HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-13 - Newport Harbor Ensign, F1RST ROUND In the student . was held by the Mariners Lions Club Feb. 7 at the Irvine Coast Country Club. The topic this year Is "The hopes and fears of today's youth." Pictured here following the judges' decision are, from left, Dr. Ralph Franklin, club president; Randy New- ton, runner-up; stephen Jump, winner; Sallyann Lewis, runner-up, and Bill Snitzer, llontamer and speaker chair- man. All 3 contestants are Corona del Mar High students. PARKING LAW EASED • l*: GIIU ......... ,_lfD lroMO ~ • ...,.,.,., IUOt PRE'M'Y LITTLE tour and one hall year old Dee Dee Ross, gra.oddaughler of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Schw'arz of Newport Beactt, j)lns Ln the antl-jet-oolse ~with a sticker oo ber tricycle. Tile bumper sticker s are available from the Alrport Noise AbatemeotCommittee Headquarters at 17th St. and Irvine Ln Costa Mesa.. (Richard Pucillo photo.) TRUSTEE INELIGIBLE Over 401 of tbe eUc:Sble voters in tbe N"PQrt-Mea UnLO.ed. Sebool clistrlct we.ot to tbe poUs TIIHdl.y a.od P" 3 to 1 a,pproYal to tbe $15.1 million boDd. lss!Je to protllie more classrooms tor shadelltl. Total votes cut were ZZ,ZSO. Of these, 16,776 voted yes; &Dd 5,454 voted oo. Tbe favonbW vote totaled '75-l /Z%. The two- thirds marctn required foe ap- proval was exeeed.ed ln 42 at& of tbe 50 pr edocts. Celebrattnc the vote of coo- ~~ COSTA MESA lldeoce, s.o>t. WUUam Clllll\lng-JOHN L OWE • bam went to wort yesterday mor ........... il "Is a boll-John Lowe day to start work oo getting cbUdren off double sessklns. ..Tbls ... a oommlllllty ··-d · e I S J fort,.. be said, '.A tremeodous I s a number ot people worked very bar<l." Industrial real estate de- Asst. S!,C)t. Norman Loats had veloper John Lowe, 57, of !182 ooe word to describe the elec-Mesa Drive, Back Bay, died t1on. "Beautitlill" He added, Feb. 9 a.t b.ls Dome. ··We really 'riU bave aa urU.l!.ed lilt. l...ow"e, wbo Uved beretor district oow." 1! years, was the lwsbud of Ten of the relocatable class-Ruby K~ler Lowe, f«mer rooms pro¥1ded for ln tbeelec-mov ie actress. He wu born Uon will 10 to Uncoln SchooL, Jan. 8, 1912, lD New W.ellco, Coroaa del Mar. Twenty-1om' and came to CaWorD1a50yeus wtU tLU ra Costa Mesa schools, ago. l.nchading 10 to Maude Davis, 10 Other survivors are S dau- to TeWink.le, and 4 tor coo-gt:lters, Mrs. Tberesa HaU ot ttnu:a.tioo school McNally. Six Hermosa Beach, ChristiDe wUI be used for speclal educa-Lowe of Denver, Cokll'ado, and Uon, and wtU be sent wbe.re K~Uhle€-n Lowe of Newport Deeded, according tD Dr. Beach; aod sons, AJ Lowe &Dd Loals. Lt. John l..()we llJ of Newport Classrooms will also be con-Beach, and 3 gra.ndcbUdren. structed for 800 stueseals at Rosary was recited Feb. lZ, Harbor High School and Costa aod ma.ss will be celetrated Mesa High School, l.n the area today, Feb. 13, at St.J011chim's •bere bus ma.ioteoaoce lor-CatboUc Cbarch, Costa Mesa. merly was. The bus area 'frill be Ihtermeot will be at HolySepuJ- consoUdated at Ba.ker st. chre Cemetery, Orange. Business license fee hike eyed • ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and pubUshtr of th~ Ens'gn STATE IOIIIIP ,• • "THY WORD Ia & lamp UDto mJ feet."' Tbia terse from the 119tb Palm Ja beiDc rec:lted by PloDBU' Girls at Central Bible Cbureb, Costa Yea: from left, Rob)'tul Burnbam, eolooist; Karen Tr~. Kathryn Merkle IDd Ellen Piper, Pllp"tms. Tbey will be IUilOII& 1be -ol Ptooeer Girls lD eoeainpment Feb. 6. P.loDeer Girls ls a Cbrist-ceatered orpnlutton dedk:ated to teaeblnc prta bow to apply Cbrilllan prl.ne.tples to every phase of We. (Photo by Dua.oe Plj>er.) . Concerned students talk K WIN IN O.T. 48 TO 4S •BPOIIT HAIIIOR Ell Gil RRSTSECliOII--Pill 3 ntiii!SOAY, FEB. 1!, lW COIIliiA DEl. liM, CMJ,. no .. 111p .,.. 1o .,. .. Loot& ,.. 1111 ..,., """ .. eo.-~ ,,..,~ .. w-Ill-r-~~~~-~--FrtdiJIIPif?lolllh-V&UIJ -.I tt&J ... n..-tlld C:C.C. BW Baoom'1 Cora. ton OOIIlnL fte Ea11M ,.. _ .... 111---.-11111 n lll.lltbolf,lllt Ill tlo II liP U-4llllllolldof a411o_rallJ_IIIo_ lllo ........... Plollol lbao. 1Dr 111111--.._, ..... r-YalloJaddodlbo.-llllll_...,,llli-.wullod Coast Assn. moves BUT DO IT SAFELY. Teoclt 1. Durlr t·mss strttnor highwars while flying Si.:itcs. 1. Dnn't Ar a kite with meul in the fr.unt" or tail. .\.Don't usc rinst:l stnn~. w•rc or :tnr twine: with ~t:tl in ir. 4. Don'r fly :t kite over TV or r:klio :~.nu:nnu. 5. Don'r fir :t kite nc:&.r tk'Ctric power linn :tnd don't rry to retrieve a kite caught in power linn. 6. Dnn'r fly :a kite in the rain. 111 1111 .. oru .... 111t 1111 s. ., M-M. T1lol 1111 -• Xlop pcciiD' .... -~~~~~~· -..... "' -lilt -"' m41-III.J ... Doolla Eac1o1 II "' I 1D tbe llllal PI'Of1dld tbt wtlalblc ma:rp:a mlcwtee, wWI 4 tree tllrOWo 1D tbo oWa • Gnr ErokiDo w1111 17 po1D1o period. led tbe Mnctenp, aided bJ -· IAKb Joel tbo Sea Kill( Y erl<ey 111111 Kelly wtlb 14 oo.cll. attack wUb 11 poilU; Doelts bid 8; Miq MeWW1aml:, 1i .. VIM...,.... Cllrlo ~ I; Kim WU---.. -.......... 11.} ~ Loot& 11op1 pace wt111 u. -e~ ~ ... . .... .......... 1 , .... ._ ·-.., nlllliDc !a'Moi; .............. , , • WID broclll, '· 111111 Doaa w·-·~· e,o:~..:;,;::::::::::::: I'' Fou Is help bucs ottr Estucla Toudi.J llto50. c!t"1=._ll:ot~ -.. ~.:~.,.,..: LoU'a aad Corea dtllllar DOW ~ \. .. ..., .. ~ Some deadly free lllrow to go. OCC's Tim Salyer tbeD botll ltn 1.1 •tdlac ID tbe MIIIM1' ~ aboatll( 1a lbe flna.l miDute sank a pair of tree Unws wltb -.,... utbeJJAX'oacbtbetlDal ...... 1f, \ ItT" earrt.d Oruet Cout College 13 secoods to co tt 8?-85. pilMS ... tbe --· .• ~ .. ::;::::: .. j n I GLEN BACK bQ .... elided to aD 19-87 nrdiet over Rio Three secoodl later occ·. EltaDeil tn1led IS to 18 at MiM1iii ............ I 1 prnideat ol tbe COICa lieu. HObto Saturday nlgbl in East-Mlke O'Flaberly wu .btledud JaU-Ume, raWed lntbe2DdbaU ::::::::::::::: t • ,: United FuM aucceed1ac EW. em Coa.ferenee aeUon. be sank two tor 89~.0CC pYe to oulpolnt tbe Bamu, but . . ......... ·:·\ • ·~ n GardDer abo MrYed s term• Tbe SUes bad a bye Tuesday up l barmless buc~-" ·-• ..._ .. 1 t ·~~ • U:O.&IIU.. c::ouldn•t ea.teb ... Skip WWiams HI T -AT!.!'=._., ., ~M~~• as presldent. Mr. Back is mua-llld wtU meet Golden West at 8 waning secoods. wu bleb poLat maa I:Jr tbe ~~~.-;! .:::-r .. ·~:-'::1: pr oftbeCrockerCIUseubuk p.m. tills Friday ln the OCC O'Fla.berty cootinued Ills bot Eacles wttb 15. Mike Hayes was M -'"='=-· 1n tbe Harbor slqlpLac center. CJUI. shooting lDCI e&DDed sa btc &lao 1D double tlgures wttb. 10. Jim Kindekm broke an 8Z-8Z points to lead all soarers.. In ·Costa Mesa stayed. with TARS WIN MOVE UP tie 'lfith one minute to gowtth h.is last three p.mes, Estancia at the bottom of the r a jumper fromthetopofthekey, O'Fla.berty ha.5 bit za, 30ucU% Leaiue by losing to 3rd place tbeD added a free tbrow for to take over the occ scoring Magnolla by the kJpslded score Tbe Newport Harb:>r Sailors witb. free throw accuracy. 85-U. RJo Hoodo lcoottedltwitb. lead, of 90 to 49. Gregg Erskine, with moved .., a ootch into a S-way Lee Haven wu:top man for tbe a 3...polDI: play With 14 seconds Jim Kindeloo cootrl.buted 17 11 potnts, was the oolyMusta.ng Ue for 3rd place in tbe Sunset Sailors wtth 23 polnts. Du poUlts, with 15 coml.og 1n tbe wbo hit 1n double ftgures. League by defeattnc Western Undstedt hit for 21, aDd Bo ~~ 'll!.,OWSL. EY, 85, second half. Last Friday's action saw 7? to 65 Tuesday, Grl.ln.th had 19. --SUCOJMBS Orange Coast ls aow in a Ue Corooa del Mar oo the k>slng Harbor andWesternbotbhave Last Friday the Sallors Yates Owsley, 85, of 25Z5 tor atb side tor tbe tlrst Ume In ZO a 6-5 rating In the league aJoog easily defeated Santa Ana &9 to Oee:u Blvd., Corona del Mar, winDer T'"""" Lea,ue games. Loara was the with Westminster, 8Z 'to 50 53. Harbor ran away wttb the died Feb. 9, at Hoag Hospital. spoiler, defeating Corona 52 go victor OYer sama Ana Valley game from the start tai1nC a He was born July 4, 1899, (n 51 to cllmb ~ lmo a ftrst Humtngton Beaeb stayed unde~ 22 to 9 )ead at tbe ~ of the Syracuse, New York, came to place tie. Tbe Samos led 31 to feated at tbe top with a ek>se ftrst quarter a.nd 40 to 24 at CaWornia 50 years ago and Z5 at halt-Ume, but tbe Kings 53 to 49 victory over Marina. the half. Lee' Haven dropped 1n U•ed in Orange County for 15 surged bact tn tbe 2nd half to Anaheim, winner over Sa.ot.a 16 points; Paul Homes bad 13 years. He wasabu.lldlDa;mater- tue tbe lead. Tbe Kings led by Ana, 52 to 35, is in ZDd place atld Undstedt to. lals mauufaettaer in Pasadena. a polDl in tbe J1Dal minute. Mike with an 8_3 reeord. This Friday at 8 p.m. the He was a USC graduate, and was McWUllams missed a free The Sailors tra.J.led 36 to 33 Sailors will bost Westmiaster a member or tbe Annandale tbrow wt.tll 50 secouds lett, and at halt~Ume, came baek to take hoping to take sole~ COWitrJ Club ol Pasadena, and Loara took the rebound. With 45 a 48 to 46 lead at tbe eDd of of lrd place because Western lnlot Coast Country Club, aeeoods to go, Steve Bristol the lrd quarter then wtdeoed wtll be tae:kUng the Leape Sun I TOrs are b.ts wUe, Helen; dropped 1D a 15-footer for the the marglo to uie ftDal period leading Oilers. daugtters, Mrs. JaneSehoeider rictory. of Eaelno, Ud Sally Owsley of Newport Beaeb; a.od 4 grand-SALE How to add year• to your life 100 ya.n aao th&aw:rap American could expect to live about 40 years. TOO.y-about 70. Modern sanitation, diet, drup and medical practiot ha\e added 30 yean to our life span. And note that 70 is ul't!ragt'. Many die aoonr.r. Many live lo nger. You 11p your chances or bein& • "lonaer" if you eat pro,xrly and act proper medical care. Thl!> means pertodic c~k ­ ups by your physician. As pharmacisu we are pleased to help by Sl..lpplying the drup your doctor pracribes-drup unknown a century aco. We're soconscious of the effectiveness of modem medtcinc that w-e're shooting for a life span of 100 yeus. How about you? Christensen ~..................... ~~~~ Senlces were beki Feb. 11 at Paeltle VIew Chapel, with the Rev. John A!iibey of St. TENNIS DRESSES --~ RAWLINGS IASEIALL Mm~ & GLOVE'S LITTLE LEAGUE IATS SOFTIALL-IASEIALL BUFFET MERCHANTS LUNCHEON Tuesday-Friday 11 :30 am • 2:30 pm F•cilitiu fo.-B•nqueh •nd Private P•rties Enterhinmerot -D•ncing Closed Mond•y • • • • • .95C INCLUDES SALAD. EHTREE AND VEGETABLES James Ep1scopa.l Church, Ne•- pon Bea.eb as ometant. llller- menl wu at Pacltlc View Me· morta.J Park. =-mTfM~~~ Dorothy Crees, 88, of 2977 Country Club Dr., Costa Mesa. died Feb, 4 at Park Lido Con- va.leseeot Hospital, Newport Beaeh. Mrs. Cr ees was born May 1045 BAYSIDE DRIVE . 675·0200 ~~e~:!eo·:.~:,.v,:= iiSKifiAu. SHOES ::"'" 595 --SKI-EXRCISOR ... "•":... - SET .... IASEIALLS .................. 9Sc . llasebal Slloes 9"-13"- TRACK SHOES 10" 13"-1 ~ IASKmALL SHOES 8" CONYEISE TENNIS SHOES 7" 7" -.............. ~ ........... . ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:::::::::~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:::::~::DMmty ~ Ca~ma ~r! THE ENT'RANC:~ TO ULlOA years. Stlnt•ors are ber soo, iloward of. Costa Mesa; a sister, Mrs. Harry Spalding of New DUML;OP FeaT FUME ~WI-TENNIS SHOES D-'• Fort::-=.. ............ .. -TENNIS SHORTS I it's so nice to come home to a Blue Haven pool Blue HIYMt makn comlftc home ll"ht. A lew minutn 1ft« fl&htlnc the heal and the lr•ffic ••• you find your1elf •pl15hint around with rour f1mily in tht cool of your own Blue H.wn Pool. • Wf>1 .... -I That's oosy. IF R E E blonde • y .. ,., ........... .., ....... caMph .. •.• (Wig. of Courae) • •• ...,_ ..-,.. 11M a • an•wc:dlll ,., ...,. "'I~· r;;;;;;;~;;ii&;d);;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;! • ~tt!::'i;/J._......,... 11 ,_ anc=: h.,.....,..,...,.._. rM'd ea...._ , --yooiMoolylO_...,_,.....,. -· .-tbo..,.oldolr---boc•-....ttltlllliiiMt ..... 11, • llriiMe • rd'r 1 ••. ABIOU1'I'ELY na • ... ,...,. .... ,_....,....., ••• , •• .:c••••'* tW .. J'..t lar Witi'iC oui-pool 0111r«ant stop b7 aad tell,.. U. =--· 8luo Ba-_,., • _ .. ..Met.--lollr-...... yooa.;;;;;;.;;;;;,;,;;;.;;;;;;:.;~--------...1 ._, ................ _ ......... .. • ~ ...... "'",.. .......... lbwdwllpa ,... HoWy wtkh. pool lot,... ... wries• 11'• • .lot *",., , ... _-,._.,..-.-,... 1-. CCIITOIIII tA.,..ACnotif ••• a.f• _,...,,.,. 11 .. ,. •••.• u•• T1te MonNr.yf ..... *") $2068. • • ,........,, 18' x 36' 88' perimeter, 439 s.q. ft. surface arM. HAVEN POOLS NO DOWN PAYMENT:• , ... Tt.., '' . ~ . .. ..... ,, .... , ••••• \ ... ,, ............. IIMIIlsltr •sse• o:;a.r•lllll •• • ., .. WI. QOSIIY AND 011&4 7 DAYS A W 'K • Jer&ey; and 1 gnodcb.tld. Services we.re held Feb. 6 at Pac..ltlc VIew Chapel, with the Rev. James Ledgerwood of the First Wetbodi.st Church, Costa Mesa as omcl.allt, lnurnmeot was at the Mausoleum of the Paeltlc. --JOGGING SHOES -~ ~M-s-••sKmAu -'·"-.. n iAsKmALL -,.,. ._ 695 -TENNIS SHIRTS = GLOVES l " • 4" • 6" ~.:;:""' TEHNIS lAW --7" •• Repair Racket SALES • RENTAL • llEP.AlR. 