HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignI • .---------THE OFFIOAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Cll'Y OF NEWPORT BE,~CH' ________ .,. THE ROTARY CLUB of Ne'ffport-Ba.lboa coopera.ted wltb tb1 Arbor DaJ tree plaDUDg project conducted in Newport.Yesa elementary ICbools by provtdlng seedling trees Jor planttDC b} U1 lrd poaders. Ba.y VIeW' School in Costa. Mesa, UDder the dttectioo ol prlacl.pal Carlan Wetul, held a 'Sl*tal Arbor Day ceremony tor tree planting and a.tso as obserYaoce of the beaut1flcatloo aDd conservation program whiCh is part or the 200th &Mlversary celebration for tbe state of Callforllia. Bay VIew Srd graders pictured here are, trom left, David GUckama,oJ Brett Camarata and Lee Anna Sutton, Backlog tbem ~ io tbe Arbor Day planltng are Arthur Strock of tbe Rotary Club, at left, and Asst. Supt. Norman l.oats. Mistress ot ceremordes for the program, entitled "A salute to Luther Burbank," was 6th grader Susata Slrota. Council defends harbor record NEWPORT BEACH 10~ THE NEWPORT HARBOR fHI. Qtt.l' MIV\PiJ'll ,MMTlO AIIO I"Ua.ISHED tM Mi!WOI'l ~ 110. 29 .B. Almost a year after thedeatb lett 6lr a "reconctltatioll va.ca- of Mrs. SusaD, Jue O'DoaDell, t1on" 1n a r esort area ot on March 19, 1968, Lo Menco. Qun1ta.n& Roo, on the Yucatan a murder com:;:~Wnt aDd $1 PeDinsula of Mexico. million wrongf\11 death&Uitbue Ben Haggott of Torraoce, been tiled a.p.Lnst ber husbud, Mrs. O'Donnell's father, wbo Dr. Merrill C. O'DoDDtll of4ZO said De had been worried abOut Kings R.Jad, CWf Huen. Ills daugteer's trip, fle• to Mrs. O'Donnell, S8, bad nled Mexico seekLo.g more loforma- a. divorce swt ap.inJt ber bus-tion about her death. At band, charglng mental cruelty. Cozumel, De demanded the body About 6 mouths later. the t.<MC~le be uhumed a.Dd exa.mlned. Mexican altbortttes compUed decedent, thereby prorlmately and tbe bOOy was remcwed ~ causlog her death." A second Wexlco City for lab. tests. part or the complalnt alleges Tbe tests were said to I:Jave the acts were iatenliooal. sbon the preseoce of a lethal Dr. O'Donnell mainta.ins of- quantity of lumlllal, a tugbly fle es 1.n Newport Beach aiK1 to:dc barbltla'ate. A murder Huntington Beach. com'lalnt n.s lssued last moolh ln Muioo ebUcing Dr. O'Don- oell wltb pol!on1ng hl.s wUe. A Melican otttcW said that an utndtUon order dem.wlln& Rites for gun victim TRAVELERS SEE RESCUE ~'~~~"" :,•r~;;tanu~15u Embassy In M ~Uco City this WIUb.m H. Pond Jr., 19. of Z69 Albert PLace, Costa Mrs. J. Jay Jakosky of 1042 had to ditch to lnkY darWess week. Or· Antonio Rubio, the Mesa, shot to dea.th March 5 W, Bay Avenue, Balboa; Mrs. when tbelr pla.oe developed physician who a.llepdly signed in HoooluJu, was burled March William Tesche of !500 Ocea.n engine trouble . The President the death ce;tlficate, is in a 10 at Good Shepherd Park after Boulevard, Corona del Mar : ClevelaOO wa.s eastbound from Mexico City jaH awaiting trial. ma.ss u St. Joachim's Ca.thOhc and Mr. a.nd Mrs. William A. Manila to Guam aDd Honolulu As ,executrLI of her Church, Costa Mesa. Thompson of 1804 South Bay a.lter a cruise to lbe South daughter 5 estate, Mr s. Ger. WilHam was born Sept, Front, Balboa. Island, were PacUic, Singapore aDd Hone trude ~~ett of Lcs Angeles 9, 1949, in Sa.n Diego. He was aboard the Amer ican President Kong. SDE! wa.s dlspatcbed to tbe tued a em! suU in Sa.nta Ana graduated from Newport Harbor Lines' SS President Cleveland scene by Navywlreless ma.Jdng March 7 charging wrongful High school in 1967. Tbe Newport Bea.ch City com,ared to 26.1'11 of the when that round. the.PacUlc a ZOO-m11e dlversi~n and death. Represeollng her wu Survivors an his parents, CouacU instructed harbor oo-coUDty-cootrolled shorellne. U, S. AIR FORCE Major Harry cruise ship m.tdt> a. daring res-etfecUng the rescue after Uw Attorney Fra.o.k.lin l Remer of Mr. and Mrs. William Pood; 2 ordinator G. M. Dawes to an-Public shorelloe frooted by A, Mann. son of Mr • and Mrs. cue of II Navy men after the sailors bad spent 7 hours in a the Newport Beclch l.a.w llrm of brothers, Martin aDd James; swer questions raised bf tbe resideoces totals 17.1% lD tbe 1t T. Mann. 2244-A State St., crash of a ~eptune patrol born-llte raft. All wer e descr ibed 1n Hurwitz, Hurwil1 and Remer· gr~ents, Mr. and Mrs. Coroaa del Mar Chamber or city area aDd 34. ?'l.ln the COWJty Costa Mesa, Is attending the ber 400 miles west of Guam on good condition wllen put ashore Mr • Remer said his ottlce had Harlow Pond, and Mrs. a.oo Mrs. Commerce on thetlnanctalcoo-area.. The summary shows fur-Armed Forces Stan College at March 1 in Gu.am been repre~ntlDg Mr s. O'Doo-LeoMa "')ueoces of dissolution of the tber that all 6,6 miles of city Nortolk, Va . Tbe S-month De· ~LI\(0 ~rewmen and two para. · ~ll In her pending divorce a.c-wm:.; surfer, had lived Orance COWlty Harbor District. ocean trootace Is public, in-partment of Defense school pre. medics were fished trom the lion. for 6 dars in a cottage wUb John SemJle, COM Ctwnber eluding 6,1 mUes of beacbes pares stOOents for positions i.o PaclfJc in l Z-foot seas while OCC lO FETE ATHLETES ~ !he sutt alleges the defendant Theodore D. {Teddy ) Rogers, president bad written a 200 wlth free access to tbe public, jolol. and combioed commands the 20 000 •100 liner ma.neu Baskettall aDd wrestllngath-in)eCted polsooous drugs lito 19 of Ne..-por t Beach and Steve letter to' the Council, caUiog Tbese figures co_mpare with that involvemorethanonecoun-vered ~er the command 0f letes will be oonored at the the body of Mr s. O'Donnell In Ch.ula of Costa. Me~ son or attention to a Jan. 20 letter 12.22 shoreUne m!le5 o! tide-try or mll1tary service. Major APL's veter<ULcommodore, Ho. winter sports award banquet of ~sages and amounts "grossly Ora.nie County Lawyer' George of query, and asking about pos-lands ln the Upper Bay claimed Mann, who has servet:l In ban J. Ehm:ln. Orange Coast College, to be 1n excess of a.ny rea.sooable H. Chula. The two youths said slble sources for f'lmd1ng the by the county, with 80.'1% not Vietnam, previously was .t.s-The ~avy fliers en route to he ld at 6:30p.m. Wednesday, or proper medical requtrement that 3 Orlen~ls carr ying pis- expense ol harbor operation, dualoped, 19.3%developed,a.ad signed as a navigator at Nellis the Or ient from the'ir home base March 19, in the student cen. and in complete disregard for tols, robbed the~ of s4so, and slnce the county SLC>ervisors 9'\ a free publlc beach, AFB, Nevada. 1n Whidby Island, Washington ter • the safety and ..velfan: of the then shOt William 1n the head. are on record 1n opposition to Mr. HIU'Iburt sa.1d that the I , j l . ----.J ~ l J -:--. .-- turtl:ler subsldles Orange resolution further tm. i :5 .: :! 1 1 ~~,-............., ~.::::;-::. couT ,.,G....... •: • The City couociJ direcled Mr . plies that city policing. mitin.-~ 8 :; t J ~ -I -! -r--, : ~ • : I Da•u toarrueea meeting with ~enance :wd control of acee:>S ~ ~, ~ Ly L-----;;~ _ _ l. • ~ , • • • • the Ct.mber dlreetou lnorder !.> ~e~ could possibly re. ... 1 "' ..1 1 _j L -~----: 1 • • • • • • • to pro'f'ide IJlSWerS to theQUeS-<Ji&J . tJJ ,Qla.Dd COLJDty r esidentS c,,.~ ~ 8,t.Y'i10( -~-_ --,-1 '?1 r . . . • : • Uoas. losing som~ r iebts of access. • • • ... ._ • • .. .~--o-¢1 ~ 1 Q • : • • • • ' -Harbor Dlstrlet Item 1J> roolJ, be S>Jd, '"it sbould __,.I • • • •,.:; 0 0 0 l J Q ' 1 : • ! : ! ; 00 ~=--!;=:.:':.:..:~~ ::.--' :: k __ j l 1 . L it j • 0 : : : 1, CW""" ... tbtct~a:tllliiiiiM._ .. s .,,_.,.....,.,,.LCIMUit -·• suVJcw -·~~-----~ ---l_,. . ...,_.!~t..----:'--~ • .-t..,..• -.. ,._, •I c!Uirkl, aDd ....... bib ttl role at u.e Hlrbar ot.trtct 1s • • • • • • • • ••••• .._ •• ' •• •3• • • -. • •!r'• • • .. • .. • • ll-•• • •• .; " • • •• • '\ •"' • • • • • • .-. ~ • • • .. • • • • • • •••• s. •••• •" • I -•-.-. • • • or •c .l,i • I • • :: • • • e • .. reuoGI m tb1J staod: tbe DMd tbe rtiUhtloo of boiltiot ac-• .1 e.! •! • .., e\ ! ~ ea; • • «' for a.ssura.DCe thatttdelandsre. ttvitles, mariDe fire fiCbUDg : • .~ ·~ ·~ -i ·~ .,:; ~ .g .~ ~ •.. • , maJo cpea tor publlc use by m. and bar bat ;;a.:Ltatton. Tbe city • • •.. •:i • "1 ·-•.; -! ~ ~ ·~ .;. -= :.. • ll ·-" , __ _. • • • ... ..... :a e:a •'" _. -:; • • l&Dd residents, aod that oo bigtl po ce ue eq\oloA.Uy ~r.fb,riMIU • ,~...... • j~.~-. • , • • •. ~ •l ;::. tees whould bt chaJ'gedtorpub-to enforce boating re~IUia.tlons, • 0 ~ • • : ~ ,. •• 10~ COSTA MESA Affi FORCE C~ltl James H. Delaney, son of Mr . and Mrs. Johll J. Delaney, 1741 TWitlo Av~ .• Costa. Mesa, has been named as a. \\'inner in the 1968 Free-doms FoundalioD.,at Valley Forge, lertl'r wr iting COiltest, Ca.ptam Df>la.ne}, who is u~ Signed a! Loyola Unlversity, Los Angeles, received the George Washington Honor Me. dal for hl5 entry on the sub)ect, • A fret> ballot -a tree coWJtry." He is an assistant professor of aerospace studles 01.1 tbe wuversUy, More bike trails asked Extension of bicycle traits along the entire Ne"'PQrt.Bat. boa ocean front wUl be studied by the cUy stab' and the 2 councilmen representing that area, Don Mcinnis and Ho..vard Roger s. Council referred the matter for study Monday evening to!. lowing the afternoon study ses- sion discussion. The commlttee. ..vtu work out a plan that wW be compatibll' with the interests of the ocean tront residents. The pWt, to bre added to the master plan of bicycle tra.Us. cootem. plates a btke route away from tbt bOuM5, &It the QJ froiD tM Sua. Aa rlnr liMtr 10 ................. Panel gives narco info Uc use of tbe UdelaOOs. and, 11 the City CoJ.\~Udi!Sired, u s • • • • • .~ • .. · City Maoaeer Huvey Hurl. could be put on tbe waler to storm : • I .• '· ~-"t r., .. o • : • ..J . What do you know about burt presented an analysts of sh\re total enlorcem~Dl at any • • • • __.-• • drugs"'" lS the Qutstioo posed the City of Oruge r esolution tim·:." • • .f':. ------• • • • No parking 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, May p to Sept. 28. -·: for the Newport Harbor High to clarity the City of Newport Coocerning tbe impUcaUon a lod sought e ..-/ ,'( ( 0 o o o No parking 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sa.t., Sun., HoUd.ays, Ma)' 11 to Sept. 28. ScOOOI PTA me...ting at 7:30 Beach position, that beach cttles may Impose ~ / 1 • • • • .. No parking any tlme, Mcy 17 to Sep(. 28. p.m . Wedoesda}, March 19, in He said that the OrLDoa re. ucessiv~ L1J~.fees 00 ooo-\..3-' • • • • • Elisting red curb (no change). the hlgl1 sc hOol social hall. •· ld t ld p 1 Fed 1 aJd -• •· 01 Mr s. Hum. Plumb. proDTam sollak:ln lmpUed that Ne""""rt r es en~. he sa , " r or stU'· era u .. .,er t .. "' sas. •" ... Beach has not met Its obi(p. veys have indicated m.•re in-ter Act was sought by the Nellt'. CANDIDATES TO TALK A NEW PLAN for no parldng areas on Corona del Mar cll.a.irma.n, has assemblt><lapanp Uoo ln proYidlng for regional cllnaUon 00 the part of Ur. port Beach City Council in a streets for the summer season 'n.S presented by tra!flc el to help students a.nd parents recreation and that the only co•JDty to charge for tidelands r esolut:ion adopted Monday eve. engineer Bob Jaffee at Mooda y's study sessiOn of the <~.nswe.r th1s quest LOn. way to correct this or lmprove u;~ tba.l has the city," ni.ng. The total request ranges The Woman's Civic League of analyst; Terry w. Hay, student; Newport Beach Cit) Council. Tbe above sketch soows the Detective Leo Konkel of the tbe slt!AUO&l ls to retaiD c.>unty He said there ls oo ~sslbllity trom $40,000 to $50,000, Newport Harbor will present the John L. Vaughn, student, and proposed Plan. wh.tch wou1d be in eftecl from May 1 i to Newport Beach polL ee depart- control of county tidelands aDd that county tidelands lt'l)uld re-City Ma.oager Harvey Hurl-candidates for the Newport-Mrs. Mary Mutin, nousewile; Sept. 28 lf awroved by the Couocil. The: enabling resolution ment's Juvenile aarcotics divL- harbor admln.lstratJoo, vert to the beach clUes in the bert was althorized to u ecute M~sa Unified school board a.t Area 7-Roderick Ma.cMlllia.n, will come ~ tor Council action March 2-4. s1on 111111 open the discussion "Thls unwarranted ioference event of Harbor District dis-the necessary applications a.n1 10 <~..m. Tuesday, March 18, in incumbent , and Paul Massey. B I I d ' d 'olo'ith a presentation of the drugs on the City of Newport Beach so:utton, as lm}lled in the documents for federal funds for the mull! .purpose room of Mrs. Albert Houghton, pro-ay s an piers argue ~~~·~ ~.~ectP.">soslmoael p~~ .. eh~or: is unjustilled," he said. He Ora.nl'! re:w!ution, the foUo..vtng projects because Mariners library. gram chair nun tor the League, 1.1 .. _ .... accompanied hls analysis with ··The tidelands are granted La of the dam ;.ge to public propert)' The candidates whO will reports t~t each candidate will TIM! Bay Island disagreeme01: • ADOPTED a resolution or nal!a of drug users and where a statistical summary of har. trust totheCountyofOra.Dif!aod in ttJe r ecent severe rain-appear are: Area 2 -Mrs. make a brufstatemeotofquaU-over pier buildlngwa.sarguedat intention otl the constroction of a.Dd from whom drugs are ob- bor aDd beach use which he oot the Orange County Harbor storms: Elizabeth M. Lilly, locumbent; fica.Uon and purpose. A ques-Mooday evening's ~ewport stne4 UgtLts and sidewalks in tunt><l. sa.ld, "di.scloses tbat tbe (tty District," be pointed out. "Hal-• Restoration or the eroded Alvin F. Bender, indi1StrW en-tion..aDS""·er session wtu follow . Beach Clty Council meeting, H&rbor Higtilands and set • Dr. ~obert Drur}, psycllia· of Newport Beach has perfor-bor O>.strict dissolution has no foundatioo slope adjacent to the gtoeer, and Pastor Henry E. The program or iginally plan. but the decisiOn wa s put off to public hea.rin& for 7:30 p.m. trLst ""Lth the Ounge Count~ m~ its trust, Insofar as pub. lepHmpacton&lly future trans-oew Jamboree Rd. bridge; pre-Jones; Area 4-Lioyd Blalt>led, Ded !or this dale with harbor the AprU 7 session. March 24 on formation of a M ~ica.l Cent er, .... w speak llc access facilities aDd ser -fer , of tidela'ld ~ to beach Umloary e.stlma.te of eligible incumbent, and GorOOn C. Mor-coordinator Geor ge M. Dawes The issue concerns the re. specW assessment district. about 111'haf motivates people to Yices are ~nceroed with much cities." expenses, $5,000. row, business man; Area 5 -voill be presem:ed a.t the AptU quest of the Bar Island Club • SET a public hea.rint:: tor the use of drugs. more dJ.llge~ t~ has the The councU Instructed the • Clearance an:t removal of Donald Straus, incumbent, Dr. l S mei:!tlng ln conjunction with for r evocation of the pier per-i :3o p.m. AJ,Jr il za on a. W.!eO uon Hallstrom of the Orange county ,, clty manager to send hls debr is and wtecka.ge trom t~ John w. Chessell, management a boat tour of the harbor. mit of c. J. Ver Hateo. At-abatement program for stree<s, County Probation Department Tbe 'summary shows 71'1. of analysis and summary to the old Jamboree Rd. bridge tore. y lh ~· f b t torney Joseph Horton, vice-atleys, sidewalks,parkwa.rs and 111'111 describe the problems the cJty.controlled shorellne C1 ty of Orange and to members store San Diego Creek drainage ou aw con a se president of the club, said tna.t private property withtnthe clt)', faced by those who t\ave been open to pubUc use and access of the League of Cities, ud r1ood control damage, f Mr . Ver Haleo had r efused to • AGREED 10 meet at 7:30 arrested a!'ld then returned to • $Z,OOO, USC E st Bah lor C 11 allow the addition of a slip and p.m. Monday, March 17, lor a socclet}l. God h"ll H ........ P b kf Sl F "d • Restoration of Buck Gully A workshop will bre held ; ne c e • a. -thus had troken an agreement stLKIJ session.. ha.r es s ... • ar...,. rayer rea a rl ay bottom control device near Thursday, March 20, trom 9:30 fornia Depu'tmeot of Youth Au. w'tb the lub H gt1 principa l. will make a Corona del Mar, $2,000. a.m. to 2:30 p.m. a.t the UCJ thority, division of delloquency 1Attor~y Peter Ver Ha M statement of lhl' Newport.Mesa A per.,._liovttationtoatteod rather thaa of mea; thateartb's • RernovaJ of debrts and Mesa Commons to ezplore the preveoUon; Robert Sbellon. represeoting his tither ~ ark gels Unified School Dlstncl's pollcy tbt maJOr's prayer breakfast p-eat treasure Ues lD human wreckage lrom ?Ubllc beaches community's r esponslbillty in Newport Beach coUDCUman; that the 1954 pier permlt'badoo towards drug user s lD the this Friday mornirlc: wasuten-persooa.Uty; and that se"lce to operated by tbe city, $35,000. the adequate enlorcement of Us Mrs. Robert Lilly, member of cooditioo attached, and there-• schools. ded to tbe Nn-port Beach City h_um~ is tbe best work of • Removal of debris from laws, theprotectionoftherlghts the Newpoct-Mesa Unlfted lore there can be 110 fiolaUoo. grid honors Written questions wiU be &C· CouoeUYODday elentngbyWU-llf!:.._.... ,ublic rights-of-way for r e-or its youth,a.odthecrea.tionoh Sc hool board, Uld Mrs. P. AttorDey Horton said that the cepted ttom tile au<lence. Uaro T. Uossneld of tbe &p:ID-...,..-ers at the breaktastwtll sum!)Uon of esseotial pUbUc commun.tty climate that mates Keeley, member of tbe l..&guDa club ls see~& to place all pier .rlnc Newport Harbor Cbam-loclude Dr. WlWam J. (Blll) senices; 00 estiruate available both these goals attainable. Beach co.otd:lDatl.Dc couocil. permits 111 the name oftheclub TYo hOn:ws llan beeo awa.r-VOTE l$ l-2 ACAIHST bv of Conunerce. Teape, flee-president, Pep-at preseot urn(!, The foUowing have been lll-P 1 d1sc 1 wtll be held a.Dd tbt COIIDCil members u~ ded Mark l.onouen. to, son c:x:lMMEROAL JETS perdlDe Colle-0r o .. ~h L • R__..l .. 1 sloa viled to partlclpateonthepuel: a.oe ""00 of IU a.od Mrs Paul Lorem: The COUDty .rupeni.JOrsnlted Tbt t"ftllt wtU be held Crom .,v; · •--.. · _..... 0 ero ~ge in themol'nlnunctdiscussJ.oD in pressed approral, stoce ctty 1· •• 1 Ruth•, ___ u.-..... : s z TUesdaY .... ~o • .t 7:SO to 9 a.m. at tbe Balboa B)·roa Jr., cbW of oocolocic and restoration of fonodalioo at i~~boHa.r~r Are~ teenaprO:; the attarmoo, tollowlac tw:a-poUcJ states that pier permits :i:!:.~ As def• n.~o~ -ta---commer- BaJ ere surpry, City of Hope Medical the m.uJ.oe safety (We~d) Q&l r ..., ea po cemen; , cheon. The enol 1s spoosored should be 1asUid trJ lht abuttin( •·• • a ensivetac ... clal JIM tralftc belween ~ 1'be PJ o( lbe JWllor Cham-Cuter iD Duarte, andoftbe UCl beadquuters buUdiDg near John Garletti, dlrector of the bJ the Ora.o~ Coast Leape of property O'WDel'. The Bl.y ls1aod he wu (1\'en honorable mem:ioo County Airport aod Seattle- --1. ~-.. -·'t .... u.-.... &•er CoUep of MedlctDe. OUaer Newport Pier, $1,800. del.inQueocy oootrollnstitutfl at w Val Club OYDS all the land 00 the on tbe NaUonal All American Portland. ~wao..;tc, ... ::;:ak: rt" ~. p&rttclpub lDelude tbt muter M H 1 F" k d• omea trs. Uttle l..sland. Footba.ll team for junior eol-Tbe resolution wut be sent JJbll i)r tiM el•lc lt&derstopt of certiDOGles, Dr. R.>'Jert o. rs e en IC er leS GEORGE VOG£LSIMGER COUDCil contl.oued thehearlng legt5 and ns chosen for first to the CtvU Aeronautics Board toptblr to bt1p furtbtr lbe Pttet800. ,.rlDtendlnt of 1 SUc:a.JMBS AT AG! 72 oo reYOCatton of the permit to :=: for the state of Call· ~~~~:~ c2~ hear:' ~ e&DH ol a Jl)lrltaal awaten•nc =~ G.b'~ C~~ He lea M. FleUr, motber of ot .. t. Carmel CathoUc church, Georp G. Voplstqu, '12, AprU 7, ud at tbat meetiniwUl rM Lr.k earned h.is honors white plicatlons 'ot 'Ai; c;ut, :,. lD oar on commuDlt)'" ud to c r., S Mnpori ll&rbOI' rKldtnts, Newport Beach. tritb the Rt. of !519 lAhleb Place, Costa coastder the proposed transfer tt odl1lg the C 11 f the CallDDia and Coattnetltal "MCOII'aft peap)l to tb1ok ceUOr; J,£.T, R-.r, Jldtl ol clltd In PC)Q)OIIIl Marth t, R ... MJcr. 'l'bomaJ P. EqlUb M·tsa, dl.ed Marcb 9 at Costa ol &U tbe pier permlt5 to 8a.J ~uolu: &t Vl~~ge H~ hu OpposltJoa to jM tn.mc 'IJU more c&relull1 abcMit out blrl-tbe .. _.~ Cowt, Oraact Kra. Ftct.r wu tile &aOt:blr of Po1n0111 omelat.tn(. bier-Uesa Utmori&l HospU:&l.. lll&Dd Club. accepted a lar • "otctd bJ Du1tl £11101' 1150 l&&o &Dd loilolor l&ltllalld fr... C~ ....... ~~ Jdel&l Dis-ot Sat FleUr of llllboo. Ills. meot wu Ill P&ellle Vln Ye-He ou a stll-oa~loyocl coo-Toe O>ooeU &too' UillYirslty ;""IJt&ll "':,. &t.: Goldoto Ctrelo, Boet a:; loa- -Ia tb1o lud &Dd llnMIIId !be ~15et, .;".~~1111am I. Cot, Aaral& Wh1to otN-Booe11, ,...1&1 Pull. traet<>r. He wu bon Oct. &, • ADOPTED Ordlnue• UM, slart -los tills llll IJ> Ike c1er \A tbo UIII....UO o& J 1p WOI'kL'' • • --"'-"''' EJ Toro; ud Newport arclLltect-f*Cbta... liM, to Cb.tcaco. •tlleta ~ tllt elda tu po ud MaJW nar.a ~ ~ Mr. -lll'o IDYllaiU to &Dd 1o1m Gulli-, •lola. mu WUU&m P. Fletor. OOor OTRUS GROWER IJII!S SW•hors an Ills -· oo bolldl"' -oetioo, In• ~-:; ~=~ H--._ !be c-11 toe-1M tlaiO· -· &rO & -Cll&rlolol -IJ J R-. M I~ IWtll&; & "'OCI<tr. ""-tl>o Pf-$1$ to $11$ to< -ltlP -la.o•: mOll 111111 ~ -..... O.OllfiMG STOUM G<-0. c-.; & br-, P-1& A;._, Woll H~ -P&co ol F--~ ud lnao - -Ills 1 br-._ Put, !,. ~ IOYI" Q.lla WIB t11o llowport Harbor ~ -L&ytoo told llo~ ._ S1o11ct ot 01.; &Dd & 11oJP1s. -IWell t IIIIo&( V&lloy; a llrotbor, H. E. VOlOI-& _.. bll lo l -111 --·•t"' -11 ._ SIT 1'01 MAL 16oD cu boll fll11l1 tllotr erood, -polloo M&r<ll1, tllolllls _..-..,....,Mill Dooo Fie-~L 11o ,.. a ,_ -Sr. ud a olltor, MfL, tor -1&1 aid eom_,l&l Al&a ...... .,_ lolllr<loo --.-1&.11, lo .. \le~-·-&tl:J-~ wt~llo~--. ei,...,_ .. -...c-. Mrrt» -.., ot cw-. .,........,. G!ofo, 1111 Ttnr, -• •••••t..,..c•-.... "TIIol 1&1111 Ia God ~~-81ft., &a-. 110 -. Mn. F1C110r -.u bora Ia 8o ,_ bon Foil:. I, Ita, \A ud I V"-' OIIDiiRED --· wwt JAc --·--., 111!0 --. lo ll!o -.. ~~~:--ID~ ---~~,·~ ...... '-'J.S.-Vlr ........... totllls&rOO lien~ ~~~~bo~~.~l lobo-loWIOIIIO_t ..... 1!r ~ ...0. Ill 1 I ... Jilt tl 11!0 loto't:l* .. -;-~..,•aall ... -WU -.... taPo-lat•attwc:om.\lcqltQt La.-.,.--··~· OUtrtc:t 51 -..,.,.,.t -.ne: ..... •E..._ a-111 .. ..._ tn~ U. ..... .._., ol ellrt' 1 .. --.~~~r,.,.. ID AIHrlca lltth,SMwu& Gr~_.dt....SC.wrt.ut wo4 ._..Ill Part C'-Pil.. 111t11col UO IMtot..UW~~II o:U;Ic...cii111 Ara·..,.. c:tiiA .. -. .... -;-.. -.... --·---··-,., ••• _ ... tilt Horbor &I ._VIlla .. _!&!~ Pr--.... wtll-... &llo7 ponlloliD --.. ·,._JIIII"..__i..o_ .... --. cu-.. _..,_-a-, II tsa-."1111!-1!r ... ,all 10 ,......_ r--, _ .... --.. -al !loU tr1s1 ....... -1111 -llthllrlt,_..o, --· "Ilia II Ull .. ..... IIIII ... :r,:IP<'":i-tllollllal:!_l_ ........ _ .... ,!"'~ R ..... -WU colt-t1 IIIII 8r--,, Br_, -,, <:-. !!!lrOIII;-Woma_lo_ lo-DIIs MM lo 5 ......... . pot~ II .. -----II al Oor l.adr C....... lloa. _,,100. ,......_ -....... 1:1* I IHJ. • TMI OPPIOAL MPSPAI'H or TMI QT'f or MIWPCIIIT IIAOI THE HAR.B0/1 AH.U'S OFFSET NEifSI'APER Office ... pn.l. pl-'--, ... E•ic• B .. WI ... 1711 L c-llwy., c;..... olel 11w Calif. -0262S- U\.IrMOM!• 473-0550 (A<" Ce4o 714) THE NE'IPOIT HAI.BOI EHSICN le 1he oaly ... .,.... l)rlllled ...... ll.W l.a tM Cky of Ne"JH)'t Be.clli, ud the nly locally ...... Mill .._.... .. __,.,_ !11 the Newpon H•bof..Co.ta ..__ Area. P.lll~ ..... ly, oa T•.,.clay. Seco-.d cl-po111ap (Mid • Corou .. 1 Mw. Calif. TR£ NE~T HARBOR ENSIGN lu .djudpd to be a •••- pllp• of ~.J cftul .. loa by cowt decree No. A.-20178 dated Mey 14, 1951. Ia s.er1or Court (Of the County of flr•:r· State of ( •llr•aia. ud by reaaoo th«eof ia qualified to publi all public Mtk:eoa ,...Jted b7 law. AII'VO t. HAAPA ................................. Owner and Publieher PEC BAAPA ............................................... .A-..ociate EditM SUISCR"TIOM RATU O..e Yfl•• M.OO; 2 ye•e, 17.00 O.e ye•, 15.00: 2 ye.,.~, 19.00 AAVO E. HAAPA, owner-and publisher of the Ensign DO WE DARE RISK THIS? This letter alone should be r eason enough to reject the proposed sex educa- tion program In our public schools. The letter was written by Mrs. Erwin Handel to the Phoenix (Arizona) American last November: We just received our Nov. 61ssue of the Phoenil American. I noted the article on the troDt page about se1 education - which might better and moreaceuratelybe termed ''obscenity education" In the Pboenlx sebools. We Just moved fromPhoeDix.a.ad for tllat reason. We have a 12-Jea.r~ld son who was t:wgbt this smut last spring, and about 9 weeks thereafter we had a near dlsaster in our borne. I nlked in and caught him sexually molesting our 4-year ...old daughter. He llad been taught all about intercourse at school and wanted to "try it out" on h.is sister. (I caught him before he actually commited tbe act.) Now, teaching young kids thi s in sctx>ol is nonsense. It's like giving someone a recipe to discourage cooking. It won't discourage, but rather eocourage experimentation. Wh en the sex education propagandists are pressed for a reason for their urgency In seeking to Introduce their program in public schools, they generally come back with this argument: There Is increasing promiscuity among youth and increasing pregnancy outside of marriage; therefore, more education is needed. Meanwhile, there Is an amazing lack of demand from these sexologists for teaching moral Integrity. The cry Is for more anatomical Instruction and demon- stratlon and experimentation, while the basic problem Is being ignored. What is needed is Indoctrination In basic morality, because the problem r esults from sin in the heart of man, and the solution is not to be found in pornographic Instruc- tion in the art of sex. The moral crisis will only be aggravated by sex educa- tion in public schools, where Biblical ' LEGIONNAIRE ~EWPORT HARBOR POST HO. 291, AMERICAH LEGIOH o PHOH_E 673-5071) Sunday was ooe or those days that ma.ke you feel you are glad to be allve and glad you are living in Newport. Catall.na to the south ns so clearly out- lined that buildings wer e visible at Anlon. Point Fermin was sharply outliDed to the oorth, SaD Clemente Island was visible, as well as tbe Up of North Coronado Island to tbe south. Someone ooce bragged to an out-of-stater that "God was a CalUorn.ia.n once and He lived here in Newport until he found himself a better place to settle dotrn Ln." After Sunday, I don't think anyone would argue with the man. • • • • • CONSERVATIVE CORNEF I NEII'ORT IIARIOW EJUICII 'FIRST SEC1101 -., P•l lltURSMY, MAROt 13, 1969 MIIWI. ..-u. TELISCOPH MLTZ MORWA.RIFS 1741 SUP'IIIOR A Vr.. COSTA liEU llldway ._2424 Japanese art J~~~tn• uta ud demoo- ~ ut to btl prelilllhdat H...... Safl.ap 1D11 lclall, .SJO BrlJIDI Sire«, Colla .. _ by tile Colla .. _ Art 1Aopo llar<b U-1?. FestJnl aetlfWu wtl1 boCID at uo p.m. I&Cb day, Jlllf..MH Art and Boasa.l. Will be Ilion Warcb Z4 aDd 27 by U't1IU Sbou:l lp.rUbJ a.od Yo- lblo Nab.. Cluatcal Japa.aese diLDces aad. KabUki per for- muces by Madam Rokul:a Huayqt ue acbeduled for Marcb !6, &fterooon aod eYe-ala&. Her muslca.l aecompaaist ll lime. K&t.ltlehato Ktneya. pl&ylq a~c Japaoese strlDg Lutruments lmown as Koto aod SUuseu. Oo uhiblt will be artifacts ud Japanese.eostwned dolls, the eollectloa donated by W.me. Guo Osetl, owoer of tbe dis- play, I b h $1UDBin P'LAM POa MDO!L L!GISLAlURI A)'OOOI>IDIIIOflr--1 loSau.-. 0 e s own ot IIIP ocbool cblb mt.-rt Cl.ady PlluwutM.-Ir- tht IeltiYal, accordi.D.r 1o Mrs. were ruesta: at a rectal ~ 1M Kat by WU.. PI' 111•.,. Mr Marpret Burt, t'lce.presldellt ot tbe ftnport Harbor Y I blU rePf'C1!DI UUD.1"''nM Ia ln ehl.rce of public relatioal. MeD's Club, ter?let club of lbl re&dio( iP the .,.,_ II'..._ Wme. HaDaya&f's translatloa Oraap ec..t YMCA. Tbe )'OUIIC Tbe rest of tbt pueliDttw:led of Ja.pa..oese daoel.Dc states thll: people bad beft preperlDctbelr Cul stneu,stt¥eaFesllul~ tbe art bep.n with tbe da.,n ot Jepal&Un bills ud otber Ly nn RoMDer ud DeuU: Foa. Japanese ciYllhation u recor-materla..l trior to attelld.LDc the wbo were spaken tor UCS ded J.n Cbe old cllrollicle called aM•l YMCA modellePslature api.D.It tbe BtU. the "Koj1ki." Legend bas lt that Amateruu, goddess of the sun, looked with About that boulder in your eye "Got somethin& m my eye," the cw;tomer satd. "feels II» I . COAST Min Y CO-A DIL loiAl ORiole )-'1450 ~~-~· lt4J ·-~~-·-J• •• • ... ~,.or ..... of ........ , 110 CHARACTERS in "Half past late in Wonderland" include the dancing card children, from left, Robin and Kim Carr and Joan Spelletich, pictured here with Mrs. Kalman Spel- letich Jr. of Corona del Mar as the Mad Hatter and Mrs. Donald L. Carr of Costa Mesa as Alice. (Ensign photo.) Mme. Yoshlke Kalzwni's tea. ceremony a..oo fJow'er arrange- ments are· other features of dista.vor ~ tbe behavior ol her followers and tl1d herseu 1n a cave between huge boulders. The world became very dark, and 1n order to entice her tlllck ap.J.n. the other ~s and IJ)d- desses beseeebedtbe goddess of the daoee, Amfl-00-tttume-no- W.ikoto, to daoce. She started to perform aM others )oilled ln by cJ.awlnc the.lr hands a.od sing- ing. Coll$Umed wUb curiosityby the gayety, the sun goddess peeked out from behtoo a boulder. Strong ones puShed aside the rocks and the sun shone ooce mor e IC)On the world. Irish potluck planned like a boulder. How about tak.ina it out?"' He was bwtina and wanted help then and there. Tbe pharmacist remembtred hearing about another man who5e "something" turned o ut to be a steel spijnter embedded in his eyeball. He advised him to see bis ph)'5.icilln. Prompt suraery saved his &ight. So, we-'re careful. And if we 5eem overly cautious sometimes, mnember-we·re pharma· ci.sts, not physicians . We. work ~>·itlt docto~. dis- pensing the drugs and rt\C'.dications they prescribe. But we don't practice mC'.<hcinc:. •• HaiMr Atea .twJ haa ~ ......... ., a rnw., oaiUaa •• Viahor bt..,een 10 ............... .. ull · • ,., ftift4 valu•l• U.form•lic..t _. sifta '""" frimdly ._,..... lm~a whidl ltMCI ,..., .., -.elp har Nc:o.. .... at.ed _."' IMt ••• au~lldinaa. Y BALLI RACKET RESTRINGING BICYCL REPAIRING BASEBALL s.AHITARY HOSE BASEBALLS 95 •• 1.49. 1.95. 2.50. 2.85 BASEBALL SHOES 9.95. 13.95. 16.95 LITTLE LEAGUE SHOES·· 4.95 BASEBALL BATS 3.95. 4.95. 5.95 LITTLE LEAGUE BATS 2.50-2.95. 3.25 Bf-SEBALL CAP 1.10 • 2.50 THOMAS DENMAN serYes as consultant to furniture manu- facturers in addition to his ownership of Tomas Mediter- ranean F'urniture,l777Newport Blvd,, Costa Mesa. He has been doing intertor design work for tbe last 15 years: Among his customers are Murray Cbo- ti.D.er, local attorney and national poUUca l tii[W'e, and Ray Mil.land and Ruth Roman. movie stars. Westclit~ Chapel e/._1(~,.,. 427 f, IN. ST. COSTA MESA Ml 6-4888 taurant award for his Tirol Res- b.urant at Idyllwild. A decon- Uon of ··commander" of the R.:>yal Or~r of Sahametrel LD Cambodia was bestowed by H.R. H. Prince Norodom Si- hanouk, chief of stale, As an atarD.r be bas published muy booU 011 toe plea.suru <l1n1Dc-Jl1s ...... 