HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign.-.. C.C. nominee list is named ILL FOU A 11<0011 bociJ bas--o/1 Baja California aod Ill&)' proride a clue to tbe fait ot tbe Goodwill. The famed seboooer, OYDed aod skippered by Ralpll Lar- rabee of Balboa, struell the Sa.crameato reef oU lila Ger- oo.imo, aDd all aboard are pre- • JOe COSTA MESA Nloo _,_ tor tbo elec- tloa ol 7 directors were made at -,•a b<_. meellllc ol t11o eor.. delllarCba-r of Commerce at Reubea's air· port -..a. sumed lost. CADET CANDIDATE - Tbe aom1Me1 are Jerry (lira. T. llas:caA) stenrt aod DorolllJ llar<ICUilo, realdeatial tMmbt:rl; GordoO. JOOIS of the lrri:lo Co., Huberi Poiraoi ol Coroaa delMarPbU'macy,Jolm So11111le ol So!lll>le Reoll)', Jerry Coast Guard autborWes La U. UUayio, m11 ot Mta. ~ Lone Beach told tile Eutca UlbaJio o1 ... c..,._ st.. yesterday that tbe W:elicau Na.YJ COlla Mesa., hal c:r,.,..,td from bad lnformed tbem tbat tbe ZDd tbe u.s. AJr Force Academy body wu IDUDd. D8U' Ba.b1a Ro-Preparatory SchOol to CoJo- sar1o. AD &mbuluee bu been ra4o. He wW tDhr' tbe Academy I8IJt from ED.StD&da to pick~ Juoe U to beda 4 ,..,.aalaca- ll>e body aod b<lllc tt bocJt t>r demic aod milliary -**· possible ldeoWI.cat1oD.. d1D&' to a tacblklr' of stliiDCt GoriD oiPrJot.O.Uat_Jim Pur---. duo ol Purdlie'a Cuslo:n Txi· lors Hal Aebl.scber ot Ae. Tbe bod}' ol a teen..qe boy, deP'ee I.Dd a eommiu:Loa to tile beUeflld poutblJ to be tbl.t ol U.S. Air Force, Helsa eradaUe Tlm Smith, a cSeckhaDd. ofFoun-of Bob Jooes Academy, GretD- ta.tn V&lley, was foUDd by Mu1-ville, S.C. blocber Hoarloc Aids aod llro. Hester Martin of Frucls,()rr SbtlmeJ:I. rutaU•tioD diDDer will be bekl Auc. 8 at the Irvine Coa.st COUDb'J Club, Bob Bartbolemew 1s cbaltmaatordinoerarrance- m..U. can flsberm-. Moaday, Tim !lew to lleldco Yay ZO to )DIJI A L ll>e Goodwill, &ecordlllc to bls ~~:-· ""· aod lira. Gordoo JUNE 21 22 ' NOTICES of meetJnr IDd aebldulel oaa bullet1Dbolrd ILl tbe lD the meanttme the seareb Newport Beacb pollee statiollwere COI'ered ..,early yester- day morDlnC: by a birth •l'f'QUDCemeat pri.Dted by Detective Bill Speirs. R...UOC the bollotla u Patricia PaFtorson, steoocnPl*' clerk. who added tbat Bill said "boO:! were fiDe." Tbe messace RJS, "FIDallJ', 5:5S Lm., a baby c:trt. 5 lbo., 13 oa., bJ the -ol IWJ LJ!IIl-(taatca p-.) 1a coDtinalq" .br otblr per10n1 r beU8'fld to be aboard, Arthur The 6th anaual CommUDlty Tbe Cbl.mber members wel. corned tbe Newport Harbor Cbam.ber of Commerce wttb a Awards at CDM ·High =~=~~ Knitr¥11, txeeutife Ylct-PI'esi-Youth Ceater c&rninl .W be cieDt of L Ud F llachiDIIDdua-beld Saturday ud Swxtay, J~ tries, llust&ttdtbert..reoaly 2l..ZZ, at tbe Y<*b Center 9 peraou abccd tbt Goodw1l1 lfO'IIJds, 5th Ave. I.Dd lr1.s Aft. F d I t Wbe.a sbe ~ 00. the MeDeu IJl Cor'oaa del Yar, from DDOII aod uldoc them to jDiJI iJ1 de- kbolar::blpo aod atlllotk aad J V --a -StaDCIO TJ:o lfaroard book award -YOloploc the sr1Jwlb &Od !rlood- U n go a Se crutae !ram Cabo Sao Lucu to to 9 p.m. Tbore will be -•o. EnHDidt. But be d1d DDt rides, prtses I.Dd food. Tbe blpest camlllica p!IJI Rod c ross, $3%,000. diSCOWII the po .. lhiUIJ a.t the Doll Bolton aod Ricbud the llistoryoftheNewport.Beacb 0ranp County Aa&n. for Re. sbJp may tan picked.., Mea.. Frlead, oo.cb&lrmen ot' the bo&a'a awudl were Pf'lllsttd Abboitt. Caadla Caner IDd N.-. 1*-1l.aeu: of tilLs area. Jut ftek at tbl UDal awudl Dua Webatlr. va&oe ot Democncy VFW ~Jc .. a.t tbe breakfut ns Mpt at Coroaa del Mar Hlcb Var.U,. ebM:rllader of tbll -J&DI ww.r. ~ WUllamCnnntnpmoftbe United f'UDd-$205.258 -YU tarded Cblldreo, $1,05S. cau u ~. u t. cuato. enm, aADOUDCe that tbe pro. awnwed this weetbytbeBoard Salntioo Army , $'1,500, mary tor )'&CbtsmeD ctuisln&:lll ceeds wUl eo tor an i.mpro'f't· SebooL Hwe 1f a lilt ot tbe JtU'-Amr O,e. Club _ oestandloc Nnport.lleaa Un11led School boD?red ft1acSIDtt:: Soarc~tMtr• a1 -tbe ,..,. -haJM arr; Earu Dlltr1ct. He ••essed craM .. of directors tor tbe 1969.70 American Social Healtb As. tbose waters. meot of tbe Center. ca~p to be beld tb15 tall. m., $4.57. The GoochrUl, wUb Yr. Lu. DoorbeUs are rtnging DDW u Volocll-laa -Ka1brJ:> Cl::dlo -loy aod Pam Uc-comm12211ty --cat1oo lor llloreceat_..,alol with a U411fado pol::l CUUoacl'--aFotp acbOOI -., polatloc ow that "'!~'-. J. V, a..-ol tbeJI&f moot ol t11o b02Id ia-sloolber Tbls lsaalncraueol$20,330 Tranlers Aid ..um., $131. rabee, 1S06 W. Bl.y An._ all bo}'sllltbeRarborareasum- C'IIfer tbe 1968-69 eamp&J.p.p.l Ulllted Service Orpnia. Bl.lboa., a.t tbe balm wu a.r mtr buebl.l1 PI'OIP'&m a.re •I· "' $184,928, wblcb bas DOt yet tioas lac. (lEO~ 11,500, ~y altar. uac --ticats., the ,~II&.,._ ---. dlstrlc:la are oot -~ pa:Jiod, ~--Clio 110 bou raebed. Ill odditioo 1o ..,_ Orup C001111J Alcobollc Wo-Ia beliofocl 0«0-llaoy prius will be ~;;~~~;;"'~~;;: hbabiHtetim CcUr fbi &ftnlld. IJd tbe pud pr .. .. • ... t.U.&,..-' • ~ill{if~~ ~yard a. ,...,e.. pontea oae new &fiiC'J -tna .._ ~ c h h Its .. J-; .. -.. -mODI -Pop _,.001117 -.Ice Orup COWIIJ Asaa. k Re-Bur••· $5,too. reel, 10 foot below tbe --ras a ·-J-: bell... &lac a ..to ol ""'"..._ tbe larded Cblldrwa. 0rup Coast YIICA or the water, loire tbe boiiDm ow ~ LJooiL -· u• by bloldloc 5'1 wll1lo-AI"'Cin porttcipoilog !Jitlle $18,000, • ol tbe GoodwilL Now the IIO.ipla I' II Oolala..Uocanrda!Jifonip Gltla'--PoiiJAdams, Pollowllc ocllolanblpo-• cllocbWalotllolep.Jaturure 1969-?0 -· aod the amoual CommWIIty Youlb Center b<eo.kiBt'"'·'C«WdiD&'"Cout po ICe ,.a .._.,. -Fr~ JCalhhw 8al --Tar!-, awarded· Pf'0110'1nr a 8 or '1\ lllp nto •. budpted tor _.b are as $4,900. ' Goard ~Illes. Tbe rii!JI '- C&mp; jiorlllu, UIJI4J lllllo<; -D tl, Carol DiaD-enpa;. Yoaar Ulltnn!IJ-Tllo IlDia ..W be lllod 11:1 build lollowso -ol tbe IIO.ip bas bolD .. "' .... Cbrlo ,_ IIIII plod, lllrilora ~Jd, Aql VIcki Dlact IIIII Dorid Tllfi'J, 41 H-Ie clauroomaaod Boy's Club or tile !!arbor sma-labylfO'Oid....U.aod -CO.: LallA, II-GoaiO. ~ lman•*>, Sao au -Slalo _ Jamu 10 -clulrooms iJI olemen-Area, $1!,000. li>ola bolnr P'O""d toploeena J-IIIII DockJ caner. UlollloJ, lllrilora u-. Roo _._ iarJ oeboola. Boy Scouta, $31,000. silo nocb bocJt aod IDrtb oo t11o Fonlp ~C .. anrd RaWIIIIp, llarla Ricca,-uc su Dloto _ DooocW Dr. C••alapm oald tllll the Camp Fire Girl&, $3,Z80. abarl> roeu. -Hormulo...,_, ,..._ Aldra WIW'1 Ull lam... sc.bool boU'dbu&Cqtdrtdlulj Catbollc Social s.ncea, Arti)CII'ti&JitbattblflaiMr. Dna ...,_ - -CINIJ 'llllortoll. tt; Dorbi11-11r1u _._ at J1111bor• Rd. aod Pall&ldoo $5,113. men ol Sao Gorooimo lalaad aftl'd-~ Dwema. I....U. A'WII'dl -J'obll oct _ Roblrt McCillliL RcL Ill tb1 Blc.k Bay tar a .c:bool Ul11ted Cer.tlnl Pals)' Assn.. were oa tbe m~tnllnct •ltMMUoca L111nr7 award-AIIooaWolr -· Boo llorrma, Flelcbor lilT -Nor-Jolll-au.. Tllo 1>oor<1 Ia IJIIIorlllcthe $8,000. llllioG mMilllcllllltllollptl1ouao IIIIIIIIIQ'T-Ie, u.oa. CldoBcblo7,Ku• Yolo_ Amoret C&rdelro, ~ ol -ortlllc Ill Cblld GuidaDco c-. WU --UtheCoodwW 11 .. _., roalfla••-KalhJ u.r,, -~ Slalo -larrblpa _ Cbrla ,_, acboolllloamlddle $8,000 . bit the r•L Tbo Ulb'-Ia Ar1IOJd, Pam c-17, P11tJ Anold Clart, Cbrla Cocllru. ~ Ita EwoU. Hue)' <lor· -~ I>IIIUtlllalaaate.o!hlo, Cbriatmu Wollloro FUIIII. the aormal eboeilpoilll at alcflt llrUIIam ... _,. u.-stu C ........ --,Jim n11, .-., J-, GuJ Noltleo, a -middlo acbOOI will ban EJU Club, $SilO, k lllipo boadlll( -a._ Sacra. 11a1o1J ---llrlaa E4ml-. Dlua Ellu, LJIIIl IIIII -WU!Iama to be boiiL Fami!J Service AnD-, m-RHI Ia well -., aod Barrio, -por11ret aoaro .., Fraal, Vlclllo Fraal, -Na-l m..U .d..Jar!IO.Ip 110 --t11o -ola $4,500. !oared by sailors u II bu A.U driYIII ud -loot. Gort>oo, D111J ~--· (Siulor\l) _ KalbrJII (4llch. cllJ-oebool llaiDl committ" Girl's Club ot tbe !!arbor claimed otbor ablps tbrooli>the &poocb ... -._..,.., J-J-!Cab, Boi>-LI<J, llartmon DoaiiJ COIIoiO-a.t-oocumcdlllodla-Ar-.S6,5'M, J•n. 111o ,..._-. J-. 0.01 r..un.. Tool Bwlll. Rid< c-. Armalroa(. c-m~ problema or tbo Girl Scout COW>CU. $16,490, Tbo Goodwill. w1m1or o1 tile Jcllo PIIUip -anrd to --llll* llaniii,LJuOd· Cofla u--~~npon llarbar acbool diatrlct aod the clUes Cblldren's Ho~i>ltal o1 Loa llooolulurace IJII95S aodl959, OW-IC ----.!. llar7 o-m., C&IIIJI'ap, 1Jou Club )llaloUomiiCbolar-ol Nnport Doacb aod Costa Aaples, $1,SOZ, ns berthed Ia Newport Harbor, a.r, latE na. Ita. Raw1JDc:t. 0omaa Reed ADd lblp-Suu O.YV. Ilea aDd to ltudJ ftJito&YOid Chlldreo'sHospltal ofOrup MRS. CHARLES A. BELLolLos IMW' the turn1Dc tu1D w:t1l )Ia~ OrcbOatra UIL CbrlatJ 'llllortoll, G!Jvd'a Collop of DouiJ--l!c:alloo ol oqalj>ment aod COWII)', 1689, -Ia CbalriiWI oltbe bos. t years llCO aod ll>eo WUillOYed -_ CarolJD x.11111• Ne"PPft-llollioo SaYIDp aod Cbrla -IIIII Dlaaoe por1011111L Or"-"<~!c llo~i>Ual o1 Los pltaiiiJ ,_, -mm.. lor the to Los Ancetes barbor. 011\cwr Albert Doum ol tho Newport Beach pollee, dr1Y1D( at 1:15 p.m. MoDday wltb red lllht aDd siHD on hls way to a tra.f!le accideot, .oever aot there. Ht wu btt at tbe Iller· MC1ioa ol Cout Hwy. IJidUac. Arthur Bl'td., by Sally Glbt!OU ot us Goldenrod AYe., Colua ~olllar. Her Sprila wu amubod aod sbe had a tootb kDoeted out &Dd .. !Jijured -· Olllcer Doum &.1110 neelY-' a Dee lD.P'J, The accJ.diDt to •bleb be ns rushiDc I.Dfol,_, drt'ICa Golda. Merrell of WutrnlD.tt« &DI1 LouiN Brown ot Zl6a.c Pl&ceatla AYe., Colt& M .... at the LDtereeeUoo ot Newport B!Yd. aod -Ual Rct._ '*1' Hall Hoapltal. BDtb were taDD to Booa by ambulaace. ()!t•wtlll cbon1 tUm-Lou. Aaoctatloa twfMsl Rou. He said that a plan to utillR Anelles, $6&4. rep.! ooafenoee of tbe bon-.~ J-aod anrda-~uSbllloJ Gomco-stoooJ-. scbool llcilltiosooaiZ-mooth 0nop Couaty Assn. lor GoldeG De•rt Ropoa, lo-ETHEL COLLU4S.71 , DOROTHY FRANCIS D!El JoAa-SIQ<Iar aod Laarlo Doru; Calll>nla Seb001 Emplo)'oes but& 15 bolllc discussed at Mental Heattb, $S,9'l6. ter,.-1 Tooamtstress OF HIGHLANDS DIES Darotby Fnocla, 67, o11148 Oil .... Mn'lee lor 4 t-Aors Mar.._ Holcomb, AuD.. ~ MteMUe ~ staff meetlncs ud has a great Protestant Welfare Ftmd. Clubs, to be beldatthi:Newpor-Ethel L. Colllns, 71, oflZ27 Amlgos Way, Eallt Blatf, dt-' ,_.. m--•-TerrJ ~ Rood ud Roblll StOOlie: Calll>nla SaYIDp l Loon poiODII&l 11,500. tor loa,JWI06-B.IIrs. Bell, who Mar ian Laoe, Harbor Hi-!lay 31 at Hoac -ita!. Silo .._ -· Clu'J W&JIIO N-, 1Aq11o-CllldJ Gadarlaa. · c is the lllaleroiEaatcapubUsber gillands, diad J..,. t at Hoac ,... bora Feb. 6, I!IOZ, Ill call. Trktltlttcl -ADct TOIU. Patti L,..UPalmtr,BeckJAIIl Colt& .... Art lAI.pe-TEA HERS ASK MEDIATOR Ano E. ~ l5 a. mem-HospitaL She was boro Sept. toroJ.a a.Dd llYed lD CJraacl G.U-Lloda Gill -· ud Fn-oo Le-Ric..., 1.1'10111 IIIII Ju Trop-bor ol tllo Wllablro Celller Club. 15, 1897, Ill Cooooc:tlcut. Couoty I year. SllrrtYCra la-~IIIIIU-CatllJ Pa~~t. CIM'c. ()at+edtiC .e.lellt 1D blCWL ,, Sbe wu tbe winDer in the Area Rosary 1JU recited Joe f cltde her husbaDI1, Fredi ud a ,_..,.... nultJWhrmu ._. ... ..,....,_,~ Eblll Clllb-Anct• TOJtl. TbeNnport-U:esa.Educattoo 5• but Mr. Hake Aid. We m Toutmtstreu speecb coo-a.oo mass ns celetlnted at 9 sister, EU&abetb Lockwood f1l la .,U-MlU Reebl Patricia AMI SllDcbiL Elts C1ab -ste.e JUJDP. AUD. yesterday seat a written r.n hekl .~ obeyuce rbemilll.-test ud placed !Dd LD tbe Foun-a.m. today, May 5, at st. Joa. La Puellte. fUclaHt lflde poUlt &Yerap BUt ol AIDG"Je& ctrWlcate SorqltJmllt Clll) -Pecv r~st to s.t. Wllllam c un. mum daY. ders eo.cu eootest. Chim's cau.oue Cburcb. Inter. Ser'tlces wert bllkl J... I k Jeltlr ,.._.,---... WiiMra-IC...O.Ewll.L,_ Adam&. ~ foramedi&torftomthe B 'd • • meot will be atFortRosecn.ns at Ba1t:s Chlpll, Core~& 4el -Jllll Cola, stu Vormllld ~~~ Car<lolro:.. CllldJ Ga· D1ua u.rt1a memorial Callb'ola -lal relatiolls r1 g1ng generation gap Natloaol Cemetery, S.. Dt"'", liar, wlth'Warroa E. -lull, ud 1JUiul VS.JIIftf, ~ dlr1M. Ju Tnt-11'\ ltrta.. anrd-Suaa o.... deputmeat to be., settle tbe u00er the dlrectioo ot BIJb. Cbrlltiu Sdeace zwdu, u 4.000; ..... ._... K• H.._.., U.. ...... llotllltl. wuuema, M-.c CliiiJ eebOJar.lllldp -impasse Ofet salary lDcreues. Mortuary t oroaa del liar, omr..- c.OOO; .... -T111U, Gary *'<II, -Cor. Silo ,...,..__ Tbe l>oord ol ed1ocalioo Tbe Zoota Club ol Nowporl Gortrwle Uattocb, Roy Owens, ' Uta: --William&, -Brwa, Jd ~ ud ~-EboD(art)-~ adopted a $6,800 to $13,800 llarborwlllb<ldtotllo"..-n· aod Stooe 1Uochb.. James U?l Jolla ...... II__. a. salary scbedule T\leldaJ en. Uon pP" at tbe DOOD l.ebeoll Sa,_, presldeot of tbe Senior ui'~-C&IloBol· -ct AllloolOa.....,.,..... T adaj' Club_ sua. An-ala(. with an !Per-iJI health meellog TOarsclaJ, J-IJ, at CltiMoa, aod John Sio11 will .lllllllr. n.u•. Gold KeJ; Dll'l-ltor ... Jnt • .,...,. die'-. luuraDCefrom$llto$14b' tbeSeDiorCltl.Haareer.UO. abotaaputLDtbestlt. car1o11ao Bra Ore!,--Jet ... _,. LJocl ud 11-t 1JaDq SaYilp l the 1989-?0 Jl&f, Tbe !Per-collier, 15th St. lllllll"flloAwe., ASHLEY O. JOI4ES DIES a5-; 1Ja111o Ccnoa, Gold ~-141-KaEwoll. iJI a1arJ Ia ooer a mll1loo CllltiiO .. o. ~ ~ Bnla-1011 Aa-topao •--11o11ry Clll>-!lo<aiUJ-llolllra, aad Ia $1SZ,OOO blllllr Tbe Zoota Club, -t11o AallloJ 0. J-o, 68, ol ZI08 ...., -. h - -Bop --Pu1 .. _, -tru --Mrlio<. ftwlll prMI_,J ol Ura.-IJar. Flolla, Eut 811111. died UaJ Sl lloo; _ .. _Gold~ Gltla-.---Nawpool ........ J-pr-• dolldt "' -hi-, will-._ --all'llaoc• lloeltal. He ..... Ju-.......... !!!!!II 1 Gold 1. l -Ua-..... ~ ct Coaomorc:o _ $SOO,OOO 1o tbo pr.-. ooa. tbo 0na10 Cout Coli ... • ud bad-wltll the 1e,J8 .a bl:iJ tNI ~rrr-. .b .. • ..... t:ae ... _. Robert WJUII•t ltlt-'JObud&'lt,t.Ddwtllnqylr• .::bolu'Jialp a'ftfd ..._., ud KeUoa Food Co. twll ,...rs. CIOWJar ..._. -lev• Jatil 1111111: Will arM._ ' fWtb1r t.~tpt cit&. poulblJ ber aaoa.r Ul1 tile 4 ZCIIIIa He wu ban A..-I, 1900, Galli loof, nollo .. 11• .,;IIi M' I• ... &oa 'II 11; ,._ CIIAIIIIIUIIIII!S fATAL alloc:tloc flamoc ralloa, ...,_ Girl& ol tbo JO&r-., AaJ lo ou ... a, came lo Calll>nla ...a Ill-TetM&--. Jull Kala ... --Job lloatw M or, a, ol pllol IIIII -,-.!IO(Io 0,. ol eor.. del liar RIP II :roan ... udU.ociiDCJnocot aJ I bCIIII--. -I 1 -CoR ltOO W. 0... ....... c.n1 ICbol -Ia. lk"!»~ AM LJOCl Gl Cofla C.., IDr II JO&fL AwN ... Mt ' .... udk 7 '11'-111 INcepct, ... atll:llp..a.JM-WblllltllftboatdWUIDHtilr ~~-Klett. loaM 'hJiar al ~wandt.dJ-S::- flce-llorJ-no•• t loll&o-C... ----lajorlal ro-,._, ol--lhi!I-MEAwu E-ud J--.-_co __ I_ at -• 2 -.. ---__ .__ --... ,_ __ • -· -·OIIIJ ud ... "'""""' llorbor........ Ow l.adJ-"' lila Aqo1a -~~~~~----J18r •aaUa JIIJ41aCu 2 bo. k law-.-ctSaa ~.'~~!!~-~~~~ --~10-Sdll~,~ ~-=1lc::-lhl£ut...: •• rl&. t....._. .... ,.,.IWU'd l:ar• ... Rd.. at J ua. ...... .--.•tJII(:noo -.. _..,_ a. ................... -Ill II ·c. ... Ill-Clio.,-._ tarJ ct 11-BA, ........ ''Ow->l'l;lrl ol lhl -tf -liloltW'J. eor..dol ~:a-::.=:-a: ,. ,...'..:,':.:;.•::.n tw ltATll.U .TIS lOY = :.'a::V.... oc::!.;: :; :::::.. ta t•t, will ~I~ ll ~ s.,..._ c:.-il...., ot1 ?•• , 2 1 c, • .. , •• .,._ lllllol -1._., •-"' -.., ""'*' --. ....... --., 1 .,~ JaeiiiiGCIIII Dtu ... lldll lilt rn , r Pl _: Olf7 Mktu! ...; ttc...-;t -:-":W .. lll'N !I! rtqt & 1111 * . l 11 -Jllllle PlaF tf lA lllltln. ( 1 =,,_...,.._. RYN. .,.-, ,..,....., ~,. ·~-'··••••....,,.......,.. 111111' aaar• •• _...,&ar•MJC:'• -. 111, ~ ... Az7J' 7 Chi txl• hlr aaisi 111111r~~ 7 t'l'nl•-t:•>Jt:o ___ ., .. _..... ,,., ... -:::".:Ov:; __ ,, .• ,., • •-unat•allll.,.•-~•--oe ~ -·-•••-..... .. -A. 1. A. -· -D1a )lllll,ll ,, ..... r .._.. --ll~ .. • Cs 3 11111.47 lWiJ.i.~ , II 5 5 I h< NOs, Ill; 'hiP J.-. ~I T ......... .=.:: ~-:.-:.--..... :.. .. ~""t.: -IFJ;;=:... :...·':'...~:-=·~~1'--'hiP-. • ...::...---.., ..... ~.:::.. -71 b If • ~--.: .. I ;: - a • • lrCk:us••• ...... -•UCD lr ,_ An•uun \ w• 11 oaa .,__., Trollts 11'111 ° • 7 ..... SIXUCATION PAIT V . ...... --IJII' " a Some naive and UftlafOI"a.d pu'lllll Md ptrlcctty wUHna to ,..u ....,.ally ... , ._JIIID'If• •Is ......... OP TMI an OP MiiPC'aT IIAOI teachc:n, conc:emed about ..,. becktddeft ter, but you're not willi~l to let JOrDeOne make ": .. _.., • • I a, ..... -* TN£ HA/tiO/t AlllfA'S OFFSET NllfSI'AI'IIIt leenn~aen, have bouall< tile,.........,. e1aim1 you• lilter. Why1 Why ... you uyina 10-::...~==alllll::; :::. llll-u":...-::! Colloll la Offloe _. ,._ ... ,.._ &. , .. E.ip lhiW... of the profatioMI ~t~olot:iltl chat ta educa, your lister ftom what you believe i1 kM:1y 0 aa•s:o_. ... S.C. au • .--.t ... a. .... 212l L C... a.y., C..... ... ..., CaW. -IJJ6Z5. ttoo .• •. ~ure fc. premaribll MX, promlleuity, aod bautltwr , :" .. ':Olio liP -.-.. r ;.:a:.,ot = 1:•,::::. of .e. tJt&a:l 1IIMid ._ TILD110111t&73o0-(Aiooc:.4o71.j) •.ndolleaot•""":Y· W~oandw~y ~tlleprof-. Alan informal _.ina allcodcd oe1y by A-W:.-o..-all .. ...,,. __ Ia-~~~~-,.... 11'!1- TBE IIEWCMT BAI.BOI EHSICif .. 1._ ollly • , .,. prl• .. s1ooal ~ex.~ttts? T'hey ~ nwD)y u. _..~ •udent ttnkln, Dr. Calderooe aDd lbe Blair MelinM , • ..,. ftlct o1 .,..._. • tMt Ia Jib tenu: ... sriDid C&JIIIIIM,-. ..I,........._. i• *c.., of lfeHpOI1 a..c• _.d.. ..trloe-.Jip ment of athelltl. Communt~ta. porao_arapben. boys dilcuued the queation of whecber .Jirk ~ rtlale4tllltwllsa .......,., tM bhW• ol ~" -~ ow.r4 ... =-••"Pif• 1~ tt.. ~ ~· ..._ huper~muge~. and fut-buc:k ~ who uaua lly aet throuJh hiah ac:bool without bema l "ll.iJM" ,;,. _. ,....._. aa.t1 Ud ,..._, 0. Die CII&IICelklt Mamce B. ·-·~~~ ..... ,. oa ,..,.,....,. s.co..1 cl-P••• ,.i4 ~klh~hll thhetr motrf ~ f«1 a ~.:_?(~~ tdoeduoedH . ~Blair Nnkw teemed to thiat few 00 a *Y&lD IIJ!IIi6:A Sa siiiMIId M JuwMedtl)biW.ut Jll&ll oln-Hr......_Qoln<IIIJr ftl • _ •• Mw, Calli. pnt w IC • u su a,._. 10 . ar, or .-:a ,..._, , e akl, '"We knock 'em over prd1y euy." AJ1a1M. .. ......_.._...... os1J ,.._ ~ II oflld!IUJ _. Ia tM C11W T8E NEWJI'OaT ~ ENSIGN w .. Mj ...... to M • _. •• the ex~n ) ex~. ll SJP:CUS (Sex In-Afla' tellina her youthful audiences lhat CIMid ritrl U.fl.D,IIItbstOM as1laiiiCI, ud &a..,_ altM BrDMcut o1 MlJ 11, lift; U :r:-; of •-.. cwc•._IOII .. , cowt ct.... ~o. A-J0171 ..,__.. formatKN'I and Educauon Council of tbe U.S.). there doa.o't seem 10 be ·any correlatk>o t. perDauce ............... t o1 a loJ&l AIMI1caa. _,...bit "tbia ....... c.' 14. !951. l• S..'-Cowt f01 ,._ ~Y of Or••· s.-.t• of Gary Allen comments in Am~'lcon. OplrNon tween premarital sex and succeu in tiW1"iqe tbe W'bo .. oatfttwurejactedud 11 :':!-...a:': 1M Pll'-'"••nail mare tiiU 40 ..... l.iforal .. .M by,...... tMr-f I• qu)JIIed to pllbli-" all pQIIe maaazine: '"These sex educatoR are tW'Dina ..... c Ide 1 1 ~-.... _ ... ---=-:-.: -· .. _ A -jo ... ............ --·-cliTia. 'l'llelr dfan'W' Ll .. --~~ 1-. . . . , mrs. I tone reru ar y -ves UJC ---.m OD -ftJ. ~ft -wfl) ftl ~ __ ,. ·-o A • ft __ , ad Pobl l .., xx 1nto a same and ch1ldren 1oto JU•nea P'll· or premarit•l iotercoune up 10 the ·'·nell of -...nns• wur-Wtobaft ,... r _ _. to llaft a.. I. rns1t ot wUftl1 d'....,ITEI .._.. . ................................ ~• • Children arctauahtthat insexyoutakc what he · .--.. ,, • " ...--,oiU.SniM:?Mrtc'WIMeol PEC BAAPA ............................................... .A.-x:l•• Editor nd old ha --• SIE r youna listeners. Tl_, BoJtOII GloH o( [)e.. .... lJ r....n.d: Wt mtmblr ol & IDOl\ blat Cll fW • ....._ A&! ... A.-•• a.. --· su•sclt,TION a.uu you want (a ~rc 1 .w 1 YOU .~) .. , · ccmbcr 5, 1968 quotes her as tcUina a bl~ uetMortciMlAIDtrlcui.We ttwllleu...,.ctWitleiJI'OII'Ul. -~-----• ... n 6 - Ia H•bor Are•: O..e ,.., U .OO; 2 ye ... , 17.00 C~S adv~te:s ~~pons•ble se:..uahty (or Situ-ina audience of fi ve hundred boys and airla: ue pr'Oad of ow co.trJ. We tbt ftllll objeeUQ ot watcll tbt ...,..liM Ill' II I .11 ...... Out of U...b« Are-; O.e ,.., $5.00; 2 yean.. 19.00 a lion ethics ) wti1ch means th1t whatever sex ""The question aces ra r ~yond 'Will 1 80 10 baYe *"'cbt b' tt, lilt 'ft wU1 woald be tbt dutr.ct:tOa ot tbia _.. to U. ebueellar Ud act you feel the urac to do with any person at bed?' and it's one you must answer ror you _ DOl permit ...,_. to m&b 11m OOUDtrJ bum~~eb u IIU'· bid l:llt•teslll to llold .U.U any time is .all riJht ir rou have a consenti nJ selves. You boys may know a l irt is phyaieal~ ot Amerlca..'" chtAs • pr....a aa l.ll1a"al dsmOaltnliDM ... tblsltl .. and re5ponslble partner. ready, bul you have to ask younelva: 'Am 1 Lut weet. aa IIIII'Chbt 1D-tbr.U, aDII tbsrdx'e Ue 011' matas: ~e &ee411)ted, He ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publ isher of the Ensign REASON TO BE CONCERNED Marine Ave. merchants and residents of Balboa Island have reason to be con- cerned over the plans to phase out the Island fire station. The site of the proposed new fire station Is just off Jamboree Rd., about a mile and a half away from the Marine Ave . fire hall. That Is not a prohibitive distance, but the Island poses a special critical problem. Just picture a summer week-end, when cars are creeping along the length of the Marine Ave. bridge, In both directions, and consider how long It would take a fire truck to cross over to a fire on the Island. Those first few minutes are the critical moments In fire fighting -when the chances are best to prevent serious damage and to stop the spread of the fire to adjoining structures. • • • WHO'S WRITING THE ADS ? The more I s ee and hear of the so-called anti-smoking commercials on TV and radio, the more I am convinced that these ~commercials have been prepared by secret ·-agents of the tobacco Industry. For utter Inanity and nonsense, these messages are without parallel In the history of advertising. (Above comment Is offered by a non-smoker.) • • • THEY AGREE THAT IT'S SMUT From a most unusual source comes additional evidence that sex education In public schools is objectionable because It is pornog raphic. The evidence was not Intended to prove this point, because It comes from the pages of the Daily Pilot, which seeks as usual to slander the conservative cause,ln obedience t o the policy of its owner and master, the Los Angeles Times. The Pilot r ecently published a UP! news Item from Washington, D.C., which began as follows: "TheJohnBirchSoclety, sometimes using such tactics as abusive t elephone calls and smut literature, Is operating in at least 27 states to abollsh sex education in the s chools, according to an official of the National Education Association." The headline carried out this same theme: BIRCHERS USING 'SMUT'? And what do you suppose that "smut" Is? It Is material contained In the sex education programs now In effect In publlc schools across the nation, Including the Instructional material used In Anaheim schools. It Is "smut" Indeed, and we are glad to see that both the Pilot and UP! acknowledge this fact. They should now un- derstand why we want to keep the smut and pornography out of our own publlc schools In the Newport-Mesa Unified District. • • • A resolution recently passed by the American Independent PartytnOrange County gives pertinent reai!ODII for oppos1.r1g sex education In publlc schools. Here l8 the resolution: .. ....._ __ .... lapobUetu ~-lat. .. ....._ olprtn.q, ayWtHot.OfiOMfl.,..... .. ...._ ud u ----1M """ ud prtrilofl .. ,....eo; ud ......... ......... _,-----.. .., bf' 1 t t•Aic Jllrlillal cas 1 1 Ia ..-It lll ac 11 fraa-lf ¢11aC ..... Ud ,....,... · ._._. .. _.c.._ ... ,.,,..oltlll law 1111 ....... 'dp I fuc I a,.. .... , X 0 OJ fl I .,_. .. -·--· .. --ud ---------·. '"" 'RAT Ill an. C.., ... ~~..._ .. . -... -.. .. • As. lhe R~verend Dr. JOS.:ph Fletcher, ~~ ready to take rhe responsibility to say. yes, she aptred mob YiolllltiJ protested .. mles, tbsactofbalf.•.tlnc Jtated tblt U. JII'OPII',.llactb ~·~·•ted With pro-CommuniS( causes, explams is ready emotionally and psycholoaically?' " ap.1ut tbe feDClDI ID of a tract our na, iD recopltk:ID of tbe ot allt-1D 18 5 mlrultu. 11: For me, there arc no rules at all ... any-0 Caldc 11 Ide . •• • of 1aac1 1a BerUisJ wldcb er-deatb of a per lOG aUepdlJ A S.miDate "WilldiC to eat~ time and cverythinJ is riJht or wrong accordin& • r. rone t~ ~ 511 015· ·. · · you Just f'ODIOU\J was ea1led tbe IDP&'Id 1D aaareb1Jt1c ac-ud dtlbt froiD aarelli.IUeac- to the situation-whar is wrong in 50me casa cant move economically or .~ucahonally. You "Peoples' Put." DurlDC tbe tlriUes woald c;l't'U "aid IDd UYWN OG ME' coU.,. cam- is ri&ht in othen ... A situationist would dis: must mo~ sexually as well. belc.M of tbe YioiiDce wbeD comfort" to u ... my ol tbe puN, U ~ltd wltb a *"'of card all absolutes u cept the one abaolutc : al-And lhe little .dean orr ~vinJ! Estimates of tbe kces otlawaador~were UDlted st&tel. Tbe CouUtaUoa ):)ret, 18 oat 10bttloa b' tbs ways act with lovi ng concern." the number or !lleaal abor11ons perfonned oa attaeted by msmbsra of tbe deflDel tb1a uaaactottreuoo. problem, Mill ions of teen-agers in the back seats Of adolescents run ~nto the h~ndrcds of thousands. mob, a blast from I sbotpa Of . tbe m&DJ epbodes oe • .;_ ________ _ parked cars wi ll always act with loving con-o .nc. of the fi~1np thlllt mftuenccd New York ldlled oae of tbt attack:el'l. curlDI' at UCI which ban LeH cern. <;ny S New lmcoln. School IO adopt sex edua-Tbla sbot rtYerbrerated from U"'U58d tbe Yebemnt protuts ers Head Madam at SIECUS ls Mn . Mary Cal-l~on was lll poll of •ts l lth-aradcn on their at-ODe tad of tbe c:c:Kdry to tbe ot tbe commiiDity lh1J: ts tbe dcrone . who shocks her audiences by (requeotly !11~dcs toward ~emarital intercourse. The ma-otblr, ud tbe eebo alerteddis-nry worst. • • "PmfSI!R LAIIL .. G" using fou r-teller words. Her motto is Mtcll tbem }Only saw nolhlog wrons: with it. Tcerraae sldeat ltucSeQb: at UCI 80 Tbe beadiiDtll stated onAprU E41.tor of Ule Ea•p. ~:verything and rc ll them early." "Sex is nOt marriages have risen SOO% since World War ef!tct1nly tbat tbeJ deman-SO lbat Presldeat Nlzoa "Tells M IBfklted bJ tile W5l"'lbtc jusl something you do in marriaae, io bed, in II. and. the d~vorce rate for such marriap!:l is ded tbU tb. flaa of tbe U:dted Colle.-:: It Ls time to baYS • f!ff!r'J c:ipnUe peet ... that the d11rk, in one posi tion.'" said Dr. Calderone three tunes h1gher than the rate for marriap:s states be lowered to ball mut. blcldJooe." He Ls reported ...,.... IUJ' be ill)trioal te 1n concluding her formal lecture lilt Blai r Acad-cont rlllciN after 21 · Tbe fact that UwasraiHdap!D to baYS said that "tbe time baa 11111'1 bMIIIa, Jt il obrilal tbst cmy. A, sh.: !>lll down. Headmu.ster Jitnlell What is happeninx in America i~o nol KAwai made uttle dlftertDCe, as come U coUeces to ban tbe tbe ledln1 ~II dlep- Howoml kU th.: hoys in a suS(a ined standing n:vulutiun hut the evolvement or a system UD&Itborlled per10111 were rt· backbooe to crash lawleslaeu 1;J CDDt:elaed about tbl bNIIb tl ovation. Dr. Calderone then chided the bo~ which hllls rcpllllcCt.l the prostitute with the girt ported ap1D to baYS lowered it. ud Yioleoce ODUD1Yers1ty'cam-Jtl ....,._" ahout their Uouhle sHmda rd, 5ayins:: "'You're OCJII door.-Arncrican WMy Fcatuf'CI From tbat tlme OC. It was PUH:S 1D America. If free 1...-ld Jlle 1o-U. WsnJ Awards given at Mesa Hi Georgina Krelblch was Paul Bodp.oowlc&&Dd Ellsabeth hooored as senior class vale-Ann I...angstoa. dlctort.a.n and Mary Gutel as ZOota Club -ADD Lyocb. salutatorta.o at tbe aiiDUil Calllornia Sarings &Dd Lou awards program at Costa Mesa League -Beth ADD GoldsteiD. HJgb SchOoL PTA-Dave Durham, Enrln Prlnctpal Frank Lopes was Van Hook and Mary GuteL master of ceremootes. Deborah Girls League -Karen Ro- Bel! wa.s soloist, accompuJ.ed bloette, Nancy AckelSOO. Wendy by Edward Brahams. Taylor aDd Soodra Babcoct. Her e are the award wtnners: CSF-Colleeo Deoatill CSF ld __ , bear Faculty Club -Ha.rry Plte go _..... ers -aDd Diana Walter Colleen Deoault, DiaMeElllott, Tuesday Club_:MicbeleWU- Georgina Kreiblcb, Kathy Tur • U&ms Del' aDd Michael W~d.. Costa Mesa-Newport Harbc(IS Outstandtne GAA member -lJoDs Club _ ow. w&W. Frances NatlwuJon. llodeta DllDce Cl~ S'Ddl"'' Sen'lce award -Reost Laufer · Heinicke. NewPort-Balboa Sa.Ylnp aad Quill and Scroll -ClDdy Loan-James Myers. Bradley and Jeff Roy. caUJornla state scholar- Natlooal Forensic League -ships _ Andy LlssDel', Ulcbael Glynne Beeler, Pat Bolton, Beth Woodard, Colleen Arnold, Lampe, Leaona. Marttn. Lee Ge«p.aa Krelblch and .Jao Shaw, SUf.a.IIDe SmUh, Me ladle Pemberton. Tooer, Mart Toto and C&tby Kappa Kappa Gamma-01ane Werner. Elliott. Amerlca.nChemlcalSoclety.-Gemco Fouodatton -Mary Klrt Yen. Gutel. Followl.Dg scllotarsblps were Elks Natiooal Founda.Uon - presented: Michael Woodard. SorwtJ.mlst Club -BeYerly Bustoess and Professloaal Jaoe West. Club -Shirley Costa Mesa Art League - Br AD BERT E. BAJIIIAM of as loU. Lo)llalalarelllllwe c-dtt»HII( Commlltee. ud A.s.....W,... 71at District clamp dowa wtth UDdalJ barsb doleos ofotbers. ' aad repressln adloDs. Tbe stuc1J I&JS commiiDist Tbe reacttoo by tbe LeClS-Mate oo mistake abOuc tt. u &eUTitJ lDa1de sucb lfO\C)& ls lattae to d.Lsorder oo. our cam-•• coat1Doe to aee people t.D-so subtle and diYers11ltld tbat pu.ses has been to "stop •em -jured, aod enn t1lled, &Ddpro-It 1s not alft.Js euy to distln- oowl" pertJ destroyed u a result of p1sh betweeo real eoemtes&Pd The ctarent fallout of bills Bl).:called "protest demoutn.. weU-meanlDe. mlsJ'Ulded. aimed at the uorest, DUPbsl'lDC aoos,., It ..W lead to 1Dcra-would-be reJormers. betWeen SO and 60, pr<ablf is alng pressures fot npressloo WbateYer tbe radicals call Ylewed as "overk111" bJ tbJ on ota Ca.lJ.IorJUa campuses. tbemselYes democratic so- long-haired dlssideaf or strl· U this sbould blippeD, all cJ.a.Ust or Maru.t-14D'nlst, SOME OF tbe lZO llllb ud IIJib lfOderl --Villa ScboOI 1D Costa Ilea are Jboft oa. tbe Dllllu, oat ot DaQJ'a Lockw, CID ID April &c:liDee trip 1D 8aDJo1 BlJ, part of 1 lleld UD1t callod "Tbe sa.•• Eacb llllld ... bad a speclllc tut, be"IDc wltb lbe 11111111( of speclm ... or takloC lbe .. __ • o1 11>1 aa,. Tile)< used a btcbl -mo..-lo IIDd lllal c1a1 IIIII tbe 1e_.wre was 6S decrees OD tbs Rrface; &Dd a Vaa Don boWs, to bd. tbe l.._.tltre II lila-olllla ba:JWU58 delfeK. Frallt Val010, epeclal llfrieU ICleDCI teacher, WU 1D Cbll&e of "Tbe Sea." ting professor · students -black aDd wblte procresain-laborlte or Trot- But tbe consenat1't'8 bome-rich aDd poor l1baral aad ~ styite sg,ualsft or llaGt.st, owner, battered by Cases ud senattn -~ safler. Tbey wblle 'cutroUe tX-bJ&et m.W-: news stories or more aDd IDOl'8 ooald be rectl'fiDC tbt1r ecNc&· taut, tbrsJ are an tbe same ; strife, mtgtrt regard 10 muy t1oD in a Uptly cootrolled •-color WlderDI&tb -Rtld. Tbe _ bills as powderpull treatment. YlroDment, or tbe)' would be re. leaders of C&IJ'IIMII YIDleoce ~ Sorted IJdo set'eral apeclflc ceiYlng no tducattoo at an, If make ooMCrstoiU.. TbtJtr&tel categories, tbe bills would: the utttmate ad1oll were tueo.. from campu to ca...,. ma.ldDc Coatrol dlssfdenta aad protes-ot eoar•, I ar.te tbe fHllDc speecbu ud d1Jtl1batiDC ters; call foe peoaWes R ltu-of most of my colJea&ues in tbe Utenture ca.WII( lor tbs ewer- dent trouble-makll's; setpeaal-Lec;lslature that tbeJ mut bt tbrow ot ''boaraeoill America."' Ue s for facility troublemakers; 08 pard ai,:am.t taklDc actioa 1 btU..e t111.t .,me Necro IDcrease psD&Wes IIDIHllY, wblcb ill so tnad aad repres-~ baYI ..,ldciMroftbt aDd reqllitsprotectioofor'ICbo-stYe ttat 1t mtpt restrict tbe comm-.a:.Moltattbllr 1 bsUsYe tbl carr-' breed of o1 tbe YUt ma):dty of law-lut1c ~. lsJIUmats rl&tU &lid J)'KIIIita ;~·~..,;·~~:;~~~~~ prolaslan -ca-rio11oce ll>ldlll( -· ud tlaclllb. ud dlsr~ oo _. cam-o.a cortllaiJ lila u.a will be paes &Dd J.n c1tJ ltrttta ue dran at rioJ.ee,lst1mldltloa, :;~;;~~~~; commlttlnc cr1ma .,. a-· ud coorcloo. TbeR l!diYIItoo ..,.u. ud IIIIo uy--olcrtmo mul bl ..,.,._ . ptl'lall.tt u lboald be deal wiD GIOOCII 1 will ~ ltclllaJiol 1a1111 llrld ptadob--IMlaw • ...-w111 riQIIH ~~~~~-pUod 11r lila ~=::~:: Of C0111'1t, .... JSI'-..... __.., Gl' ••Bid. ud bleD eddiiS to woeld 11CWS Ylolltiosl of till ~ ......_. IIIMI.-Ied or tlociM. • iawlf .. ~IIUpratl .. Mem' IJ~lt-ooCa..tD :=t~Q~~~-..-.. -~-From the Bible ud -Got_.,._ ,•., A .-_, ol collolt . Alltl •·JJIIIII -ID ~ ud •••••biJ proftdla cs...,. rtata•....,.tMtiiTcota-••· tlllt t:biiAII'd -., .,. --....., ._. rola Ia 1M -1111 -qolaiM -~~ ud-.,pr-IJ--........... or:.~.:: II Nil .... ro I lllo ... • -_.., ""'" JJIIIII bl .... lbolloft_ .. __ ~--...... -_...,.., __ .... -· AIIII-Mlo<lar II •'"'• illll-,._, 1011 hoi t117t tMftl1---flo11? s A llftllllsl1ll u •t 1st of C.. _.-11U1. --... .., ..... IJIIW_,_,_.,,. I--.--1111-tl all IIIII Ill II' I .. IIIIo -II 1111 I ' tr -ftlt -Ill 1111 -....... La•nMe ..-.,..,. 1ts .., ..... •.:• ..... . ,.._Will... t ...... a-. MJJJ Rf, ._ Lla til' .. 5 •• ~Mil-. -1011111-:•=.•·La.-...... ..11 ... ., ....... ......_....... '' lll'aOtrt•rf'ltiD-... _.toRt .. ..._ -· __ ...._ . ....,,,_ ..... ~ ,......, __ ...... 1oJ a -·•Mtltat T-' II 'W _... -· fl Ill -Orllll .,...,qgt.-... 1 sCin ... ---11111-11.) • I ~ ........... een:l for Amlriea etu..• woiJ.lleilll .. -..... -...... -• IJio lollowllll' Lobel oD ...... illlpar1ed -~eo•• lrioo, ...uw. lor --.. _, ..,.. __ ...,. -··~ -"""""'· Pnllta-.. ---be .... to ""' -IJio Vlot Cooc ... , .... -tiiilllc • -.. -t.olll<. w ... ,_ ... Lobel oD ~ • '"" _, "Port cl tile _, '••t"'r.lled from Jfllllr ,..,ebec* 11 ...... -~ ....... ...._Cali! ___ --be !alai ..... n-tt a · m'w' fl•'rro-raaaiiJ, if .. ,. ...... LabeloD ...... ID&DIIfoduNd latlleUDIIAod_br_ -lnocltot -Coa>m-CCIIIb'OBed C'CIUIIb1M • foUon: "'ur COIDpiiQ''I polic)' of trad- Joc witb IJio C...m........,. lnllled .. .--lodilodJJ belp tile VIol Cooc ""' elfart, wllidl could -IIIIa! ar llljo> no. to • member of JOIIII' lalllily. il ... ,....elf." RlelwdE.Woodlo 8oa Gabrlal 111"11 * O!IL Y 014 E BUL WAll( Edllor ol tbe Eul ... As we ru.d tbe da1ly papers por~raJ~D& 111a a.rebr ud war• tattDc: place ID our streola ud tu .._ted col-Ieee caqtMIS &crOA tbe Jaod, CODC....S people t'lerywbere -wllallawroocwltb...-&dmmutratt•• elected otDclals wbo Htln .-ble to cape WUb tbe lltwtk n.re 111ma lo be a •iDe •tt'hds perndlac" a. collep ud---lluf ol lbe lll<ttll1 dr .. ud -IIIIo .... _..., actiYIIIa -...... _.tollllb ud rsbellk. De It wuaa.mable ~lllbmtlll. Tbs oalJ COA- clalioa ~Y r•.,.tnc -arriYo II Ia IIIII IIIla Ia DOt )Ill ..... -. bal .... carau, p..-acbomo oltllo lltta"atkal comm.ut coa- ....,_., lllllr ....... ud- -·-Ia tbe -_..., tbe eaplfiiiC COUibarUDI'J, ...,_ tu -----...... -..... --. _...,,.._ .. _ -........ ...,-bttl'nrk .,.w.e; IDCts u.tte ........._, ud .. Ia carilllallll ud Ill ---·-.. ...,..... tlls 11Ut IIU CU. .......... -.... cllfldlla1 r 1:11 a ottlt.J; sM ,.-... -...... ---· Bob D1t1aa. Newport * ...aM TMI CitloMIIR -----lie~-·-. --,. ... _ ..... eor.. dill.._ a. •• arc.m not ............. : .. q I , 'he Ill -.llllld ..... ,. ........... ,., La •al • 2 _, ll'lll lo.ftlt=JI0-5 -....... -. ....... 1 .. ., .. __ .,_ .... --.I ·c .. ,_ .. -..... ....! , •. k -• MR. AHD MRS. JOIIM A. McDORilAH Ill 11£'11'011T HA!IIOR E11$1GN IIIIST SECllOII --Pw 3 THURIDAY, JUliE~ -COROllA DELilA!!. CAlJF. luncheon for scholars ._ ~ eoa-.u.. -;., •-. -.tao; .. hrdtttM ot II t'Mn •••• tt t111i1rf t1ol ....... 0....,. c.-,--... --. ...... -L. .._ -' ICIIOIIr• *Din at Cln.ltl; ,......_ .a-....,, U:JO a.a. nor...,, .r..U, llta. ~ Ellrlor, VJa. It tlliiM-Y•dteo.trJCJIIb, Pin; C*ltll-11-.clttu'J, C..-llta. 10M Crooll, Nnpoot no~ wW-1M -.;tr_..,llto,M~eWI ... ICbollrlblp nc~ 'ttDr aw., Mt..tcw VieJo;.._., tNt-.,_,llf-IIIP llta. Douo L. UW,..d, Aa- ocbool 11r11 " 0nap c.-, lloiJD; .,....ltJ, 11ta. -c. wtlo pluto-«>liottlotllo ton., R..ttnpoo -.; IIIII. ,_ 11<11 Ud lbo1r baird -....... Rlcllord -· will bo laritod 1D 1bo Rlmolll, CoG 11-. Udllta. ~--AJieo L. Good)',llwpartllo&eb, New oalcen will be l.utllted Cbalrm. b 1Mt.10 an: by lbo rlllrlllc preoldeat, llta. .. IIHIJ, lito. Jolll Mittel. R1ebu'd Remellaofeo.ta MML CoRa MtA; 'DIII''DH, Mra. lin atllcoro "" pro-, llldlul K-~ c.... dol lito.-C. Sloop. C.... liar; -....... llta. 1ArrJ dtl Mar; first ri.ce~Mideat, Hauer, IWt•cto' Blacb; keJ lin. Normu K. DolbJ, x..a,... eorrfiPOGdelt.. Mra.·CWbd L. Beacb; MCOad. Ylee-i)l'esldelt, e.dJ, flwtlnpoa Blldl; ca- ~--llts. Rlebard G. Fraaklln, 1'lll-teulol fOod, lito. E-S, · • tl.a; llllrd rieo.preoldeat, llro, P.a.