HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-14 - Newport Harbor EnsignTO JOYFUL THREESOME lllll'eued tbetr a.p-·ss after tb1 Mlu C0t01111 del Mar Jldlllr atFridi.J'adiiMr 1Mrt'DC of tbe COM Clamber ot Commerce. Tberarea ... u lJtcb. -at tbe Joc:al olllce ol G_.. F-.J Savlnp; SUsan Roocl, 18-y--old -..-. ol CDIS HiCb School, tbe D1W MlJ:s CorcMa del Mar ,llld blr motblr, Mrs. JollD A. Reed .o or 2718 Wancr..C Dr., Hara. Vlft' HIUs. {Ensi!JD pboiD.) City studies Bl crackdown A possible driYI aplnsl prl-Clark, nos. 11a1 1'1. ftte ase of ettJ 1aDd oo Balboa coacnman Ed BJrtb 1111111 talaad, Uld poselbly lbrOQCIIo<t !be .-tor removal ol lila Newport Beacb, Is belnc ll1ldlod Ripley -bmoal, lboll ad- by !be elty stall. ded-for dralllllcU cf. The Issue came ._, -Y llelal city poUcy -- nentnc as tbe Cit) CouDc1l •plo.t eDC"ZOaCilmeDta, &Dd t1r coostdered Scasesolueroaeh-a staff stadJ ot nat to do wUil mellllJIIo !be elty-OWIIOd 3-!oot !be S-foot wide llrlp ..- strij) aJooc !be perimeter walk BalhoalslalliL ........ 11M! ....... lOr. Hlrtb said "" bod - OcclCJI.DC)' or the homes tn. a W&lk arouDd tbe lalaDd. co.- YOlYed was authorized la each ted about 90 IDCI'OICbmtllll cue, but Ollly on condltioo that among tbe 230 bomea OD.tblba)' tbe eocroachmellts be remr:lfed. frODt. Tbe 3 properties are tbebomes He eommeadedaslmUilwalk of C. P. Rtpley, 1005 N, Bay tor all COGDell mtmbtrl wbUe Ft.; Charles W. Ben SOli, 308 the staff -, Is l>olnc COil- S. Boy Fl., Uld VaollbD L. doeted. Freeway map on view Clllt ll-cfC...-caal- attempt to "'"" ._, lbo au.,. ___ .., ... _11 ... llco, llie E. eoutllwJ. .._. 1o .... _ ........... ~ ...., . .._,.... Jre-y plallll !rom tbe tWor flrtbor II> lbo nil. HJpwoJ Bay croosln( II> tbe lntorelwl&o ••~~Mer• baft polmod • tlla1 wttb the •alaud uteas1oa of5tb th1s would e&UI lfiYI pro... Ave. jw.. abon Corona Hill>-bloms In tbe doo1p alllr- Juds. -aad oll..._latlle Ben Nolan, a..sal.staat pOOUc westerly dlreetloa. worts director of Newport Tile Caroaa del liar Cbombor Beach, atteDCied Tuesday mor. directors ue tat1nc a "watt nlDC'a meettnr of the Corooa aDd see''attUude-JootiDctz- deJ Mar Chamber director. to ward to tbe 1ft du.lp ttlatwtll dlseuu tbe oo• au-eats. He be provided by lbo hliJlrny .,._ broolll>l tJoo( u.e prmously &~Beers. Wllln.llable portion ot tbe oew plau extencunc easterly of Marcuorlto AYe. CAR STRIPPED ObjoetiOIIa boYO beeD nlsod A COIIftrtlblo ear boblcloc by Corooa <lol liar resldOllls II> Jollll II.._ 107-1/ll F•o, and mercb&IU, and bJ Newport Newport Sbarea, wu ltrfllped Beacb city oftlc1ala, bec&ut of eceeaiOriu wadb $SU oa lbo laloot re'llsloo would lab AoiUI S. A tblol -a jacll out some 15 more bOmes from tbl tnmt. ~tiel • tbl between Mu110ld AYe. IDd car, remcwtd all 4 wbeela Uld DahUa An. tbaD. prtTI.ousl)n-tires, toot tbt c»Ue lire trom ttmatfld, tbt ti'UDt, ..., • .,.,. I radio lOr. Nolu roported !bat lbo from !be .,.,._d. IJid flnalJy state blptrayenclMeraare~¥~w remOYtd tbe OODYertlble top u rtdellplnc tbe pl&DI ln an ••U. ·~0000~0 00000~0000 "RVO e: HA"P", owner .,d publliher of lllo Eliii!P' JOe COSTA MESA CALIP. NeY IRW11 bJ IUI1liiC' lA-Pl• bid bleD submiu.d tD tbe lmact of tbe surfer bu tm. • CJance tbe start1DC time thuslutl at Moodly "ulDC"• CowxU at tbl Jaae 9 mMt:lDc. proved 100\. AU too often 1n from 7:SO to 6 a.m. fDc' tbe Clty COUDCU meet1Ac WOD more Two neb lCD tbt eo.cu re-tbe put. surfers han been port10D of Surt1Dc Area No. 1 surflDc t1me OD tbe West New-ceJYed a staff recoftunaftcl!!tton falsely aecuaed of actloos by westerb' of Newport Pier UXS port bolcbu. ' aplnst .., ebaqe bot delayed other -loo(-llalr sur-In !rut of tbe J>UIIlne lot. A ukiDc for aU-day uy decUioa tbeD beeulltoltbe rers.'' • For tbe rema!Dder ol Ar• ....uri;J oC lfewport aa.oce of tbe Z coacnmen He said that surfers 1n the No.1, behreea lith St. &D1sotb represegttnc tbe Newport IDd wat• trill tnake mucb less aol&e St., retalD tbe preeelt 7:30Lm. Balboa areu. tbaD tbose coocrepttng at tbe start1nc time; retalD tbt DOOD Oa Mooday Diebt'n.c-da wu surftDc: areas wa.J.Unc tor tbe dosing Ume tor au of Ar• No. a letter from DHn.1J lhlnrtt&. <'4*''"1 hour. He suautad a 1, butpro'fidemoresurflDctlme elty Wepard, wbosaidbebad trial buts plall to bedb nr-byrf!C'JIH'"fngattp.m.toiUliJet. beeu demoted from surf patrol ftDc at 6 a.m. 1n fl'oot ot the • FIX Area No. 2, from Slit back to Wepard tower duty parldq lot westerly ofthepter, St. to the west eJ.ty UmJta, re-. bteause be bad "DOt beea ag-with a Ufeguard em duty. ta1&be pr~ 4 p.m. to IUIUJit cressin 8110ugb 1D eofor'ciDC City Yaaapr Harvey Hurt. surfln&. but prori.de aMtHCJDil the 7:30 a..m. surfing orcu...:a.. burt aid that tbe suggestlao. time by a.llowlng surflnc from ee." / bad merit aod added that tbe 7:30 a..m. to noon. He e.spla!Ded hls news u uea coulcl be opeoed at 11 a..m. • ReTtew surttncregulatioDs, follows: "As lUeguard ud I Oil I test bl.sla, with tbe rlpt incllldln& surftlc:ard Ucensi.DC. eltuen or Newp:art Beach I can-to close it off 11 DeCeiSU'J. for Council coostdentklo 110 DOt jusWy .