HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignTHI OM..Y N~ ~ltMTf:D AND
P'UILUHlD !til MI!I""'«T lll!DI
NEWPORT OFFICERS pictures at tbe Los Angeles Pollee
Academy are from lett, Officer Larry Young, Assistant
Chief of Pollee Harry Nelson, Officer James Jacobs and
Tbl ..reb tor 9DmeoDI 1D .leup aDd •I¥!MDted Moldl.) torDI)'s, a doctor, a psyehia~
the commUDUy to llltesttpte & tbey would lllldert:ake tbt lbllt)'. trlst, ao educator, a.n architect 1 sexeducattooprolfl'<.m at New. Dr. Nol&DFrtuelle,commU. aocl bullDess men, lnchxli..og a , port~Mesa schools eiKied for tee cbalrmu,. promised tbat bJa realtor. ~ Chief of Police James Glavas. I -conceroed pareota aDd e1Y1e committee would mate "a coo-"Tbey are a cross-section -
N.B. officer lops class leaders when 14 membersoltbe eerted effort towards ob-of tbe community with a eross-
.SucaUon committee o1 tbe jecttflty." Members !.Delude a .ectioo of points of vtew,"
Newport Harbor Cbamber of ~le of bousewlves wt.tbeom. Dr. Frluelle said.
Commerce accepted tbe ebaJ.. mwilly aenlce records, 4 at-"Tbare ls a good deal of
Nnport Beacb pollee ofDc•
James Wtebul Ja.cobswu cra-
duotod Frida1 !nom t11o Loa
Anples Pollee Academy u tht
1llp maoloblsclua. Howualoo
seleetld u YaledletorLIIl b)' tU
Los A.nplu Chief ot Pollee
Tbomaa Redd.ID proclaimed the
Nnport Boacb otllcer to belbo
"bonor endaate" ol tbe
a.eademy clus &.ad prellllted
tbe DeW ofllcer w1th a tt~
Lions Club
picks slate
lDd. u eagrued pollee rnotrer N research to do," be said .-hen
.. port of lboanrd. CbletRod-• H . cham be r .-to< pie date his report diD's scbedQied rettremenf would be coocluded. His gr014)
ma.tes tfl1s blllut CJIII)OI"tUDJ.ty w111 meet every other or every
to prueot sucb Ill anrd, • t c D M third week, with information
Nnport Boacb Pollee Chief movIng 0 "cootlnuously being gathered James GlaYU seods each new by the committee."
pollee recruit to the Los "1 am eager to uocover as
ADcelts Pollee Academy mt The Newport Harbor Ctwn. Tbe Orange County Board ot much speclfle lntorma.Uoo as
requires successfUl completioo ber of Commerce will open its S~tsors llas voted to mate possible from people wbo have at tbe lllteosin BOO.boQr ~ new otrlee May 15 at 2166 E. a..o interim stuc!J on tbe feui-espertise ill this problem," he
tr&J..D1Dg course uaeood!ttooot .,..... Coast Hwy,, Corooa del Mar, biuty of usJ.ng El Toro. added. "We are LDterviewi.ng
employment. Chief Glan.s bid former 1ocatioo of tbe bra.Dch • Women's DtTisioo Pre~ people lmolved lnpubUc bea.lth,
CUDDLED In Nancy Clark's armsi&thetormer Die G«Jrp,
named lor b1s Ceorre Wa..shi.ngtoa birth dale, Feb. 21.
Bobby, NaDCy I.Dd Cbrll adopte:t the a.week-<lld P'WY oa
Easter wlt.b tbe permlasioo ot their parects, Warru UK!
Valerie Clark. Balboa Peo.J..osu.la Point, and reramed Mm
MacGregor. They oecaslooa.Uy ta..ke him~ visit his motber,
Go Go. 1100 E. Ocun Frool, Balboa.
Bill Killion
dies at 62 two reendtl 1D th1l elan oi&O ottlce of Newport Balboa Sa. stdent carol f'renc.b a.DilOUDCed laY enforcement, and the
men. lD addWon to Oftlcer Yinp and Lou Assn, a prdeo trade flit will be beld medical and psychiatriC pro. Willard l. Killion, 62, of
Jacobs tUfDc top booort, Of. Tbe Cba.mber directors gave from ooon to 4 p.m. May 16 at tesston. We also Yill obtain in-2000 Vista Cajon, Eut Blldl,
Ueer Larry YOUDC wu p-a... apprOY&J Mooday to the par. Richard's Lido Market patio. foraW.loll trom scbool districts died April 20 at Hoaa HoctUaL
ctlated 1D thi~C~PU" lO'llof the chase ol the bu11d1Dg for Proceeds wtll 10 tor Plant1Dc already u.stqse.z.eduea.Uonma-He was born May 19, 1801,
elus, $30,000. The new beadQuarters at tbe Corona del Mu Ul:nry. terials, and will study the pro-to Buffa.lo, Missouri, came 1:0
The selectiootor "booor &ra· 1s located on la.Dd leuld from Aoyooe 'Wiab.lnc to dooateplaJlta posals that trne been submitted Calitorllla in 1922, and Uvld 1D
Tbt oomt•ttnc committee ot duate" at tbe Academy Ubued the lrY1Dt Co. may call label Peue, bel.lti~ to our school board." Oranp County for tbe put as
lbt Marllllla L1ou Club bu prlmarlly OD aeadtmJc ucel-Preseat ottlceoftheCbamber fle&tloD committee cbalrmu, Yaterlal from SIE C1.5, tbe years. He was a r•l ..tate
preMDted tbl folJoftD& slate of leoee, w1tb pb)'l1cal flt:ola, 1s at 1800 W. Cout ltwy., oo. 673-1855. 1 focal point of many su educa-troker 1D Costa M<~a aad bed
ot!cers for 1M9-70: Bob marQrunlbtp, aDd pw.-J MulDers MUe. Rant tbere 11 • The Janior Ctwnber an-tioD oppooents, "seemstoru.re been a member of the Board ot
Walter, prNideat; Vaoce Ro-tratta u CODtrU:JUttnc tactou. paid to Wa7 15. The Nt'WP)lt BOUDCed a $2,300 protlt on their ill tbe way from tbe tralytlltby Realtors s1nee 1955. H1 wu a
bert&, flnt fict"i)rNided aDd ottlc• JUOO., Z5, wu bon Balboa SaYlnp braoeh oftlce Marcb 31 ctreu.s at Fub.ioo 1s-a.Dd traly porr.:tgraphlc to ma. Nary Yetera.D of World war n.
Merltary; GU A.aderiOG, ZDd 11:1 Battle Creek, Mlcb. He at-SERGEANT Kelaon McDanlel wu ncated 1D March wbeonew l&Dd. Two $600 J:.bolarshlps terlall that eouJd be 9DUDd and Survhws are h111nfe, Vtr-
Yiei-JW:elidet; BW SoltMr, teliSed ICboola: there, I.Deldoc o1 tbl Newport Beacb pollee oftlces were oetlC)led 1o tbe wW 10 trom proceeds to bJ.gb c:oostructlYe, depeodJ.Di bow NUZZLING Mlrldy Kellh, dau-pnta; a son. Artb.ur of Nnj)C)C1
3rd ftCt-PZ'ealdlot; Erni.IVoet, Ktlloc Commtmlty Colltp aDd deputmtat iMa 1D aome last Newport Center floa..Delalplua. tcbool studeata; and $600 will they are used,'' Dr. Frl.uele gbter of Dr aod Mrs Howard Beach; a brotber, Emlf)' of
treasurer; Haney Parry, taJl Wlchtpn state Uo1nrl1ty, mlnute practtee before tbe Znd Other l,tems on tht CD.lmber be spent on DIIU'eoUcs educ.a. said. "The way tbelr eurrleu-Kelgb of eaU.:.a Point '1..s 1 girl MarySYllle; 3 sltten, Ctelle
hrllter; Bob Teller, Lion 1Fbere he majored 1D aoelal an.n .. l Clritu charity tuket-dtreeton a.ctDda MondaY in-Uon at the )tudor bigb sebool lu.m ls belnc pulled, 1t seems puppy named Brown Do . Any. Neekamp o1 Lake San Yarcu.a,
tamer. ud Carl Boltwtet. bul· sdtoce, ball pme. At 8 p.m. tllis Frt. el~ed tbe foUowinc: leteL Jaycee President Bu.rk as lt a lot of people stl.nd to one wtshLJ.g to adopt tt!r may Harriet Klatt of San Mari.Do,
letio td!tor.GeorpTbomuam He wu aetlvt 1D studeat day, AprU Z5. tbecbampioostltp Oetectttt WUllam Speirs Pickett bu been Dl.med prest. make a btg profit, and could call Go Go at 673_9zS6.(Easip and Nadine Forester of AtDet,
8111 Daria were oomU.ted u roYerDmelll; 11:1 lllcb sebool &ad Newport Beach pollee team Y1.ll of tbt Nnport Beacb pollee dent of the year by the oa. btinc a breUdowtl. ol tbe com. pboto ) Oklahoma; aod a CfUd.loG. Wll-
dtreetors. collap. He bu &llo beenacth'e meet tbe Harbor Area ooacbes reported oo the Southeru Call. tlooal Ju.ntor Chamber. mWllty'a reslstanee to a fiDod • lard.
8 in tbe Red Crou, YliCA&Ddtbe aU star team at lbe Corona del forDi& Del.loqueocy Cootroltn. of sena.l materiaL Some of TlME OtAHGES SUNDAY Prtnte family services were a rbara Byu S Juaior Cbamber o1 Commerce MAr Hip Sc.!»ol om Tickets •thle Wb.J.eb be atteaded lx' 3 thelr people Due conoectl.oos A reminder for clock bekl AprU z:z at Pactnc View
He llilrrtd s YIU'a w1tll u..; prieed at $1 may be • based moot!u: at lSC. DAN GURNEY UNVEILS with many ftrmsttatareoutlets watehen: DayUgbt savlna tlme Chapel, a..ad iDtermeii wu at
U.S. Army u a member ot ta. at tbe door AU proe=~ from • Secretary Jack Buoett an-IHOY 500 CAR FRIDAY for wtll go Uio efleet at ! a..m. this Pacitle VIew 1hmor1a.l Park.
dol $ I 18 ArmyhalrlQ'A,..cy.Pr•to tbe pme,rtlliiDtotbtHope DOUDcedtheCbamberla:ma.k1ne It•WbeDaDGoroeydaythisbootJ Sunday, ~u 27. Move your The ReY. CbarleaDt•edlld e a <OmlDc to CalUDra}a. ...... Ha•to ~bool ~ Dtw play-a ot bus1Dea Uceue 1D bollar al U.s oa clocks ud sundl&lsAHEADooe o1 st. b!rew'l Presbyterlu. --~--ll-81 5JY.~,...:l'-4 •aj "M"'ad'"h·n.CDM .... Ml _ --.~MtaabN"ot .... CIIIWdftlaD1-~ a,.. a..,.., -old _.ur, lo Co-c-, SCilool dtW tam will portorm Mclb -1 f b " h d :u~z::,~~aad~:i!:"'cbtcu. .attbepme. :n:: .. ~-.:~·=placeataC:=::l=~i= .. ~: n 0 roc ure prepare
Blulf. died April 20 at BeU-TOP SCHOLARS NAMED COIIIIlUI wltb Galli, Blaakeo-•poosc>rod b7 tbe Santa Am. is ao aolysis IJpe ot COmp&lly wood Geaeral Hospltal, Bell-baker & Co., ns .. med cbaJr. Cbamber of Commerce at lbe worklnc 1D all kiDds of ftekls, Harbor Area business !Pe· LD the country. He owe:. bison: no.u. after a lenrtbJ m.,..L mao ot ao ad boe commtttee Saddletack Inn. and they ban produced a pro-cl.a.Usts have been chosen to advertising and mukettae
Bllrt.ra wu aaOra.a.pCout V..-:Hctorl&DI lDd abita-bon, ts7 Broactny Costa at Joea.l bas.IDessmea to shdJ Gurney, ooe of tbe .leadinc cram mucb of which appears O'fersee a.od dlrecttheprepa.ra. ageocy, and is an artist and de·
collep stadlat, aDd a 1M8 torlau wre lllfHCl b)' 1 cUbe Mesa. w1th a r;nde point tbe resu.J.ts of tile IAin'tJ. tlpes 1D tbe rae1Dg workl, quite 'souod." be added. tioo of a new I..Dformatlooal and signer 1D IlLs o•n rtgbl.
&raduate ofCoroaadeiMar HJgb kx:.al htgb K:boo!l tb1s wtet. anrap of 3,973. Salutatorla.D • Clllt Hoole ot Rioo Hard-placed Znd 1D the ID:Iy 500 last The educatloa committee Is ptctorlal pubUcatioo beJ.nr pre-Mr. Bayless ts dlrector of
KbooL She wu bora NOY. 15, Coroaa dtl Mar Klcb Sell:lol Stepben Hammeras, son of Mr. ware, Wa.Jteutr Plu.a, reported year, aDd won tbe RIYers1de 500 also stldytng tbe Sebm itz bill, pared tor use b)' the Newport marketing-services tor the
1950, 1D S&ota Moolea. ftled1ctorlaD ta KatbryD LJDCh. ud Mrs. K. Ha.mm·~ras, 5200 on tbe Oraop Couoty Airport. stock car raee mr tbe 5th time. which seeks to repea.J receDI. Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Wratber Corp. For the put 10
SarfJYOfll ue btl p&reDtl; a daupter of Yr. IUid Mn .. E, Rl•er Ate., West Newport. had Sen I" or athletes honored leg:lslatloo tbat permits school The comm.ttee is !leaded by years, he beaded a COm&&DJ brother, Jotm. o1 tbe famlly L)'Deb, 19S3 Altura Dr., 1rYIDt a p-ade poLat anrage of 3.941, boards to 1ery tues without a Bert BlaDchet, president of •hJeh speeia.ll.zed tn the pu.
bomt; a slsttr. Mra. Jo Am Terrace, wtth a S.MS P'lde GradYltion w1JJ be hekl 3:30 vote o1 tbe people. A report will Blanchet AdYertisillg J..oe., and which specWi.zed in tile ~
HJltablddJe; and ~eou. polat uerage. Sallliatorl&D p.m. June 11 at Duklsonfleld. be made by the end o1 May oc tnchades Da.n. Bayless ol the llcatlon of promotlocal ma.
Ur. aDd Mrs. H. Gob.mert of CJDlht& Spey1rs, daii&MI'I' of Tbt top students at Costa Sealor athletes ot Newport Anlla, and Sten LeeeO. 2315 uu.s, sa.ld Or. Frlz.zelle. Wrather Corp., Jim Sleeper of p..zines. He ha.salsobeeapOOlle
Tuu. llr. Uld Jlra. A. Sptyers, 81Z Mesa rup School will be se. Harbor and Coroaa del Mar Artuus St., East Bluff. the l.rTine Co., Newport Beach r elations director of the Bl.lboa
SerYtees wert btld at tbe Aleppo Dr •• Eut Bluff, bU a )fetid 1D .... ,. Hicb Scbools wt.re booored at • Footbl.ll-I...arn Blrc, GOP to open City Mana.gerHa.rveryHurlburt, Bay Club,aodeditorofBayWiD-
Cbta'Cb o1 Our Fatbtr. For..t S.tte ~fade po!Mattrap. Gra-560 IN YA04T RACE the a.mual at.b1lt1c hmcbeoo of 532 Huel Dr., Corooa del MAr; and Diet La .-renee, adYertlsl.ng oow Wagu.ioe.
LaWD,CJPI'HI,wtlllt.DtombmeDt daatloa wtll bt btkl 5 p.m.Juoe Eotrlealar tbe NlwportHar-tbt Commodores club ol the Mike Euell, 419 HeUotrope executtn. Mr . La.-reocebasbeeucttve
at Forest L&nWemorlalPvk. 11, ID tbt ~ ar•. bor to EDMI».da cbtracetotal Nt'Wpol"t Harbor Chlm'ler o1 An., Corona del liar; 8rtaD h q here Chamber President Dlct in advertising and markettD(fot
Tbe tamJ.ly baa ltated Uat Estucla HJp Sebool n.le. $60 teo leSI t.r!! last year's Commerce AprU 18 at the Bal. stern, 6%3 Vlsta BoD.Ita, East 1 1 Stevens reports that tbe pub-many years, and is presldem of
m1morll.l eootr1buUou lDI1 be dletoriaD 1s WIDd)' Pope dau-rec;:;,rd 570 Tbt race boa Bay club. Bluft; Geoff Grl.bam, 318 PolD-. llcatioo will be used in ma..oy his own advertising areoey. He
madl totbeCblldrtD."tHolpltal, cttter of Mr. aDd Mrl. G. '~tope, 8Dred by t'r.e Newport c:;, From Harbor Higfl Scbool: settta An., CoroDa del Mu; NEWPORT BEAal -'Ibe nys to beoetlt the community has been adYertlsin.g rna.aacer
Loa ADplel. zotS swu Dr •• eo.ta Mea, Sa.Wnc Aaso. rill start out • Track-Bob Adams, 411 Larry Gtlswold, 111 Topu R.epub1.icaD State Cemra1 eca-of Newport Beach. For example, tor many natlo-.1 compaJlles,
N I b I W1th 1 3.m p-ade point Tburld&J M.;y 1 oft tbe !Jar. Alilo AYe., aDd Scott WIJd. 401 A"·· Ba.lbol.lllaod, eo...c;apatn; mittM will form&J.ly opea a..,., lt wtll be a recruiting tool to loclud.lng Hugbes Aircraft m1 ew C U 0 anrace. SalutatwiaD J\ll!y bor ~e. ' Flllltrtoo A•e., N~ Due Terry; Rieb Wllaon. %531 adm.iJIICrative ~ be~ 111 tbe b1rlll& o1 key uecu-Glanninl Controls.
Aac:b, dlQCbt« of Mr. udalra. He~s. Bamboo St., Eut Bluft; Kim . tlus alXI employ~s for loc&l Mr. Sleeper, former jour.
h E. A.eb, 1864 Samar Dr. c:o.ta GREECE TRAVEL filM ...J~.-Teon.ts-Bill Broek, 15ZO Wlkec~, 400 Carlotta,. East bin Frll:by, featuring a meet-industries and businesses; it naltsm Instructor at On.Dce get C arter Mesa, bas apoadtpolota~ Col. JobD Crate wtll preseot II•.. Lane, Harbor HICb)aods, Bluff; Doue YOUDg. 6%3 Sea. q: at the n-member eucutin wtll aid ln the recruitment tor Coast College, is news~·
of 3.800. GradaUoawW~ bis tra"I moYie oo "In--.1 Blll Hart, 1246 Somerset wud Rc.d, Corooa Htgb.l&Dds; ('OQlmittee and the appMraDC:~e medical facilities and for vt9Dr for the irvine Compuy.
Pr 7:30 p.m. JIM 1Z at David8oa comparable Greece" at 8 p.m. LaDe, West:clitr. and ltu SDJ'(Ier, 468 E. Zlst a( aeveral proarioeot Republ.i-edue.a.tiooal 1nslltut.ions; it will His background IDeludes u-
tlldtat Bob Bartboloaurw field. this Friday, AprU 25, as tbe • Crosscou.:otry-KevinBut. St., West l\Jper Bay. can leaders. be used a.s a prestige book tensive experience in radlo ud
Y11l aeetpt tbt DIW ellb ebar· Newport Harbor Hiett Scbool f1Da1e 1D tbe current sertes o1 ler, 901 CUfl' Dr., aad Ricbard • Baset-0 _ Larry Berg; State ~inn• I>emis Cat-to Delp lnduee new industry, new51)aper writing, ud re-
te.r tor tbl Newport Cllllter 'l&led1ctori&D ll Cocmlto.tJon, truel ud adYeoture programs Pierce, 910·A Clay St., Cliff Rn Snyder; Mike Euell:Cbr~ peoter o1 Newport Beida wiU bus1Desses, regkmal head. search trips to La.tln America.
Ktnnts Clab at a d1DDU di.GCbter of Mr.IDd Mrl. L.O... of tbe Ne1rp(U't Harbor Kiwanis Havec. TOOmpJOD. Z915 C•tafpa Dr., wflkome tbe <D"mitt-...s 1..-quarters, aoo. retailers to in-Mr. Hurlburt'~ t..ekp'ouad
meetiq Wedallday "'tDlnc. Club. • Football -Stu Aldrich. East Bhlft'; Sten Leech, East Soemblym.la Craie BicktJe to tbe test in the e1ty and the area; !las been primarily in city ad.
