HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-24 - Newport Harbor Ensign.......... ... I"W. Ccna dol--Doo ,_----.lot"·.., hoot, --. lo .. _ .. mlllac ............
.,..__ ... lllo .......... llapoo lo -u lllu Ccna dol llor, A _.-of L& -. HIP,-lo
Cm"tllltb: lbltJ1DI at OCC. &wtmmln&,.. ~ lid
P''Miac aro llo< -lal --. Mr. FroakUD lo bor
-l!llllo .._utloa. (!ulp pllolo.)
lfM -----Luta...UW Oil , .. 1&1 dl-
-· wu !!lr-b7 UCI lrofn1DI' Ednrd A stet""'•
al • c ....... !!ludJ' -
OD .a tdliCitioG Moaday at--Ho ...... al • moeUac "' llle
-ttoo --ot llle llowport Harbor C-bor ot
Commerce, ebalred by Dr.
NoJu Friualll.
Dr. stet•us, proteuor of
pUbo-*locJ, said tbat ve-
DII'Ml 41IMH is QOW la the
epldemte ltNe, "out ol coo-
In>~" partlcollriY amooc.teen-
aaora, bec:auooflDcr~
ooD&l promlacull)'. He ll&ld
SCURRYING 'C) tbe bay on a elose-ba.uled tack toward tbl
tlrat marker, tbe troat rUDDers 1D SUDda,.., Fli&tlt ol tbl
-bolllo lor poalttoo ooar llle aol ead at Lido
lale. Pictlred are Bruce Wacbtal. ll11 Mo. til, fto
Gollhed !rd; Peter Parker, No. 6M. wbo ftalebed lll; Jay
L&wreoce, No. 598, 4th; aoo Terri Parar, No. 70'7, z.i.
11>a1 -· -.Id bo P""'
--011 tho deodlr tfloet ot QPidlla 01111 _.-t>. l!lld
m.u.odl ol tr•tmeat.
Ho cllod u UUJ~~>Io ot ~
redllctloa. ira tt01rtal dt-...
l>llolrlac lllo-otVD
!'-~-!'~ --::;~;
• I
HB chamber
names Kiser
;z?=--":0:: Chamber plans ~~:!':~-.::~
-?" Dr· FrtaeUo .-_ f d , f d member ot 111e board ot dlroc-1 p~~~:~=g~bl:i oun er s un = ~~=-E':!·~.:~
ltaodudl arttbtiDOillflect1n the 1ut 12 Jllll u d.Utrtd: ftJ to motl tho -1om." The Newport Harbor c.,.. llcoular. Ia DOt lD favor ot ....,... Ho Ia adlroclnrottho
He added. "lam tmpbaticalll ber of Comm•ce board of d1-lleeulDC bulDisae• OD tbe1r Ora.op ·CoaDt)' Cout Aaa ·
tor aa tducatloa 1n ICboolJ. rectors, cooveDlD& Monday a1~ lfOII reeelpta. a director of AD&belm stadl~
bat u mut be taqllt by com-terDOOD at tbe Balboa BayC111:1, • ANNOUNCED tbat a bro.. ID. member of tbe ueeutln
peteat tacbtrs 1D a tr1llf eo-dlaculld A::ltmat1oo ot a bm-cb!R'e on tbe city and tbe ebam-boircJ. of the Ora.oce Empire
111M"«\ proles"'cwl 1FQ'. ders f\md to PlJ for tbl1r oew ber wW be ptiiDd by the eod Boy Scout COUDCJl, &a:! a. mem-1
Tbo loacbor -bo do---· bul1d1llc In CorOlla ot IIUI woet. bor or tho 111Ut11o&lo0 Boacb
Kites dominate flight
A Orotber and sister baltled YOII!Ipst l!lrllo --· lor !lrst placo Saoday In t1>e Tile relaUvoJy 11Pit wiDio
Utb uaQll f1igbt of tbe SDOY-pve tbt Kites a _,_ntt•lld-
blrds, a n.ee Wbieb was so Ya.alace, aiDee tM Kite· 1a mlldl
--..,. IUiao tllallt -ll-llleDI!Ie-. -beome Dlml u tbe ''first u.. boat.l are 1% feet me wUil •
o-.IJWe Ql&tlt."' llDde 1111 Ul1 ue .aa.a1
Ko SDowiiUd fttlsbed 1D U. rlnls. Wb11e a. mort a-
....... ,_ -· 0(14 -.. -d ... .._
·----·· ..... •• a ......... 1&1 .. . ant...-....... 1'Wr1... .. .............. 0 n•--. -~~<~porod _.. "'111o dly. Kites. E .. .ta&Uy, u.e "Ki&t fl1cbtH
K1tes bid beea allowed to riU 1DdoutltedJ)' npl&ce tbe
compete 1D tbt nee 1D order tra41tiom.J f1ictJt of tbe Soow-
to bolstar tho dJ1nr SDOWblrd birds.
naet•s fttld of eatries, wbicb The Newport Harbor Cb&m-
o,..r tbe yeus llU dimi.Dlsbed ber ot Commerce, wbicb ClOD·
from a blab of 161 to last year's sored tbe race, preseatld ,._
SO, Tb1a: flU ooJ.y Sl SDDW'bLrda PIJ'ate tropbl• SUDdl.y aftw.
competed, &Dd molt of tbem .aooo to tbe ant 5 Kltes &Ill
.ftnlabed beb.1Dd tbe faster Kites. the first 5 Smwbir~. Hce
There were 56 Kites 1Dttte race. are the wilmer a:
Tbo !lrst S"""blrd -In the Kite lleet -P-
dlcalld. a &DOd psJebOioclst. del Mar. • CONTINUED tbe ooe-tJr-Boys Chlb baud. hJ.Plf ttb1cal. wttb tbe laxnr-Tbe fouaders tuDd would ooe membershtp driYe 1D wbicb Mt Kt.r wW tab eari;J
bO'Ir k .unertDc tbt quu-be open to 25 people wbopledp eael:l cbamber-member names retir~meat from tbe Edboa.Co.
Uou tblt ODIDI • lo cJus." ettber $250 a :rear tt 4 Jill'S a proiPfCUYI DIW' member, to take ._, bJ.s Dn rupoosi-
Dr. Sfelplw• I&Jd ,,11 woWd or $1,000 all at ODCt, ~ doabllog the preeeot member-bWttes as Cbamber m&.lll.pr.
bo -fill If t11o lafo<mald $%5,000 lor the .... bor I bull-ohlp.
THE FIRST SNOWBIRD 1o J:OCOIII tho !!ret mortar In t1>e
FUrbL NIDa Me'-(No. 508) otlllloods u &be lOlli arouad
tbt cor..-at Udo Isle's eut ead Oil ber way to tbe S8COIJd
m.arUr 1D tbe lJdo Cb&DM:l. At tbe race's end, sbe ns tbe
5tb Soowt>IN lo llD1sb. (Eoslp -J
to ClOS$tbe5-m1leraee'sfln1sh Parker,lst; TerrlParUr,ZDd;
Uoe at tbe Balbo& Parillon wu Bruce Wachtel, of 55 Catt•
Barton Beet. of 6%0 W. Ocean Rd., Beacon B&y, 3rd;Jay1Aw-
Froot, Ba.II:Jo&. wbo ba.s sailed renee, 1S21 Su.ssa Ln., West-
lD tbe claaslc many Umes. His eutt. 4th; aDd Bob Hutell,
sister, B&rW"a Boek, 12, caj)-529 VIa Lido Soud, Lido lslo,
tured tbe specta.l trophy for tbe Stb.
In the Snowbird DMt -Bar-
too Beelt, 1st; llarUee AUu,
1131 Doli>biD Tar., lrflno Tar-
wen tnn•ttWtotbecblldr• diac flat. TM mootJ would • CHANGED tbe bJ-la.ws b' ,..,
at bome. be Wa: Jut b: not ID toward I»11Dc tbl bW b' eledioa.s ol otllcerstromlano-be11c dODI ,, lbe cbamblr"s DeW bladquar-UJ to a mooOl earner.
Dr. rrb..Ue aid tbat the ters. • PRESENTED plaques of
comm1ttee rtpOrt ml1 bl react:J Tbe &raod opentag tor tbe appreciatioo ft'om ~attftca
b tn.lllm1tta.l to tbe Cbamber oew quuters wu lut month. Uon ebairmu label ¥,;&$(. to
ot Commerce 1o October A At tbel.r IDODW.J m..UOC laDI1s<:ape director Rlehard
qttt11cenetre 1o pueDts 1s ;.,. Mooday tbe boud of directors Beesoo aDd Roger 'Masoo Nur-
bol!lc P.._ lo pt par .a! also' oory tor tbolr Umo and devolloo
Yin's 011 au tdlacatioD 1o • RECEIVED a report trom 1o be&ut1f1catoo.
ICboola tbe special bas1DI11 Ucea.se ad • ANNOUNCED that tbe
• bOc studJ committee oD sue-uol&l eban.cter bo&tpuadeoo
H bor libr &QI1oos lo-tbo City ot Newport Aucust Z3 will bo "tho bost Jet" ar ary ~ch lor ..... Uor buslooss U-Wltb DOW awards In -·· eeuE>s, wblcb ban DOt bM11 • APPROVED a request from
F iend Elect cba.Dpd bl 20 rara. Tbe com-CllDt Hoose, cbairmaa of tbe r S mlttee, wblcb Ia plborlor re-aYtetloo committee, to dnll
ports oa otber eWes' buli.ss a resoluttoa relnbciDc U.
Jf&WPORT BeACH -MrL cbambar's policy coacerDlAc
...., Loll .. ro boo-oocoalrollod crowtb "'oraaco p I . s bid
.-.. ,.-~tho-;~~~-=: alro cHes now s ~--"' the u. ··-cootloooslo -at ..._ ...... ...::..::. ,_ ~ tbo airport 01111 Ia ootkcodoat
-. ....--bJ eommceial af1adoa.. Tbe
lllr oetl•-bopa Ia lllo r-lllloo will -~ a ...., .. • '-1 t1 .. 400 or 500 mUe UmftatJoo GD
h I I •• , W I&..._ jill 1udiDC at U. airpOrt •
._ --• -lllelaolll&IU hm cit*,.... ... olllol -... 1loo aloo 111u 500 mlloo Oft1 will bo ..,.. • • ..... .. till aUond. ,......... Clrup
1" I s a. ...,. biRd co.tr'• 1t1tua u a a..trt1JGI"' ..
lly Dick Howl•~ a po1r of potrol boots pr..-
ID U.. wttll th1.l Ammer's tbe Kites &Dd SbowtVds lD U.
eampetp loaraekdowuOilbol.ls race to clear tbl coarse ol wl--rop!!lralloa other craft, ulll!lr other c:nll ltie.Ur1 Ud ..U.s. tbl Hal'· to ue ad)iceat side C"' .... l
bor Palrol..-laoa~'s T ... P"b'ol .... No. I -
-btlll) to ..u -old Ia ud oat "' tho llool, ...... _..,.JO!I_ohgod •loosiY -lor wllb ..
oat of -Jla llr lloo fiiPitl race. otlloo_...._ Tbla--thoBorborDo-...... Jl' ..... "tM .....
•'• Otle ~ ti Nlatut J!SSE IUM 01!5 lluoJal_.wtiQIIod-partmaaCIU1111' oUia--... J-w.-. lllo __ .. __ alack to-.,.....,_. -· •aloolloB 'woiiM
10, aliiOO-A ... ,Coo-llr ~ .. ~ ool-,._boola. Ia--:roaro111oJ
............. -.II1J llot -·---aadt11111111Jao-...... _...~ .......... 11o11-., c~ a. ~a ...... _..,_._llolllw oZI ••--
e p y I • .. tiM Wilted bJ lllwdi. ......... t/I ........ PitrolllldWU...S IDQdODtlilllr~tDCCIIIICt -.. --.~= -~ I OOUiw·. lo ......... 111o1r-Wt~~o-
...... I' 1.· ..... ,, • ca. .. ~....,_ •. ~ --Ud L&a .... , .. , ...,..._ .. - = • -.-ltll.._a,a:•aU'IIJr'Gila .. Aelllll'llofCittl•proUit Cnuawta,.a.rt~orPetrol
II *'7; Aa. ft I 414 Air tr.. ~~~-IIUIII l T a-;udl~ U'Oit ..... tltiWI oa tM ......... ooltaf'Wr tDr
II a • ..., ...... ...... ,._ M;'~aow,-. .._. ~-l •lll· ... -·• PacU1o""" .._. It .. till .. t1 t.ldt oGt 2£11 WI PIT• ..., -toPit'tl =•~oo~nt~o.-., ... -..,,1 ....... • 11 ,--llr1tlpllla
at' M,p.U ,. -............ -... •••l&liVL ::;~::.:~~=-==---
ftl __ .... 1 ah•_llf_C:... JIII&1MIPT ,._ -a----·••nollllloo
...... ·'?'Ilea.., tiL II us stllllll• 1 ....... .-J,a:aca•• wu'r ....... ._.,,:, F"*.• .. lalliriiiL .... &_,........ ., ..... e._ • ..,..., ..... , ..... , ......... ~aa ..... , ...... ..... =zp ~o••-~~~• .. -.a,...,.-_.,., ...... ....,-. ·--•-. 'P iRr ___ .. ~ ... ~"!•• _c_.. ..... -Par. Tloo--.. 11 I o.1acl lr'aFIIIM.a
..... n WiRr ..... --·-............ -..... -lllalniZic --11MI ---lloo --... -.A3N11R .. II .,_?a )Ia*', ____ --Ia= _. lloo--tl Llll-.11o1 .......... 'Rl -. ..... IIILI'LIIf.Tilt_ltlt_._., ... ,..,. .. ,,,t1 ., ... ,_
-...... ?tall ..... Tloo d ......................... 1 .... ._.-...... • ......... " •• a M ... .,_........ .. .... _... I tiM ..... •cue, .. IOO&l'C .. a...-.w 21
• I
EYES PEELED k ooellnc r~ --. tllatl!l'e
lliop1>lo 01111 1111r o-ed tu stlcbra, -Pltrol
-No. 6 dlrts 1JI IJDOII( I 1""4' al lUtes Ud-
"""'">I>'ac 1n ... Filch< ot t1>e -. (!IIOlp p~~o~o.J
A sad tale of woe
race, Zad; Carolyn WUde, 101
8tb St., Balboa, 3rd; Ben Yowaa:-
love, lZZO W.Oceu.Froot, Bal-
boa., 4th; Nina NieJ.son. 109 E.
Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Sttl.
Special trophies were pre-
sented to Marilee Alla.D for aut
girl to flniSh; Barbara Beetb
youngest Kf.rl to f1nlsb.; Drtrid
DeRul!, 8, ol 546 S. Bay Fnllll,
Balboa lslaDd, ror younaul bot'
to finiSh: W. ShOrt, %818 S.
Rita, ('•??:?????), for boldelt
Wwer; and M.r. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Short, t209 Bl.yslde r.-.,
lrvme Terrace, tor tlr•
married co~le to flD15h •
Air Force Set. Let w.
Osborne Jr., ton-I.D-Iaw d. Mrs.
Phyllis Feoton, 5S48 Rlftl'
An., West Newport. ., -.
reco~D~Hd 1lllr bo-bla -
Jim -llle salloriiWibU accord1oc lo ,_ ............... the lolllltarJ AlrUft Coa-
.-, of-lo relate. Potscb did aa1 11111a11 at all,m&lld's l1ylq oafetJ awar<Uir
. Jim ts a s.o.tud sallorm.&a. beeaue be lboU1 llll.'fe "UD-&ccldeDt ttee n,tDc.
oo 1lo p 1U "bird" r-01111 _ .. bla cowoo -dlo-Set, Ooborlll Ia a jot .....
··••rlll~ab.ybridmptol CO'I•lac ~ .-rar Ia Ol'der tomtcbulc wttb tbt ssa.wa·n-
KMMUdSOowtilrda. ...,.. t11o-Ita -Jy.-looo-SqoMroo-
Bo ........... tho-Mr. -1lod -~·-atlolcCiollla.,.= tDr "ltloldl.t sld&Jplr'' (tbat's elR to JliDtsllHe aid 111 bldTbl 55tb ftt eltlld D I
Cllulblr ol Commerce_... aot ... .., a1.1anau at an'=-•cutt'fe ,.n Ulll -..... _ .. ), m-bo Ia -llo. .,. Tloo ......... -u _, 3
• Tloo ru. A a. tbl Ill' ICilll. lit I*' wu a llld:J, GQII 9bll't.llllt OOidllctl •1 d 7
• a
-lullo II!Ub, Ud bo--Mr. -. .... --,-t -..... ,. ,._
lllo ...... 0( -..llloU.O 00 1M..,-. -JIIaiJir ~~-Mfl a ... = ~ Ht ol tbl marlllll'a. Ht Sllart'a ... _,.._cr•nad~ •
rt&ll.ed w. •rar, _._ otr Ull GQW• ... Mill bela .. ....,., •rst It _.
......_ cruu~ bite .. a. W'rttllallr. a. a s'=-ot•D 2 , v'
W llooa, -qa1ll, ud Tloo II' OW, 1111 I. ..... ofD I M
aollall-1M---lallooa.t_,IU.. IISDI• .. UMI .. <'II .. SQWlloo-"IISiua '~JULTJ ~
.. , .... 'tau ~. lilt c..lr •,• . ,. N'td.:-.. • ,...
--. ~~~~~-·-•b•• .._ ... _,.-~~~~~! ta a .._ o. Dirt. n. en 2 1t; 1 aw.
................. M--PI 7 -..
