HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignWHILI: EVERYOIIE 1111>1audod a1 tile lOth aJIOUll ell}' emploJH SerTlee Awudl t::uQuet. Newport s.cb Mayor Dor ... Mar lUll receind bl:r lO.year pLD from CouDcilmi.D. Howard Ropra. City MI.Dipl' and Mrs. Harvey Hurlbm"t ue at tbe ll*'kv•' table. Mr. Hurlburt bad )ult ap1&1Ded tbat Mrs. Matltall bad aened oa tbe PlanRlDr Commission UDtJ1 11bo wu oloctod ID tile CoiiDcll. (Eulp pbolo.) FORGETTING about the problems of juveniles for a ftw bours. Sat. Rudolph. VUeoti, at rlgbt, with tbe detecUve dJY1sioo of tbe Newport Beacb pollee departmeat, receives his lS.yeu senlce award from Vlce.Ma.yor LlDd.sley Paraou at lbe city employees bmluet Saturd&y nipt,AprU IZ. lJI tile bo<qroUDd City llaaager Haney Hurll>url c&J1 be...., OFeulDc -onl. (EIISlpl pi>Oio.) IF PRIZES had been given Cor dancing as well as tor service· a.warda at tbe Newport Beacb city employees bulquet Saturday lllcbl, Aj>rU 12, happy terpslcboreus llu1ne McAJpJ.oe, city ma.oapr's secretary, a.od Councllma.a Paul Gruber would ban been pretty bard to beat. (EDSlp -.) CELEBRATING Ills r""I.U.C a l$-J'OU -aWUd at tile cUJ ·~lor•• bopquol at tile Nuporter 1oo, -•too Cblol B111J Tl!omu of ll!o Newpori Boocb llro ~ ud 1u. dati, Marj A1D1 Guilt of A•bllm, wwe flflt oa lbo ._ Door. lllcl!l bore lbeJ -..-ottr-. but """' ll!o ~ bopo nl!!clDc. .. did Bl111 Ud .... , "-· (Euip pbolo.) School open houses set Tho-of Aj>rU 11 tl!nloab bor Yin, 7:30 p.m.; Hupor, IS Ia tboi!Otb-'_._ 7 p.m.; ltlll}'tlrGob, 7 p.m.; of .,...Uc ocl!oola •oM.. Tho u-111. 7 p.m.; --.. uu. w. ,... " un. pubUc 7 p..m.; .... v.cte. 7 P..•.- Kbool -frlldom'l .,_,.Hem Moat. Yllta, 'l p.m..: Mwpart. -.. • ., 7 p.m.; lfnport Rltpti. 1' (lpoo -dltN lbr loW p.m.; Pulorllo, 7:10 o.-.. ocl!oola an u 'i""'' "-7:15 p.m.; ,. ....... 7:30 p.m.; -.. 7:10 ..... Al!<ll 15 -~ ' p.-. Wl!llllor, 7p.a.; ._.., ,. .. .\llrll 17-Vkall, 1 p.a.; p.a. w-, 7:10p.m. Ap<U 11 -ear.. lloll!lor .lftllll-Datil, 7:10 o.-.. IIIII!. 7 p.a.; ~-..... , ...... 'p.a.; -· 'p.a~ 7:10 p.a.; •--. 7 o.-.. I' Ill 1 ........ tp.a.o _ ..... , .... T.llllalo, t p.a. .lftll If..:_ -1:10 ,.._ .1ft11 t1 --.1c, V:IO -c1 t11!t l!lillo ol!l oil w1a .... -""'c.'---· ...... --. ,.,_. nO ... ,... -eon. ... .... ..... Col''ll 11ft,' ..... ~== ......... ,. 11 -........ 'o.-.. ... ;tti..-; • ' THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 IncUmbents win in trustee race COM MARINE DIES IN VIET 100 ,000 damages asked A suilagalosttbeCltyotNew-c.avatioos a.Ddotherunusua.lla.od port Beacb for $100,000 plus contlgurations &ttn.ctin to costs, bas been tiled .6lr De-children. aDd frequented by ml- borah Wilsoo 21U Republic DOl' clilldren UDder the 1.&9 of An., Costa M~sa, by her tuber lZ years" Pist beh100 Victorla Leroy L. Wilson. Elementary school. 1025 VIC· Tbe suit clalms Deborah was toria St. trawe<I ln a.o eartb slide Also aa.med I.D the suU are crusbiog and lD.jurlng her, "as Slllly-Miller CootracUDc Co., a direct result of the accident R. W. McCiel.la.u aDd Sons loc., she was rendered sick, sore, and Lasser and AsiiOClattS, lame, disordered boll> In-CRAIG COHHELL ABOARD tonally and ezteroally, will! In-U.S.S. VALLEY FORGE juries to Dead aDd neck, tact IUid Petty ottlcer third clasa ememeUes, wilb iDteroa.l 1D-Craig c . c omeu, 1634 Sk)'lark juries, tbe uactoatureofw!Uch LD Baycrest La sentoc a- are oot DOW' laxnru." ~d tbe U.s.'s: Valley Forge, The slide occurred Aua:ust 19, operating oft tbe cou:t ot V'let- 1968, according to tbe suit, oam as an elemeot of tbt U.S. wbere "ca.ves, depressior&s, 81-Senotb Fleet amplllbloos b'ce. • GMNG THEIR APPROVALbrasting lor seooadsareforelp ucba.Dge studeiU Dej Bu1sult of TbaJ.laadLOOJudithCarmeo Granous of Paaama wbeo tbey were introdtiCed to ~ by Rlct Nelsser, Corooa del Mar High Sellool studeot body vice..presideot. ill a.ottcipa.Uon of tbe tund~raisiog spapetti dUmer wbicb will precede open bouse on April t3. Parents, students mt tbe publlc are lnvited to eat thelr d1DDer at tbe 5:30 p.m. eveot LD. the school ateteria. SCHOLARSHIPS GIVEN Tbe state sebolusbip a.od. Z3rd St., botb &om Corona del Joan commission nu a.ooou.oced Mar fUgb; Connie 0 5bora,. ZS7 lbe selecUon of state scholar-Broadway, aod Cynthia Pl&ce, ship awa.rd winners tor the 485 Walnli Pl., both from Har - 1969-70 academic year, inclu. bor. Hi&b; Roger Walck. 1981 !11Dg tbe lollowingtrom the Har-lrvtne Ave., Cal Lutheran; bor Area: Cheryl Bourget, 11Z2 PaularlD:) • BALB)A -JobD CarUon. Ave.; Mutba Bro•n, 972 0.0- 2040 I. Ocea.P Blvd., aM Holly ver Dr.; Steve Croskey, 3HZ HaDes, 311 Montero Ave., both McKinley Wa.y; TereoceOOSbea.. ttom Harbor fUgtl;&tldRa)'mocx:l 1051 Cheyenne st.; aACI Marie Bouobard, 1352 w. Balboa Wood, 851 Cortez st., all from BlYd,, Orange Coast CoUege, Mater ~l. • CORONA DEL UAR -Scllol&rships are awarded to Chris Ccq>er, 3201 4th Ave.; academically able studeots wbo Ken Ewell, 6Z1 Mar igold Ave.; ue 1n need of tlna.nclal u- Naocy Garrett, 519 F'ernleat ststance at the collep tbey Ave., and Robert Williams, 612 will attend. Awardt: ar• made Acacia Ave., all from Corona to a muimum of $Z,OOO, rM del Mar H1gb School ; and John m oo el'tnt I.D u cess of hdtioo R. JobDsoo, 620 Narcl5sus Ave., and fees. Tbe state scllolars atteodtna: Occidental College. may apply lor ann-.1 renewal • NEWPORT SHORES -of the I!JCholarshfp award. DaYid Alnrd, :lll Wain~ St., !rom Harbor Hi..,. FLIES STRATOFORTRESS • WEST NEWPORT -Ste-MISSlOHS 1H YlETHAM pbeD Bammera.s, 5200 Rtver Jay A. Ronut1Dt Jr., 100 o1. An., from Harbor High. Wr . a.1 Mrs.. Jay A. Ronnlt1DI COACH M KAY To TALK • NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Jr. o1 53.5 Hamlltoa st., CoD. C THE SECOND ANNUAL Cbarii}'Bu ... ._n_botowlbo Dodd Brl!dley, 515 Fwlertoa lleoa, Ia..,.. ootomporuyctllly pollee clw....,..h"'telmoftbe CityiAacueud~ Ar-. Al't., from Harbor H.Lgh. Ylth 1M 4JS!rd 8oab WIJaCU a Tbl Co mmodores' Club, a eebool calebts wt.11 be IMld at 8 p.m. F'r*J, A&lrU 15, la • HARBOR HIGHLA.NIJ) -IJnrard but Ln tbe Wuten diYtskla ol tbe Newport Harbor tb1 CaroM del W:u Hlp school CJUI.. TIM! pme Ia ~P•"JJI"ed W'Wialn Brock. 15ZO Rutb LA.; Pa.cJflc. Chamber of Commerce, wll1 by CtrUu Club ud proceeds wtU 10 to Hope Ban. Sellool. Ttaomu aa.lu', 1 9S5 Hl&b)a.Dd 'He i.a a stntqtc A1r Com- bOJd tbtUDU&la.t.hMUc IYDCbeoa Costa Ilea. Here testtoa out tbe ooart wbere tbe .._.. w1U. DriYt.; Patricia h:rne, ltoEi mud.._ ....... bombardilrud at tbll BIJIJoa Bay Clllb tb1J be pll.)'ed are, from left. Bl:alle l .. cl)aM cl !lewptKt Prtsel.Ua LtL, aDd JaaScbftf'S. ruu almolt all) B-51 SitJ"'».. FrldQ-Aj>rU 18. Boocb, Pamela Reed of Costa lleoa, -ArbC:.-U 1106 O..v Dr •• all !rom liar----bloc mt- Jol!o 11c1CaJ, bold loolboll ol 1bo polko tam Ud Vlcl!l Black. lila ear.. cit I Mar. bor Hlp. ap1!!11 -r torpa Ia VIOI- coacb at t.SC, will be tbt .--H&1ftJme eaterta.tDmeat .W be pre•ated by tile .Na Mle • EAST BLUFF -Robtrt a&m.Heiaper._,,rtb•"'pM ar. Ill joiiiO tile loac u.t ol 11--· Ud tbo Ka!!Oa s.r-..s. Jact --Dolo, !615 Blael:tboro St .• from ID lbe -Bo!!!b WI!!CatC- promiDiat II*Mra tJr tb1l o1 tM Loa Aallles Times, IPQOliDCel' IDr tbe bpl Stadl.m, CoroGI clel Mar HlP. Sbermu AFS. Okla., He ~ a .-1 .,.. -Reb u Joba wt11 bl IUittl' o1 ceremolies. 8W Sbarmu, eo&ela ol tbl • IRVINE -NU.. Hopttn1, ,r.-.. rA Nnpart ....._ w-, bold boo"'boU -.:11 LooAI!ploostars, ..W be or.-aioac "'II!--i&OH 11a1!o st.; Ills-Yle)ll; llltt! -. ._,... aa 4.4. II OCLA ud I tla!o-ol ,_.__ Tl!omu Kr-. I lUI CI!ICill'f ..._ Ia uu· ._ oa.,. tM •UOM'Wle;JtmOa........ 1 h Wq, FooWll; tl&ry Todd.. Caul COU1p ud .... Me -nl!o -cb II SlaJ>. Queen candidates soug l lllU ~Way, 1/11-B.A. --II-· tiOJ Ia b'CI ~-i Jlll .,..,., fWa1Q of R«lllldl 1 .. a,. Cdtlnla ... 011- 0IJJollc ,._.. bo-lo lbo • COSTA MESA -Co~ lofO at~ alii· llroJ lllra oiiM Loo c. . .., ~....,. c-. To bo ohll'lo, a 11r1 AnDIII, IOitFI-.;Goarlla •,.i-lluol;_ao,f,_ ~c.-, are-~~~ •ootl»i7)'0U&CIMI!rl-l, ltroii!IQ,I77SuloToolu;.Q. l1IC .-ul -are -MilO 0tueo C.., IS. SM---· noJ,. Jao Po•b 1oo, tal LoiN Dr. ..................... "*· .......... Clr'l.lll dtlt oc ~c.., lllrll ....... , Jl •• & ....... ,. ...._ ...,,.,, n. c.-CllltJ hlr .., &-., r·-. lla.tl _.,_, ... a11e ..._. DrUt An., aa l.._ o.ta 1111 ....... lit~ .... -lbr ,.., u -10. 1M II, -" • - - -IIIII; ~ ,... ,_ .... ""'''"'.--~-hllll< lo. Ia tll!t -• It) ao ...... lMt-Dr~ ~ N. -. w1a l!o tll!t-">! C, I I-·--r-.RI lr. _ ...... .... --........ _, .. ,... 'OleiC.-0 I I* -..C l!o-Ill a -- --o•l ...,..,..,._latll!t..--n-..--•JII•II ••a..oa-*1 1 .._"::':~t::_lllllllll = =,::; ::o::. =~·::-, ... ~ : IJ;ciM ==--·Ia _,_ ~ ~~--:.::a:. I • I OPPICIIII 1m CIIWIBLU of 1M K....,n _,.... ...... ·--~~~~~~~~-.....,--. C()NSERV/\TlVt ·.;CJr~NEF .... " •• I ...... It IL AadrWI ., .... , ....... ~ 111 cwr ... _ ...-1a--..., ., a ..... ..._ no ""* -... ar.--a--u at ... ...., 11r diOdrM RD trW bt • llf ...a o.e. &. .,_ •• ,.. 18 .. w.d lAIIIr aa· ~a. • a 1 11 •,..• t .,!~' , -.,I'ICIAL !IPSrAN:T W 'IWI QTY tw !IRrOIIT ZIAOI Tft IAIIII0/1 A/IliA'S OFFSET NErSPAPER Olhoo ... ,.. .... ,,_ lo II• E•Jp llolWJ .. , t?Jl L c-llwy., c-... 1W CaW. -9262$. ..... 1111141: 673.455D (Alto Ce4t 714) T. N&SC AI IAI.BOa ENSICN I~,._ oaly •• p.,• priM .. .... ,... ....... 1M CkJ' of N..,... S.-=ll• ... U.. craiJ loully ...... .W ••: tsJ ...,.., Ia U. Nwwpon .... ._. Co-.• ... ,. AN&. ........ f -.kly. oa n..u,. S.COM cJ ... po .... ,_let .c-....... Calll. TIE ......... , ILUBOil ENSIGN Wu adjMpd ao M • •••- ,.._ of ....-1 ein:lll.-lo• by eo.n decree No. A-20178 cl.ted lli1 l4. Jtst.. I• S.,.ior Co.t few lhe Co ... y of ar ..... State oi Cal ...... ~ N.eo• lher.ol i• q-.lified co psbliM all p.t.lie ... !\nor:a.:.;l-::..: ............................ 0...., aad Pllbll.J.er PEe: IAAII'A -............................................. .Aaeoclaae Edllor SUISCIIPTIOM RAT IS Ia ...... An.: Oae ,.e..-. 14.00; 2 ,.._, 17.00 0.. el ..._ ~ Oae ye.-, 15.00; 2 ,...,.., 19.00 .......... ~ AfNO l.. MAAPA, owner and·publ isher of the Ensign straig ht ········~0'0 TIH!:i'Jtl: RILED BY UTT AND SCHMITZ By Tom Anderson 'If-that rankle In the hearts of our WE TRADE TO LOSE l1Mrll and left-wtng pundits are Jimmy w~ can, through proper foreign necotiatio ns, Utt ... Jobn Schmitz. Here is unbeatable greally incr~a.sc our foreign agricultural salea.- if w~ kill di rect subsidy paymenas to farmen. t ........ ,. that saUd, unwavering con-Foreign buy~n resent this because it is a fonn se~ CAN win at the polls, and will of export subsidy, sine~ di rect payments callle cor4' e ~nnln.... despite the hysterical excess production, which is du mped 00 world -.u..u.£A..O"'f!t mark~ts by the CCC. att**-.ad Constant Sniping by the gentle-The time has come when th~ American gov- metl of. tate left. ~rnm~nt must stop trading against its own farm- ers. For many yean our Slate Department has How ?aing 1t must be to the liberal transferred important farm export markets from eetabU. ..... ent to realize that Jimmy Utt American produc~rs to producers in "'disadvan- taged" and "developing" nations. will 10 right on being re-elected to the As a nation, wt arc the only people in tbe U.S. :.o.ee of Representatives, and that history of the world whose leaden fo r 35 yean J ....__ a-~-lt I lng t in th Sta . hm ""'"d IO '""· uuu ~ Z S go 0 stay e te While holding 50 million acres out of pr~ SetuliM U long as he Wishes to keep ductKm with one hand, our govemm~nt spendl nw p C· The only decision that can keep huod_rcds of millions with 1bc . other ~and, fi. nancmg water-development pro,ects destgoed to Ju-y out of Congress will be his own, put new land into production. wben M tb.J.nks it' 8 time to step down and In his penetrating new book, Represen~tive Paul Findley (R.-111 .) sh~ how Secretary start tlldng life easy. The only likelihood Fr«man. while promising to boost farm prices c1 &ettil::lc John Schmitz out Of the State on the one hand, was actually dumping storod a...~-~" b hi d i l t k oth commodities on the market to dcptt:M prices on ..:JIC"l.-u::" wi.U e s ec s on o s ee er the other. politkal oftlce -perhaps aB successor Findley ci tes the so-called "cotton program" to .. __ Utt hall as a classic example of Craud anti mi.smanage-.,~y , or as C enger to ultra-ment. Until recently, he notes, cotton prices Iiberti U.S. Senator Alan Cranston, to cite were suwoned at about y, more than market two .,.,.mendable goals. price. Nat~rally,_this dn~:royed much of Ameri- can cotton s fort•gn markets. So tM government • T•e cllatressed liberals, such as tbe p;,id ~xporters a subsidy of 8.5 cents a pouod. • • lYOI'J. -...er experts on Bay and Tburin in "The ~et rf!S;uh of this," says P'~ey. "wu .,.,._ ........_·::. -. that lore•Jn m1lls c.ould buy Amencan cotton ~ lleea, seek to neecD.e Senator far below what domestic mills paid. As. matter Set 3 • at every opportunity With the of fact , for~ign operators could buy Americao- tf• 4 • I • grown cotton. process it and sell it back in the --•IIJ reve ation that he is a member United States ilil a price American producer-. ol tM .llltln Birch Society. That member-oould no• malcb." ship iill dutifully brought up just about The logical r~ponse to all this, be says, would have bc~n to reduce price supporu to the world price. lru:t~ad. th~ administratK>n pushed through a bill to 1ivc American cotton mills a subsidy to enable them to buy conon at rouahly the same p(icc as foreign buyers. "In just one year, from 19b4 to 1965," says Findley. "the textile indlHtry received $329 million in government largess, with some ot tbe big mills collecting upwards of S 18 millton. And for th~ fina l coup." Findley remarU arim· Jy, "the iiverage wholesale price of fabric went up. not down, afl~r th~ subsidy went into ef- fect." Our coiiOn·support policy. Findley continues, has not only socked it IO the taxpayer but to the couon industry itself. For, with all the sup- ports and subsidies, the government bas ""priced cotton .w high that th~ synthetics iDdUIUy bu boomed. King Cotton has been assassinated." In 1967 the colton program cost tups.yen Sl ,382,000.000 more than the: market value ot th~ entne crop. The "cotton program" throuJh the years has been mainly responsible for syn- lhetiCS taking almost half of the textile mark.et, for pricing our coUon out of world markets, and for rewarding inefficiency and the auper- rich. Ten percent of U.S. farms get more than half of all government payments. In the 19:!0"s, before government prOif'UDI to "help" the cotton farmer, the U.S. ezported an avcrag~ of 8.5 billion bales of cocton a year. Exports arc now about half that. Other cotton- producing nations in the sa me period have dou· bled and tripled their exports. In 1933 our farm imports avenged S26 per capita of farm population; in 1967 they were up to $416. There has ~n a 1,500% CJ.p&Do- sion of fa rm imports since the govemmeDI em- barked on its crunde to usher in univenal peiicc through unilateral elimination of our agricultural import r~trictions. Where ia the pcacc'.'-Am~rican Way t-eatures Letters to Editor ftkllll 1111t ... ,1 IT •r 1M 8C .. IIIIIIN. ....... tD I l'tft11 "'~We Tl17 'nlf .. ~tl ......... t, ... _.._..,.,._ •• ...,...__...,.....,.. lolrd., at?*'...._ .... .-••••'••• "litiS-. ta .. talalillllldOC._.._ .. _ cor-tolllllla.ltiflf ... JIIr..., Ill larii&MtlYtQt lllf"'IJ •ttcel ·-·•• CIAII'nl1 ··-'-" -lo ._ ... _ _... -........... -.... _ ................... _ llt. ·-............ lloa .,_loa.,..- •• -lloa --..... --~~-wW-IMI1 -... -...... . .,.lie -Ia o1 caJIInlo. lllol -tMn art for 1M --1o .. -· ......... lac. • ..._ r.:~ a:.: r: ~=:-:..::.-: ---tllolrP-1 _. __ 00 ~ .... a.& --lloa -8111. It, 1111, lo -lila -of! • -.u•-• _..., --· polal: -_.,_ .. a..., ... UU 1000 ...,.::;.:........:: .. _ llulll4 _...., -J oa lbo -..... lilt .... ..iuo.t .. Orup COIIIJ •• -lloa .. lilt _ .. trqlc -of u.s.s. -· IIIII dl!rllc 1110 -por..,j ~"' .. u llo 11. TO!IIJ, 1m-lilt ~ of -..,._ -. _. -'ooo ell--.· lJI sw-., -"•11 marlot, lilt u.a.s. _.,.._ ..,.e ... I did aol _._lila IDlO!If tllo -..ro. llu all -.,._.,. -~ roo-nr. --I did aol r--a polol IIIU lmprllll of lla!lt lo -· ... bow tbt 111ft 10 natsoe •..-eel dl•• are rl!pOr'ttd Now tl 1a tbl tliM tlr a1at ..._ w111e11 ~ae.-1111 r-.. ,.._.. 111ro1P 1110 cUIMu to P" •• lo --U,. 