HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-23 - Newport Harbor Ensign.---------THE OFFIOAL NEWSPAPER Of THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEAOI •-:;;;;~:;:::::::t NEWPORT lNI CIIIL' \.OCAUJ' o.tD,. I ••• Ia 1 THE NEWPORT HARBOR • ..,..., • '"' •--.. BEACH 10~ ntr: C*LY lfi!Wih#U lli'ltiMTfO AHO 'Ua.tSHlO It' M!.WO«T KA,L:H YH Harbor district :;;;..;._fate questioned THE MID-WINTER scholarship concert at Newport Harbor High School will be held at 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5, in the auditorium by the vocal and instrumental student groups. Among the participants will be, from left, Glenn Cripe of Lido Isle, French horn player and president of the Sailor Band; Bruce Jolmson of Balboa, who sings bass in the a cappella choir; Lorena Emerick of Balboa, cello player and president of the Sailor Orchestra; Chris Rebard of Baycrest, soprano In the a cappella choir. Instructor Richard England will lead the band and orchestra, and Leslle Van Dyke will lead the choirs, Proceeds will go to 2 college scholarships. (Ensign photo.) " Ellpl'esslng deep ooocern at tupayers for w..y tu day ser- tbe possible dJssolutioo of Lbe •lees? County Harbor District, tbe 3. Has the coumy aqeed to Corona del Mar Cbamber of otfer capital outlay equillment Commerce has submitted a se-(I.e., boats, tlreboals, radio ries of questloas totbeNewport equipmeot) to the city at oo Beach City CooocU in an effort cost? to plq;toiDt the t1na.ocia.l coo-4. Has lbe clly been asstaed sequences. of tbe coottnued subsidy of the The letter, signed by Cham-cUy Weguard d~ment by the ber President JOhn Semple, CGUmy a.od tbe Ka.tbor District states that ··we have reason to in tbe approximate lmOWits of believe t1lat the city cost 'WOUld $65,000 aod $17,000 respec- increase by more than$350,000 tlYely? per year," 5. Has the city a land-base U the answers to the ques-Caclllty available for sucb a.o Uons ue In the oegaUve, the operation witboul: a large ~~­ Chamber suuested "a.o ag. W outlay? County gets bid to relocate court gresslve cout.ter-otrensive to 6. Has the city been assured be implemented at once to pre-of lbe contioued finaoclal <tid serve the Orange County fiar. from the COWlty for harbor bor Dtstrlct." maillteaaoce, l.Dshore from the Tile Chambu asked for a project line? written answer by an elected of-7. Wtlltbe county-owoedUde- tlclal,. speaking for tbe City lands wltbln the city, LDcludlng The. Newport Beach City CotmcU's lnvita.tiootolocatetbe Harbor Judicial District courts 1o the: proposed clvic ceoter DUr fasbloo Island was for. mally preseoted to tbe coooty s~laors TlJesday, Tbe ~rvta>rs took the pro-. posal UDder study, wlllcb will take "4 or 5 weets." Sf4)erV1sor Alloo AUeo. represeot.tng tbe Gov.Reagan to talk here GoY. Ronald Reaean 15 sche- duled to be tbe speaker for tbe Feb. 14 luocbeoo meetiDg commemorating crime preven- t.ioo week ob&ervance tbe Newport ~"!.~~·~1,":~~~~· 5tb District, wbJcb iDcludes tbe COUDC.U. tbeir lllcome, be transferred to Harbor JudlclaJ District, said Here are the questloo.s coo-tbe city? that there are Zotherpossiblll-talned In the letter, which ns 8. Has the city been assured ties for court sUes, and that drafted by a Cba.mber com-by the couoty that they will coo- DO decision wtU be made llllli mlttee comprised of Mn. T. Unue to develop the Upper Bay all offers are considered. Duocan Stewart a.od Dee Coot. U the Harbor District 1s dis- The district courtsarenowiJI: t>rmer Newport Beachcouoctl-solved? Costa Mesa, near tbe I.AiiOD DWt 9, Ca..o the city assume full Hall a.od Costa Mesa Park. The respoosiblllty for tbe Harbor otber site posslbUities are at 1. 1s the city prepared to District services wlthot.d: LD- the Fairgrounds In CostA Mesa usume the duties of the Ha.r-creasing the city pcoperty tu? aod lbe Lockheed property near tw District withtn the cor-10. Does the city plan to levy tbe COWJty airport. porate limitsotNewport Beacb? added costs to ~I who use New- The NewportBea.cblnvltalloo 2, Ha.s the clty been assured port Harbor to olf-set any ad- was prse.Dled by WlllWn Luod that the county wW subsidize ded espense tlrit may result 1n ol Ecooomic Research As... the city in the amowi. of the a city take ..over, U tbe city 1.s socta.tes. coosuU.atlts tor tbe cost to Newport Beach oot subsidized by the county'~ city In eva.luaUonoftbe Newport AIR FORCE Major Clinton H. c b I ceoter sUe for a DeW civic Moses soo of Mr and Mr A am pus re e s assai' led ·~·ERAreportllslodthetoi-o. Moses or sri w. S:i~ towlng amaota .. s ot lhe New Blvd., Balboa, has been decor,.. A resolutioo eiPI'tsstnc ~· ministrations of our coue .. s -ted with the Dl.stlDguisned Center site for tbt Harbor flJinK Cro.. at the u.s. Air port of Acttnc President S. l and universities, •bleb seem to 0 4e&diOU". Coktn.do Hayab.wa at C&Uforllia. State ba.ve be8ll selected by tbt re-··--~lllll; Colo., IW iln:•.,; il CoU ... , ..U Su F.n~~eilco wu wo'•U ''" u~q:tllt~ '" ......, ---al by -• .-able poiJ>tsoloor oociety, Gear .. Doabt.edee, club pre-ceater oo Phi. 1 military openUou LD Vletam tbe Newport Ha.rtlor Cht.mher Y1llllerl.ble polds of ou · sldei:U, 1s in cha.rp olarraage-of the · center master :a as an F -4C Phantom [J aircra.n ol Commerce directors attbelr JOClety." meats. Robert Peinado ls co-Is elpected to be completed by comm&Dder 00 Oct,ll, ~967• He Mooday meetlAc at felldaoJ's. The Cba.mber directors :e- cba.lrma.n for the IWlCheon 1972; this pbase wtii1Dc1ude a tlew ~rt for 2 ~me out-The resoluUoo cited •·re-solved tlla.t ''the attempted meeting, 58.000 square foot city ball a.od ·posts lmder hostile flre. Des-puled forcible and violent at-ove:c:hrow or destruction of our PROPOSED JOe COSTA MESA View route on Superior Ttle State Ohlsioa ot Hl(h- ways will now a public bear IDe Tuesday, Feb. 18, to dbcuss various locations lor Newport t-----,r---::--T free way tnroucb Costa Mesa 20 "' to Us termlous on Coast Hwy, iJl Newport Beacb. The hearlng wiU be held at • 10 a.m. in tbe junior eJ:hibits -----"+----::-""+ bwkiing at tbe Fairground.s, 811 ••'"' Fa.lr Dr., Costa Mesa.. Highway ofticlals will p.reMOl results of route k»catioo stu· dies. Governmeot apnctes. civl(' orp.nlr.atlonsudtnteres- ----+-----4 ted iDdivlduals wiU be called •' -~ •e'"' , 1.1100 to express tbeir views oa ! the proposed alterllale routes. The rec.ordoltheproceedlop , .., ._. ; at the lleari.ng, together with - -·-, ll'. :: englneermg and ecooomle data, • ---'+ will be submitted to tbe !tate .· ( -~ ' . director of public works for conslderatloo before a rollle "' ' r eeommetldatlon is made to tbe ' ' California Highway Commls-' s ton. ---.... .-~ ~ --,.-+ Aerial maps and pbolocrapba 1 ,.... 16 s tJOwtng various ~«Dates wlll '·. .1 be on publlc display at tbe Newport Beach City Hall, SSOO W. Newport Blvd., &.00 at tbe --:::-.. Costa Mua City Hal.1. 695 w. '" 19th St. '~ The city councils ol both clties areinacreemelltoocb&JI- png the auenment from tbe prHeatly adopted rotJte &Jooc Newport Blvd. to tile Arches. Last Oct. 7, both COUDCllJ adopted resolutions ask1nc tbe State Highway Commlss~a to consider rekxatingtbeNe-.port fret"Way westerly DMr S141Vior Ave, Tbe requested re&llp.DMDt woWd start a1 Bay St., just be- yond tbt beart of tbe dowa&o-.a bust..cess district, a.a1 COIIDect wUb tbe l'lai:IU'e coast&J frHWay ill tbe v1ei.a1ty ol the t .. mUu of W, Balboa Bl'fd.. B• ctr•••,._ b' cht.ncfnc Ctit .,..,_ ROUTE 55 FREE WAY fr•ny route are tali Cite S~ior A .. e. route W'OII1d pre. sene Newport Blvd, u tbe ma1n link betweetJ the Z ewes, woukl be more direct, and woukl dis· r\C)( less property. OCC spurns SDS bid The Ezcbange Clubs of a 55,000 squaretootpoUcefad-pUe a low over cast, he located ta.ck.s Ulrougbout the United institu:10ns, or a.oy ot them, by America have made crime pre-uty. The coostructioo ot both and destroyed an enemy field states ~n duly consUtuced force an::! 1iolence must be pre ... veftion ooe of their major pro-6 municipal courtsa.Dd lbe New-artlller)' gun, a ca r ~ boat and authority wttb appareot genuine veoted at an)' al)1 .1.11 costs ..• }ects iD ~en lee to tbe various port Harbor Chamber of Com-a bunker system. Hetspresent-reYolut.ionary ffilltlvaUon." and Students and faculty m;>m'Jers commUDittes. Thelocalclubbas meree factllty would a.bobe1n-ly assigned to the academy as stated thai '·much of this re-participating ln or encou:.:~gtng sponsored a bost ot programs eluded in Phase 1. Phase 2 a.o assistant varsity football volutionary force and. violence these attads should be subje.:t tha.t serve to give empbasls to eoostroctloo ls eJpected to be coach. tns been concentrated on the ad-to suspensloa or dism~ • • • a, ELl MO R WOOD would allow many studeots to Current!)', ·'a very promi.si.ng tbe erlme prenM!oo. Deeds of completed by 1980; u. tenlatively c A:Ung PresideDl S. L Hayakawa Rub a dub dub :!::rod, ~Y toar~~ =~~ land of thin( is growing OIM. of Newport Beach.. Ooe suc:h pro-ls scheduled to IDe tude a c elects dl'rectors has u.rned the admiration, res-Teo men want a club Cp l I student i.deas and rec:ommeo-gram will be implemented at tbe 58,000 square toot city Dead-• • pect and guUtude of all A mer!-And wbo at OCC may they be'' ~:e =~s~ someo these da.Uoos," Dr. Watson declared. feb. 14 meettng. when the out-quarters Ubrary and lbe r e-cans who ch'!I'lsh our demo. Woeber Goose mlghl have ··Students want SIOm '! klnd of u staDdtng pollee officer of New-malnlng 6-court additioo to tbe Directors were elected tore-bers and locluded: DickStenns, eratic LD.stitutions ..• Ch&Dcel-been surprlsed to find tha.t tbe Tbe ten SIE members ac-opportunity to study a.Dd review port Bea.cb wlU be named and municipal courtbouse. A ctvlc present the 7 eounc:Uma.nlc dis-pres1deot; George Woodl:.>rd, lor Glenn s. Dum kean1 :~ ltate ages ot tbese men. who are cusad tlleadml..ni..stration ofrun-COIUmporary issues, urbu presented wttb a troph)'. aud.f.torlum, a post omce dis-trlcts by tbe directors of the first vice-president; Cbarles college trustees u e to be co--n-arteodln a 2_ ear junior col-niDg the student government, problems , mioority problems. Tickets tor lbe IUbCheon are trlbution taclllty, and an art Newport Harbor Cbamber of Currey, secood vlce.presideot; m.;Dded ·for their ~ of lege wl~ an !verage entrance claimed the college is racist they are comln( to erlps wltb available to the geoera.l public p.lleryllsoareeonsJ.deredpos-Commerce at their Moo-Hugtl Mycatt, treasurer; and Presid ~Ol Hayakawa., and they 1 18 rro 30 to because 1t has no ne gro. stu-toda)'. I U'link. it is eocouraDoa and may be obtaiDed by wrlttng slble future additions. day meeting. Jack Buoett, ezectaive ma.oa-are urged to demand and obtalD :r z~. z4,·10r~ m ' decU, stated peop~ .. ·nh a to find colleg:e studeotsiateres- to ''Goveroor•s l.Aineheon," 'OPPORTUNITY to ooordin-Named tosarvea3-year term ger. like perform.Uice from a1J other Tbe club these men w~ to lan(ua.ge problem ca.noot re-ted in ttus ldDd ot thing todly- Ne-.port HarborEzcbange:Club, ate developmeot ot lbe courts are: District 1-Roo Blake, carol French was named state college administrators start lsStudeotsforOemocraUc gl.ster; a.nd claimed they are instead ofgoldfisbswillowlng," 8oJ: 1022, Newport Beach, Call-and pollee facilities. These Southern Callforn.l.a. Edison Co.; president of the women's wbo may come under simi lar Soc'~ Th. . 1 ..•• ~1 . denied the right to present a St udents have sat In with tbe bl 3 f .......... " PO'.,. .1s 15 a c "" u... IS pol.al:~t-view to students. faculty and admln!stralioo 1D fornta. PriceolL..cbeoo$5.50. could be jolotly developed from Z, BW Ficker, arc teet; , d1vis1oo, and red Howser was ..... .._ associated l1l tbe .minds of many Answering t be flrst accusa. O&JECTS TO $5 FEE tbe muter pla.on1.og stage fred McMaster, e~e plan-oamed skipper ot tbe Comma-NB b k with campus riOts and r£>-tion, District SIClf.. Norman E. preparation tor a lltW course FOR DOG LICB4S£ througtl completed construe:-ninr, 4, Clint Hoose, Rioo Hard ... OOre's Club. an bellions. Last week they went Watsoo said that Orange Coast on tssues of the day, and it 1s tton. Discussions with a re-ware; 5, Dr. Hugh Plumb; 6, BUl otber matters oo lbe apnda before the Inter ...Club CoWJcil College bas only a few Negro plaMed to start ln September • A letter eJpr esslng outrage presentative ot tbe marshal's Farnsworth, Coldwell-Sanker Included: • k d seeklng. approval.. The ICC, stldeots because onl)' a. few Further denylng nat OCC was written Jan. 6 to "Dear omce illdtcatedtbatdoseproJ:-Co.; 1, Buck Schueller, Buk of •Larry Mllle.r stated uw the Site 0 aye whicb lS eom.posed ol presl-Uve 1n tbi.s area, and california students are apatbettc, Mu. slrs aDd law pu.sers" ot New. lmlty ot the pollee tlcility to America, Corona del Mar. Ma.rlne divls ioo has reas518rted dents of ulsttng campus clubs students must attend the unior Howes said for years students port Bea.cb by Mrs. BoQOJe tbe courts is necessary tor )olnt Directors ;&t large are Dwight that additional tldelaa:!.s fees and wllieh must approve forma-. J ba.ve taken Ttwlks:Ci"tn.&' aad Kelly, 301 E. Balbo& Blvd., use of detention cells and other Glck, Jotm Macnab, SUI Ring. are not justitled. Centinella Valley Bank, head-Uoo ol a DeW clUb by a two-oo~~ege ill their district. Chnstaus ba.s kets of l:lod &nd Apartment 3, Balboa. Mrs. pollee equipment. While re. Ted R ko 0 RI ..... d ,...... •Birch Pickettanoouocedtbat quartered In lngle'WOOd, M.B thirds majority voted 23_6 All b'elgn stlldents must clothing to poor. Clll.ldren from Kelly said, "I justft.Dlsbedpay-duetloo of tbe marshal's staff o s, r . c.'""' ._,er. this is Natiooal Jaycee Week. been granted permlssloo by the aga.Lost an 505• society ODe pass a test to enter uy collegt the Hea.d Start P'0141 tau bee tog $5 for a 00( Uceose ud 1 would oot be ........ 'ble cost sa-wood, Harry Westover, Dlck •Owtgtlt Gtck &DDOODC:ed that Stale Banking Department to member ot>-'-ed ~m v~'""' because tbelr tnowledre or our 1nv ited to carnivals, Riebl aaw, thiDk it absolut 1 the most ~ ' Clucas, Breot Ogden, Carol tti ;:.w..&.l.l ~ u _,._._... lallguage 1s 11 t und h said tbe F ..-. Club tas e 'I Yinp would accruetotbeoouoty Freoch and Fred Howser. the Excha.oge ClubwlllhaveGo-establis h a branch o ce iD Three presidents were abseot. ecessary o er - s e , ore.-, outrageous lbiDg l.o the entire through elimination of the oeed Hooorary d.irectorsare Mayor vernor Reagan as a speaker on Newport Beach l.n the vlcin1ty SIE st4JP0rter Qury Weln-~ tbe course CODI.ent ?! su~ collected about 1,$00 pouDds of world." She asked for an for courthouse detention cells. Doreen Marshall, E•-· (Ned) Friday, Feb. 14, a.od that a of Coast Hw y. and Newport ber 21 complaloed the J8Cls tbey wiSh to take, saJd goods to be senttoa.nOI'ptJu&ee ltemilecl Ust ol upeaUtures iD .._.. limited amount of ttctets would Blvd., near the Arcbes. _ .. _~-·-' .. A .. Mrs. Howes in regard to the lD Vietnam. this ares, ''to mow wbere it all •LOCATION In relation to tbe H111, Harvey Hurlburt, WtUiam be available to tbe Board. The 5-year-old bank spe-... ,u,~uM.~Illon bad app,_., SIOODd cllarce. ··siE members say 90Ciety is coes." Harbor District's populatioo Mason, Paul A. Pa.Jmer, Ken 'The resolution prepared by cia.Uus In mar ine t1naoclne. pressure oo lbe ICC to vote oo, As to tbe deDl.a.l of their a m~ss and they must destroy JIM PEHHEY HEADS center. Tbe district Is forecast Sampson. 0. W. (Dick)Richard, joint committees ot the New-IJI addition to the head omee aDd referred to a letOecter se,!' to ricte topreseotapolrll-ol-vlew, it," slle said. ''But U!ey doa't to ban a populaUoo of 139,000 Isabel Pease TheoRobiDs John at 524 E Nutwood St. lngle-a.U ICC members • ~ .. by Mrs. Howes a.td the SDS oaer oonstr\tctive adeuu'Wblt (I)UHTY BAR 4SSH. paf80QS in 1970, loereasJ.n.c to B. Lawson, 'er. Wil.llam 'c uo-port Harbor aDd Costa. Yes:a wood the~e are braocb omces Mrs. Marie Howes, assoct.ate .-smu b' tblsJ:U(semes-to do ooce it is destroyed. t'be'/ Jam .. r. PeDDty, Newport 274,000 persons by 1980, Anal-nlngha.m, a00 Ed Hirth. =be~C:;'=~~ in He'rmosa Beach at 1103 Pier deu of student activities br tee wu Stefl K&uttnu. "Steve, say, 'We'll worry &boW; tblt Beacb attoroey, wW be ln.sta.J ... ysls by tbe coual'/ department school bood elec:Uoo ns ap-Ave., and Playa del Rey at 1POICCmeo ud flcult} adViser k as IX"esldellt of tbe 1CC aDd a later.' Most of our stlllltatl led u prealdeot ol the Oraop ol real property service lo-The slate ot omcers l:)r 1969 8117 Manchester Ave. , member of tbe st:udctm eouocll, could nenr tUe Uat potrt of Couaty Bu Aam. at a dlDDIJ' dlcates tbat lbe cuneotpopula.-was approved by bOard mem-proved by tbe boUd members. Pnsldeot RowaD Heary saJd A1Uioucfl tMse sa; members a.hrala bad tbe rietJt to preseot new. TbeyareUDe)'OWIIPIQP .. metUac thil eYtsW:Ic. Ju. 23, Uoa c:eatv 1s located. at the to-N •t• • tbe establislimeol of a Ne-.por1 Sl'/ U..y are ft&M1Dc I:Jr r.-ee. his poUil ot Yin," &be s.UJ:ed. wbo want to ,.t ao ~ at~ ~~:u:~ ~~b~~';= ~:: ew Cl IZens sworn In Beach omce ··wtuen&blelllto ~~~!s ~~''He is ahum&D11t,&YVJftM The ptq)le In tbU eomm.tty ol BlJ Sbor11, wlll be IMtal-UIL) ~ tJPI.DI'oa ls New citl&ens of tbe t1a1tec1 From NonaJ-...Aacot Kol-:"00:.~:!" 0~0:% ·= new of Mrs. ~e's rllbt ol =-=-But bt reslpld tbls :: :.;!..~ ol tbllr _, led u presldeal ... Ject; C. Az-pro)lcted to oc:ear In tbl •-states wbo toot tbl Oll.lb ot Des, W BaJsJiie Vlllap. eouaty plus attractlne aew cus ... freedom to $Mk as: a f&cully A Be k U.MlUODolS&ataADa,nee--de'n)aped nstwa po.rtloo ol citile~blplastnekattbtDeW FromPola.ad--He .... Clmba-tomers WhO recl.ate adrislr foe ICC. 1'bl pt,pC ssn elects Barton e pr-, aad GOrrta F. 1M -J-Ial Dlotrl<t; COUIIIJ courtbouso ta Sui& An& Iu>, Z'l51 s.. J .. LA., c-...,11"'<1 sen:'... per-coq~Joi,., tbll Mrs. -.. • .,....,...,.,of Welt~, tbal, b7 1NO, tbl •nt•c•ted 1Deluded tbe tol.~ Harbor Mesa. CIUAr Ne"J))l't Ha.rboruoee ....-...cl club membera ot tbll 8utoD s..t ot B&lboa. a He ls a member oltie.9e1111Bir MCrttarJ..trtuarer. prple'" ceater ts ~kt Az• resldeats: From S'nclll: MaiOI W~~ ol u. world's lar .. lt Alr small ._.., ot &Jlowlac sm to or-pu1alr' 1a tM Los Aec't.., II• o1 C&Worala u:t at t.o. A&... N"ty ·~ dlrector1 U"l bt at U. l*'MCtloa ol till From Caoa'b Patrlela lila· IU'.U.. P ..... l9M Killdeer craft -.ttb rnol'etbu7,500boaU p.alle ud saJd liobe defotld Gr• ol. O'KeiYtaJ I Myers. lflel eo.Q 8u' A• ;wtpe Co.triD R. "-"" ot Mo•po<t c-dol Mar -_, aad rUJU Flach, SSIZ CI&y st., aad Clr<lt, Coot& llua. berthed there, Mr. Heary cit-llait ol ... -lo dallllloc lou -oJoetod lo 1M bo&r4 Ooorioe -ld WarD Ill- Ill ...... IDO!IIbor ol tbo liar--eu,.. 114. (.-. Eul EYOliDo Johanna Hycltr, tOO dared, "Witll our tater<lll ta ... Ubonl aad-... ol -· ol Nnpanllalboa ID ... U, &. llaYJ -ItO lo bo< Btor .....,, -B. Hoi-Blllll). Ie -..... -. lo • Catalina Dr. Nnpanllll..... HOWARD MOIILLAM IIIUIDo n .. ,....._ wo joist •-Io. 8aY11p a1 r-Ala., 1 ou IMI. lud. CMIIlaJ Orulp CM9 prwlbllltJ tlllt till dtltrkt wt11 ' SAFE OM IMTIEIP.SIE blral ax us to loc&lt at New-Mrs. Howu' letter doei8Cil ••a•c.S ttU W'lllt b7 Cbair- Ditlrlcl; -Rlllloo, Pul OIIIOOd lo loe---~01 Bolcl ............ r.o Ed-A ndlo .. It liN call hal pott Boocll." _,_.,__-did IOU ol 1M~ P, A.~. L.A.--AltltUTID wu_., 0.:.. aurt.l. H. AJJu. of till ~ Orultt c.o..&7 oaard Rteblftteea.,1131Brt.ltol t.btlr -IIOftr'd. 11, ca tllot Jlle •II PI"..,.. liD _.. n. ellldlol of Mr-. a..t. a Two lAII ''&?'II •• • PortlpJ, FlwW!ct-Uid Jdcl&l Dlolrl<t-oa til Sl., Cool& Mesa. atrcrall ~~ 11 PouiAWARD$ DINNER SET .. -on-·-t1117 --ollllo*"P«t llu'-u Wl-.a. .. cr? 7 D. CUI tulclloU, &-. ll lo ... c117 o1 '--. f1<>CD Groot BI'IUli>-Siu?oJ Ilarbo<, wu ·-bl' Mr. no c-cltl-~ nlld lllo I(LIIIIt*lio" "lito IIPd -........ -IOIW WI-, 11, _.. ! 4 ' If l&r... •A.CX:I3SIBI.UT'f oltlllt .... ~IU I&Ulbd..lMO Com-ud Mr-s. I:U.&IIIIcMIDt• 511 ofCorD-«'CI Ms ..ttM.-..1 .... tMII to CC 'kif tlllt~ UllftCUc;J Cl'lltltllr .................... 01111 U.WIOAT THin 'hi • '=•·~·ww~an _.,lld..!:!cnA. • ..,.,,.._ "' ai:PQrtawaNa dl-.r m 'nllndl1. *' tw IOt>'lldl•d a to of -.a_.., ~ .&.. ..., a., .... •., ...... It 8baellat~t a ndloUdbod dlnct ace.. to .. Jla&illll ,.._ let--L&r&p.Az•-H ...... • .... 111.7 ........ Feb. 10. a.ldl&ctTacOIIIIU. atMrca l•tL 'nil..._ .... ---~~-1:10 ~ ¥1 Ct.ll&. .. ... --, -It #.•? PocUic C.. urd c-4ol ~I 'lOt 1111 AYOr·~~ Joa. II, --• _, ·-Itt< 1M ~ ntoWI(LIFIJI1or --• • I p o ol .. a;urt .... _.....,. ...... .... .... ...... 1aa., lt bit. Mar tr__,..1latll•'l .. ltj ,.._ BIIIU',_ --Lltl!e ......... OQIIIIbW.It ...... CIIMII lJI'OII'UIIIu nltJ ... llq', ........ laf1 I Ullllld: -----........ == ~ Dlt O a... o1 JIO & .. 11 CIIU. t1J tra. 'hiU' ..., 1 Riel, liS Yor ..... l..a.. dill ..... o1 tM-fMNdlJ' tlea pte !' •_.., ..,._. .,. a.illd to r«•l ULWal f11 b a I 1 .... 