... 1• 1 ~ oollr.-fll --•-,:;: ii 9 $' tl 11M. .. I:; *•In ,_ --·1 .. ---··----:;;-~::. --""' 111af0.. .... lilo-· .. -...... ; -llr ...... -.... ..,a... --
• •
-:: ~;;;;~~ ...... ... .. .... __ ., .. lidl 1111
1HI "SSl"liUt..••ai1111FI' AND WHAT lillY r II ACN --.-.~ ...
ldliaol(ud ..... ).l'' no, ........ ._... ~.1:sr' .... "IC...._ ·-.. IIIII'M till ~~-~·· F'••fll._,.,, ..... I 11 rtlllldllae.._. alisll•. •sa•, ..... a.a~n-
.......... 0~ -. .... ...,:;:: --.. ·-·--~ • 5 R I I c II u ........ .,...,..., .................
t .......... ot~~. ¢EJ' Ifill till .a-. .... 1-wl fll-Ct Uol~a-1~11 ..... •• •om wna. .. ._ ._ ..._. cc.. ., lllllt ... a. elllllllw ., ...... 1nt • till...,... .,. _ .. w •••-
..._..._, a, ........ ...., ... ,.,,..._.ii.Ewe.e
.._ ................ the Wlllblr ta.. .,.. it &,.,. .. • lrf .............................. of people .,..,. 10 be .... --.. -··-......... -II. a. ... Coooal'., ~-., Dr. wu-Compboll Doo,.._;, 111o Sora-
~ wheetbe...._IOid ... tMt ...... 4z II-....... , ............. bSEIIfl ........ ¢-'ellt..,
dallalcte. Md .._ tuc11 • Mlp., ..,, a. llllllllt .... ._..,_1 .. 11 latl14he 1 wu allllld ta1t )lllllalu_..llll...,-."
.. ld • ._ 1 ....... -= r;. 1111,.. "'*'*'"I-... ""1110 eo11o11-... ..,-. no'"'" -..,Dr . ...._ 0 ,:!.1, i:"' ....... • .......... ,-at. ao1a County (Fla.) WMiral Soc*' Jow,..l
••••••~'Qoo••••••••ca•uys: &.hil aod boys lh.r theJ hawc 10 aanrllllr bodll WZRI ....... 1McL 41111 Wit .......... e&trlllt--.......... laM •OMs I Ia....,
110. bf the qulllion: WHI 1tx811 iD1eroount 1-. _... ............ Jllllllllt hNhP ..... tllll .. flllllfl .. Ill .... field "'Dr. Mu Levia., pqchiatrilt and aWrol-d J_ ~ IJ L ....~~,;,.-. .. ill ..... ~ewec~ in Mukol o,._ a -..,., -,,. .I;~ ., ~ wu edited by two of our n~tioa's -.ex uperts,' ~ 0.. loadore Rubin and .._ Kirkendall. Tho
""""hen or -ken lllelr rclollonolllp1' ..... 11.-\"'$'::; •·-1 ...... If lilt-. llr -~~~ -= , ''This, mind y.,u, wu no1 a ....... -; Dr, C1r1 w\o-lo -II II, no .... 1o 1=, tm. no
•• was a hiah ac:~ tucher. ()nc can lmq:ine .......... .., ... ._ dieD ·all t811t........... -.. 11 U.an&
the turmoil in lhe mind of a hip IChool ,;rt. I tiD 111ii111111i .... 1a a_._ •••'" Mal tllll lllllllrdl Ill wa a =· ... T••llldwre
In the afternoon she heard from her tQcher w~M~a MIll' p htll• ._..,, Jlan""lllllt ........ WiiiC 11 I tUd 1 toward
that the question has two aida., and now in J-.... ..... ........ ~we~~-......... Ia... ... ..... ". .,.., ~ ... at
ARVO E. HA.APA, owner and pubflshtt of the Enlll'l foUowina excerpt from that review strikes at
oooooc::aoOQooOOO:OO-=-oooooo• the l)eart of their twtsted kJtic:
• TIME FOR ANOTHER CRUSADE '"Rubin says. "The """ of 1~ eobicol . prot,. !em 11 not whether a boy or asrl remams or Many a local patriot datee b18 eon-doa no1 remain a •i'lin. bu1 whedtcr ,., i•
servattve awakening from the Chrlllt1an uoed ~ploitaoi .. !y •"" oelf-<e~~ter«<ly. or in a meamqful way.
the cv~ina she Is beina propo~itiofttd by her frGa tM ......, of tM ....._ fi•Uttlt ~ ud 8111' 1M a. Dtlaftn an. Ud.,.,....
boy fnmd who usura her lhat inlm:ourse will ldac WilD...._. liiiiPoftiMI(Md oolllel Ia • lll.rf .. .,.,. a.r 1M ..... to be tnela
J~rencthen their relationsflip." ..._ •••• ,... • .,.._ riiiJIICt,. ~ • Dill 1117 COIId CI'OA. ~
Thae sexperts are '<WII aware lbac lhc Bible: biJ PICIJk, Be IIUid: "God Dr • llcllan lila .... tiNt n.tr .....,.. .,.. ~
Anti-Communlllm Cruaade presented at '"K~kendall uys. 'When n coma to ,.. ,._
Dlllneyland I 0 years ago by Dr Fred lotionohipo. Ute aid hu ....,.1 prasina q .....
• ttons: If I have inlerc:owx, will it make my
says: '1bou ahalt not commit adultery ... lk delltwtd ..... 'NIIalllilpd. erllll ,.. -a I ,.....,s alllll-U.C u "'11 &t ftoltt. n1c1t.
not dece:ived: neilher fornlcaton, nor aduher· ..,.. ~ IMIIt be Mid .... '' ltte. lit tiiM a ....,.Bel»-iDe~ a. 'ftc:WIJoiTr...._
en, nor abusers of themselva with m.nkind, Dr • llclltln .., 1a ,.._. tWI llua • ,_..... t111t Wa•••• c>w'1ctd tJa18 to
!hall inherit the Kinadom of God." iaa nr,. tM -•'-ol111t'CIIPMD1 of tllle ..... tDbl Mid be 1M ...._.polltla tMBrl-Sc.bwarz, the Australian doctor wbo laid selatk>nship with lhe boy stronp:r? What will
aside hlS medical practice to take up the he lhink of me? Will I pleue him or will I los< Sex, outside of the .animal tinJdom, is a l«'CCWIDantrJtactoditilbvt oalllrXt, ... Ditlt:UIBolrd tUbliMMddlddld.IDmabbll
moral question: and the s.exucators ianore this ..._CoData. )Ocated11Carpe ola.,._ld'a •ttoereco.r-att&c.k a.n.
fight against the disease of commtmlam. hisM~~r:; sounds so reasonable that it has • entirely. MaJ, .... 1••7· Dr. Mclatlrt· to OI'Nidlr l:bt 8Mb Colltp Fort..ae11, lhe811ttabcom-
But, you sec. most of the ~experts are athe-bl~otlbi-.Collqe, matter. 'n.t clrtYt 110911 tD IIWdlr''lllnaldbllm•witll
isa. What does an atheist ca~ about what the Ud ls1. SactM JutiWioe llrbal to Tr...._tO,OOO CbrU-mWt:uJ puadu udb&adbi&J-
Bible nys? Talkina abool morality to an athc-ap.tut 1M attacb of Dr.~ t1&u wilD loft tbl wcrd ot God. lAc." tit fal1td to dlr tr.ebll
fsl is like haYina dialo&ue with a snake.-A. 0.... ebuet:Uor ofJUcbtr Spectal committees liii.Yt be.-10 U to cWead blapoltt!na....S
American Way Fealures ldpc=IHoa lx' tbe stat. ol Hw lit liP ID I)II'Oridlb'tbt bol"nr ~ tbat U t111e Americus
He has been 1n Orange County several seductive appeal. Peuenkofer (in Family aM
times since then for occasional speeches SuiUII R~vo~,,;o,., ed. E .. M. ~hur: Indiana u .
' Press) tells us of lhe sattsfactton tt aave to a and he came again last .Friday, drawing perplexed hiah ""hool teacher. Like '"her hiah
a packed house at the chlcken dinner res-
taurant at Knott's Berry Farm. He briefly
by S•ulor Jo .. n Sclwlla
· revlewed the frightening upsurge of tur-
moil and subversion and student revolt, and
summed it up as follows : "We are con-
fronted wlth the deadly menace of inter-
national communlsm that threatens the SboOt n upect no more tbem, u tbe Joanders of our very exlstence of what we cherish, all from a tacber or a -•to -..--m tilt Amerlcu
that is good and beautifUlln our society.'' atu-._tec~--lbaa a .. olnlloo. Bot It passes 11te
There is now a new dimension of revolu-tllal be stay out of )oil? lmap•Hott 111 concelu of &D1 of tMm ura:tDc reroluUoo wbJlt ttonary subversion loose 1n the land, he TJtouct> In _,. 11M 1o -•JIIIIIIf lite rlct>t 1o remalo
baYe tbe quelltJon patsobl.t1;J, oQ tbe kiDc'a pa7f01L sald. It is called "creative destruction," tilt .....,.. IIWI1 ..,.. ...,,;
and the leader of the new thought 1.8 a ~~~ •• ~ pernmonl, to 11::0:0... !:'~;!:'~~
Marxist professor of• philosophy at the While ~ussiD& Ute z woalt lbl•lriiiC accop~uce of tbo-
University of California at San Dlego, 71-and almost useless bills oo tllal .. orr-,.. • lopl rl&J& campus disorder wblcb are an to be &lid to remala asturieotor year-old Herbert Marcuse. The objective Ute Assembly _.-eallr wants a teacber. No auch rl&l>l has
1.8 destruction of the American free enter-1o .,. .. tl1lB year, 1 nw1e a :;: ~:::...co;:::,~
ris t d of _ _.'tuti al passing re!ereoce lo "lite e1-• p e sys em an our COuau on re-traordlnary myth tbat eYU'J are acnr trytu.g to create tt o«
public studeal has a lepl rlct>l 1o of wboll cloth, most of .. entllt
D • Schw d rlbed Pr f remain oa campus aod ea.D be uceed1D.cl1 "llberal .. federal r. arz esc o essor expelled oaly after due process courts lodor ba .. 11111 ace...,
Marcuse as the apostle of sexual license of law as lbou< be were about u. Yet by """"antly lbou<
d b lli h ruits stud ts f h1 to be deprtYed of b.ls Uberty or tuelessly userttac tbat tber~ an re e on, w o rec en or s his llle."" One ofmycollollttu, 1s soch ~ rtct>t. apobs.mea 1>r
cause wlth the appeallng argument that the wbo 1s 110 opoloJisllor tilt pre-teacbers and -~
bod i t be 1nst t of seateducadoaa.l establlilbmeat, ba.Ye illduced m&D,J people wbo y s o come an rumen ..__ 111 Ibis., eslrl• me qqlbl ,111 pow ~~ 1o ~
pleasure, W.th oo conslderati&is for moral 11 u moonl 1 wu _ .... lodtlo ootli'ele B • -,_ ~ N guldellnes. proceaa o1 ltw. · o-' ou .. -loa 1oc11
rlpt to &w~ ... taebtr-The peril 1.8 very reAl, and immlnent. T..., aut,...s-u BWZ17 ..,,,...,1_ u ·-•taiiUIJ
And Dr, Schwarz wants to do something wu heard before tbe Seaole collep ,. omnrsltr. All'/,__
educat1oG c:ommtttee. Th1l b1U eber b.ired ud IA1 lludeot about it. One of h1s immediate objectives cooslsts orono slmi>lo -ence: admltlod sboald meel bl&l> staa-
is to write a book about Professor '"A permaoenl employee maybe dards and mal ... l•lbam.Ooeof
dismissed tor amocauac. to lite those -<Is should bo obo-Marcuse, analyzlng and quoting from the classroom or oallteocboOipre-dloace 1o law and te..,toa tbo
professor's voluminous writings to let mlses, dl-eo<:e of 11te peace. A -or -
Am r1 kn hat th1 idol of v1 I t law." Not I'Yeo "sball be cUs... fai11Dc to meet those studards e ca ow w s o en missed, .. as 1 would ban pre-sbould be dismissed or oz.
youthful revolutionaries 1s advocating. ferred, but "maybedlsmlued" polled. Slace be has oo Iepl
The other objective is of even more -ud .... to this form llwu rlg!tllo be hired orretalood,be _.... by tilt Ca111ortt1a lou oohulslordemaadlng"due import for this area. Dr. Schwarz wants Teachers Aoso. and o11ter ,__ process of law" before his dis-
to put on another anti-subversive semlnar cher and educatlooal orpala-mlsaal or •~~>alston. tioos, aad also bJ a state coUece 1n Orange County -perhaps 1n the fall. student pernmOIII olllcer, Dua _. .. of law Is re.
H ked f h f lnt f tbelr position -.. elloct qulred oaly -• clllsen l.s e as or a s ow o erest rom that a ,_cber sboltldbeallond !br--1oas of a1s llle,
the audience, by way of donations and 1o adYocate 111-eoceto law 1111 IIbert},. 1111 prnperty. A
Pledges of contributions. Before the eve-ID the classroom. teacher dl~mlssed or·-u;peUed loees oooe of these
n1ng was over, he announced that more Thus It 1.s beJna sorlonsl:r rl&l>b.
than $6,000 had been turned 1n or pledged contended 1o tbe stale Cll>llo~ flwo are llllliDio&lo set aoy oot oaly tbat law-breUlllc may hlcber ltudard for teacbers -indicating a very strong possibility be justl.lled, but t1to1 teacltors and -t1ta11 t1tat tllty 11ay
that the anti-subversive semlnar w111 ln-wbo adYncata law-brealrlac 011r of )oil -a "standard" oact>t 1o ,. poruteod aregalar already mot. .... lo tbe mldsl deed become a reallty. .,.,cbeck tromtllt~orslor of011r ..-.-crime """• by
You can add to the encouragement by do\:::1
110 .....;.. ulst tor :"U:~ :~:7. ~~ :':;
sending 1n your donatlonsorpledgestoDr. poac:ofltl cbaAp 1o --·• oowhalhulswosboaldcoatlouo
Fred Schwarz, president, Chrlstlan Antl-Iowa, mao ruled bJ trrutamar to ..., ......,..,. moooy IIIIo
Communism Crusade, P.O. Box 890, Long ba" aoebolcobatlorlauplllst tilt publlc --~ aystem.
Beach, Callf.
Dr. Schwarz marveled at the strange
power of Professor Marcuse, wh011e re-
volutionary, Marxlst philosophy 1.8 a mat-
ter of written record. There have been
determined efforts to oust Mr. MarCUIIe
from hls position as a member of the
faculty of the University of Callfornia at
San Dlego. But he is st111 there, and we
taxpayers are providing b1m with a com-
fortable salary -$20,000 a year, flnan-
clng hls teachlng of " creative delltruetlon"
to b18 impressionable young .tudentll.
JerMf. ot tboee wilD come from a d1t-attactecl, ht woa1d burl tbem tuca. ,.ck w1111 ,. __
lllo -llltp calli for tbo er..UOO ola m1lUoD doUar ea.-Gtaeral WUh.lDctoD. oo. tbe
,.,_ .lor SbaiiGO Collop, oilier bud, did IIIII -
ud Dr. Mclllllre 1u called for troacbu lo defoiMI 1111 posltloll.
1,000 people wllo wtU promilt T.. Delaware RIYV WU h1a
lmllledlalatr lo ""or 1o pta -· Ho ·-lo tab tbo coolrlllolloo of $l,OQO lor tbo -•• ud decided lo crou
l.Dat1haoL tbe Delaware. He atorm.:l tbe
Ao • UIUd llltp, be ..... Brllilll .......... ...., put tbo
lor-· ud -•!r-Io -.my lo DI&I>L be p1ood a
III'PIJ lor -OIDio tbo col-creot Ylclory, AYed Pbllldol-
lop, Ao Dr. ,llclllllro lllltn: p!lla. ud made tbo 1lll1mate
"Sbtltal Collep wm DOt taU. necas ot Ma cause poalible.
God II --wbo pat 111o1r No -&D-II)"IbaaFro-trut ID tum. Tbe battle wW be derlck tbe Gr-.t ol Raas1& said
woa.. 1J of tbe upkJtt, tbal: 1t was ooe ol
' J0Mttwn Edftrds, 0Dt of tbl tbe lfeatul achJ.tytmtnla lD
tlrll prHident• of Prltleeton miutarJ hlltorJ, You ud I are
Ual•orsttr. bid Ibis 1o .., o1 reoptoc tilt trulll of Geaoral
Sbtltoo Collep: .. A studeat at WasbJ.nctoa's bokioess, h1a dub
Sbtltoa wt.1l reet1Ye"• bltW ud darlD&. Wttbout ll1l Yictory
oducalloo bocaulo be wiD IIIII,. at Tr-. waAmorle&~~~mtct>t
forced lo dlaroprd ball wbal """ be ,_. tilt ualoD )let
hi hu t..roed. HU tDowledp ratber thaD UDder tbt stars ud
will IIIII bo out of dale wttbllla Stripes.
few )'IUS of b1a craduatlon. Dr. MeiAttre, lD &skin& i:tr
W'-1 be sball ban lluDtd at 10,000 Yoluateers to marcr• oa
Sbeltoo u built on a sure biD-Treatoa oo Jul7 20, may
daUocl." baYe mortlDhtaarmyotCbrla-
Wrtt1Dc u editor ot tbe t1aD warriors tbu tbe me
CbrlaWI Boacoa, Dr. Mcllllro tllal WuliiJicloo bid w... be
!IR*ta to a. many ChrLIUu croiHd tbt Delaware. ID 1m
tr,_ --tilt -ld: tilt lr-of tilt colooluns
""Sba.._ Collofa lo IIPIIIc at oi&U. Tod&y, _tilt lr-
bita u_~e. Qa'rt'.,-.. Ye ..... of ...... u. ......... ,udtbt
n.t.4 bJ O.'«w anle&lwti-' •• ua ar ~·•-• Cot--
-ud lllo--...... !alba objoCU ...