1o elar oflbo Dllltlllll aeiiOOia." "IRE" .ad 1o do tllrM lla!plo folllllo -orpu, _... loborbooi!,R-L.Lonlld, t~~~op,l,tlodeelartWUacaiUI CODtrtbate to marital ftllclly Ph.D., psycboloc1Jt, nma ~ tM commWlilt couptracy. J. l8d 111118 reduee 1110 cll•oree 111o lllutlloaloS.._, "Wboa To~lllodoalll_.,lar rate. 1 do aoe. riC&ll otbtr u _ to tb1a we add: tbe fa.ctJ ta.t tboM wbo coll&bonte wUb IA- IWJIOilla to llt.Jor of ll>e sw-1u ..., of 1110 biPHt tera&.I ~"'-to lbo diUlprous DeW au procram lll1eJde rate•. Uld oae o1 tbe detrtmeot of tbe Uldted state&. --1 wu •lnlot 111o re: bljllat In alcobollom, do we S. To (WOJide lbo doalll _., port from my botpltal bed. bat bi.Ye to be lDiul to reprd tor tboH wbo Laterferewttbud u UMIJ nre 00 more COJW1Dc.1Dc SWeda u &II;J'thlac bill a tracic atttmfl' to ~1 tbl rellcto- tbu tbt ooe adnDced by tbe IIZI.DJI)It ol bow .lick a ctrt..11YI ldntatloaal, ecooomtc IDd poll- -yow~~ ...._ 00 1 would -1111 eu -•?" Ueal .,...,.,. of 1110 llDIIod bnDd tbt wbole "pro" case 1'bl ttaSd pouttca.J oblen• statu of America. a.s "rld1culoal." . may uk. "WIIJ pt .o ucitlld Get JOUr "duller IIPI" To ~ key words, 1 would add lbt third, "ertdJ.cate, •• ud 1Dtrodace aa add1t1oe to our polWcal JOta"''Jtry. Tbt tbr• lDI.U&Js form tbe word "Ire," wblcb Ia tbt 1111tura.1 r-.ctioo ot.........UnlymlDded-te tososedooalloDu...-lo tbe Dn" procram, aDd totbeac- tiOD of tbe Slate Board of EdQ... eatloo to llt.oortor lbo ...... I add tbl word "eradicate," because that 1a wbat sboWd be doDe to a pubUc body wbicb calls tor lbo corr-ot !be youtb ot America as a prelude to a c::ommunllltlc taM~er. To eradicate tbe memberl of t.be state Board of EducltioD would be a lea.teDt metbod ot J>Wl1shlDc tbem tor tbelr ml8- detd. U would mean to retire tbem from publlc We. Pertaps lbe easter way to baDdle tbe problem would be to brln& pressure Oil the mem- bers of tba state IAP.lature tiD -Seoator Jobo Scb-mus•s bUl wbicb d-.J.J wUb 681 educatioo. 1t sbould be pas- sed by an overwbelmlD& rna-VIEWING ENTRlES lor tbe commlllllty u1 sbow al tbe City Hall jorlty. are Mrs. W1.111a.CD stabler, at 11ft. cbafrmu of tbe Newport Dr. steuut Mc81rllie, wbo Beacb city uta committee, ud Mrs. Robert Mtllnotr.co-ebalr- speab u ''Tbe VolceofAmeri-mu.. Tbe uta committee 1a .,._,rmc tbe ibow, wtd.cb wtU be c.&DUm" lbree Ume a day 011 held from DDOD to 5 p.m. &:mday, May 4. oa the City ball Jan.. Y~S -ewer XJEV (870) Realdeats of tbe City of Newport Bll.cb, 18 years ot.*:P Uld at 8:t5 LID., aad Of• XEMO older, may Abai.U aiGUlatcl leatr1es.Cll. t A. t.f'ot11mut (110)1110,00 &.10. (IIUOa.m. U-DJ-_.,,AR>(I-mut.be allbo CIIJ flail I>)' oa SlborclaJa), IIIII OYer IEMO Aj>rUIO. (Eoatp-.) .. at 7:15p.m. -...allows tbestra-. tea of 1111 CI.U War ce-.J. 'K f • • .... lllldtl!al ...... -.,. now your ~reman beiDi lbere "flrllest wltb the mosteat... Ftremu Joel T. Cbulry wu every time those rudderless pilots chas- tise .JobR Schmitz for supporting such extr-causes as law and order, patrio- tilllll, fiscal responsibility, antl-com- muniam, free enterprise, and Christian principles of morality, charity and love of GooA. With each such attack they honor Senator Schmitz and bring favorable m en- tion to the J ohn Birch Society. He bas Yl'ltteD u autborita~ bora 1D BlD&famtoo.. New York. tin booklet oa tbe tratll about Juoe18, 1939, moYedtoOraap, ''Sex eclQeaUoQ tn u.e ecOOols.'' Cal1t. at tbe ... ot 11 IDd wu Tbls 1a uallable 1D qu•aHHes graduated from Ora.Dce Hl ... by tbe pa)meot of 50 cents per School In 1958. • OBEY OWN LAWS ctliJdrea to recel'e an edu-copy. Address lllm at P.O. 8os: Prior to joiD1D& tl.le Newport E -·"-90 GltDdalo Calltor!!la 9U09 Beac:ll lire -'IDIIII, be ou Jf.-y Utt Is farther away and harde r to neetie, but no likely opportunity is lost. Wbene\'er Congressman Utt gets on the subject of anti-communism, you can expect another editorial blast. The latest ~: O::~cE~:eatatJon ts ~~ tbe riots first bepn oo in this t.::ok, Or. McBtr~ empkJyed by NortrollicsiDA.al.- 1 2 told ll "-~---· ••-curreat hetm. He bu worted at AAA ~ o -purpose, to co mpU-co egecampuses,puentswere ... ........., .....,. E .. 1 ...... eat ReatallDOr meat and to questtoo. botb of told tbal tbey werebelngcaused edlleattonaJ program of su q..,..... up u l which are th8 riif:lt&, nen by tbe "ceaeratJoa pp.'" Sou educ:aUoD lD tbe pubUc s<:bools. a mechulc,tbla.workedSyears duties, of cltizeas lD good stan-was wbea tbose riots became tbe U IIIOMOI'Id bJ a lfO• ea11ad for Orance EDCiDeerLDrud Itt-- ding who pay taus, Locludlnr aormal putime on tlllb-school SIEClE:,'' tor tbe reuoo tbat ChiDe Coq~UJblforcbeeom.tDc ' property, re~ "bed" taxes campuses. Now, though, I "there is aot thesUJbtestproof a ftremaa. • and bus1Dess Ucense tees, to explala. tbe sUuaUoo oo tbat 1t wlll" reallJ lower tbe He llYes at 18119 Eut 1JD.. thereby upecting senlce or, juak)rr-blgt:J-scOOol campus? &mOWit of su: peners:&oG. pre-colD, VIlla Park, wttll b1.l wtte, at the very~. 1a.w enforce-Are .we to be11en tbat piJ'ecU marual su: uperteaces a.od Wa.llda. a.od tbelrdl.uebter,I.JD... meot by the City ot Newport baYe ao tmderstudJng of tbetr PI'8(QIDC1es. da, ace 7• Beach of its own ordlnaocu . cbUdreo, reprdleas of their Contfmdnc he states: "There Joel ls a member ot tbl Complimented by tbe writer ap? Is tbe aut step the remonl 1s mQCII proof tbat tbe procram ·First Prelbyterlao Cburch 1D tbe efn at tbt Cb.J.Jdrea from tbe1r of IOU ldacatJoa will bUteo tbe Qrance. IDd b.ts bobbles are are cleotpoUce oftlcen , JUeots at blrttl, so aa lnstttu-moral t..eUdonotour tociety, llsh1ac aDd bldtDc. boatiD& &Dd onslllllfl&llt came as a result of a recent 11o.::; ;::tt"'med and otlleMrlse, tloo ruo by ~•er!Ulleototllclals RODNEY A. LEWIS of R-beca11a1 u dots DDI rocoi(Dizo fiJiol. Utt nneletter on commwlist influenceS in w ve mol.de the commWlltJ eaa raise u:;_ Children? Beach bas beeommed11ststant tbe moral upec:t ot se:z He Jol.bld the Newport 8e&c:b a safer place to llYe 1D. Of COQl"88 tba.t SOUDdJ ta.0. secretary a.od mu&&ft of tbt bU&Yior • Couider SwedeD U a ftre depu'tmeot Sept. 11, 1MI., the promotion of sex education in schools •'I>OCiallystoc .. rrlnJotCbltl tutl Tbe~lo......, .,.; costa Mesa llt.cWty o1 Gteo!lolt blatu!leDD~plo." wu ~ad tn>m 1110 Fire and Ill the production of r ock and roll G~stiooed. by this writer Ls a ,:,;.. ot A~ICIJlS er~"e Feder&! Sa,I.Dp. Be bu beta Dr. McBtrale bellefes tbat Scieace Bulc AeademyOct.Z$, music and folk ballads. the Jegol and admlDlstzaUn ebaopd our scbooiJ ln>m pub-with Gleodalo Feder&l !!IDee "monllty mW!I be tau&t>t In 1111• l8d Ia ...-lllJ ualped enforcement of Ordlnaace llc-coatrolled scbools to 1961, wheo be jolaldtblorpa1-sebool or elM HZ educa.Uoo to tbe ''B"Ib.tft at Fire statloa Tloe Enaign published that newsletter in 20.08.1 30, r eprd1Jic muimam , ..... elii-Ued ac...:t;. &atloo as a lotA.co-IDr. lie !!bould DDI "'taucbl.'' &. IDeated Illite lnlot A"• FIREMAN NOEL CHANTII'f full in the March 27 Issue , and not just a hel&bl ot property border Aa adlrretresulloftllllcbange com•• to Costa"-ln>mlbo He c:ooc1011os, "W'-1 aa-.., -IUif!la,.,... few oo-of-context excerpts with sup-~::::e::k~: :thaa~:.:: :: :=::: :::lsto:r: ==ceb-·:-:::..-: =~.:-~~c:·:. New policy is . studied por1ille evidence carefully omitted. Mr. suoU.,.t. For two D>O!!It>s ll>e ~ r ... lutloo. u 11111......,. bu beeD aell•• In lbt roal harm IliaD II!>Od? I clo aolnot ulter has been wa.tt-t .... s1ace 11nt••lc, just tab a klok at estate flekt. a.od 1s u otrlcer a Man:1lt to te&elli a elltldaboat A 10-dQ tta!lllbdy of a. ella-mu -to rtld 1-t ya.r1 of Utt dW pve considerable background In-aolll!catloll ot v!o..ii.':.., 1110 tile t!IIDwtoc statem..U, wblc• 1n Torraoeo Toutrnaoton. lie -..lea, a r"olllllootrr eiDAro polk:J ..-I>J .,1,,... tiD ll.!!d 0011 diJ formation, and there is much more avail-ctty. without m.a1DcfUl ~ repri:IIPt a thtnk:lnc au too Is a g:radlllte of tBC. to t.cb blm ii)Yeramlllt, aa co.ca 111-ta C.O.CJ.lmu Wll-polley,'" Mr. st. CIIJr 1114. able Ia many publications, which, I am by tbe eJty JD accompu..,_ com..,. In our educalloo ATTENnOH FIDDLERS llbolat tiD tooeb blm lbeoiDcJ, Uam St. Clair, wu ...-s ·~·u PlaJ tbolr -; 1 Joal of cut-blck eoforcemeat oftb SJittm: TbelrTiDICo.lsut..Uncaa a crtmtllltotlaebi&Jm ltbl~ to Z at 1ut ..U'• C.O.Cil wut: to_,., tbl raiN." a. sure, Mr. Utt has consulted. Read some of 090 lawn. ''Tn!&IID ....., .... ..,.must be toJ)Iattoa tiD all oi!J.Uma « allllortloolotooel!blm au. _.,.. lllalod, clalml,. be dldl!'t uu then, fw example: David Noebel's pain-CJIJ llaoaeer Huru.t ro-••laeed I>JearellllplaoniDcaod "lldclte" pi&Jora 1o co-F-&looc lo lila bool!, Tbla (1011er _... roqutro aott11c-.... , u.. oooo ceJved my request bJ wte-prm.teeaptta•l•mbyaomelorm LD a llddlerl coattlt ud ,_ .. Dr. Mc81rldt ltatu: ''1'111 ldmiDiltraUYt .catrrlp(lft8or or twice. ''WMa l flr.t.,toa st ...... y documented book/'Rbythm, riots Mucb 2 (as Yell u On.acll ol. .::K"'•''MdiCODOmy.''George don lb1l s.di.J, A/;ltll 10, wbole tG:Irt ot ta: ed8catioD recomm..,.•kN, rt«lllllltiau, tbl ccec.Jl, IIMII40't made • an4 ..,.olvtlon,'' an analysis of com-COUIItJ cllief of saniAttoa Uld s. eo.R. proteaor of educ:a-at tbllnial Rueb tab'IIIIIHGD. ...ma 10 J*:blremuuuut .. aMI•...., nvdl or ott. ~DGtD; uatbllr ~ ltUd ID\llllllt -of music,· Gary Allen's article, btollb) tor entorcemoot of0r11-"""' eot ... bla UDI•orslty. eeotar'"' MJID<d Rd. alii, -~~-~-... _.Ia bo dollY-aJooc PliliOJ' .-fDr lbo -. I lw>ce 20.08,130 u mr 5111 "Wt moat aol bllodiJ ltlrtnk luclpt wW be lael eartor -• ._.,.. llloa _, will! c-tl ....,.. lo c-t1 called Jar --bat wu "~ IIIUsic," In the February, 1969, eltort tiD ret aeiJDoudtl!>-from 1111 tact IIIII u may re-Bill c-••"' 11111,.,......; l8d alii r._t. Po:llllawlll! mialbort oolM hld&J-lol!ll-loDIIIIo.II!D04tDlt 18ae f1l American Opinion,· ''Sex educa-oo~y "to ..... <uUI.ac of lilt qotro -• uat of ...... (to Adami. led&lac wW be --. of riCit ul ..,_art eedloc lilt_,-... a wtlo -·· boclp lu resultl!l, wltb 10 tiD .al!llc -lolo1J PDbUe 1bo DDDII to C p.m. Pr-of .-s, r~ u IIDpollluiJ out of "I ...... It WU a !!loJplo "lr JOO dla't -lbo I'WM UOD .. Ute schools," by Dr. Gordon V. U-toot holcbJ of 1111--IIIII> 11111 eoo1ro1 of 1111,15 11111. $!5 wW bo ·--· ul -.IIIJ, u ':"-polleJ," aid 11r. st. c111r, U!lr.,..l ": , ........... .... Dr*e· "A parent looks at public school Plullo& .uu -IW!c -or -,_... IIIII 1111 .._ lmmedllloiJ 111ar lilt Jed&loc.:!: ~ S:,~11 r, "bat -. -• 1a1 ot--,.. __ .... _ ' ,, tbe anillbll AD'lat't cM1Ic clrllltrtalltloctllleoCtM..tloa) o. dllpi&J IMide tbl aa.. .,_ ~ • .._dDCMd_,tallrlld.,tallllld, b'll,.,.atMrcu.bec••.,d -s•euon, by Mrs. Barbara Rl-moot of 1111 a~~ar..... • ..... -11 ..--(lrl-IDr-__. wW bo u ._ Ia ~~ ~:: talllld u1 ..,_-. • wu Willi 1M -of" Ylfoo .. f¢ ,ateta.ntaAna·"Blackboardpower" Wboa-lopJ r-rilopd."llor!OU-IIal,pro..JIIIIU-1>J--=-lolofr-PIIII'-"».J!WA.. l.PiallloaJ I'd IIU lo .... lilt- -·-• • , slblllty-olle<:t In Kftpolt -~--L.-•of .......... -... Ylct-IIQar--... -lo-." -..,.Dr. Gordon Drake. These authors Booeb _ ..... odnll!alatraRa "Tbo •• -loa. ot 1111. •-• -.!"--...-lilt ...,. ftllo IIOOK IALilO AID Clft frr .. about left-wing Influences in llllooiOI>dudmadto-co-!Dalorlall)'to d!IIICal--lloa. ~ .. _ . ..._.,.a. PVMDATUIIAIIY -J fl letloo and mWiic and ll.st un tbolrlan? aoctal <••lbo-D!TICTIVIGUDIIATIS 10' •L-D!LI ses•lllclllr.st.Citlr,c-. Tloo ----. • -Ro....-ur porod to_ .. ._.._ -. Wllllta IPtln ot ,11'.0111 .NMS DMM ------1a n llllbr ... ._ tan• .,. teltlmony showing the link to (J'•IIwlllll•dorl -.. or-•-~· tM "'""*'_,......._ , ___ ...,,_,1M.._, •-aid 1oo .... ..:.;•rr:..., ... u:: ea 1 fz .............. ""--·" Pr-...,__._.., • ..., •• __ .. _'* _,_ ..... ..._. ""-Jtll'ta.a.~ .-a • ' tiOlW.OcooaFt.. or"" .rr.• ne l't:-.,..,. .. -· -._.,,_ ... _.., .. ., lla!l-:...,_,.._ • al'll...,r• Lillo..._ W • a.ope that reason and common c-~~twpoot A• IIIJM. -111o -.,. -.... ,_, laJ'8 • a t -a...... i...-11 1111 _ w: I 7J ... •revatl OYer the attactefrom -diiii!Dit -• oat ~llal--~-.. • .1 a --lila, ...,_PI's llldllr,st. nl&lai-IIIM--•pUIIIIIDLO«GAOO -lo l .. --llll. doM I I&IJ-W.l. Le,-.. I lAid_.......,, Clolr ..... 1 Plla!l--Ia '<11111 Jar tM .... Tille uJUmate dNUDy ol our ·-or-s• ,..,_,_ullt.r-uftoU.•z•-IIZ•IU•e ···•;au' •••elloJS&I&rllr--pz•,; .. .::;: I coaatttuttonal -·"Uc wtll ---P, •• no .._ij!lloo • "" •> ru• w Mt.• ... -w -•-• • 111 • n •· a. =• --•• -a rvr-Tllllz.r -..,_ • 1 a -plsaq· toor. dl£1 IFF .. BtM w.t, •a• .. -... Clolr -!& -.. .. ..... --= • _ •• .. ftctorrol.c-rYaUamOYer -·•---u.-•• --.r 11 ....... '•-•<••-. ..., .. -.... 1110 :-:::=::--. • .. r ail JISI :t'£11 ''btc btotlwllf' ro-::,:':;-: ... -:; -.. calM • Ibis .., lk .,_" 1111w ·a" ... -•••-·~L . .. ?a _, ........ 1., tot•ttW1aDtnl. -...-... •: ·-~-~ ..... _.r .. ~-QM. ... "':'.z:s:r: • -·· ==...__· • PATRONESSES FETED .... EIF'tle'lof .... IIDII- pllal ..... ....,, -..,.- WUU.. &,. f•tt 1 ... UJI' .... .... ~ ...... Ud. aa. tillll&lr Plb I flU ot tWr c...•anc-. .. w .... _,, Alrlilf, at too- ·1Juv3 I FREE lillY 3, ... 5, ... 6 ... pt_...._.elnp -.1 ~'"' ... VREE ...... lao s.:.t. & ......._ ~ BUY 3 -,.,.... •• ., 4 BtiY 6 -,_;,., 8 BU\' 9 -.-n-e 12 §!~~~;! A. JAMES CLINTON JEWELER 300'1 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone: 673-6405 FSA brunch April 21 Junior art going abroad An oW:Ome of the 8th annual "lmagf.na.Uve wor ld of cbU. lirll:l's art"" sbow, spooaored by tile Jualor EbeU CteofNew- port Beaeb, was tbe offer to .U.,.Iay 22 palallnp 1n an ln- terna.Uooal exchange ezhlbtt. The IDteroatlooal Art Ex- chanee, spoosored b)' the Ten- DR. ALLEN LeROY receives h.ts King Neptuoe crowntrom Mrs. Wayne Subcasky, baU cnairma.o. (R. H. Townseodphoto.) Dr. LeRoy • 'King' IS Dr. Allen LeRoy n s named water magic reaching tile ocean King Neptune at the annual Nep-tloor. ume Ball at the Ba.lboa Say Among thOse who gathered Club last Friday evening. Mrs. gro~s at their hOmes or clubs Wtlli.a.m E. Flsller, president for cod:ta.lls beforehand were of the Newport Harbor Spastic the president and ner husbiOO, League, placed the crown on the Mr. and Mrs. William E. Fl- newly cho sen king. sher. Their guests were Mr .aDd Dr. LeRoy'sservicetohand.l-Mrs. J. L. Stamp Jr., Dr. and capped children made him the Mrs. J. 0. Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. league's c hoice, As orthopedic W. A. Lester, Mr. and Mrs. consultant lor eleven years at Ward Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. S. the Cui Harvey Sc hool l.nSanta Otto Ctlristenseo, Mr. and Mrs. Ana, he has helped thousands of Joh.o La.Montagne, Mr. and Wrs. cerebral palsied childr en to a WUlia.m L. O'Bryoo, Mr. and better life. Mr s. Carl F. Marquard, Mr. He is a member orthe Orange and Mrs. AI Tiffany, Mr. and County Medical Assn., a fellow Mrs. Parte McAvoy, Mr. and ot the American Academy of Mr s. Milton Harvey, and M.r, Ortbopedic Slll'geons, a member a.Dd Mrs. A. J. Heiser. BltiSPIASH rlkyo Young Men's AssoclaUon oi the American Medical Assn. WayDe and Sally Subc.a.sky ol Tearltyo Honjima Grand a past president of tbe Nlcbo~ (sbe's tall chairman) eater. Cburc.tr., wU1 raatura pictures Aodry Foundation, wblch 1s the ta.1Ded at tbe Bay Club. ~ drawn by chlldrea. 15 years Oran&e Couucy Ortbopedic tbose prueatwere Dr. aDd Krs. old aa:l Wider. Eacbptcturewtll GrQt4), and a practlciag ortho-AUeo LeRoy (Ki.D,gNeptuoebim- Dan the Dame, address, age, pedist tn Newport Beach lor the sell), Dr. and Mrs. Tom W. grade and school oame or the last 12 years. RObinson. Mr. and Mrs. Tim cbtld and wtJJ be placed La u:-King Neptunes wOO have been Tbomas, Mr. aod Mrs. Rim h.tblts in pabUc halls or depart-booored in the past are: 1959, Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. ment stores 1n the toUowtng Jay B. Stoddard; 1960, 0 . W. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Richard clUes or Japan: Toyko, Yoko-Richard; 1961, Dr. Tom w. B. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs,Phll- bama,. Nagoya. Kyoto, Osaka, Robinsoo; 1962, John B. Kilroy; lips Eastman Jr., Mr . and Mrs. Koba, Fukuob, and the 1963, Judge Robert W, Gardner; James R. Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Tenrl.kyo Mother Church, Tenrl 1964, LeRoy Bartholomew; Walter C. Lindberg, Mr . and oiAI'IIIt GLORI ETTA PEAR HALVES l~ SIZE 45( SYRUP 24 oz . KEN L RATIOII FOODISOL2/ City, 1965 , Senator John A. Murdy Mrs. Don L. Marshall. The purpose or the exchange Jr.; 1966, Dr. Anthony N. Toto; Guests of Mrs. Ruth Jotulson as e~plaioed to JWlior EbeU 1967, Dr. Theodore G. Schoppe; wer e Mr. and Wrs.BertCoft'ey, president, Mrs. Edward WhJte-1968, all the husbands of the Mr. and Mr s.RoyKiottof LLada OOuse Jr., 1s to promote inter-members of the Newpo rt Harbor Isle, Mrs. Betty Lee Hall ot oatlooal good Ifill and to awea,l Spastic League. Linda Isle and escort, Mr. and tor world peace. Other ooun-Cha.irriWI of the Ball Com-Mr s. E. Chase Burns, Mr. and b'les particlpattng are Aus-mtttee was Mrs. Wayoe J, Sub-Mrs. Ra_,h Butcher, Mr. and b'alta, BruU, Congo, Formosa, casky. She was assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Willis Longyear, a.nd Mr . Fra..oce, Japa.n, South Korea., Robert D. WoodWard, iovita-and Mrs. Robert Garr ison. Switserland, Soutb Vietnam, tions; Mrs. William Plank BALBOA. ISL.t.HD DUO HanU, and West Germany. Thomas, rese.rvatlons; Mrs, TO BE WED JUHE 21 Pict11res selected lor ex-William Wilson, programs; From Mexico, Mo., comes the change by W.rs. Gus Chabre, Mrs . Robert Dennis, d@cora.. announc:e m~Dl o1 the engage. tlDe arts chairman, and Miss tlons; Mrs. Philip M. Coholan, meot or Miss Jooe Carol Rao- Jeneu Romber g and Miss door priz.es; and Mrs. Edward do lph or B:Uboa lsland toJam<.!s Mlrtam Easton, art specta.llsts Fretz, sponsors . Edward Oliver, also or Balboa tor tbe Newport-Mesa Unitied The Baltx:la Bay Club was Island. The anoouncemenl was Scbool District, include the transferred into a glittering made by Mr. and Mr s. H. F. works of Tom ADder son, court lor King Neptune. Center-Randolph ot Me:doo, Mn, r~ Norman Clark, Rusty Barton, pieces on eac h table contained intended groom is the son of 1 mllll!r ~.,~~ Jenoiter Ca mpbeU, Steven Var-colorful underwater treasurer s the Keith OUvers of Santa Ana. :' "': ps, Chuck Shepardson, Kenny featuring ships, anchors or Miss Randolph is a graduate of Service to the community • ~. A ooUcap o( OUrl IClla lhil one. On SatUl'dl.yt be ICIII dlmcl ( IOc: each). Seenw the ~ nei&hborhood movie i:J nut door. Tbe kids stop in before the ahow ror dimel -for tbe w:ndin& machine~ in the lheam, A kJC ol our businaa is like this-service to the com- munity. Glad to do it. Bocause ~·rc conveniently located and open Ions hours, we're a handy place to pick up cbanF or a bottle of aspirin. But a pbannacist'l true Jervice to ru. comrnunity is 10 be: a quid, reliab~ source of the drup and rnedj.. ca.tioos your physician prescribes. Thai's the real ru100 we're bere. And we art alwa)'S pJcucd to ..... , ... _, L CD&ft -Y. -· DSL 11&11 omous-- -#/!GUEST INTEREST Of{ tNSURE'f gAVtt.JtJ.S .. COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture INTEREST DAY-IN to DAY·DUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIA TIOII CAN BEAT IT! • ASSETS OVER $425.000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS CORONA DEL MAR 2867 [ast Coast Hoa:hw.,y. Corona De1 Mar Calli 92625 t~lephone 675 5010 H(An OffM:{ ll~ E Coloo.aoc Bl....t P~WOo!-n~ C.ltl 91109 It~~ ug n •!) OTHER IRAHCH OfflC(S Co•Mtl Gler>dl lf' We~\ ll.ot.C•~ SPRIIIGfiELO TOILET 3 PK.-12 ROLLS TISSUE~·PK. $1.00 Woag. Je1f Wankler, Jason shimmering sea-blues and of Universl.ty ot Missouri, Kletnheln, Tom Dwt ck, Steven greens held ltigh with ropes oi Columbia, where she was Marchese, Sharon Beck, Polly gold. Each anchor was atnllated wttll A_,tla CtliOmega Temple, Jlllte Dokas, Sharon cushioned on a sea of !lowers Sorority aDd the National Art Sadlelr, Mike Chaves, Byron consisting of carnations, baby Hooorary, Delta Ptll Delta. Mr. Grams. steven Drayor, Craig hreatb and hJghllgbted lfithbird o uver attended Santa Aoa Col- Rarnsford, Richard Garcia, of paradise. Balloons curled lege and oow 1s atteDdln(Orange Sally Escber and Stepha.n.le out the color theme Ooatingh.tgtl Coast College. Tbetr wedding "--••••••••••••llll•llll""''llllllll BtoYD. These students r e-~bove the tables as iD IJDder-date is set ilr JWMI 21. • preseDt 13 schools, grades ldn-... -.... .. LLS BROS. COFFEE I'I'OB ..Va • I .. 1:• • 8UNDAYI I .. I -aMI I. I!!R I. WINE LmUCE 2 ·39' IU. 69( Has.131 derprten tllrougtJ 8th. Some Z2 pictures received ttom Japan dooe by Japanese cllilllreD WiU be displayed for public rie'lfing by the Junior Chab 1D areas to be anoounced at a 1atar mte. ,AUL W. KELLER. 74_ Of COSTA MESA OIES Pu1 W. Keller, 74, ot 2020 Fllll4l'1oll. A•e., Apt, 1, C06ta Me-., d1ed Mareh %7 at Ills ·-· He .,.. bora Sept. S, 18!14. ia Ger-.,, ud came to C&ll- t>rlla IIIII to Orup County ln JUl. 811 lilt oce..,.UOO was ~ 'II'"P" oltiM LM-nrd..-._ s.nlN"a .,... I IOU, Paul of CoG Moll, IIIII WIW&m of ~ <lfooro; ' .. ..,.... .. -Loo. IIIII Marl'"l--ofCoG ..... IIpud --l_.u-..--u--........ ,... .... A,prtl 1 ol lltU .. __, ~ Too L. Y, -of Orlol ~eo.-. ..... 2 d t' ...... It ,...... ... 21 ....... , ..... - DAVIS-i~BROWII IN OW 23r4 Y'IAI 01 DRWCAJfO SIWGI 411 E. 1M St.-Costa Mesa .. HOnor roll announced ftl -.... 'tr ... ,, • b lc:IIDoltlr .. ----==~=~~~~::::~~=-....:::.....::.:.-=..::.~~:....;:::..:~::::~~~::-- ... W I I 11 -..-.. 'Ill -'"""'' 11'1 11 MI-T IIAIIOII POST 110.:11'1, AIIIIIICAII LHiclll • -· --~ = 1 lllltM &I ••A'' lf'ldN: ;.~O~LD;TIIII~;;,;.~-;~;.;..;;;;,.;.;:IIIoi;~IN;o;-;w;,oct:;~to~ID;;W;;.,~IIa;:=~-;~-=~·;1::_;;;;~.; .. = • .. 7S .... h-:-II tlMJ, lUll C.._., CatbJ llJ MMHoaoiMold u-&ld ~ PI • • • .,...,, oo.lad IMaiDce, 11J-ICrJO.. ~~0 LJM( :0. -:.::=., ~~~~ u u 01111 .. WilD-... • ..., au ....... ol Polt 111 u1 ~~~tta ~oa a per-wttt.C.. ooc-Jill l'oolll, CoM ac•-11 ·-Smtlb, Ytcba~ ballaD_IM_, __ tMtr ..... an lorllod 1011• 8W IUoollr, ldjlloot 111.1 Wolttlld~-~ Jool-llaDIM-prlo.lold; *" r-c:aiF IIIRTI)" or B. lfOdo _ rr-11 -., •-C"u Br lltldoD-U tldo II-. doo'l-lo-WaDJ II 1"11-1'101 oc 111o Pool JVrJ (;Ooc!ol!, • ~.. --. IICI ....-! old ttMera• ._ Plltf at 1'1J....50?0 • ~ • • llrud, a.t oktr 1 .. Milt ~ CllltJ Maroda. AadrM We biYt filii ol all .... ~ • • • • • Zlth DISTRJCT NEWS. llcAam, -llql'arlud, -~·~ 111Wpo, Llo NoU,llaacy dti>CIIIIullllr,aDI!JOd-... • LEGIOM BASEBALL -al 111o .-I-- Plwlll, Slac7 Ploll, Lyoo Ro I bt.r, hillS-aod Torry So'-ALLIWIIlll; BIIIW<EI All ,..lollowo WIIO --rllolae r-lllo -ld portJ Here 11 u.. complete ...,_, roU tllt: • • • A.prU U:rd. • ....._, at •••-11 -......, llld oat-u.at IU t.o tbl cutom 1a o. 8 p.m. ~ wW, boll 1 p.m. lllll&lt Waller Aloloa ...S BIU Jllll, tt11o ,_ 111o nyo IIIII 0 IIXTH QWlE IWe ~ Dave Gilmore •••. Prtco Sl. A~ pro.. Rlpty n1lo lltllq II -_,.. --bao come ... -A8lor EllooXioo cram -tac Poot Ill Lite at rour TV, barellrour-will> ' two-• 501b 111111-Mol.tJ 8oJd Kr111 Kat.-Susu Gott.scbalk member's Ud tbl old ttmera to prwe ,._ lld11 oa tM pi&J-Ylfllr J r~ Tbe puty Rlct.r.l Dale Tl• Lo11a David Grar wiiO -IIIII bor111 Pos1 Z91 ... llold lloell. Pootltl LociOO wW start II Tualla Poot 121, -E!IIIUd ll<llly L,..b J ... ~ Fe1111 to wbal U to loday wW ba-IJ loom -a Pool Wbero lllo lllome wW be WOI'Id ._.hc.f'M Millll .... tt~L.LV !t:Ha': follow tbe dl.aDir. Y'&U come. member tom...-tbl teuD Warludwbert~uddrLDU .JoMiwaw Mile MoMeeteeuer • • • tb.roactiOut tbl comJ.ac ......_ ww bl MrYed bltw.-1 ud MoUJ x.uiC htdi!J Moore Lori Hicot • YACifT CLUB NEWS. wbiell blpaa 111 J... after 7 p.m. TbeD Oil to Su1a AM. J. a. llcFariiDd Cary O'Coaaor :!;!:C~ ::!,~nbrud Post 291 l:smadt'$of&P'0'4) scbool Ja oW. Tbl ICbedula ill Polt lSl lor alai:l, a.u ud Hue)' 11...-r Mart Oderman Jue Hudsoo of characters; WallyStlropPjre &tread)' drawn up; we ban t(ll. Tbe theme lbu't ..W be NEIPOI!T IWIIO" £IlliG! FIRST SlCliOII --P• 4 lMU~Y. N'IIL 17, .. 001101¥ DEl.IIAA, CAIJ f . RSADY W1TII llcUt ll&los lor lllo -..wry brltDcb of tbe womea.'s fellowablp of Plymout.b Co.1greptloot.l Cbure.b ol Newport Harbor are, from left. Mrs. EUerJ Stowell of Cameo Hllb'tncts, M:-a. £ltoo. DooDer of Balboa lslud and Mrs. C. H. Jeffrey of CoroDa del Mar. The tw.:l ralsi.Dc event wtll be bald W-sday. Aj>rtl 30, at llle Balboa Bay Club. {E..rco -.) KtWe Newcomb Jeff PueU. JodJ Host is ooe, Wally 1s riU' com-playera for tbe te&m, equip-World War IL Tblre wW be l'lrMiclu PoutoiU Karea. Rudall Karen Jerger modore ol tbe AmulcuJ.Acloo meDC, ~ Btrr ••• daoclac in tbt Oat Room from GARY w. K(LLER of c.a.. EU. Rc I tw1 Dolala Rticttert Gerl Joho.9on Yacht Club. Ud h1a duty L1 to DO ma.D&IW. 9 to lZ:SO. ~ price tJr all delMar, water <llltrl~Mt~oa ap. KLrk ScbMI4er Pat RambeUow Glen Jones seod out tbe WOld to aU clllb Tbe tam Deeds a Po8t mem-th1a lim and tood 11 $2.50. Be erator with tbe Metnpoutu. .KaDdll Sc._aler Ric:t SaY&p Sue Katz members. His bulletinll to YC ber to maoap 1t tbroucb tbt aura aad make tbia ooe , , , Water m.trid bu rtetlYid A I• • F 'I s • Kar•Sc:bn!ber Dafld Sctu.lder ~tberlne Klug members are IP1ced with quo... seuoo, wbieh rouc:blY c:orres. May 3rd (Sa.tard&y) bl&iDAIDI a eertifteate oi.;.•UuAIDtl'l· C lye In ami Y erylce Jout<aSialo GoueScballbels ltattwrabee t&ltoo&tromAuoptolllo~t~p-poads tolllosciiOol.,..mer'p.m.aiTuallaPoiiiZU.Tba..,c:u Wllor woruJ.uD.op.. RudJ Tllomu Cuey Sllil.w ClDdJ Marow:tt% pies; they are IUD rtadinc. He nc:aUoa. 1F tbe tam 11 COOd parties are r.Uy f\m; I lak;.t, erator after comp1M.11lc 40 NlDe years ago when Mrs. ADD& Vterpyer Marti Sboemater Andrea McAdam locludes utwork at no add:ed aDd lF lbey wiD dUtrtet, area. For resenatloDS ca.11673.5070. week& ot stutly 1D water RPJ11 Howard A. MelDS joi.Ded Las Lotaa Watt Sara Slack Sue McC lellan cost on Ills copy. He uJrad me state IUid natto~~tl Amuleao Tba.t's all for oow. qualltJ trtatmem ud .~ Marlneras Allli.l.1azy to Family • SEVENTH GRADE bauDe Smlley steve McFarlaJJd to tell all of tbe otber Post Lepoa ebampk)nlhlp playolfa, CHEERIO-TED. , l1c&. ' . · Senice Assn., lt was because Jamie ADdersoa Suu Smltb Sue Milholland members tbat: the seuon wW be loocet, ol sbe was new to the Harbor Area J~-~-Jou stewart s 1. Tbe regu.lar mootbly mee. course. IDII noted to get acquainted, na"7t:i' ~uruep Jeanller Stone S~~llp.n tlng of the ALYC 1a at 8 p.m. oot because of her interest ln ClDdy A&hley lJDda store Kurt MWlb.el today, Apl'il 11, Bdng all old FSA's work. Pete Aab.Jey Rob1D SWift Dennis Newcomb Club members JOU eu t1nd aDd In raet, she bad never heard Betb Beek J..U. Treat Ll.z Noll your lrieDds, A note oo tbat • , • of Family Service Assn. and Carol Beroey JCaUq lblerwood Clnay O'Keefe Our guest ~ken eo))your didn't really know just what Sa.ody BogJe Sari Vaqhn Anita Palenchar meetings as much u tbe mem~ It dJd. Simoo Bouebey Amta Vermwxl Marc Pug bership because ofthetbaDkyou Today sbe is one or 41 com-Hans Bnrmer KatbJ Watson Nancy Pawll.k gift the club alway• bestows munity leaders on a newly Janis Cboiaser Michael Watt Lee Pfeiffer oo eacb guest SIM''ker or pro- created 82-person FSA Western Kelly Coony Robin Weed gram director. Last year the Regt.ooal Council formed to give Liodsay Corlch OiaJla Werley t~~ ~~!eu ALYC presemed II.Ch pest family counsellng ageocy Cathy Crooe BriG' Wh.lte Laurie Pyne speaker with ao eocraved boat· e:ueutives tbe beneflt of laity's Laura Crou.l Debbie Wl.lsoo LesLie Reed swa.ins' pipe, This was fery, oplnloo.s and suggestions at the Kerry Cwmingham • EIGHTH GRADE Patricia Romney very • shrewd thinJdnc oo some- poUey-making level. Tbe coun-KiDberly Dnls Cbrtst:r Akin Lynne Rosenberg one's part. You migbt have a eH senes agencies in Call-Sta.n Dora. Pam Arm~ng John Rothwell mlllio.o dollars and a fUlly. fornla., Nenda, Ubh, Montana, Barbara Ewell Kalby Auvenshlne Melanl.a Salata equipped 200.foot yacht, but Wastllnglon, Oregon, Idaho, Bets:r Frame Barbin Babbe Tom Shelton oot too many yacbt.ameo baY& Alasia, Hawaii and Canadian Suzie Frleod Blll Baker Matt Shoemaker an engraved boatsn.1os pipe to · agencies iD British Columbia John Fultoo Holly Blare Lee Shuck call tbelr OYill. a.od Alberta. Karen Ga.llony Francis Boero Patti SJooer 2. ALYC wW hold a ship- Mrs. Means, who Ltns at MRS. HOWARD MEAHS Peter Gay Jaoni!er Booty Claudie Sutherland wreck party a1 8 p,m,Saturda.y, I ' 1214 Notttngtmm Rd., Westcl.tfl', Dee Guy Carol Bucli:e Chip Temple April 26. Dress will be nry brings tbe COUDCU more than ls a restaurateur whose eater-Marcella Gllmore Rob Child y Me""" Tbompson casual there will be dancing WANDA TERRY of the sat1np tbe layman's ny of looking at prises have been in Beverly Dale Greeoe Tri ~ C _... later k, the Jesters and a later departmeat ol Newport Balboa agency operations. She brings Hills and the Harbor area. Lee Grlnokl D~ C~~n ~Ia= :g:lmure buffet. The prlce is' $3,50 •cb. SaYlDgs ud l...a AssoelaUoa's e.rperleoee 1D Yolunteer leader-Her real introdueUon to Mary Jane House Le&h CroW. Joe Tosti Wally stresses 1n bJs bulletin rnaJ.D otnee at 3366 Vla Lido, ship 15 atormer Las Marlneras volunteer work had come Y1a Newport Belch, bas transfer. Junior League of utah, wbere Dru Huot Laurie Enrson Cindy Tuttle LE'AL uoTICE red to the DI!'W COI'OIIl del Mar president, uOOerstanding of she attended college and llved PattJ Hunt Paula Enrtsberg Craig Uhl u ~" branch otftee 1n tbe Newport volunteer COOil"diaatlon as one. as a bride. Before mov~r ... to Sue Jacobus Gary Farr Terry Watt time cbairma.notOrangeCounty ._ Da ld J Vlekt Fet NOTICE OF HEARING Center fllaoeial plala.. Sbe F'SA's l;)ur auxiliaries and Newport Beach from Breotwood y ames Bill Flelsc= Amy Weillberger NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN works w:ttb Corooa del Mar tamtllarlty wtth the total agency in 1960. Mrs. Meus worked Sarab Jayae Mike Wllllams that oo Mooday, AprU 28, 1969, ltWII.pr Carol Freoeh. Mrs. picture as immediate past pre-with Red Cross and Girl Scouts, N b 1 trod ed a.t the hOur of 7:30p.m., 1D tbe Terry, a ea.Uiornla residem sldeot of Oran&e County FSA's" for which she coaYerted ber,f ew mem ers IR uc Council Cbambers ol UM Ct,ty sioce 1944, starte.J. u a reeep- boUd ol' direetor.-, p.r,ag!f to a W'lSt Los AJleeles Hall of tbe City of Newport Uont.st wUb Mewpoit l&lboast:. Sbe feels her oootributioosto storage cerur for an am\lll eo.etl ~ Artl:membeniMit t.ar tbe Newp:wl-Mesa uotft.cs Beach, located al 3300 Well TiDc:s 1D 196S. Sbe aDd bar hl!!- tbe on council will be in terms cookie ~le. reell&ly at the raquest of tbe School Dlstrict •·a.od American Newport Boulenrd, Newport bud, ~. a:re realdeots Of of YOlunteer development and With ber cblidren both out of presl.deM, Mrs. E. B. Wbitmer, art week projects i.. total of Beach. Orange County. C~-Corooa delll&r. social work education expan-high schooi,Mrs.Mean.shasber to introduce 2 new members, $750 is being made anllable fornla, ·the Ctty Council wW sJon. Tbose were the factors ~TA days behind fler, but tbere to meet the oew director of tbe 1n 3 scholarships to seniors or bold a pubLic heutnr for tbe NOTED ARTISTS ARE sbe fOWKt unique to Orange t s still a host of other tnterest.s Newport Harbor Ai1: Museum two area btgtl schools. purpose o1 determtnlngwhetber FEATURED IH DISPLAY County's FSA as she compared aDd causes claiming her time. and to tour the curre~ e:d\ibtt, Mrs. Walter Gibson, pre-the pubLic coDYenieoee and The works ofZOGreatArtists lt with other member ageocles She belongs to Soutll Coast "The moYie shoW-sUeuts to sideot of the Newport Harbor necessity require that proceed-of America aDd Fellows of tbe prior to the council's first mee-Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi, eloem&SCq)e." Art Museum lotrodueed togs be eommeoced to c-onstrw:.t Amelieao lnst1tute of FIDe Arts tiDg. Tbe rtrst meeting ns continues work wttb Las Mut-·£:uel&lwe Director Walter Tbomas ~r their oew certa.ln street tmprot"emeot.s •W be sbowa U:tbeClydeZuleb March zo and 2l 1n San Fran-Detas, tutors seventha.odeipth Pbe.-,s of tbe new Open-Eod director. ' pursuant to tbe Improvement OrlgiDa.ls Art Galleries, 18!5 cisco where John Turner, graders_ in Spanish, her college Theatre discussed the plsaad Mrs. John WU.son, secretary Act ofl9ll, being Division 7 of Newport BJYd., CO&taMesa, be- Orange county FSA e:a:eeutiYe ma jor, 1s an avid seamstress potential of the new workshop reported 00 the successfulses~ tbe streets and Hlgtnrays Code g:1nll1nc Stmday, A~U U. A director. was aamedto the nine-and craltswoman. for actors. Classes pr-esently stons oftheehtldren'sart work-of the state of Ca.l.ttoroia (com. reception booorlDC tbe artists member Southern CaWornia In January she bega.o another beinc beld IDelude actiDg class, shops beld by l.be Newport meoclng wttb Seetioo 5000 and tbeir frleDdl n.s beJd last e:a:ecuttve planning committee. hvo-year term on the FSA film aetlng, Yoiee production, Harbor Sentce Leagoo Plans tllereof}, without compllanee Sunday. Volunteers and social work board. As pubUc issues chair-monment tor actorsaodanaly-for the fUture are elte~ion of with the Special Aasessmem The exclusiwe uhiblt will be education are closely related man, she keeps awrised of legt. z.1ng drama for aetol's. this proc:ram to uoderpri\ lleged lDvesttptlon, Umitat.loo aod the rtrst Ume tbese artlsts W1.11. in the Orange CoWlt y FSA. Las slatton a.ffed1ng familles. And Also recopiledb"member. chlldren Majority Protest Act of 1931 be sbown atooetime.NaUooally M:U"ineras AuxiliAry provides alter ellding a 3-year term with ship was t.be city arts com-Jotm Yibert treasurer re sa.td improYemeots tocollSUICoi famous ill their OWD rlcbt. lbe scholarships for graduate stu-Newport Beach United Fund mtttee. Mrs. Wlllla.m Stabler. ported on the' fUnds cur~entl; the construction of street Ugt&ts artists are booorary fellows of dents an::l all four auxiliaries board .tn January, she stayed on chairman. described the ear-anJlable to the counciL Cllf-and sidewalks ill tbat area ol the Amerleu ln5titute ot FiDe 1\ue helped nna.nce t~ FSA to asstst t.he lund as secretary. rent exllibl.t 1D City Hall Dl ford Hakes, director, em-the City kDoft u Harbor HIP-Arts. They are Frederic central offices, which include Formation of ao ad'V"lsory pop-art sips. aDd tbe May pbasiud the 1mportanc.e of the lands, said assessmem district Whitaker, Orr1D A. WC., faciLities for graduate students' board and preparations for exhibit, open to residents ol ucbuge of information which to be knownasAssessmeotDls. Clair WlDdaor,Cia""••Po~sc..s; fiekl work. br inging sa.teWte counsellng or. Newport Beach. Entrants will be tbe coooeU affords to many trtct No. 52. Bessie Moaa L£sky, Arden Mr s. Means• first assignment lices into the beach area were tnvlted to compete tor 35 places art gi'(MC)s ol the coastal area. For further lnformatlon, re. Dewltl, Paul IA.urltl, with the Newport-Laguna auxt. 1\ighligtlts of Mrs. Means' FSA of booor 1D the City Hall Gal. Also 1D attenda.oce were Mrs terence 1a berebJ made toRe-Paval, Re)'DOld 8r<!W11, Uary that introduced her to FSA pr~sidenc_y. The advt~ry board Jery, Riebard WIDekler and Mrs. Flo~ solution No. 69U Wbereby the Drudis Diada. :;~.