HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-02 - Newport Harbor Ensignr..wted from natltiou pre- -.ated by Mrs. Mary Burton. Wbo Uns OD Oceao Blvd., Dear Iris An. Tbl traftlc engioeer reported u l:>llows oo Seaview Ave.: "This is one oftbe maJ.o streets ot lbt area. important a.t all boura, day and Dlgbt. Last summer, tra.tflc counts re. Yt&led 3,000 nblcles used Sea- .,..., between CarDitJon and PoppJ. Tilt pollee deputmtat PE C I JOe COSTA MESA TH E LAYMAN'S AWARD of the Corona del Mar Kiw anis Club was pr es ented at the Dec. I 0 m eeting to Dr. Richard A. Kredel of Cor ona del Mar , at r ight, who Kredel of Irvine Terrace, at right, who is di r ect or of radiology at Haag Hospital. He heads the worship committee at the Luthe ran Church of the Maste r, manages the s enior choir and teaches church s chool. The pr es entation is being made by Mike Manahan, chairman of the Kiwanis support the c hurches committee. (Howard Folsom photo.) ' RUDY LEER JO&cttim's Catholic Church. In- terment was at Good Shepherd Cemetery, Hul1.ington Beach. Mrs. Blanche Lytl._die~ Blan<:bo Lornloe Lrtlo, ol 263 E. 16th Place, Apartment 1, Costa Mesa, died Dec. 30 at her home. She was a member of the Eastern Star and White Shrine. She was born Dec. 15, 1889 in Missouri, c.ametoCall. fornia Ln 1904, and moved to Oran~ County in 1942, Survivor s are 2 sons, Elvin of Torrance, and Warr iner of Glendale; a daughter, LylaGal- lup of Hesperia; a sister, Inez Cosner of San Bernardino; 5 grandchlldren and 4 great- grandchildren. Services wiU be held at West- c Uff Chapel Mortuary at 1 p.m. today, Ja.n. 2, wtth the Eastern Star as officiant. The White Shrine w\11 offi ciate :lt the Lo. terment at 3;30 p.m., at Ever- grE>en Cemeter y, Riverside. YULE THIEF GETS SICIS, BOOTS, TAPES Santa's opposlle vtsit4!d Joel Kaplan, Robert Wr ighton. Pierre Bertllino and Barnard Megowan on Chnstma.s Eve at tbelr resldP nre, 128-1;2 34th St., West ~Pwport, and stripped their lol'ke<1 tll'dr ooms or s lo s, boots, tapes, la,p\> d~·k, and spe:lkers "' total loss of $1 010. On !:It-e. 26 or 2i, An ad- dlhona l $385 dollars •orth or stereo tape cartridges belong- ing to Bernard Megowifl and Ro- bert Wrigh ton were stolen from a closet. 'Know your fireman' LT. LIND RECEI VU HIS AVIATOR WINGS Navy L1euterwtt Marshall E. • LU:Id Jr ., Son of Mrs. and Wrs. Marshall E. Lind of Sulta Monica and hust.nd of lbe rormer Miss Karen Brwling of 412. Avocado AYe., Corooa del Mar, had IUs De•ly-earnad u - l&tor's wtnrs ot &Old plnoed 011 by b1s father durlne ceremonies 11 the Naval Alr StaUoll. Cor- pus Christl. Texu. UDder the Nuy•a prMellt Rlgbt lrallllDC Procran> bo re- oet•.t h1& wt.ncs ud wu a .. llpaltd a •nl &flUOr IP- prox!...,.IJ u --~ ... procn.~~~url--·-"-IIIII' tnllrlof II C<lrpooQrto.. II. CAll PALLS OllltiQUIIIC: ......... -.... ... .... • ..,.,_, 2 QU.Itl.IIIAHITT -Glu "' zr ... tl ... ,.. .. _ ... ~ Clroa II *'"'"'!.!!__. .... -. -""-Wll 5. tloa t .. --.. -w. ca...,. n , • *"B"-. -•CIIr't' ,.,._ lla -· .......... -"" .. -~ =·~::-::: : { ,\.:::: :~ t ...,: ,,.,, ·~ ...... , • Ottl lly , .... ,.,.,_ ... ........I.IJIF .. t.JI, ... IAII, .. ~---­••s·~ Md aD-..a.taot r.::...•"'' ~7~·= ~lib• ''lhr .. ~-.. -.... -HE IS WATa.... Mlt .. ,_,Ll' • r lMI or"aAL MIWS,ANa -, •one ll'l'tr Rlcftl" -odtlt- OP THI an M MIWP"CMIT IUot Stwral yean •to a collcae frah~n~~n wtnt "'We"ve been it1 ovt1 nte.¥tn' aac1 we clidft'l •"pgl palltlcll ar--wau. ._. -.,_ ........ -· ··--_ ... .... ~~-mi ........... ~ out fot fOotball, unsuna aod uninvittd. A r-sec any sian of God ... THE NAitJ0/1. ANI: A'S OFFSET NEWSPAPER weeks later when the coach reduced the squad-, He w41t~littlelod, GNt it"""' 011 tit• Lon/$ ( Offlc. ... P.ri•l .. pl .. Ia aM £.it• 8!11lldl.,_. he cut the volunteer otf. But he waa tudl a Dt~y, .-_ -· 2121 t. C... lhry., CoroM del ..., C..W. -92625· wonderful f~llow .. that the team beged the Wond~rilll It~ from ' Blbl.t Scltool, Mil TILIP'ttOMI1 &73-0UO (At .. Ce4e 714) coach 10 let him stay. The coach relented. Tbe dawdliJv 011 fiN tHY• ~WI:Ipt ••n. AmtrtcU·• ~·,._by WIWam ,., .. ...,., -• T --•··-•NStCN 1 •-ol 1 _ .. volunteer never missed a prtctke, nevu JOC He ~ewffetlld.t tltot1 IIJio tire gnu~ M "-'Nl ..., ... ~ .. .--~. ~ '"" 1 1-0 1 .. .,..,.,.. pr ...... d" ed H .... _ be • ,_ ... ,...,..._. Ia ,.,. Cky ol N•wpon a.~• ..d tile ollly loe~Jiy ISCOUTI& · e Nl on lJlC; ntb for four a eolerpllJ.r: ...-4 aM .,_ ..... -..p._,., ia tbe Newp;_, H•.._,COIII.a ..... y~ars. On a , Th~rsday be~ort: ~ ftoal aamc, He /Ot4nd t1 ~J/Y mmn~eed pod, tuUJ blew Ar-.. PW.Ji.._, weekly, o• Th.-.day. Secolld ~1 ... po•aee paip his father d~. He left Immediately for .~ Ofll allt}J4"JUu. · · ·~-·latllotllltlod­ al .lmtrlca u o --a1 lloo _ ... I>JIIoo-lo, ..... .. Corou 4-1 .... CaJU. funeral, 600 mdes away. Just before game tunc: A bird' I Mn In • tree o'er-heAd. $0 wlsdy THE NE~ RARBO~ ENSleN •-acljH.ed to be a •••· Saturday, to everyone's dismay, be entered the plau d and high, _...w-fllllponrolio c:-ol ~-~ cin:whtt•oa by co.at decree No. 420178 d~t•d locker room and ,dressed out for the pme. Ww jim OJtothu wondu that caught hU et~~er J lt, l l. la S.erlor Court fot ahe CouDly of Or•:r• St1te of Then he went to the eoach and be:qed him to e e ---=., .. ~ado , laoRe- rpt>lk.; a .,. MatSon of C.lifwal-. ud by ntaMa t hereof ia qualified 10 pllbll all pwblle let him start the final 1,_ ~-h -"' Y : hbo h-~ h' · ~ ttotieaa reqWted by j1w. . ""'' 'IK: <:oac " MIR ,-WQ(C cu U Vg·UJ8 cuur.u-Cilia I ....,. ID'fVetct staillj • S*'• locC l1lloo, ooolllll~le; -bod -tho prlaclpleo ot frtedOm, eq.-.Wy, jullice, AR"VO £. HAAPA ................................. o-and Publiaher thought : ·'What can tl hurt? I'll put him in for haiJd him from~~ lllwn PEe HAAPA ............................................... .Aaaocille Edit~ the kickoff and then take him out. That ean"t A Jketl him whert he hod !Hen that disy tmt1 SUZSCitiP'TiON lt.ATI!S hun us. And he's so popular it might even give what wa.r going on. Ia Hllritor Atea: Out of H•bor Ate~ ODe yew, 14.00~ 2 ye .. , 17.00 the team a psychological lift."' 'OJr , I've been to Bible School,' (he carefully One ye•. 15.00; 2 yeara, 19.00 He relented. His team kicked otr. The twrned the sod IIIIIIIWIWIIt}' tor wllleb Amorl- ean pUriota saertneed tbetr Ules aad fortubta. ARVO E. HA~PA, owner·attd publisher of the Ensign WHAT WILL THE NEW YEAR BRING ? There seems to be optimism In the air at this start of the New Year because of the coming change of command In the nation's capitol. There is favorable talk about Richard Nixon's leadership ability and about his "business-like" cabinet. The proof is going to be, not In hopeful conversation, but lrr performance. What are going to be the results when Nixon policies go Into effect? There are 3 basic areas of concern which might provide the answers: • Inflation: Will the Nixon administra- tion halt the dangerous big spending that is pushing our nation toward bankruptcy? The cost of living index will be one sig- nificant slgrlPost to watch. • Big government: Will the Nixon ad- ministration start cutting back on the encroachment of federal government into our state aJ)d local affairs, or will the federal progl-ams of the past administra- tions be continued? The size ofthefederal employ~e list will provide an indicator. volunteer raced down the field and made the And fownd a $Mil ~neath jt.) "Tve leanwd tackle. unassisted. The startled coaeh thou&ht , tl lot from God.' "Well, I'll leave him in for another play or 'M'm, a Vf!ry {inf! way,' the neighbor said. two." The volunteer continued to play mag, '/or a boy to spend hi.r time; nifi~ntly-and played the whole game. With "If you'll te ll me whue God U, I'll give yo11 one minute to go and the score nothing to a brand new dime.' nothing. he made .11 sensational tackle behind Quick a.r a flash Iris ans wt'r came. nor wer# the:. goal line, scoring a safety for his team, hiJ accenu faint ; whtch won 2.0. He was .carried oft' tht' field 'I'll gi11e you a dolku, Mistu, if you'll tell ~n the shoulders of ecstatiC fans. In the dress· me where God ain't.' mg room the coach hugged him and said Th 'II be · · "So h d'd .• . 1 F f • ere WI never peace m the world uotd n, ow 1 you vo 11. or our years you h p · f · never played like that. What came over you?'· ~ e h ""uce. o Peac~ rules th~ hves of men. Not "Coach," he replied, "My fa ther died Thurs, m t e nut:d Nat•ons, not m do-gooding, not day . He had been blind all his life. Today, in in full bellies. not in .missiles, llf'mie3, treaties. Heaven, for the first rime he was watching."" or power pacts--but m the character of man, Everybody in Heaven is watching. Watching lies the only hope for peaet: in the world. And us. Most of all, God is watching us--even the only hope for the character of mao lies though one of the Russian astronauts cracked : in Chrislianity.-American Way Features LeHers to the Editor "I tbtrefore bllletelt 1s my <hlfY to my COUDtry to love lt; to a~rt its COCllttt~ to Obey Its laws; to respect tt. llq; IIIII to defeod U ap1Jiol alleM:mies." We belleve tbat we sbould abide by tba wist words ot tbe INVITATIONS to the Don Reddington par-::::: .. =:~:~-;:: ty held at their Central Newport bay front 11111 portJcuJ.arly bytbeproe..,b home Dec 19 Included the request "dress or Allrobam Lll>coln, who oald: • "You cannot ltreuetbeD tbe warmly" for watching the boat parade In weal< by weatelllng !be stroor; the bay. Here are Todd 2 and Karen youcuootboll>tbona .. uoer I ' ' • by pulllng don the wage payer· 4 1 2, who look as If they expected Santa you wmot further tbo b<olber: Claus, but still are willing to do their duty bocxl or man by tDCOUl'acin& class hatred; you c&DDOt belp as junior host and hostess to welcome the poor by dlscourql.ac tbo their guest, Mrs. Nigel Bailey of West rich; you cannot bulldo:buac. Newport. (Ensign photo.) :,~ ~;:!~,~ ~ ~,::: HAPPY NEW YEAR realizing. tbe s1tuaUoa. bas de-Actually 1t 1J a tour-atep pro-dence." Editor of the Ensign, ve)oped into a concentration an gram --ooe lnstl.pted by We beUeve tbat at tllistimeof The letter from the )'oung tull packages rather tba.o lUll versives but 1n maJl)' s T A T E , 0 I II I p tbe year we should take an ln Marlne sergeant was post-hearts. Greed tor material pin carried out UPwittinglJ b)' veotory of our natiooal&OYern: marked Dong Ha. 1.n Its short, and world power at all cost subversive Americans. meot and examtae l.ntotbema.n- stmple context the wishes of has led to revolts and riots; Tbe oommwdst oer ill whicb tbe e~utJn, the people the world over were the tack of idealism and pa-aetJoo, court by Senalor Job1 5chmlb: leJislatlve and the jOO..Iclal contained In a few sentences. trlotism. react:Jon, aod , departments have favored "We here have the r.JUday To qoote from bandleader action.. It works 1D this trends leadlngtonat\ooaJdlsas- spirlt and oothlng can cllange Laneoce Welk's oew book, Tbe commUilists ereat law-6 ot tbe New Year tses am the use of public ftmds. ter. And further, tbat we should that. By us being here this year ''Guidellnes for successtul lessoess and l.astipte tbe tbe State Legtslature reooo-In tbe crowing anarchy which take steps to return our country I'm sure that other Americans living'': charges of "pollee brutality," veoes. 11 recent eJ;M!J'leoce is has resulted, the loudest voice to a status of trDCballenpd won't be here this ttme next "We as iDdtYiduals must have both designed to 'lt'e&ten tbe repeated, we wi.U be in general tends to preva.ll. 5eeurtty, year. We pray for peace. r 1aitb iD God,a.odbelleYeincom-efl'ectiYeness ol our k»cal sess1on appronmately :te¥en THIS MUST STOP. The Particularly sbouklwettpeal must say farewell. Have a plete patriotism, the results pollee. Tbe courts tben treetbe·mootbs. 1 will be in Sacramento elected represettattns of the tbe unJlateral disarmamtntaet, merry Christmas and a happy ol bard. weD directed work aDd erJmtnals &od eommurWU far lor most of tblstlmea.od maybe ~le sr.Juld stop it, by ustnc deslpated as P.O. 72'77, which New Year. God bless you., .. lree enterprise and 1nltJatJve. '' specious reuoDS; addl.ac to tbe rea.ebed most quiekly bJ con-their power over the approptl-was released in September, The Ills that beset our coun-Perhaps our only solutionfor already dimeult slbatioo ltaetJ.ag my ottlee in tbe State atlon of funds to tbe publlc 1961. This calls lor tbe try blare from daily headlines peace oa tbJsearthrellesonour caused by riots aDd a c.W.&eary CapitoL educ.a.tloDal S}'stem. cttsarmament of the United and seem to groW" morenumer~ .tbillty to practice &ODd-will oettra.IJsed b)' ebarges ol Tbe two most Important We bave beenbombardedwitb states Lo 3 phases of 3 years ,_, • Communism: Will the l'jixon ~dpl!!'ls­ ; !ration acknowledge commimlsm as ' oor ous with each day of the bollday toward our feUow man. "pollee brutality." Tbt eWsen problems confroDtlDc our 1969 propapntt:a designed to per-eacb. MUOO.. TbeaeademicsystemlD Betty Beetwtth tbea aat.es wUb .alll'mctbeo.JD,.. 1u'S.:·~~~~~ ·"'!!-~~_;j ~Ill ttal tllla po!er sbould Let us pauae a momeot aDd our co-y 1s 1ur111ng lllto 1861RhodooDr. cr .... llllawlo-Udre-•""'''"""""'~'~"'!ofYer.~1.~u;;,t1'11slome-lltiDk .•bal~-..wAI.Jbo otorm ceotero of re•oll. Will • Costa v..., Call'· quo&ta --......... 'If our=.coll""·U:,'t'..T,:tiY-llllm<lnl to ....-.t.tt.·Yet eooht l 'fCO>"''ID _.,... ' · · enemy, responsible for the tremen'dous there be eDOu.gfl. water ln tbe ~ ._u:ely the reallnblem; !,e., c'*-8 --..,., • . . to complete eon~l<Wer tu:f\md.s &Dd nine :IDOattif\)'elp QO'It', spending by our defense department and for sending our soldiers to distant lands to fight "no win" wars? Watch for Nixon . statements concerning the war in Vietnam, trade with the enemy, and relations with communist Russia and Red China. If Nixon action on these points Is In the national interest of survival and freedom then we can be optimistic indeed, Police BloHer future? What researc h must be ANOTHER AT1ACK tllal tbe laws preAIJtb' oa ·tbe )tDtWo 001~ . ..,. tobltb·bJ the people and tbelr eltcted an our meau ot •ttoNl de- dooe to soln water problems? Editor of the ti1S1gn. boob are DOt beiDg enloreed.. seboOls -·a.odtbrteueutn&Dd represemattves ls. the touoda-renee ate to be tuned ovtr to Is extinction our fate? Tbe cltlseas o1 Amerlcabave Coogress tben r•cts by llllfair).y cn.tri~~·tioo ot our wbole system of tbe Ubited NaUoos, lock, stock We want to explore tilt ll.ll-just wtb:lessed aoother major pusiD( oew laws, restrtct1ng 00 the people of pernment. Tbe AmerlcaD re-ud b&rrel. This warDiDg ns mown define and cure disease attack 00 their 1oca.1 pollee-· turtber tbe rlgbts of tbe laW"-a ~ ::a ~:~evolution wa.s fougtt to establlsh gtyen by the DefeDders of tbe tree the oppressed aod uv~ the recently releaa.t Walker Gldlng clti&en --DOt tbe ~ 1 by tar': ;:._: -'"'*~ it; tbe Coostltutkm oftbe United American Coastitltion 1n better. report on tbe CbJcago dis-crtmiAal (in some casu: ac-n 5 r;--.. States was draftedtoprese"e "Alert No. 45,"datedNovem- Toward this eod, aoottler trio turbances last summer. Tbe ttally aJd1ne the crtmJ.ni.J). Tbe aser of state &Dd. kK:al tu it. Tbe time bas come to use ber 15, 1961. of Astronauts lett their tam-Walker report l5 no differeut situatioa eoot1nually aetsworse funds 1n CaWornia.. Tbe more this power, before tbe publle Tbe Alert eootlnued: "011 the Illes during the holidays to trom otber reports tlled a.t our tor the cycle bas a 8Qilwbal.l ef-;:o:r we speod: ..!!:. : ~e educattooal ~stem eoes so tar Z6tb day of the same mooth ot orblt the moon. president's request· an have feet. Tbe citizen is ooo.tantJy 0 ewe seem .... ~. moe out of controllhatltwUldestroy the same year, the Collp'ess WIUI the fl.rst of tbe New bad ooe prlncipalob~ve •• to looting to tbe source ol bis trouble ;:e ~ed 'J: more money ltseU, aDd much of our society obediently implemerted trlts Year, 4 Marine scientists shift tbe blame of any dis-problem (tbe gorernment} lor mooey a.s r. 1 a.looe with U. Insane projectbyiUiiOgPublle Aquanauts with the Department turbance trom the lawless the a solutJon. Tbe appointed C'lstod ans ol Aside from tbe immediate Law 87-Z97, ealled tbe u. s. of the lDterlor, wtll Uve ln a communists, and tbe ;ub-What ls the real solution? !!:, ::u,ruo:u~f ::~== problem of restoring order on Arms Control and Disarmament pressurl&ed habitat for 60 con-versives, to tbe law-abid!Dg. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL tern tat: delegated 90 mueS: of our campuses and 1n our Act. This sulcldal act, in seeuUve days. The undersea It 1s evident ttra.t u. oewest POUCE A.liD KEEP THEil lN-tbeJr autbority to others tbat seb:Jols, we mustcarbtbeeoor-defttDce or aay eoostttutlonal •WE DNESDAY, DEC. l B man, 2100 Santiago Dr., Dover dwelllng Is toserveasalabora-attack. launched through tbe DEPENDENT OF FEDERAL the are 110 loo. r able·to do,mous appetite lor twds coo-restrtcUoos, eret.ted tbe U.S. Barry Haglun, 21, or 700 Shores, left his Mustang on the tory as well as home for tile Wa!Rr report, 1s DOt ac-CONTROL Y ce [ly displayed bJ our publlc Arms CootrolaDd Disarmament Polnsettia Ave., and Randy driveway wit h the ear ke ys Lo lour, woo will Wldergo tests lor etdenta.J. Its purpose.sartabun-Your~ truly their ~a~ulty m=~-: educa.Uonal SJslem. To take just Apocy, and pve powers to Us Martin, 19, of 512 Iris Ave ., it; nezt morning hi s car was reactions during the projed . dantly clear to any wbo see, RfcbardE. Woodill :::e tbe 0mo:eerWea.l de· nampla,ltreeeatlycameto director, Wlllla.mFoster,whJ.ch Corona del Mar, and Barr y gone . • • M. Sorber, 2815 No matter .where we look the think, and are coocerDtd. Sa.o Gl.bl'lel c1 ioos about 1. my attention that a major sebool exceeded any powers etnn Martin, 21, of 349 WI Lson St., Alta Vista Dr., East Bluff, re-struggle lor world do~e s personoe cour-district in Orange County bas UDder tbe Con.stJ.tuUoo to a.ay Costa Mesa, wer e arrested at ported tllat his Must.a.ng was and power Is evident. Even H I" d t • t 1Dereued its budget by u<l. agency of our Federal Govun- 12:30 p.m., a.t the HarOOr High raised Oil blocks during the Bethlehem today is bedlam 0 I a y I me a sea stnce tbe last tlscaJ. year, wblle mert." SeOOol parking lot and booked on night, aDd the 2 front wheels Christian unity Is hardly dis ~ Us Jq)tl eorollmeDt 1nc.reued Because of tbls alarmiDg the cllarge of loitering around a were taken -a $100 loss ••• cerDible 1n the very birt~lace bJ only 1%. It La: bad eooucb s1tuaUoo. tbe New RlgtJt urps scOOol •.• A large, limestone BOAT Sl~ UP l1 E where Jesus was born. Eleven Harbor Area rest-sea. otf tbe cout ot Cblle. Mrs. Rorer HaDnatord, 456 that tbe state ot CaWornia l..s tbat lmmadiate steps sbould be shale r oc k was thrown through a ....... M The 1,600 -year-old Churchof deots are amoog the Amertean World Campus Afloat also Serra Drlte. iocrea.sing its IP8Ddlng 4 times taken to erase these laws from bedroom window r eported TerJ Appli cations tor more than the Nativity is owned for the college students oo the Chap-Y1ll call at Ya..,aJ.so *Costa llesa-Kennetb Uma, as fast as its pcpulat1on in-our atatw.e books. Ruby of 212-l/2 6 nyz Ave ., Bai-410,000 boat r egistration r e-most part by the Greeks. The man College World Campus (Sa.ntt.ago). Chlle, Callao(LJma). IOD ol llr. ud Mrs. Joba K. ereue; but th1J acbool district A tboroup 1Dqu1ry 1rJto our boa Island; a similar rock was newals had been mailedtoCali-Ca.tbollcs won a sllare in 1852 AlJoat wbo celelrated tbe boll-Peru, aDd Acapulco bdJ:re IJma, Z89 E. Bty., aDd Naoe7 Js 1Dcreasinc its speM1nr SO peromerAl procedures alld a throwo through her kitche n win-fornla owners of properly r e. and a southern s iJce went tot~ da.ys at seaatx:.rdlbe s. s. Ryn-OOeklng Ju. 29 at LosAaeeJes. West, dl.upter o1 llr.s. S,.lYla. Umes as rut as the manbers reYln of tbt many alltpdly dow on the 16th ... Ten teeth gistered boats. Boat owners Armen.Ia.ns. All sects can say da.m. The Joea1 stllllellts abou'd W~st, ZSM Fordtam Dr. of tbose in wm.e IIIJIMI tbis WICOQSUtutiooa.l laws W'b1eb marks wer e left on lA:lrrls may mail their ootlces with high mass somewher e under the Steaming south trom Rio de are: Newport Beaeb -R. Scott speodiDg 1$ siCJPOMdly Justl-baYe beea pused 1D order to Campbell's ankle, when she the $3 lee to the Department sprawling root. JaDe1ro to Buenos Aires, tbe490 •Ba.lboa. lsla.ad-Marllyu Acettdo, SOD. ot Mr. aod Mrs. tied. ...,on tbtm w111 be made by opened a sliding glass door of Harbors aod Watercraft 1n stude!U, faeulty and crew GrelL daupt:er olllrs. HellO Artbur Aeft'edo, Z950 Carob So looc u n ban ICbool 1'be New Rlcbt. For tbt Ume at her hom e, 2015 Altura Sacramento or take their Une~r!' days ~~ds ofpoUce transformed tbelr sh1pbo&rd. H. Greet. 106 Jade Ava., IJ¥J st., East Bluff; Roaald Sharp, bou'ds autbort&1ttc rUAa.ftJ' btiDc. S8111etm.eataare0Uerad, Or., Irvine Ternce, to let her renewal not.lees lnpersootoany route ._. .. een the giant campus into its owo 15,000 Tom Jones, SOD of Mr. a.od 1011 of Mr. ud lira. JobD H. JPeiXliDc 11b ud.s, Wem111tbt.tt later to be tDcluded to a boot eat in and 11 ungratefu lly bit of the Department's 440 Yolun-pUlars of the baslllca-beiOY r:ross-toa Ctalstmu boat PI-lira, A. Jooes Jr., sot Grud Sblrl>, 501 Riterslde Ate,, aD ettect!Ye milD& of ebeek1Dc eatUled: '1Tbt Jarllprudeneeot her • • . During the o.lght, a leer r egtstraUoo agetts, orre-wtooows which only Catbollcs rade. CUlL Newport Hetcbta; Kut Cora-their ftl:lalactal aptte. SUeb SurTtva.l." TbeJ are: $45, white and ye llow umbrella new their reglstratioDS at any are permUted to clean -to FollOYID.g a pre-Cilrl..stma.s •corooa HJ&Illaods -Jwt.e nll, 100 ol Mr. ud Ill'S. a means Is prorided bJ' tbe 1. To deClare u.t a state ot With white tassels at each cor-omce of the Department of the eave where tradltion says Fellowstdp with Bra.r.llla..o stu-H.aJJDatord, daugtar of llr. and PbWp Cornell, 1101 Sb.tllt'l preMIII. statutory e.WOC oa 1r11 now u1ats IDd bu tllattd oer, was stolen from his patio, Motor Vehieles. Jesus ns born.. Tbe Pro-ded.s aDd toarsofeathedrals, 1n -Circle, DoYer, Sbores; Mellada Joca.l schOOl turatH, wbtebeao for m&.aJ Jtus, bltnlo mter- said Wilbur Jager, 316 Buena testants, wOO han been allowed addlt1oa to cvrieulca tours ot Mead. di.UCIJW' ot Mr.aa:Uits. oa.ly bt e:a:eedtd II a majoltty •Uo•l comm.tam ud tbl VIsta Blvd., Balbca ... A LEG4l NOTICE to tal<e par! s!nc:e lhe Brll1sb Brasilia IIIII PetropoU., tbo LEGAL MOTJCE W1Wam B. VelA!, ?36 VIa Lido ot .•Diers _.,.1 u "Ofor-I1Dltod Statoo; IIIII to lab IP· white cashmere dress priced at mandate, are 1n tbe courtyard sblpboud c:&mpos took to sea NCJI'd. lJdo Isle; DollcJU ride," proprtate meuurn to pat tblt $ZS and areeu sldrt priced NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING adjoining the lt&slllc:a, sloglng and bopn Ita bolldaJ trau-NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING BronoU, -ot Mr.llld lAra. a.t lbloeuollltalr-.tai<Ml sllullloolltlo- at $l3 were stolentrom Robin-NOTICE LS KEREBY ginn carols and praying Wider the Ax'matioa. IJte-Dateb Cb.rtst-AmeDd:mtlll Mo. iSS, J. H. Bronell, ?08 st. Jamee ICbOOl 11*"""1.,. bU oaJy a & To protide • tbe dt&th soos. Fashion Island, at ll :35 that the PJ.a.ntdDg Commtas1on frosty skies. If lt ra1nl bal.vtly, mu trtta, pit tn rtp'lprated Mot1ee it blrebJ clf'ID tbll Place, OU.U Hat .a. ud 81JtM UtUt_-JDOI'I ttu I fMH ol Wt, ~ far lllJ act dttrtmnbJ. a.m ••. Kenneth Netzlband, of the City ot Newport Beach they are aUOwed 1Dslde the bolds dta'tac tbllfllp's atop 1n tbt PJa.ru:d.ac' Comm1•llol Gltbe SMrmu. duefltll' ot Mr. aa:s A blll, A.B. J'Jl, pultd 1D. to tbt VDUedSta!n, nlebwoU:I 2018 Beryl Lane Harbor High-will bold a publlc hearing oo Ortbodo:w: chapel or use the R«terda.m were broiCbt ow CltJ o1 Newport 8tAc11! wll11101d Mra. nomu Sblrmu. 101 VI& 1M'f wttb verJ JJ1U1 \ti.ICQII:ioB "ctn lid or eomtort to l&Dd.s, reported' tile tbeft of tbe appUcatJoo of C. 1... KlrebDer YMCA building a few blOcks aDd trlm~ wltll dlcontlou a pabUc be&rtac 011 A.IDn 'MIIll Su Rtmo, 1Jdo lallt. of tbla put1clllar ~ ........... ow $49 from a desk drawer in the tor a Varl.a.Dee 963 to permlt awa.y. midi b)' tblltacierlta: It ODt blc No. ISS wldeb PI\¥140IU CO pte local ICIIOOI bou'dl .._ ~ To pnwldt u. 4lllb ltorap roomoftheMobllSta. tbe coostr~~eUoo of a three-Services areabobe1d1Dtbe all-a_,. c1lltti.Dc ....n aa.d tbt~otca.p.. L!WJSCO!HAICESOf 11J:dM&IItlllortt710ra.l.-tun ..-lt7 b' lltlrter-=e Wlb tloll al 301 E Coas! Hwy al story doc>lei ha>lng an Oferall segroptoot Field or lbo Shop-Colorod llpto -• .....,_ tor 111,50 o1 C."--' a..b UDO Ill. ttocl_,ll( 1a I I'll, 0o1 allltoe -po!Wcol •-lc ~ Soyllde Dr . " hel&ll! of 30 t teet at 7SIO bordo. Aa eacb deoomlllatloo -lttap blllflllll-Voolclpo1 Codo nlollolc,to oo-E DIIS AT 60 -,_.,.. tuU a1 11toe _....., ttO -~~ ' W. Ocean Froat to the R-1 claims U OWDB !be oolJ truo JPOI -bold. "'*-LttiO lltoe --IAwla Coo llllrtol, 10, ollie -LosialaiWI Ill 1110 Ia to ., '11• .,.HURSOAY, DEC. 19 zooe. SeetloD %0.14.030 o1 the Where the a.ocel IIJPIIZ'ed, U. Cl* artU u4/f11 c•n111 Ia VIa 11. .... , Lido Iaiii, ..S,...,. twa~oiA..B.l'll teml, tlllatebJ' ~ ,~ or Slrnrt Cul>er, 18, or 2Gt9 llunlclpal Code restr!cta tbo tlold Is dl•lded aliiOOI tbom. Wct<ld Ct----11toe PUcoola&o o1 •"r• Doe. II ll-A& COla-(191'1), _...,. pruaftll( c. co;:r::.--=..::nl'lll( Vlnmar Dr., aa-. I'Uhel&ll!otsuebtrtructurestoa Tbo maJOI''I otllco ar-rlpl """""' -lodkiO(COO ..... ~IOOI!IJao.ti&L -"'•rlJI!IID_,._ CUlM-booted ooanrrantlor3eoubls mutmum of two Jtorlts. Ctaistmu wttb open arms., CbrUtmu ht. ud apia ca laP.._,..._..,Deftlct.. Be wu ban Oct. 11, 1101, ,.,..._ local ld!Ool tu; :;.,... ·....:-:,::.:. al ~ drup · • • Paul NOTICE IS HEREBY ltlrtbor Tbt Cburcb of lloo Nlll•lly Cllr-CllJ U portal C. -Iii m .......... to~..-, "W6 --tttb"--<L Parllltl, IS, ot UO Westm!Jister il>oo tbo1 oold pobllc boUIA& -aplllot 1 coot ol ~· talool .....,.._ -C--IIIMr'!J~--II ,_,. -uti -Ill I will IIIII-a 1t1U far If dtte't AYI,,ll._rt Hel&ll!S, was or-wlU Ill bold on t1oo llllldlJol --•lilac Boi-AI on!Yod lll'llllor••lllt-ttool altiJII)Itlle .11-'0IIIlto ~eo.!JIIo U JO&Holll taU-1o 1 ... u lAd ...:;ttool Wwlll,-llflfJ· .....ttd at 1:10 p.m. at tbe New-Ju.rJ, net, at u. 1a01r of 1IICJtW of peul ud eanld ol ~ Ill at!& •111 a tJGit. llltld oa 1111ta..,tt Jr 1 J wu a ,.ear rt'&...,.. b' ta t-Thlt.., to brnnp n •Ye.. paa1 Plot ODd bookod .. tbo S:OOp,m.lalhoc-llCIIam--. Tbori •UI 11---· -. e&rrJIIIc • , ... , &I t1la-........ 11. ._ ... .,_ .... *'" ,.,. p-Fro ·L-B:LJ_ -.. ., --1a llortollhlllo_. a...ciiJ -... .....,...,,4 -·""' .--.,....,, Alllrllfl • IatCPBIIlCM , .. .,. t••••anltltw~~t,Y-... , _., •• PI,_ m ._ ....., IMtllo ••• lite Pltuld!D, 4J, 11at1, llftlclt umo uti,---~~~~---•IIIJ uti..,.. •to•J r _.,If~ ....,. Cllr ... alltllo -. l'la B.-; ap 1 uai etol Annre-l-crlodaotl1114,111ttot ol1514 w. ~ frOIIl,Cft-..,. udall ,._ ... llted ....... , .. SE'dDc.ttldlot ... ...., ........... ,...a.. ........ IFf ........ , L c. .... "' a.....,_ flclllr -.. 'Del, .......... ,. ... - tnlll-'-wubooltod•t-. --Udbottoar<ttiiW .. C.*rJn&qouo. -~-.-an,.. a II II•• ~ t Cit!.'...,._,_ lit-111 ... ., •-.••ltlloJ.., __ _....,_...:""atUU~... Wltaii'IUbolllo_to_htl ....... ,"--::,"'"c-I 12 ~ 4 -.-....... -...... -...... .., __ ... -al'llld' • RQY.CGpelll,_.ttuy the...., eM"J PI~-~ 0 .. 1 II--~~~ ......... • • ·~~-· P~.!-_11 I 11111.1202& ....... llllllltiiAMil?ll Pllallll--.. .... M h 0 n•.... ....... Rooport-C11f 11*1'1 Did a all bll(lo WD -·-&1-.U..., Old \.UUIIOLF -la''llll ---. .. --11o1 A h-J an - a 11M .. lilt ---···-uti . ._.,0' e•-*t....,,_-tWIJJRIJ .... farlllt-ptta'lol ft IJCI I 1 al,_ftte"Jf,------ietnlt-....,..,,. mwto•- ,_W'E ',_ -. .... '-1-.I,Pift,lo Ottllllt-•r IJaiQrtll.. ..a. ,..._QIIa,_ :.;· .. • ,.,.,,.... ., arur.a of ---ziti_...,.,, ·1r ••-•-•- .... -... ~Pht-Tllt ... ,.:-1oo1p-.? OM'EIIJ', --,_.,--.ull I Sol-I-loolp '-f~tol-. ltl ...... ltllo--·-11:t1-41J I • NEJPORT HARBOR Eli9GN FIRST SECnoN --P111l THURSDAY, AUG. IS. !!a OORlNA DEl. MAR, CAUF. • fiRE IM TRASH CAM$ lslaDd, wuputootwttba- A fire 1D alleJ trub e&A& at bose by aleictJbor.be-.Nft' .. U. resicStoee ot MiekeJ F'nDk-port BeaeUlremeaOCMllda.rrt•• llD. 214 Dla.moad Ave., Balboa af U :SSa.lll •• Sattll'dllJ.Dec.ll. C A TCH THE CUR E A n old cookbooJ. Jo!l'es th1~ cu re fur .nthma. "We.~r tht: skm of a muslrat-fur s1dr 1"1()\\ to the.: hod~­ over the lungs.·· (ert~ln reltd v.as JS~urcd I t '~ ~·om­ fortmg to kno"' thJt ~o~.c hJ\C more relt.a t'lk mct hoJ~ toda~ In recent ~t!.H\ mc:thc.J I ..._u,.n ... c h." JCh1e•eJ inc.alculabk tmprO\ements m the c.uc anJ treatment of •llness. 'I 0ur ph~~ICtan ..:Jn tdl ,,,u J.b<lut the etfectti'C meJ•ca\1 00~ JI :Jdo~hlr Sed h t~ r rvftloM0nal ad\ICC: Y>hCil ~ou't<' til fh,·n. tl h<· I..:<Onl!llt:nd' med1catton. come: to u~ for >.j u.Jltt~ pr<· .... ·nptloll:.. DEBUTANTES MAKE FORMAL BOW dau.....-of Mr. and Mrs. Home Society are pictured her e at their THE DEBUTANTES Children's of the Christensen Pharmacy .at E. COAST Inn .. co.o•A DD. IIAa OMOLE I·IUI Dr. and Mrs. Edward Angle Boyd, escorted by Andrew Sewell Rose. Howard Beasley Lawson. es-presentation ball: from left, front row, =~' Michael c .. hrle Sally Holstein, Isabel Elizabeth Lawson, LIBda Krl&tlne NISsen, dau-· Alicia Stanley Turner, Anne Storch, Kath-ChrlstiDe Sue Callis, dau- cbter of Mrs. Jotm Malcomson aDd tbe late Robert Louis Callls, preseated by ber stepfather, Joho )&aleomson, and escorted by Tbomas Purcell. gbler ol Mr. a.nd Mrs. Paul erine Louise Smith Linda Christine Sta-1""====----------------, Nissen. escorted by Ha.r-' OP EN TO THE fAI ULOUS NfW RfSTAU.ANT Un .. t-1 SJw<•ohy O.oMo !)onc;.,9-ro"'"'' Cco•lo'-'91> r .... CM-4 o. c;.,,,,._,..,..,.. de s-.4• Carol Editb Carver, daur.ter ol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lopn Carver, escorted by Richard Parke. Cathy Joe Clarkson, daught~r of Mr. and Mr s. Josepb Hen- dersoo. Clark&on, escorttld by Jolm Charles Symus n. Nancy Evans Creamer, dau- ghter ot Mrs . Hatfield Creamer, preseoted by John Klllefer, aad escorted by Curry Welch Kirk- patrick W. GeorgeaDne Hanna., daughter ol M.r. and Mrs. Paul Ha.nna. escorted lly Davtd Jotln Rwn- bellow. Sally Holsteln., daugflter of Mr. and Mrs. George Meade Holstein W. e5COC"telt'by iUcbard ~ebullteot. Patricia Aim lluddlollon, daup!er olllr.aJIIfllrs.Doaald LD.sley Huddlestoo, escorted by Gordon Dale Becker. Judy Ann Hylton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Irving Hyttoo., escorted by David Paul Geoffrey. Ka.tbleen AHlson KeUey,dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Porter Allison Kelley, escorted by James Frederick Millar. lsa.bel El.lr.abeth Lawson, land Walnwrlgbl KocbJr. bier, Christine Sue Callis, Judy Ann Hyl- Debora.b Porter, daughter of ton and Linda Kristine Nissen· 2nd row Mr . aDd Mrs. John Fredertek ' ' Porler, escorted "' Timothy Roxanne Elizabeth Ray, Car ol Edith Car- Burt Hogle. ver Susan Ann Vernon Kristine Boyd Rou.nne Elizabeth Ray, dau-' ' ' gbter or Mr. and Mrs. James Kathleen Allison Kelley, Cathy J o Clark- David Ray, escorted by Willlam son Nancy Evans Creamer and George- Klassen. ' Georgene Lunde Smith, da.u-anne Hanna; 3rd row, Debo rah Porter, gllter or Mr. and Mrs. Ira Georgene Lunde Smith and Patricia Ann Warren Smllh, esoortedbyJoiUJ Huddleston (C ameo House photo ) Tread'Well Yule, • • Katberlne louise Smith, dau- ghter of Mrs. Ra.odall Fell:J: Geddes and tile late Wlllt.atn Bowles Smith, presented ber stepfalber, Raadall Geddes, and escorted by DoDllld Sampson.. Unda Christ IDe Stab lei:, do~­ gllter of Mr • aad u.m ~..a~r..