HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-19 - Newport Harbor EnsignP!'-11;011-llllili---~ntE OFFICIAL NEwsPAPER OF THE CIJY OF HEIIPQRT BEAOI ---=!----.. NEWPORT nte ONLY LOCI.U"t P"MU, INOU'fMDOT THE NEWPORT HAR&OR ••.,.,.•• ""'" ,...,. ... , BEACH
"'"'' W'lllo Ill ... --
A LIEVI'EIIAIIT Ia tile 0. S.l n
Ia I MD, JollallcH ... Iotllo-I co•• ........ oltlltJfftlllCII't Har-
bor ADioricu LocloG Pvol m.
"I droYe 1,100 ID1IN lD a tut
aero. EvQPe." bla&Ja. He Der•eta"nc.a.ctootblbar-1115 or 4JtUawewUlba•t
..,.Ill Mtac tbt World War bar relldMt1•1 ar• wu pre-a wutelud llll1ua airport ac-
u· 1rom 1941 to IND. roW.C -wllll •-·c bJ Jollo UrilJ lo bold-., bo said. He tbrouP F~ ud Gvm&DJ lhcaab at Mollda7'1 meet:LDc caJled tttftlnn to tbe Loa A.D..
wllll a tut diYioloa. Mr. ollbe NnportillrborCiamllor roiM llllerowllooaJ-IIIle,
MeHup. wbo .la allo maapr of Commerce directors -wbere a ftllb l Dl11e or more ~ tM IAciOD Hall 01111 15th st. aralua ACCetafl&l actsoa t. wide aDder tbl flleht pattern
1111 Cllltral Nnport, na lDital-tueD to pret'G I.DcriUid between tbt airport aDd. tbe
led aloa.cwtth lZ otber oftlcers tUcbt& out ol Orup Couaty oe-.a Ia a.lmo6t devoid of bull ..
J-1. AlrporL dlop.
"Ota outstanding develop-
m~ Isle, Beacon Bay,
Harbor IIJaod, Do¥er Sbores
aod Balboa P81linsula -ean
become ODfl complete waste-
laod," said Mr. Macoab, wbo
1s a member ot tbe Cbamber
bcvd, and a resident or Beacon
Dlci<SioY-prealdealolllle I'OlladeUiarmll!l>llooeoome-Bay.
Newport Harbor Cbamber ol thlD& tb1J tbtJ bDld dear,'' Mr. ••Tbe Chamber should come
jet li
out 111r011C qolul U>e ._. COW>CU llld also to the c:o<Wy
lioa 1D tbl -ol beaYJ jets. s~vtaors."
Soma MJ we would bt stop-Director Norman Loata, as-
pia( procreu. But is tbere soclate s~lattmdeot ID tbt
UJ prolftU W'biD tbere Is DO Newport-Mesa Scbool District,
comfort tw tile resldeots of pointed out that tbere are 11
oar clty ?" district scbools Lo t.be danger
Ctamber Pres.ldeot Diet area below tbe lligbt pattern.
SteYen.s called tor a show of He Slid that lD the ease ot ac~
haDds oo a proposal to ask cldents similar lo tbe 2 that
the cltJ' to make a study ot reeeotly occurred near L.A.
tbe e&ct tbU: aau. de¥eklpment lnterna.UonaJ, the planes migbt
of the a1rport YOU1d bave ootbe DOt have crashed Latotbeoceao.
city, ud the eUect ot Yarlous but possibly on a scbool site.
staces of de¥eklpmG. Tbe dl-Director Vln Jorgensen said
rectors tDdlcated tbelr ap-there was a noticeable decrease
pront. and Wr . stevens an-in pollution b.ll-out when tbe
DOUDCed. "We Y11l hold an ex-airport was temporarily sbut
eeutln board meet1Ac to dis-dowo.
cuss a request to tbe City "We aever had .the polluUOD
problelll .U lbe jeU can~t, ..
be ~. ''Now you eu see
otllllm plber 1D tile Rll~mtoc
pools, ud new bouse paiDt
sta1Ded quiekl,y ...
Dtrec~ BLU Ficker suc-
ceoted lollowlng .., another l11le
of areume.ot-that tbe Orange
Coldy Airport riiQ't'ayli artl
unsafe. He said there n.s ot-
tlcla.l ackDowledgment of lack
ol safety to llle allompt to all8r
the course or tbe Corooa del
Mar treeway10thattherunways
eould bo leaglheuod -to .....
tbem more ate.
PAMELA SWITH ol Cotoaa del Mar will relp u Ql*ol
of tbe Ora.nge Couoty Home &Dd Decorators Sbow to be held
!rom Friday, June 20, tbrougb SUDday, June 29,' LoU.
Anabeim cooveatoo ceoter. Here, she discusses the sbow
with John Parker, general c tw.rma.n for the eveot, wblch
Is sponsored by the 8IJ1ldin& lodustry Assn. and Ora,.ace
County Builders Assa. The home show will be opeo from
5 to 11 p.m. weekdays aDd from ooon to 11 p.m. oo week-
ends. About $10,000 in prl.ses will be awardect at 5:30p.m.
oo the final day of the show. (Ric bard Pucillo pboto,)
Commerce. upreued op-steviGS a:a1d. "Tbere an some L k f b"d o I I d
Um.Lim MoodaJ in tbe pr01f8U w .. foQaded fears about tbe ac 0 I IS pro es e HeU.atwiJooMwUJ Oyowar Chamber of Commerce aod tbe The Harbor Area summ• ol blo marror taruatloo to U>e proopoct ol a merror, but I U>e CommllllliJ v .... Ceote< Womao'& Dl•~ Corooa del t.lfl>all procram, UDOerlllodl-
COlOIIIl del Mar Clamber. btlle't'e that tbese fears eu be Insuraoce tnker Wllllam c. there ue otbl:r lalurucepla.D.s this Saturday IJid SI.IDI:iay, June Mar Kiwa.oa.s Club aDd tbe Ju-recUoo of Rod W:cMUliaD.. 1.1
He P•• b11 report at tbe overcome. Warmt.o&too told the ED5lgn anllable tbat m1Jbf: ••eJDODtJ' 21 alld ZZ, to an"'Oece the 6tb nior EbeU Club of Newport handling the sale of Carldnl
tDODthly meet1D& of tbl boud "Corona del Mar as an TutJdal tba1 be bas tried un-tor tbe city. He cb&rpd tbat AII:I.aal YCM&b Ceater Carntnl. Beach. tickets.
ol dir.etor .. CODt"taiDc for tbe ecooomie 11D1t baa Us UIIJ.que suecesatullJ to submit ao m.. tbt broker W'bo oow bok11 tbe Kids ot &11 aces are 1DY1ted Doo Bolton and Did: Frieod, The Youth Center hou'd o1
tlrlt time 1D tbe1r oew bead-problems aDdCODCCu.Andooe IUl'IDCe b1d to tbe city aDd that cootract tor nWDc luuranee to take put Lo af\mdlledweet-co-ebW'DWI !or tile c.arniYal. directors wtu anrd prtses to
quarter a build1Dc ooCoutHW'}. CODeero ls to make sure that he w1U appeal directly to tbt for tbe city u.o 9U'Yes u eDd. W'ltbrklu, pme5, huodreds &DDOUDCt Ula.t the proceeds will aU boys with uceptiooal salta.
at tbl Yt.tarly eotranca to Cc>a tbt1r ecooomle ar• 11 re-Newport Beac.b City CocmcU Jnsuraoee CQNIJitant tor tbe ol prl.us illld lots ot p)d food. be UHdtoiDWatenewprograms Prises tnelllie bueb&llbllab'
rooa del Mar. preseDCid Lo tbt Ctamber. at U:oadaJ tvto1Jig's meeUor.-cit)'. Loea.l aenlce clubs han a.od services for ill youogsters the sale of 20 tickets, plus a
The COM Cbambu, at tbt j'Tbe Newport HarborCbam-He llid tbat tbere 1s a major Mr. Warmtncton maiotatns •oluuteered to operate tbe in tbe &reater Harbor Area.. basebl.ll for those selUn( 30
ame time, na coocludlDc 1ta: bel could bt Ukt u umbrella cbaop Lo tbl city's Losuranee his J.osutaDce omcas ID tbe earDJ.val booths. ParUcJpat1oc Addttlooal llgbting will be in-tlckets. lD addtUoo to tbe b&ll eoaat1Dc ol ballotattltaanoual OYer the eatl:re elt)', and tblre eoverap tor employees Grtmth bu11d1.ac 1o tbe Udo wW be tbe Bllbol Bay Uons, staJ.1ed oa the ba.seball tleldand and bat those selliD& ~tielreta
eltetioD ol directors, aDd the could be a CoroDa del Mar r&lstoc tb1s Jttar's premlwn oi ShOps UeL Newport Harbor ~It Club, plan.s wU1 cootimle tor the r e-will r~etve a triDSlstor radio.
lo1Jow1D& morDIDa: came tbe dlYUlon, &.lid a West Newport eome $57 000 to an estimated Nnport Harbor"EzebaopClub, tocauon of tbe Youth Center Teams with the creattst sale
elec:Uoo of tbe DeW' otncers. diYlsioO, &.lid 10 oa.. · ,199 000 lor the comUig ftseal HE'S DOUBLE WI NN ER Corona del liar Chamber of following coastrucHoo of tbe ot tickets wlll receive a free
Aad from the oew pr811dtat-'ll am varymuehiDCOUfapd, year' Fraak Boaro 7tb cr&de stu-Commerce, Newport Harbor eoutal freeway. half day tlsl!.l.ng ueurstoalor a
elect. tor mer Newport Beaell much more thaD. ltbouebtl had a u;. Warmtnctoo reported deot at ~ lJDcolD LDter. • day at DlaoeylaDd. Spec1&1
CouDellmaD Dee Coot. came rlgbt tobe.UacouoUdatloo tbatbehadca.lledCityHallllld medlateeebool,wulrlDDeriD AIRMAN Daryl lodes SOD ot 'HOLD THE LINE awarttswtUbepnntotbeboya tllla ltatemeJX: ''1 am opposed to ol the Chambers camot bt dooe had beeo iDiormed that tbe lD-h1.a dl•LIIoD ot tbe sebool Ben llldes, 1815 Maru;.,s Dr., selllng tbe most tickets. eouo~.o of the ! th1s JIU, &fOI.IIIdwwk bu bello Slllf&DCft pliJI tor tbe 1968-70 scJeiiCe faJr b' a mathematical Harbor Hlptaoos, bas com-Carninl proceeds will be
Cbambera. started, 10 tbat It cao bt ae-ftaeal year bad alzeady beeo uh1b1t ud nat oo to become pleted tulc trainiJlg at Lack-0 N TAX RATE' used to lnitlate new pro crams lD b1a rtpOrt toblsdireetors, eoinpllsbed aut yeu.•• He u-accepted ud wotdd 10 i.D&o e1-%ad place w111aer Lo tbe state 1aod AFB, Texas and bas been and senlces for all younpters
Mr. SteYeu saidWODda7tbathe preued tbe oplDkJGtbattbema-feet Jllb' 1. eootest. Tbeelhlhlta were bald asslped to crw:.u AFB W of the cr•ter Harbor Ar!L
bid met ~tb. S members or the jorlty of COM Cbamblr mem-He has nltteo to tba City at tBC a.nd were I:»Uowed by a for tra1Dlag Lo tbe a1r'c.raft A tu iDc.ri&St ot almost A request I« Dredepartmem A611Uoaal llcMln& Will be ad-
COli Cbamber board, 11111 laler btraYOUld 'f'Otttnfllt«olmez-Couoell aad to tbe maDaCW tJuqQet tot tbe wlDDtr. Fnnk's equlpmaat ma'nteoance tleld. Z-1/'1. ceots was In prospect as pe.rSODDel botlrs from 67.% ded to the Yoath cerur ball
tlld ~ tbe pou.UitUty of Ill· .U: Ud Mra. Geae He l.a a 1967 lf&duata ot H110-the Newport 8eaci CitJ'eo.cU boars a net to 60.5 or 63 part m:l plau wUl ccdfiMIIIr ';'-c;o..._...::.;~:t,;~~~~OI~MI~I~RC:.-~..Ja~= ·: dill liar nra ~ Ble&:l.._lidoolud JII'ICIIIII~ ...... ..., .... WU..1£4§ I t Ma 'J" '• U..nkM.ak.~tiltcetlllaiM--., 'ffllltille.a"ccn•••· u ... ,..._..-....,....t.oc-..,,,, ... -'" .-""~ntL -...--•ac.,. _ ___ .. _ 'C t 'b b ' b h Boi -"-"""''• Doll no coat wu -led at .... ,.
k. h d ·~ ~llodrala I op er om s eac W.ciJiliscamethestatemfdtbat $98000plosZO'iorerbead,CX' TbeCarnJnlltselfW'lllbetwo f 00 ea s lD bJ'-law~ Besaldu.ttMpra-it is his tqle to bold lbe UI. ~ $115,120, b' a cbuge to tim fllled days on the Youth
&ellt <IM.IMtlon of Newport oo tbe tu rate aDd that be wW a 60 6 hour week; and $52 000 Ceut.er grounds. Gune bOoths C h b flarbol" Cbamber directors Bomh&rdmeat bJ aea pUs is a KariDe btllcopter from Los to a Wti\IU"d lower. PID'scte that goal. AM from the plus 'zO%, or a.br:Q $63,000,' for will be operated by youth-am er from tbe 7 etty COUDCI.lma.D.1c u accepted bUard that balch-Alamitos c:lropptdaaemerpocy Lifeguards couldn't say how audience b'mer cou.ncilman a 63 hour week. serving agencies and civic
districts is DOt eadrelJ .&at~£-prs must face, but bomtu-d-door on the beach QIIU' 19th St. beavy the door wasorbowcklse Dee cook said that costs mi&St c~u took the request clubs. There w-111 be games of
Dee Coot, oner oiJobiWe'a tactoly, alld be was utlD&tora ment by belicoptel' 1a a fatber Lo Central Newport. Tbt copter It came to b1tt1nc uyooe, but be held down because the tax-wader adYisemeot with tbe skill with darts, baseb&1ls ud
Liquors wu elected pruldeat st-'Y of a DIW arrugemaat. from a diflerad Mrdl was Qylog between 500 ud 700 Bob Reed, marine saletydirec. payers• revolt 1s a bet. He remark tbat a change will have cork guns; the ftsh pond booth to
of tbe c~ooa delMar Cbamber parllJ by COUDCilma.oic dls-Tbat's wbat sua t..t.herswere feet aboYe the beach. The door tor, reasooed, "lt ns hea•Y said that control of tbe nwnber to be made ln tbe tulure but delight the little ones, the ot Commerce Tuesday moroLac trlcts, partly by bu&ioess com-thloklog Suoday atterDOOD when k:Dock.ed out tbe telepbooe wlre eDOUgtl to soap the telepbone of cit)' employees ls the best that it is unlikelY tor the co~ing jingle board, ping pong blower
a1 the meeUpc ot the boud ot mWllttes. Healsolarecommen-wlre to the tower. and since it way to cut tbe budget, ud ne year. and other favorites will return
directors. diDC moriDrg let the eleetloo of 8 d t was near a tower It landed in an urged tile CocmcU to bold down Ed Ciaba.relli, speaking lor this year.
AU.oroey Carl Kegley was oltlcers to tbe December mee-0 u n a ry pa c area. that would normally be oo tbe creatioo of oew depart-the police association. asked F_ood appropriate to the oc-
ed tlrst I sldeot· tinL tDstlld of 1D January. heaYily populated bad the ments and sub-departmeots. tor a halt step increase for caslon will include cottoocand)'. ~doa J 1 ofvti;.e-:.,';. Co ' 1D a ltatemeat to tbe ED.Iip, weather beeo nicer." sergeants aDd lieutenants Es-hot dogs, hamburgers cold
IDd YleeOD/j esJdeat. and A~ Dee Cook aid: ''I wish to stale OYer the object1oos of 1IOdue A•e. or the rear property' lines Luckily, the weather was Wr. Coot ;Uso raised a.n ob-Umated add.itioiW cost is s6 000 drinks and many other pties.
Adams ~r of Coast Yartet that lo my talk Y1tb Mr. Stweos, haste n1sed by CouoeUman westerlJ were suat.sted as a C}oomy llld drJ.ules were fa.l-jec:Uoo to 2 propo~ budcet re-Ttli.s also was taken under' ad-The main attraction will be the
tr-..ufer ' at DO time did 1 1Ddicate tbat Howard Rocvs, the Newport more loctcal bouodary than line from the sty, too, encoura-ductions: the cut lft salary of visement, with indications that carDin I rides. Admission to the
11 ..._1tatlon dlDDer W"lU be tbere W'U a P"'sl"""tJ 1D tbe Be.aeh Cl.tJ Council p.va ap-Santa Ana Ave. png a boyeoUofthebeach.Eveo public works director Joe Dev-u will be awroved. ca.rnlval Is tree. Ttctets for u:'Au 8 a.t the lnlDe Cout DIU future ot COUDUdltioD of pron.l to u later-city proposal There n.s oo discuss.Wo of so, lbe beac.b ns fa.irly liD and asststaat Ben Noland. 111 his comments 00 tbe s10,5 games and rides will be sold at
COWJt:r "club M1a& CorODa del tlle CorOlla del War Cbamber b' Htt11Dc: t:ICMmdary disputes. tbe recommemled de.....&ADU of crowded. ''Tbese 2 statr members bold mlllloo budget. Dee Cook cited a ceotrally k>cated ticket
War :m be. selected at tbe Yith tbe Newportll&rboi'Cbam-Tbe Costa Mesa City COUDCU tbe b'mer Newport Beach c.Uy The cttylscoasiderlngaski.ng extremely responsible posi-substantial increases i.n the booth. Hundreds of prius W'U1
m..-...... be.r. wu meetfn&: at tbe same time, ctump property aDd of tbe pro-thai. low .Qylng over beacbes by lions," be said. "Tbeyhaodle llarbor coootdtnator's otnce be given a•a)' daily. The graDd
__...... tor 7 '<J.a tact. my statemiDl was and also pve appron1 to a )ected Buccola subdlvisloa.oear helicopters be dlsr»nttruaed, but tbe upeodlture of more mooey la.Dn1Lig department and tram~ prize, to be awarded at 8:30 ~=:.~ ::r~~~ W:oo-that I n.s ~to sueb coo. simllar resoltttoo., which had lbe Santa A.naRlYeraDdaoneJa. Councilman Howard Rogus tben 1.0y otber department.'' ~glneer's omee. p.m. June Z2, Is a $500 sa~
day Tbti)Uowillcnreelected· eolid!llHoo., ud &lao opposed to been drafted by a jli.DtcommU-tioo ot these areas to Costa sigbs that bellcoptersarebouod M nday eoille' budget dis-He quoted former Vi ce-bond.
Hal. Aeblaleber, Jerry ~ sharlog UJ k.UWes of tbe tee of tbe 2 COUDClls. Mesa. These reeommeDdaUoos to be flying knr •beD tbe p..ls i.D c uss~n r~ ~ addition of wayor Hans Loren& as espres-H • b • t
Gordoo Jooes, Hester Martin, NeyPort ll&rbor Cbunber. as CoUDCUman Rogers objected were Lotluded lD the a,wroved bikin1s come out on the beach. $7 000 to the 1lbn.r book tUDd, sing concern several years ago I g I e g e s
Hubert Ptlrsol Jorm Semple offered by Mr. stweas. tbat he had received tbe copJ document. minister for tbe lOa..m. service • st ol JJm Hop ood, over a per capita cost increase
and Jerry Stn'an Hold-OYer UJ sugpsted to b1m tflat1Jbeo of the resolutloo ~ tbat eve. at tbe ~eque s1deot ud :u.~ Of jUst 7 Of 1~ aDd saying that 9 0 d a rap
boardmembersaraAceAdams, ::•:.er~===.u,~a::::::::'\::':~::: Central NB poll"cy okayed ~~:;:'""' ~·llle Ubrar;,_"f. •costs .sllould liD":'!"' as the • y
Doll Boltoa, Dee Cook. Grut we, the C.DII Cbamber, would CouncU nsbelBgcoatracuctory This W't.uld raise the present population goes '41· MJ:· Cook U. s. District Court Jud~te
Honld, Carl Keeley, Howard speak b tbe commaalb' WbeD 1D Its stand by lmplJUig tbat ._Dl boa h 10.-tS~ Ubrary tu to 1~. and, th~ cited the iDcrB&SlOg per Jesse w. Curtis ruled Monday
Folmm Bob Butbolomew aDd •1 Directors were elected and a uv c es. with a proposed LPcrease of captta cost of city government: th.at Balboa 1 1aDd ttor Roy P~k. there Yere elty-wldeprob ems, requested aooenUons LD tbe 10..pot.nt poUcy statemenl was 7. Oppose tbe eq»nsioo of almost ooe cG 1n the park from $13-t LD 1965·66, to SJ4 j . . s a DIY
Fruklor"""" cb&rtermem. 1t would be '11'1 beoeG.clal toCOUDty corridor area of West a&CU'OVed altbeaJmualmeeting air services at Orange County tiQDk• ldboost i.n 1966_67 to$1S6 1n 196 j_68 Richard ~t_gtlle must serve 90
....., bave eom•'ttees ol botb cbam-~.QHtr Bay would no loorer be Airport hi h would . and recrea -wou $209 • -&g • days 1n JiUI and 3 years pro-~ ': ~:~= bers try to raacb ~moa fllYorabiy coastdered by tbe ~o!:~entraJ.u!e:::..:=~ tbe ooisew t:Vet aad :: ~~~~»~:.1·225 property tu to "The~ boocet shOws bat,io~e:;r~ c~~ o!!;!;:
st&Jp 1o tbe Cbamber at ~:::=:..=::eo;xn· et thl objeetior&. tbe DingattbecltyrecreaUoDbead-UonLDthlsuea. . In a.COGtinuedbearln&Tues-46 new rutl-tim~ employees,'' pa~aymood Da.ni.el Teeter !O
Toe.la.y's board IJMMit1ac. &CHCY m.l.cM be '*'uted. m~ m~ ~al wu ameo-qua.rF Ill~""' -•~ted Wil st!e~~~ dr~ ~ day eveoing. budget cllts were hestsaid. ·:_:~~ ~ area that or Or:wgf:. also invoiYed tit ~ C "I k' "F lo -•-tile ...__ .-... _ o ........ •••-: -made in ao eaort lo tl>)d l.be co sa. cr ... ._._ case wa sentended to a re-ouncl 0 S Clf tDmp • ..,._.. ded to Lotlude wa _...ent: liam MarUD, WUUam Beots. south of the Sub. AAaRiver ate t $l zzs Tbe proposed He recommeoded the hiring •. s .