'Beyood ruct," ls•an: ,,:~~:t~·~:~ I narrative dhist philosophy. He is. manager of Villa Fon- tana at the Town and Country Plaza in Santa Ana and a con- sulta.nt to the Paul Ma sson vine- yards. His other pursuits ue teacher, photographer a.od pain- lor. ST. PATRIOt'S PARTY FOR ANCHOR LODGE St. Patrick's ce lebration wiU ba held this Saturday evening, March 15, by Anchor Lodge 648 at the Senior Citizens clubhouse 15th St. and lrvine Ave., Clilf Haven. The Westminster ac- cordl.an youth ba.nd will play. The lodge willholdanEa.ster sale of hand decorated view- through eggs, crocbeted chlc- kens, bo.l<ed goods and candy March 29 in troot of the Alpha Beta store on 17th St . in Costa M>!sa. JOURNALIST HONORED Dick Howta.od ot tile Newport Hubor H 1gb School Beacon statf received a certificate ot excel- lence for pOOtography at the 44th annual newspaper day, March 8, at the USC School of J:xaaa.Usm. He also received honorable mention for a sports story. F1 REWORKS TOSSED Llgbted firecrackers were ttlrowo at his MG, shattering a wtmow, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, Ronald Hill, lZZl MarlaD LaDe, Harbor High. l.J.ods, told Newport Beach pollee. Tt.e Ya.OOa.Usm oc:ciU'red wiU.Ie be wu drhine oo lrT1De An., West Upper BaJ. Christensen laJ L COAST .. T .. =--· Da.. JIU omou 1·21M VIVA PLAtH OR DECDRAT ED 2 BIG ROLL ROLU TOWELS 65¢ COFFEE HUGGINS YOUNG S9 ¢ LOCAL CROP VALEHOA TOMATOES ORANGES ~HE RIPENED 1 LB. 7t JINA 19~> CELLO PACKAGE ~ B1 RDSEY E FROZEH Beans 2 ··17t Tl!EESWEET CORN 19¢ BIRDSEYE 9 OZ. GRAPE AWAKE 3 .. 100 BIRDSEYE COOL 39t WHIP PT. 17( QT. 53t MARGARINE no a Mt.JU • I a. 1:•-SVMDAYI I Ill' I f'II,LL -IICl I . COUT lll.UE I!ONHET LB. COA ST MARKET ------NEW!!!···OPENING FOR LUNCH MONDAY, MARCH 17------ Enjoy the warmth and informal elegance while d in ing amid open fireplaces and strolling troubadours OPEN SEVEN DAYS fOI DINNER-COCKTAILS POPULAI PIICES • FOR RESERVATIONS CAU 6750470 (Formerly Chef's Inn) DINING 4:00P.M. TO MIONIGHT COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 a.m. AMPLE PARKING 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY COIOIIA DB. MAl Under the personal direction of. Alejandro (Aiexl Maytorena (FNmerly 26 Y~ors W 1ff'l Per rno's) and Ray Oliphant of laguna Beach IPre•;dent of Wooden Shoe flal-~ I & CIT MIBIR BniCII .-r IEC1IOII - -~. 4 ... \',IIMQ4 ~­CHDM DIL 11M, CAliF. BUT 00 IT SAFELY. Teach your cltilJren tAo .. important •afety rvlc•. l. O..Jn·H·mss SlrL'CIS Uf hi~hW.I}"S whilt Hying kit<:s. :!. Doo'r fl y a kirc with mc~tl in rhc fr:une or C!lil. 3. Don't usc rinse! strmg, w1rc or :mr twin~: w1th mcr:JI IR ir. -i. Oon"r fir :1 kirc 0\'t't TV or r:~d io antcnru~s. 5. Don'r fir a k~re R(."arele<tric power hnt'S :and don't rrr m rerrit"\'C a kirc caught m power lines. 6. Don't fir l kirc in rhc nm. 5 have straight A's So•-Ull oiPill ~rode -roll-• ian-.-at-EMip __ ,. -LFoiiDwllic-lllrold Ill A'ola lllllbjlctl, ... ...,. .. ploJII<&I-tloo: -lfodo-YICidCili.JoJJo-oab, Hotlr _.,....,, Uld COdy Slllll1. EIII>IJI lfodo-Cllrk.Pollloll. Hort 11 t11o <<UDPIIII -roll 1110: ' SEVENTH GRADE Katbr U11 Ltt Barta Perry Adams Jlllle JMmu Scott Caldwell Tom AlleD LI.Jxta Lord Ju car_,. Joy ADtboay Ahrsbl. LJDU AIU Cl&rt Susie Batbrlck Ectn.r4 L)'OD Terri CoU Toni Beelrwttb Debbie McCabe Brlu Cobs J~alle Benoett Mlltoo MeCoid Carla Colley JacqueliDe Bernard Kareo Mc.Doupl Sten CoWer Roo Blalack Margaret Uais Robert Coon Karen Bowman Tim Marlmoa JeDOUer Cooovv Kim Bryut Dod1 Yaroti Rlcbard Culveyboose Betb Baoaell Klmtn. MttcbeU Cberyl DaboH Ttoa. BarDS steve Monaco ADJil Dolby Ntd: Burton Holly Moatcomery Suy Doyle V1ct1 Call Tom Moue Jim Driscoll Carol Campbell Frant Nadasdy Butwa Dunn AM Cates Lori Nelsoa Debbie Dunn Doug Cba.rd Laura Nlcbol5 James Essick • Terry Cline Lori Nlcbols Lori Ettin Ruth Clucas Molly o•coouot ow Fr&DkUD Stacy Cochran Raody Palmer Jody Friday Duncan Coffey Llllda Pitt Cbarles Gluier Martin CoU Susan Rankin Ct.ndee Hall Te ri Craig Jane Rasmusson Jobn Harrts Lee Oann Jan R'36ce 8111 Heidbrink Lee Dickens Paul Reed Robert HeDdersbot Lyodon Dickey Autumn Reinhart Lyn HJgbland John Dickey Kathy RUey Mart Hinshaw Claire Dowling Louise Roblnson Constance Hlrsbon Dana Dunning Tom Saftlg King Humann Lori Durgan Bob Suton Dougall Johnson Erick Escher David Scooce Mike Keller J ennie Fraser Lyon Seiling Patricia Lewis Jane Fernald Stuart Shef Krl5 Llllegraven Scott Fier Gina Simkins Vivian Loumeau Robert Franzke Cody Small Beth Luymes Bonnie Gage Lauri Smull Mlcn&.el McGinty Vicki Gale Erin Smith Usa Maglione Marie Grlmsnaw Kim C)mith Valeria Mason Beverly Gross W·U"ren Smith Brad Miller Jean Gorman Cindy Snyder Terry Moore Mar}· Gunkel Laurie Snyj~r M~t Morgan Laurie fbiley Bill Somers Maureen Murphy Tim Hamll1 Melissa Speocer Steve Myer s Ricllard Ham .n David Unger Margaret Newland Cynthia Hand Kent Vortint stuut Notes RObert Heather Casey Walter Marilyn Palmer Tom Hogan O.~bbie Wllliams John Phillips Julie Holcomb Jennifer Yam.tgucht Richard PhUUps Robin Humphries Kathy Yates Margaret Porter Karen Jasper Patrice Young Clark Potooff Janet JUlson • EIGHTH G~A.DE John Ross-Duggan Andrew Jones ALan Andrews Tom Searles Valerie Johnson Gay AnthOny Wendy Smith LesUe Jordan Cy othla Beckett Kul Tahti A. G. Kawamura Barton Beet Greg Taube Kimberly Kay Grieg Beltramo Gary Thorne Margaret Kerr Sally Bemus Joseph ThOmas Teresa Klinger Dale Bishop Karl Von Herzen Valerie Kooz Karen Bissonette Ellen Walter Stephanie Kopanski Kathy Britvicb Keith Wall Cindy Lauber Keo Brown Denise Wunderlich Pat Lawtller Pili! Bwln Marilyn Yardley • -· ·-----.. ---.... ... __ • IMAKIIIOWM CIIIISI -8YCMIIoiiiiiS ~~~ Frlodl Jr. Jl'ldtdld IDe cMirJDU, bu ftwHwl ploub-allueuo-. -b-1111-tl.aMYI<bl CIOb, _..,. • uttr 1111 ..... "nil will blilllowtdbr a crttiqllell tbt c:lllbiiOMI, M1 lllrlldt Dr~ lllr -Bor. -t lalul lldwlr• porll- olpllod Ia t1io rt<eat SCYA- ICCA lllld--evelll, w!lll I ... Dlllloapll<lacZIIdiACIUI B ud 151b o"r ..au &I 1.191lo. Ward wa,_ oeorloc Z.051\\, Uld llr. Frltdl, 1.8'15\, a1lo oompolod m SIYC, all<! I other members sa.Ued UDder other flap, Dr. £d. Rleseo i:u" LBYC IJid ~b C-lct lor CYC . ...... f M&ARI CIIIIIIA NOW AT 1710 NEWPORT 1!L YD. PH. 646.,JIJC.:oe1a ~ ... BEER-totllt to Amt~rk•'s ttconomy The brewing industry is a massive and dynamic part of the Mttonll economy. EKh year it pours billions of dolan into commerce 1nd government. • S1 .4 bilLion in state and federal exciM taxn. • f3 billion to emptoyees. suppliers and distributors. • S990 mtllton in agricultural products and packaging materials. The brewing industry is a proud contributor to America's prosperity. UNITED STATES IRlWIItS ASSOCIATION , INC. COMPLETE FUNERALS ..... '245 COMPLITI FUNDAL AND IUIIAI. CINTU 211 ..... 1-6177 • ••&.,.,_, U. One Buaaai/al PJ.ce" l'«a"le the 6mera1 and burial anter m--:;apt elimi•tes ·the need ·for~ lbroosfl beaty tzaffic 011 09etaOW hip&JS, famlJy · ind ~ a1ilce may oow pe.y tbeit full re- Spects by attmding tbe burial Ja •ice. IS well IS the cbapeiiUYb, all at~ heealiful pba, at Ia. Gilt aad iDore COUNJoim:le. 1-1 ·1-IUCII &YD.. WDtuiNSlU 714 J.Jal 714 1-1721 NEWPORT HARBOR EJigGN ARST SECllON --Pilei TIIIJRSOAY, MA!!Qt 1!, 1te CORONA DElMAR, CAll F. Orange County Bank has a new name. But that doesn 't really change anything. We're still at the same three locations. We have the same managers and personnel. Except for the new signs, you'll hardly notice any change at all -that is, until you discover the many new services we now can offer. Southern California First National Bank brings you Unchargeable Checking, which means you can write all your checks free. We have Money Minder accounts to help you keep your personal or business records. Also, you can take advantage of the lowest new car auto loan rates in town, complete trust and escrow services, and dozens of other banking . con ven 1ences. But the courteous, personal service you've been receiving from your friends at Orange Count~· Bank will remain the same. Because after 85 ~·ears of banking experience, we know that some things are too good to change. We h ope you'll stop in and get to know u s better. We'll be ser ving refresh ments and passing out free g ifts all day long. And at t he end of the d a y, we'll have a drawing for valuable door prizes. We'll look f orward to seeing you tomorrow. ............ DIJJII II Coot•-........ , ... _ ... _ , We're in San Clemente, too! South El Camino Real and Esplanade (at the Alpha Beta Shopping Center). Al ong with our openi ng~ at the three former Orange County Ra nk locations, we an• openin g a new branch in San Clemente. Until our new building is co mplet<:<i . we will be operating in temporary faci litie. on South El Camino Real at E splanade. adjacent to the Alpha Be t a S hopping Center. The addition of these four locations makes a total of eight Southern Cali· Cornia First National Bank offices in Orange County. • • • lUXURIOUS ' Moau o• •oc• .... CMAII 10.1 • Ew IALI.A f ro• usr u.uo• mo. \ ',{.BAlBO. ""OSUlA · 013<041 ~ THEATRE ~~~==~~~~ • OI'IEHS NIGHTL Y 6:4) HELD OVER -SECOND WEEK "A BEAUTIFUL FILM"-r~>oNew Yor*<r - with Pet., O'Toole GRAND PRIZE WINNER 1966 CANNES ALM FESTIVAl ~) AMAN ANd A WoMAN WINNU Of 4 ACADEMY AWAlD NOMINA nONS lndud; •• , BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR ..... ,. z.H; •• m I SPECIAL SATURDAY STUDENT SHOW . -:::-S::-1::-2::-5::-:-:W::-IT::-H-ST_U_D_E_N_T_B_O_D_Y_c_A_R_D_-_'o_A_.M_.__. "OAZZLIN&! One<~"" ,.. iL youll "''" •~>in picture 'Romeo&Julitf quite the ·n~· ~ou did before;' -LIFE -FR~'co ZrmNW.I -· Ro~EO ~flLIET C. C. Blatemore, Southern California first National presi· dent and chief executive officer . . sa.1d that the acquisition ofOCB is part or SCFNB's plans for upa.nslon througtxlut Orange County. SC FNB, 2presently ranJ.e.j 109th among the nation's more tha.o 14,000 commercial banks, has received comptroller ofthe currency approval to establish Orange County offices in Ful- lerton aod Cypress . The bankflrstenteredOrange County througfl. merger of sad· dlebaclt NaUo:1a.l BaJllt of Tust.l.n. In August, 1967.1nSeptember of that year SCFNB m ~rged with Huntington Valley Bank of Hun • tington Beach and in November SCFNB established an office ln downtowo Sa.nta Ana. In addition to Its Ora.nge County ortices, SCFNB pre. sently o,erates 35 of11ces tnsan Diego County and 6 in Los An· geles County. The Orange County Bank was or ganized In 1961 and the San Juan Capistrano office was opened that year. The omce ln Costa Mesa was established ln 1963 and the bank opened Its Dana Point office in 1966. * * ~k~ .. ~ = LIDO CE NTER ... J I VIA IIUf ). N.B. BUILOIIG PERMITS - Ne.GRT HARIIJR EM~IJI ARSTSECTIOII -~'·i l11Jit$0AY, MARat I!, IM; OOII!NUEI. MAlt, CNJF. AJ The ........ ToiWo W. sw1ngs with The • tb e·rnesa T • . . ' . . ~,:,•,P .·; ••, !•".~!-' "' ',' ,. '.' •, No bid .. .J] be rttci!'J~ed unle!!o" 11 11 m-.de oil • propos al form furnished bv thr Publ1c l o rk1o Department. Each bid must be accomr,aooed by cuh, crr11fied chl!'c k or Bidder's Bond made p•yah e to the City of Newport Beach, lor an amouat f'qual to at }l"ast 10 pl'rceot of thf' •mount b od . The documrnU includf'd with111 the sealed bid" wh ich require ('OmpletJon and eu•cution ar,. th<" lol lol'>i ng: I. -Pro posal 2. Pap:c-3 -Desigruotion of Sub-coDtr•c tors 3. Pa,rt-4 -Biddt.r's Bond 4. P•,r:~~' 9 -...-on-collusion Affidavit 5. P•p.e 10 -Contractor's finan cial St•tus The_do("uments s hall bl! ;oflit":d with thll' ·rr··rri•te siaDetUrii!S and tttl"s of thr pt.r!;OD"' st,r:nmg on beh• o the. bidder. F'or corpor•tton$. thr si 5natu rr~ nl thr p,..•id•n' or Vic• PN•Id•..t 111nd S.c,..rary or A••isla"r S•cr•rary arr required and thr Cor· po ra t~ ~al ·"hall be affi~t'd to 11ll documents reqgirins si gJ~a· tg rrll. In th~ case of • partnership, thr s i!JIUture of •t least O lll!' ~~11eral p•rtnrr il' rrqui r~d . KJRK.DOUGLAS All bids arr to be compared on th e basi!l o f the Ensineet'l ~~t,matr. Thf' rsttmatrd qu•ntities arr •ppro•imatr ooly, beia1 ....... jltven !lolll'lr "s • ba!!ll!li fo r thr compaTil'>On o f bid!l. w.. :\'o btd will br accepted from 11 Contractor who h•!l not bren f1f h("e ns r d 1n •cro_rdance with thr prov11;ion!l of Ch•ptrr 9. Oi vi· ...,. !!lton Ill of Bu st ne!!o!!l and Pro fe!>!iiion<:' Code. The Co~:~trac tor • THE :~i~l statr hito ltct.n!le num ber a~:~d clusificatioD in the propo-BROTHERHOOI) Plan!!, Speci•1 Pro vts ~ons, and Contract Documenu may be ~ obtained at.•h•_Pablic l'orb Dr~artmrnt, City H•ll. Newport ~ -1!!- B h C I I 1~·:-::::·::::J rae • • 1 onua, at no r oat to icen .. ed conHac tots, A aoa· _ relaadahle cll•rl!ie ol 12.00.,.ill br requ ired lor u ch srt of pln:a j special P roYi!IIOD!I , and conu•ct documents for others the~ lice~s~d contractortt . It ~"' reqoe!Olted th" the plena •nd speci al proYJSJon,. br returnt-d wuhin 2 wrell.s after tl-.e bid opeains. A non•refund•ble ch•rge of 16.00 will br re.ired fo r r ac:h set of City o f ~ewpurl Ht-ach Stl.lldard Specili c•tions. Th~ City of Newport Br•ch reaervt-s thr risht to reject •ny or all b1ds and to w•Jvt. any informa lity in 11uc h bids. ID accordancr with the provision11 o f Sec:tioD 1770 of the La~or Codr ~ tbe City Coun ci l of thr City o f Newp<Ht Brach has a• cll!rta ~nrd_ the .l!ener•l prrvailin1 rate of per diem wa11rs ill the localtt{ 1n whtch the work. is to br perform ed for each c rdt or type o workm•11 o r mech•nic needed to e•e cute th e c:olltrsc:t •nd hs• 11et forth thue itema in Re11olution No. 6 519. A copy o f !laid Resoluti on is a Y•ilable ill the off ice of the City C irri!. in thr Ci ty of Newpo rt Beach. lbt-follo ... ing is thr .schrdulr of prevailinR wage r•te• 1968:-69, fo r _a !lt.~rc tivr lis_t o f c:la >~ai fi ("ation.'!ll. Tol!t.ther with th!! tofomoat ton mclurled 1f1 th!! ll rsolution ~o. 6519, thi5 S("hedule is to br considered a part of the!l~ contrac t speci. ficstiODI!I. 1 T ime 20 words or leu ... 1.50 21 words to 30 words 2.00 31 word~~o to 40 words 3.00 Eoch word o .. e r 410 worda .. .OS 2 Times 3 Timas 2.50 3.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 . 10 .15 Prrv11ilin11: 1\llljlf' Hairs -1968-69 C/as•lficot/on (S•I•ctlv• L isti"9J l.arprn trri!l (S/1/68} 5.33 5. J 3 20!1 OFF FOR CASH WITH ORQER Cement \f~tson Journeyman Labore rs r.,.neral or Constmction .t.aphalt Rakrr & lrooer rlagno111D Gui nea Ota!ler L11yin/l of aliDoo...nrtalli c pipe Tunnel l.l•11sifi c11tion!li \'ibratonn&~~, Jack llanmter, Pneumati c ToOls (n c:epl driller) Op•ratlnv £"9/ne..,• Oiler and !!ignalmlln (Group I) Sll.iploadeP (Les!! 4/5 yd.) (Group 2) Bodman &ltd Chniamall (Group 3) [n s trumentmlla {Group 4) Grade Checker (Group 5) Pavrnorot-bru ll.er operator {Groop 5) Grade-all operator (Gronp 6) T eam•t•t• Damp Truck. J)ri ver {Lee!! thfln 4 yd11.) lfater tru ck driver {2500 !Ill. to 4000 gal .) 8ui ldirt9 artd Cort•tructlon troda• Bricklayer & Stone \tnon Electtici.a Joumeym&~~ Wirem&ll Lather PaiD if'fll Journ eyman -8pn11}' Pipe tradn 3.97 4.18 3.97 4.05 4.28 4.695 (7/11~) 4.68 4.92 5.16 5.27 5.<6 .... 5.56 (SI J9/68) 4.65 4.83 !S/1/61) 5.30 (1/1/61) 6.75 (5111/63} S.lll! (7/1/61) 5.79 Plumber Any c:lu1ific•tion omitted herein ahall c:,.ft rate. s. 79 be tb e prrvailin1 Overtime, Sooday ed Holiday rate-a •re at prev•ili•s erah ratea. OTY OF NE:WPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Laara LaPo•• City Clerk Be\Jor PERSOIU.LS SAL E.. 3000 boo Ita at t9e each. Daily Jun.k Shop Sale at Tewto.kle Hardware. 