-......... ., ~Gerald YcCI&Ire. ·-t~ Anne storcb, daugti:er ot Ill'. and Mrs. Jolm Arthur Storcll, escorted by Charles Thomas Forkner Jr. AU cia Stanley Turner, daugh- ter of Mr .and Mrs. Roger Ebert Turoe.r, escorted by Cra.l g Mar- shall Clark. Susan Ann Veroon, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Richard Colman. VenM)Q, escorted by Samuel Alan Morphy. Show features couple Sa cred 9reasure -Jlouse '12 E_..T IBT-ST cv•'""' ... ~~: .... e ..... ~ 11:1• 27 B rnchun & Ca tn lngu, PUBLIC la'lq .... -.1 II'-...... : .. v .............. 2)0 The Newport Harbor Art Wu-llaDd a.nd wlfe artists. '• Paul seum will mark the New Year Brach and Miriam Sc baplro, with an eJhJ.biUon ot pa.1nt.l.ngs opening Jan. 22 • from 101 ll'liVATIOfrn-CAU (71 t l ""-2t4J .. ..... ~-J\116 c-llwy., s. l-7~~ ...................... , and grapllic works by bus-Altbough they have been re- sideits of San Diego since 1966, lbis records Ule first West ' UP TO ~tUr:~ I JANUARY CLEARANCE OFF DRESSES ••• SUITS .•• COCKTAILS ••• FORMALS ••. COATS .•• SWEATERS ••• CAPRIS .•• BLOUSES • •• SIDEWALK S A LE Jan. 6tb UCI Campua Store Only - Coast nbl.bltioo ol these Z transplanted New Yorkers. Tbe elllllbllloo will continue lhr<>Ugll Feb. 23 at the Wuseum's lery 1n Balboa PavWon, Main Street. Tbomas H. Garver, dir,ed<>r of the Newport Harbor Art seum, bas been responsible for both lheorganilattooofthe show aDd the written introduction to the UlustraUt'e eata.logue. Mr. Brach has been serving as chairman of the vtsua.l arts department, which he founded at tbe University of California.. San Diego, but was recently named dean of the art school, Ca lltorDi& Io.stltme of the Arts, to be ef!eetln in July.lUs most receot work bas ~lised the. simplest geometric shape, the circle set wttbl.n tbe square. Both husbuld lJld wUe are represellltd In oumerous public and prtnte collectloosand have parUc.q:..ted lD oompr ebensfn III'OCI eDibttlou and ooe-man sbOws tbrou(bout the COUDtry. Newport Harbor Art Yu- seam's p..Uery bours are Wed- otsdaJ lhr-s_, from 1 to 5 p.m., Moadl.ys 6to9p.m, FISIIIM G GEAR $TOLEN AI-$300 wwtb ol flsiW>& equlpmooi ........ from bls prace sometime betneD Sep- tember aM Dee. 10, JobA Par. ur or m t .. oroc star Lane, Dover Shores, told Nt.rporl O.CII! pollee Dee. U. NEW ... AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNIQUE BANK ! SSBOOK Your new Golden Passbook Savings Account will draw the highest bank rate of interest available anywhere ! Now you c an enJOYS 13°/0 ontere st on a Newoort National Bank Golden Passbook Account when you• savtngs and all dov1dends remam n year ThiS s .,0 .... poss•ble when our 5°/0 currel'1t a.,nual ontertos! rate •s compourlded da•ly and cred1ted ouartefly to .,.po,..r Golden Passbook Accou,t Th1s spec1al accov.,t os ava•lable to Individuals. corpora1 10ns partnE"rsh.ps and non-prof1t organ•zattons You"ll be pleased to know that your mterest roaymel"lts are flextble accordtng to your own personal ,eeds W1th a mintmum depos•t of $500 and subsequent deposits of $100 or more. there •S no l•m•t to the amount you can depostt ,n your Colden Passbool<. Savo,gs Account . Your mterest starts from the date of dePOSit and contmues to the date of w tthdrawal We cons•dar thll a golden opportuntty to make your n'oltngs grow fait., In a pleasant and secure atmosphere We would like to tell you ifiO'"e about H'us u,•que ""bank rate·· of ln..,..lt. Come In and IH us or mt!lltl the coupon below and we'll do tt'le re1t --------------------. ~ NEWPOAT NATIONAl BANK I ~ (Sele("!llddren of your l"lf!&rest off ,cel I Gentlemen I am mterested ,,., Ol>e"'"9 a new 1 Gol~n Peuboolo. Accouf't 1 0 Enclosed •S my cl'\eck (money ~1) for I {$.500 00 or more) Please OP't'" tl"oe account end I sel"ld me more onlormliiOOI"I I hereby u"derllef"ld 1 that wothdrewels Clr"lnot be made unto! prope• ••9-I narure cards have been retumed 1nd are on foil "' the Bani< I 0 Please ll!l"ld me mo,.. onformet•Ofl about yovr n4!W Colden P1Sibooll Sav•ng• Account .... ________________ _ $11~~"---------------- C•~'---------------- 7 COIIYtNIENT OFF1C£S TO Sf.IIYf. 'IOU IN OIIAMGL COUNTY .. ,.,.- .... -c..p.n .. ~StO-ll II ....... -..,.. .......... 14.2·1141 ........................... ..,... .... _ .......... tuollll ·-c:.latll ............... c • Ill--....... -"""'c ....... .,. Illes Ill-bill car.-• .. Csllll .,.... • ' ' I I I I WE WISH YOU A IOUIITJUL NEW YEAR 10 to s Da ily I to 5 Sundays Clued Mondcry c"l''~ 7..,H~ tirlglnals UTGALLUY -6G-70f7 - 1835 E. Hewport Blvd, -Costa Mesa Start e New Yea RIGHT ---with a • NIAGARA "You Have to Feel To Believe It" WOI~AMOUS CHAII fighh PAIN, STiff. NUS, TENSION AND FATJGUE with MOVING HEAT AND CYCLO-MASslGE ACTION. e houf!ful , ; . Col~ <Wid Style• e Tho.,. Cyc:to- MGuog. Moton. • Therapeurl' He~ e..,u, bl e w...Wa MoM ComfOO'tlllble Chcllt e Costs No o\\o•e Th::.n c- CMHabl• Oooi'• Wllhout H<!OI lo Mos~. Neil Co.IJNHI TH•y.,l .r r,._ 54%-6741 -CAll. WIITf, 01 COME IN HOWl - MIA GAllA PHONE ~2-6741 NAME .••••••••••••• , ••• , •.•• , ••• , .••• STI!ET. , , • , ••••••••. , •••••• , •••• , ••••• . CITY ...••....•....... ZONE I I I I ' . flfii'QI!TitARiqR'tiiSICllt lltURSMY JM; 1, 1!11' NEWPORT EBELL MARKS 60TH YEAR ~:_~~~~":;CXISu~!A':a1111"CA4f· 111 IIH. --~~~~ ----plollod-lllt ...... - -Old ..... -...... -· .... " -~-~~ :.=·, Go, II<' l'n oC pc 1' CMralll• ro.. ud ........_ ltll'lrtlllld u .. ud to IDell • .. "-• • ......... L_ -llu. C1Qtoo no.p. Jllll ,_o_lllt_ llo INI o tra•ol-wu ... -·Old -lUll--.... C.. -. -·lllr-00111__.. -EboU ............ JOI'--cu, 11011 'OU --cwp-.,...,.1.._1rlpo Uoo. Doo.DIIC..--Ial Prlfllow•a-wlllllollold w. .... tt•u!..~ 1 .. ~~ ICII*I 'Wila Oowwa, ud an kJcallJ u ..u u Gil of.,. 1')o • ot TO' 1rrn Pr el&l. todllJ, 'lea.!:....~~" -·-:..-·--•...-... .., ... ,.Uoroocb Uld•oflllo_,:,.a.•""--_.,.._,_.., •_:u...,.Doo.n,llll,lll ~---· .; -,... Ia _.._..Old llalllo-of lilt etrie COlD• ul ·--lllo --IIIIIIMI" .... O to .. -Gr I··C~? -to Coli--uofllc .. oi,IIJ I 1 d!a-_ _,, Tbo -Doo to o co-lp by llllp ol llro. F, Rol-&lid ..., u llolpllala, ·-· -_Ia I ud U.Od Ia trW bollllllo 111-1-at lllo ~ ~~ ~ EboU . momboro .._ oC lin. C. II. DoUiu toolo placo PTA, cllalco &lid......... l'lnltt.:::=:::::!IW~~~~~~~PacUJc.--------., 515 w Ball>o& Bhod. 11a1b0a: olr--•, placod "" ll«<ll to 11140 to Harbor IIICIIIkllool Tbrooctl OU lll,_.ofOIIo- • • pooJa. Tllolr ~· Jli'O· &lid lucoallauodtobou.-1 toKe EbtU Cloll ai Nnport ,. '*'"•-toEbtU 110m-jooll lllcl-J)OC""'c Cbrlll· .... t.,....lbo r-o. Boacb lu bold Ioiii ldalo biro, llu, or:'""~~*" aldlblll nw--twU.Med}o, A ,.,.lol)' of ........... II of clllloallllp, ldll· 5 --ol>jocll ... oflllo Glrl Scout --.............. moallllJIMollnp -· -&lid _., clab utemll0diedlatbe5110UU edlcltk)a clulel ud at blct& ~ bJ membt:r• ur1 area "-"U• ban e.. of a Cll&moDd: 8Ddal. eultanl. .:11001, tbe Gill'• lM.pe. talellt. Later pa1d. Pf'OII'&ml lelttd bJ tbe ciW'1 ac:UYt par. YoeaUooal, edue&tioall IJid ID 1911a bo1ldlDc committee btcame the rule. tic~ 1D tbe comDLUDlt1 &Del pbllaDtbroplc. , was IIIPOLated to locate Jaodl:)r JIIDlor EbeU C1tit wu 01'· U. lf"'Wf:b. "Newport Ebtll 1 50 Je&ll a oew ud larcer clubhouse, 1a p•'Hd lD 1946 UDder tbe8POD-Put presideD ol EbeU ol u!'ty'00t!:• guid1nf ~~::d Aprll, 1914., klea in East New-sorabtp o1 seDJQr members, and are Mmu. A. F. Lester, E..,riD I m uence are r-..,.. port were secured tor a plded by lin. Obecl Lucas. Qu1.all. G. W, W, T. ~ougbocU: . .-~ .... ~::_u .. 1otts bnUtunc site, &Del pliDa were In 196SJUDiorEbellmembtn Sba.w, w. w. R. E. an.ge ........ }', -..u. dran ~. Members dtrtd:ed orplliud tbe auDliu'J, Ju. Wlll1ams, W, L. W. E. purpose to sec-rate tbe ~ir eftorts toward a fUnd tor bells, cooslsti.Dc ot ?5 blgt) Crosier, Harry BurDa. from tbe bad is ~ldent lD its their new beadqiiU'ters, spen. scOOol girls, Tbe)' were aeUve Porter, Georp Reid. 0. accompllsbmeDts. d1ng their 10eial afterDOOns at lD asslsUD& Paulartao Scbool, Hl&tJeJ, E. llb)'nrJil Edward.~, On Sept. 29, 1909, twelve the club sewiD.g items tor tbe nrkMIB lantts.captnc I.Dd beau-.A!Yin Block, Maurice llo!'iu, women met In tbe East Newport building. tlfleatlon projects and 1n fuod Mary BlOck, c . 11. ~. home of Mrs. J. C. King to EbeU members met with raiilDc beoeflts. F. Ki.D& JollJD. Bertba TU- • • orpnize a women's club. 01-disappointment, howet'er, wben Ebell Club of Ne"J)«t Beach lotsOD, Robert E. Rou, ~-I ftcers were electedlbeflrstday efforts were made to secure provides scbolarshlpfU.DiluaUy Rulborford, v. F. Graee,Bnco Not to Rl"sk Accl"dents aDd a committee appolnted to a $2,000 loan. The)' dropped to ald worthy students ID Deed. McBride, Robert Kllleter, Lew draw~ tbe consUtuUooandby-the amount to $1,500, but still The awards are presented to PeWtt, Byron Wells, Nlcbolu laws. Their purpose ID forminc were without results. occ students of nurslnc;mustc BrettDer, WW1am a Tritt, tbe club was to broaden tbelr During the war 1n Europe scholarships tn various cate-Raymond K. Harvey, JobD B. lmowlege ttlrougt) exr.:hange of mooey was scarce. The club gorles, and to district federa. Lamar, Edythe Curry Brlroe•, thouchf:, study aDd discussion of gave 141 their idea ot buUdln.c Uoo pro~ts. Lop.n Jackson. Rudolpb A. Ideas. and traded its }ots, In add.itfon Ebell members spoosor a Vanuet, Tbomas L. Letto, Er .. h-~ c11lubc ubwasfflrE st ll::oown as lt too~ on a $550 mortgage for tree pre-school eye cllnle, con-oest Lamping. Edward A. t • .,. be I o · astNewport. a house and lottnEa.stNewport. tribute fuDds for veterans al-Rogers. Members were to begin ln On AprU 6 1916 the nrst b November wttb twtee a month club meeung was 'beJd In tbe E b I t • S meetings, eliding tile elub ..,w hOUse. A fireplace was e SeC f 0 n S u y seasoa 1n May. Monthly dues added 1n 1920 To secure funds - were 10 cents. Mrs. A. F. an Ebell cookbook was prtoted Newport Beach Ebell'stravel Ebell Clubhouse, 313 Lester was the first president . . section wiU start the DeW )'ear Road, Fullerton. and served a term of 2 years. and sold m conluoction wtth a Yith a trip to tbe Forum ln Luclcy Book Section "7"' ls w. w. WILson. husband of a bazaar· lDglewood to see "Holiday on boldine a belated member, offered tbeuseofEast During the years 19Z4, 1933 tee." They will meet at U:30 party at 0000 Monday, Ju. 27, Newport Town Company House and 1939, the build1n(wascom-a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, ln front in tbe home otMrs.CarlPearl- for Ebell Club meetings. The pletely remodeled and re-of the Mesa Theatre to depart stan. Newport Beacb. eo. organt.z.aUon incorporated ln novated. Glftstromfundralsers by bus. hostesses are Mrs. 1914 and )lined tbe district and and individuals Included oew Mrs. RaymondHerms,chatr~ aDd Hrs. Margurlte ll.autoalll state federation in 1921. draperies, chairs for officers man, 1s tU::tn.cresernUonsoow Murphy. Mrs. Henry VaugM 1.1 Through efforts of Mrs. and member s, table silver, for tbe Feb. 12trlptosee "Lioo. chairman. Horace Little a branch of the china and linen, a kitchen stove, In winter," starring Katherine Book Section 1 wtu meet at state Ubrary' was secured in tea service and a grand plano. Hepburn and Peter O'Toole. 1 p.m. Jan. 9 in the Corona del December, t910. Members took Tllree lots adjotnlngtbe EbeU The monthly meeting of the Mar home of Mrs. G. w. turns serving as librarians, and Clubhouse were purchased ln Ebell Club wiU be held at IX)()D Riehle. co-hostesses are Mrs. distribution of books was held 1945. On this sUe the present Jan. 9 at the Ebell clubOOuse. M. L. Babbitt and Mrs. H. on Mondays, Wednesdays and and oew elub building was eoo-On the program will be Penny a Baett.. Book reviews wtll be Fridays in the EbellCiubktuse. structed and ready for oe-Hl..l, soprano, and Jotm Moe, given by Yrs. Arthur Kemper, Indh1duals wereaskedtodonate c~cy In 1954. ln 1963 the Pi.aDlst-barpslchordist, tea-Mrs. Charles Dervy 1.s cba.lr- books and maguines; a small mortgage was burned. tured In a repertoire of folk man. fee was charged for books loan-Through members of the club music of many lands and times. Mrs. Nlebolas Breltlwtt, ed to lndh·lduaJs outside the services of a community Mrs. L. W. Jents, program eha.irman of Book SeeUon 3 families of club members. nurse wer e secured for the city chairman., will Lntroduce the announces a meetlnc for ~ In 1912 a fund was started for of Newport Beach. other bene-young artists. Jan. 8 tn the homeoiMrs.C. w. a Ubrary building; 75 volumes ficl.arles of club welfare were Mrs. Arthur Neeb, music Thomas, corona del Mar. eo. were purchased in 1913 for the Open Air Health Camp, Orange chairman. anncnmees that hostesses are Mrs. M. c. Dodd library, and by 1915 ft contained County Crippled Children's Re-E-Belletooes are presenting a and Mrs. H. H. Wilke. 950 books. In 1918 a per manent lief, Boys and Girls Seout procram for a meeUnc of Book Sectioo 6 will meet at librarian was appointed. 'fne troops, Red Cross and in-Orance Distrlet oo Frlday,Jan. noon Jan. at library left the bands of Ebell oumberable individual local 10. Thursday, Jan. Z3, tbeywm of Mrs. Clob lD Aprtl ot 1920 aM was cases. flll 2 engagements for the dis-hoste'sseJ · turDed over to tbe cUy a.s a ln 1940 a Thrift Shop wuor-trict 11oe arts festival and for aDd Mrs. Charles nucleus tor a munte lpal Ub-ga.n.lt.ed for EbeU Club by Mis. Boot: SectJoo 4. Yarpret 'HaiJII)aol1, rary. -E. E. Boudinot. With bel' com. Goren Counter members wtll will present" Mrs. ADD Cur- Civic activities continued to mittee Mrs. Boud1oot main-meet at oooo Jan. 10torasaDd· Uss as featllled speaker. .,50 X IJ TUaii:LI:5S ,.Otll COM- ~ACTa • BUYS THIS GREAT 4-PI. Y NYLON CORD GENERAL-JET WHITEWALL TIRE t T ,_ACTIOH ACTIOH DUAL TNII:AD DI:SIGH- THI: ONLY IN ITS ~AICII ,.IIELD • "-UGGCD DU"'AGIEN Nuaaii:N IIIOLLS UP LONG, a A ,..Il M ILII:AGII: • ,.U~ 6-fi'LY NYLON CO"D "II:SIS'TS H£AT ~ROTII:CTa AGAtNeT aLDWOUTS ~u•• a ........ , •••· ••c••• '""' ...... , ........ .. '·" " " ... -.... ·--.. _. c_ ............. _,.. .. . ---·· ......... .... ··-------------" grow, and fn 1914atreeplaoting tained the shop for 4 years, wtcb luncheoo and an a.tteriX)()n M.rs. Jack Utueton. cbair.- project bep.n at tbe grade oettinc over $10,000, all donated of trldge. Mrs. 0 . C. Mat-man or PM Sectloa, 'lrill u- schools. Date palms and Italian toward charity. toclts, ebai.rman., is In noance a definite date for mem· K eep Your Sails Set for Higher Earnings at SAVINGS! . Watch your treasured savings grow with wind-speed under the bright, protective banner of the largest and oldest independent Federal Savings and Loan Association in Orange County. F~tnds rec-eived by thr tenth pa ·rn from the fi·rlt of tlu month.. Don't miss the treasure ship to security. Book paasage today ! SA VJNGS INSURED TO $15,000.00 by a pe nnanent agency of the Federal Government. 