-ctnc tbe 1;30 BOO ScoU, 900 Sea Lo., liar-later tbao Nofember so tlla1 a.m. surtlagorctt•nub'West bor View W.US. saylD( be re-cba.nges ca.obemadebefor'eJ&n. Newport. Apporeolly IIllo or-pr-'"od tbe Newport Beacb 1. dloaoce wu puMd Yitb &be Sartlac A5sD. aDd all surfers w.r, U:clan1.s sa.id tbat tbe lllta to reduce tbe l'IDif&1 1D tbl art~. ubd tor a.a.a.llctu enluatioD or the surflnc t1me barusmeot aod abuinDHS sur1lDc area. He saJd be bad cbaqu wtJJ be based ctl reae- tbat the oome oners 1a New-just returoed from a l:r1p to tsons d. oome oners a.oo: bust- pan Beach claimed was be1Dc Fruce, wbere a oar system oessmea. and oo ute cooduet of caosed by board surfers. Bow-1s ..t to de!mte were sar11nc tbe surfers tbemseiYes. lt'er, thil orc!lDaDcewuJ'*SSid la a.lkN'ed. He a..lao crlUcised .orne Ume agd, wbea surfers tbe sartboud Uceus1Dcas1Def-OOCI.NEMTARY SL._.TED were unjustly blamed ror a.11 tbe tectiYe aDd upeasin. ''Tbe ereat pretense," a do- tromle on tbe beach, Alao, tbt Couoc.llma.D Coo Mclmll.s ot. cumeota.ry ftlm strip oo tbe prime llll11ag Jocatioa at fered a moCioo "to provide tbe growth of communlsm, wtll be ,__ tbe UmeUlisordtnaDcenspu-biggest OIJI)OI'tunJ.ty tor tbe sbowD at 8 p.m. today, Aug. 14, Hd was in troat of beach bomu ereatest Dumber." ffis motioll, at tbe American Op1aloo bQok... betweeo S6tb St. a.Dd 42Dd st. a.otmou~ly approved, pro-store, 1934 Harbor Bll'd., Costa "Today, the primary sarfiDg Yided as follows, all cb&np:s Mea. Tbe fllm strtp5bowsbow loeatioo b' early IDOI'DiDc being based oatbehlacklll.llftar tbe free worldlsfloi.DctDcoom- JOHN SEMPLE, at rfgllt, la about to baDd over tll.s pnl of oftlce u president of tbe Corona del Mar Cbamber of Commerce to tbe oewly lrustalled prelldeat, Dte c~ OWDer of Jollmde's Liquors and former Newport Beach city eoaoctlnwl. otber omcus lostaUed. at Friday's unuaJ dtlmer meetlae lochded. attoraey Carl Keeley u first vtce- presid.t; Cilx'doo Jooes of tbe lrrlDe Co. as lad Ylce- presldeot, IJid EYerelt (Ace) Adams, ofter of Coast -u tr.-... (EIIOip piiQID.) ARliT SPEC. C .U.. D. 1SaD- pm,al~7~e~ del War H1gll School, recetred tbe air medal for his serYice u a £U1LD8f with the 605th Tra.osportalioG Compa.oy DIU' Phu Lol, Vietoam. He par. Ucipated 1n more thaD 200 com- be.t mtssioos. He is oow home wltll t11s puGs. Mr. aDd Mra. &ul~.ln~C~m.U uW Sept. 5, wbeD he leaves for Hwter Air Base, Sanma.b, Gl.. Belote h1s Army service, Alan worked u a froy cook for .a years a.t Suack Sbop No. 9 1.11. Corooa del War. bours 1s behreea %1st st. and eoatrol system: mW\lsm • ~:.~~t=~~: •Hippie Haven ' improvi ng -1-1/Z ,_ .. I 1eo1 lbo '"G<•t -•moat•• In llle r1PU. IJid lllesorlpg-"'Tile poke an -dlroc- bl&ll>lo --In lbo N-be protected. or lbo st-tloo 11> 11orw --. .. l'lor ar• ,..,_. dlllrlctwu ..w .._ -11> a-Mr. v...-c~~arlld-.,..., ... niiOrii..i at lll&WaCU:J rr·•ettcw, " rllllb' to baJoatt ••IN' .. -.... ~· * -. J ........ · lllil -,II -lllif --~ OJjiJ6 -tllll eltJ bod ---II> -... ~ ud lit-tile ..... e«rect tbe probS.m b)' u-tertag Y1tbaC caue. He aecu.:l the pM!Hon'AC aipi.De pollee olftces oo tbe '1 doD"tDow,''Mr. Weiaberc busloeumeo and tbepollcewttll beat durlDc tbe day ADd lD tbe IJlSW'Ved. racism, IDd said tbat tba'e 1s lt'~Gl.a&. "Tbere were riol.atioDsoftbe u liDD8Cessary cooceMn.tloa Couocllma.n Howard Rogers law," Mayor MUbl.ll ald.. "b of pollee patrol In the area. Mel met Yitb tbe mereb&Dts II our obllptiOD to eoboe tbe "Pollee are deployed lD ac- *»UowiD& reeeJ,pt of a petitloo b.w to protect tbe rlJbts of eordaDce wtth dem005tra.ted llatiDc that ''because of a ear-J'OlBll people wbo come toeojoy Deed,'' Mayor Yarsllall stated. ta1D element 1n tbe area, tbe the beach." "We must gtve the busiDia bu!Deu district is deterl.cn. "Tbe polleearealleoat1D(the people the protectloo they need tlo&." and askJ.Dc tlo..~ clty to ldds," w.r. WeiDbarr cbaree<L to operate tbe1r buiaeau." tab correctlte action. He re-• 'Do you ban tbe Uceue Cotmcllmau Ed Hirth uked ported tbere bas beeo noeraJ to UYe outs1de the lal(?