HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignNEWPORT BEACH OFFICES IM CDIIOMA DI!L W.ll, CALII'OIIMIA POLl HOOTI G OF YOUTH Secood cbaDces ru OI.R for aJoog with Patrolmen Rleblrd trlct attorney's omee to J.n.. SleplleoSttllii>Wield,U,ofiOllt Joboooa aDd George WU.OO, •estlcat< tile sbooliJ>( aDd said Kl1De Dr., Sa.ota ADa Helgbts, spotted a sbadow}' flcure Lnside be will accept the Qodtn.p.. WbeD be was shot dead Saturday tbe camera store. Sb!Doytnc al&bt wbllerlliUlingtrom 3Costa bact~ tbe rope to tberoottop, Mesa poUcemen. the burgiar leaped to tbe pa•e- Dl$trlet Attoroey CeeU Hickl stated tbattbe IDYitstiptioo may be coocluded oext week. Ke a1d tbe posstbUlty of an accomplice would be looked Into • ..- aboul the dlll!eulty of delermlll-l.,_llilio~l in( 'Wbetber a ftgure ruoniDc lD THE 9AIL()II BAliD of Nnporlllarbor Hlp SchOol ... lbo sw._as lro!>bY at tbo ....... St. Patrlet's Day puode Saturday, March 15, 111 Torraoee. Tbe trophy ls diJplayed here by Richard A. Engla.od, baDd dlrector, aDd Vtcki Hal&. dru.m major. With a score of 95.3'11, the Sailor Baod out- clused the SUons of North Htgb, Torrance, their closest competitors in the 2-1/2-mlle parade, wbicb featured over 150 marchin&: units. The tud wlU appear in ooocert this Friday eveni.Dg. March 21, to the Harbor Hicb audltoriWD, aloog with the MldshJpmen&Dd tbe Newport Harbor orebestra. A silent &larm bl'ougtlt tbe ment aDd kept 011 rtmlliDc. as poUeemen to Corrlp.o's Cam-tbe otneers chased him, eras, 5SO W. 19th St., Costa sbi::Uing to balt. Fin orders to Mesa. How stephen got there ls halt were disobeyed. tbe lllc:bt oould be tbat of a rrun or..:EAN FRONT VIEW of the Balboa residence where or a boy, armed or wrumed. z died I.Jl tlre Tuesday morlllnJ. (Ensign pboto.) Mr. Hicks said thl.t would be put of his offtce's enluatioo. Mesa backs red route The red route realignment lor Newport fr-eeway was endorsed by a 3-Z vote Monday enDing by tbe Costa Mesa City CouociL This route would sh1tt tbe freeway from tbe beartofdown- towD Costa Mesa to an allgn- meot klopiDg westerly cd Su- perior Ave. Cotmcllmao Willard Jordan made the motion to a.sk tbe state to proceed with the red route. His motion was st4JI)Orted by CouocUmeo George Tucker and WilUaJn St. Cla.ir. Mayor A. L. PLDkley aDd Vtce.Mayor Bob WUson voted apJ.nst the motion. , WlkDown. But 1s ls known that be The chase weot from the kl.ued b1s motber gooctntgtat at camera shop, a.erossa ~ 10 p.m., and went IC)stairs. ceoter parklllg Jot. acrosa 19th But be didn't go to bed; be St. and down an alley before dressed l'limself lD black, a.od policemen opeDed flre, a.od kil- weat out throug:b lbe window. led Step ben. Serput Robert Ba.ll1DP:r. Friends of stepben say that he ' was tbe fastest runner at tbe1r scllool, Kaiser. They argued as to whether he was frlptened and just ran -or really tbougbt be COilJd get away. Costa Mesa Pollee Chief Roger Neth requested the dis-STEPHEN STU BBL EFI EL D Stephen's mott.er, Mrs. Helen Ellls, a pharmaceutical repre- seat:a.ttve, left ller OOme arouod 9 a.m. Suuiay, to atteod a medical conveotioD I.Jl Los Angeles. Sbe saJd tbat before sne left nome, she cbecked Stephen's room and discovered that be was gooe. '·So I thougM: be bad gooe to spend the nlpt 'WUh someooe," she said. "I Up( calllDc 00 me trom Los Angeles to see if be bad come back. 1 wa.so't ootifled umu 3 r BAN THE BERM' p.m.Stmdaytbathewasdead. • "I .-tbom bow he died, Tiley saJd be ns sl\ot. WI'IUe Bumps and berms In road· -.rays to slow down Jocal tramc receiv-ed bostlle analysis at Mooda.y nl&bt's study sessiouof the Newport BeachCityCouoeiL Prltate roads 1o Bay ShOres, COM bank Beacon Bay and tbe Bluffs bave was be shot? I asked. He such speed deterrents, aDd re-doesn't carry weapons. He quests for slmUar obstacles doesn't like guns. Tbey said be have been made by residents iD ns rUDni.n.g. and they yelled Newport Shor es Shore CUlfs halt, and started shooting. Wby and Anniversary' Estates. didn't theY shoot at hls teet or Traltlc engineer Bob Jaffe legs? I asked. They said, •we bombed the berms with a did.' But he was also shot in critical report wbicb lncluded the chest. IRMA WHERT, at lett, accompanied by her triend, Co ra YcCattrey, carries out an antique pitcher trom her fire damaged residence. (Ensign phOto .) supportlng opposition trom '·Wy son ns 14 years old rr I d Police Chief Jim Glavas, Fire and he was tilled ID cold bklod F I R E Services Director Jake Myn~ through tbe chest a.od legs." KILLS 2 Tbe recommended route ls estimated to cost ov-er $60 mll- lloft, about $10 millloo more tbaolbetl<...-lly--· aloog Newport Blvd. Propnnrerts I 0 expan Chief Jail BriseoeaodC.neral murder byapoUcemaJl-- Tbe ~ del Mar oHl.ce derse. Mr. Ja.ft'e agreed witb .Us. Ellis admltted tbat ber Two people died aDd 3 ocean She set ber ,loss at $4,000 t Sec tty Pa 111 NatioGal their vtews: that the berms soo. bad been ID trouble before, rroot hOmes were charred and for antique furniShings and ~ ~5 E C~~wy. plans would interfere with tbe move~ s:ay1.Dc. "lt wa.s .. just kid stuff, blackeDid 111 a !lre tbat blued $1,500 lor her dl()leL ' of 111o r&d -• aid llal Us 11M1' tls ftta woald oal-WeiP -to ·to lnc:.1~ tbe meat of tnttic, create turtber cb.ildisb pranks. ._, at 4 a.m. Tuesda.y at o0.4. Yr. aod Mrs. A. o. Carotbers THE SA.ILORETTES .-m tam of Nf'WPOri ttubol' Hlcb ~a.rctosa GardeU site coo,estion, cause damap tote-stepben, Just 5 days blbei £. Ocean Ft., Balbo&. of .nz E. Ocean Ft. were at ... --. --- COUMTT NM.DS GO TO 32HD ST., JAMBOREE Se--._. .P!I<-1a 1M -..au st. '"*"l<k'• puado u Mil 1: c.a llwJ ot ... bleleo 11om 111o """""" .,.... bad -bUD "' tile -Tbo -"' Mra.-1M Colon*l Rift< ot 1M-tD Tat .... 'filii -.m ... ..,..---.,. ' , ..,_.,.,._"te&tt Ka.re.!Yd • .l". coner:' pouiMe C11UCIJ delaJ a to"' trilled au or.._or J n ·-..,,..-.;..-atdwtt or .tbe nn. Tile !le""'*t Bael sbOWa illllft at 1111 wtta sa.rua TremblJ. lhdlat leader, wbo Tbe lUI call for a parkiDc emve-cy teb.lc1es ACII.as ftre UD. Stuley ~ 38, wve fo&al tlrc depl.rtRMIIt ootJ.fled tbem by 1S bokllD( tbe ZDd ptaee tropbJ. kJt 00 ~esideotial property. A trucks and ambulanc~s, espose Gar laM L... Wetzel, ptlDcq:al by Newport Beacb t!Hmeo iDa phooe of tbe $2,500 damages to rm t the city to damage sw.ts. ~ Bll.yti.ew schOol, said, rear bedroom, after tbe ttre bad tbelr home. OPINION POLL TAKEN poi>Uc boarinc 00 a use pe 1 Mr. Ja11e summed II .., by ''St-o wasa5thaDd6tbgrade beeo -...o. Autopsy re-People driving to work aDd ho Newport Beach road pro- jects a.re Included In lbe $3,805,700 arterial highWay tloaDC~ program approved Tuesday by the Orange County board ot'st4)8ntsors. The board aLlocated $50,000 for the 32nd st. '"-dent.nc: project D8IJ" City Hall, lllld $80,000 for the DeW alignmeq: of Jamboree Rd. trom Palisades Rd. to MacArthur 81td., 1o the Back Bay area. Three burdred permaoeaf: re- sidents ot the City of Newport Beacb were irtenlewed last week-end in a city~W'Ide, city- sponsored survey takeo to de· termlne wbat prlnte citbens •ould like Alr Newport Tomor. row, City Manager Harvey Hurlburt anoouoced al a press ~r :e ~ ::.C"!11P= saying that the city is always ~U here. AM 1 got to know him ports stated they died of smoke children going 10 school io their Y e .... ...-~ alert to fi.Dng hOles ID streets, quite well. l felt tbat we were i.J:!.haJaHon. busses saw tbe Newport Beach coatveoce Moodl.y afteroooo. Comm~S at a p.m. Tburs-because or the peril to tramc, mating good progress'"-thhim. Cause of the ftre has oot yet firemen rollillg their hoses t.{l Tbe $3,700 SurTeJ was made d:aJ, MAp~nai-d bank manager and lhese OOmps are just tt>Side 1 bave tbe feeling that this kid been determined by Newport at 7:30 a.m. Some were still by Oplalon Researcb. of Call~ 0 r •1 estate trans: doWn holes. was allowed too much, too soon. Beacb firemen. wbO are con~ cbecking the burned buildings tornla, Lone Beach, at there-said tbat tbe ea haDdled tbe The Council is etpeCted to aDd U~ too tl.st. He tried to Unuing their i.ove.stlgaUon. with their ttashligtltsand talking quest ot tbe p1s and objec~ actioo ls ~ at the~-take official action in the form emulate older kids aod some Engineer William Van Horn together. But they greeted their ttns committee of Newport. To.. real testatt! ~ c!n 1 ot a policy statement banning were a bad lnfluence oo him. sutfered a. cut band in figttl.ng replacement crews with !here- morrow. Cbalrman JobD Ma.c-qua.r ers 5 gees. tbe berm. "Children have tremendous the lire. Newport Beacb Pollee Ueved call, ··Here come the r ed Sculpture in bay asked aa.b saJd hls UOI:I) of about d • h t problems these days, a.od we Otrtcer Keith Collins was com-hats." 80 members wbleb bad already Property a VISOrS sou g have to try to UDder stand tbem, mended for his part iO ftgt<iOg Mr s. Ruby's daugtlter, Julie speot about 1300 boursolstudy, but oot kow-tow to them. lllave the tire and a.lertlng residelts. A an, vras aot at OOme tha.t night bad felt a protessioad, aeWnJ ton Beach· the abandooed f:oUDd as a prJ.ocipa.l tbat many Bob Job.nson,. 1909 Court St., as she had gooe to stay w-Ith a orpolpt\on wu Deeded to A property leaslng and sa.les sewage treaimeot plant oortb-parents do not S\1JPOrt the CenU'al Ne-.port, assisted by triend. Mrs. Ruby ls also sur- compile the questions am coo~ aceat and a real estate con-easterly of Newport Shores. schools when we try to pulllng oose, and tlremen said vived by another daughter. A tJoattog sculpture es:~ approval, said tbat publlcbeacb duct tbt public oplDioo poll. sult1ng firm will be hired by disc(fltoe their children. He that be was Yery helpful. EI.U.a.beth, a.oo son. Rando~b; b.lbWon I.Jl the tay reeeiTed ap~ access must be malutalrwd at Cba.lrm&D MaeDib reported the Newport Beach City COUD-MRS. CAROL GIVEN OF was a young boy who needed Damage to the structure at ber parents, M.r. and Mr s. Fred proval 1D prlnclple from the street-eads and su&eestad at-to tbe City Cowx:U llODdaJ cll to assist lD ma.oagemeat of (X)ROHA OEL M.A.R DIES moral guldance." 414 E. Ocean ft., ns set at Jotln.son of Long Beach; a Newport Beacb City Council ter-summer dates 1Dstead of evea1D& u.t tbe IDformatkla citJ owned properties. Carol Gh·en. 70, of 308 (Coatioued oo age 7} $10,000 for tne buikhng. and brother, Rictw"d JohnSOn or at YoOOay Dic:bt'sstOOy session. ea.rl:r spring. from tbe oplnioo poll wlll DOW Proposals were discussed a.1 Gokleorod Ave ., Corooa del PATHWAy TO BOOKIHC $500 rw coW!nts. Long Beach, and a sister, ~s. Thomas Garter, director of be fed lDto a computer, aDd a study session meeting Mooday Mar, died Much 12 at Park Udo Little scraps of carpeting Mrs. Irma Whert. 416-1/'Z w. Ctlrleen O'Coonell of Paradise. the Newport Harbor Art TO IE that a report sboald be reAdy eveo.tng, aDd ofrtclal aeUon is Convalescent Hospital. She was don the aUeyledOttlcerScotty Ocean Ft., sa.idt.llatherGt!rman FuoeraJ services will be held Yuseum 1D the Balboa Puilloo, MB.ODRAMA. ta about 5 weeks. He saJd tbat expected a1 the next CouocU born Oct. 23, 1898, I.Jl Spob.oe, McGrep to 113~1/2 29th St., shepherd dog. Bismark, waked at 11 a.m. Friday, March 21, described the project to tbe PRESEMTED A.T LIMCOLM his lf'0'4l was DDt talormedol meeting. wb.icb bas been moved Wasb., came to CallforDia 30 west Newport, onllarchl1,and ner ,_,by his barlting. u Mortell's funeral Chapel, Council He said that plans call AD old-t&shlooed mekJdrama., tbe qoestloos asked by the tn.. 1;1) to AprU 7• years ago, and lived In this there he found aDd arrested ·'I got ~ aod the fire was Long Beach. Burial will be at tor &D eDlbttlon from Marcb "On strlke at the dress tentewers, so Ulere could be Asslsta.nt City Manager Jim area for 20 years. Elmer TTemaio, zo, aDd Lee coming over, after me," she at All Souls Cemetery. 1 to AprU 19 of oen year 1D f.actory," Ylll be presented at oo possibUty of committee bias DeCbaJDe reviewed tlle quall-Surttvors are her busba..nd, Raod 20 on the crw-ceor taling satd. "Everytl'ling is gone. 1 Sentces lor Mr. Hadden are harbor mooring localloos near Llocoln scbool at 7=30 p.m. this ID tbe surny. flcattons of Z flrms considered Aodrew; a trotber, Mel Graves the ~g trom a. nearby worked all my Ule to build it pending at Baltz Mortuary, Co~ tbe PI.YWon and oo tbe Balboa Friday aod Saturda.J, Marcb Zl Vlsull aids were used and as consultaots: DeYelapmeot ol DAir:bM; a. stster-1n~law, buHdiog ~ and now I'll nave to start sta Mesa, Pen1.Dsull. b&Jslde street-ends and 22. Pblll.fp Mauer, English alteroatite answers were used Research Associates and Real Muguertte Gilbert of Seal The ktnowln& day, two more over ." at S. C aDd D streets. teacher, will direct tbe 8th bJ lDterYtewtrs. VIce Presldeat Estate Research Corp., both of Beach; z ~bews, Dr. Gordoo arrests were made by Newport She picked ._., a blackeoed He sa.ld the elbib!Uoo would grade students lD tbe pro-DoD McGrew o1 OplDioo Re-Los Angeles. City Manager Gilbert of Atl%ona, and Cutt.on Beach oo the same charce, and sllgtltly cracked pitcher consist or DO more than 10 ductloo. Tbe a.rt department seucb said u.t b1s company HarTey Hurlburt said that De. Gllbert ot Saota ADa. Thomas Smttb, 21, wbo was u-~ that she sa.ldwa.soYer 500 years sculptures, destped by well -.rtll turllish tbe scenery ud '7th could cuarantee questtognalre Yeklpment Research was es-Servtces were held March 15 rested at Oranp Coast Collep, old a.Dd. tossed U. over tbe rallill& kDowD American sctalptors aDd lf'&de stlllents a.re be_,iD&" wttb accuracy wttbill a p1uor minus peclally recommellded. at Pacl.f1c View Chapel, with aDd Peter Roth, !0, wbo was ol bet "'stairs apartment ooto fllbrlcaled -.ttb tbe &pODIOI'sblp prodoctloll. Mrs. Mteotas 3\. Coldwell, Banker " Co., with Charles Cbamberlaln as tbe arrested at the pollee statkan. a pUe ot burned 141 tunlture ud ~ ot Soutbern KfourJ aDd Mrs. GeorpCCII'Icb Qr•stioas de&1t wtth sucb. JocaJ ofrtces IDNewport Center, otnelant. totermeot was bekl Smith and Roth also llYed at the below. CalUorDia ID:IustrW. firms. are eo-ehalrmen tromtbePTA. matters u tbt airport. ld· submitted a proposal to as.stst at PacLUc VlewW.emorlalPark. Z9tb St. address. "lt's oo good oow," sbesaid. Tbt Couoc.ll, to uprealnc Free popcorn will be sentd. dltinaaltadustry, lddiUooalu--the cttyiomarket1Dga.ndteu1Dc , Beach facilities improved r-=~::;.:~ ~~g ~='m: · no.. Sbcl'a r.om....-1 Tbe eommlttel wU1 parebue Nnpcrt Be&cb u u lsllli'WIIIl as exclliSite ageot with u:- '·-•-beacb --~---ramn----meat to woWd be UUd lD tbt ,..... or clu!Ye r[&:bts to oeeottate ~~ aod -~·-:0~::! ~ ~; what wu dllltked at pru1at· leases llr or to sell tbe u-..W...,. ban tbo--"'tbo boaebarM. aDdlbe qoe_of ... elop....l i>~propertle" Clty<>unp rocr•-. ...... ....,IIID&~l-lor -of lbo -' Dtf>lle. prworty at 19th St ..... Wblttler llllaoanllabi&IDtbolronlioek APRIL PROCLAIMED Ed lllltll, oomatltlao ....,_AYe., oeor west-side C- yvd, ICCOI'dlll( 1o Dr. Roysl AS SOIOOLS'-TII ber, -111&1--Mesa; w-.. Oil lesse pro-,.,.,_ 11<-olllll lloHr ...,.. Oor-Mar &ball of atlpt bo -bJ mal.! of all port}' at Boucllard aDdllamllloo, Sbor• ·~, As8o. Nnporl Boocb -.,_ a Nnporl Boocb r-IIQ at a Hatactoo Boocb; Bnmbunl _ ......... d&llpolllll AprU Iller-· ucl Adams .,._ty ID H-- Dr. nacw ...... alao ...... upeblle-~~~-~~~~~ S d h I :a;...:.,":"~.~~=~':::~~:~ tu ents asked to e p tile UMK'===edtbldf. atJott a. tdaiCitkMI ., ..... slpud olallla-ud 1o ...,.. --Hlp -•-lrom 11<1111 po.-.1111 ulle-eiOia( ...., a.. l>olll aDd replarlJ of --EII&.,Ia,C....dolllu,llu'-111&1-e..ullealeeaDdpos- lrallwo, u .. u u 1111 ~-..,...,..... ud __ .. .. ..... C4ola -. ud llollollJ IIIIIJ ---wW -ofancta..IID&Il-ardor 1o .. ..,._ l&oUJ 1M llt.fO--bfciiJ_..Ia bo-Miolbem, .. -Lot B, u .. --of -........... _, el&u liP lito ---IJO'Oa..lloo!Orao--,. ...... uti ~Piooldoa..lrom I lo 11:10 -llllw<IQ. JOllY IULLIVAM, 64, bot "' -_... ..... ._, lbolr -... Wort wW bo ,.,... lod to LAIID DIVELOI'EII, II fS ---·-.. , --· ~ ~ Jerry --M, ol 114 TM ~ "' lito-ST. PAT LUMOIBIM POR -~ c.-C.., a.&. W, 1 ... st., Well llo!lp«t -"'* 1, .u.· --MBA C.C. -IM boa lolllll, ... P I I PoliJIIt, --1\_li'- aida. ....... .WJ8c .... n.~m•·•...._•UIII'-kll •n:::~a..u.. ~t:WN*'&a"'m' ,..,...... ;z tw•-a. Co*"-ai h• tfCO. ... a.•i•a. ,__,.. ..IIIU:a;a_.r .. l 7td ~ 11t•1 • ._. l« A. ..ere lllld a a. PIRie*'&., VI ...... tt Ill IS t nt II ,_. ...... a..l *'"• •• WU Fire "-... -,._ l•t·lll-1hllltoC.. _......, ........ -~~ 1llln""" .. 110l, tonortdO, cclolllwlllallollllfiW--Qoii-Co II)Ooll.--1111--toCIIPI*to1NIMII •-trtl II t= Pol-hJ JOI¢1 a111-wlllllll-to01 llo...irto1MI.IW-6fas=r..._._.,. .. t'IIWI Ifloi......,,"CIIerlt ........... p" .......................... ... !'!.... ........... to-:---~~~~::..:.•"'"-·~ ::·""~': ::.:-• r:-hr4,"' ___,. ...... a ;.. tar .. an ..---J a 1 • ROUND-UP Ia the theme for the fatber400plcalcto be belli at 10 a.m. tbla Saturday, Mareb 22, 011 the planrouDd at Harbor Vln Scbool. Gett1J:1C all aet for the I'OUJid.up an, from left, Bert Gu~Aea, Z7CI'7 Wlnclonr Ln., and -Bnt; Steve Frolrt aDd bla dad, FnDlt Frost, saoo IJiuw'me LD., alq with tbelr unl.deiiUftecl pal In tile ceatar. lin. l'awt Ia c:halrm&D In cbaree ol the ptcalc. (&wlp J**.) S5,7lD BURGLARY AT MALCOMSON -E The restcte.ce of John Mal~ comson. 107 Rec:kford Road. Cameo HigtliUds, was bur~ glariud March 16 of $5, 7ZO W"Otth of .)ewelry and U. S. colDs. A sUd1nc glass door wu poJlped open for entry, aDd tbe borne wu nnsacted, W'ltll eon. tents ol drawers ud c~ds dumped 011 floors. Mr. Mal· ....... said .-"'tbo jowelry can be ldeotlft«<, u It wu eastom made, or old lllliqWI jewelry IIIII hid boea ID 1111 filmllJ lb< a loa( time. -~· Item& tUN ilebdld • $1,500 -rtac. &$1,100 ... _ ln<:el&l, ud$100dla. -plen:&d .......... CONSERVATIVE CORNER .. .............. s•••• ;.... r;:~~;: .,,._ "'*"" .., ridai'J. ud tlw to Ull ''tulll ot w a .,.. "~ ormy ltl&ll Bt llld, _., .. -~~~~ ... -bo bold Ia A-. .. ,_ ... nllonoaon "TW .. -.~ 11 ___ ooryloJIMOIIII4--•.PIIrk*'•lloJ,II _, ..-qeeteMd'' _,-·-ot•IDII'VCiatbiDIWAioiJo ... toc'"'"MIIlllll GOYIINMINTt nt1 FAIMII'S WOIIST ENEMY vl<tofr noo1 .... ..,._ I ...... ftlellllloboro-cbureb _ ud -. -.., --..... , TMI OI'I'ICIAL MPSPlu-.a 0.. ol._ mala ,..,_ -..,_ collcc:tlvbt planoen -(aad c.a,o.. Ia •-•· -!rom Dr. OilY ""'" ' IIIII AUu1o ' . , 01' TMI QTY 01' MIWPCIIIT IIAOI ture lllo ..tvaDeod 1-aad furUMr in the IJ'aduaUy approvioa) st<po toword the pl.,.. Corl Mclilllro'o IOtb CIIII_...Y Dr. Mdlllro oc-a ~-t11o -o1 ' •rs• B 'll"n/1 '/( •s Of'f'S"T N"r ·p PER pall .50 yean than in any otber cou:mry iD aU nen' f•nlasy, callina for •n ovenll expenditure RdJI'•ioa Hour brOidcllt• IR&H ot "apea mille" radio to-·-=~~:::~; " ~ ~ ~ KA D ~ ~ A the world's h'·•~ is American •-'-'--~. of 2,000 biiUon to 1,000 lrillioo tall dollan lllll woolt, u lbo -~ Cbrll-lir-111, ,. ... wblell bola.. _=. ~ ~ Offk:ec ... ,t•'--1 pt .. latM E-.lt* B.IW~. _., ... rv-t1aD Mdlr *I b1 n41011ltla-Old b1J -"' - 2721 E. eo.. ~~wy .• c...,.. •• ...., CaUl. _ 92625. No Olber fanner lD the w«kl h.u u JOOd and over the next 20 to 2j: yun. For wbat? To I 't UlttRWI to pboDe to DeWJPIPVS. 71~ as much maebirMry, equipment. took. IC'Cd, relieve the danaerous population pretaurc io tra throaCb akiQeMI'tesof&lr· blJ: broldcL1inc lt:atlcla -foUowille thiJ m..U.C. )e TILIPMOM!:z 67U550 (AI .. c:.4le .. , fertill.tcr, berttic:ida and inaec:ticldea. Amerieao urban slums? No. To restore American qri-n.we calltntiou com .. (lOt) 8$1-q100,-bltl .. 'f!IO lDdkatld tblt btl autobJidf't Ti£ NEWPOaT HAIBOI ENSIGN I• t.M oaly .. _,.,. priM.d indUIU}' deserves much of ibe credit for mat-culture to a $0Und and prosperous ba!iJ? No, memont1.ac ~ rutoratioO ot IDd 1:00 a.m .. .._ lltladal'd woU;t bt to rtllott pn,.r 'Ud . -4 pUUa ... •• .._ Cky of N_,-t Be.clll. Ull * Aly )oe.lly inJ oun the bal~fed oatioD that ever cxilced. quite the oppo~ite : To make city life more a1-tbe ~rcll, tD the bepoainc tlme, PboDI ealll,tlo18&Upub: 1:JAb11 r.tiDC to tbl l'lllllllll~ .-.4 u4 ........ ....., .... ia 1M N.,.,-t ~· ... _ Ooce I wu interviewln& a fanner in Appa-turin& and conducive to indolence, and thereby GoeS. Upoa 1tbt Apollo 8 PN· of the Ualtld St:aMI Mft bite .cltools. · .. ~- AIM. PUI~ ... k.l,, oa TMNday. SecoM cl-poaur peld ladUa and he wu plowina b.il com with an rurther decimate and deprive our alrudy sick taae ltl.mp. ncel'ttd &llltlllnbteortpllt.d Wblle Dr. MclDtlrela ~· ;~:.=.a;-~::o. ENSIGN ... Mj~ to ... a -••-old, broken-down, one-hone plow and e. brok-rural IOCiety. Why? Or. Mci.atire cooteoded Ulal: ewer tbtaJr. TbeJ..-eutdjoJ bWIQ(bil attac:ltoeu.t•iiJ, .,.,... of ....,... Clin:•latloa by eo., dec:He Jilo. """""2()118 datad en-down hone. Suddenly the old botlt perked Only about 47 of the 4)~ memben of the accordtq to his LDtorma.IJDo at tlll IP'eal Y1dorJ wtalcb bid bt 11 III'0'1diDI bll i>JJoWtloJ 1 14, lis I, Ia s..-ww Cowt few tllie Co.-y of Or•:r· Sl•• of up and man:hed across .the fteld 10 fut I could House or Representatives come from districts :::0 W:C::e.!!!~~.::et beeD. achJefed bJ tbOM, Ybolll wUb madt 8ltldld a.auD-.ItiQL ••llforaia. aM illy reaeoa rhereof ia qdllfied to p.bli all pUlk: hardly keep up. Reac:h101 the eod of the fur-where farmen male~ up more than 20% of tbe _...,. .... a rtSI)OUI to b1J ur&lllp. bid CarreatiJ be liotlttLDctottiar! a..h~·" ,..ued by 1-. row, 1 found an enormous chin fty futened votcn, ac:c:ordina to U.S. Nnu Glf.d World pbotop'apb ol tbe earth_takloby wrutea. to tbt pr..tdtat, uk1Dc to h1a ~~ oopite (j lalJ ARVO E. HAAPA ................................. o--ud P•li•..., upon him and k.Docked it off. Tbe old boy Repon Suburban and urban voten have politi-tbe am:': =m a po~ that GoeS Jb:)a.., be reooplaecl DeW boot ntttled! "Tbe ~- PEG HAAPA ............................................... .A.