HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignFOUR HIGH SCHOOL 11Dior1 wtU reeetYe &OOd ettlsiD
awvdl at tbe Feb, U dessert m ... of tht Col. WUUam
C&bell Cblpter of DAR at the borne of Mta. WllUam FUber
lD Sbon CWfl. Yrs. HeDry Crawford. DAR IDOd cttlan
ela&lrmu, i:tt Oranp County IJJd lor tbe local chapter,
bold1Dc 00t ol the certltlcates of a'WVd. ~ siKml bare wttb
tbl 4 rectpie!lta, from lei:: Becky Caner, Corooa delMar
Hlch Scbool; Laau'te Fraser, Harbor Htgb; Mlcbtle WUllarna,
Costa Mesa Hl&fl. IDd Susan Maruyama, Estancia Hicfl.
SpeeN• for tbe meeUoc will be Oooulla Boyle, t•cber ud
autbor of "American history was my uodolng." wtlicb is
al8o ber lq>le lor tbo day. (Enstgu pboto.)
.. -----""'!'T--THE OFFIOAL NElfWPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEJ,Oti-:::;~~;;;;::::'1
Tbe Newport Belilcb CUy
Cou-,cU passed a resoluUoo at
a speclal meeunc Tuesday, re-
questing tbe State Lands Com.
mlasion to !ao~ apubUe heul.ng
to consider revozatioa ol all
permUs authortz:in~ explora-
tory drllllng for oil under the
tide and submerged lands.
CouacU l'lked the commlssioo
to suspeM ;he pe=mits and M.lt
&II drllling operations LmiU
of reoeraJaeniees~lUtmeot,
and Bob Reed, dl:rector ot the
m....riDe safety depUtmeat, tra-
'eled to Santa Barbara Feb.l4,
to o'>serve the effects of oil
pollution 1Dd the steps beiDc
taken to clea.o '41 after the mas-
sive oil spill. They wa-e told
"chopped ICI straw, ~ead Jn
tbe beach. aDd rated"' and oo:-
lected wu tbe best metbod of
cleani.Dl the beach at tbis Ume,
This emergeocy action was despite all o:u techooloo."
tuen by the Counc:U after 1t Mr. Dawes said, "W~ ob-
was revealed that a state per_ sened the beaches aod barbor,
mit lla1 been given to the Shell all of wbteb are Lo a pitiable
011 Co. for a test bore at a oondltio~"
ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensl~
IDeaUoo offshore from the en-City rn&llal'!rs from SanCJe-
tn.oce to Newport Harbor. As meote, Laguoa Beach, · Sea.J
~Is area Is badly faulted, ao Beach aDd H1L"tlngtoo Bea.eb.
QDio:atory well would pose held a. special meetiD.l Tuesday
a bleb risk of a blow ...out aDd with Ne'WpOI't Beach City Mun.-
"could resu:t in a disastrous ger Harny Hurlburt to pla.a
poUutloo problem, su~h il., o::-winD.IDg ~ from the Lea-
eurred ott the Santa &rba..ra gue of Ca.Ui:)rnia Cities ln tbe
co.:1.'it," the resolution stated. coastal posltlon oo oil. T~y
The little old ladies in tennis shoes who
support the conservative cause and love
America and defend our flag have never
received such loving treatment from the
Los Angeles Times as has just been
accorded a lady who officially represents
our greatest enemy, communism.
Most of you are aware of the sneers and
the editorial venom directed at conser-
vative patriots by the L.A. Times. So
perhaps you are not amazed as the Times
glorifies someone whom it labels promin-
ently in a page one headline as "patriot"-
none other than Dorothy Healey, Marxist,
communist, atheist, chairman of the Com-
mUDist Party in Southern California, and
desCribed in such a friendly way as an
unrelenting advocate of the overthrow ol.
tb_! Am·~~~'~
NEWPORT BEACH pollee s~nisoroftbeyear,St.Rtchard
(Rlcb) Hamilton, Is shown wllb his wUe, Naocy, at tbe
Newport Harbor E~:ebaJlgt chW luocbeon friday at tbe
Newporter lml. Sgt. Ka.mUton was graduated as the No. 1
student from the Los Angeles Pollee Academy, He DOW'
atteods Loqg Beach State at lligbttlme, st..Syingcrlmioology
and sociology, as a sellior. He was OQ tbe dean's Jist at
Los Aogeles Valley College, a.nd ca..J.itornla State at Sra.o
Ferllll.ndo Valley. Whlle attending Cal State, oo a 9.mootb
lean of a.bseoce from the pollee department, he was selected
ln 1985 to be sent to the University of stockbolm Lo Swedeo
as an exetwtce studeot, to complete Ills educaUoo. He
declined as he was doabtfuJ. that his leave could be eJteoded
and be married Nancy. lD 1966, be was made a Weti~
membu of tbe Newport Harbor PTA Couoell, 6:Jr "out-
starvttng sentce to the youth of tbe commllllity." The
Hamllloos Un In Harbor View HUts. A wteUDd trip to
Laa Veps was awarded tbem by the Eze.III..Dp Club.
(Eaalgupboto.) ,
Max Russell
Tilt'! :ouocU ezpressed leu plan to hold il spe.:.ia.J meeting
lhat ilPI)roval or d::Ullog opera-of coastal managers at the d ty
lions Is a prelo1e to efforts by manager's statewide cooter-
the oil industry to rem:..ve the eoce to be beld LD Moalere:y aut
protection provided :Jy theS~~a w.:ek. Ro!spoosibUlty has beeo
Cuoo.itlgham Act, wbtch esta-divided tor tal:iog the LD.i.Uati¥e
bUshes a sanctuary u:tendiJlg ln v.uiol.ls upeets of tbe p:rob-
lrom tbe Santa Aaa River totbe lem, but allw!UrecommeOOlhe
Me.liao bo.r~r. This suctuary Newport Beach reso~uUon wtth
llii considered P. iSeOtlal to tbe some modlflcations, to tbeir
preservation ol sce.nic, recrea-couocUs.
tiooal, aod ecooomlc valuu of Tbe Orange County ~r _
THIS SKETCH, prep;i.:ed by Costa Mesa CooDellmu
st. Clair and presented 1n evideoce at Tuesday's frtft'Q
hear in&:. shows the favored reallgnmeDt westerly olSuperlar
OF SUPERIOR FAVORED the eoubJ area. ¥lsors ~ed ~esolutioo 1a...st Georp Dawes, harbor coor-w.aell: urginr the reden.l pern-The adopted Newport Blvd. would ruin the dowiCiwa com-
ment to recopi&e tbe oil Sl.DC-freeway route tbl'Oueb Costa mereia.J. sect1oA. They aJa aid
tulry aad ast1nc U!U "n.Ud Me$i to NewportBea.cb ~-tbat ttwouldbelmpnssthlii!IOaet
assurances be given lblscouaty eotly lost oul at the State Dl¥1-a.eross c.o.ta ~~~. as ••U u
tbat 00 oil dr1lliDg operatloas .-. 0: HJ.cbnys bearinc beld tDrougb Com. Mesa tiD Newport
w1.JJ. be permUted. w1th1o. the ad T--.y at tbe Orance Couty Beach, ucept by t:reewa.y.
jaceat federal water l tM; faircrc-ls. The m.1jor"tty of Newport Be:lcb Yayor no-
SilDCbary , 5 0 tbose preseat lal'OI'ed tbe r.S reea llarlball said. ''Oir c:MJ n. re.;,llllla u., ullildtbe route, •bleb 1s tbe roce blr-wW ~ i.QJ nee ...._ *.tf CD "contW aU ~lillie tbelil ••• 0( s.per b: Ave. S-.er~ Aft. 10 a.t lk a,..n
... ~• ,..,. oa·rr-St.":' ~'wl:0.11!l.ii:=~!!lllli'Or:J::~S:"• .. ~ at_.._ uclart~araotOru-_.,.. almolt to_ 1_111 tlllt,..... ns' , ..... .-... .. ~ ""--""-., --. . ·-· deat, Mu ol U. 5:»11l-Crwdnct-m Aet.•• Anaheim An. iatlr'aectioll, a.t aftla ..-%50,000 Mil iiU. '~!~t!:'~BoaVla-NB man d"leS =:::,::;::.~·.: :,~ecoUdeUmbll ta ., Costa Mesa; trasar•, et:lofl. U: would oost tbe seate To aceom:nodale tbe r--.
KtDDetll Fowler, 640 T1llt1a $10 mlllioa mare thaD the S\lltiog tra.mc deman1s, • ._.
""• Newport Helellts· sec. I • If adopted D-eeway rowe down are coaYineed that botbalm'tb-~~:Ja=~L.W~rai=:: ~ .J,P IJing gO =~~s~~~UU:~=.!~p:.e::!
Oatstarvttae top laymeu a. \ \ more elaborate Jnterct:Ja.u,ps. arterl..al. -.tll be required," abe
wards were prtsemed liON. Lee ~ '..:;( D~Dills C. ~. SS, of Ell: tllere would be a llSel'S' said •
.loaes, 104 K1nc:s Rc.d, CUff -_ • 2119 Vl!ita Laredo,~ Blutl, beoeftt s&rinc of $15 mlWoa Costa MHI. Ma.yorAJrtDPt..a.
Hneo; Ora Childers, 814 (io. . ' died feb. 11• oaa Lone Beacb d..:llla.rs ln ZO years, accordinr kley stated yesterday ~ be
C ~-" ... _ IDlf course. r y r-.-Yeroor, o-esa; ~s. to osta esa ~umaowu-tad 110 opiaioa u yet, tbat
Bruce Broter, 3149 Made1ra. fUPPINESS ..a r.o.ct.d ln Loeta ~tiller's smUa as the He n.s _..,aJ. rnau.pr of liam St. Ciair, aDd be saJd 1t tber~ ••e klo ma.,y tactors
... Costa Mesa; Mrs. Ooa Lask, eovet*f t1tlt of Jlfewport Beaeb police oftleer of tbe year Keystooe Shf&:ipiDg Co. tbr 32 would open up tbe west side of b' blm to mate a ' '.saap .t-IJ-
'9 1833 PltcairD Dr •• Costa Mesa; wu awarded to ber ~t~~St.C!d Rlcbard (.lUck) W.J.ller at tbt years. He was born Aua:. Z9. Costa Mesa. for deYelopm€: u. meat." He saidu.t beespeeted
• I
Reagan assails
• I permtss1ven ss
Mrs. Lloyd Wlabura, 1111 Nnport Harbor Ezcbaap Club lnnc:beon friday at tbe 1913 1a PUDSJb'I.Dia.. He wua Most Costa Wiesa speUus Ulere wouki be aDOtber pt~bUc
CorDftll t...a.oe, Westcllft; Ray Nnporter lDD. Rick, wbo bas been wttb tbe lbrce siDce captWa 00 8 taokers. asked the state to choose tbe bear log within Z to 6 weeks.
Dike, Z105 fantes. Eut Blaff; Juary, 1961, was seieeted by his fellow oUlcers. He bas Survhors areb.lswtle,Adele; .. esterly route, stJ.t:t.nc tbat it r..en tbere WOCl1d be more ID.-
wtWam Glbaoa. 22:15 Hotly an AA from Orange Cout Collep ln pollee science. He ta..s a daQCbtet, Adell!! of Newpcn would be beoeftcla.J. to tbe de. b'Nllon anilable abOol U.
Laoe, Newport HelatQ; Wllll.am a Ufettme teaching eredealial wUb the State of Calllornia., Beach; b1s maUler •' Cecelia of velopmeflt of Costa w ~ ;a. by eost, oecessa.ry loop in( &D:I
Dosta, 317 PrlDcetoo.Dr.,COib. Class DforteacblngpoUceiCleoce.Herecelveda certtfk:ate Pt.auytnnlai ud Z sisters, poi.oling out tbat a treew ... y wtdaing of streets, Ud ~
Mesa., and Mr . Wlckersbam, of acb.leYemeat at Oraoce Cout College, a.ad !las diplomas Patrtda al New Yock and Heleo Utrougfl the ceoter of the city placement or families.
tbe ..,.. secrebr}'. from the Los ~les ud On..op County Pollee omcers 8eojlm1D ol Po!MS)'lvaoia.
Tile loiJowlDc were tloeted Academies. Rick also ... Oosle, IJllermedlate, aDd-· Rosuy ... reetted FeO. 16, NB plann•"n I ch •"ef named to the board ot directors: Yisor certtl\cates from pollee oftleers staOOards lD tra.J.ntng. aDd mass wu celebrated Feb.
Harry Nelson. Newport Beacb State of Calllornia. Tbe Millers han 5 children_ Martin, 17 at Our LadyQaeeoof AD(els,
PoUee Dept.; Harry E. West-freddy, Jimmy, Robert, am Laura Allene. aoo they all u.-e Ease B!ull.. llltermeat was at A. Laureace Wtlsoe will
over, U1Z Harrow Pl., West-ln Westminster. They'll have to tt..M a good baby sttter to Holy Sepalcbre. Oruge UDder J'l-et hlS duties Apz-11 1 as
cliff; James L. c ataua.ro, take ad¥a.!ltage or tbeir trip to Las Vep..s, awarded by tbe the dlrectioa ofBa..lts Wiorh&a.ry, ne"· pla.ruing diri'Ctor ot
ZZ40 Goldeo Clrele, Bact Bay; Excbl.oge Club. (Eas.lg:a phOto.) COI"'OIl del Mar. Ctl}· ot Ne1rp0r1. Be:lcb.
Robert L. Griuell. 1519 SIJl-He Wtll fl.J.l tbe ... :aDCf ,,. •••
taDella Ter ., lni.De Terrace; L I 0 N s A R E c 0 M 1 N G 1 :;N .. hen Ernest Mayer Roger E. Net.b, Costa Mea . Signed to tab a similar
police ebJet; James 11. Woods, • lion for tbe ::uy of t.oac li!Ooell.
1650 na.ttD An., eo.ta. Mesa; Duriag the Interim,
Tbt s1ebtu ol permis-ratber ttaD a pernment Robert..E. flln1&. U3VJaGenoa, Tbt lrYtne RaDcb wt11 be A runabout oo tbe tra.dWoQa.l ....,... w1D be celetribes," Groth. priDcipl.J. plaDDer,
.,,..... -. bluned bJGo'f'er-of people.'' Lido Isle; Mrs. Hilla Blrnud, ''Uoo: eouotry, ''probablybe.bf 100, at Uoo C<Mdry, Yls1lol's Mr. Easley saJd. ''since tlle been seniq" a actac
_. lloM.Id ..... at lbt E.J:. Tbe pernor also saJd that 300 AmetltJst AYe Balbo& Is-the end ol this year. will be locked ln tbelr ears to ow.rs .. ..,e &Cqllired many of Din& director.
e ...... Clllb· t 5 1~ Friday apocles ca.n be., 1o ttme of la.ad. ·• lJoD Country Sat:ul., a 465-nteb the ulmals ln eo~We J.paWs ~ Wbich tan For the~;;~:;:;;~~:
It U.. la.,..ta li:li b' mDCb dlsaster, u ow.t of tbe flood. Tbe l:iJJowt.l&: mea. were re. acre presene wbere wild safety. Armed pme nrdeu starr• a manes." Wilson~
ol tllle ...,.,.. IDl1 of crime. OD b1s arrtftl bJ plul, he sa.Jd elected to ..,...., .._ term Afrlcaa animals CUl nam tree Utpi.Dg coasta.at fttcb oa sa-M:. s.ut. said his firm's :.or IX' the City of El
lloatts. COWls, perameat tbat trae Ollly ny be could teU a1 omce oa trae laJ'd: WtWam 1D a 11twa1 eartroameat, bas tan tn.J..l.s wt.U be antlable to piau t.elllde a nrtety of other 5.ln Dutco Couaty. Pric:w
ud "•met:ta. U. ebureh" tbredlflereacebetweentbeoceu Dosta. n1 Pr~ vc:o.ta '--tAWO¥tdbJ tbtlr'Yta.Co.tow drtnrs 1D dUilcu.lty t:rom ~ lD ooajtwctioo witb senicetbere,lteft.Jledustp. tan~. bt llid, "k lbue ud tbt raiD c:oqrtd laJtd, was Mesa; Ktmaetb ~. MO board ol directors. Coos-tbf..... tlie pr~ lDclLdi.Qc a jungle meats as assoctaitplass r u-
Lt a Mrloal erime c-IQvted trat Ute oceu wu u. "water '1"Ut1D AYt., lfewpart ••pts· t:ruc:tioa of tbe muJtl.m.UJ.Im 'Ytllllllllc uimals, most tQn &t rtYel'tlaal ride. a U'Mtop res-sociate tn.mc .... : 1r ud..s.
f!lfrl 10 ~ ollftr'J c1aJ wUb tbl: oU oa tt.'' Bat be lM Jooes, lot K1ap ~ dollu recreatioa aDd amuse-Uoo eo-try, wtU be dliiJtl.red w ..._e dbters can feed mloistrattve •s:sistaat 1ar u.
ol tilt ,.z:." c::an.ct a,r oelpl:lor .. _,, MJiDc CWJ' flaYeD; R!c:llu'd Claca.a, meal: area will bql.a wWt1n UO at a ''pets coner" wbue ddt. tilt ~ ''rtcbl from their Clty of Su Dieeo ciiKUc a 14. LAURENCE WILSON
,/ TN ftrlt.., o1 tM pen-. ••Ban we reallJ Jtra.,.cl• far .wos S.More Ill' .. Well: Rew-di.JS. aeeordiac to Dl.rid W. dr• may pet ud lted .:xne 0( ~" lll:tte nllaees, ciU'to 7-year period,. u.1 ct.1ac tbe ~ 1 i, a ,_.. at ~
-to to ,._ Ito-11111 a Good s.-ltu mJcbl port; Paul Man. lUI Pllealro Euloy, !nino Co. nwacor ol tbo more clomo....,., -L -. ud a ,...l.mo<el pc..-4-1/Z ,_. .. ,..a HI&!> SchOOl 1a su llloF. ud
ud pr-.. law ud-,lllo 107, 'Cool 11, Bod. at 111o .. n Dr., Coola Yoa; Ft.,lkYu _.a! salos ud 1ou1oc IDd ''Some ol Uoo Coary's oc-llclllty. -lor S.. DloF eo.,. G-11, a II> cr-. P•-ltat~• ''bill .. ban ouA.; l'U ptla -.ell WW& tbe ta, 1'710 Kt11p Jl4.. C1Ur CJC)tesmaa lx' tilt ...._.pro. Mr. WU.0., wiD la cz. ls .a City lilaDqi!T Rar9W7 a.~
loet c. ftJ. COarU Uld ftlfatt p........t..• Ha¥tll; Mal R.....U. lOt n.ta )let. c c b d I sz 917 --of los~ ..... wt burt said tllat 1111' • .,...-.... """"" an 10 -IIIII a .. _-do cloooll>ol Flora. Eut ~ • Dr JoM Tbo pme ...-.o. loealod u ge up Y..a1 Arts~--tbo I«> ea-• II a-ol
lllllt liNocl ·-~ "Ro --no, ftlllo--., 1011 ·-·Dr~ -stoltlloS..DiotoFroo-• • f :US !:ltber,Dr • .u.tE."'"'-G . Tbo-nrts _. .. . -too -lo -lllso--'--. Wo-lllom ud ... Westellll C..· ,._. ft1 ._ t.ac-~ "-. ilLs beeo polsqoalllr•,_.L --. 1o I, ...... la-IUbCia t1f1ctata.'' DIGd)IOil. ' RotlfDIIr. llotisl"t 'Dr lllollld be GPHlaDictmbllf, Aa l.aa'-.a olSZ,tl'7onr lll'e IIJUII~oi.NI'W-flteolilltedl'tllle AI'aJ &wtel: ttr"Yiewdbya,_aw,••
To diE;"MbUI bow Ute aea. ••We liNda a I •• JPUU-liar'bor Hiif.JaMI, .. Mr. iuley sUd, tile 1 .. tllal ftS ....... at ,..-t BIM::IIi ....... , ud basi-aflw ~ tr-. :.&p of Lee R~IDIIf. dtJ eenpr --= llf 1a1 -llola Wlphrto nla.•ntool Lloa ~ llapnjlctol $U.m....,.. ads;l •• t11o ---.-lllallbelr oelloolia 1"'--iiT-., Soal-Roy 871 -to dooJ--llret. _ _.._wiWnlc IALIOAISL-Sin -I!A--.Ill<.,an.Mallo-1-a..w ol I I• aro lo-an.c......, 1n1nn1oo ot ea., 11o-,_ ___ ., .. c.;
wtDitiDI, O..ww Requaid to.,.,_ a ..... ...alCIOIIIIft MAROI a.t Q..IMf W' apc:watiDII ....._. a, IIJ'O'P C •• eeduia It ....... C..., .t.J1111rt -.tab' U a1r t.r'..&. pU6ud ... ..,..., o1 , ......... ,_ ~
u.t • • 1 IU ~ned a-.. euaot...,. u .._., .a.tJ, W'lW. La Plllllt, II tO I II ...... a..tll ........ ~ .,.. • , .. It FelldMo's. ~--...nee. ..,-••HJl ~ II elftl-. Jhnhl ......... .., aa, ·-·-·llokllle oftllo--P!ITC-... JIPil 1-. no,......._...,.._ .-.toc.•--·Oh.oiRI II I IWiktb'hSt tD a. t1n1L ..... a ..... f1f l.cliltf .. A-.._ IIIII .. artJ A 1 1, a _.. II It .. s 2 , .. WU a. otMr tt * 4l» a..t la-.. Stile Cal'' • w llilll ID ,.
.,... ........... f&llld ....... God llr .Old .......... CJIIIII&ta ....... 't El 9 ZL -..... ., Ollllt c...er AlrJirt ... ca:--,.. __ Ylrp.la PotJtt,lt IE ........ CUIIIoAM Cl'n ...
Ia bllln UdlltUIJa"t~Ma tbM*-flilft ..... .._JIII .._. _. .. ..._.,., ._ 1181. .lltJIEd' , tf ... ._ -.lilaC' • st'st 7 ~ ........ aa._,...... .._. .. wu trstrt • ATCIItllla .. t& = ~ COlli ......... M ·~=::. ..... ; ::._c-r,:::rr~-:::~--... -=-~: :-.;::;:e:.::,a,:.!llz!i',~r~aua:-V:~tdr~lr~-:\a.-....• ;;co:;:=~= ..;: :: =.-;,. ': :-::::.~at~ :: : .. ~--= = =.. 1:: t _. Wtlt :,:-.::; .. • -: ~ =: .... a-.~ Tn , • =~ _. .. .: ~ ~ to ..:; ; \-~
__ ,.._.ISI .. Ilf ... '-::::':.:!..#.~I r•s! 5 I wtJ1 .. SWirllf .;:.s .... --111-:"' .. ~CO:..~ .;:.:;•. I : dolt IJIC llzrlnlnz -=:-..-,.,;,"'.. ltsetllrlll-~.-._ .. _._,.,.,.__ illi_wtl_ • .. .. , 1 ,. ........_ .. .., ... _ --7
I r I I ... --eeiiJ -llllrf•-..•'"--•lfnllo .. rtltf ___ 7 Ill-1-, .. .._ .. _..,,a see -.-.&10 hs no Qlr -no ps• ,._..,,~~-.,.....,,_ -•-., _ _, •• , • ., 11n:.-a r ,,.._,.,"':" .. '":""~ .. ...,......., .. _. --•••,-=== ••• __ ,._,... .. • ..... ..-w .... ,, a' , ... .-w: -~ 1 d ., ....... ..... •• a •• ,.... .._ 7 ,..;. ... :.~1M,,. ... ~ ••• ._ ..... :: ~,":-~:;:!-:% ~~':.'":'.;: =:.,:•-• 1 ,.,=..,._, ... .__ .,:aw;'!"'w .,,._eea:lc'1 ,_ ·:::-=~-==·~= :.::•
r , J , • r -. . . -., ' .,_....., ·--.. ---.. .._ .,., -...._ 1011 -,.:-_.:,: ::::,..,"' 1111 lerl"llf -lr ,_ ...,...,_ Ltt-r!JICI - -..., ...,. _.,, 1111 1n1111 Ia ...,lllltr oo."
1'r<Qcl • 1>J 1'111 ~ dlrtor,.__llt8GIWO-Dtu lollot-o1 t.l1, art
WHATS .AUY HAPPINING IN THI MIDDlE GrWGod,-K!JICI lllnoq ol-llotlltclln· IM-oi".U.Ico.·"
•• •fiCI& .. _....,. TEL AVIV-~ Jews haw indeed en .. unrillbe bqinnina of ZJonism, Jews and An.bt -·=::rr. tr::,;::-:;1:; :7:!._' 1 5 ta =• wu~ "liiJ OOIIIUJ 't&a ol ~,
Of '1M Qn .. WCUf.T AA0t formed r.Jatinr:. OraftiC rreee bloom where we:c not enemta but were aJUea atalnlt CbriJ.. ~ wbidln ctYt to U. L&aleWUt w eu ......... Snit lud ol Uberty, r•~ •AIIttM ADA'S OI'I'SIT ffU:rAI'EI -"ina b1oome<1. v_.-pow.....,. DOd>· tondom. II ;, the Europeao .. tlooo wbidl haYeiYo artot ebOracton--...-rna In 1o-111o-:!..stlltt ..:..~.,1 -·-.
01noo _. -.. .-"''ha _,.. ..,.Wior-;01 ..-. Traeton ...,._oxen. New induouies penec:utcd the Jews, no< the Arabo. So -boro dlU'lac IIIIa -h--I>J ................ lllo_... lAM ol tilt pllcrlm'o poldo
..,. I. c-a..,... .c-..... c.ut. _ 9'JIZ5-tbri.e. New cida hive bern bcwo. But in apile the West claims to be .. savinJ lhe Jews from made our .ioDitudOflt amoac o1 U.0. .... wtMt. Mn From n'rJ ......,,A ..,._-'
TaiPIDIIa an,ea (A.. c..l. n.c) of the hundr~ of mil~ wbkh haw -n p!'I'HCUiioo." Before Zionltm, lbc Anbl ,. all tbe D&Uou o1 tbt WOtkl. tlmJid till -.,g o1 J111trit,1t1: 1At ti'Mdo tbtit''
. spent on a:ncullure and tndustty, brari by mind yoJ, persecuted European Jewa UIOd to Georce WuNDCtoa JlYt free-dllrllc' c:ro.baMI UIDII la U. FlDilly ~bt a .. old_..
Ta AWT IAII .. a,..;N '-... ..a,. wss , ... pri• ... our Slandards is ali II a poor couo1ry-and a e.Jcape 10 the Middle East! dom to Amerka. He wu tDowD put. ••A..IMlSc&,tlktBiuttfll.'' .,....d iD our •tto-1
... ,......_. la .._ a.,. J Nc flll'l ...._ _. ~ ~,. loc:aJJ,. weak country. Israel is about as bia as Wales. . Even thouah Russia hu dumped billiont u "flnt 1D war, flrat inpeac .. by KalblrJ.M 1M a.ttl, IMdl !atbtm· "Tbt Star ap.neJ-1 ....., _. .!: ..... w ..... • die Me pen --... ..._ Whereas Israel can whip Jordan io 48 houn, tnto Arab countries to rutock the dec:imated aDd flttt lD tbt bluta ot h.l.a tbe proeeutoa.. wttb tbe warda: -· u A-"-of euec--''•• Ar-. ...... •-1 ...u,. ... Tlw...,.. s..ce-1 c:.t-,, ..... ,_i4 1 ..0 'd • I h 1o . R . Arb · COWIIrym ... '' alit WU iDdeect I •-• ---...... • C... •• ae. c.lll. sr cou. n I ast I at na: apmst uuta. . ~ aar and JT?~nd forca. sent thousands of ., ,. , "Am.C' ea, ft..llltrlea, God Ibid patr'IUoDI:
.,. •wwT W.. EJIS:R -.. .._.. .... • ---"The little country ol Jordan t-d DOtbina ex-mthtary and pohhcal advisen and finJ.need the the fatber ol b1l COUIItry. His er&ee 011 tblt, '"0 _,. eu JOU IM, by tbt
· J ...._... elirreea..'-.,. a..t ....._ ft... 4-.,171 ..._.-~ cepe Mlf of Jerus.akm (includina all the Holy Aswan Dam, the Communisl Party is ltiU OUI· lJDcola became lmmortal, ADd CrowD tby toDd witb dan's lilly Ucbt
,.., tts:l.i .. S. 1rW eo-'-die c-., el Or-... Slate ol Placea) and a "'orthless desen. In the reunt law_ed in most Arab nations. The Arabs love WbtD. atter JeusolbJooclywa.r-brotbe:rbood, Wbat .a proudly w• bau.ctat tbl
llenMr. _. .,. ...-. • ..._, .. ....,W._. .. ,...u.-ell ,.lie ftahtiq. the ISJ aelis toot the Holy PlaCC$, leav-theu· independence. They have no intention of !:t''t.sbt to he: tbe .U:,.:='ct From ..._ to sb1.rliDc ..._" _ twWIJbl's aat p.mto(l
..._.,.. ral."'.:..:J 1-ina Jo:dan the desftt. They lOok it primarily ~:oinJ Communist, if they can help it. Bul "tbe Gret.t E rtm:to ,. bou 1'beD COIHI tbe ••BaWl Dote the star Spucltd BlnDI:r
ADO 4 -------·-...o..:--_. P•U~ with napalm tltquid t\rt:), althouah they out· every Arab 1 have talk~ with 1old me that caue be rr.!.'':J.-d''..sed HJmDoftbeR~"bJlu.Ua yet""'''
PEG IIAAPA _. sutiKiiPTicM.I'•tu ~•• Esfil• numbered the Jordanian Army 12 to I, with Communism could noc be any worse than the ~le from boadap oppr Ward Howe, whicb i.Daptred tbe O'er tbt liDd of thl tree, am
a....._"'-: ar.. J'dW• kG); 2 ,......17•00 modt-rn weapons venus ob5olcte weapOns. Why tyranny they 110w Jive under! Stnna-cly. one It larefrealaltoco"mtemplate hearts ofpatrlotlcArner-1CUI1D tbe borne Of tbe tnft?"
