HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign•
ATTENTION, MR. HICKLE! 011 hu been
washed up on the sands at Balboa. And
here Is a pair of tarred feet to prove it.
Big globs were found Sunday among debrts
from the blgh tide line on down to the
water ltseU. (Ensign photo.)
Bob Paine
~ dies in auto
Letters to· the Editor
eiiLK CIIMTIDVIIIST lo ll.lio ... -·· T-. 1111-0.--lilo' ~-ollbt IMI• r.oi'w --IIIII 111J1o?.. h'CU7 II ~ Ia IMa n. oomw•li •• • ....... ..., ..... •• .._...... , ........, .,., .. Afllll...... C'GW l"v of nw alii .18 --tlda ........... JDr .a .... UIItlld.
•• _ .. ._lHI u•-w•y --.......... 311 ,....,.,lo lbi 'rtl>. ?,tNt,-·~ .. ~.
.. ,..,.... ....-~ ..., tal lltlrtw.ee .. ar-._ .._of tM...., c;:rw a... ~IJ, _ .. _,.,-
• lMI OPPICIM. IIIIIPA I A r...,. beiDf queriod b7 a pol.,_ woo called fomma and ocllool child,... ADd now lor!>rllo 011C1 alllo-lie---~ • Ill -IW ·~~pt. 11, ~~ .w•IJ, ._11,-..
Oft lMI QTY 01 UIFOIT IIACit utod: '"Oiwo 1 20f' cut ift ltM:ome, wba'e USDA k ull:in1 C~ for mort money to doll ot tile lldbtdiU l'*1 n DIM:U VI II »*• ctec1ete Pl'tr .. rllald.. 11-4,
THE HU./1011 AlUrA'S OPPSET NErgAP£11 would you lab )OUr cuar feed more people. Tile lll'IN buIll~ II IMI ,_,_ ._oloto0K4111 ..-117, Olld...... •
0111oo ooot ,.._lot,,_ 1o ,.,. a..,.. ... w1., l1le """"Ill"' f.,.. Nplled: ·-the Mon than J.5 mmlon Amcricano already..,. mUll' -1o pr1o1 ... -<~!!~*• -bur lifo awl So, wldlo porWI ... ....,_
mJ L eo-...., .• c-•• Mw c.w. _ 9J625.. throeL.. free food, inc:ludina mt:atl and vitamin en-from a. f0111t of ,.._ o1 ar.'"l ...,.. ... U 110 IDICW pUc *:.: ~ =~,':;;
TILIII'IICIIIII 67U,. (Alee c.4e 7141 Unlao drutic dla-..., .made. there wUI riched, c:onwnience-<ype foodstullo. Appro.;. ru 111111< -y ----04-> 1!:--11101 ptiiV , Al:olldt. ,_,
, 10011 be few small farmcn 10 thts country. mately 2.3 million more are enrolled in tht' ot tbt QOUIID•. a,..... t1111t tbt r'lq 1-1 ... 1an.1ld 1M ..,. ta.tbrc liP llfll ..i
TBE NEWPOIT IIA.I80I EMSICN Ia , ... •-'r ..... ,.,. pri•.!l Farma unda' 180 ac:ra or produc:ina lest than ''food stamp" proaram. The welfare Kl aell tbertll'torallJR 1tat:Ulelri.. ~ • m.., ._ recoll"'*t !.~-...-:" art ;'.C: wU1.,.
_,""I....._. I•....., CitJ of He ,.n S.ect., • U.. oa~, locolly S2,500 worth of fann products au disapptar-well while you pay the fa re . deoce tbU nwiii.Utca .... "Q" w.,-~UICbldllldto .. ·--..,ow bvt-
o....e Nod ~•o4 • ..,....,. '• , .. Ne"PPft ~eo.. lille• ina at the ra1e of 36 a day. Accordina to In a free soc~ty. no aovernrnent has a riaht f"er. ag.....,.u,otsd111'td COIDI to ~ ~~C.Moa. u iiiiiiU. ,otctJDetJrJ~ -rdla
Nu. P.a.t "'"kly. 00 Tbwwcley. S.CO*I ea .. poetap ,.,., USDA otimiiCII, in order 10 be in a poailion to t.o decree that people should live in a city slum to be aa. &lrborDe dl.MIM, tM
J! ..,....._. 00.111111, ~ •tuc'-l~tbelr Adl'
• C..... olol "-· Calli. ..•• . f I S ---· -~·-m no to ~-•----"'·-~ TH£ NE~T HARBOIII EPCSICN •-eclj~ to t.. a ..., •• act ann~ eanunp. o utt 2,500 a year, a mstead of a farm shack ; or should stand in line ·-·e YUe oaJJ 0111 01' two • ........-penlb'cu
,..., of ~el eWcuiMio• by eo..-t decne r.o.. ~20178 datod $.50,000 Investment 11 needed. A farmer could to draw welfare chec ks rattler than till 1he soil people wbo &ct1AUJ bid "0'' :W ll.~lfPCitS.Cb..co.ta .,!:: : bopl ~ tbl1
llsy 14, 195"1, I• Swperior Cowt for the Co•llllty of Ot•:r• Ste~o of put that $50,000 in aood bonds at p.reaent rata long houn for the sa me rnoney: or should be flYer; or What was miiUeallJ lA a::• DUirld lit. ,=: ld ;, :. dlo..
C.llforel .. ..d by reooo• th-.ol io q••lified 10 pllllll all pw.blle and aet $3,000 a year-and not hit a lick! bussed across the city to school rather than dlaposed U "Q" IM'er, Tbe ~a~ .u-.. HI.)"''U'd. :::,. ud tbatr IU ldrKIU.
110tkeo re~ired by low, And spe.a.k:ina of hinina • lick, thousands of 111erou the countryside. number ot r.cterla allowab• • _.-let a-J,
kiVO E. HAAPA ................................. o-•eel P.a.liolter farmen are quinina farmina because they can't Only 6.S% of our people are farmen. In 1n certifted raw mUk g Ytr)' :,..._n.c:ed m~etu:ollb'oY•.,.ta-11 ~:. :.:-eehooa. too.
Pte HAAPA ............................................... Aaooei•e Editor get pe(,p&e: to work. The main reason they can't Ruuia 13 % are farmers, and they have never much more restrteted tbaa tllat :u::-c ~ IG) Pf'OIRID Rlehlrd £ 'WoocltD
111 Herbor Area: SUTSCIIrTIOM IATIS get people to work is lhc: aovernrnent is pay ina adequately fed und clothed the Russia n popula-in puteurlzed mtlt. The Alta-Tbe S.O ~ lt&Ddeb' Su G&trJ~l
Out of Hwbor Area: Oae re•• ... 00; 2 ye••, I?.OO the peop~ not to work. tion. Nor have Communists anywhere . One dena Dairy, Wbo 1s bearLDc tbl ~--· 111'!!.. ~
ODe ye•, JS.OO; 2 ,..., t9.00 Once upon a time there wu an ant who American farmer feeds 37 non-farmers. In brunt ol this lDdlctmeDt, claims ''TIM u;;;':-,~· e SOPHISnCAT!In
ARVO E. HAAPA, owner"and publisher of the Ensign
Harbor Area parents, I plead with you
to Inform yOurselves about the shocking
details of sex education In public schools
before this program can be successfully
Intruded Into our classrooms. We who
oppose this Invasion of privacy and this
threat to good moral conduct are sorely
handicapped by the fact that some of the
study material Is so obscene that It can·
not be printed In a newspaper that goes
through the U. S. Post Office. Therefore
the great majority of parents cannot know
about the Incredible content of this so-
worked hard all day in the fields:. It was sum, Rus~ia one f~rmer feeds six non -farmers and that at DO Ume 1s their milt diatr::u beeaul ~a Editor o1 tbt Eulp.
mer and the ani was busy euuioa a:rass and not nearly as well. The main difft:rence is not ~~~ to tbe a.lr, lo buma.a are .-.tl(cbOlet:illtbl..uor: Prttldeat NiiiDil Akl be
draging it home . The ani had a grasshopper land, climate , fertilizers. machinery or even ~Uo c • ~ltaay ~mtW coo-ll empbl!etl Oil reqWrtd 8U tavocs iowerLDr tbe Na.tloMI
for 1 neiahbor. The arasshopper sat in his k.oow-how. The: vital difference is the profit in-medi'!uy esam~ ':.:.:• ectac1ttoa Some o1 tblltfllptts fOt1nc ace to U beeaue "tbiJ
doorway sinJina all day. When winter carne centive-the thing ou r '"liheral"" ar~:" tryina ro instead of yearly lor ,!:. an ofteot~r•.Stormdoadure are tbe l:rmt ICIPblllttcalllld ID the ant had a whole bale of '"aS&, but he had • loUIIll -•a.-bt--7 "U ~r~•"-·'--~troy here. diseases sucb as TB .-.... ...... a-u-1Dc manJ breakdowD aM a..a::-od' "::_. _...._~-violated I~ federal farm law for crverharvestins • ............. na1 Oble ,......,. I.IIIICU&MS art U)' -
grau. He was fined SI 62 . .50 and the surplus If our govern~nt c;~n be maJe less likf:' fever, etc., wblcb are tbe daD-Hlllc::lar IJDODC Yocmr dJeatioa ot tbt type ot YOtlrrl
was seiud. The Jrauhopper received 1~ sur-Ru.s~ia's and can be taken out of agricu lture. prs Ia the mllk ln:tultrr. lD people pti'Uc ly, Unleu wlllch W'e mJiht ll!Pid b)' k)w.
plus in exchanae for his food stamps. the American f~rmer could greatly widen the other words, the reeulaUoiUI lOrn~ pa to ~ rescue erlnc tbe ace reqtdremtat w.
I · · oow controllng the handu .... of &DJ ..,. our on CllUW"eD may • Lui year the USDA paid Mfarrnen" $3.1 a ready yawmng chasm between h•s production .......,; drowultl tht Ita ot 1 • watt and see. No doubt K:.
billion ncx to vow crops and spent almost a and the regimented Ru ssians'.-American Way cerWted raw milk are much tualoD. AU eouc~ ': N1JDQ's pollUca1 ambition bu
billion dollars feedina hunJrY familia, so-Features =~e~~: :.seottbe reats ftDt wbat LJ belt lor~ orerpowered ll1a matare Jude·
t •·~ Ilk od tsy ~ wboJesome deftklpmeatoftbeir meal. We 00 DOt rwted mon THE C 0 ~~ S E RV /\T IV E C 0 R N E R euri.RIU m pr uc • --T Yoters but YOters better qua.U-
olltrltion1sts cla.lm tllat raw clli.Jdreo. Unfortunately, iotbeir ned ' 11 and ltltua.Jly
milk is much more bealthflll eaprness to be_, tbetr cblldreo ::::-J th1& ':..lleDc1Di
I, Q.,.c• S...1 foJ..Iow1Dc tb1 u:ample of South SQUes, u on the otber haAd than pastetalzed mUk, sioce they c: ~~~y~~ ~=-y c
''When the eat's away, tbe American COUDtrles. tbe oewsecretaryotacriculture pasteurtsattoa tills certaJD Yl-stop BOB DUGAN
mice will play," All tb1s has been taawening is said to favor selling oW" wheat tatomins aod enzymes beo.eftclal o:~ ~ttyh ua: !~·Sior~ Newport Beach
Dr. CUI Mdotire tnttoduced when OUR president, a.sOra.oge surplus to the Russians, even good llealtll. I
a.o luterestlag looo•tation last County residents have every thOugh pa.rtofltmtgbtreacllRed lnprlnclple, the lnterfereoce :~ ~~ ~ss tbe • FORCED INTEGRATION
week Lll b1s 20th CeDtury Re-rlgbt to callourcblefnecuUve, Chloa. with fteeenterpriseandwitbtbl c ' Y coa-Editor olthe Enslen,
formatloa Hour broadeuts, was Lll Europe me.odlng our LD-Let's ask OUR president to freedom of Choice of the lndlvl-~~ .:U~~~:~lt= U mu.st oow be evident to tbt
wben be played tape recordln&S teroatloral fences. WbeoPrest-review the taws r elating to the dual by further legtslaUve con-~ere ~ be aometMni most avid ciYll rights taD uat
of his airplane fUpt made out dent Nilon returns, bUDdreds commercl.al f1.slllng industry, tr~~ Is at stake. wrong "Yu puellls tbere Ls the ~eme Court 1n 195-4. oa
lDto the coutal waters orr New of letters sOOuld be sent to the and to recommeod legislatioo ere are some bUls, mucb ' 'wtth the~ SIECI.E deselfatioa opened ~ Pan-
Jersey Delaware llaryl&M, Wbite House, implorlDg b.lm Jo wtttch will repeal those wbi ch AB 602• ACR 451n particular. orieated~ edlaeaUoo dora's boJ allowlng the evlll called family life education, and only a and vb-g1n1a., LD tJs search ror caocel the agreements wb.lch restrict American fishermen which are favorable to tbe COD· Ha P~ of Llll:egratloo to escape Our
few have expressed their opposition pub-the Russiantrawlerswhichava-permit Russia.o trawlers to from r~LDg the harvest whi ch tlnuatton of the sale otraw milk ~!m!.x te~s ':t S:~ea.o:_.D covernment baa eocaeed Lll
rlclously are destroylog our tlsb -off our coasts. they are entitled to reap. Let's which will be considered b)' tbe ctven to the chlldr D c many ld.lotlc boorkloulu. but licly. east coast tl.sbinc Lodustry. Tbe.se agreemeots form part heJp American fishermen to agriculture committees. Write the COWU'(? Did you.e a:.':: tbe bussl..ag of schOol ebildreo
Of course, there will be the standard One could hear tbe steady of a plDee.rs movement, wb.lch bave a cha.Dce to put fish on our to tbe chalrman. State Senate~" the schOol ·eanaot brLDc God hUber aDd yoo to p1D racial
bum of lbe motors of the plaDe I.Derltably wou.ld curtail our food tables! Fr ed W. Marler Jr. or Allu U""'-,_ , .. ~-• balaDee beats them au It 1.1 rebuttal: "Our program won't be like • Pattee LD the State Assembly re ...-.. or mora&li ....... sex 18 •
that. u But the innocuous beginning would aoo could visualize tile coastal FROM A SC RAPBQQ K or any of the mem'lers ol tbese edueaUoa. proarams? As Kary :T:s' ss, uaeless aDd upeu... outllDes, tbe sea., and maDY committees to s~ tbe Cdderooe baa: stated (eueu-e. be just the foot In the door • Then will ships as the craft proceeded, at bills se u .. director of S!ECUS) alld Tbe optoloa of Chief JUJtlce one point as far as 25 mUes By ELL EN McCLAY among our young people always ·5,___ 1 re:ftrred to -McCall's u the Warreo was bued 011. tbt COO· Come the "enrichment" and "expansion" ··-~-1 The~·--1nc1 f tl 1 tn """=re Y ":1 te-a of "A A 1 01 O.~..U~o~.aKe, twas a lesson 1D tn-uw.u-day I saw where a rem s me o an ar c e my H 1 A Sto 0 Commuder-!D-Cbief of sez ... D mer caa -
_ and the pornography that is now part of teroat1ooal relations long to be speaker at the Orange Couoty scrapbook. It was written by 4:0~0s~re : educaUoa forces (VIYiaD Cad-lemma," a boot wrttt.a b)' tbe
remembered, school board beariDgsonfamlly Pulltr.er.prl.ae winning foreign Cameo HIJlands den. editor o!McCall'sl.loatbe Swedisb IOClaJolf,lt, GuDalr sex education programs throughout the A summary of his observ:J., Ufe a.od seaeducationdescrlbed correspondent., Leland Stowe. · board ol directors of SIECt.E), Myrdil. Mr. Myrckl bad WUt
nation. Why has tt happened? Because tions t.Ddicated that a huge Rus-the courses LD the ADallelm He wa.s wUh Radio Free Europe • LETTER TO SEHA TOR ''tbere are 1110 autborltles--be-lllltte l..rU111poce or acquired ts did t tim t sia.n trawler fleet, ~rating Union High School District. and from them had at his dis-Se a. George Murphy lleYe m........ta lb1J O.ld." lntorm&Uoo OODCt:rlliDI lbe A-PaJ"~n not ake e 0 beco~ COJh 3Jnt or more buge lllOtWsbips.. These are among the "most posal reports wbicb were ''the Senate Offlce ·BuJ.ld1ng "~V&Jttac tlld: .... ...,.,..,., ¥~•icu.lftcro ~wull?pJoy.
cet'r\ed. · -... wa.s ltra1n1Dc awa.y tbe We blood· advaoced lB tbe cowatr y.•• .He slogle 1n0st atthorttallvt re-WasM'XICfOO.. 0 c 20510 a..btat an. IDd ~Ptf oar id b7 tbe ~ fOI'diiSon U' about th ral of ofourftal'lqllmstry,Hespote saJd the courAS fqr grades cord ot· Ute tmder tbe Com. 0oe can be·~sed thlea. cbbdiea mat bi.N i.eCus to._, ..... U elt oti .. ol . you care e m~ S your of tbe tnwlerswbieb scrape the 7.12 provided "frank and full mwlist regimes 1n existence tened t1Ded aDd lmprt,sc;oed tor we mast ctveO.U LD.W•1ttoa." rae.t re18Hrw Ill Amenca, n.
children, read this report by Kathleen bottom ot tbe ocean, b)' tater-tntormatlon oa anatomJ and tile today." refusin to aDSWer an of tbe Saturday EveDJ.Dc · Post report .,...,Md IDU.J .,...,
C tl al ed tl hal of th oattooa.J aareement outside of pllystoJogy of sexual relation-·Stowe's article appeared in questio~ 00 the 19J c 6/Z9/S8.) • I.Dd mueb mll-ldxm1ttna, la
raw, na On UCa on C rman e Ute 12-mile Umit, a.ad .salnge sbJps," wUb a few discussions the March, 1955, Reader's Dt-form which requires tbe foe;:.~ lo tbe SIECUSStudy Guide No. mati.D.c tbt court deellloo, ACb
Southern Division of the California Fed-every vestige of marine Ute tor on pre-marital and ertra-marl-gest (from whence the above ing categories of information be 1 1t Ls stated., "Sex education emlDiat ud able autbarltits oa
eration of Republican Women. Comment-conversion 1.nto food products to ta~ se1 relations thrown in for d,escrJption). It wa.s entitled submitted by every person re-must be tboqpt o1 u being race rel&Uou u Jefter10n ud
be canned on board the mother good measure. · Sexual Ucense: key Soviet cetvLDg the lone form · ediiCatioo--DOt moral ID:Ioc-LJ.Deoln were tpored. ing On SeX education in SChOOlS, She says: sb.ij)s. He told bow tbeRussians Apparently tile youngsters strategy," The story of wbat 1. lDeome, dol.J.ar by dollar, trlDa.UoG. Tbt AD&belm's Tea. Ln 1956, PresldeU El.aeD-
It is oot the sex education of old which usually coosisted of a are 1&51ng small mesh Dilts in are pven everything. but the ex-happeoed LD every European from aU sources lDcludlogpub.. cher-*s Mamal tor .IIU: educatJoa bower •tit troops toto lJttll
tecture by a physical educatioo teacher or a short movie on the catching tons of lltUe flsb, wllleb perleoce. Wasn't It Dewey who n:atloo Lmde.r siege as a poten. Uc assistance alimony unem. aim states that morw eamot Roek to carry out the court's would escape from the larger promoted "learn by doing"asa tlal victim of the rapacious ployment m1 disabtW ltl be tauCbt •• race m1DDc decree by torced
basic fa cts of reproduction given to students at tbe junior high mesh nets tha.l American mode of edueatioo? Imperialism of the Soviet bears surance pensions and t!.est: Pareab IJ: thiJ:wbat youwut intecntioD of tbe Uttle Rock
school level. Now it Js iocreasiogly being almed at the nry fishermen are required to use. Tbe &rowin& lmmorallty a Shoelr:iog resemblance to ments· ' ' for your ehlJm.eo? schools. Gtn. Elsubower's&M ~::!i.~~:OO. e;~kn ~:=e~~..oo;:: to:S:~~ He r elated tbat the Russians events In America today. 2. Tbe value of prope.rty or loot 1Dlo tbe ''~aperts"'Wbo the court's cblckeos are DOW i.Dterfere with tbe operations of The autOOrltattve article by ount f t ....,1d the Board of SIEClS-comlnc bomt to roo.t. Beena kindergarten to second gade level is accompanied by s lldes our fishermen, foullog tbiJr Stowe reported: •·unrestrained am 0 ren _. ; are 00 of thlsuaw1ttlocmueunr&Jooc
showLDg. In realistic paper sculptures, two chickens L11 the act oets and forcing them oft o.r uxual license is the prl.oclpal 1:·m~~~a:~u:"l~m~ =~:: ~ =-:05·:; with many sueceedlag 01111, po...
of copulation, two dogs 1n the same posttioo and a man aDd own f1sh1Dg lfOUDds. ADd toCIP mea.os by which the Communist P l Wtth wbom bat~ ~ eleettoo to 0 toea.ltes bool llcemeo aM troops are DOW
•om.1.0 in bed covered, aDd kissing. The book, to be read aJoog u all, be upla.ined thalooeeut reg1mes today seduce their • oom ur se btln1 used 01:1 hip schOol ud
with showing the slides, describes tn most gaphic terms how coast rlshermao, no bad be-. JOUDg people aod chain them to kitchen ta.cWtles are shared; boards wbouertliUiin&'tllAprU. collep; eampu&es to coatroltbt
llumans havesexua.Jlotereourse.Nomenttontsmadeof marrlagg. operating half a douo boatl Moscow 's objectives" The 5· A loog Ust ot bousebold Look at a oopy of tbe porno.. dissident rlotoas bJa.eb • items 1Dcluding dishWUber, cra,phtc mapalnes Lll wbicb , 0
The PTA, tbe NaUooalEducationAssociation aodeventhe Girl befoi'e the Russians came, wu party.promoted free-love cam-television, radios automobiles StEC I.E adt'ertl.ses Nucle I believe thlt Jetre:r1011 I.Dd
Scouts are promotiog Sea Education, and the' u.s. Government lostnc mooey aDd upectedtobl p'lign resulted 1D "a ram-and secoDd home.' aDd ' UYLDc. Suoloo SwxUak. am LillcolD were both rlcbt wbu
Is s~rting Lt with over $1 mtllloo LD federal twxts. A privately forced out of busi.Dess. put scourge of promiscuity 6 Wll b ' Allkb to -.me ~ tn u you'd e&ell ooe Rid, in h1s time, that
supported cro~.~> called Sex lnlormation and Education CouocU The &ood doctor did oot m... affllctlng a ma))rtty among · ere eac person a.odhll: llke ' 1Dformatlo • 00 aot botb races would be better off
to the United States (SIEC US ) has been established to promote tlon one lmportaDt tact, whidl IODle 25 mlllioo satellite ~=s C:~~ tnt ol besibii to coatact ~ Get 1D. AP'tpted. U tbe races art to
Sea Education across the eountl'y and provides guldellnes pub-Art Hill, our faitbfUlpt.seatortal Youths." ent tooc:b w11h Mrs L (Barbin) be m1xed at all, tile "lDIYUa.
llahed a Ust of "Selected Reading LD EducaUoalor ses:uility" mentor, SICJPiied: Amerleaa Stowe described the Reds' the census was orlctoally to Rtcb&rdl who hu'fDIJ. to bU1tJ of crad~allBm"' 11: tbe
and oUers turns, film strips and tapes, such as "Premultal fishermen are pre't'emed b)' law "proximity policy•• in which enu~~~ate ::;' f:ttla~ ~ the ~ "A P!:'eot = oDly procedure that could sue-
Sea Behavior" and repr1Dts from a mag;utne named "Sexology , from processing aDd caoot"' tbe houslog of the sexes bears appo onme 0 e use 0 at Pllblie School sfx Educa ceed.
