HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignSOliE OF Till! PRE IIIEIT GDILSinlm C..O.dolllar ... Nnpcn -111P Seboola -lllo llln --pari Boocb-_ .. .., lllo ~~--~­C~ber of Coaameree, ud ben ueloltbe n.u.,,: froat row, loll 1D 1'11111. CbrU Rol>uG, ... twill --J II._ ... Coni II ... , all lnlm Newport lllrllo< JUcll; tcp row, ld to rl&flt, Saate Stub &ad Marly Moore fmD Hart>or llljll IIIII Bomlt -<ll C..O. dol llu lliP -L Tilt -will bt crowotd s-10 II tbe Commodore'• ball at tbe IJaJtq Bay Club. Tbl lWIDI -tel lbtlr llrlll btu1J -qoa., IIIII II eronod 111n MewportllooOh,Uloywtllr ... tocoa-. TbtJar• U-1/Z ... jlmlort at Harbor llljll Sebool. (EIIIII&O pbalo,) School tax • goang up At lbt board of oducatloll mootiD( TuoldaJ Diet<. tho 19511-10 buclcet ....... llnpcn- .... UD1l1ed School Di.ltrict wu ra1.s a1mo1t a m11UoD doU&rl, teaeber'l alarlel wwe n1Md 5.81 ud DOW tu- PQUI are cotnc to pt tbllr ra!M: Ao _t ..... bike .. .., at e mlnlmum or 23 ceob per 1100 U-sed ftloaUoo for eo.ta Mea aDd %7 ceotl for Newport Beach. Tbls wlll ra1le • the tun to $4..493 ))r Costa ..... IDd to$4.07171Dr llnpcn Beach. Tbt llaJ ZO -buclcel no $24,011,880. Tbrt J1101SreYIMIS prellmlillrJ bucl&et wu $Z5,01S,211, wttb a $991,4%1 ratM to tab cue of tbe salarJ Kbedo.le lmpi'Oiremeot aDd re.. lated -._ ~ Items -.. to ,10,000 includl:IC _, ua>lddlo-lt:d••prl:.,..llt lllat .... atrtldJ ...... -·~--..... -"' cMol llcolorlJ .. lbt .. _ .... . lorrii«J ..-.. Ia lllo Wtlll ...... l!oJ lu: bleD draft4ld Ar-. Foua.tDc recommea- cemmttteea of tbt 2 dllloDa 1o tM Z: city COUDCUJ Goo.l "' 111M -OOIIducttdbJ tbe lllter..elty relaUou com. ml'tMI t. to "determ!De a m...Uy-ool- to lbt eoollldiDr. COIIIr .. erslal IIIIi Ot'HiiiCIPlDIUDUIUOalft-- poall ntcb ,.,. straiDed relatlou betneo tbe clUes." Tbo replOt includes eulde- Uoes a lltabllsb1Ac more Jo. lfCIJ ..--city bowldlrles • •• -....... tel.., ... joiDI c:ommitteel foUowtDc a seriea: of ........ : ' • CITY DUMP SITE, bOI'th of 1911> St. IDd westerly of Wbllt1er Aft., DIU .tbe ar• wbere eo.ta Yea bopea: to es. tabllab aa 1D1ud marta& aloac tbe S&ata Ala R!Yer. Tbe com. mtttees recomiDHI:S u..t New· port Beach coulder the de·&n-- oezattoo of tbll tO-acre site TO EX after its 1\Rre use bas beeD ....u ..... Dump site ... bel been discoli1Dued. • WESTERLY BOUNDARlES. Tbe Committees recommald that the Ne'IFpOI't Beaeb t.r· ritory SOtthelsterly of tbe former dump site 1n tbe currently pro)ected Buecola subdiYI.a:loo sbould be de-an.- oexed by Newpol't Beach aad atmexed to Costa Mesa. A com- moo boundary linnJoocletbSI. ls througb aa- oe:a.tioos and westerly from the of Pomona AYe. and .. ~ ......... -.-.......... ...-... JOe COSTA MESA 'I • A b'IIMif Newport Beacb cUJ' olllcW bu crlticlud tbl r ... comm_..tioos u a "ctYe- awaJ" to Colla ...... wttb Wilt reelproco.l -to ~~­lleod>. He ~ 0011 lllat lbt ar• proposed b' de-&DDUa· tioa bJ Newport Bacb Mar tbe SaDta Aa Rtqr m1J be utdiD the -· .... aJul drUitoc .... oll .... u.e oceaJl t1deluds. THREE BEAU'J1ES were •llded Ia till Colla .... Fl8 Fry SllurdaJ. Vlc.l:! YoU, II, c-. !loll llllll Sebool aopbomore at left, wu -.med lllu eo.ta 11.-.. no-. Flory of rouotam VaJ.ley, ceoter, wuaamedWWM.-ma.ld. and Ja.yme Boyd of FOUDtain va..u., wu aa.med ,......_..,. ENSIGN GETS LEGAL BID Ave. to a poUlt westerly WOili'OVIa Ave., jol.niDg tbtpr ... . .. .. ~~t~~-~§~y§~~ the aloD( 15th st . Bl•d. to Tustin port HelgbS6 area 1a: also commeoded. the Ensign DIWIIIIPII' WU deslpated u the lopl- per of tbeCltyoiNewportBeacb bJ the CtiJ Couocll 11- etelliDg for the 5tb CC~U~Cutl .. JIIOZ. The EDSI&O IRi>mltltd the OQly bid 1>r the loplpubtic:atloo coo- tract -$1 per eoltDD LDcb. tJ&.s OD 9..pollll type. nil Is -lOll .. .,... .... the lopl rllt tor the curreatlloeol,.... • COUNTY CORRIDOR. The committees recommeod tbat tbt 2 clties reeogrdt.e Tu.sttn A,... Lo prlncJpSe as the fUture com- mon bouDdary 1f tbe Local ApDCy Formatioo Commissi.OD ~R~nwes Costa Mesa Bact BI.J No. 1 lliiiU ud dia:aJipro'res the Z Newport Belch lliDIII< pr""""'J' 1D that area. Tbe report was submitted bJ Vtce-Ma.yor UDdsley PariODI IJid Cow>dlman Robert Sheltooa tor Newport Beach and VIce- Mayor Robert WUsoaand COQO. .. ctlma.ra WUlardJordan tor Costa Mesa. C.C. to hold open house THE TROPHY ~..,.... of Mr. aad Yrs. Wener Bendt of 1195 BlsiD&I"d'Way, Costa Mesa, Is dilllli12AI Ia btr r.-..rd IDr sllt1or lXI btr motber • s lap for u hi:Mir lD tbe Juclctnc: at tbe Costa Mesa Flsb Fry baby coatest. SttpbaD.te wu named best tab)' 1n 1bt IS moolha to Z4 moolha caleP"J. Tbe COIItract CO'I'IH tbe p8. Ucatioa ol all pabllc DOtlces ., ... ciiJ. inc.....,all_ .. ordUaDcu. talls for tJida. PllDD1Dc Comml.ss1oD beU'iDp IJid CIIJ c.....,u ......... Dur1Dc tbe tz'1ef Moaday ..... ............ theCouocll .... toot the foUowill( adl.oll oa otber &pDda items; • ADOPTED OrdiDince 1303, lllcreuloc the permit fee lor special omcer s emp\oyfd by prlnte patrol serYices r:rorn 110 to $15. • ADOPTED OrdiDaDce 1101, seU1Dc a ree of $15 tor a .ud ll1lm&l pormU. CIIJ A-oe)" k TuUy Seymow sa.1d tbat tbl PaHon l·n JNiliOIIeoftbl ...... i.topro... Tbt Newport -Cbam-teet the peuc trom tliiDtl< ber of Commerce w111 bold tbe Uimall tblt a.rebelJtclqlarW DUt director•' .,..,.., 11 tb1 dies-~~ so '* u.. dtJ.O.utke"w" ----·lilt---u------.. -~ ...... imcf • L"' w-.. .. iVPs.r ~N---o .. .-~.-... W S ji , -....... ~-·.... lb'l • .-.-a. Ill '50,ot .......... dollcU bt met bJ L4u Asso. 51Z Seaward Rood, Coroal • RECEIVED ,_. lnlm the IDcreuiDc .-mtatn tu Instead of tbe r_egular ooat HlibliDis, died Jaoe 5, at COI"''Oa del Mar :bamber of Ot"trridel, witb lA lacr ..... of c h b I' meeliDc Ume, tbe c:UrectorsY1ll e>n.np CCMJty WeclcaJ ceoter. Commerce tor tbe clty"s a.uts- $5'71.149 lD flmdl; Uld badpt a'ly sets ar or po ICY COUVaDe at 4 p.m. this comt.ac taDce in the receot cleu-~ cub am<MIIIIIDc to$SZ6,1117. Tbt lloodaJ, Jome 16, In the -She ns born J..,. 12. 1918, alld btl.wtc:atloo drl•e alld l>r Boud .uu bu to llDd $SS7,000 , location, 2166 E. coast Hwy. 1n Vltltf.Dia. Rer tatber was tbe tbe data !beet eoelosed wttlltbl betbre tbe ba:1c-t 1a: adgptN. The N~ Betcll -City was 5 to 2. Vice-llaycw 1JDd-Following the meeting, open la.te Dr. Jobn WUllams, deata water bllls &iYiDC lAformattoo In addltloo to tbe s.dac.ross Couoell adoptad a re10lutloo sley Pusoas IDd CoaDcllmaa bouse wiU be bekl trom 5 to 7 of VPI PolytechDI.c lnstlrute, about the project the bou'd salary 1Dcreue Moo:la.J I"I!DIJaC CIIJPOiiDc the Paul Gruber Toted "DO." Mr. p.m. Refreshments l.Dd bors Vlrgi.Dia. She UYed iDCalUorDia • RECEIVEOa"letter from the ~ to tbe t-.ebers, tbty dluollltklo oftbiOruceCouaty PariODS urpd tbe CouDCU to d•oeuvres will be served. aod tbe COtiDtY for 3 years. Corona. cHI War Clamber u. Y1ll receJte added lDcometrom Harbor Dlltrlct aDd recom. ma1DUJ.o its pretioul AeUIHJ '"«O DECISION ON Sbe wu a cousin of tbe late pressiDc coocero abOut a recent tbe recular tnc:remeM 11teps, meadt.Dg ealarilDc tbt dt.trlct politioD and a1d tbUtbel'Otel'l General George Patton, and a awllcatioa lor a Uceusetocoo. amow:lli.Da to z.&~, tbus mak1DC ud lDcluiUDC put denqtmeat 1n tbe comtJ sbould bate 1.1. F1 RE STA noN'' Cf&.Dddaugbter of Genera.! Hllgh duct a mobile reta.J.l ales bali- a total of 8.61 1D add1Uooal wttb1D.lts Jarbdlc:tiola. OIJPC)I'tiiD1t1 to decide bJ mi~':, ~:~C:C~oatO::; THOSE UTTLE rtarlets must Wercer. oess lntlle clty. Tbeappllcatloll. pay. Tbe Yote oa tbl ruobiUoo wbetblr tbe barbor Balbol.lslaodflrestatioowbena ban ca,pt~aed the atfectioos of Surrtvors 1Dclude her son. submitted at the MayZ6CouocU U "d d I' I I d sboWd be eontt"'"'i. DeW ftre ballisbuUtlntbeNew-jQdps at tbe Costa Mesa f1sh WUlla.m of ISJboa.; :uad Z da.u-meettnc: by James FUU, bad npal U 1es pro es e ~ A~uF;:::,~,:: THAT BIG, bto.utlflll rtllboo port center area, eo.ncumao try's boautlflll bol>Y .. -.. estt0. gt>ters, Mercer of 8o1boa alld beeo referred to the stalf lor mluloa •;;--stw:!J plautx re. wora bJ Bl'utoa. Huycke,almost Howard Roprs said M(ID(Ja,y Tbey awa.rded ftrst p Dr. Sally Fred of Rockville, study a1ld report. Tbe r-es 1tettn ootmcU perSOD&l *" z: ot '··-Belch, ns ....... 1.,,. He wu comm-"-oa. Jeoett Cbarle, 1n the 6 to lZ Yd. • RECEIVED a. letter from ~ • orpni•IDC tbe Harbor DUtrtct ' ..-..-~· ~ th" dl~~ J--Is the •--Ices wero held June 9 the u.s. ·-etary of the •-. of tbe N...-Mea E4ucatioa Mr HUe dllcuasla& tbe awarded ~-at tbe Costa a letter from Alan Blum of the moo s ....... oo. ...,..... .-&"" ._..... uo ... .,_.. • ' "to pt'O'rlde a ~eiMDslte ~ a moalh ld tt.•..-r of Mr at Baltt Chapel Corona del terlor comm•""""" on the Sa.a.ta A.ssa.., met Mcxldl.y a1Cbt ud. summer ldlool l&lu'IK, Aid --am of regloaal reerta-Mesa Fia.b Fry beaatUW baby Balboa lsland Impronmeat As. • ..o....-L · eDt wU1 be t ............... ut.s Uat aa ad boe commutee ''Tbe boudol.,....ttc.adapted ~· Tbe lollowtDC objeetlYes COitut. Brltlloo woa booorable sa. CJIIPOSiac tbe nmonl of tbe IDd Mrs. C. Cbarle, W7 West-Mar . loterm a Barbara Ctwmel ot1 slttation be Rmed to .llwt«tpte lepl, a lonnala u.t would PQ a ta-. mddoD. D.re statioo 011 YarlDe An. minster AYe., Costa Yesa.. Blacksburg. Va. aDd statlD.c be :qJpOrts tects-=lll>rlllllwtl=~!: ~:.:~=-~:r~.~r~:-~MARKET IS HELD UP ~:.::!'!:'!!.·~line·=~ compeuated serrtees. pueci to tbl replar scbool dl~ld to 1Dcllde tbe IIJtire protect sceolc shore s Tbe committee will be t..m. Buttbebou'dputaceUlq ~ America." oompoHd of s elemeatarJ, s oa tbe...,.. tbll c::u beearllld (b) ;. LDcreue tbe jurJs.-{Con linue"d on paae 6) iDtermedl&te, ud S MODDdUJ darlDc sum.nttr ttebool. This dlctioo ~ tbe dlltrlct to lD-AD a.coe:ICU'J'ed JOUDC man koown amount of mooey. he had left bls wallet Inside old· 5 feet a 1DcbH to 5 feet Q.ARIEHCE IEESEMY ER te&ebers. 0::::. ~ m-.aure .:-' elude tile plana'~~~odenk!Pmtlll beld ~ AlberhoD's Food Ceo-The robber, whO bad been D8U a cub repster. But once 10 'tncbes tall; niibtDi 165 to OF ••v SHORES DIES "thacompeDIIted duty'' &c· Y 1 ue wor DC aDd ft.a&Delne of coaatJ DU'ka. tar, SOt9 E.CoutHwy.,Corooa the last customer to lean the bact inside the store, be put-175 pounds· biact balr·wearl.n&: Clarence S. Btuemyer, 7'7. cord1nc to But Hab, eucutl.n : about baU tbelr replar as well u COUIItJ barboz's ud del Mar, at 9:20 p.m. Friday, market before It ctosed, re-led a IUD aDd told Clerk Gerald a full mu-he aDd ' a day's of Z888 Baysllore Dr., Bay- IIKrta.rJ ot the N-IIIEA, "ls .!;paybtr, .. -.. 1 dl beaches toptblr w1tb u ap.. J1:11e 6, ud e~ 1rl.tb lAUD· gained admittance b7 cJalmlnc YWer of Wellmisler to "put growth beard. He told clerks Shores, died JUDe 9 at o .. ert 1D u area W'ben ~rs per-eac 1 are ~ac JS tale cballllln tbl auneof OM tbe moaey 1D tbe tac." treque[tly u.tbewa.sdespera.te Ho~;~ltal, Palm Sprtop. am tr• III'Yice& wblcb tbt a J8U' 1D addition to lkk*"· ~dl&trtct to reOtetltlbroad-''TEACH SEX AT H E" Pollee estimated the haul at aDd oeeded the mooey IDd He qs barn Dec. 16, 1191, pubUc aDd dbb1et bl.fl come We objleted to U. JW'O'f1*lD ned espollllbtUU.II $Z,103.U. Georce Sptnt. mana.. w-arDed tbem as be 18ft tbe IICOre 1n Los AQII! .... ud wu UIC\I- to esptet_ ..:b u IIIOMO"iDc tblt prer!JOIIJJM.n bu to come (c) ~0 r...umiM lbeorcP-Dettcth'e CeJute S&UDders as otllers. Sbe stated sbe would rer. SL1d n..tay that aoy ··Oon"t do anythiDg. 1 ba.ft ~ ttte Ylce..presldeat for YoiiU Kbooi..,...U&brtteboolbows oat of stet *"· Tbere are lJ&tioal!l stroctare o1 tbe dis-of tbl Newp!Xi: Blacb poUce like to see sez edueadoG irn· amouat wOuld be a cuess be-partner 1D b&ct of the store." OU .Co.l)r 40 years.. _ dUc:8l 1M atbJeUe l"tllla. r--.. lor be1ar aWQ from trtct 1n order to determine deputmeat, WliO ~aDdles 88x p1emented on a low pressure cause tbe loss bad oot yet been Sfllrfl't'ors lDcl.D h1a wUe, We bellete tllal if teacbers wor~ otMr tii&D slcD111,'' wbltbu'1be CouatJ BoudofSa-crimea aad eblld ..,_.cues, bl.s1s 1n the lower cndeS ...S tQb!Md. Mr. Willer said l:tlat tbe rob-Pbyllls; a ... ....,.., M.r&.Rlclll- are • adecpla.JJCOIIIC*Wtld A mlDtmiiiD wraH: daJ wu pertl.ors JboQid remain u tbe told members ol tbe Newport its Intensity IDcr....S end-Tbe robber was described as ber cocked tbe gun wben be polD. ard lllu..U. of Palm Desert; 11r lbtlr roplor d&J, -ta-lllopd bJ -~ _.,..,.. pwral.oc -w1111 ID op--c-o1 Commerce uallJ with the -._part btiD( bttw-zt IJid so years te<l It at him. ... 