-. Nnpon 8o&eb. Farewell, AFS students 1'be Newport Harbor adult wtU lloo bo poolo oflbo com- committee of American Field mlttee. Tbt elabboue wU1 be , Sentce (adult committee) wUl deeoratee b1 tlap IDd dolls of tin a fanreU party tor their tbe various aatiou, aDd put AFS studeuta Saehlto Jtushima of tbe procram wW be sUdes and Tbord Ottissoo, tbUSIIDday &ad trief talb b)' tbese 4)'0UDg JUDI a at tile Senior ClUze~ people. M1u LJDD Roseoer wW M T • b 'd 1-· llooboa--ottbe ary Urner Is r, e e ' l5tb st. and (r. Com.mlttee Sbe wUl be fiDe AH,, Cllll Haven, .. Am<rl~ ali<oad" uu. SU: f h M D Ill Saebllrl>, wbo baB bonn ll-mer but baB DOl yet boon- 0 Jo n C orman ;~:.."::~:~~~,;t';ctbo"::: ~~:bo berfamUywtllbo,o; Weartnc her motber's ivoey Warren aDd Jeff Artbur of Az. turmn, to her oatlYe Japan. A r~EiltiOD at 5·30 p m Ylll sal1n weddlDC &Oft. Uiss Mary eadla. John Glmer ot HoustoD Tbord, wbo bu beeo slaJinc at precede tbe 6 p.m·. bafiet'~ Kathleen Tllrott, daupter of and Rusty Turner, brotbet ol tbe home of Mr. aDd Mrs. per, Spec1a.l 111'1ta: wtn be Mr. U:r , and Mrs. Roger EbertTur· the bride. Norman Dtbl, wW return to and Mrs. G. Clair Jordu(Ura, ner of Bay Shores, wu uotted Tbe receptioo. was beld a!tbe .SW:,~ W l5e Jordan is faculty adt'iwr), Mrs. LD marriage to John Allen Me-IrriDe Cout CooDtJ Club. Tbe 00 Y, wbo partl-Charlotte Olbotler bool: store Dorman m at Our LadJ Queen Tuner couslDs of Berkeleyu. ctpatad lD the 196& sebool pro-adt'Wx'; Kr. &Dd Mrs. Cbar.,s of Ancell Catholle Cburell, Eut sisted Yltb tbe reeeptioa. aloR&: f:: ~:C,~ ~~~~~ Cot shall (be is tbe bl&' tcbool Bluff, on Saturday, May U. wltb a:DOtber coos1D, Miss Julie • " "~ principal); and Mr. and Mrs. Tbe bridal gown ns made lD Artbur of Arcadia, aad 111ss CIIICO, Peru, UDder tbeausplees Robert Mapz•ssen (be 1s boyr/ Camelot tashlon. Wltb U Miss Na.ocy RJebardscll ofNortb Hot. of tbe AFS summer program, Yice prlndpa.l). Turner wore a eat.bedralnUof lywoo(L Mrs. s. R. Nord is LD cbarp baodmade r05e1101J11 Brussels Fol1owto(aboGeJlliOOilattbe LEGALHOTICE olllleparty, lace from ber matvDill awt•s Kooa Kal Club lD SaD OleCO, tbe NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING wedding attire. Sbo carried a youog"""'lewtlldrlveiDDollas NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN DISPLAY FEATURES bouquet ol orchids ud stephan-ID make IIJelr home. Tbe -t1>a1 tbe City CowleU otUieCity PAT IHGRA"''S WORK o&. Mrs. MeDormutsapdalteol of Newport Beaeb 'rill bold a Costa Mesa Center street The ReY. RaymoDd Saplls Ra.mooa Coa.YRt, atteDdect Uai· publlc beulne at an adjouroed Ubnry 1r1ll feature Mrs. Rich. performed thedoOOlerlna:cere. Yersity of California at Dana, meetLD& to be beld oo JUDe 16, ard lrlgram's P'tnttap; duriDI mony. Tbe bride cbose bet sis-and SU:U at Dallas. KappaDeJta 1969, at 7:30P.M., lntbeCoun.. June, 1ncJII11Dg seascapes, ter, Allcia Stanley TurDU', as Sorority and Lambda Cb.l Cres-ell Ctllmbers of the City Hall, landscapes and stW We doDe her maid of boDOt, cents were ber special clubs. S300 Newport BoWeftrd. New. 1D oils. Brldesm&Jds 1Dcllllied Miss Her oew busbaDcl attended Az. port S.Cb, Callloraia, 1n COG· Fin years ago Mrs .. ~~E Jane Rlebardooo, ..,..... ollllo c:od1a Wp Sebool Ud SllU Ia -too wttbtbepropooedUIIIIIOI boeame Interested 1JI lrlde;lllss VatiiUllogloaoiiiL 0o11ao, wbere bo boloopd lo budpt u prepared by lbo City after ber huslaod died. SMsta and Mtss Dtane MeMu. Stem& Tau, u ~ ......,.. a tbe tlscaJ year coal portrait olber ate bustaod lao of llleAlleo,-Tezu. They -.rJ traterolty, Ud Kai11Ja 1969-'10, at wbleh Ume 111.-woa Pat IDgram 3rd place 1JI wore palo blue doltod Swiss lla Epslloo, a malb -.ry, terested periODS domlllclo be partratture at tbe Orao&o Dls- aowns u. l!lth eeolury style 0ot of ton peltl loel-board llhall bo p•oo ooch op-trlet Fellin.! of Arts. Federa- wttb laYOadar ud blltoplctltre lit. udllta. ,_..k-.,~ty. Cop1H Ill Dlt-loll W-a Clllllo.SMII ,... &lid llasau oi~Oow-"'ql Now 0.~ -~....,.. an ·~• ·tlrlll u pr-., too .... -aCtllo~ ih:--~ by lbo..., Ia lrie ~--_,_ John lleC inllkJ oi Hoostoo, K-Gl Now JorMJ,-Ill o111<e GIIIMI CltJ Clnrt. a ,...rs. Silo wlllbocatllebem Tezas, sened as best ma.n b' the bride; Mr. EapM Turner, LAURA t.AGIC6 ot directors &Dd eantor the groom, wbo is tbe JOD of Berkeley, uacle of tbe bride. City Clerk of tbe tbe Art Leap's pllerles IDd W.r. and Mrs. Joba. Allen Me. and tbt croom's ~eats, Mr, City of Newport Bea.cb 'IPOl'ksbop. Dorman Jr. of Dallas, Teas. and Mrs. Jobll A. McDorman Publlsb: June 5, 1969, LD Tbe CoroDa del Mar Cbambar Ushers wer e Jim Foster, 8111 Jr., Dallas Teas. tbe Newport Harbor Euip. ol Commarceisnesaremi.Dder ' NEW OFFICERS ol tbe Club of Newport Harbor include, from left, Mrs. Harry Kobaut, first vice-president; Mrs. Angelo RedaeW, 3rd vice-president; Mrs. Benjamin Modellti, president, and Mrs. James Haskell, treasurer. (story of l.nstallation on page 3, section 2.) tbal tbe IDIUIIll cleu ..... Ye set lbr this weelt.eoJ, ila1 :14-25. Tbe City ol Newport Beaeb rubbish trucks Ylll make eD:ra tr1ps on botb days to pick ~ refuse that ls not DIX'm&lly collected. KUOIEL TO SPEAK AT UO CXIMMEHCEMEHT Nearl)' 750 dep'eecanctldates 1r1ll be bOmred at commeoce· meat eeremoo.ies a1 11 a.m. SaturdQ, JUDe 14, at OCL gndlat1.ac e lass lor tbe time 1Deludes studeiU Wbo be· p.n tbe1r collere careers ~.amu at UCJ. c~~·~ Danlel G. Aldrlcb Jr., wU.l l1elate at tbe -"' lbo Former u.S. H. Kaebol ol ~ pnstDted to Cbarllts s. 1'1lomu, oocr-y of tbe Nary Pr-E-orud tired of tbe CompuJ; H. CtnadJ•n 4llfuc:alor tboOrllt;UdK- Ciarl:, Nell'> -ebolopst at tbe Clly College NewYort. MEDALLIOM WIMMER ~Hoyt ofEIIuela · Sebool II ..._ lbo IS wt.1nc--· eel"f1De t1rw1e m•n~nu lop port,r-..... UID.-.1 faJr ....,... mee dal11oD _.tloo, -ed by 1111 Onap c:o.tJ~ EdKIIkM CowelL IF DRAPES TALK ' CAU .... 1702 N BLVD. • -· . ~ Sound Advice NeYer ..., drup left tNCt from • IC:rioul iUnal for adl-crtatmmt of • similar ailman You 10e, .i.oclcrn drup ... biol>1l' -·-t.Mt"l why we dilpenc them only when )'OUf I •• .,... ~l)(liR Newport Harbor wp Sebool cood Pamela Sue Lasb.lee, daupter of Mr. and Kra. Na.J. t •sblee ot t.acuoa lleaeh and BelAir, wumarrledSalardoJ,Ila1U. 1o WWiam Fields Lawless at Wayfarers Cbapellll CarmeL Tbe croom ,.,,...... -If you -youne1t wilh ld't.oYen, you mt.Y do IGioul darnq£. lt'1 •IOOd idea to pour the remain~ of okl prac:riptionl down ... dtaiD iDd-... - 1s the SOD of Mr, and Mrs. Elwood U:. Lawless ol Albuntra.. The bride became a.n airllne stewardess after &tteoding San J ose s tate. where sbe belooa:ed to~-Pbi ~Uy. Her new busband receiYed bis master's decree from me, where be was presl.delt of the Delta Tau Della Fraternity. He 1J DOW an lnYestment broker lD Clllfer City, Wbere tbey wlll ma.te their bome wben tbeJ retura from a booe)'lDOOG "'Hawaii. -., L CO&ft' .wt' .. ~A..._ IIU The things we do for people ... 260 Oc.e~" Avenue La11ma Beach. Calltorn~a Tetepho"e· 49-4·7541 IONOCHU, l..,.nao Nlpet J ~ ..,. "-"• Tftlpt>o~w; 1199-1&40 • 1196-1201 S.n Cle.....,IIJC 601 N [I C.,...IOO IIHI T~i19;1'1J 95 5.38% INTUUT ~ 0., lOftUS ACCOUNTS tl ,_.,., SI.OOO ..,;.,,..,.....,, by .....,_. the .25% IIONUS OIVIO£NO for HCh of the 3 ,._ to "-CO<nPOUnd..:l •nnu-1 .......... 5.13% INTE II£ST !Noel-... c-u.....,.. ••II~•••' r•l• of 5-to "' C'"'"pDIOnchd U oty for -,...-, . ··with pleasure! Like sending a depositor in Switzerland an extra packet of our monthly magazine ... to give friends a better picture of how we look and live in burgeoning Orange County. USA . Our dynamic growth is an important reason why savers from all over the world invest in Laguna Federal Savings. They know that Orange County's Largest. First and Strongest independent Federal offers them deep security and absolute maximum ret urn on safe. insured savings. T h is kind of in terest looks good ~ even from the scenic Alps. And far-off savers at Laguna Federal Savings often becon.e nearby neighbors. One good thing leads to another. DAY-IN l o DAY-OUT inlerul on •II u countl Be aare fo lff'l yoar afMIIIIilllf eo•••-•r•fiee Birf'nf'""i•l MeJ,.Uioa-ill aoJifl bro••• or ailll f'r -atr..cl, 11M State o/ C:.UJ.,,.,;. ,. r,.l,br•&e ib ,_ ••MrCNI .. •""'"-,_..,., Oa .... •• .. , dlf'"e.• •1/Wu.,./:,.•• J•ac 16. 20 01 Off fw cash & ceny 10 1366 642-1271 at 17th St.·· COSTA THE KEY CLUB of Newport Harbor High School donated the labors of 9 of its members for five hours Saturday, May 24, to clean up, start the landscaping, and wash windows at the new Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce building at 2166 E. Coast Hwy., formerly the Corona del Mar office of Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Assn. Pictured here, kneeling, left to rtght, are Bob Vogel, Randy Whitesides, and Bruce Trubo; standing, Bill Hendershot, Dick Andrews, Bill Elson, Chamber beautification chairman Isabel Pease, Bo Griffith, Bill Messenger and David Bradley. (Cameo House photo.) Music students lauded SGT. EVAIIS IH UHIT AIDING APOLLO FLIGHT stall Ser geallt Dnne w. Enns, son of Mrs. Dale M, Countryman of 5004 Seashore Orin, West Newport. 1s a mem- ber of the Air ForceCommunt- eatioos Servtee strategically k»cated arowx1 tbe world ~­ porUng tbe Apollo 10 space mls- lloo. Serpant EftDS 1s a com- muntcatioDs ~ wtth tbe 1956tb Commlllllcations Gr~, Fucbu All Station, Japa.a.. His bl&blJ spoclalhod lllllt Is • liDI< 1D tbe worldwide commwlica- tloos -t tbrt _.au lll&lllld opoce llllftls. He Is IDIIT1ed to tbt fol'mer Elm Nlpkl !rom Japu. ' NEWO«T HARIIOR ENIGII IIIIST llCllOII --.... 4 I Aldion aids UCI find Tloo.,"'"'llol IUoWIII .-111o -·--1111111 a 1161 •••aa.-a tln..Pnd...._ 0 .... ... .... ....... ...... lhhll'd ,....,. .. 11 "IT.il" _, It .. 8aDJftfiMIIII'•IIII&, · _,,_, .... -eo.. -dllloC-oiUCLCo----......... ~..... --~~~~~ ...... -llllldl. -Dou-s. La-will ~ prllldt u a•cUnur. Pro-TeeM --.., -will ..-)~dor be Jll'811 t ~ to tbt AtbJIUc mw R.M .. llo!lorl-... ·-lode-lira. Pili--_...._ Boaclllo~ lira. --.. IUIIloo Mro. Frut ~-.,·,..,c -- -.will ... -..... port Boacll ...... boor<! mer (UIM1• k brlacb m:t dlrectar crllle nu, IDOde*l bJ Mmea. a. Wllllam KrOIIIploolll, Goorp C!RnPIC4TI!S QVIII lAacll, BID IMcb, llelFu-.JUDHII, Al--,al-· IIIII See c.roaL port Boa<b, --· --llmoo. Ed Newlud, WUUUD -ID orHioc -II Hatrlooo, James w~ IIIII Oruao C.. COU.p, will re- Harlow Rlcbardsoo WU1 eerve eelYe ae.Wleatetaparebui.DC rr'l P'ROifO'IWHI TIME for Arb Campbell. oo. tbe lift, u bosttats. at tbe 8tb aaal P'ftbu:I,Dr wbo 11u jUit recet.Yed ....... rut, aDd tor KelDa Deccnt1oo ebalrmaa 1a Mrs. Uvm at 8 a.m. W. SatardlJ, McDuiel, wt1o ...,. a. a U....nt wttll t.bl Newport Beach Nalbaa ~ arll-bJIIrs. J-7, ID lllo OCC re-. pollee -ool. sat. eo._.,. U••• ID Newport Boa<b Sldlley Sbo._ ~ JO'Ioos llall. Paler Wo ... ap IIIII IJid has -wltb tho Ioree for S reus. Lt, llcDaolet, bi.Ye btea. arfUrCid bJ Ill's. Al Ulcbael MeGee ot Colt& Mesa H11Dt1!1ct0D Belch. bu bHG ID om.cer tn Newport Beaeb for lrwlD ul Mrs. Cbuck Foat1111 ...W abo reeett'l eeruaeates.. 8 years, ,...,, .... ., .. ,... ._,.._toaciM-. .... _ ... , ....... .._.,,.,..._, R-r~. exchange prit» per tf,.. IZ!J.(J(J SOME TEMPESTS, FORDS, STUDEBAKERS, RAMBLERs• Size7.3&-1 5 I Fir I ...... ,..,,.. .... ............ ............. ..... ,..._. R-r~. exchenge price per tlte IJI.(J(J MANY CHEVROLETS. DOI'~'"ES, TEMPESTS, PONTIA~S. OLDSMOBILES• S'-8.25-14 4FIP I ............ ................. ........... _ .. ,... ... ,.._ .,.,_ ,_ ,__ •n.• ..... ,..,,.. ... .............. _ _., ......... .. .,,..._., -tlte 130.76 MANY AMBASSADORS, DODGES, FORDS, .... 7.71-14 I Fir llllat1 .... ... ..... ........ .... . .... ........ _ .. .,.. .. R.,...,.,..,_,__ SOME FORDS, MERCURYS, PLYMOUTHS• lr-1.15-11 •e.a-11 IFIP .... ..... ... .... ....... .... . .... ....... _ .. ,.. .. .. ... ,.. ,., - 'UT US HBI Ylll PICITIIIIZE - MANY REB~F4!~ COUG""S, CAMAROS, CHEVEUES, CHEVY n•s• Size 7.35-14 IFIP I """n.tJ ,.. ... r..s.udMtax. .... ... ........... *• eft.-.-. SOME CORVETTES, FORDS, DODGES. PLYMOUTHS' Size 7.75·111 I Fir I ...... , ....... FW.-----..It .... ..... .. ... .,.._ . •33.71 MANY BUICKS, CHRYSLERS. MERCURY'S, OLDSMOBILES, T-BIRDs• ' Slzw u 1•14, 1.41-11 • 1.11-11 I fir ' • • ~~~. 'J/«t~pbfJti/JY Preview to aid Hoag ~~N=~;:s lliUMOI\Y, JUliE I, - COIIOIIA DEL liAR, CAu F. . --:•:n • ca. .w .. -........ 111t.,... lllltulk;u ·--~DIP' IWIIl,.toe.ts•·••'• I CIIIJil.CIIES 1 riiW ....... fl 'I II .. ''IIUCI ,., .. , • I 111 I tt ~ti .. JIIM... --J .. tOII ... Goal at 1M • 1 lp 1o ... .. .: -'floor Dr "Tilt I n God"IIIO ..._ DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINING .. " ~ -·-....... at ... -· u 11-aoiw 'floor liDo Dr ..,.;: ~-· Be ~ ltod • .,_ 'flolrlllla. llorJ-IIelllll'ftltllwiii-&Dtr -• -al?:-p.a.W- TIIt -..Will lit ioaotod llehlle a "IlliCit _.,. --• ·or:'_::..:::: dl!'. SOON IN CORONA DEL MAR llfi*J8flp!li)lel'udJI I' I C4llit wtlb lfldt liNd ..... IMIIt," ...... 01 Dl I r__,. • • • .... -po<OI I fiiiiiOc II to a llory oa 1M -I 1·'-U 11 1M I·· ,.i llL& Clorllllaa Be-. Cllarelltt- Die ..... wm btUIIIIIdtollllll 11re11. • ' • • .. God ~» *' e&~~~ ud t --lo lllllJ..,aal Aoalllal-toii-IIU::: wt":':::: a':'-::C «-' will lit lilt laple lliiiL .W t"•'"tt tile •ec Ufld gHcwt ••attiC 11 ~ tor W. s.dilT181ble ......._ .W ~ ll'ooo bolll 1M btd -1--._ .. wtao 0 ---III-lO ---.o art a1 1:15 ~--..;..-----• ........ , .. ., ,.. ..... p ... llda-ciiJTIItcoacr• .... u ....... KtwPG<t Bttcb, IJpical IUJII..btd-. Pu.. WID .. ~ llro • ..,,,; 11 a.m. Ia C.. II-ud 10 ' C-111, a Botrd at Amort-a.m. at lilt cllorcb Ill -cu M1111rel pu1.Jfa worker. a1 vs.w lll11a. a 5:10 p.m. pot ... Juek dlDaer tbl8 • • • _,, Sbt will becJo ..... st. -· Pr-YIII''I ...net ta tbtCODCfep-C-..eb, 1100 Mar V!Jta, Eut Uoo Stpl. 1 Blall -At tbt 10 a.m. &.-, • • • • ...nee lira. DaDe Black, re- KNIT SHIRTS r;'ROM OUR Tbe Ftnt Blpt1lt ONrcb ot eeatlJ rltwMd com••_.,..r C.. II-IOillapollast.-ll'om lilt 111111 ~-b17 Dr. P, G. N-WID--Ill SU •-. Tuu, WID did a eomm..._ ..-.tee at .,.U at 10 a.m. s.d&J OD tbe 11 a.m. worldllp bow Ul1a "A ecrDIII'oftbtprdea."tuld Saaday, At 7 p.m., bJ tptCJal em Roma• 1: 11-Jt. lin. rtQUtst. Ida topic fill be "Jeu BJ.ae:t. a ••tdM member of SEVEN-YEAR~LD Dtet sr....-ta be_,lzlc wUb tbl ale DUoo -1.t • God'• IIIOUIII-st. ~~an, wt11 llehlle Ill """ ot ucau 1or 111t ~-t4 11oac --. aiaoc wtlh piece?.. seriDC*I rtOietlou 08 .ome ol. Ida mother, lin. JUeDird a. s~ ot Bayer lit. at • • • tbe M&~P-Inp darlDc tbe rllfll. ebalrmu. ol tbe apDP+•lD( AMUanf C .. ol. tbt st.. Aoclrf!W'I Pretbyterlu ceDlftliAtmbly. • Hcac Aa:I.Uu'J, aad Mrl. Lawr.ce R, Barril: of Harber MEN'S DEPARTMENT TRI!MENDOUS SELECTIOH 10 OIOOSE FROM. , . FAMOUS NAME IIIAHDS ••• SUCH AS HANG TEN ••• TUIITLE KING,, • PURITAN. , , HARTOG ••• JOCKEY •• , JANTZEN. ·-----,.,.llilllllollo ....... . , -- Sl'ORE HOURS: 0.,11 tmut ...,_ " 11:15 to 5:30 Dally IDc1udlDC Suocla}'8 WEARE HEADQUARTERS IN THE HARBOR AREA FOR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR Church, 600 st. Aadrew'1 Rd. • • HicbJ&Dda;, Atftltant member. Tbe Bob Baker Warloalttes DR. JORif DBAM, U.Xlated CWI H&Yta -Bacealaureah St. Mtcbul's I.Dd AU Aqels' will perbm at 10:10 a.m. aDd 1 p.m. J._ 14 at tbe Con- wltb local ICbools 81Dee 1950 Suadi.J wtU be oblened at tbe Eptsecp.l Cbarcb, 3ZSS PacJ.ftc f•-=e Cea&er. Proc:eedl WiD 10 to tbe fkq buUdiDc aDd ..,. ltaff I uld.ant, 11 a.m. aeniee, GraduatlAc VliW Dr ... Harbor Vln' fUlla-tUDd pltdp of tbt Atftllnts. (Eulp pboto,) currleulum, 1111 lbe Newport. b.l&b IChoolltlliol'swillparUet-Tbe Rft'. Jptm Roprs DaYI.s II-tlallled Dlllrlct, bu-pate Ill a proc:eiiOI<loal ud o11 WID .. otcll at 8 ud 9,10 a.m. ''ONCE 10 DIE" SIIERRIIS SOLOIST Damed deu ot tbeOraapCout topther 1111 resened pews. Dr. Slmd&J. Tbt aJaaal eb11tcb pte-Tbl Cbristiu Players of tbe Sccnno Sberri Gittelman of College ft'.W.C eebool, ef-Charles Olereafleld wtll speak Die trW be btkl after tbt 9:SO First BlpUIIl Cburcb of Costa Colt& Mesa wtU be the featured fecttn 1D Aqut. He attlllded on "You'll DIYer lf'lduale." aerice. Games ud atbJet1e Mesa wtllpreseDt "Ooeetodle" aokUt Juoe I La. a eom- Cbaffey Hi&b Scbool, ....,ed 1111 After tbe se"tce tbe JOUOC' 8YtiU wt.ll be 0111 tbe procram. at I p.m. tll.ll: Friday, JUDe 6, blDed eooeert of the Oruee tbe N&YJ A1r Corps ID 1M4-46, people wtll be peds at a llm-TbU wU1 be tbe lut SaDdlJ of at tbe ebarcb. Tbl play relates Cout Collep CommuaitJSJm- reeelYed b.ls 8S deer• ID cbeoa at tbe cbureb JlliJI.H, tbt replar cburcb tcboo1 reu, boW U lirpl&De passenpu phoa.J Orcbestra Uld Cbonle. ectucatiao from me 1D 1950 MS 1"' SaDUaeo Dr DoYer A spedaJ summar educatioe r-=t wbeD tbt)' aretoldtbattbe Tbe CODCert wW blc1A all p.m. 1roni LoDe Beach state lllt9ss, Shores, ., prvcnm WID btclll J-II. Plue 11-lo crub. iD lilt OCC Alldllorlum. aDd b.ls doctorate from tEC LD • • • 1966. Celltral Bible Cburcb, 190 E. ZSrd Street, Costa Mesa -A 'INODMPARAILE GREECE' 'IIOCJal senleo at 7p.m.Swlday 10 END TRAVEL SERIES will booor cn<~Ua~es. Pastor Tho Newport Harbor Kiwanis Heory Joou olllbr1n(lbemes- Cld)'s loth amual truel a.ad sap eotuled "Whose Ufe are adYeotare series w111 eooelude JOU llf'fnc?" Eacb p-aduatewW this Friday niebt, June 6, IDtbe receln a 11ft tJvm tbe cburcb Orange Coast C<>llep Alldl-preseoled by J0U1b director Ri- torlwn. CoL Jobn D. Crai&, ad-chard Reed, Tbe &ndUates from n.nrer and author of "Ilu.ger Junlor Htgb Scbool are Cberyl is my busiDess," will preseut Balcombe, Mark &Dd Robyao. hl.s latest rum, "Incomparable Burnham, Duld Francis, Becky Gr " a1 8 Gr Glbsoo, Karea and Michael eece, p.m. eece, the Gr Aegean Islands, plus l.aterestlng eeley, CatbleeD HaU:xt. out-of-the ny places seldom Shelley Jobae, Wayne Jooes. Ylsited by the casual tourist DaYid K1nL DaYid and D1aoe o111 be &bon. Nlebols, Robeeea Ploer, U... Quiros, DaDDy RUey, Jeuae KIWANIS HOMIHEES Rulb aodRoebolle Woltoro.lllc!> Tbt oom.iaatiDg committee of sebool p-aduates are Die ltilla- lbe Newport Harbor Kiwanis -._ Colby Pop, !laue Clti> bas oamed tllo fo~ P!oer, Llodt Poladut• Nick slalo lo< 1969-70, Pat Bortbo-Qulnd ud SUd)'S_.d, Tbt lomJ, preskleat; Rocer Law ~ from eoDep are &lid Roa Blake, Yice..presidtds; Astra Alw1D, DoD-. JcaM Uld Art IIGnt.o, .. _ .. , Rol-Grot - lllllmar~lltt-ud • Larry Probert. boud mem ... • • hers. Electloa o111 be bold Tbt 1lOliartaD llDlYerallst ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!~~:41:J~J=~~5~· ........... cma~ Wom•'s Fed~ • wtll presut a fUm oo "Pre- pued ebUIIIIrtb"' at. p.m. frl ... Sony's Swell pocketable ,_, SALE! 10 TO 40'ro0ff ALL PRICES &STOCK LIMITED TO THAT WHIOi IS ON HAND, LIMITED OFFER. loT COME-In SERVED. e OIL AND LATEX e HOUSC a TRIM e SATIN CGGSHCLL e INTCIIIIIOR CXTC,_toR e NAL~L.CX e cuaTOM TINTS e DCC~ ACCCHT COLOfiiS e NALCIIICTC e aOLJDTOHC STAINa METAL PAIIIT ~~O[L p BRUSHES FROM 11/a'' T03'' IEC. 11C PITTSIIIC PAllS AEIISIL SPRAY PAIR 89e REG, $1. "9 SAYE 11C IIOW BRISTLE -NYLON VALUES TO $1.39 dQ, JUDe 6, at the IJQi. tarlaD Cburcb, 1259 Victory. Costa Mesa. Dr. Howard E, Marcbba.rlb, Aaabelm obstre- Uclan, olll -.L • • • Tho Newport llarbo< Lu· tberan CbiD'Cb, 2501 CUfl' Dr., Newport Helii>IS -"Tbe -rich mao&Ddtbtricbpoor mao .. will be the aermoo topic ol tbe Ref, Geo<p Busdleebr, puiDr emeritus, at tbe 8:30 alii 11 LID. SmdlJ serTices. A eleu-ap, paillt-~ wort da7 bas -oet lo< -S&hlrciiJ, bopao!Dc at 9 a.m., to prepare tbepuisb -lor ncalloo Bible-~ wllic.b ..W be beld J-16 tllroucb Z7 !rom 91o IUOa.m. ....... , tllroucb Frlcll1. Tbore wt.l1 be classes b' ages 3 tllroucb IZ. • • • A REAL ''Mill" ll-112"' WIDE Just set this Scmy and awake to ... A radto that pour$ out full, nett AM !rom a cube sound-chamber cabtnet.And any· thins ,. big clock radio un do, Sony's 6RC-23 can do too-but in l~s than 5" ll. s· of space. Front clock switch makK time-setting simple, and the large Clock face is desi&ned for usy-readina. Ct\arm•na c~ Mt comes tn a walnut-loolunl tintsh tN!t's ~ rich. But you don't 11:3•~ to be to buy it S 11.1!5 tHERE'S A RADIO IN THE CLOCK ! Ne~ ~ C~e~ ~--------------------------.---------------------------~ meetlllc a1 15111 st. ...s lrYIDe r AYe,, CWf HaYto-Tbe Re't'. Loreo FUctlnger .Wpreaclloo LeGAL NOnCE NOTICE TO CREDfi'ORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAIJFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF Cf<ANGE Eslato ot ELVERA T. OOWNEY, Oeceuecl No. A-6Z9Z1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEII to tbt a'idlra: 1 of tlll ...,. --!WaDpo<- .. '""' clollu ...... -• .., are r..-...s tD D tlllla,wDtM•J C'J.._.. -.. ..... -attM cloft ..... -.