HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-26 - Newport Harbor Ensign-boa. IloM"ool are belJIII.CCIIIQd b7 lilt Rot&r1 Club at P.O. Boz zas, Ballloafslud, Call!.-· Illegal lot sale cited .. _, l.llti&U-........ _. JOe COSTA MESA -..:_.....,. Religious liberty ' argued =~~1:-~ ~ CHRimHAR!IARD Planning veteran retires =--c::-~5~ 111 Die\ Hew!_, _,., bl b ..-bur b Tbo m ••u•• -• Mloc-Ray Y. CopeUD, U-7oar-<>ld Georre w. Bron, 5%, at East q-lor balt-11<1> .. _, u "a ~~cot 1fOI'IIllp col.:, ted ft'OlD 11 _,:n,.uas ttom ROOM$ SOUGHT BY veteru ot tile Newport Beach Bluff, deu o1 tbt OCI cra.duate R aercaats Ql u-..nts, UlbeP ...... Comm-ol relclloa." Harbor &lid eor-del 1W FORB Gil SlUDEHTS Plaool"f Comml•slM, woaodo., ~ of lldmlolslntioo, ...,_ &lid tlle llre d<IIOrimeltr- tbe City ot Jfewport S.Cb bid He polnta: out ttat tbe Coo-Hieb Sc.bools. A committee Tweaty-follr b'eip ltadeots bJ.s 23 years ot service at tbe ceedlDc Darid Clll'tis Ybo au for rectuctAc holll's from n.z -lo -clorlor lbe Ra--cllclales tMI Coacress ehalrod by Dan Lowtshm lhe ll Oruge Cout Colltp will be JUDO l9 me-&lid wt11 reslp>od ln>m tlJe 'Plaolllog to 60.6a week. tormaUoD, 1PI:*Id Jobll 1CDoz &Dd I.AJ bnDcb of state &0-JUDior Cbamber li:Un'lewed loc:*lnc b' plae86 to Un th1a otrldally retire ttom tbe Com-Comm.Lsstoo. R F • ld ba.'tl btlll permitted to lacmcb •enuneat "sbl.ll m&A DO law them, rnd1al tbem 00 per-tU1 wt.tblll nlk1n&: distuce of miss1oo oa JUDe 30. Yr. r -"-... -ed •• ay I e s tbe PrlllbJWiu Cllarcb? rti!PI'C"•c tbe establlsbDMDC ot soaallt)', pobe, aDd attractt•e-me scbool. A replacemem wu a,ppoloted -....-w.o -. -. A Newport Helptl lot tbat Probably DOt. ~ Co-rtliCIOD or prohibltiDc tbe tree oass. Foreip stooeat Amisor U Moodily eYeDiDC by tbe Couocll of the Z3 years a.s secretary bad been U1ep1lJ mid by a tolll. del Mar atiarDeJ Carl UII'Ct.l tblreof.." He saystbat Cbrls lstbeda.ugbterofTbon Kyaw WLD sa1d that tbestudeots-Vr"llllam Mart1D, 31, a .senior of tbe Commissloa.. Tbe late heads Le I "IOn preYiou oner u 2 JWCell S. Kec1eJ, wbo Is repreMDttnc rtqalr1DJ a Ul permttt;,r cb.ur. and Aubrey Rebud, l'lZl will DOt bafe cars. stodeDU research eogiDeel' witb McDoo-0. B. Reed n.s m&JOt when be ttcur«<1Dareautdb'fGoadea1&1 ·Mrs. lor!J Tottaron.eb lD ~ ebU may be ""C(JJ!If1tut1oall. Cudlestick l..aDe, Bl.ycrest. this tU1 a.t occ will come from oe.U-Douglu ud a past pre-was appoJ..ated, ud tbere has Yollday OYealac at tlJe lltwpcc1 -toplaapormlttooporale "I pl-to tlJem tbal tbo Silo ,... a JV cb-1-r last Gbana, "-Kong, J....,lnll, sldeal of lhe Ceatral Newport beeo • total olll mayondurlll( Ray Flolds, eo.u. Yua Beacb City eo-ell meetJac. tbl La Habra bulcl Communlt)' Cbarcbof'trutb W'Oilldadbere to year aD11 has t.n elected bead lDd1a, Tibet, Austra.lla. Slrlp-Beacb CommUDity Assn. b.1s tenure of -"tee. He was jeweler, was instilled JUDt Rado~b CboJ IDIIAI:IIrtWU-Cbarcb of Tratll 1D Newpor1 all tbe rules," Mr. KeeleJ told varsity ebeerleader lor Dell pore, and Germany. other appolutmds 1Dcluded fonnerly projects ma.oa.ger tor 19 as commander ot Amertca.ra uam •ere IIIP"u"C tbe Plu-Beaeh. tbe EDJip. ''lt sboWd be P•en year· lh. WiD said tbe studeutscan RoUy Pulastl of Ba.IbD&, an ar-the Los AAee~asCOUDty Housing L&Jion Poll 455 of COlt& Mesa D1Dc Comml.aalooaetloodell)1ac Tbl lack of u ofllcal city tbe permlt, m:1 then tbe clty Sbe Usb bar bi:Jt:ties as boa-pay for tbelr Dtglngorarr&JlC'! chiteet. named to a tull4-year Autbori.tJ, a.Dd be ertered t:be saceeeding Bo.d Frett&&. ' tbelr reqoest k resabdl•kiiDc "'anttloo of "reUcloD" &Dd eu watch 1t closely tor 1m-tin&. water SWnc. lOIS sewing. an ez.ehanp ot wort k tbelr term on tbe Parks, BeacbesaOO real estate t.•stness wberl he Robert Wllley was tnstalled &D R-! lot t.oto 2 puceta.. "Cbarcb" IIQIIlated ., mach propriety of it ~items Ul&t oee-but bel map-blteresta.Dd talent room. Persoos I.Dterested Recrea.Uoo CommlsRoo &ller came to Newport Beacb. Hewu as tlrst n ce-comm&Dder · Tom sooo Beacoo st. &Dd 401 Suta c""""'ce at tbt J .. U mee-essary. are La tbe tlekl of mule. Sbe should caU &39-1682 &Dd ast SetYinc out an eJPJ,redterm du-wit.b tbe ftq)b P. Uasteyomce Rbodes 2Dd Ytee..oom~- ADa AYe. Pll..ai1Dc Dlr4dclr t1.Dc ~ tbl PluD.Inc Com-"But 011 tbe "ldeoce pre.bu Plued tbe piaDo ... 10 for Mr. Win. rtnctbepast61D01Jtbs.andDr. 1Dilberettred1n196Z. Neal H~pn,ad~;WUU&~ l.oarrJ Wilma rtpll'tecl tbat the ml1Doa temparuU, deDied tbe Hlt.ed to the commlssloo they Jill'S alld il: a member ot Har-Harrlson, h1.stot1.a.D; 8oad CommlasloG !oM lt wu 1101 porlllll lllitll lilt--.,. ban 110 r~t~~~ to usume'Yrs, bor Hlct>'sc-.u..s~~eplans HEIGHTS FIGHTS HIGH ALLEY COST Freitag, cblplaln. wttrda lta proriDce to lf'Uil u coald little U l1lJ J. Todoroncb 1s a pboDy or ttal to .stli1J music at tsc and ber Tbe oew Auxtliary omcers awlleatsoD u.t bad beeodnled AttloneJ ICerPI7 cUed FD ber cburcb ts a racket. I"le big ambUioo lstobtcoaleacoo-are Stella Marts, presideot; Pl'flfioaslJ bJ' batb tM Com-I Wa~'• 4Win1Uon of rell-beeo IDYol•ed 1D issues apiDBt cert Planist. NeW'pOrt HeigM.a residents bt.lloooed, remut111c tbal: coo-proved 1D a.eCOrl"duee with the Wl.ldrect FISI'Ier, ftrstflce-pre- mlsiJoo IDd tbe eo-cu. to tbe pea u a bt!WbllldtarDWI to rJPd m1DI:II before &Dd 1 feel Sbe weipa: ill at 115 powxts, crowded the ComcU chambers structioo allthorttl.es bad told city sta.Dd&rdstb1D1Detfeet, and sideot; Mary Harrl.:m, bd pre'l1oas aner, Ybo ~-a .,..IMihnl bdac.'" He lD.-freedom of rellgioa ls a rlgtd: staDds 5 feet. 5 1Dcbes, and Mooda.y evenlnc R a lengtlly bim that coA. sbouJd ootbeonr tbereft)re Uit an.y repair vice-president; Marpret Pe- qllllt.IJ ''bid IOid tbl propertr a1ated u.t tbe ~of Truth trortb .n.~ b'. ,, measures S5-Z4-SS. detate ()'llet tbe esttmated cost $300 per lot. ShOUld oow be a cltJ respoo. terman, treasurer; Stltraey u J pueela Ia ftacraat QoJa .. ~~ dtftbo ~ &Dd c:u-Oae reesoa trhy lbe Cblll'cb Ufl"ll"ly Ia of alley lmprovemeats. He cballeDpd tb1 city ooa-stbtUty. Smitb, secretary; Oorotbyfloe .. Uoa ol tbe Jaw.n -.....-y -a permit. Is coosidered SUII)eCt 1s tbat J Protests totaled: about 4-f\ tentioo that tbepropet'tJafloers Mr. DevliD. said tMt tbe re-pn, serguot-at-arms, ud Pla..lm.t.llc CommlakMa miD-noma. Woodrd. •alll'lnt U bU DO coacreptioa q1 Jt of the property OWDII"S in tbe should pay for the alley lm~ solutloo d1cl 11:1t IDtlude tbe Alma Willer,marsbal. lites rflfl&led tiiU 1111' &11111ks e1tJ lttlllr'DIJ, cllacnecL He uted b' permtsctop to COG-d • d prqJOsed usessmeut dUtrlct, provemel&. Kt eUed R .. olutloo alleys a.s be.llc: ilaproredto ctty HEART A TTACIC FATAL E..-Frau.bld'*-daoloci ........ -·lld-tMt duet "locllridoll prarorlld ISCUSSe but !be Nnpon Beocb cuy 3605,-lo1M9,1Drstreet staod&rcts.YaJorDo<ooaiW-. a I'NIIIbdlY.Ldoa riiQIIIIt a.1115 11M Cblftla ol Tntb beloltp to COQDHIID( 1n Um1ted bWDberSy Couocil "tOted to direct the pub-and alley 1mproremeat in tbe sb&ll added tMt tblrt wve DOt Tbomas DtYidsoD ol 1010 Mr. wu-aid a.t uan..t ... •fioMliJ f*"OCD'Md re-DOt ~er sat oae Ume.•• A att1U::J tu tbat coukl raise Uc worts dlreetor-to prepare Hetgbts, in~ ol hlacla.J.m adeqQ&te fail u., &ftll&b~ Vista Capn, East BluU. •- W'UI'UI au ._ 1.-d Mt ~ orp_..,.._ Mr. Keeley uted: ''How $4!1200 a-.1 r•-was pla.ns ud speciftcatiou IX the that tbe all.-,s bad been im-to tr-iAc tile &Uef• to ltaodud. fered aa apparent hMrt &llaCk co.Jdaotbe IJII'ftdhecl-tM We ba'fl •ttwcad to~ 'C'OU1 J'OU start out U you felt~ attae Molmy&fter work. TYomcwepqbUebe&rtDp s h I b' Juoe 21 ud ~dadoaantn.l F-artOIIlollllt-.•·llllptollllaltiiPllcolloolu,..oouldboip--lo .... ___ .,tlleNew:•wbebeldbob-etlle...-c 00 tax up a II more atHoog-tJJ. Yloe-MI.JQr uww, Pat-Mil u JC*ible Ull we tJli.M tbroqt1 tbe meaact o1 re-_ Barlcll~"'~ ... C 11 comes IC' tor flDal IIJIII'O"'.l He bad juSt returaed ftom a ..... "W--. 1o a ,.-atJ IIIII !be ,_1 -•s 000 ,..... of ,..... ~-v _..,. Tllere wu_..tacr-eat trip to Art.ooa &lid bid oom- --.. ft 111 ~ eo...-, C'-dt o1 Thill .....-._1 " • Ctty M••r Hiney Hurl. that tbe &.Uiya mut be Newport.Wesa Scbool 01a-de6cU -,_,.._ -.. ..... _ pl&ined of cbelt pl1Da alDen ... -.c u 1Uop1 oct If wo 1UCJ lllrDibtre? No. Too'"""" bart aid IIIII IIIt-toeome "' ----· "'""'tiD: ... ""e ... ?" Ia ~ peJm\lb'JOI' ..... Jb.rt OD a IID&1l 8C1Je, IDd tu.f nil of sa lq:roted, tlllt protula 'ftfe trtd trustees fllallJ Sl8ttled rate U~l l .. lfl Celts turnillg. HJs trtfe, lilarCIIII'U.. · "II-.,_,,. ..... CliJ -loWic. -la lllqll ut u a pormlt to talk to a -•= toward ralsod aplttll lilt owtlmatod Toesday .,eoloc 011 a boolpt to,..._ $U,OOO ao11 11J lllt.roo-eallod tbo llre _,.. 41MMI T1lll1 so,-1o l'ooptrt -., .. 110 Mid. In -loll a limo." IW _., eost -$545 por lot, -oo IIIII will --1111 tu rate llliiC lilt -..-. ratio,. rooe .. squad. .... ClloJ ....... w'Wiuu ..... ~ ..... ~~~~~-Woold-few -'• bo ~ ... ~rllJ ~ apnlll(eosto!$l.JOpor_.-e-1-1/Z.,.... &lid ...... elll ....... b7 SIS,IM. L" I I -...., ,._---••• I ......... lilt eltorpd? "A ebi&"Cb -iMIIJ lloCltolM ""WIIIIIIIIolbor lbol. lbe loaeber--'1 -b7 Tbo root ., lilt - -IOns e ec partial g FGd ...... Pr...., ..... a.... I ' ... conn .. JJI'IUII tllroctctl eMit. =· llilll ... liP The prQPOMd d1JD1.ct 1a-51/lOOttls of a ._.. per tel-eo e1U1 .. i116cJt CU1111 froiD -lodiOolMJillopl-&JII ..... ~ ldl co ...,ll>ul ... a" II< ltotloJu.. diiiiJ ... allllol • el-560 lola, ol ftldl 411 e.... .-$11.000 1o lllt.-.eo. B b w • ~ c-. ....... -· II .............. ••ha.Ja dt .... t ~ ft. oat YOUld bee.rti:MIIITF ... OOIIt. 1"be ecoaomy __..., cU-TM .., tst 1~10 tu 0 a er ....._ •al'ledUIIJ'M•a•-.. Jtlt..,.....,alllt.'' '1:'~caDICI:k Lots baJow Bllcoa St. 1a t11111 .ued.....U ..-... ....,..,_,aoo.,.11•11 LCICA&.IUIPIISIIIH .... ..,,utMt08'Ctl, Tloo_lllll_ool_ •n· a,.tii<C:.,~Hol&l>b-.~-lllt-.,wblcb PI-IJ-II< !It-t _o._CICo_ .... RCIPIRllalclllwflrl ":1 W!,.~ •• 2 ... ...,. k Mra. T~ l8 f:...J ~~ I• pro)lct. A 1$-._lll.llo& &I'll. ftel dimtel BIM*Uii$U'r ... Colla-., blt11re ............ .,; --. _, ~-a, lou••··-·--wt111rtr lo-lllt '-Ia llolo_Ccil_ Sl.Ud C,-.,.._a I ... PQ Tloo ... ._...Urallo -lilt -%I -l liM IDIIIt __._ ..... .._ -Ida ._. IIO"IIr loa latll--.no,-'IISI.TIHSI'IRISSOHG pr-St., •-IJ ol Ba---lal blP --lt.JIItll.ll-~-11,-aM 1 ~ 1t1 c l Ill•• a1 CoP-a •*'IW lor n'W .... 110 a,.a 11111 lilt Pluolill Com-AIOUT IIAQI AT CCIII Bml., la part ol lilt MO-lot-II<-a dt--poor -1111 ---p>c:: a1 ' .. -. . ~~-~ ~ 41 14 will -llllttlr 1101 A -lo c.._ ~~ ~~: -a Dlr-~ ~_!Ill~---0 41~ -AQort m :It 'a. Dill. 1M 2M .... .,.,...,. ---~-..· •hlrl. ... 'sltz .. a ..... ~-, .. ._. ---• ~-•-.._ •=•• tt ._' &W ......,_ ......... -... _ .. ___ Callf.,r£1 lllt_a_Dofllllaldlllll_&liop_llld_eatlo$1 oao .... Prslll ... -· llttai-WIK M ...... Whdlt .. al.. "A-zl;ltl~111tboadlla lilt Btl .... bid Pl .. ...., -._.ass 1'... /lfff ..,.GIN 'II'I'Sf FlniYlooPr I' 1_.._ IZEZI ...... ...._ ...... _,.,.. 1 ' -,LNIMIWIAHISITI a~c--.-." -.__ .... e11J-'-Tl rt .-.-.. Are-. llf'-It.._ 1£EZ1 YlooPr a 1 tit lilt Is lilt---.. -• ....,M , A -W'tt; .. pia... -.. t.(Giol-..--·-- 0 ..... '"'"' oliiOhrilllllt ~CoattCr--·· lEI. I "" .... ,.. .. 1111 WQo._ .............. 110-. lor .. _ c.-..a ... IMflllt -~ ...... --la lilt Pl'llltll Ia-7 1 Zl'---lo .. -• ts'; II .. 1111' • -'f II -lltM-...a~ ,. .. , tr _ _..lilt -till .,PIIealc ... An...-._. ••111&•-.. .. oez srtsn)ld.'l'llllltltJ.._ a Rra..a ..... -.ss, I,, .... .._ ......... "' ._,• u. '-' M .. $1' .......... -...... Jlft ........ __., ... &NCir•_ ... _..,,,, .. II filii, ........... ..._., ., ....... ,.... .. ,.F,,p,. ,..,';'~~~~ ••...,.. r a 11 .. Jill.~ .. --~~~ aetrtstllill _.,._ i r••a.ti-*&IIIJ-.•._ ..... w liM • tautsre ........ .., .....L... tg r;'m " .... ._~'!! _._ .. ., .. .._.Ill 1111 F»-·c.._-.-Oclt lflsc'llloa.-.---lomi.Tllrltal ftaft .. .,.__ naa•w lTd =? ... ?SRI of a ......... -L-lwJ, .._,....,lTd-1m w&lllf-Ill • llt'tl-ai._Ot 11!1 1ocotr a, • ... ,., =-• n ••-•n • _,"'.,..,.. .. a -· I'& 11111-... ., ....,._ ... liJtt?GI 111 --~ ............ , .. _qvl ., ·-·-----------.... -.. .,--· n: .. ···-~.. -----~~~··· ........... ----· "'ii:iiiit;•.-: = •••., :., • ..,. • ., .., • MUS 111 •• 'n udj! .. c '=•-----o;;!!'!ii•!ii'i!-= • ::', .. '? •:'\:: -··· ~..-----IIA!ijj;=n:r:.-.::.;: ",.: .. -s:,ss.·~=~ -a a LJ • stra.1aht _ .. ___ ,._ ., ., T-b·ln-ll --1M 1M .. 7 IJ • ..... 7 ... --..... -............... , ---: w •• 1HI AMIF~ II'.IT --• lMI Ol'l'tCIAI. MIWJI'AI'Wtl Ia -Ton CIIJ • ._,, ID .. - -wu oot ,_--'J200,..,. "Why, air,' aMweO'Od Olio a-.I, "1loo lla1 4. _. to hsn., *'--·---at-IPP lMI C'I'Y 01' MIIP.T lfoAQI ... ? Wbot .... _ at --t11oy -11u11 is all: and when lhal Is ooco """-.II.......,-I los 7 1 _. 1M--•IU•IP?I THE HAI/10/f AllliA'S 01'1'$61 ft£fgAf'lll ~.~ ..,~-IMir foot I alld -a mao can do ooythlna. Mony • youcb -*P ... "!... PPtr ~ •o:-. ~ rtr71 to Tlla-1711 tr a..or, Offt.:. _. ,... .. ,.._ ..... &..lp ......... ----tlbil...a .....,. God.._.. think it hard 10 tndenr himself a &law f« 14 r~ac I -Ltll -AAin II lr•-'''• ..._-.a 2721 E. C... ttwy •• C.... tW .. C.W. -9tlb. DOt perilb7 )'eln. But Jet bim be over held and ean ill •!.• .... t1 IIIII .,.,... II a. ..,.._ wu .&lndld .., ...U liLIPMOMit&TM• (~ c:.4. 714) ~ ~r ~· ia IMI lite ol General low, 1nd with sud\ a beauteous awmbeut • •-rv•1 4 JP dWI, ,... J1clilt .._ · Francu .Manoa, pves the antWV In the fol-lachael, and he will think no more ot 14 1.._ JIQvd IIMcl. t111t .. IUd: 'f"''MM i8 *'*•11 ~ ,!~=T ~~ EHSICN 1• ta.. Mly •• #If• t!:*" lowin1 iocidmt: yean' suvitude than youna Jacob did. Wc:U,11 "...::. ~af~~c:_o---Ud: ft ctc.'t ._..,.., L': ....... .... Ia II. ky of N*"JHHI't •-=-~ _. * oaly ally About tbia time we recaivtd a 8aa from tbe now this" oactly my caw. 1 am ln Jove; aod ... _ •....-.,,_--. - 1 ta Tlle rtll-Ia ~--,.._. .. ..,._. Ia t .. ,.__,_. ...._.c.