c:oab'ot"triJ cw• tbe ordi•DC'e Auues uow pending wW be Mr ea.1 • ....... -..~. ~ tbe e1b1s r a · • f of ioGal consul habllitatton pettod under tbe eiANIIh'RC Pll'tllic epla 1cw'ous1J ll8d and ROD Goll, s. ADDt H IY, ......___.,, new positioa oloommWlit)'de-0 apr ess tallt, Federal Youth Corrections Act Pay h "lkeS tloas tx C-l hdu :JODI; :.,..tloo =~ made ~i~ Sue Fieter, Tom HelDt&. Mrs. of tbe Coastal Area Pro«ec:tiac velopmelll c.oor4I..Ditor ns working directly UDder a C~-_possibly 210 4 years. A kd ~ tM C.._ ol Ntypellrt .. t ... at tbe .....tl ...... ot lbe Local Mary HaAley, Jack McCarthy League to pr...-eat fla'tber ott-eUminaled, delttiD& 1.11 $8,185 ell committee. to make a job defeDdant Lyle Paul Germu ~ ..... , m ..... ,... aDd Dr. Robert Wuhboo, tbe sbcx"e oil dri.lU.ag uplontioa. saluy item ud $ZS5 lD other time-cost 5tu12J aDd thus to de-ot • G w S.eb, 1t woUi...,. beeDmucb ApocJ Formatioo Commts-1968..69 pr....,t 9• This Assoctalioa 1s proud termiDe how muy of the <Arden rove, Is st at SalarJ loa-lor lloJpor-bollc 11-.o l<od-a oolld-(LAFC) ' Dl Its beautllld sudl' boaclles ._oses. tar,.. ::CW:~~t~ :=~IDIDbln""U.Z LaT~·Lo~U:'p~ ~-:;-.::,.:~~~ 1o order to pres.Yt ~ .!ei"bud~n,:r:;s,~ :~e:::ltbear~': cx!:tra~;f.,~~h.'l~ru:
Cltf Co.c11. j'Hcrtrenl', tbt Nnpart Rat-": betWeeoSaDta lbe i)llowlDa: p)lllts: *-utJ aod cootour' we recom.. fessiooal salar7 SUTYey wa.s SlloUl reYe&l lM1 some sWr worth of marijllaoa tr001
City Me•pr Hiney H_.t.. bor Cll&mblr, wta; ~ .. ~~ TliSUa Ate., a.nd 1. A&lPrOft aad ...tla-to =: =s ~ :-:: ellmt.na.ted. 011 ~ tas1s 1t ::,.ro~; .. ::/rodllciDg Ol1ly Me.lico. This ctaarpYUtllml-
llart r~leod a ~.400 raloe-Jock -.. _ ud..,... ol Mesa Dr. -'tllo-eiiJpollcy 10 ~ tiiO pololloo ol relylngoollleeiiJsonlaldi Mr Cootaloo&AedCo<locllllalod,llldlbeluoercborrowu
D tbt l tlt-10 b:al ,.u, t!pOII:M•• at Q1t Coad'.... rei'&I&UAI tbt .. ol sart'-be&cb.s ud bt.l'bor Udreqaast .b' such a stlldJ. to ta'u bud loot tbe SllbiUhtld. 1roa> $14,000 ID ,_,400. 11op, -'"<1 a. [Ill.._ Tbo .,q,tod recommeoda--.Is. Ulo ol 11 Bloch Couoc:ll a1oo cat out • Pl'O-• at c-r ......._, Nil' IQ'• _..,....UDI-:•tllrldr.p-taoullate, "TbeobjecU .. isto Z. CoDti-to SICJPQr(aoo. take<;:.., =is tee! posedenciPMI'lDc&kJIP"'~, =~11 : cc:::-: Ltfl STOLIM: (OSS
-• _, --liDo bf tiiO Clq e-n, n. -a-r,lballoloelcal -.c.otroadpollcJ. _, --.illlld 1op1, 1D $7•605• lromllloeiiJ-0 -IWkio 1D 11M! lOT AI. IS S7 M ~000,~-IOOtD-500.. CoroladtUiarC...._, .... JiaWmloiiiDd .. ,compJH-S. AAW'QH ~'"'~bl~ mas..C.tatbtC'-'"nnolbra-hl.rborod ~~!: = Harbor Chamber 'Nefti nD.IIIIi&UCtalrl ....
ClqCWIIW..LociN--IIUd.-•--poot, lltiii1&Caa•_....lloods,udlbe prnnl cU7 r .. -" clloaudlllo IIJDltllo ..., 1 '""-ol ~~~ ~ py. a' $1,ICIO nloo, 1roa> 11oo a,r ao !Pill'""' of a. ... whn;;;JI,olm..UcJpal llallJo ao ..... IIC llal&lll 1D udboJ,..: ..,... lbesame-.a$3,4001111117 =-~~..'::y US$~ A..., Wtol ._.,
tt,400 IDtll,lot. --"'"" -aa .,-. ,., --"'---.. au""'"""'" · boat .... dololod, bot t1,1oo •· 8&J -• .,._.,.,... . Die4• tile dtJ ftolllfta .. Ill I of CllfiiMk ... s lD tbe ~.:Mel t-ow u-. MISA GUM VIC11M wu added to _,..ce UIUrllr Hwa.-t aid tllll tbrt bMIIt aa, l•l&. ..__
CIIIIIC.C. OPI'OSII -Ia C-1 -·•dal-J; ''II IIMILw(laelodloc t. """'" ... ~aplaaiD II!LIEVED SUIO DE boat.,_ 1110 -......, * :::!.do:a:.•t:::: ~a ....... -
-11011 PUMDS l*IJ, aod-;---lor C.. _,_ba --toa --....._. A eo.----ow,.. ·-.. , c ana~ llla7----
n.c-M_Clll_ ftllod. -.. ., •·""' --zor'l'l -wtWo ..... -Ia., -.. -· e-n ""-:::"'*'""..,. •--_. ...,_, ttoarr•oee&...caeWIIt• "Aa as 'w e1 1111-.rd ... _... .. llal41tcJ81a.. u. .....-. r• •Ill ._tilt a.a. OOIU fralt ati:S5 WIOtal to ._ tDU sa.c __.., •
.._. TIll ....... ao of ·-· of 1110 CD11 -II a f111oa1 -rJ." riCM ID r• I' IIIla ""'"'al -l-14. I-fill" Clt1 c-u,. c11J -OIIT-VICliM no,-~"'!'~ ., ......... ~~ C11r Ct 1J t• ltlr,laa._.tl .. lra ... ar • .-au.AaAft. UPI .. IllaM•s :,-*'W!Kk Mar .. II 'h' I&.CifJllO clan. dtJ -~·.'="'Of" S1)• TMifT ...,.. :-:.c.;.~
... aJ ................. ., .. _... .... ...., ...... ¢11MillkU...._ .. N.'II•r •• I Jlc ... t -.c_ Co* K-., dtJ ..... , J-L--. .., .......... -•2 I ---~I!L""!ll!"l~~
ji y llq: ......... 11-~a Ill -lllllo_aM __ S.C•I to-1110---lt'-ITII8cll. •p1 ta II, JOIIoo: ...... _at n,s _,.-~ .':
.. tr .. C ... a; 15ut1r ::..•: =--t ::: ::.:On'n:::t IIIII~ :..= ..:-. :, e;ht":: ~:.~,.a.:a ~~~~w:.: -:-...:.-:."::~ .. :: :!.:~-:\-:: :;:~~~~; on:::a Ia~ py __ _.._,.a p --.~. .. ---toa•mlliMt-.. a .. e--llla,llliOIIOMatl:ti-'II·I-Io_a_M_~
15 , ...... crrc:-. PI ....... I-Jilll.. llltp Rl-4arl& IIU\lii-&Cao..... .. ... 1110 lllllt04alfld-ll
aMU.. ;!-... -~1!1!•!: U!! i :.r~r~:r:PtT !?&.: =:-::,-:.· .. .:') "'::..:;. ww.:. ".:..:' =~~~ -'"=-~-:.!~ ... -~~-:: =......-:.~ & I ~ &. 0:::. '::I:~~': ~-..-.•JP!I :......,· t.:...: •s•; · ... ,, .. .._On nu.• s a! • .. ._Jtr;,.....,.... ,."a • •.... .......... _.,,: m. ..., .-. -s .,
THE HA/111011 AII¥A'S OFFSET /tEf!UAfE/1
Office ................... t:.lp ........ .
:1721 E. c-...... c-....... c.w. --
TIL.,_ .. 67UMO (Aroo C.. 714)
' I . ' • ~ • l I • • • \ "'• 1 \ r f ' 1 ~ ' I I f -• ,-' f ' r I f '
•, j .._) • -I \ •• ' 1, ' ' • ' \ ) \ I '\ I . . straight uw - -11r -_...._.... I 1.-lllr II,. ::.: -of:: ~~~a...-.............. IIIII ... -.. b ........ C.., •r•lta. a .lr Tent An••-.... -.... ...._ :t•:a11 ............ t ...., us a a• s PSOJUa
an-.· 's U?lsll .. ~ u.. • 11101111, s zr-. ... 'e•n • ~ lllf • .... THIIIAI.NIXONI'IIOIUM a~w ...... --asatiiiO' mor--tolll ...... _._
<ha ... l.-wbo "'_IO_Iho_lo_lldaa..,IIIDtMW''¢ IJJ ·" p.-_ U Ia IU ...................... ~ WuAI:y R~tlicw, publiahed .m ~Qodoe, ... I( . •• -~-. -''-u.a-lt:ll.) • WW ~~~~~~.,. ¢I•" tD lie ... IW tM tl heMet. ~erlbes Pn:sideot Ni"on't rul problem. Wcdly remlta all or whom ba¥t Mf\ a tc,.. trail ol V<"""'-l'liMet ........_ 111 ..s R••l<w sa-: -· · 'anct ~-" --• ~iad ~ Ill 1M C111e11r> ......._ -tl a ct I ID -llr Dr. al 1110 ._ ~· ~ .. nn•na ~ wone wa ....,.;:pJ, 11111 '* of Carl llleliltiN. 111 t mE· ... oL-sa tt·•=, _. ... llrfllllllll "No commentator bat )'t1 dared to &all tbe There is no equally eompukive need 10 p Dire 1
..... are ...,. .,.. c..e., p 11 Mee 1a of a MC!b•• ..... ta W'IIIU
truth. Praident Nixon't real VCOOiem il u fol.. tend. or to recommend lhcat. to tbe ~ ==-:..-::. a.... laiU...-IIrlll • u.....-aiJiatJI'•Mddla-~:. Should be •• ._ to a deeeotc with Ru.la pubhc: u ~~~orthY, men who may be "!'W a~-..u.c; ....... J-F• 'aa»-s-rald ~ an II tift tUia ar._ ...... --u~ to JtUUUUt thetr ~ .. aod .,...,...._ _.,. art ..., to ._. Dll .1fttro. ...,t#C_...._ .. tile GIIPft.'*MdtlilerkiiMd
Til JICWIOilT ILU:BOI ENSIGN ie 1M oal, •• ••• prt•M in tht West in order to cncourqe the Sioo-whtch they have not done rn the paat for OM ..-----~ -•-•-11 ~ -1o ~ ~ --~~
' ...... "•loo• lo , •. Cky ol -...,.,. Beaelli, ood , .. ooly loc•llr Ru11,·00 -•--•? · · · ...... to tMAr W 1''11 •,.... - - --..·---•--·· • -"' ... _.. moment lonp:r than 1t au•ted thelt boob. -•· Ul •-Well lh1llld Dill RtHrlldt C111fta 1a Nw t.-t 110 bt directed ud QPtft&ilcl bJ
.................. .., .. '• 11.· tt.wpGn ....... c;..a.. ..... "2. If he did so would he forfeit the aood· ·:Heave~ help thole wester~ leadrn who, 1a :t;;' u.tr ti.loetrJ ......,., to CMJ • ...,, Mil 4, ....... Jlecro." ~~:c!t~: •• ~. Seco.d e1 ... po•• peid widll ~f .thede ~~~twi-communiat ~~::a! in the West thetr own 1nnate ckcency, bcheve that they are pow <* ot tbt c:..lultea.~ ella-WI ''MIIIM~''dMcribred Dr. Carl lld:ltlre llkf of T• JIIEWPOI.T H.UBOR ENSIGN •• MJ.taed lO be • •••-an .. •ns• •oc arsaw pact..._. . deali~a with repentant and reformed c:harae. crllllJ tbiJ 1Up&'W&1alld.U. u tM • ...,..1 .... OCOa'w. ttae lDruloD ottM cMrd •-
of ...-.1 cire.I•i .. by cowt tlec:noe No. A-20178 llet•4l ' 3. If he aareed to 11 detente and r11kecl the ten '" 1969. tbllr ~ 1a AJricL nu O'WI-.t oc a ykaJ "Tblcbk'nrnllafleome
1t. JhJ. 1• S..lor Cowt for ~~ Co .. ,. of Or .... , Stete of lou of the anti-Communis_t Europeans, aud if "Praidcnt Nixon has augated that . the A pan11ei .. ftn ... ~~ .. bill ..... Ull IIIDIH' 1D .too11t." _. te eaJIId
-.!e. ...1 by ,. .... 1hereof i• cpalifled to p.bli.tl all p•blic war resulted betwet:n Ruas1a aod China tbould western "fist of defence' should be turned tniO l1rMa tMM.: ud tMJo-c a brladE, ........... pdled caM. tMIT¢1• to tbe fact t1:1at tM
eoclcon ~ by I••· America remain neutral in the hope that each ·a hand of friendship' towards the Soviet Unioo mea. wbo bl.¥8 beta tlllcllt by He c:a&De ~ Ud ~ Rtlwaldl Cblftb wu tile pu-
AftO'E, HAAPA ................................. Dwaer ud Pu.bli•het would exhaust the other? Or should Amertc:a and has proposed an unfreez.in& of lbe old coo-a.JJepcl1y Uberal mllded.. 151M-Oil bltlaC tM ptrmll"-oft.M tDrat !lome ot. Ule a.. llany
PEC HAAPA ............................................... .ANOCi•e Editor support China aaainst Russia on tbe JtOUods cepts of East versus West. The Russians. bow· tate proiiUOI's iA hl'k*J:' Rt'l. £r11Ut T. CampbeLl. pu.. EIMf ... Fodek. tDt cMzl-
r. H•ll« Area: SUISCR.,TIOM RATU that China is a less dangerous power indus-ever, are showina no ioc:lination lo tum their aemilllrlu. ud wbo, 'RMtbtJ tor ot tbl ea.-eta. WllO tbt ai&M pioD ol IDOdlnilm La Qtrdl
0.. ye•. U .OO; 2 ,.., .... 17•00 trially? swords into plouJ,hshares but, on the contrary • .,.... to tab cbai'IO ot tbetr bdx1 bid r-..:t lo ~mit elrclq, Tbl M'IPO editor a-d
Ouc ol Herbot Are-.; o-:te•• IS.OO; 2 year .. 19•00 "Which would be better to eliminate-Rus-they are sharpenin& them. War pmcs ol the ~ lead tbefr J*ll)le away FCX'IDU lo rlld a lUt ot tbla to ., ot tbe weat; "All
sia or China? Warsaw Pact counlr;es and Russian military from tbe old time · reHP. demudl n&cbbebldprtiJUed, Ullt tM IOdal JI)IPII bu cble
"4. Should America encouraae Japan to exercises are continuously in proaraa. Just as aDd deliver tbem u lllW1lt1ai ud oGII'ed lut..s tM -ot tbroqb tbl }'111'1 P,tbe budl
reven to an expansionist policy, thua relieving the four areat powers are deliberating oo a affiliates 1Fltb tbe&reat111Hcuwl tbe ndlo ltltkiD ot tbe cblrcll, ot U.. Ubtrall udtbetiiOGtll
America in southeast Asia? peace settlement in the Middle East, the Krem-cburcb orpn'atlon,. wbieb or &Ill OIJP')ltlaitJ to .,.U at a bu IIIDW COIIMilo 1W1 bloom l.lld
"S. In the event of a miscalculation leading lin is buiJdin& up its Mediterr.1nean naval erroaeousl,y claiml to rl-laW date. fruiUoa.."" ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign
to a major Arab-Israeli clash with Soviet inter· strength to a new pealr:. preseot lbe rell&ious cpLDJou !fohr1tblt:aDcllllil rlflaal. Dr. Mclllllre related tbat U-
vention, should America intervene on behalf "The Khrushchevian promise to bury the ofm.&Qy mlllloos of tbe Amtri· Formaa_ &ccoiiiiiiD1td byl~t~p-bera1 ........ ot nra. de-
of Israel? . West has also just been &iven a new variant by ca.a people. portera,. llltered tlae eburcbud llll)ml•lkw Mte t&lrell a ClOD-
"Beyond <til this., President Nixon is pet· Manhal Yakubovsky, Commander·in-Chier of Couenatin broadcasters bla:led out c::apiM of his de)... elllt&wy attlhde toward tbe
It may take a real tax revolt to wake
up the Newport Beach City Council to
the realization that the taxpayers are
restless. The waker-upper may well be
the coming public vote on bonds for the
city's grandiose civic center project In
the not too distant future.
pkxed as to how to contain the rising tide or the Warsaw Pact forces, who boasted of his bave asserted lbat 1t Is part ot eumeeta: to mtmbers of tbe demuda ot tbt "Bl&ct Ma.AI-
discontent throughout Europe and in America ability to launch ·a lightning attack' to smuh tbe master plan of tb1 'I'OI'Id-coocreptloe.. ftsto,•• ud u.t lD oae cue.
itself. Can it be: containM short of measures to pieces 'imperialist aggressors.' wide eommllllist cooapiraey to At tb1a )IIDcbtn, wbeo For. James FOI'mu wu bailed u
which if used. might destroy America's imaae "All this and a lot more in the same trend plut professors 1D JUCt1 M· maD ltarted ' to speak, Dr. a "modern propbet,'• a.:l tbat
in the ey" of millions inside RuMia and else-is accompanied hy violent and abusive Sovtet m'-rles. wbo would lead tbeir Campbell, accompenled by tbt be ftS lm'llld, QPeDHI paJd.
w~~re? . . . . diat ribes against rhe West and the United studeots away from tbe tilth ot otbeJ'0 mamlptsters, aDd l:illowed to be tbe JP"'tar at a rellpaas
And last, but not le»SI, IS It possible to have States-Britain and West Germany in puticu-oar latbets. so tbiJ: tbly WOClld by jorltJ ol tbe coacrep... COIWeatk:lll.. a.. cwpnluttoo 11
f.ull economic expansion .without runaway infta. lar-a propaganda offensive in the worst tradi-adbere to tbe social eospel.Uid tioD. lei tbe ciNRc:b. Tbe pro.. ald toMtnoe.dtoiiJIII'OPI'late
11on? Does Prestdent Nu.on accept 1he a.uur· . f h ld S\CIPOI1 aooe-'lfQ?Idecwoenlca.l ceaioo made more tbeo z.d-tbl sam of $50 m1Woa. tar tbl
The time Is now to do something to
placate the suffering taxpayers, this being
budget hearing time. The least that should
be done Is to hold the line on the tax rate,
and even to cut It a bit because of the
ances of those whose answer is a cateaoricat 1 10~ 0 1 e eo . ~ar. . , . cburell. Tbls cleYer plan oow llDes 00 Yoai&J, May 5J as N&UoDal ~ ECOIKMDiC Coo-
yes . and if he does can he maintain the unity Such then IS the re:.~.l world of today. It IS seems to be peytng oft a.a UD-tbe New Y•t Ytmes prillted feruce, ud &DOtbtr ls said to
of the Republican Party? not the idyll ic o~ in which the Russian Com-aaticlp&tad dlYideod.. a froDt pap, 4-co'lmln picture bl cou.kkrilc tbe IIJPJ'CIIII'l&·
"In the conduct of forl!ign affairs and inter· munist wolf lies down with the Weslern lamb in Tbe parallel behfeeo tbe reeordlac tbe1r dlpU'ture. t1oo of 6 times tbat &mOUDt 6X'
stat e relations one has-whether one likes it peaceful co--existence and friendship."-Ameri-&DUs wb1cb leadtbesbeeplDtbe Tbe "Black MaAUesto," the &ami purpoa.
or not--to deal with all kinds of uosavoury can Way Features sslll~o~ctyar~~ds,~~lUIII~lbe~~m~t~ni~sl~e~.,s Which FtX"mu read to tbe 500 Tbe mocllnllt mJol•erswbo _ ' periOIUI wbo rem••ned to lllteD, are Jead1Dc tbl1r -.ep ill tbl STATE I 0 U Ill P LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE coalaiDedde-i>rlbepoy-IDOIIOY-nloltlc -~ wblchlo
Increase in assessed valuation and the
considerable extra Income from Fashion
mMt ol $500,000,000 by tbe directed towvdl eommuuillc
by $eliCitor Ja .. Scllmil& NOTICE~U:Ifft.'ffARING N~!':.r,:::,u~•=:~ :·:~ ... ~~; :er~~:"~-rr.::
Last weelt the education lob-committee "foted u be Wished. AMENDMENT NO. Z4 PJ.aon1ng Commis@IMI ol tbe suffered durtnr tbe put years Tbl quo«atloo from Le¥1ticu
It is disturbing to see that the city's
operating eJ<penditure per capita has been
going up at an alarming rate:. from $134
In 1965-66, to $147 In 1966-67, to $156
In 1967-68, to $209 In the current fiscal
year just ending. It Is an axiom of private
business that the cost per unit goes down
as the volume goes up. Here in the city
it has been the other way around. Perhaps
"Ulese figures are. trying to t~ll us some-
thing -perliaPs that the cay of Newport
by Ln Sacramento obtained tbe It ls perhaPs DOt eotirely colD-Notice 1s hereby cl•• that tbe City ol Newport Beacb will bold by tbe black '*'9., of America. tells bow to cSeaJ. 'W"1tb U.m:
defeat of 2 bills whlch would cideotal that 2 of tbem are for. Plamillg CommUsioo of tbe a pubUe be&rlDc oa tbe~~JPllca-Tbe damands wvesummari.Md Bulsb tbe traitors, ''illto tbe
have preserved tbe people's mer pubtlc scbool adm1Jl1s.. City of Newport Beach will bold t1oo of Morp.o l4ber II Com-in an artlell 8Dlltled:''Tbl fruit wtlderDUS."
Beach is aiready too big, and that no more
annexations are wanted, and then perhaps
that ever-expanding size of the city staff
could be held down.
rlgbt to vote on local school tra.tors, who entered the Legis. a. publlc bearing oalluter PlaD ,pa.DJ for a Use Permit 1055-A
tu increases, now scheduled l.ature sooo after a drive ns Ameodmeot No. 24 which pro-to permit addlttoos to u
to be 1ost July 1, 1971, by tbe begun several years aeo to poses to ameDdtbeMuter LaDd elisting automobOt serTiee
terms of a b1ll passed 1D 1967. eocourage pmuc acbool tea-Use PJan. to esta.bllsb a Ci•tc st&t1oo kK.ated at 4678 Ca.mpua
Tile education lobby prevailed cbers and admiDlstrators to Center for the City ot Newport Drive.
against a massin public become more acUve in poUUcs Beach to be loc:ated in tbllOO Notice is bereby fUrther cl'• ~~
opinion which surteys bate and to ruo in' elective otflee. and ZOO Block of Newport Cen-that said public beal'iD&: wW bl
shon to run above ~aDd in There are many other eum-ter along tbe east side ot New-bekl oo tbe 3rd day of JulJ,
some areas above 90% ill favw: pies of tbe power of tbe educa.-port Center Drlve,oortbofEast 1969, a1 tbe bour ol 8:00p.m.
of voting oo local school tax t1on lobby iD Sacramento. By Coast Hig:tnray_ Tbe ClYte ill tbe Couac:U C.tambers ol tbe
lncreases. eoasta.nt pressare lt bas per. Ceoter w1llbananar•oU9.%3 Newport Be&c.b CitJ Hall..,at&lllJit
nt"Z bOla-Assemblyman suaded maDJ ._s .. tors that acrea: oootw1Nnr ctt:J butldlncs, Wlcb U. aM llltlle· &Q
~ ... 'Barte•s A.B. 5 and my every year tba'e m_at: bl otbu ~ baUcttnp aJl ~~~~~~~~~~l S.S. SS-were lard on J~me a spedal alra ~-I:IUl. aad certa1a elllttft1 tactttHH, P-r
2 bdlre the scboolflDince sub-OYer ud IIIDfe the~ bW. Notice is *'eb)'turiberli'•
committee olthe Assemblyedu-to give tens 01' bundr~mil-that 8l.kl pablle belrinc will be
cation committee and defeated Uoos more dollars to the bekl oo tbelrddayolJilly.lM9,
by a 3-3 tie vote. One sub-schools, and to set ~ new pro-at lbe hour ot 8:00 p.m. ill tbe ;t,::;'1
committee member was absent. grams providlngmorelacrattn Councll Cbambers ol tbe New-
Four votes were necessary for sebool jobs. Ttlis annual bill port Beach CltJ Ha.U. at wbicb
approval. is commonly toon ln Sacra-Ume and place IQ)' and aU ,.,.. SPECIALS RIR JUNE 19·211·21
' •l .... .. -• . ZJ J f!. COAST fiiGB&rAY .