'le <Dlbe $tfuing ~ ji~oppr 3519 l PACIRC mMT HWY • C.u ..... 615-3M3 Nat to liM'• . . -- -- NOW OPEN • CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES SATURDAY-SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS lOCATED ON A SPECIAUY CRfATED PLATEAU OVERLOOKING NEWPORT HARlOt, MEDiltRRANEAN IN STYL! AND IN THE MUSK CENTER TRADITION, fDWAitDS NEWPORT CINEMA IS THE MOST MAGNIFICENT MOTION PKTURE THEATRE IN THE WORLOI EXCWSIYE AREA ENGAGEMENT ·-..... ~ FRANco ZErnRnu -· ROMEO c!<"jULIEf liiuwu IIM'Mflfll; ll!llnl.l ••·.lllllldtlll ,.._ IWGIIW laJISINlS ·:--::~ IIMGIIW.iii ... UQ -.. ~~ii•••-llliliaiRWlJllilluJ::... THE LUXURIOUS lEW IAlleA THEATRE HOMf Of IOCIIMO CNAII tOOII 109 UST SAliDA BALBOA I'(IJ.SLILA • nr hl'lr. the rirl heard many lhi ng ". --Also-- " BIRDS, BEES AND THE ITALIANS" ... " ........ •&A\ITIO"U .. ...... c ... ........ •T O .T •••• , ~ j ~&Lor --..... .. , ... ... -MJ. ., ... -If.& At The Entrance To Lido Isle .....,..,.,...._. _ __ ..._ ... . 1ltlll lalfiLr .... '· ... ----~ .... ., ... ,.., .................. a. ... ........ w... ... .-...................... ................. NIIToO'""l G{"'fAII\ (QAP()OUitOt.l Fo·x -~i[H,L~ ALl-OliN lEY "HOW "SWISS FAMILY IOIINSON" 12.J0-1:25-TG.20 "HAP~EST MIUIONAIRE" IXQ.UIIVI ARIA IMGAGIMIHT .. ............... ~ ............ . • OZUEIH TAYUIII •-•aocl,ol, •CDOGNI'I IUIPP" ~ ' ... . ' JOIN TODAY ENJOY llll1ll ClUI JAOUnll AT NO IXTU COST •.• • MMS*I COlt l'lUMCil • .,, ....uool "'TJIS • JJIIIIISII 10(.1 IAIMU.J • 1C1MotM ITU·A IOOM5 • SW1U fACIAl ~ • flOI ... IIIII "" •IAtu.MOMb~IAt&ITIIS • COSTA MISA-549·3368 £NSJGN WCint Acls TRANSPORTATION 100" Finan cing Available AI so We Carry Our Own Contracts N EWPORTER MOTORS 20~ Harbor Blvd. .Costa Mesa ~51! HAMMOND-YAMAHA STEINWAY 'I"'"""'"~ B-30rpn•/TC, u .. DeW @ big savlngs pilLS used l..Dwrey, Baldwin, Thomas & Hammood from $395. graDCI pta.oos trom $485, including Steinways, Kim • balls, BluthDer; plus used spinet fl consoles, from $395. SC HMIDT MWJC CO. 1907 N. Main St., Santa Ana Est. 1914 HOUSES FOR S4LE * The Bluffs * (EXCEPTIONAL BUY) popular K plan 4 bedroom (3 bedrooms ' den) Z t».ths. Carpets, drapes, fireplace. Breakfast area ln ldtcben. 2 eoclosed patios. Pools, cabaDa. WUk to stores, schools, tennis cl!1) fl put. $30,950, Call OWNER, &15...iu3 or 6'75.4497. o SCHOOLS I IH ... AID GIAIIUATI loci at --~.. ...... --"' .... ... ..... -L. u.a. ,._ lr,,l'IN'hllloA .... loa eo.-. ... -..-- W11a MCC:.I'di1 Ae.Jtors . . . Rll~le Servke Sill<e 190 DUPLEX SP HOUSE APT. Z B/R 1 bath 1 B/R 1 batb 3 8/R z baths 1 8/R 1 batb z 8/R 1 batb 2 8/R 1 batb z 8/R 2 baths 2 8/R 1 bath 3 B/R 2 baths 2 8/R 1 batb 4 B/R 2-1/2 baths 1 8/R 1 bath 3 B/R 3 baths 2 8/R 2 baths BtR-Bedrooms •••••• Open House SAT. & SUN . lto5 p.m. flW'Otlf HAiiiliiEIIIIII fiRST I£CTIOII - -P•l VALENTINE'S DAY - - • • · · · • EVERY DAY! J . . • . Whj!n you buy this delightful VIEW property located In one ot Corona del Mar's greatest prestige areas, Shorecllffs. There are 3 spacious bedrooms -especially the master bedroom with Its huge "his & her'' walk-in closets. Property easily expandable. Pool size yard. You awn the land. Price $ 6 9, 9 50 Call 675-3000 lay & Beach Realty Inc. 11 ..... 2407 E. COAST HWY. · C D M HAVASU NORTH ESTATES Can't 1ell it?.· •• Tr.S. It? For F .. t Aclion A RUult1 (All niE DOYLE DO .. ll"'llora I 1860-B NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA IF •..•.. If you are interested in LAKE RESORT property, we are presenily offering a golden opportunity to Invest in a wonderful fun and sun resort area. • aoAT MAIIIMA • MUMTIMG-l'lsiiiNc"e'::l ·~lARGE vr'ew'i."on 1 • LANDING STIIIP • ALL IMPROVEMENTS • LOW DOWN PAYMENT • WATER SKIING -IN AND PAID fOR • TERMS TO SUIT PRICED FROM $29,995 We Invite you to come In or call642-4994 for Information. T. K. HUNT, Broker JACK BALE, Project Mgr. 642·49'1· --EVE$. 961.1156 · ... RH/tor 642-6472 .... ~ 1730 W. CMot Mlwep "-- . total duouah tbe Mu-ltiple U Se"ice or The No.-port bor Coa-ta Moaa Board Reahon ror lbe fiut monlbs or 1961. nDS IS OVER 4 ... u.J~ DOLLARS PER MONlll IN PROPERTY SALES! LIST YOUR Wllll A REALTOR! CHINA COVE ••••••••••••••••••• : 60 ACRES 53' OF SAND BEACHFRONT • ABANDONED FARMLAND • (Z miles fl"'m Valley Center LD S. D. CoUDty) • IDEAL FOR CITRUS • EASY ACCESS • • WILL CONSIDER TRADES • NOW REHABIUTATEO WITH • VA LLEY CENTER WATER • 636·0937 • TOLL FREE FROY HARBOR AREAS ••pelf leach ..... •••• Island Casto Milo Udo Isla ear-del Mar MODERN DAY CASTLE Spacious 5 bedroom Newport estate featuring 3-1/2 capacity baths, friendly family room plus formal dining room. New, lavish carpeting lnside--wtth plumbing installed for your pool OUtside, (IE.IJI) REFRESHINGLY CLEAN SS9,000 PROPERTIES WEST (nt) 1'75-ti.JO .... a..eh, Calif ..... HARBOR VIEW HILLS OUTSTANDING VIEW 4 BEDROOM FAJIILY HOME -DINING ROOM I 3/4 BATHS PLUS POWDER ROOY -laxstl HEAT_ ED P(X)L -SPRINKLERS-PATIOO --"' . . . . . PRICED AT ONLY $69,500 -AND WORTH IT! NEWPORT BEACH RUI.TT 2627 NEWPORT 6'111:1L\.112 NI!WP'ORT BOULEVARD f~ lrl BEACH YEARLY RENTAL CORONA DEL MAR • 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED HOME • FIRE PLACE • NEW CARPETS • DRAPES • DOUBLE GARAGE • EXTRA LARGE YARD • Owner Pays Water and Gardener ASKING $ 2 7 5 A MONTH ROALTOR q.... norvJI. f<._.llor Income Property Fully turnlsbed 1-bedroom apartmem to he tl you pay your rent and taxes ... PLUS •.• a Z-bedroom bome to Uve ln. South ot Htway, Corona del Mar, $45,900. 332 Mar91.1eri te Co""'a dol Mor -673-8550 q_. no,.,.ll, R •• ltor ................... EXQUISITE BAYFRONT U JOU are tired of klok1D( at wora oat, poorly pla.Doed r.ch oottaces, ptooe us for au appolrttmeot to see UU maplftceDt bl.)'frolt bome. G!'adous llrincroom, c-dau dlnlng room, modera b111Jt.1D ldtchen. sunny b&.JiiOI; t.race, or•'no'dnc ~ ud aUp Ud wblte saaty betctl. 4 -JOOd sUed bedrooms. 4 ftlll bU.J'I$ plus a smart powder room. Moce thu adequate cioset I.Dd storage space. Attractive family room and iAolde palio, $200,000 p. a. palmer Incorporated Jtl IIEV8JIIBS (J lJ)() Sill 1935 SV7 Vlo u• ...... ,.,.. .._,. __ ,_ .. L.A.-.. I!IA~ •••••••••• O >FOCE 673-301 2 R E A L T y .. ,. ·•n .AC.,,C c•·n """·AT 71.1.:2 % for VA N!WI'ORT II!ACH, CALI,ORNIA 7~ Estalllid,~tl 2~ Yt'~trs ;, Hutpo,l B••d -------r.~==="""""""'~' 1Y2% plus Y2% ~··················· .....,. .... * LIVE ON THE BEACii.... • YEAR ROUND HOME- * TWO LARGE BEDROOMS- * TWO BATHS, FIREPLACE- * AMPLE PARKING- You can view the water from your kitchen. ONLY S69 ,500-Terma • • • • Corona del Mar Custom home on comer45' lot, wtth large living J;OOm, beauutul fireplace, many deluze appointments. Plua bolne with income at rear. PRICED AT SSJ,OOO • • • For Appointment to VIew, Elreluatve wttb: CORBIN-MARTIN. Inc. Realtors "J'1tllu • .,..1 r .. C•' ..r 3038 E. Cout Jhr.Y. 675·1662 Corona del Mar, Calli. NEAT 'N swEET BEIIPLE for FHA REAL ESTATE C11l'E IJTTLE TWO BEDROOM HOllE NEAR BEACH AIID BAY ••• HEAVY SIIAI(E ROOF. DEUGifi'FUL PATIO AREA. $31,500 R-2 LOT IS WORTH ITI R E A L T ·'Y -W. I din liN.. Na.,ssl lull I I L-IJNIG ... _.,._ FOUR-PLEX Pride of Ownership Units ****** Choice Newport Address UVE FREE IN A CIWIIIIIIG THREE BEDROOII, TWO BATH, UYliiG 110011, DIIIIIIG AREA, PLtl! FIREPLACE, WHILE BliLDIJfG EQUITY. (7J'IJER THREE Ulll'lS RAVE TWO JIEDRO(lliS AIID TWO BATBS. ALL ONml I!L\IIIV'ULLY APPOOn'I:D. •. 811[LT..JIII, IADIART -.a.T, CIJIPftS, DIW'D, EIICLOSED G.U1AGa. NO VACANCY SM\.IIIM..ISTATI 211S 1-C:... ..... Oc•rr ..... , ..... BUT··· at Rancho La Cuesta l" • S24,99S to S32,99S IIIOOitMURST AT ATLANTA (IIUMTIMGTOM IEAOt) n 10 a.m. 'til dark 968-2929 .. 961-1331 .1111111U ... • ..... ,_cw.. .... ........,..., c.H67NIII PAPER VALENTINES EVERYONE " Harbor is study topic 'lllt-aCI'IIc:IAapoaf awoumvyall; -room, "-t Harbor bu ··-eel will -81 5 I c. Aald a s.toort a11111J ol 1M Nnpart al Nnpart -.., wllo will -.,.-... Uld ~ pr-IUWeatllnpartiiUI- oolullou. • pi&D Ia< o .. roomlllc loeal Till ftrll N«Jor aiiO a.m. boolmooo-aadat«qo-. T-J. Feb. 18, Ia lbo IW't-palloo. Tlma llu-ollollod ....... -.... --~ wt1J .. til pl'lllated oo u. ecrMt ~otolldrtl-- 1111( oporallou Ia Nnport Booeb&Dd-or. At tbe stCOod m..U.OC. March 18, Georct M. Dawes, Newport Beach harbor coordto&tor. will speak on present harbor COG· solutiOO.s. Tbo thlrd·meellng, Aprlll5. will be a boat tour oftbe ba.rbor so membersand.guestseaneacb. view the harbor aodseeatclose baod its current use, problems and poteDI:tal. PARTICIPANTS In ll>e 4tb uoual Midge luae-of Hoar ELECTION MEETING SET Hospllal's Hunter Cbapler are, !rom Inti, Mrs. James W. Election of oew otneers aod Laws or Cliff Hann. PlCJI)et cbaitman; Mrs. S. E. Locke of ~tment of committees will CWI' Haven. publlclty cbairma.n, and Mrs. Charles Hoi- be held Feb. 20 by tbe Newport U.ster of &!boa. wa.ys and means vtce-cbalrman. The money Beach American AssocWioa of tree shown bere was a prize 1n the Feb. 12 event. Retired Persoos. Tbe meeting .w .. al ,be Senior c~t~zeos· 0 1 h 1 h n ~~':~~-.~~n:;:.St.... ueen o ear s c ose At 12:30 p.m., thosewbowtsh IUs. Elmer Johnson or Gar-forming guests will be Ca- to bring a lunch wtll t1nd the den Grove, asSistant secretary, therlDe Wall and lng:a Melin of doors open. Tbebusinessmeet-has been named queen of hearts Orange, both on the piaoo. and tng will becln at 1 p.m. Then for the Feb. 15 Valentine party Erik Under with his guitar. there wUl be a showing of of Anchor Lodge. The Children's group, ages 6 Hawa..U.an Polynesia ftlms, A special guest wlU be Karin through 12, will meet March 8 through tbe courtesy of Alan Lundquist, radio and TV slnglng at the recreation headquarters, It. Jlldd. artist from Sweden. Other per-1714 W, Balboa Blvd,, Centr~ INVENTOR ROBERT EBY Newport. They will be taught ..-;---Swedish songs and dances. -;:::S:~~:~ Feb. 28 and March 1 are the \; dates of District 15 Convention ::.:;;;..,.~:~ at San Diego. Delegates from AnchOr Lodge are past chair- men Elno Ollila and Doo Bar- rick. District Master Ernest V. Soderberg, of Anchor Lodge. will eoDduct the business meet- logs at the conventiOn. Loan Assn. tells growth Inventor opens NB shop The gro"fth or Newport Bal- boa Savings and Loan Assn. smce its founding in 1936, and particularly during the last 10 years. Is highlighted in a 16- page aMua.l report just issued by the Association. Illustrated with color photo- graphs of Associ.atloo tacllitles Robert Eby, inventor of \be he wants." says Mr. Eby. and also of IXlints of lnterest Organ. and a recent ln addition to the Artisan in tbe Newport Harbor area, Corona del Mar newcomer to Newport Beach., line, De sells attachments and 34,000 copies of the report has been marketing a liDe of accessories for organs. have been mailed to the As- eledrontc organ kits for 20 '·I am a lucky person." he socWJon's account holders and years in Pasadena. says, "because I am worlrlng prospective customers. Pubp He bas opeoed an ollice at at my 2 bobbles--music and llsbed as an LDsert in k>cal W. Cout.Hwy.,oo.Marl.ners electroolcs," nn~ra and ma.cutnes. lt loro-wborehedeslgliSandseUs JACK ORR JOINS STAFF has reacbed aDOtber estimated 1,. for customers all over 120,000 persons. OF NEWPORT HA.T10 HAL President Agnes Blomquist 673-9110 Pharmacy wE oEuvER ..,... ........... ,- 3127 E. Coo•t Hwy. (Hea, Jasmine A.,..) ~~~~~~g~g~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~9 Jack Orr, specialist in credit comments on tbe many changes card operations, has joined that have occurred 1n the New. Newport National Banlr. as as-port Harbor community sloc:e sistant rice-President and man-1936, Wcluding the growth from ager of the credit card depart-some 4,000 to thepresentpopu. menl. la.tion of 117,000 ln the New- 'BEER& I'IIHi TREETOP APPLE JUICE 6 OL CANS 6/55¢ 673-3510 SPEOALS FOR FEB. 13-1+ 15 Produce WHITE CELj.O PACK CAULIFLOWER HE.t.O 39( GIANT SI ZED PINEAPPLE T PIES TANGERINES 7L ·~s1oo I OZ. 2i45tRKEY IN BUTTER PEAS GREEN 2/ BEANS FREMOI GREEN Go.too• St""••~ Boloy Food •••• 3/39f OIICK EH·O·SEA GRE EM LAB EL TUNA ~ SIZE 2 .. 