HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-03 - Newport Harbor EnsignJANET JILUION, 7th Jl'ldor at llonACe EuliP> Sebool aad
state ,._ ID lllo DAR Amerlcaa b!Story USOJ -..t, Is
pictured bore with Mrs. S.lah 11. Reber of eor ... del filar
at 111ft, recent crt the local cbapter of DAR, aDd lilrJ, Robert
A. Speed of Balboa lslud, American hlstory month chair~
mao tor DAR. (Eosli!O pboto.)
Tbe Dr&apters ofTbeAmert~
ean ReTOl~ioo baYe selected
Jaaet J~ • 7th crader at
Horsce EDBIIP> Jlllllor Hllh
SeOOol, u w1riDer of the state
award tor ber essay on "Molly
Pttclltr, blrolDe of tbt Amerl.
can Rnollldon."
The award was anaounced at
tbt Jt'.te coufereoce Much 4.8.
Mra. Robert Speed, American
b1.torJ Chalrman, SIJI that
Janet will be presented with a
volume of "Historic .spoQ
LD Callfornla. ••
Jaaet Is lbe c!au£(ller of llr.
aad llrs. Roy Jill-191%
Holld&y Rd., BaycresC. Juet
is active 1D GAA Uld 1a bel'
cburet. St. ADctrew•s PrubJ ...
terla.a Cburcb of Newport
Beach. Her flther 11 a mmer
t•cher aDd doi>Utmelll bead at
Newport Harber Hllh Sebool aad
DOW is USOCI&ted YUb tbl
Corooa del Mar oUlce of Pacutc
l<utoal w..
1.1 I JT
is ch
sex education • 01
• 1n
Fin troleee c•Mld:&tes tor Wedoesday nl&Dts,, wtth each "Tbe most lmporta.ot ••
tbe Newport-Yea UaUled sttadeDt accompanied by 1 be said. "ls tha the tllin&16 belped Ybo bl.ve saJable sWls,
SchOol Diltrict wbo .,U yes. parent. ust DOt Yldeo ow! :::' to tate care of themselYes and
terday bellr'ttbe Harbor Forum Mr. MacMiUian wu tbe tar-:e child a.bd ~a soc~ tbelr famllles." He also sa1d
CU.CO.ered u.t tbe createst get of most of the tm-ssiODed .. __ 1 par u tra.-..1... tbat tbe state does DOt pa.y lts
of __ ~ .. ~• -wor~, can see .e ~s ~..... 1 ----·•--_ _. ~ .... .,, ... coocerD memuo:~~s pr.,.._. 'Questions. Hlsposltloowutbat f lewhooeedbelp 8 ...... e 0 _,.......__....., ,_.,._. was aex education. the Harbor CounctJ PTA re 0 peopln to 1 tbetrowue beJp take the k)ad off the local
At tbe preaent: time, ac .. quested a study that "Z9 we go? g 50 ve pro. tu;.yv.
eordln&:toRoderlctH.MaeMU .. strands" Dad bee~ wrltten by =ms .~': ~le,lleb:t:s Pastor Henry E. Jones, whO
Uu. tbe OlllJ tncumbeat can. community 1-.:iers and that fhlesc., m a "' has 5 children In 5 difterent
dldatt pream, the remua.ntofa implementation ~ ~ to tbe re ln ~~ d to other bases ol schools, stated, "Our school
pre--uoJAcatioD sex education . board. He also said tba.t he felt the cur.!ic'utum, Mr. w!cMUlian board bas laCked leaderstllp for
course 1s carried on by gym the public should be given an said "Youngsters must be too long. InregardtoseJeduca-
teacbers 1D classes at Newport opportunity to eJP!'esS lts tlon, there has been coDfu.slon,
Harbor HiP Sc::bool. At Kaiser. Wishes as to placement of a F t"l m . cont.radlctioo, and conceal-
doctors aDd reucsous leaders family We course 1D the CUI'· g lYe s meat."
ol tbe bold classes rlclllum. For 2 months, the Pastor . I saJd, be lla.d tried to tiJxloutthe SIECUS m o :" .. a:~ .. ~ .. ':.::·~:
rucutum, He was told by ooe
A rum preseot1D&Dr. Mary writer, ''it is coofldeDtlal. we
Ca.lde:rooe, uecutlve director are .not allowed to divlllge this."
ol StECUS (Ses: lPforma.Uoo aBS "It SbOWd be gtno to tbe
Educa.tion Couocil of tbe United people," Aid Pastor Jooes.
states), is belDg sboW'D to lOth "Let us see what has beeD
crade &irls pby&ical education doDe.'' He added that pressure
eluses at Newport Harbor mp sboold be put oo to reveal the
Sctr:lol. bibUographJ before the elec-
Tbt rum strip 1s eotltled Uon.
"Morals tor young people" and He declared, "For too ion(
~ publisMd bJ Guidaoce As-we have prE~JUed yoq c!l1J...
aoc:lates. Dr. Calderooe wbo tn. dren. t::lr collere wben. they tave
traduces herself as es:ecuttve no desire to 10 to collep. We
director ot SIEC US, says 1.o must have ooe vocatloaal b.igb
tbe tUm that tbere are new sebool to Pfi!JIU'& tb6m for Jobs
medicines. oew lnventioos a.od tor labor or bua1Desa -or tbe
there!ore wby .not oew morals. radicals 1fUl pt bold of these
Orator Steve
wins 3rd
ste" Jump, studeotbocl)'pre.
aldeat of tbe CoroQ& del liar
lJI matlo( tile selectloo DAR
looked lor orlpoouty, top-
bUlly, lldboreoce lo tile IIUbjoct
Ud &mouatolreseucb.EDitrJ.u: 0etecttM !ps""" views h011hl.h hclul. Tbost who tan Ylned the restlesa kids.\"
film, I.Dcludln.& sbl:leots, sa.y He &lsot!lYOI'edareturntotbe
that tbe rum claims parents emprasts on readinc. which be
are trJtnr to lorcetbelr morals sald LatbelluiaJor &lllarniDe.
and k*.s on )'OUDI people, wttb "Why tu th1s DOC been doae
the 1d:1m&tJoD that the moral before?" be asbc1. "llotbv
"'"' Seboo~ atteodod lbe -II*Cb quallftw at WeatmiDiter
fllcb ScltooliDCl WOD thlrd place
trom abed 6,000 coatelt&Dtl ::r~r.s~~=:= HASHISH FOUND IN BAY coatest.
iiumtncton Bel.cb aD&)er • tJashlsh, aceordin.& to ~-~Uve IUidellDes are old fashioned aoo after motber bu come to me
Tutld&Y off a.n 111 st. Al Epstein. DOt IIIPUcable to tod&y. as a pastor &Dd saJd tbeJ are
Ute blr-OJ eacll of tbl 57 wrappad Tbt presentatlm 1a a llimu .. cleaH.aec1 wttb tnt rt&dtlle
tMftlt pa:G.Jes i.IUiprea.d 1 ama:l w dl8cau• ~ bOJ-Ilrl IJI'OII'Ul.''
. ._.......,.."""'""-C\.t~~~ .. ota 'll"\@skps~·wts••• •·to._. ... ...__... ..••
I ;; .. wi!ilo!!Jt~W tiD ......,~,Ooiaftllo .i..ut -*--1 , ID a?i•Hcwll awards:. na a trUIIt t.l1 of "---• A.."''ble 11DJhil t. scue~-. Yetwtar tbe film Aid the moat, ae:t pay tM .ld...-" :~:::~D~C. 111 J lbot ~ Boaeh ponce A1 • • ..., autbor, oa 1m .. il W"l!'lb &boat $Z50 000 It ls bellYed Ullt the trunk tt plutli tbe suqestion ot pre-Mary M.arUn, eaDdtd!lte 1a
tM **' pcwtaaee 0( 1i11rJ:ab1c tbtblltcrJ A.1 aftAtmpt to p~ll the trlmk .., ... 1:'~ either for later marital relatiOns. A class dfs.. District 5, stated sbe trU
..-cb a.la at stadx'd of oar creat cocmtry." ~to tbl Pic by a p.fflnc tmt pi~·tu;t _: oT• ~Y a.ccldem.~ w!len cussloo follows the rum LD a1: against 9eJ education aoo fell:
V'ld,..t:lt)' iut year. It ls Mrs. llerGlce Bowles tea-... 1.-_ _. .. _,, of ·~ •-~ll be'•• •-1ed r .. ,.,.VJ._ .. tow. least 8)1De ct the classes. that a secretin approach. had ., -.1 Ra-ter to-11• to-.. ...... ' -. ....... ua.u '""'"'" uuu.r .,.. IUII&U -..a~ ........ u. J ea·~ u .. bee --·· by tbe __ , -·-· ~~ c-.. ..... OA.R member, pre-wrl)l)td paekaps fell cU 1n O.;eet~Ye EpstelD st.atad that a.~s. aoe ...... e • who ~ n ......., DUiU""U -.au ....
2 == ~ aurvw~ at HDted tbe elsay cootest pro-the nter. The Harbor Depart.. smu,Nlers ma.yhuebarut!'!"tgh. troducedtbtfllm l.DberphystcaJ should be brought out into the
.Jtude at ject. meat, aichd :,y Lltecard B1ll te38\t l;)y a patrol boat aOO ectucatlion classes Z weeks ago, open.
Ccwooa del Mar Kip Sebool, TbOSe wbO participated lntbe Wills, recovered all the •lu•n.;lle 1 ~bt reflDed mart)a.. said she had oot viewed tbe "The board sent out only ISO
wblre be hu beel1 acUn 111 5tb. 6th aod '7tb andes locally ' · • tum .heb-e present1Jlg it to tbe questloonafres by mall. ooJy
ttllinl perameat, oa tbe JAeludetbei)lknrlDc: c h k"ll N B d t" t stlldeots.Sbemadeoocommeot lOJ: were answered, and yet tract team aad bu woo • NEWPORT SCHOOl., 5111 ras I s en Is about tile qw.llty ot coateol lbeJ were .... to d .......
P U"'GS Jocal speeeb coo.. Cf'&de-Robtrtlobosocl,anrd • • afterwards. Krs.ElleoCartcot. stOOy guide."
..... He WOD tbiiDct.l Amert. wlDDer; Tam1 Dobson, Usette Dr \~ l•' H. LUm, Newport juries, were tu.s 'trite, Patty; &Dd pbysJcal educaUon instructor, Mrs. Martin stated tbal sbe
eu lApoG speeeb ooalest ud Wb1tater otue C•mperwre Center deatist L"ld Bay Sbores children, Nancy, lots, Kirk aM said she bad Yiewed tbe ft.lm, taYOred stressing our American
tbl local Lloal Club COIUit 1D KathlleD 'o.ren. Hea.tber cro.: restdent, died Ya_ ·cb 29, after Douglas. but staled sbe ~ it was beritage, felt moucommtmJea.
Fellnai'J aDCI Marcb. He wu sen, CbdJ Palllu DI:IDc:u an aD accldeat oo In.tarate Dr. !.Jan. w!»o ns lormerlJ Jli'Qbably DOt a good ooe to .show tlon was needed between the ~ bJ tbl MUOGS.c Lodp strauss PbliUp TtJPy 1.&1ln. a. DIIIIIJ' Oeotlllo, lmperia.l Val .. }Ocaled 1n Cocooa Jel Yar, bid because people are out to get board llld lbe people, a.od felt
U tM cUm!ldtac )alor boy Ml.Cc;re'p Jlld)' ~ Val-ley, otrlces a.t 400 Newport Ceo.-SIEC\.5. She said the I'Um strip a more sensible curriculum
lui Jill' &Dd bJ tbt Optlm1al erie JoaU, Tanya ~ Rfd!Dg wUtt Dr. LlDD, tr.a ter Dr. was secured throulfl Dr. Jobn shou.kl be de'reloped. She crltl-
Cllb tll.1l Jtu u out•ndfnr Linn. lofluoa, Dand ZlDL ' 1lllh e t except for ml.oor in-Otller survivors Lo:lude bls Dean, curriculum director of ci.Jed cla.sses 1n ceramics and ...aor boy. • NEWPORT SCHOOL .. 8tb M motber, Mrs. Bernlce Um ot the Newport-Mesa Sc::bool Dts-tb.e ac:ricultllnl procram.
Ill ... eaned tllit cllpwol Cflde-Robert Ken, award rs. Hans p..,.:-t.1eaa, and a slste, Mrs. trlct. Direct tlJiatloDsbouldbeused ell-ID -• -wllllo<· H-Rotc~ JW B d h • tor ~Is, ••woy sllould our bylllolla-lFor-cLoo-Wbo 'Cathy Lar-Dehbl IOATMOTORTAICEHo oar liS mooeycotoWoiShlogtoo"""tllell
.... -Pre-J-Jooe~. lloo1ca Myer s, llary Lorenz d t"es LOSS SET ... T $1,351 be sent beck to our distrlcl?" &Dd PretidtatNlJooweremem. Kotot Debbie Brook. A 100 bolse power outtx:.rd sbe asked.
bersoltlllaameorpol'llloo •tioRA.cEENS1GN,'11hcrade molornsstoleo!romaBootoo Schml"fz bt"ll Paul ...... Y. caodldate to
wlllll blpaclloai-.Pre-_ Jaaet J~ award wlmw· 16~'t.,.~ LotR':i eos.; Wba1er betooclDc lo Wllllaro Dl&lrlcl 7. said. ••1 am-
.._ Nllioo 11u -tile Pat Lawtber Rebe<:ca Paatuse' oc • • Campbell, noo EsteUe LaDe, to ... edocatloo; but ,.. 00_
studtlta tlillt bt wtl1 att.aDd Uld HJlarie Mocire Heldf Luta ' cwrs, wUe Of b'mer CotJv.tJ .. H&rbor H1Plands. sometime The Newport-Mesa Unitl.ed posed to family We classes.
cSn tbe .,-. tpMCb at tbt AutalD aelDtJa.i.t. Miles c ro::. ·mlltl Hw J. L«eoa. died res-betlfee March Z5 and !8, at the School District trustees YOted But I don"t kOOW bo• you can
Ndolal c:oat.t terday morolDc at bet hOme. Bl.nx:. Yaebt Club. Tuesday Dipt to send a letter diYorce tbe two so 1 am q)-
• stD. M:•. Loraoz ...... bora U:.., After ~ attempt to UDtlolt to the state legislature urging (Coo.tiDued 011' Pace 1)
"Hipple" Jaoette Jobuoo Is sbowing a peace and rietory
stp after sbe IDd ber bustJaod, ruttartst Dudley, woo a
prize lor best laleot at a poriJ pven by the Doug Ly...,
1706 E. OeeaD Froot, Blllboa, Saturday llight, Yarch Z9,
Tbe JotlnsOils, residents of Corona del Mar, sang a soD(
to tbelr aecompanieM oo tbe ruJ,tar and tambourlne. (EnsJ.p
Private streets
are under fire
Private streets LD oew sub-
divisions came ln for a erlUcal
loo r at last week's meeting of
the Newport Beacb City Coun-
The agenda item under dis-
cussion was the use permit re-
quest tor tbe Nortbbluft' de-
velopment for 576 11111ts.
Tbe agenda item under dis-
cussion was tbe use permU re-
quest tor the Northblutr de-
Yelopment, Deaf Vista del Oro
and Eastblutr Dr. The Holstein
tract comprises 84.35 acres,
deslped as a pla.nned resideo-
tial denklpmeot for 576 units.
Daren Groth of the Plannin&:
departmeDl said tbat tbe side
streets are private, deslped
to ctty standards for a planned
resldeDttaJ denlopment. bUt oot
w!de etiOUih to be acceptable as
publlc streets.
Couocllman Paul Gruber
raised an objection: •·we
sbouldD't accept streets not as
wt.de as pubUc streets. We tave
already received requests tor
ta.klng" O't'er law entorcem"Hlt OJ
private streets."
Vlce-U:;.yor Llodsley Par.
sons remarked, "W~ llan
alreedy permltt«! this sub-
diYisioo to go abead lD ae-
cordaDce wt.Ul tbe allUDe
pollcy. a. perbaps W'i sbOWcS
......... tllo pollq." vo -peri
Councllmao Gruber a&reed.
After approval of a motion to
grant the use permit tor
the general developmeot plan
of Northblutt, Councumao Ed
Hirth offered a mot1011 to direct
the Plannl.ng Commlssloo to
study the policy coocernlD&:prl.
vate str~s. Thls mot.loo &l!o
was awroved.
David K.aykn . represedin&
tbe lrvine Co., objected to 001
of the coodit1xLs speclned 1D
the use permit: that tbe teo..
Wive and tlna.l map bouuduies
be uteOOed to the ceot•U.
of Back Bay Dr. and ttat 10
feet of addU1ona.l rl(ttrt....of-'ftJ
be dedicated on Back Bay Dr.
Wr. Kaylor said that sucb COD·
dltloos sllould be attacbecl to
fUtur e deveklpment of the lWc'
"This is tbe only wa.y to
protect B&ck Bay Dr.," CouD.
cilm&D Gruber saJd. ''It bu
been understood for a ion& time
thai Back Bay Dr . will )eantbe
water llDe tmless It 'IJ'OUid be
to tbe public 1Dterut to
be ot..benrise. We b&ve Lu1aed
on tbe ceoter UDt ol Bact Biy
Dr. a.s the bcn1D4arJ. becaue
tba1 is ODe W.I.Y to USIII't tm~
proyemeat of tbe roM."
Tbe rond:Jt'on• perta.l.aiac to
Bact. BQ Dr. ••• r...._
ill .. CJ-=1 wa;tM,
AD lDqu1ry into tile Yeoereal S06 iDf:aJlb were ~rn WUb
d1saase pull ns IIDIIertUea by S)'Jibih; tbere ware Z95 datbs
a member of tbe Costa. Mea ella .. .,...us; 517~'ftre
RepubUca.Lt Assembly W'bea .. ~ Ia WM' 11 u IJDid· ..
discoYered that ooe of his em-lftk ..... mare-" .U..
ployes ns lnfeeted W'Ub V.D. Uoa ..ftllbe.-eoaCUIIonlk'l
· The inquiry, which tnclud@d y.-r&J diselseprolf&ms1Dtbt
visits to boUl the Los Angeles ,_,. ..ung Ddt June.
and Orange Couaty beaJth de-
partments, revealed the m ..
formation that venereal dlselse
Is on the increase to suct1 u
utent that it is considered aa
The iDformatioo wu SUbmit~
ted to the Costa Me$111 Re ..
pubUcan Assembly, and a
r esoh•ioo was pused.. urgin&
the state legislature ··to I'IOkl
deta.iled im'estigatiOGs coo-
cerniDg venereal diseases to
t1Jxl oot why the disease nte is
cllmbiDg rapidly, a.od to klot
into remedies or solutions. ••
The resolutloo cites tile fol-
lowing !acts: In 1967 YeDereaJ
diseases tCJA)ed tbe list or re-
portable coromunieable di-
seases 10 the state for the
6th consecutive year; there
were '72,056 rE$)01'ted cases of
venereal diselllses 1n the state;
A ue permtt ls beiDc ICMIIf!ll
bJ Edward F. Wanl Jr. -'
Cbadn ~. Tayklr b' a &Oif'
driYlac f'UC't at liDO Jamboree:
Rd.. otn1SS hm tile N...,.,....
I-. 1bt reQUest wtll be COD-_,.., by tile Newport _.,
P.....U.OC CommisAnl at ltri:
AprU 17 meetiD( In City HslL
Tille appllcuts ue tao r ...
questJne accoD:IP&JU'iDc' t!lci-
Uties, 1DcliJdlA& a rerrestun•
stand a.nd oo.ale beer.
Serpaat Wlllt&m J. Sbeebeo,
soo of Mrs. Irene Sbteb&D f1
180: E. 15th st .• CWf Ha.•-,
ls OD duty at Tuy Hoe. AB,
Vletam. He ls a ftlel !C)KIJ.J-
ist. a.sstgned to a UDil or tbt
Pa.etrk. Air Forces.
T • 1 zs. 1909, in GJeDdale. Sbe was a tbe 300 pound motor la1Jed a defeat of s.s. 35, lJ:Uoduced ar mUSICians are tops ~~: ...... oflnllleeouteo..., :.~-:: .. ~::~~ byT~l~lUJ~·=.; •• tile RESCUE FROM PW CAMP RECALLED
At U. ,_. _....ca.cwt SurYt'fOI's 111 addltloo. to ber Ugyed tbe motor, wort11 $1,351, right of local TOters to deter~ Paths u.t crossed in dra-thai year tle ns oommlsslobed wu about at 7,000 feet..-..
PI' I? I til bf 1111.,.....~ OJ'UCI C0cmty bOoor lud. husb&Dd are Z sisters. lfrs. was stoLeo bJ thlens wbocame mine local school tu ce111Dgs. matte flubioa cturln(Workl War as a tnd UeuteiiiUit at Mather pulled the rtpcwd otl. bll para..
mule .,_... ot lfnpart MQile Dlttctor Ricblrd A. YarjDrle l.&Dt ot PaloAJto.and by boat, astbeyacb.tclablssar-A "sleeper" cootaiDed ln a n were J'et"•led aJ TUHCII.y's Fiekt, near Sacramento. Tbe chlte, ud be ca111e doft afely
IIU'tiOI' 111&11 Sca.a. t 8tllklr Eaclud WU l)l'esGed &plaque Mrs. CoiiDJe Blata of lqw:a 1'0\&Dded bJ a 6 bJt leoee wttb btU acklpted 1967 p•e local meettaa ot tbe Corooa del Mar I:Jl}Owl.ng April be ns oYer. 11t8U the Uttle bl.mJet of RWe
'h rtordftd lal oo bebslf ot tbl Bud Boolters Hills. · loebd ptes. ' tx.rds autborltJ toral.se scbool KJ.......US Club. su.s, sta1ioDfld at KJJnbolton 111 JUUWD C.'IUQ', ..ar u.