1 -s11 o1 Tutta; 11111 cbtrl ........ tolii.Yollo-lllo -s-5 to ........ IDitcl ...._, <Ga>ml-...... Uoo c:omm--J of It helD( taaejlt in ... lOIII V'll c id b k d' ........ lllldr ... :a;:.:, tbetr tree tbDt 1D otw ~-.:~~ ~ -:;r.= E:..:=·t!·= ~-::: .~ ~nu ls ·-tbe, Deed lt; 1 age enter ea ac e J:::-:a =tk ..... V:~~ ,_. lion nllllod tho Cllloo, --CI"-1 • aluJ (d) To ---· 111o OJlllliM ,.,._ " 1bt ......... "lilt mliSI any later IIIII the ....... IU -~ -in~ 1-• ariol l'vL ~ ~ _.. ---~ u --.----. ---. -·----·· ~ -~ no rilla&o c-"'"""" "'"c--'" -~ .. ~ PldJall W&UII w. ·---Harbor Dlltr1c:t lmproftmtllt be tu&llt Ill .......... lllboWd be ..... • -..... M11110D WlUIOQ stll:ly Areb1 ,.,._ allllt ......, --....... 5.1!1 .__ T•-Ad llr 1bt P*-ol --u-<ll ..-, cluaes "UDloss ou -Ia --lor 1bt Corooo • -OI'IMIOM tCI\JQIT Qll ~ ... -... ....,.louN, -·11oft--• 7.1!1111---... ollmi•H .. ~-"c-IJid M .... -o -~-• taught coroiWIJ --dtl llu -.s dllltrlcl ft-teet IJid P-wm.. bid IOYS Cl.UI RIQUI:ST -. _.__._ ... cr-..,._ _,__ --., .. ---. • _ •-•M--.. _ ... ,... recomm-1 -u.t Cll7 AllonoJhllfSt)w ---ICIIDal' ---. • ~ eon"'ds bltftctbedl&--u .,...... ..... id'rldiiJ. wbo wbo do b&n a --~ __...., of Nt"'PP((rt buiDI:ss u• ...._ ... rr. S rfi · I fud" d lrld ... eWoo Wlllcll bonbor--» ..., 111ft 111o -lbt antt IDd wbo do tacll -Ia ::': c~n lbt llartoold Aft. to Ho-..o ~ ':. lllo.:•= 0: U lng reques S lA llarowtllllalbtlrciiJUmlll._.. ... _~.,-lbt_•_...Ml_rljllll -A .. lllll<lowaiDI!o)'-Dr • .,.. .noeo-u-toll8re-..--)lllllltllloloolcoL" ue btlnc ~ ... •.,.=::..::c:O:: HlsPr-lbld--td::"..:.:.:"..:: - ~• -~ --lllll 111o -0111-11r1. -· aid 111o1 Dol -~ blomt them. TtodliiC • ~·-• ~ ... r II in principle bJ 111o C1tJ c-. .,...._.,._.ot,..,. tM r;;;;~ :f.j; lrkt uau JIIVNil itl ~ all ,u :••• cu~-. .e%1nbtetlomelltM,blltWQ, :-:, -<*~-cU u a l'dde b''Cclr.a fia1 =..:•,:: .. ~·.,!-' ,~ .c:-: bCUd -.a 1'11-..dllrau.bll :'!: Marllllall ....... Olt tD 00 aa .-Dill JDb Ia~ c:alba aa eel at lie amt rat. bat lt must bl tuctL Pl=tJu._Q D 10 R-2 Yar dn"e~ 1111 of ..... • o.llda7 -··lilt-:----..-.. ft -...................... 111o -:. H" b' 1 ·n , set .... " at 1110 bd A .... Co-.• T .. AP -.... _. _____ ., .. "'"npcn--r. itdiD ......-----....... ~-alllltpollllc-Ill le sen encl ...... -. tnnoiUoo--.:"""· ,..., ~ ........ rlllll lilt_._..,_,_ '*""*•I ,_.,., ~~oaUdllttl ltlotl-ba ~ mercllllllll..-1, llt . ., .. _.11 ., .. _ otaciiJ .. Koo..-1-CIIJ 11-1 --lilt Co ell ,.._ llttl -coollliM bt -.., -llll'lio .. W•-... I_.. tlllllUI T1l1l 1111 Ia lllllo -<ll Yoo 1114. U' II m .,... II lilt ollf, 'ftt ec-ctl. wu IIOt N1111J Ill' a till.._ ... l.lf ...... .-:of ....... llaudwllltltll, !led brtOlnd ta tllil.,. Mr. fl&ll'e bll AN. ud JuaiM Aft. Co-dlma• Bob ..... 111111 0& U llllaiih;;;•;r 111opoll .... -........ clloc_tl __ U£1_ .... wliltllla1111111ftlllllll _,lalllt--llla--bllllo_IOI_-bd Aft.lo .. llloiiJ, Vtco-1111W L-Pu U Wt IS to-10 _' ::-:-::. ..... -:-.-:.-::=.to-.. "· * n; rr..::: :o-.-: lrld ca.~_..,~.·~ .. :=;:...-:..:!'::== ::r:r:.:~ :;:,.lllll., r:-"fi.~ -lilt ... --" -u:lot .. ___ --to -lilt It• :::=........:.: llo..-1 -liililtiJOI.•l lloJ I 5I Zl::t. 0:: .. IIIII nl• It Ia ' 'it'll U£1 U(X 111 ..-._• U£1-, to CITT SUIO f'Ott... 1'¢ Ill tl 8dl ..,_ 1 11.1. 'n! • to&. ~ tool 1 1a £14llll 1D ta1t • ...... -a. t•-t1111 -._ -to at • ._..11 .. 11 rtil._o.lll:; -.t.ml ..... -....._. lit .... ----lt." paootlto.....,.., ....... --· Sllo:L-•· ......... -.. --...... eoo-M -, a.ti ... SliiLBI I ... -•rAe -I ·-----~-.. Ill .a l•olll-a.--.. --... _ .. , , .............. CIIrtl":-.. ? ...... -. to IUon_to_atDr,-.. ,_ 10 2 ··--.. T ....... - l:;ooeA ........ II-fir .. It rJ I I I A 21 • ,• r'~!:,li! IIJto='IIIOittl:;:.. ,.,.~·-.. LID lilt-pwt .... lotto •I I .. 11-Qir---nil--•••-• *-_, .. ~~~~---0 ..., .. Lnlo ---• 1211.._,.._ • ••• pwliJ-'hiiJI:;uatt--~~--~,.....-I-•--·•..::.•=.•sO::: l£Mrtr:::t-:S 1 •llu:l _.,. __ ..,.dll-to-.. ..,..,_.. aD :-Ill -,...,... '"-r ,_., .. ,. "!'1"7 ... w -""''"'''""' ... -~~ , ... -,,.,.. .... .. ._ • .__. .. '1··=·1.",.. ••• • :.t.i:.•-=:::·::~ tz• ... · -"t ·~~ ... _,_ :::=".::-·•• ·-~~~~ :-.:.•.:t::'.:rue::-.::--...... ._. .... __ ...... :t. 2 ""!"' ' ' '"'(' -' \ j I ' ' L o,;,.,., ... .._. . ' / " 'T 1 I I ..--< ' l t ' ' IC'I. n ---:---- ••••• , •1•1· "()• ....... -. ----..... -. ........ .,.I .•.• ., ..... , -. ............. -.....,.. lilt ly T-An.tl_,. Iii I ell." -'n,t ..... II It 18 m I I l'J tt ....... . ,. •I'ICI& WI z....-.w • · llt. wullafto 01..,... ""..,_ ..,. FOil lid ·-r..1r of all bon w •--. ~!:.::;: ~ ... ,... = ~ "":"' .!..:' :-! ()t.·rrr· , . r , • L :.;:: ... -- '· _.,..qn --··T MAGI out In.,....._ eo.ty (Pia..) Mst' t'SD-ftcted with veoereat .._ n.ra1l ..._ .._...., ........ ,_041 11 IMIIIII.,.._ol_..._. .,. ••em ..... -· ..... ..a,* ·••• Cu .. jdety/tJiflnMI: auualret.am. with at te.t ..0 flCtrtaC-l.mloa.._ ........ ,._-•• .,... .......... .., ..,. .,.,..,.,... :-.,.:..•; ::tr!",~.~· .. u.; ~~.-:-e . ..!.;"'=.:.-r::~. :,ct.; --::.-s 10 .. .ud tUc dwy laid had nWW. :.--. 0 '"'he ..... at,, ........................ _:1'rlll .. l.l . iii . ~ ... ·-·· • ~_!!.tlJ.. ....,_,. 'ftw I J• ..... ea.-1• • ... ,.U fOOUI'M, tilt-.··-· -y ~ .·~le ••.~ =~ lOO. ..-... -.. 111111,8" ~ k .... .., .. .,...._ .... at -.. 'I'IU .... Dr. llcllttrt IU __ ,Colli, r--,_,__ --• •-odu<ation-bao--.-'lrllo I Till llo--by r-IIIII ... -c-., ,. saa•J ., ... ua;11a-....,. '£:' ...... · .... ::::!::0~ Butwhla~":-oa.;: lloCCUtCd by a~hiPIY rapected ,._. o1 140 ::ar=-wv., .... ,,,,., .. a. ..u ._ ol.......,._llawi8L r c• e1 _.. •111••1•._ .,. --..._ ,._ •• ,. 1i11.e4 I ._ r·~.-..... ~not-ftninent Swedish doeton aDd teac:haa. b1c:1uct-... n -· ..... ......, ... ._. ....... 0 i11t1oL crtat ...... 10 be Don bJ •1. • .... ,._ c..t s. , .. c.--, .tOr--. s...· of ac:u-, rc _. ""' ~~a ~~~"' cnct .._. of ina the kioa'• phyaic'ian, Dr. UD Nordwall. of -JIIU'I _, ue .._ 011 tile fltdrltra1-.... U. Na,.. u ...,tr .. ., .. -• ftQU.. a ,.... ,.._fie .... .,.. .. ,.."-'~~ pW.Iic men and womeo per1onnina per¥tl1al tuual producina te• obrerrioa amoq Me' 1ceau be. On.*'-8 rts• .-.. a. u .,_. I& Moe • ..,......,. dr_. .,..., ...;, 111t11 ....____, a-. acts, oot ~ whlit Freud. N:X education cau.c, u tbc:y put it: M 11'1 dlndlld tro. Mot-............. IMtarlltoiDr. *~*• W11J be r~ tnM1 _.L BA A __ , ............... .o-... P .. l._ and John O.W., hath wrou,hl. • 'II hu bombon1cc1 lchool childnt> with---· IIIII)' ~-....... pnoll 1 bolll 1n11t11 ... by tilt - Pel: II.UPA Mo-·-----·---··-·"·---..... ......Ae.ct.• Llkor "Sell. educa.lion it the 'in thiq' in America'• ual inslruction for whk:b tbdr immaturicy OJ ...., .... lcul ... ,..... ot tlte Cllrttala Cr t. Dr. Ud tto. betic ..... aooor- JUIJCIIPTIOII IATI. schools, startina at the tindc:rprtea. levd. tits them and lht: rault hu been u unnatural a ftl' wtllrl 1M lrot1ll .-.... lllicW I&JI. "1"l'lil J11.A. ...a dlar 10 1D'W Mt directed ~....,_At.: OM ,. ..... GO; J,.... J7.(X) Without il the promocen of '~aokv" warn 0\ler-sexualization of the n..-.. --ta (in llowwa, a COIUaallt ..,.. to COib'oltlll:.,.:'"::•:t~l ~--=~1 ..... tloll.l ~. At •QU-ef ...._ .._. 0.. ,.., &00; J,...... tJ.(X) h·ld ·u be ... ..._.. . h'bi•-.a ·---· II ICICIItlld to•ftaldtlllt --.... .. ------------------.,~,.,_,_ us. your c' wt w .. ..,.."'• 1n 1 ~and. which) ... the youna have coafUICd irastruc:·-•--WV .c--. -pn 4 a .., .._. .. ,., ... IIIUI.,.._ OO:O:OOOOOO•o 0 ~0 ._.~ heaven forbid, moralistic. One wonden how ton in method with mcourqement toP'*> ~-..._ wW.at rcMUJfk IDdttr•Aatrlea. wtJ1 bt ra1M J1, a nlfP-~ ~Of " -"¥ 10 aeoerations of Americans manapd to build tice."' t» lk.WrJ. ~ tbtJy •det Tile lfano.J. &ts •tt-A.Mo-·~•• udiiiiUIDOaJwltb a arcat and liable oatioo without formal tell. Several years aao. when huerviewina a poup blat ft woUt bt tW..Wd wUb. elaUoD ... ....I l'e!y 1a-tM proded•• tll&t made trainina. We even manapd to procreate with· of Icelandic: YOUna people 1 wu told tbat al-OC an., a tlbol. ud woekl bii'Ued U. IOC11"1Ue 'll:ioa of A.JDulca II'ML .t.RVO E. HA.APA, owner and publisher of tt.e Ensl9' out liberal busybodies lellin& us bow. AI the most nobody married until the Jirl wu prea-. :!r l1U l "rtpe pl.:a" l.ato Dr. Gear .. S. CoW• Dr. Saatmari&laC tbt COIIUD_. "' turn of the century, sex was considered a pri· nant. One 1 ~·year-old I&UJhinaJy told me, "'We It buda. _ _......, Harold a-. ud Dr. JGM De-otr..tYe to ~ America ~000~0:0 vale matter. Some parents discussed it with all do the same thinp 10011 of your c:bikftn 'fiOIIJIJWU pr~ tbat tb1J wey.TbeJ4rftlll)aplutara bfcorriJIIIIilco.~Dr. 'MINIMUM DAY' MEANS 'WALKOUT' their children and some did noc. Evayone do. We jU:St don'c hide it and lie about it" Ofti'COIIIe OJa' «<DDOD1e MW .oc1etJ ... la AawlCL RatellqaMJ.£dtlr Boc:wtr seems to acree that there was leu mental ill· And they certainly don'L In Scand~Yia ud political lbatwu, elM-World "''*....,. WU 1D tMir u •Jial: "Tbt AIHrlcu col- A "minimum day" is just a polite name ness then than now. But now 1he sexpats tell girls casually brina their dales. even ftnt-ci,.,; ::..c::IIP* ltrtoctb,ud '-c of_,.../' lqt ~ 011 lDUlJ cam .. for a labor "slowdown," and for · us, 'If the paren11 won't teach their children pick-ups, home to visit the tamity, after whidl tloL RIPt ':.":of~ Dr. llu',U au pndlced a puu. faeel a ......... bldlt "boycott," and for "walkout," I consider abou• su. then wt: must.' •he boy and airl bid mom and pop JOOdoipt to llldtl'e• ow ICboo~•-PllCbt llllititd "Comm.._. oa uarellralaacl 1DdtYidal1lm, "Why? and retire to 1he bedroom. As .. Bilbop .. Pike to;.._. .. .,.. "" ..... ud edrattoa paetap," by Dr. repalltn drta ud JPMCta. it to be a dereliction of duty on the part of "At the present rate of debacle:, within five and Mn. Cakrone of SIECUS say: .. Sex is ~--"'-'~·-U eld.ldreL ~ DnU, ...._HoMJ d:l-Gm'lc't oNc61111), diDIIi a years we: will be down on the level or Sweden fun'" _ • ...,..,. u mar ... m, rector, Cllrlltlu Cn de Boz mon1 ud ....... nl .... IIIJ teacherS to use such tactics, exploiting an and Denmark. They have had sex education I~ decadent Enaland, an enterprisin& pro-= ~: :u..m= !,!l_, Tala «»111wwa, ~OZ. dllrfll*t Dlaw llld cwdlr.'' innocent party, the students, in a pressure ror decades. Their 'healthy, happy young peo-moter has produced, ten school use, the kind bllreucrab Ia WatMACfOD Tlait j.-eOIIt la $1. U e&IM )lit It 11 Umt b' ~­ campaign for higher salaries. This 1B un-pie have venereal diseates in castastropic pro-ot film which used. to ~ ci.tt:.u!aled. onty in de-·orpat•u. beb1td tbe IOda1 k ~ to-ll" ~ ~~-~~~~~~~co-m-portions.· Approximately half their brides are ed 1 1 -This fU artt.. ._. ,.. ... ..._--..... __... u., IUIIIlJ profeSSiOnal COnduct OD the part of a prcanant at the aJt.ar. as in most Scandinavian ptav mae ClrC es at SlaJ parttes. . m Me V 1Jitem, Wlllcbl&Uoft ntite ec..r 8eUII' IIJid b' mlmiJt ~ shows, from a "scientific" Sllndpoint. an attnc· U Healtll, Eaeatto-U.S Wel-01111• • • profession that Should COnsider its obltga-countries. In 20 yeaB the number of Danish tivC' unmarr~ couple: wori:inl up to and that bre, ..,..t.dedbJcaJ1Ix'lda'1 A~tbe M!tlttcw1----WAMTED TO CONfER brides agN IS to 17 hu swelled by 400%. b u....at Cior ---_.._ tion to be that of public trust. One lepl, and four or five illegal, abortions con,ummacin& the comp~te sex ac:t. 