-... -to·• .... I ........... --_.,_ ....... -. ....... ... ..,,.. a SoiQ''a FM./ All pocketable ALioCIST UHIELIEVAILE +518" HIOII :!-16118" WIDE Meet ~(S ftny .tod te<'t otic 2R.JO Vtl11 I)OCMt AM rMJ10 We•ifl~ or>~ 6 7 on . piiiJS onl)o INrp, wong !oOUnO r.,... reasons 7 Sorry-buill trlll'l- sostots•r'lda ~ut2\olo'P M ~~­ All COI'II•ols ~.gnec IO< 0$~ 11f1111'!111o turn,., ""'=! 1 l.lrge "''l"'l>ea lunlfll •oodcM to r.to YOU ~~ '"'o<'lm 1!'.Holv Accnsories: Comotete witt'! srpnone. betteries and carry+ne case. SMALLER YETI - PISIImH Ill. 51$ co.-. _ ..... " ll-7/18 WIDE J, ).11 C"' U&HTER FLIID ............ _ .. _ tMI,nt. .... .. ...... 8nt •• ,... .... . -llllod ~-....... GIGtGI L. OOIIIImwK ~~~.:~ ..... .... _.. ... [.], n 11 n 1. A&- SI'ICW. WIIIIW INGAOIIriiHT rot lWO wws· ONLY! e •'~·::~IW~::~::··:OI'!·:·~~()SCj:.;cn.~us::JI• MIT Ale ONLY~ OIAJI. COUNTY SMOWII .. Itl ... ._.~ . ,.,.. • PRESENTED IN RIU SCREEN SPI.ENDOI "WALl. TO WALLH PICl\IIE WITH 8 CHANNB. SURIOUND SOUND THE LUXURIOUS IIW 1All4tl THEA TIE • OPIMSMIGttTLY&:.U ALSO: *HIGHEST RATING! "AN ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT!" JACK & BEAN STALK CUT .GREEN 303 SIZE BEANS 2/43t lEER ~""" & WIME t ml•lr ,:... __ ) , , v-"' LillY'S ~ STAffORD Wl2 ,...,,m, a11111P I • •at tr ......... .. ------·-........... ~-____ 01, .. "-··· ··--.. ••At .... l..tlfile ...a IIIII' U • a. .. t1 hltD I ........ ., .. tiMIW..,UI'wel11at .... Dt'a a ..... •·w-ltD I • ....._ .. llutti8!1.HII laU t ,._..,._,..., lillola..._ ___ .., .......... Ia C'mrl¢ I M •tt d .. .....,. t1 0M11r .. I, . .. 111111 .. ;--wlaolac ... 1'IIIJ --ludllaLII-.._ pltdood 111r I 'ad11 .... ~-.. lbo-lolllt Tilt Jladrro-I I'll Ia IIIII Ml .,t lilt erodll b lilt .. -......... u...... tldorJ, u ~ ~ o'ICio'l, -Tilt llod&w• -Ia .. -... .... Ia ... -........... 1111 Cle- lffll MaH ..... o ....... Ia lllo -b I 1-0 IMII.IIII lr4 t..lac. -· Scllollo< Cll8cl!odtl!ltldorJ-I-. o'"'l"d, ud '-l~Wblm Ia lilt IlL T11a 1!oJ 111o1r qala -· ---d,--........... ,..,1111 c..._. JaROWid tblt IIIU'Jia to '-4 Ia tl!ltop at lbo '110, IIIII lbo Dadrr• --4 .... Ia lbo -at lbo '1111 ... --Ia lbo It!>, ~-ooiZZiau amuJIC pertormaoee OD tbt - PII8T OP TilE YEAII-FruclollryluatiiiO-FOl' ... lad, ~-. Ioibi -llollpWI-lMIJ Aacloi ID C!!ldla ,_-,_,no..--plota .. 11!1, --PolrlclaoootatDa•IJ'•Locarollloa Cla- lola!!d, Tlloii'!!!*JIIa ni&llad Ia OUS-:1/C b. Now in Newport Center ,. -' Bllcbolllclof dlaclaC..O.delllarllu- ColdwoU, -6 Co., porcluod bf llartawoO.cb, lAIII( GETS O:K. FOR RBIIIGro, lu-odtoll!oNew-wt!lcb bu-....U..C Ia tiii IRAHCII IN NEWPORT port Caolor ll•,..lal plua, II Ullle -·II C.... dolllar ~Ia Boot, bol<tquuter-is •-od bf -S. Rlp;ll Scboot. Tile cl!!!rcll piau ed 1.11 lDclewoocl. bu recetred Hincb, muapr, ud WWJam to IDO'Je to tbe DI'W Joc::aHcw IIIPI'Oft1 from tbe Federal Dt-H. Flnaswortb, rice presideot this moalb.. postt Iasuraoce Corp., 1n cbarp o1 resideottal opera. Wul!lJicloa, D.C., oo Ito oppU-llou. SYRINGES fOUNO ..-ID tsbbllob a linDch In Tbe oow olllce, at 550 Wbllo piQ1Dc to lbo &UIIY Newport Baocb, pr-Newpart Cooler Dr.,tsadjaceat below ""'' 11oop11a1 ...,. 11, Ron.D Henry UIDOUDCed thlJJ to lbe Ceater'atwlDtowers. Tbe C. rid Rolfe, 10, ol4301 Spi.Jd. ,week. This pans lbe n.y fDr &mowlt of floor apace Is -.rly rut Way, Weat.Nnport He!Pb. tbe buk to opu tbe DeW ofllce double tbe wortlDc area ot lbe d1seonred two '-PMIIfa'atnc about tbe end o1 this year at former office oo Coast Hwy. about 100 dl.-blt syrtJpL · Cc:ut Hwy. IDd Nft'pOI't B!Yd. 1n Corooa del Mar. As tbey were DOt complllteJ7 OKLAHOMA DEGREE SEparate omce cabtcJes are destroyed, Dl:rid felttbeymipt •-:::7 UlfOIIT HAIIIOR EIIICII AIISTS£C11011--'·i TltUIISIIAY, JUliE\- aiDA DIL liAR, C:Wf; Ulllll t !Ill'-. I ,..,.. •. ~ ... Dr•"'•l "TTIIMAD- ..._w,Nn~te , .... eTav••• DAN GUJpfEY, wbo makes bi.s -. '1ll -Vlo1r H111s, came in lad lD lbe IMI•DIP"lis 500 .... Frldlly tor lbe Zod year lo a row aDd collected $87, 7S2 lo prl&e mooey. Hens driYIDc IW! .... AU American racer, ''Ealll SaDta ADa.'' Marlo Aadreltt, drlYIDc AJidy GrmUelll's Hawk-Ford, woo lbe race wUb a record ,;peed ot 156.867 miles aa boar. Marlo &lld AJidy wtll spill prise mooey loGllag $Z05,7Z7.06, Rudo_,b Ef'llSt Krueaer re. eeiYed: tl1s II.S. deeree 1D pet. roJeam encloeert.ocat tbe JUDel eommeoc:emeat eurebesat tbe Uolverstty ol Oklaboma I.DNor. ..... provided tor tbe 41 salesmen be daDgaroas to c.bWreo, ud WOI'kiDc to res1deatial, ~m-lnformed tbe Nnport Bllcb merclal, lodustrtal &lid acreage pollee of Ills dlsccweQ. ~i:~~;~~~~=-~;~~~llllllll•• -eats. ot)lor cloPOrt-I! meats b:ated there laclude CATALINA CRUIS£5 ntiS IX~ NAl\111 mort,... lou, oppnisaJ &lld Tbe l~pos-. llllllrJ DIAN MADill, lAMES SllWA.rl', IAOUil WILCH proparty maaapmeat, cruiser 11:/V lslaDd-ywtll " 1 A N D O L E R 0 " Tbe Coldwell, -buil-beglo 1J!0tbor -at trJpo ~~~~~~--~;;;:;;;;~;;~~~~ Newcomers at Hoag ~~~":...~.'= ·• lOI.. J)eputures w111 be 9 a.m. dall7 !rom Bllhoo, US p.m, !rom Anloo, arrlYIDc bocl< at tbe mainland at 7 p.m. MOW lHOWIIIG I M.~Rl.ON BRAN[)() AND RICHARD BURTON Ia .. CANDY" • ALSO MlatAEL CAINE AND AN'1liONY QUINN .. "THE MAGUS" 20 words or leu .............. 21 words to 30 words ...... 31 -..ords to «< words ...... Eoch word o-r .0 words .. th(lrnes a • •• :. , ·•• ·-"..~ • ·• ',TJ\ •,•[ ,:. ALL STAll CAST IN .. THE LONGEST DAY" I Ti-2 T imes 3 Timu !.SO 2.:;D 3.00 2.00 s.oo 4.00 3.00 •. oo s.oo .OS .10 . IS TRANSPORTATION 100" Flnan cl ng Available AI so W• Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Harbor Bl vel: SPECIALS JQDI trJdes 4J P""U'llons- ........ ...Us at-.. _ -llam!DO!Id, BlldwtD, Allea, ole.; prtc .. startat$99. Uoodoplooto,couotn6....,. -$SIO.E-ZlerD15. oplaot, -model, O!lly $499; llammood •' B'' w /TC. '* oolJ, l'lduced to $U!I5. Spoclal oo couole • -.,.._ -an real IIJI)Ues to Fall or Wtater pur-·-· SCIIII:IDT 11:1BIC CO. Y&!ll&la-stobnray N. IWD st. Soala ADo ElL 1914 CORNED BEEF 1 "?.3•~ 7 OL 37 C 12 OZ. SJtl •c ROLL WHITE Costa Mesa SCOT TOWELS 31c GUIER STIIAINI!D IUY FOOD I I I I -3/39f • ....,. CIUIC1r liiAW FRUITS 33c OIUMG ltiiG MIA T I. SII- E66 ·ROLL 59' PIC, lLB. 79· YUBAII OFF $1~15. 'S MIX 69'aox .... ,. . •• ,.,. ••• cia •••••. •••• ... c.ste .. .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple LUting Service of the Newport Hal'bor-Corrta Mesa Board of Realtor• totaled $25.2 m1111on for the ft!'ft five monthll of 1989. This represents 668 unlt sales and a .dollar vuue increase of 17% over the same period of last year. List your property with a Reutor today. TIIUIIMY1 JUIE f, ~ COIIOIIA DEL liM, CAUF. .... ,.If ••• ct ••••• ....... Costa ... . ........ Vogel Value OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-5 p .... CORONA DEL MAR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11'-;..;.A..:...:.:::...:....:......~re; ~23 CARMA TIOH. 3 IEDIIOOIIS. R-2 LOT ATTENTION: HAY FEVER VICTIMS! ! This belng .National Ragweed Con- trol Month, we are reminded that a great many people suffer with wu:e- lentlng Hay Fever •.•• that ta, unless you live in a location such as th18 with pure fresh atr coming right off the Bay & Ocean. Hay fever victims are greatly relieved when they look at cool, blue water-so what better therapy could you have than to look at a view Uke this from every room of the house! 3 Bedrooms Plus Den Plus Tre- mendous View-Patio. 11 0' on Ocean Boulevard. Price: $98,500 lay & leadl Realty IIIC. . . n'"••• 24CIIr L QOAR IM'Y. C D M COM .. DOPLEX ___ -. ON 40FT. LOT Tbroe blocb to ae.u B!Yd. oo lre&-llDod, cleadeDd street. Two 2-Bd'oom --eols with llr<!>laees, -nee pore~> &ad larao r-play Jltd u eb11dren. Eu:eUeol """"'ttoo. Call for --to .... $54,500 2 Adjoining R-1 Lots ua lofel1 ear-dell<arslreel,largolreesaad s11o11 walk to Ocean Bh'cl. Blllld 2-R«y &ad bueSI>Oclaeulal:bo.yl'lewdowllmaln cbuoel-plus puonmJc ocean Ylew, too. Tbere ts u older bouse oo the Pl'OP8I1J tblt caa be summer reated at $175 per weeki CHESHIRE REAL EST ATE 675..2503 ANYTIME NEWPORT TOWERS Landmark of the Newport Skyline 8 stortes of breath-taking bay and ocean viewing from luxurious 2 bed- room, 2 bath, all electric apartmenta. 2 high speed elevators, subterranean and top deck parking, therapeutic pool and boat docks. Open daily. Sale or lease. (714) 842-2202 3121 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach FAIRWAY HOME IMMACVL.ATB +-BBDIIOOM SJHGL.B·rT'OR'f .... OH reB 17 .. PAIII•AY OP MBSA VBIIDB GOL.P COUIISB. POI!MAL. DIHIHG·ROO. •AS A DRAMATIC VI B ..... AND UB 6!ill LOAN IS ASSV.AIIL.B $66,950 -- CORBIN- MARTIN * Outstanding buy, be the first one to buy. * Front house 2 bedroom, fireplace and new carpet. * Rear house 1 bedroom, large patio. BEST BUY AT $39,000.00 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. usnu~u ·~· Th C..n«t'• 3038 E. Coast Hwy. 675·1662 ~==C=onmad~M~ar~·~c~u~u~.~~~==~-l IN COSTA MESA • 5 BEDROOMS • 3 IIA '015 • CARPETS • DRAPES ALL IN ntE VERY BEST OF CDHDI TIOH E-Z TERMS $36,750 WeUa-McCardle Rultora Relialc Ser~~iu SiRCe 1943 1110 MIWPORT 541-1729 CDSTA IIDA Corona del Mar Home 60-FOOT FRONTAGE! YOU OWN 'lliE LANDI SecltKSed rear 11.-.... tbree bedrooms, electric blllltwiD tltcbe.D-evu a 11tUe oc-.n ri.ewl Tb1s 1s aot a wora..oct wreck, lt 1s a clean, l:t>-to-dale bome &lread)' to IDOt'e IDlo. $39,500 GOOD FIMAMOMG-CIUICit ecaiP AHCY ~ ooida --lUllE AI< OFFER Call 642-7141 -lVII. 67Wm ' BEST BUY IN CORONA DEL MAR BETTER THAN NEW...:-"LI.JSK" HARBOR VIEW FOUR BEDROOM PLUS FAMILY ROOM. LAND- SCAPING, CPTG., DRAPERIES. QUICK POSSESSION. ASKING $49,500. •••• ALOHA! THE SIGHT OF THE SEA .. . THE ROAR OF THE OCEAN .. . yours to enjoy in th1a jewel for adult living. Two bedroomsplusguestroom . • . two baths. Owner Hawaii bound. UTTERLY CHARMING. •••• Tenants Waiting for Your New Duplex Under construction in beautUul Corona del Mar ..• several locations available. Stop by and let us give you the details. •••• HARBOR HIGHLANDS $35,500. A realistic price for this color-coordinated three bedroom with tree-shaded patio. Owner transferred. DOH Y. rRAHI<l.IH I R~Al. TOR ' 3250 [..t """' -CorONI dll .... c.lifomia Pllone: 673-2222 .................... Lido Isle 4 BEDROOMS --3% BATHS Located on 55 ft. lot just a short distance from Lido Isle Clubhouse and tennta courts. * Large family room. * Built-in electric kitchen. * Spacious llvlngroom looks out onto beautttul patio. * Ideal for entertaining. $79,500 REASOHAILE, LOW DOWN PAYMENT Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido IBI.e 18 DOt leuebold. Pili IABIII realty . 642-5200 'Vogel fJe. CORONA DEL MAR )667 E .. t C.••• HI • .., (C.r. f•,....., Ploeor. 673-:111:111 (]... 'f/-11. ~-/t., For Sales & Rentals ~ ... , l32....._.te Corona dol llcll' -673-8550 q... n.,.,.tl. ~-''- Coldwell, Banker OFFIIS: UDO 4 IR. PIER & SUP 4 BR., 31f.l baths - near ~w Spanish on 2 lots. Walled polio w,loc. de<k & pool. Slip for 50' boaL Quality thruout. Sl49,500 J. ClariDon/Sue Clarkson 225 N. STAR LANE DOVER SHORES-Open Sun. 1-5 Gmt "'Cllerlront hon1t:'! Slunnin;: liv1ng rm. w-~n· ceiling. Wet bar. 4 Btr~. den, din. rm. Pi.cr • Jkoi\--iot \a' 128~ Mrs.. l:~atston • lA YFRONT BEAUTY 4 IR. Immediate Oi l upa uc_y ((lr lll 1 ~ Jon ·ly home "1th dock lor la 1 ~c Ooat. 41 .:. E.;.~th~. f<~m . rm .. ~una and muth mon•. U m itll :5110 .000 Walte r H~~ SUP & PIER $79,500 Custom bu ill, 2 units, hayfrD nt ; charming 3 bedroom, din.in$t. 2 blth 6 :ve•r old home plus cunnin g 1 BR. Jpartment. Chu ck Place OUR NEWEST USTING IVAN WELLS -563,750 Out.slil.ndin:;:: na\c·rest. -1 lkdroom. ramily room . dinin~. 3 hllhs. Courtvard entry. r.raultfuU) landscaped. r.oorn for pool .liMy l ou :uanon NEW LIDO LISTING ('harnHn ::! h\"1' J-l(lP" :: Br h t11flE'. Ch\nrr rede<"oratin~. Beau1•ful Jl,•l lu. \a c il n L Quick occupancy. 155 .000 Mrs. Raulston EXCEPTIONAL HARBOR VIEW Th is splendid home has e verything; R pa- ate dining room, fa m i I y room, pov."der room; master BR has att..arhed convertible studv: all with \'iew. $53.500 Wal ter Haase CORONA DEL MAR $52,500 Extremely handsome 3 bedroom, dining, :! bath Irvine Terra\C home. New rarpeting & drapes, snaclr b<tr. Lar.cc lot. Room for 1>001 Mary Lou !\!ar ion OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 f.u.!>k Harbor \"ieu· Hilts. Spotless 4 bdrm. :! ba. home-; Cam . rm . ovcrloal(m~ brauti- fujly la ndscaped )"ilnl. 177 SANDCAST\.E. $4g.soo Mrs. l>avies EASliWFF VIEW HOME Tennis anvone! Gracious Lusk 21h bl .. 4 bdrm., f1m. r m. EnciOSf'd <"OUrtyard, pro- ftomonal landscaping. Man y r e at urea. $45,850 lb. Davies WHY .NOT IIILD7 Trouble findlnflho rcrffd bome' 'lllll ln. oce~n ..., lot could be vour ••••· Neor 1(<10(1 bud> -o<l)oewnt 1o t:mc-ald Bav. Absenlee owner. PUOO wr.. Haner ...... AIID COMMIIY IIIA&.TOtle stlllllWPCIItT calffttl Dlt.o -=eon MAD« ..... ' • • ' I \ ' ; ---------- BALBOA P A VILIOH -1949 HHISTORIC BALBOA PAVILION IS SOLD" Balboa Pavilion! As I see it, no building has ever been s o lucky and no city is as lucky as the one that has it. The grand Balboa Pav111on was bullt just after the turn of the century. It was owned by the Newport Bay Investment Co. E. J. Louis of Los Angeles had the say so with 51 % of the stock in 1934 when we signed a lease for the exclusive use of the entire bottom part of the building. At that time we couldn't get boats into the bty and the O'Connor Dredging Co. from San Francisco was tn the process of dredging It under a contract with the Federal Government. (The U.S. never used the final amount - in fact, there Is 3 million dollars of work still·outstandlng.) Dredging wasn't completed until 1936, but on August 15, 1935 , we had the first sportfishtng run with 3 boats, the Dinah Lee, the Owl and Jenny Lee. When World War II broke out a restriction was placed on the entire west coast. From Alaska to Mexico all recreation boats and small craft were forbidden to leave port. I tried to enlist, but within 3 days I was thrown out as a 4-F. I had put the fishing boats in mothballs when I enlisted, but when I was rejected I decided to go to Washington to see if we couldn't keep the Harbor open. I appeared before the United states Coast Guard and received permission to run live bait boats dally from the Balboa Pavilion. In order to guarantee security I had to provide a barge to be anchored at the entrance to the channel at the jetty and furnish an immlg ration officer. In fact I bought the barge and paid this man's salary and took care of his room and board until the orders came through from Washington. Everyone who went fishing out of the Harbor had to have a California fishing li- cense plus a Coast Guard pass with his picture on it. We were the only sportfishtng port open on the entire west coast. This wonderful opportunity was greatly enhanced by the great Lord when albacore appeared for the first tim e In 25 years. No city so small ever got so much free publlclty. No city will ever again be this fortunate I Chartered planes came from Washington and the areas of the munitions plants bringing people on recreational leaves. People who never had heard of Newport came in droves to enjoy sport- fishing. The Rendezvous, the Casino, the liquor store, the Balboa Inn hotel (which is now the fine private school, Copre) were sold out practically all summer. When we sold out in 1946, the orlginal fleet of 3 had grown to 42live balt boats. Newport was really filling up with people and many of the Lido Isle residents had first become acquainted with Newport by bringing their boats to this har- bor during the war. The old Pav111on had many firsts. One of them was the first arrest for a 15 fish limit, which was already a California state law, but had never been enforced. Judge Donald Dodge and Warden "Blaclde" Kunkle put some teeth in the law. I backed them up with a test case of a grand- father and a grandson who were fined for having over-limit. From then on the law was rlgidly enforced. Another first : It was the only place you could buy Uve balt and go fishing by raw boat in the bay. The live balt started excellent bay fishing and at one time we had 220 rowboats for hire. A lot of the servicemen used to come down from the nearby military bases during the war. Easter Week abounded in kids because you could rent a rowboat or a sailboat as well as swim and sun at Balboa. At times you could even catch albacore lOOyards off shore. So "Hi" to the lucky Balboa Pav111on and I hope she'll bring even more luck to Phil Tozer and the boys at Davey's Locker, who have just purchased Newport's most famous landmark-the old Balboa Pavilion. Best regards, Al The Southland's Finest • IAI.IIE e IIPOIT PIIIR e 2201 • ......., .... , ... ,-A ,~ Adea1ited B ....... ' .e PLIIIIII IIPPLIU lunclay•-,.._OR J.DSO Of .4t Fair Prieea ' Spastic League installs llro. ...,_ I. -· al ll"f•lo 1111 Tor Sbap tac- BilJ hOrN wu h±U.t u del Mar &ad Rkard'l Lido pr-'ofllllllo_l_ llarloollor--alslh llllUIIc IAopo II 1111 r-IIIII rtlroollm-lo Carlllar-"e'!l...., ot till lllf'd" lwl-•11 ScbooL · .-. .... llro. T•-"'-1111"" Mhon11MGALES PLAII P~&N••• eii&Jr.._ WD m·-AMMUAL LUMotiEON oiiiJod 1111 .. lloWbll: llro. WU. 1'111 NIP!'opl• Cbojller of -Kllcboo llrol Ylco.p-101-llooc llotpll&l AUIIIIIry will -· 11ra:iiie-P..,ltlon. pllllr II lrYIDe Coul Coua1J lad Ylco.poo-, llro. Do-c~ 1o< Ulolr 111111111 --oold I•OII!!o, lrd 'llco.p"ool-m..UOC oo T\losd&J. J-I. -· llro. E-.1 Frill, 4lh Jollll W. B<lrpss, weU--11co.po-; llro. ~,. Utili o1 1111 Harbor Are& will ~-r-.r MCrolorJ; -oo '"Tbe Utili u u lire. Pldllp Collolu. CCII'I'N-ot.erver." ) \IRS. WA YH E SU DCASKY pnodf'll -=rttarr, Kr1 • .Jack Mrs. Wllll&m J. Selnror• eon.,, tr--•• llro. WU. Sr •• cbalrmao o1theN!Pt'opla Uam Fllblr, •.UC pre-Cbapter, Y1ll wek:ome caests. -, u por~ loin. Wei Morrtooo. procnm llro. Rolli IIIII. -cbalrmao. wiU lolrocluce llr. cbalnoaD, IIIII llro. IUd>ord u..r ..... Tobie deconllool will Seb•-cbor, -· be bllldled bJ llr1. F. T. Eddy. 0 -----------------------------. Ac<o~q>H .. -o of 1111 pul PUPILS Ia tbo 511111111 1111..-111111 Flrot Bop11o1 Do7 JeorlDc-tbo !Dip llnlch. SERGEAIIT FINISHES 8cll0ol-llll Eollp --olllc:olllllprlollll(pl&al Kioc Hll)l1mo 11o11, 111111111011 LEADERSHIP COURSE T\losd&J, llaJ Z7, lo loon hc'l' tbo-le IDI4e"' IIIII lo 1\tod ra111aJ projoclo; pr-Slaff Serpont Joho D. Fra- watebooelldioDaftbeEIWlpcomeolftblpreas.Ptetured tatioD ot a $$,400 ebeek to ster,80Do1Mr.andMrs,Fra.Dk bere are, float row, ld to rt&bt, CbrU st«eu. Bill tbe lhl~WdCertllr&lPalJYA.ND. Fruter, 253 t'ttellPlaee,Costa SllopbJ &Dd Dat1d Rou:; m1dcSJe row, Rlebll'd Webb, KJ.te of Oranp CocmtJ fDI' purebue Mesa, has IJ~~Jea e:raduatecl from c;;;~-::;. McDuiel, Jt!f Yaoerb&D JDd C1111:1a 8tl't'eaa;bl.ekrow,Jotm of two l&.pu..,_ buies; the U. S. Ail Force DODCOM· •. Boc-, LIDdJ G<lnold, LoniJIIIIto>p,Reboccallofldsoll $300 to llrs. Rolli Kollar of mlulooed olllcer leadersblp IIIII Gorald ForbJ. lachioc ldmiDIIIrall>r at the scbool UCP lor ber. dlroclbl of the ICbool at Elmeodorf AFB, AT GARRETI FURNITURE F{)'-.1 >l .