•• Couo-Mr, Vauetm bow be would deploy upc:radl.D&: lD tbe recent weeks. cllmao Roprs uked. tbe po.U.ce 11 he were pollee Mercba.Pts 1n tbe area a.l.::l "No s1r," Ur. Weillberc an-cb.ief and towJd a eooceotratioo told tbe CoaDcUMoodaye•enlag swered. "Our oalJ ertme 1s to or a certaln typeof)'OUDCpeopll / tllat tbl al.blllioD 1s lUIPf'O'(in&. be J'OUDC and to b&Yelollc biJr. •• 1n a certain place. But from Z klo& blired J'OGilC He said be was a.a.Oraap Cout ''Tbat would depend oo tbe mea came cbarres of pollee Collep ltadert, worts put -.ture or the crime," Mr. barul:meut ADd racism aDd re-Ume a.Dd...Wbllll lDNr:~tember. Vauctm repUed. cr-sts U "equal protection "UD11ormed pollee are tbel'e "How do you rate oarcottes·•" ader tbe Jaw." to sbow wbat standards of Mr, Ropn Uked.. Barry Weirlbera: and John coaduet are upecterS," Mr. "Very mimr," Mr . Vaugtm Vauc:tm. bottl ot lU 29Ul St., Roprs said.. "A clear 11De 1s answered. _WHt Newport. botb said they dran between nat you can do The Council tued tbe VlCXI BLACIC ot East Bluff, tba retirtq: Ml.u Carora del were be1Dc barassed. aDd wbat you c:a.a.DOt do. U you mercba.Dts ' petition on the Bl " d • Ma.r.ts sbcnrulatbeceatlrwtthtbeZ runners·~ lD Frlday's "By lDcre&s1nc the pollee, are w1th1D the law, you are stren&th of the reports or lm-anple Is eootest ~ed by the c orona del Mar Cba.mber you !:aYe 1Dcreuedtbeaptatlal :lllowed to mon freely," provtna: coOOJ.t.iool. . . or Commerce. At tbe ktft. 15 the 200 runoer·~. Cindy betYMD tbe JOunrer people and Yr. We.i.Dberr wu followed at fraocis Ursini or the Surfer • d Be'"•-•, a 1968 IJ'adua.te o1 COM Hi&b Scbool. Wbo.baa liM older people, wbowaattbelr the .sp~Uers' mlcrq)booe by told tbe Eos.lp: "I just can~ new Ju ge ~-bomu protected, and the busi. John Vaugt:ID. Ybo was an uo-Wll you how much the a1Natkm . speot all of ber 19 years ln Corooa del Mar. Sbe ls a.o m. DnSmU." Mr. We.lnberr sa.Jd.. successfUl c:ancUdate 1D botllthe has tmproYed. 1 used to dread structor at tbe daDCe studio of her spoosll', Dorothy Jo 8audee "Tbe pollee are prtag tickets Newport-Mea aD1 tbe OCC coming down here to work be. Attoroey Lloyd E. Bl ...... led SwiDSOD. At tbe rla:bt Is tbe ftrst runner-""'• Sbu-m proewty and Uttering. You trustee races JutAprllaDdWbo cause 1 knew I'd han to If"''"' -...... maker or Balbo& Island, a IJ'aduate of La Habra. Higll •-4Dt'OOoo,....OOQoOIQ:000.0000111f0:._. Jr,, a resident ot Eut Bluff Scbool., Q01r i. stOOent at Orange Coast Collep. Sbe was ta.1t about tbe 'element.' You attempted to orp.Di&e aa OCC and hassle wttb the ldds. Now and member of the Nnport-(East ) baft left out ooe word -the chapter of tbe Shdeots ol a they woo't pull anything because HAPPY BmTHDAY TO USI Mesa Ulllllod Sebool District _.., by Realtor Doo&ld v. Fraoklln. I"-· bamu element. Tbey have O.moenilc SoelotJ (SD6). !bey kzlow a poUcemao lnlthln 2~:~e~:u::c~~!::.lgnth~t~~l:.:: r.c:.::E?:: •MAJOR QUAKE IS OVERDUE ' :n:~:~:~ ball "come of age" at 21 year1. Tbe first COWIIJ Jodtclal District. Thla coulal Is erdae , sent ·.., jDia 1n tbe O&f< bas de!lnitely lmprOYod ...,. •• Tbe $11 U6 jadiclal pos:ltlon ar• Of 'We all baYecOOSEthlsare& claood tult. by seMina: 1D member"sJUp IP-what, but tt oeeds mere tm-118Ue WIB pubUahed21 yearl ago yesterday ns a.U.:.IMd by tbe 11168 lor a maJor -.Corooa to Unln becaosooftbe.._" Wboa ~ occurs 1n ao pUcatiolls .._ ..... ud ..,_ provement. n.e ollleors ban -on Friday, the 13th day of August, 1948. loiJlalalure. del liar Chamber ofCommere• be Rid. "The ...... -1 --· tbe oc:eao slde of pUeatlou. call "" -lo lbe .... very &ODd. WbateYW they Many •'-'•-t.ft to all Wbo have belped Judce B~ld,aRepubUcao.. members aad pests ~:r• ~ld Ya.lue ot tbe oceu oatweicbs tbt fllult D'IO¥"ts IIDJ'thward, ud Leap at P. 0 . BaxSU, Corolla han been doinc. we need more U&¥o~LNt 1s a lfldaa1e ot UCLA m:1 r.,. Frida)' tt.s.ac 11 tbt sta -tbe lodustrl&l tCtllutton tile lnlaD:Istde sUpssocrt.bnrd.. del Mar, of tbe same.'' the . Ensign graw, and lnvttattooa are celvod bls law decree ~rom tloD -at tbe lrflne Coast Tber-e, II Is tbe dul7 ae lbo 11r. Zebal Rid !bat ,.... _ _j th Stanb'd Law SebOOl He ls CouatryClub.. peapt.oftbisa.ratocartallar qebbl.st:or'Jrf!llealstbatthere S" d b k b extended to many more to join 1n e sup-ocUn In lboo.-a.P ~ : ~;:.,eeo by .... ~w oil lkllliollfllls lsamajorq .... at>outeverylllO 1gn onny roo rews port of the c0118ervat1ve voice of the New-YM CA .,. 1s a-... ..-'" · -,.... barmfiiL ,_.,Uid tbe lastooeoc:cumod port Beach-Costa Mesa area. ... currellll7 • -allbo ::!.t -... Pld1co-Far~ Aero-He roeallod lbo --Ia 1141 -................... A bit "' ...., ..... Is ·-Is ........... at 11M! ...