'The spon . mer erDCII' WI taca.sed ID th1a paebp: WITH triXOM HERE An examination of public school salaries are now performed fen every 20 births. sor. who ~uwlies e:ducatiocUII mace:rial to 10 -= F1ach, Ia llldlac tbeot-'•Are eomm..._.. QIMllfttd to JobD P111to, 45, of15!5 PJa,. diffi ul i "Physkians say that aonorrhea and syphilis 000 schorns. u.ys; "We feel that a ftlm like lb~ ~ :C.:~ MD--~ teaeJl Am•tcu JOIIItb?" "Tbe eeatia At~ •• Wilt lfnport Bet-makes it c t to apprec ate the claims ,._ d . 5 · •"-"--. . . chU ... ·-comm-are-lllomlado -· wu ....., 1o 0raaeo are more Wougprea 1n we:den today than in " '"' ~• way to giVe sell. mllrucbon to -Gl'pataHon bas belll led to ol "· "Tbt Slab la ..-, of financial hardship. Many a wage earner, any other civilized country in the world. A dren." They show it like il is, in livina color!-..... t tbl PI'OII'UD of -.:&: JOlll' ~--=-, ....... ~"· eo-tJ HolpUaJ -mllllal in 1 ding U laim rttenl inqu'ry r-•-• o"-" o· 1 th A · w F JC*I' c---. "'"'~ ' eommJtmut J-I, &a.r c u myse ' can exc in astonish-I ..... eaiCU roc '111 '"I act at mencan ay e:ature:s edlcatloD Wb1eh .. flnwed by "Threats to Cbrt.tlaa. educa-MeWUy IUif'dl repeatedlJ ::~! ~ ~et~~~:::::.e:~~t:~ REAGAN JOINS IN POLICE SALUTE ;~~~~:z:.:: ~:ua~7: ranged from $6,800 to $13,800, The A bii!I>UcJII or lbe reeeat Dr. K..,... Sc-, -bonlooe by oll>erowllo~ maa lor lllo lOIII ca.y Ro-Nlmo'o rlsll. Pi'*> bed IDid i bout $10 000 This is f 10 Balbo&Isla.ndllnpro\'emeDtAs-aDd.,riDII'dlrc:tarolbeCidm u.tr aperleDcescoatribltetDi:n:III.U. Hollr, no twc.d-tbtm bt waat.dl to taa arer average s a , • or soelatloa ""''"""' boaoriDC ,__ lor ~ WUUam La-tilt r-"'"' -ud cuu 1 limo• dilly, _, por.-1 -· u11 -months of teaching duty (minus about a Nnport poUce olllcero wu • Plule, ,_of a.o Balboa dlmeaoloa of uioJr .............. lo FrldQ', oror :IEIIO (NO) blema of 111o -Y wtlb Pro- month of vacation days nff), a total of telecramln>mGorer..,.Rooahl lslud~··--ofawou ...... IUidlllaflodPouceati:IO LJD, IUid II Lm.,IUid -·l!lcllardNimo. R ...... wlloe-"""CHlu-IUid Fruit -. ,_ of Ooputmeol. oror KBBI (flu, 10'1,5) at 1:00 some 175 teaching days-an average nf --.. ID lbe -le or Balboa t11t vmac-IIIL "llaY ,.,. eo)DJ _._ Lm., aa111 1111 wook lbat a.o CAMERA IS STOI.EH $1,000 a month for the 10 months, $57 lsiUd lor lbelr comm,..,l)' Tbe caut llol of-ed !AICCOosiD&Upluesofyoarlllllnlo arotry!IJC aotooiJ F~==.-...au..,.~':: per teaching day. The teachers have 2 -r_:? !f..'!::::.."':.,~lbe..,..lce r.::.-a:..:~ cll.tdlopiDd~" ::,:e:,;...-::..: eamora Ill b1s """"ted car months to do as they will: earn extra in-Goo. a.,.......,"' bls tele-Arbn Campbell, Edwvd Clb-From the Bible J0011>. but corrtollJ "' eod•-at tilt poriiiDc lol_, tilt Boll cram: "Tbere bas -lately bonllJ, WsJIIO c-11)', -ror1oc 1D _, Sbl-Col-llano r-..r, Fubloo Is-come by teaching in summer school or a recr«bble teodeDcy by 1oo Elll•lbem,lamosl-., wu. Aad "' lbat .., -lllalt ~ep, Capo May, N.l., -· l&lal, at9 p.m. llaJ It, Wbollbe at some other job; or attending classes ...., -laiDcrlltciseoar Jaw U&m 1-, Leo~~ Gory ..,, o Lord, 1 will pn1oo ~-~·: ... ~•;•~u;;·~-:;~led;oc;~;"':'"~"'~~r;-;~i,at~~m:ldD:II!bl.:_:lllo: themselves, which is a means nf raising • _, • .--Illes 11 Lee, K-llc:G<op, -= lllooP -wut _,. ID reup.. ,., .. .,.... lie C&IDIH"'" -· fffert owutiidtJ.It 1s Umewe Richard~. aot.rlPutw, w:ltlll me. t1aa.t UCW' 11 tined salaries since they are earning points -• IC<O<dtbepoUce,wllodali:Jrtal WllllaiDSpelro,lllrrJWIIUamsaft)',lllll..,.,._mo. toward h<wher p~v, , • IIRS, IIORRIS FIER, NeWJIC>rt lbelr lifts lo pn>led In-IUid lllrryl Yoolo. -Ill, Ciod iE::~ f. ...., "" Bea<b city c:llalrmul lor lllo alildloc clll•-· .,. pnloe.., 11r. LoP-__...s lllo I will 1n11, Just in caae there might be a retort 1019 cr-of a.o Amertcu -CboJ are rt..,..ny ....,, _ .. _ t1 aoo I!IL\ taaoo lor ~ ., in the effect that a publlaher eannot know CaDCer Society, receiYed a II 1o lloorteolac.lllllllla-le fo11ow1ac -• Police CblofllreoatJI IUid ,., -be a11o plaque at the reeut "tba* of JOV commllldty ban taJra James Gll.na: Ia become my aJnHoa. (lsaiab very much about teaching problems and ~·"June,_ attlltllalboal!aJ ,... lottlatift. You ba•e my "I ,..... uu 1o loU w. U :l, z.) responsibilities, let it be known that this Club for .,..,..,..., sernce • ...., best wtsOes lorasoccesa.-,....tiOIIIJID--upr_.. aDd leadersbJp. Resldentlal fui aDd •1Dfable ltmebeoa.." deat, UJ1. oa betaJf of tbe Hal-publisher beld a full-time position as in-'"-'P rolllllleers were 11o-From loolao Rocor AliDa Pal! ,_ lslalld ._.,.... ... As-LEGAL HOTICE structor at the University nf Minnesota and oored 11 ""' .-to&. :~ .... ~.~..,::'~!:; ;c.:::, :"~~~o "::.::; IIOTICE oF PUBUC HEARIIIG therefore has knowledge nf the work in-MUSIC, FUM GAMES my ~tbo-le reildeals lor 111o ~ IIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN volved, This publisher also has knowledge FOR THE HIGHT OWLS o1 llalboalslud 1or cJriDcpob.. """'"• of 111o Eutor woet 1bat 111o City c.-u olllloCity An l.f'teruloQ of masle aDd filii lie recopitlon tD lbelr outataa-riBitOl's ud tllalr ..,._ ol. Newport Belcb w1l1 bokt a nf the painful tax lo ad that must be pald gomes is p,._, lor toe New-diDC poUce dejlortmeat lor lis ltmoa ·-rtteo of,..."" boorLDo: roprdlac tbo each year on home and business-a tax port BeacbNicJIIO..Io-.tllty coolrtbuttoo ,. """"" :rour SprJDc. _. or AI WUUam Ud llr. meet at tbe Seal« Cltisea.'l comm11D1ty a better safes-ud "Tbts ptl1od bas beell Ia tM IIIII Mrs. Racr, Cboy b'om tbl load that is made up of about 56% in recr"'tloo ceater, 151b st. 11111 !JaR>Ier plaee Ill .... ~. ID ure.'' put 11111 will prciJIIIIJ< bolD 111o olecl-or tilt P......, C..m- spending for public schools. lrriJie Are., CWJ Hareo, at z A .. ......, atoo came rn.m lalllre a -nqllrioctboat-mlutoa Ill deDJ1Dc r-1D There is a limit to taxpayers' patience p,mTbe: 8~.:.!'=" ~;. •-•-• Nnport Bea<b 11a7<>r DoreOD most Ill o"•oc. ~ diYlde ..!'! R-1 lol -z ,.._ --~-·~ -~ llarsball, w11o was -"18 1D &lid IIOU 101 111o port or yow. celo ,~ ol wblcb _.,. laro and endurance, and the limit is being classical &lid J>CII)Uiar plaDD ..,.,..,.. """',_, Tbe maJQr sell &lid,_ ofllcora, loaa ar• 111111 r-.t by •- d in def t nf ch 1 selecttocls, --by llro. :dated, .,~ ID ,1 cu .,.._ .-ID dl•w:o) -at ...,... ... expresse ea s oo bond issues. Georao L. (lloUy) stew.t ....... lslud IDday .. tllty .. Y tilt elllclaocy 11111 abiUIJ ., ..._ of Sula ADo A•- Teachers should keep this in mind in their or Newport......,._ Prlres will lrlbute 1o t11t N....,.n Bea<b tilt N....,.n Bea<b Pollee ud --· sooo Boo- salary discussions, be awardediDibepme"'-o. police dejlortmeat, I recrel I -.-.., coolact wllb coo street IIIII 401 SUta Aa Tbe anntal trip to Sao Dteto, am _.,le to be preseat oa tb1J tbem 1D YU1oal cdlclal mat-At-. r~ Appll- to be cuests ol the Ntp OWl tmportapt oceaskJR. We New-ters aDd blt'e ., Ideated by eatloD No. 205. Roostlbere, is p,._,lorS.... -·au .... IDsaJIAc-Oathr. IIOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- daJ, July 6. 'Ibose 1J1sb1Dc to to o. J1De pollee tJr tbeiJ' .._ .. 1 am An UU op1a1oa. 1l TBER GIVEN tblt tba 111dptb- attelld this .. eat must PQ tar •lft.lb ud Y:ltal ..nee. •• Uc MulDe will bt btld OD tbe 1betr 00s reserratloo at tilt T1lo """'""'"' was beld at 111o LEGAL MO'na 1ko1 dlJ ol 1-, 1010, atlllo Jaae l5 meeUDg. A procram YWap 1m resturut oa Btl-. ..._. of 1:30 p.m. la tM C:O.. Iealurtoc 1be ce-altoo o1 111o ,_ ,._, Tbe p......, com-CERTIFICATE OF jiUiiMESS cU Clambor1 o1 111o Cll)' Hall 2001b birlbday ol Sao Die&<> will mllloe Joe._ lacl Sc __ .. Fl-Firm -of lllo City of N....,.n Beocll. bo lbe bll!l>lll!l>t or Ibis lrlp, ' THE utmt:RSIGIIED liD bore-CaiUanda, at Wbtcb limo Ud LEGAL HOTICE by certll) ... lboJ "" -.place M1aedall .,__ ---:ru.;iL~E;;G;;A;;:LO'N"iO<,T;.:I.;iCT,;E== CERTIFICATE OF BWIIIESS dactiDc a JUIII ........... aed-DI&J-ud be boord r TE .u. ~twtm•tti'J45 uw-. CERTIFICA OF BWIIIESS Fldlltoas Firm !lame W. Cout Jlllllnf, Bo-1 Laura 1.q1oo Flctttloas Firm Name THE UIIDEIISIGIIED does ·Beocll. ~ ..0. -Cl" c ... t THE UIIDERSIGNED -borebr cert11Y 1ba1 be Is --'' berebr tertii)' ll>at be Is coo-lllo lid!-lire ... of City of "-l llolcb dactiD( a carpet '"'"""" ud --a~ '-ucebD-I-lls -Will Caul ud Dol,_, 1-11, 1110, 1o dl_.,. sales busiDeso a15111 ~. IIIN l'l45rt,!;, ~ aald -to 01 ·-of ... ,... N....,.n -Eoalp. ........ ..,. 1ewpGr--............-tDUOWbc,._ .... .... All1loa Circle. We&tmlDIIII', on1a IMID, _...tbelldHk• J.l, M1 ..S plac..ol....,_.e L!~ MDnC! CaiUanda, -lllo 8cH-lire-of--... u IDIIon, .. wtl: lire ....., or Sb-Val Carpet -. "'-ud 1bo1 aald Clllllar<lll-COIIPTIIOLLER CleulDc and that said ftrm 1a arm a. COil.-! o1. tMIJIIaw. 51., Pv's•••• or THE ctmmKCT ""''-ol tbe illlowloc 18C por--._ . lallllll C.... dolllllor Calli, TREAS .. T IEPAIITMElfr ,.._ ftDa DUDe IDfldlud ud ~of rw:tMt an u BJroaK. ~lila OF THE tam'ID STATES place of resldeace are u ~ ID-wlt: .,. w. CGUI_..., wa•...-. D. illlolro, ID-'OO'It: -I, 8yroe It ~llolo, "-'<t-._ Calli, ... MIAS, ~~=:1 EW., 5NI AU~.-Circle, II'HIIW,C..IIIpn1 WfiWIE -------Ill' ltdlo EU:IW'GE CLUB pr-GoariO ._,....., alloft, ·-~-. Calli, J<....,.n-._ Calli. lily of~ !Mt. ... eoo..,lrollorofllooC•J-y ud 0ac day ebalrmu Jact W0cos dillet file dQ plua ,.._ my ..... tbll still WM SF •t IUd tllb 4lta C1lflll'd ....... tlill! •']qWPCRf BdK,Jif.A..'', rib N....,.n Bll<b 11a7<>r --.J. dlJ <I I-, 1110• lily of 1-, IM, &y...l, a. '•lila . -to RWPaiT ISACB, I<. I, E.... llynlal(, <'1-lola STATE OF C-UDaUI1A l -tiCAun.ti!A, .... _- FI • • c• !n'ATE OFCALIFORIIU )a, STATE OF CAUfUII<1A) COUJri'TOP~ a pllool-all~tl ... ag raiSing at ,lty Hall co:,::..or51l~yofl-,· 1~1, COUIIT!OFmwtGE >• (IITIIII--tii-IMt, ..... of ... --... OtT8114ba*toll-.1• • .....,..._ • ....,. ....... _... u alW'rs' ....... ~ ... , --~-·----n.. .. a-...1 ---belll'••,allotarJPIIallcla ........... -"'Mk ............................ Wte·. ..,.... cor-~ --.... -occ-• •• ud m aald _, ud-. _, ----. --. 'fiiCt II 1111 -an ... mtd ....,. Dar-llar.tlall. A de-r ......... 4IIJ [ 1 _,._ ud lllr aid ..., Mil .... r , ........... -liP h mw TIIIIIU'Ut&, I......, by ... ~-E,_lallof_._wlll_nloo-ud _, .... IIJ ,_.. ........ ...,_ .. ._-1M .... ,_ QJ..ao-... --Ell ...... Cllllklloo ...... of tbolll&--llcornliE-,5111-aed-., ,.._ ...... ~MIIIWIM .. ·-10--II ~-n, • ta a--ced bJ Gttl Scoa ud EIDJ Seolta Am-ctrea.. We.tz· 11 111•• a,n.K.a. talltl .,._ &. ...., t•r• 181ft · .. u • ~·~••~tr,prrl'krtot wm .. ~ 1a ... ec._ Cdf., ._.. ......... ._.. ..... ._ .. ,._ tD • tD ... ,. .,._,..,., 1 .. , .. •rrr ll4lla .. dill. 'IIIW)-·a, ~ wiD tue pa.c., ,._ .._ ... ll ..._ ..._ ... Ia r:a ..... -.. -I I .. Ill oa-Q .'~=~~·::::1 :t-------101oi0:111LIL ... -1o --~ ~~~--rt..teo--W FILIM I 2\-• ... - -· · 01n ...,._ llo!IIIIW.of ..... ~--...:~!..: .. _-::~ ... IZI,uda<' ,, ... , ... = ...... _ ..... _ .. _ ..... _,.__ ... -:.;.. --:. .. ...... ;, .. .,.~ ---·--....~ ..... ....... -., _,__ .......... el»*laekAn•~tl,._. Wiih _ _,._._...,.,.1 WiiWOJIIIIli-Cdt1 MIIW_,._._. 8 21 Ml .. .., fll -· ftonllrfM lzo-Wizl ... 1M be •a I 1,~ Mr • ..t. ..t. ..t. ---~~--!IN& D II',-. "IAI'•-~-· mD llzzJA..... llzzJA.--"0 M 7 a, a I I l .. lo-tlllo•r-•Dirt I IIJ _, ..... lll..tllr _,....,. .. _. .. _ _, ............ -'- llo ••• ,. -'*'lid, --••rmn IIIII -c..r•-~-~ . _ c:.:'oz--•• -~~ · _tllloCW- 1 A I rt-L& r llil_lloc. .. llllllliiOI X, eo at• g,.-;:i I •-It, ln. -~ a ...... -. fLI ii ---~~-~~ lt .... rtll-Oai.M,lf'll. -lt,U,a,-.. 57 -lt,U,a,-C.IPI Ioiii--- OPEN HOUSE TOURS of the IRVINE RANCH June 15th thru June 22nd <t<Wooool- (at F-w..lloo Nowpoct lloach) 1M Irvine Company invites you to drive. In your own c:ar, over 113,000·acrtE lrvin~E Ranch. T ili each of four toun. arranaed to commemor.tt-California.'• Biuntmniaf: IAl HISTORIC SITES TOUR (8) RATILESNAKE LOOr TOUR (C) MOD£RN DEVELOPMENTS TOUR 101 CATTLE CAMP TOUR The tours. called "Pathways to ~· wiD -tho he ... ~y of tho cOiiAII')'Iiclo and .... ~-modolooaD .... ofcltwlop ..... ~ on 1 lmiiO Ronch "-tho cwlllnal •_., hooo•" "' 1964. All -...... points of -wiD he clurly ..tiM. Cootclo oooopo will he ,...,.lcltd at ....,.. polootl. Sot yoar own p..,., M.ke It • f...,lly ..,d ... •• ....... ::~~ ........ 