Thr c--.nul fill .. ,.,.,... nl•tlt· ''' An• froom IW'AI'Ia ,,..,,... 1111 ,,.,.,. o•lo•an· ,., .,.. .... u.b The ups and' downs or hich food pricee have s tolen the newspaper headline~ but here's a cos t of livinc item you may have overlooked: the Gas you UM w cool! )'OUr {am 1/y mrols has not mcrt!OSc!d m cost srnct 19.19! The facti.-:~ the priN> o f lfl\11 is evl'n lo11v>r lhan 11 wa11 back in '39. And lJy rom . parU!on, the htght!r o t ho•r liv- ing costa hn ve g<,ne. the (Teater .. barga in.. gas hu become. We don't ml'lln to claim ill the credit , eilher even though &0 far. the line hM been held. It ha11 tAken a lot of "know h ow" and kept us on our toes. U IS er ea y ··ountry..ld.-..auunc , ... ,.,. of .upr r ...... ~, .. ,., and frcotcht. II '" • .. ·al.-rnodrl of a R:tltlmo ,... II Ultlo ta nk ""11f•h .-nc1n.- To Buy N.Y. PM I HOLLYwooD ---IASK 10 MILLI ON .. ~:~\'.;,':,:.:~~~c:~,~.~~~~ .. 2s"n Housewife Is Good Cook But She's 11 F~A~.Il?~.:·,~~~~s .. ~~1.TA,~.L.. 12-Year-Old f••sta Mesa--Buy Hring s flub Total to .100 I lto't.:" puhlo~ho•r \\ ho "·'"' ullo , 11 .., • .., ' "'-' 1" 1"" tho• ="· \\ Y .. rk no•\\•)•ll• r F orcJng Hu sband to Eat Too l\1uch : !l'l'l A SIO_,.,, .. , 11''" I ''"''" 1':\1 ,..uti towl.o\ ho· anti lh•·· ''" lilt !l(WI-1...0 ""'I''''' ol 11. I '" \'oorl. n•\\'l':op••l 1-:lllltl \\t ro• Ill ·"'I IIIIII.Y\\1111)1 ~lor 17 l l 'l'l ''' l'otl,,t ""''\"'Ill,,,. \\h,tt •'''l"'ll~ oo( a..Jtl•""" 11 '"' ''" <'Ill fl In Jlllnl'lt•l• un ,, rmo; or "" \It. I :-I I···· .. \\ II• '"·'' \\I" I' 'h• Ill"''" II:''"'" "' nt "''" 11' ... I 'I • I I loMiil\ !lll dHI<I' lll•lh• 1,. t ·•1•1•1• I"'' 1111lolunp 'Tho tull lonL:Ih "'"'"' I• tn · I\\• h• \• It ••ld ltuh•••l ... t it• t ·l··""' ,,,, .• ' '··"''•• ,, tw • ,1ft\• lh• •• "'' 1 ••f ttl It"''"'" ,, llu• ll:11hooo ''"'" ft.,,,• , lull ""' I t. ....... , lllrl h· t rlJii:f'11''"'"""' \\'t n ,,,, .... 10 Ut• \\ fl ht ., 1 ....... \. f 'r .. I 1 nul ~·h .. h ,,IC,flll ,, II .... old fll.tn ,,. tl'~" \\ I ollltl Ill• U l ..... ul ,, .. , ,, hill "''" ' l ut,.UI\" th· C• ., ., •• loo.l,•t(U h lw \tllt•d cUn1P"'~ I 11ff\fU "'"' La_,, ' Ill I d lh· U• C't ''dl) "Th••t• "·" ih·• n 1111 tlo f1n11• ol• \n 1 rll •fl n\ d• It• • •' ltlll'' It II• 11l htrtl'• It fl .,fll H\ 1 1 fu..:htHt\ 11' Ill 1" (J0~)h"1 fl , 11h lutd•·· 1 ~~~~\\·, tu ••uut,· to l and uut ht'' '''I ftu uwdNI '-•'"'I d•\•hftllt•tll l'nt l)u,. •lrn"' ... fl••••flt ''''"\ut t't 'l.;\ \\tfl \\ft•tllf \\I ,tllflttfUittd tlfll ••• , .. t 'Ill 1••11 h til• "''"'I Itt .... ,. lho• duh t'l ... lfHl t tl ht I \\ ~~~ .'' ht• ~.atd \to l-;t•lfH•n ,.fl,·ro il ''' 1111\ 1'\1 1111 .I l.ul\ "' I tl '"' "·''' '" lrnnl \l tJ ... Jttll l-ultl J'11l\1dll'' lh• "' ,•nl!to ltd\ •''"''"' lht"' • Hllth ~!IIIII I• IIIII'• ;, 'hoon:• Ill ''' ,.,.,, I "' •' o! • I"' d I I'"' '"' lol:orlt•· 1f';l\'' :tll••\\tr1L' turn Itt lit ttul t ltti dttl\.'''""" "'''''talutt n\•t IIIP ""' ht Jtl• ,., ... lnt tht'•·-n1nntt•'l''''~ht '' h t "h• '' II t .. l••n~' :olio I 110• l:oko-s 11\'o•l II llu I op .,f tho \\Oio· "lfl'lll ll tu•t• 'UltiiMIII••ot r.r•· H1· fl I'd l•r'\'< r h aplo•rS pro\'ulo•C1 ,VII\' I''~ 1n1: '•Ill Ito \\I iJ IIIC'IInll\1! 1 :.'.1Jot1.t:l~ llnoollo 1111 IIS<I,.Irtfl('l' Ill \\ lfiiO\" \\ h' ro I) C Ill ·Ifill '"'JII .. lllo •o f I o!ootl~ •lllo'll'• rH'I• s dwtnk ~It" l ',orkot """ ~-"' ''11'' :t th•· J~nt; 17 lt,c',d \t•ar '' "''''H''' •·••ttl t'lttt tl ~ \\hn y,1, , .... , lt~lp lu •·p 1111, \\t~tk ;~•111\d .. ll!td,tl.'•'•d (IH\•' ,,ft ,.,.,, i:ttlll ' (;,,. ,,, ttH 1"1'-' Rt·fl ('r•l'"" '•'"' 1"'111' ''" •J••n~ ''"' Fund' ttt •n••' ,,,, '''""" 111 ,,1,, .•.t~ht I HIDOU SP1UNGS ~ ~ RA~CH l"h• 11 d· rn '' •lf1ttl .... ut,. • n ,,, ...... 1\ \\tf1t"' h• hU'-lttut1 ,,.,, ! " l•t t 'I IIIII of ...... , ..... ....... tt.t' \lo ' l'.ol h• I I lldtt It"'" \\ rh tl" I••''''' ·•"" , h• ,,~ .. nt· ~11 II t' .t • hllfl fn ( .tf '')I \\It II Ia •1·1· ll• I,, \\ '""' Ill' \'&'It tHI• ltottf 1ft th• I t\ • I \\• "' \ .,,., ••• ~..I '"'' .... IIIII ~··t '' ,.,,. .. t lt•ttl. tt 1h•• llt'-t tttl••' St~allu•rnCtlll '' '''' h••' tl ,,.,,,.,,.,. "' '''' 1"-' I''''~ •••htlu~ 'l"h· lltd• tnn\t• ''"'•'~''\ ltk.-Jlnn tu' ••:tt'M.J ••• • 1 ~~ t \1,, '''' t 11td 11,,,,,,,,,,,.,1, 1., II•• "'' lhf••l• .l••hn t•,,n, tnd ft•·dSk··l· holtt' ArW1tr)rT1"'1 11'' "''h :t\•'•·•L:~ ••J 1.:-• ""'"'"'' IIIH • '''" \\htt 'IIJ•Ut up HI t~;l f'ttk•t IC I t•tt!Ptd.·r "' 11 ' .,, lltt/lltn •• lit I II ·'''''rltlltl)r; lht• •lutt at11\lllt llior, "'! 1• It fl1.t\ h• II '-OIUt'l' .,f lr11'1ltt'l•'. \\)Ht"'' •tJ\f'WI)ml'\ I• iHif• 11Htl 1,, '''U'h du~ <IUtUl~ tht• flf"'lior,l 1\\H 'I" >o.o\!', lout tho•\ oo• noot 11 '"""''' h.-iol• r•llhld ••Ph •" I loll '"olll\t'o•o k' 111 Mlllo·h. ,,..,.oorollnl; to 1 AI "' woorr:v muk· two ''''"' •• ' olllllll.! llio• 'Iwl'l Sl•·nn•l , '''""'1111\1• ollll•o•toor "~I or' It II',. '" ,,, pro·tt \ to pull o·ortl\. 1\ll .. n ~~ '"' i\111 f·l" lit• j .,,, "''" Jlllll"l 111, 111t., 1, 111 ,, """" 1111•~· l'll""hor k"' 'IIlii mnm n fo:•l ., •• lit> .... '"' ..... t ol\111111• l ~·nno•• ,.·,.,n~:lom l~>nllld Fonwlo l..nfl\\'( •• t,, ""' ,,,, cr tnnP(t ··rn IIIJ•'t'• r III10nl(•et l;'\ t )\ .. 1 t' ,, • t \tthlll l'fiiUtl•"" JttfhiU\ I 'IHI •I ,,.,, \\t+k"' I t·h.uu·•••t })n n 1 )1•· 1,, •••rut "''II''' l ~·ld '" ttl• lip'-t;,.,, IIHI I•' 1t11tHtl \\htt• 1 r• f111t1l • ptHI'' , h '' ,, t. 1 :ei'fllt '''' ld llf\0\Hl ""''''''I \1 ttt '' 1(0~, 1 \11 t 'lutrt 1(.1\lllflttd "',,,.,, 1, '" t t11tH '"'" f, ul ·n unk :.n nr. •' ' '0 I m '' I• 11111 l(ulu 11 !'-\tl\4'1"' """ 1 '" t• ,,, , • "' rhfttf\ "'" ,,,,,,,,. ""' up\\tt b f\1 .,~ •• h • .th1h•• f ...... ;.... •• "·• '''" "''''""'''·''' '"''"'''' tt •' ''' '" :-'IH "*'""" h•·• ttu.... I·' 11' nrn-. \ .u. H~~rt.tld \1• "'"' '''''''''' 1 ••II• h 1. •n•l •··h I"''' ttHt t•·r•ut ... ,,, ru ' i"'' ""';""'" t , • '' • • ol , , ·'"''"''' \1• 1 .,,,,. .,. ""' tlt \l• fltt &:il l"" 1ft th• ••fti•• •ttl\\\ t\ I ''"''*t~ft•MJ'!. ~ 1 ""II •' t "ln \'u 1 -1 f".tt llttlh l •tt• J'1 ~~~ ....... p,,,k,~r '·''"' '"f''-''''"'"' • ''' , f 1\,\n , t ~ r• ., t 1\ I '' ttlt H•·• ... '' 1.''" h ' 1 ,, 1 "', "" lur ''·'"'P·••a.:n h\ 1•rt uran1• 1 1,. t1 ""'rttl•r"" '" '''"' f ,_,,, ;uul ltrt.n.dtf \\ht• •k•t ''" flllll,,,,,.,~, t•lttl,~ l tll lrt ~nt \ttl ,t ~~ •• '•JII••I Ulftttf"t ' •tt• \Jtk• f'•t•l t If t'fl'll"• J '" 1n1t,1nc "' 1 1 •• I , hah Ft •tl> , t Wt 1• " olllo \\• 11.'111 Ill\ • II ""'"1.' II \1 I• )'I II• "-Ill t. ' Ito '" .• '' ..,.,. raJiru .. t '' lUI Uauar . ~ ~ mlllhn,.l.-r w·al" !•llahtl) If'• IMn un .... ..tahth·h .. •h I"'' •-• Fr"lll thr "'tllljlflto'llt l'""lltf'CI t.y MI. 'lo·t., lfw> M 11'1lhY t .. ntty ... ,.,. hull I an "I"''"''"" rail" A) ') ~11'111, o'Hmtolrlr Mltfl ICl\411, C"'""''Y ... I"'JMtlaflun -•phool .. 111101 '''")h ) t:o•tiUIIIII :.· •• ;~·" ... , ....... "·' '"'' 1'"" ...... • tivt•d 6 .W Peks in '· ooi\ "' jll'''"" '"' ,.,,,,,tl f L"' L~ t H• h '" "" , ....... ,,, '""'', n .. lrUUr-ruu IJt Attic tq•h IIU' '''"Itt Itt ltltlu l.t 1 ••f 1tlt H t I ""k "" ''"'""'" .• "''' '"'"I o e , ''"'' •, u.t.,, !It• • 1 ''''"'''' o~ud \' ttt lw •rtt••••l lll lft• l•l ttttut"• '''"'''' 1.••!' ''':t l.f-:.t..; l\1 ftt•~h 17 ,,11 ,11, '-"' "·" .,1 11,.. 111,,11 111 • I I'• \ I '' '" oolol IIIII"' tnht lu '",,,. ,,r ttu tu ''' ''"" llt'-f l••h•• '''''"' '"'' hntf lt\t•d fur ala 1 "' .~,., 111 .o '"'" ''"'' 1t1.:11 n ttlo• ru- '·''"''''' ,.,.,,, ""''• Hh '" 1 "'' 1 ·"" 1 hult· .. r ,. "''""'""" h•H••I 'h•., 1• ,,, ut ... '"' tul"'l th• ,. ..:ulut 1 dtth ,,.,,rvun .. 1 :<nutn 1\Ar· .••u•d '' ttl ht utu\t• '·''' "' •l( lto~tn 'nul ._h,. hntlu't ••ut•·u "'"....,.. lt . t•U IIIH lit\•' lu•n ""'" ·•11•1 l'•h .'t; llo• •'11' uo l/olo•' lo' J,.' 11 1 '11 11111k \ I t' I I I I " -• t ••tt t Itt'•"' ll'u~· I tt t•n ...... '' Hlth tid I 111 nul \ • 1\ lnu•..:• \ ' , ... ,,. .• ''"""' lw• ,. tt·t•luy ln .. • HARBOR JEWELERS 1 ...... , lllotlol•••lll '"'"''IIIli( '''"" TO ATTEND MEET '"'"'"''''~~"" ,., ... ,"' ""k"· ""o.ti1C!CI Ill II full SilO' ~~~-lllkl'n lO tt. II tot hoo1-111 ," u..-onlH'rtt uf 1 11 c lrtl)'t'Opitlhlc ward 11f OenerU e.. 1olll111 ttill llo•lu ll ol• \\••lo·o ~ i\""" l flllnl 1. "oil ,.11, ,.,1 , ""'"' 1 1,., ,,11,,. 111 ~11" 1;1111111111 ~H id '"'' hurl lf'fl I" • 1,11,, 111.,. !C ol ltol(h:,,,., tlr•• ""'''' "lllo• v.-1\ llll••ly •in•~tt -..1111, '''"' ~''"'"'' , ,,1111 , 1 .,,.. flt•l •fl l'l ''II" lnololl'l' frurn ' ' '·· 1111• tonto r, '"I'"'"'' tu'oo lhf' •""'Cllf \fIll II .,1ft ,_, "' 1",," ',.,. , ~·1l1tt..:_ utul t ht• '"'ltrtta I'''"~ • '"'"''' .. tJ~t • '"' H i lt Itt l "' •h• ,,.,, Sin• "'""' '''' II ltHih • '"" •t '''" dn··· , •. ,, "'' 1. • '"' t" tUtti J•l'f• 'f t I If ..... « llllllf\ )• \\t" .... jl '11• I d• ,,...,,.. t1tftHft I' tf 1 hu.., It• ,ltllh flu• \\r.lll ' nf hi• It ,,,,., ,,. It .... ''"'"' •••• t,. ,, fttl ""ll dttlltlltlf•ft . II· •ttnd.u •'''""'' '"''" tl ••• ,,,,...,,., tu· 1ut•· ,,,. puhtle "I''"'""" I ,,,.,., I~ 111 'Jlw Ak"nd Tt""\\ I'• i\oh • I II• o• uf ~\\Ill There have been other fac- tors, too. The creatly in· crea.eed Ule of ru per houee- bold il oae. Southern C ali- fornia'• powth w another. But where theBe conditions have helped ua by addinr to our revenue. they have al.eo added hMvily to our open t- in« coeta. They have helped w. to offset steadily dimbinc e.:~pensee-(or payroll11, taxee, materials and even the coet ol IU in the field. But the coet of extending our service to take care o( new custom- en ill running from 2Yt to S timee maher than it ... io 1939. '-It• 't\"" ....... ' "'' ••hllrH• h• I" If tl••fl\ "etlt •h· ,, ""' .,r t h• \\ttf1l• n ..... r '' .11" "' '' h•. 11 ""'' tlll· tfh ·'' nu dflt, ;u.:• d \\t\•' ,,, k• -·p 'II \\tilt 1111 II ltll•h 111!,, '"' ;oolll• "''H't" \1.-.. 11, ,,,,, ,, 1,,. 1., r:.. ,,,.,,. ,., h1•·r 1 .. u, lt. 111 • h11l'' ma'h• tl ,,. '·''*"..: ,,1,t 1 , '••• I t\ \1:u I .'tl It•·••• t1•••t• h it lot IUtt(tt l 'IJIII••"'.t th• 11 .._ .. , p lu lO' A.NGIU• NOtt•wooo tOffO lfA(M L -ESTER & c.o. INVI\lMIHJ • U CUIIJIU fO Mill JHI INVUtaU' I' • • • (1 . A. it probably ill in your own boUBeho ld -keeping on the right !~ide of the ledger hn~~ l~n n problem. Among our ff'!lp<ln!iibilitit.'ll hn.'! bt-en tlw p ro vi;;io n of nn acldtt ionnl supply of low c'O"I gnq for thl!l <-n ormou<:lv ~rowtng ~tn>n The ncarc"'l prR('I icnl l'Our i'C wall ~<onw 1.200 rnal<'l' away. To m ilk•' II nvrllhthlt•, we pnrtiripiltc.-d 10 on~of the biggest nnturill ~11.'1 p rCIJ<'<'I'I on rcrord, The mammo th $70,000.000 Texn~ · Cnltfor- nia pipeline wa!lcon..<~tructed. and o n November 13 wa.o~ put in operalton. . . . Depcndable,lo w·coet service ia jW!.l one of the reaaona why virtually everyone in South· em California can uee , .. - (~ cookin1. water heetinr. bouee hMt.inc. refrireration. MOW MOll fMAN lVII YOUI HOUSEHOLD IAIGAIN IS GAS The Nearest Approach to He aven -Balboa in Summer -The Desert in Winter Ill• • h.: hi l.1..;out.o I :o t• 11 • •' 1 "' t 1 1 Ill! t f\1 J\ ~~ 1tld1f1.: ht·fl\1 • " t' d •••• "'1 ;II tt f)l" I. H d. ,.,~' t Ill· td· •II• !lt1 PI '" •. ... I I 111 dt 1 td .UI•I I I 6 11 t lft ' I f i t f t\ f }I tf I 11• n lh•' ~ .... ut1h "-hilt It• • ... ' IJ"' t h· I••L: .tnt I tt tnlptl•""'"' of \\Ill It ( "\ '1' f ~ ttf fU I'• .t'• fl .. .,, .. ""' II · ('lulolllo~l•• ol111 rt-. tH.uu .. '' nnunt.: 1..,,.,1" ''• ... fl,f4 k lt,Jf ~~~~~ hot\ I httrlltf ... t f •••11""-,.,,nt,u·t.... \l.tHI ~ •• , \ ,,., tn pn\ 1f••l:. o\\ r\•••1 h•1m•' .. ;til) ah ... •·nll·• , ... ,,. rltnnu;tt.-thC' U'- u;tl f••Jntntn•• rlnut..:~ J' il'~tlt aa1 · • d "rl h ":o·nnol hnm:" , In th•• fll~,.":,..n1 anltt;tl "'·•~··~ n ( •I•·· ',.J.,pm•·n t t lw l:~od t•u-ts nro• ""' anll.oll·fl. 1l1<' ranl'h's own rlo••tt.:n ami hlltlolin~ .<.rn·kf'l' nr•• rron<' t urlln,~:; 'mall n r I is I H' hnm"' 111 rosts whirh m~"«'l thr mot ~c-on~Nvttlt\'•' pr«'war ron- ro•pt ~ Th<' J:l()() RCrC dt'V(')- oopml'nl as ownNI and OJ)('r&t('(l hv the-Dovlt•>-. th,.. r r,.nturs and oi·il{lnRI o"•rwrs of lhr· SmnkP 'l'n'•• R.1n<'h. Palm Sprin~:s. Ill· r~"rttnn•· R.11mon Rond out o f P"lm Spnnst" <.trai~:ht to th,.. nono•h Runnmg timt• 11 to J!) mmutrs. Hidden Springs Ranch Tbouund l'al'""· c·auromta 8altwta .-\~nt•: Earl W. Stanley SitS \\'. C'"'t-ral ~.---rnrt ~h 17th and Cout H wy. 'f"\\ Jlflrt ft,!W'h t.llh an, ln1'l,f' ~~ ... 'f"" jl(lr1 lw..-h ~'!~ '"'""" .-\w•. 1\alhu~ 1-l•nd fll;'\ ( o11't H>4)'. Cnmn• drl Mar fttfd I !ll ftJ ftt• ""Ill t' lflfl I otf f"J ;\A ,.,,, t htrtL.' Ill htH~ • .r fit M "' •• , •• .tfUH IU f d ' ,. ·"I tilt I d lh'''' u ..... t ''''~ n1tH"I1rn ht tllf~ prJ :trtd til• Jhotl '" <1n U ft• d ,.,,.,, IHodt'• th•l1 "''" I '"" tit•\ t• lint 11111\ 1111 \\llh tho~ l11•1 ,,.,II m:orlo .: IH•ol•wl k"'" ·• 111•'11 Ill• \ 101 .olio ooll 1•1 • m /\nfl o11tl )l!,lol01 1.,\o·llo·-. loot lfo,lnl I' t1. '""""' t,• '" 1~ '" ,, k~ ttn tht ,,. IIIII''' ••I it•" , ... ,, f af hurtr• wl t'•l•• t• 1 '"'' rh,.t dtt It '''' '""' "' t ;,\, '" 1h •· 1'11k I ol.• ,, P• ,J.. ,,,,.), .oil) rnar · ( 'ro•'' F •tnll hlool l1 • l p th• 1 t• tl ''"'IJd• ' 1111111• ,,.,, .. , .• ,"'"'" f "f Htn·,,,. \ I• Itt ... ;.1 dt~it"''' Parts stay bright A cleansing agent in RPM M otor Oil serum carbon, gum -krrpa rogior imidrs ahiny. Wear ke pt slight "RPM" i& "rust·proofrd" to prrvrnt damasr from moisture that corrodes r nginca. Film sticks tight "RPM" clio&' to hor upper cylinde-r walls, proceca a~irur acasive wru. Taltts letter Cart of Your Car A Standard of California Product , __ Clayton Thompson \\ 'holfo.sale Dbfri1JuUoa t'honf' 155 Res. Phone lOIN It•' •ur• rh •• ,,. u I•· .... "''' t •I !I • l •'fl hn11'1 I 'i.t I n \t. n tl• I l•·r ''' r . ., ' '• ,,,, h·"' .,,,,, I d +\I" \\)h t \\II 1.'' 1'11 rtf fttlf \ \ n~:ttnl ,t ll 1• '' .. ,, "' 1 • ,,1 t I t t"-tn J... \11 i ft•io, ;I ~~l"'t \\ 11'1' ,,,.._,,,,," \\IH'II ,,,, ttf• •• ,.tit.'·. loll ~ •, ' '". '' '' I ''"''""'' •I t• l•loolol t'l• II tit II It 'Ill l't• IIJ• l"olol I teo •' ''· It• I V.l dt , ,, 1." ··I EAR L CARRO LL SET TLES SUIT t\ • ,I; I I . I • ,\ t" U•· d· ,,, .• I" It I \\ I I'" 'I . '"' '" ,, ,, .• n I r • .. ' ,, ,.,, ''••h·· I! I flit\ t t1 1t ' , . ' till tff \ttiH I f I t dtt. I ,.,,.,,,.,,, II fttn h 1tt t tf i t 1! ~I 11 I If "''' .• ,, HI I I I d I "' •.• trU f I ·f ,,, ... , !\: ... I ",I,; I ~ I f ,, t 'i '' • '' Itt "uhr·tt , ,, ,,. ,, '" ..,, '• 'u•n fl•• "·"" ~ .• \', f•lrt ut ·~u·~~;~~;s:E'~ '" ~ ..... ,. \ 1 I T~ \\';~~~~~~~ ... 111• ""'''".I i r·· .. l:lllnn will hooltl lh•·lr 1<'1'11 , ' rntmthly m .. i·l tU'-! ,,,,,,,, ,,,..,.. I 'l o•• It 1!1. Ill 7 11 111 lol ''•11~>11 I •'• ('•m~t hl~ehwuy t-;. rl \\'""'" I l1 •h•nt. nnnttunr ••.,t f•,dhv :::========:::::: i I I ,, R INTI N G S TANDARIHZY.I;"" to MV<' vou both flfl'le nn~ mon<'y. UEA C .ON 5 5 2 !) A. C. Spencer II 1111 ()out mpway ---~· PAIADfHA -Off· IIVIUIOI ...... , ........ IA.HljO •Offl(jO \f,,../.,, I ,,, _.,If,/" ''"'A I " ''""It' 1\ II\ F..ut (lf'lftlr&l A Vl'l., Daihua llarbor %00 I COMMERCIAL PRJNTING • • • 2ualJ4 PRICE SERVICE LET US HELP YOU .wilh • • Pf.R!!JONAL PRINTING YOUR PRINTING NEEDS · T e/epltone -.. • .__li4~13()~ ~~ f 1IJ . . A Representative Will Call • • • Newport Hat!Jo~ Publishing Co. PntNTI-:TfS -I'I 'BI.JSJIJ-:ns OFHCE StJPPI.rJ·:S HUOl , 301 I W. Central Av e. Newport Beach I t: -f .· Page4 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -TIIIE8 WF.DSF.MDAl' Sf'" eon "'-'h1 ('aUf. ~affh 17, I lUll Markets at a Glance ... .Am Tel It Td 11M Canadian f'orlfh Jul,. Dupont 16.'1 C4-nernl Mot•l1' .,, Coody()Br .I'•'· Kf'nnPCOrt ,;, .. Scars :t:l'. Stan!hlrd Oil -,;- US StH-t ~·. --- Deny Lumber Trial Pay-Off t,c IS A:"C;J·:LF:S, ~Jar-17 • l 'l'l S u)>t'fhll' .Jud.:• l.ol\\ooi J H !11 "'"' lootlll)' hr:uul1'(l ~~~ "111111 U\ · l'hll! .;r~l !hal 1111•'<'1'1111111: ut lou lh'\ Jl.,m •• n A•h·rlwtr) ,,.1.'•1\•-d Sill· IWWI J., n "\\lt I ~ll( J~'""'" II\'!'U5t'd uf I"''" •t••llirw 111 "" ''""1:• cl :.'"l't.IJ•r ltuul,.,. und m ill I n 10 '" mdlo 1 • I READY AID IN AIR FQ.RCE EXPANSION \\'AS JIJS'I'O:"o:, :\htr. 17 •l'P I Th•· no.~llun's lld•·n"' rhh f, ''' ro n .,;T'l'\ ol l•.dii} ull '' J~l.ln loot 1111111\ d · mt.• '''l'~lnSIOn uf ''"' :ur , .. ,,.,.,. uml ( 'um:n·~s :tJ>I• :or•••l ••·•ul~ ••· lo wk ot Ul• \\tlh mun• )' Vet Solves Situation at the Waldorf Ask Lewis r To Explain CA»al Stoppage \\ 1111' ·:o'.or~:• n1 11 cJI'I• "''' HI toll· Ill'\ loiiiiiJ!hl till ( hfln.;t' IU lho• .oil• 11111\n ul tlw ~·oourl 1n un l'f(ort loo lllo\,. tlu \'"''' o·nnllnUt•ol f11t ".,., 1111 numth~. loqt J udg1• n rnnd o>rrlo>ro•d tlw tri11l Ill oprn thl~ 11 rt • •rn'Jt•n. Jnlornwd suur ro,. ,,lid Ilk julllt l'lllo I s ul ,t,lJI ""''' hJIIII'O\t•d II hhro·pnnt that \\could httn~ Atn<'l'l· r·a s lilt' l~"''r dust• to th•• :!o:JI)t. pl:ut•• ''••·n~lh rt•t'llllHnt•nlkd hy tho• J>r•""'"' nt '~ 111r pollc.'}' r;ommb.- UIKY.C'TUlbl C.W Tttt: V~U'A·VWC".\ tl.\KtlOK C cu ·;-.c. IL ~-fulln\\111~; th••lr •nnu•l banqiM't h .. ld · h sron. :\londay nlrht at C'hrt .. t ('bur('h Ky thfo S.O,a. v fl tu rtteht : , r..•'"""'· .fvhn ,Ju """"· MaJt·olm tc.-ld, ('had T~·lh•IN-11, ~'"'· K•lt>h ,,..,.,..,, J •.-a•h u .. mhwl, t'raak I'04t1'r-. 1\lnt.:ttr)' Whlt .. nN·k, tWo\'. ThnnU&Jt At rlw SlimP t IIIli', HriiiNt· fi'JIUb· Cllbooon. w .. ndrll tfu,)'l •nd :\1 ...... :\1 ... \\lhoun. phnto '·~ Vulm•y ll:t) Jl" lrl'HII II'Udt•rs plt·d~t·d llllmSt•h't'S __ ........ ___ ......,....,_......,......,....;...,_"'-lo II JIJH'IIJiroHII' t•nnuglr mun('y 10 ...rl WASHlNGTON. Marrh 17. (UP) -TM house·l!('nlllt• labor commilleoe today clemAI"<k'd from John L. Lewtl and &Oft COll i Oflt'l'll· ton an f'xplanatlon within <IH bourli or t.he pcnsJon dl~pute \1, hlch has cia.<'<~ molt or the notion's liOft coal mm~. San:•·nt J•rt>llt'nttod u purvortt•d urfltl{aVII blgnl'd hy &•r·m•rd 1\rc·n· nun, fnnnt•r attorney for Mrll. C"nrtt•r. Thr 11tatcment quot<>d ArH'rtx•rry as teHinR Brt'nnan: Benes Attends Minister's Funeral I }I I! @!~E@ ;f~~~!~:~;:;,:;;,.::~2~:,7~r~;~;;:;<fi·~ IDl'nl, but a •pokeaman aa.ld t.M Ualt.cl Mine Workers' chief rnJaht ... n IOIMtblnc to -.y latf'1' In the -----,v commJttft twr.t.ofore hu ftlraiDid from lnt.r'ferlnc In aU'· ,_t J.abor dilputeL But Olalnnan ~ H. BaD. R., Mlnn~ aid the ......, .,... 11ftlltf'd to bit apt tully WanMd on ta.ct.a '-dille to the ....,w and future dewiopnmU. on. oammltt.H ~for an n · ...... Uan u ~t olflda1a ..., UttS. hope ot an Mri)' Met to 6e IGit coal atnb wtUch bepn ~. "I tlon't t'are If thiS ca!.e never I:04'li to trial. I got mine whl'n the mdlctm('nt w as rl'lurn<'d. Fur· th!'rmOrl'. the district attornry ca~~M I know too murh about th,.. Buawy S~el kllllng." Arterbtorry and Brennan dt>nled to the court that any auch llat('- mt'nt had ~ made. and ~ than 350.000 miners arc Idle ln lt 1tates. Govemm.,nt ortictals wame'(l ..._ IUKTIII'I 1,1 II ''I'~ 'J'u Mr ~tnt! Mrl>. D. ,. h •••nll. l.'!.l :\l:ar•~-:ulrt St . Coro-- ' 1), I :\lou. an Fullt•rlun l'u tlal{l' '''""''·•I. ~lt11d1 lol, 19-18, a daugh· .l...r- ~:\IITII Tn Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sr1111h, 1976 ()ranee 'St.. Costa :\I•···•· 111 Sunta Ana Community "'''1"'·•1. !\lurch 14. 1948, a son, 8 II•~, I.' '• (oz. .. ... IIAI'f>Y RIRTIIDA Y llt••y \\Olllcl ur~·· till' lfoust• to I<JIJ~~'"' •' t ht• full $ ll,t~J(J,(IOU,OOU Lut1go•t asko•d hy l'n·sid<•nt Tnl· m11n . plu~ an udd11 111nul sum rvr olll' fllrL't'll I'XJlRnNifm. Armour Resumes Some Production In 11 Plants CHICAGO, Mar 17.-IUP I A spok('Sm an for Amour & Co Tu Anita S('XIOn. proprietor or lho l;,rlll'y, Balboa. 'laid t<Jdny that "llmltl'd produc· I ion" IS bclnR rl'sumcd In 11 of I DEATJI8 the huge meat pecking chain'a 21 Ill' 110:". Belle-Private ~ervioes "t ruck plantl. I """l' h..td yrsterday at 10 a.m. In Thr spokesman said work Is he· 1111• Baltz chapel at Corona del in~:· rrsumcd b)' "preVIOUS employ· 1 1\lur for Mrs . Belle DuBon who , \'S. not by n('wly-hired 1trlke I Ac,.. Telepltoco, RJchard, Jr. 2 1rl&bt1 and J lmmy cux. 1, get t.httr first ·~al Dath• In a ye&r from tbelr dad. rx·Ol Richard Earl OOa. In 112J>O·a·dar sutle at a""ank Waldorf·A.Itorra Hol.t'l, New York. Cox, whOIIe ram• lly nu Deen UYlll& tn a 116·a·month Dathless·flat. lnformea the nol.t'l he woutd ~J only 140 a month tor t.hr sult.e and that t.hf'J could send the balance ot tbe Dill to tht mayor, whom llr ch&l'@ed wtt.h nect•ence fOI' oot 1etUna tua tamlly Into a vet~rsna• bouaq proJeCt r d vruducllon un a "hmilrd bas 1s. · OA& llln.ED ON MESA Ct•n•'rlll Manat::t•r II. W F.aslwood I Mrs. Lcdia Strothrr r eporl<'d at Los Angeles swd that workcrs the theft or automobile acccssor- hacl passed through picket lines, les' and gasollnt' rrom a tenant's ttnd that "we art> opE"raling and car tometlme last nlgh1. The car mul{mf;: dPII\'er~t•s." was parkl'd In {ront or ~ El Modl·na 11\ o•nuo•. Nt•wport H eights. 8oth pwmment anct lndultry • ......,.. fteftd a llhutdown ot at ._ two ...U or lonpr un1ela 1Aw11. heM ot lM Unltf'd Mlne Wortcen. onten a beck·t.o-woric .......,...t t.fore h.lt demand on miners' Pfl"'klnl Is Nt tied. that lhto coal supply situation Will ~ ''Very l'Mil<'al" within n wHk IC the atrike conttnues. n w u. S. Bureau ol M ines ll&.id lt<lck · pU• "may be well belo~ the sS&n· ~r potnt" al~ad)• becslilto. cold _....ther lnct'\'Ued con•umptlon and hampered production durtna the nnt two mont hJ ol the year. R&llrl*t layolfl 1p~ad throu~th­ out lllln<M1. OtUo and Pl'nn· aylvanla. Dnployt'tl of roal-car· rylnl{ ba.rce lll\t'tl on tlw' Mononga· hela and Ohio rtv~rs al110 were be· tnc turlouped ,,_ ,. ... ,....J ~ldent ~ Bene. Cleft), lll8klnl ftrlt pubUc ~ 111'1111 be wen& Into ~Urement tollowlne Oommunloat coup, • .,.. funeral o1 Pore•o a.uru.wr Jan WAMrJII., at J>n~Pe, OMdMa'mstu&. rllo·d Sunday at the home of her br<'akers. lie said he did not know 1111111-:hll'r, Mra. Arthur James TllY· whe lht.>r the returning worken l .. r. un Lido bl('. Other aurvlvor• areltmcmbera of the striking CIO ·•~'•' two sons. Barnard J . Mac· Un ed .Packinghouse Workers. l·.lh••nny or Santa Barhara and R. whosr na tionwide walkout hat cut \\ !II :H·f:Jh('nny or Los Angeles. ml'lll production In half. L( IS ANCF.LES, Mar. 17. - (UP )-Str iking CIO meatpackcrs will cull out engineers and main· tt'nnn<·<· mt'n at the Wilson pack· ln~,t plant If the firm continues trying to oper ate Strike Chirr Ar- thur Morrison d!'clar<>d today. A thoughtful mind, wht'n It S•'<'" ll :O.:ut1nn's CluJ;:. sees not the fin~ only, but thr :>la tion ltulf; and whateV('r may I><' Ita symbols, its msrgnia. hr rends chiefly ln thc flag the Covrrnml'nl, the principals. the truths, the hlatory which bPion~:s to lht' Nation that sets il forth. A Certain Naval Officer from Texas Was Commanding an LCI, When -• • l 'i\HROLL. Adt'ha t-1., 75 -Of Mt'unwhlle. oHiclals of Wilton 31-1 \'irluria St., Costa Mt>Sa. died & t'o. anotht'r or the nation's \lundily in ( Iran~:•· cuunty hospital. ~ajor packers, report('(! that t.helr \lr.., Carroll. a natlw of Lamar. h11t Los An~:elt's plant hu rt'aum· 'nle walkout II In Ita third ~ Salvation Army ~ial Service Center Called 'Inspiring Success' Unll•'<l py.,..q S tarr ('.,.,.,.~pc)nclt•nt WASIITNCTON. MRrrh 17 ll'l't Th•· V\'1") 11111 Uwk••n• "·'' Dedlaltcd to the propotlllon 1 pertmt'nt to pay IU w11y, without t·utlln~e loose thAt durk duy on I \loco that "A man may be down but It calllnr upon Ita Crirnda tor con· Joma tlurln~: the• w11r tlnft' out." ttw Salvation Anny'l tributlona of money Th•• "Army" A <'1'rtam nAVal ufflro•r "'''" eDd&l wrvtc. departmt'1'1t contJn-departmt'nl Ia not al~ by Com· Tt•,IUU!I wa" C.•mmnndin.: a ll"ll'ko•t __ .. ,_. 1 " ronn~e 1..£'1 "'hu·h "'"' lo·ntlan.: a -to ~• "nap4rinr auccea munlty Chest or~tamatlons hrund~ulr ••r "' 111 tho· hllllh• .. (( ta IU procram for plwalcal .M s ..,uttual l"f'habllltatlon '·or mt'n, • ,hnn• • uolc lo•nl) 1 ho•to• ",,, ·I lull lb}ar Orlo EllloiM, dlttric:t man· VFW Post Wtns I A.w••> ott tho•n •. ,, huttl···l"'' ~tnrlt'tl hlmktnl: l•~:hl, S1.,;nnl• tr :"'tn~ ~=.'· aa.ld ln 2 Council A wards W8ll A m~"11o:l' rnr 11\Jf ht•rv. """ lhatl•'f1 fn•m th•· IAtnl:h"m Still<' Glvtnl crfdlt to the ,"lnt"'"tf'd Loral \'F'W f'c"llll ~. Rlllboa. \O ho•r•· mo•n 11n1l tlfl'n """ \O onwn and aympethetlc pubUc" for mak· tonk both or th~> Ur•ntt~ county niY' hnppy '''""" 11 tnc poatble the Pf"'('ffnlal human-<'0\JnCII IIWIIr<h ror 19oU!. J>rf'8f'n· "Mntl (Ill )<Ill .. tho• IIUI'I' ,.,,,,. =~"!::~Ao~t'l~ .=!