SlEClE Is ~rted by private contributions and foWldatl~ their catch at sea, wbUe tM a striking resemblance to the ~;pfe~~~e~~hi~ eoes eo-Uoa. .. To dl.tt doll to zo ooO Carletoo Putman, member ol
such as t1le Ford Foundatloo. A great number of the school Ruula.ns are permitted to.,. co.ed dormltorypollelesbelog aDde~t 15 t a census cop~s o1 thls•boot bi.Ye ben tbefamousNewEDoCtudhta&m
districts providing Sex Education or Family Life courses are k:Jw tbtspracttceltlthetr motllli' promoted 1n this country and at• busO:: 0 :!e pera.. prl.DUd aDd bt.Ye beeD IIDt all famllJ, lias wrttteo-"IDISeed,
us tog SIECUS materials. lblps. American tlsbermta where a.ature lnevltably takes :.~nr 5 tl ss • uses my aero1a our couatry She bur... tbere DOW ~~ems little dcMabt tllll
The Eaecutlve Director of SIEClE is Dr. Mary Calderone, leplly canoot use small mall tb course. sse: or t~ben or what my celYed buDt!reda:aad blltdredlot tb1 court'• recut dec.Uioa. llu
wl)o stated In a speecll before 320 boysat Blair Academy 1D Ne'# oets 80 that the size of the filii Vltlf.nlty before marrlap po Census nse:;_e 1s eded litters from fruHe pareatl 81t bl.c.k tile caue of tbe Necro
Jersey, "We need new values to establlsh •hen aDd bow we they catch Is llmlted by a lecal JAKES R. YOUMG, for lJ was ridlculed aDd the sex ~.age and 1 r tha m 01 DOW, bea;lnc mr I.DJormatJoa. IDd Ill the 11Mb (ud oortb) bj' a
should have sexual e~perteoces. You are moving be)'OQd your mJolmum. Tbe RusstaD.s, oothe wttb West M rt ~ de~lbed as "just aootber ap. 20 ur':' t you lin H. R. be_,l .. aeratloa. IW m&J Ioree bll
parents, but you can't just move economically or educationally, otbu r.nd, are DOt hampered poraUou 0'[0Los 0 A':'~es or~ petite'' Ute food a.od drink. yo':tn~::!I;"' ~. Ye.s. pueata 1D QkJ.IbQma W&J iDtiO ftlte Kbools, but W'lll
you mu51: move sexually as weU," When asbd her opinloa ol Lll this ftJ, aod consequently tbe Inlne Company's::. ~-illegitimacy and venereal dl&. C C M • 1 Ctty Udallot•ovCC*IG'Jare liCit lx'Ce bil 'ft1 1* wblte
premarital sex relations among teenagers she answered, are Dltt1nc tbousaoda: of lou ease lDcreued as a result of · · ose ey coac•Did.. Are 1 beutl DOl' 11111 tbe re~P~Ct be
"What's yours? Nobody ttom 1() on high det~mi.Des tbls. You of tbe smaller tlsb wb.lcb may :Utoot :merc:a.! leaslog.He tbe debauchery. No shame was 'i;f ~t!er St. SU.C.el.J·,O:U lllkl. Wb&l:ttolatioa.'l'&lllow-
1etermlne It ••• I don."t belten the old 'Tilou sha.U DOts' 1 be lUlled tor bail: by sportsmen P 0 ease DI&O-attached to the birth of an u. e Mr I, 17 ud w1a11 &CitliTtac. r...,lll-
anymare." ~ 1 as well as by commerclal tl5b-tiatloDa lor alloewlnlneRa.och lecltlmale child and the motber • ARE YOU COHCERN!Dt 174~ ArtMR F. VaadeDberr t1oa bu DOW arrelttd, &lid tbe
A great number of the scbooldistrlctsprO¥idiD&;Sex Educatioa ermen. :em=~ dn;~ment~·~h was urged to tura It over to a Editor of tbe Enslp Sua !,.1~_::5 trail o:t bUteratll wtll lead
or FamUy Life courses are uslngSIEClE materl.a.l&, aDd mmt 1D PfeY!ous broadcasts, Dr . ter He r nel~ed ~B. ~-state narsery. I ban just retarDed from 1 (Tltltbl E~ fu.'"
of them hue 11i«l other cutdes. Publlshiog cooceras are elated Melrltire saJd that last swomer IDd•ll. B. r ' stowe summarlzed: "lD all sb:.o4ay trip to Otlaborna CUy. Sebool DIJtrtet) Arttaar B. McQuara
over the demand for materials, as they see a wta::lle oew DW'tlt. the RualaD trawlers were ap. He &Dd b1a ,:~~ ~m ~ tbe satellite countries the lif· MatiDg the trJp Wltb me was J.O Mapolla St.
and other ftrms are preparing visual aids, ODe ol tbeH alreedy erat1Dc ap to tba 6 mill llmJt ' J • res ttoc ot moral restra.lrU on sa Mrs. Eleanor Howtoi.Aaa.belm. • TIEX'TIOC*S Colta Ilea.
ltl use Is aplutlc modeloftbelluman figure wU.b tnt.erc:haql&b .. u tbe resa.lt ol a.n aP'MIDI'Ill ID Newport Beacb. baa: led to a sboc!dnc 1Dereue We were lnYJted u pe.Uoftbe EdUclr oltatel...,._ L!GAL MOnel!
m>lA! alld !emU. ports. ooplllltod ..ub lbe Slalo Do· aors CLUB BOARD tn jln>ell11o crime aod 1 dertl. Oklalloma CU, -tDowD u ~-life ,_, .... -
Some sellooll .... eoodueted clay modettogseasloanbontllo parlmG, adiDc ~IJ TO MElT MAROI ll tnaJ-care ooU.1Ddt~Jcoaee ID1U S.O.S. (Sulty oa S..).Oo TtJeo. ltlolllrlultJ aDo ez-Bo71o NOTICE OF PUBLI: IIEAIII!IG
chlldrea ta.sbloo male aod female 50 orp.as, 001 melllott bllDf aod-tlll_...&loiCoa. TM ._. 1 f 1111 thtap. Ia tho biJeWoo oopoel-.,., fYtDlDf. Feb. 18, 1 ratty -u ---.-11o11.,. 1.1 ._lbJ ~~-11101 used ls to lnstall jolatboy-cU'Itoilettaclllties~ pe.rtlUoM, P'IA. , ~ 0 aJ)J, J'OWlC peopietiiYtldapted WU btkl wttb OYer J,500 0(1111.. uu.d '•A-rlcu liUtai'J' WU tile P ....... Com•tatoe altai
A fl.lm belnc used 1n San Fraoclseo told tba.t ~ wu Rtceat17 a DtWI dJtpatc:b rt-lf:ubor Az• 8oJa Clab bou'd ~be '"'771Fa.bei.YJdriUlnc carDed people 1a .u..a.c.. •F EfJ' 1.'' .... nllted tae CltJ oiNwpart 8IKlil WW.ad
perfoc:tlr aorm&l alld aot barmflll. "Time of Y-LUo "all.llo -thol till COaol Gaard..., of dlndon wtu be blltl at aod awaaorlDftottcbJiou," A-1,000 weretwr..s...., lrtoll Olld ---I poblk: _......... u.a.
PltiiU'ed br BRrfE llr lnstrucUoaal Teteriaoa sen-tee a · .,... c:&Ued .,. to drh·e tbt ... Wed•ldaJ, Mareb lZ, tD It .. ms to me tblproi'DOtioa becallll ot luat.ftc&eat ....a. .,_to ..,_ u r.oc.lrtot.S tloa ot J'ou D Ud ~ A..
p-atlea 4, 5, alld s delcrlbes ..... 1 tnttrc:oor• 111 tarJDI u Ruolaa tnwlou 0111 lo -ljloT lWer Boy brlllt:b, Zlll of --1D m1rot1 aod oll"'lll( _.,Uy, T11ere ...... olf II p1o .t.-P/olllr 11r a a.;...-lfo.
IIPUelt U UJ foUDd 1D &llJ ot the fD01rt ''IDOdera'' belt •Uel'~t a.let Jt llld bttD olletr'l'ed Ulat utili A,q,, Colta 114'a. Of-Cla.Nel bJ ttacblrl ol UDbon W'U'e a1IO iNrooater..S ...... lilllllr'JI C Ik&¢51¢ II., Ill eo ..... c:n&tiGe of two
aod-tellltlltlm hoelotlatltbelr "Moolltfe arao." ~ -• ollhiJD hod-lluro ud dlr-• wW be plllloooplllao wtlll oo ll>lrlltal laloro pre-. KuJ _.. At----· d· -"' 11 ploct o1 "'II'
llbpl bela( ued dttl witb --.1111, ll>orlloo, priiiiUttol -lhl 11-lllllt lllllit. How· tMt:ttd at thol lime. 1110011-llr 4 ,.,. (7-IZ dro.. llr mlloo -t111t -Ill-~ -• -lillCtll. Lalo 1 I owl':
-ud --.-IIIYI botap-tMio Wblcb ut ... , I llltlool-thollhl p-ldoo) mtpt well ttlll ID lbe of otato. --. 11 U. II'• II - -... "Die--lot ....._ S: 11-' 1111.-IDIInlote qoeoiJooo, ool ooly aw-ID _.t. bel -· tnwloro hod-~~~· 1'001. I'UMD GROWS ame-r-•• dlo-blotorr ol 00"-CUy-_, ol Awrto• ..._ .. -tro'a.llaolllwilll--till-oltlltllr l<tiYWts ID lhlllUiol-lllclwtlll( lll'l'll'od Olld ll.lioe ... port, IIIIIIIJ Leo, pr~Dt .. _Jar tlllllallod Sllteo; -·-IMI--"IIr -"'": 1111111 .__ Ia llllloa a..L awl ... -.
... dlfltl-lllcCollo mapol•loUoolaa-cluobtlll( -·to 1lo --lot' u a =~r'~.!.!,.oo.Kr -llrlbiSoolot. 107 --llltllldiF'wlar· -•Je • 'F•l 1111, -lolilo'lbJ_,_ --...... --~-.--.. _., ... ...,...__ ..,_...., .... -.... .... :l.t:-lto'lo---poblk:-llaWIJIIio • n " ., w.,a~ -.... ._ -111,-. 18 Mllo•l-.icol1.~· r."::C!! ~"'-~-From the Bible How__,.. ...... _.,.. ., ..... -11oM ..... ...,.,;......,
•Mtol•,----•wr-oo-upartolt» lJ,IMCOaoiGIIIrtiiOOIIIIINid,: MO ~~ .. !Ilea: Jwlu--"'" _.,_ ............. toll-Jllo10011~111wor--l*lll'a. 1 .. ,11 ... -oii:IIO,.._
.. J fw'•"'Whw abllt a..._.. .... £a1cu .---. JN.tlllr-ll'll~tltlt • w J .. , ...._ ..... c. Jtt"le tuafllllt 1-. _, ATTIIIIPT TO TUCB AliT -.uzn .um t IJ Ill< ol GaUl, -10011 -~~-·-IIIII" a.. ::r:. !:.:l... ..... lo I tW IIU ""f-...... Ill-no •T I tl ~>'W & 111.-l -Ct1J 11111, II :::::.t:tt:=:--::~.:.:.·=~.:5· w=.---=·~ s:r;-r:a;~='= ,.::.:.:::~·~ :.-::. t ~r:: = ··~b: .::: ar.r ~:x. :.~
......... _..,. tPIIIit1Po22Wt--.Uar''"MIIrtMa ..... awi-.II ... I_F_Iilto,ll-lon-.lltWIJILIIIIWIIh_lo ... 2 P--.., L
' Po122 t ··----.. o.Cdlla: .... low,P ... _JS=I!:! ... ~I-... ~-----1111--1111-•Ialo?PioillltS2WIIIar 4111. -"'7' &•o II . I 2 ... lllarl I lA owl-'"-1 'MOa-•-• 3•1 -Wllllonldao, ......... _______ .US -. 8 II • _I I'!""' ' -liar I •••2 .... lltaz"WIII&?IO,.... .. --1111, owl---JW-II atlowlaa---Ill,_ llh.
(Oiwtnd•-Jl &lawg------J211J --111.-fi"IIJ-'"atiiii--I'PN J41t'a _____ Ill
ILALIOA Y AOIT Q.UI il"LAH l sr•Mo I'LIMG Bo.-Yaclll Chi> ,lrill William BolPI, Quloo Ulf,
Maloo '!)U Ylow .. ..,.lie lUll(' Mlelul Hlrolt, -&ol-
.... _ .. Tbol'ld&J, ...... lor. J.,. ·LIIdor-'-"
11, at:lbtluat:bloafullloo.,.., Soll:h ud Dant Yo.r.. War4-
.tllh -lal bGI&' II 11,30 IIIII roi>O mlllr-11 Mro. ~
luacbOoo II 11:30. Faahloo oo-JoM-wbllo llro. l4ftr<l
ordidltor liMu. Almoo Lock .. I.Atbtm doubt.• u I...,_
a~>o;. ellalrmao Ud ac-0'11-
MuW YustwlUeommearate Dtc:ont.kU u• tJr Mr•. S.. W.
-lowW l>oMnloo, 11o<
At The l tttranc•
To Lido Is ..
Two A«Hiemy Awa n' Nomir'!Otions
lest Adrea &
lett Supportint Ad or
. '
"A B EAUTIFUL FIL M "-rM N•wYor.tor
1966 1'..\HNES ALM
• ~ewcomers at Hoag Morrison FRIDAY, FEB. If
Gtrl-llr.IIIIIMn,lloalllsL Boy -Mr. IIIII Mn.1'11amu h d AARP Mo~ lOili Wlllto Salla Way; Toom .. , 4ZU Hilaria w.,., e a s
Harbor Vlow HIU.. Well Mooport,
Boy • Mr. ud Mrs. Robert Girl .. Mr. aac:1 Mn. Fred LJoyd E. Mrwrt.oo ol Col'ooa
J. St"'*' 9ZZ1 CbrlstlDt, !Ueto, 119 44th St., West New. del Mar was elected prtsideot
Hwttnctoo Beach. port. lt the umal meeliDc of
Boy • Mr. and Mn. Howvd Boy -Mr. ud llrs. Georte the American Assodatioo ot
Welldel, zo.t9 Federal st., COsta Slenrm, 17711 PaJmeato Way, Retired Per.aos, C~ 1!1,
Mesa. Irvine Newport Beach.
Girl-Mr.aodM:rs.R&ymooi • SUNDAY, FEB. 18 James E. Sa1r1er ot Newport
G. BIU'too, 1051 w. WIJ.eoo St., Girl -Mz. ud Krs. M.cba.el Bt.ach ns .aamed 'Ice-pre-
Costa Mesa. L. Be ••• , 1145 Anabelm Ave., sideot; Mrs. Holbrook (Jea.o-
Boy • Mr. and Mrs, Richard Costa M ~sa.. nette) Mulford of Costa Mesa_
A. Rigsbee 1135W Charleston. Boy-Mr. ud Mrs.Jotm M, secretar)', ud Mrs. George H.
Costa Me~. · Smith, 28&-B Costa Mesa St., (Clara) Pntt of Costa Mesa.
• SATURDAY FEB 15 Costa ll•Jsa. treasurer.
Boy _ Mr.'aod ius. Robert Girl. Mr. a.ad Mrs. Robert Eup:oe H. Hite Sr., rettrinc
ADderson, 4404 Cba.noel Pl., J. Muller, 1270 Loodooderry preatdenl, was ua.medA.ARPd1-
FEO£R.,L JUDGE Wade West Newport. Ln., Costa lhsa. rector for all Southern Ca.u.
lleCree, c:ouidered by ma.ny Girl. Mr. and Mrs. William • MONDAY, F'EB. 1? . ii~~~~~~~~~ t.IPirU as thttlratlfec:ro Ukely ADlla.Jl, 19929 Derbyshire LaDe, Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas to bt IIJPOIDted to the U.S. su. Huntington Bea.ch. Patty, 1198 Paularloo Afe.,
preme Court, wW speU a.t Boy -M.r. and Mrs. Wlllia.m Costa Mesa.
Oranp Cout College at 11 a.m. Brown, 9322 Wajk:an.a, HWiting-Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Josepb
Mueb 11 on "Tbe Necro 1n the ton Beach. M~Ca.rtney, 16~6Z Hut, Hun-
courts." He La U, s. circuJ.l Gtrl • Mr. and Mrs. Berlkl tingtoo Beach.
Jud&e for tbe 6th District, wlllch Frobeen, 147 E. 18th St., Costa Boy -Mr • and Mrs. Gerald
tncttr:Ses Mlelllpn Ohio Ken-Mesa. Ca.rsoo, Zl3Z2 Green.spray Ln.,
tue.ty &b1 Tenoe~e. He ~rved Girl -Mr . and Mrs·. Maynard Huntington Beach.
4yearslntheArmyaodwasdis-Jenklns,Jr.,616-15thSt.,Hun-Glrl-Mr . and Mr s. Donald
cbarpd as a capt.atn 1.o the in-tington Beach. Charlton, 21131 Mlra.mar Lane,
botry after 2 years of combat Glrl -Ml'. and Mrs. Earlco H\lDUngton Beach.
duty in Italy, Hernandez, ~27 Tustio. Ave., • WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19
Newport Heights. Gl.rl -Mr. and Mr s. James .................... O'.,....,....,... ........ ,...,...,......c,....,...., ........ ....,. Boyett, 157 Tullp Lane, Costa
ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of tht Ensi!JI
Boy -Mr . and Mrs. David
Header, 2552 Crestview, Bay
Boy -Mr . and Mrs. Richard
D.1wson, 2001 Clill Dr., CUU
(Continued ft om page 2) • THURSDAY, FEB. 20
and tt.ey also r eceive l.nstruction on V .D. preventtoD because Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
of Its eoo::-m)I.IS ecooomlc burden to the country. In addition, Copema.o, 4~6 Elmhurst Ll.ne,
Sweden also llas ooe of the highest rates In suicides, alcohoUsm, Costa Mesa.
and noereal disease. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carl-
~ ding Selolog!sts say that they have oo way of koowing s:n, 21361 Doc:kslde Circle,
whether sex: education ls effective in reaching their stated goals Huntinl!On Beach.
of combating veoerul disease, ridding youngster s of inhibitions Boy • loU'. and Mr s. FrUi.
aDd lower log the lllegttlmate birth rate and divorce rates. In the Szekula, 22611 Hula Circle,
meantime, children are oow being told that premarital su, Huntington Beach.
masturbation, sodomy and other for ms of suua\ devlaUon are Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
perfectly oormal, aod though some are oot desirable, they are Kemper, Z23 Monte Vista Ave.,
DOt to be coodemoed. Costa M~ sa.
How does tills get lnto the school? Tbe NatiOnal PTA bas sent Boy-M.r.andMrs.NickHer-
a directive urpng local units 10 work toward estabUshing berger, 19352 Cindy Lane, Hun-
''hmHy LUe" courses. Usually a "leadership group" is tingtoll B-:acb.
form·3d !tom amoog the following: teachers, school admin. Boy -Mr. and Mr s. Ralph
lstrators, mlnisters, PTA representatives, doctors or oJther Thuesen, 526 Riverside, New-
'·eommwlity leaders." TIU.s uol4> then recommeods that tbe port Heights.
School Board adopt the program. SomeUmes thls group Will • FRIDAY, FEB. 21
state that 1t has ttte StalOtt of local orpniz..ations, and the PTA Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. R·;t oert
represe!Xalives will say tllat they represent and give the lmpres-Finkelberg, 1030 c. Missioo
siOII that they have tbe s~rt of all their members. The 0 c ~ ... r ., o~ ... esa. com'llllllity is geoerally DOt awarE' or 'lfhat ls taking place uatil Girl _ Mr . a.nd Mrs. RlnaJd
the program ls adopted, and ooce ithasbeell put Lnto effe<:t, it is Arey, 169 Walnut St., C!>sta
extremely dittlcult to persuade a school board to rescind its Mesa.
action. Several l.aw S\lits lla.ve beell filed I.D school districts Girl _ Mr. and Mrs. Lucien
1.o California and 1n other states to cancel courses after the Ort!Ula, 6&6 Center St., c osta
pareats have become awar~ uf the contents of the courses. Mesa.
Or . Kirkendall (of SlEC US} has given the formula for ~ting Girl • M.r. and Mrs. Raymood
aroUDd the CJPilQSUlOn. "Just sneak lt in as u experimental Durr, 1026 w. wusonst.,Costa
course and see bow people react ••• Don't say that you are W:esa.
coln& to start a se.J ecSucatlon course. Always m.JVI forward. Boy • Mr. alld Mrs. Jooab
Say tbat you are rolng to enrich, eJI)alld and mate tt better. KUewer, ~7 Norse st., Cosb.
T·w opposWoo can't stop something that you have already Mesa.
started." He haS called those opposed to It a "fringe group Girl _ Mr. and Mrs. Baroey
of dissidents wOO don't lhlnk rationally." M.U'tin, 2280 Elden AYe., Costa
At a Ume whell most schOol districts are complaJ.n.ing about M ~sa.
a lack of money to pay for .addltlonal classrooms and teachers, • SATIJtWAY, FEB. zz
can they afford the additional eeonom ·c burden that these Girl _Mr. and Mr s. M.1cbael
courses 'WIU impose? Or -as tLa.s happened in some districts, Ad.a1e, 19062 Bikini Lane, HllD-
wW academic subjects be sacrificed'.' tington Beach.
Who Is golng to teach these courses:< An artlde in the Girl _ Mr . and M_·s. Mil.Duel
February, 1969 Issue of Ladles Home Journal oil mentllly MacDonald, 994 Oak St., Costa
unftt teachers qootes tr.Jm a survey made by Dr. l.Duis KapLan, Mesa.
tben a professor of education at U.S. C. who coocluded tha.t Girl_ Mr . and Mr s. TimJthy
there are 119,49? seriously maladjusted teachers nationally, Adam s, Zl752 Coast Highwa.y,
wttb 3,011,32:4 children in their <:lasses. Huntington Beach.