-II> • • Oraqe CoantJ lApl AJd So-e. wu IPM AI as a oonbml•tJoa ol tbl SutaB&r-n.. Casta! Ar• Protect1Ye brewiDc cw. a JdclnraJ s1p. the Coroaa del Marcomm..atJ 1 • cletJ, He W'OII reelecUoo to tbl dlrec:tor ol ~ rectiiU1 reacU-bu'a sla'elllt YbllluUiblw:ae L.-cat wuori&iD&UYformtdiD k eoro. del Mar. Tbe Coraaa del MarC~ BOW TO AVOID THE ARM OF THE LAW sebool baord 1ut AprU Ia a •alod Coull Ana n'Pr<b<tm wou-~ Jut~. Ho 1!151 Uld lod tbe ll&t< t>r 1bo Tile 1n1oo eo. 0u u._ o1 eom...-ee dlrocflaro -- ·-c:callll wJtb --C. IAopo, w1llell Is IJb"OC lbo laid ,tile -00 -lr.. -ol tbt SboU-C~m-co-lila o1p, -00 m'*l1 _...,od a -Here 18 a word of advice to the 1oog-Morrow, .... of Eut Blull. ::=::.: ~,!s_llllnc In ., .... ': ~ "' .. tile~~ ......... Act, whleb pnllltblta • -IIIIo ,. -tr "'ILIIIdactllellowportllooc:bc- halred gentlemen Who spoke at MOnday -~-.. II --. --drllllncaloo( c..... Ill·-... Is cU .. ,_ .. lolbo pliiiiD .. ft.ft ... N rt B ch c _.. ....._ o· t t "I t 4 --4r111l-..ud tile Calllnla Cooll-lbo lllllllJ!or)llllltrwwitllec-. tile CJlM ..... -tile .. ne.-... I ewpo ea OWl .... m--Inner or ama y 0 -· --"'lila-Aa Rlvor In N-<lolllar Ck·••ll"---II tile --. "CIIJ"' and complalned about "barumniut'' by ~cfllla-lor. --.to tbe Mulcu a..,.....,._ tile IJnaloN--." pollee Foll-th 1 ..~ "'" CIOWU -Ia •-_.-llf tile Da--· c_, rJa ' 1 C..•l-Doe c-. pr <M•c-117 : uw e eampe.,. oceu c-dolllarbodacau~rom --.~oacu.._.,.._.,lbo_lor, no~Aopo-.. st-lo_tlle_lslaCOOIIi;llrlldlr-r•ll• .... Mlrfera, wbo .ometlmebactcomplal.ned .._ Secrt s.mce ,.__, rr..-_.~-~~-··~ Cae._hc • pa Nt ..... ., tiiiii--~-IACla-•••1· ..,,. &trll'ltfll\.-~ about ~crlmtnatton 1n tM ue ol our ...._---·-~ lila-~ _, •• ,. ... "'tile-.., .. , ..,. II a oil _..._ ..,. CltJ "' .. _t -•-.. --.. pubUC be.cb ... Tb-p...,_1111 .._. ,.._ 1>r a Ja111a at .-.1 p.m. 0WoolrTti),MII--. 41•1 , llr. _. __ IIWI:-BW51,Jl""'"' .... _tapot•z+ lt!i-....... C1 1U-It w' •~-·,.--••z ~-I o'eloU tile....-, cf-•-.-. -. .. 1-r•w 1>r ...... la .... ltlorlaiiOapast ___ ...... _. .... _ ...... COWlcU that tbey would pollee tbtmNlY• ""' -... •llmltr .... allolll ........... ,_ 7 -..... --Ill • 1lrtr7 .._ ud ... -b II ,...., .. ---... .. • ... =·:.::: lUid tbe1r tellaw -·-e-_ ... _..__ .. 1•1 -... ... , no&. .., .. , ..._,. .. --•••• 111 • ur u-. a r 11111 lJJ • .. ,. 1•• ~ ·----. -TboUIIJ_Pr __ ·--... -................... D • 1.,.1 ..... --"' rcll•!ll• aad trouble-•aten. 11M rw aM --..._ -WI*• II 1 1 II .. -• 1 I 1 1 111o 11 llo-t _ _., lrr 1~ pt 1 ; bU bMII •. ~-.~ ~ IIIII ____ ..... , ....... -... I .. -.. -·· b JAil I ' .. II • II ,_,It •• ., ...... I... dal-· ----~---~.-.... I I JQ I ...... olllllfllll ftQibtctklal. 'IIIII ,...0 [), .. -....... =---·--.o:~!"i!'"~-............ ~.~ Til ... til 1011&-bllrecl IIUIP cea .a.o ,allee ..ar .,.. esc a 11-1. cr. ... -u •-117.-r1 ' , .. et.-,, • • • 0tn1 m•Mn, aad ob11n1 tbl1oeellnl. ..,., 114 .:"" .. : ": ilr!:aa8'! :"~ :..,-: ~.-...-..::..-::.~ ~~ ;-... 1:': ........ ~,_ 5111 W as I ,__ >• ......., (UIJIW_<IU._Ii) ..._ ............... .,.CI774-.--.. >11Rrll .. l77palll -· 110_. ..... __ .. , I ..... I ' I IJ ,_ An,.anen 1'111 ... laY, PI ; • . .._ ____ . .. ELl ~b..,,__ M ,, ... ....,. ... .. ~ :; ... ... ...h . ..-.r ......... .. .... ?a 7 ... lin. ... 7 • ., 111111 ......... llll ... "·-----_.....,_,,.,._ 1111 OI'..OM. MIWIPAPit Tod ICmn<dy ._,_, ill I,Qa _,, ..,.lcknWiy -a ''w!oaa lunl" a« the OGiy a IWJii ~ eo.IJ. I of, ... qllaud...,..l!i- OP 1111 arr OP llli ... T I MOP 'IV JlfOduction, approxlma!cly 140 hours ''"' powd road onc1 """'a bwnpy unlllbt<d rood Ia -'!..,!' -~~ u lloo ---. s -lloo'ftll. TN£ HA/111011 Allt:A'S OFFSBT /IBrSPAF£11 tho tn&edy, tbal at!OrDcy Marttbam aod Ken-wh•n Ke!lfttdy .... .,..., 17 ......,.,. on Capo ... -·-~" l!il 'FI!o 11177111d l7or --d!llolwo..,-Olftcr. _. ,..... .... 1 .. ._ ,.,. '-'P ......... oec~y·, cousin Joeeph Oupn, at risk ot their Cod aod nelaflborina Martha'• Vincyard1 to • , .... ..._.. .. a bJ' • -.._ t. ..t ... .._JwuiO.Wt-. -·I -~--· -~ .. 1 .. Colli. --""" li-dl .... ..,.-,y"' try """"""" die Could ... Ill .. -1/10 ot • milo --.... .,. c-8 GooH "t<>oo:""--t ..... .. .,. 17111!1 --lllo ,., -~ .. -r·• drowned Jirl. Were they. 100, in IUCb a that roM Co die cJa.qu0U1 bride-witbout llu .... IIDIIIIIIw fn-. tile ... • S I.OCit & trt lllllr ww:·y ..... dllft at tW T!LUFIOHL 67J.05SI ~ .. ~ 7141 . da%o tba1 1hey couldo' ._. !he accideat roallzlna tbat be !!nd his _,... ,..,. .., -IDIIIIIUIII""Joello .... V""'P lo lloo pr•-7 1oco1 ~~~port. .,_ lllo )o!niJ THE ftEWP<MT HA&801t ENSICN I• at. .,.Jy • :If If • ,.n .... to the poll«? the ''Wront" ro.d7 A .-.~ hu tntifted Chat PW ..... ..a U.. CitJ eo.cu pu1J. 0.. 114. Sc:oU J'GI'OIA, tD tile..,._ ........... _. pUll.._. ia t.t. Ck1 of Newport S.