\.LJ ~~ (Eoalp pllolo.) decoralloos Ito" 1111 Klaz N ... -Alulla. Whale I l "me ead"n =:i,r:e':.ttoot~·~= tr=m~:r~m': o a 1 r 1 g ;:!:-~~~~~~ ~~~.~ .;..~ "Read a tale, spot 1 Wbl.le" ehUd w1l1 pilot a paper wbUe Jene Dl.qberty o1 tbe tbenpy at Elmeodorf. 1D 1 tmit of tbe 11 tbe sk»c&D tor tbt JWDmer Oil a ~ from its borne 1D tbe departmeot at carl flan'ey Aluk.ul AJr Comma net He 1s a the bright nylon shag broadloom that pampers budgets •.• read!Dc PJ")Cram lltheNnpal't Borioc Sea to U. miiioc place Sebool CUb ___ .._ poadalle o1 Co romclelllar Will Bllcll pui>Uc libraries, lloce oil the Baja PllllaoDia. EYUJ talld $&,992. Scbool &lid allended 0raJ1ce '"wbalo walc:IIIJII"" ts a popular Umo tbo portlc:lplnl IIDlshes a A -lal -al-wu CGut CoUep. actinty I.D tbe t..eh areu. boot of his eboiee, his whale "Tbar she blow1" will beliD wW be spotted in I Dew loQ. with rep.tratloa JUDI 14. Eaeh Uoo. LEGAL NOTICE Oo Au1. zo. at 10 a.m., Ill tbt aU.purpose room ad)leG CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE PUBLIC AUCTION t!OTICE OF SALE Notice u bereb)" pnn lhll purSUllll to 1111 prarutooa of CbaiQr 1.20. Socttoo 1.20.06 of tbo lhllle4>01 Cod•ollbe CIIJ ol Newport Bl&eh, I wt II 1111 II pui>Uc auctloll, Ill the bllbeOI '*kler for easb, OD Saturday, ~-14. uae. a110;00 a.m. at tM Corpontioo Yards of tbt CIIJ of Hnpal't Bllcll, loclloll at 5,11 ............... tM ---...-tJ: 8oyo Ud prll blcJCioo. Aeoacc...,..tea. Sporllnc podo. -hold lllma IIIII otber mJscel.l.ueous items. to MulDers Ubrvy, 2005 no.er Drive, allwboEUUelpatt 1D the prop-am are LDYlted to a. poriJ promlq llllortalllmiDI ud refrelbmlllta. TboM wbo han read 10 boob or more wW reeelte a merit eertiflcate. JUDGE ON USC CRCLE Jadee E. Avery Crary of Lido tale la a member of the boud o1 directors o1 tbo UlC Prtsl- diDt'a Clrele, .bmded 8 yean aco u a put of tile me &lumat -procnm. A blact U. dla- -lUI III&M. 11a1 , II, Ill lilt c-, Plua -~ Loo Ao-.. .... muted tbl rtorll.llD· tioD of tbePrnldelll:'sClrleeu u oftlelally recoplsed 514JP011 CfO'lll· Bcots IIIII mlseellanoous ,._ RIHC. CASH 5TOLEH riDe equipmerL A small do( dldP't protect ") /V1)'1lf)IA'll,{; All itemised Ust of tbe abot'e his owner's wallet that she articles 11 al'allableattbttJusi. left 1D the car with him while DISS of!lee oftbt Pollee Depart. sbopplDL so KatherlDe FIDe h. JUNE MAY be a eloudy mooth, meot of tbe Ctty of Newport S44 Huel An., Coroaa del , but tbere's sunsh1De i.Dtlewport Beacb located at US 3ZDd Mar, had to report to Newport Beaeh wblo Sbella LlDdsey, oaw Street, Newport Beaeh. Beaeh pollee tbat belhreea DOOD Meter MUd tor tbl Newport B. James Gla•u aM 12:15 p.m. Kay !2, ber Beaeb Pollee dtiiiQtmellt, Chief ot Pollee wallet conta•n'nc a $400 rtng, NANCY MARC6Y am WUton T. farrar Jr, are the oew cbapter sweetbeart ud master couoc.Uor ot tbe Orange Colst Ct.pter of De MoLIJ. Tbey wer e receotly tnstalled a1 tbe Muoaic Lodp 1n Newport Beach. Both are stOOents at COII'OD& del Yar High SebooL Otrler omeers are Mark Mlsehte, sen1CII' eouDetlor, and Richard Juoe, junior conrrUor. Put Muter CouncUot Rlcb Grues wu lhe loalaUIDc ollleer. H.J G6J\fffl fUf\Nl}W: smiles. Mrs. LlDdaty started Newport Beaeh, C&llf. $2:1 1D eub.. aD1 eredit eards, 1r01'11:1Dc thil month to he-" put Publlsb: May 29, JUDe 5, 12, wu stolen from her car at tbe ber husband. Claude. thrOOih 1969. Ia lhe Newport 30Z1 E, Cout lhry. Jllfii:Ioc UCI. Harbor Etudp. lot, Coroca del Ma.r . r .. ,... rfli ktJNr t L w .... ._ .. -...... IUIBA.-&YD. CXJftA ... caur . • The two of us to serve you better • For your personal conventence Newoort Balboa Savmgs nas two locations to serve you Visit either office for THE SAME BIG 5.13% YIELD -the htghest m the nallen-on all ac- counts when current annual div1dend rate ol 5\ ts compOunded daily and maintained for one year Funds earn n1ght and day, from day-in to day-out Funds received on or before the tenth of any mornh earn from the first when held to Quarter s end THE SAME BIG 5,38% YIELD on 3 year BONUS CERTIFICATES (In multiPles ol $1 ,000) by adding lhe 25% BONUS DIVIDEND for each of the three years to the daily compounded annual earnings. THE SAME SAFETY AND SECURITY, Your funds are insured up to $15.000. We maintain high reserves. our lending policies are conservative. THE SAME SERVICES : Savings and Investment Accounts, KEOGH plan, Monthly Security Accounts, Escrows. Safe DePOsit. Money Orders. Reversionary Trusts. THE SAME SMILES. The kind of worm, friendly, efficient service, aided by modern facilities and equipment ~our personal concern is nevercomputertz.ad. SO !IRING MONEY. I BALBOA AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOIW MIOin Olllce:33MIIIo Uclo. *•-' S.ecll. Collfaml••-· -=!714Je7Nta Co<oria c1e1 Mar Olllce: FI....,.IOI l'lon.IIIO Neio-' ~ 0r1w nen. -= 17141 .... , .. , 1'. A. ~mer. Ch•nften of tM 8oltd Aone• 86omQuilt, 1'to1llt1 nt ~75 ...a276 IIOW, 'niDf. DOml -. J1D about the ~ ol Mlirrinl;f 'l'brouilh committal 'ftarouch IIWI.-Ier. 'l'hrcKch IQinc to God that ... ...U. OW OWII liD and w-lmeee, but &lao believe iD Hill streoath and fotaitaw Thea '" invite Blm lD. to take O"''a" our liwe, that He mi&bt do Ria will in UL It Ia a tnmfer ol f.Uth, for you do haft faith. you llnowT You apply thi. (ajth in ftrioul WQS eecb day, from mailirtc • letter to clri"lirtc an .. Jklmobile. In thae aMI other wa)'S )'OU lhow you have faith in thinp quite ~ and ~ Traa.ter this faith, thil belief, to God. AM Him to fcqive )'OW' an. throu&h His Son. .J~ Christ. 1'ttesl acc:ept Hil foqivoene.l BePn ta1kinc to Him in prayer. Start rHd.ini: Ria letter to J'OU iD the Bible. Arlively trust Him by doUic a Be tdls you to do. StDp ~. by puttinc your lletive t:ru.t in 8i.m, and not in youne lf. Share th1a tnllt with others. 'IBIS IS rAII'II, believina that wMt God has aaid that He will do. He riJ do! 'Ibm. ectiDC upcm It take .JesUI Chria u Lord ol your life today! "Behold. I .&aDd at the door, &ad lmoek: if any man hear my voioe, and open the door, I will ecxne in to him, and will sup with him. and he with zne" (lln.l :20). The fall o f Jerusalem! These word• now a re heard or read with calm detachment. It all seems so far In time and diJtance. But when It happened, and for centuries thereafter, the speeding of this message sent a thrUi of horror throughout the world. It was mo~ alarming than the fall of Rome ln the Fifth Cen tury of th e Chriatian Era. Jerusalem wu famed as the moat magnificent city in the wo rld. She was the center of knowledge a nd worship of the living God who had made heaven and earth, the wellspring from whk:h aprang the full knowledge of the arts of religion and government In a very real sense world order and atabUity. was swept away wUh th e charrtd rubble of the smoking ruins: the eternal dty was no more, If seemed. It took a long, drawn-out time of trouble to drive the Babylonian armlet to their terrible deed. There were yean o f wars and rebellions, Intrigues and power playa. II would almost seem that theconquertng a rmies had no stomach fo r &a~aultlng Jerusalem. It would be a violation of all that men knew any more u decency and honor and goodnea•. Outalden did not see the inner ruth and corruption which cau.ed Jeremiah and the other prophets to thunder their meMages ofwamlng an.d doom-and ho pe. The Assyrians had laid siege to the d ty and had been driven away by·a terrifying miracle o f God. One hundred eighty.nve thousand men were struck dead ln a single ntcht ln the Assyrian camp. 11u! annlea broke up and Sen· nacherib, the king, hutened home, wh~ he HmU to have stayed untU be was murdered by his own sons twenty yean later. That was in the year we ra:kon u 701 B.C. Nearly nlnety yean later. In 610 B.C .• Auyrian power was smuhed by an alliance of Babylon.lana. Medes and Scythlant, and their capita) dty. Nineveh, dslroyed. M the conquertng Babylontana becan to consolklate their powu, they maneu.vued with diplomacy and lntJilue u wtll aa wtth their annie~ to keep an iron 1rtp on the nattoru and k.lncdom•. Judah wu one of the radeu power~. Ntbudla.clntaar, the 1~at Baby- lonlan klnc, moved aca~rwt the whole &R.a. lind Ill the year 597 B.C. he Pft"' oon.Uy led a P"nltlve apedltiOII which folio-bani on !he bello ofbll U- vanoollylna oolumn -looted ondplunderedllro""""'tlhe lond. J-ukn. wllo --kJaa or Judah, .... killed .. Jenmlah ..... fo_.d,-bll 10ft J<bololdo --He ---ale In B.a.,loa-kll mothtr, hll court and oD the leecllaa """'· N-. thlnkl .. the._- enoqb, put Zodoldah, a 10D ol Joe!ah, 011 tile·-•d -nood lo tbo !'.orpll..-. Z.W.lah, ...... --1 olo..td, "plaoyod ... pout of __ _ wlth 1111 lbepav«J of a c~ow~a.•..,.-..ad .. lllllorta.J'-w.WM ... o~~~o .. ~~~r ... _,..,.~o.,.,.. __ _. ••. ..,.or.,..,_., lltd lie rr.odod pal--ID•-• --WlloD a-oD._ol • • • Answers • • • • rebellion began to draw together, with Zedekiah party to It, Nebuchadnezzar moved with ch.aracteriatk: determination. He led his troope to the Oronta ln the year 588 B. C. and from theft directed his cempa.tgn of padflcaUon. He 54!'01 several dlvtalonJ to blockade Tyre. the hlatork: ally of the Oavkllc family which provided the a.ea power and commerdal strength. Wltb the 10\llft of supply cut off, he then advanced on Jeruaalem, which wu the center of the conspiracy. The resistance offered by little Judah wu worthy of her great history. Perched on her hUla, the wu hard ., usaull And even though thousand• had taken refuge ln the dty from the surrounding hUla. the garrison lacked neither arms nor food anCI water. A 1llmmer o~ hope came when the Egyptian anny wu reported In the plaiOI or ldumeL Nebuchadne::aar left hi• positions and advanced his anny to meet F.cypt. But. whether beaten b\ battle or bought off (we do not know), the F.cYPtlant In fact retired and the siqe of Jerusalem was resumed. A. alway .. famine beaan to spread and pique broke out ln Ita wake. The Lamentations of JereniM l'w u.s a littrlble pk:lure of thoee days of horror. '"Their ski.n deavelh to thel.r bones; it II withered, It Ia become Jlke a stk:lt; the tongue of the suckllnl cb.Ud deaveth to the roof of hla mouth lor thlnt, the young chUdrt!D uk for br.d. fte b_. of the pltlful women have aodden their own cbUdren; they 14»1 their rDML • ID the ltreftll could be heard the ery of mm wamJna of the pi-'IJDd-.1 Depart. d-rtl Touch noH" Fln.Uy the Babylon!-- a JMr and a boll; made a bftach In the wall• and aatned an --11Mn bcaa tholmlble -•ull of olaup..,., rape, pUI .... ond burnJna-aD ·ot M .,. __ ond tborouaf>. Nolhl .. waolell or the diJ> but blackened NIDL . z-led -kll ....................... II> ailed lo tho-- plalno, but --o-• -...,..,..,_ N--.r -noDy saw to tt that z.wdU's .,. Wl'ft pull out aftft' he ... madelo waldt h" 10011 honlbl7 kllod. ftlo-a •-doPo--ordoNd. 'lllolo-of thenatloD. ... eet to UINp'GC_.L ..._.... IC)'Itb.y•111 ot••poorotdtc people. wh ........ b.. . nne17 ._." ... .,, 111: -of Nllpildful canttor••old propbtt, WhoM 'I'Oieeta.dll!lss I '--.. wotld .... aueolpd• rz.,.. order. Ho WM ID ... p-Ol .. -... ~IILHoWMallnii-IDwt•a balcbolea,pe_ ..... _ ... ,,,lloJ...,..._.'I'IIa __ .a ..... ._ pd¥1• of ... dW• MplrtJII, .._._ .... orll(f'wiNrwU.. llld...,...,Jaa __ .. ...,.._, ted II ole 1e1t w ---'7 .. __ _._avlp:.,ofb- llor7-.... _,.,._., ··-~· .... I ...... _ pl.-.... -'t ............... ___ ...... ~-. a. .,..__ ,_ -r. 0. ....... -A rer-. ,-. '77'N6 BEfORE DREDGING TU •'110 VACANCY" 8IGII Ia "' al Lladllllo, laulllu I ,_.-1M lillie ,._ -1M 1Wo< BIJ llrldp .......... --ma-LIO!Io,_ .... _ ........ LINDA ISLE TODAY Sherrie Lynn Wilson weds Claude Makin ~1.-lr.looli:lllu .... '--u .... -··-rill-.... •• .., Dr. P. G. "--,. .. • c1 ,.. nnt llilllllt a.... "' c-. -no••--. ........ .,......__ M, ••ra aur•~ lo .... -_......, IIIII. no_ .. ,.. .. .,....., Mr. udMro.-11. WU- -fit 1000 A1UD Ate., C011ta -.... ·~ .. nco-_,.. "' c-. -. no .,_ 1o 1M-ct tbo Cludo -ctiiT-. A C..Oiat otJ1o w-..r ·---.., ... ll<ldo l:lr Mr wddllw attire. Jt na ------... ,.,.. Ud .... ftlllbnade -·-"' ·--........... -..... -ow. "" ,.. lllekl 1FUb & • • i • NDII'OIIT IIARIDII-· SECXIID SEC1IOI - -... S TIICJIIOIII', JUI(' -COIIOIA 08. CNJF. R.-ILIM' Slle .-aiOO _____ ootu ·- lllud.'' a lUIS blr ...UMM ...S u ~ b' 11o1JJWN a.. ud rrow ortll' u • not u11 pt<rW: • .. -,....... .. Till ......; ·--lor Llala 1n1oa, 1o---at .... -tlOmlll,._,_ ---"'MIA!"' lou. Silo Mill. Q.AIJDE MAlUM JR. earned a ---c.laM wUb .(~S~w~ .. ~,;·~·~s~P~bo;IO~I'~q;o~y~}-.!;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;i .,...._ ft1te roeea Mzoa • ...... -$10,000 .... u-$1110,000. ,... .... -5I ---or --ldlatt, ud II famliiM ..... .-.,.. 1a a lOla! ctlO'I loti,. u.a za.-o clod ___ ..., ~---··-· SAVB ON YOUR -"'-pial< 1111< ... -~-tbo--N-.) OFFICERS INST A .......... .., BY TUESDAY CLUB ----·"'-AUTO .... Ia -"' plllk. ..... *-JSiolactC.. __ _ nr. ilapartut I • I • t I .............. tlw~ Clob <I NowjiCIIt llarbor'a 6- 811 ...... , tlllll ,.. belli Ill ... .._.., Cblb '""'"" .... -. lin. a.jamla II-.... ._. ... omcen ... J:D.. r&atlod: lin. -KIDC .... .,.--u.cw.•a ...,.. .......... t:.nl Awan!,...forbor- ,_. "' --..... Cb!ll: aad liP& ......,, reeen.d acbolanlllpa. lin.-_... ... ud lin . ...,_-. trntL LAVBa. AWAaD Tbt ,_., O.'a ~~~Peat -.tbol-*Awan!,- .,.-.. lin. IDrW .. r•4C"'IM of _..,..,In& -. lin. ..... ,...... ... u.-,ae-.,an.r ... JDOINd. .. Newport &e.eh ---·--· ·-·--· ... !lao aria, .,.,. ud - ...... IKt ...... ..wei .. .. -"' ... dab Ill ......, ·-to ........ lallla bo:dpt .... -dopm: -· ... u 11111!1 "'-· llr--Midl IKIIIIIId .. Wide's .U... ................ Elwta.oleo.ta ..._, au. Carol Jvtaraa. .... Dlllll6l £111 .... ud ll1aa CoUt. Slac. aDflleo.ta ........ lllnT ~ "'Gordoo Grvr• ... bNI ..... OGIIrllKliiMd Bury • sz I«<' ol SUD .Aa. w.n. n a rc1 oteo.ta Me• dd a. tlltde"l bratblr. RaDII)' wu.., ud l:lrotbU-lD.l&w, J.-Erwta. SolaUt ..... llan'lo Owllbo7 wu ac"CJJIIIUUed bf Mrs. CII.J ~ld attlile1X'p.LA"1~ac It tle ,....,., nre MrL 1111u £1HICI""\. MJ-1. ~ -......... Jodi eo..r . ..... lllt1dCorplo"'-Alii . .. _ ... ~_ .... M1aa NUCJ KreG ct Cotta Mea 5a'Yed u COCII'dllltor. Mra. wu.oa. recelftd ,..... __ .... '_"'_ c:.u.\1. -·-11M. ..OIIIYI W50.0011 -lylwi•'J 10,000 .... ,.,., o-... 2,000 ..... kel ,., 1,0011 -1"-oll)' S'lO,OOD U.l• .. ,.., .......,.., DISCOUNTS FOR 2 CARS f'•n.laer Red.etioa• For Ac:cl deat Free Dririas After l•t •d 21ld Yun THE lEST IUY FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS- P"' lloaa Ulo ntlrial ..... doat,llro.-- lastalled wttll blr..,. 11me1. Barry ~. P.O. I!:DdaleJ. A are lo -lll. .. pr.....,l; Kn. )(e. CWiu Colo, ,_..... .... lary; lin. ... 1'. IIA:EIIIry. CCiiiJIIII -~;Mrs. Jam~~R.....U. trw"e; aad lin. a-de Cataa. ftn-dll _,..,., Golds Jt., ebarm ...... were PI• !'IUd &o two out.. a taad i •1 membttl, Mra. JtaJpb PbeJpJ ud llr1. Way~»e Helmick Thil relatively new -Ia ... !pod .. ._..,. keJ people ••'"' bin beeD tiraell iD tbeir ellorta oa .. • palo plllt lilt ---;:::;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::==, wtu. matcblaC .. -I ~-:---~: plllt JOVEY GIFT SHOP ,_ pr••"••t 11n.. ·--... -.... "" -·--·-•· , .•. , .... ~ .... ... ~ ............. ... ,.., 'lid wldll ....... pill ......... ,.tltltbl • ....., ...,., nllt&l to - -lin. ~~-·· ........ .. wttb rh'-1'-to alpitJ' br11U8la*nlllp~ U""mW Rota-II tbl -,.. ... eorrdllr eiDb ,..,., )ln. JIDcleltl•• eommit.. -"' ... dub .. larp. Cbl.na .. _. were Pna for ,...~H-~ ...a to ..... t • -.a.ac.. .. Ill 1-~...:: . -.~t ,· ........ . a..-. W W.. P. D. _,.,, William llophtr> -ud -Obma. lin La•r••e• WrlcM. award~ cbainaM,. ... U. pi'A ,~ Uaa •• 'l'td "' lin. w ........ lin. -lliBlor .... 11ro. Artloa' WIDia. 8C110LARM1P UCIPIENft CADET CAJIDmATE Robert H • B-bard, 11011 ol rellred Colooel ud Mra. Jae~ D. BU.. Tbe lfOOID'I motlrer WU dreued Ill ,.no.wttta mltchl .. a.ceesaar1ea. Sbe, too, wore u orchid cor.,.. Aller I-b C&nDel .... su Frall<aco, ... - ..... wW -..... 111'111 -la-AaL'ho-UG.,L NOTIC! LlGAL ltOTIC! Mro. -Ia a .. 1 •• c1 _ _:::.:==..:.:.::.::... ____ ..;:,:.:___-'-----Cotta )!-RIP ud - CITY OF NEWPa!T BEACH. CAIJroiiNIA ~!:out CoJlaet.JW- . NOTICE IIIVITIJIG Bill& -not ID bl&fl ...... , Ia ' SEALED BIDS w1D be receiYed at tbe d ee ot tbe City Toms Rh••, New Jf8_,• at- Clerk, City llall, N-Beaeb, CaUionlla, ~ 10,00 A.M. -Sub -Collel" IUid oo tbe lltb day of JUDI, 1969, at Wbieh time tbeJ will be 1t 1110W wUb U. U. S. N&YJ, opoiiOd ao11 read, for porf<J<mJD( work u IDilows: ,.._ at u. Alamtlos • BALBOA ISLAND C.:HAHNEL SEWER FORCE KAUf CONTRACT 110. IZZ3 fot • Swl.tcrifi'IM: GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CUSTOM WOOD CARVED SIGNS :.602 AVON STREET. N EWPORT BEAC H ............. llltrocl!oooid lolloor6w ..... _. 'l'lloJ ---'*---Jiamlltar:la; E r a • • t lle- lin. !lory ..... -..... dlalrmu lair-lila ,... --"' tlla ~ Oab wbo ..,.. r-'r' ,, .... ebu'd, 2621 Alta Vlst& DrlYe, Bids must be IUbmUted oD tbe Proposal form attached wttb Eut Bioi!, biB end1llled !rom tJ>e eootnet cloe.....U tunlabed by tbe Publle Woru De!>Ut- tbe U. s. Alr Foree Academy meat. Tbe IM'ttnnll cqJJ o1 tbeProposal Form is to bt retaiDed Pr~J Scbool lJI.C0)ondo by tbe bidrJer for tdJ recorda, .I TWUN Jli \'I:"SIO£. TUSTI ... I .Lfl( £ 0 , COAST HIGHWA'f allor eompletlDr a 10-moatl> Eoell bid mlllt be aec:oac>Uled by casll, eertlllod eboek « r _________ j, ........................ !!!!!!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Coli -673.0550 ClallaM,-;n.aldJ'ol. --;-IIJB. ... pabllclt7; Lwa..,. • ..,.., _, J ... Slap- .... ....,._,, z. r. IIana, _, -IAia a.,. ... ...,._.. I II vtHcr; Kill lla r 1• r • t 0.,., tk:laltl; lin. Doria -boopllalL lr: lin. -1'1111. -· _,lin. ............ trM ....... lin. w ........ ~ .... -a.:u. c•alr••• an M-. S..1W Xn V. After ,_, l ........ Qla, -.. a.«: Prsd. liT~. c.rdl; Lool!o -· !lao -.... Nnt:bellb: rr.d n... 101': aebalanlllp ......... -... ""' --"' ... ...... ,_.....,_ ...... ,... .......... ---"'c.-dol -IIIPidloai"""'-.U. .... -...n-lllP Sdloai;Paulllrlaao,-• lllP ldloal; -l'rol, llel'lolly lllP ldloal; llllcl>: eDt Wllliaml, Calta If .. Hlp ....... (plf -awanll; ao!l lloaa ~ c-t c.lllp, c. -. !llaa arlo -awanll, Jo.. .... ""*"' .... 11..-JI ............. both reeahhl aellolanlli!lo Ill ... .... ..... Learn the I secrets of beer cookery C:OWH. Ho will O!Ur tlle Ae&-Bidder's 8ood, made poyalole to tJ>e City of N-Bolell, demY JUDI Z3 tor 4 JellS lor u a.IDOQDt eqaa1 to at 1eut 10 perceat ol tbe I.IDOCiat bid.. ol -loadlllc ID a bocl>olor ol Tbt Utll ct tbo poojoet ao!1 tbo wordo "SEALED BID" sllall ICieoce decree aod a com-be elelr)J muted oo. tbl outside ot tbe eaYelope <WJblotnc tbe mlaSoo lD tbe U.S, Air Force. tJld. He Ia a cn<fUaleciW....,. Hie!> Tbo ~ 0oeumoa1a t11a1 must be co~l40ed, uocoted, Schoo~ Colorado Sprillp. ao11 r-Did 1a tbo -bid are: A.