How do you feel about di•oree, a.dultry, sex relations before Glrl • Mr. and Mr s. John
marrta.ge. and aborUoo? The Family Life portion of the course Peterseo.. 3108 T41! Way, Costa
deals wtth mooey ma.uagemenl:, birth control, Oourldatlon, M ~sa.
emJtlooa.l bealth. What 1s yoLa attitude toward these subjects? • SUNDAY, FEB. 23
Will the teacher who instructs your child or grandclllld feel Girl _ M.r. a.nd Mr s. Peter
the same? One teacher beCame so carried away while COil-Murray, 9882 Etftngham, Huu-
dudlng a course, that she oompletely disrobed in lroot of the ttngton Beach.
class. Aoother teacher ln Catifornia. asked his students ln • TUESDAY, FEB. zs
a test whether they had had se:rual r elations wUh animals. Glrl _ Mr. and Mrs. Joba.nnes
Se:r E·Jucatlon ls necessary, but does it take aD entire c. Morrow, 2621 Harbor Blvd.,
course to teach what causes •cne.rea.J disease or lllegitim\te Costa Mesa..
blrths? It also seems UD1f1se to give Ulese courses to mL:red Boy • Mr . and Mrs. Geor ge A.
classes and to children too young to uOOer stand and emotionally Johnson, 23581 Ihtyea. Lane, El
unequipped to handle tt. -and unneeessuy to go into sueh Toto.
great detail or lnto the aberratiQns. There are many tragic Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
examples of the efl'ect these courses have cud on some or the Smith 3112 Van Buren, Costa
young people who hate taken them. This type of e<tuca.Uon Mesa.'
is the preroptt•e aod responslblllty of the parent, aDd it • WEONESDA Y, FEB. 26
1s unfortunate that this too is becoming the domlnloo of the Boy_ Mr .anc!Mrs. Lawrence
state. A responsible, Umited program whi ch ha s moral guide-Kastner 6201 Seashore West
lines would bt tar preferable. U the schools canoot do this, Newport'. '
then the parents wbo want tt cu uodertake to provide lt through Boy _ Mr. and M ·s. Louh.
a campa.lp to educate pareots as to the right way, the chur ches Laurtuen, 3235 Da.lrota Ave.,
........ :. o., .... 1: ·~ -'LL OIS ... ~V llofOW
• .lO ~ ... 10 _,,M . .. ~ .....
o .. ~. o .. ,,. at''"
Wearing an on10n around the nttk wed to be
fa..shionable-at lea st for cold sufferers. If's easy to
see why dm old-11~ cold remedy h:u now been
dis.carded. We can't cure cold5, yet, but we can reMve
their discomforts . . and avo1d more scnous com-
plia.tJons by usmg the effcctJ\C medJcauons availabk
today. But don·t ust U17V medicmes md,scriminately.
When you're 111. ~ semJbk . let your physician do
the diagnOSing and prcscnbmg fhcn. 1f he recom-
mends medicatiOn. sec us for qu.aluy pr~ription&.
tM1 &. COAIT BWT., ~A Da. IIU
Dean Martin
.. M.,t: Hel m .
Cr~..., _ ~ .. , .. '"'"'·"-' ·-~~~~J~;:~..... c~
-· w . •
' ' ..
1 L a. 2 LBS. 69 ><J.B. 137
<:an provide lt, or tbe or school dtstrld could c osta Mesa..
a oouue their paruts. Boy _ Mr. a.od Wrs. A. w.
W•>sely, l202 Wootalia, Costa
Also Short SubjKts GRAPEFRUIT :~' EA~ 1t
"llaiN. HO ..
2n ••••1-6177
..... ~~:: ilrmnrial Jlark
·x .. we~ C:cmeeet•y
··~ in One B.aulifal Place"
Beaule tbe fuDenlllld bndal O'r.lber CXIIICept
eljmjuta the need for pcocessioos through
btaYy traffic on overaowded highwa,s, family
aocl fdeads alilce may DOW pay their full re-
SpedS by attmding the burial sen-ice. u well
u the chapel serYia, all at ODe lleautiful place,
at Ia. Gilt and more QocuaJeoce.
n4TWP r' wa1
Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Jobo
He.Dllessey, 1010-B Va.leoci.a
St., Costa Mess.
Girl -Wr. a.od Mrs. Paul
Pollscbuk, 1012 M1ssioo
Costa Mesa,
Joh.D E. S'-"er, ZSZ5
Bhod., ear-delMar, bu
elected a member ol u.
Ud Marketioc Eac1ltfts 4-
soct.ation of LN lattles. He Is or ...... F1D! Ad.
011111 l OilS
I 0,-Ni-'>tly ot 7,00 ,_,._
SvrMMy •t 1:4.5 p.m.
"THNic)ht .....
POl\ ADULTS-(ft\
SUGAR Froz en Foods
March 6-7-8 I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m.
••aest of the Best"
Oil Paintings -Religious Books
Appropriate Gifts
(Harbor at Baker)
House of
Our Loss ••.
cu atoln frcnln 11
MOOII o. 5 P.M.
EVERYDAY (lod•cho
111111 L COAST II GtiWAY
00111114 D1L 11.41
675 ...
KBIG bought
·by Mormons
AT ntE
::;::!2:z •• ~t'!::· .::"-:. ,.... .... ,.,., ... ·~ ,..
pi••••M tf de.neble .
• NoShri.._ .... _ ........
• ,.,_. ,.._ FeWi,. ·---• w..., StaiR lamo¥'01
OUR IXCLVSIVE SEIIVICI . ,, .............. ........
• helntf ..... t ...... ,
• Tetw~~ Mlty le Arreft8ecf
• ,_htimotes
• PNe Lean Dropet
Off for cath I c•rry
f'Oit 11tl UNUSUAL
IT'S AnA'S! •• •
Fmfrl iNgii'YtM M:igns wirh •
totelfy llfW' ~ JQII'¥t
ktiOit'n btfore. CorM, mllf our
tnterior ... ,.,. end add thll
IOIM'thing lpllcill to your horN I
. . '
•• • • • • • • • = • •
newr=ort balboa savings
corona del mar office
open now to serve you
from the fi nanoal plaza
newport center
PIIIT lt:CT1011 --'• 5
TltURSllAY, llo\1101 I,-
CIIDIA 06.11M, CALif •.
From these new Corona del Mar offices we are better able to serve
you-with greater personal convenience to you-than ever before.
Come in even if you don't bring money and visit us in these
attractive. centrally-located new offices. For working efficiency, in
the employment of modern equipment. a new standard for Californ ia
savings and loan associations is set . We are equipped to promise
you a greater measure of "customer satisfaction" with our financial
services. skilled personnel and facilities.
At the new location. we will have on exhibit outstanding items
from our half million dollar collection of rare ancient. foreign and U.S.
coins. Come in and see the exhibit -and also personally meet the
officers and staff members of our new Corona del Mar office.
P A. P1lmer. Chaorrm~n ot the Bc«d Agnes BlomQuos1. Presoc»rit
Ma.n Offoce 3366 \1~ Lido. N-port Such. C.kforma 9215e3 • Phone 71 4/673-31 30
Coron. del Maor Ottoee FoM!nc~l P!.za. 550 Newport Center Drrve • CoraM del Mar. CHtorn,. 92625 • Pho,.. 71 4/644-1461
-..._______../) I · I ~u I '
LltaL NOTICI ~~'!~ ~~i~~~~~~~.~~~!~!!-:iiiE:~ =~i:S=
IIOTIC& ~ Pti8I.IC BI411111G IIOTICZ OF PUBLIC BIARIJIG ........ Ill< lao "--11101'1-• LIIIDA ISLB 8o1> -· -'lo'l. liD CIIJafll ... lll-wtliiDIII I .. , I& 1M IIDw al 1:00 p.a.
lollaoio.....,po.llllllao -la-po.IWIM -·-)ld.-rlaollow-~ Wlfllama, 1--J,Coclar,$1,000. •,_llo&rllcoalaofiiiPIIca-I&IMeo.dl~lloraaliM
Phal J• CMal·dl a1 1M p ....... Com•l .... a1 1M port -1Up Scaolcam-1-1011 -III&J. llo, M Uoa a 8.\Cit 8.\Y -al I*Mt-coaoudGoo. .. ~ -C11J 11&11, I&
CIIJifii&Btol-wtliiDifl Clt7oUio_t_wtliiDifl .... -...... ,_,ball_ lale MOIOO Dial~-. .... ~ .... v_ ... Wlilealiiioaodpiii<UfQ'udall
,,...llo&rllc•IMIIIPII"I-apti>U.bllarioJooiMfiiiPUCO-dlor pondllalllllll< Nowport ~.,· oimatM<~, :.-,, --· I'IH llb'eb Sl., • 1*1011--aladll-,._ -----o1 lilt -co,...., Ill< -al 11>a lrtl&o ~Ill'. sop Booob lo flD,t41,DGO. 1-llllll -w.r. No. 51 u.a 1100,000. lllol • ' lot ..,...., *" llln ud ba ~ g--.U
a Uao -lGI-A lo l)ll'lllll lloopoot c;-. 11<1", II. B., ._ lo J....,-a lalo, 181,000, Fill ·welt Sorrl<ta, 4MtMt< lllu ......, ..,. ---RaJ • cqJO a, ..rarr -ClfPJ-IJaod--m a -.... _ ..... , n* $f, 119, 'NS, IIIIa brlaoo tbolll9 ' WEST NEWPORT HEIGHTS Artllolr Bini. 111M 1o -.; ~ 10.14.010). Pr~ ""'!JlOrl Booob CUJ
•-ol •-·• ao11a Mo. 154, to..,..;. Dtilllldi&J '"""" 1o 117,1'11,115. ll)'ftJ Hoar Hoopltal, 30111. --cJoet Uld lldd'trub ... .,..., ='~.,!..~-:-' Oono Po~>u!.~-~~ -otlar CJf l--J tolra-Mapllo.l7 ,._a C..0-8 Dla-al _._ IIIIa Ia ,._ port Blvd., EleYalor PI-U,IIOO. ·---'7=-=:-:--:::::=~· ~----;-;~:-;-::;.,~;;;;;--
-aod llloJio lluaUJ reo!-lrld'lo ao R-1-BDtilllld.Pw--' loll>a M u.-.,lolal Uld relllrblall •-' BA.LBOA ISLAND LIG•L MOTIC" LI~•L MGnCE -· u a J>Ut o1 a p..--Lot IM. Block u, 1r11ao a1 llt,41D,Jet tor Ill$, Uld 1uo,ooo. v,...,. Cllllt, z __ , .,._ A • -
r..-tal deoolopmoal Subll-. lacalod -· d ollut rnr'o all 'WEST UPPER BAY plea, UO S. 8&J Fl., $48,'100. CZRT1f'IC.AT1l OF BUIIIIESS nATll OF CA!HCRIUA)(
(MortbNW'f). coner of MarlDtr Drln ud L& ... JDODtb rtcord of Jesse Curtin. addWon to • HARBOR ISLAND FicWJou Firm Name COUNTY OF CRANG£ ) u.
Hot1ct-isblrebJfurtber CiYeD lrYIDe A Yen... UYiqroom, S05 EYentng Star JohD lilatLeod, add lk:nl' Qa 'Febnal'y 5 ttsi bltx'e
llla1 a1d pabllo beoring will be No~ce Ia berebJ 111t1>er c1-lsautd diD'ing tbt Lo., $5,000. room,IO lllllbclolalaod,$f,IOO. THE UIIDERSIGNEDdabere-mo tbo -...,;,.... ,: Notary
bold oo tbt lOili dlJ of !Web, llla1 oald pui>Uc bearLac wiU be FRED E. RHODES .JR. of Nn-floal Z -u ol Fol><lllllJ, la Robert Teller, 1-UDI~ 'EAST UPP£11 BAY by cortUy llla1 tbtJ an coo-PubUc 1a ud Ill< a1d c-.,
1969, at U. hour of 8:00 p.m. blkl 00. tbe zotb di.J olllarcb. port Beach bas bleD appoillted tbe ll'OOCIIt of $1,000 u:J OYW, 1-storJ dwelling. 141Z Aotigua Aercxautroo.le, eoutruct MtiDc IDOWDU'JilJpaadopera-ud state periOGIUJifllPIIJ'td
1D tbe CouocU Cbambers ot the 1969, at tbe bour of 8:00 p.m. marketing ot:ftcer 11Jttb Security 1Dcludecl tbe touowlag: $45,000, clean room oo Ford Rd., tloD ot ID apartmeat tJu1.kttDc. MARY Aim£ MARCH 1mon
Newport Beach City Hall, at LD tbe CocmeU Chambers of tbe Padfle NaUooal Baot. He Is * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * HARBOR VIEW JDLLS $20,000. Ud aU otblr butDua ,......_ to me to bt tbl per_,:. ....,_
wblch time ud plaeeUJIPda.ll Newport Beach City Hall, at a cractuate o1 tbe UntYerslly o1 OUwood GudeaAputmeots, D. L. Breo Co., recreaUoa Doaa.ld Gool:lrow, PlmiiLLDc ablr related tllereto, Ulldlr tbt -.ue 1a atlecrlbldtotbewtt!U
1*'8005 Lllterested mar appear wbicb ttme ud place IA1 ud Ca..lib'nia it Berte ley aDd a 715 resldenttat tm.lts oa 5ea«ull buiJd1Dg. 1871 Port Cbarles Pl., pool, 111 CampbOr, $3,100. flctttiou firm •me of A.L-' Jutrumeal u tbe A.ttoroey 1D
a.od be beard tbereoo. all persoas toterested IDIJ' ap-Yeten.a o1 lbe ArmJ FinaDce Ln. and SbeJ1Detoa LD., betlrau $55,000. • BEACON SAY LL\NCE NO. ONE aDd U.t said Fact o1 HARRY E MARCH ud
Ray Y. Ccpelln, secretary pea:r and be be&rd tbereon. Corps. He and b.1s wlfe, the lrvlne Ave. alld DoYer Dr., E. P, Cotterman. add rumpus Robert A.. Smlth, No. 11811.-Arm 11 compoaed ol tbe fol-aclmowledged tbit sbe ..,_
Newport Beacb City Ray Y. Copellll. secretary former Maure.:~ Claire Llring-oortberly of 16tb St., room, 1830 Port Abbey PL, con Bay, add toiDdOoar, ciW1de 1owtac penou Wbose Dames lD scribed tbe IRme ot ftARRY E.
Pi&lllllDc Commission Newport Beach City stooe o1 Ed1al:larp ScdlaM $8,854,145, $1,200. prace for bedroom aDd ta1b, flalJ ud place of relide~~ee are MARCH tbel'eto u pr!Dclpal,
Publisb.: K&rcb 6,1969, In Plan.DJ..ac Commission .w be celetn.unc" their zod NlelseD-Smooeh Co.,l.llterior • IRVINE TERRACE $10,000, ' u follows, to wit: aod ber on ~&me u AttorDeY
tbe Nnport Harbor Eraslgr:a Ptlbllsh: Marcb 6, 1969 wedding anniversary 1D May. a.lteratloras Ln medical bulldln&. DoJ:~ ~~:O.=.Uon.1ZOO • =~dwards. &Mttwa, Robert L. Taube, Z&Z!Ctrcle 1D Fact. .
LltaL MOTIC.! LEGAL NOTIC! LEGAL MOTIC! LEGAL NOTIC.! 'CORONA DEL MAR 537 VIa Llda Nord, 115,000, ;';~ :.: w~::;,.~~ tl::::".:t mJ aaad aad of,
Dr. s. L. Sberurd, add room, Clrde Drln Ne-+ Beacb, (s) Marcia Beata
Se•le 11.,. Emplo,.; .. =;:t"',•"'a '" 231 Iris An., $(,400. DELBERT N. lltOt.tAS CaW. 9Z6&0; 'Hat;;£: Marcb, Notary Publlc 1D a.ad for
Per H041r Clo .. alc•tlon VocoHon Welfo,. Pe"•'o" W, G. IJefeldt, 3-story, l-unlt OF COSTA MESA D1 ES c/o Kary ADot lbrcb, !14 said COUDty aud state
b dwelllog. 407 lrts, $19,000. S.aled propoaala will be .-ceiwed at llle Of&ce of tbe Oaft:
of daa Bo•d of S.penlwor. of·~ Co .. ty of Or•ae. s.~ Aa-.
C•UID..t-., -or beiDre Wo•day, the 24th dey of Marcil. 1969, at
2:00 P. M., o'clock. at wbid!. time tllay will be pabUcly op•ed
•d red i• dae Oflce of tile Cleft of the Board of S.penlaon~o
RoOtD SOl. Co-ty A.-ha.ialntion Baildia& 515 Nord!. Syc ... ore,
S•ta Aa-. CalliDai-. IDr e»aatnacti•!' a hipwey ia aecord•ce
wtth the pi•• •d apaeilc•tiotaa tli.e~lar, to wblda apedal rej..
ereace l• ••de -lollowa.:
El•ctrlclo"a (Effectin July 1,1968 lo Septt~r~ er 1, Peter De BaWl, 2-story Delbert N, Tbomas, 13, ot SueD& VID,. 8a.lboa, CaW. (SEAL)
17.05 Electrician 1969) 25f phw I~ pbw 1-unit dweUing, 503 Marigo~ 2538 Newport BlYd.., Costa Hill; Lawreaee J. Pflster, !9 STATE OF CAUFORNIA) (ss
$19,600• Mesa, died Feb, z.t, at Coata Sbeb:tr CO't't, Newport Beach, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) '
C.rp.,.,.,. (Effective May I, 1968 to May J. 1969) • NEWPORT Mea Memorial Hospital. CaW. 9!662; William L, Beats, On february 5 1969 before
5.33 Carpenter Ut pbw .t6f lllaw/p 45f piaw/p H was born Dee Zl 1905 810 W Bay AYeD.De Balboa tbe ·---· 'N..--c.,...,., M••-• (Effec tive May J.1968toMay 1, 1969) South Sbore SaUlog C lub, e • • • C&llf 9z&&1 ' ' me, ~ a ,_,
5.13 Ce~nent Mason 3Sc-phw/p olaf phw/p lSc ·phw /p 2-story clubbouse. !527 W. lD Obio, came to Calllmnla 15 • • Publlc J.a aod for said CoUDty
,,., W~l.er•(Effecthe Anr .. t 10. 1968 to A.pat Coast Hwy,, $37,000. years ago, a.od UJed 9 Jill'S 1D WITNESS our twxlstllls5dily aDd state, persooallJ appeared
16, 1969) -Dave Lewis, remode l kitchen, tbls area. He was a taaner by ol February,1969. LAWRENCE J. PFISTER,
6.10 Reinforcin!' Iron Worker 2St pllw 30~f phw(l) !Of pllw 2128 W. Ocean Ft., $2,500. trade. ROBERT L. TAUBE Down to me to be tbe periOD In the Couoty ofOr•ge. on Ad1111e Avenue from aso• Weate,.
ly o f tbe S•t• AD. a River -.d Alb•IJ'Osa Dri ve.
Bid!! are reqnired for the e11tire work as described bereia:
L.~,. (Effective ~by 1,1968 to May 1, 1969) T, Bla.Ddl; 2-story duplex, Surrlvors are b1s wUe, Robert L. Taube wbose oame lssubscribedtothe
4.18 Asphalt Rd:er & lrot~er 25c-phw /p 24~t phw/p 32f phw /p 4007 Seashore Dr., $40,000. Emma., of Ohio; a dan&flter, PENELOPE W. TAUBE w1thiD lnstnlment and ackoow-
4.07 F'ine Grader (Hipway • CLIFF HAVEN Mrs. BettyCiarlloiCost&Mesa; PeDelope W Tallbe ledged that be u ecuted the
nd Street Pavia.s ) 25f phw /p 24~f phw /p l2f phw/p Walter Postans addition 330 3 brothers, Edward Gattery ot HARRY E iu.RCH same.
E .. ,,_, •• f•rl_,..
,,.,. Ho, Ouo,.rlry o ... e,lptl-ol Wo, ..
I l Ea.
2 180 L. F'.
Ad jut Maa.bolea to Gr•de
'Relocate Oaltia Link F'eucing
Relo cate Goard Rail
3.97 Flapan 25t phw/p 24~t pllw /p l2t pllw/p Plrate Rd., $8.oo0. ' Obio, RIISSell ToW:lell ofObJo, Harry E, March WITNE$ my ha.Dd aod of-
3.97 Laborer (Geaeral) 2SC pliw/p U~t: plaw/p l2f plaw/p aod ~b Toubell or Netada; by Mary ADoe March rtctal sell.
4.18 Operators and Tu.der5 5 gnndebtldreo, llDd Z creat-Attorney in t.lct Notary
of Pnenmatic and Electric LEG4l NOTICE grandchUdre.n. (s) Marcia Bents
3 225 L. F',
4 490 L, F'. Salva!e Guard Rail
5 40 C.Y.
6 L. s. Remo ve Concrete
R<!move & Reconstru ct Bridge Railing
(Bridge SA-35)
Tool!!, Vibratins Ma chiaes , Services were bekt Feb. 28, LAWRENCE J. PFlSTER Notar PubU lD and tor
and Similar Mechaaic•l NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARfNG at Bell BrOidfty Chapel Tbe Lawreoce J. Pfister said l'ountr ~State
7 L& Remove & Re coastruct Bridse Rlti linl!
Tool11 a ot lle pat~~tely Notice lsherebygiveathattbe ReY. Harold Ardersoo of the W~~ L,;._8
01ENTS (SEAL) clauified herei.D 25f pbw/p 24~f phw/p l2f phw/p l.UaJII .,. oe s 4.18 Tru Climber, Feller •nd Planning Commissioo of Ute Flrst Baptist Cb~~tehotftdaled. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA)
8 266 L. F'.
(Green viii~ fhanialil
Tt'lllporary Bridge Railing
Clearin g & Crubbiog
F'uru i ah & Apply Water
Ro adway E1cav•tion
Stru ctu re E•cevatioo
Stru cture B•ckfill
Chain Sa w Operator 25c-phw/p 24~f phw/p l2c-phw /p City of Newport Beach will bokt Interment was at FaJrba.ftD Me-STAT£ OF CAUFORNIA.) ~ss.
a public hearing OD tbeappUca.-mortal Park, under Ute direc. (ss, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) OIN"'''"' E",,,._,. (E ffective Jnty 1, 1968 to )one tion of the Irvine Company, 550 Uon ofBell.Broa.d'll'ay Mortuary, COUNTY OF ORANG£ ) On february 5, 1969, before
30, 19691 Newport Center Drive, Newport On fetx'IAtJ 5, 1969, before me, the tmdersJgned, a Notary
9 L.&
10 ISO M.Gal
Grou p I &ach, for a zone change, KAY LIST •RT 5110-.. m·?, the tmdersJcned, a. ~otary Publlc 1D aDd for said COUDtJ 4.68 Enslneer, Oiler and " """ Public 1n aDd to sa1( r ..... -. ILDd s Sis:aalrnan 30~ phw /p JDf phw/p 60t ph I Ameodmef'l ' 1255, toameod Dis-Kay (Wrs. John) List bas been r vuuo•.J tate, persooally appeared
II 860 C.Y.
12 300 C. Y.