...: II* c~ b)' JamuFltacvaJd. BlDd p I" b HI I o· taxes, beglan.i.D&'iD.l971, wtthQW Hal Aebtsc.ber n s program Fleld. ODe of tbe muy 8-17 Datc1l border. He ..... captwed
• Booi'MJ prelldeat, Jareeopl-0 ICe a e or lmes a vote of tbe people. cb&lrmu lor the day b" the bomber t:ases 1n Eagtud. by Gcmu CI'Yll.La.la, tw8ld = ~::.:Wit Uld Hall ~ IJla OISbtandJnc 8N'rice Tbe sctmol board vote OQ tbe Khraolaas, a.oc1 he lntrodoced Tbose ftf'e the ctars o1 tmes-orer to U. oer.u allbry, :.. ............ = to tile ldlloo1 Uld the JtudtDta. Tbl Colla Mea pollee de. Tbe pme Y1U be staced 1D lbe mot1oo was 6 to O. Trustee Sub Ana Postmaster Hector corted bombtng mlss\oas dee~! IOd traD!p:lrtild mat lip« s ta
IICIIi?Oiect ta llWU'd, &ad CtrtUk::lte of ~Uoo putmelt lllltbeOn.DpCout OCC om at 7~p .. m,Mmls--Dooa.Jd Strai&SS aMt•foedtroro GodiDu as the speaker. Tbe 1DtotbeMartolNuJGermi.Q1. SaJU...,-Berlla.ll.,._,,
---tllonc:tploolat I r-.-C:0U.,. --wiD cO> ldoo Is $1 tor lldulb, 50-., -· .. lot lJiocnl>hlcal IDtormatJoo Flc!Ur plaoos -· ld 101 1945, tile PWs -· -loodDC 'b'oWPN"'I werepr-e:;..ctnt to tb1 *»liDwlltc t11ttJe b' the Man::b ot Dim• w1t11 a Jtuc1tat bodJ cud ud 15 The baud &lso 'I'Oted to ask PJ'O't'1ded by the postma~er ~ ..wr. aaxlUuy ps ol Sa.au, k a 1-'f'Hl. trtk 01.
lldn blUe n:::-•nrd. S.... par..U tMir Mnte. ud oa U. ._.,..,,c:o.tApr111S. eata tllr U m:t1111der. a letter be sent urgt.ae tbe Ust.:t bJ.s military record u tanks for loa& fllpt.s, &Dd tbe bJt toward SCJCMra OlriMII)',
IIIIDr • _._ ol tbe ID)'dJ Co tbt SaJJor tucl ada Tbe COlla Mesa PD ww lea-p&ssap of A. a 808, an emu~ ta.M: comm&Dder wttb Gen. bombers bad to eo u aJo-.. eadlar 18 a S..ciSJ' &lid s_.... ...... !lo;:.-.aa--.,...,...., .... aad,.rs.Jim•• Earle Brush•ere _.--· u LL ....,, ........ that wwlll be c.or .. Pa-·· Army ....... ll&l .... "" s .,,......, u _.._,..,_r._• '*1& 'to •:.• ba.lllat. FIDflnld. Mr .. UI111ra..Frld A..aaSraUI&,s,t.GaryBuwtc. ~·to the tlrst Qftbis tMwu. ••lpiiDr, ud also u ,_-..._..._ caM lea Ulu
a ·-lla'Q'l~..,.., llr, 1111 IIH.-succumbs Set-Suo~ LL-'* year. 1t wwld-aaad-llalllod-reuoo tore-wbOo tllo sllllatloo de...-_~--· .. 1111 Ill Ptp Bud .. AI a ...... Mr • ..S Mra.. Al'rtlllln1c MOQIII• Clluo c00UID. Matt ditioaal relmtursemeot to member Pal:toli's hard lllttlltc His ft.r• mtssto.wutlfw-Bre-0.. or ttJe Air ~eaa.J ~af-tllo.tiiSt 'tn.,. lliofort c-llloaD 1111 Earl J. -Jr. at Bll colloli; cuuao-.Joolta-ltboolc!UtrlctsbeYIDgl80ml-army,aadbe......,.tdUPolt-meo; t11e-wu Wllt1e11 ... ._IIMPirlwuBIIl-. M*"C,_ ~ llud IIIII .. lin. IIDwvd a.o,.a.. Be&r J..&llll, b'mer eoro. dt:l --. ROD PaliDM', ~" aat81 kllderprtea sessl0nsot30 mutw GodtDes mleht be t!l-lal.f" &lid t11e11. came Hamburc, ...., ...., Ill IIIII "'""""*·
A 8 Cox DIES AT 82
Marr-atiiii ___ ,Bcwt•• ... Gory &p.M. -wttllltoacber. mlllar wttlllbe prl-atlDJ-,1-TMbomboww.BaJa_,._ __
• ~---"~}~! .. ,.,.taL TM pol1co-wiD llolld SUHRISE SERVICE AT ...,. .,.... at 1<-L DMr RCC-.tiy dJ ..... ootbotllof _, S Ill ' af tllo-
I 0 -L -u-llltldaby-IPuJI<nPIII,Qfts HARIQR .. GHSTADIUIII ~~--··-beWU,be--lal -.... a.J'I-~J4lr:tllalloaalllll
A-. B. ~-tllr.. ara-II,...... Bo 'IIU bon..-._ Ed-. J._ --no ---~ bO ftl II IIIII ttmo .... pia. ftl llord bll l!y llal<ootllo oo 811 -of - -to 1m _..;;;:;;; ;-:; ~n .,..,_ ':" SMip~ ~::;.la'*'>, ... cuootoy ud Jbo BoUa.TM-af rtea ...,leo-"' tllo tllo---tllllliben-way boot. ... __ .... ., -
T-OUOt.IOIINIIll llf lo Ill at ol La to '"'·Attllo-tllo-lac-hlrY-~~-Harbor IU-CIIOb tod tllo PW-oa April It, Goo-•ltl*I' -no u•..,...., _....,.., .~: ' ':a "'..,_ ... .,......, .. ~~or~ Duo •ODd. o.-. wiD be ..... at 5·10 ._.._ 1101 ,.,., _ _, .... ..,., .... --.... -aftr.oad~~~o _ _...,,..,... 5 , .._
-atCtr ,... at t11o-~ -tlao,IIW'Wlll ... ,...naa.--, at 11M No.;,..t-wvtaE...,.tatttl. lllc"""-Fwii ___ •l!'I"IIilo a 6-~~~ ... --.~~~-~-'""'-•• ,.... o.at~~~osn ,.,_ ...... ,....-of ...... -*· ~ ............. 1111 -.:..,.,,.. ......... • •• t. ol .. -..... lMs ... will bt ;:a -tile:--tll?t CUiilll' .. u. I Zl .... I ' A,, to ..... .... :.:~ .. :-.=..-;::=-... -=~=~ ":,t.;"'"'-lola wiii, =T~~UCt~ 11. a,wn•_dll_af:; FlJIIc FMIIW -v' Wl<lo" orUillO_._
11111\11-•• I *1 ..... l ., .. _ ~0toJl ,Otni.U.. Dr ... -ill!!:;aa.=..::,m-a ~=-~:'.:.-:e:;.:.:.a;;:.:11 ~ r•aa-. •a.. .... c.;::c:, ''i'*' laoof.._u.;,_..._ COUI ccsr r•P r. .. -=,..._.:,. ,'Zf...,..,.-•~~o~•• a _,:.~
La c ...... ,_,_ Artllll.:.:..'i...--of~----.. .-......... 7
-_lo!lfla..,. __ ... ------of
.. _.I • I el .. ,_. 'S Cll$5 ff · ..... a..-'* ..... fllaOCC tql• era I 1 ............ ~ 0 ....... IU ......... AltriiiAMIII ~ .. :::=m:rt~rw: =:·..!!~: :.: -.:=.. .. ':"-......... ..:~=.:.:· .... , ... ;s:m-.~=.~ =-~~:':".~ :.=:::~Atl=:~!:::=~::::,~ 's .... L --·4 , , 7 Pill. ... , .. 'al ...-n .... '* Wit • Sill Ill aD MTE I 1 ..... 'Qnsrts Aa AmJ .._.._Ill .... I 2 Cl::l$11 1 ,.u . a.. .......... ~D I a : ..
stra.igh. t lr a-ce "'-to 1111 PIOIIIua_of_. tao .llllod ,._ lo tao-. .,..-&I 61141 r..,lln ........... Cl ....... ,... n.tn, a-.1 &-... ..... -1-(IIOOIIIo-lilla ____ .,_
J'ar a I 1oio ---lit -Jftlll lit. In-..... tllollo .... -tao .. ,. - -11f-1o ....., taua_UII_ .,_. -af tao-· THE PAIIM I'IOiliM WAS MADliN WASHINGTON sr-IM-ata-oa-• dilriiiiiJ .... ..,. I r..,.n 11101-Y..l Dlr.
-... ,... ....... &*?lllof~IIC-.............. _..... ot ........ troa llll Of'PICIM. II•-. Now io the time I<> retw11 -'-ric .. alfkul. Department o1 Stale IUid the ecw.,_ Somo -· 11111 1o 110-..,. .. _ ~ -~~~~~ don ot Pari
Of' llll OTY Of' Mil-T IliACI '""' 10 tho privale ...,.tel placo; -b !he or lhe poaplc who boVc boeo ouppoood 10 bo 1o • lola Amltll:a, 11101-,. __ ""'wool bftnlo -ud ---oa
TBB HAlt BOlt AJUA'S OfFSBT NBffSI'AI'ER lime 10 "" the Americou r ....... !roe. Oovem-oolvioa <he probl"" ~~a .. bceo ......, ridlz,_.._ Dwl&llt Dol'ld ----wua u .. to -1M JOI)On•. TlioJ Off~_. prl .. l .. ,.._ t. ,._ E..lp hi.WI... menl commodity holdinp m low eompucet to trom 11 inatead. Instead of pn:ventta, the ua1. lf-h ,,., a ld..ICI7p.-..... mo.t e.U:IIllllll of er..,. eo.t:F, added t~ae-..-cr.••••rr
2121 & C... u-C.O.. Ml ... C.W _.ftUS.. recent standards. and world demand fOf food it many ~enaton and ClOa.p'ailmeft lt'C J11 011 lt. U .,. thlln wu. oot, JU8Id CIIUlN 1'boma.l, .erlllr)' af to dlfl&t t111t ..... ,, aid wiD
..... ,., ' at an aiJ.Iime blah and aoln& hiaba' hlaber Keycoospi.ntonaremembcnofCoo.ar-wbo&Wa)' 1111 PridaJ, IU ttelr tMltl.fJdlllrllcU..Ba.nt •• tMtJdotU.a.liOIDJC......,,V~
TILII'IIOIIIL 67:J.OHt (Aroo c..lo 714) hiJI>er. ' ' bavo bia land botdlnp IDd .,. ¥Oiioa !hem---1o 111o 11<-ICJ' Ia _ ...... -. D1J...,. allut.
THE N.tifOIT BAlBOa ENSIGN •• ,.,. o.ay •• ; •F• priMed We ne~ more food taei'VC:I tbao we DOW selves laraeu from tbe public trea~Ury. No 1110, fto Ja tM cwrtll Mr. namu.. turm• lll'fllli· AJtlr Prtllldllt RoD•••• _. ,.w~ i• , ... City of Newpon. Be-ell, _. , .. •yloc:elly haw, not as a matter of farm policy but to pro-member of Conaraa tbould be allowed co reo-~tsttMC ot tM l1a&ttd SW.. dMt ot tM lrtt.DICompaDJ,.,., dMcl, Pr.adlat ll&rl7 -rna-a
....,... aM .,... .. •w.p.,... t• tllte N..,on. a.;...c ... u. .. lcct ounelves flom a hostile world, «ive one dime from uy aovellllllnllt qricut-Rtebud ..11, MiiDD. bu ..,_ Urilc at 1111 BQidtre T•.. took 001111'01 of tbt MUoL n.
ANa. PUIIHM ...._ly, oa Th..-.ct.,.. S.CODd cl ... po•-r ,_14 Only "ddente .. and the interat on the fed· tun! aaeoeyl cet4ad bbD, Ccwo. delMar HDIICDbentM e&ml Prllldllt II II )R'U'
• C.... *I .... Callf. eral debt exceed the annual coat of tho "farm Of the $7.5 to $8 billion apeot oo '"the farm Fono.rtac tbl EICIJA prec.-late .....,.. 'uu a mu of wU:b bU ~Pr.as..t ~
TIE NtWPOIT HAABOI ENSICN w .. M j..t.ed 10 be • •••· pf'DII'm." (At least ~ of lhe $7 billion tbe proaram'' annually, 'only about $3.3 billioo--. lit 11 Jbi:Mit: ~<r.-. UYt treiDtlldlloal-. He tleed ard II, NIJDL TbiJ c»DDIt::clllct ,.,., of ,. ..... circ•l•toa by eourt d~ f4o.. A-20178 d.ted USDA ds · ' Pr -.. · ·-•· -........... -.,_, 14, 19SI. i• S.,edor Court for the Couty of Orr. • State of , I pen each year OD . aanculture 10111 to farmcn. The rest Joel 10 btuuucrat1, ~~~ e.sdeat MlaoDJ" erS.U wU11oat ,_,. or bu1fa..-the WiliGt I -I ·~-
c.Ju •• , .. _.by -• tWeof ia ~allfled 10 ,_.u:r.u pllblic for prrce •upports and rtlated •t~m.-mostly to away proanms, and nonfarm people. Fn Amerteaal, .., .. .mce tlol, alWUa ......,ncwb&twu well, Ud Rlcb&rd Ill. M~
.otk:e• re~Jretl b 1-. biR farmen.) Seven billion dollan a year! For 30 yean the politicianl bavc been prom.. tbe t1mt ot Glor .. WaM'QitM. tbt rl&t.t tiWic to do, IDd tileD p.1Ded ~~ Ul*'iNcl Ia
AR'VO £. a':.3A ................................. Owoer ...t Pllblieher That's $2,300 per farmer per year! If the far· isina "'parity aoon ... If the farme:n ever ad pat· bate DIWited tbe wlde-JIIIftM do.1Dc ft.•• baDSJ1n1 •tlootl atralra. lit
PEC HAAPA ............................................... .A.-oci•• Editor m~n wert allowed to vote on that, they would ity from the aonrnment, it wm be the parity of popular lllPI&J tbat wu ae.. GeDII'al EUtabower, 11ke bJ1 na tM btJr-~PPUtllt to tb1
suaSCRtPTION R.\TIS vote overwhelmingly to get the $2,300 in caah the prison cell, the parity of the strait jacket. <=orded to "Ike''• u oar paople prot~ .. Ptllldlat Rlcbard 11. tbrooe but tb1JtCt did DOt 10
I• Hubor Are•: Oae re•. M.OO; 2 ye .. , 17.00 each year and plow under the USDA. Russian farmen all bave parity. affeeUoal.teiJ called blm, NiJOQ, ~ tbl babtt otwtA-nU iD tbl nJUDc proeectw•
0\11 of Hwbof Aru: ODe ye•, IS.OO; 2 yeara, 19.00 To assume that farmers would in reality get Parity i• not the answer. 'Parity is Marxist: Prellldert MliDDprobabl.)'wu D1Ac batUu OG tbt 6)ott!ll1 1o DUno£1, &ad s-tor lobi.
<II. .ltJtj ~ .ll.p
ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and·publisher of the Ensl'l'l
$2,300 net aain if USDA were killed is to u-"From each accordina to his ability; to each clt»er to"Ib'"tli&.DU701»1._ cridlroa. He .Pl&Jt4 b;alfhaclt F. Ke!Didf woa. tbt 1960 tlee-
sume that USDA does no good at all and that" accordina to his need." Cuban farmers have 1D poUUcal We. Thtrt wu a &DCI woo. bl..a l6ttlr OD tbe 191Z UOD. Wblo pteltdeat Keaaedy
it serves farmers only. But kx>k how mucb "parity," and firing squads. If American farm. fatba:r-aDd-11011 relltiMJblttbt-West Polllt roott.U team. was ~sa11t•ltd, E1-Pres1-
"&ood" each farmer could do for himstlf and ers desuve parity, then why don't ra .. ilroad twteD tblm,lrecalltbeemodoa How .. tr, abattl.Djaryeutabort deDt Lyodoa B. Jobuoa toot
country with that $2,300. As for what USDA cl"nductors, blacksmiths, farm mapzinea, Ne. paebd tpl8ode wbell. VJee-Prt-Ms t~M~tranduate &thletle eootrol, oa.1)' to hlrD tbe &0-
does for other segments of our society we grocs, Protestants, profeuionaJ baseball playen sldeDt Mb:oa wu PWIOiall1&t-CUter, Ha'Jirtblless, be ooee Yeroment Ofet to PresldeatRl-
should, as the teen-agers say, "Kill it quick be. and Hubert Humphrey? tacked bJ polltlcaltoemllii.&DCI coaftdec1 to a frleud that be bad cb&rd M. Nboa,
MEMORIES: POLITICAL, SENTIMENTAL fore it multiplies!" Allbaugh 60 million acres hav~ been taken bow tbe lll'esldeDt ltood bJbtm. bad a 81Uet loDctac to beeomt We bl.'lttbtJcouola.UoD: Now
The death of Dwight David Eisenhower
brings to mind two items of close personal
interest -politically and sentimentally.
Here Is the political item - a world-wide
"scoop" -which can best be related by
quoting from this Ensign Log (by Hop, of
course) dated Nov. 29, 1951:
The early farm programs didn't work: the out of production for 16 major crops, ool one ADd tben, wbeo NlloD na & proft..ao..I t...t.U pb..Jer. that Dwillt DI.YJd Eillabi:JWer
middle p~oa:ams didn't work; and the late pro. of those 16 is selling at full parity. On tbe cleated. ot tbe cbl..rps ~bad , Tbll ambltlora, bowfler, wu tas elhred ai)OD h1a bel,_J
grams dtdn I work. But they gave work to ot her hand, all major croos not JUpported aDd beeD prored tobaflbteD cleu deDltd to b1m u be later ad-rest, we ..... tbe batr to bU
203 ,000 bureaucrats in USDA. controlled are doing beU~r price-wise than are U a bouDd's tooth." bow tears . mitted u.t be could DOt hit a poUUcal btunes at tbe bllm.
In 1950 there was one USDA "worker" for the controlled cr were JD eridence, u Nlloo"l cant ball He HI'Ted bll appr..UcUiltp
every 125 farmers. Now there's one for every .. . .. . opt. . iDDoeeDIIWU establ1sbed. Haf"lDr beea preYeated from tmder a creat teacher. Wbla bl
63. Thus, by 1990, if that ever gets here . we'll ~anty ts a phony measurcm~nt whtch does Amoac the first acts ot Pre-sta.rrLDc oo tbe diamond, be makes <leci.J:Ioos. they wUl n ..
not only have one.man, one.vote but one-far-not •?dude ~ovemment ~yme.nts nor measure sldeDt NliDD wu to DOUty Coo.-nevertheless was a crea.t base-tlect LD Jarp measure tbe Iea-
mer. one·bureaucrat. farmmg effictency .. A P':"'Y pnce w~ich b~rely cre11 ot EI-Prtsldeat Etaeo.. ball tan, aDd wu tbe No, 1 SODS that be learoed from tbe
The "farm problem" is the problem deliber-keeps • small or meftk:teot farmer 10 buSIDeSS bower'• deatll,. ubejoi..Ded with C&cttlli IAacotAJI.Iel ~ 0 createst of gr•t teacber.s,
ately produced and perpetuated by the pioks, will mak~ an 1!/ficienl farmer rich.-Americao the people of Amt:rlcaaad.oltbe Not loa& qo, Aneel M.uapr Dwiebt Duld EtseDbcnrer.
punks, collectivist" and cartclists in the USDA, Way Features workl at tbe deatb of "& .,.eat BtU Rtpey reeeJtad&telegra.m We batl thJs eomfor4 that
The Ensig:o., your borne-town newspaper dedicated to L H leader. a creat friend, aDd a from the team's cba~o the same mesaace t.bat our lat.t
local baiJpenings, steps out of Its role for tbe moment to ,.. e ers great man." rooter. Ike, tMnkh'C tbe mem-PresJdeot ltDt to BtU Rtpey,
submit oews tbat I consider of the greatest slgnlftcaoce ... Tbe OQtnrd am f1sible sips. bel's of tbe team tt the special maoacer of tbe Aopls buetaU
to tbe entire oaUon. Tbe l.ntormation 1s trom a per!JOIIUly E.1ltor of tba Eulp. of Prllddellt Nlma's cnstreu creettnr tba.t tbey bad se.nt to team, &R~lles to a.liAmtrlcau:
mown soorce, a.uthorltatlve, aod directly IDYolYed 1D tbJs .. U&Dy p&rellta seem 1o be ))ln.. were btl recldeoed eyes aod h1a him at the bospltal. Tbe ''I send best wlahea to tbe
undertaking •••• and the news is that Gen. EisenOOwer ing tbeadtocatesofteacbio&sex firmly 88t jaw, Outside of tbe menace wu coocluded by re-entire orpntutton for a molt
has stated his wtlllng~~ess to be candidate tor president educatJoo LD our &Of'C'Dmeat Elseo.bower tlmtJ.y, DO ooe t.d cali1.D( ~memories of put suceusfW IJ8UDD."
ol the United states •••. on the Republlcao ticket. ADd my sebools, 1 am 1t quite In-more reuoa to 1111ress b11J pmes: "I DOted tbe aames of 8111 Ripey•s Aqelsdefeated
persoaal prediction ts that Ike wUl be our Delt presidtU. teresting tbat tbe two most-used grief Ulan dJd RJcbard NIJocl. tbe pl&Jers. 1 roealled my eo-Su Diego after tbey recelted
The above Log entry was wrttten almost &rKIIm•DI• lor bavlng tbese The porsoaalrelalloDSblpbo-jo)'moot ot tbe axhlblt!Oo games that tete&flJll. Tbey woaooeilr
rldlculous ooaues are (1) the tweeo tbe two mea was at Palm Spri.Dp. I send best Ike, Let us, 1D ute ma.DDII', If a year before the 1952 presidential ~ boUol lbal tbese procrams w111 llelgtoteaod ..... Miss Julle ..tsbes 1a ,.._ tbe ...... ._ tbln(s 1:01 1au&b tar Presldeot
didat had drasttcally reduce the number Nlmo wu married, a sbort Ume IDd tbe eltlre orpalaUon for NJ.Joo. ID out am wto o .. b' election, when no Republican can e of pramarlta.l prep.oetes ago, to Da'fld Etsellhower, tbe a most successful seuon." Ike, &nd be"ourcnrnDic.tNtmn
yet emerged as a likely winner, and Ike omooa-)'01111( peoplo;l!Jid(Z) ootr cruds~>~~ ot Ike andWamle All eommaoder-ln-chlef at over tbe daall,Of 11)01.
was being courted by both the Dem·:>erats :".,::!''::.,10~'".:: E~n:,;.. a! ber la)'&IIJ Ia LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE
and Republicans. The information had been naereal diseue, wb!cb ts now ber new tamny circle, JWJe CITY or NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA
presented to me not as mere political era""" at • !>.ster rate t11ui remaloed 'Ollb tbeolbar msm-NOTICEtNVJTINC'IliDS
eYer before 1D lbe blstory of bera ol tbe Elsenbowar famUy SEALED BIDS wUI be recei•ed •t che offlc• of the Chy Oerk, prophecy or as a well educated guess this oountrJ. at tbe Walter Reed ArmyMtd1-Otr Hall, Newport s .. et.. CaUI.alie, .. Iii 10:oo a.m., o• ttae
-but as a fact, Waiting only for the proper Appueatly t.bose parentswbo cal Ceoter after PrestdeDt aod 21•t dey o! Nlril, 1969. •t wlr.ldt ti•e •er will be op•ed -.d u-N•-...... tbelr ... _...... ,..d, IDr ,•riD•I.aa-lk.b Atlio••:
ti f bll I ti Ik ade hiS use these two U&UDJe.llf:S for. -..a. uuu.....,. e-.. ...,u. MASTE.R TRAFJ1C COUNT STATIONS me or pu c reve a on. e m IIRS. J . P. INGRAII, at rlct>t, receive• tbe ballararr We havln( sex oducattoa 1n our ct>tar, Trtcta. tell lor tbo While CONTRACT NO. 1119 ·""'f'""~' anppunceJll'lllt some time la&41f~an4 ".!"~mborshlp Pin II'Df' llrs.lra W.$mltb, Wo memborshlp '""""""Ill ocbOOlo are aat llo'!!'O. -. "·' .:uL ,.__ , 1 . . , • -.. ~e . ._-rest i.,._,11.\i,_,_ .• ilistory. _ ........ ~man for tbe Abta.ham UOcolD Scbool PTA. . aware tbU IAiter KJrltepdtU 'E1-'J»res108bt t.1'NIII B. ~ bl4 will ~e _re ceive .:.;:• .. r a_a •.;.t~'::i• b .,... -""" """' PtA h M I p:oluaionll "IU ~ lo~ ~ ~~1dn&rtlm• ~~:!~aa~:;; e~nu+:::L-:Bidd_.• .. :c~•-.!.c~: Personal interest in this important onors rs ngram tioalat'" aDd board member ot•~car.rd111tic.~Roo81-,_,_.,r. to U.e City of Ne,.,port Be.eh, for • o-.ooae •lfll'•1 to ' . id rabl nhanced by • SIECl5 (Ses lDtormatJou a.ocl Yilt adm.1nlst:r&t1o bi tbe era It lu•t 10 pereeat of lhe a•o••• bid. SCOop was COnS e Y e EducaUoo Council of tbe United wbeo Geaera.l owtctt Da'ftd ne doeamnt• iaclade4 wilhl• the •~.•led bid• wlaich ,.qoirr
another momentous bit of history, thiS Tbe parents, friends and year to someone wbo has gi.tell States) ha.s D1ide the follow"lD&: Elsenbower n.s Mlleted to c-.pledoa aod enc.tio• are ahe follown1c:
I Ik th h h had students of Abraham LlnoolD outsta""lng senlce to children statem~nt · bead tbe AWed forces 1. -PTopo .. l one also invo ving e, oug e S<:hOOI who attended the open-and yomh. As eacb hooorary "Most P.,Pie haft the nrue 1D EUI'OP' bad cause tor trea.-2. P•p 3-ne;~~·tl&a~f Sab--cOIItr-.ctora
other slightly more important matters lng nigtrt of the melodrama, "Oo Ufe membersflJp Is awarded, bope that lt(se.zeduc.&Uoo) will .surl.Dc ttw/ poen.lubls "close ~ ;::: : : :'oo.:oliasioe. Affiduit
to tend to at the time -such as preparing strlke at the dress factory," $25 Is deposited Ln a re'foltlDg somehOW cure ball ol the and 1uUD.r trttDd." 5.. P•ae 10 -Coatr1ctor'1 Flue cia I S'-tn
for the D-Day invasion of Hitler's For-last Friday heard the .surprlse tuod trom which loaosaremade world's ills. reduce ca.s.tsu Ht bad tb.1.s to SlJ: "A gta.at ne ctoc:••eata llilall be •fflaed •ith the •rrropriate •illll•tares
aooouncement that Mrs. J. P. to assist students iD various uperleoce. cut down 1D WeP-of our are Is 1008, DwlgbtDarid aod titlea or tlile per .. ., aipiaJ oa beh• of the bidder. For tress Europa. This was during World War Ingram, 319 Jasmine Ate., tlelds of educa.Uoo beyoocl high timate births, eliminate ftoe-Elseobower bepo Ills sen1ee corporatiou, tlile •ipllaru of the ,,..., .... ~r VIce l'realflettt
Corona del Mar, was the reel-school. real dtsease. To be perfectly aad .s-,..terF or •••'•'-."' s.c,..,.,.,. ·~ rec11med a!'d·the .cor· II, and we were there in England too-plent of the txmorary llfemem-Mrs.lngram started workiDg bl t about lt hl LEGAL MOneE porate Seal •hall he 11f1.ed to •1~ don~neata reqaui•s 11p ...
the "we" meaning myseU as an A:rmy bershlp award preseoted by the tor tbe Newnnrt E1eme ...... -un • we Te no way ~re •• Ia tile CIIH of • p~rt.erelillp, tlt.e alp.•tare of II 1111111 ~....... ,_,, of kDow1ne that su: educa.Uoo o•e 1e.,ral penaer I• req.tred.
ffi ilit Llncoln PTA, School District ln 1953 as a wW solve any sueb problems" NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING All bil• are 10 be compared oe the b11i11 of lhe E••l•eer'a Corps Of Engineers 0 . cer on m ary This honor Is given each school nurse. She served as a That's from ooeofAmerlca.•s NoUee 1s bereby glteo tbat e~imeul. ne eati~nlled qa~•thle• •r.e •pprod .mlle o1ly, beia&
government assignment and Peg as an scbool nurse at Abraham LID-1-··--.. od II 1st •• ,. tbe p ...... h .... Commlasloo. oltbe ~, .... Je)v ••• baat. lor the COftlp•d ... of b&dl.