LeHers to Editor All ENERGETIC IIEIIIIERBIIIP -b' lila Colla -Wom_.a Clllb lo bola( --by lira. William st. Clair (lell) and 11H. William ~. wbo polola 1o lila
aew metm.Jblp · pl 011 a tbermometer ebut. Kra. ~
Clair, bo91tlll)' cltolrmu, bollia allonr-"bolt> "PAPEIIGOLD PGioallai-IDUmool
ua crow'' luc:r1bed OD iL A sllt'lf memberltdp t. wtll Edltor o1 Tbe Eulp •ar ." He fUrther felt that,lhre
be beld Aug. I. Mrs. Kermodt, memberabJp c:bl1rmu. ts TbiH 1a 110 more CODYiDciDc Jolatd otMra 1D "ooe tcommlc
a•aJsted bJ Mra.Artbar r.cJ....,.,, cO.-cbalrmaa.AliO aula-1Dd1ctmeat t:JI. today' a 11u~ workS,'' ''our IDtire ftsQl &lid
tine ue Mrs.. .. PbUllp RaJ,.......,...; Mra. RaJmoad Llllld, styled llbenla u..o tbe redle-ecoaomtc poUcy would become
boapltallty co-ebl.lriDID; lira. Beule Jobuoa. table de-ltloaJ term '"prrper JDid.'' As a nbordiDI.!~ to IDteraatloral
coratlooa, and llfa. William Goodwllt, Srtl 'flco..presld<ll, ma11or of 11<1 u liJIIIPIOntl>el alltborlty.
ID cltarp of reli'o-OIIIo. (Enolp .-.) tl>o o..,UIIlcal &edacll)' of lila ladood It has. IID"t It Umo lo
IOC1allst "*"'UtJ, wbl.ch pre-restore Ametlcu ladepeodeoce Camera eyes ero • sumea 1t CIA create nl• by I. DOw? Rlcbard E. WoodiD 11 • $100 wwllpietllre.l'lllormonor..._ SaiiGebrlol
I IIIII bo callodaoldoalosa,..cao Y Dldc H.wl•tl ruubeneatbtblbtacbfromtbl acrwnp U b' tbt rtalt~Uc,
Tbe out Ume JOU 10 to lbt pqe to a t:n..u:tuc• a1 tbt ftldlia ao 1oapr U..cuewttb
beach 1n Wlllfd NftDOI't,. loot lborellDt, """'acllpalstotbt tbt Amvtcu dollar, u.tatODt
your Dlc:ut. Yoa'n bt ocr. ca-electrical recol'd1l:lc deY1ct time wu tbt eqW.nllat otl.SS
mtra. wbicb m~s tbe nYu' o1 u oaace o1 pure cold 9/10
Tbe Army l.a: 'fttc.biaC JOil. preuare. flDt,
Willi's moro, lite beoeh II Newport llarlaa Salol)" Ill-Bob Dopa
buped. Tbo !I&YJ lulaldu... rector Bob Rood hal YDI-Nowport 8oacb
sutn electrtcal recordlac de-utewed to act l1ll eye oa
Ylce und• tbt and.. tbe recordialdn'lce. •fOR IM~EM~CE EYer)' bU of .bdormatia:l h-U5f'" ..,-.n
corded 11 roii;Jed dlroctiJ 1o All of tilt -colloctod trW Edllor of tilt Ellllp,
WutUngtoa. o c A bap com-be ftd b*) a COIIIPCU ill Wub-America 11: ta tbt poattloe ol
pu1or diii,OOio .... and llloo IL ......_ D.C. Till CIJIIIOIUr lo boYI.ac lo ~ llraloJic
No -1o CboCII: ,_ ca1oa--1o dlplt tilt -malarlala . from ao-callod dar· .., lt'e a 11M alriMJ aad come ~ wWt. a 10laboD • lliiUb'alllt Ud COmm-.t~
T,.; .,;..,.. IID't IIIJIIIC..; -lo ccutnct ltorllora, trollad _...,_ Wly'?
you· II' a nldliJJC tilt beoelt. __ ., ud plora lltolaro llot:qro.d mallrlal Ia Utllo
..; Mftll(llt u ftll u .. ud llrnliDtnb&t to ...toa. u-. ll lOt ON'lf .._..,i bit
down lila onaco Coul, lila Till camera lo almod II lbo --·nrlllorriJtOI
Army CCllpa of 1,.._1 lo crola 'hlllll by tilt CCllpa of tilt oartr ..-yo1111o dllaa10t LT. ROBERT B. KIIAPP, -of ~ '"lillonl drill'' (aed E~a al 4111 st. ud wiD lo wlllcll ft ----Mra. -A. "-w of JloYW
...,._) ., tbol tlloJ .,.. ---lila cro1o Ho palaU 001, for 1-..,~ lllol Drift, w-wr, OU -
a.ra bow 111 '*"' IL no,'ra OU alotred 111 - -llarrJ Dular liMit -t mo-,......., u. s. Air roreo all'rW
trylllf praci!MIIJ OY.-,tldac. lo -II -lltWIIUo b' aloe--II> lltwJ --pOol wlap -cr.a.atloo al
A Umo-..... -lo camwa, -· •lila -.t. lltU, ...-, of tr_,-, Vuco AFB, otlt. Followlllc
allacllod 1o a ltD polo -•lilt Till ...... aloo-!Ito pottt11• 001 lllol IIIIa _, ..,.C1t•1011 air "'"" 1n1o1ac
ell)' -.-..-laltll.tl(dlr-"'--~· ___ .. ,. .. .,_., ot-.._ ... wiD ..
cob a ..,.. flll1 ._.. n. a lll*ia1 ctJe Ia 1 sM ~ Milt erb:al ud IIIUiii&k •"INO kt IIJ8Dt AlB, N.D..
.. ., dar at-. Allba lflllol lalo lila -..,...., --_.._ no ., ... ..,. -•..,....,-• .u ., ..
A ..... .,.. 1u wW wtldl a r-ud .-.--,.---•1110 _.._ llrUoPeAirC<w••wl,llolaa
_ ....... nil .. Willi -... --.. :.:It::':.-...::::: liD ..-"' .. _. ..... -did 1o1M -Ia IIIt 1t11 a•a &n(IOIIolaco-IIIID .,..7 ___ loll .... !lor lllllllleaaal, r-ed 1111
,__ ... _ .......... _.."' .. ~--""A. A.--Ia 111M -A-altlal st.la'Wall-• 1M _...of lilt C<w•·lll-•1110-~Coo&CollaJI udaloo •..-t ...... tMpr-• ~,~•=111=•:-_._. ..__..,..•tt••tn. .. , s1~ ~Col-..-' ... 1 ..-IIJ.wJJIOYOUII ollllt-&10Jredlo......., • IIJOalr..,.-.Bo-
llllo lilt-._., tllo.YJ llaiOc Pll ID -lo lilt -,. .... c.p IIII<MI &<• \lo B.A. --Ia 1117 II
-.. cnalllda_,_ 1111-If Duo--~=-.:: ~1:,'"" ...=:: \:,'=-..., c1 C&lllonlaat
W,.... ••• ..._II =~ :.=-=-.. Fro• tile Bible·
..... ~-...... 1 ............. c.-' ~~~~n~·~··~·~·!·!··~ .... ~ ...... =: k ...... , ....... Wbotoe"' ............. . •••11rrn ...._. n. '?Jll •1 -... ,., ..., ._ OIIM 111 MCl alliddl 110t ia •• doc-
h••-a.. .m 11a .a.., It II lilt,__ *IIJIW 1011 llr --;::' Haf :'~':~ 001
=Jio-10--·-···lilt-• o I odoo ... n · .... ce.a r ,, , , , .. dootri .. ot a.ta&. ... Ma
Professor Marcuee'a. continuing pre-
sence 1n UC cla1111room11 and on the public
payroll w111 continue to be aforcetul reuon
why we llhould continue to YOte agalnllt
additional money• for theM lMtttutionll
ol IIUPPOIIed hlgber lelll"lliDc. ~ turtber
fUel for th18 fire of reallltance to ecbool
bcDI tuues comes from our own UC -
It lnlae -wbere a member ol the
nn I tiClllary Studeutll for a Dtmocndlc
111111at1. an outepoten 117"iJSitblan wttb
~· rftOiutiClll ill ca', ... ....
W IIOMOI ClOY, IIAGAM .. " W II 7 111111110111--doo Pa-Uti doo i!~a~~i~~"~-~ ----....... ~~~~~--.. ~ .. -.... _,..UII~IIoa,_.tf...,alf 11-c-., ... ...... ____ ., ..... IJI I -,.., ... \rlaa-t\ladooo
.. p I I llll•w .... II ttl II -1\t .: -lilt -. _, .. 111oo -loto -..... _ ....... .., I lb .. __ ......._
•-=~ • U8l.8tut ~ ol .......... . .... 10 ......_ _., .... ..
DJ-. llcbwan 10 be CID bold
.. o .... eo..tt u.s. la11.
....... -Cl:H111 a $1 I tl ... ~~-... ... .... ,... .... .
-Ullt ....... .. ,_ .. ,.,.
D IS • ... ~:~!
I' It -. =~ ..
-a. I ll ·hl-...,.. It ........ ,_....,..o,ool-1114\1•
........... Ia& I I II ....... ..,. <Wa,.od: ........... ..., ...... ~ .. -..... , .... -"-· ..... ••• no....,..---<W .............. "'
... .. • ...... 0 •• .--.. I lilt-... nil ...... ~ , ... ..
......... -.. -.. _ ..... 11,)
Penny Marie Patch
weds Eugene Heap
(Cameo Houe phow)
... "' .,.. li&R am & YD. -·-,_ .. , ...
, Ray families
Jll ...
~-L. WI 7 .h .. llf'e-.._. of .... ut H' I
........... 3 , ....
M a• '-"* tf • 1 a tf ...................
2 I II lllell ...... -----•• 1 'tl' a a ._ ..
.... 2 5... ... • . , . .. .. .. .....
H1s fa't'Orlte music Is only a
memor-y aow b' tbe 15-
Ye&r~ld soa of Carol Sue,
15fl-l/Z Miramar 0 B&lba&, ...
rtPOI'ted July zo that a stereo
record pii.Jer. radio, and al-
bams wUb a tot&! ftlue of $400
bad been stolea from tbe1r
1-Uallo) "•-•Ill&. -e' I of-IIJoe..
.. 1' ·-----..... ----... "rwiiiC .. ColtaM-, El $ I ... II Llt&llftoo til c&l 11 f• .. !"''f u nh ud 171-dllcta. · .... ar-. ,__.... tM co.-sn '>p wu-.. u R&-"' *' olllle ~ --Carp. .u -tcon-1&&1
Some light on
a dark subject
EVtt wonder why somt: pills
come in clear, transparent
bottles, whik othen htde be-
hind brown or dart ·areen aJ,ass?
It's no accic:knt, but by da.i&n.
Why ... ? Simple dayliaht an
reduce the potency ofsorTIC' medications. ConsKSer
how sunshine fades a rayon print, for instance.
Thus, where needed, we use dark bonlcs, not to
tlidc anythine. but to preserve the medical ctrec-
tivteneJIS of the drug your physician prescribed
for you. This is but one of many precautionary
measures that are taken to provide you with the
best in pharmaceutical :service.
F .. ,, .. ,.,,_,.,.,,..,,, G<oolp $!-....,Moll
~"'-• N• !i.e lioloir • ,_, •ioit • S" • ,..,...._,. -...'! • krant<
locoloo-t-r .,_, • s.,.,,,. b rilllia lot
-• u.,__..,. -" • u ....... ..t d.,..
2300 Hoo!tor lllvol • ..... ,
Sh1ppl .. C:nl•
-··· , ...... ... I PI& W.l¥ 0 .. ,..... 411 L 1M II,. ... -...... __ ... -
Church News LAUNCHED :-r~-=
a.nne~a • ., .. ....., .. ~--· 111UISIIAY, JIII.Y ~-'ht ...... I ' lrr'l -11 .._ ---..._ C01111M DEL ?PM, CAUF. c.. .......... ., ___ '•a.uil
-Dr. •, c;, • WID n. -lor lloCr 1 cstr ..... u ........... WID .. s O I 10 ..... u
··-a .... -..... _..,....._.u ... ... lor....,...,._._ lliltru • fr!!hgdaf lft?IIO liT I'IIDL .. 1 a a .. t 2.,......,_.11. ... -.. ... 11 s-.
-. ..,. Clllii' r --........ , ... ... -, ....... "'..... . . . II .... ,..... 'hil ..... .,.. .... ?! I ._.. ... ._ .. JF 2 ut
'ht "'""'·· ..... ·---.......... -· af-llllf,-·.-.. ,.......... c...., .. ., -I 0
-will .-tot a, ·-~~~:~; ...-........ b weblot.,......,...,..,_loWI BIN.,..-. hi» llorll •
-II' '*"ut" c.. a...., .-..-11o "'-,. llllolltll .. t • • • a. ... _
'haP.,....aCalp •"n'l hhEL •• 11 II .._
..... .... ..... ,. .......... ,.... ... ............. bMI.. ..... M S f..WI LoUir c....._,--... -. ...., ......... WID.,._ JilltldJ'P•-••t ..... ~ ..................... ..
,_, __ 'WIIIIIo ... ,. 111111 .... 111o-
---lllpk ola.. lt4lf. JtiW,.. wUl be ''1' Ill ....,,. ... M8
... -ilr .. IOUo.S..-II-.. llrll...,•tf
dQ' .....ac:.. Cnn1• • • • • • • AIRMAJia I ' II II. L&wr~ CUa.du. 8es.ce ~ SLIIUcllul't Ud AU Aapll'
-Gt llr. 1111 llu. ~ .. -•-rr.-•11 .. 81bjldafiM ,.._,ewe., -Poclllc
R. Lawnece ol101 AY~Mdl 't11ae _._._tldl:...,. YlewDr.,..,.V ... Hlll•
CariDI, 1a11-. 11u --SorYicolanolt:U-UL-. 'ht Jloor, lallo BUJ, r1a111ttc
plotod -tniUc ol Llok-II !Co-l ..... 11 LL Ia r-, will poo 1M-o1
-An, ,.._llollu-~ 11ooo, Ud 10 LJa, Ia 1M IUdt:IOL-.-ID-, ... _. 1o "-AFB, lfl,rl>arYiowllllla, _IIIII_,, 'he-
Ilia.., JDr tn11111c Ia com-• • • _. ciMftll KIMJol JII"'CC'UD wtD.
·--oloelroolcl qo-Sl. lluk Pl...,t.laa ..... ol 1:10 LID, lura lie-
10GB FLYING Bar11on -t Ud Frod Alliin all &biOitlb a ctea ia un..•a ltalebow," tbe nulllcal DOW
P1IJiac ollbe ~ -. lbRop Taeoday.
New freeway roule ok' d
--llstl-..... -.... --" ...
to-11o II a _.-a1 SUD Cbur<:b, 21CIO llu VIlli, llul llamoo 11 1a cllarao Gt lbe .,.... Tbo Slalo wpny Coo>mlo-to u.. aortb, was a1ao lllns!l-
Aa JUp -1111 ·-Blldl -Hermaa -will --..-; llllllu. -lui-_..,od lbon-pled, , Oruce CGut Collt... "" tbesermoG at tbe ., a.a. Rcltlble Sllupe, lira. EIDer qqut o1 eo.a, Mea ud N"-Tbe utenslYe sbdtes W'el'e Marudtr 1s ,•WW wUia
Mn"ice tlal.ss.liy.DwllctM McN&.ee Udl lira. Riebud pun s.cb b' a....,. roatiDc reqairedbeeaasetbetworolbs closed sleep 'II aDif
Ml$5 NEWPORT lOllED abeeoee of uaea...l .... kJrk, a.nn ue 1a clalrp of~ tor aZ-m.UtsecmeDtotNewport are directly l.al:errelated, &e·· fi.elUUes. It accommodllhl
ll1u Nowpori Belo:O Cbrls wbo is ...,.tlttc lonrd 1111 doc· --1bRop 1tb ~1. Fr .... ylll 0raaao Couaty, c:ordiDc to JOIIOI A. Legarn, J)Orsoasll!d CU-OOV
Rebard, 1721 <>..nMttck I..a.. &orate &t Su FnDCi.::o TMo-• • . Tbe on allpm..a. moves State blgbway eGgi.Dter. He es-ZSO-mlle
lloJ<rell,lollpnylo apwa Jocl<a!Semlllory,lbeR ... Cocll Tbo Pr...,t.laa Clloreb al tboslalebiPftJrooollocllltbo tlmalestbaltboliOWiyproposod CblofporiJr-
.raiii:IK 1111 15 ,._Jbellttber Hgffm•n, OCl campus mint .... , a. eor--. 1150 Fa.1n1ew west of tbe Jormerty approved routi.og will cost approlimatelJ the boat Is Its tame
IIV• •lbepooldectolllal'bor Is aftilal>le IDremar_y..,._ Rd., ~ --Tbo a ... allpmeot, Tbe z.z,mlla loD&tb $8, '100,000 ror coostracttoo ll!d at bolb IIIII! ll!d low -
lllcb ~ Sbe toklpolicetbat s••ltatkJn and other JJI,.Itlonl WUTeD star, orpnl•tarpu.... of freeway will be builtparallel $13,100,000 for rlebll of 'ftJ. Tbe Marauder bullla destped
$25 wu 1A tbe stoleo parse. ..U. tDr ol till cbarch. w1U pr•eh to &Del west of S.,-ior AYe. Wben the cost ol tbe%.4-mUe to bold bow IIPRJ to «" mlal-
• • • &1 tbii:JO &.m.s.da)' SWYtee, u w111 r 1111 from tbe •dapted secUoo of tbe coastal fteeway mom, to P!aat eYeD at .,. LEGAL NOTICE
Tbe Lutberan Cbureb of tbe ill tM YICitlaD lbseDce ot tbe Route 1 Freeway ia Newport is added, costs fol' the 4.6 speeds ~11o~m~ln~t~m~lu~~~ Muter, 3900 .Paciflc View Dr., Rw. IInce Kllri'Je. 11r • stw:ler Beacb to Bay street 1a Costa miles ww be about $zo,eoo.oo lD test ruaa ot tbe
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARnfG Harbor View Hills -Dr. WU-lee Jut -merlo ~me pu-Mesa, replacing tbe pl'eYiousty for coostruetloa aDd prototJpe
Hottce is hereby' ctno u.t J1am Eller 'rill &lYe a mesaae tor o1 CliiUt Presbyter1an adopted alipmeDt wlltcb $39,900,000 tor ripts otway. l.lfesideG:
tbe ~ Comm1uioa ottbe at 1:46 Ud 11 &.m. SUDdl.y OQ C~ Ia Kalba. HI. wall. rou.pJ.y followed Newport Blvd. Estimates are based OD eoo.. rii)Oited the bod '
CttJ ot Newport Beae.b wW bold This routtnc was adopted structloo ot 8-laDe fteenys OYer idle aDd 1'081 ,..U, a .... lie boarlllc 011 tbo..,.Uca-L£GAL NO TIC! L!GAL NOnCE llii!M<. • wltb a 30-fool mlolmum median to mo~~.h. cr""'llc _._ ..
t1oD ot tbe lrYi.De Comp&QJ b' NOTICE OF PUBlJC HEARING HOTICE OF PUBIJC HEARnfG Tbe reposWoaiDg request tor -.cb bJgbway. Later, dari.nc 'I boca
a 10M eb&Dp -Ame.admellt Notice isberebJct•eotbattbe Hottc:e la bll'lby ct•ea tbat ns J.aittated by t.be City o1 Tbe new rota1nc avoids tbe tbrottle rlDlLnc 1D tbe ._
No. ZSI lo amend a portioD r,l. Pla.DIW:Ig Comm1ssioa ot tbl tbe P...,_.Com.ml&eloa ottbe NI'WPOf1 Beach. Tbe City ot commercial busioess area torJooslJ ctqlpJCatalliaCr.a..