I am weary of hearing the classic plea
of the promoter of more city services.
"More funds are needed," the promoter
says, "to provide the services which are
demanded by the people, and which they
deserve." This "demand" must be in the
heart of the promoter, because In these
many years of covering City Council
meetings, I have yet to see "the people"
storm the Council chambers with over-
The education lobby was out mento as "THE sebool bw:· SOiDilDterested may aweuand
iD force llpinst these Wlls. as tbougb tbere were no otber. be beard thereon.
The lobbyists from tbe School The 1961 bill wblcblDcludedtbe Ray Y. CopeUn.Secretary
Admlnlst:rators' Cooperattn clause eUminatiDg the rl,&flt to Newport a.eb City
CfM/1 M II..OT/11 16111/BI
whelming demands for services. There
have been special interest groups at
Council meetings, to be sure, numbering
as many as 1 0 or 2 0 -not exactly a
public mandate. There are, no doubt,
some phone calls, and some letters, and
some personal confrontations with special
requests for pet projects-but certainly
no city-wide enthusiasm for getting the
city involved In more and more activities
"for the good of the people."
I have an Idea that there are a great
many over-burdened taxpayers like myself
pleading to the City Council, "Please
don't try to help me so much; I can't
afford it."
Legislative otnce, the Callfor. fote on local school taJ in-P1aDo1.Dc: Commission.
nia Teachers Association, and creases was THE school bill Publlsb: J~~~~e 19, 1969, ln
the Callfornta Federation of tor that year. the Newport Harbor Eosip.
Teachers, and a representative Tbis year THE schOol bill ---'.,.-.,.-~=-=-
of the Department otEduca.Uoo, appears to be A.a. 409. tllougb LIE GAl:_ MOTICE
all testitled at length before tbe lbe authors and SICJPQfters of CERTif1CATE OF BlEINESS
committee. The school ad-S.B. 156 also lay claim to the Flctllious Firm Name
mlst:rators• lobbyist, potmd.ing title. The edUcation lobby is THE UNDERSIGNEDdobere-
the table for empbasts, con-using all 1ts public relatiobs by certUy tba.t tbey are coo-
demoed voting on school taxes teehniques. Its seemingly ..m-d Un a~" 11om r olsh
as outmoded and undesirable limited fuDds. and its c:apttn uc g a "'-&U e ur ~ 1Dgs, Gift II Accessory busiDess ill the modern age. audience of school cblldreo to al 3555 E Coul a•~ Co-
Three members of the sub-push tor passage of A.B. 409. rona. dei Mar~· the
Not only are legislators belDc tlctitious flrmaameotL"Edra-
Le"e rs lobbied directly, oot OD1J are ordiDaire IDd tbat said Arm is
scbool teachers appar.:~Uy composed ot tbe followioc
telllDg cbildren ln their classes periODS wbose aame5 ill tun
•t AX REBEL LION to write letters-b' the btU, and place ol resldeDce are as
Editor of the Ensign. but it ls eYen beinC pusbed 00 follows. tp...wU: Joan M.
Tbe lime has come for every teletis:loo spots, wOOse cost is Pereira. 19865 Caprlc:e Dr.,
downtrodden, abused tupayer eDDI'mOUS. Yorba L1Dda 92686; Lealte L
In the United States to ntte Tbe educatioo lobby pays b' Pereira, same.
President Nimo and bis Coo-this with. or trom. t:uptyers• WltDess our bands this 13th
gressmen and scream that uo.-mooey. Its cbief aouree:rool day ol JtiDB, 1919.
less Congressreducesspeodlng ftDaoclog are tbeduespald m Joan II. Pereira,
-eods tbe surtu-and stops tal ftmds by kx:al scbool boards Leslle L PC'eirL
foreign aid -tbere will be a to tbe Californla Sehool Douds STATE OF CAUFORNIA )
taJ rebellion that will curJ tbeir ~:so~ by ~=1":j COUNTY OF ORAMGE ) 15.
hair. Also there wtU be some admlolstrators from tbelr DOW ON THlS Utb di.J ot , .. ,
new faces ln Coogreu to bl .... _, ... 1 bleb the 1969, beJore IDI, a Motar7 replace them. tery ... __. es w Publk Ln ...Star aldCOCIIIItJUid
Passage of tbe surtu was tup&Jer also ~q~pUes. state, ruldlac t1111nln. dalJ
Council members should practice, ._sed 1o hall lnl!atloo -Enryooe bas boardlbecrlll--m•-...s-... par-
instead it accelerated. FOI'eip cl5ms of prtftte lol:lbJ1Its 1D !IOCI&1lJ IIJPIII'ed .Jou M. p..,
morning and evening, the art of saying aid 15 cooum&!ng to eaUM m.. =~= :;:-~:; rein, lAaU4 L P•etn. Down
"no," particularly at budget time. And lla1loolUIIIlsrulnlJicourdollar. lied to-wbo ,..,.._to,..,. holllopar--
th t ylng " o'' r1 r11 to the Go•ernmeot speod'Dc ud tbe 111P • _ .. _ ...... tbe aamu are IIIIIKZ1bld 1o tbl a means sa n p ma y blrlll( of aew employees to ac--~ "";".!.;,.. ""T;'odtl wllbla ,_..., •--
requests of the city staff. celerallilg. Tues are dra.i.Diac = lotlbJ tllll't~e:tfnc ; t.dcld to m• tMt U.J u.ated
La~ .. -neE LEr •L -riCE our •err We by the -orllJ of -~~~ ,..._!._. -lllol ..,_ lllo ...... .
•-~ vA -tu colleclors. -'Bo:i.iiN dollar WITilESS my-udolllclll
NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBlJC HEARING Amarica's toraotten all-IOifbl: _,val 1 Mil.
Notice 16 bereb)' g:lnn that MoUe:• is blreby' ciYen tbat American bero, "llr, Tal-ol t:u IDOM1 .,., ::;: ~ £0. E. Bulle
lllo PlaaoiJii Comtnl.sslon nllhe lbe Plano!ng Comml•-oflbe payer.. lo llnaJiy .-1o ._,. llu -• '" --.y P1lbllc to ud w oald
CIIJ ofNnport Beou:h will bold City of Nnport Boach will bold reYOIU lo-lllu lllo r..,ro-~ ud-.1
a ptlb.U.c b-.rlDc oo tbe~t~JPllca.-a pubUe r:.r1D& oa tbelllPUca-c. c. MoeeliJ ~ .... ~ ~~:; 11119 IIJ' C••'eefce, apUN Oct.
'-alllt1.Kalhry11Wnodstora lloo of J ....... 8. Vlacenl. GI~ ---. 14,11'11.
Vartucol'lZ II> pormlta~!u D.D.S., i>r a Uoo Permll 1439 o lu..pold -,_ -ho OD -~-II, .. lolrl,IO,
.._ b1 bt1Ut oo a klt coata'n"'C' topermit&reGOiatla'-(coa-EDOUBLofE STEAMDARD IIMII'!::•=::.~ ltll, 11 tllll .. ,,.,...,._ 1110t~~~-LwhorellloordliiiD<:e Yor-ofa-IID<Jolllce dllor the ul... Uc ..-• ....._ ~ tJr 'PM JOOO IICI-ft.-500S 1a10 u~llac:ommu-It IIIIU ltrUp u.t tM lllan lilld _.•tiU&IIIIPitlfi-•.
._ ,.,.. DziYO, N"PO<l clll dltlrld at m llartne .,,_..,-aiJoiOd par--tiiOI 1110 -'" wtoo .Froril 1M Bible
..... AYMIII .l:1tl.lloa IIUd.. 1:1C*: WU to pr_.., tM tlrlloa CIT ppd lttiR rftM tD .... oa -· --·
-JoltoniiJflrihorCiHD NGti.:OtollonbylllrlllorCIY• atllllllr-1, -· coa-~-ta-r-will llo will-·-Ill
-.-a<lloarJorwWl>o llloloaldpoi>Uc:lloorltlcwillho plt&loiJ--ud"'----·1110· ,, --..... -...... o:r-::
--lnl daJ of loiY, -.. 1110 lnl daJ "'lolr, TWr -. -Do .. lt£1111 I ..,_-·-... ---., oii:OOp.m.lllt,atlhooooralt:OOp.tD. ..... -•...-no•mrr-1110•1 T""~.,. .. ~:.':~"'..: :~~~:;~~~~allllo lolho,._.UC-•oiiiiO _.._., ... _.., trtrt 181110 5_. o • 0.-,....... -
CIIJ Holl, at 11-' -CIIJ Ho11, a& or• -artr:r, ....... ·--~----.. ~ .. ~;-~·!~lar~la-,~~._..~~ .... OIV uti --U11 .... _, ._, ......... -Tloo ..,lt&ll .. _ .... 21111 ... 1'1£111 - L =~:~t=~=-=·: aD 1 1 1 I_,IP-lfZIIIIr d&llr 1110 lalo, 1110-Ill -Ia ----· II -~~~-....... ..._ ....... fate.. -lltor-.-...... ~ lltor--ID I ,,,, ...... -..-. ..... lar_ ~=~pam-lnlrllolo--Ull _, .._1!.:'!!'..., :...-.:.• ~~~~~~ ,. 'EJC p' rlM lllrd? .. _.'f~l •• •• , .... --It ltW Ia -DIJO.Ul ...... '' ula.,.._la lilt ::=:: !",
.... ·-.... • •.•• ~elllllltlllcll ...... '? .. ,... Clllll* ' ..,
1 Ltl. 6 9( FOLGERS 131 2 LBS.
Frozen Fo()cls
Ftcsh Ptoduce
33' LillY'S ~~~~FRUIT -..... ....
Miss Patricia Meier
weds Larry Brookins ·
At a ..._ ..._ '*h'r M 71Utl.._
........ lili.iiiiiii:,;QiljA_... Ill II I .. ...... Ill LlrrJ • .. ,_III X 11111..,._ .... ,.,,J-1. no __ ..,... __ ..... ., .... -......... -lr.flc-.-. .. -Ia--.. --' -9f 111 Yla Yollo, Lido IIIL'ht.,._'IIIU'IIUan ...... -.-.-. .-_.,'-_'
no llr* -• 11re11 ---~~--• -dt rnt ,.... lace COil ..... -...... -. __ .,....._..,.Dr.
Cllilrlellk'"'Wd ·~·· =~.::,-:;::,:
udnuawWLwud-.... -a.IOIIdfl-wul>lr
..._., KeNrn Me&lr, will
wwe&JII)oplak•IJIIIIIIF-----..-...... ~ -cap. liJr
MRS. LARRY IROOICIMS -wuflplak.,.._ udllobr'•-,
Lao AUoa -ot Bell-llower-u-maa.OaiJ •«Dbu• a( tbe lpunemete
families ftl'l pr.-ai iD U.
~ FoiJDwiltc tbe cere-
moaJ, a ,...._,_ wu beld
It ti>o stall Sblrt rell&unat Ia
-~~---..... ~~-*'att ...... ,,., .. ? ...
'' 1 T.WJD.-tl
11r. 11111t Mrs. •· u r .,_-
llllllt.et• , ............ liu'U 11 a rhh .,.__ --... ·· ...... ---·-........... ph-1 '* c ..... ud ..........
arb: at Oraatt Cout cou ....
• wu a lMIHatlcw•cwter Loopo-·· a.-. ~a • ..-..
llo UoiYortdqflll&nll,"""
1111 MP'td ill kQl wie .....
mell la tbt acbool olt.sl't?F -no ftddlac ..w bt lloldOc:l.
IIIII st. hdrn'ol'nobylala&
ClooR!Ifi"-Booeb· SARAH $HEWARD
Broken leg delays vole
laueloctkatllotwudoJ&10d fl llo -.. CaiiAinla
-wool< bJ tbt-localE-~or -• eloclod
tbe prMideptbl -·..-. tbe Y1ee PI'....... Art ~
Hewport Hubor ki'ftals Cle wu •l4d«< a tr ........ a
elect.l a _.,.,...... alate of job M'll-be ..._,npttac no.
0fDe81'S J'..e l.Z, maM... CroeW "CW..S
no -"'-ts Pat _ .. c.r.. .. uw. Butbolomy, a sloetbrokerwitb TIKee ...., bau\1 members
Wa.lltoo ' Co. iD Coroaa del were ea.o.ea tar Z year terms.
liar. Yr. Bartbolomy lnllo Tbey ue RoWe _.,
b1s lee wblle iD New Ycwt ce-nJ director for tbiOruce
aludylac lor bls -pool-Caul YMCA; V..: .lore¥ fl
wUb WAlstaD ' Co. He speat Eqwty Seeuritie&; aad Lury
two aod a ba.U moaUls iJII New Probert from AI F«ctt Hard-
·How do we read
-----(II.;.; ,. ....... -,.
' ~10-oiCMr (Jr r ,. u '.,... custollllin. pracriptioas
11!!=~-="'~""~.u:J ...... , ___ .. ----·· clloL Yd,..... ,......_
ioob at the cryptic ICribbles
and calmly 'f'C:IIChel for a
bottle. Tbe rillrt boUle. Prelcriptionl ate writleft
in a special iocaDalionaJ w ... ..-known 10
' physicians and pbarmrKisu ••. a kind of unto.
~ ltaDdanliaed shor1hdd tttu•s puwnar-
and penmansbip-proo. It cxiltl so any~
phamw:ist anywhere can fill your pracripc.ion
accurately. Thafa bow we're always able to p...e
you just the dtu& your physician pracriba., and
"''hy tbe directions are always c:ort'CCl. We are
pleued to KrYe you wbenc~G" prac:ricJtioo ~
cation is RqUired.
_L_..., __ • ..,_
a.x• .... York. ware.
Ropr Tbe ... omeers will be iD-'-----------------..1 st&lledla~-·
~~~Ide 1o a~ of JESSICA JONES
=::.=:~=ZONTA GIRLS OF Collece. Her ... bqbeact ns ~:--:·::-.·a::: THE YEAR NAMED
City CQ!M ... IIe liter reeetf'ed Zoata Prls of tbe year were
bls d!plota at Ft. Bel'ro&r Eo-boaored at the J~a~ WocheoG
pa..rlDc Sebool ..r lraAI.ac· meetlDc ol tile Newport Harbor
too, o,c. z.o&a CII>I> at t11e s-
TbeJ will make tbelr bomelll Cltbaos cblbbouse.
Torraoee. • CCSTA MESA tnGH-ADD
llereth Lyacb, daucbter of Yr.
Is lbere DO boDor UD0GC bot !50 Bucl;Dell Rd.. CoQa Mesa..
car entb .. J$1•sts? Appueotb ADD sened as y~boc* editol'
DOt, 1D 'flew fl tile t_..s IUid secretary of GAA 1D ber
tnasmlssion aDd Harlt Uab.p SRiot year. AcUrities 1a pre-
takeo Juoe 13 from lbe locked 't'ious yean lDcluded Pep Club
car of Robert Brwtman_ U4Z Art Cll.lb, Girls League art
Crestnew Dr •• BQ'Sbores. Tbe commlssiooer aad yearbootart
parts, nlued at $150, ••e editor. Sbe-1s recipient of tbe
lf1Dc oo tbe Ooor of tba tack QuUJ and Scroll award. Outside
seet waWac "' be Installed. ac:tlntiu iD<ludod Bollble
HEADS FAOH.. TY ASSH Broob repr'M'rtattve, May ~o. • , teen boud a.od Hole Hospital
JobD Reseek ot Bay Sbores CaDdYstrtpers committee
bas boeD elected presideDt or cfllaitiDUL Sbe bas IIIPlled at
tbe Saata Alia CoUece FacDlt)' Ullinrstt:J
oiSui&Aao. ut
or 100% Replacement Rapnjless of the •
of Your Draperies, if Cleanable-
• Guarlllteed llo Sllrillb&e
• Guanlteed Perfect E•Hetts
• Gunlted Perfect Plat Foldi111
· • llurllleed lin F*ic Ufe
200/o OFF
All ..
Or .... Ceuaty
"OUT OF THIS lSIIa ..4••-'
lublaa lleld, atHtlac .. •
-~ lbeA - --display aDd CQOrl'cH•tkw
• ESTANCIA mGH-Jet.Aa Tutor. dl._.,. or Yr.. u4
Yrs. JoOa E. Tlylor, SZOZ Da-
kota AYe •• COIIb. Mesa.. .ro.u.
ser~ed as yearboc:* ed1tDr. Pep
Club 'f'ice...presiden'. aad n.ll7
a.od pubUcUJ cbalrmu. lA ......
Yious Jl!ai'S sbe ft.S a YVsltJ
cheerleader, member of
Club, Aquod,:uck:;u;;;~;;;;
productior&s, "'
laad roles i.Jl sebool plays.
received a cilatioo. a excel-I
lenee of perfmmaace oo U.
year book stall, tile 8ult fli
America achieremeat award la ·
flDe arts, tbeoutstandloeaeaklr
drl award from tbe Harbor
sboppinc eeater, a.od u
booorarJ award from baiAe a
member ot lbe mea's TUsitJ
ftestlia&: tam*" z years. Sial
Is pl;umUI( • trip -tile
--.. 5ollJ B. J-1511 CW!Dr.,Newportllelpji.J.,._
sica bas sen.t as pres:idHt ol
tile Pep Cl..., member cd t1lil
ltllieot coocress. u:ecatt••
CCMmCJ.I aDd aqua show. ID PH-
rlous years sbe was acUve la cs:r, Spaotsb Club, Glrls IA&-
gae, drW team, usberettes, la-
terclub council, )mlor' class
COUDCU, aJJd was accepted tor
tbe Argentine UC.ba.D&'I pro-cram. Sbe bas been a Glr 1 Scout
for lOyears,andwOrkedatHo&c
llosl>llal as CaodJsttlper. At
tbe awards bi.Dquet,. sbe re-
eeind lbe Newport 8ralbol.
Rotary Club scboJarsO!p IUid &
santee awa.rd iD reeopWoo or
4 years 0( senice to Harbor
1l!p. Sl>e wiD altaod UCLA u
u eeomics major.
AmJ O,e, daactll• of Mrs.
Vfrpaia Dye, 41Z Uuel Dr ..
Corolla del Mar. AmJ sened
u presided ol tile p"' -a.od as ebetrwadel' &a:l was a
member of tbe JMrboot staff.
Sbe ns aamed ''YUsitJ cbeer-
lelder of tbe year•• ud .. most
eothns!a stlc Pep SqUid mem-
ber • • at tbe aDDal award& baD-.
otber sct.lol boaors iJl..
--soclet7. prJ qaarlM IUid mostl(llrlled
prL Oo&side IOIIYWel
illc:llude presldeiM:y ol Laurlers,
J;;;o,,e;·..,-ol tile J-JW Cll>b ol Cool& ......
:v,;,_;pert,r t1JDe work at Ka• Ku
'. "' CGraa del -. Sloe toalt...SOCCIUidtnufel
Sao DleFSiiaO<IJCSulo :~=~-:Jo<lac~ Ia ----
o. • .,. Co..
a bit
with a
REMEMBER---when '
' YOU tied the knot? '*-'
Five, ten, twenty or even more years ago. Perhaps one of the gifts you
received was a bome entertainment instrument. And If it was, you !mow
bow thrilled you were; bow much pleasure it provided over the years.
Wby not start them with a gift they'll enjoy daily for years to come.
A Sylvania. And If you're not married .•• take the plunge. YOU may
get a Sylvania. Sylvania Color TV
• Sylvania'• superb 102
sq. in. screen port.abie
Color TV model
Hifh ..,. "" u•a•
C831CH. Gives console-
like performance at a
budget price. It's a gift
to delight any newly
wed couple. The
optional roll-about
stand will let them
move it from room to TV RECEPTION SIJltJLA. TED room with eue.
Sylvania Stereo
s11van.ia'a portable atereo record player model EXP-
411 . Smart! Li.Pt! C..J*t! For the youn1 and the ~·• at beart. HiaWT dfi~i.ent Air Suepenaion
IIPfSII:en cletadll for a broad atereo eound. Adda aip to
partiee: 11lu••t ...... to a quiet eveniu.
l.si'EEDS $99.50
. .
Q:RMAII SONGS dltlac -to 1813 are played by Mn.
AlaD stooemaa ot Newport Beactl, sbowo bere with Mrs.
Wlllred Boris ot Balboa Islaad, at left; Carol aoeuer o1
tbe OCI music faculty, aod Mr. Searls. Ma.ouscrtpts of tbe
music, wrltteo by Jobao RudoJpb Van Berls, were fouod
by Wilfred Barts, a direct descendant. Tbe music so
i.Dtriaued Mrs. s•ooeman. a coocert pianist, that sbe
urupd to ban Erna Dubbtns, a Dative of Germapy,
translate tbe maauscclpts. Tbe music will be preseoted
at tbt stooemaa•s peMbouse apu1ment iD Vista del Lido
at 4 p,m. JUDI 22, Carol Boelter will sing. and Mrs.
Stooemao wW ~ at tbe pia.Do. (Cameo House photo.)
Carroll (Iars. J. A.) -ot
8a.1boa lslaod, a resldem: ot tbe
Harbor Area since 1921, Is tbe
Oranp Cout Collep out-
stprvttng c1Useo of 1969,
Sbe was bODoi'Sd at the OCC
commeocemeot uercises last
Friday, June 13, Wben more than
1,200 received degrees.
-IIIIa= 1 -no 1oco1 -• a 1-o -11 '1 o 1o .. IAIIao'• lood !lllllolrll illlaloo~ . l_._lul.....,~--. .. 1.-.ud
olpt -• lolllllrll .... -· lilu ho:olro-
........... locol_Soo Lo ---· D=lpn ""!!" II IIo o. 1-no .-Ill .. 4111llolal. c-~ ••oci&JIIP Tllo Docir<• pkUd,. a no 111
Scaoollllr, no 1a e·••tac tiM eta~ u Jtll Mt"""' ....._.
aa-lroeU.StllllaPUolo, ur1 ,_,u-lila.-
.-ool1 J lllU, ....... -.... Ill tloo '1111 dod ..
