HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-03 - Newport Harbor Ensignul I? IIYI"I put pro- T-,. alp! 'Oidlt rtmlll- loclllr-lbtclab'aldocodes ol..-.tee ud tellowsblp. U wu DI'Wly electecl Pre- addlat BW Couk'a Arstmee- 11111 to ... .-.... He lallrod abolt tbl tbeme olllter•l1onll 11c11ry uc1 -oldelliJptnp from a reeeat.IJ relocated odcjJal -The llrst eUWIIIC dHerlbod 1be -.c ollbt elub In US11. 'Sis ebuter members ,... GETTIIIG lMo lilt nlm ol--lla lllllolloyo CIID ol .... lllrllor Area ... Tom DllloJ, ... $, "'St5 c... st., ud Lon Pr_..._ ap 4, Gl 11'11 -.lre, - Gl C.. Ill---II-lor lloyo ud 111"11 I ,_. old ... .... .. aU loortlo "' IWiaun ........ --. .... More Goodwill vidims? WI.WfOif Ho\11011 .. • Death claims Vida Foote ~-i-~5'~17~~~= ;;:;:; ,. -1111 OPIICI& •• jj§..... OM O/ AMirrlN'1 ~ ,-., ~ J llj of )lOW ,. ' I 0P 1111 Oft 0P IIIWraT IMCII In•, Air. AI c.,, of L'U ..,.., ,_,_, ,..,. pnt.Mt ....,..._ olailllkl t 11 s Mil fecut. ed' . t Mttty,.-,..,..............,,..11..._ 11• ty. Yo..,_ ______ • - ,., •AIIOI ABA'S OFniT NlrSIA'EI-,_.. -----c·-•-L II'""'-N H ::::1 Cfl ,_,.,...,,. Tllrn"W" ~~ .. -.. , • • poriow ...... ..,_ fl lly ... ,..,.. mo:':' c:::::~::::: oloo ~ -~ Folk>wl .. .-. lA• AltAUtAU o/ Mr. c.,;, by ~ 1o ....,_ ., ,.,.,....., llofoDio, oad 1o ....... ._ .. " ...... -""'1rilo6•,_A. · l'U-)'<Noool_ot_I01:-IIoo0WJ lflloolll_, __ ..,....,_laWJI .... --. TIL·-Iai7W-(ANe~JI. ILIV£'°C brid M ,._. 1btow hndo. I ·----..-.:• z,.-...... _-,0 ,, 2. l'ft MI!WHMJ IIAI80a EJIIIICN' Ill ... _., w Cflf• ,.._. from Ha':var~t~; :d:Ct • aren't We had aU watched Hervard f« tbe lut few llld plloed .. ~ wrate 1 8 * .... • ......... LC''I .. &Jb 41.,..... ~..r.w ........ .,.!:.~ !!!,~ .r:-;.tl: =~ -t.-: C:.!-~~ hutthe m,ucl>-oll nd l!d ~-~~·~Jr~eve L~ ::na~tUcay. ':veit:JC::..: ~~~-~~ =::-t11M11 .,*:;~~ :. --..::~ ;-, • ...:. ~ =-~=:~=-= -..,.,_ -y 00 n,_. 5oeo.1 •'-....... 14 w n oe you roo.~, -...--111 ,_ ••-v ----.. II ~ 111ooo - ---Ia a,_-..,._ 1oo-Ia • c... ....... c.tU: ,. P'1 today. Jt't tarer, aod it'• at your 10ft of eoUcp ,an Jvy~ F.,tn. We uw k beain a coup5e wMdiP~~rto~ae--.::;-l:lr ....... It '0 'II, 9 .... u •IIIII 1 , '._ T,ll Hi!WHMT IIAABOII ENSICN ..... j .... 10 N a •-· that I can UK che commeDCenWnt apeak«'t of yean &JO. ~ Sectetary of Defcnae Mo-lt c..at Ill_.. tlllt ,_,., Welilaft_k._,, tsr Ida_. .. WW. ... II ... ,.-ef _,_._. circ-.1.,'-t by cowt Mc:roN lfo. A.-20118 "-eli traditional phrase. ~~tnlirt wu lftVIIf:id 10 apeak at Harvard, Now, ,.,..., ...... , .. a.. _. .,w. '-' 1 atewv m ....._1 Mt .. -.... -~ 14, 19Sl, Ia S..'-Co-. r. , .. Couty of Or:;:r• S.aca of 1 can aay you're the hope of tbe future II 11 .U"Ue t~at ~c:Namat~~ wu a ~ber of a r.,.... ... ..,!;;-:::! N' ._ ns q I If .. a -pnL "Ill • of 1" ! • "-• ._..._.by reuoa tMreof Ia qulified 1o p_.,l aU p.a.Ue without buntina out lauahiot:, u 1 woukl if 1 ~espt.d m1nor11y lfOUP. the President'• Ca~ CIGc lilt tlllt ita .lllcleet Ntal tarJ •nw ... -..e" 111~ lJ: iatM WI ...... ,..111 2 •k:on ~by I-. ' said il at a Harvard commencemeot-..um. met, bu1 under lhe law he Mel the same ri&bts tM = ... •WIIIM(JI llllw'U&•IId t.' Ill" -h., ..... An'O • RAA.PA .............................. _.(hpw ud ~-U..._ ina. of coune that U~re wiU brt a c:omrnenc:e-,u Mart Rudd. Harvard's Studentt for a !)em.. U 1 ....... bMa *'f tr. cwtUI·GIJMb'JM ad lllllllt 1'!C p PEC BAAPA .-.................. -....................... .A.-ci•• Ecfitot he h.' ~ ha • •-~ f oc:ratic Society howled obscen"f t M N 'elllll~a,taao.,....,.,IPII' .. -• ....... ... . SUISCII,TION •ATIS mc:nll reI IS year. ,,..,., vent ~·u rom . IIC:I a C a ..... wtlo .... ,..._.lid tM ........,. .. IDjAWidt )llttiJOCIM ..... IfaeW Ia ......_.An.: o.e ,e•, 14.00; 2 ,e .. , I7.00 the Afros or the SDS yet. . mara unlll he could not be heard. prlactp ... ot tiM die~ •••• of nr 1w tM ~ ..... ftlt tl ,.. 1M wv. 0. or H.tlor Area; 0.. ,e.-.15.00; % ye--. tp,oo 1bree or four of the Afrol may decick that , He attempeed to leave the campus. The SDS ud 1aaft ...:1 tleaa u 1 ....... YW.EMI • t11et tMJ ill t8'a Dr. CUI If , l'~e, of .. commencements are ncist institutions, and ~opped his car, miiled around it, tried to tip c.,. g tMtr !diiJt.-aettft-..., ldll_....,., We lilue ._ 10111. Ceiii:WJ• , ......__. then five or six SDSe:n may decide rhat ~ It o_Yer. McNamara left the car. Tbe SDS UN.. n. cle1m: ot Genptot """'bed lib 2 .... anu, _. tlrCiftdl'utld MrnhJ ' ARVO E. HAAPA, owner .-.d publ isher of the Ensign A MESSAGE FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY The Fourth of July Is a time for rea dedication to the principles of Individual Uberty that were set forth In the Declara- tion of Independence of 193 years ago, Let us bave the courage to say proudly that we are patriots, and that we agree with the sentiments expressed In this Independence Day message: By SENATOR JOHN G.. SCHM2TZ Tbe Fourth of July marts tbe momeat wbeo tbe UDited states of America took ~ Its desti.DJ u a.a i.Ddepeodeat Republle pledpd to cuarantee the rights of Us citiseD.s derh'lDc from "the Jaw of lliturea.odofoature'sGod..'"So loag u tbat pur'p)se llYes iD our miDds aDd hearts, so kxlg ..W tbe Fourth of July be: duly commemorated. strideot voices today insist tbat tbe prlDclples oo Which our Dation was touooed are oow old-fash:iooed aDd out ol dale. ec. somebow tbe scotrers aad the "ctange ageots'" De't'er tell us ezactly wbat they would put ln their place, The ooly substitute for freedom is slanry. The only sub- stitute for indepemeoce Is subjectloo.. Tbe only substitute for law is aoarcby. And the only substitute for uoc:Nmgfoc: prlDc.lple 1n goverwneDt and morality Is arbitrary power and UDCOO- trolled impulse -the great bJ.storlc destroJers of 111.tioos, mencements are a CIA plot, and thm. of beJin IO club him on the head with lhe poles fne ~..a of frM ...... blo-'FINd lluWI: t. "ftk:.ll "Yr ... II..,.,...,..,....,._ course. the entire faculty, administnlion and ?" which lheir pace poRen wue nailed. If blaet bubeu....,taaa '111' .u,ar, 1 & t PH .. wJgpctetL, ..... 'ne _. no• ._de- studenl body of Harvard, with c:ouraae thai n h_adn't bun for the arrivaJ of the Cambridat 1tDJi .rtlt g 011' ....&: .........., u Ml•ted fled "-..,...._ dDM • de- has made them a leeen<J, will replace its com· pohce, who formed a protective cordon around tioaa1 IMitlltal ud mo. 50,000 ol oir flcM'IC .._ *"Ida lnll!lllit." mc:ncement by some sort of ceremony more: M~Namara and escorted him through a series m.IIQm bu ~ 110 De .._.,...._,klllld-.1.., U.... Ito ...... ..,_ ....... of acceptable-somethins they know the boys will of mlerco-,nectina c:tllan of uniw:niry buildinp potat.,..... a..r ...... cbar-.. Diet r.&ft--~ ...... ol l'ldcii'J, U..e Ia approve of-say, a book.burning. they loved to safety. be miaht haw: been killed. da' .... la lll&aJ plec: ... r ... .,... •• !Didllrllll. We!lplacud...W.,ill•rWica that at Columbia. or a dean-tilling. lhcy never The n:xt mornina Dean Monroe wu uted nltld 1D &llll'ChiiUc demao-Oa lla)' 15• be hx1"'M U be F-a ol 1.ar sp.. quite accomplished that at University Hall. if h~ would punish the SDS. And he said-and stntkiDJ: 1D wblcll miiCb blood ttat.d: ';?J..,_I;MU .Sal war prot.d~M. , Dean Ford let them down by havina: recupera. if you want ro know where lhe malia:nancy bas bMD Jbed. 1D Jill', Ll~wttbtda r.e ~ 18 beSec tive powers they didn't count on. started that has made a hutet case of Harvard wr..r .. 1D t1ma put tbl ca...,•,. plldp 1a W'lddl M made a.t ......... If._ II But the fact that you can have a commence-it started with this--Dean Monroe saKI that ~ AtDII'Ieaa people II&Ye rejoked taated Jut r-r tlllet: "It I fall IIU:Iet U oMcll1 nd tD ..... menl here without aettinz down on your knees saw no reason to punish students for what was ill tMtr ~IXI:t!UFo.tb tD do m.I elpec:t 1M Amertcu tz&&llle. ....._ tllte tr. e.ta& to a sludcnt wreckina crew. or without callins purely a political activily. of Jab' ftii&Ye ~ aw •.:b pec:pJe to ..S me &e<(+i!llbf.e It U to be ~~aped a.t: tllte up the riot squad. is mainly luck. You enjoy Now. if deprivin, a man of his freedom 10 c;riel. Cbief 1JD011C U.c:&II8M18 :--b I&Uin." OD ~~.··tile bridtN ~ _, ll.ft .._ adva ntaaes H~rvard doesn't. speak. if deprivina him of his freedom to 'move tbe CIII'I'G d«tmand ilr retreat ....., rtpOI'ted tbet ._ ~ wtD.IoCOI8-.odllrltetwu-wl;)' Fe;,:. one thma. Yo.; have~ adva.ntaae of if dama nearly deprivins him of his life-if =.n tbu k Ttc:tory la ;':~,Y=-~-=-=-= =·':=~~ ~ot '"I 10 reve~ or the w~ and cour· that's political activity, the!l rape ts a social • wu rfiPOI'Md t111t a pelloC1 ot "-1ca. ase of pas.• aerw:rattons of adm1n1~ton that event and' slickinJ up a ps alation is 1 financial Tbe A.mericu people do DDt 100 000 lli · pnutNe prior to you haven 1 nouced the moral flabbiness and transactton.-American Way Features --.rltud wll1 weare GcM'II tt'JO Fro111 tJae IJible IIIlo -.Jarodwar. Tlloyoloool ,;. ....,. ol 1111 ,_.-SALT FARM PHASING OUT =~~-= ~~~~~ :cc::~! ft --bJ 1M M:lteiD8IIl..S.bJapro-1a tho power o1 God aato Tblt .,_.finD'" eliMoace-m.:la cll•p to De _.lanD ID1aeet a1lltarJ.....,. o.t tbl niYation to every cme dla1 berrw _WII' -.1 ot lfewport tbet "'1D U&bt ot tM -=-rtala war CDilld lan berM .ted Ia belie'fedt; to the Jew fint, 8e.J '-wa....._tiUJIIID• Nureheel .. ottMUdiWIP, 6 'ftlb U ..wt:ary per_. andalaototbe Greet. •• to ~ cMilaUoD U jalt dJdD't -ww th..a bed bla p.._ a tr.e bull. Per therein it the riahto-u.ltbln.,.,_ol,..e. to attempt rehetldtl(,*"accor-Dr st.ert lleBinle '1be ,.. A ddl eo beciD dMnolltJon d1Dc to a COIDIIUJ .......... 'fOk~ al A.aaeric::aJt.GD, •• ~-a. eou.tno~a ol ~ re•e.al~ o1 tbe 15-JIU'~ tactuttes St:arUac a ... ~ at _. ..u. from a M'kopt8' pOot. f~ fatth to _fa•tb: u at. •• ol w.-.re Salt Coqleny's requires % Jelrl. Two JeU'I fto later I.:IIDJt bY w. Wille wr1t~n. The JIUt thall hn "llrm"wtll bodoeldod..,b!' llom -tboploalwaaldllbiJ' 0 aolao~IDIIoo.--.,. by foolh . (Romano 1:16, 17.) Pole JaiJ', OIIIJ' tbo-teonalao be enmlod oW bJ WI'"".UOC Tbo Jil-lot ·--111o Tbe United states of America declared Us I.Ddepeudeoce., ,. tiW we Americans would be free tobuilda. society wblcb would giYe eYery man tbe opportunity to realise tbe best tba1 was lD hlm, and where eveq mao would be secure iD b1s Ute, liberty -ormlaod, ... oflldol•ban deoolopmeot..,..y. ........., o1 u--wv AUG.. 29 WEDOIMG DAY llnad7 doeldod lo or-ndoa lbo AU eqalpmoot, IDo:JioiiDc aoa-Ia ntcll oU -waald ~ On.ap c.a Co!hll -On.ap~ 11-n, .eiiiDetJ, loo!a, udlromcuo, dltododtowt.Joclbo--.AJuY-.wtD!Uo- WIIII I ""'" --boiDc ba•e llroadJ-r-od ud ~ -t111ap be .,.: Lura 1t1Dc u 1121 tn1o All(, decided Ia aM CDIIIftl: bltweea tbe rftN!l•hiC ltiittw• are ...... tbl -o1 bMth•• Jt et tM Gerdaa GroN CO.. tbo-ClL-On.apeo--IIOilWoc ...... tlr2 .. ---·-....u •..tlyCMotea..TIIt-lla ... tJ. diiJISI lit ot a. "OIJper tsoafDrtMcwtuw,b'artfiU. vw.--Mrt.lcn. ftlclll8tMcte•...,otllr.udlln. a.mt property UDder objecUYe Jaw. It was a spleDdld dream, a.ad to a larce eztent it ca.me true. Tbe United stata ot America is tbe crea.test SQCcess storJ LD tbe bJ.storJ of aD tbe •Hans, Bul croat ....,... ot-n.ys briJop -II c:orielll :'!::': creal temptatkms am powerfal eDemtes wWnD ud HaYlrtg beeu tbe &natHt succea, We IXftr lace tblll'.,.. • tempt•tlons IJI:t tbemo.t..,.ertul....,les, Wewt.DOIIIJ pnn11 mer tbem by a neepiDg rededleattoo to all tbe belt iD oar borlla&e -to freedom with order, to alllbo priDo:Pples of objedJ.Ye aDd uocbangiDg natural law 1D tbe CCtDdbct t1 our &avernment and our dailJ llYes. Wbat better occasioo 1s there tor sucb a rededic:atloo tbaD the Fourth of July? • • • WHAT IF WE DON'T BUILD ABM? An Important message Is printed on the back page of section 2 of this Issue, It Is a warning from the American Security Council that our nation Is In perU because of Communist Russia's growing missile strength, and that the development of a safeguard antl-balltstlc mtsslle Is an ur- gent necessity for the United States, The communists make no secret of their overaall political objective: It ts the ''triumph of socialism and communism on a world-wide scale,'' Tbe American Security Council states, "At this very moment the Soviet Union already ts well ahead of the U.S. In over-all strategic missile strength .. , In both word and deed, the Russians have shown that they regard the world struggle as aflghtto the flnlsb-- a fight that the Soviets Intend to win at any cost, Not a single political or military authority has been able to offer any reasonable explanation for the current Russian buildup of staggering destructive power, except In terms of deliberate, coldly calculated aggressive Intentions,'' This can be an Issue of national sur- vival, Make your voices heard by writing to your senators and representative In Washington, and by giving financial sup. port to the "Operation Safeguard'' appeal of the Security Council. Turn right now to the back page of section 2, : ~!"''ii_,da;ID.:ti.trs.;..l::;::: ~~ ~~~.:::_;:::, :.-;:. W: = ~.~: :1 S:.: 1-.... 1lil1 Ia eer-!a I. wiiJi! o.:uiildl •-• 1a4 1111 """llqp II llr, ud llh, -T- _.p • -t;>r -ao ..... ot -:•;;:•:;..:"';.::1111:..·..;"'iill:;::..:•:;.;.,:•:.".•:..;"';;:.;;c;;l :;;';..:;";;•:·:;...-.. __ _ ---..... l!deloodo_lllo_Co~-ar•'• • W 1 PCIP"Wicw n1c11 JW1 on.' tM III'CII*'I:J. TlltW-IallCo.r.-Su .... HIC -"llloporlb!' -...... .,....,.-baft om. -· bollll. ID ·-- -alt p1oa1 At lo!p l2de oeou-wu ud nlr .. -•IDSulllqo, lriiiPod Ia --ud - ... ~ ud ·-.,, """'~~' puaod ......... -- ,. -- -"' Jut "'-" wloPJo lloo _ .. _ .... -las2 ~-.... ,_ r.t .... -· PouiDcetJ*ID II> qoll 1111 ..-, -wore II. 'II ..-oii!L Tbo JOHN PETERSEN, pr..,_. a1 tbe ..., Bcnr-. SocietJ ol T~ of •Kk llld detlr1s farm prodllced betnlll 5,000 tbe NaUoael Soc:.letJ, CldJdra:aoltbeAmerk:uRefollltioa. wubed dDw tlllll Sud CaltJaa ud 9,000tolea,.,-,..Stlr wbleb 11 IP""Ic:Fed bf tb1: Co._. wt.wam Cabell c.._.. Wub dlrillc U. Jlonu ud pjc'11'111o ....... ,...,,II ud of tbe Daqbtera ol tbe Amertcu Refo1ut1oe. .,.,..,..,tbat '*' tM lWir Bl1. ,....,,,., 'fU1oal: c:omiHI'dalproeeuea.. the -meetiDc ollbo Society wtll ... beld "" Jail' IZ ol .... B I . Sloper d. ..... ., Mr. ODd Mr•. Fraoot _ .. _ of ,..___ • • piOneer le_ s Mrs. Bunts, a retape from Baap.rJ,iltbetpll.ll:er a tbe meetJDc, Fo!lowlooc tbo meetiDc lbou wtll be a boodl party, Fna ~ ~' -ot Bon ud l'llood 2D Loo AD- wltb picnic IIIDCbloll IDd JPlDMIS. Tbe preGdellt ot tbe BdiO& lllud"a eu-llelt pro-..-.~~r. sq.-Oftllda-. .. Society ur ..... ..,.... lo Itt t11o IJocollbo UodlodSioleo porty -..-lall!oslotp ----lloo .. ty .;ol~A~m:er~lca~ee~J~all'~4~~~~-~~..,~-~·~"t..:e:llo7~:, ~;-;:~-=~-J-11 at.,. "17. 1910'1 at Jlt S!A*Ir• An., Leners to Editor NOrJC~::'tis:~G :?a.:~::-~ -.. Ia ... ..,. .... -lifo, .... -........ """ Ano .llupl. PabU...-Edllor Tbo ._.,_ -lloo P'"-'-C •2_ ~,... -· Ia LooAooploo!bro .. r 10 Newport Harbor EQIIp abot'e came to A...sca to cc:a-~ ~ • Je&n. Recezt17 be .,. -- Dear Wr, llaapa: soli -llorid 11«-llor ol CIIJ o111o.,..1_, wlllloold pto,od b!' s.-Dnc Coop,ud o. boba!l ot""'......, ....,_ c-11.-1 -.._ • ~ ~ .. IIIIIIPII<a-........, • 11> 111o u-o1 101a bers of tbe Amertcaa Cuter Laraoo, director o1 tM World ~:..:. ;;'t ~ l:lr dedi at tM £'.eM apr aa:JBprillc- Soelety of 0noco c-oty, I Rollo o1 Law C.. ot Dol<o; :0. --::" _.:: llold -Pioo Ia _....., WOiild lite "' .... ,.. ud lbo -Cotool• "' -cll1 , -Boldl, slalfoftbollewpon-ED-a....