HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign(H..\ I:_ L.E '\,:.£I , •. ' • • • • • . . • • PATRICK L DOUGAN, wbo trW crew aboard b1s fatbel''s ,acbt, Columbia, 11: pictured here wltb rifal skipper Buddy EbeiD, wbose J:UCbment cballeoge lo a race 1J: alSo shown ...... (J:oatp pll<ilo.) THE RACE IS 01! • fCWPORT BEACH JOe • ... -.....-..u-. .... 11' .. _. .... .._ ....... • COUNCILMAN Bob Shelton, at lett, presents the man of the year award to Superior Court Judge Bob Gardner at the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce installation banquet. C.C. awards announced straight p by 5ehCIIor .lobi Schmitz TOA_. awt.lliln lcl1nce l...ec:lan ................ atUac:MOPOI.IT SP!OAU fOR PEl. &.7ol lliJ RS •• , II • .SA T. 131 FEE CRUSHED DDLI PINEAPPLE cilis 7fJc TALL 211 SIZE 2 .. 45t JIFfY ORANGES 7 LIS. S100 CAKE MIX 15¢ WHIT! OR DEYIL'S FOOD READ BOTH SIDES • • • AR6lMNT AGAMST NEWPORT-teA BOND B.fC110H • The gree!est single .....-of o,.. state and local tax money is pubtoc eduution. More than one- hoK of every dolor paid in property tons goos to the public school system. • School costs ere risin<J out of al proportion to genuine need, condentfy increasing a tax bur- den that has already bocome olrMSt intolerable. I! more school bond issues oro approved, future 1oxos will hove to bo roiHd even higher to poy for them. The attempt is mode to justify soaring school spending ond bond issues wit+t the argument thot they oro required by on inaeosing population, os pociolly of school ego children. Lool: at the facts on school population and spanding in the Newport-Meso School District for this fiSC'II y-end the posl year, end decide for younelf whether they justify on $15,900,000.00 bond issue: Budget for fiscal yoor 1967-68: $19,375,907 Budget for fiscal year 1968-69: $22,983 ,890 !up 18.6%) Attendonco for fiscal yHr 1967-68: 26,153 Enrollment •• of Octobet-1968: 26,446 !up 1.1%) School costs which inc:r .... almost 18 timos as lost •• the number of c!Hid,..., in sd.ool ..., i:><lofeMible. This bond iuue should bo Njocted and the spanding skyrodtot in the N-port-M•s• pubrtc school system sh"'** bo brougM boc• down to earth where the ...+ of us &... !The above fig..... were suppliod by tho office Scf-lo,) of the Orange County Superitoi....MM of 1 Lm •• Yoodi.J, Jan. %'7, al S5S E. Cout IIWJ. NE111'0RT HARBOR !JIIIIJI FIRST SECllOII -"P• 3 111URSDAY, FEB. 6, 1969 CONJIIA DB. liAR, CAU F. Book review series set Tbt PI Bela Pbl Soolll Cout AJumiiiM Clllb will pr...at tile Wl'd ..,._ ol. ee.....-, boot ret'lft'J iD Jlewport Beida at 10 FamllJ' Retatto-J, 111u car-wtwama. 1a1o ....... "' tllo • .-.,. --Silo ... _.., la-ple- ~-Lm. Fridor, r ... 7, accord!JI( to Mu . Lawreoce Kittle, pres1- deol. tures, radio UCI te....,_ Md blr re¥ttwa ••• bell ccwtnd 1D leMH.Ilf m&pallll aad .... ._ TO. cuest ~ wiU be the btst-Hllerautbor:M''Seoae wltb ~U.an". ~barles Neal. K.NX..CBS ~··Rt!l&l aewscuter &Dd a natloully syDdieated aewsp~per columnist. He ls&.lio '---direct<>< ot !1oaoclal coooseUng for Amerleu Institute of -·· Loc:allntormatioo ud.reNI'- nUooa, wbleh are opea lo lbe pobUc, may btmadebyc:oatact- lng Mu. FraM Taylor at 548-84'15, AU pl'oceeda wtu be donated to Pt Beta Phi phllu- tllroptes. In case you think you m ight be stung that prc:scriptions are out· rageously priced. The truth of the: mauc:r is th1s: Last year the average Amcr;can bought about J prcscnptions for a mml cost of around S7.50. An a1erage of le~ thtm SJ.OO per prescription. Sure, ~orne drugs CO!it a lot. So do televi~on tu~s-for the same reason. They're:· V~:p!ensive to manufacture. New and 1mproved production method~. hO\I e\er. bnng pr~ down. Penicillin, for C). •• mplc. co,r~ only :t sm.1ll fraCtiOn of what it did "hen ,, lir~t came ou1. Your pharmacist has a profC'~~.onal ~no" lcd~c of J rup and can tell you th1s. The:-Jrc f;url> pnccd. You ~~ what you pay for. \.\e are alwa~ pleased to ..... ,ou. Christensen Pia IIIICICY .a! E. COAST 811Y .. CO .. A Da. IIU omOLE , ... per annum on mitti..urn term occourrk in mooltiples of S 1,000 . Easy to do ... just call or come in. lAifwt ~-IXW( ... tiDtt ~Q.~,,....;;_- MUTUAL SAVINGS 2867 East Coast H 1'-hwav • Corona Del Mar. Cat1f 92625 Telephonf! 675 5010 IIUD l)f'flc.£ • ,ASMI(M TENNIS RACKETS LIST 29.00 CXIHVERSE SPEOAL • =: ::;:: :~.~ SKI.CIZOR SJ7S SJ2S =-~·:'m~=·":..~ SICI !XEROSOR_.... SS'S MEN'S LADIES' pod 0011 ol tbo cor ud ru 1.oto REG. 1495 -~ f-...,....---------::....---1 TENNIS SHOES ~~€g::t--JO-G-GI-NG_S.......:HO:....ES--I TENNIS ~!~DSES ::'..:~,~adrloe-l~a REG. 12.95 $89S TENNIS 25~ A TY!HDS IMNJGURA nOM John F. Vogel ..... -· ...... CGplao, au. LS VOTE "NO" ON BONDS =-=~.~..:.:c-~ l1PAIRSHIM.ACXALL SUR BAL ·~ '':; eau..-BASKETBALL ........ VAIUA No .. to a -XTRA IIUTY Tuesday, Feb. 11 lai·Air ,,, ••• SHOES ssts DDL SJSO IX] W I ••• CJ1111. ~5-~~:~':'~t=:r=·;~;at:":·~~~~~rAL::--7L-:I:-:A::s:n:-AL::":'LT•=:•-:-=:,..::.::M:~:-i liiUIIM XTRA oun (PAID POl IY '"' LITTLI MOM····· LIAGUI) IIIIUIPI081T DDZ. SJ9S ~----------------------~~---J ·~•~T~~~~==~~~:J-=--~ _____ O!_Jw.ar. the 1~1 heard many things. THIEN 1'01'1: A HIL.AI'tiOUI COMEOV SIEIE COYE TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture, .blat NE.lii'OI!T HARBOR Ell I,_ ARST SEC'liolt .--Pill 4 lMURSMV, FEl &, IMt MilS. IIAIB.L I h'OMI IUCICIIIIII AT AGI n -Do r.-. 'll,oiDI -w.,, r .a tWor BIJ, Tbo c..._ 11t1 11ar Sot blf -w 1111 Kllp-II CODA DEL ~R. CAUF. -Ju. 11 at eo. - K1op, bood!D( -• r-Ill .... -1&1 ...... , tllo-Loapt Wit race llltlloenclai--Mar·Dea· cla"•s ... _ ............ J ... dl!tntul tM rtldCtl. 1..,.; IIDIII. S. lUte ddlalt wu till 6. ...,, eu.e 10 caJta:n6a u lut Fr14oJ !!11iJt M to ct. 1ooJ -· AI 11111-llmo -tlJa7 , ... -UJd IIYOCIIIIU!Uua Two._. -~~or. ll!oKIIp wvo -et!J .. .., a 1o as, M . w 1 ,...._ cMI!pOIIdofcolt'S$' MtpoUa blttMKIDppulltdaWQiDtbt esa man S.tltorl Ill blr Jwebend M, to 45,. Ud ~ 11•• a..! qoartar • Cl!riJJ Tl!o-. ~ .. ; lllhciJiora, ._lie~ a bo~-FrldoJ!!IIiJt bJ loci ll!o alllot wltliiO-LoJd E, J-.u, o1 _ .. __ CallJonta;ll!d.-!Ji;~olbti;;; aloo wiJJolJJI .... Me poll& 10 sa... ~b Mil 17. Ro7a1 Palma Or., eo. .._ .-....of ~~ ' ' to 51. Tbol Yl<lo<J pot ~ Tile Cool& IleA lluotenp dlod FOb. I al Flor-olltpt. 11111. J&IDOI, llam111~ wttb a f ,l record, rli!JI boblOd loot to FCM!Dialll Valley Friday lllco1o SuUartwn, ~. 41o1, Aaclrft UJd wu- -c;-. !!11iJt M to fl. Tboy tnUod bJ He wu bora ~U Z7, I~. C•-; I olotora, EUI&boll! Tbe K1op Mil !10 trouble ODlJ f polaU al ll!o bolt, 17 Ill Butte, -·JW He ...,od M~ ._ Hold&Dd"- otaytor llboad ol UJo Eacleo to U, but col!lld1 keep "' UJo to Callilrala wboo a ,..., lll&li·IICC.U.,. of c-f crUd· 1ead1Dg ss to 20 at tbe ball aaci pace lD tbe Jrd quarter. Grell IDd wu acUrelDtbtaatomObtle cblldrta. aDd 1 cr..t-lfaocl· teep1og ll!o same marilla tJr lbe Ers.ld!Je led lbe 11-.p wltb bulloou tor 11W1J years &!Jd•CIIIId. rest ot the pme. ste'le Leeeb liS PGLats. A1Utt.D adiSed 10, aod tbeo went to Alub. &Dd wu a Senieea wert beld Feb. S &lid Cbrls Tbo._ were t1Jo Spellmeyer Mil 8, ale81J!&II Ill a 11J11 -· W1ioo al BoU ilnlodway C-~ wttll Wedoolday of lall woel, ala boalth bellD to llll to 19417 lbe RoY. L Loon delealed Costa "-7Z bo C&!!IO bact to Sooal!ero Call~ ilraiJaJu of to 115, Loara led S9 to S1 at mala &lid llfed to Cool& llosa. .4PO RT tbe ball, and llesa couldD't Mr. Jobuoa wuamembuot catch t~J, Erutne wu top Howard Lodce, C}r111 cblpter, sewer wtth Z8 poilU. Estaoc:ta tbe ComiDI.IIdr)',Bea.AUSbrlDI. klst to FouotaiD. Valley tbuame steua Chapter 39, Or«<er ot tbe doY, 70 to 53. sttp Wl1llams Eutero Star; &!!di!UIIoyalpot. scored 1& for tbe Eac1es. aod roa of tbl Sldipou Court 100, Bill Dugas added 11. Order of tbe Amaranth. •a.PI!AIIOIIWI~• T He serTed fbr Z2 years u 1. rachel. • .nember of tbe Uoos Club IDd ars Win ns president, zooe cbairmaa, ..... • &lid deputy dlslrlct ..... J!Of of -r-•-z~ Tbe NewpoJ't Harbor Sa.Hors the Uons. I .-,..mzss _...,,. moved ~ a sttPlllto a tie wtlb SIU'Y1Yors are b1s wtte, * ALSO PLAYING * Westminster tor 4tbplacelatbe Dorotby, a teacber at lbe Pre- RES PO THE LUXUIIIOUI IIW Ull4tl THIATil ........... , ......... I ,.. W:f IMIIA kft. ~ iJ_uuOl ,.__,.,,.... --- E FACTS l zOO P,M. FRI., FeL U CHURCH OI"CHRIST, SCIENTIST Julie Christie and George Scott in Sunset League byedpqgMartoa rf!dlo scbool, Cost& Mua; 1. Tuesday 58 to 57, Tbe SaUou •trother, Paul JobosoaotYreta; oow 4-5 iD league play, wW 3 llieces, Mrs.Jotm Wells. Mrs. be oost this Friday Digbt to tbe L . Hacket of Sacramento; aDd 1 1 P E T U L I A ' ' Santa. Am Sai.llts. Mrs. Carl Paul of Ketchtbn, • THERE ARE 1,300 STUDENTS RECEIVING LESS THAN A FULL DAY'S EDUCATION. JlOJ VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH Haebor held a.a lmpresslve Alaska. 30 to 18 lead at ba.lf-time, but A llasooic service was beld llarloa raUled strooclr to tlle Feb. 5 at Glrdoers fuoeral 1 ·---------. Znd ball. W!tb. just 3 secoods Home, Yreka., under tbe dt.rec-:,-left MariDa narrowed tbemar-Uoa ot Westcutf Mortuary. m. BUFFET MERCHANTS LUNCHEON gtn' to 3 pol..ats. Tbe Sa.Lk:ars terment wasatEYergreenCem- tbea allowed the Vlti.Dgs to1 etery, Yreka. score a lloal basket rall!er B · I b I =risk • possible -· tylog u c s ea en Undstedt led tbe Sailors wltb fUgb Oylng FullertoD re. • MORE THAN 2,000 WILL BE ON DOUBLE SESSION NEXT SEPT. AND 4,000 BY 1971 UNLESS ADDI110NAL CLASSROOMS ARE OONSTRUCTED. Tuesday-Friday 11:30 am· 2:30 pm • • .... 