5 % C\llti'ENT ANNUAL OIVICOD lATl ,_,ID QUAlTULY ! -YOU liiAVE ~ MAKI! A ~I Contributions were made to-Mrs. R01.y Nielsen, home bers to meet later lD Januuy. wud numerous medical funds garden sectloo c~t~r~IJWI,~~:t~;Luoe::~bec~o~a:t:tbe~J:apa:ae:se;DHr:~~~====~~============~~ and $1,000 was ginn toward the ports that members w111 meet 1 Park 1s plallDed. new ho!l)ltal. Books and radios tbe Balboa home were s~Ued to the santa Ana Larzelere at ooon Jan. 22. Air Base and too. After the Co-hostesses are Mrs. J. A. war, the TbriftSbopnsdosed. Gant and Mrs.RaymoodHerms. Later it was opened under the Marte WlltJ. will lecture oo auspices of the Assistance Lea. landscaping. gue. Ora.nce District Fine Arts Various club secUoos estab. Festival wiU feature works of lisbed lD theeosuingyearswere Newport Ebell members trom music, culture, education, ear -9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. Thursday, den section ud· annual flower Jan. 23. Mss. CharlesEdwar~, ._ _ _, r show. In addition a ~ was cb&lrman. wlll be oo haod to established in Califorllia bl.s-receive art entries at Fullertoo tory and J.a.ndmarks, arts a.od DEAlll TAKES OWHER OF ARTISllC TAILORS Samuel F. Swoderol>1f,own- er of Artistic TaJJors 1n Costa Mesa, died on Cbrlstmas day at Harbor City Kaiser FOODdaUon Hospital. Mr. Swederofsk:J, bome was at Z312 t. UDda Place, Costa Mesa, was born Feb. 17, 1927, lD Oregon. He eame to CalUorDta 7 years ...,, . SuniYOrs are IUs wife, PbJl- lls, and a son, Rlcbu'd o1 In. dlallo. Serrlees were bekl ~. 2a ...... the dlr-of llolls ---IIOI'IuorJ, Costa llesa. luler- melll: wu at Pac14e View llomorlal HI!H c.M. llearT JlaD l.oAe, ~ II--Dec. Z4 at st. V1Dcll!l'aflolpltll Los Aaploo, II ace 41. lie wu a dtap. 'tnct""'V b' PacUlc lllllolal>les. He--alr- c:rall ........ eqatpmoal. He ftl bon JIL 19, 151125, .. lllcbtpD, ud came to Cali-*1<*11,...,..,, so..-· .... 1111 -. Pll-rlcla; -Cllrl....,..., Dudol ud~;Udaflll..,..., llutlar'&, eu at u. - ---.llold I? II II. JOIID lllo lloplloJ CloorU, c.---1111, ____ .,_ -lllo -"' c.----,.-11 II Two. TACHOMlTlR5TOLI!H IIIIPATRICI.:..•~ ·~ -LA L CO.... -u d'w lilaa• AI-_.... 1J ... U., IIIII hJ tl U,..-jiL. I lo COlONA DIL MM I. 1111 llliflllifi<M '81 DIY, ••• , ' --'·7-3-.·,;;,2,;;,6;;;,50..__--.. - AT -nt-allf Frozen Food s • 10 --IEETliORANGE FLA'IOR --IROCCDLI SP EARSo!IIOLLAHDAISE -GREI!H BEAHSilOASTED ALMONDS .................... SUMKIH Juice . \ WATER POLO and croae country atbletee were honored at the fall IPOrls banquet at Orange Cout College. Receiving special awards were, from left, Dan Chrtety of Corona del Mar, water polo co-Pirate of the year; FredSkirde of Hunt- ington Beach, cross country Pirate of the year; Doug Red- wine of Costa Mesa, water polo co-captain, and Mike Wilson of Newport Beach, water polo co-Pirate of the year. Terry Schmitz of Costa Mesa was named cross country team cap- tain. The Bucs had a dual meet record of 10 won and 2 lost In cross country, and a 24-3 record In water polo, winning Southern Cal and state championships. t1nt IJ j~;.~;~~~Q~~ • REMOVE WATER STAINS o FLAME PROOFING Mesa salvages 1 victory NE'II'ORT HARBOR f.Ngl}j ARTIST OF THE IIONI'II lllfALI TRIP$ PLA14NID Coota Moa Art Loaptutl>t Tho Callt><llla CnJ _..., ARST SECTIOII --Pate 5 Lucy -., 1J •"'l"'tl"' oil u ootlmalod 1,000 to I,IIDD 111 TIIURSOAY, JAN.~ 1969 "'" ·• Ceoter Street Lib-t•· II --• ot n. co.ta Mea MW•• bacUd liP by ChckYtrkeywttb P' D11... ,.m, are .,. ... ..-.,_ alllol-netorJ ll ud Bot> Aaatlll Wllb IZ. CXliiOfiADElMAR, CALIF rvr, Coota MeA, lhroooc!>lllt tholr mlcrllloolrooo-.Vc- 11 111a COriJia-b1 -loci~ an tho war moalb o1 Ju11117. Mn. sao-u.-..-.. ._--. -"" C•twn~.,.._ ...... .._ ··-·-· Eagles 3rd lord'• """-·· --· "" .. _ of IIlja ea--. 'Ill 1o 10 S11w<1ar aa.r-. Ia lilt 111oJ -tlod U ~ and mlalat1lrea may ba .....,.., Tho M/V IJIUd liolld&r, ba-~--10 to so at 1111 -·•·•'-cturln( recu~M lllnrr """''· """"" Ju 4,,W.,. I waJa ....uu.b Herb Uf..,.l .,... -.d olr .. "...__ • Worts: of Art Lea.cue mem~ l:u&DI trlpl Sa_.., ud tup .,. tbe ...,.., • ., ro.d ptQtDc ume. A.&ua. bad aD a 10 tourney .... '"''be newed aod a.reilr SUPdaJ tro::: Balbo& Pat1-T ... ..,., to ...._ '17 1o lohdplotho .. ertlmoperlod. ts, &Dd the tol&otrtDc di.J nat Cbuek Yerkty topped the Mu.s-sale at eo.ta Mesa G&llerlea, lion. Dlputure tlmel b' till don. 58 to 54 to Asua lDCJit'er-tuc scoriAe wltb 15 polnl:s, The Estaoela Htp School •51~3!!:C!:.•~'"!!er~St~.,~ln>~m~l~lo~5!:p_._m_. -'1~40!:!!~~!.i~-"~.._-=--~":.," ttme. IDI1 Grea: Eraklne had lt. Eagles captured Srd place 1n f Prestoo Spenmeyer led tbe Greq wu tbe btc rua LD tbe tbe Troy buketball.touroa.ment Me• team lD tbe OI*''DI pme Catlledral pme, ac.eour.tlng for by defeating Fouota.lD Valley With a 11.-p>lot.,lurp,IDdwu %5 pol.nta. 52 to 4S Saturday at Troy Web school. V II I ba k S L Skip Wtllla.ms was h.lgtl polnt a e y c up ew ::.~;.:~~::::.a: .. ~:: From bls.-rdposUion.Johq, bls ezcellent sboot.iAg ror the Jobo Vallel(ofBalboalllaDd, aceoWitld for 21 po1Dta just 5 tournament. Heaccountedfor25 wbo .tarred at Cotooa del Mar less tbu AlclDdor, 1D t~opeo. poiJJts 1D the opeDioc round HJP Sebool IDdatOraaceCout iDe J'OWld Ytctory oYer PrOft. Tbursday, as the Eagles edged Colle18, ta .aow lD tbe .tar-tiDe deDCe 98 to 81 saturday 1D Santa Ana Valley S4 to 51. ln lloe·t~t of tbeoatJoaalcbampLoo tbe gj to 87 wla· oYer Detr~it tbe 2rxt round, be dropped l.n 15 OCLA buQtbtll team. It tabs Vallely dropped 1D 1 points ud polnt5 lD tbe Eagles' losing some sboot1Dc to p1D DOUce 1D to lbe title pme Yooday eYen-cause, u Katella took the de- the sbadoW of 7-loot,l-1/Z Loeb l.ng be aeeouated lor 8• Lew led elsion 83 to 53. Lew Ale.lodor, but VaUelymade all scori.Dg wttb 40 and 30 BUI Dugas nu tor 10 polots his preseoee UlowD lll tbe poi.ots 1n those pmes. OCLA ap.i.Dst Santa ADa Valley, 11 boUday testtn1 buketblll won the totaoey with aa easy a.p.lnst Katella and 8 apinst tourllamtDt lA New York. 74 to 58 wiD cw• St. Jolul's fOUDta.in Valley. Guy Orgill • scored 12 ap.J.nst Katella, and Hays made 12 1n the final game. Katella won the toomey eba.mpionsh.lp by defeatiDg host Troy 72 to 61. • BOAT MOTOR T.t.ltEH A S600 outboard motor was llolen from Gene Giwotf, lZl Z5tb St., Central Newport, 10met1me between Dec. 19 and ZS. Tbe motor wu takeotroma locker on the Ocean f r ont at Newpc;,rt Pier. The locker pad- lock was found lying on the lfOWX1. a metal hook was twisted in 2 pll"Ces aad numer- ous scratches and marks could be seen. • our .... sale NOW AT "'SMAr-lTWE AR'" !'"~OM FAM OUS DESIGNERS FQ ~ Af'"TERN OQN f'"OR AFTER-f'"IV£. f""Q Q EVEQY O CCA SI ON 2728 EAST C OAST H IGI-IWA V CO RONA DEL MAR. CALIF". 673 -&01 s EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING o,.,ery Cleaning. Perfect ngardt.u of tho. ... of yeur _,repery, or 100% .,... ,._.,...nt If ct.onoble. • Me Shrlnkoge • No Witt.d KHds • ·~ ,._.. lolcf.il'tl • hrfM heft KM11 • Water Stain bmoYOI SINGLED OUT for special recognition at the Orange Coast College football banquet were, left to right, quarterback Paul Lemoine of Orange, most valuable player for the sea- son; defensive back Bill Jenkins of Huntington Beach, named Pirate of the year; tackle Kevin Grady of Fountain Valley, winner of the Rod q,Puld award for most minutes played, and Jim Barsuk of Fountain Valley, linebacker, who won the Rosso award for most unassisted tackles. Lemoine and OUR EXCLUSIVE SERVICE • Profndoftctl lnttallattoft • Profntional lemoval • Terms May le Arrv,.ed • ''" htimate• • f,.. Loan Drapes 200/ Off , ...... ' , • ....., /0 642.0270 540-1366 1702 NEWPORT BLVD. at 17th, Cooto Muo NOTHING COMPLICATED ABOUT THt:SE LOW PRICES ••. THEODORE ROBIHS' MODERN METHODS AND VOLUME SALES MEAH EXTRA DOLLARS IH YOUR POCXET YEAR AROUHDI HEW 1969 MUSTANG HARDTOP NEW 1969 T-BIRD $3998 ORDER TODAY! $2398 ORDER TODAYI HEW EHGLISH ' CORTINA $1883 100 MPH -32 MPG DISC BRAKES, ETC. DEC. 11 udMrs.~R. 1987 Cbarlle st., an our Bank of America time eertihc:ftes can round out yow portfolio nicely. Then::'s rtrencth in • relentless 5%. One thousand dollars minimum puta you in busmess. Drop in •nd see us. We also have 91 other serv1ces to help you w ith the business or li vina. You could easily stay w1th us ror life. BANK OF AMERICA tOI'" the buatneu of IMng 0 me rica • (and relax) ' Till a.IIIUUI ......... THIAJII ---~c... .... I "' WT WMA ltWO. \ ~MUOA PIIHUA• 11HtUl/ • OPINSNIGMTLY6l4) •Now Sbowlng-• Enda Tuesday, Jan. 7 One Performance Nightly Short Subject• 7:30 --Feature *8:00p.m. SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENI' Your last chance to enjoy all the might and magnificence of the Academy Award-winning spectacle! ' :. !' "/ ( -'MElli() GOLD/ffN MAI[R ~'"" ACARO 11M fliii:i_ii:f.i DAVID LEAN"S FILM or BOR5 """"""s DOCTOR ZHI~GO ~ OW'ciN ill 011611 IOMaumt>li 'ti(Qf~IS :nl'll< 'lmf~ I P)lfl< ~ [JIIf< ~'> • __, 'Ul SlUlR iliA l\J1fl}Wj • . 1'1.\RI\!;.\1\I.E I 1\11..\ IJ.J(;H ' ~ kt1*~Ri"00u r)'A,t:[l[[Atl ;;u~~~CE .1mr :~s:-~-1£~1.1 f. II! Ill \llll : 011\l\ddtllll.l.l.'i> PLUS: "VOYAGE FROM TAHITI" AND "TAPESTRY OF THAILAND" COfHINUOU$ SMOW NEW YEAR'S FROM 12:30 PERSONAL INCOME TAX GUIDEBOOK FOR FILING YOUR 1968 INCOME TAX RETURN - COMPLETE STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS. FULLY ILLUSTRATED TAX FORMS. ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thru JAN. 10 tJ~ere 'ftJZt ~ t{£§1 mcde a dilrer~ee 5% per annum co mpounded daily cu rrent rate on passbook savi ngs 5 25% on minimum term accounts • in multiples of $1.000. MUTUAL SAVINGS A N 0 LOAN ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL' MAR 2M7 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIFORNIA 12825 TELEPHONE: 575-5010 HEAD OfFICE 3 15 E. COIOI'ado Bhld. Pasadeno, C.lif. 91109 telephone: 449-2345 ASSETS OVER ... OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Glendale. West Arcadia Corona Oel Mar N.w ok'd NE"fii'ORTHARIIOR EIIS1111 FIRST SECliOM --P •. f • - --n 1 .... lllbiJI. THURSIIA!LJAN. 2, IMI A -lOr IIIII--, ._ CXII!IJIIA uu.IIAR, OAUF • • .. ...... ,..,. of ....... tlll!l,.... afdiD.. ·j;::;~~~~:i r~• s. a...._ ••· •c •...,.,....-·......... J'~ txlkJ ..... BOYS who arrived at school, wet to the knees, after pedalling their bicycles through the overflow of water at C St. In Balboa, because of high tides Dec. 19, are shown as they decided one more run through the flood wouldn't matter. They are Chris Oviatt, II, and Brooks Brann, 9. Volleyball sport offered r....._ COIAPI'JIIt *" eom. .,..._ ll.lld -.nolloo, wtU ..------· Newnrwar w111 boclo to lilt IPflDc. Tbe coar• ••• tbl bulca ot Gft'l, leaturet, -""" odll«1oll. llaDce -will o1art to lilt lll'l"IDC oemos~ ll.lld wtn 1>t a ooo-credlt OOUI'M. · TecboJQuea IDd coacepta of co~uter operallou w111 1tart this sprlD£ ud wtU offer u tnuodiiCIIoo 10 tbe -allooa secUoD. 1D a computer fadllty. Sopbomore reeital w1l1 dart aezt year aDd wUl be tor the 8CJPIK»more music INdtGI: to bttp him prepare lor b1a r~ltal perbmaDCe DICeUil'J b' tbe AA deuee. Advauced modern daoce wW be a SIU'iDc course to deveklp tectmtqoes, materlala, aDd to give pertorm&DCe aod re. pe.rtolre eJ;pe.rleoee. Civil senlce preparatioa starts lD the spr1nJ uc1 allows students tbe revlew math, grammer ud bus!Desl tunda~ menta.ls aod. ciYU service test practices. Earth's history starts 111 the THIU I"OPUU.I HIT -~·---Two oew sport activities for tnchxtes a jersey. The first spring and covers the pbyslcal girls 'are being offered during practice Is Jan. 13. Games will and biological lllstory of the the winter session by the parks, begin Jan. 25. earth, 1ncludinf contlnental beaches and r ecreation deput-The boys' blil.sketball practice drlft, dinosaurs, fossUs, aDd ment of the city or Newport w111 start Jan. 6 at Eastblutf age of tbe earth. ~· r•sr-~ Beach. Park, Youth Center, Peninsula Complete deotur~;;;~~~~·=·-~·~-·~,~· .. ~~~ .. ~·~-=~=~ Volleyball will be offered for Park, 38th St. Park, Irvine 5th and 6th graders and 7th Terrace Park, Newport Heights and 8th graders. Volley-teMls School and Mariners Park. TM SHOWING NIGHTLY will be iniated for the 3rd and program is designed for boys In "IEATLES" at 1 & 10 P.M. 4th grade age gro~. Registra-the 3rd to 8th grades, witb Uoo is now being taken and wtu parllcipaUon rather then com- end Feb. 2. The fee, $3.50, petition the main objective. The league games will begin Jan. 18 at 9, 10, 11 and noon at Corona del Mar High, New. port Harbor High, Horace En- sign School and Lincoln Scbool, Registration tee ls $3,50 and each boy w111 receive a gamf' Jersey, Practice sessk:lns for tbe 3 grade gro~s will be as follows: Friday tor '7th and 8th grades; Tuesday and Thurs- day for 5th and 6th grades; Mon. day and Wednesday tor 3rd and 4th grades. Interested fathers and older t.'others who have had previous coaching experience are urgt!d _ _/"' ._./ to contact the recreation office y '• or nearest playground, Ttlree housewUe volleyball AIRMAN Wa yne s. "rteld, son gro~s have been formed -one of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Field at the Community Youth Center, of 2500 Wavecrest Drive, Har· on Thursdays; one at Newport bor Vlew Hills, has complete<! Pier, on Tuesdays, aDd. one at basic training at LacldandAFB, Mariners Park. on Fridays. All Texas. He has been assigned to gr~s meet from 9:30 to 11 :30 Keesler AFB, Miss., tor train-a.m. No previous registration ing as a personnel specl.all~t. He oeeessary. is a 1968 graduate of Corona del Mar High School and attended Orange Coast College. KEEP FIT FOR "69 Each new year brings resolu- tions -Jnrludiog a r esolution to get your body in 1ine In 69. The Orange Coast YMCA offers all reso lution mAkers the opportunity to shape ~ at the Y. Jogging, calisthenics, swim- ming, steam bath, weight train- ing, massa~. handball aodvol - le yball are held Tuesday and Thursday, ooon to 1 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m. The ladles' slym and trym meets at 9:30 to 10:30 and 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Call 642-9990 tor more information. HARBOR PAtMT & WALLPAPER Pittsburgh -Dut ch Boy Paints· complete line 13,000 PATTERNS OF WALLPAPER 2919 E. Cout Hwy. Coron a d.J Mar (NUT TO I"ORT THEUR!.) Phoneo 67>2033 o IUUTY SALON BRUSH FIRE PUT OUT " • ..L.ot'l.ailu. j. A brush fire at 2400 Tustin Ave., West Upper Bay, was put BEA UTY NOOK out by Newport Beach tlremen 2732 E. Coast Hwy. at 1:32 p.m. Dec. 22, after It had Corona del Mar "H~an's H•...,lt" 8:30 M•tln" at 2:00 "IT'S All In THE mmo Y'Kl'IOW!" ·-' 11 ) ' -c801'10e H.a.fllllllson "; !"' "'~ ....... . ··w·• t KI~G Ff AIUR! S ;·~, • ~· fif111111 0·~!!~· CUI ""~ t !J·'""~~ Un1tetl A~t1111 l l , _ • 1 • · ---------· -ALSO PLAYING< ''HERMAN'S HERMJ-r' In "MRS.. BROWN , YOU 'VE COT A LOVELY DAUQITER.'" ......... , __ '-• ..... •rl,.._r CoU 67U550 Call In Your Wont Ad 6734550 • PET SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH We htwe the largest and rnost beau11ful se•ectton of trop•ca l f •sh •n the area. We also Cittry a full I me of aquanums. and a11 acces· SOf1es needed for the hobby. Soulh Sea Troptcal 218 W. Wilson Strf'el Cos ta Yesil 548·7961 I Iff.. 7 ......... .. ....... ~ .. ----·····- • HeARING AIDS burned a grass area of 15 by Phone b73·733b 30 feet. ~~o~IU~I~L~Dt~H;G~~~~~§~ )4Poo~LaoMaaicAI.CJ.I. ei:::: • UIIIODEUIG • J rr aa .. no•s G LICEIIUD IIOIDED <ooming HAL AEBISCHER HE~RING ~lOS Prop•r Fitting Assured 3409 E. Coa1t Hwy . Co .on a diM Mar 67S.3833 o SHOE IIEPAIR FRED H. GERWICK 30. Goldeo>04 673-6041 -~-2170 "·--~ ...... ,. c--·• r,_,.. IHicl.,.l-.ln c ....... I n {)i1!:; nooot qoollll' *" ci-Ja• .., tllo pnod- Soll.._..co •-*" AIIHW-1-- FIIII-- -I. c... ..... Clll ....... I'LOIERSfOR AU. OCCASIONS DrMilri1W I!IMIRl.~ OLSON 103t5 M .. llt.O IIt .I.VD. c:o•T ...... 