HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignGllU.B CLUB WEEIC Ia o-ld OJ I1U trio -tbt Glrill Clllb of tilt 11ar11o< Ar-, !rom 1all. ~ole F,_, 11, a SUI pdor al WldlUor S.bool in CoD llaoa; Mlu Batty RaatatDeb of Nt'ffl)atl HetiiQ, teeo prncram ~at tilt e!JJI>, IUidSOt:oaW!Wams,ll,oltb ~ II Wllltllor Sebool Local .. -wU1 Include eomm_, Nn1c:e day OD May 12; kallPa AJpba Tbeta Algmrwe n.tt to tbl clul:lboue, at.:J tiM 1110161y board ol· d!recton mootiJJc alliS IJmclloo!l, llo.y IS; -boDae !rom 7 to 9 p.m. llaJ 14o fatber4aupter Yolleytall camea from 1 to 9 p.m. May 15; fubloo sbcnr enWlecl "a Pfl's world of tuhloo" trom 2 to 4 p,m. ao.y 17 at tOt Zoota el-. !Sib St. ud 1:rY1De AYe., CWI HaYeD. (Ea&l.p photo.) PIER POLICY . JOe COSTA MESA DEL MAR, CALIF. A IUDoy tblPi -otd race, wu eloetod t'fflea (alliS by tbt COWICII, alliS adoptad "Tbty oonmy_. olllee wW e>plre out AprU. liloadi.J D1&bt 00 the way to u-eltded a.t year) rtom after the brief deb&te, lel1'es bt<:aue tbey wert afraid that I Tbe Dt.ltrict 5 CouncU seat 1s CoaacU redlltrlctlD&. COUDC1lm&Dlc DlJtrlct 5, Dee Coot's portion ot ln'iDI would nm 1n Diltrlct 6 &pJ.nlt oce~ted by Ed Hirtb, wbo de~ nat's What kmer cc:MIDCU-MoDdaJ D1Cbt be arced the Terrace 1n otmtct 5. ComellmaD SbeltoD, or 'W'OO. fea.ted Dee Cook's bid b' r~ mu OM COolE ebarpa, aDd tbe Newport Beacb CltJ COUDCU Mr, coot arcuecJ that a more "''r may rua lf Bob dec~ elecUoo last AprlL Mr. Hittb s -.rut of tbe tb1nc 1J "CVTJ-to ameod ttl praposed redis-locical aoo: Oltural l:loa:rdu'y ac;a.1arit eeekiDc re ... ledioa. term will cootinue to AprtJ.. muder .. -ln a reverse sort trteUDc to keep ill ol Irrine would be down Jamboree Rd. CouDcJ.lmaD Sbeltoo'a tarm of 19'7!. ofWQ'. Terrace 1Dta.ct ln ooe d!Jtrtct Uldthena1onRtbeE. BraJc.baa.-c c MERGER Dee Coot, rsldent ot tbe -CCMD:Uman Sob Sbeltoo's nel of BaJ.boa lslaDdaDd:&I'OIDI westerlY pcrtioo. of ln'loe Ter-District No. 15, Tbeplalltuored Little lsla.nd, l.n&tead oftllroueb • • the El Puoo gnlley In !mDe Terrace. He said 1115 _.1S DISCUSSED would almost equalize tbe papu- lalloo totals 1n Dl.strlcts 5 aDd Nixon lauds centenarian A rowl1 ol parties tbat S, COITecting the 1Dequ&11t1es Questiooed aboal reports of '•Tbere bas beeo some frlc-staav a teeoacer 1.s be1Dc or 9,213 tor No. 5 aDd 1,185 lor possible a.m&lpmatioo ot the Z tioo in the past, bUt I doo"t for Mn. Emma Weatherford No. 6 UDder tbe f:nored plan. Cbl.mbers, Pres!deot Dick th1nk it ez:l.sts today. Wben the Newport Harbor He tbeo. removed bJm&eU as Stet'eos: of the Newport Harbor leaders ot Corooa del Mar be- Home, who celebrated ller 1ootb an issue 1n the redistricting by Cbamber ot Commerce pve the come coovloced that their oeeds blrtbday oo Aprll 28. JtaUog publlc1y that be wu ED&ip tbe following statemelt are not going to be dissipated Festivtttes started AprU n, through with publlc Ute and t.d yesterday: and become conviDced tbat be- wben u a member of Christ DO LDtention to run tor public "We are not making a major coming part of the Newport Chureb by tbe Sea., Nelt'pQrt otfice ap.Jn. ettort toeombtDetheCbambers. Chamber wU1 be)p, then I look ••cAPPY " l YIIOI Beach she was honored with a. The Council voted uaani-We ban been Ql)loriogwitbtbe for action. But I can't predict C HALLEN G ED ooe4y early birthday party mously tor tbe redistrict1ng Coroaa del Mar Chamber wbeo that will be." FRED SCHWARTZ be=n:::.s::~sPam :cht!:eeU:~eT~r~~~-=~wa~e~~ywor~~ MERIT SCHOLARS NAMED Tbe Nnpcri Beaeb pterper .. away our rlpt to apply b' a gtYen b)' her p-anddaugtlter, made miuor changes in b JDOYJ.Dc our beadquarters ~ mit poUcy wu challenged~ pier perm.tt. If tbe CouncU al-Mrs. Fred Wbitetord, 1154 Wts-Newport Heights Uld Centn.l tbe Newport Celter eompleJ as Two 1oc.a.1 students are re-ber !qlbomore aDd ,_... day ll'eolDc u dlacr1m1DatorJ lows aomeoae else to build l s1oo Dr., Costa Mesa. Forty. Newport areas, Uld pot all ot ot May 15. U would appear tbe ctpleDls of scbolarships in-years. Ker field of ltwtJ -M bJ BIJlJol. lslaod realtor HarYey pier, 1t 1rOil)j deplete tbe ftlue llYe relatiYes bad gathered to Balboa IslaDd ln District 5 tn... Newport Chamber would be cuded J.D tbe list ot award win-Stanford w11.l be EoJU&tl. ..._, P...... Re asked tbe Council of f'UI' property ma.oy thousaDds bonor Mrs. Weatherford, and stead of the ez:tsting split be-mucb closer geographleally and oers anoounced tb.1s week by the toW'U'd a career .La wrUla&. k a permit to coDStruet ap1er of dollars." a.moog them, 6 generations: were tweeo Districts 1 aDd 6. Ctty could c:ooperate a Lot more. Natiooal Merit Scholarship Fred Sctrnrtl., soo ot Dr. tayward of tbe resldeoee of Dr. M:. Pease said tba.t Balboa represeoted. Attoroey Tully SeymOI.U' wa.s ·•This has been suaested Corp. ln E~ DllDois. and Mrs. Leoo ScbW'U'ta. _.... aDd. Mrs. OUYer G. Hcnrell at lsla.Pd bay trout property Richard Nlmo 101ned tbe well-directed to dra.tt lbe oe<::essary QU.QY times Mer the years. Katttryo (cappy) L)'Deb, 1933 comers to tbls area. Ia oom .. zo.t S. Bay Ft., BalbollslaDd.. owners bave DO property w~bers by seodln&'a telegram ordlaanee. Tbere are lots of problems aDd Altura Dr., lrT1De Terra.ce, re-pletine his blgb scbool a.dJ Clt'J poUcy restricts pier Interest iD tbe tidelallds, that ''I was most pleased to tear~ EMMA WEA THERFORD-100 Later Mr . Cook cbarged. lOts of opportunities. The cetved the Northrop Corp. merU at Foothill Hieb ScbooL U. bu perm.Ita: to owners or Jooc-term "It l.s lnberent and bui& in tba.t you are celebrating your Corooa del Mar &eaders doo't scholarship ot $1,000 at Sta,o. a 4.0 grade point uer• .tJr Ioe_. of Ule abuttiDg laod. Ule a;raol In trust tbal tile tide-lootll blrt!lday today Mrs pROJECT DEEP DITCH ..,... to lose tllelr ld-ty -lord University. his 4 years. IUa bonnu Inc-UDder tb1l poUcy, Mr. Pease laDds are torallpeople,aodlt Nlmo joins me in e~eDdlni so we have discussed not an fi'~c Scbnrt1.3815 1nlet flrst place award iD the boys l$1DtlJdble to apply tor a per-l.s 14> to the elty to determine wvmest concratulationsoothis absorpt1oo, but ways otwor~ Isle Dr., Upper Harbor View nooors dlvt.stoa or tbl OfUC': mlt, llDee he Uns oo an I.Dslde the best use wttMut reprd to auspicious mUestooe. May God "Opetatloo deep ditch" in said, l.s too repleolstunent of together tbat ~J ult1ma.tely Hllls, woo a $1,000 natiooa.l County academic deeatb!Joo, lot. wbo ll9es oo the abuttJDc pr()o. bless JOU i.hrays ,, Newport Shores was outl1ned a.t the sand that has been nsbed lead to ooe ebamber. meru sebolarsbip a.t UCI. Bank of Am«tca award Lomatb, Mr. P-.se told the CouocU pert)'.'' OD Monday Ap~U Z8 a birth-M oda Ding' City C U away from the city-OWned strip ''It really depends 00 tbe ''Cappy•• Lynch is nledie. ruooer-~CJ 1D tbeNatJoaal Coal)... tbat tbe tidelands area bad been Mi.Y« Doreen Marsball ob--da party .U held at ihe Con-m 0 y eve Peters Vo 1 ~= Jf beach along the cllanneL He COfODI. Cba.mber's aWtude. We torian of tile graduating class ell of Teacbers Eacllsb a.cllle- deeded. to the city I.D trust, and sened, ''You are really cbaJ..' ,Jeseeot borne. Yesterday the =U:communl~~prove: asked for city help In soh'Lng are perfectly wiWog to briDe at Corooa del Ma.r Hlgb SchOol, vemeot, 5 trophies as an later- aid lbat this Implies oo dis-lengiag the Yalid1ty oftbeCOUD-Golden A ~ ofller church eot mitt f the Sbo the problem, saying tba.t as-them in as a separate di•Woo with a 3.943 grade point scOOlastic debater and ooe as erlml .. ttoo or preference ror ell policy. It was denloped beld a C:d shower lDDCbeoo ~ssn com ee 0 res soctatloo members would ot our Cbamber r1P,t DOW-W average. She 1.s co.editor ottbe outstandlng speaker, puti. OM dus Oftr aDOlher. over a number or years. and aoo presented her W'itb a.o orebld. He· sa.ld that the project calls spread the sand if tbe clty would tba.t's tbelr decl.slDo.. scbool yearbook. member oftbe ciput in the swnmer scLeaee "U you UmU tbe use to bi.J bas worked well." plant, tor dredgin tbe channel alon&: haul sa.nd to the 8 street ends. "lll receat eoaYersaUons •e senior oooor society, &Dd CSF tra.ininc program spoo.sored bJ froat onetl ooly, you are dis-COUDCU.ma.a Bob Sbeltoo said Mrs. Wea.tberford ns born the inland ~y to a depth Councll p.ve its approv&l, bave worked out a good deal Sealbearer. As a freshman, sbe tDe National Scleoee Fouzxk- crtmi•Unr. because au of us there are Z anoues open: re .. in Boyle Couoty Kentucky or of S teet at a cost stimated at a.greetn& to prOYlde alxJut 400 0( ~ aDd communiea-won the Wuooie award for <MA-tion.. Case-Western Reser"Yt .... made tu coattlbutions tain the preseut poUey or place ber 5 ebUdr.U: -she 1osi 2 $30 000 Already i16 000 bas cubic yuds ot sud at an es-tion betw'een t.be Z eba.mbers.lll staMing girl, and sbe sernd University in Obl.o. He wUl .tJr tutJor costs.•• be Ald.. all piers taler pubUe owner. SurYi•IDcareldaucbters, Mrs: Dee~ piedged· 1D tbe • form ot tlmated $1.75 a JVd.-Tbe as. tbe kJo&: nm 1t makes sense-00 tbe edttorial statr ot tbe ma)oc ill matb aDd sclm::e ''1'11or~-~~~an~y~~~~sb~lp~ud~~"'~""~'111oo~,!Aoythb>c~~~Addye wana.. of Jlllnots Mrs loaDs at $300 per t>mUy he 90Ctatloll 'fflll be allowed to ooe eltJ alliS-eb>mber. tcbool lltenry maguloe durlt>g at UCI. OWMr fto would ''U LDcr._ EU.l of San pedro· stated. • purebue a.ddUioaal saDd tore-PT b b '' d loa • AA ,m_lo_-. .. :.U~~~a"":t~ .. beacll ~--oat com at reca e 11111tu'"".~.!.lodony me rtlllt tile Kat.-."":.':'~~~ ourse. 5 story hotel planned .:.be= of=~~~ artae• ~m• 00 Dee. 7 ' ...-wbat may nave coo. Wayne's Wild Goose Uld Jotm After being transferred to Dr. Honll lntormed tbe be sUd, "l'm H trlbuted to ber loog Ute, w..~s. Plans tor a s.story botel aDd pansloo of the proposed hotel Arm1stead"s Gl1ssandoafforde1 Yarious duties, Mr. Sa1U1 Couoell, "We object streao-&dY1SemeDt. U a real legal Wbttetol'd said, "lly t.oterest iD parting strocture at the Bay. ta.cWUes. a strocc coatra.st for tbe war "wound 141 wittJ PT's In '43." He oaaly to thb: attempt to tab pol.at." people." Sbe also said sbedoes Lido building site near the Rezoning b'om C-1 to C..O-H mi mories ot PT sktpers a.ad sened about a year, "s.OOoting Ch • "It d DOt drlnk cot!ee. Arches overpass were discus-to allow belgbt ~ to 10 feet ls otncers atteDdlng the Z2Dd an-..., installations, · a1reraA, arlty games Perm I e · Her trleads say, "Sbe Is • sed at Moaday evenln&'s City belt>g requestedbeausetllestte oual re<mloc AprU Z6.,., 27 at barges -and a IDt of""'" beautltul woman. Sbe has a very CouocU meeting. fs now restricted to 35 feet. The the Blllbol Bay club. people shOt at us. Our SQuadroo Tbe proposed a.otl.pmbllDc wbetber tbe oew taw would pro~ placid disposition and has spent Planning Commission has IP· Among the 200 members W'bo lost one bo&t. Then I busted a ordlDaDee was am«mded.Moodlly hlblt ea.roJ.ftl type pmes ~ most of ber time helping Owner Helena Famularo ls proved the re:r.ooing request. ca.me to the coDYeation from aU knee otr Kar Kar, oea.r New _. .. A.. , also considertng the purchase Robert Fleming, represen-... _ United ~t G .. •-1 n1n bo ~-· "'•Dill( by the Newport Beacb YOlviP.gprtses, socbuareOOD· uu.us. of the nearby Elks Club and tiD the Ucant said tba.t be onr u""' .,.,.. es were ----. n a mx g m~y. City Couoell to permit games ducted a.t tbe Coroaa ~I Mar u.rUDti~ a~~ Ua ::u a~, Berkshire's restaurant proper-wo~ld Uk~to pre;_.nt tDe pro. / _,.. bome-towners Dave Robert.oo, ment, spent 3 months lD a hos- of ak1ll for cbarlty eYerb and Youth Ceater Futlnl, aDI1 the 8& s. A ea. iD C otralv N ~rt · ties and the leasing of air rights posed plans at the next c ouocU ~;~ c-A,.,~~h the~!.; ~y1',!yin, ~~.· ~ O:m~ at tbl Fun Zooe. B&1bo& Bay LioDS Lobster Bake Y ve. e e .. ....,. • over tile adjolniDg city parking t and the COUDCil ..... U6 ..... _. • Tbt amended ordioaoee w11.1 aDd at tbe Balbo& Bay Fun "She Uved a.~. alooe -and Jot 00 Ce.otra.l An. !or coo. tmhereeelog.o dtarled ... __ A ... _ Harbor Yacht Landing and Don back to sbore patrol untllrady )Ia 12 to 2Dd ead1Di tbat IDdeed such wu manelous said a nearby ~ wo::-~ AIRMAN Cbrlslopher C. stronc. Woodward, president of Brls-for sea duty a pin." come ~ Y r r Zooe. He SIJd __ ,._ ' stroctioa aboYe tbe Jot a.od ex-to May 1Z son of Ray Strong, !.35 Wa.lnt : ..... 1 Yachts of Sota.hern Cali-Mr. •-••· wbo served as a alliS upedoc1 _...1. p.mes 'ffOnld be -eel, alliS r-. • h • • . h d --u-Tbl la 11 designed to lD L t e a St., Newport Sbores, ba..s com-foroia. technical advisor OD the mone, pr eloMe _ _J...,or~_!!_,in.,lllolllebe~ :,:--estbalto :-.:per.ou:. :.; 1g mg g1ven go a pleted bulc traininc a1 Lack-Dur lt>g World Wu n, Mr. "They •ere e-le," -uwauo,;.'C ..-...---.__....!!!!!!!! land AFB, Teu.s. He las been Woodnrd reported to Motor thinks John Wayne is ''Oot ol tl1btb ODiy pmes of cbi.Dee DOt p.m The Newport Beach City tba.t tbe sidewalks bad been pro-assiped to Lowry AFB, Cokl., Torpedo Boat Sq!Adroo s. in tbe greatest. He used to fts1t meatioMd to tbe state pen&.1 He stated that tbe cb&Dp CouncU voted Mooda.J evenlng posed at only 4 locations -the for tn.to1n&: lD tbe. stq~ly field. July, 1 ~. He sernd in the all the back. tl.gbtioc eampa. ~ code iUid escludes pmes ol would aot ~ tbl etreetlft to JO ahead with tbe Har-4 street entrances to the sub-He l.s a 1968 p-&duate ot West-South Pactflc, Guadalca.nal, Tu-where there was eou_dant ae. still DSI of tbe ordloanee to biD bor HigtllaDds assessment dls-dl•lsion. He reported that the minster Hllb School, ~ at. tap, R\lSSeU I.sJand a.nd Ren-uoo. He &Ot stalled ou N .. City Attoney Tully Seymour bett1.oc oo card pmes, tbl prt. trlet 1:1r street llcbls, but eUml-revtseO cost estimate per kX tended Goldeo West Junior Col-dova UDtil Mareb, 1944. Britain tor 3 day& because C( said be bad reeelnd queries mary purpose of tbe on Jaw. tilted the proposed sidewalks ts $280 tor Ugbtlng and $20 lege. ··We went out at nigbtapinst a big battle &Dd the Pts t.d I I h. b d lromthepro)ect. tor std.,..alks. M D ba.rges andsom.!la.rprshlps." to go get the wounded, 1111 BaH e 0 t e erm en S City Clerk Laura Laglos r e-On a motion by Counellmall ay ay ne recalled. "We ebased tile Uley brouetJ! him out, !DO," ported 26 letters of protest bad Paul Gruber, who llYes Ln the Japanese away." Tbe bt.We of the berm sub-tebicles &Dd UkellJaood_ ot been reeet..-ed. Publle Works assessment area, the sidewalks I d d Mr. Robertson wuwttll Nava l MESA ~!UK ES BID FOR lided lloadly eveDlDc u tbe da.map suit. ap1Dit tblt citJ. Director Joe De•liD tabUlated were ellmina.ted, aM the public au s re s intelligence wXI..IbeYolunteered LOCATIHC CXMJRn Newport Be&eb City COUDCll Vtee-IIQor UDdaleJ PariOGI tbe protests u 14.5\ ap.1nst 'ofotks director was Lnstrueted for PT duty. He served iD the Tbe City of Costa w.-... YOttd 4 to J to table tbt c:oa-ottved a subst1tule motloD to ~\ tlle street Ugtlting and 11·5% t~ pr~e ~~i~:~ Some zoo UCI studeots at-South Pacific and Solomon ls-invited the Harbor Jud1cl.a1Dts- &rcwtrll&l propoallDdeflDlte. etleet tbat fOidW'aJ berms bl / agaiPst the sldewalts. He said tons tended a May Dl.y c:unpus ee1e-b.Dds with Squadron 9, mostly trlet Courts to locate oa a )J.CoaDtllmao Paul Grd»r ==c~!::eutoob-AmMAN David D. DeVries, SOD Junk dealer law adopted ~'=~=~!ilea.ders :n~e~e;:~ =~:ua~~ !!da~~D ~.F:J~~ 'IDCW«llor' adoptloa of a pollcy of Yr and Mn Clarence H. o1. mc;taHetc a.ad communlst1c Vella. Altbougb be ns in $1 million tu uYlDp b' ttatetHat CIWOSIDC tbe trame CouDellml• Howard Roprs DeVrl~s of 2137 iaooptper Dr Ordll:laDce 1295, sett1D& '-" ter-Grlt!ln of SWllaDd, 2nd low COUJitrles were diSplayed under Jots ot skirmishes,'' be was Oranc! County taJiii.Jerl.. IIDW-don bumpe ud ot.true-DOted u.t tbt Z moUoa.s nrt Costa Mesa has completed regulatioos for p&~s. bidder at $81,667. Jenkin Coo.. tbe spoNOrsllJp ofSDS ud YSA. never injured. U . John F. Keo-The eouoty ~1 re- UOM OG plbUe road'n.la CIOIItr'ld1ctl: ud DWit U. mo.. basic tral.n1ai at LacklaM AFB, seeoadbaDd dealers a.J¥1 funk structioD Co. of Long Beach. studeats aDd ODe fleulty mem-nedY was attached to the same eeiYed the ofl'er r....-, ud beea,_ ~ poalblt di.ID&Cfl to tloD tor t:lbiJ.a&. Teii.S. He bas been assiped to dealers, was adopted Mooday )Ow bidder at $59,736, ns bar spoke, t-"'..Loctbe history of sqllldron Uld Mr. Robertson referred tt to the QtJ~aty ra1 d b k I k'd ibeRIUd AFB Tuas, tor efeniD& bJ tbe Newport Beach aUowed to 111.tbdraw b1s bid tbe labor ... JYemeot aDd tbe kDew him persona.ll)'. property services. W'tlb a. Amende an P an 0 tra.lniD& in tbe ciYllenc:tneerin& City CouoeiL because of mlslme.rpretatioo ol place tbe blaet man aDd Mr. Saftig senedwitbSquad-stnctloos toreporttaekl&aJa) mec:banlcal am eledrlealfteld. Tbe DeW' law reqlllres a the plans. Medc:u.Amerlca.o but 1D the ron 24, In the Sout!nrestPaeiftc 00 tb1s pr"q)OI&l ud u. oca- k S.C.tty ..,.,... £loor H Is graduate of Costa Mesa permit fw tbese t.'slnesses, • Directed tne city attoraey oowtry aJoac with tbe back-and New Gu1DaL He was over-peUoc otter ftom tbe cttJ of =:=..: ba&Jrll Tbe eo-cu ~ Cbe MrO ~&b :CbootaodattlllKSedOnnee sets tbe lleeose fee at $100 to prepare a resolut.ioo aliA-a:ro-t' of Ma,y O..y. A fUm seas for U morths. Hewaswltb Newport Be&eh to ~oeatt; la. tM ud P'I"'IC Jot It ~ ..C.b&U bal IOICiGtd a lO..blt Coast Collece. a year or $5 a d&J, eaUs b-teotioo to establish Assess b1ID'J otbattlessuebuCO's Nan.l inl:elligeftce aDd wu at proposed elrlc CHita> ID Mtw. A Ud c..t _ Caraa letbiU: at tbt au.y COI'DII' repoets to tbe pollee depart-meat OLst:rlet 5l tJr alley COIJ. were Sboft. Pearl HarborwbeDtlleJqw,... port Center. YL ..... ,.. , meat each UoadaJ aDd Tburs-struettoo 1o Newport Htlpts 0.. adWt pbooed U!o co tbe h • dt!Mar,-•-odii<BIIr alldllotiJli ... IU-Irtpt-of-.JOAH IRVIIIESMITH daJ Uatlt>g:all llomo reeet•ed IUidBa-. Ealp llaiiDc Ills -...