HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignMilS. MAlA CULP', IIIIWP'OITS I'OWDU P'UPP PLIIR.
Allor 11r111 a.m ..u.. ..,.
II .. I lid 10 mt ...... la blr
--hll Dorb7 ....... 11ara cq, oc Eut Blull ..-
liDU s.-, Ia WUIIIIIcbl. D.C.
-.. -· -.. .. pomoc -• Jndlcod .,.-!. Tbt AM -al cluolc bo-
pa Jlly 4 Ia SUI ru.o. lira. cq,, ...., u.. at 111 0.1
..._ •ot-10 -·be-Iliad 1111 cbamploll, lllarloo
J&)'DI -""""•· A -pilot lo< Elll&c,
1.1c. OC Mnport Boacb, 11bo
-nllllplo< Air liDo Tralll-port oiJICio alii mlltl .,.",.
enb. 8bt Dow a PIPU Cc-
,.,.... ll tbl Wby' add1DC to
.... 1,500 boa' I lbl hal a.lread)'
Joaod. Two otlllr Harbor Area
-allo _.... Ia 1111
TOll REOCIN, former 'chief
ol pollee or Lol ADples, DOW
etdtt Dft'IC&Iter oo TV Cban-
111 5, wUl ..0 OD "Cltlsen
lDfolfemeat 11:1 tbe .,lutloo of
lll't1U problema" at the 16tb
UDl'f•arJ hmcheoll eelebr&·
tlDr 1111 tacorporalloo ollllo City
of Colt& Mea. The Mea Cbam-
btr of Commerce &lid omcla.J.
Gr..ters will IIIPOU)I' tbt luD-
cbloD m..uar. scheduled tor -___ ,,July 16, &IIIlo
Mea VC"de CouDtry Club.
Hearig set
for· Friday
Black, brown
studies set
l\ lt ( .
• :-
OP ftll an OPIWA ., PMGI
TU ·.d-A.UA'S O"Sir ttrrgArU oa... .. plld • .-.. "" c. ........... m•Lc:-..,..c-.. trorc.w. ---
· · ···r ,,~lc'
IJ, .' ,,; \);<,'HI· . ..,~ 1 , -.. II .... !fl!!fMIIII Ill PI .. J!!2 W I ~ -~ --~--.--;::; •• u;.-__ ., -• a::. ..... ..
., ... Ad II -------II ..,. I II I 2 !! ... -............. -.. -....... L·AI--If So!ll-·•" 1111, AI.~ 11.QIIIII HAIIVA. PAD I ....... - d ...... -· ••" I I • ,..._ -• _.,,_.._. AIIM-1111&2 \--__ .. .,.... .....
O..ofA~I_,._.,___, r1'ZL OMta Aid..,_.......,_.-.& uafair ............ ., .. -..ad .... ~ .. a.& tr,IJIITIII._OM.., ......
Mr. AI c., of L'U ..,._ ... tJcJ:Idl'tr _.. ,.,.. J 'Mioa wouW 111w'a.. ............ ~~~~~~--.. ---_.. N..... .... .. JII'III'UI Will* JIOr• • --,-'*• • ,_,. to ooy olio..,.. tlliol.-olio Clolof ....... ol o11r cf Ml "-_, II& .; ftrr -... Ill I I II ...,. ............. -
f#ltrt'c• Co!~ IN.....,.,. N.H.,, •• ..,,. a.tia blilt•••unrudts,AdolfEM' .:lnt" • .......... -~-U. tf >g I 'ea, at ...... tiNINflolll~u ~I Mr.~~ ........ ,_/t. ADd 10-llamud •• npocl loot-. ._, If 1M-a.-'lr. ..... -•11 Ill II ,..._. IIIII, -· .....,
TILMIIDII. ~<-C... 71~ Well, after Hanud ... loa,.... .... 111o M bad •-_.., 1oo ,..,.w • U1J Wt 1o1o 111p11t 11 r g lh ---•m .. Pua,-..... •
na --~~ ~-"'"' .. -, •• .,,..,.,,. ... .,tooeuloadiLo-<lopll•lloo-wtao COIIIIoaued to-...-111o -nor..1 .. 11111811.,_ ..., .... ___ WD-. ,...._ lo 1
_., eu 1 llo,..Cityolllo , .. _.__...__.,locollr-wtaodill ____ M-oo--alla<lllof'diOI-.... -.._, pullod.,.. .,., old .. -1-•Ill& "" ... Ia IIIII II---. lilt I
...... .., ~Ad .. W .... t. lM ... ' .. a.t.l C...e ..... prite that they'd 1008. l-.111 thll ..... a b. down her putt*, .._.. .. 1rUa ......... ja ...... a --....... ...,. dD Mid tD , ..... ud ., ~
.._ PwW'ilrl ::c::J:'• .,.....,. . .._.. ca-part,. paJ4 nana lato an iaacnali:tor'a moudl Ia lbe WIJ' to If it w• ~ry lut ...a rc.-Harvard to WorM war L z.-w IIIUtD ..,. lllllt&S • .. ...nee. ,....... •1 _., ~ U.. to
• C.... •••· wiA a debltc llDd tJriDaiae a meet c:~ea .. 10 a orpnda a I'OUDCkbc-dock JU&fd to pnveat tut JUt a 11111 tal .... ,._ ,.._ ....... ....n •· tbM. Ol-1en • 111 ....
.,_ HIWFOMT IIAIIIOI. I:NSICfl .._ .. ~ :~ • :::4 coafercnce ll the waytowtaa ~ioft ... theuntoitec-cninedpuPitbeJ'wrnacklntomad -.ot .......... vs-t•• _,lalll1. w.-..... -.. a.....,..... to Kllll'l IIII'I'J ~.:' .t$1 •: S:C~'C.: .:':. =, o1 ar..:71Steto of cauee that'• what'• happaled at Harvard Ja tbe dop from blowiaa up tiM WideDer Library aod o1 a., •• ill 11ua1 ••m .._... .._ ... tint **I .. Fua lliiiH II .._ • a*-~ ..;. ~ ,..... ,...,_, I• ~If.., 10 ,.OIW. ;.1 p-"lk: Jut mooth. tbe Foa MUMWn, muet we ot tbe Cambridfe no ,.. callld 111 laelte..; flit lilt llllilllllw. Ud ft..,. .. ••w .. ...., • ...-. •
._..._,..... 1w 1... Wbca its mUitanllltOr1ned mto dae ,..;.., community prcpue to defend ounen. from &a lbl *" • e April. ttl1. • ... -· ft ..... ,'' "'** .. Jll nkt
U'YO'It. RAAPA ................................ 0... ... P.a,H.._ clua ia a new counc oa 1M ca-ot urt.a the ptiCk Harvard hu too.ec1 &mODI •? Jt wtn .. a· llld "* 114 'ftln _.. • ...a..rd ta :::':r. IIIII ~ lit
PEC IIAAPA --u•H-mmmu•-··· .... ,_ ......... .AMoc'-t• E4kor unrat and stopped it bec::aoae they foaod it Today at Harvard aoy ltudeDt with tbe tw· ....... A ...., ............ --· .... CIOIIIIIrJ ..... ., ...... .. .. -· ....
IUIICIIPTIOM IATII ideoloakally oftenaivc, the ia1truc:cor attemphld rently fuhionablc color o( lkin i1 JiWD riabll ..................... WI ................ lllMl....... At ......... -.... ~ a:-a-::-1.., 0.. ,...,. M.e0; tye--.17.00 l.o dilcUII it with them, So OM ol the milliaa:tl denied l.o 1tudalt1 of the CWTCDtly ualllhic:& Wf&owlliJ 81Dt ud -~ .. III allllek • hlr} !!t Uri!' tlltJ !"Ita'= r ...,. 0.. re•. 1:5.00; 2 Y.--. 19.00 lhoved a banana into hit rnoudli. T1:UI l&opped able color. Harvard, which educated the PTe1i-ca.. two .... al., tnnU .,_. aa. Md 1111 ... .._ • I • ,_.. 1 · o~'Oo'OOO"OO'OOO~~ the iostruc1or, of counc; be lllopped the clul, deal who brOUJht America into tbc war that lliaft&llll••a.lllltrobcaD. Pet fll a.&a~~pllc6etar.S ~a. n.c..:;:-.: ~ ~ and then Harvard dropped the •lire coune. defeated fuc:ism , today bonon and encounaa M1ms ~~ bop' ,... patriDUe tile ......., ..nee wUII .,.._-:-,_,.... :! Co+4••1ow
fKJ J..-.......1t..-. This week the Crinuo~~ puN"bed a photl> and ~ardl its tucilb. Hartard, which once IAIIIINI daJa. o.I.J a ... Jt1H petrWic -a.,.,_ ....Sftl,. IUIII' c~apt..t ud wti1r
.,. ~ snph ot a black mititallt leavioa • bietoric coo-. turned out K:holan and acntlemm, DOW tumt ~ I r...,.... .. ... lultJ ... wiL -(allo a tbe u. wus. c!.tu;t. ... e
ferenc:c with tbe adminiatntioo--hil be-_ out thup and thieves-or let me put it thil Y_.._ of tlal GrMII AziDJ ol Mt rr:ta I:IDJ) llld tbe..,.... .,..
ARVO E. HAAP)., owtter .. d .pubiiSher of the Ensi!J'I cauae it wu here. that tbe admiQ...,..tioD arant.-way : now, if you are a tbua a.od a thief. Har-tbt RspabUo wild co.e to ow dt?lhrf'cw of brsUirl OM of & IIIP"''ed.~..::.. tiii.IIC ~ 'O~QOOO~"b~~ ed black scudtnll, and ooJy black atudeata. bir-vard won't tum you out. tcbool Jilt bll:n M•:w'-1 ll1llalr7 OO.•W ~ :..•ot...,.,_.,.,=.
AGO ina, firina aod unure powen equal to 1bole of I believe that America baa a future. It hu Du to •n ol tbl llraft clledl Rk* took or.-Bert....,_ ot tbt ldM1c UbMtJ'blll. MEMORIES OF 30 YEARS ·any dean. The militant wu boldinJ a meat become unfubionablc to say this; it may be tblt tMJ tlld prab'IHd la •· IIWir'l ....,,e rlthlt lD co:'_ -lo .._ lol
Old-timers and some not so old wW be cleaver .. The oext day, Pnoidaot Puooy said emloorrus;n, 10 hear h; bul I bel;eve that ..... lilt ---Cor-. -· • .... .
that Harvard would never yield to tbrutl. Ameriea is lhe most tovely and livable of aU belar ~ 'nl ....._ ol lfutwlf\*wtlar tbSI llh Oil 11Dc of tbl beD ucl of U. oaa-tnterested in some of the items in the Shows how silly a man can look when he nations. 1 believe that Americaas are the kind--tbe CIYII War Wfti fr .. blow mJ .._. lllle, tM ~ ol ::-:: ~IMrlcut .::~
Sept. 21, 1939, issue of the late Sam doan'l nad bo local poper. .,, and moal ,...."""' of all people. •-......, •• orp"'_, ~ ttiW lo-._ IIIII I -.::::' .JIIIt
Meyer's late Newport Balboa News Times. Preo;dena Puoey wd lbat, by the way, at a 1 bel;eve ahere are no underpriv;leaed Amer· oar -111115. Allnllul llapo lo o1aa ''CoiUonda, llorol ~ ':'.: lo I :..IIIII
televised mass meetina advertised u one in icans; that even the humblell -of ua are born LlDcola bid deUYC'ed IU Get. comt'' wtada a .,..t'l time. raa:; tbl Die-=. ol Ja,..
This particular Issue of the historic which a ll sides of the queaUoo woukt be fairly with a privileae that places .~ ahead ~f .aDyone 19 II A' t Est • ~·· TlbiM U'e ar ... newspaper comes again intO public view represenled, the Harvard studenl body wu else, .. ~here else ; the pnvaleae of bvtol ud a $ a anc1a .rupd -lilt room.Oalbtm
last k' Soth ann1 represented by a member of the SDS (numen-workma m Amenca, of repa1nna and rencw1oa are pllced ,.,.,.,"Widell~ because of wee 8 versary cally. they are les~ t~an 1%). ~ averaBf America; and one more privileac that no ~~ Tbl IDd .... .._ boBia' roll 11 £11Ucla 81p Sebool tbt Cloom ._ U. ONrt.d
meeUng of the Newport Balboa Rotary resident of tM Cambridae commun1ty was rep-set:ma to~~ much fun out of late~ pnVI-rCIQI'ted tbat Ill A ~fades were ...-..d bJ' I freeluDID, 5 Ucbtl art ~ 11ooa
Club. A yellowed front page from the resented by a black militant araduatc lludent Jeae of klvina AITICTica .-American Way Fa· qbomor-. I )micra ud I .alora. Bert ue tbe all A ...,akbral tO&eea •merll from
who livn in Roxhury and commutea in a ftC"'li tures Jtadlllta: tbe IUIJ.-4U'au. ud teU tbt News Times is part of the treasured Fr ... _ -.... _ c-, VJ.-Cr•-·l<or, sta .,..,.. ... ., lilt -· A"*'
th 1 b' fi st id t L h Ed •t FldJIIO, Mall lAo, DoniiiJ Ta;rlor IIIII JuoU. Wo.lloo. --
SCrapbook of e cu s r pres en. eHers to t e I or T~T=:-~~~~~-<~l.s:.-,DobonbDwlpt.LattrloHale, !~~·~·Dr•'* Bob Allen, then a Balboa island resident -·· -·-~ -ID lilt ,.._ ..... llltt lilt
and merchant, still an honorary member ~!.!::,o:.:~~C:IM :!:':-..:':~.!:i= ::=:;'ti:."-'•ID s.!"::;;.~..!..~~~<;:"T~'.""'rlaHI-. docw':"':. 11uU: .:C::;
of the club, and resident of Costa Mesa. There _. ... r-ID bo ltlcHuod ID z,500.II7 1975. -Daptl -·-Lltlllr. Fr~ ud a-o-. taraod oo,lllt-lolodiDu Here are some of the items from that lilt media !ltll .. p,... a.. IIDII IDe._ 1o 11111 or.w e. t11e Newport Belob Hera lolllt COIIII>Iolo IIOoor "'0 lilt: ld!OLnltlc room .,...., p~-.a
1939 newspaper: &r;altlst t11e at>ll-bolllllllc 11111-!ri_...DC ss.g ICBM w1111 • , , _ • FRESIDIEN -Cartar Gnlll FrHIIt>d ., ... .._, cf lilt Dodlrl-sfie sr&tam. A reliable Wub· worbold 1o lilt ,..... o! 20-%5 • 'UP TO HER~ Gary,_ Doo11a Coo llarll GollU ttoa cf ~ .,. dJI.. • • • ltigtoo roprt ID J11t10 quo11c1 moplool. 1'be SoYiels boYodo-Editor o! lilt Ellllp, JOJ<o &-, Korea c-r Ror o-pla;rod, oJooc w1111 _ ... ot
FROII "THE IIAJOR'S COLUMN" on pap one; Amos Col Oltl( Pen~oYBQ, lllp So-plopocl zoo 0( -mlullal. Pr-Rlclllrd Niloo'l Koroo Bub ao.morlo Col S11111n Goa1a lbtlr oriCID&l-liiD(.IIoro
AloGio staa eaters l1is 50tb year u a tootJ.llooacb-at vtet lDtelllc-ce offtcer wbO Tbt .. mybubcdlteJJbttJpes en.latkla Ia correct "W'bMl be RobertBerDU' Waltlrllaalwl. PatrtekGocttriD I parebulcl S doe111M11ta ot
lilt CoU.p o! tile Pa<lllc. AttiOD( tlleuplruU!or lfld booors de!ectod ID tbe U.S., ''TIIo So-0( ICIIKa IDIIIt put loa JOUS llo -lbtl -· baYtbltlll Cbrllt)' Billie C~ Daltl 11-.I GndJ rr.-: 1'be Doe-of
1IDder Staa"• watc.llf'lll eye 1.8 AL IRWIN, eapta1D of local we. Ylets are &OlD( for a .ftrll. ... wbile tbllS1mderMclfaman.'s ··~ ID bare-' WWl YioleDee 111111 Do-IIIU Braat Aid~ Dod.:la or-. HaiYorSCI """"Pendeaee. tbSi Cautttat1cG
parda tbe put summer. AI earDid a reput:ati(ll u guard last strike capeblllty. ud u.re 1a ll!l)eUtmW poUctes bas de-lawlusDeu ud are f'Ott.ac tJr Stlpbu1e Brcrn Debon.b I>w1lti 111M ilaJI ot a. Utdtld Statu, ud tbe
MUOO tbal'e ud.sbouldseeactiooapinthlsyear •••• Amther 110 quesUoo about tt. Tbare w111 tOted-= Us eaerpes to dis.. candldiJ:• -no bi.Ye DOt ac-· llldltb CadDD S. FabJ Ls.da Het11ck 81U ot. lt1atb.
aeeidellt at lltb aad Santa A.DI. Ana• today -priDctpal be 00 declantioo ot war. Qa1te armam.._ qu1uceiS to tbt mwt&ata. Al8o CWriaa. Campbell Yare FrettJ wuuam HeyllD Each time u.t 1 ban u....