1 % ....... 117 ........ -...................... 1 ·-:s:-......... 1 .................. , ... -..... --IMI -I, l,tlt, lo llo Po-l D •r a, oot "-' '1, 11aJ l!t!!!!:!J::.!:::!:.!~~~-..;;;,;;,:;,;.__;__.;.. _____ j .. a a sal .. .. 7 3 "' -. 0 9.. ...... ' ,, • • Qlf.ll FOR ALL OCCASIONS CUSTOM WOOD CARVED SIGNS I • ·-· -·--··· Iverson 's Bug-a-Baloo came to a sucussful conclusion with the drawing for a Spanking Brand New 1969 love Bug. (Volkswagen, that is) Miss Newport Beach, Bonnie McDonald drew the name of this lucky girl from thousands of entries. Congratulations. Sharon, from all of us at Iverson's. «5 E. COAST HIGHW.O.Y ,.,~om.J ft NEWPORT BEACH ~~ 673.o900 ,, • Scholarsllip f11d sef IP n house on the ranch A •arlelr at do-11-,_•lf oa1e atlslaod 11ouse IIIII tbe ID- tou:rs 1M bo~ ..terta1Ja.. lormatioa. ceater. This SOIJfeGlr meat will bJJb.Uitlt a ftek-loGr poritoUo eonststs of U nter- "opep boase'' plaaled l:lr a. color prlatJ d4!1ptctlnc OnDce Jmoe Ruco, s-15 ........,. CouatJ'• c:o~om~ put. Alr- zz. a c:olledor's Uem, the pteturH Tbe s.-,~ 8 ;'eJ were prodQced by tbe lrTI.Dt will, "Patbn.JStoprop'eu," Compu.J from the ortgt.Dal Is bolD( llapd ill coo~ potattop by Newport 8eacb wit> Callforola's ZOOib IJirtl>. u:t1ot Gloo1'bomu. day eeletlntloa. Four self-l'fldsd tours orUl ED 11M MAY PERRY OF pormU motorllla b> ellpklrl CDSTAI4£$A DIES :=:=.!.':~ l1tel Edltll May PerTJ, 75, of M& stdeatlal deY JapmeotJ -:; W. lttb st., eo.ta Mesa.. &eel 83,000 acre~-Bact C:W., May 11 at Hoac Hoepttal. cates will be 01*1 to allow SurtiYOrs are her ~ugbter • tnnlera: to lDIP«t tbe lnlDe Mrs. GeraldtDe oe:na or tnlDe cattle headQuarters I.D Bomm• aocl 3 Cf&lldehildren. Cuyoo u well u other remote Service• were hek! Juoe 3 at FROM NOCANA. TEXAS, Mr. tbe Costa Mesa First Yetbodist and Mrs. Aubrey Adams hue sltes usally closed to the pub~ Church wUb tbe Ret'. Rlcbard I.IIDOUDCed the eop.gemeul ol Uc. Dao1ap u offtctaat. IDtermtat, tbeir dau&tJter, LYDD WUlla.ms, Tour map1 and lDformaUoo directedbJBellBroadftY»or~ to Ttm Baskln, !IODOfllr.aDd ..W be anJlab .. from costumed bary, wu at Westminster Me .. Mrs. WllUam Bask1n of Coroaa boslesses a1 tbt lrt'I.De RaDeb lal Par.. del Mar. Tim was erad:Uited iDIJrmatioo ceDtef 11 tbe IDOl' ._ trom Coroaa 001 Mar Hlcb Mrtord olhmp ottbeSaDCa-HEW OFfiCERS OF Scbool ud ls..,. oertlllc w1lb Fr..,..y, IIIII allslud flout ART L!AGIJE MEET tbo U. S. Air For<e at NUO- liiFullloa~ .-~· U!1 dlr-l 'rllle,T.,..,u-.llla · • ._.,.. •• ,. P1'"!'"" tx tb1 of, ta. r:.c.. ..._ Alt ~ brkle-to-be wull"""'tld trc. fOWICV set locltde a cb&Dee to met oa ,._.., Jwae 10 a a American HJgb School la be tnnced wUb a ··n Bar'' s p.m. c11...r 'meettDc '1o tbe Nocua. Why are some drugs like "ecstasy sauce?" lfyoouwd"U'I A_..)'OU ml)' rec:au how chc Ciourmet'l Oub plotted 10 mob ··Ecoia.y ....... from die v ........... .... S&Somey. Recipe: Boil down-..-.... · r •• (Salomey) undljuo<-....... ooliWy del- drop ranaint---.nd that is .. E.Qcuy Slucc." Ia tcrnw ol food, this il humorouaJy ric1icuJou1,. but ifl Ktually routine in the makini: o( clrup. Often hundreds of pounds ol raw m~tcriak muse be proaeued ~ repr~ &o obtain one tiny pinch of the ac:tM: mediation. Whidt heiPI ex- plain why modern cltup are 10 pocent. and why ~ pharmacists dilpenle thrm only when your physician writes • pcacription. _, lL COUT IIWY. -· -. IIU OIIIOLII ._ IAVBOM YOUR AUTO INSURAIICE -00111 II\' I'CIUCT IA¥11 CA-UIUL .,_.. 11M. MCitm W!O,CIGO lo411y 1•1•'1' 10,000 .... ,.,.,. D...t• 2.000 .......... , !,GOO -,_,, SIJO,a u. .... .-4......,.., DISCOUNT$ FOR 2 CARS F•raer R•"-c:llou For Aedd,.t Free ~hies After l•t •d 2a4 Y•- TMI! lEST IUY fOR CAIIIPVL .,_VIliS- rucb cattle bnDd. free btc-. Newport 8Meb bome of Mrs 'Ttle Hert1or A,..'• only •uthortzad VoiUwqen •nd Pareche dMler. te.aruaJ pilt.s, &Dd prlses b" Krrry eowu, preskleot. • ~BEL P ETERSOH Dl ES -------i wl•ers lD a phOto cout..t lor other oflleers are Mrs Mils ll.a.bel Grace Pet•.oa.. ,. -...ses u. Barber-Gnyeoo McCarty !lrst n..: 79, ot 182 Catrlllo St., Cool& SPECIALS FOR JUNE 12·13· U LillY'S 6 1'!(. TOMATO. JUICE·- . '.2/39~ harJDOGJ from I..einre World, presldellt· Mrs &ns LJ.abardt Mesa, died May 2Z, at Costa square danelD&, u aatiqDt c:u 2Dd Tlce~estdeat· Mrs AJU W:esa Memorial Ho511ltal. Sbe parade, tldr:Uers' eootest. ud E Miller recortU.ai..a'etan-· n.s boro March :n, 1890, l.D cow:atry fa1r eXIllblta of rueb lira. c 'E Taaut, conU.: Nebr~ came to CaWorDla produce 'lf1U be bt)d at tbe ponctiD( • ~etary IDd Jack U years 110, &Dd llYed l.D Inloe prden1 at Myford Rd. Seblrmer treuurU Directors Orange Coonty for 2 years. Her and ln'tae BlYd. locblle 'Jolla Bur.gess. Ed last posttloo was assembler b' AD aJmost.i:Jrcotteo Call~ HtDe Dr w J SeoU ud a creet1n& cud eompuy. • CUPIT$ RI-WIIITI!IIID • WA TIR & Sltllllt I DAM.\ COl! REMDVED o ORIEHTAL 847-1678 KD.l& IIO't'eltJ, "fUs onoce wm-.' ~ • Beetwttb, Ser•tces were be)d May Sl jgice/• wt.l1 be die»"'"" to Cblrlu 1A11Jbert. RtcMrd ID.. at Bell Broadway Cbapel, wtbl PORMER. INSTRUCTOR. N..tTION..tL CHI:'M I CAL CO. nsttors. "CoaDtJ C&meo.',,. a lf'UD. Jolla Pcac, Paul Frt.-Dr. D. W. WeE troy of Harbor' e permaMIIt art te-ceA of tbe bsrtaulr Jeu 5&1 IDd. Pal . First Chrlst1a.D CbUrch u of~ "-~-"~8~"iii"ii'!cii_,~·~• ICiil•~-~-~~~i!foii'.ia~·~--c!_,iill.l'~'·1·1!1 celetlralioa, 'lf1ll be oftlred b' · I.Aderer. ' flca.ot. ... YO 21 & 22 ..• NOON TO 9 P.M. lT FIFTII AVE . AU IllS AYE. RtcHr FREE ADMISSION TO THE GREATEST FUN OF THE YE~R! , ~ ~~~"~ ..__-IAUOOIII ftlll,ti ........ ...., ... IIIIIM ........ ........ --- :;:; a ··· TONY RANil.W. .-....... ~ JAHffLEGt --.,.. :--~= CONTINUOUS SAT-IUN •• 140N., Xfil!ltlol!r ltiWHIIT llACit • OLJ.Illb So IIG-tt'1 M.wcf Over To The LIDO for Anotfrter IKOrcl WMk! Never So Timely( Never So Greotl 251h Anniversary O.Doy! WEI! YOU THERE? N. V. Tlmn U )'t -S1u,llendo,,.t Tloere ,or• ,,. '"ore ¥oorld• te .,.,,. quorJ 42 MAJOI ST ARSI Richord Burton lobert Mikhum Peter Lawford "THE etc. John Wayne Henry fonda Sean Connery LONGEST DAY" '"' O..otge P,,.,,,d J•n•u Muon Ur•u!o A"dren ''THE BLUE MAX" ' "t'Dw's"wonder" industries are being built right now • . . and innlbH .. ftrms, sac:b a Dean Wltt« A Co., 1ft lldJiial proYide tile flaaac:UI-.de to make them a reality. All the way from the ocean floor to o uter space, new technology is changing the world we live in, creating new jobs and opportunities. This growth often depends on the sale of corporate securities. And this is an area where Dean Witter can offer extensive experience. Last year, Dean Winer acted as manager, co-manager. or major participant in 347 corporate under- writings amounting to close to .S500,()(X),000 in new capital. This is just one more reason why we say ... YOM 'n clou to,.. tt~IID k•• _,.,yo. bttnt wit •••• DEAN WITTER. Ill: Co. INCDaPDIIATZf.l M~"'M' N-ForA: SlocA: b e-.,. SD" Fr4#1el#eo • Z..O.A~Ia • N,., Tori • Cll.ieco •. lOTH ftiST IUN IN SOUTHERN 20 words ot leu ............. . 21 words to 30 WOt'dl .... .. 31 words to .fl words ..... . WILL PAY 1.11 to $1,000 stelany GraDel piaao. P. 0. Boa 1885, studio CaiUorllia.. -wsamo· FACES .._ DaVid .J:.n~c<:P.n Rosemary Forsyth Robert Drivas Brenda Vaccaro • - Don Rickles.-.. C.WSPIIID • CAESARS PAlACE WnnM .,.. DnnW Garson Kanin · 1 TiiM 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 T imea 3 Times ~ 3.00 3.00 .. oo 4.00 5.00 • 10 .15 TRAN SPORTATION 100% Flnanclng Available AI so W~ Carry Our Own COntracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 20 36 H arbor Bl vd. Costa Mesa SPECIA!.S .... J .... -6 .,....... ..... ~ -lar mUe& of -.. _-Ham mood, Balllwlaj ' Allen, etc.; prices startaUi9 . Used JPI.Dets, consoles 41 grand 1 •. ·-:-=trom $!90. E.z terms. Hammond spinet, latest model. only $499; Hammond "B" w/TC, one only, reduced to $1395. SpecLal oo console II IIPlDet pl&Dos -all reot appUes to Fall or Winter pqr. chase. SCHMIDT Ml.SJC CO. Hammoad-Yamaha -Ste1Dway 1907 N. Mala st. Saab. Alia Est. 1914 PERSONAL ALOOIIOUCS· ANONYMOUS 54&-7117. P.o. ·eo. 1223, COal& MeaL JaONINo. y, .. ol .. _ i•oe oa 111 ""'' of cloo 6lq A -lpooiaiiJ, .... lbiltl •••. 50 per •• ........ w.~_ f(17- _. ... alM. .,,.m ... '--~~---:-:,--­• IIIICILL .... IOUI 111'171'1 ...,_ ,..., ., .. - • ,_ ... ....,.,, -r• --........ L.a .. ... A•t eiMalc ,,_. -"·~"-· Jill .E. C...l Hwy •• C.: -·IMar. LINING & ---- • LABOR ~ ... • Marinapark 11tes gG .IP .t ....... .., .... enulll rtllt ..,. ... al --~-· tnt ..... , ... "-riiiM elL 1'llo .r-. ·-· 64Ul/2 -~ 1710 .. c.. •• "'- Msa.....rt ..... MEWI'ORT TOWERS Landmark of the Newport SkyUne 8 &tortes of breath-taldng bay and ocean viewing from \uxurtous 2 bed- room, 2 bath, all electrtc apartments. 2 bigb speed elevators, subterranean and top deck parldng, therapeutic pool and boat docks. dally. Sale or lease. (714) 842-2202 3121 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach q._ 'f/-11. R .. l~.r For Sales & Rentals ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SalM througb the Multiple T.lllti'W • /lea tlce ~ Ule Newport Harbor-CoMa N•• Board ~ lleelton totaled $11.2 •mtoa tor tJie ftnt ttn moatbl ~ ••· TIILI repr-Mftta eee 11111t ••• ad a doll•• Yalue. lac~ ~ l'lll -... -·period~ lut ,..... u.t JGU property wttb a RMitor ta~Q. 1 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BAYCREST BEAUTY Brlll't Airy UYIDg Room-Sei>UolO lltJdo& Room, FamliJ Room • .f. Bedrooms, Z-1/Z l:&ths.llrc-Bred· fast area.. S..lllUUlly Jant!se'l)eld •••••••••• 59,500. •••• TWIN DUPLEXES EXCITING ARCHITECTURE 3 BEDROOM AND Z BEDROOMS EACH UNIT . , _ .• NEW AND BE AtmFUL • ••• For Rent z BEDROOM APT. ENCLOOE DOECX DISHWASHER, CARPET DRAPES ••••••••••••••••••• $225 . •••• OPEN HOUSE 1126 GOLDENROD HARBOR VIEW HILLS GREAT lllllOCII, OITI"DOOR FEEL IN 11m THREE BEDROOM HOME WITH VIEW HAS ONE OF YOST OUTST AJmi!IG P<lOLS AND RECREATION AREAS AT THE BEACH SUNDAY 1-5P.M. •••• LAGUNA HIDEAWAY LAGUNA BEACH IIIOIIAW.lT •• WITIIVIEW l/S DOIM Y. f' RUJ.TOR ll50 Ioiii-....... eo-411.,,c•• -- BROADMOOR home with Bay • VIeW AIIYTIIIIE CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS 21 Once in a Life Times • THE POSTMAN RINGS TWICE • Two CDN ~ertDga by Corbln- Marttn, IDe:. that won't la.t long. We compare to anuth1ng offered 1n COM. • Prop. I. Two houses, both one bedroom -$36,950. • Prop. ll. Two bouses, one 2 bedroom; one, bachelor -$33,500. BRING YOUR CHECK TO: CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy . 675•1662 Corona del Mar, Callf . •••••••••••••••••••• OWNER TRANSFERS ---10 be ftU ..U bb JcweiJ o&-bidroom. Satll madera t.:Jme. Bltll-111 kitcblll ud 'J....ear avace 011. 40 tt. atreet-to...creet klt. $69,850 • • • • TWO SHORT BLOCKS - --rro. tile UdD CM' .......... oowt. ...._...., ud IUdlr -I va..--.. 55 II. lot.-.... _...,... $79,500 • • • • BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP ____ ...._ .... ,. ..... .,...._,, ... .... s ·~ clNe to .. Cl&' ••• -.... ...t. $155,000 p. a. palmer lncorpor•ted IIIMILI85 Cf .. -IQS aarr'fku. ..,...,. Ma 1 "._.._,_ -&..A.-.. MI I I realty 642-5200 EIISI&II 6ETS CM-IY P•\TM. .EW'OIT MalOti U!IIJI 'OOIISDAY. JUliE~ -• E S -'RIM~-!!.!!!IIIT!...!IECliOII~!!!!..;:-.:.-!:! .... l!.!...._l _ ____cCO~IIDIIA=c::DE::L..:IIM.=.::CAIJ=f. -,_ .... ":t ~fAlH~~y ~ith ~~~ assorted chocolates 1 lb. box $1.95 2 lb. box $3 .85 thockptoOf ft~tM $7,95 waterpro.f ..... S12.95 ~~~ AND JADE EAST GOLDEN LtMI! AND CORAL STERLING DAD? • "DAD" Bill«t L mon flu• /nrrd. LE&Al .. a.. .. ftollll •y-~lr· .... _,.. *r Mr -fl a. fiOIIIoPo IIIII .U C hi lnoal, -,_ t • lllo •-II' ... I C.__. lot fl .... Mr4lllll---IOoe .... -POlO I) ~ _.. v liS I --. • ruol ... • 1-1, _.._ • ......,.ID tntr ssall ... • n. .... lilaft _.a 11r na .. !emtn• ... a..-u.,--...... ---.. --...... ,, --__ ... ___ ... ""--. ... _, ........... ·---..... -• -IPfiMool. ,_ ... -... . • • 411o«<.U.u-•lul-•wdl will.,.._ 111o 7 _,_llllloJ-7eula_....