11: ..... e .. l..,..o,.,...,.. l :lO A.M. TO 5:00P.M. CLOSEOSUJrrtOAY 6 ""ON DAY • HIAL TH RISORT MABEc::-RRY:--:. S--·l Shoe Repa ir Purse •nd lugglge Repair -Dye Work SI.H STNI'S ON£ DAY SERVICE 1890 Harbor II veL Coate Mea -Mt a.3311 o CI)STA MESA s-.3311 • ORANGE 63P-2 ... 1 • ANAHEIM I:.J6o0381 MATINEE DAILY iJow for the first Ume al popular prices. Direct from .. D<KTOR ooum1 .. ... c•••~ ~= WILCOX.CIITTINDIN HAIDWAIE H"'-len1l Cf11rt~ ... U 2700 W. COlli Hwy., N.l . W.IJJ1 .............. " o NURSERY Shrub~, lnler.or Plant~ Trop1col & Trees lnsectc•de5 ond Fert d 11.er S&H Green Stomp1 FHF/" f)/ II\ 1/>l' C"'O itONA DEl . ~HR 'ii'RSERl' :Z744 F.. f'out 11 ..-y .. tiH.OI&O o_P~U"•~B21H:.:G:_ _____ 1 A. R. M A R SAC I'Lt:\lllt-:R 7<111 t';tm;ltt••n 1\vc, C1•fl•na Jcl \lar Plumhtna; Repairs OAY ,\;,. NICJIIT WATER II EATERS ---~-7)._4!_::::30c__ __ ... ..... ::r n. ...... • UPIIOLSTIRY ·: Realtors Rel iable Service Since 1943 1110 IIEWPORT COSTA ~ATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 1 T-n. 2 Timn 3 ·r;'"'u 20 .:.Ords or less 1.SO 't.SO 2.00 21 words to JO word' 2.00 3.00 4.00 31 ""'<'rds to ..0 words 3.00 4.00 5.00 Eoch -ord 0 11er iO wor ds .05 .10 .15 1St· 100" Flnanclng Available Sbop sale at Hardware. 1,000 Hem a. AI so We Carry Ll 8-2018. 1919. Newport Blvd. Our Own Contracts 18tb, Costa Mesa. NEWPORTER MOTO RS 2036 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ' • IQIOQU. Got a NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIIJI SECOND SEO'lloi --Pi., 7 Real \ ' I paint brush? Cutest littl e ::11 ' duplex you ever saw ••••• In a great neighborhood. The apa rtmen t-over garage is imm aculate, BU T ••• Boy, Oh Boy! Do es the front hou se need che ering up! Chance :J f a life-time to sh ow your talents as a deco rato r and shOw a profit too. Out-of·the-area :.wn~r wants a sale ! ! Has maK. loan on it now! ~ 142,000. ~ UMPL E R UL ESTATE 2S1S E. Co .. t H•J'., CoroM 4•1 hllor 675-2101 LOCAL I'REYIEW!!I llANCHO LA CUESTA, at Hamilton & Bush· ani iD Huntinaton Beach,. announces the pre. Yin opening of UNIT J. This opening t.'\ fN local buyera only bfofore adverl~.~tint in thf' Loo Angeles PIJlOT'· Buutiful horne~< priced from $25,41~ In 132,79~. Featuring: exposed beams in livi n~ room. formal dining room, 2 nr 3 bat~. lbakl or million tile roof, 2 or 3 car prages, G~era • SaWer appliaDces, eonc:rete drive- ._ • 'fty. Selol'C "11far . fa ... =· . ... will t \D bu,ild ~or. J,'\lt;ll!>o n,bJ.JiaJ, IIHI'-JiodelJ at Hainlllon a B d. IMMEDiATE OCCUPANCY!! llANCHO LA CUESTA In Huntington Beach hll 3 new home. •••ibble for immediate oc- cuponcy becauae of credit r<joctions. 3 BR. 2 batha, bulJt.ins, fireplace, ahako roof, con- Cftta drh·eway. ALSO I model home available for January oc:tuponcy. (Loc: Hamilton & Bushard, Huntington Beach) $25.050 to $27,700 FHA · VA & Convontlooal CALL 961-2929 ANYDAY botwoon 10 & 6 Can't aell it? ••• Trade It? Fot Fau Action &. ReMlltl • MlniCAL fOR SAL! CHRISTMAS TRADE-INS Lowest Prices, Sate $$ on this sale: ~~Sp. w I AOC only •• $595 jBI Sp,, mah. orwa.I .. $5 95 CUlT Re11ltor 642-6472 .... 67J.364 1730 W .. C.e•t Hlw., looch ' ·-__ .. lltURSOAY, JAN. 1, 1969 OOIIlliA DEL liAI!, .cAU F. Newport s.ach llalboo · Balloa Island Cosio Meso Lido Isle Corona del Mar p. a. palmer Incorporated THl DEVELOP£RS (J UDO SINCE 1935 un v.. Li4o O"•'• J.noo 11-" loodo-F-tlooL .A.-ullMAUGI Perfect Family Home ' THJS BEAUTIFUL HOME IN BAYCRESTHASALOVABLE FAlULY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE PLlE A DlNING ROOM PLlS A BREAKFASi ROOM. AND BUILT lN ELEC TRIC KITCHEN. IT KAS 4 BEDROOMS, 2-1/2 BAT~ A LARGE PATIO FOR OUTDOOR UVING, AND lS BEAlTTIFULLY LAND- SCAPED -- - -IN TOP CONDITION 00 YOU llA Y MOVE RIGHT IN (C ARPETS Al<ll DRAPES ARE ALREADY THERE.) AN EXCELLENT BUY BE CAUSE THE LAKDBE LONGSTO YOU AND THE LOT ALONE IS WORTH F OF THE REASOlfABLE PRICE OF $59,500, • - SEE IT AT lUI WINDWARD AND CALL US $0011111 l>OX Y. f" RJllil<l.lli I Rt:Jll. TOR \ 32~ East Coast Hi&hwly Co1ona dtl Ma1, Calif~Nnll f>hone 67J.Z22l 'le•tu.., ""'~ .. ,_ ~ f!M/ Ralph P. Maskey -ltfALfOR 1'J YEI.RSIH ~ T ArPitAISfll ~ARIIOif AltrA , -67,_ BEACH BROADER HORIZONS FOR '69 2716 Shell St. China Cove (AT THE FOOT OF CARNATION--BEI...OWOCEAN BLVD.) OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-5 p.m .. THIS "LIKE HEW'' 3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH HOME IS LOCATED DH A FEE SIMPLE LOT··-·YOU OWH THE LAHI).I ITS HEAT AS A PIN-AND THE VIEW OF THE HARBOR IS SPECTACULAR. PRICE ONLY ..• $85,000 Bay & Beach Realty Inc. lili-MH 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M TrlE BEST OF YEARS TO YOU FROM ALL OF ll:i. WE ARE HOPL'\G TOSER VE YOliA:IDHELPYOU SOLVE ALL OF YOUR REJ.L F..STA TE PROBLEMS DURiNG 1969. 332 Margueri te Corono del ~.lor -673·8550 q.,.. no,..,.ll, r<.allor • • NE'IPORT HARBOR SIICJI ARST SECllON--P ... l lltuRSDAY, JAN. t. 1969 OOQA DEL MAR, CAUF. Wt!IC·IMD IH SIIDW I'O R TMCA Q.UI$ MI-IT.IIAR-POST 110. 291, AIII.CAII Ll-• '"OMI 4~SD10 M>rolbu 90 Gra-Y boyuod ud ~~ "':.:::"'u! ';'.j; Far .... u UM ••• Tbla llu Lloyd Cart.-Ia -oo loll 0A Rll80LtrriON Tri-Gra·Y prla "'::-u.: ::·,_ IDimboro ottllo~o beta a II)Od year for America. teet after IPIDdllll Cbrtame.l Aftw wbat biQIIId to me ~ru:lltd r!:~ lD tbl Gra-Y, Newport Trojull, s. &ad all tree mtA paera.UJ. lD week 1D bed. Hewu•~to lut IWIUI).tr, bitt Ll my ~ at CUll) Osceola. HawU, PatbttDdlrs, Sport .. apace we bid I tplc tupta, 07 to Teua to apeDd tbe boll-ruol.aloa b all tbt YIU'a IDO wtU traYtl by bUI sten, Trail BI&Hra, mt tbe tbe latest tile Apollo hoJOceto clays wttb bls lam1ly tbere bot "*d. I am fOIIII to be tllo '::" ~ bopefblly be ablt Charcero. Tr i-Gra-Y ela Ill- the IDOOR aod back bJ Bormaa. tbe Hong Kong tot the best ol Oldelt liYI.Dc lApoc..!rt ID lbe to = eooup IIDW tblt elldl tbl Cat B&llou, Mu.tup, LonU a.od Anders •.• Tbtorgan him. aad tbe Aaa.te transplants by Dr.Shumwaya.od • • • Dr. De BUey ••• The {Ire-•29TH DISTRICT NEWS sidenf1al electloos wbere we The 29th District will bold proyed tbat the A mer lean way of us a.nnual .a lor IUid merit eboosLD« Its pernment lsstUI aqrds banquet Friday,Ja.o..17, the best way ever deviled by at 7 p.m. at the Orange c;ounty man , , • Our conttmdng IP'Owth Medical Assn. taetuties, 300 S. aad prosperity bere at borne. Flower St,, Oranp. It bas beenayearoftragedtes The awards and honors go to too •.. Tbe eoottnlling war In law enforcemeDt omeers of Vietnam ••• The eold~blooded Orange County. Beside tbl murder of leadtog political d1nDer and awards, tbe Ora.oge figures • • • Rlotlllg and burg~ County "Up With People''~ 1np 1n our city streets . f. wiU bold Us creat slnc~ul aDd. VERNON GOVAN of Los Angeles , at left, took first place Tben tbere were C•echos-there wm be dancing trom , S vi Of loYatia and BiafrL 9 p.m. till 2 a.m. In the 4th annual fishing derby held by Mariners a ngs Welcome 1969 ••• We have Tickets to tbls ati'2Jr are $5 Newport Beach benefitting the Orange County Association blgh hopes tor you, At Post 291 each and resemttoos are re- f or Retarded Children. He is pictured here with Geo~ge :~m~ :!u:U: :::rr~ queslec;; can 8!'1.1830~ zavas and Patricia Bray of Mar iners Savings. The winnmg various post acttvlttes. we all "SSME GOOD THINKING. d th 1 recetved a hope and pray for a speedy eon-Wally Sllropshire was dotng catch was a 10 3/4 pound bonita, an e ang er elusion to the war. We wish our some th.tnking out loudtbeotber $100 savings bond and had his name Inscribed on the trophy· sick and atllng comrades a day thallthJokdeservespossJog ----------:::-----:--------speedy recovery, and to aU a along, He feels that because a ROOM IS STRIPPED long and happy life. Legioonalre has transferred to C h h N 5 A man whO appeared to be News ••• There isn't any~ post everlasting. that should be U rc e w an average travelling salesman th.tng tn the ''in" basket this no reason tor his Wn'Uy staylng or businessman, accompanied week at the Post Z91offlee so away b'om .Post activities and The PlymolrthCongregatlooa.l den of Uo~ W:ill be read in by a woman r entedaroomatthe I'll have to play it by ear again, functions. At the time It ChUTeh, 3262 Broad St., New~ this Su~~ ~tble lesson ser~ Jamaica fun, 21 01 E. Coast -siCK ~ALL • • is hardly appropriate to suggest port Heights-"Theroadtonew monon. • • • Hwy ., Corona de l Mar~ Friday Ray Fernstrom went into this bot alter a short time 1t adVenture" wUl be the sermon St. Michael's and All Angels' night, Dec. 27. But netther ~ Wadsworth VA Hospital tn would be nice 11 some Post top1c of the Rev. Nol'man Brown Episcopal Church, 3233 Paellic oor his companion was average, Westwood last week. Art member make the personal for the 10 a.m. Sunday service. View Dr., Harbor View Hills-they stripped the room of the Pyb'om reports he has quite a effort and Lnvtte the famUy The annual meeting will be held "Peace?" wtu be the sermon TV set, bedding, mirror, ash bit Wl'o that has to be down to the nell party or IUoc~ Thui'Sday evening, Jan. t&·, in topic of the Rev. John Rogers trays and waste basket, valued eorreetedng~ heart, liver, kid~ tion that the member partl- the Island House at Fashion Is~ Davis at tbe 8 and 9:30 a.m. at $224.50. neys, etc. clpated 1n-the Kingsmen. Yacht land. communion services this Sun-HE KNOW WHO'S BITTE N Jim Ayres' conditlonstlllun~ Clu b, or the regular Post THE SHOW SLEDS ••••• 8.95-15.95 ' TOBOGGAHS22.9S -27 .95 MITTENS ••• 1.25· 2.95 SHOW SAUCERS ••• 5.95 KNIT CAPS • 95f .us CONVERSE SKID GRIP TENNIS SHOES MEN'S ..•••• WOMEN'S •••• JACK PURCELL 7.75 7.25 TENNIS SHOES MEN'S. • . . . . 8.95 LADIES •••••• 7.95 • • • day. • • , Which dog did the biting? changed at the lastreportlhave meeting. I think that's a great idea and I'm all for lt. Central Bible Church, at 23rd St Mark Presbyterian Whi ch do g should be quara.o. on h.tm. t SHORTS St. and Orange Ave., Costa Ch..,:Ch, East Blull Dr. and tiJled? All Stephen Auld, 4'12 YOSHIO y AMAMI 0 F C.M. IllES AT AGE 5I) MEN S T EHN IS Mesa~-Pastor Henry E. J~s Jambor ee Rd., East Blu.U-The 62nd St., Newport Shor es, knows Yam.aml of Costa Mesa; 3 t.-oth-4. 95 .5, 9 5 .7. 95 .9, 9 5 LADIES' Tennis Dresses .95 will speak on "A mlnister s Rev. James Kirk will preach on Is who w:ii.S bitten. ~lo Frank Yamami, 50, of ers, Sllro of Hawaii, Kuoo of credentiaJs" at the 9 and 10:30 "God speaks" at 10 a.m. He and his wile were wa.lk:t!ii 848 -T~ne St., Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, andTs:ugt.oofsanta TENNIS Shirts 4.50. 6.00 a.m. communion services th.ts Sunday, from Hebrews 1: 1~4. their dog Dec. 23 in an open died Dee. 21 at Hoag Hospital Ana; and 2 sisters, Mrs. RuUI Sunday. At 7 p.m. he will eon-The Sacrament of the Lord's lield at Superior and Placentia, He was born July 30, 1918, Tatsuoo of santa Ana, and Mrs. P EHHS Y LV AN I A tinue with the visualized studies Supper wtU beobwerved. Elders West Newport Heights, when 1n Long Beacb, Uved lD Orange Mary Yoshizakl of Anaheim. TENNIS BALLS in the Book of Acts. The topic and deacons fortbe eomingyear Mike Clark of Superior TraBer County lor 40 years, and in this Services were held Dee.27at w1U be ''Signit1eanee of Pen~ w1U be ordained and installed. Park, No. 13, came to walk his area tor the last 5 years. He was the First Presbyter lao Churett, Ccm 0 f 3/1.89 Do z.7. 50 teeost." • • • dog. The dogs got into a fight. a gardener. Westminster. Inter ment was BASKETBALLS 4.95-12.95 FOOTBALLS ••• 4.95-13.95 VOLLEYBALLS 3.95-14.95 SOCCER BALLS 8.95-19 .95 HANDBALLS •••. · 95 , SQUASH BALLS •.. ·• . 95 ~ BASE BALLS ..• 9Sf • 2.85 CONVERSE ALL STAR BASKETBALL SHOES HIGH OR LOW .... 8.45 SWEAT SOX ... 594 -1.75 CHAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES •••• 3. 95-6. 50 RALEIG H BICYC LES *PARTS *TIRES *TUB ES • • • New members elected to the Mr. Auld was bitten on the len Survivors are his wite, held Dee. za at Harbor Rest W1 LSOH TEHH IS BALLS The First Baptist Church of board of directors of Newport thigh when he tried to separate Toshlko; 4 children, Cynthia, Mem:>rial Park. Westeutf 7 95 Costa Mesa, 301 Magnolia St.-~ Unity Church are Jim Wiles and them, but he didn't know which Donald, Marlene, and Brian of Mortuary was the for. ~~...:Do;;z;en;~· ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·=·=~!:===============~ "Watch yoUT beginnings" wtll John Davis. dog bit him. tbe bome: his mother, ShikaDo director. be the sermon topic of Dr. P. G. • • • Neumann at 11 a.m. Sunday. The senior hiih gro~ at St. REPAIRS The Rev. Haro~ Anderson, Mark Presbyterian ChUTch in youth minister, w11l speak on East Bluff will begin a study of "The great white throne fudg~ the Boolt of Galatians Wed- ment" at 7 p.m. oesday Jan 8 They meet • • • • • • weekly from 5 to 7 p.m. The Church of the Crossroads, gro~ also Is pl..aDning to begin meetl.ng in the Chapel, 3500 work on a 3~a.ct pla.y, "The P1.etnc Vtew Dr., Harbor View cr iiClble ," by Arthur MUler. HlUs~~Dr. Vloeent Gottuso Jr. • • • wtu preach on "U ie of ta.lth" A zo.weeksemlaaronracJsm at the !1 a.m •• Sunday.servlce. will begin at 7:30p.m. Wed. oesday, Jan. a, at St. Michael's Christian Sc ience Churches, and All Angels' Episcopal Newport Beach, Corona del Mar Church in Harbor View Hills. and Costa Mesa-Scripture The series will open with Mal~ ~pas;;;sa;ge;;s~•;,;"";;,;•t;,;,Danl,.,e;;l,.,ln"'iithe colm Boyd's play, "A study 1n li color." Topics lor Mure ill A GOOD MIIGHIOI meetings will include "Causes of ghetto conditions," "Nature lr Jat uc • ncwccncr, ot of civil disorder ," and "White Uo• of a nawcomar to ... Jla~ Aru .tlo hu racism, attitudes and lnsti~ 11101 "-" wa lc:omd, do tutions." Group discussion w!U hn a fa'I'OI' by call ina &!Ia follow each program. Harbof Vi&ilOt between • • • ( atMI 10 a.m., 81\4 ~~~~ wi 11 u ll on your !rimd •ith ulu.ablc infonu ti'-'• Md aifu from fricn~ly t.sinus firms •h1dt 1lend rudy 10 help har becotM ac~auued wi ~ tiCf ftC• IIUIOUftdiftla· THI NAilOR VISITOR "'-.-: HY MJ61 Fred Martin, son of Mr. and Mr s. H. s. Martin of 2536 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, will be student guest on the Biola hour at 8:30 p.m. this Friday, Jan. 3, onstationKBBL Fred Is a student at Arl%0na Bible College ln Phoen.l.x, where he is majoring in Bible. He is a member of Central Bible Church of Costa Mesa. REDUCE RISK of HEART ATTACK WITH A "T NOW YOU CAN wa.lk or ·JOI your way to good health a.od never leave tbe comfort aDd salety of borne or oftlce, ONLY 10 MINUTESerae.bda.J equals 2 miles or 9 boles ot golf --Set your own pace. • IDEAL for weictJt control e:r:eretse. • WALKING and jogging re- commended by doeton everywhere. Jogger'' ~ ' I ..... _ . • GAIN strengt.b ~-feel U.U l a new persoo. \ • FOR the entire famUy I$ YOUR HEALTH WORllt $100? ORDE R YOUR u Slard7 ~ --Goo9 l oot!OC Walllui Fl.olsh. staoca on Eod t>r Euy st«ace. FULLY GUARAIITE£0 Sllllii>Od cllreetiJ lrom llac:lory LD L.A. SaYes Jt«e orerbead. ''JRUDMILL JOGGER" T llif! Special Intr oductory Offer - We Pay F r eight & Sales Taxi -~or.._, Ordor b' $110 Pa,.-To: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Botllt'ISt, N.,i,port Beach, caw. 82663 lMl OtU ~ I"MMTtD AND P'UIUiMfD * ·~T 11U0t 11 MOTHERS PLAN DIMES MARCH Mra. BDdc!J E-.a_ ol Balboa Deteeta u wen as, a.o uteoded defects. ll1ud. cbalrmu oltbe ~~«ben educatloM.l Procr&m l.n the The Mothers March ts scbe- Kucb 6w the March of Dimes county sebools. Tbe concen-duled for the last week LD 1D Mnport Beach, wtU greet trated educatioaa..l program has January. YOIIIIII:eer1 Uuorteruttoocof-beea carried by tile Ora.nge Mrs. Ebaen noted, "thebeart 1M at 10 &.m. Friday, Jan. 10, Couoty Chapter of tbe Natioaal •arming achievement 1n our 1a tbl bome ol Mrs. Norman fOUIIdttioo Ma.rcb ot Dimes to county's efforts to guarantee W&tloe, Newport Beach.. scleoce aDd health classes and every ch.tld's blrthrlght has Vol-....s from HUilC.Jngtoo scle~c aympos!ums ban beeo due in a large part to Blacb, Co.ta Ilea, aadl..a.guoa featured otastanctlng scteQttsts the generosity of coastal area S..Cb ba'fe beeD lDTtted alao to lecturing lD tbe field of birth !unHies." 