R-S.B Dtltrld to a C..O-H a plblle MulDe 01. tbtappllca.-a Jlltilc t.u1llc OD tbeapplica-request. lt wru permit Newport avoids a city park I.Dd mini. cess ot 50
~ ?IUI•t QMIOI ... ,. -· ..... ..... ,_ ....
• 1111 It r
"' r 1 ·--...
.... = ............
• DtmietiAc Map No. 50 from u City ot .Newport Beacb wtllbold City ot Mewpalt S.Cb wtllbold Costa Mesa coocurred wttb the aloog Newport Bl"t'd .. It also oei, lillt1Dc ~~~~-~:~lls~w:oll~lll~~u
Di*tct ur:l to amend a portioa. tioD ol InA Wells A Scu.. IDe. tloD ol 11motltJ H. MMd lor a Bh'd. to coatlnue as a major mlzes tbe effect on tbe scllool sta.bwty "n.s
of DiltrtetiDc Maps No. 50 aD11 for a Use Permit 1t4Ztopermit Use Penn.lt 1444 lo perm.U a arterial u local use. district property in tbe area.. accordinc to Mr. 52 from a C-N-H D15trtct to tbree sabdinsw.t clirecua.I reclctet!ti1l ._ lD CODjaJactlcm ID eboosinc tbe oew align. The Marauder
u R-S..B Dlllricl. Pw1too al sips 1u be localed o1 1742 W1tb • """merclal •-•Ill a meol, a U-mlle seetkoa of tbo OSCAR BARNEY OLSON .. , ••• ,., •• ,.,, •••• ,, ••
Bloeb !13 ll!d 96, lrollle Subs Galuy Drtoe, J'IM S•uo<toll' C-1 lllllrlc:l localed ol I04 adopted ROOIIel Freeny, be-OF COST.+. MESA DIES TOO LATE TO Q.ASSIFY
diYtsioD. Dril'e aDd 1NZ lnJ.ae AYeoue. Ya1D street, BIRJOI.. tween lni.De An. 1D Newport Oscar Baney OJ..soo. ot 20l6 ~~==~~:...:==:..:.:_
Notice is *ebJ flatber &I "feD Hotice label'ebf flat..Nr ctYeo Notice is bereby ftlrtber c:IYea. Heights aDd tbe Sama Ana River Tustl.o AYe., Costa Mesa, died CAR FOR SALE. Trhunpb' M
tbol aid public boarlllc wtll be lbal llld ...,lle boarlllc will be tbol llld ""'lle boarlllc will be July 8 Services were bold luly TR4 Best
bold oo tbo ?tb da1 of August, bold oo U.. ?tb da1 of August, bold 00 lbe 'lib oily of August, LEGAL NOnCE 12 at .Grace Chal)el, lnglewoocl by August I.
1919, at U. botlr ol 8:00p.m. 1969, at tbe boar of 1:00 p.m. 1969, at tbe .boor ot I :OO p.m. · -Park Cemetery. ,:054:).~E:•~ea=I~D(!I:~~~=~ 1D tbe COUDCU Cbambers. of t.be iD t.be COUDCU Cbambera ol tbe iD tbe Couocll Cbambers of tbe NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARlNG He J& surYived by his wlte,
Newport Beaeb CUy :~ ... h. at Newport Beach City Hall, at Newport Beacb City Hall, at Nottee is bereby given tbat Ed.itb· z daucJaters Mr::.. Rus..
whlcb Ume aDd place any and wbicb time m:1 pllceUJaodall wMc.b Ume aDd placeaoyaDdall the Pla.DI:Wlc Commlssioa ottbe sell ~ ot Ne~t BMch
all perSODS 1Dteruted may ap-peraoo.s i.nteJ'ested may~ PG'8005 iaterested may 1111*1' City of Newport Beacb will bold aod Mrs. Jobn Nel.soo ot Palm
pear m:1 be beard tbereoo. aDd be lard tbereoo. ud be beard tbereoa. a public bearing oo tbe applica-SprlDgs· a soo, Jobo Olson ot
Duo R. Adk'n9011. secretary Doll R. secretary Om R. Adkinmn. secretary HoG of George Yardley for a Lompoc"; 2 st.sters, Mrs. Carl
Newport Beacb City Newport Newport S.C.b Clty Vuiaoce 9'1'1 to permit a tri-Tbompsoa and Miss Estber Ql.
P.lumt.Dc Commlssioo P.II..DniDc Commis.sloD plez: on a lot ba.Ylag 3540 sq. son, and a trother, Artbur. all Publlsb: JulJ U, 1969, ln Pub.llsb: Ptlbllsb: JIUJ 1969, 1D 4. of uea wbere ord1oance of Wlseonslo; and 4 grand-ehU-
Tbe Harbor Easl.p.. Tbe Tbe requires 3600 SQ. ft.. ud a greo. Interment was at lngle-
aero side yard setback to ac. wood Park CemeterJ, wttb Pa·
commodate a Z-car garage aod ciflc View M.ortaar)' dlrectlo&. C. No. 4l0 "'""' ""' ..Jl.15ll.llLl.l-
IN 111£ Sf ATE OF .... ~.ml.t.·-·······• AT TilE c::t.OR: OF IU!INI!SI Off .•.. _.J.\RL.lil .. -·-·····• I"' ft1aUSIIED IN JlESIIONSI: 10 CALL .IliAD£ IY COIIPT"ROLI..Ea OP TilE cua.uJtC:Y. UNDO.
c.... ... _,_Mab { ....... l ·0· .............. ,
a 1-c:u carport a1 311 Mar.
cuertte A ... .., Coroaa del SUICIDE BY HANGING
11u ' Oscar MaiD, 91, ot 411 Rod-N~ce 1s bereby fllrtber gh·eo laDds. Newport HeiP,ts, .ba.oged
that said pobllc bearing will be bimseU in hi& garage lulJ16.
beld oo tbe 7th day of August, Despo.odent si.oee discot"erl.ng a
1969, at tbe bour ot 8:00p.m. year ago tba.t he had suffered
In the CoUDeU Cbambers ot the cancer for 18 years, he d.1a:l
Newport Beach City Hall. at wi!.He h1s wife, Olive, was out
wbieb time a.od place aoy and of the house. Tbe body was
all persons J..oterested may ap-taken to PacUlc View Memorlal
Harold, .. yqu .
dum dum, you
drank water
:::...-:r=:r:.~;~~~. ::: ....... .
Ot ......... ol ~~ _. ,olitical
0tJMr -.1-(~ 1_-"!JL.,. ___ _,_,...IIIodl) .
T.--.-~ .. __ ........ , ......... _-n-.~........ 10 .........
~,.:.....,_._· ... n.,_~·..:..;.;.~ ... :... .............. --.
...... ~ oca. do. ... ,.....
~-....... , --c-.· 1iooW1i1J 1e1 m.-.. • -rnrm
00.-(----1 1))01JZ.U
o.-.f ....... of IMmf.Mo. ... 0 'J ... _,. d W
n.....:...,...~of-...;,·: ' • .--·re ,_._,.. tiec
~ofU....SC..a--. . ..... .
~oiJtat ............ tlt•llh I · · · · · · ·
~ ol ,......., .... b ... oftkiool ~ • .....,_
~of:l .................. .
c...tn.~_......., . ....._.~c. :s:Ja·,5J0:69·,·.;;, · TOTAL OGOUTS . · . · S 9 77 . . . Jl.Oll.Ol. (•)T.-.1..._.. ................. ~~--619
0.) T .... .._ .................. . . . . . . . . . 21,lfU.6Z • P-..&,_. ........ _._...._....._., __ IOo ... t ...................... _ ................... . ...... ································ A .......Sioya.fa.-oflloii.._..MIIM .........
0...~ . . . . ..............•.
TOr .U. U.Uil.IT11!.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ....
M1M0RnY IMTtaUT rf" COI'GOLIDA TaD SUUlDIAaiU . . • . . . ••.
=---==-~~~--~-.. .-IOlU .~~-:::::: :·: · ~~~g~~~~ ---......................... . ........ .
"nJI"A.L auu.vu OH LOAMI 4ND SIK.'VtiTlf.S . . . .....• · · · · · • •...
pear aDd be beard tbereon. Park.
Don R. Adkinson. secretary ----------
Newport S.cb City
PlanDing Commlas:loo
Publish: luly 24, 1969, Ill
Tbe Newpor-t Harbor Ensign.
The lDldersigned 00 , ....... I
LEGAL NOTICE tbat tbey are oooductlllg a bust-
NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING ness at 2110 Tust1D Ave., Sa.ota
Notice is bereby gtveo tbat Aoa. Calilornia. UDder the .b.e-
tbe Pla.DniDg Commi&sioo ottbe tiUous tlrm oame ot tNGRID'S
City of Newport Beac b will bold a.od tba.t said firm ls composed
a public bear!Dg 00 tbe appU-ot the followl..ng persoos, wbo&e
eaUoo of Georee YardleJ for a Dames ln fo..Uandpl&cesofrest.
Varia.Dce 9'78 topermitatrlplu deoce are as follows: Mareot
oo a kot barlor »to sq, 11.' of (n) Ryan, 12902 Wooclbolry Dr.,
area wbere ordiDaoce requtred Oraoge, Calli. 9266'1; Sidney J.
3600 sq. ft.. aod a sero sfde R)'I..D, 12902 Woodbury Dr ••
yud setbact to accommodate Orange, CaUl. 92667.
a Z-car garace aod a l-ear Dated July 21, 1969
carport at UO Marguerite Ave. (Signatures) Margot Ryan,
oue. Corooa del Mar. Sidney J. RJU.
Notice is bereby turtber gt.veo State of Ca.llfornia,
t.bat saJd JU!llc bearing will be Onoge County:
held oo tbe 1th day ol August, Oo July 21, 1969, before me.
1969, at tbe bour of 8:00p.m. a Notary PubUe laud fw said
in tbe Coaadl Clambers ot tbe State, persoaaUy appeared
Nnport 8eacb Clly Hall, o1 lltr&OI Ryao ll!d SldDeyJ.Ryao
wbleb time aDd place aay and knowo to me to be tbe pet&OGS
all J)ei'IJODI laterestad may ap.. wbose lliJDes are subscribed to
pear uc1 be t.rc~ tbartUl. the wttbln iDstnlmeat aDd aek-
Doll R. Mk1DDl, secretary nowledpd tbeJ uecllted tbe
Newport 8eaeb CitJ same.
~-t loa Josepll E.Daris, NoWy .... lle P!aJudDc .....,...m 88 My Commissicl:l EJPlres J-Pai>IUII: lotly If, 11119, Ill
from the tap
• aga1n,
didn't you'
Tbo N~ -E•••-21, 19'10. .
-..-' -Pobllstl: July !4, II, Aac. 7,14,
L~GAL NOnCE 1969, Ill tbo Newport -
... _..., .......... .., .. , .................................. . .......,., ...... ,.. .. u....,_. __ ....................... . ........ ~ ......... .._ ...................... ·············
llal'bo< Eutp. NOTICE OF PUBl.lC HEAR111G =.:::..:::.::.;.=.. __ ,__
-~~-~~-lbaiiM LEG.o\1. NOTICE
P-.a.c C...ml-of lbo C11r a1 Nowpori Boadt will bold NOTICE OF PUBIC RE.lRJIIG
a psl>lleltoarlar• IMI!I>PllQ... Nollco II -.,.._ lbal
-a1 ~ .. TU'dlo7 b: albo P-.. C.U.-Gtlbe
""'-111 1o portall 1 1r1a CIIJ a1 Ito-Boadt will bolt?
""' ... lal ..... -.... psl>lle -"" ..... l?lPilea-
11. .,_ --·-n--Gt IIIIa-Cooo· qafno -Ill-a, IIIIa ... -ilra U.P-1114GID -yud _.., ___ porooll __ .,. __
-a l-ear -llllal-ar loool put?ttcllr-• oa alai -'-ollltiiU~A-_...-I_ ...... -,C.-dol-. .U., .. -.11-IC... -~~----------- -..... • I 2ttc dl"' - -..-ltoariar Will ';I
-... 'lllola1tl• rr, -1-.•11 '!!_'12l_da1.,"-' •,..,•
1 ....... -" 1:4111.... -t .... c. flOp ........... c ,,. .. u ... ..
.. ,,... -Cllr llP2, ot ..... _1 -....... CIIr..,~ --..... .., .... -,.. I .., ..... JII'IF _, -.:r:-:71 ......., -o:-~.2 If .. .,., -c:ir $!:,.-c ~ n 2 e 2 tum . · ••·•·"-"-~•.• ·-'\!:' R..•·L..:: Tilt les;wl ..._ IMp 'nil Jfc...,. -
Ale,.. • Heal .. tklr-' ._. fl llkl •••?
hll'tlle• .............. .,c:...lttll•
t1te "tklr" _,_,._..AM • ala Ifill ...... .......... ·-·
'p.s. Ail .... t1te lttzr .. , .. , •12111111•1-.
Tbo lfarbor Ar• ·-Gl
lbo llaltld -· -111 wbo porttclpltod Ia cWaeutdp
cweiDIIIIloo II lbo 0rup
Couty c:ourtbu-Jaly 18, I.Jt,..
Jollll Hope, 1100 Clay st.,
CUll Ha .. o, from Groot Brl-
J11lla coro.ua Jor-Jill
Mnport Btl<h models the
dreu tbat woo ber ''best 1D
weartac IIJPUtl" La the borne
ecoaomlea competWoa. at lbe
1969 Orup Couo1J Fair and
EJPOSiUoo last week 1n Costa ......
Sulma cam Ja.se lfldiii.Uoa EnDI.IC CuJQD Rd,, Sbore
boaors wwtaccordedattbt UCI cwr.s, BA, compuaUYe Uten.. ...,...lloll ... ....., to Lane-tore; udSeo.tau--.u,
tord lllcbole, 511-1/Z Orchid Dofld -Cbolllt, 154f-D
A.Yt,, Coroaa del lrlu, Freoch Oruee An., BA, Freacb; K:eYta
major, 1tbo ncelnd a BA llaDieJ Coaaaact*la. 741 w.
deP'M, ud W1Dlfrtid Smith, 18th st., BA., EacltJb;udHtiiA
W El -An., Mnport Cborlolle F-ck, 114 llroot-
Hetpta. BA 1D art, l1Dt La., BA, --·1tb,
llap&c .. lalde-owoot MIEWI'ORT TIIEATER
tolc-u---.uary PRESittTS2PLAYS ·
lladelra A eo_, Gl U pl&Jvowbo AYt,, BA, ,_,eboloiJ, ud caD. tbtiD.IIIYM "GtJo.i" wW J&M~ Jotopb Kr&Mr, Z4D pr-I -.ad plaJo at
Ill 11m.-Wa.y, BS;. b&olociCil tM ()pea Eld 'nlller, !115 tc=·-..--, aU VIlla W&J, M_. llel<h, lhll ·-----1,11-WtM..-I,Joly-C-RlcMnt WWiam Cal11a, 0a FrlolaJ ... Solln&J, lboy
1015 CoaiDOCIDrt Rd., BlJ· w1ll ....... TtsEIIIIt WU.
u1171t, M , tlldrlca1 tall-llam's •-ca. ol U. Cl t 11 -toe 1M Wilde c-..n, .......,. ...... L&we ... Fer-
1111 Bedal'd La,.Apt.ll, ·--... r·z 't9oldllrol• coa. clltr, 8A, ~ Marprtt tr)',"
• 2 2 w GolD. 1415 BIKt-'nl ''GIIoli'' S. a ZIIW co.-
-. st., Eui-.IIA, poJ--Ull ..... to--cl ....,;ltldii' .... II,IIIVIa ~'1-'l''allll-
,_ 1.ldo ... !'i:.::: -....... _ • ...,.. ~--no q,ea a.~ n. hr -
111-11., -11-'oiiA, ..... -.. -~ • Ill •o _.. Bltl7 ll4*._,, ... ._ _... ..
lift 1'W1 A1111oJ Pl., COG
IIA, *"-l All liST OP Till-1M •P.!i"'~II._~'"~•DII AT CIIUMTRY CUll IIA,-lln.O.-.--m .. ,, .. _ .... _ ~,;,;;;;;;;,~;;;;;.,~ .... WID -• ••• r •
al C.. -C! I I C» Ills• • a I.
..... .-.. ••• 1 ••
twh , r 1 aauz•.....-
11 ........... _., __ .... 37 .. ---...:. .. :.... ........... ....,_ ........ 7 7= ......... .:. ... .. _ .. _ .. ..