__.,eaa. blllll ... -VIlla dol lol . p ... -:.... --I -· ... IIIII-Ia __ ., 111-lld,.l;ul • • • • ~ c_, ... I_., It 811111, -411 lo II adloo ,.,.,...,..~ ... -~ LII.A PIINCK, VITIIINC WU_.,IIIIIJColllll- u -oo W-1111 ... -C...., --a. Nft', OP WWII tUCCUMIS lwol,..o -lila ... lrYIM A,. lo Doo• ._ ., Ia lllo Pill IWIID -~ RoY. Lola ~ a, oiiu1 Wool, r-, "lllr .:_ IIIII lin. ,_ D, WeolciUICOIDPitrelallnL Jlclr--will..--~~·-Pllee <:-. ..... llulllioo "Pirlr,af-.- • APPROVED llrlllrtldllcal 111o 10 ._,. -, -· • -a1 bor -~-I ~ I -.. _, IIIII Clrdlouea ISOI,'Iflllell-~ 111o 1op1e ··-..., bon•-ai uoe Bolqat-...,_ er... tM tpHd Umtt tram ' M wor CID Sbl wu -.-• ' a..tci. .,.. lillld ~-• 46to55mtleaubouroaJam .. e.._,.~., • ~~7~ea:.,C:::C,~at PacUic Y~ llecDarlal bo<ie Rd. lrom Ford Rd. Mil" C-al lllblo Cllorell, 0t-aop Ia 0ruco c_, lor II ,.... .. Cllopol. Tbo allldool wu Ed- tbe Pbllco-Ford AeroaatrOide An. at 11n1 st., eo.ta lie._ Sbe wu a Mtena otWorldWu ward G. RtltL plul to --· Rd. ID lbe -11-.y 1-wiU briDe U IIIII bo4 _..., ua-al Back BIJ, ol put I ot bla IDoTTIIII oa ''Di-IJt tM Womeo'a Army Corp~ fOUMD DUD IM I!D • APPROVED llrlllreodlllc -diY•III)"allllotatdiO:IO (WAC). Toxlcolopc:al -are Ordlouee 1307, wbleb woald Lm. -11a1o -,, At S.ol-• IDelOIIe ber bao-boloc -tod bJ tllo 0ru&o rHODe tile lniDO Co. propert)' 7 p,m, b1o lo)llle w1U be"Deolb, 11a111, 8&Jmal; a·-, m.-Coay -·· olllee to do- aloac tbe Bayside Dr • bay froat tbt beir ol prldt.'' MJd • ..-ol OskJe'"'· a brother no-t teriDJDI tbe Clllll ol dlatb ol ...., EIPueoDr.lromC,J,H BlbiO-atdllhJ<r moottor Sudora ot'c-ea, 'ar._ C-F ..... Id< llroadloc.44, to R-1 for derelopmeot of 1Z wtn be at 7 p.m. J .. 19. Ud a..._, En1J bstmao ot fto WU iMD1 diM DD b1a bed resldeDllal lots frootlac on tbe • • • Pos:1Jud ' Jme 10 at ISOI w. 0c .. Ft., dredpd out marlaa area be-ne Newport Harbor La-SvYt~s wwe bsld Ju. 11 Apt. 4-A, Cealrallfewport. F._ tween the Balboi.YachtClubaad tbe.ru c•eb. 1501 CWfDr., at Wutcwr CbspeL hltermlllt ..u ....ne.. are pwt•nc at Bahia CoriDthla.D Yacbt Club. Newport Hel&bta-RoaWbtteot wW be at Natloaal Cemetery BaJb Yoftary, Coroas. del • RECElVED a letter of 8aDta Aaa w1U be ..... mlata-PortlaDd ' 11&1' thanks signed by 12 residetlts ter tor tbe 1:10 Ud 11 Lm. • ' tor quick response in lmprov-se"lcea th1J: Swds.y. He com- ing the Holmwood-Catall.Da pleted hts •mt..rJ t:ra1JalDc 1a alley Lo Newport Helgbts. May aad 1s awalU..agacaU.Pu- • AWARDED the contract tor tor lames Bla1D, rec~ lnstallatiOD of UDderground . from Wness, reeeau.y retiii'Did telepboae liDes to ocean tront I from a 10-day 1tay 1D Pboealz Ute guard towers to Smith Etec-stms111oe w1tb bJs tamUy ud trtc S~ly of Stanton, low bid-elpeCts tobebackUSIIUDJwttb der at $4,685. tbe services sooo. • ADOPTED a resolution re-• • • qulrlng tra.ltlc on Villa Way,· Newport UD1ty Cbureh, m"- near City Hall, to stop at 32DCI Ung at 15tb st. aDd In1De A'fl., St. CUff Hutn -A father's day • At.n'HORJZEDtheueclrtion se"lce w1U be beld at 10 a.m. of an agreementwtthShulrma.n-this Sunday. Tbe IDDI&l plcDie Simpson, clvU engineers, tot wtll be held atCostaMeaput_ tllglneerlng sentces 1D coo-beginDJDg at DOOO. Tbe SUDdaJ oeetion wltb the PNlPOsed de-. seboot deputmeot wtll sent lachment of city territory from coffee, puocb aDd lceeret.m. the Costa Mesa sanitary dis-• • • trlct at a tee not to exceed Lutbera.n Cbarcb ol. tbe Mu- $10 6oo ter, 2900Pac14c: View Dr., Har- •' REJECTED the 2 bids, ber Vlew Hills -There w1ll be $8 699 and $12 ?41 received· an 8:45 Lm. Stmday 181'Ytee at to; tbe UarfDer~ ubrary patio the cbarcb a.nd &D 11 a.m .. eoclosure and carried the pro-service at tbe COD&J'eptlooal ject over Into the 1969-'70 picnic on tbe JotmCr811LDRaocb, bl.dget The kJw bid was 45% betw'een llisstoo Viejo aad San over the architect's estimate Juan CapistraDo. Dr. WUUam of $6 000 EUer wtU _. oo "The be, • Atn'.HORIZED the Lnstal~ ctrmiDg of 'lfisdom" at both I latlon of veb.icle detectors to sentces. Vaeatioo Bible school provide tor fUlly actuated will begin at 9 Lm. llooday lor I ........ ration of tbe tramc stpal 4.tb tllroueb 6th p-ades. J ~ . . controllers on Newport Blvd, st Mart Touch 'n Play Touch the front chrome fac:e of Sony's TFM-1849 and ht11r what Mppens? It plays FM Of AM. Very powerfully too-thinks to Sony solkl stlte circuitry. Now close the cover and the radia shuts oft autometically. Wouldn't he just love one on his desk? MAKE HIS "EVERY" DAY COMPLETE-- WllH lHIS 0141!1 FA TilER'S DAY CARDS at Finley Ave. and 32Dd st., Ch~ch 2100 Mar Vista. East GO! GOI GO! FOR DADI near City Hall, during ofl'..peat Bluff..:_ The Rev. James Kirk GTO R-a.l•i·y SET hours. EsUmatedcostls$4,300, 'W1l1 preach oo ''Tbe ICOOJ of TfM-1141. Tnis deluxe !Ouch ·n play FlA/AM ~ radio is fun to operate. Beaullfully sl}tled In a SUm, compact walnut cabinet, just a touch electric. $65 by M1u· Faclor with to be paid out of gas tu ap-a.llenation" at 10 a.m. Suods.y, propr1.atloo. based on Lute's account of the of the iold face al'ld )'OU recel"te brilliant FM or AM automatically. II lums off when the cover WHAT KNOT -~I!M IIIAILY -10 '*14 MIINDCUI'TBD GII'T$ e AIITI & CIIAI'TS ITEMS TAKEM ON COMSICHIIEMT 8rU.t 1,. YOV• H•JiwoMI 2622 Howpotl Blvd. -Howpoot Boach Jl; $~ DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINING SOON IN CORONA DEL MAR 4cy ti!'l 14. 9' • APPROVED the busi.Dtss 11-rl.ellawa ud l.AM.r-. Y S .,•'DAY JUNE 15 eense applleatiob ot GtDe J. • • • FATHER'S DA '"'"' • Adams, ....., ot Sllaeeo IDe., St. Aodrew's PrHbytulan Corona del Ma r 318 N. NeBport Blvd., Newport Cburell, 600 St. Aodrew'sRd., is closed. Built-tn FM MJtenna for drift·lrae FM reception and la,..e slide Nle dial for easy tunint:. Sdentif!Cally, 1D play • 8QOd as It loOks. Poloilet :4 "AA" utta: Sla. IW H • 6fe.• W • SW D. IVellht! 12 OlL CcMor: Walnut with Gold. tall Heights, tlr a.ao lea.stng. CUff Ha.veo _ "Get out of the 67).9110 Pharmacy WE DELIVE • GAVE ..... ova~ subject to elr<:le"ls the sermoo t .. m. of coodiUons to be established bJ Dr, Cbarles Dleren.fleld for tbe1 ..,._PI ....,_ "*' 1... tile city manager, to tbe ap. a, 9:30 uclll a.m. Suoda.yser. pllcatioo of Erik Larsen to •tees. Tbere wtJ1 be a i'!P~Ctal -::,.;•»::f:·~C~··~·~t~H=•::•:·====(H:OG~r~J~o~sm=i:•:•:A::•:•::·):: sponsor a teenage dance at commtssloD1Dg durlnt the mor. -:; tbe Newport Harbor Legion Hall n1ng worship tor young people thls eveolng, June 12, the pro-wbo will be leaving soon on the LEATHER OX,ORD Hllllkr.tfted elk-.tanMd cOt•tnOe dr1n soft. Steel shri. A ~ fort fiYOrile! It fl01ts! In Smoked El~. Wtute. or Sltt·•ller· treated Brown lor men, slim or •ide. &.14 $2.C.95 STOll! HOURS 9 , 15 TO S,JO DAIL T SUNDAYS 11 TO 5 ceeds to be used to pay for summer "d~utaUon" mlsslon musical lnstrumects tor tbe program. high school b&nd. • • • • ADJOURNED to 7:30 p.m. Tbe UDl.tarlao-Utllve<rSiillst·l Monday, June 16, lor a public Fellowship of Costa Mesa will bearing oo the 1969-70 budget. present a pobllc ~g of tbe academy awud 'lt'io!lJ.Dc docu-GRAND OP fNINC FOR meotary 111m, "Jouroey IDto HEW SITE OF FUR CO. self," at 8:30p.m. Juoe Z7, Charles Cohen a.noounces tbe 1259 VIctoria st., Costa llesa.l grand opening at the new Joca-Tbe film deplcta: the tioo of Charmante Furs at 1404 perlences of 8 T:l•;~~:l N. Grand Ave., Sa.ota Ana, just paling in a grcq, olf tbe Santa Ana treeYaJ. sioo led by 2 The oew building was de-• • • signed by master furrier Cobeo st. Michael's aDd AU Allpls' to bouse his collection of mint, Eplscopal Church, 3233 Pacitlc sable chlnchi!Ja. Persla.n, View Dr., Harbor View Hllls-beav~, broa.dtlli, muskrat a.ad Tbe Rev.IOhnRogersDavlawW other turs. preach on "Sacraments a.od Tbe Cohen tunlly's eon.. t.-ldces" at the 8 a.m. com- nection wtth the tur trade began munioo service a.od at tbe i:SO with ancestors ln Europe. For a.m. mornlng prayer serYlce. 35 years Mr. Cohen's fatber Tbe swnmerchurchseboolpro.. pracUced his trade 1n Pbila-cram tor tinde:rp.rteo tbroucb delphia, where Cbarles Coba~"s 6tb lfl.de 'Ifill beciD at 9:30 tlrst job was sweeping out the a.m. tb1s SUDdly. shop. He advanced ~the ladder of the fur Industry througb the various stages of fUr rna-.. tactl&rlng and Is oow specl.a.l~ 1s111c ID fur desl&n. The Cobeos ban been In Orange County tJr JDOl'e tbaJl 30 years. ECIUIPMEIIT STOLEN Electrical equipment Worth $170 was otololllrom a balldloc site at Namber sa, Uodllalu1, the nilbt ot J~m~ 2, aecordlltc to llaaeao stewart, 183 Sbore, cUff Rood, Sboro CUll. REMODELING Sale . , , no face , .. no squinting. HE'LL REALLY Bf A .. CLAD DAD,. WITH 1Hl51NCXlMI'ARABLE MODEL·-AND lHE EHVY OF HIS OFFICE. TOOl 1102 a. VD, et 17th, Coste .MeM no hands! TAD A 0000 L(IOI(AT YOOI OWIIIIW'UIIII IIAYII TREY IIUN IWIGIIIG l.a.CER Tll4ll II IIOIITIII WITIIOllr CLLUIIIIG? ARI TREY DIIITY, ..alL()UII, WATIRsiTAIIIBD?" RIIIIIIIBU, m&PIIIID ACr AS ~ llLTIIII .TIIAT TRAP M•l, DWT AID A,._ *W: 1C1L. T11D TJa UGI'I' AID twUATiial C1W1a11 AT TJa ISIIIDDW CAl .ICTIIALI.T lAD TBAT lloa. .-10 ftl •ue&ft ·-C.&.LL <XJI'I DUn11T a••WM 'lt!DlY .. £ aw--.. ..,., *':Jr 22 KTIOI Of' .. ··-M I F • .,,. .... • .. BREATNT.uaJIG VJE1IS ol trio SWiu A"" ,... •Jorod bJ tbut Harbor Ara res141ab dariDc a rec:llf. EtnP~U nelllbl trip. Pictured lell to rlpt are Jolla Paleo at Nnport Hetptl; Helen Cole of Costa Mesa, m••pr at Doralct100'11D a.Jboa, ud Dr.AraoldE. Naepllof Newport Beach IDd b1a wife, MarJ. RIP VAN WINKLE Truly finest in sleeping comfort. TWIM OR fULL SIZE •.•..••.. Por Set 119.50 QUIBI SIZI •••.•.••...... Per Sot 269.50 IUMIO SliE •••• : ••......••. Per Sot ~.50 H.J.GARJ{Eff fURNflURE 2215HAUOIIILVO. COSTAWESA ttl027S ... 0276 ,. ..... , ...... -............. , 0,.. ............ lo Jlrl ,_ SACRm TRWUR£ HOUSE TOUI QtltSTIAN IUN'LY QHID PI •L~ ... 8 00.W -S..C.IIti:O RtC:OROe • CAR0t Oof'T• • CAN~ • r'II-M STilt-A ,..~ .. , •• • ~C>sWm .. : .. ~c·•~ Plo+OHI: 648-8388 C.O.TA M~. CAU,., •••• 7 111i.Of1Mn.IV., ... I.ef ........ a..&.l ........ ,.., .... ·For Father's Day. • TENNIS SHORTS ••• 4.95 t~J 12.95 TENNIS SHIRTS ••• 4.95 -6.00 -7.00 TENNIS SHOES •••• 7.75 & 8.95 JACKETS & SWEATERS WILSON XTRA DUTY TENNIS BALLS ••• Doa. 7.95 • TENNIS RACKET~ WILSOM·IAMCROFT· DUHLOP·DAVIS-CRAGIM· 6.95 • 400 • • IOo: CO.TA •aA ANGLERS TO COMPETE AGAIN tile )llilor--Mr. Ud Mro. ~ ~. l'MO E, Oeeu BIYd., Blllx:.,arecbair-m.,_ no .,._ Aoclllll Cllb'• no .,..._ "' t11o - ,..... lllldllc ---wiU mool Is to otlm1llolo ._ .. 1loCill ~-14 ud --lo ID 11.1b1Dr. ..-e-AI(. 17. no partJ ... partlel-llllp ud -·• 1t>lrU, ud puta, llmi?IM, udlrloalntU poon.se a-· oaldoor oot- Lie lltld AI(. ZS al tllo ElleU lot lor-.... CJ. Tbo Ballloo AD&liD& Club, clabiia ... , 515 W. BalbOa Bl'fd. Pretldeal: of tbe 500 mem-·"Au St., BI.DJaa. bu oo dls- -u a'ftlll at trop11101 bor B&U.. AD&liD& Cllm Is plaJ -Is ollbb, reeeot ud ud --to the --Rlcbord L. Tbo-ZISZSe-~leal lbblll( pleturu, ~tara. 'We, Balboa. Robert Reid, Z9'7 booU ud ma11•tl!fl, HeleD EatrJ blaab are aftilable Bo'WllD&Gr.-Dr.,Coeta.Mesa,'smitb u cJtj) Mtretary. Tbt at weleb ltiKMa. Tbere 11 ao is the director respoosible tor elab ls opeo daily 1 to 5 p.m. _, fee. _, .. --tllo-lsnlllod.,tbe iAI .• liarrJ DoYII maru.-..-1 u m n I .. ld -llll, ud • -- club elects dUce beld tacb IIIII'1DC. H~&-Gordoo B. Jooes, dlreetor of droda at dollar• -a. of engloeerlnc planolnc lor tbelr- l:rapbln &Ddprt•ureawuded YiDe Co., tau beeD elected pre- -side,. or the Orange Cooo1J stad::lrd Cl~, soceeedlDC Cbarles E. Htrseb of La.CQDI. Beacb. llr. Jones wu craduated from Stanford 1D 1957 aDd earaed a master's deefee 1D 1958. He is a former presi- dent ol the-· Jum« Alumni of Soutbern Callfornla. IDd kmer rice presideot ot the staab'd Clllb ot Los Aoceles. He 1s a Ylct-PI'esideat and di- rector al tbe Coroaa del Mar Chamber ol Commerce and a.e- t1Ye 1D comm.ttte.e work of the On.nce CouaQ Cbamber. He aod btl wtte, lJnda, u., a Stu- ford cradulte, reside at 121 Via. Qutt.o, Lido tale. Tiley have twochUdrea. THE HIGHEST AWARD 1..1 tcn'flac. the £aa:le bUll, WU aware»<~ to Bob PeDeWell,left, otZ!OSOI:bst., West Newport. and Frank YaeMI.III.n, 1624 Hictll&Dd Dr., Harbor HtpJapck, at a court of boaDr tor Tr0011 10, wtlicb l.s tpOUOrld by st. Andrew's Presbyteria.a Cblll'cb. Bob's Wber, Ed PeoenU.la scoutmaster. Tbe Eacle bldps were presented bJ tM boJI' former scoutmaster, Costa Mesa pollee om.cer Mille Hel.1e7. Bob serves as seldor patrol lllder, and Frau. la 111Aiblt senior leader. Tbey are both 15 year a old aad ,... II Harbor SclloOI. Cbarmante Furs CordiaUy Invites You To The CERTIF1CA TE OF BU!