' LEGAL NOTICE colo School from tbe time it ~ se:a: uca Oll a. " Cttw 0~ Bea.cb wt.llbold No bid will be ac:c:epte~ froJII • Co~t~actor wt.e· hu aot ~n American Red Cross club director at a ----------1s loterestin&: to DOte some ol ~~ .... .,.....~ 1ice .. e4 ia •ccordu ce wtlh tlt.e prov1e1oa• of Ct.apter 9, Div~ opeDed LD 1961 untlllast year. Lester KlrUndall'l otbiJ' C(IID.. a pubUc be&rtoc OD tbeapplica-aioa Ut of Bllliaea• 1111d Profe .. ior:~ll" Code. The Coatrector B-17 bomber base. We had discovered NOTICE Of PUBUC HEARING .She Is DOW tbe lead nurse for oecUoD.s, siDee be ts sueb a.n Uoo ot Mr. ' Mrs. Arthur -...u •tate hi• llce .. e aamb•r aad cl• .. lfleatio• ia lhe propo--
i d ff. ial 1 io Notice lsherebyglventhal:the the Newport-Mesa Unltled 1 ~-· 11 In .... , nt1r Ga.rdDer tor a VariaDce 968 .. 1. that the Army r equ re 0 lC perm SS n Plann.ing Commission ot the •school District a.nd coordloates mpo:....~ • ._ "!t~~~ ts e to permU eoutructloa of a Plen, Special Pro~iatou, -.d Coatr•ct D~co"'esata m•y be
f Seas marrl'age SO we were City of Ne......,.,rt Beach will hold bedul fall tbe se:a: ...,__,n a ..,..... ~ ba:, ,.. ~ ....... obtaleed at tile. P-flilbc 'lrori.• Oepartmeat1 C1ty Hall. Newport or an over ' ~....... the se es 0 ourses colllrlbutor to tbe map•'ne, ...... J: on a -., .... ss Wall Bud., Calilonala, at eo C'Oit lo lice.ued co•tr•ctora, A DO .... seeking that permiSSiOn by means a public hearl.Dg Oil tbeapplica-tbrougtlOut the district, besides "Semk)p " edlted by tdeotl-the area required ordlDa.Dce refaad:Uie Clt.atlle of 12.00 will be req_eired for 11c:h 1~1 of platla,
tlon of City of Newport Beacb sent.og as a scbool 01D'se at fled Comr:,unlst la.dore Rubl.n requires ZOOO JQ..ft. &Dd aubjlct .P.ci•l Proviatoa•, .. d coatract docame•ta lor othera lhaa Of Official military correspondence. Army for a Varlance 969 tD permft Horace Ensign Jw:Uor Hi&b ( bo M.....,,.'"' lo •be tr of lot eoota1ns onlY 1800 IQ.ft.). lfceaMd coauactora. h j,. recpe•1ed ll.at the pl .. • .. d •pecial
al ifi d th t th tial a "carport" on tbe rtont ODe-SchOOl w ·~ euurer Property located at 5301 Sel,.. provl•lo .. be retaraed whhia 2 week• after tb bid op-ia&• regulations SO spec e a e nup hall of the lot wbere the or-Besides her scboolactt'fWes, SIEC1.5), sbore Drift A a.,...reiaadable ell use of 16.00 will be reqalred lor udl. aet
approval had to come from a field com-di.Da.nce requires a fully en-she has found time to wort with K.lrteD:Iall. or any Amerlcao Notice il:b.rebyturtber ct•ea of City of N e"'PDrt Bead!. Stadud Sped 8cadoa•. .
mander Of troops' and it turned OUt that in closed structure (Section tbe N -rt Harbor AssiataDee pareot wbo rally ftDtad to that Aid public bear1,.,.. w1.ll be Tile City of Newport Be•ch r111ervu the ri1ht to reJect •Y or 20 02 190) and to 11 said ew...,. kDoW Wbat eft'ecta lltledOCitioo -alll!lda •d to wain 11y idom•lhy i• aecb bids.
t ani ti · · a 091 League ln their dentalprocram. eduei.Uoll eu hate lbouJd bekl oa. the 1 '1th daJ of Aprll, Ia ecc:onlqce wltll til• provl1loaa of Sect loa 1770 of the La!Jor the U ,S, Military Governmen org za on "carport" to eocroacb iDto tbe Mrs. Ingram's husba.od, J. P., eum1De tbe ruutta: Ot tbe •:a: 1H!a, at u. bour of 8:00p.m. Co4•, tile City .Co•c:U of tile City of Newport Beaclt h• a ... there Was no field commander except the 5 tt, required front yard set-1s actin lo the Harbor Area 1.D tM Cotmell Cbamberl ot tbe certaiae4 dt;e paerel ,..,,.maa rw.te of per die• wa1ea Ia llle.
back at 1909 West Balboa Boule-baseball program Tbe lnp:&ms eduea.Uoo program lD. tbe Newport Beacb City 11&11 at localitl ia wJ.Iclil tlt.e worlr. ie to be petlonaed for each craft or Supreme Commander of the Allied Ex-vard • peroment sebooll of Sweden. • type o worn... or ••cllaaic ••-'.4 to nec1te. dae coa.ll'lct -d · han Z daughters, Holly, wbo 1s Se:a: educa1ioo lll SWedeo wu wbicb Ume aM pl&ceaoyaDd&ll Ma _, fonll d.•• It•-ia R.-lslloe No. 6519.
ped.itionary Forces, Ike himself. So, after t~ot~~ =~~ w~t:: married aDd teacb.J.nc LD Reoo, totally auueceutul 1D curbtDc per1001 lllterest.d rDl1 appear A copy of Ml4 a .. olsdoia I• nallalille fa the office of tile City
Some 17 Separate Communications, the c aM lbrpret, wbo Is taacbioc tbe IPI'ea.d of veDere&l cn..ae and bl beard tbereoa. Clerk Ia dteChy ef N .. pon Budt.. held on the 17th day of AprU. t Late Taboe -----Ra• y r-u .. .eer..n-•
S AEF h d rt 1969 at t ... -bo t 8 00 a . &Dd lbe IDcreue LD Wec:tUma.te 1 ° ....... ._. ...... , ne folio .... , ie dt.e scbed•le of lrevailias ••&e Ntel approval came from c ea qua ers, I uo:: ur 0 : p.m. After the surprise awvd, blrthl As a matter offact both Newport Beacb CltJ 1968-69, for I •elective lilt of cl ... , cetlou, Totedt.er with
d it · d "BY COMMAND OF In the CouncU Chambers of tbe Mr. aDd Mrs. Ingram enjoyed r .. ....t.a: ft • Plamlnc Commluloa tbe i•fonudoa l•cloded I• the Reaolatfoa No. 6519, tlaia an was SJ.gne Newport Beacb City Hall, at lbe hilarious melodrama., whieb ~~ : ~ r•l mo.. Pubu.tl: Aprll a, 15189, in edl.edale ie w he coaeidered a part of tlt.eae co•tuct aped-
GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER." which time and place..,. and •as produced and directed bJ -H·· of:=".~ tbe Nnport HarbOr Eastp. 6cod~o.
th th t d ~I persollS Jnterested IDa1 Philip )Iauer asslsted by Nell tl._... tbe IW • ..... Prevallios Wase Ratea -1~9 And you can be sure at a COrnman appear aDd be beard tbereoc. Medloek. T~ cut eou1Jted tatora lx' •1. ~?study ROBERT Ml EOEL OF Claulllee11on fSeleetJve Llarl"''
was obediently carried out. :a~ c:u:-~retary of eJebtllp:adelltudeall,aDd tbt :'! ~-~~=~~ COSTA ME~ liES E:':t'M:_ 1oaraeyauua
e ,..._ c 1 musical aecoqJUimeot wu Jt Man wbo llid, "Gift meoae Robert E. Mledll, 41, otns5 La.bora ra
Plamlioa: ....ummla 00 prOTided by the lJDc:oiiiOI'cbes-paeratioa of Amertca•a )'OQtb Ellnmere Ate Colla ....... CeaeNI or Co01tnctfo•
PubUsh: AprU 3, 19&9. 1D tr& UDder the dJreetioa of Mr. aDd I wt11 OOIIU'ol Amll'lea"? dlecl Marcil 14 ;i lludtl rr... Aaphah lteker 6 lrour
NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARlNG NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING the Newport Harbor Eostg:n. Ouaoe Keltb. IW'J Lou Retake mao HcNpllll IDCIIWOOCL Flap•
Notice ls hereby (iven that tbe Notice Is hereby a:t.veo u.t the ----------------PuldeM Mr 10ed11 ftl a W•kl Wu C.la• O.aaer
PlaAnina: Commlssloo ot tbe Plan.aina: Commlslioo of tbe LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE D ........ P• tlllllut s -· t..yia1of allaM41et•llic pipe
City of Newport Beach will bold City of Nnport Bea.eb wtllbold ---------------------LEGAL MOnee: bt wu a ltlf ~~ Tauel Cl .. el&catto ..
a pabUc bearLDa: on theappUea-a pubUc beui.DC OD tbeappU<:a-NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBUC REARING Jllla .__..-;"''tll'tt4 Vl(~'::;:'drilf:,f a .. aer, Paeamatf c Toola
tloD.ofTbtlrvlae Comany,South Uoo of tbelr'fiDICompuyfor Notice la hereby P•en tbat Notictilberebycf.teau.ttbe MotlceJJ-ebJ&tTtDU.Utbe Su;tlMIII't'td8Wift.l-.o; o,_..,,.. ...........
Side of tbe Intersection of Doter a JODI cb&oce, AmiDdmeS No. the PJa.nnlfaC Commln1oa oftbe Pl&uiDc CommluklD ol tbt P....a.tc CO..•J..,. ot. tbt ud tautMr W'llUua o1. Odo Oiler .ld .apalaaa (Cro'/.1)
Dr. &ad W01lc11ff Or., lora Use 255 Ia IUIIOIId DlstrlctiJ!r llap City or Newport S..cb will bald City at Nnpart BeaQ will bald CIIJaf llo_.t Boadi will bald r-1 .iomcoo -·I!Oid Sld,t!':,"' (Loao 4/5 r•.) (C~ap 2)
Permit No. 1427 to permit coo-No. t4 from a C-1-H DUtrlct a pubUe bel.tlDcOD tbl&ppUc:&oo a pabU.c bMr1lrc OD tbelllPJle& .. • pt1JrUe a.u1ac oa tMWik:a-Mardi 1'1-at Pldflc VIew Cba.. Ro •d O.U.a• (Cto•p S)
JtriiCtiOa ot aparkt.ac ~to pro. to an R-1 District &ad u UQ.. Uoo of Nnport .. llea l1amedi tloD ol Tbomu C. Ropn W a tloD of K, Bwllc udG,MltcbeU. paL llltwbl. ftl at Padfk l11tN•••• (CnNp 4)
Yidt otr....treetpukiDct)reom .. elasaUJed "U .. Dlltrlet, Por-Scbool Dt.ltrl.ct for a U11 Pc .. UN P•mlt U09 to pwmlt b' a Vartaace t'10 1o I*"Dllt VMw Me• wkl Pvt. ~=:~<;r:-.J,!~, (Ctoop 51 IDC'd&l .... 08 a .epuate lot. ttoa ot t.ota 8 ud e, Tnet mit 14%110 permltCODib'llcUaD. amiDdiMIC ot u •Jtttlac-OODIItrctka ot a _.. oa ~ c,....._11 .,....w, (Groep 6, ~I)' ot lnlonoc-ms,--lido at Bar-ar .. tto..-rr -· 00. porll!ltlaporlllltaDl-llotloo lot -·"'• - -tlio F the D:l.l-T-.-ol Dor• Drtfl &Dd WntcWJ' side DrtTt, JOGtblaat ot lllter ~ PI'~ ldte, bt1Dc' ID till ot U let,.,._. mar"'• to be r....... ana. Lot ooetet• rom u~ O..p 'lftck Driver a.. ...... 4 yda.l
Drlro Ia u -1ualfled ("U") 10Ct1ao al EIP..a&Ddllayslde Tlclalty at Vllta dol SOl and locltldla tllopar~lotalteOI 1'110 Ill-t. ft11o ___ ,._ 81n1J 11o ---Wa"' ........ , (1500 pl. 10 4000 pl.)
-.) Or!Tt. VlltadolO!ra. _ ...... ·~~~~-· -·-Ill-a. Proi&IJ .... 11011----e.ol."':lJ"".,.,~-=~-IIolleoloberfbtlllrtberiiTio llallctlaberebJ!Urlberll•oa Nollcolaberoi>J ... -_w _ _, ..... locltld lliO'I.--. awo; rot wo cld -Iiiia
t1iat aid p1b1Jc bearlac ..ut bo tba1 aid pal>llc bearlna ..W bo 11101 aid poiJiie l!oorilc ..W bo tliol aid plbiJc bearlac will be -.. .....,_.,_ *' I 1 ••• al Cod, Ull ~~~:::-WI-•
·lOtld oa t11o 1'1111 c1aJ of All<U. bold oa tbo I 'lib claJ ot All<U. btld oa tllo 1'1111 daJ at All<ll, 10tld oalllt I'ID daJ at All<ll, 11101 aid,..... _.., w111 aaolll.
S.97 .... ....
.. 68
5.27 .... .... ....
rJ/Jf/61) .... ....
1 ... at 1M-a! I:OO,p.m. IH9, at tbe-of I:OOp.m. 1_,, al tlio-of I:OOp.oo. lilt, ol tlio _. af I:OOp.a. llo10tld•taol11lid&Ja1Aitrll 811110-h 1111 *'"-:.;..~~ .... ~a: ::..:n ~~;-~a: ::.;.. c-a.!-~;,bora ~a: :.:.. eao::. ~::--.:.:a: ::".:.~ ... ~:, ''!'.t:; = :,; 1!!:; b .. :'"1:.-= IJ/JJ/61)
Ladtu S.OI
-tl8t Ull ploco ur W w1ddi 1111111 Ull piau ur Ull w1ddi U.0 Ull pllco ur ... -U.0 ... pllco ur Ull IIIWJIIt -C11J
1111, ll a I Ill----aD,__~~~--IIIOfallpw ___ IIIOfiiP-all,_ ____ op.all ,__ lllllltl ----................ -IU .... wo
-ud ----poor Ull 110----Ull 110-.... _-... 110-IMr-all,_ I 1$ IIIII-· --I&JT,Ctlt ... _l 7 11aJT.C .. Ih,-lllr7 llaJ
T.C .. tlt,~lllr7 1aJT.
..... _ ... ~Irr-... 11o-&llwo ..... __
.... at ... CIJ' ltiCpct==-Qlltllldt._, Ia... ._, -T.~UIII'IM)...,. W ....... .., ......_c,, · c ,..._ .--.c.-• 0 :-=c• 0 1'1 ........ -~ -•aca ... ~ .. ....
PI'••Aid\!:•lo P-Airtll,l .. ,lo -Ajlolll,l ... ,la ·-l,l .. ,lo ........... P_I -~~~~~--11$'!11 ftl • 11 1tt ••• -. ~ 111rttt1r ...... De .. .,., 111rt11:1r ,...., a....,......._ a.a..a ' a"*,.... 1.1• • aL ._... ll:t tJ
, ... _ 17/l/61) J-----S.T9 rt.r:,::!,• S.19
A., ..._.l•d• ..SuM a. .. &a allall k •• '".,...U.1 --~ .. ,_..,. •• .... .., ,. ... .,. lit ,. ... u.l onft .. -QTT or IEIJPOIT IliACI, CALIP011li1A ....,...._.._c.,,a.,. ............. -·····-.. ·-·-..
Tbt tWor Bar "--ol At oro. eo.,.....,_
-llodotJ wllllllroa•lll-eal_.m Wlbolt AjlrUI«l
""""'"' Ill lbt -ol lin. ,._IU R. II<:Blfoo, 1111
Allllllilo Clrclo, Doror --.
It 10:10 &.oa. lin. -8.
IAIIII. -clllrmu, will -llltcllloplaao--
to bo ...... "' ..... Jolla Dau,
Mr1. ~ Dti.T•, lira • ._.. Gerard. ..... Ra\>b .wm.,
lira. Cllrl......... Kllcllloc.
..... E4wudlAIMII, Uld ..... -Sa-....... J ....... s. Jr. 1t tbe c.lrairlaaA
o1 11a1 .....,. no
wttb acorr.,
To our many loyal
May your Easter be glorious in all
ways. And may eternal ioY and peace
be youn this lovely Ea ster. Our sin-
cerest wish that tbe sacred remem-
bronce of the Resurrection will bring
ptoce to you and your family.
AIIONG TilE ARTISTS partlclpllllng Ill llle Children's
Home Soctety'• SolrH d'Art 1s Frank Hamilton of ~...qtm.
Beacb, .tlowD Mre w1tb Mrs. Oooald Swed.ltmd, plctare
cbalrman, aad Mrs. Walter Gayoer, patroness (a.t right).
(Pbolo bJ Peter Z. M. SfD&or .)
Art auction Apri/18
The ?tb bl.elll1al10tree d'art F · Pu1·cel1, EdwardAnrusRaul-
wm bt held at tbe lrYlDI cout·ston, 0 W, Richard, Halter R.
Country Club on AprU 18, IPOO·~lng, Paul Milton Rogers,
sored by the Newport Harbor Henry T. Segerstrom, R!chard
Allllliary ot Clilldre:o's Home teele, Harry E. Stickler, Denis
Society of Calltonla.. Plana tor ul.llYan, Job.D T. Swigart, Ed-
thts art auetioo wtllbereported 4.rd G. Warmington, Thomas
to the patrootuea of tbe New-CampbeU Webster, Robert
port Harbor AIIJJUary's U69 Nauer Weed, Charles S. Whee-
debutante ball u tlley are ler, Horace S. WUsoo Jr.,
hooored a.t a tradlltonai tea In George Perkins Yule; and Mrs.
the bayfroot home of Mrs. George Yardley Jr., Mrs.
Howard B. L&WIOD on AprU 8, Joseph Allen Beek,RobertGug-
Tbe womea will be p-eeted gellbelm, and Mrs. Russell
by Mrs. Wll~ V. Woodma.ll, Lewis lsell.
president of the Aulliary, am Mrs. Merton Cameron,
Mrs. Royal Tucker, ball cbaJ.r-soiree cba.lrma.n, reports that
man. Edwvd J. Mooney, direc-the Newport Harbor AuxlUa.ry is
tor ol tbe Santa Ana Offlce o1 possibly the first group l.n Sou-
Children's Home Society, YlU thern CaWornia to use this
tell the gueata ot the growth ot format of a.n art auction tor a
Cblldren,s Home Society ma}Dr benefit.
throucbout the state alld the Mrs. Donald Swedlun::t, pa1n-
importaoce of auxiliaries 1n tlng chairman, a.IUlOunces that
this wort. Mrs. Woodman wt11 the parttctpatt..ng artlsts this
lotrodoce tbe oew patrooes.ses. year are Hal Ak.lns, Locl.a
They are Mrs. George Anderson, Roger Armstrong,
Pneger, Mrs. John F. Porter Gloria Bradeson, Ray Friesz,
and M.rs. Rtcbard E. Verooo., Dlxi Hall, FrtDit Hamilton, Ruby
all ot wOOm, with their bus. Hufford, JanKaspnyckl, CorUa
bands, will give ~rt tn tbe Kent, Roger Kuntz, Ruth Os-
coml.ng year to Cblldren's Home good, Don Shreves, Ja.n Hansea
Society, Travis, Anne Von, Flavl.a
Patrons aod patrooessesalso Weedn, Arm!!n Gasparian, Fran ~;;;;~=~--------------i lnclude Messrs. a.od Mm !!s. Williams, Louise Leiber, Ra.lph I Dulel Ga.sktll Aldrich Jr., HuleU, Phll Dike, Ken Knutson,
~wley Alle11., Lloyd Lees Au-Ron Roesch, Corl.nne West,
bert, Wallace White Barnes, Bernard Za.lusky, Rez Bra.octt
Robert Floyd Bea.ucha.mp, and Joan Irving Brandt.
Chester E. Brabyn. La:neoce A popular event of the evening
Edward Brown, Wa.ller Bur-wlU be Le Petit Sa.lon, a p.lly t..acaa cuv.-awniDpd area ol the COiliDJ ~;h,!mLl~='J Caner lr.: Chili's pro Shop, where lira. W Boueber Clark, Earl Wlll.l.lm K.rum)flolz aDd her
George Corkett, Charles P, committee, dressedlDpyblack FABULOUS RESTAURANT Cotton.E11stlaAYery Cruy,Lo-ud wll.lte aprons, will sell we!l Wl.lStonEvans, Byron Far. sm aller, more varied art works at the Laguna Beach c. c. ... u. Lymao Howes Farwell, tor $30 or under.
Norman Ale lander Gamble Ro-Tbe ;uttsts colltrlbuUng to the COMPLETE' berl Gardner, Waller C..yoer, Pellt Salol> ar" Arden Smitn,
Edward H. Croeoedyke, W. Antotoette Cox, Doreen Slnnett, Easter Day D I• n ners Alle.a GrLJbb, Jo.a Kenneth Dl.ane and Carol Mazey, Claire
Hamel, A. AlelWidor HamUion, Jones, Lee Murp.,ne, Barbara
$4 Rolla R. Hays Jr., Edpr R. Becket, Flavia Weedn, Georgia FROM 11 A.M . .95 Hill, Georpl&eadellotstetom, Baii,"-"IIJnTom.U>ulseLie.
James Waltba.m lAws W, Mote-ber, Sally Sorensen, Rtvella
C laod Lettbold, lla.urlee Coyle MaUooff, Ruth Osgood Salyer, 31106 OAST HIGHWAY II cCny, Al&ll Jocelyo lllclde, Beraard Zalnsky, Ruby Hul!oro,
SOUTH LAGUNA • RES. 499-2663 Emory S, "' II·JOre Jr., T. Gerrl Peterson, Frank Wll-[jj::::::::::::::::::::=::.~P~hi~U~Io~s~Mo:,rp~~·~· :•~••:I~N~I:s:sen, llams, Linda Creek, JacqueTa-Paul Arthur Palmer, Cbester tum, James Tatum, D. Suther-
land, Diaoa Jonsson, Lyll.ll Hay,
Carol Kerfoot, Chris Winton.
Suuooe Bl.agg1, Richard and
-:«:C::-1;-t-----:.:-1--::~~.::-------NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGII urc ews ARSTSECT10N --P .. l
Flrot IIIIJI1II Cllarcb, 101 7,10 p.oa. liOocl Friday_...., GIIADS-lOP 1,1100 -111fT PLIO
.._Ua St., CoD --will lolllwo lbt lbtmo "Ia lbt F011J-Ilfo law -~--1o llllr Ill
Tbort orUJ boa9,4h.m,Eaot. -· ollbt croa.•lo.Eu--· -· grodNitd llarcb ClrJ ol ~--Worlblp 8U"t'let tb1a '-"'1, tt:r s..a, tbart ...w bl , ~ ftolll till Orucl Colllb' dl.mep S. ne4llt n•· 1 n ..