1-C...._.. .... 1..,~~,c.:.-.-;rnllooallllol' _.,eo.-. --lllo-IOIIa..a~tF4111lrl_cM?t_ot_dqla,ot.. --1 ,,,_ __ _ ::.:-...::*1-~* =:;7=0::;:: :,1::~•:;;:t:r Got-E,?' ::~~a:,~ ~eo:..~~ 5!f' :_~.:: :::.:..~:.:=~ ::?f!. n;;:•~ • I ' ' "' ' ' ' ' , • ' 1 I I , , ' r ~ . ' . . ~ ' straight .., a......... .... Mr. Jatszn ftll ........... -"'* .. ,..llldlJ, .,,_ ""·- ftl OPf'QM. ... PUll MOll ON AIISTOI\I AND JACQUIUNE 0P 1W1 QTT 0P ...... , IIUQI AJ "" _.. IIYUta laat -. llect iD 1963, TNI NAIIOI AII6A'S Of'!IT IIIF$PA1'£1 beloro Pftoldcot K&ru104)o wu orao•lutod, SbtJ r•u .., 1 lrlld 1o -Ia tao Jooi. 111oc ..,. . 1-llooo llld, r • alaolo -111o .................. 111a pr•-•f-11 u lllo lint ~· "hio t11o lll"VVoa e•em•,.••· .bit ,.. • l ...,,....., ••LJaW• ......-u adclr .. wu bt1ac -to -tao .......... llr"l llittoc dowl."'lllllo bo doU..,.od, -ld ,..,... ..... to moalo. Oo _, 1.., _ _. IIIOpod Uoll Pr-K~ ..W •rill 1110 lilloo ~--· 1110--1a -· • bot I~~~ --aldl ~~r••-ao -""''""''...,.'"1M ment and, pcrhapo, lmproprlery of OW' Pint •• •~ • --~ "--II -..I city -"ocao-.yUwtilloot Lody her siSI:er and the Under Secretary of & riaplde IMt, • to ...U. tM SO'IIt uaAoa. U bll pre. Bolb -H•• ---·~ ...,~ c:o..-m.n OOvv P. Bolton, Ohio, -Ollloo ,.. ...... P'-..... Eo.lp ..,_ tbe boom on -AriolOllo Soerot• Oauoio • •. . . , btcuM u requited ao .a..t •••• di4o ftl', .--• -.--Com~rce and his w!(e 1n ~ptinJ lhe: lavish txCtPt to tUM Ja 011 tbt tele... Tbl Wllole da.tr bid a re~ wa.r, but OM ol tblm .,.... hospitality of this rnlcn;wtwnal character-YiAoa brc.dcalt, Tb18 m•· ~ orvtaM. TM UJII)tt mUt war rathlr ttaa W U. whole pe:nooal •.nd butlneta reputatloo are RI'M tbe PI'OCI'.., made 18 tbt wu ...W 111 tbt ric:UatJoo aauoo aurYitt; ud tbt .._ well known . . . stoce the •tory ftnt appeared lliOrt IOU of 3 KOrt )'t!U8. of tM Lord'e Prayer wta. tbt would aeeept wu ratblf tbU yestercby, I have rt:aived calls from men 11 YitW1nc tbt alfa1r 1 te• mint.., ot ~ .,...i...,.utd· 1M 1t perish." mt C. C... -.,., C'.--'-' ~ c.a.tL -ft6ll,. and his fde.nd, Jacqueline Bouvier K.amcd • TILIIJJDIIII 117W-(A.oo C.. 714) Th& eon.,...m.,. lllid, in tho c..,.,.~ TIE IIIHMT ~ &N:S£N M , .. .-, ww ; ; • ,..S.....t R.~d; _. ,..W..a.M t. .... Clly .t ""'"' a..~_. lM M1y locally "One or his <Onusis') corporatioM--Vie· ...-.. .... .,.. .. ••II If• l• tile •-.• ...._c ... •• tory Carriers, Inc:. of New York City-is within aovenumot. even attorney• ira the Ju. that 1 wu llYI.Dc 11. ...bat bu "Tby wtll be doN la tll'tb U It wu ap.Jutaslmtlar bact.- :iee Department (Editor's Note: Tben under bteo ooe ot tbe IJMJt a.,ur1 ot u g tD blaYID." U~qurtdnU crouod that PrutdeDt Rtebard Bobby Kennedy) who bave uracd me to press my wbole we•s spu. It u .. tor tbt ano ldm~ to 1&. Nl.xoo JPOUwtleahlpYellll on my inquiries. Late last ni&ht, one even preaeNtd tbt IDd of u era, and ut tr.t God'• wt11 lboWd be f1rJt addreu &o tbe Amer1CIA called me at my office to mate sure I knew tbe bePaoiDI of&D 'P)eblD ow Oblytd'durt.Dc t.bt ou:t4 Jall, people. He said 1D par&: ArM. Nlw.-4 WMkiJ• oa n.r...,. Sec:...t cl~ ,...,. ,.td American bated . . . · • c..-•1 ,..., Calif. "Du · A..--• l96l v· ~~-THE HEWPOI.T HAIBO& ENSICN w .... ~ lo 1te a •••~ , nna ·~ • ~~ory ._.,,~~'n WU of ...... eirc•l•kNI ~ eo., d.c:N. r.o_ ~20178 Uted paid SB.SS,$96 .58 by the M1htary Sea Tru.-port ~14, ttSI, ta ~ Cowt few dw Cout1 of Or•:r• Stale of Service for shipments on &eneraJ carco vessels C.llf•llla...,. ~J' ,..,.... tMr~f Ia qHiiftecl to p.bU all pebltc and three tanken. Victory also wu paid $198,~ that Mr. Onusi• had been under investigation Dll.ioo.'a lllstory, I saw oo tbt u It lttrD&11y11 obetntd 1D "Iii)' fellow eltileDs,andelU- hy our Justice Departrmnt as far back as 19.53 screen pubUc ttcurea u.t bad tbt !l)lrlt world. HDS or tbe workS commUDlty: aacieee ........ t.y 1-. , 000 by the General Services Administration for AIVO £. HAAPA ................................. Owa. aacl PUlia._ haulina (eniliur ... From October 1, 1962 to and to aive me other sideliJht.s in to the wort domlDated tbe polWea.l .eceoe TtWrl.sioa eameru,JUttq.. Tbt lr1bd of world WI &.rlto llYe which went into over 10 separate counts and for many years. Some were ieally 1ocated eo u to preseot 1D 1s tor US to dettrmiDI. We eveniUal verdict! o( auilt. about to pass from publlc view, tbe .ure IJI.,IIOI'a..m&, 1n sue-mllSt make the world aale. W• PEC HAAPA ............................................... .Auoelllle l:ditot September 30, 1963, Victory's dry carco ships IUIICIIPTIOM IATIS were paid $2,692,292 by the n..-.n--nt o( ··He called, Mr. Spuker, even while indi~ perhaps to sll* 1JJlo obllvloD. cession sbowedseenesecweri.Dg have a chance to lead tbt world ea ting that be did so at the risk o( losina his Others weredestlnecuoremain. the ceremonies, aod ellerlor out of the valley of turmoil. job ... One great newspaper has sugested Three and a ball hours after views sbowin& the crowd out-:e:evS:~t~~;tomorrow la 8arkr Ate.: Oae ,.. •• 14.00; , ye-. 17.00 A · I ....... ....., ...... o.. o1 H.tMw Ara-; o.. re• IS.OO: 2 re--. t9 00 ancu turc . . . • ' · ··or subslantial impor1aoce to Victory Car-~~Oo~ riers and Mr. Onassis is the $48..312,000 auar-lhac the trip was arranaed by Princess Radz.i~ tbe ceremonies commeoc~, I side, tbe guo crew tiW was to " • ARVO E. HAAPA, owfter Md pubtisher of the Ensign SDS TURNED DOWN ON OCC CAMPUS The Inter-Club Council at Orange Coast College deserves commendation for Its decision against allowing a chapter of the radical, left wing StudentsforaDem)- cratic Society to organize on campus. Mrs. Marie Howes, associate dean of student activities, correctly described SDS as disruptive. Supt. Norman Watson correctly diagnOsed the Issue to be the name itself, S~an organlzationthathas clearly dem-1nstrated its tactics of violence and anarchy throughout the nation. The SDS organizers said they would not consider changing the name, whereupon Dr. Watson voiced the question that pierces directly at their ultimate goal: "If they don't have the motives of SDS, then why shouldn't they call themselves something else?" This Log, In the issue of last Dec. 26, gave the testimony of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who called SDS anarchistic, Infiltrated with Communist Party mem- bers, atmlng to destroy, to annihilate, and to tear down, fomenting discord among the youth of our country. Mr. Hoofer . .said that SDS members are not seeking to bring about a better nation, but to cut the tap- roots of American society. "They are a new type of subversive, and their danger is great," he concluded. If this tiny minority at OCC wants to organize as a campus group, may they publicly repudiate the recorded motives and actions of SDS and abide by the col- lege rules of proper conduct. antee put up by the Federal Government whicb permitted the company to build four new tank· en. This guarantee is administered by the: Maritime Adminiuration under a conifessiooal policy which established such an i.odirect sub- stdy for the construction of veuels BY AME R~ ICAN OWNERS. The (act that the trust for bis children owns control of tbc company whose ship construction is auaranteed and that the trust is located in America does DOt get around the fact that this tec:hnicaJ. leaal fiction wu used to defeat the real intent of Conarus. ··~re is no question tbat Onassis has proved himself to be a smart operator who has .a vested in1eres1 io maintaining a close relation- ship with all governrneou-particularly that of the United States and its variOU! agencies. ··My colleagues, when I originally brought out what I considered to he: the poor judg- . . • . saw El-Presldeol: Jotmsoo fire the presideoUal salute anc1 We bave showered our w•ll . the F1nt ~dy s s1scer. But why woul~ mUing Ills nil. 1 hadturoedoft tlle Uneolo Wemorlal, • wealtb ~ the oa.Uons of tbe she go . to O~ass~wbat are her. hus~and s the sound, 50 1 did DOt kDow When the bust of Abraham world. and have given freedom conn~ct1ons w1th h1m. ~~d why bu1.ld h1s eao what was ta.k1.llg place, other Lloeolo was displayed; my to oppressed peoples, but we 11.nd •mllae ~Y enterta1nmg our F1rst Lady? than that 1 saw b1m k1ss1oc b1s tholl(bt.s returoed to sentences can't learn from each other uotU After all, Pnnccss Grace of Monaco turned feminine admirers. Perhaps as 1n blssecondlnaugura.laddress we cease shouting at ooe ano- Onauis down on another, similar invitation--babies they had been ldased wllich related to a situation nol tber. We are DOt turning away and he owned half of Monee Carlo for some from tbe old, but are turaJng time. tolt'aJ'd the new. ··And wbat was our Under Secretary "The American dream has Commerce doing aboard? The! Maritime s T A T E , o Ill I p not come to those who fall uleep, Without the people we minisuation is under his Department. Did he can do oothlng. Wtlh the people go 10 arrange for Jhipping of our wbcat? Were $c we can do everything. The wtu <~ny agreements made for further extensions of by Senator John .. dlz of fultUlment Is In the youth 1he capital requirements due from Onassis in-of our cou.otry. As we learn to terest, particularly the one due this Saturday'r' go 6>rward a.t borne, let us leva More and more amwus to these questions, Tbrougb the words and must be used for educatloaa.l to go forward with all rnankiad. tlear reader. will soon be fonhcoming.-Amer-actions of those responsible purposes. The muWbUUonoodol-"Let there be no doubt. We ic<~n Way Features LeHers to the Editor for the curreot turmoil a.t our 1ar windfall of the purchase wiU be as strong as we need to state colleges a.nd lbe Unl-payment could beusedloreduee be, and as long as we Deed to versUy of Ca.Utorllia runs one tbe burdenortbec:ostofcovern-.be. I shall offer my efforts to uncllanginc theme: Accept our ment ontbeCal1forlliata..Jpayer, the cause of peace. In the tar demands or we'll closetbeplace while oo.ly a relatively small perspective, our destiny Ues not down. Since they lDs.Lst that part of the present outl&y of 1n tbe stars but in our own •SEX EDUCATION Editof of the En!l!Ul, Sex education should be taught in au schOOls . Of course, this se.a education should be based on the Scriptures, and recom- mended study guides should ln- cl..te tlle Tell Commaudments, the Book of Proverbs, and Paul's Epistles, Unfortunately, lhougtl, the schools finan ced by govern. meot theft are not allowed to use these above-mentioned texts, tbani.s to Clltef Justice 'Narren and the S~reme Court. Tiley llave eliminated the possi. billty of ut1llz.1ng this best pu:;- sible material onse:r:educ.ation. Therefore, public scbools must remain neutral on this is5&ae, siDce se:r: is a moral qaestloa. U you send your eh1ld to a pernmeDt ~ta · ted school and wantll101 tore- ceive sex education, you'd best lind a good church which still uses tile above-listed, tested refereoees. U your child is allending one of these government-operated schools which Is ootoeutralre~ g:ardtng su education, there is one ltling a parent can do; i.e,, take his child out of t1:1at insti- tut1oo and place him in a school DOl operated by government-war Qgtt.ing commU.Dists thou· their demands are ooo.nego-funds for llighereducaUoacould bands. It lies 1n the promise of education empklyees •• a school sands of miles across the Pact. Uable, our state college and meet the needs of the trul)' de· great opportunity, when we are open to the public such as fie, while at the same time University admlni.stntors have serving students now subsidlr.ed steadfast La our purpose to lol- a church school or a free-enter. coddling them at home and sup. seen oo choice but to agree to by our so-called '•tu!Uon-free" low the will of God." prise-type operat1oo. plying them wlth the weaponry the demands, or struggle college educa.Uoa. Let us worship with our Pre~ The cost involved tor taking and Onances they required. ag:ai.nst constant rlotlog to try By giving these funds to ln. stdent when he attends cUvlne such a step? How can that be a While engaging tbem Jolmsoo-to keep tbetr campuses ooea.. divtdual students, to finance services in t~ east room of legitimate consideration unless style in S. E. Asia, their pals Are Ute people of California their educ.at1oo at any college the White House. Let us pray Jf course, the parent has in the Kremlin received the red and their representatives really of thetr cboice, a valuable dl-with bJ.m and for blm, that he already determined the worth of ca.rpet treatment in D. c., and in such a poor, weakpositiona.s verslty lD lligher education may r estore domestic Iran- his clllld's soul. elsewhere. tbts? Can we flgti only a de-would be enoourl(ed, while tbe qull11 y In America and promote Yours truly, Patriotic Americans at home feosJve battle 1D wblcb the lnJ-state could immediately cut ott peace among aU naUons. Let Richard Woodin were labeled as extremists tor Uative always Ues with tbe t\1Dds from any student lnJtlating us be strong, valiant aoo san Gabriel calU.ng llis attention to these ab-rioters? violence at a private college, tolerant as America from the surdiUes. suverandgolddlsap-I say: Let's call their bluff. Thus tbere would oo loGger beginD.ing. was dest~ to be, YOUR TAX MONEY peared trom our curreocy, Most of tllese student aod be lbe problem of punlslllng the America Is on the marchl Editor of Tbe Ensign, being replaced wtth copper faculty agitators, for all their J.nnoceot aloog wttb the guilty Now a.fter 5 long hours Amerl- The latest esttmate of Viet-sandwich coins. Cities through. adolescent love aUa1r with re-by wlthhold.i.n& funds lor lligher cans still are marching down nam war ls $10,000 per second. out tbe laDd were looted and beUion, could DOt get along education. Peonsylvaota Avenue. Let dis- The Dept, of Housing and Urba.n buroed, wb.Ue rape aDd mayhem without the special privUeces U strlldng tea.cbets and r e-sldeot elemeots of our popu- Deveklpment 15 a.sttn& for became daily occurrence tnour which academic Ufeglveslbem, belUAI: itwieots w.an 10 dta-W4oe ~cu.-~ -W&--ac- $980,000,000 for research on streets and hlgtnrays. Our tu They could DOt make p:M1 aQY-COYer tbat a plan sueb u lbave P'tNOn the world over be- transporta.Uon for the oeu 5 5tQ)Qrled schools succumbed to wbere else. Wboelsewou.ldhlre sugested was UDder Mrious ware! years while our present trans. bedlam and worse. them? Who else would put ICI conslderaUon,. they woukltb.int Consenatlvesl On your toesJ portatlon companies are tued u the in<:oming admlnl-with them':' twice about oont:tnutnc to Your cue for active partictpa. to the Umit and are going broke, stration can offer no alternative They get sick tbrUls from tbreaten to ck)se dowDour state tlon in national a.Uairs may Not one cent to solve our present to this depraved uodisclpUned talking about closing or burning college aod uaJ.'erslty system. come az~yttmel troubles. You could buy 32,667 social ~beaval, there is oo down the college where they 11ve 51 passenger busses tor that. alternative to ao authoritarian and work (U tbey ever work.) Senator Stephen Young government and certainly the They thtJlJl they can get away (D. Ohio) disclosed that In South end of Individual freedo m for wUh this kiod of talk because Vietnam alone 78Z A. tO. of. wtllch so many mllllons sui-they don't really expect to be ftcials mate more thaD $25,000 fered aoo died. taken at their word, For in- a year. AID's director lnSa..igon BOB DUGAN. stance, President Clark of Sa.n makes $44.000 a year, 28 or Newport Bead1 Jose State College, -.flo recent. hts aids make $-(1,100 a year, ly announced tbedlsm!SS&Iof25 82 receive $35,000, 262 recetve strl.king teachers for DOt meet ... more tllan $30,000and409 make lng their cLasses said at tbe $25,000 a year. same Ume that ~ was wnunc A typical eumple of AID and eager to re-hire tbem u LEGIONNAIRE NEWPORT HARBO R POST HO. 291, Alol!IIICAH LE GI ON • PH ONE 67l-l070 maladmlnlstratlon; 5 forestry soon as the y were willing to e10perts, (so.called) each wtlb come back, because he couldn't an a.onual income e:r:ceedJn.g get along without them. Jan. loth 1 attended a break-lege campuses can in no nybe I would like to r emind some $38,000, work lD an area wbere Tllis Is why It's time to call fast kicking off the drive in s~-related our hometown needs lor LegionnaJ.res who may have there has been oo Umber what~ their bluff. No one has more to port of the schooi OOndelecllon our clltldren row. teTTqJOrarUy forgotten that the soever for many years. lose than tbese agitators it the which will be held feb. 11 . i I feel very strongly about tbe American Legion is dedicated to Rep. Tbomas J. Meskill state colleges and the UnJ.ver- went there with ml.xed feelings Newport-Mesa schools. My service. Service to the com-(R. COOD,) asked for a con. slty of Cailfornla sOOWd ac. because there lladbeentwopre-daughter was gradua.ted from munity, state, and nation. Re~ gresslonal I.Dvestigatlon of a haa.Uy shut down. vious speclally .. called elections Harbor High, went on to UCLA, member when you were sworn in $272,443 O.E.O. grand for a. Because we bave 50 loog for the same purpose and both where she graduated witb to the Army, Navy, Air for ce lepl..aid-to-tbe;K)Or program beeoaccustomedtocooventioaal !lad l.ailed passing by the nec.es~ honors: I don't think she or Coast Guard':! Yoo swore 1n Hartford, Conn.., despite the publlc lligber education as set sa.ry 2/3 majority of the votes is smarter than the average ldd UDder oath to uphold and de. fact the city already bas two up 1n Western States witb large cast. Io spite of the early hour, tllat goes to our local schools. fend the United States and Its sucb programs, ooe of them "CANADIAN HOLIDAY" is the state..owDed lnstlt~ re- and loss of time trom work, 1 I think that the teachers there CollSlitua.tlon from all Its eDt-tuDded a.t $Z85,000by0EO,OEO topic of Newport Harbor Kt. eelving enormous appropria. came away from the meetlog motivated her to learn and kept rr.ies, without and within. Wben granted tbe $Z7Z,f.43 swn to the want& Club travelogue at 8p.m, tioos of ta:r: money l'lety year coovtnced now is tbe time to her studying at the peak of her you were released from active Coooeetlcut Law Reform loc, this Friday, Jan. 24 at the we tend to assume there is~ ~rt such a worthy endeavor learning capacity. You have to duty you weren't released from at Wlodsor, a corporation Rep. Orange Coast College audl· otber way to provide for blgber In bebaU of our children and have good teachers as well as that oath. The Newport Har· Mestill sald does oot e:r:J.st. torhan. Don Cooperwlllbebere education, But 1D fact tbere are cllildren of the NeWlX!rt-Mesa good scboolbulldings,Goodtea-bor Post 291 American Legion Cioeotge Ma.ba.n, Democratic for b1s 7tb annualappearancet.u aome very promtstng alter. School District yet to come. cbers shy away from school La DOtabusinesstomUemooey, chairman of the committee OD narrate b1s colorCUmsofGa.spe oaUves wlltch could well be an It's like this: Ooly a few of districts where there are over. It ls oot a dance hall, a social appr~rlatloas, reported that PeniDsula ou tbe·east c:out, St, tmprov~meut over our present our schoolsareonbalf..dayses-crowded clasSrooms, double club, a bu, or a yacht federal aJd to the poor from Lawrence Rh'er and Seaway, system ana asllwubeforethe sions oow. By 19701f1thtbe pre-sessions and lnter-communtty uchorage; U Is 450 people who all apocles lut year totaled canoe trip tbrougb north Oo. current dlaorders bep.n. LYNN TAYLOR, pictured here with Jack Me Gill, program chatrmanfortheCorona del Mar Kiwanis Club, at left, and John Case, the new president, spoke at the Jan. 7 club meeting, telling of the "old days" of her movie career, starling at the age of 5 In the "female lead" In "Our Gang" comedies. She had appeared In more than 75 movies by the age of 15. Miss Lynn,nowapopularTVpersonal- lty, Is also a speaker for the Coast Federal Savings free enterprise speakers bureau. (Howard Folsom photo.) sent rate of grotrth, all of our disputes over education, re-ue still sen log. $24,600,000,000, ln 1963 the tar to, beUcopter trip to Moose It was recently reported that schOols, elementary, jtmior g:ardless of Its favorable geo-That's all tor this week. amooat was$12,500,000,000aud Factory and an air Oight to the Aodrew LoW director or tbe Bad ham backs bonds lli&b, senior lligh and alleduca-grapllical locallon 1D the state, Cbeetio,-TED. lD lMO tbe amount ns Esldmo Tillage of fooruap.J.tut. department of'geotralsentces tloDLI ac.UvWes, wtllbeonbalf. Newport is very fortuuate ill $9,500,000,000. Request for the 1n CaWorDia was seriouslY day sessions. It Is as dose as having Dr. William CllllDinpam oali year $27.7 blWon. U WB AIRMAN PIERSALL IH eoostderi.Dc ai. offer made by a. Tbt 15.9 miWOD bOOtt 1.ua I:Nlldinp cost $25,000 each, ln- tbat, Continuing ak>Dg tballlDe a.s ttss~rtotendantofscboob. reduced b1s aoo-deftue re. AWARD WIHHIHG UHIT prtvate eoDCetD to buJ all g proposed byNewport.MeaUDi-ellMU.og turolslllngs, aDd have o1 t.bouCbt u 1s estimated tllat His l.sacommouseDStawroaeb quest, towrlallbeywereln1965, Alrmu First Ctu.s Jerry c.