-c bb d coac es Win llciJlllJtllt~BaaebClty ftJ CIDtlla--JlltlloallaJ LOSES COURT SUIT oa -·· pledpd or pur-• APPROVED tlrst readta( ttlat be-.... topo.ytuos ops ro e e-ll lo parmll 1-ftJ --Piu-TOt I1Jlltes states s...,emo etJUod clwlt>g tiJo period pr.. of Ol'dlllulef ll98 'fftlleb-m --tt1a1 sebool's r n. but llld llll*lld lbe DillC lllndlar' Lall'~ WU.. Court deDled Jou In1De cedi.ltctht ~ niYe tbe ~~ o1 a. ..:.U wa.at to ~tart ar~lu-·•We "' robbed. •• claims T'bere wu a..,..,.,.*'-" PliJ•III C..•l-_..m oa1d tbtl ~.::!:..'"!,~~ SJOIIb'o potltloo lor~~~: Hours ol oponl1oo are set at elilslnc-<>UI, _..,..,, 11111 11oo 1o 11111 c:oar,,.. 111or omeer Scotty MeGroaor, -Uttlo bc>yo "'' cion IIIII- "' & -pondl, willa caUOd r-1 ..,._-llloadaJ, e......,. 7a.m.lo 7p,m.-ti!rou&11 lire sale o<dlot-Ill-I ••U--1/lnro ~tills eoaebtd the Ne'ffport BoadJ 1M -m IJOPC'l<1lW ... ... a ~-....... -· ~~!l".!ta4Jolllli~ .. ~-IJlllllladCID-ofMrs.= f'rldl1, 7 LID. to mldnlctJI 0D 'ffbaremorcbtadlsol.scluupd statL" Pollet btstelllall ltam lo lila -JllplaJC'O&d- aloll IIIIa allaJ lo a!..., ""'" ---. -·-• qai.aol 1M James -a. ooao oo -,._ oy 0 Dood, llro, __.,., at eame op!Dst Ne'ffport Harbor -Dollnla Groy, IIIII Gll'J llciJl --· Tlla -ro-...... to --IIIIa par-F-too lo A<J(USI. 1966• Tbe OO'll•D<e -""' 1111>1:1 olbor cU•-'ffb11e lo tile-•DIED Ill VAIN?" hiatl sebool -ebto April I$ Goobo ol tiJo stars. •••IIWO..,...."tolftride ldJac. N.LOpllM:Larea,prtsldeatto boaa fide a,attque deller' •ss:loo.oftM~-praciMIIC Mrs..GealrpHarderotPua.-a.tCoroa&delllarHtpsceol ••.• . I • altlltlamatlnlntF..-IIao,.-ear .. --.. re-1o bold lila ala. Tills-or---btl 1.,.. lolllo The_.. nsll0-7111l-PA-IS PIMMI!D' D.;.ys Club seeks Ba Site -tbtl ttJo denlal, ... UCIJ>ola. _ _. ... eb&rl--.... --ttJo VIIIMm ocabtl .... wW oltbe-.:Ots. A.nl!lt 0 ftll11Q4T DU po!MW--~~tallloatp•l--,atlo--roe•ta'IJralaa~--~allbtllo.J 7~Jll ~·••too&O'ltlloy fico--II 'Ill' Jlv- -lo-Ill oo--tbtl ..-.. ,.....,_ --""-1o art_ ... IIIIa-r .... lollla lalaDd mlolltooly pn tilt_. .... II --._,_. __ :;..on:•:.::..ar:~.::: --lJ'. dloou-loJIIltlloordiMry at tilt -Jli..UUioJc.o-_at,__IIIUda&IO,~ poilU tOtt -'dlloft-lo In tnt Ill' --•• ... ,..... z • ..,.,. .... --..... pl ,fllllla , ClaiJ ., ... -..... '? 7 .....,. Cowtwy ........ -..,.t -arco n...,...,. __ ...... __ .,_ I ........... ...... _ .... -., .... . . .• ..... ·-.., .... _,.:JilL WW.WIIIJI4LII DC .... 11111n • - a t-s ...... _ ... a paRlor Ill," loa ........ ,.,. CAitiiTU.YEA.RDLD "":.:'!-:-:.....,,_ (CootinucdiMI Paac » ~= .. -:.~ bo "* .. :::=-:.:=::.': = =.~ ... ·.:.:: Bop Cl* 1101 -llr IIIIa _,....<JIJISIIanCrao odloo-llJtllteo-11-III!W S-Q..SS ....,. ll ...... tllt,. I en 1-JI&',..olln tr• • r JNjootOilPIIP I •tlllll .... ol--Ill., eoa-. daJOi I I TOt ---OC -Y'lt -111an -.a ... r' o C P a 71 " h-Ia .... 'ttw•ll' -1JI1 If a ear at 1:10,.... • AJl01lTID ~ UM, • ._ wlll .... _,ataa 1111! I! ...-F TODo\Y -IIIIa Loa • eo ln-.-Will ..,. -•••••-""i: ..,. lliJl IIIIa P-Alri1 .. ao loa wu :..•: ....... -JUtlll-BopCIICIJlltllt--la !Co::.~.:.:!.n:-1&': p10.10JI•--Oot.-.. Jl • II _, 0 uP Cllllll ..... ·-::... ~ ~ --·--.,.,_-CoD-. aa:.=. ..... ,.... ---·--.1 •• 'Ill"--.. .. .. .. - ,... 1aw111 .. ell{ ;:-no..,_-.., ... ear -:0::/:,a.,~t!':.st.,:: :..C.._::" _:;.o; _,,..,t,~~~oa••nt:' .. ::.:,-:,:,.a.:.': .,, a ,, ,. ... ,., '"" a c n to cr-., 1oa '*""-• .... ,..,... 11111 -_, Jollr. • oW& s 1 ~ ~ _ .... -• _ •n *' ... •tf~ .._ .. .._ ........... • 4_.. .. 00111.,.. • IIII'Oif'WI an..._. •.,. .. ••• .. , .. ,_. t .1 .... ._ e•• 1 1 .. -::~:~::.:~ ~sa a, .. .,,. • ,_. •• t .,..,.._...._ .-neauu•• •uliii'III .............. Uie+.Ms-•..._ OMt.MOta ,, .. .....,14 izijijl .a It-........ 0... ... -.... laiiiJ.-_ ... w'IMtfl.,.n. .. • , Dr. Clrl -..... lo , ...... _c.' -1111 • e .... ,!IlL!?. p" •• ..., .............. .. ...... SIXUCAliON PAIT I =-= (IM)~~~.n ..... ,_,., ta-ollrdlt ' . ll ... , ............ -.. ... .. .. Some ,...,. wUI .,_.._ be oftwaded by r~?tly beina r-.viNd wi.lh I ..... .,.,.. Md ,._ '(;';;.)a: f.,_ ~ .... It 1111 ·= • wt1D IIIII IMt tM .... ... some ot thil. But the tollowina • • amall...,.. trt•c to lc can be UMd ._.. tcbooll. ~ a.a.. ._. * .. aa• * • .-.....,1 ftD -.t a.. --ptoo ...... t-1110 ...... --» pie of llw ~llod .,.. -~·---_I "'AC«<I'<<;n1 to 1hc lalo, Olld un-. -.... Ul-. AI 1111 1o .. t• t-11.11-1u P1111o7 1b-Ia lrll ._ c-..,.. c-... a. C.W. ---have delcled tome of tbe wont of it to .,.,. !1111utM, £.,,,.;,8 Pt»t," reporu AUla. "Mn. ~ llrl lllllld ._ ............ 111a1......, be,._. pn.. oa t1111 q111Ha d.a. ~.:ti on= J~:.: ::.e.:.;~=::!! ::-n::;;;~--;h~.! ~=:=-~':ro:une~ ~ ~~-ot-:!-: --:~-:..-.::.·:;-ea. :::. ~ ... _ .... _ ... = = :~m: =..,~ ..-. _. !I~ .. wq 1111 .. dill lk ,, .. k:ks C..-tary IChooil •nd even to three-year-oldl. If It child lhould .. imil.lle JUdi btowf'"''· a1oae ......_,.=.-::two ...._ ..,..... ofl:lr .... aldiDar.t pttllrtsd tat lll.ia'ltJ, At.. NMA ..... ,. • Tk:zdq ...... oa-11••' ,.W can be tauJht to our cblklrea, c:an we alford to with the correct terminolou for •• c:qut. 1 •st....-.e: ..::...-:--Brtt:lla. ......... tllatPalaltr T .. ••trill ...,.,7771 ,ka .c-...... c.tll. .. stick our heads in the sand and ref~~~e lo f.ct Kinder1anen teacher. shoukl .. tben impart id-Jill': •ottMRet ru....: biiiDIJ!UdDIIIdMdrllbaDidto llatt ttll& mmtiEt PIOirnitllltl .,.; .,..., .. ,.,. lla:N .. dJ X • .. • .... il? ditional clintul details... ~ PI lf:llll • ldl: ...._.... dlzUN Udtollll puadld s.t.dl1 ..._, tD .._. ~ .. m alltcrJee ... ~ ..._ = _, A..•t7l.:=-:, Sexuc.ton bra1 lhey'w taken NX out of the Allen adds: .. As you miJhl expect, the SJ £.. H...: ··-:-:..UIIelr• fkaU:r. moutr1tt u.t IMJ ...,.ad ae. c:J• M. !,. ..... •• ':,~ -=.. ..... ' .. ,!:r'.a1 ;..Jie r~ rooms and ~ it into thr clasarooms. Many CUS extc:utive dittttor also hu very Pf'OIJ'ft-a.c.t to:=.. a. ':; n. tiiiiMoltutweK'•eo.-ctpt 10 tnee wb PriM 111111 .. ...:::::::.... .. ~ =-t na1':. people sar 1!~ better for chlldra~ t~ team ~ive ideu conc:emin1 homo.exuality. AI abe it t.tcr.lcal diu ol~: a ....UW. eon.. wu "Ire.'' Iter O'N.W cw..-.tbtCeiMUt: AI'YOt. BAAI'A ............................ _ ... a..-_.PaW..._ the facts of hfe from teacher than m tbe fond of tellina younpten: 'Aimoet everybody pandewta.:Mit':permtt dl Jt•lldlll,..•ofCallb'ala ~etYllrllbtiDOIJ'~ PU IIAAPA .. _ ......................... -................ .A-c&.le E4lter back alley: ~ctually, it's not. ~ik lhe back has some auraction to peo1>1e of the same tex Accordllc to a lltorT Prt.... to na1 t11e1r ,.., qaiMl u. lllumaeb U tbt Rlt'. SUUCS.,TIOM IATIS alley desc::npt10rts may not be ent1~ly accurate, ... I cannot condemn it. Every boy in an 11 tbt CbrUitaD a.co. ol state Baudot £4wtdon IX' PalaleJ bid come wttbla 1,«)0 18 a.t.r ArM: 0.. ,. •• loLOD; 2 ,.....11.00 at least t~ back alley does not condone and urban environment,' she sa)s, 'is.aoinl to have ~ Dr.Mclatire~. YOtbc ill flM of a •a tdaea-YOtn of 'lri.DD1Dia rec:lllt tllc:- 01111.., ...._ AM!a; 0.. ,. •• 15.00; I,..... tt.OO promote 11. . . a homosex ual.advanc:c made lo h1m, and, there--Mr. Pab .. J ••tapr.....U,lD.tbe tioll procram. n.'localtoftbla Uoa 1D wbleb tbe Clll'rtllt Sll'ime ~Or00000000900~~ The best ex~ of Amer1can se:c.ucat1on hill! fore. he should understand what it is and what CnmllD. Rtlld Prt.ma. He IPtlll prtllat utSc .. ls "Eire.,-tbe miDllter WU the Ytetor, tlda been done in the wonderful maaazine Amni· his allitude about it and about himself should 3 IDOICs Ia WI prt.;MII ,.ar•• RfP'IbUc ollreiaad, where tM eould bt Lbt bi.IU ol tbt pre- can Opinion by the hi&hly readable and re-be!' lCD but at tbat tlm.e be,.. DDt Romaa CatboUe rtllciOa pre-dlctioa tb&t Paia»J miptt.tbt spon5ible Gary_ Allen. Allen ~~rts : '"SIE~US "'A nd wbat shoul d that au itude be? Con· tr~ u a eommoo crtmlalL domi.Ditts, &Del Ullter, or !tor-wilmer In eome Anre elldloa. I Sex Information and Education. Counc1! of cerning homoseK uals. the SIECUS commaDders He wu permitted to WIIU' blJ tbtra ll'e1ald, wblc:b 11 tbt b.1s-lD tbe meutlme, Pa18~1811t the U. S.). pronounced Seek·us. 1s the pnnc•· insch ~ef smirks to boys in her lectures: • ... you ciYWan c:lotbes to meet torte: abode of Proteltutism. a meUip to tbtparade,•IIIIC pal org11niution which has~spread ill ten1ades owe that person your responsibility and under-..,..t. to ... ~ Willi &ad to Aa .U.OC:Iated Preas ltotJ tblt &U ProtntutstaNartbln into ~ larae percentage of the sc~rooms . of standing. even if you don't share his convic,. •Dd ~ weekly Wter ®t to bis orllf•"nc Ia I..oaclollderrJ, lrelaDd sbOWd lb.Je a CIOt-o4l7 Amenca. Mrs. Calderone. SIECUS executive tion.' Dr. Calderone adds. sadly, that 'it will CburcbY Nortben.Irtlaad,wblcbwupab.. strike lo sbOW tbllr power, aad director. says: 'Sex education must be thought be some time before homosexualily receives COGttluliAc. the .tory relates: llsbed 1D Saad&J'• Rqtlter, tbat tbty should DDt r eA .W of as being educatipn--not moral indoctrina-general acceptaoce.' Unless. of course, the: "Tbe pr .. of lbe world bu told ol tbe arrtnl of 550 ta-O'Nelll ftS OUited from ofllct. tion.' SIECUS treasurer, Isadore Rubin, an 'educational' dforts on behalf of SIECUS are -actat to smeu-PataleJ u a faDtr'Jmea &Dd army *'liNII"I lD bis seeood cau.e otac:tioe, Ktenci~ed Com_munist. is editor of the por~ succcs~ful . rt&bt-wbtc utremlst, a bteot, wblcb brou&bt tbe total namber this time 'J&(.ut preseli dlJ graphic magazme. Snology. SIECUS founder, '"Mn . Calderone says. 'What is sex for? It's I.DIIlbeuaalfl)ltbttswblcbtbe ol Brttt.b IDidterslD lbe s1J: bluphtmy, Dr, Mc:Iatirt re- Dr. lester Kirke~dall, and othe~ officials are for run ... Su is not somethins you turn off commuatJU bart at tboH wbo DOrtberD couatlts to more thaD lated In ,!h' ChrlsU&D Beacoa also conntc:ted wnh Suofuxy. K1rkendall and l'ke a faucet. If you do. it's unhealthy.' The oppGM: tbelr reYOlutloaarypro~ 6,000. that tbe 1eadiAc Beatie, JobD Rubin claim that patriotic unity is immoral healthy Mn. Calderone continued: 'We need cram-." Tbl Deed Wlbesereld;arce. LeaDOo. Wbo elatmtd 1D 1911 bu1 sc.xu01l activity, no man~r how obscene or new v11lues to .~st.llblish when and how we It 11 rev•led tbat "laD PUs-miDtl &1'088 from tbt fact tblt that the _Beatle& aremorepopu- degrading. is good and h.:11 lthy." shoukl have sexual c:xperieoces.' when 11 teeDs ley bas been lbe leader 1a Nor-P4M lloes CU'I'J1Dc water totbe tar thaD Jesus oow, 1.5 to plaJ <71.. ..l«; " .11-,. ARVO E. HAAPA, o'""er a~d ·publlollor of lllo Ensign oooooooaoooooooooooooo HERE IS RECOMMENDED READING Recommended study material for the education committee of the Newport Harbor Chamber ofCommerceisabooldet by Dr. William Steuart McBirnie of Glen- dale --"The truth about the new sex education In the schools.'' The Chamber committee members, who are undertaking a study of sex erucatton proposed for the Newport-Mesa Unified District, should include this document among their source material of in- formation. Here Is a carefully prepared analysis by an outstanding minister, who considers the problem primarily from the moral point of view. Dr. McBirnie explains his stand in the introduction: "We are not opposed to sex education in theory, provided that it is taught from a point of view which reflects the moral law as eternal, universal, and unchanging. But since this concept of a moral law Is really a theological concept, it would be hard to teach it in the public schools •.•• "We believe that morality must be taught in school or else sex education should no( be ~augh_t,": One of the key questi0118 that be analy- zes is this: "If sex education is taught in the schools, what. material will be used in the curriculum and by whom will it be produced?" And he prefaces his discussion of material being prepared by SIECUS with this question: "If the producers of sex educational material are not themselves moral and religious, then haw can they produce trustworthy materials an the sub- ject of sex behavior?" Those who have read other matertal by Dr. McBirnie and have been listening to his dally radio broadcasts are familiar with his objective viewpoint, careful docu- mentation and high standard of morality. in this new book, he has made a valuable contribution to the study of a vitally Important topic. • • • THIS BILL DESERVES OPPOSITION Typical '"educationlll ar1icles" in sahtdous ;oger asked her: 'What is your opinion of pres tbel'D Ireland acaJnst tbe protlDelal capitol Of Beltut :eu:le of Jesus In a 13= Snoluxy magazine are: "Group Sex Ors:ies ... m1.1.ri1al se-.. rel:.~tions amona teenas:ersT Mrs. eeaouudQ.l mcwemeDt U 1t bas bid -e:.::::-=~ ~.a t , ~':' &J ~ "How Important is Se.-.. Organ Size?,"' "Adul-Calderone snap_ped ~ck : 'What'~ you~? No-bleD repreeeated by tbol8 at-f':lutloalry Army badeoppro~ =e: u!'~eslls ~~ ... m tery: Can It Save Marriages?" {wriuen by a body fr_om ~n h•gh IG~) det~rmmn this. You tl~ with the World Couacil mlted tresb Yloluce. Dr. Mc:Intire was 1D a fl&bt~ SIECUS board member). "BrothersSister Ins determme 11 ... I don t belle¥e ... 1~ old of burcbes 1D lrelaDd. He has It was reYe&ltd tbat tbe IP-1llg mood wbeD be added: "Tbe cest." '"My Wife Knows I'm HomoseJO:ual.'" fltull Sht~ll !"uu uppl~ ~ny_ ~re. Sex IS not crled outap!DsttbeUD1typro-eatmotivebetliDdlbeltout-aDnOUDCemeot lntbepreutb&t . . . .. .. the preroga!IYe of Chnst1amty. P'&ID ot tbe eewnerdcal mcwe-Ear BeaU J bn Le Is to Ia ··can Humans Br«tJ wnh Ammals!. Why I Watch this column next week for more on mellt u It related totbeuaUJ t.-eakswutobact'l!'tbemon~ e o IIDOQ P J like HomOS<llual Men" and '"Unu~ual Sex lk-h . ...•. SJE~us . . . , d th of Nortbero lre1 ...... &ad tbe meat to brlDJ about aa end Jesus Christ 1n tbetortbeombtc I .: ln.'iluiOU~ \. organiZ-atiOn li n e --. to NortberD lrela.Dcl's depeD-u.weetseria).Jsa.ooutraceuo.- mantJs."' threat it pre~nts to your fami ly.-American Republic of lrelaad. H1J: bas deace 00 lbe Ualttd KiDcdOm equalled lD all tbe hJ.storJoftbe Kirkendall ha~ reve.tled I hill So.ulvJ(ll 1s curs Wa y Feu1ure~ beta tbe ODe YOiceappetUqiDr &Dilb' ttsmerprwttbthtirlsh Cbrlstia.D Cburch. "ChriltiaDI -----~~!!!!!~"""!~~-to!lhe;;o;;,;;Br-ltlsh~,;;er~"";,;;;;";;;IDII~~~'!! love Him as the Soo ol tbt EVERYONE'S A WINNER-Tbe Costa Mesa poUce won tbe basketball game but tbe Marcb of Dimes la tbe wiDrler . Tbe Mesa pollee beat lbe Oraop Cout CoUece pollee cadets 41 ~23 recelltly at the OCC am, with a Det proftt of mon tban $100 golDg to tbe March of Dimes. OCC poUee scleuce Lostruetor Derra1d HUDt, left, presents the Yietory c:~ to CltJ Ma.Da.ger Arthur KcKeozie, eeoter, and pollee chief Roger Neth. LEGAL HOTICE LEG ION N A Ltrtnc God. To as11 Jollll LeDDOa to por'traJ Hlm oa tbe screen Is an acl olbluphemy.'' --~~~~~~~~~~~=-~=-~~~~~~~~~~--~G-A-L -NO-T-ICE - NEWPOU HAIIOR POST NO. 291, AM!IIICAH LEGION • I'HON! 673c!D70 ----------:::=-:--.:"-:--:--::--:-:-----,...;.:...:....;.:....;.;=...;.;..;...;;.......;.;,...;.___________ NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Wllb AIJrU ®WII tho tabes, • LEGION YACHT CLUB Arts RandalliDIIEdllbMDWIDn. Notice Is hereby pYOD 1ba1 tbe moatll of May l.s the busiest After tbelr shipwreck d&Dee, Nomlnatloas ot omcers tor tbe Plarlllln;r Commlssioo oltbe moltb of tbt year tor most wblcb must ban been ODt blc I9G9-1970 are as follows: Pre. City of NeW" pi Beach wUJ. bold actin Lepoo posts. There ll marlU.me d.lsuter 1t tbe sham-sldeot, Mildred weaver; 1st a publlc baarlDc oo tbeappUca- tbt oom1Dat1oo ud eleeUoo of bles left lD the hall was any vtce~preskleDt DoaDa. Bal-tioa o1 Far west SerYtces Ia::. Post otrlcers Wedoedy, May 1Ddlcatioa of wbat went OD the combe· ZDd 'vtee.presideat tor a Use PerrnJtlGStoperm.lt 14. Tbe AUIW&ry tLtc:ts tbat niebt be:be, our di.UIIlless opea; 'c:baplaiD. Bartwa Slee~ estabUabmeat of a restaurut arne week oa Molday, lb.J lZ. sailor types plan &DOtber event per· hlstorlaa. open· secretary-witb a pus thru w1Jx1ow aad Tbere wiD bt two 1mportaDt to the DOt-too-dlsta.Dt ruture ' • Lepoo Yacht Club JDHtlaa. w ... n .. ~~. • ... _ u; treuurer, opea.; set. at arms, n.IYer ol tbe part~AC r ... "-•d) , U ..,. .,.........,, -man V-I'J'In>m; --~ qolriiDIOis to tile ·-lb&l llaJ 8 \...... &Dd May 1 cbarp pf Reb aotncs...oa ln tbe SbiriQ l)o.iL Mom'•ttOM u 45 ..,_ would t. proril:led =· ~~:.S~t ~L~ hasPo~~;.:'Z9~ e.-committee; -wber.,llle..-.cor...- ,, ,., Lo•• a-ch VA ~·h• ~ •-tted"-tt od FriiJ, Marton Shaler,IDIIHelen 64, IDcaltcl II 910 lloJIIdt Dr. -uJIIf -~ ,._......,.. memua s are "'... 1 ro a e Beck. Nottee 11 berebJ furtber lfYIIl Chlj)I&ID Hap RelcllDor Is ID wholbet tllej 0'1111 a holt or 1101, MODday evenlll(. May tz, at thai sold pobllc hoarJ.ac will ho cbarre. wut 1o sa1l lD oae or 'ftDt to s p.m. ta tbe Amerieu Le..o~-btld oa tbe 15th da• ol lb• • • • 10 oa a beaeb par1:J ..-. ~ ~• • MEMORIAL DAY Raft los i-aft I Om IWI at Z15,151b St., Nnport 1969, II lhe '-n1 1:00 p.m. Tbls year as 1o Je&rs past, ~ are a 0 ; Beach, tbe Newport Harbor UDlt lD the Couocil c r..mben of tbt Post 291 ..i.u bold memorlal ~aut bJDm:' ~ = 291 AuxtUary wtll bold an e&ec:-Newport Beacb City HaU, at services for Amerlcaa war dMd w tli :C 111 1 swtt' h Be ides tbe Uoa oa tbe otrlcers 110mtaated. wbleb Ume &ltd place U7 I.DIS at Paeil1c View Memorial Put :_~a tbt ~ b tJ ba the Pleue be at tbe meetl.D.c aDd all pti'IODI I.Dter..ted m&J 11>- at 10:00 Friday, liaJ SO. AJoDc usal boatlre c ~ ~ ~cb pleue be prompt. It ls )'OUI' pea:r and be beard tbertoD.. with Post 291 aad our KU!pme wbere tbe 1&Dd1oeted types cU boDOI' &Del priYUege to be~ RaJ Y, Cope liD, aecretary Drum aad Bacle Corps:, other jDlD 1D tbe tm. DaDa p lilt is select JOUI' lneomlnc oftlc:ers Newport Beach CltJ ctvte, patriotic: cro• &ad quite a harbor DOW ft;)ro thole fbr tbt tll..mDC year. P1a.DD1ac Comml'sGon members of tbe military w1l1 ot you. wbo hi.Yta't traYelled LorraiDI F. Owens Publlsb: MaJ I, 1969, 1D partlclp&te 1a lb1s obMrftace. those 18 miles down the eout Jr. put presldeDt the Newport Harbor Eutp NOTICE OF PUBLJC HEARING Yucb of tbe orpnlaloc CfO\DS-lately, J woa't ctn )'OU tbe ,.