AprU SO, at tbt Inial Cout p rty d 0 d 139Z Gala.zJ Dr., OO'rer Slues; Bhlfl; B1U Ward. !138 Tnstt.n otficea at: !Ill Campuo OriYe, it will become a key selling m:rustrative wort and LD eoci· c= c:,:. rope a VISOrs name Bob C1.D'ry,15Z!Cormra.ULaDe, Ate., West UWer Bay; andKlm adjaceat. to Oraace ~Air· tool lot civic, 90Ci.al, aDd edu~ neerlng, roth CiVIlla.n and mill-
eel'S art LloJd Westelllf, and Bill Ourkla,Z006 Wilbreebt. part. caUooal endeavors; it .-m per~ tar)'. ~0buoo.11f!:1t rce~esldlat; A 7.membtr adJt8ory com-tbe Goossen II Cl&rk realty Nautilus Lane, Ba.yerest. • SWlmmLDc _ Jim Brad-A meetirle of U. aecatift form as a tourist and cooven. -::...:. ·= ~ Zad '!::-mlttee to aatM tbt City o1 offlce La tbl Back Bay; rea.Jtor • Gym.auttcs _ Jolm 8tct, bwo, e.s& Rolbary Road.. commjtt• .m beciD at t p.m., t1oa sales piece; and it will be REUNION IS PLANNED
:".taliCratc Cox. ~er: Newport Brll.el:l IJ:I l)l'opGt)' Curt Dosb, Marlbers Mile; 208-1/Z S5tb st., West Newport, Cam.a Sbores; Bob McClel.lan, rih a~ c::w6s..._. It c:a used as an aid in aequtri..Dg ne• Tbe 1959 graduatlnj: cl&A
lA .. Scbwa.l&v Jl II ''IDUII.Jimeii bU btea aamedby realtor R. C. Creer, UdoSbaps ud Paul Jacobsoll, SIS Aln 1417 Ser-eiMe T« ., rntneT«~ lDd opal bouse from. s:• te I Cbl.mber members. of Newport Harbor Htgtl Sehaol
ROD Tldaar ...... ~teb.~' ·u.. Mewport Harbor-ColD u-.; Roberts. Htrscb oiCold-Lane, Costa Mesa. race; Ttm MeGW, 501 Atellida p.m. Mr. Bla.Dehet bas devoted wlll bold a reunioa JIIDI Zl
Jlm DeeUr 'Dr RlniJ ~ Ilea Board c4 Re&llots. well-B&Dbr; Richard Klmbleot • Wale' polo_ Jotua Blallaf. Lareo, East Bluft'; Stan more than 20 years ill Ule nekis at tbe Costa Mesa Couotry Club.
I.Dd CaadJ •c.d.r d1r _ FormatioG ot tbt committee tbe WarlDers tnoeb o1 UD1ted 418 Pirate ac.d, CU.U Ha•Hi Sclrftt. ZOOO Buraoc:a. E&st/CORPS OF ENGINEERS of ad'fertistng and muketing. I..otbrmaUoo &bour1959wbot.Ye
tor 1011, tc .,., I)I"CCI11IMd bJ local r•U:ors Ca.UilrDia But. I.Dd Ceorce Robert Ketgb. !019 E. Oeeu Blua'; I..Dd Jim Stooer, 209 Many years were ~nl: with DOt yet bee eoataeted ls btl.q ~--ola.e .... cllbiaU. .a. tbly bad protHted a City Haml»on JODtt, W.A.L, I.Jdo BIYd., Balboa, ud Eric Ual-A.po-. Aft., Balboa lslalld. o~.FIOAL. WILl SPEAJC aome of the rations' lar-.:>u(nt by Mrs. l.or'niDI(CI&b.
c-do! --c..cu plu 11o doo!pta tile Sbopo ar-. roth. 4W Bruce cresceot, • Wll• polo -Jim Brad-The u.s;.corpsotEq!Mors gest adYert!sln( agencies, dl-bert) Deot at (714) 511-"54,
Clob, Cold'ftD-Bulcor omce ln Altmlolos are Robert Flem. West Nnport. ban, Bob Yc:Ciellu, Tim We-aod Us IDb will be 1110 ...,.. rect!ac the r;ropllir cone""" ot aod Bob llotllnu at (714)
Seboo-1 ,b!;~~---~·~ Cc:naa dal Mar u tbt clt)"1 lac, Nt'W'POft Beacb r-.Jior • WrestU.Dc-W&rlu O"A. CW. st.N SeW.-; ud Jtm at tbe metUoc of tbt Bl.y Ar• .:~me or the lar~tst. compi..D.Ies S40.6516 • ... -.-.. ..,._ .._ U • lt4 E a ... St. ,......._ se... Cltiseas eo-:.ulll~a. tadaJ. ~ Dlaricl Goo•• ..... .u tile April 7 ~ IIIII IOIJD Semple. Ce><oa del mico. • ..., " ~ • • AprU u, Ill 111o para,-B d • d •
G---will bo 1llo 1llo eo-11 qrood -C!IJ -·-IIIII prealdoal ot Mesa; ... Keol Hamm~ ~":""-GeotfG<Wm. aod ,.,._ -.. u get IS agen a llem --· ~ 11anoJ lfwllwt illoc-do! War Chomborot 5ZOORI"' An •• Wool""-'-....._ 1714 W ~ Bh<l.. W IIIOUtcall•tlllt Ralty Bllrd Com~ Ez-offtelo IDtm· • Swlmm1D1-Douc ~-. • Bt ..... 11 -stef• Ltecb. ·
l'l!II.L COIICI!RT IIAY ~ 00,.-11r adr!ce 11 lila bora aro -I. p-Bar-1011 VIa Dboca, Udo 1o1o, IIIII Eut -. ....... lo; limo We-No;:::;. --Cll t1oo 0poo ..... , at tho ocooola Two major !lome ac-llr
WAL LENSTIIM DIRICn . --roll, pr-ot tho R•lly Broce s-. 1011 £. Oc-WW!amr, 50f -An., -~71 trillcllr--, will caused tbe lnsteos of t1lo Now-al-a "'"*--.....
Tbo ~ c_,--,... __ lllcl-loiD 8ou<l, IIIII G-l&arllo,ea-BIYd •• llllboL c-cloi-;Qr!aTIIoap--t1oo -o1 t1oo poet-Yea d!Jtrict 11o ...... ..--.--1M ....... _., Sllclotr WID llrillc ilo a T Bord lr" c-del War C1111Yo ollie• ot 1bo a..lly • Ba-ll -Pao.lllo'--ud IUJo WI-. aicl>l IDOOiioc alorJ oo-lo< .._. lo a
e-lla I!ICII_CII, __ ...;...., -D. Clart C11 lloorel. lUI Clrdo Dr, Ba7 Sllaroa; • T-.-Rick N-. C"':.;'_!"!...."'..:;_:-a.: ~p;::, ApriiU,Il: -W"I ~--CII
cor1aoo_,,llli4.-0riM Spq-eel b c ""'Din u.-,IOOOI&arl-M!'Golf-a.. Woot IWo<_BaJ. =. cO...·*'-w.;,.._~ Fllllillc "'"""' •• • 1M LM Alii ... ~ • • •t Dllrt Drm, l:larbCir ......... -IUII:e ...... 0a .__.. wUl bt __,. •est '-• 'nlll M ._
dll '"' ... AIIMd .... rs Rill y IYI an . 81.,.,11 _...,..ta., p.Ur ¢1, ..... Aa ........ a...-an-. cr ... .-ol _, ..
-u ._. o-lor, • · 114-l/lar.la._WootMo-~ •<;t --~·-·!U-Ya.uSIUYIM~ :"::'.!',:O...::;:-Ior!Mnllo ool-
-· ol 1:J0 p.L lo Mow -· t1 1M~ --IMWoolelll!-. IIIII-.. otll, 01--11'1 -a.. Eut Btolll ud 'MilO 11011" ST111P C--of IIIIo-..W 1R1' IW Tbo
IX:I'oCIIaalorUid. C.Sa.Moo:~llll-lladal-. IUciP!oee,Co*-. Rlclo-Tbo ..... tiiUclt lc--oorll'-••----..... lo-.
Tbo -'0111 -......... 1', ,,--., . • Gcllf-llool .... lGI MaiiiiMCSlOLEN 1M -tl Dotw Or. IIIII plollcpooiiWSIIII•,. lt'IO. ... a nor.-_ lloMoh---.-•tnll"l'll .. .ll-.ILLACIOLIIIANDII!S CUll DriN, CU...__. O.tltloorol'' cwoU.a.C.S IIOIJ. -ilo ... "'--no._..,"' 1M-Aol J 1 ol tiro 1'1 lo .......... IIJ •AS 7 .._=-till II S1f f... Ua LIIMt Calli .. ll,Gf Lfttii ..... C fill ...... S. ' " sa ..,_,ellltlail .. Jill liFt llwpwt 1t'lllbe '1'JO iill$4• ...... e..._ ...... . IJ 07 $ a., 41 llf ~ • ¢1 O>llll, , ....... 011117 ..... dllill Afrl1 Jtd..llaiCnJL Dr .. llllp&t llllil*.--.,.,._ Oe t fi.Q= • .,. • . Wd I. .... _
___ .. 'Ill ott•ti--. •lllllaaC"aMI ,.,_c.-olol-lllllr.tlra ----·"'Wclo_lo _ _,_ TbollooiJII"'*Io a' lr .. lo __ _
::"..:.,-;::.~... · ._-:!•;4 ;..,.t.;•ttt:~-a.•rur.-. L:~.:.=:s;~.~;.:=.!'::~--:s:.a:· ... ...,...--:_~~ en ..... ~,..
n114111t-;;•111t111 "*-• ....... *"' • a a c Dr .. ..._-..-,-. 1 --' .. ,.. ____ ,._,_ ,. ~ · • .w-.._::. -"~-. ""...,.._ • _.,__.,.._ • .._., ... ..,Ciolllllt•, a r ta au ' Ill'..._._ ... ,.....-., ··-,.,., ....... -.._ ... , a...ew••---·..__,... __ .,. ,,,.,.,....,.i,al_.,. .. :"'t~1 tlrztllt-· I I • ~ a, Ill WI 7' ~ ,..._ •11 All.,-...;.-;...,_,_ ....... -r.woool --,_ 1o -n.w. ._ _ ""..._. -Dr .. -,_.,,--.-· , ,,_.._...,.,....
r: 0 N S E R VAT I V f C 0 R N E t~
straight • .. ._, . :i-. oot .......... Ill nr.w ...... ...... ... c.... ............................... tD ..... tiU .................... ....
u. -~Now ... ._ 1111n. IMII :~rss'oa, a. Delio-....,edtlllttal.._lric*,.....
lid -10 -It ..... cnllc -llod IH "'lod liP" ftll I~ of
ly T .. An.II'M'n
TKE FAIIMII DOESN'T on HIS "SHAlE"" ,,. • ..._ .. -WIIIIul ... ._ ._..., oot lo -ntlll t11o ••11rouc 101-~·-TMI OPPIOAL piiN UIIIJM: ca-r ,, .... Cutro ......... Ftllll1, Jt .. • _,-ot..u .... Dd
OP I -T I While rk:h fannen aet ric:htr at the public hhny misauided and uninformed conaumcn D. ' • ... .._ ciiiiNd bJ..., u.t c••.._.. our MI:'OMI ID-
OP ntl an ........ I.Aot l ~ouah. poor farmcn '" not even aiJO\!Wd to think the farmer is aettina his lake out of the •• ,.,....., ... wwd --IIIJ..Milet ........ ,.-,.tel WcrUJ. I
THE HAitiOJt Alti:A'S OFFSBT NEWSPAPER ~w crops 10 feed their own animals. consta.ntly inftatina food prices. The farmer~ ... Mr. ,..._. at &D. J..ut FrSdaJPrnldlltNiaa
Oflb ... ,... .... pl .. I• tM E•it• BlliWJ.c, "Ovtrproducdon" is the main excuse aiven ac:tual.y ,eta only 3 to 4 cents out of the 21· ..._ ar.t it reprltlllll '"'''le llilll:lrJ ,.,._.. tiiU ODIWI.J ordlrtld tbl re•mptlon· of,.._
rru 1:. eo.. Jtwy •• C.... 6el .._ C.W. -92625-for the oriJinal sovernmcnt intaventioD ia cent c:osr of a lot.f of bread, !J9 cmts for uc:h poww to comuad adla:tn.tiM to ae...,.e aadtoma••••~W• CO'"' I•,... tUptl o11 Noctb
TILIPNOMII 61S.O,. (AI .. c..&. 71~) aariculturi: and for the continuina aov.emmcnt Sl spc:nt for c:t~ce beef, 2.8 ccnrs for tbe cora ud ........ 1 bu beiD tip U to do U from a poaltioa Kortl, ud NI"Yid aatlet that
control of aarlculturc. Ovcrproductton wu in a 30-anc box of cornflakes and 23 c:eots for adQpttd u tiiJt •• a a ol IIOW•. la &ll'lfioa ..Saa!al-"tbtJ wUl be JWO(tdld."
TD NEWPOIT BAI.BOI ENSleN'-•• oalr •= Plf• t::•M nothina new, of c:ounc. in qric:utture or any the t:Otton in a man's s• dress shirt. (Thal't t.tw"'Cili'OJidlocatldcaWu-.tn.tloal R-.&a bl4 bleD. Tbl ,_u .. , l.G Sat•ckf"•
_. ,......._. i• •• Cllr of Newp.n S.ec•, ...,.. •• Rlr ally other ~eetor ot our economy. There was ~ what the statistics I'm re1dina aay, but tbey Dtr A.,..., • route to LoGe detwrld by mlnUe ~ 111 morDIDI PIPtl related aa •·Ar-= p-:'J.::r:.:i:'::'~. tc-:::: c~~C..a •:call~ o.v~r-production of tobacco in the colony don't tell me when 1 can buy a $4 dress thin.) s..cL Ho dotlbt, to U. _.. TwUy ud 118n1Mrt Ia tbt m.ada Mat to Jl,fl recoo fllcbU .. c.... •• .._ c.uJ. ,.. ... pa of VtrJiflll nearly 300 ye•n •ao. But, •s any The farmer acts about $1.60 per hour for hls bee, 1t ftllld lmp)1 tblt 1 M~I'UII&D lltl.. Prtlldtat cottt." Apill bl ftlMd tbll
TIE NEWPOIT HAABOI ENSICN w .. Mj~ 10 M • •••· Adlm Smith economist knows, "ovcrproduc· rarm work, compared with the factory worker'• dwtll1ac,..elluld iD u.t l!llb-K~ dloH ratbtr to atta1D ••Amttlcu tatelUpocepdlel ...
,.... of ...... eJrcul•U-by co.., deere. ffo. A-201711 dltocl t~n" is •I most always a misnomer for under-1966 nerage of $2.71 per hour. Our rannen diYi.ID woold lacUealt tbat tbe ld8 ObjecUfl bJ curJlAc thl lDC 11bJ»1: ud piiDts wo.ald DOt
IIIIi)' 14, tfSJ. lo s.p.ior Cowt few the Couty ol ()-•:r• 5&•• of consumption or m1ldistributMM1. today Jet t~ lowest share of the aross national O'I'DII' WU ""'"'P'AI tp wWltlll OUYI t:l'ucb to the IDIID)'. Ac-be fl1r pmt kf\lturuttaet."'
CalUOftl.a. ~~,...... ,...,_, la qullllad to pabll all pQIIc The only re~l surplus is a surplus of aovcrn-prodl.ICt, the consumer dollar, the food dollar, Joonea." c::ord1a&tJ, bl dllpatcbtd aa U 1 fP'I,Pb Wa't to be pre ..
... ke• raq.M •-· ment worken, government interference 1nd the least return on c•pital investment, the PrMldeat JobDF. KIIIDICty, t.D. tmiaary tolloacowtod18corer Pll'ed to record the etlleC of
AKVO £, H A ................................. ·0 •-•Dd PUIIaber government lyina. smallest .... rcentaae of arou salts than at any h11 Mr)J ~PHCIIH0 chided tbl J.a wblt ar .. frteUoa txllted, thJ1 decliJoa \11011 tbt ..UOU:
Pte HAAPA ......... S.U.ISC'ii'iP.Ti.OM ... it.A·;:·~MOC:I•e Editor Awhile-back, one of our dem•aogic vote--time in t~ put dtcade. ElMDbower admlatstra.t.loD tor US wtat coaJd be doot to ot tbt world. u would lbow tbll
Ia H•bor Are•: O.o Y'l•• tc.OO; 2 ye••· 17.00 hunting politici1ns told American houacwivc:s Food in America is chtaper than anywhere ha.Ylor OODdueted o&UOGll at-rtmOft thetbreat.Endeatly,be 0111 "presttp llM'" bu tatea
Out ol S.bcw Are-.; ODe ,.e•.l\.00; 2 ,..., .. 19.00 over the airwaves what they could do to cut else in the world-few other things (even pot._ fairs 1D auch I maDDtr U to WU told that theM mUstle an al:lrlCJt ~d tura. How far
their food budgets. He then ordered the armed riciaru) are cheaper in America than anywhere CltlH lou of pre.Up &moDI bueB were a tborD lD tbt flesh aod towblt bel-altwtllucead
services to reduce the pork in the servicemen's else in the world. Why? American food i~ the tatlons of tbe 'f'O!'k1. :U~ ~let ~· &Ddml tbat 1 depeDds OD future t't'IIIU, To
diet, and the Secretary of Agriculture gleefully subsidized by the tupayer and by the farmer After tbe tlecttoo, bowtver, eupho cht be W'•tchtll.l Amerlcau, U IDII.DS
announced that prices of b«f and pork had both of whom have been defrauded by the SC::. instead ol IJI'eMmDc our re-IChJ8't'ec1 U they were temoYed. that we bne reacbed tbt polDt
dropped. Thus the President or the United called "farm program," the tax system, union rna1al.agpresttp, he proceeded They YU't,IDchrestartldootbe where we are tellln& "'II'J'ODt
States and his Secretary of Agriculture indi-racketeering the tariff system and "one-man to lqiii.Qder lt With III*Jdtblla doWDWUd escalator. eooc:eroed that we wtU DOt Jttb.. ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign
The way to immorality is opening wide
when a so-called hometown newspaper
offers suggestions for stemming out-of-
wedlock births among teenagers -by
birth control devices, by use of the pill
and mechanical contraceptives, with no
hint that there is any wrong doing or need
for moral guidance. The advice is given
in matter of fact language, as In dealing
with the problem of medicating a common
How accurately Alexander Pope des-
cribes this fascination for vice In his
tf Essay on Man."
"VIce is a monster of so frightful mien,
"As to be hated needs but to be seen;
"Yet s een toooft,famillarwithherface,
"We first endure, then pity, then
• • •
Informed conservatives knew that this
would happen: In all this controversy over
Introduction of pornographic material Into
sex education classes, who do you suppose
Is getting the ·blame for promoting Im-
morality? The conservatives, who are
opposing this pornograplly, that's who.
This has happened before. When the
smut guide, "Dictionary of American
slang," was under criticism, It was not
the apologists for this shocking book who
finally were censured, but its critics,
who were accused by one well known
ultra-liberal publisher of spreading por-
nography by public discussion of the con-
ttmt of the "Dictionary."
Now comes Dr. Ralph Eckert, president
of the Southern California Council of
Family Relations, charging that If any
immorality is being taught today, it Is
among the vitriolic attackers of sex educa-
tion. Apparently it is immoral to expose
Immorality. At least he is confessing that
there Is something evil to expose In sex
• • •
cared that : ( 1) Food costs are too high and one. vote" d~mocracy ' abudoo. He reilDQu11hed a Tbe uteosioD of eommun.Lst mU to N:ure eoemy ebllleoge1
(') f bl Bo . . coldeo opport.wdty to restore lDflueDce lDMorthAfrteaca.UHd wttbout reta!latloo. arme~ are to arne . th are untrue: F~ costs ~ave nscn far les~ than most c:o~· pr..U .. , WbeD he falled to act 111 to close dowo a bu-air '
And boch politicians knew it . Food prices are •ume< 1e c 1947 Fo< "'''"' food •• •· _ I ms s~n e . ~ I C, . IS durlD( tbe prelude to tbt 8&)' but lD Ul&t reCIOO, &lid our
up and so is practically everything else-ex-up m. that penod about J~ :i, whereas medec:al of Pip lDYa.sioa lDCubl. Ap..ID. presttce root a oose clive,
ctpt long distance telephone rates. So the care 1s up 8~'* and rent 1s up !S2%. Except be edei.Yored to achleve a Meanwhile Russian oaval
government is retaliating by investigating for the housewife-'s demand for more and sbowdowll .Ub Kbruacbw by aUCborWes eTldeaUy baYe been NOTICE TO CREDITORS
American Telephone and Telegraph Company. heuer packaging, "concentrating. frcuing. de-demi.DdlDC that atomic mlufles readlrlc our Admiral Mahan's SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
What we need ts a thorough investigation of hydrating, hcal·and-scrvc, built·in maid serv-sbou1d be remOYed from Cui»., buge air base ln that region, STATE OF CAUFORJUA FOR ~-:uvn,~rfll.' The prime culprit in our inflation· 1c~." the cost of food would be up very little. He achieved temporary reoown &lid our prestip took a oose THE COUNTY OF ORANGE
11ry sptral IS not the farmer. nor the manu· The cO!It of marlcr1ing food went up from •beD be establlsbed 1.11. lDcoo,.. MeamrtlUe Russl.an aanl No. A-624'70
racturer. nor the processor. It 1s government. S22.6 billion in 1947to more than S!S2.1 billion chasiYe blocDdeofCubaaports. a~iUes evidently han been Estate of ADELE CLARE
AnJ, to a les)er utent, tht: racketeering union~ '" 1966--1 JO"k m 10 years! The outcome of lbe epiJOdewas r~Sdlnc our Admiral Mahan's BAR~ also koowo as ADELE
which con~ist~nt ly Jemvnd anJ get more and The f11rmer has benefited lts!i than any other that Russia agreed to remcwe books relatiogto "TbeLDlluenc:e C. 8 Y, Deceased,
more money anJ benefit~ for I~) and less work . ~ctor of our soc tet y durmg this inflationary the otreadiac mlsslles from of sea power ~~~ Mstor)'," NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
But only th~ Federal Government has money period_ The l'a rmer's .1lturt' ot the food dollar Cuba, I.Dd the llbenJ press ancllbey haYe builta well bllan-to tbe creditors of tbe alloYe pre~)C\. II ha) a virtual monopoly on inflation. has Jeclincd.-American Way Features eapttall&ed upoo tbt wttbdrawal eed neet o1 tremeodous oamed decedeot thatallperiD!lS -----"""'-~"!""""'""""""'-"!".;.,""""""'"!""""'-~~~~~!!!!~---;; strength. Our ooce cberisbed haYlD& claJ.,ms apJ.o.st tbe aid DISPLAY FEATURES
Costa Mesa Art League Ar-
tist Gordon Andrew 1s teahaed
at Center street library, ei·
bJbitiog seascapes, still We
&lid 1a ooscapes .