>Q!ESS F1CTrrtOU!> FIRII NAME P-33UJ THE UMDEltSIGKED does borobJ e~ IIIII bl Is .,.,.._ c1aet1ac u...,., ~ bullloas Ill 1059· "-1 Bttd., Costa - -t11o n.-llrm -at R<IJ"• ..... .-u ud lllllaldllrmlsco-'oltllo folloortiiC per---Ia IIIII ud plol:o at r- are u i>IJon, 11>-wtt: R<>J£ .... ._ lal 8n'ddiD PL, Caota .. _ Calli. wmn:ss ., -Ibis 21111 ci&J atii&J. lilt, Ror I. 8hd1•• STATE OF CAUf'CIIllllA ) COUNTY OF OIW(GE )u 011 TillS 11111 ci&J at li&J, ttlt, biiDI"e M, a !IGtlrJ -IIIUd ... ald- ud-. ·-----dllJ 11 •••Ms d UII...-..PII'· .-JIJ 40 tM14 llor E.-- --lo-lolletMpor-___ .. __ .. .. dlllals, sallt.Uil~ ......... --... ... , .. -. au .. ., ........... -. .., .. ~ Of Their Magnifitent New Fur Salon 1404 North Grand Avenue, SANTA ANA The Charming New Continental Building c..Jgned by Matter furrler Char ... Coh.ft to hoUM hh famous collections of the world's fiMst furs. h it a chwam come tr\fle foro man whoM only cMti,.. Is to create on atmosphere for the fur shopper that will .,evcor be foroott-n. Nothing In modem times comparn w ith the appointments, the spaciousness of the elegant show- room . , • tM bar ••• tM potJo .•• the powder rooms . Every facil ity is a thrill. Every detail is a masterpiece of the cMcoratar'1 art. Large oJr-c:onditioned workroom• and storage vaults hove no equal anywhere in the Southland. ,arklng Is all our own ••• lt'1 frM and easy. Come. be our guest and shore our pride in th• fur .alon we bulft with you In mind. ltestyllng, l~ng Our stylists are wiM to the latest looks of fashion . Your fun are rem.r.d and redesigned under the personal direction of Master Furrier Charles Cohen . Mr. Cohen has won an enviable reputation for fashion firsts throughout the Southland. The St ...... Vaults We're sa proud of this scientifically engineered vault for your precious fun. It will store them safer, snugger and better than any other place in Sourhern California ..• far considerably less, tool Come and see ill GlAND OfEf\IIIIG SI'ICIAUl •• , 1970 fun at incredibly law prices. Charles Cohen's col- lectian.lncludesMinlr, S.W., Chinchilla, l'enian, Beaver, lraadtail, Muskrat and many other fine fws. Coall, St. aleun, Jackets, Capes and Stoles at prica -• possible only far this GlAND Of &lNG SAUl ONLY I0%00WN TAKE }2.24.36 MON'111S TO PAY "lM ~Ma.t. Mlflll a.-.. .11~1-. PW ~~---.,_~ .............. _ ....... ~":_·..,....... DIAL 54S-9M4 ~ ·• I .... Doc. : lj .. ~ .. arc ,,.., .. .-., u. -••• 1 .. l liE., UITI ;liil:" : ~ ..... ;at-li·~·~-~A~VI.~!!~::!·~IM~Ij~MI:T~A~M:.t~-!P!B~IW~A~'t~1~11~1~·~·~~~.:~A~I~M.~P~=~--~~ a In Moecow, tinct World War I has .pin become the capitll ot Ruuia, as In an-dent time~. T*'ak it one of the chief cities of Siberia. RPA~Ia ha now btc:orne a Union or Sc:Wiet RepubUcs, so-called. 1'-"P'nnu of Ra.h, llltlllhtch, and Tubal," to whom God ~reues Himself, Is, then, the leader of • Unlt.d Russia, with Mos- cow representlna the west and T*'lk ,.,.,...ntlne the Nil In verse 15 it will be seen tNt internal evidence makes absolutely conclusive the ract that no other land tnan Russia coold posslbty be !MIInt. IMPfLUD TO IAnLE IN THE LAflER YEARS In verse 8 the prophet gives an indication of the timf!l to which this prophecy relates. "After many days thou shalt be visited," he declares, "in the latter years ... " The Hebrew verb, paqad, here translated visit•d. is most often used with the signification of inspection, as though God had said," "Eventually 1 will turn the spotlight upon Russia." What will God find dominant in Russia's affairs "after many days"? tt is th is vrsi tation, this inspection of Russia which results in the unequivocal dectarat1on: "Behold I am against thee, 0 Gog." The fact that, after a Ions petiod of trme, God purposes to s ive attention to Russia in a special manner, indicates the rise of that nation to a place of new significance in world affairs. If our moon was, say, only 50,000 miles away instead of its actUII distance, our tides would be so enormoos that twice a day the continents would be lar&eiY su~. If our atmosphere had been much thinnet, some of the meteon.. I1CM burned 1n space, would be strikins all parts of the earth, startine fires everywhere . • • St Tliomas Bible Lesson JUUS IIG .. I M. MIN. flY LtiiOft 27, lartaa I Ma .. eaw • 'IHU IIIDAY, JU11 E II, ltl8 Ka!!!O KC]OII--Pw Z bodl by .,_ dleclll • .--MWl t., • ...,.. n. more lmpottant the oll'lce. tiM a.on littlE II ......... 8oyoullllc:MraYm.._aperia1cet'Yel montublleand loq dnwn-oul -"*"--do ,.,.... w..-anto and Enolpa. But tho hottett tr1ai oom• to evt:l')' aew-bom Chrtatlan. At the hour of hit convenl~n, he mutl face all alone-ln a ..udenMa-a bott of otrffl and opportunltlet lhat come 10 htm to Improve hll lot and to take advantace of hit n~w powe.n faltely. And whUe. u with J•u'" the Rr~t blatt of temptation ll the wortt, the tempter It never very r.r away. II tbould alto be marked In th" oonnettkm that temptation doea not come from within. but from without Only the retponee comM from wlthln-ftnt, the delight ln lt; then, wWAaUy ctvtna In to 11. Temptatlon u1uaUy comes from olher ptnona. from what they tay and do. from thlna• we tee and hear. Sl Aucuttlne obKrved that there It no reuon why we may not tuppose that Satan, 'Yho templed Jaua, wu a man Htvlllf In tlie omce ol Satan. He would be that 'm&n who Ia head. of the HCret c:abaJ of wortd JOWmment, the Inter· n.atlonal conspiracy com.poted of wlk::hcralterl:, oraanbed underworld leaders, vice mongera, heretks and othftl wbo have aouaht refuge ln lies and made a league with Hell. This head or the international underworld ls always a man or lmmenu Intellectual powen, w:Jth vut leamlntf and untold wealth at his disposal. and usually extremely penonable and pubUcl:y admired. He would have to make himself known, however, in oonnedlon with theeonaplracy, in order to offer a real temptation. Havlna pa.ued through the dread hour or temptation, Jesus next &et up a baae or operation-a headquarten. 11 Is hard to imagine how any campaign could begin otherwise, yet many 1eem to undertake a public ministry without see\ng to It thai their headquarten ll tolidly grounded and arranged so as to serve adequately aa It Ia needed. The next step Is to organb.e a stan-a band or followera who are trusted men, picked by the commander and serving at hia pleasure. There Is no need to auppose Jnus and Peter and Andrew and the sons of Zebedee were not already well acquainted. Neither ia U neoesury to thlnk that Jesus made o nly one ad or calling hit dlaclples. There are sllghdy varying aa:ounts or the calllna or the twelve, and it would aeem most likely that on one occasion they were called ror limited duty, and aa the campaign unrolded Jesus assigned increasingly important roles. Only when these things have been ten~ to lt Jesus ready to start traveling from vlllage to vlllage. "teaching in their aynagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and hea1lng ... And see how he goes nrst to the estab- lished places of gathering, and only late:r, when rejected here:., does he resort to open-alr preaching. So begins the earthly ministry or the Lord of Heaven and Earth. St. Thom03 Praa -P. 0 . Box 35096 -Hou.ton. Tuas 17035 Difficulties In The Bible "Jeaua' Birth Foretold"-Luke 1:26-56 .. ftll IAft .. A. t'OtiUY (8> ,_ ..r:; I I ol -...... -) IY COI:MWUS •· ... ""' ..... THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL By Mn. Joy Martin FROM "SWORD OF THE LORD" WURI'"REESBORO, TENN. If' IT ..... Tlllllil'!l. ......... 4 .. ' JONAH AND "THE WHALE." -TB& BJBL& NOWJII!RZ SAYS ~EII'ORT HAR110R EJIIIGN SECOIID SECIIOII --P!p 3 From the •&AT~m~AY, £1Atl7 • MUSIOAIIS MIEDIO 1'01 DCC MUSICAL .. ...... .......... MC*DA.Y, KAY It la ... ' IF Edna, Den.... f ...... ....,.,., WUIM ....... , .......... , •• r I -0 .... -~::. ....... W '"wU::. Erl<"-40, of I:U -lor llllolre 1o - -IIIJ' 110-11 1M ..,_1_, plaJIW IIIII: ..... r•nt a, re.llld ~ anetk.t4St~ ~ a.':':i :r:: ~ ud.:.. WU....: at l :lS p.m. Ia U. • W ._ r·~·ifiii;ji; 1a 1111 orno1"' LoU GriD, 11, ... .._ Sqtue c-.. "" --·-·-o1 c:n... Coul couo.,. -- "' ·-...... An., e.G "-'~ lllllell&tzod'OIIllbtlllc 'IU--Ilia '""*' -..w bt -.~~-!*''! •• '!'!!.· II-oo 1111 -~~ of --ID pobll< Wll1lam ,_ __ .., -~ ,._ 1:10 p.m. Ia 1111 _ --•~ r •• , -"" w & -~~ •-_,_, -coll-1-~ -....... • ---· ••• ~~ott~, zz, ofiii-1/!Cat-•• Rtlludll4.. •-wr. .. Or-dlt-.:;j eo. ~-,!40 :::"':.:::t·.,.c..lllo AH., ~ del Mat, wu ,._ o..a,ul-1/l Grd st., aid 111o1 11o ..w -all .., --oo a falluto to -(C..liued · 4) dllrp ot. dnllk after bt wu ftl'n.at .•. AureUoSaluar,IO, oe pap • ......,, •• be cao IlK fl:lr *'-1 l)1..ac OD tbt troll: o1 a ol 2101 w. Oeeaa Ft •• Ceotral car, UiMp, at M st. ud Oe-.a Nnport, 1t'U booked oa 1 FI'GOI, Bo~ llo wu -to fallute 10 _.,. .... ...., •• , -1M lleld _.., loot • • • Ylrllllla Heine, ZO, of :UU A pd oel£1111ot tlmttod tho Broad st .. Nt!WpOtt Helebts,.,.. utempt to Jte&J. a $25 tlrt from escorted to the security omee tbt aloe.Ud trlmk o1. a ear at Robinson's Fashion lslaDd, OWDid bJ K•tbW DolMbaJ. &.Dd IITeJted DD tbe t barp of 4814 N--AYe., Wut New-llqiWltnc a swtmmtna att ..• port ••• BlDJ Mtm""\ JO? Four bubeaps, worth $80, were Plac..tt• AYe., Saltt 111, Will pried offblsPorsebeatArdell's SERVICE BA.LTZ MORTUARIES 1141 IUPIIIIOI AVJ. CDITA MISA ...... , .. 2424 •• I. CD.ST NIWAT COlOMA DIL MAl ORiole J-'1450 s•n lf42 ' I t:HIJRC:HES I 'lltwport'llarl.or tullwu11 ~ ''0• ~•~ 81•1/s On•rlooAi•1 .""'~"·port H•rltt'lr'' NEWPO~T BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH B:)O a.m. to q ;)O a·.m. -w<Hship ~nuct Q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon -worship Service 1"H Jte•. l...n G. Blat., PM&Of n. Rev. Georae J . Buulicchr, Visitation Pasklr .... ~:HI-3131 . stian Science Servius nRST CHURCH OF CIIDST, saENnST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9: IS •·"'· enill II •·"'· SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -11•.·· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·"'· READING ROOM ... k • ..,., 9 ...... -s ....... w.4n.,llfey: 9 ...... 7:U , .•. lu••4rr -~~~ Frillf..,: 9 •.•. -s ...... ; ,_, •.•. Suo.llfey : 1 •·"'· -...... 8I:OOND C'ai.C. Of' .,....,..,.,...... Newport ....... Cot1011a del Mar 8100 Paclllo VIew Or. !)l]NOAY sciJOOL 10 -.-. SUNOA Y SERVICE 10 -.-. 'lt'EONESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 •·"'· Readia8 Room: Mat .. l Bld&o 2863 Eaat eo .. t Hwy., COM. Moa.-rrt.: JO Lm. to 5 p.m. naraday eveaiA8l 7 to 9 · Su: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You are I lllt"nd to use the First a.,.11t a.., .. ef c. ........ . R11rt i"t Bibl• Fellowahlp ~~~;::·~ ... ~:.:·~&. Met .. u. Dr. P .G. Neumann, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 1:•S a.r 1. Sunday Schnol a.m. Mornina Worah;1~1 6:00 p.m. Train ina Unions 7:00p.m. Evenina Worah,;pl WECNESDAY 7:20p.m. l!;ble Sc.dy 1~00 p..m.. Prayer Me:clina ATTEND TME CHUICII OF YOUI CIOCE R£GULAII\. T CINTIAl 118U CHUICH Nowpo<t llelzjlla, ·-tbe llat!Jia Pltkloc 1o1, --· tbd ol a $75 boaAI. trM bt bad Mile, said Tbomu Kelloa.. n!Md, from tbt Pltlo ol bls 2114 Ugbtbouse Lane, Harbor medic:al baOdi..DI ftlcb q .aot VIew Hllls .