1,000 items. U 8-201R. Eatabllobod 19 19. Newport Blvd. a& 18th, Costa Mesa. IALCOfiOUICS·ANONYMOUS 542--7217. P, O."Bo:r. 1.223, Meu.. FOR RENT FOR RENT. 1-room offtce, lf'(MIDd floor -ao.llaL carpolocl .... .ah.MI-117$. doctor's TRANSPORTATI ON 100" Financing Available AI so We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Harbor Blvd. COsta Mesa 548-8511 FlREBmD, g;reeo wltb leatblr top, wide onla ud mags, poaWn steerLD&. auto- matic Hearst pars. &U-5646. TilLES $119.111, Uoocl ·$51.11 ~ ...... -... ---SpoiU 100, 10111 Gotdoll <llo<t BlYd., Glrdoo <llo<t. CaU WALL -TO -WALL TOLL fi!EE eM-1'110. . • IUSIMISS SERVICES ~~-~"'~OC~ud~ap~IOI~rt;;;~~jlt OIL PAJIITIIIGB. ~-ea.atnc, ......,110, wtU ..U. r.U low. Price or --·-·-'" WILL PAY ..., to $1,000 for stelJJWay Grand plaDO, Wrlte P. 0, Bo.1 1685, Studio City, c a.wornl.a. • MUSICAL fOil SALE HAM MOND-YAMAHA STE[MWAY Kimball g;ra.od plaDO, 5.8', only $985; Estey consolette, n.lnut. save on this, oow $443; other used pianos from $1 95 , Ham mood "8'' w/TC, sacrLD.ce @ $1195; used Ham mood Sl)lDet organs from $695; used Lowrey '11/A.O.C. & Leslle, only $587. TerrLD.c saY ings on stereo consoles! SC HMIDT' MIBIC CO. 1907 N. MalA, SaJIIa Ana Est. 1914 INSTRUCT BIN FRENCH--LalrD Freocb wltb a qua.Wled teacber, formerlY witb AlllaDce Fraocatw -- Ecooomica.l rates -PboDe 645-2983 -For appolntnMIIl ca.ll olllJ Fr1days. • MWAMTI!D lRCifliJO. v ••• o( .. ;.... l•oe oe aU tJfll• of cb- lloloa A Jlo-llpoclolor, .-.·~ abi.na. u.~ ,... 1w. -· ··-fl1l -......... <D4. 67)oiD4. SECRETARIAL WORk, mhQIO. ~ -.ry, -u-. """""' -· CaU t7S-t0150 --1'11-1119 ..... FABULOUS RESTAURANT at the Lagu na Beach C. C. -PRESENTS- • MISfiLLAMIOUS I ~mo~l;o~·~llll~•~· ~141~4l~·~·;;~ SPOTS Won ,_, .,.. -li TIU:YRJII. .I ;W!LWAL~DDOO;bol; .. ;; .... ;;;k$1;; .. ;;"";_;:-_ .., ,_ ... ~1 _ --$1S.oo...a.•• t411. COM .,.. 11<-.ocl. 1Aan THE NATURALS Dancing Nitely (except Sun.) starting March 14 31106 COAST HIGHWAY SOUnl LAGUNA • RES. 499-2663 ...,... ....,. ....... t..~ ....... at ........... 01' ltOO ... ~-~ ol-e ••-e SQIDCIL. E. Caul llwJ. Apt. 1. -•t.C..Hud•-, )187 £. C.UI H·..,~ C.: _ ........ C.lllo Yoor •-.W .......... .Q:J .... -- • Sign up for baseball BIIEI&D ......... IIIII, llupor, Ud -VIlla ll<dUde..-.. , ........ -Ia. bar Ana -. ..W 11oC1a .tprU .. ,lollplellool- .tprU a, Rod llael!lll'oo--...... wldell loel ''' boll ...... ,..._, • , ... od "~ llol ......... looh. .... IIIlo not. N~ oellooll. · &oro oro to '-' to 1bo .tprU 19, Dlfil Scllool - ----~ llld -..... Widell ...... .,_, II 1:00 p.m., l<d -, Collop Pari<, IWIJ· ......,, II I :G p.m., 1111 4111 -· PullriDo, -, lfldwoll7:10 p.m.,....,diJic 1111 Sooon oe-. to lilt lollowllc .. _.., ~u 10, ToWIMlo 11e11oo1 .\;lrU Ia, Reo Sellool---..... wlllebiDol-c:ICet u-. wblcb iDclldN Adams, C&Ub'DI&, Balllrle, Po1110111, Vtctoola, w~ 1111 Moea Verdi. Wbltllor, 1111 Callyoo oehOOII. llay I, LIDeola SchOOl-- April 24, JCataer SctJ:»Jatteo... duce area, Which 1Dcludu Har- dbee area, wblcl:l llltl'ldu bor View Uld Corolla del Mar LIDtlbtrlll1, Woodla.Dd, BIY\'1.,, oellooll. • Baseball bonanza is set Tbo aD-dl7 -bo.U --Tbo Steomnlllbo.lllelocllllw II N~ Harbor Hlp Sebool Del oq-. a.-.1-will tbu Sllllrtlly, lloreb 15, wiD sene. lDclllde a n diJIDer Mned 1n The dinaer'1 lor &11 playva, tbe tcbool cafeteria from 5 to spectators, f&mlllea &Dd ar• 7 p.m •• ~lor to tbt fMlured tans. A nrlety of door prllou nrstty came at Colta Mesa ww be oftered aeeordlac to Pull: at 7 p.m. dllller ~ Buc:t Bela. Tbt d1lmer, ec>uored bJ tbe Tickets are aY&llablt from NHHS BueiJall Booster CJub, team members cheer aod will i)Uow tbe S p.m. fresb-leaders, Coaeb Aody Smith, or man a.od JV pmes, to be played at the door. OD tbe Newport Baseball fteld. Church News The PIJm-Coocreptlooal Lulberao Cbureb ol the ...... Church, 316Z Broad st., New-ter, 2:900 Pa.eUle Vtew Dr •• port Het-1 -"Tbe magic Harbor VieW Hills-Dr, WU- fUameot of prayer•• will be the lla.m Eller Yl1l deliYer tbe mea- sermon topic of tbe Rev, Nor-sap at 8:45 aod 11 a.m,Suada)' ma.a Brown b' the lOa.m.Sun.. on ''Seek the Lord wb.Ue be mar day HrYice. be fouDd." based 00 llli&b: • • • 55:1-1. Tbe meuap llr tbe Tbe Central Btble Cbtll'c.h. 1:30 p.m. WedDesday leotea Oranee AYe, at ZSrd st., Collta wors.blp wUl be "BeautltUl.xa Yesa-Pastor Henry E. Joaes tbe mouuta1D.." will trlq: ~. menap 011 "How Tbe • N~ Har~r Lu- to coottaue at tbe 9 and 10:30 tben.n Cburcrt, 2501 CUff Dr., a.m. SUOOI.y ArYices. At1p.m, Newport Heleflts -Pastor he will bring tbe 4th aad 1'lDal Jam 5 BlaJ.n will preach a1 tbe message in tbe Y1lua.l1uJd se-e rles on "33 miracles t salva.-8:30 and 11 a.m. SUDday Ill'· 0 Yices on • • Laodtcean Lutbera.D tton..•• • • • cbt~rch," based on the 3rd cbap- ter ot Revelalion. Tbe sa.cra-Chrlstlan Science Chtllches ment of OOiy communion wUI be -The lessonsermontoberead Ulls Sunday 1s entitled "Sub-offered after the 11 a.m. ser- stance .. Se 1 a1 9 15 vtce. An Orlenta.llunc:heoo and • rv ces are : program will be prepared IDd and 11 a.m. in Newport Beach, otfered by Pastor Wllsoa wu 11 a.m. In Costa Mesa and at at 0000 Thursday March. 20 10 a.m. In the Corooa del Mar for tbe womeo or' the charch' ebu:rch 1D Harbor VIew lUlls. • • • • ELTON R. Mc(X)Y Sl, Mlc ... l's aD11 All Anpls' 5UCQ.IIIBS AT 74 Episcopal Church, 3233 PacLOe Elton Richard McCoy, 74, of View Dr., Harbor VIew Hills-'72Z Cameo Drtn, Paul's letter to tbe C"A.latians Cameo died March 1fW api.D provide the sermoo 7 at Hoac He 'WU borD tbemt b' tile ReY, JobD Ropr April 18, DaYt. .. aa Ute..-8 u:t i :30 a.m. He bad eommllliioD semces tb1s Sud-Coaaty :reus. day. A IeMen potluck S14IP8J' rears be was vtee prestdem of wt.1l be htld at 5 p.m., followed JoslJD Manal.lcturlag &ad St,t). by even sonc. Tbe Rev. CaDOn ply Co. He wu a World War Stewart will talk on tbe prayer vetera.n.. book. The "raclsm ud us" SurYiJors are b.ls series will coDUD .. this Wed-a son, Rlcbard, and Desday at 7:SO p.m. Mrs. 11111-daugbter, of dred Wrig!Jt ttom tbe parish Gruestde ot East Los Anples will speak U.arcb 10 at Paclftc NE'IPORT.HM!!IOR EJIJGII AIGT SECllON --r .. 1 Real St. Pat's Day BY VISITING 1301 BONNIE DOONE ffiVINE TERRACE -OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 TO 5 AYE I -AND YE'LL FEEL THAT YE HAVE THE LUCK 0' .THE ffiiSH wben ye see this foine 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath bome. Huge Family Room and Dlnln' Area. View o' the GoU Course. Price: $45,500 Sure and Begorra, we'll show this to ye at any time -just call for appointment. a., & Beach Realty Inc. n .. a .. 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M On A Clear Day You Can See Catalina ' Other d11s_ j~t watcb all \he boats or ~"' un --111''/~-tin'lllot pool. 3 BR. > ball" And paneled den . Asbng $83.;)00-owner muHn~ lo Long Beach an d anxious lo se!l ,,. 2121 E. c ... t Nwy, CdM 6n.3770 111\JRSOAY, MARCH 13, 1969 008JNA DEL MAR, CALIF, Newport Beodl Balloa Balboa Island Costa Mesa Lido Isle c~ del Mar IITUATID ON Till Aalll IPACIOUI 1 a I .._. APAII'TIIIIIIIT1 . P-. a 1Mfvno. p,_ SWI - • Ptivatc Patio• • Fi1ep!acc& • POOLS • 9 Hole Puttina Green • Tennis • Separate Ftmily Set:tion • o\tt i. w Sdlools Md Play around 900S .. L-.. C~ M.c.Awth.r .... , C:.ast Mwy. dn• ttl Fa'llli ... hl•4 DEL MAR 4) 1 CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS Corona del Mar Home WITH INCOME • NICE TWO BEDROOM HOME Located within walking distance to most everything. • SMALL HOUSE ON REAR OF LOT to use or provide Income. • WELL SUITED as retirement home. CALL 1.5. We nave many Usti.tl.JS ol bomes in tbe Newpol't-Costa Mesa uea in aU prk.e rugu. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675 .16 62 Corona del Mar, Calif. ALMOST HERE Open House Sun. 1-5 COV E TO BEAtrrtFUL CAMEO tnGHLANtS FOR CHOICE PRIVATE BEACHES, OUTSTANDlNG COM - ~~~-r; ~ SCHOOlS. SEE THlS 3 BEDROOM, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOU---$ ••• , .MAY BE FORTUNATE ENOUGH • , • , , 1F YOU MOVE FAST ENOUGH ... , .. TO BE THE NEW OWNER Of THC::: 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME WITH A SWIMMING POOL FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF YOUR FAMILY ...... THIS lS IN IRVlNE TERRACE • 2. PRICED TO SELL AT $57,~. (}-• 1/-Jl, R-/tor For Sales & Rentals ff«M"l 332 Morgueri te Corono dol Mor -673-8550 on "Wbat can be dooe?" U.emorta.l Park. • • • ~----------------------11·············· • ••••••••••••••••••• 11 ABANDONED FARMLAND q.,... rJ,,.,./1, t< .. ,./t,, The First llapllst Churcboi REAL ESTATE BROKER Costa MeS&, SOIMa&OOllast.-El!SHA NEWMAN DIES Pastor P. G. NeumaDD'a ser-Elisha E. Newman Jr., 2553 mon tJUeforUa.m.SUDday ..W Falrny Dr., Costa be • • Faith -its poise ud its March 3 at Costa power 10 eYeryday We.'"'''he Memorial Hospital He 7 p.m. sarrice rill be coo-a real estate broker, self em- dueled by the Rev, Harold An-ployed., for 50 years. He derson, yQI.tb minls:ter. born Oct. 19, 1883, to NewJer. • • • sey, cametoCalllorD11.18c,-c.1 St . Mark Presbyterian aco am Uved 1D Oruce Cburch, Eastbluff Orin mJ for 16 years. Jamboree R01.d, East Bluff -Survivors are lUs wUe, In; Tbe ftfth 1n a series ot Lenten 2 sons, Rtebard ot Suta Ala, seniees, using tbe theme "A and Albert of Nevada; Z better way," will concentrate daughters, MyrUe WtllddOa &Dd on the text Luke 13 : 10-Zl. M.Udred Palmer of Costa Yesa; Tbe tople at 10 a.m. Sunday 2 sisters, Jewel Pelegrillo IDd by ReY .. James G. Kirk wtll be Ida Duley of New Jersey, "Coocern: care, lndipaoce, a.ad Servtees were held March 6 re)llelng." The st. Mart ebotr at Bell Broadway Chapel. wttb will s1og under tbe dlredioo of tbe Rev. Cbarles Smith as of- Ron Morse. tleta.nt. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX $43,000 This 5-yeor..old ~lu, loealod lA Newport Booell'a -ra.J u-. llu a -17 now ol tlli _. ciao to lie ---Tho -&1111-reDial tacome man ttaa jutUI.a tbt itS.ooo &JI'ice. llclldtd 1a ~ r•U,..c prtoe ta a "''"''lPWtlJ -·---... ·---· -lz7-2 LIDO ISLE 137 VIA WAZIERS HOME SPREAD OVER TWO LOTS Charming -permanent 3 bedroom, 2 bath residence with large rooms. Separate dining-room and indoor barbeque. Owner has moved out of state - so Is arudoua to sell. Priced only $79,500 ' Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido Iale 18 not leue hold. p. •· IMIImer Incorporated 111 DMUIII5 II liDO SKI 193S '1117 ¥1u Ll. Oololo ~ Me wot --l'ieoe ... L.A.-ceMMAwa. Sales through the Mtoltiple Usting Service of the ~port Horbor· Coste Meso .... rei of R .. lton 'totelecl $4,565,ZSO for the first rnonth of 1969. l'llis ,.p,.sents 114 11M Nlet etlll 011 illc,..se of llY,% onr Jo-ry of lost yeer. Ust yow fM'Opel'ty with e RHitor iMoy. I (2 miles fk'om Valley Center to S. D. County) 60 ACRES : NOW REHABILITATED WITH I VALLEY CENTER WATER 1 IDEAL FOR CITRUS • EASY ACCESS I • WILL CONSIDER TRADES I 543-5643 I TOLL FREE FROM HARBOR AREAS ············~······ CONDOMINIUMS? CONDOMINIAE? CONDOMINUIMSES? I ~~~~;Jrcares abOut how they're spelled? As \ong as we of them • • • all Beauties ••• and all 1 We can offer The Stutts• charm and . . worry-tree Uving 1n Newport's most We have 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom and 4 ftom $24,500 to }45,000. All of them in bave opeo Yl.stas ot the greensward. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT S&.IPLE REAL ESTATE 25U f . C..1t H.,..,., c. ..... HI M•r 67S.2101 .-r-. R- 64Ul/2 -~ 1730 W. C.Uot lllwur .... c.•c aell ir ... rr-te 111 For Fut Acliaa A lt .. lta Cell '1111: DOYLE oo., -- "10 JEAR$ IN IIEAOI ARIA" C.JI 642-7141 -lVII. 67Mm N.E. COSTA MESA • 3 Spacious Bedrooms • 1 3/4 Baths • Hardwood floors • Large Kitchen • Doubl e-Car Garage • Big Yard • Shaded Fruit Trees $22,950 WeUs-McCardle Realtors !i.e liable ServiC< Si nC< 194J 1110NEWPORT 5o11-1729 CDSTA MESA q[youcan c..Afforcl the~est ... then you can dwell in OOV£R SHORES. NEWPORT B£ACH. Here the quiet ele- gance of Bl!lycrest's .. forever v1ew .. homes. the prestige of Newport's famous West Bluff, and private beach- es combine to make this THE place to live. You may purchase an exquiSite existing Baycrest home, or you may choose a .. forever view .. lot and Ivan W ells & Sons. Inc. will design end build a dream home JUSt for you. If you can effort! the best ... see Baycrest .. custom homes. $74,950 to $150,000 iayrrrst Br 1-w.u. .t Seq,IYW:., Q.Jirr hi.ldnw /or u .-~ Models l!lt 1430 Gelu~ Orlve, Nftlport --""""" (71 4) 646-1550. Opon dolly 10 to 5 pm o.c-.tM.Ut-,.,..,.... .. J.H.SV.-,S..C.A-. Seaboard to build here • I' "" -eo.. WlrW'I lrd .... OC\IIIID .. lloueo _.,, IIIII lb 111- RrUCt: llllblkllar._, .W ..,, lbtlr __,..., .... __ ten from liontowo Los AD. pin to Newport Beacb u IOOil u • 16--y bulldlq C&D be -eel ID Newport Collier. Bllbol. m.ruce Co., ooe of S.boal'd's I.Dsu:rance subsid- Iaries, wtU on aDd bu11d. tbe .. structure, rtrst lDter- IIII.Uolll.l headqtarters to locate 1D the IZZ-aere repooa.l ftbaD.,. ctal aDd commercial center beln&: . developed by the Irvine Co. ''Because of Seaboard's m.. teroatloaal stature; their move Ylll bave a tremendous impact oo the p-owtb or the central coastal area," said Bill.Mason, president of tbe Irvine Co. Tbe new building, scheduled tor completion tn early 19n, wlll contaiD 250,000 square teet of otnce space and will be the largest s1nile structure in the oew fin&Dclal Ct.!oter. City seeks • new mcome The search tor revenue to build a new civlc center for the City or Newport Beach, without raising taus, has brougbt forth the proposal by Vice-Mayor Llndsley Parsons to renegotiate leases or city owned waterfront properties and the development of surplus properties. Among the properties con- sidered is the Balboa Bay Club, which Das requested an ex- tension of its lease w1th a boost in r evenue payments. The city staff was granted permission by the City Council to soUcU proposals from real estate con- sultants whO could prepare an independent, detailed, tectmical evaluation of the club's pro- posal. The present Bay Club lease was entered tnto March 24, 1948, and would ezpire Aug.21, 1998. The club would like the lease extended to August, 2018, as U cannot obtain suitable financing within the current term of the lease. They offer a minimum rental increase trorn $45,000 a year to $150,000 a year and have proposed an In- crease c urrent percentage of 6% on all gross sales over $3,500,000. Freeway vole is delayed COSTA MESA -The crucial vote by cily council on its chOice of a route foe the New. port Freeway tJrough thil city has Deen held ov~ till Monday ni&ht when council meets in regular session . A public hearing Tuesday rught found council chamber:s filled with interested resident.s and business ()Wners. More than 40 paraded before council with an esumated 50 per cent voicing approval CJ( the Green Route and SO per cent fa voring the Red Rou t.e. Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson made the motion to hold the matter over because ol new information which he wartted to d!gest before making a d@ciaion.. The second came from CounciJ.. man Willard T. Jordan, and council unanimOUily approved the motion. BENJAMIN HARRISON OF BJ.I.BOA DtES AT 73 BeDJimin Harrison, 73, of 951 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, died March 2 at Hoag Hospital. He was born June 23, 1895, in Oldalloma, carne to California 38 years ago, and lived LD Orange County for 23 years. He was a clerk for H. W. Wright Co. tor 15 years. Ba ltz Mortuar}' Costa Mesa. directed services March 5 at Pacilic View Chapel. The Rev. David de Porno was o!tici.ant. lnterm~nl was at Pacitlc View Memorial Park. PARKING LAW PASSED The Newport Beach City 10'~. Council gave flnal approval Changes approved in previous Monday evening to the corn-Council sessions eliminated the mercia! parking ordinance after 25% annual limit on remodeling listening to protests trom 2 and the 90% Umit on r estoration pioneer Newport Beach bust-of a destroyed building, and nessmen. extended lhe time tor start of The new law requires oU-reconstruction or a destroyed street parking for new con-building from 6 months to 12 str uction in the iJlU business m:mths. areas of the city in the ratio L:tr o:; Lavagnino and John of one space tor each 250 square Vogel, both owner s o! com- feel for r etail and wholesale mercia! properties, presented stores, a!Xl also Ln the event of a final ot-jec tion to the enlarging noor space more than ordi !Wice. Info asked on sex study While Dr. Jotm Dean pr~-education, but he would not be- sented a talk Tuesday evening cause he is not selling tbe on the need for fa mily Ufe program. His job, he satd, was education in the ~ewport-Mesa to prepare such a program at Unified School District, parents the request of the school board. present in the audience were Pamphlets showing some of looking for more specific In-the objedlonal elements of sez for mation about the courses he education courses ln other is pLanning to inaugurate. schools were distributed out- The speech was the program side of the school. Dr . Dea.D for .t meetwg of par~nts of ten pa.mphlets which he pre- Abraham Lwcoln, Harbor View pared last year showtng some of and Corona del Mar schools, the reasons for entering into a sponsored by the parent-family life course. teacher groups. A s imilar PHIL THOMAS, 9, 01 ES; speech had been given at the NO SURV1VORS FOUND Mariners School last week. Ph.illlp Thomas, 9, died at (n the question period fol-Fairview Hospilal March 7. lowing his speech, Dr. Dean Phillip was born in Caiilorni.a wbo is head of c urriculum for on June 1, 1959, and has been the district, sa.ld that he ~·t at Fairview Hospital stnce 1961, show materi.al to be used be-He will be burled Thursday, cause It has not been com. March 13, at the Good Snep- pletely set. In answer to another herd Cemetery, Huntington question he said he didn't know Beach, as directed by West- il they are using thecontrover-c Uff Chapel But there wUI be si.al '·SIECL5 " matertal. He 00 services-for oosurvlvors sald he would not comment on have been found. AU attempts Sen. John Schmltt.'s blll op-to locate h.i.s parents, Will and posing aspects of the family Estella Thomas, wbo gave a life education program because Los Angeles address, have he was not famiLiar with the bUI. failed. They moved away years One parent, with 5 children 1n ago. the school system, polJlted out tba.t such a program was in-EDNA LEVIN SOH, 77, troduced In junlorhlgjlscbooiiD OF IRVINE SUCOIMBS tbe east, with the result tbat Erina Ireoe Levinson of Ir. those who took the course tm. fine, widow of Col. Natbul mediately went out aDd prac-LeYlnlon. piooeer of soaad 1D. ttced. She suggested that the the motion picture i.Ddustr)', coaceroed parents orpnize to died Marcb 3, atNewportBeacb pt rid of some ofthe bad maries Conn.lescem Home. aDd map••nes that are being Mrs. LeYiuoa, 77, who n. pr"eaeated to ehUdreo. Dr. Dean sided at 18035 WtllteW'OOd Way, _..,eel tbal 111e head ~such ll>ed ID C&lllornla lor 46yoon, a commlllee. and s;>em the Jut 6 moallls ID Olio paraotaPed aiiOutaftlm Orann Colmty. Ulllpomplllol...,.. roceally at ST. PATRICK'S DAHCI -1-lliCII S.bool u-Or-Cout Cbaplar 211, poolltcllloaclaf-COWMIIIII Parella W-Par-o, wiD aplt•at,. 1111 .,..._.. ~ -bold 1111 .-I st. Pllrlct'a acta. Dr.--Do--· &IIIII -~ ..... -.,...._..11oft..,.,, flo c-, Cl!l> IIIli ..._.,, .. -.. -·-... Ilardi 15, ollrlla( at • ,..._ ~~--., ... ""' ...... .Wilt .... -bf"'nt Dr.--......... Bar_"_ .... '-..... • ...-r • • .... ._ w 1 rt tile clllli*W• _ ......... 1 ·-~-~ ........ N E1I'O RT HAR90 R f;IIS CJI RRSTSECllON--Pqil IMURSDAY_, IIAftQI II. 1969 OOJiliiA U£i.IIAJI, CAll F. Shop owner found dead Drealld 1a a ereenii!Jrtwttb ..,.... ICeYtalaadbMIIn~ tan pollia, lA empty pill botlle lr0111 Or-CooDif Medical beside blm, lilt llftltaa -C•-· "' bad -11'00 of lteriD Forderl:lr~~C~DoiCoro-ft.ltam, Wblcb laid beta coe.. aa delMar wudlllcoYered Wed-laiDed 1D lilt bolllo at IIIII side. Desday morDlng, March 5, ontbe Bat It 11 DOt beUtt'ed tlat death floor or his music shop at 225 ftl dul to u OYtrdoet of the Marlne Ave., Balboa Islud. tranqedHaer. Tbe 21-year....gld youth was otblr nrvtYon loclude his dlscovered by his listers, Cuol latber, lD Ulonesota; &Dd a and Maryof?03Poinsett1&An., s.Lster, Dlaoe Laraard of Ana· Corona del Mar, wbo bad been helm. sent by their mother, Mrs. Gra,eside se"iceswereheld Katberlne Forderbl'ugen, to see March 9 at PacUtc View U Kevin had opened b.l.s abop. Y.emorlal Park. TbeRev.Davld Newport Beacb pollee detec. A, Klump, of st. James tlve Ken Thompson said KevLD Episcopal Church, Newport bad just been released the day Beach, ns offtclant. before from Orange County • BAY TOUR Tbt M!lA'allllll ,.,Uc '"'"'' -Slate Colltp at Pol-' of Soot..... Calllonlla'l Jut lerioo, Mllftlill Paul CoU.D re•a'n"lltlttarJ UgperNn-ot LII'IIIIU.lll, Cof'OIII.dtUbr port Bay, "'II ,; OD .U.i&J Hl£)1 School '!<'.... laaciMr dllriDC u -lroomool&l lour JohD W. lolwoD (nceall7 Satur<lll ·moro~ne. llarcb ts. oamed a Scteace Teacher oftbt Tbt tour Ill lhe lUll> to be YOir)lllllbRIJIUideTodScbO- -ed bJ the Frleads 01 niter, '-Beach tciiiiCt ID- Mtwport Bay. a cttir.ea'a structor aad UaJ.verstty Part- orpotutloa. seeld.I1C to protect lrvlDe restdent. blJ Yaluea m public use. Scten. Tour ~~ will depart be- tlsta such as Caltecb marloe tween 9 &Dd 9:30 a.m. at tbe ecolocta* Wheeler North, meeti.D& polDt, the lntersect.loa. CoroJW. del Mar resident, ob-of Eastblutf aod Back &u' sernd that tbe 3-mlle-longbl.y Drives on the bluff overlooking plays a stratepe rote ln South-tbe salt works at the bead of ern CaUfornia'senvironmeotas the bay. prime habitat tor over lOOmle-.QHE-DAY SERVICE Medical Center a.ft.er being OONATlNG tennis rackets to the UCI Boosterettes' thrift treated ror a.n overdose of sale is KatberiDe Nethery, top teonis player at UCI, sbown beroln. A fk'leod clalmed that SERMON ON PRAYER Community Congrega.Uonal Church, 611 Heliotrope Ave., Corooa del Mar -Dr. Ph1.l.tp G. M~aray will speak on ··ts prayer really Important?" at 10 a.m. th1l: SUDday. ratory birds, a nursery for hall-Buslnlss Consultants Inc., but aod other sport flsh and a 1806 Newport Blvd., Costa ferWe bed for scallops, cockles Mesa has anoouoced a one-day aod other shellftsh. The bay also servi~e tor handling tncome ta.1 possesses archaeoloetcal, hls-problems of Harbor Area rest- tor leal. botanical and fossil dents aod merchants who are values, according to Dr. seeking to meet the AprU 15 Charles GreeDLnc of Fullerton, tax payment deadli.De. The flrm cha.lrmao of the Frteods. provides year-round service 1n here with Mrs. WUllam Krumpbolz of Cameo tUgb.la.ods, the youth lladoottakentheover- Boosterette treasurer, and Mrs. Leland Beckett of Harbor close on purpose, but that the Hlgtlland.s. The sale wt.U be held this Yeell:, Marcb 13, 14 heroin bad not been diUed l~an~d=.;=ln=l:he=bul~ldln:.~g~be~hlllfl:.~':he:.M~e=sa::;.T~hea::":•~ID.:Co::::sta~..;enouctt Jbe unknown persoo at 10 a.m. eacb day. photo,) Tour culdes wllltnclude blo-all areas or persona.! and ttna.D· 10pst Lon UeCtan.aban of Call· cial matters. SYlvania Stereo ana Color TV costs lass! Buy n . save up to s1 SC315W-Dislinctive Contemponuy console from Svlvon1o"s Moes!ro Collectton Cob,ne• of o.led Wr:l"u' veneers and selecr wood sohds Nt!h deeply cor wed gr •lle '•r:~ '' : •··r··•sed cr coe nzc base Pusn b t!!r:m cont rol ce nte• Dual 1015 A •o,... ,. 1 TJtr1toble Powerful 200 Watt lEl A) omphfoer r.r>rl fM Ste•eo /FM AM , *379 SC259r-Mal•stic Medltenaneon de•ign of physicolty distres!.Cd Pecan veneer ~ and seloct wood sol•ds. Antiqued hordw01o G<lr rord Custom Professiono• Automatic T ur.•toblc 50 Won !E IAl omplifoer, FM Stereo FM. AM tuner with d' Arson val luning metor, '599 SAVE $50 CF466P-Uncompromised entertainment value. Spanish Provincia! style. Pecan ve- neers and select wood solids. Finest co lor tuning compo nents to insure natural color pictures. The "Picturemotic" AFC Automatic Ftne Tuning tunes the signal at the touch o f o hunan. Variable to ne control. Ultra- rel iable Gibraltar' .. chassis. Full 295 sq . in. color bright 85• picture tube. "Uitromotic" full function remote control-optional, extra *559 SAVE $50 CF5:z3W-Exciting Sc:andi- navlan style console on sw,vcl base in poled Walnut veneers and select wood solods Vorooble tone control See the f-ugn petlormonce Colot TV feoluteJ and optoon above. \ BOB BARTHOLOMEW, insurance broker, at right, Is being congr atulated by Myron Godwin, International representative of Kiwanis, on his election as pres ident of the newly formed Newport Center Kiwanis Club. The club meets at noon Mondays at Josefs restaurant in Corona del Mar. • VALET CLEANERS We do the FINEST work • town m 3137 E. Coast Hiway. Corona del Mar CIIA-AOCOIJJOfTS llf\'ITED NEWPORT BEACH IOc OFFICERS for the first year of the Newport Center Kiwanis Club are, left to right, Lloyd Johnson of the Irvine Co., first vice-president; Craig Cox, accounting, treasurer; Bob Bartholomew, Insurance, the charter president; Carter Mc- Donald, vice-president of Robinson's department store, 2nd vice-president, and Bob Huston, Investments, secretary. L EGAL NOTICE N<YriCE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Of CAUFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-6Z045 Estate ol JOOEPH STANLEY FULLER, also mown as J. STANLEY FULLER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors ot the above oamed decedent tha.tallpersons having c~ms ag:atnst the said decedent are required to file ..... __,. ... 28-30 club forms Appllcatlool are bllnc ac- cepted a,r membership LD tbe aew ScUll Coul ActlYe 20...)0 Club, wblcb is scbeduled tor eba.rto<tnc tbb ..-.,, Tbe club is a world-'lfide MJ'l'lce ud aocial orpnluUoa ol J0W1C men Zl tllrOU&ll 39. Throu&b its many tuod-raJ.slnc act1YU1es, the club cootrlbutes to many charities, such as the John Tn.cJ Clinic for deaf chil- dren aad Boys C tubs at America. Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. ea.ch Tuesday at the VU- Iage lnD, Ba.lbol lsland. JEWB..RT TAKEN Wnile John Colema..n, 10%3 O:>lphio rer., Intoe Terrace, was oft sailing over the March 1-Z weekeod, $375 w'lt"thof jew- elry disaw"Ud from 10 borne. BOARD MEMBERS or the Newport Center Kiwanis Club are, from left, Les Schwaiger, banker; Jim Muzzy, Investment br oker; Ron Tucker, attorney; Russ Litch, manager of the Glendale Federal Savings and Loan office; and Dr. Jim Decker, dentist. Other directors, not present for the photo, - WHEN THEY REACH the ripe old age of 8 or 9, Greg and Doug Stadler and Shannon Anderson may become interested in his- torical data about St . Patrick. At this stage of the game, however, their sole Interest seems to be harmonizing with Irish ditties for the March 17 observance of St . Pat's day. To the accompaniment or a guitar? Salnts preserve us! Shannon is the daughter of the Richard Andersons of Rhodes Drive; Greg and Doug are the sons of the Peter Stadler's of Stromboli Drive, Costa Mesa. SocreJ CJreasure Jtouse 11 2 E-T l ii!IIT., ST. co.T• "'1:•• c"''-'" e:aea"? B••L~:e . e oo><e -S.-.e•to RE.Co ,.oe . c....oooe G oi"'Te -~""0<-l:s -""''-"' s.-.. , ... a ""'-"'"• 'Write /or FREE Brot:lture & Catalogue them, wttb the necessary voucher s, LD the otflce of the clerk of the abcwe enWled court, or to present tbem, with the necessary vouchers, to the 1111- derstgoed at c/o HurwUr., Hurwitz & Remer, 430 32ndst., Newport Beach, CaWornia 92663, which ls the place o f business of the undersigned ln all matters pertaining to the estate of sa.ld decedent, within s1J: months after the 11rst pub- are Dr. Harvey Holste, dentist, and G .. ~T~.~(G~unn~y~)~G:un~-~~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~..., derson, realtor. r SALLY R. FULLER Adml.nistrator of tbe estate of Kite caution issued DELIYEWY IEa\'ICE :-( lkation of thls ootice. 1~~;~~~~~;~6~7~5;;· ~031~0~~~~ the above .. med decedent. Dated February Zl, 1969 "OOWT ay a klte iJl, tbe ra.in In lddlUoo to a color comic Hurwitz, Hurwltz & Remer • • • OON'T fiy a kite wUh sequeoce oo Idle flying, this II \2 430 32nd Street metallic string ••• aDd DON'T year's book gives youngsters 6 Orco Block Co. Newport Beach. Calli)rnta :: ~~e.~~~metaHnthetrame ~ r::s ;::er: 6'13-11020 BUILDING ILOCXS • AU. SrzES • ALL TYl£S Att«neys for Admlnistrator These are btl a few of R~y -::::?. ~::;esrw':: :c:: T• .. ,....l JAca. f .DJI Publish: feb. 27, Match 6, 13, KUowa.tt's aDd Bugs Bunny s ditioo to those abon I.DCIOOe: '~=-==...,.=='=I&=JI=-='=-===="='"=s.=":"':"'=-=':•:•:-::..ZO!.:!, ~l!l6~9,~ln-the_N_""'~J>OZ-•rt•Har-bor, words of advice preseoted in • Don't cross .streets or higtl· Ensign. comic booktorm being distribu-lf·J.ys wll.lle flying kites. ted to school cb.lldren by the • [).>n't use tinsel, wire, or al JJ. J. (}a r~·elf ~ IT'S HERE AGAIN -OUR ONCE A YEAR WAREHOUSE SALE! CONTINUES Up to 60%0ff ·CHAIRS ·SOFAS ·TABLES • LAMPS • DESKS • BEDROOM PIECES ·DRESSERS ·HEADBOARDS ·NIGHT TABLES ·PICTURES ·DINING ROOM PIECES ·MIRRORS ·ODDS & ENDS H.J G~RJffl fU~r]llf: 1'• •s Ilia ' 1 • fn1J r ...................... ... IIAznaa-.... awo• , ~. • o.-.-..... - •u 0275 • •• 0276 Southern California Edison an.y twine with metal ln it. Compa.o)'. • Don't fly a kite over TV Nn.rly one million su~h minl-or radio antennas. comic "Kite fun aoo safety" • Don't fly a. kite O:!at elf{:- OOok.s are offered to primary tric power lines a.Dd don't try grade schools each year at tll.l.s to retrieve a kite caught in time, according to Ralph C. power tines, or in trees near Kiser, EdiSI...n district ma.na~r. power tiDes. LE GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESi STATE Of CAUFORNIA) fictitious firm Name COUNTY Of ORANGE J (ss. THE UNDERSIGNEDdohere- by certify UW they are con- ducting anowne.rshipandopera- tioo of an. ap:utmeot building, and all other business reason- ably related ther eto, Wider the On FebrtW"y 5, 1969. before me, the uMersigned, a Notary Public io aDd for said County and State, persooally appeared MARY ANNE MARCH, known to me to be the person woose aame is subscribed to Ule within Uch~ firm name of A L~ instrument as the Attorney in UAJ(CE NO. ONE .£.nd that said Fact of HARRY E MARCH w:1 firm is composed of the fol-ac knowledged t~ She sub- lowing persons whose names i.o scribed the name of HARRY E. tull and place of r esldeoce are MARCH thereto as principal. as follows, to wit : and her own name as Attorney Robert L. Taube, 2622 Circle in Fact. Drive, Newport Beach, Calil. . WIT~ESS m)' hand and of~ 92660; Penelope w. Taube, Z622 fl ctal seaL Circle Drive, :iewport Beach, (s) Marci.a Bents Calil. 9Z660; Harry E. March, Notary Public ln and for c/o Mary Anne tklrch, 314 sa.id County aod State Buena Vista, Balboa, Calli. (SEAL) 9%&61; Lawrence J. Pfister, 39 STATE OF CAUFOR:\IA) (ss Shelter Cove, Newport Beactl, COUNTY Of ORANGE ) • CaW. 9Z662; William L. Bents, On february 5, 1969, before 810 W, Ba)' Avenue, Balboa, me, tbe uodersieued, a Nocar)' Calli. 