~ a. De!dpaHog ol Subeoatraetors c. Bldlier'l Boad D. Noo-colluioD Amda'fit E.. Sb..,... of Ft•ncial ReBpODSibillty F, Tecbalca.l AWJ.ty aDd EJ1)811eoce Relereocea Tbese doc:umllltl sbaD. be arft.J:ed wttb tbe dptures ud WJu ct tbo per..,. !!lploc oo beball ol tbe llldder. For Cor- pontlaos, tJ>e lllpalwes o1 tJ>e Presldeot or VIet Presldeot Ull Secntary or Aullltl"* SecreC.ary are required IDd tbl Cor- p)ftte Sal Sba1l bta!lludtoall doeumeotsrequtrtuc .dptures. ID tbo -ct a--· tbe slgoature ct at '-..,. f8IIOr&l ~ lo roqotrod. No bldl wtU be acc:eptm trom a Contractor Wbo bu 1IIOt been · u-1a aceonlaDCe-tbe prorislollsoiC-9, [J(Ylsloo m o1 ... flosl-ao11 Protessloos' Code, no Cootrad<Jr 11!111-bla "--aod classllleatbllalba Pr-"- ......... ~Doe-lDeludJacSpec:Jai ~ 11&1 be -IDICI at tbo Pai>Ue WOI'b W Clt7 llal1, Jlowpoft Bo1e11, Ca11anta, at oo cosl 1D ll--a. A _.,_blo dlarp ct $1.00 wW be roqalrod u _.,.,. c1 .... ud Coltnd: Duc....ts 1Aoed to otbera. n lJ nqns ,,.., aot tbo P-ud~Doeumeotsber«wDOdwttlllai­-Uiobld._.., --• EDGAR BAlliiE cl ISS -IIDc no C1t7 11u adojXod tbo -.d Spoclfl-for hblle And out how to ·~• cr .. Dr., Coot& ~~-biB •-~ (ltl? EdUa .... S"A>Io..-) u pr..,..... _ ..... _,_ "i!iiiihllli.i .. .. e.: .. ..... ......... dolicioul-vdaY clilhM _,,_IS r-• .,.--, .., tbo-"-"c.JIInlaC!Iaptors cttbeAmorkuN>Ue •-with--ouch•,-1-.tcowtllllloyaScootaiD)>ID •--!UidiMAaodalod-~acl-'- ,_ loef, -chicken, tbo aaloa -ol-lbo roeoot!J CopiM.., be_,.., 11rvm lllllldla( -s,IIII:.,ICI55 Orwta.l -end -........ Nnporl Cllllatollkact Aft 1.oo Allploo, caJ1f. VOOM, (lU) l'l0-M71. ••'91' Ntw YCII'~ ut.IDaraDct:Co.Re 'lit C1t7 1u •• ,,.WI'ISiucllrd SpeelaiP'roftsbta&ld••n cake. And I'-there In 1o a .,.-Ia ciS.. J-Stale ora~ CopiM ct-&I'll a..uallle at tbo N>lk •- ouch gourmet truta .. CoiJoto IIIII a U.S. Atmpoleru DoiWI PI at I coot cl $1.00 por aat. r ·-end CWbclnrwdM c1 _.., Wa.r D. H• -no Cll!' •• •• ,.. i1cllt 1o re,loet aor or aU -ud 1o ,........... ·~ -u dlatrlet _.., -..utJ Ia-- ... --·.. ---.,. ... ~ Ia--... --"' ArUela I, C>oPor 1, -·r ......... Al'lll c-ell. Part 7 cta.Calllnla lao< Cocle~I'MO'tt->, 1M lrldltlonll • ~-.18y '.' MRS. GIIACI GRE!R Clt7 e-ll of 1M CIIJ ct N-Boa<bllu--.. • modem • -·-· .tUCQIIIIS AT 16 ~ ,.__ nla ct por --Ia.,--Ia lleer-a ral n.vot tree!.. or-II. Gr•, 116, ct HI .-1M-Ia lobe,_.,._.,._ enll, eM-tiM, W. ltD a.: C.. II-dlod ar IJpt ct --ar _ .... -ID-..... ':':"KI ..., .... -.... -.· udllulllt ___ •• _ ......... . • • • • • • • • • •••• •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _. -. Ott. 11. llll, ia 111J 11, 1-. A._., oiiUd r.llllltlaal8 ~ Ia .. ~ • ; I' 1 o'q c1 1M CIIJ Clor\. Allpulloo lo 1M -ad 11!111 .. _ ... : ,.,..,. c ,.,,......,., •• ,... _.._.. ..,._., : .. ,t:A:, an-.,-. WU-.., all......._. ttl tlllt~lAIIor ,CodlrsW'•tD,..... : .... Jl'U : ..... COIIa ..... &41cl'IP,ftlllll ... niiJI.II!J~.!.-Wl~-7~~u._.._.& • .,_ AkpptnolC'*...... Cft'l'ur ,_; .. ~ _..,.-.-.r--;- • -• e --,t •-ta£1'S,..._C.. . . .... ..,'--··-----,-., · -:.&.;a-.;,..-....--1-.&,l•,lo .. llo-t--• : ... -. •c-..-• ------~~--~---, ~ :. ~~--or= ""•1 .-O.ce -.cl Co. ~ _...aaftl .....,.._._ & ~~~-=.:==-~~ "'ISIJat•;:::+:~ ::.;~alia : .,. ....... ._,..., ... .,... 'II' :::._-:a-.:-r~.':: -sse t ..... ..__._ ... • • I,. ! .................................... ' ••••••• •1 .- 's"wonder"industries are being built right now ' acted as manaaa co-maaqer. or major participant in 34f COl pelf ... -- wri · amountiQa to ~ to $5~,000 iD ..... c:opital. Tllia il just -_, -"""' -aay •.. y.,... ..... _ ....... ----··· DEAN WI I I EJt. a CO. a..-au .... a..op-.1-,., N1 ,._ /.Wow, 11 •• If - Tllqrtru ao•• LIIM.IIOftCF an,. __ , IUCI.. C4lDOUIA iCJftS MfhiWG IIDI .... IIIli will .. , ....... Ill ..... CJitMCUr C.., CSr ld, Is ILl -. '"4"1 .... .at 10100 4..111. ... , • .., ., lao, ·-·. --IZ!ofwlllbt ..-.... -. ......... "" .. -ALLn lllftlmiiiD'II CCllllOill DKL I!UII 41111 BAI.MI4 12LA11D ,_ OOIITil4CT liD. lUll '--bo I __ ..... -'-·~~~~' ... -... -...... _.., ___ DoDort- ..... TIZa ......... _., ...... -', ... Ia lo bt- 117 lllo _.lbr 1U r- EaciJ, b6d mMl bt KCW'411_. 111 cutJ. cuWiad cblck or -·· -. -,..,_ lo tba Cit)' ., " ........ -. lor .. --' lo. -10,...,.. oftbt -bid. ---~:-::------::,~-~-....:~~~ T1Za IIIIo ot tl!o pmjoet ud tba -''S£ALED BID" 1!11111 bt <Mrl1 aoar"-1 •lilt-ol tilt .,.kll>O "'""''"'"'tilt ~-eo:==-tod~.~ ... bt completed, ouc-. Police I loner A.~ • FRIDAY, MAY 9 --; bt loJI It 011 tile B. Doalpwtloo ot ~a<lors Broot H-maa, Z9, ot su boaeb· at ZZOO W. Oeeaa rr.ot, c. BldiSe:r't 8oDd Toors La.De:, Costs Mesa, ns Dell to a palm tree at 4:SO D. NQa..collol1oG AmdiYit arrested at 9:40 p.m. at W. p.m., and 1t wu mJ.utnr at E. Statemeat c1 Fa..tia.l RHpODidbUity Cout lhry. aad TusUD An., 5:15 p.m ••• ..Patrlcla Smttb, F. Techldcal .A.bWtJ aad EJDerleoce Retereoces Yar1Dirs MUe, a.JX1 booted oo 1%1 S6th st.. West Newport. Tbe• cloCWDII!ll sball be aftlud wltb tbe slcoatures I.Dd the cbarce of uaultoaapoUce said a buSitt tbat ber family Utles ot tba per101111 i!lpiD( oo -If ol tilt bidder. For Cor-ollleer . , , !luriD( tbo olcJI~ bad toe!, &lid bu 1mowD for poratloos, tbe llllllhE"• ot tbt Presideot or Vtce Presidelt 5 demerol ampules were stoleo years, btl ber •• .Daniel Pear- aDd Secretary or Aulmnt Stcrlt:ary ue reqaired Ud tbl Cor-ft'om tbe Corooa. del Mar Pbar-son, 12% S4thst., West Newport, ponte Seal SballbeafbldtoallcloeumeotsriQilrlDc sipalurl!s. m&c)' •• , L11llan Shea. 1542 drlvtJtc sc:iatb oa Uth St., was In the cue ol J.Put:Derlldp, tbes1patareof at least OD& geD8H.l s.ntggo Dr., OcwerSbores, was taken to Hoac Hospital by am- partDer 1a nctulr.S. crou1Dc lrYlDe Ave at !2nd St., buluce, a.fter he was lnYolved No bids wtll be aeeepter1 from a Coatra.etor wbo has EKlt beeo We.t tQ:Jer Bay, when she was in a trafftc aceldeut with car Uceosed lD aeCfX'duce wUb tbe ~oiCblpter 9, Dlvl..sJoa I.DYol•ed La a tra.mc aceldeat drlt'er Harvey We lob of Ful-m of tbe B11sllllll llDd Protessioas' Code. Tbe Contractor with Alei&Dder Harris, 16, of lerton, a.t tbe latersectioo of shall state h1a Utea~~JUDber IDdclauUlcatloototbe Proposal 455 S.Vtbmore l.Jloe, Costa Balboa Blvd, aDd 34th St., at Plans and Coalnct Doeumeata, 1Dclud1oc Spec:lal Prorisl.oos, Mesa, drtYlAg a ~rite; Alexan-7:35 p.m •••• ; Tom Colllnc· may be Qbbtnect at tbt PubUc Worts~ City Ha.U. cter wa.s taken to Hoag Hospital wood of4811SeasboreDr., West Nnport Beach, Ca.lUi:ln1l. at DO cost to Uceuedc:cmtractors. A b)' ambulance ••.• Dale Kellogg, Newport, probably wlsbes oon-reflmdable charee ol $%..00 wtll be required for eacb set ot Z8 Balbo& Coves, reported the Michael Ornee of Cypress aDd Pla.QI and Contract Doc:WDeDts lllued to others. 1t is requested tbl:ft of a $150 surfboard during Tom Broderick of Los Angeles tbat tbe PlaosaadCoatractDocumeotsbereturaed wUhi.D 2 weeks tbe month of March ••• Edward bad stayedatbome; the two were aJler tbe bld "*"'nc. Priebe, 2321 Alta Vlsta, East involved in a tr:a.m.c accideat Tbo CltJ lou -tbo Staadard Spoel1lcatloos tor Publle Blult, !eels b1s dog seared away at 1400 E. Ba-BIYd., Ba- Worts CoDstruet1oo (1967 EdWoo &Del S""lements) u prepared tbe J.Dtruder wbo tore a willdow aod hit his parked car ••• bJ tbeSoutberoCallkulaCbaptersoftbeAmericaDPublle Works sc.reeo oft., bot did DOt enter his CWford Dudley, 621 W. Ba.lboa .U.Xtatioo. and the .U.X1ated GeDU'&l Coatrac:tarsolAmerlca. home ••• M&rUyn Wade, 33, of BIYd., Bi.lboa. said that the rear Copies may be oiQined from 8u1Jd1Dc News, IDe., 3055 O.erla.od 507 E. Bay A•e., Balboa, n.s YIDdow of bis car was shattered Ave., Los Angeles, CaW'. 90034. (ZU) 8'70-9871. arrested at 2:45 a.m. on the during tbe nlgbt, while parked Tbe City las adopted staDdard. SpeelalPronsioosa.odstalldard cbarp of drtmk in pubUc • • • at the center divider; replace. Drawtacs. Copies of tbiSe are an.llable a1 tM PubUc Worts Albert Hennrlkus Jr., 52, of ment cost was set at $70 ••• Dep.rtmut at a cost ol sz.oo per set. BZ1 w. Bay Ave., Ba.lboa., was Her draperies haYe to be The Ctty resetTes lbe rigbt to reject lD1 or all bids and to declared drunk 1D pubUc by cleaned, said Violet Lefevre, fth'e UJ infol'ma.llty 1D IDCh bids. pollee wbo found him leaning on 2429 E. 16th st., Newport In aceorduce with tbe proY1sloDB ot Article 2, Chapter 1, a stop slgD at E. 8albol. Blvd. Heigbts, woo was lying ln bed Put 7 oftbe CallforDla Labor Code (Sections 17?0 et seq.), tbe a.od E. OceanFrontat1:55a.m.; when she tleard something hlt Ctty Couocll of the Cit)' ot Newport Belch bu ueerta..I.Ded tbe he t.llled tbe n.eld sotrlety test ller wt.ndow and splash througb fiD8l"ll.l preftl11og rate of per diem wacu in tbe locallty to •••• Michael Pells, 600-1/2 the screen -an egg ••• Joe whlcb tbe work ts to be performed llreacb craft, ela.ss1flcatloa. Be&ODla Ave., Coram del Mar, Di trio, 1045 Bayside Dr., No. or type ol wort:maD or meebaPic oeeded to aecl&e the coatract driving down Pa.Usades Rd., 48, Newport Beach, left his car and bu: set fot1b tbese items in Resolttioa No. 69U, adopted Back Bay, made too wide a at the VIlla Mar iDa parking lot Mayl2, 1M9, A copy of said reeolatiobts anJ.lable 1n tbe olllce turn at Jamboree Rd. and hit at 2 a..m.; •hen be returoed at of the City Clerk. All pu11es to tbe c:ootract sha.ll ~ b'liVt!rned tbe center du·tder, causing his 9 a.m., the rigtlt front door was by all prortsions of tbe C&llforn1a La.bor Code retati.ng to pre-ear to roll over, a total loss. ajar and his $10 briefcase was nlllng wa.ge rates (Sections 1710-1781 IDclushr,l, • SATl"RDA Y. MAY 10 missing. and a pair of$35 pres- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH., CAUFORNlA James Need.bam,127 21th St., cription glasses, andaco141leof IA.ura. Laclos. City Clerk West Newport, bas a lot o1 e.s:-blankets, worth $15 each were PubUsh: June 5, 1969, in the Newport HarOOr Ensign. pJa.l.ni.nt to do to his b'iendJobD, missing, too ••• Richad Bow- tro. wllom M banowed a $90 (Conlirwod oa P•ae S) L!G.I.L IIOTIC! ~.7.-L~EG_A_L_M_O_n_C_E __ __ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL MOflC~ • - TEN OITI'STANDING STUDENTS lroa> tile -..u dopul- mtol of Corooa del Mar Hl&tl ScDl ncetvld Mewport Balllo6 Savt.Dp &lid J...ou. AsJDCiatloa's 1919 ac~Ut"emeat awards, cbosea bJ tbe achool oo the buts ot attitude, tflor1 &Od accompllsbmeat. The studeots received tbelr awudl at a luocheon lotheAAoclatioB'a5 .. 1tof7'-dcl-"erslNOdLoc at SS66 VIa Udo,onrlookiDct.beba)', lA Newport S..cb. Pk- tured bere, seated left to rlehtareLiurteDawts, eopbomore IJplac; lloDDa Reed, juDlor tn>lal; Mia, Ea!eo ~ t•cber; Patricia Anile Saacbes, outsCtncHQC lllllot ltllda In the 1leld of busiDesa, and Bec:ky Aa Butttrmore, aealor clerical; stantttnc. left to r1Pt. Guy WaJM Ntttlaa, -.lor aeCOWJt!Dg; Sbelley Snyder, qbomore bootk,..nc; Francoise Leclerc, Mo.lot merc•Mistne; MarliDe Holcomb, junior bookkeeping; Miss AnD Nlcbot.on, teacbal'; Patti Lynell Palmer, S8Dior eecretarLI.l, and RoblD Steele, juDlor sbortbaDd. (Bo<:l:Dor -.) A CHECK for $159, rep"eseottng proceeds from a recellt Mesa Verde home tourbeDeftt1ogtheAmerlca.oFieldSentce is presented to Walter Bl'otz by Jlm Wood, at left, presldeot of Mesa Verde Realty and Ol'ganlt;er of the tour. Mr. Brat&. from Schwabiscb Hall, Germany, Is vt.ce.prestdeot ol tbe Estancia H1cb Scbool chapter of 'AFS. Also pictured are Rosemary Szabo, presideot of tbe AFS cbapter, &00 llrs. Richard Johnson, adult amtsor to the chapter, wbo assisted Mr. Wood to plaonlnc tbe borne tour. LEGAL MOTIC~ L !GAL IIOliCE U'ZI'OIIT IIARIOII EUQII S£00110 SEC'TKJII -~ l'w C LIGAL IIOTa LIRAL IIOta an or .. ._, ltiCII. ~ .::ma•fili*1 .. AAI.ID -will bt 121-Ill ll!o-ofllloCIIJ c.., Cit)' .... "~-..eo--. -II".IOA.M. ..... 1'111& -.. z-. ...... __ ...,.Wbo ...-... .-.-...... ,-.. -·~ l'nii!T BIJLI<III!•n, Aim IIIDlT III'IIUT AND Alllli'IIIDT TIDAL STIIUCTIIID OOII'I'RACT NO. 1114 -........ -llad .. lilt .._. ................. 111o -*" c1oc s•• -bir ll!o Mile-DoDort-IMIL 1'1111M1.,_, CGPJ oltllftPI(IJIUAIF-11: to bl neu-1 .., ll!o --lila·--1>1!1 IDIII lit I!AI-•Iod 117 c:aab. --or -·· -. ...... ,..,_ to 111o cur ot ""-•--. lor u -~ lo at -10 ,parelll ot IIIIa -1>1!1. Tilt llUo of tbt pmjoel &lid tba -da ''S£ALED BID" 1!11111 bt eiMriJ mor"-1 oo tbo oulalde ot lllo -"'*"'""'''""'1M 1>1!1. Tbo C4alnet noe ....... 111a1 ..... bo OO!Ill>laled, •-od. aDd ret.Did 1D tbe -*1 ttd: are: ... .._. B. Dool(llatloo ot ~tor• C, BlddC'I 8ood n. No~oo<oUutoo Allldant E. Statemoal ot Flaa!!elal RMpoMII>llliJ F. Tecbldcal AllWtJ aDd £11)81'1~ Refereoces Tilt• ctocumeata ata1l bo all1lod wltb tbo ~..,,. &lid Utlta ol 1110 ...,_ atpla( 011 btMI!oltbt llldder, For Cor- ponllooa, tllo slpoturoa of tilt Pr-or Vleo Pres14G a.nd SecretarJ or A..Sita.nt Secretar)' ue r~ aDd tbl 6Jr. porate Soa1 Sbalfbt allllodiDaDclocume!U reqolrla( slpalllroa. Ia tbt cue olaPartoorablp, tlleslpotureot alloul-_.t -Ia roqodrad. No b&dl: wiD be accepted from a Coutractor wbo hu DOt beeD. Ueeuod laaecordaaee wltb tba,...,.smosotCt.j>ler9, DlYialoo m of the Rul'nesa ud Protesalou' Code. Tbe CoatractGr sball state 1114 liceue aumber &Dd clusl.f1caUora 1D tbe Propoal Plaaa IUid CoDin.ct Doe ........ laell!dlll( ~lal --, may be obUined at tbe Publie Wort& Dlp.rtmeat, Ctty HaJ.I, Newport Beaeb, Col1lbrola, at II!) coli to UeODiad CG!!Inctou. A --r.-te ebar10 ot sz.oo ..su bt .-oc~ lbr ...,I! oot o1 PlaDs IUid Coai:ract Documeots IIBUed to otbers. It is rtQQUted tbat tbe Plansud.Coatn.ctDocumeDtlberetorMdwltbJ.n l....U after lbt IOd -·"'· Tho Cl(J llu -tbo staadard ~Uicattoos !« Pl!blk Woru Coulruelloo (1967 EdlUoa &lid S.Wlemoall) as pr..,..ad by tbeSoatben.CaWorDII.Cbapte:rsoftheAmertC&II Public Worts Aaoctub:J.IDd tbe Auoetated Geoeral CoatractorsoiAmerlca. Copies .may be QIQtnect from Bu1ldb:lJ News, IDe., 3055 OYerl&Dd A,.., Los Anples, Cl.llf.. 90034, (213) 870-9871. Tho Cl(J bu-Slaadard SpeelalPJ .. lsloosaadS!aadard DraW"I.Ap. Coples of tbese are antla.blt at lbe Public WorU Deputmoat at a CO!!! of SZ.OO per set. Tbe City resenes tbe rlcbt to reject a.oy or all bUia aDd to w&lve aDJ toformallty 1D IUCh btda. In aceord&Dce wttb tbe provb:lona: ol Article 2, Cblpter 1, Part 1 ot tile CalllorDI& Lal>or Code (Sectlooa 1170 et 1811-l, tbo City CouocU of the City ot Newport Beach bas ucertaJ.Ded tbe ...,.raJ preYatllDg rat. of per diem ngos Ia tbo loealliJ Ia which tbe work ls to be performed tor each craft, c.lassl.ft.c:atbl,. or type of worll:ma.o or mecbaDlc needed to eucW:e the coatract aM bU set forth tbese items in Resol~ No. 698%, adqlted May 1Z, 1969. A copy ol a1d re80l~nts available in tbe omce of the City Clerk.. AU parties to the cootract &ball be aoveroed by all provisions of the Calltornla Labor Code relat1.og to pre. va1llng wace rates (Sectloos 1770-1 'l81locllll1n). CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Laura Laglo&, CI(J Clerk PubUsh: June 5, 1969, 1D the Newport Harbor EA&lp. LI!GAL MOnt! L !GAL MOnCf ORDINANCE NO. 1301 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RE- ZONING PROPERTY AND AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 4 The City Couoc:U of the City of Newport Beach does ordain u follows: SECTION 1. The realproper~ ty described in EXhibit "A"at- tached hereto, to tbe City of Newport Beach, Couaty ot Orange, State of Calltornta, as s hown on District Yap No. 4, referred to in Section 20.06.030 of the Newport Beach MunJ.clpa.l Code and by such reference made a part of Title ZO of said Code, is hereby rer.ooed from a C-1 District to a C-0-H Dis- trict, aDd said District Map No. 4 is hereby a. mended to show this zoning chang!. eDtttled"CttyoiNelrPOI18eacb, Easterly line, 72.3S feet to the is shown on map No. 108, re-ORDINANCE NO. 130Z erly prokmgation d. 15th Street of tbe City of Newport Bea.cb; Nortberly aJoq: tbe ceater D.De Plltntift,. n.OnnpCoUDtylm-Southwest corner of the land corded in Book 2 Page 1, Ottl-AN ORDINA.N.CEOFTHE CITY and the botmdary line of tbe theoce Southwesterly alooc the of the Harbor Eatruce aDd pt"'Ot'emeaf Asaoctat.Joo. et at. cooveyed to MorW C. Thorn-cial hbps, Records of sa..ld OFNEWPORTBEACHCHANG-City of Newport Beach; thence clt)' W•ndar7 line to aa ugle a.Jooctbe Ba.Iboalsla.odCbuDil Def_,nts," case No. U&86of burg aDd wUe, by deed r ecorded Orange County; theace North ING AND REDEFINING THE Southeasterly alone saJdbotmd-polot 1A UHt city bouodary llDe, to tbe Nottber}Jline oltbeBal- the S"*"lor Court of tbe State May 27, 1955 In Book 3084 zz• 59' East, along the Westerly BOUNDARIES OF THE COUN-ary lloe to Suta Aoa A'en11e; said ancie point beinc tbe most boa Yacht Club; tbeDc.eEutellY of CalitorDia, 1J1 and tor tbe Pap 113, OftlcLal Records 1n line of said Central Avenue, CILMANIC DISTRICTS OF thence Southwesterly aloog EasterlY a.Dile po1Dt OD tbe aloog said Northerly llDe of tbe Cocmty of Oruge, a cerWled tbe office of the County Record-72.00 feet to a point ln a Une THE CITY SaW. Ana Afentae to Newport Southeasteri.J proloapt&oo of ~ Yacht ClOO to 9&1s1de copy of said decree belnc re-er ofsaidOrangeCOUDty;theoce that beats South 67• 01" East WHEREAS, Section 1005 oflbe Boulevard; theOCe · S<Mberly Mesa Drln; tbeoce Westerly Orin; tbeoce Northerly lloD( corded in Book 201 Pqe 253, 57• 01' East, along the South-from the truepolntofbeginnlog; City Charter provides that at along Newport Boulevard to a~oo&: said city bouodar)' llDe Bayside Orin to El Pueo Official Records, wtthtbeEast. westerly line of said 1a00 con-tbeoce North 67• 01' West, any Ume deemed oecessary or 32M Street; theoc:;e Soutbwes-to Tustin Avenue; tbenceSoutb-Drive; thence Nortbea.sterly erly liDe of the rlcbt of way of .-eyed to Thornburg. 52.77 feet 59.71 feet to the true polnt of desirable IJl order that the dis-terly aloog 32nd street aDd 1ts westerly &looC TustiD Aveoue aJooa El Pueo Drive a.Dd. aloDC the SoutberD Pac1Dc Railroad, to the Westerly line of Central begl.nning. trtct bouDdaries be fair and proloop.Uon to the mean llJCf:l to tbe Soutbwesterly twpvtary Malat.r Drive to East Cou:t as said rtgtJt of way Lsdescrlb-Annue, a.s said street is shown PARCEL 3: That portion of logical, the Cit)' CouncU may by tide liDe; thence Northwesterly l1De ol ADDeaUoaNo. 59; tbeoce Hlabfty; tbeoee Westeri:Jalooc ed inadeedfromJamesMcFad-on Map No. 108, recorded 1n Lot 3 of SeeUon 28, Townsb.lp 6 ord1na.Dc:e change aod redefine aloDg the mean llJgtl tide ll.oe to Soutberly alooc said honndpry East Cout Hlgtnr&J to thepolat den to Santa Ana a.od Newport Book 2 Page 1, Official Maps, South, Range 10 West, of the the bowxlaries of a.oy or ill of the point of the beginning. l1DI ID lr«lDe AYeoue; tbeoee of becf.DDI.Dc. SECTION 2. The PJ.ann1ng D1r. ector of the City of Newport Beach is hereby instructed aDd directed to change District Map No. 4 so as to show the zoning changes described ln Section 1 hereof, ai¥1, as said District Map .shall have been 90 amend- ed, the same shall be ln tull force and effect and be a part or Title 20 or the Newpo rt Beach Municipal Code. SECTION 3. This ordimnce shall be published ooce ln the oftlcial oewspaper of the City, and the same shall be effective 30 days after the date of Its adoptlon. TtUs ord1oance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City CouocJ.l of the City of Newport Beach. held on the 12th da)' of May, 1969, IDd was adopted on tl'le 26th day of Ma7, 1969, by the toUowioc vote, lo •U: A YES, COUNCILMEN : Mctnnis, Sbtltoo, Par.,ns, Marshall, Roprs, Hirth, Gruber. HOES, CO UNCIL&IEN' ABSENT COUNCIL&IEN , Doreea Marshall Mayor AT'JVI', Lara l.qloo None NODe Railway Company, recorded Records of sa.JdOrangeCounty; San BernardiDo Meridian. in the the seven districts; a.od SECTION 3. Tbe Third Dts-Southwesterly aloaclnlDIAYe· SECTION 7. The Se.,..Dlh Dla- M.arch Z2 .