•. lD tbe hour tbtJ opea to tM pabUc ••• Tlmotby b1s car wu parted at Faabloo ca ...... "· ol Hlllltalr'o la1aDd., his $90 auto stereo .... St., Colt& Mesa, wu arrnttd stolen, stated ThOmas St&DtoD, oa tbt ebarp ot IDIDI:ICited 111 1543 Sereaade Ter.,lrTIDe Ter- pmlle at 4:09 p.m., at 11th st: race .. .Richard Frelldl, IU I.Dd Balboa BIYd.., Welt~ PcJwy Au., Corooa del Mar, •••• Juet Fruer, 1100 W. parkedh1JearatFashioalslaDd OeeaD Fred, Welt Newport, wtltle be was at wort, ud a said ttat a $100 TV 8llt ftl $149.75 stereo tape cleek na stolen from tbe room wbert ltoleo from the car ••• Cbar)H bel' _, WU't slteplac. ...._ Palmer, 1701 KlDgs Road, CWf time between l :SO a.m.IDIS7:10 Hueo, said that while be ud Lm. • • • A dark rtd bOEe his fa.mUy were away from worth $25 'ftl stoiMI from b11 home, a $57.50 boy 's bl.te wu pnao al I '121 Klllc't Rood, stolon. Cwt Ha.Yto, aid Btti~Mal.Dpa • TUESDAY, MAY 20 • • • • Wb1le Carol ll.u.t, 1530 A pa: engine was tabn from Mln.mar Dr., Balboa, wudu-a water pumper at the Newport t!oc al tbolamal<:allol, eor-Bea<:b corporation yard, settiDc del Mar, 10meooe ltolt ber tbe city back $120 .•• Tbe city pv• from tbe blr ltool wbwe abo lbo t.d bola .utloc. 0 $90 lou reported tile tlleft ofa$100 A •~" ~leD &JUS edpr .•• Editb Roberti . • • • ..-camera wu-.. ol 51! S8tb St. ,Newport lslaDd. from Doolld CuweU. 11'-1/Z wu LDvott"ed in a tnmc 30tb st., Well Newport • • • a.celdeDt at the lnterseetioo of Tlmotby Haprmu. 118 2'7tb .J8tb St. aJKt Balboa Blvd., with st., West Newport, aid a set motorcyclist Ted WillougtJbJ of of colOa n.laod al $Z$WUIU:oa 4406 Cbannel PI., Newport Is· RAYIIOND HAAS bas bee11 ap-trom lllscarwbUeblwubl.'t'iDc land; Ule cyclist 'llf&s treated at poloted 't'lce prest&tat and a tire cba.Dged at a IU)lint Hoar Hospital for lacerations of m.&DI.ger foe the new Laguna st::aHoD. tbe ~ Up and chin ••. James HWs Ottlce, Leisure World, • SUNDAY, IU Y 18 McLatD"tn, 22, of 111 43rd St., o1 Ntwpol't Nat1ooal But. He Robert EatQD. 59, ol. Z940 W. West Newport, swmlng himseU ... beeapresldeatof the Clare-Coast HwJ., MulDers KUe, on the porch of a private rest- moot KJwanis Clllb,activelDtbe waso't tar from borne wben be deoee at 27th a.nd w. Bal- Cbamber of Commerce, and was arrested at 2630 W. Coast boa Blvd., was observed by a beld u.ecutlve posUions wltb Hwy. at 9:15p.m. oo tbecbarge pollee omcer whopickedhlmiC) banks 1n Claremool and Po-of drunk 1n pubUc ••• stl'feD oo a failure to appear W"U"rut mooa. (Frampton photo.) Wb1te, 19, of 1806 W. Ocean ••• Da.Ytd Nuuhhra., zo, of ZZ7 HARVARD CRUISE SET Front, Central Newport, was Larkspur Ave.,CoronadeUiar, Tbe Harnrd Cl~ 01 ,.......,.,_ UTested at 26th St. and W. attracted pollee attentioo while ..... -..or.,. a.n.. Blvd., West Newport, drlblng a ear 'lt'ith a loud C<Mmty wtll eo oo a harbor oo tbe cba.rge of possession o1 emaust system and was stop... cruise at 5:45p.m. Sunday, June ao appl1anee (stereo tape ped; be bad 110 drlnr's l1eeut 15, and tbeD wW ban d1mer at player) with tbe serial DlliDber the Blllboa Bay Club, to be tot. remoYed ••• ADtbooJ KDcm, 21, lowed bJ tbe IDIWI.l meeting. or 132Delllar Costa Mesa., wu R........UOU art to be made anes&ld oa. a' d:rUDk etarp at --~ 1501 ..... -putlOc"' Cor<oo K&alleea LA., Harbor lficb· de1Maratl:15a.m..:.Roai.Jd luds,-~-6644. Vu Scoyoc:, 1584 E. Oc..U. LEGAL MDTICE BIYd., Balboa, Is probably ootry he dido't bear lDJthlAR dllrlDc CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ule nlgbt, when someooe ralsed e IIAUTY SALON POUCE DEPARTMENT his car with a jlet m:l stole a POLICE PUBLIC AUCTlON tire;tbejackwasleftbehiDd ••• NOTICE OF SALE Richard Cross and DOll Elder, Notice Is bereby given that 116 31st st., West Newport, parsuaot to the provisions of made eitlt.en's arrests of Ja.ck Chapter 1.20, SeetJoo 1.20.06 Murray o1 WestminsterltldEd- of tbe MWllcipalCodeoftheClty ward ForesterofCJPI'esaCbar- of Newport Beach, I wUI sell gi..Dg assault at 3008 w. Ocea.a at pubUc auction, to the highest Front, West Newport .•. Their BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone bn-7Hb L .. ._... O..tct. bidder tor cash, oo Saturday, garage door ns USUI.lly down JUDe 14, 1969, at 10:00 a.m. at alt..bough not locked, said New- Of tM a6ester tbe Corporatloo Yards of the too Wa)'De, wbo reported tbe SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OP£:~ nJ£SDAY Til ROU GH SA11.1RD,,Y Lw,._,_ City of Newport Beach, located t.beft ct a girl's red bite, worth O..rdl I•.A.erice at 59Z S•-•ior Avenue, tile $-, some"me ~-u.J 11 CYIININO ICIIIYICC 7t00 ~.W. -"01 U uo::'lW~-.... 2900 Pecific · , n.u 111sDu ., ..... sTUDY toUowtoc described property: aDd 18 .•. Kenneth SilYer of IC"~,odel Mu, Co~i!.<ICii.aj .t.ND ~111 uu1ooo ~.... Boys Ud cfrls bicycles. 115-1/2 E. Balboa Bl't'd., Dr. Willi-R. Eller Nu111n111v cu~t~•N• UltiYic:u Auto accessories. Balboa., declared tbat $160 was F'ree P•rkio!! ia FlOat 300 W. Coast Hl~J}'. "••port a .. d. T•l-,ltoM: 6.Q·OB.U c-.M.,.._,Drti.IL HouMbold Items and otber his oftlce at 2303 W. Balboa BUILDIHGCOHTRACTORS C.... M1M mlscellaoeous items. Bl't'd., Ceotra..l Ne'IPpOrt • • • l~~P~h-~~~~~~ll~:·~ .. ~·~·~··~~~-.. ~-~:J Sport1nc aoods. relll0'9'ed trom the IUe c::abtDet lo ,_ "· t ~. IKA .., Boats ud miscella.Deous ma. Two parked ears, beloo&1De to fie 1ft Cs P% Ph I CCip' .,dtzlt SM2 ........................ .... A FrH .. ,..,_,u., COIIJNI--~ c:MI•Il• ChPC".t .......................... .,.._ Some• _. ~ -·· •• 10:1111 .... .... .., rl.De equipment. Arthur Neeh, 2009 A.li..Jo An., All Uemlsed Ust ot the abore Costa Mesa, aDd. Joe Dudley, ZOS articles l.a anUableat tbe bust-Sawhire AYe., Balboa IalaDd, oeu omceoftbt Pollee Depart. were run tnto by Pbll SUders, meat or tbe City of Newport employed at 1048 Bayside Dr., Beach located at 425 Und wb.Ue drivlng north oo Sewhire street, Newport Beach, A't'e., Balboa lsla.ad • , • Alftoed B. James GLavu Crane, Z681 Redlardl An., Cb1ef o1 Pollee Costa Mesa., reported. tbt tbd Newport Beach, caw. of .. $80 !lsbln( rod btloo&lac Pabllsb: May 29, Juoe 5, 11, 1o him, from the ll.stllac bolt 1919, 1D tbe Newport ''Sport:" wbile be was abolrd Harbor Eoslp. out of 0aYeJ'a Locbr, REM OD ELING and ADDITIONS C P:R!f l"l.AN U.III:VICE C P:R!'£ UTIMATU 532-5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION co. CALL DAY Olt MIGHT • I~DELIII • , .. ~ UCDSED&III .. COMPLETE FUNERALS "-'245 FRED H. GERWICJ( COt.UUTI FUNDAL .AND IUliAL CINTEl • 1~ ~ Fftllll SUO From 1465 ... &••ry-c::e Mel")' "&.:rri-, u. o. Betmrifal Ploce" ltec:IUJI die ftmecal and burial center CXIiapt el...... • .,. foe processioos lbloogh bmt oa omaow.W hipaya,· &milT iild · &ler.ds alike maT now peT their full re- Sp«tt br ~.lizlJ the burial senict. IS well . IS dle·cNpei ~all at ODe~ place, at -CIDit IDZI -CDIIA 2 I q, 1.-t ~14!IIIIMCII a-. 7'14 ..._. 11111 714.--1•1JZI ALL OCCASIOMS DtiiJ.I T-' 'UM/!TS PUll .... 1ft aa. ..... .... altA_,. • NIA.IIG A&_DS HAL AE81SCMER ~-1 ,_ "'""" ~ ,., L C... HW,. 0.... ...... ·maa QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAIN EO P'EOP'LE WHO CARE 2626 HAJIIOIIkVD. ~OhDSOD•SOD 2626 HAe.O. IOULIVAU, COSTA MDA • HIAL TN IESOIT !t~'!'::!l'!""·'!!t ::~~~-t :................ • ...... eo a, .......... ............................. oCOSTA MESA 549-3361 • RUG eORAHGE U9.JA41 o ANAHEIM 826-0311 o HUH TIHG TOM IEAOI U2·1451 ,s~t'tfitt't~ 673-5822 • 675-3353 ,_tl• IIIIJ c~eae~z~g w.- CUANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF lUGS-WALL-TO-WALL CAlPETING .... _ .. _ ... AD----NI'«dN • ¢111 -.. c... ..... c-. •••• St-m.bs, Interior Pl~h Troptc:al & Trees ln s•C'ciCMs.W F.tUia.er S&H c-S...• rNu: m:un:ttl" ('0~.4 DO.. ..... !llll--n44 £. c-...t ..,., ..,.... <•< . " :1.119 E. COAST HWY. COROMAOB. MAR • SHOE IEPAIIII MABERRY'S Shoe IIepa" Purse and Luggage Repair -Dye won. Slo H ST "''ttS ONE DAY SlfMCE 1190 H•rt:Jor Blvd. Coat ....... -Ml &-3311 ------- .... arWcr ,... ..... • Sewl"t Mochlu S.rrice REPAIRS on4 SERVICE E..., Btand an4 K1"4 0 •• -Oil -Adj .. t Dell•et"Y Service A•llihble SEW IIEE IT SHOPPE f7S2 E. COAST HI'Y. CORONA DEL filAR Tolophoor. 675-6564 (ActON hom fhe Crow .. ) • UPIIOLSTIIT .,. • RliiiERLY MEARS CAll ERA MOW AT lTit NEIII'OitT BLVD. COIITA lliE8A -··-·' MATTRESSES •aw -uaVJLDmG Irreaular Shape-s Jaws...-. -c:.n- COSTA MlSA .,. ... naw co. 2110 Nw,.n ..,, u._..., t-tlol '*-fAI 'I'M MAIIID PIIUILI If CUia 'flAil owu•at -..DIM! ftllll& , •• .... • I. I.-,ddt 211'0-,_, IWC O"t?AIII•IIII ........... a..._ Will .. 111111 -.. lo • c.,.. ............. wesJ n_et ..... -----~·-I ,.-_-an c.oalr 1111 .... Aalltlll -..... ,.. .... -. -oflll& lb. .... ---. .... a.. .. z.raaw.., r Mc..., ..... wll -=-• ud ~--11.&-, ...... _ ... polai-Pfollo ......... _ ........... ...,._ta- c:.n.,eo.-..:...-.r. ·-· _.., -100 ,,, .. Daoo. ~ -·-~~~---­-. .. ._., .__ elllo( -~~-lAIIIe put I lifo Orutlo, -; ... ,,_., .... llurotol1'ecl10a>O -eo-.,,_., rope. :. &.!!!-~~-~ lllr llltebtrlH SINC:I 19%1 ••• CbaJ><!l MIIAIJS G? f. ~~ sf." COSTA MESA loiEioiBERS ol tho Taleots?? AaWarylor llle Blc -· of Ora.Dp COWlty beld. a "welcome MW member" coft'ee party iD tbe reskleoce of Mta. HarTJ Rlabr 1D S&IM AJ:a. Sbon eD)))'iog a stroll OD tbe Rlaker rdideDce crouadl dmlll&: tbe party are DeW TtJeata?? members, Mr1.Malcolm Cutter of Coroaa del Mar, at left,udMn. Jerome He~lD of Lido Isle. Eacb parttetpant ID tbe tOO .. member Tallall'?? A .. lllary plodps to ose ber llpO<lallaloalo(loeludlllcllome- wbere a wfDdow was sb&t-nes. at tbe Hoac Hotpltal par... rnakiDc bobbles) durlDg tbe year to earoa. mJnlmWI!. of $50.00 tered ... A bole was stabbed t1.QC lot , •• A tramc slpal to be donated to the Btg Brotbm's orpotnttoo ~be_. ln hls Ford's rear tire, said a.ad tbe car bek:Ja.cbac to Coo-furtber their work in Orange Coli:Jty witb tbetroubltd JOUDf Eric Williams, 4!1 Begollla r&d Pader.,a. of Oranp were boys who have 110 t.atbers 1D tbe borne, (Betb Koch pboto,) From the Police BloHer Your gtMrous pttrontge tncl c.onti- clenc.e in our de•lenhip hts mtde us proud to be • port of Orongt County ond it's phonominol growth. Thonks to our countless 1riends for • "tllonderfol ~~years. Theodore Robino , Sr. W!'Y! PULLED THE 5TOPS fOR JUNE! SUPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YOU TURN .•• VALU- ABLE PRIZES FOR THE GROWN-UPS ••• KEEN STUFF FOR THE KIDS ••• IT'S OUR BIGGEST SAVIII'EST BIRTHDAY PARTY IN ALMOST HALF A loll ... v 11101' CMioH. Y..,.. I.IHKM II.Uitf TRY A WESTERNU Sl SANDWICH .... ~':!!:'1"' s 1 • .(5 (Con tinued from paae J) West Newport, lett his car be· tween 43rd St. aad 44th St., DJSCOYII NIW ltiNIM. PUASUU! ""VO' ~""'" -.till -.... _ , ... ~ ~~ "''"" .... ~, .... 0.... lulll I •H o-..uroN """' ..... ~ Frahnin:: ltLIIN WaiOHT WMi. th1-u SAl. F.vrnin~ ~VALET CLEANERS We do the FINEST work • m 3137 E. Corona town Coaol Hiway. del Mar CENTURY OF BIBINESS IN T11B HABBOR AR£Af • • • • • AND HELP lB CELEBBATEl Ave., Corona del Mar, ud lt ll1t bJ the ear driYeD b)' John M . 'G db will cost lltm $65,00 ••• LeYln Wt18oa, 'lZ5 Domtn&o Drlte ar I e says 00 ye, Wbltmore of 501 Begoola Ave., East Bltlll, at the llller"""u..; 1 . Corona del Mar, was worse of!, ol Cout HW'J. IJid Jamboree Thellrstladyo!Oruge Cout Robert Moore o1 OCCIJidGWC. ~' FREE USE OF A bo~s were stabbed in his Cou-ao.d, at 9:15p.m ••• ~rlnkler Collep-Mrs. Marie Howes-Sbort talb were &f.YeD bJ' pr s tires, wlth replacement beads were lllolen from tile said goo<! bye to tile oe!WlOl last Wtlllam Kla>tl, Iormor ....._ • DELUXE CAMPER cost set at $150 .