0.., ..._ ~ 0.. ,..-. 15..00; 2 ,.-.. 19.00 · is it that the "liberab" of Americ::a bleed pio-does not see that tyranny ever even mentioned IC)Oa thlir 0.,.8 IJid times. the loOC. loll( ago, WUb tbe I ~U....t that our bt.DDtr still ~~IIQIIQOO~ f~ly over our Ll:Se of napa_ 1m in the juna~ or in AnlCr~·s mass "informatiosf media. Tbe1r times were perllou.a _ ~ds : does nn, U betolc&llJ aodu
Vtetn.am but never rm:nttOn the lsraeh na-Arabs say, "We can get aloni with Jews u tbelr Una were bfi.otc Today "r' :s ba~~~ s:o: £:1 trtumpf»..llly U U ft'f'ed OD tbe
palmina of the Arabs? such, if they would become Middle Eueernen tbe Umes are l!fen mo~e perl~ H 0
1 tra co~-. ut the r • tdll topall.oJlmi.•l.rcWorld
Rus.s1a engineer~ the present crisis so as to ltke u~. h is their assumption of superiority 1ous but tbe queiUOD 1a "Can e .:r t': C 0 of 'at~ War U. WbeD pla.al:ed tbere bJ' a
:alienate Amenca from the Arab world aod to the~. c:ontempt_~ and ruthless disc:riminatio~ we be as heroic?" ' :Wr.!t: grapes wr are tra•e SQuadol American G. L 'a.
ARW E. HAAPA, owner-Mid publisher of the Ensi91 lu re Egypt and Syria into humiliating defeat. wh~c:h makes 11 1m~ible fDf" us to get along I th1U tbal we can meet tbe K ~O'QI~O~ Thus the-Arab states would be compelled lo with them. hracli Jews have come here as currentproblemsuberolea.lly FROM A SCRAPBOO -
tum to Russia. Why should Russia allow an "haves' from Europe and America, lookina as Americans ba't'e met the
(Continued from Page 1)
Communist Dorothy 1s presented to
Times readers ob so sympatlietlcally in
words that glow with understaodlng-
uamtahle" ••• "with elf:lll sm.U.e" •••
"bouncy" ••• "disa.rm.i:DI cbarm" ••.
"much given to laughter'' • • • and
praleBSing "a Bincere patrtotwm."
Tears can be imagined in the eyes at the
Times staff writer as be tells boW com-
munist Dorothy has "endured the
vtgtlaottsm at the Dies, Tenney and
McCarthy eras," has been "investigated,
Persecuted and prosecuted," and bas
end to rhe Vietnam War now? With us so down on and subjugating 1he 'have-not' Arab issues In past crises. It will By EllEH McCLAY
heavily committed in Vietnam, the Rus.sian r atives." There is no "equality" between Jew take Inspiration and apirltual ln a ooonrsatk>n wttb a pub-
campaign to OOminate the Mediterranean is and Arab in Israel. Or between Jew and non-strencth to carry us thro"'b. Uc scboeil teacher recelllly, I
more easi ly :~ccomplished . Ruu1a has thus Jew. No one·man, one-vote. Arabs are dis-Spiritual strength can be ob-ftS IUilU8d to bave bel tell me
gairx:d 1ts age-old dream of warm-water ports, criminated against in vinually ~vrrythirrg: talDed from reading the word·tbat aocJall.sm wollld betbeonly
alo,g ..... th acces~ w the most important oil Marriage, society. ~ucation , agriculture busi· of God In the Bible, and from way the workl could be fed IPd
fields m tilt! world. . . ' constaJlt communion rib the boused 1D tbe fUture Soc.tallsm ress. property nahts. In Amenca, the Supreme Divine Spirll. 1be losplraUoo be Aid tDYl..__.:l '
Arabs now behc"e-thaL.Israel is the tool of Court has outlawed state laws outlawing mar-to ... --.. ... thefl.mda.meotalprln-.s Sbo twa.sbo .. -'::.e. Russ•·• A~rK:an-Bnt1sh mterests. acling not for hu· ~· --woo:: ..-. manitanan rusons but for commercial pur-riage between blacks and whites; has decreed ciples whJ.ch han gulded . system 1fU supplying all uin-
posn. Arab<> contend that •hey could get along forced intea:ration and "open housing."' Most Amertca in the past may come diW"idUal requires tor sus-
With •he Jew,._ 1t hoth Russia and America Jews have enthusiastK:ally supported and ap-from readi.Dg the words both Of ·teoeoce and u.ked,"Were all ,~oukl pcll out 1\.n~nca used to be-the most· plautled the Court's decisions. Why is racial WllSb1ngton and Uocolo. It may tbe ll•bora of all the boots 1
loved nauon t-oy Arahs. anJ 1s now the most· <~"'d religious discriminat ion wnmg in America bellarac_bl!teh.,tdlleby ~mi.Dg!taml-was tl.ugbt from teUing lles?" . ., _ .. opwwns o m.&D)' Tbls was boW sbe lad beeo hatN nat lOll. 1'1('\1 10 Israel. For 13 ce-nturies. ::md "Rht m lsraci.-Amcncll.n Way Features otber wise and good mea wbo'!Ddoetrllated whUe sbe wu: be-
LeHers to Editor
"NATION IS IN PERIL•• aod. was natarallieda.odbeeame ''Eaperienced oppresston and encircle-Editor of the Ensicn, a u. s. cttt.sen 1n 1943, which
ment." And all that communist Dorothy "Tbe ,... wbo sW>ds by w was durlnc HUier's reign. In
bas done to deserve all this 1s to active-says oolb!Dg when tile perU o! 1955-56 Klsslngor was d!rec-
bls pernment is discussed, tor tor nuclear weapons and
ly work for all of her adult 11fe for the ...... be mlsunderst-. u... !oreillll polley sto.dles tor tho
most diabou Aal evil in all history, which hindered, be Is sure to help tilt CFR. From 1956 to 1958 be wu :u~ eoemy." director ilr a S1)eC1a.l studies
bas caused more death and suffering and These words or Abraham Lin. project tor Rockefeller Bros.
inhumanity than aJ.l the war }Ords and coln &IIPIY mote DOW tbanata.D)' Fund. In ODe of Kisslnger'a otber Ume ill our blstory. Our writings be said, '•ltwuOOubt-coospirators and dictators at all previous ....., 1s to per!~ ills ume tor ftll thai tile u.s. would tcoow-
centuries. each IDdl.,idual to speak aw to flgbl a UmUed Duclear wu
in defense of our great country a.od tberefore a COD'f'etiHooal
The Times article on communist J..o order to preserve our pre-strategy shOuld ftrst be em-
Dorothy Healey will mal<e remarkable <~HE""';f'~ "SiaDd .., tor :J.":..!" case or aanomunlol
rfadtog for the soldiers ftgbttng the com-ll'e<dom"., E;.,. Taft Bensoa, • K1sslocer ....,. a1 tho
oDtmist -~~ -ii "1'tetnam. 14anf moh.OC.:.JIIIO.wlha l1a ol .r-Bitch," Iori< po1ky ol tile U.S.
• _.11 th i w01 be .-. at tbe Newport &hraJ• ealltd tor .. .u~ er. tbese bi;_&J.e Amertcau& .. ,. giVe e r lloi&llls EtOD!.OOiary Seboo~300 fort lo aeb!e .. •lctory. loo<J>er
lives in the deadly battle against com-E. 15th Streot, Newport Beach, words, U would_,. U.l tilt
muntsm the evil doctrine that this Times 'lbursdar, February Z7, 8 p.m. torelp poltcy or the u.s., bued
' Admission is free. on Klsst.nger•s advice wtU be "patriot'' is seeking to impose on our You are cordWJy i.DYited to endless no-win wus against
ation see these two ucellent t1lms. commu.nisl aggression, in-
n • l . A. DuoeU • creased miUtary uperw:Htures
JOINING in the 2oth anniversary observance of opeotng of the
Girl Scout House are, from left, Llons Club member John
Sympson; Mrs. Everett Nunan, first administrator; and Llons
A1 Pleger and Mario Pacini. (Ensign photo.)
American patriots can well ask why 400 Santa Aoa AYe. to ti.oaDc:e these no-win wars, 2 Q
this page one glorUication of communist Newport Beach, CaW. •bile at the same time nego-CANDLES FOR SCOUT HOUSE &46-8463 tiate with the communists to Dorothy Healey by the Los ~eles Times! STOP THE TR~ATY disarm the United States. He The flrstprojectoftbe Balboa Scout flag to the Girl Scouts Beaches ud Re<:reatioo Com-
Why this sentimental bulld-up of the enemy Editor ot the Ensign. said, ,, Victory t.o Vietnam was Bay Lions Club lD 1948 was tbe and a check for the summer mls.slop; James BaULapr, lie-
The llntted states Senate will oel.ther possible or desired.'' construction of the Newport camp tuod. John Sympson, a puty distrlct peroor ofUons; at home, when our boys are being ld.lled sooo. consider the SIO-Wled Georgia A. LiDtoln, deputy Harbor Girl Scout Jbuse at charter member of tbe Uoos aDd Larry Henderson. cablnet
by the commtmists on the other side of ''Treaty 00 the oon..proWera.. omcerofemergeocyprepared-1700W. BalboaBJvd.J.DCentral Club, presented hls sketch of secretary of Lions.
f Uoo f 1 .. ness was one of 24 members of Newport. Sir Robert Baden-.PoweU, toun.
the globe! There has to be a reason or true !rue~ ~:=din: the CrR recommeodlng tbit the Last week members and der of the Scout movement.
USe of more than 100 COlumn inches of Aweul Ubera1s are tr)'i..ng U. S. Disarmament Agency guests ot t1le Uoos Club Guest. of hooor present tor
will DC soou.J.d be established and 4 pthered at tbeGirlScoutHo\lse tbe meeting lDeltlded lt:s. WU-Times space for this cause. Time to sal1 this as a deterrent to months later u was passed. to commemorate tbe Zotb a.wU-dan Thomas of Balboa, admlnJ-
tell, if the Times won't. war,.::~ 11 ~S:U by r.O: Henry Niemes versary or its completion. strator of the Girl Scout House,
; the sit suit Dr 1800 Viola Pl. The program was preceded. aod her otticers, Mrs. Ra.Jpb
• • •
Businessmen of Newport Beach, you
ought to be aware of the fact that you are
facing the prospect of a 4-fold increase,
or more, in business license fees. lf you
don't like that prospect, let the City
Council in on your feelings, so that there
will not again be the claim that just
about everyooe seems to be in agreement
with Council plans.
Last week the Council received staff
suggestions for booBt1og city revenues,
and among the ideas 1s the proposal to
base the business license cost for re-
tailers and wholesalers on gl'088 receipts.
The suggested bite 1s ooe tenth of one per
cent of the gross. For a$100,000business
volume, that would be a license fee total
of $100, instead d. the present $25.
The entire coocept d. annual business
licensing 1s *rotC· Why sbould we pay
tribute to the 'City for matntatnlng a bwl1-
ne88 in the clty? The city 1s doing ua no
favor. We pay (and then some) for all
serncea we ,et. If there 1s any debt at
all, it's tbe other way arouad. We are
unpaid tax collecton for the city. We
generate tbe llal• tax rew-, 'Wbtcb 1s
a C01181denble amount al ~e for tbe
city. Tbe property taXM on buiDaa and
~ actually MJbaldlse the re814eo-
t1al -· wblch do not p%0ride eDOIIIb
taXM to pq for aente• readend.
Tbe ....,._ on tallre• ad ln®....,
(ad catMpnfndmalpeople)tapinou
•a 11fL a Ia ._ niW a.l '-Meded,
D0t •'"'•2Fd bill ....
Edward T C:: o!e ~001: eal Costa Mas~ by a dinner prepared by Karla Deaver, Mrs. Edward Millet,
DIICieac ~enitst.s wa.rosgr that __ Pacln.l, past presldeot of the Mrs. Jo Hortoo ancUlrs.James
tbU treaty could 'compel our LEG4.l NOTICE Lions Club am now regiooal Paul, district chairman.
policing tbe world. and might secretary. The flac ceremony Mrs. Everett NWilD, wbowas
ln9olve.asLDmanyacttooswbich NOTICE OF PlfBUC HEARING Was presented by Girl Scouts the first a.dmlnistrator 1D 190,
w could otberw1.se aYOid Notice is hereby given tbat tbe Lyoo Ballard, Jebo Locke, was Introduced. Also preseDt 8aur rnllltary com tbnents Planning Commission of the EUz.abetb Ftancls, JW Sbep. were Ed Hirtb, city councilman;
are DOW ead orer ~ City or Newport Beach will hold p&rd and Cynthia Clarke. Fred Schoepe of the Newport
to a eai:r uteot tbaD = a public hearl..og oo theawllca-AI Hewes, prestdeot ol tbe Harbor Chamber ofCommerce; peop~eallJe tbeteb'e tolltt tion of Mariners Church for a BaJiq, Bay lJ.ou, preaeated a Wally Koeh of the Parts,
...._ tbt.s .-..:.~"'"ty is onl Use Permit 14.23 to permit ..., re~ Y existing building located at 2200 utlnc lor more Vletoams and East Coast Highway Corona
Koreas. of whlcb we bave bad del Mar, to be used a.s' a church
our sbare lD recent times. U (Section 20,08,080).
eaacted, e.-ery nna-nueteu oa.-Notice 1s hereby fUrther ct•ea
Uoo in tbe world would upeet tbat saJd public heu-tng will be
ow assh;tuce U tb!'eateoecL held on tbe 6th day of March.
Urp JOllf seaat« to oppose 1969. at the hour ot 8:00p.m.
tlds treaty· iD the CoUDCU Cbamben ol tbe
808 DUGAN Newpoit Beach City Hall at
Newpon Beacb.. wbJcb time and placeanyudall
"NNXON'S ADVlSOI<S persons lnterut:ed may appear
and be heard lbereoo.
Editor ol tho Easlca, Ray y CopeUn, etuy
Tbe tate ot our NatJoa Ues N~rt Beacb ~r
Ia tbe llaDds of Presideat Pla.nlliJJ.c Commissioo
MI..IDD's IIJPOI.Dlees. SeYeo are Publlsb: Feb. 20, 1969, iD
members ol tbe CcMmciJ OD The Newport Harbor ED.Sip
For-etp ReJatioos a.od 0D1 is or -----------was a memberoltbeAmerle&n$
!or Do-nile Aetloo, wtll<b ts __ .:L::E::G~A::L:_:HO=.Tl~C::E:.__
Wl111am ~~. _. .... ,., Notice tsber""cl"•t,.ttllt
stale, ls 01' ltu bet'!ll & member PJual.ac CommlsskMI. of tbe
ol ADA. Rldlord F. --CJIJ' o! Newport llooeb wW bold ea .. aaar o1 tbt st.t. Dlpt... Ia a pllbUc beariDc oe tbu~uea.
a -ol tile CPR; Ia--o! Fl.oo 0. O!Roud-
A. Khws..-, ___. ol U. L Rus for a U11 Pwtntt 1411
Cf'R. Ia •HoM• -=-117 ad-ao permit c1aoc1ac to r«:G~"dld
..... Rt wtU _.., U K_.a -; l.t. julio bu. II 110
.... ~-Do!IL Eul--· BoloitlleiK!MI 1 tslllopn--lalltr..,_clfto
-· -.. lonlp lllol -)lllll1e boarlllc wU1 bo polleJ, tile CFR wU1 ,_, 1lo tltlol • 1M 1111 oily o1 MarQ,
-.. tile _.. .,. lllo 1111, .. tilt -" 1!00 ...... .,.. rrt 11:~11ofbcltltiU. .Ia tM Co-ell ,.,..._,of ta.
.... Dllt,. Mill tilt Dtl II lt.wpcd Bela CltJ 11111. r.t
Dofl. • Wl11 alto pltut Goo. --......... .., ud ...._ ._.,Mw •-an,.. ... rrnutLs.., ....
q , r wu Aoe' tlllr'a ,., ud bt ~ ._.._
lonlp pollq -ud Ray Y. C.,Oio, ... *ty
..,._.M8ca f W'AirJILNil-Jtllpuel ... CIJ
diiJL ,....._ens' 'I
"'I ·---. lloy Ptra ..... ~=· .. 1'7, 1111, a. ,...., c.. ·~ Tlltl ••p;st lrt. • •
Notice 1s bereby giYen tJal: tbe
PlanniDg Comm.lssioo of lbe
City of Newport Beach will bold
a public bearing on t.be ap.
pUeaUon of George M. HolstelD
'-Sou for a Use Permit 14U
lo per mil a PlanaedResldenti&J
Deveklpmeot of 84.S5 acres
k»eated west of Eastbluff Dr lYe,
bordered OD tbe West and oortb
by B&elt Bay Drive,
Notice lsherebyfurtber cJ-Yeo
lbat said pubUe bea.rLDc will be
hekt OD tbe 6tb day ol M&r~b,
1969, at the bout of 8:00p.m.
lD tbe Councu Cbambers of tbe
Newport Beach City HaU, at
wtllch Ume and placeuylJldall
persons lnterested may appeu
and be beard lbereon.
Rar Y. CopeUn, aeeretary
NoW)>Oft Beoeb City
PluniDc Commtalon
Pul>llsb' Fell, 20,.1969, In
The Newport llarl>o< Ellalp
Lor trained to educate the younc.
l sumsted that abe read
some of tbe boob wrltten by
tbose who had existed under tbe
system or were part of It and
bad llod to tho West, lloplnc to
escape u.
ODe ln particular I recom-
mtDded wu Vlad.J.mir Petrov's
boot, ''Empire of fear," pOO..
Uahod In 1956.
PetrOY na 1.D kK VD ctpher
clerk 11:1 the Russla.D diplomatic
service sta.Uooed 1n Australll.
WbeD be defected. Petra¥ tells
u '•Ute u ts, .. especially on the
matter of commwW housioe.
He liYed tbrougb tbt boody
purps of tbe 'SO's, about wtdch
._ saJd. "There Ia a simple
word wtdeh eJPlains most things
1D Russia that puzsle aod t.me
tbe olbide world. It Is 'fear.'
It Is almo!lt lmposslble tor
people 1D Western countries to
llDderstud how coostant, IBli-
•ersal, and ever ..present ls the
element of tear among the
people of tbe Soviet Ulllon,"
The tppaleot quiescent state
of the Rusda.o bear sl.nce
Sb.llil's death should tool oo
ooe-Jea.st of aJJ tbe Russian
"e>perts' guldln& U. S. tore11111
policy. The oature of tbe beast
doesn't change, U It should be-
come necessary to Uqu.ida.te
portJoos or u. -tlO!f; tlle >
oommuatst elite wutllda"t bts.l-"
la the meantime, RIJSS1a· sits
back to obsene tbe etreet of
Jtu'S of prtlllU'alioD of tbrl lD-
tetblJ contllctawtdch pJ.acue tbe u.s., aod whlcb promise to pt
worse, DOt better; at tbre same
time promottngwusoflttrlUoa
10 Uep Ul iDYOIVed 00 our pert-
meter. lD tbls way the c1tiselll')'
Is too LDtolYed to ootice U, U.S.
1JI beinc isolated tntertallonal-
So¥let poUcles ban never
challpd. Changes Lo JD.aDa.Ct-
ment don't mean a cbanp la
poUcy. Kbrusbcbev1D1955sald:
"We say to tbe centlemen whO
are n.ltinc to see trbetber tbe
Sot'let Unloo wW cbJ..Dge Its
poUUcal procram: Wait ror a
blue moon.! And you Dow when
lblt will be ...
We need more men like U •
Geoeral Arthur Trudeau, who,
aceordin& to my scrapbook.
ooce l&id: "Sofiet..com.munist
protestatJoos of peacetultnteot
ud a desire l.or true frleod-
ablp wttb tbe United states are
an utter sbam.
''Tbeo .-wlet perBment bas
committed 10 ma.DJ beloous
crimea U.t at th.ls ~tact of tbe
pme, nothlAc 1t cu do will
sbock:tbt worW. Bribes, black-
mall, au, alcobol, oanotlcs,
and eYII')' otber tool of Satu
are tbetr stock tD tnde. Ub
aplder&, tbiJ ~ Well't't
• -...-tbt.trricllm, using
b1J OWD WMblall to be_,
lblm, aatU. be la c:ompWelJ
ll tbetr mtrc:,..._..w tbeJ baYe
For u.e Urd CODIICIIIin
,_., aotap IIIII bo<roorla(
otap ... LouAIIa.ro-elocltd
all directoc'a at tbl reellt
UDII&lmembtra lnMtiDr-
Tbl re-elitctld oGle•• arl!
clalrQIIA ol 1110 boucl, P. A.
~lulorL prHldlat, AIIDII 810111qU.U11; Yice prelldlllft
S!Joldlllc a Eutmu; nee•pro.
sldem-treulll'er. Robert R.
Hleld: auUta.Dt Ylce prllf ..
de!U, Doris Cromn. Carol
Frncb, Gordoo Redmoo: sec-
retary, Alan R, Nlcholaoo; u-
matut secretaries, M&dellol
Daweoo. Marpret Gllbert, F.lo-
rteoe LaUDt; asslst&Dt trea.
llD'ers, Catbarlne KJ.ester aid
Oorotlly Onrtg.
Re-ektcted directors are
P. A. Palmer, Apes BkMDquJ.st.
~~~ P. Masur, wau.r s.
Spicer (each witb a SS .. year
18J'V1ce record 1D tbe Assoeta ..
Uoo); IIIII Borloo Beek, elaetecl
to tbe Boud ID 1968 to mcceed
b.t. tatber, tbe late Joseph A.
BeeiL, &DOtbet of lbe Assoel.a-
Uoo's foUDders.
'II A GOOD III-li , ....... CGftMif, Of
Barbara Mae Kistle
weds John Combs Jr.
New residealuol.Harbor View
IIUb: are Dft'lytrtdl Mr. aad
Mrs. John Wes .. y Comt. Jr.,
Wllo were married Satwdly
..,.aloe. Feb, 15, at St.
Aadrew's PresbyterlanCburell.
CUff HaYeD.
Tile bride 11 tbe tamer 111u
~~ ~ Butua lla.e KiltJe, daupter of
WI'. IDd Mrs. Russell KUtle ot
ZW Seaview Ave., CorODl del
..... • ..... llollle cOmbo Ql
Santa Ana is the mother of tbe
MRS. ROY SHAFER of Newport Heights, recipient of a lUe
membership award at the sweetheart tea oi the Newport
Harbor Legion Auxiliary Unit 291, Is pictured here with
her family. Directly behind her Is husband Roy, who Is
flanked by their 6 sons, from left, Jerry, a lay mission
helper at a Navajo Indian School In Arizona; Phillip, oi
Costa MP.sa; Robert, oi Canby, Oregon; Eugene, now ser-
ving In Vlelnam; Edward, of Buena Park, andJack, of Costa
Mesa. Seated with Mrs. Shafer are her daughters, from
left, Catherine Spaulding of Orange, Mary Surprenant of
Costa Mesa, and Patricia Ristow oi Anaheim.
Or. Charles otereofleki,
church pastor, Wlited the co141le
lD a double rtq ceremooy. The
bride, gh·en ln ma.rrlage by ber
father, wore a white cba.aUlly
lace gown wltb full chapel trata.
1Tbe dress wumadewtthafroot
tnset panel of silk orr;anr.a. A
petal beaddress of white chan~
tllly lace trimmed With seed MRS.JOHM WESLEY COMBS
pearls beki t.er silk illusioo
f'eiL Sbe carried a bouquet of
rniDd white flowers.
~Ddlnt!; Iter were "'Mrs.
Jeanne Vanderburg or Costa
Mesa as matron of booor, Miss
Joy Stepbenson or AtW!elm :lS
maJd or hOoor a..od Miss Lois
fC•,•o Ho~u pboiOJ
The bridegroom ls self.em.
ployed ln the public relallons
tl.ekt and Is a producer of true I
films. The COI.f)le's oew bome ls
at 174.1 Port Sheffield Place.
Tollefson of Newport Beach as KARATE EXPERT lUCKS
bridesmaid. The atteDdaots aU WOULD-BE ROBBER
wore matching gowns of lime KUate practice paid off for
green coJ4lled with a dark green Kenneth Holloway, 1701 Baya~
skirt, Tbetr hats were of Ume dere Ter ., Ltvine Terrace.
green silk Del and they carried Saturday, Feb. 15, when be was
bouquets of daffodils, daisies, accosted at the Ba.lboa Pier by
baby's breath a.nd rern. a m10 with a knife.
Attending the groom were At the demand, ''Let me see
Walter McGonigle of Santa Ana your wallet," Mr. Holloway
:lS best man, a.od Gordon R, M.il. ki cked the youog man twtce 'lrith
ler of Balboa lslazld and James his teet, lmocking lllm to tbe
Hogseth of Saota Ana :lS ushers. floor, and then ran to a pbooe
AI-$8011 ,-(1( ......
IJ'II)bk ............ jowolrJ
II !rom IIIII r-1U ..
SboncWI Rd., Sloo<e CWII,
Comcllmu L1adaloy Pv-
.,10 Mowporl Bllcb pollee Feb, u.
MEII'OIIT~A liST Sf;C11111 -.,,_I
lltURSMY, '1'{1. .. -OOIIIIIA OO.IIAII, CMJ,, ,_,.y-a... .......... , .... ,
Call liD-
One American In four
has this disease
Ph)'Sic:ians call il obcf..
ity, bur it's j!Al u un.
heallhy if we ca..ll it
polllll/J-100 many po~tfds. In wme plac:a a chid'
cause or early death is malnutrition but in this
country lhe Grim Reaper's number one helper is
overeatina. Overwcicht pc::opk: sub,iocttheir hc:a"
and blood vessels to undue stresses and strains.
E11ery OUtX:c of e~tcess f\esh is a menace 10 healct1 .
Which is why so many of us dtet today. And thole
or us who arc wi.te sec a physician tim. We, as
profeulonal pharmacis11, know bow dfective a
doctor's advU can be.
lal L COAST -T. coea.A DIL MU
lraow, of a .,.,....., 10
•• Halbor At .. who has
.... """' "locned. clo .. , a ra.,. t., ulli•a dl•
Hatbor ViaiiOr betwMft
I Mel 10 a .m., lind .,..,
.... , can on your frimcl
•hh ¥a.lu•l• lftformatic..1
_. aittt from frindty
'*tiaus lnu trhic:h
ttafld reedy 10 h1lp her
IMCIOfN ••&inted wiiJt
!Mt ••• tYff'Oiftdinaa. '
-HY ... :NI
M S h f t I• f d Mrs. lbrold Fidler ol Costa tD oot11y the pollee. r s. a e r g e s 1 e a war ~·~ ~~=~":.\:~~:.:-.:
Highlight of the past pre. Unit Z91 was the presentation of conducted by ateamot29thDis-the 11 a.m. cer emony. Luncheon ... ---------.;.1 ;:::::::::~~sl;de~Dl~s·~sw;ee~tllear~~t=tea~~o:IN;ew-a life membersb.ip to Marion trtd past presldents. was served ln the ftreslde room port Harbor Amllary (Mrs. Roy} Shafer, 517 West· Margery (Mrs. Kenneth E.) of tbe church wtth the Ladles
minster Ave., Newport Heights. Johnson presenled an origt.aal AuDLLary or St. Andrew's
She was escorted to the oil palntlng as a priJ.e for the Chureh assisting.
podium to r eceive her award evenlng, and the award weot to Mrs. Klstle received guests
by her daughters, catberlne Mildred Stanley Peth. in a silk ensemble lnpeach color
Spaulding aod Patricia Ristow. "Our coocern for children" with matcb.ingbata.ndsboes.She IJ I CLEANERS
New members lni.Uated Ln-
cl...ted Patricia Yurkovich, Do-
rothy Goldsby and Catherine
Spaulding. Esther, (Mrs. Ken-
neth N,) Johnson, past pre.
aldent, was tbe ln.stalllngoftlcer
for the InUlaUoo, which was
was the topic of the guest spea. wore a corsage of white
ker, Ooona Balcom be, member butterny orchids. The groom's
of the Au:dijary. mother, dressed ln blue silk,
Assisting with the tea were also wore willie orchids.
Gladys Thompson. Esther John-An Impromptu reception was
son, Mildred Weaver, Veronica later held at the co~le's new
Pytrom, Arts Ra~ll. AudreY.bome. An exteoded lloneymoon
Murray aod Donna BalcomDe, in Hawaii Is planoed for a later
11:30 am • 2:30 pm
Fuilitits for Banquets and Print• Parries
Enterf.linmel't -Dancing
• • • • • .95~
.,.,.ry Cl.anin,. rerfKi
,...,...... of the age of ,.. .,,..,.ry, ., 100% ,...
pluaMIM ff ca.c.Mb ...
Newcomers at Hoag .. :-::;.:~.~~~~~!:
Advertising ClOO and was
,.,.,., with .-.!lUI tray, -• w Mlllll, ..... ,.w., c"-ke .. .-... ., rke •1'-ff.