reuoo appueati.J ft.l tbe fld lbat Yts1oo of botll drlnrs ns tbe cootnry, an etrort wm be Tbe lfadull eae1relemeal: of Calllora6ul r.....t l1bca1 Mary Card Lee ~lllorf VlctGna ft.La:l8l tuiCl to ta. ~Ktun, ••MaD's
eat off by a con a.eld. Perblpl stop 11pals botb nys would be made to avoid a deelU'atioo o1 tbo lEA by IOCiaUit (com.. Euteroera W1lD come oat bere G&1l Cari*Dter Cud;J GitiJoal Barbara lloUtoD ~ b' freedom,,. 1 laft ...,_
14Ylable •••• Tbe lDcreue of bualDeu aDd tbe throop of mUDUt) aareuva conu_. to tell u bow to Yotl. Some S~DADM Ceecoa1 GIJ.l GW s..a B.amu ted liD o1Jta1D a priiUd CIOPJ. OD
peop .. oa the oc:eu ud bay bea.cbel at this t1me of year are bureportecl u tbe Gam• ot rl901:111oa euttra Rtp;lbU.cau, aell u E.,..aa c.nutu G._ Gnba.m ~tara~ tala lut Y1d. 1 wu .x: 111
.ndeDeel cll.tbe utrem.e ... bel.t lpi•Dd. and tpdlca"-of,lbe 1140 ...... Jrttbi.D ate ddlJupw:tldlDtbe PeteJ,GoodelJ.Kac.bll&DIIIJDd.. AJII.~ ' Laari.f.s.Ja J ...... -~ Ill. I c:u-riiJII'Odilw tbt
blltat,.tbet.dll.IU.fld.tll&tfortbelb;atUmelloe8became mtul... llbela..cb a,wllo ..._ ... YWJ )I... VlYtMIICt ,..,.._ J~......, 'lirltll.' _ ~ • 0' ''Jtl_., • ....,._
tltlfwport:udlllll8redt.let....U.oLn"dCAitPBELL..-IeeD .atasudlt0~ tte.,blt tlilrdO.aat""-UiftcL.. AJ11c 'Cnil '' ...,.._ .•.. .-::::~ tr81 II -••--. lid
_, m1Dat1 1111 --~~~~~-tlltrt coDor-. • _ 150 -• .,. ley -lla;roo Tor!J, -C,.adl-8 - -. -111o ..,, 11 part. ~-bo
FROM .. sEA SCRIBLIN~.•" a c0tumn ; C. F. (Stlnoy) lliaYe r ...... OD tMeutcout Alu El&.m. Mucy Jucar JoiiDIMe told.. aDd attw1N tbt alf:airl oftbelr JobD Fumer 1'llamu S... MoltJ lAw "ID 1,000 Jtu'l of mu'l StinlD: W1at tbe t.cb etUes ban boped for may ereatuate ~tate. E 1 IIJ Ka,ar Mtltoa Jt&ftbe K.atb Lode
wttboat m~~eb ...... oo tbelr on part. It 1a tbe dllcrlmiDating s T AT E I 0 D II . p on ..,.,. • Sll FkrJU J • bUtor)', tMrt bU DIYW bMD ~ LIMAJ, lllnee bo did 00 poor I)' Pam GordoD Doln Kill TerrJ Loopoel<or btt1 -rool r ... -. It ....
lllf..UptJoo of mi.IIJ people who ban deetded tbat if the . ill bb reetDt el,ecUoa. Gerald Gf'otenhdl Jue KapleeMtl Cal!!lce Matlbna a rt!t'Oiatkl:l R freedom,,.. ...
nmmv IIIJJOD 1a 1')0(1 for them, tbe wlnter seuon may be The liberals an crM.tln& tbe Dut 8&l1 Palll ~Adbolm RCibiD lloodJ 80G&l r...........tbW ... , lllllltlmu
better. Anyway, theft are a kJt of people &Olnc to tlDd out if I. $ I Jc ... 5c .. .11 dlllltructioD ot tht.s coantry Alae Let u-... ~ ·~ rllllalsoreanlDdicatloa.Tbebostwltller.....,..laltxlieatod u.Y ••2 01' ~ U: iW &· J-Hooll Jact-e dlpiiiJ, 1'be lr,.. r....-TIIor maco11J our oncllllUalllll c-1e Holm llortJ I..lllo Ga;rll -po -111 II!IMI-ID 111o J.. by tbe Newport Harbor Realty Bolrd, of fttcb PAlJL PALMER tben promote mort aDd more Gary Bo._. CralC lJ.DJWblte Bttb lfwmu mlfiCID Rtwlatloa. It ftl tM
ls tbe bald. He is a.llo sates manapr tor L1do Ill e. other Tbe budpt bl.ll trbicb came to • 'close tbem don.'' aDCl that .oclaltsm to •'AiOMCUJ cure Da'f1d Homelteld Cbrta Lllt llarJ ParUr ery or & people.,-iDL 'E-ata
r•l estate tlrml report slmllar a.cttrity. Arid if more people out o1 tbe Senate ftDaDee com. thJa: would be ••pJaJlDc lDt.o tbe lbem. A tbe ame tlJDII tbeyre. u.-H .. _...__ MariWI Loelba no.. Parklama ot tbe d:tY1Dt n.w of lot--tbe tpmd tbe w1Dter in Newport-Balboa. 1t 1a a clocb tbere will tue to ec::op1ae Ruala u a -~ ......-... :~ Cbua. u MIU:1 PlaiiO ..--..-. be more bus1Deu •••• Newport-Balboa lm't mtutng a.DJthinc mittee, oo wllieb I aeni. ud b&Dda"' of tbe ntOiatlon&rtts. r ~ H:Jmaa'._ tyi'UilJ of tbt mob, tii!Mib of wu approred bytbiSealteJIIIM Tbt purpose of lbt rt'toll&loo· threat to oar Ntlonll.acaritJ, Robert lilacs Lor• MIUaD ~ Pllarltl tDqataJUoN. tiDOQCh ol ._,..
these days. lt"s rememberlDc twerybody who hltebed b.1.s wagon Z3. wu the moQ acceptablt I artu 11 to rule or rulo. Na. &DIS tbty ~ our w11ai.Dctbl Jlm Ja.u.D A-. llcGide Klf:tb PonD plaaDers IDd pouttcal fla...
to a star. This Ume it's a felloW' by the aame of Balboa, WhO ban seen in my 5 Jtul in tbe hau'lly tbey would nlber rule war in vw.m. tw• proY1diDc K1m Ktrlta Dlbanb M.,.-Debra Prlet tlca.'
made a b'mal call oo tbe Paclflc Oceaa U5 years aeo. Tbe lectalature. It utborilld tbe tbu ru1A. tiDleu wt pt tbem oar CI:MitJ wltll u ~de-IJrebtlit Xoatos Marcia IIWir sa.ptwnle Qalroa "Tbe DeclaraUoa of IDde ...
twlD eWes are JOlng to celetnt.e tbe tweDt with ~late speDd1ng of$&.l9lbt.Woada:r1Dc: off oar campuMI 10011, tbey feut, s..aor Fablcbt la tbl KJilt1t JCziJI:W no.actu Moe llarprtla Rodr1pa pemdtnce ,.. a proellmatsoa
cenmoales, Paul Palmer of the Cbamber of Commerce tbe out fl.seal year,$27m1Woa. wW bt rllllDc tbem. NothlDc prime a:ample, bat .a.. .Jrew Laprqa1ll Ala.._,., Lara RotcpUJo tbat tbt MCI'et of maa•a t.p. dlrectmc tbe ~1tl81. Sept. ;stllla tbe date~ less tbaD tbe JO"trDDI' bad re-could "Pl&J iDto tbt1r budi" twlltlly, tbtr't are Ubtn.l a.... Jula l.alkJ Jue lllclna Ttrrl B.-pt.., la:J oat lD tbe b&Dda of
PAGE ONE NEYt'S ITEMS : Tbe curreDt be&J:r.ne l.s the most quested. more tbu sOOmltttac to tbetr publlcua8 wbo i.-with hlm, Marprlta L&Yeqa WI.Wa.m Ml&cbte DlaDt ludca aD..powertul nllfa. bat ran.
ll't'tre tbl.t tbe Harbor otstr1ct has uperteoced 1.o OYer 10 While thla repr...._. u 1a.-blactm&U. IDcert J, Marcia Lnreaee MerLIN 0._ Du71 Sdllllll wttb1D tbe bluta 1.111 Judi of
years. Tile mercury ll1t 100 degrees fortbetlrlttlmelnthe craueot8.81orvlutyeu'a Soloa(astbeadmlaUtntorl SbirleJSm1tb MattiAe Bl11AP~ Le:trre~~etlebroedlr IIllA, U. lDdtridal-U be
preeeat beat wue today at 1!:30 p.m., Asststant Fire Chief budpt bill, and coald haft bHD flculty ud m111tut ltudeatl %749 Alta Vuta stewe Lee Robert htr1al Llldl&ebroedlr would but lf'UP tbll CJWICII'tualtJ
aN BRISCOE reported a11or cbocldllg tlle o!!lclallempenture cut !Urtber, II e. not aroaUJ bolloro wa will coaa-IDa... Nnporl Boe<:h. TUJD IADdljulll IOIIl Pr-Pu1a11o-IIIII ae<tpt lilt re-IIN•IJ.
PPilllt 00 top ot tbe Balboa Fire stattoo •••• c~ Mesa-1.o excess of tbe ~reee~~t nU uce tbe UDh'erllty ot Call.. lAin MaMI•I RoiU llatJt C,.._ a.mper "Wbat wu Amwtc&'l mqt.
Newport Harbor L1oos •oled this weet to cucel tbelr reeuJu o! ln!latlon (about 5'1.) IIIII ot -11D11 lilt state collopl oo ___ LE~~L NOTICE -Jot! llarklala llarprol Rood ADIInw lbiiiGold calooerot? II ct1t1 bo stolid IDa
moollnc 11111 Tue-J 110011 to permit eYei'}'OIIe an -"unl!J populalloo lfowtb (-111 U IDel'ouiD( lcalo 110 malllr CERTinCATE OF BUWIESS NIDI lhl--R-~ ,_.. In_, Gnd-pYoo lraodottl,
to attead tbe Dllco'lery Da.y bmeheoD at the N'nport Harbor am 1a in strUd.D& coatrut to wbll blppelll, U.e1t'Ul Dlt'tr nc l'hiOlS JUKE SaJlJ llc<iet Debor'l.b lWIJ Kane TIIIPir .,_.,.. rMpCIIMib41ttJ, ud ll-
Y&ebt Cl_.,. Secretary HARRY WELCH of theCbambetaddres-tbe completely unjaiWMd &Do-be aa ..S to "t1ol.tDce at tbtse P..Jblt Patrldl. MtreadD stlpbla Rclblrta. P~ VMU'd mtttd perDIDIIIt.
Mel tbe Lieu T-*Y, a6kinc tbelr StWOrt of the procram. creue of IZ\ ln Jut Jill'•• 1Ditltutlou abort of tMir com-Tbe _,..lipid ciDM etrUty Stt't't Meretut lllu.dl RowiiDd. T• ... ...,.. ''Sborti:J aa. tbl ~
Pruideat THEO ROBINS urpd lbat all Lions atteod the bupt over the pr.,...URI piiM tue...orc by tbe r..olu.-be ta eoMrilac a brWDMI at Cf'l1& MWer :"II:= Jolla WUtlc Tbomu ,.__ kx*ed u.d
rn..eo.err Day procnm if possible ••••• Clftc leaders wUJ year's, whlcb I very ltroaCI:J ua.n-. Member• ot tbe )e .. aTorUO 8uC'mrh eau. ... Janl MIDir ard • Pe111 Ward t. ttme. ud .,....,., about
p111or Sept. Z5tll to pertlclpole In tbe celebralloll or t110 4Z5tll _..o. pollmro boYt uoloma dltlf ID Ionia, ..ior lilt ~GriD Frlllll•llor BID~~-C.. WaDI llltaro _.-.. -llo
&DD!Yerary at the ~very of the Paclflc Ocean bJ Vuco Nevertheless my Yote 'flU tbe people tbtJ rc-'a.ittoaae rame o1 All aaa WU. coo-AD.,....,_. CaroiM ~ •atNr• W'hlddoD Aid: 'Ta, n did~ a
N,... de Blltlol, lamed Sponlsb Olll>lorer. TtaeOaco!Oid Sl>aln cut &r;altlst tbe 1969 bodpt lilt -·· llloJ baYO -ol ·-· IIIII 111tt 111i1 !lriD Clrll O'lln Goorgollo81ae4J Dolin-..r portoet R.,eue, bttl will
wWborallodbpii.\RCUSF.FORSTER,Ifandaono!DONJUAN biD lJI tiiO Setllle.l-a. willa lilt---e.--cf lilt lollowlaC -O'IIaro 1111-S.Wolll 111oJ ...... II, or wlllllltJ ID
FORSTER, ooe of Orange Couoty's earliest Spntsb settlers. p.1Dst lt for ooe reuDD. &ad Ill tbe lftaleat -to r..tore Per-. wboM II1'H la ..u ud Pttlc Odeprd IIU1U aJnJ • SElOt8S lbllr •MUiiili ot piiiii:J, .,..
J. P, GREELEY will raise a repllca of tbeFlaeofl800 ODI oDly: tbe fact bat !tap-«derODc:a"P"~Tbilcubeltplaetotr ....... AI8UiJllowl: DebonlliOIIIcn ~=:!u JOilMaiU tlleNPOITaltr.-.,.
wtllcb e. oold to boYe been nlsod oomewbere lo lilt riclniiJ proprtalod, wttbout ltl7-bo -117 -IItie lilt---Harllloi,4111-Torllo 8u '-Onl' -111111 Alcll ''II ft oro lo ...... -~ ... ot tile Newport Harbor Yacbt Cl.e area by settlers oo their or ..-cootrola, tbt .-1 fUt U. ol a DI'W po11eJ reqglrl.n& CJeiDtlllta. Calif.. •11. ' O.S. Palmer Robia ~wa In 8adlr . cloal. 1t _. rftOIIIUoll Ia to
waJ to Orep wbo put into tbe Bay at Newport tD rest .a route aums aD4 utra locreuu (tbta tM tmiHdlate clt•1•1 of &D1 Dated J-11 tMt CberJl hrta BW Ta:JJar l!lnl:4 llekwltb ~ .. *'18 ud 1M -...
!rom -Tbo Cautorllia Boor Flag will bo rallod br Utoa li.J\\) to tbe Uol•ariiiJ lllctlll7 -IIIII _._ _llw... -~~ Parrlala -T...-, ---dor*d• cf Ill llral -Commodor'o J. "-BEEI<, J'aDidJic st&to o!!lclaiU.tbeborbor o!Cillt>rlllallllltiiOCalll>rDla oiUJ--IIIIIIItl<ce Slllecf~ JuiiPrtca Carl-. T...-,llrtlt bo bon._IDIIIo-11111
.,._ 1'be o111e1a1 Newport Harbor lllcwlllberallodll7 lllyor Slate Colleps. IIIII rio-01 .. _. Loa """'ha ~· Sam-~-. Pul-·-cf--·-
IWUIY WIU.LUISON •••• Todly-o! cblldrMI are lo E&cb ,_ lilt crlllo IIIII Forllltt .. _I-0o J-a 1111 ·-· tM, lllrl: RkMJ llllh 'l'llooapiN ~-Ca1JHJ -h-II 101-1117
.ebool..,..tbey could just uwellbeCODttnulnctbllrncab cbaol oa our t:l...,..l lf'OW I a..oreetatotbe liQJ.s ... a NotarJ ~ aaUdfDr aJd Carol11411H• T..., TCI9v ldCIII:Ird t:lJiple ~ -•awa
d&J• Wberelt 1.s cool. Wearecouiderl.Dca plaD to llart .ehOOl war•. Ftrlt tblrt were mua pt bW Ia tbe ..._..O.WOIIJd state. pw.-JIJ .....,_. IIIIJRorkk L,.. WaUace a 11~11 eoe-... bf Ylrbli cl ow ,.... • ...U..
Oct, 1 -,_, ot covJ .. _1,..•1 tile acbOolo lo _.u1oo claltiOOIIraUool, lbto rtall, IIIII ••• •-lilt-onllop -Barllllll,-to ,.. to .._ ~~-•-:ord 111111-llepm lo ... ._ ..
cltlritll J-, w:ordllla 1D Prloclpll OORACE 0. ENSIGN ot tiiO ..,. IIIII r-lorp-ltllo IIIII .e..ottJ --1oo lilt par-- -1o Pllrlcll---~ rJ111 I 1111111-1M--KowportllelobGnmDW'ScbOol. or.,.., piiJIIcal uaull aod, -lilt bollpt 00 11111...,---lotMwiDII-.,_IIRfiiCior DoocW.U. ..__ IIIIYO ...... -IMPI•tllol
• • • tlaallJ,DUII'dc,Bati&CbJ.,., coU1 be ...... ~, mellt tad ICUOWiedcld ~a~Rk*..... na.u~ QrQood:rllr 1FMI*I ....... ttfll.l&
"CALifUUfiA IN WAR," .. editorial' ~ alro<IIJ ,.._ lilt tllllo ...... ID -W11111 --· ..... ---~~~~~-llhi .. IIIIM p-WIIJt 1Ao1ii 0.... -11111, ... ..., t -lliDr1llsofw.rartdiiP"*'hle,tbeatrocioe••••otwvlar-.J tbe peaple'a 11m11 '* t111a u.....,•,etltaprll,tnt..,tl (hal)AUoei.cr..weU, aa.t'lll1fr'd. WI.Dit.aWUJiu!la KlnlcndJ .... ,.. ....... _a..,
...... ID all lllo -ld _,,Ito lllst-• dltpJIH lilt !let ,_.,. o! rio11oco, lilt lo-W11 IIIII -_.,prtallpao -., ,_, ..___ -~ erer..-loti -..... cf ~
tMI:WU'ICUbe'ftlld ''toalwar.''Tbtyea.nbi.,....Sbf ll*tll'e ..U.· to do_, w•e-Qit'td.'hlrJOCiillldJiaft MJ C.ef ... ....,.J::*-'hfllr .,..,_-.... I& 'tiS -tlllt--tl*tlfiE. -
--ot -· to crull--· 1'be -o! war u _.., -.c .,. ot IIIII - _ ..... u -u lilt I•"' 1, 11'11. 1Jtn11r 1aJ1ar 'I OM... • • -we. I 1111111 --_.-1o1C1N ol llrolllllbale,IIIIIIDI cf "lullaapoaeo." ordllarJ bltiM........ -onllopuol .... ..,.._ ,_"'jiiiJ 1,10,17,1f,l .. , T1 IF II Tl 1 .... Ear• -JIJ :JI&J:.-.... ...U, IIILIIIIIIN 1--
MaJor t.wto D. liar...., ot lilt war ~ _., Tlllo ,_.,bodpt __ IIIia-.,....e to ..,.. 1 ea 1M •·-~-· ..... -Teall n ,_ = -Me 111 • to 111o ear 11111 -"11--~-lllnto.--17,000-wiDIIa .,..$eOOtDlllloullllo-pollercf-..-11 t lnolll..... -1-lldl w '•' I 'lllll1,._.1_"
1--parlotl-lflllll-llloQdlod-claCiorodnr, -1111 117 lilt Dr-• ................ 111_ DISPLAY 'lrr\ltiiWI-_ .. rlbE c.ni--Oil-callodwlllllllllttparlod-.,._,..., • ._ "CIIIRIIIIIto 1M 1r .__. ___ •man -.a.•-Ds<ollltl e -~·!--draft n. ...,., ud co......,,_,.... udktarlea. r..-.. 'n...., ... ..,.,... tt.altr 11111'7 _.,_ • .._ to ....... _,a d --~
:::r::·~o::-~':' .. =-..::c= ::~=== -o;:r::::: .... ... ~-::::~ ~i£~· Eil:i, ...._ w11 Willi-lr••ll• f(nr? A .,..._P,II"O!Wo -put"'l'lork,_,ll ... --•-•........ ~
1111 &•--. ...,.... Callb'll&'• JOllA.-MI'Cbel -'-,luJ'Jtltlrn .... Col-. --.. 1.Aala 7 I == -..-_, -RIDtd..,nnl ....... rt ..,...,. oa 'ltllltllllr .... an 'fltllllcto..U.. .... .., till ............. u a a£............. c.-.... ..
