HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-07 - Newport Harbor EnsignSolid rock n.--~ ...... llla.afloollillla?rt:fsx .._ lla ,....._,&!Wile ....... """' ....... -............. -.. ..... ......... ,11 .. _ "b .a.-...... -.... z.. ........ ol - I. C.. ft)'~ c-... -. .. 'I'H ___ _ -. -·---~~~­.... '"0-($ 2 ,.._... .. .. _ ... _,_ ....... , ;aw_...-. .. -.~~ ..... -. ... cr1z$ I • ...... _.., ·---.·---.... -~ ... --,..., toeom•• ........ __ .. .. ..... _ .......... _ .. s .... .... .... ... 2 •• 0 • e • .... , '"., I \L ME ............ ............ BEACH J()( THf CIIU' ......... ,_TW AltO f'U&.IIB lfWWWI 1140t JOe COSTA MESA • • Y0111'11 AND AGE in summer bueblll program .niee •ere featwed Suoday at Costa Mesa Part. 'W'bere chlmptoo .. ship ~ w.re beJd for' Harbor Are. Boys Club bl..,.ll ........ -cnde< Jay -cru<b<>C "' eo.ta Mea II&JOI' Al Pi.Dtley, prneatld tbt eo&eb ol tbe yeu troplly "' LIIOe Daru. at rlebl. ... ... .... -u. sammer buebl.ll program Jar 17 years, aacl .ntd u B eoacb at Eataoeia this summer. GrutP PiDtJeJ 1a Mndllac tbt mike. Jay played tus ftrst aeuoa tbil summ• u member of tbe TeWI.Dkle Starters. (Photo by RaadJ NeCtlas.) TEAIII UZ. tbl 8 Cardilals from tbe CommGty YtM!I Center in C«oaa del Mar, WOD tbe cberqNMII!Ip 1D tbe 8 cll'f'isloD of tbt ll&rbor Area tueball prop-am in a 5 to 4 utn. t..iac rietory SWdiJ Ot"er lbe Ph1111es from Kaiser Scbool. Tbe 2 teams were n.u., fnKD a field of 4Z 1n tbeir cllrisioD iD tbe summer program co-sponsored by the Harbor Area Boys ChJb aDd the reer.tioa dlpl:ttmeot.sof Newport Bel.ch and Costa Mesa.. Ia tat frooJ: row, from left. are Mark Calder, Tommy Crone, Tim McCormtct, Brlu Roe:u.oo, Bnd Greeley and JerryDolan;ZIIdrow, Bcya~~ Watson, Charles WiDprd, Mark J-, Joa Hugbes, JimO'IW.Iey aod Douc Jotuon. The coaches. staodiog ta the reu row, an Pb11Up Robinson. Jolul Greeley a.odDI.ct Bechtel. (PhOto by Raody Nettles.) Cia ..... , ... .. ., ........ liD I!CII. DY, PAD I Gsl p .. ,,, .... ·-. ·~;i;f .. .. or 2 2 --~~-~ •••-•-••••!...,.. doli! II src n Sir._......,-. U.l. _.., • 'nil an OP •••••' IliACI! Till IIAI_,II AUA'S O,S.T Nlr!lrArl/1 -.................... ~ ...... ...... m1 &. c-...,., c-~., c.w. _-. I -Sonal« K-,•, _..,of lllo • nect ..._ " tho Kopedloe tlrl't r-m. He -II )o hold hlo hood up. Senator Toddy KciiiiOdy io a liar. On die momina of Juiy 19 c nia. bourl after tM -.. TIL.UIMII 17U-IAno ~ 71. . edy) and for a .. cloy. .......,.., - .,. WIFW i aAI .. J:MIC" '-... ..a1 • • 1r Jld•• Kennedy madraitty m~intaiDed that hi Met _. ,...., • • ca,. .t N• .,., -~ _, ..: -a:, lee .. I, no recoUectton of how he p out o( thl dNah .._.. ...... •• U 'u .. tile ,...,.,. ...._ C.eM• •-e.r. lhlt he wu .. exl)lt.llled" aDd .. i.n a 11a1e .._ ..... ~ ...u, ... n.-.,.. s.e.-1 c._ r•~• p.a14 of ahock;" that he "walked around for awhU.," • C... ... •· c.lll. "rated in the bKk ~a~t of a car;" and th.lt T.IK gwrwy IIAIIIOI. ENSIGN ._ -~ to .. • ...,.. "JOmeOne'' thcd'~ him Net to EdprtowD ol ---... ~ .. _ -.. .... ,4-10171 -~ • • IJ5t. .. s .. •• eo.. ,_ tiM eo-7 o1 a.-Sa-t 1 where he went to b• hoeel room. . _. •r ,..... t'--f t. ...-IUiN to ,.a.J:r~u ,.:1:C "When J fully realiad what bad happened _.._ ,...... ,.,_ J.w. thiJ moraina, 1 immediately went co tbe ~ ArlO'&. ~A.\~~' A ······························--0... ... P .. l..._; lice," he had aakt. Police Otief Jamca Areal. PEC IIAAPA ---····-····-······-····················A-c'-• Ltk.t oriJinally aaid the Senator wu "10 mucb in a suasca.,TtON a.nn state of shock that he didn't tell tbe people J. ....._ Area: 0.. ,.. ... , 14..00; 2 yw--. $'7.00 that he came owr with"' about the tnaectY. The 0. el ..._Are~ 0.. ,.., 15.00; f;.... 19.DD fac\1 is lbat Kennedy and two of the peop&e he O~oQooaoQ:•~OoO~eaoct came over with had lted to the Police OUef. ~ • ... was unfamiliar with the road and tW'DICd d ' tlf L ....11...-. . <lab• Instead of bean., bud left" ohor!ly -14 ~ ~ after which lhe car ""went olf the bridae." Ken- ARVO E. H.t.AP.A, owne< .. d .publlslle< of tilt Ensign oedy stated. Thi• wu doubtJeu lbe first time lhe junior Senator from MauadlUiettl ever ""''QoOO'O'QOOOt'QoO!O:O~OIIQ turned riJht. He il accustomed to bearioa hard left. KRISMAN CAPERS AT UCI . Concerning the appointment of Mike Krisman, 27-year-old UCI graduate and member of the students for a Democratic Society (SDS ), u ullilltant dean of students at UCI, the following lntormatlon wt11 be ot interest to taxpayers wbo are helping to pay b1s $8,250-a-year salary. Tbls 1B an excerpt from a Los Angeles Ttmes article ot Jan. 19, 1969, about student activlstll at UCI: • • • IIDre Kr1smaD 1a a b1slory majal', tbe .:m al. a career m.111tuJ oatcer. ul biluell a S-JIIl" YfltenD ol tbe pua- tr...,.o. He IIIII ,_ IWI -lalloo 1111 Ids rfPI larearm, aDd be e-ta yery lf!M'!titMIIJ &bolt Ilia "cr-t Pltriolic lore lor America'' aDd tda coat1ctlt.ll ttlll ''poe .... ...... -.. -dearly .. -y_.lde loll<-11-~ltollf." ICrt8mu I&J'I ba'a alwQs bM:J a poWleali.OMral. • tblt Ilia lll>orallsm ... ..... ft1 .. radlcau.tD ..... Jut .... yeua -10 maeb ., tbat be o8ea atteodiSII) meetll:tp aDd IIIIo 111011111 1:/u_,., IM9) loot a "*7 -~-­ trip to ca "to ... b my111t w11at cbanps Ca.ltnfs rerobl- tloa bu brcNctlt." Desp1te bia im.._ poutlcal anr ..... , Krtamu. didlll't llmlt Ids-lopollllcol--..... ---II<-of tiC 1rYi111 lA 1110 lflll1ncof IM7. He wu r...,...Ne IDI'a-.t~z~ca.-ctblraDd ..,_.. wbere ..,.., COllld meet; brl ,...,...., a 5-eeat pbatD cq,y .m.ee iD tM ..,._ UbnrJ, ud be 1lllrUed tbe Su f'rt-=1..., Mlme ......,. 011 c:anpw, • • • llr. KrlAiu -lloe lbllolriAc -........ --a...-llisnlft IDIJooriAC IWI UCI--•-no ~ ·--.. -"' ... -._wt ..... ., ... -iiiJI ol. tile JOtlt c:4a J • • • CertalDIJ, I am SJ "'•''"He tiD Cutro ..., Ids ._._ ••• Tbo c-~ 1s ._wt ID -lc .... pollUeal .,-, u a ~ lo- Lalla -..... -••• ca 1s 1110...., _..u• .- ID Lalla Amorita ••• II Is lrliiiC lo doYelop llo _.. ul A native, who happens to be a deputy sbcr· iff, reponed thal a man and woman were parked in the Kenoedy car at tbat fateful fork. in the f9ad shortly befcn the accident and that he went up to them and ask~ if they oeeded help. They didn't. Since that wu shortly be- fore the Kennedy car plunged into the water, who else could the couple have been other than Kennedy and Miss Kopechne? Were they parked there tryinJ 'to dec:ide .-hic:h fort to • take (I I , C"N aip ,....... .. ..,.,, WIIJ ........ AS Itt. .. IIi ...... fl 1 Sf ....... ..... _, ...., """ "'" ""i><!' -.. ' -~~~~~~· Allrll, -.. -.. --... -.. Wby dlda't Ken-, leU .... -· ... -1117. ~ .. ·--··-..... -tNib and ~'but the trueJ. from tM ............ ftlr1 1.-1 ,_.1>111'-.,r, ~d --:r---._..__ Pll''-1t77d W ,.. II u nlnttAad....,.._,Ho-' 10 •C ··-1•-•• 1'1, •, II-lo 5lr boiiS"'o_U __ T•taounaflerlbeiOCWiftl ' .. aaourw._IL ~=--edt\ ll&aiiiRs,..,... .-.acr. us= Oh~ to the k.oncd)'l wbo ..tad no1 10 be idlllrtia !.:.ct.• •.:;:r tl .:::: Ia-a. R4 • • .._. WU .,.........,, U.U.I.Men* lied aald the Scnotor waa atjU In a -o1 -0. 111o sll*ol ........ 10 pondo _. --Ia W•ld R..,t ctHo IIIII .. shock and wu unable 10 bold apr-.---dlbel ........... • au-prala1 al 1M -al-enco to diacu. the aceidenl .. reported a wtre 147 ._ .,.. 'fDie Dl'tlildlllt'a ,_, ~ aklllll lf._.,l ...,., ea.: Nrvice. Another Ue. The ··.boct .. waa ....uu. ~ea~':I.IZI..-z~~--....... ...,..t lln .... a,..._ an deePI1 ... rltd. tton that he mJabt have blown hit chaDOit fclt 1 I 171 ~• as sap fA c11Mr ... .Amen-n.y ..., tbM Mr • ....,. the Praldeocy. He and bia lol=•-Mallo::: ;~--al::: ":: ou "'"'"' -Ia ----lo cool ,. 1M 1pent houn divin& &o try to NCOYa' tbe body. WU1Jsl~a~:::,=-u-1M ::-..=.: ~~ Vwaa ftr, ud llU ... ...... Unataccaatul they left the airi who idolized a. tr ........... .._. "• Marcos ol tllll pwr-, · • doCtrlDt b A* wW .... a him tnppal in rhe upaide dowo car aoc1 ooa-to Hl&la tllltlr .,....., ._ tu W. .,......., ..:::. Ml..: U. S. ,.u..-at a *Is 0. cen~led ~ dec:idiq bow they were eoinJ co JM1t ...... tk...-..wure-~ ...ad CIITJ u.s _.. ~~ Mclltirt liDC* U.S. extriCate lum. pat"tJd tiD DiaN ..... ..,_ ta --of Ulltlr on 4l1l 57 Ollt fio. ... OIJidlrt ol.U._. .. I was uhausted and in a state of sboct, .. ooaam.ut ....... , wa.trtu Ia M rft Pr_....._ relit Bdll o1 Trtltol, &a ftScta Kennedy bad clolmed. ·1 ~II wa!kinJ boct ....... lollll al .-loMIIa pledpd _. ~lc .-.. ·• Is -IC-Collsp to where my fnencb· were eat1111. Tbere wa a ~ pc_, IIMd tM uce to U. __.., ... ollsred boa btllc ..a.,t ttae rtPt to ~ park_ed in front of lbe cottaae &Del J ..... US ~~nnd ~ U lilt to ..S PrMidlllt1 a.artD ''& 11ft .,...,... 41er .. to 1:a chmbed mlo the back sc:at. I then uted foe pu-s bJ, ...... lfts.-o.f p6ece 0( tM IDOOD u a ,.;.n11 .. ..,, to prott~t someone lo brina me back to Edprt.own. lfa..c.IMaz..c.l Boo-rabl'' ......tr.•• .,.._c. .. ~ 0( 1111ac "I remember walkina around for a period ~ ..-:•., of rrt..ll7 El8n'llln tile Prtllidelt tn.Yel rtlb1ctlaM to a.1 of time aod thea ~()ina bac::k to my hotel room. w.tw• eztMoMd from .... td U. .t.alaa co.atriM C...._ 111111 tllll lfiDUII of pc ... When I fuJiy realized what had bappeoed thls ltreet...IM'el Co tbl bl&t*' wllka lilt f1IIMd Ulat 1111 WMid ml,..,., to l'UUDr1 1o tdlciD morning, I immediately contacted the poltce... tc= .::,p~ ~= lin ,U... ~k aJcl, bst lD duty ft11, a muimllll ol $100 This was all a carefully planned, c:old-i..s Preatdeat lfldw>U C.... ran= ::.::.:.:~-= wortb ol. Cldlllll $DOdl 011 tM1r blooded lie! Was Kennedy under oatb when -.ca o1 R,....• • ...,.. m.-rltWD bOmt. Ht ttatedtbtltldl he mouthed that coc:k and bull story deviled OD tbt aeed o1 botb COIIID' ..... apiMt CMJU1dt &artuklll &Dd 4tc1skJe woald IDMII a prolll of with the help or his lawyer ~riends? u.so. he 6:Jrtbtdt'relapmellta.adtbtlD.-~~~CODfW ... m1111tM oldollaratotlllcom .. should be protec:uled for perJury. Tbe mcrcd-tevfflaltoa o1 toDDOIIIIic tile rm, wUb poiU;IeaJ ud miUtlry miiDID. · ibility aap of tbis story is greater than tbat of betnea tbe l1ldtad statM &Dd IIMira ta tbUvioaaOCMiblia Rlclllrd CoUeo, lA a reed the Bay of Plas. 11otunu1s, ..., to -11< on that bo ~ llrs. 11._ -II; qoolod Pull Scali, (More nellt week.)-American Way Fea-ftJI otr•"stoctt.epoteptlaH .. ll"atiJ Udld Ia. tltlbHJhtac tbe ~ comm~.: tures t1ea wblc.b ttda Alld oUtra.." pod PlbUc r•tiMI !me alii ;:':., ,.o:!-:s-u. Pn· -:--------------=,....---lllort.'Sbo ... _ ........ -to-............. . L .. . Ed. ....... .., ... ..-., *-1 .-. .. llllsallll .. __, ... . e .. ers to ltor:=:-=~..:s= ~"'..::.;":!""n: * TJiE HARBOR FiE Oil P..,.s, .... -~ -Ills, rllools, arptw•l" ..... 11U-.,. C.. Bo ... ..., hriiJr ,... .. ...., ..., ........ -.. Ill V1lt-or--,...,...,, u1 11u EdiiD<alllloEulp, Mall yoar c:bocb to--· Pal-wu-by -"a-. 1D 1110 -" Lui .... lhrtxlr Fanmll< .. Fonm, -471, Ballloollllaal, bollCCII>Isr lo Ylatllbo lick.... al lbo -Ualon .._ slaco, -15 ~· lA 1111<0-Calllorola. -ID ._ B1D11, 1o wllom Wtllboll-Wllolwellboll-crams Jo ..... _ .. 101117...,..,. . c:mered awtde'fV1tty4tl!:lp1cs. It 10'1 woakl Ukt 110 ..-.e OD OM ol. oar cammUtees. or wW be a boltea at 001 ot our meellop. call 873-4011. SlDcereiJ, Eleuor Jooes ........ ,_, .... prtJYide _.. .... -~~~~~-­or=-d-md.cal care, b:xl, eJotMac. COUUiit« JDOdl., e.piD'J- mG.It 11 obrioal tb&t mo.t Lat1D Amer1C&Doc..tr1111 are DOt meetlDc tbe• ...,_ ••• Molt lAtlD Amert.c:aa COIIIIr1ll are a mlltwe d. caPtallllll!. ud aatioa&Used1Ddaatl1eswttbdlctator- llhlps .... ba&o lorelp .... -..c ........ ..., ...... , DOt deYelqled In this mamar .It 1a 1:ota1JJ IOCii.JUUc, polWcaliJ .... IICOIIOUllcaiiJ. HELD TIGHT .,. boaYJ -hap ... w lbo cJue ilrloo, IIIIo strip of p.._ crus aJooc Newport BIYd. lA frool al 1110 Clly Ball llu boeD ,_llod .,. 1110 clly u u ....-leal bentt:ncatton projrlct. Both cJ.ty ofllclals &Del c:o..rntloD le&dera like Mrs. label Peue bue praised tbe pluUc: crus. (E"""" -.) • • • A 1919 MESSAGE FOR TODAY Here 1B a slgnlticant item for today, considering the turmoil over sez education, civU disobedience, porno- graphy, government spending, lntlation, gun reglBtratlon, and moral breakdown, Tbis 1B a reprint from the June 6, 1968, issue of the Waterville Advance 1n Min- lD May ol 1919 at Duueldorl, Germany, tbe Alliecl Forees obtaloed a copy ol. IOIH ol tbe "Commlmist Rules b' lletola- tioll. •• N IU'b' 50 yeua at., Ute Reds are sUD toUOWtar tbe rilles. Aa yoa reid tbl fll'lt, lklp aa.r eacb tame Ud tiW* about tbe preaeat dQ .... ,.,. Yblr'e JOG ltre-aDd an &ro.cl our oatk:JG. We _. fnJm tile Reel RUea: A. Cornillt tbl ~ pt tblm &ftJ from reJ..tglc& Get tbem --..... ---·lal;de-JIIaelrl'IICPd--B. Get-of allm ... of .,..,llclly, lllor...,: I. Get -· -oll tllelr .,.....,_ .,. focusiJic tbe1r •t;teeaoe oc atttwtra, IUJ boob IDd plays Ud otber trb1a'WM. z. Dlnde lllo _.. .... --.,. -·11 lllrpiac ca cmtro'Hn:lll ...ut.