-clate Editor turned, stared into my face and asked. "Why cal inft~Knce about 10 times as areat u do spa.ce~ first to moon. ds ~ 1Dtbeada1t'temtatoftbllli.Jtlx'J sin Attac:t OD tbl Word ,ot SUISCRtPTIOM ••TIS in the hell did you do that? That's all that rarmen. Their main interest is whatever will ~e s1s H broa:a=o~ the mak1D&: mooD fU&bt. TMJIIIIl God."' 1D Lt bt r~l:lowtbe In H..W Area: O..e ye•, 14.00; 2 ,., .. , t7.00 made him ao!" Incentive, opportunity, rewards scoop the most vOles into their saddlebap. a.a:_uts· 'm the A Uo Y8 00 out, OYer :. :t!;, trt-;:a: first Sllri ot the IJOOkot<ADells Out of 11.-bor Are-.; 0..• ye•, U-00; 2 ,_,... 19.00 are all that make our free enterprise system go. From 19~0 to !960 the number of rarmen Christmas Eve po mesa~, tbe~ • ls l:lraDited u a mJtb ud ta mt Bureaucrats are just chin fties. decrused more than 40%. and the number or A oaUoowtde.cootrover de-mODey 1t carryoo pro. acef~~Pled u tbe word of God, ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign A COMMENDATION FOR THE JAYCEES The Newport Harbor Junior Chamber of Commerce Is to be commended for Inau- gurating the mayor's prayer breakfast, the first of which was held last Frtday. As explained by Jaycee President Burch Pickett, "this moment of Christian fellow- ship, prayer and dedication of OUl" nation to God will help further the cause of a spiritual awakening, encourage all the people to think more carefully about our heritage, and foster faith and freedom In this land and around the world." * • • EQUAL PROTEC.,ION FOR ALL Inexorable logic is going to produce an inescapable ruling one day from the highest court in the land. The U.S. Sup rem~ Court, following the line of reasoning that has led io the desegration decision, the ban on Bible reading in public schools, and the one man-one vote ruling, must come up with the legal finding that tax-supported public schools are unconstitutional. On arriving at their decisions, the Supreme Court has leaned heavily on Interpretation of the equal protection clause of the constitution, and on the first amendment guaranteeing freedom of re- ligic.n. Madelyn Murray won Supreme Court agreement with her plea for pro- tection of her rights as an atheist. It Is plain that the federal government with its taxing power must not intrude into the realm of religion by favoring any religion over another. It must be equally plain that the religious conscience of a Bible believer must not be violated by forcing him to give financial assistance to the secular religion of atheism. Now comes further discrimination a- gainst the individual rights of the tax- payer, and against religious conscience, In the growing turmoil In schools, the disruption of classes, the vandalism and disorder, and, perhaps the final straw, the Incredibly persistent campaign to In- troduce shocking sex education programs In our public schools. The long-suffering citizens will one day seek the equal pro- tection guarantees of the U.S. Constitution, asking only that these guarantees apply to all citizens. American agriculture and American industry federal agricultural employees increased 11%. •eloped wbeo Dr McllltuS: 10 .. gram. wu ~ela~ri;, U Btble belie'rLDc Ctlrlst1ans are the envy of the world. They have oo real In accordance with Parkinwn's law, the fewer DOUDCed that 'these words =nse~ U: rr: bold It to bt. competiton. They have out-thouJht, out-pro-the ranners. the more tile agricultural bureau-bad been deleted from tberortb· u.o':.. c wbo ~ u:'::clttlr': From tbt Yery ftrst, Dr. W:c duc:ed. out-sold and out-profited the world, cnts to serve them. comlog stamps and thOusands btoadcuts b sbort fro InUre basopposedtbosewbosay even thouah their government for JS yean has For 30 years our farm programs have per-of lttterswere.:n.tttentoPresl· far E~ ;::--;: ~ that "God is dead," with all the been on the world's side. With 6" of the petuated the past rather than recognized the deot Rlcbard M Nimo. asldng H ~ed tllat :U.. ricor of h1.s YirUe toacue . world's people and 7% of lhe land, we oot· present and prepared for the future. Under that God be r~ptsed on tbe ~ ~m~ $l ~· In his broad~s early tbiJ: produce the world in .rpitr or our aovemmeoL both Republicans and Socialists the farm p~ DeW stamp Tbe Doctor was ufft lent to eUva.t 0 • acne; week, be tokl how a mapzl.oe Our collectivists are now killins the system that gram has been like the sisn 1 saw in the bayou UDable to r~ea.l what may ba.Ye ~ Uc a eaoewr baYiD&: a oatloDWide c.lrculatloa made our ~upremacy ~ible: . . counuy or louisiana : "Choose your rut; you11 bappeDed behind the scenes In ~~ corteot to rest 00 tbe bad publlsbed an article en. Our nat1onal debt 11 nearms $370 balhoo, be in it for the next 30 miles."-Arnerican WublDcton, but It 1J: to be iD· la ls of letorY Dr y titled: "You ca.a't tlDd God 1n with annual interest over $1 S billion. Yet the Way Features ferred tba.t tbt preJ.ideat. loyal ~e laUDCC:S., ut 0 ~ atiac~ cburcb any more." He bewalled FROM A SCRAPBOOK e o 0 the social gospel approacb 1)1. OPEN HOUSE was held Friday, March 14, to celebrate the effective date of the acquisition of Orange County Bank by Southern California First National Bank. Shown here at the bank's Costa Mes;1 office at 230 E. 17th St. are, from left, Art McKenzie, city manager of Costa Mesa; C. C. Blake- more, SCFNB president and chief executive officer; Bob Wilson, vice-mayor of Costa Mesa, and Ken Fowler, bank manager. (Ray Metcalf photo.) RECREA11011 SIGH UP The Ctly of Newport Beach departmeot of parts, beacbes and recrealioo amouoces that sprlng recreaUoo ctass reps.. tra.Uoa w1ll btlin March 24. Repstra.tioo. will be acceJJted tor all classes throupout the week, Uooday between 3 aDd 6 p.m. $.461 lHEFT LOSS A sewing macblne and stereo worth $460 were taken from an Ulllo<:ked cabinet lD ber lll1locted p.rap sometime between Dec. Z4 aDd Yarch Z, Joanna Ferre, SIO IriJ: Awe., Corona del Mar, told Newport Beach pollee oa Yarcb 8. lowed 1D maay modern CbtU'CbeS, IJid saJd: "Our God is not a god of riots, of ci•U <ll.aobedience. or peacefUl co- ulstence. He Is the Almlgbty God, boly ud rlgbeous La all His ways. We wut to restore tbe God of the first cbapter of Geoest.& to our oaUon. Lee w; bave a reformation. a real. purifYing movement." Quoting from the Bible, be coDUn.ued: "Tbel"efore come out from amooe them and be ye se .. parate." Dr. Mdotlre, who lone bas opposed communl.stlc lntlltra .. Uoo of our cburches and rellgiovs lnstltutions, told on Mooc:lay that Dr. Jan Mille Locfl. ma.n, of Pracue, CHCbo.. slovakia, who bas la1tbf\1.11J re- presented the comm11111st world ln Ita eodeuor to use rel.igtoG. bad been a guest speaker a.t PriDceton UnlYerslty. With re .. terence to this, the Cbrlstla.D Beacon this week commented: "Professor Lockma.D's pre- sence IJid welcome at tbe Pf~.Jl:19cl~~tii,IMn marts n~ tii ·a. c:ommtmists In the U.S.A." ' It may be Laterred tb&t'1br. Mclnttre's Ylctory celebra.Uoo marks a triumphant demoostra .. t1on of tbe .tlct tba.t God Is all.-e both lD America and lD tbe vtct.nlty of tbe moon, asoppoHd to tbe communlsUc doctrlDe tba! God is aJJepl 1x> be dead. He will DOt rest untll tbls short- UYed communist YlctorJ at PrlDceton Untnrsity ts tot .. loWed by a commWLI.st defeat. Pbone Dr. Mclotire between UO and s,oo a.m., at (609) 858.0'100 aod tell him to driYe· bl.ck tbe tova.sioD of Dr. Lockman a.od to defeat his atta.ck on Amertcao religioo 90 tbat we ca.a ba.ve aoother victory celebn.Uon. LeHers to Editor THE PRE-HISTORIC MONUVENTS ot Sioneheuce In E111land are tbe ~eet ol. sevel"ll ot the 40 pbotocnqlb8 wblcb werrt Clll ablblt It Orange Cout College March 17 tn the occ pllery, hu1 CllpODfgro, noted American pbotogrspber, wt11 pbfblt pllcllto. cl ltooe moouments tn Englalld, Irelalld aDd Brtttuy.GaD~ u open at oo c:bal'lr• from eLm. to 4 p.m. IDd WedD••«v• from 7 to 8 p.m. • • A CIWIPAGNE BRUNCH II tbe R-aE. 1Ae 011 -r. March t, wu ciYea b)' Mr. Pi Mu. Georce Wlaemaa of 441 8trn Dr., COl'oal. W&b'•""'• to •MOimce tbt eapp- mllll of tbelr dlu&!Jier, MJu Somee Dellg!lt sta11maD, to Robert Alai> w-. ooo of Mt. aod Mta. Heory J. Weodn of 1'728 Bedford Lane, Westcwt Miss staJlmaD t. a graduate o! Newport Harbor Hl&ll &:bool aod IEC aod Is altelldln( p-ad .. te ~ebool at ~C In education. She was a Children's HOme Society debutante aod a member of A.lpb;l Gamma Delta JOrOtlty. Her tlaDce Is a varsity football player al t.SC. He ls a Cfld_ua.te ot' University High Scboolln San Dle&D. (Cameo House Pboto.) ''Know your officer'' Ortlcer James N. Bradley has beeo a member of tbeNew- port Beach pollee department since AprU, 196'7, He lS cur- reoUy assigJled to day watch patrol ttl the Balboa area. He is 26 years old, a natin of Providence, R, L Duritlg llis childhood, h1s b.mliJ moYed to Arcadia, caw., llldJimstarted his edueatiOO there. He attended Arcadia Higb School llld re- ceived awards as a member of the football team. He ns gra- duated ln 1960. lD 1962 Jtm joloed the Air Foree and became a member of the Air Force's eUte air- borne unit, "PathftOOers." He bas almost 300 jumps to his credit, aMJng wttb hulng twl the opportlmity to travel all over tbe world. lD 1~. be received orncER BRADLEY the presldeotlal untt cttattonfor ·===--service ln tbe Dominican Re- LEGA.L NOTICE publlc. Jim attended Pasadena City NOTICE OF HEARING CoUep for Zyea.rs, majoring in TQU WJ.LL .PLEASE T AICE bl•slnr • ~. prior KOTICE tblt tbe City CouocU to goiJI& \litO tbe military. After of tbe City of Newport Belch tUs discbatge from tbe service .W bold a. hearl.ng on Moodl.y, 1o 1966, be continued bls educa- AprU '7, 1969, at '7:30P.M., or Uon at Orange Coast College, u soon thereafterastbematter where be is currently enrolled can be hea.rJ, lD the Couuctl as a pollee science major. Chambers of the City CouncU He ts an aTid sports tlo and located l.n the City Hall, 3300 plays softball for a team alled Newport Boulevard, Newport the "Hustlers" 1n Garden Beaeb, CaUfoniJa, todetermlDe Grove. Wb.etber any permit or rlg.trts Jim and his wife, Barbara, Permittees of Harbor PermUs llve lD the Harbor Area and are Nos. A-331, A-370, A-374, expecting their tl.rst child wllhl.n A.55'7, A-800, A.899, A-113-4, a rew weeks. A-121!, A-1255 aOO A-1485 on Bay IBlalld· may have to ma.J.n. laiD tho plors ranlj)s aod !loa! SERVICE A.WA.RDS GO as~emblles a~rl&ed by said TO U0 EMPLOYEES Permits sbould be revoked aDd UCI employees whO have tbat rtpts tomalmaloa.llpiers, served 10 years or more wUJl ramps and float assemblies on UC or other state agencies were Bay lsla.Dd be issued lD the oame hooored at a recent ceremony. ol tbe Bay Island Club. UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Al· Owners of said Harbor Per-drich Jr. presented service a. mils are requested to atteDd wards to the foUcnrtng 1oca..1 said !Mrarlng and sbo1J cause, residents: U any tbey have, wby sa.1d per-Ruth loderrnW, 4ZZ earna. mit or rlibts should oot be tion Ave., Corona del Mar, reYob!d. adml.nistrative asst.stant, eol· Dtted: March 14, 1969 lege of Medicine; TheOdore CrrY OF NEWPORT BEACH otto, 519 Marguerite Ave., by order of the City CouncU Corooa del Mar, senior eo- Laura Lactos g1.oeer, physical pla.nning aDd City Clert or the City eoostruetioo; Gwmar Jensen. of Newport Beach 2025 Centella Pl., West lWer Publl&ll: March ZO, 1969, lD Bay, senior archltedural tbt Newport Harbor Eustcn drattsma.o, physical planning and eonstructton; Glenn An- JOE MDRHIHGSUR OF dersoo, 2140Vistallorado,East HA.RIOR VII!W HILLS DIES Blull, program promotloo Joe Bury ~ntaptv, 50, ot manager, tlllinrsttJ extensioo; 1022 SeMcutJe Dr., Harbor Dowreoe Hahn, 1 '701 Bedford VI"' 111111, dlocl Feb. 26 II Ln., Westcllll, senior admtn1.s- 0r~AC& CouDty Medical Cen-trative asststuu, central re- tor. oords; Gordco Marsh, 1913 He wu a aa11s maaacer t1r Kor.aat Dr., Costa Mesa, sen1or Esse• Cbemleal Corp. tor 1 museum scleattst, btoJoclcal ,.... tbo leqlh of bls stor 111 ocloDces; Mta. Ylrclllla Klap.. oruie ~. Bo .,.. bon1 per, 27"7 <lpe st., Costa Mesa, Sept. Zl,1918,udwuaYeteraD admlDistratlve usistlnt, unt- o! Worlll War D. ..rsltr uleos!oo. Surrl-1 are Ills wllo, IW-HOW IH ntA.ILA.ND jol"J; 4 -Brw:e Uld IWk Seraoaal Rlcllard S. Hom- of c-dol lllar, Uld 1llnr merscblae. 0011 of Mt,UidMta. Uld 1lootllu of Yoolo Parlr; bls ll&r"fOJ P. llommerocbla& o! flatblr, P • Koi'Dioptar; a SlSJ Samoa Place, Costa Mea. -, Rlcbor<l, Uld &Uior • Is '"' dutr II ~• Roral Tb&l HolM. of Uaolo Park. AFB, Tballllld He Is u air Stn&ola nre ll.ueb 1 at trtJilc cordroller '"'"*'to a Mtalo Park Prllllb)'t•l&D at of tb1 Pac.llic Air Forcta. Ct..U; ...._ ... wu at Alta Bdxt b1a arrtnllD Tballud. .... l6a I ,, VJ.tw c.~, bt .., .. at FaUebW AFB -tllo dlr-o( -Wub. Do 1.t a .,-ot~ lloltarJ, c-dollllar. .... -· ..:..:::=.--..., Be " c-.. .,.._ teSTA liSA 'POSSIBLE DREAM' FOR BLIND What to do till the doctor comes Emeracnctes strike witb sudden •~iftneu. A alip.. a fall, a collision is tddom announced So be prepared. At least one member of every famil y shoukl ~ve a workina knowkd,e of first aid. There are books on the. subjec:t and the American Red CrO!S g~ves danes where such information and tramrng can be acquired. We recommend that you, or w meone in your ~ hold, acquire the know-how. Another worthy recommendation is to maimain a supply of tint- aid rncdicattons on hand at all times-ilnti~ic. puzr bandages, adhesr.,.e tape, alcohol, soothina cn:ams, etc. The cost rs small and we'll bt &Jad to ~~ you in your selc:ctlon. Ctl'istensen PIWIIIIGCJ a.! L COAST -Y .. ~a DI:L ...... omous.- •Pay dividendS At Newport Balboa Sav1ngs. begmnmg Apnl 1. your earnmgs of 5 .00% start the day your funds are rece1ved and contmue to every day earn EVERY day they are w1lh us until the day of Withdrawal. Your money In add1t1on. 1f funds are rece1ved by us on or before the 10th of any monlh and remam until quarter 's end . they earn daily is with US diVIdendS from the firSt Of lhat month. . Our 5 .00% passbook accounts are compounded da1ly and (a II n I g h t t 00 ) have a yield o f 5. 1 3% when mamtamed for one year Our 5.25% Bonus Accounts earn 14% bonus each year above regular passbook rate when held for 3 years. So ... BRING MONEY to 811her of our convenient offices. e8 NEWPORT BAlBOA M., Otfk::. 3368 v~ lodo. NewDOM BMc::tl, C...ton-92e83. ll'hone: 714/ST.J-3130 COf'ON diJ' .,._,.Offici FINne• Plue. ~50,._,.,., c.n_. Or. 9:M25, ..,__. 71 4/844·1 ... 1 P A PMmef. C'-"'*' ot tt.. loerO• ....... ~.Pt..,..._ • NEII'IIRJ HARIIGR !Ill Gil lltURSOAY,IIAIIOi 21, 118 AR$T SE~OII --P. ... 4 OO.IIliiA DB. liM, CAl,! F. Seniors lead honor roll · •-t -llltlo BcMol'a -rob lw IIIII lint ·-1111a1o IN, ioc:fw!lor 11 -.. 11 .....,.., M •'l+fnana ud eo fl' .... -. n. ~1• ..... • --.. . .,_, ....... _all!llllfuDDMrU. KtU111cCua.ec..OII:Ionl Olld~P-. ' J-. -Barbara Batloy, llafid Ecelea &lid R-Mac· -~--baWD BI.....UII .JIDDII Farber, St..e Kccwws. Cbrla Qa1DD &lid Alldrew wwiam .. Fresbmu-Doaoy Cllae &lid Jobo Holcomb. Here la U. complete boDor ron lilt: • SENKES Bruce Cbarles Reoe Looc Helell AileD Hatbullol Coboo Paula llcCoweo DIYid Alward Cathllea Curley Mirtam MeNaaPtoo .Jou Beuoo SUSID Currie EUae Moore llafld Bu.... Tboalu lllle Ricbard lloltb Nucy Bll'pmn SberldaD DeWolf NUCJ Palmer Carol -Dtaoo Qu1!1e Carol Parl:or Debonb Bron CberyiO,er Wl!lldy Peter_, Jlllle Bron llafid Eccles Cbrl.l QalM Debbie Barte Bet1Da Ecbter .. ch lAIIOI'e Redly Thomas Butler Bruce ED&W" DlaDt SaUatwy .Juts Caldwell Mlcbul Eacbblch Valerta Sel!mtnq JOU CarJtoa DaDlel Farrell Marpret Scbftl'S SbeUa Casey Daryl Fruce WWJam SedlU: Vlrctma Ctriea Pamela Gormb' Lori Semenlt* Kalhleea Cotu Debonb Gracey DlaDe Sbammas Katllleea Crawford Tyn Lee Hansen Keo SW1ft James c~ Robert Hasten Sue TtlleseD Karol Deu WlWam. HIOdersboi Patricia TocW Jeanoe Epsse · Cra.lc Holloway Lesa Waper Carol Elkermano Dutd Jafte Eric We!Dert ~boo)' Enns Jan Kawuuzra Werner Weiss Debra Flamm Barbara Lapworth Lisbet White THESE STUDENTS of the Dorothy JoDa.nceSttdloiD Corooa del Mar all passed their ftrst grade CecchettleJalll (graded ItallaD system of ballet), given March 4 in Dowlley by examloers from Mi chigan. Pictured here, trom left, are Beth Powell, age 10, of Costa Mesa; Julie Howell, 11, of Newport Beach; Susa.n Stott, 11, of Laguna, aDd Cindy Bellinger, 18, of Corona del Mar, who passed ber ftrst cnde teacber's eum. (Howard Folsom photo.} Jaoe Fletcber Terence Levitt ADdrew WUUams C)'Dtbia Forbes Byoa Mackel Terri Wulff Mary ADD Gall1s Roberta Magnussoa Lori Wunderllcb Ann Grtmsbaw Jeffrey UaiJnott Tlna Zemar Vicki Haig ADdrea. Yart1n • FRESHMAN stepberl Hammeras Deborah Metzleur KrlstiDe Bensoa HollJ Hanes Robert Millett Robert Bowman Allee Hastie Diane Moore Keonetb Brown JW Hirsch SUS&Illll Murray Pb.Jl Br'owu Mayor talks to BPW JohD. Hm& Laura Myers Grec &lrke Richard Howland Karen Noller Jane Bartoo Susao Hurd Lorrie Pieger Cbatkltte Bats Sachito Ikushlma Chrl.sti.Da Hebard Teresa CardeD Mayor Doreen Marshall w11.1 tion in tile city. Kareo Jobnsoa CoosWace Ridgeway Robin Chard present "women 1n pollttcs" ar She is a graduate of UCLA the meetingoftbeNewportHar-and member of Ph.! Beta Kappa bor BusiDess and Profession:ll scholastic fraternity. SDe wa; Women's Club this evening. appoloted to the City Planning March 20, at the Villa Marina Commission in 1959, She Is a restaurant. Mrs. Marshall was past president of the American elected to the Newport Beach Field Service and Women's City Council to 1962 and was Civic League or Newport HaT- elected mayor 1n 1968. Sbe ls the bor. Tracey Kahaa Lyon Rosener DeDDJ CllDe Robert Kelgb Jan Scborg Vtcld. Clutas Lance Kramer Patrick Scruggs Linda Dawson Carol Larson Stevea Slap Jollo Diemer Tbomas Lee Janice Smitb Ltli otereafteld EarliDe Longerbooe Jeff Smltb K.athleea Dlzrp.o X~lly McCann Jeffrey stolrow Dan Eastman Nancy Mlnder Jay Sulllwaa JohD. Farrer Kathleen Murphy Nels Tabti NaocJ CJck second woman to hold th1s pos1-To round out a.o evenillg of Leslie Nyquist Deborab Tucker Tracey Gust OU I It CORSI Open Nightly at 7:00 p.m. Sund•y •t 1 :45 p.m. GAEGORY P£CK EVA MARIE SAINT THE LUXURIOUS lEW IAll. THEATRE I "women 1n polltlcs," Mrs. Doris Hope and Mrs. Max1De Broback will present reports on the government in i.Ction con- ference held Marcb 8-10 in Sac- ramento. MEMORIAL EXHIBIT AD exhibit ill m-'!moryofEmil J. Kosa Jr., N.A., noted Cali- fornia artist (1903-1968), '"'· t~ing over 40ofbiswaterooktr and oil palnttngs, opeoed March 10 at the Coffee Garden Gallery, 2625 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Tbe Newport Harbor Service League, with Rex Bra.M:, Hans Burkhardt, George Gibson. Arthur MUller, Sueo Serisawa aDd M1llard Sheets, fellow artists and trieods of the late Emil Kosa, invites the public to see this exhibit during M.arcb and April, Mooday through fri- day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. MOMf 0, lOCI .... CNIIa IOOIJ I 10, USf IAI.IOA l l'IO \ V,sAtiOA r'llllllUU •llHMI ~ • O~ENS NIGHTLY 6'4) TOM JONES, owner of the Tom Jooes Stadlo of Photography, Z400 W. Coast Hwy., UariDers Mile, is featured in the pboto di.splQ oow bei.Dg emtblted at MariDers SaYI.Dgs aad Loan AW... 1D tbe WestcWf Doao- clal center oa Westcutr Dr. Frances Oliver Robert Vogel Sue Herman Randy Oliver Martla Walker B&rtan Htestaod CoanJ.e Osborne Allen WaJ.La.ce Mattbew Hogsett Patricia Payoe Aan Wakefield Jolla Holcomb Marilyn Perb Cyotbla Weber Terry Jotmsoo. Cyntbia Place Susal W*ler Terl Kaha.a Dlane Plumb JanJce Wb1ti.ng Ken Kalmback Liada Poindexter Sue Wyman Kathy Ka'ftmura Ritchie Post Margaret Youog Rudy Larson Jean Ra.smussca MeUssa Lawler UDda Relama.D. Victoria Lohman Jaa Sctnrars -"' • soPHOMORES Mart Lyad LlDda S<~ ...... Y Alward Debbie lleaoy LEGAL HOTICE JaoSerraolloo SlioraoBadham lll>:e ..... __ ..=..::.=:::..::::..:.:.::.:_ William Sent> Carroll Beet Prlscllla llulllns NOTICE OF PUBUC HEAR[NG Laura Shaw Shawn Blssoonette Jim Murphy Notice is hereby given that the Nancy Steeha.n Mark Blackburn KeYia Murpby Plaaoing Com mission of the Peter stephens Janice Blair CI.Ddy Nash City of Newport Beach wm bold Lucille struble Bette Butler David Nicbols a public hearing on the appllca-Curt Swidler Ja.oe Cerf Kareo O'Brien tioo of He lea Famularo-Rest-JohD. TaU Sally Coyle Jean Partel till Acres, Inc. for a :r.ooe Christopher Tedesco Jeanne Crawford Pam Pattison change, ameadment No. Z56 to JacqueliDe Robin Mike Cresse Diane Payne am~Dd Dtstrictlng Map No. 4 Stepben Travis Kathleen Eccles Sa~ Petersoo from a C-1 District to a C-0-H Sharon Trembly Jennie farber Sten Plumb District on a Portion of Lot 3, Catby Wallers Mellssa fowlkes Terry Presley Section 28, T6S, RlOW S.B.B.M; Bill Wolfe Joh.a Gallis Tim Qu1m located aorth of Via Lido, Brad Wood Larry Gentost Oa.a Ricbardsoo between Central Annue and Gail Yates Teresa Glass Peter Roche Newport Boulevard (Bay 1Jdo • JUNIORS Diane Glean Marpret Rogers Building. 3700 Newport Boule-ILlttbew Greer DougJu Rosener vard). Craig Adams Kelly Hughes AaDe Schirmer Carolyn Anderson Robert ·-~u Notice is hereby turtber given I.OU'C! stepbeo Scbooe Toni Armstrong Susan Jerram Jo SerJ'aJ~t~DJ that said public beariag will be Bartara Ba.lley Bradle J •--· WHY DID 13 WOllEN OPEN TH~IR DOORS TO TH~ BOSTON STRANGLER ••• WILLINGLY? held on the 3rd day of AprU, Y 0-Peter Sbergalls 196• Darel Beaventat ste.