17, uri -011 lllo oo11 roo. t11o -1-1 -ro. IUol
Cllllell wa111oc1 to-t11o '1111 .. ..,.., -•aa-ld '
lllollc. -lod, -to aol, ud-. lcllo IIS.'a lrd 00 .. lollo1d oat, aild --1111. Soo Lo ........ LaiD
1D oa. Bill PoweU'alaftekl out. tbllead wUb a r•1atM...._
11or1 BJ1m-. drall Clloleo ot t11o '1111. ot tllo W..-TwlM, wu oo In lllo 1111, BIIIPonll ft1Ud,
t11o molllld lor Sanlla&o. He wOIII to lad oo a .,.-1a11,
faaDed tbl flrll 14 mea. to face &Dd came bome OD Bob L-.YJ"•
blm, raa ap lila alrlb-out lolal slqlo. Willi z ao1, Tom KliiJ
to 11 Jor tbe cam•. &Dd a.Uowed ·~ ud DaYeDUd•IIDclad 01117 3 bJts. He made just ODe him bome U tw ........, rwa.
mt•n, a.llotr1Dc ODe walk, m:l Two more r .. ••• lddld 1ll
l!lal wu 1o Loseth to the '1111. tllo top ot t11o IIIII u --
Tile Dod&vs. _.sored by nlkocl &lid Looolll RIIIOII, ud
Newport HarborPost291,swept Manno« doubled tblm boC
lbe weet-eod p.mu by o-.er-bome.
powortoc Soo Lo ol La Habra Tlllo Saturd&J 11>o Dod&v•
7 1o 4. stoYe Sel1neUlor pltc:bed will play al Bola al Z p.m. ud
lor the rwcws, ooldlDg Soo Lo oo Suod&y will 110ot Soo Lo at
to Z hits. Costa Mesa Part at I p.m.
It's 'Operation Arizona'
Sl.xteeo b.i&b ecbool students Juoe Z2, ln time to preeeat lbe
from Central Bible Church in results aDd b.igii.UIIU of ''()p-
Costa Mesa are carrylDg out eratioo Arlzoaa'" to tbe coo-
••OperaUoo ArlJooa,'' coDdoc-grepUoD at tbe '1 p.m. aervlc:e.
Uog s1l. 5-day Bible scbools
tor the children ol migrant
workers in Stanfield, Casa
Grande, Coolidge aDd Eloy.
Richard Reed, youth direc.
tor, stated that the purpose of
tbls venture Is tbreefold: to
evangellle these communl.ties
tor Jesus Chrlst, to create
wllbin. the young people a broa-
der missionary Ylsloo, aod to
del'elop the leadership abW·
ties of tbe participants. Eacb
Bible scbOol program consists
of a Bible story, workbook time,
scripture memortr.atioo., re-
creation aDd crafts.
13.95 to 18.95
Trabert Autograph
Nylon Strung. ~eg. ,19.~j
SPECIAL ••••.. 1<4.95
Blemish .. Reg •. R. 9 j
MASKS • • 95' to
Members of the team are
llooglas Ba leombe, Sandra Bar-
ll:er, L. G. Cox, David Hanlon,
Martha Hesse, Barbara Jones,
Ellwocd Jooes, Myron Jooes,
Katby Klog, Jolee Miller, Jen-
Diter Pittman. Tim Qutro&, Sam
Ramos, Brenda. Torens, Dtane
SaOOers, aDd Cathy Whalen. Ac-
companying lbe team are Mrs.
Juaree Burnham, Arctlie Camp-
bell aod Richard Reed,
Strung D. f-.. f"y lon BALLS-BATS-HOSE
SPECIAL •.••.• 18.95 I----------
OTHERS ••• <4.95 to45.00 RALEIGH BIKES-
She 1s a oatln CaWorllia.D,
born 1n Hueneme "before it
became Port Hueneme. .. moved
here 48 yeats ago, aod oenr
lett. Sbe ls the widow of Josepb
A. Seek. developer of Balboa
Island and Beacon Bay, tbe
city's tlrst harbormaster,
senior staff commodore of the
Newport Harbor Yacht Club, m:1
secretary of the state senate MRS. J. A. BEU ~=====~~=~ wtil his dealb last Oct, 21. ~ Mrs. Beekbas3sons: Butw, "This booor is accorded you
While in Arlr.ona, the students
plaD to •lslt Grand Canyon, Old
Tocson. Tombstone and Pboe-
nii. They wtU retura Sunday,
jOO TO C HOOSE FROM Parts -Tiru -Tubu
HOM 2 P.M.
a partner i.D a Los Angeles law tor the maoy coatr1butioos you
llrm; AilaJI, wllll North A-have made 1o 1110 Harbor area, HAZEL C. WAGMER. 13,
merlcao Rockwell, aod Sey-tor your eivk laaderoblp aa:1 OF IIAL.BOA,lSLE DIES
mour, with Pbilco Ford Aero-YOW' contributions to education. Sentees lor Ruel c. Wag-
nutronic, . "You han served 1l011 tbe ner, IS, ol U9 Grand Canal,
The OCC citation boooring Scholarship Committee of the Balboa lsJaBd, were bekl JliDe 17
Mrs. Seek read as follows: Assi.sta.nce League a.od !lave at Pactnc View CbapeLShedied
"By r esolutioo of the Board been a v~ued me~ber of lbe Juoe 11.
of ~rustees of the Orange Coast Orange coast Collegg Cltll.eos S11rvivors are ber dallghter,
Jwuor College District, you, Advisory Committee for many La Verne Parter, Balboa
Mrs •. Joseph Bee.t. have been years. for 12 years, you have Island; a soo, Pb.UI..Ip N, Wag-
acclaimed an Outsta.ndlng CiU-been a member of tbe Newport oer, Elsinor; 4 grandchlldreo,
zen. Harbor cb.apter of the America.o and 4 great-p-andchildren. Sbe
Field Service. was a residentofOrange CoUDty
•·You have contributed time tor 21 years and CaWornia
and e11ort totheVi.sitl.ngNurses tor 46 years. Interment was at
Association, to Hoag Hospital Elslnor Valley Cemetery. Ope;:~~: 61:~5s'·'"· and_lb~ PlannedParenthoodAs-NELLIE BREMER OF
soc1ahon vf Orange County. You CAMEO SHORES DIES
VANESSA REDGRAVE ::a;;::l:;";:;t.f~e":..:'t!t~n~ Nellie H. Bremer of 137
Orange County and tbe Big MlUord Dr.. cameo Shores,
Brothers Auxiliary Board You died JuoelZ.Servtceswerebeld
served 00 the Grand J.;y of June 14 at Pac11lc View CbapeL
Orange County aoo the Harbor Sunl•ors are her busbaDd,
Committee of Newport To-Warren; a dauebter, YarUyo
morrow. Your cootribut.toos to Gayoer of Costa Mesa; Z
the community bave made it a sisters, Mrs. Edoa Tr imble of
finer place to live Corona del Uu and Mlss
OF ISADOU" ''A resident oi lbe Harbor Cb.arlett Ba.ngertotSealS.cb..
area since 1921 you richly and 3 graOOchildren. Sbe was
deserve this ~ of OutstaD-a resident of Orange Couoty for
ding Citizen." 16 years.
1 Time
20 words or less ·············· 1.50
21 word• to 30 words ...... 2.00
31 words to .C) word• ...... 3.00
Eoch word over .«) wwd1 .. .OS
2 Times
. 10
3 Times
Juoe twides l graduations-
popular males ol used
orpns-Ham mood, BaldwlD,
Allen, etc.; prlcesstartat$99 •
splnols, ootl801es ~ erand
.. •-:-= from $390. E-Z terms.
Hammond sploel, latest
model, oaiy $499; Hammond
"8" wtrc, 0111 only, reduced
to $1395. Special on ooDSOle "-
splDet pluoa -all reot
IIJI)lles to Fall or Winter pur-·-· ready to rolor your world with happines~ SCHIIIOT MUSIC CO.
~!."!''!!""!;: ,YYamaba -Stetony
Direct from
reserved scat
..... 77 I • a
St. SaDiaAna
Est. U14
~7117. P. 0 . Bo• 1.223,
CO.. IleaL
Church New• ftl...,.. __.a.. I a • ...._ ....... .;... -c--.-c•Dt Ill 111:811 .... =·-Roopaol ""'fP' -no a;JO ., ..,_ 011 ...._
IIIII II a.a. Milo• .. -llro, ,W -IIIII lira.
., ...... a ... ..,_ Allu-.no--
E. ~. CGnllo, -~-rico--JUIJwiAIOI-I'Itdor,
... -..... -....... 1-.17,111111--
lllolnet. ·-leu LoOoru ·-· .. c... dol -· c•c~ • • • • • • coo~n~-c-.a.~
Tlol Flrll Bopldl Clllrcll al AM.IIIIH 81.. Co*--
C911& II-JOI llopollo a. -a-y I. ~-wiA
-''11111 all llllap -......... pori lallllo ---aood" ww be u..-... tapte ''Diri.M cllf•lltr' at tile • ud
al Dr. P. G. I'-• Ill lllo 10:10 a.m • ._, ........ AI
11 a.ro. Saadi.J MrYice. At 1 7 &i.lll. bt wtU tPMt • ••co.a
p.m. bt wtU tpll.k oa ''Tbl 1 1t wortQ," ud ~ wW bl
woodera ot III'OPbeeJ." P••· oa 1S b&c,IIICbooliN'1 wilD
• • • CODducted ''Operat1ooArlloa&"
Tbo PIJ-.ua~epl-1 dorl.ac lllo .... ......_
Cburcb, 11&2 Broed st .. lftw-• • •
pori BIICIU -W1111o 111!1 a... S1. llark Pr....,._IM
llormu Bron lo -1( 1bo Cllooreb, ZIOO 1W Villa, Eut
"""-"' 111o ,.._, .. _ &IIIII-no Ror. Jamoa Klrt
IOC'I•-(I( Coi(Jopl-1 wiU prlldiiiiiOLJD.-7 ..
ChrlltlaD Cburebu. tM pelt tbe tbemt, "Wblt are l
mma.t. tor tbllOa.•.eerrice pri'GI)blt'a ctedelltlala?'' ABOARD tbe S Prtlldeat Cltwela.s oo a tl-day CI'CUI to
tb1a S_.,. Yll1 be tbl R•. • • • tbe Or teat art Mr. aDd Mrs. Ray G. Bron of Uta Vllta
Morrlo Wll"d&l, pulor al lllo Newporl l1tlll7 Cbureb, mee-Callllal, Eul Bltdf. Ports of caUI><IboAmarlcu Pr.-
Ca!Yary WMnD Br-• ILac 1111!51lt Sl. us lrriM Are., Llllol'l,....y litter lnellllle Hooobtlu, ~ y-, Hoor
Cburcb ot Ell'& 1111 &oplc will Cllfl' HaYID-Gaut .-h• lor KoAg ADd U&aUa. '
be "Rlfer of Ufe." tbe 10 a.m. SaDdaJ Mnlce wU1 N z 1 d 0 0 0 Cbr.:u..~.c: ... --:,,:;.'!:""....!"!t~P.:'.; ew ea an ers VISiting
The 11!bjocl of 1bo Blblolo.-. cao cbaap your lifo." He Is Ft N Zealaad W tlo
sermoD this SUDday wW be "II director of tbe FOUIIdllioD lor are ~~ H " Bea.eb u:-:reek dl'fialoG of tbe Nnport Harbor'
the Wliverse, 1Delud1Df man, Hum&D Acbilf......t.. At 7:30 learnill&: "::!nne tecb.nlques Cba.mber ol Commerce at tbl
evolved by atomic llree?" Ser-p.m. WldDuda:l', JUDe Z5, Dr. All members ot. tbe N~ Balboa Bay Club.
ntree bloeb ID ac.. Bird. oe .._IIMd,-
111ree1. Lollcea 101 eold III(IJ.
Two 1----..-, ..u> llrrplacos, ...tee paocb US lar" •-ploy :rvd.,.. cldldrl!l.
E ... llottl COD!IIIIIMI. Call lo< -·-1D ....
2 Adjoining R-1 Lots
Uti ""'•If Can>oa deiiW ....... larlOir-US-
walk lo OceiD Blfd.
8tdld z.-, tu!d •••-lllulleynewctonmalll
cbuael-pbas paaoramJ.c ocean Yle'W, too.
Tbere ia: an older bouse oa. tbe property u.t. C&D be
swnmer reuted at $175 per weetJ
673-2503 vices are at 9:l!S aod 11 a.m. Mu FUekltl&W, of Riverside, Zea.1aDd Surt Ufesavlng Assn. "We'U be abowtac tbem bow
lD Newport Blach, 11 a.m. lD tatbtr of Putor Loreo FUck-urlved 1n Newport Tuesdaj we coord118la equlpmeot I.Dd
Costa Mea, aDd 10 a.m. 1o tbe i..D.pr, will be&tn a 4-weet M-eYIIlinc and will be bere until periOOD81 p.roparly to reduce '-------------------1 cbureb 1D Harbor Vln Wlll. rtes oa "Psyebo-eyberoetica." SUDdly Yaterday they were the number of meaaeceuary,'' 1-• • • • • • ' • said UuiDI Safety Director'
st. ADdrn's PresbYterian L&s Veps olibt will be beld btea.kfa.t pests of tbe mar1De Bob Reed. to
Churcb, 600 Sl. Aodrew's Rd., at 8,30 p.m.lbto Saturtlay,JUDe PREVIEW SHOWING OF leera toe cold
CWI Haveo-CbrtsllaD mar-Zl, Ill Te!IIPlo Sbaroa, 617 W. HOMES AHMOUNCED proocb lo W...flor.
rlap Sunday will be obslnld Hapllltoa. Coata Mea. Price of Ranch La Cuesta HIDlt:1ngton somewhat cWiareat from
at tbe 8, 9:SO &Dd 11 a.m. admtssioo. lDclodes a ehiekao Beach 1s boldlAc a preview AU5tnllaD type of operatioa."
senices this Suaday. Tbe dbDer and a. "b'tl.me" 1Dscrlp, showing ot its aew unit ftve Tbe New Zealaodtra
church will be decorated u for a accordiJl&: to Micbul Bomr, IJ'0!4) ot homes at Brookburst tbe instrucUoo
•eddlnc. and all C01C)Ies •bo vlce~Ple&ldeut of Temple Sba-St. and AtlaDta Ave, 1o Hun-Ungtoo BeaCh.
nave been married at st. AD-roo. U.Dgton Beach. Newport tbey
drn'sarelDtltedtoatteod.Dr. • • • Tbe new UD1t wUl comprise Beach. SSan~~~:t'·~~:~~ Charles Dterenfteld w111preach Lutberan Cburcb of the Mas~ 1Z7 bomes selli.Dg tor $U 995 Beach, Mauma, WW
on tbe topic, ''Doo't tate ter,2900PacUlcVJewDr.,Har-to $34ZOO 00 VA a.od FHA aDdR.toodo.Beacb.
the nooc bus." bor View BUls -Dr. WIUJam tl.DancJJi.c Pla.Ds. according to I.D. tbe
• • • Eller wW q»eak oo "A IOilg of sales maoa&er Bud. Fricker. are J.
St. Michael'& a.od AU Aapls' tbanksgh1nc'' at tbe 8:45 and 11 Prices lnc:lude coocrete drive-Cbrlstcbureb; D.
Eplscopa.l Church, 3ZS3 Pa.cltlc a...m. Suoday services. New ways, uodergroUDd utillties, Z5, of Auc~; Toay
View Dr., Harbor View HUls-members will be recelnd at all-electric patio kitchens with Zl, of Tama.di; JobD
Guest speaker for the8aod9:SO 11 a.m. SUDday services. Tbe built-Ln ranges ovens disb-Z5, of Hawkes Bay; and
a.m. commwUoo services th1s Bllly Grabam fllm, "Restless washers and -sers' Large Cbr1stia, Z8, ot Worser
Sunday wlll be P&ul Juerpnsof ODes," will be offered at a 5Z pllon water neaters'Provide Wetuncton.
Arltooa, a semlrary student at publlc shOWing at 7:30 p.m. plenty ot bot water for bouse-
Bloy House Ln Loa An&eles. Thursday, J..:ae Z6. bold use.
More school lax due
Tile Ne..-pori-Mesa board of acbool 1Uiacb ~ after a
educa.Uoa deelded Tuesday Dilbt ooe yeu trial uperteoce In
to cooslder u.s1D& aa estlmated whicb t.bt prop-am was dl.scoD-.
001 to two-cent perml&s1ve tu Unued. Tbe attempt to prcwlde
ewer-ride to Ntanee tbe a Dlltrltloatl 1tlt.bGd
l96'tj'IO.......... • ~
Tbe JIDtlOprelhalurybud-f111, tbc
.. tGUJ ftl $Z5,SU,%81. E~ • APPROVED
Umatect aftilabll fUDds are statemeot; "Tbe Board of EdU-
$24,011,8&0, lo&YIII( a dellcll cattoo of lbo llewpori-Mesa
of $1,H1,421. Pari of lbto de· U!!lflod ScttoDI Dlltrlct bereby
tlc!t was el1m.1Dlted by a per-reserves tbe rlgbt to JJJcreue
m.lasive tu lDcrea.se tota 11DI salaries of &QJ and &11
$57Z,1•9 aDd bUdpt cuts employees durlog tba 1969-'70
amounting to $SZ6,687. Wore sebool year."
was ellmiDIIIed by dliiPLac IIIIo • GRANTED pormlssloo 1o
Ulll:l18trlbuted reserves .r. Breotwood.C~ IDe., to Ui8
marked tor teachers' salaries flcllit1es at lbte VlstaSctlool.
in 19?0-71. 'rbe rematntng de-• GRANTED permis&loD to
dell was $337,149. Harbor CKI.st1an Clutch tDr 6-
Tuesday Dlg:bt tbe staff re-month extenston of coatract tD
commaoded furtber budpt cuts use t&elllUes at Harper Sebool,
lolallD( $Z73,U6 lo lrlm ~~~o··lbrottgtt Dee. za.
remaining dedclt. Tbe sta1t's
recommenda"oo iocluded a PR!.SCHQOL COURSE
$72,000 cui 1D "bot -TO IIEGIM JUNE 2•
projects," bulldiJir repairs, tu!d "51®, look, llslei!O a sll><ly of I
aon-Lnstructloml equipmeot. tbe pre~scbool cbild" 'Ifill be
The board knrlll'ed the cut from oflered as &DOG-credit summer
$72,000 1o $40,000. ofloriDg by UCI Ella!ISiotl be·
Tbe revlsed &tatf reductions pmt..ng Juoe t4.
of $Z41,U6 stW leaves a Tbe 12
$96,319 dellctL The board be beld oo
called lor a spec.1al meeting D8lt lil.ya, 9:30 to oaoa.
TlltsdaY to bear recommeDda-del Mar Htlb Sebool,
Uoos to coYer this detlc1L Dr. at Ma.r Vlsta Dr.,
Tues arealread)'eJPtCtedto Bhlfl.
be rat.sod ~por$100asseosod
Norwood Cobb, ZlZ9 Mira-
mar. Balboa, may oot 10 colftnc
for a few days aow. GolflDc
eolllpmeal worllt $296 disap-
peared from b1s garap some-
Ume betweea Jan. 15 aod J..-
Courtyard Front Entry
• Beautiful East Costa Mesa bouse,
• Heritage shuttered bedrooms.
• All electric kitchen, including dish-
ROOMS, l)\ BATHS ..••••••.••••...• $64,500
WITH VIEW. ......
BAY CREST -LARGE.~ EVEL .••.••• $11, 900
WITH VIEW) •.•••••••.•...... .$109,500
!MU-Y, JUIE ......
$1,550 Price Reduction
Was $41,500. Now for a few days
$39,950. Best value in Corona High-
lands! 3 Bedrooms with Large Extra
Den. 2 Baths, Big Living Room with
Fireplace. It's on latoge corner lot.
You own the land. Shade and play
yard. Front and Rear Porch Patio.
Out of town owner takes loss for
quick sale, Good terms. Vacant,
Quick Possession. Don't lose out on
this. We're waiting for your call.
lay & n••••RHAty IK.
24Gr L C0ASJ • C D M
You Bet We Are
RANCHO LA CUESTA. hflmc~ ilt trnnl;hur-=1 ~ .\li;n•p
1n HnntmRl<m Bach Of!<'T'If!d C\JT Ill on .l ~nun:'l :!-1U1
-~o!d oul h~ ;\lareh 20th.
• On June 1st the last home in UNIT .J:V voas .10kl.
rrp"d f .. t'l.,l n-1~"1-, t n ~·;.J ::'00 .1..,111'!0 nllt•f t'lflrl1 •l .qJ~
11 tn 7. fhOil(' !lli0·2 ~:2ft nr 96R·I:I.1il.
Sales through the Multiple Llsting
Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa
Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $25.2
million for the first five months of
1969. This represents 666 unit sales
and a dollar value increase of 17%
over the same period of last year,
List your property with a Realtor
vahptkMJ for Costa Mesa a.ad EHTRY DEADLIMES
28~ tor Newport. To cover tbe SET FOR COUNTY
deficit, these taus may be Tb11 Frid&J llM • Well located to all schools. ··················••! raised apiD by ooe lotwocollls tleediiDt 1:1r itir' lalo<IDorialrto•[
1o pormlosiYO lu orerrld01. ID mool -.,.... 1969
Thel would -ale ,_ 0ru1p Cot1t1J Fair
$50,000 r.,_ US lbe re-poolb, !ICCCII"IIIDc ID CUtOn~[
maiDLac dellcll would be corer-..._Allred L!ltjeUo.
ld by &DOtber reductJoa. oa ._ All l'llllt
dl.trlbaled felll'fel. tbaD ...
By low, lbo boord mul-pooallrJ nlli>lta,
• 3 large bedrooms, 2 batbB.
a prellmiMrJ badpt bdore, cana.' ud u. 1.-.. ~ ... 10. s-... u.1r _,. 3036 E. Coast Hwy.
Tueldl:t 111Pt lbo boortlalso' IIDt,. t1>e ~-JO-. Corona del Mar, Calif. 675-1662
• APPOIIITED Dr. llartd Job' S 1o lito "'==~ ~=~~ &;;;;;;;;;~~::.::;.::;~~~~----------~ KelrM7 lo aD $11,000 a ,..r rec~D<Lac ~-I
pocWo1 r~Whlt lx' t.cb-tatrLes.
DICII lraiiLac tu!d doroJopatolll Tbot 11~96:9~=
"' .---· ... tu!dl'--~~~~~ l"'f•lt-IJ. Job' 15, us ... Ill
• AlrrHORIZED a r-• ID dl:t JIIJIO. ~ ill tbl DltkJMI '
C.C. backs Harbor district
SooJuorl al lito OrUip c..ary apiD ,II ... .,11004ietl lllrWillllrlclwurolod-wbODlllo
di:JIIflllodll-oallllolloW· warded ID
port lllt!lar ~alCoa--..
....... 1111
Tltlallop-lllotlocl-..... ll_._CIIrc.-ociD(IOIIIIII-cll, "" ,, 1111 _w_.. a1 .,.. a...., __ -.
tiiiii..,_....WIIdniW· . ... ___. .... _
trlctiD-)IrtoC r·-HAIIIWAD TMIM .., Jllll .... IIIJPIJa ............. a-...
0. W1t l» If Ml ... * :•1 ... M tr llllllt. llol '-' ,_ ,.. , .. ,.. lf, ... _.., __ _
CI ' dmtf .. ..,.,... wn tst -• a..lll L.
••••• PK1' II -~,...__.._
., .. d ........ 7 -~--.. --...... ., ........ --.............. ,.,.. --NPJI••LUC __ ... , .. --·--·~--.