• 1893 in Book 78 tbeoce North zr 59' East aloDg City of Newport Beach. Count)' WHEREAS, the City Couocil trlct shall IDciD:ie aU that por-a• to tbe pol.ot of. bepmlog. trlct sbllli.Dchllie all that pol'· Page 399 of Deeds; tbeoceSDOCb the Westerly line of sa.JdCeutra.I of Orange, State of Cautornt.a. has determloed that the rede-Uoo of the City !DciD:ied within SECnON 5. Tbe Flftb Dt.a-t1oo ol lbe City !Dehllied wlthlA n• 28' 23" west, 291.20 feet Merwe, 72.00 feet to a polnt tn accor!llng to the official plat of ftnltioo a.od change of the cou-the following described bound-trlct sba.lllDclude all that por-the JoUowioc described boal:ld .. along said Easterly llDe of saJd a l1De that bears South 57• 01' saJd land filed in the District cllmanlc districts is appro-ary lllle, to wtt: bon of lbt City !Deluded wt.tbJ.n ary ll.Dt, to wtt: right of way; theoce Sod.h67• East, from the true point of be-Land omce, Au(USt 4, 1890, priate at this time; and Be(lMlng at the lntersectioo the follow1DC descrlbed bouod-8epiJa.lnc at the 1nt•I8Ctloaof 01 • East, 47,04 feet totbe West-gtrvdnc lheoce North 57• 01• described as follo1rs: WHEREAS, the CUy Couoc:U of 3ZDd Street and Newport ary 11De, to wtt: Flfth Anoue aod Popp)' Av-.; erly Une of central Afenue, as West, 59.71 feet to saJd true BeginnJ.ng at the most Easter-has deW' milled that the cba..Dges BouJ.evard; thence Northerly BeciDDJ.a.l at tbe ~erseetloa thellce NorthwesterlY aloDc said Central Avenue 1s laid ouJ polDt of beglnnlng. ly corner of the land described ln the boundaries and number inc along Newport BouleYard IDd of Eut Cout HJCf:lway&DdJam-FlAb Anoue and ltl prok)ap- a.OO shOYo 00 Map No 108 re-PARCEL -2 That portion ot in lease to RichDeldOUCorpor-of the districts incorporated IJl Nortbeasterly alone SaDta ADa boree Rold; theoce Nortberly Uoo to MacArthur BoWinrd; corded tn Book 2 P,P 1 oi Of. Section 28 Township 6 South atJon, recorded AprU 23, 1954 this ordinance sbould be made Annue to 15th Street and tbe aloag Jamboree Ro&d to Eut-tbeoce Nortbtr1y aloq llacAr- fl cial Maps of 0ra..np eoumy· Ra.nce 10 West Sao Beroar~ In Boot 2714 Page 535, Offlclal in order tbat each district sba.ll, bouod:ary llneoftbeCltyofNew-bluff Drlvtj tbence Nortberly thur BouleYvd to Ford ao.d.; thence North 22• 59' Ea.st 293.14 Base and Meridian; in the Coun-Records, being a point oo the as nearly a.s practicable, con-port Beach;thenceNortbeaster-aJoac Eutblufr Drln to Bact.-thtnce Easteri,J aloDe Ford feet along saidWester1)'llne of ty of Orang! StateofCaWornla Northwesterly lloe of Central sUtute natural areas of con-ly aDd Southeasterly atone sa.Jd bay Dr1"; tbe:Dce Westerl)t Raid to tbe Eut.-ty said Central Avenue· theoce described~ follows· ' Avenue, as shown on Sheet 9 of Ucuous and compact territory boundary llDe toTustinAnnue; Uonc Bl.ckbl.y Drln to 1.lJper bouDdarJ 11DI of tbe CltJ of North 18• 35' East, !9.31 feet Commeoclng at a Polnl of in-Map No. 108 ln Book 2 of om. and provide fa.1r representa.tlon tbeDCe Northeasterly ak»Dc Newport B&y; tbeaee sa.oerl)' Nnport Beach; tbeDce South- along the Wester I.)' 11ne of said tersectioo of the ordinary h.lgb cl.a.l Maps, in the otrtce of tbe oo tbe City Couocll; Tustin Avenue to 16th Strut; aJoa.g tWer Newport BIJ totbe WlJ &loGe aid Eut«I,JbouDd- Central Avenue to said ord1-tide Une of the Pactnc Ocean County RecorderofsaidCounty, NOW, THEREFORE, tbe City theoceSoutbeuterlJ along 16th U:a.to CbuDel of Newport BaJ; ary llDe to tbt miUl bleb tide nary high tide llne, destpted LD Newport Beach and destcm-distant along saldNortmrester. Couoctl of the City of Newport Street to Inlne Aveoue; tbeDce tbeoee La. aSoutbel.sterlJdlree-l1De of tbtPaelftcOceao;theoee "South Line" as utabu.taed ted "South Llne" a.s described ly line, North 22•59• Eastl4.6,38 Beach does ordalo as follcnrs: Nortbel.ster}J aJoac Irvine Uon a1oDC tbe Ma.ln CbUDel to Westerly a&oq tbe meu bf&tl by a.bove m;ntiooed decree· in Parcel D of' Decree ln an feet from the Northeasterly SECTION 1. Tbe First 01.5-A•-. to WestcWf Drin; the 8ll1bo& lslud CbaDDel; tide l1DI to tbe Soutbwt:ltulJ tbe:oce South 88• 54• 01" wHt' acUoo entitled ''CltyofNewport corDer of the parcel of laDdde-trict shall IDclude aU that por. tbeDce Soutbeutlrl)' aloDc' tbeDCe Nortblrly aloDC tbe Bal-protoacattoa of Poppy AYHIII; 79.68 feet along said ordlll&rj Beach, PlainU.lt, u. Ora.nge scribed In the noa1 Judcmflllt Uoo of the City lDclllded within WestcWI Drive to tWef New-boa lll&Dd Cb&MeltotbeNorth-tbeDee N~IJ tJoDc high tide U.ne to tbepolmafbe-Couoty lmpronment Assoela-entered March 17, 1936 lo an lbe fol..lowlng described bouod-por1 Bay; tbeDce ~IJ er}J Uoe of lbe Bllbol. Yacht Poppy .A.y ... &lid U.proloap- -' tloo et aJ., Dele-case actloll entttled Ct(J of Newport an tiDe, to wtt, aloll( ~ Newport Bar &lid Ctlll>; tbollceEutetiJaloll(llld tloo lo tilt potDt ol ....,.,,~ EXCEPT the --IJ II>. ia&a6 ot the SIC)Ol"~ Court Beach, PlatDtltt, ••• c. Culp, -· at tilt talorsectloa ...... tbo llatD c-ot N-rtr lloo .. .._ Yldlt SECTIOIC a. Br tbo-- 60.00 feet thereof. of tbe state of CaUioroJa.ina.Dd aod others, DefeadaMs, Cue ol tbe mean bieb tide line oltbe Nnport Bay to Newport Club to Bayalde Drlfl; tbeoce of lhll ordLDuce 1t IJU.liiUD- ALSO EXCEPTtberetromtbe tJr tiM Count)' ofOranp acer-No. 33703 in tbe S.~rlor Court Paclftc Ocean ud tbe South-Cbanael; tbeaee inaNort!nrtJt... Nortberly aJoGc Bly8de Dme ~ ot tbl CU::J Ca.cU a.t tbe foUowt.og: CommtDCiDC at a Ufled copy of saJd kr~ beiDg of the State of CalllorDla, lD&Dd westerly proloopUoa of S2Dd ertr 41rtetioD alooe Nnpart to Et Pueo DrlYe; tbeDce diltrlct aumbers a.! honndl- potal ot talenectloo o1 1110 O<• r-od to Book zot PaiOZ53, tor the Cowlt}' o!Orall(e, &C4!'· street; tlltoce Nortlleasterly C-1 &lid aloll( Will Lido N..-IJ aloll( El ~ riM u 101 lortb borala 1!11111 diaary hlgb Ude lllleoftbiPacl-. OUk:lal Records 1.11 tbe omce tlfted cop)' of wblcb Decr•wu &Dd Euterly &SoAc 3bd !arlit CbUDel to Via Lldo; tbeDee Drtre ud U.C Ml",.,r ~1ft replace ud ~IJidt allprlar nc Oceaa Ia Newport Boaebud ot tilt c_, Recorder ot saJd recorded Uareb 11, 1m Ia &lid VIa Lido to tbo Well Lido We-ly aloll( VIa Lido &lid lo Eut <411 Hl..,...r; -dlllrlet oombt<a &lid -- destgnaled "Soatb Llao " u Orall(e Cow>IJ' wltb tbo Eut-Book 817 PalO 50, Oatelal Re-Cboaoot; tbtDCe Ia a-~~-aloll( ilbd street to tbo po1a1 W-IJ alooc Eall Ccut riM UO<IpaliJ _,_.., descrlbtd 10 PareetDCI(nOcroo orly u.. of 1~ rlllll olnr of -ola; theoceN«<l>l7' Of West eriJ cllroetloo alooc tbo West ot btclmdal. HI....., lo tile polal of -10011 lli<oocll 1011 of 1a ctloo l!lllltlod "Cit)' of 1110 -Pulllc o •• ~. 441.04 teet aJoorlbe ---Lido C-~ lbe Nnpori bop•lll(, tl!o cur C-ud aa-aa a ,• --. orly t1Do o1 llld -to tba Cboaool &lid tbo llatD Cboaool SECTI()N 4. Tbo Foartll Dla-SECTJlN a, Tilt S1111! Ilia-_.u, -ad 117 -·-· ~=l = ~=~ ::"!'..tn:::.;=~~.: Eutorlyt!Dooftborlllllolftl' of Nowport 8&1 to tbo eelllor trlet ... Uiaell!deaDUlatpo<· trlet Dlllael*aDJIIOIPD<· SECTION t, Tlda -·- Assoelatloo, etat, -·a'' lo-Alia ud Nnpo<t RaU. ol lbe Soutbtrn I'IA:Uie RaU-lloo ol lbe Barbo<, oatraaee; tloo of lbe Clll' lael-wlll!lD lklo! of tbo Cit)' locl!!dod IIIWa 1!11111 lit pobllaad -ill lllo Cue No 236M ol tbt s.an« ..., ~IIY r.-dod Uareb road, u llld rtpl ot nr Ia tbaDCo -IJ &loll( lllo COli· tbo lbllcnrlac dooerlbod--lllo lbUowll( ------oltl!o cur, • • deSerlbod Ia • dood-J&mH tor lloo ot lllo Harbor -. ..., U.., to ..u, ..., liDo, lo wU: ud lllo -!!Mil ... - Court o1 the Stato oiCalllbnll, II, !He Ia Book 11 Pa10 S99 M F-to Soala Alia &lid 1o tbo _, 1!1 .. Udo 11oo ot BoaiMIIIC at tilt lalorooetloo ..._.•Ill( at tl!o --10 ara -111o -ot 11a Ia aad lbr tbt C0!0!17of~ of Doecla R-ola of llld e 0 .,. o1 1rY1ae A ud W WI -... a certttlld cop)'atlliddlerM 0rup Co.tr· ud r....anr tftwpQrtRailW'I.fCOIDIIIIIJ,rl. U.Pac14c0c-.o;U..:tWHt-l'tll111 elte otl&ltc..tft&P'n.JIIIdlam· •let"*'" btJor -IOI -trll' U" Well, eordod llueb II, !He Ia Book erly aloll( lbe -bliP! Udo Drln; -· --IJ --; -· llollllirlr 'Na--WUlllr- Pqo Js-O::~a~"' ~ .. =-1110 _., u.aot llld 11 ..... m otDooda,btlll(-u.. to 1110 po~a~ ot '"" .. "' alooC WooleWI 0.1,. to q,. a1ooc ~-.. Jaod toEUI-••Hfllar •11 uocti•CIIr EXIOBIT"A"tllo olllet ot lllo ~ Ro-rtc~~~otwar UIStloollotllt tba E ... IJ UaooflbeSiato SECTIOIII. Tbt-Dia-porNnport8&1;---~-llolkiJ"-Iltlll!oCIIJotllo-1 ~-' ' JlliP!n1-.uNnpon-trlet ollllllael*aD tllalpo<· orly alooi ~ Nnpon 8&1 aloll(laall>l!!lfDrtralol--btld • .. !Ia doJ tl CIIJ Cla<k PARCIL H. latboC-,of eordor ol aid C..,..-,. -polal ot bo""""' of tbt -d· lllooeoNortlll7•11,11., lklo! ot ll!oCII)'Iael!!dod-IDI!o<:lillo!'Drln·--.....,·-lloiiMIIorlr 11q 1 ... 18!1WU t+ I 1,. ~ Pnl(>ortr loplly des-wltb lilt -11 11M t1 t11o -l'l' olll!o lui l!trala do--• _ ......... ~ Drtrolo roo -. _ '-'-' • • 1 c:r-la&tta<btd&Dd lll&doa rlclll of..., ot 111o ~ oc$ad; -_, ... -Eul 'IOAIIHtaloii(-Eu-tl!o lbllowllldncrll>od-v-J aloll( ll!ofiGI .. cootl-ll!o-doJafllaJ,l-.l!JII!o ~. ~--..... • • .. tell' lloololllo_W_IJ arrUOO,IDwlt: ••-Drift; ----Drtroto---. ..... to wit: ,.rtlllor-. ·-Uic 1lal-.t. U-·--17 •• II ..... aloll( llld tllllo ---Ia ~ &IIIIo-_., ........ Drtro ...... -..... ., .... ,.OOIIICIUIIII·Mchll PARCBL 1: Tbolportioo ot of..., Ia -lbod ill a-lallorlr 11M 11.1S loollolllo =I ill -loGoori'D. ot tl!o-l!lji!Udeltaoofll!o 18!1 11a pro~oo1111oe 1o IlK·-a..i...n to 11!o ea-Por•ll iw...li; -11. TOnalllp a-. -~-Mer_ to_ ---of 111o -Boe-,lla.,•-,...llorc• -o.-ud 111o --Allllor ~ ud 111o ..,..., 1 ., """ u Y•• ., ...,.:; ~· lll"!"lOW'~.:'IMSuBar-Aaal8dll..,por1RallftrC.. oa..yodlo-C.1'11!n-•11 111711 __ ._.,.., -1Jpmtn11_.,_ eo to 111o 11 111o Cllr 11 ,__,_1 • • 11011. 1 , - w. llor •••• , IIIU.Cttrot -·•-dod llorct! II,IMI liar(_.., 117-r-otBctat -do!--.. ~ ........ _., 11~-.--_., llollraA....:t ..... 4.aT OOWI'IMIII:-·=·~-~~=~" :--~-.... o:'.:c~ ...,..., "11•,1~:: --~ t7"CI'IWIII.7'7Ioolllollll!o '' "l'l' alll!oCIIrtlll"'· oriJ lloll...,...-fiGIO II'" It...., A , ---• -• '" ., •-,. ..... .,_.., .... -.-... -I!U'dtoca-orm;--1 r • J 11o11 ...,. ·-· ... , 'oc __ ,,.., ... _., ... ~-._ t " • Ill • a ,. ., ·-eo s s &£ -I-b II .. (IQZilotlo-11"-.·-•,_lrortl_,__,_, __ eoto-loll!ollld .. .,_ • ., ..,._., •ns&! __ •• ...., ___ nAootA,,_,, ze a -.-'":""--.' .,.., ... ., -._ ..... --'f:::!t Drift; -EtAs • 11 C: 11•2 1o .. -.._ '-' ~ 1&1 z r ., ....... _.-_., • .. ~-.... --£'11111~"!'· !£1:1' -. "• '!.. ~ ... __ ... --~~· w -11U1 "" 1ao ., .. Cllrtl a1ooc ca •• -1o ...._ .. ., ... -Cloli&&l CIIJ cton ... , I -.-arsz •£ n •• .. -; IHttoll!opollltl..., ts-It 214•11£ •--lleol;-l&llwl Jr--.-lrlloll.,_ l:{~;? ='t:~!:~!.Z.':."': =.!:.!*.~'~.:.3 ~·:.:=•.:.::•.._::o.=o .. ' .. ".:~r:: ~~:::o.-::'t:z"::...:-.. r:.:a:-r-a~..:: ~·;o·s=~~ .• I !:WORT HARIOR EIISICJI 5£00110 S£CTIOII - -P ... 5 TMUIIOAY, JUIIU.- CAli F. MOW AT 11M llt:WPOJtT 81. VD. OO&TA liEU -··-313 MLTZ M.OR1VARIES 1741 -11101 AYf.. COSTA IIISA lllcfw•r .. 2•2• •• I. CO.-tT NfWA Y COIOIIA DIL liAR ORiole J-44!10 I61Ct 1942 Ynu ue cordially invited to an end Church Scrv1CU and to use the ·Readina Room. .. ..... :: 'II "" Fi nqil s ; t 9 "'i DU ...... ..._.. ... s,•rtiW .... A FrH atil , .. ,..4 .. 1 CllfiiNI.,._t/1 Otl•ll• Chrd ,.. ...... _ .............. . .. .., Somco _. o-r<* lldrool •• 10:00 .... COMPLETE FUNERALS ,_•245 COMPLITI FUNEUL AND IUliAL CENTER 211 ...... 1..6177 CDIE'IElY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPn From $465 MUI6·:r iltmnrial Park 'Y"•-£e11tetea y "&w,tlaU., iA ON Betmtifal PIGce" Bec11 II tbt faDall and bariaJ O'ftla ~ elms hi die ae.:d for promsioas ..... bePJiaffic 011 cmraowded hipways, family and friaads a1ilce may .DOW pay their fall re- tpeds llf .,_."'8 die barial senice. IS well IS tile chfd IUtb, all It oat J:autiful pUce, It Jal CIDit ... 11101e' CDDftlliera, 1•1 -,_.IIACII a-. 11WPirDS1niW••amtata 7'14,... WG'I n• 1-1121 I BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del War Phone &n·733b SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPE~ TIJF.SOAY Til ROUGH SATIJRDA'i REM ODE LIN G and AOO ITIONS C fR££ PL. AM U RVICE C "I:E£ ESTIMA TES '-lllf .. c-1 ---c-............ ............... c •• FOil ALL OCCASiONS DtM.I T..6 • NIA.IIG AIDS HAL AEIISOIER ~!. "-1'1 ... 'Aoiu.- MltLO...MWr• r._ ...... ~ • Sv4N _,_ H..,._,_,. .. ,, ... ,.,...JIU •. C.... II-.. c.-... """· c.MI--(1J4) 111-7111 ... ~, 1-1-I : ofCalifonoi<l ...,_A.BoM.f a.ur.l A,_, ............. Aim Rtp-1 "IC TlUli!AJIEIUCA LifE 6 AIOilJrrY <XliiP.t.K'l AJID TIIAMWIEIUCA lltrr11AL FUIIIJS CALL US FOR QUOTES ON: ' ·l>dl.-1-·-11-eo. ..... • Jotlll-LUt a&artpp ~· • tJaiQit CM-ot-lblae A••dttel •or-.6-P-..c AT YOUR ORANGE COAST Y.M .C.A. ~~ REUDSJl t it --........... -.. 1 ................ , ....... :...,...._..._.._ ..... _ ......... -.. .............. .._ ............... ........ .................... ,__., .. ... o COSTA MESA 549-3361 o ORAHGE • AMAH Ellol 639-2441 126-0381 • HUHTIHGTON BEAOI U2·1451 MC ........... C:TC ao • .ONS CTC: • P.m. RIICJ CleaniiMJ Worb CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL.TO -WALL CARPETING a;r:;l& QJ'-----·-·---IINW"'!,_ WIIICO'JOGII Ill_,. ....... .. ;{.]' 1 ......... ..... c-..., ...... -· --• I'LUIIIIMG A. R. IIAitSAC llAIIOa I'AIIIT I'U.'Mlll:R 7••i lMRMi•• A~ I. 'IALLPAI'II ' t'!•fltna .HI Uar Pltl8rootll -Dlltdl 1107 P.WS•a.ltlllhlo ~~-.. ~~ ........ 1,_ i>ATTEMS DAY A MKIIf OF IIIILLPAI'ER WATI!a HtiA'RU .,. ... ~ ..... 61).4 .. o. ...... c.Mlrr1_ ....... ___ . .., ..... ..... ....... .w. 3.119 E. COAST HWY. CORONA OB. MAR MABERRY 'S Shoe Repa" Purse and L~ge Repllu -Ove Work SloH Sl......S ONE DAY SEftVICE 111!0 Harbor (Uvd. Co•••...._-w: ~JJn ------- , ... .r Rl!rAIR$ •4 5ERVICE E.., ........ •IIII Kintl a •• -on -A.tJ .. t Dallw., Serwtc:e A••Ue ble $EW lEE IT RIOI'I'E 1'112 £. COAST Bf'Y • OORON A DEL MA1t t.,., ... r. 675-6564 (AeNet hoa The c,..,.,) ~ t NEWOifTHAR80R Ul~ lliURSOAY, JUNE 5 •• -r From the -~~O~IE~CD~Oft~-=-~,..,~, ==~CO~I!O="A~OE~L=IIA~R,~CA~+•f. • i2~"~:.c.-•:•:,~::'f"::,hda (Coatina"' rrom P•a• ~ 11 111 1~ .,... lllllr _,..1110 "* er*'-lui IIIII(. ,..._. .. a .,, ...... •••*",..... ....... ....., .dedt; ••• aawr. ,.., . ...._ ...... .,11ft!Ndtllaft4-. •· • •• , ....... oardil J. WALTER THOMPSON --·•r•~P~D~-1111-., _.,._ 11o111aa .---.,~~c ... -nuo"-*-~or. v e. 'IU-1/* -'\111,'--aa-aii!POOoF,II,-Pia---·--lotiM .. IIarta.aDr~IUiolllooor .l .... C... ... -, , , 5 aalll ........ "-Olllltla Ate., WMt """" r._louc&n., JaClrute Dr., .., WMtcJur., dll c:v llld tiiM ••-r-... U. to -· . , • -1 ~, -11J 1tr1e LoN. An., N-' -~ IJullodl clrlnt MUCf Vaa Doo Brlllt, - -ol lU eu ftiCil II .. --'i.!h ·.;,;.~iN ·~Y, APIIU.IS cncDd 9t.ld0wl lD tb1 aut 1 lhS S.ott•p Dr-. Doftr w1ll--NID ·~~ ID :rt~JU, -.. C"eolll....li;-Flr.aa -~~~-""!'... -.. .DIIIoooarllllorKft, BllorN. aad-....... , WldU Will tao 1Jn1oo --UiorwocllllorftlloUJo.. pori811oro-~MOOW.C4ul •THURSDAY 11Url5 -ldaihltor..... . .. =~to ::t .. Ud puda Mmla•ked carcUae tfWJ"! Wilt Newport, oal1 tbe PblUp Attiao, II, ot 460S • P'RID4Y, MAT U --.. toaCOolllll-...,... motel llod a--~ 11 BN111Dr1 Dr., W1ot "-'-llaU, ... .....,. a $110 e~~oc-. • l"lllll.l Y, AP1UL II Ybo YU YIJIIIac CMILido lllo.,. ...,, ••• OoiJ 19 ,.,1 1111111 tbo YU arrollod 00 tbo ellarp o1 1Ju -111Joa from !Ill .\cltlnii0-111-..--orr Ulon!YIIIlalblowoool I • 41hoiJ11J,botoo--lilt o1 c~uprou <1np ..... l"oo; -11u-~ loa-loallrullli·IIJIIIOpoplpo-._lalolll-AIRIIAII Erie L.May, 1011ol wall,anduploclodlllroeraetar Cbrl....,....llorpo,l!.oliOhlld loll, aad--tel 111111 St.. c.tra1 NfWportjJOiaD st., WqtNnport. bomtatGary Mr. ud Mra. H.arJ C. May 1D tbl ""'flboa at 4901 Nllltme Adl.ma st., Apt, 10, 811101, VOW. laid JCnqO; Smith, w.,_ -OCI tbo --11-. ol I -111aa11, llu com, AYo., Wool Newport, llreatiA(U wu arr-at tbo Loo AJ>. lOIS W-d Laoo, B&Jeroot. -· and ar-pol oat • SATURDAY, APRIL 21 pllloel llule tra1D1Dc II Llet.. lato plaeu, IOid Jay Blrlllllp ploa llbtrlll'l e-.J )01~ <Ml ••• ._.. Gllla ..... , II, o1 tbollrt ••• A earbarttor baet, Flrom1n ,_ Yllor lopuloal laDd AFB Tozu, aad 11u-• • • .Tbo .,..._-toot u a fallur1toappoar warrant ... 11011 A•bo!m st. e.G~~­ an but"Dtd $50 wortb ot wtr .. tbe .are to tbt ana ot tbl Door aatpecl io CbaiUe AFB; m., dftlopt wttll. Slle.'ll from the Jamea JobDioa, u, r:A HfKDDI: 111Pn*b1Ac a ~ 110p IIIJ lo tbo 11JC1oo ~~~~~ tur•eo II tbor-ooiWal-lor traiDIDc In tbe alrcrllt Humble 011 IU-116400 st., Colli Mol&, wu arr-llp 11 0 blp rata or JPMCI, -· llro pol U 0011; U1o ear lar Gllltln, 419 Slpal Rood, -mHt malnle"""'e !!old. W. Cout Hwy., Wool Newport, 00 tbe eharp ollbopllltlnr 11 pol 00 bl.l bnllll -........ 'wu OWDid by Htlea Btldpa CUff Ha•tni 10me QltbeJtruct. ------------bad to know it wu tbere,poUce tbe Brwtway, Fullkm q... lA a ctrclt, tbU aceellnted aad U1o llrl wu _,.horcomo, oral lumber wu eharrod and L!GAL MOTICE beU .. e, beeaUH tbeeullwuln laDd ••• Brldpt AIYar-,19, npldl1 1o 45 mlloa per boar In 1117 W. Balboa Btrd., CeotraJ rc-1:u were set at $500. • • --a small envelope amooa: many of Ul.l/Z SOtb St., Welt New-a H IODt, 1IIIW tbe blc red Nnport. • DtDD11 PMk. addreu \ll1kDo1nl, p.ssuz otber eonlopes In a larp port, wu arrested oo a war-UPt lathMDctd him to 111op at • SATURDAY, APRlL 19 saw amote comln&' from houses CERTiflCATE OF BUSINESS manila folder at tbe bottom of rant tor cblld oel)ect , •• Cnwtu St lDd 8a1baa Bh'd A oeeclltu ea.llftl made to at 220 Sbd St., West Newport; FlctWous Firm Name a desk drawer ••• Earl Mas-Peter Tenortb., zz, ot lZlS Balboa, , •• 111 wu.arre-.4 1U0 TUIU.a Aft., Wtat ~ be pulled buraiDc truh out ud Tbe UDderslCJl8d do hereby ten, 1009 E, Balboa Btvd., W, 8a1bo1. BlYd., Apt. 6, 8&1-for di'IT1q laDder tbe t.arlutbce BI.J, wbtre ftrem.o bad bHD tbrtw a buetet of water on it; certlf)' tbat tbey are conduct1n1 Balbo&, wa.s taten to Hoe. rHos-boa, was arrested ontbecbar,e of ltltolle&Dta • , , JobD KiDc. *t>kt U..rt was smoke 1D the ftremtn aniTed a.ad completed a poeral partnership for tile pttal by frleDclsalter be crashed of possession of mariju&aa .