PRIM! IllS OF-IUF $27$
• NoSio--...............
• ,.,._, """ FeWt,.
• ~ heft """'' o WotH St. In lemo-1
e Prefea.loftal IMtalkltton
o ,,.,"lionel l•movol
0 Terms Mayle Arrang•d • ff•• htimatel
0 Fr" L-n Dropu
2001 Off f~ ca1h & c:arry
10 642-0270
1702 NEWPORT BLVD. al 171h, C..ooo Muo
t'Kl"'A.T, F'EB. 7
Mr. a.od Mrs. George
S004 Harctlng Way,
·--JCr. ud ..... .,_,. W<oo, Jr., Z135191'etoa L.a.De,
Huntington Beach.
GIJ'l. Mr.uxJMrs.OonaldF.
SYa.nberg, 4916ZodSt., Newport
Girl • Mr. and Mrs. Joe D.
Nuney, Z099 Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
Girl. Mr .and Mrs.RonaldR.
Eveoden, 206Zl Kelvin Lane,
Huntt.ngton Beach.
Boy • Mr. a.od Mr s. James
Messersmith, Z26d Columbla
Dr., Costa Mesa.
Boy -M.r . and Mrs. Barry
V, Mason, 1955 AU.so, Costa
• SUNDAY, FEB. 9 rec.eotly named "Mlss A. LA.",
Boy • Mr . and Mrs. Robert Association of Industrial Ad-
Throneberry, 8892 Shore ~rtlsers. She Is on the
Circle. Hu.otLotaoa Bei.CL ,. •• :" advisory board ol tbt
Boy • Mr. ud Mrs. Wi'!!: __ l Collere MarUUD&As-
C!oud MoncJ.y
1045 BAYSIDE DltiYI '675.0200 ChrLsteasen, "JJO Hlmllba mclat..IM, OrugeCoutCollere
Av~~~c~~~e:!; Mrs. Fran> Chapltoor~. ______ ..:::::::~T~M~E:.:E!I~T~I~A~M~C~E~T~D:.:I~A~L~l~O~A~f~SL~A~-~D:.:::::::;:
Crook, 3082 Platte Or., Cosu •
• MONDAY, F'EB. 10
Girl • Mr . and M.rs. Ray D.
Shipman, 9Z5 W, 16th St., West
Newport Heights.
Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Robert
E. ShOults, 1989 Anaheim Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
• TUESDAY, F'E B. 11
Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
P. Barnum, 507 35th st., West
Girl -Mr. and Mr s. Gordon
Rozen. 19401 Tobago Lane,
Huot1ngton Beach. ==------------, Boy • Mr . and Mrs. Robert
Lady W rangier
. . .
415 CAMPUS Oil VI-II'IIMI W. c-.nl
P. Benoett, 818 Palm Ave., IF,
Huotlngtoo Beach.
~y . Mr . and Mrs. Wtoa.el
Ducharm, 914 So. EYergreen
PI., Costa Mesa.
Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bass, 360 La Perle PI., Costa
Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Mlebael
Cavanaugh, 4507 Romury Dr.,
Cameo Shor es.
Girl -Mr. and Mrs. steYe
Grove, 1069 Dover Dr., West.
Gir I -Mr. and Mrs. WI Warn
Engla.nd, 1205 W. Balboa Blvd., Ba-.
Girl • Mr. and Wrs. Jerry
Prickett, 900 Sea Lane, 157,
Harbor View Hllls.
Two ice swans arched their
oects over the buffet table wben
Beo Brown's restaura.It lD
Laguna Beacb lnaqurated tbe
WednesdaJ night buffet dimters
Feb. IZ.
Close to 400 dlDers sampled
104 dishes oo tbe buffet table,
I.Dcludlng fresh OJstu'l, Cl'ab
and lobster, l6 app.tturs.
fresh frutlwttbabcnrlolpq~&Ja.
ud jumbo sbrtmp trees. a.ater
W'olS molded ln&O a &Oldto
ehtekao Z feet hlP. Therenre
9 cold and 1 bot eatraes. &adZO
Tbt ...,. l1PI or "'""" 11 olllnd eacta w.-....,. wUb a
.._. •LIWD( ....... oavlllo
-lllloo. AI A-.s, ---at 1M llarklloi*IM dld!M-IIM_I_
A l1lbo, -lib=---to-klacar-Witlll
It --ldl-........ ·-------........ -.-Wll ..... lll ..... -llc..,.-:. 'l'lllltUUJ--Itd
--IUO ...... ..._ L---------------------_J "*1', r-.lt.
An accoun t at Newpo rt Balboa Sav1ngs •S 8"
add1toon to your in vestment portfoloo-and a
very attractive addot10n Cons•der wha! $1 000
kept at Newport Balboa Sa\l mgs would earn ,,
d•v•dends A. regular passbook account ma.n
taoned one year. would return to you $51 30 at
our current annual rate A Bonus Acc:ounl ol
the same am o unt. matnta•ned rhree yeoars
would return $5645 a year or $169 35 lor the
three year penod
In contrast. a like amount of savtngs would
return only $40 60 11 year tf kept m a bank. A
"'good"' stock would return even tess A stock
selhng at $50 11 share and pay•ng a d•v•de nd
of S2 40 IS conatdered an attractive buy Yet 1n
dtvtdends $1,0Cl0 •nvested tn that stock would
pay you only $48 annually
Investment counselors know the w1sdom of
mainternmg a broad portfolto For there·s truth
•n the homely wam•ng that tl t&n"l always wtae
to put "aU your eggs In one basket · Or even
a relatively few b .. keta.
Make a sensible additiOn toyourpresent lnvest·
ment portfolio. Open en account at Newport
Balboa Savings todeyt
U. annual yield of S 13" when (§I Our current rate of 5 00\ ts an
'{) compounded datty and mtnn·
tatned for one year
Our V4"' bonus ce"ificat.• ~~ On multiploo ol $1000, cu<·
"-> '0 ~tty Hm 5.25" ~r an-
num, h~t In m. natton.
SAVINGS 8 -·-..... ()lllooo !a VII UO... ~ a..ctt, C.Utom61 _,
"*'e Tt4 C7)..11JO
CoroN ........ ~
tt• ta.t C.. Hlll•auJ' ..a --""··-·~fiiO... ............... O..... "·"-~On w .... .....
AQNO: kOMQUIT ................
Getting your child
acquainted with the
telephone could be help-
ful sometime. Suppose
you're out of the house
for some reason and
your youngster is alone.
If something unexpected
were to happen, dialing
direct is the quickest way
to reach emergency numbers
like the Police or Fire Department.
But thia can be difficult for the young. So make sure
your child know1 how to dial zero, "0," for help.
Our Operators are trained for such emergencies.
ll:no>w, the telephone installer
example of the kind of lnelp>{ul people we've got work-
us. He's more than a
specialist at installing
telephones, he's also a
specialist at helping
people. The job he does
18 an individual one, tai-
lored ~your particular
needs. He puts his tech-
nical lrnow-how to work
so you get the kind of tele-
phone service you want. and he's
supplied with a real "tool chest on
wheels" to help him do it. He's got
over 150 supply items in his t ruck
that help h1m tackle your job-
which is never quite like anyone
@ P•cific Tel.,._..
'Know your fireman'
Fireman Thoma s J. Brooks the Harbor area in 1941, and waa:
was txlrn In Pasadena, March graduated from Newport Harbor
30, 1928. Jim, a.s 1M? Is known HlghSchooiln 1946. He &tteDded j;-;;~ji~~========~~~~~~~==;;~~oo:hl::•:'•:ll:o:w:fir~em::••;·;m;•;voo~OO ~~ ~ Jwllor Collep ~ Orange Coast College and was
graduated wtth a.n A.A. degree
wtth a buUdlng trade major.
Handball Gloves
$3.95-$4.50 -$5.95-$6.50
Ace & Seamless
*eecSo & Ocean Champion
, ... Slllrts ...........
ennis Rackets
DUNLOP Fort Frame $J4.95
l'eMiaylvanla X tra Duty .. ,..
Tennis Balls,7.50
Fins-Masks • Snortles
Prior to joining the Newport
Beach n.re department, be
worked a.s an LDstaUer for Pact-
fie Telephone.
Fireman Brooks joined tbe
nre department 1n September,
1956, and has worked at all of
the city nre stations with tbl
exception of station No. 1. He
is preseDtly assiCI*l to StatlOD
No. 4 (Balboa lslaod) on tbe
"A" shift.
Jlm's bobbles are ocean aDd
bay flsbiDg,
Coli loY--Al ........ ,
• rmg for Viona
oanneRs ·-$2.95
" ' ftl€t of 'SOl£
chicken kiev
Ve.\1 COObon III £U
... -_ .. -
~--... """ BEU. BROADWAY
IIOBroadway u .._---OootA .. _
WU.., o-, s.r..d, &U<I T<W>o
Pouro llld V•uble of tht d1y.
[iif.sgliiAris 1iiiioo
Black Student Union visits
FtttliltldMU troeloMI'r .. .U. AI tldlllllc* ea-a;'ttsCIU
-.._ ......, --·"' _.., .. Mid, .. _ .. Bilek·--.-._ ... ...... lllP-..... ....,.,._ ... _..,
Peb. U,ud ...... lo-1, E-11-•.AI--r•w'a -· _____ .,.., -... -~·---..... -.... IIMtlnc Bllct I from IDd ---bf U E-
0..101 lllP ......, J..oo Aa. ... -"' _._ .... -...... .-.c at MtlfDOi't Hit* peop&e, aid tllilt wu a "lie-•
,IIIP oo lu. 10, --to DOer<>-· nre'-l,oolylloo
-· ...... ~&Ill-............ -. .. rtbiWO.., tiMJIDJUidllhdt.U Shdeata 1D lOCH eiluN
1roa1 FrMD~DK to come toEa-••• told u..1 eous t.ae.-1
tucla R1&ta. or-o .,. ...... lo bear tbe Yidor'J, bat .... .
A. M. Reinert of CM dies
Alfred II, R.u.-tSr.oiCoaa April II, liM, II -. aM
....... fatber of Jack Reiaert came to CaJa.MWa • ,.,..
ct Rslllert'o Dept. -·· Cosla .,., He Und Ia Oralio eo.,
-. dlod F ... II, at S11ollct< 1>r H JOOI'I.
Comaleaceace Hosp1tal, New. Sun1vors ue IIILiwUt, Etblt,
port Beaeb. U54 HJeWy Pllee; t ....
Mr. RelDert wu a m.a11iDr Altr-' Reiaert Jr., 8ul:l AM.
elerk for 25 years wlth lhe Los and Jac_t. of WelteWf. ud a
AopJes Ea.miDer. Hewuborn gra.oddaupter, PIICIJ.
-·· lllelaol lllart &Ill told J>ey dldll1 -1o .. . Gl-CoW.., bo!pod-... -. Tbo "-"·"'-Rotary Cllt) bu ftnjaht«f the ballot-DESPITE WARNINGSIGNS,Uteguardshad "Y-matl """"' 1D11 ....,uoces
Ser¥1ees wen beJd Feb.lht
Paeiftc VIew Chapel, wttb the
Rev . James Plerey ot the Flnt
Cbrtsttan Chureb, Costa Mta,
as omcla.ot. la.urmnent wu at
Paeiflc VIew Memorial Park,
uOOer the direetloD ot BtU
Bl'oadway .,f)rtuary.
no prime m~ ol 1M
1f011J did aa01t of lbt tamrc.
JlloM d&KU&Md Fremoat .:bool
~ .... -. lbo7 laiUd lboat tbt ractproblem_predle-
ted a reYOlc&loD 1D tbe Ull1tecl
-IDd aid lbo7-jola
to cbue surfers out of the water la&t tho eloelloo "' ltle loltowlDg directors: WUll.a.m CouUer, weekend between the Newport Pier and the rill ,....., IDYestm.,.s; Dr.
Santa Ana River jetty. But about500to800 JoeS.OC:.....,deatlst;Rtehard
rf t lt that ll KlmboU, IIWIOI"f of United su era e po ution stopped at the ca~a>rnta Buk; and Shormao
Newport Pier and were riding the waves Smttb, ••••stat• management.
th otb id Tb ('.ontlrudng directors are on e er s e. e quarantine is still Peter Barret~ realtor; 0ao
In effect as result of the pollution caused O'Fsrron, eommorelal pro.
by the recent rain storm (Ensign photo } oertY mlll&l"f, lrYlDe eo.; ••· • • bert Searles, eommerci.a.l LD. Former Coroaa del Mar
drtss lbap OWDII'. Roaa.J4
(-.l Bncl ct ZZI7 Ralelp
st., Coat& ..... died yttterdi.J
mornt.oc at bts tmm1 after a
Hoag kick off is held 3.~5*~~~·~
SHE'S THE QUEEN -Oran10 Cout Collo&O-C.O.,cla
McClellaD or Newport Beach was oamed queen ot courts
at the haltttme ot the O:uge Cout-GokSeo West butett.U
pme, wblcb OCC woo, 92.91. Miss Mt."Clei.J.all, a modern
daocer, woo the boDOr 1n a campus eleetioo and presided
O't'er 1 post pme daDce.
Mr. lDd Mrs. Braq e&me to
Coroaa del liar to tbo ..... ,
DIDeteea flltles and purchased
1M "-Sbop at Z737 E.
Cout HllbnJ from Erma
Satalers. They later mamed 1t
He Is surYIYed by h1B trife,
Marge, ol the borne alld a. m:u-
ried dauctter and 1 lfl,lldchlld,
Fuoeral &en"lces will be
private, M!m:>rlal ct&ts to tbe
cancer fllDd are suggested 1n
llev of flowers.
Card index
hits thieves
"Tbt Reaeb Yeus"eommu.
tee beJd Us kJ.ck...oa luoc:beoD
yesterday at tbe l:loq eoafer-
toce eelier i)r tbe 1969.1970 ...
1971 eJp•nsloo of Hoac Hos-
Albert J. Auer of the lrYtDI
Co., Reacb ~p cbairmu,
who cooducted tbe orleatatloD
meet!og, quoted tbo esmpotp
Wallet s1se cards that permit motto, "Ab but a man's reaeb
reoord.lng of serial numbers 00 sbould ezceed bls IJ'UP, or
such Uems as cameras, btlaoeu~ wbat's 1 beano for?" Aad bl
lars, tools, a.ad bouset.::lld spelled out the e1p11nsjM aeeds
articles are DOWbeiD&dtstrlbu. at Hoar. FlDaDciD&: tbe $13 mu.
ted by the Newport Beach Pollee U00. ll·storJ Hoac to•er re-
departments. quires raising $3 millloo 1D
''A thief bas creat dltflc.ulty doaations a.ad pledps from tbe
opla1D1ng bow your ldelttftable oommWiity du:riDg tbe 3 year
property came lDto b.1s pos. eampaip. A $9 mUUoo lou
sessloo," said ChJet of Pollee pl\lS $1 mlllioo curreotlJ 1n the
.serve on tbe board.
Yesterday was lbe last day of
~~ free tltewood from the
beaches wttb the arrival of
)oaders aM trucks from the
Harold E. SlmpsooCo.otlrwi.n.
dale, wbo negotiated a contract AMONG THOSE wbo attended
wltb the City of Newport Beach the crime prevention luncheon
b' the elean.ing of flood debris of the Newport Harbor Eachange
from tbe .saoos. Club was tor mer asststant ehtef
Tbe contract 1s oo a reou.J of police of Newport Beach
basts with total cost depeodeDt Merrill Duncan, now chief or
'ClOD length of Ume to dO the police of Ora.nge. (Ensign
)XI. photo.)
James Glavas. Aootber sue· building tuDd trom prior dooa· .t.L. A.UER
gestloo made by Cbiet Glnu t1oo& completes tbe $13 rn1llioa lnteDSifled use of modern
1s toplaceanldeotifyi.ognumber total. equipmerd requires specla.I.Lr.ed
on property UW does .not bear A. Vlnceat Jorgmsen, pre. tecbnldans at biper pay Wz AI the lo9"""' koch C c
a Uc.ense. Toaidlnmarld.nc.the sldent of the Hoag board of Hudsoo sa.ld J.Dda.ltlougb~edi~ OPEN ...............
police department bu electric directors, discussed past hos· cal adn.Dce~ ban raised costs TO niE -.-r~o.ETE COli NET BUFFET Dll*tER
Drastic Reductions!
eogravi.Ag peocUs tbat wtll be pllal espa.llSioo siDce Its in· tbese sameadYanceshueshor~ PUBLIC WEDHESDAYS 6 O'CLOCK TO 10 P.M.
loaned on request. eepUon u a 75·bed medlcal teoed tbe hosplW stay wbJch $5.00 per penon
Agt. WaUyKerr,wholssbowo flelllty In 1952. ln 1960 the somewhat equall&es th'e eost f""" lOR •nuvAnOHS-<ALl 17141 ...,.1~
above holding ooe of the cards, bosptta.l added 175 beds. An ;;cto:•~·================~7~A..::;;M.~====·=·=~=· :":'":':-:::::•:~: .. : .. ::• :·•:::::· ==~
B}~es, .T-Shirts, Jackets~
Skirts, Slacks, Bermudas.
Hostess Pajamas, Pant Dresses.
Sweaters, Shirts, Pajamas.
GOwns, suPs, S}l~l'tJ~~. _
Pajamas, Bras, Girdles.
Slacks, Shorts, and
Turtleneclc Sweaters.
OPEN DAILY 9,30 • 6, FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P .M.
said that requestseanbemalled enlarre<f emergency depart.
to the pollee department, 425 ment and an Intensive care unit
32nd St., Newport Beaetl. were added 1n 1964, and a new
pediatric department a.ad ez.
AI RMAH HARROWIY' S paDded office space were com.
UHIT IS DECDIIATED pleted 1111966.1Deacbcase,llr.
Air mac first Class Tbomu Jorgensen sa.id., eJilrii.DSioncosts
R. Harrowby, 11011 ot Me. and were mel by the people 1n tbe
Mrs. Thomas E. Harrowby of community and 5\Wlemented by
Lacuna Bea.cb, former eoro .. the Hoag fonnd;atkln,
del Mar residents. bubee.D"~ Dr. Joll.u P. Miller, prest-
eoplaed !Dr boii>IJic bl5 111111 de-loci ot 1M lloac 11os.
earu tbe U. S.. Air Foree out.. pltal sta.tr. renewed tbe med1-
star•flng Wlit anrd. He ls a c.a.1 statra.partl~tiootbrougb
computer operator 1n tbe 4S1'tb tbe growtll years and their
IIIUtarJ Air WI Wing at Char-eoollnuJnc -lor '-"'<e-
lestoo AFB, S.C., wblc.b was me.at of the quality of medical
cited for exceptionally mer I. care pro,ided at Hoag. He cited,
tortous service during ltscom. as an eu.mple, the Installation
bat and re~IJ atrllft opera. of We·SIYIDg units such as
Uoos around tbe world. ea.rdiae care, Intensive eare,
The aitman is a graduate of ouclear medicioe, aDd carcJ.to-.
Newport Harbor Hlgb School pulmonary equtpmem.
and attended Orange Coast COl· William R, Hudson Jr., boS·
lege. His wlfe, Linda., ls tbe pU.aJ admlnlstrator, upla.ioed
daughter of Mr . and Mrs. L. A. the masler plan for tbe Hoag
GiovineW of 1310 S. Bay ft., Tower, which will alle..tate tbe
Balboa Island. onrcrowded coodlt1oos and
MIO.YEAR D1 PLOioiAS sborta&O ol OI>Ofallnc room b.
AWARDED AT ORANGE clUUes. He a.lso disc\lSsed tbe
Graduates rec.eiring degrees cootroversla.l lqlle of bospltal
at mfd.year oommeocemeDl at costs tor pati.XS. upWniDg
Chapma.o College tn Orange to. tblt m of re..enue pays tbe
eludes Peter JosepbSnetsinpr alaries and nps of tecJmlcal !~'='~::'::"::'::0:::":~'='~::'::":::'::0:::0::~~~~~~=-=~~~~~ 3ll6 Crud c .... l ,.._ .. ....,. porsoanel earlog lor potienls, M.A. 1o bistory.' Myra F~ IDd 30\\ is I&Sed for equipment
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fallon, 223 Or..;g.st., N-" and suppUes.
• • Sbol'es, M. A. in educ•Uon· Gus
• • Petersen Hewen, Z4Z4 siorro IU RGLAR IS BUHGL ER
• • VIsta, West lWer Boy, B.A. II AT ART'S LAHDIHC • INCOME TAX SERVICE • blstory; JohD VuNorhrlck,85! Crime didn't .. , too wen IDr
• •
Sollora Rd., Costa Mesa, B.A., thebuD(lerwbO ellmbedthrougb
lllstory; Donald Dean Bur, !73 1 wtndow to the 63 toot "Chan· • $3.00 I UP • Cecll Pl. aocl Robert SterUQc oellsle," at Art's Landing, 503
• • Creashaw, 1086 II._ Dr., E. Ed&OWBter, BaliU, SuOOay
• • and Ke-h AIYIJI Yolto, IOZI nl&'<, Feb. U,
• YI!AA 'ROUND SI!AVICI! e OUR 9TH YEAR • Mlssloo Dr., Costa Mesa. U.A, The Loept burglar dropped
• •
ID educ.&tlon. a flasttllgllt on the floor and
LOWEST PRICES e ALL OUT OF STATE RETURNS ..... 11. Taldng a $6 1m ol
• • SUHRISE SESSIONS ammunltloo, tbe thief left and
• NO APPOINTMEHT REQUIRED e BEST SERVICE • SLATED BY OiAMBER went 1o tho restaun .. nesrlhe • COIIIUL•a••• -~ • Tbeftrstofaserlesofmoa-t.c.t brob 1 Ulfeatteqtingto • • ._. lhly "Suartse Bull Se""""'" prya...-..open,lllde,.ntm.
• (CALIF'S. LEADING INCOIIIt: TAX SERVICE! • will be held at H9 Lm, this sott -lea•Jncbloodbebllld.Oaee
• • .. IIWPOIT ILYI., ODITA ... A • Friday, Feb. Zl, at !be..._ IDslde an ottemot lo pry opena
• • Bt.y Club, Wider lbe -· essh • .. ,._ lalled. A kef
2626 HARIIOR 81. VO ,
2626 MAnGe aGULIYARD, COlT A MISA • ef • stllp ot lho "-" HarbDr wu taba IDd when II was pot ID
• • Cbambtro!Commsreo. a tor bole to lbe omeo -.; 540• SoiL..,.O L42 •098.1
• Tbe lreUfast .. -to II brokl. Tbe thief -a 120 V ~ V
•••••• •••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • •• •• •• :':ed. members u.l ..,_ ::."' .;::~ .. lor ooosoll-lll="""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",!!J
Enjoy the warmth
and informal elegance
while dining amid
open fireplaces
and strolling troubadours
(Formerly Chef's Inn)
3201 fAST ·coAST
Under the personal d irection
of·Aiejandro (Alex) Maytorena
I Fcorm~rly 26 Years w 1th Perrno'sl
Ray Oliphant of Laguna Beoch
IPrasklent of Wooden Shoe Restavrantsl
675 0470
Tars lose again in O~T.
OWid I 11 .. "'714 .._ -~---•'-..... -..... ,_tla_loll ... _ ..... ,_, __ ,.._ CIF.ulJ....,.., ., ... _,
-..., 1oo1 ._,.. _, no _.Qt..... -... .,., 111o a. •• a. ...u. . ._. tM ._. wu cloel au tile ..,_.a7to • ...,...,._ ..-: 11 to a
_........ .. lbo 111111, -A•Mia ....... -11 lo 11.
,...., .......... aplool -... udiOioiOalllloaad -.. -. .• lo ..
•--· u11 ..., •oot .,,_...,..._Bar_ nlM ..-, n 1o n.
FIVE u1n--· ... bor lod Ia IJio orortlalo. 55 1o F--II 1o IL -.. L1oao -011 ,_ 171o 15, 114, wWI 1:10 lo F · A s...,.. FtD or-17 1o 15,
llftRT IWIIOR EIIIIJI FlliiTilCTIOII -_, •• • lltURSMY, FU. ID, -.
-1 olpl, Aabolm did ... Plat putllloCo-.alload,ud 'l'llo Sotloro lnllad u aid
o... 011~ trick, 5t to 57, tao.. utn a lrM lbrow IJI'O'fkild the WiD--u 10 poilU Ja tM 4tt1 qlll'ter,
• ________ _. porlod, ud a1 111o • .,. Umo llillc merpa •• a ._ -1101 ralltod lo tit I "'' Tlloy
eiiDebod Zod plaeo Ia 111o a.. Sotlor boeut madoll Silo 57. -W. -• -· Ia t11o 1M HlYID n&blcbpobtmu Srd crrertt..e u tleJ toot a
11r Harbor with liS pohlts. Paul '7..potat liM, bit WMt•' ....... Ia
Holmes bad 15, ud JefUiallD-biro pulled IYID. ID t1ae ftall
-DAY THill I'IIIDAJ 7:15 & 9M
••.r. MnM 01' VoutJif\11 l"ilefll•"· a..utr ,..,.,. Mu•l• ..
.. BEAll'nF'UL!" • PI•Y.._,
the me sa --. . , • ~ ·. !""'::,;_r_ •Jtn~._ .,~~
r~·:,;r_~i :,•;~ HARB,:::'R ~~~ COSfA ME.SA
SAT. .....
''"" 2 P.M.
~" 500
u.NGU..Oit -· """" -_..
,.. '-'-..... _ "' ··-
"" .. '"' ·-· -.... u • .., .. ••rnl .. .._ • --... -... "!-""' ··--............ _ ·-..... t.--.. __ .. -.. -..-... _ ... ,_ .,,_ ... __ .. -~ .. ---..... -~,..
AI Th. Entranc:•
r. Lldo kle
..oMI Of IOC ... C .... lOMI
1/.,aM.O. Pl1MSIIU ·in-4MI~
lltotta 7.00 I. 9<15-F-.. 1:25 I. 9:oll
oft U:. ot'ertlme Pulllolmu udRtcb·AIRMAN RlcbardJ. Fr~LMJr,•lll l
The Bailors, DOW Ued wUb Poll PYI Harbor a .-i!Olrllllad t1 Yr, aod Mll,
Westero 1D 4th place With a 6-7 w1tb a bubt tpiece. TbllJou · Fruer or Sl ~~~=~~~I (~-·~~~· record. wtU trueltoHUDHnctoo tied U liP apia wUh 1:01 to CD· COq)lltld ~c
Beach lo tackle tbe Oilers, wbo Tbe Uou lll::aDid thlri.Dc tbt t..cklud AFB, Tuu,
'-'~ wrapped ltt their 2Dd ftDaJ ID!Jaea aatll they camel.D . bleD asalped toS~dAFB,
stra.tibt league uue aDd are i:tr tbe wiiiD1DI bubt. Te:r:u, tor tralalDC lll tbt me
lS-0 in leape play. Lee Hatea nlldPJ)CUt man matDteauee fteld. He 1a a
The S-overtJme p.me last for tbe Di-wttb 15. Paul ~te ot Westebester
Frida~ ls an all-time record Holmes added 11; Du LlDd-Scbool, Los ADples, aDd attu-
la Oraop Couaty co-llloo. sledl, 15, ..., Bo Grtmlll, 14. ded Suit Mooteo CIIJ Collep.
CELERY 2/25t
GENE MOON of CoQ Mesa,
former operations muager of
Comm unity Cablevlslon Com-OCC wins 4th OIUNG KING OIIN!U
)C)KliS~ NOODLES pany, has been promoted to The Orange Coast Colleae
general manager of the wholly Pirates woo their 4tb stn..tgN:
owoed subsidiary of !he ln'loe Eastera Conlereoce b&sketbl.ll
Company. Now operating from game Tuesday night, crushing
new studios In Bayside Center , San Beroardi.Do 82 to 65. Coast
OCC launched Its broadcasting 1s oow an even 8-8 LD the league
actiyltles last spring with and 1n 6th place, eD.ctly in t~
closed circuli educaUoaal pro-middle.
pme 1n tbe Zod ball. Pbll Jar.
da.D be~ tbe cause •itb 1.f
poLDta Rlcb StickelmaJer bad 10,
and McCartin 11.
Secood place Cllatfey •ill be
at Coast this Saturday for an 8
p.m. coolest.
P\iS 13~
303 SizE~ 1Sc 23c
grams in University Park. San Berdoo led at the tall 37
Prior to jolnlngCCC,Mr.Mooo to 31 but the Pirates ted' by
was with Am erican Cablevlsloo Mike 'o'Flaherty, wtU: a total
Co. of Laguna Beach. of Z6 points, ran away with the
co mediaD and art collector, has
been oamed booorary chairmaa
at the AprU educatloo aDd hmd
rais[Dg crusade ottbe Americaa
Cancer Society. He is sbow'o
here •lth Dr, Robert R~••es,
presldeot of -tbe CaDeer
' , • ciliy".-Or-.. -co.ty
.-'lbeme oC t~,AprU *in Ylll.
be: ''He" JOUrMU'WUJtacbeck-
IC) Ud otbers .u.b a cbeck to tbe
Amerlcao C&Deer Soclety."
Fullerton, a close 68 to 65
winDer over SaDta Ana Tuesday
n.lght, has already clinched tbe
cooference UUe. Fullertoa 1s
DOW 1'1-0 iD tbe league, andwlll
be hosttnc Sth place Riverside
this Friday.