------------------~ Notice Is hereby given tbal tbe work a.ad U'I'I.Qpmeatl lx' tb1s details bere· you .-w .. Ye to LeHers 'LETTER FROM UTT PI&Dni.Dg CommtssLoo. of the eYeat 1a doDe bJ Joba Vlbtrt pt to touch witb W&IIJ at U:r • Ano E. Haapa City of Newport Bea.eb will bold aDd IUs YerJ etfteleut ltafl'there &M-1 '103, 8W c ox at 541-3283, N~ ~bor Ensign a public bell'tnc on tbeappUea. at Pacltlc: View. AU LeCSOD-or better Jet atteDd tbttr aeD _. • .....,. Uoo of Soutbern C&Wolnla oatres, be tMre w1tb JOUI' caps replar a...t.Utc MaJ 15 I just wanted to elpless mJ EdJsoD CoOQ&DY tor a uae Per-aad pay bomace to thole wbo 8 p.m. bere at u. bl.l1. Youc&D iR)leclaUoa of J0C11' commeats mit 14S2topermittheeoutrue-han CODe on bel>re. pt an ot tbt latest stral&b*..t 1D your April 1 '7th editorial coo-ttoo, operattoa, aDd maiD-This year's obserYuc:e w1ll -tblre aDd r'.:... from tbe cerfliD&: me aDd Jotm Sc:bmlta. tt-.oce ofaneleetrtesub&:tat.loD ban -1&1 _ ........ to Post .....,. 1 ban tateD quite a btt ol to be located at the DOrth side member Bob=: 11111 bla horse's mouth' .OkaJ?-TED. nat from the llberal establisb-of Bt.Qn AYemae betweeo Jam-wltt, lbrJ, At this wrWac. • A~Y ~ws • mellt OY• mJ SIEC US DeWs-botee Road aad Ca.meltack tuoeral al't'IDI'8meata are belDc -1/tGUEST tNTERE~T ()fi!NSUREfY gAr!ff/lJ.$ .. 1etter, bat It bas also r eceiYed street completed b' tbetr ma, CpL The Newport Harbor Un1tt91. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation atremeDIIDDs amDWIIDI-NnUcetshereb)'fllrther gino Robert GeodroD, tmiC ldllocl Auxiliary has •mel deleallls Commission of Newport Beach is to be lbro•-lhe counlrJ. 1 be-that sold pobllc hoart.ac will ht to actlDD AFU lllh tovi.u.m. IDII atterDaloa to slate""".., Ueve tbe actJoo of tbe state beld on tbe 15th daJ of M.a.y' He wu buried with ftal1 m.1lltl.rJ t1oa. to be beld 1D Su. ot.cD commended for Its stand against the Boord Dl Edueallnn compleloiJ' 1969, 11 tile hour ot a,oo p.m. honors 11 s p.m. ,_day, June. proposed Z'Berg Assembly bill, which "fiDdlcalas me 00 the matters to tile Cnw>cU Chambers Dllhe April 10 11 P&C!IIc VIew 11 Delaps sloeled ue u lois wbicb I discussed. Newport S.Cb CltJ Hall, at wu earPani GeDdroll.'l ~ Iowa: J01.1me Frey, Mildred seeks to provide state funds to help local I oelld my ldodest reprds. whkh time IDII place .., IDII toar o1 duiJ to vt-... 0o hla WaYOr, E-r. J-IDII communities in meeting recreational Slnceretr ynnrs, all per .... --m11 ape tlrst DDmhll 011111 oohlar-. AadrOJ Mnrr&)'. Alter-ore needs. The City CouncU, in turn, deserves James 8' utt pear IDII ht holtd --to Vtotaom sr-.e -lltltD Beck, OJ.-llalcomho, Member of Coogress RaJ y. CopellD, secretary down tbe b.ucapter be wu commendation for taking official action in Nnport Beach City n~·-tn. 111 wu ldlltd oo tho LEGAL NOTICE * .. PAPER nGER'" 1 .... opposition to the bill. EdUor or the Ellllcn, P-.c Comml.o-blrtbday Dl hla llnl Cll!ld. NOTICE OF PUBUC HEAR!N(; Councilman Don McinniB, who made the Tho r ecent remark by our Publl.t" May 1•1969•1D "As • each •._, •...,.too IIGIIce 1.1 llt<obJ ~~~-tat oecretary ol state to lilt e11oc1 tho Nowpo<l Harbor Ellllp reacbes tho Peutr c.too, to tho P!UmJ.ac Comm-Gillie motion to oppose the bill, sa1d lt would that "tile •eat< can ht rub; Saini p-,.. will r.u. I'Ye CIIJ 61llollparlllolcll will- place additional tax burdeiUI 011 our local lhe powortul mut be .. , LEGAL HOTICE -my rllll! to como Ia, ~1':,'';!.,.0:.,IIIe~ ed st:ra.lDed," reterrJDc to tbe Sir; I"Ye ...,.t mJ time ta -_.a-taxpayers. CouncUman Ed Hirth touch -IDe _.. o1 oar r-NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Hell." Porllllll4M to porlllll OD- the heart of the matter by saying "Thill .. ,...... plano o11 North lfOTICE 11 HEREBY GIVEN • • • boor ud -to .,....."- bill would take from us what we have the Kor-. 15 Jnol &DDihor pau~~, lhtltho City "-'11 DlthoCIIJ' • ~CK u:;A.!i:; Umco alllll 1111-:::.. ~ ":':' 1 = -----tt.ac .. "owpo<l lloldl will hold • right to do for ourselves.'' t11e .. _. tlpr" -o1 pablle 11o1rt.ac roprdJ.ac tho ~tr!.~:O:..:,= -II -•· And more than' that it would take away tho tBA. n jloslllloo tho llate, -' D1 H. 0. ~tapa ttom tho .111 -••• :o -~~ Tlllo ' moot -made dwJ.ac lllo dol'l-al tile • .._...Com, a~-,~-·~• 1 -from U8 some of the meiUIIIforsolvtngour ca-lp .. _e•oaotadlmo'o mi---UooPtniiiiNo. ----.. II Kl lllolaldpoltllc--Ill own problems It w not "state money" -u. c; __ .. --l4MioToii-Ma •--.:·-~.:"-a:'~":"i..=. -1.,. ~~~~~~~~~-11111.,.-,~ • ' thotwomoJa<-. c-.lor--DI• -._, ·• _,.._ after all· it 1.8 our awn money, taken -ay BOB DOGAN ,_ .... , -00 1:u1-. I..,. an-" 111 1111 c-o c-.., from W: and then doled back, minus a Nowpo<t Bea~b ~ F..--PIIID u11 T--.. _ .. • ~ "-1111 111 ~-·--rt 1111-...!.,IIJ IU. • -......... -. Loll 11-ll • • • • ... -,._.... .., .. stsable "brokerage" fee that bureaucracy -wYAG!""" TIRIIOI" Block 1, -TneC, -~ :;.~ , • ._.,-;::r:tlt' ~~ :'!,~ must collect in order to thrive. 1$ IYC "IIOGIUM C,l, -liP 1 .,_ ., ~=-.., 1', "" LIGAL MOTICI LIGAL MOT1C! · ·-T-CNI will-IIOTia IB liERB8T rw, 1111 a•h m .S ·-·• al -1111 ladloo ud -· TSR GIYD 1111 1111 aid-1 ···-• .. OLD IIOI'Df11PUBUC1IIlAIIDIG _ .. .......,_.,_ --oo ,__,, llll t, .......... wtllh-oolllo MAn ••• (Tb -~-II) -11 ......., .,_ 1111 1111 aldpoltllclloorlacwlllh....,--111c1 tc 1111.1111 ., Ill llor. a•. 111 ••• -••--.... 1111 lllln liCDPP-altiJO l!i!ld 00 1111 11111., al IIQ, li:IOLK .... lrec'lll-.. -of "'.10 ,.._ Ia 1111 i1cll tr; 1111--7110 Jj eL-CII:Jif•.-t-Will-a-. 1111111-aii:OO,... 111 ll:ll 111 1111 Clll er oo Cr 0 Cllortro of 1111 CII:J __ .. '1 rio IIIII, •-,... -.,....: ....... " a .. ct rae tratl .. ..,.... Drtte Ia C... M ... ., '!! Clr., •• .,.. ........ ...___,..., • Rtlllllr~I-~IJ!til!''!t· ..... W.LLirlllrraY•I r ln;al-C11:J .... lllllor.lln.=Lrltl ;.S -.eo .. -.111--IPitPliiL•IIO--If ..... ........ ofa--.S--W.SaD IU._ ~!JI!I~W.S .. ;a I ... --. .......... blllrll 00 ...... 1111 ...... --,., --.. _,. :.;;;;; •• ··----.. h ..... ___ ...... :'~·.::.arr:..-:r::~ --_-r.g. :-.... , ::J-.~·~::;., ... -~:.:a· =:-~·:.':·,·.~ .:t7Pr ...... ~-.:r. alit ..... --It .. a l~C:, r.;o:~ n ·;: =.. -... f ... ,.,...,. __ •-.:,;::a-=;: ~,..-:':1-:. :rir¥\5· ..... =.-:::..;.....:.-rn=~:.ea:r~ .. :.-r::-':5.:.'t,.. FE.(= IT£1UT IAY·Ifl t1 DAY .. T • • WIAKI m II SAlliS Ill lUI WIUTffi ASSETS OVER • ..... 000.000.00 MUTUAL SA 2111lall ~ IIW a;, C::... DIIMir, Cllf . .a 1 l!ftuc:I7NOIO ) I AliT lOO lillY GaAa Pill PUT OUT IPIID GMIGIS T.utiM ... _._ .. __ ,_.,... ... __ ,..-.... w-·c ··I -..... ,.. ....... ._.._ .., ._.--... ---ounca -a...,_ II 1:41 a.m. l'lrM-.JIItl80f,_,,_ ......... _11_1 News Alrllll, al .. llowpaol W'*-... , .. AlrQD, al Ull ~ -""A I: IN? w. c.ao& (0.---l) · dlr-... ell .... Ioiiar 0-Mallc, I1JI lf._t-. U..Dr. _..... IIWJ. -·· IIIlo, dol--·-·-.. -····""" .. .-~-.... Sh oes, Shifts, Knit Suits a nd Su rprise Specials Cin~o de Mayo Specials! Ys off GIFTS FOR MEN Men's Shirts, Sweaters and Slacks Ys off m1cho mas Charge Cords Welcome ftlllwld. -.... -... lhiiJ, • :lPPIKIWD _.....,.., • ACCBI'TED a lfUI -~ 1m, ftldl --L 1oM ud !loll Erlb-.UO. ... ca•eU tD -. a. -a LGta I ud t, at hi ll.ollral--···1 ... -....... --... ..,. --IIIII 1M -• ol Hl,OOO, lor tbo ...-.. ol -_.Sod ......... -.. -"-BIYd. M.-1 ud ,_,_ oa1.. ud -BIYd. EJtlit puetls •r-. 1a 1M ..... o1 ,_... _.,. U IIIII .. " __ -,_,_If tbo-.,...,....S. T-.ol1 ..... 1D tM ... ,.,_., ,._, t1t11 dllld b ""'U1a1tioD cNrllc tbl llrt---N-Io 1119-'10 ll8ea1 ,_ are tbl lliUe tile ftldl wt111o1t fwtller ram1atac 5 parcels, awertac peuc blutJc aAir mA11AC a I iota. JAMES DECKER of J)O.tcard ..UC. to tile Oftll'l • CALLED 8DlS tor 10 L m. tbe Soutbera ~ :re. of tbi-IJI ..., 19 tor strett llCbiJllc .. poo lor tbl -. CoomUes • APPROVED flrltr.U.,ol tbl tuttrlJ side ollrrlDIAYe., Gu Cornpi.DJ bu betG eJected Ordlauoe UOO, Wldcb woald ad~ to MulDers Park &.lid to tbe board~ directors of the ,_,.. tbl lrT1De propat) at at tbe llllersect.ioo of MulDers 811 Brotben of <>ranee CouatJ tbe ...,_. c::orl*' oflrriDe Dr. with In1De A•e. Eltimated He 1.s 1 aatb·eofOriJl&tiCouaty. An. ud Mu1Dir1 Dr., 8Dilth. cost to tbe city for 5 street atteDde4 local scbool.sln s...ab. eriJ of --· Seboo~ frcal U&IJis Ia $6,000. Tbo IJIIem Ia Aoa, IJid COIIll>leted bill formal c ..o.a to R-S-8. TIU e.a acre deslped so tbat 4 ll&MJ, to edueatioo at tbe Un!Yersity or pueel 11 tbt lite of tbe Wut-be paid for by tbe Newport.M.eaa C&Uton1a Collece ot Acricul- cwr aput:meat.J;, 110'1' taler Sebool Dtstrlct. m&J be U... hire. He serYed for 4 years COilltroctioa.. stalled at I later date, s1Dce Y11b the U. s. Air Force 1D * RECEIVED I letter trom lbe district 1s uoable to turW:b World War D. He hu beer! u- tbe DlriaSoo ot HJctnrays act. its share of tbe mooey at ttds IOCI.ated wttb lbe Commtmit}' DOWledctDirecelptoftbeCoaD. time. Chest Red CrossandBoysClub en ruobtaoo oppoctnc ID1 • CALLED Blll:l tor 10 a.m. 1D Laiuoa Beach ud with the cbaDp 1D tbt locatloa of tbe May ZO tor reconstructioo of Orance Empire Ek,y Seoul Couo- Coroba del Mar freeftJ a.Dd Westcwt Dr. from lnlDe An. en sla1IDc 11111 lboJ aroproeeediDc lo Donr Dr •• storm drala&, • 'Witll 1bo des!PI ol tbllreeway •ddUioo ol curbed modlaiiS 111 WIHOI IS STOI._f;ll. 1n tts adopted loeltloo, WestcWI' Dr., remOTa! of dips A $150 power wtncb was NEWPORT HARBOR EllliGII ARST SECllOII --P• 3 H o w to aw allow a bitter pill Fint. fold a bitter pill. There m: so few DOWMia)'l. It an II.Utcd boo c:aUIC chiklrm. bbt •em. arc 10 -··-~.-. K:ine. You can medicate tbc:ir chi.nl or hair, but Jdtiftl tbe stutr Itt them is beyond tbe ken of ICienct'. ]{jds can spit a country mile. So phannacisu bepa IUpr-<::Oitint: pilk. puttiDc medication in c:aptUiea. or mixlna with sweet ayrup. And we 100'11 found that adults,. too, like medicine the easy way. So now, most ot our praaiptioos are quite pleuanl: to take. If you sltollld run into one of the few bitter onca. be!4r- ta, there arc aood medical reuoDI for iL Christensen ..a &. COAIT _.,_ ~· .a. lUll • REC~IVED a report trom at the 1Dteraeetton of Westcwr stolea trom a tra.ller that the state cod:roller u.t tbe Dr., 1 '7tb St. a.ad lntoe AYe. Tbomu Muotea.m, 713-1/ZJas- clty's sbare ot Teblcle Uc.ee &Dd at tbe CabrUio St. -lrviDe mtDe AYe,, Coroaa del Mar, lees lor lbo period 1rca1 Doe. An.lnterseelloo, IJid wldeaiDc le~ atlbo zzoo w. Hwy.cllsplay 1, 1968, to 11ay S1, 1969, ..W of lrYtne An, at SherLn&ton PL ;lot~oa~>W!Der!· :::•~ll:lle:lhe:nl:cl":..!::=================~ be $200,286, bued 00 a IqKl-Cost 1s to be dtYidedutollows: ot 16. latioa ot42,91 ?, Newport Beach, $156,000; Costa • RECEIVED a couater pro-Mesa, $30.250; Flood Cootrol posa1 frca1 Newpo<tllalboo Sa-District, $91,950; eoun1J arte- Yings aod 1.c:u Assn. 011 tbe rlal bigtnrayflDaDclDgprocram, elly's offer ol$20,0001orlhe lot $5-1,200. 3424 Via Lido, New po rt Beach 673-1970 at 202 :J.Srd st. tw w1deDiDc o1 * ACCEPTED completioo of Newport Btrd.; tbe Assoclatioa the comblDed street lmpfO'fe- letter lJ.sted: addUioaal costa meat program Ia Corooa del aDd potential proftt from air()-Mar aod a.l&borlud Immediate DOsed ~lez, a.ad said tMt tbe paymG of all mooey remaining the cooiractor. Tbe bid 6~/ pl'lce was $215,863. AddlUooa..l work and cbiDgeorders boosted ll>e lotallo $242,630.10. • APPROVED a.2-yearuten- 11oo requested b)' tbe u.s. Corps of EQgiDeers tor tbepermitsfor pole ID~ltded time-lapse camera&Ddtbe burledn•epp cable OD tbe beleb 1D West 'Jhe (l.ENOWNEJ::) Newport tor coot1Dued monitor- 1Dg of tbe beaeb erosion. • APPROVED tbe teatatln map ol Tract 6938, a tlltal of 146.5 acres consisting ot 520 residential lots, 4 c:reen area lots and one sebool sUe located east ol MacArthar BlYd., south- er 11 of lbo llr st pllase ol 523 IIIII of tbo l\Jpor -VIew ll1lla pi·-........ ly de- Yeiapmelt ol tbe na.Jd L. Bra ~PFN CAliS Co. • lEER & WIHE C & H GRAHULATED SUGAR ._,.__SLB. BAG 59t ST"'R KIST )I SIZE C:\H TUNA 3/$1 CHIF FON SOFT ILL SPECI ... LS FOR O.U.Y 1·2-l Froz e n Foods VEGETABLES , IE"'$ & C...R1t0TS 3 ,. -CORM - IIWD LEMONADE 6 0L--12,0L-2/23$ 2/45$ Fresh Produce TRIO • AWARDED tbe ooDtract tor reconstrucUoo of tbe Newport lsl..a.od tddp to Croft II: NeY1l.le Co. of Newport Beach, low of 6 bidders at $1z.4.30Z.S4. Tbe bid .. 40'l blpr lball ... eagt. oeer's estimate of $88,000, but the doseoess of the 4 lowest bids, renglog "' $U3,8Z2.5ll, 1Dd1cates the bid prices are rea.llst1c aod competlttn. ac- cordl.o( to publlc works direc. MARGARINE 40t • 675~0470 -w:.L SONG STYLINGS ~JOSIE u a201 E. COAST ~~6~WAY CORONA PEL MAR- Aalhrl••ll I URIKA MOO VIR KIRI Y • •S.tu tor Joe DeYlln. BORDE N'S LONGHORN LEGUHOTICE CHEESE 9 oz. PK. 53' NOTICE OF PUBUC IIE.I.RIIIG J~---------------Notice Is bereb)' ciYeo that tbe P)amlng Commissioo oltbe Cll1 ol Newport lleoeb 'Will bold a Pttilc bearlD& oo tbe appUea- tioo ot Commumty Chureb of TNh (loeorporatod) lor • Use Permit 1435 to permU esta. bllshment of a church 1D 1.11 utsttnc eommerclal building located at 495 Nortb Nnport l!otll..ard. Notice Is bereby b1ber gif't!ll lbal said poi>Ue ...,,.. 'Will be btld oo the 15t!l. c1aJ or Kay, 1969. at tbe llour of 8:00p.m. 1D tbe Couoc:U Chambers of the Newport Boaeb Clly Hal~ at which Ume aDd place 1.DJ &Dd all persoos Ulterested may ap. pear a.ad be beard tbertoa. Ray Y. C111>0llll, soerGrJ Newpo<l Boaeb Clly PlaDoJnc Commlssloo PubUsb: MaJ I, 1969, 111 lbo-Harbor Eoslc NSTANT BREAKF AS DARK OIOCOLATE OR CHOCOL ATE f BE •1'•• IU.L COFFE ILL MIM~ftz•~ HECCHI Wli iTI ~ER l LIS M ,.... I IU .,. Llolo ... Dean Re1vie gets award TWO GIIAT fAMilY SHOWS The a.st Ooub .. ailling in th. ~my, __ Ca.lenda.r- a.dull town until Sherin McCulloueh took over DON'T MISS THIS OOUIU llll .......... ""'-..... , .. 7 ,. loll c~orl o ......... ~· ... ~ .... Jr -Z P.IOI . n.a D. Rea'f1e, Mftport BelaJ*r-111, wW reetlft lbo 1111ca!l1Dral&P-- Ikal Aaoelalloa -lwnc _ .... ·-_,, 11&11, Ia Palm lil>rlop. n. award .. bi..Hd oo apro- ...., bo daYelaped lor a -...... "'pbaraw:lllaudplly. llolul. Hll prvject .... - tld•ed bJ lbeawardcommlltM Ill bo lbo mollorlllll&lud moll PI'OIDialai Ill reprd Ill ooiYIJII tile "'"''lllutnc-Deeds olllle IIWI)'pllarmaelstslocaled 1D amall towns. CORONA DEL liAR'S CU. GurDeJ, rUDDer-IC)In 1ut Jell'' I For 15 yeus, be bas beeD Ioctb•polls 500, 11 pictured ben 1D Ilia 1919 eotrJ, tbe auxiated wttb VIa Lido Drugs Olsonlte Eagle, wtdcb be wm drtYe In the May so race. Tbe ot Newport Beach. Dew £acle was UD¥tlled Jut Friday at a hmcbeoD spoasored JUHKIR TEHHIS O.UB by lbo Santa Am. Cbombor al Commaree Ill b1a boaor. Tile low drag profUe daip represuts lbe lowest ol"lr....all AT YOUTH CEHTER belcl>l aDd widest bodJ cllmoosloo o1 Ull' Eacte produced Tbe Newport Beacb JunJor at GuroeJ'S All Americaa Racers lac. tn S&Dta ADa. TeDO.ls Club, spouored by ttle OYer-aU Jencth ls 157 !Debes. Dry wetgbt La 1,!50 potl)ds. city PU'U. beacbesudrecr•-Fuel capacity 1s '15p11oaa. Helcbtattbecowlta 16,5 IDcbes, t1oa department, ls DOW being aut at tbe roll var, S4 !Debes, coo:lucted at the Community s 0 f h r~ g:·:.~.::.:"oo~':.~ ess10ns set or coac es day aflerDDOGS from 1 to 4p,m. Tbe tlrst 2 bours wm be an AU coaches of tbe Harbor the OCI physical educaUoo fa. lnstructlooal period and th Area baseball program are cillUes WedDesday, May 21, last 2 hours 1rlll be devoted ~ scheduled to take part l.n 3 and tbe 3rd wW also be at UCI competition among members I.D training sessions this montb, Sat Ill' day • May 24, tolll'oameot play. The ten week according to Rod MacMUIJall, Gary Adams, UCl baseball program will cost $3.00 for baseball commissioner. The couh, wlll team with juD.Ior membership and ts open to first session is slated at the coUege coaches from Oranp )'OUDg people between 1o aut 15 pollee factllty oftbeCostaMesa. Coast, Saddleback aod Golden- years of age. Ted Winston 1s civic center at ?:30 p.m, Tues-West tor the Clinic at UCl at club director. day, May 13, The 2nd 'rill be at 7 p.m. on May 21 and Sa.hu-da.y morning", May 24. The Saturday New citizens lake oath =~, -::u., ~o~:~,.~z..t 3rd &ad 4th p-aders and their The OllUiotAmeriC&O cttizeo-Great Britain; Vilma and Ru-dads, and 10:30tol2:30forboys ship was administered by dolph Renta, 827 Victoria st., tn the 8 leacues and aboYe and Superior Judge Herbert Her-from Yugoslavia; Mary McNa-their coaches, laDds last weet at the Orange mara, 920 Coronado Dr •• from 1 ----'----- County courthouse In Santa Ana Ireland LEGAL NOTICE to 104 aliens, lncllkling" tbe ' NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING tollowlllg !tom lhe Harbor Areao GEORGE W. MAR TIM OF NaTICE IS HEREBY GIVIlN Bill>oa Island -,.., ROOert C.M. 0 I ES AT AGE lf7 that tbe City CouneU of lhe City Douglas, 400 S. Bay Ft., from Just afewweeksatterbis8'1th of Newport Beacb wlll hold a Canada. birthday, Geor(e W. Martin of public llear1n( regarding the East Bluff-Louis John and 327 w. Wilson, No. 1, Costa appeal of Cllfford J, Alplugb Nel Mary Veerkamp, 2233 Mesa, died Aprll 26 at Costa from the dedsion of tbe Plan- Aralia st., from the Nether-Mesa Memorial Hospital, n.Lng Commlssion grantlng"Vu. lands, Mr. Martin was born A.prU ta.nce No, 969 to the City of lrYine -Annette Louise Es-2, 1882,1n Wisconstn,aodc.ame Newport Beach tn behalf ot ser, 112 Verano Pl., tromGer-to CaWornia andOranpCowty Mrs. Audre Sehitf tor the con- many. 16 years ago. He was an elec-strucUon of a carport on froot Costa Mesa -Herta Matilda trictan with Manitowoc utillties one-llalt of kit at 1909 W. Bal- Maul, from Austria, and Man-tor 30 years, boa BlYd,, Newport Beach and to fred Otto Maul, from Germany, Survivors are h.ls wife, Vtc. allcnr said carport to eocroach 327 Bowling Green Dr,; Grace torta; 3 sons, Howard of Hun-into the 5 ft.. required troot Annie Arlelth Halllng.285Sauta ttngton Beach, and Leonard and yard setback in an R-3Zooe, Tomas, trom Canada; Doreen Alonzo of Wtsconsi.D; a daugb-(SectJon 20.02,190 of MuoJclpal Htlllan and Michael Nicholas ter, Mrs. Betty Swain ofRJYer-Code requires a tully enclosed ~~~6~90~Gcw~~er~oo~r~:Ji~ side; a brother, Mervtl Martin; structure). r 2 sisters, Mrs, M)'ttle Ooogte NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR. OU I II CORSI Open Nifhtly at 6:45 p.m . Sunday at 1 :4S p.m . aod Mrs. May Mtller of Wis-THER GIVEN that the AidPib- oonsill; 8 gr&.Ddch.lldren I.Dd 8 Uc bearln&: 'rill be beld on tbe great-gnndchUdren. 