...... s.Rc• ,._ 1,., ..,. ~·-
• ,_ 11re Und af tDIIIIIIrr II.._.. 011t, poorlJ P"m d
'-eai .................. ...---to -
--·---· .....-~~r~or ...... ·=·-4bllll ~ ................ _,
• .. , e.n.c., ..... M ,,_ .......... ....
.... ~ .......... , •••••.• ..u ....
· ... a .an ,...... r... Mart tliU 11 e te -........ --·luaiiJ ........ -.....
p. •· INIIIttet lncorpor~~ted
,., 'Ilk U4t • .... ..,. •; It._._,_ .. L..__ .. MIIIII
g._ 'fl-/1. !'< .. It-
For Sales
& Rentals
M11p.-ite c.-.... -673-8550 g._ 'fl-/1. R .. lt-
Coa'l eell '"· ....... "' .... n.:.•wai 'sb
Olill ._ 1701'L8 GO.. a II
Lucky Friday 13th for
Kloetzer-Hodges rites
THE $$00 SCIIOLARS111P anrd 1lu -~~-bf 11......-t
Balboa Sarittp IIIII Lou AlA. to - -lrtxD t11o' local blp oclloolollllll-olrtxDt:nlco~ Collop.
Pictured bon at lbe award ~--a1 t11o N......-t Balboa
Sa•IQp olllee are, from loll, ~. W-lleb. -.olary
to board ebalrlll&ll P. A. -. IIIII ocllolulllljl-o
KeDDetb Ewell ol. Coroaa del Mar ll1&b Sebool, lame•
Myers of Costa Mea JU.t:b. Carol Lw¥111'• &Dd Rlcbard
Watson ol OCC, and Lewlo Wrll)ll ol Newport Harbo< Hlp.
Cbrlslq>her Wellar ol Eotucta Hlp wu 1101 prHeDt 1Dr
lbe picture. (Neal Boelmer -.)
FrtdQ lbe IIIII wu a bacl:y
daJ t1r E. Karl Kloel&er ol
Corona del Mar. lo a cucn.-
llpt ceremooy be claimed M1u
VIctoria LYtDO Hodges ol
Beocoo Bay as hill b<lde. Tbe
weddioc rUes were perUmed
by tbe ReY. Onld DlPro.Do
at Christ Churcb by tbe Sea,
Community Metbodist, io Ceo-
tral Newport.
Tba t&'ldecroom is the soo
of Mr, aod Mrs. Eric Kloetser
ol Le\'1-D, Loorlsland, N.Y.
Tbe bride's pareot.s are Mr.
aod Mrs. Robert V. Hodges o1
Beacon Bay,
She cbo5e ao t.-ory si.1t or-
poll. gown with empire bodice
appUque with re.embroldered
Aleocon lace etcbld 1D seed
pearls and clusters of iri-
descent crystal. The tun length
A.lllle lk1rt eoded 1D a c~l
lenetb train with matching
}eweled lace awUque,
Sbe wore a Catbedra1 lenct.b.
maoHlla yell Olltlloed iD match.
iDJ lace ud carried a cucade
of daJ&leJ.
YJ&a Kathleen Boyd served as
maid of boaor. Sbt wore a cbil-
fon cown over yellow taffeta.
Tbe full 1eiiCth &DWD wu em.
boiHd. with dalsles, and she
carried a cascade of dailies.
Sim11arly 10ned were brides.
maida Miss Harriet Coillns and
the bride's coust.n. Mlss L1nda
Patty Robinsoo was flower
girl lD a. white pleated organdy
dress. Her twin brother, Bob,
was rln&: bearer.
Best maD tor the eroom was
Tom Bocbe-wtlc. Ushers ln·
c.~ tbe bride'• brotber, Tim
Kodpa, Victor Lawraee,
James WtiYC and Herbert
Followinl tbe ceremony are~
ceptioa ns be.ld at the lnlne
Coast Co unty Club, Tbe room
ns decorated with caodell&tat
aDd daistes. Tbe Hooeybees,
Bass and Helen Hutcbioson.
Exchange elects Pinchin
Exebaoge Club ol Coroa& del
Mar bas picked oewomcersb'
1969-70 and will parlleJ»ate
tn a county~ wide jolnt tn.
st•!Jatlon cerernoay thJ.s
Friday, June 20.
biJT":be~oew president is Hal
:' local realtor, assisted
Seymour, 1st vice-.~~=~::. Newport Beaeb City 'a BOO Alberloo, 2od
vlce.presldeot, SecurUy Pa-
clftc BaD.k trust offlcer; Joe
Moon, secretary.treasurer,lo-
cal accouotaat; Randy Sbroyer,
prolf&ID cha.irman and Dennis
Brucklar, nac committee
Past presideat MichaelGert.
oer will edit tbe club bulletlll,
''The X-Ray."
Albacore ruon expected
PrldlcUoas of tbt start ot Last yeu 1!9, 710 a.n.core
tbe albacore run are u bard wee cauebt before llleb water
MRS. E. KARL KLOETZER to l!.od u tbe .U.eore temperalures drove tbem
f B•,.,.i• AJJu pboto.J themsel•es, 1M local sea buffs toward Orep for a r ecord
played for danciDg. han recorded tb8 flrst blUIAD MUOQ LD tbatar& Tbe1Z9,710
Specta.l IU8sts iDciiJded the tu.oa catches of the year aDd ftpre J.J COlLildered a fair sea.-
bride's materoallf&Ddpareots say the a..lbacore could arrive 100.. 1D 1~ tbe seuoo luted
Mr and Mrs.. Jobn wUUa.ms' as earl)' as Juoe Z!. U's any-until late December tor a totl.l
Iter. paternal eraatmotber, Mrs: body's guess, tbey acree. catcb of Z29,S14 -tbe best
Wllllam Hodges and Mr am 8111 Grai&. tbl Department local seuon.
Yrs. Sherman T~rytrom"Oak-of FisbandGame'sa.ll:acoreex-Tbl tint cateb 1ut yearns
land who are the bride's god-pert, relates that current water July 2, wbleb 1a about a't8rage. par~nts. Miss Mary and Miss temperatures are "favorable" Tbe big moothl are p:oera.Uy
Carol Fordertrugen were guest and may lovtte an early run. July, AUI\Wl, aDd early Sep.
book atteoda.ats, Albacore prefer blue water tembtr. Tbao ap1D. they may
following a booeymooo in from 60 to 66 degrees, aod not show 1.1> at all; lt all de-
oorthero Callforola in their wheo it gets too warm 1D the peods oo unpredictable water
new Volkswagen bus, the newly. Southland tbey bead oorthward. temperatures.
weds will make their borne .. A t. .1 · ed
607 Fernie>! Abe., Corona del n 1·01 group reV IV
Tbe new Mrs. Kloetzer was
graduated from Corona del Mar
Web Seboolanda.tteOOecSOrance
Coast College belore DlO'f'l.ng to
Mammoth Mouota..Ln, wbere she
met ber bridegroom. He at.
teoded New York scbools, At-
lantic Uoloo College, Boston
Unt.-ersity, Cilllornia State
College iD Los Angeles and is
oow atteodingtheSouthero Cali-
forDJa College and UC l,
Lido resident is elected
The Newport Harbor Votun.
teer BureaU, which puts the
spare Ume aDd talents of con.
cerDed citizens to work iD
volunteer jobs at 75 a.pncles,
hospitals aDd scbools, will con-
UDue its search Ill Yolunteers
uDder 4 DIIW ot!lcers and 6 new
board directors J.ostalled at the
a.nnua.l meeting.
At the tnstanauon the oew
president, Mrs. Thomas Young
of Z20 VIa Palermo, Lido lsle,
stressed bar thanks to the ma.ny
.-olunteers be_,ing out, "With-
out them we would be out of
business,'' sbe sa.ld, ''OUr bust.
ness is volunteer service and
our aim U to sene as best we
can those agencies woo qua.ll-
The DeW vtce president Is
C bar les Cantanese of the
Newport-Mesa. Scbool District,
Mrs. WUllam FarllS'Worth of
1 n 3 E. Bay, Balboa, is the new
secretary. Matthew Hall, 1429
Mariners Dr., Harbor High.
lands !\as takeD over treasurer
New board members are Mrs.
Charles Cotton, &!boa; Mrs.
Robert fulton, East Bluff;
Da.n1el O'farrell, Fashion Is-
laM; Mrs. William Rainey,
Dover Shores; Mr s. James
White, Harbor Highlands; and
James Wood, East Bluff. They
)oln 8 other board members.
for lnlormation r ega.rdlng a
volunteer job to suit almost
a.ny hOurs, talents, a.nd I.D-.
terests, the Volunteer Bureau
may be reached at 642.0963
trom 9 to noon weekdays •
first Sergeant Don Ge.rcl.a.,
Marine Corps recruiter to
Costa Mesa., announces that in
observance of nag day, June
14, his office wtll have ann.
able for the public tree copies
of the bOOklet, ''Our nag. ..
which contains a history of
the flag plus pictorial examples
of the correct methods to dis.
play the nag. The r ecruiting
office, Is at 1857 Harbor BIYd.,
Costa Mesa..
Care fo r a bikini?
Care for a pan ts suit?
Care for a drip dry dress or travel suit?
Care for a sweater o r sweater coat?
Care for a party frock?
C are for a walnetto?
We have all these and more!
Zonta girl a wrestler?
Would you expect a Zonta junior and made special
girl or the year to ba.ve among on behalf of l:be
ber credentia.Ls an award trom As a senior this year
tbe meo's varsity wrest.U.ne aga.io vtce.presldent o1
team? JoAnn TayiorofEstanci.a Club and the scbool
High Se~l has just this unusual well, continuing ber
distinction. the wrestllog team.
No, Miss Taylor is DOt a lady nltion ot her ~
wrestler. Sbe was presented the the team. booored bet
award, an honorary letterman's award.
j&cket. by the wre&tlin& team
at the a.nnualawardsbuquettor ERIC H. HANSON, 17,
her outstancttng ~rt ot the A. T MESA. HIGH, 01 ES
team as a varsity cheerleader. E lc H Hanson. 1? of 2689
The Zonta girJ.. daughter of San~ ~ AYe., cosia Mesa,
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Tayk>r, died June lO at bome.
3Z02 Dakota Ave,, Costa Mesa, Survivors are b1s t.Uhet,
was a varsity cheerleader a..od E HaDsoo or SaD Fran-
Pep Club vice · a.od stepfather,
and Hql> Kurran, Costa
1 M••sa; a trotber, Peter Kurrao;
1D Fruce, aDd.
aDd. Mrs. H.
.... _
will ....
Goo. r..
pnltdll&l ... -; ta.J; ... .. __
Lorraine ludaiand
NfWI'OIT I(ACH 67.1-3113
Haftd.cr'"'d tlk-t.med COI'IIIil dries lOft. SIMI Jllri.. A ~
fort ftwOI'ltt! It floth!
Smobd elk, white, brOWD
men, Jlim or wide. 6-14
IIUDCiDtG tlal _ _., pp art tbHe board members of
tbll Oraaet ~ ~bUbuDIODle Society, from left, J.
o.Jd Fet~ tbt Dl1fiJ tladed flnt Ylee-i)t .. ideat;
CJ.lfll:wd HUll; .loa. Vlbert, tbe aewpruident; Mrs. Manill
Mc:Cla)'; 'f<lr'r.ee Dodlla. r•tirlDc ~esidfllt, and EdWard
Pillocrla. (Joet Wool -.)
Tbo C-1 Art Worbbop -will bo luilll by IIIII Colo
1D Carola 4111 lllar, IIPOH..-ed ScllUYU, ..,. member ot tbt
by tbo ~~-lillbo< s ... lee workll>op o1a11. lo-elulol .......,, a YO..._ traJAIDc eh.ildreo an J.atrodaeed to c!tt-
wpnt•afk-, ••• a aerlu tereot rMd1& -palat, c:oUap,
ol ..,.C1&11J dlrKted claaaes clay aod U•.ue PIP'l"·
lor ebUdrea 4 to 14 JMU old. Tbe ChUdreo'a Art WOI'Ubop
from JUDI ZS to Auc. 1. ts located at 611 Fernleaf An.,
Tbe parJIOM:oltbe work.abop Corooa del Mar. For tn-
ls to ctn ctllklr• tbt oppor-form&tloa cooeerDIDg regts-
tunity to be t.ot"d lD a erea-tratlon eall tbe Newport Harbor
tiYe eJI*'leDCe, Tbey are en-Service Learut, 6'n-0370,1rom
couraced towud uploratloo 9 a.m. to QOOD Monday througtl
aDd etptrlmnC:at\00, us1Dc Friday or cootact Mrs. John
palnta, coll&p ud t dimen-Heltoo at 544...3562.
...... m&lerlal.l, ...... tbe dl-reetloa of.,.-uy train-HUDDLESTOH HAMED
od tiiCbon. TO OtAPMAH COUHCtL
Tbe Rl!lmtr •uloa rectstr-DooaJd L Huddleston, 1211
Uoo tee ls$ZO. Tberelaab.mUy Kings Rd., CW:fHann, bas been OR. ERNEST H. DONDIS ot
All •• ,...., 15th NUOO , ltedt will coDduet the other 3. rate anUable&t $!0 for tbe ftrst named to lbepresident's couocil Corona Hlp!ands, ~eboJocY
..u r~tlfted ud tbllltll II&· The seuoo ..rn open 011 Oct.14 eblkl, $15 lor the MCODd eblld at Cbapman Colle&e, Ora.nge. proteuor at Ca.llforDla state
80D r•Mlld at tbe Ora.op: with the appeara.oce of the N.D. and $10 lor tbt thlrd eblkl l.o »r. HOOdlestoo, a graduate o1 CoUe~t, Fullertoa. reeetved ·a
ColmtJ Pbllllu'IDOUe Society's R. SympbooJ of Ha.mbutg, Ger-the same fl.m.UJ . A material fee Kansas University, is a real $500 distt.ngutshed t-.eb!ac
IM\81 tleeUoa IDMtlllc JUM z muy, witb Wllbelm Schueebter of $S tor cLay ud .eulpture estate counselor with oUlees in award at the eommeDCemeat
ia tbe lllaDd Roue Newport cooduett.oc. World-famous elu&es 11: required lPd adult Costa. Mesa. He 1s a pastpreal· uerelses at the eollep. He
Cebter. ' piano _,lolsts already sip .. Cla.Sies are n5. deDI: of tbeCostaMesa.Cbamber earDed his B.A. and M.A. de-
Joba A. VlbvtJQCellldaTor-ed for the eominc season are Jack Taylor wt.U apJ..a teach of Commer ce and of the Boys cree from UC Berkeley, ud
reoee Doddsuprelldeat.otber Byron Janis and A.odre Watts. clay and scu.-ure classes, u-Club of the Harbor Area and has JoLDed the CSCF' faculty in 1966.
otlleers are J. Doaald Fer-ln additloo, at least ten tree PloriD&: varioua media -wire, r eceived the bron.ze teysto~Wt His main teaching !Dterestsare
IUOO. ftrtl vtce prMldent· youth eoae.ert& are pla.nned for clay, atrlDL PIPft' ud stone. award from the Boys Clubs of eUnical, abnormal ant1 per-
Mrs. A. Bayud Dod Jr., ne~ the 13th eo.llSeeutive year, ser· Mrs. Leab Vuquet collliDues Amer ica. sonallty psyehoklgy .
Kalber!Ae A. Wataoo of Ne1t-
port Beae.b Ja ooe ol the 19
studeDU from Cal State Ful-
lerton eboHD to parUctpate 1D
tbt 19&9-70 study-abroad pro-
p-am, She w1l1 stt.liy at tbe Unl-
veratty of All-Marseille lD.
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of tbo Coroa& IUgbllods
PrapertJ Oners Aasll. lDelucles. from left, Bill KloeekDer,
oC&Oioo 11<.-; Doo Boltoo, nce..pr-eol; Betty
~cl, tbo -ly eloeted presldeol, aod Bruc:e Paller-
presideDt llld ebalrmu of YlD& 4th through 8th grade stu· teaebtng ela.uea ln p&iottac aZid
womea•a eommltteea; W. Alleo <lents 1D all eouoty sebool dis-nature study, We drawlac ud Grub~ vt.ce pnlkleat aDd trea.· trleta and many private a.od &faphiea, eokll' aDd eartoooioe.
surer; Kra. ~ Tudowst)', parocbla..l schools. Tbe bq1DI1inf: P'1Mi"' eLu.
rtee prealdlat IDI! eb&lrmu of
pubUe relaUoaa; Mra. Jobll M.
Dwell, Yice pr~udebail'
ma.a of Joatb CODCUtl; Mra.
John F. Porter. ree«dloc eee-
retary; aDd Dua r.att•m. COl'•
responding secrttarJ.
Dla..l Coostructloo c o., 4001 Candidates who passed tbe
Bireb st., Back Bay, reported 1969 state st:~rinc tar uamioa-
the theft of 48 Sheets of ply-tioo ioclude tbe following from
wood and 300 ten toot studs the Harbor Arell : James T.
WOrth $5!5 the weekend of J~ Capretf., 1170 Rutlaod Rd.,
6. Walter Ccwlngton of Orange Westellff; Robert Kotob, 210
told Newport Beach pollee lt VLa ltbaea, Udo llle; Robert
woWd ba.Ye takeD a p1ek·!Cl C. Sanpter , ZS04 Clifl Dr .,
truck at 1eut ! trips, or a Newport HelctU, and James
natbed oae trip, to carry away AtartiD Wall, !700 Peter~ SCHOLARSHIPS GIVEN
HOIIOR LIST HAMED lolrs. GWI C-e. f1lle arts
The deaD's boaOr Ust at lbe ebaitman !or tba JWllor Ebell
UCI School of Eocloeorlag, with Club of Nnportl!ooeb,aooouo-
a cra.de poiDt ueraceofat least ees tbe Unt IDDI&l award of
3.5, !Deludes Richard A. Apple-scbolar&b1pa 1D art 1M muaie
man. 1621 H1pi&DdDrin, Hat-to 2 hip scboolseo.ion.
bor Hi&bl&OOJ, aot1 Thomas w. Tbe rectpieot of tbe $3'75
Morp.o., 505 Verano Place, (r .. scbolarsbip Jor muate 1J HtleD
Yloo, AUeo, daugbtar olllr. aod llr.s.
_jJ. J. Qan.JI~
oual . --
Begins Today
• HERITAGE •••••
• TOML IHSOH •..••
• KIH DEL ••.••
• J AM ESTO WH •••••
• KARG ES •••••
• HECKMAH ••.••
• BRAHD T .••••
UP TO /0 -.
and MORE ...
2211 HAMOa a¥D.
... .,. u•on•
,..,, 'h ., ...... •••fa a • ........... -.. ..... ...
tbe sto* lumber. Way, so.s, Costa lllesa. James M. Allen of 163 Flower Board memt.rs re-elected
Street, Costa Mesa.Sheba.sjust lor a 3-year term ue Mra.
uaduated trom Newport Harbor Riebard Allen. Torreaee Doddl,
Hieh Scbool a.nd Ls planning to )f.rs. Erie OlnDd, J. Dooald
atteod Azuaa Pa.eiAc College Ferguson. CWiord Hakta,Dua
wbere she will major in mus.l~ Latham, Dr. WUsoolJtUe, Mrs.
and biology. She hopes to teaeb Marvin MeC1&1, M.ra. JobD Y.
music 141CD eompleUOD ol ber Owen, all1 Ed'nl'd PeUecriD.
edueatioo. lneumbeDt dlreeton of tbe y She plays both trumpet and Society tor 008 year are Dr. our 9enerous p1trona9e end c.on(i-
Fr.eneb born. and sheha.abeena Daniel G. Aktrleb Jr., Mn. denc.e in our du~rship ht\ mede us
member of the Newport Harbor Lloyd L. Aubert, Mrs. Sydoey EM proud to be • part o f Orange County Hl&fl marehi.ogb1Ddfor4years. B. Gayoor, W, Allen Grubb, CEE Dee Coot, at lelt, Pr'!;ent& tbe etaampioalblp
Sbe was Y1ce..pJ"es1dent of tbe Mrs. Willi&m s. Holstein. Mrs. Plao.lut to Ace Weide, WlnDer of tbe 1919 JOllJ Boya c:iD and it's phenominal growth. Than~s +o
band fo[ a year. Sbe bas also Ralph Ta.Ddowsty, aDd Jobo A. rummy tounament. our c.ountleu friends for t wonderfol
l'.,la,;.e:~:::r:•aodslngs v~;;,beot directors !or Z Jolly g"1n stars lauded ~a yem. Theodo'" Robin•. Sr .
DoooaSa.uoders;eceivedtbe yearsaraMn.A.BayardDod WE 'VE P ULLED T HE STOPS FO R JUHEI
$375 scbolarlbip for art at the Jr., Mrs. J&mes P. Judl.D,Mu. The Jolly Boys wOO bau IX) ebor man· Leoo RWd.Jlrst SUPER S.AVINCS WHEREVER YOU TURN •.. VALU-
Corooa del Mar Hip School JobD F. Porter, EdwiDF'.Steen, omeers,10~,nobe1ore WtaAt bliot, pcia· Joe~ ABLE PRIZES FOR THE GROwtl-UPS ••. U:E!f
'-owvdl Dl&bt-Sbo II tbo aod JOOA-~ • or alter diDoer -.ura. br.U bnt 1ut Cider· wai..r ~ STUFF FOR THE ltlllS ••• IT'S OUR BIGGEST
dia J'¢¥ 0( Mr.IDdllra..llalt . More,IIIU~_.. 'Nm'*a c~gn lliPUl ODCe a Jtar tD JrlldTbleiMia.dca.Sim...: U.YJlt'UT BIRTHDAY PAJtTY 1R A.UIOBT HALF 4
-ora, Z0151 K1ior DrtfO, joiMd 1M S6e1otJ dorloo tbo oDow lor' tllo ,_ ol prbes tied u .. _ Yallay'' dwol-CEWYIAIY OF BlJIIIIESS !!< TilE RAil-
B&ek Bay. Sba 15 Pl&nn1Actoat-fe&r,1~~~~~ to ~'}1 for tbe eta ram my tournameDt. len~ Mto scores; stu Le-II-ARE;;;.;:;":;l~.~·~·~·~·,;;;:::,:::.:;AND::::;;,:BE::;LP:;:;,,::I.&::,:;CE::;LE~!IRA.::;:,m:,::_
eod SaD Die&D State CoUege iD ewer .-,__. mem .... • Tbe anoULiawudsweremade UeYJ"e bigb pme an.rd for
tbt fall a00 wt1l major J.D. art. sbips, 1'h1s does DOt lDclude at last Tbursday's meeting at sbella;kjng Nick Thielen Z l2.f
SbewumtwiDoeroftbe JWlior a&J~:&'Qxi.matelJ s1Dy busioess, the lrvLDeCoutCouottyClub, polats to uro; Jack Hall
Ebell spouored Hallmark art ladultr)' aod bY¥1aUnn mem-with lormer Newport Bea.eh Lloyd Moss the mlddle men.