•tt. _....., .r,.loceJI1 · Why was he drivina Mt. Kopechnc to the he .. Keanecty ridina on the reed to the at flu CIIIDIItealre.dfllu,... 11, of CoroM dtl Mar, ar-DOt ....... tlldl·PitllilllllllUd ·..-u4.,...-1••-..,•i•l ... ,...,..,..._c...••terry? Wu it because ttw:re were noun-ferrylhedaybeforel 't.8td II «p•tattcw WMUri...SattMatrportat1la.m. Ku.Nt..e~taa..._ "'--~ ...tly, •• n..c~a,.. S.C:oM eta. ,,,...., ,.,d married men in lhe party who miJht have done For six dafl the niahl c~rk at Kennedy's atieiiiMd to tatr.:le IIIIIJOI; tbt u:l IIDod ill .. llGt -l:lr S ~ ud arrtMd 1a IU • C.... •• .... Calli, M so? Why was she JOina ..._ to catch the hotel uid he did not sec Kennedy come in peace ud qlllet of tM COlD• bUiltM'mc a.-. t.W'l.ltilrl tba C'-..U• TJIE '!,~ ":!'·~~ E~:.:-:.:2.;: : •• ,; d.:4, ferry? Why wen:n't all the airls eoinaiOpther thai niaht On his TV .. confession," Kennedy •..u:_ ~I. 'ib.~::: ~~·-~ftl MarrMu-... tbl)' retebedtllltlrport; r.:-14 1C:1. I• ~or Co_:" for •he Coaly of()-... , S..e of to catch the feny1 said thai he convem:d with the niaht clerk, = ..cat.:-llalknr':t --. ot ....... ....,, aplJ,i)lloftd tba eomm.U, *-d, acoar. c.lircw~ia. ud .,1 re•-• t"--f io quolilie4 to p.t.U.a. all p,.Jie-Why wasn't an autopsy made on Miss K0s Mr. Peachey, Aller whk;h Mr. Peachey an, Tbt ~ c:r:; ~Spa:-• ~a~~ dtD& 110 U.S "eM'"••: .,1'1 ....... ,.r....., .,,. I••· pec:hne·a body? nounced: "We fully endorv Senator KenACdy OrUCIJ Colty r~ CIA tbrolrp: --:.,. a boN toaebr bOitlaC If'--", 8llaw AlrYO , HAAPA .............................. ~.lhvHr ~ P•li-:1-Before he had walked 120 yarcb. Kennedy ... have tried to offer Senator Kennedy and Satwci&Jaftenaoaablor'btldtbl bid-:.. &W II * tbtt, U. M..pollttJpeftr'llld: PEC HAAPA ............................................... ..Auoc18te IAhtor pasKd within 35 feet of a house with a lia;ht his party the same consKkntions we would lhoct aftlll .,._._ AJr F 11• ~nldeat 1a RD-4•'8olter• tor.d 11&1 CIIU' ol suaSCRI,TIOM u.TU on--and with a telephone:. At that point it is cxknd to any of our auests under sil')'lilar clr· "---...~ orce 1DIAia. btt tbl welcome·wu utaie," I• H•bcw Ah!o: Oae J"'~~"• 16.00; 2 ,.. .. , f7.00 · I "bl •-·I' 1.1 ld h ,_, " ·• ...._, tbiJ)r"'dMt'l. plue,ud t.rtftlll, ncb U li~J~~reuld I TbllltbCc:utc:..rdoYtrld 0.. I H•bor Ale . Oae • 15,.00· f -. 19.00 ent.re y possl e '"~_gar s '· e C9U. . ave v=n cums n~s; . apr.....:l tbl ftnt efkSeace ol by ''tlD I)JU." tor R.tcMrd 0 IIi ye • ' ye saved. (The professiOnal d1ver sa1d JUSI that.) Now 1sn t that JUSI Peachey? Ullt nloome wb1eb Pr..&dHI Hima taU ..abUIINd I. reehnplar .<a-0 Krnnedy even pasaed up the ftre saatioo. The ~id the ''wild concussion" Kennedy's doctor N!ma'l boca• c:oG:J trt-W He u,.f:r.~.: :..:=:::. SOM fdSu llat.o PoUt, 'ftiS ~ .e -"¥ ~r was open. and be could have tum~ a claimed he suffe~ed ~use ~he ~nator to stay to blm IJIS to tbl blkPred "Pal" dlterml•tSOa wb1eb led blm eo 11 eloM • all , ... ::.: Of L sw1t:::h there wh.ch would have started the men up most of the maht w1th h1s adviSOrS arid then N'-, tall w1ll reaeb tbl b1cbtlt polt ta tbl PHIOU wUbolll utbar .., and volunteer firemen would have rushed to the to ao into seclusion the momina the story T•• bld-IOIMtplltM -· 00 tbe!=M::U idlnlo from tbe commudw ol tbl scene within minutes. broke? ' _,_ P' Gt&rdDlatrlct. TbiCout ARVO E, HAAP.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign Why did Kennedy insist that his original One or the five remainina airla was warDid tbltflOla.toraue stattment dictaled to attorney Markham not in the Nrw York New11 as sayina "I can't · Abjed to a 10-Jtar )all (CONTINUED FROK PAGE I) and regulations, along with the rest of us, and then we all can enjoy our town and our beaches. • • • ATTENTION, BOARD OF REGENTS The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce Is to be commended on Its public stand against the disruptive activities of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS ). A resolution adopted by Chamber direc- tors has been sent to the board of regents of the University of California, and In a forwarding letter, Chamber President Jack Hammett expressed his concern about the appointment of SOS member Mike Krisman as assistant dean of students at UCl. Mr. Hammett cited the militant stand of SDS as a reason for his concern, and be stated further: "The educational In- stitutions have repeatedly solicited the aid of our Chamber of Commerce In supporting their drives for bonds and tax over-rides. It ts now apparent by the appointment of'Mike Krisman that the sup- port of the great majority