Last Satlll'day tbe Pirates
rallied twice to IC)set 3rd place
Santa ADa '16 to 7Z. Stickelma.ler
Iced the contest by caoolng 4
stralgflt tree thr01Js 1D tbe tlaJ
seeoDds. He had 13 pobts for tbe
M1l:e O'Fia.llarty led
sz~ro:~,.~==~ domlDaDce OY;; tbe
An early lawealorcementes:-
bibll is being featured at tbe
lrvlDe Ranch IntormaUoo Cen-WILL PAY ~ to $1,000 tor
ter from Friday, Feb. 21, 20 word• or leu ... . ....... stel.Dway Grand plaDO, Write
1 Time 2 Times 3 Timn
t 1.50 2.50 3.00
through Suaday, March Z. 21 word• to 30 wo,ds P. 0 . Box 168S, Studio City, 2.00 l .OO 4.00
Items on display have l>e<>nl • 31 word• to «1 words ...... Calllornia.
loaned by Ho•ard Garoer Eoch word over .4() word• ..:.:=.:..:::::., _____ _ 3.00 4.00 5.00
Suit Ana tr:rco~m~~hls~·~=~:~l o MUSICAL fOil SALE oollection of"
.05 . 10 • 15
badges. The .lntc>r".!~llclo C<e.;je~ll~~~~~~~~;..;:.;,;;;;.;.;;.;.:.:.;.;;.;;:.:;.:;_ __ • STEINWAY
Is located just oft lhe ' Hammond 8-SOrpnw/l'C, lib
Ana FrHWay at llyford new @ big suiap: plus used
3 mUes east of Tasti.o.. It SALE. 3000 boolu at TRANSPORT A TlON Lowrey, Baldwin, Thomas"
opeo senD days a week W'f.tb 19C each. Daily Junk Ham mood from $395.
adml.&s1oo cbarp. Hours Sbop Sale &t Tewtokle 100" Financing Avallabte Maay P'and planos from $485, • 1o 5 lDcludlag Stetmrays, Ktm-
;J' Lm. p.m. Hardware. 1,0IYI tum a. DICX REDOICX M•uED U Also W~ Carry balls, BluUwer; plus used -S.2(111t Eatabliabed ~lnet" coosoles, trom$395.
8 ,.._ Our Own Con tracts
Newport Beacb oewspapermao Est. 1914 Rtebard Reddick, tormer I,~I::;;III;.~~DL·~ta;-M~·~sa~.m:;:Ki$ 1907 N. Maio St., SaDta Aaa
udresldelll, haBboenaamedby ANONYMOUS NEWPORTER MOTORS ···············-······
, Slalo Senalor WWlam E. 54»-7217. P. 0 . ·Box 1223,
-Coombs (R-Saa Beraardlao Costa Meaa. 2036 Harbor Btvd.
County) as bi& Sacrameato ad-
H -•·•111r u stsla_. MAN WITHOLrl' a coootry? USBANDS, WIVES TO NEWPORT a•·~ RE ~ a •e" ~. N z SERVE AS MODELS ~---AL TY Diet Reddld: b: former pub. ot quite. 7' Trlmuao
Aeronutro·'c Wl•es Club-'" OPBU HEW OfFICI! 1lsber of tbe Rialto Record Cwltbolt side or end tie dock.
"' .,.UJ .. ,.-....~ " ,..__._ While le R'-"'-an you rehabtutate me? Call tx>)d their spring lunclleon and .__.,y ~HD bas DeW"spapers. iiUUI KJ 6 362'1
fa s hion show at the Balboa Bay moved b1s real estate orrtlce to he se"ed 1n 1966 as cbair-__ ,:.· :::_,:.·=-::--:-~~=
Costa Mesa
Club on Marchl9.Husbandsll.IX! Z62'1 Newport BIYd., West New. maa;o~l~l~be~C~oo~m~bs~lor~Stal]~e ~• BOOKS FOR SALE
guests are Invited to attend port. Seoator eampaip ~~~~~ ~~G~~~~~~~ "Keystone Cop (apu" 1s ~ He picked this .111CJt becatase wblcb won an "THE SUICIDE OF • BUSINESS
theme of the sllow and both It 1s ceotrally located, bltweeo tbe -TO -WALL .... --t
husbaods and wins ~II model tbe bl.y and oc--. aad bU Us W'f.le, Doom.. ~•moira of PrlDee .......... ~
WiYes modeling tbe fas~ on puldq Jot. Tbe omce YW b'IDI:I' lepl secretary sturdla, Jormer t.retp c-.wac ud apart~
will be: Mrs. Rooald w. Lac Ide, ba~.e a ~ ol. J .alumeD. .uTed u tbe district see;..,,.. I Dlster of Rumania. Hu€b.cky l ~e~IM~oi~OC!·~'"~=-S~'I80~.---
Mrs. Richard L Doyle Mrs GuodJ ._. bad ZZ JIUS k Z Jeu'l. $6.95.
Oukl w. Erickso~ Mrs. j0sepb ol e~perinee lA real ftlate. Diet 1s tbe 1100 ot Be11 Rood-I O•clo• "-:
Cz}'1 Mrs G A Palmer and Elet"u. JIUS ftr'l IP8Dl wttla dick, t:Jrm• OWDU' tbe .U.el1c. ~ 8Doc* IIIDre
Mrs ' LYM. s hu..; .. ...., Costa a sariltp ucl lou .. .,..,,Ike Pili Bart. Nns 1134 Rlftor .,._
M • _. as cbiet appn.t._. ud 1au of-Oto&a we .. -n.e l...._.s
011111 ronsr
esa; Mrs. H. C. Kelth, West-ftcer· aad tbe ta., .. ,,....._
minster; and Mrs. George iD r~ tltate --.. He Ll P. Zebal, Baltlol; Mrs. Robert a
Pons Mission VIejo· Mrs :ember of tM llelaMJ Biard.
Geor (e Rltst, Tustin; M~s. wu~ uoldc Lodret. ud Ktwub: •
!lam Benne« and Mrs. JOim 0,... Nitfhlly at 6:4S p.m.
Rehak, Santa Ana. LIDO MNIIIAMIED·
Hu-partlclj>allac u -IJ, CUpoto oiUIVIa
models are Dnid w. Erlckala, Florece, Lido Jail, tu ._.
Colta Mesa; Joseph H. Jerpr, apiDUd lo a. ,_._ .•
aDd Stuiey H. Cocb.ra.a, New-~ It C. 57 Colli .. ,
port Bea<b; William J. Lorida, CJruto, llo Ia pr-ol"-1'· or_, ud Jolon Rollo.t, SuD -il&fiOp t111 Lou-.
Aa. .........
EXQ.U8ft AaiA
EMG•G .. 'MT
Wore ,.., -, .. -
• 10111 ... urpet -, ..
---..;• .... Lu .. ... ·-· •1-c ..---···~"--· Jll7 .L Clooo& HWJ~ C.: -···· . ........ , _ _, .............
c.N -An.-u
C. II I• Y ..,, We•t Alj
.... E.,i.,.
* Tile llllffl * (EXCEPTIONAL BUY)
The popular K p.laD 4 bedroom
(3 bedroom& ' den) 2 baths.
Carpets, drapes, llreplace.
Bnatfa.st area in kitchen.
2 eodosed patios. Pools,
eabaoa. Walk to stores,
ICboola, teGills cl~ " puk.
$30,a50. Call OWNER,
1?5-MS3 or S'75-44i7.
• iliiiiii II AIITID
lii.ONINO. Y ••• of u-i•c:e oa aU tJpea of c&o-
llolaa A lla-lpodoliJ,
••'• Mirte .... ,., ,., ....
...... 11111-·6117 .....
_.. ... alii. 67)oiD4.
IIILP IJAin'm--.:N
OI'I'QRTUIIft'Y .,., ""'---t .. .................
jW? I I II 8ll 1 1 Hel ---· .. 7 u •
Charming -permanent 3 bedroom,
2 bath residence with large rooms.
Separate dlntng-room and lndoor
Owner ha8 moved out of state -
so is anzlous to sell. Priced only
Fee Simple
Remember -the property on Lido
lsle is not lease hold.
p. a. palmer Incorporated
Til DMlOPERS (J uoo Sill(£ 1935
U17 Vlo Ll• . Otlolo U. M-ot._._,_ tlooL.A.-coiiMAs.-..
Best Bu Westcliff
LIV'G. Rll.
~uiin: ':"'-~" T
2515 f . c-.. c. ......... .
Mlf!OIT tWJWI ...
1. Surprisingly spacious 3 Bedroom
2-1/2 bath Irvine Village home.
Low, Low Price -$26,950. ..
2. Delightful Split Level, studio
Type 3 Bedroom 2-1/2 Bath Town-
house. $27,250,
3. Sparkling 4 Bedroom 3 Bath home.
Richly decorated and landscaped.
Under $37,000-assumable 5-3/4%
Bay & Beach Realty Inc:.
2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M
Relioble Serviet Si•ce 1943
1Y2% for VA
1Y2% plus Y2%
for FHA
at Rancho La Cuesta
~" • S24,99S to S32,99S
Closed garages, s ev eral with ocean
view -Ocean one block away -Two
R-3 lots. Appointment only .••
$98,250-terms .
Well located two bedr oom home with
3 in 1 at rear, Need carpet and
little "Jazz." Open 10 a.m. 'til dark
,....,...,. Steal at S33,5oo
968 _2929 RBIN-MAR TIN!nc.
IPACIOUI I 6 2 -. »Am•m ,_ a Uo'-,_ 5140 -
-· •} Plinae. fl'a'"-• fitcplac.ea
• • POOLS • If Hole Pu.Uina Cilecn
-•11' , • Tennis
• Sepa1ate Fam ily Section
• A.tii. 1o School s .,.d Play p ound
9011 s .. L-. C ..
Realto r s
3036 E. Coast Hwy.
Cor ona del Mar, Calif. 675 -1662
I ~=============~~~lllo;•~-~r •-• C.•u ...,. cl••• .. f•••• lal.-4 ~===~~~:::::::::::::::: t• oo-. ~:~~~n
q.,,.., 'fJ-1/, f<-flor
Location -Location
Ll v~ on Big Corona del Mar Beach, 2 bedroom,
2 ba th hom e; can read ily add third bedroom. Own--
er will fin an ce .. $15,000 down 'paymenL
3 II-2 lA 1M HOU$1
SAT. & su·N. lto5 p.m .
501 AV~=:\\'r~l~IIACI
; • • JUST RIIIUciD $4,GIO • • •
RUJ.TOR ' _loot_....,
o..••.c.~~s• --.
a doctor
.. llolooked
for hon1e
.. itllout
He lost more patients
that way.
Our doctor found himoelf nmnhl: to ..,.
awu houoe-for-ale ada wbea he uJd haw
been matinJ hcK.oe calla of a dillaeat tiDd.
So not only did he ._ valuable time, he loot
oome undentalldably miffed patients. ADd
it made him lick.
He c:ould have opared bimoelf IIWIJ bud-
acheo if he'd :!'&Z,... to a ReaJtole f-. f•, f-. A • a prolmioul iD raJ
-..... •lllocriheo to • llrict C. ot Elhlct aa a
........ ot ~local baud
aad ot ~ Nldcwal A...o.
alioll of Real Eot ... IIow._ Ill .... yau a com-
-. lloo""'
64U.c72 ... ~
1730 W. C..ot HI_, .....
C•'l tell ir?. · •• Tnde It?
For Put Aclioa A Reiult.t
Coli Sll-1161
270 e.. ·nta. SL. e»ua Me ..
2627 NEWPORT 6'11:1642 NEWPORT
•••••••••••••••••••••• • 60 ACRES •
• (Z miles trom Valley Center in S. D. County) 8
• 543-5643 •
• TOLL FREE FROM HARBOR AREAS • ••••••••••••••••••••••
IF ......
1'1 you are interested in LAKE RESORT property, we are
presently offering a golden opportunity t o Invest In a
wonderful tun and IIWI resort areL
• L411111HG STRIP
~-all,_ R,,S
ltOTICE-TWe wu & 1UCM II"'''r ill o. ad Jut ,....._
(oa!J • -a( $11,-)-n..llrico-"'" ..,_
IIIII lo -oa1J P,lti.OO, --Ill'• llou hll J'OOfl
We ID'II.te 7011 to C(ae ln or ca11842-48M for lnform.Um..
T. K. HUNT, •mer JACK IAlE, PNject Mlf'.
OOLLARS FOR SCI«JLARS was tbe tbeme tor tbe Feb. 10
tashJoo show bl'ldge luncbeon of Newport Harbor Pa.obellenJc
at tbe stuft Shirt restaurant. Panbel members assisting in
tbe plans for the scOO!arstup benetlt included, from left,
Yrs. James C. Doyle, Mrs. Cbarles Hall and Mrs. Edwin
Steen Jr., beoettt chalrma.n. (Ensign photo.)
Church News
Christian Science Chur ches,
Newporl Beach, Corona del Ma.r
and Costa Mesa -The Bible
lesson-sermon titled "Mind"
will be read this Sunday. • • •
? •
PICTURED at the Installation ot oftleers of the Newport
Hartm Emblem Club No. !94. are, front row, left to right,
Mrs. Richard MarYin, chaplain; M.rs. Job.D Barclay, mar-
shal; Mrs. Georgia Weuer, Yice-Presldeot; Mrs, Eugene
Bergeron, president; Mrs. Scott Swaggerty, past Ste)teme
president and installing otrtcer; Mrs. Donald Goeller, tuntor
past president; Mrs. Warren Butler ,installiag marshal; Mrs.
George McNamara, press correspondent; Gladys Homeler,
corresponding secretary, and Lois Wade, financial sec~
retary; back row, left to right, Louise Lewis, historian;
Mrs. Robert Dearborn, 2Dd assistant marshal; Mrs. James
Carr, first assistant ma.rsbal; Mrs. John Hopldns, 3rd
trustee; Mrs. Kip Richardson, treasurer; Mrs. Clode Carr,
organist; Mrs. 0 . A. Moses, 2nd trustee; Mrs. otis Card-
well, recording secretary; Mrs. Tom Dawson, 200 guard;
Mrs. Re:a: Bardwell, first trustee, and Mrs. Emerson
Wentzell, ftrst guard,
BBC lease fees way up
SWill Lllm
.. uamu
1\IU RSOAV, FEB. 211, 1969
Juniors to
nor Ebell
no tndlt-• -• "' ...._ ..--lllcca. ::-,.;;;;. J-£biD Cll!l> ol
" Booeb wtU !Po placo
Fob. 17 ~--altl!o cl-. ll<loo, bi!CIO-
!!I!!C II 10 a.m.
Tbo Jll!!lor Eblll pruldeat,
Mrs. Edward Wblteboase Jr.,
will welcome tbl Ebellofflcers:
Mrs. Claytoo Tbornpaoa, presi-
dent; Mrs. L. 1L McBride,llrst
vlee-prelldeal; U.rs, L. W,
Jenks, Zud vlce...presldellt; Mrs.
Freeman Flsber, 3rd 'rice.pre-
lident, and Mrs.berbert Puter-
baugb, ways and means chair-
Procram cba.lrman. Mrs,
stuloy Cllapmao Jr., has Ill·
vlted a SIW'ter from the Foua-
dalloo lor the JW!Ior Bll!ld to
preseDI: tbelr ftJm of the m.uy
summer camps wbieb are held
-.cb year lor bUDd children.
Campersb.lpa; tor bUDd cbiklren,
wlltcb are uaUable at $75 per
session, have been ~tno eacb K;oll;ll
year by tbe Junior Club.
M:s. Gus Chabr'e, floe arb
chairmw, wUI a..ooounce the
completion of the peonies for
art collection ln whtcb $50 wu
raised in SIC)POrt ot the Hall-
muk art contest Awa.r€L
European Delicatessen
and Restaurant
The most exclusive Dell-•
cateesen 1n the Harbor area-' imported HAMS, SAL.Mfi ancl
CHEESES ••• Fresh wurst and
aausages daily.
C&terlnc for Cf'O't)S aDd parties tor f!llery oeeasloo ••• bouse par-
ties, luncheons, birthdays, omee
parttes, sbowers, etc.
Call us or stop by and pick
out your own favorite deli-
414 1. IEIPO RT ILVO.,
Open Dally 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Except Sunday
• • •
Harbor to aid fpnd drive
llowport Harbor HIP Scllool
wW bold U• ~I UlaiUd
,.., ...... llarell 1-7, almllc
II a total--oiUOO.IIoro
Ia 1110 --·"' .. -. all oollor-Ume:
Kueb ~ bib ale at 10
... per p-ot c:de. ,.
A'tlbmu cluJ ..W dooate tbe -·· Karch '--A dime race. All
... uc.ur--. ........... ..._ ...
doMtkiN will be pJa.ced OD the
IIIPf'OPI'Iate tape oaalollgtable,
whl.eb w1ll han a strip ot tape
b' eaeb clasa. Tbe class wltb
the 1oocost tape ot mooey •lll
rtcelve a Bermuda day Mareb a.
Students clean beaches
Fltty truckloads of trash and Plat.a Alpba Beta Market
l,ZOOhotdop eoeompaued tbe donated half of the buDs and the
•tarday workday In about 425 rest, plus the condiments, were
J10UDC people who Yoluoteered to also secured by Mr. Rogers. t._, clear tbe Newport beaebes Both Bell &and and Laura
PATRONESSES for the April 19 Angelitos ~..::~~0:: ::;"~!; ~~~~":',;'~':'.\"?.;;
de Oro ball were honored at a luncheon to and !rom tbeNewportllarbor tlrm ot Santa Ana deUvereo zo
in the new Linda Isle home of Mrs. Betty Area's 4 blgtl scbools, Estancia, gaUons ol Pepsi, which was aU
Costa Mesa, Newport Harbor distributed 1n6or..c~swtthasHall. Pictured here at the luncheon are aod Corooa del Mar, by scllool ststant city manager Jim DEAN M. MCCANN of Newport
Mrs. Marshall Niedecker, at left, who buses.Cltytruckswereusec:tto De Chaine as chief di!ip!nser. Beach t&s been named vice-
haul away truckloads or trash. Arrangements for the feast, president, secretary and cor-
Can a poor, run down ,
tired out, "after Christmas
bills" and tax burdened
housewife or career girl
find happiness when she
discovers beautiful buys
at 50% savings? You bet
she can!
TUNE IN! planned the event, and Mrs. ErnestSaftig, Those who worked were which was served only to ·porate counsel of Allergan
patroness chairman. Angelitos de Oro treated to a lunch of hot dogs worker s, were made by Junior Pharmaceuticals, Inc,, Irvlne,
is an "'"--'liary of Big Brothers of Orange &Dd buns, Pepsi Cola. potato Chamber president Burch Pte-a pharmaceuUcal company
AUJU ctdps aDd baked beans by the kelt. Gene Peterson was cllair-speclallz.tng in the ma.nu!a.cture
County. (Cameo House photo.) Junior Chamber of Newport man of tile day, with ass istance of ophthalmic, derma.tologicand r---------, Harbor. The food was prepared from Pete Rabbitt, Dr. Burr contact lens products. He Is a
NOW AT LOS ALAMOS by the White Horse Inn, New-McKeehan, Dave Lewis, graduate of the l5C SchOol of
stanford Paul Lyon, son ol port, who also dooated 3 gtant Charlie Vandervort, Dr. Dennis Pharmacy and the HastlngsCoi-
Mr, and Mrs. Orval Lyon of pots of baked beans, paper Parter, Tom Rogers, Tom .Bar-lege of Law at the University of
Corona del Mar, bas JoiDed tbe plates aDd plastic spoons, The num, Dr. Ken BoMer and Dr. California at San Francisco.
staff of the Los ALamos Scien-cooks were assisted by Junior Rob Miller. Besides the local He hOlds an LL.M . degree from
tine Laboratory LD New Me:dco Chamber members. high school students, a gro~ New York University School
.to work LD tbe computer science Twelve hundred hotdogs were of students also came trom of Law. He is married to t~
a1XI services division. He dooated by tbe Burger Corp. of Fountain Valley. former Carol Joan Geissler.
N!WPm T BEACH 67l 3183
hot o I a
r eceived his B.S. degree 1.n Los Angeles through Tom
physics trom Reed College, Rogers of Lido rsle. University Portland, Ore,, and his M.S.
in physics from the University CANCER SOC ElY LAUDS
of Washington. Hens formerly 3 LOCAl VOLUNTEERS
employed by the Boeing eo. or Three Harbor Area residents
~========:_:s..~tt~l~e,~W~as~h.:_ ___ _, were hooored at the annual .t awards h&DCDeon of tbe Amert.
can Cancer Society beld at tbe
Revere House in Santa
,n'LON OU"OitD
,-AST-oiiT C<MtOUU•I
'D"'Oftf lr-"'"''
9 :15 TO 5::10 DAILY
••Angels on wheeLs" booors
weot to Mrs. L. G. Thlelemelr,
2915 Harbor VIew Dr., Harbor
VIew Hills, for zo to 50
l.n transporting patients
treatmeot, and to Mrs.
F. Moler, 379 Broadway,
Mesa, for 50 to 100 trips.
Enln Heald, 1624 Anita Dr ••
Harbor Highlands, received
award lor lOtrlpsforprocram-
ming of the movie mobile.
Sr.t. Wllllom R. c::~~ of-)lr. &al ........ '
Caroott, 25i4 Falrlr&~
Costa Mesa, Ia: oo duty at
Clellan AFB, ea.uur;·;i~'~ tective coaUnc .~
signed to a unit of the
space Defe nse Command.
previ.ously served iD ~~~ Is a 1965 c;raduate. of
del Mar Htgtl Scbool and
ded Orange Coast College,
1DaD Deonls E. Richard-
of Mr. aod Mrs.
T. Rlchardsoo Sr. ol.
543 W. Wll.IOn. Costa Mesa, tal
been graduated trom a U.S. Air
Force technical school at Kees.
ler AFB, Miss.
He wu tra.ioed~~~t::] specialist ... bas
to a unit ot the Air
Command at Yatber AFB,
He is a p-aduate of Costa
Higtl Scbool.
al JJ. J. (jal'l'l!l! ~
, .. ,...,. IIIMrilr....,_ ..... ..., .. ..,., .......
... -.. ..... M. ....
Less than I, an hour-morning
noon or night. Any size TV.
Quite a bargain, isn't it?
In fact, electricity in Edison areas
costs an average family less per
kilowatt-hour today than it did
10 ... 20 ... even 30 years ago. And
practicaUy everyone today is using
much more electricity-more
lcilowatt·hours-than ever before.
Take washing dishes. Few people
owned electric dishwashers a
decade ago. But n ow you see them
everywhere. And you can wash
a load for less than 2<,
Or washing clothes. Remember
when this was a hand operation?
With an electric washer, you can
now run through a load for less
than )lit.
Or shaving. Electric razor sales are
booming. And you can shave all
yea r for less than a dime.
In Edison areas, one of your
biggest bargains is electricity.
It does so much for so little.
You can watch TV around the
clock and it hardly costs you
a thing.
(Except maybe a night's sleep.)
Southetn c.Jifomla Edi.ar .iii
·~ AL~nJWnf....._"'~
., Dr ...... s-o
The ''""'"'"''"'
ly TMII.ATI I. A. T0R11Y ·saar.... ......,.-.ore
a~nn •~• TII.U.,a. lte~._, .. • wer& DOt able \0 l'\MIIiM tbe wildom (cotlnNUID PIIDM L.UT WID} tald nothiq of the kind, The l..«d lwd
'I'IR Pll"''8. c::LAIS o1 ~1eWU.: u.., tba\ am. boom tM and the :1pirit by whkb be .,.U" (Acta 6.-9, ..aki, .. If you destroy lhit temple, I will rebuild
10). The witdom and the s.witl Tblle wotdl 't · · •---d • (J-• 2 9 B He lan&uac• ln which the BibM •• wriUell. r-·· ' •a•m tn tnr""" a.ys lKIO :I ). ut wen spoken about Stephen, a maa wbo wu k" 1 h .. p1 -•-'"'-Bible if • book for aU .... .ftd few .u ldnck o1 people:, and waa spea mao I e tem e of hit body" (Ju.w areatJy used of God in t.be time of the early 1:21 ). Stephen's accusers twisted the Lord's
lhtoreforf' il wu written in th .. 1·--··-thllt continues the .arne cbureh and who was i-tllt· lble lin h'-•~• -•-· ....... .. -·-· Word and Stephen's wordJ. They will do that
and ill 11nderatood by all, the Ja.ncu,.aa. ol tM common peopl• and ments. The wisdom of Stephen's arauments 10 you, too.
of appnrU'IIt'll'l. lt •• not writtea bl the termlnolOQ of td~. w.s apparent because it wu the wi.dom of the How strange lhe spirit of the araument of
Thw, few eum.p&., what occurred at the bettle of Gibeon Word of God. When you araue from tbe Word those who do oot argue in the wisdom of God's
IJO&hu. 10:12-14) wu dncr:lbed in U..,.,. it appear'lld to tho. who of God, no man can defeat your &f'JUmenb; Word! I received a letter from a man who aid,
pw It, U\d the way In whieh it would be W\dentood by &hoM who for God'a Word is not divided. The spirit of .. You will go to Hell. You ousht to go to Hell.
r•ad about il n..r. ill no \.Ilk about tM rtfnedon of the sun's n.ys, Stephen's arauments wu lhe spirit of tbe Writ-You don't practice love." What a wondt.rful
~n; ~~ :!!;_•~nt.t. :o': J:":.::; ~ ~~ er f:. = ~0~~: :e= 't'::~o" eum~e of love he is! Cenainly he does not
it w• not writtVl Ln. \be t~rminoloo ol tDOdem lldence. u it had the Word of God. When you betio to $peak practice what he preaches.. He did not try to
been 11 wouJd 1\f'Yet have beftl UDdunood until the pn~~~n~ lily from the Bi~c. they will not face your uau-answer any of the Scripture we had quoted in
and even now It would be undcl"lltood only by • l.w. Furthennore, rnents but will do as they did to Stepbe,._ de-aling with a priociplc that is dearly .set forth
as ad~nc:e and itl t.nninoloc an eoosU.ntl)" chanciDI. the Bibl• question your moti¥es and acc:use you of some-in the Word, but he hopes we will go to Hell
il written in the termino.IOCY or the ~ ol tod.y would be out thin& of which you arc DOl auilly. Rather than because we do not practice love. How foolish of claw in a few yean, but b<ti.nc written in just the ~e chc»en it hu provad the Book for •II aces.. all lands and all eonditionl or face Stephen's arguments, the accusen c:harpd arc they whose word is not the Word of God
men. that he had tauJht that God was aoina to de-and whose spirit is not yielded to the Spirit of
Other dillic:ultift from the J.ancuqe in which tM Bible was stroy "the holy place. and the law." Scephen God.-American Way Futures
written arise from the fact that la.r(e port.ions of the Bible are THE ABBIMJC COVI."UAJT OF GlACE """"'"' .nd m written ;n tho '""~""~' of poet'Y, t he ,..,_. of Wlioll
r~ling. pauion, im<~gination and fil~-Now if a man is hopeleuly a.u-dt
prosaic, he will in~Yitably find dilfku)ti~ with these poetical por-MJ-.nory In ..wl111~ Mn. H. M. ....
tions of the inspin'd Word. Since the fall of Adam it wu in the purpt:*
Fo1 exo.n1ple. in Pulm 18 we have a marv~llous deacriptlon of 11. o( Almighty God to hrin1 the Redeemer into
.l .. uoden.h.o~ru, i .. ot let the Oull. prOPIC fellow get hold of tlult, !or thia ai n-curled world. He made it known to our
f':~~ample tM Blh vt."rse : "There w~t up <t smoke out of H111 nostrils, first parenl8 that ••the eeed of the woman"
and fi~ out of HU. mouth drvou~: ~ w~~ kindled by il,'' and l~n. 3:15) would bruiae the terpent'a head,
he will be hud over hftls in difficulty at once. But the troubl~ U but the aerpent would bruiee Hie heel. Tbc heel
not with the' Bible, but with his own 5tupid, thidc-he,.ded pro· nailed to the crou waa that of the Lord Je~~ua
Y<iC'ness. Chriat. All men were born into thia world of
'niE SIX'nt CLASS of diffi~ulties: those that ari_. from out the M:ed of man. Only Christ waa born of the
olt•ft'<'th•t' knowledgll' or the history, reosraphy and usages or Bibll!' seed of the woman, denotin1 the virgin birth,
tunes. a supernatural birth. Therefore Hit. pure life
F'or t'IUomple , m Acu 13:7 Luke speaks or "the deputy" (or, more wu untouched by the ain of man.
an·urately. ··!Jlc proconsul," see ~vised V~nion ) of Cyprus. Ro· Almighty God made thit. covenant with
rnan provmcn we~ ol ~ d..., imperial and MJWt.orial. The ruler Abram personally ueurin~: bim that be would
or the rm~rial pl"OYinte wu c.a1led a "prcrsw-tor," of • senatorial become a father of many natioN or a muhi-
provi~ • .. PI"'eeRiu1." Up to • eompanotivaly nc:ent claW, accordinc' tude of nations. Tbc Lord cha.naed Abram 'a
to th~ belt information we had. Cypru. WM an imperial province name to Abraham dmoting: that f.e would be-
and therefore ita ru.leT -.would be a "propntetor," but Luke calli him come the father of all the faitbfW (Gal. 3:9).
a "proconsul." This CftUinJy aeemed like-a dear cue ol enor on Sarai would become the mother of nations,
Luke'• part, and even the eonM:rVativ~ eommen\.lton r~lt forced therefore the Lord changed her name to Sarah
to adnUd -,1 thah._t_. Lukfie dwuth ·in·~~.~~ ~· and the destri)Cti¥e critics (Gen. l?: lS-16).
were e ig u:u lo an u ........... Abram believed God and it wu accounted
But further uul more lhoroaah iav~ b.-~~ c. U,.ht to him for risbteouaneee. He fully undcratood
the f.-t that jln:l at the time ol whkh Lake wrote tba _... luMI the Gospel (the death, burial and resurrection
m..&e an exchll~• whh the em~rcw -~Cyprus lt.M .__ of the Chriat of God) 1 Cor. 15:1-8). "The
a ~lorial province. and lhcrefOI'~ ita ruler a proconsul: alllll Lu.h &e ripturc, foreseeing that God would juatify
was riJ:ht after all, and the litnary mtin wen themselves In error. the heathen [or nationt] through faith.