..... ............. MttWIIfl.. • .. I 9 0 \; ., ..... ..., ., 1• .... !li!Jpr
'YBIUBs FBOJI TilE BIBJ.E , ... ;.~..:_-:::....:.:=: =::::':'~ == =mu
ft1 PIc 1 .. 1M ::rt .. 111117111 I ,., ....... ___ Z/1"1 Ill''' • 1111' -~ fl~ ---~
Z is£: ::a..::!"'..:: :::-:.:a.:,:-:-a'::·IIIIIIJ$8111,1111 .... :::.::.:it ·; •= =~ no:: _,II& u Jill --'"" .. ....,. ...... I .. Ohn-~"'ls• lll&ft II J' II. ,...... p ';pt ..... '-It ~~-IM-111 ,.,_ .... ,..... .. , • •-.-.----.·--!*1111.... ,_._ -1 n" -o-•1 IJ .. ....,... • II n • ... _..._. n c._ ...,. a .:::r,--.1:1 . .......,_ ...... - _ .. ,, .. ,....., . '
~ .,
_, -~
KHp It Beelltifrtl
11~--:::.:-:-.:,~= ~ .!!a• .-~,c::-····..,
"",0-· IINiool, .., 11 '*' llro, -· -•· -D1c)'cloolo .. ~CO.. --·
..... ~ b' a.d-.t ....,.._ c:o.Q Cu• 't ...... '1'111 '"E ll lied 'WIIIIIa." ~ CcwdJ,. "W'·nttt . ., .. .._ ..... _..,_._-...... -...
.... lllrold IIDWu, 11u C.W*k'N--..Uid ss•'
11"1 tn. I Clia1.lmu frMI 0....., CWIIdEM
.-., ... lloU ,.... pnJocl. ... -.... --AllJ OlldJ cldld -coold-larlalo IIIII ... aro -1o
• .,..,..., lrlqelo .. -pw----..,._. ___ lacaa-. lllo ... •lo--r t'OII
tact tiOo Loqo. -·llllltJ .... Ia--'hi "'~ trlqc .. a ...,., UIJ -Nil tile oommrftr tD
dolo lo tiOo -W Sellool aetiYOlf ~ Ia u-Dlllrict'a Hood 8lart Pro.,.., to aoo1at ~IYIIopd eMI.-
a.J wiD be -.11 at RooMfiU: dr• aD1J tbltr •mn .... H
Ud E.U.. Selloolo. Tllo-
A• kllool IJUirtet to-ol JEWEL$ HIJACK!D
IIIII delepte ac-e1es 1D Jewell ft.llledlttll 150 ... ,_~_.taraoocbll-tuoohmaoo-.;...,_
dr• dlllla(S..morllood9tlrt, er...., Zlllltilptdn Are. 8oJ
Till pnJoct 1a -.., 111a boo lalaad, --~-i1 ..d Ollko ofE-c Opport111111J Z5, T11o -~-llla
llol'IOI oftiOo ~cost,Udllla to poUcololfl,
Steen heads Arts Council
Tllo CooocU of Aria of tile -· clab .... -. Onop ~CoootaiAriOhas -lllaclabwlllbolooldiDclta
elected DR ollleers lor tbe summer ebDdr•'• ereat1Yeut
1969.'10 }'Oirlllddlrec:tontora ""'"-&ad wlllbo~
S.y.., t.rm, the lA"'"" F-.al of Aria 117
£dw1D F. Stteo il presldeot; statftDc tbe chUdr•'• ~---· CWiord HUH, Yiee..presldent; all booth.
Kn. Echrud Wbltebouse Jr., Mrs. WUU&m 11&-, rfll)r ...
Ylee..pl'uldeat; Mr1, John wu. seottng tbe cu.Jtur&l commtttee
80Cl, HCI'etar)', Ud John Vlbert of tbe Womeo'sDin.loDoiNft'.
AUG. ltll!u-oet u t11o ..-.,day lor Loy All! -· of AU!ambn ODd~ MetYID ~of N-Hot_.,
Tbe bride-elect, wbo 1a: tbe dt.IICNu of Paul s.atre of
Molar.,. Part IDd Mrs. Wall BelaJ.re of Albamtn. 11: a
lflldoote of Sao <Ab<lel .... _ lllcft Sclloo~ -
Loo AoplH IUD~« eon ...... to eaq~toyod by ~ ou
1D Lol AapiM.H•fta.Deei.Jtbe-oi.Ur.aod Ur8, Wllliam
HeiU'y Gtb«<D of Z215 Holly La.. Neowport Helebt&. He u a
cn<Noto ol Newport Harbor Hill> Scllool ODd Oraop eout
CoU.p Uld b a senior at C&.UI:trllla State LoGe S..eb
Tbe WlddiAc will be held at St. Stepbtu"a cdJto11c Cburcb
1D lloaterey Park.
Midwi\'CII u.cd to put a knife under the bed to '"cut
the pam•• of c:hildblrth. Sounda fooliAh, nowadays.
But then, we'rt: ludc;y. We have many wonderful pain·
rcUcvina drup ... other powerful rnc:dk:.J.tions, too.
When you're ill, take advan.taar or the newer, df«:·
tiw rncdidnak. Seek your phys•a an·, advice ... he's
the only one qu.a.l.j.ficd to prescnbc for your health.
l"hen, if he RICOI'IVnends medication, come to us for
pnx~iptioo KJVM:c.
-a,-.-y. -·-. ... 011101.& ,,_
W Amorico hhd poopto lor tho job. K -*1 toM t11o
torvoot oort of ormy to liMp our country 1two of -,
But tt.r.•a no need to hire anyone. It' a • job w. can
do tor our'MIYea. NA of ~. Ewry ..,.,.,. thlt Jpleecll a
-lunch, Evwy bootmon wllo -tllo-and
tr.._,er. Dlreetora are Darid port Harbor Cbambw ot Com-Joh w • le
A, HW, lira, Goorp lllcbaod, merce, roporta tllo -will n ayne In new 10
Mrs, RtcbardWIDclder, Ud llr, be OIICOIII'&clDc partlcljlaU... Ia ~~=~~~~~==~~~;:====~.,. steea.. tbe Pops Cooeerta at FUida:l FUm ltarYeteruJoba(Dulr.e) a demoutratloD ol bllfllJ pre-
Groups reporUnc progress Isl.uld, WaJDI, rMkleat of Bay Sbores, cl.aioo ~~killed JoeroWDc. Workl ( •-no
&ad piau lbr'lbo ooo yoor ta. Tbe Lyric ~ Aaa. wtll &ad blo ,_..st ooo, Jobo cbamploa polo cUmber, Duoy -.rtu &
cl-T-Gorbor, dlrec-clwlge Its lbrmat Udo --Etllu, will bo tile tlrst o!llctal Sailor, ......... !rom ea. u·-snlr ClfA·-tor of tbl NftiiOI't Harbor Art to l.oelOOe Upt opera, •• 5o.d riders don tbe flume at tbe Dada. w111 climb to tbe top ofaD rJIVI. .. -.-yo, e-y OM>toriot wllo ... our -and
tt Ia the plu8ure of the u. S . ..,.,_. • Awodltion
each v-• to give Ita ......_ aupport to ttMI Keep Anwicll
Booutifut ~? Ro-: e-y UttOI' Bit -
Thill is our land. Llt"a trut ;t right.
IIUMum, Uld Mrs. E. Witmer, of Musle'" beiDgpluDedtwtwo crud npentnc of tbe ealieo 80 toot pole lD C&l&co Scpare, lacomtar prooldeat, who ao. •eekeods, Sc-a1oo will tor ride ot KUI'allerry Farm, -· be will c1o a rart.cy at o CARl'! T$ U·WHIT!M !D
IIOIIIICod piau 1br 6 n!tll>lts bebuflet-allld11111allpre. Tbo-otlnottoDwlllboopeo clartar-.-.eractarblo oWAT!Rio$1110K!DAIIAGI
boctaatar Ia oorly September seatalloDs atii'Ud OIIWL to tllo pomtlc lbls Friday, JuiJ' bat to tile lfOUIId, REioiOVED o ORI BIT AL
&ad ute""'•r to tote Juoe, llrs, Walter H, Wblto, Ia-II, lollowiDr Cllrl...,.oc cere. Ia tile tor-ot lbo-847·1678
535 rlfth A~ ,._ Yartc, ,._ Yortl
Uemberst&Jptbtsyerarwentcwer eomt.ng p:resideot ot tbe Ctdl-moales at Z p.m. 1D C&lleo oftbeflame.worklcbampioaloc
1,000. dren•s Tbeatre GD1Jd. riPOI'tld Sqa.re. roller, DWDe EW.OO Ron,
Mn. William stabler of the there wtl1 be a fUll scale pro-lin. Cordelia Kaott. ~ &Dd ber hnstwnd IDd bertatber, FORMER INSTRU CTOR, NATION AL CHEMICAL CO. • el.ty uta committee reported ductlon 1D sprlDc. loaDder ol Klal's Berry Farm, wtl1 d1JI:Ilay tbe1l' acrollaHc
OD the sucetuful community Coocluding tbebulDea mee-wtU ehr1atea w1UI a bottle of stUDts Uld *ills OD a IDe~ ''Bclkr CtWPct Clc•i•t for Beller C.pcl.J''
art -a1 lila Newport Beach tlng was lbo dlocu-CIS boy.-ry ;.teo lbo tlrst log ;·•:·r~b:·:-:~~~~lbol;r~loet.=~.::..:::::::::::::::::~~ Cit)' Hall l.Dd told of the current a commllllty arta:SVTIJ. wtd.eb CU'I'J'ta.c JobD Wayoe aDd b1Ji
uhibft, a cultural ezeha.nge of wUl be directed by Mra. Wbltll-1011 t.broacb tbl 75 ft.. b.1p.
Japuue chUdreo's art. bouse. 1D1tlal tteps w111 bl tbl IDOUIIta1n that bas beeD UDder
Director of the Opeu Eod p.therlng of ld:lrmatioD from CODitruetioD b' ewer a year at
Theatre, Wa.lter Phelps, spoke past surveys to 114JP1Y city of. a eo.t ot more tbaa $2.5 mil-
of tbe1r pst lecturers a.nd tleLals aDd arcblteets wUb ln. Uoa..
plus in' rooflonlncworkstq:ls, formation oo tbe clUes caltun.l otber &l)eClal eatertainmeot
wblcb will atud to chlldrens Deeds for fUture plannJ.oc ot a durt.nc the opeDlDgprocnm wW
theatre. l1l1mate p.ls are to cultural ceoter. bl a pole cUmbtnc stUDt act aDd
r~=~~~~!tt£ lV stars at County Fair
111m In aU ._Is ol actlq, TeleYlsloo Udrecordlll(otar bo )otood 117 tile L<>a Caporaloo
dl.recUDc aDd produclag. Lou Rawls, aYUt IIJ"dd )lu Marlaeb.l BllDd aa:t comldiu
<;_:WIDrd Hakes reported for m~ DOD EWa, Jose Ccm•ln C.oonlM a tbt
, lbo Orufo, ~. PbiJtla>· &ad Flor-Y-·o-"F:Ioota 4o1 V-" (Frldo.J
, , "..,. ,UOO: a !Itt 7--11a11at Fo•--,-loOUt.O .. F)'ItiaJoyoo~&c,)olf
ud ebl..ldra'• oODcerts. Teo okf Uuico ..W lliPHibf tbe 11. 0. U. ~ ........
ocbolar-wero ctn• lbls ootertalnmeat -.. ot 1tto lloo EUU ..,j Hfs New -
you, 5 to OCI Ud 5 to Oraop 1969 OraDp Coaaty Fair Ud will _., llol' coocert oo tile
Cout CoUop, Future coocerts E~posltloo JDiy 15-20 at tile Ampllttttootre otap, Lou Raw to
'====:::::==============!,are Plamed well 1Dto 1971 &Dd Fairgrouods 1o Costa Ilea. Capitol ncordiDC arUst &Dd r 1972, wltb llldlDc orchestras The Ballet Folklorieo W1ll star ot NBC. TV's "o..a Mar-Orco Block Co. Ia lbo -ld .. -to per. tiD pr_ ... tile eolddlraers."
-wlll~~~-blo-Bun.DING BLOCD ·ALL SJZES • ALL TYPES Tbo artist of the mooth pre. L~GAL NOTICE Ampltltbootre ...,. oo SWiday
ooDtatloo by tile Jlllllor Ebell P -S3637 -•-TNtpb•••lJAdl:u• 7·1111 Club ot N-~ Beach i ew..._.., .a~CcrWJ& .... ._ Dll L llcM. ._..a. ..... _. sen-CERTinCATE OF BUSINESS Tbl: wide variety of otber f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;lor:LIIc:t:to~lltb:y:oor:,~llr:•,~W~bl:te::.-Flctltloos Firm N&me speclal a.ta!Dment features I THE UNDERSIGNED do bere. wW klct off with lbt a.aDua.l
by ceruty tbat tbly are coo-"Miss Ora.ace COWJty Fair"'
duettnc a Rttall Hom• FurDUb. beauty pe.part ooTutsdaJ,Ju.Iy
.. 11111!
1Dcs. Gl4 6Acee8&U"Jt.'mMis 15. Prell..mJ..Dary )ldc1Dc W1I1 DEL MOH
a1 3555 £, Cout HtPwaY, Co-start at UO p,m,, llllolswlllbe
roo& del Mar UDISer tbl at lp.m.,aodlbeCl"'1rDDDCottbl
tletltioas ArmaameotL"Eitra-., queeo Is set ror 9 p.m.
ordlnalre &ad Uta1 Aid tlrm Ia Tbo a.,tlml.at Y-8aJid at
co-oed at lbo lollowiDr OraDp Coaaty will also -
periODS wbose aamu 1D run putln tbe Tuesday proc:ram u
aDI1 pJa.ee ol resldeDce are u tbey becta tbe1r &.day stLDt ot
iJDows, to-wtt: Jou U. twice-daily performa.oces. Ad-
Pereln. 19865 Caprice Dr.. dltkma.I apeelal leatures dar1.llc
Yorba LiDdll 91686; lAalle 1. tbe weeklocludehrtee-d&UJip..
Perelra. same. "piU"&DCeS by tbe SAC Drill
Wit.Dess our baDds this 13tb 1 Team from Offutt AFB, Ne.
<Ia) ol J ... , Ut19, brut&; MarlneCorpa"Pqout
.Jou. Y. Pweira, ol tbe Fla('" oa Thursday,
LesUo (, Pereira. Klngsmea Natloaal C~
STATE OF CAUFORN!A ) Drum Ud Bugle Cor!>< oo Fri.
hom ••• cOAST
MARKET ..,.. __ , __ _
10 .. 85'
6 OZ, 12 OZ,
.. 41' 2 .. 89'
COUNTY OF ORAIIGE ) u, cloy, Saturday, ODd S-y, Ud I'II!IS'IOIII
ON THIS 13111 <lay at J-lbo Stoc.out-Wool.£111! Starors PEACHES1i 1969. bdlre me. a Notary tor Sperb'maoeesooSatardQ.
PabUc lnaadlorald-,Ud WoclDeod&y allorDooo, luiJ'
stale, reoldlac -olD, c1D1J ttl, a rartotytaleot-wllllo!t 1·---------;<
Come )oln,the fun bunch fDf' coblclea and champagne punch
(every P ,M , through July 15th)
P,S, Browsa through our "Marry-Go-Round" rack-J,.3 off
Lorraine SUtherland Eatabliahed since July 1966
commtastoMd uc1 nw1, per-tbt 5th &DD11l.l Sea1or CIU...'
-'1)' -od lou II, Po-jomboroe.
relra, LuUo 1. Pontn, lmowD Tbe Br...,..l!unllJ will otap
to me to bl tbt per-. ,..,_ a returo perkmuee ol. tbllr
aam• are IUbecribld t:o U. Papc:ora Tblltre MarJoMae
wttbla l..ut:r1aDtat, &Ill acbow-8bow8 rtUJ aft•IIDOD ud
lodpd to mo tllot tlloJ --orooUtc, ---lbo ..... , Huold Do CMro will a1oo bo
WlT1IESS my-aadolllctal l!act lbls you,--
OM!. IIDI ll..nto to tllo Small Aai-
EU. E. iiUIIII mal Farm • ..We tlll1 c:IIIJ*'•
NotarJ PlbUc 11. ud b' aid m&J IIOeeb U. baby ••••
Coollt)'udSIIIo. ,..........-.---.
IIJ Comm•.ac. tiiPlnl Oct. m.-ud a. wlll bl tbl tr..
14.1t71. ......... 1D .. 5,~111.
PlbUab: 1-19, at. JIIIJ s, 10, M•M A.atpllitbl&tn a Frt-
1968, Ia lbo ll._t llarlltr cloy, --ud _,
JAMBOREE ROAD AI IAY~IOE o•t•~• ~~~~-. ~
' In The Old H•ythome' Bldl.
3321 E. COAST HWY.
UES 615-6911
AU. fAioiLY
to ~fl'i Mildred ~lwicll
l.ttr<Jy Hamllor; -""""""' Nori'T'Q'I Fei/Sa'V,&Jor,
WitTe'! bf' G'W) ShAW
PtOIWd bw' STNt IIWGI.lS /Eifnllllo!
lil&:-WALT[R SOWtF !=.-:::..~":.~1
1•1-~--1a> COlOR byllelule
~-COLOII .. Dol... -
Jack Lemmon
Catherine Deneuve
"The April Fools"
1-1 Ted!.~ A Cinema Centu Filnw Pl'etentalioo. ~ ~ A National Central PM:tures Rde;a. * IXCLUSJVE MID-SOUTHlRN CAUFOINIA
Udo lox OHic• Opens h•nings at 6:45 p.M.
SbowUigs Are Coatbl-oa S.tanlay I; S..Oy fro. z p.lll.
CbUdrea 7k -Adlllti 12.50 EYe. 1r S.. -I!.M Sat. Mat.
... __ _.,.~ ....... ·--... FIANoolEnm:w --~
"'"011111 J ,.,,_,
Can Herbie, a tlean-lmnc,
hOrd-woRinl small car
· -c... lind ha!>Piness
·m .-. in today's
. · • hectic world?
Ope" Nlptty at 1:4.5
• '
liE u.m a.Jil,:. ILL!
"~~~••• ·-· ............ nal! They are Allied agents who must
win World War II
this weekend
WI Til NI!W 1969'S AND
oveR <Oo
NEW 1969*S AND
Test Drive a New '69
T ·Bird for 24 Hours!
... ,
I!D Tl!llll'f
IN .... ...,..