95C 18 points, followed by Jeft ma.1Ded UDdefeated at tbe top of Ma.linotf wtth 1! aDd Paul tbe Eastern Coofereace by Holmes and Lee Haven wtlb 11 trimming Orange Coast College each. 83 to 68 Tuesday aigbt. Tbe Last Friday nlgbt, tbeSailors Horoets are DOW" 11-0, safely posted a 66 to 57 1f1n over abead of2Dd placeCbatfey, 7-3. • PASSING THE BOND ELECTION TUESDAY WILL PROVIDE CLASS.. ROOMS FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS. Faciliti~s for Banquets ilnd Private Parties Entertainmel'lt -Dancing Closed Monday 1045 BAYSIDE DRIVE INCLUDES SALAD. ENTREE AND VEGETABLES 675-0200 Santa Ana Valley. Paul Holmes Tbe Pirates dropped to 9th was higtl pol.nl ma.n with 18. place wttb. a 4-7 rating. Lindstedt had 14, a.nd Bo GrU-Tbey fought tbe Hornets Dth had 11. almost even iD the tlrst 1:1a1f, BUCS TO INAUGURATE wh.J.ch ended 36-33 ln fi.YOr of L------• ·------..1 Fullerton. But tbe Hornets pul-THE ENTRANCE TO BAL80 A ISLU D HEW BALL DIAMOND ted away to tlle 211d ball. 111te ENSIGN Want Ads o PERSONA .. : F0R SALE. 3000 books 'at J~t each. Daily Junk Shop Sale at TeWini:le Hardware. l,()()r) items. LI 8-2ntR. Established 1919. Newport Blvd. at 18th, Costa Mesa. ALC0HOLICS ANONYMOUS 542·7217. P. 0. 1Box 1223, Costa Mesa. MAN WITHOUT a country? Not quite. 27' Trimaran without side or end tie dock, Can you r ehabilitate me" Call Kl 6-3627. "'-• •• ' .. , Or .. * • S.McrtptiM: Coli 671.0550 TRANSPORTATION 100"' Flnancing Availabl~ AI so We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2LJ6 Harbor Bl va. Costa Me sa 5"8-8511 o WANTED TO BUY WiLL PAY up to $1,000 for Stewway Grand p1a00. Write P. 0 . Box 1685, StudiO City, California. o IOOU FOR SALE ::......::=~:..=::::__ ------------------------. --- "PRESERVE AND PROTECT" --...by Allen Drury. A political !:f~O~R~S~AL!:!:E'::-::c::--­ novel wtti ch deals with the 28 OIL PAlNTlNGS. Movmg - violence that is rocking th.J.s will sell real low. Prtce or country to-day, Hardback., mUe offer. Dealers lnvitc1 tu $6.95. make offer. &46-6245. o MUSICAL FOR S.t.LE Orange Coast College will O'Flallerty led the Buc scor.Loc open· tbe 1969 baseball seasoa witb zs points. th.J.s Friday, Feb. 7, bosting OYer the week-end, Coast HAMMONO-Y AMAHA Loog Beach Clty on lbe tlrst swaq:M!d Citrus 121 to 97, and STEINWAY game eYer to be played oo tbe dropped an 80 to 73 decisloo to HammoDd B-30rganwtrc, ~ new Sue d.1amoDd. Gametimels Mt. San Antonio.SteveJacobsell new @ big savings plus used 3 p.m. scored Z4 poilU against Citrus, Loltfey, Baittw"tn, Thomas & Tb.e Bucs, under new head a.nd Jlm KiDdeloo bad U. Hammood flU!. $395. coaeb Dale Wouaeott, trneled -.. ... .-..L OP-otUROt!S Many grand ~ ""• 10 CKIStateP'U.Uirtoo.tutweek-'""""u including Stel!!waril, «tm. eo11 to a pre--tuoeo., &lid HAMES MEW OFFICERS balls, Bluthner; plus used dropped a 6-3 Yerdict. Due New om.cers of tbe Harbor spinet & consoles, from$395. · Council of Cb.urehes include SC HMIDT MUSIC CO. N.n•~.,:.;_;[.::• ... tc-Oft~ ... ,o.. tbe Rev. Doa A. Bassett, Bal. 1907 N. ~~:. ~~-i4Saota Ana fOX sinl ClAST ~urc~land p~::nt~= • BUSINESS SERVICES s-o-•-~:::.:~ Joba P, Ashey D, St. James Episcopal Church, Newport WALL -TO -WALL carpet cleaning and e.zpert ~holster cleaning. 646-3780. o "ISCELLANEOUS NOW PL.t.YING "lOST ON STIANGlD" Beach. vice-presldeot ; Mrs. Jack ~ylor, secretary; Mrs. Edgar R. Hill, treasurer; and Mrs. Carolya Mllllken, execu- tive director of tbe Fisb. pro- ll!'am- .JPOTS be( ore )'0\JI eyes _ ,.,; • ._,. A plaque was presented to on )·ou r new carpet _ It!'"' Mac••;"' Mls. Richard Watts, West Up. move them with Blue Lus-11415_·-::,::: .. of per Billy, for ber W'OI'kW'itbFisb ue. Rent electric shln'l-a project In wbieh ~is given pooer s t. Crown Hardware,~~~~~~~~==;~!..!:to~peop;l~e~lll=tlle=co~m~m=U!!liiY. )107 E. Coas t Hwy., Cor-· ona d~l Ma r. AJ TM lnffartee o SOIOOLS SCHOOL PROBLEMS Private Hiah SChool lndi vidual attention Small Clauu BRICKER, WARD PREP SOlOOL To lido hie .. , ' .u.ertc• Opllllon Boot Slore PORTABLE TELEVISION _ U Pa.ir Drive-Co1ta Meta 19:14 Rubor BIYd. used _ $35.00 cash. &46-4488. -..,=,.:,54()-;:,.04;;20;...-- Coeta Meaa-Phone ita-OifO 1----------1 • WOU WANTED POOL TABL£S FOR RENT , New $199.99, Used $59.99 -Fl)l~ RENT, 6-room doctor s Accessories included. Sports office, ground Ooor, opposite 100 10273 Garden Grove Haag ,~iospita_i. Newly pa.inted, Blvd., Garden Grove. Call carpe.ed a.nd draped. $125 TOLL FREE 636-2730. month. 646-1675. ----------1 o HELP UHTEO IRONINO. Yean or npetoo ience on all type• or cl~ thina & lincn.Specialty, men' I 1hirt1. fl. .SO per hr. Mable Whitman, 607 Mar·. auerite, COM. 673-2774. FOR RENT . Small store, near ---------SECRETARIAL WORK, mlmeo. Hoag Hospital, $85 month PART TIM E counter girl graph.J.ng. notary, small boot. (Including heat a.nd carpeting.) wanted. Valet Cleaners, keeping accowts. Ca 369 North Newport, Newport 3137 E. Coast Hwy., Corona 673-4050 afternoons, 673-8189 Beach. 646-1675. del Mar, 675-0310. eves. , $KCOND P'I...,TU"K ''1111 PAllia LION" THESE PEOPLE STUDIED THE FACTS AND THEN EHOORSED THE FEBRUARY 11 BOHD ELECTION . * CORONA DEL MAR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE *NEWPORT-BEACH CITY COUNCIL * ROBERT E. BADHAM, Assemblyman, 71st Dist. *ROBERT GARDNER, Superior Court Judge * NEWPORT HARBOR- COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS * JOINT CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE STUDY COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND MANY OTHER RESPONSIBLE .o\HD INTERESTED CITIZENS AND GROUPS. Your YES Vote is· Good p1ny VOTE 11 YE FEBRUARY 11 --------SERVING ONLY THE VERY FINEST MEXICAN and AMERICAN Enj oy th e warmth and informal elegance while dining amid open fireplaces and strolling troubadours OPEN SEVEN DAYS FOR LUNCHEON-DINNER-COCKTAILS POPULAR PRICES !Formerly Chef's Inn) DINING 4:00 P:M. TO MIDNIGHT COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 a.m. AMPLE PARKING 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY COlONA DEl MAR Under the personal direction of·Aiejandra !Alex) Maytorena (Formerly 26 Yean wifh Perino's) and Ray Oliphant of Laguna Beach !President of Wooden Shoe Restaurants) • FOR RESERVATIONS CAU 675-0470 r FRONT DUPLEX ENJOY YOUR WAT!Rf'ROMT PIER AND FLOAT- ONLY STEPS FROII Tllfl SPACIOUS VIEW ESTATE. TWO BEDROOMS, Z BATRS, PLUS DUfllfG ... ROQM AND PATIO. ADDITIONAL lJIIIT WILL GENERATE $125.00 PER IIONTil (IE-114) S63,SOO .. , You'll Adore Me I'm a.o oceaJlfk"oot trlplez wltb a r ea11 y great kK:ation. Near Deighborhood sbopping, CatOOllc Church and bay swimming. I have an excellent reotal record -oo vacancies. I think I'm worth $110,000 but jost between you and me, submit all otters, I'm awful ctJte even tho' I am rather young io years. 110 R E A l T Y ' 2025 w. lalboa llv41.1 " ....... leildll ' Rontar. -67J-3663 S.loo -675-600CI COSTA MESA • Moclela Loc-at 11111 ond Allao, ~-. QfiWlf C»JL Y ~ 1.0 A,M, ,..,,_,.,.. (714) .... ,. NlWOIIT IIARillR EJIIGII RltST SEC11011 --P ... 5 1128 Cllllesla L• -Baycresl (TAKE SANDALWOOD OFF SANTIAGO TO CANDLESTICK) OPEN HOUSE . SUN. 1-5 p.m. A residence In which you and your family will enjoy life to Its fulles t! • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • 22x16 Living Room with open le.Jamed ceilings. • Family Room • 18x36 heated and tlltered pool. A "PLUS" FOR MOTHER - - - - HEAVY DUTY CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEM • Can be shown any time. Just call Bay &.Beach Realty Inc. 111-•M 2407 L COAST HWY. C D M SHOWING ... a continuing tradition of superior home building in Southern California. A builder's reputation. It is his greatest asset. That's why you 'll fmd the." name "Buccola" stam~d on every hom~ w~ build. It is a n~ synonymous with quality in resid~ntial design in Southern California for morc" than 20 ~an. You will find this tradition of fin~ quality at our newest community in Costa M~'s finest subwban areas, ncar cxcell~nt shopping facilitie5 and just minutes from th~ ocean. A Grammar School is two blocks from the community. N"-'port High School is on~ block away. Buccola Homes. U!1$Urpassed quality in ,..,. homes found traditionally in Southern California's prderml locations. 3 end 4 bedroom 1 ~ story homes ~by IIUrPOAI..u&..BOA IAV111GII a LOAN AIIOCIA110N P. A. PAUIEII, INC., SaiM Afaltlt TMURSIJAY, FEB. 6, 1!169 OOIDIA DEL liAR, WF. N.wpo.1 B11ch ••• • ._ Island Costa Mesa FOUR BEDROOIIS ---PLUS HUGE RUMPUS ROOII (ZO X JO) 1-3/4 BATHS -HARDWOOD FLOORS-FIREPLACE NEAR F.ST ANClA ffiGH SCHOOL $25,000 IMIIEDIATE POSSESSIOII Wella-McC.rclle Realtors Reliable Service Since 1943 DUPLEX CD M HOUS£, 2 BEDROOM, I BATH, REAR UNIT, 3 BED~ 2 BATH-FIREPLACES $52,500. -GOOD INOlME •••••• OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-5 p.m. JUST RECUCED ~000. SEE THIS AT !107 AVOCADO, IRVINE TERRAC E. •••••• FOR_ RENT I-BEDROOM FURM. AP T., YEAIIL Y.-..... $1<15ooo. I-BEDROOM UNFURM. AI'T .................. $150 .. . lJ0/'1 Y. f'RJl/'CK l.l/'1 I R ~Jll. TOR ' J2SO East Coast H11tnr•y Cur011• del Mar, C•lifOtn•a Phone: 67]..2222 NEWPORT BEACH REALTY G. T. "Gundy" Gunders en, Realtor OPEN EVENING5 615·1642 When we take a -we s ell ttl EI41MCO OF OUR MEW COMVEIIIEMT ORANGE CX1U1! TY OFFICE. -r HAVASU NORTH ESTATES 1160 I. NEWPORT ILYD .. COSTA MUA U J'OU are l.nterested lD LAKE RES<IiT prq~ertJ, we are present.IJ ofler1lle a coldea ""'* tedty lo lllt'est 1D a WOider6IJ a. ~ Sl.ll resort area.. • BOAT MARINA • LANDING STRIP • W A. TER SlUING • HUNTIJIIG -flSHDfC • LARGE VIEW LOTS • ALL lli.PROVEMEHTS IN AND PAID F'OR • PRICED f"R()M $3500 • LOW DOWN PAYME!n"S •'J"ERMS TO SUIT We lartte yo. to OOIM 1a or eall 141-aM k ---T. K. HUNT, Broker JACK BALE. Project M&r: Lido Isle Co..-del Mer South of HiQhway Z BORM HOME PLUS 1 BORM RENTAL: WALK TO ALL SHOPS. s 4 5 r 900 '· :..,, . lf~l 332 Morgueri te Corona dol War -673-8550 (f.,.. flo,.,./!, f<.,./tor SEMPLE WEST CLIFF WONDER LOVELY HOME IN IMMA CUL AT E CO NDITION. COZ Y SECLUDED PA TID OFF MA STER BEOOOOM AN LIVING ROOM ... GORGEOUS LAN DSC APING •.• .SPRJNKLERS. .. THREE BE DROOMS, CARPE TED FAMIL Y ROOM ... SO ME FURNITUR E IN CLU OED $42.500 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY· 1:1.30-SdlO l JOO l)u,., Dri,., W•stcli H Ar" Newpo rt B-ch SEIOPLE REAL ESTATE 251 5 f . C.••t H-r .• C.Mfl• del filllor 675-21 01 ................... , 137 VIA WAZI ERS HOME SPREAD OVER TWO LOTS Charming -permanent 3 bedroom, 2 bath residence with large rooms. Separate dining-room and indoor barbeque. Owner has moved out of state - so Is anxtoua to sell. Prlc ed only $79,500 Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido Isle Is not leaae bold. p. a. palmer Incorporated H DMl.ll95 IJ liiO SKI 1915 llr7 'fk u• -. ,_ • s 1t .._._,_ .. L.A._ ..... ._. -. ..... • fillllfll ntURIIIo\Y, FU. ' .. -_....,_ COIIII!A>IIELIAI\ CM.If. Ch h N St.