Time and time acain further rnearches and diseov~ri~. ~:eo-preached before the g~pel unto Abraham, ~:raphu:al. hi:o;torical and .rchaeolott:ical, have saying, In thee shall all naliont be biCMed. So
Vindicakd ~ Bib!~ then they wbicb be of faith are bleued with
;ond put to sh .. mc iU r11tics. For uample, tM book ol Daniel hu faithful Abraham" (Gal. 3:8. 9). "If yc be
na turally bftn one of the books that infidels and destructive c:r•tics Christ's, then are ye Abraham•a aeed, and
have most hated. o~ or th~ir stTont:est ara:UJnenta a~~:~<RJ>t iu heir• according to the promiae" (Gal. 3:29).
authenliC'ity and ,-craclty was that suc:h a person as StlshaUAr was Jesus said thia of Abraham: "Your {ather
unknown 1o history. and that all historiaJ'II agreed that Nab<>nidu~ Abraham rejoiced to aee my day : and he aaw
w;rs thf' last k1ni!C of Babylon. and that he was absent from the city it and wu gt.d" (John 8:56). Abraham
"''hf.'n it ... -as coaplun d , and .• c)l!cl5ltbm~··must lie if plri\y riiy(hlcal 'believed the G011pel aM•"w [lid• the> faithful in
C'haracter. and th\" whole slo_ry lell~IIT)' ..nd ~t h.~~~al. ~ __ ,~day and age. (8c+cew•ll). ~all be-
Their argum..-nt ~ very atJ'orlC. In facL. il ~!uJUJHw~ .. ·lined in the Christ of GoCJ they aJ..0 uncler-
era ble. But Sit H. Raw linson disco,·e~ at Mucheir and othl!'r atood that .. aJI the promiaee ~f God in Him are
Cha ldean "tes clay cylinden on -·hic:h Belshau.ar (8el1-11ruzur) is yea, and in Him Amen unto the Glory of God
named by Nabonidus as hts ~ldnt son. Doubtlca he ~icned &S re-b " (2 Co 1 20) 'Tber f t cJ1 • l(ent in the city dwil\c hi. father's a~. at1 indication of which Y 10. r. ; · e ore 0 atm any
h · h" ___ , ID • ~-· 1 .L:-> __ , • th .... ,_......~_ promtae God ever made to Abraham., one mull: WI!' ave tn 111 pr......-rna-~ ~ue uuz ... nuer tn ~ ............ 6 '-1" •-Go I --• ._ . a. . r (Dani~l S:Ui )-hc hi.mHU bcina: MCOnd ruler in the kincdom, O.niel rat ue teve tnc ape anu ~ tn _rtat.! or
would be rw•t to h~U. 5o the Bible wu vind.ica&.ed and the critics the Lord God bad made Htm Heu of the
put to shame. World, and all true believers in Him are joint
It is not 50 long .tnce the destructlv• critics MMrted rno.t pc:w.it-heirs with Jeaus ChrUt: .. For ye have not re·
IVely that MORS could not have written th~ Penw~u.eh bec:auae ceived the spirit of bondase again to fear ; but
writing was unknown in his day, but recant di.eov~ries hav~ proved ye have received tbe Spirit of adoption, where·
beyond a question t.h.al writinc far antedates th., Lime of MOHa. So by we cry, Abba. FalLer ... And if children
the destructive critics have been compelled to &iv~ up !Mir •rcu· then heirs; heirs of Cod, and joint-hein with
ment. though they have had the bact ,....ce to hold 0.1 stubbornly to Christ ... " (Rom. 8 :15, 17).
their conclusion. (Contiaued -xt week.) Abraham understood all thia u the Goapel.
Th I t e By tiM lale Dr. -L. a.,..., e ncarna ton n..a No:.::::~~~ U:;. ... ..,u.
••llff SWORD OP: THI! lOSD" -a.• lttt, ...,._..._, T-
'Thfo lnearnaUoft IIi funcf.a"'W'Dtal
truth. It ia lnltial All truth tbat
foUows JTOWa out ol UU.. ''~a
carnation .. b a LatJn wot"d ,...._
inc literally "cnflHhmrtDl" It il
the aeeount ot God'• ...um.lDa a
livlnc bodl1y form. Too m&n7
tim~!~ In thlnkm.-of the enl:nDC»
of ChrUt Into the world. llllt'll ~
sider merely the birth of a ...,..
We ne-ed to re,_rnbtr that_.. art
not talklnc mert'ly about that-
that Is the blrth ol a baby, but
about the lnc&rnaUon by way tJ1..
amonc women. &.be haw aalted
her beyODd meuure, but otben
have necJected her. She wu bon\
in sin, Uke every otbt-r dNocnd.ant
or Adam, and she ftltl!ded tbe
Mc:rifk:Jc of thP Son ol God. to
whom she aaw birth, f« her
l&lvaUon! But the IIJOtM-o1 our
Lord muat have been a -.uwut
and nobtl!'-character. Somec:ne hu
liven her the beauUful tltie the
"Mou-Roae ol P~... 'niJa
rtrl God ehoR for HJs lncamaUon.
p,. ... JEWISH HOPE, 8ee107. L•• ""'•'••
Although the Lord promiaed. Abraham the land
for an everlasting poueuion, he never received
this "inheritance" (Acta 7:5). He knew the
"inheritance" would not come until the "death
o{ the testator" (Heb. 9:15-17), that is Chriat.
Then, and not until then, would Chrilt share
His inheritance with all the faithful.
Not all of Jewry ahared this Abrahamic
faith. Some did not believe this Gospel, there·
fore Almighty God made another covenant
with the people. This wu the Moaaic Covenant,
5eparated from the Abrahamic Covenant by
four hundred and thirty years. Moees made thia
{act dear: "The Lord made not this covenant
with our fathera, but with ua. even us., who are
all of ua here alive this day" (Deut. 5 :3).
That co¥cnant waa broken (Jer. 31:31, 32).
bul unbelieving Jewry ia atill trusting in the
broken Mosaic Covenant to this very day and
rejecting the Abrahamic Covenant of Grace
I Gal. 4). All who real: on the broken Moaaic
Covenant are in bondage and under the cune
of the law. But all who trust in the Abrahamic'
Covenant and believe the Gospel •• Abram
did, are the children of God by faith •nd are
free. ")( they which arc of the law be heirs,
faith ia made void, and the promise made of
none effrct." In short, then, there ia no aalva·
tion for the whole human race. All are under
the curse of the Law (Gal. 3:10.29). Small
wonder then, that Paul could cry out in
Romans 1:16: "For I am not uhamed of the
Goapel of Christ : for it Ia the power of God
unto aalvation to every one that believeth; to
the Jew 6rst, and also to the Greek."
.,.ntlfiithodox ~~bi and a younger rabbi to
.Rom we had wt~"''ver the yean, came
t() .ec-the truth of-thi. matter. In each cue
their blinded eyca were opened and they came
to aee that only ira the Chriat of God and in
the same Gotpel prc.ached to Abram waa there
any hope for the Jew. A Jeweu whom we
pointed to Christ upon her death bed. came to
aee the same truth when face-to-face with
death. They found thenuelvce without a
Saviour and accepled the Lord Jesua Chriat.
A Jcweae whoac heart God opened to the above
meu.age, aaid : ••1 have received Je~~u& Christ
and Hia magnificent bene6ta for my life and
aoul. I have acknowledged my guilt before
God, and have known the fruita of joy and
redeemins grace."
What is Doctrine ?
., 0& ..... a tiUnti&AM .. Pft.HM'Tt ..... CM.LIMI ONE o• THil traaic oopeea ot.....di ...,....,ponry pnwhi"'.,...
day it ita~ lack of doctrinaiP"'""hi"'. It io-sl woode<
that today many of tho Yioe ODd pod church memben arc dftlp-
pina out of the well-~ denominatiaDal ch~boa. Some JO
to other chun:ha where thq bear doctrinal prac:hina ODd olao,
othen find thm way intO tbt cults -thooe de..Ute .,.....,. of
reliaion. They make tlwa clwapo DOt knowin1 fully what the
church which thq ban left octually does believe, or what the
sect to which they are JOin& actually teacha. Becoming ....,.,.,...d
with a personality, they 10 tO bear him preach reprdle-of what
he prcxnts. If he i1 dOTer OJIOUgh, hia heterodox ideas will be
delivered in such a manJJer that they wiU IOUDd quite octhodoL
Before the unwary indiYidual realiza it, be boc:omeo eomesbed in
a false religion. n-uninform<d peopt. ue mort tO be pitied
than condemned. It is the pastors of the churches from which
they have departed who should be condemned becawc they did
not instruct their parishiooen in the areat doctrines of the w onl
of God. so that they miabt be thoroughly cstabli.!hd in the truth,
as it is found in the Bible.
Unfortunately, the modern church speaks very lightly of
doctrine, as though it were sometb.i.ng to be either ridiculed or
avoided completely. It should be omphasized, however, that doc-
trine is absolutely essentiaJ to the proper understanding of dte
Word of God. It is absolutely ._ntial also to one's thinking about
the great truths of scripture. Doctrine has been defined correctly
as simply orderly arrangement of Bible truths. The Bible is not
a book on doctrine, but it it filled with doctrinal truths. It is
the responsibility of the student of the Word to discover these
doctrinal truths for hi.mself and to organiu his own system of
~lief, for doctrine is simply the sum tOtal of what one actually
Everyone has his doctrine concerning the penon and work of
}crus Christ. The modernist or libenl believes that Jesus ChrUt
was merely a man; that He was not born of the virgin Mary;
that He lived a good life here upon the earth; that He was cruci-
fied and died as a wonderful example of what every man should
do. if necessary, for the sake of his ideals and belief~ In other
words, He died merely as a noble example; He was buried and
His body remains dead even to this day; and it is the spirit of
Jesus or His influence that lingers on in the world. This is wed
in the same way in which we speak of "the spirit of "76 .. -no
more and no less. That is the liberal's doctrine concerning the
~rson and work of Jesus Christ.
The conservative, or Bible-believing Christian, on the other
hand, also has his doctrine concerning the penon and work of
Jesus Christ. Briefly it is this: that Christ was born of the virgin
Mary; He lived a sinless life; He went about declaring wonderful
truths and performing mighty deeds which we call miracles.
Flnally, He was put to death on Calvary's Cross as an atonement
for sin; He died as our substitute so that we through faith in Him
mis}u not perish, bu• ha,.. everlasting life; He was buried; the
third day He root apin" from the dead, and He lives forevennore.
That i.& the Bib1e·-bctievi.ng Christian's doctrine concernins the,
person and work of Jesus Christ.
The modunist's doctrine is not based upon the Word of God
at all, but upon the reasoning of mere human beings. Tile liberal
believes what is reasonable to him. What l.s not aCCt'ptable, or
what he does not understand, he rejecu, but ht' has his doctrine.
We believe all the Bible teaches concerning the great truths
that it contains ..... the whole cowuel of God."' tht' full revela-
tion of Himself. We have C?Ur doctrine of God the Trinity (Fa-
ther, Son and Holy Spirit); the doctrine of man, his origin, his
fall and his future destiny through faith in Jesus Christ and the
future destiny of unregenerate man; the doctrine of the inspira-
tion of .scriptun; the doctrine of Satan, angelology , and demon-
ology; the doctrine of the church ; the doctrine of eschatology. or
last things. When one puts all of these docuines together in an
orderly arrangement, hit system of belief becomes what i.s known
as a crttd. To say that one is not intereste'd in doctrine is simply
to admit either that he refuses to think or that he is mentally in-
capable of thinking logically oo any subject. Someone has well
said that doctrine is the root, the CJuistian life is the fruit. A
person cannot live a life that is acceptablt< to God, unless he has
the foundation in his thinking, fM out of thete roots come the
very issues of Jife iuelf. PIIOM "'KING'S IUIIMISS." LAMIItADA the vlretn blrth.
When an anpl of the Lord. lft..
strucu-d Joaeph to co lDto EDPt.
he did not aay, ·~ ,_.,. 70U1W
child and )'IOMr wife," but ntber.
''Take tM YOWIJ' dilld and. BM
mother." Th\a e:xpraakla Ia tOUDd
tour UmH ln Matthew 2 ;1J..21.
and provn that Ja.eph bMI ~
inc to do wttb the bepWnc ot
When Mary vWted Elizabeth,
~he Wd, "My IOUl doth rnqnlfy
the Lord and my !Pirtt ba.th re-
jotced in God, my Saviour." nte.c
ai"C not ttr wotdl ot a woman
who had ~I'Yed out ot we4&odc..
in aln and shame. Such a woman
never ahouta. ror joy and ni!Ve!'
magni.lid God.
the Old Testament "Viuon of the Great lm .. e"-Dan. 2
tho Child. ·n.e tntlmoay ol Scripture Ill
very dev u to tl\c vntalt7 ol
Mary and her dlacovft'ed mother-
hood before brr tnU"r'l&p to Jo-
tepb. "Now the tMrth ol Jaw
On-tat wu OD tblle wile: Wlwn •
Hia rnotber, Marr. w• ~td
to Ja.epb. before the7 ame t..
acthcT, .... wu found wtth dilld.
of the Holy Gllmt" (Matt. 1 ;ta).
Mary wu ~ to J'*'Ph.
The Ue ot betnMhal wu. in tbt
eye of the Jrw, u .c:red u mar-
rl.aae. nw hand ol God ... ~
dent In thia betrotbal, 01' JD&n'lap.
God had CJD~VWDU~tad. wtth Dra\1d
that he lbaWd ...... ildl a 10ft
to lilt Upoll lllc ... fn JeN..
....... aad .... Gad ... JDOWiall .. __ _
Mclr7 ... flllldtMtd to ,...... buttllo ___ _
•r 1 ..._.,.,..lltlbtatlla _, .... _, ... _ ,_ ....... .-... -..__ IMrt...,. .... llcuallli , ...
....... to .. 0 'h!e ..,.., .,.... ............... .. ,, ............. ... _,,.....,_.1_
,.... trial ... -... ,.__
10 -..llrlt ""' ... -.... ..... -..... . ..
~ ..: =:. .,-:
Dr. R. L. ~~toy.<
A little sklellaht on. the lnc:am&-
Uon l.a Men in the vblt ol the
wl~ men. "lltele wile ~Den WCTe
tau.aftt of God &1111 ied by God.
The atar k!d them to tbe lilamt of
the OtUd.. 'lbc record deelarel thllt
when they came to the OaD4.
they ··ren down and ~
hlm.'' It is worthy Ot note that
they d'd not wontU~ lla.J'7. CeT·
taln!y thla worah.ip on the part or
the wlte men wu impanlble
apert from their belief ill tile lJa.
carnation. Ken. who had ~
taucht or God an4 w of God •
they had been. could not haw
wonhipped a .on. of Joeepb ud .....,._
We ~t OONidn' tor a ..,..
I'Uiftlt the objeetiM to the ..,...._
Uon that havln& one: b_.. pu-
n~t did not cuenntee link PUP,
., that it would be of no .,.__
tap to brt bon t:n that ..., • .A.
Mful nt.tuft eould be COIIIu.cted
from -parent ju:at .. ...u ..
two. We do -. cca'ted tMt .....,
24 "CIIHI ----lN ..,_ .. a.. I ._.. .. tM .U. .. 0rk1t. (D Ill-.. U.U U.. G.il al ._.... ...._ II) _. U.. htttnrW. ef
Mt •P • ... .., .. a.u (0... llrS)
25 ialt&ala .. 0. ......... ., 1 ...... ~ l ........... tM J..ei ... a..l'a ._.,., wt. -ell ........ (PWL IJI) .. w. .... (1-.. 1)111) • "0 .,. a.l. ........... -
• "-............... ba .......... CD-. 1111)
--J ta_.. (h. II) t ,:s....... •s-•• _ .. •~_...._ ..... .._r ............... ._.. --,_.
IU-441 -..... ....,.. 10.. I1•4CI • ...._ .. ....._.co-. ••••> u .. _..,.... ..... ..,... ...... ....... ; ......................... _ ..
..._ (II c:::llll... llrJI) II -• U .... . ., .. ,.,..., ... ~ ·--~~-.... , a .............. a-. ltrll) .. _-.,._. ....... _ ..... 11""-.0~ ......... .......
--(kl61n} ·--... -111 ..... 11 IW ~ ........... h' Poll ...... ... rf .._ ..... h' ... 2.. .... • + ~-~ N-...... ~~ .... _ .. ., .... ~_. --·d-w -· ... _ .. (h..,
• ~-... --• .,, II I .... -.. o..l ... _ _._..,_..,_...,.... -: ttrlllll., ..... ...,. .• ::;;;. 't.tt.-.. -. ~ __ ... :-"(a-. _ .... ~.--.. --.. -. .... _ .. ___ _ ................. . ...__.. .... .., .. ~c::-.:': ::'2. -(a-, •• --- -.. -.. • • =:;. ... PIC SF ........
........... a-~ If ~ ••n* -• a t' he ~ M, • .,;.. ......................... _ ...... -.. ~
• e· ,._ua...u.llJ ••., .. 1 • · --~+-+--+-...,1--1• ......... I I •• .. .... a.. .II) .... --el o (-lloll) u::,.~iiiij,._ .. -::f::Z!::+.::::'!Ii!;-1._ .. ____ .,,'! ·-........ --,-J N=t-:.GM=••••II .. _ .. ~--..... ~ .. • • ___ .. ..,~ ., .. a .. _ _.._ .... _.___. ..... ..., .. ,_,. ·=---· • .-.... .. ~ &CIO" (0.. .. IJ ..... Ll _. s.a. Jl .,. -.. .._. --=.. -•• -• ...... a M s a ... (IFill. ••II) . S.l i1 w -,_... ....... • I 5 • .,... ....... -............ =--_ ...... 1 .. 1) ~... ... .. .
.......... Ma" PI rM •~r:··-........ , __ ............. "'IJ ...... G.Ii --............ 2 2 ...... -· .. ....
1 ................ -*'" CD-.1&1) .,_....._.,.. .. ~"'<D--•MJ .__. ....... -~ ................. ,, .,, ~~--~ .. --~-.. ~~ • .._ .... '•Tot :tcY.:r:4~:n·.~ ·-n~; .a(~ .... •.;:.---,......, ..... , _..., $1 .. ,. ..... ,
,.. •• ---~ .. $ ·;.; ·~----..... a-·~ .. ,,, '-="~
17m' ....... I OS ,_ :r;· •••• Tt~ ·--·-' ....
a .......... •••'hC tar, ._ c. -I l!!lidNd ..., .. ....,._.,,..,,..._..,"..,......,_
-· •-to ooJoJ IU..-olotlio_...._la. :;~~~~ ... _...... ... _ ..... 1_ .. __ ..
...._ .........._.. • ....... u.t tJrat RP lA tbl IDDf'Bl.lc &lllr. ~;~~:~=-oro ollulod -11 bJ ... .._ -t11o ftlllflrt oa daly-• Ioria( flllllr
-wllo .... •-Ill' lloro Ill 1111--lol ol o -. Tlllo
.. opooL 'No U.. -old l•lo•llllpuodllaryllolcll-tlll-Clara c--~-:: U..arn.rmtw .. tbi&Yid IIIII' attbl '»>pibii:UIIat)'WWt Comm ..... ; VCIUwe
tle tllmtlta ud • tlntdOitiiO don to t.be rep.lar Poet • • ~·
bo -ol-lloolr ..... ---~~~ Uld IUtP -1 Tl!oy =-GET lop lo a iooc lim. TIM l!aU boo&lit a -Ramblor. I ..... .... Wlfm 111111 cbotr)';-of lbo old oao hadllleubtroyoMI .-Joe. Fobl 10. 'l'l!or!d.,
• no .,..., • bad a JDOd 01' tM bood oraamtDt p: tar-at I p.m.
limo. a .. otlllwoatl!or-o--· """"'• 1111) IIIIIIWJ. Red Uld Wl!llo
staiiiO S£C11011 --... 3
OPPICI OPIMS HIRI """"-··---.. lloo -"' lloo ,.. .. _,
.. ---Ctlllonlo-
TIIURSOAY, FU. 31, 1tl8
11&111 a. '-"'~-r•<--1a r~ ...,. wu-~r,;;;;;;;!;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;~ h<••··· ............. -B.S._.,_
u rtllddeli AUleiate 1.1
ol ua a-T,.,." ST. -Ofool· ~-'•*•• C0.TA toolll6.4. CAL.!~ ••••• ,
.,...__ . aoo-· a.-.c:.-ao A.eo-• c-
O..~•-CANcn.a•. ,..,L.., .,..,.,_ a ,..~
Con.l Ave., Blltlol. ll1aDd. b'-
mor ly a! lllo Airport omc. ol
Ualled Calllorola....., tu-
oamed l!IOIIICOr of 111o Coroaa
del liar UCB otftce. He la a
cradaate ot La(WII HJp Scboo1
ud Stanfor'd Unl.-eratty. He
succeeds Bob Leech, no bu
bee:ll elected a .-lce..presJdeot
ot UCB and aasigped to tbe Los
Angeles beadq~atters. ·
ted ••• 8)' 10 p.m. UN nil bi..Yt ftiD with tlllJ: ... creea Satcdty.!lo-h:Mt ~=~~:'t·
lwd ~topped aa1 tbt AM• bad Rambler: Greea ts a better bti1M at &:ao p.m. I
ellu4d. eolcr thaD u.t old •btl• car dueiD( 9 to 1 a.m. llrwUoe ...,\. n. ..,.. omc. wW bt 11: 1355
Tbt ctrawt.Dc lor atteDdaact )'00 were drlriag, $3.25. Proelldl to 1'31 to tbt Ill. THOMAS J. ASHLEY, tor-vi& Udo, lD. tile l..id~J~u-. ~ ld --.-~ • .,_ • • • Oruro Coaatv 'hberelllCHd8 mer senior a.ssoeiate ofEeooo-n.a WOD "1 mJ o Dt..-.,""'a · 1 l R b As lat Los •--::-::~ Jobaloa· &Dd at tbe Um • MY GOO IIJW CAN IT BE? AS80Clat1oa IDd the CyltleFib-m cs esearc soc es,
• ame 1 • · rosia Researcb ft'Wp11t1Q0 1w AoceJes, wbere be performed the OI.C tand wu tarkhtd. ODe •••• Tbat ooe boy Ues rot. ecooomlc master planni.ng for
ol tbeae daya I'm .,..., to 1rlfl. t1nc b-orn nWoutrttlon Ud tor. use tn care &Dd Pl't¥tadoa o1 such projects as Walt Disoey
a jlellpot; to ~lte of Toay ture 1n a jungle prlaoo camp ln ~se dlseues IAeJUJdr:--J~ Workl 1.n Fkn'ida and Del Amo
Boeto and Ken Jobn.!oal Nortb Vietnam and another boy spoo!IOted bJ tbt FI.DaocW center ln Tor rance
GCIIJts: we had Bob Willey spits and tramples oo the flag OraDce COGOty. Call tbe Poll bas joined tbt lTvlae Companj
from Costa Mesa Post 416. Bob of hls country on the sleps of a ~9~1a ~~~ lor reeenalioDI. u director or deveq,meDt
Is runoJ.oc for o..rtmeat o1 university? y y, 018' IICteb.rJ,la strate plannin While wttb
LEGAL NOTICE CaWorD.La serpaDt-at..arms lll ... One boy lies sightless ~ petl~7~~· wbltev"erthl.l ERA ~-Ashleyg~lso managed -.:;=-=-:;:..:;;;,;;;-:.:==---the out Lec;loo COOI'eatJoo, to In a U.S. Naval Hospital from • • ·, • • ~mic studies for tbe lnlne
I P-SZ589' be htkt Ws year lll SaD otego. Communist lntlicted late C~ios anTE~ this week. R&ocb, Rancho CallfotQia. the
CEkTli'lCATE OF BUSINESS Bob Ia DO ltrup:r to 'liS bere WOUDds ••• ADOtber boy liSe& a r ·-' eWes ofHuotio(ton Beach., LYII-
I &73-8850 I
av~o -1.1r• · r••• fictJttoas Flrm Name at Post 291, He IDd I called tbe VIet Cone flag to drape himself wood and El Mont e He is are-
ThE :JNDERSIGHED do Newport Harbor tlrtbol.t ooe ln detianc:e of the laws of this LEGAL NOTICE side~ of Newport' Beach and ~-~~~~~~=-~---~~~-=::-::::-:::::--::-::-:::-:::-::-::-:::-:-::-:::-:::-:::-i
bleebycerU.tythaJtbeyareooo-Dilbt WbJJe we w .. eoatootbe country? CERTlFlCATE OF OOlNC vlce-cllalrman of the city's
d)ltting I GeDUal religious beach recuperaUDc from ooe ot , •. A mao ot the medical BIBINESS UNDER FIC1TI'IOUS coats study Newport To.
~erchaodise lit ceoeral mer. the Post t.us. professioD dedicated to the art NAME morrow •
Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, 295 visited the Post 91 meett.ne Ills 30th straictat bour' studiDg that it Is eooduct1nc a bualneas ~--...1 ehan.tlala« buslDess at 2955 Haskell MllcbttU ot Cypress of heallog and saviJ:I&:Webectos The underslped does certtf)t ... · ........... :iiiiiiii4~l6iiH~E~L~I~OiiTii"~OPE AVE (a .... lnd ~ort The.,el COMJNA DEL HAft·
catlfornla, under the ticlitlous a.Jao. Mitc.li, who 1s a.IJI:M thU over an operati.Dc table try1Dg at 1555 S~lor An •• Newport
firm oame ot The SeroUs aod hlp, is fliDDinc for offtce lathe to save the lite o1 a man who is Beach, CaW., IDler tbe nc.
that said tlrm ls composedoftbe 29th Dlstrtct. serving his country tu from tllious name of Suoligtt c oo.
followtnc peraoDS Dose names Glad to see you bo(h a.nd be-Dome ••• Another ma.a of me. valescent HospttaJ.Newport
in full and places of r~sldence come re-acq~lnted ap.J.n. diclbe implor~s crowds of the Harbor, aod thai the oame in
are as follows, to-wU: • • • very young to refuse to serve. tuU aod place of resldeoce of C()MI'L!TI FUNEIAL AND IUIIAI. CINTEit James Simakts, 143 Melody • NEW MEMBERS thelr country? the Ubdersi(Did 1.s u follows:
Lane, Costa Mesa, CaWornia, Post 291 welcomes: ••• A Negro, a Blaell: Amerl-,&mUte Medlea.l Ceaters, loe.,
and Athena Slmatis,l43Melody Henry B. Johuml.WA. can MartDe, boldsthefaceofhis Su.ite 1ZOO Soutl:l Tower, Ullioc
l..ane, Costa Mesa, Callfornta. Ireoe A. Porter. WAC. dead whltebuddylnbisarmsand ·Ba.nk SqiiU'e, Orange, Call-
WITNESS our haDds this 1st Ralph F. Pace, USAF (Ret,), cries ••• Tb.is in a foxhole, a fornia.
day of February, 1969. HerbertJ,Puterbe.ugtl, USMC. dirty foxhole in a dirty part of DATED: February 10, 1969,
JamesSJmilis Carl Sleeper, transferred the world, Joadirtykindofnr. SUNUTE MEDICAL
Athena Simakts from Post 27'1, Boca Raton, far e to VIetnam. Another Negro CENTERS, INC. jhmnrial Jar STATE OF CALIFORNIA Florida. screams hls bate against all By Richard J, FOOC.oer,
COUNTY OF ORANGE ss Frank Harrison, tEN, whltes in tbe safety of the President
On this lst day of February, • • • streets of an American cUy, STATE OF CAUFORNIA
1969, before me, a Notary • SICK CALL. • •• One toy lies dead aDd COUNTY OF SS. Hertw•ry·-t::e.•ete•y
Publlc ln aDd tor said county and Betty Boardrnu wbowork.sat burled because be believed in On this lOth day ofFetruary,
state, residing therein, duly the VA Hospttll Lone Beach Ls dotnc his duty to God and eoun. 1969, before me E1ea.aore M.
commtsstooed and sworn, per-now a paUeot there. Betty Is try. Another boy lies on a dirty Gellert, a Notary Public 1D IDII
sooaUy appeared James Sima-29th Dtstrlct child welfare !!logy cot tn a cellar LD a skid for said State, peuooally ap~
k1s and AthenaStma.tts mown to chairma.o and km&-tlme Post row put or the same town peared RICHARD J. FOOTNER,
me to be t"'e persons whose 291 member. 1 spoke wUb BettJ ctv1Dc his blood tor the eoemy? known to me to be the Presi.
names are subscribed to the the last time 1 reportedlototbe •.• A man of God shields a deot of ·SUN UTE MEDICAL
1f'if•lr' tl"strument, aDd aclmow. VA Long Beach Hospttal. She wounded boy from an enemy Centers, INC ., t.be C'JOI'P(W"alioD
let1;;e1 :o m~ t~·at they e:r:ecuted wasn't feellnc too well tben. All bayonet with his body a.od dies that ezecuted tbe wtlhlD lutro.
tt,e same. of us seodourbestwisllesforan ••• Another manofGodusesthe ment, and acla:Jowledpd to CEMmlY-MAUSOLIUM
.. ~ in One Beami/al PIDce"
Btause tbe fuDm.l and burial centtz mocept
eliminates the need for processioos dlrough
heny traffic on overcrowded highways, family
:ind friends alilce may now p&y their full re:
$p«U by attending the burial service, as well
as the chapel service, all at one beautiful place,
at less co.t and moce cxxrtenimce.