-eo Jobosoa Roll'· Smilb , at tbe bOur of 8:00p.m. Ji Bla ~ i.D the Cotmcll Chamber s of the m uer Luciada Jooes Jim Sweet Newport Beach City Hall, at :: :r~~ SteYe Kl'tl'nski Scot Wall whicb time aDd place .,"" and Chrtstine Kopttue Jodi Wllltebead all lnl ~ Victi Brown Laurie Laod Pat W"''·--persoas erested may •n. Rl hard ~---~ pear and be llea.rd ther_;-n. c PUI.wu Shart Lewis Jlm y eakel THIS IS A TRUE AND REMARKABL~ MOTION PICTURI!. =dE~~~Iary ZONTA MART MOVES Publish: March 20, 1969, 1a Ala.ddln am b1s magic Zoo-of tbe Zoota Mart, amouoced Tbe Newport Harbor Ensign t1aas are IDOYtng the Zoota tbe mO'te to just across tbe Mart to a oew iocaUoa at 1885 street from tbe preYtous 1oca LEGAL NOnCE Park Annue, Costa Mesa. This tioo. Asst•tnc ber are MrS: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING tbrtft sbop Is tbe maj)r source AI Forgtt, JM'nt'ac aad decon.- Notlce Is hereby gino tbit of iDcome for Zonta's Sellior tiou; Mrs. Fred Petb, par~ the Pla.ontag Commission oftbe Citi&ens' recreation center at pberoaUa aod ftJ:tares, aad City of Newport Beach .-tn bold 15th St. aad ln'1De AYe. 1D limes. Robert Bleoo. Ropr a public bearl.og 00 tbeillPllca-cwr Ha•en. accordl.ac to Mrs. Barrow, Georp £. Bea:a. Uoo of LD.Il, aJolllt vemure Jl&lcolm Aapll,cltlbpresideat. .Jostpb Carlos, James Gal- between George 6 William Hol-Mrs. PbJll41 Rees. ehalrmaa lacblr, Joe llulblet, Rtc.bud steto, toe. &lid LD.S. llortpp --------SHea, ._ld E, .......... bl, llefelapment Corporattoo, b'a LEGAL HOTICE &lid ~COP. ZelloL Usa Permit lUZ-b to permit ----------------The crud cpnlnc is at 10 nbdtvlslon ofpropertyaadcoo.. NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARlNG Lm. tbU FrkllJ, Jrbrcb zt. stroctioo of 001 Ud two story Notice lsberebJcfYeDtbattbe Houn are 10 to 4 da.llJ. resJdeauat tmtts u part of a P1a.rm1ac Commlasioa of the --~:::-7:--:-::=:=:--p.._ Resldeotlal llofelap-City of llftpool Boacl> will bold L EG.U. NOTICE ..... (ll<><lbbloll), • paiJUc ........... lba llllPllc:a-__ .::.:=:..::::..:.::::::__ Hol!ce l.lberebyfllrlllorpno -ofPadllc--Railly H01'1CE OF PUBLIC HIA.RIIIG lbat aidpaiJUcbearlocwlllbe co_.y, 3451 Eul Cout -..l.lwobJPY.Illalllla bold oo 1ba 3rd day ot Aj>rll, Rlcinra7, c..--doillar tor a Pluodac Comm-of 1ba 1969, at !he ,._ a1 8,oo p.m. u .. P.-mtt 1415 to pwmltao City of llnpartlleocl> wUJ llold Ia !he Colmc:U Clllmbera of lba R-1 ooreel to be uod u a a pol>lk _.. • llla&(lpllea. Newport Boaeb Clty'llall, at prinle, olr-alreel JIUII!oc lot -of-4a TaotudAn. Wbicb Umo ud placo..,udllll &lid lo parmlt a-balldlaclo lor Co., IIIC, (~a)­.,.,._ lot..---_., 5'0''1111o lbarOQOirad CoulllllfloaJ eor.. dallllr aoc1 be tooord--. $"0" reor yard --lo a tor a V. Pondll'IOID....,.. RaJ Y, ~!Ia, ac:rary C-1-R Dlalrld. i'rq)arty 1o--· Uoo Pordllo. 11'10 llnport Boaeb Clly calod at ---of lo _.. -..__ -PlullacCom••.ao. Mare.._ A~ aid Eut IMdtltU.nuotYu41Caf- Pabllall, ....... 10, 1119 lo CoullllctoraJ,Coroadallllr ......... Tlla llnpwt-Eoitco -l.llllrai>J-IIfta -l.llllrabf_..,_ MAl. 22 I'MI<l.AIM!D IIIII -pol>lk ...... w!ll be IIIII -.-ut ...... will Ill SINGU I' llald • IIIII lr<l lilY of A!lrll llalll • IIIII 1r<1 110y a1 Af<11, ARINTS Di<Y lilt, &IIIIa ..,_of UJO ...... lNI, &IIIIa ..,_of I,GIIp,a. 011~-==a lalllaCa nt-.ofllla talllac-uOoz)•oofllla al II~ -u ·--8nport -Clly llall, &I .. ._ -Cllr IIIII, &I -....... .,.. ...... --...,~.., .... ---. ... ... ;.,...,. o1 111 ua~........, ~ ,. .. ·•· ? ... ,.., • au • .., .. II IIIII .. , 'liM wtiiiiQ,... Ud lie ... A&r-., .... .._,. All IL -tlfrwtlkurl ~-..,T.Capelll,-=rellry ~ w..,..ea.acar ~ ... --IIIII ...... C..z! i'M ::•· ofralollor-•••--10, INI, 1a • an -11111 I' ......... 'l'llt lfcQU8t ............. 'hi RsEMl _. ... • ' RETA GOODALL, pbyslcal lberapllt at Hoac llo'llll&l, - t•••Ued llareb 11 uprnldeat of tbl Orup Sbores Medical As-"""-,succ:eeclloc GIDI Vu I.eiVHagbam, u.. siJtam at Dr. Jlayid NlelMo•s oUlce lD Newport Beach. Aldia Edwards 1.1 presldeat-eled· Janl.a Anderson. vtce-presl: deat; Carita Casoer, recordloc secretary; Fretda AberDitb)', correspoo'log secretary; Ruth Norrta, trasurer; Bartan De- drick, E,_ Wolfe &lid Bobby Strotbmp, directors. AdYI.sors are Dr. Maclya Somers aod Dr. Wallace Laodbolm of Costa Mesa lDd Dr. Morris Fier ot lleacb. 4POR T EXO.USIVE AREA ENGAGI!MEHT'S ..... 111m um -Wlllllll PLEASE NOTE "OiftTY DOXf:N" OnCI At 7:1S .. CRANO ~RIX., O<IC:t At t :45 CONTINUOUS SHOW IUNO-.Y I"ROM' ~.M. th e·rnesa . . . . . . . . 'Jf W f-' ,.,.f A"t[; tU' .. f..'t' 1< •, ',l h '.'t': GE:OitDI! PEPPAAO-INCEA STEVINS OfiiiON WILLS "THE HOUS! Of CAIDS" $tllrU 7 P.M. C•l'lt. &at. Fr ozen Foods BIRDSEYE OIOPPED OR LEAF SPINACHcE~~-o 19c SUHKIST SPEC ORANGE JUICE IALS 6 ... 23c 12 ••• 4Sc SPECIALS FOR MARCH 20-21-22 WE DELIVER GREEN GINITHIBLETS IH BUTTER CORN 673-3510 BEER & WI HE Libby's Sale PACKAGE . ·· -CUT BEETS 2/294 . 3IIJ SIZE -BARTLETT PEARS 2 /594 303 SIZE -CORNED BEEF HASH 303 SIZE TOMATO JUICE 45 6 PK. NABISCO WHEAT TNIHS-41 • Pi odtJ'i' PANCT I'IIIIH CUKES 3 .. 2Sc L.ut42 Wll Tl OR I'INlt 6RAPEFRUIT 5 .. ]9c TliURSDAY, !&ARQI :Ill, lJII CD PIA DfliiAA. CAU F •• WHAT'S COOKING! Dortor ...... _, .. IIIH. ............. of~~== JA.IDCO~aftllo~ IJio --· '11 ChboiM-Barl>or1111*-uo <•-IIJ oa &5, Mu. PUric:t SIMpu'd tbl ....... *&I b&Ye PUll dl ... od u ebllrmu .,_tal $1,110.50, pro-. Ill -II> 1111 re-lin. DorlllltollaulbuiWYod plarlyoc-...... llbo· u ·-I of till S _... eame bel' drlliD to pat oat a Mrs. Slllll:vd Ia back 011 tM trul7 excetlal ~to be& Job Uda Jill, WW. lAra. Kabat looc raap project wU1I au u bor ooolol•nl. RotootiJ a ..... -II> .. -----.... &\ .... -• .-::1&1 parpoee. tbe .... rDIIIIIblrl tbt ap. Willi 1110 aid oliO am--II> -II --Ibis -........ <ollllar7-aod,;artk:oolar-~b ODe COIUilJCI.DC ty to lbl.re JOrDe eteetal trill, ot work ., tbat tile soeb u ••Wbat my motber ...S flo'ahed Jhdud COI1Id be to make ... Abo the oew ftl1er apludid u nll u profttable. twJta!os a m1Denl ud Yttamln Tbe lateMra.J. W.strlckerftB ebart aDd a wei&!U l.lld co-c.bairmao.. leoiHJJc be_, In meuures ~~~. ID.I)rmaUoa. as deYeloplnc many ol the floe to tbe parebue of 1be cook- ideu tbat are e'lldeot tb:rougb-boots may be ()httloed from oat tbt boot. Mrs. Sbepu'd, &42-9319 To Mrs. Eroest UeC1eJ..Iaa1. • preseot preside at, p»e:s tbe cre- dit lor tbe altraettve title, GIRL SOOUT TROOP 51 from Newport Uet.-s e1emeotar'J "NeYer oa Tuesday.'' derlYed ....,. trom tbe ttJoucbt tbat oo ooe eebool recelnd a beblD:t-tbe-seenes look at a flmndal ill-ftllta to cool&: after tbe tare at stttuUoD dl8'111& a recent tour of the main omce of Newport tbe 1'uee8clay Club meetlnc Ba!bol S&Ti.Dp ud Loan Assn. Tbe mail room aod tbe colD ' dlsplaJ drew speetal atteation from tbe Seouts. Pictured bert Kra. Sbec:vd reeel•ed per· 1D the front row, left to rlcbt, are Yrs. Lots Staodap, stat! miasioo from cartooDist F~~ member at Newport Balboa Sa•LDgs and CO·leader ot tbe troop; l1D Fo!&er to use some of Tbe Girl Scouts Della Roberta::ln, Usa. Warren, Cbarnle lUDden· Girla' carlooos to lrtng some ball Patti Counter Krbteo Olson Kate Simpson, DreDDa humor to tbe pages. Local ~tt UMt Saady Boward, aDd tbe• troop leader, l4rs. Pat uU.sts llary Lou Soeed. EUsa. Courteau. stancttr" oo tbe w1odiog staircase are, from left, bltb .I..Da&rJdce a.Pd Llnda Rel.oe- Glrl Scouts Yolllea Olm&o. Patrlce Courteau, AnoabeUe LeBaas, Jlli.D were respoositlle lor tbe SUSIUI Studace BoaoJe RUjae SUsa.D Kitchen and Ro&aDPe eleYer art wort. BaumprtDer. Standlq behind {be gtrls Ls Rosemary Bristol, Members of tbe clutlwU.Uncty recepUoolst at Newport Balboa SaYings, (McNally pboto.} cot oul: tb81r ta•ortte recipes • a.ad aceompanled tbem with a \. Gifts for new babies bit of "st.ory," at Mrs. Sbe- pud's request, gtY!P.g them a poriiOOill touch. March Z8 1s lbe date cboseo Tbls shower Ls tbe t1rst 80· Mrs. Herbert Willer ud ' for tbe M&DO Coo. Amor Au1J.. deuor of the oewly formed committee dJd tbe grouod work '· ta.ry of tbe Cb.lldren's Rome Associates or the Maoo Coo. seleettn& a worthy cause to Society for tbelayettesbowerto Amor AtWlla.ry in Uninrslty ~ wttb tbe cookbook be beld at the Newport Beach Part and tbe lrvl.De area Mrs pron.ts. Tbe establisbed "Gr._ Teonts Club, Donald Macl...ean, overall ~ba.ir~ sta..ke" re-totnng tuod at OCJ The lafUatiolls read "Come man. Ls also doing the decora. had mucb aweaJ,, with a most to a bappto1ac'' wbtch will be a tlons lD ~lng with tbeEaster interesting story of bow tbis luncheon at ~ preceded by a and springtheme. Co-cha.lrmen tuod was orlclmted maJlJ' years coclda11 am social bour. Each are Mrs. William MarTin, Mrs. ago by an Ullkno•o m.iningpros-- member m:t pests wtu triog a Gary Scbmld, and Mrs. Frank pector. Beginnln.g with the ftrst &1ft to be placed IIPderoeatb an Carr. Reservatlo11S will be year and cootlouing for the Easter eg tree. These gifts taken by Mrs. Lawrence Kit· put 3 years, Ud.s ftmd bas been wUl be tor a tloy new llfe, Ut-tle at 644-0435. "SO WHAT'S C()()KING?" muses UWe sta.cy WiebeUe Hau.ard (age 4 moatb& wbeo this pbOtO was tuen 4 mooths ago}, as sbe dreams of tbe time wben she'll be usLDt: the Tuesday Club cook boot. Stacy 1s tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlchael Hauard or Univer s ity Park, Ir. ..... WE!IUY .li.DliCII, 1t..roar-<>ld Sei!R>O·C611opo- •lllo .._ .. 11151 c:aamaa., ~ ••<r•~ u.e ..... prtat Wllleb flllplrod l!1ls clressloot'lrtl! lo'lllt -,..., of Serenteeo mag;uJDe. Weody, •lioise photo 11 be1Dg carr led. by the modelln the a.bO'fe picutre, is ooe of 17 prise wlnoers 1D Seventeen's "design a priDted fabric" competltlon. Wendy is presideot of her class at Seri;Jps, plans to !'lajor In ph.Hoqb)' or a lorelp~. language aad "tFOuld like to become a torelgn serYice diplomat. BLAHOIET ADDS SYSTEMATIOH,IHC. tie garmeots for a baby to •ear Tbe Ma.oo Coo Auxillary hal 1o his roster home aa:1 whea he been in existence less than a leaves tbe adoption agency and year and has an acUve member. toes "OOme" wUb b1s biWY sb..lp at !8 women under the lead· parents. ershlp of Mrs. Errol Pa)'tllt. City art show planned The elty art committee will !:load a Newport Beacll eomm._ Jtj art abow tram DOODto5p.m. Sunday, Uar 4, on lbe lawns ot the City Hall. Partlcl.pants must be k>ca1 r esidents, 18 years old or more. There will be a limit of Z entries per person. The miJ:ed medla selectioas Will be jw'ied OD Saturday, Yay 3, and awroxlmately S5aelect· Systematioo, IDe., has chOsen quartered tn Pboellix, wttll a ions will be picked tor display Blanchet Adv'erti&lng of New-branch ottlce 1D Santa Alia, and In the clvlc center pllery lor port Beach to handle allot their Is the oatlooaJ distributor lor the mooths of May ud June. adver tislog. according to an ASM DryCleaolngmacbloesand All petntlnpmustbedellYer- announeement by H. A. Blanc:het equipment lor the United states. ed to the City Hall on friday, agency president. Tbe machioes are produced in1 May Z, between 10 a.m. and 6 Systematlon, Inc., is bead· England, . p.m. AppllcaUons must be RELIEF DRIVE 10 BEGIH Tbe Unlted Jewish WeU...e Fund of Orange Cowty, uOOer the auspices ottlleJewtsh Com- miUlity Councll, wtu omcially ~o. the 1969 campalp. wltb a dinDer at tbe Newporter Inn at 7:30p.m. SW:da.y, Warcb U. Dr , AYrabam Blrao, director of the departmU: of archleotoc and a.atiqd1es ol tbe Israel GoYern- mtm:•s Yinlstry of Educat:ioo lUid Collura, will be lbe ''""' ~. He ..w tell ol tbe problems liO'W flc i.D& Israel La lts _ ..... ......mi.Tbe WWF replar fuDd lUid lbe speclal lstatl emerpoc:y fW PI'O'"Ide tar aocl&l welfare aDd -bomalllllrlu -ollbe people of Israel &Dd Sl other -· Enjoy the warmth and informal elegance while dining amid open fireplaces 11130 A.M. 10 4 P.M.-EVERY DAY EXCEI'T So\1URDAY. and strolling troubadours OPEN SfVEN DAYS 0 POl DINND....., COCkTAILS 0 POPUW PIICES • FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 6750470 DINING 4:00P.M. TO MIDNIGHT COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 a.m. AMPlE PARKING ' . 3201 lAST COAST -M.U IIIIE, ltAZUKO o.em. at lbe Jlj)&llese ,......., festlnl ot uU, 11> be preseM.ed by tbe Costa Mesa Art Leape at l :SO p..m. Yoodl1, llareb Z4, a1 Huntlagloo SaYiop lUid Lolli Au&., SSlO Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Ikebana. flower arf~D(\QL is oDe of tbe uolque arts of Japan, orictoaUoc tn tbl n.iddle of tbe 1 'ltb ceotury in theceremooyofolferln& flowers &o tbe Buddba.. Tbe spring festin.l of arts wUI &180 Jll"eiG e1us:leal c2aDclne. tea ceremooy, pa.lntlng. ud ubibtUca of costumed dolls aDd a.rti.bcts. Ja-11 c' 0 ,,, ,.1·,·itinz ku·ifJ. Jf,,,J ar.lt lt('ftt/ Cllf/.t an,/nuJ:/iul" • .. pr11rl b11flf"J II.•. ••• (f /{ lr ,,, ./. PaJtciJ and IF hi lt . ~·~i t ·: 0 ' I :,h I '' I '\. 0 ' ' ' . :;·i \ .l \1 ·,·. ~··:·· . ' . \• ·' . · .. '·.''· . ,• .. . . \ ,. · .. • • ~· 0 •• 0 0 0 • 0 I ' h i 0 ' \ I • .. ,· • · . . . , I i I •so 34 14 v ... L•coo. I'H! ... pOr, &.o<l'l e &7 3 !1170 o..,..,.lotwl Ho,.!, .-,....,,.,.., • 6~! ;u ~ ~lO c..,...,.... Or . ,,...,.. \.~ e 8:>3 03:l3 Hoiodoy Jnn ""!"' ... "'fl Under the personal direction of· Alejandro (Alex) MaY,orena iformerl-y 26 Yean w ith Perino''' and Ray Oliphant of Laguna 8eoch ,,.,.....,,of WootJ.n ShOe~ • -• I .. IITZ&IUGMI AI CDM:II AT OCIC ............... , .... ~ CtMt Cdhp h , I· ......... ,,. _ .... Iii I J1Mnt. a• ·as-.,... <re• u ooc ..a,....,_ .... wiD·-..... ooc .,._...,_uulll- ttrilidw. lila--... sa-. en 'I 1111 •wc11a'._ • 1117 1011 1-1'1111 ,.., ... Pjnlo r-wu I-ll Ia 11oo *""· ,. a.,.., --all rocord Ia 51-18, Uld 11-11 Ia coaler.cep~. Wollol..-mtldodtboblr- lac ot Colla ~~~-Hlp Sebool eoacb Herb IJYIIJ to ..oc...S him. TAKING THE "NO" OUT OF "NO ANSWER" is the job of the telephone answering services. These businesses (not a part of Pacific Telephone) answer the phone for peoP.Ie who need to receive calls at all hours-people hke doctors, lawyers and salesmen. Since the first an•wering service was established forty-four years ago, the number in California has risen to more than 600, serving over 100,000 client& around the clock. These serv- ices are just a part of the expanding range of telephone uses. You 'll find them listed in the Yel- low Pages of your phone book. Here's a reminder for you when you fiJI out your income tas. return. lf you have a question, the Internal Revenue Service can answer it by phone. You'll find the number of your nearest office in the white pages of your phone book under the heeding "United States Government, Internal Revenue Service." Just tor a chuckle: the story has it that a Uttle old lady called the Newport • Costa Mesa Business Ottlce for help in getting a sllorter cord for her tele- phone. With exquisite logic she coached her Representative, "Now I'll hold my end of the Une and you pull hard on yours. That should take ~ some of the slack!" @ P•c:ific: T •l•phone Manager, Newpon-Costa Mesa Off ice PICTURED al 11M 0111D -ctlobralloo al 111e FlaaDclal Plua ofllcos ol Newport Ball>Da Sarlnp IUid Lou Asso. 1D Newport Cealer are, ttom left. Dr. Aroold Bectmu. resldeat of Shore Cllffl. t:Mmder and cbalrmu ot tbt boad of Bec:tmao IDitrumeota, FnUertoo; Apes Blomquist, presldeDt o1 Nnport Balboa SaYlnp; P. A. Palmer, cba.ir- man o1 tbe boud; DoretD Uarsball, maJor of Newport Beacb, and Ra_,h P. MasbJ, Newport Beach realtor aDd a director ol Newport Ball>Da Sa•IDp. (Ricllard Puclllo phDio.) BALL RULE LETS ALL BOYS PLAY IEW'OI!T HAIIIIIBIIOJI AIISl st:CTIOII --'•' TIIUIIDAV,IIARCH 211, IM 00~ DB. liAR, CAJJF. Co '"" or 11oo -... a1 111111( 11oo 11nJC111 ... , wiD -froal lloo 1 ·, Are llo A i a :-::: IIIIa llwOIIIl or 1111 t .. .,...._ ....,.lolloo 80-1/l-lool ..... ,.,. Training for -oltlllltlt *'PI MJdnT Ia 11M -11M wUIIIO-Iool-polllo/l • .U...W • -r 1 ollool-lliiJwlll -......., 11M olral(lll oJoo pQclo -10-1. -fool Ioiii • Ill ,.., .. ~ _..., ...... .,.... Uld -"'"' wiD .... --polllo. 10 mile ·run IDIIot ·la-...... -u ~~~ '-Panltd ..... ,.A._owlllpltcbiiiMI City,__ cllr-o ol nloo IIIla ,_, .Airlo4J Ia-Uld wlllba•o'IO--polllo. ~ ,_1 cu -ll._t lloocll Ud colla-cludod Ia 11oo n1oo 1a a....,., 88 wiD pll<ll 411 fool Uld Ill•• preporallooa tJr 1111 I «<I ... Uld -Arta ao,. Cloll -tblt -b llo7 -P7 t '10--polllo. Tbo 8 lol- -IO.mlle IIUdlcap -B-o LooT.-. .... Ud ooU Ia lbo -·· ~. pro wiD pllcb 451ett Ud wiD -od Ill' 11M ClqotNow-11M nlll ,.., ,.... Ill' lbo Ill-'""lot ci>U&OIIII lllniO.Iool-polllo.CCwiU port Boacb poru ...,.. Ud cooclloo al lloo _..,...., -. laird a1 11M Harllor pllcb 40 -1011 llln 80-lool recroolloo ~~~~~ ..., lllllr -cllllr-1u1-. BI-n ........, 1111 -polllo. Sbrlora wt11 pllcb Newport Rorllor OpUmlat Clom. 'l'llo ... nlo---pllcbla& clllluct lrom 10 fHI Uld lll•o 411-lool Tbo optlml.ats are _,.ll>lllla( loam wtll -11M llnJpl ,--~--AAM-,;.Uid--;,:;;;;,.,..•...;,pol.b•o•. -----, 11M owarcls Uld ·--lllnlop lllllllc '!7-· T1olo ... ,.:'=-.:· .. -.,. :a::w:.:"wt':~ WHAT A DEAL' Suoda7 llareb ZS start1Dc o1 -ol 11M dllcr-al lbo • 9 Lm.' Rmmers ~~ s:lp • coach. A .-e'tat ecorelblet bu ot UO a.m. Ropatnlloo tee boeo -pod Ill' lllo -is $1. ActJoa wtU start ur:1 ArM. .. .._,. procram to &Dow t1Dlsb at tbe Corooa del Mar 14 p)&Jers 111 tbl .....,, oa.,.. Hlp ScbooL lf1ral7 ol ..,.limo, Tbe race, IIDCt10Ded by tbe Tbl plaD wu IDitlated 1ut Amateta Athletic Unioo, 11 J811' OD. an uperlmeatal ~ sbaptng ~ to be the llrcut 1DC1 tbe coacbu were lfno tbl &.F. GOODRICH RADIAL PLY TUBELESS ever, according to Cal stnvt, K" • dlreclor ., 111o ....... -· lOgS wm ~ & reereaUoa department. M&nJ of tbe top west eout dl&taDc:e PUcber sten Seboettler runoers ban entered tbiJilnc:e. burled ooe-bU ball u Newport . Tbe defeodlng cllamploos from ltari>Or Hlp Scllool defoatecl WHITEWALL SECONDS I Jast year are: G&ry Hamutooot M&rJ.Da Tuesday 4 to o. Pasadena; Bob Hickey, Tbe S&Uors taaced out 9 bUs L.A.P.D., the llrst ba.odica,p scortnc ODCe Ia the tlrst lr&nJ..Di rWlDer; first Newport Beacb and add1Dc s 1a tbe 6th. resident to flnlsh, Dr. Jobll 1D tbe lrYtae 1.eape corooa Miller; Ed Reed, the first ruo. del Mar woo onr Fowia.ta V&l- Dir over 40 years, aod Mart1D ley ! to 1, Estucta Rl&flScbool Taylor, t1rst runner over 50 lost to Loan 4 to 0 and Costa years to flnish. Yea was blanked b, u:acooua JACK ll McDONALD, preslde.at of the $1 billion Imperial Corporation of America, San Diego, Is pictured here at left: with Mtss Agnes Blomquist, president, and Paul A. Palmer, clla.lrman ot the board of Newport Balboa Savings and l..oal1 Association. Imperial Corporation Is in the pro- cess ot nerotiation toward acquiring the $11 0 million New- port Balboa SavLngs. (Richard PucJllo pboto.) Coaches to talk at clinic Tbe Ne1rp0rt Harbor High School Boosters Club wUl pre. sent tbe 3rd annual lnvltatioo.a.! footba.ll coaches clinic th1s Fri. day a..od Saturday, March Zl and 22, at the Ne"'l))rt Harbor Elks Lod .. ot z~ p.m. Fourteen top CIF coaches wiU be on l:laJld to ·cover all phases of offense and defense tecbnl.ques. Ben WUson, head coach of Wichita State Uni- versity, and PauJ Amodio of Yle are makiog a special trip toat- teOO. Wade Watts, Harbor High coach, will moderate the work- shop sessions. ~hies wtU be awarded to 5 to o. Tbe Eagles cot ora1y 1 tbe llrst 5 twxtlcap f1D1shers, hit off Lolra's DoG StudleJ tbe flrst 5 fastest Umes, tbe tM,;; pl&yed enn Wltll tbe 5th first fln1sher over 40 years t.nntnc. wben tbe Su.ons pusbed ot age, the tlrst flnisber o.-er over a na.. Tbey scored s more 50 years aDd tbe first Newport 1n tbe 6th. Beach resldeot to flnlsh.ln ad-0ouc Orner of Mapolia a.1ao clition. certtftcates wlll be (1-hurled a 1-bit sbut~ut u bJ.a ven to UJ runoers 1 wbo tlnlsb teammates pusbed 0.-er 4 runs the race. Ln the first 1no1.or &p1nst Costa TRIO 10 PLAY AT UCI Mesa IUid added &DOihor Int .. The Bealll Arts Trio of New 4th. York wtll perform worts from POSSESSIOH OF DRUGS Beethoven, Ravel aDd Schubert FOR SALE otARGED in their coocert at 8:30 p.m., Cbrlltopber Morgearoth. ot Thursday, AprU 3, Ln tbe UCJ 2721 5th AYe., Coroaa del Mar, scteoce lecture ball. wu arrested oa. Marcb 14 b) Newport Bea.cb pollee oo tbe c:harp of possession of da.D- IVOUS drugs tor sale. Detectt.-e AI Epstetn sa1d tbe24-Jaar-old mao bad 2,000 LSD pills at h1s borne. 20 word& or leu ........... . 21 word& to 30 words 31words to .«l words : ..... Eoch WOf"d over .40 word& .. Only $29 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 ANY SIZE Plus Tax and Old Tire 2 l imn 2.:;1) !.00 4.00 . 10 3 Time& 3.00 4.00 5.00 . 15 Among teatla ed speakers will be Ernie Johnson of E 1 Rancho, the 1968 CIF champions; Herb Hill, head coach of Loara, Tri- ple A-CIF champions; ClaJ.re Van Hoorebeke of Anaheim; La- guna Beach's Hal Akins; Bob Woods, Water Del; Sam Cath- cart, Santa Barbara; R1.y Solar I of South Pasadena., and Leon Wheeler, Mornlnptde. HAPPY WINNERS -Tru La.ttln, left, 222 Grand CaDa.1 Balboa Island, teamed with Elton Hallett, ceater, 2021 Sabrina Ter ., lrvlne Terrace, to capture tbe 15th Anntal HI-Lo golf tournament at Irvine Coast CoUDtry Club. The duo carded net rounds ot 62-62 Ln the S6 bole, two-day competition. They will bave thelr uames encraved oo the Frank Carleton perpetual tr~hJ awarded b)' ICCC Tom'DI.- ment Chairman Bill Schala)oer, right, 2113 Mlramar Or., Balboa. (Rich Basset photo.) 20" OFF FOR CASH WITH ORQER Prominent coaches appearing on the program for tbe inltial time are: BobCUDI, sa.o. MulDe; Bob Woodhouse, SaD Marcos; Bob Larson, Es:celsJor; Corona del M.tr's Dave HollaDd; BIU Roswell of Westminster High, CIF rUDDer 1.11; John Ford, Lakewood, and Tom Merrill from Blaoc:het High Scbool 1n Seattle, Wash. SAL E. 30CWl book. a at Ill• eacb. Dally lual< hp Sale at TeWIIIkle Hardware. 