~~;:~ was a natural. She was named brtngs pnvateaodpubl.tcageocy Mrs. Edward Wh.ltehou&eJr., reoce stoddard, directors City Counc:U declared 1t5 1D-Dibert, Joe to tbeauxiliary'sspr ing teafood olftcla.ls togaber for off-the--president o1 the Jtmlor" Ebell • teotton to hold sald beartnc; for Harold WaJceman, committee because members r ecord discussions of mltual Club of Newport Beacb, re. OIORUS SIHGS TODAY the purpose of determiDinc Grler800, Veaetta Epler, knew she koew fOOd; Mr.Means problems a.nd goals. ported on tbe "imapnattfe FOR RETIRED PARTY Whether tbe~l.alAuessmeat Dapboe Htuttnctoo. Clyde Zaleb The beach area coun.seUDg world of cbildreo's art"' sbow A eborusfrom Harper School lovestigat.Joo. Limlta.Uoo aocs and Judith Bland.. AI Leeoqlae program eJpanSloo and de-Costa Mesa, wW entertain at Majorlty Protest Act ot 1931 will also exhibit • velopment of more a1lllillarles l£CAL NOnCE 1 p.m. today April 17 at tbe Should beillPLieabletosaldpro.. ,..--------- are continuing i.oteresta lor NOT C m-t .... of tbe Ameri~ As-posed Assessment Dlstl'lct No, . 11 A GOOD MIIGII- AND THEODORE ROBINS FORD HAS IT CORRALED! IT'S A LITTLE GASI COME IN ... TURN YOURSELf ON , AT OUR BIG 3-WAY SALUTE TO THE fiRST OF THE '70'S AT A '60 PRICE. 1 .. 2 3 MEET MAVERICK, A COMPLETE BUILT-FOR- AMERICANS CAR I SEE ENGLISH FORD FOR 1969 - (First shown th1s month) DELUXE AND GT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMME- DIATE DELIVERY. CHECK THE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THAT WE ARE OFFERING ON FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-BmDS DURING OUR SALUTE TO MAVERICK! 11 rcaa •• • ntwco.wat, Of a..w. ol • •••COtMr .., Ita t...,.,_ Ar .. trt.o has "'-" •tiCO'tlad, do • fnar hy c.,lin1 dlt Yiti&or klween 10 t .m., lft4 tht call Oft rcur frind Mrs. Means, whose family at I E TO CREDITORS soc~ ol Retired p 52. Tbe locaUoa ot tbe tud aad home inc lodes her husbaDd and No. A-6!451 N ersooa, the nature of tbe work betac son as well as her tatber. A SUPERIOR COURT OF THE T~rtlls e::h C~~ 121• considered wltJWl proposed As- daughter, son-in-law and thelr STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR IIXI: per orm aoog sessmeot DlstrletNo.5!ue• 9-mooth-old son Uve in Colo. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE tile U s.i a==:,~ lortb 1n the "PreUm.I.Dary R~ AFTER EASTER nh1able illformeb"'1 W alrlt frotn friauclty .. tiMU ft'"'t wliidl " .:!':!.''"' 10 htlp lllar ·~ai l\l.tcl wi Ill ••• ••no~tnclin••· ' TMI IWI-VIIITOII _KY._.MI rado. Eslale ol HENRY L YIOIE a1 11r • ~ W llr Bar port on Proposod Harbor IUII>- TWICE BURGLARIZED HUGHES, also kt1oW11 u H. bar&-~:::· s. -lands street LllbiiDc Spoclol LYNNE HUGHES, Dee.....S. 1lt accomp&n-Assessmeot Dlltriet" cJatecl Lots Johansen and Cleo R~ NOO'ICE ~ HEREBY GIVEN P1aee ol tbe eet~. ... is uA... February z.t. 1H9 ud abOn erts have llYed at 219-A Grant ~ tbl creditors of U. atvre bor Seaior C1"-~-~R _ ...... 011 a map dutP,ect EDO:U St., Newport Slx)res, oaly I -.mtd decedeDt u.tallper... ..._ ecr "A,. ......_.n•tbl---'klc:a- month, bul: their aputmeot bas •riDe claiml ap1Mt tblaid Ce.atar, JStb st. ud IITtDeAYe. • ----. .-.. ... been burglartsed twice, The Jeeedeot are r4Qdred to me CUff HlYU, AARP members tloD of the PRIPOiild iqti'O'fe-seco~ tt '" u 6 ••· told f tiMir trt.ls IDd -.__ ID-• melU aDd tbe laDdl to blaa-.... me, ...,r • uiiiii"Y ~m. With tbe DI«"41ATJ' tu'el&ld ~ Msaed to PI.J u. COlt tblr.,_ :=lo~;: -:~batsto":: toucbera. 1ll tbt Dlfllee ot tiM act ~~-=:-..:~tlr:C wbleb are 00 meta tbl omc.. elorkollbolllot'uatlllod...t, --wW be P<OYtded by..; ollllo CIIJ Clork aod llle,.,.,Uc or to pr8llllt tbem, will tM refrelbmut commtu.e beaded WorD otreetor. ,......., """bart, lolbo -by llro. Eatbar Elllrldp. All1 por.,. """"""' ba"fltlr !"IIIMd a.t e/o n.-u u latlrllt lA raJ JWqNI t)' '· --.._II Law, GO!' WOMEN TD MEET wiiFIIo tile dlolrlet ~~~-to J$0 E. ~slatllltnlt,SIIMII ~~-Verde RIIPIIbiJ.eu bl IINIIId tlr lbl DOll ot no, ~ ~~-~ •-..w bold lllotr -bl7 llld ,_.,.._ 111&1 111e ..,, wlllel! II 1M p-. al aosHoc .1j1r11 U II 111o ~ wllb lllo CliJ Clorlr, prior 1D --"' lllo -olpod to --"' llro. Corl Kootr. lllo --...... --on -· Jll<tololol ID 1M llll c-Lllo. wrllllo ,.,._, ,. ..,,..._ -alalddoe-.-AIOo.m.--wtUbe tolbo ___ Gf __ llla--· ... llroiPIIIJII--by·---.-...--~-cauo. ot UU mtlol. ud ._ ~...._ "tw IMID-1lc wttlt Ulllt Jl'Of11111a o1 1111 FABULOUS RESTAURANT SUPBR.IJ UNDAYBRUN 11 A.M . TD :uo P.M. $3.50 COMPLETE • TMI MATUIALS ,-D .. doe Mllely (ooc.,t S.o.), .DD COAST HIGHWAY UGIJNA • aa. .,_ .. Dlelad .&;l1l 9, lib bin wtD be ~-MrL lptdaJ 4 1 7 lit Gl.ADTB IUGBIS ao.a Glrr1 ~ ...... U0.. tJeM'ICW Gllolp....... ---wtll-1111 -Aclt"' 1111. Kw' lf:rta of a. WW of ..., ..,. ...... a.ttMir ar Oll)ed' r -1111 --~ .... .,.,... ...._ .... a,.•reuput)'. ---...... ••• 11~ 'l,._lo .. I. ~PPDIWI, liDo al 1M .. s PI! II -•••'Q.-1.-1'001r$TDOMOT ·-..,_-II.._ -... 110, ~ ~ --... Daft •OIIid. -.. I' ~-..-... Collllnll ..-r; lUlls 1 .., *"ill 0n1 a., 1M._ 1110; •tt _, ... .._... ...................... 11111 L&-.t LA,_. C11r trto. _ ... -... ...,. aa., .. ~-- AII<II U, M, lllor I, t. ... II H'1 Po!"-.lfrlll. --1111t -. '>771 * PRICE REDUCTIONS Men's, Women's and Boys' SPORT CLOTHES LINGERIE -DRESSES -SUITS SLACKS -SPORTSHIRTs 30%-40%-50% OFF & MORE .. :JJ·-··17-.... ....... .. ~~~-~-__ .. , .. ,. ............... " ... " .... • ...._ • .. ,...,.,...._' sr &.-~~~~~~~~~*-~---------'!"-~_;,::.,:;;:;.:;.;;~ • ' • Tuning up IorEnsen T!L!SCDPE$ Provisionals honored HEADS NEWPORT HAROOR EN~GN THURSDAY, AI'Rfll7, .. AR$T SECTI()fj--P. 5 COR()fj A DEL MAR, CAUF. Topic is conservation Tbe Col. WlUJ&.m Cabell C. Sc• .,.r wW ..U oa u A C .. ol DAR will llold 1 bUIIoo ..-I *J," Mra. 1!:10 ·-.. ...., Al>ril --.... --ZJ at tile hen cblb, su w. ··nac ...... Ba.a. B~Yd., BI.IJoL Holt••• an tbl llm ... Mtll Ia tbe a!D na:• ot Mra. SeJab wuu •• .., Glol"ll a.cco1a, Reber, eblptc re-. lira. hut ll•-•, WUUall B. Geol'p Buccola. ll&tl••••·• Trttt. Dan:! Pet«-. IICI'tQrJ, w1ll prulde at tbt he".,.., meet1ac tbat foJ.k,ws. ....... ,_ ... Tbl ectueat kwJ toptc: t. .......... I W'"--Aj><U l5-. ud Carl Las Vegas Vacation 3 deys end 2 nighh et the Hecien de or Thunderbird Hotel -Room wit h T.V. - Chempegne Party -with the purchase of 2 or more t ires! DUNLOP LOW PROFILE GOLD SEAL FULL ~LY Introductory Sale Only! $ 75 6.JO x 13 5.20 .u plw fed. e.rc. w..r & old tin DUNLOP QUALITY COSTS NO MORE! 7.SS • 14 7~5 •15 1.25. 14 1:15. 15 52175 7.7h 14 $2275 I.SS x 15 52475 1.ss. 14 5""'"5 1.55•15 &.1- WWivwal Tires at •·••alf'llcal TMflnt'll larty,..t~••tire..._.. ...... ,,,. -ot1 •-..c----..... et SO, 60, 70, 10.-.. 1 tractlen, r•in w thl..._ P-t.d ~ L_.-..... .... Pt usu,.....l iNIWflner. Full 4-ply Tyra. True Low Profi .. dnip. CORONA DEL MAR Tex!!!Ke BE 675-2266 Corona Del M.r NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH 11:30 A.M . TO 4 P.M. -EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Coming May6 Jhe Hcl)odlnCawey Trio ........... " .......... ~OIIt._,.II:._LY W I'Ttt TMII: o&OA.TJIIO ••• Til._. SEVEN DAYS ""' -coacrAI.S POPULAR PIICIS SERVING ONLY THE VERY FINEST MEXICAN caod AMERICAN CUISINE En joy the warmth and informal elegance while dining amid open fireplaces and strolling troubadours FOR RESERVATIONS CAll. 6750t70 Under the personal direction af-Aiejandro (Alex) Maytorena !Formerly 26 Yeors w ith Perino's! and Roy Oliphant of Laguna Bead1 (Prnident of Wooderi Shoe~ DINING 4:00 PJL lO .DNIGHT COOCTAU 'TI. 2 o.m. 3201 EAST alUT ..-wAY ...... o .. TIM P'utltz~r "THE FliER'' Dirk Bocanle-Aiaa BUtt (M) ELIZABETH BARTMAN ALSO 11'0" COMEDY Watch this couple outwit a computer embezzle a fortune, and live happily ever after-almost! lhe:rnesa -. . . . ' ... ·~f','IP•-·RI ,_'\N [) l<t.PP ~ ·~ ( C)i..\ ".'f',A TELEPHONE 541·1552 POl INPOIMAnON NOM1NAnD fOil 2 ACADEMY AWAIDS CHAfU .. TON HRITON lit -ALSO COME:DV CO . HIT- "THOSE MAGN1F1CENT MEN IN THEIR R YING MACHINES '" THE GRANDEST CINEMA T..":M AUI "CCOCltN'S Ml I U ' Community Coogreptiooa.l Cburch, 611 HeUotrope Ave., Corona del Mar -Dr. Phi.Up G. Murray wU1 present tbe sermon entitled, "GroUDd to stand on" at 10 a.m. Suoday. • • • Christian Science Churches "Doctrloe of atonement" wtll be the topic for this Suaday's Bible Jesson sermon. Sentces ar e at 9:15 a.od 11 a.m. 1n Newport Beach,ll a.m.lDCosta. Mesa, and at 10 a.m. to the cburcb 1D Huboi" Vl.n' Hills. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER «IFf ltOiaTSON lEST ACTOI C*A~LY A love otory ... t....,_wltla .. ~aa ...... ap•'n•d --!!!!~-~~-!!!_UIIftb.~ UEILDI -...... .., WMIIIIB 20 words or leas ·-·-·-······ 21 words to XI words 31 words to«) words ..... . Each word over ..0 wotds .. 1 Tirne 1..50 2.00 3.00 .05 THE LUXURIOUS IIWU .... THEA TIE 2 Times 2.,51) ~-00 4.00 . 10 3 Times 3.00 4.00 5.00 . 15 100" Financing Available AI so We-Carry Ou r Own Con tracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 20lt> Harl:x>r Blvd. Costa Mesa 500, Sed. 8 CJL, auto., P .S.., lWit oood. $750. Orlr. P,t;~ party. 675-UZO. .Elii'ORT HAIIIIl. EIIICJI fiRST IECTIOII - -P• I ~v. Al'lll. 17, • to~ DB. liAR, CAUF. UQ GIVU o\WAmS TO IAIItnuu. suu ltlfC Mats•, &.4 ..... ... "" -1WIIo, ---_,__..,.. •u 11 at a. ucu••••'" lftl'dl be I IL lflck •ztrs, .., ___ Aauda -u.r -d Ill UCI IU .. tms• MIIJnrdJ•-. wu eJicUd nrllb' CillO'' Date Foatl•, ..,__. ... ward -llftport S.Cb, ... -~~~ u 1111 -'-""<! ---•Pia1W·-Ioc .... • '1.4-- G ......... wu U. tGp UCI r._ -· Tbe awudl •en PI' III !fM 0, Coodl Diet lloYllo WIIO Jod tbe AltMtera to ali-t- ud tlllrd plaeo Ia 1111 KC.U Couece Df.riaioa repw•• NOMIOf~C.... .... Jw':.~.=..~:,~ • OPIMJ NIGHT\.T I1.U WlLL PAY ap to $1,000 fl>r ·- SielawaJ Grud .....,. Wrllo P. 0. 8oz 1685, SIDdlo Cll}', Calttorola. • liiUSICo\L fOil SALI STEINWAY-Y AKAHA lLUIIIOND StelmriJ' coosole, caDDOt be told from DeW, san $400; taot- term s. Used co1110le 6 sp!Det. plaDos -WurUber, Aero- aoote ' Cable-NelJioo from $US. 1W1J Grands -from $475. Hammood, Ylm&ba, 8&JdwiD orpos from $US. Ham- loi-S CberrJ w/sptr-muot sell; plwl otbars. ScHioiiDT lollll!C CO. 190? N. lolalo, s-ADa Est. 1914 • HELP WAMTED SECRET ARlAL W0RX, lllimoo- p-apblDr. -.,, -n book--.c .......U. CaU 6'/S-4050 afterooolll, 6'11-3119 ewes. AMBITIOIE WOilAII -bare, Capable&Ddrupoollhle, to IearD &DdteaebprofMGoMJ maa-.. Poulble to .._._ small baliAiu of own. Call co11ect to: leu Vu Stetle, (ZIS) '18Z-SSIO or wrU" IDcL pbDDe DO., V1Yi.a.DI Woodard Co....UC., lloJ>I. '10104,141&1 Ttl"" St., -.ma Cll}', CaUl. 91411. • llewpott BlOCh .... MEII'ORTHARBO.!! EMIQOI RRST SEC'nQOI --r. 7 IDIIoa island C.ste ._ eal 2 DUPLEXE5---SIDE BY SIDE BUY OHE OR IIOTH 111111 STUNNING DESIGN aod COLORIZED NO VACAMCY FACTORIIIIIII IRVINE TERRACE Well tept three bedroom borne oa Larp lDt wUb Pool &Dd H-.YJ Sbake Roof OPEN HOUSES )ATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. 4821 Corilanll, Cameo Higblands SUNDAY OHL Y 1-5 P.M. uze Goldenloo. Harbor Vtew HWs DON Y. f"RANI<J.IIi ---325:0 East Coest Hilftway I R~AJ.TOR' Coronl def ... ' Caljfamil f'tlae: 673-2222 Pardon Us··· WE DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RISQUE' LAST WEEK, BUT WE WANT TO EMPHASIZE THAT IT IS VERY RARE TO FIND SUCH A CHOICE PIECE OF INDUSTRIAL LAND "BARE" --• -FREE OF BUILDINGS. So·· We'll Do It Again! INDUSTRIAL LAND 200x170 COMPOSED OF 2 LOTS ZONED M2·0;• BEHIND EDISON CO. OFF COAST HWY ....... $37,500. OFFERS WANTED. • Tho ""0" slp~ltl .. oJI .. drlllhtg rtghtsl IIDDIIPI" RI!!AI.,.TO~S _ .. __ ................. 1 . I •• scms--.-.... _..._ Cffyoucan ufllord theCZkst ... then you can dwell In DOIIEII S-ES. NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ele- gance of Baycreat'a "forever view" homea, the preetlge of .Newport' a famoue Weat Bluff, and prtvate beach- " com~ne to make thla THE place to live. You may purchaee an u:qutalte exlattng Baycreet home, or you may chooee a "forever view" lot and tvan Welle & Sona, Inc. will deelgn and build a dr118m homo juat lor you. If you can afford the beet ... '" Beycreet ... cuatom homee. $74.850 to $150,000 iayrrtst Brl.-W.U.AS.....Iac.. QMiitw .wiHrn/w.U ..... Modet• It 1430 GelaJde DrM. , .. wport ....... -(714) 848-1550. ()pan~ 1o .. spm • Corona del Mar Home 60-FOOT FRoNTAGE! $39,500 TRY $4,000 ON. YOU OWII THE L.UID- S.Clmed rill' lawa, three bedrooms, electric ballt-iD k1tt.bu-ereo a utt1e ocean newt na. Ia DDt a worn~ wrect. It 1s a e~ ~to-dltl bome already to more Into. 0.... ooOds CUll-lUKE AN OFFER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $9.3 million for the first two months of 1969. This represents 242 unit sales and an Increase of 27% over the same period of last year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Professional Building CENTER OF COST A MESA 2 SEPARATE OFFICES -ONE LEASED AT $1" PER MONTH, THE OTHER SIDE AVAILABLE AT $1" A MONTil LIST PRICE $35,000 BEST OF T·ERMSt Wells-McCardle Realtors Reliable Service Since 1941 SITVATID ON TIN ACIIU IPACIOUI I a 2 IIDIIM. ArAIITMINTS ,..,. a Unfvm. ,,_ S160 • Pliutc Patios • fiteplaces • POOLS • 9 Hole Putt.in1 Gteen • Tennis . • Scpaute Family Se ction • .t.tti. to Sdtoo\s and Pla.ya1ound 900 $• Lon•, Cct\4 MK.Arth.r ""' C.•st ltwy. cl••• to FnhiDft 1.&•1111 COlOMA DEL MAR (714) 64+2611 •••• WANTED YEARLY RENTAL Unfurnished 4-bedroom home In the Harbor Area-near beach. Would like carpeting, drapes, etc. Ensign, Box A-109, Corona del Mar. ··OR CALL MR. AMES AFTER 10 A.M. -ldl-1451. •••••••••• TltURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 COI()MA DEL liAR, CAUF. Newport Beacfl 8DIIIoa Balloa Island Costa Meso l.iclo Isle Cor-del Mar g... 'f/-11, !?-/,_ For Sales & Rentals ~~ 332~ita eo-., ..... -673-8550 g.., 'f/.,.,./1, R •• /tor CORBIN. MARTIN REALTORS !e ~nglis~ <IIottnge & Oiountrl,! <iarden !'pt. e In the Corona del Mar forest (lots of trees). e A corner lot well located on quiet street. e A home with 2 bedrooms, built-Ins, bachelor cottage In rear. • To top all, a corner lot. EXCLUSlVE WITH US. CALL \E. We b&n ..., Ult1ap of JxNDu lD t1111 Newport..co.ca Uta area ill all price raqes. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. •• Qr~ UNUSUAL VALUES BOTH FROM MONETARY AND AESTHETIC POINTS OF VIEW Glass walls separate the ocean from this spectacular entertainment home! Indoor-outdoor vista of everchanglng boat parade! 3 bedrooms plus den plus tremendous view-patio. 110 secluded feet on Ocean Boulevard. $98,500 A view of Catalina, the jetty and Balboa can be yours for only $69,500. The home is located on Galatea - a choice location in Irvine Terrace n. It Includes 3 bedrooms plus family room -and the spectacular living room features floor to ceiling windows with a marine view seldom equalled. A heated & filtered pool completes the • pictua:e. . . , __ lay & leach Really Inc. llWIII 2407 E. COASI HWY. C D M How you benefit from your Realtor's® Multiple Listing Service when you sell a house . When you sell your house through a Realtor, yo u save lime, energy, and headaches. Because a Realtor is a pro- fessional in the real eslate business who will inlroduce you to 1ruly interested people. People who want to huy whot vou wan11o sell . And through Multiple L1sting, a number of Realtors work hand in hand so that you have a wide range of pro- specli~e buyers. All of whom do business through a Realtor because they know he handles the kind of propeny lhcy're inlerested in. F.airly and square) . When you're selling your iiOiise, do it the simple way. Get in touch wit.JI your Realtor, a professional in real estale who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local board and of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Realtors Call y_. 1...._ TODAY! ' I • • &2 CLUB iedei -Ray troth told Royal Crown head dies IYaa A. Hie._ M, clloJnou 1101 '""'I 110 111o ltlfo, ol tbl board ol RoJal Cron J ... : a"' ro r, lltl . .....,. s.r..