LEG I 0 N N A I R E oaY&l ~emaey ls threatened decedeDI are required to rue
and we 110 lonpr .,.. claim to them, with lbe oecessa:ry YOU·
bantreedomotthe seas. I oeed cbers, ln the ottlce of tbe clerk
-----==-==--==-=__;=-_::_.::..::...=..::._~:....::.....::.:::::.. ____ only to refer to the disg:racetul of tbe above eotltled court, or to
__ N_E:.W.:.PO...:.;I.:.T;...:.H.:.A.:.I::BO.:.::I_;PO:..::;S:.;T.:.M:.:.0:.·:.;29:.:..:1:.., ;:AM::,:!;:III:.;:C::AH:.;_L:.,:EGI=::OH:.:..::•...:.."'":.:.OM:;;.!~6;_73-;_:!ID:,:70.:_ cue of the U.S.S. Pueblo, and present llcem. with the oe-tbe recent destruction of an cessary vouchers, totbel.llder-
• ELECTIONS, ETC. lost a lone-ranee wealber re-member tbe Pueblo! Now tb1s IID:Umed so-called "spy"plaoe signed at c/o Thomas E, Helfer.
The momll of May is the month coODalsaDce aircraft aod 31 of-outrace. Wbeo are we going to a.s uamples of what may be 1n aan, Attorney at Law, S50 E.
when all Legion tunctlons elect Ocers atld men aboard tbeplaoe do as our toreta.tbers d1d at store for 115, Snenteenth Street. Suite Z10,
oew oUI.cer s and transfer elis-over llM! North Padflc OeeaD Trtpoll aod otr tbe Bartuy Russia already Is claiming Costa Mesa, CaWornia 9262:7,
iDe o.ftlcers eUber ~ward or wblle oo a l'0\&1De mlssioa. Tbey Coast and teach tbese UJa pot .. nl ~emacy 1o tbe Medt-wtlleh is the place of buslaesa
out, At the last regular Post were shot dowD by two Korean dictatorShips that you can oat terraoeu, u lbe Romans ooce oltbe Ullderslg:Ded lnaU matters
Z91 meeting a tentatiYe slate Commtmist MIG flcbters. Tbe interfere 'lfltb Amerlca.a rtpta: did ud to ban tt cooslderedas perta1niua to tbe estate of aid
nf qualllied c:ootenders for va-OYerage aotlquated Nuy 'fer-oolbe b.tlb seas? I wolderw11lt "Mare Nostrum,"_ our sea. decedea, wlthln stx mouths
rlous Post offices a.ndlbeDele. slon of lbe Loctbeed Constel-the man iD lbe streeta of Tel Years ago wbenamovlebearlng alter tbe,ftrstpubUcatlooofthls
pte lists were drawn '41· Tbose laUoo airllDer ns tlying at tbe AYiY &lid Jerusa.lem tb.tnk of us tbat name was uhiblted ribald DoUce,
He bas been a resldeot of
Orange; County tor 15 years and
was actlve iD real estate unW
his rettremeat, He was com-
mlssiooed to paint for Services
For the Bllnd&mreceotlyc:om-
pleted a work symbolic LD
tbeme .
oomtoated awe&red before the speed of 200 Kts. wbea tbe and our pr-esent oo-retallatloo New Yorkers derl.slnty'labeled Dated AprU 17. 1969,
NOTICE OF HEARING qu.aJJ.neaUons committee and ~nook fighters dispatcbed poUcy? I'll bet DO ooeatl)'Where lt "horse medicine." An fRANCIS KELLY
NOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN were approved by them at that U with ooe air-to-air rocket. •otdd pt any with more tba.D ualysis oflbe trends now tat1Dg Francis Kelly
that on Mooday April za 1969 time. Now tbis does not mean Several of us here iD Post ooe suc.h 1Deldeot wUb uae place 1D the maritime picture Executor of tbe WlUoftbe
at tbe bour of 7:30p.m.,' 1D u.; that those approved are a Z91 baYe sened and floft wttll brulls. Did you oottce r.:nr sbows that lt may be tllal the above named decedent
Couocil Chambers of the City shoo-In for the particular of-FAW-1; Charley Hunt. Bob bJjlcklDc of lsnell atrlloers RliUia.D cl&lm of the rlcbt to Thomas E. Retrerou, Attor-
Hall of tbe City of Newport n .. , lar !rom lt. Cbarlloa, and myseU. Prosldeol leU off fo llotblllc after ""'Put <XHIIMit''lllf _......., u OOJ at Law, 3SO E. a..-Dth
Beach, located at 3300 weot Betweeo""" and the -!'lima &Dd COlorado COfer..., ,ac:r""@"-~II!OIPD "··_..fiii,PI "'bo<•.,.:,.~ ..... -INJ,•~otallea,
Newport Boulen.rd, Newport reruJu meetiAg. wbeotbe •lee-Johll lo't'e flew wlbl ~ wtli a __.mithlDI taa 011 aU cUCU.:/' •• ••fait accompU ,,.. C~ stez7,..!.:..642·Ul0,
Beach, Oraoge COUDty, Call-Uoos are beld, and eYeD OD the of the BlC ODe duriog WWIIlll tbelr IUctU7 PU-Am, TWA, u tttabllabed llct: ::. ' Attoney k EIIIC.&or.
foroia, tbe City Council wW floor tbat otctt, you can ooml-tbe Solomon lstulds camp&lp. Delta, aDd Amerlcu, pleue Ooe could go OD and 011 in Pobllsb: AprU Z4, May 1, 8,
hold a public beari.Dg lor tbe nate anyone foranyotrice. Who-I thlDk I can speak tor all of tate DOte m:llollow suit. describtDc how our pretttee 15, 1969, 1D the Newport Har.
purpose of determto.lngwbetber eYer you oom~e bas to be us wben I say that I feel en-W~Ue n are about tills bust-dW1Ddled da:rlDc tbeputa4mJn... bor En&tp,
the pubUc c:omenieoc:e and preseot; remember that fact. raged over this latest loeldent ness of p1racy we ougt»t to do
necesslty require Ulatproceed-1D the past there have been of murder aDdplnc)'ootbehJgb aometbJ.ac about Ecuador, &Dd
lngs be commenced toeonstruc:t oomiDees wbo tooughttbatc:om-seas committed by these Its ZOO mlle otrshore ,.laUr•oof
certa.ln street improvements mlttee approval constituted pollUcal crlmiDals. Amerteao ft.sll1nc nssels.
pursuanf: to the lmpronmeat automatic election aDd failed First the Pueblo -~· That's all for DOW, -Ted.
Act of 1911, belng Dh'llloo 7 of to get down to the Post for the
the Streets and Hlgtnrays Code big eYent. These people found
of the State of CallforD.I.a (com-tbemseb>es passed over. Tb.ls
meoc:lllg wttb Sectloo 5000 is tbe traY It is, and tbe way tt P·SSO'M NOTICE TO CREDrroRS
thereof), without compliance has to be, according to the by-CERTIFICATE OF BtmNESS No. A-6U51
wUh the Special Assessmeat laws. Tbere can be DD ln. Fictltloua Firm Name SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
Investigation, Umitatlon and abseotta electioos, oo more than THE UNDERSIGNED does STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR
Maj)rtty Protest Act of 1931 there can be absent outcers hereby eertlfy tbat he 1s coo-THE COUNTY OF ORANGE
said lmprovements to c:oostst of c:ooduc:Ung Post 291 busioess. U doctlnc a Senlce stat1oo bust· Estate of HENRY L \'NNE
the c:onstructioo of street lictQ just lsn't dooe, cess at Z6051 La Pu Rc.d, HUGHES, also known as H.
and sidewalks ln that area ot ALL fiAND), EVERYONE .•• Mlssioo VIejO, CaUL aDder LYNNE HUGHES. Decea.l.
the City koown as Harbor Higtt-Be here OD tbe BlG night; Wed-the ftctwous tlrm name of Bay NOTICE &S HEREBY GIVEN
lands, said assessment d.J.strtct,oesday, May 14, at 8 p.m. tor MobU and tb&t said ttrm 1s to lbl creditors of tbe abDYe
to be known asAssessmeotDts-the Post anouaJ election. eomposed of the fDUowtnc per-•med deeedeot tbatallperiOOB
trict No, 52. The Auxiliary will bold Its SOD whose aamelllfUIJaadplace bulng claims ap.lnst tbe said
For further lnformatJon, re-eleetioo of otftcers Monday, ot resideoc:e are ·as follow~ to-decedent are reqaiJ'ed to flJe
terence Is llereby made to Re-May 12, at 8 p.m. AU )'Ot1 wtt: tbem, wttb tbe DICeua.ry
solutioo No. 6942 whereby tbe Autliary members tate DOte Wlllla.tn H, Bay, 1818 Port Youc:beu, ln tbe omee of tbe
City Council declared Its iD-aad be tbere for that important Ati>ey Place, Newport Beacb, clerkoftbtabot'ee~led:coart.
tention to bold said beartnc tor enot. I think the same rules Ca.W. or to pr'estllt tbem, wttb tbl
tbe purpose of determlniDg about belncpreseot to be elect.ed WITNESS my bud lh1s 2'7tb oecessary Youcben, to tbt liD-PRAISE FOR CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS whetller theSpeclaiAssessment awty bere also. day ot>tarch, 19&9. dersfpod at c/o Tbomas
Governor Ro ald Re off ed lnvesUptloo, Llmttauoo and The Z9tb Dlstrtc:t electioos WlWam a. Bay E. ~ Attonty at uw,
Of THE '70'$ AT A '60 PRICE. n agan er some Majority Protest Act of 1931 are still~ 1n the a1r as to date STATE OF CAUFORNlA 350 E. Set'Weeat• street,Saltt thoughtful observations on ethical stan-should beawllcabte tosatdpro-due to the • .-. rosipattooot COUNTY OF ORANGE ... 210, Coota .,..._ Calli>nda
dards and education when he spoke Mon-posed Auessmeot otstrtct No. 1st Vtce Command• Jack ON TillS 2?tll day otlllarcti, !12621 whlcb t. tbe place o1
5Z. The location of tbe )aDd aod Nerln. AU Post deleptes to tbe 1969, beb'e me. 1 Nobr)'Pm-basinlss of tbe aderslptd lD day evening In Anaheim at the spring tbe oature of the work beloc district will probobly rocet .. Uc In """ lor aald eoaoty &Dd all matters pertalaln( to lbo
rally of the California Association of cooslderod wllhln proposed As-a special oottce trvm Com-lllale, resldloc lborell>, duiJ elllale of Aid ~ wWdo
Christian Schools. sessmem DlstrictNo,SZareset m.&.Dder Ken Hardma.D u to eomm'a:sloned &Dd ........_per-s1l: moratbsa1ttr.tbeftntpabU-
Iorth iD tbe "Prellmlnar)' Re-where &lid wbeD tbt electloa. soaaU.7 IR*J'ed WIWam H. caUoa of this DOUce.
He praised Christian schools as a bul-port oo Prqcosed Harbor Ht(lll-wtu be beld. E•eryllllDc huto Bay 1mon 1o mo to be the Dated AjlrU 9, 111419
wark f ality h God i t d d 1aDds street Uebt1Ag Special be done aDd cwu wWa bib"• peraoa wbose Mme 11 Ab-GLADYS HUGHES 0 mor • w ere s no ea • Assessme'" Dtstrtct", daled Juoe acoord!Da to tho bJ'-Iaws, serlboct to t11o wllhln tn-Gladys ""-
and he deplored the efforts to Introduce february 24. 1969, and """"" llecaose of the otato --atrumeot. """ .. .,_lodpd to EIIOCIIIrll< of lbo ww o1
sex education teaching In tax-supported oa a -destcoated E""'bll beld this rear ta SoA Dlt111> me lbol 11o aoelllod 101 ame. lbo ...,. ....... ..,_ ''A'', sbowtng tbe geoeralloca, .. JUDe ZZ to J ... 25, WtrWI::m myb&DdiiDdoalclal THOMAS E. REFFEIUfAH, schools without a framework of morals. u.a of the proposed tmpl'Ol'e-, • • • ..._ At1onoy at Law, 150 E.-He hi d t t meats ancl tbe lands to be as-POKER REGATTA.. L Kerr teeatb St •• Saltt !10. Colt& gave s en orsemen o a pro-resoed to pay lbe--eot Ntae ALYC momben &Dd Noeary hbUe ,. and l>r Ald 11,.._ Calllonla llla7·
posal that would ease the double taxation whlcb are 00 lite ,. 111e o111* their -· -lbo pre-c..ay &Dd Slate. &U-UlO; Allar.., b £..,.:
of parents who send their children to oflbe City Clerk and lbePubUc serlbecl ..., .. ...-"-' 111 Commt-•lll>tres AprU llrts. wor .. Director. Boy lui _, Ud tflo r-a. 20, 111419. 1'111>11111, AprU 11, 14, llayl,l,
private schools: provide Income tax credit ~uxy periiOIIowotaa or , .. toe""' Top Hud, Wu ll«rr8; 1'111>11111, Apru s, 10 11 u, 111418. ta t11o "-' -
for such parents. This would give parents u ,_.., ta reo1 property a ....... ., Jtm "'11-· ..,._ 111418, ta 1111 11._i lkrbo< Eulp.
willlfD lbo dlotrlct pr-to "" came to -Ud -Eulp. -and students -more freedom of cboice be ........, tor the -., ..,.,, 1111 ._, b lbol · LUOLL! UMMEIII
In selection of schools, and also help re-ald 1-emeota may tUo placo, p-aotli)<JOI!'•Inll7. SPAIII-I!IIICAM aJCOIMIS AT AGI! 74
duCe the cost of tax-supported schools by with 1be City C1ort, priG< to It na arlll fla Udall,_ WAR V!T!IIAN DI!S lAoclllo 11. lee-~
lbo Umo !lad lor lbo holrloc. -~ llod • -J-WUllut -. of 1111 ~ ""• lessening the need for more classrooms. ,..,_-... ob-U...R-"-""OI1loillllll 11, of 111 w~ ""~ ~~--Ajcrl1 u 11 a.r
c;aur TO ~v•~-~~~~~~-!:::::.r=:::.: Cona llt111ar, -Ajcrllll llo¢1' 1 ... -._ llolll, ~ ~ ~··-•• __. ·-~ ..._.. at <:-. -~11M, It"' I , -ltcatt-Loa y-._ ·-· dl-""-... -ol ............. ,..-PHil--_,.....,_.,. __
·-· ... Doo u---. 9Po<lal Aamaii\IOI ...... Boelt'a ~~-.. -tllo llo ...... Doc. ... ll'lf, --.. ~ Oooolr-~ _ ....... J-,Ud ol tho lllrbo< Ana~ aoo, U•cMotn .., lloJorltr oallo. Qorlto llod--to ..... -It ~• '* U ••••• .. • -WU.. llbd • ...,.,.. to ....... ucl ww bt ckiiiM• to tM Unt Prot.Nt A.et olltsL PJ • •• iae .,.._z, • .,,_...,.. ,... -.at liNd •car...e ... .,Colla"-ta 1111 a I.
lllf,f-,IM-to-; _.--"'• ob)ol 1••-be to.m-11111 .. -•lt-oi.U. Coootr .. W--.11-alq-ofCoolt-. ...
..., "" .... lflot liiJ Boo ... ~ ol ..... Ia JI"'Ud --ad· ~ toe -=-....... -.. -. -.. ...... _ e.oe IIIIo-..., _, ... ,.,..._,April., .. --ol ... Pl-lr It-Qorlo-...... .., 11011 --..,.-·-.. Coolt ......... -"" __ ..,._..._,_ -.... -Itt ........ -,... n --·-.. -a .. In Cia ..... __ = O:...~':u .. :! JI::-:Jt::'"...::of,_, :·~ -ltol It -ao ;:::.;-:.:=~ • .:,Z:~.~;.,..__.-:: ":r'U.:,:~
__ _,_...._ ftl --101 G. T. U.lltl ~ CliJ J(llt loot I •li-_. .... 0 , t -ofAo•ll o&a. J 1 pt 'I &i:t ..,--.::::.:, =·= ~.:=:.:..~~--== =-.::=-.:--~.;..;~ ;-;-;.Jio:a:_.·::.&!£1, ~.:--Pioo;"",t :::;~ -=.r ~, -~~~~~-J ... 1p,a.Ajcrll -.lfrl? U ... ll,lMf, Lui -J'?oot Air W11r P A I_U.. 11 .. -..... -1 1 -at 1 I --_,., .......... -..... COo--· ........ ~!!''... __ .... ·-
FOR 1969
(Firat 8bawD UU.. month)
I'ORJJ8, Ktllrl'AN08, T-BJRD8
DtiBDO OtiR 8AL1n'E TO
DOn't you 'inill you eould
trade your p"relent •terJins
pattern for your favorite
Gorham o"'inal daip?
If you•..., faileD oat oC love with the
aerlia& patwm you now have, we'D
replaee it piece for piece with a fiiDOUI
Gorllam S1erling Oripoal, and Y"'' poy
oaly -hall oldie JeCU1ar opeu sl<>ck
JUJI bring ialhe oll!rliag you DOW own,
--ol brud, ""'' weigh~ or ~nc.andoelectyourfavorire
&.. 21 Gc.t.am Storliag desips.
a-...... /. •li.aUtaflriiM. )'OK C..~,
... ..~~.~-· fw...JyS0%.9/. ,..,..._ ...... ,_ __ __ ...... _ ......
Choose from 21
Gorham Original
-GOUI II\' fOUCY M-et .... DMW 11M. MGUnl
Stephanie Ellen Mizel
weds John M. Spiller
st~~Jbtnle EUID IIIMU of
Sptller ol Harbor Htpt'Ddl U.
cllaDpd morrlap -· Ill 4:30 p.m. '"' Eula< -1. A&l<U &,
Ill st. -tba Dt-Ep'-l Cbart:b, CoG Ilea. Tba Ref.
Jot. W. 1'\oNMIM COiliM:ted
tile llocla rille -· Tba brlda, -Ll tba -lfller ot Mr. &Dif Mrs. James
E. IIILioD, 3Si VLIIa llaya, CooOa
Mesa, wore a wta1te )ace pn
1rllll boot .a, ..., olio carried
a D081PJ of tabJ W1dte caraa.. --.... _. br.tb. Pamela YosJar oi.New-
porl S..cb lttandad blr u maid
Pblllp Splllar, broll>er of lite
p:oom, sorrod u boll mall. MRS. JOHM M. SPILL!R llu1d SI>W• ..., Cralo IIILioD,
brotbera of tbe JOUIIC ~le. mate their bome. Tbe croom,
•ere tbe lllllers. Dale WlWams wbo 1.s tbt mo of Ur, ud Mrs. of CoG-otnod U ..,._ Cbarlu B. SI>Ulor Jr., 1514 lite. l!t ... Gr-PoloJDLI of ADila LA.. Harbo< Hlpla .....
IIIT.orb' lllllf, """ t11aa ~r~..t a~oo ·--Area of tba brldo..., bor famliJ WU ocllooLI ..., 0raDco Cout Col.
at tbl CII'I\IL lep. He iJI 1D lbe U.S. Army
A r......,. b' 100 ftiMds ue 1s scbeduled to report 6:tr
'ftl beld at Cbe Bea.coo BIJ duty m the Deafer area.
bo1D1 ot tbe bride's matana1
_._. ..... Mr • ..., lllra. FORUM WIHS AWARD
Walter M. Ka.e. A sc''"IC at Tbe Newport~W:esa Edoea~
tbl rec:_.,. wen MelaDltiQ. tion Asmclation's ''Forum'' is
uU, ...._ al tile bride; James wUIDer or tbe 1969 Arthur F.
E. IUsell Jr., brotber ol tbe Corey Cbapter eommlmicatioDS
bride; Mr. &Dd Mrs. R. D. award trom lbe 165,000-mem~
Mel>l.ll1.el of 11aAJ.1a, 110cle ud bar Calltor'nia Teachers As-
lllllt ol tbl bride; Josepb SpU~ aoclaHDo. 'Ibe sta.tewide award,
ler, m-otbel' ot tbl poom, &Pd U a. Forum editorl.a.l ona.local
Mr. ud Mrs. Way~~~: Dutro. L&sue, was presented to ~b n. bride tu..ted Newport Stecuaeir Jr. at Ute sem.i..u-
Harbor .. hoot I Ud Orup IUill meett.oc ol CT A's state
Cout CoU.p ud pl&u to ooo.. COIIDdl of Educ&Uoo at Pa.ci~
tla. blr edw:aUoD 1a Dlafer, fie Grafe, DBU' Mooterey, oo
wbore tile J'OWIC cooc>la will -'l>rtllZ.