13 105 ,. 3,200
C. Y.
Too Impo rted Borrow
F'iai., Roadway
A!' ~gate Base
Aephalt Coacrete
... 68 Heuy Dut y Repairman's w P trlctiag Map No. 24 from a oamed artist of tbemootb for aod State, persooally a,weared WILUAM L. BENTS, llD.o"ftt to He l~r 30c-phw/p JOe-pbw/p 60C" pbw/p C-1-H District to an R-1 Dis-March at Mesa Verde Ullrary ROBERT L, TAUBE aod PEN-me to be tbepersonwboseoame
Group 2 trtct. Portion of Lots 8 and 9, where bel varied subjects tJi ELOPE W. TAUBE, llDown to is sub&crtbed to tbe 'lfithia in-
4.92 Coacrt-t e .ltf i•er Operator Tl'act 3232, k>cated south side of oils are 00 dUplay. me to be tbe persoos wbose strumeot and aclmowledgedttlat
15 L&
16 1,400 Too
11 1.600
18 flO
&Y. Place A!lpha11 Concrete (Mise Areal!)
Li.id A11pbah (SC-250)
{Skip Type) JOe-pbw /p lOc-phw/p 60t: pllw/p Bayside Drive, southust of in-At u euly ap Ka¥ mewed Dl.mes are subscribed to tbe he executed the same,
4.92 f ireman Grou pJ 3tH phw/p30t: pbw/p 6(}f pllw/p t'rsecUonoiElPaseoandBay-to Callfornla from Muabt.e«l, wtthlD instrument udactoow-WITNESS m:; band aDd of-
5.16 Equipnenl Crea,.er l(}f phw/p lOc-phw/p 60t'pllw /p side Drive. Iowa. Her 111 sttllies bep.n at ladred that they necuted the tid al seal.
Group 4 Notice Is hereby further given santa Ana Junior Collece. Last same, (s) Marcia. Bents
19 2 Too
20 5 Too Asphalti c Unulair'l n
21 ~ 2110
" .. L. F'.
F'oruisb Coo crete Pilin A (C\u • I)
Ori ve Goa crete Pi! in A 5.27 Asphalt Plant firemaa 30, pb,../p lOf pbw/p 60f phw /p tbat said public hearing W'lll be year she uhlblted Ax tbe first W.ITNESS my hand and of-Notary Publlc iA aod for
5.27 Bo•man or Mi•er Bo• held on the zoth day of March, time at the Old Timer-New llc(lal) ~ said County aDd state 23 5 CL furnish Precut, Prestresaed Coacrete
Oeclt Unit. L=27"-BW' Operator (Coocrete or li69, at the boor of 8:00p.m. Tt.« plcalc ......... f'eceiftd S -eJa Beots {SEAL)
Aspbah Plant) 30c pbw /p JOe-pllwf p 60, pllw /p 10 the Coooc.U Chambers or the boD.Dnblll meotioa a1 a ):rWd lfob:ry ~Uc 1D aDC1 for Pabllsb: MarCh ~ ~~ !1, ,. s [L F'ulll.iab. Precut, Preatressed Con crete
Oedt UDit,. L=29'-8~·· 5.46 Aaphah Pla~£:8~eer 30c phw/p JOt pb•/p 6Dt p)tw/p Newport Beacb City Hall, It ufil&tn ··· llJd ~ Ud stale 1119, la ttl* Re · 'tlirtJOr
5.46 Coa crete or Allpllalt wb.lcb Ume and placeanyandall B.utp. 25
26 ,.,
29 ,.,
" 33
" 37
L . F'.
L. F'.
F'anaisrh Prec eat, PrutreNed Concrete
Declt Uait. L=43'-IO'•
Erect Precllll, Preatre!leed Coacrete
Unit. L=27•-a w · & 29'-8~"
E:recl Prec .. t,. Prea tresaed Concrete
U11it, L=43'-10"'
Claa11 "A0' Concrete (Miaor Stn~ctnrea)
Clau ''A"' Coacrete (Brid!'ca)
Aar Reinforcia g Steel
Stn~cturaJ Steel (A-36)
Paint Stru ctn ral Steel
IB" R.C.P. (1~0)
Gravel Rlanlr:et
F'rt~me -.d Cover
Roclr: O.•nel Prot~ctioa.'fo Tou, \lethod R
Spread in!', Mechanical persoa.s interested may appear
Tampin!' or F'inis bia.!' and be beard thereon.
Machiae Ope,.tor 30f phw/p 30c-pbw/p 60t pbwf p Ray Y. Copelin, secretary
5.46 Heavy Duty Repa ir~nan 30f phw/p 30~ phw /p 60, pbw /p Ne_,...f Beach Citv 5.46 Tractor Operator (Bull· "'...-n• "1
dozer, Tamper, Scr•per Plawllng Commission
aad Push Tra ctor) 30~ phw/p 30~ phw/p 60(' phw/p PubUsb: Marcb 6, 196~, 1D
Group 6 the Newport Harbor Ensign
5.56 Coacrete Miu•r Operalor
{Pavia!' or \fobile) JOe-phw/p 30f pftw/p 6(}f pllw /p
5.56 CrubinB Plant
EnB ineer l(H pbw/p JOe-pktwf p 60< pbw /p NOTICE OF Pl/BUC HE•" 5.56 Motor Patrol Operator 1\A-
(Any Ty~ or Siu) JOe phw/p lOc-phw/p 60t phw /p lNG TO BE HELD BY THE
5.56 U n iv~rul E:qu ip~neat BOARD OF SUPERVLC)()RS OF
O~rator (Shovel, Backhoe, ORANG£ COUNTY, CAU...
D••oline, D~ni~k, F'ORNlA ON "FIRST R" Cla11!1 "B0' Concrete " • .:.-F'umish & lutall \tetal Ream Bridge A•il Clamllhell, or Crllne ) 30. phw/p 30. pbw/p 60~ phw/p VISED TURTLE ROCK P L~
'""'"'" _,.,.,. L ective M•y l,l968toApril30,1969) '"'P NT p (
1 Ti.,.. 2 T i~ttas 3 Tirnas
20 words or la.u ...... 1.50 2.:;1> 3.00
21 words to 30 words 2.00 100 ~-00
31 words to«) words ~00 ~.00 s.oo
Eoch word o.,.r .«) -d• .. .OS • 10 . 15
The fo~/i~Diag quan tities •re appro•irnat~ only, be-iog givea n 4.65 Driver of Dump Truck LAJ ME LAN CASE NO.
a bnis for th e comparisou o f bid11, &lld the Coucty of Qrau!'e (less than 4 yard!! ZC 68-52)'' PROPailNG THE 20, OFF FOR CASH WITH QRQER
does not, e .. pres11ly or by impli catioo , apee th 11 the acto a! water It-ve-l} 40f pbw /p 45t pllw/p 30~ phw/p AMENDMENT OF' TilE ZON-~~~~~~~=====r..;.~:=~~~~::..l III'IIOiln t of work will co n~111pond thert-with but re11erve!l the ri!'ht 4.68 Driver of Dump Truck lNG CODE
to increase or decrea!lt' th~ amount of any cla!5i& or portion of the (4 yard!!, but less than Pursua.ot to tbe P.la.Da.lng and
wo rt, or to omit portioo!' of th e work , 111 may be deemed neces-8 yards water level) 4(}f pbw/p 45f phw/p 3()f pllw/p zoning Law, asameoded,ootlce TRAN SPORTATION
ury or advisable-by the Eugio eer. 4.73 Driver of Du~np Truck is hereby giYen that a public SALE. 31000 bookl &t
The contrac t docnm en.l!l sh 111l consi11 t o l ;ioti ce to Co ntractorS, {8 yard!!, bat le!!tl lhaa h.earln~.,Ul be beld by the said 19« each DaU luak
Fom'l of Propo!lal, fom1 of Ap:reen<eot. Plans, Speci al Provi· 12 yard11 water level) 40c-pbw/p 45f phw/p l{}f phw/p ""6 sbop 0 _,0' .. Tyo--••o 4.81 Dri ver of Dump Track Board ol S..,Yi.sors oo I. eer-~ n1.11.11.1 !lioall , an d Standard Speci fi c•tiou, all of whi ch are ou file in (12 y•nls, but less lhan t:al.a Specitic Platl desigratad Hardware. 1,(XIt) itemL
the Office ol the Or11nge Couory Road Dep11 rtmeo1ud are hereby 16 y•rds water level) 40f pbw/p 45f phw/p lOf; pilw/p "FmST REVISED TURTLE U 8-2018, Eat&bllsbed referred to an d made a part hereof. 5.03 Driver of Dnmp Tfll ck
PI <lOs, Spf'ci al Pmvisioo~ anrl oth er con ttact document fo m•• (16 yard!!, but less !han ROCK PLANNED COMMUNITY 1919. Newpon Blvd. at
will be availahle for eurninatioo without charge. Copies o f all 25 yards water level) 40f pbw/p 45c-phw/p lOt phw /p DEVELOPMENT PLAN {Case 18tb, Costa ~!Sea&.
contract documf'tlls mav bf' 11ecu red at the Offi ce of the Or.oi!e 5.49 Dri ver of Dump Troclr: No. ZC 68-52)" Of SecUoD 78.-1------------1
County Road Department. ·WO West F:ighth Street. Sant11 Ana, (25 yards or ~no~ water 023 of Ute Codirted OrdloaQCA!s 1\I,OOIIIOI:.J(:S·ANONYJIOUS
Cali forn ia. level, Si11.Bie or Comb ina· of the County of Orange, so as I"
Plllllll, Speci al Provision' (not iod odiag Standard Specifi ca-tiott of vehicles ncladiDr; to change certaln resideotlal 54.2--7217. P. 0 . 'Boa 1228.
tioos or other doc:umt"nts included by refere:~~.ce) and propoaal llllsh or rubbish lru cb )40f pllw/p 45f pllw/p JOe fllw /p densities for a 210 acre~...... Costa MeiL
f b b · db · b.dd f 4.83 Driver of Road Oil _,..... Omltl may e 0 lAIII e y pro!!peCIJve I erS upon payment 0 I Within the 1090acteTurtJeRocJt [--,:-:----------
printing an d sen·ice d.arge in the amonu t of 15.00, wbicb amouat Spl'eader Truclt 40t phw/p 45f pbw/p ll}f plaw /p PlaoDed C BOOKS fOR s.ALE
shall not be refundable. All checlr:i!l s h•ll be made payable to 4.89 Dr ive r of Tranllit Mi• ommunity, k>cated '----------·---
D Truclt (Under l yards) 40f pbw /p 45f pbw/p lOc phw /p generally withlo tbe area east r Orange-County Trea11u rer bu t 11houlrl be mailed to the Roa eo 5.03 Driver of Tt~~esit Mi• r c I D I -~·of~. GREAT=-NBR£••" partment, 400 "'est Eighth Stre-et. S.at11 Ana, Califomia. 0 U Ver r Ve, IUIUJ uuGl-.r~ AA
Co pies of the Standard Specifica tion' may b< parc:haaed for Troclt (l yard a «mo~)40f: pbw/p 45f pllw/p lOf pbw f p ta Caoyoa Road aod south of -tbe S.eme Court ....._tiJe 4.71 Wa ter Track Driver UDI Gr'--11.58 tu included from th e Depsrtmeol of Publi c Work•, State ( d Vers.ity Drive. 1o the soutb r.lJ-by G. Edward .......... U11 er 2500 Ballo11a) 40f phw/p 45f pb/p 30f pllw /p 1rv ... of C11lifomia, or the Road Oepartrneat, Coa nty of Or.ange, 40() 4.83 W•ter TnJclt Driver 1ne Raacb area. (Fiftb Dis-Paperbaet.. .....
"''et!rt Eigh th Stte~t. San ta Ana, California. (2500 to 4000 81'\lotts) 40f pbw/p 45f pbw/p 30t pbw j p trtct, 1090 acres,) 1 0n1,,. ,_,
:'io hid will be considered oolells it is made oo a blank form 4.95 Water Truclt Dri ver Said publlc hearing on tbe I'
fumi,hed by the Counry Ro•d Comminiooer and i• m•de in •c-(.000 plloos or n:n:-) 401 pllw/p 45f pllw/p 30, rJa•/p aboYe prop.lSed pla.o wW be
co rd a.oc~ with th e provisiooll of the Saad•rd Speciricatio11a and (I) T 1 . , 1,_, " _ ~ 4 beld ill tbe Cbambers of the s · 1 p · · rne ttae 1• coaa ...._ -..... won:e .
PTh•o •Bo m,•"1'~11· . f .c C f O .o. To tb precedi•l ached•l• .. aliiM IMIH4 tlte fellewiq ,.,._ .. , Board of S'""isors La tbe . e a~ o ~perVI~r~ o uoe ounty o r.G8e reservea we for apptftUcealt.ip: Oranp COWII:y Admi.DJ.stratioD
nght to reJect any or all b1 ds. c_,..tera _ 1c ,.•/p BuiJdlnc. 515 North Sycamore
The bidder's atteoli on is directed to the proYi sions in Sectioa C~eat 11.-oaa -l~f ,.w/p Stre'* 1D SaMa .1.-Or•-
2 of the Staad•rd Specifirc•tion for the reqairemeots a.ad ODD• boa Wart•• _ If pltw/p -. ~ --
dilionll which he must obse!'Ve io the prep at~~tioe of the propoaal Operetl., E•F••---lf ,.w/p Couot1, Calit:lrDia, 00 lbe 19tb
lom• an d the submiuion of the bid. Apprnticaa • .,. M eapi•Jed la cealataity wltll Se¢tlo. 1777,5 d!a.J ol March, 1969, at tbe IIOar
Prvvisioas o f the Sate Contract Act are aot applicable, aad of "• Lallor Cotle ef die Sc. .. af Caii ....... L ot 9:30 O'clock A.M!t at wbic.b
100" Financing Avallabh:
Also Wt Carry
Our Own COntracts
20:16 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa
prollpective bidde~ will not be ~ired 10 be preqa.ali6ed. A~•ltl rl Ita time ud place a.u pu'IOGS
Emjloyer payment~ other th-. tho se itemiaed hereie, u de-~eri .. -.4 a.. .W. fl.YOriAc orqlpO«incsaJd f-----..,-------f 100. 111'11 Qft11
fiae in Seclion lii3. I of 1he Labor Code, are to he paid ia •c:-ne _,...uce rat• Ia ~ ,_~ ....... ol tlla .......,.. .... r••· plan wUl be belrd, ..... 0.. ~
WILL PA. Y ~ to $1,000 for
steilnraJ Grand plaDo, WrUe
P. 0 . llo1: l .. S, studio City,
Kimball crud plaao, S.B', OGIJ
$9BS; EsteycoosoleUe, waJout,
san oo this, now $443; other
used plaaos from $195,
Hammoa:l "8" w/TC,sacriftee
I! 11195; ased Hammood splaet
...... -$695; used
Lowrey w/A.O.C. 6 Leslie,
OalJ $587. Terrlflc SlYinp OD
stereo c:oosolesl
1!10'1 N. 1b1A, Sao1a AID.
Est. IOU
laClfiiMO. v ... ol .. _
·-.. oil .,... ol do-... ., ·-lfociai1J, -·· --···"',.. .... -----fill--''"· aJM. ,.,.m.._
cordance with the terms of the collective bari!•ini• a!reemeat SUd pU Pl'tiO''II' SIIC:b 'I'OLL -.---appl icable-to the type or clullification of the worktnen or C,.ft ,.,.,...., f.t lltfl Jrtl .... 5 .. , .. 7 .. ltft amendme:al ~ tM "-'-,....,._ .. _ SECRBTAilUL wcaJtt. --II
me chaaiCS etnployed on tbe rroject, Brickl.yera 6 ~~-~· 50 60 10 10 90 f5 -.. .......,._ • 0 ttr" ....., . ..xJ ..... Overti~ne , Suud•y~·a.nd llo iday~-DOl leSII thq otae n d 011~ Carpnte.. 6 lll•th 75 78 11 ... 17 90 93 95 1.1 oa ftJe lD tbe omc. ol: lM OIL ........ lillllrtll -~•If (I~) ti~nes th~ bnic hourly raae plu epplic•ble employer c..Hat .. _. 6 ~~-~• 75 19 U 17 91 95 eo..tJ Clerk ol tM Colrety ol wtD. .... r.1 M. tria or tIt! I W> dt caD p.-y~S~eot s. The hol iday !I npou whicb Auch ratee Mall he paid Elaetrlel-• 6 llloa~a 50 60 65 10 75 10 15 90 ()raap 'lrbere aid C:.W ..... --.... o.J1n: III'IWID ,........,., ... PI 1,11141M s~~a11 he an holiday~ reco!Uil:ed ia the collective buraiain
tr. worJterw 6111••• 11 at as • " vr pu ts atallabla • p!ll)ller-C:~~~:~~;-.;-·r:·;-~~·~~·~ .. ~~a~•~·~~;~l 1 .. ~ ... ~;~~~;~~~~ ;;;:e:r':.!n·~~t:br.l~o;;::: .t:'~.::;;:; .. "'"· ""'";",;" o• =~~f.'~:r'!."Jiz~• ".:ICJ":,•,: ~i:!: ·=~ ZGI> *' "' C.lllo , .. , ~-Ito! llCunutSiu-.
Cop ies of all col ective b•rB•iaiaA •ree•ea•• relatiac to llle .. ...-•• k leta .. cl-•ci ... Rc.t~M ef ,....__ 11109 • .. laMp ~ ua•prJIUHd. 1.-..
-rk •• aet forth ia the-aforemeatione Labor Code are 011 file 1M .tg -...._.........,. ......... S..U.. JTfl.l __ ,, • -' •
Md available for inap_ecrion in the officr. of the Depan.nt of ·~••., • 0 ·~ • · BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF IJI.e510 'I SR. at lrM Ill* Gl' IIOD
brdaatrial Relatloalll, Diviaioa of labor Statistic• •d Reaearcll. ef .. L.._ CHra. BY OI.D&a or fti.OAID or SUPEa¥1&0RS OF mtAJfG£ I. c:.ll ..,..., A&L l.
Aua•i• is directed to Sectioa 7-J.oiG of th .x .. dn s,.c~ SUPUYJIOII or OI.Aifu c~n• r' cotnn'Y CA1JFORJfJA~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~r~•!a!•~a~I-!L~I~~5~!-r.c.,, ... •110•idl .. lor ClllolooriiM!IIt of aooratic .. oe tll.e -rk. CAUroalffA • (SEAL} w. £. n .. seaL 'ILIIUI .-,-:-:::::-:-=-::=------
E•ef)' ... ..,.._dee •~•JI M paid •• atadan .... ,... ta .... Feluu.,. 11. 1969. c.o.tJ C'-'U!Ia,.ellldro eiUIIMia ~di:i.:=~·J.:!:~:-e:.;~~==~·, =::.1:.7J ~ a,]_~~=• Cla of tllt ...._ ~;O~P~PO;·~TUIII~;n;IS;;:= r.';k.f .. 4 f,.. ... Dir.c&or of tH O..n.•• ef 1.-.u1a1 a.t., ... ., "gg r •lew• .~,-~ • ...!!....Oti .. tj !":~".!!'. ,...._.,.., ...;
kt .. J .... wh le ta.. .W.la.l~i•a Officer ef •• Celllentla elONrltj. C:...S,, C...... --rei ...... & 2 5 re .....
-;-;, Coudl. !&ALl .._ ·-L ~-. ~I. Ol.t'll .... II ...... •-ta .....,.. __ • .s• .. P'!'tri.._. •' s.cu .. 1no •' .. L..., ~ -....,_,. -....-
c.. 11 .. s.-af Call,_lo, t1oo Be•• of ::ru:'oo'" of ....,. -J1orU f,l ... !!fll ... l~~~~:~=~=-.IIN~:~~~r:.:::. =-== J IS sol. = .;e.:1.~ ::=-:: .. -..::':~ ':i.l=«,.. •' P.WIM.t • ..,., B.t.r ......... .,_,. '•4 11• 1M n. • .,., ..._ a _ 5
• I
Available in beautiful
Cameo Highlands ...
Dd' IT litiS -DAY 10 SEE 'litiS GREAT 3
I!~ 2 lA 'III -E-s!E 'litE PRIVATE
Open House Sun day
1-5 p.m.
OLL US 10 SEE 'litiS
I RO.l.TOR ' l250 bit eo.st tti&ttw'Y eon.. ....... c.tifont~
...... 673.2222
location -Location
Li .. .., Bit c-o dol II• &oodl , 2 becllaooo,
2 boll -·: -,_., 01111 lllrd bod ...... o-
"' will lln•ct . Sl~ -·PirMtnL
PLUS-•• -....
f/t'TIO ~
fF •••••
PA T1(l; -1D this bome, DOt Z beautiful "pools" u
our ad mtstakenly stated last week.
p. a . palmer Incorporated
3317 Yio Liolo Oololo ).1-
-" looO -F-.... L .A.-coiii&A~ ••••••••••••••••••••
Corner Pool-Size Lot
Open Saturday
& Sunday 1 to Sp.m.
Well designed hom ~ vdtll tleavy shUe root.
4 Bedrooms, 3 Batbs -HUGE FAMILY ROOM
Only $45,500
Bay & Beach Realty IIIC. ., .....
2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M
lnUAlS-'nil ACIIIS
.ACICIUI I & I IBAJl ~ ,_ .. -...-,,..-
• Printe Patioa • Fir~placcs
• POOLS • • Hot~ P\inina Ginn
• Tennis
• $cpala&e f.,.ily Sc:ction
• 4.tli. 1o Sdtools .nd P laypc:Mlnd
M ho L-, Colli
..........,, .... C:....t .., ...... ,.~-... -"
-SQ. FT. ~ n'IOCTIII.U.LJ 900110 I~ ltUDT rta "FffP•TI OCCUPAJ«:"f.
BaT ~1'1011 ••• IIID-TOWII <DOIU.DCL IWl ww DOWII. aar m.ute~~~G <IIII.U.liiCE.
. -· RuL ISTATI -
UIS I . C.... ....... C.•• .. -
IHUIQ!Mf,III\K\.ift 0. C1W1
lXlQA ott. liAR, CAUf,
• Located in best Back Bay Area.
• Three bedrooms-two baths.
• All the advantages of count ry
living -with putting green, two
swimming pools. No owner main-
tenance. VACANT .
CALL lli. We have ma.ny Ustin~ of
llomes ln the Newport-Costa Mesa
area i.n all price ranges.
3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662
Corona del Mar, Calif .
•••••••••••••••• • ABANDONED FARMLAND
• (2 mtles from Valley Center in S. D. Couoty)
• 60 ACRES
• . 5.43-.5643
I . TOLL FREE,_ IIAil8CR AREAS ••••••••••••••••
ktlioblt Strvict Silt< t 194J
... RHitor
' 64U412
..... 67)..364
1730 w. Coo•• Hlwor H_,..._.,
cAfford theCJJest ...
then you can dwell in DCNCR SHORES.
NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ele·
gence of Baycresfs ''forever vrew'"
homes, the prestrge of Newport's
famous West BluH. and private beach-
es combine to make this THE place to
lrve. You may purchase an exquisite
eKisting Baycrest home, or you may
choose a "forever view" lot and Ivan
Wells & Sons, Inc. wlll design and
build a dream home just for you. If you
can afford the best ... see Beycreat ..
custom homes .