-... Co. aad r~Gd~M ct AOND o1 "r e ,._. a --., 1018 W. 811 A ... , ll&lllol. cllod J ... Q( HO-I 8olcl; 111o Ajll"U I at lbi ....,.,, -· -M~ Ud a Tbe Newport Harbor Sailors sta'/ed ri&nt at the heels of Sunset Lea.pe leading Wes- tern by defeating Huntington Beach 6 to 1 Tuesday. Western won over Anaheim 4 to 1 to stay at the top with a 5-1-1 record. The Sailors are lo 2nd place at 4-1-2. Anaheim, Santa Ana a.od Marina are tied for 3rd with 4-3-0 r ecords. Santa Ana defeated Rebecca Sue Davidson, 11, of Santa Ana Valley 6 to 4, and 3004 Grant Ave., Costa Mesa, Marina went 9 i.nniogs to down died April 13 1n Costa Mesa Westminster 6 to 5. Mem:lrial Hospital trom an Sailor sluggers banged out electric sbock r eceived at 13 hits, .wttile pitcher Steve home. grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Krause ot Santa ALia. Graw-eside servtces will be held 11 a.m. today, April 17, at Paclflc Vte• Memorial Park UDder the direction ot Bell Broadway Mortuary, Costa Mesa. Sc hoetUer allowed Western only Costa Mesa police sa.td 1 hit tor ttis 4th League win and Rebecca was taking a bath about 7th tor the season. Howard 6:30 p.m. aOO was listening to Sttuble aOO Bob Leavy each hit a radio plugged into a wall APPOINTME NTS MADE 3 for 4. outlet. As her sister, Deborah, TO ARTS COMMITTEE There's a 3-way tie for first 15, eDtered the bathroom, the Roo Yeo of Corona del Mar place in the Irvine League-door knockedtberadlo lDto the and Mrs. Rl,el.la Mali.DoH of Corona del Mar, M.agoolla and bathtub. A.nautopsywasorde.red Dover Shores were appot.oted Loara, all with 6-2 -0 records. but invest.Jgators said tora.llln-at last •Hk's meeting of tbe The Sea Kings downed last tents and purposes, Rebecca Council to tbe Newport Beach place Costa Mesa 5 to 2. Steve wa s electrocuted. city arts committee to bring Weise doubled in Z runs in the Survivors are her mother the committee membership ~ 3-run 3rd Inning. Estancia and Mary E. Hutchinson of c osb. to 7. Tlleir terms wtU expire Fountain Valley are tied tor 4th Mesa; z brothers,TOOma.s aud June 30, 1973. with 3-5 recor ds. The Eagles Terryll; 3 step brothers; sis-The locumbeot members are lost to Magnolia 6 to 3, and ters, Deborah Jane, Breoda, Mr s. Barbara Stabler, Mrs. Fountain Valley wa s bombed by and Dawn of Cosb. Mesa; 3 Penny Mckan.lga.I, J. Herbert Loara 12 to 3. stepsisters; aDd m&ternP.l Browoell, Mrs. Virginia White- M, k 1 bl house and Mrs. Dorothy Berry. I e most v a u a e Their lerms were ....... ed to comply with the ne• 4-Year length of service. ' He W&l bon JalJ I, ltl~ ID lilltlr, MrL K-10 Blrllllr,. ProYo, lbll, came to ~ Q( ~; Ud I -'did, SO JWI ...,, ud llYed 1D StrYicN ,.., Mid A&wl1 U Oraa&O ~ lor 9 ..-.. II Clloreb Q( lllo aoc:oo-l He wu Ttee..prelideot ol Forllll L&n, Glladlle. ~ Co\PCO, Hoaollllu &lid Loa AQ. mui .,_ II'Forool La..._ &Oioa, pall pruldeal Q( lllo WIW&m K. R&-o1 111o lllumlllllon, put prHldeot ot Cborcb o1 Lollar 1JaJ II&IJU, lllo Food IDduay Sales MaDa-&lid Fllbor Joba JM-Q( t11o pra Club, P&lt presideDI. ot Ep~IIID Cbarch wtrt' ot'· the Soutbero CaWora.la Bot· fld&Dta. Sln'lcea ware wader Uers Assn., llld a director ot tbe dlrteUoD. ot Pael.ae VIIW tile Hatlooal Soft DriDit .US.. lo!emorlal Pari!. Ia U.. o1 Do- He ftl a mem!ler of tbe lrTlne wen. doDatiou may be made Coast COWJtry Club, Newport Leukemia Rueucb, Chlldrea's Harbor Yacht Clllb, aDd Joblla-Hosp!lal, Loa J.ocwlos. tha.o club, LoP: Angeles. lo!AYPOL! &lid lo!a7 -.u will be lllo lbomo ll>olllll, ~U 17, tor the tnatatt•tioa cvemoalu ot tbl Newport Harbor BnstMia Uld .ProteuioaaJ. Womea'a CIW, tol- ll>wiDc tllo 7:15 p.m. dl-. II lbo VIlla lo!arloe r-..L Ntw otllc•s. pictured above, ftom left, are Mra. W. A. Roleafeld, corrMpCMKI!ng secretary; Kra. HeleD Co .. , president. llld Mrs. D. D. Boyd, traa.aurer. otber oftleera, oot pictured. are Mrs. JUice Halnu,ft:rst•lce-91'uideat; Mrs. DeMur! Tosh, ZDd fice-Pfesldent; Miss Erma Mlller, rtc0l'd1.Dc aeeretal''f. The otflcers w1.11 be lNtal*' by put presldeat Dorls Cro~ 20<1o 40<1o 60<1o OFF mZ~&~:T.IJ ON ALL REGULAR MERCHANDISE SIJPER DISCOIJNTS SPECIAL PURCHASE 100% Human Hair 99 · First Come -First Served! L i m i I One Per Cu stomer ! Worth Much, Much Morel WHILE THEY LAST! ALL SALES FINAL WIGS WIGLETS REG. 29.50 100 7. HUMAN HA IR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LONG . CASCADES $14 99 REG. 39.50 I 00 '/, HUMAN HAI R. LONG, THICK. BEST DEAL YET ! Mini-Fall $2999 REG. 49.50 100 ;; Hum on Ha ir. Mus t Be Seen To Be Appreci ated! WIG CASES WJG WIG ...... ,. .. 9" ,), .) HEADS SPRAY 69c .... , .. 1.50 WIG STYLING SPECIAL HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: Reg. 7.50 Wig Styling Reg. 5.00 Wig Cletning Reg . 5.00 Conditioning Reg . 5.00 Wig Trimming (If Necetsary) Rog. 5.00 Alteration end Fitting, if neuuory 27.50 Volue NOW ONLT $ ••· c.so w•ree se•••• .... 4.N .... 7.AF.US••• ....... S.N a.. •.se Cue•• S .. ll ...... S.N WIGS BY V ANCE-PEPI 46 PAIHION ISLAND • Banjorama taJent sought -.:.~T ~ ... _............ "=--=-::;--=- (Tbla ..... ,...... .. ,....,.11--?Gold,,U.w,bllel.ww., · .. ,..., jlol pJoJod 111o Twelfth JOe . £I~ I ,II"'!'N COSTA ltDb'tMEutcabFBW~. •"'"'d~ud..rllbJ blaJN .... 8tr..t lac, ud .. l'Ye---:..=..-:---::-IW ~I VA MES A •bo 1o 1o tilt r•l -lid an""''· not-JIM-pluN"' to ploJ 11 ru piiJ • :...r,;;; co--..u Ia <:-. a.aJ '""-llujona -1·" a.. t•lMloM -• SICOIID SICnp ntUIIIOAT, AI' .. L 11, •-CO-A DIL IIA~ :: .. :.811,..~~.:::=: :~~,lllo.':!a::::r-::~·~:.~ld-:=: 13 000 MILES OF DRIVING SERVICE bujo aroaacl Ulo -lor lO Tilt llrll P-ltaYUOnalt lllt -·" wllleb bno1111 • ,_, &1111 llllollJ dleldod to do ~ al a,ao, Ill L, A. I 1or111 •-• Ud Wlllllloo, 1ae1 r .,mtlliiDI aboltl ll. So bl'o ea"'lll-bw &1111 wu nlldoc ~ ud lllol -olllllb. A trlple-lbrtal plQv Ia 0 plto, -· lila plllloro-Rebal>llllalloa Ceoter lll 111416; tulJICle..,..,) "' lbo llroot lll--IJWIC. . srMI-IoUif-llltom; leu ..... lor tilt Clllldr•'• bullllomajorrooultbu-tllt at 1:30. I dida't ftllt to m1u AD 1""1''1 JJUtwu to biU' &lid 001 membvallbeYOl..._. AoiP"' T-.a. u llftr. •JPIMtnc pHiflcUoo of bll- lrJOttrr4 A. MILLER uyottbl•JOlree. CbapJJt. Beetboren. B&cb udteam autwttnc tDt Vol..._ mluloDb'Oii»l'l&rrlnl.Do-PiDCtbose1D.Dted.Tb1JIDcluciea ''I bear there ta a alooa Wbta. tbe 17-mu SCock&oa w....-m.Uilc blteriPV81d Bar .. atmN NnportBIYd. rotbJ .,__ bl:ld blrselftn anumalCbristmuputrattbe Ill Sauam-wblrolO blnjol BaiiJD-lllllllollrlllcborda wtlb "Tbl Sian &1111 Slrlpao Newport Help.b, mlll>tbeapllj Newport Boocb, wbore Ulo-VWap loll, beglllolllc 1111957, play,'' Arthor CiodfreJ more or tb1 ctlW.a cbilled an O¥a, a Forenr" &lid tbe ''Robert E. 810 dtlerlbed.. lor wbdftr worker• lD all for chlldre~~ out..p~tteata of U. leu l&idoab1aradlo lbow. Tbat choke &at eboUd baektu a tell' Let/' She 11 Mrs. Frank R. ftelda ol cbulty e&r1 bas bur -Reba.btl1talloo Center. wu eaotaCb l;)r tAU afftcioaldo came upay. Tbe "BuJo-Tbt Penlnlltll Buj) Baad (Dorothy) Usedom of zaz pooed wUb u. populatJoD u. "Tbey come iowbeel~bl..lrs, to pick~ the telepboaem:teall rama'' wu rtac~Dc. After tM came ~ froG dowa PaJo Alto Cresh'iew Or., Bay Sborea. 11 plosloll. some 1D lee braces, otbers'tritb a llni.J friend, llYiDc lD Sacra-stocttoo ouUlt took off lbolt1J way lD a ~lt ol buses. The addltioo to ber bulaesl 1n-''Tbere jolt aren't eaoulfl apeeeb. problems,''&eeOI'd1ngto mtGto, who 1a tbe tiDd of pyto after tbe ad'rertl.led 001 o• .. "UYe}J frlelld" from Sacra .. tereata u co-4Wlllr wWI ber paid workers to do tbe job," Mrs. Usedom. "Santa Claus 1a bow of sucb. tblngs. He let me clock, tbe Reno Bu.)l Bud meato tbouc:bl tbat tbere wu a bustand, or tbe vu~ 1DD 00 says Dorotby. "Vollilllteers preseot Wlttl cUts IDler a U J •~~d do'n a bit by saytng be didD't toot onr. Tbat bud IJD't bl.c daDdy way to c'lt back to tbe Ba.lbol.lalaDd m:tber'lrlfe..and. mut rw tbe pp.1D my cue It Cbrl.stmas tree; dauctnr Debt fr,;V,;;•,;;1"";;;,;'-~,;d~ri':•".,"::Do': .. '='tlo~y:':'•':•':dooo:"'':,..'='d"':o':.,~-="·="ii tnow, but auured me tbat be but tbose boys play Ute tbey'd San Fruclsco Airport oo tbe motber role, Dorothy 11 a cSe-wu a simple matter of ptmtr'l Is ooe of his be)pers. There are would !lnd out. been playlll( toptber lor ZO ftJ bomt. Tlllllt ol lU Two Yoted drl•er. Om llle pall 8 llle Vol-Bureau at about 30 rOUII(&Iers aod 10 SACRED TREASURE HOUSE Weeki went by aDd the cause years. Tbey eYID bad a drum-boura of more muJ.c ontbeway years she bas driYen almost 64%-0963 m:t o&rlnc my ser-Yolunteer workerscbosenbytbe was lost and 63rllf)tten. Theft, mer and a bulUiddler for a UtUe bomel Not a ebaoee. I wonder 13,000 mUes t:ra.nsport1Ac pa-'flees. They desperately oeeded Voltlllteer Bureau.. We seDd c1fl one Ttwrsday an enn)opecame seuonlng. bow they all &Ot In those two Ueats to tbe Oruge Cotmty drlnrs· I bad a ear and a few beaRs to otber paUeats at tbe oootatDtnc the trout page o1 tbe "Keep the applause allort, buses. r ellablllt:at..iOa ceater tor crlp-spare hours eacb weet. Tb.1s Rehabilitation Center. It's a Sacramento Bee. I read every please," called tbe M.C., "lot Douc C&rr b.Jt that banjo wlth pled clllldren &DdadultslDSuta started 1D February, 1961, Yery rewardtng e.JI)erience." Item on both sides, UDding no-we have 11 b&Dds to bear today ,..,eroUural speed. Tbe crowd Ana. and bas M«tnued lfer siDce." Curreotly sbe drives Uttle thillgof Interest to eltbtr ofus. lD addllioo to the speelaJtyper. leaDed from tbe froDt ot tbelr She Is a oattn of Amartuo As a m1nor result, Dol'otby Joey Good.a,e4,o1Cost&Wesa, Ju.st before rowJd .. flllng it I formers." cbalra wb.ile Doo Paulsea am Texas, crew ICilD Su BeriiiJ'~ Usedom wu awarded a eertl· weekly to tbe Rebab111tatloa kloted at the 3..co1uma, troot He wasn't ktMIQC, Tbe West PaW Marttn made muslc Ulte aDd later llYed 1Jl I..oaAn. lflcate ol merllm:t medalbytbe Center b' ~b. tbenpy. page, top ceoter color picture Coast Trio came on for a few lt coukt not have been made ......... of 3 lonlles boldine ban;:ts, tunes followed by tbe Los An-before. ADd more and MORE, captiooed Pltmkers. geWs Bujo Bud, who were only Tbe 6tb of tbe 11 buds was YOUI ati iSTlAN SUPft. Y CINTD B••t..•• . BOOK• . S...c:••o R•eo•o• -Couto• Gti"Ta • CANDL.K. • l"ti.-M STott~· 6 F._..,o. -a. lobil Onle" Accoptod lllLU'I'I ... IT. ~~ ........................ , ~ ,, .. '"""" Bujosl There were more about 40 strong because tbe gotnc full bore when 1 llad to banj)s than any one outside an other tiUlldred or ao couldn't tear myself away to catcb. a tnstlttalon coukt tmactoe bei.Dg make the trip. Paul MartlD plane to mate a coDDection to assembled. Wbo ever built thlt wowed the crowd &Dd the U get bome. After cowtinc over members of tbe Oat1and Bra.o.j) 300 baDjo players ICI tbere oo Bank are s~sed to be ooe ol the stage 1'11 WOilder UDt1l tbis the best rehearsed 1D the bust. fall bow mucb. I missed. It was ness. C. G. Rlchelleushowed!CI wooderful. ODe dkln't han to from some tum 1D IDdlana, mlss many notes all day be .. pra.oclDg around the stare wb.tle cause a bar a.Dd buffet luocb playlng that banj) like It sh0uk1 were set ICI In the r..u. Tbe bust, saying lle coukiD't stud barteoders were daDciDg. I k1Dd stil1 becatlSt 45 years ago be bad of woodered wbat ooe white to develop the habit of keeplnf' hatred cut1ema.n was &Din& to on the move, mald.ng It easlel do wltb tbe tb.lrd gallon pltcber to dodge the fiying bottles. of beer be bauled doWD tbe aisle. Georgette tbe Banj) Queen put E'ferythtng bas to start aome. on her show. Good ball ):I, bum where. Tbere will be tbe tbird show. annual •' Ban jol'ama • • this fall LECAL MOn e E A ~ BUG AT IVERSON'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNlA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-62392 Estate'of RICHARD E. KARD- CASTLE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN to tbe creditors of the a.bcwe oamed decedent tbatallpersons haYing claims agaln.st the said decedent are required to We tbem, with the necessary vouchers, to the orrtce of the clerk oftbe abo'fe enUtled court, or to preSflnt them, wttb tbe necessary vouchers, to the uo.. derslpd at c/o Tbomas E. Hetrernan, Attorney at Law, 350 E. Seventeenth Street, Costa Mesa. Call.t.rnta, 92627 which l.s the place of buslDess of the undersiped 1D all matters per- ta1n1ng to the estate of sa.ld decedent, within six months after the tlrst pubUcaUon of this not:tce. P.ded Matcb 31, 1969. CATHERINE KIESTER catberlne Kiester, El:ecutrLJ: of tbe Will of the al:ofe ~amed decedent. Tbom&s E. Hefferbll.D, Attor. oey at Law, 350 E. SeYenteenth Street, Suite 210, Costa Mesa, Callforola 92627, 642~3210, Attoroey l)r Executrix Publisb.: AprU 3, 10, 17, 24, In the Newport Harbor ~ Then the East Bay Ban)l Band aod it seems a good notion to sbowed ICI aboard their steam-charter a big ooe o~ of Orange boat on wheels. By head count County to Oy 1C1 tbere lD tbe there were only 68 ·aboard tbe morntng a.Dd come back about boU: but 7t1 on the slap, so 11 mldnlgN after bearLDc eYerJ- came by came. They took off, thine-Hundredsofbi.D.j)players aU 7t1, playlng "BalUn' the from lndlana, Reno, south a.od Jack" wHb a terrltlc bruoette west wtll usure all but tbe In a RoarlDg 1'1renttes red-red stooe deaf an Wlforgettable tn. dress doing tbe cutest Charles-door picnic. At two bucks a ton you enr saw. Tb1nk of 7t1 throw at the pte what bi.D.jo banj)s "BalUn' the Jack•·· wlttl lover could tb1Dil of anythlng the Charleston to boot. better? 1f It all sounds good, The okt maestro, Ed!lle Pea. write bol 1475, Newport Be&cb., body, cUmbed ICI oo WUt Cham -otter to do something a.Dd tbe berla1n's bu stool aDd played third E4njorama well mlgb.t llis solld gold b&Dj) as only be ban a local cooti..Dpnt of can. Tbe awlause would be nYlD&:, ebeeriAC 4-4 Umers. dedenlag uywbere else be nolse was tbe b)Ood In enry. STAN FORD BOOSTERS body's nLDs. Don Obertooe came on wltb a beautiful bru-OF FER TENNIS SHOW oette. Their musicnswonder-Stanford Unlurslty boosters tul 1remember0Dlyooeofthetr club wtu play bost to a special t~s for after tbem came Don tennis show Sunday, April 20, Van Paulta trom "Mickey at the Newport Beach '!'ennis Finn's" 111 San Otego wbosald Club 1D East Bhlff. r------· ___ ' On triod for tbe exhibitloo COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture aod lru.Deb will be the Cardinal oet team, along wlttl Rod Laver, the club's touring pro and world tennis champion, and Roy Emerson, the No. 6 ranka:l plaJer In the world. Laver joins one of the top Stanford players against h.is fellow Aussle, Emerson, and . ~~~~~~~.:J aootber stanford player ln the -llllflllebl ultlbllloo olllle Clay, ERiTE-AU is the broadloom value you have been looking for ... all wool face at only $8 95 sq. yd. Look no f.rthcr, for be•urilul urpet v.lue. We have Meriteau hro•dloom by Kan11t•n in •II the trend.-uins colon. Itt undom 1hur •urr.ce texture •nd it• ri<".h lusuriou.loolt belie. it• barsain priu . But yo u re•lly wouldn"t expect leN th•n top quality (rom K.ar••t•n I Dll HIM Ol a Wl COSTA II8A • y,. :u • fFJti&JT .. ........ -...... • • • • • - I GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD ! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the w o,.ld) -a genuine. honest-t o-g oodness BUG -A · BALOO! Nobody's ever had o ne before but. it was bound to happen . and Iverson tho ught of it ' Iverson's .. pad" is his b,.and new V o lkswagen building which is the la,.gest a nd m o st beautiful in the United Stetes. Conce1ved w tth an artistic flair . it houses the very latest in servtce and diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase fo,. dis- playing the latest changes m the Vo lkswagen line (that is. if you can spot the c hanges). A F R EE B UG! During the world·s fi,.st BUG-A -BALOO. lve,.son w ill give away a spa,.kling new 1969 Volkswagen {otherwise known as ··The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you·ve neve,. been to a BUG-A -BALOO. now is you,. opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG-A -BALOO. you'll see the latest in Volkswagens and Po,.sches. within a layout the likes of which you·ve neve,. seen befo,.e! BUG-A -BALOO ,.ef,.eshments await those that CARE to see something different! N ow's the t ime to put a "Bug'" in your house! ' NEII'ORT HARBOR EJIIIJI S£00110 SECTIOII·-... f lMURIOAY, AI' IIlii, _, COIDIA CAUF, .,_,._ • ~-. ,,_ ·'"·-· ., ,.. ....... _..., ..,~ llkfu; I § 1 , .... ,. 1 ___ ......... (Ill .... , J -.:,-"' .. -·-a~#ll .,_ .. ~,.., .,. ........ L. ...,., DJ).. WU the NIM band tMt J!•~• ... l ,, LMe ....... of ... Pint ..... lol a-6 -D.a of ... Nort•· ,for tho .. ubllshment ot wulna .... Bd:aal ... 8F'-'7 ef ............. lllaaeeota. ed StateS of Arnmt-a. ' "H~ remcweth Jdnp, and .-tteth ,._ "'YMI swo•op nte·LOIV• up klnp" !Dan. 2 :21). God ralwd ... ..,, ....... ' •• T-;-art• up Phalra.oh tRom. 9:17), and God Que,Uon• eoncernfnc a believer'• nlation1hlp to war an ralatod up Cyrus 11aa ... :28). Jtt~u. often uked. e1pedally In a time of .,..... IUth •• that in wbJeb Christ recocnizcd that ttw poweor we find ounelvea t.oda.r-ln t.bf1 article we 1hall attempt to nf Pila.tt' came from abo\.rt" tJohn antwer a few aueh quutiona, baafnc our an•wen on Scripture. 