-~·· udAll Alpl'• Tbl IAIMna c ...... "' Urc .ws ..,._I Cblrcll, IIUI'acllle -·noll-Vlow IIAII1 .1 Oil. Pl. liiiVII TMI 7.& Vlow Dr.,llubo< Ylow Hllll-llubo< Ylowllllli-"A 1am1o1 111t-.----rw TY'o, -, ..., ,.. .,._. ....,. c..reto ot no c:...~ -Clloor"' c .... _. at .... • u11 t :IO ot tM ...., .. -.. "- ••• """-• nollllo --._ ---ol eo. -,aotllopollaSI.-~""' ltlllnlll. eo. Lll. .,. __ -n-w. 1:11-11, wW bl Dr. WUUam F U I If ...... I $', -~I Rd., llalbeo, Do-"Cocl, 0 llrltllll, or ... ?" wW -11-r 1.' J-~ wiU bl Jolla Gor, lor· EUor'o --lq)lo lor - -II ...... ......_ ftllll1 8eaiiJ' of ....,_ told bllbl """""' ~ otDr p G. will .-11 ooi "Tilt-·-ud -11 oo lbl llall ol Cultloc-1:48 aod II S.., ......_ ..... a .... lfnpart fM&eb pollee oo .Ju. Neu'"lu a tbe lla.m i-da,. i::ln1eltore'' ll·l't t w lO:IO too Mla•ioD Collep iA Ubltta, .. ';;rleo&io.ii,iA.01ilU.j~lu"blaiii.;;;i fOIIt SOMfON£ )'C)U LOVt ••• ; • .. ilL IN. ... ___ 11. Sbl aJdlbt-oeourrotl --AI 7 p.m. 1111 "oormoo Lll. s-, oonl<oo • .u ?p:m. -II UCI. HJo topic wW bo •• •MntfM-hLI?. wW do&1 wtlh lbo ......., bl wW _._ .... ,.. ... IOd rllllod ID blaetbl*'1....._ ID 111:48Lm. ''Where will JOU ll*ld Iter-llt.U.S lA U. 1oM att:y?-' • 'Prool of lbl Tbo PIJmoulh Coop-eplloaal Cbrutlu SeiOIICO Church, S%6Z Broad st., New. Coroaa del WORLD'S LARGEST ~~~ pori Helehla-"Tbo eh&U-Cool& Ia att.. DRAPERY yANDIES of lnoel space" wW bl tbl Bible leuoa-sermoa topic to Rev, Normu Browo's sermon read tbla: SUDday. L~ I CLEANERS and---- ORt.HCOI! SHELlY AMERICAN DEALER, PIIIOUDLY PRESI!MTS Till! ALL H.EW SHELlY topic tor tbe 10 a.m. Sunday Tbe Newport Harbor sen lee. The conUnllld cooere-tberan Cburcb, !501 CWf O.•. pUooaJ meeting ba.8 bten set Newport Hel&IQ-.Putor tor Feb. 16, folloY1ae tbe 10 mes Blaio will preacb oo a.m. service. topte, 04To sene or bo:.~~; st. Andrew's at tbe 8:30 IDd 11 a.m. • REIIOVE WATER STAINS • FLAIIE PROOFING EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Valenti~~· GT FOR 1969! soo st Rd services. Boy Scout SUaday wW CWI • ., be observed. Scoula llom tbo wW worship with tbe congre-cburcb IPOUOI'ed troop wtll ptioo at tbe a, 9:30 a.ad 11 a.m. serYe u usbers. Sunday services a.s tbe cburcb Coroaa del Mar~~~~:.::~~\~ observes Boy Scout Stmday. Dr. CoogreptJooal Cl Cbarles Dterenfield will preach Heliotrope Ave., -Dr. on "Mr. Facillg-Two-Ways." G. Murray wW present sermoo ocr. "Wbat a a daDcel" at 10 a.m. s ... ,.,. O..,.ry Cleonlng. Perfect ,...,.,.._ of the ••• of ,_,. draptry, or 100% ,.. ploc:e...-nt If c!.onab ... • N. Shrinkop e No Witt.d Keach • ,.,_. ""' folclj,. • Pm.ct heft HMt1 • Woter Stain lemovol OU~ EXCLUSIVE SERVICE • Profnsional htstallation • Profu&<ional lemoval • Terms Mayle Arronged d>OCoiO>It ond but11< FROM 95f READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! WHY PUT UP WITH FEAR? Clwrcb of tbe Crossroads, meetlDc ID lbe Cbai>e~ 3500 Pa- clflc View Dr., Harbor View Hllls-''Be oenr tbe leas of faith" wtll be tbe sermon topic of Dr. Vincent Gottwio Jr. at 11 a.m. Sunday. A potluck lun- cbeon will follow tbe service. VALENTINE'S DAY IS FRIDAY, FEB. 14TH • fre• Estimates • frM Leon Drapes TitS TilE DHE YOU'VE WAITED FORI AMERICA'S MOST EXOTIHI;. UNCOMMON HIQt PERFOitMAHCiil SPORTS CARl •••• SEE IT TODAYI FINAL CLEARANCE OF 1968 GT-350's GT·SOO's HEW--EXEC. CARS •.... LESS THAN A DOZEN LEFT AT THE GREATEST SHELBY-AMERICAN C.J ... ., ,.,k. Filii I"'"'''· 1ir. IJlY 1JI I. 20 ~ tfo..,.ft.,. trH1. $1095 OUU PIICI $38 PIIJO WO""'S '64 CHEVROLET SEDAN l11d14. Air cotlltfitioni~t· lOXO "5) 10,.. 4-" ,, t.H•. $595 PUU PIICI $27 m 24 WONTH. K eep Your Sails Set for Higher Earnings at LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS! Jt's amuing bow many tears, big and small, seem to plague one's day. It may be tear of losing one's job, of oUending someone, of effects from certain foods, or more seriously, of illness. Fear seems to be the re- sult of clrcumsta.oces. But, actually, it Is often the cause of problems, even of Ul health. Fear can be con- quered, OOwever. You and your friends are cordially invited to bear Gordon F.Campbell, C.S.B., of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship dis· cuss how we can rid ourselves of fear and its eUects. Christian Science Lecture 8:00 P.M. Friday, Feb. 14. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS:T, SCIENTIST 3303 Vla Lido, Newport Beach Watch your treasured savings grow with wind·speed under the bright, p rotect ive banner of the largest and oldest independent Federal Sa\'ings a nd Loan Associatio n in Orange County. Funds reeeil·Pd bv thP tPnth earn from the first of th.e month. Don't miss the treasure ship to security. Book passage today I SAVI NGS INSURED TO $1 5,000.00 by a permanent agency of the Federal Government. 5 96 CUIIUH AIIIIUAt DIVI0£110 RAR ,.1110 QUAITUlY! 5 } /. 96 WltiO YllU ADO 001 -"!1 /'4 IOifUS DtY'DllfO TO cutl(lfT AIUIUAllATl Ofll JUDO MllfiMUII J.TLU cunm:.t.n ACCOUttTSI -YOU NAVE !;!2!! MAKI! A DII'I'I!RI!NCI!I .. Newport Unity Church, meet- ing at 15tb St. IJid lnine Ave., Cllff Have~Tbe Rev. Loren FUcldoger will prea.cb oo "Achieving your goal" at 10 a.m. SUDday. A beal1ng prayer service will be beld at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12. 2001 Off fo• <o•h & '"'" 10 642-0270 540-1366 1702 NEWPORT BL YD. al 17•h, Cosla llosa Corona del Mar Pharmacy ..,.. .. ,....,... ... ,- 3127 E. Coott Hwy. (Hear JaSmine ~rYe.) • • • ••••••••• COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 GRAND OPENING TUESDAY~ fEBRUARY 11 LOCATED ON A SPECIALLY CRE- ATED PLATEAU OVERLOOKING NEWPORT HARBOR. MEDITER- RANEAN IN STYLE AND IN THE MUSIC CENTER TRADITION, EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT MOTION PICTURE THEATREINTHEWORLD! EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT "A MOVIE OF YOUTHFUL FASHION, BEAUTY&. MUSIC" "ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST FILMS" "DAZZLING! Once you see i~ you'll never again picture 'Romeo&Juliet' quite the way you did before!" -LIFE fRANCO ZEFFIRELLI rrv~~ ..... ul ROMEO . <B"jULIET • Hoag service pins given N.B. BUILDING PERMITS Newport Beacb started tbe An anrdl: coUee wu dteo were the Urnes. Roy Anderson, 1969 building et1ort W'ilb anim. Jan. ZO by the Aui1Uuy of EYe FetiQOO, G. Robert Hod. presstve $6,729,765 1o permits •WEST UPPER B.A. Y L. Wblteslde, swimmillcpool. 1349 Goluy, $6,500. Hoar HoapUa.l atlbeCollfereoce -. Robert HUf:, WlWam R. tor Ja.ouary. This is tbebtnest Ceoter toboDorwomeowbohiYe Hoda)o Jr., Robert J . Noble, January permit tota..llotbehis. George DIJd.Jey, SlZ EHO- ln& Star Ln., remove 2 n.Ua, install flush beams, $1,000. tarDed bours pins slDce May ol A. C. Flep.l, Robert Scbmidt, tory of the bulldlngdepartment. last year, Harold Cawud .. Jack Horo. Permits lssued dW'i.og the Mrs. Wtlllam Durkin, CO-«· t.act. ud Miss Berniee Vestal flDa.l week or tbe moJJttl. in tbe M. 1. TEAOt ER WIMS dloator of Yoluoteers, n.s U· and Mlas Too! A.eooe. amoWJt of $1,000 and over, in. SANDWIOt Q)MTEST LINCOLN DAY luncheon parti clpat~ts Include, ~rom left, Mrs. Edwin Steen Jr., president of the Newport Harbor Repub- lican Women; Mrs. Caltmun Sumrall, pre- sident of the Mesa Verde Republican slsted by tbe rohmteera com. Att.tntnc tbe 1000 hour mark eluded tbe following: Sitts teaeber mlttee, members of tbe AuD4 were tbe Ymes. Georr:e Fox, •HARBOR VIEW HILLS Ireta Juoe • 1 • Uary board, aod tbe HWIII:er Faye Kelley, E. L. Wagooer, Simeon Watson. swimming wbo lives at5Z01 SeasbonDr .. Women, and Mrs. C t1arles Benton, who I s president of the COsta Mesa Repub- lican Women. (Ensign photo.> C •·~er, wbo prepared there. Jack Hurst, w. L. Russell, Paul pool at 907 Sa.Ddeasue S3 850 West Newport, ls a receat win.- -' .' • Del' of tbe ''out of tb1a world" fteshments. W. Campbell, FernJooes, Ethel James Glanullas, 1-urut.. 1-sandwich contest btld every A oew service lor tbe vohm-MacGUUnay, a.nd T. A. ~r000y dwelling at 1133 Ebbtide, week by Hollywood's Small leers, to be ca.lled "Escort A.Ddrew. ....., Senlce," will start Feb, 1. Mmes. John Smith. WUUa.m ~ORoNA DEL MAR World Restaura.ot.. L ,Nco N LUNCHEON FEB . 11 Ttlohlsi>Odcolnmmtthetteo;_.::n ~. llatbe-Lupton, F. T. Eddy, Robert G«>rge Yardley, 2-story du-Her wlnllJa& ..-!eb ts ._.1 •u.u Funk. Chrlstta.n Lee, Wesley CHORAL CODduetorRogerWag-p1exes at 516 and 518 Dahlia =ed .... ""f5 ~!&ODoi ~-~mation desk. Wben a PI--Sbatter, andWUburNewmaore-ner 'rill appear as guest con-Ave., $:14,000 each. t cons s nr Republican women ndlng by Walter Knott, owner of cabinet and was recently ap-tteot Is to be diamiseed the eetved their 1500 boor pins. ductor of the 1969 Orange •BALBOA paste, crtss-crossed wltb Feb. 11 Llocoln Day luncheon Knott's Berry Farm. pot.qted to bead the human re-stat1oo clerk will place a' call Mrs. Frattk Hatch and Mrs. County hlgh school hooor choir s. Ahlman. 