12th da1 ol May, 1969, at tbe CINEMA THo;, ALL! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SerYices were held April 28, hour of 7:30 p,m. In tbe Com- at Bell Broadway C hape~ Costa ell Cbombers ollhe City Han Mesa. Interment was at Harbor of the City of Newport Beach, Rest Memorial Park. Calllorllla., at which Ume a.nd -------------place uy and all persons ln- LEGAL NOTICE teresttd may awear and be .. 1..50 W I TI-l ·•e ULI..ITT' WNT EASTMJOO • "COOGan'S BUJff" aff ROianOH lEST ACTOR CJ,/A~LY STI:VI: MCOlJI[~ AS A loveotory that besiu with ... iacridlble experiment! --~,, .. ---'OOUITT' l(()ffi<J VAI..J(;f1N I I S!!_IIHRID.Cil~ Wl£111111.._ Archery BOWS -ARROWS TARGETS-GLOVES SLEEPING BAGS -BACK PACKS- DEHYDRATED FOOD Swim FINS MASKS-SNORKELS SKIM BOARDS RALEIGH Bikes PARTS -TIRES TUBES-REPAIRING 'UBL E TENNIS SITS -PADDLES Baseball GLOVES BATS-BALLS CAPS-SHOES Tennis RACKETS SHOES -SHORTS SHIRTS -SOX VISORS-STRINGING Handball CHAMPION GLOVES ACE & SEAMLESS HANDBALLS SKATEBOARDS FRISI!I!S SLING SHOTS NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING heard thereon, NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN Laura Lagios that the City Council or the City City Clerk or Newport Beach will llold a City of Newport Beach public hearing regarding Or. Publlsb: May 1, 1969, 1D dJ.nance No. 1300, being, AN Newport Harbor ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NE WPORT BEACH REZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 27, Plan. Ding Commission AmeOOment No. 25-4., lrvtne Company re. quest to rezone southeast cor. ner of Irvine Avenue and Mari- ners Drive from a C-0-H Dis- trict to an R-3-B District. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that the saJd publtc hearing w111 be held on the lzth day of May, 1969, at the holD' of 7:30 p.m. tn tbe Council Chamber s of the City Hall of the City of Newport Beach, Ca.Wornta, at which time· and place any and all persons inter ested may appear and be heard thereon, Laura Lagtos City Clerk City of Newport Beach ~~~~~ Publish: May 1, 1969, In the Newport Harbor EnsiCJL THE LUXURIOUS lEW IALI. THEATRE HOW SIIOW1HG-EHDS TUESDAY ' NEII'OIJT HAI!IIlR EJISIIJI RRST SEC11011 - -P. 4" lltUIISMY,IIAY ~ ltl8 COIOIA DEL IIA~ CAU F. VICTORY 'IWicl no~._, c~~aee"' .... Coul ._.-.. wW. be MJd I p.a. lltwdQ, 11&1 .. at .... -Pa.W.. 11&--"' ....... will bo eo-.llal 'Oiol\lllr lllo Paelllo -· '-llrll di•-·~IP lor lbo 1111 111M 1D I _.. Tbo Qollod Coul -..... ... allo -- dina. UILl ..... -'*' ~ lbo oallre -AJu Y-. wbo mrred ID tbt "Mr I Ed" tellfltioo lUlu. wW mUll awvdl. c:an oHer you thlt Ml...:le, llfeoeavlnt RADIAL At c. Dr M.Tirt Stnkl. WI ,ON ......................... "DOG lONE" tread .cleaignl ,.,... wlttl ............ tt .... t '" . ...,. ........... ) .. ll1rl 1111 lfl .. .,.... .. ""' lirtl. TUIEWS WHITEWALL tr IIEDLIIE 17s.I-1S 17J.I-14 115-«-14 115-«·15 n~70-14 ft·70.15 Gl·70x14 Gl·70.15 ... ,.., .. 70Cb13 695x14 735xl4 735x1S ns.1• 775•15 125.14 liS• IS li•t Prk• Sale Price ...... I• '37" U 6.1.S ""' I• 141'5 S•9U .,, " I• 145" "'" ""o I• 149n Ul 20 ptw $1.ts re S2.17 ••·· f.I.T., IXC. TRUCK AHD P ASSEHGER TIRE ROAD SERVICE AVAILABLE. 1 Ti"M 2 Times 3 Timu 20 words or leu ........... uo 2.,50 3,00 21 words to 30 words ..... 2.00 ~,00 ~00 31 words to .«l words ... 3.00 4.00 5.00 Eoch word over 40 words . .OS '10 . 15 20" OFF FOR CASH WITH ORDER FCQ 3000 boob at 19«: eacb. Daily Junt Sbop Sale at TeWink..le Hardware. l ,OOtl items. U 8-2018. Eotabllohed 1919. Newport Blvd. at 18th, Costa Meu. ALOOHOUCS· ANONYMOUS P. 0. "Box 1223, • BOOKS FOR SAL~ TRANSPORTATION 100" Financing Available AI so We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 I-I arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 54!H511 "WELFARE WOND!:RLAIID''-::,F.::O.::R_,S=AL=E ____ _ road ol Ulo. By Dam llallol. U 11. FIBERGLASS BOAT, S5 ~bock, $1. "' 0/B m-. trailer, $550. ~ 646-5011 or 646-1101. -""·"· .Uoad , ....... Accld ...... I8C'llldld lllporta 100, 101'11 au.lla ClroYa -..--TOLL J'I!BE ~ ' Te:rrtllc sarinp: on Scott and Stereos -pla.lm or accepted. MUSIC CO, • steiDfty • Yam&Ja llalll St., Santa Am. Est. 1914 here. Capebleandresponsible, to lealo andteachprofesaiorll.l ma.ke-lC), Poatble to ban small bwdnes& of own. Call collect to: Jea.n Va.a Sickle, (211) 781-3310 or wrtteo laeL pb:>oe ao,, VtYiul Woodard Cosmtttca, o.pt, '70164, 14611 Titus St, Pa.aorama City, C&W. 91Ul. • GwAHTD IRONIIIO. Ya .. ol ..,.... i•oe • all .,.., ol olo- *1.. " lla& ..... aiiJ, -·· -· 11."' ... . -.ww-tOJ ..... PIOII•. a1o1. nJJ.m4. sECRETWL Hi;~ .........,llllirJ,..Ubaot- ~· .... tcooell CaU l'rs~ ......... • IIIICILLAIIBIUS I r Installation opens Mf1 WIIIIU t1r t1111 Jluepat tin.,... hh *'•..,.._ e.a hell c• ._...we • ., a.. 'aarw t, • _.. h'hiN .. *•• .. ..,,. piiiM fDr mrln• • -.. llu'l. ....... .... ._._ .. ~'#Dattpfl. .. l..t...,Cehadt 111n -·-••-oflln.looi.C "p·•udllto. Mla.Oallllowl.,, -...no. D.'hazsa• • .,._ <If eo..,.. D111r1o1. AI 11 .... -lo oo ao .............. lltud ....... Pli•••··-- EiloD'o e~oan~...,., 1·8ollo-a., lll1'lft II ao -of -._ WID ~ --llro. I. W. 1-, C.0. dol ··---u. .......... Mar • .,_ ........ ol ome.r. ibc ICbo)lr .. Ul to be YU1 be blkl. Co-"ootellll U'l l~ 1o -..., ~~-llmoo. J'rul llorllo~ Rlclolr4 ar...,. ~ Collop. Se-IIIII-- lib)' 7 lo 1bo -b' IDMD· A .,.toe -IIOltr loploo- bero <If-Sodloe a -.IIOIIb'-oofGor•-. """" lD lllo bomo of llro. toro 'II -FrldiJ, llu' I, CIJdo,_, C.O.dOIII&r. II EbeUCI-. Co .. hMte•• laciW Mrt.. nate. k tbl Trtvel Seetioo N-Ju Br-, e11o1ra1u. -bJ lin, R&,.-Mra.. llar,.rlte Kar...n. B•ms, are MQlf, k a Joca1 ll'lrJ>IIl' IIIII llro.SiuloJilllllo. oattDc. and • trip to -lllo Nooo _,_ WID be .nOll. Cb1c LJct11 Opon. pr- -IDOIIlDc II&J I an <If ''IIJ F&lr l.odJ'' oo II&Jo II, -Soc:tloo4;SodloeCanlo<; 1'111 lui cJII> Jar,._.., -Seelloo 5 and Olio P.ll. for Boo!: S-5 WID be & s.diaa.. D0011 bmtheot llt7 13 at tbt Mfs. 1, V, BJaelrmn ellalr-8&lbol. Ba:t Cllb. Mn. lb!'- mu <If Book Seotloa 4, '~~u &r· prol A. llt._lo cll&iri!WL raac..s tJr m•*• to meet a! llll!ta1J-Hon o1 .,.. offteer• VIlli ll&riD& to bo&rll 111o WID -pllco llu' n t>r- "Saslt" b' u afterDOOD SectioD. (Lr..tJ) 7 blldld cr-. no PDG>Iuk WID paU bJ llrs. H-r Voactu>, lot. ap al U :IO p.m. &Dd member1 1o.u:ac IIIOOD laDebeoD. lD Ilea. WID be _,.ld -booo-Verde c.-, Clllb. tile Jamruacbt. lin 11a1 Nlolooo llu boon lira. Ltoo RuM., e!p'ator ot c::Mseo u cbalrmu ap1n for sectlooo,llu IJIIIOQDCodlbatlllo llomt and G&rdto Sectloo. 11'0"' WID meet lD lllo Cor-llem!>ero WID ..-lib)' Zf del Mar borne f1 lin. Areble tor bmebiOD lD Mrs. Nlelaoa's Ikon.. :0-bostesees are lira. Newport HeJ&tU lx>me, to be Holt Con:Jon ud Mrs. Mulbl.ll toDowed bJ 1aDMcape CQGIW.. Keeler. A boot review wtl1 be tut Mrs. Clyde Wampler'• talk prMeMed bJ Mrs. M\!lba Wa!.-OD prdeD decor. chor. Wine festival aids drive 1'111 orlciD&III&J wlDo feotl. Tbe II>SI --IDcladeo vat of OraDp CocaatJ, btgefttfnl Artttor R. MeKeuJ.t, Mareb of the Mareb oiDimts, wW be beld Dimes eblpter eb&irmu_ aDd apia tb1.l year at the Newporia' Mrs. MeKIDile, Mr . &Dd Urs. 11m, from 8 to 1:30 p.m. Jact st&rDU', Mr. ud Mn .. Tuestlay, M&J 8, A special put Roy JaDe, Yr. &Dd Mrs. James YW be Bee BeJtr, t>od otyllol II......, and Jadp and lito. and TV eommentator. Doaald DuDcu; all of Colla U.rs. Doo Solabwortb wU1 Mea; 11r. aDd Mrs. Harold apJ.D deslp the tuttor pro-BoJTey, Mr. and Mrs. Rtcbald grams m1 a spec Lally des1ped Braley, Dr. IDd Mrs. Norm&D !ackdrq> bJ llrs, Sou11noort11 W•taon, and Frank Hall, all of Ylll be lllo m&lD slap decor. Newport Beaeb, and llr. and Mrs. Rtcbard Ralstoa is lD lira:. JollD Case of Corooi cha:rce o1 other deeoratloos. del Mar. DICX HOWLAIID WINS DIES ONE DAY BEFORE TWO USC AWARDS HIS 41TH BIRTHDAY · -otc>: lfoYiaod ot N.,. Tbe day beloreldaiSitblllrtl>. port ll&rbor Hlcjl Sebool...,. • daJ, Fraocla A. Dorio of 3045 eerutleate o1 ac.ellene41Dpbo-Fllmore Way, eo.ta Kea.4iacf loP'-and an -le April Z8 &I Costa Ilea Coo. m-t>r ,.. of Ida _.u Yala....t -tlaL -"' II. tile 44111 ..all&C llr. Doyle ~ -tmployld )JurlilifliMV• He wutbeOGly Ill tbe r..ea.wut llwb 111 lfe dooobl ...... of 1111111 ~ ,.. l .-., of W~ld '!'&r D. e 1 . He ,.. bon A.,.U 19, 1!101, ~\.Ill---of lD -. ...,. to Colli>rol& &I a mascle-teued ntlr polo f:~ ~ :z = 111 tbe plio blocklD( & ~ -• WOD ttle pboto eompeUUoa, aDd Sun'IYOrs are bJs ..Ue, Doro- biJ article oo Harbor lll&b's tby; 3 lltepdaQCbters, Eleazaor CIF water polo Ylctory cap.. Williams otilllDols,MerryJeo- lurod Ills--DlacoofSimlValleJ,andSboroo Dick, wbo Is tbe _; ol Mrs. SmUll ot Costa Mesa; 2 tro-w llcnrlaod, z19 VIa Ortlelo lllers, Bert of llcmley,andTom Lido Isle 11 sports editor aad ol Albuquerque, New Mul.eo; bead ~rraPher ot tbe IDd Z sisters, AileeoPbU.Upsof Boa Oregon and Kalhr)ll JobD.soD ot coo. s.at&Ana. ).YEAR~LD SAVED Roary ns reellod A.,.U Z9 FROM DROWNING and lDIS8,.. ce-.Jod AI!Oll Two-yeor-<>ld R!cllard :10 II st. Joblllllo SoplloiCalllo. O'Sboa of 408 ISIDd st., Newport Uc Cbar<:b, Costa 11011. -· Sbores, wu saftd from~ meat, IDJer lbe direedoD ot IDcAprUISbJblomolber,llra. Balls llortalrJ Costa 11- Natalle O'Sbl&, wbo pulled bim wu at Good Sbepberd Ceme- from tbe water, aDd a DeipJlor, tery, lfwltiDctoD Be&cb, Shirley Reid, of 4'16 &bd st., ,. • .., MOT lONES wbo I1Sed a plast1c mouth to _....,. • mout11 resuocltllor 1111111 Nn. IN IIOWSER BAG port Beacb ftremeo arrl•«tand "Bo'l'ser"' di:la't pt b.1l lfUIIPllad OZJcen. booes. Rlcbard bad .... """' ooJy Tbe cloaJ lac lila! a nil· 2 mto.aes wbea b1s motber weal nss took bome from tbe AD· to }Dot for bim aDd aw bim dent M.'i riDer restau:rut '""'" nler 6 feel from tile Saturdoy monlDr. April sborellDe ot' trH1tr rear )'U'd dldo"t CODta1o left OYer -'-I It conlahled $834,015 lbal ...... PAUL SUTTON, MESA rer WWJam Wade, n1 KlDp MU$10AH, SUCCUMBS Place, c wr Rueo, bad plaelll Paul T. s--. SO, rA. 844 to.slde. SoDora Rd., CoRa Ilea. dl«i lfr. WadewubiWyaboW:tbe AprU a at Hoar ~~o~pttat. retaro of tiMI mooer -tu He was a musl.cWI Ull •-IOIIlft'bere tWe'1 a dlap.. tortaiDor wlJo tr .. olod u. po._ dor- -1111. -MYtnl ,.._ CROSS COUNTRY AIID ::-r..::;; ~ ~ WRESTLING OFFERED ben ll&reb 14, U09, lD NIY -lllo --· y.,.k. came to C&llkm 15 =':,lido, lllo JOill qo, and lind lD Oruao -Chi> CGaJ t>r U JOU&. ~a Sw"fh*orl aH I ell ..... , ~Q,,. 1-Slqlo GIS.-; I-Toooday 11111U Frld IIIII -.of~ II-"'-AU 11111tr-111r-. ~-""' --· lllld Aprtllll Lllor .. a. --· II Wootdllr Clllpol. -lllo be -..clo&,-. R ... llollu -Uoi!Jdl. Till-to aloo ll~lac ,,, ---lllllrbor-...... --c..-,. ' ·a. I'UUif. ·11117 TAitEM "' ,_. old ud Willi --II lllo Bola B.ICTIOM B&J chi>, _,....JWiol,-Till .... _Lui,----·,..., ......... -.. a. .. _ NEWPORT HAROOR EIIIIJI ARST SECTlOII--P• 5 BEAUTIFUL BROADMOOR FOUR BEDROOII WITH FAJIILY R0011, DilliNG ROOII, AIID lUSTER BEII!OOJI SEPARATED FROII OTHERS. SEE THIS OITI'ST ANDING HOllE II! !II •••• Corona del Mar Duplex SEE THIS WELL DESIGNED IIICOIIE PROPERTY,,, WONilERFUL FRONT IIO!EE AND REAR U11IT BRIIIGJNG IN TOP RENTAL Ill COllE . • • , , •• •••• Harbor View Hills 1126 GOLDENROD IT'S A WINNER~ GREAT 3 BEDROOII AND ll£N HOllE •• , GEARED TO All Olll'llOa! RECREATICii AREA AND LARGF. POOl. OPEN 1 to 5 P.M.. SUNDAY ONLY •••• BUILDER 'S ATTENTJON!! CORNER LOT, VIEW • , , • ZONED R-3 • , •• HtJNfJIIGTON BEACH DON Y. f'RANiCl.IN '.!~t.~~~ .. ' Corona del ""· c.lifomil Phone: 673-2222 ••••••••••••••••••••• i INTBD YEARLY RENTAL Furnished or unfurnished 4-bed- room borne 1n the Harbor Area - near beach. Would like carpeting, drapes, etc. Ensign, Box A-109, Corona del Mar. --OR CALL MR. AMES AFTER 10 A.M. -a.12·1451. •••••••••••••••••••••• DON'T MISS THIS RANCHO LA CUESTA -U you've missed the closeout of RA.i\"CHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units .... DON'T MISS THIS! I Each succeedrng unit costs more, so take advantage af these prices. Com e &: see. our models on Brookburst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are 1 &: 2 stories 3 &: 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 ba~. Mission tile or shake roof. fire.. places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-ins, family rooms &r: dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Con- ventional financing as low as 10% down . No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. San Clemente 100/o DOWN. 61/z% INT. 30 YEARS $39.500 NO LOAN FEE VIew 4 11c1rm> S batlis, 1417 oq ft of 1lviDc uu, 2 flnplaces, bullt.-ias, ,.. cupola • dnpoo. ~a ~1655 W. E. LACHENMYER., RLTI. . -.. lllr -.lllflll. --__ ,_ .... ,_...~ ~ ~hiY-cw.. oM <'II II' -II tlll'l, 1A1i1r I'll ... lo fw f Sol.tcti,_, ..r-.· .... .... d I I IM1 ,,, ... ,,.· .... . • • •-. w-IMMliD 1-._;·c;:;•:;,;~~~== .. -.. IIIII-..... =~~~~~~~;;i ~.,<..... -· •. -.. eq -. Y HIIIIY DIIS - -Ia bQr .., '"' of lrD ~-..a..;.;: .. ~ -.-.-a••---.... lla .. -... Allrllll, ..... -I,. 01111 ..,_ .. ,. I I .. II .............. I .I II .,._, e n Ju•'· 'tlM • wu ..... • Ill 111& •*• ....... :::_ • ., llld a .._. It WI •••a••' ..... ,. . • UN &':I _.,... tni .. CMot._ ·*;rio ...... lltURSDAY, MAY ~ 1969 COROllA DEL ~AR, tAU F. ... .,., ••• dt ... .... lslalld Costa Mesa English Farm Homes 5 CORNER LOCATIONS TUSTIN & 16TH or ALISO & 16TH COSTA MESA 3 or 4 bedrooms -some wltb family room -carpeted -front yards land- scaped -fenced-fabulous ldtcbens - heavy shakes. $31,450 to $33,950 10% Down -Balance 1st TD 7 1/2% (Listed in Multiple 4/23} p. a. palmer Incorporated Til DfVROP£RS Cl LIDO SKI 1935 U17 Vlo L14o Chlolo ,_ 11-rt a...a-F'-11oo L.A.-... IliA S.... •••••••••••••••••••• NO CONVERSATION NEEDED! A glass wall separates the Ocean from this spectacular entertainment borne! Indoo r-outdoor vista of ever- changing boat parade! 3 Bedrooms plus Den plus Tremendous View- Patio. 112 secluded feet on Ocean Boulevard. $98,500 OPEN HOUSE-SUNDAY -1 to 5 P.M. 2607 Ocean Boulevard, China Cove, Corona del Mar Bay & Beach Realty Inc. n~•• 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M HOME NEEDED-WANTED TO BUY ALL CASH PROfESSIONAL MAN AND FAMILY NEED HOME THAT PROVIDES COMFORTABLE UVING AND ENTERTAINING FACIUTIES. PLEASE CALL APPOINTED AGENT -LEIGHTON LINDEN~ 642-7141, OR EVENINGS 673-0S'lZ, A Way Of life GthiiMT- Cool Boy b,...... acrou tbo Pool ODCI polio, rr...tu~ whito sails ca tbo M, boloor ,_ willdowo, 4 hmlrioua --wc::=:z room. briiJit 11111117 •1u rs -uu. Tbt ultimate iD .. ollt•ltriJic. WJ.IOI _.,Appl Or '". , ~ L .. 1 . T REAL ESTATE zan. c. Ill••• c ......... CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS Corona del Mar OCEAN VIEW e Beautlful custom built borne with view or Newport Harbor. e Vaulted ceiling 1n livingroom. e Heated and filtered pool. e Extra living quarters on lower level. e Price reduced to $79 ,950. CALL TO VIEW CORBIN.MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675·1 662 Corona del Mar, Calif. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service or the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board or Realtors totaled $14.7 m11llon for the first three months ol 1969. This represents 370 unit sales and an increase or 20% over the same period of last year. Listyourproperty wlth a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I q_. 11--11. f<-lt- For Sales & Rentals ~Mfl 332 Margueri te Corona del lolor -673-8550 q_. n.,.,.tl. r< .. t,.,. 2 -STORY HOME • S BEDROOtoiS 11138ATHS • MESA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY * * 1 TO 5 PM Realtors R<liablt Str~~ice Silo<:< f~l lAilY TlME) 1110 N EWPOIT S4l.n2t ~A liDo\ . . . *!.. •• -~ -- Voge·r Value CORONA DEL MAR SMALL HOME ..... LARGE YARD •••.. SOUTH OF HIGHWAY •••• $34,1150 v.r ~ • CGIOM IlL 1M11 JIQ .. C.... ..... tC1oo. fliP .... " ..• ...- asks permit ftoO ·-.,,_.--. Local initiative stressed -~~:;~~~~.:.~ Falls from boil, drowns liUUaa ......... -al tiiiiU ·-lo till _ ... -• TIIUMDAV, MV ~ 1M -llarlt ..._ II, al lltlt ..:., !IOta lllllalr, JIL lliw ,... .............. _a:,._....., *-111Citrt1Wss;azrt ... T~ WW..;.,. u a II ' Dirt a ~ Ill 'Willi ' t se .,..,.. Ud JtC.. __ .,_art ___ rGrf· ........ t BaN.. !ftWJOrt Mr. Todcrorieh llJd tM __ "'lc!n•lar -ai--U!I•-cls IM C:OIIJIIAOELIIAR,CAUF. 1"'-BCI!Irlt81.,--. II, 181',-to c.- 1M u.a. u., CarPI ale..__. G d f _..,*"aloJAjlrill!l,dat t,... • .,.U!Illndta~ shl•o,IDI!IIMIIt:Jo.lrtaCIII-llr, -allo dlllcMIII ar en a1"r .. loll -till _. ala C.., l>r t-.. CO.CUIUI"*IIIUDIIIIM .._. II'OIIaaJiftlbl•UIS cnUer ~at lJdoPtldJt,. SWtitCIIsanMr-.,Daftd, -U!l t1oo-1>r till....,. tlloi&HIIolllr-lo 1. M 17 -. · ~..J&.Jaw lira. rr.t Jal>o .,._. C..U w!U)Ioapae.lo- fto .... _ will llo Jq ... -..... --utac -"' La -., ...., oa """1o rid -·•aaltotpro~>. -·IIIIo. -· &11!1 ---tt. ........... -se ay .............. --"' s.; Pedro, ud -lop-rOitlwUIItlloclt)'fl'om tilt NfOIIOI'IIIoaotl-. . ""'"IlL-cloWI!, by lo1lol' --ta-llw, Joe Wano- or coliiiiJ t11a1 -· tbo do-ll to-IIIC al a .,,_,., T~ -· -·~-~ ~ -... , .. ..,. par~ at pan a1 Su Lqjl 011111>0. -wt111 till Cooam..alf 1om1, IIIII to llo -plclod 1o 1n1 Cblrel a1 Tn111 Ill SU ..._ • YtlopmtOt. Fl--lnoor 1111111 cle--w•-~-Gn --Ill HaooaliDecltbolll!