Uld Dr. P. G. 11......., yoalll •-uc1 lilt Lord's ...,. 0111<:•• -1 Ill -11o oiiiiJu wu 41o 1D llo-
wiU ~oo''Tbor-.ldloo -~~ s,ao a.oa.,Uidlllotro Oruco Coall CclloiO, brtociDr -.......,. ollllo allo1 ID
ol Clrlll Uld --ot ldt." ol-olllp, 111 7,10, a,45 uc1 11 tbo toG1 ,...l>tr ol -· lbt r-ol -Uld -E. S,.Cial mUile will be JWorided ·a.m. Tbe Lord'IIUIII* ..w be •tDee tbt ICidlmy wu *-dec! Cout lht'J.., c:oro. dll *r.
by tbt C&JnryCboruiDtlrtbe offered at tbe ?:JO Mn"lee. 1a 1161 to 1,011, Tbe ~ He aid 1t woUd bt""' '1
dlroctloo ot JOim ._,.cult. AI • • • lac._ tbo *>llowlac-1bt to replau np Uld car,.a.
tile replu 11 a.m. W(W.tltp . Tbe Ceatra.l Bible Church, Coat& Mea pollee dlputmtat: I.Dd olblr dl,m~ .. wu .... tD
"'"Ice, Dr. Meumana will OrllliO AYe. Ill Urd st., Cella ~:;!' ~tar, Radolpb lbt -ol $UUI. lit olio
JPII.k oa ''Tbe tnurormt.oc Mesa -Putorl:leDrJE.Jc.s---. Harllll Pa.ully, James el&lmaa.tUU:wWbrtllledld
PD'W• ot tbe resurreeUoa." wtU brlq a measace oo "Tbe Scb.Ultr Ud Roald V•cb. to correct tbt P'ad1ac.
Tbe ReY. Harold Ander10o, &I)OStollc chan.cter" at the 9
)'Outb mlnlster, will speak at the and 10:30 a.m. Easter SuDday
7 p.m. wrorlhip sentce, seviees. An Easter eaotata.
• • • "Tbe Uving way," by noreoce
The Newport Harbor Lu-Jolly, Yillbepreseotedat7p,m.
tberiD Church, 2501 Cutf Dr., by the adult cbolr, UDder the
Newport Heights-The sacra-directJoo of MJ.·s. Ronald nuts.
meat of holy com:nu'lioa wW be Yrs. Robert Beardsley and
olfeted at the 7:30 p.m. llaUDdy Mrs. Leooatd KingwiU be solo-
Thursday service today, AprU lsts. RobertBeard.sleywtllpro-
3. At 7:30p.m. on Good Fr.lday Ylde organ aecompanUneot.
tbere wUI beaservtceofprayer Pastor Jooes will DUTate the
and meditation. Easter servlees program.
this Sunday ~tude IWll'lse ser. • • •
,vice at 6 a.m., followed by a 7 Cbrlat Luthera.o Cbureh of
a..m. paocake breakfast; udtbe Costa Mesa wlll bold lts 17th
regular services at 8:30 and 11 anmal Easter sunrise .senlce
a.m. at 6 a.m. this Sunday at the
• • • P-.ulo DrtYe-ln Tbeatre. Pas-
The Plymouth Congrega.Uooa.l tor L. V. Toroow will dellnr
Church, 3262 Broad st., New-a message 011 "Easter, 1969."
port Heights _ • •TurDJ.ng sun-Come as yoor are; stay 1.D your
sets lDto sunrise" wiU be the car, says ThOmasstei..Qfeld, as-
Easter message of the ReY. slstant chairman of the board of
Norman Brown at the 10 a.m. comm unity Ule.
service this SWlday. • • •
• • • St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Chr1stian Science Churches, Church, 600 st. Aodrn's Rd.,
Newport Beach, Corona.delMU' CM Haven -Dr. Charles
and Costa Mesa_,, Unreality•• Dlerentleld will deliver a mes-
is the topic of the Bible Jesaon-s.~.ge oo "I belleYe 1n the
sermoo tor EasterSUDday.Ser-torgfveoess of sin'' at the 8p.m.
vices are at 10 a.m. at Ha.rbor .W.aUDdy Thursday serrlce,
VIew Hills, 9:15 and 11 a.m. April 3. The sanctuary choir
in Newport Beach, and ll a.m. w!IJ present Randall Thomp.-
in Costa Mesa. son's ·•Peaceable kingdom" at
• • • 8 p.m. on Good Friday. At the
St. Michael's and AU Angel's 8, 9:30 a.od 11 a.m. EauerSun-
Eptscopal Church, 3233 Pacl.ttc <laY services the pastor wiU
View Dr., Harbor View Hills-preselll: tbe last of hls "words
A M luody Thursday hoi}' men UYe by" sermons, entttled
eucharist will be celebrated ·'The third day He rose from
Back m lht old day$ a called a ··tome cup··
was a favorite remedy for almost anything that ailed
you. Cheap, too. You took a cup made of b•ttcr
wood ... added hot water ... let it steep. Then, when
bitter, you d~Wtk it. Simpk? Yes. Too bad it didn·t
do any aood. Nowacbi)'1 sc.eoce gives us mo~ ~I. able
medications. So, play safe. When you or a member of
your family JS ill, seek professional care. Stt your
physician for diagn0$ing and prescribmg ... caU
us for prescription serviCe:.
at 7:30 p.m. today, Aprll 3. the~d;..a •• ~ ............ ~-;iiiijiijii:ijjijliiiiiiiii Good Friday services will be
held at nooo, 1:30 and 2:30p.m.
A special Easter service wlll
be held at ll p.m. Sa.turda.y ,
followed by solemn high eu~
ctw"lst, the nest eucb.arlst of ,
Easter day. Holy commwlioo.
will be .:.elebra.ted at 8 and 10
a.m. Easter Suoday. Tbe Rev.
John Rogers [)nls wiU givetbe
Easter message. • • •
TM P"tesbyterla.n Church of
the Covenant, 2850 Fa.irvtew
Rd., Costa Mesa-The ReT.
Bruce Kurrle wtll cooduct h1s
ffrst servtce as tr. oe• pa..sew
at tbe ~UIIdy _ .... ,-
at 7:3G p.m. tOday, April 3.
He wfU deUver his first Sunday
sermon at the Easter SUlldiy
services, at 9:30 aod 11 a.m.
His ~lc will be ''The Shout
that was heard around the
world." Installation service tor
Mr. Kurrle willbeheldat4p.m.
Sunday, April 20, Tbe Rt!Y.
Dona ld Macinnes, who served as
Interim pastor, has undertaken
a similar assignment at the
M· ,rn1ngs1de Presbyterian
Ch urch of Fullerton • • • •
• ,_ __
on IWiaLssua la&M DI:IIIURII
In el$1000.
wll1a cwae•t rate of
Jyn Brooks, Mickey Lewis, ELsa
Vreelan1, Gloria Bradeson. Jim
Bailey, Lorna Jooes, B. Grau,
Betty Gurr, Nell Passage, Ctel
Woodman, Lisa Woodm:.ln, Wll-
son Woodman, Corrine West aDd
. Actor Dick Van Dyke, a Pres~
byteri.an, ls collecti.ng stories
about chllctreo aDd church
sc.~ uperleoces for a book
tentatively entitled, "Faith,
hope Pi 1\Jlartty." Five aonars
will be paid for each story
published. Essays from church
school teachers also are de-
sired. Material can be sent to
the actor at P. 0. Bot 2811,
s-...eM ...
Is co .. 1uaded clcaily and
Mainlllltld fw one yeas.
Job.DSOD •
Wli~GDII.~ ~mi~VDRIIEil!V£11. • 111£111% lllJ[ • IIJIEIII~IIDIY •ICIIDIIIil
Jeanne Raymond.
Randall Thompson's "The
peaceable kingdom" wtU be
presented by the sanctaary
choir ot st. ADdrew's Pres-
Hollywood. • • • Prince of Peace Lutheran
Church, 2987 Mesa Verde Dr.,
Costa Mesa -There wtU be 5
senlces oa Eastar Sunday,
starting at 7, 8, 9, lO and ll a.m. • • •
byterian Church a1 8 p.m. Good St. Mark Presbyterlan
Friday, April 4, 1n the church. Church, 2100 Mar Vista, East
Jonah Kliewer wlll direct the Blutr -A communion service
chorus, number in&: more than 75 w.U be held a.t 7:30p.m. today,
members, 1.n a program wll.lch Maund)' Thursday. The Rev.
will feature a dramatic pre-James Kirk will speak on "Re-
sentaUoo hlgb-U&f:IUng the pro-newal in community." There
phectes wbleh are preseli: 1n will be 2 services on Easter
"The peaceible kingdom" aDd Sunday, at 9:30 and 11 a.m.,
relatin&: them to the iDcldentsof instead of the regular 10 Lm.
holJ net. sen Ice. Church school wtll be
Dr. Cbarles H. Dierenfteld provtded during both services.
will II&J'nte tbl dramattc pre-• " •
seotatton aDd a.moac those par-Newport Unity Churcta.
UelllUinr iD tbe drama will be meetl.n& at 15th St. aod Inlne
Ml.rJ RotltM., WlWam. Boyd. Bob An., CUif Huen -Tbe Rn.
Ully &Dd H•bert Mitchell. Loren FUcki.nfer wtn coodltet%
services oo Easter ~. au
Notice Is berebJ IJlYeG that Our Lady of MI . Cumel
lbe Pll.nai.Dc Comml..saob oftM CatboU<: Chureh, lStb St. Ud
City ot ltnpart Be&c::b will hold Balboa Bmt., CMtn.l Newport
a poi>Uc ~~aar~atoo tbolllPlle&· _ 1:as1or SODia7 '0111 1» c:elo-
tioa ot Newport Be&eh Teants tnted wttll a L&tiD blctl mus 11
Ctllb. 1101 Eutbltdl Orin, b' 10 a..m. A mind eholr of M
a 11• PwmJt Ho. lW to per-YOices will at.ac "Resarutr•
mU amwdiDIIt of an msanc I b)' P~strloa, ud Gow.ocra
aM permU to laelw:lt p&b"'D Mass ud "The tu1ll tr•m-
claactatud liYo tot--. ·btu." Tbo cbonlel& -lllo
Motkt tablrtbJtwtber CIYt:D 1 dtreetioa o1 Karl Bolll.wtb.
thlt aid pibUc: MlrLQC W"lll be • • •
l»ld 00 lilt I '1111 .-, ol Ajlrl~ Lulbenll CNCb of tbe Mu-
l ti I, U tM ... oll-~p.m. ter, 1900 Pae.U'lc Vlt'W Dr ..
to lbt CGoDcll Cllotlll>tro ol tbo Harbot Vltw lllUo -no
llowport lltacll ClrJ UaU, at Lord'l -will bo oflloHd
wb&Q tlale U11 place U)' Ud at tbe 7:30 p.m. Ka.lb .. a-
&11 ~---""'011-.-r ttrYict, AprilS. Dr. WU--... "' --u.. lllor will-• .,.._ .., Y. C ... "t.,.IIUtDry _,. tued oa La ... r--
.4 ... 098• lltlpolt-CirJ 1>40-51, "A r-•ad ldt."
.-, & ......... 02 I ,..... A P1'QW tfctl ud ..eMce
.---------------------------·-~I, I .... Ia will"" .. "'""--.. .. ....... ....... IIII&L 1:10 ...... Coot1 ""*'· ftt
2867.East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar, Calif. 92625
telephone: 675-5010
315 E. CoiModo BIY<I.
Posodeno. Calil. 91109
lelopllono: 449·2345
CoviN, Glendolo
Enjoy the warmth
and informal elegance
while dining amid
open fireplaces
and strolling troubadours
SPlaALS F\)11
PUNCH <460Z. 31(
na. 7 9 ¢ Has.151
11:30 A.M. TO 4 P.M. -EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Under the personal direction
of Alejandro (Alex) Maytor,na
lfonnerly 26 Yeors wilh Perino'•l
3201 WT COAST ...._y
• and
Ray Oliphant of Laguna Beach
IPWsldont of Woodou ShOe lulau,..ol
Tucker is re-elected NEWPORT HARBOR ENS()(
lliURSOAY, -L!, 1•
)1 r. J{obert's
coiffeurs , .......
REGULAR $30.00
HEWI'ORT HARBOR I'OST MO. 291, AM!IICAM LEGICIII • 1'11011! 673-!1070 $20
TAPS. brldce? l)c)QUIStraubldDI'Jer bebiDIS my aputmeat from Btl-NOW .... THROUGH APRIL Silo
Comrade Dwl&lll D. Elsell-blllll aJI1IlW>c -e lo bls U1e llap, -.... There ns 110
~... Pool 14, Ablleae, 1111111 be ns ._IDled bold problem; lber bad beeo 511-
Kauu. tnDsferred to Post of tbe Golden Gate brtdp com-t10Dtd at El Toro bebe !Olnc
£YerlutiAc Marcb za. Ke died mJ.sa:iorL. to Vietaam. Tbey bad been on
at Walter Reed Army Geaeral Remember bloody Tarawa? tbe roM for two days getting
Koap.llal after a prokmpd W-· Colft1D ArthiD' Rommel wu bere b" Ba1 Week aDd tbey
DUI. He will be bUrled I.D b1s respoutb" oaly tor b1s on JooUd tt.
boiM ton ol AbUeDI&fter ser. boat ud lud1Dc tbose Mui.Des Bette the Cb.rl.st1aD Qbser.
rtees 1D WUblDct.OD, D.c. 0t1r 1D lt at a pre"Yloully-cbo.-n..DCe of Easter there was the
coodoleaces &O out to Ills wife, beach. After tbesla.octlteroftbe oblenuce of the Passover MACHINE Kamle, Ud Ills ooo, Jolm. llrsl n•e of ... adl!l& llarloes Aj>rU %. Good Friday ta AprU
I}{) t:::'lo [? [p ~ owtpt Da•id EtseoboWer -he saw boW tllDe sbollld bl.ve t. ud Euler S1Uida.y Aprol &. v::::; ~eme commaDCier, Allied been dooe, told bis ,.r.lon, Wba.tefer your f:&Jth, try ma..kiD&:
£Jped1t:ioauy Forces 1D WW U aM led the way bact to tbe it to ooe ot tbe Holy Weet ser-
Repa . S E 8 d d K' d -preeldeltofColumbiaUnl-beacbes, not ooce but many Yicesln.JOIII"cbiD'eb. 1r -Very ran an ln ••rstty-S4thpresldeoloftlle Umeslllr"""' lbe lrlll<hero<IS Daa'lllr&eltborecuJarPosl
OUR OPENING SPECAL OFFER INCLUDES: Uotted States. Duo ...,ed bls reels to assure our •lctDry meetJDr AJ>rU 9,wedDisday,at
1 L COUDtry ud all rNothwt well. there. 8 p.m. LGts of tun and pmes
• You .,rf•tl•t tho ••ddftel• -(Pl .... ). Re wu a soldier-statesman l deliberately ebose two dis-ln fact you may win$$$$$ 150
Mr. Jon Kitley
Corona Del Mar P .S. Pol'lr:htt •• ••• ... ~~~~~ ce.e '" ot~d pltterDid after tbe Fatbtr of s!mtlar sttuatJoas ud cba.l •.••• Come ud ftlld bow you
I'll corry,..., •ochf•• Ia. oar CouotrJ. Georp Waahloc· lenges to Amti'CIAS wbo put may be tbe IDCII:f Post member
2. D.-1111tl•t Nc• (wh.,. tho Mlllllla h). ton. Ht. pru:aiD& w1U be earely mooer Wbere tbelr mOltb wu. to enct tbe btc )lctpot tar.
3. Adlntla1 •pper •4 lower t••lon. ml.s81d bf tbose of us wbo No joblstoop-eatforanAmert-rterl (~ ot .,.., pN»Itl .... 1 lllett) ser?ed wt.tb btm oa tbe Crusade can il be really works at it. lt =;:r·=u~c:lo:se~!t>r~:lllls:.•:ee:t;~~~~~~~~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~~~~: tD. Europe aDd those ln bl&tl mates DO dlffereoce wblt bis cbeerio ••• -TED-
.(. Oiling fRochln• places of power •bo SOUCbt ntm name, rant. color, or reUpoo;
WE "'lik ALSO IIA VE SOME UlEDMACHDIES SOON FOR 0111 Ud ~Did from biJo .'l' be ""' and be w1ll do I~ with
S.tU!' .(SJ'ECL\LRE!n'ALSYSTEM AVAILAl!LE FOR -lllld 'wars wUb ,..pie, Uie bel> of God, of ccorae. /A _Me-r:~,e ~~lit 1 . t,.ID;;,.;too molJpllled a. )ecret • Duo boJle<ed lbol tile -ot the tllllted ~-He R .. o-bei!IDI Jaly, 17'111,
WE ARE QUALIFIED TO COMPLETELY SERVICE ANY was ooe man. an ordltru'y ~er rally eodedw1tbtbesur-
SEWING MACHINE NO MATTER WHAT BRAND eli KIND. elUJeo w1th a job. Wbea be n.s reader ot BriUsh forces at
ESTDUTES ARE f'REE ALWAYS! e&lled ,_to load alllr-., Yorllton; U Is still &OlD& oo.
1f you can't pt ln. a pick-~ sen'ice l.s a.nllable ala b"ees ap1.nst Hiller's For-Re.-ollfixl meant to bJ.m cba..Det.
mere $3.50 wtlhln a reuoaable dlslaDee. Remember wbeD tress Europa, be accepted the a re.arraneemeot or edstln&
I'm l"W'IY from tbe shop driring bumper to bwnper to job. picked bis be_,.rs, led tbe patterl'lS of UYLDc for a..ll free
your place, I'm closed at tbe &bop. I usaalb' pick~ ln way. &lXI won tbe ricton.Isus-men IYer)'Wbere LD thls wwld.
early moruings, 8-9 a..m .. aDd deli"fery alter 5 p.m. peet that lf Ike had bad &chllce He bel1eved we as Americans
Sbut·iBs and 1Dn1Jds, ao pick-IC> etarge. he would ban cbosen to be a sboWd take tbeleadlnprovldln&
BE SURE TO CALL FIRST. dlYlsioo commander at tbe the blesalnp of fteedom aDd
Thanks lor tbe wooderlul recep&nl most. democracy to all tbe peoples or
DICK MESSERSCHMIDT rt bas beeo written thalli you this plaoel earth. He .....
ftJJt a btc job dooe, pick U1 meatlooed cost& or tbe amount
Proprietor American ud tell tl1m to do lt; of perSOI&l etrort lm'oiYed ..•.
J732 E. COAST NWY., CO!IOHA DEL MAR ....... ., taU b1m boWtodoU. DO m
PHOH E, 675-<1564 He w1ll do It; th!! tastw111..... You mlgbl plher from Ibis
(ACROSS FROM THE FIVE CROWNS) ~::.,..,. the r.c-Gale :..~ .. ~~£::,:' :. ':1.,~
adnoced stace of adoleseeocel
WDt tbat Ike wu our P"eal.est
post.nr president azxl I w1.ll
ftcbl: the man wbo says U lsD't .,,
• • •
• POOT ACTivrrlES.
This 1s Easter Week. Tbere
are alarceii'O'Ciot out-ot~tuwn
JUIIJDr Colle&O ldds roamlJI(
blrea.bcM&s. Be t1ad to them,
tbeJ ma.y be tbl100or dauebter
of u old bOOdy from tt. old
dlJs. 1 met tbree Vlltnlm
LelkJIIIIIlre IJpes lo tbo alley
Flet:Woal Flrm Name
berebJ ~ lllot be Is coa-
clocllDC a Senlce SlaUoD bosi-
DISO al 26051 La Pu Rood,
M~ YielD, Calif. -lllo ftca._llrm Dime at Bo1
Mobil Ud lllot atd llrm Is
-ol tile blloorlll( per.
-wtmet aamelDtalludplace ol resld«D:e are u tlllawa, to-
Wllllam R. Bo1. !Ill Pon
Abbey P-, Mnpo<t Boo.cll,
WliHESS DIIJ IUd tb1l 111:11.
dlJatMuQ. un.
OM TillS 11111 dlJ at MuQ.
lilt, bdJn mt. a Nalu'J Plb-
11< Ia ud llr -....&7 Ud -. r-..c -..._ dol1
............. ud ..... s--
-a, -td WllltalD H. :lloJ-.... to .. 1111
---·~~~--lollllwtWola. ........ -........ MlMiill-·idt81e--. wn JCII8 .,...,_. ddiJ
lloWJ-lludllrald c.., ... -. II) ,_.., • .... oljlrll .....
J " 0
' A,rll I, 10, 11, It,
-.-....... t .... .. , 5 .
There's reason to feel secure when your wet~
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you can choose from several Dastc savtngs plans.
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5%. Investors P ... ~k Account
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5% Time Certificate ol Oepo .. t
Bank of America T1me Certlltcates also earn S%
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These are JUS! four of our Personal Choice Sav-
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Take five at
Bank of America
And take your choice
• !
= ~g111da· for plannrs
At Th. Entranu
To Lido Isle
I!"'•· Show Sur·u 1 .4~
Su•nbv .. ...,.., :r
• • I ' • • ' • ' .
N f \.'J f'~ ~T .\•or_ ••.' ~ ~ ~ •• ',' '\ •,•. ,t,
rperfect Your Strol{e •••
-. ---
111 MIJrlners S11vings Free Golf CJink
Come in and :Jwmf? wllh the prm -a 10' putt or a 300
yard drive!
A TV comuu will videotape your stroke and you11 .see
yourself on instant playback.
Goll pro11 will analyze your swina and advise you on your
pme ... ~tic days I I ; 30 ~ I :30 .m.
You'll be playing in Brunswick's new "Swing·Away Pro
Golf" pract ice unit riJhl in Mariners' lo bby. See
Mac:Greaor's complete 1969 Pro Une of goff equipment
in Mariners· Pro Sho .
lad Nicl:.lous boolt. of aolf lips Jru for everyone
Tltru -web ... Jlar1ins March 24th. Come in now and
... all tho deoaih.
S~ Gwst: Mise Man.ha Bf:n!ll!!f'tt, fonnerfJ M.ilt Cali.
fomia. Soon to be Ken on the Women'a ProfCIIional Golf
Talr.e,a Tip From Tlu Pros
D•le Andrcawn
Bob Baker
Gerry H•ll
Don Mollie•
Ron Rei!
Jimmy Powell
R•lph Ev.n5
Bob Baker
Garry OouJia.•
Gerry H•ll
G•rry DottJIAs
Ron Jtcir
Dt.vlll! Cofl'er
D•k Andrc..an
MacGrep Adviaory Sraft' March 24th
Leisure Wor1d Country Club Nan:h 25th
Santa Ana Country Oub Man:h 26th ,....,;,e. Cobt Country Oub March 27th
Costa Mesa Country Oub March 18th
Yorba Lindt Country OUb March ) I 11
lrwine eo.t Country Oub April lsi
Leisure Wortd Country Oub April 2nd
Rucho San Ja.quin April Jrd
Santa Ana Country Oub April 4th
Rancho San Joaquin April 7th
Cotta MeN Country Oub April IUh
Mesa Verde Country Oub April 9rh
MacGrqor Adv;.,ry Stall' AJ>fil I Oth
011111 cons1
Opon Nl ... tly •• 6:45 ,.m.
Sunclay a t 1 :45 p.m.
lEW •all-.... f 1'0t (AST IAUOA l ltD. \
- -""''0' >l110SUU ·I7l-4041 ,Y TH EA Tl E -=.'-'0:-,:-0::.:-:1':.::-1..,::':1::-L::T'-',-, ,'-',-""'-
CD-FEATURE .,_ .. _ ..
Costa Mesa
WILL PAY ... to $1,000 for
Stelmray Grand plalx>, Write
P. 0, Box l6"'l, Sludlo CUy Calllorala. •
' -
~ notary, amall book-
keeping ac<oW11o. C&U
6'13-4050 atteroooos. 673...8189 ......
"PROOFS OF A CONSPIR~A~C:Y~"~ jo~CA~R~$ SFO~R~S~AI.~E;oo:-;-; -bJ' John Rodlsoa..
bock, $1.00 (orlpnaUy '65 Fair lane 500, 4 dr.
nursing care iD Corooa del
Mar. Must glte sbob, Pbooe
Mrs. WUUams after 8 p.m.
llsbed In I ?98). Sed. 8 cyl, auto., P.S., R/H.,
Order froM: dot cood, $775, Orlg, pr. pty,
.Werle. ottf.a&o. IIDoll Slort
.1134. Rartlor llhd.
C.s&a Me .. -,..._e l t&-t145
IICIIOOL PROBLI!MS Pri••• HI ... lli:looo l lo4h idul -lioo ... n. CJ u•••
II .Piir Dri". • Co1ta Ma1a
67'5-~ •
z8 ft. FAIR~ER '64,
250 bp,, ever y extra,
coodltioll. Private
$1119.119, UIOd ·$59.99 -
A-In locJ-. Sl>orlo
100, 101'11 Gudoo GroY•
BIM., Gu-d• Gron. Call
OIL P AINTDIGil. Mmolc -
'rill Hll real low. Price or
bel(lng lnr lllUO time
workers. Send self-adc!reaed
stamped envelope to Bo:t 781.
Oranp. C&llf. 92666.
[RONJNO. Y1•1 of IK,....
l•oe oa. aU lJPI• of clo-
*ioa a llo.._lpoc:iall)',
.... lllairtl. 11.-'0 per ....
....... ,_ fm-
IIMrioo. aJM. 67,_:1774.