""nt•rf In I<WtA r" her c_, .... bers, or eoatrlbulors to tbe Counc:ilm _ .. Dee Cook serving each with tO won ;;uxt 10 lost·
FOR ONE WEEK LEGAL NOTICE memorial amd. Three women's as the :-:-:iter of eeremo.oies. 3 middle men lD. a vtrttal u~ IN!
committees ban been or-The M . j.n r ummy cbamploo 00 the basts ot pereenta of
CERTIFICATE OF BlSINE$ ga.ni.zed, tll't.DciDI tbe total is Act! '-'-.Je, !ormer BeYerly points scored,Georp Rod~ DIAGNOSTIC CHICKS
FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME througtloU:. tbe eocmty to 26wt.th Hills UlSuranee broker, wbo wtth 52.6\, Doe McGillis wtlb Rq15ter to will a complete check of your car's con -
P.3S623 an esttm ted memberstdp of amassed 118U'l)' 20,000 poLDts 49.6\ and John Williams with dltion l.o SoutherD Callfornia"s ftrst Forti Diagnostic:
THE UNDERSIGNED does 875. ~IIDds ra1ad by the to his QIIPOD8l1t's 10,000 iD ZO 49.3%: aDd 5 "good cuys•'• who Ceoter. Orer 130 electronic test5 for safety, r eiJ.ablUty
bereby eerttty that be 1.s coa. women s committees during the pmes. He reeeiud a take· rated as worthy eooteoders, aDd perlormaDCe, Drive t.ll1s Yac&doo without worry.
·ducUnr an alAo cietail business past seasoa total OYU' $-'3,000. borne pl.aq~a& deaigoed a.Dd Geoe ConDer, Yu Lorimore, Ten Checb Te le Given f ,...! at 2059 Newport BIYd Costa Tbe Contlma oce Flllld Drtve is created by club member Walter Syd BarUett. Don Slyh a..od .. ___ ...;_;;.;.;.;;,;;;.;.;;.;;;p;;,;.;;;.;.;;;;.;. _____ l
Mesa under the tleitt~ firm weUabead of last seaJOO.. Ten Shaw of Corona del Mar. Ted Tarbos.. DRIVE A MEW \969
oame of Roy's Auto Detail and tree youth coocerts r-.cbed Rwmer-._, awart1we.nttoJack Tbe Jolly Boys club made ENGLI SH FORDI
lbat satdflrmiscoq»osedoftbeOYer 19,000 OraAee COUDty NO'Iy, whom Dee Coot iD-"'largely of retired ~iness E.,l.d's Me. 1 S.llet
t:IUowt.Dc pvsoo wbose aame school eh11d:rea, wbo bMrd 3 traduced as "thereptaed cb.am-u ecutiYes, and a few oot that AMERICA'S ..0. 1
1D fUll aDd place of resideoee different eUsical orehMtras pioo of the Cllicaco Loop dia. tired, dates bae.t to tbe days ue u loUows to-.tt· aDd oa.rrators. SixKbolarsbipe: trtet." Mr . NO'ty won 15 out at of the late MaJOC Dick Orate IMPOttt &UY!
ROJ E. BJ..abnon. · tota.liDI $1,000 were. awarded h.l5 20 games, ~ fell 1,212 back lD 1948, wben tlley started CUlTOMS • C.T'S
!432 Bowdoi.D PI to music majors at UC I pol.ots short of tbe ebampion. meeting 1a Geoe's restaura.Dt in e STATION WAGONS e
Costa Mesa, c uii. and OCC. FIIDds Wa,ttnc $6,770 Third place award WU pre-Corona del Y.ar, where Aleja.Q.. .t.•GI SIL ICTIO,. o,-
WITNE~ my haod this 27tbwerera.l.sedal~:aamalyouth seated to Art Kruse, iormer dro's is JXJW )Oeated. Tbe AUTOMATICAM04 SPUOS
day of Kay, 1969• eoocert beoeftt,,, Fubioa coo. sa.v ings and klan ueci.IU.ve 1n. strictly-for-tun cxpniution 1.s CALL: MEW '6l'$1
Roy£. Blackmon eerto, opus 11, .lll'•..,ed by Albambca. tbe Jatgestweekl.J-meetinc:club
STATE OF CAlJFORNlA ) I. Magni.n I Co. ol Santa A-. Speeta.l award wUIDer& ill-in the HarborArea,withamem-IL.hoiitH ,....,_ Sit fh••l
COUNTY OF ORANGE )s.s and eo-sponsoced b)' tbe New-eluded Willis Hutltwd, tbe of mme 150. Cl.--u Pric•sf
ON THIS z~ port Harbor SenleolAicuo aod .. h day of May • aod PhllbariJIOII!e Society Tbe
1969, before me, a Notary PbilbarmoiU Juoior ~ .... hblle ln aod tor said eouuty e s, 11.,..-
aDd state, res1dln&thereln,daly =-~:~~'isr;:r!~~
c:ommisslooed aDd sworn, per. wort iD cooj&metloa with tbe
-'11 awearod Roy E. Black-Service Loaaue durlag !be moo. Down to me tobetheper. eom.Loc saa<SC:n Tbelr dull
800 wbo8enamelssubsertbedto i.Dclllde c»atr~ ~=
tiJe wtttdn lnstrumeat, and ac:t-at all &YeaiAI: coacerb: ud as-
aowledaed to me that be sJ.st1.nc at an SabardaJ morninc
ezeeuted the same. youth eoaeerts.
WITNESS my band aDd oftlcW ..u. m omumnc pW. tor tbe
llorJ A. llaal>a 1969-'10 --,Yr. Vtllertao-
Holar}' Publle in aDd tor said ~uoced asut.crlpUoesariesol
~&lldSialo. ?oooeerU-SUwWboplaJodby
IIJ Commiasloa e¢es Dec. the l..cM AAcll• PM.UI&rroonie
11, 19'71. Orebutn. -z-. .. _
hblba: Ma.J 29, Jtme 5, JZ, music dlreetw, cwok"nc s.
lt.lllt, 1D lheNewportHarbor ~ ,_...,.. Ra!Ml f"rub -llllcD-bock de s..,., llulel Bono-
boJ.JIII, ud Jlul ScWidt-Ju4r.
.ca•MW ___ ....,. __ _ ---..... _ ..... ,_ ... .... -........ ., -·
Lorte t ........ ry of M ...
'69'• for lftllftllecliote o.lh
wry. -Si• •ly -M ..
1961" • New Sl ..... Mr
1 ...... llh Cteentt~c.t
0 0 0
S, Jolll V. Gtlot-. Tb.M.
TM .a.t, "Aboc tb1 Bible,"
_..,. tbo oupk:a~ ..,_
beU..toc beart af IIWI toward
tbo lDonut, ••boiiJ 1Dopired
Wo<d of tllo UYiDc God. Wbllo
prol.nahac to "detp!J kwe tbe
Bible,"' tbe writer deoies lbe
-aDd autborlty of
God's written revelation. Re-
jeetiDc wbat be terms "bllod
Wetallsm," be hoJds tbe vtew-
poi.Dl ol "btgber erWcism"
wllicb bad Us rise bl.stol'ically
1D aa attitude ol e:dreme
skepticism reprdiac tbe an~
cieot world lllpoera.l, but today
arcbaeoJoclcal discoveries
ban broupt to -Ucbl i.Dowledge
of a ~teat many events i..D the
aocieot wwld tbat were pre-
viously llDkDowD to llS except
for lbe Bible. These discoveries
tlt wltb surprlsi.ag accuracy tbe
Biblical a.ecouot, so tba.t today
aa a.acient writing tends to be
reprded as tr~~e Ulltil evidence
is produced to &bow that it is Wl-
ODe wbo comes to the Bible
wttb bJ..s m1Dd fUled wtlb ideas of
cbiJl about its l:rustwottbiness
aDd autbortty lsaolapproacblllg
....... 'I !"'!.' ·' rttU, _. -llllilf•"· ..
*MM I Jl& 2 11111-· Jl'l ,.,... ........... ...., ----lou _ .. ___ lou_ .......... ,,..._..,.
... book. ....... It 1 IP-
_. tilt - -.. 11---GodloPI<toelud
t111t •1 --•n=ec of tum
ud IIM...ctllllllakt,lwlll
llad tllat---. ... , be
-Wop Ia tilt -· doiiOI ... ltud Jlt 1'-w tbll 11U
.... God, bla .., to podoct; tbe ..,... or 111o l«d to trlod"
(Po.IUO), "tllo llw ol tllo Lord
11 pvr.et (Pa.lt. 7).ud u.,.ery
word ol God IIi pure'"
It I am boDNt ud sincere 1
must PYI lMI8 declaraUoas ol
God ud ot Hi£ claims tbe coo-
Aderatioa tbeJ de&ene, ud I
mut admit tba po~slb411tJ that
--•blctl _. lD be dlmcaltie1 m:i errors lD tbe
Bible may IIIHIID to be such
merelY beeaue of my bwnan
llmltatloo&. Wboo all tbo t.octs
are Qowo tbesedUileuW.eswill
completely di.saoll'e aod dis-
Tbe writer of tbe loal1ot
tbi.nb tba1 "to claim Yetbal -alloo .... utera1 lo-erraoey would reflect 11)00
Deity," The uact opposite
would btt trae; Ural ta. It would
reflect aG.inlt tbe weraeity and
boliDeiS of Almtgbty(iod it He did
oat et•e us an ioerraot record,
OYer s.ooottmesltswrite.rscry
out 1D its pages lba1 the Most
Hleb speab. But lillie modero..
lsts are rlcbt aDd God did DOt
speak or His message was
garbled in its recordlD.g. lben
tbe writers of tbe Bible are tbe
btgest liars that enr wrote.
aod it is dimcult to believe
tbat a book ean be spirttua.Uy
belpi\LI wbell It was pe.BDed by
lyiDg fabdcaton. Somehow
-......... , ...... ......... 1. 1217. ,... .......... .._ ·--........... ,.._ a
..,., .... -
2 llr 777 .. .... ...,., .. _ ..
gq •'-*' h •:r. ~ ...... ........ ud 1101 ..,., ..
.,.~ ......... I :ad ar
-........-~a .. _
·-.., -.. IIDir ... l'lldod tllo-aaflu••
Ia ttlo Cltll'alwrtllllp ...
Ho ---... ~:-.":" tllo ........ ortolciiBo 1D
...... , ... _udlll• ......
Ho pr-·--all ...... olllld ud -ud
Wbllo tbe ~ -..,
... DOl .._.toad u-aot
DOW' .... a.e ca'.... Ullo-
""""" .,. lbo boa a1wan llad
tbe o<lctaol Sc:ttplwoo. Tlat
Ia, altbouP •• do DDt reprd :uy nraioau lalpir.S., ft III&Yt
..... •-ID be ..... t11at tbe tut ... ba¥t tode.J ... sab-
staotleUJ tbt 111D11 U tb1
m•nnserJ&U. w11oet Jll"...-n.-
tloa .... aot-... _,
by God. Tbe -· "'-criticism -11-No lor us to see bowtbl«tclalwwdli
are secured bJ tbe ~·• of eomparlJac tbe ID&DJ •xt•tnc
man•ascrlpt c:cJPIU, nraioal,
ud potrlollc --.. -we are eerta1D n baYt a tu1
wbleb ls """'*'"'1a1!1 tbat ot
tbo orlrJoal .........., ud
wbateYer cMniM occur are ol
mi..ao:t 1.mportaoee •trect•nc ..,
fWida.meotal docti'IAe or mat-
ter of la1tb. God bu c:arefW..lJ cuarctec1 tbo ,.._.._ uot
trwmissJoo ol. W. Word.
Tbe de~ of 1asplnl1oa
given aboYe ma.kel 1t e1ar
t1lat lUll --of tllo Bible does oat ~ tbat tbe bamaD
authors were mwe s"'onnltl or
al best mecbanlcal recorders
of God.. Tbel'e 1s DCIWDc nooc
witb God ba.lnc dictated lbe
I -· ... -...... ............. -~~.-
ZIIIF .... ~ ... ..
.. lilt ',., .. .. .,,t •• 72 ., ..,.. • ,.. ''•n,lt• 81110111• ------Wlh"M ... till ..... WI-I ... ___ ....,.
......... JII'IJHM •u• ,._ tilt ............
.......... ltlt1 -· .... a-... .., .. _.., -.... __.. "'--God _._..lllltlt-aad-., .. --.
WI do 1101 -· a to -ID -.,ttat..,.cu•.ar•-..
--tllo--.... ..., tllo lll*lt "'God -
-tllo ... -. "'Scttplloto tllu .. t&D .S.IItuld u.
Trl.alt:J, or tM two ..nr-,
bumu ud dtriDI, 11 tbe tbt-
&Dtbruplc per-ol u. (A..
canate Cbrilt, 01 tlile BIJ-
..... oftorordlJatloaud ~.w.
However, it 1.1 iJlolieallJ iDUy
to dooy tbe ·---11 be-cause we oo DDt __.ltaad u.
proeea. 'No sc:teatt• MI;J m-
.,.._ tbe lllb ud -"'
electrtca.l cuu~ Jet DODe
would be so fooUsb u to diD.y
tbe rootlt7 of oloctrldl)'. So II
to -tllo Holy Spirit pldod
1D. tbe choice of tbe wordl I.-I
by tbe writers ol Scrjptare ud
ret tbe bwnan aulbol"s ,.. ...
a.11tJ sb1Des tbrOQCb lD a recol"d
wbtcb 1s lDerrut ud trut.
wortbJ. lo tbe tut am.J1ala tbe
oeei!S$lty for a pedec:t o<J.pllat
autop-a,b eoocerns tbe ebara-
tllre of God lllmMtl, lor lD
adlDlt tbo pooslbillty of orror
lD tbese lllllDcnPbS to equln.-
loot lD saJiac u.t God could
en &Del Ural HI.J tuowledp was
faotty or HLo monl otaodards
defecUYe. Becaule God I.J per-
teet we ban 8'fUJ riiUOil to
e.JI)ecl Ural Wa Word l.s a.l.io -·
-----,.-, ... ssooi scm-'s'' .. ha ,_.,..
1411 11 A 57 & I II: tD .. d :w-,.._. __ ,....
... ,. n n. prnnn
af rww. a a dDelrllll _ .. _ .. tlo __ •
~ ........ laft ,, ~· .. -.... ...,_ . .,
tilt - -... _.. tllat --tlo--111 God'l .•• 1M Nfelltlaa 'Rid~~ ------·· -~tilt dlmaJJJ artoaaootol
-.__ "' Ulo -to
tilt-... --· ...... tD ... •• &IIJ1td.ll God ... .....
......... ' tbl l•hUltJ of CIDI
1*-II> -· a parUeulat --1101-•tllal
1D P" tllo unv. Allcwo all
Ullap tllo ..... of God to ID be
--.., tbo .UitaaiiJ .u.dld ,... .. If-tbe tb1Dp
"' God-....... but tbe
SpU1t of God" &Dil "tiM aahral
.... roeol•llll DOl tbe t1llDp "'
tbe __.II ol God tor tboJ oro
tooJIPness ual:o bim: Deltbal'
CU bl D6w tblm. WaDMtbeJ
are oplrltlaiiJ dlscerllld. DC
be tllal .. oplrllual dllcet-all tblap • • • .. (1 Cot. Z.ll b,
If, 15a).
Mo.t ol tbt dlmcultles u.ted
lD U. leaflet come UDder tbl
~ of monl dllllcutlloa
wUb tbe Bible. but tbese ..
ea1led ••cWIIcultles" are due
lo ml-ud per-
YUIIou beea._ from first to
Jut tbo lllblo to tbe -t1lat IJI&kn: b rl&lho''FMU1 ua.lt.s
bollllou ud oaodellliiS s1o. Tbe
plaiD. .... .tecbDScal style ot lbe
wrltet• or Scrtptare 1s: tbat
wtMela lu ~ ~tully made
u tbe Book ror all ap&, all
CCMmtrl-. ud all oogdttfoos of
(lD be NW!nuod)
A LOOK AT THE BOOK Grut beats it tM New Testunt
NO OTHER NAME "The Birth of the s.,iour''-Luke 2:1-20;
Matt. 1 : 18-25
Sha kC"S~art put5 into the mouth of one of
his characters in .. The Merchant of Venice ..
thew words. ·-:rt.e devil can cile Scripture for
his purpose:· The Scripturn themselves bear
e-vK&ence of the accuracy of Shakespeare's ob--
tervation. for the devil in temptin1 Christ
quoted the-Word of God. Evil and dishonest
men h•ve never hesitated to use a pas.sagt of
Scnpturt in an autmpl lo JUSiify their wrong
course of action or ro excu~ their evil doing.
Of courK:. such a proctdurt i'l in itself tvii and
dishonest 'Iince !he Scripture IS by them mis·
quoted or mt~uscd or m !S<~ppl itd. The Word of
GOll nowhere admon1shes men to a coune of
aCIIon which violaln the lav. of God.
Whale\'er else the Scriptures may or m:.y
not prove. they do tn lify that lhc: lord Jesus
Christ 111 Uod manifest rn the ftesh. It is a
'lad fact that by many people today this great
and primary truth of the Book is ovt rlook:W
or forgot.
Apollos prtachmg at Epht<>us convrnced hrs
hearen. ·'sh~wing by the: Scrtptures thai Jesus
was Chrisr·· I Acl'i iR :28J . Christ Htmself ad·
monished H1" he01rers to .. Starch the Scrip-
fur~: for rn them ye thmk ye hne eternal lift:
and they are they wh1 ch tnttfy of Me'· I John
5:391 . Christ 1~ the ctnter of the Book. the
burden of the prophtl!i. me'i'lagc , !he theme of
the psalm1sf~ lay. the chid character of the
Gospels, ttK fountainhead and inspiratton of
the EpKtles. the su~ime and majestic cc-ntnl
flaurc of Revdation.
The Bible it the revelation of God's wiH aDd
purpose and love for man. It is God's Written
Word. C hnst is the Incarnate Word-the Word
o f God co~ m the ftesh. The Bible speaU of
Chpist. C hmt manifnts in His own wonderful
penon the truth of the Bible .
~fen today wrest the Scrtpeures to prow:
thc•r own pet theones and opinions. They are
ghhl y quotmg Scripture without reaard fo' its
purpoK or true tcachina. But the man who
scarchn the Word dil igently With optn mind
cannot fa1l to be convinced of this fact--4hlll
J~us is the Christ, the One come in the tlesh
to redeem mt:n from sin by the-blood wbic:h
He \hed upon Calvary's cross. He must admit
that there is no doubt of the Scriptures· teach-
ing that .. !here-rs none other name under heaven
grven among men. whtreby we-mUJI be saved."
In the -.acrtd pages of Holy Writ. God the
Fa!her da1ms Chm.l :u His Son. proclaims
His Drtly. acclarms His perfeclioru. Throu,lh
the WorJ. !he Father speaks to us of the Christ,
""Th" '" my bdovW Son. hear Him:·-Ameri-
., )ln. Joy llartl•
r-"THf SWORD or TMII! LORD"'-... 10M, .... m..._., T., ... 37Uu
can Way Features 'I M e ,... ......., ..._ .. -.,. .._ 11 -1.._1 Cl .. ...._ 11M _...,. ............ .....
? ? Question Box ? ? a.aa·-................. _-................... .ad ...... , .... ,,.,
Wlun d~J 1h~ I /){)()·year rei~n o/ our Lord
IH!~in ? How doeJ 1/ erul? on.d wluu fu.ppetu
w~n it luminai~J? E. l .. Sou.sMy, Scuk.,
The millennia! reign of the Lord Jesus Chrial
commences at !he end of the Great Tribul•·
lion period wht>n. a.t ,&tated in ReY . chap. 19,
He d,-.cend!l from H,.aven with Hi1 uinb •nd
the arn in of Heaven, overthrowing a.ll Gentile
governmenb on chi !! earth and setting up His
own kingdom in Jeruulem. For 1,000 yean
Sat•n will be impri80ned in the bottomle.
pit tRn-. 20 :3 !. After one thouund Jetltl of
peace ancl pr~perity on this e•rth. Satan will
be releued fr om pri&on and accordinc to Ret-.
20:7-9 he will again deceive the n•tiona of
!he earth, galhering a Jarse nwnber to 6sJ!t
•gain.t 1he Lord Jesu• Chritt. His rebellion
will ~completely defe•ted and he will be cui
into the lake nf 6re. 1lw! l ,OOO.yur reip! mda
with the descruction of this earth 12 Peter
3:12. 13!; the day nf judgment commences
IRe-Y. 20:11-151 ; time will thf'.:n ceue. and the
f!C~rn•l ~alf' cnnlinucs.
Flay U it 1Aol GoJ ~ 1onu oJ OfU" •ic•,
M.JUI a.nd not otla.er1? Mrt. }. M., Ortotutilk,
A• f., a. .. born •g•in bdieven" in the Lord
Jesu. Chri.t are concerned, God per-mila D:k·
_.. for .. nollf reaona. Sid!~ can be for
Cod'a ~,:Z· oo
ia tloo .,_ of Lau.o (Jolin
11 :4). . -.... bo. triol of,....
.. c.ee of .&he A,....te Paol, .. we ,.... h•
0.0,.12, ............ 1<0 ........
8owewu, w+ 1 caa .&.o .. a
..... 7 fft.JC....IJ:JO..Cod
....,_ .... • He ••nliJ nJ lo
.,l.~ .. Itt aE:h&ll for
-... """ to ....., ~,. ..... ,,, ..... if bo ____ lifo _ _, Goof .... ., Rio ..... ..,,. it.
/J the tiFM of locob"J trouhif!' JiOerenJ Jrom
tlu Grtol TribulD.tion ? MrJ. H.IJ., Red SU.6.
The time of Jacob'!! lr<>uble referred to in
Jeremiah 10:7 i.t !he same period of time
known as the Creal Tribulation. the details of
which are found in Rtovelation, Ch•ptf'.:n 6
thrnul{h 19.
fTly ue none sealed /rom tM Trik o/ Dan
in. R~Um ch.ap~er 7? Mn B.M.Q .• AJ.
li.once, Nebr.
This ia no doubt beuwe the lribe of Dan
wu pilty of lf!riou. idol•lry. (See I Kinp
12:25--30). God hates all formt1 of idol•try.
..... ----~ .......... _-
........... (1 .... hl'J) II ,._,.. ...._ _ lr61t' ..... _ ........ --,_.... .. --... --_ .. (h.lall)
.... -..... ..,.. 0.. 11117)
u~ .._., u.w..----.t•l
II • -e1 a.&. -'I (0... .. .., ., ... _ .. __ _
.. C;(" (III&W) .. u.... ... c...• .. , ... .__ ..... __ ,__..
.... 'b (I .... WI) .., .............. __ --l!t~ ..... ,.....a.,.,, ....... , ,. ................... . ..., __.. .. a. ••• , ............. __ _
. . · M ...... I ,., el "-"'-(C... P 4411 u tM ezpitiiUIIW>,. J.or tAe _,.,na~ ...,
tlWr~ in. tAe ti.nu oJ •7 mention.al iA • -.. ..... e1 s-C::W. -:!:~/::25. anti JoAn. 19:14? /.E.C., Br.U• a ,-1!Ja ;.~-, , .. ,,, 2 _ . ... .. .....,
The reuon for lhia is th.t John uaed the ..... -....... ca-. -.t) ................. 'I -Roman time. while M•rir: uaed the Hebrew ~ .._ 5 5 -
cornpabtion of time. Mark Diet it •• ""'tile • ~ ... _. 11111 -_ •
third hour" when they cruc::Uied the Lord J--. e .;:'I .. ... .... ac. ..