• ol~m 1qlortaace. .. DoslroJ ... _ .... -... -........ -·.,. ........... -..... -...... ·-... oWoqoy, 4. AJnp ....... --..,, ... --.. .... -u ,.... .... ., u s-IBIIe. 5. By _...., .,.....,_ uln.npor., - llo ...... ..-. -"' IO!kw wtlll rllllr prlcu ... ..-nJ ... = ·-. 1. F--* = ... ..., lll'U:u 1a YU:ala.dllltl1ll,....-- ... e:lfll· ......_., ud .,._a._... Ud .. '""•• .. --.,.._ .. a.nrd RCitlbnln. '1. ., __ ... , ...,_.._~., ... --' , ... ..._ ' ••· _..ill), ocwttsn.., .IIIII ta ttll tttlslt_...,na t st c.~ .. .......-IliaD-.... -..-. .............. --... ......, .. ,,, 2 .... t .,, GRASS IS GREENER --AND IT'S PLASTIC --' NEWLTWE!ll ao-Mary &lid GoorlO R....U Pyle are ptetu:red cat:Uq tbelr ftCidlD& cUt a4tr G(lhiDciAC YOWS at Our Lady 0.. at Aaslla Calllollc Clll!rCO 1D Eul 811111. Tho bride .... -od by Saodra--u maid or-.. aDd Toby RbotoD aDI1 Sbe11& Jobes u br1dltma'd• Juard J.,.. &OrYod u -!II&Ds ·-l1radloJ &ad Dollll BtlrdllM w•e tbe aabu'l. A reeapUon wu blkl at lbe homo of lbo brlde'oparoall. Lt. Col. &lid Mro. GoorlO B. Porker, Sf07 Sea Breeu LD., Harbor Yin 111111. The bride II 1D bor 11D111 term at UIC u a tolco malo<. Mr. Pyle ia a craduale of Cal state, Lol Anp .... IDd ill tbeatru muapr at El Camillo CoUepaadteclldcaldlnctcwJor tbe eo_., Tboatar 1D LooAasllol. Tbo-IJwodaar•maliliic their boma 1D Pa1oo Vordoo Eilatal. SAY DE ~e!~~ers at Hoag lor-i4o, .. lira,-0 111••-T,IULY II --. --· .... <a-1-llr ........ -----. . ..,. ...... 1lrlo ...... Co- Girl -lilr ...... Ji!lo -*' .... . D''•ht lMO C.U.,, ea.a • TB.._,.T, lULT 16 -..,_ ........... ...., llr-III'~MdY,L~ ... ..,., 1 .. c'mrt !Wiee P-., f'IICGG-...... II.,-~-·-. c......_ Glrl-llr.IOdllrl.lm , Bor-llr.udllro.-T ... , 11? lllll II., McJ'I J I , 11M Clpt v.. Bllcb. Pl.,CGG-Bor-llr.IOdllro.- Bor -llr. 1011 1111. a-·--· 511 T..-., MacDooolil, 1111-1/1 ... II., CoG M-. !roll .. -" CUI-Mr. udllro.-1 CUI ~ Mr. 1011 1111. llal"--,, 1611 ~ 111., .... Daria, U51-WQ, CoG M-. lrt-. Boy -Mr. &lid Mro. 11uT7 Girl -Mr. &lid Mra. JoiiD Hoe*tN, 151 lltb. Pllu, eo.-.. RJdor, «10 c•-A••·· taM-. L' W..t M.wpart, ' * FRIDAY, JULY 15 !P\ • WIDNIIDAY,JULY 11 Girl-Mr. ud Yra. Rich--- CUI -Ill, &lid Mro. Jolol ud S. Tbooipo, Uto Co< sica Pl., McGU., US Vllluoft 114., CoG M-. CoG-Boy -..... &lid ..... Dlrll GUl -Mr. ud lin. Fruk Eena, 1961 Vi* C&adll, Rl•wa-Goma, 101f Po1or11 Eut 811111. Dr., eo.......... Glrl-Mr.&lldMro.stow.r. BoJ-Mr.udlln .. FrMmU 1'771 Creltrnod An., Colt& ao.. '1U W. Paalu'illo AYe.. 11-., Co*M-. .., -.... &lid ...... J ... Girl-Mr. ud Mrs. ste'l• D. CllwHM, 19M! Tud:abot M-, 1010 TrliiiiJ Dr.,~ Clr<:lo, ••-Boacll. ....... • SAYURDAY, JULY U Girl-..... &ad ..... Goo<"' Boy -.... &ad ...... -Boll. 174-1/1 Eut 1111b st., Oller,l009Georcta.H-- CootaM-Boocll. Boy-Mr. &lid Mrs. R-Boy -Mr. &lid Mro. Loe Carr, 611 Jltb st., Wilt LaFruce, 17192 OU l...aDI, Newport. H•mHnctno Bea.eb. Boy -Mr. &lid Mrs. J... Boy-Mr. &lid Mrs. Jaclt A, llcGutre, 1102 La Palm:t, H~mo-Y<MJlL 2287 M1Der st., Colta 1'-l!oocb. Mea. *THURSDAY JULY l7 Girl-Mr. aod Mrs. Peter ' Girl u~ -~ u. Ed B. R<llbseblld, 819 VIa Lido --· --·· -Saud, Lido .... ward Wast, Jr., 9371 Hudsoa, • SUNDAY JuiY Z? HUDt~.DctoD S..Cb. ' eo,_ Mr. &lid Mrs. JobaD. Girl-Mr. aad Mrs. Lynn Prte~ m 710 Allo-Coo-Wbiddeo, 68f DarreU St, ~ ta Mesa.. ' 1' Mea. • FRIDAY JULY 11 Gtrl-Y.r. aod Mrs. DeVaul BoJ-Ur. &lid Mrs.lllcllaol ~f:':IOrcbldSI.,­ Peulmu, 1 '7'7Z1 MeiUmey, • MONDAY JULy Z8 .- PLANNING tbe1r summer a.etl'ltties are these Natiooal Cbarlty Leacue rtebqtantes, from left: stephanie Cutler, Janis Llndea Calctw'ell aDd Carol Jeu Roseoast. (Cameo House pbolo.) Debs start partying NEII'ORT HARBOR EIISICII RIIST SECliOtl --Pw 3 How food fads can fool you r:; L ~~~ -~ We don't mean there'sany- thina wrons with a~tina YOIUrt and wheat term and so on. 11\ey are fine, heahhful foods. But here's the rub. Advocates or some food fads promise bcnefiu that diet alone can't deliver. Occasionally. someone with a rne<IK:al probkm will try to 501-..e it by livina mosaly on cabba(llt juice or wmc such thin&. Special foodi and diets, ho'Never, have lim- itation-can be hannful when impropet'ly used. So if you think there'i anythina wrona with you, by all means see your physician. .. 1L COAft _,_ -· Da. ... OIIIOUI-- MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Dr. Otck Hillis, director of Qyerseu Cruade, 'rill be tbe pest speaker for the 10 Lm. wors.tdp serYtce tbiJ; Surlia.y, Auc. 10. HUIIttqtoo Beach. 8oJ-Mz. ud lira. stlpben Boy _ Mr. &Dd ltrs. AliD D--..1_,.,. .... A ..... •-, •-•-. A I"'UDJ or summer puties g:roiC) SI.CJPOrts the John Tracy w 283 Rose Costa ............. -.-. -~_......., ..... ._. tet1Dc tbe NaUoaa.ICbatity Lea~ Cllnie aDd maintains a nursery ilkiM'Ml, LG., • TUESDAY JULY 29 CUI dab!UNesgototl'toaeolor. school aDd demonstration bome · Got! SUIIDI.T SCIIOOL AT 1:00 .A.M. 110118111P SERVICE AT 10:00 .A.M. EVEIIDIG SERVICE AT 7:aG P,ll Zlllll EAST CDAST IIWT., co-... DEL IU.R 7 • - ._... Ultlll"' lllClUIIYI Mesa. Boy-Mr. &Dd Mrs. Danny Boy _ Mr. aDd Mrs. Robart Larsoo, 2020 Fullert.oo. Costa : ~~e!"~· = lD~~Costa~~lf~esa. • ... ~i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;~ Paluck, 4128 E. Cout Hlgtrway, Mesa..• ts -•~-ed to b COI"'OIl Hiehlands, Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Barry = at c;;; de c:Z..a =h. -DLt.,.., au-s •WoTob _, ..... .,... .... ..._ • I • No ;;;;. ... ;.,.,.-.a.,. Boy-Mr. &Dd ltrs. Jam~:; Voo Hema•t 2969 C-st., ~~-·-19782 Trlde~ -.. hosted by Mr. aDd Mrs. Jack ..-.-, • La., East Bluff. Linden Ca.JdwelL Hldtngtoa. Beacb. Boy -llr. and Mrs. RI&SSel Tbe JOUill people enjoyed a Boy -Mr • lDd Mrs. Robert Reid, 19132 HtmtiJ:ICtonSt., HIID-bay ride, barbeque and enter- Tburmoad, 30C E. Boy A ... , tiogton Boocb. taiom... hlgbUgbt1Dg steve Balboa. Boy-Mr.&DdMrs.RayrDODJ Harbor &Dd !tis guitar, plus 8oJ-Yr. aDd Mrs. Jo.pb McQuaid, 159Z canny, Costa a raft o1 rueb activities in- Parsley, Jr., 406 lsth St., A~Jt. Mesa. ellldin( skeet, trap shooting. and 8, HWJtioctoo Beach. • WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 borse shoes • • SATURDAY, JULY 19 Girl-Mr. &Dd Mrs. Garth Tbe party hooored tbe 1969 Boy -Mr • &Dd Mrs. Rlcbu'd Samuels, 725 Sba.lllzw Dr., debutantes, wbo are Janis ~. Sf7 El Modeaa An., Colla 101-. Llodeo C~ll, doudJias ot R-=."-T-. ud Mrl. Ju.s • THURSPAY, JULY 31 tbe boa and bosteu; SQSU '~u-,IZ41A-st.,Coa CUI-·IU.&IIdMro.BoJd ~ -· Y... R. Mc:Go.la, 561 W. wu.oa st., EmmyloJ lluJaa. lllaoe Collta MeA. ..U., lrist1M ~ RobJtm Boy-Mr. &lid Mrs. ManiD Girt-Mr. &lid Mrs. Chris-Alberta Newtoo, CUol J'"" Cbdfee, 1 '7!1.1 Blacb 81Jd.. topber Corum, Z.U Cedar st.. Roseoast, RoDda Dianne Vogel Bnnttnpoa Blleb. Newport Sbor'es. aDd Barbara Louise Woolsey. •sUNDAY, JULY ZO BoJ-llr. aDd Mrs. JlaDs Oo Aug. Z6 the debutantes Girl-Mr. aDd Mrs. 8r'uee Rodde. 730 Amigos Way, East wlll be entertaiDeda.tahmc.beoo UaplaDd. 319 ColliDI An., Bluff. at the Newport Harbor Yacht 11a1boo laluid. $830 Hl·Fl TAKEN Club by Mrs. Joi!D Leoo Laun Girl -Mr. IDCl Mrs. All a.ad ber daughter, Kristine. Zarrillaepr, 21Ml VacatloD fU.FI equipment Yalued at Tbe debutaotes are all Tick-' ••• ~.~.~ Boa b $830 was taken Aug. 1 from ......,..., .. _...._o e . tbe aputment ol James Nelson, toekers ol tbe Natt.ooa.l Charity Boy-Yr. &Dd Yrs.Cbu'les 61%.1/Z Gold811l"Cld. Corooa del Leai(UI. They devote many MeAUilter, !04 I.Qyola, Collta Mu. Tbe apartmeat wu DOt bours eaeb year to community Mesa. serYlee projects. Tbeir pre- Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. ,JotlD. locked, be told pollee. senbtion at tbe debutante ball • K ..... y. SMl Slri.u Dr., Ruo-DAHCER IS ROBBED 011. Nov. 29 wi1.1 be ln recog ... OFfDIII6 11actoo Beacll. Wb1le Ellaabetb TIAhrell,I041 Ill-ot tbelr past -Yice and ftll&l rrv • MONDAY, JULY Zl Coolidp. Costa Mesa., wasdu-tbelr C"1)1'C1nadnc irtoh'emeat 1D Off t.r cash a qny .._,, • Boy -Mr. and Mrs. DI.Ye ci.Dc July 31 at tbe White Horse charitable actiritles. .. 2 A4JO WI11IOUf Tbomu, 22052 Surfrldor, 81111-'•• SZ!I5 N~rt Btrd. West Natlooal Clarity League, .... COMPIOIIISE tlDP>O Boocll. ...... --~ • N-Cbapler, Is beaded,. 540-1366 Glrl-Mr.aodMro.Ro!ald Ne~ bor purse with $1!00 Mrs.EdnrdLelsyCorlett.Tbe Smith, 929 JOlnll st., Coat& in U "-~· • • commg Newport Blvd.,Costa Mesa ~;~AY. JULY 22 C h n s tm as 1 s !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Girl-Mr. &lid Mrs. O.Yid At G. Wrl&bl, 2533-A Orallio A•e., -Ylowlllc tbe receiY!og tllroi!POul the .-., &lid coo.. costa Mesa. room ol tbt cUt 1m ol the tinuing tbrOuJb earlY December Boy _ Mr. &Dd Mrs. K._ Aut.l1arJ ol Hoa& HofiiiUallD. the 1.11 the bospltaJ libby wbere some <1PJ1 N.J.-., Zlfl E.Oceao last lew ....U-....I<IIlodUiard 50 -. may be browsed Blfd. B&lboa ID beliet"e tblt Cbristmas lsu"t tJlrouib aDd orders tueo by 1795 LAGUIIA CAIIYOH RD. rur'1 -llt;UJJ lll'l. Gera.Jd. just uoml tbt COI'DII'. members~ tbe cUt boL Mrs.. Kataer 19101 Oee.,.,.., 1..aae Mrs. J&mes W. DICker &Dd Deeter poUlts out tiJat all pro.. HllDl1Ditoo BM.ch ' ber eo-ellalrmao, Mrs. ~b nts from tbe sale of cuds wtll Boy _ Mr, .;... Mrl. Fred Tllloo, bll .. baeD--··-&0 toward the $17,500 liftbo> L EuiCXI, 678 Coocro11 st., toe the 1969 Cbrlotmu card plodp to the -!tal. c;,. Mesa.. albaml. Tbe albuna are now Assist1nc Mrs. Deeter aDd 494 .,41 Qirl _Mr. ud Mr1. Jam• aftllable l;)rsw-J.&Ddorder-Mrs. Tilton w111 be tbe Mmes. l-~~~~~~fhe==~lw=l~l~~-~~=rfh~C~o~te~~~·:-~~;__J~M~~=~~5=1l~RI:-::-~ 1D the lift bo> dllplaJ area 1D Ciarlo& HoWster, Edpr Hill, ,.,. • tho ~tal LobbJ at a 20'l PllUip Dol.ile, Cui Glss. r ..... A•o., .por ceat•YiogduriDclbeiOOalb cis Grt~ Epliralm Lewis, Ri- alA..... chard S-o, Charles Clem- ElMYbve iD recetTiAL Mrs. 1DSt Robert L. Baeoo. aod. liiss ~)<~~~and.§~~/ de~-¥&'-~~~ J-Y'"kd'Y- y~ Y'-w,~ J~fa ~ ~/w Lamina FASHIONS AT THf llfACH IAOIIOIIU IOioO &I IIAY$101 D41. N~l lUCK 67»11) ....... 11-4 11ar11a J. LocboJ 11111 11or u-Borlllce v-.. ..... baft bltll ... ~qact. . Harbor Ar• 1fiOID-. ia. ... Cllrlotlllu troo --· tor-ID )>llllllctheAIIIIllary t111t Will be ~ oa pro-are IJwUid to att.d aQ.J ol tbe till'•''' cJtconlld tl'elllx moathlJ PfOII*:t:ln members •-ca.rutmu Tr" L&at" to be m..uac::s, ftleb ue blkl oa. tbl ~~-1D ....,.,._ -the fill TbilriiiiiJ ot -· -at A.llllllary'1 .-1 "llfl boz Oil 10 a.m. 1D tbl ~ 1 ~• Cea- plnde'' to be beld oa Oct. ? w. Mrs.. Robert Oapr, mem- 10111. ... .... cllalr ..... --,. U. pc~aiUft._ CMIU:t IDMti.Dc wt1l bloaA•I· "" -.. bo ~~-,. ..... .... ._ L.-UIIMiaaBor-AIIII'OIICE MOTH Ell$ -VootoJ 1011 a ...UC col-HELP P A !lADE PLANS IIMaiiM-alMrl.~ FIIPIUal'--Alr 1Awl& bJ 1M-AaC-fll 114 Amllai"J all~ Foroo -· blllPod FIIPIIl • at tllalr JOUIJ loa IDr the Clll'd """" llwiD~IillldaltM v .............. at Laic llaq ... IIIC • -c-Boocl. AttotGoalal ........ ---·--114 ~ ·-tlltln C111'4 llookRll:lltNwlll ••MIC~ WWia8 ~rw bo --no ••-udS&I.I.T.----~..W-a--lilc-•al-.UO,- lOioUalrJh _,,";"1-11, :::.:.,:..:=~~ _. ....... Qqta • wW ftlt..., IIIII It• If-Ia ·-~.-, ..... ~~.--..-........... ... .. _...__ ... _ ... ? .... __ c.. -............ ~~~ --0 u-•. ., -... ----.......... , trltOIIIa -" ... ~...,."-...... ,,..,,...II. .._, .. 14. ---fliP U • "" ..... ':______ -- 1--.!:::i;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::::::;;::~:::::;;::::::::._.J llf .It--..... II: .. -. llr'l. ~ 8 I I • tl C • &II Cllllr M 1JII M Cella-II 9 b .. a I.aundey Pairs 0 Check lor Prio;et ~k l01' leatvrea! Cbooee the oee tba&'s rtatlt tor JQ'81 0 DoullleCiieck_S.olo......_IF...,..--pluo•-1 0 Cbeck 1M date! HalT)' Ia! Doa"t _.. out on tt..e •-.lnpt Jet AelloD Clotlles Care wit~ A1toutle Soak Cyele • C.nUe. tborou111 w-.hln1. O.,.p Action A.11t•1or move• up and down. Cloth•• pha"-* dHp Into l ucll)' water whe"' c'-'t· •••.• bMt. • f"iio lint trap! Jet-A••Y R.ln. pu. r1d ol lint and K<lm a\ltomaUcally. tho,.....pty. • ~n -'Ubbom l l.alnt and dlr1! All&o- matle Soak Cycle prepare• laundry tor waah eye ... Companion Frtcld&Jre Dryer. • Durable Prest; Care for no- Iron clothes • No-heat ror numna • Dacrun lint tenon on the door! BOTH $29888 FOR Frigidaire bothers to build in morP ht11p !-Speed Wasber wltb Aatomalle Soak Cyele • Sate t(W all your w~abln! Dt&l ''Normal"' for l'll'l'llar wa!!h . "C.ntW" fDI' delk:&Ws . e Mono •ashdar •a.' Automalk S..lr •- e•" de-fop down din and ~me fDI' tbe wad eyde. • GenUe retti'Kintu1hl O..p A<:tto. ~ --•P and down, dothes ,.tunp dew• ........ c ......... ben. Matcbln• Frt .. dalre DrJer. • Fabric ..ratyt''Replar-Dvr· able ...... ~ ..utq, "Dellca&e" for fraatl• fabrtcs • Slpal t.u. you when dottt.•.,.. tlrJ. BOTH FOR 1f2 PRICE STORE· WIDE 3 DAYS ONLY AUGUST 7·8·9 Regul•r & Half Size Dresses, Coah. Also Bags, Jewelry & Hets. Every Article in the House is at 1/2 PRICE! 