.... -· Do&lorl-"'1 :.~:·:.:::::··::·-···:-:.-.------... -.&48-6145. lUNTED --OR APT. to oioop I
In Cl* 0101' -. lor laiJ
6 A ..... Qloloct -
Rlcelartll; P. 0 , BoxUI,Palm Dt-. CaW. '114-14e-&t9$,
(0..11-~ .... I) .. ---01 .. poeldtD-Itl,,fM., U...., .....
11o qrOid -lin. --11o 111o ,.. -1M-lla .. '--' ........... _-• ..,..110ft Ia
...tot • .-I~ .... ,..... ... OIIIIIee ••:.tiM ...... ...
UOL "'nn.-nl•••ttr-..-~ l eU nmrrt.
ct-PTA • 1M---· ..... 1o11oa OColiOJ
of Coa. aa.. WU .at -...citE ••tednp..UdU.re-_.... ......... JJI"'OI'Ul.''....., De .... , ... .....
le .ad. 11
) CUI .-l7 LZ I dlarllllt ra1aM .. tb1t dnc ... . e.. .....cne bOard wu r .. ud w11111 a problem u.t 1JCIUI
IPIRdtk.'' C&MI. W'eDMCitW!dbc1pl1Dlac
He aid bl flYOrtd ...... of Atb. ....... " aid-.... Ill bllul!rbldbMD IDetam!wtt t:~Ddtdetet Ella-
-lad., I~ u. ---Llll1. lbUI-11111 ID&L''IIuJ of• llan DDt belli LloJd B~eciJr,didDDtatt.IDIS
bt.de IDOUib to ••• tlai.UJ' tbe Forum meitlDc. C•rwMttee ~. EARL 81:JILE ct BoJertll, 01 rlclll, rocooQr alodod bo<:..,_ able to _.... AIYID -. Terry WWiam pr-ct 1M 0..,... c_,. -'-IDle Doelllllla(OCAD), prl-_..Uno," bo re-llaJ, 1-v....,., ud Dr .lobo
aecopll -Tom lleCormlct (loll~ OCAD ... .....,, u marl!od. Cbo-U 111o were -Ill.
anN ........., Pll<i• ud $1,$00 Cbo<l< 00 -.! ol tbo He oald tbo1 -· are ''Pl"O-
OCAD .....U" lloiM, wtlllo Dr.---ecaaly babl)' 1rt11 .,.... ... lolbooebOOI IAI« NAME OIAMG!D:
ARST SECll~ --P .. l
See l'aclflc hl•d Ylla911
We have several es.ceptional view tia:tinp-
2 & 3 Bedrooms.
f'rom t33.000
Call Today for Appallltment
l'hone 499-2100
--ol -Ia oal -· klots oa. Tile re-cn.trlet. a. !bore mUt be PLAN$ IRAMOI MERE
oopllloo awerd to lbo Dedi!IIAC-wu made Ola 0.._ 11>r -wbo are oat C-Ia ValleJ-. bold. c•(j·. ftw~ •-Ill -meet~Dc 01 lbo lllsDeylud llolel bJ tbo ~or eeloDce majora. q~Uterad ID ~ bu re-'· , • •
m..yJud Awards Commutoo. Tile ...,., Will be uad to Tbora maot be a place lbr ee!Yad Slole Bankloc Doport. ..-...q: ~,.....,,..... ~~
"l:let.oll'' tbo 111<19 OCAD liD! ralaiDg .,..,.,.1.,.. tlloae oat colla .. m._... moll _. to eb&JI&o 1U ~~\.:1 <:V
$6 "II" f" • k'd ID rocar<l to_,, Mr • .me to C-Ia-. ae-301108 SO. COAST HWY. ml IOn mancmg 0 ""-71dtbolpar_a_ ecrdla( to pres--l::::::~:;;t:lL\:~sOUTH LAGUNA. CAUF.
tu coaldbe-adto-Reory. AI h Be Sh I ~-t Home Feder&l SuJ.op aDd dlDc to a jotDt ,....,.emeot by schooLs 10 tbat "tbe bardeG Tbe bi.Dt. wblcb JtartedJui)',·~=====P=•=:ta::oi:pi:p:ni:g:~:":":' ===;;:::: Lou Aaaoctattna of SaD otego Home FederalS 6. L presldeat would DOt tau oabomeoners." 196S, tD JDclnood -1D U.:~
bas l.ssued a $6 mlllloo Joan Klm Fletcher, and R 4l B par~ "1 JtaDd 1:1r 00 au educatloo CeatiMia Valley -slDce hU
commltmeat to R 6 8 Den~-tner Robert J. Franks. wltbout D)1ac to tbe commanlty eJI)I.Dded 'IF1tb lnDcb om.ces 1a •••
meatCoqu.y llr coostructloo Coutructtoo Js slated to get for 1 YOte "ltatedGordoDMor-Hermosa Be&eb &Dd tbe Pi&JI. ·
of the OUWood aputmeatcom-UDder waytbtsmootboo.tbe TI5-row canctktate lD Dlatrlct 4. ''1 del Rey sec:tkJD of LoaAaplls.
munlt)' tn Newport Bach. Ulllt Newp(Jn Beach ta.cwty, doo4 tiWik tbteommuntty'ftiU Later t1lla: Jill tbe baDk 'lf1ll
lD!tiallou arrangements are SfiCODd 1o tbe Los Angeles-sex education. u u dOes. 1 wW enter Oraop COUDty WUb a
complete for eonstructloD. and bated flrm•a Dft bouslDgcoo-OD1Y SLqiOI1 a course with brUeboflice&tNewportBeacb.
par....miiDallelllc oltlle$14 cepltor-marrlad.,.,...lea. direct parealal COIIM1ll and DOUiii..E TROUBLE
rnUUoll Oabrood resldent1al-A simll&r projectlstaprogress puerta.J. aecomputmeot to ON EASTER WEEK
recreatloD&l compleJ, aceor-1D tbe MJ.ss1oo Bay area of Sa.o clasaes. Aad then, tbe classes A oew Ei..ter weet sta.tUUc
Diego. The Newport Beach fa-sllould be bald at nlpt, aDd was tued wbiD Fred Kal1DII:a,
eiUI)', at lstb st. IIIII Sea Gull sbould be tauotrt b7 scbools, S40 Prct!>ect st Newport
Lane, oear b.e Harbor Hlgb cb~acb leaders a.od soclal wor-Sbores, a.rrl:t·.:l 1j' tbe pollee
Sebool campus, 1B adjlceut to Ws:• statJoa at 12:4:5 a.m. Aprll1 1o
tbe Soutb Bay Club apartmet Mr. Mo:rrow, wbo hu beell ptet "' Ills eblld, wbo wu 1D
commUillty for single yocmg att8Dd1Dc board meetlop, Aid, utod um a puked car
adWts. HiDe sueb South Ba.y "I am ln faYOrofretvlllngyour ~ ~ r;lneastodylltrueU:
Clubs, also owned aDd maoaced rtcnt to YOte a klcal tucelliDg. on tbe ebarge of drunk drtftDc.
by R ' B, are ln operat1oo As 1t lt&D!II, JOU bue lost your Rudo~ FaoebM of Plco RJ.
tbrougtaout C&Wornia. rl~ etreetiYe lD 1971. Last Yera bad tbe problem o1 a CoostrucUoo on the C>abrood lligbt tbe board Yoted to keep
Newport Beach complez is yov Yote ~ of tbe mooey smaabed ear added to bla
sebeduled ln two phases. AU problem. l am QWIOS8d; to tb1s problem ol al!Jo plettnc ~ a
buildings 100 tadllties, plus acttoa by tbe board." eb.lld In custody·
I.Ditla.l aputment UPits, ate He sa1d he faYoredaneYal.a-HELEH MACREA DIES
slated to be ln operation by t1on and &Dalysls by a.a J.mpar. Private SU'l'lees were be
Oct. 1. Final stages of develop-t1a.1 Ul1rd party of tbe 8o&rd at 8<z Mortuary tor
ment wW be completed by and tbe ICboOls to get the most MacRae, 64, of Z547 Colum
AIR FORCE CAPTAIN OeDDis Marett. 1970. from our tu mooey. Dr., Costa Mesa, wbo died
p Johnson. IOO·tD-Iaw of Mrs. Mr. Morrow would l1ke year lh.reb Z4 at Costa. Mesa Com-H~laD Maher, 1727 W. Balboa JANE HILL IS OtOSEH rouod use of school flelllties, mun!ty Hospltal. Sbe lJ sur-
BIYd., Celllral Newport; bu AS ARTIST OF MOIITH wt1b studeats ba>ID( u -Yl•ad b7 her IIUsliood, Rlcbard.
beeo decorated with tbe tnose Junior EbeU'sart1sUor AprU
star medal at Ra.lxlolpb AFB, at Mariner's Utr'ary, Newport
Taas, tor meritorious serYtee Beach, is Jane HIU of Costa
whllt ~ Ia mmtary Mesa.
operations apinst Viet Cooc Mrs. Htll is sbowlng a col-
forces La. Vietnam. He wu cited leetion ot wild llte and domes-
tor b1s pertorma.oce as a per-tie animals 1n pastels and ous.
soi\Dil offteer with tbe 12th as well as nlous scenes of
Combat Samt G.ro"' at Cam ~ Harbor Area. M.Uico, Call·
Rub Baj l(s, Vleln&m. He Is lotola IIIII tbosea.Sbealscdon
DOW aut"' to the U!ATKU1· ,..t t. acryUca, ud tuc»c
tary Per.-,.1 Center at Ran-Z ellsus ·a •eet 1D be&iDDI.a.c
do"b. a.ad ........., ... oils, -Is IIIII
ac.rylles at lbe Costa Mesa Art
TliO SKIP WITIIOUT Ceater.Sbewasuartmajoral
PAYING FOR TAlO UCLA a.ad Cbauloard Art to-
Somewhere on Balboa lsland stltute, and bas eootlnued her
are Z JOUUI women who enp.ced studies under various local ar-
b.l1 driver Ea.rlBaroeyotBILld-tists tor tbepast lOyears.ot.be.r
win Park, and had him drive 1Dterests of the arttst tnelude .t--.-T l
dowa from El Monte Mooday )oln1ng wtth her family 1n tbt
n1cflt, March 31. On their a.r-summoar months tor ftBh1nc'
rlnlln front of 116 Apte Ave •• outings aboard tbel.r boat the
Balboa IslaDd, tbe Z women · cooooei. and 1o tbe past sbe bU
tokl Mr. Baroey they had to also shown aod traJ.ned borsM ret mooey trom a mother to pay and dogs aDd bas a creat loq
the $27 bill, and then d1sap.. for au animals aod YUdllle.
pear ad.
Tbe tu1 driYer sa1d tbal tbe '"WORK SMARTER''
two )'OQDI women DeVer aid Homemaktne tbe easy way
each otber'a QIJOtS, but It will be tbe tbeme of a t..pa.rt
sounded as 11 ooe, a bloode series offered this moatb by
teeoacv, was lea:tlnC ber bus-the Orance Coast Collep eve-
balld aod was &Ding bome to D1nc divl.s:loll. Tbe series,
motber. He s&Jd the otber "Homemakers, wort smarter,
woman, 1n bl.r l&te tweoUes. oot balder,., will be offered on
with loo.g black ha.J.r, earrted an 4 suceesstn Wednedt.ys from
lntant, Z to S mootha old. 7:30.9:30 p.m. at the Costa
MeS& rup Sebool Lyceum. Tbe
ASSIQIED TO KOREA dates are Aprll 9, 16, ZS IIIII
Airman Flrlt Claa'RJeba.rd '30. Tbere 1s DO tulttoo andpe.r-
P. LjuDgqulsl, SOD of Mr, aDd · IOns may register at tbe
Mrs. Carl C. LJun&quJJt ot 563 lecture. Lecturer 1s Mrs.
Vtetorta St., Costa Mesa, bas Dorothy Weet, bome adriaor
beta p-aduated from a U.S. A1r tor tbt UnlYerlltJ ot Callb'nla
Foree tec::bDJ.eal school atSbep-acrlewtural uteuioo &en'lee
put AFB, Tuu. He was 1D Oraop Coaoty.
tralood u a ecmmuoleattoils RECRUillNG SPEEDED eqaljlmolll rapalrmu IIIII tuj
booo Ullpod to a unit ol tbo i Tbe N&YJ recnltiD( braDcb
AJr Foree Commmd.catloaa llltJoG at 1857 Harbor BlY4.,
Sei'Ylee al Olu AB, Kor-. Be Costa M811., ''IIOPDI"ea u.t ao
11 a .,.._. of EltaDcla Hlp ~ :n .. '::!,':"a:~~!;.
Sebocl. Tile NOYJ Is -aeCODIIAC ap..
.......... -· diiiJ. y-1Mil no ue del:1r'Oaa o1 c:om-
PIIIIAC lllelr GIWiarJ oWp.
lloD -1)' ... -......
CORONA DEL MAR -South of tbe Higtnray
Two S-Bedroom Homes oo. 1-1/2 R-Z Lots, kJcated
just one block from Ocean Blt'd. Ud "Big Corooa
Beaeb.'' Larp Rooms. Custom Bullt.EJCeUelltrdal
property or Home plus lNCOilE. A tloe nlue at
$89,500. Ooruer wU1 carry Trust Deed.
CORONA DEL MAR -1 Block No:rt!l of HiCbftJ
~lez - z Bedrooms each tlltt. Sbows bea1&1flaUJ.
Good rental or borne plus INCOME . Colrreoleat to -IDe. $43,500.
lay&leach " .... 2407 L COAST IIWY.
g_. '11-11. ~-"
For Sales
& Rentals
Rd~lt Smite Sill< t I 90
Located only 1 1/2 blocks from the
beach, always rented. 3 bedrooms,
2 baths each. Attractive entryway of
aggregate, convenient built-in kitch-
ens, fireplaces with gas starters.
W /W carpeting, drapes. Upper has
enclosed sun porch, lower has patio.
Easy price at $49,500. Present
loan $35,QOO, .Owner will carry some
2~j~g~mr~ ..... . ..
Wbuletn•t you like a tax shelter as
well as a reserved vacation spot!
2021 W,l I •lhd.. lla11JIIf ln1•
•• , .... _67J.IIU .....,_.,.....
Live on
Unusual split level duplex
1,800 sq. root
with four bedrooms and two and one
halt baths • • . Three outside living
areas • • • • • • Plus one bedroom
garage apartment which will pay your
tazes and maintenance . • •
DOH Y. f"R.\HI<l.IH
I XV.l.TOR' !~SIMI_....,
C... • ..,, Clllll'a•
lltuRSOAY, N'IIL ~ 1918
Corona del Mar Home
Living room with huge fireplace, book-
case wall, large patio. Short walk to
every need. 45 foot by 118 foot lot.
PRICED AT SSJ ,000 -·--·-· . -.
Home at the Beach
Custom built home on the bay witll
all the custom features. Save your
summer rent. It will go a long way
on down payment.
3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662 Corona del Mar, Calif.
308 Poplar, Costa Mesa
Level lot -Immaculate condition.
Unusual executive-type apartmentror
owner ---or rent all units for
$7,500 annually.
Principals only call
Cl...CEET ILLUSIONS. Clothes properly hung. shoes.
hats m:1 otblr arUeles neatly placed, wtll make your
closets IA*J' adequate.
l l !~~e~'jnl:oneflnJen, ~4~l,Colj
CaiJ 642·7141 -EVES. &73.0372
Sales through the Multiple Listing
Service ol. the Newport Harbor-Coeta
Mesa BouQ of Realtors totaled $9.3
mWion for the first two mootlul ol.
1969. This represents 242 unit aalea
and an !ncreue of 27% over the aame
pi!rlod ol. lut year. List your property
witb a Realtor today.
lre1fs shown
M II" lilt .. II I wilD .............. ~ lli'W' ........ tllo ---.. lllltll_tf _ _,. llltto"" nn 81» cllpl,-
--altltolto_l_ ........... ----
411: ·--·· ............ -.... '""" ...... ka1.....,_ .... ........ ____ -ud porm.J ·-
..... ct llo~ -bllla.. .U... to C1Dtma Scape." Tbl Vt&tb:lr1 an ablt: to o-.,.1_ Ia at tllo ~~-·• poriMce lbo tta•or ot lbe oru:
l'llorJ, -ln lbo -tllo .. ., slloal lllml, lbo ...
hYUJoo, Uld will --elt!DOIII ot lbo tlrll IaWes, aod lbnltiP AprU 10, tllo ~lo ot lbe wide ser-ne C(MMdtaM, 'ttqlll, proceas.
lMI'otl, dramatic, west.-a_ llaterlal fOr •tbe emtbttioll
mUica.l IW'• &DIS teaowDIICI bas baeD kJued to tht mueum
by major moYleltu:Bos aod rum
PlfiOMUUts, amooc tbem
llotro-Goldwru-llarer, Marr
Ple-.t, lbe CeeU B. De1Wle
eJtate &lid tbe Sol Leuer col-
lecUoa of tse.
,.;,...,....-..-:ot"'!?'!r"--, NEWPOIIT>HARIIOR ENSI!JI
lltURmAY, AI'IIL '-.,.
Shooting ruled justifiable
DUitloiAIIonorCtclllllcU I-ud don u al.loJ, t11o
bul..t&nllacol,..,.tblre·dartiJ-clld --t ......
bomoeltlt la lbo -.. --.......... -lima. ot 14-,..r-old st __ ._ He -~-1o..., ud lllailJ
fltld La c:o.ta Mea ..,. rD14-Ht ....,..nt s to n.· 11111 wu
allbloo llueb n. lllailJ lln<ltllrlboblllotftlell
"Tbl "kteoee elt&rlJ r ... caQIIId b18 dllbl. A totalolalot
valls -lolleld wu pP&Od lbOia wve tlrld.
Ia a bar&)ao at lbo Ume lbe Bo.w.tlea117, 11 -DOllie
pollee otll-• allompled to II>-dotermlood wllleb ollie.-llrod
prebebd him," Mr. Hicks said. tbe e.tallbot, U. diltrlct at ..
"Tbe ~ code detloes )tlstl-loraor ald. Doe to lbocireoa-
tlable bomleldo by polleemenu IIUees 11 wu ID>I>oNII>Ie lor
ooe oeeessarll1 commuted 1n tbe pollee to bow lbe apaftbl
uresUQc persoos cWpd wltb burcJ&r wbom tbeJ par...:L
feloaJ, ILDd woo are fleelD&;trom
justice." On tbe root of tbl lbop wu
Costa Mesa pollee respooded fotmd a IIUttcase comtnlnc au..
' !
BUY3 Some oftbe rareaodnlUlble
artifacts oou:b.tbitlDelude W.C.
Fiekl'l pool cue &Dd self-com-
posed periODill pocket dic-
tionary, the sboes that Cbarlle
Cbaplln ate in "Gold Rush/•
Cecil B. DeMille's camera from
tbe ••Squaw Man, •• Lon CbaoeJ'S
mate-~c» lllt, Heory Wllcomn's
"OLD CROW CHAMP" at lbo SUb. Al>a Cow1tr7 Club Is
Edward F. O'Brien Sr. oi417Bep>lllaAve.,eor-delMar,
pictured here (c8DW'J recelf1Dc tbl trqlbJ from
Web Hcl!>il1lls, Z506 UDJ•erslly Dr., Well 1Wor Bar, 111e
touriamaot chalrman. At tbe rllbt ta tbe f11mal'·l.lt, Gene
Fason. 900 Bellis st., East Bluff. wbo lost out ca tbe 18th
bole. Tbe touroament 1s for club members '10 JIUS old and
mer, Both Mr, O"Brten &Dd Mrs. Fassoo are 72.
(Rleb Basset pboto.)
to a d1eDt burclarJ alarm at merous burcJarJ toolJ, 10meol , Q ·~
Corrlpn's Camera Shop, 5SO which bad beeo usec1 to cut tbe ~---.. •
RtTY 3. 4, 5. or 6 pe.
pl..-.-.tinp •nd
r..t'riwo on~ FREE
BUY 3 -N!f"'f!ivr 4
BUY 9 -recei"Ve
W. 19th st. al approJtlmalely bole ln tbe root ot lbo camera IIRS. HARRY WARD otNnpart Bsaeb (left) bold wlntler's
11:45 p.m. March 15 to ftDd sbop. Rope uttoded totbetloor c~ after defeatloc Mrs. Paul Hall, Nnport Beacb. 1o tbe
the suspect mo•lnc about the of tbe sbop aDd trapoeataottbe Onals of tbe Saata Ana CouotrJ Club's presldeat's c~
rear of tbe store. Ralpb J, Cor. rope were I>UDd oo st~te. cbamplonshtp 4 aDd 3 (Rlcb Bassett phOto )
rtcu. owoer of lbe shop, opeoed tlekl's sboes. Add1Uool.lly, ' • •
tbe front door by ker aod lbe lraCJDeDIB ot plaster, 1100d,aod FLORAL TALK FOR BENEFIT DAMCE FOR
helmet from the "Crusades,"
and costumes from Mary Pick-
suspect was seeo cllmblng a bleck tar roolltlc werelolltld oo Y AOIT Q.UB LAlli ES GUID.AMCE CENTER
rope to the root. and 1n the suspect's clothes. A Tbe Balboa Yacht Club ladles• Iovlt&Uoos to "tbe floWer
Wben stubblefleld was oo the ha.Dd-dran stetcb of the bur. luocbeon oa. April 10 wW rea. people" to "come &Del do )'OUI'
oam," Polly says. "We wtll roof, the otrlcers, lootlog tt>, glary sltewasfo\mdamongtbe ture Robert T. Schroeder of ownthlngb'theCblldGulduce
'Cookie lift' under way
ford. Volunteers are oeeded ror the
In conJunction with "The ''coollle 11ft " which is pro.
Movie Show," the Newport Hat-vidlng home~made cookies and
bor Art Museum bas planned a other Items for our flgt:ltlngmen
special ftlm event. A rare tn Vietnam.
Harold Lloyd mofle, "Harold Polly Vasquez of Costa Mesa,
Lloyd's World of Comedy," a who ts coordloa.tlng tbeproieet
oew ediUoa wblch hlghUgtis says that the purpose or tb~
hJ.s ftlm career, wUl be shown cookie drive 1s to show that we
Tuesday, April 15, at 8:30p.m. think eoougtl about the u.s.
1n the Balboa Theater. Tile film troops in VIetnam to do
has been made available to the somethlng tor tb8m.
Museum by Mr. Lloyd tor this "We will be pacldng at the
occasion and will mark the tlrst Costa Mesa City Hall 4th floor
sbowtng 1n the UDited States. the entire month of APru," sh~
The only other showing was at says. "We will need volunteers
a recent Cannes FUm Fes-u you want a club project and
Uval. have your own packing party,
Price for admission for the please caU me for further pack.
ftlm event is $3 tor oon-mem-tng instructions."
bers; $2.50 for Museum mP.m -Polly can be reached at
bers; and $2 for students. The 545-27!4 during week..days and
show Is open to the public, at 548-5491 after 6 p.m.
tickets are available through Donations for postage can be
the Museum ottlce. sent to Security First NaUooa.l
Tbe Newport Harbor ArtMu-Ba.nk at Harbor Blvd. and wu.
seum is located 1n tbe Balboa. son St., Costa Mesa. A trust
Puuton, 400 Ma.ln Street, Sal-fund is be log set ~ tn coopera-
Boa. The exhlbltlon hOurs are uon wtth Ute Costa Mesa Cham·
Wednesday through Sunday, 1-5 ber of Commerce.
p.m. and Monday Dlgt:lts, 6-9 "We oeed addresses of mill.
p.m. Admission 1s tree. tary men oow serving to Viet.
'Bug-a-baloo' announced
seod packages to tbelr com. ordered him to halt. H1s path youth's be}Onglngs, Harbor FJoral, Huntlogton Ceoter o1 Orange CoiiDty" bave
manct!ng omcers for di.stribu-of fi!gbt took blm across the Tbe lovestiption will COD· Beach, been m11led b)' the South Cou ..
tioo. ID tbls way au men in the root and an adjacent parldnglot Uoue by tbe dlstrlct attoroey•s Mrs. Almon Loctabey, en-ters, the Harbor Area <:cq)les
unit will get cookies from where be was again ordered to omce and tbe Costa Mesa po.. tertainmeot coordinator, will gro~ whJ.ch supports the tr.t-
'Tom•s oome town." halt. Several shots were tlred, lice department coocerDJng tbe Lntroduce llr. Schroeder, wbo ment center.
1n add1t1oo to cookies, other one of which wollDded hlm in the youth's actiriUes ..ttb Ulep.l wtU demonstrate IJid speak oo They'll be dolo&: lbelr on
items being sem include arts leg. drup and Whether any accom-the art of floral arra.ngina:. Mr. tblng at the Mesa Verde Coon-
and crafts, wrapped gum, hard Alter approximately 270 pllces were lovolved 1o the Schroeder wtu donate one o1 try Club Wbeo they host abeoe·
candy &lid pre-sweetened tool yards of running through a ps burglary. his creat1oos u a door prize. tit d1Dner dance at 7 p.m. Aprll
ald. 83 f" • h 10 •1 He will also discuss and give 19.~_Co.cbairmen are Mr. and
HARRY HAYDEN oF m 1 s -m 1 e run ~k=:n !' ~~-:.~ ~~:: ~~u::'.~ln~ ~·.:::
COSTA MESA DIES John Halterleln, 36-year-old per mile for the entire 10 mUe tor the headdress ball. Mrs. Robert Moore.