>ltbat!!UCllpoollod oo tbo lloocb tut ,_ NfOIIOI'I Harbor Cba-a1 J"""*-Yaclltl. Pollee ' -•111 ~t -· ... -'--~ .. ed -COOIIIIOI'Ct lllcledi-Hoo u •• ~ ., .... bad -Ill !be w&IA!r Aprll ao, at llol1 Croao HIJilc; a pro,... aor._.....,.,tllrooiP-·,..,-· • comm-w~····~--lor-UmiDatu. CtmttA!fJiJo Lot Aqolto, Tilt --Cbrll -tot ' "· -.-~~~~---H £S before woriE starts. Tblltl IIUWYe tectudques ostna: n--z -.aMI.--. Rt R __,_ ~-~-· -, steps, w.bleb poonllJ -10 clo!!ottn tracers art DOWIIoiDS •......-Ill <ball'-MilS. MARY EVAN$ OF laebU wu olllelallt CtlltralBibiiCr.e~t.On.ltp pb&Dip ._,. ,. UtN4I.. y-.rs or more, 1De1ucle S Yl.slll dtHioped UMl may bt tried tn mu IDr tbt IIIU'dta fiJr, to be IALIOA DIES AT 93 • • Ayt. at brd st.-~~--lleldco. TbtywtllbtlPcompleto to tbepublleworqcommltteeof tbo ll!ture. IM!Id lla1 17 tt Rteb&rd't Lido llarJ' Wl.allr:od E,... 93 .f" .112 ed Pumr _, E. J-• will tbo Ptl'Uall)' built J:lrls' dol'-c......... &lid z to !be Tilt moromoot of tbt -~~ llarlrot pallo. Co-ebalrmu II of 2191 c ..... i Roacl a:-: Ina nam prtaeb .... ,..., -· tt maturJ &lid--!!lalls 3 e -latto .. Committee. But well --from Looc llarltt !>ell• I TOib, .... to -Al>rtt 18 at PartLtdoCoo- tbt 91Dd lO:SOLm.commUDJoa • • • • almost evezy other step lD-Belch to trds side of Huattnc-ala one ot tbl lladera ot tbt n.1eaceat Home · senteea tbla &ally. At 7 p.m. The LuU:teran Cbu:r:b of tbe YOlfes the loe&l eommwilly iDa loD Beach, aDd lbe Balboa beach Costa Mesa Cblm!»er ol COm-Sbe was bar~ July 2 1875 NEWPORT BEACH -st. be wl11 t.'taraYI .. HWibldJ, Master t900 Pacttlc Vtn Dr. public beariD(. public meettng, seems to be qutte stable, sbo-merce womea'a commltt.M. 1n Ob1o came to Ca.Ufoi.n1a 6; denta Uvlne In ec.ta lieu ''Oat alYatJoD. .. from tbebook Harbor• VIew fUlls _ T~ or Jocally.lDittated request. WiDe little moYement aDil DO Carol Freocb, preatdeDt ot YIIU'I a., &Dd llYed 1n the nearfy I" e p t the tiUrd ~ olAets, Lord's S1IJP8I' .,.w be oUered S~tottbeCorpslsalmostlossotsand.lnbetweeoUestbe the Newport Harbor women's eouatylorityears. nual Mother ot lbe Year Ea- • • • at the 8:45 &lid 11 a.m. Sunday a.lnys sought because the Fe-Ne'lt'pOrt beach, Ybicb Is ootyet division. 1s cr.un, prdeo Surrttors are S daughters say Cootat wbk:h 1a apcaond. .St. Ald'ew's Presbyterian servtces. Dr. William Eller STEVE PATTERSON, 6-foot, dera.J GoYernmeot pays halt the uoderstood. This ma.tes plan-gloves aM pottlnf Plutl trom Margie Bater ot Balboa., tcaY Ch~~rcb, 600 st. Alldrn's Rd., ...W speak Oll "Tbe results ol 9-Loeb fonard-eenter of eost of ~ed projects. and n1rlg of grolns and other erosion her garden to be used 1D the st. Hllalre of Redla.Dds, and by Heal Hlllpital. Tea of tbe CUff Huea-"TbetrJid-plated a. seaJed Book." basedoo.lsa.lah UCLA's aatlonal cbampkmsbip the state pays ball tbe re-eoDtrol measures difftcult. garden fair sale. Emma Searl of Los AJ:Ieeles· twelve f&nalista aelected from rose" ...W btDr.CbarJesDier-19:9•14• basketball team, will speak at maiMer. Yr. Herron speculated that Tbe proceeds will be used s craadcb.Udreo and 8 greet~ 111,000 eDtries in tbe Newport· el:lfteJd's ter'IDGD topic .llr tbe • • • tbe 9:45a.m.SUDdayseboolbour Tbe COlliS recommends more trouble may be ahead to beautify the Corona del Mar grandchildren. Mesa Unilie& Sc:bool District at- 8, 9:SO aad 11 a.m. Stal&y st. Mark Presbyterian May 4 at tbi Costa Mesa First ap.1Ast about as many projects slnee many flood control dams llbrart Beay asb well~ other New-SerTtces will bebeldatlp.m. tend Costa Mea.a e~lM)' senlees. TbeWomea"sFellow-Ch~~rch 2100 liar Vista East Bapt1st Church, SOl Mapolia as itapproves,Mr.Herroosaid. han beeo built 1D the bUls por c pro~"""'.s. ·today Ma.y 1 at WestcWf ship W1.ll prueot a lu:::beob Bluff...:_ Guest mintster ix the St. He will pve a !x'lef testi-Two prime criteria are that the wttbin the last 30 years. These Everyooe In thecommunlty ls C~l, with tbe Rev. Loren school& and two •U.eDd Newport at ll:SO Lm. Kay 7 1D felloW'-10 a.m. &may sentce will be mony 1n both tbe junior and project m~ be publicly ..owned stop tbe normal stream move-invited to eoltrlbute their creeo Fllcldnger of Newport Unity Schools. shJp ball. Vlsltors are llrflted tbe Rev Dougl&s LaDd for the junior high deputmeDts and on completloo, ud tbat the ment of saDd to the ocean thumbtalentstothlstundraJstnc Church as otn.cia.nt lDterme.ot Named u !Wlista were: • • • Center ior StudiesofthePerson thea wUJ ~to the combined studies must show a favorable beacbes. Ooe possible solutioo event. Pick-._, can be a.rranced YUI be at Moun~ View Ce-Grade one-Holly PetenKlrl of The First Bl.pt1st Church o1 at Loya.la, tUs topic w1l1 be high school aDd collece gro~. cost.beoent ratio. may be to dredp sand ltomthe by calllng Chris Hopper, metery, Altadena. Bayview Sc~ aDd Ronnoe Costa Mesa, SOl MapollaSt.-''Being am seeming.'' His home town is Santa Marla. Alttlougb tbe audleoce in· floor of the ocean usLog re-673.3770, or Carol French, Simo n i • n ol College Park Pastor P, G. Neum&DD w1U • • • eluded both StCJPOrters and op. cently-developed techniques, he &U.l461. SALUTE TO ISRAEL School. Garde two-Lila Taylor speak oo. "Love memorial" at St . Michael's and AU Angels' D. E. McMIOtAEL OF ponents of the prtJPOsecl West said. This approach has been SCUBA CLASS TO OPEN The Younc Co'C)les Club ol of Adama School and Albert tbe 11 a.m. Suollay sentce. Tbe Episcopal Church, 3233 Paclt1c CAMEO SHORES D 1 ES Newport Marina, which the successful at Santa Monica and A sprlDg scuba class •Ill ~emple S~ Ylll present t~ R•mirez of Mon~ Viata Scbool. speaker at 7 p.m. YW be tile VIew Dr., Harbor VIew Hills-Dooald E M Corps will soon be studyl..ng. on the east coast. start Monday May 5 at od annual salute to ~ael Grade t:bree-Mikle Kim Alb- Rev. Harold Aoderson. youth The Rev. John Roger nuts will · cMicbaei. 67, of M • d th Or co'ast YMCA • Tb dance, ln llooor ot Israel s Zlst wa of Woodland Sc.bool aDd m:7.~:coacr: ttoua! ~:.~· at 00 ~:c~t:O~~~: ~~~::~?.::kt~~~m: a SOniC a war $ presented :~P-~~M~:Y~~!:,0..~ ~617;Y!£~~~ ~E ~:::= .;:u:: Cburch 3262 Broad s/Ji N communion sentces this Sun-He ·.rolS president ot Bene-The loth aonual E. L Moore kills, Joyce Harada, Dave Dies and Friday tor abOutonemooth. Costa Mesa. There will be Uve br hool Kllly. port H~lgbts _ "Bep..;• .. r:;; da~ A rummace sal~ wUI be ficial Management Corp. He bad award oigbt was held April 26 at Nancy Actelsonand Mike Wood~ Instructor will be Jolln Reseck. eotertaiDmeDt, tnclud.lng a w:!e J.~ake~ ~~V:ata you are" ls the m be • by St. Michael s and St. been a resident of Orange Seafarlog Lodge '108, CO·spon-ard. Tanks and air are provJded. ero~ ot lsraell tolk dancers . . ot the Rev Nor::: S::.O ~c John 5 parJ..sbes May 9and 10 at County since he came to Call-sored by Mar VIsta Lodge No. • ESTANCIA lUGH SCHOOL Students must brlog lheir own door prizes and authentic tooci Sc~ and~lhic!.:r::-~ the 10 a.~. servtce tb1s Sllll~ ~t ~~ tbe DIYiDe on Orange tornia 7 years ago. 820, In observance of publlc -Constance Holm, Sigmund ma.sks, soorkeb and tlns,NAUJ ot Israel Dooat1on 1s $5 per =• eBegley Of Califomi~ day, ve., osta Mesa. Survivors are his wife, Ger-schools week. Fidyke, DYborabRlley, Dougl&s certitlcatloo wiU be given lor persoo, w1th all proceeds going School and Keittl R an of c..Ii· • • • GEORGE D. MEYERS OF trude; a daughter, Patricia Hoi-Judge O>na.ld Dungan of tbe Weller, Carol Capello, Mike those competing the course, to Y Chrlstia.D Scleoce Churches-COSTA. MESA DIES mes of Sacrameo.to; 3 sisters, Harbor Area Judlclal District Hays, Geraldine Filet and "Everlasting puolshmeot" Is -Kathryn B:alr of BurbaJlk. Alma sened asmasterofceremoaJ.es Gregory Goodyear. the sub)ect of Utls Stmday's George D. Meyers, 86, of2680 PllOrman of Los Angeles and as the fol1owtng students were • NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH lesson~sermon. Sen1.ces are at Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, died Dorothy MUler of A.troo, Ohio; booored tor academic and SCHOOL-CbrisBenson,Denny 9:l S and 11 a.m. 1D Newport AprU 28, at Hoag Hospital and 1 grandchild. extra.curricular achieve-CUoe, Renee Loog, Ctlris Quinn, Beach, 11 a.m. in Costa Mesa_ He •as born feb. 4, 1883, in Services were held April 30, m~nts: Barbara Ba1ley, Bill Header. and 10 a.m. at the church in lodia.nL He was a mechanical at Paclt1c View Chapel. with CORONA DEL MAR HIGH shot, Cindy Place and Randy Harbor View Hills engineer for 40 years Ylth tbe Dr. William R. Eller of Lu. SCHOOL -Penny Glasgow, OUver. • • · • American Locomotln Co, His theran Church ot the lhster. John Miles, Ja.oet Stanton, Ken. • McNALLY SCHOOL _ st Mark Presbyte ian 20 rears tnCa.Wornla were aU Harbor VIew Hills asoUlciant. neth Neisser, Janet Katz, Paul Dawn Crowley and Richard Ch~ch 1D East Bluff will~ spent In Orange Co unty. Intermeo.t was at 'Paclllc View Sansooe, Marianne Cox and Fret. the May fellowshlp da f Survivors arellis w1le, Eliza-Mem:>rlal Park. The family Norman Johnson. • ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Church Women United ~ f0 beth; 4 soos, George ofllllnols, suggested ml'!morlal contribu-• COOT A MESA HIGH -Angela Lau, TOOmasHubble, a m this Friday May 2 Tbe Edward of Los Angeles, James Uoos may be made to a favorite SC HOOL -Nlna Franks, Mark Jeannie Sturdevant Carolyn ~eeting wtll be'"'' .. w:lth ~ h of Portland,andThoma.sofDen-cllarlty, Toto, Nina JoSmith, TedTomp-Fox and James MorO:Cco. &&-"' UDC ver; a daughter, Betty Br()Y(DOf sened.lnlbet>fl<>-• NewportBeaeb;9graJI!leblldren FIRECH.t.RSHOME Mesa psel I d 4 2 Twelve high bool aDd 4 great-grandchildren. A $500 fire at the residence u s ea ers - people under the sl~er~ow::i Rosary was recited April 30, of Walter Gustin, 41 9 Slgo&l Rtcw'd Opp 111 1 : aDd mass was celebrated at 9 Road, Cillf Haven, charred Tbe Costa Mesa Mustangs 3rd SI)Ot, 6-4-1. Anahelm, ._,_ Central Bibl~ ;hurc~~ c om a.m. today, May 1. Interment structural lumber near a !loot winless 1o 10 Irvlne Lea~ set 6 to 5 by HunU.ogton Beach, Mesa at 5 a.m this Satur osta wa.s at KolySepulcbrecemetery turoace, until tlremen eJ.. games, turned ciant kUler Is Ued for 4lli at 6-5-0 with May 3 for ~ 011 ol dayk under the dlreeUon of BeD t1Dgul.sbed flames w:t.th nter Tt~tsday and kDoeUd oon Sa.oca ADa.. and .,;,rsbJpa ~a C~lsth!!. 1tOl Broadway Mortuary, Costa early Saturday morning. AprU league lead1.ng MapoUa 4 to z. PASTOR ASHEY HAMED or. Mesa. 26. . This ,.,set dropped Magmlla TheRev.Job.DAsbeyU,pa.stor o&ck 1..ato a tie -.:lth the Loara of St. James Episcopal Church Saxons, Ybo crushed EstaDcla ot Newport Beach, bas been 14 to 3. aa.med to the adVIsory board of Dave Barton hurled 5·hltball f.he Famlly Service Assoclat.lon for the Mustangs, as h1s team-of Orange County. The board mates pushed over Z rWlSlothe 'IDS created last year tor dis· first J.nniog and a run 1o t!le 4th cusslonofmutualproblems,pln- and 7th l.nn1ngs on 9 hits. point1ng ot gaps In commUDity MUM'S THE WORD! SUNDAY, MAY ll th JAMB OREE ROAD A I BAYSID E DRIVE NEWPORT BEA CH 675 3183 Knock her off her rocker! Send her into orbit! W ith tan "out of this world ' remembrance from LORRAINE SUTHERLAND She'll love you for it (So will we) Lorraine Sutherland OPEN SUNDAYS I U Corona del Mar bounced back services and ldeatltyl.ng: areas from Last Friday's one-hit. 1n which needs might arise, H~~~~df!Jk, 1 to 0 loss to Loara aod de. r__:.::.;.;__::.:.:::::._:::.::::::..=:.:.:::...!=========="="~= ~~~==========1 17 TOAST THE DAY WITH CHAMPAGNE AND A TRAY· FUL OF SPECIAL HORS D'OEUVRE$ -TO ORDER FROM OUR DEll. OTHER'S FAVORITES-EDY'S SPECIAL ·.," CHOCOLATES IN All SORTS OF YUMMY .... 1 ASSORTMENTS. All GIRLS LOVE FLOWERS! ARRANGEMENTS. CUT FLOWERS OR EVEN A MOTHER'S DAY CORS,AGE! (Order Early from our Flower Shop.) SILVER, SCENTED CANDLES. FUN NEW STATIONERY OR ANOTHER OF THE MYRIAD GIFT IDEAS IN OUR HOME & GIFT SHOP. LIDO CEN TER feated founta.J.n V:UJey 9 to 4 Tuesday. Tbe Sea Kings tra.lled 4 to Z alter 5 lruUngs, then raJ- lied for 3 runs In the 6th inning and 4 in the 7th. Last Friday Estancla and Costa Mesa set somethlna: ol a. record by going 131Dniqsfora 10-10 tie. Tbe Eagles jumped into an s.o lead w:t.th 2 rUDS 1D the first i.nniog and 6 1o tbe 2Dd.. The Mustangs tied It ,.,. with 6 1o the 4th, but tbe Eagles weot abead again 1o the 6th Ylth 2 more runs. Mesa nllled tor 2 runs in the bottom or the 7th to go into extra lnntnp, and tiW eoded the scoring for the day, lD the Sunset League, the Newport Harbor Sailors edpd Santa Ana 4 to 3 Monday 1D the tight race for 2nd place and a. CIF play-off berth, Western defeated Westminster 3 to 0 to stay on top, with an 8-2·1 record. The Sailors are 2011 at 6-2-S. Mart.na defeated Santa ADa Valley 8 to 3 to bold oo to DAVIS._ BROWN 411 E. 17.,. St.-Costa Mesa .,._ SPE •-15 SUNOAY, MAY 11 Is YOUR MOM SPECIAL~ a very person? THEH CHOOSE HER GIFT FROM THE POR THE TRAVELIN" ,lf40:JHER---A Cde.rity Tr11v .I Cau iN the •ost /.,dou of co/ou, JB ... S•.KioJI Billfoltls & K.eyt.;,ers POR HE!R NON. I!. --~"t' of th nuu/ collectlcm of Ntthnti AIINqu Silver Replius, fro• f3,j0. SPECIAL/ New tJCcusoN• c Jldu-Duurl Did witb Spoort, B"tter Disb, Bre11J Tr11y, de. O~ly Ill EXCELLENT $B.ECTIOH OF GIFT$ AT CORONA DEL MAR PHARW.CYI POR THE! PUN'N SUN MON.---H•r o""' hlllltifrd t.4 cb 10 1 •ttty lltripeJ •ti paddle lU ll/ /tur 11111, JJ.9j, ... , "•w .strll::: .. s•"l/•ssu. GIFTS FOR MOM your love 1D Freoeb perfUme 71th L'AMlANT by COTY r.Q>, • ·..Y., her tuorlte Yudley ocent . (&'a special ptl ol SOIIII _ Yltb pvt'IBe rru.t: lD Spentsb, _ tbt tamo111 liAS A by ll,nrpa tor onlY $3.50 . {i· · STRAW UA T by FA&RGE...., ... _____ , a sprlDr special de CHINE, MD dt ·toUettt ~PRJ, » - 01'111 I'IIIIMGS '•I Nil P.M. ....... • f'tllllll ftf'l. • I H. J. GARRETT 10-DAY CHAIR SALE OIAIRS REGULARLY PRICED U $129.00 TO $159.00 SALE PRICE Exactly ggoo YOUR CHOICE OF 9 STYL ES IN A WIDE SEL ECTION OF FABRICS AND COLORS ... SWl VB. CHAIRS, LOUNG E CHAIRS AND SWI VE L ROCK ERS H.J.GARREJT fURNr]URE n11 HAUOit II.'ID. COSTA MESA '*427S 64i0276 ,. -Jtitnel .... ;., ........ u 0,.._ .... ~ ........ , ..... ...... NEWPOAT BEACH JOe . .•. Mrs. -(Fay) Harlllooo Zoola Club olllnporl Harbor. n&lDstalled a.s tbe Dn' pres!-Sbe nusslstedbyMmes. Fred: deot of the Zoata Club of New .. Petb, Mar liD Sbeely, Robert port Harbor amidst Orleatal Japred, Louis Cseoar, Jettrey spleDdor of cherry bloss>ms Burke, Jack Reloert, GeorpP, and parasols at the Irvine Coast Zeba.l. Dr . He leo Robertson, ......, COWltry ClubTbursdayeveniD&. Mrs, Vtrpma Luther &Dd Ylss Aprll 24, Bernice Vestal, aU put presi- Mrs. Harbison Bas resided LD dents. EAGLE scour A w AROO were preseoted at tbl Apru Z.2 eourt of booor to this trio, from left, Bob DeWott. Ml.te Sevler aDd Dave Forrytb ofCorooadelM.ar ~ 11. Scout- muter Da.le Mc:WUliamJ made tbe presentation. Lt. Mike Healey of tbe Costa Mesa pollee dt~t&ttmeat ftl: the guest speaker at the court of booor, 'iJb.lcb wu bekt at tbe Com- munity Yatah Center in Corona del Ku. SCOUTS GET NEW CAMP Newport Beaeb siDce 1946, lnstalled with Mrs. Harbl9011 served as dean. of girls at New-were Mrs. B. Waldemar Aeter, port Harbor H1gb Sc booJ.. later first vlee....presideot; Dr. Hllda was oamed vice prindpal aod KcCartoey, 2Ddv1ce..pr es1dent; now holds the position ofdirec-Mrs. Joe Hamblet. record.I.Dg tor of compensatory educaUon secretary; Mrs, OooaJd Scboen- projects for the central ad-mebl, corresponding secretary; mlntstratioo of the Newport. Mr.s. Hotvt Lood, treasurer; Mesa UnW.ed School District. and U.rs. Al forgit, fomxSa.Uon Past presldeots of tbe Zoota treasurer. W. Ed Crane, president o1 tbe Smttb, Mrs. Robert L. Bacoo, Club of Newport conducted tbe Directors are Dr. Helen Ro- Oranp Empire Afea Boy Scout JobD M.aeub, George Zllgret, installatioo ceremonies using bertson. Mrs. Pbill.ip Rees, Council, IJlDOUDees the gUt of a ~b KotUmeir aQd Georce tbe Jocomtng president's elas-Mrs. Joe Carm, and Mrs. Vir- new camp to the Boy Scouts by Hollg n, Foundation presJdent. sUteatlon, The Oriental theme g1Dia Attw1.U. tbe Hoac F()tl[ldation. Purcbase price of the pro-ns selectedbecauseMrs.Har-Mrs. Kalcolm AngeU, r£tlr- The 137-acr e camp If loca-petty was $310,000, and tbe bison is oow working on a ing presideat. pn the "women ted on Highway 38 1n the San foundation purchased and special pro~t for the students of ac:bievement" award to Mrs. Beroardloo National Forest. Oo deeded the camp to the Scout to study aDd travelln Japan in Roy Fo• lor c:ontrtbuUoo to tbe forestry maps it is known as Counc:ll. 1970. status of women in the world. Clenep. Seca. The camp will Installing offt cer was Mr.s. Past r ecipients Ioclude Mrs. serve as "'!.overnight and week-MESA TEA.OI ER GETS Robert L. Bacon. Area IV di.rec-Helen Smith, artist; M.rs. end cap for tbe Scouts, a soow GERMAN STUDY GRANT tor and past president of the Esttler Deodel. authoress; Mrs. camp 1n the winter, and a sum-The American Association of 'S mer camp 1n the l 980•s and Teachers or Gernuohaschosen pace trt"p' for students beyood. Mrs. Marta.n Yale, teacher of The camp will be named Spanish and German at Davis The Newport-Mesa Uo.LOed the location oltbe government's Grace Valley Camp, booorln( School, -Costa Mesa, to par-Sc bool District has orp..nised simuJated moon surface. With Mrs. Grace Hoag, wife of the Ucipate in an 8-weelr. summer a space scleoc:e instihrte for tbe help of Dr. Dan Tompkins creator of the Foundation, Goethe Institut. The grant ls s~lor scieoce students. The aDd George Zeb&l of Phllco- George Hoag. Fotllldatlondirec-prOTided by the Federal Ro<!-mstJ.tute will be hekf June 16 Aeronutroaic:, students wtu be ton are Mrs. MeUDda Hoag public: of Germany, sponsored through July 11 at Esta.nc:la able tovtsUandstOOygeo)opcal by the GerliWI Consulate In Los H.Jgtl School. under the leader-formations s1m11ar to tbose LEGAL NOTICE Angeles, alld admlnlstered by ship ol a teaching team made which are tbougbt to appeu oa ----the Soutbern Callfornt.a chapter l4l of Job.D Johnson, Gil Collins tbe moon. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARlNG of the American Asso-.::iatton of and Mike l.andioo. They will~ Notice is her eby given that Teachers of German. assisted by space scteotlstl the Pla.nning Commission of the The Goethe lnstltut is a from surrounding space indus- City of Newport Beac h will hold private school system In tries. a public hearing on theappUca-Germany for the teaching of Ac:c:ordint to Mrs. Fay Har- Uon of Ron Yeo for Zone foreign language. bison director of the district's change Amelldment No. 257 to Thomas Fraser, teacher of spac; science program o1 amend a portion of Dlstricting math and German at Davis which the InsUtute is a Part. Map No. 17 from a.n R~2 Dis-School, has also studied abroad there will be a "trip to tbe trtc:t to an A-P District. Lot 2, at a number of the Goethe moon " consisting of a 4-day Block 537, Corona del Mar Institut schools o.-er the past field trip to Flagstaff, Arlz.oaa, (311 0 Second Avenue at Jasmine 7 years. Avenue ). Notice Is hereby further given SGT. THOMAS GUTH Rl E LEGAL HOTl CE that said public hearing w1ll be ON DUTY IN VI ETHAM NOTICE TO CREDITORS held on the 15th day ot May, Sergeant Thomas R. Guil\r\e, No. A-62451 1969, at the Dour of 8:00 p.m. son-in~Iaw of Mr. and Mrs. SUPERlOR COURT OF THE in tbe Council Chambers of Nor man Johnson, 421 Seaward STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR ' tbe Newport Beach Ctty Hall, Rj,, Corona Highl.a.Dds, is on THE COUNTY OF ORANGE *" at wbJc:b Ume and place any and duty at Cam .l:lo'l Bay AB, Estate of HENRY LYNNE JOKN J. KENTY, 900 of Mn. ptr.:)OJ LDierested may a,J-VI.etnun. Sergeant GJahrle, a HUGHES. also tmown a& H. Cloyse C. Keoty, 3300 Oclillltl aDd be beard thereon. mec!lca.l s;M!CI.allst, ls in a uott LYlOtt HUGHES, Deceued. BJt"d., Corooa del Mar, basbeea Ray Y. Copelin, secretary of the Pac:Wc: Air Forces. Be-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN commbsiooed a seeoOO lieut- Newport Beach City fore b1s atrtval in Southeast to the creditors of tbe abaTe eoant In the u.s. Air Force Plann1ng Commission Asia, he 'ftS a'iSigoed to the named decedent thataUpe.rsoos ~n gradllition trom Otttc:er Publish: May 1, 1969, l.n 6580th t5AF Hospital at Hot. haYing c:la1ms agal.nst tbe said Training School (OTS) at Lac:k- -====~=~th-=-e-N-ewpo..:__ri_Har ___ bo_r_E-:ns,.--:1"'~-_:l.:_•nw~.=_:_A..:F:_B:::·:_:N:_:.:_".:.· ----,decedent are required to tue land AFB, Texas. u . Kent)', :-them, with the Dec:essary selected for OTS througb com - vouchers, in the otr_ice of the petitiYe ea.m!Dation, 1s bein&: clerk of the above eot.itled COIU't, assigned to Moody AFB, Ga., tor or to present them, 'ifith the pilot training. His •lie, Sharoo, necessuy vouchers, to the uo-is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dersJgned at c/o Thomas E. w. Patterson of Tahoka., E. Heffernan. Attorney at Law, Teus. for Meet This is our community. "We live here. We"ve served Southern Colifomio for more than 100 y.ars. And we"ve lived with the smog pt"oblem, just as yCN hove. The Southern Colifomio oreo is recognized lor having some of the best control programs for air pollution in the country. But we still hove smog. W. wonted to help solve the problem. Not I just talk obovt it. And now we think we hove a woy to help. At the Gos Compony, we"ve found that using noturol go• as a fuel in motOf" ~kt.s sharply reduces the pollutants that cause smog .. -:"--~ J W.'ve olreody converted a number ol our own servk:e vehicles to use natural gas for fvel . And were wodung to perfe<:t the system for our own fl .. t. and so thot others can use it, too. There ore many organ izations like ours. witt'l fleets of vehicles. operoting from central servicing and fueling locations. spending many hours every doy on the streeh and freeways in Southern Colffornio. Conversion to natural gas is s1mple. and relatively inexpensive. Operation is more economic:ol. INe don't claim that use of natural gas in fleets of buMS. trucks, and c:ors is going to dean up the smog problem overnight. Bu1 it will help. And thot's what we vvonted to do. 350 E. Seventeenth Street, Suite RETI RING P RESIDENT 210, Costa Mesa., CallfornLa WILL BE HOHORE D 9262? wb.ich is the place of . business of the uodersigned in A tree hooonng the retirtnc all matters pertalni.ng to the president, Mr s. Ctw"les stan- estate of said decedent, within ley, .til be planted Thursday, si.l mooths alter"thetirstpubll-May 8, at Estancia Park by cation of this ootiCf!. members of the garden sectl~ Dated April 9, 1969 of the Costa Mesa Women s GLADYS HUGHES Club. Gladys Hugbes The pi.IJitingc:eremony ..W be ERCutri.l or the Will ol held at 2 p.m. tollo•ln_g a sa.lad the above na med decedent luncheon Uld tnsta.llahon of the THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN, new oftlcers at tbe Costa Mesa Attorney at Law, 350 E. Seven-c:lubhouse. Mrs. Bessie JohD- teenth St., Suite 210, Costa SO:O. sectioa dlairman, and Mrs. Mesa, CaWornia gz627; Willlam Kermode, amenities 642:-3210; Attorney for Eucu-ch&irman. wlli have charge tr 1.1. o::f_:l::he:..e::•~ent:::. -:-==-,--- Publlsho April 17. Z4, May 1, 8, LEGAL HOnCE 1969, in the Newport Harbor NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Ensign. NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN LEGAL HOnCE that tbe City Counc:U of the City of Newport Beach wlll llold a public: bearln& regardlng the NOTICE TO CR EDITORS aw-J. o1 H. 0 . Hapn ttom the SUPERlOR COURT OF THE declst.on of tbe Planning Com ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA fOR mlsslon den.)1n&: Use Permit THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. 14:4 to Toll Slide Ma.oufac:., No. A.6Z410 turin& Compi.DJ, for construc-SoothemUamesGm ~ Estate of ADELE CLARE ttoc of a ree:.rstloaal slide on , ... -•oo ·-<f ""'~( <oOI-'"""l~"'" ~~==:~.I BARRYt.. also k:ooYli.I.S ADELE East Oceu Front between Palm We' I tl I C. BARt<Y, Oe1:eased. m:l WasMnetoo street, Lots ........... re nves ng n NOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN 9-16 Block 8, Blllboa. Tract. I to the credUors of the above ZOOe C-1 ~amed decedent tba.tallperSODS N011CE IS HEREBY FUR- haf'lng clalms agaJ.nst tbe said TKER GIVEN that the said decedeli. are required to rue pqbllc beU'iD& wtll be be}d on them, with the necessary YOU-tbe l!tb ~of May, 1969, at cbers. l..n the otnce of tbe clu't tbt bo\11" or 1:30 P.M. ln the ol the abo\'e entitled oourt,. or to CoaDcU c badabers o1 tbe City preHDt them, wttb tbe ae-HaD o1 tbe City of Newport cessary 'tOUCherS. totbe.str-Beatb. Callb'Di&.atwblchtlme stped at c:/oTbomasE. Heflllr-I.Dd pllleeaayaadallper!IOILS to- laO,. Attorney at Law, SSO E. tertlted m&1 JAMIU aDd be Senotetlllh Street, Suite 110. beU'd tblreoo. Costa llosa, C&llforllla 91Q1, L&.a L&pls wblcb is Uae place ol twi"MS City Clerk o1 tbe -slpociiDaU -· CitJ of lle"JJIO1 BeocO to tbe alllt olald p_, M1J I, 1969. In tbe tbe 'ritblll aU-~~--£ ...... -·· . D ~Ln llalocl AprU 11, 1969. £In ~Kt~LLY MOR1VARIES =::.:!. ~=tbti 17f1 --AU -~.--Alto<-CDITA 1!11$4 .., U: Law, ISO E. S..nhln¢tt • ..., ~l'QI S1roo1, s.t1o 110, CoG Mnl, -L CDMT llllwAY ~ _,, Ml-1110. • ... -·· ... ----~~·1!--. Cl lilA -N"*' Aort1 " MaJ 1, 1, Olttelt ,_..,. 11, 1•, 1a-. ll-lllr-L--'*;..· -"-----..J .......... Al Forc:tt. commUDity serYtce; Mrs. Nell Murbargv, auth- oress; Miss Apes Blomqullt, business; Mrs. Joseph Beek, community service • Mrs. Folts a. paid emplOyee at the Y .M.C.A. ud bet .-eek- eods are planned around youth cam;~s on a ¥Olw:tary buia. Credit goes to bet for orpaJ.- zing the youth and pernmeat project at Sacramento. WbeD she n.s president of tbe Ameri- ca.n Field Service, her home was opeoed to a foster French dauctJter. Sbe is presently serving as secretary of tbe HarU Area Coordinating Council and ls a contributing member ol CHART, whic:b is studying the deveklpment and e.lpa.D.Sion of the Harbor Area.. I lOc COSTA MESA FAY HARBISON Laguna Federal Savttit11 answers the q~ of WHEREl WHATl' V'ME.? and HOW MUCH'I 0 0 INTtREST is pejd et LAgune Fecllnll 01t 3-v-< BONUS ACCOUNTS (t1.000 111111- tiples) by adding !he .25% BONUS DIVI- DEND for each of the thr!le ~ IJO tile eo-npot.jnded annuel ....... INTIIIQT is ..-;d • l..agune Fedeill on .. ~ when eunent annual ,. ~ ~ is compounded daily for one yew. - INTER EST is paid et Laguna Federal on .. savings. Your savings begin Nming 5" from !he day of deposit straight througi!IJO day of withdrawal, with earnings com- pounded on a daily basis. THIS ADDED IIICENnY£ TO SAYERS PRE-DATED INTtREST is paid et l..- Federal from the firSt of the mouth Oft .. deposits received by the tenth of dwl month. when held to quarter's end. For t he maxi mum returft on Ire•.-• SWinge pMcl ~· • M&l n ... -8t your own Mutue1Sfttr11_. Loan A•oclatio n: Oranee Ca•s ..... LARGEST. FIRST atMIIT1IO •• DI' huhpan daat Fa ~lsel: LAGUNA FEDDAL U/1/,MNIIIIGIII.I I I I I 1JtfJ MINUTES , ......... lllfll -NtE .. THE lAW AND THE WRATH OF GOO RCHMna 4:1!5 dMt1y tUitft; ~ "The llw worUth wntttt," bUt M m•ny peopte ... m not to want to ... thit, Ewn aom• e*J:1men tttl us that God lfWe }he law to help ut to be aood. When God Himself says the very oppotlta; th•t It wa• aiwn to thaw us that wt are bad and need • Sa~t~lor. "The ,.w workMft wr•tl'l." bery criminal knows tt'lis and e~t~ery t~nn•r shoukt know it, for the Btl»e hat much to uy on the t ubject. Rom. 3:19,20 declares that the law was given "ttlat ..... ry mouth mlaht be stopped, and ttlat all the world mial'lt ba brOUII'If in IUilty before God," and this passase aoes on to ~y: "Tttaretora by the deeds of the law stlall no flesh be justifted, for by the law is the lcnowledle of sin." II Cor. 3:7,9 calls the law '"the ministration of condem~tion" •nd "the ministration of death." Gal. 3:10 says that "thou whO r --I-... ~ ., -... .---... rt st;t'"@ >n -r~.,"-'% P.-''nt! SWORD 0' THE LDaD"'-a.. \Ott, ..,.,.,....._, T•"- are ol tM WOI"b o' tn. ,._," Le.. who ..,.. to make them- MIVet a«eptabttt to God b)l ""P'"' the ~. "are under • eurM," bec:IUM the law ~n only condemn th•m- ThON who •pPrOKh God, ••· PKtlne et•rnal lit. in rM:urn fw "&ood wotka" a... ottertna Him t,.,, tei'IM--Whlch Ht will nevar accept. God will not sal/ justUica- tion to thos. al,.ady undtr con· demnatlon for sin. But Ht doH offer tlnn., complete justifk.t· tkm because: "'Christ h•th rttdMmed us from tht cune of tht l•w. Mint mad6 • curse for us: for It is written; curwd Is every one that Mna.th on a tree" (G•I. 3:13). ThanM God, those who ttuat In Christ, "have redemption, thtoulh His blood, the 'orctvenns of sins, accordine to tM riches of His 1race" (Eph. t :n , "bein• justi- ti-a, freely by His (God's) 1race, throueh tM rect•mpt!on that is In Christ Juus" (Rom. 3:24). PEARLS FROM BIOLA • .,. .... ,_ IIOLA 81t0ADCASTR 1-11•1• A•o.. L• Mt ..... C.ltl. to636 THI POWIR Of PU VII There is. ;a., eyt t~t ,.,.e, s.l~eps BMeo~th the wino of night; There is ,, e•r 1~1 never shuts, Whe!-1 sink the be""'' of light. 8y Robert L. Moyer, D.D. the 11Ufferlngs or Christ and the Thotre ·~ •n ,um tlut never ti re-s, When hu~n ilrength give-s wo~y; There i~ • love th.t never fails., 'Mien urth)y \oYn d«.y. Late putor of tH Fint Bapti8t Chun:h and l>u.b of the North-glory that should follow. They did wtiltem Bible fkhool ud Seainary of Mi.Jlnupolia, MinnnotL oot undt'ntand tM part'nthesis or Th...t eye os foxed on Hro~Ph thronos., T"h.t •'"' upholds the iky, lc-tl-.4 .... 1 •• , -•1 o{ nations, bec:ause such objec::t\ona time betwt't'n the two. This was are part of the Jaw and the proph· the trouble with John t~ Bapti~t. Dod God Enjoy War! ets. the forerunner of the Lord. who ~~ eo~r is filled with ~~ J,OnOS. Th.t love is. throned on h~ But there's. • power which ~n c.o~n wield, Our answt-r is No. God hates upeetcd Christ to take tht' thront' war. Of counc He does. Shennan I know that Isaiah 2 :-4 s&yJi. Immediately, and when he found .. ld. "War Ia Hell," and war is an 'Beat your swords Into plow-hi~lf in prison. s-ent his disciples awful buaiMM and so i-t Hell, and shares,' but 1 also know that Joel to inquire of Christ, "Art thou he When mort•! ••d is vo~in, Th.lt eve, th.t ,.,,.,, th.at love to re..c:h, yet God says, ''The wicked shall be-says, "Beat your plow~hares into that should come, or do we look turned Into hell, and aU the na· swords." Again. this is not 11 con-for another"!'" ~ actions that Th..t hstef"llno eo~r to g.on. Tho~! power is pr•yer, whocl-1 s.oo~rs on high, tions that fo..-.e t God" I Pl . 9 :17). tradiction when lhe Word is right-braf'l expected of their Meuia h God hates Hell. but He u.-s it. ly divided. The time to beat your will take place wht>n H~ comes tht> God hates war. but He uscs it. swords into plowshares Is not now. 5t'COnd time, for then He will rome War 11 God's judgment upon sin with the world In its present-day with a sword and make war. His here; Hell Ia God's judgment upon condition. thront' will be established by tht" sJn hereaft~. Whe-n our Lord !laid, ''RRsist not overthrow of His enemies. Through Jesus to the throne, And moves. the ho~nd wh1ch move the world To brino ••d to Hos. own You eannot argue axalnst the love of God becauae He deals in Judcnw'nt. A parent who lovn a d\Ud. wtU .,.-netimetl punish that dllkl for d..laobtd)ence and sin. War sent by God does not mean that God does not love. To love people does ftOt mun that we art' to per- mit thrm to go on in aU kinds of ~ without juclgrnent. God lov~ men aod has manil,.ested U..t love in the gift of His &:.. A man may go to Hell unsaved. but he will neovu go to Hell un- krv~ We know a polict'man who is a aood O uistian man. He loves criminals, but that does not mean that he should not bring a criminal to Judcment. Somronc says we are to ~sem­ ble our heavenly Fat her. Ali righ t He is a God of judgment. Don't resist Him or try to do anything to prevent the out-working of that judgment. There is something worse than war, and that is sin. Be sure that God will always pour rout His wrath upon it. God loved H itkr and G<-rmany, or Mussolini and Italy, or Stalin and Ruuia, more than did any pec:iftst in the United States. He (&Vl" His Son for th<'m just as truly u for us. But that did not prevent God from bringing judg- ment upon a nation guilty of ban- ditry, and massacre. and rape. God loves th(' United States. but that will not prevent ultima!(> judgment coming UIX)n one o( the mc.t sinful of nations. Did Christ Te•ch Anrthing About Wu! Our answer is Ye1. Someone says, "All your argument is be~ on the Old Testament. but Christ U.ught ditfen-ntly His coming made a dltrerencc, and what was true In the old dispensation is not now true." Well, what did Jesus Chrilt tach! In Luke 22 :36 H t' said, "Ht" that hath no sword, let him sell his 1a~nt. and buy one." That ls, il they had no puru, no money, the) ~r@ to sell their prment In order to'buy a sword. You cannot llpirit- uaUze the purse, the scrip. the shots; why spiritualize the .word! To uy that the lord meant tht- .wonl of ttK-Spirit li very poor e-anis. and, 10 to aay that the- Lord referred to t~ two swords when He said, •·tt Is enough,'' Is poor undentanding. He was not relrrrlng to the two ~ords. but to the conversation. It was an abrupe: dlsmiual. "lt il enough" does not mean "they are sullld mt." SoMe Wist that what our Lord meant wu that the .sword w•s to be wed nwrely for .elr--defenw. All rtPt. admit it 10. At leaat It doH ,_... tNt. and that is sun'lclent to Oftl'lhrow an.y theory ol non- • uU•a Mid by pecltltU.. eon- idwttloua obJectors. Quakers, or 11111 ot1wr .ct. It il a decisive IIEIIU J if frcm the. mouth ol the I..GI'd Hl••:ll aplntt any •uch -I I I IQW. "Yn,. but look at t1111 .. ar on tbe llounL" All l'tiM. lloll ~ u. Se1'1non on the Ms r' •s•mtr that QtUt'"" ----II¥-,, ....... 1 .. -to .... .... ..... -t.r, 01 tM pw ... ts: I -... -... btil. but to -..-.•:m.Do ... -............... -----.. _ .. _ ....... -... ns ., _ _._ , .............. .. ....... u .... ..... evil," and "love your enemies," He wu talkine about the law of re- taliation between men, but not about their n>lationship to govern- ment. Some seem to think that when Christ said. "Love your enemies,'' He was saying aomethlng nt'W. That was not new, for God taught the same thing through Most"!~. Se-c t...e-viticus 19 :18 and 34, '"Phou shalt IDII'e thy neighbour as thyself.'' Someone c.lls •Hention to a ftMd. ish addition by which the Pharile-es had supplemented that command, making it. ""n)ou .shalt lovt' thy neighbour and hate thine enemy." Thill was a "tl.endish addition" because it con tradicted God's Word. It was wrong. Our enemy is our neighbor, and as such he Is to be> lovt>d. By that It docs not mean that you are to pennit him to attack you r wiff' and daughtt>r without resistance. That does no t mean tha t you condorK' tht" evil of his !iff:'-. Men hav(' oppo&e-d snd ~­ sisted each other on IM battle- tl.eld, and yet history abounds with Jitorie-1 of how men. even in the heat of bAttle, have helped thE-ir ent-mies. No man is to go to war singing the "Hymn of Hate." A Christian judge does not hate the criminal he sentences. A Chri!ltian ext>Cutor doM not hate the crimi- nal he puts to death. A Chri.slian soldier must not hate ti"M' ('n{'my he faces in battll'. What did our Lord me-an in Mat- thew 26 :52 when He said. "Put up again thy sword into his placr : for all they that take the .word shall pt>rish witl-1 the sword"! He me-ant that Pett>f was not to draw a sword in rebellion against the order of a magistrate. which wa~ A crime. Such rebellion would prob- ably mean thE' forfeitul't' of his life. tn other words, If you oppoeE' your own civil govvrnment by force, you mu~t f:'-Jtptoet to be met by force. In Matthew lO :3C our Lord said. "Think not that I am come to ~~end peace on earth: I came not to send peace. but a sword." You may spiritualize this if you wish, but we insist that the tenth chaptt>r of Matthew 11 dlapenuHonal, ls- raelltish, and national in characte-r. de-a.Jing wilh the klnadom of Hra· ven. Read tht' chapter and note H- pecially such ver-ses as 5 to 7, 15, 18, etc. The kingdom of He-a~ is not the Chureh, but the mlllennlal kingdom to be set up when Christ comes aa:aJn. Thkt dulpter brlnp the' history ol the Jnv to a cllma111:. It telLs or the end-time when the Gre•t Tribulation thall come upon the earth. It is uaoclat.ed with the IWOI'd, for when our Lord comes the IKOnd time-, He will rome-wtth ............ Some say that Jnus Onls:t c=ame as Ml!'Stiah at a time w-hen HW whole nation was sub.Ju1atec1 by Rome. Hla whole nation was lwoen.ly ex~ by th!t problem. and Ita mind ocrupl@d with thJs polltic=tll iuue. The-y .e~ their ~h to bind Hit e-nemtea to His c=Mrtot whtoela and oYfflhrow their Gentile- conqueror. Yet Ht ablolut.IY re- fuaed to eontf'mplatc war Or to do ut)'thlnc: to O'Wereonlt Hill enrmJa. H• COUld baw eaUid tweM IIDclftl of uwelt to UMrate H......, lad to 0¥...-thtow the ..,..,. .... ,..... Ht did notNIIc. n.e ,..... for w. Ia tbat Kl a.a. Df"N .,.. ....... 'PO ... aon. ..., .... U.t tall .,..... ... tkiD .. aot lltllb' blnt, 'ftt ,..... It ... aot •tltitJ .. ta.t ........ u. ,.l,h1a"' ... ..... ..... not ............. CilR .,.___ .. artlt. ..... tolt1 .. 1 ..... 1: 10-U U.t ._,-.. - BJ TIIB LATE L A. TOII&I!Y • 5 ..... b .. I I ., ....,. ..._, a.:.,. I~T11T .ILITIII~I. ..,......,,._ Me THE WHOLESALE S&AUGHnR OF THE c.uMANms IY «tt'S COMMAND (COMTtHU!.D 'MHII LUNfi!EKl 1..1:1' rr Bl: SAID, in the third place, that God'• plans are not only benefiomt but vast, and rr TAKES C£NTURIES TO WORK THEM OUT and we creatures ol • cb_y, in our little conceit, look at some little frag~ ment of God's infinite plan and pr-esume to judge the whole, o/ which we know little or DOthillg. It would be well if we could only learn that GoJ is infinite and we inflnitftimal. and ao of ac:ientH~ and pbi~hic-ne-cessity His judgmenLs are Ul\learchable and His way11 past tncin.g out (Rom. 11:33). A child never ·~rs a g~a.t.er fool than when criticising 1 philosopher, and a philosopher never appears 1 gre•ter fool than when criticisina God. I..ET rr BE SAID, in the fourth place. that the ute:rmination ol the Canaanite children wu not. only an ;,ct of mercy tnd love to the world at 1-t.rge, it wu abo an act of love and mercy to the children themalvn. Wha.t awaited these children. if t.M-y were allowed to live, wu tomethinfr vanly wone than death. Wh.at awa.ited them in death it is lmpou.ible tD tJc, doematic about, but uru .. one ~tl the wholy unBiblieal •Dd improbable doc1rirw: of the damnation of all unbaptiud infanta we need have no fe.n. Even today I could aJmo.t wish that all the bebft born ift the shunl' mi&ht be sJaiD in infancy, "'ere it not for-the hope that the church of Christ would awake and carT)' to them the Avirll Gospel of 1M Son of God. Gnat Iwata il . tM ON ''Tbe Faith of the Builder•" -Nell. 3 and 4 .,. .... ~.,- NEII'ORT HARBOR £M9CJI lEOOIID SEcnOII --P .. ~ lltURSDAY, IIAY 1, 1111 CORONA DEl liAR. CAUF. CUID DOWif . ................ _ .. , ... ........... ~ •t:;:---· ... ··-1 .... __ ......... o ft& ht) ' • .,.... ,,.._ alit) I ""'C•• ,.. .... ..._ .......... • t ;.~_:__ tlw& la a.."' (h. U ti) '~ ........ ---.... ...u. ~--, ..... , ' .,.. ..... wiU. ~ '" ____ .. (S.. lltU t ..... r., tt.e ,..,. ....... -ll iahla&e of • ~-aacl o .. u. of ,.,. (Cel .,.,, Acta 11114) IS ialtiD .. U.. rul..-.a 2tYJC i81MI __ .. __ ._., ....... ca... .,.-tt, II "let tWae ---aow N .tt.atl••" (MM. 1:') . ..-.4 aoa of luciA ---• fO.a. ,.,j) '1nat u.. ----,.,. 4icl da• ... of Ha.eaacah IHIUd" .,.._ tllr ----hla oH tlly fool" (Joela. 5:15) • Btet MD of Noall {O.a.. S::U) plac. to wWda Jo~am. Oecl (ludg. t:JIJ :U .. __ I wu wttla M...._ ee t wiU N wt~ ~ .... {f.._ I:S) J3 • Ida.• ef EnP1 (U Clu-J": U :20) " ........... tbiNa ,.pedro ----th• ... ol .. oaa- 31 -Wol (I&.,. li:U) 41 tiMo .,ae.U.Ollaer of Ti1Do4ht (.teraable. D Tia I!Sl 47 a pnpllet .. (Liab 2:31) 11 "e!aot ----DOt, uith•f do they .--p (KatL I :H) CLUES ACROSS Cl laJtl.r. CJI tw. Map Da.nlol .. ,.. .. ~Do. 2:21: 11_11) :W ID.iticda ol two •-of ho~moloo• ISO a dleonl..-ly cnwd Sl .. Ilia ..,. wa. not ----·· (O.ut. ···~-1 34:7) ,. 52 laiti.N of tiM two wi••• of Jacob (C.a.. H :lCI) 53 laitiU. ol IN tiN fudge oad Ids fatlwr (Judg. 1:13) $4 .... GH Do4 cabJO ---• b\Lild IJ:I• wcdl" 55 m~tide ol .... .... of (a-. :MI:I. II) 57 •.., .t ldsnaa (lklt. A LOOK AT THE BOOK THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thert are many plcu made tht-sc days for "loleranct." But often "tolerance" is not the right word for that which is demanded. What is meatll is "compromise." T olerance and com- promise arc no1 the. same thing. This is toler- ance-to grant to another the ~me rights which I claim for myself. This i~ compromise ----to sacrifice heartfelt conviction in o rder that someone else may be pleased or .n order to avoid a breach of peace. Tolerance and com- promise arc not children of the s:tme family. Tolerance springs from greatness of character. compromise from lack of it. As is to be e~~;pected. the demand for Com· promise made in the name of tolerance comes from thOSI: who have no convictions of their own and, therefore, have nothin& to sacrifice. To the man who believes the Bible, the dciry of the Lord Jesus Christ. His vi rgin binh, His death and resurrection arc the very cssentiah of the Christian faith. These an the essential foundation upon which Christianity is founded. Without them. he believes there can be no such thing as a Chri5ti1n church. Into many of our Jenomin;Htons of late years. however, come men who do not hold to these fundamcntah of the faith , and in many mstancn these so~alleJ "'mo.Jern•siS"' or "'liberals" have come very l:trgcly into coolrol of the atrain of some of the denominations. They are the ones who in the name of tolerance demand that other me-n who pos~ convictions throw them overboarJ. They. the mselves. arc the least tole-rant of men. Having no convic- tion of their own they have-no regllrd for the conviction of others. They make their demands for the u ke of "unity and peace." Peace ac- cepted at the price of compron1ise will never be a victorious peace. and peace which a church achieves by sacrifice of fundamental princ iples is defeat. Our Lord Jesus Christ H1msclf forever set up the standard when He Sllid . "He that i!> not for me is against me" (Matthew 12:30). The man who JS willing to sacrifice his convic- tions about the deity of the Lord Jesus on the- altar of unity and peace is not "tolerant ... He is a compromiscr.-Amencan Way Fealure\ The Coming King • By Chrlatabo1 Panlduanf !Tho Prophotlc Wlfa-) ,,.,. J!WISH HOP'E, 1•11 707, L .. ,._ ••• , The fulfillment of human hopes and reforms recedes. What would the refo rmers of 6ftv yean ago say, could they be with us now ~ The Mate of the world today is a contradic- tion of their hopes. On the other hand, the state of the world today is a confirm•tion of those Bible prophecies which apeak of this present age ending in fa ilure, wan •nd rumor. of wars, the collapse of moraJ standards, pa· ganism. 11 Hia First Coming were needed, quite as much is Hi!! Second Coming needed. All we see around us tod•y denies human hope of uving the world and con6rma tbe Biblical revel•tions that it can and will be saved by nothing less than the coming b•ck to this world A! He promised, of the Lord Jesus Olriat, not this t ime in weakneaa and humiliation, not this time to d ie, but in power and majesty, to bring in the kingdom of God, and to rule the wotld in riJhleo\WM'M. Thit ia the thing which mUst be. or the world order will eoiJapee: becauae of ita moral iniqultiet. What we are lpeak.ins of i• the end of tbia qe. not the end of the world. It ia not a que. tion of • great meteor cruhins into the eartll and amuhins it to Moma, u aome people ba'le tbous)lt may happen. 1t il aimply the end of tim Chapter of history that ia to be expected, the end of • blood..aained ond .U.«ainod chopw, the md of the p-ap. In a llill- lor-dillant doy, ...., the -~~ ..,.. will pue •way, and lbe bee ... Mto. 'ney-are to Jift pl.oe to a ..ew Ma..,. .M a .,... •rtlt.. ...,._ abaD ._. riPua a eu Yh.t.,. ._ .... of~. lla ~ ud. "' ....... of ... _ .. , ... _, ' ll1o -· ~ .. Laob 21. n.. .......... ........... ~;·-.-.· .... 1'::'._ .... _ _.,.. __ ... '"'-...... of-... ,_,_ ... on Olt ,.. -M ... foil ; .......... ~ ............. ' ,.,_~ ..-. ..... _ ..... _...,_ ..... _ . .....,_ ........... them for fear and for the things thai a re com- ing upon the earth." The whole creation-sun, moon, Bta rl, earth, human beings, super-human beings--forms a wonderful system which the Lord Jesus Christ hu elaborated oqt of Hia central life·giving energis:ins power. Of necesaity. if any pa.rt of that «rut 11yNem ia disordered, the rest is disordered. Bec.auae tt one point of the created univene there i1 rebellion and diiiOrg•niu- tion, the wbole suflen. That it wby there are earthquakes, and storm&, wan •nd rumors of w•n. What can compacts between n•lions do to bring real peace to tbe world, so Ions u the univene is the acene of revolt •g•inst its Cre•tor! For want of Hia r,ramce, for the w•nt o f the ~­ eral •tknow edsment of His authority, the h-.tUn r•ce is divided even against itaell. 5-.ppcH~e today industrial .harmony were aecure<l! lt only needs hermony between the nriou. dcmenta in industry, •nd this country would be rich beyond •II drum~~; an economic puadite wouJd be here. But we should only aee riaina•up pate moral evil•-Mere wealth i.a no sol\lliOn to the toeial problem. There ia no economic way to tlae. ki~om of hNftiD. s.,_ thol Eu...,. could be united, tloeol -of tllo '""" rooo problnt whido ;. com· iO(( op lib a tlora; ... terror of ... '-'Of -'11;.. el the r.... II iuaaula. ~ tM , .. , 1o ..... ...,, -doe to..l ,_ Clulot, ..... --lo .. ,_ .... riDtlool_~j! of I d I ...... 4 '*? a. MaJ. 1 .,_ ...... art ••• of-.'Md bdt ... • I I 6o h • ol tWr laabkaliorl. ltlay ,.._ ............... ootl_ ........ _ ........ ,... ... __ .. _ o._ .................. _ ___ ,..._wll __ ... 1!111 .... 1.-,a.,,_ ...... 0 ,. .,... _. .. ,. ll 4p 1'0 oow1 *• ............. 11-1 __ .._. ~fii'ORT HAR80R E~IOII SECOIIO SEC1101 • -P'!p 3 lltURSOAY,IIAY I, - OOIIOIIA DEl~ 'CAUF. Newcomers at Hoag A VALET CLEANERS We clo the FINEST work • m 3137 E. Corona town Coaat Hiway. clel Mar C&4-40COirN'n DIWJ&u - NEWLYWED Naocy Parbr Ia llaY!o( IIIII II lila """"'" lloiu:b City EmployHa ~ bald II lila II-'-. wbllo IIIIo Ia riCOIY!o( 111o btll -of Set. lim Speua ud CQt•ln Loa1a Herr-. w1tb bel' .,..,.. .... Cl&lfttaJames Puar olllla PoUce doportmeat. II lila rtpt. Tlla Parbra wen IDU1'14Ict 1D Newport Beleb April I, alii r«•..S from lbelr -,_,at Secl..,le, Ar'-, ID -lllo - Aprll 12. Tllar will mau their -· 111 11...,... lkiP'•- Police BloHer • 'rWmAY, Ann.l Girl-Mt. ud Mto.- ..,-Mt. IIIII Mto.""""" I Prlkhlt, D? y....., r-, ....... 1110 Tlilo'lo ... CMa .;... lltiL Gbi-111'. udMU,.IIk:Mtl Girl-Mt. ud Mti.ToaiD • .,....., g -.qc. ..., .. ._ , .. CGrlk:a Ptac., c .• awa-a.dl. CMa-Girl-Mt. ud ..... "-.., -Mr. ud Mto. .._ B. -. lJS-1/1 ,.,._.. YOio,IOOIII.-r&J. Colta Mta. AYe., 8a1Joa lalud. "!'Gir~l-~Mt.udllro.-BoJ-Mt.ud lin. FrodB. :;: 105J-COrupA"·• Sealyo, 111?1 Bna1a Clrele, 8--lloiu:b. Boy -Mr, a.ad Mrs. llell:oa M, Carter, 171.2 C:rpress An., Hutiaetoa Bet.cb. Girl -Mr. ao1 Mrs. Robert M. Kelley, l&aUiesaDr.,Suta Ana Helcbts. Glrl-Mr. and Mrs, PaulA. Pu!Yva, 40t Hub'f'1lle tl, Huo-reoee Boyd, ZS09 FJorida St., Unctoo Be&ch. Huottnctoo Beach. Girl -Mr, Uld Kra, Robert 8oJ-Mr. a.ad Mrs. Heory D. RJtteatlooet, 9ZS ':oogreu Moore, 3054 KWJbrooke St., St., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa. Girl -W:r, aDd Mrs, Robert 8oJ -Mr. aDd Mrs. Jack s. JloW'arcf. U81 Ellesmere KlD&, SlOO Roosenlt Way, An., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa. • MONDAY APRIL 1 • THURSDAY, APRIL l Boy-Yr. aDd Mrs.WUJ.i&m Girl-Mr. lJid Mrs, Gary \. Hanke, 517 Caroatioo An., • SUNDAY, KARCH 30 ported tbe tbeft otsnseswortb Rlt"U'OD, 2033 Newport BIYd., Corooa del Mar. A teeD acer 1fitb lone, dark $40 from S170a)'I:AYe,, B&.Uxa Costa Mesa, Boy-W:r. and Mrs. Utcba.el hair wu aurprtMd by CbrllteD 1sw'.od. • • Boy -Mr • aad Mrs. Daniel Lee Baroes, Z61Z Eaclud. Hun- ...,_ ...,.CK :-(. Doq:lu IDd Uada. McNeilwbeo Tbompaoo, 2?00 Petersoa Way, Unctoa Beach, tbey retwDed borne to '1301 • MONDAY KARCH Sl 52~D, Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr , and Mrs. DeaD ~~=;===~~~==~~;~~~~~~ s..soore Orin, West Newport, James r.;,e .u ot 530 AUao Glrl -llr. and Mrs. JoSEPh E. Frayer, 10~10 Valeoeia Apt. 6JS ' OIJO and found a llebt on and a door AYe,, N~ 8.1crats, wu M. Smith, 260 W. Vlctorla st., A., Costa Mesa. ,. I:HIJRCHES I 1trwp~rtlt.arl.or Luh-DA ~ "0• tit~ IJ/,Ifs (),.,,/oolti"l .'hH·porl H•rt()r'' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORN IA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN C H URCH 8:30a.m. to CJ:JO a'.m. -wOrship ~rv•ct CJ:45 a.m. to 10:4S a.m. -Sun day School 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Strvice The ae •. J.,.. G. Blllhl, Putor The Rc:v. Gc:oru J. BusdieUer, Visitation Pastor P'taoRe S4141ll Christian Scie"c• Swvicu FlRST CIIV RCH OF CH RIST, SOENnST 3303 Via Lido Newpon Beach SUNDAY SCHOOl 9:1So ...... ,.d ll o ..... SUNDAY SERVICES 9: IS -11 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I., ..... READING ROOM .... d•y•: ' ...... -s ....... Wedn••doy: 9 o.M. -7:.-s ., ..... r ...... ,. -~~ F.,,...,, 9 ...... -s ...... , ;t.t ...... . Fi rst a.,.ist C.r.t. ef c. ....... . R•rti"t Bib! .. rcllow•hip llftl~prrulnl -JhiCHIOaO•I S..ta Afte &. W..Miie Sts. Dr. P.G. Neumann, puiOr SUNDAY SERVICES 1:4S s .r 1. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Mornina Worahip. 6:00 p.tn. Trainina Unions 7:0\l p.m. Evinina Worahip opeo -tbe yoCb escaped with a stopped at 2:JI Lm. at VI& Lido Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, APRIL B $250 Soay t:lpe recorder •.• and Newport BlYd., oar tbe Glri-U:r.aDdMrs.RJcbard Gtri -Mr.a.D1Mn.Randall M!.b Rtuotto, Q5Ami&Os Way, Lido Shops area, tor wearing R. strable, 1003 Mission Dr., E. Lowe, 610-A Hamtttoo. Coat& Eut Bluff. WDt out to dinner at his ear erratlcally· wbrta be Costa Mesa. Mesa. 7:30 p.m., IDdreturoedat I a.m. taJ.led tbe sobrietJ ~st. be was Boy -Mr. and Mrs. CalriD Boy -Mr. and Mrs. HenryW. to ft.ad hi$ prap door hall ope a, booked oa the ebarp ol drWlk Melnree, SOOO Hudlng st., Head, 7762 Rille Dr., HUDt1Dcto3 and a $150mi.Di-blbmlss1Dg ••• driYlDg. •• Ross HIDea, 11, of ;orS::m~~saAPRJL 4 Beach. Harold Howard, 63, of 244&-D 203 COO st., West Newport, 1t'U 8o i4r a.Dd y J 11 • WEDNESDAy APRIL 9 Sa.ota Ana AYe., Costa Mesa, anested at 10:15 p.m., at 5020 0 u: -b.Jll. &uz c:!·m:;; Glrl-Mr. a.'MMra, WWJam wu arrested at Westcll.tt Dr. RIYer st., after be U&ed.prolane 8~~ Beacb •• R. Atramsoo. 192&2 Mauoa IDd In"iDe AYe, on lbe charge lancuaet 1D froM oUO junDilea Girl _ Mr. ~ Mrs. AIYln La.oe, HwtiDgton Bea.ell, of druot 1D public, •• George and a.dnltl; be naboobdoatbe Sal ZZ40 M PL Costa Boy w.r aDd Mn Harold Bl'etm&D, 28, oll03 McFadden cbarge o1 dilturbtDc tbe p.M.ee ue:DU, eyer • Morr, 7581 AihunbraOr.,uua. Place, Ceatra.l Newport, was ••• KU'e.o.JeDk1Ds,27,orml/! Bo • M and w Rol& d tt.ncton Beach. eloae to borne wben he was Pearl AYe., &aJbc:-.lsla.Dcl. wu H. ~-308r •112 !3 ~~ N 1 Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert picked t4l at McFadden and arrestedooa.pettytbeftebarce port~eh-r •• ew-A. Howey, 3288 ArboDa.Lue, w. Oeeu Fl'OCII:, and booted on ot tak1ng a ~ lll'ce stAtm glass Bo _ Mr. and Mrs. Rooa.ld Costa Mesa. tbe cb&rp of drtmki.DpubUc ••• trom Alley West at 12:1SLm ••• E S ytth 511 Hartfo d. H • THURSDAY APRIL 10 Charles Gebel, 22, of 2Z08 W. Jobn GIYeu, 23, of lZ4 29tbst., ' m Beach r un-Glrl _ M~. and Mrs. Ed~ Oeeaa Froat, Ceotral Newport, W~st Newport, aDd WUllam ~ _ Mr ·and Mrs Janusy r.ud R. Lewis, 851 VletorlaSt., wu booked oo tbe cbarge ot Marcella, zo, or 115~1/2 uth s Zal k1 2s48 c ooSt East Costa Mesa. statutory rape at 10 p. m ••• st., Ceotra.l Newport., were ar-Btllff es • a.r ·• Boy _Mr. and Mrs. Harny JOMphtne Clltton reported tbe r ested at Ginn's resideoee oo • SATURDAY APRIL 5 E. Thayer, 10332 Moattor theft of a $75 bite from ber the cbarge or 1Dterfereoee with Bo M ' Dd Yr Chari Drive Hl~DtiJlttoo Beach. patio at 119 Jade AYe,, Balboa a pollee om.cer ••. Anteoed McCC:,mac~ • ~ Cons. ess stes Glri _ Mr, aod Mrs. Charlie: lalud ••. A rock ru thrown by a DOise at 4:45a.m., Cather-Costa Mesa &1' '' Miller, 2001 Arnold An., Costa tbrough b1.s car wiDdoY at 2382 iDe Smtth, 601-1/Z Marprtte Girl -w'r. and Mrs. Uicbael Mt!sa. CbalmelRo&d,Balboa,saidWil-AYe., Corooa del Mar, walked Smtih 2038 AUso st Costa Glrl-Mr . aod Mrs, Gerry llam Kenoed)'; replacement cost 1Dto ber llYlng room and sur-Mesa: •• Ras, 427 Costa Mesa St., Costa. w-u set a.t $25, , • W1111am Col-prlsed a male, about 6 feet tall. • SUNDAY APRIL 6 Mesa. ville or RIYerside asked tor a wearing a dark eoat, with mod-Bo air and Mr R Du.lel Boy -U.r. a '"d Mrs. Lol's patrol cheek on b.is summer tum leogth busby bair, searcb-Olm~ J; 270t&ys00re Glassen, 327-1/2 M.upert.te borne at 710 W. Ocean Froot. log her purse; beruoutcarry. •• An., eoro.. delM.u. aanx.. after be diSCO't'ered th:ll J.ng a cenm.tc corn l:li.Dt s.. .... ,., 1 ....... ~ ....... . SECOND CRV&e• Of' CR1115T. SCI£NTIIT Newport Beach at Corona de: I Mar someooe bad beea sle<c>la( taiolag !77. ~; lbal's Pl<llal:•i1 WEON ESOA Y there sometime after January 1 tbe last tim., the 1:20 p.m. Bible S..dy ••• Fred Drlrrs, "-ot Z6U door ..W be lell- 1 :00 p.m. Prayer Mc:c:lina Sa.ata Alii. AYe., c om. U...... eat. •• WeodJ Hur~t r<c>Grt!ld L-----...:.