WI TN TN 1!111
••• of IOOial note
...,... --. ..... 'hnJ ... ~ .......... -... , ~ .... ..., -"!'!1!. ............. ,...... .. ............ ,.
......... -...... Goo ·--. ,,.. .. w-•llioll•'t' "".a-,.,.' r ,,. -
.. 11
7 ·~·---~ 1111 Dr ........ ---.. Will--.... --· "'Cllllf-= =--.::;.:,:; : =:. -:.::.. ~-=
?Ill,-U a.a. ul?oel 1lllllio .... llioll a.,. ,.. ---. ?a~
'lkMQ -1, ---a I 7 If lfii$11 .. Qr lo p$ot "" -... ....,. A..., c• -.&--., -11n. a... 1
•"'• 'IIID ... _,u_... no -•,.,. _., __ ... 11n. -.,,. .._ -• ta --. T...,.,,
_. __ ,._..,,.,. ..., .. 1 ._ ___ mod_Jut...._
.. Jr ............. ~ II J Me .. ..._~ & -• • •
w-. lin. I.U --7171n•----no tra..uo, 1o boloc--.. _.. Arrl ..... a 11011 II to lin.-.,-.., -.., t11o -f'roolklta
doll; lira.,.. llorllf$l,-.. --'--. Ulll ., c-dol liar """ ..,,rttrt _. .,...._. ca~r.. • • • an Oil tlda weM: •m•i tbt
--~ c.• w. llall, ·----·IIIIJ-·-.-..Tile-.. -•• eod lin. lloJ?Ia-..,.. -an -,. _..,. II a rotPia 11om lila/
-,_.... ... --_,llr.aodllra.....,.,. $11111taod,.._lllll __ • .__.. _.llarJ, c.R-loa --.., IIH. tllo -or-U.Cbelllel
•• -lln.R ... Mc-·-~~ .. ---aellloFraMJiu'O... cauo,, -; IIH.-.:-, a-na1-11m1. --looldllrlllcCo-!uc...,,~~~ ...... Mn. •h a n_,.., .... ..,... ro.~ . _,,~-..i .......... .,.... • • •
A. f. ua.rt. ~11711; Mn. • ,.. .. ' a ,., .. ... • ..... _ r ..... w-t ~ • ..__
Jla W?loo, ......... alii..... ---.... ~-s. 11. c.bM, ,.dJ.,., alii ClanVal al C.. -. ""'" X.. Caul -· """ ball MEMBERS ot 1be llnport -S11U11c ~ -•
_,., -,_.--_,_ -1110 -'Arta, lo ro-eaterta1Dod ree-J .., lbe Po1a lllr Po1oJ 1o mn-.,,
•oiiiiiiiiiiiiiror _______ .._._wtll __ .......,-Hawaii Ill-.... Baa........, .... ,.., lbo z--.... -.
-ae Klop Baed lo CWI <lf.r 1110 -_, lD La-oo IUDd nloblc lllr c.robral palolod cblldr& Pl-ed bare
Bana. Tllllr ... marr1ld ,..., wlddl be receatly par. u tbeJ took o8 1:1r tbe trip ue lira. wa,_ Satnsty, pre-·saluting
su.rdlJ,l .. D. eMPL sldeot of tbl M~ llartxlr ~ ud Mrs.. Ratll H111,
• • • prm1aloa&l dWr..u. (R. H. T~ photo.) • • • •
Troftllac 11 lilt ..,.ww.s"' ~~ ~·~.:.~.~ ':: Marianne M i ll.er wed
u. ---•-· So ft1lt n. 1tar widow, luoe AllJaoa. ·
-·_ .. lilt-Araa IIU circled back ID the Lido t ' G e M c d :~ .. ~::"~ :-::::::~~.!,~ o eorg c ur y w.-atllo~llubladllar-f-. Double r.., -.. .-
Mit to Ba....U., • a 1-..-• • • ., ..
ncatkln Bay Departmeot store's J.D. st.
• • • Ropr lhiWb'd ts "batcblng" Cburcb ua1ted ~
11 -a1oac wtth lbe belli of z aDd Goorao R. llcC•<IJ-
Dr. Torry Root, Colla II-daq!ltoro 1o 11111r Corona IUgb-Cbarles Dloroafleld, cllioidl
.. __..,._llflalolnloo luda -..Nlaa(llrs.Roger) oU«,o1flcfaled.
C<lfa, IIIII 11m11J wiD baft 11 1o tho midst of a E....... Tile bride II lbe lila.,....
oodJal ot __.. to 1a1t lrlp a1oac with 11er ,_ of llr. lUll! llrs. Loolle W..
--IIIOJ orrin -,., • .,..., w-. Come fall of Colla 11-, ud tho -
IIIIo ---al-lllaa ~ Ill be teaching lfOOm lo lbe .., of llr. jUIII. Dr. alii llro. 11aot alii I ocbool ._w.. llrs. llarYoJ D. 11art1o ol · · • t1ngtoo Beacb.. Both are i va.hH Allli(Ot I LEGAL NOT?CE LEGAL NOTICE = ~ = .::..
jul» 15.ao IIEIIT Fat TBB WORit AIID IIIII tho -ii>J ot JulJ 1969 Clfooomlle-.alt-Goldoo Weal DIPROYEIIEMT COMSIS'I DfG at tb1 boar ol 7·SO o•cioc't p m' •-OF THE COftSTRDCT?OII OF • • • CERTAIN STREET Ill ol said daJ, lo the tlmo fll<od Tbe li<ldo, pY&o 1o marrJa&e
PROYEIIEIITS D< ASB£Si .., lbe -~ CUy Clerk by bor father, wore a floor, D~rJ~GEaum FAIR IIENT tllllftlCT 110 Sl AS of said CUy -&DJ aDd aU leo&th dress ot wlll?a arpa~&
CONTIIIPLATED eY RE-::.-:c ~:::.::c! ::ru taaa:;. a::m:.:::.
SOL111'Df OF 1IITEliTlON ll1e, 'm&1-II tho regular lace. Appllqooa ol ._.... I
NO. M1'1, Aim OF THE TOlE place o1 meet1DC of tbe CIQ' lknrers IDil «pDI&
AIID PLlq: OF BEARD<G AS ColmcU ot lbe CUy ol Newport acce~~od:lbe:~dr~oa:~:Uid:~=~! TO SAID WORit AIID ASSESS-~ localod lllbe CIIJ Hall Har
IIERT at 1100 Weal Nnport BoaJo. With a cOJRDY ~;s-IIOTICE Ill ?IUEBY ~ nrd, !lo-r ~ ~ p1oco. Sbo CUTiod a-o1 MRS. GEORGE lot
'!' ---.. -· .... tllli ~ .. ~ ...... ·-be-·------
Church .New• .. "-.. • ac 1 11 %;'a. r · 'I If .... ,_.
C ... --... ' ....... Qona ... , I I Jlllf"<O' -n.a. .... ..._ ............ llrllll*.... . . . .... 7111.._ __ 'I' oc..<*,•o.._,.
dtoelllt .......... _ .. , ""-l.c.ot
_, 4 ·aa. riC .. .., .. c:::... ...... -OIIIl ,.,...? •• C'WilltM Qw Jllllll ........ 10 ............ . tae -. .. will,._ lA wlllliODr,Doat I,.-IO .... aelllt ... " ____ IAia.oo.,
,. .. Ullillllr*l -~ ... ff .. I I _,... at 1:10 ....
( . . . . . .
111. -ro e111 All ..._ no ~ .. c.c~o " ,.,. ....--. .. ~ .. • c.-,.-.......... P'Id&c ...... Dr.,.
Pae?lle View Dr.,-YloW -Y?ow --"A-JUlia-Tbe .... .Iota-~illGad,''bl..ci•Rta
tnm St. lea'• ,... : 1 • 1: 1-11, wm 1111 u. • n
CW<IIII c----· loPe., Dr. -llllrol ..
.. _, -·--lilt 1:41 pd 11 .... _, --a...J .... ~Da..toaodlU-flDl1IJ •• Oil nqtk)e Mr. 8U1 • • •
IIU-ja!W~-~-a. -· Pr•..,lbllbal•~11-oa
..,. lllr ...... -10 ,.. .. c ..... 100 Ill. -·114.,
11o 11 • -• 111o -11<&1 cucr 11a--no .... cecU ~ be&ac a ........ of E--. .w.-r1 CMileiM u.. •...-•lAd..,..... 1811 ot .-• .._ wm ~ It ••
the ... .,.. llba'p:al --_, •• "-'11,1:10 ... m,_ ol lilt Epl-1 11 a.a. lBI -will be ''ilolo
Cbwcl..; Be wl11 CIOMic~ 00111-w1ttt adrtrlltJ," wtt11 3Gb 1:
m..._ -.leu at 8 u:1 9:JO lJ-14 u tbl taL a.m. tlda ... ,. • • .,.,
• • • JC...,art DdJ·o.a.. ~ c-.-,.,_ Cllorcllu-u. 1115111111. e111-A...,
• ._ 11 1110...,. a11110 cucr 11a--no .... ~«•
------lllr thll ~ -..-.... ,... s-. s.m-.,, lleld at -ll?llrll'' ~A to .... .._
t:l5 ud 11 LID. ia 11..,.-t di,J. ~. Mu FMt" 1 r aflll-
Beacll, 11 ..... Ia Colla.._ --. lilt ....... -. ud II 10 LIDs lllbe clnorcll lo wiD p lilt lui of lU ioc-
Harbor View 81lla. ta• •up~'
• • • at 7:JOp.m. ... IIIJ',lU, 11.
Harbor Tr1IHJ BlpUit • • •
Cbllfeb, 1110 Biter St., Co1ta 'hie R•. nc.Jd Mtctm r ,
....... -Dlek ~ ol. c-..,... 'lrbo ...... u llltwlm.PU*:Jrol
Cruade w1D e>:Mrt boD tb1 the PriillbJMU a.el aftbe
11 a.m.. awJ 7 p.m. .....sc. Cofl set. COlla MeA. bdlre
thll _,_ From z Ill. p.m. 1110 calllac "'lilt ---
thll -J be wt11 leod a Klftlo, ... -c:&1lod 117 1110
........ --.. door-to-.. ....,...., "'-alii
door -oi"C. A fui?IJ pot. s,.od ol Slorra of lilt -
lack ca.. 1.s planJIS 1roat f'NibJbwiM o.dt tD be dl-
I:SO p..m. WrtJIC'IIJ, Jll)" 16, redar of tM motalll ......_
wttb Mr. ud Mr .. lactTemple labc:lnaDQ, a III'O)Ict ol tM
locbarp. PJ .... IwJ~.Tido
• • • IDOIIOIIIb, Ml!b'.,IC a rideo-st. 11art Pr~ tape rNJ~der, eloeed , elrc1H
Cbarcb, ZlOO liar VIla, Earl TV, 110111Ato.1 -·oat alii
Blatr -~ ..--lllr 1110 a f11111, tape, ....... u11 -
10 ..... -thll _, lllnry, --... olllltll
wiD ba lilt Reo. -Ww-clulre'-1o lilt Po ..,lo<J al tldiCIN, ,..,...,,. pub' ol ~ • a 1-Jtll' pwlad.
••• Fri., July 18
..,. .. I $ .. Citr~ aod -~bi' said CIIJ aadlllt. ' -· ... riif'._,. ..
al lilt cttr af.J?o-1 S.Clt, e-n. , .--lOII&IIi ....,.. • .,.... llcC-. will • 111o ~DOl, ~ U UJIIPDIII to Tbt OWIIII'S, tbe c:ootractor WG't won bJ·tbt brldll atteD-ol ardl1tecan at Cal
-111e -Mlllr lbe -or 111 us~..., a1111 &II .u.; dallla. lleradlth lllllor ns bar BALLET FOLKLORICO
MEXICAN FIESTA ••• Sat .. July 19
and his NEW BAND ....
Son .. July 20
ud '-"'.,.Ill_ udper-.,..--!MBoolodlosaldwor>, slolar'a maid ol boaorudwaro HARBOR! TES HDHORED
formed bJ tbl coatractor alder or 1D tbe uses.meat. feel.lng a lime creea dreu IDd carrt.:t: Former Orup Cout Col •
aDCl La s---.e oflbe pro-aarfeYIII bJ ID1 act or deter· a DOSePJ of piDk caroatioos. Ieee studeats a&IDIId to tbe
'fllioDI of tbe "lmprortiDIDt mhwHM of tbe S..-lDtaadeJJt Brldesmaids ftl't Julje 8ab-de&D'S u.t a1 tbe l..,.flfsity of
Act ol lUI," r-.... beiiiC ot str..U ..-1be Eqlaeer 1o tucll, Rita WU.IJ, ud Carol Calllo<Dia, Sua Barbera, ID-
mado 1D-ol ..._ relallal _.,or wbo claim a...,.._ Dollbto llartlo was cilxleRGIUAldoolluoeli,Cos-
-Mo. 111'19 "' .,. CI?J c-. -1be work bas ""' .... per. juaJor bridesmaid. ta w-. s.s •• ....,. 1o
cU cl tbeCltJoiRnport~ mmod aceo<dloc to lbe coo-llarY•J 11art1o stood lo as ecooomtcs, .-OCC 1o
Calllllrllia, Ill tho-ot 1110 tract 1o a -ud -oil• I best mu fll< 1be 1i<o1bor oltbe 1965; DUilol . Speed J .......
eoastnetioa of eerta1D ltnlt IIWIDir or no clalm that any croom. John McCardJ, wbo is Costa Mesa. t.O uence lli
in Concert ""-•-lo "ASSESS-port~oo' o1 lbe work tor ""' sontll( lolbe NaYJ aDd Is lo P<JCboioCJ, cndaalod --~~~----------· IIElfT DISTRICT ItO. 51" la r._ wu omitted or lllegaDJ Vletram. Usbers were Larry OCC 1D 1966, wu a nrlltr MTII-IP·--said CI?J, 01'\Dl OD lbe 'lib lac._ lolbecoolractlorlbe Fllhor, George Pallo, Jar! ..-o pla;Jer; Lee WosloJ ---:-:~II~E:;=L;7;:Mf:;=;;·•;:;-::;~-daJ ol ~. lllll,lllr tho oame, «baY!Dcormaklll(aoy RelllyudGlaolllller,li<olbor IWiorJ, Nnporl Beadl, U
•s.-c:t8Cul., .,_.,. ~· dwctl&6* ot aid wort ud ob~ to tbl corredQessof of tbe bride. Tbe soloist ftS IYerap la Freach, lf'ldtatld.
•GI•nt ,._ !Mrut>on l..mprcwtiDIIIIt, ud~tbtdiltrlct tbt ··-·"*" or diaCfam or lfrs. BeYeri.J Russell. from ace iD1967; Letbal.cMda
vetticM & ao.t sttow • to be Ulll-.1 tDPQ tbl OOIIta otbu' act,determh•tlmorpro-A receptioc was beJd 1D tbe Woodbowle,eo.tallesa.S.75aY-
•JuniQI" F•lr & Sm•n Anlm•l ,_rm e aod aptiiiiS tbii'IOf; 8IJd U-eeedtap of tbe S~CMU"iDteadeDt ftres1de room of tbe cbllrcb.. er&0 1D twiory,ltteaded 0CC
This mans tne Marinm people and ttteir PfMn pro-
fessionalism m mattm of finance. It means Mariners
people-to -people inttrut in your security ... and
Maril'ltB wist i!MStmerrl of yot~r monty in tilt procress
of oor community.
Join your neiJhbors and open a Mariners savine:s
IIC<OIInl. todoy. Remember: Feclml~·i-od SIYinp
lfitll tile notion's higbest rate of intmsl, lroon illy in
to diJ out. Also free T melers Cheques ltld free sal<
deposit boltS (with minimum $5.000 aa::o.Hrt).
ei,OOO'• of bhiblt•• -..mtlll betDc IDI4e ~~ _. ~-.-• .._ E-~-. or After a trief btw,IIWWI tbe I.D 196a.
e Spaca & Scte-• Futurne to tbe --1.81! -c-a• -gu--...,.. ...,..__ ,-------~-------------------------------.... e Speel•l Qtitdren's Showse .---r -UQ' oiDcers 01' aceats of said
• Helleopl:er ltldfte mfllltl af aid Aet_ tcc:ordlJic to CltJ COIIMCted wltb said work,
eC.rnhl•l Midwa,e tba ebuacter of tbe wort daM, 1b1J1 prior to tbe di.J 1lzed 1:tr -liUiCi;;;;;;;~;;;;-, &1111 IIU •Macbod -a dian -bea11J1c ~ Ill said CI?J r111a rr --....., ., -dlrlrlcl u ra-CooocllolsaldCitrlolbemaD·
Fri .. 7 .,_,..._ S.t. · 2 p.m. 6 1 p.m. qalr.S bJ 1114 Act. 11M' Pf"''ided bJ law bJ trietlJ
St.on. · 2 ,,m. & 1 p.m. ! Said Ul? W JbotnJ tbl Jtat1.ac 1D wr1tiDC tbe lfOWJ1s
" .. ...-IDbapaldiDIIIOcootn<:-o1 &111 _._
MISS ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 'lor lllr aid-alii~-Doled thllllbda}otJul 1969
BEAUTY PAGEANT --~ lllr alii ,_, LlliRA LlGKJS, cui' Clerk
TUE., JULY 15 Semi·Finals _j~~~rmoc~; ....... Yll1l aU Ia-o1 1be CI?J o1 Nnport lloacb,
2·30 p m F1·nals-8 p m c...,._ tA;IMII ud.-..IM ,.. ..... -... . . ., . . ....... ol eu* .......... ..._...__
-lot ... "' PlbUola: Ia .. llftlpoltBiJ11111' ~ .....
·-----With a Suit From
The Bay
swiM suns FROM:
··--· ....... .Ill ......
--.orn * -_..,,.
' I •• =.:: II --Uso~ ..
......... --. llllll:nlpa•llltiiiii'U.papwa.
"R' I llt ... c.-olls-cl......--.~ C..., •• , miW 'II.W liD. ........ ''Bid tJr Rtpa1r
oi.PIIII(De-... ... , safU.B., Z...l."
....... lllllr .. '5' saDW.,t& taetucl..a.ia18
la11 tzn•-PIIM ..... •cllkeU..tlwWbtM IDIIowlor-':
~-.. ---lr1100u..Jioetol8-lllcbt tuo ado .lC M>o .... l.&lrudV..,_r_.-ftlYOII>--_
a r._. -=tt. 4el~oi.UDalf.udrtk>eltioP ot a fti.Yt.
Tbo ........, qoooH-... _...tmale ooly, bolor PYOD
u • bull -lho --ofbldo, ud lho OnDae Cooot;y w-...u DlllrtetNo.t_oot._eul7wby t...,.tton.