::.Wiiiiiiii;;;;;;:;/1 • -.... ~ • .._Ait'rr
Special law set for Newpeil
1nt ,,, •• ol ................ " -·~ $15 Jll' .......... ..,CJal
..... •t 7f1WU J1 u ...... 4 rrld br ....._ ...... ftka ~ c:.~IS ... v e r.htrt~a.._., .... , wa .. • t n 57 PrtftM proftt. n v "! ~
.... City Co-ctt *I'" II I •c.-c&edaa tiOI'tldbfuu.a,.._or tartgt lad M .. ,.;.,.-... tldiiDl c11b1ct JII'GPII'tr waJd o1. twtz ' u 11-Jnrt«
-llel'q; · 1. cttJ •. / no_., .. ___ ' n "10r -...,.oau. 11o ... w111 bo .... ..,.
ud INI k..,---lollt'o ... ldtolboelqm!MII" Clu-. ':~~~;=:: .. ,_.., cUe-, Car.ru, to profttt ilr mare t1IMb' UoMJ. • •
duce tDatltsa. ~ect~Re. c:... aaldk r..-ol ,.,...._ Ap.. ta ..,.., ~
cort, ';;;til.~ -plcw-on to bo IUod at -~ orpot•ttoo, It
.. --_.,.--It .,, prior to tbo-"" Gl lbo --1o -to 1bo po1>Uc U11-Gl lbo ..... A $%51<000 ..... -colloded wUialo lbo
-1111 ,_.a -or too w1n bo c111r ... "' .... 1o •-to ..., ~~~ pormll-&ar-.....,... Wllort pormll toe II roqodnd, llo ...... II boiac D
Gilbo oodo Ull flO ID -· Wbore !bon lbo corrtol 1M Gl $%5
Tbo ardl;_ro -IIIIIIIPIJ lo oo pormlt toe. ID addltiGn lDr ooct-or Ia lbo
to acllfllloo -ld lJr 1bo to lbo ltA>llcotiGn IH. eacll ud corlllnl toe ol JIOD &IIOY
NIWDOI't..M .. ScMol outrlet permt.ttee mut P&J a fee ~ plu $50 a day lor l&dl
mcCormiJ .
-lOr wlllcb _.to ad-ml-lacblr ....
Laguna Beach Mortuary
' ' ... -~··.-..
Announces The
Serving the Entire South Co•at Ar ..
YoiJ Are
Cordially Invited
To Visit
Our Spacious Facilities
THE lfEWPC:ItT HARBOR BMIMSS aDd Pre I ·streJ Wo-m••• C.. ...... a c-.:11:: wap ~~~ don" 'hla1,
11111 IZ, Il-oilo cl-,Caoi&M-, willa bid rillll
olf tbe old wapa. Pletarld hire are tbrH ol tbt commtHM
members, from lefl, Mrs. W, A. Roaelfttld, Mr.~.t C. R.
Cbamberl&JD ud Mn. DeMur! Tosb. tbe ebairiiWlb' tbe
e¥eot. Abo oa tbe committee are Mrs. Sandy C&rt.DD. aDd
Rose FeatoD.
Lelteb/Kiyotold, IDe., A.LA.,
tntermtioDal arebitectural tlrm
based IJINnpartBeaeb,basap-
po!JIIed WUsoo V. Woodmaa,
A.LA., as viee president and
management director.
Dr. Norman E. WatiOil was 211
named ClWieeUor ol !he Oraap
Coast JUDior Callep District
last week.
Trustees voted to cba.D.p Dr.
~ ..... ,
'..:-..::r;.:,lt-:!! -.:· .. ~;::.:r::::
• -..... , ................ --lallld
...... -.... 2 '• lor, ... t&lr?IUI...-fto-~-..... ,----·t-a-1-1---· SOLie~ . d?r-IIC.OUIAt'-,
lo ~-::-:a=:.:.:-JOI TIIIIJILLO DIIS -,.._II_ no-~ Tnjlllo,lt,IIIIM..D
-II l2lo Will Qr Wal1oOo, ODilia .._ dSed IIIJ
...... -I I III ...,.., 11 ... " Wtlwdbf.U.._,, ,.. Da% ............ ~ .. 'l'nJWDoiMw~~
...... Lao .... lb 1111111116. -.. Toor, -· .. ......,_Toit&!ol-........ ud B-,&1111--
.. BPD -Md BoD l«t7. port Booa; I _, lloll1 TQIIII 1?1.._, •"u?Qr
fto -lalllod ?IIIIa, • .._ IIIII .... _. II ODIIa ---por••"lr
-•...... IIIII MuJ Prleo at c,.._, IIIII ~ ·apn -. -
A!e•llol P111iar oolla ........ wwe llold 11111 II -ld ·-· ..:..-atlllo ;; BCbOo~llold ;jWOIIara Hljj~ II Bell Dr-, Clllptl IIIII 11-Amorleoa &Uool at a..
. ' -lbo -willa 5 --wu at Harl>or Root ereatloo, llnpart _.. Tloo
M-lal Part. ICbool --II1IIIJ lral-lliiC .. port, P111..-. ud
camp ..... llll to -ud
lfOIDMIIO Pl'tiJIIA tllul b]la..
dtnlllp ro1ts Iaiiie rocr-
ftekl. Tom Harmoa 11 weD -.1o lbo~worldu
"Ole M" hecaul afld8fllocNI -u aambor. Wbllo 111111
llDIYorolly at Mleblpa, 11o wu
anrdod !be H ....... 1'rapeyla
Tbo coot ol joodor coU.p
-laCalllorala loiUIICGf tbl lowut in tbe atioo's oom . ....,,ty eou.eo .,_,-Willi
lbo Oraap~1UDiorCallop
Dlolrlet loldlarlbo way.
PreYiou.sty personnel mao-
apr and project architect of
tbe tl.rm, llr. Woodman joined
the Leiteb orpntratloo in
March, 1967. He formerly
beaded his own arcb!tectural
omce 1n Corooa del Mar for 10
years. He ls a graduate of the
University of CallforDia at
Berkeley, and is a past pre.
sideot of lbe Orange c~
chapter of tbe Amerleu losti-
tute of Architects.
Watsoo's title trom supertn-
teodeot to cbaneellor to keep
up with a growing tread 1n Call-
forDJa to so deslpate tbe eblet
administrator iD districts with
more than one campus.
The Calitotnia junior col-
lege system recently was se-
parated from tbe state Deput.
ment of Educatloo and given its
own statewide governing board.
Dr. Sidney Brossman bas been
oamed statewide chancellor of
CRAIG COLLOO oil 'lOS lmoeAn.,BeJerest,-llllo 9-1/41b. borroe!Mia al CalaliDa
Island while flab1Dc from tbe sportfbber Sea Horse out of Dany•a Locker iD Newport
Beach. Deep sea t1shiDg is ar:nr red hot.
Flcures jut rei-by lbo
Florida state ~oot ot
Edue&tJoo sbow' tblt tbe averaae
cost Ill Calllonla 1o $'727 per
studellt per year. Tbe oa-
tiolnrlde uerap 1s $997.
Oraare Coast Jwllor Cotlol"
Dlolrlcl cost lo $571.45,
Jack Lemmon Uld
Catherine IleneuTe
-rile April Fools"
T•ct 4 • Jil-. ....
l ht Itt!! ,)1( { u.,
l{h·t --
!'K1ow your officer"
t •
Ill !be state ex<:ec>l tor ....... ,
small desert sehoola.
Tbe eosti.Dotber la.rp states:
IlliDots, $1,140; Iowa, $1,080;
MlcbJpn. $958; Ohio, $9&0;
South CaroUoa, $1,178; Vtr ..
pnia, $1,050; WUhiDctoD.
$1,075; Wtscons1n, $1,400; aad
Florida, $937, HlgjlestloWub-
!Drtoo, D.C., $2,325.
Burglars prledopeoao
door to enter Coast
Ylee Center. 3016 E.
lhry., Corooa del Mar, July
or 10, laldll( $Z40 Ill wheels
Urea. EJpiUl•• tools 1D.
lbop weu left tmtoucbed.
RISTAIU.AI • ---OI&T -1UIIIM'n ....... _ ...........
......... ldll ......
IEWIA ....
• OPRMI ....
-..... . -... ...... -lllliWIIa. .,... .. __
•uauf:ll'----... _..
-~-r.a .....
'lmllf ........
-~~~-·~ --
P. o. :ao. 1211.
• J
·-MNfn -~ '"' .. Coeot--Me ll1 .....
cwa ioolllcr.;. • ,_ "'
,. Jliiii\IJ.:It • a .... .,. .
elltabllshed long before we beard
ol the Astronauts. lsn't 1t a coinci-
dence? -Also that we would have
a 3 Bedroom and Den home over-
looldng the MOONlit Bay and the
Blue Pacific. 110' of frontage on
Ocean Blvd, and bac!dng on Way
Lane in China Cove. Price only
~~Ul..View Homes
'it.$80,IIJO to $190,000
for discriminating families who can
afford the finest, and desire the pres-
tile and atmosphere of a Newport
Beach view home. Ivan Wells and Sons
proudly present the NEW "400" SER·
HOMES. Here is the ultimate in quiet
elea:ance and comfort ... total privacy
in the very exclusive residential com-
munity, OOVER SHORES. Choose one
of the "400" series view homes or
Ivan Wells & Sons will design and
build a special home ... just for you!
Br 1-W.U. ~ S..., I'M .. Qw..tit• •.t.~Ur•fw M .-n.
Models •t 1430 ~luy Orivtt, N..,port Buch
Phone (714) 646-1550 Open O.ily 10 to 5
Real Estate
• 704 Irls, Corona del Mar
• 706 Irt8, Corona del Mar
• 1126 Goldenrod, (Harbor View
• No. 5 Westcllff vma, Newport
• Penthouae Laguna Royale, Laguna
For Action
~ ... ,.~lhb ?Joe('*
4CM B. Cout aw,. 67~-1612 c:w..r-dll Mar, Calif.
I••••" lncft lalaa
..... hi •• c..t. ...
NEW .•• NEW ••• NEW
uun Y. f"RJUii'Cl.lX
3250 £at Coat *"""'
CorOftl del .... talifonlil
""""" 673-2222
Sales through the Multiple Llstlng
Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa
Mesa Board of Realtors totaled just
over $30 mllllon for the first 6
m0ntbs of 1969. Tbls r€1)resents 801
unlt sales and a dollar value increase
ol 2~ over the same period o! last
year, wblcb was a record year. List
your property with a Realtor today.
0~~$10 ~0 I' Ell Yl!t.R
6 Units--All Rented!
EACH HAS: 3 bedrooms, 1 3/4 baths,
and 1eparate gange.
PRElJENT INCOME w $850 a month.
Beauty. Professionally land-
scaped -Sprlnkler system.
ldtchen with d1n1ng area .
Hardwood cabinets. Electric
built-ins. Garbage disposal.
llvlng space approx. 1,900 sq. ft.
• CALL TODAY . It w·Jn't last long
at this price.
3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662 Corona del Mar, Calif .
Tbe ClbWouS ld.tchell ud tamltJ room also opeo
ooto lbe potlo.
Tbe master bedroom really is a master bedroom
_ wttb two baths. Also downstairs is a maid's room .........
Tbe Pl'eseol owners had this home bu1.H: b)' Bob
Forbes ill 1954 -aDd have maiJDJ.oed it lD tbe best
possible mamer eYer siDee.
Call llr appollblent to see.
p. •· p•lm~r lncorpor~~tecl
111 DMliii£RS llliiO Sill 1935
U17 '"• u• Oololo ~ Me P•" .._._,_ ~L.A-.... MAs..-.
Little Corona Beach •••
• • • • 1B ooly lltepa away from \h1a
unique two story four bedroom home
--ip&Cioua and clean with a newly
remodeled kttcben, large family room
and well protected patio. Great Yl.,
upM&lra, -e new down.
July 24, 25, 26
Gift Certificates
Gift Tapes
Tickets To
Disneyland &
Tru-Line Auto Center
YUI. flllU.. auftM. ' ....
.. S! 11m: I..5111J 1.•u Uk14
1.11114 115.114 I.Ua\4 1J5r15
1.1815 5.M•U I ... U
--Ill ,., ""' --... -.. .. lilt "" ...,_ tir. .. .. 1Jr 25". MOM 110 E.
ltlnekrlfttd tt~t.IMICI cewiiOt
dritt soft SIMI lhri. A c-. fort fMrlltl It ftolbt
SmoUd elk, white, brown
IUid ccllbllr tan. For
mo. 111m or 'ridl. 6-14
9 ,15 10 5,311 DAILY
ao Noll tiro"'-.-
... -111'4 .,... -llr'KtiM lw W jlliiM ?If
• .., "" .. rulll·
IlK ..... T~ Tins fw WI. _, ___ ... -llllla SMa14 SMall
NEW OFFiCERS FOR 1919-70 lnmlled bJ tile llnpari Harbor Ezc.._, tile ladles'
autUary of ttoo llewpon Harbor E~np CloD, 18c-. from loll, -(Mrs. Fred)
Colo, tr..__.; Fern (Vrs, wawaJil.nu., pr-; Hapo(Vn.IIOrmao)VoaHeraen,
\'lee-!1'-111, Ud Huel (Mrs. Coy) Wallo, soeralary.
llldway 1>-2424
CGeTA n•aA ---v.-.... :.,,,: J 1• ··~·~
eenage skip·pers race
lllcellll a.lcb n<:lllellf 10 Go<do ~-Ud Jay lA•· oaaleb rau rOfiOIIH• ... Oldp-
8oatblra C&llti.W*'a tiMt ._ reac.. per to rau ap.lut ••1 otta.r ' ap ..._... 'IIIII bo 1M ..-II ... -. clubo .tU com-stlppor lD 1-boll dllolo,
oa till O)Jiaplc CORM off tbt pete. ec..Adtrtd to be Mr..,_ Cliairmu o1 UtlaJeU't•tll
llnpari U.Cb PI« Jllly tbrtlla are Pater Parller,lf.,.. II BID Cara-ANiaiiOC IWD
1$-H-!7, port Harbor Yaebt Clab; Rudy .tn .. Cllet Pureeu ai>Gud 1M
Tbls II tile :kdyoorofallillc Smylb, Hlllllloclx>o Harbor "Hallolajab" tileraeecommlt-
tor tbl Goferoar'l C~, ..,._ Yacht Club; Kea Weias, AlamJ-tee be* Prcwided by Com-
aored-t .. Bt.lboa YacbtCblb. toa B&J Yacbt Club; ud Mary modore BW Campbell. ... ~ GrUDtb, Los Anre~s Yacht
Both of tbl PI'~ COII&Mtl Cllil. stroBe t-.ms are a18o Troptlies, &warda udc
•ere WOD bJ Balboa • on n-bttoc •Dt by tile Lido Isle Yacht YerDOt'l C• wW be pre
presrbttn, ArJJ .. CampbelL Clab, BaMa Cort.othla.n Yacbt by GO¥erDOr R•PD'• re-
Arole t&.,., Oftl'..&p, baYiDC Club, South Coast Corlmh1aD preseatattn, Robert wan.,
reacbed Ma zotb bUtbda.J. Tbe Yaebt Clljl Loog Belcb Yaebt Director ol tbe Depu1meat ot
Balboa ChD'a del .... WlU be ClUb ud ~ K1nc HarborYaebt. Harbors Ud Watercraft. Tbe
I.DlbttucllolAMJ'RoH,wbose Club. ceremoDiu wt11 tate place at
crew IXM'W1RI ol Rlek JeDDess, The coolest will be sailed 1n lbe Balboa Yaebt Club ln tbt
the "Cal %5" class boats as 14 early efWD&" l)llotrtac Suo-
the put, Tbe format of tbe day's fiDa1 race.
~~~f2.wers at Hoag
Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Ter-Gtrl-lh.UdMrs.Robett
reoce Jurgensen. 1594 Corl.aD-Oraback, 412'1 Hilaria Way,
der Dr., Costa Mesa. West Newport Helpta:.
Boy-W.r. and Mrs. Leslie Girl-Mr. Uld Yrs. Roter
Scb11ling. ZO'lZZ Goshawk, Hun-Waonumltb, 16562 DellollCtr.,. t:lDctoD Beach. No. Z, HIJDtl.Qetoo Beach.
Giri-Mr.andMrs.Thoma.s •SATURDAY JULYIZ
Derry, 2220 Anaheim, Costa Girl_ Jb. and Mrs. Pbll-
Mesa... tp Br01t11, 2065% Chaucer LD.,
OOy -M.r. and Mrs. Ralph Huntington Bea.e:h.
Caddil. 820 TowDe, Costa Mesa. Girl-Mr. ud. Mrs. GordoD
Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons, 29'14 Croftoa st..
Barr, 1936 FlamJ.n&o Dr., Costa Costa Mesa.
Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Waltlr
; -·..;.. .. · . __ _, -~ __ .. __ ~ ... -
AC'I'OII JOHlf WAYNE aJld bls ,.,._ -.loOn Elllln,
are piooeers oa. tbe new callco log ride at Knott's Barry
Farm, Bae• Part. Cominc dowD tbe tz-bJt illde in a
boUowed-oal: log, Jotm Wayoe waves to tbe tbO"A""I ol
people uw ptbered to see him take the nrst ride oo tbe
opeoiq dly of tbe ride. Tbe famous actor makes b1s bome
tn. Bay Sbores here lD Newport Beacb wben be is oot Oil -·-tlnn·
Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Underwood, 508 Ca..l1faraia
Lwerett, 2452 Elden. C05ta Ave., HUDtingtoD Bea.ch. W£ .\IE OVERLOAD£ OVER 400
MeS&. Glrl->lr.aodMrs.TimOtby WIT:1 MEW 1969'S AND NEW 1969'S AND
*THURSDAY, JULY 10. Ha.idJDpr, 484 E. Zlstst.,Ce-THE NAME OF THE TOP TRADE·lf'tiS
Boy -Mr. and Mrs. A~ traiNeypon. GAME IS SAVEl TO CHOOSE F ROM/ :11• I . CD..ST HIWAY
ORiole J~450
lillie-. 1911
COMMITTE£ MEMBERS lor tbe Harbor Key's yachtsmen's ba.lliDchxfe, from
jolt, Mrs. Anlboay OU1nc ol Lido lola, Mr. OttlnL and Mrs. E. L. Miller of llle
1lal1u Hey Club. (tulp ~.)
Wlllcut,003W.17th,CostL Mesa. Gtrl -Mr. and Yrs. Georp !1---------..L--------Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Erl, 2199 Maple, Costa Mesa.
