HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-16 - Newport Harbor EnsignCivic
The Newport Bea.eb City ric A. Whlte to appraise the
Couocll formaUy went on re~ proposed site 1D Newport Ceo.
cord Moaday eveai.D& wttb a ter Ud tbe present City Hall
deelan.tioa of 1.ate1aoo t.o stte, &00 directed a committee
deveiop a oewdvk:c:eJUrcom. comprlsed oftbemayor,!eoun.
plu 1D Newport Ceater. cllmen, elty manager aM city
ln tbe reeohdoa or Ulteot, attoraey to begi.D negotiations
Headlog tbe slate of otllcers deal of NewpQtt JWkwl 81.1111. the CouocU stated t.ba.t tbt pl&D wUh tbe Irvine Co. for acquisi·
to be preseoted to Newport first vke-9f.eetdeef· Cll&riM 1s subject ••to tbeeolll'll"'matloo tkMI Olllbe proposed site.
Beac:b Chamber of Commerce Currey, C<iro. '4111 of property acqartsltJon to the "'t bas been determined tba.t WILLIAM R. HUDSON JR., Hoag Ho.spital
administrator, at lett, and DonaldS. Bums,
donor of a $16,000 gUt to the hospital for
updating the Intensive care unit, are
shown here with the model of the hospital
expansion plans. (Jack West photo,)
directors tor eontlrmatioo oo. attorDey seccat "ce pr.,. sa.Usfactioo ot the City CouocU there is suftleleot land ava.tJ.able
Yooda.y, Jan. 20, will be Ric:Wd sldeat; 'a up M,.U. fiDU'&1 Ud de¥elopmeat ot a feasible 1.D. tbe proposed civic center sUe AIRMAN LiDda M. Burpss,
S. Stevens, 38.year..old vice manqu o1 Rk.Mrd'• l...ldal program for ft.aa.oc:ing the pro. to accommodate the oow court daughter o1 Mr. aDd lills.
president of tbe Balboa Bay Marbe, seeretarJ...c:ttialll'er; ject." t.acilltles for the Orange County Edwin c . Burgess, 1710 MJ.s-
CJ.OO, as 1969 presideot. Jack Baroett, eae.tbe mua.-The CouncU alsoappnwedthe Harbor Judicial District. souri St., Costa Mesa., has com -
other otncers r ecommeDded ger. -ten of tbe proposal pr_,.ed by ~bere would be signi!lcant pleted baste tra.J.ntoc at Lack-
by tbe oomlnating committee, Mr. stevens bu beea oo tbe lts coosultants, Ecooomtc Re-advamages to both the City of land AFB, Texas, and w been
ue Georp Woodford, presl. Chamber board Jot 3yfal'a. Be search Associates, urc:tnc the Newport Beach and the County assigned to Keesler AFB
Space -age care at H Oag :!"wases~lde!ll~st !_tbece .. ""!'!..,_.":i -.~·~.; county Sl.l)ervlsors to select of Orange if the court facilities Miss., for training in lbe per~ --,_ -. ....., Newport Ceoter as the site lor were master planned as a part soonel field. She 1s a 1968
the courttacllitlesottheO!'anp of the NeW'pOrt Center civic graduate of Estancia HJ.gtl
tbe put year-be IU'Ved Oil a County Harbor JudicW Dis. center complez. SchOol, Costa Mesa.
Aero~ace eoocepts that
guaranteed tbe success ol tbe
Apollo 8 lunar VO'fap baYe
been iD.stalled at Hoag Ji>spttal,
''Our 1964 unit must Uep
pace wltb ea:pJod1Da: medlea.J
taowledge,,. au. Burns de-
clared, "so we bave ap1D pro-
vided tbe fUnds to l.nsure this
becoming a realtt)'."'
"IC U stands for ooe of the citizen's adYt.:lrJ committee trlct..
most progressive concepts in OD Newport.Mea .cbool bug-THE HUGH MCMILLANS, 526 The CIYIC ceater oegotlaUnc 'Les ll"e d I. strl"ct ' patient eare today, andproYides get matters. He t.a lltW a mem. Westmillister Ave., Newport committee wu a.-bortted to
tor patients in critical condition ber on a comddttee b'mtd to Heights, are relying on tbe proceed Ylttl oeptsHons wltb
Mr. and Mrs. DonaldS. Burns
ot Cameo SOOres gan $16,000
recenUy tor the purchase of
"space age" electtoblc patient
monitoring equipment tor the
Lucy K. and Dooa.ld S. Burns
lnCensive care unit. wblcb was
donated to the community hOs-
pital iD 1964 by tbe Burns Fami-
ly Foundation.
Just as the bealtb ot tbe
utrooa.uts was mollltored
throughout lbe trip to the mooo.
by the manoed space center tn
Houstoo, so will t.be patlent&
be mooJtored in t.be receotly
IC)daied i.lllerudve care lllllt at
from sbock, post ~ratin re. pr~e a statemem OD tbe adage, "DO aews lsgoodoews." the lrvloe Co. lor purchase ol
covery, cooYUlsjoos, coma., Cba.m ber's YiftS OG tbe County Tbeir SOD Howard, 21, is a land Deal' Fashion l.s.laOOlortbe gets under way drownillg and poisoDWg. Cr lti-Airport ezpansion c:oatrofersy. aeama.a nutg:ator on tbe air-civic center slte.
caUy W patients suffering from Ur. Stevens Uves wttb b1s craft carrier Enterpr ise. Since The resolutioa o1 Ulteutioo. .
beart. lung, brain, or blood W-wUe, Joyce, and 2 cbild:reo. they l:lavebeardnothingtromlbe approved by tbe CouDCU cited The ''LesUe Thomasassess-
Council to review
marina proposal
oesses are also treated in tbJ.s Sandy, 11, and Cbriltcpber,l_ llavy, they feel that be was oot tbe tollowlne' polllls 1n support ment district" LD Newport
unit, aod receive tmensiYe, iD Dover Sbotea. 81 t1u beeD burt In tbe explosions on the of the decision to co abead ~th Hetctu was started oo Its way
b.lgb.ly st1l.led nursing carewtth wUb tbe ~ Bly c1111b siDce carrier l'lJesday. Twenty-five tbe ciYlc ceoter projeCt : a1 Yooday evening by the New-
conttnoous observatioo. 1963. sallots were reported killed ~be CoUDCU bas determlDed port Be&cb City Council.
Tbe IPted electronic pa-JohD Vlbe.rt of PaeUle Yin' by 9 uploslons aboard the En-tbat it wtU be neeessarytocon-The first official step was
tient moaltortnc S)'stem pur-Memorlai Part Ud Iarmer tezprtse about 75 miles south-struct a oew CityHalla.DdpoUce takao as the Countil directed
chased by the Burns family Chamber presldeat beaded tbe west of Honolulu. facWt)' LD tbe Immediate fUture public wor ks director Joe
FOUDdation features coumless oomtnaunc comm.JitM, YMcb STORE FLOODED-to accommodate the groWing Devlin to prepare a rE(lott oa
adYanta.ges to tbe patieat aod also included Delmla Harwood. RaJn water ran lnto the store Deeds of tbe city, tbe proposed alley paving
the pbystcian. At eacb bedside Newport aUoi'DI)'; VLD Jor-Tuesday Jan 14 at 2620 E -Tbe CouncU employed Wei-special assessment district, to
there will be u oscilloscope, geoseo. presldeot of tbl board Coast H'ry 'cor~ de l Mar· ton Becket &! Associates and be submitted to U:le CouocU at
a small version of your home of directors ot Jb&i Hospital; am Newpo~t Beach firemeti Ecooomtc Research Associates the March 24 meeting, Tile
television set, tbat will con. Gary BurrUl, owaer of KOCH, belped owner Lana Ray by using to F.'..dy and en.luate alternate report wi1J coota.inac2escrlptloo
Tbe sacrlltce of 30me of tbe spend tt. But 1 bave De¥er tinuously display tbe patieiX's H.a.oeoek Baontag III, locallaDd their ~•age master water s!tes spec1f1ed by lbe Counell of tbe district, a set or pre-
best surf swtmmtncootbecout heard anyone say tba.lwesbould heart rate, tbe beart wans, deveklper; outeo1ac presideot. n cuum to remove some of t!'.e site selection committee, and Umtnary Pla.D..s a.Dd an estimate
or Southen CaliJJrnt.a doeSD't ~ ftre-llcWD& lD tbe forest called ECG, and relay tbis 1n-Leoa Weeks, aDd Mr. BarDett.. water this stte selectioD study re-of tbe total cost.
welgll. too beaYUy oo stepbeD IJJd let tbe trees burn." tormat.i()o to a ceotral sta.Uon. • commeoded tbat tbe COUDCU Si.J:tb p-ader Leslie, who Uves
Auld,whobasdeslCDfldabreU-Rbeallartln. 1063Sth AD alarm system is provlded J k • b I selectaslteinNewportCeoter, at U 7 Sa.nta Ana Ave., gets
waterucborapJJrWestNew. St., West Newport. stood tel tbat will alert Lbe nurse to a ac ·In-ox oses *The civt~ceaterclt1zenaad-cr~ lor revirinc this alley
port would taU care of iD tbe stt.:IJ aasioa to say cbaDge iD tbe patle.X's bfotrt vtsory committee, comprised or projeCt. AD uoaceusflll
3900 Newport ''I baYe UYed litre fDr 30 ' rate, prom.ioenl Newport Beaeb cW-aittqlt was made 111 1964 to
LISU E 1IIONAS Shorts -· quiet aDd 1 tii!DI< tlll8~ila~~~~;~la~lbo~ Foodmabr oollloo-" be said, re!orrlll& to ,.... &llPOIIUd .,. tbe CoaocU, *aiD -es at 60!\ o1 I. submJttad tn1ftc mw,nhnoaaly ...W.-1 tlle COD-tbe PI'CIPWtJ O'II'QII"S WMewpart -~ 1 =, ~ •~ .16 ~.,at ... %«G•r• xrw• ,t ~ • -~ .-:.lalu. ~-~':!"'!!:!.. bJ .... ~~era •• ..,.,.,.,...-c.. U e. ·•••• t tt a« a-......._.._.-·-... ~
nter." Ocean 1roa1 lbr zo ,_ said. lbr • ..,.., at -ol lit ears u --Ala t>< ltltdYlc..,._ ~ ....,. to 1111 ~I "!!ot eUil' *'·.·-,""!"'
M.r. Auld, wbo said be bad • 'Wben a.nyooe bas ~ tbe tioo. New equipment. the result Tile CllJ eo.etl n8d .ani-boar other Jack-LD-tbe.BoJ: ter compJe:l. about the depionble CXJOdUiM 10 rfl)lll lillr lt:OrJ ol tile alleJ
been worttng on h1l plan tor idea of a ro&d 01' breakwater of ad'raDces iD botb e leetroQlcs mously to O't'et-1'11111 tM tl-kw:atioa.s. .,.be eiYic ce111er site selec::-of tbe alleys. sa)'inc tbaJ: tbeY ertsis..
about a year, took about an hour iD front of tbe ocean, we ftl-ud data handling. has allowed vorable decil1oo oftMPia.n.aiog Uon committee, coqn-Lsed of "hlt'en't been pa't'ed 1D 90 long Public worts director Devu.a
to e~plaln It to the Newport led the cba.mbers witb tbe op-tbe central station to become Commlssioa and to ct.:l;f tbe r e-Mr. Hyans, whose appeal the cou.ncilmen and pl.anning com-a time that they han hOles 2 proposed an alternate pro-
Beach City Council aUiooday•s posttlon. TbJsproposalwollld be more of a dataprocessiogarea. quest lof a 11118 permit. Co~meil was considering. sa1d missiooers, coocluded New-teet de~" aod "we can't even ced~e to the metbod of col-
study session. Members ot tbe lite DiD Pudora' bo Tbe advantage to the patielt Tbe dect.skla wu made oo a tbal anyotber use would produce port Center to be tbe most ride bicycles down tbem.. lecti.Dg signatures.
CoWlCJI tbanted him a.Dd asked Even C:ugbg Auld is~ am pbysicl.a.D 1s tbe di!pb.y of ~by CouDcUman Don Me-less tra.tric. He suggested that logical of au sites studied for Wooday eveni.og she .was at ··Based on tbe.interestshown
tum to return tor a more tho. to be aUng bl h1s ctUTent information recording Innis iD tbe llllteruts of over-r estlurants should be barred the oew ciYic center tbe CouncU meetiog. at lhe in-by the 1964 petltions,plusotber
rough presentation, beln( oper adt'~ s ~ and keeping past WormaUon all welfare aod public safety," trom s ucb a congested .location. ~be Couocll emp.loyed Ced-nlation or the Council, and she letters and ver~ requests,~
"We may set the date at the and pra:motloo rna: :::C. ha:: lor stu:ly at a later time. ' The PlaDDlag Commisaloo SCHOO Councll may ~tiate a special
next couocU meeting. Jan. 27,'' something todowtththis·~me-Electronic patient care lsac. had voted 3 to 2 to approve tbe L BON OS BACKED as_sessment district by deter. said Mayor Doreen Marshall, 008 must be beb.ind b1m • . compllsbed as follows:. Tllree u.se permit request tJr tbe lo-muung that_ public coaven.ieoce
•llo felt she could DOt comment ''Where tbere•s • smoke ;ery tiny electrodes are at-caHoo at 2000 W. Balboa. Blvd., and oecesstty ~~e the alley
oo the plan. "At this stage, there's llre. I'd Ute tokDowtbe tached to the patient's chest Ceotral Newport, oear McFad-Resolutl0115 si4JI)Ort:ing tbe ollered by Costa. Mesa Council-A similar r~lutionthenwas tm;u"ove~ents, he reported to
the proposal is in an utremely flr betl1Ddb1 1 C and COilDeCted to tbe bedside den PL Newport-Mesa School Dis-man Geo rge Tucker. whO is proposed by !liewport Mayor the couoc_1L
preUmlnary stage, requJ.ring cUewtU s~t~:S ::U monitor by a fiDe wire cable. Tbomas E. H)'aas, wbo 11Yes trlct's $15.9 mUUon bond issue cbalrman of the MesaCounen•s Doreen Marslla.l.l and Council-Followmg the hearing at the
more study tor any kind ot tbe 10 f Y this Tbe patient's ECG pattern aDd oearbJ at Z1 7 lttll St,.IIIP"I«< were adopted by the Newport lia1soo committee. He li.sted 9 man Howard Roger s, cha1rm:lll March 24 m~ting, the c::ooncn
evaluation." she saJcL trou~m: u! ,. man is beart rate are recorded coo-the declsloo to tbe CooocU. He Saach and Costa Mesa City reasoos wby b.1s committee was or tbe Newport liaison com -can _proceed _wtth the Pl"O)eCt by
"I can appreclal:etbeeoocern M open_ tinli)USly at tbe bedside TbJ.5 also circulated a petWoo of Couocus at a JOint meeting recommending ~rt of the mittee. c..a.Utng oa ctty attorney, Tully
ot people along lbe ocean rroot. Bea ~blle,Be:cHm Laguna s1gDal is Immediately r~ed protest, cla..l.m.ln&: tbll tbe re. Tuesday evening with thescbool bond Lssue, whlch wtll be The Costa Mesa Council ga.ve Seymour to prepare the neces-
The portJoo of the plan. which 1n a cl s. eckel ~ote to a large multi ..patient monitor staiii'"&Dl woald eaue added district trustees. deelded at an elect1oo set for WIILDimous approval. The New-sary resolutions. .
deal& wttb tbe denlopmeot of news= to the ~~~I.Jlan: tor tbe nlD'sestosee. Tb.lssame tra.t.rlc COnpstiOIIDd cr_,. a Tbe text of the resolutt.onwas Feb. 11 . ~vote was 6-0. CouncUman The area lDvolved co~tses
aJI 1Dw.t waterway from New-West N you p stgoa.J Is aJso relayed to mac-dugerous sltlatio&. Sir k I I • • f I l..iDdsley Parsons was absent, most of N~rt Hetghts
port Shores sugests a DeW WCMl1d ewport Beach. which netic tape mucb ute those AttlorDe)' James Ertctson, 0 e a enniS IS ala but behade%pressed lliSS\C)I)Ort westerly of lrvme Ave. aod
entry, whicb would enable tbe causes ~ ~w~= = used iD auiomobiles tor stereo member of tbe Su&a ADa law at Monday evening's Council Southerly of 15th st. ln ad-
development of an 1nlaDd such a developmeat. music. wblcb stores tbe 111-tlrm of Rutu Ud TKAr, n-His tennis serve was never swttnfl\1ng. He was Pacinc mHtiJig. dttJOn, the projeCt ....UI a.lsc in-
mutna. But then there ls tbe "You surely are i.QI)rmed tormaUon..lnualarmcondJUoo resented foodmUer at tbe tlnJshed, JamesStlawFarqubar, Coast diving champioll Ut b.1s Here is the textoftheresolu-~~ooe ~a=:= tn tbe
posslblllt)' of saltwaterlDtru-about tbe r eceatly ubUcil.ed tbetapewouklena.blethedoctor ouocll be&riDs. He akl tW 54, of 1704 Coral Place. c wr turuoraodsenloryears.Hen.s hon: oc k u Blvd,,
sian. a question wlllc.b needs a sborellne r wbl~b stro to observe the curreotcoodltioo a r estaara.at ls a permUted Haven, collapsed Friday on the also ooe of tbe great dancers ''WHEREAS, there is a Bay Ave., CypressSt.udCoro-
lot ot stOOy and lnt)rmaUon.•• 1y emp~t. to san :; of the patient and abo u. past use lD .tbe C-1 dUirlct Ud courts of the Balboa Bay Rae. at the UDiversity, -teaching serlou.s shortage of classrooms nado St •• an area too small to
Georee Dawes, tbe clty"s bar· precious 42 mli. Joog beacbls, mtn .. es lead.1ng tC» totbe alarm. tblt FoOd maAr bu c::o.~Ptied quet Club, at lrY~ Coast Couu-tbe famed "Balboa" sJUflle. lD tbe Newport-Mesa School warrant a separate dlstrict.
bor eoordl.Dator, sa1d tha.t tbe hecAI'se tbey ea.MOt be re-A paper chart recorder pro. with all tba COQdlt1o. sptcl-try Club, and died before be Survifors are his wife, District presently requltlng Bl"ll Bannl"ng
Auld proposal merits stOOJ. placedwbenaver tbey are cone vides a WTitteo tape wbenenr rted bJ tbe P~~Da~Dr Com-reached lbe bospital. Apes; b1s t.ll.ber, James Far-over 1300 children to r e<:eive
''Like a Jot of otbers, I would "Parks ea.n be built 00 eYer} desired, and 1t utomatlcalJ,J missloa. Mr. Farquhar was born Dec. quhar Sr •• publisber of the HUD-less than a tull day's educanon;
bate to see a surtlac beach buTeo land.. marJ..oas can be begins to record Wbeorter an James Deeter. memberoftbe 23, 1914. in Chlcqo, and came t1ngtoo Beach News; a soo., and , h d u
lost per se, .. be said. "But baJJt OD .,.er,. otber IIDSUitable an alarm 1s trigered. WI..D:xu' Smitll 'A.ssoclatesllrm to Huntington Beach in 1927, He J erry, of AtJa.Dta. Georc:f.a.; 2 ''WHEREAS, i.lnot remedied ea s F
Mr, Auld may ban otber 1.1¥1 piece of water tr-om but DeYer Tb.is same process is carried wbo bad prepared tba recent was a broker, seU-emploJedJor daugtlters, Joa.n BUms ol lltll promptly. this shortage w1U • •
better alteroati:Yts than the should small 'stretch of out tbrougb a telemetrJ def'lce tramc studJ tor tbl City of Z5 years. VaUey. and Cbristioe OiDisbak become even more cntiCdl as
trea.twa.ter uteodiD& ftom lbe beacb bea.n:..crilleed tor sucb a tor monitorlnc patleals wboare Newport Bea.chand&laim'estl-He was a 1937 grad~teofthe of San Francisco; Z brothers, enroUmeot incr eases and more United Fuod otftcers I::Jr the
pier to tbe Santa A.aa River purpose DOt oo tbe critical lilt aad are gated tbe ~ lite ilr Ulliverstty of Calilorma, wbere George a.od WWougbby ot Hun-students are forced onto double 1969-1970 hmd campatp were
jetty. and I th1Dt tbey sboakt be ••You 'sarelylmowtlat Lacaa tberetnre elMwbere 1D tbebos· Focidmater, said tJat tbe sl1e be majored iD bu.sinessadmini-tingtoo Beach; and Z grand-sessiolls; and =~~ed ~~~4tb;t.:;
eDmined.•• Beach speDt ewer $S mUlloDb' plta.l inst-..:1 or ICU. would budle most ol tbe car stratloo a.od was assistant yell chUdren.. ''WHEREAS, tbe City Council at the Irvine Cout eo.try
SWl1Dc, 900 feet of blac:h 1l'ollt tbat The mareb ot eoqMerhed Urtftls It PtU momaata. He leader in bls seruoc year. For Prin.te services were taekl belieYes tbat a tlrst class 1oca1
tbe ~!'!t Newpodpr=lm~ tbe t::CMd7 boarbt S-lfl, ~81 dab. procesallllg 1s matiDc ita adcled u.t eiiiPio,._oaU.site 4 coGSeeuttve years he woo bis Jan. 13 at Smlt.b ChaPel. HIID-scbool system is essential to cl:ncock Banning m. ludde-
JJI'O"meM Assn., rtpe~ted bel' beacb bratnelt 1 c:o.Etybeacbe:s pr~ felt lnmecllclDatodl.y, could u&iat lD tacWI:al:bac t.be Btg C ia water pok). and iD tiD&fon Beacb. tbe soct.al and ecooomic well velq:)er, Is the new presidea,
1a:st net's statemeat: "Yoa oo A11so k $ao 000 Altboocb mocb Is rat lo be :o'emeat of can
011 110
tbe COM c c b k b d beiGe ol tbe community; a.od Other officer s are Mn. Frank
-replace Z 11111os o1 "EYOfJ bo&ch .,;,nmullllty -atx>ul teclts'qm -· to. .. ac s on s "WHEREAS, tile CityCooocU Lroch, llrst Ylce-c>rtsldeot; t.cra.•• SbOClldbeannottbeprecioU tbey become eomiDOIIIPiaee,aD Trame ........ Bob Ja.Ue • • isor;a::enedtbattmles.stbeoew Gar Bur ill, otKOCH, sa. said It wu IDC:ODCeJ.ftble ,_..Sb'l b reeHitioa Uld .qulpcaeat be1Dc t...._Ued 1a said t.bu'e WOild til 101M llb-tadl1tiel are pr'OYided It will be ~ •~ce.pr~; Mrs.
to ber' tllat lbt wouJd efer .. ,, tat lllriltiDc o1 tbue fleWUM tbe Bunri r&mlly .....,.,care W.00CS ol traiJc bKI!daC tel The board of directors of Co.cll, but tbe dt.tcassJoo ftS lqJOUINe for tbe di.strlcl to Howard Mew. IICntvJ; Ud
to come beb"e tbt COWICU to &Ill It lllolld til tbl b'ltiiiOSt UDJ.t wtll be eoqMUr com-aDd: tlllllii&.ICIIIC"tbl ........ ol the Corolla del Mar Cbamber deterred IDtll t .. Ju. Z7meet. m1J•t• the leovel of edocatiooal BeYer ley BeUOD, t:l-....r'tl''
rem.lad U.m ot bU. ''Malle· ....,..,.,.. of tbl blacb dtlea.. paUble b' aU adftDou wtWa cara Uoac Balbol 8lYd.. hl1ce ot Cemmerce UQil.Q1rnous..ly a-Loc. Tbe Coroaa ciellbr Clla.m-~ tt.&t the community New directors are liln. R. L.