-tbat lbo acla&l-., ... t..wcon--~ bat r_.,.• tbl rt&M liD 1Daeue or decreue tbe amouat of
&OJ etuo Ol' portloa of tile -k, U MSJ be doemod DOeHMl'J
Gl' q>odloal by lho al4 Dlllrlet.
AU -are II> bo compuod oo tbe buts of tile kOFIDc
scbedgle ol wart Uems.
lllalmum -ra1ot i>r IIIla 11<0jeet boYO beeo doiermlDod by lho l!cloN cl ~~ by Rssollllloo Si-MZ, a copy of
.. blU Ia ca llle Ill lho o11tce of tile Ctork oflho l!cloN of s_.-L
Bidders' •ttentton 1a called to SeeUoas 1 'MO .. ! 'M7.5 ot tbe
Labor Code wtdcb will require tbem U awarded the cootract,
to pay 1101 -!boo Slid _.a per diem rale ofnps
set bth, to an laborers. workmen &Dd meebaolcs employed
111 the eueuttoa oflho pr-comra<L
Tbe bidder mut nbmlt w1tb bJs proposal a cerWled check
or bjdder's boDII made payable to the order ot tbe Orange
Colmt)' Waterworks District No. 4 for ao aiDOUDt DOt leSB than
10 percent of tbt agrepte sum of tbe bid, as a gari!Ue that
the -..w --tbe --O'llblD 10 eaJendar days 1l the same 1s awarded to him, aoo lD eveot of
falbae to eWir tmo sueb COitract said check wtll become the
propsriJ of tile Dlstrtet.
Tbe &mold. of tbe bond to be gtnn to sectD'e a tlithful. per ..
&lrm&DCe of the cootnct tor Slid worll: sba.l1 be 50 percent ot
tile contract price tbereot. and aD additiol;lal boDd lD an amount
eqlll..l to 50 perceat of tbe cootract price for sa.kt WOI"t. wblcb
boad sball proY1de tbat 1f tbe persoa or b1s subcootractors
lall to 1J0f tor 10111 matorlals, provlsloos or -. ....,u.s used
1n, .,.., llr, or ab:Ma tbe perllrmaace of the wort com:racted.
to be dcme, or tt any wort or labor tbereon of any t1Dd,
or tor IID()!I•nts chMf UDder tbe liDempk>yment lnsuraoce Act
with respect to sucb WOI"t or labor, tbat tbe ~ety or sureties
wtll paj l:)r tbe same, and also tn case suit is trougbt ~a
tbe bood, a r•IOMble attorDe)"s lee to be fb:ad by the court.
In tile -maace of tile tsrms of tills Cootract, tbe Coo-
tractor sba1l DOt ....,. lD oor permit sucb subooatractors as
be may employ from eapgtag In dlscrtmi.Da.tioD tne~loymeat
of per80DS because of the race, eokr, uf1nnal origin or
ancestry, or rellpoo of sucb persons. Vlolatloo of this
provlsloa may result 1D tbe lmpositioa of penalties referred
to tn Labor Code Sectloa 1735.
Tbe Coatractor will be required to secure tbe peymeot ol
compensation to b.1.s employees tn · accorda.Dce with tbe pro-
Ylslou, 4f .Stootlllo 3'l00 of tile Labor Code aM prior II> per-
form.ln& the worll: of tbe comract tbe Cootnctor sba1l stp
and me witb tbe District tbe follow1ng cerWlc:atioo: "I &m
aware of tbe pr'Orls1oDs of Sectioo 3700 of tbe Labol Code
wbicb require f!fery employer to be t.asured &cau-t UabW.ty
lor workmen's ~satlon or to UDdertab seU-iDAraoce
Ill .. ,........ 00111>--ol lbot eocto, aad l..W
I':I!&"'IA~ .. --"" ~-
""·· .. _ ...... ""·-----.w ••• u , • .....,. ns •• . .,., 7 • .... .... ...Ill .... ,.'
I ' a-&S'rw ~-., ,.._ •• "' ~ ,.,,, R 17 "as--. c:....1t 0... Mil C)'llllll. tlaee.
J ..... -llllllanti.DIMIII·-.PI)&r•MeP' W. . -?9 ...... '!P.. ... _"'''··
•••• ·---.... ~Ciawtn,J:Ia.. -lloe ... ,_ ........ -Gllllo, WrJ 0 .... Rollllrt !lid, L•' t; 1-., ... .,.._., an.u. .: ....... .._,. -. c--. s.-11011 Aldl .. WIDII•I
• ,. -.._ ~ Clloo, Tno., 01111, lllrlllra
HI .. "\ oJOIIII Ho1coeb, TIITJ loiiD-ud Jllll ......_
• SEIQORS Rai.IJ II, -lck 11-Ilona
Holoo Alloo Cnlclt.llollpwaJ ~~opt-~~~bitt Borbln I-'ll v..-NallJ
--· llvn:t Lftla Rlcllord liGrll DOYld Borpr BJa lladotl RC111 Obor-tor
Muey a._.... Roberta ... ,_.. lfUCJ P&IDMI'
Carol -Jelfroy llall-Corot J>arllor
Wlutam Broet Alldr• 11ut1a K1Jo P.n.
Tbomu BCltr Rooald 11ut1a DoYld Pittor ~~=~-d K-llellaql!IA>n Cbrla Qaloo ·-ow. IIIUtr lltellul _, N...,J llol&fl Olue Moore lltllDda RalleJ
Karol Dtu s-1111M'a1 llark --J..., Ec:use Laura Myers I..emre RedlJ
A&boay EYUS Tbomu Ndy Tbomu Pb1 st
JIM FWeber Dt.aDe PMttncm D1ut s.u""*'
OeraldlDo Fliss Lorrlo Plopr Vatorto Sebmlllke
CJDthl& Forbes Cttrilt1Da Rebud Brad Scbulla
lluJ AJIO Oollls Deborab Rood llupret Sebtvs
ADD Grlmsbaw Sba.roa RtiDema.o L1Ddl. Sectllr
Vlctl Hale Coostaoce RidiJIIW&J WlWam S.UU.
St-llammeru 11o .. te Roprs Lori Some!llk
BW Hut LJUD-LIDdaShot'nll
Held! Hellyer net.-a Schlesinger Erie stricter
Jill Hlrscb Jaa Scborc Kao Swttt
Susao Hurd Sari Schulman Lea Wapar
Sactllllo Ikush1ma Robert Searles Lllbet White
Tracey KabaD Teresa Seillng ADdrew Wllll&ms
Carol Lar80D Susan Sbaw Judith Woodward
Tbomu Lee Stepben Sberwood Terri Wulff
EarllDe Loagerbooe Steven Slap Lori WUD:Ierllcb
KeUy McCann Janice Smttb TLDa Zemar
Cbr1st1De Mtller Ann sterllrlg
Naocy MiDder Jeffrey Stolrow
Mary Moise Nels TabU
Katblllll MIJI'l)by Doo Talmage
Fra.oces OllYer Bruce Trubo
Raody Ollver Deborab Tucker
Coonte Osborn Robert Vogel
Patricia Pa)'ne MartlD Walker
Marilyn Pecll: C)'Dtbia Weber
Faye Peters Susan Wheeler
Cynthia Place Ja.oJ. WbiH ..... [) .... Plumb ee -Blake Woodtn.rd LlDda Poi.Ddezter sue Wymu RitcbJe Post
Jea.o Rasmusson * SOPHOMORES
Linda RelDIImao · Lesley Atnrd
Robert Scbminke Carroll Beell:
Jan Schwan Steven Bemett
Laura sr.w Mary Btaerstall
Peter Stephens S.bawn 8t&&omette
Nora Sterl1.Dg Bette Butler
Curt Sw1dler Karl Cellnder
Stepheo Trans Sally Coyle
VlctorJa White Je&DDe Crawford
VlYlaD Wlaers J&mes CtD'rie
Brad Wood Donna OaTis
Lewis Wrlpt Aolta De Maio
Karen A.rooJd
KulD Asbe
KrtstlAe Beosoo
Grec Burll:e
Cbutotte But&
Teresa Carden
Rob1D C.bard
Deony CUne
Vic.ti Clucas
Carl Coon
Lioda Dawson
JohD Diemer
DaTe Eastman
Joho Farrer
Patricl.a Ga.llls
Nancy Gicll:
Aoo Grasso
Tracey Gust
Sue Herman
Barbara Hlestaod
-... Hopett Jotu:l Holcomb
Terry J obiiSoa
Valerie Joa.-
Lawreace JODH x..., .... 7
ltA'It$.1"0114::Us!~I'IED ADS
1TI• » ~ .... '••• y-y~··--lJD
21 -· .. 3D-· ---100 31 _. .. ., -· __ ., 100
Eodo....t-«1-.lo., ,~
nt-'~ 2.JI s.oo s.oo 4.00
4:00 5.00
.10 .15
• N -....z Iiebe .wtD .-be r$fillnid to Alnllllt a cer-
Wicate tbat be carrlu compeasattoo lnsUl'I.DCe carerlnc
b.1.s employees .,o wort to be done UDder tbe comn.ct wb!cb
may be eotered 1at.o betweea him and the said District for
tiM! coostrucUon of said wort.
No bid wt.ll be accepted trom a Contractor wOO is DOt
Uceused la accorc2lnc e wltb tbe Jaw under tbe prOfisioos
of Dh1slon m, Cbapter 9 of tbe Business and Professions
Code of tbe state-of Galltornia.
Crail Ad&ma
Carolyn Aoder110n
Ttx>mas Aodrews
Barbua Bailey
Duel Beareouti
Jim Blauer
N...,y llupll
Katl1leea Eeeles
Mellaa Fowlbs
K>tiii'JII G&p>:>ll
John Gallls
Larry Geotost
OlaDe Glenll
Leslee Godfrey
Mattbew Greer
Nancie Grosz.b'uger
Doug Horsey
Ken Kalmbacb
Kathy Kawa.mura
Steve Krau
Randy La.rsoa
Paul L1Ddrotb
Victoria Lobman
Kirll: Mader
Debbie Meany,
Frank Miooameyet
James Moise
CiDdy Nash
-==:-::-:-::::--Sa_ve Time And Money-Call An Expe.--:crt=~-
o I!AUTY SALOII o HEALTH IISOIT 0,~~~~·! .. ,·-----
No bid wtll be received unless it is made on the bla.nll: form
furnished by the Engi.Deer. Tbe specla.l atteatioo of pro-
spective bidders ts called to the "lnformatloo for Bidders"
annexed to the bla.nll: form ot proposal for full directions
as to biddl.ng, etc.
Plans a.Dd specillcatioas a.Dd other contract documents
may be secured \1)011 paymeut, lncludlng State Sales Tu, of:
(a) $4,611, II requested by msll
(b) $3.64, 11 picked !C) at tbe District omce
made payable to:
Orange County Watenrorll:s Dtstrtct No. 4
Post OUlce Box 1078 (MatUng address)
400 West Ei &htb street (street address)
Santa Am, Calltorola
There w1ll be DO refUnd tor r eturn of plans and ~~
tlcaUons and return 1s oot required.
. Tbe Board of S~isors reserves the right to reject
any a.od all bids and to n.Ive any intormallty lD any btd
r eceived.
No bidder may wlthdraw his bid for a period of 30 days
after tbe Ume set tor the opening thereof.
Ruth Breode
R icba.rd &ttoa
Sherry C&meron
GUman Carver
Bruce Charles
George Cheron
Nathaniel Cobeo
SusaD Currie
Thomas Dale
Peter De Graff
Cberyl Dyer
David Eccles
Bet1Da Ecbteroa.cb
druce Enciar
Daniel Farrell
Sus:a.a Farrer
Daryl Fruee
NlcOOla.s fW'"tlcella
Terril Gaddis
Oeborab Gracey
Pbyllls Guy
Stephen Hansen
Tyra Let Hansen
Kelly Hugbes
Robert Isbell
Susa.o J erram
Br&dley Johnsoo
Steven Joboson
Susan Johnson
Lucinda Jooes
Katbleeo Kelly
Dean Kewtsb
Sten Kopensll:l
Cbrlsttae Ktlpttue
Laurie LuDd
ADDe Lawrence
Nancy Lee
Beolta LUlegraven
Reoe LoGe
Loreu lme
Bruce Lymburn
RoblD Mebleur
DaYld Nichols
Tom Osboroe
Jean Parte!
Pam Pa.tt18oo
Sten Plumb
La.urte Pringle
Peter Rocbe
Stepbeo Sebooe
Bradford Smith
Jim S..eet
Myles Walter
Scot WaU
Pat Wl.l11ams
Tom Woodruff
2132 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del War
Phone &n-7 336
Free Parllh1o1 ia. Froa.t
300 W. Coast Hw,.
Hewport a .. a.
Telephone: 6.42-08.44
By order of the Board of SlC)erVisors of the Orange CowQ
Waterworks District No.4, Orange County, Calltlrnla..
Married Saturday, JtmeZI,at dale, Aria., and the 1:ate Wra. 532 ·5949 (SEAL) W, E, STJOHN
CowQ" Clerk and e:r.-Offtcio
Clert of the Board of SICI'8f·
Ylsors of the Orango Co1mtJ
Waterworks Distrtct No. 4
St. Mull: Presb)1.erta.D Cburcb lllllard.. AreeeptkmalNnpor.
Ill East BlullnrelltssllullyD tsr laD followed lho c:oremooy, AMERICAN
Loutso Wt-. dsul!lllar olllr, Tbe bride II s erlduale of CONSTRUCTION CO.
llal>el L. Castel%
and Ill's. E. E. 8ood of North UCLA, aDd tbeiii"'OOD lfad-.tecl CALL DAY Olt MIGHT
lloll)"1100d, IUldRoosT,IIWud, f>om tile UIIIYsrllll;y of Arlaoaa ~----~"""'='---
Publlsb Newport Harbor July 10, 1969. . -of lllllud of-. st 1'ueaoll. • 1-IIUH •
~ Frtm,.;l3~~•u ~ •~•uf;;;;6,
.fltmurial Jfark
··~ in OM Bearm/al ,_.. Bee•• the fuacralllld bwia1 aolel CID"Dpt
dimie•!Jtl the ~ for~ ~ ~· a.ffic on memow hip.,i, &mily
iod 7 fdmds alike may now pay their lull teo
Sp«ts "',~iag the buri&l sen-ice. .. well '
.. _ •·<hipeltmice. aJl at oDe h>l.rlti&l pbar;
11t Jelr'QIIt IIIII_,. caamiz~. '.
7'14,.... ... 714 ' ...... Mftl
... TillS
--,., 'J'I ... 1Ht IM
, Mf L C...IWr• a. ......... . .....
6 :J9.2.441 12 6-0381 I EAOI
673-5822 675-3353
Penl•l.. Wetb
~rto-r nw • 111 • a ...........
.... , •• lzrtllr
All--III!IFI-f'ti'CFCJI I dIll
3aO L C..ot ...,,. C11M
• IIIAIC!S (DUe--• IDol) * SHDCK$ • ALIGIIIIEMT . fer, .. , E,...-t S.Mc•
.,.UIBII!I ,~,···. -. "-... *'·
')1 ···.k;; •• 'i{,' ........
Shrubs, Interior Plonts
Tropical & TrHs
l"'ectcides and Fertiliz.,
S&H Grun Stamps
1:H1:1: 1)1.'1.11'1:11\'
CO~It DO. MAa MJUI:IrY ntt E. r.-t NWJ., 11H ...
Shoe Repair
Aopo;, -,[)yo Work
1110 HaltiOr lfwd. eo ........ _ ... 3311
1'ze « r · ,.. .....
67MI •.
M.cl•••, CDMt
1!-.y -4•4Kio4 c •• -ou -MJ••t
Dalh·_,. s.r.ice AYIIII•W•
lilt E. COAST BIIT •
CO !lOll A DEL liAR
T ... , ..... 675-656.4
(Ac.• ... nwe c .. .._.)
.-. .•• PI
. -:..;,'1; ~
. .
In Cameo Shores, where living 18
at 118 beat I
Tbl.a just 11B1ed luxury 4-bedrooiD
home has everything. Inviting Olym-
pic-size pool. Plenty of yard room
fron~ and rear. Breathtaldng view of
Coast Line. Apropx. 3,000 sq. ft. of
living apace.
Recently redecorated-finest qual-
tty drapes, ankle deep ,;arpe18. All .
large rooms. Separate · FamUy Room
and Den opening onto Pool area.
Many extras. Bunt-in cabine18, 3-car
The comer location assures extra
privacy. It's vacant-ready for the
knowledgeable buyer who would ap-
prectatethe senatbleprice of$86,500.
$10,000 down, balance $200 a month
including 7% interest. Property 18
clean ••• income $3,900 on a yearly
basts. Can be greatly increased with
summer rentals. There are no leases.
3 Bedrooms - 2 Baths
Fireplace -Bunt-ins
Forced Ali Heat
$ 3,500
· Realtara
bl...,. ScMce SIIKe 190
lsaputl1•t ll11
.......... c.w ..
Panoramic View
of Ocean and Jetty
Mil OCUli .. YD., CD-A DIL liAR
Grill DAILY 1-S,.-. tlo-tlo SIIIIDAY
~, .,. -~ 1•11" loulf • A SPECIAL HOUSE
lhll•• •1.Jtde Co.,oa •• loeacioa. New
kltdle-.adOGI pMi.o,
332~ .. eo-del ... -673-8550
i::.CiTii'lii .W:BirEC'ruu
Y. f'RAHI<l.UC
RO.l.TOR \ -fat--c.-...... Cllilnil
•m IAllm
J realty
-~ . . ..
• 1/2 priced at nearly land value.
• Front bouse fireplace and b:xlkcue
wall, 2 baths, 2 bedrooms.
• Rear bouse new paint and carpet.
• Owner wUl finance.
3036 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar, Calif. 675·1662
when you BUY, SELL, or LE4ASEt
-~----··----T1w ............. ... ,..., ........ Rllttar • .,.._ .... _....,... ........... ...
........................... Coi* .. Edia
dill_ ..... ., ..... --9 do&
lltil S$8&PC '~loa. ..... _, no . ·-.. _... fKta. ______ ... __
............ JIII!CIII*a. .......
v ............... ~ ...
t --~-.. ... -· ...... ,............. . ..... _ .. ........... ,.,,.. ...... .. .. ,.. .......
............ ._., 7 ..... .. . ..,_,.. .................... ..
• es ... ,~ .. -. ..... ...
flllj o .._ FIRST--t~ o REAL'OOR
Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa
B01rd of Realtors
CtiY ........ 10MYI
::----, I'OMIT LAIIM ....