445 S. COAST HWY BURT LA!ICASTER, u Major A11nbam Falcooor, leads bls baWe-weuy, oddbalr me 1A c:Wtinse of ·u.e lOfb ceotUry cutle 1D a 20th Ceat.'J wu lD Belctum, just before IJid durtnc tbe tamed "Bittle ot. tbe Bulce." He eo-stars 1rUb PUr let O'Neal, Jean .. Plerre AUIDOIIt, Peter Fa.Jkud Astrid Heerea_lD "Castle Kttp," IIO'W'attbeLldoTbeatre, Newport ~cb. · LAGUNA lEACH at Hotel Laguna ~!!!!~ ;o;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... Family counsel offered lt8 what8 inside that counts! This means the Mariners people and their proven pro- fessionalism in matters of finance. It means Mariners people-to · people interest in your security ... and Mariners wise irNestmenl of your money in the pro1ress of our community. Join your neighbors and open a Mariners savina:s account, today. Remember : federally·if!Sijred s.a'tincs wfth the nation's higM:st rate of interest. from day in to day out. Also free Travelers Cheques and free safe deposit box-es {with minimum $5,000 account) ,,.''!Ill\'' '''\.11{'--..''l'., u \ •. ,I Closed for Vacation August 11 through August 16 lew run at lnott's Bide a Loc !hroach the •••est in Orance County Discover the thrill and fun ol the earty day k)gge,. ... a ride through a mountain log- flume like lhe Nrly days ot the ok1 North-_., s.e the log mills, the waterfalls, the logging truck• a~ the old lime water wheels In action n you ride through Calico Mountain ... Ortnge County's newe.t ... 11 Knon'• Beny Farm. Expel'tl tall Ul that this Is the greatnt Log Ride ever built ... one ride and we know that you will agree. tt'a the 1'18Wftt addition to all 1M other new attractions and tha New Fun at Knott's. Legion luau Aug. 23 ' nrou~awe BliCk lOll • Dr.llarson ..... 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY f•t~DrwwJ NEWPORT BEACH 673-0900 -.,.. -··--~·-.. _._,... ..... """" ................ -~ 11., .c::..IRI£1 . Jlf7.';L C......,_ ~ _ .. ,.... . • -,EMJ,....--.,-,.~1,-1..,-:-1-111-C-o-.-c.c. •ncJOaiUIIIID """._,-.... o, .. ,,..,.,... c-M-lllllll&-- • """ ..... ......, .... ..... _. ... .. • Yor~WIII ...... _ 2721 !. CHot Hwy. CORONA OIL liAR ........ 67Ma WI All OYIIRL.OAIDIIII WIT:t MIW 1969'S AND TMI MAMI OF THI GAM I IS SA VII ove• 4fO NeW lfdt' S All D TOP T•A.DB•INS TO CHOOSB P•o•t New '69 Thunderbird& '9 OYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE MO SALISCHARGIS, 110 PRIPARAnOII CHARGIS, MO IIIALIR A~HARGIS. .2:DOOIIS, o6oDOOIIS, CMOOSI FROM AMY HI!W 1969 T·IIRO 1M OUR IIG STOCK! WITH EYIRY MEW CAIII'IR·TRUCK OR MOTOR HOIII PACKAGI SOLO. Lilli TED OFFIRl EX AMPLE PACKAGE: • HEW '69 FORD ~ TOM Y.a. • HEW BARRACUDA CAliPER 600 WIT!! STOVE, SINK, TABLES, LlGilTS, DRAPES. • MEW ZEBRA 111M! I . ALL S 00 FOR CRAYON llld lak-wasb patntlngs occ!C)y the attenttoa of tbeae )'OtmCSters lD tbe JUDlor EbeU workshop: from left, em, Mltc.bell, Mud)' Murar,Kart.WhttebouseandJemd.fer Hub~, all of East Bluff. Art project for tots LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF Bl51NESS THE UNDERSIGNED -borebJ eo<llf1tbolllo Ill,_..._ liDc a Relall Fanltiord Aeees- IOCJ bv•hsgr It JU$ E. CGut HwJ.. Coroa& del Mar ...... u. Gc:tltloas arm -.ol.lf ... port lll•lars udlbolaldllrm .. _., ... ~ ---Ill IIIII ud place of reskace an u illlows, ID-wit: ·~ lloll, .ao Callo MQor, TanMce 901505. ·-1111 -lbla 5lll <ll1 otA ...... IIIP. Wtaoo lloll. STATE OF CALIFQIIIIIA COIJIITY OF OIWIGE -. ON 11111 5lll cll7 cl ....._ ltA, bll1n ... • lll*rf -·---..--~lllttbc~-ooa•• , , .... ....,,. _ _., _.. Wlllla ... -·-·" .. _ .................. , .... wMIIIIIJiiiriii&LIIt, ... Whl•• .............. OJ Wii'W 11J -OOl "'" :E~;;;~3 .. _ -.-. _, .... ~-·--... 1:.-r ....... ~~rc · , • as •Dill. II. It'lL • I'$ ..... '1, ... .. u-. • .... , .... err 1 -NEif'ORT -EJUIIJI ARIT SEC11011 - -Pap 5 lHUIISDAY, MIG. 7,- COROllA DEI.JW!. CAUF • Our market research thinks ,they deserve a bow Ph_. I• Y •r ON., for • S.l..c:ri.,ti .. : C.ll673.o550 SHOCKS SPECIAL REGULAR $16.95 Wlddiflll UCII HEAVY DUTY SHOCK After 11 recent survey our heroes determined that you Wel'11 fed up with bad tasting water filled with 111l kinds of chemic11ls, like chlorine; salts and sodium. Tltey told us you were tired of lifting that heavy bottle of water 11nd that you felt you were payi ng far too much for that inconvenience anyway. So we took their advice and did. something about it!! We developed the Undsoy R.O. Water Purifier. lt'slike having your own bottled water company working for you - out of sight-under the sink. And there's 11 convenient fau - cet where water fa~~eeh ought to be, on top of the sink. • We did fail in one way though. Wrth an the convenience and quality we offer, we couldn't quite find 11 way to charge as much as bottled water, We only cost 11bout one-fifth.,. much. Come to think of it, 1n11ybe WE should be to king the bows. The Lindsay "Go~ 642-6861 831 Dover Drive, Suite 4 Newport leach, Califot nia 92660 Pick-Up & Delivery In Harbor Area CLOSED MONDAY Mest Clf DIT CAIDS "·-·~ for SAKE·- We Wi II IIISPECT & ROTATE YDIII Tllis _FREE; [~ tbis SUNDAY ~ ------\RTHUR 1-a..L ·#UN DOllE · FRAHOSCA TU ·OR I.EV'r WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW! -AT BOTH THEATRES ~--~ lr ......... WI.T' InSlEY pi I IIIM ..- CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY FROM 2 P.M. ~DES lllllLE UE-TOMLIISIII llm1 ~nr TECIINICOI.IIIr =--=-=-----;;- A I.. SO W:\I.T DISNt:V'~ "WINNIE THE POOH AND THE BLUSTERY DAY" ~POR T SHOW TllciEs. e. .... 1: MeL , •• Set.; -..... 2 & •30 s... THEATRE o HILD THIS SUMMER's 81C~GIE.ST Jill' UN SHOW I I I Europe lent us Dutch Elm "*-· Cicmln Mellla w Russiln Rouldtt. THI MOST PAMTASMAGIDRICAL IIIISICAk We sent than ~-Wild v..-.TouriUS. TIRTAIHMI!MT Of IVIRYTHIMGI AFTER A WORK..O trr at tbe1r sammer traiD1nc camp at UCI, a llfCqll of Su Dtqo Clllrprs bead for tbe showers In UCI'a -""""'' (EIIIdp -.) Chargers train at UCI field Big CaDyon resenCilr toHar-er-. l.rlpressureootbe3-1Deh boJ' View Hills, which ~lles upbalt walls ttat keep the moo Newport Beach 'lfitb much otlts out ol the reservoir's nter. wa.ter, 1.s aJmo8t tun DOW after The clt}' r$1red tbe cracks aOO being emptied 4 molllbs 110 u CODtractars de'rlsed a oetwor~ r'l"lrs. of drain pipes llllderoealb 1D When the 200-m1111oa-plloo aYOld uotber pressve build-SEVEN NATIONS water hole trU draioed last _.fromucessnter. COIFFURES March Jar its recuJ&r batb.. Tbe repaln are upected to workmen cl'""""'l"''"itdisCO'rered ~ tbe reserviolr 1Dtact b' OPEN nJESDAY THROUGH -...... SAllJ RDAY tbat It 'WU cracld.Bg. miQ)' D:MX'e Jell'S ol use. Built Free Parki•s Ia Froat Tbe beaYJ ~terms of Janllll'}' 11 yeus qp, it Ls fUJed by """' W ~--H the u~utan w te ~--• -•• wy. ..,. . 'l119cn·· oCOSTA MESA 5-t9-J36I lin Of &I'll __ .... _ " ........ _, ""cr ....... '""""' o ORANGE o AMAH ElM o HUNTINGTON 639.;zu 1 126-0311 BEAOI 842·1451 .HI.f'"~ ~,'(]re<j ~1 «­ M!Ir,ry 11 1111•110' \(o~ ~ ~ Clr•Sidfl\lf'll: ,.:or'TI¥der: ~~S.,()· a.Dd f'ebnuy hadcreatedaolD-............ a r uy... HewpcNt B.adl trlct ud Is-durlllf< -~~~~~~~6-G~-~0144~~1 boars am tor fires, wbeD tbe !"""""""""'""-UV""""""IVI""""""""#UIIIr.,.IIVVVVUon..,.,....,,.""'!l .aormaJ. nter distrtet pipes are DOl _,_ CONTRACTORS oddball heroes lOth-Cenhuy castle! After tbe $25,000 repdrs 673-5822 675-3353 MAIIEIIRY "S Shoe Repair Pwse and luggege Repo;r --Dye Wen SI.H STIIW"S ONE DAY SERVICE ,., HMlor Bl...cl. eo .... ...__ .... :n,, -' DMY c.tl•n•• a.-7:00PM ···•· ....... , • 11, .. .. were ....,.-, the city,_. REMO D ELI~G beeD ft.UiDc 1t ~ during bours and wileD tbe aormal W:WD plpe-u-ar oolluacherybeaYIIy. A ODI TIO ~S VISinNG MOTHER DIES Tbe DMJiher of a Nnport Bole.~~ maa wu lakeD ID Hoac flolpltal 11111 31 ...W. a heart a1W:J<, ud slle died there. Su- 1&11111 Ropra, 947 TWer WI.J, Harbor Vlaw IWis, called lor u .,....,, .... lor ber motber- lD-Iaw, Etbtl Gladis Rocvs. 61, ol El c.a-o. Htr bosllud, CIJde, -n.wacmSuDieao. LILY ROHRER DIES Lll1 II. ---110.\toeado c-del---la1J25. Santwan are blr _.,'¥\. lo... ~.-AllaooiSa.ala :=:·~ ... :·~~-, Mrs. A1dr1J Taq>lo City; ud 4 --· II at Paelllc Vlaw ClilloaJ. b ... , ... wu at Pad. 011111 COf!SI Nftlhlly at 6:45 p.m. at 1:45 p.m. ALL NIW PULL LINGTH LAPP MOVll ••• DAN IOWAN .... DICK MAIY1N .. e 1"111!1! "LAN U:U'ICE e PilEI! ESTIMATES 532-5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. CALL. DAY OR MIGHT . •-••r•• • .• .,_ UCDRia-MD FRED-H. GERWICK "MIIITJ '1111···· 1ft ,.. ......... ~.-. HAL AEIISO!ER ~~ , ......... lh .. .t J41tLC...MW,. 01•1! ...... QWIII ,.,.,. ... w.u CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING 1-DA Y SJ!RVICB lft-p "It -•• I It ... p , IT ... ........ ¢·-.-.. _....,_ ...._,, I,. .. DIG L C:..otllwr., aiM . .. unoa "•'- • WALLP.VU oAUlOMOTIVE o f'l""IIIIIG A.lt. MARSAC l't.!-AIIIf.R .J..tC.Mit•An. (-Jol-. 1'1-.......... MY A MICifl' IIATRIIIIIA~ . .,... ._ ··r· n. ..... PUILICAT10H WORK •BE HAPPYI • Bli IND&PDIDINTII • LllAIIH TO DIUVEIII CALL fiOR I'UB IHTIIODIICTOIIf LBSSOH IM-5731 _ ITOL.L P'REI!:t . AlnD Dll¥1110 SCHOOL ...... ,_ .... • ' ' CORBIN. MARTIN HALTOM. WELCOME I • A. beaut1tul entry to one ol Newport's ftnellt bomes. • A majestic vi-o1 the Harbor. f • A f-features: 4 bedrooms, formal d1n1ng room, bardwood fioors. F. P. $89,950 Call for appotntment to Inspect CORBIN-MARTIN~ Jnc. .. hrtlle• • .,..J r•· c:-m.et'' 3038 E. Cout Hwy. 675·1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. 324 POINSEniA Corona del Mar :\ Bedrooms. den. ::! baths; buJIL·ins. Lir~cr lot. Near both Coronas. $61,500. Owner will fin•nct R. L. Strickler, Re(l!tor 3001 E. c ... t Hlwoy, CdM 673-6510 . -.:_-; VIEW-only _$62,500 Oc-llld channel ..s-r Wateb ' tbe boet1 from the tuce UviDc room. IQteiMa llld private patio. Del.lcbtful I bedroom charmer, one ·bouse ott OcOD Blvd. Owner Will Finance ·· at 7% Interest Corona del "ar. Charm with a mtot-vi-. Spaclou.e 2 BR and den with a delightful covered brick patio. No po1Dts, no fees, no Impound ac- eouot, no pay off penalty. Call us 0 THE REAL ~ ESTATF:RS I'OIIM!IiLY ORAMC:! COAST I'ROI'IRTY 332~te eo ...... .,.. 11or -673-8550 SHOPPING FOR A HOME? Call, write or Ylstt our for your fret! copy of our "Homes For UYlrl(' mapstDe wttb pictures, prices aoo details of our select U.stlnp Newport Beaeb, Coro~a del War Uld Costa Mesa. TRAHSF'ERRING? Ask us lor a "Homes For Ll'fiDC"' maca••• trom uy put ot the country. We bue associate oftlces tbroupout the llDJ.ted States. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE SALE OF PRESTIGE HOMES. Exchanges/Income Property /Rentals 2025 W. BALBOA BLVD. IIEWPORT BEACH 92660 67S.6000 IIATIOIIAL MilL n LIST SERVICE wen.- • McCarck· Realtors Reliable Sm>ice Si"'e 1943 • FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT • IS • .., tllle;, c.ll. ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! 1lle LOOI ,., .,, CIIYIS ~~ Cll1'a.s ....... 4ectlal• lite CCMW1L ••• , ....... Clltorl& ... falwica. ............... ·., .. i.· ••• ................... 7 JUI ·-·- EStiMATES · AWMIIIUM Panos n ........... , .......... . .......... , ...... , .......... . WINDOW alld DOOR I WilliG$ Many sfyles & 11 .ltvnnlntl IIICWGIOr colors fer y-Mlectleft 1110 IIEWI'ORT 541-7729 COSTA MESA Pm IARRm realty 642-5200 -.--6o.fl2 -~ mt•c-t--............ • I'UIUCAYICM ... ft CAM I'~NT YOU .. • ..oc:MU .. U. I'AMI'ML.KT1, MAGAZINU. L.UI'LIIT1, N&.OMA~·M AND NllWI L.IITTKM CALL •• Nl 111WA~II .,.._ ••• .......... co. ----·- · lMU._Y, .iuG. 7, lJ8 CoROllA D£1. IIAII, CAuF.'.-•• --------- All the Features You Have Wanted ' Large Uvtng room Breakfast area Separate d1n1ng Separate room mallter B/R FamUy room CbUdren's wing (3 B/Rs) BROADMOOR SPECIAL , , , , CORONA DEL MAR •• , ..... Pool Privacy Truly charming three bedroom home with heavy shake roof. Access to "Little Corona" beach. NOT LEASE- HOLD, $58,500. •••• Beauty on a Budget LOWEST PRICEDPANORAMICVIEW HOME IN CORONA DEL MAR, Three B/Rs plus FamUy Room in ORIGINAL Harbor Vlew Hills. No extras to pay for ••• carpeting, draperies and beauWullandscaping. Asking $47,500. • ••• Open Houses SATURDAY & SUIIDAY I-5P.M. 30'7 Carnation, Corona del Mar. 4501 Hampden Road, Cameo Shores, 518 Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar. l>OX Y. f'RAXI<l.IX I ROl.TOR' 3250 bst c-t-Ceroftl d.! 1U, CllifumMI Pflo-. 673-2222 ...................... VIEW!-VIEW!!-VIEW!!! If you are view-consclou.e, be sure to see this charming 4-bedroom and famtly room bome! • BeauWul "Double'' fireplace, • Bedrooms open onto large patio with heated pool. • BuUt-in electric ldtcben. This immaculately kept home ls designed to take advantage ol a spec~ tacular sweeping view of the harbor- the jetty-AND the ocean I $115,000 OCEAN FRONT RENTAL Ill IEAIITIFUL !M!RALD lAY • SP.A!IBB AVAILABLE SEPT. 15 ro lUI!E 14 • S BEilROOIII • S-1/1 BATII! p. a. palrner Incorporated 111 DMI.CRIS.IIliO SMI 1935 un .,.. ..... o.w. ,_ ........... _ .......... _ ....... ,.,. Voge·l Value BAY VIEW HOME Corona del Mar S bedroom llld S 1/2 bath bome 'With OCEAN llld HARBOR VIEW ••• POOL. Only $79,500 ' . ·V.,t ·c... CiiMM .... w-....c-e.