,_. IIOdbltlloralr'olllb.rcK. to.,, u. eDsHscbeacbls •• tba DOtS yeers sliDPlJ bt'CIOII-ClaW JUDM Gla.TU IUd tbt dopted a motioa 't'Uesd&J eYft· bel' dlnetol"s p1u to lavelbeJr aaads ud tas enjoyed lD Sa ROD&ic1 0.. -....Mrs.
y ~ .act Cwt l'lllciiiOt, -boUI IIi. -1bo we cablos. --WU 1o u ..-. ol Ill( -""" 1bo Fob. II --bdln tbe COUDCII at t10o -IUid -N .... ~ .. c;u-"" ... ocaa ._. t totaa.s• w ~ (DS41..,_ A•M!C"'..-.' issue ot tbeHewpol't-Mesa uu. that meettac. ••WHEREAS the Board ot Jack Curl'!, ...,..n a.dldty ~·· . a -. eat Mew-police ~"<Odd eue fled School Diltl'let. 1bedlree-'1111e Clamber d1rector"s a-n ..... oe ~ school district ma-cer Haner 81ara.t, Al
ll:r. A.llld ltltaiS t1Eit U.e part, la ltll, .aid Uat be cld UO PRO f lO TEL L I,W tle prdi1A1 till tlllt woeald tors CODCIIITed ia tbe scbool Cl'eed to renme tbe Wedlfles.. bu eca.JIIled a boOd e*lJoD Kellam, H. Jo.llllll ~
.... oo1J -1111-oo : '=-r:' ~ 10 &looCwD OF GEMERAnOH GAl' -u .. • ec •-Umo dlalrlct ~tooseportablo <llr """""" IDI><mal -.. .,. ,.....,., u, 1969, to pro-MrPer~~: ~ ..... ~-•
1M --. bot-• tboo ,; ,__ "Till _.tloo w• ..Will --on-•-.-.. IIIII ooootlop. -to ~ Yldt -. lbr a ,.._pro--. -~~ ~
400 lD x..,.t..._ud ltO 1 ~It~ 1:. a caJa. lM tDptc k tlleca.erlliJIUsc' be*f-w ....... ......S. fl......_ motioD pwbmftbd .--. .. ,.. ... Tba)'wt..Dmeet IJUI-.tped to meetU.most Smttta. and M&rtSodla,
.. llo-lilluoi.IDIMl-. ::!'i4 ~ 1
0-tllor atiiii~Hor--s Cs vnwto u.1o1oJ Par· bfllooCoot, -ollbo !otiS-Ill I LID. ll-Siq> No.I, .....,........,.., -•llml· JET FUEL HIT\-U..
-.r'l _..., --aloizo I wwiiWI ":..,.OS:: aDd -·M¥1 Wo-'•CIII> ----laiJft U!l ciYic all>lrs com-Ill Acac.la U!l c..ot HWJ~ bo-- -••-br DOll IACX l AY P'-LI SliT ..,_.to OJ tiT_.._.. fa.. tuiiiu.oc..&WQ.n. ,, at I:JO~. 11*1 • .l&a.ll.t. .. ud 1Au1J•tt~tpoal.-miltM,taltcSlreetonawtltorlled ~ DUt ., ... .,, Jaa. tau.udac.._emon.mcleat ,...... llom_.a a ..
-JII-IINIIilt---. 1M VIlla llarla-lllllty ot 1,000-ud-1M wrltllt ol a lotl4r lo 1M ll. . -al lnloll'l llc1lltl .. IUid ZtOOblocllotSibw '--
·-lrlopiOL ll.'c:!'~ Plft Tilt _._ ..WIll Dr. bop el cu•aGIIIHitl ~ 8oodl Cttr Co.c.U ... ; Uoont; Du.•nwr--.oii~M
llrL ...... 101!1, • .,.... A -· Ia --ot • -lUrk, ...... -*UJ, ...... ---1M--IILLIOM ODMTIACT ·-. TIIEIII>FUIE, be u FAA ..... -ltll:U---Ill IIII*IIODo .. O'III.IJ, IIGI &. ..., n.ot.-al ,..lolov at tiCl. II ~-n Daa Mt•l•--lltooaiiM~ GO IS 10 UIOMUT~ 11 abod IMl 1111 Cttr eo-:11 _,, Jaa. U, 1711 -
'Mrof raiiiiiJQ• Balaa ........ WUe#sp'#a~ Ml: ..................... dad ...... _.. tnf... ..,_.DIItr~ Mr.Cootllkt A $1..1 ctnn ..., lillie of tilt CJtJ ot Newport 8Mcll. ...... ._ t1E11r If
... Tall I .. *awl Ill bfa"'att• ati.-GIPA.Moa· UClellle. Dr.&lrtea. ..... Gc: ........ wMDIE ...... 8lit Ills .... WU 111 ...... bJ' ••tow l tEMt -ta ..... tlr fttwl ol. -....rt M Air Cdllnill. .. -·• .u ........ cllJ,laa.U, lid Ia IIIRIIt-'>. co :Ha Do_.,..._ .. ___ , OYV 1M--C-..rnt .-,. al-o1t -·-lllorGa-al ..
..,.. till la•ull, sta..,STOLIM wa~D~~a.ar, • ,.....,..,. ..,...._ .. _....~be l•n•d • a. tu-t•s 1 .,.._ Ml "-.. -.cal .-o~ aJAazt, •
,.. _____ ""---to till ........ Btllld .. _ .. _______ at ....... -~~·-·-------· ott.r.a.• •a.,IIDII,lllll.._~ a.t '-Ia ..ea....._ 1111 ..... JII11t .. ._dlltrtdtadlr•trtd. M tt1etl .. spat._. .,-.: Jtetts ... .._
JEin. N's!'l atlt Mt1 el .. a ....... .._. _. u.t 4111 'II til P11't .......... ,. t ...... ..., A tJIGtltbl ....... CUr U. 0..S. AniJ "t* 0......, W ..... dl a
llr. _.. ., .. •1 u.,-...._ ....,-.. _ .. , .,. --··~ot•~r.1 1111t•---.-wlllllo•rlohal -•••n ~-•••
... tl 1M-•? I .. - -0. SQ,I '\ • lr1o -a .. 5 t• ... Wiltllc -It .... 1M ... II_,-, bf Aol I I 't * -If .. --C .. ,_ :'l'a..., WI .. II,...,...... ... ""'''ID .., .. P t ---...., RltM&tl ttl IIEitiJFI .......... ,._, U. .-•
llll OPI'tCIAL N .... A..,.
Ol!loo ........ I .. •'-.. tloo Eoolp .... w .... tnt L c-..,.., c.-wl ., c.w. -92625-
TILIP-11&7U5SO (AI .. ~ 714)
stra.:l.gh.t A -•r ' , 2 , , iiiiW '1'111 C n•• C... tl
1 ........... -~ ... --... --· .... --.. 1r , .. Ala•s-Ood ol ....... : Jau.nur-,.. ot ..,.,.,.,. • a 11w ,...,... u..ntt&•k• ol tilt
.. _ ... .._ ~ 1111ar loo ,..,.. ,.. ... ?"Jar--.,., • ~eo.y troatJ, wldeb -PI'"OI4'• ......... ";"---·:1'1, ---lo!Mpollalolromll'<lar-·te!•-
AT'H.£.1'11S. Oll£ECE: l.MC: '"'k we 'IIM:uaud Americaa1 ... .,. ...... ,.. ~ fairy 110rie1... 'hU tat lu ._. •JtcMd MofJablr ud ..._.._.on to Welt GtrMIIJ 1a t:Ut#'ft
Greek alfaln of ttaae. Now lee ua talk about and oo fairy .-ory t'Yel' ....,,1 f m.lctJtloui:D1 Dr. C. I Mellt1re. ftO Riellatd M.. Jl'-_, be till nrt eompeu.d to r..ut IC'·
tho ...,. of Q,...k afta.......,h 11 ,_ of Jife of Ameriaa'o Jackie. Tho mldoiaht !.,.-•• ... 1M -CiaiW)' PI'-of 1M --.,.-lo E-. ~-:. Gor·
one Atktotle Onwil. Think DOt what ()nuUa out Cinderella havlna come aa4 ION andBtllnDatlol. &ow. U tbl rala QIJW art 1Wid wUtt Mt uc1 IDI.Il1 WOtld be OW . UM
can do f<H' lhe M~ but what the boen account ... for we And that the ...,..Ud ....,. b' lMt, b' IDII'Ual torei:Jo4t~ UbtrtJ 1.ot1bJ r•· ol dlttl,1t lA IUdl a WU bl·
Mediterraotan can do lot Ona..~ few Prioce. COKh pwn.,kins footmen aod ftoatiq oo.a.aoa wb Ute Alm1cbtJ. pol1edOD me tto..Rrott~wa.UoD tw..a U. Frte World Mil tM
America's moat IMiored woman, Jacqueline pelaea were 'paid for P-.nJy by our ,.ap~e, At • U.. Ia ~ IUiar1 bu Tr.tJ JD a per .-I litter from illetMUOMl c:om.m.llilt 001·
Bouvier Kennedy Or:wU&. who at the time had DeVet e'llcn tac.rd of tiM tleH bela ~ Dllll k re.. W•••.,.toa. D. C., ''tllll tbla tplr&q. U il CM8" r.:IOID-
TIIE ltEIPOilf JIAA8(a ENSIGN la , .. oaly ... .,. ... e•.. Mc:»t Americans have been denied the Prince , OOCIIi&&lll U. Lor1:t U ••tM tre&fJ 11 Ukel7 to .,._ .,WI melldatloa tblt tblt Moe...Pro-:=::.--.-=!r !:~::~ t;;.:,!;n it..t..C!.. :!! quilite ptea•urc of fully apprcciatina the ::: On~is built.• latae part of hit fortune with=. of~ :rilL';.! 10 = ftrJ few diiMKIAI f(Qs U w.huoa TreatJ lbould POt bt
Ar-.. ,__1 ... ._,,,-;. n.-d-,. s.coM c.o~ .. P••• .-id lur~ 1nd accxmplishmen~ o~ this man, Onassis. Amer~an ~hip. aiveo to him at a tiny fraetkla•JMC)' ix' ae~ that ~~ ::--iook ~ lt. ~ebetttDc"'ourncom ... .. c..-., •1 111r, Calli. It ts not enou!h to dismaa the matter by of their ottJinaJ cott He made a tiUint ctw--u.n 18 IIQIWar too bard l:lr ,. eM 0
TilE NE.-oi.T H.Aa.BOI. ENSICN •-adjodpd to .. • •••-aayina if Nixon can run with a Greek, why ina World War 11 . What are wan our to atop lt. :-*:o"-:!:r a.:,tertobe--
,.,... of ...... cllf'e.lelioe a.y cowt 4.a.e No. ~20118 liM•d can't Jackie? Jackie's Onassb ia no ordinary to re-establish boundaries and make • eac: me U.
... ,. 14,. 1951, Ia s.p.riw Co_, for at. Co••Y of Or .... , Sta1o of Greek, folks. Like Jacqueline. he it 1 leaend In 1953, under a Republican adminis'tration IB'ctor tblt tbt tre&t)' be di-
C.lifora• .. ...t "' ..... tha'oof Ia quollried to pobUN •II pllblic in his time (The dic:tionarv deft--le nd the U.S Go I •-~ • I I II II , futfd, Ia ttds letter 11: a OGPJ
IM)tk:M ireodlty '-· . -~ . ·-P as a ~une, . . vemrM~ c;:, .. r.,....._ sTATE ol oar artie• pobUstwd ill tM ARVQt BAAPA ................................. .ow.-._. Pllbli•her pop~lar _myth of re«nt _oniJin.) "':1th comp•raqo to defraud m ~nechon . Nof. 28 editioa o1 tbl EDSI.p.
p£C HAAPA ·-·-·········································.A.eocice Edilot ~~~. ~ .~reat _he IS even ~bove oounlly. hn purchase of 110me surplus dups. Criminal wbltb oooel..S.s ..W.tbiiState-su•sc•IPTION ••rn once aaKI hiS favor1te c;:ountry 1s lhe ,'lfte that charta were dropped when he paid a ''penalty" I r.. ..1 Olllllt· ''Tbe treatysl:w)u.kjbede-~ O:~::·A...,., o-ye•. ~-:; ~ re••· f7,00 aran~ _muimum immunity from taxes, trade of S7 million. But his pin was much more. by Se ... lor JoG£ X .. WI& r.ued u tt sqgpsts atreuoa.-
...... ODe ye•,...,. . ye•-. 19.00 restr~c::llons and unreasonable reaulation." He Onauis has been penalized again and apin ous betrayal of tbe IJb1ted
puts mott of his vast ftcc:t of ships under a but eac::h time he makes a pin .and a pin. are more often 'al.UH, Ora.ap eo.tJ ... bt-states "To be eacloMd &180 11
ARVO E. HAAPA, owner; and publisher of the Ensi!J'I
"ftaa of _ronvenience·· (mainly Liberian and \\oay baok in 1963, at a time when the wife beard lA tbe ...-a today thaD come an outsta.adtDr lupt tor a r~ocUoa or a letter wrtt.
Panamaman) to take adnntap of minimum of the soon-to-be-UIUiinatcd President of tbc "dl...ater " It seems that our tbt toes of tboM .U.S. Apia tea bJ Joba SloD, 'ffbo p.Ye
fees, ~!raints a~ ~xes. b~:t . it ecstatk th•t Unit~ States ha_ppencd to be _viaitinJ Mr. couatry u' Ml or disseli:ers, ~ apiD the protesaloaal dis-an eye-wttDeu atCOUDt of the
Amc:nc::a s former F1nt Lady IS now the high Onass•s aboard bas yacht, an Oh1o Conaresa-allln Yai'JlDc decree• at re'tOlt ~ ers ,.~~~ tba1 atrocities commltedbftbeRus-qu~ of all the ~iah seas? . man. Oliver P. Bolton,. placed some of tbe·aplut tbe "established sys-anp ....,_1 1 d1saent must s1ans LD tbelr IDYuloD of
Anstotle Onass11 uarled h11 career al 17 in facts about our hero m the Cong,es~iorud tem." ~:=ted,(: :it,$ people Cr.echosloYata.
A ttDQ-IT-YOURSELF" SOLUTION a stransr: land. So did Jadie. Sina: he makes RecMd: .. We are aware. I am sun:," the Con-Bat what is tbe "established ;.uera. orm Pfen111nl' It is our preseat recom-
mo5t of his money on the hiah seas and not in gressman said, ··or the history of the rda· SJstem"1 Wbea tbe Untve sit ol CaU meOO&tioa, DOt only tbat sbould
The continuing turmoil and disorder at any country, why should he pay tu:es? He tionship which Aristolle Onassis had with our Maoy ol us, oa hearing tbat forai& came to ~t! ; tbe Noo-ProWeraUooTrtatJbe
ll d I it! Ul couldn't very well pay laxea to the hiah seas, aovernmenl . . Two congressional investip-term, lUll teod to th.tnk of tbe Us reported ,.......,..._ • 001 ~ defeated. but tbateverJeztst.lnr
CO eges an Ufi verS es W one day noc until the United Nations lakes them over, tions have been conducled into his schemes Amertea tbatwas--tbeAmerica cbanp tbe cu~t;7s :!1n treaty with Russia be re-
COnvince parents and taxpayers that the anyhow: The Ken~s _live out _or 1heir a~d methods. One Attorney General toot ol Uberty UDder objectl'e law, Ora.ace eowuy, W:a tbt uamined for the purpose of de-
only equitable solution will be a situation foundat1ons, the Onan1ses hve on thc1r yachts. h•m to court where he was found 1uilty on over of a republic UDder a con-. Orup County A.Dlt-Dlscrl-termi..n.LD& it It be to our ad-
and the hoi polloi pay taxes. On.usis' main 10 counts, fined some SIO million, and forced stttutioo, of publlc order aDd miaaUoa Couocll wu ttmed, 'aotage to cootlnue to be bouad
Where they Will be able to send their home i5-0r at least has been-the "Christina," to divest himself of certain stock and asset~. llllllmlted opportunity for lndJ-tt proclaimed a s1mUar p.l bJ lt.
children to a school o1 their choice and.pay a S3 miiiKm palace longer than a football field. "These are all maucrs of history. But how f1dual success in productive eo-lnchdlng tbe defeatotCoagres~ Notwltbstandlog our persooal
At 2S Onassis had made his ftnt million. So many know of our government's present deal-•terprlse. man utt. More reeeatly a loyalty to Mr • Ni.ma, It shoUld
for it directly out of their own pocke~)lad hckie. ings with the interests of On.usis? Apparently But tbls 1s aot our "esta-"black tmltyconterece••atUci clearly be UDderstoodtbatwedo
This situation would allow f o r a speedy Aristotle Socrates Omwis controls or owns no one in aovemment. There have been tome bl1sbed system" today. Today's tbrateoed ''mllltarJ retalla-DOt wish to becomeadlplomaUc
"do-it-yourself" solutio n to t chers' a major interest in 70 corporalions. His 100-hard working reporten who nted to put all the establlshment, work1ng tbrougb tioo" aDd "anDlbUatloo" satellite ot the soviet Un1on. ea vessel ftttt fty countless different ft ap; in peace pieces together, before the information doon our unt'ersities, our scbools, apJ.nst tbe people o1 Orange 1n preparaUori tor tbe IDtth-
strikeS and student take-overs and CalllpUS and in war, and often the ftag of opposing were closed to them, and they were unable to our perDmeat, our courts, Cowtty because ot tbeir poWI-com1rlg polltical ordeal, oo
disorders because the parents will choose nations. For Aristotle wants "piece" abov~ put the puzzle together." and our communleatlon.smedla, cal beUels as manlfested In Saturday weatteodedtbelecture
h l wi• th t d ill ithd all--a piece of the action. More on the "puzzle" f)t:ll.t week. bothllu moUbert•edlarandtonrla """'adJectlncmlnl their Yotes torPresideDtNiJ:oo, ctnn at lDdepeodeDee Hall. a sc oo grea care, an w w raw Y • to -Dr. Rafferty, PropostUoa 14 LD Koott•s Berry farm, lD:I
their children and enroll them in another L h Ed • straun !!at; larutonr• repla-1964-and tor me aslbelrstate Usteoed aplntotbemoclernluld eHe rs to t e Ito r clng our repub c with a de-senator presentation o1 tbe adoption of
school if their first choice happened to be mocracy and our co..Ututlon This ' cooterence, tocl .. n-lbe DeclaraUon of lndepeo-
wrong. That is the way we decide on the ~OT A ODIE'S WORTH The A.lD. program had created wealth aod. produetl'ftty Ylolth ~!1•erlrr.e~~bdecle -~~s tallY, was seueeated. LD that deoce. ltwasasolemnoc:cuioa..
• Editor of Tbe Ensign. $100,000 left over, so they tor LDteroally ceoented naJth a ...-. e ..,_.... IWR:-no white man was a..IJowed to We beard pstllke rolces from
spending of our o wn money on other The ott repeated statemem bougti 1,000 T.v. sets to send aoo productt•ttJ." man court; tar tonrd ma..tlog attend; aDd secret 1D that au tbt past peoet.rating the se-
types of products, and the same care ot Prestdentia1 candidate abroad. I.o an article LD the l.a) AN-political ta•orltia:m rather tbaD reporters were ~red-yet It pulchral gloomwhlcbdescended
hould b tak . th di f George Wa.l.lace "there's not Tbe OEO gra.ated $308,741 GEL£S TIMES, Dec. &, bow.-persooal enterprise the most took place on publlc prq)Uty ~ the restored usembly 9 e en ln e spen ng or o ne a dime's worth' ot dilference to lbe Zuni Ind.lans to Improve eYer, McNamara states tbat promtsiaa road to advancement at the UCJ scleoce 1ecture mU.: au, wbenthecudle Ugbtswere
of the most important products of all--between Ni:mn and Humphrey," their jewelry bus.llless. Tbe to tbe aext five years be 1s ---and the result has beea tbe CaD you Imagine tbe ootcry 1t doused. Tbe atmospbere of ur-
education of our children appears to bave some nUdity ZUDis ban beeo dot.ng a going to doti)le IDA "bins"-treatdowu ofpubUcorder wbJch UCI had donated tbtslectu:re ball geocy was tber e, telli..Dg of tbe • t.nUgbtoftbeappoLatmentsbel.ng $3,000,000 business for years. double "loans'' to .UI.a and DOW tbreateas Is wttb a.aarcby. to a segrepted whlte ~ lmpendiog pe.rUs of lbe Amerl-* mlde by tbe PresideDt.elect. Tbe Federa.l A'1atioo Ageocy aJ.sotoLatlnAmerleai.IXIAtriea.. Tbis, DOt our ~tuUonal wbicb excluded all reporters, can re¥olutlon. Brave voices
LET'S NOT CHEER TOO SOON Tbe two party system is a spem $108,000 of your lU It 15 a generally accepted tact republic, is tbe estabUshed aDd later a.aoounced that 1t bad spoke out from the darkness as • •
Here is a sobering thought for those
local citizens who are congratulating
themaelves for their ~ent ~rieto.ry
"l.fonday evenlog m t!ie' <;1t:'(>"Cilllli1:trdif-
-cision against the Jack-Jn-t)\e Boot' drive-
in, take-out restaurant in 't"entral New-
pori: A CouncU that is powerful enough
to keep out a business development that
com.)lied with all regulations and re-
strictions of the city code is also power-
ful enough to take away the property
rights of the citizens who now are re-
joicing at the Council action.
This is, indeed, what is happening
to us right noW--a steady erosion of our
rights to o wn and manage our own property,
Before it is too late , we must come to a
realization that we have to accept the
inconveniences of freedom in order to
e njoy its tremendous advantages. We will
just have to be willing to put up with
the annoyance of traffic jams, for example,
in o rde r to preserve something that is
much m ore significant, the right to own
and develop and use our property--a
right that is the foundation of all other
rights. The alternative is tight-fisted
control of all property and business and
residence by a powerful government--
and we will still have our traffic jams.