$74,1150 to $150,000
Br 1.-'W.U. ct Sctotu,IM.. o-Mtr hilftrw /.., U,...,...
~• at 1430 Gelaxt. DrtYe, ... nport
-· Phono (714) -1560 • O!>on dolly 10 ao a pm
.o.e.-tr~. ... ,. •• w .. .,J.H . ..,.,,s-taA.-.
za~~~~r.....,. ...
I'IIIIT S£C1101 - -1'111 I
llo\IIQt -
MuQiobo_llr_ diu. a -"tG<JclaUY-
._,. ud ••• DUISUIIU .-1o bo a -ld.---------,,...-w. 11M, -·-l>ltlodlrlll.l. , -~Wc•t11oboUICI,tllo-TodaJtllorol.luacU"Do-CWT.&••-.. o .ra• •TWM:O• .allc --llr IMI llllt-ot Fraaeo, A-leu ..,..,~, a.m,m ..,.,......,.,.,.
-•• ocean. Olbor-Locloo,uWoUu -orall'oola\~ -. IOCCO<dl>c lo tllo r-. Ill Fruee. Tboro are polio ud TIRI 101 are ~~~~ Ill flet ,.. doportmoata ol 11>o Amorlcaa
Oltrlelled; JOU could tteu bl 1&Dd. BIJ.ctwn,Spi.JD, WtJtGer. ... ~~~~ oo11 eut o11, pal out, Lt~~<>• 111 Gr .. Brltalll, Hot-I SPICIAL
-od IUid-,.... MDiorllJI maoy, Italy, larael, Paaama, · T'f~r~eHbe'-esan,.. ~~=: t:":~~~~~~":il FIRESTONE WIDE OVAL
ewt-baapr IJpu to ru>b $9 O~n • ....... , ...... c .......
PH. 646-flllt:o~&e ~•a -----~~
COWLIII --, Cf '
..... ..... u. c...-
• 1411 L C... ""'· ._.,_ .,. ...........
1741 5UI'EIIOR J.Vf.
Wld••7 b-2424
ORiolt H450
s•u 1942
lf )'CIU •a a •a•c:CWMr, or
bow. of a ftawCOtNr to
•a Harbof Aru who hu
Mil Haft wttCCIIMd, do
her • ra.or b)' c:•lli•a Ill>•
Harbor Viaitor Nt•••
I lnd 10 a .m., and lht
will call Oft )'a.r (riftd
•ith ululble inronnatic..1
.., aiha rrom rrindly
t.aincu 6'"'1 •hich
at-.cl ready tG help her
IMOOftll acqaairned wi~
her na• auno.ndiaaa.
Till ~~~~~~-'IUIT!III -HY4-tMI
.... _ ... -
RICHARD MILLER, broker with E. F. Hutton Co.,
newly elected Gold Shrine Club president, takes
over gavel from out-going President Gordon Martin, owner
of Four Seasons Mobile Estates, Costa Mesa. Mrs. Martin,
seated at right, watches the ceremony at the Newporter
Inn. Dick Sisemore, potentate of El Bekal Temple, installed
the newly elected officers and directors, who also include
Allen Klingensmith, !trst vice-president; Burdette Har-
rison, second vice-president; Earl King, third vice-presi-
dent; Marshall Rose, secretary-treasurer, and directors
Robert Connelly, James De Vine, Russell Ford, James
Grose, Daniel Murray and Burt Sewell.
dowD bere to Post 291 nell net Wbert'l'er IDd wbeoeYer Le ...
at tile lalelll, ud doa, •r ,.. ctollllalreo plhtr topther, tbe
weren't told &bout tt. Put tbls meettnc 1s opeDed wttb tbe same
money, or check (ao credit Ume.ballowed words .•• ''Far
cards pleue) 1JJto the tl»t utt1e God and Couatry we associate
baDds of Jobl:l UcHuP. S)'lYta ourselYes toptber for the foJ ...
Willey, or our Post Adjataat io'WlDU~tapOSes , • , ••
BIU Murray, but DO tr Before Tbose old-timers planDecl
March 17. better tban they knew a.t
• AFTER THAT • tbe Urn e.
Be sure &Dd ~me to tbe Post How &bod 1t1 Will ~., ... ~:.11
291 Wltal Le&ioo blrtbd&y all at the Lepoo u•
party aod st. Patrick's Day party dlnoer-daoee Sattaday,
dlnoer _ dance Saturday Yucb 15? 'Okay; c&ll Sylvia
y 15 Tbe .o1--' and mate your reserntioo u uch ' '""""er wW be of NOWI Cbt 1o TED that tradWoaal corned beef IDd er -·
cabbage. Tbe music tor danei.Dc
will be fllrnisbedbytbeJesters,
aDd the price ls only $S.50eacb
lor tho whole paetap lor tbe
eventng. However, there 11 ODI
h.ltch; we oeed JOID' reser-
mtoos befotebaod.AphooecaU
to our Post secretary SyiYla at
673-50'70 wUJ. put your oamea.ad
the number La your party on the
reservation uat. Try ptttDc Heritage awards given .-.-• your resenauon Ill by March
12 (Wedllesday). • • • MEETINGS. •
In hooor of American Herl-stam,s. Third place winDer,
tage morth, recognized during Nancy Hart, wtm uote "Dtft-
February, the Junior Ebell Club ded l.nherltance," received a
of Ne"PQrt Beach sponsored for book entitled "Tbls Dation."
the first time an American W1LLIAM STEWART
heritage essay contest through-OF C.M. DIES AT 80
American Legtoo 5th Al'•·
mee~ -March 9, Sao Ber-
oardloo Post 14. Call bere at
_..,..,.., the Post 291 omce tor deta.ll5
and dlrecUoos. Sylvlabastbem.
Post 291 AuxUiary regular
~ut the 8tbMgradeu~~lssesSeof thel William P. Stewart, 80, ol
. ~wport-esa uu ed boo 2060 Newport Blvd,, Costa _ __,
District. Mesa, died Feb. 2S, at Costa.
.. ---meetiog-March 10, MoDda.Jat
8 p.m. here at the Hall •
The theme, "Great American M·~sa Ml!m Jrial Chapel. Hens
PetSOilalities in our American a butcher for 21 years.
heritage," was chosen to es-0c 2 tabllsh in the student's mind the He was born t. 8, 1888, in Colorado, came to CaWornta role tbe individual citizenplays In 1940 and lived ln this area
in our Am>1tican heritage. since then.
All 3 prizes were won by stu-survivor s are his wli'e Lois;
dents of the Rea School, Costa a stepson, Robert Aldridge of Mesa. With the assistance of Tens; 2 stepdaughters, Ruth THE NEW community relations
principal Wendell Rice and Dutro and Gene Davis of Costa oftlcer of the Newport Beach
journalism teacher • Mrs. Jon Mesa· 2 daughters RethaJohD-pollee department is Edward Schoenfeld, 3 essays were • • selected to represent the stonandNellle Walker of Calif.; Cibbarelll, wbo came to tbls
hoo. Th A 1A __ , c a brother, Harry, Costa Mesa; uea trom New York wbile a
sc 1• e mer "-'U.!~Sm om-a sister Clara Wlnscoatte of Marine in 1961 Wben he was mittee, UDder the chairmanship ' ' f M.r Ja e M• wttb the Costa Mesa; 13 graodctllldren discbarged in 1965, be decided ~iihit!.~e mofsDor~~ Sheely, and 9 great-grandchildren. Soutbern Caillorniawastoonlce
Newport Beach Ubn.rta.o, Sentees were blld Feb. 11 to lean. He worUd lD 1..o1
selected the order ol wtme 5 at tbe Centnl Bible Church of Anples until 1967, wben be
Prius were presented ~ ~ Costa Mesa, with Pastor Henry j:liDed the pollee department in
taped television program by Jones ot.rlciating.lntermentwas Newport Beacb. HeaDdhiswUe,
at HarOOr Rest Cemetery under Pam, llve in HWJtJ.ogt.on Beach, ~~!: M:,~ Tht~ pr~~~!:ru:: the direcUon of Bell Broadway where Pam is a llbrarlan at
school students through the Mortuary, Golden West College.
clo:-:2~1r~~~~st.:,~ wasre-Merit finalists named
ceived by first place winner,
Post 291 regular m::mthly W-
sioess meeting --March 12,
Wednesday, at 8 p.m.
ADd the 29th District mee-
ting-March 14, Friday, Ana-
heim Post 72. • • • • SICK CALL.
Betty Boardman is out ot
the hospital and at !lOme recu-
iJeratlng. Her feet are still
In casts, however. I hope you
get out of those plaster house
sboes in time tor tbe st. Pat's
dallee, 8etl}'.
Post 291 contrlbutioo to Medi-
cal Seleoce, G. L Fernstrom,
bas been seen from time to time
about lbe prami.Ms. U 11 mar ..
nlous wrat a few radtoactiYe
isoblpes, a serum or two, plus
some Alemlte Z-7, STP, and
Bardlhl can do for a man. G.L
Is looking good tbese days; I
bope he stays on the road to
recover y be has been on the
past month. • • •
MArch 17, 1919, a tew Donna Keating, tor her essay The 4 Harbor Area high arsh.lp Corporation in Evanston,
"Three great women." Second schools have beenootifledofthe Illiools. Throughout the United
place winner, Cassette Crum-semi-finalists who have ad-State_s there a.re about 15,000
packer, whO wrote "A man for vanced to finalists in the 1968_ fina.lists. Th.ls total is only ~~;>0~11~~~~-~,...~~l~A:m~er~l~ca~,~":•:•s~a~w~ar~d~ed~l~t;O 69 Merit Program. They are: oJe-hal! of one percent of the worth of United States savings Estancia: Wendy E. Pope and graduating secondary school
Donald R. Rl.Ddall. seniors in the oaUon.
Corona del Mar : Lynn A. Car-
WWI G. L types caucussed in
Paris. Out of tba.t meeting the
American Legloo was formed.
Toe organlrauon grew aDd 1t
flourlsbtd far beyond tbe eJ.
SacreJ 9reasure Jlouse
112 E.o4T IBT., ST.
COSTA Ml!:aA. C A <..t,. •• 2627
B t e t..ES • EIOOKS • S.,CtltltD RtC:O tltDS • CAt110S
GtP'TS • C A NDI..ItS • F tt..M STPIF'I!!I lit F"L.AGa
Write for FREE
Brochure & Catalogue
derlo, RobertS. Dale, Geoffrey PRC»..)TIQoiS MADE
Graham, Jeffrey Jenkins, Kath-AT UC8 BRAHOt
rrn Lynch, Ellen Rose and Ro-Ronald L. Lamperts of Hun-
bert W!Uiam ;. tlngton Beach has been pro-
Newport Harbor: John L. rooted to assistaDt manager and
Carlton, Cynthia Forbes, Con-Ralph C. Allen nf East Bluff,
ole Osborn and Peter w. to assistant vice president and
Mesa: D-..tvld saul and
Robert sanders
Each finalist received a cer-
Uflcate of merit trom the presi-
dent of the National M,!rltSchol-
oommercia.lloa.o otncer at Ma-
riners office of United Cali-
fornia Ba.nk ln Newport Beach.
Mr. La.mperts earned a
bllche'or of arts degree from
PrlDclpla Ccllege and also has
completed specialized studies
a.t tbe American Institute ot
T•beleu 4 F Sftn Reel or White 0 · 77
A AJien, who previously served
In the bank's Los Anples Head-
quarters credit department,
j:lloed UCB 1n1962andnspro-
moted to assistant cashier three
I &73-8850 I years later.
Mr. Allen, a native of Topeka,
Kansas, moved to this area
early in Ufe and was graduated av•o • J.Jr• • r••• lrom Saata Alii Hlgl> School. He 1--~~~~~~~=--·--------~~~~=-~~~~~=-~~~~=--1 ~u ~~a~M~otuu degtee ill tlnance from we &Dd LIARD & Ill 1961 reeotved a master ol
Motor Hotel •114 Restaurant
Complete Gourmet Buffet Dinner
or Visit-31106 Coast Hwy., So . Lo.,no
..... ,. .. , ....
buslDess admLDistrattoo degree
trom WC. He lll'es at %907 :;;;;:•:1•::H:·L~,o~r::Ro~P~· :•v:•::':a .. :;:"•:P:·":r;h•S;E~RR1 c~~~~NN"~~foc~~"~"l~ YY'TftH;·~~y FINEST MEXICAN and AMERICAN CUISINE---------•
7 A.M.
Enjoy the warmth
and informol elegance
while dining amid
open fireplaces
and strolling troubadours
(Formerly Chef's Inn)
Under the personal direction
of-Alejandro (Alex) Maytorena
(Formerly 26 Years w ith Perino's)
Ray Oliphant of laguna Beach
(President of Wooden Shoe Restaurants)
lHURSDt.Y, W.Rot 6, 1969
Put Woltl, lSOO MatliDLil.,
Harbc:c Hi&']udl, a frtabmaa
at 0rutp COUll: COiltp, woo
Grit place ud a cub award ot
'150 at tho JOUIII mualelau
oollll"'"""' hold bJ lbo Oraap C-Muaieal Aria Cl .... Paul
won top booors D:lr his perfor-
m.uet ofllou.rt's bu&OOOCOD-
HI wW DDW be presented 1D
IOio CODCII't March Z! wUb two
otblr award wiDDers at a speclal
awards eeremoay at Saddlet-.cll:
Ht&b SebooL
Paull& a Cflduale of Newport
Harbor Higb. Our trag tlts3 years
. there he played basiOOD lD state
boDOr buldl aDd Southern call-IGN ADW
fornla boDor buds and orebes-Co~ ln a oatJoo-wlde
tru. LUt year be wuawarded coatest CQUOred by Readers
tbl Jobo Pbll.lp Sousa trophy for otcut. tbt DI.Yla-Brown Co. or
outstaadlng muslciao in . his Colta Ilea bas won one of the
clua. top boaol's Yltb a fULl page color
Tbe young busoolllst also ad publlsbed in the Ensign.
plays sax 1n the college dance PAUL WOLTZ Pa.rtoers Hup Davl.s and
bud, "the Riffs," tbe Orange a.od tuba wttb a local ODie-Chlsbolm Bro'R selected the
Coast College concert baDd and laod gro~, "Tbe happy juJ. Sylnnla-Frtpda.lre advertise-
orchestra. and the community baOO." Hls ambition 11 to mate meDl pWUsbed lD tbe Ensign's
sympbooy orchestra. He also music pertormaoce h1s we•s !Otb aDiliYersary issue of last
s:iAp wltb the Madllpls. work, both ln aolo and "wtth Aq. 15 as tbelr outstanding ad,
1n addWon to college music some large symphony or-aDd submitted it 1D tbeCrea.ttve
actlYitles, Paul plaJ'S bass SU:chestra." Retail Advertl.siog Awards con.
test. Tbe Readers Digest spon. Agenda for I sors tb1s eootesta.nnuallyin co-p anners ~t:·:~.:.~-~~lo~:;
The Pla.QQlog Commission of Vuiance request of P. A. Assn.
Newport Beach wm consider the Cassel, 403-405-40'2 Edge-They competed with other
following items at Us meeting water, B:Ubota, for reducttoo I.D dealers ttlrougbout. the Dation
in City Hall at 8 p.m. today, side yard requLred lo R-4 Dis-1D Category 2, ranging between
Much 6: trtct from 6,9 feet to 4 feet $300,000 IDd$1 millJolllnsales.
ModUlcation request of on the interior slde. A Michigan retail store was the
George w. Davidson, 2166 E. Use permlt reQuestofGeorge winDer 1n this category. The
Ocean Fl., Balboa, for a 2-story M. Holstein & Sons for a planDed Duis-BroYD Co. was singled
sincle family residence on a residential de¥elopmeot, out t>r special commeDdaUon.
This Is equivalent to !od place
rating In tbe oatlon, because hue distlncttve and effective
there were no other runner-physical appearance':!
'-" awards. 4. Is the adver'tlsemeot me-
A New Jersey firm woo first morable?
place In Category 1, wlllch lo-5. Does the advertisemeot
eludes firms below $300,000 1D sell tbe retailer?
annual sales, A Denver retailer
was first place 1D Category 3, Tne Da.vts-Brown entry,
wh.icb lncludes firms exceeo-Ung wblcb was designed and com-
$1 mUllan ln sales. posed by Don Rose, the Ensign's
Entries were judged by Ed-advertlsl..og and promotion dl-
ward M11ooey president of rector, ns printed In 2 colors
Hawthone Adv~rUstng Agency · and was divided equally between
Jack Adams editor of M.arf Sylvania a.nd Frigidaire.
Magazine ~ Richard Stla.m-Mr . Davis said he selected
broom ~ging director of the Ensign advertisement as the
Promo'tlons Plus Inc., a sub-entry tor the contest because it
sidlary of anadvertislogageocy presented outstanding products
that handles Volkswa~n Sony to a selective audience In a.
TV and Sylvania TV ac~unts. stralghtfo~wa.rd mann~r, with
They based their judging 00 attention compeLUng lllustra-
the following polnts: Uons and advertising copy.
1. Is the adver tisement ar-Mr . Davis and Mr . Brown
rest log'! and their wives attended the 24th
2, Does the advertisement annual convenlion of the Na-
have clarity? tiona! Awllance & Radio-TV 45-loot Jot, with 3-1 /2 feet be-Nort hblutf, cooslstlng of 84.35
tween the buUdlngs Instead of acres, east of Vista de10roll¥t
the required 6 feet. This Is the west of Ea.stbhdf Dr., East
first referral to the Planning Bluff.
Commission trom the recently Use permit request of Marl-
establlshed modifications com-ner's Church, oow meeting at
mJttee. Corona del Mu High Scbool,
"Know your ofticer"
Dealers Assn. last moot:h 1n
Tucson for the award presen-
tation. A plaque from Readers
Digest attests to their special
Use permit request of FiM lor use of the Coldwell-Ba.nter
Olsen and Robert Russ tor a-building at ZZOO E. Coast Hwy.,
meoding the use permit to allow Corona del Mar, tor a church
patrons to da.nce to recorded and Sunday school.
music at 810 E. Balboa Blvd.,
otftcer Mitchell Thompson,
28, bas been Y1tb tbe Newp.Jrt
Beach pollee department since
August, 1965. He is ctareotly
assigned to the evenlng ntcb 1D
the West N<nrpOrt area as a
patrol omcer. He r eceotly com-
pleted a year's asslgnmert as a STEVE WINSOR HAMED
TO CAL HONOR BAND VarlaDc:e request of c. L. tra.mc aecideot investigator.
Kirchner, 7310 W, Ocean ft., Steve WtOSIOr,sentor at New-He was bora in Betblebam, Pa.,
West Newport, for constructton port Harlxlr High School. has mO'Yed at IDJ' early age to the
of a 3-story d~leJ: where the been accepted as a member of Long Beach area, wbere he at-
ordlol.nce perm Us oo more than the oboe section of the 1968-69 tended scbooL He is oow ta.king
2 stories. All Southern California h.Jgh college units in the field of
Fl.nal map of Tract 6565, a school hooor band, sponsored liberal arts at Orange Coast
Donald L. Bren subdivision ot annually by the Southern Call-College.
28.21 acres divided into 92 lots tornia School Band andOrches-ln 1959 Mitch ):)iDed the Uto!.
1n ~r Harbor VIew Hills. tra Assoclattoo. ted states Air force and ns
Resubd.lyision 261, request-Steve wlll t. featured soloist auipd to tbe Stratepc Air
The Davis-Brown advertise-
m-?ot !rom the Ensign wiU be
included i.n the 1969 issue of
"100 Selected Advertise-
ments," an annual publication
of the trade relations depart-
ment of Readers Digest.
While at the convention, Mr,
Davis and Mr , Brown both par-
ti cipated ln pa.oel discussions or
dealer problems.
ed by tbe InlDe Co., for alter-at tbe uoaa.J. .,-inK coocert to Command Due 1n lJtUe Roet, IDCibo ___ ol-!lotsbe-al--111 .. Ar.._, uu_..,.., to
at 187lll¥t 18'27 Port Charles, School by the combl.nedorcbes-combat meuures aDd surviftl
Upper Harbor View HUls, to tral gro~s of the scbool oo techniques. Whlle in the mill-After his discharge, Mitch
prOTide the required minimum March 21. He will be heud lD tary, be received his first joined the Los Angeles police
The things we do for people ...
:llr~eiyar~~d~fo!r!:ca~bo~oa::str~oc!;tur~e~H.a~nd:;;el~"s:_'~'So::::oa:ta:.~N~o~ . ..:.l ..:lor:..~de=gr~ee~judoi.:!!:b~la~c:!k belt. He was department a.odservedthere for aod to lncrease the " booorably 2 years prior tocomlngtoNew.
port Bea.t h.
ul fl. J. (}an·eff ~
Save Up to 60%
111 SOFAS REG. S349
TO S195 HOW S1S9 TO S399 I
122 CHAIRS REG. S129
TO S299
33 Occasional Tables
REG. $59 TO $149 HOW S29 TO
REG. SSl TO S100 HOwS199S TO
44 Pictures & Mirrors
.,_It Jti tt ... \., .... .._ ........... . ..... ttlla&YD.
OOftl -· c:AUr • •
~---· .......
646 0275
Milch lives in the Newport
area and hls tnterezts vary from
h.ildng to fiying. He currently
holds a private Oying license
with over 100 bours flying time
and is studying for his instru-
ment, commercial and heli-
cooter ratln;rs,
fictitious Firm ~arne
nereiJy certLJ"y that they are co n-
ducting a General religious
merchandise .II general mer-
cbandtsioll: business at 2955
Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa,
California, under the rictitlous
firm name of The Scrolls and
that said firm is composed of the
followin g persons whose names
In full and places of residence
are as follows, to-wit:
James Simak.is, 143 Melody
Lane, Costa Mesa, CaUlornia.
and Athena Slmalds,143Melody
Lane, Costa Mesa, California.
WITNESS our hands this 1st
day of February, 1969.
James Slm Uis
Athena Slmails
On trlis 1st day of February,
1969, before me, a Notary
Public 1D and for said county and
state, residing ther eln, duly
commissioned and sworn. per-
sonally appeared James Slma-
kls aJ¥t Athena Slmaiis known to
me to be tl'te persons whOse
names are subscribed to the
within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to m@ that they executed
tt.e same.
WITNESS my hand aod
otftclal seal.
A. C, Petltte
Notary Public in and for sa.id
C(Mdy aDd State.
My Commlssion ezplres
llu'cb !6, 1969.
Publlsb: Ftb. lS, ZO, Z1, lta.rcb
I, 1919. lD the Newport Harbor
.: ..... ... _. .__,...., __ ..
260 Ocean Avenue
laguna Beach. California
Telephone: 494·754 1
Laguna N1guet 3 Monarch Bay Plaza
Telephone: 499·1840 • 496·1201
~n C~mente: 601 N. El Cam1no Real
T elephor"!e: 492·1195
with pleasure ! like pro viding frPe packets
of poppy seeds to h elp beautify our commun·
ilies -and celebrate the 200th ann iversaq • of
California's first Mission. The poppies -desig-
nate d o ur State 's official flo w e r 1n 1903, a re
being p lanted by 'o ur children in schools and
el:;ewhere throughout the county.