--AlftWLIA CAMf'Aicll
-~-.r&a.Y•rota= 10111 ,_ ..., ,... or n&u raa ••-_ .... _ .......
ftiUL lS GUAIIAMT!ID ... ·····-p Pet Shop •
27U I. COAlY IIWY. • ,NOM I 1~2411
-·· . -
The Safest Drive on earth···
40,000 miles Tread Wear Guarantee
·. . .•
• : •• • -.. " .·;:;~o•. ,. :r.._ •. •
A set of Michelin X steel cord radial
tires can outlast your car.
We don't mean to imply that it's the rule for Michelin tires tooutlastthe car
that uses them. But it is common for our customers to drive SO to 60
thousand miles on a set of Michel ins before the tread is gone. And many
careful drivers do much better than that!
The exceptional mileage from a set of Mic hel ins is due to the unique
radial design and steel cord construction-not to a superior rubber
compound. (Although Michelin uses the flnest rubber available. it's not
measurably better than the best used by other manufacturers.)
Michelins last longer because they roll, turn and stop with less friction.
So there's less skidding, scuffing and scrubbing of tread on the road.
This lack of rolling resistance can reduce your gasoline
consumption up to 10%!
3601 E. COAST HWY.
PHOIIE 67S.2266
with any Gas Fm Up ••.
and Spray Wax Too!!
JULY 11·12-13
The fint of its kind in Orange Cnntt
We tea•-"-e fastest & finest car
19' ST. CAl ·
al w. 19111 St.
CAT . IPQ3 TAU -• ~ • .... .......... A., ......
~:.:-..... ~": -
* Ultro Moolom * Flori4o Sun T• Rooms ~ FICiitits *,...,.... lolhs
*a-S-IINw * Cooilll ..... Focf&~ts
* Elecliwic M1u1ft *Swiss FodolMichlnn
........ ,11 ....... ..,....., ..... ... ...... -........... ,
Go111p1e1t F~e~1ties fer Mill & W011111
c.a w Slip br fer ,_.FI& 1011t
IWIIIOIIIZERS In tlJle oc-from a Rotary puty, -
1150, LDcbded, from left. Maurie StaDJey, JobD AI1eo &Dd
ll&dd. Rtoc. llaurle NrYed u 81CJ'etary ot tbe clli), &Dd
Jolla a.ad Ha.dd both MI'Yed u prestdeDtl. (Keot Hitebcock
DANCING to a u .. Iy-atllloRolarlus'bud Umoaputy:
THIS LADlES NIGHT PARTY was belddurlnetbeprestdeacy
of -L. Calll& In 1949-50. Tbe head table occ-
1Deladed. &om left, Jack .and Betty Cole, Dorotby aDd Bob
Callie, &lid tbo Nelmn sta11ord's. (P-by Keat -bcoct.)
CGeTA --r ~.--=--T ~ • ~...... • ., , .. ' ... , J11 •
ROTARY. • • 1939-1969
A wood eotwed 8C140 '* pyoa to BobAllooatlllo_.._
-olbUnlpu-JI'o--t.lll ... _ • .,. _,
ID DIWI CUIPnp Ud ..,_,. ol
tbo iJiart of llloNewport..BoBa Ro«aey Clab.
The~ WbiCbftS
made I>Jioynw-.ct.erC!yaa
Ball, llld to llao U JI'Hldeot, "'ROT ARIAMS ClVE BEACH
toU. of 1110 -!If of !be local NEW BABY."
e• oa huclay •.wtc. Sept, Tbe oews item bectu ID ttl1s
lt, 1919, at a blaquet at the tonpe-iD-cbeet maaaer:
Newport Harbor Yacht Cll.tl. "Despite the doutltfUleoaree
A pap cmt .tory 1D the New-of Us parentap, Newport Bill-
port Belbol. News Times, boa Rotary Cllt) reeelYed of.
publllbed bf tbe late Sam ficl.a.l recocnltloa Tue8day
Meyer, earr1es tbe beading, D.Jght, when Rotarl.ans from au
over Southern cautorDla, 100
strong, desee~ on UU. etty,
presented their Dewest baby
With a btaod new charter &Dd
showered the you.ngster Wf.tb
gUts of all kiDds.
"Tileir faces sh1D1ng w1tb tbe
glow of senice, lntermi.DcWd
with a blt of perspln.tloo, Z8
members were gt:t'en their code
of ethics at the Newport Harbot
Yacht club LD a l:Juxluet and
program that wu enjoyed by ooe
of the lar&Ht crowds ever p.-
tbered lD that delighttul spot,"
The story listed the following
Z8 charter members: Jobn K.
Allen, Robert Allen, S. w.
Blackbea.rd, Myron G. Buns,
Pierre A. Chamberlin, Marlo.D
C. Dodd, Edward A. Dudley,
Phtlmer Ellerbroek, Horace 0.
Ensign, Richard W. Greer,
Clyan H. Hall, Anton Hersbey,
David S. Kamp, ADdy A. Kirk,
Harry I...ace, Thomu H, Lowry,
George E. MacGiniH.e, LiDcolD
H. Norman. Lee 0. Poteet,
Gerald W. Ritchie, George B.
Rogers, stanley P. Sawyer,
Coorad H. Shook, Mason E,
SUer, Hal Will Smith, Erw1o
H. Spicer, Earl W. Stanley,
and Arthur J. White.
Tbe charter ottlcers!Deluded
Robert Allen as the ftrst pre-
sident; George MacGLDltie,
flee-president; Yarion Dodd,
secretary; Erwtn Spicer, trea-
surer; Conrad Shoot, sergant-
at...a.rms; Earl W. stanley, di-
ENJOYING an early out-Of-doors Rotary party: oa tbe flU' side or the-table, left to rigbt,
Stan a.od Sally Sa "fer, Mr. am Mrs. Clyan Hall, Nellie a.od Connie Sboot aDd BiUJe
Allen; at tbe right side ol tbe table, Sue Httetunaa lD torearotmd, Marge and Art White
I.Dd Earl stanley.
A welcome to the new OOrn
Rotary c too was exteadod bJ
Paul A. Palmer, presldeat of
tbe Newport Harbor Cba.mber of
Commerce; Theodore Roblns,
presideot of the Co.ta Mesa-
Newport Harbor UonsClub, alld
Edwin F. Gould. u preside&
of tile ""'"""'"" 0rao&o Rotary Club.
llartoD Dodd lD a black dui>J, tuudo jlcket, loru &lid FELLOW ROTARWIS (l!lldmm .. _,._)bo!podcbuter
putur'o 11Jr-collar, &lid lreekle-laced Kay Finch presldeot Bob Allea ce-.to Ills eleetloo tu !be Nnport
Wblte, 0, Z. Raberboa (later ll8o a coaDCilman), Mloa
Hershey, 81We AUeu, TOlly Herlbey, Bob AlleD. John
AileD l!lld Balboa lalalld Po-£ft!yu Rldor. .-:dr:..:N=ood=.::!IC>:..:llte=.:•.:blllblll==J .!:IJPSJ~::.· _________ ::.Beae=b:..:.Cl::;I>:_Couocl==l.:ln:.l::II4Q,:::;• lelt tu rtpl, llariO (lkL Art)
BALBOA lSLANDERS attbe bardtlmesRot&rypartylDeluded
Partlt (Dr. lloraee) ParOer l!lld Ills _R_otar_:Y>_oo_==:c--
H.J. Garrett's 14th Semi-Annual
10" DIIIUIR • . . • . • • • . • • • . . • . 48t.OO
HI Gil CMIST ••••••••••••••••• 111.00
KING Sill MIADIOARD ••••••••• 17t.OO
NIGIIT STI,MD ••• , ••••••••••••• liii.QO
TWIN Mil lOIS •• !. ••••••••••••• 81.00
H.J .. GAR.R.Elf ~~Nf]URE ----·--
(lcll lo rJtjll) LWll!l 1..-L -too) Dodd, lllldrod SlultJ, -ud lllJic .W.O. Sally ud stu s...,... -(lira.
TO!lJ) IIW!II!iJ, 1110 C!yaa Hall's, &lid -Doclll.
Fictitious Firm Name
hereby certil)' tbat be is coo-
ductlng a business at 1651 Pla-
centia, Costa Mesa., CaUL,
under the fictitious firm oa.me
of A-Alectric and that said ftrm
Is composed of the following
person whose name LD fUll and
place of residence are as til-
lows, to-wit: Gerard Wooters,
5001 River Ave., Newport
Beach, CaW.
WITNESS my ba.Dd this 6ttl
day of June, 1969.
Gerard Wooters
ON THtS 6th day of June,
1969, be63rre me, a NotaryP~
lie I.D. and b' said OCMUXJ and
~tate. residlAc thwela, d\lly
commiaskmed &Dd nora. per.
-u, -od :Man!
Wooters, kmwu to me to be
tM penon W'boM a&me Lt llllb-
acrlbed to tbl wtthiD ilaltn-
meat. ud aclcaDwledpd to me
tllatbo_lllo_. CHRISTEN HELD FOR 4 TRANSPAC ENTRIES £~ '\:: ~-:':
-pat Wo Drol..,._ ...... , ltlJao Dowoolt ud bah---&lid !Ia-Go7 Doru, lUdt --ud ~ ud-
nplo ~ wu llolil at Daft--Cl'W,-lha ft1loa, -bJ -&lid Bill Sbort, aloo -...,..,. IIJ c .. •l--FII>. --~liMO.,.....,. .... '""bsW ~ ........ crw; -. ......... to &fftA-fA'elddllla......... PattD '1111.
&tol. hiJ I, lw 4 "I"Ml 1 c Tell Irlrno, -.AJoo-Ia~ aU.-_ ~---Ia -: ~-.. lwll l, 10,
-"ftt ~ • ud Jllllll ..... lha -Slit~=--==:...::..::
-.-..... ,.,_-~Ill ~
,_ .. -. ,_,-... • HAWAIWIA, "•-t a. -.,.._ All ••••r• ftr hi IIIII IIIII•
--. -~-~loJ-?ll•'" IIIII -· ~v ud • •wna:•u.. -...,.n a ,_., .MoCaa~n. ,.. ,. 111a ..._. - ----••·----~ ... ..,..,. .... -. ::--·,·· ·rr:·..Q =~ It .: ": --: l, ~=-':'
,. ..... Cilia. -r• , s • ., a...; .. lAirJ, ..sets • ,. '*lv Cd.oltt c.
...... .... .. ..... 1'1 s·IC~....... ...
-· -t1 tl-1-.wl I l;lllr•-M --.... --
... c ··~· , .. Du••i .. y ............ l·tr •..... -:e;;:~al-!~·~· ~··~~-~·; .... ~~~!!! C, q5 ... - , ... ._ ......... li I I ...__ tl :--JoliJJ ... .. •
YIIUI'J Dr.-......... -· nonloJII"CIIrMlrY .... --
.,WILLI .....
Repri•t .. from
Billy CfUaM'a Oeciekta Mapata.
8d 719, Miu .. poll•. Miu. 55440
• w.u. A. ~!:;''c"!!.::~~~t!i~;t. -~ .. em"*' liwa t. S.•ta A ...
H• Hn'H .. o..nal ~?•• /NIIM Sot~oClnt~ -~~~~~~~ ~.,.w::.' 1~ f;.!:. ~~t atlll eoald DOl fear of fallln• Into the water and
"""' llr. lluov .:. fa.~illtii .,..v ~ ltrapa. beiq ·at the lha.rb' mercy, Chris E1lem1 n.hten continued to blue and I paddled continuoualy, ualna: The plac:e waa a Flyina: Fort.-a'ftT at Llttlo To"'""· the atan to aet our course toward alrfteld about twenty mlleo from "Jioel" ltal7. ·
the city of Tunla on the North !looked up. Chria wu at the radio At dawn we aaw land. It puaed
African coast. The time waa four room door, foUowed by Bob, the ~ away In about a half-hour~ mi-
o'c1ock on the mominr; of Auauat pilot. With their help, one buckle rap. Later that morning we saw
4, 1943. It waa another day of World waa futened. There waan't tlme a butterfl7. How far can a butterfty
War II, a day that for any of ua to readjust the ltnpe, aa the plane 117? About noon were heard plane
could be our last. could blow to blta any aeeond. Aa ena:Jneo and aoon three fiJ<hten
I •u a radio operator and aerial it was, ftames were now in the radio came into view. Our joy and waving
gunner on a f~ur-engine. heavy room and our own ammunition waa turned to fear-they were Nazh.
bomber named Little Ta~"" af~ exploding; yet nothing hit us. To They spotted ua and dived toward
the airlfriend of our ptlot. TbtJ take off the jacket would make the our raft. They buzzed ue, did a ro11 Aupet moming I was unable to lc>-hameea dangeroualy Jooatt d cate my light ftight jacket, the one uJump 1., Ch~-on!-~.a · an were aoon lost from sight. Now h th f h te ue ~. it was certain we would soon be
7ltf) ,., -... .. !!11!1'"" ... -.-.
.iiiiiiiliiora -~ACCO .. ._.PIENT OF cM.VNrf
T'twe ~ In ql t • I .. .... ...... fMI .._ wt of
rMd tMt Chrillt ... fDr -. ......... Mil ,....., •• I LP' al I v... 6 ................ frtr --, h .. ,,,, II ...........
ut In out ntba •• Vwllll I thlll ..,.. "' • -of tls:F •un He..._. for •• ow 1M..,.. _, n .fru••11. Te,_.. ... v.. 10 tMt: He._. fDr • In ,.u~t•l• .. ...., .... th.t
aur •••••111ft. ''Ciwttl .,.. fw ........... ..,
f1nt. v... • ._.a: "'fot ....,_ ••cen.e -......... ...
wo-yotWI'IHOUT miEHelH, -· (t 11m. 1:15~ M c:.o-, In .,. time Christ dted W tM He peW the )ult ....._tor.,._
~.·· for the .... fllf .. "......... • --· .... -.... _ .. __ ........... tMmMhlet ICC._,tabM tlo God br' ftld fNely ~God' a.,_., thfou&h
hum.n effott.' but they never tue> the r~ thet It in CIMt8t
CMd. we e~~n't •• or n.ttC to Jwut" (Rom. 3:2-1).
huwn. we can't flY theN, .. But Rom. 5:10 1oe1 ewn ,.,.
c.n't climb I'*-not wen by ther, ott.tna hope and lrta to
d<Mrw JOOCI WOfks. for lood WOfb uw.. 1llll'ho '*'-NS6JtiiCI God's
It what we OUiht to do, and we ,...ee lnd Njec;1led H6a SOft, for should not expect them to counter-beT•nce our s inful her. the 1....-.t Chrttt-ntector thouahts and deed._ Anyway, of all time. now~ awed
H..wn is Gad's •nd He says we e~~· =~EMIU. .,..
c.nnot 1-'n It by worb. "Fot by
lrKe era ye sewoed, ~ fifth, were nconcited to God by the
and th.t: not of yourwtv.a; tt ls dMth of Hl8 Soft" (Rom. !5:10).
tM l ift of God: not of worQ, And 10 the het ..... the .anful,
~t any m•n should boast'' ~. and the ,-..Nous. cen flnd
(Eph. 2:8.9). ~ wtttt God tf only they
Next. Rom. 5:8 says: "God will tum from tMW lin •nd fall-
commandeth Hia love towwd us, ure to Him. "e.Mew on the Lord
In that. While we ...,. ~ SIN· Jesus Ctutst and thou shalt bll
NEAS, Christ diad for us." ....-.ct (Acts U5:31).
A COFFIN FOR THE LAW to wbie . e etra~ 0 • my. parae u Bob leaped from the plane, but I picked up aa prisoners of war. We
were adJusted. Behevmg It had been remained, looking out the doorway, to ped ddl God had barety liven the Law coven•nt of ttte 1aw in e coffin
left in. the J?lane, I put on my heavy tryinw to gain enough courage to II P pa tng. to Moses when He ordered it to end met wrth Hts P80PM f1om e
wool.lmed J&cket. jump with one budc:le unfastened. My New Testament and picture be put in e coffin. '""-t's rfcht-"mercy -.t" none of them wer
All we left our tent for the quar· Cbria waited a moment. then puehed of Ethel were •lil'htly wet. I looked • coffin. The reeson for this Is would h•""' bMn aav«~.
ter-mile Walk to the mesa baH, I felt me out at the picture and wondered if I that the Mouk: covenent c*-l'ty Th is Otd Tnt.ment typtt tt.s e OO~h my b~~t po;ckets to make cer~ I puited the rip cord, cloeed my would ever eee her arain. I began stipul.t:ed: "Now therefore, IF YE lesson Jor us 'too, tor it God dMft
tam my '!lfe s p1cture waa in one eyee and waited-nothing happened! reading the New Testament. There Will OBEY MY YOtcE INDEED, with us KCOI'di,. to our worU
and the G1de:on New Testament ehe The thought of an unopened chute must be a God! Yet why hadn't :,.":11':P. M~U:r~!:reE:,: =-"~h!:t W:Ut! :;':, :--..,.:
had ~nt ,me 1~ the other_. is terrifying. When finally I opened someone eome out to pick ue up! Me ebo¥e •II peop6e, for •II u.. mMtlnl fOf' us the ctetNnds of •
I d1dn t bel1~ve the Btble ":u the 1111 eyes, 1 eaw above me that beau· Early the nut morning, Chrie Mrth is Mine" (Ell. s:19). brok u.. th . ht
Word of Goc:i; In fact, I waan~ even tiful white umbrella, gently takinl' exclaimed, '~k! Porpoises!" It tsrHI, of C01.4.1'M. did not obey .. ~"by,;.:, ~:O::h":ith ~ au~ God ex1eted. ! had n~t reJected me down. My body had been in just wu true. The enemy of sharks had God's v.Hce lncte.d, but broke the Hts redemptive wont.