-.; Dr. FruPt "-· 1111 -._ ...._ 1lmlll.-lllwu•Jnolll'""-"' sip ... yoor --Pioo bootd ebaltmuolllooLAT!mH :::-IIO _..., c-dll tbo llollloaAicl!lcctoolludlllo of IPiee lor lloreooadptet.• llltrw ..., 11-,._ o1 ' --· c.-1lod ud duriDc tbo reeoat Cucer Bill Foodo, accoodllc IDIIr. -""=r=:'!-.~ -2 Clllb, o nJEh<udput Cruade. Utt, --pr-olllooW-C<a: TlorouJIIo rour e111o11o, uwen TloPs bluod ..,_ o1 au--.. 1111 l"ll!o cll1 ol JIIIJ', -c~ ud -o1 1111 as llooae oltllo -Y0-0, -~~~~~ -IIJ Ia u a-~~~~ ... ~~::; ortcfool ph I I ol 1111 0eaa •• ere confJdeDt Blat 0rup ampJe a1 u.. are. wMetJ are 1 Filllll Pa«et:Uw •-·wo...., Be Coomty wtll reocll 11o IJI)I1 o1 o1 ,...t ,. 11oo IJald o1 ,__ •-' -C!ly 1lo1l, It wu oloooputrrh<olllooL. ,.,000. --2 '"""-ud -... --:-:' ~ .., -A., eo.y,..., ... C... Cool-•• aim w1sb to tuaUdaap.-Jaare tiiM bait a ewtwJ bela aD PII'IIF • • • • _,..,_ mteslge pc>r~..uy to ----.---lloonad ,..... lEI llo ~ --Ill Ia wohod by 1111-IOIIIII'Ielolloa ud _...,.... 1o _...,Mil ooiii•J!J PIQT,c.,,_,. .,.,....,,..,._ • ...,.._ U...IIDMta.llontiF ... ,If .... •r t•Jidp a. ... warld ::,•"fl~f,. 1111', tin. ....... M.8 fll port s.eb ctty ~ ardlr, rto~~ I, 0' I _.-.. PtOIS .,.a. U. Ill RciPWt a.dl;a-,o.ai!IL SIDo:oriiiJ' _...,. -o ~ ·-"' ' _.. 11 -~·-SterliJII tiJon)'. M .,._ • Pile lle~t II7IW '':"P t., a.-. L o-tfllc.- -.ry ~ ._1 IIIia. LIG& MOnel dol liar;, ud 4 11 '-CII!Jnau Me .-Wflfll _.. llelf LICAL MOliCI MttL& or PUBLIC ••IJDIG II 't ol -"flolr IIIIo- • REDil FA~ PIOIIICKO/rPUIIUC•AIIPPIG -lo......,. ......... -POrt, ~olllooEaet.. _ .. ......,. ......... :: llloft 2 CCI 2 2 .. .. 0.~"'"1'111 P!r '1 o-at t f/1 CI:Jtl•n;ut._..wll .... IIWMIAMSCXJMV .. I ....,J-B.W,Iallll-c.,., ... ____ .,..... . ..,. ... ,.... --.,. r· 211 .. The Stock Market. Which way? When? How far? Juot publiobed! A ~ep~>rl on lbe market outlook-bow il may allect your iln'eolmeDt J>I'OIIUII IIDd your W..tment-. Our Ecooomic: Policy Committee baoo juot pubJiobed lhio q\III!Wo market outlook Np~>~t. "A Pooiti"' rn-tment Po~. Tbe aeport deal~ with tbe IUddnme• and onerity Of the clectine iD lbe !*l-.2 wwb, the prob.ble efteclo of JWtriclme flocoJ IIDd _.,. poJicieo. IIDd their likely --m.,-t on corpoate eamiDp com~. It bda that U.O W:ton IIDd olbeto may ••IP"* opportunitiee for inftlton iD bicl>-quolity otoc:b wbicb are moliwly a-Fated "-lllllitivity lo _..t .... !II coaditioaL It ftDde oppoatumty. loo, iD iaduottialo -. tbouch CUtn!lllly -· -""'-n-ted biolorically the allility lo ncooeJ IIDd appreciate. Olbor -luaitios -y lie iD allponle ad Dfirnic:ii-1 lxedl whidl ue deti••b:ac -bilb yiolda. 1alanDecl iuo uton Jbould haw • mpy of tbio liawly .... IPI-t, wblch jncJnciM • w ol ....... ,...ded MCUJitieL -, ,_ ""PJ' oi"A Puoitioe lno 1 li-t ~-"' the.,.,_ ..... .,. olop ..,. ---Doom Witter. Co, ..... No .......... ol_ DEAH Wrrn:R. a Co. .. ,.,. __ ...... ....... ................. . IMI ,.,n;er,n • LOe .. U-UDIO • _,_ • DMl - ' --RIJMidfii..., .. IMc #t apllllllea.rtzc• .. llll~e lila af,.,.. ........ t ..._ D diCMI\ · k"d lh • h ....... -.............. a. .. ---lllai--WII ...... ~ :' et ... --• Lions I elr eroes t:lca ol OW .... D 5 t .. CIS I ..... 0.. ... &1111.... ... .... .. -II-., -... I tf dlo ,_. IDIIIoiiE &fl .. lta ......... a ...... t a 7 -.-........ -d 52 " 211- Yiaa. =a!U _ _,_ II-Will-. no.,--a II ,_. ol 1111 IW-o AI-u 1111-ftl Bo ................ -~·n I Mil--Celli'' p, ..... ,. -: u.a Cllfllan~eedl c ••. ,...., .... r.HI:IIJ-.DJ t •-•••Ill tl-....&. , ..... II biJniiJ' ..._..,. , .. ._,= 11 1 --...,._ ........ ,lllo-.... ,_.,11_ .. ___ .. ......,. ................. -...... _IQ '....... - -.... 2m t1 I~ 1111 - ' llld I 2 I-... Y .. T · o, 1¢ X llool _,_... ... ........... -• .. 1• .. 1• a .... -. I --~·-...,..TW.--~ ...... Zii~i:'i:'--·-··-~~-.-............ _ ... , I N I ''nil• .. -•-... -'P!TJIM. Lloollol ••a'o, -....... _., __ al-..._II .. C a.. I ---..n--nT~.•--· _,_...,,._ II .. C CO ·sal .. 0 IJSai .. ZJIIR .... I aAYnB I ;:"··· .... ~ -noi!J-..... 5I laRd •liD I A, tzt•••a Pa;sut-C71r -Ill • ---=. ... a I II 21 ---------·------· .... _.,__ .... -· .... ·--n..tl -.. ·-UzJIIP III_Ceoii_TIIt __ 71 II.......... -· __ .,_ 11~ ..... 1 ' •-••1m•co..-•----a-"'!'~===·=~=I:.:PI~.a. C ht -. •• P 'S'u ..,., rt , P • :•. 1 ---·-, .. " ~------------------es.J -~.-~-..__., ....... __ ....,__ -~-......... L .... I .. _........ --...... ~-tzl.......... .... • ._ ...... I ~----:-----~---'"T ................... ---=· I ·-.... IIIII!!---......... $ILl ....... ~an . a a UzJ -·--a -•. -fo a J "-•I --..,:~:.:,.:..,_-:"_ ---... '1 Ia -·-ZW II 2 I a----....... II--------I • 1 .. • qz en ,. .. _ -.. -•c < ?& 1 ...... """"""""",----:....-___ _ • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Mrs. Glen Allen head~ N.H. Soroptimist Club ~'::;=~~,:.~ Mn. G1oo ag a.., ..... 1o a-31 , .. -..,_" .. -. -.. ~ _. ..._ THIIIISIIIIY, JULY J,-a. - , .,.,....,_a. !I'U!' r • ., ., ... , -..,_., ,. 11 -COIIIIADILIIAA,CNJF, ...... __ CIIII. .. WI!. i .. Alia fl .. _ _._ .. • -.. ~~·· , -., c.re. .. --A Wh 1 strM', .... = ·r C... 'Nil ..... .,..... 0 e -...... 1,.,... .. , ,.,..,. o a a e -, .. .,._.,,. .. _ ADD-lllll SPOilT CDA T lO YOUIWA_ .. ts a.._ •• rt"l~ -c-·aodDollaS T-. ,...., LJ2SSaPIIo 1 lw,_ __ .. ,........,.,. ... ctae ........ =··-ot tllle llcfe•DOd c-. aa.o «zt lied .. _,.., IPro.- ~. lr12 -~'""'""'; lin. wa.&frld 0...., ZDdwtce. prlllldlllt; Velma O'BnM. r .... --.aar,; IPro. E.:O ~ corncw••nc ~~a .. tarJ; .., .. Jau WIJU••s,'tr-.. --; lin .. Farel WaJ,qr aid Mro. ver"'* -. dSr-a; lko. .. _,udiPro,l--c-, dcPI .... ; IPro. 14R$, GLEN ALLIN GOOD SELECTPOM Of LPGHT WEPGHT DACIOM AND WOO~, AND liiE MEW DACIOM DOUBLE KMPTS SL Aadrew'• Pr~ Cboreb, 100 SL Aadr ... s R<L, cwr Ha•• -ne lllr1DOD m tbe a, 9:30 aa::1 11 a.m. ...nces ..,. _, will bo 12'<• "' ... Rer. CeeU £uK. mini ... of CbrWtiaD ec'KatJoa Ria tlaple wW .. ''WrUIDc a. CJift •· ...., ....... -......... 1:21. • • • . ~ 1-.a Clladl al tile Muter, 1100 PacUk View Dr., 1lartJor Vlw Alii• Tllltl..clr'cYs -will bo -~~~ aS ... ··======···-~·:45.., 11,00 LID,- Fresf1 Produce CALPPOIIIPA -WHOLE WATERMELON La. 41hc GOLDIM JUIPLEE CORN 6 EARS 49' JUICY VAL EMCPA ORANGES r . ,.l··f)·'·; '-• • ' .J 60L LEMONADE 120L 4 .... 9' IIIIUTE MAID 3 ,_ 69t ' I MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES no -••"* '" ., -...., "' - It, Cout ..,. c.-.., -.-""--_,,., .. -.... -........ ~~-­.,-W1r rlol c:aa.a So .., '*-" ., -., .. ..._. ... C , IIFY 0 ••• -YMMAI.Y-A.& .,_A,& ., -1\11, .. IAIT CIIAS'tllft. ~ DIL W.l ••• ADD ONE SCREAM Can you imqine pourina turpentine on an open cu(? This ... the favorite way to prevent lockjaw some )an qo. Natutally, we wouldn't think of doina this now. But then,. we're lucky. We Mvc letanus toxoid$ and antitoxias. Thanks to medical ~eaoe, kx:kjaw MOd DO bwtr be a kilkr ... previously, dcalh oc:cuned in 90% of the cues. Childrm, becaute o( their allinity for cuts. IOI1Xtimes pid; up the tetanus acnn-So, if there are YOWll children in your family, be swc to ask your ph)'5ic:ian about. prew:ntivc tdaDua lbocL h 'a Glttlfly$ wise to ICdt your doc:tor's advice bclOR uMna any medicines. And rtclll:t time you have a preec:ription to be filled, think of us. E DAY ONLY* SATURDAY, JULY 5TH 9 A.M.' il6 P.M. Unt Filter -~~ Automatic Water Agitator _May1av........,,,.. goo11o .rnon. Built-in ....,, watlf lint filter pkn auto- ... son..chfa-. - Level Control Sons gallons of water! Makhes WOfef l.vtl to sizt of lood. Posi-fill onch - pmsuno pool>! ... ~ 3 wa11r 1wftps • Positiw IIIII•ICI fil • Fukytle safety lid slapS action in -* • Swilaway .. ai.lg action in lint ,. .. ,.. tW • A.lt-"t unbalaed 1aa11 pr•tian • Rustsproaf lid ballinges. Ruggad pro-hlliael.mt • Vir· _..., ~ pnp • Strang ..... laullng legs • ~ MayiPig o •• Uiiilyl ' THE IRAIDEST CIJIEIA ,:.:. All! ORAIGE COUin PREIIERE SHOWIII Oae wee••• Major Slllitb, Lie•eiWlt St•alfer, ud a beautifld ltiOIIIIe llilled Muy decide to will Wodd WarD. 'l'h ... N•zls uea'l fol' l'eal! They are All ied agents who must wm World War II th is weeken d ... or d1e trymg' P remiere Presentation Theatre 2ft do NIWI'OI1 UACK •• ot ....... ,.,.., to !ohio" U4o tolo -o•. l-UJG Eulusln Indoor Sbawi•l Mid-Sovtben CaWonl• JACK LEMMON AND CA THERtNE DENEUVE CHA.fiii..IU "aTI!" MYI'IINA .OYIE" L.AWFO"D I..OV ARE A ROMANTIC FANTASY "T he A pril 2nd BIG WEEK! WHKDAY$ • 1· 9,30 -CO!ff. SAT PICIAL I'IICES ON SATUIDAT MATINH THE LUXURIOU S 1'"'-• Of lt()(IINO CHAII loetS NEW IALI... I '" U$1 ""'' "'' \ TH EATRE 1/, BALBOA P(ltiNSULA. 613-4041_ ~ • Of'IMS MIGHTLT l r4i • ROBERT DeLaocy, IZS PolDsettla AYe., CCII'OII. dll Mu, caught bis tlrst marUn oa biB ~st .boot~..-oa. a J-. 14 llshlng --IIIII of Ranebo -VIlli; Soja Call-lorola. He li<oupt lbe 145-pcMIIId marllll to plf bJ hlmaell alter. bottle luiiDt ...... llldl5-.He -llshiDr with bla fatber. CoroGa del Mar realtor Da"ld DeLaDcy. Fourteen-year-old Bob, 1t'bo wUl be a. a!Pbomore at CorGI:». del Mar HiP Scbool tb1s fa.ll,lsa..lala ntc polo eot.buslut ud won his "C .. letter duri.Dg tbe put seuoa. N.B. ,_, ... ,.,,r:C.,.r..r~oll-· '-""'-........... ~ ~e=::~ .......... ..-...... -·· JOIItcl , .... ..,.._,., •uoo ,.,. • •lllo! lla!r...., 1-_.._aD_IIPP_y .. ·-.... _,., ... -~ ...... lui ,., •• aD-liM .,.., a( Mf.lll,lll. 'hoi_.,.. ___ • lilt !Ill lola! put lilt !Ita IIIII dftWor, -a( .. , ......... lilt prt-$?1,31?. -loll aD limo JdP. F. C. Sc ... ld, dock 11.., Till ld3owllr pormlb, tolbo af 14 Lloda We, $3,100, • &mOalt ot $1,0001D110t'tr, wve • WIST NIWPORT 811GRTS ._ dvlot t11o IPDI! lwoeu 301Haor HoopUo~ .--_ af J-: llnport 81>11., 11,100, • HARBOR VIEW HILLS Knport Pbor-Oitlca~ -Brill Co., a; •IDtl• lice portiU..., 3510 _.., f&mU7 dwtlllll( oo PartCbo._ $3,$00, Uld Part A1bou, ructoc !rom • I!EWPORT HEIGHTS $11,100 to $H 400; 1o1a1 Glldyo _,... Oddllloo, $901,300. ' ' sse Su BeraardiDD, $15,000. -Brill Co., .. u tor LoQ J, Luarloh, 1-UIIII, ,....,., 17-85 Uld 39-44, Tract 6624. ""tlllo& :1175 -Sl., $S, ?50; llld playrooms 11 p ?O? $1 ?,000. llld IUS PortAobloy, !9SOPort •NEWPORT SHORES AlllUa,1UIIIId!87ZPortSUr-L. J. ADder-. ldd pl&J. 11ot. llld 7954 llld 19?3 Port room, SOO P._.t st.,$1,900. Clio-. total, $75,500. • HARBOI\ !SLAND • CORONA DEL MAR Wtwam C, Bater, I Harbor Doo Frantllo,Oddlllooandal-lslud, al-llld ropolro. tonlloos, SSt? Oceao Blvd. $15,000. $1!,000. ' • BALBOA In iDe Co., reloc&table office, Cbarl11 Steak, add ,to:~: 3101 Bayside Dr., $1,000. 2020 E. Oce&D B!vd., • CAMEO tnGHI..ANa; CUotoo fire Lewis Schllesemann, mm-933 W. Balboa mtng poc)1, 601. Rockford Mrs. C. &.rdsley, $2,800. ' 1-111111 dwelling, 915 W. Bay, • .NEWPORT CENTER $33,000, Allison Co., partitions, 2087 R. Alleboi'De, remodeloUlee, Su Joaquin Hills Rd., $4,600. 881 Dour. $11,000. Tbe GrlDYille, ptebouse aod H. C, ValentiDe, 1-uoU, 1- ftlls, 959 Newport Center Dr., story dwelliog. 1528 .uttcua. $2,ZOO, $44,000. Tbe In iDe Co., 5 permits Dem1s Carpeuter, remodel tor partitJoos a.od teoant tm-omce, 901 paver, $8,000. provements at 550 Newport Marco Anlcb, swt.mrntncpool. Center Dr., $44,062. 2036 Santla&O, $4,000. D d lk 1 •NEWPORT Ivan Wells ~Soas,swlmmillf 0 gers Wa to YlcfOry ~~ .. ~ c!:r'rt.,~~·,.~::: =,~~A~;.•644 llld 1930 Newport Arcbes Mar~ SS33 • BALBOA ISLAND Tbe Harbor Dodcersliterally runs oo 4 bits Wblle Saa Cle-W. Coast HW)'., tenant deuJop-P. J, Pltactn. 311 Ruby AYe,, n.lked to Ylctory over Ana.betm meate bad 6 rUDS oo g bUs. melt, $5,000, and partitions add balcoay, ck)A In patiO, Pearsoo last Sunday after Tbere were ooerronb'eJtber $15,000, ' $7,000. coming~ on the sllort end of a team. For tbe Dodcers, Jeff Tran&-Auto, replace stgn, C. U. Wickett, alteratJou, 6.2 declsioo against san Cle-M.aUnofl bad ooe hlt, BobLeaYJ 2300 w. coast Hwy., $1,500. 309 E. Bay Ft., $14,000. mente Saturday. bad oae and BW Powell bad 2. Job.D Cougar, garage and en. Roland Hammooa, ackl ZDd Tbe Le&IOO-sponsored Dod-Tbis weekend the Dodgers close porch 3814 ChaJmel PI story, 1603Ba.lboi.AYe,,$5,000. gers won the Pearson game In play Bolsa at 8 v.m. at Costa $7 000 ' •• ,...;.; _____ .;.;..;.,. t.be 6th I.DnJ.nc, when Pearson Mesa Part Saturday a.od Sallta Ahl~ & Todd, 2-story, 1- pttchers pve tCl 6 walks, Har-Ana at 8 p.m. Sw.t&y at Costa unit dwelllng, 6601 Seasbore ou 111 cons1 bor went completely through Us Mesa. Dr., $24,000. Thb mt1ns the Morinm poop~ on4 llltir ptOYtn 11'0" fessionaltsm In '"'"'" of fiftlfiCf. It muns MariMrs people-to-people interest In your securitr .. , ud Mariners wilt investment of )'GUt money in tJte prorras of our community. Join rour neichbors ud open a Mariners savlnas •-•t lodly. Rememller: fe4erol~·lnsurtd SIWinp wilh tho notion•s hilhest rate of ;-. from illy In to day Otlt Alsa free Travelers Cheques and free sate deposjt boxes (witll minimum $~000 occount). SUZI,im£ PUSiiEm IAN McSiiAN£ GO ~lanf!i MildreJ NaiWICk Mll·~r 11atT\IItO' M.cnae• CO' stanttne tbrrm fell r S<nly BarO' Wr~ten r,. OAVlO Ww l>retlfO Mil SIUARI Prodoced by STAN WJIGI.USr E•tclll'-1! f'rOGIIttt ;~r:~;;.~:;:; Fun club fonned at YM llr$lt-WAtJ£R SCHARF~---~,.._ • •-I son s favor when tbe 1nn1Dc Tbe Orange coast YMCA r.. began, Gary Foster had doubled organlled the "Summer Fun throuc,b Fr1da,ys,from9,:11r:;,:~~ to drive home Tom Kl.Qg 1n the Cl b" to ~ .~ ~-Is 7 Wll1l 3 p.m. with an hour Zod 1.1:1o1nc and Bill Powell bad u r .,...ys ..., a.u period. blt a. bome ra t. tbt 3rd ilL-through 14. SFC otters a f'llll Each beglns wUh a IWw 1ar Hanar's 2 ,.._ slate of actl'ftUea Mooday ~er~eat~~~5~~E~i·l ,_.tllo'llodJon CUCbl •· L•~•L NOne• eborJ, aJid wa. U. pme 1D. t:be wild .:;;-.:;; twaktt.bln, 6th, whtc.b bepn Wbell Guy NOTICE OF PUBUC REARING MUs, ~ pmea, a Foster stngJa:l and adVanced Notice Is hereby ci.Yeo tbat a speclal surprise day. Club on an out. Steve Vallere walked the Planalng Commissloo ottbe members brtne a sacl: lunch. and adnnced oo to 200, CltyofNewportBeachwtllhold Enrydayeodswttbrecreattoo- so 2 men were on base. Bob a. public hearlllg oo tbe IA)lica-a.l swim a.t 3 p.m. Stafford slogled, scoring Fos-ttoo of George Yardley W for Tbe proeram is UDder tbf ter and Vallere,SteveSchoetler a Variance 97fi to permit a d1rect1oo ol several of and Roo Troyaoo walked to tlll triplex oo a lot haYing 3$40 area's outstanding youths; the bases, a.od BW Powen sq. ft. of area wbere ordlnaDce Vallely, OCLA butetball walked to force instatrord. tom requires 3600 sq. ft. and a two Ra.ody Metzger, tE..,~:~~:~ King waJJced to llrce 1n foot side yard encroachment a.t a.od Nancy Wells. Scboelter aod Gary Foster 316/322 Marguerite AYeoue, are junior &Ids '4'a.lked to force Ln Troyaoo. Cor ona del Mar. cter, Duld Gonzalbez, Steve Va.Here singled, scoring Notice is hereby fUrther pveo Verosko, Ja.n Brousard, Powell and King tor the winning that said public bearlllg wtll be BeckDer ud Mary Kelly. runs. held on tbe 17th day ot July, Parents IJterested 1o THE WilD" CLARK GAILE YMEN LEIGH At the end of tbe 6th the 1969, at tbe hour of 8:00p.m. l1Dg t.belr children ln score was 9-6 ln faYor of the In the Cowx:U Cba.mbers ot the gram may call the Dodgers and the flna.lscorewa.s Nnport Beach City Hall. at 842-9990 or stqt by RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 9-7 after Pearsoo scored ooce wllich time and place any ud at UOO Un1Yers1tyDr1Ye, in the 7th. all persons izterested may ap. Bay. "It was a real interesting pear and be beard thereon. b&ll pme," summarized Dod. Ray Y. Copellll, secretary SABO T STOL EH ger Coach Lee Fisber. Scboet. Newport 8eacb City James "~:~,!,'!