92661. Public io a.od for said County WiTN ESS our haodsthls5day and State, perSOCllllJ appeared of fetruary, 1969. LAWRENCE J. PFISTER, ROBERT L. TAUBE known to me_ to be tbe person Robert L. Taube wt.:lse name tssubsc.ribedtolhe PENELOPE W. TAUBE within instrument a.Dd acknaw- Peoelope w. Taube !edged tba1 he e:zecuted tiK> HARRY E. MARCH same. HuTy E. Warch WITNE$ my haDd a..Dd of- fi cial seU. by Wary Anne March AttorneJ in bet Notar)' LAWRENCE J. PFLSTI:R (s) Marcia Beats La.wreoce J. Pfister Notary Public lD and ax- WILUAM L. BENTS said Couoty aod state Willla.m L. Bents (SEAL) STATE OF CAUfORNlA} STATE OF CAUf'ORNlA ) (ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On Fet.-lU} 5, 1919, belln 01 Februar)' 5. 1969, before me, the IIDISersiped. a Notary me. tbe _,..sipld. a Notary PubUc ia ud W a.td COUbty Pltitc lD ud llr said CouarJ ud State, J*"...UJ IW*J'ed lllld Slllo, ponooallJ _.-.! WILLIAM l.. BEIITS, -.., lo ROBERT 1... TAUBE ud PEN-me to be tbeper_....._...._ ELOPE W. TAUB£, ...... to Is --lo tllO wtWo lo.-M lobo tllO por_,. _lllr_..,_lodpltoat ... .,.. lllblcribed to tbe be u.c:llted tbt s:aaM. wD&a ...a...~ u:t a,c..,.. WITNES my llll.ad ud of. .... -... , -... llel&l.-1. -. (o)llarda- •111U118 ., -... .,_ Nolary I"'II>Ik "' ....... lldol.-1. -~ ... -<->--(S&AL) ~ -Ill... .... -....... '· ll, 10, 1'1, -~.., -· l•t. Jo too lto-1 - 0 NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL per annum compounded daily ,.,. 'jlk IJOAJt ••• ~ mde Q. chl~·...u. ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 MUTUAL SAVINGS A N D LO A N A.SSOCI A.TION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Hiat>way, Corona Del Mar. Calif. 92625 telephone: 675-5010 HEAOOffiC( 315 (. Colorodo --Po-. eam. 91109 tolophano: 449-2345 (S&AL) E~ ~--------------------------------------------_. ·-·------a.TWI" .. .,._. .. ,n IIIIIT •. ·' ..... , ... ,... ................. _ .... IWII!t[L WUSTDI -Amwk::ln Md OrMDr -1112 • 1.152 • ~:.: ... -r: = =--= ~.::=::-.. ~...:. ....,. " one to ceuM toltiM rwnection on the ,..t of fltiW't --- SEaliO SECMI-_,. 2 Great b-., il tle ON "Daniel in the Lions' Den" 'I Difficulties The ·an.le • tt .... It not diffwM. .nw will be; ·--".-....... .._. ... --Tho -... ··-·lr+-Is · tM rnt a..,ter of •i" .... the aacendlneyl • tho_ .... --not.-......, homlot, .... -ol. _..,., ... _ end llceMh•• liiiiN,.... wllh · llisttrbiMII e If ttM ,._., fll U.e s.,.t is not ten thf"DUUhout the l.,.th tnd bteldth of the ltnd ....,..., and • ..,.. ... ....,...._ ana • ...,. cem~~tt• and ......_ wni r.lp without mitiptlon 01 end. DANIEL WEBSTER'S words were true a hundred )'elf'S a&01 they are true todty. The totces of wickedness are not only tssalllna us from wi~~ In the ~ of ttoslile nations of assuredly PIP" pu~ but from w•thm, tl~ the depnefatine: and ctemoralizina influence of a corrupt and licentious liter•• t~" is sottenin& our nation for the f i.-..1 blow. Let the stllndard of Gospel Truth fall end all our liberty, li&ht and loveliness ,..ill b! submerpd, pert\aps for aenerattons. under tn DPPfessor'S heel. -Evangelical Publishers ------- HOW TO START THE DAY (SertDOIU lnMD ~. Moav-1. CanadA) CAN YOU OOUNT THE STARS? * Our sun is so Large that if it were hollow, it cOUld contain more than one million worldll the aise of our earth. * There are atan out there in space 110 larp that they rould eftllily hold five hundred million JUJUI the size of ours. * There are about 100 billion Jtan in the averqe ralu:y, and there are at l~t 100 million ralu.iM in known apace. Einstein believed that we have ecanned 'With our laJ"geat leleecopea only one billionth of "theoretica.l apace." This mean~ that there are probo.bly something like 10,000,000,000,000,000,000.000,000.000 1tan in .,_. ~When J consider thy heave011, the work of thy 6ngen, the moon and the atan, which thou hast ordained, what is man, that thou are mindful of him? and the :tan of man.. that thou vi.litalt him? Praiae ye the Lord ... He teUeth the number of the stars: He cal~th them all by their names. Great is our Lord. and of ~at r)()-r ... •· Psalm 8: 3.4: Psalm 147: 1,4,5. . .,. , ................... ...... ., ....... I,_ ....... ....... ,-. .. .., ........ , ........ .__ ... _ -looolo4 ... ta-.. l.lt) ll ~ .... •=· -....... .. ~fdi) A .. _-.wt .._is Mas"' u ......... ..,. ..... _ .. --cua...,.. .............. _ ... , ... _ .. ...... ,... .. .. o-. 1111) s ............... .,..,. --....... (ha.,sll) • ...,. .... ... .,.. ---.. n c.. ... ., I ...... "'" CD ~ Salt) ..... : .................. "-•GoO" . ' ~ ., .......... a..& •••• , 0.. Mrl) . ............ ___ _ CUD .acac:.: 17 ..... ,rr .... ......._. ---It......._-.._. •T ___ .. •t, .,_ •J .. ___ .... W. (I a.-. I:U') 11 '"• • .. u;aw ._ __ .. ~ 1 .. 7) ...... •-.._.. wt ..._ -_ _.. 11 .... ., ....,. (eu ,.., I..... .. ... ...... ......... ...... (lid. 11:17) ll .... I I .,.... .. __ .. ,,...II) lD ..... IIlJ.IJ) Drtpt (.w.r-.) II'"._ .. -· ly nil lAll I. A. TOIIIIY aa:o••• •· ........ ,. ' he ., .....,. ,._. 0' a ....niT .. ..._. TltMt-s.-.._w4 * fCOflnNUID PltOM LAST Will. 'iiiW • NO s-1 ol the Bible that the mor. rebol&rl1 otPOO- ..U. ot ltl dhoiM .telA .,.. more fond ol au.cldaa than. "-.,.., ftnt ~ ta th. ... ,.. ... ...u. ha•• .. be-. ..unci that .. tu :b .... ol this dup.pr ... lD bopea-oonllk:t with the -- ..ublished. oondt.lllloa? ., modoam tdawoe . ..., • ~t tbeo- ktckal ....... bl a ?UppCieldl)' CbriadUI UD(yenity J.. Mid tbaJt "ao -. wbo U.O... wb?t 1U.tor7 mel lldeDce are would th1ok o1 ce1Ji1111 the ftr'llt cbttpW ol a--. *'U.. hiMrieal or .S.ti&e." Dt.d ia .._ ol tha. ~ tloD. IMil who haw piDed a ~ • bkl Ieee ...,_. -.rth!nc that UU. t?Kher ol. dud~ MD aped. __.. ua lhM tt le not cm1:t hUkarkel but the ....,. fouad?tiaa el hiltcwy, Otbar mea., who h-e eecund 101" ~ • pcJIIIidae ill the dsntlfk: worid to wbkb UU. t.-:ber cu. _..... hope to ..pn, _.. u. tb?t thill m.ptar ....-abeohatel)' with ~ tb?t • bcJowa ad.entmaall;, of the Oliein ?Dd w.tb' hlstow7 ol tbe ..nh. .,or .xample, ther. l? DO name more honored lA the ldentifie WOiid todQ then that of Lord Kelvin. Lo.-d lt.J.Yin. lD .. JW\VIIte letW to a frteDd o1. mine, aays: "Ph,.... adence hu nothinc to M)' ap1nat the order of ere•- Uoa -livt!D in a.....". But let Ul C'CIIDe to the IP'Kiflc diffi"ultJea In the first chapter ol a..-lo. JIIIIIIWI ttl ... ---Ia ..... e.l tJ.e ~ -~ D dtr .. C••• ()MIL. l1l) h. Sf 7 ,._, IIIII) 11 •-e1 GM (0... ••II) TIIB OBRC'I'O& M fond of tellinc ua that "th~ tint ehlptn ol 1 tl -.,. ,.. .. _ ..U. k _ .. a .. ..., It _,. --. _ .,_ tid. Gelwsi.a ..,.. that the wodd wu crMted ih ai• da" ol twenty·four 11 "11. "' .....,. ... ---• ..-(0.. t•fl} J 1 'I .. (I C., t all) hours each. whnt. ewr)'one who it; farnilit.r with modU"D. .dence lEI& tdl) II .._ t 1 s=t ...,. ., ...., » ""-rllld'M • ..,.. _.. 1u:1ows O,.t the wwkl • it now •tancb wu million. of yean in the II -..., ..... .._..-. •• ~ (Md. U 1n) tl '"• _... _ 111111 .... ...., __ ~,.., ___ • .. _ .. (»-. 711) •s:a ~:-ltctk Mat -...... ___,.. (Act.ll·ll) -lt .. ...,.._ ..._ ..._ ..U....t N _, c ..__ dtr (0... K ..... ._. -__ .. (a., lh 'nlla objeetioo .ouoda well. but the orw who mak• it d!.pPys c-hie) ll:Sl) •> • hope'-1poraDee ol the Bible. ~ who ~ •t aU familiar with 17 ""M6Mn tiMe. 0 W... ...,.. _ Sl .... el twe .... U.. _. Sl .......... • ldq the BibM imd the Bible u.ap of -.orda knoWio \hat the word "day"' ... _.. a.rr ••h•• (Actllt:U) "..._ .._, ............ ---;. II _... e1 tw. '---._ ... ..,., Ge4 ~ ._. W. --.. ... .. CW..JJII ~Ill) M ...... el • ....._ 01' on• • -..aM • ..... -.. ._ .._.. II ._...... e1 •ld.t'• r:.._.. ...t (Gea. II: I) c-.. 17 .. ) .. ........ ( U.. 11:1: 21 •.......... Jl _.... ef ... CSSII h• el NOT LDm'ID TO PERIODS OF TWENTY -FOUR HOURS. 17:1) .u .. 0 wea. NTU .....,... Pnl (Adl lltll) THE CHRISTlM AJIID THE CIVIL LAW • -•• ... , -.a ,.....r d .;._-~ ..... (,.._ ~M) : ~ z.:·~ CM.tl. Ia I~ .._ ~-•=u a ~ _. .._ ..._. -. · _,. -- It la frequeatl7 U?ed ol. a period of time ol an entlnly Ulldc6necl lencth. J'or eumple, in Joel 3:11-20 the miUennial pnioclla apobn of -a "dlly." lD Zechariah 2:10-lS the mi1leNUal period ia .piD spoken ol u a "dq," ?Dd apin lA Zechariah 13:1. 2 aDd U:t . . .. Ev.ery Christian ought to o:t>eY the dvil au.t~;ties. fof _alllegh:ima.te MJthor"ib' 11 '"-a... y.t a. 111 w., Q:4.,-r;;.r 41 --=:..~::-J11t:: ·~ derived from God's authonty, and the eustm& authority ls appotnted under 11Jidr••-r (Ilk. 1:11) " .,... • 11 ...,.. 41 ::W.., ~ 1.u. God. TO OPPOSE AUTHORrn THEN IS TO OPPOSE SOD. MD . SUCH QppO. "'U ""*T GM ..,_. ---W. ....,r u • ...at (Jf--. .,IS} ..._. ...-. tC... udt ~ SITION IS BOUND TO IE PUNISHED. • ..... --..U .. e• .. _.. IIMI • ialtkda ef c ._._ ... _.. U ~ .,j two -....t. (W...) Ill ''The honest citizen has no need to fear the keepers of law and order, but ..,... ~ (GeL II:J> a , De.t. .,,., the dishonest man will always be nervous of them. IF YOU WANT TO AVOID I I THIS ANXIETY JUST LEAD A LAW-AIIIDINS LIFE. and all that can come yow T h h A J J h •• , is • WO<d of opproval. THE OFFICER IS OOO'S SERVANT FOR YOUR ••o-r 0 u g t e A g e s TECTION. BUT IF YOU ARE LEADING A WICkED LIFE YOU HAVE llASDN TO IE ALARMED. The 'power of the law' which is vested in every teaitirMte officer is no empty phrase. He is, in fact, divinely appointed to inflict punish- T•~ Paster's P1lpit ment upon evil-doers. YOU SHOULD THEREFORE OBEY THE AUTHORITIES, not simply because it is the safest. but BECAUSE IT IS THE RISHT THING TO DO. It is rigtrt too. for you to pay tu.es, tor the c1vil authorities are appointed by God for the &ood purposes of public order and well-being. Give evefY'OI"le his Jesitimate due, whether 1t be rates, or taxes, 01 reverence, or respect!" (Romans 13:1-7 -Phillips Trans- latiort.) NOTE: How any clergyman can encou~e disobedience to law lnd order is beyond our ken. God's WOld is very expl1cit concerning our rf115P00Sibilrty •s citizens and es,pecially as Christians, to OBEY TH[ LAWS OF THE LAND. God expects and demands that we obey the civil authorit;n. When cler;ymen deliberately, in defiance of God's commands, adYocate dis- obedience to law and order, and worse yet incite to VIOL[NCE. they ere totally unfit to act as spiritual advisers. These men who regard their holy callina so lillhtly are bringing shame. reproach and dishoi'IOf to the church and the cause o( Christ. Our advise to Christians is to shun and avoid these false prophets. t-e judged for their ev11 deeds at the bar of God. "GOD SO LOVED ..... They will For 1 am persuaded, that ne itfler death, nor life, nor anrela. nor princil)llities. nor powen.. nor thin1s present. nor ttl inrs to come, nor h•icht. nOf depth, nOf •ny oth•r cr .. tunt, lhall be •ble to separate us from ttl• IOYe of God, which it in Christ Jesus our lord (Rom. 1:31, 35). The apostle knew it. The love of God is greater than the measure of man's mind. It is tugher, deeper, broader, than all thtngs and all think ing: and nothing can separate us from 1t, ever. C AI.iii'OIOINIA II'A,IOIW .It IAN II'IOIA,N CII CO. CAI.I II'. Like People, Like Priest ., I IV. Jt. J. •usHDOONY One of the less popular verses of the Bible is Isaiah 24:2. 15alah. ln speaking of the coming judgment on the Kingdom of Judah, declared : "And It shall be, as with the people, 10 with the pne.t ; as wtth the .er- vant, so w:lth the mas:ter; as w:lth the maid, so with her mistress; u wtth the buyer, so with the seller; .u with the lender, 1o0 wtth the bor- rower; as with the taker of usury, 10 with the giver of usury to him." People in Isaiah 's day knew that something was w rong with their world, but not with themselves; the people blamed the priests, and the priests the people: the buyer blamed the seller, and th e seller the buyer, a nd so on. And they were all right : the corruptJon extended to every area of society. Therefore. God declared through Isaiah, judge.. ment would affect them all equally. What about our situation today! A starf"1 ·eyed young woman. havi ng written a number of poems, went to an Pdltor and told h1m she wtshed to have her poems published in his maguine. ""What are they about?" askd the editor. "All about Jove," was the prompt repl-,. 'Well. what is love?" questioned the editOf. "l ove," said the young woman, "is gazing upon a ltly pond at Olllht. with the shimmering moonbeams, when the lilies are in fu ll bloom. and-" "Stop, stop!'" cried the editor, sternly. "You are all wrOnij:. I'll tel l you what love IS. It's getting up cheerfully at two o'clock in the mornmg to ftll the hOt·water bottle for a sick child That's real I(M!. I'm sorry, but I don't th ink I can use your pOems." The editOf" was rigtlt. Real love is doiflll ----------------------- On all sides we hear extensively a chorus o f complaints about every- one. EspeciaJiy of late we have heard complaints about our pol~tlc-­ lans, and the complaints are true. But It is possible to say, that, with somethms for somebody who needs our help no matter how hard it is fOf us to give it. And "God so loved." Nothmg that happens m l1fe, not even death itself, can sepan.te us from the love of God re~ealed m Christ Jesus. The inspired apostle John beheld the he1ght. the depth. the breath. ct the Father's love toward us. Failing to find suit· able language to express 11, he called upon the world to behold it. "Behold, what manner of lo~e the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of GOd'" (I John ll). "God IS love" IS wr itten on every opening bud, on every blushing flower, on all the beauttes of nature. It is written in the heart of a mother; but clearest of all , upon the cross. WE NEED THE WORD Thorn• Jeft'er!IOn w• • pu.t patriot aftd • learned man, but he denied the deity of Christ and the ioepiration of the Bible. After hill deatth, a copy of the New Testament waa found unong hill poll !•ione.. and 1 d:ranp book it •ppeered to be. Jeffert10n had rdd lki"OUJh the 0..~ and marked out everythina: lhllt WM wpematural! The etory of J~NUS ended this way: "And he rolled • (J"Nl atone 1o the door of the ~~epulchre, and deputed." No rewrrection, no MOehllion, no MCOnd cominc! At the other end ol the IC&le ie Abrahun l.ineoln. He wrote to h.ia friend Jo.hua Speed: "Jam proetably enppd in reaiinl" the Bible. Take all o1 UU. book upon reallOt\ tMt you can pel the b.lance upon faith. and you will livoe and die a better ~·· Thie brinp to mind an event in the l..ih ol Benjamin Frankli.n. The noted infidel Thorn• Paine broqht Frank1in the man~pt of hie book Tlte AJC of RftUaft, which derue. the Bible and the deity of Chriat. "Don't publish it." said Franklin. '"T'he world ie Mel e!IOU«h with the Bible: what would it be like wi!laocd it!" F.., people today read Paine'a book. yet the Bible l()ee on M the world's btllt .... U.r. We need the Word! .. Man ahall not live by bread alone," aaid Jeeua, ''but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth ol God." (Calvary &pti#l Churd1 Bulletin. CoW.tton. K1.) OUR R£NDEZVOUS WJTH DEATH "And as it •s apPOinted unto men once to die. but after this the judgment .. (Hebrews 9:27). .. but now once in the end of the age Nth He (Christ) •ppeered to put •way sin by ttMI SKrifice of Himself ... So Christ WH once offered to beer the sins of ma!'IY" (Hebrews 9:26-28). "Verity, veri!)', I say unto you, He that heamh my word, and belle*h on Him tNt Mn1 Me, HATH everlesting life. and SHAll NOT come into condemnMion {iudlrnent); but IS ,.ssed from DEATH unto LIFE" (John 5:24). BIBLE Sa s aU their faults, our politlctans may '5tlll be better than we deserve. Allan Nevins, In hls study, Grover Cleveland, wrote very wisely, "Character Is not made overnight. When it appears in transcendent de- QUESTION: "Could yoli giv~ m~ the numbers the Biblt:t ·• of grt":?, It is usually the product of generatJons of disciplined ancestry, or a stern environment, or both ." ANSWER : Yes, No. 1 is the number which is used in Scripture to represent UNITY. No. 2 stands for UNION, while No .3 is representative of the TRINITY. No. 4 is the EARTH 'S number, and No . 