ChriSt 811 my Savior; 1 111mply had the right position wben it opened anived and now were protecting Lllw before Moses even 101 down co .. 2:14 uys concemina thiS
never been brought to a place w.be.re 80 I was not yanked upright. ue ! I found myself thanking God. from Stnel. tt ... beceuse of "tt.ndwritina of dec:,..., that wn
I understood that euch a personal Me, thanking God! ttus tMt Gad. in II'Ke, uid: "And -e:•inst us," 'ttt•t our Lont, In
experience with Jesus was possible We had been warned that the We talked very little, ate ehoco-they shell matte Me en •R ... " «M•th. ''TOOK IT OUT Of" THE
----o r necessary. Some t ime after I enemy shot at parachutists. Now late and drank water sparingly. I (Ex. 25:10). This word "•ttt" is WAY, NAILINGITTOHtSCROSS,"
went overseas, my wife had become several of the Muaeraclamitu were took out my New Testament again rendered "coffin" In the t .. t end Rom. 7:6 eon on to expteln:
s Christian. She had tried to explain cloee by. They circled me a few and turned to the back cover. Sal. verse of Genesis •net th.t 1• its "But now .. •re OEUYERED
t he plan of salvation in her letters times. tipped t heir wings and flew vation waa explained in eimple-t;o.. simple mMrMn&. 1M why did God FROM THE LAW. that Mina D£AD
but at that time it conveyed no on. As I came closer to the water understand eequenee. God promiaed :':. •or ~,:tt~:: : .. :Z :=n ~r:'N ~~n:"~ ~
meaning to me. 1 carried the New I made futile attempts to unbuckle to accept me, no matter how einful nKitl7 The en..., is: To put the SF'tRIT, •nd not in the Okfneu of
Testament at her request. with a m.r harness. Unless I eould free my~ I waa, if I believed that Jesus Christ Lew ln. RueS It tor-yourself: the letter." Ttws betievers In
feeling that it might bring me good &elf before striking the water, my died for my eins. I could become a "And thou sh.tt put Into the Christ •re uv.d "by II'Ke ...
luck, like the piece of flak I always chute might drag me under or fall 80n of God ! I eould receive salv~ COFFIN the testimony (the t..w) thf'OUih f•ith ... not of WOtb"
took along on missions. over me. I was still working at it tion, as my wife had been trying to which I sh .. l live thft ... •nd but "unto load worils, which Gad
We walked on. Glows from ciga-when I etruck the water. The para-explain to me. There on that ralt thou sh•lt put the MERCY SEAT tt.th before ont••ned tNt we
rettes and intermittent flares from chute feH harmlessly to the aide and faath entered my heart. Why ? How! above upon the coffin · · ... (U. should ••lk in them" (Eph. 2:8-
mat ches were the only lighta in the I wu able to free myself. I don't know or understand. But it 25:16.21>-11 God had not put the 10).
., Dr .... --
WI .. GOD 0015 TO JAIL
JOMph Will iD pritoa. He WU tbere DO( ....
.. _he hoi!--but --... bod -nih....-.-... had ftPUiaod "'" » vance~ of . the wire of Potiphar, bis ...........
She had lied about bim and hMI fsltefy ac...
CUied h:m; and he h8d. thererorc, been lbrown
Into priMm.
Chapter 39 ot Genesis, which tells tbe IIOI'y,
.. yi, "And he wu there In tbe priaoo. But tbe
Lord was with J01epb.'" II is bater lO be In
jail 1od han God with you than it is to be out
of j8il and without God. ll is better to bave •
body in pljsoo and the tOUI free tb8n It is to
have I body free and the aoul In OM prbon of
lin. '"The steps of e J09d man are orckred by
the Lord" (PMim 37:23); •nd if, as a aood
man, your steps Ire ordered of God to j•il,
God will share your prison cell. The prewnce
of God e~~n rransform a dunaeon to a colony
of heaven, but • palace without His praeoct
and without His love to bias i1 may be a bit ol
Hell itself. It was Jobn Newton who saKI:
While bl~ued witlt a Kf'IU of His love,
A paf«e II toy WotA/d appetu;
Anti prlsan.r would pulgct8 provt,
If JrsJU would dwell witlt me tltere.
This rs not the day-et 1eas1 m America-
wttc:n it is common for men to be put into
prison for refusiDJ lo do evil. There are. how·
ever. other surroundinp in life jusl as ~
plell!ant u a cell; and there are c:ircumstaoca
in life just as confinina as the bolts and ben
of a prison. 1lte God whoK presence made
Joseph's time of imprisoomcat a time of b&ess--
inx for him and a time of ministry to others
will. if our lives are yielded to Him, bless us
and make a. a source of blessina where\let we
may be.
From his priaoa Joseph went to a positioo
of power in Egypc S«<Od only to the kina's.
The God Who wu with him in prison went
with him to the palace. In the day of bis
prominence and wullh Josepb rem.~haed as
fsi lhfu l 10 God as be had been while in jail. I
wonder, after all, il that was DOt the real test
of lhe quality of his faith and apiritu.l experi-
ence. Meny a man who enjoys !he blcuinp of
fellowship with the Most Hiah in the time of
di!appoiotment and IOITO'W and poveny foracts
Him •ntid wealth and prosperity 1nd prom.i-
nence.-American Way Features
~::~~~ ~~ri~~~~lk~~ ~~i~~ an~1=-:ert:Im:,u~d~:i:ib~t~~ h,~n~fore eunsetweagainheard ANSWERING A BIBLE CRITIC
would be broken by someone'a loud waa not in eight. My life preserver plane engines. Thie time it wu one • • •
laughter. After eating, we walked had been left on the plane. Chris of our o~ medium boJ!Ibers. He (EDITOR'S NOTE: nu La a wu ~UJ act cr..U, au .. ..., .... ..,..., ... udtbllaa.llltlreMICI.atbe
on to the brieft.ng room and learned had eet the ~lane on automatic pilot aaw Ill, ctrcled several tJmeBo then .,.,._Hew a( a ...S.afar-pWrtt~ aloiiC,...IIdaMJir1 ..._.tllllt ... _ ... ......_ , 'JI'MI IMe ..... ..._
that our target for the ·day wu the before he Jumped. The Fortreu for aome reaeon unknown to ue ticlubfU.Riif .JoiiDV ers. lark, la.,.._•:n tMcltJ ----1 •pWOOd ~a...,... be dUlled
railroad yards of Naples. ~taly. We should have flown stn.iJht on until dropped a large package, ~bout ~o Xooal& ol eowai:wood, · N • .J., wu abMIWIJ ~ to tlill s q • ..,., .. ...,., t~t~t..W: JDr MMD tD dlc • .ul "ta
then boarded the truck w~ch drove ehe blew up or cnushed mto the sea. ~lee away from us. Cert~1nly wtth-comm..a.a, oa a P'"~tJIIt bJ a. tM l.4rd m dlltrw::tiaL sa a. ldlllilrw, 1M CCJII'tla. tile IDJdlt .. Gilda • wttllalf: u~ to the tarmac where Uttk Tan-Instead, she banked and entered the 10 two or three houn, tt oeemed, Bible cr111c •bo ......... u.t Ia 111o mMIIIacGI ·--· au-ootoolJiajlno•l•••t~~o~r-lodp.OoeGII!Ionu was wattlng. water cloee by me. we would be rescued -but we "lltln.Uam r-. atlnrart iD WI rontrt. Notllllt iD U. bit al8o tiiGel no are u-terrtbll upec:ta ot ..ctoaDc
My ftight jacket wasn't on the All .Little Ta.nnie we!lt under, the weren't. ~t night seemed endless. ac:.ieDce, pbllo8apbJ aDd com-etty wu to be IIJUed uctpl _.,,..,. wUIIIUl. 1a u.t tbe ptr»MM "'::'..~c~om
plane. two hfe rafts stored m the upper When morn1ng came, we eaw aome-lDOD ...... Dr KOODb u-Ra.l:ab ud tboel 1.1 a. a.o.. God a.ws~ Aciu to be w _.., .,..,_, ID tM traM-
Soon our formation was winging portion of the fuselage were re-thinr on the horizon and paddled plalDI atb~e ,~ wbleb wttb 11er wt1o llldJ,tYM.ndtace ..._. ..,.. .._ tMt u. IJ'..at bat Gt'ttrao. oa all
ita. way over the Mediterranea!l, l~ by the impa~. Both were toward it. We were overjoyed to wwe ~ a utact by tM ot tbtlr fallb la tM ltY1IIc ........ IDl&M .. tllllt tM..,.. ecrtet:c. wWa blm _ oftn
flymg close to the water to avo1d npped, but one was 10flated on one find three more members of our crlUe) tnt God (et.lllb: 11:11). Aa ol*1ads&D.1'1MMIIPA.c:bu'aiD08t.,.ereb'oahilo4tlllrLDc.
being picked up by enemy radar. aide. I ewam to it, and Cbrie soon crew. The package the plane had • • • • iiiUDedl&tl bu wu pi11t IIIMID ILaall7 wttuu ~ tala 8toiUc
My thoughts drifted to Ethel, my joined me. A few minutes later we dropped was a raft for them. • JOSHUA 7. Tbt BlbiiiiiJ ODt wbo tool!: b lalmMlf. It 1a .at zNoltll:eiJ Cll'ta1a u.t • • •
wife, and what she had written in heard a yell, "Help ! Sharks!" We All we were tying the rafts to.. erWc's commtat ll: tbal u did Aellu. tw ftlcll wu tbtJ ztllnd 1a lU dlilsbe::tka. • J SAMUEL 11-
her last letter : "I want your life located the paddles etored in the gether, we heard more planes. They "Acbu haTIDc apt .ome of_.... a car ... ne bu. ala Sc:ae a..prMa blu.n tMt n. BlbM critic commeats,
spared, but more important is your raft and paddled in the direction of were five P-38 fighters and a PBY Jertebo's IPOlla. be ud ... l.aelll*l &D.JCM wbo *'-kl If.., .._ .JOIIllla '7:J5 1111 .. Ell "DaHl ....u.c Bsu • ....._ ta.-
ealvation in Christ. All of us here what were now screaJM. We finally ftying boat. We were being reecued! ud di•Cbt•s were sto.tud tenrudl raud tbt cttJ (l ....,. • ._. biJD ...u. .._ wa, oa tbe roo1 ea....t ber
in the church are praying for you reached Bob. His arm bad a chunk God saved my life as well u my bvaed-byDtnateommud.'' JC.baca 11:14). ud t.Md tbem WWIGrt,aftlr lnlltlud to be •at to tblck o1
and the crew." bitten out below the elbow. We laid souL Ill this just another war etory ODea ap1a,. _...afallllrt It iiAftlcleat k aa to tllcJIJr u.., bid ..._, u.m wHb tbl baWl &ad de_.tlld-W-
We were now climbing to our him across ou r laps. of one who had grasped at a lut OD tbl part ot tbe c:rttica ol tM U.U tlle J1a ot Aclall,tbeccwlll:-__., t111t u. 'OU...ul'lfera led -r.U, ••asst•t.,t
bombing altitude of 23,000 feet. As 1t was 3 :30 in the afternoon. etraw when death seemed near, only BlbJe to IIJIII'edatt ._.._. Lie ud tu:ilc t1at ftiadld..at <*lJ to 11:11: l*•edcec _ tbt Urtab, U. married Bltb.
we approached t he Italian mainland, Chocolate ban~ and cans of water to forget about faith once we were CCIAMQiillr.t ollll)' U aca1ut belaac to lllm bat ID God -wu oz-. ....._ ud llbelp _ &Dd ..._,. -Jet ''DaYid wu a
I left my radio position and checked were found. We decided to save rescued? It ie not. Twenty~six yean tM l1Y1Dc ud tnt God • ., MII!OU ID God' a RIM tbllU aot tD blJ -ucldsactu ... mu &It« God's OWD hart."
over t he 50-caliber machine gun them until later. We had no idea later Jeaue Christ, his salvation and Aebt.a'a be•noar 1ll eortti.Dc broQCbt det.t to Israel'• umr ne illw, DwltliODIIGIJ 24:11 DaYid wu ea.lled a "mu
mounted in the hatch above the how long we would be floating. The hie keeping power are just as much alld tMplac .._ ol tbt tpOtll toptblr wlth tbtloaoiJimea. proldbUa ~ to ~ U after God's on~· (1Sun-
radio room. sharks stayed close by, seeming to a part of my life u in that eummer of tbl dooaMd cJtJ' of Jarlebo Aeb&a mat baYt llloacbt b1s .,..._._,. nlldYu, _.... Ml 11:14) bdxe be commttt.d
"Go on oxygen and check in," sense that in time they would have a of 1943. 1 still pray to him and he k lll••lf wu .at a. balm-dt«< woold oal1 aa.ct blm ud tMy .,.e inolNd 1.1 ll.a pUt tbLa terrible lla.. Ko pet1W1oa
Chris, our pilot, ordered. Each po-prey. We were unable to sleep for ettll answers. .... 1llldlrtU:illc IW' fticb bl ~DOt b..t UJOMela.llllt ud aceompUc:ea 1a bill e:nme La oktd a tala aa.a..ta tbt
sition cheeked in. I tried to strap St Th 8 • b I L A Is 6 'Blblo r.-.J.-. Duld-
on my parachute, but the heavy om as I e esson THE FIRST DEACONS c podoaiGIGod'nlllud--. jacket made it impossible to buckle e LeSion 33, Series 11 111J: aiD 11 Jd wllltl'wuMII. btl
the harness. It didn't concern me, S Th Pr " 0 8 35096 H ~ 7703 faith Is t ~ b · d th tim Cb_.-~-God ..t !la.tllu. tbt pr....a...J sollaidthe chuteonthechair.This t. omw e~&-r .. or -ouston. 1 UtU 5 no me:atur~ ywts om;at ~•arne e no ... uanmay"'"'"rontmt to Da.Yid toa..celllmk
was our twenty-third misaion. I had Thi! chapter g ives some vivid pictures of life in the apostolic church. It with an unlnfermed faJth . The road of Chrlatiandevelopmmt ll one: or llrm«th· lllaertmeUdtodeellrt..toblm
not needed to use it before and also raises some tantal izing questions fo r wh ich th ere seem lo be no sall!r.factory ming, invtaorating, and sharpening the mind . A man must haw both wlsdom llil. God llkt Ulat
wouldn't this time. answers. The selecti on of the seven men with Gretk names, wh o served in the and lplrlt-that It, enthusta.m and vigor. that DuSd llld etc..
Enemy fighters in large numbers church as deaco ns, is traditionally understood lo be th e reco rd of establith-Another tnlerestlng insight we get from this incident Is Into the nature of tM Lard'' (Z"ieaal•l
were spotted. When the battle was menl of th a t o rder of the ministry. It ls. however. not at aJI clear precisely what hu traditionally been a "call tothemlni•try." A "call"ll not a myattrloutl God paUbldmOitu
over, two of t hem had burst into what the dulies of th ese men were. W e are told that the purpoM of choosing draft !rom a heavenly vo~ but • request mllde by the churdl. The twelve a mwcllrc
flam es and anot her had plunged into them wu to relieve the twelve from th e mundane duties of ministering at tables, &pcMdes decided they needed help, to they called • medlng. At the meettnc they
the sea. The Fortresses continued o r serving food and earthly things. so that they might attend to prayer and made a request for HVm deacons, and the seven mm were ehoeen by the
on their flight with no a pparent to the minis try of the wo rd. However,lmmediatel yafter his o rdin ation, Stephen assembly. Their selection and ordination wu .uled by the: terviee at wblcb
damage. As we reached land, the does not appear 88 an administrator, but u a preacher-and a very eff«tive the apcMdet praye:t. And laid their hande onthem-eaenti.Uy tbetame8ft'VIce
Nazi fighters broke off their attack one. 1n fact he is !W effective that he ts singled o ut fo r arrest and trial under of ordination that we haw today. It would be a mlttUe to tuppoee that the
and antiaircraft fire came at Ul ralte charges . ordination. conalllt merdy or the act that taka place In the prayer and laytnc
with black blossoms exploding aU One very probable explanation is that the dlvitlon wu made not 1n the on of band e. lt • rather thewbolemovement from the time the~~~ dfdand
around. All we could do wae wait line of duties, bul rather in the communltles to be urved. The whole affair wu vacant untO lndMdual• are choten, called. accept the call. found worthy, and
and hope. 1 even tried to pray : "U oc:cuioned by disputes between the Grecians and the Hebrew.. By the Grecians then mttallecl.
there ill a God, help us to ret back we are undoubtedly to understand Greek--speaking Jews, of whom there were The tame earthly mechank:s by wbich a "call" coma to a man~ fol-
aafely today." many .. They formed a separate community from the PalestlnianJrws,who lowed tn the Mlectlon or -tM twelve and tbdrcommiMioolat•epolld•of
"Bombe away!" sounded out the spoke Aramaic. or perhaps even Hebrew. They had thelr own synaao1u'es, Chrltl. Jet\11 hlmtel(. orcourte, tint called ncb oaebya.ametofollowhtm
bombardier. The plane made a abarp their own leaders, and thetr own community. ThWI ia forfthadowed. eNen ln durtns b .. mlnlttry. That call. howewr. wu not to an apoetolate but to a
bank and we were headed for home. the Jerusalem church, the cultural dlvlalon which wu to appear later between dt.dplethtp. '!'bey wen: called at apoetlet by the rtMa Cbdtt whm be.., ...
All we flew back over 'the water, the: Jewish Chrlsllant and the GentUe Chrittlans. In J erusalem lt.Hif, whe~ himMif rlMn fn:wn the dead to eech Ofte. Bythatecthemade..SODI-
the fighters again renewed their pnsumably all Chrladant were under the Law. there wu even then a dlvislon wltneu. Beine a wttaa .. to tbe Resurndlon ol Ch.rltt quaiiW .._me u
attack. I waa ftring at the eDeDJ7 between those who spoke Greek and thote who spoke Hebrew. apoeil• 8Dd aa.o placed upon then the burclm6 of JN111k fiiiiPOI'IMity thai
when I realised someone waa trying fall wtmeu to what he ~-w -n -~· ~ to __.. Jnto the radio room. I turned Whatever the precite duUe:. or the leaden In each community, It l8 dear t upon eY'ft1 repon auu-e ,....._.,._.,. ...... wl.._.. U NlnC lhOM ntpOMlble for Pl'lllllnc J)I'OI«U.tloD 1D the eMil or and aaw our engineer, SanelY, rrab. whk:h duties were unhre:naUy recarded u moat lmportanL "It lt not ~n a crtme. In tale cue. bowwer, they aft telpOWIWe for tiM pndUIItdlaa o1
blna: his chest chute. It oeemed be that we should leave the Won! of God. and oerve table. • Ratller. they...,. to the Goopol: .. a:ood -loot Cbrtol boo --.,.dead. 11M -
had inadvertently left it in 1111" radio glve themsel vea .. continually to prayer and to themin .. try or the word ... Clearty Ch lilt ,..Uy founded hll dlu~. not at Pln-..t ..... be ·empowend the
room th e upostolk: community would haw been In 1tron1 opposition to tboet .....___.. ........ .._ ..... ---....;•'-on ftrel Ball out'." he d h th n ftll ' ~t ..___._ ,_"'-"I-rta~.-~ ~ wiMrebemiMIItla-ollenawtlb " ..... mo em Ch rl8tlan1 w o aay at H ll necatary nt to a mM • ._,y oaun u.nlq• 1~1.._ and powna.
lboutad)( I · I ~-d bee ulled you try to mln lo,.r to his aoul. The apooti• aald luol the...,....., It Itt ..,..,-. 1o -.. 1a1oo c:barp wbldl -b-"l ...... 8lttphan
y ntereom Pur naa_ n P The apottollc •mtnlalry or the word• wu the taMemtm.tryJObtpJy to b~ 1111out WI at'I'M. He,... MICUMd olflltEttac ..... •ta ..__
out ud 1 hadn't IMard the order aal~ by the 16th-oentu.-,._,n:ltlnt who an: rMpOn:libleformode:m AIMft. ud. zr'JTI God. TIM wo• -'-' UOMi .....t .......... ID ••a rt 110 abandon ttlllp. SaD<Ir qulddJ ·' --.-~ oa hll dMst chute ancJ can ChdtUt.nlty. It wu bMk::liDypc_.h.,..cl tlecblachomthl Batie. The .. lawe -.1 mttc-_., wblda die .1r1w .......... 81---Ill of
uhd, "TOOl all Jloer foromoot value placed then'--by ChttaOion , ........ _ IDtolllpllt .............. ......., ............... -al 'M , .. -· ~
"Taall, I'D be belllnd knowledce ol tile Blbleandp,_,._..,.tblnl<lnliloloolll..,._lalbo .......... ...., --.. ltaa Itt .~ .. --llllllo,lo • ...tu~ ot Stephen'i mlnttuy. He. Mow .. Olhera. ... menlloned .. cloiDI ............. k 1 ..... .., t ..... ., On ....... ._ ••••••
... "llftol woode,. and mh·--• llo people.",_. -•a.y'lo 1M aoo _, .., .... llowe,., to .. Clo:U .._. Ill .. -.::: lb
non-Htb""'~ .... --·,elld-btm,bul"lhoy-aal -S1'1 -~ rt 111 .,.._, ~-•.... .. altktoralellbewloclom-lbeop ... b,-bo.-•H•-a--lt4'r --~of4 H>IOC' nMua ... ._ .. _ ....