-a..... . n--_ u; .._ -----..._ PUt..._. ... tly, _ T-..y. s.eo..1 cl-,...._. ,.14 e~my IP ..,_.,...owa, S.C-. \be obiKt of my awmhean is UBERTY. Be that bc:avcaly ... u-ltCIDm -.. tiou, It ta: ,_. .,. ,...at • C..... •• ...,, c.ru. wtucb was to mate tOme anaftttrnala about nymph my companion, 1hae woods shall hliw ror~ a bl.lrJ' ~ 1a a ta __. .... tMie blaelrw'"'• to ..._. T-NEWPOIT ILUBOIII ENSICN W• .dj..dp4 10 M a ---the exchanae of pritonen. Tbe ............. charm beyond LoDdon and Paris in slavery. To ~ Carl Mclltlr ill JOtb U 8cwt Ia tM a coma ... tUt Olta' wtlllt:PIJt ,.., of .... .a eltc:ll1Mi011. by co~ decree No. A-llU78 ••d of6cet was c:ooductcd blindfolded iaco Mar-have no proud monarch drivina over me with • A I, a to dllb:OJ tbl ocr.rtap ftlcll AINncu ... ,. lt., 1951. ia Superior Court few t~ eo ... , of Or ..... St ... of ion·s encampment. Havina beard are.t talk hit ailt co.ches; nor his host of excisemeu lad =.. *lilltltle How eiM'ea.. fit Aaerk:a. Wtt:Ja a dlwct. 11*'1 ,-• t9at oo1,. C.Jnc.,.i .. ud1lloy reaaoa thereof Ia ~ifiecl to pUll .. all p!SbUe about Genua! Marion, hts faocy had a&turtilly tu-ptherers insultina and robbina; but to be C"~-~=--~~~ -..... 11 Ia ..oil U ,,._.,, ledloe pllteiiiOIIIIIIdaJ ._.. aolie-recpited by 1-. enouJh sketched out for bim JOme ltOUI Iaure my own master my own prince and sovereiJD' --.. "'·--U ~-.-llaolt t-.:tlftb .. biU lllc'1" PAR'VO£. BAAPA .............................. ~ . .O... aacl PUll.._ of a warrior, suc:h u ComwaJiia hi-lt, of •-~---1 . · I d" "ty --~.J&JI.II For_. ta••tMew,.t, M.ulbttallla_.klab t.l 1'1111 u--u _.----..,..,..._ EC HAAPA .. 1 •• 1 .,_ a~~-y preservtnJ m_y natura . IJftl , .--~---·~-•-... _ --~ ~ lou...!..,, . ._.., ..... ........,_ ......... J'U.ISC'if·jj;.Ti.ON ... .t'A'T~:;aeoc:: •• La tor manial as~t and. ftamiaa rq~tala .. But pursurna my true happmas, plantrn1 my V~J». ;:.. , _, ._...._ w 1118 ..,, --IIUea tbat Bet. Robert~ Ia Harbor Aree: Oae ,..,., k.OO· 2 17 00 what was .h.LS surprrse when kd znto Manon's yards, and eatina; lhdr lusdow fruit; sowiDa To "wa 1 liYI my opJ.n1oa· F 1'111 1 •=: ~-:: of tbii..M Alltlll paboe....._ Out of Harbot Alu; Oae ye•' 15.00: 2 ~::: 19'00 presence, and the bandap: taken from his eyes. my fie lds, and reaping aolden grain; and 1e0-''Artic.aate aad dn'•-' DI'ID&D 1 llpDce dttiDJD -. ,.,._ • ' • he beheld in our hero a swarthy, smote dried ina millions of brothers all around me, equally but UDWpat...,, -. Jet, Natsa.l Blact EOOIKMD~ Coo. Jlllted tbl ...... nu,tcw: r-.. ..,...,...,...,..,...,.<:>o.,...,.....,...,_,...,....,........,....,...,...,~.Q little man, with scarcely eoouah of lhrud-barc free and,.happy as myself-this sir, is what I Tbe Herald of. f-reedom, Boz ~~!;_*: W::!,u~ -= l:lr c.. ... , Or- d J IJ " .ll.p homespun to cover his nakednaal lnatead of lona for. 3 zu-" If J lA itiii&JIO '"t-"'1 COat -.--•-Uoe S..,.... tM& tldl .,,. .C,tJd. tall rank! of aaily-dressed soldiers, a baodful The officer replied that both as a man and a .dwc.. lh'• ita;' JoUOWllcb6o-F~= b' maty 0. .. JrOIIt laid ....,.._. U. -ol ~ of sun-burnt, yc.llow-leged militiamen; aome Briton, he mUst subscribe to this as a happy lfll*lcaJ data.: JIIDIS Formu P" M y' lou hoi--'7'H,514 to COIIUD.U, aro. ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign routina potatoes, and some asleep, with their slate of thinp. ia .0 .. amu «maD c:---... J.erolrld 1a miiU.• Ud dla... ftinHocks and powder-horns lyina by tbe:m 011 "Happy," quoth Marion, "yes happy iodCcd; ma:rted~~-:L•:.~ "Oar ftatlt II a,a.IDit radlm, ,.un acUriU... tbc: lop. Havina recovered a litde from hilsur-and I would rather fight for such blessinp for Fcwmaa'a IMpOYNr aa ou: ~tan.~'*' t::=,-:,-::m· F I do DOt <Wtsfder U.U Jam• PUBLIC BIDDING IS ESSENTIAL prise, he presented his letter to Gcoeral Mu-my country, and feed on roots, than keep lud llwy• c:liJ.m.i to be aa • Ue I I OI'IDU IUmert&edtbtiAfti- lnsurance brokers and 2 former Council-ion. who perused it and soon settled evcrythina aloof, !hough wallowing in all the luxuries of ldHttfted -......... r~par-=~.~~~~tbrt ::!i :...tbat 1D M ~ iDUW,.._ He to his satisfaction. The officer took up bit hat Solomon. For now. sir, I walk the soil that t.llJ owu tbe buUdla,inwbtcb .. T' uctioD aaddl __., tbat ncl..tm men WhO spoke at Monday evening's to retire. gave me binh, and exult in the thoua,ht that I tbe Formaa'a UwelD NewYort.. = la~ tbl buda ol*u!; ~l..aatel tblltf• olNqroe1. t1ng f th N cb Ci C "Oh no!" said Marion, "it is now about time am not unworthy of it. I look upon these AD article lD tbl New Yott Stat. Tbia emeat " Jlt to· flDd a wblte mee 0 e ewport Bea ty oun-of dining; and 1 hope, si r, you will Jive us tbe: venerable treft around .m. and feel that 1 do DallJ News o1 last Kay 10 led b,. r =...,.,. b~~ ~ ~800 U:bo 11 a f'IC1at. .,.. .. Cil made a good case for the need fOr pleasure of your company to dinner." not dishonor them. I chink of my own sacred atated: ' TbJ.s 1,:0c:atel u.t be~ • ten1ble riots ol tbe seeking public bids on insurance coverage. At the .mntion of the wocd dinner, the riahts. and rejoice that 1 have not basely cte;. "Forman, formerly IJ:Itenaa-a comm..ut t:a.acww aad ':!: f:"* Y~~ Tbe act-.1 ract.ta. British officer looked arouod him, but to his sertcd them. And when I look forward to tbc Uoaa.l aaalrl director of lbe his defDIIIdl.. D r • . b DIJ •-are tM m.Wtut The anv:mnt of money involved is con-~feat monification, could see no sian of a pot, lona. long ages of posc.erity. 1. glory in the studeBt Hoo-•iolW Coonlia-for any 1ft'OIICI ~ ~·:~ ..!:.." Form.&D siderable, almost $200,000 1n annual pre-pan, Dulch-oven, or any other cootina ucenail th~ght that .1 am fightrn.g thw banles. Tbc: Uac Commutee,,.. dleertbed bJacU. 11 oalJ ••'1111dow dru-1 dea7 tlLI claim u.'t "n.c that could raise the spirits of a hungry man. ch1ldren of d•stant. ge~~nt1on~ may never hear by pollee irlleW,poce marces Jbc." 1 bold tblt tbe r-.1 par .. wbite Amtri ._. lo~ mium. In spending that am:>Unt Of tax-··well. Tom." said the General to one of his my na.m; but sill! 11 gladdens my heart to as bnJDJ articulate aaddetply poee bebiad tbiBlackMulleato ca. up ~ payers' money; the Council certainly men, ··come JiYe us our dinner." Tbc diMer think th.at I a~ now Cl>nlenc.ling. for .~ir free-c:ommltt-4 to tbe dnt rlabtl 11 to raJse faDda to CWertbrow ~::c::: ;:~~ 0: h uld b bll II to which he alluded, was no other than a heap dom. w1th a_ll 1ts countless _bless.ngs. moremeat, but ~.:!by loci-tbe lJDl•---·-IDd .... "'--~-... _ other ,._ 1 .! .. -•~t s o e o gated to to ow the poUcy 1 • •• " T• E 1 h • • • d d 1 ••• --w----. -· •• o sweet potatoes. tnat were snu.,y r011suna ue ng •s man nung niS nea an oo~ cal problems, u.t 1a tbe past, a c:ommWiilt b.Jreolrer Necroe ba been fa -1D of public bidding. under the embers. which, with a pine stick as if he had been the uphrading ghosts of his caUMd tw bolpftaliJatklu. AD -Ia! 1D tbe D.~t-_""'Y 5 '!. _ ..... ..::::. k 1·•-d f •-· b "II . s··• d H pde "A ........ ~ .._ caas ..., a IT -.,.ee The Ct'ty's tax CO suit t and in po er were soon ,..,.rate rom lnctr as con-1 ustt1ous countrymen. 1uney an am n. ccor_.. to recordJ ob-Coaaty Am•lcanrelutuJames tbaa tbe wb1•-,_ .....t..U n an surance finements and placed between the Britiah of· On his return to Gcorg.:town, he wu asked by l:aJDed by tbe pollee. Forma.a Formaa u illlowl: "Tbe shtuce. -· "' .,_.. c u-broker argued that insurance is a com-ficcr and Marion, on the trunk of the fallen. Col. Watson wh y he looked so serious? wu ptcbd ""oa. Ftbnlu'J M. Neero'• lDt 11 miiCb lmprored modity that does not lend itself to public pine on which chey sat. ··1 have cause. "ir." said he. "to look so 1953, attart.ac a Prll' r:IIM'mt-todaJ. lluyNecroeab&Yiorer- .. , fear, sir," said the Genera.!, "our dinner serious." "What!" Hil~ Gen. Marion refused to tory at USC. The Los ~lea come tllelr problemJr by tbe bidding, and that the City WOuld lose a will noc prove so palatable to you as I would treat?'' "No. Sir ... "Wdl then, has old WaJb.. Cowlty Court committed blm to swat of tbe brow. NiPIJ-G.Ye COnSiderable sum in accumulated cash wish; but it is the best we have." ins:ton defeated Sir Henry Climon. and broken tbe CamarWo state llolpttat. per ceat o1 tbe Necrou 1D advantage if there is a change in insurance The officer, who was a well-bred man, took up our arm?" "No, sir. not that neither; but wbere be rMM''*' ...W. J~mt America blow bow Wtll of they up one of the potatoes, and affected to feed, worse." "Ah ! What can be worse?" 11, 1953, wbla be wu d1a-are, TbeJ tnow ttat theJ are carrier. U there is any validity in such an as if he had found a areal dainty; but it was "Why. 'lir. 1 have ~n an American General cbarpd u ..waprv...:t.For-more 'ncceutuJ. wealtbt•, t th in t t plain that he ate more from good mannen and his officen. without pay, and almost with-mu tbrtD WU tllrDICI OHrtotM better boGied IDd clotbed, ud. argumen 1 en an SUrance COn rae than aood appetite. out clothes. living on roots, and drinkinJ wa-Veten.u Adm1D1.tratloll b-ta.joJ IDQI"t ft-eedom1 Ulan U)' would be ''locked in" forever, because the The Enalishman said he "did oot believe it rer; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have pJtal iD Loa: ADpiM, wbere be «* eqatnJat group UJ- sa..me argument would hold with equal logic would be an easy mauer to reconcile hia feel · we against such .mn?" rema!Ded aaW May 21, li54." wbere 1D tbe world. .. ings to a soldier's life on Genc"nll Marion's In that spiril was our freedom wor •• and 1'be lfn York Ttmea na It pi'O't'• tblt tbe OYenrbel-each year. Obviously' that would not make terms: all fi&htina. DO pa y. and no provisions only in that spi ril can it he kept.-Amcrican quoted bytbiHera.JdotFrNidom mLDc ma.jDntJ ol Amerlca.aNt- good business sense. Business firms, big but pocatoca." Way Featurn u ltatlac: ''Tbe 4()...yeu~ croea acr• wWI m·etbatJam .. and small, often change agents and poU-Ed• !cie~ -;tfldt.:th~ ;whim, to ~ 1...,r ~to o!)tain"imprcn:ect eover~e or better . · !1...,· I~ •price or both The same economic fa ... -llr . ..S llrs. Am>-· «P.,.tlooo, :.•P.,ulfes, till '. ' · ""' Easlgo PubllllllDc Co. I'MC are i 'tool ~' tbo (' LEGAL NOnCE NOTICE TO CREDri'ORS No. A. SI9Z1 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNlA FOR THE COUNTY OF alANGE Ellaleol ELVERA T. OOWNEY, .....,..._, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .. 1111 .. -. olllll -....... .,... t?lilt&Uper- ll&ft&celalluacu.otllllald c»c.,.. are rlqllnd ta mt tMm. wilb till MCUVlJ toe- -O,io.IM_II .. elort ., .. _, _ _.,_ .. of busmess reality should apply Ukewlse Dear Hop ..s p1111, friiiCblso bolllc -..,.,.tile to the spending of tax money. Iwudlo IUeuw._....uy priDetp?o, 'old enouct>ll> worll, . . . to tbank rou both for tbe woo. old eooup to vote.' 1D ..,ery The Ctty Councli properly announced derM eooorace ,... pre tile n111 Ill utetho udlqoatld pre- its intent to give serious study to the ad-boys a.od girls II Bay VIew judices thai the 'elders' .- • • Scbool this past scbool year must lead (wt.ll be) brobn down .. I I•-.-.. - ,CS P'J "**-a.lotllll ...... ..-:•elo-&;-. t ·-A11onoJ sl ,_, 110 I. ,.,..., a ......_ a.. 110, CoG -. calllorlla -7. 'Wt!~Dlltale piKe afb?d'll " .. _.....,,.111_1 visabihty of calling for public bids next on thetr Arbor Day Procnm .•. tile •.. system v!U- year. and also on the Memorial Day 'CI' a 11ft world tor the youtb.'• program. · "Tbe boasted Amtrtca.D. Another aspect of the city's insurance It ts nice to tmw that your borne. ensla.Ylng the womao package is also a matter of concern. The newspaper isn."t eo bta or suc-tbrouctt her ecooomic infer- cesstut that you can oo 1on.ger iorUJ aDd ber chJidren, mates new plan approved Monday night is a cover tile children's ereats. bor depeodeat>e>onhorbosbond. breakthrough into an extremely costly 1 know UJere were a lot of Oo Ill sides 11>e coalroots su AWARD WINIIIIIG-models, r-Lap ..s pluo.,. fi ld f d d D tal parents, as well u t..cbers, taboos, · • • cultinted by the n-.. -,.~ ... Co••--arcbitectaral studeiU are DOW Oil dU-e o expan e coverage. en ex-b b Tho lutt -·-.•-...... wbo enjoyed readlne the com-c arc ·• • • • • · revo 00 plaJ iD the Corooa del Mar omce of tbrt award tpODIO", penses are included, maternity benefits plete stories of tho .. _ wtll pro-ly chlngo au thls Newport Bllboa S.rtop ..s Lou "-• Ill 1111 Noopo<t are provided, and all dependents of city 01 the Year" -a.od -• • • Tbe free American '""11"" Center lllllacW p-. Plctarld here II 1111 oward pre. nice U was tr.t you pat tbt • • • .will t'ltMtallJ scorn the sentation tor nut y~ sttlt..U are, from left, Oscar employees are cover ed at taxpayer ex-pictures of each cbild in tbe wbole fabric of ••• sez bypro-Taylor, occ lnstructor; Joa staleJ ot Rnnt1flllM Beacb, pens e. The argument of the city staff oew,.,...r. Haring..,... some crlsy""' prudery··· Torr.. 3rd place winner: RollbiD Beeker ofBIIboa?alaod,-• years in tbe new!l)ll)el' pme the woman from the en-mention; Robert Muwell of Costa Mesa. ftrat place wtDDir' 1 and Council is that these additional fringe before golD( 1n1n tachlng, lim ol .. ement of tho -.weAre a.od Goroon Redmoo, assistant rlce-~~<uldoot of Newpnrt benefits are given In place of even greater aware that k> set aU that I1PO of her children Is~ • main aa-Sarlnp. No< pictured, Dave Buebuu,ZIIdp?aee,ud and to make that number olea .. object 01 IIOCiUlsm. Christopber Buou, presentaUOI'J wtmw. (MclfaUJ pboto.) cost in additional pay increase. City gravtngs 15 a costly _..uoo. lllbo.wu the world-reiiOWlled portabloc .. Ills -" --.----tlllllratpabuQtloDoltllls -· Daltd s-s, 111ft, GEORGE L. OOUBLED£E Goorp L. Doolb-E-ol tbt WWollbe -·---E. 8--At-....., II Law, 150 E. s.. ... -SlrMI, Sa1ll 210, Coat& llua, Callfornll IIIU7, -MI-S210. All<lniJ 1>r Eroe-. Ptlbllab: JUDI 5, 11. 19, 26, 1969, in the Newport Harbor Eo .. sip. LEGAL ~OTICE management will find out that in time the We truly 'R>reclall 1111...,. prophet wbo mode these claims VFW I d" ff• city employees will be considering these poofrt ... ~ouN~nc., .. tb• ~~!! ~e~U:: o~lb~~~~ a 185 name 0 ICers P..U773 -··~· -CERTinCATE OF StillNESS new benefits as their natural right, not as School Dlstrlcl.l am-Ia?P7 m>mlsl Party, u.s.A. lira. lllldrldllalbews, .... l)>welll "'' ltci•IIUOo-IWdrtd Fletttloao Firm Nome extra salary, because they never see this thi'Uled that 100 han.,... 