&qtUses of tbt llnlYerslty of fted School nutrtct at u received favorable rea.ctioD 1D the norma.l12 year scl.:I011nc to the many problems o( class.. we would sue $29 billion, L. Piersall, SOD of Wr • a.od Calllornta aDd all18 state col-tlectloo Feb. 11 hu woo from both teacbers aDd stu- p-ade patten, tbe clltld will Jose room teaching: and he bas a Oft' tDOUCb to ctn a1 a SlltPlus Mrs. OoBa.ld Piersall of 900 ltps, and lbea iease tbem bact the IIICJPOrt of Aalemblyman deoU," aeeorcU.Dc to Assam. 01111 full yearofeducatioosome-awroacbtotbeclassz'oomtlftr· Lo l9N of $10 bUUon. Rep. Sea LaDe, Harbor VIew HJJls, to tbt ltaJ:t as tuable pr1Yate Robert E. Bldb&m (R.Neolplrt blymu e.dbam. where o1oac llle way. This Is DOl crowdlllg problem, briDe tile WIIUam Ayru (R. Olllo) oald lias llelped the 6lat lliUtary P<operiJ. Mr. Lolli atatld tllat Btoeh.) rlcbl; lbe eblld is cbeated. U.e classroom to the stldedt. Hll lD l letter to Bertrand AirWl Wine eara tbe U.S. Air tbt parebue money wu "DO He Mid tt II ••a buiaeAlltt ... AH DALISM AT SOtOOL property..owll1Dc tupayer is plan tor movable clasa'oomall Hardla&. director of OEO, that For-ce Olltstanctlq Unit Award,JII'Ob .. m." propocitloa, ut1111J.D& tbt r.ds u the ,udtla IPtDt u mucb eiWtM, ud rteryooe blames tbe best aolutioo and the most tbe IIP'Ddlturt ol $499,000 of Alrmu Pler..U, an air pu-S1Dce tbtre 1a apw a pro. for erlttealb'·Mtdld taell1tlts time oo tbelr bomt work u tbl otblr wiMn lt rally iJ tbe r__.bte costwlse tbat I be.,. tupayen mootJ ft.S ~ to ....., ll)eela.ll.8t at ADder..., tpeettye buyer for tbt state cot. loeld.ac rtlocatab.. elau-tbey cUd meuta,ICI Coroat del t.tlllt ot au ot IJI for our penuy~ e"let bearcl. deiiDII lob Corps enrollees AFS. Glam, •ltb a UDlt of tbe Ieee aDd UlllYtrlttJ Qltem, tbat rooma, •• uc1 bt tokl Dtttrtet liar hllft Kbool bltweea Dec • ., ... pcMmd loollsb atUtucte re. By the way, Bill CUIJII.i.Dcha.ro ebapd with c.rlm.lD&I or ctvll 81Jt, ..W wear tbe diltiDct1Y1 t~ayw could jqt u n11 .__ s.-.lateadnt WUUam L. ca. n tDd Ju. z, tbeJ' WOWd pro. prdllcoar JebOOla. ls a re&J C&llfDrnla _,_ offeuH, rltlboa u a perm.ueat de-tbt eampue1 to otber priTtte m...,....,. u.t 1l llhDUd bt • blbly pt A's-lutadoteo.t-n. ,,.,.... c:o«per propu-ptcter. He wubonlDU.Soeo-HeD:ry J. Nltmtes contklo. Tbe w1IC. 'lt'fdcla bu orpnl1atiool u t.ct to tbt prortd bJ tJat dlltric:t'l M.tfL tac: tbttr s:areats pd e1t1sens 17 -m tllU fl5 mlllloo ma Voller ud wu rlllod Ia ..., 1110 •-d5 tlmoa, II hood-atUo, ..,thoatl()ulallootlolltbq Tbo _, --1 ..-$400 1o rl(>olra. -w-w111 -ID .... Saata Roa. No ooo ll'om tllat "THE BIG SPE!IIJER qo.w!Med at IUdlom AFB, 4-J-botlltltttc pncn11 Ia. Popor plltes -· seattorod uu'UOporrnoatl>.ltpood port oltlle...-,eaaU•• ~ .-.. Edlio<ofTllolaatp, Ha...U.TIIeatrlllUIIa.,..._F-mtL-Bl'b'-YOIYiaioU~bottllo..,.1 ,.......,.... tho eat-11, a -• tool Uoll oo eiprott.. -· too looC ..,_ plelt!JIC ~ J-•otaroweU "" ai c-dol Mar lllcb •., ,.., '"' tro---bo tloo ~.,....le .... ..,. throwa .... "'-II -nok. l -oomo .,._, ar -...-. nu -wu i!ftO wUh 1111 Scllool IUid -Orupt I -1101 of""' oU: I-... ai -to 001 rl-II-llftolell a -ID tile tall -· ... JooU.. .._ llo ud I .... lalltlll -· AIRIIAif Mlebolt L. ---' ............ ---!Mat Collop. ·-I .... CllOilL,.o.ltao ..-" --you, --··-... ""'-""· ... t1 u. oJdlr tbtd s.cc-. briUfut Ud 1t twMd oC tbtt 10a of Vr. ud Mra. Ctllllel ebrlr IICIIII•• Mil wu ._did ~-mQ be •lft•"dw He lilt. C ,...,. aid tblt tilt )laltor'• 1ociDet ftl L 4 1<10 lJII! IIIIo ..W be "1~ llllllf1 latlr--ud ~ ~~ IIC-..Luo,-1o = Ilia~~-LOS$ SI!T AT $1,065 ~ ~.!<~~~~~-"100 -•Ill ...... -!!'!""""-~ latlwaro ud oo ... ltnW tMt l:lr.U tbt QM ra uvno ..._ --. llU OOIIIp pr _. ua-U.. · .r ... .Uattro~C Gl Z51Q w.-1P --..,.__ ••• tn .. • ~ III 'I I; ·--•· -· lll<k. Ttoon are oe> II Lotlloor --1· loUie tnlaiaciiiAI:'IolliAFB, tnnpot IIIII 'Pt ..... •Ne lo-c.ttrtuo, -81111, -llaU""' -oM-, .... tall-pru .. ..._ u•TIR H.,ft T'•~ -&lilt ..... tliiiJWellllt • • • TtiU. Btilrt t?1efllllllt1Ac:t. GWIIIII.....,. tlaid ... .,.t Blldlpolklttlld-.,.. It .. COM ..... $ t...... olellbtS-.... 5--~" • u•o 10 ......... ac 1111 Tlton lo atiU tlaDo lo lltlla Iaili Ill< tn11111 &I l -111 Aa-ai tao 11141111 ... , ai 111r J_,, ,..ltlll at F-,. _, boU..t tall I .. M. r8 10 --4 ......... -loood, -at -ttl t! Ill I rut oo 1111 -leu iAIIOO Ytclot poltco-. Air--~ Ia&----· Itt 00 lAili 00 Ju. 10, --VtrllJ1 ... U)',IIQ---1,0011--,_., ,UO, wu Clll oCI Ill polo II ___ lo.....,•ttnt. Cillo---~ liM P'lttltaiJ..-ut, ___ .. _aitao lroiD,IIlloW'Is.l-...... Bttall-.cto... 11•1 .... , t 'lo MQp tilt Lll "'-.......... toe, • au _, -_., -J& •· C&ll IIID car, ~liCit .._ uo1 r t • 1t1t1 ltd " 1 ,, u oot o11 o111 tooor-.,-,..., --.a. -. o111 •-- -11t-..., tao 1'1111 uo1 ..._-., eootn1 llfltll _..,. .. _,... ..,__, .. ....,. ;ti·o, ~ltlltColloratLootlt.t,olll ___ ....._-Rt tool tooor ..,. ·-•-•mt ollollnt--.. , o ~~--= doarlai tilt toiPI o( _,_,.,., IJ10tao001---ll01.. --. lillrlda••r-wtoalft,Oie. --(JI.-11..-.) ll?hz-,tl\1&1,.,_ ,Ju.V. 1 - NElii'OIIT HARIOR EJIIIIJI flltST SEC11011 - -P•l TMURSOAY, JAil. 23, IMI CO IIlii A OEI.IIAII, CAU F. ..... ---~~ COWLIII --:= - ........ ........... c... e Nt1 L C......,_ -.. ... .,4 ....... ..... NEW OFFICERS of the Mesa Verde Repub- lican Women's Club are pictured here, from left: Mrs. Marguerite Richards, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. W. F. Hall, treasurer; Mrs. Calhoun Sumrall, pres!- Ebell yule plan aids 7 children JWilor EbeU at Newport Bea.cb wlll ban luocbloo al Josef's restaurant ln Corooa del Yar today, Jan. u, tore .. sume activities alter taklllf a mootb otr dUll..og December. ;========:'., dent; Mrs. Edgar Nissley, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W. J . Collum Jr., recording s ecretary, and Mrs. Ralph Irwin, 3rd vice-president. The first vice- president, Miss Mi chele Jarrett, was not present for the picture. (Photo by Betty Beckwith.) Mts. Edward WbltebouseJr ., president, will direct lb& bust .. ness meeting. Mrs. War reo Fu_ tt.rst vlce-pr~>stdent, will call for r eports frou, ctWrmeD. Of particular interest will be ao- oow.cemellt of the successfUl Cllrtstmas sharing sponsored lor a deserving fa mily by ttle Americanism clla.lTman, Mrs. Robert Basham. This jolntpro- ject with the EbeUCiubsecured the Christmas meal, new shoes lor 7 children, new toys and clothing. Local merchants do- nated items, aoel Cub Scouts bought gifts and filled stock:lngs lor each or the 7 children and paid fo r the r ecoodiUoning or UPPER BAY ASSOCIAT ES of the Orange County Philharmonic Society are having a Valentine champagne t ea to honor their associate members and guests. The tea will be held from I to 4 p.m. Feb. I 0 at the home of Mrs. J ohn Walker , 1136 Santiago Drive, Dove r Shor es. A Valentine motif will be used. Chairmen for the event tea are Mrs. Robe rt Hetzel and Mrs. Robert Crawford. Chairman of the Upper Bay Associates is Mrs . J os eph Pike Jr. of Dover Shores, pictured above at right with Mrs. Edward Fretz of Westcllff, a membe r of the group, (Ens ign photo.) N!WI BUSHIIU •. c •• ,, ... ( ..... . ..,..<> ..... , ... ,o . 11 A-IIIIGII- 2 bicycles for the family. Springer-Wallace vows recited Patricia Ann Spr inger and Mr s . Judi Oolbee or Costa Robert Leoo Wallace, both Mesa was the matron or honor . uaduates of Costa Mesa High Bob Spencer ser ved as best School, uchanged marr lage man, and the ushers were vows Saturday evenin&, Jan.lB, Richard and William wauac~ • at Pr ince of Peace Lutheran brothers of the groom. Church w Costa Mesa. A reception for 100 guests Auditions announced Tbechurchpastor ,Andrew C. was held at the Mesa Verde Ander son, conduct ed t ile double Country Club. Miss Tara Thom- rlng ceremony. pson of Costa Mesa was in The bride, who is the daughter c harge of the guest book. String pta~·er s wtshlng to be-,·hestn." Bal<ance of the ot Mrs. Leonard Sp ringer , 2700 After a honeymoon trip to come part of the Orange Coast program w1ll be '·Capricc io Es- Peterson Pl., Costa Mesa, was San Franctsco, the COI4lle will College Commwlity Symphony paoo l" b~· Rlmsky-Kor sa.kov, given 111 marriage by ber make their homew Costa Mesa. Orcbestra will be invited to join dJld "Night on bald mountain" CAll 'IOOLl lTOL EN A-IYetooltwortllfZOO • .,.. .... ftom till Jtoraat cMtt ud other property, 1a .. elu4ba& so areo cartrldpJ, worth $285, wu lloleD rtom hla car, at ..-,ee 1 0! 111 tbe IADIIer .. cro-d p.rare oftbt Balboa Bay ctam, WWWn Schroeder re- ported to Newport Beach pollee, Suaclly 1 Jan. 1!1, MAIL.MAN 1$ IITTIM -llu:ed ... 1 .. tile port ot • 1ar10, blacl< clot: ot no Allto St., Newport twpto, lod 10 2 tluh marta oa tM .... ot mail carrier J, ft)'t, Ill W • 16th St., Wt lt Newport Htl&tQ, Mr. frye n ceh·td a tet&IM&I shot and several ltitcbta la h1l le&. Tbe do& waa qlllnlltJJitd home tor 10 d&ys. STUFFED EARS When your granJmulhct l'o.J' .1 ~~rl. c:octon drppeJ rn black pcpf)(r .~nJ '~'>o:.::IL>il \\,1, ht"r f.J\OIItt"t".H.IChc remedy. Thank' tu rnc•hl.d ....:1cn.::t" our ~ar' f.Jrt" much ~tlrr tod.J.• \\1." \l' m.Jn~ ctfc.::111c mc.-Jil'aiJOn~ that stop rnfttlron' 1.1'1 lt"du.:c .:omrhcalllln' So. don't rely on "hon11: rcmcJ•c' ·"'hen )ou'rc ttl Your ht:llhh 1' )Our mo,t rro:,_I,IU' l"!t"-.t""lt1n f rcat 11 3S such. Let your ph~'ll!Jn rrCloO.flhc tht" mc:d11.'rnt:' tha.t ""Ill~ mo~t c-!fc,·tl'l.' fnr 'llU I hen rt"nll."m bcr us for quail!) prc~rrp t ll)n '-''mrounJmt: Christensen -.a E. COAST IIWT .. CO_,.A DU IIA8 OaJOLE S·IIM If '~ •• a •••CCIIIIIIr, ot llaow, of a H'a'COIMf to •• Harttor A• .. "'-o hu Ml Met'~ .. tCIOfl'led, dD ...,, • r ... t., nflina die Hacbor VitiiOf ki•Mn f M4l 10 e.m., Md thr -.ill call 011 your frimd ..,ith valuable informalic..t .., air•• rrom rrimdt, Mtineu 111'11'11 whic:tt IIMII re..,. k) help het btieotM ec••inted 1¥iU'I her ne• ••rrou•ulina•· · Till IIAIIIOI YlSITOI br other-to-Law, RObert Wil-The br1de atteoele<l Orange this spring in lime lor the~-b) Moussor gsky. llams of Newpor t Beach. The Coast College for 2 years after coming concert ser ies. ~::::::.::.:.. _____ ~==========~::.;;;::===::!, br idal gown was of taffeta and graduat1on fr om h1 gh school. Conductor Joseph Pearlman e mpire Lace, with long lace The bTOOm, who ts the sou of said that string pLaye rs are be- s leeves, detachable train, and Mr. and Mr s . Robert B. Wal-lng accepted for the seeood a piutxuc match!ng the dress Lace of 2835 Portola Dr .• Costa semester . The first rehearsal held a 4-tiered bouf.fa.nt U-Mesa, served 4 )'eatS mtheAir of tile spr ing semester is Feb. "'-r. HY4-tJ61 Wesl cli!'ff Chapel o!-'(·""'·~ 427 E, 17tt. ST. COSTA MESA Ml 6-4888 lusion veU. Force aner gradua.lion. 4 at 7 p.m. tnOCC Music Build- UF service awards given ~~;"~·pi~~~~~~~~"'.~~~ Awards for .ser vt ct to the Area; Hoy Scouts of Amer ica, houses _tn the 1,200 -seat DCC Newport Beac h United Fund Orani:e Ernp!reCouncll, Broild-Auditor tu~ for the past fe,., were pr esented at the 14th an-way, F;,sluon Island; Bulfums ' years, 111.111 begin wor k lm- nual recogrution luncheon held an F•shton Island; C o~.mp F'ue medtatel~ for theM.uch 23 con - at the Irvine Coast Countr y Garis , Oran~.::e Count~ Cotmeal: cert. . . A CONSERVATIVE Club. Her e is the Ust of awa.rd Coldwell B..nker L Company; , A!1.~1 time, hrst chausolo- Approoch to h•aurenco wlnner s : Collins Ro~.d to Company; Com -lsi~ til be Tom Hend.er son of ED WARD H:tncock Banning Ul, l'o~m-mumty Youth r enter Corona Cost• MeS<ol, Who '<~'til per . paign ctlaumao, 1968_1%9, del M.u. ·' form the Mourt Concerto tor of }"Y 6 R~fro MRS. ROBERT L. WALLACE Beverley Benson, treas urer ' Cormier Enterprtses , Inc.; oboe .and or chestra, and Mr s. ~~;;P;ho;;•;•';;'7;J.;;9;37;9~;:~,.,:,(B:::,•m:i•~A~l~d·~·~ph~o:t~o~)""il 1968; Dr . Edward A. Hoy<i, Corona del Mar High Sc hool Laurie Whitcomb of Costa Mesa chairman, dentlst division; Dr. student body; Cr utcher Founda-~ho will perfor m Gr illes' Hutchens Optical announces The move of their Newport Beach office bock to Corona del Mar HOW OPEN New Corona del Mar address 2515 E. Coast Highway Su ite 8 Tel. 673-1382 Co. Richard E. Cr amm, chairman, tion: Daaly Pik>t; Desmoad's Poem for fiute :lnd or- pbysk:tans dtvlslon; Joe Ram-Ne wport Beach;ElRanc:bo Mar--------------- blet, chair man, busWles s divl-hts, Inc., Newport Beach; Five LEGAL NOTICE sion;Geor ge Roagll, president, Cro,.·ns RestAurant Coron:. del --------------------- 1968; Harvey Hurlburt, ctwr. Mar ; Glrl Scout' Council of NOT ICE OF PUBLIC HEARIJOG man, city employees divis ion; Or<tn~e County; Goodbody & Master PL.i.n Amendment ~o. 20 Or . Norrru&.n R. Lo.ats , chair-Cornp;u~y, Gr 1fhth Company; Nollce 15 her eby ~r~ven that man, scllOOls dtvas ion; Mr s. Newport Mesa Educat1on Assn. the Planning Commt,s.swn oflhe Frank Lyoch, secr etary, 1968; Har tx>r lnvestmt-nl Company, City of NPwpor t Beac h will ho ld Pete Marr, chair man, advance Corona del Mar; Rober t HUson, .1. publtc heartng on Master Plan business division; Robert Per -business soltc tt..tton, Ed Habel, Amendment No. 20 whtch pro- kms, ctlalrman, admissions bustness sollc!b.lton, Holstein poses to include that section of committee. & Sons; Hughes Aucralt Com -Avocado Avenue extend10g from Mel Schinkel, chairman, pub-pany, Newport Beach; Hughes Coast Highway to S:l.o Joaquin lie r el.atlo ns committee; Mark Aucu!t Company, f ullerton. Hills Road on the Cat y of ;o.:ew- Sodeo, chairman, attorneys dt-Employees' G1ve Once Club; port Beac h Ma ster Street and vtston; Mr s . Lee River s, chair -Irvine Comj)all}', lrv1oe Coast Highway Plan. man, restdential dlvtsion; Mrs. Country Club; Dr . Ra e hard A. Notice is he r eby further g1ven William O, Clark, cllairman, Kredel; Ma ccoRe<iilty Company; that s:ud public hearing w!H be go ld feather dtvlslon;AOOer son Mar ket Basket, ~ewport Beach. held on the 6th da y of Febt !W')', & Anich; McDonnell Ooup;las Mtrams .1. Srmth, Newport 1969, at the hour of 8.00 p.m. Corp., Astropower laborator y; Balboa Savings & Loan Assn.; In ttle Council Chamber s of the North Amer ican Rockwell Cor-Orange County Children's Hos-Newport BeliCh C!ly Hall, at poratlon, Autooetlcs division; pitat, busmess solicitation; w:ttch lime am! pLace .my and Banlt of Amer ica, Newport ~elfport Ho~.rbor H1gh School aU persons tnlt!tested rnJ.)' ap- Beach branch; Beeco, Ltd.; stUdent body; Newport Mesa. pear and be heard thereon. Ber kshire restaurants; Ronald CLassiJied Personnel Assn.; Ra} '1'. Copehn,secr £>tary D. BLake, business sohc1taUon. Newport ~J.tiona.l Bank; No rth Newport Bea ch City I!~==========;~=======:::;...:Bo:y~·s:..:C~I~"b:..o:f:..:l:he~H~"'::!"":'~ Amenco~.n Aviation, loc., Em-PLanmnR Com miSSion ployet!s' Donate Once Club; PubliSh: Join. 23, 1969, tn Or an.:e Coast YMCA. T he Newport Holl'bor Ensign Final Markdowns! AssoCiated l n-Gro~Dooors -MELV1H CLIFT DIES Umted G1vers, Orange County Melvin R. c lift , u, of 2259 Diviston; Assoc iated In-Group Placenta Ave., Costa Mesa, Donor s-United G1ver s , Los An-died Jan. 1 ,11 Orange c ounty geles D1v is 1on; PaCific Tele-Medical Cente r , He was a phone Company; Robert Parker, mechanic Wi th Howie's Dag- business solicitation; J. C. nosUc Center, Costa MeS.L. Bappy f ,1·Savmgs 673-3510 ' . . SPECIALS FOR JAN. 2J.2,j.25 THURS.·FRI.·SAT. L .+.RGE .S 0 Z. CAM Produce ROYAL GELATIN 3 ... 27t ALL FLAVORS LARGE NAVEL 10 LBS. ORANGES s1oo 2 .. 29t COCKTAIL ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE LISBY FRUIT 303 SIZE 2 .• 47t LIBBY CORNE D 12 oz. 3424 VIA LIDO . NEWPORT BEACH Peooe) Company, Fasluon Is-Survivors are his wtfe, Ma.r- Wld; Pha lco-For d Cor poratioo, jor ie; 3 sons, Mtcl\ael, wtth Aeronutromc Dtvision; Liz the miUtar~·. and James and Reinder s , business 90Ucitation; Bryce of santa Ana; • sister, Richard's Lido Market; J. W. Mrs. WaOOa Pulley of Umb; ~::;::::::.:~::~:::..:=.;;;;;;;;~ Robinson " Company • Fashion and his mother , Mrs. Sina Park Is La M; Royal Street Develop-of Salt La ke City, 4205 CAMPUS DRIVE-IRVINE TOWN CENTER DISNEYLAND HOTEL-ANAHEIM-638-5142 CAPRIS PANT ..TOPS KNIT SUITS KNIT DRESSES were up to 15.00 were up to 11.00 were up to 64.00 were up to 38.00 NOW saa NOW saa NOW 2918 NOW 1918 COCKTAILS-FORMALS-COATS-SUITS UP TO 50% OFF! USI ALl CI!DIT CAllOS --FREE PARKING .. llblt menl: Co., Inc.; Saleway stores, Services wer e held Jan. 6, toe., •44ol; salvation Army Fun-at Bell Br oadway Cost& ding Department, buslness soU-Wesa. wi th the Rev. citation. M. H. Sher man Company,Co-FUcldnger o f Unit)' Churc h omclanl. Interment n s at Hat-rona del Mar ; EvelynSherwood, bor Rest Wemort.al Park.. Daily Pilot; Silverwood's ·-----------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiooiioo __________________ _ Fasb.ion Island; Sout bern cau .. fornia Edlson Compa.ay; Southern Counties Gas Com- pany; Standard Oil Co. of CaU .. fonda, Westero Operations, Inc.; United California But, MulDers Bra.och; Vu de Kamp's Bakeries. Volunteer Bure.au; Dean Wit- ter &.-Company; Air CaWorDJao Cll.-nl Compa.o)'; Ros.an IDe:.; Sproul Enterprlses. City of Newport Beach, 100\ partlcJp&Cioo: Adtn1nUtnlt•e Depulme,., bolldlll( _.._ meM, d ty c ltrt's omce, floaoce deplrlmeat. ceaer&l sentces deputmeM, U.bnr)' employees, mulM aflltJ • port meal, llar-0, P"""'"r -lmt,., pollee -"meat. ud lira. llwlcu llcAtplno, cltJ tmPIDYHI soUcttaUoo.. OIAIIGEII$ SlOLEN " $Ia _, ....... - -ll'om tile Welllc:llll Plaia V2 PRICE ·-·---· ,..._ .. _...., fieB-t O.,uln••l.._ -.:..~~~:'a !I --.. _, FINAL REDUCTIONS MEN'l AND WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR S..leo ota11oo, ,..,,lu.•-----!$10::R~E~NOI=~~~IISo~DAI~L.~Y~t~•~15~10!!S.!a~-:!a.:M=M=Y!S~1~1M:.10::·:·~----~-.;.~ ________________________________________ _.,~ COuntY g~ts bid Bayside shut for a while For at least Z weeks starUng Monday, Ja.n. 2?, Bayside Drive from Beacon Bay to Harbor Is. J.aDd: Road will be dosed to tbrougb tntftc. As part of the annllll street reconstruction and re.sta1aci.Dg program or the Ctty of NeW',>ort Beach, three quarters ot tbe widtb of the road will be re. ooastructed, according to Derek White, associate clvU engineer. Also set at this Um-3 will be tbe dig:ginR" ~ a.nd replacement of Marine Ave. between Baysid e D!. and the bridge. Work will be Umlted to certain hours ln this area, Mr. White stated. Construction work 1t'iU be dooe by E. L. White or Garden Grove. Payment wW be made out of the city's general fund. I NE11'0RT HARIIlR EII~CJI FIRST SEC110N -.-P ... 4 THURSDA_:t1.JNI. !3, Ita COOA ot1. MAl\ CAU F. 'Dollars for scholars'· J EAHETTE GEHSI..ER OF COSTA MESA DIES Jeuette. fi>~GtD&JF., 82, o1 W&U Fote.i'R&d, Cost> died Jan. 16 at 81.)'¥tew c...wa~'""""' Home, Cost> l < I OII ICT\.Y ACiOfs' PROM UQ CAMPUS 4203 Camp<~s Or. Irvin<~,. C.lif. Mon.·frl 9:»4:00 Sat. 9:J0-5 :00 • Bible Sefsions Jan. 26-31 ._..,.,.,,,., ...,. _. ncr.. Mrs's' •OIIb P'ridlj, ea.llr.ee .............. .,. ... 01 0 .. ,. ....... ....... -... --Tlii-~Torr.,_ ud aru ... trW bt flltwtd ..W .. C: ' 1•e•a.-.. soa.a-llat_IDIO_ ,_II' to loodloC. c ........ ll<d •• ud Or&llt _., .. ,-.~ AYe., eo.ea M-. ta 111•111111a .. IIIOia S.Yiclaw1UbeMid...,, lctlcleltllllfCodtlllo lllc.aa. S&L a, &I 9 Lm., ud 10:10-Ia-of ... loMDr, ..._ ud 1 p.m. NI&Mlr --·a--Torror, nolo 4PORT AllULT EHT!RTAJMioiiMT -also - ' 1 arnrnr III:IDn u u -·1111· -· ud --loci& lila "'-art IIIII wkltlJ rMd *OIIIK"' e. -td. ..,.. .... "'_,.......,... ..nc-wW bra Dr. l4mbvt oq,la1a. Jr., a. IC....,,. wltll 8tatdDrd R...ucb. Scladay..-e .. llll(llr. Wallor wu-, retired pallOr. medical doetor, boai· MUDWI ud utbol', wWIPIK. "- Speakera lor' tbe ..a .. Al&bt 1111ioN 1Delude Maj. laD Tbomu oa liload&J, Dr. Raymoad ....... D Qll ,......,, Dr. Peltr 8ooplldam OD Wed- -· Dr. s. Allao p--Cbrlatlaa paycbolociR. dine- tor cl FamiiJ Cruaades, Omaba, oa TbursdaJ, ud Dr. Tbomu Uwreoce, gutor ot Gurbolme Bopll5l Cburcb, Pblladelpllla, 00 Friday. Tbt ReY. Heary E. Jooes, pastor of CeDlral BibleCbureb, in lafitlD& commuolt)' wtde parUelpUtoo, delertblcl tbe coot'ereace eeaaiou u a -PIIIB .... AtlllllWOIIISMJIID ••,erttable feut oiiPlrlbaltn .. etruct!DO &lid.._..