~1::·. t11tlona Wt'rt' ~tlvrn ltut nl~otht At IIH!d -'"'· tht' VF'W Britt In Rnllx>rt nw hny from T••llfl~< hotl hnd no llb,Jar EIJ~ d tf'd larre fiiUf"!'' Th(' l111o'O awndl Wl'rl' glV!'n fnr mflll fnr fr•ur Y"fll '· llo• tnuk II Ia repwlln( 101M of the acc:omp-lht" lar&t'tll pt'r<'f•RIIU!t' of ln<TI'I"r C'hllll\'t', lwlnlt ll\t' hn'l.". 0c.-lWo•t>n .......... du"' ~~~~ln .... ~ In membenhlp and for one hun-<'llnnonfln>,, hr orde•rt'<'l a ~mnll _.. "'""" -· clr-' oerctont td u tluC'I 0<>1 • holt I to rt<~k 11 olon~:~rdl' I hi' halt h·· tile Uw peat 12 monUw. PI' P (' "'n..:nn and pll'k up his mnll n w He 1tatf'd that 5,121,000 pouncll ':t"'~ ~;;!ry ~~ In 11"' county lllllo• holrt mack• 11 nntl ro•ltllno'!l 411 aJ~t.he pubiJc'a contrlbu· • " m('(' n2 wrth n n•~Ctilll llton mnll ~nrk. Uan, ot Jrl"f'((teat Importance to Poet .681t6 lnc-rf'IIS('(I Its mrm· Nt•l'\'tlll,ly, o ur Tt•xal' mun J•t.:· 11. An;l If unybocty'a ronnn rll1ch \lu h11d hvt'd 1n Costa Mesa for ~"" 11 )fill c·h•·at a llttlc. 11w l),1't II }l'ilr~ She was a ml'm· \\'I'll 1f lf>U'r!' not honest )1•11 l~t•r uf ttll' St•''"nth Day Adwntist "''" ~-:•·• ot 1n I he ~ t-nd. Tht.'n' c hun·h an (.'vsta Mrsa. .11 ,. ;,~·nlllllun , o( us tax p.l}o 1 ~ul'\+. '""' Is a son, Edwin M. 1h" '"nr ·•·lling a new lndoc•r 1, t'.orrull (If Costa :\-tesa. a grand· , ""' Titt• loK' .. II intf'mal n•', 011, •l.ou~;hh•r nnd a ~;rrat·granddaugb· IUJI•'·"J' l'ho~·k olV('r lhMP n •111111 I• r ·h"" 1111.: 1111 unH',. u n&>r $7,0011 ,\n•l -.., r\ l!'t 'S "Ill lJt• h••ld at 3 p m. "rtlo .• • ·•••·lui •')'r Thoee ov••r '"·•' l'llllr'dll} tn r.r:ollt'l murlu:ory . ,,,,. "n• '" \\'a,hm~tton whl'ro 11,, • ·.,,Ia ~It·~~~. "llh Rr\' C.Jton L u•· doouhl• -•·ht'<'kf'd and ~nl lo.u k I,,.,(, r oflor111 ton..: lnt('rmc•nt WJII II• 1• \••nu•· at.:o•nt s In your cJI•Ino 1 I•• 1n \\'o ''Ol'"''''r ~h·mnn:tl park. 11 . 1 hta.:~:•·r· joll now than It" 1 II A L E. Jo<'•'(lulmt•, 13 o r 1 I• \\ "'•'~" 111:11 F'or inJ!ta.nc1•, 1.1,1 -'-''•-'1 Pluo'• ntrn A\'t'. Co~la M•"•ll '"'" 111•·1•· "'''"' nnly 52.800.0011 l.o\ ~h·· '" ~llr\1\• d hy lwr mnlht•r, ).Oil•·•~ Th•r•• Wf'l'l' somc>lhln~: Ilk•• :\11' F•·.orh o"' Jl,dP. ""'' hnoth•·r, r1I U IIH I t .. •tflrt' !hi' war. ~ ololtt• 111111 l\\•1 ~l"to•fll, Junt' nnd 11\at lho• "''''mill f'eVf'nUC' bill•·"' lllllhnr.o 11ll t•f tlw hnmt· 11ddn •ss h,,, n l111 moro• pt'(lplt> chcckln~ un (;rfl""'""' M'r\lr•·S wt•n • lwlrl )f•tl Anol ,r ynu cheat 1l•I·•Y I•.Kiay on V.'••sllnlnst••r Mt>mor1al Lonh Lun ly, lec1k out Yoour pHrl< with Hnmld K Graul'l mM· l'no'lf' j, n Jll"t'IIY lllll\fll jrll) 1 lllilr) In l'hllrl!l' Truman Calls For Draft \\'AI.l'FH. \'••rnon I. .• ,.l In· Ow clfopartJMnfl IU<."Ct!U _ had I twrshlp :.!<.~ Jlf'I'N'IIt rlurlnlt 194R to 1:''"'(' oa~<'n thr ,,,11 11f lht• ho.: nntl bfton c.oiJ«tf'd and procoC'U('d dur· top tht' county, nC't'r>rdmlt h• ~hOt"•k unll ,howok ,\1 lo•n~:th ''"' 1n1 that Umt': that 291,400 man Mnntt' C.rlmrll, l'<"'t t•nmmnnc1o·r 1'111111' """ •nMil t'rtl'l'llll~<'. A It •· hours of peld work WC'I'I' pro,1dt"d Till' Ontnl:!' Count} ruunctl lt•r '""" 111, 1Turlr :'l:lllnt• t•f ~.em '" '"" en lho• war. "''' hy wl~h­ fot men who had bf'con In dire net'd Wt'nt on l't'<'nrd 1:1~1 nl~:hl HS f:w -·You "" ,. 9 :.'() an '·"'"·" 11 lui llunl.m~ lu11 by r•'•<h~tlc t'f· ft~TI • •' 1 n 11 1 1 n n n I I y known r•n• rn .• t , ... t .. o:r•~t·h··r of 1:.13 EH~I Hoi\ h 11nt, ll.olhn.1 J~land 1\urn 111 llo• 11 • '''· lw h11tl )a,~·n n ro·~HI••nt h• r•• J,.r I\\H .111d " hnlf )t'nrs unci l'f • •llfolt n1:1 1••1 :1:1 )••ar~ JJ,, ,, <•1r ,,,, d 1., h•~ ,,,r, .. ~lnry Alu···· 1\:tl I••·•· c•tt• ol.1111:hlo·r ~In< ''"'' l'wl. 11111. :-.;.,, •h ltllll)'\\oXltl. '"" h1olh· l'l'" M.olll ll'•· nf Lo~ Ant.:• I··~ .ollol Pio•rrr. !'nn Diego. ol Mnp1o)'fn4'nt and other ht'lp: 'orin~{ furthrr lohllyln~ for l lnl· ,11111 1,bal 318,515 Karments. 34.000 pair \'N'SIII Mlutnry 'l'rAinln~ Thry ~·nr " '""" "'lu1 h1uln 1 h••a11l ol dloC's, 11.214 llrtlcl" or fu m l· RIAA \OIN.I In K!<k fnr" C'l1nllnuo•d fn•m .... nh• '" .... Inn..: .•. , n 111AT turf' and 184.224 mt.criiAIWOI.UI tnx o'XI'nlf'lllon r .. r \l'lrrnnJ Pr-M· "'"' "''"' .\ml It ··r··nt .~l 'IIIII•' lll"ticlea had be-en rt•palred. rt"furb-r niT) It "' nt'f'N!IAr)' fr •· 1 ,.,.., -~ • •rur ot tnnn.: t II•• l~t•)' o)n 111, Wwd and made> rt"tldy for 11M or <'r:'ln In folt• to1r """"'"""" , nch "" •I Nl811', by the workers In the IC'r·l )'!'ttr Tht• \'1''\V wnntc tho• t•XI'mp-T hnt p( ''''"""'' •~ ulcl lint nc•w wkle llboi& linn II) t'OnlinUf' fr>r J)('l'lnds of Jlut Jro,l \\ l'l'k, 11 ( ;t• nll'O n nil\)' SaJea ot ~prot"f''...d and other four )'E'IlN without re-npllcntlon. mnn nto'nt umrtl in rnmplnhun.: to •vqt'd artlcl" t'nablc> the d('· (';rimM said t h•· rr\ •'1\llf' mnn twn> nhu11t hb 1,1\o'• th.11 Ill' enu ldn'l nHord to pll\ IY'nl mth'h If''( tinct 11 plnr!' '" IY'nl A kmrt olcl lnth · 111 thr DRESS UP YOUR HOME lin•' l"·h1nd tum •u~:~:•••to•rl lhlll It "'" ~Illy In '"">' t'l:'nt unrl why d•dn't hr lluy n (lllfrr? "\\'lth "hAl 4 .. ht> lnqum-.1 "With thi~ ... nnl'wc•rrd thl' nld lnriy nn•l promptly mnr1t• nul n l'h•'('k for ~I :.!,;./)() Tho• hlll't'RII olf lnlt'miiJ l'o'\'t'nll(' \t nn ttnll' rn ow hi•tory hiU UtH'\ IOH•ftL! uUr p t\Jtl•• ~0 .. 0 '•' ol "'' '" ol lhr 1 r• •rn t timt'" T lo11' lh• f'l • ~iclNtl plo ol~;t•ll lhl'l • .. 1mtt' '" rontlnu•· .trtrnsc nl· lo ono·•· tn •ho•lnltf'rl \;,,lions D' I h·· "'"'' II"' I mt'nn~ r •• r ,ml('rna· 11m1;1l •H•tnly "ha~;NI ••rt l;i~. n(lt "" '"''1 nut hr 11•111'1•'<1 thlll ptrtl~:•· \\ ,, h " drmnnol r ••• 1:1'{'8\l'r Am•·••~ '" miHtary ~ln'lll:lh 1\S pmtrr11"11 ·~lllnst tiH• "'pld, In· rrt•nJin.; •lrr,..uttt tn In·•· ,;ovl'rn · nwnt 111 ulh•·r a>nrt~ "' llw world ASKS TRUMAN TO STOP CRYING WOLF IN CRISIS FOR EASTER hfl,n't lwnnt (l'flfll o•lllll'r Finrt• Thl' nF.:"\'Eit, ~lllr. 17 I I 'P l fo1lk• tho•n• 11<'\'t'r 1:111 tho• '<RIIor'l' .l:tmr!< G l'.ollnn, pr"'•cl•·nl of the n:mw ;-.;,.,. thr nlol l.ull'~ 1"\tlth Satlonnl F :,rm•'n l 'tllon call!'d rll~f•JII~'"'''" \\'n~ II n 1:•~"111 rho'f'k ~ "" Pr··~ll1••nt 1'ruman t•o<lrry to \\n' II n ~oko• ht•t\Oot't'n tlw t "o~' •top . 1'1'\tnJ.! wolf" IHHl • nol ·•wnr 1"11•1 ''"' o1ld ~:nl wnnt tn t:~k,.. it orr 1''\l'hnh•~:' 11011,0~ lh• !•·""'" .. lw r 1111~"11'' '"' • \\'u, 11"' k lol lwr l'atl<•n · l').unwrl !II• Tn11~an'r. s. r\h • • "'II bP lwl1l 111 II ,, m Thuncl.l\ trnm Crnt't• 1'h •t••l lu- .:lc•\\OU41 I' 1rk •'••nw lt·n · w1th ~!a­ IOnic ril•, loy lluti)"'".O ~1a-nn1•· lodgr, ll.oll ' t-1nrtunry c•f l'lll•'ll" d•'l Mar 111 rhnrgr 0 \'IATI llarn•on A . r,o :\lom- dny £'\'t'ntnt.: of II ho•nrl atlnw nl llr Ill ~un l\\od by hr~ flllhl'r, \\'tl- IIAm 1 1\'o,ol 1. two ~•sl•·r~. :\1ro; ·''"' Plnkaru :ond Mrs Sll:l'l ~kldmc>rl'. ont' hrnllwr. ~:. C 0\'11111, all <11 Ncbra$ka, F'unrrnl llrrllnt::l'm••nts :1r•• In rhnr~:o• of tir11url rhnr~·l. I~Mta Mesn. l'chf'dulcod rxtraordenory ltprlt'ltr- rtn rl' lot'ft•rr Cnn):ro q!< htnto•d ,,( "wor 1JIIro:1d or rr\'nlutt .. n ,,t home .. Complete Selection <lf'\n~ ---- or Unusual Fabrics t • Oraperiel • Bed Spreads • Upholsterin9 • Carpetin9 Decoration Service •• H.UMFREY'S ............ 823 Cout Ht.hway Corona del Mar Phone Harbor..2094-JK Ani hnw thrro' "'"' •"<rll• nwnt nt dl'llltlinf' '" '"" nm ""'""'' l:! mlflnll:ht ~l•to•h 1 ~ n w lno..t m nn In hno· m:ut•· 11 h\' :.10 <>'f't•nrl• r~nd h••lh ·lll'h•'(l .tl•nui IT" 1n~ to hnrt 11 plnr•• to 1~111< <>n lOth •I ro•o•t ·n ... a>~rl"· h.l, r>•tumN.i tn n•'r- nMI 1 ho•u..:h Till' C'llrrultll" ol I h" ~:r~tr·•tt•nr. "~"'' r n ct(II'Y htulohn..: ·II•' przwt II' ollr o'lliJll ~ I 'nty 1'1•'1 k~ n1nncn~ hrthrr uno! ~nn ~tu(hn..: thin~• tntro thl' nl l\'o'·l:fl'i'n f1ltn~ n thm••t• !\1 11~ '"' ~ "" \\'onolo'r whnt hnp· Jll'lll I ll ~Pill f'O'(\II'n 0nr1• r1111 ftl(' QUA LilY PriHiiHfl Service Y-..-t tiM! n-t w1IIM '" ... lilt t.a.llu1 coa"' or your prllltlft& ~ \\lwotlllf'r la~ nr .-II --l(t\-. qaaJit:r wntc-.: CALL HAUoa t,.t or 11 Be Wile -Advertile c::. d 5 e for an Sew : an . ~vS r\ng Wardrobe Ec.onomtc.a' P With EASTl~R fW) t!!arly thlli \'4>ar It bf.hoo''" evf'r~· thrifty woinan to plan her 84"Wing now . . . Al· Jlf'rtA ~·ou'll ~ef', bl the befit plue to go for \'altlf'tl6, ,.,.lfoctionl' and gtan· lal ~n·lc..-. MOSS CROSS CREPE '.\11 I ht• IOf'a .. nnaJ ~luuJ .... that •lrllJN' "'' "f'll to the "''" r .... hlnn•. )'d. 1.95 SH IRLEY SUITING \ full '"nttr vt c•olt'" In t hi• \ f'r"'tiiP f~thrlr fnr ooulltt, " h I r I m a k ,. r '• ooklrt. and 1 79 .. ,, ... k... ~d. • PIN WALE CORDU ROY A full c-olor ranee that ~raJ I)' \lo hlrl' Into the t.Jif'r· 1 79 '"" .. klrt. )"d. • WOOLENS! WOOLENS! Unusually lar9e selection of CREPES -FLANNELS- PLAIDS -SUITINGS COATINGS. LargP ~lf'l'tlon of IWautffuJ Formal Materials If u·~ a formal ~·ou want . .nut'll look ~·our m08t f'fl· rhantin~ In an f'XC'iting formal clrt>S.~ or bloWit', ~marth· ta .ll· orf"CI In nf'W St\'1~ from AJ. pt>rl '~ arra~· of · bf.autlful ma- t4'rlals . S...-for ~·oui"S4'1f, to- mon"ow. • Velvets • Brocades • Taffetas • Chiffons ~-d. 1.25 In 5.95 ' -NOTIONS- for your basic . sewin9 needs, look to Alpert's for- -nta .. TttJII'. !'Ina, ... ~::: -Kihl"'"' -tl 6• C' Thnoaol11 -nuttun' •nd n m•kl"" • -I .ac-.• Trlmrnlnlf" -.-.hnuldl'r I'Ad" -llrttld, "ncl t'rn~r~ -t:,-,.1,.1 t:mhroldf'ry _.,,_.. !'lhiPJd" -:o\klrt t'al'lnp -Kiu TaJlt', ~naiJ"', tlooka -I.AinJI l'lhadfl Ru('hlnp -l.amp ~had,. ··~ -''""~· nthfor ltA"m11 YARDSTICK "STORES "Orange County's Foremost Yardage Store" II .. West Fourth St. Santa Ana Phone bb88 OTHt:R ALI'ERT 8TORI:&-LOSO BE:\CH-1'.\~ADF.~ \~'RF.SSHAW · Cattlemen Withhold Livestock as Packers Strike Looms Bt"SINES8 Ot TIDS EO WALTERS TILE CONTRACTOR RnJ h R<I<10U. P 1·nln Boardl, ttc. 15th & :-\•'"1'ort /\\'('., C01ta Nesi l'ht!llt' 1\NWI 111 Si'OO-\\' -3 18-lf• H.M. LANE ltF.i\L f".S'l'ATE :'1ICl6 '·,,.art ,\1'4'. :OO:•·ar :"'1'" t~<trt Plrr Esll•hhsiH·d ~lnCl' \920 LEROY SLATER - 8-tfl • rva Nm ra&'roa u 1.s n 1 N t:W r O RT 11-'LII ~-1 •H ~ \1 1 111111.1 ~prm~ 3 ,.,,.. ... wr.u't~~tu.u· ""~·po•r1 Watch,,. • l'h>ekl . J-.lr)" C111t1 1!"\P:O.I~rERS 1\#palrtn.: l"nmtf\t ~rvtCte ~··n•thlt• J"ri,C.... VAN DHIMLEN JF\\'£LH Y I t 'l'tllta Ml'tll Plumltinl!' !'upplh·i' l' I P E ((' \ '"" l'lo.•lo.l 3 trc T ·•h'h 1 •1 ' r •• , ... 1 "'''''"'"' C"t"l Jr,,n ' ~~~ ....... , '\.! •'\"aht •. ,.' l••n It " k ~lrtuu,.,,, •llltlh• l'••tr.•h, -"' ~If' AI •• llA1liO t 'nll • \t ""'l'f -''~~ tilth Sl . '•'1\lk•ll Ito II• h .'~• 1ft' l llo'llt htil llltk tt•t1 Ut, '''' 'h••h1d lo, t"••tUUtt' t,t llh ·'·"h' '·,, ' ph·•1'-l• t... u. "'' it111 olio I I o l•111jdll!>' Ill I\ tll'k tt11 11\1 • • d l 'h ,lfU, 1\, •"'ll\ ·!~··~ :··· .': .. '1·· lUI \1'" "'' t'I'I.IP:.. II :'t)[.l l i"11-F t. :-:t·tt,~llt'r ltnl\llit• P tiPIH' I I 1... I ... ,,, lu t• I 'htlll•' It; ltlh••• \\ "'-' h;ouh :\l.! I"" 1 ll.·nch ------'''1 '\1 I 1''""'' I 1l IIIIHI'• ol Ill '<ft'l l•c t.-td I H•I1\ Ito~: I <.1 " J I II H... 1 \ I 'I \ ,, I I I I I t \ n t IIIII tit "'T I t tJ ( 1\ 1 '\ I 1"11, • I ,. l\ltll'<' An~ 1 II IIIIo: Any tIme :nx:l.'h•lcrtll• ••. I Ill \ Htl '• I """' II IIIII\ tlh ltl 'I ,,:...:'\, ''1"''' t tth,l \1.' I 1 1 1 ~ ~' I'-f "'; •'II lh ol I 011\lhl~ 1"11111 1 '-1111, .... ~~~;!\II IIJI ~l"'''lltliLt•d 10 l\'o' InK St• .. •l ~mk' '1 •1 , 1111 Jlt)IJSdHIId c ..... "ld~ & Small Roab n mtnlt' l'lolod ~\\IIIIo! ~·u ....... , •. :•;; I I•' ~I l't\H ,\ 1'1 1111 '"~h··•l "''""''"''''1' -------------------- llurhur 3~1 ~-t{c ~.9~~ Ol'THO:\l{J) ~l()'n)J\S '"'' ,, ... ,., ,,., ttlh' ••• '"'' 1'httth• I IIII~•• 11'•1 "' t'nllut 1.''1 tilth llln'i8 mukln.: nnd t\ltf'ratlons-Llu~o:··~l l'll,tttl'ln~· ~~~~·k '" :\I'\ I) IH ):\TS \\lonwn's ond <"h lldr•'n'a cloth· ''1a1~~'' ,.,'11111 ) '1'\\" ,.:, 11"'1·'11 lng, ltltQrt shirts. 1971 Maanolll FONTA~:\ l'l.li MHJ Nt; :0:•1'"'' ""'' H•·p.m .. ''" i\11 '' \\ 1'-tl I :1 11111 tl\1 Al 'l\llT Ml-'NT N~t.,•ly A III':Atr i'Jt-"111. "''"''' to' It I'Ji''""'· ll"r"lt"· (Ill lll•hl'tl ~~ I \ o'l I l'frllott'rll It •r, I at lrlo'uw, L'usta Mt'Sa. ~:I :1.1!141 !' \\ :\,·" t••rl 1\l't' !\luk•·• ttl Mt•l•·r~ 61,)()8 .• \\'. 23-5tc Coetn lltrsn J'h"'"' llo •JII't•n M il {) If • ' 1 ''"''""" l•lut1l• lttu·n~ ~'II~ :00:•'" 1~'1 I Ill\ 11. l"•·Wt••rt 1\•'lll'h I SUI\ II\ •ld•• ;\ jtltl l llh'l\1 c, ho'IHIId ••f rll\l:al11nl' wflh I"'"""N't• tt·n~. Vr 11t'thon hllnd.a, 1 u.:• I 11\'t' . SI'H'~ ~~·If,• HARBOR ---"IIi c ... ~~ "'"''~ "l'"''"n :>4\7t>·M I -Plumbing Service PL MBIN\; St iPPLJES -_:1 '~~' A1 •·lu•>ll :!:\ :'t~<·l ~·1 II( It Fl"T ll1••111 fn1 1 ur 'J, $tn,8fi0 ( Aca. Te~pllofeJ .,., an. row o1 oaUJe J)lm ltiiDd ~ a&lltlt.mM ~ ~ u ,.,_. bold alauchter cattle tram IDUt.n JUI& pdQr to ~ ollti1IDI o1 UllhecS PMir!,...,.... Warun <010). 1tanaaa City Ltve- Aoa: DIDbaDp ........S eaWiaMD o1 "fttJ llmltecS• m.& marlla II IU1U ma&ertalt.ea. ... ·--·-·-------------. -- Calif. Citizens Have Finished 1 Month's Work for Government -Debate Whether To Recall Sorrell I I f \\'ASIIlf'GTON, Mar. 17. "Calt'fornia citizens this week "l nthl'ldual ncomr ax('S or d fi I Ill ll'P f A llo_llSI' Lahor sulx'Om· Comple,,•d their 1948 nssignml'nt wh1ch taxpayers mn " na se l'- l l k f. ap-ma tH'<' tod11y dt•bat{'d r e<"llllln& of work rc1r t hE' ff'deral govern· mt•n t ol~u t 's W('(' anRnct• mont Aft"r one more month of proximately hlllf of th<' f1•dr ral H ollywood strike ll'adt•r Herbert ' · ' hlll Th th h If K Sorrt'll to nnsw.•r m•w charges labor to pay state and local taxes. 1-:0\l'rnmt•nt . · c 0 ,c;" a that he was n rommunist party they ran start working for the~· I com<'s rrom hidden taxes. mf'mhcr in 1937. lf'II'CS ror thf' rcst or the year. I . I 1768 No.•wpor t . nlvd .. Beacon 6111 REPAIRING OIJlt ~PEClALTY Contractln& and S\.IPI)lMe 9-tft COO PERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone S.ac:on 621'7 :1511 Elden Aw., aa.ta .._ . .,. 1.2 YEARS SERVlCZ IN 1'HE HARBOR AILEA HARRY BALL PAINTING CON'mACI'OR 2'74 Eut ttu. Str.t Ph. Be&. 5UJ O.ta "-. CalK. .... Boat~ Pric~d To Sell Opem• ~at. & Sun . sn 11 1'11111 :-:11t 1-'•~lwr , ghrtt.m 9u m ''' ~ ""' IP.I:ll $.'\fi410 COMPL.ETt: '1'1 •II ~"1~. lnt•huhn~t ~7' llunll'r t"llll~··r $~1t1Cl lt'Rt and rh,.lt , ·'"'' ~.!:1 ~~ !\11-rl ""' Sln•lll ( Jo~l'll.,,., Wall hun~:, <'h~~>•· ·~•uplt•d t1>1h•t8 111 1 !'lt•,.flrl I ~~'!\(l(l c:omparabl~ I'm"'' C. F. M INNF.Y Lavatorifot l'Oilll•l••l•', ~~~ io<l up lt.•n<'f•n fl:!l'l SoUd \ilnoota l'lunn ur11111l8 $4 7:\ 711 Ci>lllt lllw11y, NrWJlOf't M Ch. 26-11<' Galv. plpt. alii• hltol'k "''"' Chrome IWiniJ: ~i••ut• $!'i 7~ Kitchen llnlu $.') 7!'> up Laundry trays, ~'"•' lr<•n tolltt te'lltl , &lfamtn~: whlll', $5 n Soli plpt and fttlln~• Get our prit't'a. Hot wat« ho•~at1 r•. m•w :.10-aal. 146.!10. Rebuilt 1\at wnh·r hl'!l ll'r'l 20-aal. LIVE BAIT TANK :J~ SCOOP Patttt~n·s Landing ~ f'nilat HllthWIIY N••wwrt fW11rh Electrical Engineering and Installation I" 11 ~tl•· r•ntrnn•••••. kilt I"'" 1..-11· 43:l P11hlla AI'~, (\Jrona del lh'.t•·• ""' .... ,.,, ">' ·r,unll). prl· M11r de \'AI1• •lltln.: r"""' tilil ('lltr llr , N••wt•url llr·l~tkl• li t•,. ,. 0 n ' I.C 1"~. c 'nrt\1111 tit• I M•r. 2 fot :'t«Wlii.W ur :'I!I!VI :...'6-~tr l $1000 •·•u•h l'111l '"'" ~cia.)' -------t•r r\t•nlllllll ~3to 1-liR ll 1-:NT llrrtnd nt•W atudlo "''' un ll~tllto.lll hl11nd Av•llahlr 1111w tu Juno• lat Mila! h11V1' rl'\' nmnwnda tl''"'· J'hotW or wrltl' llully 'vt .. ·l. I'"'"' SJlf'lnR•. <'•lit Ph HIIT:l :.16 311" t .ll•lttll r.-~nm, IM'droom. It l>t~th IIJll'rlm•·nt tOf' Ea11IM' wr.k To rt•aptlllllbll' IIN>I)if' Of' )'OUf\1 fllrll & t'hll&)l'ronr f'•ll II • r b n r I :1<19· W • :.HI-4tc: t't IR S AI.t-: N~·~'Jll>rt lfrlrtlta - $7,!lrtll 3-IN .. tr , tll'n, llvtna room diMttr ltlto•hrn, arrvh.,. porch. ~X I 'l7 rt lot, rN1wund epllt r11ll r .. nN• In front. fl.ft ri'dwuocl '"'""' nn "'dl' :'1..'6 Wf'lltmlnatll!t', f'-"aron l\I:IAJ-J 211-ltc RENT AJ, UNIT SITES 37~Xlll:l f't Sullahl• for 4 unlt.a, M ,OCX),OO S'7~ X IO:l t with C'oUactt, ft.!WJO.OO 131.00. I Paintin·g -Paperhanging Any pltllllblna ltt•m ~""" IK-had Wtnrh,.. c .cvrwo FIN' s-ft uJp, throtllh our ltiC'al or Loe An· ~, F"lguratiV('Iy srvoakin", the Cali-Ambassador The new h·slimuny "'OS giVC'n to r "' tlw subcommittee b> J ohn R. Cornia Stall.' Chambf'r of Com-W )I Rohmson. wc>st coas1 mannt' rn- mPrce pomts out that estimated I Asks a ace 1-:lnt'i.'f He said he df('W an admll· w ANn :o ·ru ru:NT -Eutt't' W•'<'k , <"Ill IAKI' fur I('Vf'O ~&ltla 11nd rhaa.,.ronr ry J:L'\70. R(•· \'l'raf• t•h~trltt1 :llk3tr ~ X 102 ft Sultablt tor NIM Unlt.a t lnt'h,tdlnrr •mail 1-tlf'drnnm houM JI!UOO.OO V.,-y drttlrablto IO<"aflona and hard to dupiiC'atf' rosts of r unning thr federal gov· T A I • lillln pJ commumst party mrmlx'r· ..rnnwnt In the 194R riscal year • 0 po OgiZe ship lftoom Sorrdl during a mol'lc are equal, on the average, to the 1 st rikl' in 1937. Ry Hour or Contract a~ll'l ~-~rnrchlhcht11 Exl~ 1\attl'rlf'tl Best materials and workman~hlp 315 M . A E-11-G Radlo-T I'I"JlhonH Meten Call M. C . WAGGONER anne Ve. io"lllrb~tnka-Monu' 1\JN' Plant a W AN'TF.O m RF:NT-P&N't\ta wtth 4 r hlldt•n faMn1 f'VIctlon. N...-d 11la~ to uv.. until J~ ClWNEft 1813 W. Central Ave. urnings or peopl(• of the state PRAGUE. Mar. 17. -CUP l -Sorrell, ht• snld, showed him a and nation to two (!nd one-half u. S Amb11ssador Laurrnce A . ('<)mmunlst party rnrd SUtl'\ed months of the year. Sh'inhardt today dPmllndrd a re-"l ltorb S tt'wart." Hr sa1d that the HARBOR ~25-W BALBOA ISLAND ~tnd WAtf'r S)'lltl'nlll ~2tc l()ppoilt. Catholic Church) G-F. RAdlo-Radu 30 IIJtrhur :1:14:\-R. ~4tc JIARHOR 14N ·R --------------~ TuNdlly ~II'WIIri·Wurwr Jnatr unwnta II:.XVRAJifO& • EDWARD C. NOONAN FurthPrmore, it Is pointed out-triiC'IIOn and apology from Henry llollywood union ll'ad•~r admitted the prospects for nrxl year a re A. Wallall<' ror his "recki('Ss" party mt•mhcrship and ronsLSten t· ked • Jnt<"rior & Rxterlor not yet encouraging. chargt• that Stl'inhardt pro\'O ly follow<'d the commumst line. HA. 22l~W 25-lfc lfohhs F.n~tlnr-llnur G. E . Ards WPidrr ~ Amp , 50 fM't c.bW, 1lkr nl'w Hr11con Kohh•r F.J('("trlr Pl11n1• Llqul•lmt•lt•r l>~nk lillllllrf,. WILl. E X(,IANGE Glrll' brand n1•w 26-blt'ydr for i4 or lO" rlrla hiC")'de. 1717 Pomona Oleta Mf'u Et.Y • U OY O WNF.R -P'lv. room t"CCm- l'i""'1Y f'Urnlahtocl houM and • .,... ap, two bl>drooma. vwy ct. alrabl# nt-llhborhood, ftNr a., Ubrary and aton~e P'ar prtcll and ll\lpN'tlon Jlht-name. 2112. ~·IUp "In fa<"t , thr orhctally propos~d 1h1• communtst COUJI In Czl'ch<>-The suhcomnutt•'(', in prl'vlous 1 PAINTING 194R f<'drral budgN. on which ,lo\'akia. hearings, has h•·nrd u flat denial Phont' Bl'at-on 5024-W Con~:n•ss is now working, calls for W niiiH't' mad t' tht' charge from $urn•ll thai tw t'\l'r wa• a 28-5tp $2.000,000.000 mort• C'XJ)t'ndlturcs lll!:tinst Stl'inhardt nl a prt•ss con· rnmmunrst Surr.·ll ,;lso lt'Stlrl<od I 8-UILD-----""---O-::-IIA=-::-:=TDIAUI=:::-:-:-:--:=----::1:-:1 5643-R alttr 1:.: noon ~'6-5tc ~ O'KC't'fr I Mrrrlt 1 rdrll:l'rlllur In 6N'il11111 condition '7~ ,., 11R\ 1 J>hutu-Jo:·h'('lrll' I >tint ·n ,ur Pnrtnhll' TMI!I Et..~Hukin & (;alvan 10011 l'111111t lllway IIOJifJn TO LOAJif • HOME LOANS 4'1:.!-5 -6'/:t% HENRY C. VAUGHN 49R Newport Blvd m :M "ON M97 than t hC' $37,700.000.000 costs CS· ft•rt•nr t' in Nrw York Monday. He !hal lw nr, .. r had lw~trd tlf Rob· ...., ~.abrillo. C'atlu MMllt 26-5tp tlmatcd by rt•dl•ral Ofricials for SIWI !'to•inhardt ISSUr•d II Slntrmt•nl 1nson 1948." lhl' sta lt'_chnmhl'r saul. rnlrulntt'd 10 111d I hI' "rll,(htist ASPHALT TILE I f'h•11t1' ll.•owhn ~117 "!fl-ltr Bendix & Maytags Ft •rt SALE :.o:: It •·rut-••r, :ll'l'flll Balboa lsi. Home "This out lay by the rcdt'ral gnv-l'ausl'" just l>l'lnn• tlw n•sl~o:nation P u BLIC NoTICE Lino. & Plastic f'rnm1·nt is ,~1ual to ohout 21 Jl('r .. r non-rommumsl m 1 n Is i l' r s. D · b d J1.11t WlltlnR to 1W Ulled at I '.!, v.~o~ "'"1"r 1•1 11 nf w~ttl'r $illllt BILL'S WASH-A-TERIA T1·rm• ''""n·· 1111rtw•r 11'\'1.1 , .... tw1 .. •n H :VI & •, :Vt i•'m Afl•"f Only 1:'10 f t rmm No bay to'O\IR nn R.MM , 2 hetha. n ..... pllftl, lai'Jf' petlu, 2·cu 1ar ... ram oar s crnt nf tht• Ill rsonalmcomc or JX'O-"tho•n •hy hopm~ to pr!'<'ipltatP a CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS E Contractor to Consumt'1' R•• ll•~tll)f' 1<110-J $21,000 PIP or tht' l'nitl'd $tni ('S-and It rrt~IS FICTI TIOUS FIRM NAM t h If __ ---Corn«'r 1Rih St. ond Pamona St. 47S N..,..., Blvd, C01ta a&.a I li II m lluriK•r '.Wi M :..lfi He 1----:M-Ite: tak1•s niH•UI l wo am one· 11 Til~: , . ..,.,,~:w;t•:'il':ll ti•Jt'• t1en~by 1 month); folr :t pt·rson to Ntrn 21 [)(I you want to l'('nl! Adver· , •·rufl• '"''~ ~··· • ""'"" ''"" al'l Eltorlrlr 1 CQ818 Ml.'llll ftcllt Btacon 5'TTO New Mitch<'ll ~nort.-.m~ MONEY W ANTED .. · 1 t"o~ul r·tf ruuc l•u"l"• •• ut 12'2 • E C•n· 22-5tp JX'r ('('nt of his mconw li~ in th~ co umns. I'"'' A\P n 11tt••• '''"'""rt S..Wh.~------~-=--=----------:7 ---------,.,,,.rt~rl11f\ u•••lf"r Utr .••• tUIOUII finn PEUONA.L a• PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I ~·.~.~:r,,·;~.c... ~ .. J.~-~~~;r;~~: '.~~~ ,~::l!..!r:~ j_P_b_t_s ____ h_ ll~tlc ,, :vr "!l'fi"~:.t· C1lr}'lllt·r 11111 11~ or W AN'rt-:n Sl!\,000 Will til' M• IIREWOOD CHAJ(X)AL & BRIQU'ET'& PIC*PT DEI..IVERY ('httlr f11tl! Tnnk' Jlnll Mulor lntt• un 11 ,...ntnlly ltlc-atl"d oom-r:r11) 1>-10'..! "' I ru!'l"d hy tint lruata on build· Also Ocean Front HomeM $9750 up I"''"'"'~ whoo"'' n1•01~8 111111 Ndllrt8 ... J U ic tenograp er .u ..... ,. r_.u,,w,., h..--.·n· $6600 ttWti'lNI pi"'O!Hiy, undft' ~ IJ w n.AHK. 1:2 1'. r~ntnol, Ral· ACC'Ql""!IITA:STS P R\'81CIAN'8-8t1R0£0NS.D 0 1 I><·K raur .. r"'" I< <' T IIOMAS 1111112 229 M arlnl' Ave liM.rh .. r Bhtl :O:••n•• AnK raJtfomta: I IJ( >--J Co) . Wn~t Lumber Yard tl'rrn lrlt.lll' to 11 I'MI'pOIWibl• na• <; Jo~ MINNfo:Y tlunnl flnl'l Will JliiV ~"'-In· w. B. I'OO'm realtor 21 1'7 C'oul fltvd NJI:WPOJilT U :Anf lni'Ofnfl Tu Con..ultant• A-ll .... Auolllht• · l'lo<>lt.k-1•• WILLIAMH & WU.LIAMS BUJIIn,.,.,. ~lanatcf'mrnt. Con•mltantA Offloo: ('o•t& Ml'..a Rank RldiJt. 8-. ~~~~· ('m•t" !\11'10&. ('allf. DAV S<'HOOL Mortimer School SOZ Coral AYe. BalbOa l al. DAY SCHOOL NOW OPF.S o . ._ •oaTIJIIta. •· A .. oarori t:•rh•~lpal RAUOa Mt OENTI~T~ -- Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST noty, w. C.tnl. Rubor 14M NEWPORT BEACH GORDON E. R~P, D.D.S. ZUI Weet Central Phone II&J'bor t%1...1 Ne~rt Beeda CRIJlOPRACTOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CHIROPRACl'OR I 217 Cnaat IU!rflway Coron~ df'l !\far t tn R,.n•h~JI • f'••uo • l"ttonf' 'uart10r null DR. L. YAR\VOOD o. ('., f'h(', J 8-"WJ S f'" IIM1 Rh·d. l'ooota M,.... llttt:•run :\.\fli·R e n fiROP \('TIC . • 1'11\.~IOTIIf:R,U'V • ("oloniNO r"]}-f: IS 'it 'Rt\ S ('F. LIFE 1NS1'RA.~CE Henry C . Vau ghn 4118 NEWPORT BLVD. BEACON lllt'7 118. Harbor I 070...1 MORn ARV BALTZ MORTl' AlW LADl' ATf!:SO,\,ST 410 Cout m way Corona del Ma r I"'"-Rartwlr •! (Day and S lcftt) OPTO~IST E. T. Ba~rworth, 0. D. Opt.omttrtllt E\"EM F.XAMIN!:D LENSES Dt.'PUCAftD -oa..-._.,... -Aa- lllt ··~ ...... ,.. __ .... l'(WWI'Oa T aun1 I W. T. Mooney l'hylliclan and S or'JtPOD X-RAV 24-Hour !Wn"IN- 9th lo Crntral llarhor 48 J>RYS IClASS • SURGI:OS8, M.D. I A. V. Andrews, M.D. PHYSICIA.V a nd smwr.os 411 Cout Hlchw.,.. HMbor Me Coron a clel Mar H. R. Hall, M. D. P11yalda.n and 8aFJr"!C)n Hou~: 2-5, hy Appointment Telepboee Beaeoa 5343 l SI Broad..-y <A:Mit.a M- MDtoa M. M&xweD, M. D. 1101 eo..t m-1 Cor ona ''"' Mar Office llour!': 10-12: 2-5 Mione Harbor 101! S. R. Mon aco, M. D. MI-t Bay A \'f',, Balboa Harbor 1'7'.!4 0rf11"1' llnur~: 2 II~ ~ p m Monday thmul(tl f"rtdaJ T. P. Ree der, M.D. H. E. Stick ler, M. D. f'tl~·,lrlan• and Sur1JtMIHI ~um \\'. c...,tral OtnN": llarfMlr 602 Sl~:ht-l'hunr llarh'nr 772-M Conrad Rich ter, M. D. ....,_,_,.nl ""'''" ~:lOA m.-12 M .. 2:'\0p m • 4·30 fl. m. 29M.(' \\', c-tn.l NPwpnrt BNcll Pltone Harbor UOI vrrERL'i -'&IAN NF.WPOR T RAIUIOil vrn:RINAilY HOSPITAL • llot'w. ...,._,D.V.M. .-.aJ O. Ratdler, D.V.M. Rre • II n.ll1 lnrl llo• ton M.r.. M-Drttre N)IIT" .IliA RIJIIII'. BM. 110'71: lla. 11&1'. 4411 SCOTCH TAPE SOW OS RAND _.._ ~EWS -TIMES Supply Llnll ... I I I I i' II II WJI.t.IAM t: l'oJLt~. 1-lla~"" Tnll· llruur II\' • ,., ,· .. uri ,.,.,..,., lll~:h••Y· ;o.;.,wp<Jrt R11lhon hland H"~:.~:;.~?~~~~~',\'!;t IIA ~U~ th\111 15th ]Jnrhor 1331 ,,,, .. r M""" 1~18 Houn : I• wit I '::A '\-~tiJM.A <' l O·OQ . 