Blast oft ·for Ensenada ,
a..Jta. Yacbt Clab..W ''blut uststed by Vice Commodare
ott'' tbeir sailor I Wednn117 DoG FrukUD aDd R.r Commo-
Jdcbt, AprU 30, wltb a Mutcu don EdWt.n steen Jr., witll tbeJr
put)' 1111 lbrtaehl bud liD wtns, wUJ beoodeckasotftcial
-l!lam ........ dlll(lo "". ...... .... llra.RobortWC>OCI'nM,ao-EMMA MAY TAYLOR
tortalomaal dtalrmoa. SUCCUMBS AT AGE 66
BYC bu beea a bee bJ" of Emma W:ay Tay)or, 66, ot
ldlflly u stlparl .... cren 1983 Newport Blfd. CooU
cbeek oat tbeiJ' boats to aYOkl Mesa, died Aprll 19 d Cosb.
::,. ':,~~:: llesa llem«lalllo~
-. of cr-wllloot sa11 Sbe .... ,.... JOlly 13• l90Z, noroc~~;y lll1 I & tba ZZDd 1D P....,.lfanla, came lo Call·
..-I ' N--P-t .. E• _, forllia aod U•erJ to CJraDct ,.c~~t nee COUIQ the last 10 years.
Co~e Darid SmUey Sen'tces were beld ~rU ZZ ===::;::======----------.' Ill Balli C-1 Costa Ilea Y1tb tbe Ref. A.DCJrew C. AD-
u ... -w.
lfl lime ,,..... eN' .... ~
•itt! wfli .. or~'"'v coll•r
tiHt .. " 110.00
lAY !<Of DI!Yf
Wettt.W. ct.c:tM ~ .... ,._,.twit
ilt _..,/whit. ttrlpe ,,_ f.lt. SU.DI
dersoo ol PrlDce ol hlce u.
tberao Cbutcb u omctant
Back in the okt days a thine calkd a "tonic cup ..
was a favorile remedy for almost anythinc thalt ailed ' you. ~ loO. You took a cup IMde of binc:r
wood ... added hot watcr ... kt it st«p. Tben, when
bitea-, you drank it. Simpk'! Yes. Too bt.d it didn't
do any JOOd. Nowad.)'s !ICienc:e &iva us more rdiatMe
medDtions. Even so. 50fllC people still take "horne
remedies" when their illneuc:s require: more effective
medication. Play safe. When you or a member of
your family il ill, ltJdt profeuional care. See your
physician for diaanosina and prcxribina ... call
us for pracription lefVic:e.
-1L CIQUT 8WL -· -. IIU ocr,. ....
• CAROL OLAJmER, daugtter
• BE'il'E CCIUfEUUS. du--o1 Yrs. Wahlers OlaDder ot
.,.,., of lllr. ud lfro. Iller I c..-del liar a.ad Dr. Robert
CorDeUIII of 9!5 1'uaaa Pl., 11: OlaDder' ot Nnpxi Beacb is
Ai>rU Zoala clrl at Coala .._ tile Ai>rU Zoata ctrl at eor' ... ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;;;;;;;~ Hlp Sebool. Sbo Ll-body del liar Hlp Sebool. Sbe Is
tr....,er, drill team commu.--AFS presl.dtd. stOut bodJ
da', member ot tbe Rw:l«lt ae-treasurer, a.od member of tbe 1 UYWel c::otmeU. Gtrll Le&(ae uecuttn eotmdl. AettflUes SACRm TRWUR£ HOUSE
&Dd GAA. Sbe serYid u New. dar1D( pre'l'ioas J'-.r'S tnelude YOUI. CHitiSTIAN ..,._y ClihM
port etty treanrer oa studeat studeat oouocll, Pep Club, Ger~ a •• ~..~-aOOKA . •....:-~-c-o.
peromem day tbia schoOl man Clllb, GAA, stadeot coo-Gtii"T• -CAHD~.-.. -,.,....,. •T-• ,..~
Jell • bu beeD selected :u P'ess. drW team. class tree.~ ..... 6' Mea Onlpn Ace 0 ...
"most lllrolnd Hlllor clrl," stlfer durln&ber sopbomoreaM PwONIE e"'e-e3ee • cc.TA ...-.... c:.-.u.-. ••••"7
aDd la ''seoiot staDI'kMJt'' for )l1ruor Jeu'S, Sbe ha.s worked at II.J 1LUT I ... IT. I Mt ~It_,.....,... .......
tlM .:bool yearbook. Otbide tbe Balboa Yacht Club tor tbl .-... '-...,....
acUrtttes 1Dclade wortiDgas a past 3years,aodbasbeeD&et1Te I!~=================~ sa.leqirl at a loeaJ drugstore. 1D Na.tioaal Cbarlty Leap WOI'k
Orco Co. Sbo plus lo altolld 0raDco Caul tor tile put 4 years. Sbe Is
Collep for Z years, aDd lDteDds a member of tbe semoc
to be u alrUDe stewardess. Sbe booonry 90Ciety aod 11 a.o.
is a.1ao lDW'ested tD art, aod l.s Americans Abroad candidate.
eoastderlnc a car.eer as a Sbe plans to leue lor Earope
.... ... '$ ·: ~~ ., ....
fa.sb.klo des1per. oest October. -... ,._It • ._ O.L....._._.,._
I NtAV 1~ •
~ ~
.3050 E. COAST 1-UG~WAY
NEW'ORT IIARSOR OUICJI N . t H ~~r:reLi~':&: . ~~~~ers! ~ .... ~!L
COIIJIIA DEl liAR, CAUF. , 8oJ-11r. 6 Mra. hod a. l, WPna,lll-at.""'·
··-ILurr IIIID-T ee•aoo,.,. -Loot, port-. -• -eo.-. 8oJ-)lr, 6 MrL DlnJI ... 5lLa$ AWAJID . _..,_ -· Mr. 6 MrL ~ L. Gci!ldWta. Ill ,.,_ 114., a•.-"-loool '117 Do-SJ!p4anr~ .. ~-St. ~Ilea. a1o1o Dmo, lui -. ou eo.-. Bor ·-Mr. 6 MrL Ra
nceiNd ... """"'CJ'"' "'-' Gb'l-Mr •........ ea..r ...... liiS 8abr st .. eo.la
-1M-Ullllar-El P'lorll,. UO Cool« Ill., ~~--Bac8tYu A1axtaHm Mo. 10. Colea M-. Girl -Kr. • lira. Micblel
ol Loo ........ • TUESDA.Y MARCH I$ MeCIOU.., IU-1/1 AmoiiiJot
lllr •• _...., ollllo--Bor-.,;,6Mro.Ra1Rork, St., lllllloa~.
load ~AI'. reeelYOd lllo 106'11 Paio Paai> tc, IIIIDilllc· Girl -Mr. • Mro. Carloo
award from Abrt M, Trice, toD 8Mch. Wbleler, 18'79 TuUD An ..
cllainwt ol tbe sa ... mu's Boy -Mr. II Mra. Rlebard Colla Mea.
aWVdcommittM,attbi:UDal 'hlte'-'1, 197& Tea.twood, Boy-Mr,,Mra.Wm,GIQ..
~ saleJma.D'I I· CoD Mtsa. dfoD. 19171 Ramdell st., HIID ..
-.......-.RolpiiW,Jiouol • WEDNESDAY, MARCH U lillciOr>Boleh.
lds OOIIIIlUJ JPOG801'ed bim as Boy -Mr. & Mrs. James • MONDAY, MARCH Sl
a t:Aadldlte k tbe award. S&lJWQOdl. 10021 Sptrtt, H~m-Boy -lib'. I Mra. Wm, B.
8ooeh. Hor-, 177 Morq ea.,..
-Mr. 41 Mrs. Wesley Rd., Sbore Cutrs.
MOMI CH ~c....,. IOMI ·~·lito~ 2!15 Vuta H~~erta. Boy -Ill. ' llrs, Armeodo I '"lAST wtoA ILn. \ ••~rniiiiSi[>Ay Flores, 540W. Wllsoost., Costa
il,IAI.IOA KIHSII.A· 173-4MI~ I , MARCH 27 Mesa. =-------':. Mr. & Mrs. BUl Bey-Mr • .t. Mrs, Robert
• OPINS NICttTt.Y '•U ·~;;~Z041ZKell1rol'tbCircle, Xeabiber, ?Z7 Oweo st., Apt, F, I' Beach. Hlllllll>cfoo Bolch.
MOW SHOWING -ENDS TUESDAY -Mr.AMrs.JesseL. Boy-Mr. 6 Mrs. Gory 1 :--·~0, _ 2179 FairY lew Rd., Walllnr. !244 Canyoo Dr., Costa '~ Mesa. "Joyous.'!... Newsweek. • Mrs. JactSte-"****'!... New York. wart, 2053-B, c ~oarae st., costa Mesa. "A gem."-Washindton. -Mr. & Mrs. JoSEPh
6 ~~~~~9871 Garrett Circle, "A smash."-Chicago. Beach. "Funny."-Philadefpthia. Boy-Mr. • Mrs. Melvin L. Beadles, 863 W. Zotb st.,
"Outstandind," -Boston. Mesa.
I 6 -Mr. & Mrs. James " mpeccable." -Pittsburgh. cret>er, 101 Jade Ave., BaJ-
"One of the best." Island. I N.O;!OI;J.;,,Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas -Christian Science Monitor. 2161 Amertcan
()tls•erver·l" ·~~~;~Mesa. "Go see."-National MARcH 2s ,'1 1 Girl -Mr. & Mrs. John Ove l·t."-NBC. D. Sorrenson, Z88 E. Bay st.,
Costa Mesa..
OFFICERS ol tbe Ebell Club o1 Nowpo<l Blodl, 1D be
Inola lied II lllo 11111 luoc._,ll tbe c-Ill lloll>oa
lDc:bdt, from left, lira. C, R. Forbes ol WHC N•wport,
corre'IIJI)Ddtoc 81ClltvJ; Mrs. Jamu A. Barc:layotCIDtn.l
Nnpart, recordfne IOCl'olar)', &1111 Mro. L. ll McBride ot
N nport llllcbts. tbe Oft prestrteot, otber omc:en to be
lutiJled art Mrs. Harry Gotts, 2Dd 'lce..presldttot; Mrs.
Frank Mertel, Srd t1ee.presJdeDt; Mrs. Bruce McCartaey,
o&th 'lee.presldeat; Mrs. Ray Nlelseo. flDuc:tal .-eretary;
Mrs, Cbll'les E. Kelley, treuu:rer; MTS. lAoo Rudd, awtit
&1111 budpt; Mrs. Rlldolpb Vanasek, parliamentarian. Mrs.
Claytoa 'l'llomi>ooo a. outcoln& president.
st1 I8UOil eaded tor Laurie
Fiatt, 107 8a)'alde Pl&ee.
CoroDil del Mar, wbeo ber st1s
aod alumlDum poles were taken
from their baactnl place lll the
pr&&'l betweeo AprU 13 ud 15.
·.' .. ' " . ·. ' . . . '.
Boy -Mr. & M.rs. Da.oa
Hell, Z167-l/Z Miner st., Costa
Boy -M.r. & Mrs. Marc
TRINA MOORE, at left, 1.00 Lori Whitney are pictured iD
varied !JI)ressions of enjoyment at the DeY SYtmmJ.nc pool
at the Orange Coast YMCA 1D tbe Back Bay. Half.hotJr
classes for pre~schooters are belog coodueted oo Tuesdays
and Thursdays by Cathy Ferpsoa Cullum, 1964 Olympic
backstroke champion. Linda Bruooo 1s eooduct.Lng classes
oo Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
COUJWKl" !...., HI .., ,..._.,.,..
R. Larson. Z700 Peterson Way,
40-C, Costa Mesa.
Boy -Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Fisber, 1379-C Baker st.,
1!1 -COU-1 ........ 'ou:>H lt .
APRIL 24-25-26
CE~o lOt BAG
:: OCC finale
for Scoff
ot the Cotmty
Assn., a.ooounees that
general membershf&l break-
meeting wUl be held at tbe
~=1~Ba~y ~C~lub at 7:30 a.m. April 30. Mayor
L. of Costa Mesa
Newport Mayor Doreeo
Yar·shall will talkonlbeOranp
Airport &1111 tbe Harbor
"'• .. ·~··"' ·+"'
NE\VPORT . (--· ._.. •.• • • ., .• ·r
The loot DoWie 111111,. In lhe c.u..ty
1 Time
20 words or leu ...... .... .. . 1. SO
21 words to~ words . .... 2.00
31 words to.«> words ...... 3.00
Eoch word over «) words .. .05
2 Times
3 Timu
100" Financing Available
AI so W~ Carry
Ou r Own Contracts
20lf> Harbor Blvd.
COsta Mesa
$1"·"·. Ace.•• 100, 10111 -..
PAY ap 1D $1,000 tor .
SU:Unray Graod pim::l, Wrtte
P. 0. Bo> 1685, stucuo City
C&lltorDia.. •
·--........ "' *loa -a _.,...II..,, ....................... -·.a&-.o?--'., CDI. 11).m4.
-.... ... , ... ,..,
loDIII. plctwll, -... ..., -............. ~ Clll 1'11-7111-
lliL p Alll'l'lll<lll. --.
'rill 1111 ... "'"'· Prlco or :·~·~b~~j·~·~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~ --·
__ ...,._
Rev. Kunle is installed
-C)llld<., pi&Jioc -nlt£clws lit lin to a P111-
at 515 Seaftl'd Rd., Core-.
HllbJ&Dds, IIMt morlllDc oUprU
4. ODe nil of IIMt 11-
tacbed pn.p wu IICOI'Cbed
sllgbtly and there wu ~mote
damage before a oelgb.bot put
eM tbe Dre WUb a p.rdtn bo81.
HIGH Performance Tires
Open Sunday 1-5
1126 GOLDENROD • , • 3 BR -VIEW -POOL ••••
EX<;EP:J10NAL YARD. -.. ----..... Ill ••
Duplex-Ocean View
$49,500,00 ••• LET tE SHOW YOU THlS BARGAIN, ••••
Open Saturday 1-5
3250 East Colst Hilflw'Y
CofON del M•, Californil
fltlont, 673-2212
64%-7141, OR EVENINGS 673-0312.
We coald ., oo &Dd oo about thls .kweiJ' home-bow It
bU ~ larct &Dd cbeerflll bedrooms, a den, S Wed
blllla, CU1>0IIIIr aad s111o1 -floors, allrldl" flnplace, •clou lfotDr room, _..... d!Diacaroe,
roomy, _, l:ltcbeD )1st redecorated w1tb ... YiDJI
lloor conr1or. nl""""raadpelal, DMriJ ..,.dnpos,
ud 11n11ten, Jow m~t ..... nee lloct--.pLDc, bi.DdJ
Nnport llolllU loca-_.. scbools -ud ool7
$17,500. CaU u _, aad ... Ill< ,.... .......
1~-1503 ANYTDIE.
Every ch11d dreams ot having a
pony, a dog, a creek near by, IIOJIIe
hllls to roam over and, though the
ch11d doesn't realize lt, parents that
have qult the rat race and have the
time and the lnner calm to be pals,
or, at least, not active, yelllng
BULL LANE, we have the Ideal loca-
tion for a family -1.65 acres over-
looklng the GROVES and ever changing
Improved with an older 2 bedroom,
1 bath, home with Uvtng room with
fireplace, large dlning room, TV
room, screened porch for Indoor out-
door eating PLUS a bunk house with
3/4 bath.
There Is also a nice 2 stall barn
with tack room, an arena, 3 corrals
and 2 small pastures. A large hay
barn, a 2 car garage and a large shop.
$60,000 cash
or 1/2 down and the
balance $300 per month.
p. a. palmer Incorporated
U17 Vlo u• Otoole u..
.. _,. --fioot tltoL.A.-.... MAS..
RANCHO LA CUESTA -If r ou·\o·e
m1ssed the closeout of RA..'\<.:HO LA
CU t:i>'TA 'S 1 other unils . . DON'T
E<~<:h succeedmg unit costs more. so
tal.:e advantage ol these prices . Come lr
see our models on Broolcburst at Atlanta
m Huntington Beach . There are 1 &: 2
storJes. 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or
.1 baths. Mission tile or shate roo!, fire-
place.~. concrete driveways. heavy rough
cut beams. built-ins. family rooms &
dming rooms. Close to Huntington State
Heach. These beautiful homes are priced
from S2.f.995 to $34,200 \l.'ith VA l)r Con·
ven tiona1 financing as low as 10'1-down.
J';o 2nd TDs at 7.2r/(l interest. Call
968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM .
••••• IINTBD
Furnished or unfurnished 4-bed-
room home In the Harbor Area -
near beach. Would like carpetlng,
drapes, etc. Ensign, Box A-109,
Corona del Mar.
--OR CALL MR. AMES UTER 10 A.M. -IIQ-1~1 • •••••••••
q.. '11-11. R-1'-
For Sales
& Rentals
332~ .. eo ...... o~o~ .._ -673-1550
q... 'n--'1. ~-''-
Professional Building
'1 ~ A IIOIITR. ,
--~ -~ •
. ..
Autumn pecan panelling, accented
with antique guns; touches ot slate;
spindle stair ralllngs, set the mood
of a most charming and friendly
3-bedroom home. ·
Formal dining room, 2 baths,
spacious kitchen, sun porch, studio
and guest house with kitchen, and
possible wine cellar. Balcony over-
looks tree shaded grounds. $64,950.
3036 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar, Calif. 675-1662
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l
Sales through the Multiple Listing
Service ot the Newport Harbor-Costa
Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $14.7
million for the first three months ot
1969. This represents 370 unit sales
and an Increase ot 2<1l, over the same
period ot last year. List your property
with a Realtor today .
This home features 112 tt. ot frontage
on Ocean Blvd. -wtth a I!Weeptng
boat entering or leaving the hartlor
passes thi8 point. You woo't need a
tranqulllzer when you 11-.e in thi8
nerve-eootblnc 3 bedroom & dell
home. Price rec:eotly ncb:ed to
$88,500 • ..,a
Empire debs named
rw: li •--will II C.... Altlllr l'oeil; Karoo Jill h ... ..., ..... Pllilrbup. Mr. Uld Mrl.lilr--ar·rej&t, • -·at '-tktr ,.........._-·Pula
~EIIPOIIT HAREOR E~IQI 'MIIIIDo\Y, N'IIL '!-1!11 K" d E I 3 t 2 ;.;;;RIIST~SE=-CTIOII,;.;;;;;,..-.....;-..... ~6 ~---=OO;:;;;IIOIIA;;;;;.;;;;OE:..:;L IIA::;;:R...::;CAU:::.:F. 1 ng s e ge ag es o
Church New. TlloCGroMciiiiW'S.Kiop oolla-llfflt Loon J to I
1M ~ C.., CIDII Glt6-Loolao -..-, Kr . a.l MrL -c... Till boll will llo Jolio -Sl>orlloc; Mary ..ad Jl'ttlll1, J-10, at tM Cbrl.ltiM ~~ Mr. aDd Mrs.
....... liL WaU. l:larrta Wb1te.
Htn att tbe .w.t•ntM aDd ""'-Pate ball committee
II&H rdtllolrlloldGOird,.... wllh lllllllolllr1'1&
Tllo c;;...... Bllllo caorel, se11oo1, "'",..._..,Cold-1a .., 1n11o Lropo lullrlboll Ill t11o -!AIPO. 1M ~ .r. ... 11 1JR st., e.G woU---WWoc Ia TII"''ICJ br oc1C111C 1!-la ~owpart -Sollol"alloldOII
Kra -••()od•r ordrr 1br 111r CGroM, ell I Mar, IIIII p11u 1o 111&11 -J lo t T-,.. lo IlleS P--I I-I ~
Mln''wtllt.tbe..r._top6c tlatt Ml4llf _..leta U.t 'he EaCIHout-blttMIUDciOI'tl' Sua A-. V.U.y. Tile
o1 Putor HearJ £. Joaea tDr ta J-. 4 to s. tMt commlttld 5 erron Sa.Uors are 5-l-1 ta"'IAIIW· tbtlr PIU'IID: members are Mta.lobiiRobert
lA Royce J11 AUoo, Mr. rad Sl>orllaC. HarborKoyp<HideDl;
Kra. Roy 1-soo AUoo; Mrs. Stewart Petorseo, boU
Kat• BI.Ut)o, Dr. ud Mrs. tbalrDWl; Mrs. Homer Elsloa
-ldnrd Elsoo; Naoey llonrd, boll co-c:halrmao;
S.e Btrc-ao. .. r. aDd Mrs. Mrs. Roy Etblelltme, presen..
Gartb st.....n Btr.-.; Marta tatloa cbalrmaoi Mrs. Jolm
MueUv Cbat!Der, Mr.I.DIIIIrs. O'Hara SmJtb, patroness cbalr.
Murray ChotlDer; Suau Mar. mao; M.rs. Allen Thomas caret Hart, Mr. aDd Mrs. For-Helms:, reservaUons chairman;
rest EdWI.a Hart; Kerry Lee Mrs. Jolm James McKerreo.
HJU, Mr. aod Mrs. Edwin Lee post-deputante chatrman; Mrs.
Buklty; Lisa Marie La.Uihlln. EYan Searle Prichard, hostess
Mr. IDd Mrs. WJ111am ArDO cbalrman; Mrs. Wuis Edward
LaupliD.; Cbrist1De Joleen Pratt, pubUctty cb&trmao and
MartJ.o. 1tr. IDd: Mrs. Carl Lau-preseotattoo luncheon cbal.r •
renee llarUD; Susan AM mao; Mrs. John Wright, trea-
Meado&a, Mr. and lUs. Leroy surer; W.rs. Harry Vert Kemp,
JobD Meoclosa; Boaaie Joelleo decorations chairman; Mrs.