-under .ome ot tbl world's most able ud gUied Billie toocbera ud coatereoce speaAra." Further WormaUoo a.ad WeratlD'eabot& tbe coafereoee may be obtaiDed h'' FO\d, B \llll\IH II\ PMAVISIIII · na.lll .. luu.l by c:aWnc lbe cburcb olllce at THE LUXURIOUS IIEW IALI~ THEATRE *Now Showing • ~-5303. WO~I Of I'OCIUMO (MNI lOOU I 109 UST UllOA l lWO \ \[.. IAI.IOA f'(IUitSUU • '7H041 ~ • o,-ENS NIGHTLY 6:4~ One Performance Nightly Short Subjects 7:30 --Feature •8:00p.m. ',7;,_ ' I ' • ,. I . ' ( OOJ)IIYN MAYER -·• A rM!l IQIIIIIDJJ,;IIi,N DAVID LEAN'S FILM r:s 001\!S "'"""""" DOCTOR ZHftAGO ~ ~ .1.1£ Of'.ISI( '!JjOJ.J!IliW ~o.Ht$ ~ llf<Jfl! IIAAl ~ Cf,WI ~ • ......, l!llSIEIIR !llllLGtffiljj ~ ROCiRTOOu OA~OlEAN MOO .w~RE =- -~-------~· THE FIRST PLACE WINNERS from the 4 Christmas tree burn sites met Jan. 15 at Orange County Airport for the grand prize drawing, 2 round trip tickets to San Francisco, donated by Air California. Pictured here, left to right in the front row, are: Grand prize winner Mary Sayers, 11, at 2301 VIsta Huerta, East Bluff; runners-up, LeslleThomu, 11, at 527 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Heights; ~Icky Kovalenko, 425 Atlso Ave., Newpo rt Heights, and Jim Rubel, 11, of 531 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar. In the back row, from left, are Cal Stewart, parks, beaches and recreation director for Newport Beach; stewardess Kay Curtiss, Newport fire chief Jan Briscoe, and Leonard Koch of Air California. • Church News UllllllOil<.;t This ~ Benjamin. He'll a li~~ "cnied about bio falln. NEWPORT HAR80R ElfSI(JI FIRST SECllOII •-Pw 5 TlfURSOAY, JM.tl, l!i9 COROllA DElMAR, CAliF ... Off~ OIHI" 1:"8 'h"l' C~P\11 "'lOST ON STIANG\Ir l•ttl I" C.lw O.vl4 Ntv.,. ..,.UOIHCI & Till PilL" A"' THE BNTaANCE '1'0 PABULOVB LIDO IIILE .. _ alt.-ata,q ,,. c-t. ....... _ ....... ~~THE &RADUAlE GALAXIE 500 SPECIALS SALE! Sa'te on delu1.-..qulpped 2-Door. 4-Door Hardtop or SportaAoof wllh: • Plealed V•nyl lnlettor • BoCiy S•Cie ~oldmg • Wheel Covers • Wh1le Staewilll T1res • Oelu~te R•m·Biow Steer•ng Wheel • Elllfil silv•ngs on ..._., Cond•l•on•ng. T.nled gliiSS ilnCI \l-8's SPECIAL SA ON SPECIAL FORDS WITH POPULAR OPTIONS! with the extras you like- a special sale price! FAIRLANE SPECIALS Package de•.. on .porty F•irlane Hardtopt; equipped with: • Wh•te S•dewall T~tes • Del u•e Wheel Covets • Dual Rac 1ng M •nor s • Taoe Stt~oe • W atl-to- Wi111 Carpeflng • Add a Vtnyl Root ilnd save eVl!n more1 MUSTAN G SPECIALS hautlful buy• on 2-Door H•rdtop OJ SportsRoot mode .. with: • E78 Wh•le S•dewall T11es • Wheel Covers • Dual Rac1ng M1tiOfS • Tape Stupe • Hood Scoop FALCON SPECIALS SenNtional UYifiQI on Americ•'l all· tiMe KOIIIOmY Champ. with: • Wheel l•p M oldmgs • Color-Keyed Wheels • Tape Stnpe • Tutone Roo! • Bright Window Frames • Wheel Co'lefS • Wall-to. Wall Carpeting HURRY ! LIMITED TIME! COME, FIRST SAVE DURING OUR POP-OPTION SALE ! 'M CHIVROI.IT MALIIU w...- h4t .. -...-. ,_ ......... (OWJ ,. ... JIJ. ......... ....... $795 .. u I'OICI $Zt .... -·· •u suliiiAM A&:Piil .... i .. ,.. -~.!!-'a .._ • ..w. .._.._ fYIUIII1. "" -.. ... tt.4 •. $1Ift M.L .-c1 ~ ... Mlll'fMI 'M MaliC. wiiOii 1e ,;us. c:..t-y fA ........... alt. IA'I' »II. H~ ._ •.,..... $1095 .... -~ .... :."' .. ' ...... Y MIMI CIIIIIU NOW AT 1110 tll!WI'On IL VI>. PH. 646-tSUC.:O••• Meta. Cold· spell hils Tars LEGAL NOTICE JACK KENNEDY of the sportflsher Thunderbird out of Davey's Locker In New- port Beach Indicates that Bob Payne, left, of Corona del Mar, has captured the BALTZ MORIVARIES NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING jackpot with a 16 lb. cow cod caught off the Southeast Bank. Rick Sandler, rtght, of San Bernardino, was second best In the weight-ln. Rock cod fishing along the coast Is at Its season peak. 11•1 SU,UIOR J.Vf. COST~>. IIESA MldWiJ b-2424 J51D E. COI>.ST HIWAY CO-A DEL MI>.R ORiolt 3-Q450 Sillu J941 Notice ls bereby gtveo that the PlaDoLng Commissioo of the City of Newport Beach will OOid a' public bearing on tbe applica- tioo of George M. Olsen (White Horse Inn) for a Use Permit 1419 to permit da.ocing tn con- junction wUh a restaurant and a bar local.ed withi.D ZOO ft. of a dweUing district (Section Z0.08.030) at 3295 New-~;;~;;;;=;:;;;;;;; port Boulevard. Eagles stop Mustangs Cross.town rivalry opened left in the final quarter, the Irvine League oompetttloo for Eagles led only 41-39. But Er. Costa Mesa High aDd Estancia skine lou led out a minute later, friday evening, aDd the Eagles and Coach Bill Wetzel's Eagles had the better ol It, 56 to -«. rallied from their s lump to win M A T T RES S E S Notice is hereby further given JfiW -uaOJLDJWG tbal said public bearing will be Irreeular Sh•Pf" beld oo the 6tb day ol february, Coach Herb Livsey's Mus-handily • ........ ..,-c:.u.. 1969, at tbe hour of 8:00p.m. tangs would have been happy to Skip Williams ~ the Esta.n- settle for the middle 2quarters, cia scoring with 14· Sill Dugas when they poured ln 30 points and Mlke Hayes ~ 12 each· to tbe Eagles' 26, but identical Barnett and Hoyt added 6· GarY margi.lis ot 15 to 7 in the first Orgill had 4, and smith 2. COSTA MESA ... Antus CO. in the Counc il Cbambers of the 2110~.....,. u.......,a.IJOJ Newport Beach CUy Hall, at wbicb time and place any a.od all persons lnterested may appear and be beard tbereon. and last perlodsbrougbtvlctory Erskine was the only Mustang BEll. BROADWAY MORTUARY II 0 Broadway Ray Y. Copelin, secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission to Esuncla. in double ligures. Cortes scored The Eagles held a comtor-6 points; Spellmeyer, 5; Frey,4; table halt-lime lead of27 tol9. Yerkey, 3; Austin and Davis, Then Gregg Erskine, wbowound 2 each, and Dies, 1. PubUsb: Jan. 23, 1969, ill u .. MD.....,.,. eo.ta ..... The Newport Harbor Ensign up with 19potnts,started hitting Last night Costa Mesa was trom I he tloor. By the three. scbeduled to beat Magnoll.a, and quarter mark, the margin was Estancia was tg host I.oara. down to 41-37, and wltn 6:57 CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIOI ANO COINU tr.IOUNTS c..,.t ... Lifte ef P:lreptaft Acc....r* ....... ___ ...,.,., OIIW&IDBMIY CaM '*r frM -.tiiM .. e Complete U~~e ., eMs FlaftM ..... Sa t Ana . Tell 1114 ft 0 AWIIina Co. ZZOZ l. MAll 545-0491 OPEH TO THE Pl18LIC I .... 7 A.M. SAlTA AliA fABULOUS NfW RESTAURANT At th• loguf'CI leach C. C. u--• S...C·oh, D•oh.e• o.. .... "'~~-1<''"'"'' c ... ,-..., ,,.., Clwl .... c ........ -........ ;{. ~ lonQ .... ond 9'" .... _,; ..... l.,col••••• tfl 250 JO• UUIVAJIOHJ-CAH r1l•l .... J~ .. v;..o-IIIN C..! M....,. h l- Easy to do ... just call or come in. ,.,.~ ... ~ _,.. a. tlJl~enre MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN AaaOC:tATION 2167 ~ CO.U ttWI••; • C... Dat .... CMH. 92525 ' · a .... t7s-50ao ..... Aviation historian hired Don Cantrell, who grew ~on Balboa Island and has worlted newspapers sinc e 1950, has oommissloDed by the Red Barons of County to write a history In the county. The Idea for the history was ~~~n<:e"·~ a year ago by Senator Barry GoJ<f'o\·ater, whom Mr. lr ;:,~~~U came to know while a.s managlnr editor of Casa Grande Di spatch ia Joseph Metcalf, presideal ol Red Barons, sald that a Zl-man board ot directors 1s being orpntud to plan a tUDd campa.Jgn to cover publlcaUoa. eoits. frank Tallman., Yeteru &Yia· and owner ot tbe Orup ••:oooly Air Museum, las beeP 1 ,..,.,., to bead tbe Red Darou projects committee. Hammett, Costa Mesa of Commerce presi- •111 bead tbe wrlter'a ! ~omU:Ioe. He satd IIIII tile Rod propoa to umte Barry (;o'ldw''!"' to write lbe forward tile -.. _ ... ""'Ud Idea wbeo be wuour Cbam- btt lllpt:Uer 1ut ,.,. ••• DOll CANTRELL Times, -e jololnJ 1110 Sallla Ana ReciiW' u coamJ ad.itor l.a Ju.rr. IN%. He returoed to till Rec~>~or rut October loi- Jowtac a 4-rnoatb period u aauactac editor of tbt Cua ~ llltpW:b lo .Uiaoaa. Ho t.a ...necltotb&tormer Befer- IJ Vlctaria Wetlb, wbo .. editor IUid pobUa. ol till-.... Art !lows, -pul>llollod Ill Tempe, Att.GM. llr. Cutt..U. J6, •be! .,.. u ... 1o ~ Boach, 1o 111M PI IN 010581 . -..... .,..I--..;~-.--,. __ me. &c-. -Or-...., C..-ue--.J Cout COlli ........ ,. ...... era, .. neu:.dbJR.A. Ootl • .., ·-P.-1011 -cu-. .. -co.phtJt 11M ......,...It Cal a ~ --~-.. ........ ~ ........ a 011'11 I I I IMt ... till Pert--or..-1o 1110. •• -... , ,... ...... Da'q -....... ftllt t. Cella .... & 16-wUI WJU2iii!id & _, ............. LooCo 1101. HARBOR PAIHT & WALLPAPER Pittsburgh -Outch B>y Paints· complete line 13,000 PATTERNS OF WALLPAPER 2919 E. c. .. t Hwy. Cotona 6el Mer (M!XT TO ~ORT TMU.TRE} Phoooo 673-2033 o IE.WTY SALOII _LD'<...._., BEAUTY HOOK 2732 E. Coa st Hwy . Corona del War Phone bT.J-1336 oiUILDtHG • FRED H. GEIIWICK JCNG.I ..... 673-4041 -549· 2171 111'-ele:atr·-AII--a--,..., ., .. ·- DIO L Cooot ....,~ C111 lltURSOAY,JAII. 13, le C:OIIIIIA Orco Co. 11J~U~Dta aoc:a . AU. mn . AU. mal lO WOfch CH lou .. 21 WOf~S to 30 WOfCh 31 -reb to «< words 1 Tn.. uo . 2.00 . . 3.00 3 T;lf!U 3.00 4.00 5.00 Eoch -ord ovor 40 words ' .O.S , T iMOS 2 . .!0 3.00 4.00 .10 . 15 ------------------· ........ ,_cw. ... -. .. ,_. Coli Dl-OB Call h• Your W•t A4t 673.0550 e PET SlWPLIES TflOPICAL FISH Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2Dlb HarbOr Blvd. costa Mesa I ~f ... ·? .... , ... --.... ---··· .. ----~-- FOR RENT -Slorap ooly. Auto- mottYe ud nrfera oe.t DOt apply. Call 673-4653 beJore 11:30 a.m. FOR RENT. SmalJ store, Dear Hoar Hospllal, $~ .-. (lDcludJJig -IUid c:ar,ellng.) U' Nortb Newport, Newport Beacb. &46-16'15. •!tit WILCO~N -Alii ........ , .... c..~ ...... 1711 W. C .... HWJ'4 N.a. -· J ........ "'" We h.we the largest and 1 most beaut•ful se!ect•on of r• onou s_-.. _,. ,_ • NURSERY rrop•c<~l f•sh '" the area. ~~;;;;~~~~~~~~ ·-··--·--·· ··--·--- We also carry • full l•ne of j Shrvbs, lnt•rior Plonts ~anumS. and all acces-• HEARING 41DS Tropical & r, .. , sOt•es neectec1for the hobby. lnsectcid.s and Fertilizer Soulh Sea Tropical HAL AEBISCHER S&H c;, • .., s,..,., 218 W. Wlisoo Strtoet HE.ARING AIDS ntn: m .f tn:Rl' Costa Uestt 5'8-1961 p F • -' ro-•• ~ ••• 1038 I"IA-0111 .LYO. C0.1' ... Ma-. CALI~IA &: 10 A.M. TO 1:00 ~ ... ...-· CLOSED SUNDAY a MONDAY • HIAL TN IIIOIT IOptf itting "•sur-. _, .-.... •-E Co nM E. C'.ul H.,. .• ~ • ootH*Y• Ca~Dno del M• 675-31133 • A. R. M ARSAC I1Lt:\UU:R J,hJ Cameti.tn Ave. l'1•runa Jcl \1ar 1»1 urn hi na ftcpaiu OAY .t NI(;!IT WAnR IIEATI!RS 61).4130 ·r • OIANGE ... ~, ........... , 81t&C1&1 ----mau • ANAHEIM Gal n. ..... ' eUI'IIOUTIIY I • Storm hitS hard _., ............ ___ , .. ,._ .... ....................... ..., Wlea Jd lliJ .... ... ftr I • dill .... 111M 1, IEIPORT HAR80R !'IIIGII FIRST. SECTIOII --P• 7 --............ ---.. -Ylad . • I .... •eta...,.. _,.. 1--;;;; 'hit .., aUt U .. 'ltlfl ...... W tf II 1-llld -........ __ ..._----•.c.ot ... --.... lilll:ll. l::r~ ~ !!;10-L c.ot-llur ... -...... ., -~ --• ...--· --. .... ., -.:1111. ....... 40 "" _..,... --· -., u.twelllladlaculim,... ,......_ a.t Wilt,. a. -A"~ c-.dol.-.., ---.. ~-­T_,, 1 ... II. 11G61 1i11 ·Cii7, loll. -ro- Ooo Lido Jalo----Ia .. 'ltdoiiJ "' 121111 awar; u-., '*"1•-· st 1o111 aetb 111. &1111 ...... nro-oot bf liii!U:... ia ••• ilnpor~ nqoootod [)eputiDIIIt Ud tileR ow.ra ...... from lbt paera.1..,. llllllllod; &111110-._. Ylell -at:'-water -....... .....tar-&1111 i>opD -· lilllr -:::n=od bf 1111 -_..., 1D Wide liey!or, u- \ Mrs. RltaN~atlJU .._ cllrodor. S.~at W'I.J, tutw Y&.w At l :lJ Lm. TueD7, flre- lWia, ealloc51211 "---..... od.-"' • ...., Fir-at 1:05 LID. _,, tlal bod --olf at Z06 wiloo raiD wa!c -....... -st., Well Nnport. New owner at TV store A Dn oner of a CorCIGI. del --.. :.-BndltJ, OWMr ol Brad's TY, Zeoll.llapoc:y &1111 rtllllr-- -· 111111 E. c.ot lhry. Brad "" -Ill --IUid ......... JO ,_ .. 5aklq ~ TV trallllar Ill Cille&i'> ri1J1t all« bo-- cbarpd &om ...nee ID W'or.ld Wu D. He 1u beiiD ill Ute Harbor Ar• ... 5-1/1 ,.. .. Mr. IUid Mra. l2rMJoy -came trom ArW... TM)'llft ill Garcleo Groot &1111 bo" ) ....., -lltrflac ill 1211ar-torces O'ler..._ Soa Du la Ia Bamberc. Gor-. &1111 ""' &Jr-""ed ta v-... s.. Bob 1s cuneat)J 11 Yiltlam. Bnd blmNlf _.,.cl 1t'ia a tu1t destroJU oatllt ID World War D, SotttDc ac:tioa from loa's Srd Army. Omaba a.eb 5o -Gor-..... l!radley, cs .. ,):. uslsi- IIWI)' wUh Goo. Georp Pat-lac bo< bvsbncl 111211-e. Trustees ok contract AnlicipaUJtc a ..eeea:fll Feb. otber matters 11 bood •lectioD. ~ ........ -~ out boud meat1Dc dls!rict ir11atoos T-y -011 tt Feb 4. At Ibis 'IIPfO'od William E. -&1111 • Partoers u ucbltecta to becta ~ Wllllam 4 UNITS IALIOA 11001 w. llolbool Yinl lime lilted ..• mps to 101h Sl Beach. We ore •err proud to offer thla lmmaculole property. Always rented aurnmer & winte!'. f81,600. is the price -we ban the key. 110 REALTY 2025 W. lo:'.Joa llvd., Newport lead ltlfttalo -673-3663 Seloa-67UGGO t;U. mi.llion total thJOuah the Multiple Li 1tin1 Service of The Newport for the fint mondu or 1961. TIUS IS OVER 4 MIU.ION ,,, ... ,_,.,.., PER MON11! IN PROPERTY SALES! Call in Y CHir Want Ad LIST YOUR PROPERlY to tha E ... itn Wl11! A REALTOR! 6n.OSSO J)l'eilmlDary wort "'ro!oealablo rs::o p= :rill 1211 cla&srooru tor lbe September ca .... WbeD ! bW k scbool session. lmbanemem for ":: i~::j CATV IIWIGUIIA TI!D ·~..,:,..~ u: ~ lODAY IM MI!WPORT Home TV ,.,_, may be at EJtuc.Ja Bieb Sebool-~:0~:;= 1D SborM,Jiew-<:ommlllll.catloa sk111$; pcx1 West-· Scbool, "opea coart'' :wr ..., projoet; c..-de! tae zs scbool, ''Scbool lcldQ'. , .,.., ., ol • wUb as mm dldea., U.S' -.... "' .... IOLI12111Mr--by Jape .. lac "' ........ ·-..n .. projoel; Part ""!:'~! ntch recelns aDd I.DIPUAis · rl&diAc deYelopmeatai • broodcui slpale "' 20 f>dl. .......... .. •• -.... ~"'.;'!""~·1 eolor ·-Ia. -flodllc .. -ftrlt crades ill. - ---will "' -J)l'lmary ..... , eUml•*ld, accordlac ID Foote, Mea blCfl ltbool<>l .,;&1111;.,:.~~ c.. uc1 BeJd&Dc. no on tbl. Cout oolle&e. a" Newport IIJ:IteiDS 1211 lirll ill eatloo&l projoel; IUid C411asc:!e'":el the aatloll. Seni~ b' otbu' Hlcb sebool, oew soe1a1 areas 1D tbe city wW be com-earrleulum. pleted before Sept. 1. •AIItbrx1ud tbe graudatloll Victor' ForS)'tbe, as SI,:JIO IM RIRS TAKEN by !lie odalt -lloo A slid1DccJ,aasdoorwuprled •A•If.tant opeo at 320?Bay.tde Dr., Coro-Kenn Wbeeler discuaed • del Mar, T•ldi.J. Jan. 21, -1. aDd sa,!d·~~-~1"1ber'eo•e•eOm-l aDd fUrs IDd jft"elr)' 'tPOI'th 111 blr~:~~Wer ~ $1,300, were .,.,__ Cora pued 1Jttb DuUoa saki a m.1l* .... a 'Ddkattnr tblt beanr coat 'WUb lliAt ooUar, d:lltrtet is a Cood c:ltllb1ct.. IUid Z rillco •ore iUoa 0,1211 GUESS FISII·WBQIT burclar • "Guess tbe weJclll of a pme- SIO,OCIOLIDO FilE llailboolll'' will bo-01111 A $10,000 ftre t.cally de-lillll,..ey's LoeUr IIIOrtlia2I1Dc liroyed o --. &1111 """--111211SI>oris, Yaealloll&llll room at tbt r...,..,.. of Cbu-Recr.tloDI.l Yeldell Sbow to lH Heodr~ til Pl&uo tbe 4Mbelm CODYIIIHoa cater Lido, Udo Isle. Tiloore waealoo Jaa. zu....., Flli>.Z.Apmo- uteasl.. ..--.e lla5l eeuclll 1211 4a1 -· !lie :._ !lie _._ --will bo iol!lt ilia all water tut II !lie 5Jaolil, Wlicbod IIALIOA YDUlH OTED II 1211 ._i_ <JI 1211 RodDIJ WCICJdl.. 19, ol 119 aow, Uld u.a rei•Md backto E. BlJ AYe., 8aJbol. ft8 u .. tbt oetu. Prllel wtll be glYID rated s.tardQ, J'u. 11, oe a a tbt belt peues u to tbt drllllil Ia pobUe eborao, oe ilia ·-ot 1211 11a21. roleuo from ~ eo.ty 5Joo1121ol He bod -:U.O JI!WB.S. CAlli TAKEN to tbt ~· Ju. 15, after Fo. &lua _... were bo bod -ID tJIIZ!Uoo_a __ J!ewpon a.c.51 DO!ke -. .. iD 1J11a-, 1D 50lln!MA•e., &1111 bod r• a1ooc Oeou Froot Nnport ...,.,.., oo SU..4ar, arB*~ wWI a bltclllr IIJdi.·IU. 11, •Mil Mr. ud Ku. Jf-.1 SalWI Wilt . b' a ride JUDGE PHI!LPS TALK$ -t:IO L._ to 11:10 p.m. FecJenl ~ eo.t ·PJ-1) ---illo Jlllao A. it. p-"' c-,-. &1111$127-<Jijonlry, del Mar, wu tile llltwed ....,. &MI a c:amera hrt .-wutaelu.lS•rrthcat..,.., ~Stereo::. a::"'11 =-DVEM GI!T$ TDO IIDT -~ -lo --Gr-. -U-lirll -· 7 -····l/141rdSl., __ _ YANDA&. GI!T$.. port, at t :G p.a. -,, J ... -~-F-,111-1t.l-001bflllollmo ..... sa.. ... linpart, -.., port -are-• £ ..... -... -........... &rrlftll. lriP .... ---...,, 1-.11 msr_*W __ a lfALMOTKKJp ._. 'n-eW ... ...., 0..._..-. Ia a pat oea rttla.--.-.... II SIC A....,.. A"·· ,.., ........ ..-a.u.. Billa ...._ ~ • Are ........ e.T-=7 ..... d:ll .... ··-t:!·Ju. ..._1,.,DEDW' ... MII .. h-ll ...... ltdaO -1 n-__ ...._ --·-.. -. .. • .-.... lire TAX G10UP Mlm 1111!1&..0.-0ft :lEal, ..... ~ c.-, 'h&. --,._ ....... ----·•.ut ... -1 ......... .... ...,, -.. II lill ... alllltmp·llll PJ1. I I ill I I i ... a. •. Ll. MMI ADII'f. l'IIL .. -'"":, ~ --. ~ .. ~'"!Ill r---· " \ .. , II 6 -.. :ua .. Ji arne Cll a .,::. • .~, 0 -. _., ..... "-... ..:.... ... a,-. .. _ ... _. .,..111111• Ill .,.,.,.._ I MOVING UP! Altbougb Richard NUoo 1s moving ~ trom a very modest beginnlng to the most famous haunted bouse to America., the White House-we are completely eoo4dect that be can handle it with dispatch---even lDclllding the distinguished ghosts of Abraham Lincoln, Dolly Madison and Ablpil Adams. U YOU oeed to "move 14)," let us show you some bomes.--aot so famous-but with less problems. Bay & Beach Realty Inc. nt-•• 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M Vogel Value Open House Daily 1-5 p.m. 21040CEAM BLVD.,CDROHA DEL MAR PANat.UtiC VIEW, LEVEL t.dr, FEE LAND, FULL PRiCE $79.500 Sleeper, C.D.M. HOME AJ!Il iNCOME. SMALL HOUSE ON REAR OF 1D1' PLlll FIJRII!SI!Eil BACHE LOR UNIT. ANJIUAL INCOME $ZUO. FULL PRiCE $28,750. Vogel &r. CORONA DEL MAR 3667 E .. t C..•t HI thwey (C.r. ,_,. ... f) ..._., 67).2020 We•·McCardle Realtors Rclielc S.111icc Sbocc 1941 lltUR$0AYLJAN. 23, 1!168 toaA Dt.L MAR, CAU F. ····" •••dt ..... .... Island Casto Meso ELEGANT -EI:QuiiUe Dover Shores borne, 3 Bedroo11112, famDy rm. I&DaJ rm, boou!lful interior, extemi.-ely l.mdleaped, room for POOL Sunken IIYIDg rm hugo muter liUlte. l>riced •us,ooo. OPEN SAT r. SUN. Ull3 GaLtzy Drin. ENORMOUS VIIW -For !boot who can If. ford lhe besl 4 Bedroo1111, den and famil1 rm, 4 bath>. Over 6.000 oq fl Luge pool. A mal"lflc:ont home. $175,000. Shown by sp- polatment iohn macnab REAL TV COM,AMY '" Devor Dr., Sulto 101 Mocce Reolty Co. 11""- 642-1235 1£& 811 Emerald Bay MOO -a. ft. of ltY1D( UIL 4 bedrooma. 3-1/lbollla. a.Wtfbl mirrored PQIW'der room. S blol:t.ome flreptae.- llectrtc BBQ 1 tntnc room 1J1th wet bu~ room . Hei.YJ stab root wttll eoocealed ,._._ WJI: de._ Wltb ucelleal: aton.ce, putry, eAectrtc baUt-lu Ud lr.U.. lui -.... Joottoc prdea. s.rate .... ....., :a-, room. $85,000 FEE SIMPLE LAND p. a. palmer Incorporated THE DEVElOPERS CJ UDO Sll(f 1935 U17 Vi• Ll• 0..•1• ,..,_ ...... ,. leed. -F ... tt.e L.A. .,.. cell i1L4. S..... •••••••••••••••••••• SITUATID ON TIN ACIIIS SPACIOUS 1 & 2 UDIM. APARTMINT$ '""" & Unfvm. ,..... $160 - • Pt1utc Patios • Fireplaces e POOL S e 4 Hole Putlln& Green e Tennis e Sepa1atc Family Section Lillo Isle eo-del Mar t.... "-t... • SEMPLE BEAL E8TAT:I: WEST CLIFF WONDER LOVELY HOME IN IMM ACULATE CO NDI TIDN. COZY I SECLUDED PATIO OFF MASTER BEDROOM AND LIVING ROO M ••• GORGEOUS LAN DSCA PIN G •.• .SPRINK LERS ••• THREE BEDROOMS, CARPETED FA MIL Y ROO M .•• SO ME FURNITURE IN CLUDED $42.500 OPEH HOUSE SUHDAY. 1UO. SoOO 1300 Do.,., DriYe, WesicliH Ar.o Newport B•dt SfloPLE REAl. ESTATE 2515 E. C.ut Hwy., c.-• 4~ Mer 67S.2101 SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Just reduced$4,000 OWHER MOVIHG. .• Jo5UST SELL ..•• 4 BEDROOJoJS, FAMILY ROOJoJ, HIPPOHESE TEA CARDEH. OP EH JtOU SE SA TU ROA Y AM D SUH DAY I 10 5 P.JoJ. 507 AVOCADO, IRVIHE TERRACE • • • Short 112 block from ocean WELL PLANH ED TWO BEDROOJoJS, BUlL T iH BAR AND BEAUTIFUL SECLUDED PATIO. $55,000.00 • • For Rent THREE 1-BEDROOJoJ APTS. RECEHTL Y BUlL T, Sl~. 10 SISJ. • 4t1.. w Sch ools and Play &h.>Und 900 S• L••. Ccl\4 M.cAttt..t ... , C.atf tlw)', cia•• .. fa.lr.i.,. , ..... 4 lilT -. ,_,., ~;CD;;IDM;;A;;;;;;;R;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;;~ FURN. DUPLEX $39,500 Shore Cliffs Home for Rent 3 bedroom plus family room I 3/4 baths swimming pool (maintenance lncluded) $385.00 month 8 BARS,. MORTGAGE COMPANY 2333 E. Coast Hwy ., Corona del Mar (714) 673·5420 IIIPIIliEACI G. T. "Gundy" Gundenen, Realtor OP' Dl I!YIMIMca 115-1142 - 64HV2 -~ 17311 .. c-•• "'- Newport ..... C.•t ••II if!. ·, ·• 'l'hdllt! For Fast Mtioa A a.-111 <All DO't'Lil 00 .. -ton <All FOR RENT. 1_,.. dOCtor's omc, cro-~ o.r, ~WWU. .............. MftiJptb$1~ -&1111 di C I. $111 _.._...,,_ ODe-bedroom units kx:ated oo icJea.l coner in quiet oelgbbor- ilood. Jllllt redecorated &Dd spriDr- -hall. Ooe ..Ui-otblr na.llable b' OCC'C!UCJ. GENEROIIl TERMS Doll 8obler, ftiiPI' I J ""' Ralph P. Maskey -7 . HOWARD BUSWELL, executive director of the Orange County Heart Assn., is flanked by Al Hewes, at left, president of the Balboa Bay Lions, and Bob Grensted. Mr. Buswell was the speaker at the Jan. 14 club meeting at the Villa Marina res- taurant. Lion Bob Grensted recently pre- sented a $500 check to Dr. Wilhelm de Nijs, president of the Services for the Blind, Santa Ana, as part of the dis- bursements from the Lions Lobster Bake proceeds. Ebsen to build 'Cats ' BUddy Ebsen, resident of Sal~ clpal boat lovers of the coun- boa Island, and tllm star who is try, James Kimberly of the an lmagLrultlve OUsinessma.n off Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Kim- screen, has held his kickoU berly's. He will add the boat production collference, for the to his Palm Bea.ch and Ches- ma.nu!actl.lfe or catamaran sail-apea.lte Bay fleet. boats modeled alter his own Trophies won by the Polyn- prlze-wlnning Polynesia.n Con-esi.an Concept include first cept. place in the Hooolulu Race, As president of Polynesl.afl f1rst in the 14 Mile Bank Ra.ce; Concept, lnc., the corporatlon first in the Alamitos Bay Ar- "'ith the world-right s to the35-gosy; first 1n the Yuletide loot catama.ra.n wh.icll hi.l.s at-Point Firmin Race; and 2 .see - talned 4 fir s ts a.nd 2 secollds onds, inc luding one in the lam~ in its first 6ocean-g0lngraces, Ensenado~. Ra.ce. Mr. Ebseo called a meeting of builder s aDd designers to plan prodoction for the first mass-MAJOR DECORA. TED produced ocean-racing Co~.t.a-FOR VlETHAM DUTY mara.o,. to be ready in Late U.S. Au force Ma.jor Robert spring. M. Stll!ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. llWOIIT ..,_,. •1111 IIIIT IECllllll--... I New lawyer is sworn in .... ,.. .... ..... eMktra -Ylow lllllo , ..... 11 11oJ Yin .....,_Ia Ultllow- 1.&,_ ll&r"fl)' 0( IOMSil.s-port..-Boool-td ....... bu-bllborODID ' Ud wu1 norD ill u a tau- llodpd lawyv oo Tbur....,, Jao. ....... llanO)' Ia ·-11 Kalaor ScboollD~­ He Ia a cr-to of'--b State Collero uct !Ayola Uai- Yerslty LawScbool ill Loa A.ap .. .... He is the .an of the Late Marian Harvey, formerly tbt owoer nf tbe Balboa .Islaad Bookstore, and Is the son.. tn.taW of insurance man GeraJd Rltchle of Corona del Mar. Upon completion of this scbool year, tbe oew lawyer will be as- sociated with the San Clemente Law otrtces of Carl Kegley, wbo also has an olfice ln Corooa del Mar. Mt. Harvey's wile, Patricia.. LAWRENCE HARVEY Newcomers at Hoag •FRIDAY, JAN. 10 . Boy -Mr, a.nd Mrs. Bert Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, 10051 Stoo.eybroolt, Hun~ L. Agentla., 18 Hartford St., Ungton Beach. Huntington Bea.c b. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dreves, 1 '70 E. 18tb St., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr . and Mrs. Jobn Moakley, 20221 Imperial Cove. Huntington Beach. Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Emory, 3-4.10-1/2 Mar- cus Ave., West Newport. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Genest, 7021 Mooollght, Hun~ ti.agton Beach. •SATURDAY, JAN. 11 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Ogle, 1003 O..k St., Costa. Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ray, 600 Heliotrope, Coro. na. del Ma.r. Girl -Mr. a.nd Mrs. Randy L. Walton, 2073 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. ~UNDAY, JAN. 12 Girl • Mr. a.od Mrs. Walter K. Beeson, 21291 Breton St., Huntington Bea.ch, Girl -Mr. and Mr s. Ric hard D. Pyle, 2406 Via Marina, West Upper Bay. rytJESOAY, JAN, 14 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. lgo, 2078 Tburln Ave., Costa Mesa. •WEDNESDAY, JAN, 15 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Robert George, 2022 Avenlda Chico, East Bluff. Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Va.ldotos Baibsys, 324 L St., Balboa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ha.lley, 1311 AnUqua. Wa.y, J)Jver Shores. Girl -Mr. and Mr s. Ronald Donihue, 1282 Watson. Costa Mesa. •THURSDAY, JAN. 16 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ja.mes N, Neuburger, 1022 Georgia, Huntingtoo Beach. Boy -Mr . aDd Mrs. Roger P, Mortensen, 2979 Royal Palm Dr., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Klrsch, 382 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa. On ha.nd for the meeting were Lester H. Stillier, 1136Somer- Will.iam D. Schoclt, president of set We, Westcllff, ha.s been the ScOOck Company, Ne'lo-port decorated with the bronze sta.r Bea.ch and Santa Ana manul.act-medal at Hi cltam AFB, Hawa.li, Placement test"•ng set uring firm, designer of the or-for meritorloos se"lee while lglnal Polyoesl.an Concept Cat-engaged in military operations Students wishing to attend amaran; Rudy COOy, Wa.rren against Viet Cong forces. Or ange Coast College next taU Seaman and Allred Kuma.Lae. He was cited for h.i s per-wlU be able to complete their The meetlng s lgna.J.led com men-forma.nee as a data a.utoma.tion registration before graduation cement of production. sta.U officer with the 12Ul Com-from !Ugh school this June. that testing sesslons wUl be held a.t 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the OCC Scieoce Hall ac - cording to the following sche- dule: The Polynesl.an Concept is the bat Support Gro~ at Cam Ra.nh PLacement testing, used for model for Mr. Schock's first Bay AB, Vietnam, He is oow.&t counseling purposes only, will projeCt under the new contract, Hicltam lD a wut of the Pacilic begin ea.rly next mootnlor a.rea being built for one of the pri.n-Air Forces. high school students. All Feb. 15, Costa. Mesa, foun- tal.u Valley a.nd Westminster; March 1, Esta.ocla, Hunti.Dgton Beach and Marina; March 8, Garde11 Grove; March 15, Orange (morning session), Gar- den GrOYe and Oranp, (after- noon sesslon); Much 22, New- port Harbor and Corona del Mar; March 29, telta.Hve ma.ke- Holding company planned =~~o:.;wr~~os.~:: cedures will be eJplained to ned that tile holding company students a.t tha.t time. Director s of tbe Newport Na- tional &nk h.ave announced ap- proval, in principle, of plans to form a one-bank llolding com- pany which would :.t.CQuire con- trol of the bank with Its 7 of- fices, all of which are loc.t.ted in Orange County. will acquire all outs~ Kennet h Mowrey,OCCdeanof s ha.res of the bank pursuant to admissions a.nd records, said a plan of reorganization under which tile present sharehOlder s of the bank would exchange their present bank stock for stock In the new holding company on a basis of 2 shares of OO!ding company stock for each sha.reof ba.nlt stoc k. Tne ho lding com- pany would oot affect the present oper;(.tions or personnel or the banl<. The holding company, which would be named The Newport National Corporatton, would be able to mvest In flna.nci.ally- rei.ated busmess emerprises not allowable under the present charter. AlthOuRh final details a.re oot complete, it is pr ~ntly plan- There a.re 3 ma)Or benefits that will be enjoyed by the bank shareholder s through the -----------holding company control: L'EGA.L NO TIC~ I. The opporturuty to diver~ --~:.::~:..:.:~_:.::.:_ __ sity mto other profitable finan- NOTICE OF P UBUC HEARlNG Master Plan Amendment No.l8 Notice IS hereby gi ven that the Planning Commtssion of the Ctty of Newport Beach wUI hokt a pub tic hear lng on Master Plan Amendment No. 18 W"hlch pro- poses to include that section of Bison Avenue extending !rom Jamboree Road to MacArthur Bouleva.rd on the City of New- port Bea.ch Master Street and Highway Plan. Notice is hereby turtber given tha.t said public hearing will be held on the 6th day of February, 1969, a.t the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach Clty Ha.ll, at which time and place any and all persons Interested may ap- pear and be heard thereon. Ray Y. Copellll. secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission Publish: Jan. 23, 1969, ln The Newport Harbor Ensign cially-reLated fields. 2. The opporturuty to acquire new a.nd diversified ma.na.gert.al s lt.ills , 3, Flexibllily LO capJt.al man.a- gement with addil10na! op. portun.ities in the raising of capital and in improvmg lever- age. The holding company pla..n is subject to the approval of the comptroller of the currency, and a. meeting wlll be scheduled at which shareholder s will also be asked to approve the pla..n. The bank will seek a ruling !rom the Internal Revenue Ser- vice to make possible thll ex- cha.nge of s hares of the new OOiding company on a tax-free basis. Newport National Bank wilt be the first bank In Orange County to develop the holding compa..oy concept with all of Us inherent advantages to stock- holders, up session. Tickets for admission to the test sessions wUl be distribu- ted a.t ea.ch lligh school. Stu- dents mus t ha.ve a ti<:lt.et to be tested. Alter the student completes llis test, which can not keep h.im out ot college but is an aid to the counselor, he will be coun- seled according to the rouowing schedule; Week of March t o, students tested Feb. 15; week of Ma.rch 17, students tested March 1; week of Much 24, students tested Marcb 8; week of April 7, students tested Ma..rch 15; week of AprU 14, students tes- ted M.a.rcb 2Z; and week of AprU 21, students tested March 29. Alter the student has been JOHN f . GRUNOHOfER has tested and counseled, he will been promoted to vtce-presi-be. m, allnled a regtst:ra.tion ap- r Unl pom me , dent and manager o on C f . students ill be Bank's South Orange County _on tnlllllg w Office which will open this r egJ.stered April 8 a.od Z9. • Counseled high school students month In Corona del Mar. He wUI gist M.a. 5 6 7 8 Is a graduate of Lcyola Unlver-12 ~e 13 ~r /30:5 . .j0 ' • slty, and holds an MBA degree rom · · p.m. in finance from lSC. He has been attending the Pacific WALTER KO E TZ 0 F Coast Banking SchOol's Gra-C.M. SUCCUMBS AT 62 duate School of Banldng at the Walter M. Koetz, 62, of 2274 University of Washington for U.iaor St., Costa Mesa, died the past 2 years and will Jan. 12, at Hoag Hospital. He graduate this year. He and hls was a plumber lor 43 years, and wUe, Lynda have 2 daughters, was last wtth tUckman Bros •• , Kathy a.nd Karren, Costa Mesa.. He wa.s a. member of the Lions c lub. NORMAN L. MCQUIRE Survhors are bls soo, OF C.M. DIES AT.«) Charles otMoOCerey Park, aod Norman Lee McQuire, 40, ot his adopted soo, Kennetb AUeo LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 172: 2ZOO St., Costa Mesa, died of Costa Mesa; a daugti:er, NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Ja.a, 11 at Costa Mesa Memorla.l Joyce Jones of South San Gab- NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Master Plan Amendment No. 21 Hospital. He was a seU-riel, aad 5 grandchildren. Notice Is hereby g:lven that Notice is hereby given that emp)Oyed maintenance mecb-Rosary wa.s r ecited Jan. 13, the Pluning Commission olthe the Planning Commlssioo olthe ante. a.nd mass was celebrated JaD.. CUy of Newport Beach will hold City of Newport Beach will hoLd Survivors are nJ.s wife, J&e-14, at St. Joachim's catboUc a publlc bearing oo tbe awllca-a pullUc hearing on Master Plan quellne; 3 sons, Da.ony of Tor-Church, Costa Mesa. The Re"f. ttoo of The Irvine Company for a Amendment No. 21 Yt'h.lch pro-ranee, a.od Patrictand Mtcbael; Thomas Nev1o wu omclali..ID- Use Permit 14.ZO to permU a poses to amend the Parks, and 2 sisters, Wrs. Kathleen termeot was a.t Holy Sepulchre Pla..Doed Community travel Beaches a.Dd Reerea.Uoo ele-Keaton of Long BeacbamdMrs. Cemetery, Orange. d1rect1oo aJp on the oorth side meot of the Clty's Master Plan Beverly Wieland of Los An- ol Pallade1 Rood, 100 ft. west tc IDclude a plan for !be loca-pies. $550 IN JEWELS T IJI.I!H ot tbl proposed extension of Uon of a network of bicycle Se"Ices were held Jan. 14 After breattDc tmo tbt rut- Jamboree Rood to an Un<la.ssi-trails ithl tbe Cli f N al Bell ll<oodway C-~ Costa deoce ol ln"lllc Howard, :109 • 0 Y 0 ew-Mesa. lMerment nail PaeU1e r .,_,.._ St., Newport Sbortt, llod Dl.otrlet (20,34.1Wl ), port Beach Par -• -..-- • View Memorial k. Tbo -b)' 11r-.c !be troat door loclt, Hotiellablrtbyftlrtherpnn NOUcelsberebyfW1berc1Ytn flctaDt was tbt Rn. Loren abllr-' .. •plaeedac.lalr .. -•-tltoi aid pobllc boartDc wtll be lllal said pobllc booriDC wtU bo ,_. .....- bl.ld • tbt 10 daJofFibnu'y, bekl oo the 6th d&JrA February, ructtncer of Unity ChUrch. tbl dclor to Ptlftat b1l btUc IMt, 11 lilt bOor oii:OOp,DI, 1!169, 11 lilt-0( I:OOp,OI, ~ ~-~-~~ Ia taoeo-uc-oottbo Ia tbec-cuCbomboroG(lbe PORSOIE RAIISACitiD -~ -,.._, --.- No-t -b Cil)' Hall, 11 llewpon i!eo<b Cll)' HaJJ, 11 A w-la( to ilio Porocbo alcltl of Sotonor, Ju. II, wbldl U.. ud j))aoe ..., Uld Wille& UDIO IUid ploce uy IUid OWIIOd b)' Gory c. ... , 401Mq- aU ....---..., op.. aU .,.._ Iaior-..., op.. ooUa S1, ~ -, "wu PIRE OM HILLSI DE -IIIII Ill----IIIII be -.d --, ... , .... T-Tai&M.Iu.14, -.J plloo G(trull,-11o1 r. c., ... ..,olarJ 11a1 Y, c.poua,_,.olarJ wbllo !be car wu porlrld Ia a IIIII --oo a,.... llo-.,aR ...... CIIT _,.., Bolcb Cll)' carport 11 QOI1 lluc• S1, 1o1 oo tao om"' -0( 1111 Ph , I C..-PWII Coa•l-Wool 11-rt. A -oo lopo toO _., lli<IIW'I ~ 't"o -.a. a•. 111 .r-., ... a, ••·• drtck, ....u.t, ... -pa 111 .., ....._.,.t:es,...., Tiro Jloo .. l -llllp Tbo ""-' -Ellllp -fN,IO _.---lu. U. I ' DANCING 1045 Bayside Dr., Newport PRESENTING THE HIRE AND NOW SILER BROS. "RICK" ·•BUZZ" APPEARINCi IN THE VELVET KNIGHT ROOM WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY 9:00 pm -1:30 am •••••••••••••••• DIRECT FROM LAS VEGAS" SANDS BOB FLETCHER and VICKY LANO IN THE DRIFTWOOD LOUNGE THRU SUNDAY 1:30 pm • 1:30 am ALSO IN THE DRIFTWOOD LOUNGE For You r Dancing Plea sure We Feature t he Fabulous KEN CERVI TRIO T••.., • Slllday 1:30 Jllll • 1 :30 am I I BON NI E McDOH.U.D SUSAH MARYY liMA SAMORA LAUFER MARIANH E CO X LUOLLE STRUBLE ZONT A GIRLS ANNOUNCED Hooc Kooc flu. and holiday Latin Cl ub, student COIIp'ess, a juB1or. Sbe plus to atteDd neaUoD delayed tbe selection ICC aodLnarslty ebeerleading.. stanford or LBC and obta.iD btr ot Dec:ember Zouta. girla,10 tbe Sbe received tbe E. L Moore teacblng eredeotJ.aL Newport Harbor Zoota Club t. award 1D 1967 u outataDI11l:lg • • • doubllnc IC) Uds modh 1D an-sophomore lirL Outlideactlvl-•LUCILLE STRUBLE, dau- JIOUi,eing the Zoata girls at the ties haYelDcludedTbeal:er Guild gtter of Mr . aDd Mrs. Howard A local high schools for botb ud Koala Trl-HI-Y. Sbe Is lbe A Struble, 433 WoodlaDd PL, December and January, 1968-69 Miss Newport Beach. Costa Mesa, iJI Zoota girl lor • • • She plans to attend OCLA aDd Jarwary at Harbor High. Sbe t. *OONNIE McOONALD, da.u-to major In public relations, GAA presldellt, member of gbter of Mr. and Mrs. Erik • • • Madrtpls, ChanteUes a.od a Larsen, 17f2 lrvlne Ave., Bay-ot>SUSAN MARVYAMA. dau-capella choir. other actlvltles crest, Is December Zoota girl lhter of Mr. a.od Mrs. Tboma.s have included junior council, for Newport Harbor Higb Y. Marvyama, Z988 Andros St., Girls State c.andidate lD School. Sbe Is a pep commis-Costa Mesa, is the Zonta girl 1967-68, AFS, LaUD Club, rdoner, member of the cast of tor December at Estancia High Triple Trio a.oddancein"Damo the senior play, the 1968-69 SchOol. SDe Is Girls League Yankees." She ismemberofthe homecoming queen, ~s been vice-president, songleader, Southern Caillornia Vocal Assn. active i.D AFS, French Club, member of thepowOOr pulffoot-honor choir this year, and last ball team, Pep Club, AFS and year was member oftheOra.op WORLD 'S L -!<RGEST Vogue Club. In previous years County hooor cboir.Shelspl&n- she has been active 1n the Ding a career as professional Spanish Club, Crescendo Club, dancer. EXCLUSIVE ........... DRAPERY CLEANERS • REMOVE WATER STAINS • FLAME PROOFING Dra,..,y ca.."i"tl. '•rf.-=; ,...N.._ .t the ... of ,_, tfrapery, .,. 100% ,... p~aa ... u t If ,-.,..., ... • He Shrllllkop • NaWihdKecnh • ,.,._. ,lao, Fofdi"tt • '-rfMt tv ........... OUR EXCLUSIVE SERV ICE GAA, swim team, girls choir, • • • German Club and dance pro-•JANET MATSON, daughter ductioos. She received the E. l of Mr. and Mrs. MarUo Matson. Moore award as junior girl of 1742 Iowa St., Costa Mesa. the year and was Girls State is Zonta girl tor JaouaJ'y at represeotaUve last year. This Estancia H1gh. She l.s German summer sbe plans to go Club president, commissioner to Europe on the comparative of organlzaUoos, member of cultures program, and this fall class cowcU., AFS, C:Sf and she will enroll at Cal State tetlllis team. She has received Fullerton or OCC. Sbe wa.nts to the gold E tor partlcl,paUon 1D go loCo the fashion field of art. school activities and the Con- • • • cordia merit scbolarshJp. She 4-SANDRA LAUFER, dau-is active iD the Luther League enter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter at Prloce of Peace Lutheran A. Ross~o,1340Gar11ngford Ch urch. Sbe ls graduati.Dg mid- St., Costa Mesa, 15 Zonta glri term and plans to attend OCC toe December at Costa Mesa durlog the sprlng semester. lD High. She is a member of AFS tbe tall she plan& to enroll at and EOC, acted in the one-act Concordia Lutheran College at plays and was stage manager Moorhead, Minn., majoring for "Dlnny and the wUches." in matl\. • ,,..,.....,..,,,.tlhlllotiOft As a junior, shewasCSFprest. • • • • ,,.,"~' l ernovol deal aod AFS vice..president •GINA KREIBICH, daughter • T•""'• May le Ar.-.a"gecf Or•"l• and weot toSweden as an AFS ot Mr . and Mrs. George p. • "" htifftCIIHt c~""' student. She received the E. L Kreibtch, 277 Santo Tomas St., • ""LMt! DroP" Moore Kirl of the year awvd Costa Mesa. ls Jaolll!'y Zoot& SPECIALIZI II~ Ill THE Cl£A11111~ & uaooohompreaoo junior, aoo girlatMesaHI&h.Shei5SpanUh na ft ft na tbeAmertcdLeciongtrlofU.: Clubpresideottorber2Ddyear, FI111$HIII~ Of DIAP£11£$ ONLY yoar award In 8th., .... She Is AFS secretary, membor ol the ft fta Pl'u.idraat of Episcop&l YOWI.g school ptper .wr. educa1'ooal -J.Q••"-!._., sa'ftd u teea derelapmnt couoc:U. CSF. aDd ancet at Orup Couaty Hos-was AFS Americaoa.b:"oAdft.Da- pital. She plans to attend OCI llst last year. She tu served or OCU and to major lJ1 EngUsh as Volunteer Bureau otnce u-$10 THIS CERTI Fl CATE ENTITLES s 10 NAM E----------------------------- ADDRESS --------------------------- CITY ------------------------------11 TO SIO WO RTH OF DRAPERY DRY CLEANING ON A MINIMUM S2S ORDER; 1 COUPON PER HOUSEHOLD, $10 OFFER ENDS JANUA RY 31, 1969 $10 1702 NEWPORT B1.. VD. at 17th for a teaching career. slstant, Head Start volunteer • • • teacher, and Yolunteer model •MARIANNE COX daugtter at tile Laguna Pageant ot the of Me. and Mr s. AI; ins. Cos., Masters. She I.& a NaUooa.l Merit Z612 Mesa Dr., Back Bay, is ScholarstUp semi-Onallst thls December Zonta girl at Corona year. This summer she plans to del Mar High Scbool. She ls travel to France with the senior class vice-president, Foreign Study League and attend served as junior class sec-Pomona College 1n the fall, rotary and since her freshman majoring iD foreign languages. • • • • year has been a memberolCSF and active In GAA and AFS. *BECKY CARVER, daughter lD her junior year she was ofr.tr.andMrs.RoyCaner Jr •• aamed No. 1 Juruor golfer tor 2140 Mesa Dr., Back Bay, is the u.S.A., aod haspacticipated Zoota girlforJanuaryatCorooa 1n k»cal statea.ndoa.Uonaltour-del Mac High ScOOol. She 1s oa.ment~. She received the Foreign La.oguage Cltm see-co Sto Meso ••A 1 • .._.._ MaSOillc award, the girl of the rotary, member of !mere!.., 642..o270 ~ ...., quarter award and the Press Council, scholarshJp and cuJ. ll.iiliiiilliiiill-••••••••••••••• Club haadliDer 'sports award as tiiCe committee, I...a.tiD Club, I 531 CEHTER STREET • COSTA MESA • Ml 6-1919 GAA, AFS and senior honorary society. Slle was homecoming princess last tall, receiYed tbe DAR award last December, was named as outstanding Latin student iD 1966 and 1967 aDd as sophomore girl of tbe quarter. She Is president of Asststeens. Since she was 9, she hasparUct- pated iD horsel.ck ridlog and showing. She bopes to atteDCI Wellesley or Stanford and plans to get a credentlal lD secoodary education. Wodellil( and &irliDe hostess!Dg are other possible careers. Sp ecial Safe L OVER 100 STYLES OF HERITAGE···· SOFAS , •• CHAIRS .,. LOVI SEATS •.. OTTOMAHS ••• YOUR CHOICE O f HUIUGE PA IRIC 20% OFF REGULAR PRICES H.J G~fffl fUf\N~ I'IIOI'IIIIIOtW INTO._ I , · tl I • •. r,. ,..,,... ........, ,,.,.., ..... ._ ............ 2UI ~ILVD. COftA IIIlA, CAUl'. 646-0275 646.0276 • NEWPORT BEACH lOt "Know your lOt COSTA United Fund share sent Joe Hl.mbJet. ...., ueellli•• dlrectot olt .. Nowport Boac• UoJtld FuDcl,tNIO'IlCI•U.flrlt Officer'' ll&lt of the lge9 &llolmoat bu --In tho Z5 UF-o lui week. The allotmeDtiiOtala $8%,914 and repre&lllb t.ll ot Oftlcer KeMetb McGregor, Oftlcer McGr egor and h!a: the campaJ.p pi, whicb ex. 29, wu employed by the New-wlte, Fran. tlan a son. Mike, tends through Auaust Sl. port Beach police department who is 5 years old, aDd a dau-Followlog are the aeeoctea 1D May, 1966. He wu born 1D Cbter Sbaron, 1 year, Tbey Uve and amounts paid; Boys Club Detroit, Michigan., and arrived In HuatiDgton Beach and enjoy ot Harbor Area, $6,950; Boy 1n Southero Callfornia at the frequent hunting a.Dd tl5hlng Scouts of America, $13,500; YOUng age of just 1 year. trips. Camp Fire Girls, $1,15Z; Com. He attended HUDliDgton Park munity Y oulb Center $!,3$0; High School, and played 4 yeus Girls Club of Harbor Area, of foott&ll; ooe year as aU city $2,500; Girl Scout Council of and 2 years as an all league Orange County, $7,182; Orange tackle. Upon graduation, he weal Coast YMCA, $8,200; American to San Luis Obispo to atteod Social Health Assn., $203.50; CaWornl.a State Poly-Teehnic Children's Hospital ot Los An- College tor 2 years u a phy-geles, $550; Children's Hospital steal education major, of Orange County, $61 9; Or tOO- Officer McGr egor plans to paedlc Hospital, $285.SO; Men- return to a local college and ta.J Health Assn. ot Orange continue toward Ills baebelor's County, $1,695; Chi kl Guidance degree lnpubl1c adm1nlstratJon. Center of Orange County, •lth special emphasis in police-$3,57'5; Cerebr~l Palsy Assn. of community relations. Orange County, $3,750; The In 1960 •·scotty," as he is Villa (Orange County AlcohOllc called by his friends; enllsted Women's RehabUJtaUon Cen- ln the Coast Guard. He speat ter ), $500; Visiting Nur ses 5 years ln San Francisco wttb Assn. of Orange County, $1,800; the 12th Naval District as a Amer ican National Red Cross, physical education and drlll1n-Orange County Chapter, structor. He attained the rank $14,500; Catholic Wellare Sec- of petty omcer. 