of citizens for higher education may be alienated." Mr. Hammett urged the regents to utilize their veto power In reconsidering the appointment of an SDS member, and be called the regents' attention to the re- solution adopted by the Chamber direc- tors: RESOLtrriON REGARDING SOO Tbe contlouing improvement ot the social am eeooomic weltue of the citizens of Costa Mesa, of tbe Hartu Area. and of our state and oatioD, bas been a primary objectiye of the Costa Mesa Cbamber of Corpmeree s1Dce its tDceptJoo. Tbe Costa Mesa Cbamber of Commerce strongly believes and s~rts tbe view that tu ~ public educatioo is a cornerstooe of the political and economic system of tbe UD1ted states. Concurrently, the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce belieYes tbat a strong and well balaoeed social, business aod u.tustr1a1 cllma.te in our community is essential to succes.mat ftmcUoning of public education. lo the furtherance of these bellefs tbe Costa Mesa Cbamber of Commerce bas leot s~t aod encouragement to ill organtzaHoos and indlridl&ls whose objectives are to improve and extend the social aDd economic well-being ol the com- mWlity and of its education system. Tbe organlution tDown as the Studeuts for Democratic Society and otber stmtla.r orpnlz.atinas baYe made it a.bl;m... dant1y clear by proaouneemeW am aetioDS in its name OD ma.oy 1nstaDCes througbout the nation, that it does DOt sbare tbose constructi•e objeeti•es. SDS spokesmen ba.ve ackDawledged that, in fact, It does not otrer a constructln program far change and prop-ess, but ratber ls dedicated to forelng a radical and riolela ebange 1n 01a educational system, aDd eYentually 1n our eeooomic aDd poutieal systems, through destruction, dlsr~ and violence. Tbe record of tbe BOO across tbe nation does, IJl tact, lDclllde acts of arson, assault, burglary, tidDapplng. treCI'SSlDc u.l deD1a1 of freedom of speecb and movem& All of lbese activities bave been committed iD tbe DI.IM ol 800 and bJ members thereof, apiost educatioo:a.l tnstUI;tloDI. Tbe sr.6 bas mor'e r eeeotly &nDOUDCed ttl turther lzteD-- tJoo to IA)lY tbe tattles ol disr~ destructloo and sub- •ersioo ap1nst busloess and todustry. Such aotloo hy the SIE would, ill lOci. desiNy oduaHo!!al --· 11>r those .-ill -ot u.m ill .u-u, ~ iD low-I.Dcome lfO'C)S, and 6Jr tboee lclent'ftld u c1llluraiiY or socially ~ Such ..,_ 011 the put ot SIE also woald --the -ot lllo --· commlllllly ot lllo ~-. .._ tile Hltka.J Alll•nce of Bnstness Mea to proride 150,000 Job& a tbe bard ewe aoemplofed bJ .J-, 1t?O, (I, too ol -lo ho Ia Oruco C.....,) lllld-.._ .... -ot ow peromeat aD! our OOsiNII comm1111tJ to aUit1ate pa#q, nor-.. lllo C<lola K-~ otCommon:ocalll- a.U eltln r 7 to become taUJannol..tMrecc:wd ot U. aettritMI ud-ot lllo SIE. ne eo.ea Mea aa.t11r o1 Commece aliO ..... hzrtM•• Ud l8dllll:l'a.tobeawueol.tblp:.,.le'tbhlt to tile...,... .. ... tiDI ol ...,, 't1 dl..ucner ... -.... ol ...... .... lolrolllla lllo _... ud .. _,, ot lllo IDS. ,.. .. , .. eo.. -Cliaatlllr of ec-~ ~­... tltil I 0 ..... of till ~ ol. _. .PIGPilt ,....6_._.,_.,_....., ,,. ___ .,_ • r• 'aar·n• ........ .,..._...._. . ..,,.,.. I ••• , ..... 'lAp I ......... -...... 2 -..... ·-··1111 ........ 7 .. s --'1111 Cal*-0 t e of C..zrrw t .......... ... _ ........... _ ... _ .. _.,..., .. •• • s .,. -rn1 2 "''"" 2 ... \C_ ...... 1 sl,n .. ... • a:, = 7 ... ,. 2 ,-...... .,_ ..... , ......... _ ...... _ be released until after the Kennedy &roup had believe that any of the men knew •bout the S T I T E I 0 II II P ==-~ ajlac~:: a:J1=~ left town? Who ~ the Kenne-dy group? accident either (lhe airls didn't) bec.•use Why didn't Chtd Arena ask Kennedy if he had few times I saw them duri n& the niahl ' 1 mera, surfers, aod IUI't- bten drinkina? were perfectly calm, and I can't believe they .... 5 I . Jc .. bou'dlra. Kennedy said that when he "fully realized would be calm if they knew about it." •r••z 01' ~ ~= ::::.::.s-:: what had happened he immediately notified What were these anonymous men doins the cpl1WJ or San C .. meatl wu police." That is a calculated lie. few times she saw them durina the night? 'J'be •.ecis"ture'l puap o1 Un measure· to tbe UAftedOr-tateo wbiD tbl!li-mu.miiDiclpal Did he deliberately wait until he was cer· What was she doina? And ho":' calm are the a bill to J'tltore tcbool tunte polgtJoas ~ Tupayers aDd bout'l derded tbl P•c• ActloD tain the body had been discovered before he wives of the men now7-Amencan Way Fea, llmltJ: I.JMjpresern tbepecple'l many local tupayera• aaoe;la.. COUDCU permlssloafor&parade said anythina? Is it poaible that Kennedy tures rJ.cbt to wote OD scbool tu 1JL.. Uoos, &.Dd otblr voltllteer doWD El CamillO Real. tbe com- CZ'8Uel 11&tremeDdoatfidDr:f Cf'0'4)S tor be.