~n:-.-.•t4 . ........... . . ~ .. I AN ALL-AROUND FAMILY HOME Large famUy room -Lovely Uvtng room with stone flreplace -Modern ldtcben -Quality carpets and drapes • All this, plus a most inviting pool- And the price wlll please you, tool lay & leach Realty Inc. n••ll . COASr . a 1• , • New Vrew Homes $80,000 to $190,000 For dtscnmmattng tamdtes who can afford the finest. and destre the pres- ti ge and atmosphere of a Newport Beach vtew home. Ivan Wells and Sons proudly present the NEW ''400" SER· IES BA YCR EST "FO RE VER ·YIEW " HOME S. Here •s the ulttmate tn qu.et elegance and comfort ... total privacy in the very exclus•ve restdenttal com - mun•ty. DOVE R SHORE S. Choose one of the "400'' se nes vtew homes or Ivan We lls & Sons wtl l dest gn and bu ild a special home . just tar you ~ 'layrrrst M~s at 1-430 Gala•y Duve. Newport Be.c:h Phone (714) 646-1550 Open Dl•ly 10 to 5 READ THIS e e e e A" )'<IU in !be IIW' ht for a new home, a home in a prime area very close tn Huntington Slale Beoc:h; a home you. can customize while it is bobll built. a home oM- toigned by out.staDding arc:bt- l<ctl and C!lllllruclod IY)> Frank H. Ayreo 1: Son ; a Compan y that bali been in busiDHs llilnce liOS? IF YOI AlE e e e e C.. 1o IIMICHO U.CUUTAa&lllt 'Mot_. A-la H .. la'W ..... any.., Wa ttl a All. 6 7 P.K. .. ==fiE ..... _,....., Ullrr v. .. I'IUCID ,_. ----MWftt• .... 1JJI REDUCE FAST! Letle ap to 20 Lhs. In 20 Visits -ox ).. 1--u AN oUt liM 121-U i l JWJ..._M_» 81 G AUGUST SALE ,_, __ ' \'{,\(f 11[ Wll£~ IT1 ALLOV~ See oar on bountl.tul selec - tloD of Christmas Cards 20% to 50% OFF Tradltlooa.I aod Contem- porary -Imported and Domestic EDjoJ selecting YOlU' per 90fl- al1Md cardl over coffee aDd Daallb putrtes 1D our DANISH COFFEE GARDEN - ·'#fJ...-;: ·-, ' . . - ?C \ -, ' . IMPORTED DAtfiSK FURNITURE Lemp•, Rug•, Floo• S~p1 ... Cl··-"'''· so ... o"A SIS!" Ol " ............. I0¥1n gt 1f3 to 1f2 off Lovn .. Ch-'"• So feu, l amp toltlu, Coffee to blot, Dln lnt tobloo, $14• clt.!ro, Chotto. . IIA.ID IIDUCTIOHS lo c., .... , cw ... 5telol .. • Stool C ... t Pl.,, p .... . " ... . MI.ULB fiUL .. : ........ . . . ., .,_ -"' lllt-----__ llod __ _ lfallll-llltpall-*w*' .. a. ,..... Bit a .... .,_,.....crop_.. --.. ... Miu-~-,._ ol Newport, ........ "' Mr. lllldllto. ,._ CIDr'eTNIBUofMalt ....... M 111o wide o1 L.-c- ... of Coltalle•aboud Fnllt llallor'a ,.clll, lilt KoJo, Tile lloJo ns puUcllluy ,.,_ ia lilt days ot lilt IBM p<O- DSeatial eampalp., wbeD Se•- tor BU':tJ Gold'ntv, GOP cu.- didate0 retreated aboard tbe lloJo m 11t1a of rest dorq !be p<estdeollal campaign. • • • • IIARIOII Aim LILLWI DODD ol ear.. dal liar '11111 bo booo<ed oalbolr50111w-.c...t•erouyti>US&lurday,Auc. 9, at a Z:SO to 5:SO rectptiao at tbe bome ol tbelr dlacN•, Mrs. J(».D Dodd Horrell. 11M ConaJ, au.treet, eo.ta llesa. Aulstlllc In lbo reo-wiD bo lfUIIcblldriO Debbie, liS, Lori, 11, aDd BobiM Horrell, 9. AUo lttMdDI .-Ill be 11"1 ..... ..,.... Palti,IO,Buu, IB,IIIIdCorol Y-. 14. or WbittMr, dl.actlhra ol tbe late Mrs. DorotbJ Dodd Young. Tbe Dodd's were marr1ld AllC. 9, U19, lD Lol All(eles. came to lbo lllrbor Ar• to 1931, lllld-- Dodd's Malt Sbop oo lldD loludlrom 1NIIo 1851, Mr. Dodd ts a charter member of tbe Nnport.-Balboa RotarJ Club. wbicb beld Jts orpnlutiqD meetmc Stet. 19, 19S9, al !be Ne-.porl Harbor Yacbl Club. (Eulppllolo.) Still busy goHing at7S Teacher visits Ethiopia ·~-~~--.-··········-·· TOO LATI10 CUllin W''·l· OIJd rca IDr. 111 -· JOt..-. c.-c...•-··-1. ... -~ ~Ill: ..., li. Caul .., • • • • Ant Jc....... ... ,.. . .. •ft: .. Jaw... I• Ill ...... 0,001111 ~ _. Mill' ..... 'II t•IIO,... 2j)ro Cultured fPear/s LAST lKREE DA.YSI S 35.00 Single grH str•nd, now .... $ 26 . .50 235.00. .... .,_. ...... ""·... 17t.OO 65.00 U"nilorM sgl. 1trand, now ... ..75 ts.oo llftitorm ttl. "'*· .-... 11.is 125.00 Uniform *fl. atrand. IIOW ... 93.75 285.00 Unifwm ~gl. lfrtnd. ftOW ,.. 213.15 "25.00 Uniform ~gl. at,.nd. now ... 337.50 950.00 Uniform ttl. 1trtnd, now . . . 712.50 3200.00 Uniform ttl. lftlltd. now. . . 2AOO.OO Out colhctioft W.Ciudn l'l'lllftY otMt a. end atyle& for your eontldlrttlon. ALL ,..._ for tftb 01W "'"k Mit l'\ltftl , , , . ........ .. 11111'1 ..... ""' ,...,.......,011-hw• Holl's-JM ...... ,...... • • • ......... -...... -·- MICHELIN TIRES RIDE RADIAL The Safest Drive on earth··· Mrs. Delol'es Bowles, loo&-to-teacher program 1D wb.icb Ume teacher at Newport Beacb uperieDCed Amerlcu teacberJ Elementary Scbool, 1s DOW 1n volunteer to wort lD apec1&l Ethiopl& u a member of the programs ot educatkml usta- NatloD&l Educatioa Association ta.Dce w1tb teachers 1o tbe de- 40,000 miles Tread Wear Guarantee OYer ... T•ch Corps, velopi.Dg oatioDs o1 tbe workL Mrs. Bowie&, 510 N.Newport "It 1s ooe meansotupgradlnc Blfd., Newport Helpts, lett the protessloaal q..n.t1eatioal lor E~ to early July, Silo of leacbors of lilt denloplac will r«uro to Ne-.porl Baach Dalloos .-bllo aflo<dloc lilt A- Stpt. I or 7 J.Dd resume tea.cb-merlcao teacberJ OCJI)OI'tuDl- lDC u a rf&dtDg apeeLalist for t1es for upertences at tbe llnport Scbool. lnleroatloaol ..... wlllch '11111 Tbe M'EA O.erseu T-.ch eorl~b tbe1r teaehia& atbome," Corps, !DIIIolod In 196S by lbo aoys llnllllo Alouo, IlEA dl- comm.lttlle oa. ~ re-rector ol IDtAnaUooal re- ..-. ol lbo IIEA,Iuloacber· lalloos. Aug. 18 sign up is set .. .. 1 g? ..... _ ..... set of Michelin X steel cord radial tires can outlast your car. We don't meon lo Imply that it's the rule for Michelin tir11s to outlast the car that usn them. But tt is common forourcuatomerstodrive 5oto60 thousand miles on • sot of Michelins before tho tread is aono. And many cantful drivefo do much bolter then thetl Tl1<t exceptional miiN,. from i sot of Mlchelins Is due to tho unique ...Sial dllsil" end -1 cord construction-not to a superior rubber . compound. (,\lthoulfl Mlchelln'uoos the fi-t rubber evollable, ~··not rMOourobly bM!er then the best used by-minufacturers.) Michelina leot "'"""bacauM they roll, tum end otop with leu friction. So thoro'o Ieos okiddln .. acuffin& and tcrubblnl of tntOd on the road. Thlo lact<af ro111n1 ntsl-can===~;'.!~--­conoumptlon up to ..IL~,; .. .......... • PREPARIIIG to-oil lor tbo Zlld llllllal popont ol tbo •W4Dobl.lu are, from ~ M.r. ud lllra. HarrJ Rl.aUr ol Noopori Booeh to tllolr 1916 Allloro--TaiUipood-; llrL AJr1a Col of S&Dta Aa Betcbta. tb!WIIDC •loaptde & It&t eatom creaUoo Mercedes Be•, Uld AlriDCox, kDie11DC bMide a lUl No. 840 Packard ~ 8 fOld .... Tbt papent to b1 bekl tbt1 SIDiiJ, AUC. 10, OlD tbe po.ia of tbo Pllilco-Ford -. faclUIJ oo Ford Rood, to IPO"IOI'ed by tbl clU&eD fQJUDteer baUd of director. of tbe BIJ BrGibor• o1 ~CooaiJ'. pqbllc oon1ee orpma- lloo Which proridn crlllclll COIMIHI aod l\ddliJCe to fatbor· leu boya &Dd fatber .. JSbomu.Proeeedsfrom tbtsbow w1l1 -t1>o B1J Br«Mrs IINIRm to Oraop c-,. Tbe Mow w1ll bt opeo to the public trom 11 a.m. tot p.m. Food will be aftllable ud parldac ls free. Admt•slon ta f$1.50 tor adults aod 50'; lor children uoder 12. (Lou Gordlac photo.) . . ~· .-·· / - con•· DRESSES COCKTAIL CAPRIS BLOUSES .... caaotT CAIIDI -·- J.l. !}. garreft'~ THE NfWI'OIIT HAIIOII BOATERS GET RADIO CHECK ADVICE u. 11. c.-Goard olllolw lUI kill, .. , .. t11e mike INtloo Vfl aD a..t.1 Wbo bin heeD ud obee"t the D100 lamp cfOW· &a tM ~at caUJ.ac the Cout inl-TbiiDW~~U~~tberelseurr..t c.rcS OD radio dlltreu fre. nowtDc lato tbe Ullema. Wake _, 1111 ldlz tbr "radio a short COUll! (1-2-S-4) ntcll r,tooeu" to dlw>Dtt.,.. tho tor the lamp to ...., more ..-acuce. brJgbtly in rnpoose to your Cout Guard otftc1&ls poiDt voice. If the ll.mp brlpteDS, out tbat lbt Dumber of boaters w. mtiUI tbat )'OUI' craos.. mttter 15 operattna:. U a~, l.fter -mloc tboaho .. teet, stW feels that a radio ebeek t. abeohtely oecesary, 1t sboWd be coadueted oo a trequeocy other than 2182 kbz, with a oea.rby nssel. calllAc tile c-Guard tor ( B radSo ebeeU bU ''IDOW· baUid... TbeJ llJ tbat • • • Stanford of Lido dies ,..klu problem Is un.bJow'. Funen.l senlces were COO· inclJ created bJ this praeUce, dueled Au~o 2 for Cbarlas B. both lor tbo Cout Guard aod Stanlord, 82, ol 609 VIa Lido tor the Federal Communi~ Sood., Lido l.sle, in the Wee Kirk cations Commlsaioo. A boater o' Tbe Heather, Forest Lawn ptooeer r•l estate developer of Gleodale, wbere be lived tor 30 years before moving to New. port Beach. Ya of families own 2 cars requeatiDg 1. ndJo cbeck on Memorl&.l Park, Gleodale. SlJMMER CAMP $1 Qt-UP Zll% khl may be uterfertnc He was born in Abilene, The Boy's Club of the Harbor wJtb a "Mayday" iD procress Te:ms, and Uved Ln the COWJty Area bas openings tor boys be· &Dd could YerJ poutbly biDder of Orange for 1 'J years. He La.ke Deal Big Bear La.ke. Tbe Tranlport:&Uoo is a majlll' sllb)ecl ol IJitorost to _ .. LD a P'O'f1Dc area, aecordiac to tbo Srd -ly -.. , •. ..... ol tbo First Natlooal 8aok "' Oraop Cooaly lor the Colltl Mea-Newport Beach area.. Well represeoted witb com- paratin tables, the July 1 report show's that ownership of 1965 models ootnumbers other years. with a tigDt race clustered. in the years 1963 throup 1966. o .. rau, ..... 68 per ceDI ol the cars are in tbe medium price range, wltb 20 per cent low- priced, and tbe balance, tllgb- priced. in lbt Mnpart..Ye~ Ualfled rescue efforts aDd thus cause passed any July 31 at the two sessions run from Au- District. whicb senea tb1.a a We lobe lost. resideoce of h1s daugbter,l4rs. gust 11-24 and August 24.31. area, .,.,ed u llcr-..e ot0.9 PeriOO& deairi.D.c lo test tbelr Gloria S. Price, of Altadeoa. Cost Is $35 per boy per sessioll.. per ed to 15,811 .. ,...., radios are a.d't1sed to do the otbtr surviYors are his wUe, Swimming, flshing. llWDg. Tuable retall Alia ro.e 11,5 following: Pure hue a small Gladys; &DOtber daughter, Mrs. boating. ca.mp crafts, borsebact per et1IL PcpcalatloD t. ..,. 1/Z.watt l*Ml lamp. Tape or U.lrtam s. Schmidt of the Ba-riding. nature study and camp. Umated at 7"-000 lDColliMta wire Ute lamp to tbe traumtt-hamu; a sister, Mrs. Lela Ba.l-fire progr~s are planned. and 46,000 lDMnportS.Cb.u ter lead-in at the At. Turn oo uri ot Limlted opeoinp areaYailable. loereue lor tbt 'dole ua ol tbe receiver. S'lfitcb to a pre-drea a.ad Reservations are DOvt being about 7 IID&IHd NOT taken at &C.83'72 01' 54.! iSS?. .. ..,~­....,.... ... _ .. , JOe COSTA MESA - JAY M. GENTRY,3011-LD-Ja.wof Mr. ud Mrs. John T. Keeler, ZU Jasmioe Ave,, Corooa del Yar, has beell commissiooe<l & secood Ueutena.nt Ln the U.S. Air Force upon graduatlon with hooors from Officer Tralninc School (OTS) at Lackland AFB, Tuu. He is being assigned to Laredo AFB, Teus, for pilot tn.!Dlng. Lt. Gentry, a 1963 graduate or Antelope Valley Hlgb School, received llis B.S. degree ln 1967 rrc .. n UCLA. He is a member of Sigma Chi. For American-made auto... mobiles, Geoera.l Motors bas slightly over 39 per ceot, with Ford Motor Company at 26.5 per ceat ud Chrysler Motors 10.4 per ceot. However, the Ford edges CheVrolet allg:btly for tlrst and secood places, with Volkswagen {Love Bug) &jpplDC imo third place, insofar as 1Ddh1dual mates are coo. cerned. Another first from Newport National Bank Of tbe total number of bouse· holds with autos, about 34 per ceot are multiple car owners. Compact car ownership rates relatively higtl at 40 per eem. Sta.Uoo wagons are popWar at 20 per cent. Forelpcarowner· ship aYerages Z5 per ce.- for both communW.es. Tbere are 32,12.4 bousebolds Ill. Costa Mea and Newport Beach area thai ---ol 41,01$ cars. Bulldlnc activity 1o both c- Mesa and Newport Beach aoomed trom $ZS.4 m1llioD in lbe llrst boJ1 ol 1968 to $42.9 million for the same period I.D 1969 -an 84per centi.Dcr-... School enrollment at the eod of tbe current year (June 1969) BUILDING N'EW PLANT IN INDUSTRIAL CDMPLEX Groundbreaking was held Friday, Aug. 1, foe a $350,000 omee and research facility tJ.r IDternaHooal BlotroDics Col'p, in the ln'loe lndustrial complex oear the Orange County Airport. The ftrm 1s enpaed iD the de· velopment and producUoo of sensors and transducers used in converttngcrlticaldlagoost.Jc body impulses, such u braiD waves, beattbe&ts and blood pressure, into electronic signals ror medical research. (STARTING AUGUST 9th> • SA DAY TV STORE and WAREHOUSE JWS SAVE 20 to 50·% o • .-.,., "•• s I• e.,., o.