McDooa.Jd. Yr. aDd Mrs. Erik Robert Cerf, lnvltaUoos chalr-
Cbrllt1aa L•ue~ Marilyn m.lD; Mrs. Daniel EdWard Gll-
ka1bleea Peek, Kr. ud Mn. crest, Keyootes cba.lrma.o.
tbt 9 ud 10:10 a.m. SUDdly • • • lD tbl Geld. Tbe KtDp artaow WMtern wu der.ttd S to I
oertle<s, Gutll -ker 11 ? Tllo Flrll Bopllll Cloreb ot ?-S ID lbo Loa ... , rad lho by ~lb pla<r Sula AM but Ia
Dr..,_,. CI•MffiJ, Pwfect r•••Ueu ef tiM
... ef ,._ ...... ,, et I~ rettlac-ent if
• NoSh~... • F'•lec:l [¥a~ Htlf!1
• No f'*oc DM•ooo.:•., • ~lec:t ~•• f'oldtnl . ,,., ................. .
• lenM M.y a. Au-a,..d
a·,_ htiMaf•• •
p.m • ..w be tbe ReY. Pt..lm.-COlla Me•. JOl.....,uast.-Eacle• ue 1-7, 1D 51b ptace. lttU at the tcv ot tu Ltacue
OIUol<u -"" pastor ID EIN, Dr. P. G. N-will-Co.ta llosa stiU wiD-tess, wtllla 6-Z-1 record.
Nt .. r~ llld toacbor ol lllp allla.m,OII"TIIopUIIIIOt-loot lla IOibLoaguopmeTues-SO!HC! fAIR DATE S!T
eeboOI bistory UWS Bible at tbe UIIS tbe lllrtUI.C&Uoa ClfCIWI.at.'' Cll.y, boWtAc to ttb place FOUD-Tbe Oruge CouatJ Scltaee
mlSsioD school. He U oow par .. At 'l p..m, be wiU ADiftl' ques .. ta1D Va.Jlty 4 to 0. Fair wiD be beld May 14-18
Ucl$l&UJlg 1.o ••Operatlon flre-t1oas about the ruurreclloa Tbt flrst placetlewasbrokeo at Santa AQl Colle ... DMdllne
braad." a procram tor educa~ body. T.esd&y Digbt a.s tbe League for acteoce projeetiiiJPlle&Uoaa
una: internatlooal students at N • ~nit •Cb\ar leaders battled It out, a.ocUtac-for jw11or1Dd:MD.Iorhi11Uchool
Biola College in La Mtrada. ewport Y ch, .................. " ....................................... students Is UaJ I. JDdps IDd
• • • meettnc a! l5tb st. a.ad lrYIDe WANTED teachers at toca.l ICbool fairs AJe., Cutr HateD -"Tbt per-
The PlymoutbCoagreptlooal feet law of Uberty" will be the BOATS. Would Ute to rem or wiU select projeCts to be eo.
Church, 3262 Broad st., New-sermoo topic of tbt Ret. Lorea leue 27-30 ft. power drive tered 1n the couaty rtePl.
port Heights-The Rev. Nor-Fllcklnpr atlO&.m.Swadly. He boat-to use weekeads. Must GROIN liDS CALLED
mao Brown's sermoo topic for will coocNct bis ZDd elaulntbe actommodate 3 or 4 ~les. The Corpsoi'Eop.Deersotllce
the 10 a.m. SIIOday service will "prosper tty developmem Piease CODII.et Michael Ames 1n Los Aoples bas ca.Ued bids
be "I have a secret." to 1 u .... 13toreoastruc • course" at 7:30p.m. April SO. U yoa are lDterested or 1mctw r p.m. ~ -
THE HAYDEN CA\EEYTRJ:hrtllopeoTueDy,W...JIS, for a • • • • • o1 anyooe else wbo mlgbl be. Uoo of S stoae crolns 1D tbe
Umtted eogagemeot at Alejandro's restaurant 1D Corona del St. Andrew's Presbyterla.D The Unttarian-Unlnrsallst Reward. Call 842-1451 after ocean off West Newport aDd for
Mar. Trio member$ are, from left, singer Josie, wbo also Cburch, 600 st. ADdrew's R:t., Church, 1Z59 Victoria St., Costa 10 a.m. till ftom Newport Pier to
plays the drums· Harry at tbe piaDo and Haydeo, s1nger CWf Haven -Or • Cbarles Mesa -EmUy ChaJI\I)ape, a Beacb..
aad electric gutb,Lst. Jdste wn torme'r ty wtth tbe DeCastro Dterenfiekl wHI.~reach on "The Unitarian mlnlster, will coaduct
Sisters. possible dream at the 8, 9:30 the service at I 0:30a.m. Sunday
Bus driver lauds students ~·:~·~:~:~r:.:~ :"~~.~~;~s~!-~~~~~
Prlocipal Cbarles Godshall the conduct of Harbor sh~eots church,. ground: aoo ~ciUtles. ster of the Unitarian Fellowship
of Newport Harbor High School on their eastern tour. Lutheran Church of the Mas-of the Foothills iJl La C~
has received a letter of ap. Charles Theurer, who drove ter, 2900 Paclfic View Dr., aDd ls exctw.nging pu.lplls Ws
prectatton from a bus driver the chartered bus for 45 Harbor Harbor VIew Hills _ Dr Wtl~ Sunday with the Rev. Roger
tor the Grav Line Tours for High students on a 10-~y "dis-Ilam Eller wiU preach ai 8:45 Walke.
covering America tour durtnc and 11 a.m. Sunday on the topic, • • • Dutch Boy
opens soon
Wbeo the mood for a double-
decker namburger and OOme
made deep-dish pte can't be
resisted, kxal residents of Co~
fODil del Mar can headanytlmt!,
day or night, to the 24-hOur
coffee shop, "the Dutch Boy."
3050 E. Coast Hwy., Coronadel
the spring vacation, wrote as "Wait Oil the Wrd .. based 00 A plannJ.ng: session lor choir
follows: "You should be justly Isaiah 40:25 _31 , A ~lal cal-directors and ushers for the
proud of each and everyooe of led congregational meeting wtu coming Billy Graham Crusade
your students for the mumer in be held at 9:45 a.m. in Anaheim Stadium was held
which tbey coDducted them-• • • last n1Cbt at St. ADdrew'sPres-
selves, ladles and centlemen Ctalstiao. Science Churches-byterlan Church of Newport
aU ot them ... In the many '•Probation after death" 1s tbe Beach. This Is part of there-
years I han done this type of subjeCt of this Sunday's Bible cruitment pro)ect tor tbe 4,000
work_ l bave never met a P'OICI lesson-sermon. Sentces are at voice. cholt and 3,000 ushers
of young people so p-aclousa.od 9.15 aDd 11 am Ia Newport for the Crusade, wbtch will be
charmlng •.. You,str,andeacb &tacb, 11 a.m."in.Costa Mesa, heldSept.2&to0ct.5.
of your m.culty members should and 10 a.m. at tbe church 1a MRS. ELVERA DOWNEY
be very proud of yourselves to Harbor VIew Htlls
know a Pb bas been well dooe. • • • • D I E$ . .4. T AGE OF 65
These are men and women, not , Elvera Oawoey, 65, of 296% hJ.WI beats ,, St. Michael s and All Angels' CeyloD Or Costa Mua. died Ol.lpha.Dt. owner of Ale~ """"'•'<. (Umost across the
added thls restau-
hls chain aod his set
es or · Eptscop;ll Cllurcb, 3233 PaclUc April 21, ;; Hoac Hospital. She VIew Dr., Harbor View Hlll5-ns boro Nov. 26 ,1903,1DCaU-DUR DPENIHG SPECIAL OFF!R IHQ.UDES,
The Rev. John Rogers Dnts fornla and Uved in Orange 1. YCMII lnlntint the •ndtln• In -{Pieaa•).
opening tor May 1. The col-
fee shOp has been completely
redecorated, along with his
waitresses, who will waar Dutch
puttlts with colorful aprons.
Mr. Ollphaot has coffee s hops
formerly lmown as the "Wooden
Shoe," 1D Santa Ana, Los An.
reles and Torraoce.
Sil: board members attended
Na.tional School Boards
Assn. CoovettJ.oo in Florida,
April 12 ~ 15, •b1le cltizeDs
tacit home were decidlng
whether or not to re-elect 3
of them, Roderick MaeMillian,
Lloyd Bl.aq)ied and EliZabeth
LillY, victorious iocumbents,
along with James Peyton,
Marlan Bergeson aod Setim
Franklio made the trip. Donald
Strauss did .. ,t attend the coo-
ventlon .
ROBERT HICKS, Mineral King
project manager for Walt Dis-
ney Productions, W'IU be-the
speaker at the Aprll 30 luncbeon
meeting of the Costa Mesa Of.
ficial Greeters in the Mesa
CECIL H. SHIPP AM Legion Hall. He wUJ tell about
SUCCUMBS AT ACE 75 the Mineral Kine family resort
Cecil H. Sblppam, 4615 Cort~ to be developed in the Sequoia
laod Or., Cameo Higblaods, died National Forest. Specialrecoc-
at IUs OOme April 19 at a~ 75. nition wtll be paid to Jotm
Mr. Sbippam, a retired VaUely of Balboa Island, guard
jewelry manutacturer, former-on the oatJooal cbampiooshJp
ly with Hollywood Creative UCLA basket ball tea.m •
Jewelers, was born ill Liver-
pool, E11gland, Marco 31, 1894. WALL-VAUGHH RITES
He came to Calltornla 65 years IH $AMTA AHA $UMDAY
and Uved in Ora.o.ge County Terry
years. Mrs . .
[lo~::.:~~·~·~ are tUs wife, Mesa, wUl take 2 soo.s, James of Cos-Ann Wall to be h.ls
and William of La Sunday, April 27, at the &_~stol
'Ml.ractl; 2 sisters, DeUa and Street Baptist Ch~~rch in
San Diego; 7 p-a.Dd-Ana. Thebride-to.belsU>edau-
cblldren and 1 great-grandson. gtJter of Mr. and Mrs. LeiiUIII
Services were held April 22 Wall of Santa Ao.a. She
at Pacific View Chapel, with graduate of Sallta Ana
the Rev. John Rogers Davis o! School. The prospective ifOOm
St. Michael's and All Angels' ns graduated from N!!wport \
wlU preach on ''Christian Clti-CountY 4 mooths. P.S.J'II carry yovr Moctl\ft• \11.
zeashJp" at the 8 a.od 9:30a.m. survivors include her bus.:
communion senlces tbls Sun. band, J. Ot1s Downey; a son, 2. D•llntlng ran (wh•re tt.• bobbin Ia).
day. The annual parlsh dinner Georp Taddei of llllools; a 3. Adlntlng vpp•r and low•• tt~talona.
dance wtll be held Saturday daughter, M::s.JerryDoubledee ._Oiling ~nachln ..
evening, May 3, at the Balboa of Costa M~sa; S stepsons, Bill ''J:ICIK Bay Club. Mr . and Mrs. Keltb.Stanley, and Bob o!CostaMesa. l' MESSERSCHMIDT Proprietor
Nelso• are reservatloo chair-Rosary nsrectte<lyesterday Repairs -Every Brand a_nd Kind
men. and mass will be celebrated at
• • • 11 a.m. today, April 24 at St. 3732 E. COA$T HWY ., CORONA DEL MAR
MulDers Church, oon-de-John the Baptist CatOOllc (Ac10u fft>M th• Fin C .. wn•)
oomtnatiooal and eva.ogeUcal Church, Costa Mesa. Iocermeat DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE
church oow meeting at the Little will be at AU Souls Cem-!tery, PHONE: 675o-6564
Theater at Corooa del Mar High Loll& Beach.
411 E. 17th St.-Costa Me10
• You'll never defrost again!
• Flip-Quick Ice Ejector to free cubes
instantly. Two trays.
• 23.8-lb. size full-width Meat Tender
• 17.5 qt. size full -width Hydrator
• Door storage for eggs, butter, snacks
Eptscopal Church a.s otticlanL ~Har::bor:,,:f:,i=~------,;,;
The search for a mlsstn,
party led by Sgt. Guy Peterson
aod otltcer D. Scruggs of tbe
NeW)X)rt Beach police at ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'"I 2206-1/2 W, Ocean Froot,Cen-SALE! SALE~~~~~ Now at MR.TOM'S
1/3 OFF!
171<41 t7).1"'
tral Newport, resulted iD. a
~rrests oo narcotic charges.
William Cataldo, 21, of that
address, was booked oo tbe
charge of possess1oo or mari-
juana. Pollee arrested tbe A:tl-
lowl.nc on cbarres of beJnepre-
seot where narcotics were used:
Richard Berg, 27, of 2206-1/Z
W. Oceao Front; lames Rteb-
mlre, 19, of zzoz.c W. Oceu
Front; Willter Waite,Z7,ot'2206
W. Ocean Froat; DaYtd Rl.o-
doJph, 35, at 128 391b St., Wut
Newport;-Tbl ........ 29,
ot 2208 W. Oc .. Froot; Pamala
Sweet, ZS, ol G&rdeoGrot'e;&DCI
Lava Della, %0, of AJabelm.
AllMOND sotiiiTZ
Dl!$ AT AG! Of 61 Do .... _ 0. Sclualb, M,
ot ua 0nap ....... e.G
II--Ajoril II II lila t.ome. He wu: ban ill K.-.
CUy, ~ Doc. 11, 1100,
ltM. • ... uoUtJ a • ... , ........ _.,_
......... lila ...... ltU-
drOII; -lllo-,lln.--_.,,_
SWrlewwlllllllldU ....
--· .-u .... 811 -~~-------------------------'·~~
~ .
• E:' DOORSOP!HAT9-'-Il <t:>l ~~'R~
•~'"'~'~ .fl="2E'E~E ..,. .,. ~ SAVE UP TO
• ~'t::£ef"F $}00 v~n-2E c!. ~ HekQI,_.,_. .f01~~\Allt~EQS
0 0
ewcomers at Hoag
• SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Boy_ Mr. 6 Mrs: Jolla W,
BoJ -Ur. 1: Mu, C!Jdl D. Wtlku., 716-C Shill mar Dr., a.odu-., 126 Cottap Place, Colt& Ilea.
Colt& Mea. Gltl -Ur. ' Mrs. AlYert Boy-llr, 6 Mrs. A. Hl:rkJ!r Bebu' M41 KtDIJ..DC'OD. l.&Dt
OIRa. USl Rldptield Dr., aunttn'ctoa Beach. '
HWIIUDatoa Beach. Boy _ Mr, 6 llrt. Terry A,
Boy -Mr • It Mrs, Gordoa Sbeward 1005Z Sprlt. Hun-C. Morrow, 7Z4Aieppost.,Eut UDctoo B.cb.
Bluff. Boy -Ur, ' Un, Wlll1am Girl-Mr." Mrs. Ju.tia P. Klelll, 18Ul U&fiPPie, lrrlDe.
Colyu, ZOSlZ Reef, Hattnctoo Girl _ Ur, • Ura. ROIII.Id TWO NEW MEMBERS were welcomed at a reeeat meetlDc of
Beach. KlvP., ZO'IOI SaJq>lper, Huo. the Balbo& Bay 1Joas Cii.C> at the Vllla Marilla r-urut.
Boy -Mr. ' lira, GeroaJd ttnctoa Ba.ctl. Starwtlnc. left to rllbt, are Dr .JobD£versSr. of eo.ta Mesa,
E. Cook, 2107 OraDp An., Girl_ Mr. 6 Mrs. Jeffrey 1968 Chiropractor ol tbe year, aDd Nlck Florio, maaacer of
Colta Mesa. F. B1rd, !029 Pomoaa AYe., ~ the SlC)el'1or branch of Newport NaUooal .1Juk. tbe Z aew
Boy-M:-, 6 Mrs, Paul D. Costa Mesa. members; Or. Jobn EYerS Jr., also a eo.ta Mea. ch1ro-
1fbeeler, 318 Ogle St., Costa Glrl _Mr. 1 Mrs. Robert praetor Uld club bulleUo ec:Utor, aad Mario Pacl.aJ..procram !'••· y u••cu 1., J. Bater, !1121 Bn.ata Circle, cba1rrrw1, Oranp Repoo secretary, and owoer of Roue ol
SUNDA , -.An " HUDUnctoo Beacb ALFORD J. BECk, 208-1/%35tb Color lD Newport Beach, Seated, left torlcbt, an Col. Waller
Girl -Mr.' Mrs. Richard Boy_ Mr. 6 'urs. Norman St., West Newport, is a reeeat Dunn. JpN.ker lor the efanlng. assoelaled wttll tbe Cout
Surmoo. 1009Z Signet Circle, W. A.zeoe, 1101 Toyora I...a.ae, graduate of Soutbera Ca.Uforab. -Federal Sutngs spea.ters bur-.u; MarllJD VarDey, cuelt •· .. _.,
Huat1Dgtoo Beaeb. Newport Beacb. EcfuJoo Compuy•s truspor-trom the Newport-ll'!sa ScbOol District, reclpieDt ot a $100
Boy-Mr. 6 Mrs. Jobll P, Glrl-llr. 'llrs.Dooa..JdH. tattoo school. He is employed cbeck fromtbeUonsfor harxtlclllPfldebildreD.UidAl Hewes. r-t-<,.., ... ~;'·
JoDts, 1936% Olaoa Terrace, Mc.Ktbblo. u·;IZ~~P~e~m~b<o~ .. ~as;;•~lor:;e~man;~al~lll~e=co:m~JlO.II .. YI'Is ·e=l~I.C>~pr=est=de~'"~~""" ........ .;. •• -.ol.trlam·c·sl~.,..·1d.ar 1tlle·""·t·.~-~--~~~'!~ Huntin.gtoo Beacb. Westcwr. Santa Ala aervice ceoter. ol Cal.Uora.ia. • MONDAY • MARCH 17
Boy -Mr. &i Mrs. Rex R.
Reno, 141 Via HaYTe. Lido Isle,
Girl -Mr. &i Mrs. Da.rto
IT'S DOUBTFUL 1f p-lef-strlcken over-time parked car
owDers will notice, but Meter Maids "saody" Turner
and Judy Lee ot tbe Newport Beacb police department
bave dlsearded tbetr former drab unitorms and arewearlog
pretty, royal blue suits as they patrol city streets.
Oliva, 887 Center, Costa Mesa.
Girl-Mr. &i Mrs. Glamton
Buck, 910 Enrp-eeo Place,
Costa Mesa.
Girl -Mr. ' Mrs. John
Pembrook, 2867 Hickory Place,
Costa Mt~sa.
Girl -Mr. II Mrs. Robert r--------------------, Splckard, Z31 Magoolia Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
All plush,
all practical,
all wool broadloom
Elegant, y~ with ruggedness for active living, at a
price well within your budget. Plur.h hi-c ut lustrous
wool pile ~ched faintly with a poinsellia pattern.
E.t.quisite color choW:e.Andonly $}3.95 a IMI· yd.
""-'Jl'S 646 0276
pelcJSioMI ...... ., .......
0,. .... ~ ..... ' "'" .__
., ........... $6.95 ·~w ...... $1.95
SUIOIIDS . . . . S.ts ' ll.ts
$5.95 $6.~.95
$4.95 . $5.95 . $6.95
Boy -Mr. ' Mrs. steve
Taylor, 121 Agate AYe., Bal-
boa lsla.od.
Girl -Mr. • Mrs. James
Bradley, 2195Ralelghst.,Costa
Girl-Mr. '-Mrs, Ricbard
Redoutey, 1802 HaYen Place,
cwr Haven.
Boy -Mr. ' Mrs, James
Batley, 21362 Fleet La.oe, Hun-
tington Beach.
Boy -Mr. & Mrs. David
Felde, Z6« Rtnrslde A're,,
Costa Mesa,
Girl -Mr. & Mrs. Slgvald
K}etla.nd, 2580 Carnegie Ave.,
Costa Mesa..
Boy -Mr. & Mrs, Daniel
Pawk>wski, 10351 Pua Dr., Hun-
tington Beach.
Boy -Mr. & Mrs. Jobn
FearDley, 9561 l..udford Dr.,
HutiDctoo Ba.ch.
• TBtftsi>AY,-<IIARCH 10
Girl-Mr. '-Mrs. JaM E.
Breckenridge, 211! Saot1agD
Dr., Dover Sbores.
Boy-Mr.&Mrs.L. Muw~u
Lockie, U31 Bamboo, East
Girl -Mr. & Mn. C, T.
1 ..:::;•;~~·::01 Memphis, No. 10, 11 Beach.
Boy -Mr. '-Mrs. stanley
M. Hanson, 2465 Elden Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
Boy -Mr, & Mrs. David M.
Noer, 2904 Ellesmere Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
Boy -Mr. '-Mrs. Don G.
JOhnston, 1585 Otange AYe,,
Costa Mesa.
Boy -Mr. 6 Mrs. Michael
P. Rogers,2208Delaware,Hun-
Ungton Beach.
Boy -Mr. & Mrs. Antboqy
J. Villa, Jr., 21591 Damora,
HunUogtoo Beach,
Boy -Mr . & Mrs. Darrell
Allen, 579 W. Bay, Costa Mesa..