-,LDI to COGYlDee muolt)"s main road, From the Assembly . 2 a-tbe bu'd.-pressed tlJIII.JWI members of tbl AuemblJ tblt Tbe Cllrlstiu Science Moal- af Callb1dL they sbOald act to preserYe the tot de.erlbedPrtsideotNboD'a Tbla measure, Assembl1 BUI ptq)le's rl&bt to f'Otl OR scbool Clobal )ollroer u "Hop 1," a, II)I!RT It IADHMl OraacecoatiiJ,BobS.b.blda tkftl'res fnJm eout'l rts, :.-;r!.s-=~'==s:; tu,:er=-roots effort lD ~·to~S:a:~r:mw: Ao....W,.., 7lot Dlatrlct ~~ ~=~ ::.: illhy~:y .. C::: Seaato lo Its O<tlllaal Parm ., -" ot S,B, 35 lllld A,B. loumuch u ll!la ns die lui, ..., ' as to be ldeattcaJ wUh my bW, 5 ftB a mocb-aeeded '4Q"lsl.ag u mQ' be descrlbeduHopSO,'' For tbe past 27 years. wbeD reclio1D& lD commttteeawalt1og, WbelmiD&lJ falWedthepeopWs S.D.. 35. It repealed a eJaae ol tbe qulet, btrd-wor111ac, too wbicb would be nms to the pro- school boards neededaddltiollal tbe oW: cane ot lbe senator's rigbt to tote 00 sc:bool tu.. lD A.B. 272 oll96'J wbJ.cbwoald often lmpostd.,opeopleolour gram, Tile eDY1roomentol''Hop fWlds alxJYe the mandatory tu bUt Wbeo tbe bard loupt overrides. ba,. a.llo'hd Joca.l scbool state apiR&t the entreoehed 30'' ls tbl ''last word., tn this llmlt to liDaDce their bo!rponln( Schmllz bill looted like II bad This, toeethor --boards to raise Pf<1PU!1 IU pcroer ot oar puhllc edacalloaal COI!SO!'Yalt•e coWII}2 He<e districts, tbey were reciulred by beeD defeated, the Burke Wl from local Wpi..JU's ~ rates as b1gb u tbey W1lbed estab11sblnelt. I am deeply era-''Hop'' himself rides tbe raop, law to go to the voters wtth a bega.a to tnOYe, and flDa.Uy pas-real esbte Uld~eat boat wUbout lD1Dc to the I*JIIle b' t1fted to bl.ve been ot sen1ce assisted bJ the "buds" tbat tu override proposal. sed tbe Assembly. Tbe Seaa1e owner orpntuttons, bllped to ~ begtllrdng Jllly 1, to tbese flDe people Yba were poud tbe typewriter keys Bob However, a law passed lD coocurred. ~ U oolJ awaits cbange afewmiDdaintbeiAc:ts-1971. ODJy asl:1Dc b'lbe rigtll tovote Du RlcbU'd E Woodin. and require ment. of a •ote by lhe tile Governor 5 stgoature to be-Jature. Needless to 51.1, 1 ~ Vt"ilP..D my S,B. S5 wa.s defeated OR the school tues tl:tey p&J-~ of tbl ,aiaat claD wbo people by 1971. At that come law. of ported tbe measures, by 001 YOte iDa subcommittee a rlcbt wblcb aome spokesmen write ''Littars to tbe edllor •• time scbool boards would be Frankl)', l ttrlD.k tbe rash I agree, too, wf.tb JObD ol tbe Assemblyeduc:a.Uoocom-tor tbe scbools wanted to deo;y Also puttc.IIJI.Iillc lD lbt ~- permitted to raise property tax-letters to legislators from their Scbmltl., wbeD be~ tbe eda-mlttae JUDe Z, a state.wf.de to tbem. sen&Uva f'OWid'ap are Coogres- es as b.igb as tbey wisb. constitoents ~ tbe catioo k)t)bJ '1JPO-OC his mea-drive was taiiDCbed to ptace tbe Tbls rtctor}' stwws tbat the s mu James a. w aDd Stator Wbeo the measure became Scbmltr. b11l bad a great deal s ure must t.&ce tbe fact tbat tbe bill oo the l::allot by lDltJatln "VOice ol tbe people can still be J bn Sell itz law, my Orange county col-to do witl:t a cbange of heart Callforoiz ~yers have be .. tor tbe 19?0 e\ectloa.s. Credit heard 1n Sacrameoto, weo 0 W<t a: w~lcome Pre.tdeat league in the Senate, Jobn of some of tbe legislators. 1 come Ured of ~ytng CODstarity con to R.wold .J. KeDDel!y ol abo't'e thai ottbl stroa.gest )Oti)J ud Mrs. NLIDD to tbllr .., Schmitz, charged the bill bad reea.U, too, lbatrepUestoques-lncreasl.a& sc:bool tues. PetarJD. wbo ftlld tbl tDWa,.. ID lbe capitol: tbe edocaHoQ StUDmer wtdte House 1n0n.ace sUpped tllrougb wttl:t little DOUce Se s uld No Be k)bby. llllape tbe 115801111 WIU COld)'. We recall tb1t tbe aod pasood the-'"'-T---L~ ·of x ho t -... 11!11--.,.tod -.. ., IIIlo COI!IIIJ _e .... de-2Hechori\Od,....le-e .,....ng , 2 ,4 2 . _,.lllo,__..,.lltyof-doeWIIJ,.._Ia._ ......... ''11P lD arms,•• UldYOWedtoc::all ~_. cb1ktHD taCIIIp!llllle u._ IJit .,. wf.11 11 fOi to tor a ·~ ot the ... laY at tn·etl Without· Moral R2e. strll•nt ochoola Wlii'*•·-11!-0GI· -u _, ... lo ..... -tbe 1968 session of the Legis-ber ttiat tbeJ are tb1 -.rnllta. senattYe op.lnloal ci't'lllPI'OPII' lature. oot tbe muters, ol tbe paraD recx>plttoD 1D. tb1a mootb's He tried last year and was and tamaJ•s of Ca.UiorDia. coUDClla ot state. · defeated. And again this year (From tbe Mootrose Ledpr, .JIIly 1 'J, 1969) Seondly, .es ecb::atlon II eert.a1atJ aot bts repeal measure r eceived statemeot preeeotecl to Cal1fonda » a matter fran wbk:b parentl lboWd. be sufflcleat nltes lntheSeDatebut aembly Educatioo Sub-Commlt:tee late luC exduded and be replaced by tbe stat.. was turoed OOWD by tbe Assem~ mead~, by Rabbi. Juda GluDer o1 ~ For ad edllcatlaa. requi.rel lDdiwtual Its bly committee OD ediJCa.Uoo.. ptba MilhlmD Y'cbe*e' 1D. 