-,.,.,. •• , • CDMI lAlLY POR IUT SILICTIOM H.J.GARREfT fll~Nqll~E 11101. ---··-&:pa:J! II-• - SATURDAY TV lANKIN& IS CONVENIENT AND EASY Bankmg on Saturday w•ll be an added I - conventence at Newport Nat•onal Bank for people who missed banking durtng the week. or when emergenc1es anse and extra cash tS needed. Just dnve up to our un1que Auto TV Orive-m screen on any Saturday and, after pushmg the button. one of our televtston-selected tellers w•ll cash checks. accept depos•ts. make withdrawals on savmgs accounts, accept loan payments. tssue money orders and even open new accounts . Our special TV hostesses w•ll serve you and your family refreshments and show you how to operate the TV Banklne. It's convenient. tun and very easy. S.turday TV Bank•n& can make your life 1 httle more ple1sant. at these locations only IN FUllERTON SUNNY HILLS Offlct • IIIIW 11 l<n • 171-1290 UNIV£RSITY OfFIC£ • Eul a.a,m.n at Stott Coiltlt • 179-4140 IN NEWrOI!T lEACH W£STCLIFF OfFICI: • -lill ol -• 642·3111 SATURDAY TV IJANKtNG IS AVAilAILE BETWtEN TltE HOURS Of t:iiO A.M. MD 1:00 P'.M. AJio ~" ew.t)' dly tiH s.-oo p.m. anct 1..'00 '·"'·Ott F~. • fat We Forget _.,. J..,. KaiOII'I IAPTIST llllf TRIBUNE, SPRINGrtELD, MO. Difficulties In The Bible 87 TID IA.ft &. A. 'IOIIUY (BJ the ,. 'doe 91 Moody rn., Okaip.) Important 'Contradictions' BAPTIS_T BIBLE TRIBU.'IIE!, SfJri"tfi~ltJ, Mo. A SECOND "CCNftADIC'I'IOH," ol which the infMiela rub • veat deal and by which DOt a ln. belMven are puzzled, t. \hat fouad in the four aeeounta of the .upe:ncriptioM on the c:raa We r..-d iD lbtthew 27:31: "And Mt up ove-r His b-t His lleC1.1Mtion written, Thia is Jrsus the Kille of the Je-... We rMd in Mark 1$:.: "And the superscription of His aceuutioft wu written over,~ Kine of dw J...._" We rMd in Lu.ke 23:31: "And Own: ... a1.o • aupencription over Him, nu. • the KiDc of the Jews" (R. V.). ADd .. rud in John lUI: "And PUate wrN • title, and put it on the ttoP. And the wrilinc wu. Jesus ol Nuareth the Kine ol the Jews." Now no two of the-ae qrK •":"?"'~ly in W worch uaed, and ;,?";;,-~o;;b!y -"! obj«tor: "'How ean all riaht!" It is aaid that~:.c--• b. wrong, at hut in il made of this difficulty aque ap.inat the verbal the Scriptures. 1 am sw-prised tlult anyo~ should ma:;;~· .. ·,,.;, .<;'.ool t. found i!IO plainly stilted in the very ., -;-:-.:cc:· that any carefu1 studtnt should Mve a:20, R. V., that in order that all the ·~;:~=~j~t]i:~~~ r.d it, the chllr&e upon which Jnua w• WM m Latift and in Greek; in Hebrew for the fOINN"' people. in Reman. and iD Greek, the uDivu.l. lazwuap. 'fte sutJ.tantial part of the ebarce .,.. \hat .J-.. deimed tD be "\he XlDI o1. the J.ws" and was crucified foe makin1 this daim., 110 ._., worda, --rtw Kine o1 the .Jrws," appur in the Hebnw and the lAdD. aad the GrMk, and it abo appeus in all fOUl" 8C'COtmts ol. the four Golpela lllttbew (writiae few the J_..) would Mtunlly live the u.c:ripdGD • it...,.... ... in Hebrew Mark (writinc for the Romana:) ...ou1d. M Ubly so 1M it • it~ in the Latin, and Lulte u It a~ in th. Greelt. ~ Joha IJiv• it in the full Roman fonn, .. f.SU. of Naanth" be:iDt: a full aad explicit .tatement of wbo Jesua was, and the c:harae b.inc Ria claim to be "The Kinl: ollhe Jrws." nw only thin& that illeft then to .ceount for il tha differ.-~ Mark and John, but il '" canfully rMd Mark U:JI -. .ae that Kutr: do. not claim to live the full wordinC that appeu-ed oa the era& He abaply .. ,...-n.e -~ of m. aeeuaation wu writtea ooru ." The ~­ tion wu: "11M KinC of the Jewa." and this Marll pve.. and UU. alone. '!'be words, --nu. is Jau. of Nuanth," were not the ~tioa. but the u.- of the KCUMCI. So all this difficulty, of which m mueh ia made, dlappeen alt.optbc when we notice euctly what is said and all that is said. THE CONVERSION OJ' SAUL ANO'niD "CONTIIADIC'I'ION'" ol whic:h a sr-t ct.~ • mad. is th.at which MeiDl to nilt beotwMD two diffwant aceoomtM of the CObvenioo ol. S.ul of Tanu.. We an told in A.cU t:T thM tN.e who )our'rw,..d with S.ul to Dlu:aMeua .......... that ..-. to Saul. but •w DO man. On th~ other hand Paul., in reJatinc lo the Jews in Jeru- Mlan the ...,.,. ol hia conveni.on.. says: "''bey that wen with me be- Mid lDdeed the lilht, but Uwy heard Ml( tM vok. ol Him th.at spUr:~ to ma'" (Ada 22:1, RV.) N-theM two statements Rem to Oatly eontndkt one another. Lub, in recountinc' the cor'IYersion , says that the men that jo~ed wtth P'llul t-rd the voice, but Paul himMll in reoouat.l.nc his conver- IMn •Y" that they lManl not the voiee. Could there ~b-'7 be • flatter contndktioa than thil? But this apparent contr.dlction disappears wbnl. -. look at the ~ ol. the two ,.....ces. ~ Gnek word tranalal*l .,._rd .. IOVen"la two ~ the 1emtive and the ~tive. 'Rhea. a pa:ncJil or thint" the .,._ al wtueh is heard iJ spoken of, It is followed by the ..,Utive. When tiM m 1e that Ul heard ll ~ken ol. it Ia Jonow.d by the 8C'CUI&tive. 1n Ada t:7 the 1wuve 1a u.c~. 11wy dkl bear the -.oire, ttw 10und. 1r1 AcU zz:t tba worda ~ "tN voice" an 1ft the aecuMtiw. TMy did not b.u the mesua:e ol the One that IPQb. 11M WOI'd rendered ""vo6oe" abo hM hro me&nlnp: lint, "'a aound., a laDe,.. and aeeond, "'a .-.." that is, "s muDd ol uttcnd wordit" (-n.ay.'a Gnell-Encliah t.xXon of the New Tatament"). n.e voice • a IDift aound the)' hetu-d ; the ViJic:.e M the mund of utteftd worcb, the m ... tM,. cUd not hear. So another aeemlftt diffkulty entirtly d-,parra when we look u-'!'d1r at what the Bible in the oricinal ays. and ....._.. ol Mvinc: an ob- jM:tkla to the Blb)e we hAve another illuatndon ol ita ahllolut.e KCUf"&CY, DDt only down to a word but down to a ablll• letter thet enda: • word Mel by -.hich a caae is indicated. 7Jt'O MINUTES 1NE IJIIJL£ liT t'OIIMIUYI L 11.,_ ..... ........ ..U IOCIITT CMICACIO.~ 606U WISDOM or FOOLISHNESS? That Apollo space trip, some weeks 110. was really somethin&! Lt. Gen. S.maei Ptlillips, Oir.ctor of the moon lal1d101 prOfiram. uo<l: "ApollO 7 &Oft down In my boot! at • ~ miS-'on." How proud many of ua te!!l now! How 'A'IM and great we A,.,.,lcent are! Yet, now that our Kttl..,.ment Is a ,.., wn«s old, let'• loolf. .t It •a•ln tn the IIRI'It of tha .ttote piCture of Amerk:an .... L.C's f.c:a It; America I• per- haps the most vtotent of "civil· ....... Ntion• ....., .. c.n't teem 10 c:uft) tN ,.pid lf'OW'th .., cftt'ne. Ouf women .,,.. nGt .-1111 11M ..,... fA rneny of our ...., --.. ..... • ... ftOM Olf .. -----.... ,,.... ~apllftlll• tD .,.,.... : an J, ....,. IHhtdull : • ..................... .......... MAn_..Mii risen to an all time h•gh-and tt. ""n• ,...., all the ttme. What &OOCI will It do us to achteve tandinaa on the crust of the moon if '" the meantune we diSsi~te our moral strenath in dishonesty, lmmoraltty , vice and ·crime1 tt Is in th•• very conection that St. Paul wrot!l by insplr.tion of God: "Fot the pr•..:hint of the cross 11 to thoM who peri_., fool· ~neu; but unto ua who a~ sawct It is the po.MI' of God. for it ~a written, I will dHlt01 the wit• dom of ttte ..... ~nc~ brine to nottHnc tM "' ............... of the ,.._ .. (I CO.. l :ll,lt). The ~. with .. Itt ••"-""mm camot ...,. ..... It ~ ...., Chrilt't ...,. on 1N u.. "* c. ............ .., ..... _. ......... -.......... _ --·-·-......... , J& , ..... tMt II M --·-.J:M) . A LOOK AT THE BOOK I FOOUSH PIIIACHING People have a way of uyin,, ... would read 1M Bible more except that I eannot undersllnd it."' Many Bible acholsn will llJfM there lR certain parts in the Book wtw:. munlna Cbey cannot quite undcf'ltand. Thd is no reftection on the: Bible, however, but ratht-r upon the low spiritual understandina of man. I doubt if there are any IWO students of the Bibk who will aaree completely on tM interpretation of every part or the Word, but tho Bible ts always clear and explicit and easily undentood wbeo it tells a man what he needl to know in order to brt saved. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." ''lllere is none olher name under heaven aiven amon1 men. whereby we must be saved," says Peter, s.peakin& of Christ. The Son of God Himself made the way of salvation perfectly plain when He said, "I am the Way. the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Facher, but by Me." In those wordS called the heart of the Gospel (John 3 : 16), the way of salvation is aaain plainly statt'd, "For God so ioved the world that He aave His only beaotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shoult.l not perish. but have everlasting life." It K not undentand· ina the Bible that saves man-it is trusting Christ. Some men h01 ve not rt-ad enough of the Bible to know wheth«" they undentand it or not. S \LVATI<>N I~ SIMPLI:. hut it's not C ~ap. It C0$1 Jesu s Chri st e\'torythin~t Sf) that salv:at ion rould l>r uffern l tu us frC"C"Iy. (;ud has pro\·ic.kd s:t h'3tiun un :1 h:nis whll"h ptnnits anyone who can make an mrrlli)(ent dccisioo tu han it. If salutiun could llC' m:t'ived '"' the hasis of cdocation, multitud" would he e)lcl uJcd. If ncrnal lift could he had on the ba~is uf wealth, a grrat numhcr would Mill be lclt uut. If hein~ sa vrd were d~pendc:nt upon nne's moral pcrf«tion, ~vtryune wuuld b ll shctrt,-Cod has m:adc His sah·.:l!iol" availahle un the b:ws of a personal faith which t-\'Cn a child can exerci~_. This way e\·eryone is reductd IU the s:unr le vel 1ft thr eyes of God and all must cume tn Him on the s:tme lC'rms (Romar.s J :9, 10; COal . 3:22). Paul said, "For by grace a~ ye sa,·ed through faith: and that not of yount-1\'es: it is the gih of (;od: Not: of works, k-st any man should boast.'' (Ephesians 2:8. 9) How simple is it to he uvcd? I. h is as simple as entering a dour-"1 am the door: by me if any man l!nter in. ht s~a l\ he savtd." (John 10:9) 2. h is as simplt as callinK for help--"Fur whoso- ever shall call upon the name of the LorJ ,hall he savtd." (Romans 10: \3) t h is as simple as coming wh!!n called-"Comt' unto me all vc that labor and an-heavy Lad!!n. and I will gi~c you rest.'' (Matthew II :28) but this much t1 "ru.in: when you bave tlulted Outst u your S."iour and loYe Him. you will find a love of the Bil* and a ..,,.. to rMd it. The one who reada the Book with faith in the Chriu Whom the Book reYeah. ftDdl tb.t much whtch wu bdore h;s convcnion beyond his comprehenaion, now has become clear and plain. 1 In his first lener to the Corinthian Church, Paul says, ''The prcachin1 of the crou is to them that perish foolishness ... That is, the 0.:. pel of the arace of God seems a foolish thin& to those who have not experienced it. He COD· tinues, "but unto us whtch are u.wd it is the power of God... As a child of God, havirq: experienced His arace, one understandl the Word of God in a way in which the unsaved never can. The Book ttself is explicit on thia point: "'But the natural man rettiveth not the thinr of tht-Spirit of God: for they are fool- ishness unto him : neither can he know them, becaust" they art spiritually ddccrned," The man who is born of the Spiril. who has had a JXrliOnal e11.perience with God. will undentand many things in the Word of God which were beyond h~ comprehension before he was saved. But anyone can interpret the plain meanin& of Scripture where the Book points the way of ~al vation .-American Way Features. It\ Simple To Be Saved "'"''""" ...... ~--·~ .. · .. ~ .. , ... ,.,,...,,,,,,.,, p,jJhl,..n ,f ("~ri.•limo lflo ,.,,..., .,,...., llt2J o lo..,ldl. ,, . .,.. ,, . ...,., M ft.t\1 ~. h IS .IS ~implt" JS ft'\"t"t\IRJ.: a J.tifi-"For thr" wage-s uf sin IS .lu th: hur thr" ~o:i h uf c;ut.l i' t'tr"rnal lifr" thn1u~h h·~us l :hrist our l . .nrd.'' (Romans (t:! I) 'i. It is u si mpk as drinkinJ.: wat~·r -"Rut whu~n­ r"\t'r drinkcth vf the w:atn that I ~hall ~i\c him ,hall OC\'t"J thirst; hut the water that I sh;tll l,,tlvr" him sh:~ll he in him a wclluf watrr sprinJ,:- ing up 1010 t·H·rla~ti nJ.: lift"." (11•hn ~:HI (,, It is as simpk a\ t":t tini:: lorl",lll-"1 :un the Ji ,in~ brr"ad wh ich c;llll<' duwn frum hcaH:n: ir any man c;at u( rhis lm::.td, he sh:a\1 li \c forrver : and the hread that I will ~ti n· is my Aesh, which I will gi ,·e fur the lifr uf the wnr\J ." (john 6:51 J 7. lt is as simple ;u hdie,·inK c~.._l-"Vnily. \'erily. I uy unto you, He that believeth on n'l(' hath rverlasting lik" (John 6:-17 ) Many people stumhle :u the simplicity of ulva- tion. The-y often fed that rhey must Jo !IOfllC'Ihing to e;~rn or J~~n·~ such a wonderful off~r. Yrs, K>mcth ing had ro be done ii.J that ulvation could he offered to us fred y hut Jesus did it all. All that ('.ot.l asks of us is that we helic\'~ that J~sus died fnr our sins and r«eivt Him in10 our he:art 2nd lift hy fa ith. The genuim:rK"S.S aod the reality of ynur faith will he t.lemonstratcd in :a c-hanged lif~. Why not m.akt that all·tlnj)()rt:ant decision whic h will transform your life and ~ring you into right rdationship with (;.