Haraey, 2%03 Amerlca.n, Costa • SUNDAY, JULY 13
Mesa. Boy -Mr. a.od Mrs. Paul
Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ledet, 1033 Missioa Dr., Apt. New '69 Thunderbirds
Soutbwlct, 920 Peaee Pl., Costa. C., Costa Mesa.
MATTRESSES Yachtsmen's ball announced ~~~IDAY,JULYU 'MONDAY,JULYlt Tom,m• JI'EW -IIUUD.DDIG Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Evan Girl-Jrlr.&DdMn. s99 OVER ACllJAl
FACTORY INVOICE Irreaular Shapes Wltb tbe bay as a back drop The blll, the luptration ot ot LlDda Isle for a cocktail Tbomas, 4809 River Ave., West fruler, 745 Weelo Dr., ~OSI&I
tunwpd.,-eotte. and beat~ 1la tbl ADHt. tbeball o. w. (Dick) Rlcbard. a past party boool'l.nc the people wbo Newport. Mesa.
COSTA MESA MAnaiSs co. committee ptberecl at tbl home up:l of Cblld Guidance 'rill be are lelldiDg tbe1r stamt to tbe Girl -Mr. aoo Mrs. Den-Girl -Ur. and Wrs. ~';;'10;:"';;•,..;;•;""';:;· :U;""':;,.;';a.;om=~o~f~Mr~.~Ud:!:Mr::&.~J~ao::!k!H:•m:I~IIIJn:..ltand a.midburC'Hsottbema.Q)' t1rst amual yaehtmeo•s b&1l to D.1& McKinley, 221'1 Harbor Huddlestoo, 171 Roebe:Dr, M0 SALES CHARGES, M0 ,REPA..RA..na.. C~~~:~,
J./. J. 9arretl~
......... ....,/Safe
lo )'OUr .oholco otl Jtyto w loloric MY loo
~ .......................... .
Truly a rare money-saving
15 ....... _
CIIIIWIY _,... IP.I 10C1M, .•••DO!tt .._ tMu Mo•s •...
H.J.GARRETf fURNf(URE ---··-...... .-.~· ... ~ . ~ ... .....
raellilneeblbo. be pvea bJ the Harbor Key af BIYd., Apt. S-7, Costa Mesa. Costa 11-. liD DEALER ADO.O~HUt;ES. 2.000RS,
Commodar..i, craoo old .. a .. Cblld Guldaoce Ceoter of Girt->lr. Ud Mrs. Robert Boy ->lr. Ud Mrro•~·==• otOOSE fROM AMY MEW 1969 T·IIRD Ill DUR IIG &.Dd laDdl.allbera are leoding Orange County. , Erdma.na. ZOZ7 Goldeneye Pl., finley, 9140Unst., H· STOOC.I
tbltr ~rttotbtJ:salutetotbe The ball, wbJ.ch W'1ll be pre-Coata Mesa. Beach. boU1nr oomm11llty. sented at the Balboa Bay Club Boy-Mr. and Mrs. A.Ddrew Boy -Yr. aad Ill's.
Tbe "Grud Old Salt of Child frlday, Aug. 1, wW be tbetlrst Cyp, 900 Sea l..a.J:Ie, Apt, C7, E. Dura.Dd, 2700 Petersoo Wq,
Gulduce Ctllter" award wW be or Ita t1Dd boDOrlDJ tbe many Harbor Vie'tt' Hills. S-ID, Co6ta Mesa.
II• .. clarlq 1118 fui!Yitlts of bao.tlnc -U81utsofSauthern L!GAL HOTICE LEGAL -TIC"-
... IIIII ud W\11 tfo t..,t a --Callt>rala. "w •
ntjj:lllll<llllld! rn,Mr1.Mat-Btndts from tbe b&ll W1ll ORDIMAllCEKO.lSOI s.aeb lalterabJ.LIM:aKW_.
ray C-of llnport Boacll, be \I -tloo Cblld Guidi nee AN OllllfNANCE Of THE em dlrocltd to ebaJ1co lllltrlctMip
Mrs. Cbu'IH lbstler of Lido Center of Orange County, wbi ch Of NEWPORT BEACH RE-No. 17 so as to shoW tbiiDaiDc
lale, aDd thl1r committee: Mrs. is a DOP..proftt psychlatrtc ZONING PROPERTY AND A-ch&.aps described 1D Sectloa 1
J. O'Hara Smltb of CoroDa del cl.ln1c m emotloDallydlsturbecl MENDING DISTRlCT WAPNO. hereof, and, as sa1d DUt:rict
...-president o1 Harbor youth o10ranp:County.Oneof 17 MapsballbavebeeDsoa.meDded, Mr•. Jack Hamtltoo ol tbe arms or ~rt Is the TDe City CoUDC11 of the City the same sball be 1D fl1ll tbrce
tale, Mrs. A.u:thollyottlng Harbor Key, which bas actively or Newport Beach does Ol"da.ln and etreet and be a put of
Isle, Mrs. Juae Matbers s~rted the Ceater from Its as follows: Tltle 20 of tbe Newport Be&eh
ol Nnport Beach, Mrs. E.ste. very be&tnnJnc .-ttb Us tbrftt SECTION L. The illloW'illC de-Mw:Uclpal Code.
wart Peterseo ot Newport shop, located at 1570 Newport scribed real property in the SECTION 3. Th15 ord1aance
Bl&cb; Mrs. Wayoe Slocum ot Blvd., Costa Mesa, and tuDd City ol Newport Beach, County shall be publilbed ooce La. tbe
Udo lsle; Mrs. Cora Pem raising eveDtl: such a.s the de-of Ora.nge State of CallfOl"llla, ottl.c1.&1 oewspsprer of tbe City,
Wa.Uace of Newport Beach; IDd butante ball, the aw:nal ''trea-to wtt· ' and the same sb&ll be eft'ectln
Mrs. William H. Weaver of surea a.adtrfnketsauction."aDd Loti ftloc.t 537 City of New. 30 days after the date of its
Colt& Mesa. DOW tbe yachtmen's ball. port Beach, Co~ ot Oruge, adoptio.o..
State ot Calltorllia, as per map This CX"dioanee ns lDI:rodueed
S f N tiled in Book 3, paee U of at a rerutar meetmc of tbe City ons 0 orway meet M!&cellaDeous Maps, In tile Or-Counell of lbe Clty of Neypon
flee ot the County Rec:order or Beach beld on tbe 23rd day of
Trycve I.Je Lodp 90 Sons The orpnluttoo 'JIIC)D&ars and said County, and located at3110•June, 1969, a.ad ns adopted oo
o1 Norway, W'1l1 meet at 8 p.m. s~rts cultvnl, charitable SecoodAveoue, CoroaadelMu, tbe 14tb da.y of J1lly, 1969, by
today, JuJJ u. From now oo a.od aoeial serTlee projects In-as sbowo on District Map No. tbe ))Uowlng vote, to wit:
tbe}' w1U meet lD tbe Odd Fel-clud!Jlg the t1De arts. 1a.nc1aae. 17, referred to 1n Seetioo AYES, COUNCll.llEN: Mclnnis,
low's Hall, 2.4'16 Newport Btrd., mtlSic l!ld~erents. Fur-20.06.030 of tbe Nnport Beach Sbtltoa., Parsoos, Marsball,
Costa Mesa. tber lnformatioo may be Municipal Code, and by such Rocers, Wrttl. Graber.
Tbe board W'1ll eootlnue to obtained from Mrs. R. NieLsen. reference made a part of Title NOES. COUNCu.MEN: Nooe
meet oa tbe seooo:t Tb.unday ot 548.6888. 20 of sa1d Code, Is hereby re-ABSENT COUNCll...MAN : Nooe
e&eb. moolb at tbeSeeurlty" First zooed from anR-Z District toa.n Ool'eca Ma.rsball
Natlon&l Hut, Z%80 Harbor ANN M. HAMD DIES A-P-H Dlstrle~ aod said Dts-Mayor
Btrd,, Costa Mua, at 8 p.m. ADO M. Hand, 83, of 633 trict Map No. 17 Is hereby a-ATTEST:
Qa Aue. 10 tbey will bave a Wl.lson, Costa Mesa. died July mended to sbow ttds IOil1n& Laura t..actos
dim dip dlnaer al 6 30 IZ S 2 change, City Clerk
ON MEW 1969'S.
at :e a Odd Fellow's aall t.m~ Rdber~ ~ s;;: b~ ~ SECTION Z. Tbe P1ano1nc Dl-Publl.lb: July 24, 1969, l.n
fWl n1pt tor tamWe~ and Mesa; a daugbter, Mrs. Bar-rector of the City of Ne~ tb1 Nnport Harbor Ensi~p.~~~~=========:~:==~ fl'!onds of lbe members. bon llorpo, North Carolina; L!CiAL IIDTICE
Pta.ns are be!ncformulatedto a slster, Mrs. Marpret Par-
have a NOI'W'eglan Luteftsl: and kes, IdlOO; 4 pudchlldren COMPTROLLER
meat b&ll d1DDer lD October. and 6 great-e:raacJtl)dren. Ser-OF THE CllRRENCY
Soas of Norway Wlltes North rices were bald 15 at TREASURY C£PARTMENT
Amtrieu men, womeaudcbll-Bell &.~nyCblooe:L Eoatoonb-Of Ttfj: UNITED STATES
dreo ot Non'epu tukCfO'IDd. ment was at Wasbington. o. c ••
Dell"'7 a.ntoo -Chr .. Aeoout• IDYitod
evldeoce has beea pr....od k»
the ComptroUeraltbeCw....:y
tbal "NEWPORT BA.NK., N.A. "•
state otCAUFOIUflA, 1:u com ...
pUed wttb au pronslou o1 tbrt
st::atw:es ol Cbe Uala.dstature-
quirtd u: a N.,..._! •·ttac
NOW THEREFORE, 1 llilnbf
-lbal 1111 ---lDI* II-10
comm~ tM ,..._. u a
IN TESnii08T wamtE-
OF,.U...aJ ......
lla'l ud ..a of -
l>l8 17111 day "' IIQ,
(lllpod) -"-' ~ of 1111 Cwr-r_, C~::fa!""" 15115. lollll-..-11,114.
SWIM FINS I 5.95, 6.95, 8.95
SKI BELTS .•.•.•• 6.95
MASKS .••. 95• TO 11.95
SNORKELS 9S., 1.95, 2.95
B•ch Floato 3.95to 21.95
SkiM Boarch .• 4.95 & 10.95
Sloepln 1 Bog a 12.95 to 77.95
BACK PACKS 5.95 to 29.95
TUBE TENTS 2.00 to 9.95
B ... ~oou Mltta -co1 ..... • Bella • Beta • Capa -Slo.os
8a<ly ProtoctiOII• s ..........
3 "'"" -5 "'"" -lO s, ••• litES'-411.00 t. 2lUD
Dtonlap Fort Tonni• Radtota
S"""' DL Nylon • • 18.95
OHLY • • • • • • • • • l"-95
FRAMES ••••••••. 15.95
SfRUNG NYLON •• 18.25
J•lar Redtota "-95 l 12.95
T-11 o.. .... 1195-lt.ts
TI!MMIS SHOES •••• 7.25
TBIIS SltOIS ••• , 7.71
TB ... IIIOIS ••••
SWIAT IDI .......
.. _ -1
911 ____ .,_
M' •••••••• tu ......... •=• lh&. ,.r.t
n ........ a ..... charciL
I ...,. -. II a Woal wbleh
-.. ,_.,..,. a a-wbleh ----Lot -'-ribo to J011 wlaat I
2iLIIklor to be a ehu.rdl Wlllth1' of
tloo-I ha .. •-.._.:
It --of tntJ;f OC>Jl•
ftl"ted PIIIODL No man or wam.-
ID, boy or rlrl, haa any bull-
......,. a member of the ehu.rdl
who lo not a Chriatian-illward)T
-outwardlY -positively -
_.tively-Sumlay and Konday
-&t home and away. The purpoee
of the loeal o.....U,Iy ill to spread
tho Goopel-to witneaa for Christ
-and this cannot be done by
those who know noth.iq, experi·
entially, of the New Birth.
It must have a co~rated.
Spirit-filled leader. Wata-cannot n.e above its soun:e--nor can a
.....,..,.tion rise above that lead-
enhip it supporle and ~
The deepest purpose and the con-
stant persistence of my heart ia
thua to live and serve--aa a con--
oecrated, Spirit-filled man.
It must be characterized by a
spirit of brotherly kindness and
_uaclotL!ness. Isaiah 41:7 ci,ves ua
a picture of how we Christians
ahould work and live toaether.
They encouraged and co--operated
with eaeh other. So, also, doea
Acta 4 :31-35 . . . "great craee
wu upon them all."
Without this vital, essential
quality, the efforts of the greatest
minister. singen, educational
staff, ett., are in vain. Paul gives
ua a pattern of Christian rei•
tions, in Ephesians 4 :31, 32,
which every one of 118 should use
as a gauge of our spirit..
The church should have a devo-
tional atmosphere, studious ~
its, sacrificial spirit, administra-
..... as,. ••11••w
.. t ••• 1'1& .......... ..
II I .............. J%11&
A-vwtednmw....,_ • .,..
ltAW ~ • lladew.
i ttMa aplrit an IIIJNI.el, bet
~ to 8t the ehareh,for Ita -
taa1 pa._ Ia Wa world,
The -ehiU'Ch. Ia a world!w
ehure.h. It ia BOt a DUM a •m, DDr a
mutnal aclmlratioe oodwt)>, nor a
play _.-it lo a wort ol>op.
Every Chriatian who would be •
happy, lll1lCI .-a!, Cbriatlan,
maat mate it hlo bual-to ftnd
hlo pJMe of wort.
We bow ......,. a--of
servic:e for u.-who will wort:
the Choir (that'• wort!), the uah-
er band, the Sunday Sehool, the
youth J!'OUJII, the lllulo1W7 ~
ciety -other familiar ftelda.
Still I am convinced most of the
talent of the church lo 10inr to
waate. God live ua the viai011 to
l'fllldt and claim theoe unused
Look around you I Don't you
-IOOIDethiDI?' that needs doinr,
which ;,ou c:an do! The Putor,
the Board, the Buildln;r Supe,..
vi8or, the Sunday School Superin·
tendeD!, will hear your SUP111'8-
tiona rladly. We should be look~
iq for a """'¥ to serve, not mere-
ly for makiDI?' friends.
The model church ia & witnesa.-
ina chureh. ..They went f!!Yf!rY·
where, witneainl'" it wu said of
the early church. They did not
come to church to see if the
pre.cher could "land a fish."
They met primarily to ''take on
fuel," to receive added instruction
and fresh inspiration and then
went out to witness for Christ. A
Christian Jew told a friend of
mine ... 1 wU a milkman, and was
won through the testimony of
perhaps 100 of my cu.stomers !"
The model church is a aoul-win-
niq ehurch. Witnessing will lead
to soul-winning. And soul-win·
n.iq iJ Christianity in action. •·
• 'n*m'• __. -~ .._ .... , ... .,.: il -rel«eac. • ...... Ur.o ..._. ....UY" will M t..-4 ia tM lolrl aho••·
a.UES ACI:OSI Jt '"little •-.. cr .. --.d • cry 11 , ... ...._.,.. ••. u. --·· witta 32 !:-.,. -··-·· u .... •,.:•> •-• _ c..r (1.ub 1:52) •• -·-•P ,.._ ..
llo! _. ___ .. _.... cac.tt. a:JI> ...... yGltNt-·--··· ~ .... _ lib a cl.•o ··--llim-(l.uko ,. ,_. ,.. Ia ~~
1:11) .. ·-· ---
5 1 • . .. .. _, Soo. iA (Mcrtt. SrS) ~··-.. •Y . • .. __ ,.._ 1»o tlY Soa of God .....
....._ I --..» p~.._.-(Ma-tt. •*-'> 11 1.itlcde .. r.o .._ of Acoa •10 d 34 d ... L,. . ... (L.4, 1:13) i:.tt ._'!:"'4 .... --··
IS "'1ha h _ a..e-.tll -to hl.IIW :tl .1 ia4e.d MPiM y.tu. wi ... __ !--
d ··--(Nett. S·ll) 11 ..._ period of wuhfkcd tl-. 41 ~ ..... .....; ....... ~ u..
JJ Wlf.a. of two 1• .... U•cle'. 3:1: . ··-· (let". IJ:S)
ll:lSJ f.3 11r.oa4 o1 U.. J..W.. o1 God
•11 ::-..11~ "'tU ··•• •Y .._ (j a-., 5:15) • M-......... to • ., .......... to '" M~ il ., •ss • s--
.Qo I -· .... to lilill s e n • (LaJre 47 iaitiala of G ~0 aa4 wiJo
1:$5) of Je~eoh (Go .. 31:1. I)
D • city ~~oo~w._ w ... ,.ok aad 41 --.~ .-t &-k to U.. ri9ld c.~.• ca... 11:11) •.u ··--to tJa. ~oa-u.-. 1:71
" ---· witlr. ............... o-. so a gilt •• tho OuWI dlild. ·---· 11:17) OIUiaeoD80 {Mcdt. 1:11) a ..,.. lpiril el God d..:eruti119 51 •· •.•• tllat -aaa .ugld pcqa
lib • -·-· ·· tty tlaat way~ (Matt. 1:.) D _.Jed..J (Goa. 15:7) 51 krthor of lata ... (Naa J2:S)
... -...... ua.....'m •• "'!Ma Sa ay hlrw4 _ ..
ST ..................... ..
_. -··-• ( ... IJ!ll) ..................... u.. ....
.. -·--.. (lild. 1111)
CLUD DOWW !,-.......... _ ..... .. ..........
1• ........... ( ..... l :l:t) s .................. 8Cidld.a .... ·-· .. nc.tt. ll::ll) ............... __ ........
' .w..e.-.. ~. ----(C... Dal)
7 "'a ..._ J -well. -·-'" • .. , ........... , ..... 1:1) ........... ••.....,....,....,.. _ .. (Eaod. a D)
II a...lr: '--.. -.o C11att. hsJ7} 11 -u.. 1-...... _. t1.o W1M1
te -.. (JI.lt.. li:JI)
2l"'kill ... -...t ..... c..rllto
~ .. (N.tt, 1541)' II iaitt.la .. ,_ .... e14eet lwotker .... .._.._,a...., ... ,
J:S • -at a.. (0... ll1ll)
1$ .,.__ " ....... ·-·--·-17 ...... ___ ............ ..