59' DEL-TE CATSUP 140L 19' l PK. WltiTI He was formerly Ma s ter port-Costa Mesa area. The As- Charge credit manager of the sociatlon started in 1936 with First National Bank and Trust $13,350 cash and oow has Company, Ontario, Calif. He million In assets. also served as manager of the One of the color Ulustrations bank trom 1964 to 1966 and as tn the report Is an architect•s installment loan manager of sketch of the BeW Corona del First Western Sank trom 1955 Mar oaJces for Newport Sal- to 1961. He Is a member of the boa Savings to be opened 1n Ontario Elks' Club, and ln 1966, the Flnaoclal Plaz.a, Ne"PQrt he was club ctwnplonofthe Lo-Center. mita Golf Club. Til EFT IS TIIWARTED The theft of a $229 leather suit from Back Street, 25 Fas ttion Island, was prevented Jan. 29 by Joy Watson, 310 Prospect Are., Newport Shor es. A young manwascarrylngtbe suit out, concealed umier his jacket, except for a sleeve which hung out. Miss Watson foUowed the young maD out of the store and · asked for it back. The man refused aDd threatened to hit her when she grabbed it. Bla when she told b.im she was &Qing to call the police, be pve ~ a.Dd fled. WIN ART AWAR DS Mrs. D. C. Mattocks of Costa · and Mrs. Charles Ed. Huotl.ngtoo Harbor. won 1JI Orange Dlsrlct's Federated Women's floe arts competition held in tbe Fllllerton Ebell Cl.mbouae. llrs. Mattocks was awarded ftrst. prize ln the oil abstract dil1stoo, and Mrs. Edwards re- ceived second prize .-tth ber watercolor landscape. Botll eD· tries •ere 1n tbe amateur dh'l- EARN WAY TO CAMP Members of tbe Boys Club the Harbor Area may earn all or part of the cost or summer camp by selling P-Nuttles. The sale wlll begin Feb. 17. Tutoring in matb Is being of- fered at the LWer Bay Branch, 2131 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa.. Ed Lockwood wm give instruc- tion trom 8 to 9 The:rsday and Friday evening. SHO RT CIRCUIT FIRE A $50 fire was caused by a. short clrcutt In a stove fan at the residence of Mrs. Barbara McGuire. 961 Saodcastle. Har- bor View Hills. at 10:27 a.m. Feb. 1. LEG4L NOTICE Students honored by Z~nta . "llll -c.-al Nnpart IDobiJIII a1 ~-ud Tllord -will -1M .tm.L-~ of SwedoD at Harbor cu rlold s.mc. •-at Jll&ll. · a--"*1, Fol>. II, al Tbo Zoota Glt!.olorFtl>r-J U. ZCIIIta eJabbc .. , 15tb st. &Dd lbltr motbe.rs WlllbelJtro.. _, lrYtM Aft., CUff llaYtJL dlaced by tM Pl'llidlat; lilt .. --Field 8orYioo llu llaloolm Aapll, aad lbo -....._ a ""Ice projeCt of U. prt cbaltman. LuocbloD ar- ZOIIta Clllb sJDCe Ita iDctptkta ruceiMIIts are .w tbe iii ltsS wltb 001 ltueleat, a bo1 tUtiCUOD of Mn. Josepll Ham- from Germuy. Now there are bitt, uststed by Mmes.Jetfrey t lhdtats &om all comers of Burb, Mortoa.BrlstoW, AlFor- tbl pgbe. ·1 a1k1 Mar liD Sheely. Mrs. James D. Ra.y, Zonta's BOAT BU RGLARII ED Tbe CbaaOOI Isle, 60 fool eommerelal tlahlng bolt at Al't"s Laadinr, 503 E. Edge- _ .. ---~~ -• -w. ......... c... ....... c.. ..... c-.. .... .,4 ...... ..... iDtertatlon&l rela.Uoos chalr- UWt, will latro4uce the 1968-69 fltudeats; Anne Smtth-Klellud ol Norway, llathUde Mu-Inrs from SpaJn, Ju:tltb H. Granaum ot Panam& aDd DeJ Bulsukfrom 1ha.Uand, who are .tudylar at Cor-oaa del ..... Hlllll Sebool; W&llor !JrOis ol Germany at EotaDela HJcbSeboo~ LldaCor- ri.Dit of ltLlyudAltredoStolk- Toro of Venezuela at Costa Mesa High School; Sachiko water AV"e •• Balboa, was broken r--=::::::::::-:::::::;;:;:::::::::--, lntD w.a.esday ntg!lt, Feb. 5. ~- Ski&Jper Royce Potter sald 10 .. ....,. cartoos of cigarettes, Z bous BEll. BROADWAY Or cu4Y, a 45 caliber --MORTUARY used to shOot at sharks, and II O ,_oad llslllng equipment, valoed at 1M way $215, were stolen. U ..,.., ._,... Calla .,_ I AM GLAD! THAT: • Arvo E. Haapa, owner and publisher of the Ensign, In an editorial dated February 6, 1969, alerted many mer- chants and property owners In the pioneer areas of our city to the dangers residing in some provisions of a pro- posed parking control ordinance to be considered by the City Council on February 10. • Many merchants and property holders showed their rightful concern by being present at the meeting of the City Council, February 10. • The Mayor and the gentlemen of the City Council demonstrated wisdom in amending their previous posi- tions, as expressed in their votes at the previous Coun- cil meeting of January 27. • The Mayor and the gentlemen! of the City Council clearly realized that the proposed parking ordinance would create serious and dangerous inequities, and that its application in most cases would be impractical. • And, most of all, I was glad to see that the Mayor and the gentlemen of the City Council are considerate representatives of the people, ready and willing to listen to reason! LORNE HUYCKE , President of The Wet Seal ft$f0Jtt DELUXE CHAMPION Original Equipment NO MONEY DOWN MONTHS TO PAYI • POLICE CLERK ALSO DANCER --· •, . ---. •• THE HAPP Y JAZZ BAND of Newport Beach took top honors and a cash prize of $150 in the s emi-finals Sunday, Feb. 2, in the Knott's Berry Farm festival of s ounds. They will compet e in the festival finals in the spr ing. The happy young musicians from Orange Coast College and Newport Harbor High School are pictured here: standing, l eft to right, Rich Chapman, Lance Brown, Randy Woltz, Larry Duke, Laurence Wright and Paul Woltz; kneeling, Terry Levitt, at left, and Tat Thomas. Lance Brown, trombonist, started the original band several year s ago when all the boys were students at Harbor High. (Photo by the Waltzes.) a, Elinor Wood WhUe some womeo jl&lt ttaJ ,.... aad teep ..,...,aadOCIIoro ~mblDe borne~ wtth a eareer, Joyce Ema goea tbtm ODe better: she bas hn' boiDtl to Tustlo wllb her huobudDM· Ills, daugbter Melodie, aad 2 Prussian Blue cats; abe hu ber ):It! as Newport Belch pollee department warrant elert, ud abe claoces profeJ.Sioaally, Joyce has beeowltbthepollce force for 8 years, coming here after 2 years u a pollee clerk mll.lon at Huntiagtoo Beach. Her husba.od WOJ'ks for tbe Burrougtls Corp.; but be UDder. staOOs Joyce's wort, as he bad been a policeman LD Ora.Dge. LITTLE ME LODIE is s...,_n m a dancing pos1t1oo, because, like ber mother, she studles da.ncing. too. LEGIONNAIRE They met at ~~:~ J::'m.~o~~ Uved down the! s1Dce she was very small, and their parents went to hlgh school together. In her work a.t the police stattoo, Joyce keeps 5000 warrants on tile. She follows leads to find people,"AII the pollee clerks in Orange County work together," she says, U someooe is wanted on a warrant and is going to be released from prison, She is tipped Otf, and •·one of our policemen wtu meet the wanted person at the gate, with a warrant for Ws arrest." U would be easy to become tired and dislllusloned, seeing Ufllleasant things, said Joyce. Her way or handling thls pro- blem Is to forget completely • and dancing helps her enter a.ootber world. • Police O •tit CONI'mi!NTlAL A!Cl EJt. PEI.IENC..EO BOOkUEPINC A!Cl TAX SI!I.VICE"S POl\ SMAU.. BUSINESS AN> IN- OIVIOUALS ~l.f'OI.W£0 PI.OWPTLY A!Cl ACCUI\- ATELY AT I.EA~BLE I.ATES. CAU. SEI.VICES 1'01. SMAU. BUSlNESS .U9 EAST 17TH STI.EET, COriA WESA, Ml-9Ul. Joyce took dancing IE"ssions as a child. She became inter- ested in Polynesian dancing the last 3 years, because of her admiration for Polynesian people. "They look at a pro- blem and say 'Ain't oo big thing.' They r elax -and know NEWPORT HARBOR POST HO . 291, AME RICAN LEGION • PHONE 67J..5070 how to live." So COde 3, red ond Dane., Sorry about those pictures w Ll h t be · lights and sirens can be for-on the floor, Detective "'-un-e enoug o pnnted ill the of one of the first and I think gotten. d • bl ~ last week, Rita and Jerry. We paper. Activities that want pic-the best leading chJef petty There are 2 rules Joyce ob-er s ouse was ripped oft, couldn't get the original print tures put tn the Legionnaire officer s 1 ever ned llh and both we r e taken to Hoag 'Know your fireman' Caololn lobo R. - -tbo Newport lloa<:O llro --~U I, 1151. Ht ..... JW'I)moted 10 are eacs··· to llarcb, 1911, ud ID fin coo- talA to Deeembor ..... Job.a wu bora lD Gieodon, ud IDO'fed 10 Puadeoa at tbt ace ot s. He aneaded Puadeaa Hlp and Pasadeoa Clly Col-Ieee. He ea.me to the Harbor' &rea 1D 1957. Jobn aDd IUs wile, LlDda, and their 3 chUdteo Uve at .Ul Pirate Road, CUll Hann. Their ch.lldren are Roger, 8; Usa, 8, IDd Ja.oa, ... Mrs. Bra.nooo bas been active 1D the Newport Beacb Fire De· partme.nt Ladies Auxillary and is an immediate past president of this orpnt:r.attoo. Capta.ln Bunooo ts Pl'esently enrolled at Santa ADa College CAPT. JOtfH 8 RAHMOM and ts workinc toward a degree His bobbles are band b&ll, in ftre science. for tbe past swtmmi.og and camping. 4 years, be bas presellled a He ls pcesently assiped u program a.noua..lly geared to fir e compa.ny ortlcer at Head· prereotion for young adults at Quarter s StaUon oo the "8" the St. Andrew's pre.school. shift. Table setting time l...ul:ury yachts, sall boats and member s and to the public. cruisers anchored ln Newport Designs by Orange Couoty Harbor wUI vte for attention Women's Clubs are to be judged from Orange County club -.omen for originality, beauty &nd parUclpat.ing In the spring uniqueness by professiooa.llea- tabie-setting competition at der s in fields of tiDe art aDd in- American Legion Hall, Zl5 15th terior decoration. St., Newport Beacb, Thursday, Dr. Hilda McCartney is in Marcb 20. The event, sponsored charge of all arrangements tor by Ebell Club of Newport Beach, the scholarship llmd ralsiog will be from 1:30 to 5 p.m. a.nd benefit. Applications may be Is open to noo.-particlpating club mailed to Or. McCartney at FACULTY AR T StfOWU P.O. Bo1 11 93, Costa. Wesa., The Newport Beach city art with Wa.rch 5 set as entry dead- committee is u hibiti.og a col-Une. . lectlon O( pa.iDti.ngs and S<'U~-~ COnJUilCtlOil With tbe ture done by Ora.nge Coast C 1• ez:hiblt, Newport EbeliCiub wt.U 1 ° obsene Us diamond anntnver _ ep faculty members. Tbe ar. sa.r H .... the 1 uoq' Usts exhlblting are Robert J,mar~ organ u s Krieger • C. Bruce Piner' Miss 60th year lO exJ.steoce. Donna Sbarkey, Edward R, Baker, Ralph Tarr.ian, and H !WI Michael A. Nell. This show wtU run througb February in City HaU. BUSHIIU TELESCOPES from 'be R 1st __ .. se w or serves ill her "r ofe ssional ho~l.'"lto be <-r'yed ""lr"'l-:==========!!.::~~~~·~·~·~r±,~~~~~w~e column should give us slick under I remember the man who .. ...,. .... .. ......., ~ couldn't make our copy turnout photographs or negatives. was Idn todd! Cllarll dancing career: (I} her hus-l"d ror injuries and scratches. • .. .. ec. as a er. e band' gets to censor all her MO!:a.nwhlle tn another room the .. THIS WEEK used to say during the WWU dances; (2) because of working mother was fi ghting with a ~r- BACXFIRE SETS FIRE Firemen from Newport Beach Engine 6 disconnected batteries of the car be kmging to Roy Bennett, 499 Broadway, Costa Mesa, a.fter a bacldlre caused a $100 fire in tbe crankcase at 5:11 p.m. Jan. 22 at the 1501 Westcutr parking lot.. harbor at GARRETT'S .. Conllntntal drs'/!." llllr'1rJ m tlt~ant ouas•ona/ Ju.rnit urt "'H ERlTAGE ! ..... ~ ••.• ·····~· .............. . MAHY OF HER!Tt.GE GRAND TOUR PIECES OH SAL E DURIN G MOHTlt OF FEB RU ARY ._. OI NIN GROOM -BEDROOM TABL ES AND OCCASIONAL RJRH ITU RE .•• H. J. GARRETT FURNITURE 2215 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA 64&-4275 646 0276 ,...,........, ........ -.._. CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCIEEIS INSIDI AHD COlNIA MOUNTS Cem,lata .LIM ef Plu,tace Au1111,._ ....... _ ... ......, ·-DBMIY Cell fer.,_ .. 1_.. • c ....... ..... ...... 11111 Let& Amerlcan Legion y._cht Club days_ that going to sea on a tor thepolicedepa.rtment,Joyce geant executive board meeting_ Feb. ~:u:-le~ ~s al~d w~y to ~n cannot perform In any place Ntg,ht work in the Huntington 13, Thursday, at 8 p.m. All you v g. was ure n where Liquor is the sole source Beach police stallon was "r eal aoo it is still true today. of income. Yacht Club types be on deck for That 1s ll f oow: scary at times." Once inanar-thls session. • · · • a or Joyce goes to dancing S'hool cotics bust, 3 chlldreo aDd a The corporation board or Post C heer~. -TE?. .. for Z hours every Wednesday mother under the in!luence of Z91 meets in tile Uving room ui C~trtbuted by night, along with her pr ofe s-narcotics wer e brought in. the hall Feb, 17, Monday, at Don Andrews Post Z91 slolla.J appearances with the La-Joyce stayed iC) aU night with 8 p.m. Tbose lnterested in the You're old 'eoouctt toremem-hina Lunas of Anaheim groiC). the chtldren. • Klndness p s a way Post affa.lrs and f:lrta.nces ber tbe real America 1f you caD She is 5 feet, 6 lncbes tall, loog way," she said.. "I ban art administered s.bouk1 be remembu wbe.n you oever weighs 125 pou.ods, and bas tbe a.lnys beeo pl:llle wtth people there that ·night. The board, dreamed your couatty cou.ld biggest blue eyes a Polynesian a.od they bat'fal-.aysrnpooded. headed by President Fred Beet, lose ••• When )'OU left your daDc:er ever had. Hf'r profes-U you push them around. tbey'U deals mainly with the house-fronl door open ••• When you siooa.J name Is "Kuuipo" and it ba.ckmouth you and push back." keeplng chores of our Post went to ehurch and the preacher means, ··sweetheart." Because of the real We allairs ••• the taiing in of preached trom the Bible •• , Worldng with the pollee force ex cttemeot of police work_ rental monies, paying out of When a girl was a girl-when at Newport, Joyce wear s a navy Dragnet on TV '·ts a bore • salaries, payment for services a boy was a boy --and you could blue unUor m. Kids recognjze it's mor e fWJ to watch cow. to the Post property, and, ••• them apart •. , When even the It right away, and oft en yell boys." TAXES! word '•Socta.tism" was a dirty at her, "Hey, fuz.zl" . In her at home We, Joyce TAXES! Come down and listen word .