Girl -Mr. & Mrs. George
M. Foz, 1958 PeUcao Place,
Costa Mesa.
-' .,.. • • • 3.511111.95 IIIli STA& ,.., S1l11
-• IIIIIIJ • lAWS .... 118 • !IIIII ---SIE • IIIII J.75 I* JJS
:.-:-........................... ."~ .. ••
. • • 1&7.51
• 4.15111115 .. uuw .• Wlltul
·~ ACI'NC: . IAYY ., -·-SIW ..S --SIW .U . __ ,~
-SIIIJNIU .... --an• .. . '.s ~ .. ..
• ---. '
• • • • -
It's finally happened to Newpo rt Beach (and to the
world)-a genuine. honest-t o-goodness BUG-A ·
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it houses the very latest in serv•ce and diagnostic
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playini: the latest changes m the V olkswagen line
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During the world 's first BUG-A -BALOO. Iverson
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BUG-A -BALOO refreshments await those that
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Nrl 1.-z
COIIDIIA oa liAR. CAll F. .. _ .. _18 __ , ,_ .. _ a_ .. ,. __ . .._ .. _ ..... .,,_,.,.
r"D.., I f 1!: J:..•,_ ,_.. 18 -.... , .,_ ...... ..,. .. __. .... --.. .................... , ...... _ ............ .... _,.. ... _ .............. ... -r-+-... -f 1 1 .. ..,. ca-. "'II '"' ........ _ ........... _
•te ...... _......_.__,...,._:u-.. ...._ ...
.... will .....,. h ..... .Ia IWL 1 .... I. ..... clq' PI .......
.... I I
CUID~ ...... _ .. ___ _ ................ ......, .... ---11..._ .... w.•ca--..at:t) lt .. __ ... _..._ .. ,...., .. ., ......... _,. ...... -........ _. .. _ .. _."F ... _Il_ .... _.,.,
• , ............ 1: ,..... c.-•-•• •-.. ~ ca-. •:~, 21 .. _.,. .... b ... _ ...... --··) " ......... _ •• eddte,...... -............. _ .. ,....
(0... ....... )
•• ..... ••••• (Eao4, ... , ., ....... -------.. ... -......... •'*' ~ ..... ........ (C...U41) ., --•••••cta .... oa...a..r ..,..,__ .... _ ... ........
r.;;;;.. ......
•• -.. II • I (0... .:21)
41 -'allk cal ' • (.._, Jl:IZ) .,............ ..
._..._WIIIII(a.U;JIJ ...................... ,,1 b ... w r t 'a city C ... ~ .,, .. ) • ...,. cea-., ..., Ct a.,. WJ
........ c ....... , • --..y --.·cs-a.u • 'hb£0· ••• __,..... .... -·-·sa. •S'f..,.. -...... --__ • w-.a....-..._ .. ....., (,.__
1::.1). __.
5I Altw-. ... ,..._.
ltltw &. alta.._ -• ..... -2 ............. .--...... ...__, (&ada,,.,
I .............. -• ., 1 • _. .. ...._ .. _(&.4
---(J.oOo ... , ··--ol-(0...11'*) ............... hill ..
~o: ·• ........ , ...... , . .,
~~--··-.............. a:-4. 11:17) ·--·--·--·--., ::r'"" ..... -.. -,_ .......... ___ .. _ .. -......
.... ?=:4 ... ,. ........... _ .... , ,.., ................. . .. _,..-.. ..... ,
• • ......, ., 's' a so ""1M ..a.
-.. __ .. (WI We ... I· .,,
G • .... (~ .,41), m H· a ...._ ..., • '"-., ---.._.CJUo.,., ... ....,., ..... , .... ,, .. ,
............. (AJdi) .... J Cf ...._ .. ~ _.a (0.. Crt) • • n• • (D ..... IsiS) ... __ ... c.. .. .... , ................ _ .. ,_. ..................... _
(O...Jldl,~l) u -...... (0... lhll) II ............ ,..._U....Jrll: ..... , se...a. ................. o ....
11:1: lltll) '
In I Cot. 1:22 .. •re told thllt
"the Jews ~'~~QUire • ~~crt. 8nd tiM
GN8b ..... •h., Msdom. '' Thtl
douW... is why God c:hoM PMM,
With his profound lnt'all8ctual
l»dd&round •nd .cumen, to pro-
c~m "Chnst crucified," the '"wn·
dom of God" •s wetl • the
"power of God" (I Cor. 1:23.24).
P8ul w•s a lifted lccici8n "
well as a theokJiitln, •nd nowhef'll
Is ttl•s more wident th•n In his
Epistle to the Romans, wheN. by
divine inspir.tton, M presents the
loCic of God's plan of MIV8tlon .
A&•in •nd aaain, throulfbout the
Epistte, he uses th.t word so
prominent in mathem•tics •nd in
lotic: "ttHtrelore."
"Therefont thOU 8rt lneXCUS·
able ... " (2:1) .
"Therefore by the deeds of the
l8w there $h811 no flesh be justi·
tied in His sight" (3:20).
"But oow the rigtr!aausness of
God without the law •s m•m·
tested .... Therefore we conclude
that a man IS justified by f8itt1,
Without the deeds of the law"
(3:2 1.28) .
"Therefore beins justified by
fa1ttl we have peKe with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ;
by whOm also we h•ve access .
. ," (5:1,2) .
"There IS therefore now no con·
demnation to them which •re in
Chr1st Jesus" (8: I).
"Therefore. brethren, we are
debtors ..... (8: 12).
"I besee<:h )'OU therefore .
that ye pn~sent your bodtes • hv·
ins w crifice . . " (12: 1 ) .
"Behold. now IS the accepted
t1me. Behold. now •s the d•y of
salvat•on" (II Cor. 6:2).
"Beheve on the Lord Jesus
Chnst, •nd thou !thalt be saved"
(Acts 16:31).
.......... _.-c. .......... ' •• .... ) • thq. lti.Dd Wore Oarilt for
. C.f." --........... Dt. ,__ I. -· .... Cl••· j~ ' -.~, ......... J .... _..,. ...... __ ~·_.,,. fJ~feD~ ,_ ••••ma .. ~~rea o ~ ~ ~H PC*Ir-lltiG tB ~ Grillo 4S:l·IS !:!}":/!' c::-a-.:;
JChw> t il aa ._ot of the c:ea 80Dtpt the mercy ., abun· c:ou.ld deceiYe him, and Jadah
wW e ol .,... lorci• m oat1 ~ puwided ..,. Go<!--11id, "God hath fOOIIId out th< the frait ol rr-ucl ...._ So-Pother, throach 1_. Ouiol our iniquity of thy ..,....,. : behold,
taD la .wr lriDd aor forJR'iac. I..ord. we are my lord'• tcfTUtl: both
ud .....,., -. ddiuico, ox-JC*ph .. .,. his brdhreu a w<, mel be abo with "hom th<
actQw Ia,.., without-or banquet mel wu apecially cup is found.'" Joo<pb offered to
ldndfiDat <W toltraDce.. POI'Jift:· ctoeJout to Benjamin. ]bey let them a11 co home, t:xcepl he
DtU. boweta, ia an attn'bate ol thoua'bt that they were m11rinr would keep Benjamin as hitter·
God. Sataa lmowo no true for-a ,.., hit with th< ruler oi vant. Then Judah and his br<tb-ci•-mel -bet nothing of £mil. "ODd !bey clrm1Jr. aad ,... w<r< complrtdy brol«n in
the ldad. -a ...-, -sal>-_,.. mary witb him." They spirit and they humbled tbem-
ltitate tued OD humaD HOti· did not {'a.lh:e that they were selves before Joseph, while Judah
-. Natu~ Ulltior the cane m.<"<Jr ptWIIS iD th< J':<"' clto>M. with deq> f<clin, relat<d th<
ol liD doet DOt foaJive. but o:· the ditec:tioa of which wu fv whole story of h1s arrangement
-the ultimate pt,_ For· beyond their control. Tbcy with Jacob, and Judah offered ci•-is a pan act of ,n... ........ !bey...,. ....,.,._ per-to become th< slue Of Jooepb •f
whkh is an ....,owth oi Jo.e-~f...tinc with the ruler ll<ojamin ond his brothers could
mel God it ..... p.._;...,... o ; bat. u a -ol be released, bcaiusc he ... ~
is DOt mere sealimt:ntality. fact. Q1111111a to1entec1 thlm be--that he could not bear to
Wbeoever you hear or think cause of bia IOYe for his father .re "the evil that shall come
or exercise ru1 foraitenets, or aDd Beajamin. and, in God's on my father.'' and I suppose he · · ~-~ -~ u.ht. •'-...,. still aiMerL ........,bered how Jacob bad
It 11 exa-u.u tow~ J'O'I, JOU ~~the tat. Tbe men's moumed over Joseph and hi!l
may be ab.olutely sure thlt, di~ __ ... _ -.c.n.-~ with food and own Nllrt in that evil deed. rectly or indirectly, it bu been ~ ·~· ~ ~ actuated ..,. God. OfteDtimes. J'*.J'!>'s cup was pat in ll<n-Tbe complete humility and s<lf-
however, forgivenHs, like other J&IIUD'I -.de.. The soldiers fol· ucrifice of Judah al\d has brcth-cifts of God, is imitated or per-lo1ftd the mm and ove.rtook them. reb sand thd r livts, for Joseph
verted; that is, JOmebody o:-They ttil1 tboaKht that they had revealed himS«:lf unto them and
etcises a kind of forgi:nness in a ... puU" with t6e rule! of Eppt not oo.Jy forgan thmt, but ~t
the hope of ra:ciYiftc in return Wlth whom they had JU~ eli~. then to tdl his father and bnng
an ncn larcu amount of favors, and. they were ~ng tn the1r his whole household back to
aDd, while the oficiual idea ol fr:dmg of abeolute mnocency so Ee:ret. It was repentaocc and
fof'(ift:DeSS came from God. ~ --:ren~ to the extl"clnr and humtlity that saved these brcth-~-•--• ch . . said, "W1th wbomsoenT of thy no on-en•~-. m su casa, tt ~a · L.-j--• both let h ' · bei UJed by Satan for bU eri.l ~ts 1t uc uuuu, . •m But the bt'Othus never for,or "' This . ol lbe die, and we also w>D be my the;r sin, ...., though Jooeph
purpoees.. that God lS ~ lord's bondmen." In a few neYer reminded them of it, ex-::i.:: law, ~~~ mommts they were sorry that cept to point to the great truth
tan hu 00 aDd caDDOt they had sP:Oken so ras~ly be-that God rules and overrules.
. 'tat .t ~ cause, to their constemataon, the He said to them 17 years later
•m• n.E• LAW o/' UR ~ilv~, cup was found in Ben-after /.acob died, and ~ ~
Janun s sack. And they rftumed and ell down before h1m and
The old law for the Hebtewa, to the city Mjectcd, defeated, and said "Behold we be thy ser-
whicb was never bpt in ita com-desperate. ''La: him that thinketh 'VUlis." .. F~r not· for am I f:!:"'"' by anybody &Del wu he atandeth take herd lnt he fall." in the pla.ce of God ? But ;;u
Jrolc.en .}!l .. everybodt!;. eucpt Their righteousness had proved for you, ye thought. evil against
esw, -..... An eye .. an ~· to be filthy rags their innocence me ; but God meant 1t unto good,
and a tooth for a tooth (wbic:b had turned mU.: complete guilt to bring to pau, as it is this day, !::: Jesus.::' had to~~). their boastings ~re empty tbei; to save much people alive. Now mr;n to . bre Of&IYCD optimism was deflated ~ werr therefore far ye not : I will
:: their ~ ~y .to bnfoildered and confu~ they had nourish you, and your little ones.
. extent . their rec•proaty nowhere to turn, they ..;ere com-A n d he comforted them, anrt
m ~ fo~r:SS ~px ~ pJeteJy in the power of the ruler spake lrindly unto them'' (Gcl. rresstOD.a rs. ~as of Egypt. They were without 50 :18-21 ).
our debta, u we foTgln: our hope. Millions of individuals are God is always willing to for·
debtors... B~ the law of grace gomg through the world today, give. T.he price of our ~ins ha.i
and. truth, which came by Jesus dependinc upon their own right· been pa•d by Jesus Christ, our
Christ (John 1 :17), bath ~ eou.mess and their own standards Redttmer, of whom Joseph wa."
me free from the law of am of right and WT'Onf and an~ boast· a type, but pur salvation is only
and death ~em. 8:2), and, for a · f ·•~ sai-'b tho h available when we believe and
Ch . . • --1-f . tng 0 UJII:Ir ..... .} u 'Ill ope-. ns~. . s • uoc: o ~ m lesJ they wiD be ~hen the nat-repent and subject oursel"RS fu11y
this d1~boo Of rnce IS, Be . that ••-t , . ted io tO Him. Joseph's brt:thten wert a
ye kind one to another, tmdu· •n 1 •15 appom un . men type of all of us sinners. There
hearted, forcirinc one anotbcr. ?Dee to die, but ahrr th1s the has been 00 change in God's plan
...., u God foe Chriafo ..U l~ (Heb. 9:27). How Of salvation from that -lorci-.,.,... (Epll. 4:Jl).
Difficulties In Q, s.. ..... c llw* -"II Got/ ;,..
tDids partidl blint:bw:u 10 ,,., 01'1
lsTwl until He rllievtn tlwm of it, con
WAlt step in bet~ with what our wiJt.
it ond what Got/'s will isr
Wheo ~ famine i:a Canaan
.....,elled th< sons of Jacol>--
to O.vid was the dir«:t outeon'K' erccpt Ben~amin--to tran:l tn
By Robt-rt L Moyer, D.D. of his ~ upon thr Lord. Ec:rPt for ood, Joteph. under
Late putor of the Fint Baptist Church a~~d Deu of the North, In 1.br mkht of 1M u~ c:ampel&n the pidance of God. was able
wntem Bible Sclaool ud Se•inary of Minneapolis. MiftllHOtL you have that bl•ek chllpt«'r in to maintain his patience and rc-
Stll'"r .. PP ............. ~
A. God has predicted that partial blind·
nna would remain on lsnel until the
fulness of the Gmt.iles be :ome in.
Yet, pie-unde"tand that it is not
God's will that any individual in l&rHJ
should ~ain in blindness. "But ~
unto this ~y. when Moses is rud, the
vail is upon their heart. N"ertheleu
when it shall tum to the Lord, the
v~til shall be taken awiily" (II Conn·
thians 1.15, 16). The Lord U not wrill·
in& that any ~hould perish Our zeal
in reaching the Jews .... ill not be inter·
posin«; our wuh against God's will.
This desi~ to wi tn6s to them U a
spiritual urge wrou~ht by the Spirit
of God 1 Romans 11 ·2i.27)
,_ ••nt E J'WOitO Q, THE LOIIO"'-... JOtt, ...,..._..._, T-"" 371 ..
whic:h O.vid plotted tlw! <k-ath ol strain his natural desire for re·
Uriah in order to tude his sin with ftDCe-A lesser man, or one who
Bathsheba. Tbr waves of noift and was ~his own life, apart
~nn • ._. "'"* .. .,...,... .. •
terrtbk-judgmtrnt broke owr the from r ~ murbt have scomfull.• ~;~= house-of Davkt Cor this periORal eel~ b' •L-and ___ 1._1 IBW AD ftW mDfGII iD. the Bible .,... whick _.. ~ God Ever A•thoriu !TW'nt . Such a job wouLd be heart-killing. You !1(1(' the dltreft'noe. Aa treat m:1 rOuiiCn IIIUUI.QI readan Mft ._ ....... 8Dd .,.. which ia6IWia ...,.
Hu•an Gonm..eata bN'aking, indPed, but not one that kina:. Davkt wu the &OYernrnent, them (betaux they were now ~ -.1 ........_ t'-God'a """D'"MKI
to Tak~t Lif~t'! would dispieaM" God, for, we ~ and as !lud\, an lnstrwne-nt In the-in his power). and runinded ::W7 ~-::::::... beaa--:!::;.
Our answer 15 Yn. God ntab-peat. such killing is not murder hand of God to brine Judcment them of his old dreams, but ..._ ...,.._, ~ dUWrea. ..._. to be
lis.hcd capital punishmrnt in eon· but the judgment of tht> livine up:m MUons; but as an individual, Joseph was not actuated by re-alaiD.. 'l'bua, for a k we ,..... Ia
neottion with tht-estabtl.lhment of God. whm D•vid contrivNI to bring venge or hate, but by the love ~ au, 17 -tid. o....,..,..t ol
hul'ftllll eovemme-nt. Ht" put inlo •bout the dt>ath of one tnlln, God which he had learned from hi s God to the~ ol ...._.:
the hands of man the hiehHt God a lso authorizt'S a:o\·em~nts eharg"' him with murder. contact with God "But du. ol tt-:-=
principlfo of IOVf'mment when he to take life . Qa:, the Kine of Bash-THE IIOTHDS TESTED ~ ~~ ~.:::!;: ...
deifotl:ated the powe-r to Wuo Hfe an. and all his people we,. ap.. Should N•ti0ft8 Enr Declare 1 , .._. .. 1 rt but tbou abalt
undrr ~rtain conditions fGcon. 9 : pointed to de•th by God INum. Wu! -Josepb. however, dKI demand va.n: ~ ct-; ~. tbe Blt.-
61 . 'That power and govf'mf'l'lftl t is 21 :.33...J51. The UIN' is t~ of Si-Our answer is Yu. N•tionl have that his ten brotben abould bring ~ ..a. the A 1 .... the c gn.i-
God·KiVl'n. Wf' mean that the tak· hon and the Amor-ltft:. We ,.ad magla:teri81 functions to perform down their younger brother, Sal· ..S. .._ hb:dtrrro .. m.tlrr.. aad tht
in1 of lif«' in capital punahnwont ~ that brul "utterly dntroyed the foe God in ck-t':larina: •nd. ronduct· jamin. and kept Simeoo as a 1..,...._; • 1-...... *' God bath cam•
.. by 1M exprns corram.nd of God. men. ,and thre w~n. and the little ing w•r. Any stu<knt of the W<.rd .____e The brdhta~ ~ ........, ._.,. (B.V.). Q . .......,_ ~ ....... c..lif, H~lf1 Such killing i!; not murdtr. It ~ ont"tt' (Dt>u t. l :l2-34 l. God order· of God must know thai war is a ·---5 · 111 .._.. .. ..._. dtiaa. it-_. cotcld til~ tll,~f Oft tit ~ cro•s b~ Wlt.\ not ._, the volition of m•n •··t ..... ed thl' r xtermiN.tlon of the Anwtk>-Jud-nt of God upon nat•---. .,,_ very unhappy when they made •mdad ihat if they .uacl for.,.....,._. ~7 "" uy kite by the tio f 1"s I ,. B"~ --n£-their report to their father that .... to ........... md aD .. b.IW#I .. ap&nld, t.ut if tbe7 ......... the tltr. Lnrd tltot dati ift ,arodiu w lew ttK> volition of God. God gavp IHf'. s na n ° r&f' u r ITK'mbf'r that God may deal with adult ...._ ..,.. to t. aLtiD hut the WOIIIIIID ad eb1ldiwn ..._.. to be
tit Lo d 11 d t md d t n · All lift' is H' nd H h · ht S.ul. When Isr•el entered the land. an Individual after dl>8th, but If the ruler of Egypt would not _... (DI'uL JD:-J.0-.11), .,_,... 0.. eft'-that....., far...,, but F:tllf':?" ~Lu":: ;;:.,0::. ' 0
, ... to take it. as~ df'':ea!~e: ~~at Joshua was Instructe-d to slay all God df'ai5 with nations In Jud&· belien their story and had de-tL. .........., .. ol the~ of tht 1uds thet the -....ttt. ...._.._
right to men for the rnaintt'nance of the Pf'Ople of Jnic:ho. God or, mt'ntll. it must be while thole ru.-manded that they prove it by ... to ...._.. wwe to be uttlll't7 ~
A K · · d th p d . of · 1 _ _,_ ._ ___ ... . h der"' the ntennination of all the ,__ . . nd God .....:..,_.:.,_ L....: b--"L.-We .. ....a: "'Bow em we .....,....q.IIZQ' NCh -!U.S• b.nhcam-
1 eep In min at ara Ule wu a socut ...,...,..r ......,..."upon rig t-nations of CaMan. And let us not t .... .,. art" m eJOStencl', a .... _... .. '5 tnar youngest ruu..::~. -..k • dame with tbt dudd&a • -'-~'-ta·.-.t lD the~ T• rr-t
not in he aven until the ucenaion. f'OUSN"Ss. Ml'rt')' to thr criminal don judge nations. ln Ezekiel 14: Otherwise they would be treated _.., -· · 1 h lay any cha.rge of uuelty ag•inst God th8t 'God".....,,. It ia ..W ._ .._ = :Is c:ua Oll'tlllllq ..t b... Paradise WM the abode of the right-Is cr\M' ty to t e community. Hen· God. ~ has been much sickly 21 says, "I send my four sore u apies, and could gft no more be-. tn. God,_. tMt the Old 'he' rr rt i; ~ WI'IIIIC wbla b.