Harry L. Hayden, 87, of 241 santa Monican., woo the 14tb run.
Palmer st., Costa Mesa, died annual 10 mile ha.ndlcap run Ninety ·Sll ruoners from all
March Z2 at Parll Lido Con-Sunday morning Marcb 23 at over the lliiO\&hla.nd entered. Tom
n.lescent Center. He was born Corona del l4ar Hlgb School. Coxwell of tbe Newport Beacb
Nov. Z5, 1881, 1n Nebraska, His Ume was 71 minutes 22 parks, beacbes and recreatloo
came to California 4Z years aeo seconds. department sta.ff reported that
aDd Uved 1n Oraoee Couoty 17 James Bernick won tbe 1st 83 of 96 rWilers t1n.1sbed the
years. place trophy for the fastest race.
SurvlYors i.Dcltade his wife, time, coverlng the course 1n Steve Boice, prestdeot of the
Della· a son, James of Costa 53:07, a course record 1n an co-spoosorlog Newport Harbor
Misa; 2 daughters, Mrs. Becky average of llti.le onr 5 minutes Optimist Club, and mQmbers
Ja.ne Berrlpo of Caplstt&a? presented thetropb.lestoRobert
Beacb and Mrs. W.Uy Hillen of Her mao of Redondo Beach tor
Aaa.belm; 10 erandcblldren and the flrst runoer ovet 40 years
9 great grandchildren. of ap to f1n1sh, aDd to Charles
Senlces were held March Z4 Sboutbard of Fullerton tor tbe
at <z Chapel, wltb the Rev. tlrst rwmer o•er 50 yean to
James Bla.ln of the Newport finish. Tom Goodrtdre won tbe
Harbor Lutheran Church as of. tropby for the flrst Newport
t1ctant. lntermeot was at Har· Beach resident to flAlsb..
bor Rest Memorial Park. Result!: from the rest of the
fashion footwear
• Brings you
HI-Heels by
~M!tide ~""-
e Lustre floiahed,
white, boDe, Ught
blue, blacll patent.
e Medium heels, too.
Cblck Iverson, Vokswa.pn soo be&dquarters have beeode-fteld wlr) won tropbleslohaDd1.
and Porscbe dealer, is holdiog signed lnSpa.nish style to bleod JESSIE lUTTON OF cap: Fred Weber, 2nd place;
e Plaln or bowed.
QuaUty ..., ftt
you wUI Uke. the world's tlrst tnteroatlooa.l with the surroundlng area CXlSTA MESA DIES Joho Weston, a 13-year old
"bug.a-baloo" to celebrate the Special tlcWUes Include a cW..: Jessie Emlly Button, 83, of from FountaJ.n Valley, Srd
opening of his oew hea.dquar. tomer lounge showrooms 18'75 Harbor BlYd,, CostaM!sa, place; Howard MJller, 4th, and
ters at 445 E. Coast Hwy., at d.tagnostlc equipment and li died Marcb30,atHoagHosplt:al. SCREEN VETERAN Wa.lter Hal Wallace, 5th. Tbe runners.
Bayside Dr •• across from the service lifts ' Sbe was born Oct. 4, 1885, Brennao plays his llotb tUm ~c» 1n tastest Urnes were: Bill
eotrance to Bayside VlU&&e. Tbe ~lee depu1menl, lD loY.!., came to Cillfornia 32 role lD Cherokee Productlou' Alderson. ZDd; Howard Miller.
Tbe name ot the celebration slatted trlth a force of 75 ta.c-years aco &Dd. ltYed 6)r Z~ "S~rt ,our local sbt:ri.U." Srd; Dale Se.ery, ttll, aDd Jobn
comes from ''bulla.beJoo,'' tbe tory-tra!Ded techoicla.ns Is years In Oranct County. ShE oow at the Port Theatre, Corom. PaglJaDO, 5th.
old.Ume get-together ot oelg:h-open Tuesday lhrougfiSatui-day was a member or the P.E.O. del Mar.
bors to help ina ba.rn-buildJ.Dg i.Dcludlng eveDing bours to 8 SisterhOod. FRANK WISH. S., OF
project or 1n harvestl.ng the o'clock on Tuesdays aoo Wed-Survivors are her son, DonaJd JOSEPH M. HElL OF (X)STA MESA Dl ES
crops. The switch 1n the name oesda.ys, Tile sales department of El Segundo; a daughter, Mrs. WEST NEWPORT Dl ES Frank A, Wish, 54, of 2812
comes, naturally, from the aoo showrooms are open Mon-M.U'jorle Fuller of Costa Mesa; Joseph M. Neil, 7l,of315-1/2 Drake St., Costa Mesa, died
JEWELER "Bug," which Is a frieod.ly sort day through Friday from 8a.m 2 sisters, Miss Lucy Royce of 32od st., West Newport, died Marcb 30 at Costa Mesa
of nickname tor the vw. A to 9 p m and onSaturdaystro~ Costa Mesa, and Mr5. John March 22, at Hoag Hosptta.l. Memorial Hospital.
300'7 E. Coast Hwy. "Bug" is going to be the grand 8 a m · ~ 6 p m Gowdy of Yucaipa; and 3 gn.OO-Mr. Nell was born March 27 Mr . Wlsb owoed 4-Most
prl..ze to be given away dld'l.ng · · · • children. 1897, In Italy, A self-employed Llqoors, IDe., Costa Mesa. He
Phone: 673-6405 the "bug.a-baloo." OLLIE MUSGROVE, 87, Services were held A;>rll Z upholsterer, be Uved 1n Call-was a nteran of World War D •
!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~T!be:!bul~ldln~gs!,!a~llli!e~oe=w~lv~er~-OF CDM SUCCUMBS at . Westcllf1 Chapel. Tile of-tornia tor 50 years and In Or-H eas born Oct. 26, 1914, 1n
Just 9 days after her 87th flci.ari was the Rev. Richard ange County for 5 years. llliDois.
birthday, Ollie Musgrove of 504 Dunlap ol First Uoited Metho-SlD'VIYors lncltade his wife, Survivors include hJ.s wife, 11lies_,·~ •
Poinsettia Ave., Corooa del dist Church, Costa M•!sa. En-Agnes; a son, James of Tustin; Wanda; a son, Robert of Costa
Mar, died March 27 at Costa tombment wasatFairbavenMe. a daughter, Jeannette Frankllo Mesa; his mother, Veronica
Mesa Memorla.l hospital. mortal Park., Saota Ana. of Huntingtoo Beach; hJ.s Wls:zcholek o1 Oneco, Florida;
She ns born March 18,1882, mother,Mary Magliocco of New aoo 2 sisters.
1n Kansas came to CaUtorola REALTY BOARD WINS York; 2 brother,4slsters,aoo6 Services will be held today,
49 years ~go and Uved 1o this ARST PLACE AWARD grandchlldreo. April 3, at Baltz Chapel. In-
area tor 15 y~s. The Newport Harbor-Costa Rosary was recited MarcbZ3 termeot will be at Paclflc View
Survlwors are her 2 daugh. Mesa Board of Realtors bas and mass was celebrated Marcb :w~e~m~or~lal~~O!:..-----~~!!!! '"~~~====~::::=:::::~~:;;=::;~,
ters, Mrs. Maybelle Harllins woo tbe fltst place awa.rd in Z4 at our Lady Queen of Angels =
(With the purchase of 2 or
more tires.)
3 days and 2 Dites at the
Hacienda or Thunderbird Hotel.
Free luxury room with TV -
gambling Instruction-Cham-
pagne Party,
.............. ......,. f'trtcft
The II,. popolar!y-priced
tn fisted al"d prCMd safe It
lOO mph $0 )'Dl.l have that
aba marain at 50, 60, 70,
80. fheuomenal tnlction,
rlkt1or sNne. PaMI2d Safetr-
Sholl,_, ~m,.,..... •• lnnertlner. fulf -.l)rm<w-Truo
,..... 711-11
.... 111·11
771-14 771-11
22.75 ..........
... c-t .... Colli .... ........ "
of Corona del Mar and Mrs. the state for education and pro-Cburch, East Bluff. Baltz Nor-
Claude Eaton of Laguna Hills; fesslonal standards advaoce-tuary Costa Mesa directed
a graoddaugbter, Mrs. Jea.nne ment for 1968, during the pre-tu.oeral services.
Bishop of New York: aoo 2 stdency of Btu Ring of Harbor
great.graodch.lldren. ' Investment Co. President J . WOODFORD ELECTED
Services were held M:~.rch 31 Peter Barrett accepted the George Woodford Jr., pre-
at Baltz Chapel Corona del award at the recent meeting of sldeot of Newport Nat.loDal
' ••· to fth C Ul nlaReai Bank,bas beenelectedto .... ...,e Mar. Entombment was a1 uu ec r s o e a or ...... .
Melrose Abbey, Orange. Estate Assn. IU.ndy McCardle on the legtslaUvecommltteefor
served as ctlalrman of the 1968 1969 for tbe lndepeodeot B&o.
MRS. HAZEL COLLINS educatlou .;0mm1ttee. The local llers Association of Soutllern
DIES AT AGE OF 78 board's achJevemeot book was cawornJa., The association Is
Hazel Gertrude Co llins, 781 prepared by committee cba1r-comprised of all the community
of 281 Santa Isabel, Costa. Me~ ma.n Gladys Russeu and the oYDed and operated banks 1o
died March 23 at her home. board staff. Southern Calltornla.
l&rs. Collins was boro AprU ll~ ... IHC BASEBALL EX-MESAN DIES
13, 1890, 1D. Missouri, came to CLASSIC IS SCORE LESS Leonard Roy Jacks, 10-year
cawornJa 21 years ago aDd A gam e tor the record boots resident of Costa Mesa UDt11
Uved 1n Oran~ County tor 6 was the ooe between Corooa del moYiog last January to Aptos,
years. Mar and Estancla baseball oear Sa.D Fraac18co, died there SurvlYors 1Dclude ller SOD, M h 21 t the f 13 Ser James of TeD.S; 2 sisters, teams last Friday, It went 11 arc a age o · •
Mrs. Lillian Sampson 01 Costa l..nDJ.ngs, ended to a scorelss vices were held in SaDta Crus.
Mesa and Mrs. lreoe Heath ot Ue, and each team got only 001 Tbe Costa Mesa residence wu
Missouri; a brother, Murray hJL Chuck Loseth of the Eagles at 840 Center st.
Dority of Long Beach, aDd 1 struck cU 25 aoo allowed only OTY IS SUED
grudda"'!!ter. a pop nr single "' tile 8111. sto .. G&)lskl, 1455 S..,.rlor
Rosary was recUed Marcb. Rex Snyder threw b!Uesa ball An., West Newport Helpta, 1J
Z4 aJXt mass was celebrated for tbe first 9 IDnings:, aoo al-sa.1.nc tbe City of Newport S.cb.
March 5 atst.Joacbim'sCatbo-lowed only an lnfteld hit in the tor damact to ws car at the
Uc Church, Costa U:est.. IDler-10ttl· Corona del Mar fUp ec.l)ool
meat was at Holy Sepulchre Costa Mesa lost to Fouatatn Pllld.Dc lot. He cbarps that
cemetery Huottncton Beach, Valley 4 to 1 Friday, J9U:lDI tbe cllmaCe .,... eaued bf a
IIDder ~ d!rectioll of Balta OlllJ S bits &Dd oomm~tt~ac 5 poUee car. ,~,...,
Mortllll'y, Costa Me•. errors. Ia ra from
CaroUDt ADIJeriOil. II, of M$
E. 1 '7th St., COlt& Mea, died
Marcb Z3 at Be<orl)' -
Coan&tiCtllt Home, Colt& .....
Sbri 'IU borD .... IS, 1110,
Ia IIIW JrrOff utlllad U•ttl la
C.Uiorala uti ~Maar• lor I
,_... 6 A.lol IASTII SUNDAY llrs:~ar:a:. ':,"Q th PAULO DIIVEoiN TMIAUI
11-U11 a .... ... IUU Nowpon BIY4.; Cool& lloaa
'--Jr, ot It»'" llooo-t ~IAITII·IM'' ll)o LV. 'ftllltOW T~ ~C..-P.-,Oulo&l--·~orOoo&a-
CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY • .. GaJYa ....... .,.., ..... ~"~~••• ...... , ...
__ , ~~,.... 1'COMI AI YOU All--ST.o\T Ill YOU I CAl" IUr L Cltdl'l'llft •..... 1'9 II • Cll_,. ~-
1 .......... ~~~----~~------~~;;~.1·--------------------------------------------------------J ?tcleta ............. ..,. -
11y BETTY IECXWITH Ooe b-td you old wb1te b.sblootd -uets o1 ""IDe Cartlley, In cbup ol all ar-
ID a dllplaJ of arti8ti'J ud betrloom B&TII&Dcl CtllDa wuln flowers placed U'OWid a nve~ nncemems for the event.
ICiDlllt1 tiD&iAifrome.....-coatrut to tbe :cruberry tranch candelatracarrytnctall Mrs. Clayton Thompson, pre-
: rllOd. l4 or&ace CoultJ' tfiOo. tumbprlat erylb.L Sllt'enrare tapers harmoniled i.D coklr sideot of tbe EbeU Club, wel-
mto's orpotutloos competed b' luacbeoD was hl tbe Qtleen theme wttb ma.tchlngnlvetrlb--corned member• and their
tor s prise anrdl at M.wpart ADD pattern. Cooper Brotbers boos ln antique rose-brown tied guests in a pale laveodar rUltloa
Beacb £bell Club's Srd u.a1 IDd SoD. Ltd., Jt•Unc lllYer to oapkins. Individual roses knit eom';)lemented with a
tab .. ·Htt1Dc eompet.Woa (EJlCl&Dd). Small Easter bats were at each place aett:iDg. and a shocking pLnk flowered hat.
Tlwuday, Marcb ZO, lD tbe bordered tbt tablecloth edclDg. centerpiece of fresh flower<~: Dooatloos to the event beoe-
Newport Harbor Amerlcu Le-Mrs. James Dowty 1a presldeot completed the breaifast tor nt [bell Club's scholarsbJp
I10D ball. .of Nnpal't Frleod.s of the Ll-springtime. President of the program tor students in nursJ.nc
C}Ose to 250 members and brary. Jrg:anization is Dr . Hilda Me-and muslc.
cueste atlendlnc sal at lal>los "Sprtacllmo ll<•ldast,
eooored lnlllOeklogplnkelollles .1910"-tblrd priM, $25, lor DECORATIVE CRAFTS Q..t.U J.HHOUHCED J1f""
EDELL PRESIDENT, Mrs, Claytoo Tbomp.:m.laf1n1Ditbe aod ceDtered Yitb ualea Frl.eDdl of U. Llbn.rJ, Costa Tbe City of Newport Beach solid objects, forged metalpla-
ftrst prize wtnner at tbe table setting coatest-the eotrJ botlllueb:. Oo stage amaDDIQu1D Mesa. Mra. Malcolm Ehlers, Parks, beaches &. r e<:reation ques, art tissue ;ewelry,
ol the Wednesday MorniDc Club JWliors. (EDSip pboto,) stood 1n tbt eodosure of a ebairmu. wu usbted 1D de-depaitment has scheduled a de-weavLDg and various other pro-,....::._:::_.:.::=.:.:::...._:.:..::_: _______ ..:_ ___ "1 wlllte picket fence ptberlDc eoraUoas by Mra. Raymood corattve cr,Jtts class tor the jects of this nature wUI be pre-
... .,.
flowers, poed 1n a weddinC Peuee· ud Mrs. WUllam spring recreation session.lllrs. sented. The class wlll be held
dress beloDCinc to Mrs. Cbar-'McCollom. Tbelr tablec)oth of Donna Friebertshauser wlll be on Tuesday mornings from 9 to SECOND PRIZE 1n the Ebell table setting contest went to
les Kelley's g:raodmother. Tbe whlte flowered damask was set the instructor. ooon. at Ya.rlDers m·JtUpurpose entry of the Newport Beaeb Friends of tbe Ubnry. Mrs.
Newport Ebell tea table floral ' wUb p1Dk ud blue Freoch U-Such crafts as encaustic and room, be&iJIIWl& AprUB. The fee Walter at and Mr s. T. Duncan Stewart belp
centerpiece, desiped by Mrs. mops Cbi.Dl •• .;T~br;•;•~;•;ld;·.;str;aw;.;palnll;;•~g,~pao:l;e~r1m;ae;h;e~ls;.;$~1~5 ~,.,.;.1~0~w;e;•;ks~o~!~le;ssoos;;·.;to-=·lil·i:j.· .......... '-·-·-
area rugs
in great
Round, ovals. squares.
octaganals. more! The
wonderful cho1ce of shape
!1ke the beout1ful cho1ce of 30
colon IS up to you !ske1n-dyed
by Korostan for su perb
clanty Up Ia you, too, IS
where to u!.e 'em So versot1le.
they go beoutdully 1n any
room Come !oee them
in our Rug Gallery now 1
646-0275 ~· 0276 ~·ifttertor tleli,_,
o,-.... ~ .,._, ' ...........
James HiDes, displayed a ••-• variety of Dowers ranging from
pale to shockln&: pink. Refresh·
meots carried out the plnk and
white theme.
Mrs. John Wells of Wed.
nesday Morn.iDg Club Juniors
took tlrst prl&e of $75 with bar
setting eOCttled ''Alter tbe
Easter parade." Mrs. Wells
made her own leaf patter ned
tablecloth of gold and terra
cotta, with gold frlnge. Center.
piece flowers were of straw
rangillg from pale cream to
vivid orange. Pussy willow , sU.
ver dollar eucalyptus leaves and
Easter eggs completed tbe
design. Terra cotta service,
gold napkins with straw daisy
rlngs and salad plates carrylDg
small baskets of Easter grass
aod curnquats were Ln contrast
to glassware of black and gold.
Flatware chosen by Mrs. West
was Ln gold.
Servtn1 as a l».ckdrop was a
wooden folding screen flanked
on one side by a sl\awl-covered
ladder topped with Boston fern.
At the opposite slde, a 3-step
winding staircase held coffee
c~s. a cotree and tea pot ln
brtpt orange and yellow. Pre-
sident of Wednesday Morning
Juniors ls Mrs. R, Grey Eger-
to~od prlzeof$50wasawu.
ded to Newport Beach Frteodsof
the Ubrary tor tbelr "Old fa.
shiooed Euler." Decorators
l.acl..sed Mrs. T, DtDCU
Stewart, Mrs. Walter White IPd
Mrs. Lee Spratler. Tbe sbock·
Lng plnk feU and tulle table-
cloth was centered with a two-
tiered lasy susan. An Easter
1\at arrangement on the top lenl
carried Iris, tullps, Joo:;tulls,
fresh strawberries, mush-
rooms, birds in lbelr oest and
butterfiles, Tbe second Uer
contained Easter baskets nlled ======,---======------....1 with nrt...colored
Your new Golden Passbook Savlnrs Account will draw
the hl&best bank rate of interest aVIIIable anywhere!
Now J011 can enjoy 5.13% inteml on •
lltwport Notional Bank Golden Passbook
Account when your sninp nd all interest
rtm~in 1 )'tlf. Tlris is now possible when our
5% current 1nnu1l interest r1te is com·
poomdtd doily and credited qUM!erty lo JI)Ur
Goldttl Pmbook Account. This special I<·
couot is tni~blt to lndMduol$, corporations.
portnersllips and noo·prof~ orpnitations.
You'll lit pltasod to ...,. that JI)Ur intomt
paylllltlb art llai* acconlin11o JOII' own ,...,...1 -. Willi a mlnimum dapooit of S!iOO IIIMI .,...,.,.., deposits ol $100 or
-... IMrt b no limit to tile-)Ill can
"-it ·--froll tile d&ta of
deposit 1M continMs to the date of lrith·
dr1wal for funds Oft deposit 90 days or more.
Wt wo.ld liN: to tell you more about this
unique "blnk r~tt" of hrttrest. ·-
1 COIA'IIImfr OMCD • .,... OIAIJII eouun ---e..-• ..,s .. Mntl• ...--............... Ml·ll4l ....... -......... ~n.-.... --.......... 111.1110 ...... -................. , •. , ls-r.tca.-• .. ~....----·-IINUI
• • • • -
It's fina lly happened to Newport Beach ~a nd to the
world)-a genuine. ho nest-to-goodness B UG-A -
BALOG! N obody 's ever h ad one before b ut . tt was
bound t o happen. a n d Iverso n thoug h t o f tt 1
Iverson's "pad" is h is b rand new Volkswagen
building which is the largest and most beautif ul in
the United States. Conceived wtt h an artisttc f lair.
it h ouses the very latest in serv1ce and diagnostic
equipment. and is a perfect showcase f or dis-
playing the ~test c hanges tn t he Volkswagen I me
(that is . if you c an spot the changes).
During the w orld's f irst B UG-A -BALOO. Iverson
will give awey a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen
(otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have
to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been to a
BUG-A -BALDO, no w is your opportunity t o be
among the first! At the B U G ·A -BALOO. you 'll see
the latest in Volkswegens end Porsc hes. w ithin a
layout the likes of whic h you 've never seen befo re1
BUG-A ·BALOO refreshments awai t tho se that
CARE to see something d ifferent! Now 's the time
to put a :·aug" in your ho use!
In The Bible
Reprinted by perm.iufoD of Moody Prell. Chi('qo
UP'TIST aleLE TltiiUMI. s,.rt.efW4 ...
ON1! OP 'IKE MOST frequent objections made to the Bible i.s
that "the Bible SIIYS that God commanded Abraham to offer his .oa
u • bwnt offering." It is d~ that this story juatilia the
horrible p,.actiee of human sacnfiee. Not many years ago whcm
an inaaJw man actually did :slay hts son as a sacrifier to God.
infidel~ pr-oclaimed far and wide that the Bible in its story of
Abraham and laaac wan-anted and was respoNible for the action.
Not a few Christians have been bewildered and distressed by
this story. How shall this apparent difficulty be removed! It can
be euily met and removed tn the sa~ way that mc.t Bible
difficuhin may be met and r;:omoved, namely, by noticing euct.ly
wlult the Bible says and all that it says.
Notice ln the fine. place tlult
tho~t God commanded Abraham to slay Isaac.
lt is eo~Utar!tly said by enemies of the Bible that God did
command Abraham to sl1o1y Isaac, but this l.fi not in reality what the
Bible MYI-Exactly what the Bible says is that God conunanded
Abraham to ''offer him for a burnt offermg" (Gen. Z2:2). U\e.rally
translated, God commanded Ab~am to "make him go up (that is,
upon the altar] for a burnt offenng."
Abraham was merely commanded to lay Isaac upon the alw
u a whole offering to God. Whether when he wlUI thus laid upon ~altar and prewnt.ed to God, God would require him to 10 further
and slay his son, he did not know. All th.ilt God COJJUnAnded wu
to ma.ke him go up on to the altar. ready to be slain and burned
!I God should so require.
DID GOD SO ~ui.re! "The record exprnaly declares that He
did DOt. On the contrary, God plainly forn.de the actual .alat.Wbter
ol buc (Gen. 22:11, 12).
That the original command was not to kill Isaac but merely
to olfer him up is u plain u da y from the fact that we are explicitly
told that Abraham did uactJy what God told him to do, that .ia,
"to offer up Iaaac." "Abraham offered up Isaac" is the Bible
statemet"lt {Heb. 11 :17). but Abraham did not slay Isaac---that he
was not told to do.
It Ia u clear lUI day, then, that the divine commandment to
offer up wu NOT A COMMAND 'TO SLAY.
'1111: STORY AS told m the Bible b; not that God had fint
commanded Abraham to slay and bum Isa.ac and that He after-
wards when He saw that Abraham w Q willing to do even this He
took it back and provided a lamb to take Isaac's pia~.
The Bible story 1s that God commanded Abraham to make
hla lOll Isaac to as«nd th e altar to be presented to God u a whole
offering, and that 1\braham actually did this which he wu com-
manded to do. And this did not, t"1ther in God's original intention
or in the exeocution of the command, involve the slau,ghter of laaac.
11115 STORY. THEN , 1n no w<~.y Justifies hum.m sacrifice in lhe
xnae of the ;~~ctual slaymg of a human vktim On the contney,
~ whole force of the narrat.JYe is agil.iru;t such sacrifice. lnlltead
of be1ng commanded it IS t"xpliCJtly forbidden. It don, hown-er,
justify lhe offering of ounelves to God. ho ly. "a living sacrifice"
{Rom. 12:1).