•• When the poor were She has also s uffered PhY-likes to sew, and slle makes in on our own ver sion of the too proud to t.a.ke cbartty ..• steal abuse. Last July a mother all her costumes. She wears board of supervisors . When a nickel was worth fiv e and her Zdaughterswereptcked bikini sarongs, long sarongs Feb. 22, Saturday night, the cents . , • When you bragged IJP and brought into the stat~o. for formal huLas, andher "hay - Ora.nge County 8 et 40, Salon about yo ur home town-your The girls were under the 10-stack - a 7 pound wonder." 163, will OOid tts annual red and stat&--a.nd. yol!l" nation , • . flueoce of drugs. Wh~le Joyce She says she will never gtve white haJJ at Post 201 hall. When the flag was a sacred was searching , one _to a de-up police work for her dancing, Donation $3.Z5, Tile evening will symbo l •.• When tills Govern. tention room, .he gJ.ti began but she does enjoy going from start with a no-host cock. mentstoodiC)forAmertc.a.ns ••• to ligflt. Joyce was helped b}' one world to another--and tail hour at 6:30p.m., dinner at When a man who went wrong Dete<:Uve Celeste Saunder s, but there's always home with her 7 to 9 p.m., dancing 9 to 1 a.m. was blamed-Dot hJs mother's the two pollee women ended 14> tamily. ThJs might sound like another nursing habits or his father's ho-hum Legion a.ffalr but It isn't income . • • When everyone It Is put on by the ladies for the knew right trom wroog-....even ptapOSe of raising funds for the Harvard professors .•• When RFK bust to be shown teOOed class under Walter Mi. deoer. From Varga she also lea.rlled wood and stone carving, a.nd feels he infiueoced her in the persona.! commitm~nt ol working with na.tur;,ro\ materials in r ecogniz.able form rather than mutations of form. L A R G E ST DRAPERY .~h~ CLEANERS • REMOVE WATE R STAI~S • FLAME PROOFING EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING o,.,.,. C1.onit~g. '•rf<Kt ,...,.t.s. of ... ... of ,..., tiro,.,., or 100% ,.. pl•t•rMM if dto..ob'-. • Ne Shrfn ..... • ,.. Wihtl Heodt • ,...._. "-' foldine ........... heft "-""• • Water Stuin l e'"o¥'01 OUR EXCLUSIVE S E RII IC~i-;; • hofentonel lt~staKohoft • ,,_ .. liOfHII lemovel • Temts Moy a. Arn:~ng.d • """ hlimotfl • ,,.. Loon DroP" 200/ Off ........ & ...... 10 642-0270 540-1366 Orange County Cystic Fibrosis th.i.ngs were not perfe<:t and The recently commlssiooed Research Foundation and the you didn 't es:pect them to be ••. portr:ut bust of the late TuberculosisAs.sociatlon of Or -When people still had the capa-Senator Robe rt f. Kennedy wil l a.ngg County, The moneywtll be city !or Indignation ••• When be on view when Mrs. Glor ia speclflcally destcnated to these sick meant that you were not Terry Pugsley appears as fea- organtr.aUons tor prevenUon feeling well ••• When pecJtle lured artist at Costa Mesa Art and control of these diseases in expected less and valued what League's monlhly mePtin g at chJidren. It Is a worthwhile they had more ••• When 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, FPb. 25. cause. Do come; 11 not, please everyone was not entitled to an The event Is to be held at Adams mate a contribuUontothecause annual wage whether be worked elementary schOol, 2850 Club. through the ladles of the8et40. or not ••• When a man's word ho use Road, Cos ta Mesa. For reservations (in by Wed . was his bood..--G. A. WhJte. Mrs. Pugsley, Corona del 1702 NEWPORT BLVD. •• 17!h, Colin M .. o Glori.a and her husband, John ~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~ .-\. Puglse}', with their 3 children have lived In Corona rkl M.tt IN ITS 'ltTH Y!AR oesday, Feb. 19)cal1 Sylvla WI\-Mar schutp«ress, Is afftliated ley, 673-5070. LEGAL NOTICE with Challis Gallery, Laguna • TAPS Beach, wherP her wor ks are on CERTIFICATE OF Bl.SINESS d. ta 1 Word has just oow been re-. . lsp y. n demonstrating the celved that Post member Albert factitious Firm Name execution of a portrait bust, Schm idt transferred to Post P-32497 Mr s. Pugsley will lecture with Everlasting Dec. 19, 1968, Wp THE UNDERSIGNED does color slides shcr.-tng the fired are sorry that we didn't know hereby certify that sbe is COO· terra cotta sculptur e as well of this as soon as it happeoed. ducti.Dg an import gift and ap-as the cast tn bronu. Our sympathies go to those of pare! busioess at 321 Mari.lle "Portrait sculpture holds a AYeuue, Balboa Island, uoder speclal f.a scio.a.Uoo Jor me "she the sunlving family and close the Octillous firm name of La s:a.ld. "It's Ute a frozen ~=·ICE MEN NEWS Tortup and tbat said ftrm Is memory, the caught mo.>ment, Searpnt Gary Jurkovich, co!TC)OSed of tbe illlowing per-the personality tared. Haw can tmiC Is son .-bose u.me in f\aU aod place Joe best express IUs en- ' back from school at ol resideoce are as follows, router 'With tiM! world"'' Camp Le Jeune, N. C., and Is to wit Jour. w J tz••• H eurrently stationed at El Toro. -: · oaes, _... er consuming l.nterest in He upecCs orders soon for Meade street, G&rder!. Grove, sculpture came about by ac- O't'erseu <My. Calllornia 9%641. cldeot. While tourtnc the UlliCed 'ntis 1s 1 persooal thing • • • WITNESS my bud this 31st States by car she Ylsited a mu- I.Deladed 1o tbt U.st o1 those kll-day of January, 1969, seum and found he.rseU lin- lid aboudtht U.S.S. Enterprise STATi~ ~~~roRNU :e~;=~ ~~~ s:.~r:e .!t wu U. ot COUNTY OF ORAHGE ss. sbe bought some clay, a few since September, 1968. Mr. Pugsley ls president of Club Caribbean, a travel orgamz.a- lion. Mrs. Pugs ley was born tn Gum Springs, Texas. She m:t)Ored in JOurnalism at Tnas state CoUege for Women, ..00 at the Uni vers ity of Houston. for many years she ~Tote gowmet columns and PE'r- soaa.l..it}" profiles for news- papers Ln Southern C'._hfornia and the San Diego M._ga..zu"IE' be~ fore studying art. Mrs. Richard Ingnm, pr e. s.ldeol of Costa Mesa Art Lea. rue, wut present Mrs. Pugsley following a short business ses. slon. OlnneQs Investment Course ORANGE COAST COLLEGE No Admission Ch.rr A• i~tr ... ,.die~ •• "-• buic fw~4•"'•"•••• •f •"•••""• ;., c ... ., .. , •• rtec~'·. ·~···· M .. t.o .. l f-• .,,.,, •o••'""'•~t ••••lo. l .. il4i"t I l••" An--=••••efiL l•'•""...t t. 9iu "'ut;u t ~ ...... tiHIIt• •f ;,.. .... ._..h •"" ••--=• •u~>••.-,.,.,..o,~. WM. l. O'BR YON . l"•'•uclo< •t:G4MNIMG f'I!L 17 ,.Oit S W~l!lS-MONDAY~ ?,JO TO f ,.JO I".M. $2.95 .._ .. .... 1111 ........ '""' --· ....... .............. SERVED WITH: r I h:t or liOI£ V£110n1QU£ ChiCk€0 k i€V Wine, a-. s.d, s.bd ldoho ~ _, V.,.c.lolo of 1M ...,. ON TillS Slst da7 OIJ&DUU"y, tools aod wUMut f'llrtber bt~ 1969, btfore me, a Notary Pub-modeled a portn.tt bust of t.r Uc to aad k sald-aad ,.._st .,._.,, Tbe work ltal:.. resldiac tlal:rtla. dulJ was m-o.pt to tbe llteaUoD ol commissioned ud ft'OI'D.. per-Haqarlaa sc._.,.. FV.-c ..U, IIJPIU'«<JouW.J~.r. V&rp. He offtrtd Gklria Don to me to be tat ,.._ prtfttt ~ ud b" tat .,..... -.meilat:.:rllldtlttM _. I yeus 1M ICded Willi tOP Sllll OIO AUITULIAH LOBITEI TAIL su s ---. ud --... •ldlo .u.loc-.... lodpd lo mo!Mt * ---o1 Art, -. 1110 at-w_., __ _ -. Mor1 A.llllopo A aJeiSIIYATI'fl Malar7 ~ .. ud ... aid ,., ........ ...-c. C<'lvul c0110on aleu r 1l£t MIQflOn Ull Do~ If:~~~~~~~~~ P.M. ::.•an.o .. Mrrl eo.IJMIISIUo. lt-1 0:.0::,..; ,..... t•"lJ:-. _....._Doc. ·u~· ·-~ -· ... LI!IQ. -., '---..:•:::•::•.::•::":... .. =-=_J ••------a -,,.. ... ....,,. ••·•~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -...... _,_....,_ • A LOOK AT THE BOOK AS A STilNG GOO'S I'INOEII ly Dr. llolt .._ '....u-oiiM ~ u~,. Or_.. s. c. When the flood Wll owr and the waten bad ru:eded and the art had settled on tbe dry J10Und, God made a covenant wilh Noah and bia tons that never would "aJI flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a ftood." The word coven~~nt is one of the wonderful words of lbt: Bible, and it means literally "a comina toaetb· cr." It siJniftet a voluntary promise, a pledge made: by God to His creaiUres. Tbe very word speaks of Divine mercy and grace and con- tiacrmion. God noc. only made a promise: to Noah, but He also sets tht: sign of His covenant in the heanns for men of every generation to behold. Indeed, this covenant has been called the Rain· bow Covenant ror God promised Noah that when the storm clouds gather His bow shall be set in the douds; and GOO said, ··t will look upon it. ltuu I may remember the eYerlllSting covenant between God and every living crea· ture" (Genesis 9: 16J . God pins the ribbon or the rainbow upon the brust or the storm to remind Him of His covenant to man. When- ever God looks upon the rainhow, it rem inds Him of the prombe that He made, tlN)uah mao may see the raiDbow only aa an arc:6 Ot color acrosa the lky, a thin& or beauty, foraettJnJ that it is a sian of Gocra fahbfulDCJ~.. Men foraet God ao easily. They accept the bles.sinas which He aivea with never a lbought or the Giver. They live for themselves with ao regard for the Author of life. Or, in times of trouble and distress and special conviction, they make promises to the Lord which they for- get with tbe pusina of the days. Men are faithless and foraetful , but God remembers and keeps His covenant. God's promite! are fi u:d and sure. However faithless we may prove, He is llill the Faithful One. '"Though I forget Him and wander away. yet doth He love me wherever I stray." The promlscs of God's judgment are as sure as the covenant of His mercy. Just as surely as He will save and redeem, as He has prom-. iscJ to do, tbose who trust Him. so surely will He keep His word in punishing those who make a mock of sin and reject the atoning hlood of His Son.-American Way Features "YOUR MASK IS SHOWING" (This testimony -.vas writ- ten by Kenn Gulliksen, who Is the youth director at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Churd'l In Costa Mes a.) lmowledge of eternal life. But you ln darkness. oo.ly in Him: "He that balb We read the words ot tbe SOil bath life. a.od be tbal Christian in "Ptlgrtm's Pro- hath oot the Son of God batb gress."-"To go back ls DO- not life," in this workl or tbe thlog but death; to go forward is ne:a (I John 5:12). fear of death and life eYer· The events of the world eYI-lastlng beyond It: ( wUl yet go deoee tbe soon return ot Jesus l'orr.u'd." ''Boo!'' webaveaUexclaJmed for His own, lor those loolt:l.ng LDJesus love, as children on Halloween. eagerly tor His return;tbedoor Kenn Gulliltsen h1ddea behiDdamasttodlspt.se is rapidly closing. enter DOW 2944.A Pepper Tree Ln. Wbo •• r..Uy are. Yet Ha.llo-before the )Octed latch leaves Costa Mesa, 92626. weea bas become an .,.eryday ---...:.~.:..:.::.:...:.::.:..:.:~:.:._ ___________ :.._ __ _ Great lveats • m tilt Old Testament celet.'atloo for us; as cb.lldren aod adults we COOtlrluaUy wear masts designed to impress others wllh the lmagewedeslre "ReYiYal Under Joaiah" -II Kings 22,23 to portray. "God created man 1n his own image.'' but mu apart from Jesus has step- ped out of his created 1m&ge into one allen and unnatural. Young people are ca.ugtrt l.n a world today unllteanysociety ln history. Satan 1s hard at wort as his Ume as prince ot tb.ls world decreases, and his eltorts are easily seen and recog. nlz.able.LD a very short -.n of Ume, dope, sex, perversion, rebellion and riot, seasoDed with hate and tear rWl ram;>ant ln even the junior b.lgh scbools ln Alasb., wbere I receutly spenl some tlme. more gtrl8 bave to leave junior h1Cb scboQl becatase or pregua.ocy than h1gb scbool. A student, barely be- yo[WJ dolls and toys, has to •n--+-learn to "grow !C)," sophis- ticate, and arrange his array "11'-+- of masts so he m1y coavey the r.; proper phOniness at tbe right tlme. Conformity into this world is a passport lnto automatic death, doom and destruction. But the young person ls hOOked ~~'-...II-~~ Ute a.o WlSUSl)eCUng Os h which •LadkctM ...... wlddl ..._ tile by .-- sees a desirable morsel and is 10 • ......, io o! ,.. 11 --''I be 1o IMI ba o ••--:12. :13) Jed 1 leaned and t 0 -90L IIIUWOT ... GI T ..... V __,.. r ee n, c ea en a.ua AC&OII before reall.&log what happened. • 1 _ did liMit wilidl ri9h •.se -~. roGid ia thotr •an all tM Satan has more hellish taU than ~-ti. --'" ol tiM L.d"'!.• 1 •• any angler could imagine, and 1 "~ w.w ._. •• Late 1.11. ~t.v.. tbe young mind, unsavedandun. •I lll.e L.d ..• aa4 llle pri--. CLUES DOWN taugN 1n tbe walk of a born -41 lll.e -----I lt.i9b pri..t wbo loaacl ta. book of again beUever, is easy prey. 1 :;u-;..,41..-•h ~ lonaaalo• ~ tiM ta. Jcrw Yet amid all this conf'llsloo 11 dty ••• -..