The largest. .. first. .. strongest mdepend ~
en! Fed eral in O range County. Laguna Fed eral
Sa vings has w o rked for mo re than a third-
century to improve o ur comm unities, w hde
providing funds for h ome buildmg. and high-
Income savmgs plans.
Three offices to serve Orange County
.Onf' of which IS les s than a hal f-hou r from
where you live or .,.,•o rk 1f you investigate
Laguna Federal Savings. you ·n invesl in
Laguna Federal Savings.
., n11 tAn 1. A. TOaiiY
....... ~ ... , •· .. .. .. 0 I .. ...., ..._.
NP'ftn ltM.I Tat ...................
no a
• sa fOt1&'JB PLAca,. deal with u. clifficult7 ,...,._.,._
.0. llllll lte ~ ....... J'OU fbld a dilfkuiQ', DO !Mttel' t-
C& hh .. b.w iBeurmou:Dtable it ~ n fint Iicht-"' ., ~ a.... fouDd ju.t MM:b clifflculti-.
NEWPORT HAR80R ENSIGII lMUMDAV, IPARCH 6, 1!161 --r.;;;ti ..... .. 1· ..... n
. ......
..,._ Ma ia a F-..,. F-"-Dan. 3
u --hi-
"TI11 sto·tt of tilt" l.orCJ is with tJu.m that fntr him ;
slinv tlrntt his rot·t'na1l t" (Psa. 25 :14). aM h~ tuill
IN 'lid 8&'VItNTII PLACE. deal with the diffkulty pr-ayer-
~:;W Oible ~r .. oa!l 011 GnH•IIis, et:~titled "Ia lllr: Bejj••i•l•
f:oii,. ""''~ .. nu"' b1 Or. jamu [. lkuH for"" O.rhti•
Be --=on , C:olli n''"""o' N.J ., ••I illn• rl"Prialrd wi1tl pe,.iellioa
,_, ~,. Rf'ilf'Otl
It ill .ampl7 wooderful how dilfiCUltia W..Wve when one looU Th~ sneral chaptf'rs in Gen-
esis that contain the history of
J o<>eph are among the most read-
aiM and interesting of any in
the Bible. It is better than the
~st !;~.iry story lteeause it i<>
true. The lives of other BiblicaJ
characters are marred by ~riou s
mistake s. selfishness, cow·
ardice and disheartening human
lapses from faith in and fidelity
tQwarrl Crxl, hut, in the recorrled
life o f Joseph, there are none
of !host things, but the story
is full of tht love and mtrcy and
power of God, extrcistd for and
through thi s remarkable man,
who was wise, patitnt, coura·
gtnus, confident , true, honest, and
always trusting his Lord, no
matter what calamity befe:ll him.
He is thus ev iden tly a type of
Jesu<> Christ. The history of
Joseph also shows most clearly
how God makes even tht errors
of sinful men work for His glory
and the ful fillment of His plans
and purposes. God gtt.s the
glory, and the si nful men are
sometimes convicted and cnn·
ve rted .
et tbel Clll hM lmea. Not only doet God open our eyes in uwwer to ....,._.to t.hokl wonderful thinp out of Hil t.w, but He abo opens
o.. .,._ &o 1oo& ltrai&ht throuah • diffic:ulty thllt be-fono we prayed
-.1 impenet.n.bk. One JrMI ~ why many modern BibJe
~ haYe 1e&rDed to be destrurtive critics is becauw tm-y h.vt-
.. .,.... bow to pny.
liT C'OtiMIUUI a. HAM ......
........ _. IOOITT
OIKAeO. ltUIIIOtl .o6U
It! lht• foott! [,,.,,,.I !tt<orol• !lu
IJ•ttl J•·••" I,,,., •d• '' «• liottt" II
...... , •·tJfh" '"'''. d' ''" ...... "'
tll)ll flu• lotio t• 1,,, .. ,1 "I""' ·'
l.ait.V..tjtt" 111 II,HtiO I' 1"''1''"'' "'
..... "It """""'"" ·""' to::l•·• \ ·"''' ·'
"!~'" tloo tllt<otu u l II" I(I<UI "'"'
'" '"' • II"" "rll I•· K"l ltt•o• tl "II '"'
I '" •'' II looro· I It""'' (Kt•• :,.}!) t I
lu••''""' ~~~ II'''" '""'' ''"' ~oil•• 1·,1
"PI"';ttt•ol,, II" ""' ••I "''"' rlt.,,
I '"' ~"'II' I""' '" • I to.
\lodll ""' , ..... ·'"·" ·"'"
"'"' !<"11!1 ...... "' '""' 'I''··~· .. r "'" I "'" • ,,,.,, .ono! 'I" ,, '"
'""' < ,f II~• ul < rt•trlo,o•tl• ' I lo, 1 Lllo
"" ._,,11 .,j '"·"I "' rlr• ,, ''" "'" ,,•
lfl~tt tth-toltlu • llun ·" ''" "f'" .,.,,.;a,,.,."' ttldnl t"'l "' ~·"',,,I
II " ~' "•I> ool "'·'" II 1.11 ! lo
"'tlf t\'11(" ~· ........ )( ui !h• "''thl ·"
lrl.!ll)l <of l.tlo)l• ~· "I h~H ..,., "
01111"\t' II " ~~"' ~· "'" .,f '"•"'
lh;u !It· ,.,11 l'"ll(o tltt "d'""" I""
hrfurt• 11 .. l tltl(o!"nt ''''II''
"\\ hl"lt lht• "'•to ... "'~" ·h~ll
cnrnc "' Ill~ 1(11111 ~"" ~11 rho h .. h
011n~·l.• wuh lltttt
lutt lt,ollt '""'""'H'tl ,til puiJ{nu·tot
'""" ''" '"" , ...... , ... Itt• """
'''" <•I "'·"' I foohu ·, '!'!.'.!.J t •
''"' l1 '''"' <ottlol '"'' loo· olw"
lint 1 ~ '' ,f ~11 t1 " ~~ ""' ul "'·'"
llt.tt ""'I'"'' "'l"'""'"t•·•! '" dl (.~1
'·''' 1'·"'"11 '"' , ..... ~11\ ''" "'" "'"'
11,,,, 11, ""•"' dc•lo 1o·t ~~~ rr ... n 11u
I""IC'"' ul to Ul-ffl<' ·~,., 1lu ""' "'
I tl.tt' I ·"' ,.. If• •H•· I~" hk .1
'·"'"'"' ''" rn~•n ·-(\fark Ill H ) Itt
'·""'! "P '" prnd:.im thl' lil:l~•l .,,.,..,
'"·'' lloo• ·n·llt \ll"'lilltlor h~<l If"""
llom..,·H ··~ r .. tt..-.m fm \1.1." (I
I"" '!tO)
ln previous lessons, wt have
learned how Jo~'s brothers
hated him because of his honesty,
and the fact that Jacob favored
him above his other sons, and
ho w they tried to eliminate Jo·
~ph from the family by contriv-
mg secretly to se ll him as a slave
to a caravan that would carry him
to far-away Egypt, with no hope
of his return, as they thought.
FACING UP TO FACTS Jacob mourned him as having
~n torn by wild beasts and had
P011ul'1 Epurlo· t•• tho· M.••llliltn,
C':haptf'nt I 0111101 '1.. )lro·.,·m ~ ,,,., ~
pktui'C' •14 thfo hum"" rll<l'. hut ~~
lntno·""IF 1hco huh 1hr• fl•wrot
ll!nd ,·uu hau· illkt'll 111,· hot Jt•"l'
10 •hatio~n. ft} l"lilllllr ,..,, 'ltrinl
fnom facin• up '" ""' Jut\, "'" ,..,..
•A" hrutor utf If '"'" 1k1
It • M•n hill f'llt"h irt<HC:itiiUII• nf
nllkTr. •nd hi• pfn-.ki•n ktTpt the·
l,.fh fmm him, ttk-p;at iMII •·11!
dW ol a.ncn. A ..,ad •nc.l .,i_. ph1
.Un wJ II .ay: Ynu t\lt"c anf"r l :otul
w """"hi tlo •lftM'thinw •""'" it
WktMJ\IIt dd•J'·"
TltYJ Cod. ht H .. Wont, trlft 111
,..., md.Jf .t..r ocrr ... , .. , mn.
............ ., .. -~ -'""" lr
T'hit " ...... --phl...,.id
.., • ..... dMit lind -. w-. ,, , ........... ~ w
........... ~ "11M!r ,. ... liM ... _~ .... ., ..... _...,.
•esc 9 3 3 a "" .... wtc · _ .. ,. ........ ., ......
I h11' htt"'~" ph ii(O!Wiph~t•• ,.IJ, I
o;~lutiou frun1 ~in .:.nol '"
JM'nlllll, Onl\ "lhl' ~<t!J"'I "' II<• ''"'
,,. , no expectation of ewr seeing
him apin on this earth. Then
jostph, who wu pnly 17 ~an
old when sold by his brotheTS.
bec::anu! the slave of Potiphar,
captain of the cuard under
Pharaoh in £cypt. He was the
only Hebre" in Errpt. There
wen no people then: who undtr·
atood or talked his bneuage and
he had aery human reason to
crumble. complain, murmur,
gripe. and awear veneeance on
his brother> and bui?d up in his
btart a rrut bi....,..., but he
did oot I He ..... heud from
home and had no !mowJedce of
what was coirig on there, and he
hod e-, -Po be t.o-idc andblue,~.~·.,..s, dis~M&rteaod, and diJCOD·
t"""', bot be was not I
If.'"" nf C1H/" <1•.._.,. tlurt.
I h..-Ril•l~ •yt nf th1• .,·hot.-ltu
'"~" nu: "AJI ""'"' ,,;,,,,.,r· tRo•m
1.:n}. :.no! '" l':oth imli• it tout
"l'lm11 rt•l "'"''"'l"'blr" 1 Rmn. 'J: I 1
~till "lf'r hlff"' "'""rtJIIIOH 1/utJIIfh
"" hlflfHI, th" ,,,n ... .,.-u .. , Jlrt •.
''"''""'~ /o ''" r~lt,. "' lfiJ .,,.,., ..
(P.ph. l :i}.
Tnt• in f':ln111 b •lulit.n •fl41
yuu h•'" MttptM Geld•• p;rnt ~
•R" tu 1tw ttrortd. Ttwtti, • tot'
<uniiMI.-r ,,.., ""' .... •nd ""
ped.afl, Elw f.tMI!at 5o I~ 11.-Jin&.
,_ •lll .., wkll fawclt't:
._E ....... Eo .... IIIII <niWI'rlAtl••l-.
AN. whne h&t !ftc .. 1\-e I Nil:
.................... llw -·t~Mnt ..... Of ... _ .... c ......
JOIIIPif PIOSfDID 1_, ... -.... _, "'
11111 ol -_, --ucl
universal human ft-elings, and the
record says. ''The I .Of"d was with
Jo~eph. :md he wa -. a prosperous
man." "Prospe-rity" in God's
dictiona ry is doing cheerfully
and t:fficient\y that which God
gives to bt: done, whe1her it is
ag-reeable or disagreeable, hard
or easy, popular or unpopular.
So Potiphar "made him overseer
over his house, and all that he
had he put into his hand," be-
cause Potiphar "saw that the
Lurd was with him" (Matt. 5;
?6). And "th< l..o.d b?esS<d
the Egyptian's house for Josq~h's
sake." The tttord also says,
"And Joseph was a goodly per·
son, and well favou red." That
means that he was handsome an1l
attractive as well as highly intel·
ligent and complett:ly trustwor-
thy. He must have had many
evil temptations. And we know
t ha i Potiphar's wife ''cast her
eyes upon J oseph " and tried to
sedua: him, but Joseph said to
her, "How then can I do th is
great widcedness, and ain against
God?" She persisted day by
day, and when he rl':mained
adamant, she lied about him and.
had her husband put Joseph in
jail. Ht had no trial, no mercy,
and no justice, and yet he W'U
not bitter and did not ask, "Why
has God permitted this to hap-
pen to me?" This, however, is
what God righdy calls "prosper-
"But the Lord was with J o-
seph, and shewed him mercy, and
gave him favour in the sight o(
the kttper of the prision . And
the keeper of the prison com-
mitted to Joseph's hand all the
prisonen that were in the priton:
... btc:aute tht lord w:u with
him and that which M did. the
Lord made it to prosper:• His
perJOnaljty dominated the jail
as he daily "alked with his Lord.
WhiP< be wu bodily eonJio<d to
the bounds and routine or the:
prison, yet he wu free in the
hirhat tm~e, bec:au~e hQ bean
and mind wue not bound to the
thinp ol the -. but be .....
cheerftd Krnllt ol the Moot Hiob
God wbo -lailocl Po ....ala and ......,,.... him Ia wbateftr
ttate he bmcl ti= • to be.
them to this prison, and Joseph
was cha rged with their custody.
Dreams that Jostph had while
he was home as a boy had made
him endltss trouble and hall
helped to embitter his brothers
ap.inst him. Now the butler
and bakcor each "dreamed a
dream," and "Joseph came in
unto them in the :norning, and
looked upon them, and behold,
they weTI': sad." So he ask a!,
"WherefoTI': look ye so sadly
today?" They said that thev
had t:ach had a drcoam and could
find no one to interpret it. The
dreams were so strange that they
believed they must havt a mean-
ing. J oseph said, "Do not inter-
pretations ht'!ong to God? tell
me them. I pray you." l-Ie was
thu.s plainly telling them thar,
wh1le he could not interpret their
dreams, ycot he knew that GcN1
could do so. We have no evi-
dence that ~od had ever given
Joseph any mterpretation of his
two dreams about the sheaves
and the stars bowing to his sheaf
and star. And tht:re is no rec·
ord that he had any personal
curiosity as to thei r meaning.
Yet he hel ie\'t>d that \.od coulcl
interpret them. jesus never per·
formC'd any miracle to help Him-
self, but He performed many to
help . othe:s .. So Joseph also put
all h1s fa1th m God's purpose to
he worked out ancl made man-
ifnt in His own time.
The chief butler's dream was
short. Ht saw a vint with three
branch... It bndded and bios:
somed and bore ripe grapes
which be pressed into Pharaoh's
cup for him to drink. Joseph
wd that the drnm meant that,
after three days, tht king would
release him from prison and rc-
ltore him to his oki positioo of
kr"Yioe and tnut. This wu a
fine prospect and Joseph uked
him to speak to Pharaoh ''and
bring me out of this hou~."
TbeD he: ga:n a bit of his story.
"For inde-ed T was stolen away
out of the· land of the Htb..,..:
and ~ abo ba" I done notb: inc that they ohoald put me into
the duneum-" h is interdt.i.nc' to
note that •ben this inttt preta·
tion ol the but?er'o dream ptOftd
to be cotl'O<l, the butl<r f.,....
aP? aboo: apeolcinc to Pbanioh olloutJ_,.Ior • ._ lal ,...._.
Gnuil .. lo ..... --iotic: .,_ ........ Po dtlodq •
The baloer, heine """"""~« !'r ?lria ..._...., of dso ""''
l<r'l "'-and -~
some simila rities to his own
dream, said to Joseph, "I al.iO
was in my drea m, and, ~hold, I
had th reco white baskets on nw
head ; and in the uppermoSt
lrasket there was all manner of
1J.1.kt:meats for Pharaoh; and the
birds did ea t them out of the
basket upon my head." I sup-
pose he looked hopefully upon
.Joseph, t'Xpttting a good repol't,
hut, while the three baskets were
th ree days, just like the meaninl{
of the three branches on the vine,
the rest of the dream w3! en-
tirely diffcorent. Afttr three days
he was to be relt:ased from the
prison, but , instead of restoring
him to his former position, he
would be hanged on a trte, and
"the birds shall eat thy Aesh from
off thee." This was a very un-
happy prospC""Ct, but it was ac-
curate, for, on the third day, the
binhday of the king, he celebratt:rl
by freeing the butler and hang·
in$' the baker. "Yet did not the
ch1ef butler remember Joscoph,
but forgot him."
) oseph spent J 3 years as a
slave in Potiphar's house and in
the prison, and, as we look at
his life story today, we can S«
how the Lord , during these long
.and lonely yean, was disciplinilt(
(training) Jostph to "endure
hardness as a good solditr," and
fitting him for a useful future
or which JOKph rould not have
had the remotest idea. God's
-ways are put find ing out (Rom.
21 :33). Job had the same
thought when M expbined to
Bildad that God ''dodh great
things put findinc out; yea, and
wonden without number" (Job
9 :10). The University of Ad-
versity is God•a favorite institu·
tion from which H is best sen-ants
and witnesees are pduated, so
that they can accomplish His full
purpose on this earth. "He that
spared not his 011m Son, but
deliftred him up for us all. how
shaP? h< not with him a?oo Indy fi¥< us all thillfl" (Rom. 8 :32).
There are many honor scudcntt
in God's un.ivenity, '"For whom.
the 1.onf :O.etlo, "' dwtmeth,
and ecoar,nh e:Yt:ry .,. wbom
he r...;m~>• (Heb. 12:6).
Bat the nortalily in thla arri-
-..nity ioo _, ....... for -human beiqp do not lilco God's
fa1"0rite toah of~
and raaluiot-. n., -the "liM ....... lila" ol ....... ucl
Rlf.JN 'r •• widwwt fo11owi1w God'tplaaolllrlct ... _
training through tribulations that
produce patience, and opposition~
that deyelop strt:ngth of fa ith
and willingness to trust all things
to God. The test that God
makes today is faith in and obe·
dience to Jesus Christ, God'"
Son, who said, "I am come that
thcoy might have life, and that
they might have it more abun·
dantly'' (john 10 :10). But, mo!lt
unfortunately, men and womt-n
today have ~n taught that they
have inalienable rights to ''life,
liberty, and the pursuit of hap-
pinl':5s" without obedience to God
or faith in Jesus Christ, and j()
W"l': have very few ''Jo"e:phs" to·
day, and such as we havt are
c~lt'"d "old fogies" and imprac-
ti cable and unrealistic. But
God's truth is that Christians
have no "rights'' but immense
•·r~s~o,.sibiJitiu" to be alway!
following His will.
If you had been in Joseph's
place, would you have tried to
appeaSI': Potiphar's wife? Would
you h•ve told the baker the truth
ahout his drtam? Or would
you have told him a "white lie"
to spart his ftclings ? How are
you progressing in the "Uni-
versity of Adversity''? Do you
endure hard discipline V. our
Lord? Do you S«k to futfill
your responsibilities, or do you
try .to d_odge them? Are ~
seeking nghts or rrsponsibiliba?
How do you take tM di.OpliM
of our Lord ? Do you ac.u:pt
discipline aa necessary and bene-
ficial training for God '• work :
or do you resent and resiJt ad-
versities ? Have you IICC:IC'pl:ed
]~sus as your S.Yiour? Are
you hid with Him in God? A"
you sand and on ~r way to
be en!ted Mth Hom1
My tilflft •re In ttl.! ""oh'Y Mlftd
ThAI formed the ••tth, tht moon M'ICI ,,.,,;
Ttl.! '""ew•IHI ()( • ..,,. I'I.Noven
--'· Aftd fOI" lh. ...... dool~ ..,.,. '-"
Why lho..t'd I '-•' wh.1 ,._, un do
Whrto'l tn that HM>Ct I re1t MCUr.1 '
In fife, Of duth, 'twill MM "'f -""-"' I ...._. th.lt..-, .,., • ..t -..
My rime• -lfl '"W' Fett.·. "-ct
Jok.w CQr.lld I <tiHah or M for ~
For He who, h. my ~.., ..........
Will .-. ,_, Uti mr JowmeV'• o'er,
1/tf t!Mts .-. Wt '"Y ~~ ~
N4il....,c.d ~ tht u-. ,_ ~
lvwJ .... w+ff IMCf '"' ,. ..,.. '-"
WIWore t with Him th.ll -M .
-~'" "· ,.,. ..... • ...... .., "-lfOLA IIOAICAJTW•
rill IN APAIITII .. T AT MLIOA lAY a.ua --. ... -..... -. "*'., , 11. r• a, 1:11111 ...... lfttJ ........... ...,C», __ ... __ ............. = -----"-........... . ... dol ... 't, Tltl In
....... J a ........ -... IIIII.--.... I:MGifll ...... . ...,......, ....... ..
It ... ooo -tlllll ...... lad ft,OOOID-o
cun01 MAlE
C.oytJIJ ,.U.. flf ........ • A I .... ........ _ ... .....,
CelfwfNe Mfm h
• c • ., .... u.
!If e. fbu Lef1
--. ~ -...
S.ta Ana l:.. ~ ..
Z2D2 S. MAll 5t5 Ntt
Sealed propaul• will be ,.,eaiw•d at dae Oflic:e of dte Clelfr
ol iu Board of S.pervt-ar• of the Cau.ty of O ni.11~ S•ta A.,
Calllorai' 011 or before Mo11dwy, the 17lb diiJ' aiM~ 1969 at
2::00 P. M. o"c:lod.:, at wb.idr. thu thy ..til be paWiciy ap~•d
•d rud ia the Olfi:Ci!! of the Cl erlt of the Ba•d af S.p~aa,.._
Raofll !.01, Coaaty Atbini•tratio11 O..lldi.as. Sl51'ia .. S,c:-r..
S•t• ~ .. Cal ilo111 i ' lor coa•ttllc tils altJ ... w.,-Ia accard•ee
with tbe pi•• -.d apeci fi eatioa.• therelor, to wlaic::t. aped ill,.~
erftlc:e I• made a• "llowa:
Ia the Couty of Or-.le, ou J-boree Boale••rd betw•ftl
M a~:Anhar Boulevard .-d Mlli.a Sueet.
Rids •r!' rrqu ired lor the eatirf' work a.11 de.11cribed here ia:
hom No. 0110nflty
t 6,500 L. r.
2 47 L. r.
3 50 L.F.
4 91 5 L.r.
5 2,D> S. Y.
6 1 Ea.'
7 L.S.
8 I, 100 M. Cal
9 X),IOO C.Y.
ll .. .. •• 17
•• "' 21
" " 2•
"'·""' 19.500
" 21
·~""" ...
'"' 1,045
Bbl •
~Y .
L. F'. L.r.
L.F. c.r.
En9l_, •• E.,,_,. o •• c,/ .. 1/-•' Wo ...