.... "' ... I ......... ...
....... , -·· (PM..-. S1lt) Sl ""tMt U...., ...,. .___ ... else-
triM o1. Goer rnn... 2:101
37 It Mco• 11k -to • ... all ri9111· oo"en .. M 1
.. " •••. Lw4 God"' u .... 1:1)
42 Mtl.o ~~-• ol -··." II..._
U "ftuWM , • . _. pal -the
··-aac6ao.M (Jw. ti:C)
U Gor1-ok ..._ .. H... (..._ I :ZS. _ ....... ,
• ''tlly H 1h• ce.e. droy .U1 M
--·-(tc.tt. 1:11)
S2ilaidQ ............. u .... •= Lll
53 iaitilals ol two aot.W. --..
Ooola. 1:1, lutlll:•) ss "'ia ............... ·-0 .. .. --.r· fN.tt. 2:11)
5I iaiticda of .u-.. .. ·• wi&o ...
nepkow (Gea. 12:$)
By Dr. laa Pai•le:r of Ireland FROM "sWORD OF THE: LORO"
Preached at Jar-vis Strf'f't Baptist Church, Toronto, Canada. MURFREESBORO. TEHH.
{O...ti-H ""• •••• --a) that crown that thl'y had plattPd Wf' 11 show Him what Wf' think of
The Material of the Crown and they put it upon tM Saviour's H is claims to kingship!" So thf'y
Could I say that when this world hnd. I ~ those long, Eastf'm plat the crown of thorns, and they
was ttealPd by God. It was a world thorn~ prnetratinc the fair and say, '7he only crown that we.will
without a thorn, and it was a world lon•ly tf'mple of my lavtoly Jesus. give You ~ a CI"'''o'n o( jaged
without a briar: it was a thorn· I set' tonight that hideous and aw-tborns! And Wf' will brat It Into
1-world that was created by the-ful mockf'ry of a coronation. I hear your tfl1"1p&es, and Wt> will show
God of Hraven. 'Tbto ftrst f'OIJe that the blasphemy from a hundred You just what we think of Your
f'ver biOOI"M"d upon this t>arth v.·as throats of the CPnturP'I band as claims to kinKship!"
(II:UINLW .,.: 'nil .. T I. I .... a 0 S •&rJ -... ..._., __ ... c.s_ .... _ll'_
-...... -.,,-" .. -""'-looc
._ ..
0 s l :0':: .. '·· ........ -.-...... . ..... .-..," .................. ... ___ ,,, ...... _ ... _ .... _ ...
.. ....._ r.a .. But l'll'hdcw ..,._ to Clltect 1D •·n-. JW' ¢'; ........ IMIII'CIPK .. ottbeclftwUI
.. __ .. -· Koalltl ... JOtbelaefltct. ...... .... ..,_..,. . . .
w.e -lllr -b) ... • I SAMUEL U :l -IIIII
CI1Jl,e,) .... ldc:aiM 21>11 ""' ,_
• • • • IDD¥'td DaYid aplut llr..t to
• 1 CORlln'HLUiS 14:M --bor '-ul ud Jodoll, n1ll
"Lot ,_ -toop .,_. 1 c-.:.. 21:1 a 7o 111u
2A Plio ebor<Jtao; i1r PI Ia lOll OIOYad Du1d to ..UO tile ---.. -.-.-... fbo7 .......... _ .. bo Ia Plio --Plio oc:l ,.
.... cmdlert.. u &lao attb &.ttru:.ted to God'• IDO'I'llrc !a
tbe ...... no. tla1a kbld U1 tbt otblr, to SeiaD' .. n. dU-
....... -_.,. "' ,. • -· Ia oolJ--..... ID.uat/ COMO .. _,. God porm?llad
Tbo-.... Jo ""-"'" SoiLa .. !oc?te ~.,., Jo do tiMII eure'-e of IJI(rtt-.J etas. 'I'M wlllcb woaJd uMmplld! God's -Pu!l>uatr_,.__ -5 -...... _,.
....., Plio oc:tlrity "' -,. beJac ... _"'God ... -pnJV Ud pnpbec:J 1.1 11 :5, •tloDll oftea ... , ud Dat1d'l
proYPdad PI Ia -w1tb doe Ill> 2D -!Dc Plio -?abo-
-loiJ' ud sobjeet?oa, ....... tbe .... -... -
.. -.. Ia tbe .....u.c "' to ""'" ·-.. -Tbo ?Uiac "keep .U.Ct'' ta c:baptc It ot tbe c..._ _..., 1o ban
PI .._ bo ..... to -.,. boeD --by a tp!rtt of
d:let wbat ns a.Uowed ta 11:5. prkte ud a desire tor •lf-
11 Ia -..uac Jo -tiMII • .......,.. ..... , ~YPdiiUtn.
tbe ?ajllact!mtobos?leotoc:c:ars tPDc lntbo um ol IIHb-
S Umu 1D c:bapt.er 1 C -twtce of 1D tbe Lord. Pride ta the oc...
wtU. retereace to mea(YI. 28,30) deouatioD (or utme) ol tbe
Ud ODCe with rdtreoce to deril u we read lD 1 Tlmotby
womea (Ys.M), uti lD ererJ 3:6. So Satu mot"ed Dawtd wUb
ease tbe t'M!mand is condiHcml pride to alallber tbe people.
a.ad DOt abaohU. DaYtd lnslste(l OD c:oantiDC tbt
To qaote Dr. James M. Gn.y people 1D spite of tbe nrDlDp
bere wW prore be~ He of otbe:rs •
writes: ''He wbo speaks 1D u Ili.Yid was ta-ougbt to see bU:
-· toope .. to """ ... IDd be ..,. to tbe Lor<l, 11leaee U tbere be DO UU:r-"I bue s1.Doed Cfe&tb" lD wblt
preter. Be wbo bas a renla .. I ba"re doGe," but yet Go:j per.
t1o11 is to teep sUeace U tbere mUted '10,000 people to peri.Jfl
be a reorela.lioD. ctY• toanotbar lDtbtpJacue ofpe.Wuee W'hltb
slttlog b), ?a Plb IDalloer tile He -, lsrae? hid slnDed,
women are to keep aUeoce ll Oafid had tdnoed. God smote
tbeir questioos Lbterr~ tbe lsl'ael for Dlfid's s1D.t yet God
order and decorum o1 the ser-orerruled this sla wbicb Satu
vice, Tbroupout the wbole SOIIPt to brJAc to pus b eY11
chapter ~ apostle ls deal1og ud God orerruled tt t>r good.
wtth the ftrioaiJ eaues of d1s-Sa.tu does Wf.tb differeat Ylew
order ud eoof\asSoD lD tile coo-that wblch God alkrtrs aDd per.
dud ot tbe .,-uc worsh.lpoltbe mlts him to do.
cbtD"cb, aDd ls DOt to be litter. • • •
preted as U be werer.-essl.Qr It woukt be he~ tor tbe
tbe proper exercise ohplrlbal r-.:ter of this series ol ar-
Pfts by eUber sez. •• Udes to read R. A. Toney's
__ Questions • Answers a I"'!!f' without a thorn. But you the awful act Is takin1 ~-1be)' 'I'hr day that men crowned Him
un't have, a t'CIR tod.ay without platt~ the crown ol thorns and with thoml. they fYPUdiated Hls
a thorn. Some-thine has happened they put it UpoJI His ht>ad. claims. 1 'NOftder how many JleOI*
to thi• OJd world. and ttitt tfOrld · ~re ani! two thinp to be noted 1n tbil PthHWc hllve , ft'PUICIMW
I take it tbat tbe b'ce tbere-boot utltled "DUI'lcttltles &ad
fore of this J)U'ticular pusace alleged UTOI'I a.ad coatnd!c-
Js tbal: WODUIG 'ftn DOt to speak t1oas lD tbe Bible." 1\J..c) be
2D • meet?oc Ia w1dcll tile .,__ ....,kl prom by rlld!ac SJdDe7
eiso ol ""' J?lft ol --iiU CoUll' I "AU -tbo blb?a"
r ..... tec.t accordllc to Sc:rtp... ud Ge PII "• .. -111111 I ...
lure, TheJ-.• IOltporm?Uad lo the p-.y lalpirot!oa ol Plio
speD Ia. b"P"S 1D tbt ebarett. HolJ Serlptures. '' PAOM "nt I! CHOSEM P',EOP'LE"
-,. •. 7at .. St., "-y ... o.,.
Question: Could J014 plrtu~ cltui/y
loshuu's upui,nu in ZuluJriah J:l-6
for mr? At wlrou ril(llf hand is SatDn
Question : The wcwds "shortly," "111
lranJ," Qru/ "'qMid:.ly"' ir1 R~,·~latiort
l :IJ and J :ll puul~ IU for if has
burt Q/mosl two thoMSand )'~an sittu
Johrt wrnu rhrs~ lin~.t. Can _vou lrdp
today • ftlW wttb thams aDd ln thf' ~ry intlieted. by that tiM' daima of the Lonl Jesus!
ftllrd W'lth 'briars. • ~ ~ -crown. First of aU. there is thr J f'Sus Christ is the rlchtrul Kina.
"nnorns and briars are a dif'f'<:t outward agony that was in4ic:ted J esla Olriat il the rl&hUul Lon!. reult of tM fall. And If you will upon the Lard J~us Christ. .nw ~:cr with nK' to the third chapter tt>mplr 15 Oftf' of (J\e most aens~tive JHUS Christ has divlnr authol'ity.
or the ~at opening book of ttw parts of the body. Beneath tM And you should be bowinJ, friend,
Bib)(', tlw book ol Genrsis, you will temple there is a brain. And you to His ~tn", you llhould be at·
read hrl"f' the words of Jehc;r.·ah know they not only placed the-knoww.d&in& His dai!M, you should
Himself. And He uys to man, fal-CMWn upon that bk-ssed hNd ol br confH&ing Him u Lord. But
)en, man now 1talned With sin and Jl'Sus, but then thl'y took the reeds you are found with the .,ldJtrs
corrupted by depravity-in \'CrS<' and they haiTllnered thoR tboms in Pilate'• judgrMnt hall, you are
18 of chapter 3. ''Thoms abo and down into the biPS&ed brow and numberect with the n"bela, you are
thisUes shall It bring forth to t~; head of my lovely Saviour. At the amon• those who havr rrjpeted
and thou ahalt eat the herb of the croM they took the ha.rrunt>rs and Hil claims and df'spiM'd His over-
ftf'ld" Thorns are thr proof of sin they drove the nails home through lUrE'S of ~ and thr nvt"E'Iest
and briars are the Insignia of tM H1• hands. But in Pilate's Jude· love that E"Vt>r was revf'a~ to man.
fall. m<nt hall they drove those thorns In that mockery thl'rr is a1"f"PUdLB·
Arrswrr: This !leene lool:. place afttr
the Babykmian captivity when the re-
buildin& of the Temple had begun.
Joshua the high priest was scandina be·
fcre the ange:l of lhe LORD as reprt>·
~ntative of brad and her priesthood. He
was dresxd in p rmt:nts depictina hi~ ~in
and the sin of the people. Satan stood
at his right hand accusing him bef~
the angel of the WRD. Israel had been
banished becau!e of her sin. Was she now
to be reinstated and her sa.criti<:es permit·
ted? Satan was attt>mptina to prevent it .
Th~ called lOt" the activity of two of the
Per!Ons of the Trinity as we see in vene
2. each called Jehovah. Jehovah (the
anael of Jehovah, the Messiah} as Js..
rael's inten:euor saKI to Satan, "Jehovah
rebuke thee, 0 Satan." Ht> then pointed
out to Satan that Jehovah had chosen Is--
rael and had not chanaed Hi~ purpose
reprdina her. This was evidenced by the
face He had just snatched her out of cap-
tivity before she could have h«n ultrrly
consumed a.' a brand snatched from the
burnina. He then commanded the filthy
aarments to be removed from Joshua
as an indicatio n that iniquity had been
forgiven and caused him to be clothed
in rich appart>l and a clean mitre to show
the re-establishment of the priesthood.
Satan was once again defeated by the
Lord Jesus Christ. What tremmdoul !a-
sons are to be learoed in this Saiprure!
• • n n
Quatioo: W~ tloa God pnmit tlu mu ..,;rut bobla IUtll littk cltildrn
wldcl! 11n 10 pnv.Jn&t todtq'!
AtJSw~r: The Greek for ''shortly''
in Revelatio n I : I and 22:6 is rn
tDch~i. H you wish to n1ake a com-
parative study of the use of this t>X·
pression you will find it in luke 18:8 ;
Acts 12 :7: 22:18; 25 :4 and Romans
16 :20. The word for "quickly" in J : II
is tachu. used also in Mallhew 5:25;
28:7.8; Mark 9: 39; 16:8; John II : 29;
Renlation 2:5, 16; 11 :14; 22:7, 12
and 20. Both words have the same
root and may have thr significance of
"'shortly" in the !ChSe of soon to take
place. Of' '"quickly" in the !lense of
following in quM:k succession once
they beJ:in. The Gr«k for "at hand"
is ~yyll.f. This means "'ncar" with rt>-
spect to either time or place.
The intention of these variou5 ex-
pressions is quite dearly to e:n _:..::ndt>r
the altitude of eapectancy and watch--
fulness, not to place a time limit on
all the events in the book. If the posi-
tion is correct that the lette:n. to the:
tcven churches depict the entire church
period from the days of John onward
then certainly the time was at hand
as John penned the5e word5. Those
who have felt that this required the
fulfillment of everythinJ in the e:ntire
book within a comparatively 5hort
time after the writina ha.ve had 10
force the interprdation to make it fit
sub5t:quent history. Thia is known as
the Prelerisc positK>n. It constitutes.
to my way of think ina. a very arti6cial
and fanciful method of interpretation.
• n n •
Question: J~stu Mid ir1 Jolut j :U
"H~ tltat IHiin~tlt 011 Him tltat u"t
m~ ltotlt ~wrrM.Wt, lit~." lr1 lol11t
AIUWcr: 1be aia io the wodtl today 12:# H~ Mill, "H~ tlw Mli~v~tlt o"
raulll from tbe fact tbat tho world baa m~. fH/iLv~tlt MOt 011 m~. hMt "" Him
rejected Ood aod. tbe:reton we read iD tlw .,., ""·" 1 lt.v~ •lwoy1 11Nin.
Aa..a. I :24, "'Wberefon God U.0 pw stood tlw w~ on ~u hy Hiktlltlg
tMm up to ~ .. arc. lt.elld the CHI tit~ 21ftll ,,.,. Itt tlttt Tru.Jr,.
.... .aioD from ._. 21 darou&fti tbe Cltritt HimHI/. ... ., ............ So, ___ ...
... wt.oa. 1I'CII'Id. "-iD tile wlc:bd -. Auwcr: 1..._., a penon.J faith
(1-''" A.S:V.). Wo .. lh>iiit 1a in tho LDnl , .... Cllrilt '--'l'
.. ...._ o1. * 0 ti .... * ~-for 11Jvalion. He taid iD Jot. 6;41
,_ .. C11*M. We nM die JNOJ b 1 c.. ..He that bef.ef'illh OD -Mtb C'I'W·
, 2 • a .. c r sk Glrril 1a ... .... latd~a~ !"-·'"·nil-• .. "fll2, ,,.1 6,11111~~· ....... 2,-,.l:J-6. ___ ........... .: I .~.
.... (loft-.. ' ... ' .... "'"--... -·-
:.:. f :-_ t:; ..:'..:. -:.. .. ....:. ... = .. n::.:: = ~.:::. J ..._of ... Q 0 ...... -..... it TIUSd .. tt ... far 011--Cl
Some people ask. Why is this ri..&:ht down Into His tm~ples. lion of His claims.
world full of tragedy! Why Is this But there was not only outward But in lhe mockery of the crown
world full ot pt'rpi("xing problems! rnbfly, there wu U.O Inward nUs--of thorns therP is a ridicullnc of
Thrse probkms have come these ery ln Hili human .aul. Jesu~ Quist Hia chartH:"ter. You see, thil; wu tra~;edies ha\'e ~thne thorny wu born to br Kl.ttc. He wu the the highe-st fonn ot rldkule thllt
paths that we haw to walk on Princt" of the klnp of thil earth. they cou'cl indulge ln. They eould
ha\'e COI'I"'E': lx>caute of sin. Upon His hHd there should han think ol no other way whforeby He
So wt' learn SOI"''M."th.iRJ" about bfton set a crown of such ciladerns micht be plunced into the de-pths
thf' matttial of this erown. It is a!: woukl blf' thr-rival of all 1M of thcir ~J. Oh, that atrnos--
a crown of thorns. 'Jbose men, if crowna or this earth. He was a~ phere Is t4!'hl(' with lml"h, and the
th.!y had wanted merely to mock pointed as MPdiator to be Prince sneers or sinnrrs nu tht whole of
Jesus Christ, could ha\·e m11dr a and KinK or kil'lgs and Lord of thr atmo5pht"l't' that ni1ht when
cr'O'IIIn of s traw and put it upon iords. He khf"W that He was the the-y cf'O'Nrwd Him with thorn&.