10 ~~r.:,.:~1Wood1 installedpresidemoltbeLadleslilatbn's;Amu-lcaDlam-M&J THE UMDERSIGNEDdobere- nice to llS, even thoucb ft are c · 0 Auxiliary to the Vettnna:ofFo-Buc:k.laDd; ...,.!tal-Katjorll bJ eertlfJ tblt lMJ are ODD-money or spend it. In distressingly short geographically quite • dloi&Dce San Gobrlel. ~-··· • -·bl ~--..s from yoo. Please lalow u.t relgo. Wars. CoutllM Post Blrtrud; cucer U1 &ad n.. ---~ ~-............ time, that which Is given free Is received Instlllli>g Ion of COiillllly,.-LEGAL NOTICE 353&, Costa we.., wt11 becla .-reb-CalblriDI Torr-..n. '-l~Dc-•1117~ with little gratitude. of Bay Vlew'smajorobjocttru. ber 2nd term of ollleeolllcWiy .._,-Alii ilrlgo; "'lee II w. Cout Hl&f!WQ, Plnport P-3S885 with tbo first m-., Ill Jaly. democracy -Allo Brlao; ud a..a. Calllanla -. -Now the city has entered a field of Sincerely, CERTIFICATE or BUSINESS T-l•sta"td k> _,..with bliP Ill-QO(t-tiiiAtallo tr ~<II-firm ,.... ol additional public expense, a matter of ~!"~ W-1 Flctlllooa Firm Name her ... ,_ riee-11<-.ot. larJ, CHERYL A. STEVEIIS ,_..,.. lldoiDo -WHI Cout""" tllot grave concern for hardpressed taxpayers. Bay VIew SchooL THE UNDERSIGNED does FrUc:Ia -•II; -nco-AI tbo Jut -... Pluti tar o1 llro. _,. w.t.r.w.. ~._.~ Ia """= ollbl borlby certifY u.t Ill 7a coo-pruldeot, Nlla CWiala; tr•· T-wu 11<111 hd wlta I UI-I/I-8t.,WtltMoopo<t, --per-- This is a field where there is no step-•RED -, ROPHET'' c1oet1ac • '"'"'-• III651 Pia--•· IWdrld -e; ..re-lilt -lllllplatr v-.,.. ..,.._ •-ote:u.. Ia ""' ""' pa-"' ..-. 1ng b k nl h t of d Editor of tile Ellllp, C01111s, Coot& 114... Calli., larJ, P-I llron; c-ID, of Fortlp -·M-7-. ..S ,..,..w !1'llllllc II on u t>IJon, to wll: p ac , o y t e prospec more an u ts ahraJ• an.'"""" t?dllc __. u. ac:ut~oua arm Dame May Bac•IMd; CODdlctrtu. tx Mnlce to_. •"''"':JUri! ;;:',11actp;;:-'f'ral.lmiC--Clla:IR M..u.r more benefits and thus more and more "'read ...-luud--at A-Aieetrte""" tllotaldllrm Flo<._ Klre-; a-rd. COIIUIIIIIII)', Pr-IWdrtd ._ Ia "-C!tJ 111-1 5I7I'ai'IIPIII spending. accurate some ~ 1a eompoMd ot tbt lolloi'Lac Marjorie 8ertnDd; hlA:Irlu, Matbn'alld•t Dbt'ldatla:~•YillbtwwliCiarr•nar~ CaroM411Mar,CaW. ,._. .._,bln"cal?od per-wllooe-?oMIIIII!, ud polrlotle--, '--did aa ·---llo?dll•bolr4TWA'o-ell?ar-a,r.K. C-?Wa tile sllots" ,..ro oW ~~-p11ce o1 •-• ore u 1>7· mu Ktl?J; f!ac beerw, A11o till E-AlP 8ctlool 1D .. .., f?IPII-"-C!t)' 1'141 W, Cout IIIPwa1 Oot ...,b world-r-q.. ...., PD-wll: Gorud •-u, Bri&P; a>-'do•, 1 -11<-*' -ol dlnoe • .,_7 Atqlorl. "w-'Jr•--. __ Colli. __ _ diYidtaJ dHc:rlbed ,_lilett:r, 5001 IUY• A't'l., Newport Moon; ~ bear•, lo-nq &WU'dL "niJ ..... ala d'--- aboostl><ty ,..ro--~~ -, CoiiL .... lat T--co?or llo, I, II< II I lllbl eor-·c?ll-MilS. IVIL YM HART Of ay II 1-. INt. State officers here HI(IIIlellllnc k>day's meeting mao of Heallh. porlleoluiJ tbo --to-.-,II 1-. INt. ,._; Co?or Plo. I, Cud -II--1 171 1 c?11 -._ L ~?Wa taklor place 11: t--.,, WIIM!III ay -tills 8111 1.001 Boric; co?or llo.'l, -111P -tr tr Jr 7 CIJM !!11~11 1:-.t M- (JWW! 26) of the Jtm.l.or Ebell Tbe Pf'OII'&ID wW be pre .. p>eriiDIIIt IC"oool. -.uea Glrvd w-... IIOill; c:oiGr No.4, MurltllWQ... Mn. •tt q •p •nd!tlllit 11~111 J11rt. 11. o1 STAft Of~~ Club of Newport Beach wiU be -byllro.HorloWRiellor<l-low tbiap be llld to_,_ STATE OF CALIFORI!lA) Ill; -. I ,_.., _,. tr -lriSWia -will 114 c:amar-A .... -~-OOUin"f OPOR.UIGII • ~~::~.:: .. "'::;~ =-~ ftJ~:-.s ~!::: .:!u:c!::..:.: COVMTY OF tXWfGE )u. i:ra::'~t1 ,=.'7-.': ~~=-.:~ ~':.:: UAat =a 0!~! .. fit U. ~ ~~=~~ llldenl, will pr-at llrs. Du maa lnd oo-cbllrmu. "!low mtol WW """' 1D -*' I* TPIII D .-, II 1--Tan-... will,.... 1111_11_ .., ll7 tr• Lodp 11, of ... tr .... ....., .. -. llcKIIlllOO, state JI<U!dtol ol k> male -I'll ool ol-eu7t1n1 --:.07111-ltll -. .... ~...: CooatH• ._,,....,--%? .,,,_.. ~ ---·-r ....... ?brtlt,.., h., C&lllornll F-.tloo of Wo-tbllll'' wiD bl till -of 1oW11r. Tbo = Oll'lp 1Pc 'ud tr .... _, ... ---al .. 1M Ill-. rM .. f 11 a Ill¢ • ........ -.... Ill' mea's Cl~ J..sor Mem-U.lrt!Jr:W'!..""':::: ... .,...._ ._....,.: .... ,, 'S c....., diiJ tr1d....,. .....-. "uti.IIU.JOIMMIM Glvat lwtlsaa •• 211r t 112«, 1111•':_ c-.. • I _. bershJp, aad 11r1. Hear)' mem •• diiUillf Ull ........ .._ 111 ahtdnlt _.......,,.. .. reea; "h* •t.a.r ..... YA MIIML POIHiaCMalt 11n......,. 0. ,_..,..._ 1tna ClezhJThh•,... Kotbler, state corrMPOOdlnc ~-~ IC!eec!eehdapillb' JWfcwl DIS lit ........... ...., ••!LNIS ~ 8 1 ,,, I ..tl........... II.L AJ..,.. ...... ~ ........ r lr,CIS ... -...... Ell - OKreluy. -· .liD& ••• TN -wll .. Wll 7 11,-to .. to b1 pl!al--M7 ....... --·• _ .. ___ Ciart--t_ I 1: tr Po chargo of till_, lor llrs.= IQ!ete!7,e=:,: r-OOd, ...... 1 11 :.0 ___ ,_ ......... c;onl..,._lw __ ~ r:-rl-:::.:.-::-II~ I'-,--q,_. I.S. ~:a:,::-..:.u..:: =of.~-::.-:.:.::..--:-:~=-.:::::!:.'::.-:: ;1 $?:.:-:,==~c.*-. •:;A» .... :-1·::.::-::.~ =tl Mthll SIS hf .. =~= =~-== =--~J:!~ =:i~ ~ ao:.'1w1111"';:; ':, "":;, .,: =..-: =.-:o.s::f1t;': : =~~a o ?l:. "'" I :r: -.. _:1 •• "' _ _._ .. l:'t!I::.S ~ ........ ::. "!:';. :...::...:.::.: :::. ":· ... -.:r .r~: :, -=-.a...~ L;.::..: ..... .::,; .., :. -• ·~ I :-:-. -=-~:. ... : F ... ,. ..,. ;o. ':-= ........... .... ,. •. , rt a11 n. ,., ..... .._ ..... ......,. ~ s n ec .... ~---. .. ,, ... =••• a •--11w, a-....... Cllllt ... ..._ ,......,.,_.,. llis. ,_ ............ ,...,._.,tl?!l••-· .,ens 11,.1.,,.,..,.._.._ ---• •••ut.llsrll-lwa ~ 17 •ula.wwu-. t1rs. Q A I , -'7 ,.11--aa' 7 I J:*f!•·• t:::--::S" 'a I,_._ alt-11" I 1M. , f Sl 1 ~~alllnll ..... !! ,._,. .. \: :~~~~~~~ ... =::~ lw~loa 7(11111 .. -"'TTil _ _.., -., IIIJ'I,IO, __ ,. __ .._,__ .. Crl i ,.•111111 -~ --;. - 7 , 7 7 I a' to ":.0 J11Wi ... (wi?Pelr II 1 1\ U., ..., Milos -.... 0 • -71&3 I --AIIilliJ ..... $ llW7.11., .-.,II' 7 ., -.-t _.-tiM'-t-' .... "1 11 .._ ..... _. •••b-----.... ~ . ' PICTURED at tbe En.,tre -b&ll at tbe Nowporter 1no are, from left. Mrs. J. O'Hara Smith, presldel:t of tbe apouortog1 Harbor Key ot tbe CbUd GuJdaDee Ceotar; Mrs. E. stewart Petar1011, ball cbairman, and Mrs. Jobn Robert Sparllllc. put J)l'nldeol. Fund projects planned ASSIGHED TO SHEPPARD Atrmu Pbli.Up c. Peterson, soo ot Mr. Ulld Mrs. Earl G. P-000, 305KillpPiaee, CUff HaYeu, bu eompl.ated bute trallliA( at l.acklaad AFB, Tea.s. He bU bleD uslpllld to SbeAJu'd AFB, TeJU, b' tnl· IUDc u a medical Hr'Y1ees specia.UJt. He lA: a cramate of Newport -HIP Scbool aDd attended Orep state UQl- rer~ty &ad Orup Cout Col- M.J .L , •• ADD ONE SCREAM Can you ima&ine pourina turpentine on an open c:ut? This was the favorite way to preYent klckjaw some yean aao. Naturally, we wouldn't think o( dokla this now. But then, we're lucky. Wt ha...e tetanus to•oick and antitoxins. Thanh to medical ICic:nce, lockjaw need ·no 1on,er be a killer ... previously, death OCCUrred in 90% of the cues. Olildren, becaute ol their affinity for cuts, sometimes piclc up the cetanut Jtnn. So, if there are youna children in )'OW' family, be sure to ask your physician about p~tive tetanus shots. It's always wile to !ICICk your doctor'• adviat before usina any medicines . .And next time you have a prescription to be fiUed, lhink of us. -&. COAft ... T. -A-.-............ COFFEE Libby's ILB.69t 2LBS.137 Frozr:n Foods no• .,., ... • • 1:11 .. aJNa.tn t 111 1 _.., .. SPEOALS JUNE ~27-:11 ' PEAS & 19( LB. FREMCHIES SHOESTRING PK. POTATOES 19t HOME SOCIETY DEB11FANTES are pl-ed bertwllllllrs. wtDJam c. Adlms. debutute cbairman. at tbe preseatatioo too. LoA to rlpt: Kalhryu Lyacb, Kareo Jaeksoo, Marlanoe Cos_ Sblroa TOOmpsoo. Jessica Jooes, Mrs. Adams, llld Vlrp.ala Bowell. (Peter Z. M. SIDpr photo.) FOUND DIAD IN HOME "J.UZ BY THE BAY" llelea FoertmeJV wu dl.s. Two studelb from Newport COYered <*d JUDe 20 1D ber Beach appeared 1.n Z coocert. loebd bome atl'JOlCWl'Drlve, with the SaD DiegoStateCollege Cwr HaYen. Sbe1la Tutt, 1705 jus ensemble June ZO and211D CUlt Drift, bad beeo trying "jus by the bay" festivals. to eODtaet ber all d&ylDd, since Cbrls Babbitt was featured on lbl kDiw tbe rieUm was 111, and Stephen Pierce abe called pollee. Pollee listed the trwnpet with tbe proll&ble caUl ol death as old at Ba.ll:na Naval .... SPORTSWEAR 1/3 OFF CELEBRATING THE 4th WITH A BIG SPORTSWEAR SHIFTS-CAPRIS BLOUSES PANT DRESSES CREDIT CAIDS WILCOME . 3424 VIA I.IDO.,HIWPORT IIIEAICH -.,..,. - MRS. WILSON WOOOMAII, presldealoflbe Newport Bubar Auxiliary ofCtU.Idreo's Home Society, 1s welcom.I.Dclil&rpret Leoore Parter to tbe W&Dte J)l"esenbtton ta. At tbl left are Sbaroo Thompson and Terry AnD EW... (Peter Z. Y.Stngerpl>olo.) Debs announced I • ' .... . ~ ' ... ...._ Ana n-r. Gi?S ...... aa ... a. == •*-, ••11111'-14 _.,... ,.., .. -»n• -1 .a-·-·· . caa-"'"'--c.-••1 t--r. IM~ . , Molfarsa. .. , .. " Slfety boll "PIIIde set. --,... G. 111111, .... •....rt ,~ .Joiiii;La-,,Aru..ahN', ...... -, I' 0 I C 111111J 811'"' lloblrt W, Mel ..... 'nt'qs P'ndlrlck Itt , Ito-II .. 111111 Jtwrlr ·a ·w OdelL Robert W. CI.I .. Jto.. eoua.. Au. I,......... __f0L-"'Is t -.. Cl'l& tU. af -;. Bwl,.n, 1*11. ·-· v....., ~-· r. -..., --•Mm' 81t1J ..._ ..,. C:.O., R. Cllrlr, -)Ill Foro--M*MIJ. loa Co"~M, -a _..,.._IIIIo -Carol -· -BarrJ 1.-illd -GIJ.. -.._, .... _ ~-... llllltr illd --· bert. . Ud Ia ._. ...,. --1o1u11-Eclnrd B. -AI= -Torr)' Ar._ a1 All ............ ii ........... . C-po,MlebeoiH.K-illd IM-.11...._ --.. -·--.---Gall Wlllla. ud Robtrt S!r·~t' ·, llllenan• -ftlolo II Ja. Ia lllo ......-; _,. .. Ll. c-delil4r--R. Lldolllo AorryAiolar-·-II lNI illd 11u-C-• .lallo C, ......... Lol(. Carole Bone; K-F-Flaelaar illd Claln me t -~~~ -. 111a1 dolo. F-local --of -lor, Rlebard GaulorJ, Ltlto. U wW -*t u a wllolb' -....,.. -. ollorllll ~ lllellula llld Pam BQ<:reel-Rlllb -· --l'7ofiKL,--IIJ 1-Dito .... IIIJ Wllb. 11......,n Sbo<ee -11onN -o1 dllllai oa1cro. I, will be lllo -·--of Barbor VIew lllllo-Geral· Carter, Rt...._,. IIIIIID, Law. m-1, 1oea1111 ID 1J10 fnolao -llr lllo U.S. Caul Goif4 diDo Wall, Jaotl Parnr, Jollll r-. M11fP11J,Ilarld Smllllud -lal -Ia a1 ~~-al lllo II--- E<lnrd Pull. ~ -... .....,, EuiBbiii-PameloFuUer. s..L J-19. 11......,n Hei&IQ -Loll SUllO STOLEN Tilt --........ Slaw. Mark Job•-1150 VUII E .. a IIIII o1 tbe U.S. -~ Well Newport Hei&IQ-Indo, Eut Bioi!, r~ lbe -a mtmborlldp of ..... Miellul 8-pr. ;lball=~of=a~·:l~?.l~-=.=.:la;~ot•aad ... ~'IOO=::==-~~~=:---II Weet 1Wtr Bey -Fraalr cltek J-II. FeU..· ln1ne-Robtrt Allrldpllld --Colla u--Judllb Wya,jl, Patricia ud Artbar Adair, -Bub, Gary Berdltr. Barr)' Blul,-Br..,..., J-CarUMUe, Lealoy Clark, Rlllb Commtnp, Gar}' DetTlts, Robert Dualar, Darcie Fnace, BoiiDla Gall~. Allall -.Mary J..U, DlaDoKMI· clall, Darlollt IAmlllreD, llpooa -., Rleberd YeDowall, Dareyl Meta, Geor ..... e Mo<· ria, Jerry Nlllola, Jeffrey Nlme...... Ropr Parl<or, Bon voyage :=·~:-~s:.:: mu, ltlcba.el Waraer, Jou for sailors ::u.~~p~<t .. :=: o.. N L 1 Eupol!! Barlow, Jact Boydt, '"' ....,. .,, .,. James·llendlnpr, MlelluiFior (rispia "Crls" Term lt wW be a Dllbt of boo r8Dtl.Do, JobP. Fotldi, Rlcbard voyage a.od best wisbes as mem-Ha.oebett, Richard HolliAp- Newty eboseo debutantes a.od aaugbter ot Rlc.bard Deane Ho-bers of Bahia Coriothii.D Yacht bead, Wa.lter Qu.l.n.laD, cuar their mothers were honored well aDd U.rs. Robert Yardley, Club pther 1n tbelr clubhouse, Romero, Edward Sucbomel, at the tra.d.itJona.l presentatioo Newport Bea.ch. 1901 Bayside Drive, Coroaadel DuaDe WUUams, James Gar- tea l..D tbe Sbol'e Cutrs home of Karen Kuemmel Jactsoo,. Mar, a.t 7:30 p.m. Thursday, moo, Frankli.ll BUler, DlaoDI Mrs. John KlUefer. daughter of Wr . a.nd Mrs. Ro-July 3 lor tbe big aloba seod-Espua., Oouc1aS Grabam, The debutame ball, to tate bert Enns Jackson, Newport off party for more thaD 45 Loren Hllfstetltr, Josepb Ko- p.lace Dee. 27 a.t t,be Balboa. Bay Beach, Tra.o.s-Pac travellers a.ad en-llil.a, Rlebard IA¥er1Dc. James Club as the higb.llgtltofthe holl-Jessica Mordord Jooes, trants. Newkfrt, Hal Paulsea. JOI.D da.y season, 1s sponsored by the daughter of Mr. a.od Mrs. Henry Dress lor the enning Y1ll Smllh. WWiam E.apl, Pierre Newport Harbor AUJilJ.ary of L1Dcoln Jooes, Newport Beach. be luau shirts, mu-muus, Sapt a.od YvoDDt SUYer. Children's Home Society of Lauren Ann Kalmbach, cocoanut ba.ts a.odmlnisaroogs. CaWoro.ta. da.ughter, of Mr. and Mrs, Her-Trays of t.ruit awettsers a.nd ALUMS AFLO A..T ELECT Tbe younc women and their bert Wuren Kalmbach, New-watermelloo balves 1l1led Yitb Scott AceTitlo, 1100 of Mr. mother s were welcomed by port Beach. melon ba.l1s setooU-leaveswW aDd Mrs. Artlna Acendo, 2950 Mrs. Wilson V. Woodman,auxJ-Linda Leslee Littlejohn, decorate tbe cocktail tables In Carob St., East Stuff. bu: beeD llary presideat, aod Mrs. Royal da.ugbter of Dr. a.od Mrs. Ver-true Island atiiiOfiPbere. eleet8d presld«d ot World D. Tucker, ball cba.trman.. Ho._ OOD Lester Lltt.lejohD, Newport U you justbappentobelnyour CUIJI)US Afloat AlumDI Club at tess dllttes-wreJI!Id;lrmed by .~ ,, crew shirt a.ad put pt ... "' or Cl»p~~~ :-:::-.w~-bors and !aU Kalhryn!Aooa Lcmell,clau&b· Y""rllaX-"'1 tiJ>je,toebal>ptrcm' Scilll ' a ~..-s: IS NOW ASSOCIATED WITH DEE'S BEAUTY SALON 703 E. BALBOA -CALBOA ON THE PENINSULA ~ .. If! : IDimblr1; Jbeltdiot" ller of Kr. and Mra. f~ 'It. lor~ bgiWa .. u to. 1Do-warJ .tldnil; h !~S.~~~ ~ ---1 Ills. WW!uo C. Adams, -· Lyacb, Corooa"" Mao. lormal, U's stiU,... ebaaeeiD dam tn lbe lllD taDte cbalrmu; Mrs. Robert Pamela Jeu Meserve, cite our boys eatered In tb1 1188. Be ....,.td c.~ " 673-5'170 - Hodsoo, umtatlons; Ills. Ren-daugbler or .... """ ..... JOhn Trans.Pae .......... ' Forelp A1l. lbe 81111-SPECIALISTS IN HAIR PIECES lro C. Newcomb, preseotaUoo; Robert Meserve, Newport All are nlcome tor this• IJ=-~~:_ ______ ....!