~tl? It is simple and it works. Try it and _., -l>:n·id W . Ha i nt'~ "E111'011T HAAIOR ElltiJI SEG!!!!D SEC11DII -• Pet 'IMUJIIDAY, AUG. 7, -ootOM OE!.II:'R. ·C,!U~- Gnat lftli II II New "J-Ia .... s, ·...-" .... 4't14-30 ....... ,.,_ CLUUAQOU 7 ........... ...._ .. ..._ I -............... •• ._.. .._., ... ,......_ .• _... ._ (C.. ._ ... ----w lhll) • 7 .,_ •.ewaM. a. ----.... •• • .. _ ... ---..... -... .-.41"" .. l,ultN , .... IIJit) II -.-. lie bct4. Mea -..pt .............. .....,Mt ---H ----" It .............. _. ... ._. u -. ~~n~aM. ____ .a..n u .,.. -ca m..,t11S) .......... (Mtrtt, 12:.) ., ........ ---............. It -ol a.tit. (lode 3t31) IS ~ .:..__edl U..., Ha.-r • ., ... ._ ---.. ~ Lor4 • .... ca... sa,tf) --II ...,. will .-.ly ..,-_._ -tw. IS "'.U•w.l•.y • .ad ----•"' (I a... __ .. ll1l2) II -.. ,.(f.._ llt2t) 17 ....._ •I nro •• ol O..W 21 ..... ay• _, .U ... ..,. ----- (D .... JS:I) W."' II a ... (D n.._. 11:23) 2t a .U. el SU.. (,.._ U tll) II a -ol Ged (Gea. tl:ll} • ........ el .... •• ol J....a. (C... "20. "21. "23 -~~~e Spirit •... •=1. II) ----....... --21 .. __ -1, .... .u.w..-u a.-. lh 25 -.. U.. qa....,aa tliloro •-a II) ----... (J.uko 4:33) SJ "'llle h•• of ___ ... ( .... 21;11) l7 '"INI ----loU you ol a tnrtll-:11 ........... a...l ----M .. ........ 21 laldallo ol tlt.e t.. ...... of S3 -----........ ia Clea ....... .. ~ ('f'..tlt.. 2:17) ... ~ •a ~ Spirit .. tit.• LHd -·-· ._.. 31 bUdUt e1 a .-4 ..--an .._.. -w ..,..._,. ere.. 711) ........... dty &I -----• ..,.. Mdl ...-ate4 -.. ----.. u -_., ---aot ya .......... "_.-..... I • (•-•-._ .... (N-14tll "WWt ----•• ... -1121) ,. laidale ol ~--t~otato ol n c., .. M.. ... .. Mlloarty ........ -· .U. ~...-.. (D C.. 1:1 I ____ 4,"' .,, "42 "'"'• ... ..,.... o1 111e Lor4 • • -.. u ..... ._ -----~ llt4) ---· ----t1 waeld .... U... ,.,....... ___ _...,. 31 •-o1 JerkiN (,.._ 2:1) (lloJt. S1ll) u la1t6aia ol , ....... a .we. ................ ( ..... ll:lll) -.4 McaM-(Ge&. 41:1, •> II '"a ............ ...t • .... M u -~ • ..,. .. err. ---L r.u..r ----c.. H.e. Zed.. a,,, ca... tdJJ u .. ----r .,..,..,.. ...,. ....... ... day .. ~~ __ ... ( .... Lk ................. ., 12) ..................... .. .. ·---· """' ._ ....,.,. n ' 1""-., .. 11 • ~1:1)) 47 a 1riaCJ ef larelei (U Klqa 11:31) .. -hie$ •• dlo ... c.•plo 50 .. _ -----'· .... _ .. , ..... 1:21) 53 laitiak ol ..... ~ en-. 11:1: 1:1) S4 aacl S4 4.owa. &-.... * CM. ____ ... tiMot (Gea. Jlr1) s.s -... , -----· ia -...-$1 .... ,._do ----..... ~...- CLUES DOWJI 1 --w. ---.. -. ...... t t. .... .,.. ••• ,_H 2 ~. ------1 (Ad. 1111) 3 .. , ... ----· ............. lcri,__... (Matt, ll:JI) • • kleM. .. o-w cr._.,,, s ......... ----....... hill .. .,... .,_ ... Uellll thll) I Aa.e o-laf (.W.O.,) AHSWH 10 LAST WHit'S St. Thomas 8 I. ble Lesson sop. AUL'S FAI~~!~LJ~ ~~E~~:s ~tHESIAHS-ACTS 20 Thomas ~as -P. 0 . Box 35096 -Houaton. Texaa 77035 The nnt part of this Ieeson ia largely a record or the restles5 joumeyinp or St PauJ and his companions. These first missionaries ~re never still. They went from place to place planting the aeed of the word of God. lighting the fi res of the Holy Spirit. We haw 1\sla of namea recalling men, undo ubtedly o nce prominent in the Christian community, but who se specific labors we no lo nger know about The~ ia also the spectacular incident or the yo ung man, Eutychus, who ~I aaleep during Paul'a sennon and fell (rom the third sto ry windo w. Mirocu - loualy he aeem1 not to have been badly hurt; at least he was alive. The record continues written ln th~ nrat peraon plural (the"we" section!l of the Book or Acts) whK:h lndicalea that Luke h\mseH was present In the company. Paul proc.ftded. on toot from Troas to Anoa while the others went by ahlp. Then together they aaUed back to Epheaua, the city whkh Paul had left after the riot covered in another Ieason. Thls time ht-seem• not to have IO'M Into Epheaua Itself, but he atopped at the seaport town which served Epheaua, the lown ,.,r MUetua and there sent ror the Elden of the Church to come to hbn. Hlt....talk wtth these Elder• La touching and enlightening. It highlights the drama aurrounding PauJ 's detennlnation lo proceed to Jerusalem. M such, It echoes the detennination or Jeaua at the md of Hia ministry when, aa Luke tells ut In hia Gospel, He aet Hlt race to go to Jerusalem, knowing that there He would fltnc down the ftnaJ chaltmge to the hypocrite. who were posing aa relleioua men and seeking to rule underthelrown power. Evidently Paul under- atood the inevitable outcome of Jeaua't action and ru..llzed that, In hlt own case. the maHer would run the aarne OOUI'H:. The tervant Ia nolgreat~r than the muter and lf the muter met hlt death at the hand or wicked men at Jeru- salem, au rely PauJ, the Hrvant, woulda:pec:tthuame under aimUar conditions. Many Chrlltlan men have reClOI'ftized the inevitable tum of events In rollowlnl the Lord and have likened certain dedalona In their own careert to that Of tuminl their face toward .htutalem, knowb\1 that they 'ftH lon:inc an IMue wbkt: would end In their own defeat and poNlble death at the hands of men. Not only Paul. but lbe other membe:n of the Church, we~ equally tentltlve to Ott. order of eventrt. Paul conftn wlttbtbe Cbutcb leaden. • And now, behold. f 10 bound In the aptrll unlo JetUtolem, not knowlnf .th• Ill Inti• thai tludl befall me tber'e; aave that Che Holy Choet wttnMMih tn every dty, taylfttl that bood1 lind alftlctlont abide mt. • ·Yt'h&tiWr ......M of revelation the Holy GbOII may have Ulld with th-p«>ppe. wo may cmalnly ._Ito lhol at the le-he 111..-llem lbt lnovtleblt OO>WOO ol.....,..ln"""" oae- .... to a MCIII•JY rwult. Ia lhlt --"It....-.... Paul tllould bavt feNnel" -1'10'7 to warn the Chords ~.~eden ._. dt11 r riDft .wl ~ wOuld llriM wtlha. lbtlr"'"' lollowohlp, .,.,.. 1-...., ••-.,,~.., .. tlloll f'lo-wol--Ia --,.,...-......... lla.Aitoof7<>U•--...._,...., . ., ...................... _. t---· 'I"WWt *-............... lllmoloetM AlllnloaiCiutlllu~ Uon, Nled with the Spirit, may expect to diminish In Ita power of conviction and to be plagued from without and within by men who teach faiK doctrines. Many people today are alanned to ftnd teachers of perverse thlnga ariatng within the churches and do not knowlhatwhat they tee la a nonnal expectation. However, Paul does not leave the matter hanging there. bulahowa to the Chrlatlana what they are to do. Remembering thai the purpose of God is to perfect aouJ1 for Ht-aven, soul a so n1led with the Iron of l:onvlction that they may be at last takm up In Christ to tht-very realms of eternity itself, we can understand why those 110ul1 must, In the flnal stage of perfecting, overeome even faJse; leadership from within the Church. Paul thus polnta the way for those who, having done all within the Church, would stUI Iitand In the evU day. He turns them to IICrlpture, •J commend you to God. and to the word of His grace'. which 11 able lo bulld you up, and to give you an inheritlll"'tt among all them whkh are sanctified." Thua Christiana are not to be faint- hearted when lhey tee the leadenhlp of the Church faUing.to provide the guktance which they expect, but rather should tum each one hbnaelf lndq)end- enUy to the word of God' a grace. That word it autndmt to buUd up each one and give hlm an inheritance in Heaven. ' Thu1 when aD dR teems to have faUed. we a~ ran\nded not only of the pow~r ln the word of God to aave ua, but of the fact that that power to which each on~ tuma indepmdentJy It the ftnaJ stace tn th~ perfection of aouls. Finally It 1t worthy of nott that amont tbe lut worda of wamtng and eounlel which Paul Civet to the talnta la the admonition that f8ICh man Ia e:xpected to earn hla own llvh'll. Chrt•tlanl are not expected to be supported by the community. 1'be: rommunlty O'ftll them nolhlnc. ettMr throuc,h taxation by the GovemnMnt. or voluntary COI'ItrtbutkMY ot the Church. Rather, aaya Paul, •t haveabowed you alldllnp. how that to laborlnt yeouch-t to tupport the wealt, and to rananbu the words of the Lord J--. bow He tald. tt '- more blneed to aJve than to recetve. • ln another piace Paul says that every man abould work wttb bJI own h•dl In order to have money to atve to thoae wbo need lL It 1• orrta.lnly a mon pltM&nt tbtn1 to be able to atve to othen than to have to ~ charity. Not only that, but lhoae who haw u the fruJl of their OWD Iebon 1M wt.e.t .. lthU to ctve to othen an certamly mo"' blaNd 1ft the-of God. With th-p.,.. -roll hul apolte a lollcblnC fa.-llo hit frltnclo 1ft Cbrltl. thtltodon of the Cburdl, ond pt'OCOldool on lilt~· OUTLINE: 1'tlul ,_ 1M 'Dioft" riot" 10 G-ill Trocot "_, ........ rou/Vf/1( .. ~~-Ill• Ep-l>ld ,.,_ .. -.. ,.,....... , N.UCBB TO RDIDIB&I: l'llaol. ~-~ oo. .,...,_of"*-d4ioo. PLAC&I TO aiiCALL; Ep.\ol .... G-n.-. ~~- MIMOJrY VIJUI&: Ada JO:U • 1.8. PERMITS :=.:R_~::~ From the Polt• ... a•-... -r ,., .,. , -= _. liiUMIIAY,AUQ. 1, • __. IUDW fl,lll,.llt _, tto-1-. IIDDA DB. MM. CAliF. • !ICWDAf,IVLf 11 tor., rod<---.. lit - , ... ,.... .... J.r ,....,.. .,... • ._.., .. 1, r, a w•P' .., " m"•• * 1D ......... G. Do ... r;, oo' ' LIG.\L IIOTICI c-dol -. -a ... PWo -...-. -lllo .,. 11 '1100 w. Cooll ftll .. ...., ... lllt ~lUI..,._.. Ttr! r..-al ..... r. ,,J._It.ftt41111l.. ..... ..,.. •...-t ... .... ~:..: :::"=.: •C:.....oa.IWI .. ==:::ern f:!=.o':.'i, t :;;ru~,':!~:: •."r".-'tl' -.•-• .... --pr-~loiDLu ... _ ... ,., ... ---. COIIICIL or Tllll ·crrr or '110~.~ .... -; ,._ .....,_,~:.,:: =:.;:r;:.:'::".:.~ -..--or ,...., Plllillllc 111, _ .. •.,.... •--..ca ana--·• 1111o1 11 -. a f1l • •• -'* "&!!...., -_,. o:etnrr.,....au.-· · 1 ••• • tD _.. • .a&.. IDfG '1'D IM'lUT cw TilE 'ftltl a Jlllir o1. ,_..e.,._ ... Aa.11 • at»a.tllle ea.. ........ nmctna.U: 5 -II !aU"'!!! 1M lilt -.... , te,aoo-L-cnT OOIIIClL 10 !.&ME bad • &'1. a -eat loa'l a-ll< a '"• -I. Cooll 110..1/U,Inndl>, a.a., coi-~wlllll&--,000,000. -......... Jl,IOO, cnT,QWJ!IiD PIIOPIIIITY IIIIIIC ....... llllla; bor HWJ,, c-dol llu, 1111 -.. -llr,Witll-od no .... .,..._-ciD--eo ... NiaciiOII!oJ' r..oc.&Tiill AT THI 8DUTB--ory -bor $10 • , , , $110 cull Ia a llq oe a ...... Ma.:••or. 7tl ,._, Booport r~olr IM-IIIIa.Donor. -Dr. ti,OOO. IIAIT CQIJIU OF IIIIOOK-ll'o IIIIIICID---nd< lor 10 ID 10 -aod 11o1p1o ... -yl aac-, 400 ill -.....eof,J,OOO ... olt'lr: • BALBO.\ 81MT' UD ADAMI IN HUM .. &II\ 1410 E.U., a.n. U -•¢1d ••• 1..,... JUdd. llorlllc star lA.. 0o9w • NB~ llu'lball M«lllll. de.U. TIMGTOIC IKACH, AND SIT-HIP" .... J2$ to ,..,_ a 1110 We*llff Dr .. Welkltff, harM, «'AJitlded c.lrY._ AYe. 8. F. OW.o, -.. co••, ..... 'IC a1 IZ -lallad, TllfC A PUBLIC HE.ut111G10 w.-lllalwu tarpt.,...._ collldod oe tmoo AN, --a --ileldl ~- No. lAo-, Lillo Pal'l,.$1,000, fl,OOO, COiliiDIIl PIOP<l8AU FOR lor a roell barlor , , , Wllllal!l lllldrod Ctrtca, G st. AI>-•••• RkMrd Loo, Ill Z'llll Hnpaft ArdiN Mar ill. aaJ • LDmA BL£ LB.AIIItG fWD PROPERTY Bea.eoa's motl(le mM&c maeldlle dr.... ClUI Bafft • • • st .. Weat Kftport, wu arr-.. W. Cooll Jlrf., ....-_ Fred Carr, -.Jirpool, WBDUI,III&CUyoiKooport wusllooeed_, __ Fr--.. 511 Su ledaoadlar.,ol .... -. $15,000; ...U. eotlla(. u.,...or. ., ~laiD. ff.JOO. _,111M-tolooollllal '"" -$Itt -a. or -.. -AN, .. _ caled 1a -I>J *"'" .... $15,000, . Gn11 !lor II-, docl< a1 II -JUCOiol rlaijW-ty -a.! -!ram bll car HoiPio, r-1111 -ol Jollo T-. 110 VIa Lillo Swar-.p, ldd ID colw•, Llada lalo, $1,100. locaiDd &I IIIIo -··-parUd oolllde bll -· at $7S II loola lrom bll -. Sold, Lillo lalo, IDol a $ZOO '110 Lido Pal'l, Spo<e =• • WUJ' UPI'EII BAY ol Adamo a.! -~~~ 42 Ba ... Co"s ••• A. D. • salllram Ill <locUd oldl!. $1,000, J ... Jolla -tloo 10M -Ia 111o City o1 H-.c-IIUebell, 1405 S.More Weill WEDHESDAY, JULY Zl • NEWPORT CEMTER Hlpltod Dr '$4,IOO ~ lao ........ """"I"'OC ._ Newport, wlll,_y to tile i-o1 Some bold lldef II ...-.q lrllol Co., ,_,. C>&Ce &I J, II. ~ ad.. ID root, ............ ty l.lll acres; a.! $90 to r-. Ill& -eo lape rellllac -lll>lJ -y Ia --;:L::EG::AL::--:MO=T::-IC::E::-- 500 Newport C-Dr • 1111 GaJu;y Dr $1 ooo WHEREAS, Ill& -· deo-player lalroo from his car • • • bll ... lr:yud -1111 folia. ----;;-'.;:;::::-.:..:=-- WE OfFER A CDMPLETE WAIIOIIOI! IIAIMTEMAIICE AT NO EXTIIJ. OIARGE •••• 11.1 TTOMS--RI PS --MIMDR REP AIRS Delivery SerYice -Cbarae Accowua InVited $47,1%0. Mart S.D:o,J-..-.,; l....U: eribld property 11 pr.....,. A COWsion OD E. Cout Hwy. r-ld ltolea$tOM•moeUr-ca P-Ul6S • BACK BAY clwoWor, 505 lloralq Star ._.,.ad aod ,..Ida ooly a tor-toplll&r JollA EllderJ, Amllap' N.-.