~ ler was the w1nning pitcher. Pta.nning Commission Corea reported Saturday the Dodcvs lost Publish: Jllly 3, 1969, tn 22 tbat b1a sabot, to San Clemente. They had 2 the Newport Harbor Ensign. $35o, bad beeo tat. from OCC cuts lax estimate =..,c...~. DOIII>b>r at Orange Coast Junior Col-pared with 83.83~ lege District trustees last week earlier. adopted a preliminary budpt s..,t. Norman E. Wataoo wllicb would lll'lllg a tu cut of pointed out to tbe board that tilt nearly 2 cents over what was dlstrlct is oow 9th 1n tbe state estimated in tbe earlier ten-to average daily attennce, but tatln bud&et. 3rd trom tbe bottom ln coat per The 1969-?0 budpl -Is stUIIenL Local cost II $5?3,45 $21,451,191 for tbeZcampues. per studeat per year, bettered Tbls la tased ~an esUmated Ollly by Butte, a small collep UMSstd n.luatloo of In Nortberu Cal1forn1a. &DdSu- $950,!M8,500, an IDcra.ae of ta. MODica CityCoUep, wblcbll: $11&,449,8?0 OYer last year. The put of a 1lllllled district. county asseuor &d'YlNd coUep omctals to .ft.pre on a 10 per LEGAL NOTICE cent 1Dcr8ue ln a.utsstd -------- nlllllloo IDIIIod of t11o 5 per ceat tbey wereuttc.,_u.,, Es- Umatecl turatell:lt .m,oom- o NOW SHOWIN G o TWO SHOWS NIGHTL •. Y SHORTS : 7100 -~ 9140 f !ATURE1 7120 -~ 10.00 20 words or less ............ .. 21 words to ::.) WOfds ..... . 31 words to .«) words ..... . Eoch word over .q words .. -·--t .., Eon Tall Ploo- -.$4.11. ~Woo ..... 1 Time I. SO 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times 3 Time& l.;iO 3.00 !.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 . to • IS ORQER • .. ... , ._.....!. ' o\ ....... .... .. '~'~:! N1 ..... ~-...... "':.--••••• l • -Til '111)18AIIDI -.... pd .... -...... ..._,.. * t. t11o ... .e dip at a ·•- Go Oo,-....,.. --·• I-----foor -.,..-. Qo.Qo llYN all '100 B. 0.:.. Fl., Ro-·~Mp......., REGUL~R $36.00 $ Ll lltURSMY JULY ~ Jl!' to~' ·~ IWt, CALl'· •••pitt ... , ••• lzl11 Ia' •• C... lu1 -,_, trll>s IDehxle Sea Workt oa July 16, Un1nrsal st.uos on Aug. 13, a.ad the atnct•ac Bros., Barnum aod BUley Circus oo Aug. 20, Cbap- ..., ... ,, •wbo must be at leut 16 w111 receive fl·ee bus I ~~~;i.;jj and tree admts. tbt eYeDts. Volunteer s 11a1 call tbe Volunteer Bureau at 142.()963 or Katby Bankerd II llarlDers Park, 642-0489. jiOY IS YICnlot OF jWALL ET BAITED TRAP A.a -tlllg Harborl Btlf''"Mil boy tell Ylctim to ztruco trap oet .., by lea••!n&l a ftu.t 1D lilarlDers Park for IIIII, oo Jaoe 19. -Gibbons, 2007 ........ bmd the nllet La put and saw tbal tbere was $ZO bill Ill It but 110 ldeJ.wtca-1 b. He W1.S earoute bome New View Homea $80,000 to $190,000 For discriminatins families who can afford the finest, and desire the .pres- tiae and atmosphere of a Newport Beach view t1ome.lvan Wells and Sons proudly P<esent the NEW "400" SER- IES BAYCREST "FOREVER-VIEW" HOMES. Here is the ultimate in quiet elepnce and comfort ... tOUI privacy in the very exclusive residential com- munity, OOVER SHORES. ·choow one of the "400" ser~s view homes or Ivan Wells & Sons will desian and Qu ikj a special home ... just for you! iayrrrat B•lr W•U.It S-.,1-.e .. o-tfiJ' • ......_,_ U ~ odels at 1430 CO.liu~:y Drive, Newport Bek:h Phone {714) 646-1550 Open O.ity 1 0 to 5 . CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS del Mar Duplex • Exclusively designed by Howard Martin -FOijr 3-bedroom, 2-bath homes in 2 buildings. • Excellent home and income sit- uation. • Will consider separate sale. • Full price $119,000. • • • • NEW C.D.M. LISTING Beautiful 2-bedroom, 2-bath home. Only $34,500, Call for details. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. :-.'::' .. ~~~::1 3036 E. Cout Hwy. 675-1662 ux1 lboutod, "o\oythlng r Corona del Mar, Calif • .II a thief!"' Tbe mao cuft'f~ed~=~::::::~~=~~~~~;;;;;:;:; I cbobd Gibbons before n oo a blcycto. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $25,2 million for the first five months of 1969. This represents 666 unit sales and a dollar value increase of 17% over the same period ol 1ut year. List your property with a Realtor· today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Petite & Powerful WELL BUILT 1-BEDROOM HOME wood Flool'll -SerVice Porch Garage -Fenced Yard -Alley ANDC-1 ZONE $14,500 .... -~:-... • a P U..W. Ca Owner T ran$fers ---....... .,....._u, •. .,._ olna-. ... .--... '--• ... -.. zlrosllzl. $69,850 • • • • Exquisite Bayfront ___ ~ 11'11111 room, ..,.c_ dlrU( -. -bolll-la~ ..... , ..,_ -. ..... -.. plar Uld sUp, 4 --__ , 4 !loU braoaud,.,...,. ....... $200,000 • • • • Bay Front Pier & Slip __ _. UW1l "N..e..,tn~~LI h*aa-. I ~ eiNI .. till C14N at lid .._.. oo.t. $155,000 p. •· paln~er lncorpol'llted lllllmUJIIIS IJ liiO -1935 Ul7 "• ~.~. Oolel• u. Me P " ..... _,_ .. L.A. .... MA ..... .................... BROAD MOOR VERY LIVABLE PLAN 4 IEDROOMS. ~lATHS. FlolotiLY ltOOM, OIMI~­ VIEW OF THE tiLLS ' . Sf6~~~---• ••• CDM Duplex ••aRAtf MEr'---4• Net ••.ler c:eftst,.ctl• -.4 Q.OSE TO CDMI'L EliO!I 31EDROOM AND 2 BEDROOM '-'!ITS PROVIDE MICE HOME WITH IIICDME •••• Irvine Terrace . PIIDFESSIO!IALLY DECDRATED VIEW HOME. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, DIHIHC ROOM. •••• CHOICE REifTAL 'BEDROOMS,~ lATHS. SPLIT LEVEL RENTAL GREAT FOR FlolotiLY LIVIHC IH CDROMA DEL MAlt S400 MOHTHL Y •••• U'-''n Y. f'RJUUClll'C RUl.TOR' 32511t.tc..t-c... ...... c.titonlil -·73-2222 VIEW 2 Adjoining R-1 Lots .... ...,. rNity; 642-5200 • • -• lli'OU IIAIIIOR Ell Ill ••• or social note f:'~vi".:' ...... ~ CIIINr M • .. ,._ CXIDAoiL.IIIM. CAUF. Dr ..... 7 -... • • • It ... 7 • -... ;;;i-';;:,.,.:.;=::..::.:;:=:;:.;..:-= g ¥~":: .. · ::.::: :: ~ ~.:.z:.s-:-.:: T1llest ••• -· -..--__ ........ '? .a-.... .. ~ lr 2 1¢ IIJ 11aJ0 .. -'11 PlllorJ) -1o .. I o • ~ -............ .w~r ....... ,., __ nse comtng .-. IDIU 11-1 ~ &looJOUI_nla __ -... ., ... A..... ~ .. "":!"_--: ~!" --II ,.. "' • -.. "''*'"I· OIIIAIALN1111::::~ ... ...__ • ...,lllllat •---~ cwr.. ..,,.., ,.. -..,..., Ilia -.., -. Dan IIU • • • "-' c-. 111 a _.. o1 ...... • · CU.Utj .. rf\ -acllnatllla_.......,, Tbo_..,_aiCorto_lo___ ~ T GORDON WEST of lbo Barten Corp, at Nowporl Boaeb Is ptct~~rld lbowlllc Mrs. PatrlciaBnyotJbri.Der•Sa,tapaDd Lou .t.aaa. bow bo wtn eall...._.,111e yaebl race poollloos bact to tbe m•lnt.nct from Richard Steele's Boobomme Rlebu'd, eommUDI.catioos teuel for tbe race, which bll(l1.aa JolJ.-.... Aooplol Harbor to Hawaii. Posltioos ot lbo yaebla wW bo -od da1lJ oo -liDo ebarls at llulllaro S.Yiap Ul1 Lou at Dcwer aDd Westcll1f. Rlcbard's Lido Mukai, Alleltal IW-at 2607 w. Oeeu Ft. ID Newpor4 aDd tbe Bartell Corp.atl577 MODrOYlaAte,ln West Newport Helll>ls. _. .... ._ .... __ II.., WID llo 1M--oaf ...... ooii-''•-IIPP ..-111-lllallll--lira. llooariJ •• IIIII llor I rile, lilt ---. -at 1111 1111 -·Dr,--. -IIIII t. ... -·tor-dPllluco. llluiii~IM. 0 0 ~· .... ~~~u~ TllolmDoCo.1-IUI ....... •• ---... --· ..... tblt COIIIII:nlctJoa Will llr. &ad llro.IIUC-o 111111-:*'-0 0 11oc1o oomollme dariD( laly. ol C.... dOl llu aro --Tbo lfOOIIII Ia alroadJ bola( 1a1a1ar reiiiiY• at 11r1, llr, 111111 llro. AI Farllll at lort!Od for lbo bollldlac. wlllcll C-olrom bor -· II&-11-' WWII ... lo llll1l lUI WW staadl6 -loo iiiCh-wali&D ._ llllll ...,...,, wootoodlo-..,apr-1) 11 Ia !lilt-ID MriJ U'll VliiUDc DOW are ber llltw, tn•CUOI, .,._ ID &ld bebold , • llri.Noriii&IIJ...._,wllllbor llltJ-...... .,_ .. -d· -.. b-&ad 10-JO&r-old lbo -TboJ-ba<k ::.:.::. :: :::::::-tol:. daqttter. JIIDt. Alao bve tlda to ro.u-. CaUi:lnia -bJ •tlontt bue tor a ma)Dr com .. moatb is Mrs. Cbeshtre'a 'ft1 of• Lu v:~ ol• CCMirH. PIDJ to be bulk at lfnport u.mellb, Moaa Ciomard, of Ceater. :=..,~-':,la:;.!lbo:world'a Hooohllo. Earlier IIlla oammor Tbo hp1oy llm111 are •-• •·-st ••oce, I Yi.ttors I.Deludtd Mn, Cbta .. moriac from 715 Luklpar :U ...-p ooosumer .... llirt'l fa.tblr ud ltepmother A._., COI'OGl del Mar, to Eut mpuy, Ur aDd llro -Kallalew•.i' Bbllf·lblll ~ T1lo tower Is being clo¥elopod tro~ tbe la~ o1 Oahu. ' • • • by tbe InlDe Co. aDd. will be • • • SlUDEHT ART SHOWN TOILET PAP Ell FIRE llrs. Rlebard Hul!nwl oiCo- A ltudelll. art sbow oo view Adorlling a friend's or ex-ro01. del Mar tried to call her Ur. &ad llro. P&rrJ !Iollar CJWOOd by tbe Balboa lllsuraace of Baylllde Vlllap IIIII Dr, &ad Co., a ..... ldJ of Sol board. Tbo Mri. Ellery Stowell or Cameo tower ww bouse 1,000, wttb Hfptallda are blriDc aa • .,._ about S50 employees ol Sea- pled Fourlb at laly ftC&tklo at board &ad 650 oilier a. ' Cedar Lake Camp llllbo Sao FUR$ STOL EH for tbe nmm• 1D the Purcell fl'ielld:'s bouse witb toilet paper si.Jter 1a Orecoo 1ut week oo Gallery at Ct.pman College is a popular Dlgtlt time sport Wed:DeDy to .Sih ber 1 1:1appy to 0raop IDcl,..eo tbo woru foll!!17 called "Tee Peetoa." blrlbdaJ. AIIJooueb sbe trlod ol CbrlstlDe Charley, UlONep-but Y&Ddals went a little far many tlmea durinc the day aDd tUDe An., West Newport, 1 Juoe 22 when tbey set Are to eveDiq, there wu 00 IDI'It'lr. p-ad1late atlldent 1n art, aDd some "T.P." oa a teoce at TburDy she ~toW*~ trylDc, 8oaD1e Morp.a. 501 carr.tioa Ardell's Marla~, 2101 w. Cout after dlcldlDe tblt a must be An., CoroDil del Mar, a jwalor HW)'., Martners MUe. It wu on 1 trJp but woadered wby art major. qUickly eltiDquished. ber .ut.' bldD't wrtttea about Berii&Niao 11-1••. A $1,000 fllr cool &ad $10 • • • wortb of radio anclalarmcloeb Mrs. Jtale H1ll, eoro. del were stolen from Jotll Cutle, Mar Cbamber of Commuce Z117 lrYlDI An., West Upper MCretary, laoaallatncal:loD Bay betweea Jtme ZO anc1 24. trlp llllll woot. Sloo -Tbo' cmoer hid -tar -~ to clrlYo lact lo Sao &ad reporlad lllo lboll Jomol7. Fruel.:o w1tll blr dlalfMr, Mod IDlered thrCMJP WE ARE OVERL!O.liHI)f WIT:l HEW 1969'S AND THE HAME OF THE GAME IS SAVE l OVER 400 NEW 19 69'S AN D TOP TRADE·INS TO C HOOSE F ROM/ 11. Sbo eo&Md wooderlDc. bow- .ver, on Thurada)' atterooon Wbeo. abe returDed from the market to ftlld u Orecoo car 1D froot of tbe Hlltf:ma:l bome on JumlDe An., ••• Her si.Jter reee!Yid "Happy bJ.rtb- day" 1D pvJOG. but U wu Mrs. Huffman who received the blrtb- ciOJ ...,.. .... • • • Not all tbe flood damage oc- curred durtnc tbe ra1ay season, accordlDe to l>uaDe Armstrong of Corooa del Mar. Mr. Arm- strq wu IIMIIiOC some storm-damapd boues a week ago whell be fell oo rocta: &Dd rutlble plied 'CJ&rouadtbelloue by the tarnatialcu.ycmwatera. He's been llmpinc oa erutebes s.iDce wttb toro Up.muts 1D his ltg. UarnJD, &ad lboJ will onakl ....... I!Ureollll( -.. tbe WI.J, • • • Urs, Geoe BlrkoludotCorto Mesa bas recelt'ed word from EDCiaDd lllat obo Ia a mother. Her Ur, &ad are working w1tb Golpel Recordinp, amlssi001ry~ that records trlbal laopaps all over the world 1D order to transli.te b' tbem Bible mea- sages &Dd return tbe ~tory of Jesus Cbrist to tbe QlUYH Oil records 1D tbeJr on ~azacuace l!lddlaloet. Groin building speeded ... , ... _ciaail•lllt-at •lllt .. ....... ot tbo-... 111_........ ...... all • piD ... ftDod altor lilt .lrm7 Corpo at £11-wllll -k 1boJ wW llo -•od ctoeers decldecl 1ut week to by sud. TbeDtbe famlltlr creat build tbem all at ouce l.nsteld c.aterplllar tractorS 1f1U re- ot ooe by ooe as orlgl.oally store tbe beach to Jts .IJrmer plaDDetl width 1D wbat sbould be tbe Jut But beachgoers need oot ADd balll b' Ne1rp)lt. After II"'U abpqt tbe oew &rOiAplan. tbat tbll &rOlDssbouldstopNew- Oaly 150 feet oo eilber side port's a.noual beacb erolioo. ol the grolu wt.U be closed to sUDbolbors, aDd ttoe bup CERE HURD, FORMER ll&lld boul whleb wW eiDsellle SCOUTioiASTER, DIES amtre beacb 1s stUl being de. Former scoutmuter aDd layed UDtJI after Lalm Day. scbool board prelldeot Cere Tbe llrst erolD at 56th st., H. Hurd, 82, ot 304 s. Bar Ia pradleally IIDiahed, aDd Frolll, Balbaa ls1aDd, dlod Jome lbo Zlld eroiD at5411lSI.Isooar-25. iDe the nrf Une. Tbe 1D1t1aJ He was a put acoutmutc .1Jr dlalllr of plls .. llle ll&lld •• -GolelloJScoutaal.lmort- just I"I!IDc .......,.7 lor llle ea aDd preolda at IIDID&Ioo lui 2 P'OIDI at 48th &ad 300> Park Uoloo Sebool Dlalrlel, u Streets. well u put muterofGGirdlall 1--:::---~-~-...1"---------1 Tbl ptts 1rill be tm..1 wt.tb M11J001c Lodce No. 591. T t D ' N '69 .tools all till wayoattotbeAI'f SurTiYOrs are b.lawUe Maud· es nve a ew u.ao by .... mlddleofJaly. Trat-2 ..... FrlllkliD &ad !km.; !oro art baullll(lbo hDco p:aolle Los Aooples; S croo!lebll!treo, T·BI"rd for 24 Hours! -u to Newporl rrom c..oaa &ad 3ere&t-llf" .... b'ldroo.Ser-a..s c:r&DM are toe:stDctbem 1llto vices were bekt J... Z8 al U you are thinking ot buying ~~;;;::-..,. a new ThUDderbird, we I.Drlte to drive one of our '69•s Z4 hours. Prove to your- self the SiC)eriorJty of Ford's finest car ••• Then cheek the fantastic discowt tbat we w111 glve you on any car in our big T -Bird iDvtD- tory. PosiUve proof of saYillpl MR$.. HEVA CRAY. n Pae111e VIew C,_l, dlreelod OF COSTA UESA DIES by Balu UortuarJofeor..del ..... Nen. II, GraJ, 7Z, ollllO VaUeJ Clrelo, CortoUeoa,dlod SlUDEHT VICnM IH J1010 Zll at llooc lloopllal. ,5 ALLEY HOLO.UP Sbe 1a IUfYiYid bJ ber bus-A Costa .... .tudeDt tucl, Pwry, llld lOCI WtWam rotJbed of '" 1D a waltn.y oo G. Gray of eo.ta Mea. Sbt the Z300 block fl w. Ocaa Ft., no a oall .. al llleblpo, liYod lll W, Newporl J-II. lll Oruao Cooa!J ll>r 4 ,...., JflflrJ Lulor, 1700 Polor1011, .... lll Callll>rDia ll>r 19 J-•· .... !!boYod -lbo pabUe • WORLD'S LARGIST • IIQ.UII¥1 Qlff GUAIIMTH ....,Cis1 ., ...... , ........ .. .... .... All .. ~ ..... c ..... , ..... ,....., ..... ..,.._., ... Us. ........ . ...... , ....... ... , ...... i!et .......... ,... ...... 10-POINT OVER .. ~ ................ ._. ..... , .............. &-----&AM--DoOr--J&. ... _ ... _ Your Choice • Brake adjustment , .... __ ) • Tire rotation • Repack outer front wheel bearings ..... Sentc. w•• brlld Jllly 2, aidena 1Dto tbe ftl.ltwa)' be .. at tbl. Flr.t .llrlptbt Cblsreb tnea a balldiDc anc1 a r.ee, ot c:o.ta Mea. lliiMriMIIIl wu w•e be wu tbr•tllled wttb a at -Rest II .. •lal Park 11-loeb bUI!IlD( ka11o aDd told wttb Dr. Pu1 lf....,.• omda.. to laad orer Ids wallet. Tbl llllc 111111 Bon llraadn1 --.--lbo $95lllllllwallol barJ a1 Corte -oftld·"•· 111111 rllv!M 1111 wa11o1-. -.. ;-::·:;~-·~ ·-II--...., __ RJETREADS SHELBY AMERICANS! LARGE SELECTION OH MEW 1969'S. WE ARE DIIAHC! CDUMTY'S ONLY . .. ' .. , :I'! • .. f ' .. I l • MITIZOIIUD ...... JUST ARRIVED! AHOTHER BO.lT.LOAD ENGLISH FORDSI CUSTOMS -CT'S ST ATIDM WACOII1 AUToMATICS 45rUDS a. 2U>JIJ ..,. .... -f1olloc. .-.. trlod .. i>llow rliiJ--•J ... -bill-blm, lo aoo...__eu-lloelotJ, rASS IUSIC !XAMS MEWL YWEDSIN C.M. Vlolla -·at PI-Sooo lo -l•twr-a-ar..-.... .ce•• 11. eo.ta ..._ •• ... .,_ flllllllllt,__ ... _ llr. aadllrl.~lll..a. Tbo ... TrlliiiJ Colllll "'lloole, ... _ -~--~ 1-l!old ·-IJ at .... !Ia··· "'llr,lllllllrl. Vlrlll on;;;· CilortJ ~· .. Corte en_. "' -... -. liMo. Puollc-_. -• wu ...m.l at lilt Flrlla.- ltlal ~ta7 111111 Karllo JtaiiJ at 1111 c-at..__ ...... II_. a..., -Clo!ral-at llr, ul l!lro. Yrtllloa Cortoii..;IUrk-uliAeJ -al F-YalloJ. T1lo _,_I··-... -... --~--at r ••• fDU111d .., a rz 4tt. .. ""--.. • ---1t a. a tt £ ._. ValloJ a . ·---~a.. AlLOW AI 4for ••• 'ALL IUGrWALZ..J ' .. Kite races set July·12, 13 ..... r..IICAM'_ .....