"CASTRO'S HAND 1n the U.S. turmoU"
.ju the topic of Jose Norman, center,
at tbe Dec. 31 meeting of the Corona del
Mar KiWanis Club_ Be is abown with AI
Kel~, program cbalrman, at lett, and
Jam• D. Ray, outgoing preJldent ot the
club. Mr. Norman, who e1eaped from
CMtro' a CUba. told ot tbe erittcal,
u••'• ciJDrer to our country from
008 , ..... IIII'Oida. Be' urged Ul to
• ? • .. ..S be beard for our rreat Ire~
z ,s¢111 .,.e-. (Boward Folaom ... "',.
rnytbicaJ legacy or bygone days. mooey to ha'e ml1SiC pjped into tbat tbese so-eaUed "loans" system" lnAmerlcauwebegl.a discussed "military retalla-the delegates unanimaously
Bob Dugan tbe Hawa.Li.a.D ot.ticedisguised as wtU probably oenr be repaid_ tills new yearot1969. ~,thea., tion'' ap..tnst mlnorlty races? pledged tbeir '·Uves, t.belr for-
Newport Beach a nre alarm system, aad C. C. Moseley are tba real dissenters. Socb Is our modera double tUDes aDd tbelr sacred booor'" co
*TAXPAYERS ORG.A.NIZE $33,101 was pven to Israel In-Gleodale CIHriJ tbeJ are aot the agt-sta.odard. Tbt rtlles ot deceoey the cause of Uberty and tre&liom
Edicor ot tbe En.si&D. stltate or Applied Social Re-OBJECTIVE REPOR'M tatora who accept every ooe of and of law, wtll.cb are Ci'lcMlJ) lor Americans.
Dlle lo lbe •err truthful pos. searcb to stucly "A test of bus-lidllo< of Tbe Eoalp tbe p.ls o! -modern ••·. applloc1li> IlioN •lao Jtall!l-foz --Tocla1, 'I'I>ID fl!'(j)~ !ollie
slbllltJ of a nla.jorlty of people bud-wife relaUoasblp,.. As bead of ablllerlbbolleom-tabliabmeat. dlllerlnc oaly ~the Amertea blat_. arit ... .l J'II'U• ~~ •• .,.,., fr'GM
DOt being able to afford to own YOW'" taus are finaJJclnc a ml.ssloo to st1ldJ pabUc r.H.Dc quutJoas of Um1Dc a.OIJ tbe peoded for tbose wbo wa.ot to within, kJya.l cltl&ens sboU1
their own bomes within a few soberlng-141' statioo ror al-ot c:ollece ectucatloll.ClartKerr ~c:r~ '"'::,eoee ,!:,~ ~ desttoJ tbat America. Yet rallJ CO Pill down tbe lq)eDdiiB
years u tbe property tu1o( comucs 1D PolaM. also a aeo-reeeotly issued a HPOI1 oa tbe 0 I se •--· Orance Cow:lty's d1aseat tor menace. so that, ln the words of
system ls DOt reformed and lithic exca,atlon, an arcbeo-subject. Well tOOwo to Cali-real cllssenters today dissent America wW coatinue; ~asU UDColn.: "Tblsnatioouodei"God
equallz.ed, tbe tupayers ot logical program lD Yugosla,ia, tornlans as tbeprlDclpi.J cbU'-from the whole course we becomes clearer and clearer shall llan a new birtb of tree-
California ace oow organt.zl.Dg, old metal working cra.fts ill acter wbo baDded Berkeley~er Americans have been followtng wbere our modern establlab-dom, a.ad that tbe pernmeDt
Tbls is something tbat shOuld Pakistan., aDd tbe bebavior of to tbe student protestor• 1 durla& mocb of th1s centur)l--meot 1s really lead1Dg us, lbat of the people, by tbe people,
bave been dooe years ago but elepbants 1o Cey1oa.. Tbat ought oatunlly wondered about 'tbe and they ottea get very sbort dlsseot sbould become more and tor tbe people sbilJ DOt
it is 001 too late as yet. to feed tbe buagry worlt:L objeeUYity of this report. shrlfl rro: tbose ot.he~: widely beard. perish from the earth."
Tu reform must start at tbe The UaJ.verslty of Teas re-Real1r.l.n. tbe coaoectloo ot tbe talk 90 ocb about ' N
local 1 ... ~ but lo accompUsh ~~= $83•000 lo study Sea commis:. •• wUh lbe ·car .. JIIe ~ ·:f p~:,.~ep:= ~ ewcomers at Hoag
this all areas LD the stale wtu ~ Nt Corporatloa, 1 wooderecl enn become ooe of tbe last great
hne toorp.aize so that the state A VISITO~ W:~ more &bout tbe ob)edt'flty of stroocbolds otrealdissed.trom ·•WEDNESDA Y, JAN, 1 Boy M.r a.od Mr s Stephen
legislatl.ll"e wlll be forced to Edit fT E the report (11 ls lnteresUocto our modern American tread... Boy -Yr. IJXI Mrs, Garry E Dy; 1a47 Iowa sl Costa
eba.Dge, and ellmi.Date m.1ny 1 or 0 ts~ting DSlf DOte that the .Ples.kkd of tbe 0riDI'! c ounty lias repeatedly ShOrt, 305 Avenlda Cerritos, u'esa. ' ·•
laws controlling local tuaUon ghte:~' son-tn-~:' tnm&::; Caroegle Corporatloa L8 Ala.o 'oted tor candidates for state East Blutl. Gir.l -Mr. and Mrs. O;uliel
and goverDment upenses~ del Mar tb.ls w1IX Pifer, also chairma.a o1 Prest-and oatlona.l omce pledged to Boy -U.c . and Mrs. Edward E Nourse 20362 flora Lane
Tbe state-wide ocpolr..attoo 1 er, and be dent-Elect NtmD's l&ak force fl.-tbls tread aod to c ....... -. OWeo., 1966 Wallace An. Costa H:-•• ~. 'aea h '
is l.. U ·led Or 1 tin 1 rece ves a oewspaper la the ed·--•Jo ) , • bo bas •--· M • ..,_... .... n c • m po sa a o mail, b1 oo _._ a • Ali)'ODI: w It it tbeJ possibly can In the esa. •TUESDA Y JAN 7
Tupayers Ioc., headquartered tbat ~ c~y=~t says llad even a ell~ at eltber electlonslastNonmber.Orange Girl -Mr. a.ad Mrs. Paul Glrl Mr ~ Mrs JobD
la Los Angeles. Ooe of its ubll ~-C you tbe past actlvltlesofCiarkKerr Coonty •oters rejected every Bauer, 488 Traverse Dr., Costa u .. 1.. zi? A~be s1 Rd • Costa atfllia.tes Is tbe Orange County P s • namely tbe RA oews. or tbe Caroegie C«ponUoo Mesa. --. r ••
T Most or my We bas been ooe of tbe ballot proposltloos, Mesa. upayers_Assn., and 1969lsto spent as polltlcaled!torohacl-would ba.ve to 'tFODder a crea.t most of wbleb would ba.ve Ln. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Girl _ Mr. and Mrs. John
be a period of membership tbr deal about this rec:elltly re-creased tbe power ot pero Klublllk, 9091 Aloha Dr., Hun-Slagletoo. 15642 TuUow l..aDe
uowtb so our orpalzaHoa will ~'iflll)Uandsl ougboe tbe m1 Jd-leased report from X.rr.llere meat IJXI tu:rtbered the growth tlngton Beach. H .... H .......... Beach ' be strong eooul'fl to lnflueoce we • must AJ that a.m !.s just a cUmPse of 10me of ~--• declsJoo.s 1D 1970, when we plan sure tbaJ. your CRA News 1s those actl,ltles: of the Establ1sbmeot. .,.HURSDA Y, JAN, Z •WEDNESDA Y, JAN, 8
to submit atureform lnitlatlve just about the best poUtlcaJ Aceordl.llg to tbe Ca11forD1a Because of U.s uoylekUag Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boy -W:r. and Mrs. DaYtd
to the people of Ca.l11ocaJ.a.. DeWspaper I ban ever seen., SeDate tact tlod1ag sub-com-slaDd tor traditioa&l American SoderbkJm, 1603 Clay st •• CW1 Aodersoa, 17082 Grove Circle,
As presideut of Orange and belleve me, I ban seen mlltee 00 Oo-Amerteaa Adtri-Havea. HWII.lngtoo. Beach.
County Tupayers Assn. 1 many. u report "MIDJ o1 Kerr's Girl -Mr. &Dd U.rs. William Boy -Mr . and Mrs. Samuel
bereby invite any and all {u__ To begin wttb, your make-~ ~ 1nti~te col.Jeapu were Smith, Ill 43rd st., West New-u.asteller, 21851 Newlud,
payers aad also any local~ Is 'ery attraeU'e aDd pleasiag at the J&.me Ume tM.cldar at port. 12.46, Huntington Beach.
to iDQulre about our organl-to tbe eye. Your beads prO¥oke tbe c:ommunt.et scbool ud par-Glrl -u.r. and Mrs. Robert Boy -Mr. and Mrs, Gared
r.a.tioa, am join us. J.oterest and your stories are or tictpaUnc tn 1 wide nrlety of Erb, 10101 bc aruet Dr •• Hun-SclnraDdt. 17991 Nortoo st., lr-
We need JOU as well as JOU a.n ezeeptiooally bleb Uteracy pro-communlst acttYWu t.Loctoo Beac • Jine.
aeed us 90 tbat we botbcan sue-quality aDd JOU use pbotos botb Some of tbtm eame to wort ,j Girl -Mr. and Mn.Raymood Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Larry
ceed 1n this very Important as Dt'lfs and as embeUishmeDt. tbe Bertele;J c:.atapuatt.'Kerr Faubas, 970Juntpero0r.,Costa Souder, 336 E. 16tb PL, Costa
issue. You should be proud o1am11'flty beCame 111 cbUeetJor.'' Me~ Mesa.
Virgil Elkl.ns floe ..,spaper, ODe profeuor at Berkeley •FRIDAY, JAN. S Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Johll
2210 N. Poplar st., Before 1 retara bome 11J'Otlld stated. .,1 Dltlnlly uatlllled Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curren, 2?43 Gu.aet Dr.,Ca.ta
Sa.ata ~Calif. like to stop 1D. JOUrplantandcet tMJ bill (Kerr) wu:uilter-..:1 McNeraey, 131S W. Bay, Mea.
YOUR TAX MONEY a laodtlll of aomebackluueslo lD prolttdlllc lbo Ull-tdly U BoD... .,.HURSDAY, JAN . 9
EdltorofTbeEDSign, takewttb meudlamcotncto J wu ltwuallrrlble *SATURDAY JAN 4 8oJ-Mr.udltts.Thaddeua
lotarest oo tbe rwUonal debt sead tbem arouod to both poll-sboet ~ ~~ tllltiCtn WU Girl-Lt.i.llr.:DuldWella, Mootaoinery, 1929 HJ.&ttle""
$14,400,000,000. Ileal putles 1D my area and mUeufertne out....._cbueallor 116 Del Mar An., Costa Mesa. Dr., Harbor HJif't1uda.
Tbe u.s. Acrlculhae Dept. &bow them w._t c:u bt dooe 1n wbo ftDied to .tare• Gkl -llr. Ud Mrs. L&rry Boy -llr. and lira. Tra•l.a
paid ta.rmers $3.1 bUUoD 1n p.rodDc:iDc a real good PIPIJ', tbe i~D'tftr.U,'s ruin.." W'eltJ, 1Me Mouofia Afe., Butley, Ue Apte Afe., Bal-
1968 aot to plut eropa.. whlle If Alanlter CreelJ 11: a t.:M&se Ill reprd to tile CantcM eo.ta y.._ boa lalud.
tbey 1»1 $9t0 mUUoo to teet! pet> tamo, tbet> U's a -eo.,cnuoo, ........ ID tbo Boy • llr. IIIII lira, Dt.wld Girl-Mr,andllrs. ~·
tbe poor. 001, tor certa.lal:J DO ODI wu WaiA Commlultxl of ...... Prtul, looa&T.,..GIIIiClrelt, II. stump, 956 Paul&rlno,Coeta.
s-tor JohD 1. Wluta.mssakl eYer r&aUJ ca.n.d lllmafer zs 1911. ''S..ual colltpiUd J H.Uactoa 8eaeb. MHL
5 tum operaloro rocel'fetllut Creely.~ oe a pel job, ....._ 1,__ tltolr IIAIICY HILL, -II --Girl • llr-IIIII Mrs, Jaclt Girl • Mr. aetl Mta. ~
1-trom $1,1'10,000 ID R, R, St""--1ama-lllll cMr-.poot~·~ HIP Scbool aetl Ctlaa, SIIS-1/IBnadBt.,N .... 11=1>, IN91 CiDdJ 14M, ~.090,000 lD< ant Plullac OSOURCE OF WEALTH Ia' c-. 1o-111 -· ..... -of Mt, IIIII llro.-poot-., H_ ...... Btacb. ~ IIIII IS pJt-EciiDrofTboE...... -I., lrom!Mcanopo a, 11111 of 111-t-., lo Girl. IU_ IIIII Mrs, Dt.u Girl-Mr, UIIIMto.PaulJ,
$500,000 to $1,000,000, IQbo. For-u. S, s-t1ar7 of ~.. Qrup ~ --"'tbo Canloll, -Laal Clr<lo, Jum-. Ill? -Ill., C..
-$100,000 to $500,000 aet1 --S, --Tilt canopo Coqoa .... lo T-.Ap PntraJ0 (TAP) ... Rwhpoalloaeb. Maa. l,no --$$0,000 IIIII --., of 1M -~~~ 11u1t, -1o a-··" 1o1M 1M *"<!~ of -TAP u-Girl • Mr. Uttl Mrs, Dt.rrtU Boy • Mr. Uttl llro. J-
$100,000, TJU I. a lot of_, 11u •-.._ ~ (,....,.. iiOiiioi.: ,.. -lilt--1M ~~ .~ llnlolt, , II'H ,_ ... o.., ~:,__.__ 1105 -a. ... l>lc __ o ... 4olaeot>-~-)_, __ lltaJ """'..__IDIMIICICir--dJIICU, _, w pro-C..Maa. ---
tllla(uctll)l!llllacOIIIIbopro--· 4oJaC-11taJ cot oil-eo..-.-~~---of <Xoala 1?1 HIP Y · Bo7. ltr.lllllllro.Pr-1:" •L-D!l.f-por AcriCIIllllr• lltll)l. ,....._ ..,...llltl_ lbo -Ia--u, u .. .,. ".._c.. c~~~>, • -"Zela •-"-au .. ,_ c-a.. r rom .,_ .u&ute
LBI ---~~ bJ ...,._ nqttlr• ...... ald. -P1nJ of 1M -::;-..=: =~-c::; --. Ill tbol rt,._.-. Oldn-~0,000,000,000 • ,_ """' ...-., ta .a-ad--...-ladiiiiM-ot., AoiOII c•-ewe. Ia 11o7 -Mr. Old Mto.. tlOlopa-a~~~.,_...,--
INS. ,._ -: .. _ w•n 1M~ J' ,. 1o 0.---. -,l'IMl-lllo-A"•IItol)lltlpDl!la:IM-IItol "-.!_•• ~-of~tWica ... ...,_ea. a.,,, .. 6d o1 a '• n 21 £•81M.L J llaft 111>1:. a. ._lllllD ---w...-'ltiP .. ofJ .. bHoo-laiOJf-hftp 'IWIII4YIAII.I JltllaltiiOialliabal .. .
111 -Ia II 1bo U.N.-*" oa "-.,_ lo Olf do-- -I 71 7 I lo a NOW'S YOU It IPILLINGt IIOJ • II;, Old-'riD Far I -oat .... of :!;.••:o· ... T~rt.!_ltloM1 b." ~t'rl' .. w 11) • ......._,..1 J11111k' r? lllfllllllllt ....... ~ ~-Cc'r11 ta:' ......... -I 5 0 A .... _,. .. ._ ,._ ..._
I -w--lo-lollo.IMIIJ-.-..... CIIrt--& W • ":lconwilol-, --.·--·-=-: $10~....... .. flloa "'llr. <lo Cll IIIII III len ... "'' I II .... :;--..:.'1! -:-,;· ~ ... ':':.:.. ... ....... ---~ -.,,
... 00011111•-.:~ ~~-.. ---1 101 " a., Cor :117 ca,. a .. -., _ ..... •-,.111 1 *•· uu , __ ft:. ... _._,_....., ·
....... .... I W'f .. ..,. ........ ....,_ ... _ ---~~~ o o ...... . --~--..
.. -11:.10 a~ 2•0001a -lloO'.IPIII"'!b• ........ -1$771117 -lo-ll -~ -!,lAili · -It ·-b X J-
pa, I-.. _ • .._II .. tiiiJIIo _. ,...... la.I.TIIt--111~ ---.----·..-a , ,_
17111 ""•of-as-1:, I "'lr -•, ..... alii Ia a lilt dl, W.... lr ~ ---C'lt r•-a.c..• .. ,_..,_.._,_ ........... "a ttl L ,.. ..... ., a, ...... ,. ..,7111 . h&IC ru I Ed ..... .. I .-a..,.. .. IIIIJ
Newswriting class at OC
A • ._. Md ...,. cow. L.Q. 1-. ll; a-z, 1aa. te; .. _ ..... 71 ...... _._,....,_ .... _
....... ,, .m ... "'· ..... 10 ........ .m
.... It OrUill Caul Col'sp ··-, ,.... .... ...... lor lilt llrot 11ao Ia IIIt oot01oC • co-F& M, 10, II,
.... ...... Ull 11-I:JO..t .....
,:,"":;:::.,-:; ~~ .PUMD IAISIMG SAL I 1.ii-111111 lldJool, -DooriJoUo *ril'llltoi-J,
jiGI, FH Ia "· -· Ju. 11, u IIJo Cup tin Glrlo Jrlllloontofttto-·---................. Ito-
--. ---, odl· fiOd-nlollc ,..._ all. Blot
-. ~. --.., Blrdo, Cup""" llrlo,J-YID loon""" to ec1t ..,, Htea..,rtroprluadtlar-
Tboro are "" pr .. roqodoltoa. Cle JDOmboro Ylll Ill •IIIII
Rociotntloa .UI Ill ICCOr<l· -cl Pll'l)' ---IDe to tllo ftrot lllltlal "' liJo u .. u u --.. lhll.1eat"1 Jut ,.,..., IDd wiD .ID tlqlplor Cllllerttbrolcb-
llo llold from 5.:*l.a p.m. at liJo out liJo -· Tldo ooiJ-. Ora~~p Coolal)' Fair-Ia raJstar IYICII cl lbo .Orup
Coot& llesa ac<ordtac to tbe ~ CoalleU cl ea.., Fire foiJowiac ..:beduie: , Glri.J will ('41!ftn._ throq:ft;
A-E, Jan. 13; F-K, Ju. 14;: Feb. S.
EXCLUSIVE ..........
PROOFING ' ' ~ a;,••=:· .:.~ ::=t:l:· .. ·-... tf cl ........ .
• Sltrl ... ...
• NeWIIII4 ...... .................. ......... ...,. .......
j •........................
I • ,,.,..,tl•••l 1.....,...1 . ,_._, ... .., .......
• ,_ llli .. atu
• ,.. """' Ora,..
NAME ------------------------------
ADDRESS ---------------------------
CITY ---------------------------
~ """""--------"
LARGE 46 OZ. 29t
ID oz. pi(, 29t
Orange Juice
IIIST SltliOii--'• 3
lMURSOAY, J All, If. nlll
. . • of social note
For many years, neuralgia victims had h> endure
such ueatments as using p;~.cks or hot sand. There's
1 world ol difference 1n today's remedies. Thanks to
medical science. they're reliable. But don't use afly
medicatiom ind~nmmittcly . Your phyS+Ciiln should
be your auide ... hr's the onty person qualified to
decide when you need medications. Let htm do the
diaanos.ina and prescribing. We'll be glad to fill his
prescriptions ror you.
HEW 1969
1 ..... 0111 tOAD AI IAYSIDE 01.
. . .
Tars lrimmed 56 to " Eagles stopped 48 -to 47
no •-...,. ....... ll"'l_.lll8..,.._1odc.
-trl' .. • .. ...... Lui ,,...,.. -aloo 1~:..::;:! .....,Ta • ..,. · ...... wua-....-dlchdr,lllltl
• 2 ...... u QIMia .. llo .. ltii&MIIa ..... , fl/lf/1 ,., •.... ~ ·+·. 1'111 ........ .
na ---..all ... liiUIIo_af_r, lila..,,-lA--.. Ullllla lqlulod .. __
It t10 11 IIIII& ball. 1111 DapO -a 1-1>0111 -Ill 1M &1111 llu--_.,. lid llalf ...... till.-,..
-·-tllo lallu Willi 11 lll811ap --laC* -_.. Guy Orp!l &1111 IIIIo tllo llod -• -1rltll
Alp Wllllam1 _,. lod I; &1111 1;10 lo 10 ud -I friO.
lllla ... o-7 lod 5, &1111 Cba<llll tuow1 Ia till llltal -··
Track clinic
Fln OIJIQIIIc oompeutou
WIU headline tbe 6 ~I
•Now • .
I 10t USl tAUO" llYO. \
V.,a.t.(JOA H"INSU\l• m ~041~
4PORT ~ , Tllo 6tb ... ua~ graa~ ebal-MARLIN FISHING off Mazatlan, Mexico, Oraoaa.c.ut eou ... traehod
leJI&e ooeeer c=• botweeo tbo Is nearing the peak . season. On hand for lleld ellDie lll1l SaturcllJ, Coast Rangers Soccer Club and Ja.n. 11, In tbe occ Se1eDee
UCLA •ill be staged 11 Dl•ld-holiday season fillh!hg was Rex Reason of u.n. There Ia .., odmlsaloo
One Performance Nightly
Clint Walker
Vincent Price
*Other features*
Richard Johnson
Honor Blackman
the -mesa -c •
•• •>-'•·\,,~-~· ...... , .... :.
•• ,~·-P•::-RT ANl) H·~·-=" ·~ (•)<,TA M[SA
It's Hip, Hippy and Happy!
""" Field, Ne'W1>01111irbor IIICII Shore Cliffs, at right, who boated thiss eharp. Sc.bool, at 8 p.m. UUs Friday, The pro&f'&m will begin at
Jao. 17. 77-pound billf1sh Of1 SO-pound test line 9 a.m. •ttbRaJDerSteDI .. ,I9M
The Raoprs baYe woo tile after a 1-hour, 3-mlnute fight. The catch FIDDis!l OlympiaD '""' llead Padtlc Soccer League 4 Urnes tract coach at Whittier Col.