This w• 9 o'cloc:k in the momiq. • ..._.:; =· ~ ...__ .. __ _
rA7 ~iJ ,.,.. ..., u. JoJuo /4,28, "llr
F.U.. u v-...._/," i/ 1M-' H< u..,..,.
.,;u. Cot!? /. F., I'...,_.,, NJ.
~\:1 lo -.... 2:9, tho Lord J-
O.rial.. ... -eutlt.. ·-....... . ---tloo ...... lortloo .... loc
of do<G." Phil 2:7 ....... -..... He ....
R~ ol ao ..... -aol took-Bba ................... _ ...... .. ••••• , .. ~ n. Lonl '-.... ..
...._tob..W.towalfs • ••-
........ c:r.a ...... ,.., 219 , : ::, -..,...._Goof_ ... ....,,
II;., ..,j at-Hila a -"""' II.._ ,.,., -...... ., .............. ..
--.... .-.. .,.-y ..... Go.ltbo , ..... WW.llooajo, ...... ,_ t .., •
.. e .......... .._ __ .. _.
--. :·~~::..-;;.. ":
• !£"' &-:.---.<...:.=---.... , as-•
a ....... -...
............ dtr•f -•-N 11 '"-.1 __ .... ,.._ .. .. -~ _,_ .... -... -~·(lio>o .... , ., ..... _ ......... ....... ..... ,, .. ,., ,...,..,,
II .,_, .. _ -.-(Mic.. 1:
II) a • -....... (C... ltttJ .. ------.....
II "'le ....... --- , ..... .......... _ .. M-.., ----ua.-.•u, • o:u.. it'M -............ dtii-..... _-, .... ,.C7)
~~N ......... _ __.._ ........ ........ , ....... , 22 .. _._ ....... .,.._a.w..N
u .. dae --............ (Z.... .. ... , , ..... C. .... _"'(IO.... ... , .......... .._... ........
(J ~ lll. a-.1. 1111) •• _ ........ (0...11111) ........... _ .. ..._ ___ , ••r. ...... -.,-. .. , ....... ·' ,,. n-. ... , .. ...., ... _....,.. ............... .._ ..
... _....._.,....._CO..llt
aa~.m ·------... ,-.......... 1) ..... _.._ .. .,...
.................... ldlt -
StThomas Bible Lesson
JHUIHWIHMAN 10 .. _..D ·h............ ........
Jolla'• -al olldl .--oi.J-IIIJplool·ot tbo _,poollloa al
hll whole Oolpel. He ... a p .. P'IU -.ztiiiPl wtaldt.. by ID nature. t\U'DI CMII
to .--to perfedbt • ,.. .... ••~m~ tnllh of W•ptloe. 'n.o. ·
wbo wrtlo-or llallool, ......... -oltbolrnanaUwoo_...,
..,...,,. lo a OIU<Ioud-ol-n.. Goepol wrllon do )uot tbe .....,_
TbOlf tell wbat -·ally ~ ... I II 011: 11om .. tblafo that raally took pi-W0
dloco-tbo --_,_ ol -Oaly God ..., tell a otory by makln1
tblnp lld\lally oo-lo p-Tbo Goepol -noord wbat God did.
Hue' we lt.aw a mu bom blmd. Ht ... t.b adbloodcueotlb•
areater and more Important aptritual bllndDelt with wbidt all men are bom
olneo Adam'• !all. Tbo dl....,._ -,.,. .. tho ueual quatlon: Why tbll
man? Tboy uoumtd hto pbyotuj ~ loo, wu a -•It olotn and,.-
It ll a spedal cue. of a epee:~.-~ liD. So tbey aay, •Who dkltln, thll man. or
bll parenta, that he wu bom blbld?• ·
Jaua anawered. "Neither hath thll man tinned. nor hll parenta: but th.t
the workl of GOd Mould be made mllll1felt ln btm. • That ll. God cau.ted hlm
to be born blind ln order that be would be theft to be healed by Jeeua. lbua
1lvin1 a demonatraUon In l!esb and blood of tbe po~r or Jesus and the •A.'I
of God.
Then Jesu• a:plalned what be wu1otnc to do. He wucotna to work tbt
workl of God -"of him that smt me. • He wu 101n1 to thow what lt meant
that he 11 "the lla'ht of the world.". That • to aay, It • Je.ua by whom men an
enabled to aee. In doing th.la. he would 11110 •bow trhat hf' does to lfve men
on~ again their 1plrltual 1lght. Joat when Adam sinned. ·
Jeau1 took the ftnt 1tep. He chOH the man, and mbred the day from the
earth with hi• own 1plttle (water of ht. own Desh) and anointed the man'•
eye1. Tben he gave him an order. He told the man to do somethlnl'-to ao
wuh ln the pool or SUoam. Jobn thea duea u1 ln by mnarktnc"(whk:h la by
interpretation 1ent). • We may infer that. llkethuendlnl or Naaman the Syrian
by Elllba to wuh ln the .Jordan, It Ia neca1ary for the man to d.o what he la
told. Also we are expected to rec::ocnlze the. bnportance of water, the aubltaoee
of Crea.Uon. neceuary for Hie and what God UMI for baptiam.
The only way for this blind man to f'f.Citlve bla •Jcht wu to do what Jesus
told him. In the tame way he learned that Jesus can and does make the bllnd
to tee. That Ia how we Jearn all lhln&'•· We do u we are lnatructed of God. We
Ond that thlng• come out ln a ftxed way. Then we conclude that lathe way
lhlnp happen. Thl• ll the manner In whk:h so-called "Ia,.• of ld.ence art
learned or explained.
To follow lnatructJon In that manner ta an act of faith . It 1how1 ua what Ia
meant by faith and explalnl how faith lathe mechanllm by whk:h we lay hold
o r the healing power or Jeaut Chrllt. We must trust him at leut enough to do
what he tellt Ul to do.
We miaht expect that tuch a mlrade. done publicly on a man well known
In the city, would prodalm the goodnne and power or Jeaus 10 that all men
would rush to hbn, to .erve hlm and acknowledge him. But no. Far from lt.
Sin and spiritual blindneu keep Ul from .eeblg the obvtoua. The man'e neigh·
boB are Incredulous. They just won't believe ll But. they have to admit that
for all they can ttJI the man they knew u bllnd from birth can now see. So
they take him to the Pharilees, the lntellectuala. They mutt have some authori-
ties to conftnn what they know far better than any authorities can possibly
know. They don't trust their own eyes and good eense .
The Pharisees then question the man and hll neJghbon and detennlne for
themselve. that It really did happm. But instead or being awed and humbled
befo~ a miracle they could not possibly explain. they rESOrt to an attack on
Jesus' mo raJs and conduct. Like the liberals today who are confronted wtth
the power or the Gotpel, they tum the lnlerat away from what hu happened
and begin to smear the character of the penon who Is serving God. And the
Pharileel denied the reality or the mlrade on the grounds thalli couldn't have
happmed by their stAndards. Tbe lll.d lhat H hold happened anJ'/Ksi'l/np,.., thmn.~~·Howcould a raaa ~-W~•~r'do.•~ mtr~•i":ta p·~~y
men refute to race up to the redeemtncwor~of Chr1•1 through-Ga.pel prMCIMn
by ftnt acruslng them of some breach of profeulonaJ ethb. and then braytn1.
"How could tuch a man do anythlncsood?•
The whole anatr caused a publk commotion. John says bluntly, '"There
wu a division among them. • The whol~ community took sides. Then they
heJd an Investigation. Having doubted that the man was really healed, they
also doubted that he wu beforehand rtally bllnd. They have no longer any
surety about anything. It becomes a public lssue and a hearing it held. The
parents are called to teatify, but are 10 frlghtcmed. they refuse to get Involved.
Then the authortUea deacend on the poor man himself. He. having been touched
by the hand of Jesus and having hll eight, answen with the profWldlty of
great vlllon: "Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know.
that, whetea~ I wu blind. now I aee. •
With that he wu expelled from the community.
SL Thomcu Pra. -P. 0 . Box 36096 -Howton, Turu 77035
I lrrvr
Jeanne Ruth Davis
weds Steven Luhrs
Sale :
8:)0 a.m. to q:)O a.m. -WcifShip ~fYICf:
q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -SuntY.y School
11:00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon -worship Service
11te lle'W . Jl_. G. Bla .. , PuLor
The Rev. Geot&c J. Busdicc:ker, Visitation Pauor
..... Ml-3131
O.riaticm Sci•nu
Service a
C11 .. ST, SCIEN'I18T
3303 Via Lido
Newpo1t Beach
9:15 •. 1111 . ~" , .......
9: ,, -II··"'·
MEETING I, .....
..... a-...
ef c.., ......
Dr. P .G. Neumann, paa10r
~:4S a.f 1. Sunday School
1:00 a.m. Momina WC>rahi>PI
..... ".,..: ' •-"'· -s , .•. ........ .4.,: ••.•. -7:6 ...... r .... 4., -4 Fri4.,:
6:00 p.tn. Trainiaa Unions LEGAL MOneE 7:~ p.m. Eve"nina Worahiipl ---===:.:.:::.:.:=c__
..... -J ...... ; , ....... . •. .,, , ...... -...... . WEDNESDAY p.a'm
Ftctttlou Flrm Name IIIECOfifD CIIII.C• OF
Newport Beach a1
Corona del Mar
1100 PIICIIIc ·VIew Or.
SIJNDA. Y scHOOL 10 .-.
1:20 p.m. Bible Study
a:oo p.m. Player Mectina THE UNDERSIGNED doH *"" certifY lbal be Ia COO· dloctlrlr a carpot claaDIJic ud
A TTIIID Till CIIUIICII dr-J ales--111 5811
0, YOUII CltOICI Alllaoo Circle, Warrlmlrlller,
IIEGULAIIL Y Calllonla. aadw lbo ft-
.---------, ·ftrro oamo of Sb-Val Carpot r.EETING
Re•dl.s Roo•: Mataal
1865 E-t CA-t Hwy.,
Moa.•Fd.1 JO .... to, ~·•·.I n •• d.,. • .,.las: 1
S.s.: 10 ...... 4 p ...
You are
AHD PllAY.Il 'fl .. P .M.
NUil •• llY DUiltMe MlltVtCl•• .............
O..eiO... .. IW.& c..-............... lfiiCA .....
ClaaDIJic ud lbal aid llrro Ia
~ of . tbe AlllowtD(
Pll'• no. Dime ID ftall ud
~ ot resideDee are u
-._ lo-wll: -J. &JidM. Sill AJ.11Ioa Circle, .......... ea.ut.
W'1 7 IDJ biDe! tbll Stll ...,.u-.ue9.
IITA'n OF C.lLIPaiiiiA )u.
COUIITY OF <a.UICiE ) Clll TIIIISIIulaJou-.un, -. .... -.,N>Ue .. ......... -uri .... r 1m r......,ciiiJ_..._
-----.....-ur ··--J.IIIdM,5811
_._ Clrclt, --.
Cdf., -...... lro .. ___ .. .....
L:iic:=z:====~========~ -··· ......... ... r .. ... .. ICI al71111tD . ....... ,, .. .... wnw• ., ....... CIIIBcial -_ ....
~N' ao.-llr -a..--., a ; , un w
.__... -.... ............... •• &3j""' ......................
A ,_ _,"' .. f tss· . v .
~c • ..,., 5' ~Clef •• Qs ..
fte .... ·.••• r 11; i!J.)~M :a. -. ... ....
f770 -......... _
I,. ...... Ia; I ....... • ..,.,...,,,._.0 rt I'----
•• , .... , •• y
2!1 ..... _,, .. "'..,
10, ....... rty .,.....
2.000 -....... , 1,000 Dooolo ,_,,
5130,000 u..r • ..,ftJI4 .....,..,
f•~•r Re.ctloaa ~.,I'" Acd cietlt Fr .. Drhtae:
After I at •d !lid Ye.,.
!f.f,S n~t; ~~~i) G~ f-'" ~~G'
,_ "00LD IIO'Ial TROPHY" AWARD lor -~ ...., _,._by Bell Hollcaptor c_.,
ol I'CII't ...., ,...,.. to oalJ ..... m•nufatturera. ....
111'111 IM to VUd N19p0rt, ISOO Fa.Jniew Road, eo.ta
-. at a .. _ II tilt II-Verde ~ Cl.m ud
•tt..lld by 7'5 W city, cr.mber ot Commerce &Dd Yard
HtwJIOI't ""'ete'•· SbowD attbefestiYitles, wblcbwuemceed
bJ Jact "'•meH, IJHIIIdeat of tbe C'b6ta Mesa Cbamber of
CODUD.-ce, an from 11ft ot Hammett; A. L. PlDtlly, mayor;
T-11. 0o1>on, nco pro-Yard Nnpor~ A. P.
Rocco, ••iw, qllll1tJ traumls•IM facWt)', Bell Hell-
captor "-or. Cuoy c. YOUIII. purcbutog _......,
IUb-ooatr&etl .:Uoa ptOCurement departmelt, Bell Bell-captor~.
'Know your fireman'
Fire mao Rtcbard A. Dirt ns teOOed Orange Coast College 1D
born 111 saata Aoo, 11ay i ,l944. 1963 and 1964, He Is presonl11
He wasp-adootodfromHamlor-enrolled In Santa AoaCoUegetn
ton Beach JUP, Scbool a.ud at .. a tlre scteoce curriculum.
Prior 1o joining the Newport
Beaeb fire department oo NoY. ..,."!':'..,...,._ .f, 1966, be worked tor Signal
OU Comp&.Qy as a carpeoter and
rtr builder, then was usiped
to research IP the cbemtcallD-
jeetion testing program. Tbe
object ol this was to loc:rease
productioa methods and quilltJ
of oil prior to the oU beiDc
pumped .trom the wells.
Dtck a.od his wUe, Nancy,
and their two clltldreo, Chris,
age 4., aDd Becky, age 3, Uve
at 9Z9Z Nautilus Drive, Huut-
ington Beacb. Tbe Dart's ~
bles are sailing, flsll1ng and
Fireman Dart Is presently
assigned lo the tlrema.o's vaea-
tioo relief position oo tbe B
shift, therefore worts in aU nre
stations wtthln tbe etty tbrougb-
out the year.
City Building Permits
ti,OOII 1111 -· •lUI' UI'PU llo\Y -·-ti,IOO,OOOio ......... _ YIKW IIW.B -"-11 ' -.....
--·-.., ... .... Dol -Co., 80 poroalla pool, --........
-........ ~ lor ...... ~ dn1llap.. -· C&MIDr* -'!l'!i"laiCtlloll<lilnoboiJ-, Port clloa-Pl. ... l'ortlllr· Co., rollJ -, liN c.wo1 ~ tilt llllallor tilt,_ 11.1c PL ....... -$11,100 bltk Ill., $11,100, ... --,. u.. $11 mllb, to saa,.OO: total,. $1M.400. tal wall, $11,000.
·'nla ll&wt lopo tilt-. Bob W~--II INS • BACK BAY
U..-roeo<d ol &OJ ,_ Port Wo-.. PL $1,000. J. W. Kloor. por1lilou, -_...t tor lui JOOr'• all limo Cb..-lao ._blll,.:.n.,milr Campus Dr~ $1,100.
101c11 ol $44,111,111, ... tilt pool, 11101. Port Cordill PL, • WEST IJPPD BAY
IIIIS 101a1 ol $11,1N,M4. $1.100 L. F. Ara1J1roor, toO Wlaii-
Tbe JUDe permits IDclllle tbe i.,..; R:owbatbam patio wud LL, roof orw patkt,
tollowlAg, 111 1bo amouat ol -I 7H Port ...;.,., PL, 11,000.
Hli'ORf M4-N DISicll
SECOIIO $EC11!!'1 -• P. (
lltURDY, ME It, 1M!
a111011A DEl liAR; CALl F.
1141 ....... A ¥f.
COlT A Ill~ • .. ., .. ,.2.
cofiiiMA D& MAR
ORIIII , ... 50 $1 OOci R. Allobor.., 111 Dorw Dr.,
b. 'area eo •• block wallon5 otnce remodl'"ll ID U.U I, TDI ABBOTT, .:~e~o ~~~i::·~;;:;;,;;;;;:;:~ loll Ia Tract 183S, $1,020. $5,000, ud Ia Uolll, $10,000, lin. WUllalll P. A
Goorlo Ar..,ld, sw!mmlaa' WEST m:~;.,::mm -~~~Dr., 1n1at Torneo, MATTRESSES poo~ 115 Sowutle, $1,400. Pu~~"'!'.1 U....t.ll-llal wu ~ Friday, J-1, Kli:W -Daii1UIDia
, .. c. 1942
• CORONA DEL liAR dlac. ~---. ~ • ...., -Pri.Dela>la 1Wor Scboo~ lmttul"' Shopoo
Boice Truta. remodel, S500 Rd., $7,500, a eo..ec1 c:olllp IW'IP ecbool !er ,...,.., -c:.ttM
E. Cout llwf., $1,700. ' LINDH. AC ISLEY lantl 6 Soo, Ia st. Loula, Ill-', HOP-COSTA WISA WATtUSS CO.
Doda Rueell, <eratloo$, • '--111 to aUeDd 0ruct Ccut Jlalor 2110.....,_.N. u-.., .. IJOJ
nu o.... BIYd., $1,500. 2--r. 1-UIIIt chrol1lnr. No.l5 i~•Uo=•~tbla;:•:"~· ~~::~~~~;;;;;;:;;;i B<laa llawdsley aparlmeDI 1JDda Isle, $'1Z,OOO.
OYer pnp, 4:5 Larb;>ur • NEWPORT
AYe,, $1.0,500. Pierre Berto11M, Z-ltorJ du-
G " H Resta.ura.ots, store pl~~y '1310 W. OeiiUl Ft., room zszs E. Coast Hwy ., $50,000.
U o00 Pattersoo, Z-otory d"'lo>ll Yaz.iDers Church, eD.tdoors, 191Z Court st., $30,000,
used tor ...-vices and Sunday CAL POLY DEGREES
school, $1,000. Colllorllill Slate Polyteclllllc
R N Edwards apartment CoUege 1n San LulsObifllO pn ov~ c:Uage, 408 Acacia Ave., degrees JUDe 7 to the lollow1oc
$Z2 500 Harbor Area studeots:
p'aul • Stuart. aUeraUons, WiWam E. Krueger, lZOl
Z863-65 E. Coast Hwy., $3,500. Dolphlo. Ter., lrYine Terrace;,
3333 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del liar-Tolophono 673-3850
• mVINE TERRACE James W. WUmer, Z19 EnoiJICI
R A HiDrlcbs swimmillg Ca.oyoo Rd., Sbore Ctur.; WU-' poo~ zcXJ7 Galatell Ter., $3,100. liam L. Betts Jr •• 631 .~lsta
'• SHORE CUFFS Booita. East Bluff, rated dls,~
Aleu.oder Black addition. Uogu.J.sbed military craduate,
Zl2 Evelli.ngCanyooRd., $5,550, and scbeduled lo receive a Zacl ·~;::::::::::::::::::~ • CAMEO JaGHLANDS Ueutena.ot's comml.ssloo I..D tbe
A.rtbur Leva. addition. 4737 Army; Glenda Rae KaU,_ ZSZ9
Surrey Dr,, $11,750, Irv1De Ave., West lWer BILJ,
-=~ • BALBOA graduate wltb booors; Mary :::: w Reid. cabinets aJid sinks GeDeYieve Fonua., 13S7
in kitcben. lW E. Balboa BlYd., Galaxy Dr., Dover Sbores; SteYe
$1,950. LUDd, 5 701 Seasboce Dr., West
£ A Weiti.W 3-story Z-Newport; Carole Reoe Tucker,
Wlit. apartment bwldiog. il33 Z280 Pacit\c Ave., Costa Mesa.
81 ••a 000 and Donald Oweo Worllwl, 112 E. Balboa Yd.,.-. • • c ... A M st Costa Mesa. Doo Spengler, 3-story,l-unit o--. esa ••
dwe11log, 1750 E. Oc""" Ft., TICKET SALE SET
$104,000. Wa.ll orders tor tbl summer
Bri"t ;, YOUR Ht1nJi worltl
2622 Newport Blvd. =Newport Booch
-~::-;--:-=:-;----:-:-=--:-::-: ·---UGAL I~OnCE LEGAL NOTICE
"FLIGHT OF THE SNOWBIRDS" Is the name Newport
Balboa SaYings customers bate re-cb.rlsteoed a metal n1l
sculpture orlgloa.lly named '•Regatta." Staff member Wanda
Terry Is polnttng to the wall sculpture, wblcb Is part ol the
interior destco or Newport Balboa Savings' oew Corooa del
Mar branch ofllce in the Newport Center l1.Dancial plu.a.
The artist, Wllllam Bowie of New York, ls well known tor
his wall scuJpttae, and e:q>la.lns that he titled the work
"Regatta" because of the sail-like shape or the metal. He
auees that the new name Is more Otting.
• uoo ISLE productioo or "Most Happy
Edward Edwards, swimming Fella" will be I':Cepted b)'
pool, 537 ViaLidoNord,$2,400, Orange Coast CoUegebtgiAD.lng
Tbe City CoaocU or the City
of Newport Beachdoesorda.ln as
SECTION 1. Section 5,24,080
ot the Newport Beach Municipal
Code Is amended lo read:
"5,24,080 Special Officer's
Permit. No person sball be em-
ployed as a special otricer by
any private patrol service un-
less such person shall tlrst
have seeiD'ed a permit from the
City Manager.Suchperson shall
ftle a Yerllled appUeatlon with
the City Manager ontorms~
pUed by the CUy, setting forth
such l..olormatlon as may be re-
quired by the City Manager to-
gether with a fee of Fifteen
Dollars ($15). The City Manager
sba.ll issue a permit approving
employment of the proposed
employee only after he has de-
term1Ded that the proposed em-
ployee 1s over twenty-One (Zl)
yearsotage, that the contents of
the appUeatton are true, a.OO that
the proposed employee 1s ot
good moral character and Is
qualllled to engage ln such ac-
tivities. The permit shall be
carried at all times by the per-
son to whOm U Is issued and
shall be eXhibited ~n demand
by anyone. u the Clty Manager
nnds that the proposed em-
ployee does not possess the
qualUlcatlons required by this
section, he shall deny the ap-
pUca.tlon. U the applleatlon Is
deoied, U:le applicant sball be
advised of such den1a.landofhls
rlgtot 1o appeal lo lloe City --:-=-::-:-;=:-:=:;~;;=---=;--;;::-;o-;;;;mn--
Cowocll by registered letter dl-__ .=_L"'.E~GA~L_o:H~O~T~IC:::!:E ____ .::L.::E.=G=A:=L:..:_H;::O:.T:..:I.::C.::E __ rected tn the address sbown on
the applleatioo or by personal ORDINANCE NO. 1304 the appUcaotcoocernlogvtclous
serviCe. Ser'lice ot lbe letter AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY or dangerous propeosttiesot&ll
denying the application shall be OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEN-sucn wild a.Dimals.
deemed complete upoo deposit DlNG SECTION 7.08,04.0, 6. Tbe bousJ.ac ~;:~·;~I in the United StatesPostom.ce, CHAPTER 7.08, TITLE 1 OF for all such wild a
A special omcer sball surreo-THE NEWPORT BEACH parttcular detalls as to
der his permit to tbe City Wan&~ U UNtClP A L CODE, RELA. of structure. locks, feDC1D&,
• CUFF HAVEN July I. Tbe sbow will be staged
Mrs. E. S. Miller, repairs, in the occ Auditorium July
zzs Klocs PL, $1,350, 30-31 aoo Aug. 1-Z at 8:15p.m.