eous dead before the Lord's de•th ry VIII Of'ICf' pardoned 1 mur&:~r : a nd silly sentiment concerning the tudcmt'T\ts · · · the 8\Ctmf, •nd t~ food, neither could they rescue ...,. ._-.. ... '"-Gad. WW -.a we.., Ill .,..q ta tWa? . the' pardoned munil'n.or tfxon kJJIE'd famine, and the no'-ome bNsl, •nd and re&urnoctJon. It wu a part of anotht>r man. Whfon a M"COnd piE'a f'Xtl'rminatlon of the CAnaanitet. the pestllfonce." This Vfty elftrty Simeon. But they had to han ~or .&.I..L, let ._it • -· 1::r "' that ....-
t he larger area known in Scripture of mercy wu made to the king on Impudent crltk:s •nd Ignorant 11t•tet that war is ont o1 Gucl't food, and fiaally Judah said to ..._... .. -..., .... -u;..~ Dllt ':J7;;t.:.:. ;;;c...,..:...i~ OW
u H•des which was divided into two behalf ot this murderf'r. Ht'nry an-Christians h.lve both made dill-judgmenta upon n8tionl. lMtead his father that he would person--_. .W ._ • well iad 1M,........__ 8Dd the
oompart.ments: the abode of t h e swe n!d. "No, he killed the f'lr!llt plays ot t~ir ipor•nce in this of war, God rn.y tend famine or aDy guarantee the return of Ben-Bat._."
but I k'lk_o.d tKo nd CUt'. Their dntruction was ~ llo H j .,.._ 80111:•DIOonDIIHGmiOG ---A1'PAUmG rirhteous de•d a.nd the al:tode of the man 1 1 second a sary for the prnervation of the pnt nee upon a nation. e amt amin. .. ..-;.r must t...e hesitated
unrighteous dead. Epbeaiana 4 :8 I w!U ki~.l no more. HP must be human rAtt. 1 ~ uw a man pestilence In the days of David. a Jooc time because Judah said thea ...... wt.a ......... ta lhWt .._. ......... -:'daM ia lbalt tht
•hows that Christ emptied paradi8e, t':teeutf'd. Our loc:al govemmt"nta who h8d port of his fU"e cut .,.. ... and famine many tbnel upon .._ '"For .... --.. tad }i __.· ....._, el..,. ....... tMuW ....,. ,._ • t.a. ,.....,._ ~
. may be guilty In thr same way I rHL More th8n onC!IP if laneJ had --r we nee• a.~, o.a-........ -............. , _.. ... •• -M -.. 1101Mt1mes known a.a Abraham'a · by an opention for eai'IC'l'r. 'nw.t no\ declared war she wou.kl Mve ~ now we had nturned ttzi1 \llltllr _. • pa ,., ... ~ ...... ..._ t-l .... • to ...a tuc:lt
boeom,. and . took th~ ~ho were In tht> MO!'AIC Jaw tht' thought .. !IUfC('~J was nect"U&I')' to A ve the tWfted God. Apin, Asa)Tta .... the at:COftd time... Jacob finally con-.. a a • I •• .. ... I 0 -., h ltr.
there, mcludmg the behev1ng thjef. of cap1tal punishment is !"f'iteratf'd Yl body. ']1)e destruction of rod ot Cocra anp-r and thr ataft' ol seated aad sent "th his ...... _,. ' b .. -wMII tlile ...._ Ia .,,.,.... Ket "-
to heaven. So that today, t.boee wbo "He that It th · the Canaanites ••• rMftl)' an Hla lncHc:natlon aptnat IaneL W2 IODS a die ... .a.. .. ,..~.._. _.tile ....... of -.1
die in Christ are taken to Jrlo!T for tKo dw-. !iha~bt' :ure~y ':~to~!~! =~s ·~t~f c~:r, ~! lNiah teUa ,ua thlt N~-~ =~ ~:~~) .!__~ ::::-.,• ~ ::: ~ ~ .:;=!:;,1~ ._. ~· ==
"abaent from the body ia to bte pre&-l[xod. 21 :1 ~). !he ne-cutt"d m8 n 1NV«' tM body poUUc. Thew C.-:rarwuGods ...-vant to au•Ju&ate ~.o~ul , ......,-....,--.. .a-'-...,. ., .. _..,.. .. be....t.. ~ ..t •
ent with the Lord." Puadiae is now thu. lose!! hill ldt' by the will •nd naanltn woni'Liptd ttw J(ICidesa ot •II 1111Uo,. In hilt *"· .h:nm&ah ubd. God to C1ft them mel't.J _. il • • r.a QNM • 0 ...r. tt-wbicili _, .w::s; ...
the same u "the third Heawn" (II co:mmanct of God. This law doe'll Just •nd pnetiC'ed nameles& viet's. apeab ol a usUva-1 war _. ... bdoft ''the mu, that he a.y m -........ W Jt' t' .............. ef dlt ~ ....
Cor. 12 :1-4). not ISK'Ian, of COUnt', that if one Their extermination waa IUrprJ ~ft ~~-~':.-~-oldie ICDdawayJOGfbiother,uda... ...... WI _ .. _... 'd 1'*1 1 ....
man ~ ays anothPr man, a third •nd not murder. Don't f•ll to~,.,-..-....., « uoo:-~ -• • , ., B Ln--!-I.-_.___ 'IB& ..,., '1111110 'IBA.T QCX) COULD DO 1n11n 1s to slay thr aecxtnc~ man, veny wtth the nat.lanL God drifv-Jaftlm.. utwor_,., ,..._. .-K ,
Q. Mow 'IJ •....,. -. "PW.e aplsi'll and t~ a fourth thl' third, ek. !.,~~': ==-"';: ~=-~ ered J!'uaalem to the Gmt0e.-.. CIJlQOI: buy •fety, IfaCt, or L .. .._ ,_-.. • .. ~ __. • .,_.,--* _. ~
I Pr.ter $:18-~ lVIItcl W botltend It ~ mean thllt • murdet-er ia 16 J;re told the ruaon f a e.~ thfoJ wallled not ID ~ at.at-merq.
_, fo-r a loR.g ""'~· Wlo te~ere tl~ to be e:wcuted, and tha.t il t he end. tlelaw; o1 rour hundred :rnn ~ore utel,. ~ the7 4 J' J 1117 Judi-J81C10b did DOt know u.t Joeeph ._ .. M.W, • .. __. ....... 01111 wl ' b' ._ • ..... a.
.,&riU i10 ,Umtt W.hre wa fU Nor docs that mean that "Judp this MlspT)' toull pl8cr--rhe lni-menta. wu fuD o1. aw:rq ad 1oft: aad .,...llf:' I 1 .... ' ·u'' ' ... ..-...._ ~ t.i tiL
'JWiiiOfl aU 10bl i• tAt: rdAtiotulip, t'":!: ill to tak~ thlnp in hand. qult;y of the Amorita ia not )'t't 'T'htr!: are oal:t' two ca-tllat tbat tbtft wu ~ •• ewitr of M .... .l, a.. .~ a'-~~-:;:*.: ~~ .1!-h ta.: = if ..,, kt'StJen tAe tl.Uob«di..u of nwan th8t a maPatrate .• fuD." As lone u thHe il the allcht· trine w•r: man's tin ad God'a beeline fOI' rnttey. wiUdt Jo-1..._ _., W.-~-...til . -;... • tiM:
Nnn••• Ar •-' tle .,..,. i10 ,uo.r ::!~;"1!: ~=u =::· ~ C:S :::.: Hla :::' ol wrath. u thnw W'tft 110 • ._ aepb wu only too willinc to c"e - ' '1..,. 1: ......... e1 .. , rk • ....... hilt _. -.
A.. Tbeft is a maeterfal work on Utili undPr c.rtain elm.iJ'MtaMN. •• ..ed ~ J~ ot ~':-.a':; would a. 1"10 .,..., b ...,. Ia *' if ~ llratben 11M oaly ret-::... a.i... . :::-. .... 0.:3':.::: .:::-..:-....
clillns.lt portion by William Kellq. rewnu God in exl'C'\Utlna: pmaltiel Jr repentance •nd faJth In God,='; 0::. ~ ~ :.z:: ~iaed Ida aad nsp-ceJ of s a'Ja ,. '-::-:1.: a «• • wll7 a.~_. w.t
1'Neeiiw;f t4:l tM $4ifiU itt PrUora. upon wroncdoera. To J;ynrm • man God acta in JndpwnL Leon 'J'ldDer aln eDQ '" wiD luew war: £II *I their nil deeda. JIICOb Md all --• • a II I .. k 'I ta .. widl .. C 't ., .WJ
tMB ltdoea lit murdn-. but lo f'X«Ute • man wrotrthetrut.b,"'taddttor ... the ...at' 1hiaan--ucltbeirfamilies n. = '• .. Crrt&P .. I ... a We Hopoi.,.Dtloutbownd ::!ceatt!deata. under tuWmtncnt•l •uthortt:r itl Omuntte~God .... PI..._•vlnl u. :;:: .. ~ = a.w ..=.-;were llll'aillc ineeuely becaule ... -.-.. Jt:::t ._._._....._ ._.,.._ .... ,_ !Is -
DOt era aeco -not murdrr. rKe ol Whom tbe .._.. .. ..._..• of the ..... Of dlae brocba to ..._ ... = --.., ...a. 0 ' ..
n. ft~ ~Ill u• U..t by tiM..,_ Ld nw add thM : T'hoR who are comt, and tJw ultisaate 11' hp ::.wwnw:. .. 'e;..mtt;''::= ~ 1'laln 11 a a.oa b u :!! i! J ,~.,: tl ~~-=-.. .._;-...,
llol1 Spirit ..... -~-a.-....,·--....... --"' .............. Him, ............. •14. ....... -.,lhai W•odcr-lbiaaowith ... I I ..• :::""" =-.. ·.:::::--alift. u. • re olftPiil1 retallillolcafltalpua....._...,.k••• ... ~---... ~ tht ,•k•·· .. ,.. ..,.,. to • _.• 111 :J..· aaocll ~,Mill.....__. i.. a 'r• '10~ on .... -.. _ ..tntiM ... ,._,,. Ia ....... ... .... to ... ~. ---• -~ tllliala--....... lear _5 A-A --lrJ..L -LI L... I I . . -&--
------18 ,._....._ ... _......,.. _ n~o-.ru:::.•-~Mtllotl..,.. __ ...,.___ ---------.. _.., ... •• ....... YMI Me. 1M_.. J=.H~-=· It: ... :.:-~~ .. 1 II:.:=::. •tM -=':I=== ::-n~-::rG:l.:.we a.ly {t! .. Zla.'l.ll-;:.--·:.l&w=..o=·-:o.::: --... ~'= .. •.::.,.,.., .. _ .... _.,, i21ttlltlltllu b7 ... _ ... z -••tr .. ?sa~.....,. ... ._......._ ... , e 11 .._.JrrillltD•'-a =--.. --------.._ ~ ., ...... o.l -· ,. ••• .. ... ....... 9 Goft ~-.......... _ .......... ..,. 1111 ~ ~ ........... ....... .., =..:-_:t :'~ ~·~ = 1 = .:_ r!.' ~-~-.. -;: ;-',. -=.-:! . s. ~ _. :_ !.:"; ...;. ':.-:.= :.:-: .JJ: ii~y's;Jif!:'.: .. ::: , a ••'"'
.. -. 'ftlr..,. • ,, •nn\tl&ateO!r.....__..,_.., t.U.twetfDntlt,_ ..... _........ ., .. Cw'' _.111M a-~~ __ .,. =-!;:-::..-:Jr~la r ... :.-::-: 1-::;. ':'', ... ,!"'! :::'7' ':"'a:.--'!... .. ...::~.::-~~~ a.tal. .......... Basi'·.. 15:: :t ..
a loW. ... t.....~~-·--a.--• lita--IMA stt•-......... "1 ---·=== dla .,.,.)~ ---.a,... tar 0. pea• .,., , .... ¥ldai7 Wllllll -M • 5I IWM ...... '' , _., a,,
~-HARBOR E~iOII TltU-~y ~w z• -SEaliiD SECIIOII ......, ' ~NL .. •• · "'DI'IIDIND VOUD 1o T lloiiOII!InMG ~:;:;;;-~-;,.:;3 ;;;;;;co;ROII;;A;DE;;LIIA;;Il,;CAL;;·~F. '!~Y.•~!, B!!~er IT IT E 111111 P =.~::1?:.~~ :::.:-.i-S·~
liD BAlli CAll lATCH IT!
$425,000,000.00 •
2867 East Co.sl Hi&hway, Corona Del Ma r, Calif. 92625
telephone: 675-5010
315 E. Colortdo 81-.d
PIMdlna. Calif. 91109
telephcw .. : 449 2~5
CO'f'ifla, Glen<i.lle
Wnt Arc.adi1
Y ou.r /ruleperult:"l l"•u.rtJIIc e A&t:nt
3333 E. C:..osl Hwy.
Corona dol Mar-Tolophono 673-3850
Cutplals.U. ef PbJ#I&ce As•••••..,
-~-... .....,
C.tlltwfrM ..... ...
• c ...... .....
...... •Leta
Ana Till ..
&Willi Ct.
-c.., 11, ot au Ill! a.. w011 .... Se• lar .. , •·, II --.~~~~~~-'"'"~~.,,,.,a MS 1nn• a •· ._. -., 11wpart c~~or11 ct_.Uid .. ., ---2 Air Ms o&lllld.~jin~IIIIIIIW--.-••-•
BellM'. WU baoMd 011 t1i11 , • , BMjalall J'bE) s, lid 0.... ............ cdlcl. •UU.. Ud I ~I hJ ......
...... "'ballt .,._ -· 411 -Rood, c.r.. __ ., local eoolrol 'II'W ft Ia"? , __ .,._ "!*IIDidloc rullla ~~~~-~~~':'"-
aarcoticawn-.t;udletn'f Ht.,&e-.t.. wuurlllildatl:ll oww .,. oatbeboob n.ot~~erco._.,...sar-ca I., tleo wu ·'!2!-IIUtd wU11 Mt111r•1r .. ft c-.., It, LurJ .._ 11, p.m. OIPirt ""· Uld ApotTTT ftlel ...w n-• allllmlta .. -..,._ 1111 _.-1 o..,. W-<1, ~~r-lo 1111 • us.
Uld VlriiJ ltolpl, II, ot t11o ..... , ~ lllaod, 00 1111 local IICIIool -· lo It'll, ud 1'1111111> -en local -tu ... llll*ta, ftl't bOoAd OD cbarll ol driK .lA -..,c., , wW tllmiWt tbe people's cwtrriciNI.a..,..IDOI't"••&e.
1111 c'mr11 ot poo--ot -_., u, ·., 1111 w • .,._ 1'1111111>-oa oebool --1 tu llmiU 1n
_,,_., , , Cllo.rlol ""'-~ BIYd., Uld lllrrlaa tu .......-(Widell uo Ia. llld Ia bt 1-" --
D, ol Ill l'ltb Plaet, ""'· F, Hoobo, lt, o1.1110 w. Br1.a1aa cr .... ltlure tbtlt llm1b:), acbool tau. cu alrlldJ be !D.-Co.~& ~ wu arrtttld OD BIYd., c.tral NtwpOI't, ._, bu rtaebld tbe potm .,., cr-.1 lara few JPKlllc pqr.
tllo ...... "'driYIAC-tho ........ wllll --..... tile looc-1'111&0 --·"' -1 -I -"' a.n..ce ot drup, after ber eblef Ja tbe ...,.,,. o1 1 88 tll1a law are bet.ae rwtaled. tbe people.
car """'*' 1 raiMd ell.-, po -11oo -Uld door-Tbo coaalateot objeell•e ot Jllll bow efloctl" -Uld bll I lamp 11011 willie way of US& W, ~ Bmt, the blr acbools' _, lo tbe llmlla nally u' bu roceallr
er t.,_a ~kadt ··o. ••• IJI•fl• tJ ,..,/ooAi•t -~•~tJtOrt H.,.rw••
JtOI Cl.'"" DOU,..
bt lild -C.0 II .. Ull br ...... 5, 11Cboo1 -.. a Capllol Is Ia go! lbe Ill"--do-lotllo Lan-
11-Poilu -1; I ju. trucl pte..., -U11 t11o possible 110011111 of "-f dale Scbool Dlalr1cl 1o Los AA-
Y..U. WU to.d. lD lbe froat Willdow ol a DttcbbOr , • , wUbout liPIDe to local scbool &elu Coaaty, Wberl t.ebers
.-1 ol Goilp' eu, lntorte~ted JOllll FIJDa. 45, ol MOS~l/Z dlmlct t'Oters for approya1. deNndii'JI larp pay n1aes 1k &e¥. J.-. G. Bla'-. Pu&of
U. "I'PYVIII dnp • • ,Yjc... FI.Dlly AYe., Wtllt Hftpart, Tbe best way b' tbem to reaeb bafts-:"UAredtbt ICboolbaud 111e Rev. Georac J . Buadietker, Vi1 itation Paaeor
8:30a.m. tO Cf:JO a.m. -WciJship ~PYICt
9 :45a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -Sundily School
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Stfvice
-Rial. If, of 11191 Maple WU --1o 1 1icM w11b 1 lido pi WOUld belab&Yull,or lola eallla( 111 1oaa IbiD I 1U
II! .. Apt.._ COitaMua,wuu. castom.r &l Jill Hewpgrt IMII'I:J all moGeJ lx local t1ferrkte a)ec:tlcw to cetiDODIJ' ~:;=.:;;::;::~;::;:=::.._;::=: ... ;=;:..)l:;l:1 =~=::::;~==! tilted oa. llJnmar Dr •• BdJoa. BlYd., IDd WU UT..e.d oa tbe ICboola come from U. llate to crut tbetr demaada. WbeD r O.isti• ki..c:e
• tbl eblrp of pouea.ioa of ebup of tlfmk:lted lD p.blie or tbtledera!P"ernmeat.state tbe lrd try &Wed lbt tacblrs S.Vices fi,.t a.,tlst a.-• ~ drap · · • Joeopll • , , WIDiaal llor.... 1515 le(lolll<i<l o.od ""''f--oat ODd dom.-1 4111
1aaard. !1!5 Sberlllctoo PL, Cre~Uiew Dr., BlJibar-.told OIMlld tbiD be per...sec~ to tOte onn1de ellc:tloa lmmecthtety ~~~~-::~T
ltewport Het&M•. ld a $SO pollee .,..... t..-J oa bla more IDd mort moDeJ IDr b:al u tbt prtce ol nttniDc 3303 Vi• Lido
mule tm •• tbe fr'Oat ot a ear 1lctU IDd tnt.e ll1l car ICbaob, aloac with coatrol1111r to woork.
etc. ........
R .. rtu•l Riblr rell-•'-ip '•"·-··"··'-.... _.. ..
CU' tbalwu IIU'ked at 2131 W, a.otn1a., .8udra lllbtr, INS tbelr poltey ud earrteulmn, Co7117P•)7 a bW(A.B. 894) ~~ri:~t ~~~l
Cout Hwy., MariDen Mile, Gtaler A.,.., eo.ta. Ilea, at .. ft1ll tbe local tupayer would wu 1ltrodDced aDd rusbed
s-............... i. s. •.
wblle be ... ~ tack to lbe rq.. teodld a party 1D tbe 100 block lD e:treet be told to payud keep throacb tbe Assembly LD Z4 SUNOA ·t"~Rvic~ II ..... -UI Ia tal loyo; bt 1101 lbe of l91b st., Weal llnport, ODd qatet. boar1 Ia lllow t11o LaWIIdalo
Dr. P.G. Neumann. paa10f
Uya, but b7 that time, tbe pal bel parae lD a ldtchea A state-wide property tub' Scbool Olstrict to bold 1J10tbar
pacbp bad beea stolen • • • cupl)o&rd b' 5 miDIItes _ jut scbools bas been proposed by tu OYerrtde ellcUoa 1f1ttmut
Jnelry &JXI curreocJ, witb 1. long eaoup tor .,meoae to the noarooy Commtssloo oo W'I1U.Dc tbe a moatbl aow re-
loll1ft1De of$1U0ftresloloa Ileal U; IIIlo taler -lbe "lu reform" aod woold be qulred by law. Tbe ortcloal
from 1111 KJ.np Road, cwr pane Otblde 1A m.S, mtDus lrtlecl bJ the terms of a till draft ol tbe bW, wltb emblr-
Ha•OD ••• Cr-Wolvertoo, $131 wortb of """""" • . • lalrodoeed Ibis you by lbe same ruoiD( -_ upllctUy
I05e Tust!D AYe., West Upper Roger Turner, 2591 B&ysbore se..tor wbo ! J8U's &CO pre-called tbe tacbers' nDout
Bay, made tbe cl&.sslc m1lt&ke Dr., SaJ Sbores, aJd .,roeooe IIDted to the Senate the 4Dal a strlb. But taebers' strtkes
of leaYloc keys lD tbe tpiUon be~ tbe ameoau of z of b1J Yersioo of the bill wllieb ue tl1epJ to CaUtonda. So tbe
of Ilia Dod&'l; 10meoae else cars -a $40 dam&p btU • • • ellmh•r.t tbe people's right to bW was a'D"""ed to sa.y tbll
CIW'pd oft wUb it , • . A sod& m&ebJoe ftl pri«t open fOte 0D kJca1 SCbool tu O'fer-IMJ bad DOt IInck, but ••tem-
.• FRIDAY MARCHZ8 atGeorpPerllD'a•rTtcesta-rldes-wtthoutm?ntlootoctbe porv1lf left tbtlr employ-
Marl!: PolaDd 113 Vta Ra-UoG. WE. Balbo& Bh'd., Bal-ex1steoce of tbat particular me~."
wema, Udo Ia~ was tbe nc-boa, am $Z5 wu atolaD ••• clause to tbe bill. Rl.s:toc pro-Beu.re it or oat, tbat sat1s-
Um of z acts of ~cJoos m1s. A $SO ..tadow wu broboat 1207 tests aplDst loss of tbe ript fled Ute Se!ale, wblcb to ooe o1.
cbief: tbe ftrst wu 00 WedDes-Susau L&De, WeatcWf •• A tm: to Yote OD school lues are met its most trresponstble actioos
day neo b1s car 1.JUDM ns ol ammardtioo wu tateDfloma w1th sootJW:tc assar&DCes o1 approored A.B. 894. by a YOte o1
brotea; the IICODd occurred. druaer aa:t a $73 rltle was "tu ref«m" 1D 1971 or soooer 27 to 4 lDd Milt 1t to the
Tbarlday DlCIJt WbeD a 4 loot tateD from a IUD rack OD a wall to ease tbe blow. &QYerDOI''s desk. Tbe f1IIIJ. b'm
cat was made u; tbe rlDyllopof ol bla trailer, 120f. w. Cout lo 5 years to Sacrameato I of tbe btll st111 states tba1
b1a cu. wUb repl&cemeat cost HWJ •• Spa.ce 11, West Newport. ba:re Yet to see a "tu reform" tbe Landale teacbers "bue
jal.$150 , •• EIICbarlaStamires, reported Atwood Oweo.s ••• Her that acb.allyredueedtbeoYerall returoed to thelrclul:room.soa n, of 653 VLata Bollit&, Eut larce n.se, oatdool's, worth burden oo a.oy major gr<q> of tbe ~alerstarvttoc ttlatneryet-
Bluft, was ufested on tbe $150 wu Upped OYer but ns tupayers, or enn bekl it fort .n.ll be made to put this
cb&l'p ot lbopwtl.ng n 7 58 too beaYJ to place oo' a cb.Ud's steady. "Tu reform" 1o prac-district tu oYerrlde measure
worth ot items from 1020 ir-red neoo &Dd tbe waeoo was ttee has proved to be oo more before tbe people u sooo as
Ylne Awe wesc.cwr Plua. ab&DdoDed oo tbe sldewa..lk ln tbl.ll a pleasant-solll1diog aDd posstble."