~==================~ Mrs. Walla.ce Gerie, decora-Beacb. "big...ooe." Bl"ing buckets of F Uoos; Mrs. Robert Oiemer,re-Margaret Leoore Parker, luck for our 3 sJdppers aDd serTatlons; Mrs. Frank H. da.ugbter of Mr. and Mrs. JobD boats entered. Ott ot 7S boats, Jt8 what8 inside that counts! This means the Mariners people and their proven pro· fessionalism in maHers of finance II means Mariners people · to-people interest in your security and Mariners wise invHtmenl ol your money m the progress of our community. Jo in your neighbors and open a Mar1ners savings account. toda~. Remember: Federally-msured savings with the nation 's highest rate of interest. from day in to day out. Also free Travelers Cheques and free safe deposit boxes (w1th minimum $5,000 account). /'"',\ \ J \ J\ J '\ I I\ ' " \\ J \ I , ' •• \ 1 ...... Trane, programs; Mrs. Richard Be.raa.rd Parker, Newport 3 are O)'in&: tbe 9:YC burpe: Hess, pre-ball party; Mrs. w. Beach. John Hooten's Desti.rQ' n. a Phe_,s Merictel, hostesses; Deanna Kay Peyton, daughter SanCaoa 37; Jm LtD.tletter's Mrs. WW1am F. Harper, trea-of Mr. aDd Mrs. Charles Rap.n Esperance, a Cal to, a.od AI surer; Mrs. Ira w. Smith, Peyton, Corona del Mar. Scboellerman•s AnDa Marta. n, pbotograpb; Mrs. TerreU L. D1aoe Plumb, daughter of Dr. a Cal 40. A.ll er..., members Root, press, and Mrs. John and Mrs.HU&bJuliusPiumbJr., are BCYC members. Klllefer, teas and coffee. Newport Beach. Crewl.nc aboard the Jotm The debutantes, choseo by a Sbaroo Thompson, daughter Hooten boat are W. Dean small cro~ otpatronesses,are o! Dr. aDd Mrs. Arthur Far. Durgan, Jotm D. Hooten a.od selected on their on merit rand Tbompa:m, Newport sons Robert aDd Jack,. L. Dick through scholastic achievement Beach. Plavan and Myron Sbeward. as well as participa.Uoo 1.n civic ACCOUHTAHTS PICK Jack I.lokJetter•s crew mem- m::t sen1ce activiUes. Tbey OFFICERS FOR "69-r70 bers are A. "Odin" Braatben are: The Oranp County chapter and DaYld G. Prlce. Elizabeth Hanson Carver, of tbe Society of caWornta Crew!Jl& for AI Schoellerman 1-aughter of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Leroy Accountants tnstalled oftlcers ls his son, CoDa1d.. Laogbeory Carver Jr.. 2140 a1 the ann~al meetmc ?.Dd diD-BCYC members crewing a- Mesa DrlYe, Back Bay, Newport oer-dance hekl at lnlDe Coast board Norman (Pltt) Reams' Beach. Country Club. Starllnc m of the San Diego Marianne Emison Co.s., State secretary-treasurer E. Yacbt Club are Brian Carter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AlYin Malcolm AogeU of Newport and Bob Jessen. Stewart Cox, Santa Ana. Beacb wa.sthe lnstalllogofflcer, Wlves 1.00 cbUdreo ol the Terry Aon EUis, daughter of Boyce w. Gan1n, Santa Ana, BCYC members Y1ll fly to Mr. and Mr s. Fred V. N. Ellis, ts tbe new presideDt; Delbert Honolulu to sreet tbe UTin.l Newport Beach. w. Lefmann. Newport Beach, of the tats. Laurie Ellen Fraser, da.ugb-presldeot·elect;BillieF.Boyle, THIEF TAPES VICTiu. ter of Mr. and Mrs. DaYld Or 1 _,.__ -~ "" ange, v ee;>re~: -FL E•• WITH *' • ~ Ladson Fraser, Newport Beach. Cal riD F. Gates, Oranp, eee-~ -.- Vlrgini.a Claire Howell, retary-treuu:rer. lD tbe cJautc i'OI::Iberyroatine HURRY! _., IDok $2,110 !rom tbe t501 W. Coast H.,., tbeD tltd ... the wllblapebe- BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR ANNUAL SUMMER STARTS TODAY-THURSDAY • Dresses • Coats • alit. • Knit. • Llogerte' • Bat. • • Glrdles • Bra's • Jewelry • SWeater. • Glona • Bags • SIZES e TRRU 20 bel:kaod-- moaey from tblaftUWtU $110 froiD lbe t1ctlrl'l ftl- Tboll be bod llr. BonoU.. Ills .... lop.'-· lllo ...,... .... _Uid_ lied • .... BonoU..-- lllo ........ Ida lop ......., -.... ..., -·~~~~-­ud • (I.... caJIId Parade WE HAVE A LARC:E SELECTION Of WASil AHD WEAR AHD DRESS ILACXS •••••• IN MAHY· STYLES. CXILORS AHD FAIIRICS--I'LAIN AHD PATTERNS • A-1 •LEVI , • CACTUS CMVAL! e 81!N HOGAN GOL I' SL ACICS • IJfLT'W8LL FOR YOU SWIIIGI ER TYPES W! HAVE A SMALLER SELECTlOII Of fl. ARES AHD IELLS • • ALL SALES I'INAL OP 8N "Jf 'HI J: 11 i ' ..... .... Ill MMArMIIa• • Oor.rn delMar ' OPPICIIMIU loU.LiicS FORMER!. Y MEARS CMIERA NOW AT ' 11M NEWPORT BLVD. OOSTAMEBA ......... 313 ML1Z MORWARIES 1741 IUPIIIOI AYf. COSTA MUA ....... , f>-2424 •• I . COAST MfWAY COIIOIIA Dll. MAR ORiole 3"'1450 ~-~· 1942 YO\H' generous pAtronage end c.onf' ... dence in our dealership hiS Nde us proud to be 1 port of Orongo County end it's phtrM)mintl growth. TNnb to our c.ountless ~riends for 1 WonderfDf ~8 years. Theodore Robin•. Sr. WE'VE PULLED THE STOPS FOR JUHEI SUPER SAVINGS WHEREVER YOU TURN ••• V4LU.. ABU: PRIZES FOR THE GROWN-UPS • , • KEEII STUFF FOR THE KID! . • • rr'S OtiR BIGGEST, SAVIN'EST BIRTHDAY PARTY Ill ALIKlST HALF A CEIITURY ·OF DOING B!IIIIIESS Ill THE ~ AREAl ••••• COME AIID HELP II> CELIIIRATEI N! FREE USE OF A DELUXE CAMPO FOR ONE WEEK DIAGNOSTIC CMICKS Rflilttr to wta a compW. cMck ~ ,._ ear'• C...· diiD Ill Soalllonl caut>nla't lrlll Ford '* ........ C ..... 0.. ISO tltdloaic tMUIDt .-,reHtbf"'J 1011 ptdtlrmueo. Drift IIIII--...,-, T., Chocb To. G-fftOI DRIVI A HIW 1969 EHGLISII fORDI btl•~'• Mo. I Soli., AMIRICA'S 110. 1 lloii'OIT IUYI CUI TOMS e OT"S e ITATIOM WAGONS • LAiel HLICTIOM OP l•~•o•·•••c•••••••••••l CALL• HIW •a•sa ............... ,._ OHLT SWIMMING HIKING PREVIE W' OPENI NG JUNE J8 TO JUNE JO 2JH E. COAS T HIGH.,A.Y CORONA DEl. AlAR GOLF TENNIS BADMINTON SQUASH HANDBALL BASEBALL FOOTBALL VOLLEYBALL TETHERBALL SOFTBALL PADDLEBALL TABLE TENNIS BIKES-REPAIRS- ACKET STRINGING EXPLODING CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE marks the chrtstenlng ol tile 59-foot Paolllc Cllppar by M:rs. Gerald L. Tbompsoo o1 Corooa del filar at tile Lido Sbipyud_ The Cllppar, o1 oae..piece molded llbercJass coostnctioo. with a. ranee of more tbaD 1,000 ~ was deweloped through the efforts of Gerald Tbomp9011 (wbo Is picture:! Yiewtng the chrls- teoin&), a koowle:lgeable sportllsberman; llalr Long, oanl arcbitect. a.Dd Wlllard Boat WOI'ks, Costa Mesa. where the c uwer was built. Prtnte aod cbarter trips 1D Soutbern Ca.Ufornla waters for marlin. broadblll aod a.lbilcore are plaDoed b' the summer, aJJd ftsbiDg a.Dd cruising tn Muicaa waters b' the Yinter. Two aMIHooal sister ships, are oow UDder coostructioo at Willard Boat Worts. (Beckner -.) OU Ill CORSl SPECTACULAR BREATHTAKING ADVENTURE ROCK HUDSON ERNEST BORGNINE "ICE STATION ZEBRA" NEWPORT HAROOR EN~GN FIRST SECTION --Pag< 6 THURS[>IIY, JUNE 11i, 1969 CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. MOME Of IOCIUMO CMAit tOOU -ENOS 1\JESOAY • • ALSO PLAYING U -"'C•A !...._ GEOIIGE PEPPAIID .JEAN SEIIEIIG • IIICHAIID IUlFf ¥-••• • ·-·--• . . NE\VPORT ·. ( .. -.·· ··-. ·-··-' TH ••••• l'tOADWAY MUSICAL, NDWI ........ --------- ' PICTURED at tbe cbrlstenlag of tbe Paclftc ClJJiper at Lido SbJpya.rd are, from left. Mr 0 aod Mrs. Gerald L. TbompSDD. ot Corooa del Mar. the oners; Bill Ttpe of Willard Boat Worts, the builders; aod Da.1r Long. the destper. (Bectoer pbolo.) DODGERS LOSE TWO Loseth signs with Pilots &VL aHOW IT .\~tTl f!41 CONT. IUN. I'IIOM I P.N. A"' ftm DmlANCB IOUDOIIUI NOW PLAVINEII AIRMAN -D, Morris, son of ILr o &Dd Mrs. DlaDe Oo Morrta, 2217 MJDer st.. eo.ta ...... bu ---ln1DIDa at IA<:tlaad AFB, Tezu, &Dd bas beea autped lo IAwr} AFB, Colo., lor tra1D1Dc lD tbt mliQitlooa &DIS W'8IPQDS m1l~-Dee fteld. -, JM'III -EGiaAIGN SHOW Y1IU HOW Tl co-T IIIIIUSE Jack Lemmon and Cathe~ Deneuve are "The April Fools" I#~: Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy, Harvey Korman and Charles B()yer 1 TirM 2 Times 20 words or leu .............. 1.50 2.$1 3.00 21 words to 30 words ...... 200 !J.OO .C.OO 31 words to .CO worcfs ...... 100 .C.OO S.OO Eoch word o..,.r .«) WCH'cfs .. .OS • 10 • JS 21!" OFF FOR CASH WITH ORQER llf.1I'O«T NMIQII EIIIIM lHU IISOA y I JUNE :l!t - ARST SEClHJII --e.,,~J ___ _,COHOIIA DELMAR, CAUF. ARe YOU A LIIRA f .... lrt IIi' ..II Jst..~ ..... .. Islas Costl .. CORBIN- MARTIN UALTORS Owner J ransfers ...... wlli.UIIa ..., ..... _.._ --·----.... ,_ __ to II. ............... lot. YOIII LOVEOPBEAUTYWILL BE AROUIED BY THE 1111- lllUAL SETTING OF THIS OCEAll VIEW HOllE 011 THE CAIIYOIIIII CatOIIA DEL MAR -OWRR HAWAII BOUND, •• CAIC'T OIAGIIIE WHY! 2 8/R PLIIl GUEST ROOM • • • WELCOME! $69,850 W• ........ D. C. seHied Z BATIII ••• YOU OWN THE UNDI IF YOU ARE A SAGITTARIUS? YOU ARE PRACTICAL AICD BllliiiESSIOIIDED. A DUPLEX SOUTH OF THE HIGHWAY SHOULD APPEAL TO YOU •••• Z 8/RS EACH ••• $44,500. ARIES? YOU ARE CONSIDERATE AND UKE TO PLEASE OfHERS. WHY Naf IIAKE YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY HAPPY? BUY THEM THIS VIEW HOME OVERLOOKING THE BAY ••• THE OCEAN ••• CATALIIIA. • • Two . Short Blocks --·-tn. a. UdD c•na•• ud .......... ._ .... ~-·va--­H II. lot. -loot don JilT Oil $79,500 • • • • Bay Front Pier & Slip --..... Udo'l t.e-..J ..... .., fnllt.. 5 ... ... I 1,.,..... c1MI 110 tbl Cl,.ha•• Md ...... ~ $155,000 3 8/Ro PLtE F AM. Rl(, AICD ASKING ONLY $-17,500. ADVICE TO TAURUS, GEMIHI, CAHCER. LEO, ·VIRGO, SCORPIO, CAPRI- CORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE FINEST SELECTION OF HOMES, DO IT THE EASY WAY • • • LET IE HELP YOU! • A beautl!ul entry to one of Newport's finest homes. p. a. palmer Incorporated 111 DMURI5 CillO Sill tm Council News (Continued ftom Pase 1) aid It IJ rd possible to lmow bld<IIDc bJ so)'lllc 11111111apoo. U Yr. Ke-... the best slble to pt tower-.boculo policy -llla·-ed to ''mimlte dlkeDCU e&D milD ott.'s. thonaM• of dollars.'' ''Free eompttWoa t. tbe es- "We want lh1l plaa pat to MDCe of oar "be aid. pltlllc bid, ''saki t.uuruee bro.-"I wut to Me ker Warm.1.Dclr:JD.. "U JOG were clt:J'." pr..-o1 a ~-lloo Elder recalled t11a1 • A majestic view of tbe Harbor, • A few features: 4 bedrooms, formal dining r oom, hardwood floors. F. P. $69,950 Call for appointment to Inspect CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. ,., .,.. Lido ..... ~ llo ;ttl._._,_ ... L.A.-.. ItAIIIU - Pm BARRETT $200,000 to spood,-'<! JOUIIOI Coaoc:U "'-' llr bolter Ill- submit It to bJd? Tbt questloa su:ruce ccrren.ce wbeD be '"' Are yoa pt1111c lllo best? oo tbe COWICU, "111111 tllal;,',• t lrstl Tbere may bl maDJ compul.es M.t. KeltDer got bere to Ul' tllal COD submU a pi&D lbal may place." Yr • Elder • uddlln& I san tbe ctty a kit of mootY." CouocU to follow tbe ... Carl SpltserJr.oiCWfHneo procedure "so eYeryone PET DWHERS WARHED OF SHAKE BITE PERIL tDow are ""' DC'IM Y. f"RAXl<l.IX R~Al.TOR \ 3250 East Coat "ilhW" Corona del .... Califomil Pllonl: 673-2222 3036 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, Call!. 675·1662 J realty 642-5200 Tbe lnctdeDce of ..a amooc Soutblra CalUorrda mestlc pet ,.,u11tson 1969 lbows a dlc:ldld Trootmlill "' ...u -Ill aalmals Ia tar to tllal ~~--mon u macb possible. KODAK SUPER I MOVIE CAMERAS 22% OFF harbor ..-r-.~~- 604(12 -~ 1730 W. Cooot .. _, Mea,.;t ..... Ca't iolllt?, •• ~ ·'" Por I'UI.Aotoo A ....... 0111 I 1-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through tbe Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $25,2 million for tbe first five montbs of 1969. Tbl.s represents 666 unit sales aDd a dollar yJI!wl illcrease of 17% ,QDr ~ ··~~ ol-~,..ar. L!Bt your property 'lritb a Realtor today.· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~· 'f/-11. ~-/t., For Sales & Rentals lfwt ' FIXER-UPPER • 2 Bedrooms • Den • 1 3/4 Batbs • Garageplus Carport • Workshop * $18,800 FOR QUICK SALE! ' Waii-.C.tclll Realtors 1•1...,_ Smk• Slllcc 190 ....,. PROUD? Y • Bet We Are! .. RANCHO LA CUISTA borneo at BroollbomfA Alllnla in HuaUqton Beacb ~ UNIT m OD J~ Mtb -oold out by Ilardi 10ib. . . . Oa June 1st the lat llomo Ill UNIT IV -IOid. Do,.. ... tho ....... ,.. ..... -... ,, .. iJNn V ·IS· NOW . ' ' • • t. • • .l ,., . ~ . Pri0.4 ~~=:~·w ..-~~~;n...,. • •·• 10 .. 7. • ........ ---. ·' 224Heliotrope Ave. Open House SAT. & SUN . 1-Sp.m. THIS IS A DARLIHG EARLY AMERICAH HOME! -OH A CORHER LOT -WITH A BEAUTIFUL PATIO. * Tho OWHER lo MOVIHG llock to VI RGIHIA--- AHD IS REALLY ANXIOUS TO SELL Ill Sho will ...,older a SALES COHTRACT, LEASE· OPTIOH---• whet do YOU OFFER? lay& Inc. 24017 L COAIIIIlVY. CDM BROADMOOR ·- ' 'i.QJ. .u ..,..., • 'ttl II ud IUI1l7 I'ODil ...... , ..... -.. .... -·-·---·• .... ;-IIQ' ... OCIU n.w. C&ll a ... a '•=··- for home out profession help. ·Our doctor found himself running off to an- swer house-for-sale ads when he should have been making house calls of a different kind . So not only did he lose valuable time, he lOll some understandably miffed And it made him sick. He lost more patients that way. Is tbere • Realtor ladle houR! He could have spared himself many headaches II he'd simply gone to a Realtor• fast, fast, fast. A Realtor Is a professional in real estate who BUb- scrtbes to a strtct Code of Ethics as a member of the local board and of tbe National Association of Real Estate Boards. Be offers you a combination of qredienta, Ull:e a doctor's prescrtption . ~:" -r:t ~ ... ,. .·. ····:... ... .; . -... . •. t .• .. • • .· .. --• . ' •• Newport Harbor-tosta Board of Realtors • c.ll ,... ........ Jl ER COlLEGE AJ FORGIT H'ARDWARE Come in and meet the gang! This summer a group of college students have joined our regular staff. They are earning a part of their college expenses. Not only are they helping their parents, but they are building their own character. As far as learning goes -not everything comes out of books. Our young people are learning many things they can use when they have finished their college training and are out on their own. Forgit Hardware carrtes thousands of Items to meet your needs, and we have catalogues listing thousands more, from which they can help you order any hardware Item of your choice. In many ways our college students are going to school this summer. They are learning about people -from all parts of the country as well as the local residents. They are learning the meaning of service in business by helping to solve your problems, learning to cash checks, wrtting out sales sUps. They have learned how to open a new charge account, make proper change, and check In and price the mer- chandise. They may not know all the techniques of sales- manship, but there will be no high pressure selling, either. They will be trying to give you the same excellent service that our regulars are proud of. They are assuming their responsibilities and we are glad to have them associated with us untu the school bell• ring this fall. LARRY PROBERT, J0UDC st«e nwacer, atteDded batb Oranp Coast CoUop &lid CaUJai'DI& Stale at FIIDortoo . before &OlD& I.Dto tbe serYtce. He MI"Yed wltb tbe U.S. Army uoW 1964. He 1a marrlld ud bu a sm&lliOD. Tbe tam11y Uves at ll!S W. Bay AYt., Balboa. The Southland's finest • HllniiE • II .. T PIIITI • IPPLIIICEI • PI.