"' the last s years,'""' Ibis.... was made from the boat Rigel out of Bill lep, -"''"" "Loot Jump-
son IIIey are undefeated.lal967 Heimpel's star Fleet Landing. tng."
they won the CaWoraia.amateur At 9:45 a.m., a distaoce run ...
cha.mploo.sbJp. Tbey are s K' d J d aing puel will be beld featuring
coaebed by BrlaD McCaucney. ea angs ump or an Boi>O.,.,TraeySIIIllbaDdTom
The UCLA booters, tmdertbe Van Ruden. AU were members
direction of coach Dennis The CoronadeiMarSeaKlngs Tile ntgbt before Guden of the 1968 U.S. Olymple team.
Storer, !lave woo tbe Southern won easily over Loog Beach Grove turoed b&cktbe,SeaKinp At 11 a.m. Rtck SloaD, member
Ca.Utornia collegiate soccer Jordan Tuesday eventng on the tZ to 32. Corona led by a. bJg of the 1968 U.S. Olympic Team,
title 6 times In ttle past 7 Corona court 55 to 45. margin 11: the baU, 23 to 10, wtU speat. on "Tra!n.Lng tor tht
years. This season tbey have The Kings led 23to16atlli.U-but could not bold back the 2Dd decatbloo."
won 1Z, lost 1 and tied 1. time and added to the margin half rally by the Argooauta The prou~ wtU close wltb
The two teams wtu battle tor during the 2Dd ha.ll. Mike Chris ThOmpson wu lllgb potni Ernie Bullard, asslstant tract
the Ashcroft perpettal tropb.y. McWilliams and Chris Tbomp-mao tortheK1ngswUh10polots. coach at San Jose State aDd.
To date UCLA l'la.s won 2, tied son shared scortog hooors with Garden GroYe turned back ao-former OCC bead coach., dis-
Z and lost 1 lZ points each. Jolln OoeiU and other k)cal team Saturday!nlgbt cussing pole vaultlng.
A pretimlnary game between Nettles each bad 8, and KJm defeating Costa Mesa 59 to U
North Orange County and South Wilbrecbt added 6 polnts. for win No. 15. Nooeoftbe Mus-IRENE HEA.Ttt,HA TIVE
Orange County Juniors for the Saturda.y nJght Coa.ch Btu tang players could lllt m the OF EMGlN-10, .DIES
Young Perpetual Trophy wl.ll Bloom's Sea Kings defeated double-.ftgure bracket. u was lreoe M. Heath. 87, of U9
start a1 1 D.m. Long Beach MUUka.n 49 to 44. tbe 2od loss La 2 nJgtrts for tbe Mqnolla St., Costa dillS
Alan Young, star ln tbe "Mr. Steve Leech led the attack for Mustangs woo lost a clllf han-Saturday, Janua.ry 4, at
Ed," talking oorse series, has Corona with 13 polnts, followed ger to M llllbn Friday nigbt, Coovaleseeot Hospital,
donated a trCJ)hy to be played by Chris Thompson with 12, 46 to 45. A 12-tooter with 30 Mesa. Sbe wu born Dec.
for iLMually by lbe juniors of Mike McWilliams with 8, and secooos lett decided tbe game. 1881, 1D. Eogl&Dd, cametoCal1-
the Newport Beach ..Costa Mesa Ki m Wllbrecht aoo Wiese with Chuclt Yerkey sank a 40 tooter fornJa and thls area 5 years
Area. 6 each. at the buzzer for Mesa bld the ago.
C h • ba.sltet was ruled out ~Chuck SurvtYors are ber 8001, amps PICked at Club wasealled lorado<Jbledrlhble. Charles of Costa Mesa aDd Chuck wasb.lgbpointmantorthe Harry of Santa Ana; 1 grand-
'· Player of the week" pro-there 6:30 p.m. 6 1 8th evening with 19 polllts,followed chJid and 1 great~granclebtld.
aram Is 1.n full sw•""'a.l the Cen-..... ad~s ' ' ' by Gregg Erskine wtth l4. Graveside servteeswerebekl
,. .. >£> c.-• Jan. 7 at Harbor Rest Memorlal
tral Brach or the Harbor Area A basketball spot shot coo-COLDEN WEST TOPS Park 'under tbe direcUOJl o1
Boys Club. "Champ" Is chosen test will be held Jan. 21 ; and a OCX: PIRATES 94-SS BeU Broactway Mortuary,Costa.
primarily from the Tuesday tree throw contest -Jan. 28 . Golden West IDOYed ICJ to a Mesa. The ReY, Charles Smith
"S-ball" tournament for inter-~~~'-andlscra.lts dloeparllotment 2-2 tle for 5th placewith0ra.nge of Calvary church wasotnciaDt.
rned1ale a..lld &en&Gtfi. aad !tom $«:~ as ws: • Coast College by turoin( tack
the bumper pool touroa.meats Monday, wood and plastic the Plrates 94 to 85 Tuesda
for juniors on Mond.iys. crafts, jig saw class; Tuesday, night. y HOUSE RANSACKED
Some of the players of tnto ~"'ap shop ; Wedoesday -wood The Plrates, as cold as the A pipe ·wreocb or Ylce g:rlps
Short Subjects 7:30 --Feature *8:00p.m.
Held Over 3rd Week!
Your last chance to enjoy all the might and
maenificence of the Academy Award·winning s~acle!
-\: --.. "Uf .. , .. ,_.
'" ·~
' .. :. , . ,, .
week have been: Steve Snyder, turning, aluminum toollng; rainy weather outside took was used to twtst lhe!roDl
Karl Montgomery, a.nd Paul Thursday-li.x-U shop; Friday, almost 6 mlnutes to scor~tbetr door of 251 &il;st~~Y~::f.~l
TroJ.el Jlm Cleprn,. &OCial and pla&ter mold.lq-aoo paintl.ng; first field goal and trailed Shores, while W
recreation director, ,i.J:!.Yitefi. all Saturday, ceramics, staining 44 to 3811: tbe i' in Paaadeoa. tor lbe;:.,..= .. ~od:ol:l
iiRiti'tt Oiii'.W ill ()ffil! 'I)I(XJJ!lfN!I >t!CIJ,ll(>i SC&ill ll:l'ilfll
P.lrni ~ 001 ~1i!l ·~,...01"..-;.IO)Sf:(F ~tA~
~. ~~-OO.r OA·.iiHiAN ;;R;;r J'JI~ ::=~-
, members to )olft the player o( Ud pilalng of projects. Bri.a..o. Ambro en Yis t1e 6t laa: U. Till._.
the week pf'Og!'am aDd to stp The Central Bra.nch needs gun for the Ru fats 1n C ransacked IDd
14) for tbe compeUtion betwe~n ~olunteus to cooduct classes in Z4 points. Jim Ki~~ aJ a m1Jllt stole, worth were
Upper Bay ..oo. ot~ Boy s 10 ~ooto lab, lapidary or elect-Jacobsen led the Pirates with stolen.
--~~us: "'voj:AcE FROM TAHITI';
Clubs. Ellminattons wtll start rowcs. U you have time to 18 polnts each III-IIIII
soon tor teams to take part l.n share your hobby or buslness •
the sectioaal games room tour-skills, call Joe Fleckenstein
nameot to be held lbls year a1 at 548-9381. OCC FACULTY ART
the Buena Park Boys' Club. The two branches of u.e ttu-SHOWN IN OTY HALL
NEW YOttl:
Big-Btg Show and Sleep-ln bor. ~ea Boys C i~ will bold Thirty art works by;;,~~~~~ wi.ll be held 00 Frlday Ja.n 11 a )OlDl sleep-in this Friday, of the Orange Coast
Sleep-In starts at 9 P ~ Ther; Jan. 11, at the Central StanCil, Faculty are on display at
wUI be games, contesfs, ·~nz.es, 594 Center St., Costa Mesa. Newport Beach City Hall. Cll1l(S AWAIO and :.. Walt Dlsoey movie The Upper Bay Branchde-Robert Krieger, C.
Breakfast will be served in t~ feated the Boys Club of Fountain Piner and DoWll Sharkey, as-
park with mystery chef Th Va lley 60·55 last week at the soclate professors of art,
event is limited to first 1oQ boy: winner's gym, Bob Morris led. showing examplesoftbetr work.
who sign up and pay$l.SOby to-the l~al team with 16 points Edward Baker, wbo}as such
day , Jan. lG. Physlcal Depart-and his outstanding delenst~e ~ma.~natlve,,uttes a.s Tbemute
ment; Intramural Basketball-play •. Coach Bob Faulkner s stte .. aoo The Egyptian two
AfterflOOos alter school. For all tea m 1s now Z-1 for the season. ep.
boys -Bring your own ... m or Bank notes bl"ggest yea join one here. Uniforms, Team
pictures and trophies.
Basketball schedule:
Jan. 16-Buena Park, there,
7:30 p.m., senior s.
Jan. Z4 -St. Johns, here,
Jan. 30-founta.ln Valley,
DOZ. $7.95
20 words or lc:ss
21 words to 30 word•
31 word, to 40 words
Eoch .word over 40 words
1 T '""'
2Tomu ) T oft\f:\
,,lO :.oo
3.00 4.00
4.00 5.00
. 10 '15
AI so we Carry
Our Own COntracts
203& Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa
eloaDIDg aDd
-Storage only, Alfto.
motive and surfers Deed oot
apply. Call 673-4653 before
11:30 a.m.
FOR RENT. Small store, .Dear
Hoar Hospital, S85 month
(IDetudlnc lleat'""' earpotll>g.J
J.69 North Newport, Newport
lleacb. M6-1675.
notA&£, &W6E
lnr. Z2nd "-Newport, Ct-1 1
~altor &t&-SIISS
.. _
IMOI ~ all .,._, ol cloo
*~•• .• lio-.IPodai'IJ. -·· ........ "·" ,. .... ....... -.fin .........
........ aJM. 67:.-m ...
_._ .. _ -,..--ME' Call
IAI I .n-at•
1 I
·Killed by
IYy Hall, 10, oiiiOI w. Bal-
.... Blvd,, Cellini llowporl.
Weal to Newport S.Cb ftriiHil
lor .. II> Saad&J 111Cb1. Ju. U,
.... abe coWdD't -........
ptoee ol u.r-~ oil
bel' rtac ll.api, Fir--a rt.ac cutter to ,..,, U. m.taJ
from bel' 1111'0llta I!Dpr.
Just recleeorated &00 JPI'ln&'·
IIIOf1I!Dc fresh, Coo aatllauod,
anilable lor oce~y.
~ Bohler, represrl'll
Ralph P. Maskey
N._,. Blvd.-673-6000
••••• 0 •••••• 0 •••••••••• $48,500,
There Is ample space for a pool
plus play area.
Bay & Beach Realty Inc:.
n .. •" 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M
. -. .. on 1he · big Beach
1'1ro bedrooms, 2 bttb home . Can eastly add k d
INTEREST! $15,000 -._
332 Marguerite
Corona del Mar -673-8550 q.... rJ,,./1. R •• !t,,.
G. T. "Gundy-'' Gundersen, Realtor
~~W~h~e~n~w;;e~t~ak~e~a~;~~ we sell ttl
Vogel Value
Open House Daily
1-5 p.m.
FULL PRICE $11,500
Sleeper, C.D.M.
fleWplrf l11dl ... DI
••• 11111141 C.Sta Mlta
Lilli 1111 c.-del M.r
When You Buy Your Home
You Need an Expert to Guide You
. . . a Realtor (R\
A a-1~ is a real estate expe1t of recognized
competence and skill. Because of this public confi-
dence in him, he has the widest vari ety of sales
listinp from which you may choo!le th~ home t.o
meet your need&. •
Call Y011r TODAY!
REAL TOR and the seal are registered in the U. S. Patent OffiCe
and may be used onty by members of the National Association.
Newport Harbor Costa Mesa
Board of R~ton ~~~~~~~ ....
• ••
Shore Cliffs Home for Rent
3 bedroom plus famtlf r oom
1 3/4 baths
swimming pool (maintenance
included) $385.00 month
C.n't aell it'! ••• Tr.de Jr.
For Fast Accion A R•iuht
DOn.E CO .. JleoiiOro
6Q.6472 -673--
2333 E. Coast Hwy ., Corona del Mar
(714 ) 673-5420
811 Emerald Bay
MOO -a. ft. ol. Urlng area. 4 bedrooms. S-1/Zboths.
BIIIIIWal mlnwed ~ room. S lll.ld.sronM ftrtlctlaea-
Ueetric: BBQ Mntnc room with wet bu--nmpa roocn
Jb< ...., otds (or odalls).
"-YJ sbate root trUb 000"8aled ratt-H.. Lup ldtc beD
db ..,.. • ...., stonre. J)Uib'J, e*Utc: blllt-iM aat break-
lUI -.... loH!ac -So!lonle ---.-.
0cou now trom uvtac -dlaUc .-. • ......,.
---ud larl'l cle<k.
All 1liU, lllelodtac Em«UU II&J's prtnto booc11, -
... ud pool el-CltiiJ $15,000.
p. •· palmer Incorporated
llllVBMIS CillO -1tl5 ,., ""u• .,....,.. lh a • ..,._,_ .._....,_ .. _., I
1730 W. C..ot Ml-r "--
Tll18 is 1 magnillceot c:ulom~H born e by lnD Wells, WUll
-GndiDC 0ceaa View. En ry CODCflinbAt tiiCMiiM to
elqiDce Ud IIIDU'J. FOUR Bed Rms plus OtniJic Ra. IIIII
Fow Batbsl WatM' lOft...,., automatic crlAkllr•. pc-
loootod/11......, ,..L nu ts tnlJ a ~toua--11r ·-Open · House
12:30--5p.m. Sunday
.. oca••w aan. c•-o•••
Tep boss to
be picked -allo_..., ...
tllo -.... nriiiJ' -. 1o bo llapd FrldlJ, Feb. n,
II l1le VW. llarba-
ud ProteAioal Womea•a
Tbe tbow wiU bo ll>o cllmU
ot. tbt UDI&I awudl <UMer.
Mrs. Bubua Ritelde IDd Mrs.
OrYWe Sebltuter. co-c:balr-
IIWI, are coordbatlnc ll>o
... ertalllmeat.
llt1I'Otlf IIA ... EIIHI 111JIISDIIV, J Nl. II, -
Church News
C-.al -ClllrQ, II ...... ID •7" ~ -~·---a..c.. ... -----llo~a.JL--.w ...u oe .. A -w.-•e . • • •
cute" at U. lllld 10:10 Lm. at. Andrew'a PrllbJttriaa _, ... ~eo •• Tbo lllflc lor c-., 100 st. Aodrow'o R4.,
7 p.m. YUl bi''God'a met•• C1lfl Jlu--.Dr. CbulM Die-
D llruL '' rtldleld wW pnac.ll OD ''I.Mn • * • 11aW to Y&IIP!' at the I, t:N
Tbo PI)'-~ ud 11 a.m. _, .-vleoa.
c•eb, sza Brold st., Ntw· Tbtre wtU be Mn"lce• ol
port Hel&llls-"Tbo ~ ......... for -11 eloetod
per complu" will bo tllo •-sat 9:30snddeacoou,tll.
181'10011 q,lc of tbl RtY. Mol'-
60P Women to install
, .... enun • .. ..._II' .....,.-• ar ......
,.. ........... wtll .., .... ~
111 •• ill -.... Wed-no .... = -~ ...., -.If llllle-ft _,,,~ollal111 ...... c._. I. '-.u, 17M--..., ..... will be w • -c-.-r-~~•uw.llr.-llu ,... .. , SCI·, llttllra ..... twice ........... Glorp -.--.-11-........... -b7 prrttih t eftM·c:n. eo.ty Fruda• h [ wMI, Valley
Pd .. IIM ol RflllillltUCU FOI'ae. ... w •• -. will -'--.ni bo ... ed 11 • ..,.,..,, .... o1 Mra. Sam-DOOG. .,.,..., bJ ,aa.roooa
au .. ,._, 11r11 •leo-brld~.
mu Bron at lOa.m.S:caldQ'.A • • •
Tbt boa of lbe year award RAY NIELSEN of ftnport pot-luct Sl4lP8I' wW be blld Tbl Lutberu Cbureb of tbe
wlll be pr~ to an out-Heigbts, bas been appolDI:ed a1: 8;30 p.m. todiJ, Ju. 16, Muter,1900 Pact.ftc Vlew Dr.,
staDdiDc butnessma.o or wo.. P'IJXt cbapter 1nspector of tbe 1a tbe Island Howie at Fuldoll Harbor View Blu.-.Dr wn ..
man. Ct""idttes do DOl have to .2etb Royal Areta M•sons. He Island, to be t:.Uowed by tbe uam Ellar wt11 ~each ~ 8:45
be employers ot club members. serYed as b.igb priest of tbe annual eocgrepttonal.,.,..na. ud 11 a.m. S..ta.J OD ''Tbt
Tbe late Bob Murplly, Balboa Orange Coast Chapter of Royal • • • prmeata ot _.., &Dd tb&Dt-
lllfNII#, M1u Mlellele Jar-~ ~Z:, boJ !llldzato ntt; 8IOHd nee .. preakleDt, 10:...., a.m. • u. ,
tlt.e. Matpertte 1Utbar41; at Kra. BaiiW'• 110me, 249
tMrd vlce;a-•ldeN Mn, Holo¥er Dr., Com Maa. tor
--1rw1a; recordli. sec-members ~ ta wtew ..
,...,,, Mra. W. Collwn; cor-lAc lbt iiii.D&Wal suade of
,,.....,,nc aecretary. Mrs. Ed ... PresldeM Rlellud Mtmn.
busiDeum&D. was tbe ftrst boss Areb Masons LD 1965 m:i as tu.1Dt.ss •• DIYotlooal An'lces .
ottllo you. Lastyearll>oanrd master of Sealar!Dc Masooic Cbrlstlall Scleace Cbarcbes, will be. bold 11 2 p.m.l1 HlU-DAVID AHD HIS DAD, SPEC. 4 UONAIID SM!Tlt
welt w Fred S<:-. manager ~r ol Newport Beach 111 ~C...:~'::·~= be ... coonloscelt -!tal. PX problem . solved ~ ~=~cb tranch of • t1Ue of lesson sermoa to be read Tbe UDU&l coocreptloDII IS
PIOCPOCKET GETS $157 WsSWlday. m&ellng will be bold at 7p.m. R-·~· Tbe CUI of •tbe year aWU'd rrant • • • Sunday Lunch hour shOppers wbou-..,.._,_ ware s.rcbed aDd 2 .~ Sobek, ZSOLugonlast., . , , ,· , rive like flsh ln schOols and other men were seleetedlortbe
wW be ciYen to a BPW member Newport Shor es told Newport St . Mlchael s and All Angels • strip PX shelves bare have been researcb team.
lor outstancttng senlce to the Beach pollee Stmday, Dec. 29, EpLscopal Church, SZ33 Paelflc Tbe Newport Harbor Lutbe-studied by Spec. 4 Leonard The 3 wen named the "Wtllal
club. tbat during tbe ntgbt he had View Dr., Harbor View H111s--ra.a Church_ 2501 Cliff Dr., SmUll. 500 or Leonard Smith of Kids." Their formula, When pill
A cast of Z4 club members been pick-pocketed of $157 by a Holy communJon ..W be cele-Newport Helghts-"l.At Aove be Bay and Beach Realty and he to use mlniml.sesfloor activity
1 :::n:~·=:O :~e! .. ~w man whO claimed bewasacam-brated at the Ba.m.Suodayser-pnuloe" •111 be the sermon a..od z otller serYiceme~ at Fort m.atLDi: lt possible tor tbecom~ '"',;;;;.,;;;,;;:;;,;;~~=:;;,.-,.:;:,:::::::~----· vice, andmornlngprayerwtllbe topic of the Rev. James BlaJD Carson. Colorado Sprlngs, mtssary to stock Wives with .
• read at 9:30 a.m. Jobo OlsOil, for the 8:30 aDd 11 a.m. Sun-Colorado have come '-"with a eoougb of each commodity to
lay reader, will read thescrtp-day services. Tbe sacrameot formula to solve tf)e problem: last the entire day, lnc:luding
lures at 9:30, Tbe Rev. John of holy communion wtu be of-''A plus a plus c •.• M plus the stepped~ lunchtimeacUvi-
Rogers Davis wW preacb on fered following tbe 11 a.m. ser-N plus 0" equals percentage ty
"Water TOO '111De" at both ser-vice. The annualcongrepttonal of movement/100 mulUpUed by The team also compiled cus-
vlces. he seminar series on meeting wiU be at 1 p.m. s cubic feet/linear toot multi-tamer surveys on the PX com-
" Racism and me" CODtlr"~~s op • • • plled by Items per cubic fc:.ot. missary and quarter~er
Wednesday ev&J.d.ngs at dO 1n st. Mark Presbyterian It all started when Spec •. 4 laundry. They bave a wortlllg
the parish ball. Church. East Pluff Drive and Smith was selected as hooorary report on tbe in-stock position
• • • Jamboree Road, East Blufl-enlisted atde to the commanding ·u tbe PX, a.ss1st the Rod aod
The Church of tbe Cross-Tbe Rev. James Kttk's sermoo general. Cooceroed about mer-GWl Club in solving problems,
roads, meeting in tbe chapel topic at 10 a.m. Suoday wiU cha.ndlsing at the PX, the and serve as a..Uton at tbe
Hutchens Optical
The move of their Newport Beach
office back to Corona del Mar
New Corona del Mar address
2515 E. Coost Highway
Suite 8
Tel. 673-1382
' • at 3500 Paciflc View Dr., Har-be "Tbe everlast1ng today," general asslgnedSmltlltotackle NCO club. They are aow plan-l!===================.:l bor View HiJ.ls.........Dr. ViDcelt based on Hebrews 3: 7-1 4. A problems on the post, WbeD be aing a study on post safety •
Corona del Mar
2-135 E. CDAST HWY.
(AT MocARntUR)
PHONE: 675-0362
a.m. Sunday on "Wby did it low the service. Included business management.
Church readers elected
Robert Nlchols, aod Mrs. cooducted entirely by the mem-
Marguerlte saye, both members bers. The two elected readers
of First Cllurch of Cnrtst, carry the main responsiblllty
Scientist, Newport Beach, are for the Sunday and Wednesday
the newly elected readers of evening services oftheChurch.
their church. Sermons at CllrlsUanSclence
Tbey will begin their 3-year Church services are read by
term of cooductlng tile church the two r eaders, trom tbe Bible
services th1s Sunday, Jan. 19, and from the denominational
Mr. Ntcbols as tlrst reader and te.Dbook, ''Science and bealth,
Krs. Saye a.s second reader. with tey to the Scrlptlaes," by
Tbey replace retiring readers Wary Baker Eddy.
Larry Paul and Mrs. Marloo Readlogs trom the Bibli and
Thompson. trom the church's teltbooi. are
Since CllrlstiaD Science presented at the WednesdaY
cburcbes ban 110 ordaioed evening meetings also, but on a
eleru all cbarcb fuDctions are topic chosen by tbe flrst reader.
Cho~cu o•• rloot yo" otill loov•
doubr. •••" oftn d•oppi"ll
yo"' reh"" ;., tloe ... a ilbo•.