& ._ cLoiee~tod 2 m,-of Egypt •la.o ••at o:vaiuf a.od pOOo.l.ness, lbe answer pro. ._ __ ot lia (J..._ 7:5) J-'cdr. -clldU..t.lU.. claims Him seU softly steadily "II "M ----ta llMir ocrn .U tho 3 1.-iti.U. of r-pra.·. olcl ... ........,, • ' wwd. -Gll4 J-p.·o ..coacl MD (Go• lovingly and passionately. The 13 iaiticrk, ;.i two •• of n-w (D tl:l. 21) answer is a persoa. tile person s.... U:l} • ...._ dty 11 Hado: (I a.--. 1:51) ot Cbrist Jesus.lnworldngwtth 14 -,-~ aet tlr.o ____ of., S -... cldlo4 To~-~ ia lPt young people as a youth .,. ........ -Ch. 2$:7) tJ.o .-.u.,. •I U.. ddWr-.. ----- director I've seen the Uvlng 11 &-.. lor -.y Go4.-____ t I illltkd. o1 dtiol •t... PnJ wa • (M.-k IS:M) bon IDtd U.,..v.o..4 (Adil 1:11: Jesus turn the child, teenager 11 a.a. .a.,. o.. ·-• ., Jaal 21:11) . a.od adult trom a ma.st-wea.rlng ...,..,. krao4 (•IM tlroo •a.• ol 7 "wilcrt titlo il IAGt t1r.at I --·-r phooey lnto a real person; Into 10 ~ .._k) I "~ put dowa U.. ----crtr•ua God' led 1 (n'-_, '-oil ...... mo --s crea mage, "' an ,....,-CL•kl I4:J7) ----1 "wky il tlr.y .,Arit .. ____ -(I excited, WlSPE!akably happy, 22 a!Uala of o: '-• N.T . ...._08• KiD91 21:5) loving saint. School and work _,. -• kill doctor -.-uoa 12 .. 1 -----cmd 0...-. 1M .... have become mission Oelds ...... wroto tile LIIJ~ Go.pol ...-.. .ad Do _... ( .. .-. 1:1) rather than tearful -duty pla-•u .. .._ root! ----IIMir ocm all th U ill.ltialo ef U.. kiWer el 1M an • ._.~ aacl W. olct..l -c....-.... en.. gued by insecurity and anxiety. zc illitiaJo of tJwo &nl '-... of GeL 7:JJ) It has been sald God and a Aaroa (r..-......... E1ro4, 1:23) U til• diM n.ler of .-~· Christian are a majority: the U lll• )l,oy ldJI9 ••• 1N9-. bl. Ia CeriatL ----U..... (Act. II: oew Cbrisllan soon discovers roip crt ~ -c1 1M tlaoo ,.._ 17) ..tnl II "tta.ro .... .., ,_ ler U... ta tbe company of Jesus is so 27-----11...-(Lcrtia pilraoo a.. ___ .. (z..k.I:'J} dynamic aod n etting. so rut. •--.iat .. ._ .,_ .t ..-Lord"") 11 -._ w.p ~ tMt ..... ...._. tllllng and beautltW, that the 11 pa:rt ., ,_. ....at ---,_..__ wtlidr. ... -·--Do old "gr~" is dull in com~ to•dl.od •• IN MGJH {Mcrtt. t:•> riPI ....,.. parlson. Instead of sand for ·:' .a..rt ·~ • 1 a.-. S:U Ill .. _....., lite ._..,_ wHil '-· ~I • I lhe und ..... re.t ID ----call ...... -........... __ ....... .-......ng, roc s gro ._... 61 ,....., ... ~ ("Tbou are my rock and my 32 Md~ ol • IMno (J.at ,., 21 ~·· ....... wi.en ...._ o1 btress," Ps. 31:3). to place U) ._~._MOt ot fog ahead a Ugbt burns M ~ ,.._ ...,.._-...... • ._. • II...,. ( • ,, .. tWa IM..-.aly N4ly • ......_ .. a.. ....... wk ,._ brl&flll1 Jesus sa.ld, I am the :t.S ... of r.a.,. (re.--.......... ...._. o..wa-. tt..w'a ......_ Upl of the world: he tha.l: 1>1-c... 11-11) •· _. .. --.. WlW. (0 lowetb me shall DOt walk tn 31 .... __ :ocl •P .u-.., ._... a-. llt71 ltatJ lht) duklless, W shall hue the (0 .._,,,,, 21 • dtr .. ~ ---.,..0. (c.L .. • .. -~-· ... -ttlt) Ugbt of We." Jotm 1!1:12}. The ·-· .. •P -JS -.,. ......... 1111 G. ---Ht o1 'ft7 11 ourow, run of trtals .,. ~..... 111. ..,. ..n .-a. -.. ., ,.._- aad trlbula.Uoos Satan 1s ~moo ~ --Jt "te ~ W. cr --rr •• eH laiiiP7 wtth the • soos of God; tl .a.-D..w (...._..) W. -ht • · • ...._ • .u a..fr J .. -.tel. "lD the world yoa a =-_.. .u...a...·. ,... _. 21 !::"., ..... .a,::.._. .. .._ wtn .._.,. trouble, but coarace • ., .,. ., ..-.. • nm 11 "u a... ~:u tall Yidar'y ll mlbt: I haYtt:OD• ............ .;;· .... DraM~ a "'II. .. aa .. l ...... -· -.._ U.. ~ * world" ..,... C»-. •••• 2•.11) ..._ .. • ~ • • • • _. ...... n. clloke 11 ·ocw-, tbe de. ·a. • ., "!i.~ • ._.. -._ .. • ~ • It_._ cia. per-.L. Yoa u a • W.... .. ..._ .....,_ .. '-l. •• • Ls•••ll •....... 1 _. ....... or adalt cu rn:WD • ---..... ... • .... ... a an....., .a. • world. •Jid to tbe • •• « _. • ......,.. _ te • ~., ..= ::-.. ......, alatWf of 8etu. .._ ..,, tbe 11 =:..--:. ':'* ....!.!:'.::. _. :... -wlriC ._ = = fntltn.tlaa, .....,?' ....... .. .. • t ..... (JMe. WI ~La* ..... ,_... I t--Yoocu-lllotlnolll ISoM) ~ __ , ... a. oa eue .., .-•..,. · · · ~ 11 ......... • i.~ --a. -••• u.. 2 ., 11 PIW rtrp'tlt. or . ~ _. • s • • _. .. •....,., • • ,,,., _. • ,.._ .... 1_ .... ,_ .. ,.. __ .-..... =~)-... -.. Lard ... _MII ... _ _.CI-M•II>u-el .. --............ ,.. .... -.-........... _ ............. :! ......... .......... .._...~..., --··-~ M&CIPI ..... ,_.. ........ _ .. Qllll ., ..... Jill) ---__ ...... -..,_.(1_ ......... -... -.... ......... ....... .... ........ _ .... ...,. • Diffi£ult • Dr. Talbot's liS Question :SOX The 0 0 I 2 I ., .... ! lu "' ...... ..__ 01 • ~ST ... LI TRIMIMK, ,......fW4 ... UHIW~Me GIHIIATIOH Q. PfMU~ .,.,,,. Jf.ttlew 11: u- u: , ... tla> ..,.,. .,.,.,, '-"'"'-"" •t • --. .. ...theA u.,....,. 4..-,U..., •••tuo, r•.t. all4 ~odoll tNM. Tl"' A• ..Ul, I .al rctwnt .., Looh T. Tolloot, G•HIIe• Siol• Sclool• •J Coll•1•• .•. , .............. . ,_ H,.., ......... ~.~ ... ... ................. L• Ml,.,.., c.llf. (~11MUID PIIOM i.AJT Will) &. ftl8 ......... .._.._I-tllllflt--tn. a ..... .... , ., .. .... ......, tllilatill d:tel•b.t .J'OU MJ' the Bib&. is dM Word of God. el diritlc --aad aallw-t~, ;,ou .,.... that God ill .._ ., sh. ill nwy uttenDec lt ---j but thla Ia not 8t aD what ....... ~ 1t ......,. NUIII'ds what othKt ..,_.mat _.t -*' JQ, wbM blld .._ ..,-, wt.t '-P'nd men •Y. what uniNplncl .... JQ, whllt ..... aad .._._. .. y. 11111111 even whet the dnU himMif ..,.._ ilto Mr ...... /rOtA dfiT.e"• I N"M41 Mit: ..., ...... u «tM., •• ~· •tl it fMPC'f, ....., CbN' IQ.nliiA~tl. Tln IHtl A•, Olllt e.utl with ld'IUdf ,.... olAv qirit• More Wbd tU.. liJU•lf. oM t.\q "'ter i• Ad ti..U tbt"t: •tid tW ,.., ·~~­ of tl.t MCNI N 100n• t.\M tle j(rat. E•• 10 aloll it be tt.Lto ""to tltt~ ..ve Hl11 ehMen people, hlrael, from annihilation from the earth. The Antlchriat and hit foreeA will Melt the utter destruction of God'~ pea.. pte, but the Lord w111 cnme and !'ave them. FAITH AHD WORKS --ol-.... oaldU.,_ Godmdol>ool ...... tnao.IMit whet tho. other ~ an recorded • .,..,. .. ma7 be true • _,. DOt be true. It Ia lnle that thq ctid it. but -.bet ..,. caW ~ DOt be tnac. P•.. s••· ... -..nt 11 ... oo ... • G-.. t:4 • ..,-.-... .... Ml-.i7 ..... It .. tnlc ................ it, ........ Mil ..W II ..te-a, a-t • w • 8c ... 'l1aa t I ... !'"liN. 'I'W. ... ....u .... it .. Gz,l't ........................ .. .. <W• ..nl ....... ~·· .... It .. o.r. ......... -............. Vft7 ma.ny cara-rackn ol the Biblo do DOt DOtice who la ~ Jood awn, bMl awn, inlpi.rcd mea, ~ ~DaDo anpll or dcYil. The)' will leu" a wne rfcht out ol. ita CICIIdat ro- ~Ud)e. ol the .,Ocr and ac7: ""'I'Mn God aaid that." but God .W. bOthinc ol. the ki.Dd. God't Word .. ,. tNt the -.u caW it, or • bed man lllid it, or • rood rNtn Mid it. or u 1Mplnd mu. aaid it. or aa Ubln.pind rnaa Mid it, or an anpl Mid it. What God ~ 6: tn1e., namely, tb.t the deovll uld It, or a bed man, or a tood man, or aa inspired mall, or .,. uniupired man, or an ancel. But. what tb.,- sakl may or lni.J' not be u-ue. ooi<u4 ·-'-" A. All kinda of interpretation& and applieationa have been made of thi.11 prediction. It i1 very clear, however, that there Ia but one explanation, and that U: in respect to the "unbe- llninc ceneratlon.'' Note bow vene 45 doeea, '"Even M .shall it be unto thia wfeked 1eneration." The word "renention" ia eertain/y to be understood in the sense of "race.'' Q . Yov •aw we do ftO( Mvt to® G"W· tli"g to bt aaved. lAtH w-ov qMOCt Ma.ttlte-w fl :17, IB w.\icA aor• Uat J tlltll i7Ut itvted tlte Lord'• Svpper, aa.yi•g to Hia di•ti,U., .. DriM r e llll of it.'' HtWJ do W01& .\G1"1'101tiee your fird .tt4tntnt wit.\ tAil eom.- maftd to do tlti1 witlt Clt.Ut'• com~ maM tllo.t wt be bGptiatdr It irl very oommon to hear men quote what Diphu. Bildcd. 01' Zopbar said to Job • if it were oeet!ICilrily God"t own warda be-- CCWM: it irl reoorded in the Bible, iD tpite ol the fad that God cU.;.. vowed their t.-c:hinc and u.ld to them: "Y • hn-e not tpOk• ol Me the thine whieh il richt" (Job 42:7). 11Ua true that ~ 11111t11 Mid the Wnc that God records \hem u u:rlz!c, but afteatimel tb.,- c•ve the truth • twilt and aid what la not ricbt. A very Larp abut of our diffiC"\Ilt.ia thut .,.._. m.a DOt ootidnc wbo • tpetktnc. The Bible alwa)'"l &ells ua., and we thould u..,.. 1110ta it. The "unclean apirit" in brae! in Old Testament tfmel!l was idolatry. In the time-ot Chril!lt. it had left the nat I on. a for the eaptivities had brou1ht God 'l!l people to ~ the folly and ain of Idolatry. Even now Juda· iJilm iA AWept clean O( that evil ~pirit, and boasl.8 of reform. But it wil l not be flO forever . The unclean ~pirit will return and bring "seven others" with him. It will take po:4 · !W"Msion or the houKe arain. trnd the la!!t ~State will be worse than tht' ftrst. A . My friend, this and your nut quel!lt ion l!l h ow how confuaed the legalists are in regard to the plan of salvation ; that is, how a. sinner is reaJiy brought to a .!!laving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Chrisl When He said to His diseiplel!l, '"Do this in remembrance of me," He wu not ta.lldne of th08e who needed aa.Jva. tion, but to thoee who already poe- seesed it. He had already told Ulm~ to rejoice because their namea were written in Heaven, in the Lamb's Book of Life. How were they saved? How did they ret thf!'ir names writ- ten in Heaven? By partakinr of the Lord's Supper? No! A thoul!land time!!, no! They got their names there when they bellevtd the exhor- tation of John the Baptist., ''Bebold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1 :29 ) and accepted Christ. In the Psalma we have turDetima what God taid to IDIID., cnd that ia alwa)'"l true, but on the other hand, we olteft bne what - l&id kl God, and that may or may not be true. Sumetinw, aDd far oftmer tbab moat of Ul Me, It ia the voiee ol the .-ket'• pe;:....al ~ 01' d.ap.ir. 'Jbla .. ~--may be and ohz:a is J*opboatie, but i.t ma7 be the wrooced man committiDc bla cc'* to Blm to whoa~. YeDC-.nc:e beJoaceth (Rom. 12:U), and ._ are DOt oblipcl to defemd all that hot -.MI.. In the Ptalma we haw e-rert a ,_,.. ol what the IOCil said, baiDely: --rben il no God" (Pta. 14:1). Now it ia true that the fOCil said it, but the fool lied when be taid it. It • God'• Word that the fool uid it, but wh.t God reporU the fool M sayinc il 1101 God'• own word at all but the fool't own word. So in .. udyinc our Bible, if God is the apeaker -mutt l:tdicon what He says.. U an iD&pired man il the tpellker we mutt boll.w wtt.t he says. U an un1nlpired man is the s:peak~ -mwt judp for ourwl~it it perhapo true, perhaps tala. U it is the deW who ia speaking, we do well to remember that he -a liar from the bec:i.a- nina. but e~n the d.-vii may tell the truth IOIDetimea. Becau!'t' Israel, a." a nation, has rejected her Mess iah, tht> Lord Jesua, she ie still in spiritual blind- ness. When she makes a covenant with the Antichri.!lt, durine the :~ev­ entieth week of Daniel'a prophecy, then she will be allowine the return O( the demon, With. !\eVE'n Other Spir- itJJ. u it were. The Antichrist will try to force all the world to worship his imaee. That will be idolatry in its Ialit, bold form. Israel will !lee th~t the Antichrist hs a false MP:o.- siall ; will break her covt'nant with him; con~uently, will have to v.•1 through the great tribulation. Only the return or the Lord in glor.\" will My friend, one does good works, not in order to be .!!laved, but becauae he il4 saved . U you an resting in your '"doing" as you evidently are, you are R"Oing to be very diuppoint- ed one of these days when you meet Him who .!!laid over and over again that salvation is all of grace, with· out works of any kind. Rely only upon Christ. DR. BENNET'S BIBLE LESSON l"!'~!t~ nibl~ l eoiOIII' 011 G ea.