1,000 items. U 8-l!OIB. Eolabliolled 1919. Newport Blvd. ot 181:b . Costa Mesa. TRANSPORTATION 100% Financing Available AI so Wt: Carry Our Own COnt racts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 5ol&-8511 FIREBmD, green with leatber top, wide OYa.ls and map., j)OSlU.-e steertJ&c, auto- matte Hearst para. MZ-5646. WILL PAY ~ to $1,000 tor . steiDway Grand plaDO. Write P. 0 . Bos: 1685, Studio City, cautornia. • MUSICAL fOil SAL .l fLUIMOND-YAMAHA STEINWAY Klmbi.U grand pt.aoo, 5.8', only $985; Estey COilSOlette, nlotJt, SaYe OD this, DOW $«3; otber used plaDos from $195. Ham mood "8" w/TC, saerlflce @ $1195; used Ham mood- organs from $695; used Lowrey w/A.O.C. & LesUe, only $58?. Terr1tlc sa.-tngs oo stereo consoles! SCHIIIDT W:l51C CO. 1907 N. llalo, Santa Ana Est. 1914 INSTRUCTION FRENCR---Learn FreDCh wttha quaWled tacher, tormerlJ with AlUaoc:e Frucalse -- Economical ntes -PbODe 645-!913 -For _Int...., call ooly Fridays. • MWAICTID WELL-KNOWN BRAND NAMES •IUSIMISS WALL-TO- cloallla( Uld e•rd'llo IN THE SPORTS WORLD FEATURED AT HART'S: • VOlT • RAWLINGS • DUNLOP • • WILSON • SPOTBIL T • DAVIS e • PENNSYLVANIA • VICTOR e • CHAMPION • RALEIGH • CONVERSE • • GOODRICH • SPEEDO • BEHJ AMI4 e • WHITE STAG • RUSSELL SOUTHERN • • WING • C41' .. ,_ ...... ......... ....... OIL P AJNTIII<& _.,. - wW ..U. ,_. law. Price or- ma.U ol!or. -· ... lt.cllo ma.U offer. 11411-1145. -0..711 . ....... DiaL ...... . Pd_ .... .... ....... alfll .,.tit ... • ••• -. ~~~!l!'ers at_H~g ~olice probe shooting !lUI • 11r, 1111 llro. -• WllliiUil.f.I, IIUCB I (C.._ -1!'010 1). c11rtJ -wr~ A. o.-, 1101 "A" -!lUI ~ 1111 lin, WIIIIUI Two., ....... .,..,. ...... -to. ~CO*...... L. ·-~ .,., u.t ltl., -.......... ........., ... , aau. · ao, -llr.llllllro.llu<>ldP. Co*-.· ' loO -*''lllif .. u·-. l)o<•• 1.-., 11801 K••• ~at, • TBt.IISDA!, MARCH I ,. .. ,.. ... • -dltJ, ~ tJ1 _. ..... Boocll. ao, ..... 1111 ..... -..... a-.. wu.. Olld, '... ' ao,. II<. lid llu. RoM111 Garalu, liM -WoJ, "WoaiWpwwrJio-do-=~~~~:~=~~;~~ Falu, 1151 CU,.O Dr., Coota Wut ~ llaJ. .. •• I-IM4p.-.to lllld--..... ao, • II< • ..., ~ .. ,_ .... -Ia lbo -·.Tbort .. , Boy -Mr. ud Mn. BUr W. Ma71r, 1~ ••ma PL,c:o.ta ia't u •Kh cr1me dwiDctbe "TMJ alwaJa ::;_.~~~~;;;~ Porlror 1174 Blomark Wu 11-. .a,. 0011 lorlbo-PI'• Colt& Uta. ' Bor • Mr. AD&! Mra. Earl "'btrJ moalb Geotpauffera ltop 80IMODI b a Ucket, ao, • llr. aDd llro. R~ SbeDODWI, 1819-A Pla<lllla piiJOico1 -· 11o wu Clllod ..... lmow 'll1lo1 will 11111P.._I M. Harrlaoo, lOZSl Halawa Dr., An •• Costa lleiL t1r !Mdk:al aid ooce, ud. ..._ TbtJ blUe to U. u llliDIIolloo BeaCh. Girl • llr. IUid llro. Dulel be p to lbo ..,..,, be r.--le wboo lboJ'ro Girl • 11r. Jllld lin. -lllllo, IZOI -4. H.....,.. -to be~ 1bo mao wbo wu wrlllllc 0011 llellota. D. Fro!, '101 W. ZOth st., Coal& Boacb. 1J1a1 ~ lllo I!Oor. Tile maaat. "lllck will 1J> oo a t&mfifl Mesa. Girl • Ur. &ad 111'1. EdWard taeUd blm •. Georp DeYer did eall wbeD IOIDIODe liU com- • FRIDAY FEB. zs Rathje, S'le E. ZOO. st., Coota 1mow wllf, PoUcemoo pt pi&IDod. WileD be plo -.. Boy _ Mr. and u.n. PbiWp Mesa. bnUid ud blpp;d all tbe Ume. be tries to rauoa wUb tbl II Uolt Zl•g u•---st r~. Tllolr -m• .J tern. -lo and !boo lbo ptriDG Wbo II:... ' v -., ~ IAL lOA PHILKAIIMOI41C "ID p_;~ Gear,. re-called lor be~ will turo and Boy • Mr. aDd Y.rs. Doaa.ld GROUP TO IMT!RTAIM eetY.S • I!Ommtodldoa from a. ut him wbat basiNS& of b1a Dorobos, zmz 111ramu, 11w>-Tile -.,..., al lbo ,_,.llal 1o< try!Dc to san a u "'· liD&IOD Boacb. OruteCoooiJPbiiMr-SO-111111 rod balrod llrl ...., bad "We ba .. a bOJ, · THtJ RSOAY, MARCH :IIJ, 1969 CDfiJNA DEL MAR, CAU F. I Estate tJ.-'fi-ll. !l-It., For Sales ..- & Rentals ff_,r 332 llargueri to Corona del liar -67J.8SSO (]-. n.-.tt. "-''·" Girl -llr.udllrs. Tbomal etety II ~ -boea..-byawaterbeator. moalbs old, and a Ill'~ JUdd 9571 SaUtl.atl, HuoUogtoo a&IOClates at • I..:IMM oa Oar WtJe 5 moMb lirl. Juue. 10 weeks. I worrr &boatoil,;::;:~~~ijijjftjiiii~==========~ a.ae'h. llood&J, llarcb 14, atlbo bome II rod -. loo, DOt barillc a Iaiiier II u • SATURDAY, MARCH 1 of U.rs, Eul Corbett 00 a... ''He. lal bad to usnr happeu to Rlct. Girl • Mr, I.Dd Mrs. Da.nlel VIsta Bl'fd. 10 IIWlJ llJeat alarm1 lately-"We ban 0111' pboDI DDmber S. Butaty, 3Z2 tJOOo Ave., Bal. llts, BettySmttbiltbecblir .. damp aJr oftiD ..U tbtm ott. unlisted beeaue o1 boa, man and UldltlDc ber wtU be Lut Tbarlltay be uked, 'Does cel'ftd tbreatntng Boy. Mr . mUlrs.RoDI.Id.G. Urs. CaroliDe CberrJ, Mrs. l.l)'th1Dc -'tr r•Uy blwea?• agers are e~lally bad O.wsoo. 1722 Verano Pl.,lr-Betty Brown, Mrs. Carol "We pollee mes oeverlmow beLogarrested. tiDe, Briery, Mrs. Jane Ow eo ""' wbea to etpect oar busbla1s Both wtns sa1d tbey Girl .. Mr, I.Dd Mrs. Joaeph Mrs. Marla Leltbold. home. WbeD tbey"re 00 rd&bt proud of tbelr busi»M•• L. Lewt.s, Sr., S77 W. WUson shUt, l1ld late, JOtl just sit desptte t.betrworrtes. St., Costa Mesa. DOROTHY PRESCOTT there, afraid to ea.U. Atra1d Dever try to stop tbelr •SUNDAY,'IIARCHZ DIES AT AGE:OF55 lfyoodO,yoo'Uboarsomathlllg poUcemen, because the Boy _Mr. aod Mrs. Dooald ' Dorothy Mabel Preaoott, ot bU bqJpened.. Youfeettbepbooe ~ 001 .ser'fe.~~~r~~~;l E. Betty, 713 W. Wllsoo St.,' 4220 Hilaria Way, West New .. wt11 rtuc any minute. Yoa just fo ;-_..~ :re Colla Mesa. port Hetgbts, died Marcb 14 clolltt bow. r ........,o Boy • Mr. and Mrs, JameS at Hoag Hosplb.l at age 55. "We may cet our pbooe wttb 1Dtermeot at Morto, 1940 Republic, Costa Sbe was born Oet. 1!, 1911, oumber UI111Sed, because of ~~mar~~ •m.elaloc!.l Mesa. to C&lttorn1a, IDd. lind lD tbreateolDc calls. Wbetber U's ames 5""' ........ .,. Boy -Mr. and Mrs, Winfred Ora.Dce County tor almost 3 becaUH o.orca Ls a policeman --309a Ferlllleatb, C-yoars. or DOt, we can~ leU.. OCC SPRING CONCERT Mesa. Su:ntvou are ber hnst4nd, "WbeneYer George eoes to IS Sn FOR lrllARot :U Girl -Mr. a.od Mrs. Vande-Gerald; Z SODS, Rooa.ldofLUe-work, l say, 'Be eareftll and Tbe ~musua.l "Poem for wane, 2818 La Salle, Costa 1JOOd and Keith of Newport oa pard.' It's l1U a prayer." and orcbestra" aDd IIOJ:art'sl Mesa, Beach; a dauJbler. GeraldiDe Mrs. Rlcbl.rd Jotmson said ''Coocerto for oboe" wtu Gtrl .. t.tr. and Mrs. Robert Waper of Corooa.; ber motbar, ber brJ!I!Ind, too, bas beeosub-featured lD ~;~~~~:1 4. Bea.o, 18182 IJ.sa LaDe, Hun. Eroestl.Qe H1ll o1 Yermo; Z jected to pllJslcal Yiolence, tbe Orange t1.o&toD Beach. sisters, Mary Jane Simon of "Mostly wtl11e arresting drunks munJty Symphooy Glrl .. Mr. a.od Mrs. Theodore Rlchmood a.od EYelyn Snipes' or aomeooe oo drup, .mo Tbe concert wt11 be H. Merty, !602 Crestview Dr., ot Vista; aod a bro(ber, Mil:too doesott Dow Ybat he's do1Dg. Z3 at 4 p.m. 1D the OCC Bay Shores. Cummins of Yermo. Rick'• uaitorms pt rjpped or tortum. • MONDAY, MARCH 3 Boy • 11r. and Mrs. Larry MRS. NINE S. ROGERS Wade, ZotZZ Keowortll, Hun. SUCQJMBS AT AGE 91 tlogton Beach. A.me S. Roprs, 91, of 206 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Jack R, Beryl Lane, Harbor Htgbla.ads, SWartz, 1Z08 Huntington An., died March 14 at HW Huen HUDt1Dgtoo Beach. Convalescent Hosplta.l. Boy .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sbe was bora May 17, 1877, Hoaier, 18? Virginia PL, Costa 1n Canada. came to C&IJJ)rrda Mesa. wbeo sbe wu 1 year old, ud, • TUESDAY, MARCH 4 lifed In 0nnce COUDty i:J:r ZS Girl -Mr. aod Mrs. Doo w. years. Carr, U6 Vista Baya, Welt Up.. Suntvors are ber daugbter, per Bay. EYe Hllldrtckaoao!Co .. llea,. Girl '• *'i~~~~~i WORLD'S LARGEST SPECIAliZIII II TN£ Cl£11118 & Rll$1111 OF .DRAP£11£$ OILJ I .. YIWlfti.AIIAII , ......... EXQ.USIVE COlT GUAIIMITU ~c .. -.,. ,.,.._, ... ,.. .. flf.,. .. -* ,_. ..,.,. • lift""''---If cbnd ... .......... •.-...ctb ...... . • .. ,..lc o. .. .-.. • ,.,_, ,.. .... ..... l ;'. : B • iS DON'T SUPPRESS that "springtime" urge to buy the home of your choice In the country! Here's your opportunity to buy a super-sharp 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home that shows like a model. It is located In beautttul University Park. Handy to "greenbelts," swimming pools and tennis courts. Everything about 1t has been upgraded from land- scaping to carpeting and drapes. Price oniy $36,950 -and here's the kicker- it baa a transferrable loan at oniy 5 3/4%1 lay& Inc. 2401 E. COASJ IIWY. CDM OF SELl.l«i YOUR Fll[ THAT FAUCET. DrW11c water cllscolors tile -1 Ull calla .... IbiD ...., plambiJIC. (I ·--....... c-. .... D. 0.0.,) 10 ACIEI .,..,.wirm1111wn Y.&.L&al * I lA WO'D mLU. POR a••• • aMY .u:c.- •WJLL • t II " I CORBIN- MARTIN -... • Year Round Custom Built Home. • Two Large Bedrooms and Bath. • Move In and Enjoy a Smog Free Summer. S69 500 APPOINTMENT r REQUESTED HOME WITH INCOME Well located In Corona del Mar. Front house to live in. Rear house for Income. One unit furnished. HURRY! This will sell fast. SJS,OOO EXCLUSIVE WITH COl\BlN.MARTIN, lnc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675 _1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. Sales through the Multiple listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Board of Realtors lotaled S4 ,5b5.250 lor the first rnonth of 19b9. This represents I I~ unit sale! and an increase of ))I/)% over J•nu•ry of l•st yur. list your property with • Re•ltor lod•y. LIDO ISLE 108 Via Florence 4 Bedrooms - 3 !laths in PE~FECT condi- lion. • ~ew Caroeting • All Buill-Ins • 3-car garage , 13eam Ceilings. Owner Jrans- ferred so can show anytime . $69,850 Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido lale Ill not leue bold. p. •· .,.lmer lncorpor•ted Ill DMlriBIS Cf liiO Sill 1935 rrn llo u• -~ •• su• ._._,._ ,..L.A._ .. .,.••n• .--. ..... 1016'2 _.,.... ... c:.eot--. ' ..... \ Newport a.c:h .... IDIIoa lsloiMI (oslo .._ Live on YOUR OWN LAND IN BEAUTIFUL CORONA DEL MAR- THE CROWN OF THE SEA Unusual split level duplex in sylvan setting ... 1,800 sq. foot front house with four bedrooms and two and one half baths . • . Large panelled living room with fireplace wall . . • Three outside terraces . , . Large kitchen with built-ins . . • Plus one bedroom garage apartment which will pay your taxes and maintenance ... Plus. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. • 10% Down WILL BUY DUPLEX WITH: Charming two bedroom house with cathedral ceiling in living room •.. 2 bedroom apartment over garage with guest room. This property has great eye appeal and gives one of best re- turns for your money .•• Property is in best possible condition .• $55,000. ~ lJOX Y. fR~XlO.IX ' .. !~;.!~_,, Caforq del .... ~Grfttl f'tlolte: 67.).2221 We"re rolling out the R_!ft(J~ •• .. ........ -- Wells-McCardle Realtors Reliable Scrvict Since 1943 1110 HEliPORT 541-1729 COSTAMIS4 ... • GEORGE ZEBALIS ao.wo -" ...... .... I"' I,.. wilD a I I I ..... at .. t \ ltld'll ... n I.__,...__ .. .,..,prd' .tir.a.o.., •IIII:J'. bu-..-u Ford.._..C.,.....,.'If'~ "1111 ,.. .. ~oror-c.-,. 11r, Zollal, a prlllel&l&loclao- . till at Pbllco-PO<d Corpora. tioll'sC~~CtAre-eatry QlteiDI dtrtsloa's Newport Betc.b operaUoas. wu Hleeted for malto-commlllllty efln'ts, e5; poelallylor tho 8-mooth n>llm· tary study that ldoatlllod tho .ources of no:doua gas seeps 1a tbe JJ'C)UDd and recommended cort"ectll'l measures. HJs wife, Patricia, was booored u tbe company's 0n.nce County "ctt1zen ot the year,. s years aro. Outstanct!og service awards &lso went to Norman A. Halus, program staff engineer. ord- IWlCe aDd electromechanical operation. Aeronutronlc Divi- sion; Joseph H. Hyde, product assurance engineer, Aeronu.. tronlc; F. Arthur Rttterrath, a purchasing analysis spe- clallst, 5p11.ce & re-entry S)'stems division; David Ross, Industrial photographer for Aeronutronlc; Mrs. lreoe B. Slap, whose husband, Josepb, is senior program specla.IJsl at Aeronutronic's air defense systems operaUon; a.nd Everett WiDters, pe.rsonoel relations speclaiJsl at Aeronutronic. IRENE SLAP E Yl: l D RBII'Qif IIAIIIOR 811111 TH IIUl fiiiST llC'IIOII •• -,. ' llliii!OAY,IIAIIQI .. - (X)MJIIA DEI.IIAII, CAI.Jf. L DAVID ROSS Church News .... i'W, IWI-POST 110. :m. AIIIIICAII LHIOII QwU " be --~ "lhllllool--......... --ne ...... t IIIIW La.. ~ 1tlc VI Dr Wt, .... II..,_ Hl l8 _. oq ft1 . .,..,.; Ill ... to ... oa '-d ..... a.-a, 1101 cuaor .. ~~ueer,noo~... .~.;, aaoa.-.,._.,. ........ ~~· _...__._at u. ...t ''lwn 1 •• • ._ ..... t ...... -''Ctlrill, Bubar """ QI.IM-....... --blllll:wt u. .. _-.. • . .... -• till sA a ., wtD bl u. ... H.J.e MJDt," bUed • ,...._, dsnt"N dMII ret~ w.u_ J-.. Ud a.. .... l!a._ tnpiiJ AprU ; • • --" -JUIUBillll 11:4-i, II tllo --IIIII<" n--II. Tlllabolllltllt lo tllo y-DQpondtlotld • IZGIOII POUTICII lol'I:IOudUa.a.~.TIIo Dr. WIW&m EU. tl<tllol:45 ___ _,,llto_l-lo 8u-....... 1• .UtllolulltlltDIIIrid-. .. -.. tJe.eed oa Hltlrftl ud 11 LID. s-kJ _.,.ion. CU ........... ,.._ llfORd &ail ............. tile~ 1DC tblrt wu a bOIDtlllltU. a.. ..U.U. 1'111-" bob" Tbo 7:SO p.m. -:~ .,... pat t1tt1r -l>ot -d &011 -·· _, .. -.~I -., ·-llUirlct Com· --wlllllo-ldaltor ap will bo "Goodaooo 118111d llld )Ill a -1>11 lllrdlr. ••• 1o .., 111ot rm llod lm ..-~ ,.Cio .,._,W\) 111o lla.oa. -· ooalllee." , n..a loall*putlclpdod ld Doo -· 11111 :.,."':; Jack "---a-• • • • • 111 uu ,_,.,, •llberlblpiJI'O-prlt tbeir mor•-. of -'llltloa to outrlct Com-1'111 Flrll lllptllt Cllllrch of Newport Ually Cbarcb, cram boa -lal pn11o plaa -bo ...., ....,.. .,.';;cior Koo Bu-. Till CoG II ... IOIIIqooUast.-mootlll( at I 5th st. aod '"IJio *'< iJ,.u -~ --lo ay, n pi --, t1< wllleh Jack- Dr. P, G. Nt 11 • wW preacb An., Cutr llano w1JJ. Tbe Rtf.; IDoeld liD to Flnt VIet Coal-dollu' k dDIJu, 1a o. )10110 ~a:.,..,ed blla to Colla- oa ''Tbt lllart err of tbe Loren FUetlDpr pr..e murSer Emil Koumam ud I.CU:YWM J:II'OIIUI With tbl ud be mut report crtator'' at tbt 11 Lm. Suoday at 10 Lm. Suoday OD ~ Qtc, Com"''"CCer 8W. Klmltr. n., _...,.,.. tau UJ otW &tclott bas ,Otdo, .,-,tee. His topic: at ?p.m. w1ll ''Beyond tbe t.rrter. Ht Yll1 did 1M baD: of u.t IDimt.Mip Po.t 1rl Ca.UJcrDta.. Ulere a wort wttbJD tbll QPt bt ''Tbe rnaclhoue of thU ..U-lead a commtmlty at.a.pptraUcu camp&lp ,....t, tMpiiOMc:a1ls, • • • at 7:30p.m. WedDelday, Wareb tbt cbectiDJ -. OD lilt year's • Pan' NEWS, ETC. z ~Pats Kea Hardmaq be- • • • tlonat 26• • • • memt.rs wbo were late lrlllp-Tbt aoc tacortut Uem to tweea a rock ud a bird IIJ)Ot. ct.!:" p~-=s:p New st ADdrew's Pre-lao toe ,.0 11811 pltlll( their bo coUld 10 ,_-thla Flrlll bt bu 1o c:booao-~llfU "WbeaGooJ.eb Ch~cb, 600 St. ADdr.,..'slH9duelpaJd~V.AUUU.tues week ts tb1 bed-roll1Dcd&te, be Mould appolllt Jact-s sae- d.:Jn'' ..lli bt tbe sermoa Rd., Cwt Hann-''lbtlil're Umeudatraettxt. MuebiO,atU.LoacBeacbVA teaa:ll', or call lor a apec1al Not Brown He was c:rueltled,'' put I rememberOMSUildi.Jafter-Hoeplta1 AU )'OUDeWJDI'IDberl, electioD to ftll tbe ptptq n- taplc ot tbt Ret. man 4 'df ·the lenten sermou on DOOO dur1Dc tbtn.lDiwbiDEmll be u.re' bJ 1500. llq) wtu tab caDCJ. It's a tou&b cboJee b Wtbt .. O&..m •• SuttliaJ':'" 1 ce. ••words men lin by,'' wWbe came don tO tbl Postwttb a OYer ud sbow' JOU wt..t to do Keo;lthiDkbe'Ucalltbetpeelal Cba:reb of tbe Crossroads, Dr. Cbarles Dlereofteld's topic lilt of Vletllam Yeterau' •mn ~om tbea oa.. eleetloa. ., aU Post HI's Z9tb mootlll( 111 111o c-~ S500 at Jhe 8, g,so and II a.m. SUo-11811 be -t11o bolter port of At tho Jut Polll bwllooss dllllrtct doleptes otaod by lor Pa.clflc View Dr., Harbor VIew day services. CommuoiCIDl a day phontnc people 1Jt.Ul 10 meet.tac CblrleJ Hut woo tbe a speeJaJ. e}edjon call trom H1lla _ Dr. VlDceat Gattuso class young people wtll be results. DowDcut u be WU tlac flmd ram.. He accepted a Cdr. KeD. tJbeD ud U bl does Jr. wtll prea.cb on ''Tbl ta.ta1 booored at a breakfast at Ba.m. lbeD, Em~ bid aeeomplillbed paJd ap 19?0 memberlhJpsotbe call, be there ud YOtel11 cbotee" at the 11 a.m. Sunday Communicants lDd adults will a cood d&)' I work; Joot at tbe file flmd ts furtbH IDI'Icbed 0... on BW Marra)' 'ft.S .nice be received as new members VletD&m Yeterus wbo were by tbl taliDeeoltbemooey. Tbe IRtf'Ofed u Z9tb Dt.JtrletCom- .. • • at tbe 9:30and 11 Lm. sernces. brought tmo tbt Post. Good atteDIIuce pool drawtoc this mlttee ma.a at tbal ame Tbe Women's Mlsst.ooarJSo-• • • W'Ol"k! Post Z91 tbanks JOU for Ume was lor tbe sum of$145. meetmc. Coacratulatioos, Blll. dety of Harbor Trlntty Baptt.st . New directors of the eucu-)'OtU' etrortJ. Tbe name of Herb Hawkiuoa J'OG cer1:a1alJdesen"eitilrJOGI' Cbtacb of Costa Mesa 1s Uve board ot Second CblD"Cb ot • • • wu drawa bat Herb ns not work wttb tbe DI.Jtrlct'siDOGlbly meettnc at 10:30 a.m. toda.J, Christ, Sctenttst, Newport • LEGION YACHT CLUB bere. NeD: recWar Post bUs!-bulletl.n. Mr. Halus was cited for his work as chairman ot the planning commission for the City of Tustin and his s~rt of the pollee and fire depart- ments, the parts and recreation commission and Orange County Marcb zo. Mrs. AnDa Belle Beacb, 1n Corona delMar. were At tbe kit Eucuttn Beard aus meettac. tbe pool drawt.lc Tbat's alllx DOW. Cbeerio-- Cook ...W P•• an illustrated elected at tile amual meet.l.Dg. meetiDg Marcb.l3, CIJde Beecle '"'~ll_:bo~,.,.~.!$:!.150:::,·~A~ll:_::JOO:::~hi&·:..JT!.!E;!D!,_. ____ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil services at Sawyer 's Rest Home America, DOW eJI)&Ddedcoutto talk on ber uperteoees as a Tbe oew board lncllldes Mrs. tendered lllsresJ.paUoousec-r II tor elderly shut-Ins there. He coast. missiooary wUe 1n tbe Pblllp-c'a.rolyn Abbott, Walton farrar, retary to the ALYC, dae to tbe BE also was an industry consultant Mrs. Slap, 203S Commodore pt.nes. Election ot otncers wtll Larry Halderman, Robert Har-pre55 of buiDH$. Leo P<MDI- on the Orange Cowrty board o1 Rd., Bayeresl, preriously be beld at tbe meeting. per, Corkran Haynie, Mrs. Mary stooe, Post 291 mtmber from educa.tioo and committeecha..Lr -Dcmored la 1965, was etted tor • • • Jackson and Mrs. Tiona Hunt1Jlctoo Beacb, baa accepted planning staff. man for a company-sponsored wort with tbe Cbild Ga1daDee Cbrl.stla.n Scteoce Churches Pecaut.' Se.nlng as presldeot tbe IJlPO!nlmeat and bas been E~plorerScoutprogram. CenterotOra.ngeCountyandas _ "Yatte.r" Is tbe 81bleof the uecuth'e board Is Cor-cooftrmedbytbeALYCBoardof for tbe 3rdconsecutlveyear, a volmteer at fainiew State lesson-sermoD to be read this ltran Haynie, assisted by Mrs. Directors. Mr. Ross, 161 9 Tustin Ave., Hospital. Sunday, Harbor Area services Mary JaCkson as Ytce-pre-• • • Costa Mesa. was bonored for Mr. Winters, Santa Ana rest-are at 9.15 and 11 a.m In New-sldent. AU members o1 tbe aew • THE KINa;MEN his work with a career vocation-deot, r eceived the award tor rt ~ 11 a.m ·In Costa board are residents of Newport For a looetimethere IUKJugbt al program for junior and senior actlrities 1ritb se'renl Orange =•sa. and 'to am ·1n Harbor Beach eJCept Mr. Halderman, tbat tbeKI.apmeoandtbelrpqb- high scbool students. He lnltta-County programs to improve Vi ., Hills. · • wbo r~sides 1D Lactm Beacb. llclty director bad been ftsbed Mr. Hyde, a Los Alamitos councUma.n, was r eeogn.Lzed for encolD"aging citl.un lnYolve- ment in governmental atfairs and his representation on the Southern CallJornia Associated Governments, the executive committee ot the Orange County League of Cities and the Lea- gue's airport laDd use com- ted the project, Space Clubs of racta.l harmony. e out to-., bat DO-l Dan tome (OSTA IESA. :~~~~:•:•~&o==m~tho~m~~~-!~tholr~~6~4~%~-~3~1;7;7~~~~~~~~~=====-=-=-1 CM church calls pastor mission. Mr. Ritterrath, 208 VIrginia Pl., Costa Mesa, was seleeted for Ills activities as cha..Lrman of the board of deacons of the Central Bible Church in Costa Mesa and his monthly church LEGALHOTICE The Rev. Bruce A. Kurrle of Compton !las been called by tbe congregation as the oew pastor of the Presbyterian Churcb of the Covenant, 2850 Fair'fiew Rd., Costa Mesa. He wlU begl.D his new minis- try on Aprll 1. He will conduct his first service at 7:30 p.m. on Maundy Thursday, April 3. The sacrament of the Lord•s NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING supper will be offered. and both Nouce 1s hereby &~nn that tbe choirs wlll pa.rtlcl.pate ln the Pta.nnln&: Commission of the City of Newport Beach will bold CLARENCE E. BODINE a public Dearing on !heappUca-SUCCUMBS AT ACE 82 tion ot Toll SUde Mfg., IDe. for Clarence E. Bodine. 82, of 666 a Use Permit 1424 to permit 19t h St., Costa Mesa, died a recreational slide in a C -1 March 13 at hls residence. He District on East Ocean f root was a cushion maker lor Cbry. between Palm Street and sler Motors for 35 years. He Washington Avenue. was born Sept. 17, 1886, ln Notice is hereby further given Canada, came to California 196 7 that said public beating will be and to Orange County In 1968. held on the 3rd day of April, Mr. Bodine was a Mason. 1969, at the hour of 8:00p.m. Survivors are 3 sons, fred in the Council Cbambers of the of San Diego, Clarence and Newport Beach City Hall, at CWford of Michigan; and 4 which time and place any and daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Lund· all persons interested may ap. sten of Michigan and Mr s. Mary pear and be heard thereon. Ashley of Costa Mesa; and 16 Ray 'f. Copelin, secretary grandchildren. Newport Beach City services wiU be held at l...a.ke- Plaruling Commission view Cemeter y, Howell, Mic h., Publish: Ma.rcb 20, 1969, in under the direction of Bell The Newport Harbor Ensign Broadway Mortuary. service, Mr. Kurrlelrillpreaeh at both the 9:30 and 11 Lm. serrtces on Easter SUDday. Aprll 6. He comes here ~om tbe pas- tor ship of st. Jobo's Prelby- terlatl Church 1n Compton. The ReY. Dooald l MaclDoes, vtbo W beenservlngastnterlm m1nister, will preach b.1s tlzal sermoo as pastor ot tbe Cbureb ot the Covenaat on Palm SQD., day, March 30. lOS! AHM MDOR! OF c.M. DIE$ AT 65 Rose Ann Woore, 65, of 218 CabrlUo St., Costa Mesa. died March 15 at Park Lido Coo- valescent Hospital, Newport Beach. Sbe wu born Juoe 3. 