Rlcbard PeteriOD, zo, was'.;~ trOIIt ot ber bome, sald Mae deceJ~ way of sayt.Dg "bieber TeacDers strikes will become
rested at 1119 Court St., Ceo-Alsbury, 124 S. Bay Froot. tues. commoq,l&ce U the people's
tral Newport aodtrao.sportedto 8aJboa lalaod ••• Mrs. Joho The amocacy of a state-wide right to YOte oa sebool tu:es is
j&11 00 a pettj tbeft nrrut , . , OWeDS, %116 Vlst& Dorado, Ea.st property tu i>r scbools is .k>st, aDd tbe tupayer 1l"l1l tan
ADM Steele Z3 of 214 Abi.Jooe Blutf COIJ1)la1Ded tbat eggs were clear proof ol tbe bypocrl.sy of DO Yoice la oeptatlons wblcb
Ave., ~ island, was a.r-thrown oo ber car aad dam&pd tbe &ri\IRlent most often used gtwe more aDd more of bJ.s
rested at Jamboree Rd aod tbe patot ••• Miaor tll)urles &pJnst my Senate Bl..ll S5 to mooey to str1kiD& t..cbers.
Cc:ut Hwy,, at 8:40a.m. ~n thA were suffered b)'<Aryln'to, 16, presene tbe people's rtgti: to r--------.....,
cb&l'p of possessioo of marl-of 306 A.oade Awe., 8a1boa, lD Yote OD scbool taxes.ltlscalled
jiADI. 1be tailltJ bWs bid a 2 ear eolllsloa wttb Macy ID iftertereoce wttb loeal CQI1.
.,oe "'; ~-tboueb Alex Ro-Roseotbal ot Vlrctma at tbe to-trol (by tbe samt \oeic, tbe BW
b1ftooa ., ,_. KariDO WIID't torMcllaa otllo-' BIYd. ODd "'· Rllflls llllerferes wllll local *""' 11 Ills nmmer bomo VIa Lido, -t11o Lillo'-_..., jiiOie<:IIJI(tllo lodiYi-
lUI lliPIIIDI .t.Yl.
..... ., 1>-2424
-II 1~ S. Bay Froa1, ~ area , . .An:hll Brlf, 415, ot dial ...... of tile c:ltlleD). Ill
Island.; wbea Ur. Robertaxl. 1068 Rutland Road, Westcwt, filet. ooee tbe rlcbt to Yote 011
wne don to l.me!llipte be weat to Hoac Hospt.taJ b)' blm-loca.l scbool tues 1s lost, &D:I
found 3 beds bad beeo stepl to. self, after a z.car colllsioo local school board members
tbe atoYe bad beeD cootad on. wltb Roat Brockie. 425 3200 begiD to feel the pressure from
buroed matcbes 01 tbl floor St., West Newport, at the Sao t:upayers, tbey w1.ll buteo. to
&Dd a CUdle laleraeatb a bed Diego freeway raq» at Bristol. turn over lbeir luiog ..abarltJ
llaYid Jameeoo aod his to tbe state, as 1s · alrflld:r I'IIC'• lf42
:.,.:.; left I800 S. --F THEFT LOS515 $6110 be1og ....-, Tben -mucb -"==~=-----
CD-lo Dll. 111.1
ORiolt 1-'1450
•-• ~ root, Entry wu made to 4621
Balboa lalaDd, a a ftlkarOWid Surrey Dr •• cameo "''""'"""~ lbe lslalld; lo tllolr ll>oeoee SWiday Diehl AjlrU
tbe bome wu eatered ud a smasblng a iJtc.bell """"'''; 11,.j
porao btiiOIIII(IDSbtn>oi'Jru> $680 ""rtb ot property
of Orep~ wu ltolu wUb $141 stolen from Emmett Irwin.
worth ol curreocJ aod posaes-reYOlver radio TV
sioDa • • • A $!50 miAI.bike jewelry ~ere tabo, ' wu atolea from bls prace,
do<:land Robert Watts, 1016 MOTORCYCLE "b',~':;>r BreUer a Dr., Coroaa del Mar A moton:ycle
• • • KG lleNantbloa, 1026 Gearp Healey,
s.or Dr., DOTer Sbores, Frotlt, ~. 4A, Centn.J
·-.... -bla $51.15 port, ... str-of$%90 bJke to tile ract at llluiDer's ol parts wblle to a carport
Scboo~ ---. ,.,.._ 111111>1 "' April 4.
ODe ltole it ••• A Dower pot
" . . .Lot'\.GUI& ..
2712 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar
Pho)Ot 6n-7J36
9,15 -II •. ..,.
._ .... .,., ' ...... -5 ..... ......... .,, ' ..... -,,.5 •·"'· r ..... ., -• ,,,. .... .
' •.•. -5 ...... 7-9 .... .
S....lley: 1 ..... -..... .
IECOND Cllli11C8 Of"
C1l...r .ICIEJiti'IIT
Newpor1 Beach at
Cc.ona de I hUt
8100 Pa.ciftc View Or.
MEETING 1:00 •·•·
Readias Room: Matul Blds-
2863 E .. t Co .. t Hwy., CD\f.
Moa.•Fri.: 10 .. m. to 5 p.m.
Tharad..,-eveaUas; 7 to 9
Sal.: 10 .. 111. to 4 p.m.
You ue COI"d1ally 1nv11ed to
auend Church Serv1cu and
tD use the Rea(hnl Room .
Oftt. ........ ....,,._,_
O.rct. iw A.ericea
1900 Pacific: View Dr.
a del Mar, CaliC
01. Wi llitm R.. Eller
Phone 644-2664
1=45 ..... r-•.,. •• ,...i,
t :45 ..... 0.~ Sd.ol,.
11:00 ._.il Fntiore ..,_ip JIIUlSE Y PROVIDED
~:4 .S a.r•. Sunday Sc:hnol
11 :00 a.m. Morn ina Worahil'
6:00 p.m. Trainin1 Uniona
7:o.J p.m. Evenina Worahip
7:20 p.m. Bible Study
1:00 p.m. Player Mcetina
IIVI:N INO 111.,,.1(:11: ?:00 .......
c.... .. 0..... ... UMI.Il. c.. .....
,.,._ H l ........ tf<:.ro ....,
• •••• r , .. .,._.r 11"". • -• ., au ....,.s....e. ... , " ........
A F•H .J ,.,.,.....,
c .. ,.., .... ~ a.; ••• Chrc.
,.. .... M.. ...... , .......
.. ., s.m .. ...s ~ _, 1< 10o00 .....
Shrvb1, lntenOf Plant•
Trop1col & Tr .. a
ln sec:tci de1 and Fortil i•..-
S&H Gr .. n Stomps
rRn: IH./11 T Rl"
n+t E. £' ...... .,. ., IU·~ ..
na 1bron 1D br_. u oat. BOAT 15 STOLEN
door ... 111!11 II 520 VIa Lido Oooald strauss, Ill
Soal1, L&do Isle, reaideoce ot :~~:~:1:~?:~~~
__ P_LU_M=II~H~G ______ __
.t..R. IIARHC Fr&M Cor'tel4! • • • ToaJ.
Armt.....,, 1W S.ntt•p Dr., of his toot with a
Dorer Sbores, 1JU eajoyt.Dg motor from the Udo Isle
ber•lf at tbe Arcbes Res. club oo April 6,
laora.ot _ .... ......., -rw.;;;;;wi~ .,.=--~ aomiODI wu steallD.g a suit-
cue off tbe tGp of bar Ford •••
• SATWDAY, IIARCH !9 rr..., »c:Genu, ao,otSuta
.... Frill llcGen'lll ctZ54
lttumhtnv ReJ'IaiU
OA\" .t Nl<iiiT
. •-•wu. ••n.s LICEISED a -lED
lOIGol .....
67]-4041 -Uf. 2171
l'ersJ. 1 .. Cl•••l Werlls
Shoe Repaor
Purse •nd lugu801!
Repair -Dye Won.
Jll 1•1 N 1-6577
From $130
n4 ..... II 1•ml
CJrM.I T_,
~~-.._ ...............
,_LC.•HW,. c. .......
"-· • ,.., .., 1111
• ... pol 7 I .. ,_,tee' .. .. ___ _
~,..,_,,, t•
33110 L Cent"""~ CiliA ,.,_
P loiMT ~ WALUIU'II •••io• ..... ,
Pltt+n"' -Dll1dt IDr
u,a PloTTEMS
-LCoant .... c. .......
.... WMftUUlM "···--•
1110Helbotlhld. eo.. ...... -... 3]11
,... .....
• PUeUCot. T1CIM .,.
W C:AN -HT 'I'OUII IMDCMU..._ ... ~....,.,
M.t. ... ZIMa. LIIAI'Ltna,
INVm-111-AmJCA WDI-April '!7-lay3
1\e la .. ot-ii-A..rica Couciluri ... "Yaor sariqa
ud ia•est.oto ... -1 at wort for ueater _., IJ'IWtll."
Here's a reminder oo
what to do if you should
ever receive an obscene
or malicious call:
Simply hang up. This
deprives the a nnoyance
caller of the main thing
he wants-an audience.
If such calla contin-
ue, however, pleaae notify
our Business Office. We have specially trained per-
sonnel to help handle these problems. With the aid
of modern electronic detection devices, many of
these callers have been identified. And through law
enforcement agencies many cases have resulted in
arrests and convictions. We want to do all we can to
protect your privacy.
Don't miss the Bell System's TV Special, "A
Look on the Light Side," Saturday, April 26 at
7:30p.m. on NBC. It's a fast.moving musical ven-
ture that takes you on an unexpected travel tour
around the country. Check your local TV listings
for the channel.
April showers are nearing to an end. May flowers will
soon be in bloom.
May we suggest: To keep in step with Spring, Colored a.od
Princess telephones to brighten up your home.
Call your
on 642-1101.
@Pacific r.t.,..._
Mesa Business otf1ce
~~ .. ,.._..,
ran, -. poraJ1o, W.Hor aad ntmmtor 11001, $.1,100.
t1u a lll11a Oollon lA llorb a-., oolmatorpool
ftH toliM ool cllrlll IIIOOilloltl..,..,., $4,400.
put -bJ l1lo -Cit)' ol N._n Booell, •· Co. m dwtllllp lA l1lo c-polio II ..... ._, Llln-
Hlrbor Yltw HJJ1J u-. ry, .tell» Dot't.r Or., $5,000.
W, K. CUI, 1101 IMnrd
Ln., patio llabc, ftlb, $1,000.
Ill 11. Jobuoo, .,lmmllloJIOOIII
U'JS Goluy Dr., $3,800,
lnll Weill ' Sou, l ·ltorJ,
-Co., *I pormlb 1-••lt dwelling, 1484 Goluy, ct..elliDp oo Port Proo_. $36,$00).
aad Port Romopto PL, Rudy Buldch, 1-••lt, 1-otolr
, .. IIIIOd at $11,800 to $S6,400, dwellJJ>&, 1608 Goluy, $80,000,
a tcCaJ of $1,169, '700, • CUFF HAYEN
Glus, mmmtac pool at 1801 Lee Jooes, swtmmLDr pool at
Alll>oy, $4,.00, UK Klnp PI,, $5,000,
H. R. Sproul, 1-Rory dlt)lu-Babi, SmJth & Blue, 500 Tus-
81 at &Of aDd 606 Orctlld An., tin., add room, $1,000.
$3:9,420 •cb. • WEST NEWPORT HEIGHTS
CWI Buck, prqe q:utment Park Lldo, otrice puUtions,
308 Hellotrape, $15,000, 351 Hospital Rd., Su.tte Z05,
A. IAn. ntmming pool at • BACK BAY
Surrey. $S,600. B. tl MUler, 2-story office
CAMEO SHORES buildtng. 4361 Bitch, $195,000,
Joseph DeFraoc:o,&Jteratioos Bircher Build11lg. sign. 4667
at 4501 Brlptoo., $1,000. Ma cArthur Blvd., $1,000.
Edwin Sylvester, addition at Ralph Klser, addUlon, 2581
+t8 Isabella Ter., $2,200. Waverly Dr., $4,500.
Richard Nabers, additloo at RJchard's Lido Market, 343.3
149 ShoreclUI' Rd., $20,000. Via Lido, add to coffee shop,
• EAST UPPER BAY $4,000.
The Bluffs, 6 permits for Gerald Mitchell, Z~story du~
footings only on building sites plez, 121 31st St., $31,000.
on Vlsta Trucba ud Vista del V. W. Jardine, alterations at
Oro, $1 ,100 each; total, $6,600. 6606 W. Ocean Ft., SZ,OOO.
R. E. Descboer, 1040 West~ Alez Lutzotf, aUeraUoos at
wind Way, l~story dwelling, 116 Via Lido Nor d, $2,000.
$6'7,000; block walls, $1,000, M. Routt, interior ab:eraUoo
No. A-62392
Estate of RICKARD E. HARD:
CASTLE, Deceased.
to tbe creditors of the abcwe
named decedeM tbatallpersons
!laving claims ap.tnst tbe sa1d
decedent are required to me
tbem, wtth the neceSSU')'
vouchers, 1n the otnee of the
clerk ofthe&bonenUtledcourt.
or to preseot them, with tbe
necessary vouchers, to tbe ....
derstped at c/o Thomas E.
Helferaa.o, Attoroey at Law,
350 E. SeYenteeDth street, Costa
Mesa, Calib'nla, 9!627 wlileb
ls the place of bus!Dess of tbe
uoder stped in a.ll mattersper-
talning to the estate ot said
decede.M, wttht.o siJ: moalhs
alter the llrst pui>Uealloe ol
this uotlce.
ll:lled llar<b 31, 1989,
Cather iDe Kiester,
Executrli of the Will of tbe
above oamed decedent.
Thomas E. Heffernan. Attor·
and oew roof, 845 Vta Udo
Nord, $17,000.
Balboa Island Ferry, sign for
ferry at Palm St. and £dee-
water, $1,000.
#-J. R. Hultman
Telephone Manager in Newport .Costa Mesa
oey at Law, 350 E. Sennteentb I ~~:;~;Sul~ te 210, Costa Mesa. 92627, 642-3210,
Attoroey tor Executrll
Publish: AprU 3, 10, 1 '7, 24,
1969, to the Newport Harbor
~'K1ow your officer"
0C11ew -R, Glooll• 1lu Brlu, I, Cllort~ I, aoUollo, I. ... ,_ tbl 1fnport Bl&cb Tbll Retdl Ute ill tf..,,.,.
po11co --. Sop.. Beocb aad are all 1Dtml>or1 <I
-. tiM. He 1114 a ,..., 111o Huoll....,. Booea LIIIIIOrU
prior pollee ·---Cllurell. l1lo Loo ........ police--.....
A• a pollcl omew M. IIU
bad '"'P"""'• .. patrol. rice
aad Jtlao1'..tL lit Ia e.rllllt1
allle« rearYe pncram.
oatc• Reed b aiiiUYeCaU-
motao, ....... , ...... .,~n
lloa Dle10>. Hio llmll)' moYtd to
Oraop, Caut., eulJ OWtor
Ills chtJdbood ud tn 1910 be FRANCIS J. DAVIS of Harbor wu ll"ddllloo from 0raop
Vtew JUlls, vice president and HlJb Scbool.
m&DaiV o1 tbe Sa.ota Aoa maio ww. worldoc fDr tbe Las
otflee of the Security Pacltlc Aoples pollee deputmeot, be
NaUooal 8&D.k, bas beenelected attelded F..aat Los AncelesCol-
to tbe board or directors of the lege maj)ring m pollee
Bic Brotbers ol Orange County. sete:X:e •
,. ••• ., ..... c ....
1110 NllWOIIT ._YO.
PH. 6-JIJ(;oota ,.. ...
llftlal., IMP" k•··--c:.tt~a COSTA WISA WATTIISS CO.
JIIOHc•,_I....._......., .. IMJ
He Is also serving as a member He is an arid goiter a.u1 caD
oo tbe Salvation Army Advisor)' usually be fotmd at ooe ol our
Board, treasurer aDd director . ioca1 golf courses 00 his dlJ
of tbe Tuberculosis and Res-ott. He a1Jo ts actin wtt.b the
piratory Disease As.soeiatioa Cub Scouts and ts a member
of Orance County. and director or the Orange Coast Ctvltan
aod treasurer ol lhe Harbor Chob 1_;0~F~FI;C~E~R;GL;o;~$HE~N~::-;~~~~~~~~4 View Home Owners Assn. otficer Reed and hls wile,
$6,000 METAL TH EFT Charlotte, bave 3 children INSURANCE AT HIXSON PLAnNC SCHUB ERT MASS WILL . Over $6,000 worth of silver
a.od C&dnJum were stolen tbe BE SUNG IN O>HCERT 0 LEMS, night ol April 14 from Hioson Tbe S<:hllbert "Mass In G" PR B • Metal Plat.l.nc. 829 ProductJoo wHI hlgh11gflt the Newport Hat-
Place, West Newport Hetgbts. bor Hlgb School sprinc choral •
Burglars climbed a 10 toot concert to be presented Friday, ~ CAL L FO R QUOTE . wtre teoce to the root, chopped April 25, Ln the alldttorlum at
a 13-1/2 by 15-1/2 bole, de-a,oo p.m. Tbe ebotr will &lso 873-8850
sceDded wttb a rope and then present a cappella selections
lifted t.~~ 452 pounds of the by such composers as
metal&, Dawson and Spencer.
Flfty-tour bars of siiYer Tbe Cbantelles will
worth $5,02.2, silver scrap lectlons oiiM.vidDtamood,
worth $216, a.od zoo hro !.neb oek aDd Randall Tbomp~oo~n.=~ 1 eadDlum balls worth $858 were liadripl Sioprs will
..... of Brahms aad
? •
Privacy and use are yours ... when rou do your
blnkin1 at Newport National Bank. You can relaJ in
a comfortlble arm thair while a friendly,
cheerful teller transacts J()tlr business quickly alld
efficitntly. It's 1 moment of rest aftd pmonal Jtttntion
Iiiii you "" loci forward to it! your bcny dly.
·-Less than I I' an hour-morning
noon or night. Any size TV.
Take washing dishes. Few people
owned electric dishwashers a
decade ago. But now you see them
everywhere. And you can wash
Or shaving. Electric razor sales are
booming. And you can shave all
year for less than a dime.
CoHee and delicious cootia11e
mf~b~ to help ,.. .. ~. wllila .. """*
,au wittl outstandinr ..me... Enjor our
.-~oory .... tonka
7 colrft'll•" OMCII •n11 O.Aflll COWfn .... -c...•rs\ .... Zill• ..... -........ --...,.1141 · .._,.._......... m.-• ..,.-........ m.n. ......,_......, ................ ,, .. -,..--~-Ctltltm.-..... __ ..... ..,.,Jll
Quite a bargain, isn't it?
In fact, electricity in Edison areas
costs an average family less per
kilowatt-hour today than it did
10 ... 20 ... even 30 years ago. And
practically everyone today Is using
much more electricity-more
kilowatt<hours-than ever before.
. a load for less than z;.
Or washing clothes. Remember
when this waa a hand operation?
With an electric washer, you can
now run through a load for less
In Edison areas, one of your
biggest bargains is electricity .
It does so much for so little.
You can watch TV around the
clock and it hardly costs you
a thing.
(Except maybe a night's sleep.)