4 :00 WJI.I.IA)I E f"Ot.E 14-tfc 1714 Nrwpor t ntvd COSTA Mr..SA Btactm 5665 I ll•n •• 1 I' I i ltox 8H, C'ortJna l!.·n1"11' r.:IIJ rl"' Mrtr ~tc <"•u"l 111,.11), Nt•w1w•r l H11rhu1" :14 ~tc 711 :Jfl I II' I A11TUM()T1\'1: • Tll'l.U .. 1,01' f"OR ,_AU: 1<3-tfc ~ton ~ \1 I • ll.ouk"' 1.' \' II ll !'TI\TI:ro~·~ q wnnstA, J I.OST AND FOliNO !! ~I \V Snn·Krall llllrii\!Ool•t I·•> l'lll"'i1'\' l•l' 111111"1:t~ \ ,.,._ --------------<'•Jid quaru tho·rt•P>' lnm11. ~% hltt t. I I•' ~·~·. .. h h• I 1:.' V 1111" '"''' flr11l•t ot;'~l H II •ntl Hit.: '""''' •h•H ~· I I fl ':Wi H ill II :• 1t•••r . '<II .MI't• urv rn !.:Ill• A I 1"11111111 hilt, o•)(t l'l11•nl 1111tlw r I ,,. "'''' It I 1\lt•l'hnntr• "I "' .... ;,~; t:l It II" •'I I:: '"'""· I N fo:WJ'OilT J~f .AND -~ Nlrnrr R-'J lot ~ldi'WIIIIt• •nd IWII'tnjt hull! •If\<,., Mil lllllltlfoe. 1'"111 1.111111 llflllfl ( k'r'nll FTonl NI"W}ttlrt llt-HI'h, ('Ill If U ~•"'Ttll..:1'·~hflu)'•tfM"nh A D.. 1 1 1 1 l'•l"i. l,.tf••t •· m~ ."lo;••r, f: M·•rtr•ar1h. $150 REWARD IIIH •' U It' '''il, t 1 I! IH,IHit, f'n" o loultt I \lloo I I I )uuh '4,' :1 .,.,_ ~!'Itt· ' :-, .. , .• ,} 1 .,,,' ' "'1 , .......... ···ou•w 1:-.II'ORMATIO:o.: l.l'adln~ to ttw '1" -.o Will '' 11 1'"' $!'~• :t~•oR ,·.~,·,•, t'';:' • -"~.;.'1;.'.','::!'! ·"Jj\'r";~;.11E 1 'cote. ri'('OVI"ry of powt•r lt'ndr r n•1l>-1 'Ill• n '' 1' I" ·' '_·'-'_1_' _' 1 ·-~-"-'' ••'"' 111\ 1t l'•r 1•1•' ur ll11ttt 11111 ~l•ltl 0 i"lll•l • ~··· "''"' ""' ~.:;;;~.!' ':~.~~~··,11: •• :·:, •• ~:;·· t;·• ;h~6 .;t':t:~ hrr 27112:l:.! uf yudll Ln ~rrHnll lu ... tnHII~'fl\ liJHI oil kn••Y. 1··.t.:••4t , .. tne Lost t'w't"'('t•n C'~t1 ahnA islnru1 th t~ ~~~:rT;~;~''l\t·r~~tn~)';;.'' 1 .bave ~ nnt1 Ln~ An,.;,•lf•s harhor, J-,h II• r•·••nt" ~· 1 '"\ h ,,,,, ·•n•l •fll•"'' "'>' 2:.!, 194R t "ornmunlcot•· ;\lr :·!,~1}~.'1\:~··11,~~;.~C.~,.,·•·.:,,~~~~. •n tht• llurd, VAndokr 3\21, 1~1~ ,\n· oH:AI,I l(tdN. :.!:l-71p Sl)flA S MA'ROWARTII Soolhoy l'ul•ll'' In an•t ft)r •ld EMPLOYMENT WANTI'.:D !8 Cu1U1ty Mlitl • .:tat• t =--:---:--~---:-------:-ll't)l~ l'""""'""'"o !::"'''""~ Jtlnuary 2li 'Crl>od lt~undrl'llll. In or out. m,.n's I' t 1'11 17 :.?4 3 1 A 7 194R I shlrlll 111 you Ilk I' l'm, n"w lnt~k. 11 1 • ar · · ' : pr ' · I hlntJJ;I'I Ilk•' nf'W, dlnnrr 1•1\rtii·S -I & huffct suppt•rs. Jtar: 1~7:l :O.f W t Ad ~'7-ll p an S ! SHIPS COOK --Sotw-r. 8\'AII:tltl~ for 11uson. RJ 7-8771. ~-, ~.1 p 'rhe Ntw11· ni'TK'S wUI not be re- 1pe>nl!lblt tor mon• than on~ lncor· r('('t I~Ttlon of an adveTtiMnwnt.. ,..~rvea t h e right to ~' cluatry any and All a<ll and to rt>~t any advrrtl~rm!nt not con- forming to rules and rri[U)atlona. 68-tfc POSITION WANTED-nnlw \II· ting or com panion to ln""''ll .. r t'ldl'rly com(l('trnt & I'Xf)l'rt• n•'· I'd, Call Harbor 211~M .:r. '•'I' DAy work wnntt-d llarhor 111''" Wll!lh1n1: and irt•nlnll';. Good ,.,,.,k P 0 Rox R'.l7, 1\alhna :.!'i lf•• All 11round hnUlw ho'-.y, Vl'f) ~~··"I It •'niok, ltl11'hl'lor or fnmllv ,·,·r v ---------------no•Af ('llll Fulll'rl••n JY.4 \\' ir ftUMINDI" OUIDII: WOOD FF.N\f: \ONTR ,\II T) !''"' :on II St yl<'ll : WA:'o/Tl-:1-t-mom:.k,. l'llrllllll'. rt•('IO\o•r JlllifiW~. lllhrr 1' )Ill II s••wtnt:: lrii'JlhOnr• Ht a ;,j I k ;\I ni l• r 1:.0 .'Vl :.0.1 ·,11 F II ,\ T•·rtn~ Vro ,, ~:<11mnt•·~ I Anl\\111 1'' In ('•tllfll y l'h 1 'p 1u :l rr• oil• Pay S i\ :.1:11:1 H f.~ t•·r! :.!;"•-If< \\,. ''II II "'"""' )'lollr ~o:nrtl< n ''' 'u l'llnl loll <or "" nn;, klr11l 1•r "or'l wn1 k l 'nll ll•·ttl'•ori't,:/).(.1-W H> II• Walth & .Tewclry Jn:P ,\IRI:-\G Frrw l>llllll"nrl> nnt1 \\'ntchr11 l'o:F:\\'PI IRT J F:Wf:LF:R." t l 'nlll'r n1•11 ;\lnn:l~rmrnl I 1 If> '.l:.!nd St., :-\~·~Jl(lrt 17-th ELEC"TRI\JANS t Stnr•· 1!12ftl f'onstnwt1n...--· M•rlne ~.:'\l 'l.rtll-::-\1 "E i t Wnmr11l ,..,,lit ~ r ..... ,l,nn ~~~ h"""k···1··•. ,.,"1•1 nur"'· •tr ('(l(lk, r..t•·11 rw··~ 1'1011 I rr.rhnr c.!4l~1-\\' '.1 I ·,,, WANTFD-.Joh and rvlinllo·r ll pl"'l'S.o;ma.n. StC'arly sitt1ati11n In union shop. ldC'AI work- Ing condition.<~. See forrmnn at News~ TimC'S. Nt-wpor1 P1enty of Good Tiree AllSlzee Compound Motor Oil G•llllll. '1Uc I tn": \\' II,, 1 t\ 1, ,,.,, 1• ort II• ll• II '.!X lip I llhttlt ttl IV, ~· ttf f•tt\f•f M. ttt•W t ''''"'' ll•n!••1 $.1~1 lolttti!IMI ~~ :.!'• Jl F•u•l til I 1•h11111 lt•oul ~tnr llnrl• .. r :tilt :lf\.~IJt "'"'"I ,-~., "' "ill ltr•ll•• for 1-IIft i"AI.I I 'o, '"" ""' llf'd 1:'•"1 I ""I• ('~til IIII I l•rl .,''):0:'\ \Y :p4 J tr r 'hl•\l••l• t tr111·k Ill ply 1tu,1 BALBOA lll'ltllM F 11rn h111TW' n~ In A ,., t.lk (rum hny frunt Con· •1•1• .. r llvln~t n•IIYI, tlr••JJiace, lor r•kf11-1 n•w•lt. kltrhrn. arrvtoe 111ord1 A tol' I h ltl'ltf )'Ard IJI &141¥• I'd. l lfo'W, I'IIHiplo•ll' t l(l r•llo•nt !"Onltl•l :_.HI-"1' l 't l• l"t lttl ~~~~~·ti l~·••'· l'lr•t;-;,1 tl1111 Pl'ln ·1l f11r 'lllll"k •nl•• :.141i:l $12,000-tc•rms Western Auto Supply nntl ~tu .. d r•m•lttl•m l'o w0'/1 l l~tltl 'l'u•''" Av··. 1 ·, •• 111 M1·~n C',.ll Authorbfd DNJer l'h•onl· lltullllr l."f!l.\\' .!lol :lt''1-11•n••rm :\Ill 24·!\lpll PEN JNr-;tJLA POJNT IH.18 'N~ 81vot · Coll1" 114.-Ml !IU(',U,. RAUIO Mil-'! lit S AI.I': 1•1-tll IIIMig<· ("uiiJ~. A1"ntA< wnv•: Mllltt·rn :l f:Mid. 17-th • , 1 , ------· r1111to, h1''''1'1 · '"t.: ll~otloh, IC111ll'l I rot~tn ltottll' ll<'llllllfully laneS· --------.-.----.-1 US~.! I I JANOS '""ntrd f11r nur I ,.11n1flt h•n 1:111 l~lth Sl , 1:\th JN1 ,JI(lRT 1'()J'~ Sf-.AT (YlV~.Jl.<; r• 111 II•·IJI Trllr11' )'O•Ir t~lt'l !'ll•no ltn•l Itt ll••l•~t, 1·,.,1,. M•·<olt 111"1\l Taylor·~ Trim Shop .. n " ~ptn..t llhclu••l ~tllrrwt~nl'f' 2:\.!'ltr $12,r.OO LC!rm8 ' 1 ( lr Will lillY fur 111••1 rn~h I1AN7, Auhlmnhtlr l 'phl)l~lf'rln~t S<11MII•T P IA NO !'It , ;,:,to Nn •I'I<IH ll"r l1•y l l~tllil""" 7-t. I lfllonth ONt-:-3:ill7:1 ltull1tlrt1C •ltr $lOtiO. llo111 1111tl Trllt'k l'•l'tltlunll I Mnln, s1111\, Ann 111 t(r 11111. m~tny '''"'"· will llf•ll •1111 •·~,-; W1•!1t (', ntrnl :"'•·wpnrt JW-h • 11(111 or II IIIIo· !tor l't'l"; nr 1{1:\f\ llarhor l!~tu ~1-lfc '\l'lr<f-~1' rnlrrur 'H~· plnn•• l.,11vrl y l-'urr11 '•~11• 'llol l'••rt~l lllvltwlfy <'O AST PROPF.HT JES CO. SERVEL 1 The G A , HrfrigrJ~nlor t .. n•· Fin•· nrllton Y••ll J"~' I"'Y N•·WI••rl It• '''It 'J7 .,..,; Ioiii l•ularoo•o• ••f J l% To·1m1 _ "ooll fo: r'~·nlrttl, n"ll"'". liar 26-"llt ~ "'''' An•t 19 ttr Ju til FJIII~~'\t 'Ill.... --- DA:-\Z "I 'IIMIIIT. ~.'..lit No ~hln,,1 COAST MOTOH ('(), 24-tfc "l J V.' 'J I. •h •• "" , 1111 df'n rllll(•lllM kl\111,\l. 1; It A:\ II Alllltrnllr l"ft l '•n•l lllt.tlt"ll\' 111,.1,1.,., I 1111 l'ltllll(<' \1.'111 fin· Balboa Furn iturr ~torr ""'"I'\:\' 1•1 11•1 ~tvl1· 1'11n't '"'I {',,nv,.rtablt·~ 1 1•11 1., '"'' 1,,v,.,, In 1·.,,oj'1111 11,.. l()t) Mrrln ~~ 1\oolt••ll '•·1rl ,,,,,. 11'" llitlf 1•11''1' ''' 1" ·:w· 1•1•1• 1·,,11, ''"'U"' J,"v.'rrl l M111 l 'h"'"' llrotl~•t l:tll'l W Ph~•· ll~rlo111 I I"> •l•11·'• ,.,,,1 ·n,lo '" 11 wnnfl!•rt ul '11'1 , '"'3tA v•• I 'It• v I ""' C .""I"' ltlu11•r, ..,,.,.. ~ :.!'.205 C'OIIJII 111\tl ,':"oo'I•WJlllrt •h:ttllt' Ito""" It r•·•ll 1~'"111 XV I h••ll•·r r••l ltllllt•l upltroiAI••ry Phnnr "'"l••r llfi ~t1 l• l;l..,lttllC ,,,,.,. Slr11plv l,..11 I $ 1'1 11_,,,. ultflll Wt• WilY IIANZ SC'IIMII fr I if.,) ·I I J•llut••"'" ''"'"' ''I"' ll•·•l 1'1 \ •;tl ('! 1 AIWIIY' llllllt1PII II{) lo•IIIIIO 1 oqol~tol,l••r v l(ttllloo, I 1\lfo:HI,IIIii\I Nr. Entlr•• ll11rhor " A NTI!D TO Bt.,. II CASH for USED Furniture & A pplianceA "Wp Ouy AlffiOOit An yth I r11t" GRANT'S Will Pay CMh frw your lunllture " wt.at h11vt you Phone Beeclla !16.~ Crawley Furniture Cn. , 11112 Newpart Blvd., f'...o~~ta ,..,.. ID-dtt J•llll'" ft••rn "*''' t, ''' t tu"'''' "it',! fwulf t \'" \J tl" '""\II 't /\t1 I 1'1 t(t• 1 '"''" :t lor . lulw tl~~.n:rtrl'fliANr, ~~•11•l rowll1 •II flllll lnalt11' flnl•ll • Al'''l'"''""l 'r1t•• fln•·•t wr'vw fl\'t'r orr t•(f\tl I I \1.1 •\\ I". I~ 1! "";I ) Ht'l-"·~~· ~ .. •I ".1111 1td1• o Ill 1•111 tl '1'1111111 /11• t ,,, I ,. ' H· "' •"" lut• 1 .. ,., h•••n• Vnu ttllt'lif '' • .utd h• '' tt I' ,., IJtld lu"' r '' '''',' tu•lru• ''""'''•" ft •'rhn'l I·''""' If• • ,, •• I''•'• ·~ Jt,Wt•l!l,t l o,\ '1 '-•'11:\1'1•'1' l'IA~'' 1'0 , o.''• •••• \I tin Srtutu Art" i\n .,., • ' ,., •ro•l $-lk"; I 'I ,,,. -------I t;;'f'l J:,W AY •:ItA ~~~ "T ill' l<ln•: .,1 l•t ,,,.,.." 1•·r f• ,., l'luuJIII.,n. )'"'''' ,,,,, ton•• !-t'•''' ,,,,., ~l 'ltWJ J 111n1 ...,, lou10ll ~'"''" Ao111, ~t.lll l :;,, M ro~n 1'1 tfr ('()AST M OTOH ('0. 1'"1~ I •.,,,., lltllltWH Y 111-'AI'lt•l r.:~wc JtALI 'II P. MARKEY k F.AI. P'~TATI: ~Ill • l'h llnr 4U2 9-tf(' FRAN K P . .J01 1NSON. Rtrfl lt<>r , !f;(oJI Nc-wrwwt Blvd . O~ta M~t F1111r roon t hou'41', SIIH'("I) l(llriiW' 2 l~mt;in hotnl', "'''\' 2 t)('(lfYYJfTI hOf'l'l(t, dOIV' f () mnrk1•t tronR. N(ow :l lw'flrc)t)JTI homv, lot 125x:t7fl rt. C't>m~r. ~)f) $4i500 S7!Y.'.r0. Salel'l and Service No Joh T un Largr l'o Joh Ton ~mall It &>ach. CaJif. .ALl: M IJIW"ZLLANZOl"M Sl'l '·l 'l f••r r•·l'l l All I~ m•1 t"rrnl • nraJtrl'l't7U r oa RAJ.& n I• ,,, '''""''''I 1f yutt h•1y IAh'r F'l""" t of f'OMI nJc11on $12, !lOO :l ~mom hOffif' NewrJf'r~.JII'I~htJI, 1lhl Jeltr. · $1 2.rr00 Nf'WPOrt lk-lwh hrlfflf' fuml"h«t. 1 ~ lllk. ON'IIIl $7!~ ---------------,..,..,c:::":~-I•, 1.,,, Ill<• ,, •u1VInK• ,.,., .. ,,"'' 1 As You Llkr Jt Et..~Hokin & Galvan I rv'l() C'no\~1 lllwny Phonr Bt·~""" -"><11•7 I Silver "Plating FURNTTURE RF.FJN JS JIF:O IV n l I "'!•In• I ''""'· IIHY wlwn I 1 m PPER . RRASS. f'..OI~D KEN GRENS'T'f:O r•·.~td y l "'"' l'••l,ml•lt l't•tr•" r·,. "' 21311 MIMr St., Cr"'" Ml'tla 24-tfc ~ Poll•hlnlr & R.c>flnl•tiln.. '•'.II• :-;., ~''''"· Sunt11 AM l'i-Uc\ -F-fJ-R.NF.-. -.-IJ-W--In_dl_h_l .. -ldl--lt--H-a_tdl_ Baysirle P latinR' Co. Phon,. lfllrhor 1mo-w llt\J 1•\\J"• ,,, ,.,,,rullv lu1111 llttlf' 1914 H~trl)nr Blvd For Estlmat,... "''"'' "''"' ''"'n'• Jt. I'"""MUINS C'ov"' mad,. 1'' ,,rdf>r Aao P\ell. r011111 MM•. C:11llf , 131-JtNln 511 3 On GuarantHd Work 1!11l.11ll•· '"'' I•· prtlr1 'In "IllY lalua A Luctt~ Shf'f'U ,,., aa1e. 6-tfr ,1'2-tte Ill'•"'""' ,.,.,.w ,.nt• ·n,l~ Ia • N w td Proltui:U Comp&n --:-~~~~---------'" 111 '"'"' St·hrnt•lt I'""'" r l) U· or ~ llnlh~·ond lrllh)· rrlh 11ncl mnttr• , •. 1 '•MPl.ETE -U vlnat rotlm. J.ovr A h~t•,..l Jrlf l 1,111n1,. 1,, 1 "'"""' ~ Thlrd St., Runttncton S..ct\ RIIIJ>''£lllln1 high rh11tr, !ll'lltnl: .. at, harT~ I dlalr11, 3 t>N'a&Jona.1 I rrr.trl ~.:.."1 :-;" M11 tn. ~ntn "'"' Ptlone Jfun~on 8o acll 178 rtlrnp ICond l't>ndltmn n3ll Jlnr· t Ahll'tl, hook CA.It', for 1\()(), Alao l!).lff ~tte l..,r ntwt r1"1" ;\1<-ttll 2R-3!p Jllutlc tor' tahl~. HoUywood tii'Ct. ~~-~-=-:-: Do you want It~ ~u It 1 Adver u.e ln ~ eolwn.na. Bl:~rk MllrR·'"· ~lllldlr hor~". gl'n• tit• Ph &•11 ftVW..W 25-tfc •nactt h11r. chalrt. t tc. Excrl· W AS"f ·p '-Ill 'Y Snu~ll S trinl't IM~t <:t'nctitlon 7H)'~ Polnllf'tta. 1""", r···" nft•·r fi I• m . Ill~ Corona dri M11r 24·4tv Ht~.m llt•rh••r 41'..!2·• 'L1 ,.,,. 1 1 12 IX'<Iroom HJ Tntllf"r 111irk, hlfX'k from rlown town C'~tn Mfofllll. SpfH'f' fo r 22 trnll•-n4 $1!\,!'>00. Ntll'ftCry. Flr'N'Irt Nmwr In 0 .-;tn M~s . ~22.500. (Tf>f'lll.lll F. P . Johnson & Associates Jf,fA Newport Dlvd., Cotta Jrfeea I ,hone Bc.-flcon 60R6 . 27-2tp rf. jl l t -· St. James Yicar arbor Feminine Activities Army Has Good News For Women on Diets LUS A:-o:GELE.S, :\IARCII 17 il;I'J-TIW Ulnt)' CU111l' Up llliJU) "tt It gl!l.d 111'\\'S tor \\ unwn on d h'l" It i111' cllon·lor••d 11 pall tv tl1 ~t l u\ thtll OPJX'Ili<'S. Is Guest Speaker At Lenten Services Th• Ito' Paul M••ll''' \\'lwt'lt•r, , 11 •11 ,1 :-:t ,J;inw~ l~pbcopal Pbonel: Harbor"\3 and 208 13y Winifred Barbre Page .& NEWPO RT BALBOA NE.WS-TIMES "'f:Ust;OCUA\' '"" ... '$:!"'1&A'h, ('&Ill. \l .. c·h li. IIIU\ Cows aMI Bees, Cookies and So.x Displayed To l'are~tts at Harbor Hi's Open House Tile Qsx-n lloUM' hl'ld 111 !'o:c•W· port Harbor h•t.:h sdto•ol 1 ''"''~1 ll deeidt'd ""' 1'1'11 l, .. t 1-'rtdll)' ..._, n\Or(' thlon 200 p.on·nl• unc1 lltenda "'"" d thl' plnnt frum 2 to 4 ln tht• aftt'rnoon. l!!nttortnt.: the marn hu1ld1n1: from lh1• foy<'r. a rP~tl~trutwn clak manMd hy thl' Newport Harbor High School• Pan•nt· 'l'e.dwT IIUOCIBIIOn committ<'t" members, Mno. Roy Rouah, Mrs. Gammon, Mrs. Earl TriiU<'twdn and Mn. Thorn .. , jitfC't'lt'd gUHII and handed out proennu. school papers and P-T. A. proeranu Girl IUidet aul1tt'd vlalt<•rt ln flndlnc particular proj1'C't1 Many and nrlt'd V.'l'rt'' tht' atu- dtnt uhlbltt. Out In tht' agrl· cu.lturt' dt'partment lnmbs. llhl.'t'p, plcll, cows and calf• wt·re tll'd up for dltplay. A hi\'(' of be-t'S kept thlnp hummln.:. and IHII for buttn fat were bc-ang made b)' boys of lht' department under the dlr~tlon ol Eh:an ·tlton, in·. atructor. 'I1w phyalcaJ ~UC'IItlon dcparl· IM'IIt had voii<'Y ball tourna· rernta. trnnla · tourn11m1mtt. a bawball gamt•. folk d11neang and , a "'trl-trrtck m('ot't ~:o•ng 1111 111 the aanw llnw. Yollh Orangt', Huntlng1on fl<'ach 11nd Nc·wport Harbor \•yln~ot for honon. To makt' the day a aucet•as. Hurbur won t ht' me<' I IJ) a IRrg<' m11 r· .,m. Studt'nt art exhlbat1 cnu.t'd rtUh h t•omphnt•·Uil,f\ ftl,• "''-IHrl and wo ·ro· tlt<plrl)' ol SI"JI·•• '" 1\ t1 rorn tlw udult '"''w '" th• "'"""' llhr11ry. c;,. I~ lr"m tlw (;trl'~ Lc·rtgu•· ~··r,•'tl ,,.,, 11ncl prl'~>ldN.I 81 htl!ll•·"•' tn tlw II· lorary, With Ann• f ,,. :-:httlo•) 11nol Ann Frc•••nu"' tlollll: t 111• puunu~ Thr hunwntukllll: •ktllortmc•nt do·monstrlllt<l ht>" '" IHt k (' (' 011 k I I''. "hit•• Ilk dr"~"'' bluus .. ~. Jklrt>, t•tt· l«tlon•d h ) th,. 1:1rls h11d tilt' "l'o•w look." Oatnty ~ho·lt ""rk, hand hllm· m<'nod t'OJ'lJM"r ' ~•late• . Ar~t> tc t<\!('kll. clrwr book PntU, w('re ofh<'r works nf art d<'algn<'d and made> hy t h,. glrl.J Chl'mi•try and lih)~IC'll s('l'!lona h!ld f'XJif'rlml'nts ~:ntnK In the "Lab," and a lll'nthuusr play IA II5 prMI<'ntl'd at '2 31'1 hy stul'll'nts In thl' drama ('lnu VtsUIII codu- l'llllnn "'115 alto dl'lnonJtTIIt~. and hot h boys nnd I( Iris Wl'rt' on hand In th<' l'ornmFrciarclc•JIItrl· n11'nt to t<htow th<'lr I)'Jlln~o: ~kilts. Titl' nt•"' m I' I 0 I Rnd YotiOfi shu!J6. all hmu:h nnt l't1111pll'trly ftnt~hf'd, "'t•rt· 1n to·ro·SIIIll: to hoth motht•rl ond clllfiJ, NrYo C'(IUtp- ntl'nto~oncl ntiiChlne·ry which 18 ll<'· In~: 11\lotalllod wtll mukl• lhlli one of tho• ~~ com1•h•tr -hop• In 11n} Snuthern California h 1 g h 51·hool Compllmc·ntnry lll'kl'l$ "'' •• r,.. 1:'1\{'n adultll h) Sadnc·y IJaviiUon, ~chool prtnr•t~•l 11 nd Yoo•ro· rr- dt'<•mahlf' 111 th•· Ill'"' fr.,sty mnlt in WHITE & RED $7.95 To k-.> your feet a!\ happy as H cnrf'fr'('(' son~. Here's the I'K'W. high-rirting look In fi n nlrlight sandal of creamy-smooth RIO\'l'-!>·upplf' l<'nth<'r wtth nary a nail or tack or a !'I iff inn('r!'•ol"• tu 1\ mar Its Caliromla romrort! • SWIM SUITS BY ro1e marie reid and mab1 of California maurice handler In Junior SlzMi 9 to 15 att$10.95 ADA~S SPORTSWEAR Costa Mesa and 1813 Nt;WPOilT BL\'Il. I Balboa Island :UX MAIUSt: A\·t :sa·t : H.csid('JH't'' ll11rhor lti::7-H Universi ty Women To Hear Ploy Review By Mrs. Robert Ho rn 1\ I lho • 1111 I I till.' • to! I II 10 P tllfll\ '0111 \HI• IH olf\ ''"-1" II lUff) t:f It t\•1 tl\ \\••11•• U tu t,. )t,.Joj lo11111-l I Ill ~till • \11 I \Jo.; llt•l01•1 I 11011 II uf ( ••I ""'' olo I \1., I Will I'll" ,, 1 o·ll•" 10! Hoi! It C:ur· cJuO' f OIIU tJ\ \'t ,U"" 1\• It .\lr, J l11rn , ,., u \\ • d 1 lt• ..... nu pl.n lo t••ntl\ l•ol l~olll I 1r.111t.:o 1'1111111) ;\Ill'''''' Aol' I I••" ·"'" !'~tUfH Arue ("nnuulullt\ Pl 1\•'l' Tht• lotftt 1 1•1 ~·.u\1/ lt1••11 t'flo,•· It lur l h• 11 It•" t>rt"hll'tllotl .anct :'olr,.. Jlnrn • tlltur:ltto 1 1'1·rdtt11 hu5 IK•t'n S•·lo·l't"d liS ••n•• of t lw I" liSt Judge Rober# Gardner To Be B (; P W Spea~er Vuto·d "mn~t J••PUI:u "l•··•k•·r ' In o n -r••nl llnOff lct.>l t••lt Su- Jlo•rlor t'ourt .ludl(t' Rulwrt Cnrd· no•r Is unntlUill't•d ItS i>lll'llk1•r fo~r till' T hun.dn) ,.,·,·nrn~: nw•·• tnl: m ~..wp<>rl llotcl.JO~Jtln!O:..' and J'rulo ~"'tflnal \\'umo·n·s CTiin o >o hc•ld "' f\.<1~• 1• nt tn \\'hllo ' l'ark A\l'nUI' cafo•. IJtnru•r ro'M'r\ II !loon~ ur l'llnrrllatlllll~ must l10· madt• b) m•·mlwrs Sllilld (IY••r <$1MI \\o•n • M'f\t•cl ll11ct uflt·rno•m ~hldl 1\l'o•dlt as duo• ~lr I'"' tt1,..un. ~lr• Fa) llurl•l,.,n rl••un .. r .:•rls untl llw 'l'hhul •t·oll fur l ho• •uo·•·•"' ul tho fill)' It "lauJH'II lhnt l lt••n I I10UM' mH) lfl•o'tofllo• .111 annllfll o•\0 Ill Ill ko•o•JI IH1tlll~ "' lito• I'Uill • mtlllll) onfootmod \\l l h tho 11rnwth And do \t•h>Jifllt nt ul ltll' Sl'itl)(tl Jllllnl Final Boo~ Review Thursday al CDM Lenten Se,..,ice Mr~ E A f llllllc•) "all 1 • \ •··" J.l1•yd I kllt\!lu• I h'fl"'' •I 1'.1•'· n..:•• u f llw ·rn•ar,d:.' ,., ' nuu.: IA'Oir n ••·n I< I· thl' "''''14 111 ( 'oonl· munal v •'hun ·h. r'nrnnn Of' I !-lou . 1 1t1~ ili.mpft•lln~o: llu· ~··II• • ••I •··· \ lc•Yo ~ .,f I ~·ua:l.o~ ll•••k• :-.;, \1 Tluu •<lio\ , .• , 01111:. ~lht l'h :!"'·\\Ill II\• thl' (W••·EII~II·r <'OIIllllllntoorl fl.,,,, til l etn h lll et\' nu.:hl "' .. ., """ hour "oil r. ,,, "'' ,Ifill :'>1o••tl.mll ' llo·nl \ I· • •···m .• n l111l111t I''""'' .lo·rrt~lrl Spund•·r, :\I ,\ ( • .. , .omt :'ot.-r l111 I I \'o•r· lkrl: 'VfHE YOUNG lllEA" . ' C 'ol .. ( 'h,trlo·~ ~-L,o\\ l'l'fll'o •. ul'lll) fo HI(( t'XI/\'1 f. ,,old rt'M'IIl'Ch llll uuht<H > 1111 ,,1;, d1·vt·lupt:d ttl•· 11111 l·hUill:o'r hll.d l'uiiiJIOUIIdS .-IIIII'• 11 " t< t.:u1" ~po·uk( r lust md•• •' '"' "'' n ~•·rn<'1'!< at St. ('I• llt•lll ~ dHn\·11, ~~~n l'J.om,•nte ;o.,.t ••n 'lltllr"l.'~ ntt.:hl witt he ~"' ,1 ,1~ ,akc·r .ot Trltuty chun·h , Lu' ,\n~· It·~ Quit•!. "'"' tlnrt)' 'I ('uuld h-l'll )CJU pdkts L'Offi· puund•·d trom l'<·r t:lln lu..ds.' lw .!tald, "and althou);h 11 would look dl'IICIOU~ tv )<lU, )Oil Puuld unl}' .\chi .o lt'tllo• nwH'••I'I !\noun and rullhl•· ut a lull cuun,o• d1nm·r. I' 11 '") 111 ,., •• ,, .. n,•tl maslwd po-~uch ('UiliiJOUil<i>o \\Ill l~ 11\'ittl· t;oll"'' ;onol poll lt<•IW('<'n tWO t.IIU. ~( Ut'T!-4 O t' TIIO()p 11. {urt""' do•l \1 11r, 1(1\o• :·kit '"""" IJttl .. UutC'h ~1111" "..;.;,~ th,.~· n'prt!Wftt u .. u,.ud 111 thl' .lul~t. a-,.,u, In llw hl~th ... ·houl eoudltorlum. IA'ft to rl~rht aN>:' liM-rrtll Po"'f',.., .huh .t('ltkln ... ARAta Palm, Bcnaallf' c umtln~:luuu, Juc'll ll•·llnt• \\ ut own. ('ami Aan Kine, Tunl \\'alah, Bar- h•ru '""'""· l'lhlrle)' u-.... IUirt'll \\ lll(lll'r ••ld ~hnrCIII ('ru"·l. Ovcor 100 Brownl ..... (Uri fil(ooula ·and lolrl :'llarlll,.,.,. ,.·en.,.._, ec; hoeor ,lullrllt' I""''• foundt•r of Cilrl !4<1uutlnc. and t"IW'h broUj{ht & fAC&Ol on "hlt'h " .. " tVod peJtJ11ea, ... fur ,...-h ~··•r uf ht-r llfl'. t'-facJ'OtAI emblematic of the •·f~nd•hlp fin'" fur Colrl Sf'oula of all aau..._ )ln. ~:.J~;•r IIIII. Jullt'IIC' 1..0," C'h&lrman and M". Ralph Ot'avt"r, Olrl SC'out C'Ufltmi...WoiH"r, wen ta ~ a114 :'lOll '"'""""' •nd f r'lf'ntl• "'t'r .. In •ttf'nd&fte'oe. photo hy fk>ckner uhle to th1· rrwd1cal prui('S;,Iun ft•r sl11·, ... 11f h:ndu om lu:tf. llllkt• for tht•tlnt; put11·nts with111 u >· .. ar." altt~ut :!tt nwtutt·~ 111 a mOOl'rAlc He sa1d on(' o( th1• l'OmiJOunds O\t'll fino• "~;out\" tell" ttl ". JX'f· \\llS dt•fl\(oO from thl· (ll!,;llWlll sun IIH.tk• sa lw;tl·t) mrli~1 dtsh. ~-:lands of colton s('('d. --' Lawn•nrt·. comrnunrlmg offtcl"r Spl:t~h : Yonm~: Anw:1ca ~as or th<' quartcrmash•r dcpartme~kc'n to tlw \\'HI<'I' in rncr('u!lmg food and contaJm•r rns(itute of numht•rs 111 th<' )\'llr 'round l£'~rn· ('hu:ago. IS hen' 1<1 1nspcct Unt· to-swim pro~o;ram of the Amcncan \('rsity r<'lll'arch prOJI'Ctl. Red ('ross Lalli )'ear 470,390 watl'r !lnfcoty .p:•rllficatl'S w <' r e awarcll'd by nt•d Cross, three- fourths of lhl'm for completion of sw1mmm~ <·uunl's You help rectucl' drownrn~ts when you give 10 tho· lll'd ('rll~q Fund. Harbor Area YMCA • YWCA Holds First Annual Meeting, Re-elects All Ollicers F er1<1 or~:aniz£'d In Septemllf'r col Ia'' Y•·nr, Youn~~: Men's und Ylollfll! \\'umpn's Christian a 'SI)o "·"'"n •·f :'llewpor t Harbor ~~r.·a hH• hRd II most IUCCftlfUI m, nt11t1ths nnd l<~llt nl~tht held 11~ t1r-t annual mN'tlnc and C'IC'C· thnt of vfftcf'rs at 9 ulst Chtw<li Ia} 11 ... Sf•n. the dinner bl'n•l! " I \ o•il h\ WOm('n Of the W .S.( • S. ;\II olrfwt•rs were reeiE'C'to-d Tlu ' m<"iudo• Chad Twichc II. I" • •1•f• nt . Malcolm ~ld. , wr· pt• 'l(lo•nt . Mrs. Ralph Dea,l'r. "'' II'I•H') and L<"S Miller, tn a · Ill .... \II lwuord mt'm!l('rs were rr· ' I• ··to d. encludmg Horace En ''l:rt. Juhn llomblet. Mrs. Ed~:.ol l ltll. .l11hn Jnhnson. Herry 1-"'' \II ' Ita I flh McC'IC'Itan, Mn1. J \\ I'• 'Inn Frnnk Power~, Ev<'rrll It• ,, .I IA·~Iw Stcfft'Mt'n, K•n ~;.o: ~ Whlio'lll'<'k ; nrw ITK'ml• r• .otlflo tl Wt'll' Wenlklt Hoyt, th• II••\' Thnmns M. Glbeon. n ... I '""nnn and Mn Me, Wilson. ~;,,...rmnn and Pow(>rs. who ",, th t'llllfl:l' of arrangcnwn111 fur •h•· ''"""'"~· nrl' memtxon ••t :-.;,."l••rt llnrhor liN'S Y'l l\1rn'.; • lulo. unl) u•w In lOUth Orun.:• t'IIUill y nnt1 of WhiCh OffiOI.'n< ;,a • I ;,lt"•rt S o·;ol, prMII~nt ; H<'rh. 1 t .lo•lll..~. \ 11'•·-pro•stckont ; F r II II 1., l'oo\\1'1~ So·l'l t•t.ary and I Ito" Hhutun. lrl"ncurer. I 111 • •'loll' nf Y's Mt'n's o·l11l• ,,.,. 1\o·nn<'t h Ol'l('ltcher. Vauct•n llauc11•·r. < 'h1~holm Arown, JAm• • ll11dl < 'h II•• C'A\'1', Acrgen 0 ,1\ ll u~:h llol'l~. lta}mond Eutm 11 11.11 oold ~ lnll'r. \\'oodrow llacllo 1 ·'•·•••I'll ·"'"' "· ll11rr y Kin~~:. R·•" ,., 1 Lion~:. Emil Myrthn, J:o• ~ I 'u" I' I'· l.lo} d Schla...r. Rualo. By M0881er Rt:v. J oso•ph J h• •111P<o(on :'>1 r T\\lt'hf'lt prMid<'d nt t hi! "" o 1111>: wlueh WWI OJX'ned with "n 111\ nt·at 1on by Rt'V. Thfiiiii.Son n.. ,ft. r-llinnr·r pro~;ram was 1..-~;un "llh < . .'ommunlly sangmg I I'll II\ rtl'\ G • w 10 a so ..: ,,, ,, do•\ut•onal talk Mrs Dt•· l1 "'" Fl't'IIIIJ.: 1:11\'1' II \'0<'111 Mllol, \!101. 111111 ~I oro•· m·t•ompani••d at llu 1•1 1110 hy Mr~ Florence An· tf• r:-.uft 1 ;,, ,,,,. tlat· mc·Amn~: of various l:l"lljl' 1\o't'l' flt•tly Bl'llll, Y-T1•••n: Jnhn ll.u k•·r. Gr.•· Y, Gll•n Thum- ·•'· .Juntur Ill· r and C'la) tun ~·I)' llt·Y H• 1• •• IIIli( o>n ltH) ~· work \\'tt~ .1. .. I. I '•"" o•r,, llro) ~· srcrrt nry tl\of "" t.:lrl-\\nrk. rw·tty 1)(•. I oft• \ '' n1111 '''l'rl'lllr)' of y. I'•·• II l'rllj;lo !'~ 10! lhr O~SOI'HIIUln "' '' '"1•1 It) I an Ill•· Th1Jmnsnn, ..:• "' 1 :tl ,t••-rf•lt.r~ fnr th'l an'a . l••hll .Juhn,un _bd \_,£ H r cpar_l I'm-1tu• nomln otrn~: t•ummltle<'. •• : f u • r' \\ ,.,... •·I• c·tPd and \\'('r~ 111•l •II• t1 It) \\ .. It f a ) lor t•f tho• .•. • ol • un ..IJu;1ni llo ".,, f """" • ol I" ·"' .orldro·<o, ' I 11.,,, So 1 n tho• I ;fur)· to~· l>r \\ollt lltl C', .Juno•' pro·sillo•nt of "'.,'"' ... 11•.:• s1 •.•• klnl! ""h I olllool .owl lllldo 1 •l.otllhfll l•r ,l!•n• • ftt •,rrlh• t1 lfl:tl>< :11HI 111l \ II If ' ., • ool . II\ Ill f.: '" I"'' I IIIII .. Jho It' t t 11° f , .. ,,.. \\ t•h •• l, r •4 ' r H• \ I' It ~~~~~It II Community Players On Anniv. Program For Sonia Ana B (; I' W 118rbor Communi!)' Playl'r5 prt'SI'ntN.I 8 ont··act piny. "The Good Sp11rt" by Ch•n lluj:hes wht•n t ht• ll11sinrss und Profrs· siunal Wnml'n's club of Santn bUild· In lhe 1'11>1 \\o·r.· \'rrniCI' llorn. Pl•rdila Horn, Fran<'•~ llon ·a1h, P:ol Glass and \\'orn·n Crant' It "'" d•n·<'lf'd h) Gt•rlrul'lt' lloz:n. Flowers Note Season At Evening ol Bridge I\ ~:r•tul~ ul la ll'n<ls gnlhl'r<'d 111 lh•• hom1· ur :O.Ir a.nd :O.In;. J•·•·nold SJit•nl:l••f Lulu Isll·. for an o•\ •·ntn~ nf hrul~:•· un :'olonday . I· lund arrnnl:t'IIWIII:< uf \\'<'dgc- \l "'"' lrl<, doffudlls. \lult'ls and ~\\1'1'1 Jll'IIS l•·nt :t 11111:•· nf ~prln~ New DqugMer F(/r Jad Bidwells Mrs. Jnt k 81dwl'll, 3:.!:l Apo- ll'na 11\'o•nUI", rPt urm•d hun1l' from St J os£'ph hnspttal Mon· dAv wtth h<'r daught('r. httiC' J8CqUI'Itn•· Lauro, who '"as born ~larch I< Wl'lsthtng St'l'<'.n pomnds. Th1s 1< t hr firs t <'hlld for :O.Ir ancl Mrs. R1d\\dl. who ar(' pro(.lrn•lo.r~ of f111ihoa l~lnnd :'olo·n·s \\'o ·nr shop. Ado Barrington Acquires New Shop Ada Harnn..:ton of tlo•su·un Ray. O\\ n• r of Ad.t'!o S purt ~\1 o nr :.hop, 1.,"1" llo :'olt·!-·1 . has 18 kt•n 11\t•r l.nu :O.lnttlnnd'-. rlrl'ss ~lwp at 31!