1903, 1n 1111Dol.s, came to Cali- fornia ill 1927, and lived in Orange Coumy for 6 years. SurviYors IBclude ber bus- band, Lawrence; a soo. RooaJd of Coroaa del liar; ber mother, Mrs; Martha Pelletttert ot Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Emma W1nters of Los Angeles; and 2 grandsons. Services were held March 18 at Bell lkoadway Cbapel. Tbe Rev. L. E. Toroow ot Cbrlst Lutheran ChlD"ch ns otftclant. Interment was at Pacillc View Memorial Park. cou •u•,. o ~ COUNTERDOSES For The Home CORONA DEL MAR Paste This In Your Medicine Chest .. HA .. MACY ~MOOOIO • .,,.•W11D )1~7 I c:o .. , t<•<>~,.•· CO,.O,.• 0 1 !.. .., •• C•l" POISONS DO THIS fiiST • Arid do 1101 ln41Kt 'i'OIIIohnt •I IHihf'" • Send roo • OOCIOI •Mmt4otttlr. Ad•• -11 • m11 th• o••·~' • .,.,.. " h1t1on1 to"""'~Joo~ . licltllf'iH tl ~ · I • Dett•m•.-of Cl'htnl hH lltll'll r. r•• tilt C«Ttct c...ar .... (I) A ,.OlSON • In -of tile hslt llf•ntfll " It t!. fond '-""' . I AN OVERDOSE ~11111:1 t.111$111J , ... lloubll . c..-...... n ... ,, 12) • Nut " ... Sllbs!IOICI " ·-C'I«<IM 11--· I I Whllt Wfl!lllf for i)IIY\'C >III. JIU lpOfl> fh•s •thu to counttidoM: klf"'C ~ pu1te t llll'llficlow MhN Do~IIKtMt • 8ul 6o not lo•tt 111'1 ltquods 011 tiM """"""' on tiM MCIIIIII ..... .. th t~IOI'o ... · I !llfotn!-of hi tl IHIUIM(IOO,II •OJ!~ Cilfbo!oC ICicl ·" KH, oil poitoftl .... M.4Ki-. out of ·-· .. chiWre• r,.• ,,, ...... 11 ,_ ... ,.., .... 17 1 2 l ..,.,..~·11 ._. -ttlllt ... ~ • ,....,.. _m,. ISR •u • , ...... "' lhf .. l. 0< • 11 .... -......... _ . "" ' .......... ._.. .. ··--... ~----• ,__,., of ...... , ...... MltiOl.,.._., __ -....... ! ..... _ ....,. __ ...,_ luecl ' til ,.._ ~-.C-1 . ~ ......... _...., '"ttl.,_. 2 . ~·-... .. ....,.. ......... .,,~ loOGolllll tiiiOI"idt·l· •l l-lofqll .. • '""""•-.... oS..•II (iOOtl_ .. ,.._, ... ,~~·' --· .,lfl DOT -11 • s ' "'"' sll")dlnollll · IS • '"-e I "" troclo "-• -·~-·~-~'-•u ·-..... -.. ...... n.c .... .... --~lei-·~-. """"''" ... "'"""'"' •. , --(S.f ll ••• """"-' -"' ·-.-.-..,. .• s.•u l" . 11 ,_ ••• ' . .. "" •• ...,.._ .. -ell _, .. _., •ot• ••• . ' .. ..,.,__..._ . , ..... ____ ...... _.,, ~·· -·-• ••• .. ----·-Oil t1 ..... -· I . ,_,,_ .... •'"' .. "''" ·~"-'·--... ,.. .... 11 I t ............. . ....._,. -.... IS.. f l) ·~·----,.,... ·IJ -~--·"'-'"' . ,_Nf_,_.,,.. • ·-· -tllll. 1'-.,, W ...... S....-11 . ,._of-•tl ... ·"-, .. ~,. .,...._ .. -• c .... I'-M , ...... ....... .. -'""-OVERDOSES· --·· 10 11 12 -·· elll.e l~ .. ,...._ ·---··l • , __ -~ ~-.11 I Ill __ , ,,._., ...... . """""' ___ ·"""-"'~ .... ' --.. ·• ..,.,.., ....... -"'" _.,,,_.,_. .-.... r::--.... -·n • t. 11C1Y -· -t\1111 ........ ... --·IJ 1J 1. 15 -·-............ . I ........ .,_. . '"''--..... _......,._,..." ---ISfffll ·-• -.. ...... ls..ll .,~r..n• ,_. . """ ..... -. ..,.~ .......... ... . ' . ..... ---• --"""" 11ft.,, ................... .............. ,. ' 17 11 -·" •""'"""*'_......,_ ·---·-..... , .............. ..,._ .. ............ *-.... , ............... ....,..........,.,_ ............. • O.IIOf ........... . ............ ......., FIRST were cha.ngect u tbe pnl of pre5ideoc)' was passed at the annual hmc::beoo meeting •lf tbe Newpon Beacb cbapterottbeNatiooaJAs.s1staaceLeap.1 at tbe Balbo& Bay Club. Mrs. Colill Reyaokls of Balboa Cotes l.splctured at left rece1Yingthe ptel from the outcoiDc president, Mrs. Wilbur Reyoolds (no relat:loa.} of Balboa IslaDd.. Mrs. Robert Crowner, Mrs. Josepb Foster and Mrs. Joe Earhart were Installed as vtce-presldents; Mrs. Jesse CurUs and Mrs. James B. Taylor as secretaries; Mrs. Josepb ferpson, treasurer, and Mrs. Nlcbolas Fra..U, regional COUDCU representative, Chalrmenof•rntllariesare Mrs. Nelsoo Netee, su.staJ.nlng:~~;~llr~ s. Robert Short, Las Relou; ud Mrs. M. Joe Junior Aa1Uary. Mn. Eugene Cbarles ls Asslsteen GERTRUDE IIY Ell$ OF CXl5T A liEU D1 E5 Gertrude H. Myers, 64, of 435 Redlands PL, Costa Mesa, died Ma.rcb 14 at ber residence • She wu born Auc. 11, 1904, in Oklaboma, came to Callforllia Ill 1937; and UYod Ill Oraogo Couoty since 1943. Sbe was at.ftliated With the American Red Croas. Sunhws 1Dclude her son, Robert of Newpert Beach; her mother, Mrs. Lena Rarper,amt a suter, Mrs. IAota Wu.taa, of Los Aoples. Serrices w•e beld Mareb 19 al Bell Broadny C-L Tbo oftlclaot was tbe ReY. Jolll llooald8oo or st. Joh&tllo lltl1ae Eplscopol Church, Colla llota. lalormetlll>llowld al~ Memorial Pvt. FOR SALE OLD EST ABL&!IHED GENERAL IIERCHANDISE STORE wllll .,._., .. -~~-IM-1675 • LEGAL NOnCE IIOTICE OF PUBLIC IIEARIMG Notice Ia ......,pya tbtlllll' p ....... Cca•'..... ol Ute CIIJ a1 Mtopuol Boad will Ioiii • patllle tJoutoc .. tlltltPPIICO· liaii.,J,E ___ llll eo.t ... _ ~~~-. lor a Y-IUio~d --". dopla ..... btNcl,175~.,-- louR-1DIIIrlet-llll ---......... ~.-~ _Ia..., ___ --patllle --...... boM oo lllo -. _, tl ,lfrQ, ..................... latllltCaaaD, 2 • ., .. 114TIOMAL POISOM PREVI!IITIOII Wl!lt • MA.CH 16-:12 TillS Ol.u!T Plti-TID TD YOU IY1 ·-1 -CIIJ .,._II ---........ -.. ££ __ CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY WI DIU ... NOll I QJ-9110 ·GriN IV'IIIIIGI 'II"" P.lll. IJJPL_..wf.-IIIMJ'Rilll-CHMAI&MAII I ..... _ ..,Y..cu ···•••••• , ;ei-Qr n 1 a Pno --.-.. n.nsc1112.,...._ Whats Gnu? A GNU LINE OF GREAT GNU LOOKS Gnu sportswear Gnu swimwear Gnu fabrics and colors Gnu styles for spring and summer JAMBOREE ROAD AT IA'f'SIOE DRIV E NEWPOIT lEACH Lorraine SUtherland 6J>.J 183 0P01 SUNDAYS 11-4 FASHIONS AT THE BEACH • I 12 -IN RACE ---------THE OFFIOAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPoRT BE ACH ~::~=~===:~ NEWPORT THE NEWPORT HARBOR -~~~ .... BEACH 10c 10( COSTA MESA I!LilAII!TH M. LILLY • ELI'l..ABETH II. ULL Y, ZOO llut-PL, Colla llesa, i.Dambeal c:ai!CHcbte lD District !, luued Ul1a statemeat: ••My deeia1oo to seekreelee- Uoa to UM Baud of Educatioa reOec:ta tbe sloeerlty aDd atreactb ol my eooc:ero tor tbe edncat\on of tbe cb.Udrea of tbe commUblty, a.ad tbe desire lO see tbe district coatlnue to de- Yelop couiateat wJtb tbe pis • a.lld ob)ectiYts upressed i.D tbe iDerim llltemeat of educa- tlooll prlocl!>l<s, adopted tJy tbe lloord lo 1966. "Tlme aDd eJiort commit- meuts ue reqlllred to become tDowledgable llld effective as a Baud member. aod the vital llsues of lhe future must be CODsldered thougtltfuUy aDd ob- jectiYely in tbe present, re- tlected 1D poUcy decistoos. Be- caue ol my ialo1rledp of and eJI)el'ieoce .-tth tbese issues, I feel QtAll!led to coDllDOe represeattnc the commwUty from Trustee Area 2 tor anotber term. "Great proc:ress has been made i.D the put three years, but lbere ls mocb to be dooe to achleYe (1) muimum edu.. eauonal developmeot of aJI stu- deals, (2) lbe most eftld ent aDd dfediYe use of resources, a.ad (3) the cootlnued de.elop- me.-of community understan- ding aDd ~ or tts educa- tloae.J procra.ms a..Dd serTtces." ~--··-­... I -oo 1111 lloord Gl ............... ~ IIOIIIod 8ellool Dlllrld.. Eloe- lloa "" II Al1&'ll IS. 010 IIIII -.... JIIIOtOo "' ... u - -· .... brloflloiO--~~~oe -hotqr-&lld ....... ,... etddlt.M , ... Dr-4 --.. _ .... bat all t'Oters baYe tbe .WtuoJtr to NJeet&ca""'date taeacbu-. • PASTOR HENRY E. JONES, UOS El CamlDo Dr., Costa Mesa. 1a a carwtldafe l.n District 2. He bas bteo pastor of Cen- tral Bible CburchofCostaMesa siDce 196Z. He 1& a combat •eteran of the MulDe Dorps, baYl.Dc enlist.t 1n August,l941, folD' moattu: before tbe Pearl Harbor attact. His unlt partlcl- pated Ill Ute c:ampaips on Gua- dacanal. BoupJJlYUle and Gtam. Ourlnc lbe Boup.invllle Al VIM F. IEMDER LDYuloo, be received a mert- • AL YIN F. BENDER, 218 tortous field promoUoo for sa- Wellesley Ln., Costa Mesa, flnC a fellow Marloe trom the ea.odldite ln District 2, la aD , surf at tbe Island. After World 1Ddustrlal eoctoeer with Royal War 0 be wu on duty at Camp Industries, Santa Ana. He stated Peodletoo aod a.t El Toro, also that slDce scbooll are getunc at Marine headquarters in to be btg busiDess, a business Washington, D. c., and went backgJ'OUDd 1s needed to ruo oYer seas ap.1a as an l.nslructor scbools efftcientlJ ud eco-with an aviatlon squadron in aomically. lnc:reasiJic demands Korea and Japan. He retired are being made oo school sys-from tbe Marine Corps in 1961 tems by students, teachers, ad-after zo years of service. mlnlatntors, a.od "meuwblle, WbUe stUlin the Marines, be •bo ts to tate care of tbe tax attended Santa Rosa College and payer's requirements'?" be Washlngtoo Bible College in asked. preparatloo tor the mlnistry. He au. elided an opeo. session Be received bls B. A. degree in ot tbe Board ot Educ.atloo alld 1K5 tromBlolaCollegeandwas said tbat be wa.s very lm-ordllned a.s a mlnlster that pressed-"tu It ls the closed year. Three years earlier he part of the session I would had accepted the assignment as really lite to u.sten to." interim pastor at Ceotral Bible A resident of tb1s area for Church and 1D January,l963, he 8 years, Mr. Bender In the last was called as full-Ume pastor. 6 months has becomecoovtnced Pastor aod Mrs. Jones are of the Deed of a De• approach parents ot 5 chlldren: Myron, to schOOl programs, such as 2%, occ graduate, oow at Biola modular scheduling. CoUege; Donna, 21, graduating Fl RE HYDRANT TEST ING this year trom Long Beach State aad ready to start bet teaching IH LIDO, H. B., HEIGHTS career; Ellwood, 14, treshmaD Tbe Newport Beach fire De-at Costa Mesa High School; partmeat is testing tlre bY-Dora, 12, a 7th grader at MaOOe dra.nts 1.o Newport, Lido Isle, Ouis Junior Hlgtl, a.od Verlb Newport Heights areas, coDl1n-Jean. 9, a 4th grader at Pre- tdng tor aoo. 4S c2ays. sidlo elementary schooL. "Tills testlDg may make tor lMf ONU Ni!WW'U'U ""NTfD -'"0 I"U&.ISHfD 1M NI!WO.T lfAQ4 DONALD STUIJSS TERRY WILLIAM HAY J~ L VAUCHH • DONALD STRAUSS, 101 • TERRY WILLIAM HAY, *JOHN L. VAUGHN,lZZ46tb Venezia, Lido llle, .-bo Ia: &S· 115-1/2 N. Bay Ft., Ba.1boa St., West Newport, Is another soclated with Bectma.D loatru-lsla.Dd, !Z.year-ald student at student c.aDdlrtate Lo Dlstrid 5. ments, Fullerton, Is lneumbent UCI, is a. candidate lll. District He ls at.teadi.D& lone Beach State candidate lD District 5. 5, Jll tboucht , whert attendin.& a.nc1 Orange Coast Collep 1D ''I feel this district haa enor-Hartx:lr Hlgb School, that tbe prepara.Uoo fer belnc a t.ea.cber, mous future possibilities. aad I school system needed cn.an-"The scbool system Is !aillDg would like to ID on work1Dg to res," he said. "And l stlU the people tt bas tbe most re- help btl.ng them about," be saJd. th.lnk so DOW as a junior at UCI." spons:lbiltty towards -tbe stu- " We have existed as a un.Uled He ls majorlDg tn pol1Ucal !Sent," he said. "Their basic dlstricl for about 3-l/Z years. scleoce and plans to atteDd law humlD ri&bts to hut all sides F'lrst we had to solve the prob-school al sta.ntord after being of aq~~est.ioopresenteda.ndtheir terns of un1t)'ing. only DOW are graduated. He was wltb tbe tn.. rliflt to determine for them- we gettlD& a chance to ciD .,me lantry a.nd served in Vietnam selves what to believe in a.nd coastructtve things. for 8 months. He was discharged how to Uve ha.s been denied by 1D regard to any se:r educa-hooorably July, 1968. the present system. School Uon, Mr. Strauss said he feU "I feel U mast valid to have admlDistrators Should be falltn.g the district shouid be very ca.u-a representative of the younger all over themselns i.D arusb to Uous. Careful selection aa1 geoeratlon on th.e Board," be ret Eldridge Cleaver's writlllgs tnintn.g of teachers would be said. "1 would really lUte to iDto tbeclusroom.Hlsana.Jysls required a.od then they sbouJd see In h.igb scbool.a a greater of raees 1D America is a peDe- " teach only ll they feel com-inteosutcatloo of career rul· tratlng tnsl~ into America's fortable abotlt it." ~e and preparation tor col-ills. The student body loows that lege. I think what is lacked most tbe system ls not tulttlllng his ls the Instillment of lnspiration needs a.nd therefore drags his by DOted persons in their ftelds feel. -6UCb as senators, profes-"If elected, I would work tor sors, buslDess leaders --many a truly tree academic environ- of wbom are located 1n this menl that students would ha.vea area." hand In shaping, and therefore, a d~:Sire to participate." c11rtJ or rusty ntor 1o..., ar• BASIC SEAMAHSHIP lmm~J SIU"rouodlnc said COURSE OF F ERED LLOYD E. ILAHPII!D JR. 1et111f," FIN CIIW . .Iu.-.-no Ceui" Goord A.WIIarJ ~ ·.,- COl &aYL "Tbll II:IOUid clear Will otter a tree publle educa# • LLOYD E. BLANPIEb JR., ap i.D a sbort tima. It is SUC· tloo. CO\U'H i.obaslc seamansblp ZZ32 Alta. Vlsta. Or., EutBbdf. psted tbat your .-ater be aDd safe boat ha.odllDg at 7:30 incumbent tn Dlstrlct 4, i&:Sbed cbected before doing any Thursday even!Dgs, starting thls stateme!K: wasl1ing. Tbe nre department March 27, attheCoroaadelMar "I am runni.nglorre-etectJon GORDON c. MORROW DR. JOHN W. OIE!oSELL MARY MARnH • OR, JOHN W, CHESSELL, • MARY "-ARTIN, t09 Y St., 315 Alvarado Pl., Balboa., 1& a Ba.lbot, a ca.ndidate to District candlda.te iD District 5 ln tbe 5, issued this statement: school board race. He ls a oaUYe '·complete ea.aperaUoa. or Los Angeles, age Z5, and prompted me to f11e for stngle. He Is empklyed a.s the SchOOl Board election. U a ma..oagement ana.lySI wUh present treod.s coatiDue, tbe fiDe McDonnell-Douglas Air craft lD school system the Harbor Ar• Lon& Beach. has enjoyed wUI DO lonpr uiJt EJ;llainlng Ills reason for en-as a reflection of the klca.l teriD&: the trustee race, he said, community. formerly pueots '·Yoq ~le's voices should decided what was to be ta.upt, be beard oo behalf of the dtiuos and hlred professiooals to do and tupa.yers aoo to safeguard the job. Now we hlre people to the spending dr w mooey," He tell us what is to be ta.uct¥. u believes that young people well a.s now. The only th1D& get involved, and in furtherance le.tt to tbe commwlity Is tbe of that belief, be was actlve 1D dubious hOoor of picking ~ the Goldwater campalg~~ of 1964. the eJpeusive tab. Coocernlng set. education ln "We have good talent rilbl local schools be said the clas-llere in our district, yet our ses should ~ strictly f'llnicaJ school board KOI!S far alleld in oature, taught by higtl:Jy qual-looking for outside taleat. TtU ified personoel and the pro. is oot tair to our o•·ndeserville gram sbouldope'n.te 1n barmony talent, and it trinp La with parents' desires .,..here lntlueoces QUite loreign to the possible. ' existtng hOme 1llfluence&, aDd He atteoded the University of fosters mtsUDderstandlDC be- MinoeSOU. for. ooe year for the tween home and cntld. study of law, and completed bls "An expa.Dded sexproeramtn legal studies at the Univer sity prom(l(e awareness ot sema.llty ot Sa.nta Clara, receiving nts in children from ldnderprten J . D. d~gree (Doctorate of law) thru blgtl school is proposed in 1968. lor our Newport-M.,sa schools. He comestroma.oeducatloaal U YOU don't want U tor your family. His fatber, who died in little ones 1 adVIse you to~ 1962 was an administrator in compla.illing, and soon. We ve the Los ~les cltyschoolstor got 1\mds tor it now. These are many years. His mother, M.rs. your scbools, and your ldds Mary Stosbitcb is an elemen-Tell them to keep their hands tary scbool pr~tpal lll. lbe Los ott this sensltive psycbo-sen- Anceles city school syRem. sual area unt1..1 tbere ls 10me AD. uncle ts 1D tbe j;)urnali.im demoostrable proof lha.t Leacb- departmett at Cal Stale Fu.l-iAC kids earlY about seX&&llty llrtoo. aet\lallJ be_,s them. So tar, the "ldence i.Ddlcates the op- is sorry to lnoonveDience you, b.lgb school cafeteria. to the School Board to order to M.OR !;::::;~~~~~~~-u-~~ev~er~·~thlsEjt~estEIB~g~ls~oe<:ses~-The 10-week class, open to complete my commitmeottotbe • GOROON CHARLES 8 uti RODERI CK H. Me~d!I LLI AN sary to make sure tbe bydrant men a.od women of au aces, .-w community During my ttrst ROW, m Aleppo St., East I , wlll be usable i.Deveotoloeed." be conducted by Ric bard Hart, term 1 P&t1tclplted 1n the dif. ~seats ca::,~e ~n ~~= !t • RODERICK H. MacMIL- pubUc ediiCal:loo oUicer of U.S. ttcult problems of carrying 0\i: Global EngtneeringDocumenta-LLAN, 18'75 Anaheim Ave., Coast Guard AIW.llary fiotl~ the tmUica.Uoo of three separate tlon ln Ne rt Beach taught CosU Mesa, is the Incumbent 27. Tt.::lse who sattstactonly school districts of creating wpo C det w: candidate tn District 1 He is posite to be true: the more suu:a.I permissh'e"'ss under the t:aoDer of sex educ&lion., the more tUeptimacy aDd vene- real disease and tamUy heart- break. "You said ·yes' on the school boOOs; oow only you can stop the school atahorities trom In- stituting a.ny program you don't wa.nt, by saying a kHJd and firm ·oo. • Write your scnool board, a.od take the time to vote In the school t>oard election on April 15.'" FABULOUS RESTAURANT at the Laguna Beach C. C. -PRESENTS- THE NATURALS complete all course require-an eftlcienl admintstrattoo tor ~~~~ ~~t~ ~r~:!rs at E~ a social worker with sic Bro- meots wlU be awarded a U.S. eHecUve education of our youth taocla thers. He sa.id he wanted to go Coast Guard Certittcate of and of lhe passage of school "A~r bel.Dg a teacher I feel on as a Board member in order Completion. Subjects covered boods for needed classrooms, ~ lbe to continue providing educa- wW iDclllde elementary sea-The School Board has commit-:~n:~f =t~c~Jts coun-tlooal advantages offered to mansblp, rules of tbe road, Uds ted itself to the best possible tr aod 1 'eel tbat m youocsters through Wliflca.t:iOCL. to O&Ylpttoo and piloting. educatlooal program for stu-e~ieoce iD. ·the c lassroo~ He would like to "put e.rcUemeot eqq.meDt requirements, and dents at the best price possible would be of nlue to the Board,,, and tun iD. learniog. '' He feels PAUL E. MASSEY safety precauttoos. to the ta..z payers. We are in the he saki. Wbenasi.edtUs feeUngs schools should establlsbacom- EHROLLS IH WESTIURY process of building such a sys. about flDances toe asked right munity-.-tde drug abuse educa-• PAUL E. MA$EY, 873 Diana Brewer, daughter Of tern, and I feel I can contribute back, "Whotsn''t conceroedwttb t1onal program. . GoverllOl' St., Costa Mesa., a Mr. a.od Mrs. Waiter Brewer to acbleYI.n&' that goal. tht bud~?" He wants to esUbUsh pro-candidate in District 1, is a of 105 Vl.a Lido Soud, Lido ''1 believe that schools sbould He added he was very pleased grams aod services to lnsure fu11 time worlr.er with tbe Call- Isle, has e.-ered FrieodsWorld DOt. only keep \C) •11h the wtth the school board's handl..Lui that each child ls allowed to de-fornia Youth Authority as a Dancing Nitely College, Westbury, New York_ Urnes, but Should anUctpate of the last bond issue. "The.lt velop to his tuU potential. He g:ro!C) ~lsor, and attends ( t 5 ) tor tbe sprtog semester. flfty educatlooal oeeds ol our cb.U-plans were well laid for the ~ts cootiDuiog the _pro-Orange Coast College. This ls eXCep Un. DeW students and tbelr parents dreD. We should constantly seek allocation of funds-tbey did a gram of locteottfyingyoungsters his secood Challenge of the i..o- 3)}()6 COAST HJGHW A Y were greeted by faculty aDd means of meeti.og these needs great Pbl'' wtth readlni dil.tlculties, sothal cumbeDI:. When he first filed LAGUNA • RES. 499_2663 stall in an lnformal reception •Uh more eUI.cient and eco. ln reprd to the issue or sex "every lourtb grader should be against Rod MacMillia.D.. newas =====~~~~·~•:£S::uoda::~y,~llar.:~c~h .... 2~, .at::.tbe~. oomlcal methods and technl· education, Mr. Morrow said that reading to his grade )eve!.'' in the senice. ques. We have made real pro-he would like to poll the people He said he feU that sexeduca-"Now that I'm out of the ser- nss in this direction, and I in his district on their feellDgs Uon should be done with tbe oo-vice, I'm golng ro try ag:a.J.n," _jJ. J g. 1 want to see it cootinue. In mee-and he would represent their operation of the community and be said. ''I nave an abiding in- ti Ung educational needs, we viewpoint parents and schOo l. He added, terest in educaUoo and I tll1nk • • arl·e j FURNITURE shooldcoutloueourworttonrd ">IIIChOI wbat Is taoght "'"I !eel very strongly U\at the ,. .. , people .... recognl&lng inereased vocatiooal courses scbools used to be taught at school should GOt provide a more the oeed for edoca.tioo." for students not bound for cot-llome," he said. "Peopteturoed turt.ber wedce ln the community He said be bad oo qu;a.lms about WARE H 0 USE lep; efforts to curtail dropping to schOols for what they didn't between pareac and child and paying good sa.la.rles to tea. out of school shouki be lntenst-want or feel able to handle at feel that tbe school sbouldli'Ork chers, ''but 1 a.m coocerDed fted; we must constantly re. llome. U tbe want a seJeduca-to est.abllsh diak>pe behreen about the Deed of a contin~ eDmlDe aDd ~p-ade programs tlon PI'Ocr1m 11 sbould be youngsters and their pareW program tor tea.cber enllatioo. CODCeJ'ni.Dg the oareotJcs ud tboroU(hly p~ beetoniDc in uy awroactJ to se:r edlJca. Tenure bas Its merits tu has drug problem; and we must iD the eulJ elemealary grades tioo." ta.uJts, too. A teacher cu tall earetlllly consider the com-and gradulled... into a trap •Uhout com- munity Yisbes concern1D& su. petWoo." ~:~ .. :u:.