2nd class. vices, $2,500; Protestant Wei- He Is a graduate of the Los tare Fund, $1,250; Family Sec- Angeles Pollee Academy, and vice Assn. ot Orange County, has worked as a jailer, a patrol-$2,125; Salvation Army, $3, 750; man, aod training omcer for Christmas Wellare Fund, $250; GIHA KREIIIOt new r ecruits. He Is presently Travelers' Ald Assn. ot A- assigned as a crime scene ln-Officer KenMth McGretor merica, $56; Volunteer Bureau; vestigator. $2,400; l.SO, $671 . INSU I &73-88so I AV'IO • lolr. · r1a• & HODGE INSURANCE NEW ... AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNIQUE BANK! PASSBOOK Your new Golden Passbook Savings A ceo unt will draw the highest bank rate of interest available anywhere! Now you can enJOY 5.13% mterest on a NewfXlrt Nat tonal Bank Golden Passbook Account when your ~v 1ngs and all tnterest rema1n a year Thts tS now posstble when our 5% current annual tnterest rate 15 compounded dally and cred1ted quarte rly to your Golden Passbook Account. Th1s spec tal account 1S avatlable to tndtvtduals. corporations. partnershtps and non ·prof•t orgamzattons. You 'll be pleased to know that your tnt~est pay. ments are fleltble accord1ng to your own rsonal needs. Wtth a mtntmum depos1t of $500 an subse. quent depostls of $100 or more. there IS no hmtt to the amount you can depos1t m your Golden Pass- book Sav1ngs Account. Your mterest starts from the date o f depostt and contmues to the date of with- drawal for funds on depos1t 90 days or more. We cons1der th•s a golden opportunity to make your sav.nas arow faster m a pleasant and secure atmos· phere_ We would l1ke to tell you mor:e about this untque "bank rate" of .nt~~est. Come m and see us or mail the coupon and we II do the rest. --------------. I ~ NEWPORT NATIONAL IIANK I I ~ (Select addreea of your neeretr ott.ce ) I I Centl•rntt" I am '"leretled m open•ng a nttw I 1 Golden Paaabook Account 1 I 0 Eneloaed •• my checlo; (money or<Mr) lor$-I I ($500.00 or more) Plea" open the .ccount and I 1 aend me more ,,format •on I htlreby ~.onderatand I !Nit withOrawala caf1rwl btl made until proper elg- 1 ~tu,.. Carda have beef1 r•turned lf1d arw Of1 fll• ., tht EHnk 0 Ptea .. Mnd me more '"format1Dft about your,._ ~ P.eabook s ... ~ AccOUftl 7 CONVtHIENT OffiCES TO Sli!VE 'IOU Ill CIIUIIIIE COUMTY -.-.c.....«~StO-tlll •.....,.._..,.... •• a wiU-Ilt t• .... ,.._.....,., ..... ._ ............. .,.11,.mo . ....,..-.....,,. ............ l•lt •-t~~t--•--.•~s ._-.,_.a ._ tu41U The ly THE &An R. A. TOitRIY • I I 2 • .,. .... .. I h .. ....., .,..... Oliap.. IUTIST .. ILl Tltt.UM·~ kor ... hf4 11M -c:.uaom.-u.l ..., ......,.., ... -ol ......... tblt tbe ....... ol. the ........ ,_.,. COiWt ,.,. the ------... -~ ..... -whleh ihe7 that U9 ~ and ~ wrwt Ullto tb.iJ' OWIII doMructloa (J ...... s~lJ), ... abunclan&J.y trW. Who • tholre ol • who "-DOt found thlnp ln the Bible that heve pual.d ua. ,_. tMt 1n our auV ChriltlaD uperience Mve Mel Ul to qu.tion wt..tt.r dMi Bible --. alter aU, the Word ol. God? We flnd .,._ lhhlcl iD &he Blble .whkb it -.uw I'"P"""'ble fw u. to rwcoodJa with other thinp Ill the Bible. We ftnd Mimi thtnca whieb -.em iQC!Nnpatlble with the ~ucht tNt tM whole Bible is ol eli-riM ortc:in aDd abeoluleJ, iDerrant. Jt ia DOt wiN to attlmpt to conce~~l the f-=t tiult the. diffieuiU.. ~ 11 Ia the put ol wisdom aa v.•ell u of honesty, to frankly r-.. thtnl ...t conaider lbem. What alWJ we uy concernina thete dUficu.lt.ies that every thotchtlv! atudent will 100rwr or later encounter! L ,.,_ ftnt tWac •• Uve to ...,. ...._. 0... .,.~ la ._ II6We a. diM fi"'OII tlae wery aalure ol the u.e .,...._ .,. .... ~ SOlD PEIOPl.E ARE aurprised and stagered bec:aUM there are difficulties in the Bible. For my part,. I would be more aur- priaed and ~~t.~aered ii there ftre not. W'Mt is the Bible? It is a reYelation of the mind and will and charad« and beifta of an l.nfinit.ly Jl"ftt.. pt:tfeetly wise and abeolutely holy God. God Himwll is the Author of this re-velation. But to whom is the rewt.tioc. made? To men, to finite beinp, to men who &h! imperfect in int..Jiedu.al development and COMeq~ in knowl- ed8e and who are abo imperfect in charactcor and c:oo.que:ntly in spiritual diaoe-rnment. The wisest man meuund on the Kale of etemity is only a babe, and the holiest man com~red with God i8 on1,. an infant in moraJ dewlopment. 'Ibere murt, then, from the-very rweaai.ties of the caM, be difficu.ltiel in •uch a revelation from auch a 10urce made to auch ~-When the finite tries to understand the lniUUte, there ia bound to be difficulty. When the ignorant contemplat.e the utterances of one perfect in knowledge, ~ must be many things h..rd to be undentood, and 110111e things which to their immature and i.naccurale minds appear al»urd. When beinp who.e moral judfments as to the hatefulnew of ain and u to the awfutne. of the penalty that it demands are blunte-d by their own linfulne. lislen to the ~ of ~n abrolutely holy Being, they ~ bound to be staaered at 10me of His demands, and when they consider His dea!inga, they are bound to be 1tagge~ at 10me of His dealing•. 11lese dealings will ~ppear too severe, lao atem, too hanh, too terrific. THERE MUST BE DIJTICUL TIES for us in 1uch a revelation as the Bible has proven to be. U .omeone should hand me a book that was u simple to me u the multiplication table, and ,ay: "This is the Word of God; in it He has revealed His whole will and wi5dom," I should &hake my head and My: "I cannot believe it; th..t ia too easy to be a perf~ '"elation of infinite wisdom ." There must be in any complete-revelation of God'• mind and will and character and being thinv hard for the beginne-r to understand, and the wisest and best of us are but beginners. Z. 'nae M:ltond thine to be .aid about theM 4iffit"1lhia b th.t a diffanalty i.a a clod.rine. or a rr.ve objedioe to a dorlriae, does ..OC U. UJ W"iM pron the dorlrine to be aatrue. MANY 1110UGH'n.£SS FF.On..E fancy that it does. U they come acrou 50me difficulty in the way of believing in the divine origin and absolute inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible, they at once conclude that the doctrine ia uploded. That is ver-y illOfPcal. Stop a rnomnJt and think, and learn to be reuonable and fair. 11lere i8 SCARCELY A D<X.TRINE rN SCIENCE GENERALLY BELIEVED TODAY that hq not had 50me great difficulty in the way of its atteptance When the Copem.ican theory, now so unive.-.ally accepted, Will lint proclaimed, it encountered a very 1rave difficulty. U this theory were true, the planet Venus should have phases as the moon hal, but no phues could be di5oe0vered by the best glass then in elliltence. But thto po51t1ve argu~nt for the theory was 10 strong that it was accepted m spite of this apparently un- amwerable objection. When a more powerful ~~~:las. was made, it wu found that VenWI had phll5el after all. The whole difficulty aro.e, as m011t all of those in the Bible arise, from man's is:noran« of some of the facta in the case. . The nebular hypothesis i.s commonly accepted in the scientific world today. But when this theory Wil.S first announced, .nd for ~ long time afterward, the movements of the planet Uran\111 could not be rE"::nciled with the theory. Uranw lftmed to move in just the oppos1te d1rect•on from that m · ... ·h•ch 11 wa.s thought 1\ ou~othl to move 1n accordance w1th thl' demand~ of the theory But the po:il\lve arr.::uments for tht.> theory were so 11\rong th"'l it Was acc••ptcd m spite of thf' lnt>xplicable movement£ of Uranus. If WE> apply to B1ble study the common sen5e logic.-r~ in every dep.artment of !.C"It'fiCf' I wtth the exception of Biblical cnt.iclS.m. •f that be " $Clt'R'-"t'l, then we must demand th~t 1f the positive proof of a tlwory ts condu.sn·e. It mu1t be believed by rational men m .sp•te of ;.ny number of difficulties in m•nor details. He IS a very shallow thinker indeed who gives up a well- attested truth because there are some apparent facta which he cannot rE"::ncile with dull truth. And he is a very shallow Bible scholar who g•ves up hiS belief m the divine oricin and inerrancy of the Bible because there are .some suppcli5e(( facta that he cannot rKOncile with that doctrme There are in the theological world today many .shallow thmkers of that kind. 3. The third ttUn, w be S<Ud about the climeRitla hi the lllble is that there are many more, a.nd mU<'h r,..ter, diffinaltim ia tJae way of the clodrine that holds the Bible to 1te ol 11...., oricia., -cl hef't' fallibl e. than there arw: in the ...,. ol the dodriDe that hokb tbe Bible to be of divine oriPa -d MDce lclalllWL OP'I'ENTIMI'S A MAN will bring you some diff~ty and uy: "How do JOU uplain that, if the Bible is the Word of God? .. and perhapa you may not be able to answer him utialaetorily, Then he thinka he hu you comered, but not a all. Tum on him. ~nd ask him: "How do you a«oUnt for the fulfilled prophecies of the Bible if it ia of human ofiMin? How do you account for the m~rveloWI unity ol the Boola:? How do you account for ita inexhaustible depth? Haw do you account for its unique power Ill lifting men up to God? And 10 on." For every •nsigruficant objection M can brine to your v~w of the Bible, you can bring very many more deeply .ipill'ieant objection~ to hil, view of the Bible. And any really candKI man, who dftirft to know and obey the truth will have no difficulty in deciding between the two views. Some time q o a yo~ m.n, who _... of a brirht mind and unu.ually well re.d in aoeptical and aitieal and acn-tic litentw-t, told me he had Jiven the malle.r a rrut deal of eandid and c:artiul thoucht. and u a result he could riot beiM!n the Bible wu of di.UW oricift. I ulted him: "Why not?" He pointed to a certain te.chlnc" of the Bible that he could DOt and would not beline lQ be true. ......... : ~f•a-ttWie.WMt..,... ... ..,.. ...... ,. tbM ....w ... '""" .... Ot. ......... .t ... et¥a-I a. ~ , .. _,. ..... far -.. ..,... .. ME I fw -title QpediM .. U. ............. .... ...................... ~,, ................. .... ........ y-~ .. , ..... lact.,,...., .. ···ry ..... ,... ,_ i1 If .. INWe .. ..c Gel'• W..rt Y• c-* .._. ,_, .,.. .... _.. .... ..,. .... ..,. ......... .. .............................. 0 ..... ...... ., ... -,._.. "-... , ......... ,_ .... ... "Glnl ......... A.lltlitlllr ................ ...., ., ... ._ tt "' ·-~ ..,. ............ ..... ____ ..__ .. ....__,_._. ...... ..,. ... --~-OM, ....................... .. .... ,.. •• , .... It If ............. .... .. a.. ... -...................... a.n"' 'ft. ..... Cllt .. -....... ,.. ......... ca..t .-........... -........ tfMI .. .W. II ol...,.. _.... _. ..,·aritJ -tw _... -_. 't'lllll:r ...,.. a 1lf tJ ... .._ ,.... ,_..__ .... w ......... ., ............... .,. c.-• COlO,_ .. , Grat lvelts Ia le OM lata.tt -!OIAif-'1 "Elijah Goee to H-•• ia a Whirlwincl"- llltiap2 11"""'1------ ..... "THE SWOitD 0' TM! LORD" 58 •u.dkotM _,. •k.id• ,_ .~. trey ·- (U -,...,.._. ia -'••n. daa DIUI•or ut~o•lly will b., louad ia D Kia,._ l. Plo ... r.-U.o oattr. c~opler Mfwe W"od:ia9 tile pu..U.) CLUES ACI:OIS • I "----ia 11M LeN Ge4 of EUJdr s ........ q:pe-..4 • ----...... ............. lti:re" SS "t~ov. boat oala:rgod •Y sto~ • • • my J.ot tlid aot ____ .. (0 s-22:37) 11 o -ot ......... {G... .. rJl) ., .. ,.. -----DOt ......... .. .alptuM" (Matt. 22:21) :r7 lnUicda oJ two oona of 1•~11 (G.a. 30:1. II) H • •• ol klo (I Ckna. 7:7) 14 l.lti.ta el tw. -of Ac&nta {LK 1•23) 40 G.-Nk •-lor HMea (1-. t :1S) ·u. •11 "......_ ________ t..tl God .,.._r II .. ._ ..W.. Jt aMU ----w.,_l" (0 ._ .... , 41 MM ho -·-· occcwcliag to tho "..-d. of the Lonl .. (0 em.,. 1:17) u , ----clo .u tllta .. tU. ... Ori.t .. (PIUL 4:1S) 11 ._. ........ ~ "• ... , to .a-Jaaac (G.L22:J), ___ _jQ • '"1lrJ ----.. lily .. d lh.y -""--" (h.Z3) 43 l.aJticale of two P•c-ea ••ol'a ~lliiYY (End. 15:23: 17:1) 44 fatMr ol J ... boL ----Hal (I 11 "'----toek wp ot.o U.. •m~tlo .. ..,... lla,. 11::11) . za ~~GMt of Jorkllo. ____ b~ (JoN 45 l ot a cNdlo portioa el thy ----k upoa-." 2:1) •24 ........,. ill U.e -··-God ol Ell-,..r •u. •so M.n..ro • tho Lord --------EIJ,..r • m ... parted lty ZMJ.a -c1 DiU• 21 iaftMk ., • ~ ••cl• from .,.,... .... • ...... )lnllliltiti.ftg U.. -ol it (H--. I) SJ iaiticdli of the" jucl.-(Jadg. :1:15: 10:1: 12:1) .sl nra... of Sieon Pot..----- loa• <•--..... of. M Matt. II: 17) S.S "a CGrio1 ol ____ .. Zl .... -· .. J•cl& (G.a. 31:3) ~ .. ____ ......... aot ~atood ltloe4" 5I imtiat.. of K-.1'• clouPt.,._la. Ia" (av.th 1:41 , ___ "U." Eaok. 3$:1) n .... --li•olll to -a. illhii"CH-.. .. t'llot ... 7:25} •st "wUro • u.. 1«4 Goclet ____ r 10 ""f.Ujab W"ODl up r, a wJUd. wt.l U.to ----~ THE BIBLE Today we are publishing the fi.nt in a serie. of artides by the late R. A. Torrey on the major difficulties that many Rrious men and women come upon in the readina: and .t:udy of the Bible. Any intei.J.ia:ent man or woman. Christian or llOII-Chriatian, know. that the supreme question of authentic ChzVti&Dity is that of the trustwor- thiness of the Bible. lt is in the Bible, and in the Bible alone, that we find the knowledge of the Penon and character of God. There h.u never be-en on earth the true ~­ ligion apart h-om an umquely inspired proph~ or apostle, or ap&rt from the writings; of the unique- ly inspired prophets and apostles. And since there it no evklenee that there has been a uniquely in - api.red prophet or apostle •ince John wrote the Book of Revelation, we have today the words of God to man only in the Bible. "lnaplrauon.M not to mention ·•verbal Inspira- tion," is dying out of the contemporary-theological vocabulary. It ia not beoc:ause the evidence for the verbal iNpirauon of the Bible (in the original docwnents of co~) is not <&~ overwhdmina: and conclusive today u it always has ~n; it ia be c.a111e contemporary theological nubbins have sub- stituted their 1ubjeclive Dimeyland ideu for ob- jective truth. It is because that in tht. MfltimeuU.l, anti-intellectual qe, a thina: b what we "feel" it to be, what Woe want it to be, what we think it should be; not what the facta uy it 11. The Christ- ian religion 1$ not .subjective truth; it is a bocly of objective truth. Take, for u~o~mple, the ~1. What constitutes the Gospel? P~ul teLls ua in the 15th chapter of First Corinthian~: "Moreover, brethren., I declare ur.to you the gospel wh1ch I preached unto you, which abo ye fro.,. the Bapti st Bibl• TrUu'"• Noel Smilb, Editor Ho~t 106. Spriofiifield, \to, have rt'Ct'1ved, and wherein ye stand; "By which abo ye are saved., if ye keep in • me-mory what I preach~ unto you, unleu ye have believed. in vain. "l'OI" I deUveTed. unto you tint of all that whic:h I abo receiv.d, how that Christ died. lor our sins acc:'Of"ding to the acriptures; "And that he was buried., and that he roR again the third day aecordina to the ~eripture~." That ia the Gospel. That ia the "rood news." The Go.pel t. not a t ubjeclive thing. It i.t objective. It cons.ists in thre-e facts of ht.tor:y: the death, the burial. and the re.ur-redion of Chritl. Our faith, our feelings, have nothing to do with the factJ. The Gospel has been true for 2,000 years. It will be true throuehout eternity. The Bible aays that it it not enoueh for a Chrittian to tell a questioner that he accepts the Bible by faith. The Bible says that the Chtiman must give the q~Jealioner a raaoa for thla belief. . be ready alway• to give an answer to every m.n that asbth you a reason of the hope that is in you with mee&nes. and fear" (l Peter 3:15). The Greek authorities tell WI that the Greek word translated "Aaaon., in that puaqe, connotes the idea of an "apolocy"-a defence, e. a .. So- crates' "ApolOfY," u reoordl"d by Plato. Jt is the kuld of defence made by P•uJ in the 22nd chapter of Acta; "Men. brethren, and. fathen, heu ye my defeDCe whlch I make now unto you." You don't have to accept the Christian Faith by faith; you can accept it on the baai1 of the subst-antiated facta of history. And on that foundation, you ''believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" and are saved. Tile eaenoe ol faith ill lnJ.at. You have a foundation of aubstanti- aled. fact upon which to bllle your tru.R. R£111'0111 IIARtllUlUIGII OORS~Y. JNI. 23. lt6t Why Christius Should fight-Dr. Cell -... I'UILIIHI. OP TMI ot•.mAN IIM:DM,. COLLINGSWOOD. N.J. ,_,.. .. TMIJ'IOttOOP THI LottD"'-.. • '"'· ................. ~ T--. J71JII Ql!•tto.: ....._ at-r • a ln tt• 11'011 CUrt•in c:ountn. ud ti'Kt • wtlr a OWIIUM .._.. bu inflltrated Ute f"bUI'Cbltt In fiPt 0 • 1 n' I -.... 1111at ottwT MC't1oNI ot the world wlt.ft " lbcMtkt • ~ o _L-Ita b1nc JWOII&I.nda and nPon· l'dl:m. ltut jqa;t ,..... t111e G.ptL .., and tubwnlw ~ No I know U.S. .. aot rfcbt t1ut .. Otrlltian ean Nmaln •llent and nertd IOIDe krtpture n.ltnac. PHmlt the c:hufth of Olrt1t to ButntR .,..,.,.,., Oaa/. btcome • tool and a Wlflpon of a Atu1Cie'J': The kiN that • a.n.-~ocUr• power. tian thoukl ftOt tiaht Comm.uallln E~ 5:11-"".ohd lt.allfl MO but juat }:II'MCh the GoepeJ il: f•~IJI ltiit.ll t.lle ••/rwil/vl (1) a t&Jaeo ~ftam; (2) a U... UlOrb of dat't"INN, btd rvtMr whidl the Cbmnnmlltl ~ 10 ~· tUM.'' that On1atianl wtJI not OSJP(.e 10. COliOIIftlrrMM ,. n.. 1'01'AL them: 13J • ntreat from duty I.Ha:MT or .....OM. The OtrltUa.n which thfo Devil dellahU In: end 15 the chief champion of liberty. (4) II repudllltion ot "the w~ On t~ Uberty Bell .1ft Phllatlel· COUIIR'I ol God" u wt forth In phi" 11 lnecribed. "Proclaim lib- the Hol:y Sa1ptures,. Crt) thtoUihol.ll 11111 the 1.-Dd unto 'ne Cltri.tla• Should PIP& Coe~•aat.. for tk Follow. ill& Rea110111a: }. C»ICNUNIIM 11 AN ATTAO( UPON GoD. lt &rruq God. '!be 0\rlttian m~,a~t maintain the bon- or ot the nanw of Uw UvJ.nc God. PAlm 53:1-"1'U fOOl .\at.\ ..... "" Mort, f'M-re .. 110 God, CMn!pt arw t.\q, n4 Aove 11oM ~ble' Mriqw.it~: toWn! U lltOM tlw•t clod.\ good.!' 2. C»NMVNJBM 1CH1a JISUS Ot.tarT ... PUUN'1'D 1N THa Blat.c. It makn Him a clitdple of Marx. . First John 2:22-"'W.\o U a liar bvt .U t.\ot dntet.\ tlttd lnu tl t.W Cllrilt t He Y nat'- cll.rVt, t.\ot *"iet.\ t.W l'alltn 4114 t.W Boll." 3. C0MMl1NISM 11 THa Woex or THa DniL. Jt Ia lnsplrf"d by Satan. 11 a Oni•tJan will ·be loyal to 0\rilt he haa to opJI()M" Com- muniun, a major work of the o.vu. First John 3 ;8--""Ba tltot COM- Milt•t.\ M M of t.W cleW; for t.W devil ... ,. /r'ofll t.\e bit- gM.w.g_ l'or tAil PM~ t.W 8011t of Oocl waa fMII'fated, t o\at .W Mig.\l datroy tM worb of tile 4et.tU." f. C0Mif\ll'lflSM DD1ta THAT IIUN KAII A JOUL. It is m&terialiltk, 'hwnant.Ue. Matthew 10:28---"Aitd /tJM ..ot tUM Wt\ic.\ lrill tM bodN, I:Mtt t11"8 ut abk to lriU tM IOWI: bwt ral.\er feur .\im w.\tc.\ ia ublc to dutroy bot.\ ~ mwl bodr • UU." ~-Cotonnrn~~M ornas • !lt)(UJ..o 1ft ~ IUNCIIOM . Matthew I :33-" B•t ~k )Ire /irft t.W ~ of God, ulld .\"-rigA:t~u. o~td all tM• tllillg. MQU b8 odlled 'WIIfO p)V." 6. ColfMUNliM D 4 SYI1'SM Olf 1'01'.U. ~vaT. 1t bralnwuhH the mind ol man and dedicates h.im to Antichrbt. First John 2:18-"Littk chil- d~. If l.t tM kut t in&e: ulld n1 ,e l'loctt lteurd Omt u Hhclt,;.t llh(!U ()0'17N, 8t¥'11 HOW >111' flte•"f! >rWIIJI atttic.\riata; u·htorrby I/#' k1111ou.· tlta t it Ill' tlte lH.r: t ime." 7. CO MM U NI.M rotlRIDS THP! CAUTING OUT or TH& Ga&A"'' ())a,t . MIMJON. It C'k>sH miuMH\ doonr;:. It 1.2 a pert of obtodlei'IC'l" to Chn.sl for the Christian to ao mt~> all th<' world and pre-ach the Gospel. and ht" muat resiat t"Vf'ry totali- tarian 1ys~m which forbkl-. 1 he! pr-eaehlng ot the Goapel. MatUM'W 28 :19, 20-··au Jie thernJore. 1t1td tn1clt rrlf 1tot101U .. h!t1CII.i11g tltem to obaerre t~rl rhi~ u.·.\clt.tOet"('l' I hut e com- ma"ltded lfO'I.·· 8. COMMUNISM II.U )IUI:OQZD WILUON~ OV CHaLSTIANS. It hu slau1htered more Olriilt ians than any other J)O""f'r in hl~tory. Jerr- mlah, ba..iah. EukMol--the (J'H.t prophtoU of God, crk>d out against lht' tyrant• and fl llf' gods! The believer must fiJhl it . Proverb!