10~ COSTA MESA cun011 IIIE FIREPLACE SCIEEIS INStOI AND COIMU woutm ....... _ ... ....., • Will DBml'f dlacua~detalls ot the Mothers PLANNING the patrons list tor the Irvine Community Chorus llareb ..., to boar ot ""' ... G d I d · premiere concert are, from lett, Mrs. Allee Anderson, asso-= = 0~.: ,::.:;: 0 m 0 TOr I me s • c ....... u. of Gels PI_ ..... elate specialist tor UC Extension at UCI, sponsor of the FN--, llareb of Dimes. The llareb of Dimes .nu petltlons protesting blrtb de- ch M C P Wall d R bert S lth ~-•-~·a....... feature a oew event b1.s year. feets, a ''mod''fashlooshow,and Santa ~ l::, .. orus; rs. ora eggy ace an o m , mem--•· -· -uoraoc~Krs. Sat <ta 1 11 ~-.. u .. to ·~ u •• 0 f Roaald c Bauer sene as co-ur y, an. , bas ~n a s w r ..., ~c o bers of the chorus; Nelson Rice and Mrs. William Ouimette, ebllriiWI.ottbo Uo<berallarch oamed "go mod" <tay """.nu Dimes. all Newport Beach residents. The premiere concert will be 111 llaollncto• Beoob, lrbUe Mrs. ·!Deus oo Teeo-Age Program Youag people Interested Ill r-r Ger Is hllr 111 (TAP) for flmd raising and aidtngtnlbecampal.,.tostamp 22D2 S. MAl the presentation of Mendelssohn's "Elijah" Jan. 19 at UCI. c...:"Meaa':"!m .:. •. ~st educatiDaaJ projects to bell> oot blrthdefeetsareaskedtoget A b Quigley tS coordinating the make people aware of the prob-in touch wtth NaDCy Hill, Orange ;~~~~ SAlTA A* 0 U q U e t Mothers llarch 111 tho Laguna lem of blrtt! defects. County c!WrltWl of the TAP GARRETT 'S area Ideas tor lbe day loctude a program. phOne 547-6124. Orco Block Co. • youogadultprotestagainstblrth Maney, asenioratNewportHar-f C ., The March of Dl.mes LD defects complete wtth "Miles bor Hlgtl School, is the daughter 12th Semi~Annual or ouncl Oraop Couoty prOYides dlag-of Dimes," schOnl assembly of Mr.""" Mrs. Peter B. Hill BUII.DING IILOCIS -ALL SIZES -ALL TYPES DOS1s aDd genetic counseling as programs, features at lla.UUme ol Newport Beach and president T .... , ...... ! IAe-.. 7·2Ut FURNITURE Tbere's a bouquet oow part of U.s prenotion of Birth of basketball games, "go mod" of Koala. Trt High Y Club. .a a....u.. ''-'-IUD I. Mtna. S..te a-and then among tbe brtcldlats STARTS TODAY Jan. 2 SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS on Such Famous Brands as: • HERIUGE • THOMASVILLE tossed at the Newport Bea.cb City Council. On the Dec. 23 ...-wa.s this episUe trom WaltOD T. farrar, 900 Sudcastle Dr., Harbor View Hills: "You probably get many let- ters of complaint. so this may come as a sbock. It 1s DOt a compla.lnt. eTOMLINSOH • McGRUTHER CONRADI "I was one of tbe cooceroed parents who atteDded tbe Couo- cu meeting the evenlngyoutook. up the matter of tbe crossing guard at 5th a.od Marguerite. I was Impressed ' by tbe way tbe propositlon was ba.odled by the Council and want to eJpress my gratitude tor your action. It ls heartening to know tbat our City CouncJI Is more interested in the concern of parents a.od the safety of ch.tldren tban mere dollars . • FAHOIER • STONE & PHILLIPS • HECXIUM • C:OHAHT BALL .UliiRITEII •. -.C&IlURY • KARGES • JAMESTOWN • SIMMONS • MARBRO e PEHHSYLVAHIA o 5TIFFEL HOUSE H.J.GARREJT fURNfJURE 2215 HAIIIOR llVD. COSTA r.4ESA ~75 6460276 ''Thank you for our crossing guard.'' FIRM$ ARE ROBBE!) Two 11rms at 1645 Westcwr rn.. Westewr caer, •ere robbed of bu•toeq qwclllnes during tile oight of TbursdaJ, Dec. 19. The Roy J. Ward Co. reported the loss of a copy machine, paper, and a lype- wrttar, valued at $720. The Robinsoo Insurance Co. re- ported tbe lolis of a copy ma- ctline worth $450. SILVERWARE UKEH Tl'le theft of $453 wortb of sil- verware between Dec. 5 and 19 was reported to Nnport Beach Pollee by Robert Olson of U3Z Ebbtlde Rd., Harbor Vie.-fUlls. He told police that a oelgllbor heard 2 mate voices say "let's get ex& of her e'" at 12:30 a.m. Dec. 1 'J, •ben a Christmas ::;::;=:~~dec<lra~~Uoo was siD;-te_o_. --, SAVE 1/2 " 2/3 -------- ClOMINA -iMI IIIIa--. FREE ••• at Glendale Federal: ' liD BOO 2,001 household hints and dollar-stretcher ideas. oat one! Ohhl>. no !.'! I spent $3.95/or a book like that. What a nice free book to have. In it you'll discover a new rec ipe for pie crust, some marvelous decorating schemes, clever budgeting ideas. 2,001 handy and helpful hints in all. It's yours free at any of our 18 convenient offices between January 2 and January 10. And when you visit us, why not choose one or more of our Umpteen ways to save. Accounts earn from the 1st if received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of receipt. Offices will also be open Saturday.January4, 9a.m.-1 p.m. for your convenience. ,...... -2333 East 1'11clllc eo.t Hlgtl- IIA-..., ~TlON /EIGO<l£EN ~ICES TO SAY£ tN/""101 ~ICE: O<.EHIW.E NAT10N"S RCONO LAAOEST FEDERAl./ ASSE'T$ NEAR l t IULLION "CUflftENT AHNUM. RATE I LD% CUI\AENT AHHUAI. YIELD /Ill%, VWI _.. ACCOUif1S wl~ssn~ss Shall . ., T. JAIIol'ilooiiOaa Cl'lae' * mt .. ., .................. ,.,.L.., ...... 1M dleciplee of JII!IIUI e.me to Him near tbe end ol lllo mlttlouy and aalted Him' ".Maoc ... what aUll be the aip of thy coming. and of the erwl of the world?" {Matt 24:3). In anaweri.al thetr q~.teetJon He envmerated various thinp which would be sure aignt of Hit coming. Among the.e we 6nd the ttate-- ment, "iniquity (lawlettness) ah1Jl abound" or u .orne tranalaton put it . "lawleunet.1 shall increase," or "be muhiplied." If lawle.eness is a sLgn of the Lord'~ soon return, and we have it on the authority of Christ Himaelf, this points definitely to the day in whi ch we are living. For we find today lawleuneu in every avenue of human conduct. All thro_ugh the past year there hu been much lawlee&neu and delinquency in most of the larger cities in the United States and other countries. Much of what has been commonly labelled u race riots and civi l rights demon· strations, hu been to a great extent liothing but lawlessnes. people taking matters into their own hands. From various Scriptures we learn that Satan is "the prince of this world'' tJohn 12:31 ; 14:301. In the Ephesian epiatle he is spoken of as "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in . the children of disobedience" IEph. 2 :2). In 2 Cor. 4 :-l., the apostle pictures him as "the ~od of th is world." The apostle John refers to Satan as "the god of his age,'' and in another place h~ t'ontinues the same idea, ''the whole world lieth in the wicked one." BOOK lly Dr. llob Jonea BAREFOOT IN THE DESERT . put off thy shoes from thy fttl, for tM place whereon thou standest is holy ground" {Exodus J :.S). There wa.s nothing per· feet about the environment or the circum· stances of the desert where Mose5 was watch· ing his sheep; nonetheless it was holy ground. In a place where God is, the land is always holy. • ·-!=:+.:: But there is another kind of lawlessness than that which stems from ga ngst~rism, juvenile vandalism and ille,:::al demonstrations. Thi:s i.t lowleuneH in world l{overnment. When Karl Marx, the founder of Communism said, '•I hate all gods." what did he mean ? He meant th&t he hated law and order. authorit y, statu- tes and regulations. Instead he a(l \'ocated dis· onier, anarchy, terrori sm, license, hatred of God and all organized government. Hence. Communism wherever it is practi ced, is a reign of lawlessneu a nd terror, wit b utter disregard for kindness, justice, honor. love and decency. Communism advocates re\'Oh a~ain sl any ,;ov· ernment e5tablished by law and order. It i5. tht:refore. no mystery to the Bible-bel iev- ing Christian as to who iA the ruler and leader of international Communism. Neither should it be any mystery that the lawlessness which is so rampant in our day ia the ha rhinl!er of the lime when the Wicked One shall ~ reveal~. the lime when the reign of AnJic hrist will begin. "When the~~e things begin to come to pass. then look up, and lift up your heads; for y()ur redemption draweth nigh" (Lk. 21:28 1. This desert place was a place of awakening for Moses. He had bad to leave Egypt . where God's people were, because he had slain a man who had smitten an Israelite. There is not any life that does not have to admit some failure , some mistake,. some opportunity that has been neglected. Many of you have made mistakes in the past, but you can be awakened afresh to the opportunities tha:t lie ahead of you and to th e realization that God is not looking for perfect individuals. Our God is a God Who uses ''the weak things of the world to confound the th ings which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things wh ich are despised ... and things which are not, to bring to nought thmgs that are : That no flesh should glory in his presence" (I Corinthians I : 21·29). "It is not by might( nor by power, but by Hi.s Spirit" (Zechariah 4:6). •Wieotw ,.... wbidt '--Ute lr.ey ••-· ? ? Question Box ? ? This aboundin g and mu hiplit-d lawlessness, "·hich is in vie"' in Matt . 2-~: 12, 5larted with the Bolshe\·ik revolut ion in Russia in 19 11. From there the lawle!lsness of God-hating Communism spread to the surroundi ng coun- tries of Eu rope, and t rlfia~· we have the Iron Curtain and the Wall nf Shame to p rove it. After World War II. the la wlessness of Com- munism has spread in calculated staf!t'!l. hy \'iolence and stealth frlJm one country to the vther, tu China. to Cent ral and Svuth America. the \lirlrlle E.ast and Afrit'a. until todav nearh half of the "'urld n ie~ the hammer an'd sick!~· of internatiunal Communil!m. f,..., JEWISH HOPE, 8ex707, L•• Ano.t•• T~re :seem:s to be a di6erenu in MaJ.t. 1:16 and l.uke 3:23, a.s to the ~enealogy of Joseph, t~ huJband of Mary. Pfea.se explain. Mr:s. C.W., Co lumbia. N.C. In Matt . I :16 we read that Joseph wa.!l the son of Jacob. but in Luke :1:23 it stat es that Joseph was the son of Heli. It i~ of course im- pos.sible for him to be th~ son of Jacob and Heli . Howen·r. in Luke it dOt"~ nul say that Heli begat Jo&eph and. therefnre, we under- stand that Joseph "·as the son-in -law of Hel i. In Luke we lind the genealogy of Mary, where· in it is mentioned that Jo&eph was the so n of Heli, becau&e he wa11 espoused to Heli 's d11ughter. As Moses is awakened from the indifference that has lulled h1m. his thoughts are again di- rected toward Egyp1. Moses had rorgou~n his people who were back in that land; but God h<Jd not forgouen them. God never forgeu. T he lime will come when He will shake a man out of h1s lethargy and remove from him the shackles with which he has bound himself. He will set him free to become a leader of God's people and to bring frttdom in the time of need and in the hour of a man 's distress. Th is takem•t·r b~ Cu mmuni~m vf larj!e pur· l ions of thtt wurld. and ~Ja rlit·u la rly in Af rir-a anrl other part ~ vf the ~lobe. where new na- tions wh ich art' "mall and weak. are ~t rugglinp: to est abli~h f!O\'t"riHnen ls by fa~o and order. has l>t>en ae(•u mplisht>d largel) hy !actin of lawle~.'!lll::ss. rt"vnlu l iton afl(l riot. rather than b~ democrati1' prvu·sses ... r t:\'t'n b\ an offi - c ial!~ dedaretl~os r. If the Church iJ the BrUle of Chri:st, why doe:s the Brid,. ami wife of CluiJt have t~ name:s oft~ /2 tribeJ of l sra.ef written on h~r (Rev. 21 :9-12)? H.E.B., Miam i, Fla. The reaso n the 12 tri bes of Israel are men· tioned in Rev. 21 in connection with the New Jerusalem, typifi ed as. t~ Lamb's wife. is be- cau se this refen to spiritual Israel in contrast to national Israel. How we need to remember this in our day of turmoil and str ife! Instead of siHing back and tell ing ourselves that there is nothing we ca n do. we should give ourselves "wholly to Him Who is able to do ell.cttding abundantly above all that we ask or think" I Eph~sian~ J: 20 ).-American Way Features DR, BENNET'S BIBLE LESSON GOD MEETS JACOB TheM' nible l u sou 0 0 GeaeS s, entitled "lo tl!t Oe~IIOi D!!, G.nnis 21 :10..22 Goii," '""'" .. nu m h,-Or. J •m u f.. Be.uaet lor lhe Chrhli .~n as Jacob lived to be 147 years to care for him. In Hebrews 11, Beocon · C:ol lin ,..""'00"· S .J · · 100'1 lllu• r~rio ted wid! permi ••ioo of age, he was, in bodily st rength, the only faith ascribed to Jacob from th,. R .. a f'nn and travel m the cool morning at that tim!!' about e:quivalent to was !hat shown, whe:n, at the A fter Jacob had dt"Ceived his a nd latl! afternoon and rest dur· a man of 40 years today. who end of hiJ life, he blessed his father. Isaac, with the ad vic~! and ing the heat of the middle of the may live to be 60 years of age. son s. assistance of his mother, Re-day. There was nothing unusual Those were tremendous promises Jacob realized that the vision beka'-, he: had the ''birthr ight" in this, and he probably did th~ and reached so far into the was real, for early in the morning in the for m of a blessing that same many of the nights while future that no man could pos-he rose up, took the stones that dealt with the distant future. But he v.-as on this trip. si bly comprehend their full scope he had put for his pilk>w s, and the present fat"t was thai his But, as he slept, "he dreamed. and meaning. Yet they. were sd it up for a pillar. and poured a thlet ic brother. Esau, was fill ed and be.hold a ladder set up on God's promises and could be oil upon the top of it. "And he with hatred toward hi m and made the earth, a nd the top of it relied upon absolutely. One thing called the name of that place pl ans to kill him just as soon reached to heaven : and beholrl was plain. and Jacob expressed Beth-el," whKh means 'the as he could after h is father d ied. the angels of God ascending anJ it: "Surely the Lord is in (his "House of God," and this plac~ Word of Esau's plan came to descending on it." We commonly place ; and 1 knew it not." It and name has, therefore, betn Rebekah and she advised J acoh refer to this as "Jacob's ladder," had looked to Jacob at sunset for centuries one of the most to Aee from home to her peopl~ but it was not Jacob's ladder, as just a n ordinary field where significant in all the Holy Scriv- in Mesopotamia and remain for no man can ever erect a there were stones for a pilk>w tures. But Jacob's mind anrl there until Esau's anger cooled · ladder to reach from earth to and the prospect of a quiet night'~ character were demonstrated by off . She promised that she woulrl H eaven. (The people who trie:d sleep. The revelation frightened the fa ct that the record shows send and brin~ him back when to bui ld a tower to reach to him. I do not know what thoughts he d id not then give any thanks she thought it was safe. She wa!\ Heaven completely failed, anrf he had as he lay down to sleep. to God for the vision and the an artful schemer, but she was only reached a state of confusion, but 1 am sure that they were not great promises of care, security, wrong in deceiving Isaac, and which still exists today.