• .._ ... CHURCH ISSUE ·up ,... ....... ot ftllldom ol lrriDI Co. llllbdtrll:loo ot .... rtll&tGII: Wll1 b1 nUed ap1D at acres c1Mdtdllllo11r•.,....• 1'llo Kilo Flool No. I ebam. 1111 ~ ol lllo II-loU, z -m•elal ·Jolo 111111 1 -·--II< li""PCP<t Harl>or Beodl Plo.lloi.DcCommlulooat IDier.ftler loU 00 tJio-will 111 loold ~ lllld Suo. I p.m. today, lilly 3, 111 City Jlde o1 Boy-Dr., eo... .-,, 11111 IZ-11, at N-HalL del Mar, )Ill --11 o1 t11o Harl>or Yacllt Clab. Tbore will be a eoMlllued BaJUa Corllllhlu Yoebt Clom FOil' raet1 an tclw$altd btui.Dr oa the appllcaJJoo ot site. II< _ _,, wUh tllo llut lody T-leh, ,._ ollbe Vartaoce No. nz r-Iled -.rt at·ll:IO LID. 1D tbt tur-1 CoanaaDJty Cbureb of Truth, by Kathrya Woodl o1 Lol q .. llac bula. Tbe llrot oil roeoo La Haln, wbo Ill seel<1llc a ... ploo 1o< --of 1 cia-• a.dQ' trW. t.pa at DOOD. A permit to QPiftte a reUJiou,s plu at 5003 s-.,..eDr Wut ~ .. -..Will be bold I ---at {95 ll."lletport Nnport, .. I kit ..,;;,.,., at 10 a.m. at tbe NHYC club-· Bird., Newport HelgtU. AeUoa 1, 710 tq.ft.WberetbeordlD&Dee bout. Tbere wUJ. bt a $1 eotrJ wu dt~ed &t tbe JUDe 19 requtre1 z,ooo Ill-a. 1M. Tbl h duel b' requtred Comml.uloa meeting because Varl&Dce No. 9'13 requnted f'IHt Nmblrlhtp ue &1m of aDCertaiaty ewer the de .. by BeYiirlJ flaaleJ ilr coutruc .. pa)'lbleattlatUmt. JAMES R. EV.UCS, -ofa&rl, llaWoa ol ••reupoa•• Uld tioool&d'C)laat5005S..Ihore .U there cu be Orlly ooe Elloor M, EYIM, S71-1/Z Ro-"Cbveb" to tbe laterpretattoo Dr., West Newport, oa a lot ftHt e"'mplnrt all sldwera ebelte:r st,. eo.ta ..... 11 of elty laws. eontatohac 1, 740 IQ. ft. wbere ("A" &Dd "B"'J wtll start IDd putielpatl.Dc lD.a u.s. Air force Carl Keeley, CorooadeUiar, the ordloaoce requires 2,000 1lll1lb u OM eJus. Tropldet Re.ene Oflleers TraialDc b.1Dted at tbe posstbtuty of a aq. ft. w11l bl prllt,ed to tbe first Corps (AFROTC) lleld tr&iAlDc lep.l teat ol U. city code in the Use Permit !fl55-!l!oquo~d 5 or•-all ftntWra. eocampmeat at Ham.1ltoa AFB eYeot of a dt!llla.l. He cited the by Worpo L..;b.r &I Co. olJAa: To IDCl04Kap an ~ Fleet Calit. He 11 a 1966 craduate oi ~.s. Coutittaioo ,, guarantee Angeles tor addl.tioal to a 11r .. DRING IIIR <XX>D LUCK, Roa lleNlebola, director ot 11 ltlwitl to putlclpate, tro-Newport Harbor HJ&f~Scboolaud p.1nst lecJ.slatioo respecting vice statloo at f&78 Campus Dr., cade 1 for w pbJea will &J.o bt awarded to a member of ... 6 A ~c Wlll the establishment of reUponor Back Bay. ' mea orlciHorlloallutttute,lllakestheblndol tbttclp5"B"Mi&Jptrs,reprd-atl5C _. rnu& prollibltlDc the free ueretse UsePermU1438requestedby Sblrt Hocbmu, a (!l""k'lte Jor M1u Coroaa delMar. Sheri lui ot their poattloo lD. tbe • thereof, and remarked that Eq,loJ'er Wotorbomes of New- l.lalMI ~ofCoroaadt1MarH1Jb and a stau.tieJan.. ot'et-aU mrwttop. Yacht club PROMOTED BY UCI use permit requirement for port Beaeb u a.uemblJ of LD.-IKI'.,.,. b' tbe OCC IQ.Uitlca coaeb. Sbe Ia a 11ftcuard at affiU•tk:Jo la DOt reqalrtd tor churches may be LmCOnstitu-du.strial and eomm••elal ••· Nowport llomoo, wtlltach ntmmlllc llW! summer lllldplau tile Flool ~-~M•-WWllom L. Race <I 350Cata-Uooal - A PRIZE 1-lbe siM of lbe-Ill pr-l>Jiloo Boltoo, presideat of tbe CommWlity Youth Center boud, to Zl-moath-old KeYID Wbltebouse, 517 Marigokl .he,, Corooa del Mar. Tbe tabJ elepbant ls ooe of the many cta.nt stuffed antmals ct•eo any at the Jtme ZI -ZZ Youth CeDler Caroi•IL ~!!811!1 -.) to become a ltMrardeu DUt IDmmer.Mr.MeNlebollla ber e ..... ..,_....... l1oa Orin, Newport Helet:U, • hiclea at4000C&Dq)UDr. Back ....,.1DtbiMiaiCoroaadelMarCGOtest. TA[~:,O!::::!t~ylatia-~er~~toc::,:; .,.t::; .• !:~: agenda for Ba~~PermU1.U9reque~edby Leg"IOn backs SDS ban Newcom t H fttd wttb tak1q: oalJ z ttem5 Bank's Loa Anples hqdquv. Muter pla.D amm:lmeot No. Joseph V1Deeot of Newport • S~AY,I'~ IS ers a oag altar be oma-1-at tors trllll dt•lstoo. He bepo zt lD eslabu.baclvle eentertor Beacb lor ...... -ol a Zlld Amorl<all LeCSao Post {55 H ... er described Sill as ooe o,mu u~c. Tape Towa, 4551W.Cout lhry,, h1l career wUb UCB 111 AprU, tbl City of Newport Beacba.loog story olllee 1D a commerdal &Dd AllliU&ry a1 Costa Mesa of the most mllltam: Ol'pn.ISa-ao,-Mr. ud Mr&. Georp • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 Welt Newport, Uld lfabbed 196'1, and HrftduuuiiW'nt tbe eut side of Newport Center district Into aa aputmut &t baYeldopted a r..olW:iori com. tioos 1D PfOC:esti.De U.S. forelcD w ~~·--v·~ Dr Gtrl u-•--" u-_.__ a ........ riCOI"der udndiolrOrtb trust omeer at tbl '-· Beacb Dr •• oortb ol Cout Hwy, 333 Wuloe An., B&lbol.lsland. ~., Presldaot D--lnvolYmeot to VletDam l.lld 1D • ~, -...._ ., E-'_._-:-!,• ~ ~&,.ru.Q~"ft ,iii u.-otb1r --... 1 trUit ofDe bdx .::::::! to Loa Coat!qraed public belrtng OD .....,..__ -• Dd .. ! .... tbe BaJhor•. ----. •1•71. Freeport l.&al, • -~ t_.ve t e.-. the applleatioD of Judy T MRS. HILDA EVANS DIES Wooreudotberadmtnh:frators co em_.. Amerlea.a way 8oJ -lllr. ud Mrs. Robert HaattDctoo Beaeb.. ltem.J wert 1D r-.eb but DOt A.Ap)es beadqautera. He 11 a o-ot Orup Ccut College 101' of llte and established form of A, Zaot,4tol-BtUAn.,15-A, Boy -Mr. Uld Mr1. BtU diltarbld. lll.lin of Sa.a M&Wo. =~~~ ~ t!:~ )(= ~ E~ olwll58 dM)1q recocnWcc to stwseota p-ernment. B-anet-Blaeb. BalD, 222 Aftloo st. Colt& .._ n, .... for a Democrat1e Society •Mr. Hoo•er aha stated that Gtrl -Mr. &Dd Mrs. Peter Mna. ' c •t N prayerfUl 00UD111llng ln 11-d11d JUDt 11. Sbl: La ArYlYed Tbe ruoluUoo ~ out practically every subversive A, VSobo, lOIIS&lndorLue, •THURSDAY, JUNE 19 ounc1 ews mltedaumberi,DOtOYerlatany by !80U,PaalEnuofC<*I. tbat tb1 pla: ol tbe Lepoa orpnlz.atton was reprelellled COlt& Mea. Girl -Mr. and Krl. Erie 0011 Ume, at 495 N · Newport Wea &Dd Fr.,_telc E't'I.AI of &.lid Aulllary are to ~ld by deleptes at tbe SDS aatloaal • IIIONDAY JtlJ(E 11 Stratt %469 None 8t COIIta Bet 11 a 8WDJIW'1 of acUoa • APPROVED flrlt rtldJnc Bl~d., Nnport Hetpu, T_..l ... ; S dlupt-s, Mn. a.ad deteod tbe CoD~tttutioo. to cooveation. Girl-ilz.IDd Yu. Vietor Mea: '' takiD by tbl Newport Btacb ot Ord1Dance 1301, wtdeb would 0Dt1nutd publle beart.Dc on Eltuor Bell ud MluCarollDe maintain law aDd order aDd to • IDtormatioo bas beeo made M•lRtm, 971 Sa.odcutle Dr.. Boy_ Mr. aDd Mrs. Rlehard Clty CouocU at lut week's rezoae Roo Yeo' a R-2 property ~ ue permit request of tbe EftDII, both of eo.ta Mua, aDI1 afepard tbe prlDc.lples ol jus. publlc eoocerD1Dg tbe I.Dereu- Harbor Vlft H11ll -Carlaoo, 27'& E CostaWesast meettnr. at 3110 Secood AYe.,atJumtDe to th CorlDlhlan Yaebt Club Mrs. Muprte Leader ot ID-tiee freedom aod democracy inely mllltaot D&!ure of sns- Boy_ Mr. &Dd i.fr1. KIODitb Costa Meaa. ' '' • ADOPTED a miaute reaolu-AYe., Corooa del Mar, to an el~ !. eo~ of a yaebt diana; aud a a.ter • Mra. Bea. aDd' tben cleta11ed the followtai its eoodueent classes lD sa. SamiDODI, 10511 Pebble LaDe, Bor-Mr.aodMrs.BerDIJ'd Uoo ~rt.ln( the UnrubbW. admiDlstratlve-protessJooal C yslde Dr., trlee Arm•.,... of New York. taetsaboutSOS: botap, bow to mate mokltoY n-anpo Btaeb. Kemper, 8241 Yorktown st. wbleb would prolllbtt future oU dlstrtet, so be cu eoonrt tbe c;::.:lllar. Sen1ees were btld ID SprtAc-• FBI Director J. Edpr ~La. aDd its t•eblac yfo.. G&ri-Mr. &Dd Mrs. DeDDis Htd1.ngtoo Beach. ' drlW.Dg ID theatate~WDedUde. d'C)lu 011 the Jot 1oto arch!-vemtp oiTract 6917, field Mo. leat tact1ea. Hlra, 2051-A Wallace, Costa • FRIDAY, JUNE 20 1aDda to tbl Santa Barbara tectutal omees. Mea. Boy-Mr.aodMrs.OddGal-CbaDDeL • RECEIVED a Jetter trom Girl -Mr, IDd Mrs. Jobn sehldt, 2061 Wa.Uaee An •• Cos-• DIRECTED tbe staff to 1D-Lucia Aodieraoo eommtDdlDc' Kobb, 1992 Weyer Place, ta Mesa. form tbe State Hlctnray Com-the city artseommltteelorpro6 eo.ta Mea. Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Rlebard ml.ssloo tbat tbe CouDCU sees v1diDc: toteresUnc lbawS. looC • TUESDAY, JUNE 17 Correll, 2976 Ja.ea.raa., Costa oo reuoa t.r morepubllebear.. ru.p ri5loD aDd establlab1Dc Boy -llr. lllld lllro. Jolla Mea. l!!p oo tile nlllltac ol Nnport pill lo< utili lllld laJnw>. -. AoC I)-... Colla Gtrl-llr.ID!IIIro. ...._ -~ -Colla -• RECEIVBD 1 - -111-. Sl>IUor, ?los w. o. .. Ft.,lo C.OZ.IhrJ., wtllellapio.:w....-.·, • ..., ..... 1111" ao, -llr. lllld Mro. ll<ald Wost llowport. -lD r1111 ...-11 of Polk:o Cblllf lam .. Gil ... CnJc. tn E. llllb PL, Colla Girl -Mr. lllld Mro. Peter ~tor A•e. tile prol--1 -Ia Mea. stewart, 20091 Frank Sl, • ADOPTED OrdtnaDee 1307. wbicb memt.s ol tbe pollee Boy -Mr. u:t Mrs. Loren Ora.oae. ruontac tbe In' iDe Co. property dtputment ''did an D~Jtstandlnc v .... oce, IOGI Concord, Costa a.looc llle BI!Jilde Dr. bay lroGl job of detecttoo 111 90lYlllc a .. .._ . • SATURDAY, JUNE 21 IUiar El Pueo Dr. from C-1·H burgJarf' at bJI restaarut. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Dan Boy-Mr. am Wrs. G. An-to R-1 for det'e.lapmeut ot 12 • RECEIVED a petltioo with F111cl!au, 2518 N-BIYd., dersoo, IU E. Boy St., Costa realdeottal loU trom1llc oolbe 11 sl-es of properly No. 1, CoAl Mea. Mea. dredpd out marlJII. area cnroers 1D Santa ADa Helpta. Boy -Mr .aDd Wrs.Ciareoce Boy-Mr. audMrs. Wltebell between tbe Balboa. Yacht Club oo Orchard Dr. IDd S. W. Blref~ Poettr, ZOf,U B&JY{ew, Saota Bramley, 22172 Loekbaveo, and Bahia CorU.hla.D Yacht st •• upressiac tbelr wtsbes 110 A-. HelefU, Huatingtoo Beach. Club. be •M«JAd to tbe City ot New .. KODAK SUPER • MOVIE CAll ERAS 22% OFF Boy-Mr. aDd Mrs. Wa)'De • ADOPTED Ordloanee 1305 port Beacb and to be lDcluded Rlee, 974 LiDdeD PL, Costa deereuiD&: speed Umlls trom 1D AnDe:l No. Glprefiouslysub- Mesa. 45 to 40 miles an hour on Eut-mltted to tbe Local Apocy Girl -Mr. aud Yrs. Jotut bluff Dr. from Vista del sOt FormaUoo Commtsstoa., Tbe LoW, 8282 Polk Circle, Hu .. oortberly to Jamboree Rd., East petltioa. was refarred to t1»e ttqtoo Beacb. Bb!ll, lllld from 40 lD S5 miles PlaDolDc Commls&loll, aod 1 Girl-Mr. alii Mrs. Terry u bour on Westcwr Dr. ftom eapJ was seot to LAFC. •••••• t .... _. 'to-_ ...... ,. Wobltman. 1904 Federal An., lrriDe AYe. to Cofer Dr., 1D • AWARDED tba cootract llr Costa Mesa. lbt Wutewr commercial area. alley t.mproyemeots 1a Coroaa Boy-Mr.lllld llrs.Cbarlu • ADOPTED Ordloaoco 1306, del lllu lllld 8l!lboo lsiiDd lD La!!!!, 2001 Ca!Yert St., Costa locroulllc lbo speod UmJt from Ccw:o II!<. <I s~ low o1 z Mesa. 45 to 55 miles an bour oa Jam. bJdders at $100,833.40, whJ.eb Is Girl _ wr. IDd Mrs. VUo boree Rd. from Ford Rd. Dar 8\ less tbaD the eoctoeer's Bufta., S114 DubllD st., Costa PhUco-Ford AeroDlb'oole to lltim&te. Mea. Paliades Rd. 1D the Baell • AWARDED tbt eootract tor H.J. Garrett's 14th Semi-Annual AU H E RITA G E UPHOLSTERED PIECES IN YOUR CHOICE OF STYLE OR FAIRIC. MAY BE PURCHASED AT A MOST GENEROUE SAVING •..• TRULY A RARE MOMEY·SAVIMGOI'I'ORTUMITYI 15 ~ OFF AL.fO SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON 0 I' RIIICIQJLISAR IIIAHY BI!RITAGI! DINING ROOM. lti!DROOI!I MD TAltLI! GROUPS. _ HP.DI&. CDIMIW\ • TOUR FAVORITE IIITIIIIOR DISIGIIIU WLL II MAPI'T TO ASSIST YOU • tbe B&lbol. lslaod ebamel sewer Ioree m.ato 1o lloaly Tlbblu CCII!Slroctfoa Co. <I LoDe Beach, low of s bidders at $%1,000, wbieb 1s ZZI less tbaD tbe ea- pneer•s estimate. • AtrrHORIZEDtbl mayor and city clerk to uect&e a mutual aid agreement wUb tbl Co.tta ..... Cow!IJ wu. Dllllrlct lD proYide mab81 emerpoey aid by makiDC -. per. -~ materlala lllld -'~'" 1nllll>le lD aasllll allbor llU'lr in tbe .... al u IIMI'IMCJ. • CONFIRMED tb1 city e•k"• nllna1l ol tbt .,1- low1oc clt.lma II> lbo luftDee curler' elt.lma ol O.UO A. Armalnlo( lo< *-&Oio eoe- cnto -.,. allepdlJ ca-by-ctty- IDilll 111 111oJ -1111 root- -Ill '101 ~-...... eo. ... dal llor; _,. llroyloo' e.W.IDr••pe toW car .. ·---~ctty-l!;Jitb llllbc:o:.t'a caw. a.r rU- • u lilt ol t!UO pold l>Jldm 11< r-ol 1011 car --...-·--~--·-oll!lon-•. • AIJARDID ...... act II< e. Dart a.'""t sac.aa1 .. ... , .. PllllaJI --lie. olltawpart a.ct. Ia 111...- ol $11, 'IOI.M. A _. ,..-ol ........... ~*~.-· ... ____ .. ...,._ .,_ .. __ .... _ ..... , •••• u ......... ... ............. -.... ____ .. at ...... -• liWM"':tlll'"" .. 111111 to Jll?eaiiiiJI d .... -..... ]' .. _ M' ,.-.... -........ Cillo~-..... ~· IM =. JIQIIII_ .. _IC.. ~------------------.------~ r--------------------------, I I I UMIIMC M .... ._. .W.L._. P.O.._ ............. ._ &.-....... c.a-. T'*'b fiiW ~ .. ,._.I CM alert -"IV· ~-*"'fl,. • ......,,ec'CIOIMf WlcAOI:. r .. p . ,.otl,...., •........ , ... ,.. -... Ot "*'-! ..... ,- ~~------------~ For all your good intentions, you can ·t seem to save a nickel to save your soul. Paychecks come. Paychec ks go. And still there's little or no money in the bank for savings. United California Bank knows how hard 11 is to save. That's why we have a plan that guarantees you 'll save $10.-$20.-$30. a month or more , and hardly miss it. It's UCB's Automatic Savings Plan. Just decide how much you want to save each month. UCB deducts that amount from your UCB checking account and adds It to your savihgs. Most savers tell us. it's virtually painless. And at UCB, your savings always earn the highest bank: interest rate permissible by law. Isn't !here something you've wanted to save for anyway? Like Europe. It's ao easy as saving just $2.00 a dey for one yMr at UCB I Whatever your goal, sign this coupon and send It along today. You can-· You will save. WegUI!,..,twlt. • ,.,. ................... .. A LOOK AT THE BOOK ., Dr ...... .._. "r'' rfll"'~wte.&Wta.,,o._,,.,J.C. .,_ ... tlloclploo ........ -Cl!riol -huYOn and urth." no. .. 1o ooolhlol lmpooolble a,.._ 11re .. eM~ ...,. ia a l&cna on fiX omftipOicM deity. The ma.a. who recopta. * -. W ..., .._... tli. ......_ oa \be an omnipotent God hu no trouble betiniaa ..... (Meallw 1•:1$.26). 'l'he -.ond time, in the miraculous. When our minds Umit deity, .. dild..... lriU uac:onvinoed ol Hia ,...._ natutalty our hearts will lack faith. Meo qdn- JI 'kNrt,. wen JIUbcred itt the upper room tion chi historical accuttcy and the Uwpintion ....,.. He: IUdrdmly appeaml In their mklll of lhc Bible bcc:ausr il recounts mirscuPow: (......._ 2-4:36-37). happenlnp whtch they •rc unwillina to tceepL MM I ltraDIC and stupid thiDJ that tbe Grsnt that God is tble to do all thinp and •' 11 :"pl.~~y-lhoukt cwtcc take refute from the there is no room ror doubt •• to the autbority ~ ia tbe IUpcnlitious, tuppoaina they •nd accuracy of His Word. Men accept tbe ......W • aboll: n.thCT than accepe.ina the mani, foolish and impouible evolutionary theory of ,_ cvklearce ol their own c:yes--tbat He Him-I he crestkm of life because they limit Ood. ..rt Mood before them! They rcfu~ to rc:coaniu a Diety Who by tbt How much more lotical on the: fint oc:ca-Word or His omnipotence crested the uai- tioa 10 believe that the Ooe Who made the verse wnd made man in His own imaae. Jk.. wMir should use it for 1 hiJhwayl How much c11 use men limil God's power they, lite the More ,_.ble the teCOnd time to accept the disciples sayina. "h is a spirit," believe a theory nidence of His physical praencc in tht wound full of obvious errors and manireat impoa.i, prints in Hit hands and feet tnd side! bilities ralher than accept the Genesis state, At the root of thit stnnac and stupid atti-men1 of simple truth htving divine omnipoeeooc: tude was lack of faith and hesitancy to accept as ils foundalion. The God Who made the IAat which wu, from the: standpoint of. human universe, Who hung the world on nothina tnd raMllniQI. impouibte. Havina seen Christ per-the North on the empty space, is certainly able rorm so many miracles. they should have ac-to perform the miracles recorded in the book of cepted tbex miraculous manifc:stttions of His Jonab. The God Who created all material J'OW'U 0\l'er natural law and over death with-1bings could certainl y turn water into wine and out surprise> but such was not the case. feed five thousand men with five Joava and Christ satd, "All power is Jiven unto rne in two fisbes.