WITNESS my h.and aod early reoovery to Betty. cloth as a shield to preach hate, me Ulat suchcorpontiooeQCu-
oUicla.l seal. The VA Hosptlal Legkln open dissensloo and lawlessness? ted the same.
A. C. Petltte bouse was some affair. I went My God, bow cau tt be? Eleanore Y.. Gellert
Nota::ft PlbUe In and for sa.ld batt to'm)' o)S Ward 10 Sotih, I am tndtl:ted to KeaN. JobD-NOTARY PUBlJC LD ~
Cotlllly.JWd State, . &o mr·.oid ~ tOS1, ~ ctw. soa ror tbe alme sedioo of my for akl State
Uy Commission ezpires wtth )I!Clnle o1 the people wbo column. lD mypostUooirec:etve W:y Cormai&sioa QPlru 14101 •14101 IIACH ILYD., WESTMINS111
M~ 28, 1969. were ·Stm tbe.re. 1 came away many rtltlDp aod quesUons LD March 21, 1910,
Publlsh: feb. 13, ZO, 211 March feeling that 1 was ooe of tbe prioC or verse form. This one I Publish: feb. 20, !1, Karc:ll
6, 1969, In the Newport Harbor lucky ones. There have been sent on to Hop a.oo the Ensign 6, 13, 1969, LD. tbe Newport
, ..
213 GEuva 1-6577 7141WIIMb 3-2421 714 .mr.n. 1-1 ns
Ensign many cbanees, all for tbe bef.. because it was J:&J"tlc:ulary Harbor Ea.stcn. --~L~E-GA~L--NO~T~I~C-E---LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE L !CAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE
ORDINANCE NO. 1293 15.12.010 Adoptlou of Natiooa.l Eleetrlca.J Code, Sllb-Build1ag Director ot the City ol Newport Beach aDd sucb other 15.12.010, to read:
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ;ect to the particular addlttoos, deletlons and ameadme!ltl persoo or per-SOilS in the Buildiog Department as are autborized '105·1 AppUcations and Perm.Jts.
REPEALING, CHAPTER 15.12 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH tlerelmfter set forth In this Chapter, the rules, regulaHoa.s, and directed by the Bui..ldLD.g Director to carry out under bis (a) AppUcaUons. Applicattoos for electrica l permits, de.
MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ELECI'RICAL CODE" AND provisions a.nd coOOIUons set forth In that cerWn Code entitled direction and s~rvistoo the powers and d .. ies at forth ill Ulis scribing the work to be done, shall be made in writing by a
ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL 'National Electrical Code, 1968 Edition' (NFPA No. '10·1961; Code. He shall be W"eU •ersed in awrO'Ied metbods of electrlca.J master electrician. ma.i.DI:eoance electrician. or their authorlzed
CODE OF 1968 AS NEW CHAPTER 15.12 Of THE NEWPORT USAS C1.1968) published by the National Fire Protection construction for safety to We IUidproperty, aod in tbe stat .. es of repr-eserutive. Wbere a license is required by the State of Cab.
BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE Association, and the whole thereof, Including tiM appeut1.1 the State ot Callforn.ia relallng to electrleal wori., tbe tll'dloaJ:Ices fol'nia, a permit shall not be Issued unless the a,ppllcant has such
The City Councll of tbe City of Newport Beach does ordain as thereto, three full prl.t'lled copies ot which, pri.oted as a Code of the City of Newport Beach relati•e thereto, tbe 1lectrtcal a Ucense. In the ease of an owner, such a,ppUcatlon shall be for
follows: lD book form, were by the City Couoc:tl ordered ll1ed IPd rules and regulations lssued w:der a\Xborlty of the stattaes a ~ial owner's permit.
SECTION t. Cllapter 15.12 of the Newport Beach Yuniclpal which han been actually ftled to the otnee of tbe City Clerk governin&: lndustrW lnstallatlons aDd the Naliooal Electrical Applications shall give tbe location wDere such work is to be
Code setting forth the provisions of Ordinances Nos. 981, 982, aDd which, as so on flle a.re hereby referred to, adopted and Code approved by tbe United States of America Staodards dooe, either by street and house number, by lot, block and tract,
1106 aod Subseetioa 4, Section 2 of Ordinaoce No.ll 'JO,Is hereby made a part hereof as tully and for aU intents aDd purpoteS Institute, or similar descrlptjoo that will readily ideotl!y and definitely
repealed. as though set forth berela at length, sMll be and tbe same are Wbeoever the lerm "Electrical Inspector" is used la a.ny 1ocate the prqx>sed work. A separate application shall be re-
SECTION 2. A oew Cbap(et 15.12 ls added to the Newport hereby established and adopted u the rules, regulatioos, pro-sect~ ol thls ordina.Dce, such term sball be construed to mean qWred lor each building.
Beach Municipal Code to read: •lslons and condiUons to bl obsened and followed 1D the COD-the Buildin8: Director or bis alllborlsed rtllfesentaUve.' Etteptioo: Applications for single.famliY dwellings may LD·
"Chapter 15.12 structt.on, alteratloo, lnsbUatton. roaring, repair and ua of 15.12.080 Amendment to Article 100. Article 100 of tbe elude aU a«essory bulldings such as garages, sheds, guest
ELECTRICAL CODE any electrlca.J wtrtng oo aay premises within the lncotporated Natiooa.l Electrical Code, entitled 'DeOn!hons ', De.reiDbelore bOuse.s, aDd the like that are kx.ated on the same kit, erected
15.12,010 Acq,tioo of National Electrical Code.
15.12,020 Ezemptions. '
15,12.030 CompllaDce with Eleetrieal Code Required.
15,12.040 Violations and PenaJtles.
15.12.050 Deletloo of Sectlob 90-6.
15.12.060 AmeMment to Sec:tloo. 90. 7,
15.1Z.O'JO Ad!lltioo to Sec:tlon 90.
15.12.080 Amendm8Pt to Article 100.
15.12.090 AddiUoD to Artlcte 105.
15.12.100 AddiUoo of Sec:Uon 105.1.
15.12.110 Addllloo of Sectloo 105-2.
15.12.120 AddWoo of Seclloa 1054.
15.12.130 Addllloo of Secltoo 105~
15.12.140 Addltloo of Sec:Uoo 105-5.
15.12.150 Addltloo of Seetloo 105-6.
15.12.160 Addllloo of Sectloa 105-1.
15.1U '10 AddWcio of S-105-8.
ts.lz.uo A<>lllloo o1 SeetloD105-9.
15.12.110 Mdllloo ol Seetloai05-IO.
IUZ.ZOO Addllloo olSoetlool05-ll.
15.12.110 Acldllloo ol Seclloo 105-12.
15.12.110 Acldllloo ol Seclloo 105-U.
15.12.130 Add!lloo olSoctloo105-14.
15.12.140 Addllloo oiSoclloo 105-15.
15.12.150 Addllloo o1Soetloo105-11.
15.12.160 Addllloo olSoetloo 105-17.
15.12.1'10 A-ol-105.11.
15.12..110 A.ddllloool-105-11.
15.1Uto A--ID....._ 110-1.
15.11.100 Amoedmollla-110-U.
15.11.110 A-ID -110.
15.11.110 Amo_lo_ 1110-44.
15.11.:110 Am-.. "'-ao. 'IO(a~ 15.U.MO llo-ol-1110-"(&).
15.11.150 AIMitrr'MI ol S.CU. Ill).. 'll.
15.11.110 Alii tm•ale.eaa.MI)..11.
1$.11.1'10 A--ol -110 A. u.u.ao ~· 2 111 ot~ au..&.
15.11..110 A.r em • ot s.cua-111-1.
15.11.400 Do-ol-Al-4.
15.1L .. 10 A•IZtrlllloi~*-L
15.JLdl A· J •• ollec:tlle ........_
15.11.410 ,..., a nt otiKCialtiiO-L
UJJ.4tl ·-ol -·-liS. u.u.• A• ••• otledllw4lo..&. 11.11.410 •• 7 .. ., lecaiii.UO..at.
li.II..C'JID A• I Wtllllf.t• aa.a. 11.11.-.. tr ... filii , .........
11.11.• • r •• ., .•• +te .., a.
ll.a.a..-A'SI ... tlll PMI1&4'
11.11.110 'l 0
.. ., -110-l.
15.li.JII&a 'ntl-~
11.11 .... •• e .... aahu t-TIIIIIL
area of the City of Newport Beach; pro•iding lot isSULDCe ot ~ 1a Section 15.12.010, ts amnded to add the detloitioos at tbe same time, aM s~lied from the same service as the
permits and collection of fees tbere.foc ; and provldi.DI peoaltlea ot the lollowlng terms only, AU words, pbrases or terms DOt maiD ba1.kliog, A &eCJGllate appUcatioo s hall be reqttired for any
lor vlolatloo ot such code; &nd subjectto said addltloos, deletions hereinafter defined Shall have the same meaninc as set btl! private doct lostallaUoa..
am ameodmeots heretoafter set forth, said Code ls blreby 1n Article 100 as published. Eacb such appUcalioo sllall be aceompu~ed by drawings or
established and adopted a.od the same sba.ll bedesipa*ed, lmo'n •Apartment bouse is any bu.1.Jd1.oi or p:mjoo thereof, wblcb 1s blueprl.ah u required by the Electrica.J Lospector. AWllcatioo.
am referred to as tbe 'Electrical Code' of ud for tbe City ot desiped, built, reoted, leased, let or hired out to be oce141led, may be made by a flrm. partnership, or corporation, any otficer
Newport Beacb. or which Is occ~led as the bome or resldaee of tlu'ee or more Ol" member of whicb Is an electrician, sign electrid an, master
15.11.1)!0 ExemptJons. Tbe provl.sioos of this Code si&U DOl t:amllles living indepeodeotly of eaeb otber ud doinc their own tlectrk.l.u. I.D tbe event that all construction or work is done
apply to public utWties or to electrica.J wtrtngfor street llchtlnc cooking In the said bulkllog. and sba.LI 1Dc:IIXIe flats &nd apart. UDder the direct persoaal ~nisionof sochotticer or member.
or tnftlc slpals )ocated prlmartly 1n a public ny. mems. (b) Special Ow'aer's Permit. The Electricallospector may lssue
15.12.030 CompllaDee wttb Electrical COde Required. BuUdiDg ts any structure built tor tbe ~rt or Wiler of to ILD ladlvktual a spedal owner 's perm.lt auth0r1.r.ing said in·
No per-aoo shall erect, c:oastruct, alter or repair aay electrical persons, animals, chattels or property aiiD}' kiDd. dlvldaal to lDstall, alter. change, Ol" repair el ectrical equipment
lutallattoa or wtrLDc ta tbe City or caiiSe or permtt U. ame Master Electrtdan is a penoa no Is eopced La the business lD,. oo, or aboala siape-tamUy resideoeeofwhich said individual
to be dooe wttboul COIJ'rl)lJLDc witb &1.1 prOYisioosol 1M Eled:rlca.l of LDstalling or rEil&lrLD«: electrlcal wtrLDc or equipmem, or no is owner. and 1D ftic.b be resides or l.llleods to rPslde, tu. lXX
Code. does. or wbo bokls himseU cQ u wtll1Dg to do personally Ol" elsewhere; PI'O"kled. Ua1 DO electtlcal work autbori&ed IJDder
15.1Z.lHO VlOlatloos Ud PenalUes. AJJ.y persoo. tlrm or throclgb Ills employees any wort or 9UT1ees lD coaoectloft W'!.tll any sae.b special owaer•s permit shall be dooe, oor shall the
corporalloa t"iolatiA& uy ol tbe provisions of this Code slla1l be the Insf:aJlaUoo, alteratioo or repair o1 uy e)ectrlcal wtrlne or owoer bOkllilc uy such permit allow any surh "'ork to~ done,
deemed qullty of a mtedemeuor aod 14100 coDY:Ic:tioo tblreol eqldpment or part thereof wttblD the iDcor'ponted terrttwy of except perJI:Mally by the owner to WhOm the permit Is tssued,
sball be P'"'lsbeb .. bJ a floe of oot to exceed Fin Htalrtd t.be City of Newport Bee.c:b aad wbO possesses an appn~prlate or bJ a. member ot bis immediate family; and, it this or any
Dollars ($$00) or by lmprt.Dunut in tbe CowJty Jalltlr oot to coatraetor's Ucense pwsuut to Cbaptw 9, Dt•lstoa ! ot tbe cthet prorisioa bereol sball be violated by the holder of such
uceed liz (6) IDOIIlhl.. or bJ botb sucb fiDe u:t tqwlSXIIIIeat. 9utDess a.at Prolesstoas Code. .,.eJat ow.r•sperm.U. sa.:bpermit shall be subject to lm.mediate
Ea.cb separate da7 or IIIJ porUoo tbereof duriDr trbi.c.b aqy Dw.lllag sball meu ooa or mon rooms connected togetber cucellaHoa. bJ tbt Electrical ~, and the holder tbereol'
Ylolatloo ol tb1s Code OCC.I or coat1Does sball be deemld to 'tr\tb1D a bWld1DI but separated tn.m all otber rooms t. tbe sM.ll be Uab .. 1o tbe pei8Jty herei.llafter provided for vk)latioo ol
coutltate a S~&W&te ofllue, aD:t .,a corrncUoo tberd IIMll ame structlll'e ud ~ a sti)U'1te, todepeadenl boae-tbb COdl.
be p•IWbM u bel'el.a JWOf'ided. lrelptDc IDllt lor tbt permueDt resideatial occ.-c:y ot ooe (c) Pu~nlts. No altentloo or addltioo shall be made to any
Tbll..aDee or crutlll of a permil or appron.l of piau aid lk.mlly, mtttac wtrtac. D~Wittalluy wir tng tor the placing. or lDStaltatloo
apeclflc:adoaa sball U be deemed 01' COGitrtaed to be a J*mil Electric or •Metrical wlrlDc DM&DS tbe t.ut•llattoo oc tbe ol UJ elieetl'tc Uctt, powtr or heatitlc de't'lce, or any llJPU'&fUS
b', or u I&1III'Oft) oC.: UJ t1o.IIUoa ot UJ of tbl prot'1lklM aJtvaUoa o1 aay naterial, lilt• e. deYioe,. tJ!PliUc:e or eqlllp... w1ddi .-.u-. truamJ.t&, transforms or ~lises e}edricfty,
ol UU COde. No penaU: pnwmJac CO ctve uda"tty to riol&te IIMIIt 1a or oo uy M~""ac. sta ec:t• e « pnmias., ..:I or ~ at a f101:ta11 dCeed1D( Z5 •oils betweea ooodllc:tors or
or cueel Ute IWO'f1lloM ot tll1s Codrt sball be ftlid. dC4II deslped or llieaded to be Uld to ....,.n, trusmit, tn '• • CJ11111b1e ot -.b1ac more UU 50 watts, be made 'lftUiolt flrtt
lDicar u tbl work • .. wldd& It aulllorilelllladll. 01' lll1lbe eJecttk. ..-o. c:M!',.ac a per.tl tM:ref« ftom tbe Eltctrlca.l ~. u 6
Tbe lase OM 01' P'utlac ol a J*1DU: or IJIPl'Oftl of pllal Hotel 1.1 aay •leU• ..._,i•"ar s11 or awxe roocu ....., Ollldac •'-" npa1r wort sueb u rCJUrtac rhW aat .-p
alllll DOl: preftlll tM Elilctl1cal '"''ll*=tor from tbere&4c,..... cw .._.,_, to be ...t, or wbiea. are 1111111. r.ad or bRed oc twltc:Mir. r~lller.ts. c••ctDC lampJOCUtadlreceptaclu,
QlllrLDc tr. corHCUioo al errwa t. plUs Uld e>eelft"'ttoM ao be ocelllUcl. or wblell are oce._.., t~c ..-uc ~a111 bJ _...,tare ):~&~ita, rtPW"tac droP cords ud tbl lib.
M nm .,........, --_.,_ bolac carried oo ~ no..,., .......... p11u 11111 ~-ftllld u .._Ill' u....-.._ lD 'fhWioct ol. tMa Code or oiM7 oOIIr *'•-..e• elec:trk:iaa is u;y eled:rk.U re('ll&r}J~ tiU ...._111&11 be eMchd by till Eiectrieal ,..,......, ud t1 or-or -..-.,.., c.tUicolo ol-' -!a-wU1! tlll--o1Sod-15.1l.II0-15.WI!O -to llo II-..., -liM ~oll>la ~ 111111
-to orrw. • olllllo-·.... aU-lt.n • ..-.. 1111>Ucalllo -· tlii-
IUI.OIO Do-ol --· Sodloo 10-' to --u ao 1o111.-t -. boU!(. o -. --w ' e -*'1.-,_ ol tiM-1M. loooo •-dllltedhmU.JWll a•l.lletrkai.Codt,lltlreilbll:llre.,...., ~ w.a or U.ir ..ara. ..,. ... ., ldWef4 t It tMi 6 .bwyperWll8Aecllldben.Uda.lflwtMlll·.,._
to-15.11.010. -_ •IJ!p; alllcenO<-tliocteyollloo(IOII __ .., ~l!odoo-...,.,.....,.-olo<. -·~•
IS.U,OIO ALMd !II II -'·-90-' ol tlll _._Ju-toSoc:tloo-ollliiGoo•••Codo, ,..,1--otPtr ... ~ponall-toJ---
J"'ttWI' Elildrical Collla, fiiK 1 2 ° • Wt'$1 j Ia s.ea. Gr~I:Mno(. ........... tilt--fll dflll: C... ........ ..
U.U.OlO,b:IMIIWIDI'IId: ....... k.laa .. ..,,._..,.... ......... ~ ..... 'Ftlllen ..... I ........... Jf ........... ....
..,_., Edlrcew nl Tile ...... DINttll fll tal C1tJ of J,k wtli a c•M&..,.:O• ol C..e ... Ill IIIII l Em 1 af P II I 11J _.,_._.lilt lit ...,_ • .,. ....
.Newport hid lltaU 1 ° ce till ....,....... ol tMn: Colli &Itt t rt '*• • •W.'n'• .... elld:rk&l 'trll1ltl: ola .._ • tf a .. ..,: _. ...._ tr till w· a • _. W. -.aa..•r•£1• ,,.,...,_...., .,.,...h•ol .............. ._..,...,..,,.llald•pa'Mekwtlldla_. til •• II ,.__,... .. _. :"l:' ............. '' .... .,., t ..................... I ..... PMaO..' .. • ....... ......, ... =·· .. ~···· ... ... .,..... lila .............. II 0 J). 1 till a &&•• ~"?l?h+ II ArUt.1t 101. 'he ttit t1 Addlt• " lltt _ _.,.... .. llll I otS' ---l~u.:mna:• .... I~ .......... ...U&. ..... tDtM ~~"r~==-~·-w 0 •<sl , .. .,,. ::..~~ ••• ,".~--..:.·:.::.:.=
H' I &llolrtiU C...._ Etllllt '11C1 t .. ._,.,. tArtllll .. •rw••MiaATiltl.' :::: a 1 •111 011 , .... -... 113•' ... ll~\t':.!. , --l!olloo lb.ll.t• II Ph+ ol loo•he t-.a.-111al lo-111 1 loa.--•lot I I ........ ....... t tta.kal .... ,.,., lllrldrblc.II,Y I,, .,' u1 , • ., , ... ,. a ,_....,.. ... ,.... ....
Oleo llod ·co.
-7110 ac<D·-AU. wen. AJ.L 1T1~tr11!1Din
?Or 9 ....... ,.-• •
-··· .... L .............
Larhr tu6ma lllw.rk
,.;., o.L ~ J v• -8 •JI• (),.~,tooAhlt .~•u·fHJrl H.,.,., .. ... , c ........ 0 ... .,.
1:30 l,ft'l, tO 9:)0 a.m. -Wcirstlip ~trVICt
9:4S a.m. to \0:45 1.m. -Sunday School
11:00 i.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Service
1'k llew. J._. G. IUaill, Pu&or
De Rev. Ge~nae J. atadiechr, Vi1itation Paa&ot
PiloN MI...:M31
Owistt• Science
~a..,.. 8CIIENnST
3303 Via Lido
Newport Beach
f : J5 e ..... Mtl 11 e .....
9:15-llo .....
MEETING I., .....
..... .,..: ' ...... -5 ...... .
........ .,, ' ...... -7:45 ...... . T~uley _., F•itley: ' ..... -s ....... ; 7-t , ..... ~: lp ..... _ .. , .....
........ ICIENT1ST
Newport Beach at
Corona del Mat
1100 PIICI!Go VIew Dr.
SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10 .... .
Mutual Buildina
2863 East Coast Highway
Mou. • Set. 10 ..... to 5 p.m.
Thursdey eveuiag - 7 to 9
You are cordially mvited to
aurnd Ch~c h Servu:cs and
to usc lhe Readtna Room.
first leptlst a..rllllh
.f c. ........ .
A11rti,.1 Ribl• frllowahip
l•tl~p~rttl-t-.41fiOH.OirS s-,. Aile&. M .. Miia Sts.
Or. P.G. Neumann, putor
1:45 a.r •· Sunday School
11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Wouhi~
6:00 p.fl'l. Trainina Uniona
7:1.h) p.m. EvCnina Worship
7:20p.m. Bible Study
8:00 p.m. Prayer Meuina
F1FTH GRADERS from the Newport Beach elementary
school, lett to right, Pete Somers, ~e:x Sutherland, Cathy
Pblllips, Jennifer Johns and Davy Callaghan, took time out
Feb. 10 from their visit to the Newport Beach fire station
to pose In front of a fire engine. Their tour was part of the
Junior Fire Marshal program, held once a year, In which
all 5th graders from public, parochial and prtvate schools
participate. Firemen, In turn, visit the schools and show
movies and give a speech on fire prevention. Teachers give
a test afterwards, and students who pass receive a badge
and diploma, (Ensign photo.)
Permits issued during tbe Dr., convert garage to fa.mUy
flrst half of this mouth by tbe room, bu1Jd carport, $1,950 •
bu11ding departmeat ol Newport • NEWPORT HEIGHTS
Bea.cb., lD the vahte of $1,000or South Bay Club, feoee, 880
more, lDcloded the following: Irvine Ave., $3,000.
JuUus Enns, d~lu: at 127 Hoag Hospital, 301 Newport
38th St., $40,000. BIYd,, structural changes,
J . R. Janssen. 2-storY,1-tmJt $2,800.
dwelllng &1: 2804 W. Ocean Ft., • BACK BAY
$40,000. United California Bank, !
C. DarleHale,3-story,4-u.nlt signs, 4667 MacArthur Bl•d.,
apartment building at 1700 W. $1,000.
....... ~ Ocean Ft., $80,000. B. H. Miller Co., partitions.
~, Mrs. C. W, Aadrews, a.hera-3900 Campus Dr., $3,600.
lions at 4000 Chamel Pl., • CORONA DEL MAR
$2,000. Don the Beachcomber, sprln-
of AmMAN ThOmas L. Chandler Eugene OVerstreet, sbow kl.l.ng s ystem, 3901 E. Coast
L.tt.e~ O..rd The hnoft o1 Chritt Jr., son of Thomas L. C.baadler room for Costa Mesa Lumber Hwy., $13,600.
Of tlw M.s.., ,.... olttw liotr SpWit Sr. of Costa W:esabaseompleted Co. at 227 20tb st., $6,000. • LINDA ISLE
L..tloo.. r •o•::.,:~·; SCHOOl.. ' ......... basic training at Laeklaod.AFB, Newport Arcbes YarlDa, 3333 Kigson Construction, 2-story
O.rdt ifl A.erin I• G wotuH•P • ..o.~o~o •o• Teras. Helsremain!ngatLack-W. ec.st Rwy., otllces for 1-unit dwelllng, No. 28 Uada
2900 Pacific View Or. I!:VI!:NtNG u:"'vrc:E 7 '00 P..... land for training as a securlty ComptroDics IDternatloaa.J.. Isle, $70,000.
a del Mu, ah CQ,i. policeman. , • ~~~ c .1 THu .. so.a.v IIIII'-I: ST'IJOY ,8 000 • BALBOA
AND P"'AYI!:"' 1t00 P ..... Dr. Willi.n ll. Eller ""'-'"'st:"'Y ou"''"'G u: .. v,cu • BALBOA ISLAND Bay Department Store, ceil-Phone 644-2664 A w Yovth -.... BANKER HONORED T • st d le 1217 lng and cablnets 303 Matn st • ...... Melton B. Burns of Bay orrey, ~-ory 141 xa •",000. ' ., l :t5 ..... F•ily ••,•h ip c'". o1 a.,-IINI 1w. s.. Dtam-~ A·e $37 ooo -Shores manager of tbe Uni uoa~ • ·• • • Dr R be t w llbo 1~:~ ~·~ f!:::! S:!::.'i; ,~,.,. H~:';!c ... ...., versJ.t/ Park offtee of Fir~ Robert Mtllu,Z-storyduplu ditto~ ~29 r w a~Y n.A::-
"URSERY PIOV!DED Western &nk was inaugurated at 116 Crystal, $38,000. $10 o6o. ' '' ~.::=========--=========::! into membership in tbe bank's AI Kelso,
2-story, 1
-Wlit -' Hi.RBOR VIEW HILLS r President's Club Jan 31 Mr dwel.llng a.t 207 N. Bay Ft., Wll"" F U 1 • · • $55 000 u.o.m erry, wa , 724 fie •dlt •• up • t! 1 .: tiitardl
W ...... -· M ...... IWoM•
A Fr•• -~ ,,.,.,~.,,
Co.tr.l.no.tll Cjriati• C••rcj,
nt.I ... Mwz• ............... ,
.. .,. S.rticc aad Ourda School at 10:00 a.m.
.... .., c .. ,....414 ,.._: 64-27·
Burns and his wife, L)'DDe, were • • Port Margate PL, $1,000.
guests of bank chairman and ' WEST UPPER SAY G. Cotterman, swimming
president Stafford Grady at a Ivan Wells 41 Sons, 1-unlt, pool, 1830 Port Abbey Pl.,
banquet given to honor tbis 1-story dwel.U.og at 1614Galuy $3 100. ~of First Westernotrlcers Dr •• su.eoo. . ··C. Martin. swtrnmi.Dg pool,
a1 tbe Century Piasa. Hotel·.to Mel Zlper, a.l.eratiotl8 ''lt1'Pll~Pbrf:·Westbom'oe, $4,500.
los Angele-1. _ 1146 Polaris Dr., $J.JOO. -• NEWPORT CEIITER
The Pr~dent's Cltf:l mem-Doo Rum"" sYlnniUag pool The lrYtne Co.,lOpermlts tor
bership is awardedtotbosemen at 1034 Pescador Dr., $3;850. tenant improvements at 550
whO surpass their sales quotas • CUFF HAVEN Newport Ceoter Dr., East,
IIIWOIT AliT IIIDW n-.olffHAfa)R EllliGII ll!U-V. Ft1. a, ..
II UT ..,UIAY 4TM . Sf.OOIIDSEC'TIOII--P• 4 aiiiiiiA ll(l CALif.
,. ..... a.c. Clb' Art .._-~~~~~~-------~~~~~~----........ ..W. lllld a.,._ :" _, "" -.. "' ·-.. 1'1 CIIJ IIlli - -10 ...... ...,..~ .. --...,.._ .. __ . ., __
Jlllt -· Ull 11 -· .. -· Tlloro WW • a Uall ot
TIIo --ulodlou --,.. ...... _.,,IIIIa, I, Ull ~If Hloe-.... .... _......,
-ww .. plebd ... d!JI>IaJ Ia "'ctrle c-. GoU.J ...
lilt -ot ... , ud 1-.
,.... ~-·-IDOIQ' tar tbl ... bOmt oftlot
boUciiDC Q Cr ...... a II: Co,
• c. , .........
flf ... "LIU ytl
loe., --... ud 111-Yellmtllt twntt'll firm, ieiCfMI ..
~ l:lr 11 :10 a..m. Frlday,
Feb. za, at 4600 ea~ Dr ••
Mar tlooOr_CouoiJ_ •
Wa.Mer Crlltteadeo Jr., ellt.JZ-
mao ot tile boucl, 11 a resident
of tbe Cameo Sbores area ol
Santa ·--, ... .. lUlU, ... ( •.
ZZDZ S. Mll · SU-Utf
Will All
Coroaa del War.
When you consider bow
important investment ideas are •••
you can understand why
Dean Witter & Co. works so intently
to find good ones for yotL
We ln. vest $2~ million annually to run
the Dean Witter Research Department
-a department whose only goal is to
produce sound investment ideas for
Reports on companies and indus·
tries, and the market outlook as a whole,
flow from our n::gjonal research centers
directly to 1067 Account Executives.
On-lhe-spot reports from our men on
the floor of the New York Stock Ex-
change are relayed twice daily to our
Account E:tecutives in 64 offices na~
tionwide. All or this information, and
mo re, is distributed through 50,000
miles of private leased wires.