< :0.1Hrlll!' <H<'IlUl·, fl,olll().l ll.end :O.Iro; flarrilll:lun ttnd :O.lrs Htnnchr• \\'a kl'f11'ld \\ tll sharl' SU· pc•rviston of thl' I\\O unit~ t:nrthquakt• ha en~s rUin to p,•ru! A t)phoun rtatto•ns rowns in the Phlhpfltni'S! :'okdtral oid Is nl'l'ded rn t•arft cas•• !luring 1 h1• past 7 v••urs . t lw Anwrlt>nn Rl'd Cross ;. . . , s-m-ttmrs-of mllJilr rl•~asto•r~ Your Rt·cl C'ros~ controloulll'ln I10•I1J<; dtsJll·l thl' lark nftPrrnnt h of rl•sa<tl'r not only at IHmw, hut ,,,·,·r~l':.tl< as wo•lt ART CLASSES Friday E\·enln~i:SO to 9:SO Art t'uodamt•nhtiA • • snundly tnu~:hr •• l 'hnr(·oal or Otl Pam I 1111!. • F:x(>l'rH'n<'C'd Tl'uclwr. Grodll.tlt• t•f ll S C. F tn•· A1 t~ ••• l'nst Stud1•nt nf 1\11 Ct>n l•'r Sdtf>l11. 1.. 1\. ('Ia,....,.: :-o;,•"tw•tl Grammnr Schnnl Rm 11 C'allllar :.!:!11 or 1;7R rm· l nfn *R'f1:'''"-'luon lO~~~~--~~~~~ir 1"10 • WitS :'>IN J-. V. EASTER CANDY P.orkt•:< Srroncl \\11~ :'ol r<. <'har· It•, llrontl rond Nll1~1tl:ttlll0 Wilt :'>It' ~··llu· H1d h·y ( 1111o•rs vr.~s­ t•nl \\ o·rc• )lr, Hto) d Rolt;•rls, :'olo ' ~:lm• r \\ llt.:ht .. \Ia' llo-r!h/1 Toiluhull otllll t h•• Ito« It''' Col t:"T~ AT FRU~T tiOliE h• rut• •h ,.-,,.,, o.J I •J•II .ond :'>I 11t.:n \1 .-<; .. n•r.:l•· .. r \', nturn "' ,. ~unc111~ ~U•'"' .,( •-\t'nnf•th':o. lop ollto•c .. l.ontc·, t rot•!, .ami f.Hll· '" ,,, '·II 1"'11 I" tel I• C 'l.o:.,..:flo·ll net• 00 ~t·l the .lf•l dane. BUNNIES-E(;Gs Hand-Packed Baliikets Dl-.tinl'tht> 1 to :l J.h. Box<'s n :,\Tt 'ttt:'t'c• MILDRED DECKER'S Supreme Chocolates c-••·•~,u~··•'·• ..... ~~~ f• '•• U.S '•' (;;" -4J , ... ,. ••u-•-4 - II ,,,,\. lt)...h' h• .,, ,, t" ~· hI ·I , •• l:•t~· "' p.tt• 1\1'11 L.:' II•'" ''"n'~ ,,,11 ,,, ,,., ,,:uuk nl•· l'••P ..... , ::::----- l•o • We Are Glad to Be of Service to L 0 0 M 'A R K E T t • I Whose new 2-~on Chevrolet Stake truck will speed groceries and produce from Metropol- itan Distributors to the homes o' Newport Harbor ••• CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO. SOOt \\'. <'fontnl. Sf'Wport Rf1woh Inc. UP TO THE UOOUSTEP TELEPHOSE8: IIA&BO& 1%, 11 "-'"1> %08 Publi"h('CI l'WI"} day, M onday throu~;h f'l·it1oy, by Sum D. Portl'f ll!H.I Lucn1~ S. Smith. Ul, o~ nt.'rs nnd lllk'l Rtnl :t. ,,f till' !'ll'\\'p<lrt IIRrlKw Pubh,.tun~: Co. ''0 1-X L 8) Carnl·r or Mnil: S0.80 J)t'r month an~\\h•l l' 1n ="• \\IK•rt I:k•urh and Costa Mt'sa; S:./.40 Jor 3 months, $-1 .80 fnr 6 month,., S9 JX'r )l'Ur Dy Mail in Orang"' County: S9 ~·r Y••nr , to ·llh Zllrll', S9 :.!5. · to 8th :z.un,·. S'J 50 Enten.'<l as Second-Class matter 111 the P08torricc In NewpOrt Beach., California, under the Act. of ~htrch 3, 1897. • PulJii!;her MUIIugmg Editor Ad' ,•rt i~1n.: SAM D. PORTER LUCIUS S. S:\1111 l, In W. F. OIX(.l:--.1 I CLYD~ REX I Printlni Plant, 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport Beach. Cu.Jifomla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Depemlable Local lnatituUon for 0 \•er •o \'ean NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948·~~ Active @)"'' Member __ f --. ... 0 - THIS WEEK IN HISTORY frum Bataan in the Philippines. A \\'arlike week, to :-ay the lt•a::;t. Why \\' e Have Inflation A number uf t'~cellt•nt anti-i nflation prn~ram=--, I which \\ t•re dt·~i~nl•d lr> atl<u:k ha:-k cau:'e:' and nut !'par in efl't•duall~· with :-:ympton=-, have bel'n pru- JJ(>::-t.•d. 'tlw:-t• p1'o).!ntm:' have \'<tri ed in tlet;1i l, hut tlwv han• ;dl dt.•alt with tlw :-:amt· tondiliun:o:-).!t 1\'t·rn- mt'i1t :-JH'ndin).!, tariff:::. :-ub:'idit•-... the \\'a).!e-prite spiral. t'tC. They havt' bt•t.•ll witll'iy prai:'NI uy lead- ing m•\\':-l))apt.·r:-and ma).!'azine:'. Y t:t, the it· chance of acluptiun. at this time, i~ :-o rcmutt> a · to be non-exi~tl•nt-pulitic:' must he pl ayNI at th e expe n~e of the country. The rt.·a:::on fur that i:; thl' pn·s:o:urc g-ruup!-'. \V l' all want to fil!ht inflatinn at the t.·:>-JH:n~c uf the otlh·r ft•lluw -and iu makt.• nonl' of tlw :-aerifitl'::: our:'l'lve:-:. Tlw farmet':-don't li h to pa~· hig-h pril:e:-; fur ft>t·d and machiJwn·-hut tht.'\' art.• all fo r policir=-wh kh mav artifici all'v Ja•t•p the i>r it.·t.•:-of farm pl'tldu<:t;-; hi).!h. Hu~in l':o:s nwn "talk alwut t·xtes~i\'(' demancb h,v lahm -h\lt they \·ociferuu;-;ly fa\'1~· pu!i cie:.-: which prot~tt th e pri ce c1f whate\'l'l' th ey prot1 uce. Labor hl ttme:'-lll· du:'tr ial profit...;, e\·cn a:' it demands more and more \\'a).!'t' hikf's which will ine\'itahly become a part uf the ;o;e lli n~ price of goods. And public official!' Llandly ig-nore thl' d irect re lation~hip betwt"en g-uwrnment :-pendin~ an<~ inflation. In time, a real anti-inflation program, which will call upon every segment of the economy to dn .· I '' \ ,,,,, ·-fh•• ....... ~ 'lutf\C' tM li•) U&ht '-' ln.c 1 luu u,,.,... .-111 b• lfta._ ,,,,,,,,,...I" ttt• ... ,. Th .... "Ill "' l'urr ... 1.-d •• ~ ""' ......... l.lf', \'\ ll 'l{ L>IAL ~· \(, ___ .,. ..... ki t ft4 k.6o h ''''0 ___ ., ...... "''" ---1· ..... .... ,. -... .. ....... ----... .. "'' t?\ ...... kPAII 1-L6o \ll.II:!\I£80AY !'o,OI.'T - I P .•• ~ ... ,_Wom•a'e a.~n1 K_\U~T .... f'WeDl.l ~ l A-•••PPP n •• ,,. h IJ-t~llon l.f_,, Jr. k.t''W U -8tu Hamble• k '' -IUtu llunt h. \\.~-h-11 """d• 1:11 K I Ac-1-"k &thUm t-\~·•-S••• t,t ~"'A-T~trr) • M,_lM t-.' '-Jt..b Urahara "'ttJ -="·"· 1 ::11 J 1-\C-I~h1 A If• h t'I-A rt h ai. .. , t ... Lt A Jt.,M A IIUI'flfllft. ..._lll-Jil'•t ne J'•11cle h.''\-'··· ""'"c-"''" • Rill Ola• I :U J\ I \C"'-f'arn f tlllttr .... MI't:-T"P Tuu•1 J.\tu-s,., ~ "'X-Lum 'a Abnw I P .•. Jo\t • .4G-S••• AI Jan11 t-"I'C·K •'WII-!'oowo t\t-'1-,..a.ture Wlf•• KI;CA-Ihadlln .. KIIJ-II ... od) Ana ~~!c_KN:!.. "w,..~'lt. l oU an-N-• KiiPo-Do" &ollr its share. ma\·1>e forced upun us by dire necessity. In time, we 'may learn that abundance is possible onlv through work. and t hat big cash eaminsr=" wh ich are" more th an uff~t by ever-risin~ prict·s do us no good. Until then, inflation will remain the most uminuus domesti c pmblem. Those who rail at store- keeper:-or producrrs ur any other group for jack in~. ::· up price:' an• the \'ictims of a tra).!'i c ig-norance. Fight-" ing inflation has mu ch in common with fighting-a war-everyone mu:o:t take hi~ ]>lace sollH.'WherE' in TELEVISION hI I t l '' I • .. ld I I ' ... • \ h' h \ '\ \ .... I\ '• 1Co1 II oQ ;.o~ • ...... h. •I I. I I• II l ••I• I ·• 114 ,,. the lines. h.t. j 1•11•• j .,,, Playing With Fire h \Jt•• h i.• ',.·A Newa ' ... , . . . ' • I ,,. In a l't'tP nt :-;tatt•mt·nt. SL·nator Ta\'lor of Idaho,! ' vice Jlre:-:id l'ntial candidat!' 1111 I knr.Y \Vallat·t•';o: third I " • I II partr tid\N said he i:-: indinecl tiJ fa,·nr :-ol'ializatiflll • ..... of rail t•oacl~ and the cual mint•s fill the grounds tlwt l • . ... ' •.. ! 1"' they an• monopolies-th:-~t a "l'crtain amount 11f so-... 1 .. .... :; cializatian t"all hl' \'l'l'.\' ht·nf'fi t"ial tu pri\'att.• t.•ntt·r-.,u • Jr<b prisr." Thi;o; i:-an antazing-cnnclu:-ion. " . ,. A ·.~~"" Tht• railrnacl=-mu:-t l'lll'llJll'tt' with all other forms " ' ··· ~:)1 of transportation. from the a il'lines to the pri,·ate : · 1 11 automobile. ( )n top of that tht·~· arc n·)!Uiatcd com-... ' ,' :. · pl etely h~-th l' Inter:-tate Commerce Commi~~ion, :-;tate ,, "'" •;:~, .• utility commi~ion;o;. and numerous other Fed{•ral ancl :· ,, , . state agenl'ie='. They haYC _)!inn the country incnrn- 1 •.. 1\"' • ,. •d .... I o• . ., ' harable .sen·ice in Jleace and war, at a remarkab1y • "111• • t• 1 \i•• df Q\\~ co~t. ' f :~· • A :-.. \\1•1 .:t•.,.nTt a\ .. ler The coal inclu~try is made up nf thou:-;ands of l-:.' ~~, .. ·~ ... ~1:' mines, many of them ~mal l. They are all competing "' A•:-l · "' with each other. In addition. the industry is in direct : &w.c-u •• ~~~~ f I tu.Ac-lt.co.. w-o competition with other uels, notably oi and ga~. ...,, .... _~ .... ._ ... . I . _J -2 IO fJ-, ... . It is now produl'mg coa in recoru amounts, anu i~ K:-o,.-vr .... • 0oo.,, prepareri to increase the output ~ _t 1e neec artse:-;. ,.,. · } J . ;r kP\\tt-l•t 1 WacWW~tra.r It pays its wnrker::: record-breakin* wages. Contra~t ~:·t.:;:~~:~=h that witft the ~ocialized English coal in<lustr.r. with 1 ~:.J ' 1 •• ~:. 1',,:~~; ..... • ...l • • d ..1 • 0 f I . I ~· \\U ,,.,,_.,,. t.NJII Jts uimaushe prouuctt on. ItS wa:o:te u nes.o;;. lL'-' ow I K 'X-4ron~ lllom waae scale~. it..-i~ferior workin)!. condition~. ann ito:: k l...&t:..qo.,!' .. /!"'~ • )I:J'1-I~J,. t..aw\oe di~contented, rebe lious mmers. · KHJ-!'o••• , J(,.Wil-Mo"o Sociali. m grow:-. hke a fungu!'l. Once it i~ well J(.,x-n-•'7 establi~herl . it in eY itably ciestroys free enterprise-n.•o-•~ ~~~ I d h f I , f J d . 1 an-to~oeo. ~..o•~eo n... an< estruys t e rest o a peop es reN om an m-arr.•-lk'• .... -. d . • I ' 1 ' h • &11J-11olo .. llll lVIdua opportumty a ong wtt 1t. ' .. • .· ' WEDNESDAY -SOUTII ~t:t .. A 'fWt k ttJ ~tlf'lft .• l\ "'-.. '\\II I til I T .. 'l ~,,_,,.,It u~nl•o t :l<l KtJ-4.•a•l\ ••.t•t K Ul • lt.,, u . art wa h t • ,\-\••• ••np h IIJ-\. a(i )lldnll• KY\\ h ""'J • f•~~tnc• K !\X -<A,Utn••,tUd •• u KP'I-L.Irh• t I •t•r••o lot.HJ-J 111 Wll ~x-:ot ... •• , r ... J·U .Ao-!'o-1 we, Wu•le )( .. J-fJ"ffJ"'I Ta"•ra ~).tlt()-1"'-•on, .. K .. :c A-Tt ... •~·.,• Jtanc._, ~ lfJ--(i•1•r •I ll••uar k 'X-).J••t. \\arcww ,,,. )( t \ ,~ I ' h I, ••• )\ l 't Itt II) w d 1'hf'A~re ,_\II ,. "' ••.• f wu-lc ~~ A -\ta)• r t•l , .... ~Jtl ,., II J.U.rllN h \-\t.,l d" • k I \\ U-l'fl~ t,nal I P.M. ~~ \L: K)fe••;.-~••• J< .. ·a-U lfol Ato~41t1• "• K•:t"A Al·l t1 4 ,. et•Ho ~~ IIJ-(), "'lif ,,., U..nd K t"\\"11 Jum,;., Ali•D )( ~' -Ttl• tf111lnl 1:11 "t.A,:.-tt .... t aU &rwu-r.,. ~~~~~hn• ,,,. )t.l ,\t•-rt~~~ouh•ll liM I'<;-IIIIo )(f'J-Jtmfl'\• lJunnt• JCt:t·A--oroucl'lu )ta,.. J.IIJ-Ct..., Kl~ X~'-''8-N••• Wu•le k .SX-Th• \\ hhUw f P.IIL a i..Ao-t•o .. o...ll kJ'I_..._r CIYII J[)II'C·fW--• IUl,.... I(II:CA-11 ... c.-, ltHJ-If•-nat ... ki'"W&-I'Ioww IIUIX-Lo'hll ,_ 1 ,II\-JtJ41 Bpllalon T •-TIM Olvb ·~l>ort hb-• YI-Wrootllae "'eiAO--C-I . •• ''\II • I J••ll h. f l A I t> .Il l tt• .... *r. ._ • • I"''' I .. ..,. . .,. h.• \ ,. It' k. 1-' o1 I •I tr h • \ 114 I 1 I .... 1~.1\ h. I I ~ ~HI-,, h · .. \ 111+1 ,,., ~ .. ,.tt., h.l \ A \$o.•J ~~ II \ lt, ~ \ If ,. ... n I ,.. I. .. . .. • I k II t ... ' h J .. ~ J ... \ II 1\ ~HI' h • l"A I ' • n k ,,., ~~ '' HI" w .. ' k ' I-·. -.. )\ .It l \1 • .,, A r )\I A I 11 "' tl••· 1 ,.,1111 k llf-11 tf II ., h ' I \t .. ·~ ..._, • I •an .._..I \-1 • I, I • " \ 1 1• •I!! I !t f'il •11 }'lofHJ~ )( 1 "'' I+ J •f\ • )(I J 1 •tat • t I 1•1.-,1'1 .... ,. \ • """ ,, llt•ft~ h t \ _. .... htH fl•'' \ ;,41 I' k t \\ 11 M,.. 1 ,, .. 11 • n h '~-:rHS \j,. l w 1•4 lilA kt 1 \\ I• n W I II• k t A-\1 't1ta.c.l .. k ~of\ I • • r' '' 111 •'n li:M k ,_.,, 1 Ml•,•a• K.MPo-Poi•~t• Jt.r...;:•-' ·~• ... ''*'• &IIJ~ .. & lof A Du L').-Jt+•·•f'l••• a Y(•• ..... K ,., "• .. td f.lehJ k.MI·t,.....luu u ar JCitt•A-t:U••I 6 AIMrt a:-~x-n, ... ,, .,, .... k,.Ar-~••• I II'• k l Ar "• •• lllvo1tll xn -""''" •• ... 1 ... ,,., .,.,.,.._ ... , ,.., .. , JCl!t'A-,.;up• • ,,.. k lfl-1"••• 10 W D-11111 An•" &:<.lt-.-...vblo .., Hol ..... &IAo-Wu•to Ita I·· l oll rno-n ··I•• r\.-llfe p•,•te_e -4ft,_ A lh•r-lc.e kiiP'C-Irro~aN<roo I I II Jit YI-\\"m •• Kt.l,.\,;-)h•"''c: h ... ,, a-t •• u, k 'X-Jar-). ,..u.ab l :ll Kt 1....0U4ela .. , ,. ... \U l '-IU"'fl I 11 [1..1_. '\I • A , .. ,., \t•U tln h ll..l-l't••• 'J tUillAU h 1 "u w.,." u ..• k 'X -l•r • tut•llau ae r.•. ~ I.Ac-:-... •• • .Wwele Krl-o.tt ... l• o., • o., "-Att•cJ-!"1-•--· l\t.,t '4 -TPd 1'-nti•J' IOU-N••• k t"'WU->tt.'elc t.o II 00 ,...,,_htWf'\• ld \\.'-1••"''• to J:' 00 lt:ll Kl.ll'l·-u.~,,.,. Club k i,t A-S •¥"' •:HJ IIIUI111 11 #CI •W ll:lof KTI ~ft I •ttilt AII'J h \11' lla"i~•" '•*,..t·d• ..... " 1 tl• t ,, .. , K HJ -In•lf1• ~,..one K SX -t:lul• 1. .. , .. 1\ h• A*'•• t 1\:ttl-t.aru• ur ,..,.. k '\ -Lfl Jc "'"'"• II P.!lll. a1 \4 • ~·"~,. 11 ntt• ~.W I'•'-T ..... \\'illl•rn• k t i Kf!•·\t<~\ !'••• J..lfJ-I"Uit'" 1••1• Jr. ..... ki.A("-fl lllle ICt-'1-Jn•HS• 1h• "'•'~~~• K Y.f"A-Orrh kUJ-Mu•lc llllll .. •'x-n. .. .,. .... 11r1-<>nh JUIP0-0......• rorado ··~···-o ... b. ' ltiiJ-"-tor ..... .,.., IIUIX-"-"o Uotl J[H'X-ft....,.,.. IIIDI'OOIIT ftal'l 10 lor ToniPI CT-&.111.1 II -~ tor • OaJ :GO--oii"Ml Pattwa lol~l •-ll•rt'o O..lre .. , U;.-TMt f'a u A W u ele ~~,I k ll' •~ .. , " k• ,1., •. \I''" ull ,, .. ,., t II 1 • I 6 1 h. A. t • 4 • rl J\,, ' 111 .. 1 • h ' •• \1 .,,- : I'M h t' .... h. I I f '"' • •' 16,• '' f• I \ff't ' ,. A ''" "' \ .. " , .... ht \f I• '\t I •h r·l& k.l •• ,,, k I I Joltt • I •-.f••• t It• jill , 1 n l'lll k I I • • I ' ' \ I .•• \ I ' ,,, hll t\ .. -.;-'I \\ 1 , er '41 , ,. "' J(l \1 ' .... "'I \\ •. ' 'I . ~· .~ •• k I 1 , • \ I• K \ • "'t. t ... • It I • I.,.. • tOl l •' lr I '' _, I<'._ I ,, ···~ k I A r. T I, , .,. , t'h11w K l I I 'I ,.1_ l.~t• .... t H JICF'I I''n' • '••'"' ,~,.,., ''"" , ... ~~ . K t,f'A t '"' ,.,.. w H r J( IIJ lf•t 1 '" ,,., ,,..,.. '~ . .. ,.., • I' " Kt v · K '' •• , '-••, kt·l-rt"•l1 • t I , •• 'kllf M•l1te,l••fl II "~4 an''" ,. " W• K•• K 1'~ N••• '"'• 'C•e •~An ., .... • :II Jlt f~C-n•li• "fe •t•l k , l.lf. ,, ... ,,,.,,,, JfMfV"-T....,tllt• 1 .,, •• a ttr A -Ah1o Wh.•r trn\t\-rur 1 ••• .... Ad• . ... kJ.At.. n.,. '' .,,11,,o a ra 4urt~ v.,., I. W 1•0--t•ftl• ,... r" •• • ~ .. -v ....... .-,., r-·r··· a•u •~ne .... , •. , lt:<JI-Artllu• f1<14f,.., .... JJ,..to-...... \ !.r;t.-~;: ~:~z. ~., ...... "' •• 1 .. CC:I-1 .. -. «1••-.... r ...... ...._ N•:ws-nM.:s NF.\\'PORT BAI.OOA NEW,.•l'UIKS p 7 I ~\ t:U!Io t :l411 \\ !\I" I\ 1•nrt 1\t-·h. C'10llt. Ma~ 11, IHI age FORUM l •• p lllll "'"'''"·""'Ill. l .. •ootl.lll STOCK MARKET l '"•'"'''I t ; •• , •• :,1 "u ,t • , ... ,, •• nut '"'"1l .. r tl1tlo'o :-.. ... u," ,,, "'' REVIEW 01<' I'I 'IU.J(' 01'11'\ION 1 fo·· "~~~ ••'•'"""~ ••ur 1''""' 11-• ----=--~.::r ~ •Ill• II ·'' ,, t" '"I", 11\'t' "l'l~uwnl n\ 1·. \\ _,..EN ., '''II" ,, ;-.,.II •' I lt~nh' r•,.•lhnll l 'niC.-.1 l'r•"• l loo ..... \\'rU• .. fh, "'' ' .. I lw \t ,, 1;,., "' '"'"' '' ,,,.. nu•r•• trnln· t•'llllt .., I ' I 1 h'~ ~ ''"'''' 1 l lth''ln • tn, t\4'1141" ('1\:t""" l ht• ..,,,Jtlh11 II nl tth' thnr ,,,. h~ut f't•Jt••Ul., I"' ··p. • .... t\ th ttl I '• q hl lllHII \ •h i. ""'" "\ I"'''' j. \\ ..... tU.UHl I ttu• • 1 rut Ill. l \ ! 1 , ~I· f•t th• 1,,,,,,,, !'•• •'I \\,11 ,,,.t '"' tllt•l•tlut~'"" ''''"'" he\c' ,,, ,, d n I •di'ljll dr ltHI\ 1. ~ 1 1• tft, I '0U tt h '""'''' 111t l• t' .uhl '•• I 11t,qt\ \\\~Ultl l tnr~ •• , ''· 1 "' "'''' ._:,~o,n ft,,,,. ,, •l ••h •h•~"''" ,,, ••''' ••·· .,:r,~,· I••'•" '·• th• ttl•' \tH \\•llld b ,, •• , .t u·•:••·~<•'r ''''' 11 _.,,, ,. P•llt~l t-1 ,,._. ... thlr' l"tiUIIt•llt n ud•'' '''" l tlllt' lull\ fhtl th•· rt' ''' lu1,t pHlll•ttth, 'l'•'tttt t•tl fWilo•' II• ''"' 1,1 \\h•ll '' II • ,,,.,, ·I 11 , t 'o11tod ..,;··"''' nro• '"'"'' '''' loot1o •• 11 ol•tllnl• t .. o.lll f hR\•' , t .1 ''' 1 ,,, l , .. rth th•· l.t''· 1 •'''"' .. 11 t.t "''"'' '''' .tu,tll d 1''''1' 11 ~'"'" n iHI '"IJ.•I.en•'"l 1hn•"u · •. '' 1 11, • "' •tul ~'''" "'"''It It •ttl '' ...,,., .. , ...... "''' ,.,,,. th1, ,. ... h ''"'"' tli•· •u ,, eC hun th-· ... It t ll n ""''"' _.tlll••\ll\1 Ill 1\t lit'"'" tit\ t tit •"H' "'tt dt.;t IHIIIt•fl"' flu~ \\t\t \\Ill IHt\•'1 ttf l1 '· .,,, l·'··~lt t \ '"" ttH h•lp 1·1 ·\~nt \\,•,ld ,,,, .. ,,.,,tlttlt h~ ntl\ '''"' 11,. h\ t•• .• ' tu\th••• ,;,•lnUtt\) nf .1 hi' ,, t .\. ,,, ..... ~ndh t--.~\\•t "" • •t\h Hut tf th··> ''H" '"" .l:'pJttl ,,,1uld .. ._,,, •lut••(\ th:h t nlt'f PiU llhiltlt'lo ••• th. ""''· lu ~ .. d ,, ... t ,, ~\\tft h '" Uu• "" flt'l•l .uut 1o ,, 1 1 ", 11 \\ II• 11 111. • "h • "''"""."' ••C o rtut. .• t 1\ 11r. 'A-U.~ \\t'l•' t•\1 I \\1 111\t lftttlh' IH•111lllt \\ill "'1 tlh1 1._•1 \\t't•H ''"" tl htft•l\ .... ,. 1'•11 fJ ,tllfh dl\ ''' Hill'''''' .1111t \\ttJftl thtn\lll,tl" 0\ilhtfl/til tIll f fit'-' l'lit4l tlt.tl\ '••f Utlltl tHHo\ ht'-1 "" \\tHht tlcln"l tl• f••'d \\. ht\• t.tt lh• I"'\\• I f'"""""'""'"' "'·'I'"'"' \\tu .. •h (W'U('' to •h.11wtt" '''lh 'Pitl• lntlht t '''''''•'l'""'n1, '"" l:t\111111Uf S \1,'1.'1.tH\ "'uldtt\•lt'olft• l•tlt tHI•IItt.l,l( •r JI\tl•, 1 ,1, I'-l!tl7 wol 'I' \o oout t•l• ''''' ob 11'<1111 ltlt•b•f"tll. f ,,,,, '""'· ''""' I I I ;,•u ,I 1.'"' luu ( 't•llinll ...... , \'1, \11h~ l'flrthmol, flrn,"f'fl CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1-.,o•en ~Wild 11-WohtbiPP7 IJ-Ha-1 Pt'IDioiCI .... ... .~, ..... , .. . 11-h lll I~TI-.. 1f-To ltll -Tolbovt ._ .. _, .. ._ ..... ,......._""""" _ ... .. .,_ ..... poi- .....O.ll IDL&Uia I 1 ~ .. " . ... s 7 ~~~ .o 1• '/. ~~ lS - 27 19 ~ ~ ~~~ ~_0 H -iO ~~~ ~~ ~ ~. ·-TI eooa In IIOW, llll!l'lrft•rtnc manaer -Todtlot u -o ....... d aa-rh.mtu ·. wan •twp teoU t W•l• uu• or te•~\ •(lt I ··-Tl'U\W In I~W•t 11-Lubrlrat,.d at-4old •8p o ..0 Mv•1tal boY •• -&aua 41-W•••• r•p•nUoa fot olf,.n• n -Ooenlll•d t i-Trenu nlu n -Diob ot ., .. ~. b •2 ~ ; 1 ' .. -.b --. .II t~ ~" ~ 0. ... d 'l i< ,, 7 - -1- -~ 0 \) o;1 ·•5 . ., .. 1 ..,.. ......... , .................. ... •O ~ l-T• PIM lro•-\.o ano\hu t-Prull opll 1-r.tllu•"'' .._..l/r<ttlff•t I,.,. I t-On • r ...... "''~"*' 1 "'''" ,...,.,. . "''', ..... , t -H.-•''t1 on , .... ,, . "' .. ., J ,,. ,. I) ftr~t•l • ,., ',,, ........ If\ I ••t l1111•" ran tt t• .. tt I• ""••f1IO 2 1 K.u It ttl t ttlh ,, , . ., ..... . J'\ ,, ... " 7~ •• ,. fh ••• ,.,. ,, w .. ,,, ••••n ,. (''111.,, ... , ... 1., """' 10-,. •• , lttdlaa lelan~ .. _ ....... .. . U Wu l • "'"'• u c .... ,. ,._.,.,.d ll-Lrrltt ~"" il l,.parl• tlte tt OonJwuf'll'•• n •• •••m too• U ·III)On I I 1 " •1 I( I N•'' II I •Ill 0 \\I' ft\ I tlu 1 • fpt •' tocut. 1 tho ,,t.11~u1 '"n ,,( '''"'"'"'H~ '''''"~ tn ,,, ,,,., '" '""' ll1tt ...:•• "~" "h ltt*t' n l 1111• "''1~111~11•1111\ lol\\lllll lh1• ''t\lf••tt 1\:uthlfl' \\ ,. 'uUI\ .. 1 ll!thtt•• tht• l•"'"tl•tltt\ thnt '''Ill• tU11 h•n .... ··nmtrann llntt-111 liM u .... ~. ... runw o•nniiJ"h '" !111ul lin• lluoh..J NA ltllll. roOII\ ol11 Jll~l llllol , Utili '"'''' ~j~ Itt lu•tk tu ''111 tl\\ It IU'l'Urt I) •• I ' S 1\lntlll•' I '"fl"' l l•l•tlo·• J/02. SOUTH S~LWifR Gr~tr­ M.4~H.ALL. TE'XAS - " .::; ._ .. , ... '£ rHE C#PifVL. 1.~ THE SrRr£ C' M15SvU~I / ~.,~ 1 r NC4o: l HJ~S C. • · \,_'lQS }.1-:\ U'l 1~.1 ' .. ~~~L v.~F UNh.)N • • .:, r ':1 ._"'\ E.C C I\N t•\ISSJI.J' 'lj 166l . .. -....... ....._, ....... _ ·-....... .... . .. .. "" l (;()f{f)() Yuurs fur thl· .\~>~kinJC l.tMPJ71MCU9":S' ('tJMI7' J'i'£Ad AJQ4tri lf1' CX'8/T CW TJ/£ F£~,1.V,A/1UP:.'"·l ( 'l ltLY 1\,\ YOE TARZA N '\ OCAW~ TAR%~ OJT 0'- ~ T'Mf•ll COAAA•,.O•S ,!"""' 'I CANMOT -•.w.oc 'OQ) f~'OitSA~· '~TIT"ME .. Tt-.uvrto ~AT\.'1 ~-.. Luuking-.\Ju·:ul . ~~{!~ Tr ;' :. 1 Ot ' • .,.. ; -· ,.... .. " ~ .. , ;or-. '• .c..,. ... ,, .......... . ·~ ... .. . .. 'I "~ !>II( SA O 8.Jf .,.E l>f S£Y&< A .. t 8f." ~<HN VC>J I~ •IAIAI>.,AII<l ,, WAS .,. '::fiiC.'A"")/>k( f•IP~ • ?• PAaT ' "ll '\\' \'I ll(" \1 \JI:H t7 _ • I l'o "'t•" 1.• ••&._. lo~·t'f' I• !<lo•lllll \ 11• "' ,11 ,/o •flt ljprCU• lnt,.•l "" t h···po •. t.,to l. ,_ ot l 't•·•lllolll l'tllltlo~ll• 1'1 '"••d ,, .... , '• ,,, " ''''"' ,, '""'•• •• r ._. l' ,,.,, 11 •1'"" r 11\\ t'll••ll l•'l!ll lll "'''' ···ll·••flt .~,,.,, ''t'fl •'' ,., "I'' •'lul ••I 1tu ·,,,, t '•• •I IU\Ut'l ,· '' 11k•• rtthl t h•• ,, 111 t ,., It , ••• ktttt:fht\1'-• ,,,,k\. "" ..... 11 ....... r Ito•· "~' '"'I'•' I hi\\ II ~nnl II lo'o• !IIIII llh'k••l 1•1111•' 1'1 ,.,,., lt'<l lt.-t "'"' ,. '""" 'J ""'"I' 1 :uti, M .. t.lt•· .'t-N1•riiOt•rn N fl'ko I l'tntoo, ltllll"l• t '••ntnol mul ~ .. ollh••rn lloollwuy Wrr•; ott """'' tlon n " po1tnc I ' :0.: l'-1••••1, Yoollnl(•to•\\ 11 Shl'f't ~ '1'111"• \\ ho•l'llrlll S lt•t•l, ('tll• o'tl•l•• 111111 Auwrknn H .. lltn~: Mill \\ • Jl' 111f 11\Hfl' tl11111 II I'C>Inl 1 'hr ) •lo•r ~llllh•ltNk••r, M 111' k 'l'o tll'k I ;<'nrrnl Muhtra, J I . f"'mn-, '"'"'''"''"'''"' .l'QIJ&!.I', Goud-l"lrh, .II 11 h <"ion I toi'Y lo'tox, An11•rl~ , "" 1 'nl rm•l 1-' .. uooolr) 101111 Alllrd l 'lulllhllf \\'I'll' tltl\\11 H t•t\lll 11f' llh•r•• Atlnnt\o• t;ut( ,. WH t I noll• ' l11•1 :1\, t ·,,..,. C '•1111 ••aa '''"'" :1 I ~·u~ela• •\lrl'rllll lult .. 7 14 By (;me Arriola 1/NW nt! H,JVIf.JfiON.I/. 1'1111. "N'fli'Ft' l1X) t;r8AT MIO T111 FAY K ~/;1(11'?\'£0 N/olll l tr ££,,1"11£/l'A Tt'f' f!f7111f1JJ~f~' 'IWOVlO 'IQJCt n! f "()<; M.J!Vf '"5 51'10 TI<EN,.0.91111PT\.¥' • -A .. 00 VO., ICIC'I\I r T~t !lAP 0'-·~"!fA? 11 ~ -· ., . - ••••oaT BALBO& N&ws-TtMI!R GOOD NEWS FOR THE SONS OF THE AULD SOD WSDNUDA'Y M_,.rta..di,Calll. Ma~h n . Jltt ll *-* * L .. \. WIIITTIER TIE Wlll'l~fiER. Cal. Mar. 17. 1\:P l Los Anf,!<'lea City rollf'ge 11nd \\'hill 1er finishrd In a ~5 tw )C'SI<'rday m a ba.'lt•ball eame t'tllll>d . at th<' end of the eighth mnmg becaUst> of a time hmH. nJLLJ:.TON NIC'KS COMPTON FULLERTON, Cal., Mar. 17.- <UP)-Fullerton defuted Comp- ton rollf'ge 10-4 yest<'rday In a practice baseball game. Rllodei 33 Assn. Has New Officers, Weilhing Revision of Sailing Rules H. F. (Hook) BMrdl)~y. Jade f:nt ry hlank• ha\'P hf'('n mallrd to BDJman, an cl C. V. Wurd4'mann Kt•wpor t-1-..os Anat<'ll's fh·<'t ml'm· .._.. todaJ pnp&recS to rulde lM bf'r~ for I\1tlbn8 Yar ht Cluh f:astrr ...u.u. ot tlw Rhodn 33 Aan. lf'fiM March n . 2jl If )'IIU dlt1 not tar._..~. Thfoy wl'rl' e-IK1· r~·h'l' a co(t)', p\t'U(' pic-k up on<· W ~......... Vlre ~ at BaJboa Yacht club pr ior to lhf' aft~~ ,_. C!On!moo4on ""PK'tlvely. flr&t rnl't'. • • • Th" N.-wporl 1M llealllal, ot South Co.at YIHI r~ ac~ule Ia now lll'ln~: 029 !), bM bHn appointed u formuluted and will h<· mlllt>d In __.ttee ehalnnan to revt.e and W Mar tlfture . At pr'·•••nl 11 ktlla -.p to dat. t.be eonatttutlc)n IM!MH la IICht'duled for April and ... bp.le .. ot the ~ O aaa anuthl'r over I:>Kvrsllon Dsy. It a.c. CruAMr u.odllion. Preeent Ia propoeed to h•ave OJ)I;'n d11H·s l o ,....... or ~ aMOdaUon carry llliOW parttdpatlon In such f'Vl'nts IIUIPII'fhaaua artJdel which .,. as the Rlllnd CataHn11 rrtl'f', Tlm••s JIOCII'bo ~ ao u to lt'ave lnt«· Troflhy u ei.', etl'. • • • The N1•w-,...._tton opeon to ar~l . • por t FIN-I at ttir annunl mrt•tlng 'nw IJI"'PC)Ncc revfaed oonatitU· J)US('d a rt'IOlUIIOII to pc:•rmlt thl' tiaa wW be mailed to aU nwm-Ullt' of aplnn~~krr pole lu v.•lnlt out ben '"U ln edv~ ot w neat the-<*noll wt"lr raa nr: w1thln trno ...U..C whidl Ia ec:hf'duled for harbor. ThiJ t. In oonform11nr •• 3• 4Ut at t :30 a.m. at the-Neow-With the local harbor rule'S "''hll'h .. t J1Gbar .Yaeht dub. do not permit use of splnnakf'n JIIOTa within th~ bay and ahouJd not be Mtbur Colby 11 ~ IQ «~nfuaed with tM NAYRU rull' ...._. tdl netr 1A Mlet" at South ""Wtlldl ttot. not prrmfl this 11ctlon ODMt canpany yard about March "'hen aa.lllna Tf'aular cl~ rounw 3t. Hop. to IH you on the ltarl· ra<'t'S outalde tht> _ bay. • • • A .... 11ne nat racr, Mr Colby. • • • rouplc-ot Rllodfos 3.1 ov.'nf'n havt' A. fannal c:hal~e wu t.ued to rAlal'd thl' qiK'stlon or the strt•n~o:th the l-lewport P. c. f)eet for a of tht' awa~te flttln~ts ln.stall•-d un u.... boat teem raet ~ 8 year. the pc»t. wa.r OO.ts. South roast 'ftw Jthodn u.odaUon will fur· hu a proortoadlng rig and thf'Y ..... a lllitabae ~· Tile loalna have Kf'neroualy otf<·rt'd to Jli'OOf a.t wUJ IUpPiy a IUitable Uquld load any ol their awagt'd rllo!lo!lng llooby prlae in a kec. TentatJve on the lalf'r Rhocks 33• F or any ... Aft June lt and St'pttmber or all of you that arc lnli•rt'llted. U and 19. • • • Mkt-ahlp No. 17 all you 'hAVe to do IJ rcmov<' any t.uecl • cti&Ueft&e throuch Bilbo& \"edit aub Race c 0 m m 1 t t e e or th.la rlering you want te•t<>d ~ Bob Allan for thr AI atld deliver It to South Coast rom- Adam~ .,..,.tual Trophy now pany. held b)' C.brjllo BHch Yacht dub, therefore It 1J a.uurnt'd that 3."10 ltllllons o( ho t WBI<'r Ill Rll'h· thla ~e Ia acceptabll'. • • • llrd'a Udo Markl't. at'!Pt:AT n:aPOUIANCE "Nellie The Farmer's Daughter" IIATVJU)A\'. MAIU,H ttTH-ctlliT,US-8:10 111.-,.rt ._. a_, ldleol More PUn '111an no: D&UNA.ItD ·~ .... OOOD JIE.U' at prtcw that wtU ~Jp '1LUA----liCE YOVa 817001:'1'" lMn • die plaN-to ...... flfW1 ....... 0. .. of •t•r.U. a. ._., lillaple. We buy Ollly OOOD IIIC&T at tile ...._ ,..aWe prb ... add a I&UL ..,... of III'Oftt ud .0 to tile public at ..,.._LOW I!NOOGII TO INSURE A BIG VOUIME 01' BVSIND&. We M118T BE BIGHT--becaUIIf. we Mft eaJD1M a ._..1 pvwUa Mdl week llblce our Ill h& a,. Jl'or ...... week..-cl. Tbanday, Friday ....... , ... CHUCK ROAST Meket • 6ood Pot Roast 7-BONE ROAST For Pot or Oven Roast 1101JJfD IM)KJ: ... CI&08A lLIB ROAST .&~O....a-t ROUND STEAK ...... -rr,t .. . ~.,,.. .......... - ROUND STEAK .. ~ ...,_ ,_ ·- Top Out ~ All Cut from Carefully Selected * COLORADO GRAIN FED CATILE Our Usual Higlt Qualify * e»t!~~~r ~!~~.