---J n.s arrest.~ at 3 p.•. a.t IZbd tMt 1 liayseuller, stereottpes HAS IT CORRALEDI IT'S A LITTLE GA$1 COllE IN ••• TURN YOURSELf OM, AT OUR BIG 3-WAY SALUTE TO THE fiRST OF THE '70'S AT A '60 PRICE. 1 2 3 MEET MAVERICK, A COMPLETE BUILT-FOR· AMERICANS CAR I SEE ENGLISH FORD FOR 1969 (First sbowo tb1s montb) DELUXE AND GT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMJ1:· DIATE DELIVERY. CHECK THE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THAT WE ARE OFFERING ON FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-BIRDS DURING OUR SALUTE TO MAVERICK! 8100 Plldftc VIew Dr. SUNOA Y SCHOOl 10 ... SUNOA Y SERVICE 10 .-. WEDNESDAY EVENING A TTEHD THE CHUIICH Of YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY st. IDd McFadden Place, CeJl.. bad been stolen from ba:r tn.l Newport. on tbe cbarge of wb.lle it wa.s parted iD trout ustnc Ylllpr and prot&De laD-ber res1dence, 1029 Bomlle Time And Money Ca II An Expert ~1EETINC. 1:00 , ..... Re•dias Room: M•taal Bids- 2863 E .. t Co••t Hwy., COM. ~oa.•F'ri,: 10 Lm. to S p.m. Thar•doy e¥1!Dill F 7 to 9 S1t.: 10 Lm. 10 4 p.m. ruace ..• Erik Schultz, 22, of DoooeTerrace,ln'1DeTerraee. -=-:-::c=:-:-:-:-=--- SZZI Clay st .• Newport Helotts, ••• Josephine Clllloo, U9 Jade • IEAUTY SALOII tbougbt it was 10:45p. m. wbeD Are., Balboa Islaod, beard a pollee omcers stopped bim tot oolse outside and looked out qulck starts and stops as be kitebeD window to see a weued bis ea.r doW1I tbe road jumping over the wan -and a at 22nd St.IDd w. OeeuFront, SIU'fboard m.l.ssing ••• An all Central Newport, but It n.s Q.. black mlni-btte, wortb$70, was ter thaD bethougbt: wben befall~ stolen from WllUa.mCbrls, 4831 ed the fteld sobriety test at Broce Cresceo.t, Lido Sa.Dds ••• I a.m. be was arrested oo tbe A saody baited mln. welghlng charce or drunk driYiDg •••• aoout 225 powx1s alxM 40 to 45 PoUce olftcers answered a years of age, ~le 2 pipes IDd eail about dr1Didng on tbe beach toblcco trom tbe Tobaeeoalst Ill l'rool ol 1600 S. !Ia)' Froot, Shop, Fasbloo lslaad, wblle the BaJboe. lslanl;l, aod Detted Jobn credit eard be bad preseoted Tolle, ZZ, of U7 30th St., West was being cheeked; tbe credit Newport, oo a ta.Jiure to ~wear card bad been stolen, too .•• warrant ..• I>.ii.Yid Rocba, 18, of Pieces ot a pla.sttc ck:Kbes 2110 Newport BlYd., Apt. 40, were left behill:t bytbethiel • HEALTH RESORT You are cord• ally invited 10 auend Church Serv1 ces and 10 usc the .Reod1n1 Room. ._... ,.... ,._,. ~ n. '-"oft .. Chritl -.. ..... __ I '"' ::.: ~·; I C:HOOI. ....... I· • WOIIII .... ~ • AND I:VIENIN8 II:!IIIYIC:I: 1 100 ,.,M. THU IIIID•Y e l Ill. 1: I"T\JOT ... N O ~!IIIAVI[IIII Jo00 too,N. ... UIIIIII:IOIT DUIIIIINa II:!IIIIIICI:I AWY ... ,.,_ " . . .L 0'1. \4111& ' BEAUTY NOOK 2712 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone bn·7336 SEVEH HATIOHS COIFFURES OPEN MONDAY THRO UGB SATIJRDAY rree Paliias i• Frou 300 W. Coa•t Hwy. Hewpot"t Beach T•l.,h..,., 6ol2·0844 Cno.ol.,__,.... ... c-. ..... ,M_ H. l .._.,..., tfCA ... Central Newport, wa.s arrested stole U35 worth ool~~;::: I BUILDING CONTRACTORS at Coral AYe., and Part AYe., from the Mercedes tt; lhlboo lslaad, oolhe char .. ot Taub, 365 Vl.a Lido Soad, REMODELING Jl r~ CRIJI 'Is I C~ 121~ . -drunk ln pubUc ••• Wb.ile Debby Isle, bad puked at 847 Bl.ystde Robson, 210 Apoleoa Awe., Bal-Dr. . . Jansen Hoffman, 259 boa Isl&Dd, n.s dancing at the Prospect AYe., Newport sbores, Villa Marlna, her purse was weot to bed around 9 p.m., and taken t:rom under the table -awakened at ll:SO p.m. to dis- a $4.1 loss, •• Corliss A.nkeoy, cover hls TV W"LS missJnctrom 5007 1/2 Seuhore Dr., West the UvlDg room, a radio aod a Newport, reported the theft ot purse and ltscoote~s missing- a $180S1111br:udtroma.nOYer-a $195loss ••• A boy'sredbike hancfac n.ek 1n tbe prage ..• r.LS stolen from 232 VIa Eboll, Eleuor Laraway, of 1105 N Lido Isle, according to Susan Ba7 Froat. Balboa Island. re-Havens .•. 1262 .................... ,. .... .... A Fr•• ~ , .. ,_11•1 COIIINI--· Or4•1l• Ch•d ,.. ........ ...._ .......... ._dey Serrioa ...S ~ .....,, al 10;011...., .... _, ........... 21. COMPLETE FUNERALS .... •245 COMPLITI FUNDAL AND IUIIAL CINTEI ZlJ ••••1-6177 CEME'I'ElY LOTS Fnm SUO MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $465 Jark IU':'Y--c::e rnetery "~ iA Oae &ouriful Ploce" B«au1e tbe luDeta1 and burial cen11:r c:oocept efjmi... tbe ~ for processioos dlroogh heavy ~ on OftiCIOWckd highways, family and &imds alilce may now ~y their full re- SJ«b br ltteudiog tbe burial 5erVice, as well as tbe cbofeltmice, all at oae lleautiful place. .at ial a.t IIDd IIIOCe ClDG IUUaa. . ••1 -1-.IIACIIaYD.. 7'14 ......... and ADD ITIONS e riUE I"LAM SIW'IICE e I"REE I!STUU.TES 532 ·5949 AMERICAH COHSTRUCTIOH co . CA.LL DAY OW NIGttT . •••w•. ... TilliS LICEISIO I -~~~ FRED H. GEIIWICJ( 3CMG.I-.t 673-1 -S4J. ll" ......... c--. ---c-............ .............. c - AU DtM.IT.6 'UMJSTS PIIIIJI, •• tut ..... ,. ..... ~ ..... • KIAII1t5 AIDS HAL AEBISOfER ~..! ~-.. _fl .......... Mit E. c. .. H.,, c.-...... 67WU3 }-~~=~ .. ~-t : "--IIIo ._.......... • Mlp • 0 ......... - ........................ v ..... ....... .................. .,.._., •• "j- • COSTA • ORAHCE • ANAHEIM • HUHTIHCTOH MESA 639.U.I 826-0381 BEACH 54'1-33611 842-1451 • RIJC 675-3353 Peniall R129 CleaniiiCJ Wortzs CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING 1.,.. .. _.. ... _,. .... ,..._ Shrubs, lnter~or Plants Troptcal & TrMs lnsectctdes Cltld Fertilizef" S&H Green Stamps I"RI"I m 111 ,:.R\' f'OM)NA DEL •. :\a !'lil!llSOn' %744 E. ro-t NWJ ., 17WIM 1111 -·-·--1111----rt ........ .. DID E. C..st Hwy., Qlll 67).H05 eiiAIIME HARDWAR! • ':.:f1 II. I'Wt I te ··-=-...,. ..... -· -- I. WIILLPo\PII IIAIIOI PAIIIT I. IIALLPAf'll Pitt ........ -Dlltdl BoJ· Pllftts-._tltt lltta U,OIIO PAn ERIIS OF IML~PAPER 2t1t L C...-.,. eo_ • ..,._ IIOUY ,.. __ ,_ " . ...._ Olf •• :'l..-1/o-o ------·---..... .._ • PLUIIIIIMG A. R. IIARSAC I'Ul\IH~.II MU t.Mftat.ittfll A..._ ('~·~"'• HI U. l'twnhi .. •.W•• OAY A PISQIT WATiilt llt;AYI!IIS 67).41 • CoalllaY_ .... m-. • SHOE IJliEP AIR MABERRY'S Shoe Repair Purse and Luggage Re~.r -Dye Work SI.H ST NI"S ONE OA'f' SERVICE 1190 Harbor tuwd. Cosr• ..... -Ml •l31 1 ""lhua· r ,.. ..... H•clsMs,~ • S.wfn1 Mochi•• S.mc. REPAIRS .. ~ SERVICE Evwy .._4 •4 1Un4 0•• -Oil -Adj .. t Delh'ery S.f"'l'lee A"'U•We SEW lEE IT SHOPPE !7!2 E. COAST HWT • CORONA DEL MAR T•lophoor. 675· 6564 (Aero-&.a Ff..,.• CN-•) ellf'IIIIUTIIY I'UIUCATIOM W0. WE CAN II'RINT YOUfll P-LETW, LllAI'LETW, NEWIPANJIII MD N-LRffRtll CAl.\. tta Nl 1.,_&1'11 Nn·rf....aC'P.II .-AT l"ltl ,_WOitT LVI>. "'· ._,.,c-...... ... ·- From • TWZAY, AJIRO.l J-lllJioc, ~~ ol ISIJ ac .. am~.. ear-c1o1 ~. loU 011 1be -ol a c:u ,.. lllld -R CIIOd bJ poUculll- ctrt at Ftrllllal ...S Oc4u bolaollal lo Do<-B_,, Bl'fd., ...S wu -ao t11o WUtao st., C-II-WU 110-1/140111 a., Wott"-"" tlllrro ol-lopui>Uc. u rotttd to lbe 1100 bloU ol Ud ...... uarp-tllllwlll ••• GoryH.U,IU8.U-SI., W. Oc .. Frool, C-.t!l .... -$15 to W11>0 011 ••• He EuC Blllff. -.. JUI-port, Ull cblrJtdWllli-Cl· _..boar Hart, .,.,_ R1:. at Eutbluft Dr. oa blJ ted I.Dplblle ••• CbarJeaGiuow, mat-bin pulbed b1J motcr- Holdl. 'IU lllfolved 1D 1. eoW-1:6, ol. !SIS Elden An., COlt& cycle &wtJ, aid JobD Car17,CJI Doll wttb ear drlwer Brlaa Bib-Mea. wu arruttd at JO:S5 1574 COrllea PJae., Colt& cock.IOI-1/l Acatt A ... , Btl-p.m. Ull cborltd wltblDfl>xlct-IleA,-Harlorwuparlrod boa IaJud. at 5:•s p.m. • • ted 1D pubUc &DII crMtloraclls-at 1U8 w. Balboa BJ'f'd., C.tral While DoucfU GreeD, S1Z Ruby lurbuce at Sld'J Blue Beet, Newport • , , A $50 11:«10 wu An., Balboa la1&ncl, YU at the Ceatr&l Ne1rp0rt, • , DaDDy stolen from tbe VW bMcb, aomeooe shattered a Sbetfer, 2!, of Sut& ADa., Lora beloflllnr to Kip Towle, wirldDw 1D bis Plymouth. •• Van Ost, 21. ot 2'100 Petetaoa 41st st., west Newport ••• Cbarles Roper, 59, or U9 ZSrd WaJ, Apt. ZB, Costa Mesa, &Del SUYer dollars, so cot pilces, St., Ceotr&l Newport, ..., ar-Albert !lUI, 25, 91 336CabrUio 3 U. S. war medall IJid 1,000 rested at 21st Place l1lCI Me. st., Costa Mesa, were arrested peonies were stolen from Nora Fadden PL, ana cbU',.ct with at Z a.m. at U St. and Balboa Howeu, 487 &Zod st., 'Newport THE GUILDS of CblldreD's Hospital of 0raap County are drunk 1D pubUc. , • Cbrtstopber BlYd., West Newport, and were Sbores ••• A $40 stereo wu sponsor to& "CHOCfYS famUy tun party" at Disoeylatld, Sbettler • 18, of 2541 Vista Dr., cbar1911 with assault of a poUce stolen from the VW bekxl.clacto from 4 p.m. to mldBI&bt SIIDday, May 11. Prizes trUl be Bay Sbores, wa.s arrestlcl at omeer. ··While MlnnieCa~-Donak! Ermllll, 1U 4Srd st., awarded, i:leludlng a top prise of a famlly trjp for 2 to zzoo w. Oeeao Frobt, Ceatn.l bell, 1124 W. Ocean Froot. West Newport, whlletbeearwu Hawail. Sbown bere w1tb party decorations are, from left, Newport, at 9:20 p. m. 00 tbe Btltd., wu 1D Hemet, someone parted a few doors away •.• U.n. Hugb Bowe of Baycrest, 4~year..old Lori Aim Gustaf-cbarp of dtsturbla.g the peace. smasbed a wiDdow adjaeeot to Jack Carter, Z303 Vtsta.Huerta. son. and ber motber, Mrs. Oooald Gustafson of Coroua del ••• Larry Loemer, Newpcrt ber tll.ck ldtchen door, eDtered, East BIIIU, said aomeooe lMUR!OAY, MAY ~ -CIIRDNA DEL ~AR, CAUF. £-~llciu ....... . 251!0,000 IIMIIy 1•1•'1' 10,000 .... ....., o-... 2,000 MM iul Par 1,000 DMih htcf-lllty S/30,000 Ut~hrtur.cl M.terht DISCOUNTS FOR 2 CARS Farther R•daclioo• For Aeddftt Free n-iviar After bt ~d 2Dd Year. THE BEST IUY FOR CAREfUL DRIVERSj,i-lii MATTRESSES ... -ua111LDD1o Jneaular Shapes Mar. Children's Holl)ltal of Ora.nge County (CHOC) ls a Beaeb poUce ottleer, bad been aDd stole a portable stereo, TV climbed througtl his bedroom 104-bed. DOD.proflt, aoo-seetarlan pediatric center devoted relieYed of tramc cootrol at set and records - a total loss ;~ln<low::..:""":"":l•~•:.:.$1~4~5~st~er~eo:;!::::::~::::~~~=======:; exelus1Yel.y to tbe medlcaliDdsur,tcalcareofchiktren from Mu-coertte and E. Coast Hwy., of $205 ••• Two surfboards, • birth to ace 17. (Enslp pboto.) Corona del Mar, and was cross-worth $170 , were stolen from Th Y're on dean's ll"st log tbe street at l:49p.m.,WbeD 209 Narcissus Ave., Corooadel e the master cyllDder rlC)tured 1n Mar; tbey were ·owned by Jolul ,., ...... -c.ttla COSTA WUA WATTIISS CO. IIION .. ,_.Iho4, U'-t, ... IIOJ Eleven students from the Carl Scbwnaeber,1501 Yart-the car driven by Opal Leedom, ~k = t~=·::t~ ~t!~ Harbor Area atteoding Call-ners Dr ., Harbor Highlands, ar-1983 MonroYia An., Costa I' • c • forllla State Polytechnic Col-ehlteeture major. Mesa; the c.a.r brakes went out Vlew Hills ••• A passkey was Ob Marcia Siebels 32371Ddl.ana., a.Qd she bumped into Oftlcer used, possibly, by tbe burglar lege, san Luis lspo, hiYe · Costa Mesa. a ~ss major Loetner w'-> was tatentoHORg wbo entered the Newporter Inn :r~tu~la~ed~~~e ~~~~~ Donald stlne, 114 Emerald HospttaJ'a.ootreatedforatruis-storeroom and stole 2 radios, SERVICE Tbe lo"--'~ ' :.,, . ..,; Ave Balboill lsla.Dd architec. ed thigh. • • Yalued at $40 ••• Ber tha Wrtgbt, u.~w ... g were reco~ •• • .. y R .. 96 Bayside vtn...... left. her for having compiled an overall ture major. • WEDNE::;D.\ , AP IL"' ,......,, grade average of .. 8 .. or better David Muran, 2283 Red.la.OO.s Jobn Vaughan, 24, of33& Ca-go lf clubs out to her ca.r a1: ~jijiii~~:=iiij;ljjii~--lo-r.;all_cc_ur __ se_s'-'-lllllllllll Ave., West Upper Bay, arcW-brUlo St., Costa. Mesa. was Newporter lnD parting lot • tecture major. arrested at 6:30 Lm. at UDd llalf an hour -Just loog enough Kirk Hayward, 2140 Bayport st. and W. Balboa Blvd., West for someooe to steal them .•• way West Upper Biy a physics Newport, and charged with as-Carol Corbin. 307 36th St., QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAIHED PEOPLE WHO CARE CUSTOM iADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIOl AMO COUUl WOUHTS ~ .. __ ......., 011 W&l DIUYIIY CoHfw-- • c_, •• ,. u .. ofhsFI-Leta -.. , ----. -.. ._ '.~· .·· " . ·. ' . ---:a- Santa Ana l:!.:(o. ' l :I '· .. , 2202 S. MAl US.Utf SMllliiA ma~r ' sault on a pollee otfteer ••• West Newport, reported that Timd.by Hogle, 1701 Angellta Micbael Mullln, 26, of 128 39tb SIOmeone deflated her car tires, Dr., Irvloe Terrace, an elec-St., West Newport, was arrested broke tbe radio antenna, and trtcal engineering major. at 2:15 a.m. at 22nd aod w. beDt thewiJidshieldwipers;ser- Sheldon Levy, 4306 Splnd:rlft, Ocean Frool, and booked 00 tbe vlee and replacement cost her Baye.rest, electrlc.al englnee-ebarge of drunk drtYing ••• Jack $30. • • ring major. McCutchen. ZO, of 1012-C W. • THURSDAY APR IL 3 PeDily Uvingstooe, 313 Wake Balboa Blvd., Balboa, 1Dvolved Raymood &roett 68 ofl014 Forest, Costa .Mesa, a bio-in a t1gbt ar 42od St. and W. E. Balboa BlYd., Ba.Ib,a, was logical scteoees ma)or. Balboa Blvd., West Newport, arrested at 12:45 p.m. at Bat- Steven Luod, 5701 Seashore at 2:20a.m., was booked on tlMl boa Blvd. and 8 St., Balboa, on Dr., West Newport, anaeronau-charge of 1ntollcated ln pubUc the charge of drlvlng under tbe tteal engineering major . • •. A money tag wlth $172 was intluenee of lntoxica.nts •••• Jennifer Mi ller. 310 Fer-stolen trom Nelson's Cleaners, John St.ymmwsld, 49, of 521 na.ndo, Balboa, asocial sciences 106 Tustin Ave., near Marlners Center st., Costa Mesa., was major. Mile, during the n.Jgtlt •.• Ig-arrested at 11 :30 a.m. lD the Devron Donnelly, Z018 Diana n!Uon keys left in the Cadllla.c partlDg lot at the rear of 106 Ln., Harbor Htgtllands, archi-by Barre Stephens, 211 5 Sber-Tustin Ave., oei.r Marlners tecture ma jor. ington Place, Newport Helgbts, Mile a.od booked on the TOP STUDEHTS WILL GET BUSIHESS AWARDS Outstanding students ot 4 Harbor area high schools will ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!~ be booored Ya:J 7 at aD a.naual busioess edueatloo awards tun- SACRED TREASURE .HOUSE ~':. ='!t "i,!•:': YOUR QtRI$'1'1AM SUPPLY CINTU B l.LI: •. B OOo<• • !!i.....-:0111:0 R•co..-o• • Cowto• G oi"T• • CANOL •• • ... !Liol I!IT..-r-& f"L.Ao• Phone 6> M-il Orders Accepted at tbe Deadqua.rters at 3366 Via Udo. ADAMS 2626 HAIIIIOII .. YD. One student trom each school -Newport Harbor. Corooa del Mar, Costa Mesa and Estancia. -will receive a personal pla.- IIJ u.n 1m n . ~~ '"'· r. •f N..,..-t ,,..,... que, $50 in cash, and b.ls name 1~=::=::=:::=:=:::..,::,..=:::•=:'"':::'"'~:::=:=:=:=:=::=::;:::~ engraved on a perpetual trophy displayed at Ute school. wllo had parted his car at 1 p.m. charie of lntoxtcated In auto ••• by his otftce at 1137 Bayside Dr. Trave1.1.1ng at 10 miles per bota' Newport, resulted lD a stolen while straddllng2 laDes, ma.ld.Dg car by 2 p.m ••• During the 11 impossible for cars to pass, night, $50wortbofhubcapswere Jeff Brown. 66, of 2114~1/2 W. stolen tromhiaMustanc,puked Ocean Froot. Central Newport in b1s carport, declared Charles dldn"t stop for pol,l.ce omeers Hunt, 1510 W. Balbo& Blvd., until they pulkd their car in Central Newport ••• A tape trontofhim; theybookadblmon deck, lStapesa.ndataehometer, the charge of drunk driYi.ng ••• adding~ to$2101oss, weresto-furntsbing muljuaDa. was len trom his Mustang, parked charged aga.lnst Richard Duran., ln the 400 block of Cedar St., 33, Mllton Helmick, Z8, Newport Sllores, declared Rob-and Philip Bosley, 30, of 3809 ert Burnand, 2636 Bayshore Seashore Dr., and David Slnk, Dr., Bay Shores ..• While in 20, of 129 39th St., West New- drydoek at 2633 w. Coast Hwy., por t ••• Robert Cohn. 13, of Mariners's Mile, hJs satlboat 1600 Darothy La.oe, Harbor was stripped of a $205outboard Highland.s, was bitteo by his motor, staled Lawrence Sork, spotted Dalmatian wlltle wrest- 307 Via Lido Solld, Lldo Isle... ling with the dog ••• Marion A 14 foot OOat was stolen from MuUlos reported that someone Austin Stack., 1409 E. Bay Front, entered tbe p.rage at 420 Col- Balboa Island ••• David Leere-ton Ave., Newport Sbores, and J'OhDSOD + SOD Or II k C La addition, a certlt1ca.te ol CO OC O. award will be given to students Bun.DING BLOCJr.S -ALL SIZES • ALL TYPES Te..,.._.: JAca-7.22)t IDG JtateU& Jlnt• llJD S. Mota. Senile Aaa tt'om bookkeeping, typing. clerical, shorthand, sec.re- t.arl.al, accotU\tlng and merchan- d.ls!Iij!; classes. 2626 HAI.OI IOULIVAID, COSTA MilA S40·S630 64%·0981 The two of us to serve you better For your personal convenience Newport Balboa Savings has two locations to serve you. Visit either office for : THE SAME BIG 5.13% YIELD -the highest in the nation -on all ac· counts when current annual dividend rate of 5% is compounded daily and maintained for one year. Funds earn night and day. from day,in to day-out. Funds received on or before the tenth of any month earn from the first when held to Quarter's end. THE SAME BIG 5.38% YIELD on 3 year BONUS CERTIFICATES (In multiples ol S1 .000) by adding the .25% BONUS DI VIDEND fo< each of the three years to the dally compounded annual earnings. THE SAME SAFETY AND SECURITY. Your funds are insured up to $15.000. We maintain high reserves; our lending policies are conservative. THE SAME SEfiVICES : Savings and Investment Accounts. KEOGH plan. Monthly Security Accounts. Escrows, Safe O~posit. Money Orders. Reversionary Trusts. THE SAME SMILES. The kind of warm. friendly. efficient service. aided by modern facilities and eQuipment -our personal concern is never computerized. SO BRING MONEY. NEWPORT tALBOA AriJ LOAN ASSOCIATION . Moln Ofllce :-Yla Lido, IN• port Beacll. Calllornlo 82118S. Pllone: 17 14) 8 73-3130. Corona <MI Mar Olftoe: Financial Plau.IMIO -port C.niOr om.t 828211, Pllone: (7 14) 844-t481 P. A. Pll-r. Cllalrman of tile Boanl Agneo BlomQulat. ,.,._nt