You <a" Pro•• then• do.,bh
Civic Center vote urged
LOUIS MARKEL of 2078 BoaaJr BiJboa island realtor Harvey orlzattoo to speod or to commit
Way, West ~ Bay, is o. Pease has asked the New-to spend, directly oriDdlrecUy,
starting tus 3rd year as cbair-port Beach City Council to put public tunds for the purcba.se
man of the Costa Mesa March of the civic center relocatlon on of land and/or improvements
Dimes campa..tgn. Mr.Markel,a tbe ballot for decision by the for tbe proposed civic center.
stockbroker, aOO llls wife, Vir-voters. · in brief, tiM! citizens should
g1nia, bave 7 children. Tbe He made this request in the be advised that the City Coon-
Costa Mesa ctwrman relates follow1Dg letter to the Councll: ell will not contractually corn-
an obvious truth for b1s loterest lladam Mayor and Gentlemen: mlt nor endeavor to fund this
1n the March of Dimes effort.-Recem statements by mem-development by means of ''lease
"I Ute kids," be says. "U hers of tbe council and tbe ad-purchase," or "j:lint-I)Owers
only everyone could vlsU ooe mlnistraUve stall bave indica-agreements," or similar plans
of the more than 100 birth de-ted aD intention to commit the aod thus etreetively deny tbe
fectscenterss1CJPQI'tedb)'Marcb City of Ne'lfi)Ort Beach to the right of direct publlc vote on
of Dimes coDtributioos, he so-ea.Ued Newport Ceoter as a Ulls critical issue.
"PROMISE" and 11 LOV-E"
would see how cbildren sul-site IJr a ciric center develop. This request for a clear
ferlng from meDta.tandpbysical meot in lieu of developing tbe declaration of policy lsrea.soo-
aboormaJties are r eceiving tbe preseatlocaUoo. able and necessary. lt wiU ~ve
tlDest possible medical at-It 1s now Umely and in the positive assurance to the ctti-·
tention." best t.Dterests of tbe public that :r.ens aod taxpayeri of tbe City
the City CouncU declare forth-of Newport Beach that those 1
rigttly its policy that it wtU wbo will be called I4JOO to pay
subm1l to geDeral wote of tbe tbe taus to StQOrt the de-
ctti:r.ens and tupayers tor autb-ve)opment wW. after bearing ,
and enluating tbe facts, ba.ve
MRS. RONALD BARLOW'S tbe cwortunlty w 8l1Pfesstbelr ,
MOTHER Dl ES AT U acc-..ce or rejectloll of lbe
Zoe Palmiter Beeb, 84, of proposal by their vote at the
LapDa Beact1. formerly 1n this polls.
area tor 24 years, died Jan. Respectllllly submltt.d, 3<42<4 VIA LIDO -NIWPORT BEACH • 673-19.70
13 u ~ c~ Ho~~~~.--~au.~~.,~~~P~~~~----.J!:==============~~~========~==~~~·;:~==~~~~~~~ Lagana Beactl. 304 Collins Awe.
SurTt,ors are bel soo-1D-Balboa Island
law aDd claugbter. Mr. and Mrs.
Rooa1d Bar low ol Lacuoa HIU.,
formerlJ of BaDJoa lalaDd; a
CfiDd8oD. Noel of SaD Pedro;
a graodda.upter, Mrs, Moo&-
Rae ADderson of ln1De; aDd 2
Westcllff Cbapel Mortuary
directed tbe prlYate senlces,
wblch were held Jan. 14 at
THl MOST WA!'flD nl£
Y2 Pri
&$2 BEGINNER BRAS ($5 to $12.50) $1
1 LOT A, B & C & 32B
S. S. Deluxe Champion
Tubeless Whitewall
4 for $9900
I ROLES ($12.50
to $20.00)
• A'
Deluxe Champion
6.95 X 14
7.15 J( 14
7.75 J( 14
USx 14
6.50 XU
1.15 J( 15
USx 15
ac. tAl us to 1M'
•• ~Dwnc>ion
Here 's EZ tooth
'nlllr• woatt bt 1117 IPfadl blh•• ,.,.. teetb .... JOI .u. u )'OUI ... tbt .... '-·
·-IIIII Albort Ma-, <I JaOI lDJet II .. , Harbor View
rking ecision due ~=7~:~.:
iD tbe fr'itDdllelt maJIDtJ' Ud
Tbe brief &pllda ol tbt New-trola lor eommercta.l districts. James E. Rlcb lor Meiopmellt 1nofleMJnly dtmonstnte bolr
port Be&c.b Pw.tac Com· A reorised draft of tbe loac ... de. of a small &.DI.Dlll biMptta.ltnaa be e18ua tbem wltb b1a
1U.uloo LDc:llllea tbll t:..llowiJ:IC baled propoaa.l wW be \C) for .closed bt,dldh'l IOIIth o1. SU E-Z OePta Floss. lmmed.latelr
1rem1 .lor tbe meeU.arc at I p.m. couidentJoa. U ~ed to-Miquel Dr., oo tbt wut us. ot a ftleber" CO't'eU ooe and uta
today, Jan. 16, 11 City Hall: atgtt by tbe CommlsaAoo,. it w111 AY'OC&do AYe., Newport C.... WbH be cu. buy stock in tbe
Ameodmellt 246, Wbkb pro-be lorwa.rded to tbe City Cowl-Use permit requea ot FlDD lDYMilioo. ,_.,lo addMCt.Joutotbecode ell lor action. Olsea aDd Robert Russ tar oo-Besides cleaning tbe teetb
""PJ'41Dco11'-ltrtlll~k1Dccoo-lfM permit request ·of Dr. Rt. beer and wiDe witb nn ud pttiac rid ot tartar, tbe
Dr. Nielsen is installed :t~l·t:=: ~tt=~;".GE.S
Or, DaY1d L Nielsen of New-poses to ameod tbt code re-work oo u old cavity lsoeeded.
ALL DRESSED UP for a snow jo~thetr duties aa boats
at the Balboa Bay Club's frosty frolics Jan. 25--are, from
left, Mrs. Richard J. Hess, Dr, and Mrs. Charles Sparkuhl
and Hal Devick. The BBC Sid Club will host the event.
Snowland will be the theme, and Ronnie Brown and his
fport Beacll, speei&u.t to a.. ._, laUog to eDCJ'Oil.Ciunelbiliotbe or tbere 1a a new cavity to be
ter.oal medl.cLDe, ftl lnsta•'ed commoo opec areu ud/or bJJed.. ALBERT lrllA.LOMEY
Saturday u tbe Blat preskl• cbaoges ln tbe pereeatap ol Tbe tools 1B about 5 lllcbes nlnt hh E-Z O..to flus
of the Ora.age Couoty Yecltc:al muimum buUdl.D&oowerace re. klGc aod bas 2 proopover wtucb place we could flnd. ,, He wa.s a
Assn. at the ann\lllinsfallatlM quirement.s La pla.ooed resideD-deatal floss ls stretched. It stUdent at usc in tbe early
meeUnr beld ln Tbe OCIU tia1 developmeou. makes tbe use of dental floss 1930's aDd played b:ltbtllattbe buiJd1J:Ic:, January 11 , 1989 11 Variance req~~est ol C.L. easy be<:ause "the coatourpre-same time as MarshalJ:DuUleld
300 s. Flower st., Orange. Be Kirchner Jor eonstr!K:Uoo of a ·~-~be trauma. induced by and Ernie P1Dckert.
orchestra wUI provide music.
Has the day
of the prudent
For the first time since the Vietnam eacalation,
Dean Witter & Co. now foresees the eetablishmenl
of a harder line in both fiscal and monetary
policies in an effort to curb inflation as well as
inflationary expectations. Reflecting the
near·tenn impact of these restraints, the stock
market, as merurured by the Dow Jonee Industrial
Average, has fallen some 65 point.s JJince ita
December 1968 high.
A Positive Investment Policy! for
1969 should take into consideration
these questions:
e Is the aggressive investor in danger in today's
e What are the prospects for a recurrence of the
1966 "credit crunch"?
e How would peace in Vietnam
economic outlook?
e Do fixed income eecuritiea offer special
advantages under today'& oonditions?
The Economic Policy Committee of Dean Witter
& Co. has just compteted a report which anawers
these and other important questions for investors.
"The report includes a list of recommended
securities of different types to match investors"
goals. Infonned investors should have a copy of
this timely document. It ia available to you at
your nearest Dean Witter office. Just come in or
write. Aalt for A Positive In vestment Policy",
Winter Market Outlook-1969. There ia no cost
or obligation, of course.
M•mber N•w York Stock E•ch•na•
Brutor~ R. 0Kder~, JlonlJKU
881 Dover Driue, Newport /Jeacla
Telephor~e 642~50
succeeded Dr. Dezter T. BUl S..story d~leJ. b&Yt.Dc an ot'V-pby---.. ma.nlpulation,'' as or. Two years of work ootbe tool
of Sanca Ana. all hel.gbt of about SO teet, at deot1st bas said. paid off La. September tna.deolal
Dr. Nielsen was g:raduatld 7310 W. Ocean Fl., West New-Mr. ~alooey puts It more show at Hawaii.
from the UniYersl.t)' of Nebrulra port. simply: We take the tla.nds out ''So much l.Dterest was shown
Sebool of 14ediclDe in 194.5. He Letter from Jact Baroett, of tbe mouttt." that my wife a.od I couldn't
Mn'ed his resideocles at tlal esecuti'f'8 manapr ol tbl New-Tbe imention was coocelved even go to luocb.. .. be sa1d.
Veteran's AdmiDlstrat:io-. port Harbor Cbambar of com. wbeD a doctor told u.r. Ma.Jooey The tool ls now belng mad
Hospl1als at Uocola, Nebru.JI:I. merce requesUDc relief tram be W'OOld ban to have hls (eeth in ~laods full producUon:
IDd Long Beac~ wblle serviAI cood.i~ of appron.l 00 3 use pulled. ''(started massagingm!, OOped to ~reached this moat:b,
1D the u.s. Air FOJ'ce and bu permitS: No. 1135, Alla.at.lc gums aod uslng dental noss, but lliscompa.ayist.ckordertnc
been lnprlva.teprac.ticeatNew. Rlclllield Co., ZOO W. Coast lle said. "But I foWid I couldn't orders oow.
port Beacb since 1952. llwy.; MobU OU aod Sbell 00. eel the noss to my back teeth. His slopn. "We clea.a wbere
He has served 00 tbe OCIU at the Jamboree Rd. corllltl'soo So I de&lrned a holder, whlcb tbe toothbrush can't," WU$14)-
boa.rd of directors, California DR. DAVID I. NIELSEN Coast Hwy. required the use of only oDe ported by a ColoDelln an army
Medical AssocWJon alternate Councy Diabetes Assn.; fellow, Letter from George Olsen. band. It eUmtna.tes (/}@ sUWiDg deiU.I cllnic, wbo said, "I th1nk
delegate and 't'Vlous OCM.A American College of Angiolo . 3295 N~wport Blvd:, Newport, and cutting of gums and ls de. (bis Item wUJ play a very lm-
eommlttees. He is a past pre-member American Soci t gyf requesting cbaqeS iD. use per-signed to bOld the mouth back portant role iDlmproyJ.nr;delltal
s1dent or the Orange County lnteroal 'w.edicine, and c::.J:_ mit tor White Haese Inn. so when golDg to Ule molar area." health by lts simple and effect.
Academy of lnteroa.l 14ed1ci.oe; nia Society oflnternal W.edicine; that a.mp:u'ca.tioadeflces 1fOUld AM he kept his ~ tve method of clea.nsing teeth. I
past president of the Orange m'3mber of CiU.z.en's Legis-be permltted. aDd tbal 5 eDt~-.. A 12rug chai.o presldent wrote, am extremely interested in pur.
County Heart Assn.; past presi-laUve Committee of Orange ta.iners ~ould be permitted Ul-Wr Maloney rw: come tc> wltha chasing these from my own
dent , SclentU.ic SectiOn. Orange County stead of just 3. tool tha( complements the funds 1t necessary fmdh;postnc:
b II h . f tootbbrusb and ls just as toselectedpatientslnour clinic E t H k t important.'' especl.ally ora.! hypeoe pro_' e 0 eo r 0 Q n e OUr Mr · Maloney aod IUs wUe blems."
Ne'WI)Ort Ebell Club's Feb. 6 After spending several weeks started a.cross tbe North Pact-= ~re fr~m Hanil ~bout a Another doctor wrote, "It ls
program wtU be presented by in Ceylon, Malaysia and Thai-ftc on June 2, 1967. Covering tituJ Cor~~ def~:!:a beaul~ my hope that Mr. Maloaey can
CAPT. LAVON BARDSLEY Mrs. WUUamHank:e,Coronadellaod, the Ha.Ia.es new to Hong 5,000 mtles 1.a 43 days, they ls as near like Ha ali use s~lyttllsotrlcnrt.tbblsdental
Mar lliltb scOOol teacher, who Kong. Wttb tbetr geograpllic landed at Eureka., cam., as • as a.oy tlosser soon· Uke yesterday."
K wUI talk and show color slides ezpedltton ended, they em. planoed aocl: returoed to New. c I F h I d now your on the world tour sbe aod her larked oo a oa"tloal mation,a port Harbor on August 3, 1961. Q ro ren C e ec te
husband made in 196&-67. dream cherished by Bill Hanke follOWing Mrs. Hanke's tee-
f. Beginning withooon luocheon, sl.oce childhood. ture, a bait hour motioopicture Mrs. Carol freoch has been as second vtce-i)reside:ot, Mrs. Ire man the meet1nlt rill be !leld in tbe Purchasing a 36.foot sail-WUI be shon by Matson Une elected president of the WO· Virginia Fouts as treasurer
Captain Lavon L. Bardsley EbeU Clubhouse, 515 W. Sal-boat, Carol aDd BIU set sail agent Carlos Ripley. u.rs.Ray-men's division of tbe Newport Wrs. Betty TO'WllSeDd as re~
Jr. JO. lDed the Ne'""""rt Beach boa Blvd., Balboa. on a voyage that ~e to an mood Herms, travel sectioo Harbor Chamber of Commerce. cording secretary, and 14.rs. ~...... Mrs. Hanke wtU give an a.br\4>l end after less tban 24 cha.lrman, anooUDCes that Mr. Carol. a loagtime restdeot of RObert Parker as correspood-
flre department in December, account of tbell lmprlsooment hours at sea. They •ere Ripley will present features the Hubor Area, ls assistant i.ng secretary. 1957• He was promoted to fire by Red Chinese wbenorderedto captured by a Red Guard, Muted of the ~tson Llne trip to vlce.prestdent of Newport Bat -
engineer In february, 1959• and moor tbelr boat aDd remain on to a ftshlng port ln the People's Hanil wbJch Newport EbeU boa Savlngs & Loan AsSD. and CAUSES $300 BLAZE
to .~e ~tain 1D August, 1964, board until ootJ!Led by a.utbori-Republtc of Chinaaodor deredto mem~rs are Pla.ru:lin&: sooo. ma.oager of the Corooa del War A child playiDc Yltb a clp-
Bud, 15 he ls known to b1s ti.~:s. Tile ccq~le, deta!Ded tor a moor the boat and rema.ln Mrs. Cla.ytonTbompSOil,pre-otftce. rette Ugtter ea.used a S300
fellow tlremen, was born ln Los days, were located at tbe mouth aboard. Every day for 8 days s1deot, bas asked Urat resern-Sbe wtll r eceive the gavel ftre at Z%4 N. Newpoct Bll'd...,
Angeles and moved to ol lbe Ploc Rl,er, KwaDtung tl~y were inlerropted on why tloDI !or tbe bmcbeoo-meeti.D& from tbe retiring president, Newport Hel&tQ, resideoee of
CaW., be wu ProrlDce ~ m11es oortll of lbey were salliDI ln Cbinese be made bJ pamtac Jllra.lrwtll Yu. Gnbtm Edelblute, at a. Donb KD.lctlt. .._., abr-
HoOCKOOg:-=--terrttorW. waters, told a.oout Goi"CI:Xl m! Ill's. P.J. WU..D. dlnDet dl.Dce Jan. 20 ln the IIOCIIl. Ju. &. A pile of elotbl.ac
Scbool. He attended Orange Carol aDd Blllflao.keembu'll:-tbe progress befn« made 1o A Sid Ring with lunctaeoo ar-empire room of the Newporter first eaugbt OD ftre aDd tbeDMt
Coast College In 1955 and 1956, ed oo their tour aboard tbe sl1fp CommunJst China and ghen rangements are Mrs. JobDJa.k-lnn. curWns ud Pl1Dt ooftre. Meow-
where he met hiswUe, Sue. They OrWla, spem1ing a relaziDg 3 oonlinoous lectures to "en-osty and members of her Book Aim to be lnsta.lled are Mrs. port Beach ftremen on EogiDe
were married in 1956 and oow weets traveling througb the lighten" them. flna.lly llle Red Secuon Five. Mrs. L. W. Jenks Patricta Bray as rirst rice-2 used a booster Uoe to ~
ltve in Costa Mesa. Panama Cual on their way to Chinese captors aclalowledged ls program chairman. president, Mrs. George Zebal out the flames.
Bud worked as a machinist England. Carol was oo leave of that the Hankes were actually
Cla-Vat. In Costa Mesa just abseoce trom the Encllsh de-35 mUes oft tbelr coast when
to JOining the Newport pa.rtmem at Corona del Mar appreheod.ed.
fire department. He Is Hiltb School and BlU oo s;ab.;. With the eptsodeeoded Carol I Dr.,.•ntl'v attending Santa Ana batical Iea~e trom Newport and Btu set forth ooc~ apin
!1r and Is worldng toward Harbor ·High School. accompanied by an Australlan
e science degree. In London they picked lC) a crewman, Garry Sharp boUOO
The Bardsley family Includes Voltsngon Squarebaci.., loaded for formosa.. '
2 ~ughters, Shelly, age 9, and it wtth camping gear, and set Leavln.g Ta.twan, they plowed
Lorte, 8, and a .son. Kenny, 4. oft on a jaunt through Europe irto constant headwinds a.od
B~ and his wife share their and the Middle East. beadseas, working thelr way ~1es, which are goUandten-In Kaadatw, Afghanlst.an, up the Ryult:yu Island cba.ln to
C·.~·•· "--dsl .. _ IIley celebrated an American Nafla.. Okinawa, and on toKago-~ u.u ey wor-..:. as a · hi J H r--1 n u f ta1n the "A" tuft style Thanksgtvtng wttb an s ma, apan. ere .._.ry e re e cap on s · American famUy.By Chrl.stmas the Hankes, and they cootlnued
reUeves the regular cap-the coiC)le reached Delhl,lndla, into the lnland Sea alone. Later
onthelrdaysoftatStatlons "feeling Uke true disciples ot they took on a cre"'f of
l, 4• 5 and 6• Marco Po\o." In Bombay tbey 2 Japanese boys. Reluctantly
READY FOR DIPLOMA s hipped thetr car homea.ndcon-they pried themselves away
Catherine Bendall ofNewport tlnued their tour 1Dto As ia by trom the eochantment.
Beach. a political sclence train, rlkshaw aDd ferry boat. They left the Orient and
major, Is among the more thaD h 1 D, k d, 1 d :r c~:;!::~~~~:~·!:~~ P i 1 e art ISP aye
and fUll until Way 5.
,._ .. _
._...... ..... -
pleted work for bachelor's de-Phil Dike, s:outhlaDd artist
''1u.;rt.,a~t the eod of the summer and teacher, returns to the New_
I( and wm be eUgtble to port Harbor Area 1D an exhibit r---------------------J!par~li~c~tpa!i!!l~e~tn~'~tbe~~J""i::e~co~m::.,-at tbe Coffee Garden Gallery, Z625 E. Coast Highway, Corot:~a
del Mar. The Gallery is open
l4.r. Dike ls weU ll:oo1ftl for
his llght-tllled pictures of tbe
Newport Harbor Area. from the
Harbor Area, he moved on to
paiDt ClliDO Valley near Clare.
lllOil, wbere be is on the fa cult}
at Scripps and Claremont
Graduat.e School. JJ. J. (jarrell~ Semi-Annual
H.J GLY\fffl fUf\N~
Yow t-arai ,..,.., ._.., ..., .. ._ .. -......
041>-0275 041>-0276
Monday througb Saturday from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tbe Ptlil
Dike amw wW DPID Jan. 20
He is also a skilled print-
-(etching, ~OI>hY,
ud serigraphy); he ts a
naoWIHid muralist iD oils, cera-
ale We aDd mosa..lc, as well a.s
a paillter ln. 011. wa.tercolor,
acryUc, and pastels.
Mr. Dike wa.s born in Red-
luds, California in 1906. He
-CbouiJiard Art 14stJ. lite 1D Los Angeles. He also
lbded ill New York and Europe.
lrltnen 1931 aDd 1950, he
lupt periodically at Cboui-
.,.,.,. SiDce 1955, be b&sUYed
taupt 1o Claremoot, Cali-
l<l(M•s t.MO WOI<lEH'S
-=h other Wlth n<lther aalaiaa. lr 111111 ~Til n ... &1•1•1• .. • • c .... ., •II LIM.,.., • ..._.... the leut of all the rne:rda, and the man touched the boDow Of
C.l,'' ..... •ritt• ~ Dr. J••• £. -·,., •• a....... of all the truth whic:h thou hal\ J b'l thiah whk:h immedl· h.U.tHr •I "• Mo•lrou L•flt•r a-c.., Colll.•ll•..,..ll. N.J ., _, •• ,..._,_. .,. .. , .. ,.... -L-.1 unto ihy IJitf'VanC . for aclo • t' I .. t and J-~
•-6 • •-""' • -~ • ate y went ou o Jotn .._ .& ~ ~ =• tM ,. to .,_ -~ paap · · with my starr I poued over lhil.,... ....X.n<d, but he ~ fut
ol. I IB ...., -a:• _,. .IACOI'I NIW NAMI G uls 32:9-ll, 24-ll Jordan (20 yean be!o«l : and to the IIWI in desporation, 1011il '
-I.!_ .. -.. .,.._ ol. -illt In Chapter 29 30 and 31 ~ Haru. be bod two wi-ru, two now I am become two bands. Do-the man uid, "Let me IJO, ""' iiiiliiiiiijiiiiii.~ lOIII!! - - --~ Ill ""-• G ·• ba ' ~ n1 o1 .._,bmeo, elo..., -, and ooe liY<r me, I pray thee, from the the dat bnskelh." But, by thio :W ?, • J:; · mt ol. llll -~ z;::; J:;i';;..i:Jeat ';an J:'Juob ducl*r, and he abo bod inaar-hand of Esau : for I f .. r him, lest time, Ja<ob must ha,.. rea1im
u.t ..... lire 'h:,~ Oy & ""1 :-'t tpart at Haran •n MeiOpOtaaUa ~ the 'rioltnt diatruat of Laban, he will come and smite me, and that the wrestler wu more than
="#bd ~·~ lllbt ~.; with hit unde i...t.n the \tother his father-in-law. He bad pth,.. the mot~r with children.'' .a mao, aod w&l not a reel eoemY
.,.:.._ ..... tbe local f ea.Did ol hil mother, Rebtbh. and the cred tocether grut riches in the But the MXl morning Jacob l ~r a,IIUYI.nt or Esau, for Jac:ob .,...._===::.-...:Quilt--:....~ Gilt~-· ol hit flll\ily. We ro-fonn andol lloeb and berda and tookJ<Veralhundr<dpu,lhcep,-uid, r!..w~ not l"!,'htt go, ex-a.n.tililll 1 oa til ;Wtaa.. member from the last le1100 bow, mt:n: women ~tl. and camels, cattle, and asses and.1 cept t ess me.