Remo n Roadw!ly Stripi•s
Rem o.,e 18" & 24"0 CMP
Re\ucatr 18" 04P
Cro•illrris•tioo Pipe i.o Pl•c::e
Remove EdaliajJ Pa"fti'I~St
AdJa•t Maa.bole to Grade
Clearine: & GNbhlag
Forai~ & Apply Water
Roadwar Eacantioa (ladadias dilch
Compact Ori,Paal Gtt>tul d
fiaiab Roadway
AIJ!f'll«•te Sabbaae
Asr«ate (CTB)
Pon.laa d Cem •t ( CTB)
Mi'l:ing C-.•t l're•ted Bue
Llqaid Aapbalt MC 2M (Carla« Seal CTB1
Aaph•llic Eno~~.leiaa (P-.iat Blader 6 Fa«
A"Pilalt C.c:n:te
Plac:iaa A. C. {Miac. Ar-eaa)
t.let Type OS (Sta 11+80}
Juc::tio. Suac•re (Sta 10+42)
}11.aelioa SUac:wre (Sta 78+25}
Bar Reia.,rciaiJ Steel (Carb Dowel•)
18'• RCP ( 13.50--D)
18" RCP {1~0) Uadadia« Collar)
24"" RCP { l~D)
Cia•• "B"" Coac:rete (Corb & Caner,
Mecli• P•wias)
hroiab. & lutall C..ide & Cal•en
29 40 F.a. Place Trol&e !ip•
30 I F.a. Type A Sarvey Moaomeet
31 4 Ea. Timber Bantc•de.
'The foreFia s quaotitiu •re ilpprodrute oaly, bei1111 IJi"ea. ••
a basi• for the campariiiOa or bida, ed the Coury of 0f'IIDIJil
doe• 1101, eapre••ly or by in1pliCill.iGC1, •p-ee t.b•t the a ~:taal
•moaat of work will co"e•pond therewith bat reaenea the risbt
1o iacre••e or dr:cre••e the lllliiOOat of u y claaa or partioa of the
wo rk, or to o111it partioaa of die wort, •• ,..,. be deened aec::ea-
U'"f or •d'liaab\e by th e F.a,Pneer.
The Q011tf'll cl doCDrneDt• shall caa ai•t of NaUer: to Collt,..c::tor•,
fo11n ol Prupa .. l, Form ol Ar-ermeot, Piau•, Speciill Pro-ri·
•iooa, m d Slaudatd Spedficatioaa, all a f whida •re 011 &ie ia
the Offi.c::e of llle Oru11e Couoty Ro ad Oepattmellt .... dare hereby
refern:d to .... d m•de a part bereof.
PIMa, Special Pra-rieioa• ed odler c:o•U.ct doauaeat lam~•
will be iiVililable Jar uamlo•tioo widtoat dlar~Je. Copie• of •II
eoat,..ct docameta'-ruy be -cand at doe Qffi.ee af the Or.a«e
Canty Ro•d Oep•t1meat, 400 Wut E:i«ffch Street, Snta A.a.,
Califon~i •.
p)..,a, Special Provt•ion (ool iadadi1111 Staa.dard Speciftca-
tioa• or other doc::amt:~~ta ia d 11.ded by refereec::e) au.d propo••l
fo1111• ,.,.y be obtaiaed by pro•pecti .,e bidder• apoA paymf:lll of •
prialio1 a.od aervice charse i11 dte iiiDoant af 15.00, whid. anooaat
MtaJI not be refuad.ble. Ali chedt:• ahall be rude payable to
Oraa8e Coaaty Trenarer bot ahoald be •ailed lo die Ro•d Oe-
pulrneat, 400 We•t Eighth Sueet, Snta Aaa, Calilonaia.
Capiea of the Staadard Sped6c::atio11• raay be pardland Jar
11 .58 taJ. ludaded !rom the Oepartnacrat of p.blic Worita, Statf'
o f Califorala, or the Road Depattmeat, Couty of Onaae. 400
Wut EIP,io Sueet, S.ata A .. , Califorai•.
Na bid •Ill be c:ouldered nle.a it i• made 011 a hl•k iomo
furalahed by the Coa11ty Road Coruolaaioaer ud i• ailde ia ac-
eanlac::e .n• the pro'ri•lau ol dt.e Staadatd Speci6utina• aad
Sp•dal Prariaiou.
ne Baatd of Saper-riaora of die co .. ry ar Oraal!e re•et"Y• tile
riP, I to r•ject •J ar all bids.
1\e bidder'• •Uadoa i• directed In •e prori•iou i• Sectio11
2 af lt.e Staocfard Sped fl e•da .. lor die reqaire.au .. d coo-
ditla11• wt.h:il he ••at obee"t Ia Ike preparatlaa or die propa-1
.,,.. -d Ike •• t>.t .. laa or •• bid.
Prorialoe.• af tha St..te C.U.cl Act are aat applicable, ....
proap.cthe bidd•ra will aot k reqalred to he preqaaJIIl.d.
E•'/loyer p•ymeata otller Ill• U.aae ite•iaed .. ereia, aa de--
fiae ia Secti011 1773.1 of &i.e l.hor Code, are ta be paid ia IK"
cordaaee with tile lel'ftla of U.e c:ollec:tiYI' bar1ai.ai• -.ree.•••
appllc•hle to tbe type or el .. llific••ioa af tlte •arkJIIeS or
mec~aaic• employed aa the rroject.
Owenhne, Sud•y• Md Ho iday•-ao1 !e ....... oa• .. ct oae--
hall (1%) timu the haaic bollrly rale plv..• applicable e.ploye1
,.,.anta. Th boliday• •P" dicb .. cit. r•ea .... 11 M paid
.. all be •11 '-oltdaya rcteapiaed i• tlaoe eetlectiu lt•plaias
alfi'eNUt •pplic.ahle ta ~~~ pwtlc:.lat craft, d--.ilic:.tl-ar
type of wortM .. •r,loyed aa die project.
Copiea of all ~ol eedve ltu1ai•i•1 :r~ta fei.Uaa \0 die
wart a• Nt fottlt. Ia til. afot«MHUaaa L.a..r Ce4e .,.. oa Ric
•d e...ailall1e for la~ctloa ia U.e offi« ef dt.e ~t of
laclaotrlal lhletl-s. Dhialae af l.._ Scati•iu •• a.u•dl.
Au•ti• Ia cUrecte4 to S.e1l• 7-I.OIC ef .... S...._.. Spec""
nulioaa .,,..,, .... lof ~•lora-t •' ..,.de• .... ~
E-._,. aaS a,rr-lllce ••all M ,.Sill 6e .a-4.N ....... ..,
.,... .. ICe ... it.,. •• ~~~-· ............... ~ ... --
pl.,-4. ,.,.,..u .. ,..r.._,,.. , • ...,,~, •' ~~ •an
~. ekai.H ,,.. tlta Olrecw of ...., o..,__._, af JMuuial
aallll ...... wM I• ~ .U.ialau._. .. Officer of 6e Calf'-ii
~uoe•'P c .. ac:ll. 1• ec.HN-.u wlt;lt, U. ,..-.lei_. al Skd.• mo af •• L.....-C.. al .. Slce ef Cilll ..... l~~oto eM a...ll el s....,....._. •f Or.,. c....,. ... uc:ertel. ...... a-en~ ,.. .. , .......... ..... .,uc.•t• ...... ...tt .... .,.. ..... a.tt....: ... ,. .... • ..... ,:.:=. %,.,
IJwHew C.._, _ _,,_ YuefJ• ...... .....,_. ·-·-0:11 ............. -........ .. -' ISf... . .....
N~RT HAR80R OIAGN liiUimlo\Y,IIAIIOI f. -F th P I• Bl tte ::SE;:::OOII.:::D:..::SE~Cli::::ON:::...._--....:.P.::!:•:.:l _ _:Dl::.:II=OI::.IA =on.=-.==CM.I::.:..:'· rom • 0 IC8 0 r ,om QITOH
• SUWDAT, FEB. II loll ....... llolb'llwll. 1110 "TUESDAY, FEB. 11 Eloclri<IIJ Ol OtUII ~ MATTS 1: I I J: I
Ulllo I,_ old .... , s-, UM111nt An., ._ lalud, A -tn1b oi~>allod U.. A~ wu clll oil Ol 1:1? --W & I I I
--Dr~ Wool llJIIor Ioiii poilu tlloll bOos, ..til li<.UU. at--to a.m. -r. Feb. U. .. boa U h ....... ..,-811, ~to ta11t a btJ1 t?O, ••• tiOitA froiD bel'-... Uliaar•:tbrtlrYlaA&IIt't1Dtlita oU tWtd t:r'llllb'IMI' oo - e awe_.._
-a dol Ud aw w oow locW ... ._. ••• Jocks...._ zut 1/Z w. 0eou •-c.o: C&-Dr • ....., ot .....-s COSTA -.. ""-ca.
fiR*' ud ftlr U,.; U. doc W, ol UOI Patrlot Rd., Wtsl: tnJ N"IJII)I't, wwt Ylct.i.t.Md JR~d.~, .... ;:k-;Mi:;ll,~lll<~•~d;t:nc!oll:llld::~J=t•=N=•:•,..=•: .... ::·:'~·'::'":' 0.=1-~ ftl ~ .ntllb oner ltewport IMJ.c:bU, treat to tbl ttl1a Ume ••• Mary Qtdll o1 tln &road tbe eoclo...re. a. W. Boea, IOt'J Paloma Dr ••• pollct ltaUoa to MtUt 10me Welt CMIM,wbotuuw._
Rtd _,. •• _ wu ..,......, dlller .... s ILIIII .-... belJic -It HZI £. c..,t Rwy.,
oa ber 2 eartaa:JAmm.-r•l· booked oo tbe c:bu'potdraakta Coroaa del Mar, tokl polleebtr
tloaeo, 101 N. S., Yroal,lloll>aa ...,Uc: ... The ltwor portloo of lnlal '11-wu -. poul-
falaad, fii)Orled Katbrya eu ... btl door at l'l'U E,Oeeu81Yd., bJJ by a BB pa. aDd replace-
•• ot Su Martao ••• WlU.Iam Balbo&. wu ll:leked ~ am me-:'1! woaJd coat lllout U5 •••
Bl.oo.n. 28, ot llOSI&lpblreA.e,, IOfMODt crawled tbrOUCb ancl The $180 toD to b1a'56Tblmder •
..._ lal&ld, wu urelhld at ... a $Z frriDc pu, SZ ear. bird •as UDbolted and taken •
1:10 p.m. at Dlamoad u4 Puk, ri.Dp, lDd took $40 fl'om a pic· reported Stanley Aney, ZOGO
CMI tbe ebarp o1 dr-* driYloc r1 taM. IlleS Dooa.ld Peek ••• Villa Cajon, East Bluff; the
after be tacked bU; c:u Oltotbt Rlellard VerDOD, 1109 HotUoc· tblft occurred at the Newport
adewa1k, a.od wbtD tokiiOmMe tam Rd., WesteliU, •eDC oo a MadteaJ Center p&rkiDc aotJan..
1t be almost collided w1tJ:1 a ear nr.atioa Feb, to; wbeo lle re. 27 or 28 ••• It •u an ~mena
8:30 l..m. to q 30 l..m. -wcitsht p !)ltv ICe
9:45a.m. 10 10 45 1..m. -Sunday SChool
11 00 a.m . to 11 00 noon -Worship Serv ic~ CADET ~-A. Dr)'detl. .,. or Mr. aid Mra.lamea l . .or,. ...._-w ........ ,...,, acrosstbe street .•• Fourra,.. tur.t, be dlscon:red someone escba.nre, but thetblefwhostole ne &e-w . Ja.n G. Blai•, Pu&AW
Cingtirea, stacked La Ida pnp t.d ltOiea a US bike • • • 15 tapes aDd a case, valued at The Rev. Georae J . Busdiecker, Vt stlahon P1110f
Colla ..... bu bMI ... med to
tbe eom••W"''• UJt a.t tbe
U.S. Atr Force Ac:a.demJ Ln
Cokndo. Cadet Dr')'de11, a
_.bel' ol tbe clua ot'l59, ba.s
&iJo -Mloclod lor tbe pool-
tloD ot ellmeat ~ wltb tbe
raM. olcadettlrltUenf-nt He
.W be commlutooed a seeood
Ueal:eaut a.ad &WU'ded a B.S.
deP'M upoa bla &f'ldcaUoo from
tbe Academy. He ts a 1965 g:ra.
dlate ot Costa Mesa High
and wortb $%00, were U)ea $90, from R1ctlard Perry,
duttnc tbe Dlebt, aid Joe Cat. -MONDAY, FEB. 17 :UlZ 1/2 Mar cus Ave., West l:;:;:;::;;::=~:::;::="'"'"==•=>41~=·36~3=l=~=~~~=: roo, U%4 Hilaria Way, Welt KeDDetb freeman. 52, ofZI6'i Newport, whtle his car trU f Cltristian Sci•nee
Newport Helpta ••• Someoae Paclftc Ave., Costa Mesa, parked at 35th St., left behind ... fi"t ,.,.,_. a.-•
cUmbed UXo Clower piiDhrl u collld DOt ctve ao accowrt of a. pair ofd.lagoaalcuttl.ngpliers, *••eu .t C..•t• .....
1617 Westeutr, tbe Wntcwr what bad bappeDed after he aod a Pbtu1ps head type ec.rew. nRST CHURCH or R.,rtn•t Ribl,. rrllow•lli'
Jewell bulldiDc. uapluaed J c!rOYe Ills cat Lll&o the Chrysler driver •• , Pas.seoger GerrU CHRIST, SOEN11ST
fiood lampa worth $90, aoo that ltterly Harritoo, 19Z3 Edris, 8l, of ISU Mlramar Dr., 3303 Via L1do l•d~p~,.J~••-.4•1-.-o"
stole them ..• Sm&llblliiofdtrt Cburcb St., Costa Mesa, had Balboa, riding with fra.De'-Newport Beach S...ta Aft• &.. M••••ti• Itt . ~-~> SL:NOA. Y SCHOOL lea.dl.og from tbe aortb side of parked ln the Hoag Hospital lot Edris ot the same address, suf.
the Travel Lodge Motel, 5%03 and was arrested on the eba.rp fered mlnor Injuries whoentbeir 9:15 •·"'· ttl'ld 11 •·"' Dr. P .G. Neumann. putor
W. Newport, to Pro!Ped Ate., of drunk in pubUc ••. Bruce car was Involved in an accident SL:NDA.Y SERVICES
•ere left by tbe thief who stole McCoig, 19, ot 814 W. &y Ave., with the car driven by Harold WEDN£SDA y ~·~iN1~1G• "'
a $ZS oil palDUDg and a$2()pot. Balboa, tried to escape pollee Kilgore, Seal Beach, at 12:15 "1EETING 1 ,_ ...
----------------------attention he bad gaioed bydtiv-p. m., on Mariners Mile, 30 READING ROCIM LEGAL NOTICE L"GAL NOTICe ,ln&: at e1cessive speed ln Ba.l. teet west or Tustln Ave. ""••• ,.,,,, 9 ..... _ 5 ,_ ... ._ ._ boa, losing control of b1s car wH ... ,.,.,, 9 ..... -7·•5 , ...
and driving on tile wrong side • WE DNESDAY, FEB. 19 r~ .. ••r -• F .. .;.,w Ce,..enfera (EHilctivr: May l, 1968 to May \, \969)
5.33 Carpe~:~ter 25f phw 36or phwf p 45f pb wf p
C•-' Moaot~a (f.lfr:.ctivr-May I. \968toMay I, 1969)
5.13 Cement Muo1:1 l5e phw /p ~ phw j p 3Sor pbw/p
,,.,. Worll•r•(Effeet.ive Auga•t 10, 1968 to Allp•t
16. 1969)
6.l0 Reiaforc ia« Iron Worker 25or phw JO"or phw(ll lOot phw L..,..,.,. ([Hective May 1,1968 to M., I, 1969)
4.18 A•pbah R.ker & lroaer 25c phw /p H'\or phw /p 32e phw /p
4.07 Fiae Gr.der (Hi«ftway
a ad Street Paviag)
].97 fl•pu
3.97 La bora (Ger.eral)
4.18 Qpr,..tor_, and Teadrr!!o
25or phw j p 24 'rC' phw /p
25or phw/p 24"ie pftw /p
2~ piJ.w/p 24~t pbw/p
of Paeumatic aod Elr:ctric
Tools, \'ibratinjJ Machin .. ,.,
aDd Similar Mech•oical
32e ph w/p
32e phw /p
32or pbw/p
Tho S in 46 9 •·"' -5 • "' . 7·9 , ..... or the roadway; he was stopped mu te • , of 557 s.,..,111.,. 1 ,_,., _ • , ....
at 13th St. aDd Bay Ave., Ba.J. Plumer St., Costa Mesa., was SECOND Clll:RCII OF
hoi., and was arrested 00 tile arrested on the charge oldrunk C"IUST. saENTIST
charge of driving under the iD. driving at JO:Z5 p.m. oa Coast .'oltwport Beach at
n~aebCe of tnto:dea.nts • • • Hwy. at Newport Center Dr.,. Corona del \tar
Ke nneth Love, 30, of 100 E. Larry Ma.nur, ZO, ol 328 E. 3100 Paciftc View Dr.
Bay Ave., Balboa, Apt, 2, •a.s Balboa Blvd., Apt. 4, Balboa, Sl.NDA Y SCtiOOL 10 .. ....
picked ~at W. Bay Ave. and was arrested at 8:30 p. m. oa SlJND A.Y SERVICE 10 .. ....
Island Ave. on a warrant !or the char ge of possession of ,.EDNESO .. " EVENING
YiolaUoo of the penal code .•. mutjuana lor sale ... Ruth \tEET IS(. 1·00 " ...
The divot holding a wind wtng Mug. 45, of 8\3 W. Bay Ave., RE....OING R0<>'-1 -
was pried otf, to gain e ntry to Balboa, was arrested at Balboa \lutual But ldJng
the Chevrolet of Thomas Top-Blvd., and W, COist Hwy,, at 2861 Ea ~l Ctoh1 H •~"'a)
p1Dg,22033rdst.,West Newport; 7:10p.m. on lhe charge of drunk \lua.-.... ,1. !O ••. u •. ~o. ; I'·"'·
tools, Ure aDd a wheel were sto. in auto; she was lnvolved In a lhur .. <! .. , "' '"" '""' -~ 1" 11
leo, a $185 l.oss ••. Allunlocked car collision withthecardtiveo '••u :.r~: •()rdtaJJ, '"'ltt d to
T P au~:nd l'hurc h ~rv •ct~ and l2e phw /p garage at 2721 Wa.veerest Dr., by homas U!Sser,4002RlYer ~:'"::":':':':h'::":':':':'":•:="=·•=•m==·~ Harbor View HlUs, •as entered Ave., West Newport,onS~rior
Tool• uot se,.rateiy
clanified herein 25e phw /p 24~t phw/p
4.18 Trr,. Climber, Feller aod
Chain Saw Opr:r•tor 25c-phw /p 24~or phw /p l2e phw /p
Operolln9 En9/nee"' {f.HC"ctivr: j uly I. 1968 to jutl,.
lO, 1969)
C.rou p I
4.68 En~JiDe,.r , Oilrr and
and a $77 bike was stolen from Ave., 16 reet norUt or w. Coast
Henry fitzpatrick ••. Sand was Hwy ••.• Richard Brown locked Lwt'-r• C..rch
poured into the gas generator at hts Jaguar and lett it parked Of tM ........
.J ·.4S a.r 1, Sunday Schaal
II :W a.m. Momin1 Wonhip.
6 :01.1 p.m. Tratntnl Union a
hJU p.m. Evenin1 Wo;•hip
7:20p.m. Bib\~ Study
8:00 p.m. Prayer Mcettna
Tlw "-' a4 Gotll
Ttw ,...._ of Chritl
~,__-.. .....,~
Newport Coovalesceol Hospital, T~~esday In rronl of his r ~sl. L.tlte~
60r phw /p 393 Hospital Road, W, N~wport dence, 327 Lulr.spur Ave., Cor -O.rct. iA A..riee .,..,,..~ .. o • ...,,,. • ... ,..0 ' '
Heights, tbe night of Feb. 12,,. ona del Mar, with a (uUta.nk;be 2900 Pacific View Ot. e:v•""''"0 se:•v•c::• 1 '00 "·""·
Sipalman lOt phw /p .1()(' phw/p
4.68 Ueavy Duty Rep:.irman's
60«" phw/p While Dennis Kubeska, 2431 found il unklcked,withanempty 1-c;,....,. •-!Met, C alif-.. ; T .. ..., •• P .. ~ •••'-t: •TUov r UG -.. N O .......... 1o00 ...... .
Bowdoi.D Place, Costa Mesa, gas tank in frontof 304Ma.rgue. Or. Willi em R. Eller .. u •n•" ou•• .. o ...... ,c:: ..
llrlper 30t phw j p .lOt pt. .. ·!p
Gr oup 2
60«" phw /p was attending a party, he left r ite Ave., the Aext day • . . Phone b44--2664 A. w ,_.. .....,_
60c-phw /p his ear on Vl.a Barcelona, bf!. Pe-ter Johnston. 2711 Canary I :4S -.11111 .. r-ily 1 0 ,. .. ,, CM. o1 o..._...., ZW.Ift.
4.92 Con~:rr:te Miaer O~rator
(S kip Type) JOt phw/p lOc-phw/p
4.92 Fireman l DC" phw/p J()( pftw /p
Grou p J
5.16 f.quipmrat Grra~,.r
5.27 Asphalt Plant F'!rt'm!ttl
5.77 Boarnaa or ~iaer Bo•
Oper.tor (Coacret~ or
tween Via Lido Nord and Soud Dr., Costa Mesa., left his rain-t :45 a.a., Chrr-'-Sc~l.,. c.-.......,.
3Gt pl-..,•·/p30r phw/p 60t pllw /p Lldo lsle,wberesomeoD(>stOl~ coat in the clothes closet at ll:QO-..., Fett\"e ,_.i, .,.,, ... ~ 1 .. .,... 1K~...,
hi& $60 stereo and 13 l:alles Fellc laoo's, !617 Westc:lltf Dr., L::":":;l5;::E:;l:Y:P"l::0:':':o:•:o=~...!:=========~ 10,. ph .. /p 30C' phw/p 60C' pftw /p wortb $78 ••• Neal Wortbeo Westcli!t, on Jan. zs, and re-i-
Asph•h Plaatl 30f phw/p 30c-phw /p
a.ld someooe took $50 from bls ported \t mlssio&: today • • •
60C' pllw/p home, 120 Vl.a GeDoa, Lido Isle f'lye kiiU'tered· w1Ddow1 were
• .• Mloorinjurtesweresuffer. r emoved, lee.vtog at1l8 Loeb by
flu tit 1 .. .. r · • .,.,., .,,lit~
Groap 5
5.46 A•ph•ll Plant F.nsiar-.. r JO.C phw /p JOe-phw/p
5.46 Coa~:rete or Aepll•lt 60t phw/p ed bJ Patricia Hopkios, Sl70r-l2 l.och space tha.t 90meooe
ehld Ave., Corona doe! Wu, af. climbed through, to rob the
ter sbe Woi.S involved ina tralfic ~ewport ShOr es Beaucy salon,
:tM2 ..... s..-.. N. • I,. .........