•• Arthur partway 1D trod. of 1001 Gol-week after 21 years. taut !q)erlDteD:teDt b' but- Bagnell of U1 Begoola Ave., lleorcd A ... ,llarbo< Vlew Hllls Mrs. Howes, associate <lean ness lbr tile Orallp C.Osl Ja-FOR ONE WI!I!K Corooa del Mar, reported boles resicleoce of Leona Gerard ' ot students lor women, ns P1o1' College Dlstr1et, &Dd Dr. stabbed In 2 of his Cona.ir's ~ ADderSOG, 1500 K~ hooored &t a rdlrement diMer Fred HQ!', form« OCC staff DIAGNOSTIC CHICKS tires -a $'15 waste . • • Road, CUff llano, was taten to by more than zoo t.lcutty mem-member aDd rmt pres:ldeat ot Repster to .nn 1 complete cbeet ol )'OUI' car's coo- Micbael Mackey, 106 ouve st., Hoag Hospital by ambul&Dce bers, frleods a.od well wisbers. Palomar Collece. ditloll 1n ScMberD Ca1UoroJa'1 4nt Ford ot.apostt.c West Newport, ll'res close to after sbe was hlt by a carwblle SIMI was a. member of tbe Mn. Howes receind a !NIP· Ctoter. Ot'er UO electrooic testl tor atety,reJJ.abllity the ocean but ca.n"t ride tbe crossl.Dg tbe tntersectioll at ortg1nll faculty w11en OCC bel of awards, lDcludtAC IOIH aDd pvtltmuce. OrJYe Ws ,acauoa, wttbout worry. waves anymore; someone stole Coast Rwy. IDd Tust1D An., opened lD l!KB. She oow plans USUIIlJ c:ttea to stadeats wbo II-"":'=:":='T~tn~a-ks~~~T:,•,;IeTG;:i:;•:.,::.:;F,::roo:;l ____ __ his surftxw"d ... Ulcbael llarlDers MUe; thedriYeroftbe to tra.vel, beglmlnc wtth a. trip ban li"ea sentce to tile col- Colman, 4, of 2069 RIYersJde ear was James Seay of Htm-to tM Far East, &Dd to pursue ·lep. a scrapbook ottww-'DCI DRIVE A MEW 1969 Dr., Costa Mesa, tried to pet t1ngtoa Beach. her bobbles of painting &Dd duriDc bet career at OCC, and ENGLISH FORDI a dog to a car at the Westclitf TOM FOSS IS OIOSEN readlog. She 1f1l1 also wort a tape of the et'IAlac'sproceed. E .. l .. l' • Mo. 1 Hiler Center partlng lot aDd eOOed on a series of tapes wtdcb wtU tnc:s. A.MERI CA'S MO. 1 10> wllh 3 tooth marts on bls TO GO TO BOYS' STATE be usee! to teach a nrietJ of GLADYS WOODCOCK OF lloti'ORT BUY I left hancl. Tom Foss, junior at Estao-subjeets 1n se!WlOls, ho!Jpltals c.u su~~~. BS •T 7• Cia IUctJ Scbool, bas beeD &e· and st bo "'--..v:w ,. ,. CUSTOIIISe GT'S • WEDNESDAY, MAY Z1 lected as Boys• Staterepreseo-Tr,!e e'f'em:e-YUh a 3 Gladys A. Woodcock, 74, of e STATIOM WAGONS • Mall 'ftS late at West Hew. tat1Ye Jor Costa Mesa Legioo special musical skit written by 192 Cbem.la de Fer, Costa ARGE S!L I!CTIOM OP port Helgtlts -· oot because Post 455, Tom will gotoSacra~ Dr. James Ftt:r.gerald, deaa of Mesa, died luoe Sat Part Udo AMD" SP!I!DS of ratn. s leet nor snow-but meato June Zl througtl .28, Instruction. and featurlog tbe Cooftluceut Home. Sbe wu CALL: HEW '68*SI a dog; carrier Rtas:sell White Housing w1ll be at the state enthusiastic, U DOt profes-born August 24• 18"-lD Ll•ll..l n••lt• at Flnol of 135.2 w. Balboa BlYd., Ceo-FairgrOUDds. slooa.l. singing of Mr. Fltz-Chelsea. Mass., and UYed 1a tra.l Newport, was bltteo on He was nominated by tbe gerald, Walter Gleckler, Cha.r· ~aU.fon11a Z Jeai'S, Prlcesl the right leg at 2:30p.m. at 460 staff at Estaocla because ot hls Ies Lewis Fred OWens and Dr SUrYIYOI'I loelOOe her bu- Bolero Way •• .Karl Morp.n, scbolarsbJp, ioterest lD the ' • band, Harold; aDd a 100., Robert Ul, of 799 Sllallmar Dr., Apt. democratic process, and good oteo.taWesa.Prtn.tuerrices SA ORANGE COUN ONLY AUTHORIZED D!ALERI L•rg• ln••t.ry of M .. '69's for l•••thote D.ll- wry. -Sht enly -thw 1968'• Now Sle.t.N f.r ........ ca .. ,...c_. .......... 2, Costa Mesa, ns arrested cJti.zensbJp. He 1& capCIJ.o otthe LEGAL NOTICE were beld JIID8 4 at Westc.J.Ur aiXI boOked oo the charge of nrsity wrestll.llg team ID1 ns NOTICE OF HEARING Chapel. IDtermeut was at tbe em"J Yilhoot consent · · • f'oted tbe most lnsp1ratloDa.l NOTICE ES HEREBY GIVEN Abbey, Oraop. Tina i>lrl.ll, 203 Cedar st., eooiA!!ila~. Hels-oltbe tllatoololoo<lay,June23,1969,at CASH BOX TAKEN MUSTAN.S ·IIG FOlDS· TORINO$ THUNDEIIIlDS • FOlD TRUCKS! Newport Sbores, was bitten May teDDls team --~ ... oltbei:Jot tbe bout f 7 30 Two -...le •n U by ber pet rabbit, wbicb be-'-" , __ -~~r-·'""...: o : p.m., in meD ....., • from tbl sl 10 -~ ----tho Cow>cll Clamboro ot tbo Jack Klnc RlcldlolO ,..lloo eame ck lolay IJid dlecl tile mast tooplralkal pla,.-awud Clly HaD o1 tbo Ctl)' oiNewpori MOO ~ Bmt. 11n;;a;t Zlst; tbe bod)' of tbe aJWnal 1D. rooo..u He ls biCtt tebool Beach, located at UOO West 8elcb. ca.TaaeJ,abrclalmiiC was transported to the Oruge otftcer ol st Aodrn's Presby Newport Bouleorarct. Newport ''We just nat water.•• County health deQartmeot for fA .. Ian c··-e· h, Ne~ ~eh. n-h ,.._,.._ J lnatioo Annes u11 = ~ • ...,.. --. -e-. -·-.• CouDIJ, Call. trr7 Klnc ot445 E. 200Jst., exam · • • ta er and is 1D charge of planrdag forola, the City COUDCll wW Coda Mesa. sa1d be not bact ~for!~·!fe~ ~~~:O~e!vt~ sway enning programs. hokt a PQbllc beariag tor tbe to h1s otnce and watched oae theft of a stereo taoe deek and CITED ON DRUG COUNT -ofOetermtolngwbelber mao fill tho water lank, wblle 20 tapes, a $100 toss, trom ber Uoda Smith, 21, ot 413-1/Z tbe pubUc cooYenieoce aJXI ne-the otber stood with tbe door car parked near Haag HospUal Narcissus Ave., Corooa del eesslty require tba.t pro. opec so tbat tbe easll ba:l ... Jan Scor g. 33 Balboa Mar, was arrested at 9:15p.m. eeed1nCS be commeaced toeoo. not be seeo. Botb ~oeO:iJ Coves, also reported tbe car Jtm.e 3, by Newport Beach pollee truct certaln street lmpr<n'e-lumped toto their car and theft of stereo tapes, worttl on the charge ol possessJoo of me«s pursuaat to tbe lrnprOY'e-wt.b tbe cash bolo <1ugerous orugsand marljualla. moot Aet ol19ll, beln(Dlrisloo LLOYD AUBERT HAMED LEGAL HOnCE Four men from CoYtoa. and 1 of the Streets 1.00 HlP,ways Tbe C&Wonl Heart As- ----------Azusa. and a womu trom eo.. Code of tbe state ol CalitJrnla soelaUoa delepte assemblJ at NO'l'lCE TO CREDri'ORS Y1Da were also arrested at ber (commeocioe wttb SecUoo 5000 Its annual meetiDC lD San F~ No. A -62921 home oo charges of possessioo thereof), without eompUaDce ctsco selected Lloyd L. Aubert SUPERIOR COURT OF THE of dangerous drugs or mart. wttb the Special Assessment of ~lDe Terrace to sene OD STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR jua.Da. lnYestlptloo,. Limlt:atioll and the state board o1 directors THE COUNTY OF OOANGE -----· ------Ma)lrlty Protest Act of 1931, Yr. Aubert, retired f'lce.pre~ Estate at LEGAL NOTICE salO l~ements to eooslst slcleot of Slpal otl CllflliiODY ELVERA T. OOWNEY, ------of the ~'tl.Dg of cert:ain alleys ls cb&lrmaaottMOraapeooo: Deceased. P -SS&Z% 1a those areas of tbe City laKnrD t d tor secoDd NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN CERTIFICATE OF Bli>INESS as Newpori Helg!U IJidBalboa, y boar tho year. to the creditors of tbe atme Fictitious Flrm Name said assessmeot dlstrlet to be BEER DRINKERS CTED ramed decedent tba.tallpersoos Tbe uoderaiped do bereby tD:nrn as Assessment D1strlet S..en rnotc:ccyellltafromSu CMCK OUR NICU fOR SttiU .U -Herior laHt....,..t BW,., "" R. Coat H-.. C...-..o Nl JIM, Ctlli/orttio IIIU (1U) 111·1171 ~ 540-44'1 of Odifi>nria RA>I>m .4. RJJ.I baring claims against the said certll)' that they are cooc:tuctlog No. 53, Beroardiao a.ad Coltoa.ntear- decedent are required to fl1e a ~ partDerstUp fol' the For tllrtber Latormatioo, re-rested by 8 oftlcera Frld&y af. them, with tbe oeeessar)' purpose of hoWAc aecurlties in terence Is bereby made t:o Re-ternoon, Way SO, after tbty were f'ouchers, to the undersigued at oominee rame at P .0. Boz 1608, soluUoo No. 6986 wbereby the ob&ened dllold.Da beer in a toroey at ~·. 350 E. Seven-ol Newport Beaeb, Co...ty of tton to bold salO bearln( i>rllle STEREO, CAMERA GOHE a-.1 AI'"' •• -• -•• Also ROFMOIIlor. 'J"RAHBAAdiUCA I.JFE 6 A.MJOfi't'"Caa.PAHY AIOJ . l'RANSAJIERICA loltrrUAL FUNDS DKLIYED' 8ln'ICW: :-( c/o Thomas E. Jetferoan, At .. Westelitf at Donr street, Clty City Councll declared ltsliQn-can at RockJ Polllt. teenth street, Suite 210, Costa Ora.nge, State of CallforDla, un-purpose of determiDiD(Wbetber' While s. BurebeU &all Kea- tlle plaee of business of tho deslgnatloowbleh does not sllow ptlon, Llmltatlon IJid lola)J<ll)' boo Bt.d. Cellini Newport, CALL US FOR QUOTES ON: !;~~~~~~~~~~67~5~-011~~0~~~~ Mesa, cautor nla 92627wblehls Oer thelletltlous Drm ~&me or tile SpeclaJAuessmeolllrtestl-oelll Hemmer!y ot 1117 w.ll&l- ..tV&: ...6... uodersiped 1D all matters per. the true Dame or aames of tbe Protest Act of 19Sl sbould be •ere at Wrr& Jtme J tbelr • Low-COlt Term. ut. ----T T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN per1DD81Dterested lallidbusi-awUcable to aid proposed As. resldeace wu eattnd•ud a -- to tbe credtlors ot tbe abof'e oess. to--.rlt: PORTCO aDd tbat HSSmeot Dtstrlct Ho. SS. Tbe stereo tunt:able ud camera • ...._, oamecl <leeecleDl tbahllper .... salO firm ls ~ "'tile loeotlon of tho ....... tile -"> $547 -··-• --llalpllll-11-connco b&•ln( etalms ~ llle said &>Uowloc per&Dt(s) wllooe aa111re ol tile -• bolnc ooo-' dee-are requtrecl to ru. oame(s) aqd aoorelll(;s) are u slderecl wllld.a II&'OIIOiecl AI-GETS CHICO DEGREE • 1--W. ~ _._ tbem_ with tbe aeceasary YOG· tolkrtrs: Parry Cart.-, 1~ sessmeat otstrlctNo. $Sareset Joel Ratledp ot Cot<ma del cbers, ill tbl oftlee ot tbe c•t N. Rope Street, Pl&cllltla. ca. forth ta tbe "PrelimJD&rJ Re-Mar, a pollt1ealaclloce • ~ eo.t..of-1...h'tac __.U.s J. WALTER THOMPSON ~ ·--~. -·~-ar~ lllor1lta; Jack lol. -·-501 port oo PToposecl Auesameol reeebecl bla B.A. clelr• ~ ._ .....,... .........-... .....,_' w TutlD AYenoe M~b Dlltrict No. 53 (Newport J1101 1 oommeacemtat at ::~b~~~~·~or;;~;;•~..,.;~r;•~P~'"~;-:,.~""""""""" __ J ~~~-lllem, wltb tbe •-Calllornla,· w.' A. Seb-'M, • .:. HelP!• IJid lit.-Alley Po-sw. Collop. we're not But then maybe you 're not IBM . Maybe you're JUSt a grow•ng company who appreciates the value of advertising. and you could use a consultant. That's where we come in. We give long, sincere thought to your marketing problems, and we come up w 1th and produce attent1on-gett•ng advert1s.ng and pubhctty. let's ta lk about how •t can work for your company. Olaf, (714) 1>42-7690 ARTHUR COOPER / Advertising' eesarJ 'Y'ooeblrS. totbe..SC-...._ ....... -t .. _ ... slpod at e/oTbomuE. Bellor-Oak street, L&paBtldl, Call-,...., ' clatecl April Zl,l969,1J1d fornla. sbon 00 ' map dlstptect Ex- ... Attcn1J at Law, ISO E. WITNESS ow buds tbla Z!ad biJJit •• A'', abCJillrblc tbl ........ s..•-Slreet, Salle ito, oay oflolay, 1969. -ol 1110 II&'OIIOiecl lm-Coota -. Callfonta _,, wblcll W tile pllce of twl rr Perry Carter Jli'O'femiDI.I &Dd tbe Judi to be o1 !M-slpod!Dall-a J&<klol.-~~--IDPIJII>e--eol, porlaloiDc to 1110 -ol oa14 w. A. Se-wbleb art oolllo 1n lbo ol!l-clec-wtllllD --. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ol tile Cll)' Clork IJid tbo P1bllc on: lbo'l!rstpll>ll<allolloltlds COIJIITY OF ORANGE )' 11 W«lls Dlttelor. -OD lbU UDd diJ o1 lf.lJ Alt! por-onlDc « ilrlliiC D.too~ J-3 1959 A.D. 1959, -· .. ;:' .. ~: u -• ln rtal ~~~-!)' • • derslpod. a -.y lD wtllllD 1bt dlmld II&'OIIOiecl It GEORGE L. DOUBLE DEE IJid lor oa14 ~-... _._ bo uoo-d lor tile-oloal4 G«rp L.-. ......... .... -· ·-E-ottbo WUlotllle r-.. ----· ...... --liM_._ -IJid ..... ....-nr CltJ CJort, prior ..... --. .--. _.., .....,. carw .Ja<t -tor 1M II&Orllr. ...- ,_ I . --.U. 11. --W. A. .:....... PI otootoar al>li'C"-IDIM- -&I Law, J50 E. S..• ._.It .. 111 M .. ,. __ ) -.. of -proo1 1¥ --. -IIO,Coola-IOM(J) an----•' S1JIIcolll._ .._ CaUiorala _,_-.. llto --•• IOd --"' -lfulll ,.._ =::;a.v.-cc .....,....., eo • .;;.., • IKrJiim,.,.., u.&. .... eon.,lting and production Ml"riCe ,..... ~-sli,· lt ............ a..... .... ... ......, Pra:trrt .... • w+ltl.,.,_,l•lnOaoencr rKOQnt'llon .A. lMt ~-.. ·--'•7' WIIMW •1 a.l _,tllklal flf lat. I\ 11111•••• 3 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;:;:::;:;::;::;::;::;;;;;~T!:~~· =-=:-::"':::-: ...._ -• ta wr1llc .., - 2043 Wealcliff On~ Sutte 200 Newport Beach. Cahfomil 92660 1 ..... (IIIAL) -• ISCX\tll ........ 642 9 90 a......... ...., ._..._.= LEARN To SWIM --• 9 _,_ ....... -loll lll, -Ceollr--ltll ,._ .. _ .., 01 I I ... L&laAI.&GIII, Cllr Cllftof ....... .... .. Cllr .. ··-' ..... PAllS ..., .. -I, •• C 57 * ... -.... ,.. .. ~~,, ... L-•••--------------------------"'i-;;.i1 .,;•· ._ ... 5 ,..._ .... ,,_. ....,--i nr AT YOUR .ORANQE COAST Y.M.C.A. REMEMBER HIM-JUN'E iS lS HE SPOR'fS MINOE07 Tennis and ~from our Yocht Shop. ..• THE GENIAL HOST? Handsome borware ond occessories from our liorne & Gift Shop. I .•. AN EX£CUTIVE7 Give him the .. ry new l.Gdllc: Iiiii ~atrt. or one of tho mony unuiUIII desk 8ccrusortes in our Gift Shop • • .• ~ EPICURE? Gl .. him a thick, juicy -k-mulhroomo enclo .,..., ale. '£~...._ LIDO CENTER 3CD '1M liDO, NlWfOitT IIEAOI, 67WliO