•• z.s, of 211 veraoo PLace, lr- bout; the occl.l)l.lli llJd abe exttn(Ulabment; smoke ftS purpose of holdlng securities ln b1a motorcycle turnln& at B St. A $40 1lre ·exUncu1Bher was YLDI, wu picked '4t at S:l5 -.:1 DOt called.. . , A 7'5-Jeat-from burniD& tar paper ••• nomtDH oame at P.O. BoJ1608, • TUESDAY, MAY 13 stolen from Westview Apart-a.m. at Ap.te Al't, aDdS. Bay old m&n from cameo Sbores Firemen dlscoDDeeted a dish-Westcwr at DoYer street, City Slnce Roger Rawley, 58, of ments, '737 Amtcos Way, Eut Froot, 8&lboa lll&Dd, &Dd ar-aurr.r~ a beal1attack;ftremto nsher at 2451 Bayahore Dr., of Newport Beach, County of 379 La Perle · Place, Costa Bluff, someUme betWeen Yay IS rested oo u out .. MJne tn.t- ldmlot•red ~reo Wlt1l he Bay Shores, Ud advllled the Oranp, Sta.l.e of calltorala, Wl-Mesa. could not more withOUt and 15 ••• Lou EbJ. 1 ?Sl Bed-flc warrut ••. Rlebard 8etfJ- ,.. ta.tn to tbtbo.Pltalby&m-ma.ld to call a repairma.o as an der tbe a.ctttious flrm Dame or stumbllng and pollee bad to bold ford Lane, Apt. E, Westcutr, nwa, otzU-1/ZCtdarst,,Mtw- bduce ••. A a.re nsreported electric wire wa.s arcln& lD the designation which does not show him c.o keep h.lm from falllng. said that for th .. secood tlme, 6 port Sborn, lDYolYtd ln a tnt ... IM'aiac at tbe base oft power d1sbwaa:ber. • ·A booster UDe the true name or names o1 the tlley booked blm on the charge sprinkler h••"s bad been stolen flc accldeat at W, Balboa BlVd. pole oa theOceu Fl'oat behrHD. YU used to pl& out a ft.re lD the persons Interested 1D said bust-of drunk 1n auto at 11 p.ro . a! from his yard . . . , Fred ud 4Mb st., West.Nnport, na Jttb St. ud SOtb St., West New-eoeiDI co mpu1ment ot a Ford oess, to-wit: PORTCO and that MacArthur Blvd., a.od E. Bollatsch, 223-1/2 Ruby An. arrested 011 tbe cbar .. of port; flremen were uoable to at 314 Marruertte Ave., Corona said firm ts composed o1 the coast Hwy., Corona. delMar ••• Balboa Isl&ncl, heard a noLle driYina UDCier lbe lnflutoce of ftnd: a flre... del Mar; damage was set at toiJowtnc persol(s), whose Terry Cubblns, 23, ot 111 43rd during the ntght; next motninc OII'OOtlca; tbt otbtt car puked • SUNDAY APRIL zo $250, · • Ft.remeD prOYlded .oaroe(s) and addreSII(es) are as St., West Newport, was booked be discovered tba1 a steel ten-and OWDed by DlYld Jeffers. Sbutotra:..Ubea.ter from Mrs. GZYceD fora 74-year-old woman follows: Perry Carter, 1507 on a fa.Jluretoappearwurant .. nls racket, -.·urth $40, a bucket 11511 'hALo AYt., Costa Mesa. Valerie Nortoo. 428 Goldenrod at cwr HaYea because of a N. Rocue Street, Placentia, Ca-Durtnc the ni(tlt a wtnOOw was seat, worth $50, and tbe rear suffered over $200 damacn ••• ATt.,CoroD& del War,wben the ~SoiiUNDCOOdWAY APOO.RlL 27 lllornia; Jack W. Beotoo, 501 broken in her Chevrolet, re-tail ligbb had been tabD from Dooald Culsoa,'ZZ, of llS W. beater would act stop heaUn&; • TustiD Annue, Newport Beach, ported Patricia Bone, 6005-1 /2 his Flat ..• Theprleeolora.nps Balboa BlYd., Balboa, wu ara · Firemen admlnisteredozygen Ca.Worllla; W. A. Scbmidt, 440 Seashor e Dr., West Newport ••• seem!' :ilgtl to a lot of people, rested on the cbarce of pos- atter the thermostat wuturDid to a West Newport woman who Oak Street, Laguna. Beach, Cali-Her panther gold $&0 blke wa.s but not to a' vandal who bas sessloD of da.D.(WOUI drup , •• ott. • · Tbe Dear Leap, 7Z foot was possibly suffering from a tornta. stolen, reported Mrs. Eugene thrown them lvr the put several CUol WaltoD. 24, ot 81! W. motor yacht, skippered by Ed-beart attack. umtlanambulance WITNESS our bands this22od Charles, 41 9 Norl.b Star La.De, weeks at a white El Cam1Do Balbo& BlTd., wu arrested on ward Hanson, 1934 Cootioental a.rrtved. •.. Adminlstered OKJ-day of May, 1969, Dover Shores ... Even thOUgh owned by Carol McGaugtl, ZS%7 the cbarce of lnto:dcated 1D AYe .. Co~ Mesa.. had a faulty gen to another heart attack Yic-Perry Carter it had a flat tire, a $50 bike Aralia., East Bluff ..• Some public (drup) ••• Wlcba.el u.tlaust system that started a tim, at Palisades Rd. and Mac-Jack M. Benton was stolen from his garage, (irls told R ... y Hanes,lWB&y-Decesare, 19, ot 416-1/2 E. $Z,500 flre; the fire bm'ned the Arthur Blvd., Back Bay . W. A. Schmidt sta.ted Michael Wedeneyer, 603 side Dr .. l orona del Uar, that Bay An., Baltw., wu arres- wood around theuhaustsystem • MONDAY APRlL 28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) Beconta Ave., Corona del Mar. they ha..; ;;een boys throw rocks ted at SZDd st. and BalboaBIYd. trom the enctne room~ throu(tl A ftre ~used by a. cigarette COUNTY OF ORANGE ) the galley lato tbe onrhead; .... -... an' area ol 2 teet M so' ss • WEDNESDAY MAY 14 from tile Bay•;iJie Dr. and on Cball' of drunk lDpubUc. uw .. , On this 22nd day of May, • Goldenrod Ave, l.ll'lll(t and tbtn Skipper Hanson bad used sever-feet in a vacant lot a.t 1151 San-A.D. 1969, before me, tbe Un-Joseph Polito, 111 39th St., run· Mr Hanes bu a cracbd LEGAL NOTICE al utiDIUishers on tht fire tiago Dr., Do'ler Sbores, before dersiped a. Notary Publlc ln West Newport, was lastalllng wmdstue'ld he'd bt (Lad to sbow wrute enteri.Dg the harbor; ln tiremeo arrived to put It out.,. and for ~ld Couoty a.od State a TV cable in the rear yard ttl bo 1o with $l50 CERTiflCATE OF BUSINESS the barOOr, be shut down power Firemen shut ott water to a resl.d..ln& therein duly commts~ of 2407 Holly Lane, Newport : ysota bl~l t!a in(~ nCT1TIOts FIRM NAME we're not But then maybe you·re not IBM. Maybe you're juat a growing company who appreciate• the value of edvertlllng. and you could u" e conaultent. That' a where we come ln. We give long, sincere thought to your marketing problema. and we come up with and produce attention-getting advertising and publicity. Let's talk about how it can work for your company. Dial: (714) 842·78110 ARTHUR COOPER / Advertising' 2043 Weatcllff Drive, Suite 200 Newport Beech, Cahfomla 92660 ,',· ...... "A c0t1.ultlflg and productiCHT ••rvlce with adv•rtlalng •g•ncy ~ognlllon. Anniversary : 48 SINCE 1921 .•• Your 9enerous pttrona9e and conf'i· dence in our dealership hts made u$ proud to be a part of Orange County end it's phenominal 9rowth. Thanks to our countless friend $ for • Wonderfal 48 years. Theodore: Robin~. Sr. WE 'VE PULLED THE STOPS FOR JUMEI SUPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YOU TURN •.. VALU- ABLE PRIZES FOR THE GROWN,UPS ... KEEN STUFF FOR THE Kll>l • • • IT'S OUR BIGGEST, SAV!N'EST BIRTHDAY PARTY IN ALIIOOT HALF A CENTURY OF DOING BUSINESS IN THE HARBOR AREAl ....• COME IN, AND HELP US CELEBRATE! WIN! FREE USE OF A DELUXE CAMPER FOR ONE WEEK and a tw'bor department boat leaking water heater at 216 Apo-slooed aDd sworn, persooally Heights, when be wa.s bitten by :ur:m~5 miD~~ I.D ~ book P.3MZS took tbe Otar Leap In towwhlle lena Ave ., Balboa lslaod .•• appeared Perry Cuter, Jack a small dog on a sllcliD.g rack at Corona del War Hl&b THE UNDERSIGNED . does DIAGNOSTIC CHICKS Z tlre boats came alongside; A r escue call was ma dto to a M, Benton and w. A. Schmidt leash ..• G. Lee, 1Z16 W, school cost Sara.b Ericksoll. hereby ctrtlty that bt 1s coo-Rep.ter to wiD a complete cheek of your car'J coo- Harbor department firemen young woman from S.lOO..t • .,ur ... known to me to be theperson(s) Balboa Blvd., Apt. 4B, Bi.lboa, ducUDe u auto dttall bualDiss d1t:lem Ill Southern Cal1ilna1a's Grst Fotd Olapatlc chopped into woodwork around ferlng from an overdose of wbose name(s) are subscribed reported the theft of black LEGAL MOT1CE at 2059 Newport BlYd., Costa Ceoter. Over 130 electroalc tests for sattty, rel.lablllty the stack aDd llSed 1-1/2 loch trauquillzed pUis. to the wtttun Instrument and Yinyl side curtalDs worth $35 Mea under tbl flclUoUI flrm aDd performaDCe, Drive th1a Yacatlon wttbout worry. liDe to figflt 1lre; the yacht wu • WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 asknowled&ed to me that' they fro m a Triumph • · • Lynda NOTICE OF HEARING name of Roy'• AutoOttail aDd: Ten Chtcka Te le Givlft frHI towed to Its dock at Balboa "It's so nlc~ to han a 1lre-euc.uted the same Cerry, Z668 RedlandsDr.,Cos-uat saldflrmlsoompoHdoftbe 1-----------.--------...... -~ Bl.y Club, where flremea from mao about lbe bouse" could be WITNESS my hand aDd otncla.l ta Mesa, wu drlrtng oa Jam-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN follow1Dc PVIOD WboH Dl.me DRIVE A NEW 1969 Eq1De 2 checked to make sure SUDi by Mrs Bert Esplau, 415 seal. boree Rd. at 2;50 p.m." wbea a that ooMooday,JuneZS,1969,at LD MI a.Dd pLace of reaiduee £MGL1$H FORDI a.u wu out. Ills An., CorOlla del Mar, af-(SEAL) rock wu tbronatbucarfi'Om tbt bout of 7:30 p.m., lA ut u IDUIPI'a, tcJ-wtt: 1-.1•"• Me. 1 Seller • MONDAY, APRIL Zl ter her dlsbwaa:ber overflowed Henrietta R Slade a CU iD which S boys were the CoaacU Chambers of tbe Roy E. Bltkmon, • l SteYenMurpbyofAltadena ns aDd splo..d water on tbe floor; Notary Publl~ in a.nd for driTlng; damage was Itt at $50 City Hall ol tbe City of Newport usz BcmkU Pl., AMERICAS MO. _,..,.,.,, to N ......... rt ftremen ftremen disconoeeted the water Sald Co ty and stat ... Jane Ferree told pollee a Beach, located at S300 West Costa Mea.. Calif. IMPORT BUYI p-.-..... ~~-un e. $ZS Newport BouleYard. Newport T' when they put out the flre inhls and helped mop !C) ••• Firemen My Commisslon E~pires blke bad been stolen from Sea Or C Call WITNESS my band this Z?th CUSTOMS • G s car at the parking kK at Palm tore open a mattress a.t 1506-VZ April 25, 1973. her unJocked garage at 2117 to ch, the aa~ty =U wni day of Yay, 1969, • ST • TIOM W.t.GOMS • St. and Ocean Front, Balboa, .. Larkspur Ave.,CorooadeiMa.r, Publlsb: May 29, June 5, lZ, E. 0c81Ul BIYd., Balboll • • • · rnla, Roy E. Blactmon AIIGE SfLECTIOM 0' A water line on ber dishwasher to extinguish a ftre. DorlsDal-19 1969 1n the Newport Harbor John Fraoclscus, 1607WUW"lck bold a p~b~~ ~~ ~~ STATE OF CAlJFORNIA ) AUTOMATIC 4MD 4 S,. EEDS broke, fiooding the kitchen, aDd ton had r emoved the burning E~stgn. ' Lane, Harbor Higlllands, ~ .. ?~u0 ermnl......,. wand~ COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss CALL: HEW "68'SI F ~, W 1038 Gold od uoo p...., c conn alee ne-ON TillS •-.. ......, ol ~,. r....... agner, eor mattress from her apartment.. tty ut.r tbat "'w ~a, -,, Ave., Harbor VIew Hills, called Fire was coming from a mal-LEGAL toiOTICE LEGAL HOTICE cess req e pro.. 19159 before me a NotarJ 1lremen, wbo shut the water ott functioning ga.s vatveiDtheonn ceedlngs be commenced to coD-Publlc lD a.Dd ax 'Aid coWJty Llool!t,. """'It" .. Final PrlcHI ORAHGE OHLY AUTHORIZED OEAL!R! Larg• 1,.., .... ,. of H.w '69'• fer hn•Miot. 0.11-•ry. -Six onlr -New 1961' • How Slaeh..l f.r I•••• Cite CIHntnc.t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA truct certa.ln street improve-and ~''-, r-'M"•'~'eln, ~·•· aDd helped her remo"e the wa-at the borne of Mrs. Judy NOTICE INVITING B'n<' ~ ··-~• ._ '"'-Im _.., .,__...,...... .. ...., lLoQ me .. s pursow.n. w ww prOYe-commtsslootd a.Dd sworn, per. ter · Anshutz, 2501 Crestview Dr ·• SEALED BIDS will be received at the otftce of the City ment Act of1911, bein(DI'Iision -. .... n .. ,...._..,ed R-E. B!ae•, • TUESDAY, APRIL ZZ Bay Shores; t1remen turned ott N Bea C "' -•· -"1 10 30 A.M 7 1 th str ts and IU..., ~-""J • Clerk, City Hall, ewport ch, aLUoruw., u.....a : • o e ee ... wa.Js mnn 1I:Dowu to me tobtthe...,.r· Marian Olsen, 312 Catalina the gas s~ly andadt'fsel:t her to on the 16th day of June, 1969, at which Ume they wtll be Code of tbe State of CaWorn1a. --. - ANN IV SAYINGS Dr., Newport Heights, reported call the gas company, opened and rea.d, lor performing work as follows : (commenctnc with SecUoo 5000 lOll wbostnamtlasubscrlbed iD smelU.Dg smoke ln her home but AnetOS INVESTMENT JAMBOREE ROAD MEDIAN ~LAND WATER SERVICES thereof), wUbout compliaDce :.:s~ ~um;:• :t ac:; flremen could Uod 00 fire or WORKSHOP IN H.Y.C. CONTRACT NO. 1225 with the Speclal Auessmtot •- MUSTANGS I IIG FOlDS. TORINOS THUNDEli.IRDS I FORD TRUCKS! source of any smoke. · · AI s. L. (Roo) Harrod, account Bids must be submitted on the Propoml torm attacbed with J.nvestlgatioo_ Umltatloo and executed tbe same. Anderson, 5301 River Ave., ezecuttve wUh the Newport the cootract documents furni.shed by the Publlc Works Depart-Majority Protest Act of 1931, S::.TNF.SS myband&DdofDcial West Newport, attempted to Beacb office of Dean Witter & mem. The additional copy Dl the Proposal Form Is to be retaiDed said Improvements to eoutst Wary A Haapl. start his car • the engine caught Co., has returned from an lo-by the bidder for tus records. of the p&YiQ( of certaiD alltys Notazy Pli)Uc iD ud for said CHICK OUR PRICIS fOR auolll YOU 00 flre; he pushed the car out vestment workshop beida! Dean Each bid must be accompa.nled by cash, certifled check or in those areas of tbeCUytaon CGWQ a.Dd State of the prage ooto the street Wltter •s WallStreetoperaUons. Bidder's Bond, made payable to the City of Newport Bea.ch, as Newport Helgtts IDdl!alboa, MJ Comm~ eJP.ires Otc. and attempted WLSuccesstully Durlng the three-day work-for an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the amounl btd. saJd a.ssessmeut district to be 13 1971 to put out the nre wtth sand; shop, Mr, Harrod met and talked The tttle of the project and the words "SEALED BID" shall lmown as Assessmeot District Publlah." Mav 29 Juot 5 12 1lremen used dry powder ez-with analysts from the firm's be clearly marked on the outside of the eanq,e conta!DI.Dg the No 53 · ' ' • • tin~s~er ~~~ ~ out ~ ~ r esearch center , the flrm's bid. For' further lnforma.tioo, r e-~~:iiSU, lD the Newport Harbor a s er was wn floor brokers on lbe New York The Contract Documents that must be completed, uecuted, terence is hereby made toRe-__ ..,;_· ------- leaking gas; damage was set at Stock ExchaQae and American and returned. in the sealed bid are: solut1oa No. 698& wbereby tbe $25· Stock Exchange a.od important A. Proposa.J City Council declared llJilllen-Pll•• Ia '"'ON. • WEDNESDAY, APRfL 23 members of 'the lnYestment B. Designation of Subcontractors tioD to bold said bearlnc tar the W • S.Hcrt,.._r Ricky O'Shea, 2• of 468 62nd community. WbUeloNew York. c. Bidder's Bond ptapOse of determlDIDewbttblr St., Newport Shores, fell into be participated lD semiaars on D. Non.collusioo Ata.da.Ylt the Spec:la.IAssessmentlDTuti- they bay at noontime; he was lnvestlng and discussions on E. Statement of FlnaDctal Respon.slbWty pUon, Limitation and Uajorlty pullled out by observers and the economy's ~loota.Ddstock F. Technical Ablllty aDd E~petleoce References Protest Act of 1931 abou1d be was gtvea mouth to mouth re-market condiUoas. These documents stJa.ll be af!lzed with the signatures and appllcable to said ~Aa-=~:u:,~~~~~:'~~rl~: FIRE CAUSES INJURY titles of the persons signloe oa beball ot the bl~er. For Cor-sessment District No. 5S. Tbe Newport Wasb..Q.Iola.Uc, 3lZI A ciprette-caused flre was porations, the si&J]aturN of tbe President 01' VIce President location of tbe 1aDd and tbe Newport Blvd., West Newport, blamed for $500 da.ma,es to 308 and Secretary or Asslstant Secretary are required aDd the Cor-111ture of the work bllD( coa- ha.d ao OYer -heated dryer; Fire-Carnatloo An., Apt. IS, Corona ponte Seal Sball be affWid to all doewneotsrequtrtng signatures. sldered wltbla PI'OPOMd U- men removedsmolderingcloth-del Mar, aDd a badbeadache for In the case of a Putnerablp, tbe s1patureot at least one general sessment DtstrtctNo, 5Sareltt 1ng from the dryer and wet the MlBII Leslie Grtmn, who ran partner is required. forth 1D the "Prtllminl.rJ Re- clothiDc doWn. from her apartmtot 3, ~stairs, No bids will be accepted from a CoDtractol' who bas oot beeD pcr1 on Pr~ A..._.. ,.. .. .,.7 ..,.,. .... ,a• z loch psb tn her torebeld May m of the Business a.Dd Protesstoas• Code. The Contractor Hetcttts aDd Balboa AlltJ Pa-TENNl~ BASEBALL f;.;.;;;;;;;~~:i~;;;;;;..-1 durlnc t:be tlre aDd rtce1Ted a licensed 1n accordaoee wUb tbe proYisloosofCbapter 9, DiYlsioo Dtltrlct No. 5S (Nnpxt ...... Z3. sha.ll state b1s Uceue oumblr alldclau1flcatiof.llntbe Proposal. finC)'' dated AprU U,1M9,&Dd BEll. BROADWAY A coueh, whore tile !Ire Plans and Co-.:1 Doe-., lll<lllllna Special PrOYialool, lboYII on I -dollpllltd Elts WlbH a Dille, a Dnis a ~~~uon I!Ma,Jel MORTUARY startoel 11 IUO a.m., ....us, may be obtalned II Ulo Publle Woru lle!>&rtment, City Ball, blllll "A",IboYinetbo ~ J 10 Broc:.j draperies ud rue were da-Newport Bea.cb, Ca1Uoni&, at ao cost to llcensedcoatractors. A loc&Uon of tbl prapoMd lm- u .._ ..0--:'Y ma&od by tlamos and • .-In DOOsretundal>le ellarp or $2.00 will be required. lor 11eb sot o! -•moall and tbo -lobo '::=======N=-=~Ibe~r~•l~do<~"l<~o~oi~S~baroo~~lbo!nu~!!!!;~· Plans and Co-el ~-to albers. n ts roqaoattd u-ood topaytbo--tol, 1 Ula.t the Pl&na:IDISCoatnctDoc:umeDtlbtreturDedwtthiD 2 wteb wldcb u e oa flle 1D tb1 olf1CM CAJPfT I the bid oponlllc-of tbo City Cllrt aad Ulol'elle City 11u 14op1tc1 111o studord Spoellleallolll 1or l'li>Ue woru Dtr-. Ul'fiOI.SRif ClfA.If Worts Coaatruelloo (IM1 E4llloo and S"''>loln-) u properoel "-1 por-onllc or liiYial tbeSoutberoCalli>rlllaCIIIIptonoltboAnltrleanPui>Ue Worts aa ·-tot In rl&l PI-IJ • CUP!TS UsWHITIIIID • WATU & SIIIOitl DAMAGI IENOV!O o ORII!HT AL 847,1678 flORM8/t INSTRUCTOR. NATIONAL C/18/IIICAL CO. • "S~IIn c.,_, CI••Mt for 8•11•' c_,.,, .. ":;:;•::: =~Uio A--Go..U Coalr-loiAmarlea. YllldA tbo dlllrlel PI,..... 1o C ma.y be oth'W from 8l1ld1ac News, IDe., !055 OYerl&Dd bt &Mill I~ k art OOIIl cltUd Lo1 Anploe, CaUL 100M, (IU) 17MI11. ~--..., ll1o -lbe CIIJ 14opttd._ ... ,dSpoelal,.,._andSIIDdard CUJ Cltn, prior lo 1M limo ol -aro anllal>lo al lhl Publle WO<u -lor 1M _..., -COlt c1 $1#J per lilt. prattltJ or ab)lctl-totllll._ tbo rtclll 1o re)lc:l 0117 or Ill bldo aad lo -., ol aid Jlfll II .... 1a _..-. -ant-"""_., Ia aecarclaoco 1M~ ol Altlcla I, C1aPw I, --ol 1M ... I I .le- Pirl 1 ollbe C&1IJonla Lol!or ~ Oltc:-1 1?0 tl ~ 1M II Ill Ill ....... Uld- CUJ e-ll oliMJ C11J ol "-"' --...-tMJ -aad...,.., ,,,,. Ml ~ prmJI!oc ra1o ot ,.. --111 111o lac&lllr 1a olllll," 11111or otJoCn -Uio-klllo·lot .......... -................... -"" .. 11111!"1 ... -... of ........ .,,dc ............. I,. .................... ..... ......... ---··-llo.-. ...... ,... to--= .. -. •. eo-.e=e ea "*u" .. -c..u.o. ... , ll.ltll, A OIPJ'afiiMr•' 1W&IIfllllllll ................ 1 I I¢ I. .,._aCt •-·~~IIAM!e cltM CJtr Ct.ft. All ........ 1 t wtlllllllll ......... IS ,., ...... .. 1 I. M ., I "' I-I ·IIJ aD_.., ... laoOt'IP • ._C..III"IIIo-L.t.IIU IAGI'I, Cllr~lf ....... ... •••• .... • .,_.,._ .......... .., ....., .... ne.Oit s '~"' t 1 r$N). .. ncar ., •a• .... 111 --c.a-~ ..... -... crrTC#O-IUCI,<:.W1QQIA ,c; .• ~ .. U. .... . ......... ;;;;; ••• ;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ll ••••. J-.. , .. ~ ..!1;.~ -p ............. ..... "•"' .. Tillis lllls o Dol. 7,5e 2 liAs .... lh Dtly Tillis liAs DoL US Ills 2 UIMnlllm Mils Tillis !lllrts • US II IUS • SliMs .... Tillis lirll 0 0 US .. .... 2 Mllb IllS 1.-s SII06 _7.75 --Lts Mils Tillis Jlcbll • US II IUS Tillis DniMs • IUS • llts , , .. , 1 LIIIS .._IE -a .... fS ,us. _7 .. Tv-..... « ..... "ia ............. p .s. -tlliU be clo.ed 10aaJ •