ADd tile utn:.auta-..., 8ala:wtlbiDc Bt& when J-=00 wu in the wilder-he asked ~ to let h1m le&Ye divided them into se~ral droves. The man asked Jacob's name
tMu ~&Del the :!i: u t:bey 0:. neu, Cod had promised, .... am and take his wrwa and children 'These he sent ahead at inter;vaJa and then said, "Thy n•~ shall I:J the. 111ooe.. &Dd r.d f'fta '::'Holy Scrfp-with thee in all places whithtr and CO back to Canaan. But u ,uta to Eau, "FOT he aaid, I be called n? more Jacob, but
tww co tbe U.t:aac woric1. thou roest, and will bring thee Laban, who had ~tly ~o.. will appease him with the present · Israt>.l r a pnnee of God I ; for .•.s
a,ain into this land ; (or I will ~red because of J~b s servtces, that goeth before me, and after-a prmce ha~t thou power watn
ADd 6e woman wbo ~lad the pra>:~ not Jeav~ th~. until I have done did not want to Jet him ro. Then ward 1 wt11 see his face, per· God .and .. w1th men, and hast
er by tbl ~vt. U a 'tncic sttu&tiOil · · · that wh1ch I have s~n to ~ spoke to jaclOb &r!d ~ld adventure be wiiJ accept o( me." p~vat~d. The man refused to
Sbe w.Dta to outlaw auob pn.yer, u abe did thee of." That wu vttally im· him that H.e ha ma.?e hnn rich Perhaps Jacob was ually now fiVe h1s na.?,'K', but ht! bl~s~
prayer lD Kboota. portant, for Jacob was then run· by. controllin&' the births of the trying to pay more fully for the Jacob, who ca.lled th~ nam~ of
It hu been aal'.d t:bat th &theJWI nine away from home because "nng-straked, speclded and '1birthright" that he had taken th~ place Pen1el [the fa« of
1n fcmhote.. and, mo~e rec:et)yarethe~ are 110 hiaba:otht~, Esau,had threatenttl Jrislcd" ~ttle, and it.was not years before for a mess of God]: for I have ~~n God face
atbrfgb fn tile orbft ot tbe W:Oon. llollpttU to kill ham, and abo he. wu by Jacobs own plan~. God pot~. to fac~ [a~ man to rna~}. and
boule very few ath~ . . . In fact. wbeD. the hc:aded for unknown a~n~nces remmded j~ ~! his YOW at "5o went the present over be· my . .hfe IS pr~served. That
ebancea for life -are l't:n!ltCbed. the belief Jn Ufe-with complete strangers m Mes-Bethel ~ wd, Get thee out fore him," and at night ht took mormng, as Jacob was . f~sh
after..de&th 8tretches &lao. A noted ecientiat once opotamia. from this land, &n;d retu~ 11f!-to his two wives, and his two con-from t~e awe5ame experaenct:'il
edl tblllt the more time a man apent in eeienoe, JACOI'S SE:LF·IELIANCE the land of thy kindred; W~th cubines, and his deven sons and of tht> mght and had new cou~e,
the more time he ~t in church. . the power of God behmd hin1 daughter and sent them ovt>r the he met Esau and was not afra1d.
It ta bea:rtwam:Jin.R to note that tboee heroic w~ have already pomted out and God's command to go, you ford Jabook to gnater safety. He bowed befor~ him seven
Americana wbo orbite(l the MOOD u t.be.!r Earth that Jac?b was not a. me.re 1J:o1 would think that he would do so Then ht was l~ft alohe to meet tim~s in compltte hu!"ility. "And
WU orbiting Chrlstma.e, looked away from theJr at ~s bme, but wu m ~Is mtd· openly and boldly. But Jacob Esau or whatever messengers Esau ra~ to mttt hlm, a.nd em·
diala and instruments lone eoouafl to look at the Idle life ~d full . of physical and was not ~~ that kind of l_lWl· mi ht come from him. At least, brae~ h1m, ~nd fell on h1s n«~:
Ser.lptui"N. It is more lDterestiDg, perbape, to mental vtgor, ~~"&>about a> of for he: preferred secret. dt:CJttdul, in ~is own way, he had tried to a~d ktssed htm: an~ they ~ept.
note that they found an appropriate~ lD 90 ya.r~v old wtth orl 70 years and human stratqic methods. protect his children and their f~<'ob now. was Israel, and
th Hoi Book· it · di tee certain famUiarit left to h e; So he wu 0 d enourb So, when Jacob was all ready, moth~rs, nen if the strategy of hu whole hfe was chan~. He
e Y • m C8. a Y to have Wlsdom and to know the be "stole awa unawares to the ·fts failed Though he had later erected an altar and ca lletl
with the Word ol God •. a comradeehip between law~ of cause and ~ff~t, and to Laban the Syria:.. in that he told start~ out hum.bly, pleading with it, "EI·elohe·Israel," meaning,
courace and faith. In ·t!birs comradeship, the wortd reahze that he. was m h1s present him not that he fled" (Gen. God for deliverance, yet, appar· "God, the ~od of Isratl."
ca.ntmd.olaceandrefup. unhaf:! pre~tcam~t because .h~ 31 :20). Thr« days later Laban ently, he was putting J!!Ore con· We marvel. at t.h~ stubborn·
Tluouabout history, faith in God and t<h had h n hdomg tha!l~s acco~d~.g heard that Jacob had Red and, fidence in his own tdeas and ntss of Jacob m stnvmg to work
in oneeelf lave goae hand in b&ad . , . Faith i:n to t e uman. WlS om 0 15 aftt>r pursuing him for seven plans than he was in th~ pow~r out his o~n plans, .when God
God &Dd oourage. Tbis combination ha.a led man ~ot~ ~· hlrselfH ~d :~ days, ht ovt>rtook Jacob at Gilead of the invisible host of angels, had so plamly told h1m . that He
acrou u.aeharted. .• e a a and. aarc::. uncbarted 1~ • 1 s Pans. avm~ and was minded to take strong and he was too worried to sleep. would do all thts~ thmgs for ak*: It ha.a led him ·along the uncharted path. this (!'.:at es~n by expene~t action against him, but God ap· He did not know what to expect him, and we rtahze . that .the
of 8CleDCe, med.iclDre, ~. art, eculpture and and .now havmg the . dtfiru~ peared to Laban "in a dream by or from what direction danger great struggles a.nd dasappomt·
poUt:tc.. ~ baa taken him where the ordinary promise ?f 9,00 to g111de, and night, and said unto him, Take might come; and then he was ments of Jacob's hfe were cau~.rl
mao -:-.nn.~lpired. man -da.red not ven~ ft protect h1m m all p!ac~, we heed that thou speak not to suddenly attackW. by a man. by his own pride and self-.reh·
has JIV'e!l him ~ it .baa bolstered me de-wo~Jd expect to see h1m hve .an Jacob eith~r good or bad." So They wrestled until the break of ance. Yd how about our hve!!,
termination, it hu driven him on to auceeaa. enb~ly !le": way for tht remam· Laban questioned Jacob about day. At first it must have been even while we havt> .all thtse t>X·
The 6.!00(, IOwt::n:d ovt::r mt: 1n we
America.na are etemally gn.teful tba.t tbe der of his hfe ; but, as we study going away secretly, but af~r terrifying to Jacob, and, as the ampl~s for ou.r gUidaoc~? Ar;
astrona.utB pauaed in their trek &l'O'UDd the Mooo ~ thrtt c.hapters:, we find God had spoken to him, he did hours passed and !My dung to we humbly lettmg God gutdt us ·
to pay tribute to a Greater Power, for it will .. ~cob dependmg mostly upon not dare punish Jacob. So. he
aerve U a e&ta1y1rt in tbe oau.lclnm that ia the hrm!t'lf. As a result, he ~d to said to Jacob, "It is in the power
worid today. Tbeee men were DOt ~ in a work and st~ggle exceedingly of my hand to do you hurt ; but
street 'bn.wl, they were wreatliDg with-t6e wortd hard. La~an tncked :Wd double-the God of your father spake lo
of tomotTOW. They recognize ttlat regardleea, of crossed ham as to Wives, ~es. me yestemight, saying, Take
bb.e excelleoc:e of their 8Cieoce, they oould not end property, and, accordmg to thou heed that thou speak not to
have a.cbieved ~elr great lunar vietory without the , record, he . seldom ~ked Jacob either good or bad." Ht>
help from God himseff. Gods help or ~1dan~. unbl ~r acr:used Jacob of stealing his
strolled acrOS!l thr picturc"sque campos of Vander-
bilt Univrrsity in Nnhv11le, TenneUtt. The sm-
dt:nts we t:ncoontt::rcd did not ~nicker at our a~
pearanct::, however. In fact, 1hey may scarcdy have
sa-n me. One and all S«med mtent on greeting
and complimenting 1he young giant txside me :
Let U8 a11 pn.y, as the astronauts did, tbat ~nless he was dnven mto • po51· idols, and Jacob spoke plainly
God wll a:l1ow ue to &ehieve. Let ua pray that bon wher~ he was completely and vehemrntly to Laban ami,
thoee who follow blindly tbe lea.dere.ttip of d~ he.Ipl~s. as a result, Jacob "took a stone
Bt:ruetion Mil return 1t4 the ~eadenlbip o? God. JACOB'S TIOUIUD LIFE and set it up as a pillar" and his
. . We read that Leah and Rachel, men gathera:J other stont!i in a W~ God, ~ere ·are .no limits.to what Man Jacob's wives, did frequently call heap, which he called Galeed (in
fD&I)' aobjeve. Wttbout Him, Man a lhaekled to upon God (or help and He did Hebrew) and Laban caUa:J it
aquaJor, famine, war, confuakm.. miafortune, fa.ft-answer them, so that, at the end Jqar·sahadutha (in Chald~)-
ure, cr.appoinbnent and dea.t!h . of 20 yean of Jacob's life in the heap of witnea.
ay .lfV .•. J. ltUSHOOONl'
(:AI..II'O .. NI A I'A ..... I!IO
Jot ham·s parable of the trees
(Judges 9: 1-21 ) is a fitting one for
our day. Gideon's vicious son, Abi·
melech. killed all his brothers ex·
cept J otham, who escaped. When
Abimelet::h was having himself
made king by the men of Schcchem.
Jot ham, from the safety of a high
<'li ff, Interrupted 1he proceedings
to preach a brief sermon in parable
form before running away.
This was the parable: The trees
foolishly d('!;idf'd to have a king,
and the first one to be asked was
the olive tree. The olive tree z-e...
fused : it already had an Important
and useful function to God and man
in simply being an olive tree. Next,
thE> fig tree was asked, and he re-
fused thl:' offer on the samE'
grounds. The vine, next in line, also
n!fused. Then the bramble bush
was asked. and he aCCE:>pted. de-
manding then that all the ~s
obey him and rest In his shade! If
they did not, said the ~ramble king,
he would dP.Stroy them.
What Jotham meant, of course.
was this: Ablmelech was their
bramble king, and, as a bramble
man, he expected the cedars, olives,
figs, vines and aU other trees, that
Ls. the able men in h la realm, to be
under him and tn his shadow. It
they were not, he would use his
royal power to cut them down to .....
For a long, long Ume now. we
have been choosing brambLe men in
church. state, school, and else-
whe-re. 'J'heseo bramble ml!n hate
men who produce something; they
hate t1\e farmers, ranchers. store--
keepers and manufacturers, all the
produeen of Amertca. They prefer
bramble men and they promote
nwzy tell the vine, no more
lf*pel, unless you are ruled by
bramble men! They tell the olive,
brambW. ~ more productive than
)'011 are.
The point made by Scrtpture heft
throulll the mouth of Jotham is
t:bJs : tbe We of the olive tree, fie
trH and ~ IJ produce ; Ow Ufe
of tM bru.nble is to be a tho"'. 1be
,..,.,._.. proc1ueeo. and tho bramble
man _.. power by hurtJne. ,.._ _..,. .,. ldiUnl tbe producor.
,. -of -day .. W.: .,.mdoobl ___ .._and .... 0, -........ overtbrow
... ,.,.... of -tli& ..... rMD!
--,.... -It ... -. ,.,.. -., dlo llltloll u.. But on --r
7 7 Question Box 7 7
,,..., JEWISH HOPE, I•• 707, L•• ...,..a ••
Pl~tJSe ~xplain if tM Day of /udtmenl u
for all. R.E.M .• Sacramenlo, Calif.
There is no condemnation or jud~ment for
those who are saved, accordinp: to John 5:2~
and Romans 8 : I. Only the unsa\•ed will ~land
before the Great White Thron~ of God on the
Day of Judgment. as menlioned in Revelation
chapter 20. However. for those who at:cl"pl the
Lord Jesus Chri!ll as their Sa,·inur, there i!lo
the Judp:ment Seat of \.hrist. j 2 Co rinlhian!-
5:101 . when they will receive reward.'! fr om
the Lord for their faithfolnes~ to Him durin,~!
their life on earth.
What did Je,u.s m~on wMn He saUl, "'If ye
Jhal.l OJk o.ny thin~ in Mr_ nome. I will do il"?
(John 14 :14). Jf'.E.B., TorqtuJy. Australia.
This promise our Lord made implie! more
than just merely requesting thin~s in pra)·er
in the Name of the Lord Jesu~ Christ. All who
aM in His Name must of neauity be obedient
to Him in all things and be following Him,
having surrendered themaelves completely to
Him. ~f this is done, the petitions that art
made 1n the Name of the lord )eflus Chri11l
will be such as are asked only for the honor
and glory of the Lord, Himself, and not from
any selfish motive.
Plewe explain thr prophrry in Daniel
chapter 9 re~ardin~ tM 70 weeks. f .A .. fern -
dtJ/.e, Mich.
The 70 weeks are week!! of year!!. eo that the
70 week! repre$ent490 yean. Sixty.nine weeks
was propht:!!ied until the comin,; 11f Messiah ,
i.e . .W.1 yean from the decree to rebuild Jeru·
salem . This was iseued by King Artuenes.
according to Nehemiah chap. I. in the vear
450 B.C. Therefore, 450 years + 33 years
j which was the age of the Lord Jesu~ Christ
when, as the Me:Miah, He entered the city of
JeruYiem a few days before He was crucified l
= 483 year~. which was the euct fulfillment
of this remarkable prophecy of the comin~ of
the Meuiah. The remai ning 70th week of 7
ye.rs is lllill future and will be the time oi the
Great Tribulation which commences when the
Lord Jesus Christ returns for Hi s Church.
Kindly uplain the main characters men·
ti.oMd in Ret~. cluJp. 12. Z.L.D., Lont. Beoch.
The woman clothed wilh the sun typifies the
nation of Israel. The man child that is born
refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. The great red
drqon i• Sal8n, who .aught to deetroy the
child but God frustrated Satan's diabolical
If J.r are there w mo.nr tlenomiiUJli.orual
clum:M1 ill rsi.tUMC UHJ.,? O.B.S., PIU.la·
J.lpAi4. Po.
The various denominations Un ariten
mainly becau.e of differences in ln~l"l
or appiyin@; certain doctrine. of Scripture.
For tlM, mo.t part the critical point of di'tit.ion
amotll Prote~~aa~a ia oot NaieeJI1 Wa=* the
~ but bat..., &he ca 1 •atiftl
.tod the Hherai.-1-Aweoa -who ballne
the Bible lioenlly and look lor tho rul, per·
_.j. _.,....,. of the L<m1 J-O.rill,
a.nd u.o..e who erroneoual1 aee l_.. onJy ..
Cod's peel ~ of what a 1ood man
...... "'bo.
The Bible calls this heap of
witness "Mizpah," bt':cause then
Laban said:
"The Lord watch between me
and th«:, when we are ab~t
one from another. If thou shalt
afflict my daughters, or if thou
shalt talce other wives beside my
daughters, no man is with us ;
see, God is witness betwixt me
and thee; ... that I will not pass
over this heap to thtt, and thou
shalt not pass ovtr this heap and
this pillar unto m~. for harm.
The God of Abraham, and the
God of Nahor, the God of their
father, judge betwixt us.''
Jacob agreed. Thtn Laban went
to his place', and Jacob went on
his way toward the place that
God had appointed for him.
"Mi.tpah" is commonly repeated
as a benediction, but 1t was not
intended as such by Laban and
Jacob. It was a boundary line
over which neither one must
pass to hann the other. It was
a kind of treaty to mark the
end of their quarrels and keep
them safely separated, with God
as their J udgc.
Angels of God met Jacob and
this reassured him after all the
stress and storm of Laban's fury.
so he said, ''This is God's host."
He ca11ed the place "Mahanaim,"
which means "two hostt or
bands," for he then awakened to
the realization that here was his
vi.rible grovp of cattle and people.
and also the i'lfflisibk host of
God's a:nge.ls to take care of
him and his. But yet, notwith-
standing all that God had done
for him and bad promised to do
and had actuaUy aent His bolt of
angels to protect him, Jacob,
neverthdess, was worried about
the way Esau (who had threat-
ened to kill him) would act when
he saw him. He was so head·
strong and self-dependent that
not even yet was he willing to
trust God to handle this matter, 80
he made his own plans and sent
his own messengers ahead to con·
tact Esau and see how the sit-
uation might lie. The messengers
rttumed and said that E.sau, with
400 men_, was cominc to meet
Jacob. "Jacob wa.• cnatJy afraid
and dist~ssed" and planned
to divide his people and
berda into hwO rroupa 10 that,
if E.aau amok one croup. th~
other micfrt acape.
Now. for the lint time in the
written hitu>ry of Jacob, ""
find that he humbled hitnoelf
(for awhile) and pleaded with
God lor deli_....,.:
"0 God ol my lath<t, Abn·
ham. and God of my father !101<,
the Lord wblch .oaidat anto -.
Rett1J'11 liMO thy c:oantry, and ID
thy klndr<d, and I will dsl wdl
.nth thee; I 1m not wordly' of
Gnat Events in the Old TestaJaent
Ahab Steala Naboth'a Vineyard-I Kine• 21
F-"THE SWOIIO OF THE LOAD"' -•••10ft, lllurfr.e~, T•"' l11JU
Clyde Lee, sur centt:r of the Vandcrbtlt Commo-
dort::s who was pacing tht:: univtrsil y basktlball
team toward nation01l prommenct:.
1 already knew :.aboUI many of Clyde's buketball
accomplishmtnu. During his sophomore" ye:JT he
led the Southt::astern Confertnet:: in rehound ing and
was named "Most Valuable Sophomore." Ht ;~]so
received honor.;~ble mt::nl ion on one of tht All-
American teams . As I visited Clyde midway 10 the
J964-65 b.:askC'1ba!l sc:non. he was leading the con·
fe rence in scorin~o; wnh a 23·pomt .;~veragt:: and in
rebounding WHh a 15.5 average. He 'ICored i I
points against arch-rival Kentucky, tht:: most ever
recorded by an ind1v1dual agamsl the Wddcats.
In the" Ltt home, pr.ayer and Bible study :Ire
regular acuvmes. "If my parems had 001 been
Christians," Clyde asK:rted, "I might nutr h.1w:
come mto contaca with the Bibk. and I'd probably
still be searching for the way 10 become a real man."
Shortly ahC'1' C'ntering high school. Clyde began
to realiu tht:: difftrenct Jesus Chris1 can make in
life. In a Bible study. through such verses :as "God
cornrnt:ntlt:tiJ lfls lovt: tofi.)Qrd us, in rh11t, wiJtlc we
were Y" stnnrrs, Cllr11t dicJ for us,"1 he larned
how Christ suffertd on tht:: Cross to alone for 1he
sins of Clyde Lee. "I 53W thai Christ had to be a
real man to do th.at-and truly God," Clydr 5ays.
"I recrivt'd Christ as my Sl.viour. Ahhough I have 1--+-~ had many thrilling expC'titnces, the grt::ltest thrill
of all is in living for Jesus Christ. He-has brough1 --J.--J.-f--f purpost and happiness and peace inw my life ."
Clyde almost gave up baskrtb.:lll in his freshman ~::.;=~=~!~1,.-.L,....,..L.......lL.......I-....1-..L-..L-.&......1 year in high school. He lacked coordination and
"I •-failt::d 10 make eve n the second tum that first year.
(U -,.._.ac. • fl••a. UN _..,. -..u:r wW k .,.,.... Ia I m..a IIJ "1 might h.avr givrn up basketball had not: my
Cl.UF.a ACIOIS 4 "lfcrtMa Mic!_ to DcrricL TJ.ou roac h taken sp«1.1l inaerest in me," Cl~Je declares.
I ~ .._. wWcla AHtt hliM ·~--U.. ... (0 I-. 12:7) Tht:: to.ach patiently tunsformed Clydt:: from a
1 ·-----•• Wa ..__ r.....,. S -..n.ae4 ..,. oJ AWU (0 I .. _ __, · L-· h' h hoot H ...a ·~ m.,. 11:2) ~-JOIOI..u stnngUII:an 1010 a ag sc sur. e
It "fl•o -. tlrr .taoywd ••• M· I Wtlcda of dto -oJ Netlt.-•1 made the va rsi1y sqwd in his sophomore yt::ar and
ccnN H il --· -to •:r a...-~ cmd. tlacrt ..... lret ...U. (Goa. wtnl on 10 become tfM. scoring leader for Nash\•tl k
II "liMn c:-.ia tw. -. daiJ. 4:11. II) schools and a member of Ali-Ciay and ;\JI.Siate
... ol --1 a 91'ootla9 h' ff d •1J ·--IM.II:Wo4. ca.4 G.otakoa I..,.._ .. ac.... (Eaocl. 4114) teams. Scholars 1p o t::rs pot!rC' m.