2-stor y dl4)lel, bacon, sQM'ed open-bead oo In Jamboreo HaU ot ""'''O'ter Mr. WtWams ts admlnts-tstloas apocy, to escort service tor a YOtQII-Wlttlarn Durkin recel•od 2000 In a coocert at 8 p.m. Saturday, 3t3 Atmado , $33 ,500. ( rye bread, and gar~~ Inn wUJ hear Spenc WUllams trator of health and weUare in Mrs. Ba.rbara Bunker, ptesl-teer In order to be 00 lhl.s bour pins; Mrs, William BrOWD-Feb, IS, ln tbe Orange Coast •NEWPORT tomato and grated as featured speaker lntroduced Governor Ronald Reagan's dent of tbi-OrangeCounty Fede-com~lttee each voltdeer must log and Mrs. Ra.lph Tlltoa 2500 College auditorium. Nearly 250 South Coast Leasing, sign at It was chosen by Antoo A. I b I h d ration of Republican Womeo. be trained by a member of the bour pins; Mrs. James Decker, seleet slogers representing 29 SOO w. Coast Hwy., $1,200. Bodoer • cheft-mapager of tbe New C Year aunc e wlll preside over the event, nurslngstatf,IDdboursofser-3000hourplo,andMrs.Charles high.scboolswlllpreseatacon-Reyoolds, close l4l balcony, Small World Rest~:urant, be· wtlicb will begin wl.th a socW vice wUl be from ·g to 11 :30 Clemeos, the highest, with her cert of masterpieces by add troot balcony, 3609 Sea-cause of the UD~ eom. bour aJ: 11 a.m. followed by ooon each morning 4000 boor pin. and bi!lation of 1ngred.1 s. Mrs. Calhoun S all, 1766 guerUe Richards, ZDd vlcepre: hmcbeon. Mem'.:lers hooorec1 for 1 oo Bahama Place, Co Mesa,wtu sident tn cbargeofmembership, 1..oca.1 clubs participating in·· hour Pins earned were the begln her 1969 term fofttceas Mrs. Ralph lrwi.D, 3rd vtce-elude Mesa Verde Republican M AUe Katz Robert president or the ~ Verde president. ways a.od means; Women's Club, Federated, pre-v=~: Page ~~ Nor- RepublJcan Women s ub, Feb. Mrs. W. J. Collum Jr., re-sldent, Mrs. Calhoun SumnU; man Feldman R HaydeDrelch 19. cordlog secretary; Mrs. Edpr Costa Mesa Republican Wo-Lopn Loctab ·Edward Mar~ The meeting Is to start with Nissley, eorrespoDd.lnc secre-men's Club, headed by Mrs. t1odale Phiu,!'• Righter John a 10:30 a.m. coffee hour at tary; Mrs. W, F. Rall, Charles Benton; and Newport Riley 'Kathryn Sbeltoa Harold the Mesa Verde home of Mrs. treasurer, and Mrs. Barbara Harbor Republican Women's s ~ R p w t 'Dolla.ld W. J. Collum Jr., 1976 Kornat Bun&er, parliamentarian. Club, wttb Mrs. Edwln F. Steen C~~well, . Allie~ e~~er, M. Drive. B.Y.C. FASHIOH SHOW Jr., as president. Sunstrom Sally Sweet F L Miss Michele Jarrett, vice Hlgh.Ugbt of Balboa Yacbt • WilUams; Dale Enrly,' Jo~h president In char,. ol pro-Club's monthly tadles tuncbenn Marl n eras Metcatl, Kent Bergstrom, grams, llas planned a study of and brldgewillbeatasbiooshow Larry Brown WllllamGb.eom. President Richard Ntur's of-on Thursday, Feb.13, ff• rnaui, P. c'. HegellU', R. s. ncJat dulles. Thts .nu be aa-v.,,. 0 ICerS s1moson, Karl Born ... , ... Mrs. James Woodto, llospl-Club's first all pro soow witb Ba cas Lolle Boone Wm.ta.ro taWy cllairma.n, Is ln charge of commenting by Flo~enc:e named Ho~es ' John ~ Carl the 12 :15 luncheon. Smales and professioaa..l mo-Kymla)obo Ralphs .lobn,Roblo. other omcers beginning oew dels. Mrs. Almon Lockabey is Las M.artneras Auxiliary of son, Gavin Wilber~, Aubre terms of ofi'Jce are Mrs. Mar. fashion coordloa.tor. Family Sentce Association of Berry, Art GrLm.n, David Sillll, Occ f I Ora..nge County honored new of-Francis Thornburgh, James area grows as ficers, oew mem!lers and BUJt Jerry Bn.nsford Vlr- patrnnesses at tUDCheon Jan. g~nta' Fouts, Wallace T~ .. tts, Tbe Orange Coast.JuoJor Col-Some of the cities within the 29 aJ: Josers restaurant. Cha! WUk, Harold Tarpley, K~ lege District has uowo by district grew aJ: an astouncUng New om cers are Mrs. Stanley Bell, EWe Cuoni.Dgham, 195.'1% slnce 1960. rate during tbe 8-year period. Richard D. Keith, president; Gale Da.lmann, Ellie Durgan, In 1960, the district had Hwttogton Beach grew trom Mrs. Thomas Corssoo, Yice. Mlcba.el Hirsh, Georre Hoe- a populUon ot 110,418. Elibt 11,492 to 103,550, an 1Dcrea.se president; Mrs. Joseph Dt-diogbous, and Miss Madeline years later it was 326,590, a.o of 801.1,, FoUDtaJ.o Va.lley went Sta.n..lslao, corresponding sec. Lumsdoo. locrease of 216,172, from 2,068 toZ7,360,1()1,ZZ~. retary; Mrs. Robart o. Dundas, Tbose receivlng250tourplns Duri.Dg tbe same per1od, the Westmillster went trom 25,750 riCOI'ding secretary; aDd Mrs. were tbeJ4mu, W, L. Chapman, ~lon ol the county croo to 55,010, .., IZU\. Tbe cl1a-llocald B. Tllllla .. , <•>ollJIIIID( Jnbn CoonellJ, J11<k Putuhln, -'l(M,OOO to 1,:140,100, .., trlct's -l'l-Gol!loo tr-•. T. D. WW!am-Cborloo llol- 91.?1", allptly leu tbao ba.U WMt Collep, wu opeDid lD Prospectj•• new m'mbers u.ter, Gordoa. QuiJm, Rot.rt tbe rat• of the lfOW"th of the 1965 in 8~ Beacb to are Mmes. Rlcbard Broome, Belyee, J. M. Cbrt.teuen, Do- district. sene these areas. u.~my Hays, Mtcba.el HaU. Sbel. aa.ld Uogle, Norbett Cochran, In 1960, the total day and Costa Mesa grewfrom37,550 doo Newcomber, Ken Holloway, Robert WhJpple, Robert Dows- ev8fl1Dg enrollment in lhe dis. to 73,140, ~ 94.8\. Newport Paul Sbettler, w, c. Roberts, well, Jerry Gra.£1t, H. Ralph trtct was 9,719. Eight years Beach went from 26,564 to and Maurice Walsh. Ladd, Thomas Osborn, JoM later It was 23,700, anlocrease 43,710, ~ 64.5$. SeaJ Beach The AtWiiary helps acqLJ&.int Prendergast, Jobo F. Rlley, of about 1,747 per year, The grew from 6,994 to 21,820,1() the commun.J.tywiththelfOrkand Ralph Waterma.o, Terrence district added 13,981 students. 212.0%. 1ac1UUes of the Family Service Walsh, James Walsworth, Jane We are pleased to announce the appointment of B renton R. Ogden RI!:SIDI!:NT MANAGER NEWPORT BEACH as Vi ce President DEAN WITTER « Co. INCORPORATED ..._ "-f•~ St•• lac: .... Ate 881 Do\ler Dri\le • 642-6050 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Assn. and has established a Decker, Casteodyck Fay, H. D. scholarslltp fund for graduate RUland, D. F. Tolmie, Paul students in an accredited school Kubo, aDd Miss Carole Brown. of soc ial work. Recipients of 500 OOurs pins Dollars --not diets Members and guests ot New-Mrs. Richard Hodges, is ln port EbeU wtU eoocentraJ:e on charge of prlzes. A camellta dollars instead of diets on corsage laced with OOilat bills Tbursday,feb. 20, with a fund-designed by Mr s. Adraio Evans ra1slog dessert bridge, The Joyner will be given away as a event, starting at 1 p.m. at the prlze. Ebell Clubhouse, Balboa, will be Assisting on the arrange. under the ditecUon of Yrs. ments committee are t.lr s. Ru- Herbert Putert-.ugh, ways and dolph Va.na.sek., chairma.o ofpast means chairman. pres idents, and M.rs. Jack Lit- Afternoon enterta.lnment wi ll tieton, heading the PM Section. feature the latest t.o sprlng Tic kets are priced at S2 per styles by Lido Fashions. Mode l-person. ling members Inc lUde Mmes. Members and guests will be Jotm Colby, ErDest K. Hart-welco med by Mr s. Clayton man, Robert Stabler, Frank Thompson, president. Hughes, Charles Edwards and Robert Pittenger. Mrs. Free-CA.L.MEVADA EM BLEM mao W. Fisher will be the mo. O.UBS TO ME ET HERE deraJ:or. The Callfornla State Assocla-l.;:====================~"'::•~·~P~trt~e~r~ba~u!gll~,~as~slst~~ed~b;y Uoo of Emblem Clubs and Ne. 1 vada Clubs will han their 3rd 20%·QF quarterly meetiog Feb. 7 and 8 at the Newporter 1Dn.. Hooored guests will be Mr s. WUUam Nola.rl, ~erne presi- dent of the S\c)reme Emblem Cl!i) of the United States and past president ol New J.i•ven. Coon., Emblem Cilt) 41, aDd Mrs. Forest Benjamin. su- preme marsba.l &ad ~pre­ sident of Milkd, Coan., Em- blem Club 39. Newport Harbor Emblem Ctul> 394, beaded bJ Mrs. Eucaoe BerRVOD u president, is ODt of tbe host elllb5. Mra. Frank Sabr ot the ~ ctub Is OOJI ot the eo-cbaJJ'ma a.-tbe meetlq. AROUTECTS INSTALL on all HERITAGE Tbt Amerieu IDititlQ of Areblloelll, t:lrup Coaoty c-. 11o.s oloctod Sotlrno P. G<tlllu, -"' Grllllao, s.,..., .U.oo ol Sula ... UI'IIOLSTUIUI OIAIIIS AMD lOP AS IIUIIIM' f i iMIAIIY .. ..-... 1 ... w.-.... -J . ~c--.­,._ ud ,._ do- --; RQ.-c. llalool, ~ --.,,udr.fld JUqooo, cor-<lol-, --..... IMrtldGI• •wua .... lo 1--CM<tao-. ... -·· ••--m 646-0275 -...., ~ •. RDoJ. ,.,, t ... lrti"IIrd L r .... ~... lse,.t-..., ,._..._ .... ._............ OOIU"Wt, ~. Ui0276 cor-eaa-.... -11. L...---------------..------'1-.,C..- How you can get a 'FREE trip to the moon kit: You can receive a spectacular :l8" x 25 "" four color panorama wall chart picturing a Project Apollo trip to the moon. In addition. you will get a long play recording with actual sounds heard during the round trip in space. And this complete moon kit is yours free of charge and without obligation! It is presented to yo u with the compliments of Downey Savings as a tribute to the men and women of this area who built the Apollo 8 spacecraft. It circled the moon with three astronauts aboard last December. IMPORTANT: This ki t is not a toy and cannot be purchased in local stores. It contains, in addi- tion, an amazing map of the moon's surface with facts which will s urprise every member of ~·our family. young or old. But only IOOO"Triptothe Moon Kits ·· will be given away free of charge. and this offer is good only while the supply lasts. Reserve yours now by mailing the coupon below but do it at once. Limit one free gift per family, please. ···········································= = CUT OUT THE COUPON AND MAIL TO: = . ~ .. . • Doolmey Savinp and Loan AMOCtatton • 2043 Weotclill DT., Newport Beac h. CA. 92660 • • • • • • • • • • • • P\eue reRrve my FRF;E "Trip to tht~ Moon Kit" includin1 the spectacular 38 .. x 25"' four color panorama wall chart. an a mM.ing new ma~ of the moon's surface, and alao a )one play reoord.inc with 1ctual M>und!'; heard on a lnp to the moon . 1 undentond only 1000 of t h.,.. t'Omplete kill! will be ri""" owoy by Downey So~ and you wiiJ notify me by mail w~n mine hu arrived from the m~~nufacturer. 1"bbN • no co.t to me and no obliption of any kind. ~-------------------.-~------------------------Ill- ...-------------------"'"--===-:-:-= ... ..,.;-. ·-· .. ----·--------------------••••••••••• • Difficulties • 1n the Bible Panel discussions Q. -0,, -·Will 1M~ Q. -· --"/a .lloltMw 1:11 ...... , lr-.1" .... It k /wlf/AW ....... """·'lAy ... ~,.,--... ,.I.A'II 1 A. TOitiiY ,_. ' 1 ....._ .._ .............. .._........,.,the JWanw ..,.,., tk wu, ,, A,..~, ,.,..11,... _,.,. .. nA. 0.. tAU ... •w. • ~ ,..,rcho.-loob _,.-llko.ll _. -w \o-.,...,._ Do-Wtolt -1M -_.. llol -o...Ua'l -__ ,. 3 _ 21 ' -.... 0 ' fll Jl..ll -C' I ... It, • I ~ • ~ -Ill lho -....W •-• •·"' f •·•·-~ -• ._ I -~ _,. ._ ,.,... oll-'o -&w I~ ••-roa 0 A. One of the beol '!'J' low~.~ I.&PTin ..._, ,... ..... ..,...,..,,.. • ._ r • ..U • ...., ..... .. ...... n. ~ .... I.,.., ll • /til~ of tltU prop._. the Bible Ia net"er to rud • ..,,.. (CI··-· ............. ) ---....... Ia tM -.. tMI • t.w ......... _,,.. atone. Be IVrt JOU haft a tll&r aNtr-Al .. M~~eua.-.._. bl dM BiWe ... bit t.duMd ~ "' ..._ kW '*" ._ .... atandlnl' ot the entln eontot.. Suip.. ... _.a ........ L ..._ _... ._ ., t:C W 1 ._ ._. ..-rn. -.. A. We are Indeed comln• toward the hu'e alto indfeate• that 1 I'IWI Ia to t. ,._._._til..._ Wm .._ ... _.. ,._ ...... 11 ..., tl rt 8' end UIMI. E.tfel ae ud 8"1 epeak provide for hla own houeehold. II he --- -_.. -11 • 0 1 _, aJ· s 1..... apec:lfteal1y about the ftatontlcm and doet not, h~ hu dented the f&lth nd :rw wu 'lh; ba ._....._ u :• lOMb IJ ~ fll • b.lllllf ~~ rl-4 _,. returreetfon ot laru:l. Ch&pten CO 1~ worse than an unbeliever, Tllfa por-~ 11o..., ., fat .. r taow, holck tt..t the ._u.h tnftll.-&loD ol a ·-... wMie'a t.lb.'" .._, • .c:.pde hM ..S. IPIIIn')' ..,.,. tM Coll:se': to 48 are mllleanlaJ, dealinr with the tion of Scripture It not lefltlaUnr u,. aw. t. .a..oaue.tr ln.faUJbla aod taernnt. 'fbi: doetriDa Mid ~ ol • ......_ whb U.. ~ ~ ol Itt mouth O. s..e. Aaa. c:.w. _ "Co" 1 da4M earthly nl1n of our Lord JeaUIJ aaainat 11vinr: money for one • netda. -__,. ia that u.. 8a'tptww • •'&f· ae, p. ,.,... at.DiuteiJ' aad t:Uo.t ....no•t.oc 4 -. but II tbrt ICiplle had .ty t&bn "'-tl. . 'ttual • f tU OW Chrftt. )fany Kholars hold t.he vJew. It refers however, to that Nlfl4ll W.IUW. ..c1 ~t, tod that OW' ._Uah tr...aatloa. lt a trouble tD look the ....._. up, bt would btl" found U.. wwd Teet"";;,, 1 ~;::..,o 11•11 /tw which we favor, tbat thoe two chap-hoardln.-'or funda. rullnr God out of • • :! a, .a.•• ~of tba ~ • ~ ll'*L tru'qleJI ......_,. ...a,. -. .._ IDOIW«," without any 1L ~ 4~ .. ~ I" · ten (88 and Sl) are part of the bat-our thourhb and onlY occupied ,rlth Wa do 11110( ,_ the oriiiMIIMD__,..,. o1 dM Bible. 'lb-. dlllbHio. • to the + ™ ... ol the-lllillbS&If',. •• wtll &ak• thit "" "t.IPftU tMl tie of Armareddon, Thia it an aree that which it material. Our 8nlour odltBal maa.u.cripU, _. cop&.c~ -., *-wkll .,..~, eu.. lllld up_.. In daWI..bl ,.. ... ._.._ the lllor7 of JODM. A : W~de we can -;nake apiritual ap-•here U.ere Ia mucla room to man· i• telling u1 not to make the appro- ..et SOl, bill aatunlb ...., .,... cnp4. iMo tht .,.._ tbat 8o the whole ~ ...... fnllrD the enn.a.Wt ...-cak• and pheataon• con«rnmr the proii'Wiu euver. We do believe that the rtturn priation of money ttl.e c:enttr and eir- .._.. ...._ 'tf• now,_.. • __,.IDOCfcop.. tbet b7 ~ U..tollltie'alrponaooa. ..,_. ate 1D1tAY ~who u. 10 dUMIJ' of the Old Testament. 1rut heed of the Jewt to their national home-rumfe~nee of our Hfe. K• It wu •ho -. .tda uo&ber, w• CIUl &illl witb ...-}111*' I • Jwt wt..l the .....,.. Ill mau.. u..rv ~-.uod by IMII;7 SuDdaJ' Kbool muat be riven to the waminp uland 11 a fulftllmtnt of prnpheer and at80 dec:la~. "A man'• life eonaitt.-~ text ..... IDdead. iw all ~ .,..,_. U.. _..._. Clhlld..-&hat U.., -. ldll hari:UI t. U.. ...,... ol .eholanh.lp GD well. Aa u:ample, look at Deuter-tpoken of here deftnitely in thla im· eth not of the abundance of t.hinp tazt t. aow .w.d. ns.n t. DOt-......... ducld• that h.lap tblt qpaurl ~ ID tbrt BlbLa. onomy 28 and aee the 1tatementa port.ant M!d.iorL It is realty a pre. which he poueA&eth." ..-~ doubUul ..-dktrc til tbt *-to But ...._ our Autborbacl 1. 'fta ..,. ._ e1 ......_: tt..a ea. ....,. ,_ r.-~at are ~ade here. T~oee who am:-fulfillment of the tpec:ifk prophecy. 1 v.-.. w-. ....-_.. ol U.. b..e ~ ..,.. aat wt&hla • c p 1 r .. a.--. toualy ela1m. the prom1aet God p'ft AD of thte will develop 1,.1ety after Q • .,._,., o.... -'H&\0 eoMlcl ri• r"'tlldl fll the tnnl.laton. aDd the ..._,. ol tcztual mddllla •• DOt t th h ld f I I bow God """" 10 ....u UDdl:rlltOOd • it la ...,., _. 10 the sn...Jet\m .._ ..... Wbft the Bible t.chel • one thir:lc. bel what men interpret 0 e c 1 FeD 0 •rae aome the church it raptured, n~ttr tAe x'Orid if ~ --··-., ... ,...., almoat completely overlook tbe wam-t.\i'lt" r•· fnm aD ilaipasf«:t. lla.t. Not • ,..... ol the eppuet ._._ it to ...-• on $' .. ~ widaiJ' clil&ren.t. Many au . .u~ inga. They ahould be applied with Q. w ........... c.Af. -"Were tb Old II the .Bib&. uW from the MUre~. euh:llll thM '"tan-. with tha BibN art. DOt from wh..t the Bible the same dili«ence. We ahould learn T~ttoiMIU lmulitu , familiar ~t~i!l A. The Bible te&cbee that Cod ia For .......... ..,. .,.. told bl Johb. 5:C that "u uwrl .-d dlnm eetu.li.J' ~ but from whet mau interpnt. it \o _,. from the experience of the Jew. u bapti,.,. a. we. h<>,,"' 1t : detdll, bvnal !IOvereign and Creator of all thlnra. at 1 mrtain 111M00 brto the pool, ADd troubled the water: whew uw A .aikiDc Wwtn.tioa ol thil lt found iD the lint chapter of ftd t r lh t God "*' fint alter the troublliw fll tbt water ~ m ._ m.c1a GeDMiL u..,...,... to tOe the ~doll put uiWJift thia chapter to bow the Lord deals with thoee 11 r"e.IMYne tOM . Keep in m.ind, however, . a . whole o1. wh.DOrler diaMe be bad.• br fiiAh7 ~ it would 1Ddeed be difftcult to reconcile it who put their truat ~n Him, u well A. They knew about it u a manner did not make any~inw evd. ~ene•111 'ftlil lltawmett fw many ~ ,.._ improbable aDd dlffieuk with Dlucb tlut IIIIOdem ~ ,...,.., • atabllehed. But the u thOlle who leave Htm •.nd ro aft.et of wuhinr and cleansing. Certain the tlr!!t ehapter flVH ua. Una clear to bellew, but upon illv.-tipdaa. we find that it Ia 111 a aU.uke diffieulty Ia DOt. with what tbe flnt. ehllptn' ol GeDesU Mya, but other «odS. We muet d1frenntlat.e. such foundational matters were found understanding. The entenn1 of sin of tbe copyiaL Some -.rty ~ .....:1.m1 John'• ICCOUIIt, added wi\h \be ~that ia pUt. upc:e it. however, between the 1piritual prom-in Judaism u well u Christianity. and evil into the world came o~ly bl the me,.m his expliMdon o1 tba ~ propenin ol thit But there .1. ao contrwlktioa whlt.n• betwit«l what ll .._uy i.,ell and the promises that God gave JuAt as the body wu cleansed so it permiasively by God. It W&l eertain- lmennittent medicinal aprlnc. A lne C1C1iPJUt m~.bodied UU. ~ Jli'Oftlll bJ' adeDot aDd what .1. ,.oy tUd In the ftnt ch.pter o1 ~pecifically to the children of brae!. ~poke spiritually or ftruntively of the ly not His perfect will. Thi1 dou nota ill ttM body ol the text, Uld .o it e.me \o be ~ down llld. Gawela. 'ftu. will oome out a.-1.7 b:t. the cMpter that foUowa on Matthew 18: 19 is something which elean1inr which eomea from washing not mea.n in any sen.!le, however. that 1'04 into the A~ Vcnion. Verr }111'0Pft'b' it hM been. omined '-rbe nne Chapter of aa.ia," i~ our privilege aa we uk anything inwardly through Christ, They were God didn't know what man wu r~ from the RnUed Venion. Aaod!.• d.lfficulty ol~M'ame ebancter Ia with Je.WI' 1lllt.ement according to His will, not our own not familiar with bapti1m, however, ing to do. He was allowed a free ~ cUicrepaoci• ill ~ ln difffteD.t. eocounta ol the -that Be would be three day. mel three fti&hta ln the heart of the ~t'lfish deRif'el'l , We do not have the as we know it in the sense of death. choice between good and evil. God. ewata, u. for example, the dlHereDea iD the aa-of 10CD8 ol U.. evtb, lll.an7 iDterpnten would have w believe that He died riJrht to ask God, do«matically or buri•l •nd resurreetion. Since Mes-of course, knew man's ultimate ldrwa u t:lwn in the text ol ~ aad Qvoa.icl-. ~ .,... :Pricl.)' Dieht and ..,. earl,. SUDdlly IDOn'linc'. and the time between categorically f or thia or thal Our l'li•h had not yet come in the Old choice. The proof of this ia i.hat the fnlm the .arne cauae, ftTOn of CDPJ•Ia. tt.e. two ll far f:ram ~ three ~ and three n.icbll; but we pu yers should be "nevertheless, not Te•tament time•. they eould not uso-Lamb. the Lord Jeau! Christ, wu Such an Cr1'0t' in the metier ol &cur-would be very ...,. .,, tball .. la\er that it la • IDitter of Blblk:al lDterpreU~t.lon, and the my will, but Thine be done." Remem-ciate Aueh thinp with their cere. ~lain befon' the foundation or the mab, • ill the Hebrew nwnben .,.. deoowd. b7 lctten. ad Mtten trouh&e Ia DDt with wbl,t thc Bible ectwilly .. ,... but with the ber this, we should have more faith monial ect.e. Theae rreat truths ean· world. that ~ppM~" very much a1ib hew •.,..,. differmt ftlue • ~ tnt.arpnU.tiorl that men put upoo the B!.ble. We will take \h..i8 in the loving sovereign •ill of God only be meaninrful and understood Pow eumple, ~ first leUer ia tba IUbnw •lphebat deoota .._ 1MtW ~at )eaph lD tiM ehapt.er "W• JetUI ActuallJ '11u-e. DaJW . t•· Ch · t h·..a I' bed Hi ..... -...~.._ UOI.A aiiO.t.DC.UTft .... ~lh _ u-•-~.,. -~ It, DOt , __ than n---It _, --N'~a Ia _._ B-·-of ..L,_ Earth'!" by far than we have m our own a ....,r ns .u acromp '~ s ,_ ••-'• v L• .,,.._ C.IIL tela -· ~'"" ...... _.. __........ -.-~ •~ _. ~ -~ -wonderful work of ~emptton. A .... deoota • thoUM&d.. "nle tweftt}'·third 01r 1lllt lett. ol the Rifbrew (CD·-··~~~·~N~oxt~~-~ .... ~)~-------~P::_":Y:.:•:.:rs:·~------- 'ln the Beginning .... ' Grut Events in the Old T~tament St.L.!~2!:1)3~~o~!eJ~~b~.~.~on (This Is a sermon dell· vered by Dr. P. G. Neumann, pastor of the F1 rst Baptist "A great majority o1 tbe de· pieces of tbe We you marred; 1i.lxpmt prls and boys wbo IP· He wuda to restore tbe spoUed pear 1n JwenUe Court," de· ideals. Ob, Hewaotstogtveyou cla.res Judge McNabb of tbe a on begbu1illg aphll Church of Costa Mesa.) Fort Wayne J1Wenlle Court, .. 111 the beginDlngGodcrea.ted Recently all eyes were ontbe "oome from OOmes tbat have lbe he:nen and tbe earth." a.strooauts wbo left eartb orbit been broken primarily by dl-Tbese words grea.Uy comfort on their sil....day journey at sertlon or dil'orce." Tberei.D me. Tbougb 1 see so much de- M,ZOO rnpb, just 429 mpb slower Ue some ol tbe greatest tra.ce~ vastation aDd destructioD now, tba.D the speed~ wbichtbeyre-dies of life. We see too many 1 know that this earth and all turned. eases i.D whtcb lb8 man cares creatkln will have a new begin- After tbeir9tborblttherewas for 1JXItber woman, bls ...Ue Dl.ng. Wben Cb.arles Simion of a brief pause, as tbe bleak and earas for a.notber man, aDd Cambrtdge lay dyi..D,g, be turned desolate lunar scene. cootinued neither ol tbem eare b' tbe to those beside his beda.odas.k~ to pass sklwly beneath ApoUo children. How dlfferentttwould ed wttb a beauWUl sm.lle, "[ll:a B's Yindows before Ander's bave been if 1D tbese bomesGod you. know wba.t eomtorts me just ;mt .