-y, 1500 E. CERnFJCATE OF BUSINESS WILET • I!A-1.., L ~ mwAY. '•"-• WW.., W5 La., $10,000, --ol r .. _ lor US VlaKoroo,Lidolale;Rolattd Cout Hwy., _, '"U. Cooll FICTITIOUS NAME ' --·· DG. ... llacArltntr BIYd., allaniloo, tile City ol Newport Boac~!; aod Vallely, 508 S. Bay, Ba1bo1 COII!IIry Clab, ••• Wllllal!l Sal-T'-llllderlll-do certify parlltlooa lor law ollie.., A. F. I!NCAIIPIII!NT WHEREAS, Ill& City COODCU l.slaod, a.t Geo<ge La•, Zl45 Uno,15170nap,Coolall-111a1 tiley are """""'tlac a basi-r~sN~EX;T~TU~Tit~E~UIIl~T~ED~~CAL;~IFO~IM~I;:A:IIAI:~MKL~~ $417,000. Daftd W. OleboJt.-ol Mr. bu detll'mt.cf tbl1 saJd pro-Cork, eo.ta Mesa ••• Two Wbo 1a a e ...... en at CCX'OIII. .leSS at %110 Tust!D AYe Sanaa • SHORE CLIFFS aod lin, Jollo L. illoboll ol DV1J eoulll-JJUrl>IUI Balboa lslaadoei-odtleoY-del Mar IUCIJ. reported 111&1 Aoa, Calllorllla, ..ser ii,. De- Harold ZZS lUG Daurille, eo.t& ..... re-property to tbe Clty ot Nnport ered 1t'ba.t a small world lt 1s YUdl.ls bad tl"oteD a$15 .ebool tit.ioul firm oame of JlrfCRID"S elllltJ putielpated. Ia u Air Beaeb; wbeo Patricia Fortber, 1006 w1nclcnr as well u tbe $50 leu' aDd tbat aid ftrm 1.1 composed Force llMerYe Ofllcer• Tra1a-HOW, THEREFORE BE IT S, Bay Froot, collided OD Part Wladow of tbe cutodla•"s 1956 of tbe i:tllowiDc peraou 1rboee 54 1953 Ia( ~ (AFIIOTC) lloldlrai-RESOLVED ll!al tile Cliy Couo-Ln. in Weill Newport -Cbefy • •• llarprol Fr ...... ..,. .. in flllla.tplaces;,rell. • altJc _._...&I 1111 U.S. eil boroby declarOI lla lllleo. St-., Cbrllllla ..... 116-1/Z 4151 Hilaria w.,, Weill New-deace afe u lollowso ....... • GUARANTEED WOIIK e FREE ESTIMATES e Air F«ce -y, Colo. 1k1a looa..tileaboYedescrlbed Poarl ••• AleDI!der Boil zzz port Helel>la, loarood Ill&-(o) RJ>IIo J.Z90Z W-y Dr • FREE PICK-UP & DELiVERY e Dar1ac etJCalJllllllOI cadets ~lor ..... Ia< a term Coral, Balboa Lslaod, cotildod of ll>e old proyerb -be 0raJoce CaW. 92667· s .... y j' • MEMBER OF C.U.D.A. CUSTDII DRAPES become llunlllar -Ill& llle olhrOIIIJ.fl,. yoan; oo tbe lslaad'sllarU.AYe • ..UO wbo "biles tile __ _.. RJU, 'IZ902 woocR..ry Dr.: JOHN I MARlHA ood BEDSPREADS &ad ICU'Iitles oa Air Foree 8£ tt FURTHER RESOLVED aD lntDt driver •••• A bit-rtm wben a tray cat u.t abe oftea. 0ra.ace Ca11f. 92667. -.a.~ ... -m~•--lll&tapabUclllarLacwWbe'-ld drinrraolllloll>ecarotBllllo foods bll..., .. sbellred.., Dat.dJa~yn 1019 •tiun!er Quali.ty Upholstery -boilUes in wttlcll tl1o}' to 11!a C..:U C,_..berJ, 3300 R....._ 1101 EI>Oilde,Har-mcwe H from tile lloonru • • • (S-es) 'liar ... RJ>IIo IJ miPt w1.lb 110 sernuameers. Hnport BoWeftrd, Newport bor View BUls ••• A plate cJass Ao eoveq,. wUb $30 casb iD ll SidDey J Ryu. Codolllteloolt, al917 ~ Boacb, Calllorllla, .., -Y w!Jxlow """"$US '-looclac.., was ....., from • -&I st. ,.... o1 Calllonla, · 959-H W. 17 .. Street C••• ..... ·or llalarllellllP -.-St&Qnbor ZZ, 1919, at UO Deaois Su1liYaa, 3811-e, James Ep-Cbarcb, 3Z09 OnJJge c-y, Aa. wbere be ftl a member p.m., tllerela to C'M8icler aU West Newport. was sbattered VIa Lido, West Kewpon • • • • Oa Jllly 21, 1969, before me, FORNER!. Y MEARS c.IIIEAA ol Ill& N-1 ,_ Society, often 1D -a.! lo anz<l a IIlio about 1ZS pieces • • • Kirk Coriell, 1737 SI!Jiart, a Notary )'ulollc in a.t lor said 11 a member of tbe AFROTC 1eue..,. ter~UaadeooditlMs HeQrJ Zillcttt. Z1 Cbaaoel Rd., Baycrest. kiC ""':lcacw .,...rt!! State, per..Uy a,ppeared 1111!1 &I Loyola UDIYerelly o1 sall.slaeloryiDU.City. LldoTnllorPuk,r-lbe $15 ••• Ricbanlllarler,II3-I/Z llarzo<RJU&odS!GoeyJ.RJU cunr & INOUTOf '-"•' MOW AT Loa AJaceles. AOOPTED ttU 28th day of theft o1 $164 ia boat ac. Ametbyst, Balboa lalud, at kDowD to me to be the permas MOMINA TOR$ NAMED July 1969 eessortes. stereo tapes 'ftl"th $%40 • • • • wbose ..mes are subsel'lbed to ' Dor ' liar Clllloa P_., Jn9 Golde>-Tbl Newport ltarblx·Costa tea sball TUESDAY. JULY 22 rod, Harbor View om. ,..-the wWdD lastrumeat aad act.. Mesa Baud ot Realtors bas MaJOI' A mini-bike 1s DO m1o1-tbdl: •auo, ....-. oowledeal tbey esecuted tbe ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;~ na.med tbe foUowmg eommJttee ATTEST: wbeo. someooe steals ooe tbat's :res wort.'l $80 • • • Gl'eP'J same. r. to Mm.t•te aalateotdlreetors: Lat1r1 J..aciol worth $240, reports 8u'bu'a N lbbiett,. 210 33rd st., West Josepb E. Daris, Notary public 1180 NEWPOilT BLVD. OOSTA. IlDlA -· 141-93113 IE A GOOD M!IGII- Sh -nl • CARPETS RE·WMITIEIIED • WATER & SMOKE DAMAGE REioiDVED • ORIEMTAL 847-1678 lr yw are a newcomer, or know or a newcomer to the Harbor Area who has not been welcomed, do her a rnor by callina Harbor Vi1i tor between J and 10 a.m .• and lht wi 11 c:all on your friend with valuable lnformabc..1 11nd airu from friendly buaincu lirma wbic:h stand ready to help her become acqaain&ed wiU. her ocw ••noaiMinaa. Earle(BcJI)CorblD,IllllFarOI-City Clark Marriott, Z300 ZZIId St., West =:;,;:;;' = ail-..UO My CommlssloaEJplresJ- wortb, Matt LaBorde JobD Publlsb: Aur. 7, 1969, 1D Upper BaJ, wbose bike was a "' eo 21, 19'Xl. . Macaab a.od Rudy McCardle. Tbe Newport Harbor EDS1gn. taken from ber prage .•. A :!.;, Ba." J~ear ~ Publbb: July U, 31, Auc. 7.14, PORM F.R INSTRUCTO R. NATIONAL CHEMI CAL CO. LEGAL NOnCE ----LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE oo W. c.i;, lhrJ ••• Sernce 1:':.;.. E! ... llle Newport ---------------------------slatloD -.... 0.._ • RESOLtmON NO. '2064 OD tbe Norttnrut aDd Soutbwest tban three I.D all, notices of the A RESOLill'lON OF IMTEN-bJ tbe Eulerly rtgbtotny llDe n.eattoo ol said portioo of said TION OF THE CITY COUN-of Jamboree ac-4. 1S2.00 feet street. Said DOtices sball state CIL or THE CITY or NEW-wide, as descrlbld La a deed the passage of this Resolueioa PORT BEACH IECLARING to tbe City of Nnport Beach, of tnteotioo a.OO tbe time m INTENTION TO ORDER recorded J-fi, 1962, lD Boot place ot tbe bearing at all THE CLOSING UP, VACATION fi135, pap 155 ol. said Dmclal iOA::: i.aterested iD or obj~t~ 41ID o\BAIIDOftiiENT OF A Roconla. ID lbe pr-noa1JoD PORnON OF A CERTAIII AUIII&tportlooolsaidlllreol porttoa o1 said Slreel. STREET IQI()WB AS BAYSIDE ID be ...-, ·-... aod I!Otlcea sbell be oo taiVE ... ....., Ia ' ...,. eJ.uty '-.t tea •• bd:lre no City Cooolcl1 ol Ill& City -'"' a -IJiall ._ ol Aid beariDc. aU as r"'<JOir'od o1 Newport Beal:ll, par-ID proood a.! adopted 1>y tile City 1>y law. 1111 --o1 tbe "Stroot c_,u ol 1111 C11J ol Newport SECTION 4, Notice Is bel:~ ~========~ Vaealloo Act o1 1!141," a.t ail Booclllar said .. catloo,elollloc P'"" 111a1 tile City eouocu j ameadmepts tbereto, beio&Sec-ICI aad atwnt~gnn .... by resol._ tbe CU, o1 Nnpcc1 Beaeb BtfLTZ MOR1VAIUES 11•1 -•110• avr.. CDITA IIISA llldway ... 2424 •• I. COAST llfWAY COiOIIA Da liAR ORiolt , ... 450 sac. lf42 t1ou asoo to Wl, Loclusi.Ye, tioa dated JDIJ 21,1969, aod de-bereb)' tl:l lloadl.y, the Z5t111 of 1be Streels and IUatrnJs slpoled ""-ltaloa No. day of Ao ..... 1019, a1 tbe ,_ Code oflllo Slate or Calllarllla, 7043," wblcll said -looollle o1 7:30 o'clock of said does HEREBY RESOLVE 411D Ia tile ollice IIIII& CltyCI&rkol day, in tile C..otdJ Cll~bors DECLARE as loilolrso tile City ol N-Boacb. Re-ol 11>e City of Newport ........ SECTKlN I. Tile pabllc in-lerooce II lloreby made to said located in tile City Hall of tile terest aDd CODYeaieoce r~quire map for' f\a1ber particulars as Cit)' of Newport Beacb, as tile tbe eJosLDc ~ aad ar.nctomoeat to tbe Pf'OPOAd ncatloa, elos-time aat place m bear Lac an of a portioa ol a certa1D street Lac ICI ud •nrtoomeot of said per90DS illlerested l.aor objlet- kDowa as Bayside DrlYe La. tbe portioD ot said street. aDd saki inc to tbe propw1 r.u:atioD. o1. City of Newport Beocb, and U IJiall Ia made • part ol lllls re-said portloo ol said stre«, ... 1s tbe t.ntentton o1 tbe City 10lutioa by tills rel.ereaeetotbe tbe City CoaacU at 'said Ume Cowaell of tbe City of Newpod same uteDt aad purpose aslflt aDd place will beartbeeYideDce Beaeb to order tbe lollowtDc were 1Dcorponted bereio J.D. o&red bfaa,ypersc.iaterested doocrlbedportlooolsaidlllreotllt1L tatile....-ollaidportloool to llll City o1 Newport ........ SECnON Z. The pnc-said Slreet bere!-e -c-y ol OnJJge, SlaJeoiC&Il-Jar tbe eloslac Ill> ... abe-crlbed. lorllla, lobe...-, c1ooec1 ... moat Illite alaraald portloool SECTX>N 5, TblsReooltaloaol and ... _, 1D ,nt, Aid lllrelll sbell '-'*' IDieoiiM s1ta11 be pabllsbod at Tbat portion of Blor..t 51 o1 aad taaa. aad tbe City Couac:U least caee iD tbe oftlclal .,s- '"U.'s Sobdlrisa lallll City of Ill& Cl" ol Newport ileldl _, ol tilL City, a.! said pub.. of Newport......., Coottly otllorebJ eleclalo....,...._ lh:allooslta1l'-made-ell>e Onap Slate of Calllonla, u ... --.. tile "Sirelll dale oel ... ll>e lleariDc "' ail sbcnnl ~ a map fUed iA Boot. Vaeatioa Act ol 190," u:l all ptr!IOQS illtel'ested J.D. or ob- 1, I'8P aa ot IUsee'''MCJIIIS am..tmeats UlereCD. beiacSec-jeet1a& totbtpi'OpOIJIIdn.cadoa. Record .._ in Ill& o111ce o1 tlooa 1300 to USI, IDcllolYe, ADOPTED lllls Z8t11 day o1 tile Coom1y ReconJer o1 Aid of tile Stroels a.! IUatrnJo JIIIJ, 1019. (May, descrlbod u loUowso Code ofllloSI&IeoiCalUanla. Doreeallarsl1all Tll&l por11oo o1 liOJalde SECTION I. Til& Street"--llaJ"< MATTRESSES Dr!Ye larmorll' Pall--oiiii&CityoiNewport ATTEST, II&W -HaUD.DDrG ac.d,' 40.00 Jett wklt, u Beach aba11 euae to be co.. Lava J...aclos Irreaular Shapes descr.lbld ieadeedtotMCoaaty spleuoaaiJ posted aJoac tbeliDI City Cleft •-•:.,...,-c..n.a o1 Oruce. recardld ba Boot ot tbe parUoa o( saki llntt COSTA WESA MATTIISS CO. 1017, -219 o1 Ollklallle-pr-1D beYIICIIodiDI_, -""c. 7, 1019, in 2110"!-... 01.4.U.....,&.IJOI -ol-eo.,,-IM&IOOIMI..,.n,•IDI-... Newport_£_ Ill COMPLETE FUNERALS ". '245 .MIE&•er;r-Ce eCN) ' .. ._,.U.. ia 0. BBe.• •rriJi/lfl I'J.otl' Ba:•n tile f.•aal IDd bnrial mftr awtepl efii I .. die Deed for pnx211ii:-: ..... ·lwi) l••ffic oa omauwcWhi;flftP. family aad fdeq alike ,...., POW pq their &II re- IJ'Idl ., .. , d», die barial • well • dled'fllaticr.all ~tc.. ph~ ••---.. " ·r, 1 .. • IUCII&W. 7'14,....... 714 ..... H7JI THINK TWICE! We h..ve 2 gre;at NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN ;and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT Each new account earns guaranteed mterest of S.251/o per year. In !he G ROWTH PLAN 1n1erest 1S lefl to accumulate for wtuchever penod you choose -l. 4 or 5 years. TH IS PRODUCES THE HIGHEST RETURN ON INSURED SAVINGS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. In lhe INCOME ACCOUNT your •nterest check IS sent to you every three months for the designated J, 4 or 5 yeu penod. One ol "-"""' pions moy be ...,., 1o< ,.ou. We ..commend ....., H .I tKOnd .ICCOUI'It, I lont-term tnYnt~t. Withdr.aw.als bef~ the prnod's end .art sut.,ecl1o r&~nctJOM. 'W'hen hrld to t~'s end 01 brryonct wvinp in these plans Pf(Jdua I' .atltyins ~ards ... ........................ Qiiil .......... 1.- ~,......S.ui .. Amtd 1M be~uty of our cNrm•"B M'.l~ communi:t-e. wwrs ~ ~ thl-ir Yvinp ... L.atuN f~.al for ~ .1 thrrd of .1 century. Toct..y they conbnW to fwtd .at Of.anp Counh''s LAlGlST, FIIST .and STRONGIST •~iCittM f~. neow wv•np l)r'OI1'.ImS hdpfulty ~lored to"'"' ~ l'lftds. bch bf'ffe'f~w~·IO-WW P'~ the-""lion's ..,.... ~ wkh insured '*ty, Mitt DAY IN to DAY OUT INTtUST. "•DQII A<X:D..a.a ~ A»JUM un NrN ~m ....... <01...,......., ~ .., __ _ ~ C"&JWTM _. MXl • ACCOUNnc s.JB .uaJUAl u:n. C5 ¥1 p' d ..... aca'Ufd.,..., ....., lo<J.4orS-,..W. ~ ~·~ $~ -----L.-..... 02 • . ___ ;;_,., • • =-=~ ------~.......,-~----=-----~-:--:;,_-~twoltHAnoR EIIIGII TIIIMIIAY, AIIQ. 7,.. UT1LI IAT IIAn lOIII Agenda for Plannen SEal!!'!trnll!--lhe,.. d!X!!Q!!4011.1!A!!,C!Y'·=":J:'!t.:.=:·= .u .. ,.., _ ......... ____ ,.,.___ ......... ._ ... _Artist of 110 ...... = ~~~ = ... ,._., ... ,....,. ._... 11 srttaa...r..,..._. P'QoiL ;xt._.lll'...._. 'nl • ,.n ._.1 ... ...._ ... , an 11 tl._.. • •~u~~~c c •• 'as .....,, •• _.=a.s·nJ-.. ~ ............ trt..DtUc;:'I:Jir 11 u11 c.. •ar..•rn•u••..a 1 4o&. 1, It CIQ IIIII Itt' II II till .r a ca alii IIIli Jill II DJ Car.-"'"• (lira. twill) -u art111 u -.......... -· .......... ---...... -... c-dol liar, ..... -., .. -.,. ....... al --... -· .. ~ ..... ~, L c-.·o 1--.r ca ... I,MO ... L al ar11 -• -...., --al ...,_ llarlaWI Ullrar1 ·~ -Ana ... • ..... .. ..,.1..._.,,_Co. -·=• tl••I,IGO ... L -----al ~ ....... 1111.·--u ----It~ ~----tt ...... ...,.---... OllilA, m ., ...... .,.. a-.,. a. -·-• .,. 111 ....._ 1o 11oa-,ard. .. on;;;. •• • 18 ......... c.., • ~--.... ~ llarJ--F-lllloalli IMd .. _ ~~~'"· II ~ IIO B.ll.ll.'oo t-<11-A!_~~ iw .... ...wiacallrpollljlap !'!*~.!'"~,.!'!'!:!":!_aiiUIIoa , DIIIU& ..-. froa a...,_ .._-r11 I -... . ....... .,. 411.e .lDWU.oolor.Tbereart ,_._._,.--..