-I· UpPUD 2201 A ......., ,._. ~o Sllop -Featuring NadonaUy 'lu~s. . ..... 01. N3IO • Of Ma~• ~~ Fair Priea • f • • \ Awards at Ensign Schoo f Lincoln honor -~*-"-. -·--·--.-.. Honors given to students Tile 4lll ~or boDor roll 11 Alftblm u.»lo ldoooiiD Harbor Vlow Hilla loc:l-lhl&lllb_.-.1, 911"'01111 _.-., 1114 II oiJill ll"d••· Till lollowl.ar rteiiYid aD A p-adoo: llpllo p-ade-RobyD Cblldo, llalt w..-, -, Plllt ODd Patricia Romoey, A's tn aU IUbjlds; Vicki FUrt..t, Brace Twtaty .. i)ur awards lor out- H1JdeDbraad. Kareo Jerpr, CJ.Ddy MuvwUs, Aadr•MeAdam, lt&DdiD&&eblevemeotwerepre .. U"-· --IOIIIecl lo -at Lllleolll GrorYeCarty, SleYo YeForlalld, s-. Y ......, oo, lalermodlale Sebool Ill Harbor L1a Noll, Anita PaleDeha.r, Nwy Paw11k, LJDDI Roll.._. I ud View Hills at awards day jut llatll WJ'DDI, A'si.D academic aub)tcta. before tbey putthe1rbooQ:any S..eatb lfadl-Catby Crooe, Kerry cum•D&Mm. Molly LJDCh for summer ncallon.. aDd Susanne Smlley, A's 1D all abject.; DaYld Arthur, Betb Beet, Slmoa BoucbeJ, Janis CboiNII', Stu DorD, Sale FrLIDd, Amerlcu Leponbooorswent Mareell& Gilmore, Lee Griswold, Patty Huat, Sarab J&JDI, to Terry Watt ud Matt Larr&.- Belort EDilp Jllllior Hlp took boaol'l for tbt oat••"'ll llicbul Meueopr, Fred Moore, Cory O'CoDaor, SU.U Smit.b, AIRMAN Gerald P, l...a.Dders, bee. Tbe award l5 based OD cloNd 1tl doors lor summer, l(ld &tbllte. EaRp 1&1.1111 Katby war.,n, Jay Watt and Oebol'ab Wtl.eoa, A"slD academic 100 of Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. booorbo,!~~~~~~a':bw~ UO ltudlllta ICood IC> ud toot club award weat to K1Dc nbjec:ta. L.uden, 1067 Wallace, Costa ac --..c .... c .,, a bOW It the lliDI&1 awudl Hamua. TIM Jtudat COUDell Here ta tbe complete booor roll U.st: Mesa bu completed basic wltb u tmpbuisoa le&dersbip. assembly JUDe 10 anrd WU preunted to Jo • EICHTH GRADE LyllDe ROAot.rr Kate K1lleler tratnio.c: at Lactland AFB, n:u ~'!:~ ofpr:ot!d American Lepoo awards Cripe. Bubara 8a.bbe Y.ela.aJ.e Salata Krla: Kuter Teu.s, aod bas been a.ss.tped mer were prHtatedb' tbe 19tb)'IU' Mra. DoaaJd MacLeod ol tbl BW Biker Sbelley Samuels NIDCJ La Hue to Lowry AFB, Colo., for tn.iA-~ot!::'~~=~~!! al tbl 10-yeu...old tebool totbe DAR belto'nd bomem&kiDC ADd1 Berry Albert ScbulteD Leslie l...arrabee t.nc lntbe mWlitloasaodweapons c ........ _... outltandtnc boJ IDd &U'ltn tbe 1 awardl upoa. Holly Aolier.:Nttor Fr&DCI.I Boero Tbomas Sbeltoo Dorothy l...opD maintenance field. He 1.s a lfa-a.o:.:.:;ren :::rma!r ":; 8tb crade -Clark PotboU ud eewt.Dc ud Ju Car01y tor J.aUer Booty Matt.Shoema.ker Molly L)'DCb duate of Costa Mesa HigbScbool Bntc HUdenbrand received Us HelHr • cootiac. Robyn ChUds Lee Shuck Robert lllacOooald aDd attended Ora..np Coast Col-e Jay LO'rl«WU&wtrdedtbeart Two troph1e.s IUid 14 cerU-DtaDe Cbrtsteosen Patu Sk:Jper Linda Mallaha lege. trophJes J..D Enpi&b.. Jeffry trophy,QCst•prHq Yoc.al mute flcatea were pru '**J to •to.. Robert Clark Claudia SutberlaDd Ylc.batl Y11BeDpr Clapp woo~ec:=l.Ddrama. awucll were Pl'lllntad to L1a oers ot tbt 0ruce COUDty Klmberly Cope Megen Thompson Fred Uoldeobauer LEGAL NOTICE Brooe won u! S•.-yi.DdHUDt~y •. Kath. Scieoce Fair. Tea boys woo Patricia Crooke Claudia Thomure Fred Moore COMPTROLLER r= a~::~ as well as ryo Konltoko ud RobertCOQD .)t .. ltandiDC certiflc:&tft b' Leah Crout Joe Tosti Kettb Multer OF THE CURRENCY land h THE ENGAGEMENT of Hetty Setoo aod John A.ntbooy Ro- receiYed 1Ditrumeotal music their woodsb(cl projects, &Dd 10 Rebeeca Outs Mark Verre CyDdra Neal TREASURY DEPARTMENT do:~·-= wttha'J:r~~ blnson was celebrated Mooday evening. June 16, wttba. buffet trophies. otbers •ve recop.lJ.Id tor Klmbtrly Day Terry Watt Cory O'Coooor OF THE UNITED STATES a.od a socia.l studies award Us aod champagne SlCJP81' at the OOme of tbe pareata of the Brian Coka.s woo the boy's metal shop projects, Jetfery Dyer Amy Weinberger Mark Oderman wa hlngton, n c • bride-to-be, M.r. aad Mrs. Grqor Seton. 110 Topu An., athletic trophy,aodMaryHamel Flnally, the bXtall, buket-Laurie Edwards Gerard Wells Vicky Pawlik WHER:AS, S:Ubiactory :u ;":: aJ~=~s= Balboa Island. Tbe decorative theme was a combinatioo ball, and tract teams were pre-Cathy Enrlancl Jeff Wahrtoo Cbrlsti.Da Peck nldeoce ha..s been presented to wlnoer 1.D matb, Fra.nci1 Boero of English and lta.ll.an atmospbere lD oooor of the betrothed seoted to tbe student bod)" I.Dd Paula Evertsberg Mike Willlams Sheryl PeterMKI the Comptroller of the Currency :Wm W'On a trophy for Spanish: eott>le. JOhn. woo is often m.Lstaten !ol: ODe of the stars Jii'.W _ UIUILDJifG PTA PresideDU Ml'l. James Jill FIU"W'tll Marc WyMe LYM Pbllbee tha.t "NEWPORT BANK, N.A. ", A third math award was pre-1n the "•l.la.D trom U.N.C.L..E."' televisloo series, comes lrreeula r Shapes Foster and Mrs. Harlod Sbaw Vlcld feierabend Debra Zimmerman Susa.o Pickertnc located In NEWPORT BEACH, seoted to Ly~W~RoseDber&, wbo from Loodon, Engla.Dd, aDd Hetty's mother Is a Dalive of ~-~ presented 160 boom' roll pia-David Ferguson • SEVENTH GRADE Stade Plt:tm.an State ofCAUFORNlA, has com-also receiYed an J.nstrumeotal Italy. They were engaged on Hetty's blrtbday anniversary, COSTA ~lSA *"4ATTIESS co. ques to stOOeDt.l wbo made lbe BtU Flelscbman Dana. Abbott Edward Polltoske plied wtth all prortstoos of the music tropby Tbe vocal millie May 7. Tbe guests at the engqement party Included John' I 2110 New,...t ~. UMtty 1-llOl booor roll 3 oW: olbemestera. Jetrrey Fowler Jamie Anderson Jeff Puelle statutes of the UoitedStatesre-a•ard went to. Pam Armstroag. parents, Mt. and Mrs. Leonard Cecil Robtnsoo of Lel&fl-jli; .. i&l&;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;l ___________ , l.aren Freocb Jeanine Arraoaga Dorua Reichert quired u a Natlooal Bant.tnc susan Tbomas woo for art oil-Sea, Essex, England, woo Oew over from Englmd tor ANNOUNCING ·· JJ. J .. Qan•elt ~ 14th Semi -Annual SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS! ON SUCH PM40US IJRA.HDS ;U • HERITAGE .•••. • JAMESTOWN • TOMLINSON ••••• • KARGES ••. • KINDEL ••••. • HECKMAN .• • THOMASVILLE •.• • BRAND-T ..• AND MANY OTHERS! ALSO REDUCTIONS 5 o· fW UP TO /0 and MORE ••• MANY FLOO R SAMPLES DIS CO ~TINUED ITEMS AND W,laR EHOUSB ITEMS H.J.GARR.fJT fURNflU~E 2211 HAUOII a vo. COSTA MESA .. ,.,. "un• ,.. ... ,...,., W.ier •••• a 1 .,.. .................... David Gilmore David Artbta Ken Sacber Assoel.atloo.; aDd Micbael Mulligan woo for tbe event and are visiting the U.S. for the tlrst time. SllSI.D Gottschalk Cynthia Ashley DaYid Scboeld• ~OW THEREFORE, 1 bereby industri.a.J arts. Randy Ressel Hetty assists her pareots at their MulDe Ave. restlurant, David Gray Peter Ashley WUUam Sc:bultheia: certify that tbe above-named garnered the boys' P. E. award. Amelia's. (Ken Keodal pboto.) Llsa Grigsby Vicki Beasley Casey Shaw U!IOCiatlon is authorized to Jelt Darles ca.ptured the trophy .,,.,.,~==~==~===~:::----------- M'lcha.el Havlken Beth Beek Marti Sbotmater commeoce the business a~ a lor boys' athletics. aDd CbrLsty ''OIJT Of TJIS -.,., ....... He1d1 Hewitt Denise Bellisle Sa.:ra Slad: NaUooal Ba.nld.ng ASS(l(;lation. A kiD took OOme the girls' P. E. WUIILII J ... Bruce Hildenbrand Carol Berney Suz.&noe Smiley (Seal) award. Jodi Host Ellz.abetb BirDie Susan Smltb IN TESTIJ,tONY WHERE- Jane Hudson Judy Blodgett Joa.oStewart OF, witness my signa-NAMED BY APPRAISERS David lrwln Sandra Bogle Jennifer Stooe hae aod seal of omce Ha.rrlsoo R. Baker Jr. of Udo Mary Jadrlch Simon Boughey Llada Store this Z?th day of May, Isle has been insta.lled as pre- Karen Jerger fWls Brunner Robin SwUt 1969. sident of Los Angeles Chapter Geraldine Johnson Terry Carpenter Kathy UDdenrood (Signed) William B. No. 1 of the Society of Real Clen Jones David Chase Bart Vaughn Camp Esta.te Appraisers. He ls head SIISall Katz Janis Clloisser Cathy Ward Comptroller or the Cur-of Harrison R, 8&ter As-0~ .... Katherine Klug Cynthia Conners Kathy Watson reocy sociates, Pasadena.. member Matt Larrabee susan Corry Jay Watt Charter No. 15Z35. Lambda Alpb&, the nationa.l real Don La.wre111 Patricia c reamer ntana Werley ~~~~~~~·~t11le1E~nsalgn~J~une:J•stat~'·~oeow~~mlte~s~!ral~~er~w~·,~,~· =====;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=, Robert Lynam Cathy Crone Brier White l 7, 24, aod a graduate of the Collere Tom Leva Laura croul Cindy Williams of st. Tbomas iD Y.inoeaota. WiDdsJow LLDcoln Kerry CU~llllo.eham Deborah Wllsoo Rod March Oia.ne Dolan Lea Wood ClrxtJ Marowits Stu Dora -'*• McAdam Bartva Ewell • SlXTH GRAD£ Grec McCarty BW ferdi Susan Ashley Sue MeClel.l&D Betsy Frame TimotbJ Bayless steYe McFarla.Dd Su:Je Frtead MoUy Boyd Slobhan Mlutpn Steve Fry KatberiDe Davl.s SiDe Monroe Karen Galloway April de Fatry Lilia Montooth Larry Gates Pbill,p DUoo Teresa Morley Marcella Gilmore Susan England DeDise Newcomb Dale Greene Beth EncWJd Ttlea Nltlblett LiOOa. Gregor y Cl.OOy Hughes Liz Noll Lee Griswold Sally Jacobus AA"'A p 1 har Julie Jooos UU4l a enc Robert Gustafson M Ill K tl ..... Marc Pang Mary House o e ea"""'f> Terri Pardee Margaret Humphreys zarlllJalene ~~--Na.ncy Pawlik Dru HUDt m .... c.....,. ..... Charles Pfeiffer Patty Hunt John McFarland Stacy Platt Sue Jacobus Nancy Munger Katby Pursell Alan Johns Ellen Rosenberg Mary Pursell Duid James KaOOee Schuessler Leslie Reed Sara.b Ja.oye Kareo Schweitser Rebe<:ea Reichmann Mark Jorda.o Jess!~ Stab Nancy RobertSOil Brian Kent AMe ier pYer Patricia Romney Brian Kfoury Lorna Watt LOSS IS S1,2e LEGAL HOTICE Persooal possessions va.Jued ---------- at $l,Z48 were takeo overlligbt P-33772 June 13 to 14 from the home of CERTIFICATE OF BlEINESS Joba R. Kelly, Z9Z'1 C~ Fictitious Firm Namt East Bluff, after thieves pried THE UNDERSIGNED does open a window &Creen. Most of hereby certify tbat be is coo- the drawers aoo cabinets were ductlng a eeoerali.Dsurancebu- raosackad aDd &C&ttered. Guns, slness at Z745 w. Coast cameras, radios. lugpge, and Highway, N~,::~~~='~";,~~~ • •••• ornla 92660, UDder firm oame of Marloers Geoeral Insurance Gr~ and that sa.ld Urm Is composed of thei»Uow- S'lo figures very large i~ our Personal ChoH:e Savings Plans. The eas1est war to earn 1t 1s with our newest passbook account. g lrweabs Paslbook Ac:cxu1l ·A minimum o f $500 puts 1t m your name. Additional deposits are mad~ m $100 amounts. Interest is paid every calendar quarter. You can withdraw interest during t he first ten days of any calendar quarter. The same goes for wit h· drawal of principal. Providing, of course. it's been on deposit a full calendar quarter. ;\ 90-day written notice from you will also release fu nds. 5" Time cer-of Deposit. These certificates earn sc:~ annualmterest. par· able every six months. They're tssued for Sl()(X), or more. and mature eve r y six months. The 5% interest can be credited to a regular savinJ;ts ac· count. Then your total annual rJte exceeds sec. 5&FM--Goa• Ill od ~ol Doo>ooil This plan assures rour future rntt: o f return. Certificates are issued for a minimum of SlDOO Jnd m multiples of SlOO Jbove the mmtmum. The 5'·; guaranteed Jnnual interest 1s pa1d o r crecilted every 3 months over a 5 year pen<Xi. 4" Ro9llar Samgs. The most popular plan in Personal Chmct' SaY· ings. You can put any a mount !)f money m. :\nd t;.tke n out, anytime. lntere"-1 1:-\ computed da1l y, compounded and p.·ud qu;-artt'rly w hl•n 11 amounts to a dollar or more .. \ctually, tht.; b the hi~he ... t r:tte allowed by l:1 w on thh t~ pt.· of account. Jnd1ndual need-. :tre Important to u-.. Drop m at am; o f our 950 br;mchl~. We're ;d way.; read~· ;NI(;~E RICAlfl furthebusinessdiMng Weve added something to s at Bank of America . · llow JOIIV8 clumfJecl &IIIG8 J011 wenla&' lien ... You"llfeelllthemlnuteyouwalk D...l. &0 l.nwra orof into Fiesta VIll age at Knott's DUtt MO•U DUt Berry Farm. Here's a whole new lng persoo wbose oa.me ~ 1D full &Dd place of resldeoce are follows, to-wit: Byron K.. Cbamberlaln, %745 W. Coui!Upny Newoort Beacll, Colli. Wttaass my baDd tb1s 4tb day ol J-1969. Idea ... New Fun ... More Fun ... In the most deUght1ul surroundmgs you've !"n. The gaiety at the Piau, the Rower Boats on the Lake, the color and the ac~lv1ty at the Open MarUI Statlt will all go to make up some of the grealelt fun you ve had In We're tttll at the aame old st.nd In Buena Park. • Byroo K. Clllmborlaln STATE OF CALIFCIINL\ ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) u ON THIS4tbdllyoiJ-,lM9, bdlre me, a NotarJ PubUc lA ODd lor oold -, IIIII IIIIo, residl.ac theretD. chll7 cwnmts- -udnora,p.---ld B;rooK.C-lalo -....... ':~"":.::~-:::1 no. •me 11 llll wltbla -......... ud IC• -lldpd II> mo IIIII Ill - • I ...., ... , ............ ,... GII8A7 JIUL'IIftl._ uf peopM Mve rMd ..... HIW."' ot ...,. tM ttlm story, wtudl .......... ttw bedrcround of tbe oucht and ,utwial ~ of dw ,,.., Roman ....... .,~ ,. .... --· puiod ol ht.IIMII. hlllor7, whee the ....,. CS.tinc ot m..., .,.. daanpd by the ltOfftinc of Jnua Chrilt IDt.o the world. 1'br C!lltlltnl IMme ol the siGr)' revolves ai"DUUId the-<.'ODIUct between lh. Emperor ol Roa.. who •• a hWQilD ruler raiMd to the lohrti ol. • rod. and lbe m.ac:ified Christ. who roM lo We apin. eGDqu.e-ri~ death., which DO hum&ll beirti ean conq\lft", Bm HW' is a 70WC man who is ulti.nY~Iy faeed wid! the. altunatives and fmally chooses to beeome a Chrittiln de-spite all opPOSition to thia' .tep. VIZWaiS Or ntE film ilnd readers ol the book wUI be intnftted W know how the book came to be writwn. The authol-, Gen. Lew Wallace, lived at the time whm. the clever atheist, R. G. ln1e~U. was publidy d1myinc the nistenno of Almighty God. One day thHe two ~ in a train and the athein, alwr mocking Christianity, suddenly turned to lAw Wall~ and said: "Walla«, you are a learned man and thinker Why don't you gather material. write a book, and Jive it to the world, prov- ing the falsity concerning Jesus Christ. Prove that no such man ever lived, and that he is not the author of the teaching in the New Tes~nt.M Wallace took up thf' challence and ~ to collect material to wr1te a book to prove that Christianity was faiR. H.E SPENT MA.