::-:~ :: t': =b.t '"'a:~..:.::. ~-:w~~.: -==~. ;:.. ~.:-:::;::. ,' ,.~ :·.:.-:7-: •• s ~~.~~.::.: ._...,_ .. __ ,_, __ ot•••au.rro..,. a., ........... -..... "t ......... 1 , .. ..., ...
ot•eCrue•••• .. quotltdM..,..,.It•••DOv.sa..,_.oi .. WoNID .......... L,11J .. I ..................... ,.. ..
... t~Up~ct.· n-. .... ,.. .. .. •• • ...... .,. of a au............ -.. + .......................... a a a ·~ ~ ..... .
BeltU ..
lo-U.. llo -DllYid, 1to1 --llo-"'" llo-__ _..,Uti_
lila llalo-udlo-
blm to .... ._ ••••• ),
·--· ........... udbMraJII au w aid Dutd 1a ..__.
.11 Ito • .,,..,..ollltl'"a rsP *•· tM Klltl _.., r111 I I (J -II),,..,... God---~·-lila-.-(PooJa •> lila -........,I Sill lilt Colloe---<*•-la-.... , .... 'nl.....-11 ... teTllt._.,..._ ...
·-~~· alti:JO). n.·--... --Gof'o -_. -011 n a ,_ ... DBM_
'T , ....... _ ......... .,_ .....
~---...... -----...... --. .. •-L-••u-•• a£.. .. ... ,. ___ _
I 1M2 -
ftat f·., .. , .... ------~ .............. ... a.. _. ... IZIIPI __ .._..__ ......... ,. .. , ....
... 7 -·--·
IJI•fl• OntFiooA;.I .'Vu·/'Orl Hbtm''
1•01 Cl..+,.,. 0"+••
a:JO l.tn. to CJ:)O i .m. -wOrship ~nnct
9:45 1.m. to \0:45 1.m. -Sundiy SchoOl
11 :00 1.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Service ........ ,_ o: ....... ;. ••
The Rn. Gcorac J . S.sdied:er, Visitation Pu10r --31
fl.UT CBVaal OF
ar•ST, 8CIDI11ST
3303 Via Lido
Newport Beach
9:15•-• . .-411 •.•.
9:15 -11 e.•.
MEETING I •·"'· READING ROOM ..... 4.,•: 9 ...... -5 ..... .
..... ~, 9 ...... -7:4.5 .... .
T-•.t.y -~ Frhf..,:
9 .... -5 ...... ; 1·' ..... . s....4..,: 1 ...... -.. , ... . -.......
Ncwpcrt Beach a1
Cotolta del Mar
IIOO.Poalll.!l ·'¥1~ Dr.
~ETING 1:00 •·•·
11 ...... ...._, Metaal Bld&-
'216! fA;~~,& c.-' Bwy .. CDM.
.. ..,f'd..z JO ...... s
Tlt.M.,-....-.7 .. S.: tO ..... ,, ...
Ler".ws• Q U , ..
1111 ...
,,., ..,., .. a-•
fl•r 1i>tt Bibl.-r e ll-allllp
l•tlwpw•tlnl -A••••-•
S..a Aula M• .. •li• S.s.
Dr. P .G. Neumann, P.,IIIH
l :4.S a.r '· Sund•y School
1;,00 a.m. Momina Wonhil'
6:00 p.ta. Tralniaa Uaioas
7:o-l p.m. Evtitina Woratltip
7:20 ..... Bibl• liwdy
I :IN p.& Praya Mecli•a
A TTDID TilE 0111101
.. ;.;;::~;, -;:~ __ .... ...., .....
.,. .... .a.oot. ....... !-•_ .............. ~ a MID • ., .. , ... •••vtc• """ ~.-.
"I'MU....OA'f ...... ,.D'f
AND IIJAA'f.A7 ... 11J ....
NUM.Wf autttNa HJIIVI e.u , .......... o.. ............. ·--........ L ..... KA ....
A-·iiiO! 7 I
Cl $,11 r , IICI F • t 7 ............ -
P A. Palmer, Cl'la.rman of the Bo.rd • Agn<H ~tst, Pre..otnt
Mann Off~ee 3366 V+a Ltdo, Newport Bead\. c.lifomoa 92663 • Phone 114/873-3130
We do tf.e
FINEST worlc
• '" :1137 E.
c •••••
Cooat Mlw..,.
tlol Mor
COt"onl del Mar Office F•"II"C+OI Piau, 550 Newpor1 Center Orrve • Cororw del Mar. C.hfom•• 9'2&25 • Alone 71 4/644-1 46 1
PUN #t•
Regular Account
This plan is fOf' regular people w1th
regular salaries who have decaded to
save regular amounts anywhere from
$5 a week up. but who want their
money worktng for tl'lem. They also
want it to be some place they can get
their handa on 1t if they need it in a
hurry. If they can leave it alone for '
a year or more. tt will give them the
Big Annual 5.13% yield.
Ate you one of the regular people?
111 the one for you
$25 ... .... ..... 152 304 6011
I y, 3011 ••• 1.233
2Yrw. 032 '·'"" .....
3 Yrs. 972 ..... 3,80'2 .... 1.331 2.1102 5,32-4 .... '.707 3,-415 6.830
lOY~ 3.900 7.801 15.602
15Yrs 6.715 13.432 ......
20Vrs_ 10,329 20.662 41.325
••• ,. •••• It Jll!
Th•s 1S for people who have a sum of
money they would hke to put as1de
and would hke to recetve the •nterest
every month but not touch the
prtt'IC1pal. Perhaps you tntend to leave
the money to your hetrs In th1s plan
the or1gmat mvestment IS retamed for
a lifet1me and you have a regular
1ncome every month
Are your future plans for your
Children's future? Then maybe the
LIFE INCOME PLAN w1ll su1t you
$12.000 ••.500
S 50 00 Per Mortfh eo oo Per Month
!3.00 Per Month
104.00 Per Month
201!1 00 Per Month
All ...,.a-·• .... l.l &l ................ ......... -~.._. _, 5 00'111 .-_..... .... ., ........ _...,_cr. ... -......
'"""' 5 ll'llo l fM ___ .......,.. _..,..., .... 11-II h-..... _...,.. "'-t .. ,_.,., ......
.,., .. n ...t -'*" '""" .. ...,.
Thus1s f~ people who have a lump
Sum of money but wl'lo know
very well that 1f they don't put 11 away
somewhere oot of s1ght. they w1ll
spend 1t They know 1t would be much
better to l'lave a certam amount of
money coming 1n every month over a
g1ven period And 1n this pia" not only
will they get back a lot more than
they put 1n, but there Wttl st1ll be a
nestegg left over to r~ard
themsetves fOf' not blow.ng 11
all at once
Are you one of tl'le smart ones?
ACCOUNT 111 for you
INY£ST ,, ....... AI«>:
you rK~ ..-M:i )'01.1 rtllatn
eecf\ monett for WI ... of•
S 50.00 10 ye.n I 1,875.00
S 50.00 ISyeen S 7.725.00
S 75.00 10 year• S 4,775 00
S 75 00 1 5 years S 1 .000.00 s1oo oo IOye.., s moo
you ..co ...
e.ch month
.,., 00
·~ 10 years
10 yeers
10 yean
lltld you ret:a1n
aro est•e of·
$25.1500 00
1215.050 00
117.800 00
Be in on the hot action of the big, b1g yaeld you w1ll get from that money you
set aside for yourself at Newport Balboa Savangs. Set your sights on one
of these 4 booming savings plans an d start some real money growing with-
out having to worry about the fluctuating market. Your cash as always avail-
able at par value should you need 1t m a hurry: and you'll really get a bang
out of the way your money keeps on earnang compound interest every day.
Celebrate our traditional independence by gettang some for yourself with
your very own savings program. You wall feel very American being so
thrifty and so prosperous all at the same t1me
So take aim and zero in on a savings target at
Newport Balboa Savings. Our fnendly offi-
cers will make sure you shoot in the right
direction with your investment. And you'll
hear the reports every quarter .
Here are 4 savings plans. designed for
4 different types of people or saving
situations. Read them and see which
one auita your savings personality. The
charta will give you an idea of how
each one works. ao look them over;
then ptck a number from 1 to 4 and
come in and let one of our experts
get you started on your specialized
aavlnga or Investment program. And If
none of these Ia exactly what you had
In mind, we have many others .
·p.,:"*"ta "'*'" thte piM IUb;.ct to the provt-
...., of Section I1CM of the CaliftlnU F"II'*'Ciel
CocM ~ wNch • NVtf9 and loen -..oc:••
lion mey not ..,... Ita right to ,..qu;r. loiP to ...
lnOI"'ttw notice of ..........C 1D ~-Uuport
S.lboa Savtnga hn met ..,.'Y wtthdt-.-.1
~ P'~ wltftoul diMly or qullabOn '" our enttN 33 ,...,._
PLAN :4'
GuarantMd Annual Ralt. AccOUftl
nus plan •• fOf pat+ent peop~ who
already ~ve a sum of money
to mvest and are Wllhng to wa•t a
whtle fOf'" a good return on thetr
money. The mm+mum deposit ••
$1,000 (mcM"e •f you Wist!. of course).
'"exchange tor wtuch you recetve a
cert•fic.te whocll guarantees a 30o/o
growth tf left: untouched fOf'
5 years
Are you one of the pattent ones7
RATE ACCOUNT 1s for you.
s 1.000 s 5.000
110.000 ....... ·-·-""-'"" ,._..
VOU WIU. .:cuvt ... ---,,.... .,..,.. s.,....
$ 1.170 S I,.ZJJ $ 1.300
S 5.1152 I I , UIIS S 1.500
I H .XI& lt2.SJI, StUDt
$11..558 Stl.504 Stl.502
·-··-1.00% 17% 23% 30%
0081' A liEU -.,_,.,
1741 lllf'IIIOR AYf.
lllclw•J ~2424
ORiol e l-'1450
Slitn 1942
... -
BID ARE a ...... 1a 1M --.1 '•bat1.1D bloom,. COII-
poiiiP ot 1M Lido lsiO •-·• Clolb: ~ IIJioctoo. II
114, Ia u lYJ lool .... -----..s Amelia LodMJ ta a te&MCr cblplaa ol yellow ""'..., (Lido ,,,._ pbolo.)
OTHER WllfNERS at tbe annual coolest llJld hmebeoa
at the Udo tale clubhouse locluded Mary Rtcbley, at left.
woorlllc bolls, flowers ..s Oaas. am Patllorao, IJilOI1IIIc
a put greeD tbumb, dooe LD creeo feU. bordered w1tb
p1ak cvamums to matcb tbe big pl.nt tbumbnall. (lJdo
lal&Dder -•.)
Police BloHer
• SATURDAY, JUNE Zl Mrs. Edward GaUskls left
Boat Burglars took a $100 p.rage door open beeause
c:IJ.D&bY trom the dock of Douglas wbole fa.mlly was borne at
Liechty, 93 Unda Isle • • . Perham Road, Cameo Sbores,
Charles Herman, 609-1/2 Mar-but undaunted tbiens took $179
guerlte An., Corona del Mar, worth or tools a.aywa.y •
collided wltb Georgia Edmoo, Grant VeUe, 1107 Valley,
501 Signal Road, CWfHaveo, oo Mesa, reported a$45 boat
IIILUK OUIIQI, at 114, .... o-!II t11o moot orJclal "''tlt•J .. tM uwc .. ~ wttb &m.ulc&J. ICQft u
1M -lal m.b. LoeliJo wu.., • -Ia 1M moot
-CllopJ, Is ... Inc • -"" pot "'....-. WUII U .... IIIOQI bumble bee Olltlap, (Udo Jelendtr pboto,)
'Goodies' for soldiers
"Wt ltW ban maAJ tbou-Tbl colorfbl red aad &reea
IUidl ol ~ .rrieem• aad "Ditty Blp" 1ft DOW betDc wom• II! Vl-.n ..S Cbrllt. made II tllo Seo1 8eacJt ..S
mu UD!I Is 11101t -Jy !II a La11!110Hllls Lelaure World b)'
)IDcJe outpoa -away from Red Cross 't'OlUDteers. Tbe Or ..
11uD11J !llld trleods," -IUI&O Cowtty Chapter of Rod llro, JJUDeo F. stewort, OraDp C1'05S oeeds fulldo to purcMM
~ cbolr!JW! of "Operaltoo !be articles to IW !be bop.
Sbop Ear)J."' Tbese articles, wbeo.pureb&Md
1'bl Amerieu Red Cross 1s lbroup Red Croa will •
-. qoln molt:ll!g plans to dis-lljlpro.limolaly U tJr eacb bo(.
tribate "DlttJ Bacs" cont•Jnlng Commlttaes lave be-. ..t _,
welcome "&OOdies" to every LD ma.ay Ora.oce COUDtyarM.SID
...nee mao &Del woman 1D Vlet-receive dooaUoDs. Mrs. Verooo
aam oo Cbristma.s day, 1969. Mathews is cbalrmao lbr Costa
Orange Cowty Chapter has a Mesa. [)onattons may 11m be
quota of 2,600 bags for Sept.. 15. sent to American Red Cross.
Irregular Shapes
IADM"Sprieg -CottGa
2150 N.wport ltwl. liMriy ~llOl E. Coast Hwy •.••• Ray Rork taken trom b1s Vista
reported that $37 worth of Lido sUp •... Someone -~'1
,. ... ....,. Welat'P 1 •• bousebold fllrolsbings had been by Grace MartiJl and took
.. .._ taken from his garage a.t fromle her wallet UDder ber
BEll. BROADWAY 113Emerald, Balboa Island .. , whl she was home at 207 WORTUARY Whik! Lynn Frank11n was doing St., West Newport ••••
clean-~ work outdoor, some-• SUNDAY, JUNE 22 110 Broadway O!lO took his wallet will! $65 Craig Smith, 2601 Clr<le
~U=I=N~III~. I~N=II~II~CWI~o=v~-~~lll~l~t!lro~m#hll~·~!l>~lla~l~rs~bedroo~~m~' Drive, Bay Slm'es, took a ~:>r-at 218 Pearl, Balboa lslaDj • • • lorn look a.t the waves to-
1day alter reporting bls $90
surfboard stolen since June 2V
••• .A $26 car radio was pried
kKtse aod ta..keD from John ~
118-1/2 45th st., West New-
port ••• Tbomas Moore, Z09
Marguerite, Corooa del Mar,
lost $45 worth of stereo ~s OCCASIONS . · · · . Total damoges exceeded $400 ln a.a accident tbat
occurred on Santiago Orin tn
Dover Shores between David
Cabmicha.el, 1400 Sa.ntiago, and
Scot Cbasen., 2011 llira.mar,
Mlss Jean Ann Brant, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brant
of Costa Mesa., and Denn1.s Wid-
mao ofSmmynle, sonofMr.ud
Mrs. Snn Wldma.D of North
Lake, Ill, were UD1ted lD ma.r.
rlage Saturday, June 21, at the
Prince of Peace Lltbera.n 81lT¥Wt.llN l'tiVI:I'tSIDIE 8 TUSTIN . I 81.K. 11:. 011' COAST HIGHWAY
Cburch Costa Mesa.
2121 HAMOII k VD.
30bD&OD• OD
n.ai!CILI\I ceniiUTIL • lillll m • IEICin. G:IIIAI
In IDIOrmlllll llhlblllllll 22 IIIDdlll fldlrlllftiCII RIWihPU .IUIJ 11111.
Here is an invitation for you
and your fam ily to see the
many ways your local law
enforcement agency works
to serve and protect you.
What is ''dactyloscopy ?''
The science of fingerprints.
You will see how fingerprints
are classified, why many
different characteristics must
be studi~ before a print can
be positively identified, and you
will learn to identify the major
fingerprint classifications-
whorl, loop and tented-arch.
Dactyloscopy, my dear Watson.
You will see how an artist works
from eyewitness descriptions to sketch
a remarkable
likeness of a suspect.
And how theM aketches
are used to quicken
the aearch tor wanted
men and women.
a.l:ll2333 E11t Coast Hlgh~IY
You'll be able to take a tlrat--hand
look at the drugs you hur 10 much
about In the news-·'apHCI,"
''amphetamlnea,'' and "bennlea."
You'll also ... marijuana
and learn how to ldenHfy this
common looking plant.
A colorlulllne-up of unllomto,
ba~. eor!y pollco p/Jologroplto
r and recorda, ptu. old and new polk:e
equipment add an lniorelllng "'*to.,.
hlilory of low onfor-1 In JOUr c:oinmunlty.
Wo IKII" you to vlolt lfOUI' MArMI Glandale
F-al olllco to-how .,._coM-
ot low and order -you ond JOUt family.
I~~~===:.! I'll ..... __ Ul'~~ ....... • •• , ........ .-, ... __
'lrt,., CW'......,..GUfiMI.aT ·.O...UI ACCOUNT1 II.& -~ACOOUNTa ~ tMCOMIACCOUNra
-5 v..r 30111Guelwtllld ClnMtt1 ~
3-5 y.., SJ(!II Gu8renleed anc-Aooount