~~b.4F LOCAL FRESH EGGS _ erp Siu .... .. . .. . .... -.--........... doz: 17 c Medium Sme . .-.. ····--·· .. . .. ~ doz. -3c WEST COAST PORK SAUSAGE WHIKMI Exception -sse fh lfST you eyer fosled. U . ··~0~~~ I Wholesale Meets and Provisions 1M1 MKWIUM BLVD. • ..... --ea.ea ·- :'-JE\\ YCittK. ~tnr J7 -tUP) frulohh• 1n lh•· middle of hts $1\lfl·lun~: to hock<')', the De- Tiwro• '"" ~.!•>vd "''" ~ tor tlw fr··~hrmw ~O'I<r, Shea nevertheku tn111 lt•·d WinKs this year intro- lnsh ttoft11> •• ,1)('t,r•ll> "Jr thost· rlil"k• d ''I) 11 1~7 r~ ot u dUC\'d 11 lad named Jim .McFjadden. hnrd) MJII' ol tlu· I-. 1m raid hit· 1 wtnr11·" and fi\•t-dcfe-ata. He ah o Th" ll~;ht -haired apeedater, bon\ who onl> Jn~l >,.111 "en• '" muun-'"'' lh•· wmnin& pitcher 1n last '" 1\o lr,,J<I. Ireland. hu remaJned 1n~; tlw t11 •11 1h tol lruih namt•s 1n )'f'flr s ull-stsr game and laincd 141lh lh" top ICOrl'ra of t.he N.H .L. t lw nauun,. ~~~·• 1' tw11dlfn• s 1w,, 'lt·turws over the Brookl)'n all ,, if'"" nnd Is 8 I~··~~ c::sndl· T rli truo·, ,.;on• 111 ,. tht• t.lt•)"' uflll'"'"'''-" 10 th_f' world aerM.. djlh ''''. lh<' leagut• s rookie ot 11w l~o·l· hr.nl > '· \\ • .t-.lu '· :'ol• • 1 till :'ol•'< 'uhttn of the Pblladl·l· •h•• ) ''1' honora ( ; .. ,.,. ~ • 11nol f\li'CIIIOif 1, lluf clur-1 '""' A 111li'liM 10 another fl n t Th• n IIH'rl' is J ohn K<>lly, Jr .. 1n.: th•· 1"'' 1..' mvnlh~. u numlxor ,,.,,,·lmll pn.SJ.IC.·et discovered dur· of l'htl••dtlphla, whu now ranka of n•" 11111 l••lo.lwd lrr•h-uanwd '"..: tlh· l~<•st yl•ar Under the tutl'-u Ill• world's single acull e~pert. 11 thl•·••·a. 11,,,,. r.rrl\t'tl wt tilL' ~\·•·n•·· II•J.:•' ol that J;.'TRnd old HJbft111n, Youn.: Kl'IJy rowt>d hla way to VIc- And th••.>'r•· n•1 m• .. n r.v~M•uru, ('nrn••IHJ~ McCilllcuddy, McCahan tor) '" thf' D111mond Sculls t'hamp- Shemu~ • postt'd u rt-rord of 10 Vlc:t.ort. a nd ll>n>llll' sll London last tUJT\Jner llt•lldJn.: 1111~ 11~1 is Frank (I\"(' s•·lhllcks last year, hiChll&hh'lf and WI•~ \'nh•d thc Sullivan Award , s 1..:·n Sh••n. r~.:ht hunrl•·d JllfCh· II) " n11-hll no-run l&me qalnst t lk~1Jrrn111 as 19-17's outatandlne 1111: RC\' 111 tlw world clltomluon VIr Wnshington Senators. amHfrur uth!Pte. =-:o•w Ynrk Ynnk••••s Till" !Jt.cly. Othrr Irish-named )'OUnpt<>rs LM I but not lu.st. here's tlle n ·d-ftu'>-<1 youn~tl\111' !rum [\;au~~<· who• rPut•h--' th"n rna'--Jut n~ws thltl should t'h«!,V every I .. <'U ' """· Y<'llr "L' Do . " th n 11•k, ("linn , "11 s t· .. ntf)ltJ'IIII\'t' .1' uwlud(' John Sullvan ahorut Jnshrnun .-11r-~ner, or o er· unknown "''''" th•· .:r•~·n "' u a Wlfh the WashJneton' Senat 0~ WI~" A wr·st coast Informant hu hun,.; out lu~t. S t Potrl('k'~ lluY Jnhnn)' McHale, an alumnuaont urt\'11\•·r<·d 1111' ld<'nllty of "Geor- Nuw lw's lho· un•· hUf l••r "''-'""1-:"r Nntro· Dame who held down 11 °1 g('(IUS Gr·orgr," lh<' latest rage In llucky JIHrn• "Ill lk' l't oUIIflfll: on I f th Del It n rs th•· WJ'f'Sthns: game. And he's pau. moct wlwn tho• Y11nk•••·s (l,·fr nd •liSe or e ro lft'l: and t'<l un to us. hucko. 1ho·1r lmst•hall ('rO"'n thl• )'t·ar Ed F itlg!'rald, catcher with tht Tiw ~o:<'nth'man's name Ia 0 '· Allho'lll:h hr dt•\'t·lhJII'd arm l'tllshurrch Pirates. 'flXrlt·, nu l••ss! ..... ------------------ Harbor Events * * * Hogan~icard And Fazio Split Golf Tourney Win AIKEN. S. C., Mar. 17.-(UP) -Ben Hogan or Jlertht>y, Pa .. Henry Picard of Q>ntl'rville, 0 ., and George F'azle or Los Angeles dlvidro an l'S.timated $6,000 In prlu money todll.y after flniahlng ill a thcee-way d<'adlock In the one-day P11lmetto golf tournll· Be W lae -Advertise r I CONGRATULATIONS • DICK RICHARDS SAY TOO MANY DEER INSTAT£Tn1N-SOM£AR£AS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... --~~~~~r-..... -il---..... ~ ..... ~lhJ-............... --- ~ACRAM ... Nn:o. MAR t7 -~ Ango•l•·~ County), and a ICOre or a,k,·d lh1• Commission to remove C'ltllfurntn •porl ~nwn rnA) ht• sur-olh"r SN'IInns wht>re f&nnft'l or som•· uf lh" •·stlmat<'<l 2500 deer pru •• 'fl t.o h•Arn 1 h•'r•· nr•· tool many 1 hom•• nwn<'rs have lUff erect dt•<'r nu"' f••••d•nl: on n ower beds and dt'(•r 1n fh<' Stott· Ill lt•a t In •lo·pr .. dalmns. tr•'l s 111 Island rl'sldents. "It la ..t•nw llrt'll~ I \\'1lh lht' s.:rl'Rtt'lt eSt-er popu-""' :.urpmung to M'l' deer on J-'15h 11011 (;llffil' ( 'ommtSSIOnt'rl lotlnn In H dt•Cade, &hor~ea or -.11•1,.; 1111d JIOrCht•S of homes feed- Il l th•·1r n·..:ular monthl) m•·•·tlns.: s.:rut1n1: Jnnd and aultable habUmt •nc: "" II(Jtlt•d plants." Brown saJd. h•·hl ln :;;fii.TIIm!'nltl lk51 Wl'ek Ill porlH>ll" ur the S,ate hat forC'Iod From l\\1) mUll' dt-« lntrodul'Cd hl'tu 11 "'IM)rta. I rum t lw Hur(•Ru (I( d••••r In hrowsc for food ln I' X· 111 1 lw ~>41.000 acre ISland in 1928. G 11m,. ConJ<t•n 11ll•m "" lnvcstl· p•lnd1n1: agricultural and rest-and lll!t•r augnl<'nl<'d by eight aallon~ rondut"tttd lnllr m·•·rpopu-d•·nual areQJ. olh•·r~. tht• prt'S<'nt herd has lnlt'ii d<'<•r lll'rrts In ('nJ>AY Vnlh•y Ar\ln II. Drown, Jr .. relll'ft(!nt· J.:fll"n '" "nu1sanc<' proportions," <Yolo Cuuntyl, Gr1ICith Purk (1..()(1 In!{ !he Catalina blaqd Company, ho' lt'(l()rlt•d five-under-par 66. Plcard'a JX'r· formance was the most lmpr<>ulve of aJI inumuch ~ llt' waa forc<'<l to 1hoot most or the 18 hole~ In a heavy rain. He came throu&h with this fine card aftl'r Hogan and Fazio had compll'tcd the~r their games In dry weather . A tripletie also. I.'XIstt'd bt.'hlnd thE' thrrl' winners as Gt>orgl' Schoux, Mamaronl'c k. N . Y .. Pt'te COOPl'r, Ponte \'edrll, F'IA.. nnd Dave Douglas, Wilmington, Del., all cam<> In with 68's. Revised Football Schedule for -'48 Set by College BOOKMAKING TERMED 'MOST MENACING' CRIME 1 lrt~n~;•· C'N1•t f•Ntlhnll rn••ntnr ttJiy J!Jl<;'ll lodll) t10n11UnC'NIII Nom- JIIo-h•l)'·f('\'l-.1'(1 lu••th:.ll ><rhl'llllk lor the• P 11lll•,. ttll' (.til """"' unrl nr" ty·numl"ll mllh!111' ltllr~·tur \\ r•n•h•ll I'll ko·n~ 1111' <'Ur· n•ot 1\ ••mll'll\ 1111111: "' lin•• up o111· llfhltt~tlnal .::im,. 11" II) fro•m h•m h' 11• n>mpi•·J•· lhr· f·•llu" 1n..: nt"" ,t•ht'f!Uil' ~aturlla). ""'''· :!~:00 p. m.: 111\'f'l 'ld•• ,,,lfl·j;:t' 111 1 !unllnl-:1 011 llt•al'l1 l 'nlun Jlls.:h ~orhnul f~o•lft "aturda). CW•t. ·~:00 p.m.: l'altornar I'PIIo•j!•• 111 N t•" II" r I llnrho1r I 'noun ll11:h !l<'hnnl fu•ld ~aturda), t\rt. t~:OO t•· m.: .. llll••rlun 111 Jlunl ln~o:t un lio•at•h llnlun I hr;h !V'hfil.lt fh•hl. t"rid&)'• C!f'J... U -llftO 1._ m.: C"l'tnff••Y "' \hnfl<•> Katunlay, Clt·L ~:00 I'· rn.: < '•·n t rnl Junior N•ll~l' n\ Nrw- port llurbor Umon lllgh school flrlt1 F..Way, Nov. 1:.-'7:10 p. m.: SA('JlAMENTO, March 17. 1('1•1 Gov. Earl Wan-en'llrJX'I'rul l'cmJnus..,llm investlgatJne orgun- w ttl t'rlml.' has termed the "boc-•k· fllllktn..: rar kl't" the "large~t ami 1111"1 mo•n;Jcln~;" organizatJon tn '"'' fh'ld or orgnnlud crime. In u prr>gn :oss report to the gm c'l"flur. lht• cnmmission u ld "v.·11h unl.> n Jlt Ill' mw-slgation" It shoo IIi '"' ••bll· 10 th1· m•ar future to mak .. 11 t•ompl!'l,. r~'port on the enlll< ,ubJt't'l or lll•1ltmaking. 'Ille ,, .. IJCirt w11l bt> t.:,~>d mainly on ,., I· "''""'' l!:llhf'r.•tl hy the state puhl11 ''' 1htu·~ t•ommJ-.,wn on telt>phomt• nntl f{•t.·..:• a ph '~ 'tem.s In bo<Jio.· m n k 1111: T\w I' l 'l' hea riels Wt•" hdol :.1 th•· ~'~"luc--.1 of the cnm• c·nmm h,u)n .. '"1n puintC'd out tlw rntkt•l "entl'rs I•I'UI'IIf'lllly rvpry C'um munily nl ilfl~ 'II'' 111 th<' ~IIIII'.'' Tht· ro·pui'J "'"tl I he rru-ket ''knit-. 11 •••If to lu~:h ur~anization ,,nrt f IL:Id n il\ If ol" IX'<'<IU~l' Of lIS , •tmplo it' oi••Jw•n•l••nr•• upon lht' r ae- HI!: n• \\' "'n If'•· I' ,;,al 1 he f'n· 111•• r.ll'kd I• rh.mm.,ft'11 <tnd con· II IIIIo •l lo~ h•~tllllum_, olllrl ~;angst urs. .1ntl '"''' •h•· ''"'"''" ho"lll' ntJ\\ 1n , ""'', I 1 • 11 ~ 1 n 1: •· • , n 1, • r m 1 o rum- 111''"'1"'' lhlllllJ:huul (';,tllnmi:J 11!< \\··II ·'' 111 hl'r p.tr1' c•l 1 ht• l!nll<•tl 111:1:1 In unrkrhnm~: the menace! of th• [ lu~•k~o· nr~;aniJ'IItion. lht comm1•· TU'\II;IIT Frankie Carle's Or . Coast College To Offer Boating Course, Aprii .. May In "Mary Lou" And "Lone Wolf in London" Slates. Tile commis~inn c:k·clan·d bookmakm~ oflt•n 1~ n cov(>r fnr organizin~r and cat r)1ng (In ol hl.'r more !>lnl,;t<•r c rinunnl net II' I 1 It'~. The cnmm1ssion sntd 11 wnuld look into oth•·r llhll!'l·s uf ou·g;m i.wd Crime but "((If rt•a!\on~ (1( dtSCfl'• tion" i~ nm "makm~o: public nn- ntll mc•c·nw n1 or jU"\ \1, hr1 \ I~ );I'll\(; t(l IX' m\·cstigatro. l 0 0 M R K E T * LONNIE VINCENT * RUSSELL HAMPTON * MAC PELLETIER * B 0 8 RAMSAY Sun lk•murdln•> ut San 1-wmnr· dim• filalurday, NM'. !.._'7:!10 I'· m.: A slx-mC'I'tlng course 1n boat handling w1ll bt' offe~ during April anrl · M.ay by thl" Oron~l' Coast <'<JIIl'):l', for n\1 re~rniA o f r oa,.tnl an·n who are tntere~tro In sail or fNlWcr boaU. TO~IOkRO\\' "Prince of Thieves" * REXALL DRUGGISTS Mt ~nn Antnm" ,.t N••"'"fl0r1 ll11 rhnr tlnion llli:h -.('hnnl fil'ld F'rtdav. ~)foe·. ~'7 :30 p. m.: , Sn~tll Ann nt Suntn Ann howl. Portland Stops Milwaukee in National AAU The rour~. df'v<>loped Ill cooper- at ion with lh<' Unltrd .!'tnlt•<: Powl'r Bo.1t Squadron. "Ill l'nJpho- ~izl" prnrtio•:.tl ASf~t.'<'lll elf fh<' sub- )''<'t, ..,,lh Apr1lkntions 10 ="•·"port hAy cond tfitm" Anti proltlm1> \\'hill' 11 -v.1ll bt· N<J')l'cinlly ~~~~ul to thl' nuvi<'l' th" "'~ri<'S w ill ht uf vnlue £)f:NVF:R. Mnr li ti iPI _ also to mt•rl' rxperit'nl'l'd '<~'amrn \\'I t h nn•· l'"~''''l'linn fA\'orlt<'S I Thl' d.,~~. tint to ht hl•lfl on <fr()(lr nhrnd trwht)' tnwnrc1 th(• thr roll•·c•' rompus. "Ill m••••t in IJIInrtl'rllnnl~ "f 1 h ,, nr.tt"nnl th<' nc1mtm!>trntlon hul!.~nl: on A A l' lllt~ko•lhull h)llrnnmt•nt. Mondny •'V••ntnj:!S fn•m ; tO to Tiw c•xcrpll•ln WAS t•NI••d Mil· 9 30, With lht• fin;l m••••tin~ Ill lw wuukl'r. \Vt!'. 1 hnrntl'rhCo•J!I'fl' 1 h<>ld nn Ap1 11 !l. 111111 1111' I"' on whkh drnppt'fl hl'lorc t hr t1rrlr!!!l Mny 10 r urtlond. Orr ' l~<·m!Pr YAnks I 69 . l nl'lnt.c'!Hr«, 11 11 pN11111flfOI In mn- '" ;,; n nr n<'ll\llt"" 11C th•· trr" "'ill t-r Tho• P1•rtlllml fi\'t· r aiiii'CI thr llnrf1 A. '''"'""· wh•• Will f'l~'"t'nf harkiH>nrlt~ rn:ulnrly. rmll mtt);f nf th1• tnpir~ 'itllll's of lh· Rolll1" nnd 1111• trir• (lf"l'l"'ll In rror t'l\111\1•'1'~ ·.:Sf'IHlll~n,lu!•": .. J .. 11 ~~~~~~,on. lltllf't'lll'h•••l hy t h ,. t1111nr Mil-:o:;ar.·t~ "' ~ ••. , 1mtl .\uls ln:>:u\'1· "ullk•·•· t•·um. 1111' l'•lrtl11ntl '111111· I l:llll?"" ·. nn~ H<lho•;,t 1"\oyl\, "Tiw I ,,., nut on !'Omo• •'lllrll ""''"' '" :\IHMnl'r ~ ( Pll1r),'l!'$ ;llld ''(11.11"1' III II ilflli !'llt>lllll!' AI\ lhl"• I' m~n h:l\ ,, ~I'll•'• n t• .111" "•·II' <•'lll'tflll• fl IHtd "''''"~" •· •''<f'l'l'l• nre hnth :H' lo• pJ:I\ II MI.I\ !Ill' l'l~ht \\ lrlllt'fl' ifi'IMH'tnf' .11111 :1!< ~klf'Jli'T'!' ' ~ f l l'o•l'ttn' IIIli'! 1"-ll'd Ill tho• l'(\111'•1' 1\l\ ,lftl'llll; lol I hI' '\ll'll lo>•·· 111:1 II h rounll •h .. ulrl , .. , I ,, .'''"''~"·'!')' numr. •• ,. 1of 1 .,,. n rni1J;:•' 1 •'"~' r"llrtr !".1n1 a ,.,.._,,.rlla~•,. "R,..ull-: 11\n.1 !\.I'll. iiiiiT l<':o\o• '1\Pir n 1m1·~ \\'flrtl'll~l•urr. '''' ·li l'•llh ...,, tllol l ;~n •'"11111111•' 011\ '"' natl~ Anti~•\ '\ J · 1.'1 ,.( lh·· I''"" 1lolo• nun I • r" to ho• en· II. fl\t'l ~ lfl'fl' "•c p,' :11,.111<' •••llo•ol t\l'fu:ll t•Of llltl' •'1\t m.l\ \)(' I l11 I I _ ,.,,ntl'lo•l,.l 1111 :\lo•nd " Apnl ·, Snul ltt a.;.t, ru ''·''' ft h ht t"' •·I ~· ·~·n•l :'<l.•rllw Ill\ I' IIIII, ( 'IIIII I' Lo Jt'\11'11' =" l '' :,>-; p ,lrtland, ( lr, . i t: Mtl \\;tllkr•·. \\'I~ . fi!l Knkonw l nd', ;oJ ~~~n FrHnci~ro :\3 n..-m·<'r Graytwnrd~ !'•I Adams Rtlltl" Collrgr. Al/lmi'IS&. Coin. ~ Dt-nvrr Nu~t~trl~ 73 Sttlllhwest- l'm Tl'ctt .. Wttalhf'rford. O kla., 39. Hollywood, Cal., 6..'l B\1\lnp. Mont .. StOckmen '.!7 Ladie~ Versus Men at Albacore, Tuna Fis,hing 1lM" JadJN will challenge the men to a tuna a.nd albacort' tour- nament t.hla ~U~'f\~11«, the Balboe A.nalll\l club announ<'f'd today. Friday ewnlna. April 2, aU. the pUtlculan will ~ l"f'Vnled at a ~tine ~et for lM BaJboe Inn Ca.ft" 11t 7:30. Rt>freshmenta will ~ wrvt'd by ";''" of c:lub. mem- bt'" and a ttood fishing plct~ will be> shown. Thl• ~tJnc hu b f' " n IUb- atltutrd for a prc\'\oully-l!dw!oduled Mar c h 19 &<'t-togt'tlw'r. 1lM" rhan~tt' wu rna~. 11ccordlnR t~> 2 Boys' Club Teams Drop Decisions Two hll~k••J hnll '' 1ms frllrn thl' local <'luh pnrtktpatl'd In th~ fi nal ~amrt! nr thr !'Nllht•rn C'11ll!"rnla 'Roya' C1ub~ hallkt•lhall tourna· mr nt at PasRdenR )a~t Saturday. Thl' Sl'nior INffn "r l~)'rar-old memlx'M~ ((lund thrm~rh·t's some- ~·hat und<'rmatch l'(l att&inst ~orne of thr roll<'ltl' piRY<'r~ on thr Pal· aci(ona team hut ltll\'1' an exoel· lmt arrount of thl'mJrh·t'l """" though lr'indin~t up on thl' short tnd of tht' 66 to « SCOTt'. Ml'm· ~ of thl1 ll'llm Wt'rt Robert Nt'ttles. \'lrg\1 Pink II')~ Don Ward, Harold N,.uman. John Tal•tra. Don Dick<')' And Roh Yardlry Th~ \'Anlty I<'Rm Clf 16 and 17 }Tar old mrmbf'rs I<'St hy 1 hr'Vt· breakln~t on~ point on a !19 tn 58 IK'Orf' a~tall\llt thl' ~ An~tt'l" ,nws Ro)'S' cluh tum. Ml'mhen of tht' ''arslty team art l.A't'O)' Pattrrson. Mlkr Galnl't, Don Mc- ~·<'11. J ohn Kln<'ald Rill Skllea. ~TK' Mllll'n. R<>s:er Rrck And James Nt'ttln r lub offida.ls. dUt' to a mn.Oict Ob boy! Slxl)' Cl'f't cof -~rlf-S<"r,tct wilh a Southcm California Tuna meat l'lllt'll at Richard'~ Lido Mar- ctub annuai banq\K!t. k~t . .. "Her Husband's Affairs" C'O:\II'ASIOS tT.t\Tl'RE Wonderland Sell It Through Classified Advertising a d)u/, 1akiw; lo Bad. Folks Are Taking to the HARBOR AREA'S ONLY DAILY Newspaper • THE NEW·S-TIME·s You Can Have it Delivered J tist Call Harbor by 12 Carrier Wafclt Our Classii~J Page-You Can't AHord Not To • • • ... ; ' f ' g~ ABC Or...LYf 0 A I L Y PER I~_!'~ ~ G E c 0 A 5 T . 5 L A R G ES'T . c I l \ f 1?-~ ~~ t~ ~ (: ......... ~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, S~ASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESt VOLUII.E XL f'OWSSAL, WeU, I've bc<'n " writing SI<'01 winck>r-s for a Iotta supt?r-duper stores in thest" rar1s for the last quar- ter· N'ntun· hut t his Hieh- ard's ~1ark<'l loc·at('(l m'ar the Licio Tht•al('r ha~ knt~·k· ed rn<' hr•f•athll-s~. It's a maze of adj<>t·t ivt'-fincling c·ompar - isons-a s h imm<'dng galaxy of m outh -watC'rint:: viands that 1<-a\'l's \'till a IIIII<' IX'wil- derro nnci utt£Orlv IX'de\·iltod into a buying 'JII~' tha t h<~<> n o end. lis lll cirp;u1mt•nts. S('t in gtii~NHr:-. hr.hilimc•nts. give you a I most t'\'t'r~· t•pic'u- rian de I i g h t you r ranry dreams ahnut. manv still scan '!' ::t rt Pr thP ,, .. ,: .)t':ll~. but bo lrll y di:o~plnyNl for t'\'· ery optit· and pn la t ~.•. • + • R.l"hard. Calmly. plea s- sanity. t'<ll'l"'fully. Manng<'r Dirk Rit:har(i out linf.'S th(' myriad dc~tails of this S l -mil- lion wonrl£'r, rl<'pOsitt'ti on lin acr't"'ag<' of ~snci. ont'\' a stret<·h of d<ospil'<i muri rials. a food l<'mpll' wrthm11 a r-'(•r in all th<' &mthl:lnd ancl ct~.~­ tinNI to bccomt• its s how plac'l"' wh{'n {:;of)(! <'II I ing is the topic. Dick i!'. n mocl~t , unassuming <'h~p w ith a chic and C'ha nning J<'nnie who will llf' his allt'r ego and work by his side in. operat- ing the multitudinous affairs of such a vast enterpri~a serenely happy <·oupl<' hand- ling a colossus. It S('('rns odd but Manager Dick used to be a prof. in a busincs." college -tor seven years in-of all places-Oshkosh, Wiscons in! • • • WhrrP I First Met You. His J ennie \\'liS a St\ld<'nt ann whcthN' it was the melting look in h<'r c>ycos or th(' ~ft chimr of hi:-; voic'<'. th£'\' f<'ll in love. and in a wo rlcf of 1- in-~ di\'OrN:'s, :H'l"' s till a 1 i1. Thc'n tht' h•aching ~am!' ''as pus h<.>< I asitl<' for J::I'C)( ···riPs and a \'f'ar in Saf,.wav's var- ious rl~p;11'1nWnts ga\·., him nerve ('nou~h to SN>k o thC'r fields. !'<HH in I !l:~5 1 h<'y <'anw to :.'\C\\'IKII1 H<>:~ch and for tht' pas t S«'\'f'n yt>a rs Dick has ll('('n I'OI1nN:·fl'(l with C. F. Lov's Oct"an F ront Gro- cerv. \\'hen Paul A. Palmer. Lido Isle rt'p~ta.tivl.'. with th(' h<'IP of Bill Mirams, right <':'<<'<"lllivc-for Stt"ph<'n Griffith. rlrN1rncrl up a food palaN' for th<'ir nt'W Ct"ntml husiness ciist rir t. Richard provffi ht' ('ould pmprirtor svch an undertaking. + • • .... GaJnlng J{nowlf'dgf'. The nearest a pproach to such :m institution is in KanAAs City where Fred \\'olfennt"n ron- ducts a c-hain of fine cstab- .lishmcnts. 1'wo y<'ars ago Dkk an<r'lk:nnit> 0<"\,. there and s(X'nt h\·o '''<'t'ks study- ing methods nnd plans. They gained ideas and ronfidt>n(.'(.'. Despite thc-ff'a~ of their host of frienfis that th<' mag- nitude of th<' affair is tOQ awe--inspirin)l fnr this aN-a. Richards hn.s thnt (}Uif't faith that will SpPJI 1:\H'('('AA. • • + MCMt 84-antlful Known. A ff>\\' days ago S. ~ones. ~ad of a chain of !'PI<'nrftd 'lfll''"' in Honnluhr. stnppN'l off In \iew I hf' Lido nrrangcm~t. rC"onllnul'd on f'At;:P 91 I AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SrORE Welcomes You -- BIG3 DAY GALA CELEBRATION FOR A"LL Million Do!!ar Market· Result of Years Planning, Study, Building and Equipping YNsrs a~o C't'r1nin ml'n -..dth an iclr'a firmly c-ntN'rWhN I in 1 hl'ir minds lookffi arounct :'\:t'\\ por1 Bt'at·h . f<)()k sll...:·k nf its opportunities and ~·. l'l'lly (llrmulalt'<l plans. Th~· pf;m, at that t'arl~· datf' SC't'nw.-t scJ fanta~liC' lh;lf tnt~ ~'<'l'f'I'Y was maintained lrst more' ('OnS(•r.•ativP l"'oplt' lt"1m tht'm lo:tlmy Griffith Company Shows Faith In Newport Beach Rc•pralf'<'ily th1•y !-'IH'\'I'Yt"lfl the an •a. mf"HSUn'll its an- t il'ipHINi gr'0\\1h and m a rk<'<i its shcwt<'c>minJ.::o. in faC'iliti~ 11 "''" ""' ~" "' '"' "1'1' n'" I d I. · 'I lltotl tl10• (;rolltlh I o '"I"''" lnok that \\'t'I'E' so vlf;a to C\'C'I")' ay l\1ng unit 1110 Y<'HI'S :1~1J "' • r tit•· ,.,.,,'"'"'"ttl ''' I ttl•• ,,,,. \\'ht'n th<'\' d<'Cirl<'<i timC' fo r ad ion hnrl ('l)mr', nationallv '1'1•· 11, fiT•·"''"" 1, ,, ,., 1,,11 loof'•· knm\n pta'nn<'rs \l'<'n:' rallffi in. • • • EvN-y avnilnlrlt" scHan·t' '"" r• ,11~ '"'"" ,.,1•11 111 ,, 11,.., _ __::;:::::::.::::::.::::::::::::::::::..:.:.::::::::::;" of rn(• 1n11a I son on pr·ar1wa II~· '"" '''''"" "Jilt , , , r) 1 hltl~: , '" OPENING DAYS •'\Pry fit>~ri of '!'''N'han~li~inl.! 11111•'• r' "' th•· ''''"''"'"~ ••·•II a lw;l.;; drarnt'<l. ~act ..... frgUI'f'" l~onc '''""'' "'"" nl thr "ltu;.rtnn I anci finciirgs Wt'N' at'(11mulat -'"''''''" ••( putttn~: l.1rl" hi•· pr.,r;-* Ni and assirluously studic'ft for 'rl~ "" 1h•· "'·"II· I ;,t 11'1"'"''""" S Ay Out' f th' l•tll't<, lho·~ ~l•wJ<I pal lln•l ol1~1,.~. T H U R D t~;::~~~;;.,, 11 ~tnfll"~~n~~ ... ~~~ '11 .. r 11 " loll)•• HI a ltm• ptllllar- plan lor 11 tf'l811 rl'ntr·r tn h• II> 1" pr•ol•·• t lh•· tnltt·ro•nl 111lu•• known II' Lirlll ShllflS Wllh ltlt' ,,, ISIRnrl r.rcojl(•rty 0 W. I IJU'K I KH tl\t(fl M h 18 Lttfll Th••;olrl' II' Sllmt•!htnlo( to hutltl Thf'~ IINjiHtN1 lAnd on tllo· m;un arc nrnunrl. 1t WI\S r!f'Cidcrt that Cl)t)(j land >tlljnlntnlt Tlwy ~UPf'rvlsl'd • Wll< thf' priml' n('('N<<II y Rnrl thai lht• dl'\'f'lopml'nl nr Lado llllt• ... ,,,., Local Man 11 ma1 kf'l woulll hi' tlw ,,,....1 nrw l(JiW to tt lila I hu1lrlln~ ro·<lrlf'lt '"' * untt 1 Wl'ro• t•nCrtr<'Ni Thry llfll'nl s,:••no•r-, H d To) nwmhrr~ n( llw (;ralrllh """1Y or tlwlr mllni'Y '" kr .. ;p th•· ea s Market \\'hat prnttll"'' 111 tw• tim"' nt..th•· '"'"' ..,, 111 11 11:11111~ dayK In tlw ~o:lnrunl'lltlll hl~ttory ot :":t•\\ ,.,,.. 1\#·adl I' lilt' IIIII''' ····li•hl'lll lotll '''"""'"' for tlu• ttJII'IIill~ nr J(whllr1I'H Llclfl Mllrkc-t llolllloiTII\1 a11d l'ttii iiiiii iiH' .,,,., Vntlll\' uttd ~ltflll'oln.\'. • • • Wh••n dvlc· urfldnl" ftnd ot~r J•l'lrlllilll'lll 1 .. '1":-.on:q.~··' ;,...-..·natal•• al •lr ~t a 111 '11 1111'd"~ 11111111irl~! In ~<nip ttu• Hilk•'fl rlhhon an''''' flw 11111111 •·ntrarrr ·r· t r \\' "l 1it·k" HwhHI'tl w1ll piny h1~t 111 th•• JIIIJIIIIIII'f' ot the ll:•rl,.-,1· :tr•··• mttl ( )l·;,ns·•· r· .. .,ut \' • • • '11u• 1•)'1"' or tlu• J.:l'lll't•ry worlrl ""' nn thl11 mllR- nrlw•·nt food p;1l;u~· )\tal h'llll t•·', l:orrll 1i '" 1111' '""''' (ow~tl ~•~~•~· Itt thl' l lnltt'll Stnlf"'. It l'''lll'f'"'"'' tlw \'1'1\ 1 ..... 1 1\l•l" 111 tl•·'ll'" ••l•·ralllrll 1111d l'llllipmPnt Sc·ur'l·~ of fl'llt u~ ln- ,.,,I'J"rn d •·d ,,,,. 1111111\iillltll' Sl•llll' an• llu· ll'"l'k l•f .;uppltc·r-x llllrl muny lll't' 1111' rf>I<Uit or litll~ '"'"' otlld ,.,, ... , llllt•lll.illllll '" llw 111"11 \\lilt lllt\'1' dl'flll'llll'll ltlflltll(t twit y•·unc to tlw ,.,,,,.dllt.d ldll n f tllr· t1dtttl•• '" tlw llll f"•rf ;,lll't' ttl t\'••WJIIII't l~·ttl'h lcwlny nnrllumorrow. ~ 1\ •:1~-tltrlfk !-'11"' Ft~rwl Show "Ill ht • 1111 llllt'l'l•"tln~o: fc•uturu S. M. GRIFFITH 1:) Y ~a rs S(•t•ms Likt• an Eh•rnify, Hut Lik r Y ~sft•rday fu (;riffifh fo. 1 ,,. 1 u·· ~ ••I t , ,,. ,, • ''' '•rd, ,, • ,.,-.. ....: \1 t ., '"'''- ld• •'•" • l r1 .. ,,, .... ~ tl I•'' ,.t.nt ,,f •I•• "''"~''"\ ttwt 'o l tlr•• 1111""' c)uv r·•·lt•l)r·utlun. I l•·t'•· lllltP' tha r; ''"'V of lhf• ,,,,., . .,11,.,1 lltllfl Jlllllltu'.,,r'l< ,, llu· ,.,,.1111 r·y "Ill lli'Jil:s,Y lhf'lr ""''" lth•l '"'"'"'•"''"''' th·· d••lt t'• • th1ht\ ... lht ''''""'' , ...... '''""'' 11t~• ''""' !'tu.w "'dl IH "1 .. fl that '"I' '"" 1111•. ''"'' r •• ~ .. 111 1•• , '"· , t \. o \1 It I tit " ' • \ \t • ,,, II I t) f1 Ut'l ,, tt' I 1\f\{ftlt f\t I '·' r:,q • 1 1" , • 1 ,, .. '" ' r• ,,, "• fqt ur • ,,, ttu-.. ,,,.,;"' t'"" 1'' ''• 1'111 stttd ''1 ., .. ,,.,.nl ,,.,,., 11 lll"l t 11 l•••l 1 t •t 1 't• I t htl '•fl'tflfl tllllf\ t ttft'ltUIJ\• lll \.jtl" \tlttttltl-•fJt f/t ' "ttllw 11\\Ufll • t tl t1f '•t • • • ,,:, fl tf. tl 'I' ''' '"' d lt-. f,,,JtiUt\' h ttd t'f•"'tthttl ,.,, lttt \I'''''' l ''' lit\ ,,f 'unt· nl I' 'I"' ... ~ • I• "' '"'"'" "' • ,,,.f '' • d ...... l'• ''' t ""~" ''' ttn lt~Jhlllltlut~t 1•1'"• "all t,. d• '1 lhult •I h) ttw ••X t \t ,,rid ''" ,, ' • rlr f• "' '-'H •·f II •Jh• ,,,.Jt;rtf\ .-.f f~rtff ••htllllttf t tf 'l '11tl t.. I•''""''''' 1'1 tw ht•th ,, 1 , ,,1, 1 ,,,, .. ~ tt, tt11 ,., , 1,1 111 1,,,,11,,,1.., 1" '" 1,., ,.,.,1 •n th• N•·v.. • ut:·HullllhJ" urul '""''''' '"'" ( ''ttttft11•t•t• ruoo 111111 IOIU,Io' Will 1,.1 ,1,.,, ,,, tl, "'""""' '"'''' Jt '""'' u t , .. ,, t ( ,,..,,,, M, • ..,,. "''It It\ 1Ju 1ttt I I • 1 1 , Ill· l"'""'nt•·• loy •t•·l 111 Hl(l(fl•l(n· q,, 4 t oii J•tll o ''""'' q,,,, ,,,,,.~ .,,,,,,,"""on....... ,,,,,..._ '"""'S.: •• "'"'•n•···'· fttf• Musi<·, (4,medy and Prices to Be Magnets for (;rand Store Opening 1••1"'"" 1.11 1\iulf't ( ;""K fro111 lh•• 1 muv ... ~ wall '"' !lit· It !I rru•tlun 11nd till' t•Vo•rtllll( f~·lffll lllltnt•r•, Will Jln•. \umrlllny hf'longs the crrdl\ lor 1sland lnok1ng l!hlf~ShiiiiC' • havm~r thnlmaelnatlon 10 ronrrlvf' South<"rn C'altforn1a nnw '""I ,\ ltfl'ltml' ''' pr••t•'""'"'" ,. nv J\Jt '"'' "'"'',.1•1 1•1"""' ··f • "''' n '"' •t1o1:•·tl lly !11•· · hlltnltt·t'"" _._ ptllnl with prtdo• 10 l.trlo hi•• "' 1 •' ol "''' In lho• 1,1,..1111111 nf Hoi h l 'lt llll'" "' w;ll I'" •·I ""''~'" ut tlo•· 1'111111• 1,r •I• ltltt lfl•rf••rrn,.r• f••tt FRIDAY '"'Il l I h•• "'t•lf kii••Wit hlllrtflt•r• liT• 1.'"1"'""',.' "' rtrl(ltt l'lult ••rtl••rt~tln­ ,.,.,. wllh 01111•l•· "'"' o•tomi'I1V l(lllolrf'. ·nw t•fll ,,.... IIHIIIr ·~ rn·;· IUduonl'a l.ul•• Mr1rko•t ··~l•·n•l• n •·11rrlhtl In· llll•ttl•lll t•• ••vo•r'yurw 111 lw• llll Mar.ch 19 * •n VR" Rn unu.:rlllklnl( 11nl1 fnr . hAVIng thr nrrvc to unllf'rtnkl' 11 I hi' white apnt among th1• mtl•·~ 11r•l ' Ll•1o Mnrko•t I•) 1 r W I ll• k • 'I' 1l1o •·t~ "'''~' ••I H" hno •I . l.t•lll t 11<1111' 11111'1'' "'"' •·•om•••ty and mill'S of 1horr• hnc• It Ia lh•· l~td"n1 At th•• ""''"''' ''' h 1 • M:oo k• • ''" "'' '·"'" 11' '" I ' otlrttl 'l'h• ~ •••I Sltnw i• "'' o•rtlo•rtiOIII I S M Cirlfrll h, romf)ll ny htollrl ~nutldanrl'll o·xclusivr n•sldf'nltlll ,,, r ltit·hnrrt '''"''"'' '"' .,,.1 11,,,,,,, •I•H olll( Jl,, !lor••· llv11Y "'~ lo~tlllrt' IIK••If Mnoo· ""'" f'ol1 and hi~ y;n Rt•n P .• havo• IM'I·n ~\RI·t t('t:Tf'II IIOnal rcaort ,, I ·•rv . ~lll'nl11nl: ,,. }' "" Il l I''·''' ,, oflllll' '""'"rt"" loll'l I ~rl\ .... II ktttiwu ,.,,,, ... ,,.,. "' ,,,.-ttf Will wart~ nn thiS pro.)t><'t from thr Now lh(' Griffith Comp~~ny &Itkin · ···l, .. ,.