-American Wa y Features ? ? Question Box ? ? . F Ut U 1M diluencc belv.leen 1Ae ltin&dom o/ Cod fiiWl tA.e lilsfdom of A.eoven? Mrs. A.M .. Claru4~ Tu. To whom was Cod spealrin~ in Gen. 1:26 wMn He .'f4.id, "tet u.s mo~ mon in ou.r imo~e··? K .P .. St. Prtersbu.r&. Fla . This is one of a number of Scriptur~ wh ich indicates that God is a triunt" being and that there arf' thret> Pr~ns in the Godhf'ad. ntm..~­ ly. God thr-Fathn. God t~ Son, and God 1he Holy Spirit, but that thHf' Thrf'"f' arf' Onr. In 0 t'ul. 6:1. wo• n·ad, "H~ar. 0 l!<ratl: Tht• Lord nu r God is one Lord." The word "onf'·· use<! in HPhrt'W indicstl"!' plurality. "J••• a. ... T a' a" L 'e 2:»62 • h r ,... ..,.. wr.&a a.. a. ?r:ey ..... : u ao ret.r..c• u. vt• ... die .,..... ....uy wiD 1M! Jnad Ia tiM Salpharo U.n. 5 a.uD AOOIS 1 father ol Modlir (I Cbroa. 7:12) 1 .....,... •••••• I -they loud lliDa ••• .!Uia9 1a 1 ..,_ ......... .._ ----.. tN ..w.t ol lh• --u" 13 ......... llttko 1__.,w (D I "hY -'""" Yl ----tUm tbcrl focrr ~ lid) ----IUDa" (Lub h50) I. -.,. ·-1 oil .U -.. 10 '11.1.. ----bpt oU til ... MTfa .. fe.&. .. J ---is IMr bea:rt" f · W) 13 iaJdob ol two .. _ of Jaeell (G.a. It jl)dty Ia ......_.. U a..-. I: 3CI:ll. II) 11 ..._.. ., tllo ..u. of .... _d 11 "thy l1q c-111 ... littbaw ... oD-., __ .. (MIItt. 21:$) lw .......... ,._ (b6 t 1IS. IC) 20 -----· Goc1 Jr.atlr. nuaNr..t tilly It _.II ..... • dty ( .... 11:11) kio9d-" (0... 5:21) •lf "---M a..t •Y , ....... 2:2 11 POD oJ ~.C. ___ J (Gea. 31: l I -r 23) 11 ,....... _. oe.....r • ..U. -d Jr.or 23 "tiM •-• o.er-1 • caUo4 ___ ," ....... , ..... 11131) (Eult. 20:21) II ..._ cldW. -~ ... ....... 25 iaiti.a. of ,._,. •• or.... ....._. ........ ... JoMplt."• ._..... -{0... ... -a ., ----U.wt ., 31:1. ., ,....,.. • I ..... S2 ~ .. to a. rnrO tM. ............ II ... 3 do-... laidob of two (PP ... 1:1) ...._ Uadv. 3:31: 12:11) 33 "'Nary tJao .othr of 1--a. J1 MIIMy .,....e __ cdraW'" (Lu.b ____ N (llark 15:t0) 1:1) 35 -en u.. ,._ ___ 1M .,._..._.. .. "1 __. ... ---•Y FatJ.er'• 27 •• of Pel.., (..a-Wo, Goa.. I h II I ... -II) 2:1 ,_ ...._, wttlli God ----•-M 31 a aiDor pro-et 21 "IM t2wr of 1M L..t aball be 31 -liMy lo-ct JU. Ia dto ___ " Uly ---••_.,. (K 51:1) Ct "l.e ao -....... ~y ---• a ~ ...... liMy lta4 .......... aJ1 U Tl& C:ll) 1M kin«dom of God include. the whole uivene, wb.He the kingdom of heaven is Mes- liuic aDd hu in view the e:stablithment of 1M m.dom or God on earth: which will be ...Ufeaeed in this earth during the millennia) rap of the Lord Je~us Chritt. Aa:ordins to 1 Cor. 15 :24-28, at the end of the millenniaJ re:ip of Chritt when all God '• enemies are pul hefteelb Hia feet, the Lord }e&us will then df!. liwr ap the kingdom to God , at which time the rw.,dOm of heaven will ·then be merged into tlte ~dom of God. ~ •cow :li"! to dto ----.. a • wp Jlrio& ---• (Lab 312) Sl .... __ , .a-u ao c.u.d tr•at" C4 • dt.lel of tlao ...-.. (Act. ll1lt. Please explain Zechariah 12:3. A. T ., Mon-(at.tt. 5111) ~e) ~um ,Okla. 33lalhl. of ~·. 'aoph•w 47 • ldar ol ....,...._ ,--~ Plase up/IliA Gal. 3:13, .. Cur~J ;, C11f!ry nat lMI lurn«etla on 4 tr~." Mr.t. E.A .C.. Rnprs, Arlt. This is a quotation (rom Deut. 21 :23, in wiUeb is ttated "hf' that is hanged is accu~ .,{ God." The Lord Je~ua Onist by mt:ans of tlw cruc.i6xion was .ba~ on a ttCf', so th~t He bore the Clint for us. -He has tedt!f'med u~ fi'OIII the cune of the law and from thr con- ~ of our sins by sheddinl!!: His prr-cious Wood which, as mentioned in I John 1 :7. deanaeth us from all sin. F 4lll IIIIas the tspproximak IHJ!ue of du U.Uty pieces of silllt!r received by ludtu /sea- riot /or bdrayin& the Lord }esw CllrUt ? (Mtll~. 26:14-15). Mrs. L. P .• Burbonk, Calif. A piece of silver was a very small Roman coin, flO that the approximate value of the thirty piecea of 1ilver today would be 120.00. Fill tAe Lo rd /esw return. for His Clau rch before tAe mork nflM ~Hrut is impn.ted on l~ p«)pk? N.C .. Frl'lnnnl, Mn. aa4 wUo (C... 1215) (D II..., 11:17) This prophecy is Mill future. and will be ful -M -.. --tt.o-etat lor dto •or-Cl "• PMfllo. .,..t ad ._,.. ad filled tithe tnd of the Crest Tribulation when '""'(Nd. I ::M) ---~· (bnt. Jt21) • lsidG ol two --of A•oa S1 "to ••-..... d I ,._ • the nations of the earth will fight against Israel ,..-...~ o--) ... a 0 uoa ----' ,_... , .... 1:21) stthe battle of Armageddon. Israel will then be 'S1 isi.w. o1 a -..... ,........ cm4 11 a _ o1 ~ (Qea. tl:?l. ~ defe•ted, but u prophesied in Zechariah 14-:2, W. •n (D ..._ IdS) Wo) 3, the Lord Jesus will return to liberate Jeru· 31 ~.u tMt .._,. Ilia ••re -.: 52 -••-'·t "pl•atr" __ _.., I d I I f h . . Ge "I t-w-1 ---W. .......... _clbat o...a.. U:U) sa em an uae rom t e v1ctonous nt1 e •tO, •a , aut IN allo•l -·--___ , » t.tr.of ., Jalr. ___ 0 (I ca.r-. srmies and will overthrow them. ..,do__.. 2:11) u ....... • tt Uaat Y• __., ___ ,r 57 ._ ....-.., "GM o1 ..._ ....... How ~ il pouible lo reconcile ~~ words of • ~ ., ._ .,_ two ...... ol C...-___ .....,. (a.., •n Morlt 14:12 "And the first d"7 of unkovetlftl "!JMo......, S:t. IS) , _ __, aft 5I ·~ Y. ... dwrt I ...... b __ .J 1. J.~ .._., • .J 1.. " • 1. Y ....C.•P to----..-Do•t ay ,.._,., "+-r rego , wnen ''""'J .nweu Inc pG-notlf!r, M/Un 1M ----.. dto loc.1'" /olm 19:14, wlun on th.e d"7 of preparation •so ~.n. yo aet tiMrl I •at M of~ pc.uovf!r PiltJJe preHn.lcJ the Lord /eJUJ ..... , •Y ra~~~.r·. ___ r L I • . "8 'old K " , .. , M "dUll -.u ,..,. -Us. hoi• lo tne eMJJ, soyrn&. en your an&. . _., .. ___ '"(IM.l?:l ) E.E., Burnoby, B.C., CoruJdo. 15 •-o1 1.,..._•1"• wiY-. .. :.all< (I Ckrvn. 2:21) sa • ....._ of cliKipl .. r-cb-,__..., 5I -edt..-, ___ day~~ they lo-ci llim ia tlte t.ap&o- 10 -ttr.•y rehlraed i.Dto ----· to llaoir owa dty"' CLUES DOWJf I ~..._ pc~~~n.tll w.nl lo ___ 8 2 ad 27 dowa -!My roturaecl ..• to tllob-----dtr lifoaar.U." t -.... ltJr ___ •••t te J-1••" S illitlaM ol S..uol'• .other aad au~·, -~or-LD·III"W' (I Saa.. 1:20: aut~~ 1:1) I -~at ----Mould M ...-od tr- ow •--'-" (L.n 1:71) ANSWU TO LAST WEEK'S • StThomas Bible Lesson L-11.,-a••...,..MIM.I.,_P~I •ACTII After ... -CIIrlol-oolw'-H•-...Strom_..,...__ tho l"a-, _...t out 1!0 Hob lpl,. apon .,.laltbiW, ... Apoell• ..... to ... _ Cllrlll'o Nlo O¥W tho -. '11111 1IM!r did by tho-of poll 'I 1 tho~.,.....,... 1.--to-by tho wo~ofolpo ond ..a-. Hen wt haw a dnuDade:IDIIMce of how Pwter worktd. a mlrKUioul WN In the oamo of J•\11 Cbliol. ...S then, u Malthow Honry N)'l. be p- •tbe eermon to aplaln the mtrM:Je. and to sow tht 1round. whleb b)' tt •• broken up.• ' II t. important to coMed the two evmta. pel 10 .cape the pttUul error ot many people who auppo.e the Goepel came to aire our phyatcal allmtnta. end le doolped to brtna hoalth, ... t aod -=tty on e•rtb. lnotoocl of Mltlna tho earth on fire wtth condlct, that throu1h H 'ft mllht win vk:tol')! and so come to a1ory tn Heaven . Jsut had pointed out durtng hla own ministry that hit purpoee ln comlnc wu not the abolition of ak:kneet and death. He dkl not heal everybody that wu tick. • There were many lepen ln thedayt of EJ1Hou1 the Prophet; Mel none of them wu deanaed, I&Vinl' Naaman the Syrian,• Jeeua tald. Evtl)' miracle wu lor the purpo~e or manlfestlna the 1lory or God and dlrectlnl men to faith. 1be Apo.tln carried on In the same manner, beln1true to Him In whoM Name ihey worked. Their commluion was to preach the <;o.pel u wltn- to men or the Resurrtctlon . In this chapter we ,react or one oc:Cuton or this preachln1. Peter and John are the ones concerned. Tbe. two have always a preeminence amon1 Cbrt. Ilana-Peter as t pokeeman for the 1Weive, John u the diKiple whom J•UI lo ved. Although each had a brother numbered among the Twelve. they seem to be doaer to each other than to their blood kin, the bond or friendship tn Christ bring stronger than the bond of the tleth. The man upon whom the miracle was done wu a heiplest cripple. He wu born that way. Sl.nc::e he could not work, he was not too proud to beg. hIt hard to· beg. It II alto hard to work. But there is no dltgrace ln becJinl, u the liberals would have IL There Ia no reuon why any man 11 entitled to be cared for by action or the government taking away from the haves and gtvlna to the have not• to spare hlm the pains of begging. A man Is entitled to the prlvUege of taming hll own bread In this way. It Is manifest' that people who demand government handouts as their rtjht, Instead of asking for help from those able to 'klve it, become thereby ancry, malicious and troubletome. Beggan, on the other hand. are often an lntplr- allon to aJI who know them. One of the most powerful movanentl in hlstory was inspired by the mendk:ant (or begging) brothel"', the Franciscan• and the Dominicans. AB iJ customary among the pc!Ople of God. beggar~ all at the entrance to the Ho use o r God, In this case the Temple at Jerusalem. There they give people bent on worship an opportunity to do an alm1, the Biblical way to make reparation for lin. Peter and John were ac:customecl to go to the Temple at one o f the regular houn o f daUy wonhlp, the ninth hour (3 o'clock in the a fternoon). On this day they we~'haUed by the lame man ror an alma. Peter stopped and fastened his eyes on him. He spoke words now famous: '"Silver and gold have I nonle'; but such as I have I give thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and 'Walk." AB we read these words we hear in the background the echo o r the Prophet Isaiah: '"Ho, everyone that thlnteth, come ye to the waten, and he that hath no mo ney: come ye, buy, and eat; yea. come. buy wine and milk without money and without price. .. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which Is not bread? and your labour for that which aatlsfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which ll good ... Behold I have given him for a witness to the pc!Ople." With that the lame man found strength coming Into his feet and ankles; h e stood up and leaped-and praised God. The crowds in and around the Temple were stir~ with great excitement. They came running and gatheted where Peter and John were o n Solomon's Porch. When Peter saw It, he began to preach. Peter's sennon. here as ln every case. il a model . , It is direct and minas no wordt. · '"Why marvel te•t thla'!" ··-, 1 • 1ltere la a far srn.ter miracle confronting you. h Is the Returrectlon of J esus. a man fo r whose death you are guUty. These were bold words. Peter Ia condemning the very crowd he Is add~slng. and condemning them or the worst or crimes. "Ye denied the Holy One and the Just. and d esired a murderer to be gra nted unto you: and kllled the Prince of !Ire. who m God hath raised from the dead : whereof we are witnessing." And then he brings the maHer home "And his name through faith in his name hath made this man stronc. whom ye see and know." Peter preached urgently. presalng home upon the Jews no t only their own guilt. but the fulness of the guUt In that they murdered and den~ the very God who gave them llfe and bring, and upon whom they must forever lean for llfe ltselr. The polnt of his message. however. was not to shame them and then stop, but to bring them to repentance. He offered run pardon, and to those who would receive pardon, aa the lame man accepted alms, he held out the prom lie of heaven. SL Thoma. PN:u -P. 0. B~ 35096 -Houaton, Taa~ 17036 Ac:co rdins to tbe Boolr. of ftpyr-Jation, tht beast snd tiM' antichrist will olticially in!!i!ll on the mark of the brut apJM'ari!'g on all who wiD wish to buy and adl during thr ti~ of the Great Tribulation. We, as born a'-ain be- linen in the Lord Jr-sus Christ, do not havr- 10 bf' concernt'il about this matter for thf' Lord J~ will return for His Church hefore the G~at Tribulation hf'~ns. The Jewish day started at 6 :00P.M. 10 that each dty began and ended with s.n "evening." It was during the {mt evening of the day of prepsration for the Passover that thr: Lord Jesus and His di~eiples celebrated the PasA· OYer. Then. duri ng the night came the betrayal and in the esrly morning houn the "lrlal" wa11 held . He died just before sundown. This was tbe Yery same time when the Jews were kill in~ the ltmba for the Pauover sacrifice, which, according to Exodus, Chapter 12, toolr. place between the lwo eYenings--thst is. approx- imately between 5:00 tnd 6:00 P.M. aa the day of the preparation for the Pa110ver drew to 1 cl05f!. It is remarkable to see how God hsd minutely planned the eu ct time of the death of Hi!l beloved Son. the Lord Jc.ua. to coin· cide with the Pauover aacri6ce. The Pauover day was considered aa a u bbsth day (not neceM&rily a Saturday I inumuch u no work of any kind wu allowed on that dty. ANSWERING A BIBLE CRITIC ... ~~;:~~v-~_:.z (EDITOR'S NOTE: Tbls Is a a.lllbe eongrepl!oa shallslooo ol tho Loed, IJIII bllh ..._ to U IDiolllo-ofllloUYIDc -arpd opl.oot --~uatioa ot a. lll'les of ar-him wlth stooes withOut the Ills commalllmeot. tbat IOUl God." (HtbrwllO:.H-Sl.) d1Dc tbl record ~~ tM tielu bJ tbe Rev. JobD V, Grier camp.'' shall utterly be cut olf· hQ • • • fact of tbe •• Ll•• .. U,.- Kooatl of ColliDp'lrood, N.J., Numbers 15:32-36 tells the 1n1quity 1ba.11 bt ~ him." • JOSHUA lO:lJ..U. "1'* ted bJ DtriDI111 _!.~"""11II • ud eommentl.ac oo a. pamphlet bJ a incideot of a man wbo pthered To ptber ltlets 011 tbl Sab-· • tbe 1DUD11' ....... wu ae- WHY IS THE WORlD IN SUCH TURMOIL TODAY? ly J. E. O.V,tcn (World Evong .. i•ml Biblo erltle wbo charges that stlells oo 1be Sobllotb IJIII wu b!1b doJ..., ..,.toboull&llt IIIOb J-to tho Lord llllllo ~~lAC U.., It Ill'-. ''Uterallsm rUDB attrnrt stoned to death. The lDcldeDt otreoae tt wtdcb tobepanl ... da1 wbea tbl Lord diUYettd. Gire}J outside oar lii'O"ialee, scleDce, pbiJoaDpbJ ud com-serns well to mutrate Yer-wlth deatb, bat lD tta.ta: cue tM Amadte• belb"e U. cll11-beel•• of o. l.l.lrdttd coe .. moo seue." Dr. Kooatz u -ses 30, Sl, wtdeb read: "BW. tbe act wu ·· committ.d w1tb ~-.t~ ~-~ :'_ Rld-la prlhndoa. 1'biiD-CI1ted lawt ,,,_ •e J-t•h H.,.. J-•· 1"'' ... 1rr1. L .. •~~,.1 .. tOOSJ.) p•·•·· Bible ,_801 -•eo 1 that ~· -·-t eel ---,.__, ....--.--., ---. of aatare do aot rGIIr .-:l a lil.llm .... ww the sou ..,.,_,., ........ pre-aYOW _....,..-uuu 1 re-tbOIIII:ID-~·,ll!d..._ m-lo 1,.--, --Ia The Lord lr.nows all things. Hf' ron·bew conditions, bewilderment, not knowing which were ebo8eD lor attac.t by the sumptuously wbltber be be Yealed wW that tbl dQ be ob--. ------- the end from the besinnins. It it not His will way to tum or how to soln the problems. Our erlUe.) boro In tbe 1U.t, or a stranger, .ened by c:ompllte r..t (Ea. ~ t. tM ~ Ajaloa. tbe tl.ll&l ..-.tJrt.J. tbl lawa ,_ that the world be in trouble and turmoil. but own Prt~ident hu called in Matelmen and • • • the same r-"-1 tbe lord; 35·2 S). Thilmu'acaaductwu U.-ud tbe Mtwe Ue Dllll'llJ Gocra'w'Wu •• L I ,_ --~ h h • H'~BERS 15 S5 ... ~ 1be ..