-oice ~ beardap.ln:. "We could hawe ruled, tor "He" now?" Tbey begged b1m to tell are DOW apprOilCbiDC tbe lww' would ba1'e kept tbemtromr~ them. "1 flDd 1ntin1te coDSOla- ibm1M, and for &11 u. ~Je U He bad bleD tantad bJ' them tlon , " be replied. "ln tbe fac:t b&c.k oo aartb the crew of Apollo iD tbe bAcfnniDg. tbat tn tbe begt..Did.llc God crea- ) .t.s a massage tbat we woW.d "l.D tbe begi.Dili.Dg -God1" 1t ted tbe beaven aDd lb8 earth."' ute to send you: 'l.D tbebeginn-Ls a. good motto llr a man wbo ''How,'' tbey asked, ''ooukltbat. i.Dg, God created tbe be&veuand Ls jUst sett:iag ~ 1D busiDess. thought bring him solace?" the earth. And tbe earth was When Lord Hopetotm Uved 1n "Why," be aanered wttb an- wilOOut form and voidanddari.-Melbourne as theftrst:goveroor other cbaracterl.stic smile, neSs was lClOO the face of tbe geoera..I of Australia, be tells us "U He cao briD.galltbewoOOers deep'." tbat be cherlsbed wit.b pride an of the worlds out of ootbiog. He Anders read aoother twover-old bra.ss~bOund, leather oov~ may yet mai..e sometbing out of ses, and theD Lovell rea.d the ered ledger. It is the book me." following four verses. Borm.a.n, with whicb Jobn Hope, tbe My trleDd.s, Mr. Simion was a lay reader or an Eplscopal fo~ of bis Lordship's fa.m-th1Dk1ng of tbe glorious lnn6- ch.urch. not tar from the Houston Uy , began business ln High torma.Uoo of the IUe to come, space ceDter r ead the flna..ltwo Street, Edlnborougfl, nearly, and ooe of these days, when verses and ~ed: "And from three centuries before, and on Christ sba.U come Jor His saints the crew of Apollo 8, we close the lront page of Uds ledger I.D His glory, there will be anew with Rood n.Jght, good luck, a old John Hope bad inscribed beginniDg, for tbe graves shall merry Christmas and GOO bless this prayer, "0 Lord, ke~ me open aDd the bodies ol the be- ali of you _ a.U or you on the and this book .bone st." Be-Uevers wblch entered cor. good earth." cause of this, b.is desceOOants r~n wtll eome out, and tbose rose to places of great prom!-wbo are a.llve shall be trans • In describing h.iselp8tieoces oence and beCame m.lgbty tormed, and their bodles sba.ll as a reporter on a great London gtants of rlgbteousoess. It be like the body or tbe very Son Jo!D'na.l, Harold Fortescue tells camot be otben'Lse for tbe of God. now on tbe first day of his en. scrtptu:re says: "Seek ye. "Beloued, u dotb fWlt yet ap- gagemeot, he handed lD an ela. tirst tbe kinldOm of God and pear what we s.ba.ll be, but we borate and ca.retuUy oomplled His righteousness, a.od all mcrw lbat wileD He shall appear, r ecord of a socW event that be tbese thlngs sbaU be added un-we shall be like IUm, for we had been designated to cover. to you." shall see Him as He is." Secretly proud of some of IUs "In tbe beg:i.Diling -Godl" n (I John 3:2) mor e colOrful and picturesque is the most suitable watchword What a BEGINNING without touches, he awa.Jted the judg. for the man wbO sees himself ENDING tor those wbo are ment of bis chief. With a wry outside tbe kingdom of God &Dd Hls.l face the old man counted the who yearns tor the aew We as sheets, "Sorry," he grunted, upressed 1D tbe conversa.Uon "but you must cut It down to of Christ with Nicodemus 1D WHOSE DELINQUENCY1 one sheet." Fortescue pleaded John 3. U lstbeDi'flDelmpera- that U would beeJ1remelydi.ft1. tin, n Ls God's boly must. It cult to tell tiM! story effectively ea.ooot be doGe ln tbe Yirtue of in so sma.ll a space. "Young a good resolution or 1n man.," retorted tne sub-editor tbe strengtb ol a seuU.mental grimly, "you have evlck!Dtly implllse, To rece1Ye the DeW failed to ootice that the story birth a man needs God. Then ,of the creaUoo of tbe wU. ooly bas be tbe Dn becttminl verse ls told in teD words .... with all u.e tides of diViDe lUe In 111e beglnnllll! God craued pu1s1nc wltllln. the heaven and the earth." "In tbe beciDDJDI • God!" 0, Ten words! Wllat wooderfu.I wbat beauty tbLs bok1s .b' each words tbey are. Tbey tell tbe lDdJ.Yldllll life, Many or us, story DOt only of a begtming, like tbe nsael tbll Jeremiah bUI tbey show us Almigbty God saw I.D tbe potter's boUI, blue standing at the portals of eter. beeD marred I.D tbe ma.tloc· We nity tbroWiDg opeo tbe g:ates of are creatures of sbatttred tbt qea. U your •yes can peer dr.ms, br'olreQ ,..,lmc, ..,. bri)'ODd tbe boUDdatles of that reallzed 1deala, ata1Ded l1ns; bellDAlnc, yoo wtu see mtbing but aa Jeremtab llood tblre but God 3 God lnhlblllng lila Walcllillc tilt potWitlhiWIIOe~ OWD bqimWlgless r•lm, llv. he oot1ced that tblpotterdldDOt tac fila awn beglnolngles.s and f1i11C to lbe scrap bliP tbl1'u- --W., aJid la)'ln& tilt sol tbot bad -..,.uocs Uld "'""" of lbo boc~Jmlnc -plaDs .. .._.. but -.. a1 ... -. Uld rodo-aJid -Uld plbondlllo- -· ~Yable. ela)' with lola bud, pleAd II ... "Ia lllo ~ • Godl" ,,. tilt ..-.lid -"' nil "' .. """'lloDI lllllllo lor tt, .. p-It ---- .--· "Eli<IP tilt Lord 1111 -Uld ...... "'-~ till .-, tbly llbor 1a tbl1 cJQ acaaa.. llld Pl'lll.alJ a --blllid II." --., .. -~-...-_al __ ......... _ ..... .. -God, .. , ... -• ...., Ia ,_ ... Godlrlodlo --........ bf Ilia-,..,-~--""'· 14 I' !.-. hW J. CW1o-God-._,..-. -. .. ... olllloll-_a_illlla-1o -. ,_ IIIII, IIIII ,..... )Ill lao o nos aploooat-.-.,. Tow ..... Ia =J"i QooPa-.. P' I IIIIi .... -.... ...... -... ,..-. ..... -........ - We reKI in the Pi'i)el'l We ~ .. , on tM •ir Of kilhng .-..;i 1tUhng, And ,,;..,. eve~ We "~ .ond -wy, M we noroc:e the trend-- "Th" young Q4H .. rlhon, Where ... ,n '' .,u end?" But ,..,.. .... be ""''" TMt ,r't 1he1r f•ult •lone' n...r mrfbe • P""'' of '' Moght be our own? Too much money to 'Pf:nd; T 00 mYC:h 1dle tome, Too """"V movie1 Of ~SIIOn .ond ""'"' Too rnillny boolu Not fit to ~ read; Too muc:h CJf evil In whit rtwv N•r .. ld. Too """Y c:hlldref' Encour~ ro ro.n'l Bv roo ~ ~rents Who won't lilY •• """"-· Youth don't m.~lo.• t'I'IO'rid; Tlwy dorl't •rlre l'htt boc*.J T~l ~Htt • ~ pictufe Of ~eta .,., ( .... ,...., .,.., "'*• the liquor, """-v cbl't rwn tN Mn. n.., don't _ .... the ........ """'d ....... don't bwy .... CMI, They don't m.Ma ,. dtwoa TNt .... ,. br:tln; lf"'t _.. ..._ br ..,. leA. ---· /llti'o4 .... ,...,.. c-. We fW INti lt"t tNe n.~·~ , ... ..., ........ 1 at,._ I "Hezekiah'a Great Fa.'th"-11 Chron. 32 622 21 B c This brief record of events in Jerusalem in the year -... sums up all that was of la1ting Importance in one of the greatest periods of international By Mn. Joy Martin upheaval in wortd history. The yoke ofworldgovernment under the Assyrians, '"-"THI! JWORD OF TWf LORD"-8•• 10t9, ,...,,fr_ ... , y.,..., J7Uu with thE:ir capital at Nineveh, was broken and in the short timt' afterward, • la4icllt• w..W wlaida for. the key .,._ (U-~ '-giMq, tb• cau•er ~~a~~crily will N loud 1a D Clrna.. ~ A.~w .. e-. IN lo-d mor• q\dcklf' U yaa r-eel tU wkole daapt• M'-e ........... ) a.ua-·-, ............ ........ _ .. _. ·--··-. __ .,_, __ c.-. ...... na... ... , I ... ---. .. tl.. r" (I ..... htl .,... .... -.. a.... .. -·---,_., ___ ... .., ...... ___ _ • ? ... ., .... __ ... ...... 1G lid..n9 •I "-1'ri• wM tried to ,.,.. rifr 11M iabW.tatll ol J..--1- 15-.u.,... 17 .. _e Uttle ---I~" (0 Sa-. 11:1) 20 a city' of JHd. ----9.4! f,_._ 11:12) 23 exd-atioa ol ...,.._ U Old T•-e•t (aW..•.) 21 u.Jtiala ef Cl )eft, .. _ded lu4p _. 11M ...._,.... '"""' u ..... 3:1: 13:24) 21 "111.-y-•cry t.U aU my ~ton .. : they look a4 ---· up"' (Pa. Z1rl1) 3G a ta.-. ..JI"plaet a4 W. nc- ~ (D K1Dp 1:15) 31 .. ____ ._ W119 .ad tM ,_,. .. IMiala • • , PfO'J'ed ad crW to ben-" 21 .. J'e ~I w..Wp MJon .. e altar; -«~ IMua La.w.. .,.. )4 ''Pnl ...• .a. ~ .... ... u... ---#-<Acta arli' :15 "'MiQ tlr.e ---~ ef Aa."' ,., .. -~~~ ... 0 0... ....... •Y' Mart"( ... l.&D) " ...... :: iMect u .... 7111) " labidl ,... ,....... .. wM ----·-.... --............ .,_ -,,..., 11111 IJ:M) .s.Jd ................... a. '-U'• WW. (Gt& ....,, I -. loti • ... wlte lsi· .... fnl._ .. ... (Adt IIIII) ................ DwrlrL"'" ·--... __ .. (II a-. IS.f) Jt '"I -a. "-"' .. CIH ef .U -· .. ------.. r a-. IIIDl a.,..,... .. ..._ ....... _ ........ -.. ..... u ................ ... (Acls t.ll) ... -.... ... ............... lltl) when there was a scramble for succession to wo rld po wer. a breathing spaCt' wa5 allowed for the re-establishment of Jaw and order onct' mort' under God. Sufficient experience in the responsibility o r keeping the law was afforded that knowledge of God's law eould be kept alive during the dark period of captivity and tyranny soon to follow under the Babylonians. \\'hen the captivity finally ended and thoutands returned to Jerusalem, it was po11sible to rt'norder the people in a godly aystem of government Jn the year that the law was found (622 or 621.) the revolt against Assyria was al~ady well under way. ~ always in such cases. it began when the iron grip of the tyrant held evt:rything in his power. Ashurbanipal, the great klng who completed ANyria's conquest oftht' world, died in 631 B.C. after a reign of more than 40 yea.ts, His ~uecessors soon ahowed themselves unequaJ to their ta&k. One of the dangers they had to face was th e powerful preaching .or the prophet l'oiahum in Jeruaalnn. He foretold in Darning words the doom of the great city, the Assyrian capital. In what manner those words new across the empire we do not know. But we do know that the ensl aved tribes and na- lions and peoples were suffkiently aroused and organized to begin to s hake off their chains and break their bonds. Nine years before AshurbanipaJ died there was a palace revolt In Jeru~alem. Manasseh, wh~.tH• long reign o r over 50 years had been o ne of almost complete depravity and apostasy from the Mosaic-Davidic constitution. had been suttN>ded by his ~un Amon. Amon's brief reign of two years was ended by an army plot and assassination. The people, however, were loyal to the monarchy and lht• Hou~c of David , and aRer putting down th e revolt raised Amon's son. Josiah, to the throne as a child of eight. We are not told what arrangements were made fo r advising and directing tht' boy king, but evidently a powerful refo rm party. following the leadership of Nahum and then the prophets Sephaniah and .Jeremiah, was in the ascendancy. Josiah's reign was from the beginning a rever11al o f the evil policies o f Manasseh and h is predecessors. In contrast to wha t they did. we are told Josiah "did that wh ich was right in the sight o f the Lord. and walked in all the way• of David his father. and turned not aside to the right hand or to the lefi. ~ When he was 26 yea~ old, after bt'ing on the throne 18 yean. he turned hie hand to a re!lto ration of the Temple. Centuries earlier tht' worship in the Temple had beg'un to be corrupted. Rit~ had been celebrated to idols and to foreign deities and the pure clean wo r, ship of God had been denJed. It would a ppear that under M anasseh the Temple- wa.5 virtually abandoned altogether, except as a true coll ttting offiCt'. At least it was necessary for Josiah, in pushing the refo rm now well under way under Jeremiah, to "repair the house.