~Y years 10 lhis work. 4!'Ven lTavelinJ to olher COunlrJes to consult ancient mant15Cripts and ongm.al 50ur~ for the period of history in which Christ lind . Then he began to write. By the time he had written four chapter&, he began to feel very un.uy The reason was that the sober facts of history which he himMlf had found, actually proved lh.111t Jesta Christ wq as r~al a historical fiJUfl' as Socratn; or thl' CHSars. Then hi' ~arne convinced that if ChrUt was a real penon, He must alAo be the Son of God as He claJmt"d to bt-. and the Saviour of the world. This conviction grew until it be-came an absolute cutainty. Wallace has recorded how one day u a man of 50 years he fell on hill kneon for the fint timt'. and prayed to the Livin1 God. saying: '"0 God, show Yourwlf to rM. forgive me my sins, and help me to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ." God ht'ard his prayer, and he became a Christian. He rose from his knees to lead a new life of ~~;:lorious ct'TUinty, rende!'fli to Cod. WHAT WAS he to de~ to re-wnte the fint four chapters and wriu- the rest of the book ("Ben Hur") to prove thu Chriat was indeed tht' Savior of the world who borr on Himself the sins of men tt) give lhem salvation. Reader, if this Christ really lived in history •md rose from the delild. then His claims to be the Savior lind the Wlily, the Truth, and the Life, are not the claims of a mLo;tAken or crazy man: they must be the .,.,.ords of God come m human nesh. and mu~t there- for~ be true. • ANSWERING A BIBLE CRITIC • • • (IDiflla• lUIS: n1o loa !' r• ola _....,.,_ _.., ...... .lolaY.Cktor ._... o1 cnw aw-. It J.,. II • "IJ•a,. t,.d lira --·-.. .. ........ 2 ..... .. ---·---all-......... _ .. .. _._..., __ _ -crlllc IIIIo -... -H......-.... Ullwu1 -..... -Ud--... -.." Dr. KooMa a- ,..... -..... Wlljcb. -·---cti>Jibt erllleJ • 0 0 e D£VT. 14:11. "Y• lba.U DOt aot af UJ tbLar tlllt dlolll af II· Mlf: lbOu lllalt pvt It - tbt strucer t1111t tatotb:r p.tes, lbal bt Dll1 aot U; or tboa may..t •U 11: tao aa ..... , ""' -art .. bolr people uato tbe Lord lfl1 God." Tbe phrue, tlllt whlc.b dletb otltaeu.la tbe commoo Hebrew word for carca.u. Tbe word does DOt tell •· bow tbe • car- ca.ss died, aor 1a tblreaoythtng iD tbe word U.tt wb.lcb would lDdlcate that ttat carcass wu d1Htsed or decayed. or other- Wise wdU for a DOD-Israelite to eat. TbewboJereuoa for this dletarJ ...... -Is In ....... ill tbe atatemeot "for tbou art an bol)' people ,llllto the Lord thy God." Tbe ltl.temeot about the car- casses ls to be uoderstood lD lbe light of tbe statement tha.l tbe Israelites were to be a se~ J:Uate, a holy people. They were oot permitted to eat some foods whicb were perfectly all right for strangers aDd loretgners to eat -people who did DOt have the special relationship to God wb.lcb ls:rael llad. Tbe whole potnt of the pro- hibition was that God's people could r.x eat every tdod of meat (Cf. YS. 11-19). Tbey must dls- liDguish between clean and un- deaD and they must not eat tbe flesh of a.D animalwhlch was DOC slaugbtered according to the code wh.ich He gave to His own people. Tbe carcass of an animal that died some other way than by being bled was forbidden to Israel They could not eat tbe blood. LJ.kewtse that which was torn of beasts (EJ.. 22 :31), wtU.le U mlgbt be eaten by the stranger or foreigner, was aotallowedto the lsreallte. Sanitary and hy- gienic reasons may have been tnvolYed in this command, but primarily God's purpose ln all of these laws was to guard his people trom spiritual defile- meot. Verse 21 coocludes, ''Tbou sbaJt DOC selllbe a kid 1D bis motbe.r'& mJik." Part of the ~ riballor plaaalac ooe ot tbe papa IOdS wu to boil a kid lD Its mother's mUk and. present 1t to that deity, Such pagao practices wer e not for the lsraeUtes, and the pro- hibition ag:a.lnst eating blood may likewise have had re~ Jerence to the drink-offerings of blood which were pa.rts ofthe heathen rituals (Ps. 16:4). ln Lev. 19:26 eating with the blood and auguries are brack- eted together, 0 • • • DEUT. 20:13,14. "Andwben the Lord thy God hathdeliYered 1t a captured ctty into thy baDds thou shalt smite every male ------~~~ ta. _.af._ nm-. 1fMI* .. Lord 1117 God -.... ttaet.·· . Aa lilt -(n. 10-11) -.. ·--"'-... uttlldld to u. e nha•d Oily (wllleb wu POt -lilt IUb:Dber of tboM: clt:MI n&dli God told -ID -IJ ....... , --.,_ wlet-ec!Dias, Cl. Jl. 15-11). Peaoe was llrot--. u• offer wu ac:Cipte U. UY• ot tM '""'N* .... ,. .,... cued. U tbe offer na rtt.aecl ud tbe _.. lboroi>J-Ibtwlet- -ollbelrllolrto ..... ..... ""' God, lboo ... Oily ........ ... besieged IDd au tbl males lD it were to be slaJD wUb tbe nora. but tbe lives ol tbl womea Ul1 chUdren were aYed. Tbua ., .. 1n tho uecoaloooiJudcmeotGod reveals mercy toward lbose whom He spares. The law of Moses was DOtun- merclfu.J.. l.o beslegt.a.c a city tbe fruit trees were ld to be cut down (rs. 19,20). Tbe poor, the widow, the lltberless, tbe stra.nger, the homeless and tbe distressed were ~ia.lobjeets of God's care and. His law tatull or provtsloos br them (Ct. Ex. 22:21.27; 23:9-12; Deul:. %.4:14- Z2). AlsoprinteW-wtllwasDOt to be allowed to eater tato tbe treriltment of a.a eDem7 (Ex. 23:4-5; Deut. 22:1-4). • 0 • • EXODlE 22:18. "Tbou sbalt not suffer a witcb to lin." Witcbcraft or sorcery wu a repudiation of the ~erne alt.bority of God IDd His word. Tbose wOO attempted to mislead the people of Go1 by their de· lusions were to be pta to death (Oeut. 13:1~5; 18:9-13). Anythi.Dg tbat 1eads people any from the true God Is sin. Israel was DOt to learn the abomina- tions or the beatbeo aatioos "tor alllhat do thesethingsare an abominatioo unto tbe Lord; and because ol tbese a.bomlnlil.- ttons the Lord tby God dot.b drln them out .from before tbee." WUcbcraft wu: del1llog (Lev. 19:31) a.OO assoclaled wttbidol- atry (Lev. !0:1~ 7; 2 Cbron. lB.&; ltleah S:LZ-15). The practice desened c:a.th be- cause it lDrolYed a rejllcti.., of God' a: ~emacJ...tUUaor­ IIJ. God --od diviDe CODdltalatloa oo tbe whole forblctteo tramc Yltb mt svtrits. "Rebellion 1s tbe s1D of wttcbcnft,.and stttlborDDeSS is as 1.n1qulty aDd idolatry ;• (1 Sam. 15:23). Saul died lOr this transgression (1 Cbron. 10:13,14) wbicb "he committed ·-tbe Lord, .... aeatost the word of tbe Lord, wblcb he kept not, aoct ala> tor as1dnf< counsel or ooe that bad a fa~ mi~ spirit ( riz. a medium), to inquire of ber ... This wbole pnct!ce is some- Utlog wblcb is bow.s 141 w1th Satan's klncdom. and tbepeople of God were DOt to tolente it or ~'e a.aytblng to do wttb lt. 00 MINUTES '~~·"" 111111 ~I~L£ rr CO...uul •. PAM ...._ ... ........ I04aTY CMU.O, IUJNO. 60611 THE NAME OF THE LORD Many people use the name of the lord very lightly. They are QUICk to e11cla•m . "My God!" or to use the name of the lord Jesus Chr,st in va1 n. We should all understand that the Btble declares that "God w•JI not hold htm ,gutltless that taketh Hos n•me m vam" (fit. 20:7). ThJs JS one ol the Tt'n Command· ments wh tch too many people for· get or ognore. But tl os more than a commandment It does not merely lorb1d Utk tng the Lord's name on our lops carelessly; tl adds the wa rn•n,g. "Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God tn va•n. f OR the Lord Wtll not hold htm iU•Itless fh.tf ta-eth HIS name m vam " Don 't comm1t thts sm. He warns. lor 1f you do you w111 have to lace God Homself for 11 and He wtll not overlook tl, Now. probably many of our readers have used the name of God and Chrost on vatn again and agam. They have gotten into the hab•t and fond tl d1f11Cuft to stop. Now whaP How can such escape • • the C'bndemnatlon of God upon thos sin, First. one of the principal rH- sons for not uiilnl God's name in vain •s tMc.uM of His infinite greatness. We shOuld all bow and wonhip before Him. The· second reason •s because H~he 1nfi· nlte God--toot~ upon Him human form and as God tt'e Son died for our sins at Calvary. Now would you want to curse and s .. ar in Hts namer You wouldn't want peo~e to c:urse and swear in your mother's name. would you~ How much less should -c:urse •nd swe•r in Christ's name or God's name? Those who have thJs proble m, •nvartably have never trusted Chr•st as th~t~r own Sav•or-as the One who died for their stns. Those who have trusted Htm ..s SaviOf" usualty neYer are tempted to use His name in vain again. Rather, like St. Paul, who once was "a blasphemer and a peru· cutor," they exclaim with deepest gratitude: "He loved me and 1•ve Himself for me." (Gal. 2:20). • • MAJORITIES CAN BE WRONG When St. P•ul was at Ephesus h1s procl•mation of tht' gospel QUsed such a st•r that the idol makeB, who were Josmg money. protested unt1l ''the whole city wn fllled Qh confusion." Soon .,,_body siart4od a chant: "Grot LJ OiaJl a of the Ephes••ns!" Othen joined and the chorus swelled unt1l "all wtth one vOtce about the SPKe of two hours cned out, Great 1s D1an• of the EphesJans!" {Acls 19:34) and the town cler11. relernng to the relt · gion whoc.h surrounded thJs pag<~n goddess . saod con flden tly: "THESE THlNGS CANNOT BE SPOKEN AGAINST"' (Ver 36). But later. at Rome. the apostle was tnformed. wtth reference to those who hiild accepted the truths he had been proclatmmg: ""As concernong th•S sect. we know that EVERYWHERE IT IS SPCKEN AGAINST" (Acts 28;22). We wonder whtch Stde our read· ers would now prefer to be on: thiilt of the supersttttous multitude or that of the minority who ptac:e theJr f8tth in the Bible. Millions wo~hipped the sod· dess Diana from a thouund ye:ars before Chnst to two untunes after, but who knows ~ tocll)'1 Where '• thre evidenca of •II the miracleS she iS supPOMd to haw wroughtr Her story is lf!Ue more than a memory and the relilion wtuc.h revotv.d around her name •s a thms of the past. But the Bible. fOf' aU these cen· turtes and more, has stood un· changed and unchangeable. tt has weathered. not bltrely, but hand· somely. all the storms of critidsm and opposttion and has proved to be 1ndeed the Word of God. Read the 81ble and especially the part meant for us today: the eptstles of Paul. Depend upofl it. act upon •t and don't hes1tate to stand for tf. even when tn the mmorrty, for where the. most v1tal truths •re concerned. m•;oritJes have often bee-n wrong. llliPOIIT IWIUI EIIIGII BC!I!O 1W110!! --l'w 2 "1M Seuda al ... Wiieo•-••"-Matt. 2 ., .... "' __ CI.IJD-1 ........ rl • 11•-•--c-...~t.M) II ..... ._ -..,.. W W. ia ... --(""" .. ., 12 ..... _ .. ., ........ , ...... .. ._ .. . 14 -.... ~-c&.dt.'" (lit& 17: Ill ..... ___ .......... -=-·· .. -~ II • ..._ .. ._ AIN'dd#ns (I -11.0) 11......._ .. , .......... _ ... .... -........ (a-. 11:17) a~ • ~ cr... ,,., ,. _. .. ""dl.y ------........ ...~~ 17 "• .._----~(I C.... 11:1) • .... lrn.l"a .... 0 ... ---· (J -.llt7} u ......... --.... ... -..~ Mal£ ---w (ICaU. 1:2$) ..................... ----- • ~-.... Ilia ----.. ... ~co--..1t:IIJ ........... __ .......... .................. -• ;;::. ;... "'=' ----- ·• •a.....,. ..., .. u • ....., .._..., ... __ _ ............ .,....~ ... ......... (D..._ ld. Jl) ...................... _ ...... _ ... , ,., .... ....., • dtr .......... _ _,,,... a.& IIIII) ..... _,_.. ·;::r.··· ... -.. ... _ ... .............. _ .. .....,. CI.IJD DOWW , ........ _ ... wWcta ..... _.,_ I • .._. el DnW (I a.. Ill) ,~ .. , ............ -... _ ......... , ...... ~ .. (0... 11127) '.,.. ... My. ......... ----,-___ .. ~- I ....._ el tw. dU.. (l..lJ,. II•: Jdl) , ................... ,_ llleL ~--..M.l U m..-li1U) I .._1' ..W ---to .. ta tlwlt ..,..,_, ... , ., ........... " .. II ........ el ..._,..... (J ... 12: Ill Udll 'rl1 . AHIWR TO,._ PIIZZll I THE FAITH OF ANDY JACKSON .............. anawen If ,._ ..... I pM {!ao4. l$:27) II • -.t a-. __ ._. (EIO. .. , (Miu Frank HolloweD of Sashville, Tnu1. is a 1randdau(hter of Dr. R. N. C. Hollo-n, noted Tenne:Hef' Baptist le~~der. In 1135, '"The Baptist" w~.~o started. and in UM, that paper b«.~~~~ne the Baptist & R.enKtor, the weeldy Of"Jan of tht' Tenner;~ Baptist Con- ''enlion. :V.i~s llollowell fnund the follo~·inr artide by her llrandlather in the June 14. 1845. is,ue of 'The Bapli~t ." and she rave it to the editor of the Baptist & Rene<tor. It i..' reprinted herr by that paper"11 penni!laion.) h"TIST atiLf UteUMI. Spf ..... l4 ... ~WE HAVE nus HOt:R !Tul"!day even- lnJI'. lOth of J uno: l returne-d from the £unnal of Gen('r<~l JaC'k!loOn An Jmme~ multitude of penoru; wf"r!' pr~nt, all of whow roun- tenan~I!'S wore !hi!' a1r of solemnity No man of h1s day occup1ed a larger space in tht' eye of lhf" world Hr 15 now low in hi.s IJnlYe. We saw h1m lind. m accordance with Q reque-st. wJthout 01ny pomp or ceremony, in the narrow how.e 1n the Hennitage 1arden. where he w1ll ri!'St untll the sound of the last trumpet. "He died. as WI!' learn from his attendine phys1cian and other fnends, most ealmly, uprnaiftl firm confidence ol hi• in~ bl the Redeemer, lilnd unwaverinr ._uraoee ol a happy eternity. An hour prerio\ls to hill de-partUH he ~alled around him his .bole family, while and black, and rave than 1111 dyiflC i.Mtructions, whkh he did• wtth aU .. KCu.tomed vJ.aor of thouaht and Cll'det ol. alf.-dion, mel cJc.d by Myinc: 'I hwe now -.kl aU U..t I can, and all, poh'hep., thM k rwc: ~Jtl .. trat you all,'whhe and w.e1t. • he pnpand to r-.jain m. tn ... .. ................ ,_ ............ - ""1.11& -JGI'MJII 5aVICD ...... ... -~Dr.--.. .-. ..... -4» ......... &m;.WIIIi... • ........ .. -..._. "'"' tho -... ~ .......... who-whh w.•• ~ ., .. a .. ,. a.ma~ ••• , 1 i •• ...._ ........ ,_..~ ................. -----·-·· ., .. _, 0 '-;'?' ... _<11 __ .. _.,..._,_ ........ _ .... ___ , ...... '1'8 ·~---· .. -..-.. , ......... - ol hio ... ., .......... -...... tJte ardor of hla flnt Jon. "'We lrMW General J~ ..U, .... Mtter print.aly than pU.b&ly. W1Mit he ... • a man, in the fleld and in tM rlhst .. Ia known to the world. In the ~ ol .. faau1y he had the ..,.. poiWl, ....., -.11 ~ of ft\&1\ners, which W cMn II: k rJ bls inttlwUl"M with mm, mil ... wtlh ..... ...... and alftction ........... - _..., II .f 'n-!DOW'a -...,.,. .... h ,........ Ul4 a.. ....... .,., ...... DWW IACK80N.,.. ... .._. U. 1117, • ,..,..., a towa ....... -........ -..... --~--­..... c.r.lllsl&. IDt pa 7 , Ill II 1 • llll ___ ... __ .... _ ........... An rl I ,_ C... ,.., ....................... ., .. ______ .. _ 1M M Pi Jfwut eltM U._........_ -owl ~ .. ,.., ........... ,. .......... ...,.,.~June' 1MI. ..._,. .. ,.,_ .... l,..t-.4 ,._ laiOLA I~ADCASTflt '*' ll.le 4••· Le MI..., c•tt. to63l Q. &... A,.,.&es. CaiN. -.. Accordiftg to Gi!MitU 3 :1-10, i~tn't flltldi~tm lin- full•• A. Yes, you are correct. Please takt the time to read thi8 pa~l'laae. The Word of God throua-ho ut reveal!! the llinfulne!'ls of nudism. The ti Jr leavel'l which Adam and E ve made for theml'lelves we re not 1m mcient, be- cause late r on God provided them with coats of l'lkin, and JfRrtnenb of l'lkin to cover the mselves. Nudity i~ one or the ~iKJI!' of the moral de- pravity of our time.!ll. The pa~an reli~tiou!l were ob!lt'Moed with nudity ~nd accompany inR" evil!!. Q ........ 0ree--"I" Al'fl !N:t ""d '· tl1 n,. i• MI"Wtil»> of lHrrbnrou J"fl-p/.t' 1»1 tilt. i•ltned of Mt'littr. Werr ,.,., ""Vflll"' nr annu"bnl.t ~ .. A. w,. do not brelin-e t hat they wen' either uva.-e:ll or ea.nnibala. They were people who ftrt not of the Jewlah faith. Somethnn Gentiles wert ea.l~ "barbarians." Thill waa I'Q( a word of di11~11peet, but Almply to dlstln· auiah them from the Jew11 or the Greeb. The-y lind fn the KediteJ'.. ranean area, and doabUeM had many of the bene:fttA of the rnMt advanced dviliutionA of that lime:. Q ............... -........ , --tb citw of Dnitlt Bctlhl,. .,. Je,.._ ..._, A,._, ,.,..., U -.b o/ 1 .. LoN ,.,.. n Jf.UW. -' ..._, ,. ... .. to • ,.._. •I die Wr ri'•· ..,., uu. ~~ .,. ...... ,, .. A. T .. dl7 of Doril lo oldln"'l7 -. It• ot .. ~ .. We,... .. ,...,. ... went •• ,,.,.. Cali .... -of .... d\7 <II H-iotol--t11o di741Dari4.-lo....W- ..... (MIIUII lle .... •I ...... ... "-"' llnt4)" (I.Uo 1:.). Tho,._ of 1 .. *-JIIo-Itt ~­...... Q. P~. 0... -"/ hav~ bu11 a t:.ltvrd. !'Mmbtr i?t Mml! mttv f or max~ wear&. Rue?t/.lJI I've bl!ew. ccn~­ vtrled. I'm •o luiPPJI tluu h11U1 1uu fndy ntl!red my Ufr. Pll!an tdl mt u•Aat I ca" d.o for t.ltt Lord ftOII'." A . This is a thrilling Jetter to ~ ceive. It is too bad about the wuted put yean ; however, there ia a 1to- rioua fut u re. Fil"8t o( all, without ever saying a word, you can reveal the joy o( the Lord in your very expression. Then you can read the Bible with a new zeaJ, insight, and joy. The Scriptures will take on new meaning for you. Be aure you attend a chun:h where the Lord Jesus Christ iM honor'N and glorified. Begin eerv- inJr the Lord. It you have a voice to 8ing, join in the choir. There is the miuionary society. aa welt u other ways in which to bre uaeful in the chu~h. You could a.lao open up JOUr home for young peoples' lfOO.PI and child evange.liam clu8u. If you are willin,, the Lord will 1 i ve you plenty to do ror Ria d.i'fine honor aDd Klory. Be a fa..ithful witneu wheJ'.. ever you ~. Q. Tal-.. w .... -·w. ~ ~ ,rtCiflt« tr.ta «~ ~ htdo• lltMriot. Wl, di4 ltltU ,.... MtJrk tltnt it ff10III4 MH ben good for t.\trt 1M" if A.e W t10t kn bont "'"'" He htto nU tli"£7' f..,. tole ~oiwftiwg t" A. God the Father, as well u the Son. knew an thinp fi'OIB u.e ...... nin11. Yet Lucifer, the .., of Ute momin«, ... allowed to ftbel. ~ in• .. n lnatoad of .-L 1-..,. talnly mlaMd tM ..... Itt .. nto: II hu often -aald -• Hitler and olllora Hu )t. 111at 1M world woold iwoft--·· It ....... , u.. -bono. a- ..... God -allow IL Clortat -all ~ ,_ tM ........... .. a • .-~ ........ ..,..., . 'l'lllo -Rio --will, oot Rio dl_... win, ud Rio ,_ bow' ,,.. .W ..t _.. J& • n•• Visitor Gives Testimony of the Power of the Lord Tbe power ot tbe Lord to take any tbe desire tar liquor wu des- ailled bJ 78-year..old. lolm. H. Ryder, retired Nw Yortadrertis1Dg eacatiYe, cllrtDc bla r1C81lt n.tt to lbtNnport-Ara. He bad come ftlt to attead to .:nne bulDtasiDdperiOialmatters&Ddto II•• b1o p:udooo 111t traotot..tac DlaMJiud, Ud be cal1od oo an old tr1.tad, Herb Sbl'r, no &1lo wu ldm Ia 1M Now T•t adf.u.tllc ILtJd Ud .,.llar...,..lalbiCo- ru.. Hlplama ara af ecrro. del -· llr. R-wu-Ud Jl<e- -af Narm Adforllall( A-J (wlaida ltW "'*-· .... Ute -ollllo ·-)ltr.81 ... wultlrau--IMIItwTorl< ,.,., Ud----·00 ... -.,-· ... --. ••mt•• al t1ta Adt'fll'tllllll Cte aflltw YaH, 'l'lli ....... Odwd---.......... lltwTori<-IIIO,IIr. .,... tlrlt ............ "- ..... 11311 fl. ..,_ •• 79 .... Cll1ol.-·-•-..,. _.... .. .,..-cetMia _., ___ ... .. -.... _ .. .. dll"llllllatf .. J.Ard.O..W-11 b ...... -...... Cliltot -·1111-oiMollt, ... ..... ____ .. -·---· 'I IIIII I s I --r c £JIJII!llt en .,,.,.. -.. -... -· --........... -· ---,,, .... ___ .. -;a::::'" .. -.-• !!Ill ......... . --........ aidll -$· ca. .. ... ,...... ._.. X ol .Ur ·: .-11- bead ol tbal .:ro<e>. Laymu's Stmday was tbe direct result of Mr. RJder'a uposure to laymu's wltDessattbeOiford Jfcqt meetlnp. Hla adfart181nc llrm bad oome 4,000 eU-tMoqiloal tba Uallod staiH. Mr. R-Ji<oporod a s~ adnrtt.emeat Ill mat b"m earrylnc a DOD-d~ _. ., llleod ebureb, IIIII lilt mala ol Uaue adl: were .X tD an fJl tbt 4,000 clloata. Tbut Ida - Ia --·llll ...... lbt-IAJID&D"I SaadQ wueltablllbedu u UIMalotleenuce,IDdMr.R)'dlr biCa.IH .. •tlclllll direclol' ol tla1a ...... mtat. At lilt time ot W•ld War u, Horb ~--. Ia &OIIIal llr. R}'d• -odIn-JIIO- ltet -lllldlac .lobo ... adforllall( por-L 0. .-, •ldlt Mr. ...,... Ud Clllrlla er-.- ltft _.., "' ... Adfortlolltl Cltlb, -• 1111W1ir ., • ..,. ... -.,_ ........... -. ..... Ia-llr ... . ........... ....,,,ald. llr.Cilnla. 'hiiCIII ,._. F-GIIM .W. 1'II'Uailt C:.. WU -• I '21 ~ -Mr .• ,..,. to-.o. . .,.. ......... -.. ... -a!HW," llr • .,_ ..... 8t .-_ISJdJ_,. lilt aD ..... ., •••• .., ..... _.,..._ " I. _ .. ___ .. ..,. Mr •• ,..,. -.... :::: ............ ___ l&llld ...... b • -.. ---·~ ._,. ,.-.u•*4•~~-­IW---...,., .. ··--.. ... __ '"..., ..... TS'W ... -di.U.--8111 II .. ._ ol I hi lSI a , • 1 --·-·-~~~· ~ .. CII'O avila M .... ........ 1 .. Yield. Top~bonds have the highest yield levels in this century. Ylelda of 8% are cunently available. You owe it to yOUl'llelf to inveetigate the poeaibility of including high- yielding, high-grade bonds in your investment program. Today's money market is provid- ing the investor with a unique oppor- tunity to invest in the bonds of aome of the largest and financially strong- est corporations in this country and enjoy a return of up to 8%. Further, 11108t of these bonds provide protec- tion for up to five years against being called for refunding at lower interest rates. Today's money market also is pro- viding the opportunity to invest in municipal obligations where yields of 8% and more-tax-free-are available. These securities are especially attzac- tive when their tax advantages are considered. For complete information-and a- perienced evaluation-as to how high- yielding bonds can be part of your investment program, just contact your nearest Dean Witter office. There is, of course, no obligation. DEAN WITTER ai: Co. INCORPORATED SAN FRANCISCO •LOS AHG£1LS ·NEW YORK • CHICAGO Brrmto,. R • .Ottlcrt, Viu Pruiti«Jtl Fi•.,d•l Pl•u UO lhwport Cnl«r Drir~•, N•wflorl B•uh T•l•,~•• 6<U-2292 FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar -Telephone 67l-38SO WHAT KNOT SHOPPE -Of' EN DAILY -10 'til 4 HANDCRAFTED GIFTS • ARTS & CRAFTS ITEMS TAKEN Oil COIISIGIIMEHT Bri"t ;, YOVR H1111tliwor41 2622llewport Blvd. -llewport Beo~h (NEAR WOODY'S WHARF, •u'!'UIDlY, IU.Y a .... "-' ••• X.. ..................... ....,..... .. •'•II• u,..,..,....,, ,, ... ,_. •-~ ---.... 1'1 .. -ltldlotl ......... ---at ..... . ... '~'"" ~ .... . 'hlllaA .... ~-........... ..,_ -...c-.a •a...-t. Ia !11&1 ...... till b' tlltlut .. ................. _ ........ -.. ,........... -~~- 'IJJIIIIl'hllllll ... ax••~! .IURII r•hdJIDrii_Md .. f•Jtat ~-~~~ = :':'~ ... ~a:-c::.-:.:-c:,: : :::-:: ::m-: DIKe ••• NCWPOfltT HACH. CAL.III'OIIttUA TH~ AMIE .. ICAH LUTHERAN CHUI'tCH 1:)0 a.m. tO lf:JO a.m. -Wdfshitt ~IVtCI ~:45 o.m. to 10:45 o.m. -So,w!doy Schoo4 11:00 ..... to 12:00..., -war•hlp So,.ltt 011 tf11U cu llo loll lolt tllo "IN'* -car.,.S -J ..... Pwllor 41 ot UU doll'• u .. Mil waUT rt II .,_ a.~ It u• Lm. at vau.r C1rde1 C.O:.. M-.u.. oa tllo .... af---C.. llwJ. ud ..._, A ... , tomp1iar to )lolp hal -roc& .......... ----c.-dol-.-·-.. --tlloea.-dol u ---~~ tllo Ark -tao ear ,..u_ W\lll -awa beocll-nu, aup.. ol -· 411 IIIII 81., Wool EftlJolM:oJ ol~a..b podudloii_Z,_;be ____ Q ___ ._ ']')• .. .,. Goorae J . S.stliecker, Visitatio. Pa1tot ll._t, -e --lllo , , , ,CIIOtiN &rebel', 14, ol wu tatoo to llooc lfoii>Ual to L-~'-~lliU. • •tac t11o IIICM -• na 415 Pirate ...., cwr ~~a,.., be tr-for .... oo bls fore- 1oM • • • A taO ~ ftl uruttd OD tM cMI'II ol blad ud ear • • .DaridStur&ts, W1L1JAII R. XINKEY ol 410 .......... to J ... -'--cllawliloclllo_o_pollce l,otZ46CalaiiDallr.,Newpol1 Sulo Ala AfO., Newpod at Vlo. llllleo, Lido lalo, YU -eel 0 eaD af o biiJ Hei&t>U, wu piaJIJic bliJ ..W. 11e1cJU. bu ---U •• lro111 ber Phil • . • .Debt ••• n..~.a IAWis, tl, of a ~ ot childreo wbea a •••• c:ula1er La tbl COD· a.., , .. ~ llt ApoleM Aft., JU VldiDr&a st .. C01ta Yea, doc became 10 ac1ted tt11t M IWDtl' lladlDc dlput.IMIIl ol a... lalud, loot ills c:u Ill· wu -1a -o1 0 11qoo< borlled IJid 111oo bit Da•ldootllo -ot Amorieo'1 toor S.cb e-kJ a YUdll ud pollee ..,,, ..till to tate a Oek1 lee • • . A frleDd tokl JaJ Motor C.._ br'ucb.. He 11 a llolod UloJ •• 20 -• bod _...,-. udwu-edoo S<brodder, Z18 34111 St., West -· ot Ft. CoW... Colo., t.. ~!rot. ott ears parted oo ttae ee.r,.ot*-klDplilbUe ••• Newport, lhat b1a ear door' wu ,,..,., tM l1111fer.tty oi.Moo- thl IUt lide ol Apol.., • • • Wll11J Sattelllf, 1012 Rllll:lud Maocun1 open; 1Dvestip.Uonre. tua aa1 bu taka aamerou • SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Rd., Watcllff. Datleed blJ ear Yea.led tbe tbeft of a surftloud Amerleu IDitlhlle ol Btnkinc IIHrJ ~ ZO, ol 0raoco WU _ __, ud droYe to IJid tape deck, Yaiued at $100 --· st., eo.ta lha, wu oNened a prap, wben U was .•• Tbe thuds that lreoe HaD-RUUtU.GI! SAl.. E SET at Vlo lltjoa lllld Via Lido Soed, dlocoYeted -bed sloleo sen, 11 01 Marlall Lo., Harbor IY WlllTE SllltiNE Lldct lall, at 1 Lm.; pollee ru tbl $75 &Mer..tor ••• Three HlgblaDdB, beard ap1D$t ber Tbe Gok1eD Harbor Club wW a redord cbeck oa blm aDd ar-boJI abcMt 11 Jell'S old wen door were from brea.k1oc ew bold ita .-1 rummap ale rlllted b1m em a fallure to tp.. obMned ..trapplll( a Arf-tbat bad beeD thrown byftldah at 861 w. 19tb st., COiib. Mesa, pear warraat ••• Edward Lpcb, board from a ear al tbe Fror-• • • .Baby sitting wu more from 9:30 a.m. to a p.m. JUDe 44,ot&41tM&rpretDr.,New-bout, t801 W. Cout Hwy., hazardous tban Tlmotby Me-Z6 a.ad 9:SO a.m. to 5:30p.m. port Hel&tU, wu arrested at Welt Newpxt; tbeJ tbea. strap-.Nurney, 14, of 1908 Beryl LaDe, J~me Z7 a.ad za. Geoera1 cbalr- 1 :15 Lm. aDd booked oo tbe peel tt oa tbe1r ear and dron Harbor Higtllands, upected; be man tor tbe sale 11; Gilbert cbu&e ot feloDywUe blaUDCo ;. off; 11Dce it 11 tbe oaly ooe of attempted to remove· a dog from SeaL BB pi W11'8 ftl'ed at a VW a klDd, Fraak PetrWo, 309 6ZDd 1831 Beryl Ln., and was bitten Tbe dlanvwt jubllee associa- beloqlDc to.Jaae Alll801l. 1945 st., Newport Sbores, II)' I be ••• NeWe Van Deoburg, 900 Uoo ot Soulbera C&Woroia Tradtwi.Dik LaDt, Baycreat, cu. ldellt1fY tt aod wtU Sea Lane, Apt. 100, Harbor SbrlDu YW be booored pests ll<oU:IIC at $30 IFIDdow; IJid IIOC)OeeutAI •• .K-Rboad.&, VIew Hills, '"""""" tbe tbeft at Goldea Horbor Wblle Sbrtne at tbe w1adsllield ud 3w1Ddows 232 Hasel AYe., Corooa del of ber $150 mini-bike from a ot Jwualem at 8 p.m. Juoe Z6 iD a ear beloaelDI to Myrtle Mar, wu picked ICl at bJ.Iboma carport, despite the fact U bad tD tbe Ma.Joolc Temple, 15th St. ..... S..lc•• nUT OIUIICII OJ" QIIIST, ICII:NTI8T 3303 Via Lido Ncwt'Oil Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:1S ...... -•11 ..... SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -11 • .... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I, .... READING R()()M ..... • ..,.: 9 ..... -s ..... ...... 111_,.: 9 ..... -7:4S , .... r_,,.. • .,. ...,,.. ,,,....,: 9 ...... 5 ...... , '·' __ ... S....4.,: I ...... -4 ....... st;COND c•uac• OF CIIIUIT. SCIIEPfTIST Newport Such tt Corona de I Mar MOO Pldftc VIew Or. SUNDAY SCUOOL 10 .. -. SUNDAY SERVICE 10•-. fi"EONESOAY EVENIN G MEETING 1:00 "·"'· ReadiDs Room: \fotul Bldg. 2863 f eat CDut Hwy., CO\t. MoQ..-rri.: 10 .. m. to 5 Thorad.y eveaia p;: 7 to Sat.: 10 .. m. to 4 p.m. Cro•, Jll8SaottaaoDr.,Do•er oo a.o outstaryHnc feJooJ war-neitber gas, oor a cba.ln ••• and st. Aadrew's Rd., CLUf ~========~ Shorn; It wUI cost her $160 rut ••• K&f SblYle)', Susan KeDDeth Duckworth, 703 Orchid Ha.teo. r to riPilce tbem •.• Warreo Atlairts, and Jerre O.eas, S11 A"·• Corona del Mar, was Yr. and Mrs. Jact Cbapman L .. t.r• C. ret. Bradlard, UZ4 E. Ocean Frott, DtaiPood A-.e., Balboa lslaDd. arrested oo. tbe cbarge ot pos-wt11 relil:lquUb tbeil" statl()lls Of tt. ..... .., Bllboe, tr)'iDc to capttll'e a blamed a pest tor takl.Dg $60 sess1oo of mari jualla • • • u watduna.a of sbepberds aDd L..t._,. a moat, wu: bUteo oo tbe left from their paraea ••• Lupe Steven Carpenter, 23, of 1Z4 wcr1b)' b1cb prlestess to Mr. O.rdl i" '-eric• tbamb; tbt IDOUI wu quan.~~. Peace, .a, ol !M-1/2 Zotb st., 39tb St., West Newport. came &Dd Mrs. A1wyD La.De. Mrs. Mil-1900 P.w:lfic View Or. tiDed at Dr. stoektoo's AntJUl Costa Mesa., was arrested at to the statioll aDd g:aye bimself dred Eltlp trW be chalrma.ofor Jr_."'!'. del Mu, Calif · ~lta.l 1D C01'0118. del Mar, • , McFaddea. PL and Zlst St., liP OD a W'arrant for YiolatJoD. ot tbe 8YeaiDC. and w1ll be L\515· r Dr. Willi.m ll. Eller Paal Berllbam, lZOl Bamboo, Ceotra.l Newpol't, aod booted on tbe peaa.l code ••• Gieiill Vogt. ted by Y.rs. Freda Bafoes. Phone 644-l66-4 Eut Blatt, attempting to pick tbe cbarce lntoJ1tated 1D pubUc 18, ol Z206 w. Oceao. Froot, $500 :rv SET TAKEN 1:4$ ..... r-ily Wo,...ip ICl a ltraJ Siamese eat, wu ... .SOmeooe r•cbed throueb CeDtraJ Newport, was arrested Lea~J.Dc 00 erideoce ot a t ·ts ..... O..rc"'i! Sclt.