'NEWPORT CENTER AU seats are reserved and cost
Irvine Co., partilloas and LD-Sl.SO. Orders wW be Wled Ill
terlot Improvement. 550 New-tbe order lD wblcb tbey are
port Celllar Dr.,.$150,000.
Orco Block ··co.
,...., ..... : JAa!Ma. ?·JDI
.. &eetl .... ...._ I IUD L .......... A-.
ger IC)On termination othlsem-TING TO APPUCATION FEE 7. Safety precautloos pro-
pklym.!nt as a specia..loftlceror FOR A PERMIT FOR KEEP-posed to be ta.ken, r· A d M Call A Expert
..,.. revocation or suspension INC WILD ANIIIALS 8. Noises or odors anticipated :::i<IVIe 1me n Oney - n ~~~~;~~;g;;: of his permit, The City CouncU ot the City of tn the keeping of sucb wUd !!:!~~~~~L==~ The Clty Manager may waive Newport Beach does ordain as a.n!mals. • HEALTH IISOIT
the requirements of this sectloo follows: 9. Prior history of lnc!!'-'"'•1
In the case ot special otftcers SECTION 1, Section 7,08.040, IPvolvl.ng: the pubUc health ...Cot.'lailu.'' )-..... t
temporarily a.sstgoed to per-suq,&ragraph "8", ot U:leNew-safety inv'olviog any of the BEAUTY NOOK JIE&JDSJI. torm services tn the City for a port Beach Municipal Code ls animals.
Umlted period of time, if he amended to read: 10. Any add1U.ooal~>rn>atio~l 2732 E. Coast Hwy, --1111:1118
determines that It would create "8, APPUCATlON. An ap-required by the CltyM.a.nager Corona del Uar ........ liM~ =~-=·~-=--
an unreasonable hardship to pUcaUon for a permit required the time of filing such ap. Phone 6 n-7336 ! £!'! i:"1::.'1:.. :::; 'T 3 t• 1~•: MI-.. require compliance with this pursuant to this secUooshaUbe.pllcation or thereafter."
section." made to writing to the City SECTION 2, This ordtnaoce SEVEN NATIONS • COSTA e ORANGE e NUHEIM • HUNTINGTON SECTION 2, Ttlis ordinance Manager ~..Wn a form turolsbed sha.U be published ooce in the C F MESA 639-U41 826-0381 BEAot
shall be published ooce lo the by the City, andshallbeaccom-otrlcial newspaper of the City, OJ FURES
__ '1
.r:e 8.C2·1451
official newspaper of the Ctty, panted by an appUcaUoa tee ln and the same shall be effective OPEN llJESDAY Til ROUGH 4 7 -..-;JO
and the same shall be effective ttle amount of Fifteen Dollars 30 days after the date ot Its SATtJ ROAY
30 days after the date of tts ($15). The application shall be adoption. Free Parldas ia Froat
adoptioo. Yerllled by the person wbo de-Tb!s ordloance was Introduced 300 W. Coast Hwy.
This ordinance was!JJtroduced sires to keep, maintain or have at a regular meeting ot~ '!:~:~~ r.r~~=: 6~~~
at a regular meeting of the Ctty Ill bts possession, or under his CouncU of the City of N ·~~ ;~~...,~:;;~~;:;;~ CouncU of the City ot Newport control, ln the City, the wUd Beach held on the 26th day~
Beach held on the 26th day of an1maJ tor ,.,h.lchapermit lsre-May, 1969, and was adopted BUILDING CONTRACTORS
May, 1969, and was adopted oo QUired, and shall set tortll the 9th day of June, 1969,
the 9th day of Juoe, 1969, by the foUowlng : ·following vote, to wit: REMODELING
the fpllowing vote, to wit: 1. Name, address and tele-AYES, COUNCILMEN: Mcinnis, and
AYES, COUNCILMEN : Mcinnis, phone number of the applicant. Sbeltoo, Parsons, Marshall. A DOl TIONS Shelton, Parsons, Marshall, z. The applicant's interest tn Rogers, Hirth, Gruber.
Rogers, Hirth, Gruber. such WUd animal. NOES, CO UNCILMEN: None, e rR!I! I" LAN SI!RVIC!
NOES, COUNCILMEN: None, 3, The proposed klcatlon, and. ABSENT COUNCILMEN : Nooe. e ,RI!! UTUUTU ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None, tbe na.me,addressandtelepOOoe Doreen Marshall
Doreen Marshall number of the owner of such Mayor 532 ·5949
Mayor location, and of the lessee, if AITEST: AMERICAN
AITESTo any. Laura l.ogtos COHSTRUCTIOH CO. Laura Lagtos 4.. The number and general City Clerk
673·5822 675·3353
Persian R119 Worb
I-DAY SERVICE ~~~~===-----.. -=HU~R~S~E~R=Y=---=---·
Shoe Repair
Purse otnd Luw-ge
AeJMir -Dye Work
1190. Herbor lllod. eo ••• ._-u. e-3311
-.. •«zr· n. City Clerk description of all wtkl animals Publish: June 19, 1969, ln CALL D.t.Y OR NIGHT
Publlsh: June 19, 1969, 1n tbe for wblch the permit Is soug!)t. tbe Newport Harbor Eostp_ ----------1
Newport Harbor Ensign. 5, Any tntormatton kDon lo • 11-DIUII • ·-Sh:Ub~;, ·;~;.~~~-p·,-... -h -lip~
Tropical & Tr .. s '7M1•
... TillS
lnsectcid .. ond FertUiz., ~;~~~~~~~~·~~~-~ ~H~:;~,.~ri:.
C080NA DO. .A. Nl:alatr
From Sl30
From $46,
·Hertaary £emetery
··E~ in One IJeamiful Pia'
Because tbe fuDeral and burial center macept
e!imiutes the ~ for processions through ~ traffic on cmraowded bi,shways, family
and frieods alike may now pay their full re-
~ by attmding the burial service_ u well
as the chapellet'riu, all at one beautiful place,
at lea CXIIt and more coatalieoce,
14101 • I~ IUCH &YD., wabuNSta
114 ,..... J..aal 714 1-1721
1101 E. .._ • ., .. I1H* REPAIRS •4 URVICE
"v«u: "e•l ••• fliP l7li w. c... tt.y,. ..... -· --~~~~~~~~q o I'LI/!IIIIIC ~ & ~~~~R~.~.~.~R~S~A~C--
-----'-------IIAIIOI P-T I'I.IJMRI!R
HU ... AIDS MU t:.aeli•"'..A" ..
& WALLP41'11 ("""'"" d•IMar HAL AEIISCHER PlttUu"" -Dulcft Boy
• Pilots• ~~~~I hoe 1'1-.. llopoih
.. _ filii .. ., ......
. ,_ L c-."""' c._ ......
u,oao jtAn!JIIIS" DAY A IIOrT
llf" L c.-e...,. 'c._ ......
.. nT,.~TIII "-• .
E_,. -4 •4 Klo4 a •• -on -AdJ•••
o.tt .. wr Sentee A-t·eUaW.e
1'712 E. COAST BWY.
. T • ..,._., 675-6564
(ACJO .. m. .,.,. Crvw.,.)
From the
ODin AliDA -··-·3
IZ'I~,· . e..-e s
1. a. n a
Tall;f I a ls:n 1 r '-Maa,...co.-
Flct1tioua Firm Name
Tbe UDdetslped do
certl.ty that theJ are oo..iU<lli~
• .-nl -lblp *'< tile
purpose ol boJdlDc -.eliii'Wes LD
oomiDH aame at P.O. Bozl608,
Westcwr at newer street, City
of Nowport Beaeb, Coody of
OraJIIO, stale ol Cllll«lll&, 1111-
der tbt tlcUtioal arm aame or
desiptioD wblcb does DOl sbo•
the true DUne or aames ol tbe
perJODI iDtvested !AaJdbusf.
oess, to-wU:: PORTCO ud bat
said nrm 1.s o1 tbe ......
The things we do for people ...
260 Ocean Avenue
La aun• Buch . Cahtorm•
Telephone: 494·7541
~" ~~·· 601 N (I c.-no lt ... Tt'k'pho<w 4'12 119$
(l ,._,$l.DOO ......._)IIy ..... tfw .25% IONUS Dn'IDlND !o< Met! of 1M l ,_...
• "'--'lpOUndeod ·~· ~·
~ltlST pMoll ......., c....-• .._, ,_
.. 5% "' ~"""' daity ""-,..,.
. • . with plaaaure! Uke tending a depoaitor in
Switzerland an extra packet of our monthly
magazine ... to give friends a better picture of
h ow we look a nd live in bu rge oning O range
County, USA.
Our dynamic growth is an important reason why
savers from all over the world invest in Laguna
Federal Savings. They know that Orange County's
Largest, First and Strongest independent Federal
offers them deep security and absolute maximum
return on sa fe. insu red savings. Th is kind of
interest looks good-even from the scenic Alps.
And far-off savers at Laguna Federal Savings
oft e.a become nearby neighbors. One good thing
leads to another.
DAY-IN lo DAY-OUT inlerul on •II •ccounls
Br Utt'f' lo (trl your lfunni"J' co,.Melfto,.,.fi.,e
Birrnl,.llniRI Med~tllioft-ill •oliJ bro11u•
n,. •ilrtfl',.-1tr.uif by u., s,., of CeUJorrUtt to ,.,.,,.h,.nlr ill INtO lt.unJ,.Mdl ,.,.,._;.,,.,..,.,.,.,On ••le nf
ou,. fllf'f"~ nlficrl, /,.o m }uree 16 .
-IIJ .. CIIJII•o-1 --m no mot'd .. --~~OO!;~D=IE~C1!1!!1~~-~-~Pw:!.& -=~~~CO;,!!QIIA;~DEL~~I!A;R,~CH.!;~f. (Cod---S) • ... -Me ........... -ln....-IIUio"' "IGI.IGDIGIIII •ol\ ••-altllo 3-10
W, aor.. ft.. Wilt ...... t !*~T, IIAY n Jl .... aata"rs 1111111 bile .. -_. -,rrS&r .,_ N t d B q ***-ol. eoM•tMe...t-t .. attM --... --./1-· ..,,..,_"n. .. -.. .clrto ·-·· Ill .. "" J-10, .. Wlr'• ~c.-~~~-!=-~·= .... ~~-=~1111~~-~-~olly~-"=-~·~":·:·:.~111 • , , , IDJEI c-ft'DIOtt. 4!.. • Wilt N .,.~.;;.... llllldll ...,... ldk. 'l'lle ,._ _ .... II .. MCI dlcr• ia ....,....._ =:: J:s,::-a: ... -:· .. ·• ..... diU .. ol tid tbl .... ot'il. ... ,.,.; parted-.... -....
....... ... ,...51 tA....,Ial-::;·;:a~ .... ...,.. ... ----... hlf. twoo.tu • ....,. ot ..... belli*"-CAliff I * laalllll •••• ..,_..., *'Dr~:~-:; car ....... ~a•Hirt,lJO-t/l•bJ•••cw..UCalrt ...
-lllo M0 _,. -~~~~ -lalllliN_.tBI•d. -st. Wool~~~ 1lld aU .... -.
oor, ooldllu --· 101 11o1 lorfll 111a ftllol; w111o ~ .... --ud •tlllor Yla z.tdt, Lido lalo, bolwllllo r-11011, 11 wu mlular ••. -oo tape deck ud .... 51T OP UIU TAICI!ll '
..... 00, llllllod Mid -II CWdroo oo1 ftro to ~ ....U. $110, to -pollee; A ool fl aDa-01 '* ... .......,.--... -~~~a--ooo-UIObor(lariDaollaYt<llblal· w•o--a-111\o -oaiCorlll~l'lo-llr-at lt15 Port Wrt-1111 wbell broaklaC 1111 wta-AmortculAclooJVd.IUIIIII
-tf<IM, hq'l Hft'PWt Blfd., brkl&e, Harbor Vlft' HIII.J; ell-dow becallM tbere WU bloodOD st., Cllltr&l Jfnport. 'rlm Mc-
847-1178 11'101 Nwoport. woro ._od map wao 11t at $100 1111 (Ius . . . G-Yotl, GroiJI)r, 1.,0 Iowa st., ~
tr1t1ri lee cream to blot out tbt Stereo tapes aad a deck 'w~e Z%00-1/Z W, Ocll.b Frollt,Ce-Mea, told Nwpart Blacb I'ORMBR INSTRU CTOR, NATIONitL CR BIIfiCAL CO,
picture of a lfrllD blr wddlar Jtolea from Victor Culmooe tr&l Nnport, was awar atworlt pollee tbe tbtft ocearr111801De-•
dr .. ; Uda maUc:lou mllc.Mef 400 S8th St West Newport· r.; rw~bell~~oo~m~eo~ae~sto~le~lll=s~$~1S_5..2U:.m_•:-~---Ma..::.y_S~l~&lld=~J-=~!!!!!"!B!•!',.!'!!'""!!!•'!!C!I•!•!'!"!'!fo!'~ll!d~l•!'!'!""!!!•'!'!"!!~~ caued a '10 c11M1ac char .. At bts ~·at ,195 ••• Guy surfboard from his room. 1 •
• • • Tbe radio uc.-oa tbl Hauon, l!SUI'dst •• WestNew-
Poottac ow.d bJ Ray Carter, port, aod bls roommate Gas Company .UZ: Mndola Terrace, CorODl Tbomu Butler. left a wtDdo.;
HJplandt, was trokea oft opea. about an tnch ror no.
Ulalloa; oot ooly air but a thief ngorou' sly t • ..:..Od 111• • FRIDAY, MAY Z7
Joba Anclers, !I! E. 20tb St ••
Colta Mesa, left b1a cat uo-
loc:Ud at tbe Cbort HouM por. k1Dc lot 011 Martaers MUe be.
came ln. and ocnr lllelr tapes, ,.._ l'lllllill'
player. Qllet aod swtnpr
camera are rnJss1Dg ••• Two and the
passeocers tn tbe ear tbat
Llnbart, 517 Marcuerlte AYe ••
driving, first aid,
of all gas applianceS.
New hours at Boys Club ::--..:: ~:.·:~:::::. "":'.:.""i: i::~~:~""':i ::..·.:::~;~
• :.oroo lapoo, ""rlh $140, trom A .... Coro,. delllar,&lldCar-
tloor of the car ••• A rie R~illa of New York. wer e
Summer bours weot into
effect this week at tbe Boys
Club trancbes.
Club members: July n to Auc. }'OUI1f mao pteked "' a radio taken to Hoag Hospital, alter a
3, Aug, 17 to Z4, aDd Aua, U from the beacb, put It UDder trame colllssioo wllh Mark
The lr ee clirnbing they leam on their own •
• Ill -••·t __ n.-Rescuing cots is not o regular port of o Gos Company ..,.
to 31 . Tbe cost lor ooe week is 1 '"'" • . ...., wa._.. rapidly Downen of Garden Grove, on the i · job. (ought him, too. Our servicemen ore like that. Determined.
Doors are oow open tram 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Mooday tbougb
Saturday at bot.b tbe central
branch, 594 Ceoter St., Costa
Mesa., and the t.Wer Bay
branch, 2131 Tustin Ave.
$35. Registra.t1ons Ire now awQ wltli a teen ace Klrl to Coast Hwy. east ot Dover Dr .. being taken. Boys may tara tbetr car at the Corooa del Mar 1 ,,.,au,,•,·. ',
he1n. neither is helping stranded motori1ts. Or giving
their camp cost b)' seWnc matn beach Pll'tiDc )Ot at 7:10 • FRIDAY, MAY 30 1~ lodies cobfore tothehospitol.
p.Nuttles through the Boys p.m.; Richard J&eSOD, 314 Mar. Mark YorstoD, SO, of 101 VIa thing is. our servicemen ore the kind of guyl that do
Club. Cbec.k with tbe director ruerUe AYe., Corooa del Mar, Yella, Lido Is le, lailed the field kinds of things. We don't mind. In fact, we encourage
Actually. what with the rescued cats and stranded motorists
and oil the rest. you might wonder how the work gets done.
But somehow all the pilots get light.d, the burner• get adjusted.
the ovens get colibrot.d. the wall heaters get cl.aned, and
the gas dryers get checked. And right on schedule. Our
at either braoeb. wu swlmmtnc and couldo"t get sobriety test and it was neces-They're out in the community so much they become a part
it. They wont to help ond people hove come to expect
help. Fine. But, some fairly strange things happen.
servicemen r.ally do a job.
Men. we solute you. Tbree sessions at Camp cedar, to tbe Btc Boar Lab
area, are iDDOUDCed tor Boys
Coach JobD Cimaluk ol tbe aabore fast eaougt:l to prevent sary for officers to isslst 111m
Upper Bay br-anch 1s now stcn-the tbeft ••• William Heney, Into a police unit alter he was
lng up boys wbo are interested 180.F E. Bay Ave., Balboa, arrested at 7:50 p.m. at 28tb
1n playing softball 1n a county was out o1 towu lor a week St. and Newport Blvd., West
league for 8 to 13-year-olds. wben som.ooe sprayed paint on Newport, on the charge of dn-
Keep up the good work.
llts prap wt.ndow &Dd broke an vtng under the 1ntluence of tn-
P-33772 outside pra~ Ug:ht; pieces of toxicants ••• Edward Conner
CERTIFICATE OF Bl5INESS c:DM GALLERY FEA lURES a tlrecracker were left around .32 of 48J2.B Seashore Dr •
Fictitious Flrm Name OSGOOD AHD TAYLOR the ll&ht • • ·Sherman Means, W;st Newport, was fond slee-·•
THE UNDERSIGNED does The Newport Harbor Service 1214 Notti.llgham Rd., Westclitf, ping on the ocean front at 24th
bereby certit)' that he Is COO· League is pr~ the works reported the tbeft of 111s black St.; offtcers escorted 111m to the
ductlDg a eeoera.ttnsurancebu-of Ruth Osgood aod Jack Taylor vlayl cocii;>U COYer tor his MCB. black topped parking lot where
s!oess at 2745 W. Coast _at tbe Coffee Garden Gallery, • WEDNESDAY MAY 28 he lailed the flek1 sobriety test;
Htglnra.y, Newport8el.cll,Ca.l11'-2625 E. Coast Hwy., Corona • he was booked on the charge of
ornla 92660, Wldertbetletltious del Mar. Gallery hours are 11 Linda Fabreps, 19• of 4601 drunk tn public at 1:20 a.m ••••
firm name ot MartneraGeoeral a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday Wayne Roe.d, Cameo Htgb].a..nds, Ellr.abeth Browning, 20, of 9ZS
Insurance Gr(XC) and that sa.Jd thrOugh Saturday. was booked on the charge of E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, driving
tlrm Is composed ot the follow. Choulnard trained Ruth Qs. shoputting • • • Carolyn Tan. east on Balboa Blvd hit 2
tng persoa. wbose oame tnfllll good Is president and chairman kersley, 19• ofZ208-A W.Oeeao parked cars west of 8' St at
and place of r esideoee care as of the boardoftheLa.gunaBeacb Ft., Central Newport, was 4:45a.m ••.• MatthewE nct~.
follows, to-wit: SchOol of Art and Design. a arrested and booked on the 205 Carna.Uon Ave., Corona del
Byron K Chamberlain staff lnstructor at the school char~t of sbopLUUng • • • Tony Mar was arrested at 9 p m at
2745 w 'coast Higt:r.a; past president of the La~ Hunt, 28• 01 20029t.hSt., West 6700w. Coast Hwy WesiN~w-• a ---Newport, was arrested and ·• Newport Beach. CaW. ~h Art Assn. and a member booted the llU 1 1 too port, and charged with assault
Witness my band this 4tb ot the CaWotnia National Water 00 c I'! 0 ,e Y witb a deadly weapon • • ,
day of Juoe, 196!1. CoLor Society. wile beating··· Henry 0 Nell, While Marianne Ber geron,2885
Byron K. Cba.mberlalD Mr. Taylor is a graduate of 20• 01..,207 4200 st., West New. Europa Dr., Costa Mesa., was
STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) the Philade_,hia School of Art. port, as booked on the charge ill lhe movies, her car parked at
COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss He demonstrated pottery of grand theft • • • Larry Payne, Jasmine Ave. and Coast Hwy.,
day lost summer, for instance, one
of our servicemen chased a hit-and-
run dr iver 10 his Gos Company truck.
ON Tim 4tbdayotJuoe 1969 maklug at tbe PotterySba.ekaod 51• of 1535 S~rior AYe., West Corona del Mar was forced open
be;tlrre me a l(ota;ry hbu.c u;_ lllW reeetltly owned the Golden Newport HeiJhts. was picked~ and her stereo tape deck 4
&Dd tor ~ eoaaty &Dd state K1lD ln ~ Beach. Ht ll in a park1Dc lot &00 booted 00 &pea kef's, a.Dd 12 ta,pes, •al~ -t
.rllidiDc tbereiD, dMly c:ommU~ curr6'lUy doing an art show the ctwp drunk 111 publte • • • at $16Z, were stolen •• ,
siooed ud sworD, penooally oo dosed-circuit televis1oo. at ~00~ ~rtbo~~~·~~u!!'hst., Peron BlactweU, 871 Amlgos
appeared ByrooK.Chamberlaio Leisure World, Laguna HHls. e~ e"r" hl erthe Way, East Biutr, not only had
known to me to be tbe person rna ess 0 s bedroom -but his gasoline siphoned away but
wbose oame is stj)s(:ribed to GRADUATE HOHORS ~~e;>t~~ ~~m -::1~1~ the thieves cut a 7 foot l~ngth
the within Instrument and ac-Nominees at Cal state, Long A Y. n of water hose to use for
knowledged to me ~the exe-Beach, for membership in Phi C:··atc~;: ~sa·:~ Ills siphoning ••• Three holes re-
euted the same Delta Gamma, the natlooal • " e was sembling BB shot were made in
WITNESS m;handudotncW honorary society for graduate ~!sthj1~ac:cir~m:,ne ~k his Uv iog room window, stated
seal. women recelYi..og master's de. m s A. Anderson, 4709-B River St.
Mary A Kappa gress, include the following car rack • • • Eileen Stevens, West Newport ••• Her girl'~
Notary Pubuc In and tor said from the Harbor Area: Barbara 3500 Surf View, Harbor, VIew Schwinn bike with a wicker
County and State. Beckley, 225 Ca.nalSt., Newport Hills, told poUce a boy 5 red basket was sloien during the
My Commission expires Dec Shores; Ro:wme Hubinger, 617 ~~ wlJ: tr't!enlng wheels was night, decl.ul:ld Ellr.abeth Ste-
1S, 1971. • Clubhouse an:! Deanna Scbultz, 0 en om r ~age • • • kol, 404 Holm wood Dr., Newport
Publish: June 12, 19, 26, July 129 45th St., West Newport, ::n~y "cod:~ 1 ~ w · Ba~ Heights .•. Jim Thomas, 2204
3, 1969, tn the Newport Harbor aod Mary Ann Jenks, 936Ta.nana. $1i•2 st e and ;~t, tro st W, Ocean Ft., West Newport,
Ensign. Pl., Costa Mesa. a ereo ......,s m saw that his car window had
her car durlng the night • . . been broken, looi.ed
The two of us
. '
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P. A. Palmer, at•rmen of the floerd AOnH ~-. ~CIIdlftt
We're lrwestlng In tomorrow.