~~~; BORDER STUDY SOUGHT .. /~~.::z:=:.~ ue&. Tbe schOols sbould look country PrtseDl laws &Dd family ute isstillap;oogra.mfbr to lbe communlty tor direction Coacressmaa James B. IAt qrerem~ do DOl aUow law the hOme. 1 am tbat old before setttar 'CI any progra.m, {R-35th} bU IJUodUeed a jOI.Dt eotwcemeot ar-etes access to t&sbk>oed. I am a parent. DOl a &Dd the commlllllty should hue resol•ioa bdlre tbe Houat of lnb'rnatioa tbat cu lead to teacbU. But l a•t th1Dk a a stroac Yolce 1D hoW any pro. RepreseatatiYts in Wa..sll1JlcCoa. a.etkM:I at ~ roots of the 11• teacJUDc endeatii.J oeeessartq P'I.ID ls dl»'eloped ud coo-D.C., uttDc tbe pres!~ to tepl tra.tnc. qua.Ulles lllcllill( IDttltaar-.•• YO Ulli ART MOMlli With Mar ch desi~ted "youth a.rt month" througOOut the nation, local participation ~~riU be capped wit h a youth art show and Jud&in& at the lt't'ine Raoch Information center on Suoday, March SO. The shOwing will be comprised of artcollec· ted from studetts In grades ooe thtougtl eliht al the 67 elemen~ tarY schOols throughOut the Tustin , San Joaquin, l..aiJWll Bt!ach Unified and Newport- Mesa Unified SchOol Dlstr lets. Mrs. Mici.J. Lippe, commer. ctal arttst, Is co-ordinator of the contest and wtu also serve as one of the j!Jdges. other fudges wtu be Alberto Rampone, Irvine Company artist wr., spectallus In ceramics a.od stained class; Wilbur SmUh of tl'le Wilbur Smttb Ad.ertlatnc Ageocy In Sa..ata. Ana; aDd Glen W. Thomas of Newport Beactl. DltiOba.lly-kDown Ullis&ntor. HEW IIRN401 PLANNED BY NEWPORT HA nONAL N•wport Nattoo&l Buk, wtlll 1 omces ln Oranee QxdJ, la ftDI11slnc pii.DI to opea aacdl.ee in Lelaure W-.kl, Seal 8eldl, acCOI"dfD& to a.n UIDOUDCtmeM bJ c-.. L. W-ei, pn. stdeaa. 0pea1oc 11 p-.,. _.,Ill)'. LUT 3 DAYS -ENDS SATURDAY! daetld. OlllJ tA tb.ls way can<MU' bectn oe&l)ti&IJoas wttb tbe schools trul)' serve tbe people Menea.o ~YertUDtDt to ts· COIAL T MAOtiH E AIDS wttbiDow dtstrtct." tabUsh a ))lnl United states-IN RADU.nOM THERA.PY Mulea.n eommlssJootoi.D,.stl-A $50,000 te!Mbertpy cntau Booster dinner Friday pte the flow ofmarljuu&, DU· .Ut bU bleD i.Utalltd at tbrt Tbe Booltcette wU1 joiA tbe IIAMED AT AUTOI4 E11CS cotlc IDd <tu&orou ctriiP be-c .... lleaallomarlalltolptlal UCI Btc "r' -•ll><adlo-Sidlo7 L. Hulo, 101 Klop twMD tho tJalted S-lUll! to< _IB_rodtltiOO_ DU party Willi lrltDds IDd iA- PL, CUll til"' tubrNnaamed ·Mexico. w nrkN& tJpel o1 euev, tvllted --mtm.blra at tbt rico -ot --boer...., at.rc:Otlcs tn111c u ls 1 .. _ bJ ~ o. llo-1117 Cblb oo llan:' 11. .,.... al lllo A-1 &croll 1bo -tu-s.p, Moplt&l-1 To. ...... pr-ol 1111 ottt.aoe ol Mora. Amvtc:u a ID&.)X' eooc .... ottaw.-.ee-wt11 bt operated --~ BoNtc~t liU •r r' bib' -~Ill A•OOim. lit -qwc1o1 U>roocW lllo dlr-o1 Dr. CWIII A. -<*, -.. 1111 -_., --_...,..., bll putle81&rl7 lo DoLuoJ ,..._... Ql--._ .. ao .-ol ~.,...... caut:nta nen ... 111-.. n.oit.Jt..,.h~l.l-....s •• ..... •• •••• .. •.., 1M 11o JoloodiiR'•_.,.Dt..--· tu-r~"' t 10 11110 air -•-_..,_ :::" :" eoiiiiii( ao111&71L Clolltor Doa W)',. •tta u __,..of 5 tlafll tM nte ol.a rar liD-11e • to 5-llol: e.act ~• ...,., ,. --_ ..... .,_ 111r. t.a•• t1111-........ ...u.. no ,_ 111 ""' A ..., -1o""" ...... Ill ,. ... tltJ haW .__.,.,... bo4J tlbbUiha1 1 • lii'J dll c.._. cRall P'IEII ... ~ ll llf Daft IL~~~S~!!:!~: __ ~!~!~~~!~ __ _;;~;_J ·•· lllr« , ... .._,...a. UWitJ. pollee JI'O-.\1:1:0.. that ..,.I •. ca na.r-• .......... W.l Iii I loll!) sr _...,..... 646027$ _....., ~tt rlll, -ull-r=rl-ho wit,. olu-•~!!!•.,"1 ~-·~ .................. CCWU. ClloW, •tlCR76 ....,.. ._ u11 ----u .. llutM _...,u.l •llllo-..... --\ O:.L • • AYWIDL ... ....._ .,.._..,....t:IU: tr--.llt. UCI"a .u. -u •t --I • ' II)OI'tl anrcll .. .,.., lla." -•.,. .\i>rUiudlllllao .. _ '-dllloclilll. ... IIII'YitDM eu bt ............ lllolll,_....,_ bll ~-till ...... ... ... tr-..w..,., ••• ..,,,.Ill ........ _ .. ._c •• ,..,.,.,,.l .... ...... _.,. ___ ....... .,. tlrt.IAIII I w n •;;:;; noio ~~--..., .,.~ ........ --.... I 5 .... -, ................ .. I, I I ties ., 1M11All LA. 1111 •n Sa'''..... CIOIIIoal"' ..,..,...,. -... ,.. , ............ . TMI AN1lQUtTY OF MAN ACCCIItl)fiiG TO TH1 IIIli AHO Ac:coaoiNG TO SCIENCE OM& or .... cau•'"*' ... •......., ...... ,. IMOJ' ....... tchoiNt ....-,lit bow to,.......,., .. tlM dw .,.,. ot \he aw. wilh 11:11 a , • ._ • are Willi .... • to U. ...alq,W., ol ..a. lt .. ..W. lhat the Bi.W. c:bmtt''ID'-., allowl .a.ut «101,.,..,. --'-.. Cbriot. but ... ...,_ .... --d>1lbo-_.... ~ dtwlapMl befGn «100 ,..... ...... Chrid. ll u..r. ...... .... _ .... -,.... .. Chrioo--*' "" oalr -.... for the whM ... ol tb. whole bumm ,..,.. Mild ldl&oriaM Mill t'ldentW. .... thoulht to ,.. .......... the bldary ol tht ....all ... ll,OOO or ..,.. ,..,... Bow .,. .. to ,.......,..,. U... ..,..,._ dia- ...... ~1 •_,"',..., .... ruarr PI.ACS. t.t u be aid tb.t e. .... (lCII•..,....,b' ~ b7 IIIAil7 hWoriaaa &N DOt at all --- FCII' aumple, 111 flturinl out the .._ of KcJpdaa d~ the data \I&IOD whk:h CDIICIIJIIioDil are built CUI hardb' bt CUII.WUsd. decWve. I& ill tnl4t,. ~ ha.,. tM.t. m.de ol ~ 1"eCCIO'd. wblch. __, that the ~ which ~d.d .... eownd Cll'tabl VIII& period. ol. time which are ftiiiDed. but an,JOne who il at aU Ia- milar with the aadalt aDd oriental bablt ol ~ lhouJd n- etlve lb.. ......UO.. • to the Mnlth ol the. d)'DUtla wttb a P'Ml deU of Cllutian.. While theM vi.-.. of the ftlt antiquity ol the aneMnt Eopt1an civiliation. and andent clvlliDtionl of Nineveh aDd BabyJaa. • -n. arw widely aeeepted, they are DDt by any !MUll pr"'Y'm. W • caa aHOC"d to wait for more llaht. ON 'lid OIIID HAND, it W DOt at aU 1ure that there .wre only about 4000 )'HIS ff'Oift Adam \o ChrUt. Bishop U..ber's e:hroooloey, whkh ia found in the marwin ol most reference Bible, i.a not a part ol the Bible it•lf. and ita ae- euracy is al~otether doubtful. It ia founded Upoll the 1u~tion that the &me&lot:ies of Scripture are intended to be complete, but a eare- ful study of lhne renealosies dearly shows the-y are not intended to M compldt•, thalt they oftentimes contain only 5011\e ou~ ....... For example, the aenealogy in Exodus 1:11-24, lf it •ere talr.en as • complete geqealogy containinc all the names, would make Mo.e. the areat-cr•ndson of Levi. though 430 yean intervened. • 1n the B Box 77 ............. J .... ..... ... ~ ... \.to• ........ Clk&. 77 ~ ....... ._ .. ·"'PI •t dwr ....... .,_ ... CO..Io-•*'al_.ll.. ,.,t1, n....a.._. .. .._.,.._..u.., ,___,,_.,,..":Ei:· •JII--.,1:12 • .. the ....... ,.. ........ At..t,a• ......... .........., ....... , .. cA;W,.. •I "' . ..w ""' CUI --.._tho ,..w-Joooo1!'"-<........,. u,•> ----·"1/r,. .Y .. Cr-. Ari. aDd tNt.._ ._....._ •-. tHar· •., the...,.. (t xa...-.1:1) .,.. mrth....t. TIM fact tMt .._..,.. J..--~ 1a ..m Hit nlt pelt.,. Nfera to 0.0. of l•ael who .a.o •'Wab: tMt a llmUar .,......._. -.y haw t~e.a mados to ret.. to .ccept tM Lord J_. c::hdl& • tMi.r ..... --"'Mo<thow. S.Yiow""" ........... The ..... ~ lo ,. _..., ....,.,.. '"' "A. U...t-,_. ...r boa•t B. o\nd A. tho .....U ~otlon from Cod. ud In lin. livid .,._ he .._., 8 -,..,. and bap& ... abel daUC)ltan. B U...ed latioe 20:15 11 caiW the ....... of 6re." whkh -yean -.cl blpt C." nc. is the etemai doom of the loat onea. '!'b. word tnr.Mia ... "'bept" .. --.d not ol -liD- ~ 1mrri• but o1 1111 !' 1........., rt~t example. ZU,.h ........................ bar ..... pv fehl&ctr. (Ott••· 41:11). -n.. HMI•a• ward II• d t 1 .,_,... .. dl6l .. tile-.... b t'lt«< ~ ....... I' .. ..... .. .w • hav. --her~ (OnMr .a). c:..a-• ..W w ha" ~ ...t.oJ. .... (Om .... lO:IS-11). So .... thM Ia .......................... &I DO& _....,. a • the u..ru -o1 A. a ....,. .,. hla u..r.J ..,.. or a e. Thw ....,. l!lllltl.uial IIWQ' ._... tot. •wwd ...... -~DO ehrma'e 11 ,, ... ,_. b7 ~ n.ur-...,..,. pur. all to .a:..~::,:~ ~ CltllfUet betw<Ntl aod aD7 ..-.. hlat: leal~ • to b II' SIIOVLD U lAID fw1ber that It IDQ' be tMt dMM andeat dviliatiooa which an b.ir1c cti.co+'l'l..t LD. the vk:iftiV o1 Nlnneh and ~ may .. tba remalal ol. the pn-A.c:l.amie 1'-.ee alrMdy --· 'l1»ere ... J ... in the Bible wbkh -.:1 to b.lnt that u..r. were .wne uWiDc wm LD. Bible ttm.a wbo rDQ ha .. be1oapd W the. pre-Adam!!:! rae.. Such ID&)' b.ve b.D the Repbaim aad. 7...,,..mynln ud the !'.mim (tee Gera.is U :5, Jl.V.; Dtu~ 2:20, Zl; 3:11. A.V. aDd R V.). The hintl liven in tho.e Jm-ps an IIOIIWWhat oMc:ure, but aeem to .ua-1 the rem.aiM ol. a nee other than the A.damJ.c n.c.. U •uch ,... the eua, theM .... u. eivlllat:ioDI whLeh are DOW beblc uneovcnd may b.ve been tbetn.. No one Deed haw the leMt lev ol any di.ocr+eriea that the ~ may make, for if it lhoWd. be found \hat there ..,.. euly dvili:&ationa thous&bds ol yean before Cbriat it would not come into any oordlict whatev• with wb.t the Bible rally teechell about the antiquity of rniU1, the Adamic race. Pr-.. csplai.tl ... MW ~ a1Nl • MW H11A. • •niiofwd iA R ... •'·riOft 21 :1. R. r .. Lo, A"''"'· Coli/ . AI tho end of tho mlllennW nip of tho Lord ) .... Chriot. tho Doy of Jud-I .no commence., at which time this earth will be dntroyed. God will then make a new heaven and a new Mrth which will be perfect without any atain of sin, and which will endure forever. JYAol ;., 1M ~"plan41W" of Mou. 11 :6. "blu~ U M, toAo~r sW 11M be off~AikJ in nw." FY .. Cravdle, Arl. To be offended in the Lord ia not to be- lieve in Him and to refuae Him u one'• Saviour. It is therefore a very bleued thing to trual and accept the Lord Jesua Christ u our Lord and Sa'fiour. Please explain 1~ diO~r~nce bd~en the lcin«dom of GoG OAti the lcin«dom of Ma~n. MTJ. A.M., Cltar~nJon, Ta. 1lleo ki-sdom of God includes the whole uftiveae., while: the kingdom of heaven is pri•My of a Messianic character and has in viewr k eat~t of the kingdom of God on eartlt. The kingdom of God can only be entered by tt.e new birth (John 3:3-7). but the kingdom of heaven is the sphere of pro· ff!Mion which may be real or fehe. St. Thomas Bible Lesson rf'u ler~A.o nJer rebuilt? A.L.S., D~lc~n· .son, T n:as. LOOK AT When Jericho wu destroyed by the army of lsl'ad, Joshua placed a curee on anyone JEREMIAH 36 E BooK who attempted to reconstruct it. according to Jo:shua 6:26. In 1 Kings 16:34 we read that LESSON 2.4-SERIES II H1el of Bethel rebuilt Jericho, but when he laid Here we have a highly personal account o f one of the dramatic tuma of Dr. Bob Jones the foundation hi• finl·born .an, Abiram, events in Jerusalem during those yean when terrible doom marched relent-died; and when be~ up the gates of the city leuly toward the land. The coming destruction was plain to see. Times were c ·11 s c his yov.ngesl son, ~. alao died. At the rWORDSI. WORDS! P.reeent time there i1 a small to:wn ca~ Je· much like our o wn in thla regard. Mankind had been shackled in a wo rld who said. "Thai which lies neho on or nea.r the old walled c1ty of Jencho. empire (orged and clamped upon them by the Assyrians; the Baby lonians. in 1 th m yoor 1hoogh1 will come up in Ku.JI. pi · L Ice 16 23 M A K S eague wi the Med.ee and the Scythians and Judah, had unseated Assyria lhe buckcl of your speech." The Bible states 1 u am u : · r~. · ·• t. and were now secunng themselves in power by tuming against their allies. the same !ruth more simply-"Out of the Palll. Minn. In the ruthless drive for world dominion, Babylon's course was inescap-abundance of rh e hearr 1he moulh speaketh" lltia Tene states that when Lazarus the able: II took no prophet to foresee: it. A child could fl8'ure It o ut. Babylon could I Matth~w 12 :34 ). A man shows what he is by ~died, he went to .. Abraham's Bosom," not hold sway over the wortd as long as the aJiies who helped h er to power ~·hat he says. II ~as s.aid of .. Jesus Christ. _.., ... ~ name for Paradise. On the ranalned. She would have to ruin Judah. The same rincl le ho lds fo r faJse Never man spakc.llke thts Man (John 7:46). • ~ 1 ~, •• the rich man died he went el ' · i t5 h rld P p Thai He was the stnless Son of God was proved tl( · " ~ is the heU of torment. This r ~g~on • w 0 support wo government: when the tyrant is seated, h is first by Hi s words. Never an inaccurate or fal se ~God's Word clearly indicates that o ffictaJ act must of necessity be to tum on those who handed him up. As long word tdl from his lips. He spoke with 1he we do not lose coMCiousnese but as they h over dose by, he cannot think himself in full command. Besides, he vo1ce of di\·ir.e authority, and !he power of apeak. aee, hear, feel and remem· already knows they are treacherous; they have betrayed thei~ own Lord to His words proved 1he power of lhe Speaker. her. Tl.oee ia the hell of torment will be able help him to power. and It must be auumed they will betray their new maater The word of I he Lord of life .brought fonh to see tf:aNe who are enjoying the wonderful as well. (See Rev. 17, how the woman who rode and guided the '----t of wo,ld a d~d manGhodom lfh<htomb: ~~r~~! t~~ bleaeinga of Paradiae in the Pf~ ·~J ·~ ~ omnipotent o t e umvene. ... e • ........, hn; Lord Jesus Christ. ' '' '•· ' government la then hated by the beaat who "shaJI eat her Oesh and bum her aempest and calmed the sea . The word of 1ht: with nre. •) si nless Son of God cast out demohs from lhe It ia four y.ara after King Josiah was kUJed at Meggido in trying to inter-bodies of m~n. and His word defeated Satan cept Egypti~ell£>f forces speeding to the aid of the beleagured Alsyrlans. It who . sought to 1emp1 Him in the wilderness. .. I f . , H1s word revea l~d a measure of values be-near y a quarter o a century amce Josiah 1 great refonn was launched by d h · f h · d f · f 1 \On t e concept1on o t e mm o sm u the public renewaJ of the covenant of the law recovered during Temple repairs. ~an. Th~e were 1he slandards He set : that Despite the thundering of the great prophets, and the strict enforcement of the £1 e:llne~s <~t'oounds in servce; that man's chief law by Josiah, Judah has not really h..lmed to God. The people and their rulers concern sbould not be in the accum ul at ion of are-roaring down the primrose turnpike of expediency and accommodation. lh1n gs; th at outward appearance is not so im- 8 :l.;r<.:a nt as the inward heart. ecause of their own loss of (alth and their o wn immoraJ practices, th ey are The most brilliant word of lhe greatesl phi- Incapable of strong, direct action. Their sins have turned thei r knees to water losoph~rs of the generations, 1he highest truths ar'!d "they cannot find their hands." utt~red by the founders of I he religjous sys- The Lord instructs Jeremiah to make another try. He himself has been !ems of I he world dim in comparison 10 I he shut up fro m preaching, but no t from writing. He dictates a series of senno na g'orious light of His utterances. d th Others suggest pa1hs of ethical conduct and an warnings rrom e Lord which are written down by Baruch, his faithful c·aim 10 point out 1 way of life. Only God's secretary. Baruch, then, is instructed to 1tand up before the people and read Son s:.Jys. "I' am the Way." out Jeremiah's words from the.roll. 01hers are seekers afler 1he truth and pro. '"It may be the house o f Judah will hear." says the Lo rd. fessed teachers of it. Only Jes us Chris! says. If only they can be set in aJann by being forced to listen to what I.e happen-"I am the Truth." lng, and to face up to the destruction that ia bound to fall upon their land from Others offer suggestions as to how to secure Heaven, there I.e still a chance that they will mend their ways. The Lord con-;1->: most from life. Onl y Jesus Chris! says. "I fto nta the people. through Jeremiah and Baruch, wtth a vivid deacrtptlon of :.m the Life." "all the evil whk:h 1 purpose to do unto them... C1hen with lh~ phrases of !heir philosophy .oue:npl to ~nlighten the minds of men. Only This is the message o f Jeremiah. Later we learn that this evil Ia apectficaJJ y J Ch · { .. 1 h L " h f h .. e<;u., ns says, am 1 e 1g t o t e fo retold. He warns, That the king of Babylon shall certainly come and de-'d ·· A · w F wor . -mencan ay eatures stroy this land, and 1haJJ catue to cease from thence man and beut." Warning Doe.s 1/ae p&JJG!~ in Mau. 12:43-45 r~fet to o .sa~Jfti person? Mr.s. L.H., Greenkaf,lda. Thb pasuge deals with the case of a person who bu a moral reformation but who does not accqJt the Lord Jesu1 u Saviour and is, there· fore, not indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. Such a per.on is not bom again. The moral reform.tion may lut for awhile. but eventu•lly they aft overeome by evil. These verses teach lh.t victory over 1in and temptation can only be obtained ae we surrender our live. to the ~rd Jesua O!J11 so tbat the Holy Spirit may mdwell us and enable Ul to live a victorious life. 1Th4J U 1M e:sploiUilion of Lulu 16:9. /.II'. T., Porllluwl, Oreg. The "mammon of unrisbteouaoea~" refen to the evil tbinp of thi• world. Tbe Lord Je.us in tbii vene sugeats that if one U going to bo unlalthful ID hio olowordohlp. ond tboroby reaeiwe God'• condemnation, it would be ad- vUable to make friends of thoee whoee god iJ IDCifteJ aDd ric:bea., .a that in eternity there would be some kind of consolation of being with thoee who will be la.t etemalld. Anyone who refuae. God'• aalntion ahou1 then en· deavor SO make the beat out of thi• life, for they will have noth.i.ns in eternity. of such a diaa.~ter ia caJculated to bring the strongest pressure to bear on any man's heart to make hlm look to hla defenses. The fear of Hell-fire Ia the best pouible reason for a sinner to repent. Thoee who hate to hear"he:U-ftre and damnaUon" preachers are those who ln fact hate to be refonned. They want to be left aJone In their alna. But it 1a the work of the preacher to gtve warning". The purpose of these grim words la "that they may return every man from hla WHATBr ~~~~~ON ~~K~lM~IKE? evll way; that I may fo rgive their iniquity and their stn. • ~-J~WISH NO~(., ... 7'07, .L•• ~--'•• .... lf1rillti<» of your body also. You aTe to It IS qu1te certam that C~nst Will appe~. Jt.w 1M ~ body, a 1pirilual body, a John doea n.ot stop to prove 1t. He speaks of 1t body Uw:.pabk of pairJ, 1u.Ouing anJ decay, u t~ough 1t were perfectly und~rstood th~t 0 boJy w1ai.cl 11k:Jl be 1u.ileJ to you.r, eman· Chnst would appear, and he ~nt10n11 ~hat .1s cipalN .,.,. ... a body laaving a widir T41llfe to be t~ nature of th.at. appearmg. Chnat w1ll tlwua tiW limikd eartAJ.y spMre, having grea.t11r appear m person .. ~Ja u1 what th~ two an~els power1 oflocomoliorJ, perh4p1 flrin« Jwiftly ~ecl~ed to the d1acll?lea . after H1s ucen1Jon, ~ li,Ju, Jrom world IQ tuorld, or pouibly hav· 11us ume Jesus, wh1ch 11 taken up from you '"S' Me potoer ewn to tn&tru." the liglatning'1 into heaven, shall so come in like manner u fL.l! ye have eeen Him 10 int~ heaven." 1 do not know bow wondrous Christ'• glori· . When He ':Dmetl He wall .a~pear. full ~f hap-fi.ed body t1; but I do .. know that, when He pmeu. He w1ll come to re)OI<:e w1th H11 peo· shall appear we lhaU be like Him; for we pie for ever. He will appear in His glory-not ahaU 1e1e Hi..; u He ia." MEW'ORT HAIIIDR EJISICJI SECDIID SECTD - -P. 2 11tU IIIMY,IIAI!Ot 311 lte tlllllllltDEI.IIAI!, CALIF. Everlasting Ufe Now! . -. ., .................. -.. ~- _ .. _ ...... _ ..._ .• tM Blb&t. It_,.,.......,. -...... -..... ·--.• • • • .... bJ' ~ awtM. pt .-..J Ml\raU. aDd ......,. ...... 1 ................ _ ---.... -.,.,. .. ... .....,__. ... _ ot.W., .,..._.... ..... rr-u. llpo ot -a.rtot. -""" ... thoWonlciGod .. Jolln,- nv..~x No SoJ .. tloa W-~· ........ Do you wust to be awdt Or 1t you are •ved. do ,ou wut to wiD ....... to Cllrlot """ ........ , Tbnt r-.d the nqull'etllat here- be who • to haw twrlutlnc We it .. A. tMI ~ ..,. twnl.,. No one II ever Javed wbo does not .......... Gaopel, --.... Warn certllln tnltha of the Bible. Paul AJcl 'Tor' l am not -ol ... -ol o.n.t, for It 18 the power ot God \llllto MlvatioD to e'VaJ' one tbat t. UeYet.h: to the Jew tint., ad alia to tbe Gfwk•• (Rom. 1 :11). 11M ~ 18 the power of God unto salvation to U..:. who trult OuUt and la u e.mtJal to Jew u to Greek. to everyone, P.aple are not •wd w:ltbout the Goepel What S. the GoQelt Well, the A-Poul. by divine --deftnes the Gc.pel .. tbe IOOd ,..,.., .• . . . that Ouilt died tot our liN aceordin& to the ~ ttll'ft; And that he ... budtd. and t.ha t he ,. ap.ln the third day act'OI'dina to tbe ec:rtpture~" (I Co{. 15:3, 41. Certain eumtlal tan.,. &twn in the SerlptW'ft, one muat bear or read to be Nved. 1bae facta are: Pe....al Paltll la J•• OrW A• Your 0... S.YkHir Brl ... SalnUoa Remember. Jaua •kl ln our lut. John $:24, "He that heuwth my word, and beHeveth on him that ~nt me, hath everlutlnlltfe .... " After you hear the G.pel, and .ee your need and knoW about the dear Saviour who died to aave you, one tlmple atep wtU ~ettle the matter fore\·er. You muat your- .elt commit your cue to Jn\1& ChJ'Wt, rUkinl Him to foqive your tina and aave )'OUt kltll. and tbat moment you will have everluttn& life! Jm.. Ulitd these WOI"dt : "He U\at .. , beUevelh on him that sent me , ... " Did He mMn yoU l.n! to truat God the Father or Jesua the Son? He meant both! The Father and Son are both In- volved. God pve Hb: Son be- CUlM He 10 loved the workt of . kwt •lnnen. Jaua aave Himalelf for the aame ~ath, and tor the same reuon, moved by the -.me love. Ir )'OU wW loolr. at the veraos before our te•t. you will ~ that Jesus 1aid: ··v..ty, """· 1 roy .., ,., Tllo 11o ......... tl-.... -... -... -.,fw .......... _ ·----......... -. 1. We are all hope)eu alnnen, ,_ fte ,....., llftlltt ... S., e.1 ,...... 