5 designates DIVISION. While No . 6 is MAN 'S number, No. 7 is GOD'S number. No. 8 is the NEW O~DER of things. No. 10 is tbe complete EARTHLY number , aod No. 12 is the complete HEAVENLY number . The number ..0 always represents PROBATION . Whenever you come across these numbers in Scripture, please oote car~ fully the situation in which they are used, and the . foregoing will be true. QUESTION: '"Is rht: Bible alwa1s to be tait:n literally ond understood in this mtzrlnt:r1 " ANSWER : Yea, I conai:ler the Bible a literal book from a literal God, a.od it is endeavoring to convey to 11011killd a literal truth. At the ~Je&innj .. of the Prophetic Newa Letter you'll DOte ..., have tbla rule of iaterp.etotloa aet forth: "Take the Bible literally where it Ia at all poeoible; if oJIIII>oli<:, fi&arllive, or typicol Iancaoce 11 -· thea look for the literal tr:rtb it iatea:lo to convey." QUESTION: ''Wo s }uta • ''"'' .. L~t us apply thfs to the altuatlon today. U a people lack dlsc1pltne and character, will they elect to of· flee or call to the pulpit and schcol m~n of discipline and character! And l1 the homes and schools do not produce young people of Christian taJth and atabWty, how can we then exp!Ct to find such character in any •rn of llfe! "Uke people, like prleot" (lfoseo. 4 o 9 ). U the roou of a tift are d1aeued or dying, the tree will produce dis- eased or wt~ fruit. U tbe roou of a people, their ChrlstJ.an faith and character, are dileued. then their tru:Jts, tbelr chi!dren, and their lack of Olrt.ttan tralntna. wtll bear an ualy trult. and the re1Uib wlU be written J.arp acrou aU 80" dety. We have many needa, but Of'l'- talnly .,.,. of the bulc: -to Ot,rlldan re1t:neradon an4 refor- mation. 'l1le family cannot ezpe<~ the world to do Ita work for tt by cUodpllnlnr ... chlldron. '""' !an)-11)'.----... tnll1 ~ ond IIIIa - -. 11lon Ia ... -t .. -~~o~~~· -t -ond pa-t __ ftlt __ _ --~ ... ·- Even in the eecaDd chapter of ~ the whole period c:ovw.cl b,-the .u. dQa, cl the 6nt aecou.nt .. spoba ol. -a "day" (~ 2:4. 5). 11wre t. DO MeeMity wii..Wver for lnterpretinc" the cL.ys ol. Genea.i.J 1 • .olar dllyt: ol t..-.nty-four houn each. They may be vNt perioda ol. undefmed lencth. But someone mil)' My: '"Th.ia » twbtinl the ScriptUI'el to make them fit the eonclusiona ol modem -.:tence." TM one who uyw; 10 simply displa)"' hla ianoranc. of the hlatory of Biblical int.e:rpret.tiOn.. SL Aucu-tiJ», u far bllck u the fourth ~ntury, centurin before modern adenee and tta eonclualoN .... re dre.med. of, lnterpnted \be da,.. ol Genesis 1 u periods of time, j\dt what the wOf'd meu. ln D1AD3' places elawhen ill the BibJe. ANOIIID POIN'I' UaGm .. ainst the truth aDd aa:uncy ol the ac.."'OUD.t cl cr.tioD IJiven ln Geoeeia 1 la that It apealu of '"thaw displa)'lo heine lieht WOR the SUD eDited, and It ia abeurd to think ol J..icbt befon tbt auza, the eource ol UchL" 'nM one who .,.. this dilpl.ays ha. ~ o1 modem .omet. AII)"'be wbo t. tamm.r with the nebular b~, CIDilllnOIIly ac- cepted amoac aMsKWe JMD. ...,, boon \bet tber. •• comUc l.lPt .... w.n the IIUil .___ cWJ...U.ted lrara the .....-u lumlaol.a oebWoUs ... w • ..,.,.... bod, .. ~ . IIUT 'Ill& .,..,_ ha1ber wpe epinet the Jcimtific at- curacy ol G..-. 1 tbd it• or.;W ol cnadoe t. not. tha order det«- mined br tbe W••tftlati«w o1 IDOdn-n .amc.. Thill ia 711 ..... thet aanot be pro..en. Jt ... the writer'• prlvfJese to .tud1 ..,Giau under thltt prince ol ,....,.,.,..., who hM baoeft ~ tr, ~ •U1horit:J to be the ..-ten aeieatific thinker of the "'='-th eeatw)' with the exception of Cbarle. DarwiD. MIIWI)', Prot.eor-lame. D. Dana ol Y•lo. Prof..ar DaDa ..,. lAid iA Ill,)' pneence thet '"OM reuon why be- lie-ved tM Blble to be the Word al God W.U bec?UM ol. the marvel- lous PCCOI'CI ol the ordar., cn.don ...... in Gcne.t.. with that work- ed out by the beet ..;.ntifie ~" NoW aJ. what Lord Kelvin t. quoo.d M •:rLnc ill the ...-1.1 part cl th..l. ebepter. ft mu.t be Mid. .bo..ever, t1wtt a.~ ol IICience .... cooatandy chancUtc their views ol what .,. the exact ordRr of ~Oon. Very rweentl)' dieeovwiM bne bMD made thai hllve over1hrown theorie. ol the order ol a-tiGa. hotld tr, JMI\7 m.a ol ~ ?Dd which did not eeem to ...._ to banDoala with the order • li""' ill the fint chepter of Gar h, but ...,_ recmt dlaconr* hav• br-oupt the Ol'dolr into hanDoa)o with the order • clwn ln that chapter. ,._ • MO -..cl olloinJ iD. d.taU into this ord.r of craUcm w taucbt b,-triOdan. ~d-.:. PDCl taucht la. a.-ia 1. Fcw th.n ie JI"II"Ye ,......, to douttt if ~ ltl GI!DMil 1 after .....,_ 1 relatll!ll to the aricinal a•ddl ol the ~-All Uw v...... after the ftnt Mllm Nther to ref.-to A Ril'fl liNG OF THE WORLD \bat bad beeD. ..,..... IIDd bad aftM'wardl boNn phqed into cbaoe by the Jin of ..ne ..-Adunk race, to be the •bode of the prnent ,_... that iDbabitt it, the Adamic nee. ~ ~ foe ao thinkift41 are, lint, ttu.t the worda tnnal•ted "without fono Plld void" (R. V ., '"wut.e and void") are uaed eovery - whe" elM in the Bible of the at.ate ol elfain that God broucht upon Pft"1IOOI and pt.. .. a puniahment for ain.. For example, in IAiah 34:U ..,. r'Md of the judgmmt that God aball brine upon !duma M a puniahment for their a1na in theM ffOI'da: "H• lhaU .u.t.eh ova-it a 11M of t'Onfusion, and the pl um- met of *DJ!d.._" (R. V.). The Hebrew wwct. tranal•ted '"confu.a- kle" llld "~" an tha Ame that are \rulel.ated ".....tthout form and void'" ill Genata 1:2. We re.d ...,U. in lenmlah C:2S-27: "I beheld the evth, and 1o, it ......... and void. .. ln. both ~ the words ~ and "ftlid" ,.., .... to • 1'UiD wbich God had Slllll -a puniehment Jot lin, aDd the -.wzuption .. ...,.. .... thllt they ....,. • olmUar lilnlfi--'lid UCOND li&A80H for thi. iater)lraUdon .. etroccer )'d. ~. tbM the Bible ~ dedu'M that God did not eraa• the.,.""" .... (r..&.h 41:11). But the wont tr.aebe.d "'iD. vai.D" Ja thJI ...... il ~ the OM tranabt.l "'without form" in a--. 1:2. m tt:. ....,._ v---. o1. a... 1:2 anct t.1ah c.s:u the wwd .. traaaiatld. 1ft both m.t~ .......... u.. u.. •• plaiD and IIPidAe ~tloo in the BlbM bt God dlcl aot a.lle 1M _. """"'thout Janus" (or n.tb.J,r ............ • a. V.), to lt • ,W.. th.t 0... 1:2 c:eDbOt nfer to the OJ'I&tMl ... ...... The W'O?'d trcalshlll W lit. o.s-Je l:J ca. wtth parfect ..,.. lriet;)', bll II 1 I I ,_. ," thm a...., 1:1 -.,ouW, ..-i: '"ADd .. _.._ ....................... _ ... (kzll l!l .. haw fhe ..... UIDWIIt ol ct'..eh-" ft.,-.., '-W blat • a l1 fUll)' eq:cwl ... il:sMnsd:l.w..., ... - ......._ Ill c d l:J ........ hrW IMd. • • ,.... • -., :7:;; ::* •-=-.::=:,! .;:u•? :._ ri!::;: ..... 1 .. • I u .... •'utn 'cwull•n Ill .. --. lltluttll .................. a.~ ............. _._ ... , , ................................ a-.. •~::~........ ......... . ........ ....,. - ......... 1¢ ' p "'Thhd if thou Wit confess with thy mouth the lDfd Jews, and hit betle¥e ;n thine hMr1 that God hath raised Hkn from the oe.d. thou shalt be ll'll'ld. '"far •rtf'~ tnt hetrt man believeth unto ricf'tteoutness; and ..rth the rnoutt1 canfl'ukwl it medt unto ..,_tion" {Romlnt 10:9. 10). ANSWER: The Lord Jeaao Cbriot ,_ r-.,. tenoity a divioo Beia&. bolt otter !oar tllo41181ld ye .. of U.. Gaol prepared a ba:ly ill the ... .-. ol tbe viqi.o -. Mel J•• -bora ol • Jewilll IOOCber, Mil tliorefcn wu a Jew. Ia lWI ..._ c:opocity, • r. n llil ..tkly lla.. Ia .-onod, llo Ia IIIU 1 Jew, o.:l wlletl Ho c-• II Hit Se<:oed Adwot llo will CICC11pJ 1M 1......, of Hit Jewilll -.., Do¥1d • ~.tt-.. , .. ....... tnlt,rOilldtu:i ......... • ....... ._11 Pi I X ..... a' , ......... ._ L I' t Clu~ .. ad&. -... tllll - " I h•).-e1-... Note: God imputes end l'lldconl His n,trteousnet&. unto all wtlo believe end ...... lflo ............ Chrill • -... "l.Gnl. ' r-"ntl IV.,...__" •• a L-... .....,.. Q;,....t.tN •............ ,. ._._ .. _, ·-----·~·--= ... ..... ._..:.., ............. , ... -:.:..,= .... _.. ............. .-at, 11at11e., •• Mt Mm'*t ,,. = • .,..~-;rw,-; ~ ':..'~:. •=-= ...., __ ,...._, _____ .. ..-..... --.._':.... ~----···--.. -.... -.. ,..._ ...S L .... 1:31,.33. ' ., i CIITOM MilE FIIEPUCE ICIEEII tHSIDI ~ COMO YDUtlft c, ,, .... .LIM., ........ htiQJ ""' ........... ......, ... DBmiY c ....... ,.. .......... e Ca:qllle U. ........ 21 .... Santa Ana 2202 s. LfGAL MOTICI ORAIICE !DUIITT ROAD DEPARTVEIIT OII.AIICE !XlUNTT, CAL!JOII.IIU N011CI: 'ro 00PfTRAC10RS Suled propoallla wUI Ita •uhed at •• Offlce of •• Oalk of Ilia Board of S.perrieo,. of 6.t Cosaty of Orar. S.~ Aa-. Calii!JNI, ota or MADre Mood.,., •• 24th d.,. of vana. 1969, at 2::00 P.M. o•eJoct. at wlaldt. ti•• tta.,. wUJ be peWJdy op•d •d r .. d Ia •• Ofl~ of •• Cl-': of tlae Bowd: of S.penl80" Roo111 SIH, Couty A .. Jaiatr.dot~ Balldl.a. SIS Nordl S,e-. ... S•t• Aa-. C.J.II&mh•• lor co .. tnctlas ald;t.w.,. Ia ~r4•c• whh lila plaa •d -,ad!c.ciou tit.arelor, to .Alida -.ee~U ,.~ eT•ce Ia ••de u .. llowa: 11l the Cooaty of Or-.se, oo Athea Avftloe from ~0' Ieete,. ly of lhe S..ta ADa River •d Albatroaa Drive. Bids •~ reqaired for lJie ntire work aa deaeribed hereia: Ira,. Ho . Ouentlf'y I S Ea. 2 180 L.r. l 22S L.r. 4 490 L. r. 5 40 C.Y. 6 L.S. 7 L.~ 8 266 L.r. • L.S.. 10 150 M.Gal ll 860 C.Y. " 300 C. Y. 13 lOS C.Y. " 3,""' Too 15 L.~ 16 1,400 Too 17 1,600 Too 18 110 ~Y. 19 2 Too "' s Too 21 2,280 L.f. 22 .. EL 23 s [L " 5 EL 25 5 [L ,.. 10 EL 2'7 5 F.L 28 7 C.Y . 29 332 C. Y. "' 54,900 Lb. " 107,-'00 Lb. 52 L.S. as ... L.r . " 50 Too 35 ' ·~ 36 '"' Too !7 165 C.Y. 38 "'' L.r. ~~~~~-,·· E.tf_,. OaacriiJf/.,. .I .,.,. Adjut M-.holu ~ Crade 'Relocate Ouio LiDk re~~.cioA Relo cate C.ard Rail s.Jvase Caard R.;l Remov~ Coa.c~te R~nove & Reoooatra.ct Bridse Raililas (Brldse SA-3.5) Rt!llloYe & Reooa.atra.ct Bridse Rllllias ( Greea viii eo B•aias) Temporary Bridse ft-.jlias Clurias & Grobbius F"ua.iah & Apply Water Roadway E:•cavation Slrac-.ne Eacayatiou Stracture Backfill Imported Borrow Fiai.b Roadw.,- As ~sate o .. e A~pbalt Co11Ctete PI ace A~ph al t Co. crete (Mi sc Areu) Liquid Asphalt (5~250) A.phaltic F..maleio11 fara.itb Co11crete Pilias (Clual) Drive Goa crete Pillas ranaiab. Precut. Preaueaeed Coo crete Decl Ualt. L=2'1'~.W' . F'ar.i• Precut, ~r.,.truaed Coacrete Dedt Uait. L=29'..S~'' fanaltb Preeaat. Preaue .. ed CDucrete Dedt Uait. L=43'-10" Erect P~caat. Preatn:aaed Coaerete Uait.. L=2'7'~~ .. & 29"~W' Erect Precut. Preatreased Cooerete Uai t. L;;.tS'-10" Cl .. e .. A .. Coacrete (Miao r Smcbarea) Claaa "A'' Coacrete (Bridsea) Bar Rdoforclas Steel Stn:.ctaral Steel {A-36) Plfiut Strvctor.I Steel 18'' R.C.P. (1.500-0) Gravel Blanket frame •d CoYer Rock Oae11el Protectioa,~ Too, "ethod B Clasa 008"' Coocrete faroiah & lutal.l Metal Be.n Bridse R-.jl From the Police Blotter 0 1ATIItD.I.T, PILl. a .... "'il iudwlelo -ui a , •• .lllal' parlda( bla car oo --.. ollloU!o of ........ -Car-11M olraot .,.. ai lout • ,_ 1124-1/J W, 0...' ~C.. <lol, 10'7 -st., Wlllllowport, w-UJ troublo, tlltpereeo- lral "-'-........ lip -----112.1-taau .,... ~ --at 1:• ..._ at P-Ud Ud -,......... -K~ $0'1 Tutla Afl., S..Jar, Wall Llnpon dolro; "'•"1*2 -• l -... Nowpon lloiPU, Ud ! -~ ...... --lllo llct>t ... ·~ -• • • --Ud. lll<k-. nluodai car *"•., lAtJlle Ba.Uaeta, • SUKDAY, FEB. a $1&0, were taUD from b1& auto Mil RlYe< Afl,, WliiHnport; R--:.. U, ot 140 •.• Thirty dc>Uara woriJ> of lldlorlo foilad ll>e lieid 110-Lolactoo '-· Coola ...... ..._rty loft •• ll>o ·--br"*1 tNt u4 WU booked OQ ftl booked OD 1M Cbarst ot of b.1s CbeYJOlet Wtille parked tlalcllarJI'oldriiDkdrlYiDc.,. rtstlttDcurot 1 a.m.oaHew. at tbe raar of SlS7 E. Cout RteMrd Hllltoa,ZZ,ot611Cllllb. port Blfd. at lDdutrlal Way, Hwy., Corooa del Mu, ••• -A"·• Wtot Newport, was &Iter beiDc uU4 to -tilt otoloa, l&ld c .... c..-pleiDtd It> OD a tauare to&ppeu .obrlet)' tilt· poUu om.eer1 308 Flower st., Costa Mesa ••• wvrut • • • Jobo DeMotte, Zl, II.J be na • t101eot, ~ Her VW sOOuld ba.e beea. ate OIUMGE COUNTY Pb.Ubar. 0111(18...1,/J Alnrado Place, Bal. obscealtlo, Ud tried ) UmM ill tbe carace, bat L1Dd& t..ou-mool.c Soclety •W preseot lbe boa. wu booUd 011 a fa.Uure to to kick oc pollee llllt YlDdowl l&der, 210-A Cedar St., New-:...UU:PDr Sy= s=· IIJP'U' warrut • • . Mara wttb b1a eactDeer-booted fMt port Sbores said aD ltltruder ' • g --lit, 11, Ud Sberylee •.. Gerald Smlth. 5!, Of Zl31 stole tbe • speedometer u. COIIductJ.a&. at &:30p.m.SWlda.y, SUra. Ul, ot 1118 Van Buren Vl.sta lAre:lo, Eut Bltd, wu sembly, worth $75 ••• A pistol W.ucb Ul, 1D OrangeCoaslCol- A"·• eo.ta Mta, were arrea. arrested ud ebarpd wltb wu tabo from U.s bolster baD-:::u:e~t;:: T~e •• ~a~ ted at tbe aUty to tbe reu of te1oa.y wue bel.t1PC at Z:l? a..m. Ifni oo tbt ftll, a..od $?0 wu e e ron Slll Oafz Afe., Balboa lllaDd, •.• Wb.lle ber bouse at 1515 t&tea from the top drawer ot ~ ~P-=~ .. ~m=:v~~·o!; aDd booted oa the ebarp of W, Balbo& Btrd., Ceotra.l New-dresser at his resideoce, 9:26 J~~~.n by strauss· aod Rap~l.e pouq*»a of martjaUa. •.• port, wu fiLCUJt reported W. Balboa BlYd., Balboa, stated E ' Dta-. Sc:bDIIde:, 71, ollZ640t.b Jeooy Schiro pf tJi,laDd, $125 Davtd Anderson ••• Four wheel spagnole by Ra.,el. st., •• Newport, wu arres-worth ot botlset.:Jld turaJstalop eonrs were pried ott bel' Lln- ted at SIOO Balbol Btrd., and were stoteo. tod..rutg a TV set colo Coottoeotal .-hUe lt was charged wltb sbopllftJ.nc3pack.-and anuokDonamouMotUDens puked l.nfronlofberresideoce, --------,..-------------223 Cedar St., Newport Sbores, SK£5 ARE 5 TOL EM LfGAL HOT:C!. L!GAL MOT!Cf r'I'Orted Do""' Cell..,.r •.. Just wbeo soow 1s the great- est to years, A. Bltley Potter really has cause for grief: somaooe stole 6 pa.lrs of skis, valued at $665, trom his resi- deoee, 1200 Polarls Dr., Dover Sbores, Thursday night, Feb. Z7. E"',.t0 -,., ,..,_"'• ,.,. Durin& tbe heavy rainstorm. a •••'c: R.,. H-ltft & $50 ps powered lawn mower p 0, Hour Cl ... lflcatlon Vocot1011 Woffaro P•"•/011 was stolen from tbe H1.llbaven Eloc:rrlc:lo"•·< Effecti Ye Joly 1, 1968 110 Sept•ber I, Convalescent Hospital , , • 17 0 • El . . 1969) 25, pb• 1• pbw While M. E. K.otford, 211 Vta , ., ectnCIIID ,. R Lldo Jsl •• ~ .. avenna, e, was _ UGAL HOTICE c.~,. (Effective ~ay I, 1968 to May I, 1969) a walk, someone ns taking a S.ll C•rpeater 2.5<t phw 56f: pbw /p 4~ pbw fp piece Of lumber 4 iDch.es by 4 P·32646 c-tM••-•(EffectiveM•yl.l968tok•yl 1969) in h and b ~ bis ntr CERTlFICATE OF DOING S.l3 Ce111eat M .. oe. 3~<t phwf p tOf phwf p 35Cf.t.w/p c es, r g e y BIEINESS UNDER FICTITIOUS ,,..,. Werlt ... •(Effecth•e A.pat 10 1968 Ill Aa t Ught glass , •• Richard Craig, Nou£ J6 1969) ' ,.. 81 0-E Domingo Dr., East Bhlff, ...- . • saw hls own doctor .ror injuries The undersig:oed does certily 6.10 Reialorc:lllllro.. Worlr.er 25t ph -'OKt phw(l) 80t phw 1 ed De hi UJded that it is conducting a business ~....,._.{E ffective May I , 1968 tow., l. 1969) r ece v w n scar CO t 1555 S 4.18 A•pl!alt R•ker I lrooer 25f pbw /p 24~f plaw/p 32f phw /p With the UncolD 4r1Yen by ~Ch C~ior .. ~., Nheewpoll •t 4.07 fiae Cr•der (RiPw•y Clarence Kntckerbock.er, 501 . , a ., ........ r t c. aod Streel Pniasl 2.54 phw/p 24IK piJw/p l2t ~w /p N. Bay Front, Balboa Island, at titwus name of SunUgN Coo- 3.97 ft.pn... 2.54 phw/p 24~f ,-w/p l2t phw/p the lntersecUoo of Balboa An. va.lescent Hospita.J.Newport l.97 Ldwu• (Geaer&l) 2St plawf p U%t J*•/p 32t pbw/p a.nd Diamond Ave., Ba.lboa [s. Harbor, and thai the name to 4.18 Opere lor• ood Te11dera land., • Guy Edwards, 212 36th tull aDd place of resideoce of or Pua.matic ud Electtic St., West Newport, reported the the UDderslped is as follows: TooL.., Vibratills Macftia.es, tbef'l of Z6 tapes trom bls cu Sunllte Medical Centers, lnc,, ud Si.alilar Mechanic:• I at the Newport Harbor H.igtl Suite "l200 South Tower, Union TooL.. aot separatet)' school parking lot ••• Stephen Bank Square, Orange, Call- cl•nlned herei:a 25t phw/p 24~f pftw /p l2t ph.w /p Pre~-o, 7!3 u,.guerl·te Ave., fornia. 4.18 Tree Climber, feller and ~-u ,......, Cbaio Saw Opera lor 25t phw /p 24~t phw /p 32t ph.w/p Corona del Mar wasa.wayftom DATED: February 10, 1969 . home wtlen som~oe entered Ills SUNLIT£ MEDICAL o,_,.u"' E"tl_,.. (Effective hly I, 1968 to June locked gange aDd stole a. $200 CENTERS, lNC. pair of slds aod bi.nd.J.Jlgs; a By Richard J. Footner, Croup I 4.68 Ea1iaeer, Oil~r aa.d 30, 1069) Sisuhua 30« phw/p 3()( phw/p 4.68 Huvy Daty Repainnu'a Helper lOt phw/p 30t phw /p Croup 2 4.92 Cot~crete Mi•er 0p<!',..tor (S kip Type) lO« phw /p lOt phw /p 4.92 F'irem.. lOt phw/p lOt pllw /p .-lndow sill ns wiped clean at President the side of the garage and U 1s STATE Of CALIFORNIA 60t ph.w/p believed the burglar entered COUNTY OF SS. 60t phw /p there , . , Da.ruel H.ammoM, On lhis lOth day of February, 20 of 12025thSt Central New-1969, before me Eleanore M. po~t was a.rre~ on a Whae Geller!, a Noury PubUc in a.Dd 60t phwf p to aWear warrant Roaa..ld for sa.Jd State, perSOllally ap- 60. pbw/p &l.l.a.!ltyoe 60 01 '1iJ.s Vla peared RICHAR D J. fOOTNER, Croap 3 5.16 Eq-oi paeat Cruser Croa.p 4 5.27 Aaphh Pint ftremao S.27 Bo•m•a or Mi•er Bo11 Operator {Coac~le or ' ' known to me to be the Prest. 30t ph/plOt phwf p 60f'phw/p Anlibes, Lldols le,was:urested d .at f SUN UTE MEDICAL lll: 11 p.m. at Riverside Ave. e 0 JOe pft ... f p 30t phw/p 6o., pbw /p and M.a.riners Mile alter he Centers, lNC., tbe corpora.hon b . .Ued his sobriety test •• , th.at ezecuted the within loslru- Aaphah Pla11t) 30t phw/p lOot: p/A"'/P · Croap S ~.46 Aapllah Pleat [qi.Deer 30. pbw/p lOt plww/p S.46 Coacrele or Aapbah SpreadilsJ, Meclt.eDic•l T•111pias or riaialt.ills Madlioe Operator lOt phw/p lOt plaw /p ~.46 Ueevy D11ty ftepaitm•D 30t phw/p lOt phw /p S.46 Tractor Operator (Boll· dozer, Ta111per, Scraper aad Puab Tr•ctor) 30t phw /p 30t phw /p Croap 6 S.S6 Coacrele Miller OperatOf (Pavia« or Mobile) 30<t phw /p l Ot phw/p S.56 Craehias Plaat Ea1i•eer 3~ pbw /p lO<t phw/p 5.56 Motor Pelrol Operator {A•y Tyli or Sin) JOt phwf p lOt phw /p 5.56 Uaiver•• Eqalpmeat OperatOI'" (Sltovel, Back.boe , Dl'llrlioe, Derrick. Clamahell, or Craoe) 30t phw/p lOt pbw /p meot, and aclmowledpd to 60t ,..,, W.arp.ret r re@m.an. 58, of me tba.tsucbcorporat1ooneeu- 41Sl-O llsluia way, w .. utew-.ted the same. 60t ,_.,;, port Het&Ms, was arrested aJ 6 Eleuore M. Gellert p,rn. OD the ch.arce drunk ln NOTARY PUBUC in and public alter being tavol.,ed in a lor said State 60t pftwf p tra.trtc accident on Coast H.vy., My Commission expires 60t pohr/p east of Jamboree Rd; the driver March 28 1970 of the other cu was Douglas Publish.: Feb. '20, 27, March WarUn, 1185 Dorset Lane, 6, 13, 1969, to the Newport 60f phw /p Costa Mesa ... Harbor Ensign. 60t phw /p 60t phw/p 60t pbw /p ' i:lemeet r-••,.,. (ErfectiYe Ma y I, 1968 to April lO, 1969) I be loreFUIJ quaauuea ue appro"!lim•te oa.ly, beiOA r;iveta •• 4.65 Ori•er of D11mp Truck ...t.O'f.'lcaiu' ~ BEA UTY NOOK 2732 E. C0c1st Hwy . • haeis fo, the cumpariaoo of bida, aad the Cooaty of Oraase (le .. t!a-4 yards doee DOt, e•preuly o r hy implicatiou, asne lhat the actoel water level) 40t phw/p 4St pbw /p lOt ph•/p amount or worlt will coneapood therewith but reaenoea lhe risht 4.68 Dr!Yd" ol Dump Truc:k to increa•e or decreaae the llDIOUDt of uy da•• or portioo of die (4 yarda, but leas tiLaa. work, or lo omit pordooa of the worlr., u may be deemed oecu· 8 yuda water level) 41H phw /p 45t plaw/p l(k phw /p Corona del Mar Ph.:>ne bn-73.36 Q.!ILCAL Mi!LI' AHO T!AOIUS HlfDfD A -I Ia tile-Area pi&J..-_..._.. :.0· Pl""'ldiDJ -~-ol cllor1 <II r-.oc o*ll2o, ud ea. t.ll -Ia Ia -of elorl<ol dl-lo rtod loUie It_ .._. aDd a nc.p&m•lt, tbt ud IJd tbeal ta ,..,.__ If J1W VOlllllea' Bureaa ot ftewport u.-e IOIH tree tt.. Ud u. ltarbor repJI'tl. TbeJ IUJllt lllh dulre to do tbit W'Oit .. bllt w. bQI lD. order to be IbM ao wort, can Ute Yo....., Blrtu coat•-tbe1t teaebiDC oiJOUI lot 1alormaiJoo at IG-0161 01 peapla. Tberela u.o aDMdb' come by SZ5 H. Newport Bml I t:HIJRC:HES I 'llrwpllrt'ltarlatr tudlrl'llll ~ "O•"tb~ Blafls 01 f'rloo"f•t ."''~"·fW>rl H•r6nr" NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30a.m. to q 30 a.m. -W0rshtp )trvtCf 9:45a.m. to 10.45 a.m. -Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. to 12 00 noon -worship Strvict ne ~•. J..ea G. Blain, PuLor The Rn. Georae J . Bu'diecker, Vuitallon P'ttoftr S41..JS31 Puwr Otri1tian Sc:ieftc• S.,...ic .. flRST CHURCH OF" CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido N cwpor t Beach st;NDA Y SCHOOL 9 ,\~a ..... ancl ll o"' SGNOAY SERVICES 9: ~~-11 0"' "EDNESOAY EVENI~G \t£ETING a ., .., READI~G ROOM Weekclo~•;9o.,..-~ ...... ....... do~: 9 •·"'· -1 ·~ IO ·"'· T.,a,cla~ oncl F ,.cla~· 9 ....... -~" "' ' 7-9 ....... s.,.,cle,. I "·"' -A P·"'· SI.:COND CHt.:acH OF CH&IST. SC1ENTIST f"'c-wpon Beach 11 Oxon• de-l \ta1 3100 PacHlc View Or. SVNOA Y SCHOOL 10 ·- SCNDAY SERVIC E 10 ...... Yt'ED~ESD!! 't' EVENINC.. \fEETI.'lC. I !OO "·"' READING ROQJ.1 - \1utual Buddtn g 28 63 East Coas t H•ghwa)' \\un. • :'-at. 10 <~..m . 10 "' p.m. l"hur .. da\ "l'nin~-~ to Q Ynu Me cord•ati\ '""'led 10 attend Chur.:h ~T"YICC"S and tr> u~r thr Rl'ad•o& Room. Llffher• O..rch Ofthe ........ L..the,.. O..rd. in A..ric• 2900 P&cific VIew Ot. Ccwoaa«i Mar, CaliroW. Dr. Willi.m R. Eller Phone 644--2664 1:4S a.•·· r-ily Woraht' 9:4S a .... cat.rcirt ScllooL.., 11:00 a..a., festive WorM ip NUIStliiY PIOVIDED Fir~t a.,.i•t a..,,.._ of c ........ . R"l'''"' Riblr F"ell eowship l•d~prord,.,-Aalo.o•oft S..to Aft• & Mogulio Sta. Dr. 1-'.G. Neumann, panor SUNDAY SERV ICES ~:45 v '· Sunday School 11 :l)l) a.m. \1orn1n1 Worsh ip, 6:0ll p.m. Tratn1n1 Union• 7:UU p.m. E~enina Worship WEDNESDAY 7:2ll p.m. Bible Study 1:00 ro.m. Prayer Meeona ATTEMD THE CIIUICII OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARl..Y CENTIAL IIIU CHUICH .............. TM P'lllft of Go4 The 'lftOft of Clwttf n. ,._ of ~ ~ s,irit I!"I!: .. ! .. G SI!OI VICt! ToOO ~ ...... "!" ... U .. S O A V S i aL. I! S T"\.JOV .... o ~""'""" 1,oo ...... .. U .. II!:JtV OUOI I,.G III!JIYICI!:S A .... Y ..... PfopMft c.-. of a...., .... tW. St. c-. ..... ,,..,,.... H 1 .. """' lf(A - 'PI 1ft C _ .. ' I Clpc~ -.... ~Me ;•rtMei ... t• A FtH aJ , •• ,......, Co.ttwt.-.&t CM•d• c••rc" n ................... ,.. ..... , s-ct.y Scrri~c Md O.rda ~I at 10:00 Lm. IIWJBSPl t -II ............. , ....... ........................ ............... d ......... .~, .... """-' 64-:17· Shrvbt., l"le<~or Plontt. T ropte oi & T r-1 !n ••ctc.det. ond Ferh l1 1•r S&H G,efltl ~ton~p' nu I Ill I II I Jl' COIIOIII.._ DEl. MU "'t'RSEU 2144 [. f'oeM HW) .. 51:J.IIU ury or •dvi .. ble by lhe Eosioeer. 4,7l Driver of Da111p Track The OOD h'11 CI doca.rueata .ball coosist of Neoti ce to Coot,.ctors. (8 y•rda, bat leu th•a fo1n1 ol P?Oposal, form of Asre~~meet, PilUle, Speci al ProYi• 12 y•rda water level) 40t phwf p 45« phw /p 30t pftw /p BUILDING C~TRACTOR5 RE MOD EL!N G o CDSTA IIIESA ~3361 o ORANGE 6J9.2Ul • ANAHEIM 8211-03111 • PLUMIIHCi •iooa, .ad Stqdord Spedficatioa., all o f wbich are oo file io 4.81 Driver of Domp Track d b l.. (12 yarda, hat le .. tlan lbe Office of the Ora.o!e Coaaty Road 0epa.r1meal &II ue ere..,. 16 yorda water kvel) 40<t phw/p 45<t phw /p lOt pl!w /p refened to and made • part hereof. S.OJ Driver af D11mp Truck P l.aa, Special ProYi•ioaa aud other coatrect docameut fonu ,-.,.. 06 yarda, hot leaa thn will be available fot namioatioo withoot charse. Co pies of •II 25 yarda water le vel) 40<t phw/p 45f pt.w/p 30. phw/p coatrac:t docomeeto n••Y be aeCDred at the Office or the Orao!e S.49 Driver of Dump Trod: Coooty Road Oepanmeat.. 400 West Eishth Street, S.Z.t• All•, (25 yardo or •ore water California. level, Si.D.ale 01" Combiaa· Plana, Special Provialooa (oot iocludiag Swd•rd Specific•· tioa of vehicles ncludi.D1 tiou ur other documaatll ioduded by h!lferea ce) a.od propo••l l1'1111h or fllhbialllncb)40f phw/p 4S<t phw /p lOt ph"'/p form• m•y be obtaiaed by pro.pecthe bidder• epon paynteat of a 4,83 Drher of fta..d Oil priotios aod aervice dlarse io the lllllooat of IS.OO, wb ich •moaot Spre•der Tnck 40t pbw/p 4St phw /p lOt phw/p ah•ll ool be refoodable. All checks •h•ll he n••de p.yable to 4.89 Driver of Trauit Mi:a O•oooe Coeoty Treanrer bet sho•ld be mailed to the Road De-Track (Uader 3 yarda) 40f phw /p ~ phw/p 30t phw/p L S.OJ Driver of Tnault Mia partmeat, 400 W'e•l Elsblh Sh"eet. Sou. Ao•, Callromia. T Cople• of the Sa..dard Speci6c11doaa IIIIIJ be porchaaed lor nac k (3 yards or•Cift)4Ck pbw /p 45t pbw/p 30. f*w /p 4.71 Water Tnack Driver 11.58 Ui1 iocladed from the Departmst of Public Wort., SUite (Uadn-2500 aello••) 'Of paw /p tSt pbw/p 30t pla,/p of C•liforaia, or the Rood Dep•rtraeat, Couty of 01"11111e, 400 4.83 W•ter Trwc k Orher trut EIP,th Street. S.ata Au, C•lifo111ia. (2500 to 4000 pllou) 40<t phw /p 45<t plaw/p 30t pla•/p No hid will be eo~~aidered ••I••• it Ia ••de oa • blaok form 4.9S Weter Trwck Dftver Nnalahed by the Couty Rood c-l••loaer ead ia made iD ac-(4000 .,n ... Of" •ore) 40f: phw /p 45r; ,..,, lO<t pla•/p corda« whb the proviaiou of the Studvd Specificadoaa ud (I) TrM'•It..t.o i• eo .. i ... .t-tiat• worbd. Sped a! Provi11iooa. Te "-• pNctt4\q ........... ~ .W.'II tlr.• fotleowlq p.,..eat ne Bo•rd of Superrioona of dae Cauty of Oraa11e reee"ee the for •fp,...ltceMJf: ri(Jilt Ill reject u t or •II bid.. c.,_'*'-_ h ~w/p 11ae bidder'• aU•dos l• directed to the pro-riaioae ia Secdoa c ..... •--• _ l"f ,.vt/p 2 of tile S ... d•rd Sped8catlou lor tlae reqairm~•t• ud coo• ltM ....... -If pllw/, dlt.ion wt.lcll. he, ... , obaenoe Ia dae prep•Ndoo. of the propo .. l Op......U .. E.pao .. -If pll•/p lona •d the aoh•i .. loo of •• bid. .\w,..tlees • ., ....... J_. &. c..'"-hy will S.Ctl-. tm.s Provtaiou of the SUite Coo tract Act are aot applic•ble, •d of ii.• L• .. , Co .. ef •• s.-. •f c.ll ..... L proapecthe biddere will sat be reqo.i«td to he prequlifiecl. .. ......,_ s ..... .. Employer paymeota oUaer Ill• tlto•e llemiaed h\reio, u de-......... _,. ••• fined in Secticm 1773, I of the Labor Code, •re to ba paid Ia ae-ne .,....tie• rMO l• ~ ,.,.,-.. of die ~,....,. .... r••- oord~~ace with the Ierma of the oollec:li" buc•iah'S· -.reem••• applicable to lhe type or duaillcatlo• of tlle worbtu or CNit ,.........,, , .. 2W lf4 ,.. s• ,,. Jtt. M mechuica employed oa the project. BtillkleJ•,.. 6 ...... 50 60 TO 10 90 95 0Yerthae, Sa.adeya •d 8oHdaya -aot I ell" till• ou .. d oa• c.t,..-.N 6 M..U. 75 78 II .. 11 90 9S 95 atolf ( 1%) tho .. the baaic lt.o.rly nte pis• epplicable e.ploye.-C .... l Ma••• 6 M~ 7S 79 U 11 91 95 pay•ea•., ne holiday• epoo wblcll .. a rates ot.all ba peid Elec&rlclu-6 ..... 50 60 65 10 1S 10 IS 90 M.t1 be •II lrlolid"J"a rec:op.iaed ia the coH,.c:tiYe b•plaial ltta Worka,. 6 ........ 11 II U ", t.1 97 apeen.eat applicable to lhe pwtic.lar crafl,. cl ... iReed~ or -~' cJ_..ftc:-.1 ..................... 1_~, .... ..,., ...... 1ype of workau •r,loyed o• tlae projec:"t. liM,...._ pi•• ~-... •• -.._ a. .. c.IIKtf.,. · Copi•• of all col ec:tlv• barr-.l•l•l .., ... eats rel•ll•c to \M ................. _... .. .... ts *'-el-., ol...._floetMe -' work u "' forU i• th .,.,.ntloaH Laltor Codo .,. oa fit. &a. wri •., __. ... , ... ,.... • ....... ~ . ......_ IT7&.1 •• ... u.atte fCN l .. p•ell-. ia die office of ~e ~\of of .. Lallooaf c.M, · t.a..trlal lelatioaa, IXvl•l-af L-.. .S.•dallce .a 1•••.-Q. OF Au•d-Ia dlrectell to S.c:ti• 7·1.01C of tlloo St•datd S,Ki-COVlfTY, nc.u ... ,...,.;.lac lot -.oloyaeal of ... ,...tleilfl. .... -.rt. t..,-"ctr. .,... .. ll ... an ~. , .. d •• ... ~ .,.... ,...,. .. o.._. ,. ..... ., za. JM. ~---•iiW 6o nplatl•a of •• u.,. al'141• ate ls .... Pl"re'll. laJo..ed• ret".iJ .. ao -..ploy.•t of ~lrM •a11 H ollcal.M4 fro. tlr.• Direcw of tllo: O..an.•t •I la4aolltal lol•l .. o, wW lo til• .Yt.Ial•r•l" Offle. of •• C&llforsh ..,..._uoa•lf c .. adl. CICAL) li. Keelnll . ..u "'"' lM , .. vto& .... ef S.Cd" 1770 of til• L-.r CU. of .. St•• •f Collforal., tM low4 of S.."l .. ,. •I Onap C...•r. •• ucertaiaoa4 tl!o .-...-.1 ,..,..01., ,.,... •' Pew .. ._, M..,., Ji.-r Ec.ol .... _. 1 •• 1&. 1N9 ••• .,u~-.. -. ..,. ...t. '-M .... t.o M u loUo .. : and ADDITIONS 0 FRI!"f. P'LAN 5fRVICE 0 fREE EUIMATES 532-59H AloiERICAH COHHRUCT!OH co. C.U.L DAY OR HIGHT • IEIIODEUIII • AD.TIOIIS LICEISED I -HD FRED H. GERWICK lCW Gol*-4 67]-1 -~-217t .-- ePLOIRT o HIAILILG AiD$ HAL AEBISCHER HE~RIHG AiDS p,...,flffi"'A..,,..I U19 E. C.ottHwy. c...-....... 67S-31l3 o HOME IMPROVEMENT CEHTER COMPLETE HOME REPAIR SERVICE 0 Re-screening -Re-glazing-Carpentry • Electrical -Plumbing -Small Appl. • Lamps • Furniture Reliable Work -· Reasonable Prices 2J!t L c:..t ..... _,C.. --..... _ --··---...... - ' ....,......._c. ,, • ., AI!MW-"--,....._., ... 3200 E. Coott Hwy., COlli 67J.MO$ o I'ALIIT & WN..LMPII •u101 P Al!liT & WALLI'Af'll Pittsiltt"" -Doldl a>y Pliots-.....:an ... u,aoo PATTENIS OF I'ALLPAPER 2911 L o-t ..... c.-· ..: ll!itr llfiiT,. _, ....... "-• &n.8D ----'--'------ A. R. M A RSAC I'Ll;\UU-·R io hl l .Jm lHh•n Ave, ('••r>l!l o~ Jcl \lar Plumktnl> KCr"illf $ OA\" ,~;,. :"'ICtiiT WATER 111-.ATI::RS 673-4£30 c SHOE IIIEPA.Illl MABERRY 'S Shoe Repa If Purse and luggage Aea»tr -Dye Wotk Slot1ST.......S ON£ OAV SEfMCt 1190 t1arDar ltvd. eo., ...... -... •Dn .._••••zr '"" ..... o~ITfl'f UI'LLDLITI- (IfJ ~-,..,.oa~ ··•ta.:J,.. ..... , .... c.::·-....= N_._L,.._ ............. 1-.otl ... EllUII 'MJRSOAY,IIARat 1; 1!11! eDD SECT1011 --P. 4 OJIIJIIA DELMAR, CAliF. newport balboa savngs corO'kS del mar office oper1 r1ow ro serve you fronr: rhe Rnano al plaza , ~e'vJporl cen ter - From these new Corona del Mar offices we are better able to serve you -with greater personal convenience to you -than ever before. Come in even if you don't bring money and visit us in these attractive, centrally-located new offices. For working efficiency, in the employment of modern equipment, a new standard for California savings and loan associations is set. We are equipped to promise you a greater measure of "cu stomer satisfaction" with our financial services. skilled personnel and faci lities. At the new location, we wil l have on exhibit outstanding items from our half million dollar collection of rare ancient, foreign and U.S. coins. Come in and see the exhibit -and also personally meet the officers and staff membe rs of our new Corona del Mar office . NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. Palmer. Chaorman of the Bo.ard Agnes BlomqUist. President Maon QU,ce 3366 V1a Lido. NewPOrt a .. cn. Cahforn~a 92663 • Phone 714/673-3130 ConHla del Mlf Otl~ee Fonanc•al Plan. 550 Newport Center Dro'o/8 • Corona del Mar. Cel•fornoa 92625 • Phone 71 4/644-1461 ..__________., ~~ , I ~ .' •