~ Perhaps we are given a glimpse o f the zeal o f the reform movement, and their high dis6pllne and devotion, with the remar~­ able comment that "there wa11 no reckoning made with them of the money that was dellvere1lnto their hand, because they dealt faithfully.~ rt waa at this point, while major repairs were being made on the Temple and alliances being formed with the Babylonians. tht' Medes and the Scythlans agaln•t Nineveh, with the great prophets thundering forth In JeruaeJnn and the zeeJ of the people o f the land rising fast, that the High Priest HUklah om, dally delivued to Jo1iah the book o f the law. In II Chronicles we are told It was the book o f the law o ( Moses. M ost scholars agree that it must have been at leaat the Book of Deuteronomy, and possibly the entire Pentateuch, or nrat Ovt: bookt of the Bible. Many have suppo•ed that thla book of the law had lain forgotten for generallons; some have even concluded that It wu written at thl5 time. Neither condutlon Ia warranted. ho wever, either by the record of Kings and Chron\clea or by a ffat:onable reconatructlon of eve.,ta. It 1..1 dear that rqardleu o f how much the book may have been Ignored, ttl existence wu well known. And whUe the general public wu by now lcnoranl of Ita exact content, It la unbelievable thatthescrlbea and tdlolars and publle otnclalt did not have at least a •mattering of knowledge about 11. The lmmedJate ~action of Joalah to the rt~adlne of the book It ttrained and unconvlndn& and except It be fee0111lzet1 that the reform wu already lona: under way a ame:ral knowledge of the Mo1a.io constitution 1tUI cher- lehed. Onfy a aove.mment thorou1hly committed to a pollcy of return to Jaw and order would be moved to pubUc penance by a publk recital of the conttl- tuUon ln lit o~nal purlty. Detpite the extended depravitla of the monareby I.Pd ha hot punutl of amalea.matlon lnto the world «<wmment and world relialon of 1be day, it il too much to MUrtve. that the Moaaic and Davkltc recorda and conatttu.tlons would be compldely unknown and loat to memory. WbaJ I• related here 11 not the Rrat acquaintance wtth lawfu.l1ovemment under God, but the oa:Nkla on which It wu pubUdy announced thai the moc:wn:by would bencefonh mode ltMU on the oJ:d wa,ya. Jt ..,.. the announee- menl of coonpldo comrol o( the rdonn party OWl' Judah and tho coil-of the Ubttlll mDlne or CM day. To t<lllftnn 1bo DiviDe ouppon ot tbe mormallon. Jc.l&b-10 _.Ire ot Htdtloll d>e p•Ojllw4-who dwtil In Jei\IMI-.and -10 havo- heed of a nl!p>111 oollllllllllil)' lbeA. Hllldah conftnnod 111o -m -· Jud ... 10 co..,. 110 lonlold by u ... u,.., the p<Ople wbo ftftlaloe 10 God: w .. .., , ........... "''dew dur1ftc lbe rdp or Joelah who, t.... of hll .......... -· -d ...... In -.rlly. 81. no-,._ -P. 0.!1<.--H-r....71016 .· IIM'Oit'T IIAIIIOR EIIIGII lMU~Y, FEB.&, IJII From the Police Blotter s'!C:~~::T-;:i' ~=.~=~'" .._.T ld.U · .............. t ••• ,.,. ,_...,_,.,ollUW.III.-....... 8IM:" 811•• oa Two r...U ... , _.. Will '01u1 •rtzts·_. ~. II, fl. tOOl L Ill,.. bo& BlM.., A.pt. C, ....... ftl belle I_.__...,,..,-Kewpart ~ ftnaM ol 1 -. .a1 1u1 Md ..,111 .... ta 11ft.. aaa.. wu ptc.llld llldlld • oa • .U.t •..-r a an ta a 1tn1t ...a a m-. odor ot _..... IIU &a _.....,_.-__II>,.-·--· ................ ~a.-...... II $:Np.-.,lllo-ol No~BJiod. ... iari -..... tllllr l'llt ••• Ma111119~ol DoMid BUrd. tt. Uld a..t ...,, ..... .., .. lAM, ud H1.b' Jlclld. ~ _;.., llt J'lll a., .... 1011'1 E. -Bird., Ba-, -I , 10, ol 4101 ..... -Y1oor ft1U&. Oo loa. 11, 11oJt1U, II 1:11 ul l :tl p.a. • .,...., ......... ,..u.s ..,.-.o&MkleUdW.carllU. Wllt""ra't,wwetlooW It 1:41 p.m.. tle tire.,.,... 'hMdiJ,J.-rJII,,..aa.l,!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .;-~&II-.'' ftllldltta ••• B a. JU'kllcllt; ..,._ M n-oa :;;::elrlr~P;;."';;,;"'~r•~·-~~.,~--ud III:IOd at a u,M 1. nub ot ••pa•• wu ob-• nr·-----· .....,...,____ ... '"-••••••••••••••-.,_,-1o ........... IJid IU -10 llpo doCk IJid • liJtot --...,.._. -wwllllliO, -• 11111-llo~ Aol1, 1100 w. Cout lillie • • • DuoU' -~ ,._ ... t MUa CMiti BWJ' Mum..'• 11JJe bat _, Z9M-1/1 CWI Dr., Newport: NOW AT -..... M •lllloewQy Pacl· HeJciU, !old poUco IIIII -· 1710 NI!WPOU L Ytl. 11e -eallod utllld ...,.. -re,...od a ciUo -.. PH, 6-.tJIJC.:otta !ltlta. TDIOTRY P. IIACRIS ot 1 _. a.d tlild 1o CUb tbelr from tbt troat door, un""Ud lrr~ii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Cual CJtc .. , Newport~ eblck ~ prapv idlat1· tbe door, &Dt1 tb1D tto1e a DIYJ' bu jDinod EloetzoiDlto C«p,ol GcalioO , , .AtlU Crosier o1 p.-~om IWI cloNt ••• , Sula Aol u loc:bolcal -501 A-WI" Eul Blulf, R,..•oon 1• F..-lllaod,ro- -· HuuJor-17wWI 4rtftaC 00 Eul 8turr llleol portadlllata$100blllwulllll-~or aiiCIAerojot~ will of Jambono Rei., bit a lillie from a cull ropa. • • • ~ IJid oporatod!Wion -· trl-up& ~ polo al UO OWEDNESDAY, JAN, 15 Dtss, tbe Sa..Rei1ICGI' Paella-LUI.. , , .A 4-eat t»lllcloo JQ81Pb, Wtutoo, ts, ol S$1$ clDc Co. of GirdeD C'iirolf'e. He oeeGttecl oa. llartMta .W., 5 Se:ubore Or., Wut Newport. Ia a former flee..presidellt ol t..c: welt oC TIIIUA An., at wu arrested at S100 W, Balbo& tbe Newport Sborea Comm-.itJ 9!15 p.m., ta¥otnDc drtnra Blvd., West Nnport, aDd ...._ From Sfll)lember, 1!155, R-u -of Sula Au, cbargod wUb -llltloc a to SCttember, 195'1', bewuwitb Harold Sweet of A•helm, Ro.. paeD.ce of bot <lop. placed tD ~~~~~i~~~~ tbe U, S. Army aDd aened 1D bert& Sabt of JOO E. Cout tbe rear wa1stbud d. hU pa.aU Europe, HW)'., No. 105, B&Jade VU-, , , .Eugeoe Mayuu'c:l, 41, ot SHORT CAUSES F1 RE Ia&o, IJid Tbomu NUOD ol Arl· 2156 Eldeo AYe., Coola Meoa, AD electrical llbol1 caued 10111. , • • down LB tbe cutter at tbe rear a $100 fire 1D tbe 65 tJot c:abta ...-ONDAY, JAN. 13 of Z214 W. Ocea.D FroM, ns cruiser kept at tbe C aDd F DafJd MarpbJ, ZZ, of Z208 W. cbarp of I.Dtc»;1catec1 1D pub- boatyard, West Newpc:JI't, Wa:l-Oeeu FI'Oii., Ceatral Newport, llc ••• MelDard Mayer, 2700 oesday mormnc. Jan. sz. Tbe ..,.. arrested al 3100 w. Balboa Pebble Dr., Harbor View Hilla. cruiser 1B owoed by LorenGor-Blfd, at 1:15 p.m., ud •as ald 1 of bls sprinkler beads ~==:!..doo~:!":!.'!San~ booked on the charge oJ ,petty ud their stems were stolen. .., mea of 100 tablets 1D a blue brlngtng tbe total ~ to 10, .1 C:HIJitC:HES 1 ISO• et..l l'"l'" 0"'tv l[ plutic bottle ••• Haney Rosen, because 3 were stolen beJore ••• 2&, of 5S1Z-B Seubore Or,, Jaoe Hoiell, 2501 Blaeld:tmnst,, West Newport, wu arrested East Bluff, 'WU n1t1Dg lllfrOit at 6:30 p.m. at the same mar-of tbe East Blufl Ptwmacy, ut ud accused ot sbopl1ft1nc wben a dog, tied to a lamp pole, saua.ce ud cooked tam in a jumped at her and bit ber 011. 1110rt coal p)Cbt , , , Someooe her leg • • • Cq>yln& tbe pal NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA cllmt»d tbJ'oacb a 1$ .incb tact_ a tb1ef stole I battery THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH by 18 1Dcb een1.ce 1f1Dclow at from tbe car beloogl.Dc to 8 :30a.m. to q 30 a'.m. -Wdfship ~ervtce Art's r•rw"n&. 50S E. Edge-George Randall, 2319 Lurel q:45 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. -S4lflday School water, Balboa. aDd l&oleablack Place, Newport Hel&tU, and 11 :00 a.m. to 12 ·00 noon _worship Service plutl.c cull repster tray Yltb replaced lt Yltb a.notber ••• $75 tiiU wu l11dde:D oo a mer Lester Kueker locked \Ill Ills The lte~. Ja~~n G. Bt•tn, Pu&.cw barber"'..._ at 3107 N -.. .. '""e Rev. Georae J . Busdiecker, Viai taliOfl Paator sbelfoltbtMn"ID&OOUDter • • --e • .-. '" Tlllo'"s llroolllllbolr on jack 81\'cl., West Newport, Tuesday l:;;;:=;:::=;=:::;=;=:;=::::PI>oo=:::•::•~tS:;:-:16~3=1=:;:==:;:==~ to Wt .., a car lDd steal Ute llleti. ud returned tbe oell r wbeel.J and babeaps, Y&.lued a.t morning to t1Dd $65 mlsdnc Oui1tian Science Firat leptiat a-• $100; the car beioac:tloGeorct from tbe c:asb regtster •• .A Service a uA-eJ, '121 u.u........._ A,e,, We ring ns stolen from tbe of Coate ..... u.u..-.......... ......, flRST CHURCH OF' Corooa del Mar, a.od be bad "Sea Oia.mood," at 2101 W, CHRIST, saENnsT Rl'pt il41 Rihlf" fellowthip parked 1t in frootofbisbome •• Coast Hwy,, JlariDe.rs Mile, .. 3303 Via Lido hu/~p~reJur-A•IOJtO-o" 1n ten mtDibs betWeen 4:30and A ~wood board. o1 special Newport Beach S..te Aile & MotMiie Sta. 4:40p.m., $118,60 4111ppeared cut &Dd d~ grai.D, wortb $45 SL;NDA Y SCHOOL from tbe cuh recUter at tbe ns stolen from a )l)me UDder 9: IS ....... ,..; 11 ...... Dr. P .G. Neumann, puiOr bar o1 Aleja.odro'a Restaurant, OODStruc:Uon at l..JJJda Isle, ac- SUNOAY SERVICES 3201. E. Coast Hwy,, Corooa.del cord1D( toT. Dwx:anStewarl, 9: IS-It ..... SUNDAY SERVICES Uar , • .Purcbases a.mouot1nc 18S SborecWf Road, Sbore WEDNESDAY EVEN ING S Su •-to llZt•• -ere c~·~ to a CUffs .•• 1 :4 a.r r. nday ~hoo\ ..