The result is : Dean Witter Account
Executives have an almOst continual
flow of solid, research-based ideas to
assist you in your efforts to achieve
your investment goal. H you'd like
more information on how we can help
you, just call the manager of the Dean
Winer office nearest you. He'll be glad
to arrange an appointment, without
cost or obligation. of course.
)'OM·~ dou to IMif •io beow
... wlw• J'OM ;,..~n wit4
Bre~tto• R. O!J••· M••r•r
881 Douer Dri1111 , Nn1port due.\
r.l.pAo~t• 642-6050
for the year just ended. George Wiseman. 801 CUU $267,000. -~-----'------·-----------------LEGAL NOTICE LEG.AL llOTICE
ICON Tl loiU t!: D J" ,.,0,. P "' It C:"·"~:::.c:.;c.;..:::.':.C:, ::-_:.:_:::_ __
(e) CaoceiWton of Permit. u 00 portion of the wortr. or COD-'105-5 Interpretations by Electrical IDspeetor. Tbe Elec-operaUng the same shall be nottlled lD wrutng am sba.ll mate Such permit shall be issued on a calendar mooth basis.
struction covered by a permU issued by theEleetrieallnspeetor trical Inspector is hereby empowered to make taterpreeatms tbe necessary repairs or changes required to place such wiring (b) Application for such a mootbly permU sba.ll be 00 a form
tmder the pro•ision of tb.is Code llas been commenced, the person of any of the provisions of this Code wherever tbe.re 1s a device or material lD a safe coocU.tioo and to bat'e such work provided by the Electrical Inspector and sball coota1n tbe Dlllle
to whom sucb permit has been issued may deliver such permit reasonable question as to what is required lD tbe way of completed wilbt.n a period of 10 days after such DOUce, or wttbiD and regtstratioo number of each Malnteoanee ElectriclaD em~
to the Electrical lnspector with a request that such permit materlals or methods or manner in Wbicb tbe materl.als sba.U sucb otber reasonable period specified by the Electrical lo-ployed and a descrlptlo.n of tbe electrlcalworka.JXI the premises
be cancelled. The Electrical Inspector shall there~n stamp or be installed. Such interpreUHoos sball be in writiJlg filed 111 spector 1D said ootice and shall pay such fees as are required on wbicb the electrical work has been done UDder sueb permlL
write ~n tbe face of such permit the words, "Cancelled at the the otfice or t~ Electrical Inspector Ud slllll be tinal unless by the provisioo.s of this ordinance, (c) Each sucb Malntenanee Electric.la.n shall keep a current
request of the permittee." Thereupon such permit shall be null an appeal is taken.' Tbe Electrlca..l lnsl>ector is bereby empowered to dLscooDect deta.Jled and accurate record 1.n d..,ucate of ali electrical wor-k
and vold a.nd of 00 etfect. 15.12.150 Addition of Section 105-6. Sectloo 105-6 is added or to order tbe discoli.inua.nce ol electrical service to -.trt.ng, wb.icb has been OOne by tUm and sucb record shall be anlla.ble
(f) Additional Electrical Work alter final Approval. After the to the National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted 111 Sectklo deftces or material.s found to be defecUYe Wllil tbe I.nstalla-tor tnspection by the Electrical Inspector.
Electrical Inspector bas finally approvedelectricalworkautOOr-15.12.110, to read: Uoo. of such wtriDg device or materia.J ba.s been made safe as (d) WitlliD t1fteeD (15) days after tbe ead o1 eacb calerwtar
l.sed under an electrical permit, oo additional electrical work '105 -6 Inspection. directed by the Electrical Inspector, and an.y persoo, firm, rnoMh, tbe persoo employing such Ma.U&eoa.nce ElectrtciaD.slall
sba.ll be done thereunder withOut first obtaining a separate elec-{aJ Approval. Upoo the oompletioo of tbe electrical wiring corporation._ polltica.J. sulxliviston or governmental agency or-· Ole his application tor such monthly MaiDteoanceElectrlclaDper~
tric.al permit authorizing such additional electrical work.' in or on any buUding or structtae of any D&ture, or tent, or dered to discootim.e such electrical service shall do so wttht.n mit witb the Electrical Inspector, to wb.lcb shall be attacbed one
15J2.110 Addition of SecUoo 105-2. Section 105-2 is added premises, except as otberwise eumpC:ed in lb.Ls ord1DaDce, 24 hours after the receipt of such oottee and sbal1. not reeoooeet cq>y of such Maintenance Electrician's recordofelectricalwork
to the Natlooal Electrica..l Code, hereinbefore adopted in Section the person, firm or corporation iastalllnc tbe same sbal1 sucb service or allow the same to be recoonected UDtil ooti-doDe during tbe preceding caleDdar month, and sball pay sueb
15.12.010, to read: notify . the Electrical lllspector, wbo shall inspect sueb in-fled so to do by the Electrtcalln.spector.' fees as are required for such work by tbis Code, The Electrical
'105~2 Mainteoaoce Electrician. (a) A Maintenance Electrician ~tton. aDd lf lt is fOIIDd by him to be fully LD compliance 15.12.170 Addition of Section 105~8. Sectioo 105-8 is added Inspector shall then issue the monthly Mai.nteoa.oce Electricla.D
sball DOt install, alter, ma.intaln or repair electrical wiring or wtth the provi~ioos of this ordinance, he sball issue, as pro-to tbe Natioaa.l Electrical Code, herelnbefore adopted lD Section permit.'
equ.lpment 1.n or on any building owned or occupied by his em-vided Cor herem, the certificate of iBspeetioa or ~a.l tag, to read: 15.12.200 Mdl.Uoo of Sedioo 105-11. Section 105~llls added
ployer without first haYing obtained a Certificate of Competency authoriz.ing eoDDection to tbe electrical service and tbe eoer-'105-8 Rigbt of Entry. to the National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in See.Uoo
as herein provided. g1zing of the inst:a.11a11on. 1. Tbe Electrical Inspector, or b!sdu.lyautoorisedr~eseda-15.12.010, to read:
(b) Tbe Electrical Inspector sballestablish minimum standards (b) Permtssioo to Cover Work.. It shall be unlawful ilr any t1Ye, sba.ll bavetbeautboritytoeoteranybu11ding or premises for '105-11 Fees. Payment of Fees. The fees prescribed bere.1n
of electrical competeocy to be used in determining whether any person to lath over, seal, cover or cooeea.J. any electrical Ule purpose of Lnvesttgating the uisteoee of suspected or re~ shall be paid to the Electrical Inspector for lbe City ol Newport
person is qualilied ror a Certiflcate of Competency as a Main-wiring or other . electrical equipment, for tbe lastallatton of ported damage or defects which constitute an immediate ct.nger Beach for eacb electrical instaUatton. alteration, adrtiUon or
teoance Electrician. The Electrical Inspector shall issue such wb!ch a permit ts proYided herein, unt1.l such e&ectrlc wiring to bumu life or an Immediate haurd to PllbUc safety or bealtb. repair for •hlcb an electrical permit is required. Tbe Electrical
CerWlcate of Competency to any applicant meeting such stan-or other electrical equipment s ball ban been lDspected aod 2. Except iD emergeocysttuaUonsasdeflnedi.DSectioo 105-8-1 Inspector sba.ll oot lssue an electrical permit, UDW ali sucb
dards. If tbe Electrtca.l Inspector determines that an applicant approved by tbe Electrical lllspector, Said Eleetrtcalla.spector of this Code, the Eleetrieal lnspector, or his autborised re-fees are paid lD fUU.'
Is DOt so qua.Hrted, such applicant may appeal his determination shall have tbe power to remon, at to require tbe remon.l of any )X'esentati:re, shall DOt e~et aDJ bu1Jdlog or premises without 15.12.210 Addition of Sectlon 105-12. Section 105.1! is added
1D accord wilb such procedures as may be set forth by the City obstruction which prennts proper ~ of any electrical tbe cooseat of the aerner or oee~ thereof, tm.less be pos-to Ule NaUooa.I Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in Section
CouoeU of the City of Newport Beach.' equipment. sesses a reasooa.ble search warranttWlm'islngent:ryandsearcb 15.12.010, to read:
15.12-.120 Addition of Section 105-3. Section 105-3 is added (c) Corr~ions. All defects sball be conected wtthl.a 10 of tbt premises. '105.1% Fees-New CoutrQCtion-Complete Strw:turesOul.y.
to tbe Natlooal E lectrica.l Code, hereinbefore adopted m Section days after inspectii::m and DOttflcatioD or wttbtrJ sucb otber 3, No person sball bJ.oder or preot"eot tbe Electrical ~ (a) Residential (single or mulU-tamuy): The fees beret.D set forth
15.12.010, to read: . reasooa.ble Ume as is permitted by tbe Electrleal lDspec:tor. or his authoriled represeotatiYe, wbile lD tbe ped)rmuce of t:tr oew resldentia.l ~uctioo locl..:te &U electrical I.DStaJ.
'105-3 Registration. of Yaloleaance Electncians. (d) CoMectioo. U shall be 1DLlawr.l to eoerctse or caust tbe duties here.lnbellre described as emergeocy s1taUoas or 1aUoas wbeo tbe formula lS applledtotbasquare footage ol are&..
(a) Tbe Electrieal lnsprector shall register each Maintenance ar permit to be eoerglud any electrtca1 wirlllc c:omJ.Dc UDder wblle 1D possessJoo of a nlld seucb nrrut from eatertoc 1, ODe ceal (1~) per square foot, plus $1.00 m ei.Cb UcWnc
Electrtc.lan to whom a Certificate of Competeocy is issued. The the proYisions of tbisordlD.aDce, ..W RCh electr1cal wtrtac 11aU .,n and LDto uy aod an premises IIDder h1s jarl.sd1dioa, at meter, plus $%.00 for permit Issuance.
bastlless ldenttty of the Maintenance Electrlcian and hls em-ban been Inspected and Jlll)fOYed by tbe Eltctrlcallntpector, all rtuoaable hours, g tbe pqrpose of '""*''or tbe ame !. ODe-ball ceat (1/2~) per square foot tor deta.cbed or
pk))'er • tbetr busloess addresses, arxt the location and descrip-ProY1ded, boweYer, tbat tbe Eledrlcal IDipeetc.' m&J ciYe to determlDt Wbetber 01' DOt tbt JII'O'IsloDs of this COde and all attacbld ~ps Ud carports 00 tbe stme senice.
tloD of buildings and premises ln or on wh.ich the MainteDa.DCe written temporary permtssioa to fWidsb eleetrtc carreat to, otber appUcable Jaws ar ordiD&aees perta.i.llDc to tbt tnteetiOD (b) Hotels ud Motels: Use the recuiar fee scbedule below tor
Ellctrida.n wtU be doing electrical work, shall be inclOOed or tbe use of electric carreot tbroucb UJ electrk:al wtrlDc olper.:ms or prope1t7, are ob&entd tbereiL" all areu except car.aps.
lA sacb regtstration. and lbe Malrteoa.nce Electrician shall for a lengtb of Ume DOt uteedii:C JO di.JS, it lt JR)IU'IID aid 15.12.180 Add.Woa of Settioa 105-9. Sect:iclt 105-9 11: ..t:ted 0.-llalf eeat (1~) per squa.re Joot tx detacbed or a.ttacbed
aot1tJ tbe Electrteal Inspector of any changes in the information Electrical Inspector that saeb Utetrk:ll wtrtDc ma,y be used to tbe HaHoaaJ. Electrleal Code, berel.,....e lldCiptecl iD ~ c:araces laS carports oo tbe same 88n'lct. La bote1 &Dd motel
reqalred lmder SIICb registration. safely for such pw-pose, &Dd tbat tbere ul.sts u urpat DICes-15,1Z.OJ.O, to reed: occlfi&DCJ.es.
(b) CerWl.eates of Competency shall expire on tbe 30th day or sl.ty for such use. •105~9 Permits. (a) AD. electl1cal Pll'mU al:laU be nqlllred (c) Commercial, IDdastrlaJ &Dd Assemblies: Use replar ...
1 .. *»Uow!Dc lbei.r ISSlllDCe, and may thereafter be renewed on (e) GoYernmental Apacies. Tbe ~ ol tJds ontt•,.... ........,. Ul7 electrical ~ 18 to be lutal'td WUidD or sc::bedQie Ill forth 1D SectiD.D 15.11.120.'
u aaa! tuls. sba.1l CO¥er, para aad COIIItrol tbe lpsbUitfQQ, aJteratkJp or OD QJ baUdhiC. ttrDCt .. t, prtml-........ JMibUCJY 01' prt. 15.11.210 Addltloa ot Sectioa 1()5.1S. SecUoll 105-U 1a added
(e) All II!Pllcut lor web a CertUlcate of Competeocy sba.ll repa.tr of any electrical ~ ec 11 t etitJa. ftlhrea, eocAt-. 'llte)J oned. ud 1b1J1 at.:t be~ b .., ~ eo tbt .Natklllal Electrical Code, beJ'elnhtlart sdopted lD SectioD
at lllo lime ot GUDc Ills 11>1>Ucalloa pay ao e>:amlllatlon toe ot IJll)lluces, _...., ,_biM'f ar -aloelrlcal -._ 1o or r-., ..., "'"'"~ oloelrlcal .....,._ IE4Ilt 15.11.010, 1o reed: ·
TM Dollars ($10.00~ udatttooUmeaCertllleate otC<>a!p!leocy by or no behalf olllle CltJ ot .. _.lloo.<ll<.: ..,...,..._ .. ----. '105-U Roplar FooSe:-.. r• nplu flo 1<-lllall lo-ll01 a r~ lee of Teo Dollars($10.00). A """"or omeer tlloroof or by ar • _.,..,_..._ (b) lfo o1oe1r1caJ Pl<alllllall• """*tel.,..*.,._.. IIIIIIJio•M-.~ PloiiiiQ!IIar.-taOioJd"'ll
ft1111n11o0 '" of Too Dollars ($10.00) sball also be paid trlct or aoy quul.poi>Uc or poUIIco1 corpont1o1 or _... .-ot oloelrlcaJ -11: • oloelrlcaJ illlallatb>o ud 1o---• .. ll>lcllltd
at 1'1 t1a11 ot -b 111111ll r.,.wal ot sucb -utlcale.' meJIUJ apoey o< -· ..-.., pna.. oal-llf a flllllc I I. lllaor r-_.., --u 111o --., .._ ar Ill lllo lui IIH<Odloc-.
IS.ll.UO AdllllinllotSictloa 105..4.Sectlool05-41s~ 1o oellonl district bol.aC ----~--t11o caatrt"oe ot,..-tloelrlcal IIIII 1101 1o lllblt loGutral: lilt -I Eloelrlcal Codo, berel-e -eel Ill Sect1oo rll«y. Tills lll'lll'll*-oaiiiiiiiJio-tloelrleal ~ .M"td'J'I_... ............. t= 1 llf pw-Mlalmwm pormU foe ol $1.00 ... -.ee ol pormlt pbta
IIJI.OIO, 1o road: u Ia spoclllcally ....... -t11o --ot -1. no l-llt!IM, ......&., ,..., •• lo or ....,.U ol oloe-tlooF lollowlac-"" lloetrlcal --'-:
105-4 RltOCitioa or Saapeostoo ol CertUlcates or Com-15.1Z.020. • trteal......._ ,,. .... bJ or .k UelectrleltJIIWir ..-cJ :, ~lets, aoo tob or llu, a ewer
; I y. T .. Eledrlcal lalpoclor, wWl llle ljlll<O'tal (I( lllo 15.11.160 A-ol Sectloo 105-1,-1015-?la adoltd b' 1'1-ot-.ll-lal't_.uoo, trurrlt-dla-mp., per motor ' ' '' '"'" "'' '"' $ I.OO
C'llllllll•pr,-r ......... r-aCortiiiCitool 0>.....,_1 lo ttoo 11.-t Eloelrlcal Coclt, ....-. ......... Ia 11oe-~or --ot --,. 9 r:, ...tc-. 600 YOIIIor lou, ....
.._till ••-... llld.rtdu k»kUAc ACb c.utk:ate llu Uoo 15.1! .. 010, to r.ct: . (c).._,..,. ot &If a.a. ..,., IIC la•+J& 1 c•wD tat For A.at~ .. per -.. ' • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ·' ' l.OO
naw .. ur ot u.--ot tlda Code ortut•Pr' •t05-7 R.t•..,.uc• n. Bllctltcal •••:U Ia......., ~rJ~eeol..,.._llal,_ .. *llea , •• ..,., .. ca.. o.uu -:;~.::.:: ::.a.-*:s·i~'.!:
II .. ,n 'IM1!JClK~iac:n•CUoawaiUWC:-&IIU!orlsed ud *41,..11111D _..at _....__.u._.., a rtWOC8doa of~ t:Jtctrkal,..a t1r ... lllc:trical ,.,., UdPutllcudZ...J..Gta:· •
tl'tcll ..._ AJq .a ••._aee.Ellela1claa.., llllfMl u 111 lU ... erttlaa •..,.., 11 1 J, aawa ....... 'iNz;J:Aui.' J'trli 10 ......... -· ' f .JO .a • dn w ntOCIUollllta. ... wmlru..ttlrtll •...-:u:w ol tlllt"t...._la•••WS 11* l •• UJUIO • ....,.ol...._t ... tO.Iilcal:lat•-tOialllllld AMM ---. • • • • ••• •• ••• •••• ••
10 It,...,. li.II.JUI II -Codo. .. tloelriOOl MWl ...U .. pna.. ot aD -1001 'llrtlr. tit-......... -lo .. act 1-Co*,._ 1'1 ' n&tltlla--~ oolloJo, -• • • • ·'·· • " • " • .... f .10 -llr-X II -C:-1 311&--IIJ b1cal _ ... -I d W 'or--.. IIIII .. lf.ll.Ot~IOnod: . For-ILar--IOf--. ... ...=·.'~.--:-:J~:~OI~~:.::::r:.:; ....... =~ :.::.·~·:-::..···· .. -:. ~-: .. ru:;-!.7'9'':',. .. ::.,-:,~::..::=-~ ,:u-~~~~·:ei. ·.wn.~ ·--·~···::: :.::
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---·COWIIR --=-·
IMo .. ·---..... Lc--., ---•t 14 ...........
Easy to do ... just call or come in.
""-,.. /JON( ••• ~
mQle a. tllf~t.Unet
2867 Eu1 Co.sl H!Bhw•y • Corona Del Mar, Caltf 9 2625
TelephOM 67S·SOIO
SEaliiD SECT1011 --P110 5
AddiUooal fixtures, each •••••...•••.•••• S .10 Each additlooal sign and ooe lra.nstormer on lnspecttoa that brt 1s required to mate u a resull ot faulty Outlets tn other sectJoos or tbe dwelling tor specW appliances
Mercury Yapor finure on pole, each •.••..... $ 1.00 same k>l ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• S 2.00 workmanship or materW. or tor uy 1Dspectloo requested such as laundry equipmeot, shall be placed wltlltn 6 reet ot the
Cooking AppliaJlces: Sign &Dd one transformer moved to a oew before tbe work ln$eded hu beta completed, made read}' loteoded kH::aUon of the appliance.
For each electric range (staOOard). • . •••.•.. S 1.00 locatloo •••••••••••••••.•••.•••..•• $ 2.00 tor ln&pectlon, or before an electrical permit has been obtained. (c) Guest rooms 1n hoCels, motels, and similar occupancies
For cooking un1ls With oven (domestic) . . •.•.• $ l.OO for eacb additional sign a.ad transformer moved 15.12 •. 2'70 AddWoo ol Sectioo 105-18. SeeUoa 105~18 is added shaU have receptacles tnsta.lled la accorda.Dce with Sectioll
For each addttiooal owen (domestlc) • • . •.•..• S 1.00 to the same new locatioa ••••••••••••••• , $ 1.00 to the Natlooal Electrlc&l Code, bereh:ahefon adopted ill SectJoo 210~U(b}.
For each electric ra.nge (commercta1) •••..••. $ 2.00 For alterlne: or changi.D& lettering of an 15.12.010, to read: (d) Minimum Wire Stu. For tbe SICJPlY ot currem: to ~~
For ovens (commercial) oot over 15,000 W •••• $ 1.50 exJstiDg s.J.p •••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 '105~18 Fees -Temporary Electrical Service, Wbeoe'f'er tbe applla.oce and coavenieoce receptacle circuits , oo cooductoc
For ovens (commercial) over 15,000 W •• , ••.• $ 3.00 For conoectiog (book-14)) of ea.cb slgn or Electrical lnspeetor autmr1Hs the coDDeCUoc Ud use ot tern-smaller thaa No. 12 A.. W.G. shall be tnstaUed. No coovellience
For eacb fry-tettle, toaster, ntne lroo, decorative outline tubing ••••••.••••..••• S 1.00 ponry eJectrlca.l tnst•llatloo, a fee of $5.00 sbaJ..1 be paid to the receptacle or applia.oce receptacle stla.U be installed or apera-
cotfee maker, or cookiq" device under Lamp Hold.l.n( Devices Used oo Signs or Marquees : Electrical 11u;pector tlr tbe City at the time such coooectioo ted oo a pnera.l Ugbtlni bruch circuit at aay time ln any
3,000 W (commercial) ••••••.•••...••.•. $ 1.00 For eacb lamp lloldiog device used ln connection aod use ls utborbed.' occ..,ancy.
For each try-kettle, toaster, ntne lroo, wltb a sign or marquee: 15.12.280 Addltioa of Sect1oa 105-19. SecUoo 105-19 is added EXCEPTION: As permitted by Sectioo 210~26(b).
coffee maker, or cooii1Dg device 3,000 W From 1 to 20 1Dclustve, each •..•.••...••.• $ .OS to the NatJooa.l Electrical Code, bereiDbelore adopted 1.o Section (e) At least one receptacle shall be lnstalled in rooms co o-
or over (commercial} ••••• , ••••••..••.• $ 1.50 Ne.lt 100, each ••.••••••.•••.•.••.•••• $ .03 15.12.010, to read: ta.i.oing ooe or more wa.sn tasins or lavatories.'
Healers and Heating Awl.ia.Dces-Hair Dryers: For each addU.looa.l •.••••••••.••••.•••• $ .01 '105-19 Fees -Rehmds. LD. tbe "eat tbat u y per!iiOO sball 15.12.310 Amendment to Section 210. Section 210 of tbe Na-
For each a.1r heater ICl to and including 1650 W •. $ ,$0 Temporary, Permaneti. or Construction Poles: bave obtaiDed a talldln& permit l.llld oo portion of tbe Work or UoD&I Electrical Code, tterelnbeforeadoptedinSecUonlS.IZ.010,
For each air beater over 1650 W ••••••••••• $ 1.00 For temporary, permanent or construction poles, construcUon covered by auch permit shall have beeo com-is ameDded by adding Section 210-26 to read:
For each water beater •••••••••••••....• $ 1.00 each •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• S 2.00 menced aod such permit sball ban beeo cancelled atthe.r as 'Zl0-26 Ligbting Outlets .
for each ba.ir dryer. . • .•••••••.•••..•.• $ 1.00 Temporary UDderp-oliJXt ud Work-With Services: prmlde<l Cor 1.o SecUoo 15.1!.100, tbe permittee !ClOG pnse.o-(a) Each single famU y dwelllng aod eachocc~ncyor a multi-
for infra.red drying units DOC over 15,000 W ••• S 1,50 Temporary uodergroWid senlce •.•.••••••• $ 5.00 ta.Uoo to said Electrical lASJ)edor of a reqoest tBarefor, ill tam~ly dwelling sba.ll nave not less than one general Ugtltlng
For blfra.red drying units over 15,000 W .•.•• S 3,00 Temporary Ll~ writing oo a speclal torm, sbl.l.l be aatitled to a ref'lmd 1n an t.-ancb circuit with a maximum or lZ lighting outlets per circuit
For k.llns ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• $ 1.00 For working llgllts lo bulldlogs lo course of I.IDOWlt equal to 80 per cem of tbe permit tee actually paid for LDstaUed, tnlnlmum wire size shall be No. 14 A.. W.G.
For Electric Radianl Heating • per room •..•.. $ 1.25 coostructioo of Wld.er&Qlog repairs, or where such permit. (b) £yery room sball have at Jeastooe switcbed pneral lig.htlng
Home Appllaoces: temporary llptlng ls to be used: Tbf Electrical Inspector sb&ll sat1sty bJmseU as to tbe right outlet. Uvlnc rooms, bedrooms , fa mily rooms an1 dens may be
Clothes dryer. -• •••••••.••••• • • · · • • • • $ 1.00 500 lamps or less ••.•••.•••.•.••..•••• $ 2.00 of such applicant to sucb reflmd and •eb sucb retuod shall be u cepted, pro.tded at least one switched wall receptacle is
Dishwasher •••••.•.••.•.••••••.••••• $ 1.00 $01 lamps &lid DOt over 1000 •...•••••••••• $ 3,00 paid as provided by law for the P&JD~eut of claims against the installed ol the "~tit Plug" variety aDd St.Wlled by a ligtrt.ing
Furoace •••••••••••••• • •• • ••.••.••• $ 1.00 1001 lamps l.llld OYer ••••••••••••••••••• $ 4.00 City. braDCb circuit aM a convenience ottlet CU"cuit. NOTE : TDe
Garbare Dlsposa.J ••••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 Wilen ao Fee Otberwlse Spec Wed: No portion of tbe pLI.o cbee&iDr t• sball be retuooed, unless lntent ot tbe above is to provide twa circUits per room •.
KUct.eo taD •••.•.••.•••••••••••••.•• $ 1.00 For tbe l.a.spectJoo ol a.DJ electrical equipmeDI oo checking W baeD prertormed oo a ..._ ol plans, lll wlllch case (c) EDtrlDCe doorways proYidi.Bg access to the premises
Ylscella.neous: for wb.lcb DO feels prescribed hereln -for 80 per ceDI of tbe plan cbectiQg fM sball be ret.mded.' rtom tbe exterior shall be provided with exterior UlumlnaUoo
For eacb moving picture machine, lDcludiDg sound the Ume consumed per Dour SlO.OO, with a 1S.1Z.Z90 Ameadmeot to Sectloa !10-1. Sectioo 210-1 ol tile suitably loc.ated. Tbe illuminating source shall be controlled
equtpmeol 11sed in eormect1oo therewith •••••• S 2.SO ml.n11DIID1 cbarp for 1/2 Dour or Less ••••••• $5.00' Natiobal Ele<:trlea.l Code, btreinbefore adopted t.o SectioD by an Loterior swttcb convenJeDtly located near the doorway.
for each cellin& fa..n ••••••••••••• -••••• S 1.00 15 .. Z..Z:SO A~ of Section 105-14. Sectloo 105~14 Is 15.12,010, l.s ameoded to read: NOTE : Tbe lnteDI of the above Is oot to provide a light and
For otber permaneotly coDDeded fans with a added to the NaUooal Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted 'Z10-l Scope. 1be provlsiou ot Ul1& MCUoo s.ball awLY switcb at every door but only to provide adequate 1lluminilloo
motor of DOt more than 1/2 KP ••••• -•••••• S 1.00 iD SecUon 15.1%.010, to read: to braocb circuits ~lJtn& J.1cbt1Dc or wUa.Dce leads or for normal egress aDd Lngress at all doors.'
For all motors iDclwlln& pum&a~~otly coooected '105-14 Plan Cbecklng Fee comblDatioos ot such lolds. Wbtre mntors, or motot..operated 15.12,3%0 AmendmeDI to SecUoo 230-44. Sec:tioa 230-44 or
fallS same u i.odtcated 1D motor table of fees •• See Table A plan cbecking lee shaU be paid at the tlme of AbmittlDe appliances, are oormected to UJ circuit ~lYiD&: ligbUnc or the Natioaal Electrlc:al Code, herelobefore adOpted ln Section
fOI' eacb X-ray ma.clilile ••••••••••••••••• $ 2.50 plans as required tor .U proposed tnstanauons wbere ooe otller appliance m.da, tbe prori&kiGS of botb Ibis SeetiOo a.nd 15.12.010, Is ameoded to read:
For eacb sterlliler •••••••.•..•.••.•.•. $ 1.00 or more senlees or feeders have a diSCOODeCUng meu.s SectioD 4SO sbl.l1 IIIPlJ, SecUoa 430 sball apply where tra.ncb '230-44 Wlrl.ng Methods. Service-entra.oce conductors u-
For each dental liOlt •••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 wtlb a sinale or eombtDed total rating uceediD& 600 amperes circuit suppUes ool)' motor loads. tendiDc a1ooa; the nlerlor or entering buildings or other
For each l».rber pole ••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 01' bavlnc a capacity of 1$0 tlJoYolt..amperes (KVA). Sa.ld tee (a) Accessory llSeS or otber t.llcHap, sips, etc., sepan.te1y !ltnctures shall be ebClosed lll rigid cooduit, or, llr circuits
For each capacltor onr 5 KVA capacity •••••• $ 1.00 sball be equal to oae-balt (1/Z) tbe required electrical permJt located on tbe same )at c.-prtmbll D11 ban comectiag coop aot uceed1D( 600 rolls, t.o wlreways, auxiliary c«ters., or as
For tach aelfJOOhtoed Yt(l&ab1e ' meal case •. $ 1.00 tee u set lorth in SeetiollS 15.1!.210 and 15.U.ZZO of this duetors ruo --cro-1. (Acrleulbnl ueu u cepted wbeo baswQs.'