! sm'nr " I '1faMU.. dW --·-Gocl -c1 tho Cage play in the tough Southt;utern Conferenc.e
14 H .._ plafotl ia • wood ··-· ldav" provides excnc-menr m cvcorv gamt::. In the season 5 (EMIL lfll) 12 .... -17 •a--. . k. I --d jJ . 11 ....a. .. n... •• of Jocolt 14 "tlaey ..,0 ____ tWa c:llUcb.a ••• • IC'('Ond ~arne w11h Kcntuc y. u:c score ('lOintS
(C... U12S. M) ( .. cu "t .. H:tne ... ._ .. J.r. 4:12) to hdp Vanderbilt gam the win. 91 -90. But Clydt::
If Kekow __. Jor Go4. II? Ia U ~9 oJ ..,..OJI (Jf1&&. 21133) says h;~ more rewarding basketball exJXriences
---·Nchl (Goa. SS:f) II Hahtll --·· blll?phae CMI -4 ~ 'd f f 1 ·0 f><t ouoside 11 "UJ,p ___ _. MeU ..t JnoNI lJy tlae ldQ•" camt:: ~ . .oa C' o con ercnct:: pay-1 ,
tiM w.U el J.....r" 20 "··--ill tHt GM tlr.crt Mall do· a he United States.
II tlr..o IWnl..._ pn,...t M ~•er :roar co-. :1115) "h was a challengillg opportunity" Clyde savs,
II .._ael telcl Ell .... ..,. --· 21 -c1 •ill •• IW.ao -··-tUDe "a chance to use my baskc1ball know·how for the (I .... Jrll) .. r.o-ol )oliO"--" " . h v f v· II t.it&ea. .. a. priadpa:l chl• of 22 "yea.. Jet OM 11oo ---·• lnat -•r:r Lord. He was talk10g ::about .I r enture or IC· ... ..a eM (Matt. Ulll) •-a UG:r"" ca... :1:4) tory baskC'1ball tour of the Omn1.
14 iaiii..Ja .. two 'IMac:IJIIoo (I.a. 2:J "M•ortllol ... M ~lecrt'ed •.to tho The tt::am staj.!nl exhibitions in J.1pan, Korea,
25 = .. rrht "'M• ot vlorY'" 21 , .... ~.~~-L <!_~::1 Taiw·lll. Hon.g Kon)!. and the 1-'h,lippine~. At ha~f
{I a.... 7tll) (E.. 11:21) time the V.V s st.ayeJ on court 10 lake c::are nf 1he1r
1'1 "'' 11 .. --ia tlwt ..... 1'7 .. ....,. U.Oa aow __ _. tr.. Warde• main butirn:u . , _ a cle:n-cur •vi mess f •r ksu~ ':--,. U.... 11121) ol r...tr C hrist. ._ M. -,1 ...._. ---__ _. 0 • l.altleJ. el two Ida.,. Daaiel .......ct .. L. _ • · · · 1 rf ..... n d"' (Da,. 2121: t 1l) It wu tm:: mosa 1nspmng rxpenence o my 1 C'.
II ....a. _. ~ ... --ad. w. • "UU.ey ~4 o ·--· 11a111 _. l uw clearly the difference Christ makes in JJCO" -........, • 11!.1..... pic's liva. Wt uw people living sick by side in
al --I • .... ._..a.-~ M = o:' ... '7111~1,-4 t•lla equal povtrty, man.y with on!~ the ba~st of life's .,. !;,: = ~.!!... ----·= Jl 'Je ......... o...U ......... J kt CUC"ntials. 0oe fam1ly would dasplay dtcar hopeltss-
• w"' GM ---It .......... (C... II: ncu on 1hcir faces while" ano~:Mr radiated joy be·
• '"• ... ,..... ..... ill AltO'• J1 ~ ......... ..., ...at:• caute they knew Christ and had hope fM cttrnal
r1....,... ef Ak 'n'• ... •cl M .,.....,_ tM ... e1 ----life with Him."
W. ~ (0... Ill& JltJ) t1 "'6o ddllw ., ---.. ("-. IS: When Clyde returned ro eM: StatH, fMo Jet his .... =~·:•:::•:,.. ....._. ... 0 ---12 !!!.._ ..... ..... ~ sights on an actin witnns on eampu1 and off. rt"' ....... ---.. y --· • .,.. __ -· 11 ~-,... _. 6C , wW .... • ___ ...,. wldt .._.. "I believt now is the: time on our rollege and
.,..... 11 a. ...,... eMIL 711•) {D -.. l1lJ) univenity camputte~ to let our mouths a• ~n sa a~.,....._ 0 I I n tl tin -----,. .......,_. lw our li'fel speak fo{ ChriR. We mU$1 demonstrate ..... (a... Mil) ....,... . h' u • ....W. til., ...... J-..., • • ._. el he (II& t&tl4) that there u 10met '"I to ,-.;ing a Christian." ._ ...,. ...._ a. .....,. • • .... el .. ...._ ef ...._ _. Vandubilt wmc on co win the Southeamrn Con-
,....,,._, _. •........... .. wlla PI Alii t • ca... Ut• ferencc elwnpionship. ~ te~m. •hich b.ftly be
...... '-•-• • ..U ~ lllD) M' h' ' ' he NCAA . I _._, a,-. 'h., 71111 -WI II __. __ ...... 1 ... ........ to IC ipo ua.t tq~ona toutnq, nnuu f1 ,._. ., ,_,.... 711 yw1 .. .....,.-(h. II) fifth in the nation 11 1b.e tnd of the KaJOG, L« ........ ,.... .... ca... .. .. -..... Wit nsmed ro Look Magazine's Atl-Arnerican
._,. •u) IJ I -_... .,.. .....,.. tquad, his 22--point ntrar: and hia tcbowldina
•• .,_. ... .._. ..,. 0 .... ..., Rill a:ainina that honor. But Clydr is 001 claimin1
• _r ,. ..,. 111 -onJ'dtU.I for bimxlf, he ,.,.,
W) "God took a clumsy t.:Uow an~h the pa-
M .,_ • • • ..... ..., ... .... lic:DcC' of ad lottJatcd COPC'h, my lJu.
_. ..... -• ..,.... lraball .&llititt. ScwM fdJows hawc a "-ol aatunl
• ... .__., .... • .._ ability; God bleMd me with a bla bad, aod • --,.,..,__._ ... __ .. _ .... _ _ ... ..... __ .. _..
-. ......... -..... •
e'iO .. __.-.. -
pMieftt a.b..
The ,_ bltooioa for Clyde. howua, b in ._, J-Chrill u bit .,......r Sniout. A>
1oe .,... it. ·1 ... ~ .. m. Lotti."
4r lcny Ballard
-....... '11-·~· •. ,_ ••• -·--------'''' -~..._ .. , .. --.... •••
Sf.llliO Sf.C11011 --..... 3
111URSU.\Y, JAil. 16, 1M
Citizen awards given
-Wbo Ito" ,..-.td Ca"J POIII.... Wilt-, ccntDt ,.,.,.....,., u cW.. •NEWPOR'I''
fll tllo -IH ~--by Mark Ocirl• 0ooc
lllo "-'--lr-~tu. 8cllool Dltlrlel. ..__ .. y-
_... --1or llllb '90i.oRA s-· ~=~ lhdo etuoto lllellldo' Sucln Dooor, llar7 Jo
-KoUb Wb111oc. Jlllle Ul-U.,Jay ~. JEAN DAL!S' PAIMnMGS
Jam• stm.peoo, Bub&r1. J-.a eo.a. w .. Art
Bllru, Joe Slarll, -Le-Lol&'ll to
,......., MlurMD Edpr, Car--.orU 1D oll to
IIDRattl. attbeKeaVftdl;~=~~= 4tCOLLEGE PARK......lli.Yid Mesa Verde DriYt, t
A.rmeoctarb, 5ttYeD Sbue, PaJ.Dtiap lDclude llndtcapM
Kathy Relaholt, EUea ADder80D, portraits ud JtU1 ure. •
Kerry Yattlleson. Uta Oatil receiYed
•I...INDBERGK-Trlc1a Wb.tte, baebek>r ol ft.ae arts
Da:ld Hurley, KeY1D Lewla. from tse. FoUowtllc
NEWPORT BEACH City Hall was prettied ..,.:00.\',';!"':i;::!: Ke"::b tloo,dltabo beldt tllo .. ..:: NAVY RJ.OARIWI TblrdCiass
up Tuesday, Jan. 7, when Phyllis Gayle was Kosttan, llart!oa Plmeont, ;':t .. :;:: ~· ''"'"· At Rtellord L. LaBt.rce .,... •
installed in ber brand new office 1n the De~ Snyder, Don Tbo._,oon. pn.... "'" 1a cooduetlac rlldar .._ 111 tbe combollD-MARlNE~Timothy Loata classes 1D oil ptlnttnc 11 Costa lorma.Uoo ceoter oq boud tbe Btf.LTZ lobby, as receptionist. Besides furnisbing t':.'":::t'hJ nnlfRoe~, Guy llesa Art Gallerlol, 513 ceo. ~o.':i'\:"::!:. ':.~":'
MORWARJEf information to newcomers, she w1ll do "' ;;'.,.;,._e,hl;; O:,~S:::; ter street. ..., llr;, L. P. LoBarce, 2099
secretarial work for Mayor Doreen llarallch, s......,. Aubort,Jolm CH4RGED WITH ROIIERY Bayport War. West lltll>er say.
1741 SUPIIIOR AVf. M hall d Admlnist ti A 1 t t Hedge Kathy Lewts Tbe Osde•. ao IIQp-al uott COSTA MESA ars an ra ve 88 8 an *NE,WPORT-Jtea·tt~r Cros. Gary Sluak, 518 Vlc:tarta. of tbe I..,S. Se't'eatb Fleet am~
lddwoy ._2424 Pbll Bettancourt. (Ensign Pboto.) sea, Lis Gold, Phllllp T..,y, ~;!' ~~ ao<IB~ ~ pblbloqs force, Is correotly ---~-------;:_ __________ ...;...., __ .;__...;._~ ...... _.~ • MI'YlarotftheeoutofVletnam,
1110 I . COAST MIWAY F h p I• Bl llesa, were arnslod by New-Radarman L&Sarce was p-ad-OR~~.:.:,IL~AR rom t e o 1ce oHer \ ... a::::~~~=Sc:~'"~= ... -:r ... ':
.. ... ~.1 h>w.. Crab ~. zzoo Nowport Or c-~ c ... 11e .Urn ItO •FRIDAY DEC 27 Stefan.wuarresteda.t206.1/2 yo!l'lg y ~ ~out-Blvd. W st Newport durJ.ac aace .,.._ OUIII'te. eD-r~;;;;;~~~;;;;;~~;;;;;~ Cbarle; Har~l& 19 ot SOl Apolena An., Balboa lslaod, side h.ls home; as be went out to S~ Ill e J 5 • Usled 1D the N&YJ 1D August, E. Balboa Blvd., 'Apt.' 4, Ba.l-and charged wUb marljua.oa for lnvesUgate, he De:ard a pop Ub Y Cbt. an. • 1966. (omcw U.S. Nary photo.)
1 boa was arrested at 1.15 m sale • , • Gerald Prescott, 4220 an atr gun; the ccq>Ie drove E t t d 1 1 d d A CON5! YATIVE ... ·,bar,.. wUbthe~se!io~ Hilario Way, Newport Helg!lts, oft to a black car,,......... X ra s u y IS prOVI e
.,,... ,. .... ,..u or marijuana Dln Pettit reported the theft of a $29.50 lllnd them a broken pole Ugbt
ED IIAIID · zz or ZZ36 a,hp'1e' Ave cosb till».ch.i from his garage •.• outside hls r estdeoce • • • Four What does a student do when of tbe Newport-Mesa Uni-U~sa. was arrested at 'it a.m. Paul Trautrtn. 906 HolldayRd,, boys about 14 broke a $300 he bas taken all of tbe courses lied Scbool Dlstrtct, said
at Z306 W, Ocean Frori, Cen-Baycrest, left trls car parked plate glass window at 351 Hos-in blgtl scbooltbatiDterestbim? thai tbe plan bu dual beoe!lts
traJ Newport and clluged .ttb in from of hls om.ee at 2410 pttal Road, Sutte lOZ, West Some quit, Others mark time tor both the cllstrtcts ud the
tbe possess~n or marljui.Da Newport Blvd., Central New-Newport Heights •• .Joe Krdsta, until they graduate, 001 getting stOOents.
James KiDe, 22, or 206-iiZ port; be returned to flDd some-315 34th St., West Newport, much out of it. "Tills is a program wllich
Apotena AYe., Balboa Isla.Dd, ooe bad taken advantage of keys rep:~rted the theft of$60Yi.odow This spring, SO stw:lents at opens tbe door to an enn bet-
was arrested at 4·40 a.m at in tbe ignition; his '64 Buick skirts • • • Eroest Bacon. 208 Costa Mesa Hlgb Scbool wtU be ter utlllaaUoo of fadlltles by
Coast Hwy and 1rb At'e Cor was gooe ••• His sport coat Fern St., Newport Shores, re-taking classes at Orange Coast both tbe college aod the h.tgb
oaa del~. aod booked.'on ~~ was taken from a closet and ported the theft of a bag of U.S. College at the same time tbey schools," be said. "We will be
charge of possessloo 'Ms r ecord player from the Uv-coins, 3 bow Ues and 3 ma.rldJlg are t1n1shlng their h.tgh school able to expand our program to a ---~;..j~i::;l;i log room, Mac MaLlldin, 1514 pencils, worth $55 ••• The program. degree we oenr could banac-w. Ocean Front, Central New-hinge to the wiDdW1ng of his Tbey are students 1rho bave hieved alooe, beeallSe oftbeez-
port, told poUee, and the loss Ford Ranchero was broken, and "run out'' or classes 1n high pensJve equtpmeot we would
CUSTOM MADE added ~to$135 ••• Gall Rinker, Ills stereo tape deck, and 1 tape schOOl tn their vocatioaal field ban Deeded for some ot the
Z3, of 2039 Vista Cajon, East stolen, reported Larry Horn, of interest. Previously they occ!Ct&fJonal programs. Tile
FIIE,LACE SCIEE.s Bluff, was arrested at 8:15 1823 Balboa8lvd.,Aputment3; would have l:lad to ld.ll time UD-college already bas the equtp.
Cemplale .LiM ef Plr11111ce Accnuar-. ....... _ ... ......,
011 Will DHmiY
Con r... -0011-• c-..•••• u..
......... 1N
Santa Ana ,.., .. , ... ( •.
p.m. at borne, and transported he set his loss at $40. t il graduation before tbey could meDI: and we don't Deed to dte)-
to the poUcestatlootobebooll:ed ""SUNDAY, DEC. Z9 get any more courses in their ·ucate it. Th.isalsog1vesthek1ds
oo a taUure to appear warrant Three arrests were made of neld, or worse, qutt school. a greatly eq>aodedprogramand
.•• Robert Brown, 21, of residents at 2206-1/2 W, Ocean The higtl sclvxll and the really opeos doors for many of
4706-A Neptune Ave., West Front, Central Newport, at2:55 college got togetber and worked them."
Newpwt, was takenlntocustody a.m., cbargingl.awreoceSbam-o.a a plan whereby students can In many cases, tbe conrses
at his home and booked on a po, 25, for the possession ot come to the college campusa.od tbe stuckmts take at OCC wUl
fatlure to appear warrant ..• marijuana; Toni Blsuar, 19, take occ~Uoaal courseswllicb apply toward tbelr h.igb scbool
Ross Cornelisse, 24, of 279-B for the possession ofdlaJlcetous are a cootlnuattoo of the bi(b diploma.
Cabrtuo Terrace, Costa Mesa, drugs; and Grant G&rrlson, 22, school courses they !lave rr""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""''iJ wa.s booked on the charge of with tbe possesstoo ol mart-already !lad.
misuse of credit card; be was Juana; Terry McClelland of studeots in the sprtng wtll be
arrested at 12:20 p.m. at the HU.Dtlngton Beach was arrested tattng food services, COG-
Broadway, Fasbloo IslalxS, by at~ address for tbe pos-structiontectmoloQ,cen.mics,
He .. ...,enoo, !291 Fountalo MSQ91l0fmarl)aul. ·.A sqrt.. J:Deta.l trades, draft1ac IDd ac-
Way, Costa Mesa ••• Jotm board that MJchae1 Haden kept riculture at occ. The courses
GUlls m 21 of 530 San Ber-on the ~st&Jrs balcony at mo are~~'t watered donYersionsot
Oa.rdioo St., 'Newport Heights, W. Ocean Front, Central New-tbe OCC program, but re(Ular
was arrested at 2:05a.m. at port, wantslbletromtbestreet college courses.
16tb St. Ud Newport Blvd., until it was stolen ••• Egp ~. Wllllam L. Cunningham !=========:! Newport Heights, a.nd booked on were thrown at ber borne and
..... $10tiWI ...
·--·-~~--... ._ .... or.,. lllap, D -A .... .... lalud. ........... "'-,,Doc. II.
MATTalll&l --............. . ·----~A_ ... __
••• 0 .... LA.t,..-
"rtH.rt•r t.A.ru litem
"0• 16~ Blt~!fs fJnrrloo4;,1 .~~wf'Orl , .......
1901 Cl.'"" D.,.,.
8:)0 lo~n't. tO q·JO a.m. -WOrship ~tYICf
q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -Sunday School
11 ·00 a.m. to 12 00 noon -worship Servict
11te &n. 1.-n G. Bid, P•tar
The Rev. Gcorae J . Busdiecker, Vititation Putot
PhOH )41-.Jill
Chr isti-Scieftce
nuT<·~ •c ·u o• ne .. n. S<1 t·,nn
))0.3 ,.,:a L•J,,
NtWf'IO.•It Uc.u:h
tu .... -•l l o.-
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T ... , •• , -~~~F .... , ' ..... -~ .. "' . '·' , ... """""'ey 1 .. ... -.......
l£f'0ND C'•t:IK'• Of'
~w,ort Bca..::l'l at
('o.Oftl d~l \4ar
3100 Pad ftc View Or •
SlJNDAY SCitOOL to ......
MEETINlo 1:00, ,..
lEADING R()()M -
Mutual 8udd1nl
216) Eut ('out Hlafl••Y
llloa.. ~I . tu ...... 10 5 .,.,.
n ... ,...a..y ,. ~ .... 11. -7 lo 9
Yl'u an cotd1aJI~ llltoltt:d 10
ancoftd ChiNch Ser'YICU aftd
ao '"~ 1h~ R~ld •na R(>(M\.
Lwtt-r• O.rch
OftM .._, ...
O.rct. it~ A.erice
1900 Pacific: Vi e• Dr.
jeo~• del Mar. Calif
Dr. Willi 1111 ll.. Ell•r
Phone 6.,._.2664
1:45 a.a., r-ilr Wotslu,
t :4S ...... c~f(:' Sdl-~
11:00 .... rutitoe ...... i,
Firat .. itt a-•
.. c. ........
RIIJIIIIII Riblf' ft-11-•llip
f,ti•,••Jrr.' -A•t~
S..t• ............ li•"•·
Or • ., .G. Neumann, pastor
~:45 •·••· Sunday School
11 :00 a.m. Momin1 Worship.
6:UU p.m. Tra1n ina Unions
7:00p.m. Evenint Worthip
7:2U p.m. Bible Study
1:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina
~"-~--............ ,..,. ' .INI 10 • -
(-'-"-r 1 PM ....... ............. ~ .... ....., ......... , ... -...... ................. .... 4W1'_.,...._
Cia. .. o.-p ... tW. .. <-.-
, .. -H l ......... If(-,_.
flu • • • ; -• .. l'lll:lllll•llltt
iaU.._._,IIo I .........
A F"" e.J ,_.,..._, c_,.,..,.._4 C""•..._ c:.t.K•
Tki ... Mce ..............
...~ s.";ce ood 0. .... kllool ot 10<00 ......
.... ..., -"""'... --·· 2202 S. MAl
SMrAW the clw're of driving Wlder the stained the stucco around
;,~::~~::::::::~~::::::::::~!~tnnueoce of llltoxlcants· first 7 p.m., said IreoeGrlftltb,6808 attracted pollee attenlli>n by W. Ocean Front, West Newport
driving at an unsafe Sf)eed, and ••• Wbtle David Bergevin. 1 n1
when the unit activated a siren Ver ano Place, lrvlne, was at-SHOPS AND SERVICES
S.ICTeJ 9msure Jfouse he increased his speed to sO tending mass at church, tires,
mllesperhour1Jla40r.one ... rims and hubcaps were stolen • PAIMT&WAU..PAPER
from his VW parked near Mar
.~ATUROAY, DEC. Z8 Vista aDd Domingo, East Bluff.
Write for FREE
Brochure & CatGlogve
112 \EAaT 18TH 8T.
I Robert Root, 46, was arrest-.•• The fteld sobriety test was
ed at 6:40a.m. at t05! E. Ocean too much for AlbertSheltoo., 40,
Blvd,, Balboa, oo ta.llureto show ot 309 34th St., West Newport,
cause warrants ••• Gtlbertide, woo failed It at 11 :SO p.m., alter
2639 Buckeye St., East Bluff, being involved In a tratnce ae-
,reported the theft of a 3 string cldent at 36th and Lake; damage
of multi-colored Christmas to thelepllyparkede&rbeloog·
years okl used a soft drink was set at Wlder $200 ••• While ~:;::::::::::::::~~::~~ Ugtts ••. Four boys about 14 ing to Richard Paino of Orange
· Dr. Geor ge McCan, who bad Harbor VlewHtlls,1eftan8-foot
--parted hts car at 351 Hospital sabot at the side of bis 1 Road, West Newport Heights. • • residence; when be returoed to
\\.. /) David WUsou, 21, of 704 Mar-pick ~ the $ZOO sailboAt. be
Pittsburgh -Outen 8ly
Paints-complete line
2919 E. Coost Hwy .
CoNfto del Mltr
Phooo' 67~lll33
bottle to break Z headlights and in the process of mo•ing, Dr.
..__ · /?-log lamps on his Mercedes, said .B. L. Tesma..n. 1807 Port Abby,
guerite Ave., Corona del Mar, discovered someooe bad been BEA U TV NOOK
AI the ,....,_ leoch C. C.
was arrested at 6:30p.m. at 5th there before blm. 2732 E. Coast Hwy.
and Marguerite Ave. and CAMERA ITEMS STOLEN Corona del Mat
"--•Y--.... -...,_,
Cull 673-0550
Cell in Yo•r W.,.t A4
We h.:.ve the lar~st .!lnd
most beaut1ful se'ecltOfl of
trQ>tcal ltsh '" the area.
We .!!I so carry a full ltne of
aquartums, and all acces·
sortes needellfor the hobbv .
South Sea Trop1cal
218 W. W•lson Slrf'et
Co!it<' ..,.es.:. 548-7961
charged wtth receiving stolen His car wind wtogwas pried Phone &7Y733b
property, and Robert Schwarr., open Jan. 3, G. HamUtoa of r:::!~~~~~~~~9 ,ooooLil• 19, of %910 Third Ave,, Corona 1940 Hi(hlaDd Dr., Harbor e IUILDI~
del liar, was arrested there oo Hlglllaads, told Newport Beach )4 Maoio Cl<pfut
tbe cbarre of burglary ••• pollee, aod $SZ5 worth of • • J
Willis Hunt, 4615 Harbor VIew pOOtog:riJ)Ilic eqWpmut wu G't.OOffl.ina
Harbor VIew HlUs, beard a st<>len -· UCUSlD I -HD J
673-6041 -54f. 21711
•e;,e H•-o"' Bo..vo
~O.T• ... -. c•I.I .. O.NI..._
P..,er Fi Hing Auur.d
3«)9 E. Coo•t Hwy.