~-.. e. titled ""1• m~ 8~8i•ai•«· r.oO." "'"'!!' .. num b' Or. j..,u E. Benet for *e Oarhti- B•aooa, C:ollin'-"'""00 •1. N.J ., ~mot •reo rep ria te-d with p~•iolioa fra~~ lh '" A'"llrOn As we reatl the newspa~rs and listen over the radio and television, we gather the impres· slon that men have the idea that t~y ha~ authority to make, and do make their own plans to guiJe the lives of themselves and the nations of the world, but, as we stutly the Bible, we learn Vt'ry definitely that they have no such authority, and that they are deal- ing wi th powers of good and evil that far exceed the powers of men and nations. The life o f J o- seph (who was a type of Jesus ) is a clear evidence of these truths. Fur this reason, among others, God d~·oted the 1najor part of a dozen chapters of Genesis to the. li fe of Joseph. A TENSE SITUATION In the previous lesson we learned how JoSt"ph's ten older brothers were jealous of him be - cause J acdb "loved Joseph more than all his children," and "they hated him, and could n•1t sJ>Qk peaceabl}' unto him." The tens~ situation between Joseph and his brethren was intensified by two dreams that J oseph related to them a nd to hi s parents, which indicated that the time woul d come when Joseph would occupy a superior position to them all so that they would make. obei- sance to him, and ask favors of him. While this condition of hatred and jealousy existed, the o:der brothers went to the north toward Shechem to feed their father's flock where they might IJC able to obtain pasturage. And, as they went from day to day with the grazing sheep, their hatred for t~ir brother probably was disc ussed among them, and, apparently, they conspired to work together against him, if an opportunity offered. Jacob did not scun to realize the depth and vigor of the h,Ured of his older • ten aons ap.inst Joseph, and, certainly, he did not vi sualize the possibilities of dan- ger and harm to b;efall Joseph at the hands of his bfothers; for, after several days, Jacob said to Joseph, "Do not thy brethrm fetd lhe 8ock m Shecbcm [llbout SO miles north of Hebron J 1 e:ome, and I will send thee unto them." And Joseph said, "Here am 1." Apparently be wu courageous and not afraid, and there is no indiation that he had any-fea( of danger for himself, eilhb' from wild animah, unfriendly tribes, or his own brothers. Jacob's orders were, "Go, I pray thee, sec whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks ; and bring me word again." Joseph had been on a similar errand before when he was obliged to bring an evil report on the actions of four of his brothers (Gen. 37 :2). Jacob seerm:d to believe that Joseph would be s ure to bring baek a true report upon which he could safe~y rely. In due time Joseph came to the area of Shet:hem, but did not find his brethren, and "a certain man r perhaps God-sent J found him, and, behold, he was wander- ing in the field : and the man asked him, saying, "What ~ke-st thou ?" 1 t is interl!'sting to note that Joseph was not worried and was not even asking help, but that the "certain man" of· fered his help. This indicates to me that God had His hand in this matter. Joseph said, "I seek my brethren : tell me, I pray th~. where they feed their flocks." Joseph seemed to think that the "certain man" knew who he was and also who were his brethren and also where they were. Per~ haps he sensed that this was a very unusual man who had full mowledge ol all ........ ,. thm&"3. The man said that he had h~rd them say that they were gomg to Dothan (about 18 miles farther north) and 10 Joseph believed the man and went to Dothan t<> .U them. AN EVIL COHSPIItACY ·~And when they uw him afar off, aen before he came near un- to them, they c:onap1rec1 ....... - him to clay him." They did DOt e-ve~ wait to Jeun why be wu c:onunc to xe them. Aod tbey did not CC>m1tlend him foe b& ~rage in makiac thil Joac JOurney on foot, ~ tJ>roocb • daJicerous c:oaotry. When lhey .... him. they aald - lbem•ebu, "Behold, thio - cometh." U they bellewed the two clreamJ ..,. to he fa!611ed. thea they aboaJd .... tr-him at leut with _,_ u they did not beJine tho dr VI ..... trw. thea they -.... Ia ....... tbem.oJf, 0< illoy - at IDDR law ¥+? e4 ..-.. of a ..... of blaqL " lo .... I • thot God liad .-1D IIIli ""-" "'-Ott .w-. hi theyilld- Tbeir lint pllla -ID ldl him aDd .... -.. llodJ lolto some of the dry wells that were in that place. and, after his dis- appearance was known, then they could find his body and tq)Ort that "some evil beast hath de- voured hiln." Then they would have tbeit.:revenge upon· bim for his dream). However. Rc:u.ben, t~ oldest of the brothers the first-born son of Leah, obj~ed to the plan w kill Joseph, and said, "Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wiJ~rness, and lay no hand upon him." Reuben really meant to "double-cross" his brothers bv secretly taking J oseph out of thC pit "and deliver him to his father again." Appar-ently, when this was agreed upon, Reuben went off by himself, planning to return to the pit when his brethren we~ away. RUTHLESSNESS AND REMORSE But what none of these broth- era knew wu that God wu wine their evil acts to work out some details of His own plan to rescue Jacob, his evil-minded sons, and his whole family, and "to save much people alive" many years later. So, when Joseph arrived, they rudely treated him, stripped him of "his coat of many colours that was on him." Such rough treatment by his brothers must have been terrifying to Joseph. We know that he pled with them, but they paid no attention to hi" cries, for we rearl that about 22 years later, when Joseph was roler of Egypt and these same brothers came bowin~ before him for food to take back to Canaan, Joseph (whom they did not recognize) treated them harshly and demanded that they bring Benjamin down to Egypt to prove their tnrthfulnes!t--then their contdences bothered them. "1ney said one to another, "We are verily guilty conotnting OUT brother, in that we saw the ancuish of his IOUI, when he baought us. and we would not hear; therefOf'e is this distress come upon us." Reuben addrd (Gen. •2:21, 22), .. Spoke I not unto you. Al,ing. Do not sin apinot the duld; and ye -lid not hear 1 then:fore, behold, al!tD hit blood it required." Their ''c:hklmlt had come home to -·1 Yet they had not ...,. Ol'lized J'*Pb. JOSlPH IETIA YED After teariu( ofF hi• coot, they cut him into • dry. empty pit, and left him I<> die, Th<n the tard-hca.rttd' bunch .,At down to "" brad," bat they .... ]<>- ...... --While the;r ate. they •• • c:aa.. r.... North Arobla, tc lli•iatf of •• ...... fll' e'ud.lfi.: *- ol AlirM·· "' Hip. -s ~ IMp I.,....,, .. f. ,_ Gloool .. .. Wllf .. JfaJt. wltlo "ODiooiY .... -... -._,m,• ID ion tllon. ,_ JOSEPH SOLD INTO EGYPT Gonn~ 37:12-28 Judah had an idea. He said to his brothers, "What profit is it if we slay our brother, and con- ceal his blood ? Come, let us ~II him to the hhmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him ; for he is our hrot~r and our flesh... Reuben was not pr~t and the others we~ con~nt, for they knew that the Arabs also deaJt in slaves. So, when the caravan passed by. they drew Joseph out of the pit and solrt him for twenty pieces of silver to the Tshmaelites. Later, Reuben returned from where\'er he had gone after J oseph had been thrown into the pit, dl!'ter rnined to take him out and senrl him home, but he founrt the pit l!'mpty. Then he madl!' :l tear in his coat to evidence his sorrow, and, gain~ back to his brothers, said, "The child is not ; and I, whither shall I go ?" He was the oldest and probably was in charge o f the gTOup as the sentor brother. How could he make his ~port to hi s father, Jacob, who would he greatly dis- turbed and shocked by the loss of his best-beloved son ? But the c-onspirators solved the question. Having committed a crime, they would .rover it up with a lie. T hey "killed a kid of the goats," and dipped the coat in the blood. T hey took the coat home to their father, and said, "This have we . found : know JIOW whether it be thy son's coat or no.'' Jacob knew the coat and said: "It is my 10n's coat ; an evil beast hath deYOured him ; Joseph is without doubt ~nt in pieces." Then Jacob made a big tear in his coat and tied a girdle of rough cloth about his waist and mourned for his son many d.aya. The hypocritica.J, brutish brothers tried to comfort him, but he re- fused to be comforted, and said, '•J wiD go down into the JTII""~ ( sheol J unto my ton mourning. Thus hil father wept for him!' But the brothers did not moum then. Over 20 yean later, they were made to suffer, and I imagine that duri,_ tho.! yan they had many pa"(( of their conacienca. L!SSONS FOa US R._....,.. .. ,. .. tho kmc 1'1111. A door -.cience Ia the n:sult of a cl<an Iii<, fne f.- tin. Our aiat cause .orrow for many otben becau.e we c:a.n.not Umit tho raa1tJ. By our •bu 1ft c:noclfy aDd -tho blood of Jesu, the Lamb of God. aDd tho -bolotal Soli of God. tho Father. N«w~"• -.... ..._ God Ia u...,. .. ... f.-oar tell ,.._ .Goof• ..... will -,. --'-...,..._of llflty Ud-it)~loto ... 1.-u-ODd, wldo ln. s,irillo ........ CllriJt • -LOrd. From the Police Blotter .,.~T IAII,D orrollod•a~ID--.......... -• c.I!Mte i'--..u,.., ., .. ftlftll ••• TfftJ&a.,r,ll. -. n. t1111 ebtr-• -~~---1,-CltUIAlftndo ... .._,wu IMillloCloll,u lod- W, 0oou Fno1, c.nJ ---II> • o _, .. _ Mood, -Yla otorto, Lido port, ud eMrllod-Go-........ , , ,Glue -I loot lalo •• ,fr7lol -_.. ~~~~l'ldM 01 .ri!Uo; ud _IU_WU_bf loAoollloVWbfiM-- NEII'OI!T HARIIOR EIIIGII SEQIND Sfcnotl --P• I IIOTOR I'IH Aa -to·-alr..U..-a $"l511u "tllo IWC'SJ ce ol Mra. Vtrpal& Mo-115 VIa ontolo, Lido lllo, II U :U p.m. -<IU. Fob.1. MATTaEIIEI ... _. 3&1 • ........... ~::.. COSTA._. WA~ CO. , .... ,, .... ~ .... -IWJoc.U ctiiOOW U-ICII>jael.ald---·---0eHC FrGol, ~~. w..i -· 1D --..---$1D Wort~~ ol ._ n L oil ~~-~ -.....-llllor part ••• -•• • -· ud • --1-..... r..W.OC. 0111 tbe cbl.r&e ol,__ ...._ 011 car• be.._., to deity, 110 Allie A'•·· ~ HCdoo of 1 ll!podooadc • , , -WaJA,4117Dullload, lalud .,, U -loolftl RoiU Dvrldo, 11, ct llN --_ tiD IDula Way, -lo ,._. u -door I C:HIJitt:HES I .._... ..... ....... -Sl., Coola Mea,...... ..,. ~~~ ............ -locll ., lllo --..... NOWIIT reotediiHibSIUIIW-C..,....ct __ Ala$10-atol_oo_Jro• 1710 III!WPORT a. YD. BIYd., West ...,;,.n, ,;... wu AN,, Coola Mea, -car Clllrloo AJI>rlpt, UlJ no-.bla PH. 646.fl1Jt:o1ta !lllela. booUcl oa a tll.lwe kiiiJPIU wuputed at 41JIIU.llrla Way Ter •• lniM Ttnaee ••• Rola.ad '---------' worrut ••• Aaft Selnlcl, • • • .A-.. Ud-oalood SoU, 10U'IIIISI., Wutllowpart, 18, of Z01 401b st., Wollllft. II $Uf -· lloloo ln>m bU coul.'t llart bU car Ud dla-rW;;iicl;fi:;"jj"(~;p;;!J port, wu biDd 0111 tbl belcb at YU wtdle It ... puked at I St •• COftrtd .. ..,. Wbea bl optDid f111 st. uo S.•J!aro Dr., 11 Ud 0.:.. Fr., aldlollll Slalt, lllo --Ilia 1hott boilary UOa.m. uowu-•toe 1510£. O...Fruol,-... bad-oiA>Ieo ••• Tile- cWp of dl1ak m pllbUc • • • Tbr• car a were ltwolftd 1D a wu b'ced off a woodeD door to NE:WPOAT BEACH, C ALIFORNIA TM E AMERIC AN L UTHERAN CHURCH 8:)0 a.m. to 9:30 a·.m. -wOrsfl i p !lotr¥1c.t' q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -Sunday School u ·oo a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Strvlct 'he kv. JUleS G. BlaiR, Putor trdlc com..,. at 7:15 p.m., tbe Balboa PaYiUoo Tactll •FRIDAY, JAM. 14 at tbe lD&IrMttioa o1 "-wport lbap, -tOO N.lb..lDSL,IDd $1S5 BILL RING, at left, receives the distin- guished service award of the Junior Cham- ber of Commerce from Oakley Frost, member of the Jaycees. In the background at the speaker's table are Mrs. Bob Shelton and Jack Barnett, manager of the Newport The Rev. Georae J. 8usdiecltct, Visitation Pastor Phofte MI~Jl ~==::;~=~;:;::~;:;;~-==·~Z!I~,=ol~201~ Bm!. ud -Rood; wortb ol -r 1110110y na B&lllo& JalaDd. WU drlYKI wert Wllllam YcLeea. stolen; $30 1.o COlna WU left V %1911!111-.AN.,~ ...... beJilDd ••• WbUo piQIIIc wltlla ALET Bud S•ltll, liZO VllaU.Piaee, le11131e Wl<lldo<, ...,... c;u. coma~ llowpart, aDd Wart u.r. 5, of uu s.,a•lla Tor., Yor-. ZZO VIa Eboll, Lido In-Joe Terrace, na llltleo oo lale •.• A sc:rewdrl•erwuleft 1118 r(Cbt ear •• .Ruclo~New- CLEAN ERS boldlldbylllotlllef--ID-too, 16,ol1948 Sonttoao o..., to a Ford btkJaclnc to Gregory Do-rer Sbons, recei'ted a 1 Poad.JOI-1/1.Dtamom1An.,8&1. iacb seratcb on b1s rlgbt eye, boalllud.,.udatoleastereotape wbile pla)1Dc .nth a<*:; ODe We do the FINEST work • town m 3137 E. Coast Hiway. Corona del llllar alA-AOCOIIIIT8 IIIW!"ED ~ Da.lftlll" IICimCE ~ w.,•••• 675 OliO' deck aDd mtscel.l.aD«>us tapes, stitcb on tbe lower lld of his wortb $1 '75 • •• Jo McGuire, 312 eye was requl.red ••• Fer~ .. ~YI., CorooadelMar, •MONDAY, JAN. 27 WU a..-.Ded by & burJ)ar wbo Carlos Guirola, 37,of1030.A ~ credit cards wtllle st•Uac $23; he was described Mission Drive, Costa Mesa, was ra ,., .. bus unable to slQIOrt lllm.selt ror u v-. by balr, wearing more ttu 2 .seconds oo either a duk tuu.y sweater I.Dd pants, aDd be fled wbea ahe screamed foot 1n a field sobr"ety test lll. ••• Luc:llle Subr, 40a P1au.a 101:~.~-m. ODtr.lDIAYe.,DDith Udo, Udo Isle, r~ tbe oBa .-utiqo Dr., West l%lPer breU:i.Dc of an $85 cemeut pot Y, and be was booted oo tbe • ..___ cbarge of drlvtnc tmder lbe Lo. oear um prap •. Oueoce of lnto'dc•nts ••• -sATUR DAY, JAN. 25 Jeftrey Stromgreo., 11, of 35Z8 ltlcbael Scott, 28, of 1543 O!'egora An., Costa MP.sa, was Harbor Chamber. RIOtARD HARDCASTLE DIES AT AGE OF 90 Richard Hardcastle, 90, of 369 E. Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa, died Feb. z at Costa. Mesa Memorial Hospital. He was born Dec, 29, 1878, in Newark, N. J. He 'ltU a self. employed iosurance broker for 50 years, and was a member of tbe Masonic Lodge and Elks l.od ... Survivor s are 2 daugblers, Mrs. Edith McTague of Costa Mesa and Mrs, Catberl.oe Kie. ster of Corona del War, aDd n ecutlve with tbe Newport BaJ .. boa Sa v logs aDd Loa.o., and a son. Richard f K t h ;.,...,., AlasJL:a GOROON CAMP BELL of Santa 0 e c . ......., · MOllica will speak on "Why put Graveside sentceswere beld ._, wit.b fear" at 8 p.m. Feb.l4 Feb. 5 at Harbor Rest MemorW in tbe Flrst Church of Christ. Park tmder the direction of Scieltist, 3303 Via Lido, New. Westcwr Mortuary. port Beach. He 1.s a UCLA ESTB.LE MCGILL OF graduate aDd has a business Christian Sc ienc• S.VIces n 1.8'1' cav aca oF CB .. ST. SC1 Di'nST 3303 Vi a Lido Nc.-pott Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 •·"'· oncl II •"' SUNDAY SE RVICES 9: IS - 1 I •·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1 ,. ..... READI NG ROOM W-1. .. .,., 9 ._,.., -s , ..... w ......... .,, 9 ...... -7:45 , ..... r ...... .., _,F .,,. • .,, 9 ...... -s , ..... ; ].9 , ..... s.w...o~ • .,: 1 , ..... -4 ,_..,_ II:COND c•vac• OF CIIIIIIT. SCIENTIST Newport Beach at Corona del Mat 3100 PadG.c View Of, SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ••· SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •- WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 ,_.., READING R<X>M - Mutual Bui I dina 2163 East Coast H1ghway Moo. -Sat, 10 "·"'· to 5 p.m. Thorsd•• rv~aiajr -7 to 9 Yflu arc tordnally tnvtted to aut-nd Ct-Mu th Scr...-,tes and to UH the ReadtnJ Room. COSTA MESA DIES and musical backgrowxl. EsteUe L. McGill, 84, of 274 'DEVILS" IS SPRING PLAY L .. t.r• O..rct.. Palmer St., Costa Mesa. died AT OCC....frttARot 1~ 15 Of tt. Mestef Feb. 4 at Hoag Hospital. Sbe "Tbe Devils "JohnW'hihng's L.ft.,_ was born July 19, 1884, J.n n-story of tbe 'trw or Father O.rclt i• A.erice Unois. Urbain Grandler lor diabolism, 1900 Pacific View Dr. Survivors are ller daughter, wW be presented March 13 _15 a del Mar, Calif; Mrs. Dorothy Eble of Costa at Orange Coast College. Dr. Willi.,. R. Eller Mesa; a SOD, Arthur of Demer, Tbe story tate place 1.o 17th Phone C.44-l664 Colorado; 4 grudcbildren and centtay Fr ance. Father Gran-1 :45 ..... r-ily WorNip 13 great-grancbUdr en. dier 's contemporaries are }ea-f:~ ..... 0.~ Sdt-L... flrlt ..,l,t a-.. ef c. ......... R•rtillt 8ibl,. rell-alltip ,,.,,,,,.,.,, -A•l-.o• -·· ..... &. ....... i. s. •. Or. P.G. Neumann , pastor SUNDAY SE RVICES ~:45 a.t 1, Sunday Sc:hnol 11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Worship. 6:0U p.m. Trainina Uniona 7:0U p.m. Evinina Wo rship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meuina A TTEMD THE CHutiCII OF YOUR CHOICI R E GUI. All\. Y ~"-<Nw>I"'"M -"•"fl W•"""'l' ' ....cl tn In """ 1-.... Mo<Yorr 1 ,.... ~··l>lf-\o..n. ~ ... ...,.., J I'M ... _,., ................... .... AwiY_.,... .. CM. .. a.-.. .... 1)1'11. II. c-..... p-H ( ~.tK ..... Orup St., Costa Mesa., failed booked oo a failure to appear to complete tbe tleld sobriety warrant •• ..Al1sam SmUh. 1 B, test at 8:50 p.m. at 251 Coast of 217 Vla Grulaoa, Lido Isle, Hwy., and wu booked oo the was arrested at her home at ctvre of drunk in pubUc ••• 9:30 p.m. and transported to UJ.ct.el Wlog. 19, of Z300 W, tbe station on a tallure to ap. Ocean Froot, Central Newport, pear warran.t . . . Willard wu arrested at tbe Fl)'1D& But. Scbwartz. 23, of 218 Lugooia let restauraot, and booked oo st., Newport Sbores, wu ar- the cb&rge of LotoJ:lcated in rested oo tbe charge of pos- publlc • • .George Barber ns sessloo of marijuana. at 6307 arrested at 2 a.m. at bis rest. Sea.sbore Drive, West Newport, deoce, 469 Old Newport Blvd., along with Pete Wadsworth, 28, Newport Heights, aDd was wbo Uves at that address ••• booked oo the charge of posses .. James Bufliogtoo, 18, of 5403 s1on of mari juana ••• Henry River Ave., West Newport. was Cbamberlai.D, 14, ot 911 Cllf( arrested at 6:20 p.m., at 12th Dr., Cllf( Haven, WU bitten OD St. alld W. Balboa BlTd., Bal. tbe inside of bls left blDd by a boa, an.d booked oo tbe charge small black female scottle; the of possession of marijuana.. •• doc wu quaraotiDed at 214.1: The wiDd •in&: ns pcted opeo, lllnmar o..., Bolbaa • • • lbe locldl>g kDab Wted to his lous of tbe brUliuce of his 11f:'3U£i/Pi})Va~ip JANE THOMPSON DIES preachin g, and the laJty disap-~..::=========:!._!:::========-::; Jane K. Tbompsoo, 75, of1 05 prO't"es of tbe bmzry in which be r" fAIULOUS NIW IISTAUIANT A $:»0 b&tt.fr1 n.s stoleo trom CadUla.c, While parked at FeU .. OPEH At ttM Laeuna IMdl C. C. b.\J car diJr,inc. tlle_A1ctlt. ac-cia.Do's lnWestdiflCeo&er,sald W. Wllsoo St., Costa. Mesa.. d1ed Una. Cbarps are 4nlmmed ~ Feb. 2 at Hoaa: Ho6plta1 Sbe-wu apJ.ut b1m and be 1s tl'ted tor born JUDe ZS, 1893 1D lil.1l'Wa-dlaboliml. TIM p1a.J 11: taua tee. Wlicoosin.. SAe issurTiYed fro m a DOVel by Aldous Ul11leJ . by bet S00. William of Haft.i.l, ''Tbe DeYils of LoudarL, '' "' .. • • -or I •• lp, .. dtdt TO Tl1E u.-.~ ~ o;.-COI'dlDc to IloMclu Qalez:, Z402 Cbulas Dreyer, 717 ·Waf. D.oo&l __ ,_, c........ ""• c~ • cvo~o~ ..... ....,. • ~ W. Ocea..n froat. Ceotral New. guerlte .Ave., Corona del Yar, ... ~:--tau-....--., .. ' t ........ and sister Myrtle Nayklr ofSa.o Ker mu Christman of Costa Diego. Mesa plays the role of rather Pll BLIC ..__,_.ilt"~n ...:"'2JIO_... port ••• WbUe Gaye Reaume, an.d S40 wortb of books, keys f"'"' fOI IISIIYATIOM-<AU (7lC) ....._,.., 1765 SaJlta AJaAn,, Apartment aDd paper'S WTe taken , , , A Fr##..._.l .. ~-~ C•PI.._._ CMI•II• Chrd .,.. .... .._ ................ . 1 ~ M.. • ¥iM-Jll• c-...,.~ s.. &....,.. 131, Costa Mesa, was atteDdiog RaJpb Minke, 1927 Tradewlods ~,:,::;:::::::::::::::~~a wedding receptJoo at the Lido Lane, Bayer est, reported the lsl&od clubhouse, $15 and a. $50 tbeft of Z4 sprt.otler beads from Grav eside services were he ld Grllldie.r Barbara Smltb of Feb. 5 at Forest Lawn, Holly. Costa M~sa Is SLster Jeanne wood Hills under the direction of and WaJt Douglas of Corona dei ,_..., Somcc ...s Ollrrdo Sc:llool •• 10:00 ._.._ SmeJ CJmsure J[ouse pearl rl.op were stolen from bis troot yard ••• Ao outside her purse • • .A coat banger speaker was taken trom the was u.sed to OJp open the loc t coroer of tbe g1r 1' s Westcll.U Mortuary. Mar is FaUter Barre, ·-,_, 642.27. 112 i£AaT 18TH liT. Write tor FREE Broch:ure & Catalogtu on his car door, said Ca.tl Corona del Mar Hlgb sc•ooL Goodw1b, 114.1/Z 30tbst., West .•• It wasn't a fair Newport, and someooe stole his at all -the cement stereo tape player, B tapes and a.od a jack used to l11l tCJ tbe speatcer, nloed at $144; left car bekmg:ing to Kelllleth Matb- bebtzxl oa tbe croWid were tbe ews, 407-1/2 Feroleal Ave., beDt coat baApr and burned Corona del Mar , were left be .. malches, tr.t bad beeo used Mod, but $1 50 worth of b' lipt •. .Rlebard Bla.ke, %3, magnesium wheels aDd tires ol 2300 Vlsta H-=rta, East BluU, were missing. BEAUTY N001( !;::::::::::::==~~~===!drlflog a duoe buaJ on Jamboree, hit tbe trldp guud KAY GRAY EXHIBIT AT 2112 E. Coa st Hwy . MESA VERDE Corona dtl Mar COME n.U 1o be center dlf1der and TO A FREE ended ttl at HOI.&' Hospital ••• Artist of the Phooe b7J-733b Would you like ChriStian 'SUNDAY, IAN. Z6 Verde Ubrary, • .,..,_I• IUILDtMG COMTRACTOit is M.r s. Robert (Ka.y} Gray to know how Ch nstiiln Science heals? As be walked ball1ngly down Science the "'"' a1 7:55p.m. lltebaet FOWllalo Valley. Varied • REIIIIDEUII • Lecture Dolpll, zo, ol Z6.1 ........ St., i.D acryuc i.oclude AD.TIOIS 1.10 ,.,M. PWI-. PEL 14 Newport Sbores, ta.lk8d lo bim-still Ule, aDd laods<:a!>es LICEIISED • -DED wtU be on view during F~ED H. GERWICK • OJUJtOt OP otWIST. self sa)1oc. "I a.m God; no , SCII!NTIST you're God; I dccft baYe the uoa ..,., LIDO. Uys"--be was OOoked oo tbe library hours for tbe Febl"uary. lCW C.l-..... "':~~~~~~~~~~~="::":: .. ::;•::•::•::•::•::•::c::"=~ cbarl' of I.Dtoncated 1o public At present ~~~~·s. Gray is 673404 I -549-2170 r (clrup) •• .RusaoU J(q>Jeeoskl, Orco BIOCL Co. 19, ot 16fllllaorea Dr., Costa R Mesa,. was arrested at the A BUILDING BLOCKS • ALL SIZES • ALL TYPES ,.. ........ = ~~ , ... --~J ... t• a.LJC81a. ..... .._ St. puttog iot Lo Balboa and booked oo tbe er..ree of pos. -~ fa188 of maj .. presented in a juried s how at Bowers Museum , Santa Ana. • Recently she receiYed ao honor. able mention award at the Laguna Beach Art Gallery, a.nd bas received awards in ma.o,y ...... ...... c_ .. , ... _ ........ ,...,. c-.... & ,. • ...,. • .. ,.~ S..ic. ••kfrl"• c ... -Loodoo juried emibits. COMPLETE FUNERALS .... •245 COMI'LITI FUNRAL AND IUIIAL CINTEI CIMino'-MAUSOLIUM FUNIIAL HOMI CHAI'ILS-CIIMATOIY COLUMIAIIUM fli&ANS LAWN 211 • ._ 14177 ~1-~ Cii.tiiThiY LOTS MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS Fnm $130 From $46S Park .Mea •••J"T £e eeet ~ ••&;ayrJ,U., in 01N ll«JaaifaJ Plla" B«aue die funeral IDd blria.l amr Clli'DJ'l eljmjutes die Deed for processioal dlloogh bea"7 traffic on OftlOawded hi~ family illd fdec.ds alilce may now pay their fall teo SpedS t,. attalding the burial sen-ice, as well as the cNpel~a •Q. all at ooe heautifu1 place, at lal CIDit IDd more ~Jmce. 1•1 •1 .... ACH &YD .. WIST 114M 1' WGI ·- DIIIMITT {)#!.a:; ....... qull. do7 d-..... ...--aou---col_., All--·--,......_ S2IIO E. c • .,., Hwy., Cllll FLOII£RS FOR ALL OCCASIOIS DttJI.n T.- HAL AESISCHER HUlliNG AIDS p,... .. , ...... A ...... 34119 £.Co ... Hwy. c._ ... .... 67WU3 = .. ~-t ...... ......_...._... ·::::f, .. l .... ..._.. * .. .... o CDSTAMESA $6-3361 o ORANGE 639-24-jl o AHAHEIII 8l6:0lll o HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER COMPLETE HOM E REPAIR SERVICE • Re-screening - R e-glazing-Cupentry • Electrtcal -Plumbing -Small Appl. • Lamps • Furniture Reliable Work --Reasonable Prices '*' _ .. _ ..... 673:2033 oMARIMI HARDWARI ( ff.. 7 •.•.•.. -..... ---·· .... ----~-- • P£l ~IES 10.»e H.-.-~ kVD. C~TA ......... ~ • ...,..... .... a :JD A.M. TO 1!00 ~.M. CLOSED lUNDAY 6 MONDAY o r.AtMT. IIAIIOR rAIIIT • WALLrAJIIR PIIUIItl .. -o.tdl llor Paints· .....,.lie line U,OilO PA TTERII.S OF WALLPAPER 819 L~...,. c.-· ... ... ..... ",....,. ..... .,., ..... . .,.. Sh r~,~b s, lnten or P lonts Troplt:OI & r, ... lnse ct ctdes ond Fertili r..- S&H Green Stamps rill I Ill I II I Kl f'OIIONA DEL JUit 'll'LU:h' V t4 E. Coe*l Hwy .. I"JWIII • __ P_LU_~~~I~H~G _________ _ A.R. MARSAC I'LL:\IBI-:R 7.111 l ".mut•••n 1\ve. <"••n•n ..t Jcl \lar Plumhl n11 Kc:ra1 n 0 1\'f .l !'lll<ifiT WATEM II EATERS 67Hll0 t SHOE REPAIR MABERRY "S Shoe Repa ir PUfse and l uggaQe Ae~1r -Dye Work Slo H ST Ill#$ O~E DAY SERVICE 1890 Hatbot 8h4 Co•t•Mou -Mle-3Jt1 =-IBIIC r ,... ..... 61M1. •~iTIIT ('\Jmlll IIU-1\111! ~~­• QUALnY-. -. .. "•••• •••nun 1 -·, ..... •·;; :: .. 11 ., ..,. -· .. 11C1101 --,. 4 -ll!ift'J, fU. u.-CIIDA till liAR, Cl . From the Po~ic1. Blotter .,.ta)AY.IAif.. ~-e.:D::,~-...~.-... --ol ,._,..,· .... A 'WHY PUT UP WIT.H FEAR? •. ~ v·-~r\~.:: =-::. ....:::-:. "*t =..:-.!':.:,or~ .. ~. oiiiOI &. a.-.-.. FOil, ONLY IHEUY AMEIICAN DULEI, PMIUDI.Y PIIESI!NTS TH! ALL H£W SH!LIY GT FOR 1969! READY FOR IMM£1l1AT£ D£LIVERY I Ttl$ THE OH£ YOU'V£ WAI T£0 FORI AM £RICA'$ MOST EXOTlHG, UN~ HlQI PEIRFCIR~IANCEI SPORTS CARl •••. S£E IT lOD.t.Y I FINAL CLEARANCE OF 1968 GT-350's GT-SOO's N£W -• £X£C. CARS ...•• LESS THAN I< DOZEN LEFT loT THE GREATEST SHELBY-AMERICAN ISCOUNTS IN OUR HISTORY! Used Car SPECIALS '65 Ford Galaxl• $35 ~"::. 8 In-from the I sl of any month- on funds received by the lOth. e Interest from date of receipt after the 10tlt. 0 tnterest to date of wrthdrawaJ on funds left 3 months Of' longer if oa:ouiit ~ins open until quarter's end. 5% per annum compounded dally tur· ront rate on passbool< sovinp .UC ••• II= 1111, .,... II ..-. -111o truoltolllor ear lllo Me,._ JIO'ldil 1111..,. wu -ilo<lllld a rti)OIDI Job lllr4St.,c.ral"-f.-·--bor $10.,. A4 bit ttl Ds ntoa, •• o1 1111 W. IIClaet wu made ID a PIS 0... l'rool. c.ral ~-~ -byoo-•bo~ -............ "" .... lWo poilu IJid baldqalut lllo -txl alull. -txl u. -· 11 lila rasldellct o1 Jack .... --· _ ...... llulllYU, 1109 lloyslde Dr., i>r blm10ll, llld WU arruled Newport .,,Filteeo-OOlapel .., 111o eiUao o1 drw Ill pub. ......, '*'* trom blll vw • 111c1 Ue , , , lloGald Ill-. U. a -· wu 1111Ubod todooo f ol 503 35th St., Wall N......-t, a1d Do•ld Klme 4201 Patrie; L!G4L MOTIC£ wu boobdoa.anrrutkrio-Road, WtltNe~Het&fU... CEkTIFICA.TE Of BLSINESS liiUoo ol 11>e Voblele -.• , ~~~-Olsoo, 41& Fruelaeo ROd Stewart, 18, ~ zoag DrtJt, Weat 1-..... 8&•, wellt FleUUous Firm Name Mlr Dr Balboa .....,.... 1 THE UNDERSICHED do lmar ., • wu outside 1o aot ber -~ and MEMBERS of th J i E U ller~-eertllytllaltbe•areeeo. bDollod oo a Cosla Mea war-louDd ........ bod beeD tllere e un or be health _, • rut lor failure to -lor bolore bet; 1 Iotter wu oo tbe committee, left to right, Mrs. Garry duettor ' Geoeral rellglous a mtademeanor case •• , CfOUDd and OCher pleees bad merchudLH It poenl mer. Timothy Dobbie, u, o1 901 beeo scattered lD troot of tbe Short of the Bluffs, and Mrs. Gary Raw-ebaodlaiD& ooaloeu u 2955 Celtis Plaee, East Bluff, wu resldeoeeal4Z8 Fraoe1aeollr. lings and Mrs. Stanley Chapman Jr. of Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, booted tbe bar f Calitol'nia, UDder the tlcUUous 00 c 19 0 pas-• • • David WoUett, 1003 E. Irvine Terrace, are selecting their firm oame of Tbe Serous and seSSWo of drugs • • .Rudf Ri-Balboa BIYd., Balboa. parked that said rtrm ls composed of the •era. 19, of 201 E. l61b st., Ills Flal at tbe s st.partloglot, favorite recipes for salads for the bridge toUowtor per .... wbo .. oames Cos&a Mesa., was booked oo a. wbere durl.Dg tbe Dight 11 was d bi 1 h t b h Jd f 10 tramc warrant • • .Bayside rottled ol a $95 stereo. aod the an ngo unc eon 0 e e rom a.m. lo hill ud places of residence liiOO>rs reported lbe tbelt of a ...._,d was damag.., ... to 2 p.m. Feb, 14 at the Lennon Duntley areas follows,lD-wtl, $30 car cloet and taU Ugbt D--een 'an 18 __ ... 20 a ,30 James Slma.t.ls, 143 Melody 1 •p ··•-b •• ~ -·· ' • -• • residence, 4545 Fairfield Drive, Cameo Lane, Costa Mesa, caurornla, ens • • . reeauu.~DS Y -~ battery was stolen from tbe cart ll&ll, 219 LuJlDQla Sl., Newport malllteoaoee .,.,. of tbe lrvlne Shores. Mrs. Roger Sherman, health and Atbeoa Slma.ltls,l43 llolndy Sbores, paid oft; $63 worth of Coast Co""....., Club , • • h rt th t eds f l...aoe, Costa Mesa, Calllornia. k-rr. --• c airman, repo s a proce rom the WITNESS our haJids 1111s 1st _....s were stolen m lUscar, Mub:ammad Mutband, Z9, of 308 t ill b d t vid du ti al day o1 "ebr•~•y, 1969. but 11>e stereo whleb be carried lZnd St w st N even w e use o pro e e ca on ' -•• e ewport, wa.s Ja.mes Stml.t1s lDto Ills boose each lllrbt, was tuen to Hoar HDS~>tlal by New-material for the eradication of sypb111s, Alhena Slmakls safe •• .A1a.D Blum, 208 Guoet port pollee alter hiscarwuin-hi h h b f th t st STATE O" CAUI'OR~' n·· amntac bow IDUJ t..,,, t~tc &ad ama.ll.~Hm to • ..,.. -· day. 11 .. tear ot Jol.lDc ODt'l otfeadlat aom...,., Df ~lfoelll from ctnaiD foodl, or more MrioulJ, ol Ublul. Fear .. em• to be U. re. suit ot etrcumltaaen. a., actually, It ta oflentbecause o1 problems, even ol W bealtb. Fear ean be COD· quered, bow ever. You aod your tr;Jenda are cordially iDYtted 1o bear Gordoo F.Campbell.C.S.B., of Tbe CbrlsUao Sc:teoce Board of LectureshJp dis- cusa how we eu rid ou.rseh'es of fear ud ita effects. Christian Science Lecture Ave Balboa ts•··• r-•ted w c as ecome one o e grea e ' .. ~ •• .....,, ~...... volved io a colllsJon at 3:50 COUNTY OF ORANG£ ss ma.11c.1ous mischief that would p.m., at Rlnrstde Ave., south public health problems in the nation. 0u this lst day of February, 8:00 P.M. Friday, Feb. 14 ......, a ear bull blaDCb-Ills o1 Avoost.,oearllartoersMile, {Karen Kovach photo.) 1969, before me, a Notary IFIRST CHURCH OF 1962 Rolls Royce received a.12 with car 12rlver Stanley Bres-PubUc in aD(Uor said county and 1-:;Jf!Il'IST loeb seralch 0 0 .A red aDd sler ol425 32nd Sl., West New-Newcomers at Hoag state, resldllll !herein, duly I' wb.!le hamster was recired to port. commissioned and sworn, per-quara.ntlne a.tter It bit Frances • OUver 16 of 5310 Neptune FRIDAY, JAN. 31 • FRIDAY JAN 24 sooally appeared James Sima. 3.303 Via Lldo, Newport Beacb .be 'wesi NellfiV\rt on the Charles Beason,50,ofll8-l/2 Gltl M• :... M o.~ t Girl-Mr. and Mr s. Ross E. kisand Atbena.Shnatisknownto ., -r-' 38tb st., West Newport, wuar--r •. a..... rs. ~r McElttesh, 689 Center st., me to be the persons whose r==;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:::;;:::==:::; ftnger • · • rested oo tbe charge of 12runt Pa.ngburn, 424 Seville Ave., Costa Me sa. names are sut>scrlbed to the •WEDNES DAY, JAN. 29 drJving at 1:40 a.m., after be ~!boa. "'TUESDAY, FEB. 4 wif•ir irstrument, and actnow-IJALTZ HJs Knelsle skis were Slolell drove 42 miles per hour In a SATURDAY, JAN . 25 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph led,·e1 to me tl"a l they executed sometime after Ja.nuary 1, Jolm 25 mile woe, cb:loged la.nes, Gttl -Mr. and Mrs. David CrU%, 712 HamilloD St., Costa u.e same. MOR1VARJES Ca.rlson, 221 VIa Koron, Lido took. 8 or. 9 a.ttempts to pa.rk.hls Hill, 2459 Mendota Dr., Costa Mesa. WITNESS my hand and Isle, reported •.• Bolts were car at a eurb aoo ta.tledtbe: field Mesa. Boy -Mr · and Mrs. Edward official seal. 1741 SU'IIIOI A Vf. unscrewed and a $65 car seer eo sobriety lest •.• Darrell Bou-• TUESDAY, JAN. 28 Wasl\ko, Z09-1/2 Bay Ave., Bal-A. c . Petitte COSTA MISA llt"ilS stolen while ber Mustlnf cher 405 Santa Ana Ave New Glrl -Mr • and Mrs. Gt!orgt'! boa. Notary Public ln and for said Yldw1, b-2424 . was puked atli07Estelle Lane, port 'Heights, reported 1; theft Weyers, 419 ColtonSt., Newport Girl ~ Mr. aad Mrs. Gera.ld County and State. Harbor Highlands, sa.id Syb1 of $135 worth of clotlling A Shor es. HUddleston, 312 Clay St., Hun-My Commission eiJllres U» I . CO.UT HfWAY Blackman, 1839 Santiago Dr., black and yellow tlashll~·~s Girl • Mr. and Mrs. Ja.mes Ungtoo Beacb. March 26 1969 COlOMA D!L WAR Dover Shores ••• Mail be~ng. left behlnd by tbethlefwbostole Tyler, 1910 Tabuoa Terrace, • WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5 Publlsb: Feb. 1], 20, 37,Warcb ORiolr 1-4450 i.og to Mary Vaught, 2015 Wind· $80 worth-of Uqoor from a boat ~viDe Terrace. Boy ~ Mr. and Mrs. Mark. 1969, La tile Newport H.arbor s;.u 1,41 wa.rd Lane, Bayer est, wa.s torn owned by Rlcbard Hart, 300 E, WEONESDA Y,JAN .29 Mitchell, 455 £. 18th St., Costa F~~~-------.!:,==;,;,;;,;;,==~ and scattered about a nearby Coast Hwy ., Sl)aCe 297, Bayside Boy -Mr. and t.tr s. Robert Mesa. _.. !root ya.rd ••• Fannie Brown, VUJ.age, and kept at slip l47 ••• Myers, 112 28th St., Newport Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 717-V2 Fernlea1 Ave., Corona Capital puoisbmeat was the fate Beach. Greger, 6332 Hell Ave., Hun- del Mar, fixed her satety ella-in of the hamster at Penney's Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ungton Beacb. oo 'the doOr and went to bed .a.t Fashioo lsWKI, for biting the Heat~, 1431 Oueeos Lane, No.1, Girl -Mr. aoo M.rs. Ronald 10:30 p.m., -she awaiened a.t lwld tbat wa.s feeding him Huotmgton Beacb. Wood, 8171 Sea.bird Lane, HUD- 5 a.m. to fiOO the chain ott tbe Ca.roiSb:aver 194Lutngton Dr ' Boy -Mr. and Mrs . Henry tlngton Bea.ch. door and her purse robbed of Costa Mesa,'was the victim.:·. Hitchcock, 16632 Cooper St., • THURSDAY, FEB. 6 $75 . . . Leo Sc hroll, 37, :;f Michelle Rhinellart, 5, of 9266 ~untlnclon Beacb. Boy -Mr. and Mr s. John C. 306 32nd St., West Newport, Aleppo St., Ea.st Bluff, was bit-THURSDAY, JAN. 30 Marchia.ndo, 16152 Malya, No. was picked~ a.1488N. Newport ten while playing wltb 01 ca.ged Boy -Mr. a.nd Mrs. Glen 3, Huntington Beach. Blvd., Newport Helgbts, at 4:15 wUd squirrel that was luckier Moocata, 2190 Colleg1! st., Glrl • Mr. and Mr s. Pa.ul B. p.m. UldbooRdoo.awarrutlor than tbtbamater becauseitwa.s No. 28, Costa Mesa. Smith, 7681 Quebec Or;, Huo- tallure to a.ppear ••• Bl!ief Just qua.ra.atined ' •.• A $!00 ta-Girl -Mr. aDd 1rfrs, Max Ungtoo Beach, Gikbrist, 128 Via Ithaca, Ude ble wastatenfromtbecommun-Tilt, 2002 Maple Ave., No.2, Girl -Mr.Ud Mrs. Dllnell lsle, lett borne at 5:30p.m. wltb tty recreation center at 2414 Costa Mesa. E. Stubblefield, Z56fi-D Orange hls tools scattered on the work Vista del o ro East Bhdl by a Boy -Mr. and Mr s. Richard Ave., Costa Mesa. beocb in tbe gara.ge; wben be man ln a tan 'raincoat and ha.t Fenton, 123 38th St., West Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur returned at 7:30p.m., bis tool wDo placed it In a station -.ag-Newport. Birthtmer, 17521 Still Harbor beocb ha.d been cleaned off a.nd on and drove ott ..• A white Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Tboma.s Lane, Huntington Beacb. b1s tools were missing ••• A paper bag wa.s !landed to Denise Ganey, 2216 Donnie, Newport Girl -Mr . a.nd Mrs. Stanley A $26 battery was taten from a Roe 18 of costa Mesa. a c lerk. Bea.ch. J. Scbones, 694 Govenor St., car belongt.og to Kenneth Gtbb, at ihe 'rotomat Corp, 4001 w. • FRIDAY, JAN. 31 Costa Mesa. 1286 Watson Ave., Costa Mesa, Coa.st Hwy., West Newport, by Mr. and Mrs. Doo.ald Lee while it was par ked. at 833 Dover a man, a.nd on tbe bag was writ-Betz, 1978 Maple Ave., Costa Q.ASSIC AUTO HELPS Or., betweeo 8 and 9:15p.m. ten, ''This is a bold!.()" _she Mesa. MESA ART LEAGUE •••• Lee Swett awakened at gave the man $40 .•• Two tog Girl -Mr . a.nd Mrs. Robert A 1948 Classic valued at 6 a.m. totiDd his slacks missing lights were unbnlted from his G. Moran, 10141 Ku Kui, Hun-$l,ZOO from Briggs Cuningb:am from a table beside his bed; Porscbe during the ntgbt, a.nd tlngton Bea.ch. Museum netted Costa Mesa Art they were down the hallway stolen sa.id James Seals SOlO Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Harry League a. sizeable additioo to about 20 feet with a wallet and Nept~ Ave., West Ne~rt. Williamson, 1813 Viola Pl., tbelr schOiarSh.lp and buJ.Idlnc $6 m!ssl.ng; Pa.trtcla Swett's Costa Mesa. tuDd when a. new patron, James ptase wa.s robbed of $25 .•• HALLMARK WIHHER •sUNDAY, FEB. 2 H.DeMarasJr., dooatedlbecar "THIJI'llilAY JAN 30 Dor:ma. Saunders, tbe daughter Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Terry to tbe OrganlJaUon. LesUe Mo.rton i9 of302 32nd of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, 1575 Coriander, Costa Through the eUort&ofM.r .and West Newpor't ~sarrested Saw)der s, Costa Mesa, has been Mesa. Mrs. Cl\a.rles Stanley, DeiQll.a- Balboa BlVd. ~ w. Coast selected as tbe Ha.Umark art Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. lions were made to beoeftt the on tbe cbarge of posses-contest winner by tudiPJs Caro Best, 2226 Rutgers Dr., Costa oon..prolit orgaJliuUon. Mrs. of marijuana ••• Catherine Ea.ton and Jean Dales tor tbe Mesa. stanley Js a ille member and PallaS, 21, of 1007 E. Balboa Junior EbeU Club ot Newport Girl -Mr . and Mr s. Frank.J. fowxier of Costa Mesa Art Leaa STORE HOURS 9 , 15 10 5,30 DAILY Balboa, was arrested Beacb. Donna,. 17-year-old Olson, Z127 Seville, Balboa. gue. Mr. Stanley Is associated p.m. on a Wlure to seruor a.t Corona del Mar High Twin bny and girl _ Mr . and witb Briggs Cunningham Mu.. SUNDAY$ ll TO 5 warrant • . . Edwa.rd School, received the award for Mrs. William J. Rice, 18041 i:um:;,.aiii';i~\""jiijif.tii:'~':~!i~"'i:=~~:'j~ 36, of 1004 w. Balboa her media collage ustngnatural Newland St., Huntington Beach. going south 00 mW!rials or plants a.nd insects Gir l -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I at w. Ocean 00 a wooden background. Tbe Mantzoros, 1991 Anaheim Ave., parking Centra.! New. winning entry will be presented Costa. Mesa. faJied to turn right as thE by the Juniors toOranpCounty • MONDAY, FEB. 3 turned, but continUed over competition, where U could pro-Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Larry divider, back 1410n the ceed to state and oatlooaJ leYels. Culp, 211 Knos St., Costa Mesa. since 1949 ~do r~=~y~ 14>ooaseconddlvider, TOOL~ PARTS STOLEN Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Rodger 0J1Au LO ••• ~ a.parklngmeterbyabout Ofer$1,300 wortbofpropert} f. Boyd, 788 W. 18th St., ~ :-t-_ 10 • iocbes and continued oo his was stolen from tbe eoostruc-Apt. C, Costa Mesa. 1 &73-8850 I jW\. C4(t, DrCO'lT\et.te, altbougb by tbis time a tiOn site at 1440 N. Newport Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Robert unit was follow1ng bim Center Dr., Newport Center, C. Payoe, 1597 Tustin Ave., MUTUAL SAVINGS wllbredllgbtsandhotltlDKboro; over tbe weeieod of Feb, 1. Costallesa . ... ... 0 ._ 0 ... ,.... ... • • 0 c , ... T , 0 ... Z blocks later he stopped bis Tools nlued at $1,000 were Gir l -Mr . aDd Mrs, James 2867 Easf Coast H1ghway • Coron• Del Mar. Caht Telephone 675·5010 92625 car in the middle of the street, stolen from Elevator Electric Corrales, 702-A w. Ja.mes St., tru a.sststed from bis car, and ud from 3 workmen. Tlres and Costa Mesa. unable to balaDce for the fteld eng1De parts falued at $184 Boy~ Mr. and Mrs. James E • ·HILLIARD & ..... ante:~·,._.... sobl"iety test. wa.s bookedootbe were stolen from Lease Plan~ Murdock., 7Zl MarCW!rlte Ave., ~==·":' :"': .. :-:":'":·:":"":'u:. ":':" ==~S;;ER~~~~"'~7v ... T .. HEVERY FINEST c;;;I~AN and AM~~;~;op~~~~~;;· p ... Th•..,•l co IlONA o£L MAll Enjoy the wormth and informal elegance while dining amid open fireplaces and strolling troubadours OPEN SEVEN DAYS FOI LUNCHEON-DINNER-COCKTAILS POPULAR PIICfS (Formerly Chef's Inn) DINING 4:00P.M. TO MIDNIGHT COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 a .m. AMPLE PARKING 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY . COlONA DEl MAl • Under the personal direction of· Alejandro (Alex) Maytorena lformt!rly 26 Yeon with Perino's! and Ray Oliphant of laguna Beach !President of Wooden Shoe R .. taurontsl • FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 675~70 •