} T o the kind that he wa nted God to riches, and progeny, but he triC'll now she was wrong in expecting prove that it was God's ladder know, or that he even had any to bargain with God and sd up Esau to cool off quickly. S he and not Jacob's, "the Lord stoorl consciousness that God knew an eight-point program of his told Isaac that she di d not want above it .'' his thoughts, or that he expected own by a vow that he then mad!!. Jacob to marry any of the C:l-God made e:ight definite de:c· to meet God or was p re:pared to The points were : (I) ''If God naanilish wornt•n as Esau had larations in the fonn of promises do so. For he exclaimed, "Ho w will be with me," (2} If He done, so Isaac told Jacob to go to Jacob and his pe:ople. These dreadful is this place ! this i~ "will keep ml!' in this way that to Padanaram to Laban, the were : (I ) I am the 'Lord God none other but the house of God, J go," ( J) ''and will give me brother of Rebekah, and gave of your fa ther Abraham an.J and this is the gate of heaven.'' bread to eat," (4) "and raiment him hi s blessing on his jou rney. Isaac, (2) I will give to you the He was r ight. It i5 a good thing to put on," (5) and iJ He will land whereon thou liest, (J) (a h JACOB FLED FROM ESAU h II '--h for us always to realize that bring me back to mv t er's your descendants s a ,u~;; asbet e God's S pirit is ever with u,;, house in peace, (6) ''then shall dust of the earth for num~ and, even if we forget, He doc::; the Lord be my God," (7) "and So J acob left home, appar - t'ntlv withol!t <>t·rv.1nt:; n r camels, hut traveled alone. Of course. he had to walk, and, as the d istance was perhaps about 6(X) miles, it must have taken him a month, .at least, to make the tr ip. The Bible tells no details ( u - «pt what ooc urred one night) of the long journey, how he fared, whom he met on the way, what kind of weather p~vai!C'll , whether it rained, where he o b· tained food, or any of the events that travelers today write about, but which God invariably omits from His record as o( no im· portance. But God doe.s carefully re<:ord that one event that occurr~ one ni,hL How l(.ng Jacob had hem. tnvelillJ we are not told, but, "one rught, he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried the~ aU night, br:cause th~ sun wu sd.. •· He was sleeping out in the open fie.ld, and there probably were no other people in the ridnity and no Tillagt Yery near. It ma1 b&Ye been an uninhabikd olr<ldl ol land and what the Bible often refeu to u a .. wiklerneas." U•in& WaJ prim· i:ti'ft: iD thole days-and tra-.elen did not tsrry 1. tuitcue or a trunk with them. Jooob took -and ....., .-.... pilloon, """" !til -... .....,.. :.:oollllil. and ...,. .... in that .... lo aleop.. 1m*n ~ a:ru tJIIKAI to ... .. ..., W1th ·--aria ..... _. (4) your family shall sp not, JACOB'S FRIGHT this stone, whioch I have set for from there in all directions, (5) a ~illar, shall be God's house.'' ''in thee and in thy see:d (Christ\ So the knowlfge: of the pre~-(S ''and of a!l that thou shalt shall all the families of the earth ence of God frightened Jacob. give me I will surely give the be blessed ," (6) I will be with It is true of every human being tenth unto thee:." thee and keep thee in all places. that where we are at any moment We notice that Jacob bepn (7 ) wherever you and yours is the gate ei ther of Heaven or his bargain not by taking Cod may go, I will bring you back to hell, and we may be c.adlled to at His word, but by saying, "If,'' this land , (8) "I wilt not kav: account at any instant, an enter thereby showing a doubt whether thee until I have done that which that gate suddenly , without a God could or would do His part I have spoken to thee of." moment's warning or prepara· u He had voluntarily offered to GOO'S mlNAL PlOMISES tion, as many are doing tvery ~o. Then Jacob promised that Ev'" ,·{ all the ~st of the day through some form of tf God ld rf 100 ,_ bodily death. It surely is a ter· wou pe onn per journey was mere routine and rify;ng thought to the unsaved, cent of His bargain, then ht:, monotonous, this one experience but a glorious vision for t h e Jacob, would do ttn per cent of Jacob certainly was enough to children o f God. But, while Ja-and keep the remainiq 90 per mak• this one of the most out-nt to do "th u •-thought ... cob was frightened, apparently cc. WI nc s11nding evenls of all human he was not as repentant as he best The stone already bel~ history. Those were tremendous should have been. His life up to ~ ~nd ';' Jacob. ~uld not promises and the recordt of the to that time was far frOO\ perfec.:t take ~~ !11th h1~ on his Journey, 3,~ years that have followed even in the sight of men, to say the gt.vtng of ~~ to God wu DO ha-n shown how today th_~ nothinV of God's standards. His . ~eat £1f! or aacnfice, _u !be~~­ promises have been kept auu name Ts said to have meant, "a~ tng ~. It of the oi! sacnaW. Hit how they are stiJI workin( out decei~r, a supplanter," and ru, oondlbonal. pronuac to ~~r u the Jews, who were tcatte~ pr-eviQUt life had evidenced thete G?d ~ hiS Lord under , R~UJ all onr the world, are crowd•nc char~etcrislia u Eau trstifitd Jttpalatton.t wu DO COD"tP!unmt baclc to that land wh<re Jacob (Chap. 27 :36). Ho had not "'Go?• and ~~."' ~ ~ sk'cping --:hen he had _the waited for God to work out ~ little ftSl faith 1n lfi:! prcm- VIJIOn and receved the proma.tet His plans to gin him the right JRI, power, or loYt. So, rt is. ao of God. Whene-.e_r the Je'" to be the tuc:c:euor of his £ather wonder that tbe next 3> Jeltl ohow little in,_t in goin4 boc:k. and the bud ol the promiaed opont by Jooob Ia Hatoa _.. God leu them be the vktmu ol natlcn bl.t had tried tD J<t this filled with cloopomt toll ..... p<r-..bO!U in the lo~ lands birthri(ht by obarp pniCIIc< with dtoappoin~, -· . and ao otirs them tD r-t el-biJ h""f')" ~. Eaa, aad -. bi...,_ •• ...... loru 10 r<turn to the "U!>d by the plalllltd deceit of !til ..... and htlftd. wloldo ,.at~­ ol Promioe." and blind lather Itoac. Now he the fntit al. bla ._ lolo Jacob ,... no miooary yquth. wu runninc a,;., 1.-E.u, lode of loltb-' ttwt. Ba...,.. lor It It probable that he wu juat like ""1 r:oward who bu heft """"*" God'o I" In about II> or llO yean old. Men clone """'«· Up to dale he hod withaat eqioltocotlooo, -1 !-" lind loctpr Ia tltooe daJO, and, ohown no (rat falth in God a....-, -. "" -.,. • C· (U u NAenoce Y 9i•o-. _.,. wiU be lou4 ia 0 au.-. 17-201 a.uu Acaoas .11 oldeet MA of Jadcda (Gea.. 31!3) t1 ...,.._ art ---0 LOU"' (,_, llt11SI) a -, wW .._ • lytag .,utt ____ tM ...... ol cU .lr.lil ... ,.. .. (I ·~ 22122) 44 tJle proplaet ol Ike -LOaD t1 .. ._ IN Mttlo ----aet ,_,.. kt God'•" (I Clwoa. ., •a. •SI ""tlaeft.,_. A. 'lft'Odr, •pea .... --..... ---··--"' (11.,..... 10) 5I ...... --, •wstdlfal.-(Qea. 31:3) 51 -IIDnlly c:nw4 53 ialtkda ol • Jdav ol '--1 -d ... ,. .... _ .. w. --(0 a.. li1S) M ialtialo M • ~ -wi• ol .o-ld -· • -of DcrrW CD S.... 11:1$: S:U) 57 "·---.. willa ll,...p. ad 1 ..... " d·-· (ha. $1;7) IG ......... Wd ldal •• _, ___ ;· (I s-.. 3:11) 12 -.. __ •IIIJ.,. til" dltGt tllou MJ .tid-. but Ill. tntUtH (0 c.-. II) 13 lr.iq of , ..... CLUES DOWlif 1 Hflvllt yo _, witt. ___ ... .,.at .. (0 Cllnta.. Ill 2 11..0. o1 ......._ (Mcrtt. 15:1) What Must I Do to Be Saved? By E•mrellat Joha R. Riee CCOHTINUED FRDM LAST W!Ul Ev~ry person who 1.1 a.ved oua;ht to publicly confeu Christ. Matthew 10:32 and Romans 10 :9 plainly teach that God wiU claim as His ehlld any ot us who will claim Christ IU our Sav'our. but we simply confess with the mouth what v.·e have already trusted in our hearta. Concerning that very matter Romans 10:10 says: "For ~th the heart "''"' be· t~th uMto right~•; and 'lAth th.e mouth COM/uftott Y made ""to talootiml." To claim Olrilt u your Saviour simply proves that you trust Him In the heart. Ukrwl~~e with all other promises in the Bible about how to be saved. "Him that com- eth to me I wiU in no wt.e cut out," says John 6 :37; and salva- t'on is promised In John 1:12 to u many as receive J~us. But you could not come to Christ without trusting Him. and John 1 :12 shows that receiving J~sus is the same as believing on His name. Dear sinner, do not make thls a difficult matter. 'nlere 1.1 one simp~ Sll"p between you and Je- I!M. When you trust Him, every. thing else is settled, and you have repented, you have come to O!.rilt, you have receivi"d Him, you have done everything ~•· u.ry to be saved. Take the answer In Acts 16 :31 at face value : "BE· LIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED"! In d<nena of Scriptures all throu&h the Bible salvat'on Ia prornbed to t~ th•t believe. Read carefully the followtnc Scripture~ and see that apin and ap.in. m.a.ft¥. many timet, God hu promia.ed •II any poor slnner would ever need when he believes on the Lord Jesus <llrilt "S..t Of mattw Gl ~ At., to t.\eM .fOW .U JIOW87" to becotnfl t.W .,... 0/ Ood, 8WI& to tMM t.ut ••u.v• 011 •• ......... -John 1:12. . .. A__, IN Moea 11/W ttp toW ..,.,.., '-tM ""'*"'••• ..- «» ...-t tM .SO. of """' be .,,., .,: 7'.\at ~ ••• UWM'H "' ._ ....W t10t _...., __ 11/0. ,(lr OotJ ., kawll 1M tc:IIWW. ............. ..,_ a-, rMt ~ ••uiiV-nB•--.... -· ......... -IJ/0."-Iobn I :14-11. .. B• Clot ~ 011 .._ It -00«411: ••: h.t -,..., ••UIVIIf'B 110t • ~ .... .,..... Mma• M -.cA M UUIIV.D fa U. -. ol tAe "" ... fC... ... ., (lor£·-I<M .,11. ...... ,..., ..... ,. -"" ... a.cA SUJJ.., ... .,.: M4 .W _...,..,_ ...... _ _____ ...... _ of 01111 I 'I " .. ....._ -a:a. ~-.--., .. -...................... -~.---­.... ~~ eau;kalle ..,., ............... _. I fa; ....... _..,._ --···~·-..... -.. ""-., .... • ~-"ntE SWORD OP: THE LOR~-I•• lOft, ,._,rf,_ .. ,., TM"' J11~ t.\at Mttt me, tMe every m.e Jesus will not only be your wild. MBIII. t~e Botl, GJNf BR-lawyer to defend your cue; He LlllVETH ott Mm., mav Mue has alrH.dy p~kl the penalty and eumu..t"'g life: mw1 I "Will you may u.fely trust Him to have Ni.te Aim NP 11t the bat dtlJI.-you IIJ1mediately pardoned and John 6 :40. justi!~~ Why not simply risk "V erily, verily, I ••Y KJI.to Jesus u you would rb:k a a;ood l'O", He th.M BELIEVETH mt lawyer'! JcsUJ is betlt>r than any me halo\ cverkutiMg life!'-lawyer. of course. and you do not John 6:47. have to ~Y Him a f.e, and He "To h.im give au the prophel• never fails. u;itJWlu, t.\at thrCN.gh 11.5.! Marne A Weddinr whoaoeoer BELIEVETH i11 h.im •1kdJ receive rem&uio11 of MM." -Acts 10 :43. "AM by h.im all that BE· LIEVE are j\ulti/ied /rom alJ lh.i~tga, from which ye could 11.01 be jtutified. by the law of Mo.e•."-Acts 13:39. Read &Jain the Scripture we started with; "Wiaat mut I do to be aauedr " "BBLIBVB ON rlw! Lord Juw ChrYt, oW thoK Malt be .aved."-Acts 16:30, 31. A YOUn&' man •nd young wom- en stand tocether. side by side, before the preacher. The pruc::ber says, "You will join right hands." Then to the youna: man h€! says, ''Do you take this youn1 woman to be your lawtully wedckod wife. to love her and cheri.sh her until death do you part!" Hr &.nllwen, "I do." To the youna: woman the prt'acher says : "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you put!"' She anawen , "I do." Then the Trust JeeUA,. th~ Great prt'acher M.ys: "I proi'IOUJ'IC'e you Phyeieim man and wife,"' and they are mar· If you were sJek and about to ricd in the' li&;ht of God and man. die, and there wu some rood doc:· What a sim~ picture of salva- tor whom you could tt'Uit, would tion! Jesus is the Brldecroom and you not risk him to take your we who trust Him an! to be His eue,. Jive you the necessary bride. Already J~sua has loved treatment and with God's help you and has kmK urpd you to ac· pt you w'ell'!' 'lben just like that, O!J)t Hil love. Jesw; Invites you to trust In Quilt depend on Him for i accept His love. Jnus invites you your salvation', and tum It over to believe In Hlm ri1M now and to Him today. With the aame kind be u.llt'd and 10 beeome a part o( of faith that will call in a doctor HI• bride. WID you not ri1ht now and risk him ror your body, you with the same •imp)(" faith of can call In the Lord Jcsw; Christ that younr woman who takes • ond riak Him to for&ive your 11M husband, ~ Jesu• .. your and u.ve your poor lost loU I! }{e Saviour and say to Him, "I do"? I&Jd, "'Ibey that an! whole nftd Make It Sure-Ciai• Hi• not • physJelan, but they that are Today! •idt" (Luke 5 :31 l . He is the The way 1.1 p1a1n and you ean be Gmt Phyaidan and wiU heaJ your saved thl.s ITIOIMnt If you wUL .out lnltantly if you wW trust SUftly It hu become plain, dear Him. AI you woukl tnllt a doc:· lost sinnt'r, t.,_t It Ia your own tor, tubmJt to hls: .treatment, de· fault If yoo •re *t! Do rou hate prnd on him for rnulta, 10 trust Jesus Chrl.st 1' Will you Mid on to Juu. today about fOUl' soul. To your sin and 10 to Hell for your be sure, human docton fall many stubbornness! Nothlrc In the Umn. 1'hetr rnulta at belt are world eoWd llhOw J'OU1' w~ SJWtual. an!l • no doetor as a like postPlf'lnc tf!lb rMtter. You perfect pkture of Jn:ua. '!be doc· can be u.wd rilht now, this min- tor can work no l'lliradH, but ute.. I bet: you. do It naw. Tum Jf"'U& aan, and tbe ~ that your whole t.re.rt froat aia to tnaat II needed ln that poor wiclc:ed ln am.t. 0.00. for H•wn .. beaJot. He wW make lrnratdlate!y, pinat Hell. ehoole ,_ On1st •· laltaptly, wttbout any further pirw;t SalaD. Do not .. t S.t.n effort on )'Our .-rt. when )'OU lleeeiw you 18">' Jonpr. U you de- trult Hlml lay, It "-7 rautt 1ft a ..,..._. J .. It Oar ~WJ'U' heatt, a wut.cS Uf• ud • _.. It ,..u t.t~ c:aanlttfd • crime tured .ul lD Hell! And lf rou an ..,._,-..mjoii...-.IY not--Clod looo-tbe ftnt tbintJ JOU would do the .._, • JIUl _. J!iM the -.oultl be to 8lftd foi ...... .,.... prb I« JOUI' ..... u.a '" ....,. iD wllala JOU bad o:mfldence and B0 Gal to ........ but,.....,, WW · t.ru1t ·111m with u. entn .. tter rou vu.t J.. a.rt.t .... _. of J'OUI' .r.t-. 1D God"t 111Pt lie ..... , ,... an • a1r,..l, e•• ltld "'~ ~ ....., of ~ _..., ....... tM .,..aa ot row; for , ...... at 1 _, ...., Clod -,.. .., ..... But • *" -....., ----. CW .. jl¥4t.tt 'I br lO 2T:L tl.litt 8:t .-ft If -.... ........ • .. oM, ...... ta. I UJ(rf w'' ·-tlooiiOroC"Qoh -,-._ ...... .., ,..... .. -=-11 .... ..,.., ••tat-·-u ow; u . lof .... ~ ...,., . ... u .. --·· •II---. w .._ • ..._, _,,._ ...... -tartu ,.,. -..rJ ...... _,...1:1,1, ; -.--.... -.Qool ......... ___ _ _ .............. •"'.!.... ...... -~ ... .,., ., ~--,.,._.-.. ==~""'-­_...,. -,_ ~ .. fl II • p I tl . ~·-...... ~"-,1,-l~joi ........ =2 .. .... & . ...... ........... ... • F h D. •• Bl tte AEWOI!THARBOREJI~I)I romt 1~9,J~t! o r ~~~r:.t~·~ 'SIINDAf, DIIC. IS tii-B C-•• Aro., Wool _, II<. ---to WIDIA DEL IIA' CAlif. S Bob J...._, U, <II IU-1/I.IIewporl, -0 I "''II Hooc lloolllll 11J ~!. ~ 5tb St., Wool NIWJ)Ort, ... -lloord lllllor Idle""" olio -••• lrolt _,, '· I GltEAR IGMIT!$ ur-lll:lSp.m.ud-callod _ .,_. IIIOio?" .. ~··~•---. --ud 00 & lallllro to-ftr• -. I 11UDIItl'llloc-lllo!'-llo _, -poa not , , , k .. wta ADIJer101t. 18, U1J I ~ IDU, Sl bll J0tl WU .... bJ I .-Jl blia ciDC 0111: I If .. ftre 0D I larp ol W La Perle I...aae, eo.ta wWII *' 1M1bJ lllir, ru oat , ...... loMt !I U. a!llf. • • • J'UII, WrtsodQ, Dee. U, at Uua. wu ure.t.ctat 607 Y1.Jta ot * lloiDe; M ,.. -.rrr d' ill G-.11& Kale, 17 a --..c at Alljl.adro'•, 1101. E. Cout Boolk Eut B1ufl II 4·15 a.m , .. ld ........ 1&11 JIUIO, ud C.... dol 11ar' "'"" -~ llwy .. c.r.. dol -· -. ' · • r.d oo Jar .. tbDM or baota ........ L!GAL NOTICE &DCI booked on tbt cblrct ot Jack MorrU Ul....\ c..._.~ wu btitn b7 a JabarUDr'J rat burCIUy ••• Lawreoeo cu. A -:~ ·~• ~~ bo II lllo oeboo1 ••• Pal ICillc· awaJ 47 of 107 HJp.l&Dd Or "'·· r..--'--·-._.,vh 451 Yla Lido 1oec1. w11t' N~t, wu booMd OA "' stMptac. IOIDIODI cUmbed. 1Jdo bit, ,.,...._, tlllt blr MOTlCE TO CREDITORS the cbup ol coetoo pbooo 00 to tllo botOOO)' <II IWI--VW tin ud rill -·-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Wlrtl , , , GrepJSmUJt, n, :em and stole~ a::-,:;: bltw .. 