---• • -..., ....... _.. to bow lllo -lal ---remember. the devil i:l!l ruling the world now . umer eaU~~mJ to oou.~ wit im, conoemins u• : • AUU l.lld that lOili lba1l be cut otr reprded by .._..aDd by God Mid 1.~---.,... ..... " IIIIOD lbollld belli&YL God 11 _.. • He ill the prince or rukr of this world. }t"SuJ the troubled oondition1 in IN worid today; Lord Aid aato llo .. , Tbe pw.D from a.moogblspeople. Because u ID a.ct of flacrut aDI1 CJP1111 tbtir .. lUlL II .lilt tldl wrtt.. eom-IIIOD to --tbe "law called him the prince of this world ...... For but not one of thf'm knows the snswrr to thf' aball be nre11 pat to death: he ba.tb despised tbe word rebeWoa ap1ut God. TbeS&b-tta 1a till boat oliUber? So ~ :.i.rt'' ._ ._., ..,.._ the prince of tbis world cometh, and bath world's problems. One will sugest one way, ,----------------;_------;~ bl.tb puti:IM ol tbl CW. tbe ltl)od lUll la U.. ~ ...-*- nothins in me" (John 14:30). Satan knows tnother 110me othrr wa y. We tppreciate our of a "llp" betw'IID tbl Lord o1 -ud....., W ilil m. diYIM ~ his time;, ohort and!..;. wori<;QK w;th all •tateo...., who ue ,;.,.,. ;n thdr ell'orto to JIU/T OJ THE Tiff ll!dlonoi(ELII:ll-l?)udll bol...., IOtloF to~~~-----'--d h-' B r . d L W d or God . sened to IW'!tt_n, r..tld don u.t a WIIOie di.J. AM tbMt laWI Willi It• Be .. hie mipt to dncroy and ~ive, and to JeA .,p. ut nen s. tne or 11 true. Israel of be 'CO'ftMIII reJ&,.. U.e wu • da7 W. It befDre ftt to 4o 10, 711K rv lt tint pr.op~ •ray : and be is certainly doing a No Onf! can calm thf' stormy sea but Jesus. Uoa to God aaiblr __ H-U • aa.t.a.tllll Lord~· llrftl llllpapua. ~job of it: JI!SUI said ... He would dfuin No one f'lse can !M'tlle the wor~'s problem~~ uato God. God llld .,;;;.-;;;;: ~ ..., 11111ltllce oil~ n. -.e wu ....... the .ery f'lect if poaible."' But J-am so glad except ]d us; no on,. csn lift up his bands onr .. .,.._ ~ tblt dJfllaO ltlllall IW U. LorcUD-Iw~L -...teellllloal tesrp o1 .. the Lord Mid, .. If poMible." Thtnk Cod it i~ the ra«)ng 'torms and ssy. ''Puce be Still". v;.: to ~-..._ "To ........ tM J~ UlaJ CO.Mil '*"'" It M llld ... not pcaible for him to deet:in those who but Jntm. lUre..,-be Pill -: -to •s:ttw ... peaple," wrtltiM a. 1111 ............, a1 fully trult in the Lord. Oh! if the world would only turn to )f'S~ ~'i-t~ .:J:,. .. -: ...... De 88ilt crtt1e:. "God IMilllrl 4111 ICIIeN a WIM More than two thousand yean sgo, }nus He would 8dt1Pallthe problenw. -~ ldt ~, cu.d .. _ ... _toltud IGit ._. ._ _...diii..U told • euetly what would happen as we But they will not do it. }Nus knew they (l 4).___, -. ltlll." 'hit wMr* &a ......U, .. prllllll U...lld ~4111r _..r Ria coming. would not do it, therefo~ He (om:old it. H,. · X. ll:l ball & ..al ... _......,pro. a ,_ COiiJd .._. .. • IF •1 He dmcribed the condition thf' world would said, '1'he sea and wue~ roarin1." Thi• Tbe wtlflll...,..._ oiGod'l W. '"'CIT...,.. --.Godol nAe WOUI aiiD -..... he: ia at that rime. .. And there sh.ll be sisns could havt bef'n tPferrin,; to the. storms and lawllrlzcl: ca. a..-.-~ 1l8rMit ... Up Mil ..... BMe tfiDIIIII lill ll7l 'OJ p • ll M the .an, and in the moon, and in the stan~; Roods we tre havin~-It seems that enn tM W tllll ..... fit. .. ,_.,, 'nil ....... ...a .. •'r -.rt; a., ......... .. and apon the earth distmM or nations, wit~ wead~r iA JM"rpl.-xed. Rut wr-bf'l_i':"" it it silto lid a ll.wla fll • ..._ ..._ niiiiP llr .. .-..e ... 1M bDok 111r aD .... _....._ ... perplaity;the~e~~andthewavaroarinl ··· rf'fernns to thf' troubled cond1hons of thf' •eant.weMJ .._ ... _. 4 JSIUI '--• ........... , ..... ~-d, d' !_.L • world today. The aes and waves roarins. repno. .. t:nEJp 0 • '1'1111 .. WU-~ ... RSJ~S..,! ~pallrJ~I tD US 1 ' L -.-wor illtfta, ~~ a!'IUJaU or.1n smting the muws of people in turmoil. .. ..... tt .,_. U&WU'• .._.. ~ -Dr. I. A, Twnf'IM ii'M ...... trouWed, II a slup In dill:~. Think Oe.r rrimd. then: is on~f one tafe hidin1 IIIC ID tile ..... af till ..... nil" ..... ,...., ..... CUI 's1 IIIII --1 ••• t1 ill 1'1.ne wot'dl were IPOken ,_rty t:-o pl•ce ; that is in thf. M1n Chrill }f'I!Ua. rell .... of WOIIIIIL · ., Gllh iJWI 11 wa-* JII'IIIQr IIIII -a.t a •• e.cl Jal" ap by the Lord Jrs• Chntt. '•111-.SJ .. _,...._.._ Ill.... ·w lllliltD 111'1111 ...eooowaeda ... ., .. Be ,Jwa • • ck.r dNeription of the darlc .. )( ye then hf' riaen with Chritt, .,.. tho.r 111111 ...... _......... ....... ,..., ...._.. • •· Cllti .... _._ tl ..,..._ f 3 ....... critiQ which is in the world thinp which are above, whf're Christ litri ..... Of .. ... ..... --.. -am Jill a:te:... ~--;;:;;; -,.. Y-. doe not1ono aro ;0 Sftll dioft-.., tbe rij!ht bond of God. Set yoar aft<tiott -':•: ...,..,., a._, .U a~., .. _,.. .. ...,--. 1 1 .. , n. U.N. lui. IICIC tofvtd the ,.we-o1 the on thinp •.bon. not on thinWt on the •rth. -~ a.w 1-a.r, * ..... .,. •1111'1 -.t 111 -r 10 o , ,..._ d 1 .... ..W. They ea-ealw ... For ye aoe ... ~and yoar HI•;, hid willl ... IIIII -....... -.... IIII .. IWS Iff tor 11oo-It-ft1 • 'I 1-1Wo -· _, .tllobel._ Cltriot In God.,...., Chrio!. wl>o II JOaY Ulo. Iff _.... 11oo .. 1 I 1'115, • -It--w.-._ .. W - • ~r ......,_, olioll appoor, tben oNJI ye aloo 'JIIIH' w;tlt .. .... -a= PI I J, w -.. Ill&. H *"·"Col3 1-4 ftc,__ .. dttc 11to-10-... ,.., .... e1 I• ift;;,. 'h ..;,.-Rodt cf ? llr.. -.. -If • t1 ... f'"ll loe<o 1 tbe A..':..;:,.,:; I Ch ' ~·;. -:.r:r ......... ·1 ~~~~ ·-,. ..... nds l111aa~t ~« ... _ ., o nst • to ~ '! D CtKJ _. free. clorw .. ,_,. ._n, ,_ ooid 10 ... "And -t.1Mw ~ ... _ .....,. .. _ .. _tltea ............ IQI ..w .,.. op !""'! ._.,; lor yoor 1alewp1ioft ..... rtto 1), ' I ...... I ..... 21 :28. MilS. WAIIII!N A. IIIOWII (JIIclt Bllru • Shulio•) • IS Brownie Sue Brown bride of John Viall _,,_.,. II Lab Ar-Lady Queen of Aopls catboUc rowbeld are Mr. ud Mrs. Joba Cburcb ill East Bli!L Tbe .., Robert VlaJJ. wbo were mar-Mrs. Viall ts tbe forme Ill• rled Saturday, J~m~ 14. at Oar Brownie Sue ~ dl..pter LI!GAL MOTIC! P.ssm CERTIFICATE OF Btm!IESS Flct.1tlou Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED cloes beroby corllfJ lbll bo Ill --dw:UDc a p:.rallMaraDce t:Ju. s1Deu II 1745 W, COUI Hlpony, N....,..-!Bacb,CaUI- orDla 92660, IDSer lbl ftetWous ftrm rame of Mar1Du'1 Gntral IDiun.Dce Gr<q~ ul tblt aid llrm Ill co_...t ofllloi>Uow- IDc ptriOII Wboa Dl.me .. 1D tun aas place of resldeDce ue as lollowo, lo-wll: BJl'OII K. C-lalD, 1745 W, coutlll&llnJ Nowport Boacb, Calif. -.. , -111111 4111 cl&1 oil-, IIIII, .,.... K. Cllalobo<llla STA'l'E OF CALIJ"aaOA ) COU!ft'Y OF OIIAIKlE ) .. ON THIS411>cl&yofl-1MI, bltwe mt, a NotarJ Public 1D IUid ... laid _, IUid lillie, resld!Dc lboreill, d1IIJ commlll- •"-' IUid ....... por80111.111 -~~~ S,...K. C-11111 tDon to me to be tbe per1011 whole 111.me is IRDKrlbed to tbt w1thiD !Dstrumeat, aDd ae- Dowlldpd to me that bl ue- eul41cl tbl ame. WITNESS my-IUidoatclal IMl. UaryA,"- N-, PubUc lliiUid lor ald c.aaty IUid State. My CommlasioD eJI)Ires Dec. U, 1971. Pabllab: Juue u. 19, za, JWJ S, 1M9, llllllo Nowport Harbor EIIOip. of Mr. m1 Mrs. Warreo A. Bran of lll 35tb st.. West Newport. Tbe groom•spu-ects are Mr. aDd. Mrs. JoM Viall of 21 50 VIlla Condo, Eut Blull. Tbe Ret. Wlillam Haney parlor med tbe double r1D& mar- rlage ceremoay at 11 a.m. Tbe bride wore a wbiteweddloccowo of EDJ)ish oet peau d" Anre lace, eml:lroldered wttb seed pearls. U was made wttll a high man- darin collar, bell slte'fH aDI1 a prlDcess train. Her s11t lllwdoo nil ns caupt. lo a matchiDc lace b~ece and euc:aded <Iowa to a full eatbedra1 leqtb tratn. Sbe carried a. cucade. of wbUe roses and. t.by's br.th. Boaored atteg1tnt Pamela Am lolalD; of Colta Mea 11'0Z'e alloor-lell&lb _olaa.,..lll, empire .,.. ol lllPle cr ... SIMI carr1ld a ca!IC&de of pi* C&I'IIOIJou IUid boi>J'• ........ Tbe trldeemalds, Sail)' lfartlll- dalo of Newport IUid lr-llol- mu of HldiDgtoo Beacb, wore similar ...... Ill Uglll plllt aDd carried oosepy ~:~outuets. Tbe bride"s brother, Bruce Brown, sened as belt man. ne pm cbose bls trotber, Jamu VlaU, Rudy MaUt of C- Mesa, Doa SutberlaDCI of West- millaw.~eg~aofH~ UOotoo Beach and Nat Brown, aaotber brotber of lbe tride, u bis usbers. . Touches of pink were used 1D tbe S altar arraogemeoU of fknrers at the chureb and tbe same motU was carried out at the reception, beld at tbe Bluffs clabbouse. Dora Beth Brown ns soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Elm& Wella at tbe orpn. Mrs. Jac:t UGAL NOTICE a.reus ot Newport Beacb as- P-ISU7 slllled wllb lbe guest -. CERTIFJCA TE OF BtBINESS Tbe newl)'Weds will Un lD FlctWoal Firm Name Colt& Yea f4IOO their retura THE UNDERSIGNED do blre-from tbeir booeJtnOOIL Tbe D8W by cert1f)' lhlt U.J are coo-Mra. Vlall ls a cnd•te of duclio& a Rellll ---Nowport Harbor Hi ell Scbool 111p, GUt 6Ac _ _, __ , aDd lo alloadlD( Onoge Caut 11 1555 E coutlll&llnJ co-C<llloae. Har busbood ts a en- ,._ •i --· lbo -oflfarlllaHigi!Scbooi&Dd llcllU...IIrm,....ofL'EIIra-lo a out-Ill tbo Nowport ordlllllre aDd tblt a1d Arm 1a Beacb ftrm of Archltectural cc_...t of lllo l>llowl.ac llnlllllc Sorttceo. . per-. 'tFboR .,.... 1D aan aDd place ot r.a:~Mce are u I>Uowo, lo-wll: leu If, P•olra, 1-Callrlce Dr., Yo<la Llad& -; Lullo L Parllra,DDIO, ·---111111 13111 cl&1 of J,-I MI. lou If, hrolra, Loollo L hroln. STATE OF CAUPaOOA ) COUNTY OF c:aAliGI ) .., 0 011 Tllli 11111 cl&1 of l-.... bll:lre -, a liGI:ar7 Plbllc Ia ...... -~ ... lillie, .-.. _..., 1IIIJ com.••r.a..~_....._,.. .-111 _. S.. If, Pe- rlin, lAollo I, hrotra, -to ... to .. ..,,.. __ ·-... --to lilt ; =·~.:"a:',::; :-.,..~ .. ~ :. :: ..... ' ......., .... 1£ .......... wm•IIJ-udcrllldallloe ___ ., ..._ · •s-r.aJ en._. • Blloal.-11-~ • aiOcn _ ..... .,. .... 1111-UCL no-w111 --. ...,. ~•s TTJ ~Oct. Md _. JIINll' HE, ... ----~~.:-11,-.lllri,IO, ...-•rl•l lilt ._, -It .. Sette · iou Tweed wed to Robert McVicker A I '£:11-Y--ItCa-...... _ -~~--l.ol-.. -~lle-... ..... '-11,11 artll a.. ..,. lilt ... •• n.-... ..... , .... llr. • .,. .. L 'n:a e Twllt t1 rrrs e ._Tort. a. -· .. ""-·--n. Mt ·s•• wr•...,.. el -.... a"tlll dsdrrd 'Willi .............. -• ... n._... ... ,er-.. --Y--IIIr--..... ·-aed Plod lllll .....,_ ........ Tllo a... Darid 01 Prollo, -..-• .......,_ lllo ..... -...... -. -._--.-MeWzJt. ._ ow.IDIJa o.dla .,... • ..... Gale 1M IF 7 ,_ al lu P'JueUco ud II, P1111r llcVIclror, -., .. aroo-. .,... br~ -· ... --.. ·---,--,.-- Wllllo daliiJ --[llldloU Ud ltock. llu Dr1Yer wu tbt JOVEY GIFT SHOP -no -. no 111111o ... of Dr .... lira, IIWlom lfcYicloor II liU 11, 1PoJ A,.., Ba1ba1, -IU -,lflciiMI, u .............. u.a. ..... . l--of Cordoo Gr .. .. Ill-"-of Balboa .. ..... ud DaYid P--ofNewport, llr. Tnod .... Ids daqbla' .. .map. Slao -u -.., ...... Ia aut .,.._ ----y-l&et. a -.t a cuoeo eollat ......... 1-EU. lfcYiclror- did tbe bride'• book at tbe roe-. wllldl wu bold II lilt Balboa 1PoJ C!lm. Tbo tlride'a IIICICMr r.etb'ld .-.u Ia • ...._ aut aed --*· Mra. MeVlcUrwor• a "'* talt wUb matcht"' ace-..orlel. Tbey botb wore --of!Qior!ly ........ GI"S FOR ALL OCCASIONS 642-2715 CUSTOM WOOD CARVED SIGNS ............ ta'dlrld w1tla wldo colb of lice IUid rlbbao. 'nl Watteu ctrde tra1D wu .....,. II lbo bodice Ill bact wtb wide lliia rlbboa btlt aDd Foilowlac lbolr Banllu _,_ lllo-....... wiU u .. &1 110-1/Z IIIII St. Ia Balboa. Tbelft'Mrs.McVlcUr [lndooted Iron> hiP ocbool Ill MaDhlal?lt ud the IJDlYer.U,ol DeaYK. Her Mlhl"" ~ Iron> Nnport Harbor Hlgll Sebool ami tbe Universlty of DeiiYer. 2602 AVON STREET. NEWPORT BEACH MRS. ROI!RT KEVIN McVICKER (8•,.,1• A.ldu photo) .ETWK:K:H 'tlVK:IIIt.IOC. TU.TIJrol . I .L.K. C. OP" COA.T HIOHWA'f' P A. Palmer. Chaonnan of the Board • Agne• BlomQuo•t. Pre11dent Maon Offoce· 3366 Voa l odo. Newport Beach, Califomoa 92663 • Phone 714/673-3130 Co ron& del Mar Office: Fln&ncl&l Plaza. 550 Newport Center Drove • Coron& del Mar. Cattfomta 92625 • Phone 71 4/644·1 46 1 PlAN #1" Regul1r Account fl-US plan IS for regular people With regular aalanes who have decoded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 1 week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want otto be some place they can get their hands on ot of they need it in a hurry. If they can leave 11 alone for a year or more, ot will gt'le them the Big Annual 5.13% yield. Are you one of the regular people? Then maybe a REGULAR ACCOUNT ia the one for you REGULAR MOt-lTHL Y INVESTMENT $25 $50 $100 6Mos 152 "" 608 1 Yr. ""' 616 1.233 2Y ... B32 1,26o4 U20 3 Yr~. 972 1.9<6 3.892 4 Yr1 1.331 2.662 5.324 5 Yra 1.707 3 415 6.830 10 Yrs 3.900 7.801 15.602 IS Yr1 6.71 5 13.432 26.86< 20 Yrs. 10.329 20.662 41 .325 We're aiming at you! PLAN #2' Ufto Income Plan This IS for people who have a sum of money they would l1ke to put as1de and would like to receive the 1nterest every month but not touch the princ1pal. Perhape you intend to leave the money to your heirs_ In this plan the originalmvestment 1s retained for a lifettme and,you have a regular income every month. Are your future plans for your choldren's future? Then maybe the LIFE INCOME PLAN w1ll sutt you. UFE INCOME PlAN Initial Deposit $12.000 14.500 20.000 25.000 so.ooo AMOUnt of Check $ SOOOPer Month 60.00 Per Month 83.00 Per Month 104.00 P•r Moroth 208.00 p. Month All ,.,..;ed_, •• ...... I. l & J ... ,....., -'1-,,. • ..,. __ _,...,,-''*-'U1011o .... · -""""' •• , l ftd ..... ~ en.;.;,,-~ ftlll II 5.1 !'lio 1 TIMr c•muot,...... ,. .. .., ,.,., - ~~-.. .,_ ""' t!Moo1> .... t lhct ... ,..,_ ~·- .., "'" .... ..W..Otlll" ........ "' ... PlAN #3" Monthly Security Account Th1s IS for people who have a lump sum of money but who know very well that of they don't put tt away somewhere out of stght. they w1ll spend tt. They know it would be much better to have a certaon amount of money coming in every month over a given period And in thiS plan not only will they get back a lot more than they put in. but there will st1ll be a nestegg left over to reward themselves for not blowing tl all at once Are you one of the smart ones? Then the MONTHLY SECURITY ACCOUNT os for you. INV£ST $10.000.00 AND: yoo.t rKerYtl and you retaon .ach IIIOnth fOf ....... of• $ 50 00 10 yasra $ 8.675.00 $ 50.00 15 years $ 7.725.00 $7500 IO yura $4.77500 $ 75 00 15 years $ 1.000.00 $10000 10yeara $ 1!17500 INVEST $25,000.00 AND: yoo.t rece1ve each month $100 00 $100 00 $150 00 $200 00 $250 00 .. , 10 years 15 years 10 years 10 yeart 10yurs •net yoo.t retatn an estate of• $25.60000 $26.050 00 $17.80000 $10.00000 s 2.200 00 Be in on the hot action of the big, big yield you w1ll get from that money you set aside for yourself at Newport Balboa Savings. Set your sights on one of these 4 booming savings plans and start some real money growing with- out having to worry abol't the fluctuating mari<et. Your cash is always avail- able at par value should you need tt in a hurry: and you" II really get a bang out of the way your money keeps on earning compound interest every day. Celebrate our traditional independence by getting some for yourself with your very own savings program. You wtll feet very American being so thrifty and so prosperous all at the same time. So take aim and zero in on a savings target at Newport Balboa Savings. Our friendly offi- cers will make sure you shoot in the right direction with your investment. And you'll hear the reports every quarter. Here are 4 savings plans. designed for 4 different types of people or saving situations. Read them and see which one suite your savings personality. The cherts w ill give you an idea of how each one works, so look them over; then pick a number from 1 to 4 and come in and let one of our experts get you started on your specialized savlnga or investment program. And if none of these is exactly what you had In mind, we have many others. au rewe do. "Payment• under thtl pl•n sub)I'Ct to the Pf'O'rl· sion of Section 1!1104 of the C•lifornt• FJnM"~Ciel Code under whiCh a Nvings and loaon •uoc:l• tlon may not w•ive its right to require up to IIi• months notiea of lnt•nt to withdr~. Newport B•lbo• S•vlnO• h .. met •v•ry wlthdr•w•l reque•t l)r'OmPtly without delay or queetlon In oo.tr enttre 33 yeara. PLAN :;c· Gu•ranteed Annual R•t• Account Tho& plan os for pahent people who already have a sum of money to onvest and are wtllong to wa1t a whtle for a good return on their money. The mon1mum depOSit IS $1 ,000 (more 1f you wish. of course), m exchange for wh1ch you rece1ve a cert1focate whtch guarantees a 30°/0 growth of left untouched for 5 years Are you one of the pattent ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT 11 for you YOU START """ $ 1.000 $ 5.000 $10,000 116.000 ·--Yield Guat".nteed "'·- YOU WIU RECEIVE ... ---3,. ... ,. .. s,. .... $ 1.170 $ 1233 $ 1.300 s s,852 s ISJee S·e.