His head. But ~ were dire-cted Kina:. Hf' khf"v.• that Hf' wu God's When you havt> llftrd up your
to ta.ke the thomt that an the dE-ar Son. He kl"'("w that He WQ hands, sinnrr. a1ainst tM claims o(
dirrc::t result of ain and of the fall l..ord of all thinp. 'Jlw:J&eo very men the Gospel, and when you have &>.
and to place that which is the that crowl1('d Him, HP had rMde Jibt>rately, ni1ht aftt'r nilht. turned
symbol of the-fall upon the blessed thf:m; ttwy owPd their br11-ath to your back upon tiM-crou and
head of Jesus Christ. Him; they would have never been push('d away the naU·pie~ hands
The MalrJAc of the Crowa In existence but lor Hill crntive of Jnus Chrilt lnvttlna you to
power, becauSE' It was the Word Hpavrn. when you have dE'tennln· Surely thew words are mod. that madt" all thinp "and without edly and conUnueUy and C'Onltantly
aiplftcant: '"Anti when t.\q had him wa~ not any thing made that ,., .. "No" to the voier o1 Uw Holy platte-d . ." This was not the .. _.. <Joh 1 31 H ~ was ma....,. n : . e uw Ct~t. do you know what you are act of • sing&e indtvidtl&l; this wu the very men that Ht> had made, doina! You are rldkullnc the ehar-
the unitf'd act of all thiNe ufti'Cidb' Hc a.aw the very cr'l'8ture that by actft' of thf' Saviour of the workl!
soldirn ~ PUate'a. And: wtth thrit tM Word of God He had Ciwn 1n t•·t --,._ 1o
hands Uwy platted toePther tMI br-eath to, taking Him, their Maker ... ··--=•1' u...,~ a re-
erown ol tboml.. It woWd be abo-and t~ir riahtful Lord and their pudi.ation ol Hia dalmL theft II a
.Wutety impc-ible to plat t.t.. .~-trul Sovert'iln and t.._;., "-•· ridiculina of His ch.araclft', but In thorns into ha. ',... ....... '._., U.t moc:lccor7 t.bere Ia al.a a rejM.-a C'f'OWD wttbout Y· ful Potmtateo. coinc throu1h thia tion ol Hia ~-You kaow,
inc the MDIII priebd and w:ltltout act ot vioArnce and blasphnn:r and u tho. mt1l Wflll up uti '*"
having Uw blood drawn frmD the darllftlt aln! How did He feel that thew fbts to batter tbe "'"It t~
ftfl6en that platUd th.la CFOWJL d.ly wtw-n men crownN Hlm with of JetWI, His ~ cii*I'Uhl• wltl'l
And brfore Uw blood or Jesua t.hofN:! How did Jlto fH"'! ..,.... but with iniNte mw. And
Christ t~ that crown, the hrMI}IIi Uw toncUP ol the lft.m.. .. they wat up INI .-ct. -ol
bioOO of ainful man had alreacty ed could dt'lcribe Hil outward JDis... thaw one h..tred Ill U. ftlttu.r.
stainf'd that ehaplet of ahame. Alld ftT, but Hil inward miaery il un-im'a band pot;lftd ttwtr ftl'-"7 •lfYI
when that crown •-.. pWa!d UJ0111 fattaorn.ble and indHcribable and upon Him, as they ..-t \1111* Him.
my SaNiour'• brow, ttw-blood ot uncleftnabiP-the inward ......, or HJa eyes Wf'rt fillld witt. lnflalte
SlhfUI man mingled with the blood am.t u He is er0\ir1'1f'd with •nd ~ eormJ 1 're T'hlft...,.
ol God Incarnate-. For the blood thr--n't one spar~~: o1 anpr, theft wun't
is the life. and Jesus Ouiat .... ...... ltockry •f ... c-)ft(' port.nl,ytrw ol judpTwnt or ol
na r
w..t4 ,.,.,hottc Mhtl•tyy !ftc.. C.l-Cellf
We must remember that when Daniel beheld the
image which Nebuchadnezzar saw, that is, was given
the power to interpret Nebuchadnezzar ' s dream, he
saw a tremendous beast or image passing through five
stages: 1) head of gold , Babylon , 2) breasl and arms ,
Media~Persia, 3) belly and th ighs , Greece , 4) legs
and feet , Rome, and 5) ten Joes , revived Roman Enr
pire. The world has now passed through four of !hose
stages and we are seeing the reviving of the Ten
Toes , which is to be eventually culminated for one
purpose , to back up the Antichrist's kingdom .
Scripture: "And the ten horns (same as the ten
toes) which thou sawest are ten kings (rulers), which
have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power
as kings one hour with the beast (Antichrisl).
"These (ten toes) have one mind, and shall give
their power and strength unto the beast. ...
"For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His
will, and to agree, and give their kingdom until the
words of God shall be fulfilled."Rev. 17 :12~13 and 17.
This portion of Scriptore tells us these Ten Nations ,
who may or may not be controlled by kings or prime
SB.VES ;and they will "decide to ;assist the Anticlwist
in his control of Eorope, which, ;accordin& to the
Scriptores, will griidually inci't;ase to ;a world~wide
control, Civlnc, in Hia ucrtftclal aWI'ertnc. ~--· ~.... ribu•'-but m. hMrt blood for blood and Ute tor life. We l'ftld thlt alt., they ,..t ret ._,. .,..
Could 1 ..,. thia .......... thlo ~':' ::-~ ~'... '::''::;:=:..-..:th .. "':t, *.:...:= Jherefln, in revivins the divided Old Roman Em-
..,.....,. that the ........ "' ••• I ··-~· "----with !homo .... -Kiln, pire, we IIUSt loot for Ten ~ions to come together •ill atway~ priCk ,...._ Aad tht , ___!hid: th.t tM ~ o1 the they ~ rr)Mt:U. H,. comp8loo I ........ ... """"., ... wiD-~-a.,.., .. a. 1o --. Oh, the"'" , d-.,"""'' into 1 union, 110( c osely ceonented tosether in 1 ri&id
cJraw ronh tho ur • ..., -II-~do !homo -o1 rour' And ,_ the .,...,,, ., -political fru.e•ork of centr.Jiized &OY!fiR!IIt, but ..,. !e-.1 to dNth. And. let 1at --.... Ia tiMtr rwtw.~ o1 IDa t ,.._ ...._ ~
..01 ,._ ""' ,..._ thet If,;.. H:::::.:.:::..., "'-,...,a-Mil-.,....,. -Ia thet hoi CO.iRS ....... in I t~lry ""'aiRS illlft•nt, :",..';.,.~ .;..-... ~ ":. ":: ...., ., Hio ... _ '!, •• • '"' lis ~ --. a.tot --•idl each utioll keepin& its indiYid!lill Identity, but ... ,.,.. • ....., .,. --...: x..,., 11o ......, ..,_, •-•-""' ,.,,...., "'-wllell IIKeSSIIJ', AU. TEN SOLIDIFYING into ;a sin&le ....... ~ -~~~~-Ho~...:.-r_.: ::.":i::::...-:.::~:= .
,... M~aooy •' 1M c_. ::.--.. to ...... -.. ..,. ,.. -.....,. -.. ,.. worti!ll ••t
AM, u-. the -., -, -... -. -'lo-1 '4,..-' · n l'lelse -· II}' .. rHdef, wllat Dlnief hid to ...... _._ ..... _ ... ..._. ______ .. ~''"-·--
... oo .., .. .._ Tao - -.. ._.-'.V.Yoo • aa..t WWJJ a. -. .... ..., -ti10 say .... tills wilDie affair, iiiCIIIIi!ll lilt talli!ll of
....... , ... 0 ,..., flf 'OIIt'l• ..... -_ .. o61r ....... -... ---(2-l:f.7), ...... __ ,. -~ ;;;~~ .. ;; .. ;· .... :.:1.!: ::...-:.=~·:;, =..-.. ~ = ______ .., :0..._':'1 --<~T-P 'In_.., ___ liltS.. DIW "-IINftll to es_.lsll His M1118n :::t:::t'r:"'' ...... a.:.: -..... _,.:: =~.:= :---... "-""":.:.-:.:..-lillllllp: •
'"-............... ---.,_ • -.... ---Qoltllt, ... -.. Scri!lla . .. . .... -,., .......... _.... ·-
.. 0: ....... ....!.-.,...,,,_ .......... ,.....,. ___ ..... . ..
-....... ___ ...... 't
.... 'llfiiir,
·----.. -.. _.,....,.,.."-_... -... ~ -"'•-·-"""---· -·-•, 1 , .. .,.,.... •··-~··--.. --:-)' : 10 list tlsll wllll 111111 ~ 11111111 llllutw,IIZIII = ::.. -:.·:;r-r: .... :... -;... ~ ~--:;: ....... -Ill I -1 ... litE u.AII IS CIII'AIH, IIIII litE IN I& WIATION _-.,.,,,'·--a..·-· .. =· Ilf ... 'DESlFSUE."IIaZ:45,
We exte:Dd an IDYUatloo into tbe World of Communlcalioos.
f UD.. Games &Dd Prl&es.PleasevisifourTelefairoa tbe Mall
at fa5hloa lslaiJd. Newport Beach. July 24-25-26 --Open
Thursday 1 -6 P.M. --Friday 1 -9 P.M. --Saturday
10 A. M. --6 P,ll,
We are looking forward to your v1s1t. fun for everyone.
@ Padflc Trl••••ne
at,d.~ .• ,_,~
p-J. R. Hultman
Telephone Manaaer in Newport·Costa Mesa
YOCM C111811A11 ..... y C8fiM
•••L-• ·~ • e...,c-MCC liS • c-
Oin'-.-~-~en... ai ~
...... MoiCW.N .Acco,IM
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IIJIAifiMrt.I Moa.r. ............. , ---
JIJ II IWI 1-6177
From $130
From $46)
··-•·•PT-"Ewr,rlai., ;,i 0.. B..ti/Dl Pice"
Bee•'!• lhe fuaallllld barill atda CDDpt
eliori•!il lhe ~ for~ ..,.ash
on omaow hiF-Js. &mily
iDd aJib ~J' DOW pay their full teo jpecisllf atlmdias die burill sen~ u well
u tile ........ n_ all at ODe beautiful pba.
at lal a.-aacl -• CDaoeukw:r.
1._ •II •• IUCIIKft., WDhfPbl&
n• Nal
.~ .
4!':~ ,...,. ... , ..
MltLC...H ....
()o_ ........
liE SA
81•11• o .. ,, .... , .... ..,., .......
.... c ... ,. ........ .
H~T lt£ACH. CAt..IP'O .... I A
e:JO a.~n. to q:)O ;.,.,. -wcirsftl p )erttct
9:4S ...... to l0:4S •·"'· -s.nur S<-
11 :00 1.m. to 12:00 noon -WOrship So,.lct ........ ,_a.~~~a~~~,..._
n. ••"· o.or .. J. au .... c:t .... Vi•itatto. , ....
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.. c.. .......
8~trti"t BIIIW reU-"p
lrtti•P••tl-1 -A•II HJ •t• -. .... ~ u., •• u. Itt.
Ot. P.G. Neumann, pa110r
i:•s •. , '· Sunda,. School
l l :00 a.m. Mom ina Wonhip,
6:00 p.m. Train ina Ua ions
7:0\1 p.m. EvC:nina Worahip
7: 2\J p.m. Bible Stu.dy
1:00 p.m. Prayer Mcctina
Tho ol nw rw.o.. o1 Owilf
1lw ........ ol .. .....,. iflirit
IIU"'DAY I CH001. I A.w. l•o•-ONO 110'0"-'"' I AN D
I:YI:"''"'G I C .. YICC 7 t00 ......
THU "ID AV e t el.t: tiTUDV
A"'D "'"AYI:" 7 t00 .......
"''-'"tii:"V 0U"I"'G IC .. YICI:tl ANIY_. .......
c..t. ol ar..et ~ 1W. IL c-. .....
,....., H I lo_.. IKiil IAr
fie •.tit Is • ; PI 1 •I lllJ!~.ndtlf
S¥2 ..... -· "-""' .... A Fr•• •tl , •• ,.....,
COflfNI.,.._. Ori•d• C••rc• ,. ................ ,... ... .
Call An Expe . ..:.,.rt==-==----
BPIJ'BSPJ. t ........ ,,_, ....... . ..... ........... ........ ........................ .PW-.1 ...... ...
Sh,ru~u. lntatt or Plants
Trop.col & Tr .. s
l"sactc•d•s and Fertilizer
S&H Gra., Stomps
noJ m 1 1\'t:"ln·
C'O itON.4. D£L M.4.1 ~&a:a't'
27M E. rout N.,., en-••
Shoe Repa or
P!.Kse and luwage
~~r -Ove Wort.
S&H ST.t.W"S
Costa ..... -Ml e-ll11
Penta. R~ Clea•izlg Wozts
MLCII~hi£.11 ..... , ..
~ t ,am •,.•.._•u •• Celll ...... -· --
Pill*• -DIMII-fi ......... IIM
_& ...... . a ..... .. ......... , .•
Pbs• .....
• BRAKES fOU~Bt'flltcs loo!J
For Fast EJqMff S.rvtce
/"" t~ ~•wflorl 81 ••. •••r Pth
PLUNM!R J.-t.·-· ......
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DAYAH&dii'O WATIII_,_ .,....
• S.wing Mach iwe
Every Brancl '"'4 Kl•tl
Cleea -Oil -Adjut
Delivery Senice A,.llilaWe
3732 E. CO o\STHWY.
Tat.phOftr. 675-656-4
(Acfttaa fntm fi,e c"'-•)
' ... -bt , ••••• 1M Pl.-a! ............. wttb
.. I d wt Ita. I& flill"aallllCl bf 1M Ptlb&ic Worb DII!Ut•
-. 'how .. l•••'_ai .. ~FO<!Ols IDboHiai!Jod ., .. -........ -.
-· -. -...,_ ... 11!0 City al "-S.CI!, .... -~ ... al-10....-altl!o-bld. no -alll!o projod 1D1 ll!o -do ''U.\LED BID'' !iiJall bt cleU'IJ marked oo tbiOI&Iide ot tbe eDYeklpe coatatntnr tbl
bid. . .
Tbo Coalracl Docum-tbat must be ooq,leted, uecutod,
Uld rttun.d iD tM ee&lecl b&d art:
B. DuJpatioD of Sltlcootracton
c. Blddtr' s Bood
D. Noo-coll..SOO Allldarit
E. Slalemo!!l o1 F!JJaoclal Re-blllty
F. TeellDleal Abi.Uty and Experience References
Tbt• docwnuts . sball be atft.zed wtth tbe sipatures and
titles ot tbe perSODS slJDinc on beba.U ol tbe bidder. For Cor-
pon.tlou, the siptures of tbe President or Vice PJ'esideot
aod Secretary or Assl.!¢ant Secretary are required and lbt Cor-
porale SeoJ S!WI boa!IW!d toalldocumenlsrequtri.DJt stp!ltures.
lD tbe case ol a Pa.rtnersbip, the signature ot at least ooe reneral
-Is required, No bids wUJ. be accepted trom a Cootra.ctor who bas DOt been
licensed 1n accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, DiYI.sioo m of lbe Bus1Deu and Protessloas' Code. Tbe CoDtractor
sball state b1s UceDSe oumber and classltlcatlon 1n the Proposal.
Plans and Contract Documems, LDclucU.ng Special Provlstoos,
may be obta.lDed at tbe Public Works Department, City Hall,
Newport Beach, Cal.lJornla, at oo cost to Ucensedcontractors. A
oon-refwldable charge of $2.00 will be required for each set of
Plans and Cootract Document's issued to others. It ls requested
· · that the PlansandCootractOocumeotsbereturoedwtthin 2 weeks
after the bid opening.
Tbe City has adopted the StaDdard Speclflcatlons for Public
Worts Construction (1961 EdWoo a.od StQ>lements) as prepared
by theSoutbernCalib'niaCbaptersoftbeAmerica.n Public Worts
Association and lbe Associated Geoeral CoatractorsofAmerica.
Copies may be obtaioed from 8uUd1.og News, IDe., 3055 Overlaod
Ave., Los Angeles, Cillf. 90034, (213) 8'70·9871.
The City bas ad<l!>led sta!ldard Special ProrislO!ls aJJd sta!ldard
Drawings, Copies of lbese are a.vailable at the Public Works
Deputmeot at a cost of $2.00 per set.
Tbe City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to
waive any informality ln such bids.
ID accordance with tbe provlsions ot Article 2, Chapter 1,
Part 7 ol tlle Calllornla Labor Code (Sectloos 1770 et seq.), the
City CouncU of the City of Newport Beach has ucertalDed the
poera.1 preva.111ng rate of per diem waps in the klca.Uty 1n
which the work. 1s to be performed for ea.cb craft, classUlcatlon,
or type ot worltma.D or mechanic needed to ezeeute tbe cootra.ct
and has set forth these items 1n Resolution No. 6982, adopted
May 12, 1969. A copy of said resolution is ava.Uable 1n the offtce
ot the City Clerk.. AU parties to the contract sh&ll be IQt'erDed
by all provisions of the California La.bor Code relat1ng to pre.
valllng wage rates (Sections 1110·1181 inclusive).
Laura Lag:los, Clty Clerk
in the Harbor
Let us pve your old fumJture
a complete renovation! We re-
inforce frames, re-tie sprhliS.
band -cut and match your
cboice or fabri cs.
JOHN & MARTHA 54·1953
Burger Quality Upholstery
959·H W. 17th Street C:osta MeM
A sign broadcasting '
'n Spice-Frozen
2121 HARIOII k VD.
B.Ui111U! ~Gin'Oi11H!V£1!. • 111£1111 m • IIIIEII~IIIIIY ·lli!Dlllllllill
•••·s•~• •4a·••••
There was a time when the San
Joaquin Valley was threatened
every spring by floods.
The reason: melting snows from
the High Sierra in Central
California. Water raced down
the craggy slopes completely
uncontrolled. And wasted.
Edison was determined to
control this water and put it to
work to generate electricity.
And Big Creek began-one of
America's major hydroelectric
Thts mans the t4ariMB people and their proven, pro-
feslionaltsm ill maHen of finance. It means Mannen
people -to-people interest in your sec_urity ... and
Mariners wise investment of rour moner 1n the pro&ress
of our community.
Join your neiJhbors and open a Ma_riners savi_n1s
KtOUnt, today. Remember: fedeJ1IIy-msured SIVIn~
with the nation's hifhest ute of interest. from day 1n
ro day out Also free Travelers Chequts and free safe
deposit boxes (with minimum $5,0CX) Kcount).
' (
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power projects.
Over the years, Edison con·
structed 15 major dams plus six
man-made lakes to hold the
water at.different levels.
Now this water is released
downward from lake to lake
to spin giant turbines in
powerhouses along the way.
Result: low-coat electricity for you.
And flood control an~ irrigation
water for the Valley below.
Plus a vast recreation area for
all Californians.
Big Creek-an example of one of
the many Edison projects which
make your life a briglueT1ife.
Southern California Edison