But this i! not all that the story as it actually occun in the
Bible Wlla us. It II:Ot"S on to tell us that so far from God cornmandinc
Abrah..m to slay h1s son. wht"n Abraham was about to 10 beyood
what wu e-xphc1tly commanded, (namt"ly, thco offcoring of his .on),
and to alay h1s son, (which was not co~TUrU~nded), God int.ervmed
aDd poiJtively forbade Lt.
Jehovah SC"nt His own Angel to speak in fU"I audible voia~ from
hu.ven forbiddi~ tht" shedding of lsa.ilc's blood. "Lay not thine
band upon the lad, nt"ither do thou anything unto him.," c:aUed U..
Anaft of Jehoval-l out of heaven (Gen. 22:12).
1'hia nary, then, so fa r from encouraging human ,.crifice pomtivWy
and explicitly forbids it. and that in the most solemn manner. So
all ow-difficulty w1th th is na.rntive disa.ppean when -look
cu-efully with open eyn ilt the record and now prec:iaely wMt
is said.
IT COINIUUS I . l"f.ot,JIIIL .. an.
CMIC:.ot,OO. IU'"OfS 606J.S
The rewrrectlon of Jnu.t Ovitt
lS the lf'M\Ht slqle fe.ct ln W.-
tory. It 1s the ODe thine U.t
separates Cbrlstlanlt;y trcm aD
other relJaka.. Wtthou.t tbe rell.lf'-
reclion there would be 110 rul Ute
or hope ln CbrlsUanlt;y.
But, tharik. God. we MrYe a llv·
ill&". Nen Saviour. When I speak
ol raurrectlon I rnNI1 tbe bod.U;y
resurreetloa of CbrbL There is
no such thin&" u the reaun"''!ction
of the spirit of Cbrllt, for His
spirit never dkl cBe, DeVer was
"Death could not bold. his prey''
is &:lorkKWY true! For the tint
and only time tn all ot bi.ltory,
death was defeated and tbat eom·
pletely so.
There is no question u to wheth-
er or not Christ rose from the dead
according to the Sertpturea. We
are absolutely clear on thM polnt.
'!'he Bible records 14 dlfferent ap--
pearancn of Chd1t beinC seen by
rrom one to over SOD pet"'IIna eath
time. Whole chapters ln the Bible
are given over to this one theme.
Fint Corinthians 15, Jol\n 3), 21,
Mark 16, LukA! 2f., and Matthew
28 deal exclusively wtth the ruur·
r«tlon of Jrsua Otrli;L
C11rl.stiens ere knoWn u those
who beUew in the hereafter. '!bey
believe that cke.th does not end
aU, that there il ete-rnal life for
the bom-apln beilew'r in Olrllt.
What dora thia belid stem from?
From nothin&: eWe than the resur-
rection of Olrlst. In 1 Corinthians
15:23 we re"ad : ''Christ tbe: first·
fruits; afterwarda they that are
Qu-ist's at his coming."
I can remember u a boy in
Northern Michi&an. ln the early
pa.rt of spring, we could obeerve
certain places where the rays of
the sun were especially warm, and
as a rt""Sult, a few blades of "grtoen
grass would spring up. This P'U.S
would be surrounded by IIMJW and
ice. The l"ftt of nature wu sWl
Jylng dormant, covered with the
chill of wtnte.r. But we knew that
this wouldn't be for very long be-
cause the tirstlruits of spring had
already made their appear~.
So It is with the lftU.tf'Ktion
or our Saviour. He is the flntfruit.l
from the dead. and 1ft aball foUow
at Hia CICli'IWIII. TherdOft tbe fu·
tune need nrver be dull. DOr need
we ever be diseourqed. In the
mkW of this "vale of tears" Quist
will return and ~ sh&ll 10 to be
with Him.
Beloved in Christ, to think WI!!
aAaU be like Him! U John 3:2).
1be person who falll to be stirn!d
up at such a gkrious thouabt is
either woefully ianorant of the
teachlna: of the Scriptures cr nn....
~rably laclrlna in f&ith. No more
slclmess, sadness, rheumatism.
lumbqo, gout (I've had that!),
cancer, T..B., old a1e, ITIIY hair,
!aWe teeth. blfoeala. baldDeu, or
crippled bod}ea.
No more death, tears, mental
blocks. personality coniDc\S. in·
f~rlorlty eomplo:es. timidl.ty' frall·
Illes, dec&¥. dheue, or dil&ppoint-
lnltead. dlvl.ne eneTI)', whk.h by
the very nature" of Ita 1DfinJU .te·
aources put the atom to ahame,
aball be our ete:mal pc.-1d'n
Faha:ue aha.ll be t.nlmown. Weari·
ness lh&J.l have forever vanished.
Mumblen and grumblers shall
strive in vain to make conv~na
tion. We &hall be e perfect being
In a perfe-ct world order ruled by
t.M Iron hand or the Kin1 of ldnp.
Satan shall then have been sep-
arated far from us by an uneroa--
able e~-The demons, too. aha.ll
bave met their doom and wW no
lonaer be allowed to roam b:L our
hemi:aphere. The serpent or lust
shall nn-er aa:aln raile his u&IY
bead to tempt and tcrmm:t the be·
twver. w~ shall theft know the KloriOW Uberty of the c:b1ldre!l ol
God and be .. ved hun tbll!' Jft'S-
eoor of sin as wdl u tram lb
Modo .. lat 11.,-Dn7 Clorlat'• ...........
Let the Infidel ~ (.,_
ca.lled) u.r that be: expeeta u.
archaeolocbta to ftad tM booes
of Jesus .....say yet tn the ttit:uft.
Let hlm tbeorizt! CG the ,._Q!Oity
In P5-alm 2 7 we f•nct the pro
phet•c words "I w111 declitte the
decree· The Lord hath sa1d unto
Me, Thou ;,rt My Son THIS DAY
have I begotten Thee ··
Should we ask: '"What day•·· or
"When was Ctmst declared to be
tf"le Son of God?" we w•l! l•nd the
answer '" Acts 13:33
"God hath tu,itted the same
(promises ] unto us 1n that
1t is also wntten in the second
Psalm: Thou art My Son, THIS
DAY have J begoHen Thee ··
Th1S •s a wonderful truth. It
was Ch r~st"s resurrection from tf"le
dead m power that proved Him in·
deed to be God the Son. And
mou• wonderful sttll. 11 was our
death He died at Calvary, so tf"lat
He m•ght tmpart to us tf"lis ever·
tast1ng resurrectton life. In £ph.
2:2,3. we are all declared to be
""The children of disobedience"
and therefore "by nature the chil·
dren of wrath," but see how this
passage continues:
that Jnu1 ontr .-wooned on the
~ ... that the: cool air of
the tomb revtwd Rim. Let the un-.......... .....,. ..... _
were vlettm. ol bllluc:lrNI~
rather thaD. Mvinl _., a rilen
Cbrtol. Lot -~ ... -~ , .. cl the boc1UJ ftMlr---.......... --.... faltll • ~ ol ... lacb tram
the t.JmH:u•edo Got,. Ia.
Hol;r SJbft·bilplatd I( •• , found
ttww, Marie. LuM. ... JGial I ..,.,.I • at tMlr ,...,...,_
for 1M ....td: "-..,_ '-1 a
NPir ....,,... fA tMt-ttut I dD
mar'ftl diet tiler dodal " ,..
SO It was at Chr1st's resum!c
Uon tf"let the "decree" was made
and He wu "dK,.red" to be the
Son of Goct--"belotten" in the
larJer s.anse of the WOf"d.
n.;. .. rMS with wt\.t Wfl fn·ld
In the firat thapter of Ro~m~ns,
.,.,.. St. hul speaks of God's --· "Conurnfnl tfJt Son Jnut
Clttfft 011r lord, Who _,.. IMde
of tiM a.ted ot C»Wd .ceotdffte to
1M flllaft: •ttd 0£CL.ARED TO B£
• • • fl'( 1H£ II£WIIMCTIOH
,_ TH£ DEAD" -1:4).
··sut God. who is rich fn mercy,
lor His great love wherewith He
loved us, awn when w. .....-re
dead in sins. HATH QUICKENED
grac• are ye u~). and HATH
JESUS" ([ph. 2:4-6).
Thus.. bec»UM of Chritt's fin·
llhtd wortt af Mf'Witlon. thoH
..tto ptact their tntlt ln Him .,.
&iwn His NSUn.:tfOn ltftL and
"~ wHit all 'splrltuM .,....
lnp. lA hotf~Wnfy pt.ct. In CIWht''
(Eph. 1:3). This Is thrlir RESUR•
.. -----......... sec' :•r ... .... .......... , ....... .. ........ 11111 ..... , ...
w1 uutr 111 I 2 _. .. Me?•
..,,, _ ...... 11: .. --
~ ................. .,., ........... --........................
Lot•loo I 'lr ... wsF1 ....... -. -· --· ua•t~c...r.1111i11r~
.. ,,.,
tbt ctr.d would undoubtedb' be ~ Ill the UVH of Hlt foJ-
IoWen.. How rNcUb' u. 1M¥ be -·· Take ht.r. We .ee bl.m follow·
inc "alar alt." We tee him tk-n)' ~t and curae at the meatlan
ol m. name. But after the rnur·
reet\on. abd. afte-r Pen~t. what
dO we I!MT A complete)y tftlll.-o
fOI'IIW'd, -d;)tnamk prncher! Who
would haw tbou&ht a few WHim
later thla same falterln& man
would preach to • ll'"t aowd and
.ee about tJuft thousand ol them
tum to Olrlat? The rni&}lty truth ot tbll!' resurrecUon had pipped
Peter's beart. He could ntYer be
the ......
Tbe same thlnr can be seen in
tbe UVH ol the other diKtPiet-.
Aft« the aeemtns defeat of Cal-
vary we tlnd them fearfully hud-
dled in a locked and henri buUd·
ina with downcaSt spirit& and • de·
jected outlook. They had e-ven f'('·
turned to their flsh.lnl. havine
temponrlly quit thr ministry that
Ouist had ca1Jed them to. 'Then,
after the rHUJ'ftCtion of their
Lord, they we~ transformed as
waa Peter. Now they preached
the Word ot God boldly and
counted It a ))y to suff~r shame
tor His ~ t.Acu: ~:411 . A rlRn
Saviour and an outpoured Holy
Spirtt wrought 1101nr stertlln&"
Pee-r down the centuriH with
me and vioew tM sight of I'I'IOI'e
than MVen mUllen people who have
acoept.d martyrdom rather than
deny their Saviour. What elae but
a ltvin& faith in the THUrrectkm
of Olrlst-euurlnr ltlem abo of
a ~r.onal relurr-ectk>n-would
cauae them to be wWlnc to have
their bodies to be tted. to poles,
108ked in oU and tanited in name.?
Make no miltake : they were not
bUnd, lcnonnt foola. They Wen!
lnK! belleven, fUkd with ratth
and the Holy Ghtwt. No short·
sij:hted, worJdly.(:raud carnal fol·
Iowen among Wlr ranks. Stephen
in the book of Acta and Antipe..s
in ttw book of R-evelation set tM
grim pace.
Not.ke, too, the C¥J~traltt~ of tb.
I'HU~tJon mes&q:f" in the IC!r·
mons ~ In the New Tt'Sta·
ment. Peter and Paul weave their
sppea.ls around thia mlahty fact
and neover fail to •peak of it. '1'his
Jetut hath God raised up.. ! Act.
2 :32) 1s typical in their p~Khb:L1.
It must needs be procWmed with
equal fel"Vor in our ~nera.Uon u
The PHMinc ReeponsibUi.ty
to T•ll the Story
What a1aJn was t.hr message or
the ana:el tha.t first Easter mom-
in&:? "Go quiCkly and tell." What
were they to tell? That ChrUt was
no lon&er in the: tomb, that death
had been overcome ~ ThHe two
women were told that He wu to
a~ar to them ap.ln in Galllft>.
that He had Jonr on befor?. n.o.e
thrft days ~n& thia were
no doubt the darkest in all history.
We haw had some dark days here
in Japan ~Uy when • ~nl
typhoon wiped out nearly five
thousand Uvu and c.auwd untold
da.mA&e. But nothin1 can be com-
pared to the fact ol the Son ol
God lying three days and thrM
Nabta in the heart or the earth.
But now the bri&btest day dawns!
0 . how could they keep nw wtth
aueh a rnn.aap to proclaim!
Hae thia mnup lo.t any ol Ita
brilllance, any ot ~ta power or Ita
importanceT Not one iota. Ia It
not, then, juat u important that
we. too, do as t.bHe women dk1?
l am sure If the ancela-t:hose
heav~nly measrncen--c:ould aaain
commission mankind, their words
would not be altered in the Jeaat.
It would br still, "He is rilen ...
go quickly and tell." Have we
cau1ht the vision?
Had the am.tl.ana evft\ ln the
main. obeyed Uds ecmmand down
throuch the centurtn. tbe world
woukl not be what It ia today.
Eac:h aeneration of Ouiltianl
would have .en to lt that tbat
pneratlon of siDDen b.t been
evanpli::ted. lMtdd ot ....-•-
btoad. u we have bem ~
ed., we have rebelled and ltQ'ed
at borne wtth thia llfe-.cMnl: z:nn..
gp. We haw nfltbft 1011e 1ldt
door, aor to the next eoulttr7· We
have ~n far too contat to balk
in the IUJllieht of God"s p.ct
without .eel"' our oblipUan 10
share lt. We hllve ~ d-e
to om.t's word~, ''Ccme Wlto me"
but have tumed a dMf .-to
Ria ''Go ye.'" Whit tklft He tbtU:
...... hall-obod ...... t-He ·----He would bave the wrordl of the lllip:l
to .......c:ho tn CIUr ..n..
It ia not oftl1 "'Go... --'"Go .. -.·----tt .... ..... "'tOO UtUt &oo ......
..,. haw failed. to ct Ill .....
obedient SSOidlft'l of Ozrilt. Oar ___ ...... _ ..
tuiiUiill& Hill : J , ..
Owl''_ ...... _4 ,_ ,__ Lot-·-... -·--... wid t tM .. ..a Cldlt ..._ we...t-. at'\._..., .. ........ ... -,.,,,_
;11:1:8.; ... :. .. = I F I-... ----------IAI_ .. ____ ...,
.. 21 , .,-.,,
''TIM Decree to Rebuild tlroe T -plr"
66 -Ezn.l __ ,_,_
•• « d .... .wda .... lhkef..--
God's Death
By Pet.er Krey
ll:r,.mt-.1 &... CHRISTIAM HEWS
&e• 161, H-H"'-• Mr.
The death of Christ on the cross was an un·
usual death. It was not uncommon for those who
suffered death by crucifixion to linger for sev·
eral days before they finally, completely ex.haust·
ed. breathe their last. Not so with Jesus. He cried
with a loud voice and gave up the ghost. He did
not die from exhaustion. He died because He
wanted to die. He voluntarily gave us His spirit,
as He had said: "No man taketh it (my life) from
me, but I lay it down of my!k!l£." John 10, 18.
He commands death t.o come and take Him,
and death h as to come and take Him. Yet His
death was a real death such as every human must
experience-a complete severance of the tie that
binds soul and body together. He was pronounced
dead by the centurian who had charge of the
crucifixion, and Pilate confirms Hia death before
giving the body to Joseph of Aremathea. H is
death is recorded in the files of the Roman em·
But Jesus death wu wooderful Dot only be-
c.auae it wu a vol1ldt.uy deat.ls., but al5o, aDd
even more 110, becau~~e Hia death was the
death of a diviDe PenoD, the death of the
Eternal SoD of God the Father-.. the Lord
of Glory" aDd ''The PriDCe of Life" u tb.e
apostles teU us. We, therefore, rightly •ill«
ia oae of OW' Lea.t.ea. bymas: "0 sorrow dread;
0u God is dead." It wu God, the Mjpty
Maker, wbo died for maa, the creature's aiD,
that we might live forever with Him ia glory.
Let u thia?r. about this in • quiet moment.
As of immediate effect of Jesus' death "the
veil of tbe temple was the heavy curtain that
separated the Holy place of the temole where
the priest burned incenae every momlng •nd
evening, from the Most Holy "here the high·
priest was allowed to enter bvt once a year to
sprinkle oa<:ri6cial blood on the Merc:y·-t to
atone for the sins of the people. But the way to
the P""""""' of God ,. .. oot opened by the sprinlo·
lino< of that blood. for the c:urtoin ..,.;oed to
oeporate the people from the _..,.. of God.
Tloe nadiac of ""' -.. ""' -of ~-olpl6ed .. ot by lllo blood ""' ....,. -
--to ""' -of Gad t .. oil -Hio blood, the blood of Uoo Sooo ol Gad ._;
""',..-_,.,. .. ot -u, dld _, wl&lo
lia,aOUolaDMMkiMMfiiMll ... f...-ver
nlolo_........,. .... llooclooy .... ~
•JRuJ ol oii•IM -_. 1utJeo oD 1a -·
How M1m O•tlrt I fo Gife?
Gift u .:rou woulcllf an anpl
Awaited :rour 11ft at u .. door;
Oift U JOU woulcllf lomomnr
PI>Ulld :rou when! gl"fiD& wu o'er,
01"' u :rou would to lbe Kuter u ,.,.. -Ills kmna: loot; Gift .. ,.,._ of JOUriU-.u Jllllwl4,.,... ottortna --.
By H. Bonar IPoopbO\Ic No'")
,_JEWISH HOPE, S.•107, L ..... _.~ ..
''Fear not ye ... lie is not here .. , lie iJ riun.
. ... Come, s~e the plac~ whue the Lord la y."
-Malt. 28:5-6.
Ld us mark the glad tidings whic h I he angel
brings us regarding Him wh o died and wall
He b.u been raised by the Father, u che
righseoua One; che fulfiller of His purpo8e; th~
finisher of His work ; destroyer of death : 1he
conqueror of him who has the power of death :
lhe Father's belo\·ed Son. in wtl om He is well
pleased. He i!l ri5en ! Yes; and now ~A·e ~
more full y the meaning of His own words.
!poken at a tomb and ove r on~ whom death
had bound. •·J am the Resurret"tion and the
Life"; Himself at once I he rai~r and the
raised, thco quick~ner and che quickened. th~
poYessor and the gi,·er of an inftnit~ lif~. a
higher kind of life than thai which th~ 6nl
Adam knew. a life which can force its way into
she dungeons of death, transforming them, by
ila resistlf!51 p<~wer, inco the dw~llings, the
palaces. the temples of immortality and glory.
He is ri&en ! H~ has tasted death, but He has
not ~n corruption; for He is the Holy One of
God. and upon holineu corruption cannot
fasten. As the Beloved of lh~ Father He rises
from the dead ; for ch~refore doth the Father
loVe Him, becau.!ol' He gi,·eth Hi s life for the
!heep. And in this re!!.ull~tion we read the
f ather'.s testimony to Hi s Sonship ; th~ f alher'a
8eal 8el to His completed propit iation; th~
fath~r's declaration of aatiafaction and delight
in the work of Calvery.
h wa.s henceforth with a risen Meste r that
the di~~eiples had to do. h was a risen ChriM
who was their companion on the way to Em-
maw;; it wu a riaen Chris! who ~ntered th~
upper chamber with "Peace be to you" on His
lips; it wu a ri~~e:n Christ who appeared to 6~~
hundred brethren at once: it was a riM:n Christ
that saluted them by che sea of Galilee end
prepared for them their morning meal on the
fire of coals ; il wu a risen Christ with whom
they companied during the forty days when
He went out end in among them. And it ia now
with a ri.te,. Christ that we hue to do in the
pathways of our daily pilgrimage. At every
tum of the way reaurrect.ion meets ua in the
penon of the Lord Jesus and aaya to us. "&-
cause I live, ye sh.U live ali!O." For the lif~
that ia in Him is reaurrection-life.
It is with this ri.te,. life that faith connects
us from the moment that we believe in Him
who died end roee again.
1t is nOI mere life out of nothingness.. u in
the: cue of the 6nt Adam, but life out of duth
And it _is thia life which Scripture preae:nts t~
us u bJghet, fuller, and more 1«ur~. The soil
out of which the tr-:c of immortality r.prings ia
not the common 10sl of earth; it is the mould
of the sraveyard. the dw:t of the lomb. This
much more aeeure life, thia lif~ that no death
ct;.n touch, ~omes to ue from the riten life of
Hn;n who ds~ and rOM asain. T~ foi.llt. t/uJl
kiWI IU to H&m moku 11.1 part.alw1 of HU ru·
•rr«:Uon.:Ufe; yea, tlou U 10 f...Uy cAat His
ruarr«:t&OA becom~, ~*": we are nu,. •illt.
HiM, ~ with Him w1U put on a divine i.zn •
It ·~ ~ the n.en Oee that He tpake, .. All
po.•er u sz.-en unto Me. It •• u ~r of
this power that He went forth from Ute aepal·
clue; •.,...... u .. _oboo by •lUcio He.......,...
dath ; "the poW'tt" of an mclleee Ufe." This
cono of wlleot hod I.U... iOIO 11oo "'"""' ud
direcl ~ tho.p lOft "' .-.~ it ·-~ ~ powa-. h •• with thia power of &t.. ~ !_if• ~He •••shd on tup. '-'*-1
c:optlrily ..,.,.._ II lo thlo poww of lloo rloao
lilO """ He .. ,. wlolclo -doo dor-. It 1o ioodolo-ofdoe...., Ufo .... He-r loo Hlo ....,., Rod,..,,, Kl"': Jodp of
-E'IPORT HAR80R tJigCII 5!?Ei~~~r ~~ ~! ~~l~n!.5to!~!. From the ace r:t '&f')'*M Ors' bMillddedtotlaet06eMolop.. porta.e.CU,Ca.eU: •TUEIDAY,IIWlC84 tbe--*'bCMdtorCICJI1tbt wu uti11c wbUI btfladtbl -,....... to tllo _ .. .,.. ., "u 1 tal ....,_ -cl F• II tllo loll1 ~ wu CIUO to bor ldlelloa door bad c.rra1r • lor aalo; .,_ •••~..n . eoo.c.. e-.c-o ~~tt~Ga•••. c..-. 0."'-·~-~..., .... -~ lEU. IROADW AY ~ Boylud .,.,._ 1110 Jr. DoliPIOinJ BUoo~ I-lib -lor -Glo<11, It, cl -.,._to pill -.y aoh atolt t11o h=l _.w. hoD 11
·-·•-.too eo IDd lbo c_, ., ID --.., mwooatllo-101 Ganot Aft., Bo-lolud, --.. ~ $110, bad ••• A pnp _. opoaor wu ...... -~""'· , ..... -OHC ......... ' CoaTA ........_ CALW. e~Y
-IUftnl ~-· -cl tllo N~-lltwaaplclld ... -too-•toa. .. WblloHolto llloloJ>IromtlloDoSolobotooc· 110 •oaclwar Llllto -a,..._ ., 11111117. ~Till--1 wanullorflllveto-c..-al.ol.-Borraaea,tntllo, loctoJobaPap,truclllfDr., IU«.Uf1Mff.f\oi.._l._, ............. i ---~U=a-=·=·=·=·= .. ==c=· =·=-~~P:II:Ioo:_V~er:doi=.:..Ptol::•:"':ola:....llu:: Ult-pnac -lly cl lhlo -• • .II-IAA, It, ud Bruce WU ,...ld.oe at Robluoo'l Nooport Hollllts •.• Tlroclmellt a...tarea U .tokl Taput, lt, of ZU Mf"''PPrl FutUoo lllud, 10meooe D::loll;
YU11t}' ot mariDI 111e ud 100 Bml., ""PPrt Hetpla, wen be purM from 1. lbeU 1D tbe ,.,-•--------------------------'lilllllo tpeCin ot mtcratorJ tuda...,.. booUd • tb1 eb&rp o1 stoctroomi orer '20 &Od credit
The Stock Market-
Which way?
How far?
Nobody knows for 8W'e. But Dean Witter
& Co. believee that an undenrtandinc of the
"why" or today'll market ia important
in planning for tomorrow.
The finn's top-ranked analyaU and economists,
in an effort to detennine what is in store for
the market, have prepared a report 888e88ing
the divertle forces at work in the market
place. Forcee influenced by the corporate profit
aqueeze-inflat.ion and the medicine needed
to cure it -the Vietnam War -the historically
hia:h coel of borrowing -the impact of the
inatitutional inveators-the surge of lipPCUlation.
The finn '11 experts on the Econorriic · -:y
Committee have determined that..
A Positive Investment Policy8
should consider these questions:
e Which atocb ahould be bought today?
e H ow should Vietnam peaa-talk& influence
investment decialona?
e What ia the ouUook for the OTC market?
e Js this the time to buy bonda?
A report on the Committee's findings
anBWers these questiort8 and a number of other
questions important to all investors. The
report recommends a liat of different types of
aocurities to match individual investment goals.
The informed investor should have a copy
of thia timely document. It is available at
the local Dean Witter office. Just come in or
write. Ask for A Positivf' Investment Policy',
Spring Ma rket Outlook. 1969. There ia
no co&l o r obligation, of course.