10 bad that we are lott and can-... 11 ...... te.t.....,. ._.. 1111 111 not •~ ourwlve~. .. ... .._ .,...., _.. "-..... 2. am.t dWd in our atead, bore the punb;tunmt for our 1Lna, pakS lllllt ,. .., ..-M. '-• ... ,... our debt, II our Sub.tltute, mak-,....... ., ,.. .... 111111 ..._.. ._, Inc atonement tor .... .,.. • ,._ S. .. , » .._ Ill ... 1 Ouiat rwe I'1'0IIl the tte.d. ,_ ,._ ,...... ~ • -.... lillllll provlna HI• deity, and ltve~ today II •:A II ~ ... ,.. S.: "-' to make intercealon for ua In II -...., '-"' IIIII S.. -• Heaven. • ...,. .....,_ .., ,.._, • ........ _ .. 4. This death of On·iat for our .., .., S. t 1 u 1ft1 ., lilt,.._._... &lns, a:nd His 1lorioua, mlraculoua ..,. • .... "-Jelll 5:19·21 n:surrection wen:, as ~ venes in I Corinthians 1S.:3. 4 say twice, "aecordinc to the acrlptures." So one must hear the Go1pel. the Word of Olrilt and oJ Gqd in the Sttlpturet.:.-tO' &e. ..,.eel-. . .' ~ 'niat ~. wttr"l1 ~· ~ :zt' ..,._ of Ouiltan..·~ boPnJ'.Pln. not or carrupUble liNd. but of ineorTUptible, by the word ot God. whim Uveth and abtdeth for ever." Then vene 35 laY&. "And this Is the word whidl by the ao-pel l.s pruehed unto you." You ~. what Jnua dote, the Father don; both WOC"k topther. So U a linnet' tt"Uall the Father wbo .ent Jesus to die tor u.. be will be saved, beea~.-e that II ~)' another way of aQinc be trual.a Jr~ua who paid bia debt o1 lin 01'1 the er'l:*, God the Pat.bar A.lftered when Jesus IUtfend.. J.- IUI aave Himlelt jult u the Fa- tbet' cave Hlm. So it is all rlabt to pray to the Father or the Soft, and all ri&ht to trust the Father or tht! Son. It la the aame. At a servk:e In Wuhl~on, D. C., a Catholic woman atayed How oftm ia thil truth ~peat· after the .erviee to talk to me, the ed. that one Is Instantly .. wet by fint time she had ever attended truatlna: Ouiat {or God who aent a Protestant service. In answer Christ to •ve us). to her quesUom, 1 ahowed her I John 1:12 aays, "But u nwt:)' Timothy 2:5, 6, that then: Is one as received him, to them aave be God, and one rnMiator, and that power tCl become the 80rw. ot God, the one mediator is not a Roman even to them that bel}eye on his priHt, not the saints to whom name." IOnK' pray, not even Mat')', but John 3:1 ... 16 says, "And u "the man Christ Je1ua; Who aave Motet~ lifted up the .. rpent In the himRif a ral*)m for all, to be wflderTIHI. even .a must the Son testified in due time." How tM of man be lifted up: That w~ IIcht broke on her soul! What ever believeth in him ahouJcl not tean! lben when she had trUJted perish, but have eternal Ufe. For Outlt and had auurance that her God .a loved the world, that hr .&ns wen: all fot'llven, she said, pve h~ only bq:otten Son, that "I newr would have believed that wholoever believeth In him lhoWd if you had not showed It to me In not perilh, but have ewrlut.Jni: the Bible!" You we, the Word ot Ute." God did Ita put. One cannot be John 3:18 16)'1, "He that be· saved wtthout it. lleveth on hlm is not condemned : 1 remember hooN Henry Hemp.-but he that believeth not bl CXlfto. kirw, a junk dealer In Waxahachte. demned alread,y, bre<:8.uae be hath Texas, ... arned thla truth and not believed In the name of the pr~ lt. He uked me for a only becotten Son ot God." handtu.J of Goapell of John, Into whk:h I had puled a deeiaion slip whidl coukl be llianed and NIIIO'Ved when one truated Cbrlat. He took them in h1a daUy bualneu, and ahowina men John 1:12, 3:3-7. 3:1f..l8, 3:31, S:)C, vet'IN 'Which we had underlined a.o anybody could find them, he led man after man to t.rwt am.t. alp the dr- daion sUp. and aet out to Uve tot Jesus Ouilt. 1"tw WOfd ot God M neceuat')' f<W .,w winnlnc! Do you want l'llOI'e! Tbrtn John 3:36 saya, ''He that beU.Wtb on the Son hath ewJ1utln& lJfe: and he that be:Uevetb not the Son lhall not -Ute ; but the wn.th ot God abkieth m him.." Ada 11:11 A)"'. "Be ~Jew on the Lord JeMJB Ou1at. ,t.Qd tbou lbalt be--..... ...,.-··-theN are muy men Neb prom-*" ln the Bible. o-who trwta Jesua Cbrtat t.a lmrn.d&ateb' •Yed. ... ~ Ut•t Pnillt a. l.oald. Ilonot.l ........ --.. uer wttt1out truttnc OuiK. ........, aad hOW. to lM )'t)W' OWD petiOI ... Sa-Yiour! Have you heard tbe Word ol God! Did you hMr It with your heart! Do you COftfelllt tbe truth of What the Bible ., derarly and often teachn-that you are a poor lo.t ainner wbo caMOt •w )'OUJ'o a.ell, that Jetua died tn JOUI' plaee, (TO .. COMTINUID) Some months go by after the atart or lhl.t work of dictation. It would seem that Baruch reads publicly from time to time. But then comes a aped.a1 rut, a public holy day, when Baruch aounda forth to greal crowda a.uembled ID the Temple. H e must have caused quite a 1ttr, becau.e: word wu brought to the princes who were gathered in the ecr1bes' chamber. These sreat men aeot for Baruch. Surely hls heart must have been poundm,. It took greal boldneaa and courage to brave the faces of the people and their prtnc:a with word• calculated to arouse the 8erc:eat anotlona. Public poUcy wu condemned and Jeremiah's word• could not be ignored. The prlncea, too, aaw the aerlouani!!U of what Baruch bad done. They reported to the king, but not untU after they inatructed Baruch and Jeremt.ah to hkle themselves. The klng tbm commanded a fonnal rea41nc of theee tef\o mont, but before much wu readout,bealubed them wttb blalmite Mel bumed the book ln a flre, thua demonatradn& bJ.t oootempt for men who 1p0ke up for u the man of Nuareth to be despite<!, but u "the mighty God, the everluting Father, the Prince of peace." If any of you are tempted to uk, "When will He come?" I give you His own auurance., "Surely I come quickJy"; 10 go your way, and pray, u John did, "Even ao, come, Lord Jesus." Oui.st is coming literally -not fi.pratively and by His Spirit, but But far more important than that, we ahall ----------------, ~~Ch..=.~.:::,~:~fi~ .. ;~:~~ I SEll GUT , ...... lEIS' I God. Pabapa the klnl &lao tbO\llht to destroy tbe m .. aae of Jenmlab by bu....,_ hlo book. If 00. be mlocolculaled oo bodly hero u be clkllD hlo public policy. For God doe not opal< lh""'''h lbe dud form of 1-., b1lt only tbrovab the worda wrttten tn tbe hea.rta of mm. Wbal DHil Jmow by heart II what matten. Wordl apoken and wrltlm eerve merely to cany tbe ~tral word eo men. Jeremiah bad thiN worde and maay more tn blt bean. He wu 1101 lbwartod by lbo ldnc'• rub odlon. He mmly bocOD dlctalla& oil ovu oplD. lluo ftp<!otq hlo wt.nllq ODd .-., hla -olin the~"'" 1_, o«ort 1o tum lie people. .,.,. mOD, from hlo mJ wayo. In oddl-J..-lob pr<JDO.-o -doom on Kina JoboiM!m. Hit own -ODd bv.rtaJ would bo o public lbame, ODd he would -. fbo 1-•lbiiiCJ' ... --to -OD I>Jo ... 6-to. Tbdr bl®d would he OD Iiiio l!oed. 8o lllo ..., -at hJoeory lo pi ..,..I o•t hJ'tndlvldO&III humu b >I' oolbt!J' -.Out!': Word or DOl. likNJlly, octwJly, reolly. He is comin_& in glory, to dwell in the midtl of HH saintt for ever. That is our hope, "'the s;loriout appearinl!l of the great Cod and our S.viour Je.ua Chriat, •ho gne Him.clf for ut. thai He might rMeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himtelf a peculiar preople. aealoua of !ood worb." Now, '"We know that, when He thall af'PU' we thaD be like Him. for we lhall tee HhB • Helo." There ore other -Ia Hio W«d. where we are diltiac:dy tolcf thea Ht. IIWli· feata&ion wiU be coinciclent with our lllLUll- fnta~ion. Here we are told lh.t.. "w.h. He aboll ·-· we ohoiJ bo IWo HIDI"; """ ... reNOa aiftll for tb1. Ia. '"For we lhall ... HI. .. He r.." 1.« ......... IIIOdlule ..... dUo a-tndl: "Yo ohoiJ bo Jib Hba." ~Wlnc •• .,. dte c:lt.arldarM*b of die s.-·· PoriW loocly, ...,. ... lo ..... lion ever looked upon Otriat'• apotlc.., per· K .... • I feed!~~ ooul' that oquobly·~juoted I !A-..., 111o Qood-at 111o -··• •"-,... spint J.D ~IUch oo ODe power or~~.. llrl•••'l-......... , ll 111e ••Dell talK I t~ proa~ or pr-edomi~t; but tn wbidt I , OMLY Sl IO _1 C lMS H• wbole .::~t• beoutifully moulded ud • ~ -I :::Je!-....,.:.. tobea':,J?'ect pattern of 1 .. .W ~a •." ~ ID ... r:-.• ~ a: •fl 1 t II' I y '' oo loe juot Hb that; not quick In I SIND YOUI GifT SUISCIIrTIOM DIDII TOt .._.......,. ............ ~-""" . I 110 w.i; ... bo.pty, uc1-to I 'Dfl ••Cif. mt &. Oou& a..,.; Con 10 Milar. OIIIL prto10. kt......,.. ud poilo oo He woo; oot I I oolhh oac~ oe11 ., ... ..., .. d--....c~ ~ 1 ud oo -1o otloeio oo He woo; Ia fed, I peri«:ttoe'o _.. oelf. WUt o i"l' to bow thotM 'DIIIJITII.alll ---------------~ ,.. ohoiJ ,bo Jib HUll .1\lo w..-J tntil lo I n ·1 _....., ...... • -.~a ... ......._"' an MID If" ar -l"l'· .,. ohoiJ .. • ~~~oo·.....w.. m. "' I . -I Ma~,wlth .. ---.,._ ... 1.,.,_. -· I ................. . .. o....__ ... ~oo..wr~•~~a,.... I •1111 • ......... ~---F--lo --·····----I ...... .. ... 1 n...,. "Cllrtli• ... I IF• I .,..__, II I dwwlllootloopt 0 0 L aTt...rriTAftt -I .... _ •• .., .............. -.. I --- ·~R'T IWIIOR EJIIGII SlCIIIIO S£Cl1011 --, ... 3 TIIUIISMY,IIAROIID, "" COIIJIIA DEL liAR, CH..fr. Art contest prizes given LOAOOIG 1110 In b'lld< ol I ••• ..,_,.......,..., rolla( ..,_ -IIJ 1M& .,._I I &I~J ... toftaodf1c. U...lo-~an 111M Vldd ,_ ol 1110 1M& t-hsm omc. ud Dluleo... ... vi ............. dlplrt-no ••,.,_ Qolllod .._ .....,. ..-. Wlllllo -. Canftllplulo-•eoot· ....._ ~ • : 1 c• IIIII aWU'dett l1llbou. ntrue: tla... cllM.t4d bJ Mia: •.-.s. Mia -·-------~--..-Lola ....... ollllo---·---ut SlrMI· Ill crldo --cart ..U IDd llrs. ao.Jd t 1, .-.... -toau ~~~r..i, llarto.o: lldlfOIIt-Htllor or t11o .,...,..... .,._ -...-IIIIOIIflla &ndt Duly Ct ...... U. KIU~; -· (.lacll Wtol -J ........ lrd lflde -£1tpbttb Dar~. --·-·-eor.. cltl liar· ...... -- -&ndt ltotL r-. 11a< II<AlllJior' c..,... 56 -••• Jldlocl 11J ~-crldo -Vktlo 'Grabam, Col. -~ u11 111r1am-E.-lop Pull; 11111 rrw _ Aadr• -ut t.oelltro, ... llrll, llo«:l Sooon. ....... tldrcl, IDd ~ place Tbkd plac:t -.. -"'-• IIJ crldoltoeLAI'IIId to reeolft r-. oro: Ida- priM-.... ·--cltr--Door Domu, Col--tllo llrll Pla<e crldo lop Pork; Ill rrlde -Mlola loft! -leo. DoBtre ear-del liar· Zlld TM lftDd prl&e wtJmer. crade ...:_ wanr eeme. Mart. -~ 4lb crldo,llear -•: Srd rrlde-lobDW.U., Str..C ScbooJ. wUlreceltea$25 Btiearle; e cndt -Kell1 al'lllp-. Keoolsoo, Corolla del liar; 5th Flrlt place wiDDer1 w1ll rt-crade _ Aadr• lot.ute, Mea. eelq P~· TbeJ are: klD-Verde· aod lth end• -Mark cltrllf* -Rldllrd Cypo, Will(~ Traey DoJd>r<l (Joial A $75 CHECK la being presented to Dr· u-p ll<llool: lllll'lde-projed), ~. Roas of the Foundation for the Junior Rkblrd Romw, Po._; Zlld Fourtb pla<e winners, also Chap J fin lf&de Beth ADa. Moooc:o, reeeh-tng rUJboos are· fi:ID:ier-Bllnd by Mrs. stanley man r •• ance llarlMfl; Srd rrsd• -Katby p.rte• -Terl Cro~. Pre- chairman of the Newport Beach Junior Tyler, Corooa cltl IW; 4111 lldlo; 1st rra<te-Ricky vu. HoME h h t ) rrsclt -s-.. Dennta, Boar quez PoDIOIII· Zllll p:sde - CISTOI IAIE FIIEPLICE ICIEEIS tMSIDI AND COI.Mil WOUNft c..,, ... L .... tf Plr.h 11 4A!I &I rlliJ ............. ......, • Will DB1Y11Y CoRfor_ootl_ • c_,late u.. ........ _ ..... Orco Block Co. BUILDING JILOCI:s • ALL SIZES • ALL TYI'ES T•Mo...-4': JAcU.. '7·2221 -ltet•U.. lt•at-IUO I , M.t.a. ..... A.- Ebell Club, (Karen Kovac P 0 0, Sb'eot; 5th crldo -P111lllp Mtb Ciarlo!,' VIctoria; 3rd SIIOW SET JUNE 20-29 TopJ, Newport; &ad eth cnde--grade _ Felipe MeudoU, Whit-Tbe 15th anotal Orange Coon-I-.J!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~:-:~:-.!~~~~~~_::!..!~-1 Naoey DllmstoiDdKsr .. Dewey Her; 4111 rnde -SblrlaySio-ty Home 11111 Doeorators SboW COM,LETE INSURANCE SERVICE (jo1Dt project), Presidio, pe.r, Corooa del Mar; 5th will be held under the JOlnt Junior Ebell lists gifts grade-JoanoeHelldrlks,LJnd-5pODBOrsllip of the Orange •inc• 1949 . The JUIUor Ebell Club of Junior Ebell eoottDuea Its LEGAL NOTICE bergb· am 6th grade -Joan County Builders Assn. and tbe Newport Beach Is matiJ:I&'dooa-amuat CUt ot $1%0 for care of Sa.Dto~o Victoria Orange Couoty Chapter of the lions totallng $1,600 1n tbtlr the Koreu orpbaD adopted sev-NOTICE TO CREDITORS East ftrst plae~ scbool etlb')' Bu.lldilag Industry Assn., a.c- charUy prouam lor this year. en.l years aao. CARE will re-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Will reeelve 1 certilleate, to be cordla&: to George Colour Is, Tbe fiDaDce eommlttee, calve $10, IDd $Zf 1&1 been STATE OF CAUFORinA FOR d1 1a ed at tbe scbool. producer. headed b)' Mrs. sta.D.ley Chap-pun to the Glrl Scouts lor the THE COUMTY OF CllA.MGE ~uL.DWl ot tbe mtlltt-medla The Ww ts sclleduJed June I &73-8650 I man Jr .a.odeonslsttnaotMmea. purcbase pf w1Jd flower seed No. A.aot5 art cootest AmerlcaJlism com-ZO -29 In the ADabelm Coo- Harlow Richardson, Paul Had-they bave plubdonJG~borte Elble of JOSEPH STA!4LEY mlttee wu Rovert L. Bruo.s, veOUoo Ceoter. Wally Boyko,J-----,-.,,..-::-:::-::::--,---=:::-=:-=:-:=-=::-::-:::-:::-:::-=-::--=::-:::-:::-1 ley, AUen Goody, Warreo Fll, Rd. FULLER al8o kDDn u J. prloclpal ot Collece Pulr. general manager tor George HILLIAR 1 & H 1 1 , E INSURANCE Gus Cbabre, Eupna Konch, JuniOr Bl'~ pts $75 for a. STAHLEY FULLER, DeeaMd., Sebool Tbe ~mist Clubs of Colourls Productions, said ap.. AV'I'O • J.lr8 • rla8 Edwzrd Wbllehouse Jr., Jay ea_.sbljl Aucb of Olmos, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Costa j,081 11111 Newport Beacb prolllnwely 5~ or tulllbll Moseley aDdHenryStotse.Dberc, $65 tot PQI'l;.o..Ue otaCarrouael to the credltors ot tbe abore domted tbe awards space has already been re-1 __ .,:•:;:16:_:H:,:E~l;_:IO::T.:.::A,:O;.,P,:;E_:A:;V:.;E:..;<:;:B;.:"";;.';;;";:•.;•.;•:;;rt:.,T,;.•:.;·•;;•;:;•.:;•;.';.: co,;;•.:.;,;oN;;A.;D;;E;;;l;,.;;";;;•;;;•~-...1 made their reeommendatioos .. at sllde projtctot; the OnDpi aamed deeedeat tbatallper.:xas • served. the general meetlnc. Feb ... 7. County Medieal Auillary bun taYiD& claims ap.tD1t tbe aid The Youth Empkymeot Ser-center, $1.Z5 tor purchase ot a decedeot are reqa!red to me vice wJU receive $1!5 tor year-Wrlpt resperimlter. tbem, with tbt DICeUUY round opera.tioo, aDd tht Com-Picture r.ncttq senlceawW YOOCberS. 1D tbe otn.ce ot tbe munfty Yolfi Ceoter In Corooa be preseated to the MarlDers clert oftbeaboft IIIUUtdeoart, del Mar will cet $100 for PAY-Ubn.ry &Dd Coroaa del Mar or to prBAat tbem, wb tbe ment of a ptaoo which hu been Ubruy try Fi.Dt Arl1 at a COlt DtC8UU'J 'fOUCbera, to tbt •- de livered. ot $1.00. Tbese wtl! ta.cllttate derliped at c/o Hlll'1rib. New donationsaddedtbllyear banctne tbe ut sbowswbicbare Harwtts 6 Remer, 430 SZDdSt., are $50 to the Mardan School oo CODSta.M ubibU for pubUc Newport Beacb, CalllorDia for the educationa.Uy hand.l.eap-YltwlDC'. Sebolai'Aips totaU1Dc' 9260, wtllcb Ls the place ot ped tor play equipment; $57 to $'750 to the fleldl of music, art, bua1Dea ot tbt lllda'llcDed In the Creative Day Care Ctoter, a.od drama at$Z50eacbwlllalso all mattars perta.1alac to the a pre-school ror children of be preseMed to fiDe arts. Tbese estate ot sUd decedeflt. ..WW. motbers who want to beofhrel-will be Umtted to senJors from s1.1: moathl: after tbe first pub- rare, for 2 rugs and salet,y;$235 Newport Harbor and Conuadel Ueation ot this aotlce. for the purchase of Resusl ADD Mar Hlp Seboola wbo ate to SALLY R. FULLER to be used by the elltlre Oruce oeed ud ...w atteiXl tbe collece Admi.D1strator ot tbe estate of County ln training ot pollee, ot tbetr cboice La oDt ol tbest 3 the abofe named dectdeot. rtr e and medical-self be_, a..od ftelds ot stu:ly. Dated February 2:1, 1969 many other gro~s. Hurwltl, Hvwtta .to. Remer PO-IM.' MIAIII CAIIIIA NOW AT 1710 NEWPORT lL YD. PH . 646 .. liH.:oala !llttta. SlOIN VICTIMS IIAY .,., 3ZIId Sb'MI GI!T REO c.IS$ It ELP 11owport Beoeb, CaUilnla IICftiimsl•.llld fllmlllu ftD 1'73-1020 -ed --loa dlorlllg All« .. yo !o< Adml.alolnl« tiM recent n.l.utorm m&J flod P'*'Ustl: Feb. !7, Kareb S, 13, be., tta'ouCb Reel Cross,accor-20, li69, In UN! Newport. Harbor dlllgtoJ._ L. Petorooo,aetlllg Eulp. cba.Jrman 1D cblrp of dloster aoenttoas In Newport Bach. To dale $3 422 bas been g!Yen PADUA HILLS TRIP to lDti~ Tietims of tbe re-The Nnport Harbor SeaJor cent dtuter aDd $1, '7%1 bas beell cu~uns, wbo meet IYtrJ Moo.-spem oo mills care. da.y at 10 Lm. lD tbl clubbouse Resldeots 1n bard hit areu at lniDt An. IDd 15th St"t may call the 0rup County CWS' Hann. we• to Padua Cbl,pter at 542-1137 aod u:-Hills Warcb 19 for lw.cb aDd a ranee lor an IIJPQlDlme• wlth perilrmance. AprU 9 tbtrewUl a Red Cross Caseworker, or be a "mystery trip.'' Fvtbtr drop 1D at u.e ora.oce County lnformatioo may be otb"Wid c~ beldq\arters. 2215 .N. from Jobo Stoff, pd..at:oc lk~y, Saota Ana. cha.irmu, at 642-UBl. SERVICE AD NilS QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAINED 'PEOPLE WHO CARE 2121H..ollkVD. J'ob:a. D•&OD D.Ot1!CIIDII.~ IDIDIIISTIIIIEIIV&n. • lill:l m • IEICin · CIIIAI -..... --· _,.-140·S•~o A finer bunch of troopers you ·11 never meet. Bur right here in Central and Southern California the Cub Scouts could be threatened. By dirt! And a Cub Scour deserves a clean unifonn, righr? At any price. Well, what is the price? A penny. A penny buys enough electricity ro wash and dry one Cub Scour unifonn. Thar's based on both washing and drying a load of uniforms for a den of eighr. Quire a bargain, isn 'r ir! Or take your TV set. Electricity runs it for less than It an hour. Or your automatic dishwasher. Less than 2t a load. Or an electric hair dryer. ( Less rhan It an hour. In facr , electricity in Edison areas costs the average family less per kilowatt-hour today rhan it did 10 ... 20 ... even 30 years aao. Practically everyone today is wing much more electricity- more kilowarr-houn-than ever befo~ and it's still one of your biggest barplna. Scout's honor. -....• ' -..rltMIOR EllliGII -~~~~-P•4 li.JIIA\',IIMCII .. - aiDA DELilA .. Q. . .., . ·-- From the .Police Bloner ·~Y,nB..II lilDII*-M8 YW', • • IIlii rl*'"'Mrcu;ICFI-IIM ..-ca.,_ nu... ~ ••••· 10, "'-• loo4 ••-• ~ an1 ..., ... ...,,.,_..., • .,., ._I_IIIOIIOt_ -a..eo.-.wutuoo -•lllll,wu_...,. ll"*"ldWIIriMiiclllwWII •---e--llf 111o .-c1r 11r ._...., a.._.ani,.IINHOI,-ll .... _lo_al._ lila iloratu" WilD 1 I ed 110 IIOiiOt ........ In"' u ltd to $10, ·-1 ....... aald iAn7 ""'"' Ill VIa Eboll, Lido 1111 ,_1 A.... .._ 11111111, 1111 11_. -police ata. -laad, 1 .. DarroU, Co* ••• AMIICto-o,ato..lla .,...,. u -Ad lllld1oc -· ao u -~ -e Ilea . , Tim o..-, liS Vlo Ate., c.r-dtlllu,r-'"'1 ..... .---·....-.. --···-~~-. Lido ..... -9 tho l!loftol$49 wortllollooll !0• :-"-,, • ....., ani a ~~~~ Coltoa st., N"'-~vw ~~·~--~~·~ -~·-!romp lllellloDre~ llddti~!;D" aB..-ai,I'IO •llr port --. laid llliiD ICC._ -·-par---ae ,, ---... a. ~liM aUiuU t. ' 10r .. s tot:."nc "'·50 were block oC lnlDI An .. 4 tapg Mlcnut Stcmu. '7, oUU eata. were loll l;lalllnd • • • lloA>Y 11111 Dr., N_. HoJ&IIIa, wu -, LEGAL MOTICI LEGAL MOTICE ropllr -welcomOCI cars passln( a neaot lot a1 CNolls C&J!TIFICATE OF Bllm!ESS STATE OF CALIFORNL\) dtmaJIOd lila col!lsloo --l}r. aDd Clay Sl, wboa a lariO F'1et:tdolll Ftr Na (ss drlYtrll Robert Crotts, 181'1 crey Wetmara.oer attactecl aat m me COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • W, Balboa Bh'd,, Central New. bJt him OD the left lee; tbe dol THE UHDERSICNEDdobere-011 Febr-J 5, 1969, before port, aDd Cbarlas ll&}dea, 1710 t. qoaranllDed tor 10 <kJI a1 bJ cerut)' that thtJ are coo. mt, tbe ..s.ralped, ... a Notary Bater St., Cotta Mesa, atNn. S100 Clay An., Newport ~~~,In aDd llr laid Cow1tJ port Bl'fd., 66 IHt aortb o!Z9tb Hel .. ts ... c~acUaraaowoershlpaDdoper&· ..., _ ---••• HoD o1 u .. --tmut ..... 1M.... e, per~ ti'IPIUtd St., West Newport ••• -· ..........., IIAHY ANNE IIAHCH .._. ud Ill otber bus1Dess reason.-to me to t. tbe per.,;._ wbole • WEDNESDAY, fEB. za • THURSDAY, FEB. 2'1 &My reau.d tbereto, \mder the oa.me 1s subeerlbedtotbewiUd.D MelYiA Cusll, 22, of 415 KeMetb Grocbow, 18, oUlSI tlettUoas ftrm name of AL .. Instrument as tbe Attoroey in N, Nelr)Ori Blvd., Newport Bray Ave., Costa Mesa, wu LIAHCE NO. ONE and that said Fact of HARRY E. MARCHIDHelcbta. wu arrested at 1:10 arrested at Bayside Or, &.Dd f1rm II composed ol the fol .. actoowladpd tbat sbe p.m. oo the charge of bur. •hrlDe Afe,, near Bllbol. 1owtnc periODS wbose aames in scribed tbe·oa.me of HARRY E glary , • , Gregory Jamieson, 19, lslaDd, at 10:00 p.m.aodbcr)lctd full and place ol residence are MARCH thereto as prloc~ of 1007 E. Balboa Bh'd., Balboa, on the charge grand theft of as loUows, to wit: and ber own name a.s Attor wu booted 00 the charce o1 auto .•• Mlcbael Kelley, 42, Robert L. Taube 2622:Ctrcle ln Fact. druok 1D pubUc after he walked of 301 E. Balboa Bini., Apt. 3, Orin Newport Beacb Ca.W WITNESS my band and of .. down Balboa Blrd. In the Balboa, was booted on afa.Uure 92660~ p lope w T be zW octal seal. Number 1 lane, picked ._, a to appear warrant ••• A tool , ene • au • ( ·•flooded" sip, and threw lt cbest with tools valued at Circle Drlwe, Newport Beach. s) Marcia Beots onto tb dden.IJt Aotho $149.50 was stole~ from a car caw 92660· Harry E Marcb., Notary Public in a.nd tor e • • • ny I ·Mar Anne M.: • h 314 said County aod Stat Tarul.lo, 36, of 614 ClubOOuse in 10 minutes between 5:30 afXI c 0 Y u-c • e Ave West Newport wuplcked 5:40 whlle the car was parked Buena Vlsta, Balboa, Calif. (SEAL) ~ ~t McFadden P~ce aod W l.D troot of 3325 Newport Blvd., 92661; LawrtDCe J. Pflster, 39 STATE OF CAUFORNIA) ( Oc Front C l N ' near City Ha.ll according to SbeUer Cove, Newport Beach, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. u:anbooked ~n e:: e~-:r:; Jack Root, 2105 'E. Ocean Blvd., CaW. 926&2; Wtulam L. Bents, On February 5 1969 before 1 1 J .. ~ Balboa Ted Fouts 5112 810 w a .. ., Aveoue Balboa • • sexua pervers on • • • o,... • • • • • ~ • • me, the uoderslped, a Notary Ryan, 20, of 611 w. B.llboa Seasbore Dr., West Newport, CaW. 92661. Public l.D and for said CoWJty Blvd., Baltoa, was arrested at said a thief cut away the moul. JOSEPH HAMBLET, executive director of Newport Beach United Fund, explains the agency's operations to Earlene Net- zeband, 2018 Beryl Lane, Harbor High- lands, employee of the Autonetlcs Division of North American Rockwell Corp, Auto- netlcs, which supports UF on the basis of the number of employees who live In the city, contributed $200 to the drive. WITNESS our baods this 5 day a.od State, persooUly appeared 500 Narcissus Ave Corona ding on his VW wiodow, pried ot February, 1969. LAWRENCE J. PFISTER, del M:u-, and book~ 00 the open a YiOO wing, and stole a LIDO MAN HAMED ROBERT L. TAUBE known to me to be the person charge of possession of mart. stereo tape deck and tapes, PEPSI·IOOilA Robert L. Taube whose namaissubscribedtothe jua.na ••• Frant Fraine, 1065 worth $119 ••• Two cars on M~~"':~c::~:.