-1!100 $1\,705 $\.2..XIa o$13.001 •. $1 1,568 111.5()4 •l1i.IOQ: I 5 89'/o 5.84% 8.00% 17% 23% JO% SAVING FIGHTS INFLATION I .,, ',.I ,;, ' ,-'' ·-.,·-· lillllll·----------·-·-..... _ .......... _ ---·--111'--111. ..... Jail - ---lloQr, .... ···-· c.a ..... --.--·-... --.111'1 ... _ ................ IAIIIntd lAM. ..,..... , .. trJ-. .............. -JOlted a.t t ~ .... Ia Ida-at-··~--talra-lla-JVd HWJ .. ....._.IIIII ••• n.. •• tlillwnhM. a$11Joa ••• ~ N-llaJ, loolllvrJIT-,411-81~Wool $1$0 Ia --1 \1 oolwlldi 11-, -lllotrooi-IMI IIG,.nclladl•ti!Mr~ of.._. IDOtolocpcJtila Mlllslaa -Ia lila llriac -• • • -• nlllcla l>llooalor lo lbo Tho Glo<7 hop at lUI W. Crt, ot II-llaaeh , , , GEORGE JUPIII of CoD llesa Ocou Ft~ CGnl llwport, • 11u ,_ ...,ocl cllr-ol ap_, t-lod a $1$0 lou_ TUESDAY, JUNE 10 aw-Uiloc 1w Republle llomoo' Ia---_,_ Carl clriY• Iii' llro. flo7 Corponlloo, Orup, adiYI&loo -••• Tile car of~ Pia. Carlo<, W lie-Tw., Ud ot lhO ciiYOroillocl Na~ ED· el, ll1 -~ Wool 11-. by J-·-· WI S.- YilcGmoal . Corponlloo ""' R4., -ot eor-Hli!II-(NATEC~ He wu lormeriJ LEGAL NOTICE laads, collldod oolyalowblocu _.u -· -ot lila---· .. Coulllwy •••• -VIejo Compaor .,.p 11ac1 P-al 'I'll A1oo OD lbo Ccut llwy., SloYO recentlY beeo asooclalocl wUh CERTIFICATE OF BrmNESS A. Dale ot 'lOI-1/Z Ac:a<la, tbe Doal1d L Brea Compa.oJ Fictltloul Flrm Name CoroM. del Mar, wu arrested He Is a ~te ot Drab THE UIIDERSIGIIED do bo .. -oo ClriiDk cbarps after llllill( University, Des Mo1Dts, Iowa. bJ ctrtif'J u.t tMJ are c::oo-to pus tM fteld sobriety teat dactiDc • ,..a~ ........ ...r . . .. Both ....... ~aeoc~ noo LEGAL NOTICE oal1l '-llac-•atl'l45 or more ~ bills after fli. W. Cout HI.,...,, 11nport crld llotbl, 309 Espluade, P-33IB5 llea<:h, Calllorola ne&O,-Eul Blall,collldoclwllhECiwud CERTIFICATE OF BtmiNESS the flctttioas flrm •me ot CberDisa:, ZlOS Ytata Entrada. Fictitious Firm Name J&ckells • West Cout ud tbat Eut Bluff ••• Rlc.bard Flam- THE UNDERSIGNED 00es saki tlrm is compoeed of tbe 108, 1915 Bayside, Corona del tter eby certlly that be ls coo-*>Uowtnc per11001 wboet aamu Mar, reported tbe tbeft ot a dueling a bnslness at 1651 Pla-1A fUll ud places ol relidlac:e $66,60 stereo tape deck from centt.a Costa Mesa Calif. are as I:IUO.s, to wit: hia ear ••• Florence LtncJer, under 'too fictitious ftrm nam~ CWford Mueller 445 Via Udo Soud, Lido Isle, of A-Alectric and thatsatdftrm 517 PolDsetUa lei. ber car puked ooVIaMen- is composed of the tollowi.Jlg Corooa del Mar. CaW. tooe aad It suffered over $200 person whose name 1n full aod 8yroa K. CbamberlaiD damace wblo a Garden Grove place of residence are as fol-2745 W. Coast JUcfnray drtnr bJ.t U. lows, to-wit; Gerard Wooters, Newport Beac::b, Callf. • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 5001 River Ave., Newport WITNESS Otd' hands tb1s 4th Wblle Lots Albright was ac- Beach, Calif. day of Jaoe, 1989. rosa tbe str.t from ber borne WITNESS my hand this 6th CW!ord Mueller at 1!1 Topu, Balbol Island, da y of June, 1969. Byroo K.. CbamberJ.aJ.n someooe took $S4 casb from Gerard Wooters STATE OF CAlJFORNIA ) ber purseinbwbedroomcloset STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss ••• Stl'le A. Dale of 704-1/2 ss. ON TH1S4thdayofJUDe, 1969, Acacia, Corona del Mat, Wlecl COUNTY OF ORANGE ) before me. a Notary POOUc in to pass tbe Oeld sobriety test ON THLS 6th day of June and tor said couoty am state, am wasarrestedoo.Cout Hwy., 1969 before me a Notary p~ reskl!ng tbereln, duly commis-••• Robert Lool& Waltber of lie 1~ and for s:a_id county aoo stoned and sworn. persooall)' 311 Pa.lm, Balboa., wu l)1..Dc state r esiding therein duly appeared Cutrord MooDer am oo a park bench wbeD he wa.s com~isslooed and swor~, per-Byron K. Chamberlain, kDown booked on a charge of public:: sonally appeared Gerard to me to be persons whOse drUDkeDDess ••• For failure Wooter s known to me to be rwnes are subscribed to the to appear in court, Peter S. the per~m whose name Is sub-•lthio Instrument, a.odackoowl-Coldotf of1472 MooroYI.a, West scr ibed to the within tnstru-edged to me that u:ecuted tbe Newport Haleru, ns recog- ment. and aclmowledpd to me same. n1led bJ policea.odarrested ••• that he erecuted the same. WITNESS myhandandomclal A car battery worth $30 was WITN ESS my hand and of-seal. Wled from Paul Sprauld1D(s fi cJ.a.l seal. R. w. Lockhart Mar y A. Haapa prage fJo)r at 209 41st St., Notary Public i.n and lor said Notary Public 1n a.od fot said lD West Newport • • • Homer County and State. County a.od State. Potter iOcked tds car outside My Commission expires Feb. My Commissloo expt..resDee. his borne at 111 VJ.a. Quito, 4, 1972. 13, 19TI . Lido lsle, but 90meooe pried Publish· June 26 July 3 10 Publish: June 12. 19, 26, July 1t open a.od took a $40 portable 17 1 ~69 ' ' ' 3, 1969, in the Newport Harbor radio ••• Two people wbo wlU In, the N'ewport Harbor Ensign. Ensign. be seeln( a kJt of eacb other oow are PlliWp D. Hausman am LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ronald J. Gravelle, both ol TURNlNG THEm BACKS oo the Coofueian Temple 1n Taipei, Clllna.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold SWanson of Corooa de l Mar are probably seet:tD, & golf pme. Tbey played in Kyoto, Japan. am pl&DD8d more 1011 in the Hawai1a.a. Islands before returning for tbe ICCC tourna.mem July 11, 12 and \3. Between pmes Harold and Dorothy Jo celebrated their 3Znd •eddlnc uoJnrsary tD Hoogkong and visited ManUa, Corregidor, Bl.npok, Tbailaod, Korea., Tokyo and Taiwan. MARRlAGE VOWS are taken by Romeo (Leonard Whiting) and Ju.Uet (Ollvta Hussey) in this sceoe from the franco Ze1firelll. production of "Romeo &Dd Juliet,"' DOW sbowlog at the Balboa Tbea.tre. ELIZABElll VAll HORN OF C.M. OIES AT 85 lMa uu.ots, Costa U.eaa. wbo E"-A.._. .. v 11o ORDINANCE NO. 1306 SECTION Z.Seet-lt.H.Miyereanestecltoptherooc::har-~ Ul rn, AN OROlNANCEOF THE CITY ts added to the Newport Beach res ol pull tbeft , •• Richard 3102 Platte, Costa Mesa, TIME·SHAR1NC PLAN IH COMPUTER FIELD Hobbs Associates, Inc., a 7- year-old Corooa del Mar coosulll.ng llr m specla1lsl.nJ l.n the eomputer flekt, bas eatered the tutcrowln(computerUme- sharl.nc market. The llrsl ot AYtral systems ordered has been lqstalled at tbe Oruge Couoty Alrpor~ accordl.ng lo L. c. Hobbs, presldeot. Tbe firm has been providing consulUng services since 1962 in areas of computer systems, equlpmuts, and software ID- WHAT KNOT SHOPPE -OPEN DAILY -10 '1114 HANDCRAPTBD GIPTS e ARTS 6-CRAFT.f ITEMS TAKEN ON CONSIGNMENT Britt I ;,. YOU R H llnJiwor4! 2622 Nowpotl Blvd. -Newport Beach (NEAR WOODY'S WHARF) CAIPfT & UPIIOlSTfiY CUAJIIG • CARPETS RE-WHIT!NED e WATER & SMOKE OAMACf REMOVED • ORIEHlAL 847-1678 FORMER INSTRU CTOR, NATION~~~ CHE,\IICAI. CO. • '"Bcllflr Clfr'/Jt~l C/cllflint for Rf'ltf'r Ca..pds" cludlq design. enlnaHon, aoc1 fr==============,==="ii Aleetlon llt 1Alslness, pern- meol, .... mrurao or..--SACRED TREASURE HOUSE UOIIS. GAS STAll CH THEFT Whlle sen-tee station owoer Tom Sharp was Prine direc- tions to two )'OliD.l men. a third took $150 wwth of tools from tbe Un.loo Senlce station at Z5W VIsta del Oro, East YOUI CHIISTIAN """-Y CINTlJl Bo•t..llO • B OOKS • SAC:IItllD A•co•os · CallOS O l f"TS • c...HDL•s • I""II..M STIOIPS a i""~.A:';;" ...... 6' ,.MoWO .... A<upled P'HONC 8 .. 15·15388 COOT#> ""'lt'SA. C •i.IF. <1;!150l7 I U tuf lltfrl ST. t \oi lilt. r. _, A•wpwt •1w1. ~, ... ,........ . or NEWPORT BEA CH AMEN-Municipal Code to read: Timotby Rabr of 106 Olin, June Zl In a Santa Ana con- DlNG SECTION 12.24.020 or "12.24.049 Prima Fac::leSpeed West Newport, ns picked ~ n.lesc::ent home. Save Time And Money -Call An Expert THE NEWPORT BEACH Llmll _ Fllly-ftve Miles per 00 an o .. srandlng warnol ... Sumvors arehersoo, Robert'--==::-:::-:-:-=--::-;==-;;;'ODi;;;;-- MUNICIPAL CODE AND AD-Hour. The prima facie speed JohD S. Wallace, wbo Uves at L. Van Horn of Costa Mesa; 3 ~-. IIAUTY SALON DING SECTION 12.24 .049 TO Umlt on the following ramed 2017 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa, sisters, Gladys Sc::hlung of New • H IAL TH IISOIT SAID CODE RELATlNG TO streets or parts thereof sJlall was arrested 00 a ctw"ge of Mexico, Ethyl Powers of San .LO'f.'U&ilu' ~ )- [NCREASING PRIMA r AClE be ruty-ftve miles per bour. possessio~~ of marljqa.oa • • • Jose, and Ullia.D Fish of Wl.s- SPEED LIMITS Jamboree Road from Ford A charge of possessloo. of dan-consin; aDd 4 grandchUdren. BEAUTY NOOK The City Council of the City of Road to Palisades Road." gerous drugs also put Lyle She was a r esident of Orang! 2732 E. Coast Hwy . ~<>wport Beach does ordain as SECTION 3. ThJs ordioa.nce Eckmelr of 3&4 Princeton County for 2 years. Services Corona del Mar • .......,., • ....,,, . follow s: sl\all be publlshed once in the Drive Costa Mesa. in custody and interment were in Mesa, Phone bn·H36 • ._..._ ..... ..._ = .. ~-t ·=· ................ -SEC TION 1. Section 12.24.020 omclal newspaper of the City. ---·-:-::-:c::-::::=:-:::::--·-A_r_izo--;oa~. ;:-:;-:~;;:;:;;---::=:.'2-."::.'C- of the Newport Beach Municipal and the same sball be etrecUn LEGAL MOT ICE LEGAl NOTICE • " t <, ..... _... • • ... ,. I Code is amended to r ead: 30 days after the date of tts SEVEM NATIONS "12.24.020 Increasing State adoption. R IN 30 COIFFURES Speed Limits. It ls hereby de-Thls ordinance was introduced 0 D AN CE NO. I 7 through an angle of 7° 07' 43" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY to a point, a radial to sa.1d OPE~ 1ti ESDAY TliROUGH termlned ~n the basls of en-at a reguLar meeting of the RE SA1lJRDAY OF NEWPORT BEACH • point bears North 54 ° 09" 57" gioeerlng and tramc surveys City Council of the CltyofNew-r p ~· 1 r ' WNING PROPERTY AND A-East; thence oon-tangent North N:e .... a~~;s II; n:JQ t hat the speed per mitted by port Beacb beld oo the 9th day MENDING DISTRICT MAP NO. 60 0 OO' OO" East IOO.f? feet 300 W. Coast Hwy. State law 1410n the streets or of June, 1969, and was adopted N•wport 8.adl t th r d lbed 1 s 24 to a point on saJd curve haYing par s er eo escr n ec-on the 23rd day ot June, 1969, The City Councll of the Cttyof a radius of 375•00 feet in tbe Tel _,hone: 6G • 0844 lions 12.24.030 through by the following vote, to-wlt: Newport Beach does orda.ln as Easterly bouodary of sa.ldtract, I ===~==:=:=;;:;: 12.24.049 Is less than is ne-A YES, COUNCILMEN: Mcinnis, follows: a radla.l to said point bears 1-COHT R.ACTORS cessary ror sale operation of Shelton, Parsons, Marshall, ~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1. Tbe follow1nC de~ North 54 °45' 58" Eut; tbeoce 1· vehicles thereon by reason of Rogers, Hirth. the nature of the streets, the NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. scribed reaJpropert)'lnthe City Southeasterly 96.1! feet aloog REMODE LIN G stop signs on Intersecting ABSENTCOUNCIUlEN:Gruber of Newport Beach, County of sa.1d curn througtl an ancte of and streets or the wide spacing of Doreen Mar&hl.ll Orange, state of Call..l)r~ to 5o 38' 53" to the point of begin-ADDITIONS Intersections, and It Is hereby Mayor wi~ portioo of Lots 8 aDd 9, · ~bown 00 Dlstrlct declared that the prima facie ATTEST : ~~~:~· f<IUI! PLAH JElltYICE speed Umlt shall be as herein-Laura Lagtos Tract No. 3232• in the City ot ' 24• referred to 1D • ,REE uTIMATU alter designated on those City Clerk Newport Beach, Count)' of 20.06.030 of tbe Newport streets or parts thereof when Orange, State of Ca1ilol1lta, as Uuniclpal Code, &OCS 532-59.49 signs are er ected gtvlng notice PubUsh: July 3, 1969, 1D per map ftled in Book 99• paces reference made a part-~, ... -,i; I AMERICAN • COSTA MESA ~-3368 • ORAIIGE 639-2441 673-5822 • ANAHEIM 826-0381 • HUNTIHGTOH BEAOI 842-1451 675·3353 Penlan RIICJ CleoaiiiC) Werlls CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE co . ~~~~~~----------------~h:--~=~~-Har_bo_r_E~_rcn. __ ~ =~~!:t;~~ !!0: ~:mc~(:!~.H COHSTRUCTIOH LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE corder ol sald ~. de-lo ao R-1 District, aad -o~;~~~CE-;O. -13~-----~~;lor--;.;~~ ... ------sc~~ :U:~Euterl)' ~~~~ "::!. ~~ :;~~ l ;j!!i~~~F=~ -._""HU'"' .. ::c~s"'e_==•"'! _____ -_--- _....:c .... =•:.•::•:.•:.•:.•:.:.:•':.:"":::.:' __ I.. Shn~lu, lnt•rior Plants AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Jamboree Road from Bayside corner of sa.Jd Lot 8, btlacalm change. OF NE WPORT BEACH AMEN -Drive to East Cc:ut HtcbftJ. a poLntonacurniDtbtp!Diftl· SECTION Z. DING SECTION 12.2.4,070 AND Eastblutf DrlYe ftom Btm If Easterly hc:Jon;111ry of Aid rector of tbe SECTION 12.24.080 OF THE street southerly to Jamboree ·rract No. 3Z3Z caacan ScMab· Beacb Is berebf NE WPORT BEACH MtJNl-Road. w-esterly a.od bl.ftaC & ndilll of directed to ClPA L CODE RELATING TO Marguerite AYeaoo from Flftb 97'5.00 feet, a ndit.1 to aid iNO. %4 110 u DECREASlNG PRIMA FACIE Avenue to Sao Ja.qain HlUa potnt beat• Nortb to• 14' 51•• C::baDI9I dnalbed SPEED LIMITS AND RE-Rood. East; lbeocealoa(oaldEuloriJ bereo~ aod, PEALING SECTION 12.24.060 Westc::Uff Orin from Donr bouD:Sary tbe ~ coar .. Map lba1l biYe bteo OF SAID CODE OrJYe to ln1De AY ... " aDd 41stl.llcel: Swlblllter)J ameDded, tbl ame ltaU bt The City Couocll ol the City SECTION S. Sectloal2.24.Ge0 lUI lett aloa( oaJd cUrYe IIIII Ioree aad olkct ud 1>1 ol Newport -ch does ordain ot the Newport llaaeh II..,P-llirottCh u ..,.ro ol O• 51' f9"; port ol Tille ZO ot lhO as follows: clpal Code ll hereby repalld. South 21• 41' 10'' £ut lt5,lt port Beaeb MDc::lpal SECTION I. Section IUf.O'lO SECTION f. Tblo .,. ... .,.. IIIII lo ll>o 1>111 ..... of a • .,.. SECTION S, Tblo ordlllu"' olthe Newport Beach lluolclp&l Sliall be (d>~ oace l.n lhO CODCOYI W-)J Pia.... a lbol1 bo pe~ .... • IIEMODEUH • l-TIOIII UCEIIID I -·D FREO H. GERWIO: Code Is ameaded 1o read: olllclal --ot lbo Crt,, ncllll of I'IS.OO INI; -r)J olllclal -of ";,~~,!_!!~ "12.Z4.0?0 Prima FacteSpeed ud the same Jhall be .a.ct1Yt Z40.41 r.t aiDirl aid c::...,. &Dd tile amellball be~ Umll-Forty lilies per Hour. 30 daJI after lhO dale ol Flo IIU'Oall> u ..... ol M0ff' 00"; 10 <Ia)' a ak lhO dale The prima liocto ..,r Umll oo .