--p.. l,OOo ... L It--liar_.. A... RoW! ..... Bllcb tw 41---Ru llnadl, J- por _b,.. a1 1001 Ca.Ml-S. -r_.t iw ID al u R-1-B-1 parcel oa 1111 frri1t llnadl, Pllll DIU, 81111 -SL,·J-·Bd. liar_...... _.,_.,,.....A ... ,IJO Bloner OatoodiiiiOIPulllamlw., .. I. QPt •d ._,.111• IIIII I. CW' 1 d dlle--.otta. feet Rlltb ot llld st., Welt tbe put I r-rt Jbl bU ..... YUiaDct lel(lllt ol Gear .. ln ... Co.rQ Jl ... artllll»-...... BQ.IDIO&R-1-B-Zpu-lttei'IIC .... Iltbe ...... Yardloy Ill Uld W.ltar IWpa -It ...ai-le iw .... , ·-al requlracllol 'THUIISDAY lULY 14 --<d ArtudllHip --ala lllclo-rlaa al-arlO 11om 10,000 IIQ. 8, ID BB 1'"1 ..,du loloelaclooll Slla a CAll. llee ... .,.. ud JiUIIIor 8,450 ... II. 111101 ·-al lloodlllfU, 8 ftlkll!llll. ud I - olrochn lo Clio 100 _., al r-lol-llrom 110 loot lamp pool U&bls at lila J~Uk "-c-.-"-· lo eo~ alllla ..a o«IUJulaud 0r1oa Art port~ llrlYo BUt Uld Su 1?. 8-Ylsloo r_.t al Sir-Ia Part Lido, Wall"-· Yael J_.. lll1lo Rd. ud bal-Pblllp a..,. <d N-BeWI port 11a1PU. last laly 10 l. E. Sula a-Dr. ud Sui& Cna lor comblolar lila ....,., RAodtJI, 4U Bolero w.,' Put ---:.;_....;:..:..~.:.;_:_- NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Dr. . IZ-1/Z fall <d Lot 2S ud Udo r-toda1 ' NOfiCE TO CREDITORS 1. H1111at oollla ... permit &IJ <d Lots 2Z 111101 Zllato Tbaj were bard1y pulll;,ca·~ SUPERia! COURT OF THE 1111>Uc:alloo <d.._ lalonDee -JIUCt~ UJ Z3rd st., at Fort Kao1, but burcJars...,_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:00A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. -FAMI LY WORSHIP 9:30A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL tt:OO A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SERVI C E 'lbe Rev. J-ea G. BIIUn. Pu&or 111e aev. WDallld ftlt.e, Aul•tant Pu&or Phoae: Christian Science Servius F1KST CHURCH Of' CRIIIST, stliENTIST 3303 Vi a L ido Newpolt Beach SUN DAY SCHOOL 9:U •·"'· .,.4 \1 •·"'· SUNDAY SERVICES 9: IS . 11 •·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I , ..... READING ROOM Woolo 4oy.: 9 •·"'· • S P·"'· Wo4"••4•r: 9 •·"'· -7:CS I'·"'· r .... ., • ., ..... F .... .,, 9 ...... -s ........ ,,, ..... . of c. ........ . R"'flli"'t Biblr f~ll-•h lp l•tl~pr,.Jw•l-AIIIOJto•o•• Mto Aft• I. M .. Miie Sts. Dr. P.G. Neum•nn, pu&or SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S a.r •· Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Mornina Worship. 6:00 p.-m. Trainina Unions 7:0-.> p.m. EvCnina Worship Co., Loo Allploo,tw-.c-c-.a Nnport. bed J:W cubll'om OUn Kao1, THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Uoo <d I mlllll-loYtl JiUIIIat 1530 Vlrtao 1.11., Jlubor JUgll. No. A· 63181 stncture Oil tbe lboftstta,ODa L!GAL NOnCE laDds by pu111De off a screeo Estate of FRED HOFACKER, lot JII)UI.tl from tbe mall aoc:1 citmblDC LDto ber llomt • • • Deceu.l. bu.UdiDc de. COKPTROLLER A $27 surtboud rack was tabD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 8. R~st ol KI:IDetb Car-OF THE CURRENCY from tbecarotRooald Holcomb, to tbt creditors of the a.bcwe michael Jor exteoAoa ofa llSe TREASURY DEPARTMENT 4i95 Fraocbco Dr., West Upper oamtd decedeot tbatallperSODI permit lor prl'ate DO-fee OF THJ UNITED STATES Bay wbere 1t was pill' ked 1D tbt bavlng claims ap1Dst tbe saJd P&rklDc: lot 1D CODDtCUoll wlt!l Wuhlngton. D. C., u.ar'at Basket Jotatll501rTtM decedeat are required to lUe tbe Saar Burpr restaaraat, WHEREAS, satlsf:actory An watcwr Plua • • • them, wttb tbe oecessary 5101 W. Cout thry., WestNew-e¥ldeoce has been presented to Paub. McNamee, 544: Seaward, vouchers, in the omce of tbe porL tbe ComptroUerottbeCu.rreocy Corooa Wgbland.s. was plQtac clertottbeabove enUtled court 9.Uae permit request ot IYaa t11at ''NEWPORT BANX, N.A.'', 00 the cUmblDc twsattbeCcro. or to present tbem, wlth tbe Wells ud SoOI lor' Sdlr~ loc:at.cl 1D NEWPORT BEACH, oa del Mar Hlgb atbleUc fleld aecessary voucbers. to the ua- slpsllrDr:werSixwes&DdBQ-stateotCAUFORNIA,bascom-wbeo she fell and was tat. to derslped at c/o Thomas E. crest modell:, at 1 'JU G&laQ plled wtth au pro'fiston.s of the Hoag ~ltal with 2 broken Hetferoan, AUoroey at La:w. Dr., 1734: Sutiaco Dr. aDd 1M2 sta.teu: of tbe United States re-bones ••• AD Arl.&onlu re.Dted S50 East SeYeateen.th Street, ln'lne Ave.· qulred a.s a Natlooal Banking 2 surtrlders from the Sea Gull, Saite 210, Costa Mesa, Cali- 10. Use permit ~&~Plicatioa of Assoc:latioo; Zlrd st. aDd w. Oceao rroat, forD!& 926%7 wblch 1s tbe pla.ce Timothy m:l CI)'Ue Mead of NOW THEREFORE, I hereby Centn.l Newport but tbeft 1n-of buslneu of tbe uOOerstgoed Paclftc Palisades tor reslden-certlt)' that the abOVe-named tervened before ihey did much '9 all matters pertaining to lbe tia.l use ill coajlmctjoo with a assoclatlon is autborlted to surfriding, a $50 loss tor the •.tate of !1.td decedent, within studio b' arti.st.sudarchiteets commence the busloess as a Sea Gull ••• Mike Rogers. four mo&lthl after the D.rstpub- s.. .... .,, 1 ...... -....... . SECOND CRUitC. OF CII&IST, SCIENTIST Newport Beach at Corona de I Mar &t11H Ma.iD st .• Balla.. NatlonaJ. Banting Association. 509 lrvlne Ave., Newport llcatioo of thLs ootice. WEDNESDAY 11. tkq Hospital reqaestb' (Seal) Heights, faces a $200.plus Dated July Z6, 1969 7:20 p.m. Bible Study amendmeDt of 1 use permit to IN TESTIMONY WHERE. repair bill alter collldiDC oo THOMAS£. HEFFERNAN 3 :00 p.m. Prayer Meuina mod1f) the locat1oo of proposed OF, YilDess my signa. Newport BIYd. with GeraJd Thomas E. Hetferoao L---------..J buildlnc:s and p&rk1Dc areas oa ture and seal or om.ce Malmberg, 4100 Hllarla. West Esecutor or the Wlll of the LIATMII OX POlO ,_,_,..._......, dfltl aft. IIHI ..._ A ,_ fwt fMIIttl It ~I -elk, nile,-...,_ ....... , ... ..... aUm "" -· 1-14 SU.95 STOR! HOUIIS SACR£0 TREASURE HOUSE YOUI; CMaiiiiAN ....,._y CDIIM • ......... OC)tW • •.w:RQ~ l'tacot~De -c- OIII"Te • CAH0La • !"IL.M .T...._ .. """- .......... CW. .. Acctfl .. 3100 P&dftc View Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- SU NDAY SERVICE 10 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING the 90Ut~Jwesterly coroer of this Z?th day or May, Newport Heights, wbose car aboYe named decedent, ATTEMD THE CHUICH Hospital Rd. aDdNewportBb'd., 1969, .USO sustatr'ld Ot"er $200 da-Tbomas £. Hefter.oan, Attoroey IU IAif 1• f..:,'i..~......., ....._, OF YOUR CHOICE near lbe bospltal, Ud to ameod (SigDed) Willlam 8. mage ••• Malcolm CostoD, 4i50 at Law, 350 East Seventeenth ~=============~~~~==7;1 MEETING 1:00 , ..... EGULAIH. y coo41Uoos of appronl pre-Camp BelYUe Ln., Balboa, colllded oa st., Suite ZlO, Costa Yesa, ; r ___ R _______ 1 YiotlsiY adopted. Comptroller of the Cur-E. Balboa Blvd, with a SaDta Cal.lboia. 92627. Pbooe Ore 81 • C Rudia.g Room: \lat:ul Bldg. 2863 E .. t Co"t Hwy., CD\t. \loo,• fri.: 10 -.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday n eni11 s;: 7 to 9 ' Sat.: 10 -.m. ID 4 p.111 . · lZ. R~ of tbe lrYI.De Co. reocy Ana dr1Yer ... Harriett Walter, 642-3210, Attoroey for 0 OC O. for ameoding the use permit tor Charter No. 15%35. 2304 CwtOr.,NewportHelgbta, Ezecutor. tbe Nortbblutf development to (Publlsh in tbe Ensign June and Willlam Grosztrueer. 2531 PubUsb: July 31, Aug. 7, 14i, Zl, iDcrease the DWDberofdwelliD& 12, 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24, Baysbore Dr., Bay Shores, col-1969, ln tbe Newport u1ts 1n IAII'OJimateb 4. acres 31, and August ?, 1969) lided on Donr Dr. Harbor Eoslgn. BUILDING 11L0CD • ALL SJZFS • ALL TYPES n. .. ,, •• ,t J~ 'r·IDI -... , .... It••• IUD I. ac.ta. ..... L ..... ,.O..rch Ofttt. ...... , L.tloo-Q.rct. i• A.etic. 1900 Pacific Vi•• Or. jCoo~a del Mot, Co_!i'i·l"'"i.-1 Dr. Willi .. R. Phone from a toCal of Zl dwtlllnf :w.lts to 1 muimum densUt DOt to e.J:Ceed 25 units per acre. I..... 13. lrriDe Co. request tor Tht "-' ol Go1111 zooe cbuge to a.miHid a portion Tht Pft'IOfl • Olrilt DlstrictiDc Yap 50 from an Tht ,.._., o.t ._. "Wr s,.w;.~~ ~~:~ distrld to a C-0-H tu"'O AY I CHO OI.. I A.M. aDd to &mend a port10n ·-~~."':'''.~ G W0 .. -1 ~ t AND 10• I .,.,.,,.. ..... ,,c •. ,00 ~.loll. 50, 52 aDd 3Z from a distrtd to an R-3-B I ;;;~ Paretl I "' at lila "'U OUIU9Y OUt'III"'O II:""ICI:I ! ~ COlDer' Of Sao Joaquin A ,_. ,._. ,.,.-Hills Rd. aDd proposed reloca- Cnrt.. ol ~ ... lW.It. Uoo of MacArtbttr Blfd., Har-e:... MnA bot View HU.ls, and Parcel 2 THV IIIIID.II Y ....... ITUOY A"'D ~!III.IIYI:" 7100 ~.N. , .. ..., " ' t<..-. '"" ..., on tbe SCMLb side of Sao ~~~~~~~~~~~J:==~====~======~ ~ Rd. bMw~ r CI'OWQ OriYt Nartb and Mar. A Fr•• at# l•*,nll•t COfllrwlllllliHtl!l t:Mi•ft• Ci•rc• .,.. ......................... . ruertte AYe, a.aday SerYice IDd O.rcb Scbool at 10:00 Lfll. ... ,...,. ·-""'.... ,......, 64-21. 1t. Request of tbe City of Newport Beach for ameodlog DlstrlcUDc Map 24, changlnc a porUoa of Lots 8 and 9, Tract 3%32, soutberlJ ot Bayside Dr •• soutbeast of tbe IDtersectioa of El Paseo Dr. and Bayside Dr. across from ln'ine Terrace, from C-1-H to an uocLasstttNt district. SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2la HAMOllkVD. J'Ob.D D• LDIIILI'S caniiEiliTiiL • BAlli m • BEICID · =••~• -·····----·-NS·"·· _t{~wport .]!~~-~ Savings Mam Off•ce 3366 V•• L•do. Newport Beach, Cal •fornu• 92663 • Phone 714/67J.JI JO • • P A Palmer. Chairman of the Board • Agnes BlomQu•ll. Prel•dent •• Corona del Mar Qff•ce F1nanc oal P1ala. 550 Newport Center Onve • Corona del Mar . Callfornoa 92625 • Phone 71 4/&44·1461 · Which type are you? Here are four savings plans, designed for four different types of people. Whtch one suits )'our savmgs personality? The charts will show you how each one works. Pick a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people ex;perts gel you started on your personalized savi ngs program. Whatever your type, there is a savings plan for you at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PlAN #I' Regular Account This phm is for regular people with regular salaries who have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want •t to be some place they can get their hands on it if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave •t alone for a year or more. It will give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield. REGULM MONTHLY INVESTMENT ... ... $100 6Moo 152 304 608 1 Yr. J08 016 1,233 2Yre. 632 1.264 2,520 3Yrs. 072 1 .... 3.802 • Yre. 1.331 2.002 ..... 5 Yr.. 1,101 3,415 ..... IOYre. ,...,. 7,801 15,002 15 Yre. 8,715 11432 ...... 20Yre. 10..120 20.102 41.325 M:J ..... ....., •. zaJ_,....,... "' _...,. __ .nW ...... ... ···-· .......... _. ""'· ('llilil 1o, .,_ --..4,... _.UK. I ...................... ...,._ .... .................... a.-.~ ... " ..... ... .. ... 1 tlitltt ....... .... Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN #2" 'Ufe Income P,an This is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside and receive the Interest ~very month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your future plana are for your children's future, then this savings program may suit you. liFE INCOME PLAN lnitl.a O.pooll: AIIMMtnl ctf Chedl $1 2.000 S 50.00Per Month I C.SOO 80.00 Per Month 20,000 83.00 Per Month 25.000 I 04.00 Per Month 50.000 208.00 Per Montfl Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #3• Monthly Security Account This is for people who have a lump sum of money but who know very well that if they don't put it away somewhere out of sight. they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know It would be better to have a certain amount of money coming in every month over a given period. And in this plan not only will they get back a lot more than they put in, butthere will still be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowing It all at once. INVEST $10.000.00 AND: you rKeiW lncl you ret8tn eech month for an eetat• of• $ 50.00 10 y .. ra $ 8,875.00 t 50.00 15 y .. ra 17,725.00 $ 15.00 IOye•r• 14.775.00 • 76.00 15yetn • 1.000.00 1100.00 10 yean t 115.00 INVEST t:m.OIO.OO AHD1 you r.c:•l.,. tnd you ..-t•ln •ech month for an eettte of• 1100.00 10 yeare $25,800.00 1100.00 1$ yeers ~.0150.00 $150.00 IOytflrl $17,800.00 $200.00 10 veer• •10.000.00 $250.00 10..... ' 2.2(10.00 Are you one of the patient people? PLAN #4' Gu•r•nteed Annual R•te Account This plan is for people who have a given sum of money to invest and are willing to wa it a while for a good return. The minimum deposit is $1 ,000 (more if you wish, of course). in ex;change for which you receive a certificate which will earn 6% a year or a net of 30% if left untoucl'led for 5 years. If you are one of the patient people. this plan Ia ideal for you. YOU YOU WIU RECEIVE ... START .,_,. .... , ...... wrTH 3 ,...,. 4 ,..,.. a ,...,. ' 1.000 ' 1.170 ' 1,233 ' 1,300 s s.ooo s s.as2 s a. 168 s a.500 $10.000 $11 .705 $12.338 $)3.001 $15,000 $17.558 $18.504 $18.502 A"erage 5.W /, 5JM% 8.0()% Yleld Gu""""" 17% 23'1. 30% O<owth ·--..... -... -................. ~ ....... e.. ......................... .. ................................. ..... -.......................... ...... a..... .... _, ............... ~ ........... _...... .. _ ....... ,..... ' •