Br~n&otl R. o,rl~n. lllo/UJ'f!t
881 Douer Driw, Newport 8eocA
TelepAo11e 642.-6050
...,. .. _ ... ......,
011 Will DBIYII1 c,",.. __ • c..., •••• u..
Santa Ana l::, ..
2202 S. MAl SU Nt1
JPKlel ol mlp'atory b1rdl, 1D-PGIM''Jon ot mari)IUI. tlr c&rda were l.n tbe purse. , •
elrdla& t11o botulll1ll tYoeel. I alt ••• A $%50 llllltCI, llldlq KOYIA Farrell, 18, of 30S E. Bay
bopt JOU eu'" my "in• ud cJ,au doOr .a. t..otea a.t the Awe., Balboa. wupld:edupo.a.a
will be_, anlt." rHldllt~ otAJbtrt8rlttiQChlm taJltlre to awear warrant •••
From the Desomount ClUb of 633 Via L1do Soud, Lldollle ••• Tlmotby Can.oaugb, 48, of 2015
Los Aaplea, de<Ucated to The Foamy Wlllte LaUDdromal, Charle St., Costa Mesa., wuar ..
nature stlll!y &Dd coosenaUoo, 301 Palm AYe., BllUJoa.reported rested on the charge ofdrllllklD
came a copy ol a resolutloo tbat a soap macRlloe wu prl.ed pubUc, after he was fotmd at 2ZJJd
vclDc the state Lands Com. open m:1 a.p pacllaps stolen, St. and W.Ocean Froot, Ce!U'a.l
mlssioa to reseiDd 111 appronl a cola receptacle oaa talr dry~ Newport, at 1:15 p.m., attempt ..
of tbe trade ••u btlAc both u .. er wu smUbecl, and SO bottles tar to sell a radio, •• The rest
tepl aDd c:ottnry to tbt best ot pop were Ito leo, durlng tbe room at the Bluffs Home Owners
lDIMuta ol the state." Tbe n.lgbt ••• Cordell Batley, !19 Community Assn., 2108 VIsta
club abo asked tbe Federal Ga.roet An., 8aibol. Island Laredo, wUI have to be repa.l.nt-
Water PolluUoo Cootrol Ad-bosted a ftatertllty lilac puty, ed, after somecme set n.re to 2
miALstratloo to exereJ.se con. .Ub aumeroui pest• comLDc rolls of tissue, causing a tire
trol.s oeeeasary to enable tbe lJid go1Dg tbroueb tbe early wbJch blackeoed the walls ..•
Upper Bay to retain Us oa.tural moraloc bours, &Dd someooe Hls aewly purchased Porsche
funetioGI. came and weot ..Ub hlsPorscbe was stolen from a.o opeo car ..
oa the same subject, Rorer tires, rims, ud tape deck, nJ-port, said Jay Longley, 400 s.
Relnke ot Santa Aoa wrote to u!d at $434 ••• Tht" boys, about Bay Front, Apt, 6, Balboa Js ..
tbe CouocU, "Our children and 10 or 12, ooe wttb red hair, are Ja.Dd ••• Virginia Watson, 415
their cbtldreu have the right to beUeved to baYe th.rowotberoct Narcissus Ave., Corooadel Mar
see wtldlUe lDd to use areas that troke a window at tbe Udo said someooe had stolen her
lite l\Jper Newport Bay u you Yacht Club; tney were observed wrist watch, worth $130, from
and we DOW bave a rlgbt to do. lotterlDg before tbe mallclous the rest room In her yardagt!
MaD must learo to fit into his mtscblef, and running from the store at 3334 E. Coast Hwy . • .
natural eovlroDmeor rather than sceoe Ul:enrards ••• A $175 Tbe Lntersectloo of West
mUe the oatural eovlronmeol camera and btnoculars were Ballx>a Blvd. aDd 19th St.,
rtt lllm." stolen from I.awreoce Hirtle, Central Newport, was the scene
He said that a representative restdeot ol Plumber's Cottage of an accident at 7:05p.m. when
of the CouocU should present Cypress and Balboa, Balboa; car driver Vera Portsomouth,
the case tor Newport Beach the theft occurred at 2005 W. 1905 Court Ave., Central New-
Lo the court case testing the Balboa BlVd., Central Newport port, collided wtth Jerald Yang,
lepllty ot the laDd exclla.ngt!, ••• His$350wtodown.sbr'oken lt30 W. Balboa, Apt. 13, New-
''wlth rep..rd to Umtted publlc aga.ln, sa.Jd Robert Wolle, ll1 V1a. port, collided wUh Jerald Yang,
use due to h1ctJ.denslt}'de¥eklp-Und.lne, Lldolsle,wbohasbadto 1230 W. Balboa, Apt. 13, Balboa,
m~ot and possible siltltr.g and report slmtlar cases of ma.U~ who suffered minor injuries ..•
pollution problems." cious mischief... • FRIDAY MAR CH 7 ----. LEGAL NOTICE • WC:DNESDAY MARCH 5 Jerry Newhouse, 18, of2463
----Kathleen Par~U 28 of 10-t Elden Ave., Costa Mesa., and
CERTIFICATE Of BUSINESS 15th st., Ceotn1 N~rt, was Rita Peterson. 18, of291Nassau
flctitlous Name followed down the street by )JOI· Road, Costa Mesa, were arrest-
P-32942 Ice ottlcers who said ber car ed at Gorham Rd. and Cameo
THE UNDERSIGNED do here~ swerved a~ut 4. teet I.Dea.chd.i-Shor es Dr., Cameo Shores, at
by certify they are conducting rectioo, aDd alter she falled 4. 9:15 ·p.m., aod booked on the
a business at 2620 Newport attempts to p1a.ce her finger to charge of possession of mart ..
Blvd., Newport Beach, Ca.li~ the top of her nose andcoulda't Juana, .• KennethStefeasen, 22,
forn1a, under the ficUUousftrm keep her balance 'they booked of 1125-1/2 W. Balboa Blvd,,
oame of Ta.ltJU Trunk and that her on the charge' ofdrlvlng un~ Balboa, was arrested oo the
said firm lscomposedoftlle fol~ der the tnnuence of alcohOl ••• chargt> '>f drunk in public, alter
lowing persons, wbose na.mes tn John Helto'l :>f Santa Aoa, was police found hlm standlng in the
full and places of residence are ta.ten to Costa Mesa hospital al-roactny at Balboa Blvd., and
as follows: ter a ca.raccideotatg:sOp.m.at 11th St .•• Wallace Hallberg.
Clyde Logan NeUI, 20102 Jamboree Road 300 teet south 1082 Buckingham,
Kline Dr., Santa Ana; Steven of Pa.llsades, aa'ck Bay; WJlllam went to a restaurant at
floyd Netll, 20102 Kline Dr., Stewart of l903 Delaware St., lsl.and; when~ returned 2
Santa Ana. Costa M1~sa. went to the hospital later, he found his SJO hubcaps
Dated this 13th day of March, t;·· llimself and both cars had to bad been stolen •.. The clamps
1969 . ~towed a;..ay ••. DooaldSmltb, were released, the nylon rope
Steven f. Netl1 2507 Blackiborn. E:~.st Bluff cut, and his Sl50outboa.rd motor
Clyde L. Neill pulled t».ct curtains to clean the stolen from a sloop, said Wayoe
State of Cailloro.La, Orange windows a.ad disconred a $SO Bandy, 201 t8tb St., W. Newport
Cow:d:y: 88 bole • , • Mr. and Mrs. , • . WbUe Carol WUUams,
On ld.arcb 13, 1969, before Ahrelldt, 2050 E. Ocean Blvd., 719~1/2 Marguerite An., Ccr.
me, a Notary Public Ill and Balboa,heard a ooise,inve.stiga-ooa del Mar, was enjoying a
for Rid State, personally ap-ted and discovered a ~r week at Sun Valley, ldabo, ber
peared Clyde Logan Nelli and coated BB lyingbetweeoabcok-apartmet was burglarized of
Stevea Floyd Nelli known to en window and screen ... Robert a $483 portable stereo •••
me to be the persons wbose Blair, 6805Sea.soore Dr., West Richard Simmons, 515 Stgml
names are subscribed to the New:,x>rt propped opeo a door Rd ., Clllf Haveo, had to accept
within Instrument and aclmow~ with a floor mat, 50 his dog less mooey for his ell than be
!edged tbey executed the same. could go In and out, wil.tch made
WITNESS my hand and ot~ it downright easy tor a burgbr,
tlcla.I seal. woo stole a wallet conta.tniog
Mary Beth Morton credit cards and $57 in cash, ••
Notary Public Thomas Wolford, 4.20 E. Coast
My Commission npires April Hwy., Newport, said that oo feb~
9, 1971. 12, his $3 tool bo1, containing
Sl25 wortb of tools, was stoleo Publish: March zo, 27, AprU
3, 10, 1969 in the Newport
Harbor Ensign.
from h.is car parked in thec.u-e aEAUTY SALON
port •• .Darah Emmens, 215
Prospect Ave., Newport ShOres,
reported the theft ofa.o $80 three
speed bike ••• Patricia Barr,
1804.1 Butler, Irvine, CUted to
stop for a signal aod was ctla.sed
by Pollee Offtcer Richa.rd MtU~
er; she ~ her car, then
backed ICI into the pollee car, h arb o r tailed the sobriety test , arxt
was booked at tbe pollee statlon
on a chargt! of lntol.ica.ttoo.
Victoria Ward, 18, ot 1007 E.
Balboa Blvd., Apt. 10, Balboa, '::========= was arrested at 5:40p.m., on the -cbarge ot shopliftin& I candle
Call in Your Wont Ad and 1 sweater from Robinson's
to the Enaign
fashloo lsla.nd ••. Lots Johansen
has only Uvedat 219Grant, New~
po:t Shores, since tbe ttrst ot ___ ....,.._
" . . .L-0'1. '\GUt& '
27l2 E. Coast Hwy .
Corona dtl Mar
PhOnt bn·133b
e fREE !STIIiltAT£5
LICUSED • 110111£1
3CN GoloiooM4
673-40oll -549-217t
21J .... .,. 1--6177
From $465
iltmnrial Jlark
...... ry-t::e•et.ery
.. E~ in One Beautiful Plllce"
Beaule the fuDeral and burial «nter c:oacept
elimiMIII tbe need for pnnssions thrOugh
beny traffic on OYelaowded highways, family
ind frieoch alike may now pt.Y their full re-
spects br attending the burial service, u well
u tbe cbapd set'fice, all at ooe beautiful place.
at lea a.t and mo.:. Glldfl5•iencr.
1•1 -14111 IIACII&W.. WISTMINS111
nc 1'11WM1•••' .. wa1 714 ..,.,n•• 1-1ns
-.. ..... c-.. . .., .. _, ..... ..,.
c--·~ lfUc-s... ... ....... c ... •lilii,--tt&.U-.. ---
1711 lAST COAST ......
iT'S 0Uf134 lli BIG BifTHDAH
... come help us celebrate!
WERE JUST LF.ARNING TO WALK ' Today, Laguna f t>dl'l<:tl 1s lhe largest
mdcpcndent Fl..:lt:ral &n•1ngs af\d Loan A SSOCiation 111 Ornn~l' C .. unt~
.\.EU''! Comml'ncmg Apnl l sl , 1969, Lagu.na Federal Sat:mgs u·1ll pay
· 5.13% when the current annual rate or so~ on passbook
accounts is compounded daily for one year.
I'LUS .2.5";, per year added to current annual rate for Bonw;
l "Prtificates I $1 ,000 multiples I when held for tim'(> yt>srs
Where you save DOES make a ditrerence!
BIRTHDAY CAKE AND COFFEE SERVED fURY DAY 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. APRil htt"lllrouch
APRIL 10th: at our oHices ift lAGUNA BEACH , SAM CLEMENTE AND lA$U,U, tii$UEl
................... 1 .~ ......... ..... ....... ""' ...... ..... ................... =~-l ........... ,-..cllo4ul ....... ..................... .a ....... .~,_... ...
639-2.U 1
673-5822 • 675-3353
Persian Ruq CleaaiiiCJ Wortls
.......... ,.., Cllaret .....
1M w. CNIIIl Mwy., N.a. ...... z ...... ••twn
(fl •. 7 •.•• ~ .. --·----··---~ eo I ·-
c.ll .. , __ ,..
&. WALLr.t.rll
Plttsllu!'ll> -Dltdl eo,·
Points· '""""'ettll•t
2919 L o-tihy. c._ ........
I!IUT,. .-T ,....,., ...... .,...
Shrub,, Interior Plants
T rop1 ,o1 &. T r"'
l n uctc td~u ond Fert•l1 zer
S&H Green Stomps
I Ill" I fll I 1\ I Ill
f"OitON o\ DO.. •. \It "il'ltSEIIY
\!744 r.. f'oa."t H.,-.. fi1Wii0
r PLUM ~Bl~N~G--~-~---
],1~1 i. an\;\ll "n Ave.
( .. r.•n o~ Jd \tar
1'\~.~~nhlnl> H.cra1 rs
{)," ,t;. NIGHT
Shoe Repaor
Purse and luggage
Repa•r -Dye Work
56 H ST /Ioiii'S
1890 Hetbof alvd.
CostatHu -WI &-33 1 1
... •••• r
HU.1G.tl ..
P,....A .... ,zs ••
,.Lc;-t...,_ o. ....... --
..... , ..... , .....
l1111lii!WPOaT L VD.
'"· ....... ,(; •• ta .....
USPVE OPPICIRS ot 1111 Nnport S,.cll pollto clo-
p I• B I tt partmelll, .wora IDio oornee s.-, moro~DC. llareb za, 0 Ice 0 er are, loll II> rli~>t.Rleb&rdG<eoa,S&DI&AuJ....,.coUep
sNSeat stu:IJllll poUUC&l .::teoce; Robert Malmbourc.
'--------·-' • SATURDAY MARCH 8 !rom WUilam C&lliDw>, 64! Sullaco Bleil scb<Ol teac:ber; Bob Nl<bols, Foothlll HlcJI
Besides ooi betDg too sanl· RamoDI Or., Jn1De Terrace... scbool bioloCJ teacber; AI ftaeber, City o1 Hwttnctoo
tary tt smartsd Doo Estes ol AD &DtJquo eloet, worlb $100, Is Beaeb maloleoooee _.-!meot; Hob Moor, HUIIllnP>D r. A 00011 .... liM ,. ...... -,.·
..... tf • ••c rru ·• ............... wtlohll ..................
E ,..,.., un••••
Vili&of "'* ... 10 ......... ,
'wttl ctl1 • r•r tri .. d
.tU. nl•••• iftfonMtic..•
.., aitt• '"" tn ... •ty NlliMtl lrm• .tt.ict.
~~ , • .., ID •alp lttt
....... "4Nill&ed wi~ ... , .......... ,. •..
'"~-:: :!':r
sub. Aa. wu ;ytoc toslpbOo mta.s1ar from ber ma.atle, ae-lDtercommunlty Hospltal ma1Dtena.DCe eogiDeer; Pat Por -
bot oU from 1 pan to a.ootber at eor<IIAc to Helea AideD. 214 )Oct, Westminster scbool district matb teacbe.r; Dan Crtc.
Mr. Flsb 11 Cbips, coroaa del Goldenrod An., COI'ODI.dtl Mar tett. Souther a Counties Gas Co. meter reader; Larry Harris,
Mar u::t swallowed some oU. ••• DecoraUDc: a lawn &04 MdloBD8ll-Dou&IU,1An& Beach, engtoeer; Walt RUDdQ.uist, burrdng his Ups mouth, aod: shrubber'J wUh brotaa eaa. Raytbeoo Computer eleetronlcstecbntclao,andTomstewart,
throat ... r.eorge' Coleman. 46, sbatinc cram Ud toUet paper SIIDbe&Dl AppllaDce, Santa ADa, repairma.a. Reseneofrtcers
of 4916 Seashore Drive West wouldn't wt.a a bi.Dd:SCJP81l'Ch1· worked 7,900 tree hOurs Lb the last caleDdar year. "A
Newport asked ''Wber~'d you teet's aftJ'<t. Set alone, tbaoks, manelous c:outrlbuUon.'' said ChietofPoUceJa.mesGJ.ans.
come h m?" at 1 a.m ., at the from Barbin. Leesoa, wbo L!GAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE
Newport Grotto; the officer Wbo aw~ iD tbe morning to see CERTIFICATE OF Bl61NESS ON THIS Uth day of March,
bad been ta.lling b.iro wttb red ber JVd ud p.race at 4545 Fictitious Ftrm Name 1969, betore me, a Notary
lights, siren, and tllgb beam Tremout Lue, Cameo Sbores, THE UNDERSIGNED OOes PubUc ln and for said couoty
Ughts, because of erratic drh'-:;' ~:r~ ·,.;_18:':eerat~ berebJ certifY Ula.t he ls coo-a.nd state, resldingtbereln,ctuly
1ng on W.Coast Hwy ., gave him • 5 · ductiDc a Sewing Ya.chlDe bus!-commissiooed and sworn, per-
a field sobriety test, and tbeo shop at 447 N. Newport Blvd., ness at 3732 £. Coast Hwy., sooally appeared Ricba.rd
booked lllmfordrlvingunderthe N~=rt ":5• and bad tocet Corooa del Mar, California, Messer smith, known tome to be
tnnuence of alcohol ••• Rltl:h a us ''' UDder theficUUousflrmnam-3of the person whOse. name 1$ sub-
Morrison, 43, of418 Redlands, PATROLMEN HEEDED Sew-Bee-lt Shoppe andthatsa.ld scr ibed to the within tnstru-
Newport Heights, was found on Costa Mesa Pollee Chief R, 11rm Is composed of the m'3nt, and acknowledged to me
a sidewalk. and pollee arrested E. Neth a.noounces a compett-following person whose name that be executed lbe same.
ber on the charge of drunk in tive ezamiJ:II.tion for persou in fUll and place of residence WITNESS my haod and om-
public ••• Douglas Home, 25,of seeldn& posts as patrolmen. Tbe are as follow s, to-wit: ctal seal.
%08 Coral Ave., Balboa Island, eumlDaUoo is scbedllled lor Richard Messers mith, 711 Mary A. Ha.apa,
was arrested and booked on the 9 a.m. April 19. So. Mulne, Sa nta Ana, Call-Notary Publlc ln and for said
charge ot driving on a revoked Q.Jalltlcatloos lnclude a higb forol.a. County and State,
Merrymac shows paintings
MarJ I.J a •eU kDDwD
restaiii"Uteur in GleDdale, Jt1.U
retainlD&: u tntereat 1D PIU"•
_ .. ---~~
COIIWUII --=-= -
• --u. c.-
We do the
m • town
3137 E. Cooot Hiwoy.
Corono dol Mar
675 •0110"'
Orco Block Co. C05TA lolUA.
alldway b-2424
license. , • Hls22 caliber revol-school diploma and a minimum WITN~ my ha.od this 24th My Commiss ion e~pires Dec •
ver La bolster was taken from or 50 units of college work., day of March, 1969. 13, 1971. • ... , a. c.-..... ._..,_ IUIIt>ING ILOCC • ALL SIZES • ALL TYPES
Tea.•••••: JAca-. f .HJI lllD I . COAST HIWAT
ORiolt 3.q450
under the co!fee table In hl.s wHh a grade averare of C or Richard Messer smith. Publlsb: Marcb 27, April 3, 10,
rront room, said James Hicks, better. Applicants must be be-STATE Of' CALIFORNIA 17, 1969, lo the Newport Harbor
., ........ w-e
1M1 ~~-1~1-UJO I . N.SL ..... A8e
1905 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa •.. tween 21 aod 35 years of age. COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. Ensign.
s•c• IUJ
Gregor y Marquet of Z79 Broad-
way, Costa Mesa, was involved
in a tramc accident March 6 at
the southwest cor ner of 23rd St.
and Irvtne Ave., West ~
Bay; on March 8, hereturoedto
plci. IC) Ills motorcycle, bUt it
was oo longer there althOugh It
had suffered estenstve damage
to the engine and transmission
, •• ThreewlD:Iowswerebrok.en
at the home of Jose Fellctaoo,
2353 trvloe Ave., West ~r
Bay ••• Volney Brown left his
~~~~§§~§~~t summer residence, 106 S. Bay Front, Balboa lsla.Dd, to return
to his Los Angeles home and
someolle cut a screen, opeoed a
M •TTRESSES window, stoteagun,a.mmunittoo
" and 1 -•· of st>oes, sue 10-VZ •EW -Ba1JILDDIG _.... lrftiU.lar Shepes ..• His gate wu locked, Ills
,.51 .., ... _~ patio wasStU"roundedbya4-foot
COSTA WESA WA.ntw co.. cha.lo l1nk fence, but still some-
JIM....,_. ...... UIMrtr~laG ooe managed to steal a patio
table and umbrella wortb $50
1lrwp~ri'lta~or Lulltrron ~luudt
"0, lh~ Bl11//' (J,"doolti"' '11'ufto~l H11rbnr"
s :JO a.m. to q 30 a.m . -worsh•P ~trv•ct
q·45 a.m. to 10 45 a .m. -Sunday School
11·00 a.m. to 12 00 noon -worship Strvitt
Th~ Rn. Jantes G. Blain, Pastor
The Re v. Ge.o r&e J . S..adie.cker, Vi sitation Pastor
Phone' ~48-3631
Christion X ience
3303 Via Lido
Newpon Beach
9· 15 o "' o"d I I '"·"'·
\IEETI.NG 8 , .....
READING R()()M w •• ~ doyo: 9 ...... -5 p .m .
W•d,.•oofo y 9 o"' -7:<115 P·"'·
T "•oofoy ond F "<loy
9 o.m. -S P·"'. 1-9 p .m . s... .. .~ .. ,' 1 p '" -4 , ....
Newport Be ou:h at
COI'ona de l-Mar
3100 Pac:Inc VJew Or.
SUNDAY SCI IOOL 10 .......
M£ETINU 1:00 p.m.
Re•dias Room : \fDIUI Rlde-
2863 f.•st Cout Hwy., C0\1'.
Mon.-fri.: 10 Lm. to 5 p.m.
Thurwd.y evCGiD ~ 7 to 9
S•t.: 10 Lm . to 4 p.m.
You are cord1ally 1nv1ted to
atte-nd Church SerY1ces and
to use the Read1n1 Room.
Oftt. .... .., """'"-O.rclt I• A.tric.
2900 Pec:ific View Or. jc.-• .SOl Mor, Califq
Dr. Willi.., a. l!llar
Pilon& 64+-2664
l :ts ..... r.u, •• ,..i,
... ...... O..«jo Selooool,
I t:IO a.a.j( Fe.U,. ..,_.;,
WUUI: 1 PI0¥10£0
First loptist O.ur.h
of Costo 1114eso
R .. pw<t R,blr r~llo .. ·•h•p
Sonto Alto & Motnolio Sts.
Or . P.G. Neumann, pastor
:J:4 5 a.1 1. &inday School
11 :\l\l a.m. Morn1n1 Wonhi~
6:00 p.tn. Tram1fll Unions
7:\lU p.m. Eve"nin & Worship
7:20p.m. Bible Stu dy
!:UO p.m . Prayer Meeun1
The,..... of God
The '-"on of Chritl
, ... ,.,..., '" thto ...., ,.....
SUPoiO.._¥ .. CHOOl. f .......
l•<o-ONI 0. WOI'ISH\10 J A!<IO
.VI:NI!<IO II: .. VI CI: 7oP(I IO,Oo4,
THUI'IIO.._V .l .l.l: J'rVDV
ANO 11>1'1.._¥.1'1 7,(10 IO ,M,
em. o1 o.r.,. • l:W. 11.
, ....... H I "''"'""· IKA .....
...... p. • r I·-~·-........... ,., .......
A-ell .... ,__,
,.,...-~ (;M,,_ Ch1<6
............ n.._,,..lllel
............ _. Ct' ... rt• .,._. IIIII:•...,
' -" ......
$Pay dividendS At Newport Balboa Savmgs. beg inning April 1. your earnings
of 5.00% start the day your funds are rece1ved and contmue to every day earn EVERY day they are with us until the day of withdrawal.
YoUr m 0 n ey In addition. if funds are received by us on or before the 1Oth of
any month and remain until quarter's end. they earn daily
j S With US dividends from the first of that month.
. Our 5.00% passbook accounts are compounded dally and (a II n rg ht too) have a yield of 5 13% when maintained for one vear.
Our 5.25% Bonus Accounts earn Y.% bonus each year above
regular passbook rate when held for 3 years.
So ... BRING MONEY to either of our convenient offices.
Moin Office: 3366 Via Lido, Nowp«t lleoch, CaNiomia 921183, Phono: 714/873-3130
Comna del Mor Flnon<:lal Ptau, 650 Newport Cantor Dr. 92626, Ph : 714/644-1461
P. "· Palmer, Chairman of tho Boord •.\gnu Blomquitt, P...-nt •