-1.... "'"' ....... Clooo. .fC...t•""- IL.rtitU Blbl,. Ft=llowollllp I•J,,,,.J••I -A•IO.O.O .. '-•• .... ' ..,..u. s. •. Dr. P.G. Neumann, putor SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.t 1, Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Morn ina Wouhil' 6:00 p.tn. Trainina Unio .. 7:~ p.m. EvCnina Wor•hip WEDNESDAY 7: ll.l p.m. Bible Swdy 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meuina ATTEND THE C-CM OF YOUR CIIOICI REGULARLY )w<>-.O• 0 W'OIIt_.l .. "A"'D lOt C YOofi"'O .IIIIIYICII 1 100 ....... THUIII.D A Y a t aLC •TVD¥ llo"'O .,,.,..,11 1111o00 ~ ..... ...UIII.III:IIIY 01.1111:1"'0 I I:IIIY!CI:. AWY .... P•4• '"'" .. Or-. ... n..l. .. c-.- '-" I ...... IKA.., blttaD oo tbe left arm; tbe eat tbe mall skit at SU5 .Newport OD the charge of burglarJ ••• forced eatr a $500 teleYlsloo 1 i:oo ... ii F••in Won61 ip eecaped ••• 1o tbe zo mlDute.s BlYd., West Newport, unlocked Benole CllDcy, 34, ot 3838 E. set ~ed Juoe 13 from l;:~";u~as~<~Y=•:•o=•I:D:E:o=~-======:===:===\ tbat Robert Muller of 211 the door a.ad tbeo stole $100 Coast HW'y ., Corona del Mar, tbe bo of Theodor Sharp (- Aba.loal AYe ~ ls.laod, from a cub ~ &a.ld Dao was arrested at ll1s bomeoo.tbe me e • .. •CJU..-~1. left bJ.Ibo&t lt"tbeCiraad caoat. uabaney of 310 Feroudo st., charge of possesstoo of marl-~ ~ ~ =· 0~ fl& nr'lt Is ., ., M CQ Lt .,meoDI stole 111.1 6 p.Uoo red Balboa ••• Victor RumbeUow, joana. weekends 3362 ..... S....., Me 111 ff ........ poolloe can, wort~~ $Z5; tbe 1001 SeWnc Suo, Harbor vt.., · •. ,_ lbeft occured belweea Z·50 IJid Hills was walking put 1024 $-1121N TOOLS UKEM EQUIPMENT STOLEN A F"• aJ ,._,__, 3:10 p.m •••• Cars c~ri-..a by 5aOOP1per, wbeo a small black OVernlgDt JUDe 14 -15, tools S~.Wlles and equipmeot worth c,.1,_1.,.__ CW•II• Chrd MarJ AW.OO., zozo Fallertoo poodle ra.o IC> to hlm and ''blt nlued at$412vanishedfromtbe $225 were stolen from an open ,._an. tkc•• ._.., ,... ..... AYe., No. 49, Costa Mesa, I.Dd same," said lbe police report garage of Holt Colldoo, 318 assembly pla.llt at the Ezplorer GreCOt"J SmUll, 45S1 Camden ••• Scott Lect1e, 6-1/2, ot 1616 Narcissus, Corooa del Y.r • A Motor Home, 4000 Campus Rd., Cameo Shores, were 111-LlacolD. LaDe, Harbor" door lalcb was pried ~ but DrtYe, Bact Bay, durinl re- Yol-.ed iDacoi.UIJooattbelotu-l:lnds, was attacked bJ a o.umerous other expensive tools IU)ar bnstoess bours aboutZ:30 MCtioD ol JumiDt An. llld German shepherd 001 at .-ere DOt tateo. Ju. t. Cout Hwy ., CoroDa del Mar, at Ga1axJ Dr., Dew• Sbotes, Z:20 p.m ••• .stefe Bater, 4.15 be weut LDto lJaat yard to Ol)o st., Coola .._ W'U tatoo -J ..W. •bleb be lllld It Hooc ""-1 "' a ..-, cblldroo bod -aftlr be wu ID9omd 111: a car Jact Caster, W ...... s.,.; ..... OoudO -.. 10:011 ..... -..a.•:.:•=-__. erub at W. Balbol. Bl"Yd., west Eut Bluff, reported tb&t at lOIII St., Balbo&, at 3 a.m. nodal bro .. tbe .... ...... Save Time And Money -Call An Expert ..Ub WUilom Jobuoo ol ""'· bls car IJid clamapd Ulo -===-=-:-::-:::~--~~~;:~~~~ barr Part · · · A 1 loot dlogby seal.,.,,..,· e IUUTT SAUIII o HEAL TN I ESOIT beJoraeial to Doo Bua:sey, %928 • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 Pemt. Dr., Co* Mesa, was E ,..., ~ .. ._ 4101 •• !~';:;~ ..fat w.i,u''" tateD from a private dock Ye~ .. ......-= at S-456 Vla ()porto Udo Shops Way, No. 6, West BEAUTY NOOK ar• ' Helgbts, reported tbe 27l2 E. Coast Hwy. • M~NDAY JUNE 2 $30 Ure from Corona del Mar F • trunk ...... JerrJ eUows,S3,ofS1562Dd Beacoo Way left Phone &n·7336 St., Newport Sbores, was ar-at tbe froDl door rested oo a tallare to appear ~:::::. cllarp ••• Doorlu PeDdlttoa, ~ 11, o1 1026 Sea Lane, llorbor wortll at Vtew HlUs, wu arrested at lifted b1s 3:45 p.m. at 845 Amlcos Way, stole tbe trailet, sa1d Eut Blair, aod cbari)OCI1Fithtbe O'Daly o1117 Via Bane --ot claqorous clnlp ·-~. be set bls .... ai ••• .MicbUI Cory, 20, ol ZZ1Z -· W. Oceu Froal, Ceatra.l New-• THURSDAY, JUNE 5 port, wu arrested at Z p.m. oa DarJ.Dc tbe oJ.cbt, stereo SEVEN HATIONS COIFFURES OP EN Til E:SDAY THROUGH SAniROAY tbe cblrp of burclarJ • • • deets and stereo tapes J ..... ~ ZZ, ol1Z15 stoleo hal '1~~=~~~~f==:=...=.:.:..:=c:..::.:.:.:.. E. Bollloo BIYd., Balboo, ,.. Nlcboles, 30!-1/Z RE MODE LING arreltld at h1l boma oa a wu-Tbcnnas, 321Z lbrcusA-.e., rull t>r no-ot Ulo pooal Edgar Blair, ZZ3 321111 code •• , WbUe Booote Da•ts, Ill of West Newpod . Ul ard St., WeiiiNe,...n, WU Wlllmlng, of 2139 aWQ oa. a trip, a stereo tape A-.e., Cotta did: wortb $lOS &lid a spare oa tbe Ure 1PWeltolea ••• Nloetapes Sblrley "WWil $40 lllld lllpodoct'""th st., West $51 ..,... aloleD from llarlanDe at m.ldnlgbt, aod 8ebm•ts, lUI W. Bay A-.e., morDillg to flod that ber CtMral Hnpart, wlllle ber car wrist watcb bad beea ftl Plfbd at Boac flolpttaJ • • • from boer dresser • • • Woller ot 11111 Bed-stauffer, 618-1/2 Marc .. , and ADDITIONS e 'REE P'LAM SERVICE e 'RIE UTIMATU 532-5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION co. CALL DAY OR MIGHT • IBIDDEUII • , .. TillS UCUSEI& ... o COST.\ MESA S49-J36I eORAHGE 639·2441 • IlliG O.EAHIMG 673-5822 e AIUHEllol 826-0381 • HUMTINGTOM BEAOI U2·1451 675·3353 Penial! R119 CleaniiiCJ W orb CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF lUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING ' 3419 E. CXI.UT HWY. co-A DB. IUJI SHOE IIEPAIR MABEIItf 'S Shoe Repair Purse and Lugg1ge Aepa~r -Dye Work S.H ST.....S ONE DAY SEIMCE 11190 HMMJI" 81 vd. C:O.ta ..... -Ml •XJ11 ------- -. •«r· COMPLETE FUNERALS .... 1245 COMPLITI FUNIUL AND IUIIAL CINnR FRED H. GEAWIOC IPio-...,Utr., d~ ... ,....._ ... -••oe hu.,. 1111--~.-- REP.t.IRS eo4 SERVICE E..., -4 •4 ltlo4 a •• -on -A4J••' w --. 1'0IY ---I.A- aJJIII wl~ ~1~ ooniY LOTS MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS Froat $130 from $-C65 Jfark ••&.,tlli• U. 0.. B• arA/al Ploce" h: II lbe "-aal IDII barial c:mler CXliiOept ef1 I ..... -foe~ tbrough beavj Oil om~ hi&flwaJS. family iild &ieMI alilce may ncnr pay their full reo Speds :.;: ..... .., the barial senic:e, u well u .. ••b. aU It ODe lautiful pld. .at 1aa a._. -.c maN h-. .1-. •Ill. RICH &ft.. 714........... 714 ~OCCASIONS DIMtwl T-' rUMJSrs Pill£., r• 1ft aa.•s;a• .... milA .sA ." ....... HAL AEIISOIER ~-! ,.,.,. ... .,, .... ,_LC...H..-. c. ...... ~ . ,... ........... -LC.....,.,a. •••• qr. .. :J..-.. -11 ------·---..... ~ Drelh8f)' S.rrice A•nllllsWe SEW I EE IT SIIOPP E S7S2 E. COAST BWY. OORONA D£L MAR To..,._• 615-6564 (AC!'O-,_ "'" c,. ... , •. Fi.Ointtie IATUlDilt, 1W1 1 I. ~;~ _..._.,., ... IIIli c........................... ..... ...... --.. -. .... .,_..._ ... A--.,. -_ ....... no-... .., --Jo 1111 ... •"= . -· collldod • a... --111111-ru • ...,; Ill r.--. -o1 w.a.. Dr, -J._-, SIOI RJ•• 1111', -ioiilj;.__, ...... udR··ll lllllr.UiJ Att., Welt lCnport • • • tM J0.s ol IUD• W~ II, a.l E-1 bo111o bid Gr-l<l,ll,ol_._..,.. car lllllr-••• ...... -I'OUCY ... a "' t .. , WL 11101n Dr., Wool 11..,..-t, -· ll'· r..ted DD u.. cbll*' oe ._ • SUlfDAY,lUME a nasfoo oC mari)lla • • • Fruk ColbJ, IS, ol151 Do.. Clllrloo AIIIIP. U, ol 914 E. mlqo Dr~ llo, II, -lb 0ceu Froat, l!albolr. wu u-pOlice at tbt ·~. "I'• Ill r-oa the clllrp oldiav-IOlAI liD tab &OJ tool, Clll MJ biD( the _.lllZ:t5lllOOO llWJer," -bolarur-ll E, 0ceu Frco1 •• , FloJd Su JCilljlllo Hilla 114. a.l lllr- S.era, 10, ol 3210 W. OciiD 11*'1te AYI., Harbcw V .... Frool, Coolrll lleorporl, wullllla,llli:40LIQ, oo&clllrp ALTHOUGH BUNDLED UP aplutthe4t-ooltlle-ll'r-oolllo clllrp o1 bur-oldrl1'1D&-Ulolllll_.ol llr, Mrs.-MeDlllloloiUDil,Oblo,lo...,.. •JoJIII (larJ •• , Doolal ~ H, ol aleollol • ' ' ~ Pollll, the llllorod 11118111110 ll Ulo booeh _,---MlJ 1$. / 8'79 Coacreu st., Costa Mesa. 2575-0 Santa ADa Ave., Coeta WJtb ber u ber blubiOO. KeDDetbMeDulel,oatblflu' rtcW. ,.. plclrad .., 11 Ulo Arebu Moll, puked Ills car oo llllh R o1 II-"' ..._. brldp a.l -oo Ulo ehll'ro st., -ol Donr Dr., Cllll ..., to the cooler Is Ulolr 1011, lehll'd •• ,..... --. ot lntoxtcated iD ~Uc wbeD be HaYen. wbere 1t wu ltrJ.A)ed wbom tbiJ ue 11s1t1Dc OD a comblDid bul:lDusud pleuart -~ perlorm tho -lilY ol a $110 lllreo •• .Dorothy trip. (EosiiD pllollo.) lest •• , A J0U111 mu siA>odiUcbm, 54Z El llodou AYO., •1ST ANNIVERSARY OF TIIIEF REALLY ROLLS .A-VALET CLEANERS We clothe FINEST work in town 3137 E. Coo1t Hlwoy. Corono lfol Mor au-AOCOIIWft •w•u .&.lifo U A In IlL y W50,oqo llo4lly 1•1•'1 10,000 .... ,....,. o. ... 2,000 MMical Pay 1,000 ~ lod-lfy Sl30,000 u ....... '" M.torht DISCOUHn FOR l CARS f11rther Reda<:Uou For A<:eideat free fXhias Aher l.t 11ad 21rod Yev• THE II!ST BUY fOR CAR!fUt DRIVERS- beside a one war slpuiGuaot Newport Hetiii>IB, roportod tbll BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OUT CARPET AT IHH An. aJid Puk A ... , B&lboo 2 of her car tires, u~ $110 Tbls year IOll'lui tho Usl After tho Nowporler lnD rol-~ -..-:C.OIIO~ J.alaM, fot abtU 5 minutes, bad beea eut •.• -11 Me. IDDinrsary ol a buslDesa u-led out the red carpet for Pre.- tbeD crabbed tbe alga, t.'okelt Edward, U32 VistaHopr,Eut soc1at1oa betweeo President sideot Ntma t.bt net betore, ott. and drove any w1tb 1t iaBluff,aho•eclpolleeegptbathad Apes Blomqu.lst of Newport a.n unldeDWled eulpr1t rolled~=~;==~~~~~~~~~=~~ hlo YIO , , , Lois l..oYinpr, hoeo thrown al her troal porch Balboa SaYinp ll>d Chalrma.oof a carpet out of Ulo doOr a.l 710 w. 18th st., No. 41, Costa· •.• Delmar Miller, 52, ot tbe Board P. A. Palmer. nlted away with It Juoe U . Mesa. reported the tbeft ol an 918 W. Ball:Jw BlYd., Balboa, The ba&Lness assoctatioo Tbe rua: wu taken from tbe Ore C outboard motor trom an un. refused to lean a restaurant bep.n wben Miss Blomquist toot lobby or tbe 1m at 1107 0 ' O. locked doct bo:l at V1a.llUartaa &t 2:05 a.m., &ad aDded ~ her tlrst job as secretary to Jlmboree Road between 1 and n-.-n Slip 7, sometime to Mareh; ha•lne a drunk to pui>Uc eharre P. A. Palmer; aJid to 19H 8 a.m. Tho rul(spur<bueprlce BUILDING ILOCD • ALL JIIZES . • ALL 1'TriOiO sbe dldo't report U unW thlsfiled a.plnst blm •• • Ja.mes she ud Mr. Palmer joLDedwlth ;•~as~$~2~89~,75~. W~ho~tool<~l~laJid:ho:•~·==::=='":':•-=••:':' :'"':":•:•:';·~11;•::;;;~., date thtnk1na: that frleods bad Laugbera, 25, ol 1Z8 40th St., other community leaders in tbe many bt~rs be may ban bad -........ ,...._ DiD· L ,... ....... a.. borrowed it ••. Tbecooyertible West Newpol't, wubumptnglnto orp.n.tzatioo of Newport Balboa bu aot been determi.Ded. top ol tbe Triumph belonelDc people oear tu& borne and was Savlnp and Loan Assn. 11o Alford Beek, 201-l/Z 351h-..o oo tho ehll're In-From tho days when lhe. LEARN TO SWIM __ 642•9990 st., West Newpol't, was cut .•• tozieated Oil a public: street • • • Harbor Area was merelY a Diane Bapall, .t31 Bep1a An unlocked car parted near sleepy resort to the present GIFTS FOR ALL AT YOUR ORANGE COAST Y.M.C.A. AYe., Corona. del Mar, k>st 3 his bome led to tbe theft of a bustoes.& boom ln Orange hubcaps from ber Coi'Yette to$160 stereo tapedect&Ddtapes, County, NewportBalboi.Savinp ---------a.ccordlnc to Kenoetb Curtis, has lfOWn from $13,500 1n lEGALMOTICE ~15~2~1~W~.~&~I~~B~I=vd~.,~C~e:mr:a~l~as;~~ls~ln~m=~::•~t~~n~$1~00~m~U~-~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ P-33771 ~ Uoo. CERTIFICATE OF 8\SJNESS OCCASIONS 642.2785 CUSTOM WOOD CARVED SIGNS a-602 AVON STREET. NEWPORT BEACH • llTWt.I.N JIUVt.ASIDil 6 TUSTIN . 1 8LK I. 0 ,. COAST "IGMWAY Fietltious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby cerW')" that be Ul eoa- ducting a c:a.rpet tcleaning and drapery sales busioeSI at 5861 AJ.l.isoa Clrele, Westminster, Callfornta, Wlder tbe flctitious tlrm name of Sb-VaJ Carpet Clea.ning and that said flrm is composed of the followUag person wbose Dl.nle lD full and place of residence are as tol.knrs, to-wit: NorvaJ J • Elkins, 5861 Alllson Clrcle, '::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::============::: Westminster, Calif. p Witness my band tbls 5th & UPIIOlSRIY ClfAIII' • CARPETS RE-WHITEHED • WATER I. SMOKE DAMAGE REMOVED o ORIEIIT.U. 847-1678 FOR.'WER INSTRUCTOR, N.4TlON.4L CHEMICAL CO. • "B~II~r Carpi!t Cl~•i"l fo r B~llr!r CllrfJi!ls" SACRED TREASURE HOUSE YOUI QtllmAH SUPK.Y CIMTII. B I•Lr.• • B OOOC.II -S...C:OII~O R~COOIIO. -~­ GII•TII • C..O.NOL E-11 · ,..ILM !ITOIII-& F LAO• day of June, 1969. N. J. Eltins STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. COUNTY ,OF ORANGE ) ON THIS5thdayotJune,1969, before me, a Notary Publle l.n udlor--ud-. resldtne tbtretn, dal)' commil- sioDed a.Dd sworn. per.!JOQ&J..Iy JA)eU'ed Norval J. EWDs, 5861 AWson Circle, WestmUlster, Calll., known to me to be the person wbose name ts sub- scribed to the wUb1D in- strument, and aetmwledpd to me that be eucuted the same. WITNESS myhaDdamlotrlclal seal. Jessie R. Hill Notary PubUc In and tor said County and State. My Commlssloo expires F>wON~ 15415-153815 CO.T-' Mt•-'· C-'L.'"· 112.2'7 Oct, !4, 1970. 112 iA.n ""' n . 1 'A 1111.. r. et fll•....-t 11.1111.1 Publish: June 1Z, 19, 26, July ~~~~~~·~-.. ~·~ ~M~·~·~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~3, 1969, ln tile Newport SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAIHEO PEOPLE WHO CARE 21aH...,.kYD. .JOhD D• OD I.Oii~IUl Clin'li!IEII!Yill. • B£111 m • BIEICID • ~IIUI . -"••ol--.-·.-······~· A finer bunch of troopers you'll never meet. Bur right here in Central and Southern California the Cub Scouts could be threatened. By dirt! And a Cub Scout deserves a clean uniform, right 1 . At any price. Well, what is the price 1 A penny. A penny buys enough electricity to wash and dry one Cub Scout uniform . That's based on both washing and drying a load of uniforms for a den of eight. Quite a bargain, isn't it? Or take your TV set. Electricity runs it for leu than It an hour. Or your automatic dilhw.her. Lea than z; a lo.d. Or an electric hair dryer. Less than It an hour. In fact, electricity in Edison areas · costs the average family leu f?e! kilowatt-hour today than it did 10 ... 20 ... even 30yearaaJO. Practically everyone today is using much more electricity- more kilowatt-boura...:than. ever before, and It'• kill one of your bfaat barpinl. Soout'• honor. ~· --Southern c.JifomM Edl.on . ....,.CiiCIM'w.,.-:c.:;a