-roo. Soiolb 1• 01' f/l'' Waat 111,1$ a4opUoo. lhe lollowltiC aamoclllreoll or Tbla .,.. ...... 'IIUialrodococl lett; -*""' oaJd 1u-Tblo ·-:~::~~~ paru lhOraot llball 1>1 rwty at a replar moe11oc of lhO lor)J _.., -II • 51' ala roplar miles per hOar. City Comcll of lbo CIIJ of 10" Woat 100.00 1111 loa U. eo-t1 of lbo C11J of ._,'PGitl Pall-Road !rom Jam-N--• bold oo lbo 8111 panlleluel ooeoaiilr le---b llold oa Plio lilt boreo Rood lo llaeArlhur <Ia)' of J-, 1111, ....... -100.00 .... ·-" J-, .......... -~ BouleYUCI. ._.. GO lbo Urd <Ia)' ot -oaJd -)J lz ' '1; lllo Urd <Ia)' of J- lnatoat ...u • ., ~~~-­........... - lilt sa•loe Int., All----.............. -.. Tropical & TrMs lnt•t'tcid•• onct FmUiz ... S&H Grnn St-.• 1:1u:t: nm .tn:Rr COmN.\ DQ. II.U ~&lEa ntt E. c......,.., l'rHIIt llofor Drift fftlm wootcout J-, 1111, Iii' lbo tollowlot -a1oa1 -panlla1 uCI 111o lolloltllc-. II wll: t ___ ...;.. _____ ~;....;======~1 ft1Pwa11o Wesi<WI DriYI. -.ro Wit: ooeo ollie IIIIa llio ltlloollc A TIS, COUIICIUIDI:-0, A.lt •·USAC ' • fi.UUIII!J .111111=--A•e: Eulbllllf Drln lh>al 81* AJIIS, COIJIICIUIDI:M-o, --aool -...... Pv 1, _...., Strool --11 1o Jambor• a.-. Pv-llar...U, I • 01' 40'' -1o ._., lllriL -. 'oprt, BlnL Plio ..... I 1 ol a - -IIOU, COIIICUMD:- 8ICftlN I.Sodlolll..14.010 11011, COIIlCILIIU:-can W-It' --a-AMUTCOUIICIUIDI- ollbolloo .. l--clpal AMU'J'CO.,.::UMD-oii'II.AIOINI;llwT lt'l'll.ll Dor-- CodolaaMita111nad: Dor---llllaloa(--llirslll lllaJiiir "li.MM9 Prlolf P-lii>Hd ...,_ u Ullt ol II• Willi'';-ATTEIT: Ullll-ntrtJ-4Yellllall par ATTEIT: JI0WIO'' 'Woollll.lf lllllo Laan LqiOo Hov. no prima llclo .-F '-al.qiOo lboboel ..... ofa--n CIIJ-Ciork. 1111111 • llio lslloirtor -CIIJ Clork -oroi•IJ """"•-"' Ill t • .... •rraol *A PUBUIII: J.., I, I Ill, Ia 1'11.00 1111; lloo•aooi•IJ Pll>lllll: J.., sa::. !aiiOIICflol "'•• as~,. ..... a. WcQIIIt .._ 'eel• 101.11 IMl ...., .., ewn ..,. "••part j HAL~ a::.:. ,...,.._,. ... 11 I rpl ,_LC:._,...,_ c._ .... ..... •. "_ ... _ . Ph 1lc ....... Ml&llllln 'WA,.~IIU ·.17MJ1 . 3419 E. COAST HWY. COROHA DEL MAR • SHOE REPAIR MABERRY"S Shoe Repair PUfse and Luggape Repour -Dve Work SAH ST ANf>S ONE DAY SERVICE 1890 Hal'bot" Slvd. Coste Mes&-M! 6·l311 ------- Harci••"••ICDNt • S.wb~ ~ Machin• S.Mc. REPAIRS and SERVICE Every Brand and Kind Ch~Ao -011 -Adju' llelivery Servic-e A·nJI•ble SEW BEE IT SHOPPE S7U E. COAST HWY. CO HO!'f A DEL MAR l•l•phonr. 675·656 .. (A<lto•• from Flu Cn:Jwse) ·u-.snac. (IIJ Eo,.,•• Crwfi,.,.ool · ·•·rill&: 2,.. ... OILY .... Coli" ... . 211-M.I.AU• ,. .... , ...... PUILICATIOH ' &tL'JZ Mtlt7UWE.r 041 •rr II A'fL ~ ...... ..... .. 101 -LCDMTIIIWAY CI'IU.I&IWI Olllelo M4!10 ....... 41 t:HIJilt:HES I ert ..... dt , II .. o, ''• IJI•If• o,-.,FiooiH•t -~•N•fMI H~·· a .. , ct..•,.,. o•••• NEWPORT BEACH. CAL.IFORNIA THI!: AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:)0 a.m. to CJ:)() i.m. -WOt'Ship ~f'ftte •=4~ 1,m, to 10:~ 1,m, -Sundoy School 11:00 ,,m. to 12:00 noon -worship Service 'lite ., . .1-. G ....... ~&ot Tie Rev. Georac J . Bu•dicc:hr. Vi 1t\ation P .. aor -541-al31 Grlati• Sclettee Service I naTmvacaor <W•IT, ICIENnsT -3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL t:l$ ..... M4 lt •.•. SllNDA Y SERVICES t :IS-11•·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I, .... READING ROOM ._.4.,..:t ..... -s, .•. ...... .,. ' ..... -7:.U , .•. T_,;.y" ,,14wy : t ..... -5 , .•. ; '·' , .... ........,: ., .•. -.. , .•. ..,... caTacll or ........ ,...,..... 8uch at Coroa• ckl Mar 1100 Padllo Vlow Jlr, SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 .... SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 •·•· ReMilt.s Rooaz M•W•l Blds- '286S Eut Cout Hwy., COM. M•.•Fd.1 10 ••· tD 5 p.a. n ••• .,. n•'-s: 7 tD 9 S.t.z 10 ••· lo 4p .... You are cordiall y inv11ed to anend Ch~ch Services and to uu the Re!Wiina Room. L-..O..tdo Of ........ ... Lw .... ,. n., ......... . 2t00 heine Vi•• Dr. !Co~ .. , ..... Willi• L -:::~·~-· fh•t ..,., .. a-... .. c.., ...... R•ptilll Biblf' Fell-•"1' l•tlf'p~•tlnl -A•lo-o.o .. s.... A.• " Met .. u. Sts . Or. P .G. Neumann, pas&or SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S •·''· Suncby School 11:00 Lm. Mom ina Wouhip, 6:00 p.tn. Train ina Unions 7:00p.m. EvCnina Worsh ip WEDNESDAY 7:20 , ......... ~ l:llltp& ....,.. ........ A TTEIIO TMI CHUIICH Of YOUII CIQCE IEGULAIIU ft.elc..l ......... o.w _ ......... _ NUIIllelllY CUI'IIINe SelllVICal ..... , ....... _ c-.,_..,..w,a c..- P ....... H.l ...... IKA ... JIJM II~ dt """"' ... ,, .. , ........ . A ~._. ~ ,..,_._, c.,..,-~ t»PP•II• ~t ,.. ............... , ........ . .... ~oro~ .. _, Ou*-atlO:IIO a.a. ,. .. , ....... COMPLETE FUNERALS .... •245 COMPL111 FUNDAL AND IUIIAL . CINTU ~1~ lull;! 4, 1776 FOIIIERLY MEARS ~ERA MOW AT nil NEWPORT BLVD, COITA-A -··-3 WE, THEREFORE, tbe Repre....a.ttns ol the United states ot America. 1D c..raJ Coacrea, Assembled, IA*IIng to tM Stpreme J_,. ot tbe 1fm'ld b' tbe rectitude ol our ,......_, do, ID tile Name, lD!I by lbe Aothor lty of !be -' P-ot -eo-., aolemnly pui>U.O lD!I declare, Tbll --Coloolu ore, lD!I of Rlollt -to be, ~~.,:,.,.~a.$ ~.:~~~r:r= rawrU«w bltn• aDd. tbe state of Great BritaiJl. J..s ud oacllt to be latalb' dism!Yed; a.ad tbat u Free a.ad I~ stat.. tbe)' ban tun Power to le'tJ War, cc.cleSI Peace, CCIIItract A manees, establlsb Commerce, lD!IID do all -Act. lD!ITblop wblch '""-at stat.s -"rllllt do, Aodlorlllo-ol lhls Deelaralion,-a firm rel..luce oa tbe protecUoo of Dtrine P~e. we mthally pliiiSp to each otber our UYes, our FortuDes, and our saered l:kaJr'. HART'S SPORTING GOODS WILL BE CLOSED IHOEPEHDEMCE DAY AHO JULY 5, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, THINK TWICE! We have 2 great NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT Each new account earns gua1anteed inte1est of 5.25°/o per year. In the GROWTH PLAN interest is left to accumulate for whichever period you choose-3, 4 or 5 years. THIS PRODUCES THE HIGHEST RETURN ON INSURED SAVINGS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES, In the INCOME ACCOUNT your interest check is sent to you every th1ee months for the designated 3, 4 or 5 year period . One of these two pbrns !NY be right for you. We r«ommend them . n ~ S«ond 1ccount. 1 lons·teorm inve1tment. Withdr•w•ls bef~ the period's end •re subject to ~etlictrons. When held to term's end or beyond, wvin&s in these pl1ns producr gr•trfyrng rew1rds .. , M ._ .....,., llftOit MlrKtiw environme:11• for anW•- '-f<dotoiS..iop, Amid the: bNuty of our ch1rmrns ~•srde communitiet, w.vers N~ invested their sninp 11 Llsun• Fe-dtoul fOf ovt"f' • third of • c:.'e'tury. Tod.ty they cont.inue to fmd ~~Orang~ County's LARGEST, FIRST and STRONGEST independent Fedefal, ~ wv•ngs progn.ms helpfully t.ilom:l to meet individual ~. E.teh bett~r-w<~y-to-s.ave pn:Mdes the narton•s hiJhest returns. with insured wfety, With DAY IN to DAY OUT INTE._EST. PM8()0K M:COUNnc ft CUIUNT ANNUAliA!Ieo,. S.UI when~ doily forono ,...,, CUAL\H1110 atOW1H aM ~ ACCOUN1'S: USS AI•IUAI.IAJI. ~doily, K<NOd 0< pold-"""' for),. 0< s-,....,... ---~ ........... ' • A M AKE NO M1ST AKE. At thi6 uery monu!'nt the Sov~t Union alrNdy i. r«U a1&Md of the U.S. in ourrnU &trotellk miuik 1tren11th. Tile l008t urgent matter before the Con· rresa and the American people today is deciding what to do about il The American Security Council urges that all ol the facta be aiven careful consideration ... and believes that a carefully ruaoned. evaluation ol the::. facta leads to a eincle, irneiatible conclu- sion: America needs to be&in buildinr a Saf~rd ABM miMi~ defense system at once. COMPARISON OF STRATEGIC IIIUTARY TRENDS Althoush the American 11'01!111!1 national product ia almost twice that of the Soviet Union, the USSR has for years been apendinc up to 3 timM more than we have in strategic military foroee. The cur- rent trend warns Ul that the RuuUm. wiJJ. houe •,wnt u.p to $100 billion mort! than won strategic weapons between now and 1975. At this moment the total oi Soviet atrateaic rni&- sile~~ i8 estimated at 2,750 compared wiUl our own 1,710 (including IC BMs, intermediate and me-. dium ranse missiles and sub-launched miaiJM). We're not buildir\f any more miaBHee. They ar~! But that'1 not the whole atory. By 1975 the Soviets will. st the pre8ent rate, have deployed cloee to 500 mammoth SS-9 nuclear rocket~ with 20 to 25 mesaton warheads. Each miaHe will be about 25 times more powerful thanourownpr1lllent Minuteman missiles -each will be about},/)()() more powerlul than the Hiro.hima bomb. The Soviet Union has a m•Ae defenae. We-do not! THE SOVIET UNION'S MOTIVU It no longer is nec::eMary to "IUppoee" tt:a.t the RUMians are aimin1 for atratlefic military IUpe- riority. We now know that their objectiw ia dear 1trate1ic auperiority becl.li88 they haw atn.d:y pe.ssed the balance point and are lldU baildinl at a rate that aurc.U an all-out U1lll" ~,.. In both word and deed, the R•wi•rw haw lhown lbilt they ret:ard the world •trucrle•aftlhtlotbeftnilrb -a fisht that the 8oYieta intmd towinatay cc.t. Not a Uncle political or military autbarity .._ been able to otter Gill)' ,.....,... npla.tJm:l b Wltatis the Security Ce•l? COCMJtm=r OR. wtu...MD '· u...,. Oltctlr, -~, .......... ... .......,. """*"' ... -'MUJMt J. nw.a .......,.. ........... \ .. ,,_.......,. ' The a,._ Ia lodged In facta lhllf may not allow up aa ollell aa they ahould on newapapw front ,.,.. and In TV newa btoadcaatal lila cG~tC«ned wHh the Nrloua .,.JHIP In Ruaalan m/aalle product/oil ••. with a world In which the Communlata ha11e taken the lead In nuc/NT WNpona ... end wHh the a/nflle non-Communlat, -!!!?!,'"mllllarr thrutthat may pro~~e to be the ceuee til our downfall. Comparison of ~of Total U.S./Sovlet Strlltetlic M-the current RU.!I8ian buildup of ataggerins destruc- tive power, e:r:upt in terms of deliberate, .coldly calculated aure~~~ive intentions ... ... like the Soviet intentions and what foJIOI.Ded in Czechoelovakia ... Cuba ... Vietnam ... the Berlin Wall ... Hun1ary ... Poland! u.s . -"' Soviet Str-lc Fon:es ~ ............ • (HI 11M DOUAM} ,,ca.,..~.,..,..,...,...,...,.._,,,,rlc..,,.,,,.._ ,.__.,_'-, ..... N I/Nik •M•IIH ) ......... The facts about thi8 threat to our eecurity have been carefully atuclied by a special Committee of diatincui&hed Americans appointed by the Ameri- can Security Council. Memben of the Committee are outstandina: expert& in their respective fields. They include two Nobel prize winnina 8cientiata; the developer of the H-bomb; the developer of over- tbe-horimn radar; a former chairman o( the Joint Chiefa o( Staft'; the 1eneral who heeded the devel- opment of our own ICBM forces; the pno.eent head of the A. E . C .' a we.pona division at Lol Al..amc.; a former commander of the Stratecic Air Command; a fanner chairman of the Atomic El"'ee""Y Commia- aion; a former commander of the Polaris Submarine fteet and 20 other auch authorities whoee combioed credentiala clearly establish them as the moat q\aali- fied independent rroup ewr to atudy thia complex problem. None of them are ''armchair atratecA.'' They know what they are talkinc about. We ~ lieve their collective voice lhould be heard by every American! lifE ASC COMMITTEE'S RECOMIIENOAnON The Committee hu pre~~ented its findinp and oon- cluaions in the form of a hichly readable 72·pqe book which,IWIU'IlC!ld up, tella ua this: "An Amuicon ABM ->"•leom U the .aunde•t in· UU'OII« for peace--Gild AGAJNST wor-tltalthe United Staln con buy in 1969 for iU aecurily and protectWn in the 1910'•." The Committee urres that a dependable Safe- ruard ABM ~ can •nd MUST be built at once. 1'1eir report obeetvea, "far from beinc an oft'erw.ive ._pon. the ABM ia, in reality, u.trance aphwtwu.ltmay well be, in fact, the.U,.Ie -=-t important dlllp &he United Stata can tab toward a.telll and 1utinc peace at thia moment in bl.tory,'' ... and they further SDpbooioo that ABN ,_ Hconw o qmbol of our dekrmittoliola t.o Mp America al7'olll. AU majtw U(m. ~ in tM nat thoodc wUlpn>bobly H afl«t«l&y 1M accep- IGII« 01" rcj«ti.on of ABJI Oft Capitol Hill Us 1M M%1 (N Wftb! "+-----+- •+---+ Can anythinc •top us from bui&dinc a workable Soleouanl ABM 8,.._? J .... one thine: A LACK OF NATIONAL RESOLVE. It ia itonlc that-not technolotY ... not "hardware" ... not money ... but our failure to pcdl. lofdh.n-for o atrortf Americo mitht be the ainrle factor rt!18P01a~.Die lot our downfall. J-.. a JMtter of plain COUUIKtbllenle, the Rt.iaJw will how ... either by violeace or by blecknwilinc ua with the threat cA violence, if we allow them to ina'srr tbeirnuc-..IUperiority. H&.klr)' doa 1t01 ~ u. witla o .U.,~ itu141aar of CUI ~ notion lltol ralnlilt«l U.l/. once tltat IIOllion H- Ueotd il corJd atorl Cl war ond win/ WIIATYOUCAII--1 Tho Canml_., 72--boolt '"' tho ABM ODd lhe -mioaile thnot • wri-almply. In non--technical lanpqe. It will pnMde ...., CCIO- comod Aa.ricon withlba ,_ ho ,_ .. - about thoSoloponiABM-Y.,._.,., yow eh--andnodtblaloooll. v ....... -a ~ ......,.. .,. -u..,. 1M form below. · HOfrt. lll8ftiOGI::;;,;.......,..;.;; ......... c.-:-:: YICI: ADM. w. 14.. ICMOilCM, ""'~ ,_CIIIWIII .............. BUT YOU SHOULD DO MORE. Tell yow oonp-r•n bow )'OM feel about Satecuanl. Call, wire, write,INt be lUre to make your voic&heard! (U you do DOt !mow tho ...,.. and add.-of your Senaton or Reprelenta,tive, caU your local IWiWapaper. 1bey will be rt.d to Pw you this in· formation.) GIVE aARQUARO YOUR I'IIIANCW. IUI'I'OIIT Equally importan~ you con help prolec:t youtaeU, your family ODd ............ .., .,. -... tho ..... flit contribution you can. lopd• with the form below,., that we CM ~ thil money to purchMe more ~ apece. and to o&ber wile ld the -about .,.._ ODd tho mioailo --to ewtr7--at "--ea. . Tho-SocurityCoundl-able to lund lba t.lc:aWoiJ but-.,..., citlam _, .. ltl '"OJ••*'-............. educational propam. n..-atd--~holpod-lor .t.libtiDa.Batlh¢ I .. rnonwMdU.· __ ,.,.,.,_..nthobmholow will! your c:hock--,.. SDf&IARD (RIR IlLlO AOIII. H. D. nu. U... ~) ,_ .IIH:llltf, ,__ ~W.W.VM .... eatfWIO 14.. IONniVU. ....,__, --,.,_ ..... ......, C/OA -·• lb~C::. .... 11011'1111-.N.w., w ::eo ,nc.- ADIIL L8rtl &.. 1T111111WM. UIM ~ 0--......... -~_.._.aiolllaABM'"' ..... tMTtWII '· .,., ...... "*"' (I?IW.) .,..,_ ..... ~ ......... 5c. YICI AOM.ILTON W. GIIIIWIU. _ __, ,_ .~ ........ , .... DA. ....,..,...., JOUfiiDN ·--.... ___ _ 'nriR I 7,...,.......... I hill:, ______ __,_ ,_~ ..... a.. .. ... ..._ ......._ O.MMII. UIA ..._, ,_. ' P • CMIII ,... __ ............... --"',.._ .......... .. ...._ .. ,.,. lafl --.. ,......, &.IUIIGI'BI •• M ................... -----------.. .:r::=~--. ...,.,_.. ..... CliW ...... ""• FW C... YU MMIL MINUeH I.A _... --., ,_ .............. VICE ADM. .... '--"• ._ ClliiiJ ,_...,...,f/1 ......... ........... .............. w , .... --DR..nMMY. ------. ftiiiMI a.,._, UMP ~ ,._. ............. ..._-._,.a. .. v •• --&A. .... ~­.... _ ........ .-.-...... ._., .. .,_,., ... ,_.,._.,..,., ~ .......................... •A.aaunu --::.=...:: ftWI!l ..... -..uzwa.-..-. --..,.. ........ ....,.,. -IDI-11 -·-................... -...., .. E ik =~ ......... __ ,_ --- 0 YD-1-.. CD It .. OPDATIOif IIAWmUARD ... ,. 7 I - __ ... _ .. a'' I·-··= 0 , ...................... .. ••> •• u'l•, .. o .. J..-.. s .. .. o...-o.-o~ Ofi!IO mao. oe• OtlO o~• ._.... _ .... _____ .. __ ... -. ........ ,...._. •Or •• r no & a.•• I •