Co~~~no ct.l Mar
Shoe Repau
Purse end Lugg~ge
Aep.eir -Dye Wor"'
, .. tte.bof It ...a.
eo..-...... -... •D''
From S13~~·~ ~ From ~s P.O. ••tal
• D1"f CLILU.IG l,..~::.~:_t i=:.L"i:.-c.. I ;::::::1 Ia I I ~
.tltmnrial ifarlt
213 ...... 1-6177
·x .. ._..,. (;ez etety
"~ iA ODe ~ Plilce"
Ilea• lbe fuacral lad burial O'lller caacept
eljmi.'ll lbe need for processioas th~Mgh
beaYy tnffic on otetaowcled highways. family
and ~ alike may DOW p&y their full ~
SpedS ., lttmding the burial semce. u well --
u the dwpd ~ena, all at oae lautifqJ place,
at 1~ Gilt aod more Glllftn.imcr.
1-1 • 1-IUICII avt.. WUIIPGIB
714M I I ,..
,_ .... ,., .. , I a ... ..--........ _.,
All_._ ........
,.._,,a 1 rtna -
o COST AllESA o OltiJIGE o ANJIH£1111
~3311 6»-3U1 ·-·1
... u'£MIIral ou-. 1 Ia
J7ll w. c..-Mwf ....... -· I ·N'd ,. • ..,..
Shr..,bl, Inferior Pl.,ts
Trop•c:al & Tr .. a
ln leCtc:•clu ond Fmiliz•
no 1 m ' 11 nn-
roaoN." DEL M.o\1 ..,.EIIlr! n 44 £. r out HWJ .. nw•
11Ll.!\1H t-:R
Mil c.:amatt>•n A•c.
('""''no& Jel \lar
Plumhln' ttcpain
OA' ,\: !'III<IIT
.. nr
n. .....
"CAI-IJINI -will .-k ta -· ;::-:,, ~::'::':~··~---:-:: lull,_, ___ ,... ... --· .... -•• 'k • r •. a...c a.c... .... u.re tMt llPL All Po.t an deiputm..U 01' it
.lu.. II. Wet ., • POit Ill arblra wbo are able atv wttb • , • b'lt'er.
-.._. T1lon will 11o a -., aJoor IJid cbolr-lbo way lbo pmo wu otaJr .. '
GolltrJ,$1 ..... -·---· tbon. lal"' --GitlloAfollo Ju. II,-,., ?:IOp.m.. I bod a Iotter lromG.L
'!1Jc1L o\jlollo? wu ..... ,_. Amortcu LeciooYadtCIIIbta. strom al Wadaworth VA
bJ Wa11J Sddrn. c:r....t bf ••llttoa ~ duet. Rear-plta.L He's doine u well u
llllalauol c-1•• ...... ..._ ... IIWIItlaltaloulor"" UllOCted. II!Xk!r&OIOI:
-MrtO tor tllo &qllhalool tid!! puty. -"' t11a Yaclll tesb &Dd loslllc ••lct>t
time &Dd dllltaDc:o "' tilt Jo1w Clll> Dille•• '!Ill bo rJod 1o llfeal rate • • • U you can
IDCIOIII tllctll ot ApoUo 1. BW t1JDt your •me u well u your Ueve Uaat. He was tar1rytli•
NEWPORT HEIGHTS residents, Mr . and Cox made tilt arnapmuco _, lor ttJo .. ...., tea-around a cao..,...ll RICIWID F. RIRILL rHI-tor tbl mm at A•*"''tic•, Ute UYUiu. Pbooe oumbeu; the last tlme I saw him. He dent1al alu lhiJII.IW ;/~~acco Mrs. William Tougb, are sbown embarking ptut ..... bo ,..b&Ddwbore !4?-Uaa, 810 c .. , 111_1951, tllaBks Post 291 tor remem-Corp., Nnpart Boac:tl, -lly
on tbe P & 0 Lines superliner Oriana in co_...,. tor 0ot11 o\jlollo Re-sto<ey. boriJI& blm&Dduuaayooepos-OWDOd SOO.Idlory ot P ... ..c.,.
start 11*1 'tbJdea w.re bll1lt. st.Dc b1B way to stop in aod say tral Railroad, bu beea elected tbe port ol Los Angeles as tbey on a Jao. u, Frida}', 1,10 p.m •• "T-G 0~ LO,; hello. He ts 1a Ward A4 WHt, pr_,. of the ..... ...,
3-week holiday tour of tbe Caribbean. Mr. Sout>out o<atoncaJ -... Hcnr .-Sawtelle. marlreU!>c couoc:u oflbo Bulld-
saa Clemute K1&t1 Sebool, ,00 tbls S. I. I wa.s ta.Wng to CUD Muel· 1Dg llldutry Aasn. FOI' t.bl put Tougb is an office equipment dealer witb Ptco AYI., s.acto..-. The ~;:.! !:.~ .:'.::;: ter the other day. He's takelloa 5 ,_,,,. bu llteo a membor
Coast Office Equipment in Costa Mesa. wlDDer o1 t.b1s week'• Post 291 lro a sldettoe. He ts the Newport of the mtllloo dollar elrele of ---------::--------=-=-----:::-':"-------m UJODI or UJtblac; bell, representatlwe tor an old the NaUoD&I Auoc:l&tioo of
h I• Bl b1g:b water, or a looc frene. Engllsb saJlm•kiag firm. See Home Builders for new home From t e Po Ice O".r ";":! :.::"'bo bo lmows he Ia CIUI tor the best 1D custom sales 1a excess of $1,000,000
. r..-staBds by ttl.s cuns made saJlsmadelntbeoldworld •cb year
1A u.t f'lllmy-looklag 'h.m..O-way tor your oew world glass-•
•MONDA y, DEC. 30 8-inch hole was t.'okea lna B. H. tral Newport, wu boobd OD the Sb:aDder be wears u hta: trade-hulled racing sloop ketch,
Sll: arrestsweremadeat260? Miller Construction Co. slgo at posaessSoo ot marl)II.Da ..• mark. Come to tblnt ot It 1 schoooer or yawl 1 b.:,., the GRANDMOTHERS PLAN
IEWO I!T IIA_,R !1111111
lliURSOAY, JAil. II, 1!18
We do the
• town m
3137 E. Coas t Hiway.
Corona del "'"'
CSAIIQE AOCOIJNTS INVITED w. Coast Hwy ., MulDer's Mile, Galuy Dr. and Santiago Dr.; lbe lticbul Stuley, SUS Clay st., met .,me o1 hta: relatlnso.i in flrm· they mate 'good sales DAY AT THE RACES
at 8:1S p.m., wheo pollee ar-large rock used 1n tbe $30 Newport Hetcbts, Pli.Ji.D&' w1lb tbe Soutb Pacillc. You couldn't E~n Kossman bad a baDdfui The Newport Harbor GraDd-}!P DELI'f'EWY SERVICE, :-(
rived &f'ter a call or "sus;~lclous vandalism was left lying below a yellow striped tuty, was w. scare tbem tttber. You bad to be or Vietnam ntetaJJSaame cards mothers Clllb will spend 1 day
people on a boat'';CariDreves, the sJgn .•. Steven Brereton, tea oo his r tpt little ftD(V ••• better tbu tbey towlnout. They in bJ.s hand Sunday and was at tbe races JaD.. !.4. Mrs. Paul ~~~;~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~ 24, or 170 E. 18th St., c osta 22, of 11 0 Z4th St., Central Donald Howe ot ztU Newport wore tuooy clotbas too aM rode trying to get in toucb wUb them Hutrrnan, specla1 enots chair-675--0310
Mesa; Ronald Wood, 25, oH324 Newport, was takentntocustody 1 Blvd., Costa Mesa, said tbat arOUDd in hanDy looking UtUe wlllle the Cota aoo Jets were man. is iD charp oi arranging
Balboa BlVd., CeDtral Newport, at 6:15 p.m. and booted on a someooe pulled bud eoougtl to airplanes eaUed Zeros but they la 1n I'd be wUlln to bet for tickets at Santa Anita.
and Patrick Despar, 21, of 116 failure to appear warrant .• A break a WOOdeD panel securing were sure tougll. 1 di~'t learn :e !1~;1 t too ma.o ~vorable A salad luncheon wtU be held Or 81 • C
28tb St., West Newport, were keg of beer being Iced in lbe a door at Z26 La Jolla Dr., New-to Ute or love tbem but 1 8000 replies d~ln the u~ be was Feb. 3 al Peek's ternce room CO OC O.
booked on the charge ofbelng in back yard ofl26AmethystAve,, port Hellhts, &Del stole a surf-learaed to respect them. 1 hope calli g in Westminster. The program IUD.DJ:NG BLOCKS . AU. SttFS. •• 1 ~
a place wltb narcotics used; Balboa Island, was enjoyed by board from tbe prap .•. A tbe anarcbJ.sts at S.F. State are Tr:;s all for now Cherio wtll be presented by SbeU OU --I"UooAo r~
Rob!rt Bela.Dger, 24, aoo Gary someone other tltiJI the lepl camera and jtcket, wortb $'10, smarter tba.D. 1 was. It took TEO. • ·-~o. Chairman for the day ts ,.. ....... : JAe-. 7·mt
TDompsoo, zs, of Michigan, owner , J. Ga.noon. wllo saidttllt were stolen from a picnic table N. B . BUILDING PERMITS i::r.:':.· ~Lorut1s~Spi=,iie~lber~~cet;·iiu.-iii•~•~--~u..~~·~·-ii=•-=i~~~~D~,.~Lri-~ .. ~-~,.~·~-;:: were arrested no the c harge of puddles of beer were left by in tbe patio at 206-1/Z Ga.raet
possession or marl]ua.na; and the thief, leading from tbe tub An., Balboa IslaDd, saidDWme • •
Craig Schrock, zs, of Michigan. to the alley ••. A very old Loc:kemy ••• The reata1 at First major building per It lod W $
was arrested 00 the charge of dog tllat doesn't like c hildreD 5509 Seubore Dr •• West New-J.sslled by tbe Newport S:Cb ~WEST a~EwS:O~· HEIGfiTS
possession ot herolo ... Alis -Is believed to llave snapped and port, n.s entered and 3 mat-bui.ldinc depat
ann Smith, 18, of z002 Y2ple bitten Pamela Lambert, 2, no tresses, wortb$40,werestolen. weot to Don .oot7:!r ':ose!.=~ m:::~~Oonll,829Pro-
St., Costa Mesa, was arrested tbe ~ aDd lower Up, wlllle saJd owner Wara.a Cltra.Do of tioo of s100 000 t ent ' • ·
at llome on tbe charge of pos. she and her mother of209-l/Z Fullerton A Japanese black a • apar m •BAY SHORES
session of stolen property .•• 33rd St., West Ne~rt, were pJDe tree ~·a·blackwoode.Dcoo-bu:i.ld1Dg in tbe Bluffs. Otber C. McQuay, Z662 Circle Dr.,
Terry Adkinson, 54, of 404 E. visiting trietlds a.t 222 Sappbire ta.lDer that wet...-.t 40 ...... ..-siuable projects inclUde a alterations for guest bouse, • ..--. ~ $162,000 remodellng of tbe for-sz 500 Balboa, Blvd., Balboa, ns un -Ave., Balboa Is.land ••• Patrlcia and was wortb $50, was stolen mer Kay FlnchCeramicsbuUd-•llNoA ISLE
able to perform the n ekt sob-Hadden, 223 Vta Orvleto, Lido from Donald Peacock, 113 1Dg 1D Corooa del Mar fo the
r ie<y test at 2 a.m. at Palm Isle said that her boat and Marine Ave a~•o.-•-l .. ....t r H. R. Murcb.J.son, n.Us, No. • ·• ~ .u._. · · · site of tbe Don the Beachcomber 79 L1Dda 1 1 $1 000 and Edgewater, and was booked trailer were pushed to the AholA $25 worth ol damages restaurant aDd $300 000 -N s e, • •
on the ctw"ge of intoxicated ln water's edge trom Space 47, were dooe to lights of tbe New-omce buitdtn iD ~ 8a II: 'aa EWPORT
I &73-8850 I
a V'IO • 1.1r• · rra•
public .•• Cooldes left ln her east boat garden no Via Lido port Beach city building on lodusttW ar! c Y Mary Warner, eabaDa, 710
mailbox for the postman were SoOO, and tile 8 foot fiberglass Corooa del Mar ma.1o beach • , Permit iss~ thus l.ar in Lido Park Dr ·• $Z,500.
s tolen and her·c tlrtstm.as Ughts sabot, worth $75, wu mls-Marlanoe Sctlrader aDd bet pas-Ja.ouary include tbe following· 1Ji ~ Weltzul, 2-story ~le.X.
were maliciously broken, r e-sing •.. The Bahia CorinthWl senger Paula Schrader of 900 •CORONA DEL MAR · • Balboa Blvd., $43,000. "'=== INSURANCE
ported Bonny Karleen, 4245 Yacht club, 1601 Bayside Dr., Sea LaDe, Number z.t., Harbor Don tbe Beacbcomber, re-.:
Oa.na Rd., West Newpo rt reported tbe theft of a green View Hllls, were ta.ken to Hoag modeling lor restaurant. 3901 Heights ••. Mary Hubbard went vinyl-covered chair, with dark Hos;~ital by Seal's ambulance, E. Coast Hwy,, $162,000.
to her wardrobe and round u brown wooden arms and le&S, and a.notber passenger, GIGi Gordon Hamilton i~.~~
was bare of 4 caprls and a worth $80 •.• RodneyGUlilaDd, Sctlrader, ns taken lo her pool 405 Oa.hlJ.a A '
coat; the S90 worth of clothing IZ2 ~ine An., Ba.lboals land, doctor by her parents, ~er •HARBOR VIEW HI~~
theft occurred at 307-A Hello-left his llome to go to the beach a tnmc accident 00. E. Coast Raymond Brocts. ":''~~
trope Ave., Cor ona del Mar •• , at 1:05 p.m., When he returned Hwy. and AYocado, Coro. .:lei pool, 1000 SandcasUe
Water skis and sports equip-35 minutes later, he found tbat Mar, at 6 p.m., with car driver •c AMEO SHORES '
meat valued at $115.50 were $59 bad been stolen from bJ.s Uerte Melton of G~ • , , J B. Al1M et aJ.. 4612 ftos_
stolen trom Ralph Yack, 611 home. The C>raoee Cotmty Paint Bod)' bur. Rei add wine &lad pu(
Lido Park Drive, Number 30, •WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1 1eDt l car to ReYDOlds Rudall, oou!e si8 600
Lido Peninsula ... Their family Michael Bacon, 24, of 219 926 E. B&lboa, Aplrtmeat 2, •c AJiF.o ffiGH.LANil)
dog barked during the night Dlamood Ave., and William Balboa, wM parked it at 9ZS Keodall Svedeea, S'lt'lmmtoe
that $5S was stolen, saJd Dtana Bacon. 28, oU205apphlreA.-e., E. Ballx>a Blvd., on Dec. 31, 1 517 Gar et Dr $3 600 GarWctt, 601 St. James Place, Balboa ls la.OO, wer e arrested and diSCOYered U missing at ~AS-r UPPERrBAY •• • •
Clift Haven. at 6:35p.m. at tbe Sapphire ad-8:30 a.m. 2 days later • • • D-Ill Doty, Z-story, 6-unJ.t
•TUESDA Y, DEC. 31 dress and booked 00 the Char it! •FRIDAY, JAN. 3 apartment buUdiDg, 816Amlgos
The $50 r udder aDd tiller of entry without consent · · · Robert Glllette of 415-1/2 Way $100 000· and carports
were stolen from his saHtoat Leonard Wayoe, 5009 River Heliotrope Ave Corona del $7 ..00 ' ' '
at the 2400 block of BaysllOr e Ave., West Newport, was Mar was booited'oo a failureto •BAc K BAY
Dr id Ga r be f 2792 drivlog along the alley at 109 ' r--....__.. H. Mill ., sa r y ar r o 23 d St h n barbeq Ill appear warrant ••• ...-.. y....,.. , B. er Co., 3900 Cam-
Circle Dr., BaySbores .•• A r ·• we a uegr 23, of l2-432odst., West New-pus Dr., partltioos and drop
r ed brick was ttlrown to break ~as ~own, at~ carirbr~ port, was booked oo a tallure ceiJ.ing, $15,000.
the $30 glass and bulb of a city e ver 5 s m ror to appear warrant ••• James Don Koll and P~:!"'~·•~,
light standard at Galuy Or . and sha~~r~Ja the winds~~so Cline, 308 38th St., WtSt New-3848 Campus Dr., offices
Santiago, Dover Shores .•. An ;~~le~. l~;!~ii · Otr.I :., port, reported tile theft of a Z6,400 square feet or Ooot
IWt o. Balboa I land said that h has $ZO blk.e from his garage • • • space, $300,000, s •. s e An 8 foot long sign. "Tbe •WEST UPPER BAY
......_ .._..... beeo tbe victim of ~lclous Ra.r.or's Edge," was pulled H. c. VaJeDtiDe 41Soo, 1-wUt. ~ acts before, and this hme, dog loose from tbe wall and stolea 1-ICor} chrelliAc. 1016 West-
manure was ~read on tbef~oat last S@ptember, reported Nor-
door knob, windows and Side-man Thompson. 546 El Mode-.
---walk at he r place of business, An Newport Heights COWI.I'II 122 Agate Ave. • •. RusseU aatJY'sltting pro¥ed • ~e
Grlflllh, or 6808 W, Ocean buardous than e~ed tar
Front, West Newport, said that Helen Lod:wood of 218 20tb~
a nrec raclter went off in his Central Newport,whOwasbttta ~all oox at 7:10 p.m., and blew 00 the r ter-cbeek by aSlame•
11 apart •.• James Cato, 2016 eat at 405 LugollJa St Newport
E, Ocea.n Blvd., Balboa, opened Shores So •• thr "' •-to •· •· .• t.. • • • meooe ew 1 m S garage uv;r ._., Ouo ue rJass pitcher of beet tbroqtli
trash and cant r ecall whether 1at las window 1 Sid' he shuttt or~bedoesa p eg s a I
1mo that hi skis boots 1 Blue Beet, 107 21st Place, c -.. w s • • po es, traJ Newpor1--and It waso"t
and boot tree, worth $Z85 were thrown by a custo lnsid
stolen ... Clarence Robeson, Bob Wilson of 2S3~~~Si;
507 Kings Rd., Cllff Haven, East Bluff and Le Bardell o1 ..__.,_
stated tllat he fowlcl a chic ken Los Aoge~s c~tbelr W. -
leg, tor the third time, 1n his together oo lbe Bluffs, OYU·
A GOOD MIIGMIOI mall bo.z, a.od has also found looll:ing Back Bay Road· wt.
1• •• • Reweo~Mr, or pornographic llterahae on they returned tbe bike~ wen ROBERT D HUNTER ot
ol • M•C~D~N• ., pri.Or occasions • • • Richard stlll there but the tires bad Mt E i H~ 1011!216
lM"*' Ar•• wtt.o hu Hustoo., ZZ, of 1141 W. &lboa been slit . . . Fl!t.., :: Bluff ~ been ..._ .. ,_..,. dD Blvd., Balboa, n.s stopped at missJoned ~ 11 • r~~~ .. ~":,!: l l ·;~:~~a.m., at SIC)erior aDd W, OTY SUED BECAUSE =-1D tbe ~.S. Air Fore:;
10 ... • Hwy., after be was ob-OF PI.AYC:RO\SMO INJURY -~ ,_. booo&lll~l<>u •• ._. •.11'1., ~ served _............ aasale lane .... _.. -..
cell OR your fri n cl ....__... Per--..1 lD)Irles to b1s SOD., AFB, Gallt., k ~aYlptor
•ai•M1• lAform•tic-1 changes and appeared to be KeY1.D. received at I dty pl&J-traiiU.Dc He 1s a P"&&f'ate ol
.., aiflt ffOI'I!I frindt, attemptinr to force a Mustanc: groood Oct. U, are the bulsol HoD~ Hicb Scbool, re-
.. llinen Jnu wllliO 100> oocomiDrtramc; bet.l.lled a suU bJ Gerald BlakieJ ot eeiYedhliA.A.deP'eefnKDLos I~:~::'..,..., to help her tbe ftek1 sobriety test aDd then l..atewood apiut the cu, ot AapiH y lleJ ColJece 1D v 11 ~ ... , .;~ became combataUve, requirLoc Newport S.eb. Mi. Bl&kley Nuys, uda b1s a.A. deP'ee 'i:
..... ,..,."1'· · 3 omeers to place b.lm In a stated u.t KeYta recetnd a 4 lllatbematlu ft'om tbt UnJYtr-
TMI 'IWI-YISITOII pollee lmlt; be,... traosparted loeb pg,r eqtdriJI&IZitltcbo .. stty of llawall
-IIY ._.,.. to 0raDge COI!Ilty jail after be 00 tbe luldo of tbe ealf ..-:lo
bepn bumpiJI& bls boed OD the of bls npt toe. wtlllo plaJtoc $2.1,513.96 FOR M,ll. =;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ l1oor a.ndwallsoftbttlatozleaots oa a slide. Yldical ....... 'I'M CUJ of iCnport Bacb
" holdtll( taak. aDd wbllo I<> tbe wore oot al $100.10. ,_. liMo awanlad $14,5U M 1D ear co-l<>llumpblsboed • .
apiJiot tho ear ntis ebar!llac IIAmM ..at!HfY ¥0WS tilt.,. -tiDe--.._
"pollee tntal1tJ , a:.t ldcJr:1Ar blele UeiMH for tbt period
the wtadows ..,j roo1 of tbe RECIT!D Ill WESTCI..Ifl' -~-I t"""'P Now. 10,
poUce car ••• RtcblrdHarlow, Tbt WelteiUr bome ol Mr. IJSI ..
tn G St., Ba-. -· 1o0o ... lin. lAo w, Sc:-,... .------...... ---., Z parka!! earl oa-BIYII. tilt-._ .. Ulo _,-. IIIEWI
... ol 8 st., al ....... : dtac ol Jalla ~ -"'
Jotlo TlorMJ,IO,olltZICboiO-... Cllllolol ... Col---
!lilt Sl~ eo.,.._ .... ... ~ ~ "' ~-...
·-ot 11'1 l'lllt ... .... '*"· "nporl,ai4:10L a.. ... di&r-~. Cliorlol-Gl
pd --.. Pllllle.-.. Aadr...... .. .........
I ldt ud nl act.' If I PI ea.D; t CJ1n1a [ U II W till WI, I J
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