A F"~ aaJ , •• ,.,._,
co.1,..1.no..J ~·d• c h,d Spre.d iDIJ, Mr t h.a ni f'al
Ta!Tipin~ or fioi!lh ios
,\tac-hiae Ope111tor 30C' phw/p JOe-pbw /p
5.46 fl e11vy Duty Rf'pairmiln 3()( phw/p 30c-phw /p
5.46 Trutor OpN•tor (Bull·
do1:er, T•mfC"r, Scraper
and Pu,.h Trac::tor) JOe phw /p 30c phw /p
60c phw /p a.cddeot on Coast Hwy., 40 (eet 2l0 6~00 St., West Newport, or
6DC" pb..-/p •est of lrls Ave.,withca.rdtlv. $27.50 •.• Donald Forsyth,
en by Stephen Ler dner, 700 Lido 300 Bayside Village, No, 48, Par.. Dr., Number 17, Lido said thai ~ 8 toot bOat thai be-
60c-ph.,.·tp Peninsula ••.
,.. ..................... ~.
ltiDcbr Slrricc Md O..rdl Sc:llool al 10:00 &.IlL. ,_6G·l7· Croup 6
5.56 C0t1netr \f iur 0pllrator
(Pu in~ or Mnbilr) JOe ph.,.'/p J Oe-phw/p
5.56 Crushioft Phonl
Easinf'er 30t ~~w /p 30c-ph ... ·/p
5.56 Motor Patrol Opoeriltor
(An y TyJi or Size\ lOt phw /p JOe ph,./p
5.56 Uaivrr•• Eq11ip:neot
Operator \Shovel, B•ckh -,
DrajJiioe, Derri ck,
Cluoshell, or Cruel JOC' phw /p JOe-phw /p
60< ,.,,.;,,,
60< ''""''' 1
6(H phw /p
60e pn ... ·/p
r-••te,. (Effe~:tiv'" \lay I .1968to -\pri\30.1969)
4.65 Or ivr:r of Damp Tru ck
(le!U thilo 4 y.rds
w•trr level) 4Ck phw/p fu ph .,./p JOt ph,. l p
4.68 Drivf'r of !lump Trac k
(4 ya rde, but le•111 thaD
8 yards water k ve\) 40c phw/p 4~ phw lp JOe ~w /p
4.7 3 Dr iver of Damp Track
{8 yar.ta, hat le111-' thiiD
12 yarda water level) 4CH phw/p 4~ ph .. /p .lOc-ph,.·/p
4.81 Driver of Dump Trod
( t2 yard•. bot le111s tb"n
16 yard• water level) ofOrt phw /p ·15t ph,./p .10e phw 1p
5.03 Dri ver of Dump Truck
( 16 yards, but lr•IJ th•o
25 ya rd!!! watr-r lrvf'i) 40C" phw/p 45C' phw /p l(k phw /p
5.49 Driver of Dump TrUd
{25 yards or more w•ter
level, SiajJ\e or Comb iaa·
tioo of vehide• <'!'acludioiJ
lfllllh or rubbil'lhtrucU)40( phw /p .J5e pn .. · p 30t phw /p
4.8] Driver of Road Oil
Spreader Trod 4()c phw/p 45c-ph,.·/p l(k phw /p
4.89 lhi¥er of Tflla•it Mia
Truc k IU11der l yan:l•l 46t phw/p 45t phw 'P JOt phw /p
5.03 lhiver of T,..n•it Mia
Tt11d (ly•rda ormore)40f phw/p 45e phw lp 30c phw /p
4.71 W•ter Truk Ori•er
(Uader 2500 1al1oe.a) 4oOc-phw/p 45e pa ... fp JOe phw /p
4.83 W11er Tt11ck Orh er
12500 ta 4000p1Jo .. ) ~ p)ow/p •!:oC' phw /p JOt phw /p
4.95 Water Tnac::k Oriwer
(-4000 plica. ar t~~ore ) 40t pbwj p 45C' phw /p 30t ph w/p
( 1) Trawel tiae ia eo .. idered aa tiMe worked.
To die pnc••Uaa edt.•lllala ••11 ~ ad4e4 tbe follo•i•« p.,.•eat
fot-approliee .. ip: c.,..,.... -h fli•/p
Ce•f'M Mee.oaa -l"f rJa•/p
lro. •• ,..... -,. p~•/p
Opet"allaa ~'"" -h p••/p App• .. tlc:ea • .,. M .., .. , ... ie c•-.ity wit., Sec tioa 11n .S
af lka labor CaM at tbe SUn af c.lil.t.ia. . __ .........
9ettM •4 I•• n. """'"''~ r.aa l•.., ~ ... •' til• jo.nr.ey-t~-.i '• ralr .
c,.,., ,,..,....., r.t 1.-1 JN 4" s• '"" '"" I•• Bric:klayen~ 6 ..... 50 60 70 80 90 95
C•peatera 6 Moa~a 7S 71 11 14 17 90 93 95
Cnt-t .._ .. a 6 Moalb 7S 79 13 17 91 95
E .. culela.. 6 lf•tb• 50 60 6S 70 75 10 I S 90
lr-Wort.rs 6 .... -. n 11 15 19 tl 97
-~' el...,.fkad_. -.J•M .....__.._ .. , .. , .. 4 ... l .. a lil• ~rr Mu ,1 .. ~ ~,.-...,. .... c.l~h• ......._ ••-.., _. ..... ct-• ei .... Rc.U.e ef
tM ...... -... .. .. ,.,.,.. -...... s.c:-u-11'71.1 .r .. L..._C.... n 01111a1 or TU IIOAID or ~~or OllAIIC:I aMOn.
Da ... , ...... .., 11."" I.&. IT JOD ~0..--a.. ............ ...
,._~'CAll-f!IALI :!,::-' L c-.
...,..., •• ,.., o. ..... r-., rr a4 •-., -
2H2 E. Coast H""'Y·
Co,ona dtl t.ta,
P ho)l"'e b 13·7 JJb
e "tf.( "LAM UR\IIC£
e fttf.l UTIMA.TU
• llaDDlUH.
, .. l111S
673-1 -$4f. 21711
............ lfy c--a.......,.
............... a c ... .__
lJIMal T-'
,_A,."1Ao•to4 ,.,L C. .. H.,. c._ .......
............... 1 ......................... ..................... .............. ..._
=-~ .. ~-t :~'o. [w•~--=-• ... .. .
Shrub1, lnt•fiGf' PIGntl
Trop•c DI & r, ...
lnl•ctc,del ond F•rtd1zM
S&H Gr e~ StOf"PS
nu 1 m 1 11 nn
C'OIIOI'IIA. DEl. •A.I "'il"UI[Jn'
2:144 E. C'out IIW)'., 11WlM
--------63').-_2 ... _1 _______ , ~.!_LU .. SIN_G=----
• Re-screening -Re-glazing-Carpentry I
• Electrical -Plumbing -Small Appl.
• Lamps • Furniture
Rellable Work --Reasonable Prices
WltL~II .. a.,,CM -·---
1010-o••"'='.,.a'""""''"' t> .. • ... . 1711 w. c.... "..,~ ... .. -· , ...... ,...,..
(Ill· --.. ---·----• 4 .....
............,.,_.., All __ .__ ,...w ......
J200 £. C..•t Hwp., c::1*
• ,_T I. WM.L,Arll
Mt.IIOI run
Pll\ .... 9 -Oilldl ..,
811 L C:O.. w.,, c. ........
IIUTWPWT_._ .... . .,...
7,td ~ .1nnrt•••n Ave.
l ''"'" .. Jd \lar
J'lw111\tn.r; Reraut
ll.\\ ,( !">>l<iiiT
WA Tf·.R llt::ATI:-:RS
Shoe Repatr
Purse 1nd l~
Ae~·' -Dye Wort..
S.H S1'11WS Ol'llfDA'~a •no"~•¥1i. Cos.ta ...... -.. •3311
.. 1 tttr n. ... ..
~ .._,.,. u 1 7 .... . CIIMUl'Y-. -. ..
n. e.c....u .u.JI ~ afnaed whilth •rrrop•bte ai~at.,aa _.. Uti .. of tile peT ... a alplaa oa Hila o( tile bt4der, For r:ers-'--• lll•·•lpe&•r.• of tile ,,..,.,. or VIce ,.,..l<h, • S.•••••t Of .Aaalo,._. Sec,...,. ore reqvirecl aacl the Cor-e:,.. S.ol ..,all ~ arfincl to aU cloe.•eate reqairi•a alp ..
rea. Ia ~ c_. of • partae,....ip, tile alp.otare of at leut
... _...,.) ,_uer Ia "•h.cl.
All W. _.. lo k CCNapaN4 oo tile ~oaia of' tile Eo1iaoeer'o ..-.e. n. Hdaated q~~•tltlea ue .,pro•l•ate oolf, beiq
Jl.,.,•le)y u • llooto for tile c_p..._ of biclo.
R• •&4 wfll h oec:eptecl fro• • Coatractor wllo' haa oat beea 11-.ncl Ia .cconl .. ce witll tile ptoviaioaa of Cllapter 9, Divi-
.... Ul of S.-' .. -•cl Profeaoio~U~' Code. ne Coatractor .U llllate 11.1• licHM oa•l.er -d cluaificotioa ia tile propo-ool. Pl--. Special Provio!oaa, -d Coetract Docameato may be =kslad M Ike P.IIUc Wort.• Depan111eat, City Hall, Newpon •em. Cell ....... at ao ('Oat to licea•ed coatroctora. A aoa-N~Ia~ .. of 12.00vdll be required for each. llt't of plu:a,
..-clal PN.toloaa, -· coatroct docameato for olillei'S th.aa
uc--4 c-u.cr.-. h ill reqae•ted th•t the pi••• aad apecial
,..,.lolo.a H Ntllraecl withi• 2 week• after tle bid opftllia~~;.
No a~..,.. will.M N•Jred for ucla oet of City of Newport Bead
St ... ,.. SpeclficoJ.iou.
no Cily of Nawpon Beach reeenea tbe risht to reject e.ay or
all lllhla •4 to wei-oay iafenulity ia aacb bida.
Ia occor4aea wilil tile provl•ioao of Sect loa 1770 of tbe L•:,or
Co4o, Ike City .Co .. cil of tile City of Newport Beach ha11 aa-
C11rtoioe4 llao fi!IDoOI'al pn:WilliDI rete of per diem waa;n ia the
.. colity ia w~lch th..e work io to be performed for each crah or
typa of wotbNa 01' -cll•ic aeeded to execute tile coatrect aad
t.M Ml I~ tM.e h•-ia Roaolatioo No. 6519.
A cop)' of -14 leeolotfoi. io a .... ilable ia tlt.e office of the City
Clerk t. die City of Newport Beoclll.
1\e followias Ia the adaedale of jre•ailias wase rotea,
1968-69, for a -lec:dve list of daaai c:atioae. Tosether witlt.
tile lofonaotioo iocladed io tlt.e Re .. la.tioo No .. 6519, tllia
acbecla.le ia lo be cooaidered a pan of theae coo tract apeci-
Prevailias Wase Ratea -1~9
Clo•af'lcotl.,. (Salao:tlva Ll•t1"9J
c-eat Ma-Joaraeymaa
Labore ro
Ceaerw.l or Coaotnlctioo
Aaplilah Raker I lroaer
Caiaeo Oaaoer
Layias of ell aoa-metolli c pipe
Ta.aael Cloaaificotiooa
Vibflltomaa, Jad: Hammer, Poeumatic Too1•
(except driller) o,..,.,,,. E"91"•ar•
Oiler oad alsDOimaa (Group I)
Sk.i.ploodcr (Leaa 4/5 yd.) (Group 2)
Rodmaa and O•iomaa (Group 3)
laalnlll!leatmea (Groap 4)
Grode Cbec.lr.er (Group 5)
Pa•e~~teot.-breoker openolor (Group 5)
Grw.de .. ll operator (Group 6) r-.-
Da•p Tn~ck Ori¥er (Ln• thaa 4 yds.)
Water truc.lr. dri¥er (2500 !!•1. 1.o 4000 1!•1.)
S.lltlln1 ....J Con•trvdlon tToflo•
Bricllayer I Sloae Ma .. u
Jo•r.eymaa Wiremaa
Joan11eymaa -•pray
Pipe tradeo
4.05 ..,.
(7/r/631 ua
(S/19/63) us
Ally cloooi6catioa omitted hereia shall be the preveiliu!!
craft r.te,
Overtime, Sud•y aad Soliday !'1ltes •re at prevailiog erdt .......
Laura Lagios, City Clerk
Pa.bli-: M•cb 6, 1969, ia the Newport Harbor Eosip
Orco Block Co.
,......._.: J~ 7-::tm .. a...u.. ,._,_ zno s .. ,._. .. s.aw .-..
Police Blotter cc .. -komrap:tt ___ ..,.,__.
IIDIIod ID lila-, Gor}' , .. r-latM...,..olar-.
' --tllo parldoi lot a1 -I lacMo IOIP. 101111-100 llaJatdo Dr. --Fob. ..,,,,A,...allroUd-1
II Ud 19 .•• All I t1a1 oa11at .,.. laloall --•locbd
.... -eel Ud laloall -.. l'wooM trW. ---· IIIOO<laC ·al Zorkb F-, 411J C-1 Plaee, l>oaeb, -Oilmo-aFOb,l Well H._rt.,. ~Smltll,
Ud lt, GeorpCiodfrt7,toOZ•-oe, o1 1011/l otamoad An ••
rleb ClrcJe, 1J4o tall, told po-. Balla lllud, YU united 011. u.. ... Twobora.-tolbrow lbe elloree ot oruot Ia pOIIlle ot -al 11or •lldlaacloor Ud 00 ill BaJIIlde Dr.,.&!~<' uaeel-
tbe nc COYII'.lq u ~· deGt wltb btcyc.llll, Robut ra...
· balcoay aJd Ruth foy 141 P'lm, 9, of 119 ll&rlDt An., GUEST SPEAKER Ia tile lbalo ' ' llalboa "'lud -
of tbe Celetwlty Booll: Rtw"I.IW !:1:S.w!10:luff~ WIMG cUmbed a 6 toot'~~~. dropped
Sert.s. presented by the Soutb 00 COQJ, lMo a carport at zsa Coltoa
Coast AlllmG&e Club of Pt Beta = ::::ZsaU: J!' ~::-r~:: A'•·• Newport Sbores,aOO &tole
Phi at 10 a.m. this Frld:ay, b tm Dl a bon button trom tbe J&IQU'
llareb 7, wW be Patty Newman, a oea.r 1 IIU' 1 ''' beloactal to Ricb&rd CatD· tbe
eo-aW:bor of the best seWDc • THURSDAY, FEB. 20 tblef tbea etltered tbe cai-ace
.. IIM:I~M 5-95 .... til. SHOIS
......,.IU'I ... SAU ••••
ILIMIIH-......,U.ti •• ,IALI la9S
ILIMIIH-...... M.ti ••• IALI 6.9J
$101 USIIniAL.I.
....-us ...... ula9S
l•w•p ..................
Soft ••••• ll .....
$10.95 $11ts-S17.t0 eo..-All -_,..... ....
"Pus lbe pwerty please," E"n tboucb lbe quara.alloe IDd ttole z electrlc bud cb1lll
wb.J.cb tella: ot tbe waste lD tbe p-!riod ts almost OfW, tbe pu. IDd 1 small tanery cbarcer •••
fedualnrooponrty.Herbook eols of Rlcbard Day, 1003 N. Aooe Butcber, lJJ 0}1.1 An.,·
•as ., •ell doewneoled tbat &be Bay Fro at, Balboa lslaad., bopts Balbo& lsa&nd ns eollectiDc
•as iDYited to testify beloretbe to ftDd the o•oer of tbt tueol. drlftwood at Duet Gulley beecb
eoogressiooal sub-eommttt•e ored chihuabua or terrier type Ud .,ft ber parsellbatteodedoa
on nr ou ponrty.ReYlew"svW dog tbat bit Richard at 1 p.m., tbe beacb W'blle she was only 50
al!O be ctnn by Carlotta WU-at S. Bay Froot aDd Apoleoa; feet any 80meooe ft'OD&fUIIJ
Llasn, director of tbe series. t.be leasbed dog ftS nlked b1 .Ued u3 by stealing u .•• t Pit. ONLY-GOLP SHOfS T etVIis Shorh
US to 1195 PILLOW SET ON FIRE a middle a(ted woman wbo was A·pellet W'as flred trom a ...,." told the doe had DOC bllteo lhe broke a window ..., lilt a.... ,.,.... "·". c.ouour 7.95 T • Shirt •tS to 6 00 John Mltcbell, ZZ3 Ocea.o 15-year~1d boy, but U nsdls. elled Wolll at the hOme of ADth.' ""-..,..... HftiS S ~ •
View Ave., Newport Heigllls, covered later that lhe clol'• s Z212 .~ La 1 DUCK FEET FINS 6 95 TENNIS SWEATERS & JACKm
tell asleep Feb. 20 W'ltb a etg. teeth t-.d peoetrated t.be teeo~ ooy uprooes, "'"' ure • Ten-'• Vl•-
arette inblsha.ndsandawakened • k1 Ronald Aod Place, Ne.-port Helgtts. , • • ......, 14 95 "'• -· •
to find the room fUll of smoke :e: ~~~ o~ '&01 1/2 M&rt;;d A lleavy duty po•er saw, wortb FORT FRAME utCI&l • ULIIIIIIGH i:U:Aillil6
and the plllow on which he was A C del Mar $35, was tateo from a storace 7.50
sitting on ftre. fo~ b oro~ Cla • St wa~ room J.t 413-1 /ZMarlgold ...,. , aACUT
He doused the ptllow with H
1!..t"" alce9
Y .. ...:.• ..
1 ~C~or=ooa=~d:e:l~ll:ar:·~sal=d~::!================:::::::::::::::~ the ~ &N-s, . a.m.,......, e Rhodellbe.ugb water, a.od put 1t outside oo his to care for htmseU, aod 1ras · ' • •
troDI step. But the pWow blued booked oo the cbarre dr\Wk LD
~ ap.ln at 5:22a.m. and near. public ••• Tbe Golden Aocbor,
by workers ealled the tlre de-2905 Lat.lyette An., westNew-
partmellt to put the ftre out. port, was rottled o1 Jl.ZI durloc
The undersigned does certify
ttlal 1t Is conducting a business
at 1555 Superior Ave., Newport
Beach, CaiU., under tbe fic-
titious name or Sunlight Con-
valescent Hospital-Newport
Harbor, and that tbe name in
full and place of residence of
the undersigned is as follows:
SunUte Medical Cer:iers, Inc.,
Suite 1200 South Tower, Union
Baot Square, Orange, Call-
DATED: february 10, 1969.
By Richard J. F'ootner,
Do this lOth day of February,
1969, before me Eleanore M.
Gellert, a Notary Public in and
for said State, persooally ap-
known to me to be the Presi-
Centers, INC., the corporation
that executed the wttbtn instru-
meot, aod acknowledged to
me that such corporation execu-
ted the same.
Eleanore M. Gellert
for said State
My Commlssloo eJptres
March 28, 1970.
Publlsh: Feb. 20, 27, March
6, 13, 1969, in the Newport
Harbor Ensign.
the llight; eotry was made tbr·
ougb a rear wi.Ddow tbat 1s b.Jd-
deu from tbe street by shrub-
bery, and the mooey was ta.keo
from UDder a pile of towels 111
a cabinet behlD:t tbe bar •••
The antenna and a mirror were
broken from bts Mercury while
il was parked at Harbor HJgb..
sa.id Charles Vogel, 608 Aldea.u.
Place, Newport Hel&flts •••
Sam:M!l McElfresh, 46 Cabrlllo,
Lido Park, reported tbe theft
of a $75 outboard motor trom
the stern of hls boat at the dry
storage area of the part .•. A
$25 floodlight was pulled trom
the groUDd at 1184 Rutland Rd.,
W~stcliff, a.od taken away, said
Uarp.ret &-.. en ••. Richard
B:own, 227 Larkspur Ave.,
Corona del Mar, sa.ld hlsJaguar
was missing again ••• James
Curoll, 305 V2 E. Bay front,
B l !boa Island, said someooe
entered his reslG!oce lbrougb
an unlocked bedroom 71indow
and stole $30, lDcludlDc 10 so.
ver KeooedJ r.lf dollar• • • •
Ch.vU K!me, 4207 Patrlce Rd.,
West Newport1 Heights, ~ked
his VW at the parting lot, %101
East bluff Dr., East Bluff, where
It was robbed of 5 stereo ~s
-NO:tb US ... His wUe pa .. :t.a.J
his car In the garage at 11:45
a.mr, an1 ~!osed the door&; when
Fi..'·.!i.)( EoJooJilrt went to the gar.
age at 3 p. m., be d:s:overed
somuone bad eocered 1n.:1 ;:Jiln
th~tr $80 auto stereo . • •
• FRIDU, FEB. 21
TU.l:nas Edwards, 41, ot Z53
E; ,>J,aing Canyon Rd., Sbore
CiJ Cfi, ·•-..:...; 1rrested at 8:30
p.m., at his hlme,oothecbarge
of disturbing tbe pe·J.~e ••• A
$3:JO tape r ecorder was sto:eo
from his offtce at 3700Newport
SERVICE Blld., No. 105, West NetrpOrt,
sa.ld Carl H:~.mmoos of Brera •••
TWo swag typl! Llmps with gold
chains, worth $60, wve stolen
from 2506 Via Marin1, s.Ud John
Stanis, 2513 Vta Uarlaa, West
2121 H..,. a.vo.
Lllllli11 Cli11Tii111Ei11Til!. • Billl m ~ BEIG:IIBIIY • ~IDllll(l£111 -"····--·-"-
~Jwo!; B;.: • • • IUU Durante,
20b Gunet Ave., &lboe.IslaDd,
said that during the <llgllt, $80
worth of tools were stolen trom
his Chevrolet van • • • H enrJ
Mackel,l33 ViaJucar,Ltdola:le
delayed reportlog tbe tbeft LD
hOpes ot recoverlog bts door
stolen New Year's Eve • but
he gave up, aod told police the
No. A.6Z045
FULLER, a..l8o 11:DcnrD u J •
to tbe creditors ol tbl abo9't
DI..IDed deeedeM lbatallper10a1
baYlaC elalms aplall lllo aJd
deeedeot are required kt me
tbem, 1rltb tbl MCeS.ArJ'
fouebtra:, 1D tbe oJDce ol tbe
·clerk otllloatmo-lod-, « to present tbem, 'W'tta. U.
DeetiD'1 YOOCber .. to tbl •-dor-a1 e/o Honrtta, Rarwib 6 ReiHl', 410 SIMSt.,
llowport Boaeb, Callilrala
taU, wblcll ls u. piau ot
..,al-of lllo --Ia all malt•ra ~ to lllo ,_., ___ _
... --Gtllrll ..... _., __ _
-~~IM-ol lllo---llllld ,......, 11 "" ·lhiwlll, lhiwb 6----""-' ...... 0<11' • 1'1:1--• "*-Wi• .... 0 ,, h ... NO·S·~· 64Z·"·· P•M: P'ob.l'l,-t,U,
per annum
compounded daily
2867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 92625
telephone: 675-5010
315 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, C.lif. 91109
telephone: 449-2345
Covina, Glendale
West Arcadia l~ .......... ~ ........................................ ~.i~~·~ ... -.. llo-1~ -· .......................................... ..