19 :11L Ttwft tan br no 4lk'flt)on In too many euea today the Bible ia not the atandard by but that human rovernrn('nt is a which we aettle maltera. We are more inclined to look to bu· dl\'lnl' Institution. man opinion•, and human deairea, and human aentiment. We Don God Enr Take Life? ~ will not anawer these queationa ac:c:ordinr to the desire• of Our aM1'·cr ls Yra. God is the the Communitt or Fifth Columniat. who would weaken tht. Author of life. ror it is a dlvint- country and hinder its plana for preparation for defense. We trcaUon. Certainly ttw Cnoator will not answer them accordins to the detires of the war muy tak(' lire as He will. 'Tbc Word capitalist. We will not answer them . accordinc to the con-eontalns many Ulu.strations of God aeiencce of thee conscientiou~ objceetor. Nor will we anawer them taklna life In Judrmcnt for sin. In ~ncesls 38 God took ttK> liv1.'11 or according lo the hearU of those who have loved oncea Who are the two sons of Judah. WMn Na- !I Ubjcect to draft. We repeat that the source of our an1wer1 dab and Abihu oJI'ercd 1traneP will be the Word of God, and we !!hall try to be honest in ftr. befono God. He took their lives richtly dividing the Word of truth in this connection. In judsmmt. God cauK'd the rarth Dr .... .,.... w ............ .. kt --_.."' .... w. ., .... --~ • M_.T ltWo !Mil_... ·-............ ,~ dl.erdl le ............ -d dl-... tw.~ yean •• • teadl.er oJ JUlia le ~----li.ble -d. ,.__lilT Trcriaia9 Scbeol -d S.aiaey -d -d•-tlt.•r. whn lao diocl i-.1164. T~ Paster's Pll,it 4'"¥' •r lillie_.. ........ , __ ...... . _ .. _ ' Willa ......... ---... ... _(II.& I .. ) a -...·urn ..... ,..... .. __. • _ .. (w w. Ant 11•) I .. _ ltaa ...... -ei..,... • .... ·--............. (&ere 111 11) 11 .. __. a -·· .. .W (D m.. C1J) u.--.._ ... ...._(~INIJ ............... !-."') ··-.. ~,a.-., .• , a......... ( ....... , ...... ..,.. LMa.4(0... ... , 17 .. ___ ..... -~ (f .. 1111) • ""u..t -·-· .... , tM .w et ,.... ..... tl ..,. ....... __ _, lriiMda. -a. -· .. -_ ~ ..... wta. .. ( ........ llsll) • ......... ..u., __ .~-• •••r tm.. al Er-. _ _. ,_ .... , a "...at ..,.. ---... tJt.U w~ .., ._,.. (Z... t:ll) a._.-..._ ... -._---(E.k. .,, ....... __ ........... .,.. ...... a .. (0... 171.) .................. , ... -.., .. , .. ---.. Jeridla, ____ .. ( ..... l 11) Ia H u•an Govem•ent Ordalaed of God! Our answer is Yu. Theft' can be no question of this In thl' mind or the Biblfo student Human govern- ment is just as truly a dtvinl' in· stltuUon as 11 the church. It be- pn In the days of Noah, aftr r the ftood. Human authority and head- ship were wsted in Noah. Go\•cm- rnent wu put into the hands of man. This thourht tarriea throu1h all of Scripture. The New Tr-sta- ment tells us that thl're is no power but of God: thl' powen that be are ordained of God. ~re arf' many illustrations In Scripture of ttw divine institution of govern- ment. To Nrbuchadnez:ur it was to oprn her mouth and awaUcw.· up said, ''ThE' God ot heaven hath Korah, Dathan, and Ablram. God given thH' a kinl(dom, power, and MnOteo Unah becauR hf' put forth stref\lth, and glory. And wherHO-his hand and touthcd the ark. God evrr the chlktnn of men dwrll, the killt'd 185.000 Assyrians in one beasts of the fteld and thl' fO"Wit night. God sl~· the ftrst·born man F()oli!ihnr.u l1l lht' H t:flYI • 'a* .................. ...., ......, u -................. tlte .... .w. .. .._.ts.&.r.T. II • ... .. lh .-I.._ -----(I a.-7111) II .._. -el lend. ____ IHMJ (I Cln&. ,,,, N .. ---•••taw u..t tldntletlt" u-. llrl) of the heavrn hath he pen Into and beut In thl' land of Eopt, thine hand, and hath made thee and also the anny of Pharaoh at ruler O\'l'r ttwm all" !Dan. 2 :37-thfo RNt Sea. God smote Herod ror 381. 1be Mme hand of power that his prt'SumpHon and pride. God pla('t'd him on the throne, swept killed Ananlaa and Sapphira In· him from that same throne to livE' !'ltantly becau.w of ttwir sin in lying !W\'t>n yrars ot M-stial dearadation. to tht-Holy GJK:.t. God caull'd ''This is the d«r't'e or ttwo moflt !IOCTH." Christians at Corinth to die high" I Dan. 4 :24 1. That same bcotause of their sin at the Lord'1 hand guided in the rise of Medo-tablfo. ~"-' are very many other Persia, Gl"('('('(', and RorTK' !Dan. such taM'S In thl> Word. Yes. God 2 :39401. That same guiding hand sonwtirnH take5 life. That is Hi:< ~~:an• 10 Great Britain. Frantt", pn.•rogath·e. CLUD Acaoa II Ml a ~ ... ._ ..... ---w IS ......._ el lila • ...,._, ., Jf-t ..II ltw .......... I_ (W;•dl l1l. C) 1 -.a -· -..... tlte .. .....,.. (TIL 1.) , ..................... a4 C AI..I~O.-NIA ~,.-.,_ •AN ~lliAN CISCO , C AI.I,.., ..... , .. .......,. .. ___ ........ - ...... ol -(Jo& ld) II ..._ el ..._ ( ...... ILMJ .._ _..,._ (Qa. llsJf, II) ................ a .......... ... -.... ( .. h2:1 ... Ill) It bdtiUa .. .. --.4 CDCI lldnl ,..... U• ... 2111. II) Basic to modem education Is thee Idea that the child Is naturally eooct. and that all the chUd needs 11 encouragement in order to de- velop Its capabilities. Tile school should therefore be, early pioneen ot progressive education sa I d. child-centered, not subject-<entered. II • ......-y. __ _.,. (Attt llll) 11 ~., Atw.&Mw 1' -ef a..l. WI Net (Z.. lit ., ........ ._..CZ...III:I)) .......................... hah AMWa TO PIIVIOUS PUZDI • II , ......... ,,,. ...... --.. Ia. ...~ ..... _ ::f., ... J .......... , (~ '"'"""' ·a....._.a..._w.......- • ............ (a..a. till) ., .......... ._._ ........... ... ....e.y (Ada ldl) C7 ...... ,.._ u a.-. 7:.} • ·w~no .. ctGt••---1• .. cc... • ., Germany. Italy, and otht-r nations God tuu also, in certain Instance-s. their plaet>1 of authority. and It instructed lndh·ktuals to atl for II • dsW raleJ ..... DnW (D __ , 11 ....... ____ .......... ( ....... • ,.,. .... .. DlalwiaJ v.. .... Him In putting sinners to de-ath. Thus three thousand IsraelltH But the Bible denie-s that the doctrine of the natural goodness of ....., ----(I a.-. hd) sz -....... --....... ~ IIC) were slain in Isntl'!( apostuy at the child is true. Man il born a 54 • -., ..... (0... 11111) 5I .. ___ a.. ....... tcW. Ia .. 11 tiM • ...._. .. JeaeML .,_.. We4l (I ~ 11:1) Diffi• It• Jn Th Bible Sinal. Somu<i. '"" proph<>t, killed CU 188 8 Agag of thor AmaWkltcs at thf:o sinner. "Foolb.hness is bound In II • .._. _ _J (I -. JI!IJ M • tee& .. lr-. (I.Ut t:l) wiWer-n•r (,.. 11:11) Ids .,,, .,._ "Ea. a..t ,..,.... ----25, .... ___ --......... ., '11m IAft a. A. TOIIal' command ol the Lord. the heart of a child ; but the rod of rorTedion shaH drtve It tar from fro• the Baptht BIWe Trill•• Ia All 1\illinc Murdrr! him" (Proverbs 22 : 15). To rrow Noel Saaith. Editor Ou 1 N W ·1 --._ .. __ _ (loU. h$7: a.a C1IS1 Aatlra) .. __ ... _ ........... ,... (~ 17111) • • ... ., ...,_ •• fa.a. •=~u II ".Ia --........ A1Mw .... Bo s · fl ld M r aruw('r • o. e can cas• Y character in a child some pruning • 106, P"DI e • o. prove this by one of the M)-('aUcd or aJttlng is ~ry (Proverbs 12 .... lao clnw ol ltJ.t ____ .. (a.tat. 411) JOSHUA COMMANDING THE SUN TO STAND STILL '?""'dktio•" ~· &r1•1""'· The 15, 32 33). "A child 1e11 to hlm-stxth command 11 ''Th.ou shalt not ' OHB or 'I'B& areatat d.iffic:ulU. in the Bible 110 many a lttudeDt ia kill" r Exod. 20 :tJL This is better seU brlngeth his mother to shame" kKmd iD the *-Y CODtaiDed in J.bua 10:12-14: translated '"Thou shalt do no mur· (Proverbs 29 : 15). "*'~'beD apake Jo.b!M liD the Lord iD ~ when the Lord dellvand dt-r." YPt In Dr-uteronomy 7 :2 Wf' PROOFS OF THE RESURRECTION up dw '-t.fon the chUdnn of d · 1•• ~-ltish 1be results of modem edawadon "-' aDd be aUd . the ...:... ol ,. __ 1 rca roncerntng ,.., ..... naan aY NOt:L SMITH, t:DITOR l•tl•t al!.l• Tttr.-.. $pfl~flol4, ~ thou .Jll G\..oa:"::d natioM. ''Thou Malt smlte them. are &II around us. Too many ~ thou. 1foGD. in the ~ :, A.ialon. and utte.rly ck'stroy t~." f!ere Is men and women refuse to....,_ ap: ADd the am stood ltW and the moon a seU-evidtont contradichon: 'Thou maturity is some kind ot ..U to ... ,. .. umu the-~ h.t •Yft!Ced ihalt not kill"; '1'hou .n-It ... them. 1be popular cotJeae war- this WJitt.m upon t&t;-;;.,.,1. Ia not utt~rly dHtroy thnn." Both state· cry is, "Never trust anyone over UU. written iD the book ol J..tMr! So mc'nts wt>re written by Mc.es, both 30." Why? 11ll' reuon is that peo-the lUll Rood atill iD the midat ol hnYta, wf're tht-commands ol God, both ••• t(X)NTINUt:O fROM LAST Wt:UI LB'I"'8 TAU A. look at thae four arawnents apinat the New Testament'• .cc:ount ol the reaurnction ol Clvio<. abel baa&ed 110t to 11'0 dowD about a whok were addf'HIC.'d to the same pccple. pice ove-r 30 have usuaUy settled «S..y. ADd there w-. DO dQ l1ke \hat Theft Is no mntndittion. how~r down to a world of work and dJ.a.. Won_ i& .Pt .,...... ~ ibat ._ Lord when _.. ~ God's cxhortat~ dpUne, to responsibilities and to ~~ ur:do f~~ .. ol • maa: for to ftehtly dMde the Word ot truth. family llfe. Bilbop ~ W'T'QM· -n.. minde 11K' sixth commandrnl'nt concorms The diaeipl• stole His body from the tomb and hid it. tbt moR dlrvM&atint: uwwer 1 ever 1'...:1 to this e:bup ....... by the lat. Dr . .1-sJh Klau.ner ol Ow Rebnw Univentiy at Jen.aSan. Dr. KlaUSMI', OM ol the II"Nt.t b.iat.oriaN of his Urn.. denied the cWty ol Christ. But he wu an honnt hlatorian. His "Jaus of Nazareth" (Macmlllan) created a aensation when it WU publithed ln JJ2:5. Th.at boolt has alw.,.. ~ rne .. ODe ol the rn.o.t powerlul neaative te.tii'J'IOOMs evu written in favOf' of the Christ of the Bible. of Joabua is the mo.t ~ incident thl' rondutt of ttw Individual. ~ To those who have been taught ol ~ and ~ .heme at other commandmt>nt concerns the that the child b naturally good, vuiaDea. It U. Mid by tba ~ tonduct or . • nation. God's com-hard-working, dlsdplined adults, critics aDd the iDfidels u..t this Mor7 mand to the indlvklual was "do no who are anything but chlldiah. are cumat ~1 be true; that if the IUD murd('r"; God's command to the the Image of ~rythin& evil. It dod ..., ._!'t,••t the~ .• ":""' ID ol-.-d atill iD tba ..,. Mn ~~~n was "utte.rly. destroy .thl'm." childhood Is the -at .-.....~ then ,_. n wuuou upMt ""-c:oune -ture. K1lhng by a n tndtvklual 11 pro-a--&uuu. Whe4ha-that .tat.emmt h7 iD8dltk be true or DDt no one caD ten. hiblted but klliinr by nation is naturally maturity is the rreat evil. It 1a limply a s~tklll. But. eert.aml)' the God who a-te the .nh and . . a .....__ I~ i thl I do '· I ~•--••· •--• the sun and the whole unifti'M could ma.izltaiD. It --11 tba .un .aood ~rmltted. Scr1ptun" does not allow 11te ..... ca ng o ~a o ~"" ln .... t uuu.. Dr. Klauaner haa a ~apt.er oa lh~ still, OT (to ~ more ~.) if t.be earth atDod atill 011 ita uil pt'rsonal \'£'ngeaner or retaliation. war on parents. ~ Here ia what he, •n unbelievtna Jew, aDd the .un appe&red to lltand atW.. But bJ a e&l'llfu1 atudy ol the Bebnr. All murdfor Is kil11n&. but all kill. .,. about the charwe that lhe disciples .tole the body of the ..-a. -8Dcl tb.t the IUD ia DCit. ..W to ha" .-od atW. ing is not murdt-r. In Numbers And warfare 11 exactly what we a.lld hid it: 35;9-34, God speaks of kUIIDJ a are getting. Moreover, tt II total "Some Christian .tehola.n ha.ve suppcllled that the n.TJr111DMOIIE. TRJ: at•aw ,..... traaaJ.ated ""lll tha addlt of hNvm" mean litutily "in the half ol b.ftD." Tt.. word tr 'et-1 '"rrUct.\" in conaidenbly mo~ than 100 ~ il: tnutalated "Mlf.,. ID Gilly five or aU ca.a is it rendered "'midd," aDd in one ol U... «:-. (I.IIaDW 1:27) the &viMn han c:.twwed "'midttt" to '1:JUf." lD the ,....1~ CAMS, it would be u well or beUer '"half." (J'OI' nunple. PMlm UIII:J4. What Jc.hua t1wn bade tbe •un to do ._. to LINGER IN THE JIALP OJ' 'l"'IJ: DA~ mAn unawares; that is, by rrror war acatnst the entire world of J --·-.. or unwlttlnlly. God dedan'd that Chrtat1an faith, pat riotlam, the ews ronuuvwu the body by nicht and buried It in -.me "thfo murdl'~r shall surely be put family. law and order, and evet}'· unknown place. in on:ler that the rock-hewn tomb to death" 1 vu. 16-18) and yet If thine ebe whtch rod.IY puenta lll!ek micbt not beaxne • holy place. Such a fear u that. a man took anothl'r man's life un· to 'Pol on to their dltldftn. 'lbe bowh"er, was DOt likely to .,.._ at that tJ:me; 'a cru- lntcnttonaily, hr wu not a mur· battl r thil al b .,Ev dfied MMiiah,' 'a CUI'M of God tlu!t wu hanced,' wu derer. W(' today recocntze dfoanH e cry 0 tot ...._. • IIUCh a repellent ide-to the Jews that they eould never of 1ullt in our first, second, and ft'}'thl.na Coet. !" In Francie, cturtna ban au~ that M)'111M nil&.ed who would ven· third dt"(t'rl"r murders. the l968 atudl!-nt revolut:Jon. one erate the tomb. It ia equally diff.cult to suPIJ(:* that l<illilll by ttw-lndMdual may be .tudent wrote on an audltorlurn the diacipJes themaelv• wouJd at.1 tha bod7: durina intentional and still not be murder. wall, ovu a ".No Smok:tnc'' den. the 8rst few da!,.-. they waft too terrified by the fricht- ln Exodus 22:2-3 W(' •~ tokl thllt .. It Is ForbJdden to Forbid." Why! ful death of their Maliah Had the dOM d · if a thk>f, in bn'akinl into a houw, Beeautt hill ~ reUcton of d\Jid-the nicht. in~ to · the~· 10.-~ bf' smitten so that M die, theft lshneu holds that "EwrythJn1 ls J b.d to w ~~ MouSel~., ba shall no blood be atwd for hlm. ~tted.. 1 ..ua c:ome e --we ve 11K' man dt-fcndinl his homfo and · been felfted liD Mlmlt that their btiief in the days that property Is not to bll' punishl'd for All thb vtvidly demona;tnttes the 1 follawed wu utt«ly tridtet'J' and fraud. that llillln,~~:. Thl.!l is not munkr. truth of Scripture: toolllhnNI Is . ThP BihiP rt'COCniz.es a man'a rlcht bound up In the heart ot the ebJ1d "'That ia tmpo.ible: tWUM..ta ._....,.. (italics Dr. t~ deff'nd his penon, hls ~y. and the rod ot diadpiJne • ~ JCJ.au.ner'a) ~ DOt the .aut.tanee out a1 whkh the hll dear Onf!11-and his country, drl j fa I hi ...u,:&oo ol millions of mankind Is created" too Would 0 defl!'lld your horne sary to ve t r rom m. 'l'blt 1 lo ~-~ . · Y " I ,_. •· •-d ~ I t ......,_ .... that Dr Klauawr (and hia boo1t or your drat ones from attaclc! OOuu-1nesl ~a ua enou... n a il bued · Certainly you would. If you aaw 11 baby; It 1a a menace in arown oa orf&lnal IIOUJ'Cia) ,C!Oftl:elles that the body big brute of 11 man abuatng a boy, youths and men who riot In IChools ~-= -;:. = In Joaeph • tomb, and that on the would you 10 to the delrnsc of the and dUel bum buUd.lna:a. alllll u-1' -elilpQ'. boy~ You ouaht to. MuJt d~ and pollee. lt Ia htP, What is Dr. Kla....,..a explanation! He aceepta the (TO n COiirtiiUI!D) time to apply the rod of cllwlfillr*. ..._.,. that I._,. ct.cided that he cUdn't want the hodJ' to ,.....,. iD his lomb. IDd that durtac the Dlcht ,_ -..t aDd oemwed ll That ,..,...,_ &be diadpJ.a o1 _...,., 7JtfJ MINUTES 111111 _,.._,,, IITCI •L ......... _ _._.. a.caeo.~ .... THE CAPTAIN Of OUR SALVATION Years ._a 1 man of God WH asked to P'M'd" .t thlt funentt of a YGtl"' MlkNer wttoM pe...nts wete unaavtc~. Durirc tM courM of ttfs mn- ~a~• tM preeeher 1QU1M to lm· ptHt UJ)Oft ftft. ~ the bHic fKt that ''tM ...... of loin Ia -· but ""' '"' ., God h -· n11 tn., thn:)Uih Je.H~ ChriSt our Lord" (Jiom. 6:23). This atwtty ..,.. thlt pertntt. orable d*:ha'le" for laws broken, ~ dlsobty.S, r•sponslbUttt.. unmtlt and trusts betra,..t. But fof tha "new tNh" the dHth of the body Is tha vntlbu .. thfOUih whkh ,_. is ~ Into the btnMd pr ... nce of ·~ ~ of our Satvetion,'' tiM OM -. ''by tht ar.c:e of God tHMc~ ._... for awry nu~n" thlit He mfiM "bt1nc many 10n1 to ,toty•· (Set -· 2~,10), '~ did Ja.ph, aflllr he aDd Nlcodem~ bM .. ...,.... .... -b-.... -,.. burlol _. •, bM1 it, Mdde to remove lt! Aad why dkl M do tt wttbout telllarr ~-T ADd how could be ...._ ...._ k .._.? AAII U' 1 ... WpM him ......... 1bt ..... ........... .._ __ ollbp<tholr- .. wllre ......... ---\lpr'OU' at......._. about tM ,_ .... ~tluir. el Chrt.t? Aad lc.apb b.wd the • ,., .... .....,,. +~tMt1ha7hed-a.n. .... .._ -Blto ... --111m .. ..... ............. 1''-Bow ...... So.ph b. .. .... --... lwt" (IAIIDt •• , .. et tba --..... ... .... ___ .... ___ ,._ _ _.._....,,. ~ ....... kDW ..... 01 0' I -.l Ji .... .t a 1 LIWW a.n.t, .._ ...... __ ... __ a.... ... __ , ' Ndt I.,., ....... Dt-...... .... .. .,. _ .... , ·-............ -... ,., ,_ wiD ... tbM lle -1'19' ' b •*' I .. a, _,., person on earth who had any faith in His rnurM!C'Uon · pitiable lunatic:. Hen d the answ~r to all the.e arguments: If Jaus Christ did not ria from th~ dud accord- inc to the New Testament account: • Jesus Christ Hi.mM,U waa a coloua) fraud or • pitiable lunatic. e The diadpl• were fr•uda. or they wel'e victinu of Mlluciaadoqa. • Pea~ where Petar ~ the l.itenl l'ft\U'ftCtion ol Chriat., il: a ehftp and vulpr pu:a.le. • 'lbe CIODY'H'&ion of Saul of Tanu. and the eon- aequences Gl that conversion were due to hia heine either a fraud cw a victim of hallucinationa. A oolotaal fraud doesn't die on a st&lte for linDen. A lunatie doesn't preach lhe Sermon on the Mount. A hallucination doesn'l turn 3000 stubborn Jews in Ju-u.alem on Ptnt.ec:o.t from M-1o J•~ • the final authority, and from the INVer&th day 1o the tint clay u the day of rest and wonhlp. Abel a fraud doesn't live a lite of sacrifice and cUe the death that S.ul ol Tarsus Uved and died. And a hm.atic dMm.'t write most ol the N-Teata.nwnt. Foundation of Evidence DDS IUSTO&ICAL EVIDENCE of the abaolute truatwonbinnt ot the New Te.tament's -.count o1. the resurrection or J•us Christ (and of c:oune 1 have cited but a .:nail part of it), 1a mort~ ruaawinc than anybody's &ith. And if the e.a:nce ol faith Ia truat, 'al it wraly ia, how can tbara be any trUIIt without a foundation of evidmc.. When • lot of profesainc Chriatians an talking M .--etly and c:omplaeently about faith. they aren't talkinc about faith at aU; they are talkinc about c:ndulli:J. The Apostle Paul k.ew whom He believed. We Christiana. mora than airuMn, need to lr::now the foundation ol ru.torical .-vidence on whkh our faith rata. lt is more M< tllai'J' for us t.o know thia Md- .,_ alter our c:oa.Vft"Uon than it wu before our c:on- nnioa . .ac-t of ua ~WWr uked any aertou. questions about the vaHdit)' ol the ChNtiaD rel.lcton before .. w.n c:onverted. We wtnn't tro\lbled with Mrious q"' ... iona It w-. after our CQDvenion, wMn '"' became in· a d.,.Jy .-rioua aad dedicated, that bard qu.tiorw becan to ariae in. our IDiDda. It .,.. thea. iDIIJft than beloft our eon'ftnioo. that ou.r mhtda clemandetl that -lmow what we t.nev.d IDd why we ~ it . It WM theft tb.t .,. blpa 1o aerioulb' eorWd-r the -lor .... Clulotlmiv ol the 8ihlo ... h.._. And dw lllOl'e '" llhdad the ........_. the deeper our tmlh-..................... .__. ~ il it that DDWad.aya you hear nut to DOChinc llbout the h1ltorica1 .......,. for the OarittiMdtp ol tblt Blble ad hiaary'l' It is baea.-wwy lew 11re t;ak. m. Chrisld.a!dt;y ........,.. It ia ~ a .ubjedlve _.......,.., ......... hM ~-popular -ja&L 'n. JDOdlto f'lllilloD. lllnldl ol " _... h7 the -ol fun ' wt«a1'-, .. a!..,.. -....& ...s happJ IIDd ............. ..,. ...... ~ ... ...... ..,., .. •• ••••. It ............... ella. ...,__....,._ __ _._ .... ..... --,.,.,., II ....... the a. .. tl I .. -fll ... 11111 ........... ~ ........... .... ....... ,, ................... ...,.. ........ _. ............... -. A"er the ..me:. u.., c:omplelned: '"Th .. ._ IH'nbemlt'ftl. Our ~ ... not • Wnntr." _____ .... Thie It why we rud In Kft. 2:14,15: .. ,or..,ud'l, thttn, n tht c::tHt- d<on [Of Adom)--.,..._.Of ...,_ ---..--..... .. 'laa ~,_..AD, .. At I (1 I ....... 01'1 fll .... Tl-...... tt ........ ...... -,_,--.... -,..Ct.,_ ·---Oob---....... -0. tote ........ "*,.... INirl had done whit -.y tNt., ...... I I I a.rlatll.,.._--. Held! act --· .. ·--..... '"' • 4 Clwllt ......... . ............... , ..... ... .... ,.,..._."" .... tNt ... -.... .._ ..... _., -n.. M;l 51 hla.., fft awtat ........................... _ .................... _ tlftN•boWII....._.a ..... &t -..... -... [CMot) -HknNW ,...,_ tDo1t peA of 1M ____ ... __ ..... __ .... _ .. __ .., .... _, .. .Mill...., ... .-........_ ______ .... ..................... ... _._ .............. " I fiJI ... ttluot ..: .... -........... -a.tol ... __ .. __ lUll- ...... -~ ,a,•hl..-•1 ~ point, ...,. -,._ ..... z-.. .... ., .. ,.. d• M 11 I •a dlt*l't ... tbe tolab -the dUrd d.ay ft• ..... , I •• ... _.. -.. ,_ . --.. eaik •:L -.__, IU.. ....__, Q J I Q .. _.. .,... --...ttt...~ _._........ ... ........ ~·.~..., ...... .........,....,....,.,_,....co . ..,.,,, ... ....-. ,_"'"'7 --..... ....., &ha l.Md. wt ., t1te .. 1 """' -. .. ,.... _. ., ._ Clwt a • _, .. ..._ .... .._.. ....,. ._.. w. JllaL• ,... ... ._. ..... --. =••.., ' a , * --Willi!!!~.--,. .. ~ •• *1.... ............ - •.... l.wL ,_ ...................... ~ ,.. Gatr& --......... ,.., ', !» ._ -•IIJf&r•• ...... .A.Icr .. t \',-.,I at"ii ....................... . ----· .... --·---·-·.. --· ___ ,...., ___ ,, ....... _ .. ____ .. ___ _ .._ ... 1MII1.w ..... _._._,.__ ... •= ta 11 a, 1; ~ .. Citt& Will Roprs 1130dlo Sly, "I never met 1 min I didn't like." lsn'l tllb o wondorful woy t.. looll ~ "':=RT.!!:ff.IIA:o.!:=~~--~-.... ~IJII!..!,~--=~=u:=·~Ayoo.~· "'-=~=L,_,l1w:=,·~F. From the Pol ice BloHer • ~~ lldCIIII ._ BI'I)L.~IIt•IIOI~-1M rlllolalatllo-llllal* A oolllt ioO J011oo-Gl ur-Ull -..r 00 1M -11oft ~ I, "' 1M a .. __.. • &a a car ..,. eblrll ol '"»•••• Toll" • • • Belkltrapl A"·· eorc. del 1M 11t111011 lloodo Poll 01-Jobo F--. U, Gl tN -. wu till fldlm II 1M -loci to ""' _..., "' '-.. _ st., '--. c-clot ..... ,..,_,.,. Dllr ~!H, Gl 100 £oo1Coul drOYO U llllloo Jill'-Ia aiO -, , , BwJ Sllpl7 twt••maU.troat mOe-, a.dl _,_cor-•TH•~•y u••~BIO .. • v-. reetlfe mor.....u wtdle ,._ ..._.._ • -.-.... -; lie wu -oo tile flo&-I to. lo .-at Jotllllorlro<, A,ot--... w. c ......... _......., ·---Cal ......... 0 1rs possible lor ""l""f 1o loti thb WIJ. In toct~ion Scltneo shows tllot H b 11 notullllor .. lo ...... n b lor the sun to shine. ebull ot-Ia -• • • 0.... ft., ... "-"*"'PP Ar-Bobr 11'111-o Damo ~ Lo., UlllrfiDoAYO,,-. olllcor -tllo atlo-ID Road. c-. a...., WUU'r-Harbor Hlpl11MJc, ...... lie ""'~ Ia a po~f_la_ at 7:25 a.m. at Superior Ave. "'-at 1;15 a.m.; lie lW!cl lie llllocl t11o IIAIId _,.,tool; &Dd Pl&ceatia An., West New-:,.:ld -::: '-'!, -=~~ be wu bootld OD t1a1 eMf .. ol poa111ol-ud .... -.. 00 " ·-dr11111 ctrMoc; "" ,.._ tbt cblrp otpoueuloaotdu-UDder tbe tnftnence of akobol KeDin Buker, S!, p&uld out e Cs ;'na Lltse .... f4 I Leta In her ffM public lecture, Mtss Grace Bemis Curtis of The Chnstion Science Boord o1 locturoship will up~ln the Sf)iritUII blsis of kwe and its direct re!ltionship to life itself. YOtJand your friends are most cordiatty invited to attend. cerou ctrucs ••• Whlle noo,. Ud drup · · • 1D tbe troat seat, ,... tlooadOil 1aa: Bleprt. 302-B '7th st., 8&1-• WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 tbe ebarpotdrtmki.DpubUc •• , boa, was at tile beacb lor .. A bora:IU' -tile -Tile ,_... Bren C<>. r- bour, at lO:SO a.m., eomeoae tbat JObD 1'1800. SOl Lst.,BIJ... tba.t a $110eleetrlcdbrbwuber LOCAL DELEGATES at U.O 41rd 11a1e --ot tile Call-walked tbroucl> lit. unlncted boa, leJI open Ia cue lie loriJIII bod -stolell trom a ...... lornla Lea of • -v-belac bold llllo .... at tile troat-ud stole"" nllet ""ter, • .., lludyl«-tac IDler-atl710Port A•Mim ~IIIIJJJG :.._ &.ct:t. Mra.. Brellt Ocdaa. at left. aM CCNUDll, Yalllld at $54, lDd Qltnc stereoeqajpmeat, Bumoatb Plac:e, lWei' ftubor o1 B&Jlloa IJ:lud ud Mn. Ceor11 HolllDpwortb o1 eo.ta Mesa. from b1l PIW oa a bed. • • • records, aDd IDODIJ with a total Ylew Hlllli. Olbor clola-•-tromtlle~-CoutU'IIImu.J-Fuller Br-llUs wu leJI byoom•-. value HI at $ZIO ••• ~-fii""'"""""'""'""'""''""""'""'~ ....--.. ....,.. • • wbo must'-" brotena win-!mobs, lock aad panic blr u-W'WJam SayiDr, J. R. CI..,.U ud FraUUa ~mu. Topics dow to aet lDto a VW Ud steal sembly trom a prt•s ioeter S ~.M. SA 'TVROAY, ~ 1• 0-.J~ EDI~CE IIDder dlrvatoa are tblelildlanlcoU.11 qam. U. B. relatloas u from Anps Gra.bam 1901 room door at tbe Newpod with Rtd Cbt.Da, aod a klc&l...,.oiOrup c:o.tJ' JOIC aDd law· Westellff Dr., Westcuti Co-Sbores commumty u-. 511 M rk 0 0 n oratory ter ••• A stereo llld U. bnc-Canal St., ftrtltoleo, roportod a WI OS I kets were stolen from lrls Ply-WeDdell Bootll, 25l5lllst., wbo mouth, atated WUllam Lester, said the loss IJDOUIItld 1o $25 ••• Ftnt place lD tbt Opttmllt Two tDtermldlate eeboo1 stu-ZSU Crestriew Dr., Bay Sbores WhJ.le oti: oo a morDtac walk. J.ateroatSoa&l orator1cal coatellt deiiU, Robert Mltebtll &Dd •••• Two tires were removed Mer cedes Slderes, 415 Orcbld weal toMutTotoofColtaMea Roa&ld Apllera, botb r1 Te-from a net at aservlcestattoo Ave., Coro-. del Mar, at- SERVICE ltcl) PAQI"'C VIEW ~\IE CORONA !XL MAR ,__ _______ ___J Hlcb S<bool oo ll&reh Zll at tile WIMio School, -MC<IOd at 200 w. C<>Ut lhry ., llartaers tempod to pet a c1of. wblcll hll • _________ ....;.,;;;';;'";;..;V,.:er::.;<le:;.;c.-y;;.;;;;;;:.;;C;;lm>.;;;._ &lid tbird, wttb puttclpatloo Mile, accordi.D&' to stephen Fry-her when she touched blllll'l; I t:HIJRt:HES I certlflcates aoLDc to Dan HaD-man. 1523 Pla.ceotla Ave., West It is believed uat thedoebldan MD and 511 Fldyte of Estucla Newport He letts ••• Two doors ear lnfeetlon ••• A hamster ns H1Cb Scbool. Tbla Jtu'l UUe were already down at a bouse wu "Rapect tlr Law -that 11 belllc <lemollslled at 400 l£GAL MOTICE Coraerstooe of Cittaensbtp." Dahlia A•e., Corooa del Mar, CERTIFICATE OF Bt.SINESS Toto tJ: tbe 100 of Dr. aM _ 50 someone walked rlgflt l.o, Fictitious firm Name 1101 Cl.o .-.-Dltt"'ll: Mrs. ADtbooyToto, 2501 Harbor and stole a tool box aDd tools, p. 32998 Bh'd. Robert Mitchell 1s the valued at $1oo • , •• Ed Holland, THE UNDERSIGNED does NEwPORT BEACH, CALIFORNI A THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30 ,a.m. to q:JO a'.m. -wcifsnip ~rv~ee q:45 .J .m. to 10:45 1..m . -Sunday School 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -wor_ship Service IIOD of Mr. &Dd Mrs. James 9, o1 1716 Sa.otla.eo Ave., Dover hereby certity that he 1s eoo. MttebeU. 2900 Ellesmere, Sbores, was pJaylD& wttb a dueling a Sewinc Yacb!De but- Roaald ls tbe soa ol. Ill. Labrador dot in a nc.a.JJf: lot at ness at 3732 E. Ccut Hwy,, ud Mrs. Robert A CUllen.. 3203 tbe rear of b.1s borne &Dd was Corona del Mar, Call.fornla. Vermoot. Sll ll the soo of Mr. bitten· neo tbe ~ fol UDder thetlctiUous O.rm aamar1 and Mrs. Sic Fldyte of 1132 lowed' tlim tmme Ed trapped~ Sew-Bee-It Sboppe andtbatsa.ld G1eaeaclu Ter. All are Costa. in a lauodry ~m to be picked firm Is composed of tbe Mea re&tdeals. ~ ••• Terry O'Nelll 2736 following peraoa wbose aame 1"'M &ew. J.-n G. 81 .. , PM&or The Rev. Georae J . Busdiechr. Viaitation Pu10r ,._e S41..JI31 TeWint.lt Scbool. wb.ich bas De Soto A•e., Costa 'wesa, in tuU aDd place ot reskleoce oo speeeb classes turecrutted drhing east 00 w Coast Hwy are a.s follows, to.wtt: O.ristion S.••>lccs flllST CHVRCII OF CHRIST, SCU:Nn sT 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SlJNDA Y SCHOOL 9: IS •·"'· enllll 11 •·"'· SUNDAY SERV ICES 9:1S -11 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING a •·"'· READING ROOM ·-~~ .. .,.., ' ...... -5 ..... . .... " ..... ,, 9 ...... -7:45 ...... . r ... ul•y .,., ,,..,..,, 9 ...... -s ...... ; 7-f ...... Svn<ll.,: I II·"'· -4 II·"'· SECOND c•uac• o£ CWI:IIT. K:I£PnWT Newport Beach 11 Corona del Mar 8100 Pactac VIew Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ·- SUNDAY SE:RVICE 10 .-. WEDNESOA Y EVENING MEETING 1:00 •·•· Readill!! Room: Matnl Bid& 2863 E .. t Co••t Hwy., CDM. Moo.· Fri.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurad.y oveaias= 7 to 9 S•t.: 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. You are cord• ally mv1ted to att~nd Servu;:u and 1o usc Room. first a.,tlst O..,.tr. ef c. ....... . R•r1i .. t Bibl" Ftllowalllip l~ttl~p ~"t/pt-Ao•IO.O.O.S ............ 11•"•· Robert aDd RooUI from their llft a tratnc sign ~t ll:45 a.m:' Rlcllard Messersmith, 711 EDCIJ.sb classes, oow bas a west of Ne-wport Blvd., aoc So. Mu:ioe, Sa.Dla Ana. Call- record ofDIYer baYing tln1shed broke 1t ott •.. Ren's Fa.shJ.o[ fornia. knrer lbaD tbird place ln any 317 MariDe Ave Balboalslaod WITNESS mJ llaDd this Uth oratorical competUJoo. Tbead· reported tbe u;ft of 2 dresse~ day of March, 1969. Ybor at TeWinkle is Grace worth $'12 Fred 1 t st Richard Messersmith. WUerman. WU't 23 • cd •1511 ~ c n..~-STATE OF CALIFORNI.A P.G. Neumann, putor • • · ...,... COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. FROM A SCRAPBOOK ON THIS 24th day o!Mareh, 1969, before me, a Notary ~:•S a.r '· Sunday School Br ELLEH McCLAY "Its real purpose was tbeoom-PubUc in and tor said coumy "'"'rohi•l Tilts yearlbadtbeaperleoce plete l:rustormaUooottbemi.od and state, residing therein, duly :00 a.m. Morn ina .. of return1Dc to collep as a of the student." commissioned ud swon. per. 6:00 p.1n. Trainina Unions mJdc1le-apd studeot. It's beea Tbe instructor's teeluliques sooally appeared Rictard 7:0\l p.m. Evenina ltlteresttnc. Tbe psychology were to use b.lse a.oalop aDd Messersmith, toown to me to be WEDNESDAY 7:10p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Mce tina professor shocked me. Hen-other dertces of arcumeot so the per SOil whOse aame is sub. plaiDed to his class that a that tbe future assa.sslP came scr ibed to the Yitb.la ~ profeuor bu an tqJrUaUeled to believe that •bat he bad meot, and actDowledpd to lDI apporCIIDltJ b' the promatioo been previously taucMn.sPife-that he ezecuted tbe Sf.IM. L---------.J ol ml,,..,maHoa 1t be sbould }odtced and sboWd be cbal-WITNESS my baM Uld am. 10 destre. lenged. Tbe effect ol tills wu to cJ.a.J seat. ATTtMD THE CHUIICII Tb1o II .,methlllc we 01>11-ma>e the -m "lean oe>onlhe llar'y A. ~. Of YOUR CHOICI stJtwJooallats hue coateoded persooa.U.ty of tbe teachers, as Notary PubUc In and for saJd RECUL.AIL Y tor a )Ooc Ume but I had DtYer the ouly possible source ot the County aoct State. r---------l upected to bear a. professor proper lnterpreta.tloa of tllcts My Commlsstoo uptres Dec. admit U. Of course, this ad-••.• This coofllSioa tecb.nique 13, 1971. mlssioo came wttl:da tbe coo-ns carried outUDllllbestudeot Publlsh: Marcb 27, AprU 3, 10. floes ot a. classroom and oot reached tbe stap W"bere be wu 17, 1969, In the Newport Harbor oa a public platform. prepared to swear a yow of at. Eoslp. Aa the Instructor upl.a.ined, legia.Dce to one or a.oother lbe studeot (tb1nklng In terms Ills teacher s." of youngsters) ts uoable to re- fute mllintormat1oa because be A cbaJ.o of association trougbt basa't the oeeessary bact-me to remember a hearing ol. g:rouod of Dowledp by wb.ich to the House Committee on Un. L.,..,_ O.rct. mate a comparlsoa. Coo-American Acttvitles r attended -=::=::::::::=:::=7:::=::===-= Of tlte .... .., sequeat.ty said tbe professor a lew years ago. The witness • IIAUn SALON L. ... ,. the 1~ can propo~ fa~ (wbo is DOW tlig!lly placed lnthe O.rclrl ia .t...rtce .... EM,,.. tuv•c• ,,c.o ~-"'· aDd mlallad1nc lntorma.tioD TV field) related r:• ~had 1900 Pacific · THu 1110....,. •••L• ITUDY without tear of cballeoge. been LD.tluenced wbl a LA IC<"!"'" del Mu, .Ca~;.fcQ"'t 4 ,.0 ~ .. ....,. ... .,,oo ~·"'· 1 W'Uited to ut _but didn't studeut by a Marxist professor Dr. Willi• R.. Eller .. u .... ,. ... cu"""• n:11v•cu 1t th1J wuo't u ucelleat to tbe polnt of i:lininc the Phone 6~1664 " W Y_. ,.._ reaaoa wby Marnst theorists mUDist Party· Tbe I :.S ..... r.n, • .,..,i, c...., 0.... ~ 11111. a. sbould oot be .tatJt from Amert. bad beguo the t :U a.a., O.rr;lil.5d.e.~ C.. MIM cu classrooms _ 1tl spite ol aod thea tuned 11:00 .... Fceth• • .,....,, ,._ " l ......,.. IK-' ..., spurious pretexts of "academJc to tbe Communtst l.:~"~U~I;st:K;Y:::P:I:O:VI:D:E:D=~-=========~ freedom ,. &er oa tbe UCLA campllS. r HiS .sbtemeot reminded me OCCUI'l'ed. just prior to WW of a deecrlptloo of tbe secret No doubt the professor -"•trc!d order of Assasslas wblcb a tbere unless old ap !las n ,., "" • IIJ j# r ~ au.-.._ .. _. .... ..,. A. FrH ~ ,_.,.__, C•tr-1.._. ~•II• Chf'd ,.. .... .._ ...... ,,... .... tboUAD:I years a.eo cooducted a him. Wll•eriUJ for tbe tra.in1D( ot U Is possible that thh'•~::~ lts fluatic tolloftrs wbo were tors to wbom we tlave k • • coiiU.Uooed b7 tbe most CUD-tbe educattoa of our Ding methods." ("A blsCorJ ot beeD abusing this MCI'et IOCletles," by Azbo and tlate been llSlng ..... Some• _. Oom* ldlool .. 10:00 ..... Daro.ul.) The untroratty, out. ntques ot the A ..... tas BEAUTY NOOK 2112 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dtl War Phont bn-7336 BUILDIHG COHT RACTORS REMODELING and ADD ITIONS e "tEE IUTUU,TU 532 -5949 AMERICAH COHSTRUCTIOH CO • L.....!~~!..!~~=~~--~"~~·~·:.· ~6Q~~'/I~•!_ _ _j W&rdl)', WU paltened afteru-Ullt <MD" youth has been CALL. DAY OR MIGHT --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~d;~~:Anb:::;~~==~~~:~~U~OG=o!d~~by~llie 0>0~ cum~J ---=~==~~~---moeh dllloreot U.. bot molllods?" • R-IEUII • COMPLETE FUNERALS .... •245 COMPLITI FUNEIAL AND IUIIAL CINTil 211 ....... -6177 CEMETEltY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $465 Jark .H••-ry t::e1 tetery "~ in Oae B1 uaci/al Ploce" BecalM tbe fuaeral and burial anter mocept elimi••a tbe need for processioas dlroogh hmy taffic on <mtaowded bi&fiwaJ'S. &mily &ad fdmds a1ilce may DOW J-1 tbeit full re- spects 11f .ttmdiog the burial service. as well u the dwpel .enQ. all at oae -.ntiful pbce. U -Clllt -t IDIICe CDCIWaiav:r. ••• -1.a •M:It aYD .. wmMtNSIII 714'Nl I' s.Ja1 • ... ,_ ucasua•KD FRED H. GERWIOC lOIGol--.. ., .... -5'9· 2111 .._ __ c-........... .............. c ... HAL AEBISCHIER ~·! .._,. .......... .... ,_E. c. ... Hwp. c.-.. ... 