~to·rn f'•ollt·K•· an \\'tot••• I••' IIW '•'• • '"'" "'''"""'' ""''' •·xlulolh '" ""' '''""" l<tttl Will , <IRrt Thtotr rt•pl'l'•f'niRIIVI', P A ~hOWl Itt! hl'lld rn :"l'wptorl fw•lft II ·• l1t1 1 Itt• ""~It 1•11 ""' fltll' ''' tl I •• '• 11ft• "''"'" "' .' •••I•" I< lit• <1• "''''"''"t•· lloltu In llllllt••t fro t l'lllm,.r mtonls llf'l'ltum for hll\'1111( hy ll ndt>rlakln~t ll ")ajur rtol•·l••l' '1••1 1110• '"Ill "·•' "'" .on•l 1•1-'''''"' 1;,.,.1' "'''''''"'"'on .. I''''''',,,,.''"""'"'"'' Tl,..t•· will Ay ldrl'amNlufl lhf' 111''11 l m1•nl , 11 cemplf'h' 't~hoppmlt 1•11 •I Ioiii II ~··•·m•·d 1 .. 1•11>111 ohtl "'''' I•"''"'' "dl "1'1""' ''" lito• ,,.. " t'•·owr••••~ tlt~trll'''l'''" ul Anrf Annthl'l Cr:rrat h m••mhl'r, lt•r thcot wtll bnng nattnnul fknto '" • ""' r ''"''It ,,f ,, '"''"' '" , .. ,, • "' ''" lo•ll'' h ••l ""··w t .. r l'"'fll•l•' ''"' \\' ft ~ftrnm\ f'tlflrthnAtNi thr '" tht~ rnmmunttv Th~ htntt (tft ' lh L:(•lift' ''' )u '" d• I, •I r,, tt,, •t' ''~' ,,., ''' ,,f lttt \'•1106'• f • f ""' Ill• r:tl \\ llh .... prartu Ill lht• mamland Who•·,, lltt•) '""' ",, • '"" ,, .. "'""' ""· • ,, • ' ''"'"'"I ,,, "'' r .. "uuh ,. ,, •. lo.tf I \ ooloo.oloio '" '" .... u loo ooWArtlt-.1 SA TURD March 20 .. ,,, lllfk\ \·"'''''ttl ,,,,.,, .. h.''"''"': Pt.ll""'' \4Uhtt4at ._,,n, ,, ltf'f'ftrr14r1 ,.d Y•Ar!ll; st"O ~~ tht• Jt.ltf ,,, tl,t I '''''~·r nf I tii~'IIIJ'' .,\t•;flt ,,,..,, .. ,,,, ,, I ••• 1'"'-'' ,,, "'' "" '"' ,,, .,. •'-'• IM 11:h1 l~ihh• lh• •t rdu••"' "h" •h•lltJIIn r,: rl'nl•·r r.ntfltli ,.'"" ·r · 111-... h• •l•·•o•l•rl IIHtl '''" •It•• pur untu f)itptr th•• pl~n' Hntl lhP P•lln) Jtnd :"\:t•....,purt B••ach ftr• ..: .. ,r, ••r.:•·• Y.tr• ll t.,, ,,.,, l*r'•'·•H I 'ft ,-..•~ .. ,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,..,., ,.,,tl '1"nnlmn•o1 nn P1>~r 31 'In£ fnr ll't\:rthtor of'rmflntt•-.l •onflo~·· "' "lo ,,,,,,,,, ,,, ... , •• , .. 1 ..... lft• ·• ul•' "'II 1 .... , .. '' , ,,t •l •l l,.,,.,.,r"'""' l••'~f"''' '" MUSIC WITH YOUR SHOPPING Sro(l """''' I• " plt'"""''' f1•1t· ttHo· wluf'lt IIHiuo ifl'• l.ltlu M11tkl't ~Jif .Jnlrtttfuo ,. l'u't""l"r" will '"' Softll· tu t1u t ho•ll "''"llltlrtll fro I hi' ,l,,.lna •Jt thr· w~trlrr• rn~~~or ••njfly- ''"''' tun••• 'fll•'11•' wUI lnrhKio• 11ld (n\ttrit•·• wllh ''"'' n••t11lttk In· llo,..nr•·, ltm•·• .th~tl havo· •roud thf' ,,,., uf Y•'"" ""'' In '~"'"""' will MAMMOTH FOOD SHOW FJmE THURS.,. ~~ FRIDAY, SAT. • I • • GREAT INDUSTRIALIST Pbeuant Hunt Requires State Daily Permit Dect>mbl.-r 31. Tlw C .onu 1 Manltg C'm('nl An• a Art "all In· 1 au~:urall-d hy 1h•• I~J3!j S tat .. h.:h htlurt•, and llO.'n i\IIS lu·, n~· <I loollll ownC'rs to tak(' IIJI lo 1-<11 I" r 1 • 111 ut 1111' turds tht') hu\o• l ""''h.o~od l ;,ntJ 1 d o•ll!!t'tl, Till' I 'llffillll'''' •O h.o SA.CRAKENro, MAH \7 - Ph•nat hunters 011 ~o:anw man· -~has mu~l ha,·c da~i) penldt8 &nd. Wtll l><' linutC'd to ~ ~ pout•u ton ba~: limits hmolool llll• lt)lal urouu.ol 1.111 ..:.''::.'l---__::·.,_::........, ill~t. :---.;,." (;:<.1A n·~lll.olmn' on• hhlo 1111' t o'<tllln •noo•nl th"l ,.,.,,,. .oft"•·•l ~ b\rds a~o b •·••suit n[ HH~ lions $1'\ hy th•· 1 'rollfurnoa and Ckm •· ('urnfll,,.,.u,n at -.v Februar)' llltT IIIllj. On the :.!6 munu~:('mo·n l /lrt•as A&Jili'OVed by th(' l 'u m rniSJ-1'111, till' year's upland gam!.' btnl hunlln~: -.son wtu extend from L!Ctubcr loo 1 1• h loll d I ilk • 11 tnll"l I I o I• I IIIII lllllllloo I oo\ tho !OI• I .•• ''· •t1d '• ,,, .. r -.h •ruJ f ... .,. ''·''"' ''' p •. t:• d1 fl\ ld w r.tllflfl ,,, ·•H) t 11d~ th:tl ~ht~\\ t•\tch"tU't' uf I IIIUlfiiUIIt'ilbft• d l"'ttS•• ••l "' h•·•·" IS<' until fur n:lt•mit·. It is with just.ifiable pride that we con- gratulate ~~ l iDO IIIIAII(fJ and extend to its opera- tor - --0. W. "Dick" Richard America's Fin_,t Food Store · + p. Ge palmer INC~PORAT!D realtors 1333 vlo lido, l'lewport beoctt, collf. _iTeleohone newport beach. harbor ltoO • • • TO • • • DICK RICHARD • • • Our Wholehearted • • Felicitations • • • • -for your part in bring-• • ing to Newport Beach the • • finest market in all Am-• • . eraca. • • • • • • 1nsurance P• a. palmer INCORPORATED 3333 vio lid o.. newport beach, calif. telephon • ne wport b e och, ho rbo r 1500 KAIU, Wt:Bt:lt, l'Kt:s tnt:ST Wt:Bt:R !i!IIOWC"ASE o\1 • ··~···rff ~,,.,,.n•··· \\llh ~··· \\'•·lu•r . pro• .. ltlf'nl of \\'flfH.r l'lhll\\· ,._. kJ t'hturf' ('u., ln.-.. 'Aid tAo ,.., lhl' world',. I&'J'ettl lll&llut .. ·• herrr uf ~turr tl\turo·•. ~lr. "'f'h•·r ••del, "\\'•• ha\''" alwaya atrh ·t·n lu .mtJnlaln h•AAto·r•hll• 11,\ 1rh htlt 1 h•• utn,.,..t •tuallly for lbt~ pri~•· tlaltl allll I hal I• lh•· t•rln••lt•lr• "l"'n \\ hkh oour rorr;anhr.aUon Ia fuunolt'<l. n .. llnol In .-. .. ·lalhlll: llllr"'''".., \\l1h t•rt•lll"rty IH-n•lopel'll In varl"u" JHlftl' uf tlw natlun, that ulhr·r fHr\\IUd ltHoi<lnr; lndh1dua.l• al"'' fuoJncl ""''' olf'tr;anl7atlolfl• un tho• .. amf' J>rlnt·lvlo.,., In fA«'I, uld ~fr. \\ r•h•·r , thAI ....,.,,. "'tull)' I• I boo d•·m••·rall•· Jlf'lnf'lpl,. llpCIIt "hlt-h '"" "'') natlun '" r .. undf'd. It'• th" ~"'"til•· Ilk•· U k k IU«'Itartl, lh" c .• rltflth•, ..... l 'almr·r•, ..... r\t'f~ day '"""''d ltlOkl .. llldJvltlu•l• \4Ith \\hrom "" a-N·Ial•• t.Ur ... ·h •"' In lhrlr d t"\t'luJMllf'Dla lllat "'""''' a ""'"' 1\m•·rl•·a o•\f•n ~trt•alr·r." Urge $349,000 For Guyule Study At Salinas \\' M\1 II i'(;TO!'I. M ..\ RC II 17 4l'l'1 Tl"' tlnu~·· Appropron tion.'l ( ·ummot ,,.,. l<)(l:o)' ro·rom m<'ndC'd 1hnl ~:\-I!H -)(1 I• ..:1\o·n lhi:' n~:rl· n llturo• .Jo JlllrlnH nt ~ G u a )' ul •' r~tlolw·r ro·"'lon ·h pru~;rntn a t S n· hn-•~. C'hl Thai \\1\l' tlw :omo•Unt rC'qiii'SIC'd '" 1 'r•·'lllo•nl ·~rum1111 in his hud· ..:•·1 Tlw rnnnr')' will (l('rmil the !\o•Jmrlrno·nt to <'Onllnlll' 11~ ll<'nrch lc•r dum•·~ll(' luouro•o•.o~ of nruuro\ r~tlilwr If• ~lll'l'lo•nwnt sy nthl'lln< . Pr M A Mt•l':oll. aK~ist1tnt o•hwr 11( '"'' hur••1w of plant In· olu~try. Ioiii th•• t•nm m olll'o• that wl'rk ts \\'r•ll undt•rw"y tin4hn~o: no·~' n ooJ\0. \\ hl{'h mtt.:h I lw· ll~•·tl II•• •11irl tho· c1t•pnrlt1w nt now "'):1\lnl! ,,~, 1111'f utto·nllton to t he <f, \ o•ltopnll nl .. r no'\\ ,, f lliO!I and ,·nrl••l"'ll uf Qua) ulr• "hu·h woll l ''whH • nu'tt· tuhh•r llo• '·"'' th•· dt'()IJrtnwnt nlrf:'ady 11.1, .ol111UI -~-~ :wr••!f< ut \.uayuh• nt tho• J>fi'SI'n llomt', and In add!- '''"' h:o~ ••noout.:h srNJ to plant 11t.uut \lol,olf•l a~"rl'l' moore If i l •houlrl I•• d!•t•tdi•d to c:ocpand the prnl:l'oif' Till' II•'" l'r ,·nn•'llt"' nf l.unyu\;o, V. E. SHEPPARD Clockwatching Out for Fresh Vegetable Man l\\1o<'al1 ~.ull, hr.' nwn · ,.,~orous lt i>-tlw man who ""•k• whil<' olllli )ll'ltl mun• ruhl'<'r thnn older )tlU ~1•., p that gr l" lh•• hl'~t ln , ,,11,.1 ,..~ I fro·~h rt 1'1' vcgctabiM nnrt fruit. 1. (; l' .. thnmu•. ur tlw tltopnrt· \'or"il ~: ~hepperrl '' n" clock "" nl'~ 1 uhho•r r•·~•·Hrl'h lorlln<"h . W<ll<'ho'l Th<' dock W:IIC'hl'!l htm . i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~au~ ltm.: ~~~ ~~ hNI gray uf dawn ••l't••Ur!! In 1111' 'k). Sht:'~ BEST WISHES • • • FOR YOUR SUCCESS J • , Your beautiful new market is the last word in Ultra Modern .FOQd-servicing and is a concrete testimonial of the confidence you have in the future growth of the Newport Harbor Area. Newport Balboa Federal Savings and, loan Association NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORr\'lA llarhoc tr.oo JWlrd HJliJI'""" nt thl' pn~Jurc mar- kl'l~< in 1..<>~ Ang1•lt·~ lol he !lnt on · llw <-•'•'11•'. b<'cllll"'' only th(' C't11it man ~:••U thl' p1rk of t he 1-rop for tlw dn)', ~o "'hNl \IOU wnndo •r nt tht' rro•shnM<~. th;. rrl~""'"' .ond lht' IA.<Iini'S." n f !hi' \'<'l!~t.ohlr•!l that )1111 h ll) at Rtch ::ml ' l.1dol Mar- k o•! 1-!1''" n I hou~:ht 10 Sllo'Jli)Qn1. II (,• I!' Chi<'C \'1'\::1'1111•1•· .onol Cntlt ''") ,.,. for Rlrhnnl , llo• 1~ nn old hllltol ill II•· £8mt' Fpr• <t'\4'0 \t":H~ hf· \\;'l<t. "'i\t"r ror I hr ~5 !>I"~"" n ( I h f, •111ol Vn'd· 1 '."hun : tht 11111:h••tll '"'''' 111 I own I ""' nol rlho rn ;-.tt ..... •'\111 1!. 1'1 m(' to J I' illfnm ia 111 19-1:1 :u1ol •I '• 1M\ thC' I' "'1'1"' "' 1tu• ·c s Sn· '' ~ Mar-~.,,.,., hu' in'-! fn ll t onol • •.•. , tnblcs 1••1' thiat ·, ... n,···rn""" l+J "''":' .. LAt~r ho • ho'(',mw onanfll:< r •I 11 , i\('fl'l«' \\ ""'''""' t'o.-l'loo I • 'llf\1\n)', 1 \\ J; ,, ll i ' l lh· IHa ' '' I, • 1 nlt'nt "'...;,,.h ... \1·••••1"'''•" \J ,rkt"'t~ 'l '"ol II• ld •h•• 1••· r • (, four ,, .: ... I 11· t'•'n"''' ,,.. 1:11 1 •• 1. 1 , ~nr- 1 ~, •. , d ' tlliH\·\~•' ''f ~·toll ,t·, buy\nl:. •.11ol 11 \\I' lootlnol 'I ol lollll yult' t<rcm' t,,,,,.,, "" r1 , ol• •I 111nd. t 'm1.1' 11 11~ ''"'" " , 1 1• , 1n be l!f•''"' Ill"'" ~··.14'~ '1•1 l~o~lf the I IIlio' ro '{IIIIo ol (fir lrll o I l~ll~~ COMPOSER DIES LAS \'l· !"';,\" '\I '\' :\I\ RCH lf\ il 'PI \I ol>ol \\ 1~1\o' 39, ("'"11'-'"'' ~~r 1:t·~f"• •Jhl ,,1hcr ho t '<lii1Cl'. \\ I• 111,11' oo l ), to )a8t ntt.:hl lr• :>, td< I • '111•1• :t7 1-:IISI· rrn "'"""' puhh•h• r :\1•!-ll \\';\"" ·~ I,. ·o.s ,, orw\udf' 1 ·tn :t r.un, ~\\•'1' '\'' ·•Jt ll opJ •n"l r• \!•·1 '"• n n d :~·~ .. , ! l -~I ' •• • ''''I~ I lt t t 1 ~ : , CC I R•<"ln n l • I "''' \l 11 .. 'P." I R u·h:trd !' :0.1 "1,,' I• o< ol ..... ~ •lion Lw_.., ... .,..,_~...,,....,...,.~.,..-... ...,. .... !l!!!i!!!o!'!eeii!!!!.,.W=!!!!!!II!!!I!I!!!!=I!=!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ "II 1 "nl•'r •• Il l'•'~'~' ' P. A. Palmtf', Pres~oln1t ,, Be_3_t Wishes Dick -. -· on the ·opening of your BEAUTIFUL NEW MARKET . ' (' WE COOORATULATE YOU ON THE INSTALLATION OF THE MOST MODERN UP-TO-DATE CHECK OUT SYSTEM IN THE WORLD WHICH ALLOWS EAC H CUSTOMER TO INSPECT THE PRICE CHA RGED FOR EACH ITEM AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE-AND THE FA CT THAT YO U PROVIDE THE qusTOM· ER WITH SUCH SERVICE AS WELL AS CORRECT MECHANICAL T 0 TAL CANNOT HELP BUT CREATE CUSTOMF:R CONFID ENCE IN Y 0 U R NEW ''Good Luck'' STORE. ./ NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. D. J. MORRISON, branch mgr. R. S. PETERS. senior salesman 204 North Main St. Santa Ana • WELCOME TO THE SOUJ]U.AND'S MOST MODERN BUSINESS CENTER L 0 0 M A R K E T . ' • Your \ Frienc:ls of • The Lido Theater· Finds 3' s Are Lucky in Life Paul Palmer 'fhn~··s art• lucky for Paul A P almt•r . 'fhl' addn'tl$ of h111 nfflt'<' I~ 3333 \I {I Lid() I I \\ItS 13 )'('llrll al(l) •ha l hc cl\mt• to Nt'"'J)Ort H•·nt•h 11.. has 13 P''~>lik in hts lrnrn,t-dlah· f:a m11} l'xl'ludtnl( h1m-~ • " so•lf and 11 wns wllh thrc'l' 01hcr men !hat ho• malir the• Inn~ 1nps tu \'IMI almo1>1 o•\('r) stnto• 1n Ow union tc• study 1 tw 'annus ~'IIIli· 1 mumty dt•\PI01Jmt•nts 1 111' ts u ronfirnwd \Jslonary. hut unhk<' mt)SI of lhat ilk h•• lt•mpt•r, his idt'llll with pntctlcnhlllty. ~:wr sinC't' ht• j01n•·d the• Crlffllh l'•m~ pany as rrutnll~t·r or th<'lr Lido lsi.• sull•s h<' has ht•Nt hlttt•n w1th tht• ldt•a that n romplt•lt• shoppln~: Cl'n· tcr should bt.· r<'ar<•d in N(•wport Rt•<wh and that lhl' lo~1rat loca- tion is the t•xucl gpot In which such a d<'\'l'lopml'nt 11 now burs t- Ing In full bloom. ; To thost' who 11ouhtt-d h1s jud~:·j mt'nl h<' now ran happily say. "I told you so". But lhOS<' doubting Thoma:ws wcr c not to hlam<' be- t'RUS<' whcn h<' C1rs1 camc to this city and l'Spouscd h1s ho~ the dt•prcssion was still m rorcl'. One hy one his plans ripcMd and Palmer marcht"d forward with Lido lslt', much to the pride and joy or N<'wport Beech. \\'. R. ~lramt, Paul PaJm,.r. lllf'k Ric• hard ud ~1rht Cilbboo tak .. a final lila•,.•· ·at ard'• Lido ~ark,.l ,, ... u .... fur tiJot'nlnj~. lt'r s aiHoll l I~> fl'c•t StiUan· lhttl rn.l t .trln~ 111'11\lllt'S an• h•r~"IY ''"11 tl'rpn"n~ in~titultt)n ~· lrllm 1111•-tl 111 thl' dmm~; room 1 un ll('ttrn lei a S-U MlO,IlOO t•l S lit'· lit• llr~<HIII<'d I' A Pnlmf'r, In· N'!lS <'til JNII IIIo•cl 111111 maflo• hiS 'IIIII A drca~ aco to M"CUrc a realty loan on bf-ach ~vclopm<'nl wu Palmt•r 111 a pa~t pn-sldt•nl ••f '""'khuhkrs 'fh1<~ t•nmpany <'On· tht> Nt•wport Harbor C'haml~<·r n( l tiUt'h a full flt-d~:•'<l n •nlty ~tt•r\'11'<' Comml'rct' and 11 Vl'ry aC'II\'t' d1· nnd otw or lhl' lnrf.':•'St msurtllll'l' rector Ht-hns hern-ht•ad of thrl ~~~··nt'lt'i m Ornnl(l' rounty \nmmunlty Ch~l and dlrt·ct<>d Paul Palnwr·~ 111 11 ~U('('<·S.<~ stttr). lool<t"d on as a so he eral Savings & Auoclatlon, and Is still Its prt'ald<'nt. ln quar- Best Wishes • To • • Richard's lido Market JOHNSTONE SERVICE ~For ~ PIIO~t: lli\twr 167'!-.J Complete Automotive Service C'n.,.t 1\h·d . li 101 llll[h" ay SEWI'ORT Rf'.ACII Be-st Wishes • • • lli!JII)('niOI(!l IllS SUN'I'!Ill IN lh1• rl'· l'UII t1f hurd work I l1~ dll) -hy-dn) "ln)llt•n!'SS O( JlllrJ)(lS<' ~('('S lht• Ul- ltn11t ll' 1:11111 lhllt 194M Is but tht• h•·~:lnfllnl: nf n J;:rl'lllt•r :'II•·" l••rt lllll'bor Million Dollar Market Here I Cont lnut'd from Pagl' 11 td~>as thnl uri' mnking Lidt> S hops a n ·aht) \\'11h 0 W R.!dtanl, lhr thrr•· mt•n. Pulm••r . (;1hhs nnd M1rnm.~ mad!' trl'kll throu~;hout the C'oun- try 'illltlnl: 1'\<'ry rommunlty df'· \.-lnpmt•nt lhnl m rlud,.d 11 wdl nr- l(lln1L4'd shopping N'ntcr. They U · 'if'lllhiN1 II "t'nlth of idr111 nnd a !otnn•htlll~t' or 1h1n~" not ltl dt• Anrl I hi' Richard's L1do Mark<'! wluch t1fN'nS thlll \\l'l'k IS II lrlhUit• tn th(' f)<tlnslakm~: ml'thods by whk h I Ill'<;(• m•·n vu• ll·~··tht•r ..... 1M'S I u r 1f1N1 .. In mt .. lt-rn mnrk••t OJ~<•ra- tion. ., 11 •~ t'!oiiiiHih'fl IIWI tlw m:orltt•t . .t .. n•· t• pr··~··nt• :tn 11111111~' or ~1.­ (J(,I(JCNMII MI 'flus 101 Judi'S IIW l>cncl l'n\•·rt•fl ~~~ lh•• ltudd1n1: anrl ''"' p:u k1111: rare·:.~. l h•• ltutldmt.; II~Pif, I It•• •~lli iJIIIlt'nt anti I lw ~trw·k ••f ~.;ro•·•···~··~ Till' m••n who put up lho· most o( th•• ITlllnl'Y ar<• thr nwn Whfl ('tmlrul Ill<' Griffith C'om- Jtrtrl~' It 1s n l!rt•nt t rlhut.-. to ttwlr f~tll h In Nt'\\1XWI Ht•llrh. Anal hPr un11 ~~ nln·aliy undt•r wn)'. Thill "111 h•· 11 t.;rt•ut clru~; ston • It 1s ""''tlwr link In lht• rh:11n of t'\1 · 11t'IIC'I' t hn I !'t•wpnrl hit~ nrr" •·•I l. LEVERING Meat Department Manager (Like Ike) From Kan sas y ,.u r·a n 1 k••• p • 1•••t .. ,.," 1n K Hn ... ;a-.. A 1 lt·u'l t k· t • ""'''' •• , l1•f1 lh• 't' It• h"t'Uill• f•t • \\ nt ('0· ltuUI II.I IIIII I l .nr ~ 1, • ltH )o•(l 1fu·r•• 1n uluru~••,·l~ '""'' HI• h.uct'~ 1.111<1 :\1.11 k··· d' "'·"'·' • 1 ••• t ht• \1, at I k•I)IH'Inwnt \\'hilr :ti i Ptltlm~; lu~:h ''''""'I tn Hurltns.:l""· K111'sr", l..o•\O•Ilnl( t'lll'll· Nl hi~ -~ro·ndmc rhlln~:·· 1'"' k l~ In II nlt'/11 mlll'kt•l .Ju•t II' M oln II' hf• l(J'Itdlllll•·rl. h·· r~wk.-1 "" ,,,., ""'' ht•nrl••rl fnl' :'lit•\\ fl'•rl 1\.•itt·h 'Tl1111 Wil!'o in l !l:\li. 1\ntl h1' '"'' ~·It" I in thr Mr lnto'h mt•ll) dt'JliH'Im•·lll .. r tlw :'\'••WJIOrt Pllltlic• Mn1 k••t Bill l 'n•'lr Sam n• ••dr·tl tum .uttl lw \'olunt•·•·t·•·d fur "'1'\'lt't• <I h••n I lh•• I ln•• \'";" <'ompul,ury Mllt'••r> S••rv1r.• tH•f":tnw 11 l:~w If•• "'"'I amonc ,.,,. f,,...., In II'IIVt' ,, .. m :'1/••"Jll>rt H•·nd t anti ht• "n~ 11111••nr.t th•• ln"t tu rl'lurn If•· """~ lul'ky to c•·l h>crktrJ.!.n•·rm~: "''1"\'1111! lour I To Our New Neighbor '''Ill"' :tnrl ·· month~ 1n lh•· 17t h infantry llr I•'Mtk pa rt 111 f.,lll I m~<Jilr hnt I J,., inrl11fl1nc '' 1111 111 lht• Al<'ul•an~. Kwnjul~o·n in lhr·l ~1a,-.:haJI,, 1-'') I•• 1n thr Ph1hppmr~ I nntl (lkma" a m thr RY\Iku• an d friend l 0 0 M A R K E T ., RALPH P. MASKEY ~Realtor ~t•J(.,r•"'trt• 'l'lilnJ;: nl nt~ll l W/1• ju•t c·nm1n~ Into fa\'or wh1•n hi' rl'tllmNI to rh·1111m J<lalu' t.o h,. t!N·idr<i fll llf•('lolllo' lin t•'CJN'I I Ill I hi, lin•• Ill~ ••xfM•rt••nr•• <'n\ ,., ,.,, ron I , n"''llttll~ with lht• l)olllllr ~tnrkr•l ~ In Lnn~; 1'\.•:ll'h Hnrl tlw All 1\nlf'r H'olrl Mllrk••l HI "'''"'JIIorl II•·'" h jlt• J<•itl' H1d1.11 <I'• l.1lln ~tat k· I "''" I :" a '"''II qw olllll'll m1rnr•c•1 •• r th••J P:,l Sdl-~,.'rv•c" ~f••ltl I ~·JIItl tn.,•nl H .,.. ,. I •·••)'II \.tlll•· ', '"'''"' ;} l;f nl• uu l h 1. h "''h~tnl.., '" l h• 1•r111 ••I sr ,, •. uH t•.P •d :tlttht•t thr···· :I t .. •.t 1 .. '"• •·n l't.'/1 "'" l'il<t il . .,,. ""'"'"I ,,, I ,. '"' \ .... II 'J 1,4 r' ltl t • !" ,.,,If, .. ·· 1 f nl• ... , h••• ,1 I h i f t ,.., •£ 1ho•11 ... , I• t ( f rtl tu 'J l\\o •II l't \II •tnol 1'1111 11 I I • 11 3-1 11 \\·~· (4-ntral ~I'\\ r~t•rt l!..·ac·h I 11. \ ' '"' I '. I,,.,,,.,, .,, -··· Il 1 , I I ,, ,, ,t,-. ·'"" '"'' .... '"~ I l1 . ., htdl '"''"" '"'' \ ''·'""'' I ""' I ' ~~~~=-~~~t.,;:.:;._;-;_;~,_;,~ .. _;.-:.,.:.;...,;-:.,;·_;,-:.=,-;..,;....:.';;.;.,;.';;..;._,;·_;.;..---.,;t;;:.·..:;-.._;.._,;.~~~~t..:t~._;.~~.:" \1 1 t I h • •• fh I oo tl• 1 ti Htl •I BES·T WISHES TO Your Beautiful New Store Cliff . and Agnes Me lid FRAIK'S Tackle Store Open Da.lly and Sunda)· l 0 0 MARKET Is a Credit to the Harbor Area Jack Crow SPORTSMAN'S Barber Shop Wf'f"ok 0. )"' On I y 445 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Conveniently Located at the Top of the Hill To Serve the People of Newport Heights and Vicinity J I NE \\'I•ORT BALBOA NEW8 -TIME8 • M I (' II ~ 1C It' M l.mn M A H K t: T f:UITIUN • • __ AESI WISHES To • • • -"£· l D 0 M A R K E T • • 'k/eaeoaa Jl NEO·N 1217 Loma AYe., Lon1 Beach PHONE LONG BEACH 8.88-92 THE NEON SIGN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW MARKET INSTALLED BY US ·-... -- comP£\nY' Page 3 • .. ~. "t .Wr.: .... ~t .,_ " ,_.. Pue 4 MltwPoaT aALao• Nzws-Tn•zs :=Jl • &I C B A KD' II LIDO II A llll ET EDITION "' Produce Dept. Manager Makes Fetish of 'Fresn' Ollp, hfth V<'~t'tablt'l and Ius· clous ripe fruit Ia a rt'IIJtl.pn w ith <A-raid Bir~:r. mana&l'r of the pro-du~ arkc>t. He II a produCX> man from way back-way back f:Ml tha t is. Eight~'t'n year& a~o:o he wu with the A and P aton•a in the produCX> dt>partmc-nt In Wlaronaln ~owna. Altt•r alx su<'<.'C'saful years tn that connection, the "C11sh Is Klntf' at orea Ot){•r ntcd by R..-ln(• Karau engagl.'d him to huy fl'lr. and m anagc the Marshth•id. Wi11 .. store. While going to town wilh them, the war caught up on the world and Blrce ahouldt•r«t a mtUi· ket for thr <'t' yean. Jlr •pent acml<' time of !til war ~r In Southl'rn California a nd rnolvPd to rom•· herc wht'n he donned h is dvvle~~. DIRECTORY ON STORE'S CARTS For quJrk • l(J('alla~r '" "'" nwn .. rmu. d~tmrnta Ia Kll'b · ard'• Udo MMkd. a rom.-,t"'"' lltlt I• prlat..cl aad nwunlf'CI .,.. l bt• mr r r baacu-,:arl" u"'•tl h~· •-u•lottwr... Ttu• 11......,.. t'\H)·· f hlac ~It hln phun 'lt·t' uf 1 h•· •'U•Ium f'r IUid hr ''"" •Julo·kl) lind tllf' prup.-r ,..., tlun. Thla aho ~M·n·..,. "" a rrmJD(lo•r of for~rottf'D u .. m,. oa thr •hoJ,. plac u.t. Thl• I• lUI o~rll(lnal ltl•·• "' klo·hard'• Udu Marlu•t. Big Four Will . ; ~~~~~~~~ "'l~~~~chru •l'~ I .. Bon Voyage • • • -~'£ ·..,...;~'L...otll"'t&Jl~~.......-.... ---- l D 0 M R K E T ........ Here's Wishing You Fair Weather Ahead For mort' than a yrar he aen•l.'d u aulltant maniiJ:<'r of the pro- cluce dcpartrnftlt oC the Alpha BNil 1ltclre In Ana~lm. B ut, hc llkl'd t.M u.oclatlon oC a ronncr rt'l'o· drnt oC tlw Oeaw•r ttate and Joined up with 0 . W. R.Jchnrd an the new RJcharc!'a Udo Markt'l. LH1n Markf'l will h•• Cllrl'fulll 1111fo·~UIIrtiNI throuulo ,.,., •·l<S lu Ill;. (our 1Jrinn1•••l Slll•llh•·rs of m<>al, n.ml.-ly, Arm~>Ur, C'urlnh}, S-.1(1 ttnd \\'ils<>n l'al'kUll: Cnmp·tnl£'11 a:< \\I'll a~ L11t r . R11Jo:• (:•nl unrt !\1un· nin~; for m•·tol ~(JO'o"l;ohtio·oe Ql.tolll) \1 Ill 1,. I he prim" r•~tUI<It<' 111\CI i1 •·umplt•tc> '-•nt'l y .. r ('h l.lw<' und '<tllplfo l'Uis will t~<• 11\'lllhohlo• .1t nil llnw~ ThP m.u k• 1 Jon, ~••ff•· Tift: t• \I( \111/'0t: lSI.\' l)t.KI'o Ul r.ullu, 'I !I&:•' and M'l'lllftl featuro11~ \t j,, lf•·lo·u ,:\It-hoi~. "''r-.ulilf' ..,.,,_ •od lw-r t11Atl111hs. •t .. ••a r :ol lUo har.J'4 :\1•rket Tlu.tn., .~rl .. Mlltl l'oltl. lrmu I to II jl.m. j.808 VOLDiNG General ~lanager Is Dick Richard's , SELF-SERVICE l'll'n I ro•f rll.:t'rfo I o•<J Sit pro1;,·r n1.:1111: Mark<'! Is nl· molt 100 ptret'nt IM'if·l <'l"\'iet', Thf' only I'Xei>ptlons lwlng the bakc>ry and the apccial llf'rYit't' mut mar· ket Jretlon. Even th<' liquor d<'- JMirtment Ia se lf· ervl~. l-'11•111 I'll'.! In 1'~11 . Am'""'" o'\);.•ntiJturo• fur hou~rn.: d•·chn l1um fllo!<UI hno··fuurrh of a ll 'ilnlJ>Imn ''"1-"'llllllun' lo lllll'·l'oiXth . • ·, l•lo·n•l• ol" "·'' , .. ,,,.: 1 ... n lit• """" •I•'" ·n"''"' arc "Turk• Wltrtl Ill I• a, I uJI• •. J.,., I .oud 0..:1• II\·' II> oi (o• o•ntln•fy Of bont•d "'"··r 1" ,, ,.11;•' "'"'' 11 IU.ud t It• -h """" k· ol llllk•·Y. each con o•ol s ..... k ," lho• 11•'\\ I 11-:tUPII Ill "'"'" .. l ... lh h~hl !ond dark mt•ul t •• ~l· 'T1'""' tl••lllfll' ,,.~,,,, lit• II \\h. II 1"'''''"1. "T'urki-Stcnk• o'lllt•"''' ,,,1, 1" rl "'".··I .. I 'l'i'', d •• '''" 1. '""" ''''a1lnhl al R.ll'h We Welcome ... Our New N eighb9.r. .. Richard's Lido Market LIDO RICHFIELD STAnON JACK'•J . KING (__... u.. 'l'lwetn) Let Ua s..ice Your Car • • . WhiJe You Sh~p "'flHI'-t \\flf ll l)lltl ~I llt•fl•lttdldl J ,1•l·t \l.lJktll d•·ll..:hl .. "'' 1--th-tt-+-n.-.ht..-"Tfr.-----------= 101)1( •h•"' lol•l<l.tlllll.: '"' "'"" ~;::~r~,; 1~11 1\:;•l ~.:n1·"~':,,.,,~1"':;:: 1 '•lm f•l•'' 11~~11 l1"11' lilt' :111! "II 1M I r·ndqt't' \ l"'llnf... ''' It I• • 11 I IJt~ll nl f,o.f•l l.ttd f"'•d\td "'1t Ilk " l.ttnh hn I •~ \\t 11 .1 '" \\ •··I'"'" .• r lh•· "'" ~,,, .. ,,~. t ••• , I 'l•··•k All ,,, I h. "'• f• .k.. IIIJ!!f I Iff 1 1'"1'\11 "''" lllolt•lhtlll• l'·lld·l l\1111 '·II • II d• • \•ill t\• h 111 tl f Plfl\\ '"" I I I I dt t tl :--:• ...... , ••. .~ .• I 11\o lu ' 1\ I 'I I 'I Uthi• I tl ot \1 h fl,.t J\nu •• •ttv .... ' ant. d t 1 • \\Ill I .. Ill It • " Ill\ '" II • .. I , tll.unl.oln•·•t "'""""' d Ill 1(10 h. II II ' I '· \I I I k• I '"" !'I• 11.11• tl.• r •h. ·t• • and t• utl.•r ''' "t. ,)( '' ~~~1· 11 tl. 'IIIII' 1111,•' lr 1 o.ofl) kllllUOI( f14tol•r-1 'nl•Jt •· 111•·•·• •···· ,,.,.,,..,.,,, i i ut~ r. ..... tk n,\ tJu f1! I I... t }h \fl t' t lf1"' n( IPt'•'t • llh• I 1d lht '-o.l fH• \.U&• I\ PI' 111 o·ntllhlllll lrrn .lrt' 'IHll• d IUfo "ln..,J, flllt \ "f••itk"' 11w 'tmpl•· 1~<~•1 h ur11l•·t 1 h· 'Ill'• 1\ 1'1"" of ,) 1-' \\'nt"•n. "t I-'• rl••rttl St•·nkmak<'r \II . l .r.-.\u ~··I··" "•II ~,,.,. !-lrnk!l mode fN'~h dnlly With Rkhurd·.., L1fln l\1:11 kr•t <'4lllpm<'nt. t'XIll'liy fi.A thry "ill 1-... ..olt! rr~"\llsll'ly 111 1 hf' Mt•ll I O t'J)III'I· m••nt \\'nr..on '1111•'' lhnt nnnlhf'r d<'l· \('::11'~ j, nnw ••••In~,: (M't'fl't'l•'ll 111 IIW Fr•do••nl 1-:'l•'lllno 11111 1 1\IIC'h••n<., 111 RICHED'S MAR STATISTI I l tll '1'1111-it; \\110 LIKE :t~t · !!I,UUU ''IIIJtr•• ft•t•t n tMll' • .,... •••• .,,, iltl41 '"'"' t ... ul. llHU 1 •• r l':trl,uta,: ,,,., •••• :(HUH .,., t uf I ran ... tnh•..Joa tub•~-. .In '""' lo·•·l •·to-.·trlo·a l \l lrln~t. '!1 • "'" 1• I ,. 1 ,. r.•frlc,.ratlll&: joluul•. ;;, ,,.,., r'"" ··r··d I'Otl\f')'ora. !:••• "'""' th:hh In ctl .. play ar•·• :nu ..;:~lt .. n 11 .. 1 "atc•r ~'•IM'dl,\ ."oott.l l..•'ll"n ~ulf ~~a,to-r napart. I)'. ; I ltmf hi"h lh.:heintt to\\rf' . t:u t •···t ,, lr ~··r' i• •. nu·•t r......,.. ~~~ t.·..t "'" ..,.,. 1. ,. tlalry pro- tltu I t'a"' ,;u 1···1 "" -.nlo·o• \~ta.blr :$(11111 o·ulolo· , ....• rn•·nf ''*1raa:•·. '!IHI o•11hlo-1••••1 11! 'http frf'rfCf> ''ttra.:•• '\HU't·. l fltl •·11hlo· fo·o·l fru11•n dlaplaJ C'd't"!i. 6 fll.,l·adlun •·h•·•·klnt ~t,.tltlh,. I II. \\. "llk lc" IUdmrd•. seeeweseoueeeceo • • $ i •••• • 0 0 • . .................... ' .......... - Best Wishes • • • To • l I D 0 M A R K E T II I C. C. GOETHEL , Handles Reins '\t.l• tiO\ t:\ \\ ,..,,,.," u..tur ami lllr~•f'lur u ( •l M'< l.tl ''"'"" "hu "Ill \I( and ("ll lrkl l•r••..:rnt.ll ul ICol'lll&rtJ',. 'I \1111 •·• 11111 OIOt'llht~;. ('en) ralization Simpl]fi~s ( 'h Pek in~ Out •' . I 1 I· \1 , jof I 1 I ,1 •1 "' 'I ti\.. '':til tf I . Ill· " .... , ... • ol ,, I I' •• ,,,, .. J,.' .,.1 d I 11 ,,,,,,, \ ,, ''' •·n~ .II ' Ht• t II Iii t I dt~t• l11 lfrt fl !;. r H1~h1 h.rwl lk1\\ ··r '" I 111 I< ltlr·h· l.,nl' 111 I h•• ohll t'l ll on .,j ltlo h. rill , Lui .. :\l:or k1 1 1-11·•1• \',•hh m.: ,,. .L::•·n•·•·•' tn,-n,•l.'• r ~ hl•• nuL;hf '~'' r,U.tH'olthn..: \\ '' l11•1 n aull '' •• 1 o•d 1 In •1'1.-111.1rkl'l hu•m•·--\\'n h :1 h1a,:h '''h•••l d1pl••ma llll'k••d 111 hi• ("'lli\t ,~~ "••t lh• \\t'ltl Cn \\,u k tu1 Hnh••tt""" 7\l.tt k•·'' lrh .nut ... , 1\. u.....;l'l*"~'llt't'•hlf' .... \'l'r-11 •In~. \\itlun th1ttt• ~·· , ... h•· l11 ,. \11\1 ·• cd IIIII ttl lht II f )).1111 F"'' ~··:"' lHI••r Ill•' 1h11ncl•·r rw \\Ill 11.1 1111111h11~ .tttd lll' 1\''ll.;ll•'d tu .. Jn.tn .. .._ •. , ... Lip , .. J.n Utlo dt·h •n .... • """( \I IIII lht• llt!ll'l ,, A lii .. oil t'oontpan~ 11"~1 kh ad\ .1111 ol (Hifll 'ft14'k c I~· tu JIUff h.!"' If' • q•, "' \\ h• It I .. H .. • t •rl IJu \\,li f1 ont • ~ .. , \hU~~h· a-~ h,• h l' l l"'' J,,, Itt If lit I t•· \I 111• ·I .. \.