-..;~ • ...... _. \IEETING I,.... Q&llle wben tbeJ &OOuldn't bave *THURSDAY, J'". 16 READING ............. 11 :00 a.m. Morn ina Worship IU' ~ beea, r--RoNnto"''s of Ger-Wo11 ZZ, oll681 Tus-•··~ ., • .,., 9 •·"'· -s ...... 6:00 p.m. Trainina Unions ~---&' »o wod"••d•,.: 9 •·"'· -7:45 ,.... E W FUbloa lalaDd • • SUpr was t1P Ate,, Apt, 3, Costa Mesa, r ...... , .,.,. h de-,: 7:00p.m .... cnina orahip poured blto ber pa taDt, sUd wu arrested at 3300 Newport 9 •·"'· -S "·"'·· 7-9 ,.... LW1e NeJ.Joo. 900 Sea LaDe, BlYd., West Newport, at 5:50 ; .. ~~'o'~H~·.c~ ~-J:lll P~~~~~~~dy . 8arta' VieW IUJls, wbo betu p.m. ud ebarlfld wttb <Srunt C111..,-,ICIENTIIT ' ~~car----~ Gil *ft1lrc , , .Joe AnoJd. 'JOtS, Newpot"t Beach at 1:00 p.m. Player Me:clina SaalrdlJ, ud wt..e ear dell· e.., FroDt, BaO.:.. lslaDLf, re- COfona del M1r L..---------' ped rlllllliGc oo lrlooday; port.d tbe tbeft of 2 llcbt 3100 Pact ftc V'ew Dr. A TTEMO THE CHuttOt daJ:Da.Cu wen set at $65 • • • flzhlre covers from the sides SlJNOA Y SCHOOL 10 •""-Oooa1d IlliDporth, 402 Bel-of his t.roat pte • u $80 loss Sl.JNOAY SERVICE 10 ..... OF YOUR CHOICE we LaDe, Balboa, reported tbe , •• His Cben'olet car w1Ddow WEDNESDAY EVENING REGULARLY thall ol lbo lallud riP' llde ...., pried ope.u Wllllo porlrBd al ME.ETINC. •~oo ,..... .----------1 'lew mlrrori from b1l ear, 2200 St. and w. Ocean Front, READING ROOM -puked at tbe B St. and Oeeaa and 68 quarters, a jacket &Dd \tutu a\ Bu i \dina CENTIAL Froot J:Utlnc kit ••• Wben pair of pants, were stolen, said 2863 East Coa s t Highway IIIU: CHUICH Robert Dtu. 2Z3 Crystal Ave., Mlebael Saleh, 2114-1/2 W. \!on.· Sa r. lO a.m. to 5 p.m. Ba.lbol. lsla.Dd, puked b1s car Ocean Ft., Apt. 215, Ceotral 'Tllur ... dity l'vtninR-7 In 9 oo TburadaJ, Dec, 9, be only Newport , , • A younc boy wu You are cord1ally 1nv11ed to bad about 1 or z p11oos of ps seeD runni.ng from 222 VlaLldo YOUR DIVIDEND-PRODUCIN& PORTFOLIO SAVINGS KEPT HERE WILL DO IT An account at Newport Balboa Savlnga Ia art addit1on to your lnvettment portfolio -and a very attrac tive addition. Conllder·what $1,000 kept at NeWP,ort Balboa Savlnga would eam lrt dividends. A regular paaabook account, main· talned one year. would retum to you $51 .30 at our current annual rate. A Bonua Account of the same amount. marnta1ned three yeara~ would return $56•5 a year or $169.35 for the three year perrod. In contrast. a li ke amount of aavl nga would return only $40.60 a year 1f kept In a bank. A "'good"" stock would retum even less. A stock se11mg at $50 a share and paying a divi dend of $2.40 Is cona1dered an attractive buy Yet 11"1 drv1dends $1,000 1nveated in that stock would pay you only $48 annually Investment couna.elona know the wisdom of maintarning a broad portfolro For there's truth m the homely wammg that 1t 111rt "t always wrae to put "aU your egga in one basket ·· Or even a relatively few basketa Make a sensible addition to your present 1nveat· ment portfolio Open an account at Newport Balboa Savmga today! (§I Our current rate of S 00'4 IS art annual yield of 5 13% when '{) compounded daily and mam- talned for one year f1~ Our Y4" bonu1 certltlc.tea !&P.1J~ m mul"-of $1000, cu,. ~ '{}, rentfy eam 5.25% per an· num. highest in the natton NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS ,.....,. .. ,_ t..4ain Otttee 3366 Vlt Lodo. ,.,..wport &.een. C.tlklmt• Q'2fil53 pt.,ooo 714 sn-31 XI Corol'lt del "-4..-Qtfie.. 7'1flll Eut eo. .. M~ aa5 .........,....,. R.e_.rcet "' E.<c.•u of 0.. ~ Mlllloft Dol..,.. P II. PAL.M(R C,_1._,. of tf>e &.rd AGN£5 8LOf.o0UIST Pre••'*'! au end Church St-rv1ces and tn b1.s tank; 4 d&ya later, the Soud. Lido Isle. after there was · 1o use the Read rna Room. pup showed 4 or 5 pl)ou; a loud crasb at 10 p.m., and a ·=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=.. __ be drofo Ills car I b1oct boloro Z-1/2 loot by Z loot pottery • IIEAIITY SALOI4 Lwther• G. ret. It stopped rWUl111C; on cbecll:lD( plallter, worth $35,1a}' 1n pieces Of the ...,., .. , tbe Uqu1d tD tbe ps tank. It outside tbe reddeoce ••• An , .. .,._ was discovered to be mostly \IDklxJwa eJI)lostYe, Yitb pieces -~ ... """"'.AN. Cl.ret. I• ....,.c• ..,_,,,.11 w ....... .., • .-t 10.,""' water.... of )»pel resembUnga1lrecrac- l900 P.'l ... ,, View Dr. ~-.... ,..,...,." 7 PM -UESOAY, JAN. 14 ker, was placed 1n aJI out.slde II Wfdo•..,. ...... So...tlr -i from d ll..t.t M,..,. t e liel Mar, Ct.1ifOCIU-..,... ,.,.,..... 1 PM EdWard WayDt., 19, o1 1009 yar -. ..... accor--. 0 Or. Willi~n R. Eller _, ... ,.. •m,..,.. E. B&Jboe. BlYd., Ba.Jboa, was Karen Kova~ll. 2447 Bunya, La....uu.'• BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona d~l Mar Ptloo~ bTJ~133b Phone 644--1664 A W ,_. ,....... booked oo a. I&Uure to appear East Bluff, •bo beard aJI u. • •. _. ........... .. -·-... , , • u'cbael N ... rn .. n piosioo a.Dd tbeasaw smokerts-• IUILOIMG CONTRACTOR 1:4-S a.M., r-ily .,.. 1p Crw. o' ~ ...--...... .. ... ,... -.a -. t :t.S ..... Cilia"-\ Sctr.-l.,. Colla Meu 18, o11Zl6 w. Balboe.Bm1., No. in& ttom tbe remains of ber 11 :00 ... :.~ r .. tiYe WorMip ,. .. ., H t .. .,..... lf<..o...., 6B Bal1loa. ns picked ~ oa a amber IJeti. • • • ~="::u;:•;:s;:<;:••:::•:•:o:v:•o:t:o:::~.!:=========;! dr~ warrut • • • JobD •FRIDAY, JAN. 17 f. Newquist, 131 Vta Veonl&, L1do Jobn Garoe.r, Z3, of Z300 W. • IIEIIIIDEUd I ADIITIOIIS LICEIISED. lOllED FRED~. GERWICK 31WG.I...._. 673-4041 -54f. 2171 A Free •J frttM, .. ~ .. , Corttretilllottlll CUad• c••rd ,. ............................ . lsle, reported tbe tbaft o1 $198 Ocean Front, Central Newport, WOI'Ul ol stereo eqWpiD4d , •• was Issued a cUaUoo lor hitcb- A rock wu thrown tot."aakber b1k1Dg 1D Ute roadWay; fUrther prap wiDdoW, saJd Adl. Ke.lly, cbeeldng re,ealed a warrant 6Jr .U:7 El Y.odeDil'An., Newport fallure to appear, so be was • Hel&tU , , • A boy, amut lS, lakeD lnto custody a.OO trans- warlq owlm lruDko, jumped ported lo the pollee stallon ••• from a 2od story ata.lt'wa)' to Cbester Greenbaw, 25, of the tGp of bet oocrtertlble, rip-1125-1/2 W, Bll1boa Blvd,, Sal- ,.,..., .. .... _ ...... .... c-....... ._... lfflc._S.....~. a z toot bole, declared bo&,. was booked oo a warrant 108 COMPLETE FUNERALS ..... •245 COMI'Lin FUNEUL AND IUIIAL CINTU CIIAIRY MA"'MIUM JUIIIU.L HOI. CHAP '.Cntll'ft)l'l COUIMiliiUM lliM&JIS LAWN • ~1000~0 ~LOTS MAUSOI.EtJ).( CllYPI'S From $130 From S46' Jar .Hed•ery «:'e111 eata y ··&.,s~au., in o.e 1J«JaJAfal Ploce .. Jlecau• tbe fuaualltld llnrill ee~m compt eljmjneln tbe need ~ pcooeuiaal haaP beavy taffic oo a.aaowded ili;bW:1..iamity iDd &ieMs alike may ~ their fall re- Speds by atteodiog tbe • ser•ice. as well u tbe ckpelaa•ice. all at ooe ileautifal pita. It lal Gilt ltld IIIDt'e ....... oie::e. t••·•.a•acuaa. n• Till , I 1 1a1 • • DIIT ClfAIIIMG DIMMITT {)#!..":: l in-,...ucr *'d-., .... ...-- ~-·,m· AU--·--.............. n DOO E. C.. at H..,.., Clllll 6n-HOS oi'\.OIIST HAL ARISCHER HUIIMG.NDI P_fi .... A•••~ ,_ E. Coeot H.,. Ot_ ..... 67WIS' ~ .. ~:::_t ·----·--· ... _ ................... ~ .. .... • CDST A MESA • ORANGE • ANAH ElM ~3361 6JIIo.2U 1 826-4311 • H!*E !IIP'II)VEIIEHT CENTER COMPLETE HOME REPAIR SERVICE • Re-screening -Re-glazlng-Carpentry • Electrlcal -Plumbing -Small Appl. • Lampe • Furniture Reliable Work --Rea.sonable Prices mt L c:-t II at • .,, c.. -· ... --673:2013 eMAJIHE HAIIDWAU ,.,,.., dOll•• .... IMW.C....Mwy..,M.L -· _._.. e I'El~IES 11P3e H....-k-· coeT•.a-.~ l tiO A.M. TO ltOO ..... C\.Oa&O&UMOAY . ....._ ... a..o,40 WAU.~AI'III a. WALL~AI'III Pitt ...... -Dllldl BD, Pilots_ . ._. ... llot 1,_ PA TTEIIIS OF.U.PAI'ER •ttL~..,. c. ........ ~---­.. ........ Shtubs, lnt•riGf Plant1 Trop1COI & r, ... ln sectcuks ond F•rtil i a:« S&H Gr..n Stomps I'IU'/ 1'1 I II f'Rl" C'OAIONA DO. MAR !llll'UEirY !144 E. C'out HW)" ., IU ... IM o PLUhiiiHG ·----- "· R. IURS4C I,Lt.:\I BER 7o~ll";~mall••n Ave. {\•f\'1101 Jcl \\:u Plumhln' folerarn OAY ,t !"o!HiiiT WATER lii-:.ATERS 67:1-4130 • SHOE IIEPAIR IWIERRY 'S Shoe Repa&r P\6se: lnd lugeege Aepeir -Dye Work SIIH STNI'S ONE DAY SElltVICE 1110 K8lbor 81YI1 eo. ...... -lift .lJII -. ••• or CW1GM .._.,_,.. .......... .. • CIIMLITf -• -. .. eo:= - ...... ............ c- • Mt1 L C.....,_ _.,_ .,.. ........... TELESCOPES harbor hoto lab &LTZ MOR.WARIFS 1741 SUPERIOR AVF. C05TA loiESA ltlld••Y 6-2.24 J5lll I . COAST HIWAY CO-A DIEL MAR ORiole l..tl450 s-.u 1941 ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance ) ou r Independent In surance A~ent 3333 E. Coosl Hwy. Corona del Mar -Telephone 673-3850 CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCIEEIIIS INSIDI AHO COlHU woutm Cempl•te Line flf ,.,.,tNt Acne trt. ..,. .. _ ... ......, OIIE W&l DHMIY Coftfw_ooll_ • c ....... u.. of ... lbtN ..... -·g· . ,. _ ............. NEftRT HARBOR EJISI(JI SECOND SfCnDN --Pace 4 lliURSMY, FEB.' 1!18! OOIWJIIA DEl liAR, CALIF. tta ~ ,.,.~ot •T. c;c-TA ....... CALJJI', •••• 7 auM ..... 8()01o(lt • -...e ........... • ~ Ol,..,.e . e...r.~ · ,,.....,. .T,.1~ a P'\.AOtl Write for FREE sinu J949 L &73-8850 I a en a e era e na ion's e ra ••• en It's true! The more I think about it the more I like it. When you're looking lor maximum earnings on your savings, think of Glendale Federal, where you get the nation's highest rate on insured savings. Our regular passbook account pays a big 5%. For an even higher return we have a Big Bonus Plan that pays more than a regular savings account any- where In town. It's Issued In even /? OnP 1r11g ,,;en pays II big (;.25o/o. $1,000 amounts lor a period ol36 months. At the end of the period you have earned the regular 5% plus an extra 1/4% bonus lor each of the three years. II add& up to a guaranteed bonus of . 75%. There are Umpteen more ways to save at Glendale Federal. Every way pays the highest rate available, a'!d accounts earn from 111e1a1 If received by the 10th, after the 10th from date of receipt. 11 omcu TO 14VIE rH/-Ol'l'a: GUMWJ:/NAllOH'IIICOiiO LNICKIT ,._/AU na-11 8JIU.QI I'll c,_NT ....,.~ AA11! I Lll' cUIIMHT ANNUAL Vlt:LO I 1.21% • VUA _,. ACCOUNT•