67S:a33 ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE BY fACTORY TRAIHEO PEOPLE WHO CARE 2121 HAtiiOll k VO. J'ObDSOD•SOD o COSTA MESA ~ •ORANGE 6:19-2441 673-5822 e AIUHE114 126-0311 • HUMTIHGTOH BEACH 1142-1451 675 -3353 Penl•• ... c ....... ... CUANING & DYEING AU MAKES Of lUGS -WALL-TO-WAU CAII'ETlNG ---·C:n w .. ,_ ...... .,... Jno-' IIW .., II . l -.. peLlLiiiilllfA I,_,._, g • All----' ,..,., I l DIG E. c. .. t !lwy~ CIJM 67MMS .. a.u .. P .. T I. WAU.PAPII ""'*• -Dllllt ..,. p-............ u.-,.ATTEIIIS OF IIIIUI'AI'O -.. ~.., . OtaKI .... ..... ••••• 1 , •• " ... Shrubs, l ntcr~Of Plants TrDpiCOI & r, .... l'uce-tcuMs and F.nilir.r S&H Green StORtpa no:r tJI I IITHl' f'OitONA DD.. ...... !'fCUIEift n 44 E. ro-t ".,. .. •n· .. lll • PLUMBING ~--·-- A. R. II ARSAC I'LC\IIIt-:R 7,"1 (. illn,at~o•n Ave. C•·fl'""' Jel \lat Plunll't!n, l{cj'laua OA \ .t SICiiiT WATER II EATERS 673-4130 e SHOE IIIIEP'AUt MABERRY'S Slice Repall Purse and Luw-ge Aepi,r -()ye Work. SIIH SfJWrS ONE DAY SliMCl 11!0 Hatbcw IN veL eo.ta ..... -.... •3311 &tLlZ MOit1VAIUES From the Police Bloner Story-telling-time NEWI'oRT HARBOR EJigilN SE!XltiD $EC11.011 --P• 4 TIIURSOAY, APRIL 17, !WI! OOIIlllA DEL MAR, CAUF. . • ntDAT, MAICIIl ............ ¥!. c...-~---. 15, of IIIS-1!1 W. Ba111oo Bltcl., Bal. CII&TA IIIlA . ..., .. _ 1lot, .... -ODIIIICIIUII "' -"' -•• ' ~ tnlllc "flo'o-..... -~~~-.. •• L Clll.dT IIIWAY • a IIIIIIH lo-nrrui a cnJ.r Bomu, 14, ot 115 ~ ..... ..... O lllolt , ... 4!10 I Mn lfU E. Ba11lot, Apt. 10 , , , PtlyW.. Toabt, '4. ot 130 Car SL, '"===::====~ Nnport Sllo<es, llld, "<lb. 11> ,. )'00 doll"t. ,, &DIS stuted to I1ID ... .. wheD ~ arrest.cl ber ootbl - - -ebarp <II drlrillc _, lllo lJ>,. nueoee of latollea.atai lbl oeroamed Ud tletocl willie of. ftCU'I placed ber lD tbl '.....ck of ---tbtlr Ylhlcle •••• A br'-feue C:OIII'II'II -.till -., nliiOd at $1 '10 wu stoleo from Terf}' An-~ = drews, 420-1/Z Larkspur AYe., -c.... del ........ Car drl- ftfS Georp Baeuro ot Aoa- belm aod Douglas Shim, zm Bluewater Dr.. Harbor View Hllls, were taken to Hoag Hos- pital alter a 3-ear ooll.i.&.iol:l at 5:30 p.m., at the lnterseettoo of M.acArthv Bb·d.aDdSUJoa- quin. near Newport Ceater; the ....... .......... c..- • Mt1 L c...t ,..,_ -.. -., ............... d:rtnr of the third car wu Ro- bert Mosa.t, 323 Jasm1De Afe,, Corooa del Mar •.• Arockabout r-::-:--:-=-::-;:-=-::-:-:=-:;o 1 foot io dl.ameter was thrown MATTRESSES lllrough a window at 2781 Bay-•aw -Uavii.DD'G shores Dr., a vacant bome lrftlular Shapn owned byJamesGH.strapi.o Bay r.r +W. -c:.a-Shores; the rock hU a waU aod COSTA WISA WAnlESS CO. made an indentaUon lD it, too; 1110 ._.,.,. lh4. u._., a.1111 damage was set at $100 ••• George Heslck. 4645 Roxbury Rd., Cameo Shores, koows bow We;;L(tcliU Chapel tile lloby bear feU il1 lllat old ta.try story; someooe had been ...,..70 sleeping 1n ll1s beds wh.lle lle ns any trom borne ••• The 42lJ.r. IM · car stereoaodtapes werestolen l--...!i~!!,t ~A!!J!!ME!,.SA __ ..J from ~r VW , reported Patricia Palmer, 341 Ramooa St., Costa Want to know how Jesus healed the sick? COUE TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture P.M. SATVROAY, APR. 0-IURO-I EDIFICE !100 PAOFIC VIEW CORONA DEL MAR 11-, ftllo""""llllll--ca 1M ...... ot t•rt--.<IC tMI_Pr_ Alto< -WttCIM_...., -<11 l'lalo7 A ... lOll-a_,-Ill nt -lo 1111 tloll-<II 1111 II_. -i.111rv1 --·..War ...... lOll Wlltltftport ••• .I&JDMSlliaw, Wlfl ••• AIWfboUd,bt-.,uc MH beM ·r "• a CIOIItJ-a.,.,.tapre a_. • ...,._ Ill C-c-AYO., Will !I .... ·-!GaiN. toll-St.. ..... _....,caotory-lalllllc-·-atlllo-LIIiruJat part, '01111 1o bod at ooldllalll, Wltl llt'OIIOit. nt-"-· -100 I. Ballloo Blf4.. --· Ud -orod at a a.m. 11111 lot -st., CeG1n1 llt'OIIOit. LIGAL MOnet Lllnry at 1005 Donr Dr. aa1 --bad otoloo bill $110 ----7:10Udi:IO HEWP<iitr II 1111 c-dtl liar L111ru1 radio , , . Tbo tWor lOll nut p,m, , •• 4 11111011 ullDllo -· lllllFIED SCIIOC)L ~. at 410 llullold AYO, .., ... loD botWol by 1bo Woi pm .•• Doeopll> .... lOll ott-u~•~CT Tbo otory -..W be OOld wbo -u 1 b>t-trom CllCUMI ol 4 IIIIWl ulmala 1101'~ ~:'" GlYEII • I -ullr• Ttwrayo Normull~, 910W.Bal--· ttruoc oa l ooal....... llllt 1M Baud <II·-lrom IOio iO:IO a.m.,llarilof boo Bltcl., Bau. , , , Gloa fiDel. ud tlltD plaeod • l ..._u tilt Nnport-ll ~ .\ili'U 14. Lalor il1 tl>o ...,_ .,. ld tor bto bono ruc11 at slaD<Iar<l at c..-.dol Mar Sebool 01 -lbt ame -· plu lo Vallty Cooler OD IIUCIII Ud tlom_, oebool; about a 1, Jl" / Coallq ea.=::.. :0 an.:-CODducta -ybourlorllloprl- meunrhl.lt at the bel.c.b, tlltl1Dc moatb aco. eome were hUOC / Hllld 'b6:11 ._, to 11.00 L': • mary p-ade cht.Jdrea. equJpmeat, liquor Ud a motioD b'om tbe f1ac lluc!ard ••• A the !5tb d&1 ot ~U 1 • 00 Tbl mothers wboarepuUel- ptctare caman were stoleo $SO lonnMu cover lor u MG AIRMAN Georce w. AusUnJr., tbe omc. ot said Scboo~J.! paUngve Mra.H.B.'Beajlmtn. trom ~ readeoee at 112 Via waa stoliD from her midpt son ot Mrs. Helen M, Haskell trlet, Joeal:ld at 1857 Plac:eDU& Mrs. MarJball Schl&l.m.u. Mra. Aatlbes, Udo llle.... rOidlter puUctlD her llf&p, of 1900 tucbland Dri•e Harbor AteiWt Coata M Call F. A. St.eU. Mrs. Wa11&ceGer- reported SbiUaBoatmu, ll!·B Hl&bl&Dds, has eomplet'ed blstc for lll&. 'at ftlc.b u.O:~ ~ rle, Mra. Joba Thoro IAC1 Mn. • SATURDAY, MARCH Z2 44th st., Weal N..._t • • .A trallllng at Lactlaod AFB, -.tU be pubUely .,._, lDd R. Burp. Tbere WUD't ID)' tramc tu motore)'cle 1U tank. wortb$SO, Tua.s tor training 1D aircraft read lor· ~ • ........... c. ..... PQW4T 1110 HI!IIPOaT & VO. I'M. 6-liJt:oota ...... Dennis Jel1erson, 379 Ro-was stolen from Tbomu Fair, maltdeoance. He ts a 196511'&· msic PACK DRIVE ST ER!O PARTS TAKEN c.bester st., Costa Mesa, kept 5SO FuUertoa An., Newport dtate ot Carson Hlgb Scbool, All bids are to bt 1D A w1Ddow WU broken 1D bU (=1§~~~~§~~1 cbanCSnr lanes, and lle W"olSD't Helctb ••• Michael Mart1D., Torruce, caw . aec.ordance wtt.b CoodWoos In-ear I.Dd lbe $f95wortbolltereo drlvtna wttb Ugtrts at 3 a.m.; 418·1/2 E. Bay Ate., Bilbo&, strucUooa: and Speetncatioo. compooeota tbat SydDey Coben, .rrt1 -.::\Itt •• wbeu potlee ~ blm, be wu tueo il1 Oraoge COWlly LEGAL NOTICE wbleb ore oaw oo llle iolllo l?ZI VeraDO Place, lrt!De, bad BEU. BROADWAY . fa.lled the sobriety test aDd ·us Medical Center by ambu.laDce ottlce ol tbe Purcbuiac A-nt placed oa the rear seat were booked on lbe charge of druolt alter be bad c:oased b<eathiB& of Se •-stoteD AprU 26. Wr. CobeDbad MORTUARY twlce UDder the lntlueoce of .:ERTIFICATE OF BlElNE$ sa.1d bool Dt..trlct, 1857 puked bla car at tbe 1501 West-J ~ drivloc , • , Aurelia Sa.luar, 29, narcotics, alld bad bee.o revived; Fictitious Firm Name Placentia At'oue, Costa Mesa. clltt Dr, Pill" tiD& ~t. near West. I 0 Bruacrway of Z208 W. O!:ean Froot, Central h1 sto b tw1 to be Did THE UNDERSIGNED does Calltornla. ;wr:~P~ta~u~--~~~-~U=a-~M~II~·:':M:II:Il:::O~ .. ~· =·=-~ Newport, was booted on a war· s mac pu.m • • hereby certlty tbat be ls con. Eaeb bidder must subm[t a bid c • rant c.barg:lng tallure to appear Kenoet.b Hansen. 47, of 104-1/Z ductlng a Service Station bust· deposit 1D tbe form of a ceru. • , • , Ever)'Ooe was too busy or Hlgt11a.Dd Dr., Harbor Hlgb. oess at Z6051 La Paz Road, fled or cashier's cbe<:k or abl.d A VALET havlnr too good a time to oottce la.llds, was booked on the charge M tssion VtelO, Calit, UDde r bond eql&l to ftv;e per c.eot the theft of a$400woodcarvln6, intoxicated 1n auto· • • · the fictlttous tlrm aame of Bay (5%) of tbe amount ot tbe bid, measuring 3 teet by4teet, trom • TUESD.\Y, MARCH 25 Mobil and that said firm 1s made pa)'&ble to tbeorderotthe tbe Ancient Mariner, 2607 W, Gerald Nola.Dd Jr., 26, ot 320 composed of the followt.ag per. Newport.Yesa UnWed School cLEAN E RS Coast Hwy., Mariner's Mile, 3200 st., West Newport was son whose DllmeinMla.ndpla.ce Dtstrlet. A Perlbr m&DCe Bond between 1 aod2a.m •••• Howard booked at 10:25 a.m. on the ot residence are as toUows, to. may be required at the dis. Fletcher, 208 Garnet Ave., charge of possession of stolen wit: cret.lon of tbe District. Ia the Balboa lslaod, attempted to stop property .•• TbomasEdwards, W1111am H. Bay, 1818 Port eveot of ta.ilure to enter 1Dto a t1gbt between his own dog and 42, of 255 EvenlngC&n)'onR:xa.d, Abbey Place Newport Beacb, such c.ontr&ct, the proceeds of another; but b1s dog would Shore Cllf1s, was arrested at CaW ' the clleek w1U be for feited or tn rather flgbt than stop, and bU 21st st., Centra! Newport, aod wtTNESS my !land this 21th cue of a bond, the tull sum M.r. Fletcher .•. An ())en garage w.u booked on tile charge in-day ot March, 1969. tbereot wtU be forfeited to said , made the theft easy, aod John tolicated in public ••. Two William H Bay School District of Oranp I Park, Z09 Narcissus Ave., evergreen shrubs about 8 feet STATE OF CALIFORNIA County. 1 Corona del Mu-losta$50green tu.l., and worth $80, were stolen COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. No bidder may withdraw his bike .•• Aootber open garage, from 2330 2nd Ave., Corooadel ON THIS 27tb day of Marcb bid lor a per lod of torty.Qve l and an unloeked car door, re-Mar, according to Mar)' Pick. 1969 betore me a Notary Pub~ (45) da)'s after tbt date set suited 1n the tbe.ft of a spare erin~ , , • A trail of luncheon lic i~ and tor ~d county and tor the opelllDC thereof. tire aod wheel from Telford meat was scattered througtKlut state residing therein duly The Board of EducaUoo of Woole)', 4307 Seasbore Dr., 1910 Kl..ngs Road, CUff Haven, com~lssiooed and sworzi.. per. the Newport.Uesa Unltled West Newport .•• Over $ZOO by her dog, said Cleo Johnson, sooally appeared William H. School District reserves the damage was dooe to cars be-and a pair of swlm trunks was Bay known to me to be tbe right to reject aay or aU bids, longtnr to Patricia Orr, 219 tound In the )'ard but $51 in person wbose name is sub-and not oeeessarll)' aec.ept the Santa lsabel, Costa Mesa, and nickels, dim~sa.ndquarterswas scribed to the within tn. lowest bid, and to waive &n)' Bruce Nott, 468 Ogle st., Costa missing , •. A girl's blke was strument and acknowledged to i.nlormallty or irregularity in Mesa, in a eolUsloo on trvtne stolen from S. Gibbons, 2007 me that he e:recuted the same any bid received. Ave., south Of Ogle St. ·., • "I DJ..ana Lane, Harbor High. WITNESS myhalldandotticta.i NEWPORT.MESA UNJ. We do the FINEST work • town m 3137 E. Coaat H iway. Corona del Mar r ecline to take a test, sa.1d laads ••• A Harley.Davidson seal. FlED SCHOOL D~ICT r--------------------, George, Cirlc.a, 46, ot 406 St. motorcycle was stolen trom the I. Kerr of Orange County, CaWoroia ADdrew s Road, Cliff Haven; he Ph1Jco.Ford Aeronutronlc par-Notary Public tn and tor said By Dorothy H.arve)' Cll4-AOCOIJNTS lltYITED Wa cafll wbllfll our product is Sllrvlld. Beer served in pleasant and wholesome surroundings is the aim of the United States Brewers Association. And we are always striving to do something about it . The USBA is represented by f~eld men around the country. They meet with proprietors of estab'i.tlments where beer is sokt. They work in every way possib'e to promote a set of high standards wherever beer is served. This USBA effort means even more enjoyable places for America's great beverage of moderation. UNIT[D STATES BR£W[RS ASSOCIATION, INC. 535 Flftt\ AV'Inue, ~ York. ~ Y0t11 was arrested on the charge of king lot, reported O.vld Kenyon. County aod State. Purchasing Agent lnto:rlcated 1n publlc, after the 463 Elm burst Lane, Costa Mesa M) Commission ezptres AprU 6-45-1100 car he was driving hit 2 parked , •• A stereo tape pLayer was zo, 1969. Dated ~rll 8, 1969 ~s, at CLay and Santa Ana., at stolen trom tbe car that I>.a.ony PubliSh: April 3, 10, 17, 24, Publisbed Ensign Publishing 1.5 5 a.m. • • • Bowman. 1541 Miramar Dr., 1969, La tile Newport Harbor Co., IDe:., AprillO aod Aprlll7, • SUNDAY MA.R'"ti .,3 &lboa, had parked 1n the Har. Ensign, l969,Corooa delMar Cailloroia ' '"' ~ bor High SchOol parking lot • • • ' Fred Harrington, 23, ot 661 TDe rear plastic window of his Seal st., Costa Mesa, looked tor Purscb.e had been cut &Ome~ h1l: driver's Uceue for about 1 008 crawled tbrougl:ltt~stole mlllute aDd tben told otrlcershe an auto ster., aDd 5 tapes was unable to tl.nd U; be was also valued at $Z71.65 declared unable to pass tbe sobriety test Craig Jensen. 117 45tbSt West and was arrested on tile charge ·• ol driving under thelnfluenceot Newport ••• A radio call of a t hoi at 3·4S 1 N rt possible tra.tnc accldelt with a co . a.m.-a ewpo 1 . ot li •-J bo Blvd and lodustrW w y W<>st nJurY se po ce w a.m ree N;wPort Heights ••• A:a&.e~pt Rd. south ot East Bluff, at 1o ~a dac .. A" ....... e........... wUb 10:15 p.m; a few minutes later, ""'~ I.IO'H&UU ...-...ICI oatcers r eceived a call that a dog bite tor Elil.abetb Seas. a Thunderbird wtth the lett tront ley, 100 Kings Place, CUff Haven· the accident took place headlight out, had lett the sceoo at 400 Klllg's Road • , • Small ot the accident and was headed Items out of place led Nicbolas eastbound on Palisades Rd., the Weamer 141Z Estelle Lane otftcers stopped tile T -BI..rd, Harbor 'Highla.ods to the dis~ and observedtbedriverwearl..og • a slllrt covered with blood; cover)' of a for ced entry to Ills Tbo Tu 55 1 l301 home, aDd the theft ot $150 N :s F rr:er ~ 0 1 laOO worth of possessions • , .Ro. · Y ron • s , bert YcGinle)' 1436 Estelle was taken to Hoag Hospital tor Lane Harbor 'Highlands left stitctles on h.is l..lp and was tben • ' arrested on the charge of tor Palm Springs the 21st and driv1 .... wder t .. -1Dtl t returned borne to discover .... •10: uence o someooe had _pried open ll1s alcobol • · • sUd.IDg glass door and had stolen • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 a ntth of Scotch, beer aod 2 Walter Hatch, 32, of 4006 sbag carpets, worth $500 • , , Cba.nDel Rd., West Newport, • MONDAY, MARCH 24 was toUDd sleeptnr 1o a car that was blocking a drlnway aod was Deoois Lewis, 21, of 351 booked on the charge drunk In Victoria St., Costa Mesa, picked auto •• , Stephen Pleter, 20, of the mwllctpal court house tor a 1430 lrvioe Ave,, Harbor High:. L~·~i~~====:~=~=~~==~=rls:l:t :at:3:P:·m;;.··~aud=was=~ar:r~ested lands, attracted pollceattentton by raising his feet unusually bigb as be weaved hts wa)' down sox TENNIS tbe side walt oea.r Park An. and Sallpblre Ave,, Balboa Island, at lO:SO a.m.; bewasbookedootbe c.barge of drtm.k in public ••• UOOa Mattos, 19, aDdSueJobn. 100. 18, ol1ZZ Turquoise AYe., Balbc:a ls1a.od, were arrested at tbel..r OOme on the charge of possession tor sale of dan· prous drugs • • • Over $100 wu stoleD from Cr eaU...-e Desip Surfboards, wlllle the sbop wu beLDg IDO'Ied from 6312 W. Cots! llwy ., West Mnpurt, to HWitlnctoo Beacb, acoordlac to St.rt Hen of '1008 W. Oeea.o Froat •.• Art Mamey, 6801 How good would an investment firm have to be before you'd recommend it to a friend? ,.., .. ,, COTTOII ~OX. ... • .Sk ..... , .... WOOl MIXIURI ~OX. .1St tloooo ' .. u 98% WOOl lOX. . . .SI.SO Jl..o ,,.. ., -n .. u-n .. '' 100% OII.Ol lOX . . . SI.SO 100% COTTOII 1111 ~OX. . . .lk -Dlf SOL ... .95c II S1.25 -Dlf 1110 sox. . ·"' .$1.75 ... ,.. ...... _ ....... c- UE PIDS . . . . . .9Sc It $US tNIX" IIU 'AIJJ • 1E -.U . INIS OYU 400 UCJm TO CHOOSE 110M WISOII • DAYII -WKICJI DIIW -W6ll -S!MPIU WllOII TZOOO mn ucms OIILDIIIIS UCIID. ADUlT UOITL .US 1o IUS .US It UM UDIS U.S IUS ' IUS IBS U.S MIS. .US II IUS IBS U.S .U. . .5.11 ' Ul IJII5 Cllilll -~ .7JS IBI WI I 221 -.-J -........... .. • Seasbore Dr., West Nnport., told · poUce lllal 7 oooleal -boles, possibly made b)' l 88 CUD, ..,.. apoU lllo "" -bill $eO pteture wlDitow • • • Ilia FaJcoa wu abo lrom bill -, llld Rtebard u-... '101 l umloo An., CaroM dtl Mu;aleD &DDI ar• PliO ..u <11 IDola Ud a ...,.,._--•• .All UUftetst. P11Mf m.acbl m-.. f'OCIIIa, wortb $10, ..... mod Jl'"'• au--It, ... .... -•u-• .... aau. '"---od -Cllr .. , 1111 .Aralia st., 1ut ... __ ...., __ .. "'--... _ ..... -. loa ll •llptftM- ..... '" •• 11 .... .. Wllllt ..... II I I ,, ~~oj~·--... --.. _. ...... ltlo *:It ... Over 100,000 current Dean Witter clients came to u s this ~ COIIIioteady, our WJat liaaJe IOUJU of aew Dean WIIIH dleata II doe POIIJI of ........... -1ft llrelody !lef1'IDc. We lllhok we .....,. wily ... Our clienu are served by our 1067 eA.ceptiooal Account Executives -men of keen intelligence. imagination, and incqrity. AI proof of their capability, we offer the over 100,000 referrals theoe men bave atlt11Ctod for the ftnn. AI additiooll proof, we point to ow lnveotment Training Scbool for New ACCOUIIl l!ucutiveo whote anchllla conlinue co place among the top on the New York Stock Exchange Standard Examination for ReaiJtration. Each of these men is supported by one of the natiou's finest research analysis teams-a group which keeps our 146,000 miles of private leased wires hummlng with quality investment ideas. That's why we tay ... Ywn e~u "'-• "'"" ..,., .,,.. ,...~Dut "*"-.. DEAN Wrr'I'ER. a Co. It/....., Nftl I'_. "-A Ew....,., -•· o,-. ,_, If/ -Dri--. N..,.;r. ·- '""''"' HJ.fOSI