• •.. .. I I· \\ I• f,tl •Ill d .II 1fu• ,,1\ tJ \tt ....:t ,ttt•~l.. I '-'tit I'\• ._'tl .11111 \\htlt tlh I• "'l••d I n.t 11111 1 .. 11 '"'" ,, 1 fh •tll ..... ,,.,~1 •I t' t II '"' , ""' , r II \\1 \\'1"' ,,,,1 1 to\\ ·I • \11 1:.•1• \'nlluu II· \\ ,. fl .• I I l f't Ht I I ····! , ' • 1 f~t• r lltf r • •I ' • ! 1\t-. lb·· ,..... ' t ,,. ,, ''" I' -.: .._ .. , h \I I·. ..:1 .: ••• \ I I .. ,.,.,I r ,,, ''"' t '", i n , ,, 1 ~ 111' I ' ,t ' \\ I • 'l th. II I IU1 I I ' ' • \1 llh "" I! I "' I.,, I ~ ,,~ ! I •. 1 1 1\ 111,1 II II• ,,,, lh .. ,, f•llh1h " 0 f fflol' I I .,.I .• I l.tl) I Ill •'• I 1"1 h·•· 1··1 !Itt hlltt .... •"ltl" "' td hli!!\\l··d I IIJ lh. II '' II I""' '"" h.11 •· I'• ••I' II• l ,., ' lui \\. }_ In 111 11 I~· I q 11.d11 \ ------ FO I ~ THE CONFID ENCE YOU MANI- 1-'t:~TE D II\ SELECTING US TO SUP- PLY A:'\D !~STALL THf.: GLASS FOR YO l'l~BEAl'TIFl1 L :\E\V !\IARKET. DANIEL Paint and Glass Co. ... 1584.Newport Avenue COSTA MESA • •• .... -..... "'"""'" plqhh'l' 'l ........ .):)~ ............ . ----•••••• • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • ' We Are rood-- • of the Part We Had in the Construction of This the Magn_ificent New . Shopping Center Newport Harbor Area . for As Office ~1anat!er ) At New Market ( J D---- ' Plumbing By Sam Kinsfather 619 EaaJ Bay Avenue, Balboa II • \ t 11 11 , ~ I 1 Ill... ,,. ~Ill· I ' nr •• ~ I"' Ul u .. I 1•1 q". I I I t ,... ( • t. \ ;, .. 'I,, 1 \\I qllt t '~ "" I fJ ,It I: I• I I ' I I I.' '. II (, •• .:· ., .,. • Ill I I• I ' I a .. • .. ( ': "' .,,, I \\ 1'11 t • ,, ' I ,,, \ \\ lh '''•' ~'I ,, 0' t! I I,\ 'tlf' \:l'lf t " • II· I 'l' .. I I ....... • 'i I I ' ' ~ t I I 1l lW 1 . ' I I !1L: 1 '" 1'11 '''I 'I • II· • '" "\• 'o d f11, t HPt I ' 1,• I ,, '• I .. hiS'-SJlt "'" .I h1l1l l'tf 1111 t• f·\ •f J 1\ ,. \I II ... '" ... I \ t· .. 'l'I.Hlt l 'ttll't•' !, • f•+l ", I r II} tfl 1'\llh Ill 1,,_ \lo. •1•" II· • •lho\\!'ol ltll• hll• h \1 ·•h .tll•<llo I I ... d .I . :HI•'" ·'' ( 1111, ,, I. ld ' I\\ .,, llh' i\t'l'(t ( 11 •H •1 ,..,, • \ I ' t 1 ;! lful ( '",•ut r.tl \111" • t tn , , , ,, • ln lh '' f'-''ltlu.n 111 h 1 • • , ! , q ,, ~u· .. ·,~llt1tln..; .n 1 •n• 1, (, ·~hn~ ~"''1 \·11 , \ t J,,,, ttl•l I' It !1. I IJt• 1\ I ••• I 1 1111' T .:· ., ' .• 1' I :'\II\ • \\ 11, I lo. It tl \11 .I' I \f' '1' 1\f\ h. \\ '\ ., t •u..: I' a' •I·, I ' 11••1 Ill• . ' "llh 1: I " 11 I 1\ilh •'• , ... , • II 'h \ " I·, ·' hlt'lll:l' I 'tl I l"' "··· l 't '· .. '' 'I • ~ t ~~ I fhe l'11 l' II 1 If 0 , , 1 \ t'Ui t• ruh ,, ... , 1 ... "''"' h· -_, 1: r . . • lU1h' II .. (\Jl I t I' :-'r \r ., .............................................................. ~~~~~!!!lo!fl~·._.!!':SIII ... *=II!~*~!!Iot!!~~~~ lt.·aJI I' \,IIJ•I J We Corigr atulate ~· L D 0 -"W AR K E T Fielding Electric LOs Angeles 4125 \Vest J efferson .-\\·e Phone REpublic 3175 · , • • NIO\ I'UHT l'r\a.un',\ N~\\:C Tl\rr.l'lp 5 ... • It I 1 tl 'It It ' !'4 I.IUU "' \It K t: ,. t'ltl,'lll'l • age ·cANNED FRUIT GALLA OPENING SPECIALS ' I BR tA kFAST FOODS F:RuiT COCKTAIL ~~:.: 2~ TOMATO SAUCE !3 for Uc ~A vo'N N A Is E pint Jar 39( SHR.EDDED WHEAT pkCJ·17c • HUDt'l Whole Uapeeled APRICOTS ~(!~~,'>18( Marco so I T.U 3 25C DOG FOOD . •··a 'I)' ------- Del Ne~u -Cora NIBLETS S & W -lartlet ,_, .. PEARS 'so.t T au 31C ( ... SOoA cRACKERs~ 21c GRAPE-NUT.s 10 Couat · NAPKINS ...... s.... 3ar &Mla'• W EAT HEARTS ~ 26c . MARGA R IN E •·lb eta. 7-TOMATO JUICE .. _.~~ .. 15c -· lcndo -Seetlou. GRAPEFRUIT Nn.:l '•lftt .MAL TO MEAL-:;~ .... u-Qood lllcb PEARS Moaarda -a;111 -Cl1D9 PEACHES M-ardi-1/al So..l--1' .. 1 ~ -KECTARINES Cu. £7- FRUiT cocKTAIL )ir;.~~ 3sc . . i'P;n sAucE 9~ Jsc PiAciiCHUNKS ~~ 17c Fiuir coete(AIL Jf~~ 36C PEAR SLICES ~.: lCJc * CREAM or WHIAT ~ ]C)c Lolaa Llacltt aUSKETS ........ lSC . pfP' h&.-. 14c WHiATIIS .... ,_ 14c WHEAT NUTS .......... 29' LIDO MARKET Via Uclo at Central ~ Newport leach '" *·' MORE OPENING SPECIALS 01aa --., ern. .... ..., ~. 27c a.csweocs tm.,ar. PRUNES CIJII .. Of APPLE SAUCE QUAKiR OATS •34c Ha.t ftr Can 7- CANNED VEGETABLES ~·· iiAis'iNs ·~·· 15c MiRACLE WHIP .... ,,.' ]lc RICE KRISPIES Sl/a·-. _... 1 ~ ~ 19' ~-•.a.c. ·~ llellOft'• W H E AT --vr--6___;. _-.A-L_L ___ 't'..-~'-16-c OLio ~-•.-.]]c VARJITY PACK 2C)c . -----Qol4-....... ----JIIO SOAPS I POWDfRS [i M ABE n -s = 2]c II s QuIcK -::r. 4]c FR. DRESSING •-;: 2tc ...... .... 1~ --------------.PALMOLIYI v- COiNc.-., .... -15c 0RAMELS •·•-35c foMATO SOUP 3'0'27c ~·-1~ SWEETHIART v- is ;nAG us --2SC ii1~t1o cRAcKERs ~ 27c RiTz CRACKERS ::: 30C .......... MERRILLS 1oc · 10C • o.a .._. a..ty aans-1 ~ PEAS •-o-ST'i{NG lEANS ~ 17c OTI'ffi-... _,_4CJc iiii'iA PINI .... -.._. ltfle 10C lEANS * CANNED MEATS .......... LUX TOILIT JUICEs · MJI m p io.FRUIT"·OUGII·1CJc FoLGER s lb. 4CJc ___ __._ __ _ I&W ~ 4lk LIQUID A PPLEqa:i £7-HILLS • 7 ... , TOM-jUiCE"' --26c SCHILLINGS a..4CJc GiAPE1FRUtT•--.-1CJc .. ------- APP L I ~ u I c I 1:: 1CJc _ •• _ •• _. ---·-~-"-· I' . . Ginl JUICI z=3fc NIICAPI .... ftc-..]18 ' ···---49' I wilt' I PREM cac~a~a, TANG 11.-. caa 49' ""-our' a li·OL caa 4CJc TR"ET CORNED MUTTON •;:-43c ' - LUNCHEON MEAT'~54c FANCY TUNA [{Giif'MIAT ~-3~ LiGHTMIAT ~-39' ............. CITRUS •ltc SUPER SUDS '1Cl']5c a:cr 35c Cr1111uloled WHITI KING SCOTCH r:~r 35c VEL '::r 3]c OXYDOL -:w. 35c DASH 'lef45C RINSO •3sc BE SURE TO ~TTIND 1'HI M~MMOTH POOD SHOW ••• FREE • ·k ·-,. ... • A . ~-.... ~· Pue6 f • • ~ t; \\ 1· 0 ll T B A l. U U \ '\' t. \\ ~ 'I Dl I."" • Ill ( It ,\ '4 D '8 I.IIICI \I \ 1: h t T I 11111u ' • CANNED MILK PRODUCE OPENING SPECIALS CANNED BEANS r:~2'M 25c l.AJICE-SOLIO HEAD s:. •1 PANOl' RED ST.\RK.IN DEUCJO•rs 2' ltc ,PORlt and lEANS ~·u.r lCJc CARNATION LETTUCE IAPPLES .... VAN CAMP'S Can T~l l~ JIAIU>-11£ D-IIIPE ,c.. lb;19' lllVEilSlDE-JU1C& '·lb. :OV 21c POIIr aad lEANS r;u.l ~ lCJc GOLDEN STATE <"an TOMATOES ORANGES HUNT'S Can BABY FOODS UTAH TTPE-<:RISP CELERY ~b··2]c PORK aDd lEANS ARMOUR'S PAMCT OIEGOM PIPPIN APPLES I1"UUfU _.1VIfl08 "tt 15C TIUS GEllER'S Ul/a--. c.. 6. (.. yAMS ·Md 14c Catsup and Chili Sauce LARCE-WBITE CAULIFLOWER . -i'Aiv MIATs ..,. .• c.. tsc 4FOODS ~ .... na 2'0'1CJc Chocolate. Malted Milk Ctf'OCZ:S CHIPS ~ hlf. 21c CURATIOW-Wt6 • ...._ 5ftr. MALTED MILK .... a.. 7- .oaoa,..__._..... 23c HOTCHOC. • ......... Fruit. Vegetable Juices juicE OaAIICI8 ~ 2 , .. 25c · CANtfefi .. A' I -&'IIJI CABBAGE UJ: *· liDO MARKET Vlo Udo at Central -NewpOrt leach * ~M 0 R E 0 P E N I N G S P E C I A L S FROZEN FOODS l ICE CREAM ]c UTCHUP ........... 25C FIEINZ CATSUP lCJc CHI ...... aot. CATSUP 15C KERN I ..... aM. CIUL1 IAUC:. u .... aotu. 2SC LIBBY PASTE-and PREPARED DINNERS JIACIC CUP 31 SPAGHEnl DINNER c , acnam·-u»1.-Mo. J s-ou-IPCif. or 17C MAC. SALAD U -oa. Pk •• lPPLE JUICE Qa.t 18c iR'OCcoLI lO·OL hJ, 27c BIRDSEYE PEAS TOLANDJ-RAVIOU Wltb lftr ll·OL Pkg. 25C CHICKEN ll·oa.JOJ 7- -----,------- GRAPIFRUIT JUICE ~ CJc CUTUCORN '2-: P~. 24c . tliie~D vEG. ·12·0L Pq. 25c ·c A N N E D M EATS a~_..._. NECTAR TIEESWEH. 27C ORANGE JUICE ..... c- AMAQOLD CITilUI COCKTAIL PICTSWEET 27 CAULIFLOWER IO·OL 1119' c PJCTSWEET PEACHES ll.b,2ftr Pkc•. 7 _ IIRDSETE · 4ftl! STRA WIERRIES l&·OL Pk9. 7- DELICATESSEN OPENING SPECIALS WILSON'S TAMALES LEED'S CORNED BEEF HASH LIII1''S CORM~D BEEF HASH li·OL0ca 2CJc l'o.a 2ftt! Con 7 _ LillY'S 23 lb. 5~ KAY5 NATURAL lb. 5CJc yEA L L 0 A F Ned. Call c ~ I 6W TOMATO JUICI ~~-n'14C LUER'S FRANKFURTERS rsoMAto JUICE '::·n'l~ LUE,It'5-LARCE -------------------BOLOGNA KRAFT'S ACED ELKHORN c .ad. No I 7c ci(ROAFT'TTS AGE CHEESE p•-t 25C YLEIEED'NS NA SAUS. 1/t·llle ~ 17c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 'r•'n LIVE FRESHAUSAGE lb. 41'C ... .,, .. .J.uiciUL& ••·· Cia 2 ... 21c Luu·s PIMIENTO LOAF tb.44c LLN.T. BEEF TAMALES 18:. LUEI'S 25 CHILl Wttb BEANS II·OL Qa c ASSORTED SPECIALS WATNE BABY EDAM LUER'~. 57 BEEF aDd GRAVY a•·• a. c me• IVDIIMG TREND 59!. LOEII'S 4ftl! WIENERS lO·OL Cca 7- &AI& ' 1 L11 35 LAJC()-JN WJME SAUCE 5lk WASHING COMP."',.: c FISH FILLETS IS·OI. Jcn 7- LASC()-WIME 4ft~! HERRING SNACKS·~;:· 7- LUEII'S CORNED 2ft~! JEEF HASH te.oa. caa 7- _c_l'E_A_N_s_ER _____ 2_'._"2_1_c SALADS T&Eco0K0EDRF~oD Y AMI YOGURT • J·•t. Jar 16c .NOODLEs' and Chlck:·oLJar 27' ~oo·iEs·· · ::.: 19' ~ 3CJc DEHYDRATED SOUPS WAX and .POLISHES CUDAHY'S DEL RICH OLEO --------------------ROYAL-ASSOIITSD 4 21 C UPTON'S PUDDING '"' NOODLE SOUP JOHNSON-Du.U., NJt ,.._ f'tnt 6ftl! I'UNCH U~ CARNU -· "•" 7-# ONION SaOP IIUDFORD-nOUR 15 IETTT CJIOC&E R CHILl CON CARNE li·OI. c VEG. AND PEA 2·oJ. Can 15C sil~FPOLISHING (~l~n" 98C CPWlSUEY NOODL(S~~·"2 1CJc AUTO WAX ?·OLCcD 5CJc .• OKED RICE ~·n' 18C .... OLD ENGLISH NO RUB WAX B E S ttl E ··T 0 A T.T EN D· T H E M A M M 0 T H F 0 0 D S H 0 W ••• FREE · ' i .. . t' ·) ' , ,.·" .... "T a A a. no A N aws-Ta , • .,.,. P••e 7 • I( I c II \ I( II • 1'4 I.IIUt M AM lk r. T F.Un'IO:" • -& ----• \. -, •,.; ••• ~·=·~·~·;·: .··.·~··:·~·~-;. · .. ·.· .· .·· .......... ~·.· ·.· · .. ••••· . ·.·.•.-;·.·· .•• •••.·· ..••• ·.·. •. . • • . . . • · ..•.. •. • •, . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • •. . .· .......... '• . . .·.• • . .••. '• .•, ... ·. ·.• . · .... •.· ....... . • MORE GROCERY ITEMS MONARCH SHOITCAD PEACH OUR OWN BAKERY OPENING SPftiALS Dried fruits and Beans PiNEAP.,PLE CAKE 93:. iLUE ROSE RICE •-~ ~uo 37c BREAKFAST ROLLS 30~··· RAiStNsSa:Duu a.u..--. 2)c PHSB APPLE PIE l ·lDcb 4CJc ROSS BUNS 59~··· WKITE 011 CHOCOLATE $129 ICED ANGEL FOOD -PINTO lEANS •·u..... 31c !IUS TOMATO JUICE So.t 14k C'a11 .. - PLAIN OR SUCAat:D DOUGHNUTS LARCE 31C WHITE lEANS •·u.. ..u. CITRUS ~ ASK AIOUT OUR CAKES FOR FEATURED DAILY SOAP POWDER r:~~ & 7-BIRTHDAYS aDd WEDDINGS 'la·Gal. 1 CJc -'-"E"_cH_-D_ANI_SH a_nd-CIIE-AN_r.u_TRr_K._ FLOUR and SUGAR OUR IAKERS ARE CALL HTPJio-Quaru IOc RICHARD•s BAKERY · roR SPECIAL DEUCH17 .A. EAGER TO PLEASE YOU 91C _________ X ~ -GOLD MEDAL ~ •. .., ..... BLEACH DR EFT ~.g .. Pq. 3Sc . 75C WHITE KING G14mt rq. BORAX POWDER ~ 25c BORAX CHIPS ':~~ 4~ OLDEDUTCH Reg.Caa 2 lor 1CJc SILVER ·FOAM TOiLET soiP' I&LL 3 for 25' STRYKER SOAP '::~~ ]5c DOTLE 1:· L I 0 ~ A R K E T Via Uclo at Central -Newport Beoch · . * MEAT OPENING SPECIALS . -------..- --'-I May We Bik~ Your Easter Ham for You GOLD MEDAL •·• ... 47' c&• Jl ..... 85' SUGAR c&• 1~ IROWN SUGAR •·• .. C & • IUOAI ........ 1~ ~OWDERED FRESH DATED IGGS LARGE . 0Nde463: ... LARGI a..deA 57-• ~ MEDIUM ..... ss~ DOG FOOD ~:·~ 1~ IACOJf-MIKJfESOT A HORMELS Puss IN BOOTS !:!" 2 '0 ' 15c E 1A s·nWiOLHAM s SHORTENING and OILS ,.._ WILSON'S LAUitEL l ·lb. eello 57c SODA CRACKERS :kLr~: 24C SUJfSHINE SODA I Lb. 24c CRACK EllS Pllr•. JELLS lEST -DESIEilT 3'0·2~ JELLATIN Q. T. QUICK CAD 2 '0'25' FROSTING LAWRT'S-5ALT 27' SEASONING .... LAWRY'S SHEUT 79' PRESSING 12·0L lot. .lACON SWIFT'S ORIOLE BACON SQUARES lb. 3CJc stfoKED PICNICS u.. 4CJc sAMOKEDAPicNICS lb. 4CJc -tiNiwsAusAGiRK lb. SCJc ------------------- SWIFrs PRIMIUM lb. 6]c CUDAHY PURITAN'b· .63c ARMOUR'S STAR lb. 63c LUER'S HYGRADE u.. 6]c HORMEL•s DAIRY lb. 6]c SPRY ·-~ 41 l ·lb. I·Lbo SWIFrENING 41° '1 11 S8ALLAD OIL Q..t a.ttle 7CJc MAZOLA OIL RATH BLACKHAWK ... 6~ WESSON OIL "'4~ PURE LEAF_ LARD lb. 27c PREPARED FLOURS FRESH· PORK HOCKS lb. 2CJc FRYiNG°CHiCKENS lb. 7~ 7 MIN. CBOC. Gild LEMON 29' PIE CRUST FILL I ·OL Caa Durr·s 25C -------------------CORN rED . MANNINGS BEEF IKIT FOODS 4CJc · MAYONNAISE LIPTOif'S lCJc TEA BAGS li·Ct. Pkt. UPTOJf'S 34k ORANGE PEKOE ''•·lb. lox £- IRis-Sold Pack ·TOMATOES )'ou ~l'2~ Cnn 7- ALL LAMJ A. A. U. S. C H 0 I C E LEG OF LAMB lb. 56c 7-IONE-5HOULDER POT ROAS,T . lb. 4tc SHORT RIBS lb. 2CJc I· SH10ULDER CHOPs'h· 49' BREAST 0' LAMB '" 18' FRESH-LEAN GROUND BEeF lb. 3CJc I HOT ROLL Ml~ ... , ..... Pq. DIIOMEDAIII'f -CINClR 24 CAKE MIX 141'··01. Jq. c OCCIDEHT ' 2lk CAKE BAKE zo Ol, Pllq. 7- -OCCID[NT-CAK[ MIX 2lk DEVIL'S FOOD l'l Of. Pkq . 7- LAMB PATTIES It> 3CJc TOMATO PUREEE ~;· .. ;,·· 17'•~ CUBED STEAKS lb. 8CJc OCCIDrrtT 16' PIF MIX 8 Of . Pllq HcoAMPMLETitLL.rT,.EO-FRNts1HSand rF11ol zst"H i.} --COMPLtTI:: LIPft-k OI.O KI\T FROZEN MEATS £VANS 3fk COMB HONE.Y IO·oL Comb 7- ~P[RJIY 21 OL Pltq, 24( PANCAKE COMPLETE LINE SPICE ISLAND SPICES A nNE SELECTION OF BROOM~ 'AND MOPS RAFFETTO-SWEtT ii'C'iLto 98( CUCUMBER RINGS ~"r;;. ALlER"~ 40 01. Pk9. 32' FLAPJACK AT POPULAR PRICES-ALL FAJfCT AMERICAN-sMOKED 6fk CIGARETTES AJfD CIGARS OYSTERS 311•·0L Jcu 7- ---MAIIT E'M'A 97 PICKLED AVOCADO ~: c OOLD MI:DAL 40 oa. Pll9. 39' SOFTASILK IOAT OWNEJI5-DOif'T NJSS KODIKOOK-5ALT 61 GALLEY SERVICE CODFISH 1 •.••. aox c PJJf MO('fET SWEET Sll.Vtfl.'IJCIPf 75C ONIONS t•·~. o•. Ja• IETTT CIIIOCKEJt-GINCEA I .,. 32 CAKE MJX Jt•!a·ot. Pk9a. 6. ·•• C ------------~·----- BE SURE r·o ATTEND THE MAMMOTH FOOD SHOW ..• FREE I •• • • . . ~ ' PageS • I XaWPO&T BALBOA N E S -TIMt:~ • tO C tl \ K U ' S I.IUO \I \ 1C "t t Ull'I O' • ~ JAM & JELLY -SPECIALS-- ILU HILL PRESERVES Yo'UNGBERRY •.-251 Qlny ' RED •RASPBERRY • ,_ 27' &.n'l ...... _... STRAWBERRY l ·lbt- GALA OPENING SPECIALS CANDY, NUTS, Et~. _G_tA_eds_s_r_·u_t.i_ii_e E_R_ ..... _5_' EG ~T R A v ~ -17c PEANuT 111nLE ·:;.: 3CJc Metal STE BASKE..i -... 5CJc NUTrl BRinLE .. 3CJc Gi.APILADI 1 .... ,·19' Dou DISHES PilCii.PiNIAPPLE•t~-15' 4CJc * French Fry WIRE BASKETS PICKLES & OLIVES ., ~ r;nm. ~~·-25' liD iA5PiiRRY ·~,. 25' liDc .. lfii RY M-e&,_ 2]c Mli"MALADI ..... ,_26' Lil iM A LAD I .a..&,_ 35c , SYRUPS • ,__t -lied La.beL l ie 17 .B L U LA IE L • ., •. lb._,.7 c ... ad .... Label 21k K A R 0 111•·1b. ,,_ u- wa• ..._..-nc v.a-~ MAPLE RICH••·-.,_~7- Lo·G Ci 1 1 N ••·-•cu 27c llaple n nored 31 I L u H I L L II·IL 91-c Te-.. Prkte -All Flnort 14C T 0 p p I N G 71 a· lb. ean BEVERAGES & SNACKS Laura Sc\ldder'• POTATO CHIPS leU'a POTATO CHIPS ''"'''25' , .• t Orowheat BUFFET RYE FRITOS 15' c-ada Dry -Wcrt•' leave plu. 15C GINGER ALE . bot. dep. il't.Ci!ii."ALE ~· ~ 15~ BEVERAGES l:r ~!; 15' LIDO MARKET . . Via Udo at Central -Newport leach • WHOiiDILLS lk& ,_ 29' WHOLE SWEETS ll-c& 26' SW!iTMIXED 11'r~ 20' lloaarc.b ~ PICKLE JOYS ae-... ,_ ~--,-MOtE OPEMfNG . SPECIALS & VARIETY DEPARTMENT _.T-?JuMio oLivEs ... I -26' COMPLETE ~K OF HALLMARK CARDS TAVERN CANDLES PYREX BRAND WARE ECCO ST AIMLESS WARE * • 014 BCIDCb• -Ontlaard ·-35 0 L I Y E S ,. .. ~~~a -c HAND TOWELS 6"'41c GiEEN"OUYi's·~ 2' .. 25c WAFFLE IRONS SCHOOL SUPPLIES LIGHT BULBS COFFEE MAKERS SPANISH FOODS * ,.A.M A L E s Ro.IOJ OCID 15C CHiLi coNCARNE:: 26' ' LIQUOR DEPARTMENT lotfted in Bond FJFTII PJJn' Old Crow .•.... $6.76 $4.25 Old Grand Dad . 6.76 4.25 Yellowstone . . . . 6.65 Old Fitzgerald . 5. 95. Straight Bourbon Glenmore Silver $4.99 Walkers Deluxe . 4.99 Aneient Age ... .' 5.55 3.49 Old Charter . . . . 5.65 3.55 (Plua Sol•• Tax) - Scotch I • Mcriin's Y.Y.O •••••••. 5.69 ------·--B E E R EASTERN 11·0&. ...... • WESTERN 11.-. a.... White Horse · · · · · · · • · 5•54 Pabst Blue Ribbon . 20c 43c Old Smuggler . . . . . . . . ·5.57 Schlitz .....•..•.•. 20c 43c Hudson Bay . • • . • . • • • • 5.59 Blatz ....•..•••.•. 20c 43c Johnnie Walker atack Label 6.80 Hamms ..•.••..••. 20c 43c Lucky La9er ...... 16c 32c Ushers Green Str{Fe . . 5.50 e. Eastside ..•... : ... 16c 32c Johnnie Walker Red Label 5.59 Acme ............ 16c 32c (Piua Sale• Tax) (Plua Depoalt) ··~· We Have for Your Selection a Complete Line of COLD BEER IM POR.TED and DOMESTIC BRAN DIES COGNAC, LIQUORS, CORDIALS and~,WINES .. by the BOTTLE. or CASE NO L IMIT B E S U R E T 0 AT TEN D T H E M A M M 0 \T H F 0 0 D S H 0 W e e., FREE I .. . • ol I • Coll}pany Majordomo in Contracting Field 48 Years, 41 in Southland . , . 20th Wedding Anniversan Tit•s "Rtchard s Lt~o In \\'ith (;uta Store Opfning !Local Man Heads Market NF.\\'PORT BAI.UOA NJI!WS-TIMII:S • R I t ' II \ R U ' M I.IIHI \1 \ R K F. T P:IHTIHS • Page9 :-: M . Crlff11h, rompany ma,jor- •t.•nw. has hl'<'" 1n lh<' rontrac1in~; II• ld for 4R Y<'.trs. Fun)··ono: of •I , ,,. han' lll'('ll SJ><'nl m Snulh!'rn 1 '.d1 f11rn ia. lit• und ht~ fauuly lin~ , " Lit1u 1~1<-Ills , .. n. r11-n P Grar. t•' !I IS at'll\o•ly • n~:a~:t>d In hUJ>I· 1, -~ \\llh his futlwr ;-,o f'lo'l ar~ <•I 1 ho• rvmJllmy nnd p l!ltt).;•'r of 11S lt•,·tl t''tat,• fii'IMI t· '• ·.Ill ·~ \\' n ;\Jar.tn)'\ \\ ho hru; 1 ... n \\llh tho· fum h1r :!~1 ~ .. us 1 t. h;o:. t .. ••·n an ill' II\,. p:ti'II•'•Jinnl n lho· pt.umm~ .ulll hwh1m;,; ''' I. I• h 1rcl'~ l.ultt ;\l.u ko•l \\'11h I' /1.. l 'olm•r. l h\1!-;hl t;tllh,, ·•••hll•t'l '"' II \\' Ru•lt.o d-. h·· '<'PIII •'<I F11r prnmpl I:" h u·d·~ l.aol1 • '"'" oho<'hlll ..... r, ,. . .,, " ll'k<'l •l..olH!fl'\' St•'P ill ('.II f.tSl· tlw t\HIIdr~ f<lr idf'OS on \\hkh w lm~<' plan" fvr 1h1s mnrk!'t, !>Uld I<~ lhi\SI' "Ill' kthlW to he• Amo·no· 1 ~ rlno·st r ...... , sturt• Market -Amertca's Finest II\ rn:\1 \S I ' \'T F .\ST f llt~t 'KEUS I ,\1 lh• Ill',,(:--, l•t•>t l fl, 11'h. 1" ('ncl, r lho cluo \'11\11) of ftoolhjl l til• 1 11:l•l, I llo,• 11 1 11 tJo.,•~<•lll'hl.llo \'olcllnlo!. ).:• rh 1 dl rn.1rttt~•·r nl 1Ah' 1. 1.t1n1• 111,~, 1 .ul,, J ... 1,. u1d •• q11 tr· lfl,ll~•t ·• 'llll tl( th,t·k'r' h :t\1 Itt 11\ll•· fl tllli til• t.ll1tt1U .. ,.,,,, •• q lu • n ... , l~t~•l• 41 Hl ;u·,·ur.h ~ ""'' hn•h\\ ,, ... t..rul .. 1 ih_h1 t•·• \'• .uhl >llllt.l ,\ no·H I~ I"' ••f t'olllnkr h . .-, ... , ... , t1 "'"'' d h t11ldllh' h l,l,tllt' tJ ... .-bttll cl•\l,,tf ''' ·ll''-'•ll\fl1··,11l th•· ._.,,,,, ,,f .1 tt~ ... lflltd t''d lt•l I h• l'"'"J.: P\ll fll I '"11 I 11\IJI \ .. :. h hi' t\\tl\. ----,lu'olllll\ II\ tl•l 1' fh,• hll'ht'l' nu r• .tit' :lrt f, I 1 uf $.._•1f , •• rv .ttw,.:., ... 1tu "'''ld tflL' ... I• I, \thl ••. f\l u1' l'''1d1wt, \._~,.~,,~ .tt H wll I .,. 1 ,, ... ~11 It'-... 1 •-'• , , tl•h '" ,, c1, t "'" ,,,u k•·t. hi.·· •• l' .. u t•l•··l 1111 , 1: o' ,. " \!.11 k• I H,fa,••Jh t.d ""h•ras.:•· t'f'P..Jctt\ J l~t·k Hh-hud ''''"' .• ~"''', tor flt•·a l .11 l!ll'll.old" l.ld•• l\l.1rk• 1 1 1•••••1 1,111 t'1111t t••n h• t 111 ·hi UJ.tl\illl, ltl :~tiiiWI tUbU' ftt 1 tt'•••ltfll tn • lit t t't'll'll\l l't'ltl ,,, •. ' II "I l ,., 1111 h h ... '"' U\ l t• ,,.,,1, , ••• ,, ,,, lll.tll\· 1ttlh 111 '' (. ,, tl•·lfll t :"-ilt\\1\ ''"'' 1· .. )111\\ttl Congratulations ,_. ''·''' .... "'•n•··• .. r ttl, 'I'' 1 1"'11 1'11hl" \l otl,o~ Ill ~. \\ 1••11 I • u·h I l •tll\ ,, I .... ,hI It U1 '" Hid I, .. I '• •.I 1 na .. t 11· \\ ,nr ... I•• \1 .. ''"' To II)Uf!,' Ill\\ It! lotiltf J1to I fl tl d IU ' uttl tht ''''' I• 11f.Hh· ht• tl \\h•l\ ,,,, ,, 'h••PI II A Pd ..... p,,,, .. d ... ,,,,, .• .... t \I • ' ,,,,,, ... ,, II II ,, •• ' I ~ I .. ~ '""'. fltotUI It ,, I "''tl Jt'.t U\ I It It tl 4 "' IIi Ill•• t I tilt• tlld d. I',.~ II • 111 l•l.olllllll It ,\,~1 • I• ol •htl ht·dttf\ h.ut p, f•l u,. 1n 01 l t J .. ol .t UJl \\o•,fltch olfU\1\t l • I,, •I t !•'•I •··I I I I I lo '"' I...,,, Ill t '" \ 1 ~I· l ' ,, " tt I ••! Sand frnh ,,·, ... , ......... 1 fl•'ftl p, •. ,. "' ·-"II J, l o\ 1.11 lh1• 11111"·1 th111,.: Ill "'"; ... I h .l\1' o'\o'l ''''II .. ,,1 It•· """ ".and I "•'111·1 ltl,,• 111 1 ,1 l.d,,• II' •'ll'.llo•l \ro llltt-. 1 1!1 I'""'"' I :tt•ll-. I • II t, \11 111 ltlf' to• l•11al.t ,,, ,. 111 li ''' ua-.:~.\U~ Ill. II lll•t;ll•'l .II • It at,·, I ,I 1•11 HI p1111h'\l tl\'1'1' ull llw lll'dnhn 111, th''"'"' bra in ~·hlhl hrL.; l •'Htl:'-'1"1. "·I) .... 11':-> Just tlw "" • ,1111 of t',atvful pl:lllnin~-: • • • \\ hilt• n ...... Uldmrtl'i );11\ll i1 11:l,\' Pptll•"· ".11'111111' .and l .1"' l•ulldtlll' "'tllll'fhlna_: th.al \\<0 t'.lll 1r:1111 111 11' I .and·H·h.dl '1':11' olld ht•\ .1. •lilt ( 'lwl'lo•.;, 1ol l :tl,1• 11\1'1' Ill ffl1• filii!"'·" ·. Best Wishes for Success -l•t•'lo • I \ ~ p \\ t ' I , I If ' tl. I I, -I \I ,t I I .t \'. I I •I \1 I' ,, I,\"' I ' II I j I o \\ <I J 0 ol It 4J ''" ' ,. .t \\' I II ,, .! .. • I • I I I I ~' , '• I tt l I'• \ II• I \ II I \ t. " '. '• I ~I II ... II • II \\, I • , I To RIC.tiARD'S !I. ··I "I \\ I • d •·l I I • ' I ~· Ht I" hoo·ol· "'· "" rt, d LIDO MARKET It \o I It tt 11 I. I ,, I "t\ tl, ••tt1 \' • l t, I t \ I I I t tfl \\ f I I ·~~~:.,,. t 1 • It oHptt •'Jif l1t '1~ !I I """I ,. II .... t•l •t I I I .. ,, "I"' I I l D 0 MARKET I" or I • 1 J'r' "' lJ l•ltl• • • """ 1•1• 'Ill lid \II 01.11 \11• II \\1 lltoo•l11 1 '·-... \ .J, I I .t,lllo I, ,,, ... ,, l·l · ···II Jtl .,, .. I t it It,,,,,,,, I IIIIo I ' ,.,. t •••• \\, .... I '· ••• It ... '"'" c • ·I II I ji HO-~U'l' E<H.;JP~1ENT SUI>I>)i(•d by l' s Anton Delkin I'll••' t. Ill• l"""n•l H ll."o Best Wish.es to RICHARD'S lido Market • Interior and Exterior PJastering Executed by Us Rayrriond H. Gardell ~ 1'1 .. \~Tf:ltiSio f "'Tit \('TOR 100'! O r an!O(r ~ .... :--anti\ \na J'IIO~t: S.\ST.\ ,\S .\ &l fiG ) ... 1 1d·'~''' .. 11\-".'''" ·'11'1• ''"" ... d \\ III Io \\ .tl-lltl•' hlttl<lt." IIIII It t i' II \\ I I I•· I Ill. ' I \\ I I !ft \ "-l·tMttJ t•l IH"' lllt,'HIII ""'' IP1IU• • t ln•htut • f•,tu·· ~ h u I I lltt d• II·· dt 4 ·•1111' .... lf\,11 '"'• IU ""' t1•\) 11 H '1•1• 111 '•"J"•If ; •I H I It.. "I I h ''"''Ill'' hi· l Jt~lH i Ufi I lfll..' 1111 Ill II kt t • IS' ft '' I"' tit tl I I I I I 'I ·f t 111 t ,., 111 f1 I I , I,, 1\ .J, '\ ... ht•f' Ill I· I I ·•I t I I"''\ I till,, I .... '( \\ tllt I lc.t\\ ,. 1( • I \ I I I I I"' I ''II I . •' ,, 1 .,. II I ' 1\( II · tl•f .. lll'•llf I·'""'' • 1 • , J, J , , r ' ·t • , 1 a.. ' 1 1 , l ~ ' , ... 1 , 'I , t'•• I • rl J '• h ' ', d t 1, I' 11" I' I' • u• I ·ht .. \\ tit t )h ,., ~alit .. • 1111 .. \ •I '' '•n ;a 1 1litll '"' l!o h t .,. Ill .,, 11 " I 't I 1"1 l\\•11'" .. '• ,I , . \\ .... , , IJit ' I• II' I d If ' .. II • I I t ..... \\ '" I ttl ~·' ' I I'", , ... I' I ' \\\ ,, 'I hI I ··•d· d II ql\1 I It ! I 'tI t f tt 1 1'' ll I' f, t I n If t iII •.. d II I I I •\• ··' I" fol, I oil l 1f; II tl ,,,, \ ,, •I '' ·' •' \If• I I I I ~ ... lit lld \0 I Ill I I I I 1\ t I' I I 'tt Ill•. I 11 11 f i• f I I I .. . ' I I' tl I ' ''' I h. ,, '''"'''I l 't~hlt, \1 11 \l '' 1 '1 1 \h•t• t •• "'H•Utttl tutltl 1"1• ,, I \\I ,. I d· ... ,..,, .. IH i ·, .. ,,, ICI• It I I lftl ,. I ' I •·1 .. \I ,, I • I ·,. '" If, I t t I I t I •·I· hut lu '"'l "t d lf •ttl,,Hqdttfll\tlto • .. ' II• • .., • lito • ' • \\ I I I, ' I I J '"I ,, t ' •• 1 I \\ " I lit I " . ,. . ",. lo I ••• , I II,, \ I ' 111 f.l l l tl ft (\', ll(tiJi\ ' f . \1 11 I 1'1 II It tl ., " "''' "· \t I ,, ,, . II llfltl \ \ t. 'tl ''''" .. t tl tll ','IIi I ' I \. I 'I • I I ~ I I I \I I I I " It I\ !I 'I ... I\ t • .I !I I • I I " ,, •• r •• I u 1 I •• II t, ••I DWIGHT G IBBS . \ IThitt'd fn'at iun llailt'o Jh· ~Jan~ for ~up·t·rh of .\mt'rira·s Firw~t 'larhd I I' It I j II " 111 tool ,. t I t d " . ,, . ' •. ' . .L . I I I ' '., . ., • ' d I • I .. I I I I ••• •' ,. .. J f I • .. : Ill \\I' \1 :1: t•t:tii'P Ttl II A \'I·: II AH \ 1'\I:T 1:-.i Tilt·: t 'ti :\~TI !t l t 0- l'l~ OF T il 1'-' Ill·:.\ I TJI.'IIL NI<W ~IAI!J\ET. • . Los Angeles Tile Co. ,. •I I . \ I ' I 'I . ' t I 1:\1'1 .... 1 "'"''"' \\t l.u-. \ "fiEI.r.M \\ I I .1 ' I ,, , \1 I 'I II ., d I • ~·· 'I I •lilt I •II• I .. t I 'It 1 d I •flit • tl ,.t11 In, nl 1 1rl 1'1\ II tfl.t t trt ~ .. q"l 'U C "' " •I, ' I " l I J• I' I I I t II ' I ' \~ I• ,.,,, , !11111"-H•• I• qtl I·• tf It rr ,,,tl In lf~o • f • ' ~ ,, , I •• • ' J I • 1 I 'I I' I t • t ' fltf J; • 1 ftt 0 .._ , I f 1 I,, 1! t I" • !t'l"'''~"'' I·'"'''"·'" d· "'I r • tl I It\ •• ( t II • 11 I d I ! .. .I '• I I \\ ' f • I t' 'I \ .... I I I t I 't I t'' 'f I tt t ., ,. I I I' '•II t,, '•I '. "I• I , "' ht I ··d r t ' j I, ' tJII Itt"!., \rl•t l II \11 •I I I I II 'I• t \' ~ J I tit ,,, '' tl , ,. , • I• ,, I I t I I t ••• • t • Ill I''' 1 ,, 1r1~· , 1,,,, h ,11,1 '\:. ' • ''' 11 • I f 1 • ' • , f ,1 tt 'I"' ""''~ t 'tt'll\t ..... t.q ••f ,,1 I I ; ' 1 Hli \ J '.tldl \ ,.., t'l '"' ttl! i't lo J• tdo t1 I tf t( " IU ... ,, I rtf '• HIJtt I tlltlt !"··1 ottl '" 11 ' 'I'll• "'I Ill I '. t f.,,, "t\\f ~·,, ... ft •l•r ''llll•ttl••• •!r.f•r ot111 1Jl• I p tl ''h ""'' II'•J t! ,., 'fl , hu t1 ,1..,. til Jtl tl\· f.•• 1 i'lt1tiJt 11l '''I"' ~pu • 1 I ••nd ,u ••JI '''·• 'lu 111 ._,._.,, d· tr.d t ~, 111 \oltt' \\llh :. fttt •t'tt ·"''"l "' ,,, ,,,,_,,, II ,, ·tit n frt IJI• '-tfl• t"ltfll•l ,.,.-, l'IIFlf lf1 I t,lt\1'-ttl 'qd ,, II • tilt •1 J., n}, I n ft, rr It:•' ,, .. , I"'"''"'". II tddl11 •n " tJ. I ' I• ··I· I I " ' niU'' thl ''"'"•'"' ·tnd otll•r dtllf t h"IJ" II•• .tl •• h1 l•l t111•d ·'"" • ...... ,, ,,,,. .... ·n .. d•t•tr''"''' .. f ''' ,,,,, f,,, ''' l!