~·:;:.;::: PENELOPE w. TAUBE within instrument and ack.now. Dover Dr., Harbor Highlands, Part Ave., parked 60 feet east llas been named Penelope w. Taube ledged that he executed the Slid his Porsche was stripped of Ony:r Ave., belonging to Sey. and assistant to the presldeot HARRY E. MARCH same. of 4 hubcaps while parted at mour Brown, of UUnois a.od Pepsi-Cola Bottling Compaqy Harry E. Marcb WITNE~ my hand and of-Fas.bJ.on Island ••• An unlocked Kathryn Stiel, 200 Ony:r Ave., of Los Angeles. by Mary Anne March Ocial sea.L garage was entered at 4704 Balboa [slaM, were hit by the Mr. Mooney has been Attor ney l.D ta.ct Notary N~ptune Ave., West Newport, car driven by Dorothy Spear-dent of Laura Scudder's. LAWRENCE J. PFISTER (s) Marcia Bents and a Honda. was stolen trom man, 1401 N. Bay Front, Balboa to his new assignment he Lawrence J. Pfister Notary PubUc in and for Earl Deiter ••• Cordelle Island, at 9:35p.m. • . corporate vice-president WJLUAM L. BENTS said County and State Bailey, 219 Grant St., Newport • fRIDAY, FEB. 28 director of trade relations for William L. Bents {SEAL) S~res, declared 10 stereo Francis Benson 56 of 1140 Frtto-Lay, lnc . For a number STATE Of CALIFORNlA) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) tapes worth $62 were stolen w Balboa Blvd 'Balboa was of years he was:.::,~;:,~;=~~~ (ss. COUNTY Of ORANGE ) fl"om the car he had left bcked dr.ivtog 15 mile~' per hO~ in a and general manager u ... COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On February 5 1969 before and parked at 206 Walnut Ave., 25 mtle zone hitting his brakes Wine, Oriental Foods, lnc., On February 5, 1969, before me, the uodersi~, a' Notary ;:vrport Shores ... A GermaD oft and on,~ swerving sotllat Los Angeles. He 1s past presJ ... m:, the uOOersigned, a P(otary Public l.D and tor said County epherd dog stuck his bead out a car had to brake sharply when deDI: of Food Industries Sales Public In and for said County and State, personally appeared of I he gate at 2134 Braemar he caught the eagle eye, of an Managers Club of Los Angeles and State, personally appeared WI LUAM L. BENTS, known to Way, West Upper Bay, and bit officer at 1:45 p.m; when he ant;! past director of Southera. ROBERT L. TAUBE and PEN. me to be thepersonwhosename Karen Wille, '1, or 482 Fran. failed the sobriety test at 16th Calltornla Food Employers ELOPE W. TAUBE, ll:.oown to is subscribed to the within in-cisco Dr., on. the calf of her St. and W. Balboa Blvd., Cen-Council. me to be the persons whose strument and acknowledged that leg··· Patrtcll Healy could-tral New;JOrt, he was booked on EDNA THORLEY OF names are subscribed to the he executed the same. ----the charge of drunk. driving... COSTA MESA Dl ES within instrument and acii:Dow-WITNESS m:1 hand and of-LEGAL HOTIC£ Kenneth Beck, 18, of 2306 w. Edna Tborley, 130E. 20tJ,st., !edged that they executed the flcl.al seal. NOTI CE OF HEARlNG Ocean Front, Central Newport, Costa Mesa, died March 2 at same. (s) Marcia &nts Notice Is hereby given that was arrested on a warrant lor her OOme. DR. WILUAM a LANGSDORF WITNESS my hand and of-Notary Public in and for the City Councll, City of New. failure to appear .•• James A housewUe lor 60 years, of 301 Cameo Sbores Rd., fl cial seal. said County and State port Beach, will, on the 24th day Harper, 21 , of 326 Rochester Mrs. TOOrley was born AprU l.D Cameo Shores, wboassumed (s) Marcia Bents (SEAL) of March, 1969, at '1:30 p.m. 1n St., Costa Mes.i, was arrested 9, 1879, in Maryla.nd. Sbe bad the presldeDCy of California Notary PubUc ln and for PubUsh: March 6, 13, 20, 27, the City CouncU Cha.mber s at 6 p.m. at Balboa. Blvd. and Uved Ln this area for 23 years. State Collep Fullerton to said County and State 1969, in the Newport H.ubor 3300 West Ne'Wfgrt Boulevard' 13th St., Central ~ewport, add SV"!Ivors Include her lOllS, Marc,, lt5t,' wu ~red (SEAL-) Ensign. Newport Beach, hear and con: booked on the c~re of pos. John of Costa Mesa and WIJUam lase Sa.hlrdi.J, March 15, at a ----.,-,-----,-----sider all protests trom persons session of dangerous diugs. ... of Maryland; a daughter, Mrs. dinner at 8 p.m. in tbe Aaahetro LEGAL NOTICE L £GAL NOTICE objecting to the proposed des. His $100, sign captured a sip J. Hansen of Santa Ana; a grand-conveoUon center. He Is a era .. . . trucUon and removal of all collector s eye and 00 longer son. and 2 great-grandchildren. duate of Occidental College, NOTICE OF HEARING Southwesterly havmgaradJusof weeds, dry grass, refuse, advertises bl.s shOp, grieved Services were held March 5 holds a PH. D. degreetrom UC, - NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:)0 l.m. to 9:30 i.m. -wOrship )erv•ce q;45 1.m. to \0:45 1.m. -Sundiy School 11 :00 1.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Strvict 11te ••· J..u o. Bl•'"· Pu&or Th• Rev. Ocorac J. Butdiecker, Vi1itation Pu10r "'-e $41-3131 Gristiltn Sciance S..ices HUT CRVIICII OF camn, saENnsT 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNOA Y SCHOOl 9:154 ..... -.. 11 ...... SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -11 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I, ..... READING ROCIM ··~ .. ..,., 9 ....... 5 , ..... .... ,.., .. ..,, 9 ..... -7:·U , ..... T .. ••4•y _,. Foi .. ._.: 9 ...... -5 , .... ; 7-9 , ..... S....4ey: 1 , ..... .c , ..... SECOND CNuac• OF Cll..,-. ICI£HTIST Ncwpofl Beach al Corona del Mar 8100 PIC! ftc VIew o.. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ·- SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .... 'lt'EONESOAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 , ..... READING ROOM - Mutual Buildina 2863 EasL Coast Highway Moo. • Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs day t-Vt-biug -7 to 9 You arc cord1ally inv11~d 10 att~nd Ch~ch Scrv1ctto and 10 UiC 1hr Rcad1n1 Room. L~~t ... r•O..rct. Ofthe ........ L.tloo- Ciwrd. itt A.erice . 1900 Pec:ific: Vi a• Dr. leo-• del Mu, c.t;r""" Dr. Willitrn R. Eller Phone 644-2664 1 :45 ..... r-ily lo,.lriip 9:U a.•·· Cllerr..ll Sclloo" 11 :00 ... !1 fudve hMip ffUISE11Y PIOVIDED firat hptist O..rllh .. c. ........ . R11rtl•n Ribl" rellowshlp lrul~p~"-~"'-A•IOIIro•o•• S.to ...... Mot•lie Srs. Or. P .G. Neumann, puwr SUNDAY SERV ICES i :45 a.t '• Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Mornin1 Wtouhip 6:00 p.m. Train ina Unions 7:04.1 p.m. EvCnina Worship WEDNESl)AY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina UTEMD THE CHURCH Of YOUR CHOICE REGULAR\.Y ClNTIAL IIlLI CHUICH II:YI[ .. I .. O SII:JIIYICII: "00 ...... THUJIISO.I .. f' ···~I! 'TUOV lt.N O ,.otlt.VII:" 1 100 ...... .. Uitllllll" OUiliJNO le:lltYICII!.S ..... , .... ,.,_ c"'. of OJ-. .,.. 2W. tt. c.. ..... '~"" M I lo.,..-.. 11(4 """' ""'lllllt ••I J M I llt-dl -.._ ......... A FrH -.1 , •• , .. ~ .. , C•~NI.,._. CMI•Il• Chrd ,.. ................ ,.. ..... . PETITION FOR 2000.00 feet, the Soulheasteriy rubbish, a.nd other auisa.oces Robert Millar, 141 Crystal, at Pacll'!.c View Chapel, wltb Berkeley, and 1s a former ABANDONMENT OF HIGHWAY terminus of ~d curve being listed In Section l0.4B.020 of B1lboa Island; llle dark.sta.ined the Rev. Loren FUcldnger as president of PasadenaC1tyCo1• .. ... S.rYicc M4 ()urda Sc:t.ool at 10:00 L"'- Nottce ls hereby given to all tangent to a line parallel with the Newport Beach Municipal wooden sign had orange letters olflcia.ot. Lnterment was at lere. !=:~IL~l~~~~·~-;.~,..;:·~··~·~--!'~·=• :•:;,·~·~G~·~fl~·~-_j freeholders In the Fourth Su-and distant Northeasterly 24.00 Code. The oostof suchworkwi.ll spelling ·•Nutv!Ue," and for-PacWc View Memorial Park. -, pervtsoriaJ District that the teet, measured at a rightangle, be assessed upon the lot 0 merly graced his business hearing on the petition of Frank trom said center line of Main lands trom wruch and/or ~ ~ 1308 Park Ave., Balboa W. Richardson, et al, filed on ~treet; thence Southeasterly front and rear 0•1 which soch ... Nanette Stanford, 2045 E. March 4,1969, fortheabaDdon. along said curve through a cen-nuisances shall have be' d Ocean Blvd., Balboa, reoorttld ment of the hereinafter des. tral angle of 2* 39' 02" an arc troyed, and such cost wft~ 0:: the $22'1 theft or a stereo cribed Main Street in the Fourth length of 92.52 feet to lasl men-s titute a Uen ~0 socb .lots or deck and 12 tapes from Supervisorial District, in Or. tioned paralH line; thence a; lands until paid, andwillbecol-•.. G. Graybar, 745 W. ange County, C:difornta, has long said par.a.llel Une s. 67 lected IC)OO the De:rt tax 11 St., Costa Mesa, len his been set for Wednesday,the2nd 14' 31" E., 1,425.25 teet to a For fUrther lntorma.Uon r~ati car coat on his motorcycle day of Apr il at 9:30 o'clock, tangent curve concave South-Fire Prevention &reau 2:45p.m.-by 3:15p.m it ns A.M., at the room of the Board westerly wLtharad1usotl,624.-673_1315_ missing ... Dorl.Dg the nigbt, of Supervisor s in the Orange 00 feet ;. thence Southeasterly R. J. Briscoe, Fire Chief $95 worth of stereo tapes and County Administration Build. along said curve through a cen-P<Jbllsh: March 13 and 20 1969 a stereo were stolen trom the l.Dg, SClSUioNorth Sycamore, Santa tral angle of 17 • 52' 35" an in tht> Newport Harbor E'nsign' vw be .longing to !lay Bigrerstalf BEAUTY NOOK 2132 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del liar Phont b7'l-1l36 Ana, a rnta. arc length of 506.69 feet: · 1530 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa .,. Said Main Street proposed to thence tangent to said curve Over $200 damaps were suf.l ~==c:-::--=c==.,.,=~ be abandoned Is described -as s. 49* 21' 56" E., 150.30 feet LEGAL NOTICE fered by 2 cars in a collision BUILDING CONTR~TORS follows : to a pol.Dt in the Southeasterly at the intersection of Balboa REMODELING and ADDITIONS The rea.! property situated in llne of Lot 206, of said Block CERTifiCATE OF Bl.ISlNESS Blvd., and 41th St., West New- ~lock 60oflrv1ne'sSubdlvisW>n. 60 distant thereon N. 40'"37' 5'1" Flctltious firm Name port; drivers •ere Kazen Hous- Ul the County ofOrange,Stateof E., 24.00 feet from a staodard THE UNOF'.RSIGNED do hereby m•n, 4905 River A,e., West Callfornia •. as shOwn on a map Orange County Surveyor's cert!Jy that they are conducting Newport, and Roger Elliot, 405 recorded w Book 1, Page 88, monument at the lntersectionof a Real Estate business at 2865 Canal Dr., Newport Sbor es . •• • ~Rf.f. ,.LAM lf.R\I'ICI! Miscellaneous Maps, Records the center Unes of Main Street E.ist Coast Highway Coronad 1 • ~REf ESTIIIIIATU of said ?range County, being and Culver Drive as sllown ~ Mar, Calllornia 926i5 undert:e • SATURDAY, MARCH 1 532 .. 59.49 tMt porhon of Parcel 102.01 Orange County Surveyor s fictitious fir m name of Stuart-D1Diel Mayer, 17, of 154-t AMERICAN as described In deed to the Alignment Book A/SW.mv Robbins, and that said firm Is Mlramar Dr., Balboa, began County of Orange ~ecorded Nov-page 805. composed or the following tbe month by bel.Dg arrested at COH S TRUCTIOH CO. ember 28, 1966 lll Book 8113, EXCEPTLNG THEREfROM persons whose namesinfulland M St. and E. Ocean Blvd., on the Page 345, Official Records of that portion lying within the places of residence are as rot-charge of burclary • , • Jobn said County lylngSouthwesterly Southeasterly 2'1.00 feet of said lows to • .-lt· HUdebn.Dd, 1010 Linden Place, of a liDe which is parallel and Block 60. Pa'ul Virs:it Stuart 330 Higtl Costa Mesa, had to be wrestled concentric with and distant Reserving ande:rcepUngtrom Drive Laguna aea'ch Call to a pollee unit after officers 4'1.00 feet Southwesterly, mea-this abandonment an easemtmt forru_; 92651 ' ... answered a caU about a drunk sured at right angles and or easements a.od right to main-S~Jey Arihur Robbin 563 in the parldnglot; hewu booked radially, from the follow1Dg ta.iJ1, operate, replace, r emon West 36th Street, San s,Ber-on the cbarp of dlsturbi.Ac tbe described line: and renew all now existlog sant... na.rdino Calllornta peace ••. Mark Moran, 23, of Beginning at tbe standard tary sewers and storm drains WITNEss their ~s thls 'ltfl 920 Clay st., CWl Haveo, wu CALL DAY OR MIGHT • llaDDWII • &D•TIOIS UCEISED I -liD FRED H. GEfnllCK :104G.I ..... ' 673.a.1 -54'· 217t • CDSTAIIESA ~3361 • ORANGE ~,..., e HOME IIIPROVEMEHT CEMTER • ANAHEIM IJI6.03111 COMPLETE HOME REPAIR SERVICE • Re-screening -Re-glazlng-Carpentry • Electrical -Plumbing -Small Appl, • Lamps • Furniture Reliable Work --Reasonable Prices mt 1. C1u1 , .... .,, c:.. -..... _ 673-2033 Orange County Sunepor's and appurtenant structures in, day of Marcb., 1969 found passed out at the wbeel moownent at the lntersectlooof ICK>D and ower the said highWay P•ui Vlrgil Stuart of hts ear at a parking kit, .. ~ the center Unes of MaiD Street and all portions thereof and Stanley Arthur Robbins 2948 E. Coast Hwy., Coronadel ...... ._..., • (formerly Lane Road) and Har-pursuant to any extstlng fran.. STATE OF CALIFORNlAJ M.Lr, and wu booked on the c-.... & P....,e ..._. -f& 'ard Avenue asshownl.DOrange chise or reoewal thereof to ( 5 cbarce drunk in pubUc • • • ••k.......... ..... County SurYeyor's AUgnment maintain, operate, replace, COUNTY OF ORANGE s " Norman Cirkle, 1626 Ll.nc:olll c eu WILCOXoalil i ... N Boot A/SW-mV pap 802,frow remon, reoe" and enlatge all COUNTY OF ORANGE) Lane, Harbor HlgtllaDdl, was U ..... ll HAIDWAII wblch monumeot a 2" iron pipe oow e:listtog llnes of pipe, coo-on this 7th day of March out ~lAg wben a bedroom .....,..._ ... s?pl'••• c.a..-..... wttb a tac marked R.C.E. 787Z, du.tts. cables, wires, poles, aod 1969, before me a NotarY wlJadoow in Ms hOme wu sbot ,. w. c.a. H., •... a.. deslgoated as P.L 15 as shown otber coDYenJent structures, PubUc 1.n 100 lor' said county out bJ 1 BB (tiD ••• Marcia ,.::eu...:.,. l.D said AUcnmeot Book at pap aquJpmen&. aDd n.uures tor t.b8 &nd state residlqtbtrtiD,duly Uuttn, 2157 Ocean BIYd., 1:..:-==~==-::c=--~~~g~~~~g:= 805, bearsS. &'J• 14' 31" E., openUoa otp.splpettnes.teJe. eommiuioo.d ...t nora, per ... COlOGI del War, aid ba" ear FLOWERS Z,SS&. ?8 feet, more "' loso; llfiPblc IUid tol-U..., lllllall7 _.. Pa.. Vlrllll ,... lllrljlpod ol a radio aDd .o\I.L OCCASIONS U.Ooo:e alooc Al<1 ceotorllDo of railroad llDos aDd a.tthelrao-Sluut aDd Slaoloy Arllur ber parae, a USUO 1ooa, oo Harnrd AYtoiNI H. 40' 39' sportaUoa or' dittr1.butloo of Robbtns blowo to me to Feb. 26, W'bllei)U'UdatFubioa J:JrM.I T- U" E., 7.3& tea to a l1ne electric eoerc:r, petroltam a.nd be tbt J,.r10u: •bo• oamea lllud -ber pane wu later parallel trUb a.ad dUtaDt fb" ... u. prodactt:, ammoo.La. water, ue nblcrtbld to tht wllMa toad oo. cwr Or., Mar 1tance tbellt•ly 7.00 feet, mtUUr«i &DII tor l.otldtDta.l purposu, tnstrument &Dd acblowltdlld Eulp 8Chool , •• Joo.Mutert, at r1chtiJIIla, from saJd c•~ By order of tbe Boud o1 to me u.l tbey u.<:•ld tbe 11, of 1954 BalluteWay,eo.ta tu IIlii ot llaloSirnl; •-s_.-. ot 0raop c-, am• Ilea, aniGr_,.~lt, a1ooJ aald parallel llDoS. n• Calltlnla. Dotedi2WI4tblllyoi wtTm:ss my-aadoftk:lal aiiOI?CopolloCt.,c:Mallea, 14' U" E., 217.17 fMC: lo a Mucb, 1SII9. ..u, YUt arr.-... at ea..sr.or.. ...... .,_.. coaca•e -II. E. lrT JOHN, c_,-~ v R--· M C:l5 p,m.oaiM'*'IO ..... ., wD&nd1111oiiCIOO.OO CWt ud u~lo Clerk !1oCarJ hbaic Ia ud for llJd ol bltlil JII"IJ Ill nert liZ· lloll; __ .__.,...., ai!M-dal~• aldC:O.yaadstale. collca -• ....._-•• • aid .... ~~~~-a -al Drup c-,, (SEAL) --LoaU, 1'10'1 Alllpa ..... ot r W 01" u uc ~ 11, "-•I-...,u .. l!t.J, DoHr Aarto, r-'"'1 ...... al 11.11 IMI; -Ill' -· L. Cutelll, All(llltiS It'll 1M lllolala..-plo--. tse '•--...,a.ww (JUl.) ._,.,, P-t~ar.,·ts,zo,l?,JjlrU ww111 '1110; *liDo-· Jl" I,, 1'11.1'1 ... tr -: ~I -I 1 .. 1 II tllo Newport-1lo dmw u li 1llld • 1111, • ..... to a tse ,...,.._.,. , ...... Jllarellil ud JO, ~. R•...._• _,..., .. a *Ia. TIMI!fT! PIIDIII.I 1• tDt ...... ,..,. ...... c:.T&-.A HIAIIMG AIDS HAL AmSCHER HUIIIIG ~~~~ '-'"" ............ ,., e. c.-HWJ· c. ....... 67WI» ( .,__ . '-·-·~ ... --.,. ---·----"-- lf'll-.,.Utr .. II I I • -.... !21171 -·--All __ ..__ NtU'JI¢ .. 3300 L C..•t Hwy., CJlM 6n.9605 • PAINT lo WALLPAPII IIAIIOI PAIIT a. WALLPAPII PIIUio .... -Olltdl lltly Pllots•CIIIIJII ... IIoa U,OOO P4nERHS OF IIALU'APER Bit IL c.-t t~wJ, • c. .......... IIIUT,._,_..T .. ,. -~ Shrvbi, InteriM Plants Tropical & Tr"s ln .. ctcides ond Fertili1er S&H Green Stomps I :Jll'.l' IH.III"I:Rl" COIION4 DEL MA• !l't!ltSEirY 1144 [. r out HWJ ., IU~IM • PLUMBING A. R. MARSAC PLl:\IHt:R 7.k1 C..'anlalio•n Av~. (\oRIIlOI Jd \1ar Plumhins Repairs 1M Y ·' Nl UIT WATER llt;ATERS 673-4130 • SHOE IlEPA!~ MABI:RRY'S Shoe Repair Puts.e •nd Luggage Aepeir -Dye Wotk SI.H ST MrS ONE DAY SEIMCE 1110 Hatbor II veL eo. ...... -.... 3311 .. I «r n. ..... 17M 'Ill IEII'OIIT MAIIIIll 6111111 RCOIID S£CT1011 ~ -P"' 5 Agenda for planners COIIRIII --=-= - uo. ... ..... .,..c--..... Lc..-.. -.. ... . ,. ....... ..... M!WI BUSHIIl.L TELEICOPES Architects join firm James W. Reacfn. William E. and Hubl. S. Nap, project de- am K.. Sb.nley Bell taan siper. oamed associates ill tbe Yr. Reagl.Q joi.Ded T/R/A lJl Mesa arebiteetura.l tlrm 1963. Ke is a aatin of Atluta. 'lbomas/Rlebardooo/Asso-and a 1951 graduate trom tbe U ~~~~by Robert loslllule of Te<booJocY. M. A.lA., prelldeot. Mr. Madel' joi.Ded tbe ftrm Prenoas IIIPOI.DtmtDtl.lDclQ. 1D 1966 after operattDc llis owa drtd JotiD C. llitcbell, respoo.. flrm for a decade. He 1.s a i iiiiiiiiiiiiillll.····llb·le·Jbr··C>·DIIUDelCial projects, Dlt1Ye of Soutben:l Calllonda, obtaiDed aD associate ill arts COMPLETE FUNERALS ,., •• '245 deiJee from Gleocla. .. Colle&e 1D lMa ud jotDedalocaluebl. teetura1 firm tbe i>llo9111c roar. He otulaed b1s tacbelor of arebJtecNre deP'ee from t6C 1111951. COMPLITI FUNDAL AND IUIIAL CINTU iltnuniallfarlt ....... ...,.._ ··~ U. One Be.a11i/al Plla" Beause the fuDeal ~ burial Rnller CX1iUpt e!jmjuta the need for pcocessioal lbmt.p beatJ tra£Bc on mttaowded hipways, family iod &ieMs alike may POW pay their fall re- spects by attending the burial tenia, .. 1rell as tbe mapel sene. a11 at oae &eauti£al p.a. at laa ooet and more COlli veniencr. 1•1 .;.1.a .ACH K.YD.. WUI!t.ISIM 714 TWI 1 I Na1 llr. s.n lad worled b' a drleklpmelt c:omp&JQ ud: eu- Uer operated aa areMtec:bral arm. ball 011 1a1a OW1l ud 11 -"""-uotlllran:lll---lie "' • -ot .,._ c:o.tJ, ltt.:led Orup Caul CoUece bii:Jre gbttiDIDC & -lorol-•clt- -tbe -1111 ot Call- -at -·ley l.o 1954. llr. lladlr bu lln'.t Ulft· lldtol ot tbe SU For-Val. ley c-ot u. A.~Dtr~eao -ot Arc-., ud Mr. Bon "' a put dlr-ot u. .,._c_,~. &tL1Z MOlnM.RIES 1741 ......... ., .. CDITA IIIlA . ..., .. _ -I. CIOMT IIII'.,.Y CIJIIAI&IUI Olllele ,.... .... ,.u ;)icreJ ~reisure .Jlouse 10 Write for FREE Brochv re & CatalogtU \1 \2 NO MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED 112 ~T !«<T"' 8T. INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN A&.OCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast llicllway, Carone Oe4 Mer, C.lif. 92625 telaphone: 675-5010 IIIADomc:l 31!1 [. Oolotldo -· -·· Colli. tllot lala;Nooe: 449-2M!I • --, GI?ICII eo.w.. •• tdl'l _ ........ \ t~re\\' "''i£e ;1s f;tsf ;1s lt;ttitt s latrtJest. UtnPieen wars to save did 11. We reached our first billion dollars in 35 years ... twice as fast as the Nation's Largest. Our recent merger brought the four Wilshire Federal offices into the Glendale family, giving us 22 very Z2 OfFICU NOW SERVE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I I thought it was their new offices in Monrovia, Chatsworth, Costa Mesa & Mid-Wilshire. convenient offices. Each of which pays you highest ea~nings everyday, any day, even overnight on all our Umpteen Ways to Save. Nobody pays you more, more often. Come see us soon. -100Sou1h Flrsl Avenue/~-175 Sou1h s--!yllrMI/~-7119Topango Canyon Bou....,d/Cit loa-~ o...onoNro-/~- 1833 Newport Boulovard/Doao_, 8030 StonewOOd sn./EJ-1ot62Voi'-Y MaH/1'111& 1oft 320 North Hort>or -/Gio h' (Main Oftlce)«<l-- Boulevard/Long.._.. 5535 ~StrMt/laci .. WIII*• 3500WIIIhlre ~/lla:uuolc 535South Myrtle Awnuel•• a 11123180 Honolulu Av.nut/Nsz;art ....at 2333 EutCoMt Hlghw~/Pecllc P' F'IF 15215SunMt Bouil'vWd/PIII t .. 722 EuteotoradoBoule'Nd/ .......... WIIIC ....,..,..., •• , 1101111111730 Rlw<lldo llrMI/-CIIr 12111 VoniiWa Bou-d/T•r-3832 Sot>ufWdo Bou~/Y-4n Soulh Millo -/W II "' m 0 10111--loull\onl THE NATION"S SECOND LARGEST PIDURAL SAYIMQS AND 110AN ASSOCIATION WHSIIE YOUII -ST IIAIIII8 TMI IIATIOII .. 111-ST IIATI 5% CUIIIIINTANNUAI.IIATE I 5.11% CUIIIIUNTAIINUALYIIELD I 5.25% IYUII-ACCOUIITI \