For eacb deep freese bo.l •••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 Code,' ~ed by tbe Elecb1calluptctor). 15.1!.330 AmeDdmeat to Section 2.30-7((a). SecUoo !30-'70(a)
For each btYerap IDd lee cr•m c&btDet • , ••• $ 1.00 15.U.Z40 Addlt1oo of Section 105.15. Sect.Joa 105-15 Is added (b) Wblre IPU'• elrellit .,.,XeeUve •tees are provided or ol tbe Matkxla.l Eteetrlca.l Code, berelobetore adopted ill s.ctloD
For ea.cb drlMiDc tNala.1D ••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 to tbe Natk.NI&l Eleetrlcal Code, berelDbellrt adopted 1D S.C. apace tor flltlre clrelllt protectlTe Mtcu art provided oa tbe 15.ll.Ol0, Is ameoded to read:
For each .m.c:u. wUII UctU .•.•..••.•.•. J 1.00 ttoo 15 • .11.010, to r•d: buss La UJ nulli or auat.Jlild --ed paal., tbtD racn'&fs 'ISO-70 (&) Dt.Jocx•cUoo from Ser•lc:e CoDductors. A aWn
For each Ume c)Ock. ••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 '105.15 PIDIJty Fee. ot saftlclellll eapadtJ to peratt wt!npuoe of sacb CIU'U ~ U&lJ be provided tlr disconnecting aU coecMetors
For eacb bu1ldlac IIMJ't'ld to a oew IPuUoa. • ••• $ 2.00 Air$ perBOD no sball commeoce a.ny electrical wort b' ar lll&CM 1111.11 be prondld to aa IIIIJl'ONCl accessible loeatkm ta tbe bulld1Dc or other structwe ttom lbe senlct lllllnDCe
for eacb NurpbJ type ldlcMA • • ••••••••••• $. 1.50 wb.tcb a permit W required by ttu.s ordioaDce wltboC ftrat SIICb accealbJe lrva""' g c111a.t u tlllon: Where suf1lcltat coaductwa.'
llolors: blftDc ntta''*' a perm.u tblrdr au, If IQbseqUeatJ.J I*"· atUe Ill*• g aftB&bll or ...,_floor .-ee 1s uailab}a. a n.u.s.eo Dt*UoD o1 SecUoo ZSO-'l'((c). Secuoa uo. 'K(c)
Not oYtr 1/Z HP , • , ••••••••••••••••••• $ 1.00 aUtted 1o otU1D a Pll'mit, pay diM:Ile tbe permit fM ftJ:Id b7 raceway lbal1 tlr.u.t. COM I 'r'ty b' hiwe 1M lA eacb W lllllrll!lby deleted fr'om tbe NatJocal Electrical Code, blnla-
Ofer 1/1 HP ud aot more u.u. 1 HP •••••••• $ 1.00 tb1l JKUoo tor soc:b wod: pr'M'idld tlat this ~ 1M11 BIICh cace • .._. UU c....w--dDM lilt uta. t1tea .c.b beb-elldaiphd lD Secuoo 15Jl.010.
Ofer 1 HP J.Dd 1110t orer I liP •••• _ •••••••• $ 1.50 lXIII: t;plJ to emer,.acy work wbeD u ab&1l bl prond to tbe t.rm.l•tlcwl 1111111 be IRWO'ed bJ tM Ea.ctrtcai'"C**X.' 1S,li.UO Amlaclmut to SectJoa U0-71. Sectloa U0-11 ct
Ofer I HP ud DOt ~-I liP. , ••• , •••••••• $ 1.00 •".....,.,._ ot tbt E)lctrlcal lasl*tor tbat IUICh work wu 15.11.300 A....t •• lo Sectloa llo...ll. Sec:ta 110-.D ot tlll MtUD.J Electrical Code, ~· ••ed 11 Sectlaa
OYer a HP ud aat """ 15 liP ••••• _ •• , •••• $ J.SO .,I'IUJ -=•.....,. ud uw It wu aot pncUcal to obtala a tM ~l llldrieal Coctl, --......e adapted ta Seoc:tloa 1S.UJn.O. 1s lDJ4I!I<led to read:
Onr US HP ud aat 01'• SO HP ••• , •••••••• $ 1.00 permO. t.MrlfDrr bel:lre tbe comJMDCeiDiillt of wort. 11 aU lS.U.DlO, la aaJeilld to 1"-.d.: 'DO-'11 RatU.c of Sen'lce Equtpmeat.
O.er 50 liP IUid oot ''"" 100 liP ••••••.•••• $ $.00 _., -., a Pl<aolt mllll bl _,.., as 00011 u ~ Ia pn<:-'II.G-U P-Jo 0101ota R-PoooPtaelo ootlotl ....U (a) Tllo --... u Ill•• a raiLO( ,.. lolo tl!aa
<>fer 100 HP ud DOt 09"tr 500 HP. , , •••••••• $10,00 Uca1 to do m, llld If tbere be u ..rtu011.ble dela,y ID ota•otac 1ae ..-uect u ll:al.lon: tM leU lo 1ae ea.rr1ld dltWm.Jaed La acaorduel .,... ~
Oftr 500 HP ••••••••••••••••••••••• , JlS.OO 1189 a pera!t, a~ ... ullltretaprorld!MS sba1l bl et.r .. d..' (a) c--aL...,.,......~ an ....S.. ~ .._. tM 110. n. ~ cboclnae«Jac: -llall'-n a nbJIIII Ill
EJtra ocaiM tlt portable 1DO&or1 ortr I HP ..eb.. $ 1.00 , 15...l.LDO AcMIKoe o( ~ 106 ... 11. S.CU.:. 1015-11 la added MW"II•..a af oc.'dl bf ...... --il IIICtDcllty ~ ... UIM 10 ...... ucapt.:
GMan&flrl: to e. flltto-' E:*trk:al COde., _. .. ...,.ldaptld taStdlol. Ot)DnW.CTJPtOcc t h&. -....., ldtct1' ..._,r.a., UCIPTIOK l«).t.F'ar-......u,r fFJsoet.,..a _.
F0<-11--.--•n-lllo U .U.010,tortad: --.............. ......,. !loo, ---Ill 1000 _...loot,. -,•u-lao!laiiOIC.W.
feelb&111aellle.-utllattlra_...co.-'101-11 F .... A,+M«Lwl Ellletrical Wort Uldlr E.lldrlc ~ ..... ud ...... fM 51 dt t1JtWa *A ... W _... IJIUJ.lll.t II &CC*O'OOI ........ ~ ..
Plerlllelld JlV.A. CIIJIIc:IIJUO. W-. Ptnd. Me ea ettth•l wtriiiiJ wt11 r-Ia a diW1Mtoa t ., .... •-• ,..,e ........... -IIUO waD .... MtSoi II I$ alit llli&U llaN a ntilil: fll lit ...... ..
-· -111o -lcol -k--u oJoctrl<:al pora11 1o -. t1u .a loot. s • ••
IIJ, -·-a , z-. • ...a. a ...... For •ell. CDOtot.......,.. eetarfr t :' Ul IIICtl .,....._au..._ woted bf U.IJidrlcll .... Ill .... ..-ce tlcHsaur.U..-tw.IMtwhlllw• 'a DCI.P'TIC* fl'l. L r.-•stiW'gzr 1 'Oattlll ...
elll.JCW, tM ... t:Mrtld lllaU be 100 pll' ellt ~·~;::; • ttAWh•• ... llfllll tc. o. .-reect ~·-tlll Mil t111t .a.-ODCI••••..,.....,.,..... ta ......... -two 1-'ftre tnldl cJrolll a wtlw tl a. .,_. .. t~~aallltlllo-.-1st --,... --aoclllolzts a 2 ttl lilt no ,....,II_ *II. -·r-o-·11, '"-" ~-• ...,._.-. stt-udlllck ...... IGu'NMIWtc ... SW'•I ......... kziiVal ......... -.a ....... ' ...... t?Ne...,t.1•bl1 ........ taDM ...... (N ...... bAT:ts•*-1 .. 0 ... -~~
0.. 11C1i ud-tnz 0 -• • •••••••.••• J 1.00 11.1,_ • 'SIN ... , O ... l...,,.ltc:tlllaiOI.lT....... u Jlllt tf .. ItS*• If IMib? lb .... --liEN ......... ,..,.. ... ... ..
ldedltMf,w,l ...... _tnlllllr_at ...... , , ...... hl&lC.. ... 99 o •••• ,, ~-lee-..... liltat ............. Al ... _~ ............... _. ,, ................ b .•
lllo - -<-... Wee) •••••••••• 1.00 -u.-o. .. .--lsr ... II a,. Aa-nlss-. II -oo... au•-,. a d .. I II .... I 11 M ..
ror ... atratn ,•••,llul.r•U.• 'lii-U r--'1.11 &It 5 Me .n.~~ w~' tfll..-. _, .. , Cl •••-••:A, .. .,, 1 11 awes..• 'C, a ,U?ltla -
eiDc* • , , •, •, •••••'•••••• •••• ••• ••• $1.00 JflltH .., ..... 55' ) ... fii$I..OIIEI'ti41?83JEtJ ..,WQNitlllJi*IO ......... , Jll& ~-~-... ,..,.,.._
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15,12.010, is amended to read: cable m1y ooiy be used in single family and duplez dwellings National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in Section protection, shall be considered as protected aga.lnstO't'ercurrent
'240-16 Location in Premises. Overcurrent devices shall be and their accessory buildings.· 15.12.010, Is amended to read : when supplied by one ofthectrcultsot'Sectlon 210 and ln accord-
located wher e they will be: 15.12.390 Amendment to Section 336-3. Section 336-3 of the '41 0-8. Fixtures in Clothes Closets. ance wtth the requiremeats therein spec.illed.
(a) Readily accessible, except as provided ln Seetion al0-91 National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in SectJon (a) A ruture in a clothes closet shall be lJlstalled: (b) Infrared beating equipment s.ball have overcurrent pro-
and 230-92 for servlceequipmeata.DdSection 364.11 for busways. 15.12.010, is amended to read: 1. On the wall above tbe doset door, provided the clearance tectloo. not exceeding 50 amperes.
{b) Not upose<l to physical damage. •ua.s Use. Noo-metallk sbeathed cable shall DOt be used from tbe fixture to a storage area wbere combostlble materW (c) trpaee ~IDI ~ employtnc rntttuee tJper.ttlne
(c) Not LD the vicinity of eastly ignila.ble matulals, for expued wirl.ng aDd shall only be llsed for concealed wtrtng may be stored within the closet Is not leu thaD 18 inches, or elemeats rated more than -18 amperes shall han tbe beatlne:
(d) SrtllDCh circWt protective devices shall be installed in and on single t.ilmily or ~le.1 dwellings as follows: 2. On tile ceiling or wall over an area which ls unobstructed elements subdivided. Each subdiVIded circu.lt shall DOt e.zc~ed
for each occupancy, (a) Type NM. Tills type of non~meta.Wc sheathed cable may be to the floor, maintaining an 18-tnch clearance ~ward and mri-48 amperes and shall be protected at DOt more than 60 amperes.
EXCEPTION NO. 1. When remodeling existing occt4)aneies if lnsta.lled for concealed work in oornully dry locaUnns. It zonta.lly from the ft.lture to a storage area wher e combustible Where protectloo is within or oo the heater enclosure, over.
cha.Dged to a diO'ereot classilicatlon as defined by "Table of may be installed or Oshed In air voids ln masoDry block or mater !.a! mJy be stored within the closet. current protection sba.ll be s111table foe btaocb circuit pro-
Gro~s of Occ~y", then the sa.id protective devices may be tile walls where such walls are not exposed or subject to NOTE : A nush r ecessed fUture equipped with a solid lens 1.s tection meeting accessibUlty requiremeJts of Sectioa 42f.65 but
kx:ated at one centra.! point. e.zessive moisture or dampoess. Type NM cable shall not be considered to be outside the closet area. DOt meetlng readlly accessibtuty requtremeots of braDcb cJ.:cu.tt
EX CEPTION NO. 2. Branch clrcu.tt protective devices for installed 'lt'here exposed to corrosive tumes or vapors; oor slla.ll (b) Peodants shaD not be installed ln clothes closets. protection.
stogie family r esidence. it be embedded in masonry or concrete I.Dd covered with p!Hter (c) All lighting outlets shall be operated by a wall or door (d) Awroved recessed cetllng IM!aters uslnc DDt more tbu
NOTE: Noth.lng co ntained In ttlis Code slla ll be deemed of similar t1nish. switch (no pull chain llghtlng fixtures permitted).' ooe (1) 250 watts l.nt.ta.red lamp may be installed on a llgttlng
or construed to permit the Installation of any electrical device (b) Moisture and Corroslon.Reslstant Type NMC. This type 15.12.460 Amendment to SecUon 410-29, Section 4.10-29 of tbe branch clrcllit by reducing tbe alknra.ble number of Ughting
outlet or clrcW.t ln any occupancy, the control of or the pro-of oon.metaiUc sheatbed cable may be installed tor concea.led National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted 1n Section outlets by two (2), for eacb single lamp deYice used. However,
tectlon ot which is not accessible to the occupant at au times.' work ln dry, moist, clamp or corrostJe locattons, and 1n outside 15.12.010, Is amended to read: Dot more tha.o two (2) such deY1ces sball be connected to any
15.12.370 Amendment to Section 250-83. Section 250.83 and Inside walls or masoDry block or tile. Where em'ledded in '410-29 FLtture Rating. one (I) ligbti.ng brucb circu.tt. AIJ.y number of multiple lamp aDd
of the National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted In Section plaster or run ln a shallow chase In masonry walls a00 covered (a) All rutures requtrlng ballasts or transformers shall sln.gl.e lamp beaters, the total nttap DOt e.zceeding 1ft00 watts
15.12.010, ls ameOOed to r ead: wtth plaster within 2 lDcbes of the finished surtlce, It shall be be plainly marked witb their electrical riUing a.oo the manu-or the total number of 250 fttt l&mps not es:ceedlllg s1.l (6),
'250-83 Made Electrodes. Where electrodes described in protected against damage from nails by a cover of corrosion-facturer's name, trademark or other suitable means of ideo-. may be connected to a separate ZO af11)81'e branch circuit.'
Section 250-81 and 250~82 are not available, the grounding resistant coated steel at least 1/16" in thickness aDd 3/4" wide tlttcation. 15.12.500 Add1tloo of Section 512-4, Section 512-4 Is added
electrode shall consist of: A number 4 steel reinfor cin g bu or ln the chase or under the ftnal surface finish.' (b) The electrical rating shaU lncludethevoltageand frequency, to the National Electrical Code, bereUlbefore acklpted 1D Section
approved equa l, a minimum ot 20 feet long embedded 1n the 15.12.400 Deletion of Section 336-6. Section 336-6 is hereby and shall Indicate the current rating of the unit lnchJding the 15.12.010, to read:
building coocrete foundation. The bar shall be located in the deleted from the Natlonal Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted ballast, transformer or auto-transformer. '512.4 GeneraL Garages or carports accessory to dwelling
bottom of the footing with a minimum coocl"l!tt! cover ing of In Section 15.12.010. (c) No such equipment sbaU be Installed in whlcb the power units sball be wired wUb a mto.lmum of ooe switcbed Ugtlt
3 Inches, measured from the underside. One end of the bar 15.12.410 Amendmenl to Sectioo 346-1. Section 346-1 of the factor Is less thaD 90 per cent.' outlet, and ODe r eceptacle per each two auto stalls and/or
shall exteOO out of the foundation adjacent to the equipment to National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in Section 15,12.4 70 Amendment to Section 422·5. Section 422-S of tbe traction thereof. Said wtrlng, U eJPI)Sed. shall be ln approTed
be grounded tn permit the groundlng conductor to be secured by 15.12.010, Is amended to read: National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted in Sectioo. metal raceways. All wiring to detachedaccessorybuUdingssball
an approved method. '346-1 Use. Rigid metal conduit may be used under all 15.12 ,010, Is amended to re.ad: . be rtm undergrOIIDd.
EXCEPTION : Wher e the above method is oot practical, the atmospheric collditions and occl4)ancies, except tllat ferroiiS '422-5 Branch Circuit Ampacity. TheprOYisionsofthls sectkml EXCEPTION : Gr()l4) H Occupaocy, receptaclemaybeomitted.'
following electrodes may be used ~n approval of the enforclng raceways aDd flttings protected from corrosion solely by specify sizes of conductors c.a.pableof carrylngappuaocecurrent 15.12,510 Amendment to Section 600-1. Section 600-1 of tbe
authority of this Code. enamel may be used only Indoor s and In occl4)aneies not sub)ect witOOut overheating under the conditions specUt.ed (see Article Natiooal Electrical Code, bereinbefore adopted in Section
(a) Plate Electrodes. Each plate electrode shall preseru oot to severe corrosive lnlluenees. Where practicable dissimilar 210). They are not Intended to apply to cooductors wb1cb form .t5.12.010, Is amended to read:
less tha.ll 2 square feet of surface to e.lterior soil. Electrodes meta ls in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to an Integral part ot the appllance. , '600·1 Scope. The proyisions ot this sect1oo shall apply to the
of iron or steel plates shall be at least 1/4 inch in thickness. eliminate the possibility of g:alTanlc action.(See Sectloo 300.5 (a) The branch circuit ampaclty of an individual brancb clrcu.tt 11nsta.Uatloo of cooductors and equipineut for electric stcns and
Electrodes of nonferrous metal shall be at least 0.06 inch in for Umltatlon in the use ot ferrous raceways and fittings pro-sfla.ll oot be less than the marked amper e rating of tbe appl1ance l outline lighting as deflned i.n Article 100. A sip clrellit sba.ll be
thickness. tected trom corrosion solely by eoamel). or the marked ampactty rating or an appliance having combined provided aDd lnstalled to au accessible location at the front
(b) Pipe Electrodes. Electrodes of pipe or conduit shall be Unless made of a material judged suitable for the condltioo, loads (see Section 4.22~32). ol all commercial a.Dd store buildings.'
not smaller than of the 3/4 inch trade s ize and where of iron or unless corrosion protection approYed tor the condition is EXCEPTION NO. 1. For household cooking appliances, see 15.12.5%0 Ameodmeal toSectloo&00.2.Sectlon&00.2oltbe Na-
or steel, shall have the outer surface galvanlzed or otherwise provided, ferrous or non-ferrous metalllc conduit, elbows, Table 220.5. tlona.l Electrical Code, berelnbetoreadopted iDSe<:UoG 15.12.010,
m~tal coated for corrosion protection. co~l.lngs. aDd tltttngs shaD oot be installed in concrete or EXCEPTION NO.2. For motor-opented appl1ancesootha.YI.ng is amended to read:
(c) Rod Electrodes. Electrodes of rods of steel or iron shall ln direct COID.ct wltb tbe earth, or ln areas subject to seJere a marked ampaclty rating the branch circuit ampacity shall '600..2 Dlscoooect Required. Eacb. outline lfrtttnctpstanatJon.
be at least 5/8 Inch in diameter. Approved rods of oonferroiiS corrosln illtluences. Rigid metal ooiKtutt lnstalled uoderground be in accordance with Part B of Section 430. aDd each sip ot' otber thaD tba portable type, Bball be coetrolled
materials or their approved equivalent used for electrodes shall be bw'led a minimum of one fbot under grade level EXCEPTION NO. 3. E.zcept as noted in See&n 210.Z3(b),, b)' an e.lternall)' operable swlteb or trealliu wb1eb wtll open
shall be oot less tban 1/2 inch In diameter.' unless protected by an apprond method.' E.zceptton No. 1, an appliance, other than a motor-operated all uodergi'O!Died conductors and shall be S\IJ.table for ooo-
15.12.380 Amendment to Section 334-6, Section 334~6 of the 15,1%,420 Amendme«<t to Section 348-1. Section 348-1 or the appiJa.Dce, wblch Is cootinoously loaded, tbe branch circuit am-ditions of trtst•nauoo, sueb as eJI)OSure to tbe wea.tbtr.
National Electrical Code, ller elnbefore adopted In Section National Electrical Code, hereinbefore adopted In Section pactty sbalJ oot be less than 125per cent ol the marked rating. (a) DiscoaDeetJnc MeansRequlred.Allaccesslbltd11coaoect1oc
15.12.010, is amended to read: 15.12.010, 1s ameud«l to read: (b) For branch ctrcults suwlytng appllance aDd otber loads, meus oon•t-ttag of ooe or more pl.ltcf\Jses,OI" a Rltable Slf1teb
'334-6 Use. Except wbere otherwise specilied elsewhere In '3-l8-1 Use. Eleetrleal metallic tublnc may be used for both the ampadty ntlng shall be determined ln accordaDce wltb sbl.ll be iutalled lD or oo acb ftud sip IDd 1D or oa a tr&o.l·
this Code, and where not subject to physical damage, metal ezposed llDd cooeealed wort. Electrical metalllctubtn.gprotected Section 210-24. I:Jrmer eDClonre or eraeb tltdrtc dLscbu'Ct outllDe UcN'nc
clad cable may be installed for branch circuits and feeder s In from corrosJon solely bJ enamel sball not be used. Electrical (c) Every appliance sba.ll be SttlPlled by a tnncb clrcalt o1 system to proriJe miiJUI W d1acoiDect1Dc all aaCf'(MID:Ied
coocealed work as follows: metallic tubt.ng sbl.ll DOt be used (1) wblre during lnstallallon or ooe of the types specUted 1n Section 210. Motor ...operated ap-cooductors sappl)1Dc such equ~»mea.
(a) Type MC. This type ot power cable may be used In afterwards, It will be subjeet to se'Jere physical <Wnage; pUances shall also conform to the requJremeots ot' SeetJoo (b) Control Swttcb RaUac. SwUcbes, flubera, ud s1m1l&r
partiall,y protected are.as, such as to continoous rigid cable (2) for toa:tanattoos tmdergrouod, lD Concrete or wbere upo.sed 430. In every dwelling unit fl..led appliances, such as ilod de'rlces cootroWnc trudvmera sball be either of a tJpt
~rts and the ute in dry locations and when any of the to lbe 'ftatber, or ezcessl'fe mol.sture. Where praetlcable the lftoders, dls.tnn.sbers, washing ma.c.blnes, drJC"S. laiiDdry l131)1'0t'ed b' tba parpoM, or ha'e a curreat raUDc DOt ltSI
lollowinc eoDd.itions are met It m'ly be used In wet kk:atioos: use of dissimilar metall tllroue!l* tbe J)'Stem sbaU be uolded tray Jocatlou, buUt-inretrlgerators, bullt.latrHHta, tur-.ces, tb&D hrtce t.be ewreat rattAc of tbe lrudlrDMr&. 0. aJt.-.
1. Tbe metallic covering Is lmperyious to molsture. to ellmla&te tbe posslbtU.ty or pln.nl.c aetlon, (See Section air coodlttooers aad built-in beaters, or I.D1 ot.blr .llud liP-Jatl..oc-earreat eirccd.ta, ,.._&I ._ abr.UOC..evrlll .-p
2. A lead sheath or moisture lmpervJous )lcket is proTided S00-5 i)r Umttatloa lD tbe,.. ol ferroas raceways am UtUnp pUaDces trttb motors 1/4 H.P. or larpr au bt oa a aeparate switeM1 m&J be .-ct to ccdrol ladlcUTe iDidl otbW tllaD
under the metal coverlnc. protected from corrolioG .,let)' b7 tc~~.mel."f tnneh clrc111t ~Ued by a ~nlnlmum No. 12: A.W.G. wire •. IDOiQra, DOt tJC.edlDc till ampere nt1acof nUeh. (SMS.CUOO
3, The insulated c:oDductors UDder the metallic conrlng are Amtndmeat to SeeUoa no..:. Seetloo sso..z of the Eacb ctwell1Dr wllt WU han ID8talltd tberelD u l.adlncMl SI0-1.4)'•
~ed lor uso In wet locations. (See Section 300.5) Natlooal El-leal Codo, btr-e adopted In Sedloo -nsle &r._ tnneb c/reall, Sold cll'e1111 ... U be ..... led 15.11.510 Amtllllmllll lo C-9. 'N>It I. F-No. I
(b) Type AC. Metal-elad cable ot' tbe AC tJPt may bt used t.n 15.12.010, ll aow;aded to read: wttb a rniDI.mum No. 11 A. W.G. W1u ud a ts a.mpen ,.....,,IC ll added lo Tablet ot. Cb~Dttr tot tM MatfoM.l &lletrkal Code,
dry Jocatlooa; 1o< Wider plalltr elllens1ou u PI'O'Ided 1n •aso.t Uot. Flulblo metal -• lboiJ 1101 be -(0 tn>e ntlcb. Sold nlteb abeU be located 1n lilt ftll..r.-""""-• ldapltd In-U.U.DIO, 1o rtOd:
ArUc:le 344; aad embedded 1n pLuter fln1ab oc brick or other to wet locatioal, .U.sa eoadlc:tOn are ot tbt leldo.OCJIII"end to tbl slM.. Food trUte &rladtr lbtll bl wtrtd wtitb a mtM...., 'A co.nctor Mid CIDlJ lor .........-.,.,...,.. .. ....U DOt be
IJIIUOIU'J, ueept to damp or "et JocattoM, Thla cable miJ' bt type or or otblr tJprt tptdfteaUJ IIIPI'O'ed t:w tbl ('Q!dt~; ot. Ho. 1.6 A. fi.G. J.wtre S.P. T.-J thermopiUtl.e ~fla1111 ODI'd ~·
,_ .,. llabod In !be air wolds of _, block or Ulo nu., (I) In .. ,.....,.., nc..,t u --to Soetloo UO--I4 (S) to or ~ ud u -"' VO'""""' type, cord arll> cop mut SECTION S. 1'llla ---lboiJ be Pot>rr-oooo In lbe
.,..... ..ch n.1ls are esposed or subjeCt to ueeuh"e mol.llure 1tonce bt.tt.ry rooms; (4) m 11t1 IUardou JocatJoo tiCtCit bt .tct.' offteia1 --~ ol tbt CltJ, ud tllll I&IDtllllll bl tllllc::U••
.,. do-as or are below gndo liDo, Typo ACL cablo a1a11 be u pormlttod In SodiDo 501..4(1>~ !101-t ur 501-a; (5)""'" 15.1!.410 Amoodmont /o Sedlco 414·1, Soctlco 414-1 Ill 111o 10 doyo-lbe IIIIo Ill lla Mopt1Do.
..S. Tills cable sball coatab:l Mad OCJIII'•ed OOIIdtlc:IOrs nbber..oonred ~ton are ._.. 10 oil. piOII ... cw NatloMI EIKtrlca.l Code, ...,. .. ..,..,e adi;JcUd b Secta Tldl oMI•eee wu AIDOCIIIold tt a nplar .......,. oiiM
('r)pt ACL); If-wbort tJp>Oid /o tht-or 1o-.-molorltll /lo-rlll( a -lorillor-oo-:(f)tor 15.11.DIO, lao_...lortOd: CIIJc-IIGIIMCIIyoi ... _I_IIOIII• IMI'IIIIdoJol
thew Mtatw•, lx' llllderlf"CM**rlmlaa1embed1Mdta......, laiC:allatiO. __.era-d. e_.., kt U. 11 tMr, emNdcttd Ia '414-t o--aL Juar'J, 1111, udwu .. Jlt4•tlltl0b41J ol ra_,.,, ltlt,
1 • • ft.11 ID I'MIIdl•p ta ~ of CCIGICncUoa. 01' ___.,, caeerttt, adabe, plut1w • .......,flai.A; (7) wlllrt (t.) £;4•• ... 1M wttl:l eiletrk:al ll*t' 11e1t1ac .,..._ by tM ......._ "*~ llo d :
..... 1.:-d tooU. or atW ........ bmlca dllta'loi'.U.C .. t!Wd kt .... ••p.• 111&11 beol&tJPI:WCWid tJr --...nee. AY'II. OOUlfCJLII:U: 11c111!1a. ... Par-. IIIIHIIIl1,
-10 1M '-lalloo. TJpo J.C ma.klad -slla!IOIII 15.1Uto A-ol-1'10-t II'. 8oetloo 1?0-t II' (II) llldrleal ..... -.. Qllo• _..,... --Ill ._., 111rD, ~.
110 --· prOIIIIIIIod •-• 1D ltla Code, ~I) Ia-ID 1M -lltdrlcal Code,._ I 'olbltldapltd --..... ---by IIIIo-801 be-_., 110111, COUifCIUID: --ID ~ ~ ,u --1D-51G-t; (l) to llllliiOO lo-IUJ.OIO,ID rtOd: by-"",.._, A-1ft COornWW:-:!':.~.~-:'::::0:~·:-4'1.-;;:::= ~~::~ ;a,•:::,.ar;,.::, c.:; c::-:::r:::: .::;-:.:.'.!. -&:.~ =· ~ ~.:::: = .....
•...., _.""-""'"'' 1o -~~~~ b..., liD.-. a It r' p1 • 1-811 110 tu I' lodo-IUJ.oao,loa 'liD,.., .lrTIIIT: IJ·III=III! 9' i~ ...... ..,. ••• i4 1 1; .......... •rt E fll cs I I •PII 'MI. Ita ••t aO..N(il!ltfJMtdW, lAin .......
...... • -; .,.(1)-•Mclll ... ., '"!i U. (I) R R I I 1 111(.--:.--'or .. • I I ..... <*J Cloll< -IIIII X lll;(t)'I'JpoACorACL #I,..Jod , 41Gb a lllltlo,-4l...__GO-Iii«M-101 Cl'flllr----~-I .. MWI811 "PCM•:, ... IO,l ... la ....... -......