1:45 p.m. ud '7:15 . STATE OF CAUFCIUQA FOR or 3~ MapoUast., Coat&Meea. c:-r~.: ·N~ ~tpta, p.m. , , • All tarlklpe eoa,.. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE IEJI, LADIES OF BYC TO MEET 11111>oo faclll Chi> rill llro. -~to 1-•- -.. tllo Ju. ' -ud-ebollaw, wltiiCioconllou atta"& a-c-. at tbe CISbc •a OJ Mra. 8ob WUUtmiQIL Co- wUliOCl&l ..._ M1t:JO, ~ arcM•"ac til tn~t 1a ..,. .. -II IJ:IO ood-tJrw.o AJmool«aboy. 111:10, t>u..rtar ,__ .. loiUitiT IUIQ.UI1Eil Pull (PWW) Plllr<a. lite L-at lliWe Cloaa In •• H..-r A,.. 1m'",_ 1o o oOo4y lo ... ell "ne Bi•l• C..u Aliwe" TIIIIIL 1...., I •oy -•• -"45 10 '10.!1 I'UCIL PIIST urnn atUIIOI OP CXI$T AMI$A •1 M an II• Str.tt w:r, Pia'ee ndlo _.., re-a.rr= .... t111 W. -· rill be lltl-by Qc.. Comot Norwpori, AJmoo w-, ~ a no-Soturday al.,., •olcomo by llro. o .. ~o~sm11o7, Ooc. 11, ud -or $167. oflkiaJ boltnl. Tbt c-ter 1a iMRJ Frt4etleta, tbe oner, Down u P&Dtber Pleree be-l1cJt ll&)lta1rt, Yll1le a zo 1Dcb ca-bo _. -Z daJ• bJ 10 locl111ole wu cut tllroup A I'AIUII'ELCONE AI'AITS YOU ! CO¥erlaf u.e AotJ ot u U· a wire mesh screea. tbe a:Ja.u eapodpulbor "'tlloo bn>llell, .... ..,,...,.. BRING YOUR CHILDREN' wu arrested oa thl clllrae of PIZUd h1l ear at 115 Cdr st. t&.lll1llc $11, tb1 t p.m. __., No. A.610Z5 drunk drtvl.nc at U :lS a.m. at Newport Sborea. wbert tome; wu ltoJea from Ym1c:t"18er-£au. ot WILUAM SOtb St. and Bilbo& Blvd., Woll 001 ollppocllllo-laleb, ud nee stOitoo, 1100 w. COUt STEPI!Ell SllrTH, a1ao ......, Newport, alter he lOlled to oi<Jp otoJo llil lloroo ud 4 lapoo HW)'., llartaoro IIIIo; OD tbo u WJLUA11 s. SMITH, JR., · lor a red Ught, bouoced oft a worib ,148 " tDC!$11 7 "fro~ 1ttb, bltlt• 5 Ud I p.m •• u AL90 KNOWN AS w. s. SMrrH He 11 tbe &utbor of a boot IIOOd oa a mllt crate and "SO<X>OO<X>O<>O<X>OO<:X>OO<:XJOIO<:XKS ~ tbe treewus Ut1ed ••taa-crawled 1D &ad out ot the wta. , u alternate roate.•• ciow. . ceoter divider, Ud wbtn stop. bis allet ·~left bia'Ln 1~ WtDCb. nlued at $174 Jr. Deeeued. COMPLETE FUNERALS ,_ 1245 ped, bad to hold ozm a car "MOWNDAY: DEC. 16 •• • wu a-. ' ' • Hcm:ct IS HEREBY GIVEN door to matntaln blsbalaDee ... Georct Sebius 42: ot 145 LEGAL NOnCE to tbe cr.wata ot lbe abot'e After 2 lltpple types left, a $45 Part Afe., ~ ~~~. na 11111*1 dec:edeat tbat&llper-. voltap regulator and tire were arrested at S a.m. &.Dd booted NOTICE OF PUBlJC HEAIUMG b&Yill eliJma a.p.J.ut tbt said d.ISCOYered mla:slag from the oa tbe cba:rp ot clrWit Ia allto NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN dtcedtat U'e requited to tlle UD.Joa 76 statioo at 3001 New-after poUce decided be could DOt tbat tbe City CoGDc11 o1 tbiCI.tJ tblm_ wUb U. DaCeull1 port Blvd., West Newport • • • take tbe flekliOtlriltJ tut , , , of Newport Beae.b wt1l bokl a YCMICbers. I.D tbe oftlee of tbt Gordoll Core, 60, oll47 &1st publlc htuiJI( roprdiJIC Ordl-elork olllloabowoeutulodooort. St •• Newport Sborea, was u-aaoee No. 1290, bttDc, 10 ordl-or to IJI"Ileut lbem, wUb tbe rested oa tbe cbU'p olllioJi-naoee ot tbe CttJ ol Newport MCeNUJ YotM:bers, to tbe IID- C&ttd 1n pubUc, after he WU Be:acb addlDc certain terrtlory dtrslped at C/O Thomaa E. foUDd oa tbe publlc roadway at to lbe SeYeotb Dbtrtc:t of tbl He:fferau, Atlor'DIJ at Law, the Arches ••• Sar&b An.los, city and rll'f1s1DC tile clescrlp-S50 East Sefeateeltb street, 21, ot 210-1/2 SOtb st., West Uoo ot the botllldlry liDes ot Suite 210, Ca.t& Mesa. Gall- Newport, wu booked oo tbe COUDCUmanlc Dlltrtet Number b'o1& 9242? wblcb is tbe place cba.rp of st.oplt.ftt-Dt:. alter a Seven. 1D CODDeCtJoa. tritb An-of butaeu of tbe UDdera:lped =:o~.J1 ~U~o's ar:est by Manual oeJaUoa No. az (t.Wtr Harbor 1D all matters pel'tal.rWJc to tbe I Robles, wbo said abe bad placed VIew Hilla: • Pbue R.) estate of aid deeedeat, wltbln a bottleotMr.Clea.o,2pactaces NOTICE IS HEREBY rurtber s1J IDOatbs after tbe first pub- of meat. 2 cleaoers. ap'lt bolder llealloo ot tll1s .oottce. ud spoop, ID ber purae and p .. o IIIII the olld pabllc htu· W. STEPHEN SIIITH, W lett tbe store at 3100 W. Bal-inc wtl1 be held oa tbe 1Mb W. stepben Smith. W boa Blvd., West Newport, wttb-day ot Jaauuy, 1969, at the Admlll1strator ol tbe Estate ot PO-IIlLY Ml.t.h CMI•.t. out attempting to pay for boor ot ?:SO P.M. Ia tbe Couo-tbe abofe oamed decedent. NOW AT tbem ••• Slugs were used 1n ell Cbambtra of tbe Ctty Hall Dated December 16, 1968 1710 NEWPORT a. VD. a quarter macb.i.De at LallDder-of tbe Clly" of Newpcn Beach. Thomas E. Hefleroan PH. 646-9lllt.:o1ta ~•a. J.a..od, 4511 W, Coast Hwy., West Calltorllla, at wblcb Ume aDd AttorDIY at Law ~;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;. Newport •• , A BB gun wu used place &D)' &ad &11 Pll!'IOG8 1D-350 E. Sefeotefttb street r: . to put a bole In ber wt.odow, terested may IIJP8U aDd be Salle Z10 wben sbe was sta.odina: only beard thereon. Costa Mesa, CaWornla 92627 6 teet away from .it, said Lucy Laura LA&tos 1542-3210 Wright, 21? Vla Jucar, Lido Ctty Clerk Attor-oey JJr Admi.D.latn1or COMI'LITI FUNEIAL AND IUIIAL CINTEI CEMmiY-MAUSOLEUM FUNERAL HOME CHAP~CIEMATOIY COLUMIAIIUM Y1!1'BANS LAWN 213 GEneva ·l-6577 CEMEIEKY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $46S ifark Mortu•ry-(;eaaetet y "Everything in One Beautiful Pkl«' B«ause the fUilenl and buia1 centu a1ncept eliminates the need for processions through he~vy traffic on overcro,..ded highways, family and friends alike may now pay their full re- $peds by attending the burial service, as well as the chapel service, all at doe beautiful place, at less cost and more convenience. 14101 -14103 lEACH ILYD., WESTMINSTER 714 TWI•o b 3-2421 714 Jlffen. HnS l:ONPIDENTlAL AM> EX- PI!.AlENC.EO 800KKUPINC AM> TAX SI!I.VICES 1'011. SMALL BUSINESS APC) ZN- O IVIOUALS PEIPOII.W£0 PI.OWPTLY APC) ACCUI.• ATELY AT lEASOHABLE I.ATES. CALL SU.YICES I"'it SWAU. BUSINESS t19 £AST 17TH ST1t££T, COsi A MESA, Ml-9343 .. Isle ••• A roct burled at City ot Newport Beaeb Publlsb.: Dec. 19, za, 1968, Ja.a.. ~r~,said POO!~':J: .. :·~2~,=1~~9~,1D~==:..:~9=·:J~~ID~:U.:.~N:~:::: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 1035 w. Balboa The No"JJIO'' Bullor Eootp. 1>oa ••• Two 2-locb .swobes were cut 1n b1s LU.COln's tires, reported B. Sll~~>ns, ~=========~ 106 E. Ocean his car was partedl;at~' p•;i'~;;; Balboa Blvd. at the time Ralph Morgan m, %1, ot ....... e ...... UMC.. e Mt1 L c..--.. ._ ...... . ,.,....., .... Altura Dr., lrYlDe Terrace, booked oo a warrant . . Norah Denike, 3%, and DeD1ke, «, ol Space ~~.;;,.,:., W. Coast Hwy., West n were arrested on tbe cba.rp possession of marl)UI.oa at Z:30 a.m .••• Cbarles Foster, 39, or 1332 SaDtia&D Dr .. Dom ShOres, was arrested at 1 a.m. oa tbe cba.rp ot ltlt·&Dd rw at Westcwr and Dofer; pollee bad seen b1m bact Into a car be- loDging to Usa Warr1Uow,1955 Pomooa St., Costa Mesa, whlcb was puked at Mariners' Savings' parklog lot. *TUESDAY, DEC, 17 Reba Vaugb.D, 28, ot 687 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa, was ar- rested at 10 p.m. at 1846 Pla- centia. aDd booted oa a war- rant tor drugs • • • Fredric Ha•eos, 20, wa.s arrested at h1s home, 232 VIa Eboll, Udo Isle, at 6:15 a.m. &ad booked a failure to appear warraat • . A 14 lncb bole n.s cut 1D top of his convertible, a ol $40, said Neol OoYisoD, SZ4 ADada Ave., ElaJboa, IDdon Dec. 10, his rear Ures were • • • RonaJd Rosa, ZO, ot Corooado Dr., Costa Mesa. arrested at Via Udo aDd N~"'>>rl Blvd., LldoSI>opsuea, MATTRESS ,ssp.m., and-o•U. JfEW _ UIVIUUJfG of aa article with re-l~gular ShapH ldeattncatioo parts - IDDenpriDg _ eottea be was stopped by pollee I c<><TA WESA WATTIUS CO. ma..t1n& excessive DOI.se • , , ~1~1~50~N~·~·; .... ~""'i·~u~..,§...,~o.~ll~DJ~ :~~; Beacb tlremeo wa.sbed the street ol psollne after a tratrtc accident lm'otvl.og drl- We;;;;(tclitf Chapel Ivers Richard BlattermanJr. ot 4645 Gorbam Dr., Cameo ._,.,."J'' iSIIores, and Cbarles Hlllott ol 427 ~ 17th ST. Huatlngtoa Beacb atz:50p.m,at COSTA MESA the lolorsecUoo o! Narctaous Ml 6-4888 . AYe, lDd 4tb Aft., COI'ODI. del ~VALET CLEANERS We do the FINEST work • town m 3137 E. Coast Hlway. Corona dol Mar cw.-ACCDIJNfi. W ltD YOUR DIVI ND-PRODUCIN& PORTFOLIO SAVINGS KEPT HERE WILL DO IT An account at Newport Balboa Savings 1s an addition to your investment portfol10-and a very attractive addit1on Cons1der what $1,000 kept at Newport Balboa Savmgs would earn in dividends. A regular passbook account, ma1n· tained one year, would return to you $51 30 at our current annual rate A Bonus Account of the same amount. ma1nta1ned three years. would return $58.95 a year or $1 76 85 for the three year period In contrast, a like amount of sav1ngs would return only $40 60 a year 1f kept m a bank A "good" stock would return even less A stock selling at $50 a share and pay1ng a dividend of $2.40 is cons1dered an attracttve buy. Yet 1n dividends $1,000 1nvested m that stock would pay you only $48 annually Investment counselors know the w•sdo m of maintaining a broad portfolio. For there's truth in the homely wam1ng that 1t 1sn·t always wise to put "'all your eggs in one basket ·· Or even a relatively few baskets Make a sensible addition to your present invest- ment portfolio. Open an account at Newport Balboa Savings today! Our current rate of 5.00% IS an annual y1eld of 5.13% when compounded daily and mainta1ned for one year. Our Y4% bonus certificates m multiples of $1000. currentty eem 5.25% per annum, the highest in the nation. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS f_.. .. ,. M••n Ofhc• 33166 VIa Lido New1)0ft S..ct1, C.llfom•• 9<'663 Ptoon. 714 11)...113() ~ 0.1 M•r OHic• 11111i E .. 1 Co-11 H1ft1-y 92625 ........ ,.,..,. A..our-c•• In Uc:eN of 0.,. HI.IO\ctr.d MilliOn Doll••• P "-PAllw4ER. Chill!'l'Nn of ttte 8otrd AGN£5 SlQMOuiSl Pt-ealdenl JIIILI. .. CALJF. Qp IIIOell so. --loot W. llllolllaa, Ia-F. p.,._ roo1 --·· lila-DIJ, O. W. (DI~ Rlci!Or<l, Tod -.. -of 1M~ lllrllolt, ~c. K*r, J.lloo ~ Cout Aa11. 1>r IN9. E. AIJea, Roy Brlldl, Sollm S. OUior ollleora aro H. LuRIID-(Bod) FraM11D, Arlllllr llllae- -• ofSoolh La""' lit Yleo· Kaaale, Wllllam D. llllaJ1Io, R.l .. -.. ; Edwi>> Flllltar ol (Cullo) -ria, Frod -bart, Corolla del Mar, tod vtce-H. Lei Remmers. Wa..tt.r .. -.and Dale L. llwln of Sebmld,MaJOI"-Sebftr- HuatlDitOD Beaeb, secretarY-dtfegU, Dr. Normu Watsoo.. treua:rer, Raymood L. W&tSOD, Robert New dlrectors are Or,Daniel N. Weed and !flct Zteoer. G. Aldrlcb Jr., J-.ck Baraett, UrbiUI Beb, Jobn ~,JotiD Macaab, Frank G. Y.lcbalena., Marketing LEG.I.LHOTICE -Club at NOTICE OF P UBUC HEAR DIG NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN A oew club, "Co UepMarket- tblt tbe City Couoeil or the 1ng AssociatioD,'' .w make ll City of Newport Beacb. wtu possible for occ martetmc bold a pubUc bearing regarding students to go lnto tbe com- Ordinance No. 1289, being. an munity and study market1Dg ordinaDce of tbeCllJofNewport procedures nrst band. Beacb reaoning property and Eleven member s o1 the ameDding District Yaps Nos. Orange County busloess com- 50, 53 ~ 55, Planning Com-munity will act as the club's mission Amendments 239 and executive advisory-.. :::; 1 252 r ezoning terr itory 1n An-meeting wtth the oezatlon No. 6Z (Upper Harbor per kxtlcaUy VIew HUt s -Phase D) from An e:a:pert'tromthema.rketl.ng P-C, R-3-B and UoclassiJled fie ld wJII meetwlthstudeots and Zones to a "Planned Commun-answer questions Jan 7 lty" District. · • NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR-Students from other area col-.. •• leges wlll be invited to attend. , , THER GIVEN tllat tbe said pu-Executive officers of the club u .~. blic hearing wtu be held on the are Don Rea ser , Costa Mesa, . -' 13th day of January, 1969, president; Ron Griswold, La- at the hOur ot 7:30 P.M. ln guna Beach vice-president · the Council Cllambers of the Cyrxtl Cole~ Westminster' City Hall of I be City of New-secretary· a.oo Carol JollnsoO: port Beach, California, at which Costa Me~. treasurer. time and place any and all per-Members ot the business sons inter ested may appear and oommun..W serving on t he ad- be heard thereo~. vtsory t:Kard include Mary Ben- Laura Lagtos nett, Vineyard Advertising, City Clerk Tustin; Jim Brown, Cactus Ca- City of Newport Beach suals, Founta!n Va lley; George Publish: Jan. 2, 1969, l.n Clark., Buua Cardow, A.na- Tbe Newoort Harbor Enslrn. heim; George Clark, Costa. MLTZ MORTUARIES 17•1 51,EIIOR I.Vf. con~o ~o~u~o Yldw1y fi-2424 l5lll E. CD.UT HIWI.Y COIOtl.l. OEL IUR OR iolt 3 ~~450 Mesa; Richard lng!e, Marketing Assoclates,OTange; Reg Jones, Fashion Island, Newpor t; Bar- bara Kestle, Hoyt's Harbor En- graving, Costa. Mesa; Marty Lockney Sr., Guaranty Chev- rolet, Sa nta Ana; Hugh Mynatt, Richard's Lido Market, New- por t Beach; Geor ge Oatman, Alpha Beta, La Habra; and Pete Trfvers, Pantry Market, santa A ... J'Mn 1942 WIND BREAKS SIGH '-;:====='=====;-; Newport Beach nremen 1 assisted Theo Van Tingen, 3000 A CONSERVATIVE Newport Blvd., Newport, when App roach to lnwranc:e his business sign was broken as ED QRD a result of a high wind at 2:32 of J"Y 6 R"/J'o p.m. Dec . 19, and preveli.ed Phon•: 67 ~9379 the sign from falllngoopasser. bys • .r C:HIJRC:HES I ltewpprt'ltorhor Lutheron ~hwth "0 ., lh~ 8 /~tfl! (),.,,ftw ltm, 'lt'llf'Orl Htu bor'' N E~PORT BEACH, C ALIFORN IA T HE AM E R IC AN LUTHEAil,N C H URCH 8 JO a.m. to q 30 a'.m. -Worsh1P ')en11ce q ·45 a .m. to 10 45 a.m. -Sunday School 11 '00 a.m. to 1'2 00 noon -WOfship Service The R.t"~. James G. Blaan , Pastor The Re v. Georse J. Busd1 ec.ltet. Vuttahon Pastor Phont :J48·363 I O ri1tia, Scieo,c e Sftvice-s n as·r •-" Rl u n• rtf RJ!, 1 .' ... f'lt-'T IST HOJ \j l LiJP Ncwr-•1\ !h:.Jdl Sl :'-oti '\Y ~11001 91~G"'0"d l',,.. 9 1~ I I , ..,.. ,..EIJI'<t~ll"' t \t ~1'· \lt l-1 11\{, 8r.., Rt Aili"C' ROOM ••• k .... , ........ ~, ... ........ ., •• 9 ..... -7 ·~" ... 1 ............ ~f .. ., .. . 9 ..... -~."' 7.9 ."' s.,, •• , I " ·~ -• ' "' S(T OI"'ID C"Ml.aC"M Of' CJUUST SC"IENl 'IST Newport lk;n h "'' COJo,a dt l \.1;,r 3100 Pacin.c View Or. SliNDI\ Y SC'IIOOL 10 ·- SUNDAY SE RVKE 10 •- WEONESO..-.Y EVENING ME ETINC. • 1·00 , "' READING RO<>M - Mulual Bu,\dm& 286 ) East ('oa sl H•ahway Mo"'. ~ 381, Ill •·"'· to 5 j.>·"' 1\v,....day r ¥t'lllnlf -7 lo 9 Ynu we cmd1 allv '""'ttd to altrnd Church XrY1CU and 10 use tht Rr aJ '"I Room. Lvtlwr• Ch.rch OftW M.aMr L.tMr. O.rdt ill A.erie• 1900 Pacifie View Or . jc..'!"• dol Mar. Dr. WiiU1m R~ Elle1 Phone Fin t Bapti lt Ovreh of Cost a Me1a B.opto-.t Riblr r~\lo"·"'tup f"d t'Pt'.,Jr"t -A.IIIIO.,O!IIOIIIS Sonto Ano & Mogftolia St1 . Dr. P .G. Neumann, pauor SL;o..!DAY SERVICES :J:4 5 a.1 '· Su nday School 11 :UU a.m. Momm& WorshiP, 6:0U p.m. Train1n1 Un ions 7:UU p.m. Eve'nin& Worship WEDN ESDAY 7:20 p.m. Bible Study 8:0\J p.m. Prayer Mectln& A TTEHD THE CHURCH OF YOUR CIIOICE REGULARLY CfNTIAl ltiU CHUICH w..w, 'i<hnnl " AM. Mnf'""ll W•onh<p 9 Mid ID WI AM ( _,,.. Srnooc"r 7 I'M Wr~_.,. ,..,... ""'""' ~ ,,..,.... 7 ""' _.., .,...,,.. ......... f ... ·-M, ( ......... tfCA """ ... ~~IIJEJ' £11, dt iaQ !looM" .......... ' .. sw .... .. ~ ...... , .... , C .,.,__, C6U-.C ... d •. .., .................. . I ... ·lolwiM _. Cllolola ~ a £.0:10 ..._ pt Ill ..... ' • J ... love us for their money! There is something about a ski trip you ha ve r eally earnep., and deserve because you saved the money. (You might say we advocate saving.) W e furnish free travelers checks for your convenience. And free safe deposit boxes, of course. There is one thing th at makes us truly different -our environment for doing business. Come in a nd see for yourself. MARINERS SAVINGS and Loan Association Westcliff at Dover, Newport Beach -- • •