< 28 :4-"Thev that for- eokft t~ lolt(." pmi~ tit ~ ICicked : bNt ht'll til hep the lmc CO"-· Ind. w..'iUt tUm." 9. CD)QfttNqw 11 UUNC no: CHUIIota. lt hu compWte control ot what ls left of the churt'hes nil lht:o Inhabitant... thereof. •· lLeV. 25 :]0). P .. lm 119;4S-"/ r~ill ~Ilk 11t llber·ty: /Ol" 1 ~ted: thJI pt'ft:e'JJta." You cannot set"k thoe Pftftpu o( God anct not resist Commu· """'· 11. C0WNUN13ftol IS OONCtN"'' •• t.T. IN!; tTS f'tiOOUM UPON T1ft Yotmf. It• rtecepuve promlsn and illS ln- rlltratM>n of t hei:-rankli I!' promot- ini lawk!unes:~". Proven» ~ :7-''Who.o keepeth lite ~av; ia u Wl(IIC ...,,._. bad he flktf i• o comprntk)ll O/ dotO!UI "le" 1hamet.ll. It~ /t•tlt.er ... 1~. COMMUNIS'nl A Ill CONaN· "BATING TH..I.Ik ATTACk liPON TK.I UNITEO S TATU, lt1 Comtltutkm and Bill o f Rlahu. Tht> Chrl~ttan as a dtiun twos to tK> concrrM'd about his nation. Beina: a OIMs· tian patnot b a dlvtne obllaalion. Proverb. 14 :34--"Rightenw.fteA ~x."ltteth u "'-lltO~t : bwt '"" ia a reproach. to llltJf peopl£,"" 13. COMMUN I S M ADYOCATU ""f'tACII:FUL C'OD:L"n:Ncr;"• and a de-· ceptl\'t> ··peatt " P .. lm s 2fk3--'"Diuw· mf' ~tDl Qo4"(1JI tt:HII. tilt• u;telu:d, Oltd wilh rite w;ork~r• of t~tiqr~it.v. u·h.~h tptak p.&lCt: to theu· 11eig1lbollt1, but m'-'cll.t.ef i• '" tlt~ir .ltearfl." 14. C'OWMllNUIM 4 T TA C K 5 AU. ntAT TH& C'HI.IST14N AND Dfi.IS· TIANTTY UPUNNT. 11w-Bib~ tt'IJ!I U-'1 that we must contend elrnrst- ly ro r thfo faith , and we are in- structed to put on the whole ar- mour of God, bKau!ie" we strug le not aaainst flesh and bk:lod but 11.1ainst spiritual w\ckednes.•• tn hiah placn IEph. 6 .lll-17i. God call., upon His peopk-, havlnl done Ill, to stand, and t~ buk con· filet bt>tween Communism and C'hriltlan\ty Is in the tpiritual realm. All tlw hoetl of hell havt> conspired to destroy Chrilltianlly, the Church of I)Ur Lord, and the fr'ft'dom whkh Godo hat: li¥rn to Ht~ propko to prod! tho .CO.prl n.o.e whQ MY. "Don't filht Communlam. but prMCh tht-,eo.,. pel" lte spirihaally blinde-d, for without libe-rty the Golprl eanno1 ~ preactwd. Ju&1 3 :3---''Belon:d , M:.\e" gut:e call dlligf!~ to w.Tttt: 111tto )IOU of tlv! commoK •dultWilt, tf w.•11 'll«dfwl to•· m..· to write 'W 'IItO JIOII , H'lld r..xltort )'OM t.\ut )I'll •houkt eunw!atly oo~tleM fot· tlt.e fuitlt wh.ich. wa,oc O'IICf' M - hw-rrd .,,.to th.e .ta\~tt.t." A Christian rf"liSt-" Communism by the help of God . He believes that the Golpel of Jesua Olriat mc ludn this resporatbility, and he lookl to God for wisdom, couraar, and craer. Ht' bdlt>ves in prayer and hf' appnls to God for de-liver· ance. The Chrl•tl•n Is and must be the most valiant warrior ara tnst g:odiel.s Communiam in the 20th ~tury. 1be Communists ha\'C dni~ war-a culd war a- aainst the U.S.A. and the free Wrst. '11\e interna t ion.l Com- munist conspiracy Is koad.J.ne the lla:ht to enslave the world. The Chrbha.n should ~~~•d the fi&ht lo win the coW war and he ahoukl do 110 in the name of the Lord or Ha.ls, thr God of thr umlft ot Israel. ·• B~ ia tM 'IKitiolt tCAoM G<Nl Ul t.W Lord'' (Pu. 33 :1~). ST. THOMAS BIBLE LESSONS Lesson 21 , Series II II Kings 20 ISAIAH'S WORDS TO THE KING St. Thomcu Press -P 0 . Box 35096 -HoUJiton. Texas 77035 The s tory o f Hezekla.h'" illm.'!'l" may be something of a literary ·nashback." hel nnging properly, it appt';us, to the Assy rian Riege o f Jerusalem. II may be that th e chronicl er dt.-s ired to concl ude his accou nt o f the dramallc events surmunding the war, and th en narrate a happening m o re penonal to the lire uf King Hezeklah. It has been .o;uggested th a t the plague which th e Lord sent to s lay so many o f the enemy outside the walls was what a rfected Hezekiah (bubonic plague, possibly,. At any rate", that which destroyed the enemy p urified the soul o f the king. It is not strictly true to aay advenlty u 'such streng thens a ma n; it may well be th a t phy1ical adversity wUI provide the ci rcumatances in whic h a ma n's soul is !\lrengthened by God. "Jt'e the set of the saUs, and no t the gales. th at detennines the way they g o." Heukiah'• very name meant "God hBA strengthened." Hezekiah's Ulness pro mpted Isaiah to come to the king with the famou• word8, ·Thus saith th e Lord, &et thinr house ln order. for tho u thai I die and not live." Good advke, even fo r ChristianA whote aHentlon l8 so o ften centered upon the affaire or the wo rld that death Ia almply not 11. reality. The famoue medieval mo rality play "Everyman" hu the principle character uy, whe1 approached by the angel or death, '"Oh Death, you came when I had you leaat in mind!" And one Is reminded of our Lord'• parable of the r1c:h man. who.e soul Wat at ease. untU the wordt:"Thl•nlght thall thy 10ul br required o f thee." Wt 18w In the prevlout c:hapter that Heztklah wtu a m a n Who turned to God In prayer during the crisla of •tate. He nO'W tum• ln the qony of hll •lckneu. holding u p to God not only hi• ml~ery but hit life of r1c-hleousneu: "Remtmber h ow J h ave walked before thee in truth and with • perfect heen. and have done that whk:h Ia a:ood In th y ti.Jhl. • II t. the faahk)n tod-.y to be cr1tk:al of lho.w who tum to God (It It aald)only when in txtrenlty.•There • re no a theilll In to•hofea." lOft! tbe tneer. C4trlaln.ly 1odly people take time , to pray whatever be their earthly condltkm. BUll It la o/IO(Jyl bette:r to pray th•n not to. and It II the devd who would ttmpt U1 to mraln (rom prayer when umdltiont were d lffkult bec::au.ae we had .,...eded God when we wrn. at eue. It It the-rullu.Uon that we have nowhueeftetoiUmdltatdrlweUito God. And Heulclah'• prayer II. _,dally. "llen<mber me. Ob Lon!," M were the thld"s wordl to Chrbt ar they both hun& d)'Wla oo crot.te~. 'Jbe com-- mentntor Henry write~. • Hezeklah had found that the prayers of htlth bring in answers nf peace. He had now received the sentence of death within himself. a nd. if It was revenible, II must be reven~ed by prayer. If the ~entcnce was irreversible. yet p rByt•r is one of the beat preparations for dt><llh, bl"CBU.'I(> by It we fetch in strength and grace from God to enable us to flni"h wt'll" Isaiah had barely len th e presence or the king when th t" word o r the Lord came unto him telling him to return to Hezek lah and tell him that he was to be healed. His recovery would be rapid, for on the third day he is to worship in the house of the Lo rd. Could thla be an Old Testament sign of the Resurrection? The Lord al w p romisn Hezeklah nneen additional years of life. (He is o nly th irty-nine at this timr.) Hezeklah aaka for a sign that these things will come to pasa, and th e Lord causes the shadow on a sundial to go back ten degrees. It Is not dear exactly what a degree of time represented. although one com· menta lor suggests about o nc-haH hour. The only other time 1n Scripture where It is recorded th a t God altered the normal now o r ti me was tn Joshua. where. at the •upplkallon of that areal captain. God caueed th e sun to stand stUI that a battle mll:ht be concluded in good order. The last incident decrlbed In the ch apter concerned a visit of some emis- saries from Babylon. Babylon had about a century to go yet before rising to the position o f dominance In the anck-nt wortd. She was, however, no small power et th il titnt. One cannot help but wonder I( the moti ve behind the vlAII of the 8aby lo nlant wu mo~ than concern ro r Hezeklah'• health! No doubt they Oattered hbn with p raise ro r hll recent tu«dl over the Aasyrt•n• (the event mu•t have ttunned lhe anc~t world and aroused potential enemtet.) Overcome with • •ente or hll own lmpdrtance, Ha:eklah 1howed the mm from Babylon all lhe tre:uu.ra of the pal act. For M• fooUshneu he le called to ae- eount by the omnlpraent l•alah.. wbo pronounce~ the ltlllenu of God: that th~ tn-aaur• or Jtru•alem would onedaybecamed b11o ;Babylon. The q~lrttual le.on .. hard to learn and euy 10 forpt:: lhoae wbo Ntk the world'• applau.e will pay lqr II. for-who love •Bobylon"(lhboworld) wUl beh•rolov ... The Now Tlltoment -•lllat lo lovollllt world 11 10 be almmlt)t wtlh God. All ln all, """'lob wu ono of Judoh"• -ldop. Hollvod durtna a particularly <rllloal lim., lbowtd aompl017 leadonhlp, ln-llod -ed r-In Judah'• n-... n1aa-life, Md -biOIIIII a Gocl-... m. mon. He ........ for -ty-nlne ye""' 1111d wu followed by hie..,., M1111 ... ... oneo! Judah'• wonL ' I I N EtF0 RT HARBOR ERg Gil ~~lfJl:ii.i3"3 From the Police Blotter OOIIOIIA DEl liAR,. CAUF. OUTliiDAY, Ull. 4 a.. lilt plou don II ,.. MI<IIIOIII&IoJ,IOI C<nl A"~ I~LIGM. TIIAIH .... •rmtDAY TUf CARIMGIMf At~.UI llo-_. .._ Tllo CIIJ ol -..part -Tllo""'"' --ol a -br lilt pollco do-1o -to • .,... a troo lo c ... .-, • ...., .. to R-...,_..., ........ tllll :11 9 .. Ctt" IMt• lOeb thnt. .'H 'DIIa A ..... Colla 1C IN Md t......, &10 .. , $J ialNt," .. & ....... 11-. WU Mllb?IUebJ&~ Nri'ialii a.m AT OCC Clou!oo Cnwtoo-d,. It, oiAI loU poilu," lit-,,._ ~ lolud ••. Tllo,.._. -roallr Ia< IIIt ...u.a. ~ St., Co* -. .... -....... u 1900 "'· .,._ ol lilt Dootr --~"~' plloo-.... llloilll--lilt~ eo.)' Bl-llr·~--~ ..... -Lid ole_,-llftlltd al J Llo., u IM4 lila. Bml •• C-.tllo...,.,...~ CoauruaiiJ .u... Ia llrt porl!.o wt11 bo olltrtd 1o u. ..-.ollie w. Cout ~~Lid-· •..-s.ws,_ __ .., ......,_ ..... ., arort br ~ Cout eou. lill ll1t eiiUp ot poe--o1 zo ._ ... a mall at a -. G&JaoJ, ltoo-., wu- lll<lrlc. Tbo elau ..W D10t1 marl,... ... Jobo R-., 44, Lid -I wrltlled blm to tl1o 1011. wWI ---liP T11oldl1a lnlm 7 to 10 p.m. ol 3124 >lcJ(Jaltf Way, Cool& ..-Lid blelrod blm lo t11o arorl1011<---olf; ..... JU. 11 It .......... ( 9 ''I Coe.tU., su.t. lll(ftport 8Jfd.. ... Cah\1111 A .... 100 ,.,.,. -ol .... .uo. u port ol ~ ---Dr. -..part ....... llloalqo ... Dr •• llu'b:ll" v ... HWa. t I f''kltM....... ... .. M NOO~ L!GM. MCnW:I LaGA~ IIOTIC! UGAL IIOTIC! at Ettue1a Hlp Sebool, Room ..... wu UHMecl at 10:10 lace ud J:IIU. after be tad replv.e"** "'maet wu lltll CllDOfAlfCE II), I.a. U1ro1Ct1 u l.lllit o4 tt• 45' 00''; 1o t.be Jtortberly eoi'M'I' of ttW No. 715. FM lbr tilt oooroela p.m •• al IOZ5 Vlata Caulla1, .-tlltmaot to uo prolloiiJ ~. a.l lllo ._ to Ill lilt All OllllllWICEOPT!IICITY -W 11 •JO'•£ult0t5.50 C41"lllD rtNrYOlr alto -rtb- $5. ~at. ma laq t.t1 a East Blaff, lAd booM4 oa tile lD troet of eUitomera • • • Qltero wu Mat aro.t $!00. OF NEWPORT B£Aa1 a-... to u. .......-o4 a eun-e ad ta a dead 1o aaJd City of you ol ~ oebool alpbn eiiUp ol druot ID pobUe ••• WurMl _!e.._ m1 ENTERTAIN J.LH l5 ZONIN(l PIWPUTY A11D A---ft -•-ly K-Boot h, reeordod De-aod~oiiDiiii"i; .. ~__,.;;;,;;;;,;;.:.;,· ___ _;Do..;,;;IIPIIa;;_;;;_;.lllo~Uw;,;:.eat;;;;_,;.tlai.;;;,M"_;",;."U ClreS. ta., Bay Sbores, re~ ' MEHDDCG DISTRICT \ 1U.P8 MY1aC a radlUI o1 2050,00 feet; cember !0, 195'7, 1D 9ool: 4US, ~ · partad tbe theft of u 8 foot The 5 8ot1ow llDr7 _ _: ud sa;, 50, ss AlfD 55 tbiDce Nortbwesterly &45.2& pa.p 395 of S&1d otrtelal abot, worth UOO, from a Otio ww eDlart:l1D at :.... p.m. ne cu., eo.eu o1 tbe Ctty t...c aloae aid curYetbrO!Jiban Recorda; thence South I f:H IJ It (:H I:S 1 .ton&e rack at BayshOre Dr., Saturday, Ju.~.attbt...tlDc WlWAIII s. PETERSOtfotZO'Il ot Newport Beach dDn ordala &JIIlt ol u• S7' Z8"; tbeDCe 45• zo· 36" West 76,1! teet IOmetlme after Dec. 15 , , • of the Newport Marta-StDJor S Captll& Court Costa Mua. u folloWs· •nac aJd cunt Soutb aJoo& the NorthWesterly line of 1l., ___ .fl.I_.J.Ir t .t _I'DA PL ... L Della Houts, 1340 Bayside Dr., Citizens attbeirch~,lSUl ~cer ot BaJJt o1 Amtrk:a.'~ SECTiON 1. nt IDIIowtac 11• z:a• .U" £ut 619.13 feet; said reservoir atte to an ansle cwi'Jfl IWfll IIIli fJI ~~ Coroaa del Mar, stated that an St. aod Irvine An,, CUff HlYM. MaiD ud EWJ brueh LD HUO· deault.d real 11101111 ty ia tali tbloce !Cortll a• S&' 1 7"' East polDt. therein; thence South "0• 16• IJI•If• ()r .. rlooAI.f. ."'4~H'('Ort H•rtQr.. 1/8Cb of ID 1D<:h bole lad been Mrs. Aai"OD Cbri&eueDlspro. tlJl&tOa Bll.cb. eelltlnted his City of Newport Baeb. CouDty 104.69 ftet; tbeoce South 50• 26' 36" West 539,58 feet lSD I c ... ,,...... made 1D • S150 window •. It gram cbaltman. SOtb UDIYetAJ'J wttb tilt ban.k Of OrUKt. state of Cal1b'a1a. 11. a• .... Eut 5'70.91 feet to me point of beginning. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH e:)O a.m. to 9:)0 a.m. -wOrsh•P ~t~IICt 9:4S a.m. to 10:4S a.m. -Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Strvict "'"k ae• ........ o. sa .... P•&or The Rev. Georae J . Buadiecker, Visitation Pas10r ,._estl-3131 Christian Science S.vlces ef c. ....... . mtpt ban beeo cbeaper for Tbese etXertalDerl PIJ a ta Dteember. He jo1Ded tbe beAk to YU: to lbt beei•'nc of a e'IU'Te coo-CoataiDing 182.1 acres, morf' st.phea Gnysboek. 1130 Pes. variety of music 00 many ln· u a messeocw lD 19SI. Helsa BegtDIWic at tbe EulerlJ eor. ea.-. Sollltnrest.eriY tavlng a or less; as shown oo District eador Dr., Wtstcllff, to repalr strumeots. Tbey ta.Ye pl&Jed member oftbliHw:atiJictoaBea.eb aer of that eertalD parcel of radia. ot 90.00 IHt; tbence \laps Nos. 50, 53 and 55 r ro . a wind lrlng 1D bls VW, beeaw;e at KelodyJ.aDd. 00 radio :uxl 00 Rotary Club Cb&mber ot Com· 1a.Dd Mn•'SUD& ollS..D210aaH: So«W•erly S2.40 lee« aJocg tarred to i.D Section 20,06,0 30 someooe r emo'led speakers and TV slxnts, 1Dc,l,ud1Dc "Truth or merce ADd' Mereb&.al's Assn. crou, as delloeated oa a maP Aid CG"Je Ulroueb a.o ugle of ol TtUe zo oft he Newport Bach 8 tape cartridges from lDslde, coosequances. filed LD Boot 63, pace 45 of zoe 3'1' S5" to the bectnnfng liunlclpal Code, a portion of u well u stealing the gas cap LEGAL MOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Record o1 SVYeys 1D tbt t:Jl. o1 a reorene curve ooacave whicb ts presently umea aDd wheel dust conrs . . . tlce of said eo.aty llecorder; Mortberb' bariDe a radius of '•P -C." • planned communih, The mast and boom thai Geor ge ORDINANCE NO. 1!88 (e) Tbe property bas 00 Yehl-tbenee Nort!l 49• 33' U" West 61,00 feet; tbeDce Easterly a porUoo of which Is present!) F1R8T CHUIICII OF' OlarST, SOIENnST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL Otte of Arcadia valued at $60 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY eular access rlpcs to the ad. 188.5& feet a.JoactbeNorlbeut-11.36 feet aJoac said curve &OD8d ''U" -WIClassUied, am aDd leftontbe doeltat Bay shOres OF NEWPORT BEACH A-jaeeol: street erly l1oe of Rid parcel to a lbroulb an angle of 68" 01' 27''; a portion of which is present!} Marloa., Slip 43, on Dec. 29, MENDING SECnON U,05,0SO (t) A ma),r street gnde potu oo a OOD·ta..DctDl Clln'e tbeoce DOD·l&rtgeDt Sooth zooed "R-3-8 " is her eby rf'. were stolen ••• Geraldr.ladlgan, OF CHAPTERU.05, TITLE u cbaoge or realignment ls a.oti-concave Nortbwesterly '-.YI.Dc '79" 0!' 10'' East 451 .53 feet; zoned to a ··P.C" Planned Com. 2008 E. Ocean Front, Balboa, OF THE NEWPORT BEACH dpal:ed a ndius of 1600.00 feet, a. tbenee South at• Z3' 43" East munity District and said Dts. I,JrpuJul-,ohtOito•o.. fa.Ued to loek some windows MUNICIPAL CODE RELA-(g) tmPosttioa of tbe required radJ.al to a1d poiDt berlla SotCi 511 ,98 feet; thence South trtct Maps Nos. 50, 53, aod 55 S.te An• 1. ...... 11. s... Wben be retired; in the morning, TlNG TO STREET UIPROVE. lmprovemeats would conruct 16• z.t• 115" East: tbeDce Wes. '1'6" 42' 53" East 68.68 feet; are hereby amended to show thi s be round a pm-se robbed ot MENTS AND DEDICATIONS with the provisions of tbe City terly 271.73 teet &looC said tbllloce South so• zo• 00" East zoning ctwage. 9:1S ...... -411 ...... SUNDAY SERVICES 9;15 -11 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETlNG I •·"'· READING R<XlM ..... 4•y•: 9 ...... -~ ..... W.4ne•4•,: 9 •·"'· -7:4S ''"'· r ..... .,. .... r:,; • ..,, 9 ...... -s ...... , 7-9 ...... S.,,.i~•y : I, .... -4 '·"'· SECOND CMUacll OF CIIIUIT, SCJ.ENTIST Ncwpor1 Beach al COfona del Mar 8100 Pac:lfte Vtew Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .... lli'EDNESOAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 '·"'· READrNG ROOM - Mut~~al Building 2863 East Coast HiJhway Mon. • S111 . 10 11.m. 10 5 p.m. Thur,.da.y rvcnin~~:-7 10 9 Ynu arc ..:ord•ally mvucd 10 aucnd Churc h SeTVICCS and to ust 1he Rcadu)J Room. L.t ... r•O..rct. Oftt. ........ L..ttoo- O.rct. l• A.erice 1900 Pac-ific View Dr. Icc-• del Mu, Calif Dr. Willi• R. Eller P!IOM 1>44-1664 I :U -. •• , F-lfy l•rMi, 9:t6La., 0.~~1.,_ 11:00 a.a.il Fulln 1..-Mi, NUI.SE Y PI0\'10[0 Dr. P .G. Neumann. pucor SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.r •· Sunday Schnol 11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Wonhi" 6 :00 p.m. Trainina Union a 7:1AJ p.m. Eve'nina Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina A TTEHD THE CHURCM OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY ClNTIAl lllll CHUICH .,..........., " .......... ""'" ....... ,.,,,.,, Wo......... 't .noll Ill WI .U.. (-.... 1or ....... , '~ w~·~~..,..., .tAd ~ ... ' I'"M ~ ........... ~ ........ ,.._..,. H ( "-"""· """ ...... $25 tying on the fioor and the The City COtmCll of the City policy entitled, 'Polley for CUJ"Ye tbrourb 1D &qle 8!.00 feet; thence South SECTION 2. The PlaMI!lg D!- froot door open ••• Mrs. James ot Newport Beach does ordain FllaDciDg Capital lmprove-of 9" 43' 50''; tbtDce Soatb zg• 40' 00" West 56.82 feet; r ector of the City of Newport Ward, 424 Santa Ana Ave,, New-as follows: mtnta: on Undeveloped Land sa• 19' Sf" West SU. 75 teet tbence Soutb so• ZO' 00" East Beach Is hereby instr ucted and port Helchts, went tor a walk SECTION 1. Seetloo 13.05.030 wllhin tbe City, to the beginnlng of a curreCOft-60.00 feet to a polnt on a oon-directed to change District wtth ber daughter, and left a ot the Newport Beach Muni cipal The decision ~f the City Mana. cave Soutberly bi.YI.Dc a radius tupat cUl'"Ye coocue South-Yaps Nos. 50, 53 and 55 so as to tricycle to tvy to prevent U Code is ameDded to rta.d: KU :shall be in nlting and a of ZOOO.OO feet; thence So\tb. easterly havlncaradJ.usofZS.OO show the zoning changes riP- from rolling; when they re-"13.05.030 Waiver Procedure. copy shall be sent to the ap-westerly -tSO,!Mi feet alodc aid teet, a radial tosaidpoiDI bears scribed tn Section 1 llereof a.nc1 turoed the trike 1VU gone . • • Upon written application. the pUc:aat by registered m&l.lwlth. cune tbrouch aa a,acll; North w• zo• oo•• West; theoce as saJd District Maps shall t1a ve Numerous valuables were len City Manager or such other in nn (5) days alter the City of lZ" 55' 09"; u.ace Soatll Nortbeasterly and Soutb-been soamended,tbesameshall oo tbe Ooor, but his 8 tapes and City om.cw as be may desl&-Maaager's declslon" 70• Z4' 25" West 65.5..8!: feet easterly 39.40 feet aJoog said be iD full force andetfeetandbt> a camera, worth $150, were r:aate may grant a waiYer from SECTION 2• T~ ordiJ:Ia.Dce to a poUlt oo lbe e...-UDe CUI'Ye through a.a angle a part of Title ZOortheNewport stoleo from bls VW, said Ken-all or apartoftberequ:lremtots shall be publlsbed ooce 1D tbe of Sa.a JoaquiJI H1lll ac.d, of 90•17' 3Z"; thenCe South Beach Muruc i.pal COde. Dlth Scblocker, 127 45th St., cooWned ln SecUoo 13.05,010 otncW oewspaper of the Clty, 144.00 feet 1D wiocb, u des-60• 02' !8" East 207.08 teet SECTION 3. Thas ordinanc~ West Newport ••• A $149 t.,oo a I1Dd1nc that ooe or more and tbe same shall be effective crlbed ln a. deed re-to tbe bectnnlDg of a cUI'Ye con-sba1l be publlshed ooce l.ll t he surfboard belooglng to tbe Frog of the followtng groUbds for 30 days after the date of u s corded lD boc* 8117, ean Southwesterly having a omcia.l newspaper of uw House, 6908 W. Coast Hwy., waiver ls applicable to tbepro. adoption. '*18 56& of Offtei.&J. Recwds radius of 90,00 teet; thence City, aDd the same shall beef. West Newport, was stoleu from perty under conslderatiou: Tbi diDa.oc lotroduced of said Couoty; tbmee Nor1ll Southeasterly 39.27 feet aloog teethe 30 days alter the date the rear of a pick\4) between (a) The required improve. at a ~:U,lar m!et~ ot lheCity t9• 35' 35" West 143.48 feet sa.ld eune through an augle of of lls adoption, 2:45 and 3:15 p,m, ments a.od dedtcaUons are i.D-COUDCU of the City of Newport aJooc said ceater 11De to U. 90• 00' 00"; tbenee DOll-tan-This ordinance was introduced "SUNDAY JAN "i c hided wtlhill a budceted Ctty Beach beld on the 23rd day of bectaaJ.Dc of a carYl tbe:relJI cent Soutb 60 " 02 ' Z8" East a.t a regular ml!f:'ting of the Cily A :speet'.uor "wmard McMU-project or an approved assess· December 1968 a.od was cooca.Ye SotltiJw•sterlJ hiYioc 50.00 feet ; thence Soutb of Newport Beach heir! on the lan, 890 W. 15th St., West New-m{be)Dt=~, of tbe ha.r ter adopted or: the tlth dayofJanu-~:..u::rfX', a5~1~~~~ 29• 57' 37" West 997,91 feet Z3rd day of December , 1968, port Hel.chts yelled at 2 bare-c ac ary 1969 by theloUowln-vote -to tbe begiJ:wing of a curv~con-and was adopted 0t1 the 13th day looted young 'ooys he saw trying of the area in whlc btheproper-lo .;lt. • · ' said cune throucb an ancte cave Norlbwesterly navmg a of J anuary, 1969, b~· the ial ty Is located it is determiDed AYES . COUNC ILMEN M lnnJ of 12• 14' 03" to tbe SoWbeas-radius of 4000 00 feet· tbeDce foUowtug vote, to wu: lo remove a commerc t hat the required improvements ' : c s, terly RtcM of Way l1De of ltac-Sola.hwesterly • 1078,94 feet AYES, COUNCILMEN : Mcinnis, vacuum cleaner ft_om ,3300 _w. can best be constriJCtedthrOtlgtl Sbeltoo. Parsons, MarsbaU, Arthur Boulenrd 100.00 feet aloog said clll'\'e tbtoucb Sheltoo, Parsons, Mar s hall, Coast Hwy., MulDer s . Mile, an assessment district. Rogers, Hirth, Gruber. i.D Width, as described 1D a a.u a.a.cJ.e ot 15• U' 59"; tbenee Ro-•s. Hirth. Gruber. aDd saved Ward HurLDgton ( ) n... I lbo •···•1o NOES, COUNC1LIIEN: None deed ded ,_ -1,..,1 ,,. 