·u•'••Pit r ... ,, ttl \·1••• ,, •1,,,.,.., tf~l l tl•ll I ,,,. "·•' l ltf! IJI'•'' ,,,, ,,,,,,t,r • •11'-h <'•••ll•fl f·•"l~ fnr :111y ~in• I II"" lor lh• l·'•tl•aol J'l, "'' 1., .. p:t1t~ or r.,r rtn\ ~··r:t~ton 1•, r •n \\':t,ffu,,•t.,,, I • c "" , I'' . ;\ s::,rff•·n .,f f~t,.u.,Jl t~tu.t~ . .:.ntl ,~·r·un of r •hthdtt,tlli•fl•·f 1''""'"' ... • o 1·o lal•l•·• ar,. tii'J'I."' II :onrl "•111 rho ,otro.. 111. """1\ fl.1r• m tb frutn ••Jtt'n r• (rtc•·•··"• d ,~,,,,." ,., 'tJttntry. thl' rwhl :tnt! ro :tr nf llh· 01 1rk• 1 l;al•l" l>nld' <l•·1• 1 • ,. :-.:f\1\ ,, .. I flf l'• lmt• ltl,tlh JU fl I n" h· '"' ,,, "·,,I" H ,,,.,.1,11 '''''" l•fr•v•ttltd ,,lf~oolr\u~, ''H• f r11ttl lfu ,\tnt"lr l ll"IJI1111•••1 n • Jt r·;,,, ... a r' I••• ,,, d :llunr· ttu lo<l "Ill Alu•\,.tlt• d·P·Irlrn•ll' ' t It II\* \\ Uttlt1\\ fl tlttlll~o• tt • :H 1"•'•·~ •. r H,,h,f(t ... '"''''""''fn· • '' • r .. • I•' • • t r~ 11111 • u 11t '•t • i'·'' k.•~HI:' n~, ,r •nd rl• ,,, ,,, ...... , n 1'tflC 1\ Jtt l,l f tl •I\ I tttttlltt J I ht I 11 Hid• d f tt tJ o n t tt fl• ,••til'•'•' \\)ttti lt~Pd•• \\dl 1,, ! I II • 1• • I \ • l \o:f q,-. f t ! I .. It ' ,, • r I ,., •'• d , n If,, ",,. I • I I I I t' • IJ\ I r J1 ,r o4 jl f t I I tj I I "" I I llf Jl t tf ' .. , I ' . 1 •' I•'• • 'H • 'r 'II•• .... !o l•tl'• . ' '01 Itt ' l'l '" 45 Y fars Sft_liDS Long l ·ntil ~ow '·. . " I \\ n '~ o\\ I t I ., ,., 1 , • 1 .. , , , r • • •• ,.,,,,, '1 I f• P ifl l•fl ol 1 • I I <·I I I 1 illf til ,, •t , •• •••• •I •I 1r, ., . I 1 •f t l tl "'• I! P t I' ·'. .. :"' . . I 1f It '• 1• • I ... I tt • I II ' I ••I · l ,, r • ' • .. ,., I I. t Ll ' I l I I• ~ f ' • • rr \\ • Jt It o ~ I• I f .,, •. .j. I' I, ,. ,, , 1 , .,1 r:, , •I t, 11 I·. ,, ,,, ' . 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I • J \ 1• • 1u t h• l•·ru· l1 1 •·f , 'h"'"" r • " dt 'H'f•• •I lk.t , ""'' tt, 1 , ,, ,,,n,~n•n,,--.. \\hutt h '" nttrt•t •'' "' .,,,,,.,, ,,f •lo· I 1 h f 'I ' I I "til 'I• ;,,, .• ,t.t•t I •'I f ,.,,·"I f ittf1 r f' '" r ·'"' t ;.; " "•'· I tl .,, •.• I r •t•• "-•r·.,,·~ \ ... 1,1,, t••t•l '''I t, ~·h .······ • ' '1 ,., f; r , ' 1f t·• ,, '., ;r~·"' ., .. , '' •'I• " l t ,,, , 'I'•' ... • , t , 1 , •I ·' II t)' mnr!,... I'· 'I• .,. ,. , ~~~· • r t• ,,. ·• I 111 t I 1·. • ., '!••CO, J•hrtl ' ,1. ,, "tl ,. ., • t • ' ' t ~ ( ; • , l t 1 .. ' I ' '• • 1 f • I 1 , r • ' f , • , '• •• t " I· r I t tl, •·• , i'l "·•\\r1 f!, ... ,,d,q1•d ,,, 'h• ''''l•"f t \l I ' •I· 'J tl' I ,Itt., " I '. I' I . I • I I f6, •1 '•• • • t \0 , '• I lifT,, d It 11 t 1\ t r ;1-I ' i>f t• ,,.,...,, •• ' .,.. It I I,,. I I' , tl I I 't .. I • I • • r• , r l· ' J' ,, ·, I' I· t ' .. " 1 t 1 o I I ' ' f f ,: 1 f lt I I \\ t r o 1\. I I, 1t .., I I 'tl PI \tl I t .. ' .. I li !J pJ 'fll ,fl . • •I f , I 1 .... : . • j 11 •I \1 ! t I I I••. ,. I' .. • t .. •I "' ... ' \1 f ~ I I ••I , ... Ill I' t "I t111l f oil I II''• '. t ., BEST WISHES TO RICHARD'S, MARKEr IF YOU REALLY . WANT TO SAVE MONEY I<I.TISTI : ( 'r a'.IJ \ •• 1 T ill-: ('I I \ I ' II I I I I 1)l 'i\I.ITY I 'I 'IIIJI 1"1 Sl·:l{\'1< 'J·: II \. I •I I .. ; I I " I I I I '\ I' I ,\ .. II IIA\'J.; 'r'lll I' 1 .1'' tl I I 'll .· 1•1 I 1\'. 1·:1~1-:1> Til Yllf I' 111 1'll 1·. f ·lt II ,\J!I>S :--.·1 \\ 1· 111''.\l ll t',,\1, \IJ·;rJ !( I 111·.1 .1\'1 1··, 'lll''t 1\ 111 fo.ianta 'Ana J.Ahnnt· :tWO ON YOUR FOOD BILLS CfT /\MFHICAOS FINFST IIOME I·HFI:ZEH /\N INTEHN/\TION/\1.. BlJY YOtJH J-'001> IN L/\IH;t:H <Ji lAN'IITII:S. LNJOY 1\ MOHE V /\H [f:D ST:I.ECrJON. SAVE MON 1: Y. 'II M F. ~'OH K 1\ N I> I·OOJ) • IH ............ .,., .. , ......... , '" A nalwim ,_. - • ' ~ it. . ) P 10 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIM&8 age • a I C H A R 0 ' 8 LIDO M A ll K r. T F.DITIOS • _, - CON GRATULATIONS to the L 0 0 MAR.KET -we are proud ·to have been asso- ment by being selected to do the pain~ng and decorating. DEIZ~WARREN CO •• nc:. Painting, PbOIMI n 1nR Congratulations · · · .. 12.· l I 0 0 MARKET Phonf' n : 1179 On Your Modern Market The Rest Oft'ict' Equipment Was Supplied 8)· l 's THREE 60" STEELCASE DESKS ~ 641'' 1'\t~''a.MC' T~ IM'\Hitc•r I ~k Vari008 ~14'f'lt;a....-('hair-. -St4't'lm . ...-t'ilt~ 12" 1 .. ( ·. ~mlth Tnw" rit.-r F'ridt-n ('&ic•ulatcn -Sc·hwah Snft• IWmlnJ{ton Rand Acldlnj: Ma.dtln.- \'1«1Alr \'i!d"blfo Uuplicator ~~.0-Prlnt Uupllcator Typia~~: 8._,. -t'oldla~~: Tabl"' 90%' N. lllAIN , ~ANTA ANA PHOSE 748 ., ' Standards of Qua lit}·· HaiiQlark Of Million-Dollar Ad,·t·rtis('rS I SPECIAL BOOTH TO SPEED BOTTLE CHECK-IN'S l Congratulations • ·.,,., f , \. ~' f •d • d tl•· I,, ... I,.,, llu '' 111c.\t ,! o I j ' Jt I ~ lt t 0 o I f •I I '• f ... ' ,. • I' I " I to I 'I t • I'' 'I • I. I ' \1 ol I •' I . ·' t IJ' I ' . \II I \\t 1 II ... ,, .. , l't' I I '" ''I ... 1 I t , ...... : •I \II l' • '"' I 'I. ·I• I If I nd • 1 1 f olt I I , 11 It 'I , .. I II' fl I ' ' I ~ If If 1 I ;I .. t 1· I IIIL' .. ,,, I •I " I " , I •If I I I ~ , , .... ·~ d t 111• Ill ... ,, ,, H ~·I I .. ,,, ',, ~: II • '"' 11, , \11 t \ n· ,u t lt1\tlr\ lh ,, .. ftt th• ,, tpl· ... ··I I \I'' d t\ u ... l h · Lull"'-• \'oJI• \\Ill I Ifill Ut .•til\ .14~10 ""'' ft r If• 1ft IH"" ftt~rll \\hll h Itt ,, .• I•, t t11 r r .nul\ ,,. ""' \\ nh , .. , h I it \,1111 ,, lh• I• I ,,, t .. "'' lt'H'"" f t•l ~.' t'U'J.: iU 1 I Uf ttll lh• )HHIIt fll4'1t1' ,\l t·h I r "' ''-""' ... I•IUtlla ... •d 1flf11U1•h rt,. -·ttdt•d f,,.,.,,, t h· \\ ... Itt ' '··· ..:· ..... loll\ Ill&.: N.J. CLANCY :(~uarter fentury Of Experience I U'l'''''' f I '" I I q IIIII j t II ., I • 11fy 1lw ' •· •··J.:t,a.·r t. •·•II lh" tlhfll \\Ill I :1 • Jill • 'I '''""I ... h C.'lh1 i. ,, 111rl I•·" t, Spt't·laJ attt:AUoa baa bt..-a c·h o·n I ho· ma ttt•r of rr·harnlnlt t'ntl>ly luottiN fur c·rt'ilil at IUc·h· aror .. Lldn Mark,.t . A bo<olh tb11t 1.. ,.,., u ff by a dlff•·r,.nt c·olur • "''lwnw IUid di'<JI(ltah"C.. to,· " no•ton 'lt.tn IN ·malntlllnf'd fo; tbo· o·tort\ o·nlo·no·o· tof lht• t••trfllrM no•ar ono• of lht· f'Diran ro .... llo·r.-th.- hulllf·o( tart• c•ho•c•ko"C.. and t ht> ,,.... lurno·r I• tt.Ud Ia c·IUoh. Tl)l' t'llm· lnalt•" b<oth .. r ... om.. dtf'('k!l ur Success Prosperity . . . ••••••• 0 • • • • Vincent Whitney Compnay . ~ Manufacturers of l t'UOJturf-.. Whitco Dumb Waiters Whitco Window Hardware Pencil at Ship's Galley Ah"\ • S .11lor ' Yf!'"tt> a ho 1n .. ,lll••r '1 11 It• ol o•otrtlllll'-'arint. S ouuch Ilk•· ~••l'h t tun..: uul o f Ru".:~Ja, lu,t tl , ... • "•' .1 ''HIIIII nwrf ) fll'hl '" •11 lo\ I Ito• 11ill11o' ul I 'unly. ftzt~ l'UIIh "!too h." lnro•'(nkc•n th•• 111·•• lilt· I •loll\•· fur lit•• l>o'rtl'll. llo·n····l111th l'•ud' \\111 ltuld fo r1h on tit•• ut.tlrt •I·, k uf lito· Ship's \.alt. 1 111 l(uhottol • l.ulo M111 k•·l 'y •. , h• I\ Ill l>o lllotllotl:('r Of I hi~ ,,If, ·J.:t'l It• ,., ,,..,, tend ,,.,v .. t ~~rvu··· ·, ru k r ••ol ''' ;o.., "l••rl lli'Rrh'~ 11•" 11nrl 11u\ ,.j nl·OI ko•l I t.•lt••\1• II n r JlOI. P\Jn1) h ro•ltll~ ' p l:ttll•lll.o!l ,,,, hall~ frootll \l .. n l.tn.o llo· 1111J.;rllll'rl 10 ( · oloCoot Ill t 111 1!11!1 ""' lho• OCCiln l••r lito '"'' 11111• '"I lh;tl W;)' II ••• ,,. • 1 "·" '"' l"h''""· rll\'1 ltro.; lt1• t 1n1• .,,,, , • .rtd a ... hor<- ,\t .. t.tttl h1' \fl"l, tht• lJ'I• ' lu• lw~ 1111· , "''II known '' .. .,,, nt • I -.;,"I"''' ll.ott l<Jr anti lh• I• ''" • 1, •• ,,d thtl h·· '~n·•od on,,,,,.~''" lo-fWIII t':tmf'd hilt\ lt1t •·P"'''''" ·"a 't'a rh•·l '"' W. OAETWYLER ' I 1 Famed in Swiss Pastry Baking Traditions S" l)>l> folk~ nn• funkd I hrma&h· out lhl' wo rld all l.illk<•r·s of ddtght· lul rocK! and Wo•mt•r Unl.'tl. ylo•r j, a n t'XIJOIII.'Ol o f lhlll rt'IJIJllllllol}. J\,-. nwnngo•r n f llw B<jkt•ry l.k•parl· l.Jdo !\farkd . ht• Will !;lVI.' lhf' ;on Ullii'Wt unuy 10 o•nJOy lht• ftnc:>s t '" ··ak•·'· rn~• rll'~ and 1 oils. I >'.tt•l W) lo•r· w as horn In S wllto•r· land llo· lo·ltm l'd hi~ lrarfl' ~II' '""""1: tho• ~"""' c:.ppt•rl moun· I 1111~ Hu t Ill•' l 'ntlt•d Slalo·' lc'M•ko•cl t.:• •ocl It) h1m and he m•~•·••••rt hl'r>'j II Will) d.oublt• ltro•k. L...urk} fur hrm 11nll lut·ky fur y,, b<-c.·au'<o' h (' Ill· I rcothH'<'d '"mo• no•w and l<on lnltz. tnl: c·unft·o·l liln'> 111 lht• t·ounl I)' 111.. alma m a H•r rl'lld.~ ltkt• the• 1\ltw llook o f Amo•no•nn Jlw.lt•lri•'!' Ito-'••rv!'fi D'-pll•IIJ man a l 1 hi' As· l••r l lc>u"' 111 ;-.;,." York llnlt·l l't•l· 1••11 111 S t l 'o•lr~hur~:. ~1nrtda. JIC). tl'l El T ovar 111 the;> t;mnd C'nnron tit•· Amh'"'aclor tn t.m. An~t·lo·~ .tnct 1 It•• llollywcHHI fuJCJSA'VI'It In tit•· lrlm cnpual C'oontm<•n·t;tl lmktn~; Jl11>1111 H•• "••na.:um~ ''' ,., . .,.,, anrt fo r 11 1 • '" ht• 11 ,, ... r.o kt• fntt•m:tn for· l'•·t f.•c·11nn ll.tklrt)! Co ttlpilll\ und t h• n fur "'' ·\ t n \, u' ' ..... , r' nt.tn •t.:•·t fw· \',trJ cl•• ('amp' lie I• • IL:O••d 1h .tl ,_.,.,l l lftO f•• C'••fOt• 14) ;o.., wporl Jl.·:wh ;~, m.tnltJ.:••r 11f lito ll1ko•r; otl 1111hilltl'' J.tofo ,\l.tr kl'l . 111• oil tl•l ltl\ 'll\i~ I'XIto'l h n··· It• Jtu\\ tutll"' ·,,, tht• Oci\':lflt t, •·I t:.tl..!I•.-H•"'k. ""' luf'll 1htlr h••nl• " • h• Ill II • 1'-ft•Ol•'f'o nf J: .. I tid .. lnr .!.! \t ''"' tf1d fl••" th. y ·''' 1 1 ,., \1 11 '-• 1 .. ntl q .,. "", ,.: I l•••kln~ '" \\,fltl '" l11 111~ 111 1\o·\\ It ot•l• ft, ooollllt:tl11h lrn11 ,,of l l••rl l ll•:l•h I II· .... ""'"d llld tt ... '''" ~"'"UU 'l·· -.. :-... ,,, I••• '-=" \\&II hf• I t•• .,.. The-two princtpal l-Ourc·<>~ of ~al t : ro• natu1 ttl anrl a rtt(icinl tu-int·~. .mel rock o;<J11 S6W Revere A \'e. Lo!i Angt'~ Calif. . . ·aEST. WISHES • • • fOR A HOME YOU'LL POINT TO WITH PRIDE I For the Success of l 0 0 M A R K 'Concrete ~inishing of Floors Executed by Us C. E. McCormick Construction Co. '!13-1 St'wport Bini. Phoof' Bfoaeoo 507S For ~1eat Mana~er \\'till 111111• llt.tll .1 IJII II lo'l ool • ltUt11f ,\ u1 1t111 k•1 "lt-l.tll"n h, hlltd h nn :'.; .I !'IIIII'\ t'"lll•' loo l<to h ... r; l.tdoo :0.1' 1 .. • ,. nt.lll.t&.:•'l 1111.," t it 1t ·•' 1. ... 1 I hi') hu'. '"'"''I ClaAIIlrll.'d ad.~ 110 ~ot••l lht• Jl•l I pi•• ,. tu ._... fut udvu'\' ._.nd rnt don~~e~.:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;.;:;:;;=.;:;;:;;~~~==:;;~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;~~:~~~~~~~~~~ ,, •• , \\ho•n l:"lrl1;11111illnl: an ..... I' r ---------------- llh· 1'1 •11 l 'opoh " 1 nwmhl'l "' '" I ht• c ;,.~~~~·· \ I .. ,. II fill• "' llo• HI'J.;;ifll/o•ol lito• ;\lo•f• 1 \!.11 k• In l.oo~l· l!o~·k .ond .tilt I I I ~··II ' Ill I h•• 01111' I••' tllllll 1h11 tnl; \\ lu-.!1 tutu-t h•· hu ... ut• '" • """''·"'' h ,., l l'.tntlo~l Ill \loltlmo• ho• '<tid ,;Ill Ill 1 I ho· 1-'111'11111111111~ t'ltiillt 1-:t!;hl ~ o•ool ' .IJ.:fl ito' pUI rJHI'I>il :l hutno• 111 ( 'o•r111111 d.-1 ;\1 at· .on<! IH·· ln.: to''ll•''' '" !:"' lo.1ck IIJ.:atn lnlo lho• .1-111" I m .llkf'l \\o>rltl ho• n •ru,.;· ntlo•rl 1h111 1111' -.;,.".1•11'1 llarh .. t nr"" oorfo•ro·d a t.:••ld• n , l'l"'rtun11~ anrl "h•'ll ltwh.orol ' l.ttlu :0.1.11 kl'l Y.:t' pi'H}t.,.'1t•d h•• •'U..:_• II~ '-HU).!h t U •·unn.-.. ltPn n uh 11 uul "·'' rn.ttl•· rtHlllfll!l'l' nf tho• I :rt'<'"•'f) I !t•J>:tl I· 1110 111 t•1 I ~··k Hto lt.ttd ( 1 ''"' '' .tn • 'I" ,,. "' ••I tu.,:h qu,dll~ l'l•~hto·h -.old .ol tlw 1111111·! nnun t•t It'• ,uJtl t IJ, put. I , ''til r ttt'· I HJ,;Tll/•• Ill• 1111111• Ito • \\Ito II tho ~ ._..,., 1h· 111\f i ld fl t'hd tl1h l•ht•l11""•'" hn• .. r .. ·ro••t' ., ...... ,,,, h·ttur-d Ill lito lt.ol ol I .j,, \1.11 ho 1 tho \ o•l •H'• 1' \ •" hi Cl11h nf :-;," P•·•' It· •• II rnttl<~ojt:lf'trtc· \"at•h c'l ol '"' 'I I 'nu' ••t.: C'luh of ll.o "'" t'dtl•ll''"'tid 11!-olllnJ.: f"l'•ft- '"' f1 t l .. o \\ ,Jl '1 , .. , ltlt• llnlqU• ·• 11 I I' h.t . l.uln :0.1111 ko•l Sltq ... L til•' '" ''"' """' ·s "''"I on JAY GURTON Knows l{o manc~ or Bt'' t'rc~p~ I)(, It'd a hI t~ " r '' n. 1"'' Jl , " \l,p h I , ~'I "'·U\1 1 \I t-h fl I , .. P'"' I n ,, l· • ""' . ol luJll• '' • 111•'1'~' , .... I 1&.:• ·I~ Ill • •hi.~ 1 ,, \ " ,... 1 ~h' 'hi' 1.11•' ''h' l .h1\l''' d, La•t.' I P'''''''' .. , 1 • \o•d tin I'•' ., '"''': " 1. 11rlrl .. r 1 h, If, • '' 1 • llt7t' H\ ""irtl'' :lnol 1.•1'1 ··' '" ol:ty Jw '' f u1 • 1H 1: • .,.r,; l..u1o I A CHECKED. pluttd akin and 1 ;\I 11 h • • • • • I • 1, :~ n 111rl 1 In il< JVtr11o"JI.o 1' '1 ·ft 1• ,. If It 1~ wuhabl~ ah~rr b1oua~. bolh of dunbl~ rayon. ar~ jult th~ thina for a bnaht )'OUnl lady to wur .to nurMt')' adtOOI. Thr n)'Oft fabnu b.n ~aatd tnla for 11urdinna and wuhabthly and_,.an rudy for th~ tOUith~•t aandll011 ~aaiona. Thi• aman outlll, liltt many othtr rayon rnmm.-. bun an infortnat1n la~l rivin1 you tht ~ault• of laboratory w"r ,,., .. Looi few aucll la~ll what 10'1 abop. 1 .. \f k• ! Ill 1'""-t ! ~ , :1 prllt'l( '"·'''' I · • ~nu all nho>tP II I \'o•j;• 1 •h'• , I'•. r ol .. 1, 11t Htch· I ,, ol ' I I \! •. 1 o•f ·r m ' It lo I I ol ' I I \1, ..... , h.l< ,\PI ... ~ I• I • I " "1rtn!; T h• ro tt• ,¥• • I tt an~nu~- .. CONGRATULATIONS L 0 0 M <i~t: 0 .. ~IIXt:n~ I"CH 'IU~(; c·o~('Ht:Tt: Hm Tilt: UcaJT llt:.\C'OS IS IUC 'II.\IW'S ~1 .\IU\t:r 1'.\tU\I~C~ :\Ht: .. \. A • R K • • E T WE ARE PROUD OF THE PART WE HAD IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW MAR- K ET. Ready Mixed f-0-N-f-R-E-T-E Supp)i{'d by t · s Concrete Work With No Clean-Up After SOUTH COAST ·MATERIALS COMPANY '!29 WN>t \\ iJ,nn Mf'. l'hunt• lk•arnn ;,!i 1ft . . Sprrifiration Ready Mixed Concr-ete· L. f:. ~I 'RA<;i.r: C'Mta Mf'tll& JW. Phonf' Harbor RM-1 ' I to.lt 1\ t 11 I l: !, l.1dn ~1 k1 L---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------~------~ ,. • • HARMAN W. NICHOLS .... ·. st:\\I'OH'f n .\I.IIUA 1'\t:\\'S -TUIIr.S Page 11 1 • IC IC ' II\ It II '' I IIIII 'I \It k t 1 tlll1'111' • _ Puerto Rica Was in Fine Kettle Of Herring \\'hen Drouth Hit in 15:J6 WASHl:"\CTit:"\ \1 \1!1'11 17 I''' ••I "' I• t ~•dl 111 tho• ft>rlll 111 (UP)-I t \\ol~ tho• 1<•.11 l."t!l\i oolll' ·•llol ""1!1• l't.ol\lo l•. do'· Puerto R in• "•'' 111 "'" ltt~o h ollh "tol' •. '" l.o·•rt "'~' tl~o• 1• '' of hl.'rrinJ: j Ill' .. 1. d t!t• ,,.,,q,, '"" "'""I= A crO) .. ktlllll~ cit'lll• ·ht h ... t "' ollol 1•11 .... It., •' ' 'J'ho ·' ·I-·· IC<'ndcd U)•m tl• l 11ul l't•llll " of, •1·1\lhtfl ' ot• 'h·ht drli:>d up 1111d "•I• ''"lito II '' ''I '''II ,.tot lt l•t"l !',oil tl lt,tlll 111 tO b}O\\in' U\\,t~ \f\. tt.-l~h·h \\ Uhl l 'h• I ' 1~1 •• I, • ... tit •tlf If Ul t And t O 01,,\\, lt'.t'lo 1 .. '''''"'' t,uta• ), rlt f rttfl tlo\\0 1fH I'' H\ tl1, came a IJI~t~.:u•· th· It!,, ... "1 '"'' ,,1 ,, .. ! 1 •I , . ''" ., 1.. "·''".' ,,ll Best of luck Dick .. On Your Beautiful New Market ' tho "''"' ;, Ill•• llll'o' 1\qt ht' l!li'l'·•!d 1'.1111•' jtt~l 111 llnlo' (llr • ltnt. ,,,.,.. ,, ..... "'" un flh• ... ultj••• t j. It' !"1 p tl l'h h ''·'~ t P1Htt1 I U\\ \• tl 1\tll duln I l•l.tll tl tlt.ol 1\,o~ ~ , .. (. utth ur ... • ,,lthn' a' t h• \ ''"' HI\ J••tl• I 1111• l\ ilt'lti,.., th• tdp til •• ,, 1 n I ~I· I I \til "·" loo, n to .whrn~: 1111· '""''I: I' H l 'n~:lt .. h 11111 tlttl•' """. r·~~~ ·"''' h· ~ ll"l "''''' ·•' .. I .on\ l•ot(t.' I I•· • ·~' I lui Ito• lll·iln·l t.o tn~ th;ot n"l''"" Inti lrt•land ''"·If "·" ;, '" ll•·r rto.:tll h> l k• 1 11 • 11111' ~.:r••t•n I,,., 1111rl -.h;:unroo·l<~ 1.of111 I•:Or.trht>' IIIOH•rrllW 1)1;111 ll'll•'flll n ••.. , J' trf wulotrh l!ol~llltt ,\or1 o•lcl Hill 11 fownwr fi•'W ~-ll~l:oml.•r lum<• If Ho· '·'~ ~ I An~ ''"Y· lk :oniCl\< 11. quoltnl: Mr c t H•·lll\'. ha~ 111 "r••>;olrt tn !tllh · f, I (tlgo: t ;tntll\,.rMlry <!( ' I h ('1 ---r-~~::;,:'Ml~:=~~~D~f"~t~h~G~·il't'i~';";·"'~~b~~~~~~jl'~l~rt~'~·~:hj·~·;,~~~~~·~~U111 ;,." ,.r t 1"' t·i ,,.. '" lilt\ 1 "' h>t' •' ;, n~:hl 111 m11r1'11 c ··,rrullllfl\\t :t11kl H\•'ttu.~ ·-1?~ r l'tt l~ h U 1.1 \ ~~~ II tottllt l IHtl tt•l \\ 11 "" U l•' .,, "11"1' flin ,., , )It lit f "' \ th.· •l•h•th'"'••n ~l··p.utnt~ut .. f ,. l11otl l'it'l o~hd ,,,., ,,.,,. rh·· t't'l1 ft'l ,.f ·Ill lth t h tU s,, "h·" h•• h•·:u d tt l•• u t l '" k 1 S tl()\\:.; \UO\'t: 1 .. ,,... nr,. lnl«>maUiltllol \lo•troo olo•ll\l•r~ tnto·k I""· I(J• lt.ttol , ""' if\1' ""' 1 111,.,1 111,11 C'hA.-.1 h, U"'k Hkh•rd ... "'"'cor uf tiM' '"'" Hh '"''''' 1.1•1• \l11rk..e. '-• 1 111 .olt ,\111, 1" ,1 11, 11 •• 111,.,1 11 ,.,...., •h""" In lh" '"'"t". Thl" lrul'k '" ""'' "' tlu• ""'"' .,,,.J,,.., •nol euoo<lt·!" """"'''"'"'""' h~ lu14"nt•ll.,nal "'"' "'''' '''''"'''"'') In 11111 '' h "'' " I'" k l·· lllool It,• "'" ,,,""" .. C'tHJnt~ h~ tll·· t:au.tr f'01Upan)'. ... ,n ..... , ur.Utl(t" , ... unt~ n r · ,,, .. , ,,,, I h·ht t'11\ "' .t ••• , I I tl ,I, CONGRATULATIONS TO l • D 0 M A R K E T REFRIGERA TIO~ Furnished nnd Installed hy .:aud11t1lun . Httttu.t ""''~ hlfn ••n utd '"''" I< ~~~;:~~~,-~~~~~li~~itil;;~~~~~if~Il~~~lr~t<~~-----r'~"~'~"~"~··~··;··~ll~-·~··~ .. ~~~~~~~·~·~l ~~·;lt~.·~·~··;·'~'~··~·~lt--t;l1-tlr;~~-1~~~~~"~~~~~~1l--~~~~~~_jl_ ____ _jl ,., Jllnl· \1 IIIII II I ho• ( flllolfo-<; lh.ot '~ not Sll II\ Pu··rto 8 H lt'h J) plte rt<•·us· fllo'IO Qtlllllnlf :1 )ool 11f lh '(lfllt•, tO-e ea y ' es ' \\ .ol•ooll lo . .o)., Ill• olo fto'.tl•''"llt! tho• I •·lqc1tnt: tnfoornlat illn t:atlwrl•c1 hv Ill I till "' t't.tohlill•·ol It""' I "llt: I SHELL PROi>l CTS 30th & Ct-ntr-nl Our Thanks and Best Wishes To DICK RICHARD May the Equipment Furnished His l\larket Further His Prosa>erity We Feel That We Have Served Him \\ell We Offer You This Same Service Casters and ~'heeL Ce>mpltc Food Market Eyuipment Warehouse Eyu ipment Department Store Eyuipmcnt Bu ildtng Supply Eyuipmcnt To•lt•jlhun•• 1 ·~ (',.llt'<·l t.l 1>4 ~11 '""' \n~.;•·l~. ( Allf. \\ rlt•· , ... 1'. o .: flo• 1)1:17 llull.• "'oo'H.I. '!". C llllfuntls lWe Guarantee to Save -Prompt Servin• LOWERRE UTILITIES SUPPLY ht<: cr,tnrlfatl~o·r :'llr O lto-1lly. trll.• 1\. "" l '·•""·•hlllt'llw l. '•h•••l If•·! th··~rnryllu~w .• ~· "''"' loo\\ootk r ... lito• t 'IIJI .lo·lh 'J'I I -.1 ..... If\ '""' h\llth· ltt\\fl ..... ,,,f\ I ,,. \' '. " r •• rnro• ,-.:~r. HI tft•·•·· ·~nttl O~t• ''"''' ""'"' 'j•ltl I p.or·;,~;r:~ph ""' I till' rlul 1n lh"l • ft• ft1•• VICt"lfl\OH•U'-t f tiUU l\nt1 h• »·:1 knot\\n as P H \\II'< hll hy 11 , .,, .:•••I ,..11"1111111,111, ,.., 1111 lillool h• 1 plu&:lll' Tlo•lf I 11111' pra\ •·r<: ••ol 111111 Ill .,11,.~,1 111,,11 ,.11,,., ,1 ,.,,., lo• ~ IIIII !".tlllllllll lotoolll.;l11 :In o (ltl ollol l olo 1 t• ltllll••ol IIIII! 1, tho I tn tho• t',d:IUHII '>.tlllr.tlh. lito • 1"""1'1·· lhouch l th.tt \\hat ''·'!It •t~h• "' tu .. ,t,·Jtttf ''""1'1 " "' t ... o"."llllt•-•o•••"tn l"'k''' Jh •· ,,,,, ... u .. \,,,,. •d In 1\:\-, Wt•lllol lu• J.:••••l rn l .. -· • · • " t••oaaOtti!UJUIAftY .. fOI (IIIItlla I" dolt• • lum loot tlo.• J•• ,.,,.,, "'I ,-,:\1; llttl ,.,,. 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NIIY 1•1•1•1•1\• lrft•·ol •tllloolll: lht• ('tlh-.,,._,,,.WJ-Iovll .. _.., • '" • • r ,., 1•1 • .. , fl l Sl r' •' 1 '' k 11\,. lttt l• klloo\\tt 111 PIIPriOJ ltwn 'I Tit· lltl'lt ( 'nntJll•tnrl nr ''"'I • h uro It • ""'li'ht 1 "' r•• mu~t lwj l '"Ill• ltl"l.th• , '" I h• \' l'flllt•d (,,r 1,.,,.,,," 1 th '''"'..: '" lh·• -.::un•· ;r • .t'in tt .... .,.,.tun rtt., '~ttun•d l,jt q 1 P ttl • ... I • d ~·uud rfu" flll h \, I I t II ' 'If " d Pl .. ., u. I"' I fO fA-~~ lllf tiUIIIII \1 lhe l .tttl ' J h l t '1tlt.t•l \till \\fjl ,,,~~ 1 t ft t t ~~~ 1"''\\t It 1\ Hlh \ t \I If ... \htl41 , • .'"olf I {'nmmt•rt·iltl & lnduMtrial • l~t\friJtt•ration & Air <:onditioning , 11~1 t:-t lf~lh )\ln-4'1, I AIIII AnKriN 2. ('allforala .- (" . • • lin"'' lo-.• M1U'hlhc C ·.,. llrunnrr .,.,......,. I,_. .. (irhhanlt ('nlk \r I '' }t tf if,, .\• fl '-UI'f"''' ' l 'p ......... , f 'tl ~ n 1111• ·nh ,. .... +ff I ;~,.., ... '"" ·'"' ,,., I' .. ~I T ~ ••• "' ' I' , HIIHI dt 1\\ Ul~ \\ , ... I • I I '" ... II " ' • I· I ..: \ I" UUU AND IliAD -HATS ·OFF TO r 01 ao11 Slt'tJIIU ••nr \\r 11 ~ltlot , le """' ~''"''II'\ d 1•1 ,,,,,.,, ... •,, ...:, 1'•'1•k ~+•\''".: otf1f I ~ \ ltt t 111 t \ttiJ l'litlld \\ Jt1p 1 nl 1 .. , ur ,,,. J ,.f, 11. , .~nt• 1• 1 fit 11 1 I fl"'' lh.tf ""h lkt tl lht• 1 ..... ..,,' •• '' ,,.d" , .. ,, tl ,, .. \\••rill'" llld Ill'"' t'.\ t\ l ••t •''""' 1 h "''·' \ lh•• (,~•~' I "' ~, t·.n·wk ,,,, ... ''"li.•·r\• tl u1 I'••• ''" Hh" nn \1 trt·h 17 ' ,.,,., 111 l!dl •h·· "'"'"'''' 10( I fl •'~ttld lt1'' Ill· CIIJ'~Il th• p•o I I l •• • )'1 ,,,, ~ •• nu p \\Ut1 I I I '"' ,t I•·H<tol• to( tho• l.til hflll Ill I I' H '''""'lr"'' 1\•11 1o 1 .. 1 uf 1 ll•"l•l• thol• l<l~tolt·o\o' r!':ullhf' '"''''" '"" k· •litnk 11o. t • 1 •1 '1;11'1 I '•~ '" I \\'hat to Do OIHII 10001 10 \&10\IY •••tr otl •~o <O •'tlll ~P<JWIH &~0 &tiiVIll "1101 nu t 01 Hll UILUPOOIII OAtlf I'IIIIJon!l of American famlllu duriDr tbr•e day~ of hlch th·lnc tosla are Ia danrPr of brine under-nourlabecl, warn~ thP NaLiunal Dairy Council, bruute housrwhee are b•ylar acrnrdlnr to prlrr' and not lt't'ordlnr to food valuu. 'Jbry aur wtthia budcrtt but may Jeoperdlae family heal!h. 8o be,.., .aaya tbe~alry C:otanc:ll, Is lla "Gul4e to Good •:aUnc '-a aafe aawl MIUid aailtiUonal cuodf', CJil wblc:h Ute eouncil oa foods aDd nutriU. ol Clae American 1\trd- leal AuodatJoa 11tlt11 IL• aul of acreptaaee. Eat thr~e fooch d:llly to ret the bulc: nutrttloaal requ.lrrmnt&e ol )'oar body, ar:d lhrn eat whatever other foocb you waot to r t•• roa .._, uUaeed fer line. \\. t .nc •1 n •. lfhtttl\• I" 't \\h,,~, ~PII il\\f I n"''"' I I HI•' ) .. l, ... pll\ •·llf ,,,, •• I HI 1 11Jlo\lf \~••JI \ ·1 JH•· lrlft•1•-'••t 11l II • I I• " n~ t: , .. 111 TTet' ,I rr , .... t '" \\• flt·•'"-1 ••Ur rlnU •f' • n , .... • 1 ,,. '" ,., 'tl ft~t(•'" h\ flit' 11 ; 11\\ \t1lll fit \• t 1lt t) I t I \\•dt•l •••·•· 11 h u•.p .· pn\\•r-"' 1 ·· ''"''"'' •, t•l , .. 1 ''' •·~1 u '' •rt•t ,.,,, , ,1 t '•· t··"" '•'' • I'"'".~'''''""'".'''"' •:••l •,..,. ,,,,,, '''" ~f [' ,, ,,, •. ,,,\,,", 1 .,. , l •11t lllj•1t1111t 'ltr , '11.11 I' "\hlt\f'', •t]~ J••\ •t•••f•fu ,, 1lf ll•f1 • II\" t,,,11 J<1 t ,1 1) 1, t\\t\ r tr1 , •• ,., t; •r rt•\ \I •f ''• ( "-\ d ,It I•U'L 1 •• ,, flllJ"'If i• q,, 1 11 t d ,JI 11 tit\ <>I"' lu fol• "' 1 'I 1J1,, hl ••I I\ ,,, •'"'' ttl f I••· f:ek• 0 • , .• 't\t, ,11 . ' ••• ,., •• lti ' , ffJfflt ,,, •. , .. • •-, I• I t•P.'th• .,, .. ,. ., tl I ff\ot ,, .. \1 ' r f,,, 1 1'1\ IIlii fltlr I., q I I I I• I ,,. \I I \ ~ • 1 1 1 1 j I .. .. I" 1fl t1ft4 f fit ... , I II I tl q h ft \t t 1t1 I It ·•' f til \ ,, , ' ;j, I I ''" ltll/1 d I ••.• I • ··! It 11 •1 ,,, t};t ,,,,, •• ,, , '•'•'lid t.. .,,"' I '' •I~ ''"'' I• ' •J ~·"\'~.,.),, ,. 't' . , .. ,, .,r ,,:,·. . ., tf1lt 1 tf11 ~ tii!J I .. , I .,,,.,,, ''' n "·•' u . 1 • ,,. t • 1 ,.,1... t ht \\. I " I . I "· ' ,, ' .tootH t. • f I 11 • I I 1 ••n •),,fJ '' • 1 , • t-1 ,\r '' n~'lu~t r ' 'I I ,1 .• ' ' u • • ~-. f' IJ'' ~· t " •• •t .ftttf to I tf" t ' , ••• , •••• f'J .,. •I I 1 • ' r 1 "I I 1 1 I • I ',,, 'I 'I .. I I •' ••J I ,, •.• . ' .. Tu L 0 0 MARKET Pioneers • 1n Better Service · to You I mnu·diatrly . VIa GROVER PNEUMATIC I TUBES thr l,rnJlCr f)(•partm(•n1s Fur J>ltOMPT FILIJN(; Thruu)!huut tht• Sfore and DELIVEI{Y' * *'-* • Layo ut onci lnsfollofion by oss ~Cook f ,.,, \nat•· I•..., fl ,., '1·· ''•'' f 1•1 ·(' f>neum.,ti c T ubc Systems & Baldwin Wire line Carrier1 f•.r '"" •• , • • i"' ~ ,• I ' I :,, ·~lou t • ' } ... '· .. . , -I I \ '· .. • 'P -12 NEWPORT BALBOA lliEWS-TIMF.S • age • K I (' H A R D ' K UDO ~I .\ R K t: T t:DITIOS • I .. ... I ·. / ... L Faith 'in ·Ne ort .. BeaCh ,I .. THE OPENING OF RICHARDS LIDO MARKET-AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD STORE -SCORES ANO.THER MILESTONE IN THE AMAZING GROWTH OF NEWPORT BEACH AND THE HARBOR AREA. ... It is also another exhibit of our faith in the substantial growth of the Community. , This confidence dates back to_ our acquisition and development of ~the Lido Isle, folio wed by our building of th~ Lido Theatre, then the purchase and remodelling of the Balboa The- atre, and now manifested by the opening of Richard's Lido Market+ , .. This is another unit in our plans for a comprehensive shopping center to consist of retail stores and servic~ fac-ilities for the convenience of the people of Newport Beach and Orange County. It will be known as - - - L-IDO SHOPS The next unit is already under construction. It will be a complete and modem Urug • Store, together with other fine establishments. WE -ARE PROUD OF NEWPORT BEACH ,. Developers and Builders • 1n California Since 1907 _ \ . • .. , -,. .. . , '~ '· ...