39, .,., ..... Lumber Co $ZOO when the ldds c ~use 0 IUlAio Q, ABSENT COUNCrUIEN· Nooe recor uo ....., • ooo-tangellt South '" "" NOES, COUNC ILME N: Nonl:' ran away.:. A ,20 counterfeit ter rai.G or cood1Uon of tbe pro-Doreen MarshaU · PIC& 557 of Offtdal Reeorcls; Eut 50.00 feet to tbe North-ABSENT COUNCILMEN . None bill was passed at the K.au K.au perty or tbe sur1'0UDd.inl pro-Mayor theoce &loGe sUd Rtebt of Way westerly l1Ae of tbe laDd d@-Doreen Marshall Ko 3916 E Coast Hw pertles, the eoustructlon of tbe ATTEST· llne tbe tDUowiDc courses ud scribed 1a. &be deed tD Pac.Lnc Mayor C rDQI', d 1 Mar. t 7.10 y., requited lmprO'femeots Is de-Laura~ dlstances: North 5t• 56' 20 .. View Memorial Park recorded ATTEST: oroca Fie •11a ·ks p.m. termioed lobe uoneeessary or City Clerk 5 Ea.st 659.!0 fMt to tbe bectn-Ja.ruary 10,1962, in Book 59'70, La.ura Lagios • • • ve sma roc . were impractical. moe of a eun-e tbetllllD COG· pap 522 of said omcl.al Ctty Cieri tbro'n at 9:30p.m.. at bisbome (d) The property 1s be1DC de-ea.•• ~OI"OIWeatllrtf liU1III a Recorda· u.aee ScMb ud brote a Sl50 riodow lortbe •eloped for a ooo-eommercl.al Publish: Ja.a ZJ, 1969• LD. radius of ZOSO.OO!Mt;Hortber-cs• 1Q' 36" West 903.02 feet Publish: Jan, 23, 1969, to 2nd time this past year, re~ Tbe Newport Harbor Ensip.. ly '1BS..ZO lett alollc aid C111"Ye alooc saJd Northwesterly Une Tbe Newport Harbor Ensign ported Fred ltacDooald,ll5 Via ~use-·---------·---------- R.aveooa. Lido Isle · • • Ill jury LEGAL NOTICE L !GAL NOTICE lt'U added to trespass when a ''pos.ltlvely oo admittance sign'' was stolen from the private re- LEGAL IIO'nCI L !GAL NOTICE ~EGAL NOTICE sideotlal area of the Cameo Community Assn., 4701 Hamp- den Rd., between 4 and 10 p.m. TO nn; IIONORABLJ: U'I'*)WD 1"11C*P80•, PllOB.An: .nmGJ: OP 1'10 !JUPIRJOR COUJIIT OP 1'1[1 :STATI OP CA.LI1"0fUUA, IJf AJID POll T'lft C'OtnfTT Of' ORAHGI: A Frw• -~ , •• , .. ~ .. , Co-.1,.,.,._~ CMI•d• C6•rr:6 ,. .................. , ....... . a.qy Se"i~• lad Our-ct. School al 10:00 ...... ·-.. -.uz.:u• LEGAL NOTICE UG~L NOTICE , •• Charles Anderson, 37, of 2485 Tu.stin Ave., Costa Mesa, was arrested at 1:45 a.m., 1n front of 217 Ma- rine Ave., Balboa Island, and booted oo the charge of in- toxicated In public •.• Ger ald Turek, 41, of the Jamaica lrul., Room 212, Corona del Mar, was booked on a warrant for 'llola-ORDlNANCE NO. 1290 Beach., recorded December 20, lioo of tbe vetuc le code •.• AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 1957, La Book 4143, page 395 Earl Clemmons, 51, was at· OF NEWPORT BEACH ADD-of saM outcl.al Records, aodan rested at tus home, 4233 Dana. ING CERTAIN TERRITORY angle point i.D tbe exlstinc Road, West Newport Heights, TO THE SEVENTH DLSTRICT boundary ollbe Big CanyooRe-at 8:40 a.am., 00 a Ventura OF THE CfTY AND REVISING se.rvolr AD.Dentlon to said City MunlcJpal Courtwarra.ut charg- THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ot Newport Beach, as said lDi de!raudtog of an innkeeper BOUNDARY UNES OF COUN-bouOOary was adopted by a Re-No W lla 39 of Cl .. ,••rc DISTRICT NUll. • · • rman a ce, . ~, -solutloo of tbe Board of S~-145 Vt.a Venezia, Lido Isle, BER SEVEN visors of said Orange County, ........ 1 2 30 was arre .. ~ a : a.m., WHEREAS, the Charter of the dated December 17, 1958: across from 323 Via UdoSoud, City of Newport Beach provides theoc.e Southeaslerly a.adSoutb-a.ad booked on tbe charge of tbat when aay territory Is an-westerly along last said bound-prowliDg, , , Joseph Gallant, nexed to the City tbaCltyCoon-ary llDe to the Northerly~. 4Z4 st. Aodrews Rd ., Cliff ell shall by ordinance add the ary ~ of AMexation No. 5 of Haven, said It appeared that territory to an ad)acentdlstrl\.1 tbe Ctty ol Newport Beach; a 88 gun bad been used to or districts; and tbeoce Southeasterly and South-shoot out a $50 wlndow on the WHEREAS, certain territory erly along said boundary UDe driYer's stde of bls Mustang referred to u "A.nnezation No. 10 the mean tugb tide llDa of .. • 6Z, Upper Harbor View Hllls, the Ptclftc Ocea.n;U.OCeWest-•UQNDAY, JAN. 6 , Phase ll" bU beea &llMud erly ~& tbe mean high tide Dtnnls Lee Day, Z3, of l '755 and 1s adjaceDC to aDd staouldbt 1loe to tbe prolooptioo of tbe Mlra.ouu-Dr., Balboa, was lnch.ted lA the Seventh Dls· oonunoa Act llDe betfteD Lots booked on a failure to appear trlct; and 16 and 17, Tract 1026; tbeoc.e wanut .. , Judlth Prlogle, 24, WHEREAS, tM deiU~ of Nortberly alooc said proloop.-of 1818 Balboa Blvd., Ceottal the bowJdarY llDe ollbeS.utb UoD 10 said commc:m lot liDe; Newport, ns boot.ed on a Dlstrict u set out inOrdi.-oce tbiDc.e NortherlY &loDe said fallun lo awear warranl •• No. U.ll shoUld be r"lMd to commoo lot U.. ud 111 Nortb-A.lto Dl.ugbt:ry, 19, of 111 -B m.a.ke lt more eerta!D; wiJ pr'OlMII'tAon toMarparlte tSnl St., West Newport. was NOW, THEREFORE, tbt CUy Af-.; U.oet NortberlJ aklQc arrested at 5:10p.m., at Santa CoUIIcll ol tbt Clt)" ol Newport llluperlte At-10 Eut Ana AYe. and booked OD the Beacb does ordalu u i)Uows: Cout tuctnrQ; tbeDct North-cbarp of gnnd theft of auto ••• SECTION 1. TlM .... •iuol wl.y &loq: East Cout Wp. RodDII)' Ro sser, 22, ol 34Z9 lbt SeY.mb D11tlld ate blrebf WQ to tbt pobt ol. bte1MIDC. WuhinetOO St., Costa Mesa., chupd and redl"'*' &Dd lbl SECTION I. TbU otdlauet wu arrested at 314 AIYarado tarrltory ref«r.S to u Jball bt pebUaMd Old la tbl Place, Balboa, on the charge "&DDtDUon No. U. Upptr Har· ofllcl.&l Dt'WIIIPIPII" ol. tbt City, of possesslon of stolen pro- bOt View IUIJ.c. Pllut D." is ud lit amt .aall be tatd1n perty , •• OYer 100 slugs were t.rob)' addedtoU.S..ODll-10 da.Yti an. U. dati of ttl dropped ln a coin machine a.t trkt m u.t lllkl SeMi8 0U-ack1ltkJD. YOIIDY White, SOl Palm Ave., trtct. u Itt oat 11 ()r(buce TlU ordl•.,.. wu lll&:ro-Balbo&, dlpth'lDCtbtlaUDdryof No. USl, 1s taartbf r.n.d to dlllcllll at a repau-••<.., of 5S5 Dl.c.lles • , , Dooakl Watuon, ,_. u """""' .... oaJd dla-u. CIIJ c-.:u o1 111t CIIJ ot a"lOO HarbOr v1n Dr •• Harbor trld allrlll~Klodt aU tW por--Btocb loold caU.IIIrd vt ... Hilla, porked ld& ear al t1oo o1 tilt C11J Ia<-'lriWr1 dl1 ol Doeo-r, UU,IIOII1rU 110 W. Bay, JlaJl>o&. lor 111o t111o1rtat ---......, oo lilt •• dl1 o1 10 -·a; lDlllotUme.pwes. darJ 11M, 1o ..tt 1_,-y, IIIII. br lilt lblloorlor coal ud a pur• • .....U. SI?S lloP"lll a1 u. ---. 1o .,., -.-••• A ...., ool«ed ., ~-ud AYIS,OOUIICIUIEll,-a,......, 1a.rrro. -a. sao. rru Eut COUI 111Pft1; -Sloolloo, Pv--...u, -,_ 11rt '""""'ollll -17 .. -._..run.. Gra.. Lido Part< Dr •• Lido,..._, -1o 111t 11ca-17 11018, oo1111Cl1.1W1: -Ore. n .. Jaa. 1. 111o Lido ......,-tiM of •-et'" .tJJ&:Eft 00~: IIMI C.,. ltlfGCWd ••• A poor No, fl of tile CUJ of La,_.t Dl:nM llanlila1l *1\W IJ 1~ a tr• oil ttl Blld1; -'' • r ,.,, ...,.. -111 .-r..., 10 IMI -IJ Lid tl II rtrrl7 ATTIIT: -at l*'la, -IIIP- aloo( oaJd II IQ llotolllt ~....... -. al ,,., Lra. •• _, • ....u-.,__.., ... 2* .. atrC.III'• ---.-nc••'•,... r -aMa II illltoa-laa.ll.l•.to --llt_A..._ ... .. lUI Cilftl •• idTtle ............ c.._. a.a. ....... eoa.tt• ID .lAirD 1 . Hl'l•, Publlc: M•hl a t rator of aald County, reiiJ)!Ktfully _ ..... t b1a retura o f 1111 ••tate• of detecleau •hlch hU b•M• for tbe ter• c_.ll<"l•l July 1 , 1168, and e•cHa1 O.C-ber 31, 1 .... c. ••• A-60371 A-60433 A-60474 A-&0.475 ,\..,60533 A-60531 A-60601 A-00002 . ....,..,, A-6H50 A-80651 A-60fit7 A-40tl5 A-107'01 A-60014 A-60114 A-10872 A-60887 A-60106 A-80972 A-60178 A-51884 A-fllJl A-61112 A-fil214 A-61228 A-61261 A-61262 A-61273 A.-61318 A.-flllt A-CU8e A-CU87 A-fl381 A-81370 A-6Uif A-flUl A-81445 A-8147'0 A-fl$03 A-81$20 A-11804 A-Cltu .l-fll35 A-41111 A·fl Tlt A-fl151 A-61772 A-6117:) .Jo.e Dtaa Jlllraandn, •te, wuu .. T, CIDrboun, ..._ wuu .. T. Ooboura tt.r,.,. II..r •tiler, etC", Wura 0, .. ld- Aadr-C. n-a, •tc:, Y1ttor L, a.ddielr. JoMpll. C,rlll t::tauda, etc:, Y1 etor 0..--JlaJ.II .. __ Y1etor1a ltlu"rl-, U. Y1c:tor1a ~~ .. Yi r11a1a I, .lo- IUc:lla.rd P, ...-n, ate . Lee llaraball llart1e, etc. O.arl-leary CO.rda•r, a te:. So.ard auaa.ll ADdereoo, e t c • lll .. betll Talbot Lata Ge•.,• aaJI•r bry s . ~-. •tc. D11•1el S\llU.-aa, U. Dllat el 0'1\1111••• 11 t C..re.oa Taylor lttaabetb 1 . oo.--a Ja--n.-.a het, ete. brJ J:llea Parriott , alla •rr Ill•• wtnt .... e tc. Barold 0. ~la•rd ~rd IUc:hael Coff•y, ete. Clara TWiford , etc. O.arlea Clifford :st1l•r, etc:. Louts ... phlat Jat-lloat-Jor br1•r•t W. 11'b1 talr.er Wlllla• T. Sbtfta1'1er lAra ldwh StraDd rr•ac .. •· rraaer 0Sor1• I , 11\Jbbe.rd wuu-.. ...,. ..,_u a-ra• P. Plptt, •tc:. 1T••• Jot-• .Joseplll Q:tle Jopll• JOeepll Wlllt .. Alport, U.ard wuu ... LeroJ lAW1'"eac• W•llr.er, ... """ LJl• .J. Stlepll•rd, •tc. C.ra L. All-, e tc. ,_.1 &, Ya.,.. C.rolya 1.. .. r••U u 'ft-• &lee Alpllle ,.., TaiTJ', .,c. •taal• U. ~. e tc. -n.-• •. ar-oe... •tc. .,._rd P. &11"-P, etc. etr. ITA 1'1: Oil CALI'f'OUJ A ) c• ) """'"'" "' ...... DUo 7-12-M 7-12-M 1-2-«11 , __ 1-1 .... ......... 7-1&-61 , ... _ , __ ,_.._.. , ........ ,_......., ... .._.. ........ 1-1-M ........ ,_._ .. .... ._.. 10-11-U 10-15-M 10-25-61 11-1-61 ......... 10--11-M ......... 10-12-M 11 -U-61 11-l~ 11-4-A .. _._.. 11-H-te 11-ft-61 11-Y-ee ......... 11-1~ 11-lt-a 11..U ..... 12-ls-.& 1141 .... u-n- 11-n .... 11-.n .... 11-11 .... 1.1----........... ··- a. tat• • 6,040.00 1,411.5:.1 1,111. to 157.63 4J,al1. ~~ 8, 751 ... '· 71t. 32 .... 5.15 11.04 eto.3l llt.ot 215.17 4,160.00 141.00 Jt5.14 1,800.00 1,417,11 ...... l,!A.M 12,000.00 10,011 ••• 115,$0 7, 7$0,00 4 ,000.00 l,lts.56 s,tu.oo 1,301,05 313.00 l,lH.to ... 3 ,t53. 80 l ,404.H .... 63-4 . OJ 4,110.00 1,04l.OO ~10 .04 1,-Ue.IO s.o> ...... 101.110 a7,000.00 I,M •. ,_ l,I04.0l 1,eTt.03 l0f.01 .. l •• S :Sit. 31 lCI,OO ...... .,_y wtlleb Adral•latrator b•• .--el •ed 1• e•cb latat• • .... 1,471,51 7,tu.a7 •s1.U t ,sa.se 6 , 751, .. 3,MI.S2 .... 5.15 u.oe "'"· 31 7ft.oe 21S.I7 4,.SI. II nt.31 312.14 ..... ..... •n .oo 4a1. se ..... l ,l&l,N llS.$0 ..... 4,000.00 1,111.H 3,5st.04 l,l07.0S Jtl. 40 ..... ... .... l,lH .t2 .... 634. en !.St. IS 1,031. 75 ~J0.04 ..... s.o> 1S. 71 101,110 44,1 ••• , 4\.110 101.-U 4.10 101,01 .... u .n ..... ...... Funeral ~.e .. , Debte, Ch l -• b- pen••• o f A.cho1Dl._ traUoa PD ld to Date • .... 15e.7t 451.40 lt.U 2 , 7$0.a2 313. 51 lt.IO ..... 5.15 11.04 ..... ..... 2ts.l7 ...... 84,U n .oo ..... -"'- 45.M ISO. 41 ..... Ut.32 272.t4 ..... u .oo 44 .30 tl1,34 ~53 .30 ..... ..... ..... ..... S.U,IO ..... ..... lU.to Ul . to ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I.DO 1:1.00 ..... . ... ..._ ..... ..... ..... ..... Moaey on O.polll t ; County Treaaurer or Baalr. , -·-1,322,73 6, 773.2 7 631.!8 6 ,11:1.74 6,36~.3!1 3 ,!.12 .72 . ... .... ..... )33.31 76 •. 06 -0- 3,9811.92 101.07 227. u -·--0- 646.44 401 .07 -0- 1,604.64 642. 86 -·· J.9~7 .00 1,123.26 4 .!171.70 7~3 . 7!1 2!H . 40 -·-"" -0- 11!>4. 32 ··-l!i34 . 02 4 11. ot 4110.15 !170.04 -·-3. 43 1$.36 10\, &0 4•, tt6. 67 u .eo 101. 35 I , 10 lOS, 01 ..... \4,73 ..... 314.S8 Approxl-t a 'la lue o t Property 1 11 Rand• or s 6,040.00 1,322.13 7,730.)0 638. 39 40,07n.69 l!i,l65. J~ 3.716.72 .... .... .... 690.31 111.06 -0- 3, 91Kl.04 176. 1~ 310.14 2,600.00 2 ••• ,_ 97 646 .44 1.323 .17 12,000.00 9, 7!12 . 14 642. 86 7, 7~0.00 3,9!17.00 l, I !11. 26 4 ,640.66 7!13 7!1 323.00 I, 194.90 ,09 J .6!>3 .110 !1!>9 .32 .... 634.02 4 .!>41.10 491 . 10 570.04 1,434. 20 3. 43 &01.!1-11 101.80 66.991. 00 2 ,324. 7t 1 ,204,03 1, 674.03 106.01 18L65 ,,,, 31 161. 00 314.31 J.AIID &. a1a, Mtac ttrst h1r ....,n, ..,., aM •• ,.: Tllat H •• tile ,.._Uc -..uaaetrat•• I• •• f•r u.e O...tr •' o.-aac-, •••te •f C.lU.,..l•; tMt. tM te.reeot .. •• • u ..... C"Orr-.ct ....,.,., •t •U .... t .. •t .. c••e•t.e naea u-e-••'--.. ,. ha.n for t.M ,.,-lM <"I actac .1111r 1, lNI, .., _.,. ~r Jl, 1 ... , tael .. t• dl •tat.. •tell u,.,. Mt MHt.,." ..... ~ ....... -, U•; Oat M 1~ Mt ......... -t •t .., tt.a l•t_...t .. h tate ..,..._tt_._ •t .., tllM .. ~·t •f llltJ .. ~~· M ....._.._.t....,.., ...-.. an 1M -.. •• \lie .,._.... et u.. ..-tatetratt•, ...-•• '" ......:t•teot la .._._ or •tM:rwl• .. , ... .,._ ... , ...... ...--.... Millie JAUlltHW •. a.. n . .....,, ~a..- I'I:II.LI8t l ..... ., ... ,., 1t6f I u ..... ,., ........... . • Nobody's perfect. Once in awhile you may find a pay telephone that swallows your dime instead of returning it to you. If this ever happens, To get it back, from I !mother plilone." She'll return' second dime and ar· range for a refund on the one lost. And if you'll give her number of the telephone trouble, she'll see that it's !repaired 8S quickly 8S possible. T w n£>w _vear has brought significant changes in the management team at your Newport -Costa Mesa Telephone OUice. Heading the List is your new Tele- phone Company Manager, Jeff Hultman. Starting his cartt!r with Pacific Tele- phOne in 1962, he has worked in Sacramento, Los Angeles, and most recently in Orange Count y. Jeff is not a new- comer to the Newport-Costa Mesa area. He served here as a Communications Con- sultant in 1965 prior to hls assignments as Telephone Company Manager in Ful- lerton otnd Santa Aoa, Jeff was an avid sports enthusiast even before he played root- ball for his alma mater, the Uuiversity of CaWornia at Davis. So he and hls 4mily enjoy the many sports and r ecreational faciUties available in Orange County and are looking forward to maJdng many oe"'' friends in the Newport-Costa Mesa area. Joan Terrill, your new Ass1stant Manager, is oo stranger to the Newport - Costa Mesaareaeither .Joan a.~iJ her husband, who 1s a Securily Officer for Pacllic Telephone, have lived in Newport Beach lor the put nve year s. Together they re - present a total o( almost forty years of service as Telephone peotlli'. Joan's te- lephone experience Inc ludes tours as Emp)oyment Inter- viewer, Ch.ief Teller, and Business Office S14>1visor. Both Jef1 and Joan are anxious to br IDK you the best possible Telephone service in 1969. They pledge to con- tinue working toward this goal. @Pacific Telephone ~NNUAL UP TO ~ obtr.t """ WU I ~ " ' Lighting plan cost aSked ... PAGI OP c.M. IUCXUM. AT AGI! Q ~ ..... 11, ., -1 ----.... at Paci-E-Afo., Co* -. -lie Vlow -tol "-'k. no ~ -CIIJ Old tllo <JiJ wW Iiiii tllo ~ Ju. II at lib -· llo wu a '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l't C1 ,., •zWrH Mtaoe .._.., D ""-51 U U. couatJ'• eemeat ftAllbtr wttb Harbor I f • hcoiJut __._ allr ... *" al: .JUlbarll IX' lHI. CtmtDt WorU ....... 11**1 t1 I tT td *CONrdUdD dtJ elerll: SUrwiYOrl ~~~ hll wtit E11ea; dlllrk=t .. HarW 8111"h"" u..a J..aciO&' rdwn.l to the a 100, BeaDle of Aubetm· 2: ~ ......... . ua KA8T teTM ..,., GO.TA ........ CAUl"', eae•? •t•L-. eOOtta . eo~~~Ct~t•o "eo~ . c...- OIII"Te • c:...NOL-&8 • ,..._.,. .TIItl-a tru.o. J'lbUc worU dkectcw Jot ·ettra1uanllcl c:urler• ortbe brotbtn Roy or Colt& Mtsa DrtU. wu --lo pro-lollowlll( ctalma lor clamapo: and ~ o! Do· .. oy· IJid S sls- PII't a r'l*i k tbt Feb. 14 GeDe w. Bet.., wbo clalmtd b.ls tara. Eme Ban ..... ot Looc • Cowlcll N«11r. -llllarthe cor wu olamaaod lA .. ...,Ide,. Beach, Ruth Pelaoc,_ and ar-. at•llll u •••mate oleost wtlb aeUyYeblcle; Gerald Blak-Leoa Heutoo of CaUfotnla. BroeAure & Ca.talovlle ud lDcludlDc a set of pre-ley, wbo claimed tbat bis 1100, Serv~•:•;•:•~tr:t~be=ld=J~ao~.=I:5!::::::::•~=~::::::::::::~;:;:;;;;;;;!J Writ• for FREE UmiAary piau, KeYll, wu lnjuretl 1D an ac. a.t Bell &ot.dwQ' Cbap81, Costa no Couocll alto: cldeDI caused by lauiiJ pt&y- •A.DOPTED OrdiDaDce 1Z88, CfOUOd eQUipmeot at a eltypuk ., wbleb retlsea tbt code cbapter playgroood; Mrs. Davld Bal- on street dedtc:atlou IUid 1m-lantine, wbo claimed damages ptO'f'emeDts, at tbe request of to latmdry on Dec.l6 because of tbe lrvtne Co.; the ord.lnance bydrant testtng by the flre de- autMrlles tbe city maoacer to putmeot. wa.tve allorpllrtoft.beiqlrove-*APPROVED z budget a- meot requirements lo avoid meodments: a $23,500 Increase eootUct with tbft city policy for 1D unappropriated surplus and tlnaocl.ng capital improvements reYeoue estimates fol' payment on WX!eveloped laDd, in fUll by Tbeo Barben D for •AOOPTED Ordioance 1289, tbe o)d Weguard beadQuarters rezoning land in Anoe:a: 6Z, Up. sue at Z817 Newport Blvd., per Harbor View Hills, Pba.se 2, West Newport· and $2 150tran- from P-C, R-3-Band tmelas-sfer to contin.;.tbeeq,k>yment silled, to P-C, PlaDDed com-of temporary clerical help lor munlty district. Tbe area com-city harbor coordinator G. M. prlsed in tbe expanded PC Dis-Dawes from Jan. 15 to June 30. trict ntends from Ford Rd. on •APPROVED the ezempt the north to San JoaquiJ;I. Hills business license requests of Rd. oo tbe south, and from Joanne Allee, 319 E. 23rd St., Corooa. del Mar freeway on the Newport and LiiUon Corwin of west to the oew alignment of Mac Orang11 ior door to door sollci- Arthur to the east. tl 1 fl ld E 1 •ADOPTED OrdinaDce 1290, ng or e nterpr ses. COMPLETE FUNERALS ..... •245 COMI'UTI FUNI!lAL AND IUIIAL CINTI!l ~---CEMETERY LOTS MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $130 From $46' stminstrr Park adding the Annex 62 In Upper •DENIED the request or the Harbor View Hills to council-Orange County Press Club that manic district 7, which ls re-the City of Newport Beach buy presented by Councilman Lind-advertising space in the Press s ley Parsons. Club yearbook, ''Add one," •Atli'HORIZED the execution •APPROVED the permanent ot an agreement with Lockheed loan of 7 city flags for use by Aircra.ft Corp. for the con-the Newport Harbor HighSchool CEMETIRY -MAUSOLEUM FUNERAL HOME CHAI'ELS-CREMATORY COLUMIAIUUM VETERANS LAWN .Mortuary-Cemetery "Everylhing in One Beautiful Place" ~.use the funeral and burial center cnncept elumn•tn the need for processions through heavy traffic on overcrowded highways, family and friends alike may now pay their full re- ~pects by attending the burial service, as well as the chapel service, all at one beautiful place, at less cost and more convenience. 14101 -1410liEACH ILVD., WESTMINSTI!Il struction of the eztensioo of t'tuld. Jamboree Rd. oortherlyofPall-•ACCEPTED the resignation sades Rd. to MacArthur Blvd.; of Mrs. Marion McDonald of Lockheed has agreed to ded.lcate Balboa from the Parks, Beaches the rights-of.way for the and Recreation Commlssion. 213 GEneva 1-6577 714 1'WIIIoab 3-2421 714 Jlffei'SOII 1-1725 pro]E!Ct and to coosttuct curb and gutter and 20 te6 of pave- meat on both sides of Jamboree Rd.; the city will construct a 4-lane divided roadWay and a tralfic signal at MacArthur. • ADOPTED a resolution autboriz.ing the c;tate attorney general to settle anti-trust llU- gation wilfl the American Pipe and Coru.'tructloo Co.; the firm will pay a lump sum of $8,5 million over aperiodof7yea.rs, with interest, to cover all cases filed in California, Oregon and Washington; Newport Beach will receive an estimated $4,000, •AOOPTEO a r esoluUoo commending Dr. S. l Ha.ya.kawa, acting president of San Fran- cisco State College oo ''the vallant and resourceful manner wtnch he bas faced tbe pro. I bleoru;" caused by an otpnlzed factk>n of sttldents, members and outside the executioo of an agreement with the County of Orange to share the costs of maintenance and operaUon of traffic control slgnals at Palisades Rd. and Tustin Ave. and at Jamboree Rd. and Pali- sades Rd .; the COWlty will bHl the city for $116.5 7 for the city's share at the Tustin intersection, "' , Birthday parties are loads of fun . But cleaning up afterwards is no party, right! Loads of fun means loads of dishes. Relax . For two cents we:ll do the dishes. Two cents worth of electricity is all it takes ro run a load through the dishwasher. Then there's the carpet. For a fraction of a cent, electricity will do the vacuuming. Incidentally, it won't even cost you two cents to bake a birth- day cake in your electric oven. No marter how you use it, electricity does so much for so little. In fact, electricity in Edison areas costs the average fa mily less roday per kilowatt-hour than it did IO ... ZO ... even 30 years ago. Practically everyone today is using much more electricity- more kilowatt-hours-than ever before, and it's still one of your biggest bargains. Maybe that's why we get invited to so many patties. • ,..,,. N1wport • I