'hj1mp. tmtioG. Moreow!', 10 edttattba mJedl In tbe meamtme, tupayers certain phlbnpbls and tbe scbooll: bave lbrou-lbe statnerereally ·J:r * * .., ""'' 1o ll!bjec:t·-10 phi......,.,_ ··~ 1D arms,•• am an initiative Aa a relll'ouJiader vltaDy C!OIIOtlbtd which may be aUm to the boiDe ar m17 petitio• .... tiled by -J. wtth ............ and bulld!nr "' ... !!!On!l be ill --... tKdlillp "' ""' Kennedy, J citizen of Peuryn, cba.n.d:er ol our )"'UQQ pnentiaa, I CXD-~. or1giDI.tlD& from their af'!Diatkm 1D Placer COIIlty, to repeal the aider k qa1n my datJ to appear before w1tb their rnpectiw ~ illllllbiUoia. 1967 law as a "grasS roots lbt A-~ Committee to sapport $en. Tbirdly, tbe tacbinr ot ..x. I bellew, elfort to preserve the people's aft> Bill 413 and the Senate ConCUJTeftt ls very penona.l and should be trMtl!d Ill right to vote oo school tues." ae.olutloa eo, lntroducal by tbe Honorable a dikftet futdob. Therefore, we aboulll Mr. Keooedy's proposed lol-Smator Jobn G. ScbuUtz, co-authored by not permit th111Ubject matter to be tne111t1 tiaUYe, requiring some 325,000 ~ Bums. Collier and Wake-u any onHDary subject. whlcb mQ lad sigoatures to place the lssueoa fWd. to many abules. the ballot, would maintain tbe On S\mday, May flb, 1969, OJ! the em Granted, there are problema when Pll" ex1st1Dg reQuiremeot. tor a vote ~ NetWOrk prorram "Face 'l'be ent. aft DOt equipped to deal by them- of tbe ~le before any scbool Nadoll," Gowmor Reqan put tbe Pft'lbkm Rives lD ctviD& to their chllcba tbe faea ta.J: coold be raised, thereby ol. ad ed~Qtb:l la tbe ICbooll lD tbe pro-ol Ufe. In ltKb cues, P&ft'llb abould be k*l)lng 1o effect the CUI'I'eot pel' paspectiw; be aid, •.. ''tollowiD& able to teet tbe help ot tbe acbool, wbldl coocept of democrauc govero-a Supreme Court dedlkin repl"dlDc prays Senate Bill CU, introduced by Senator ment, ratbertbaoturnlagltover f!!", we baw 1fJDC: bade. to a point wbere Schmitz, adequately COYer&. to school boards 1n 19'71. we woa't ewn cn.cu. moral rules or Apln. tbe tradltiorW roie ot the home I felt tbe oolJ method ot monllq at aU. lD tbe .choob. How do and the relatioftahlp between chlldrm and acb.ieviog tbb: protectioollrtbe J0t1 d1Jcua .ex lD tbe Kboola: with chU-parent:l must be retained and ahoUd DOt tupayers wu throagtt tbe lnl-drea 11 you canDOt do It wttbln a ~ be &boUabed. Tbe loterfef"ee)Ce m t:t.e tiatln measure. Tbts would work ol moral ruB and JDOI'a11ty! HOW" reladona by t1» ltate C!OQJd Bel to tbe circumvem tbe logrolling ta.c-do you treat It u a purely blolocfcal ~ abandonment of lndlviduallstlc aJ)Ili'OaCb tics ot the pcroarll!l oduc:alloo tloa wtthoul ...... far ~ wbat _.. wblcll ulllmaloly wtD load 10 -2 lobby, who 1n tbe trterests ot wut tbelr ddldreD eq~rwil tor• tioG. the edncatJnnal establlsb~ J belleYe that we an faced tl:ldaJ with Foard:Jly, It il said that pabBe Ia were determioed to see tbe pro-a major probB:& bmtlvlac tbe moral fibre teac:tdnc wUl w.d to Oftl' ln'V'OIVI!IDIDt wttb Yisloo retained 1D tbe law, wltb o1. oar Mtion, u we wttne. tbe ,nduaJ thll subject and aome ctdldteD wm tDDw all brakes IUeJ! oll.,....tbwl __......at 0111 !!!lln!l ..,_2 For, aU ·-!be btnlo Uld !l!e -tooc t.. speodlng ill 1971 2 Hour CDII!Itry-dewld <i ~ 1.,.. !hey ~ -In nodlar die - lo the meaatime, bowenr, aD4 1ot our loac IICabllllled mcn1 stud--Flftbl,y, aec:ordiq to 9Uioa1 l'l'plllrtl a miracle bappeoed. Aaotber artk, oar dowafaD wm be at our doon. from Sweden. whfn en tdaelttc. ha colleague in tbe AssemblJftom Pataal)l llllft!' befoft Ill bt:l:t:or1 hu a beea supp:~~ted by the pwmment tor IDOft -........... -Uiidl--...... :tO ,.... and bu -obllpiOiy ... From the Bible Where is boastina then? h i1 excluded. By wbat law? or works? Nay; but by the law o( faith. Therefore we conclude thai a man i• ju1tiried by faith without the deed• or lhe'law. (Rcxnan• 3:27. 2&.) . . CLASS 014 CREDIT Tile sc-. otadtU!dcol. 1ecUoo .., ....... -...w1 bmd .... ORM't ud -.>loreu ot ad~ ~-will ho of, larod Par lloo lint limo Ia lllo OfODia( IIIlo Ill! at Onap CouiCol .... ''Credit Ud cou.ctkiiW''..W moot -,o-71o50p.a, la-lllot••-.... ae-. .,. ..... ww "' 11111111 l!r llwaroo E,._ -................... , .... lrtW ...... Q.:US 'niP ILATID ,... .............. .... c:r-..... _, --11112 7 .... .. _.....,. .. tO ...... . _...,c.-,.· a '& 'FI!o -II ..,.. ,.. ,.. -,..., and .,..,_ !llllnl ~2 aU -.... '"" 10 ,...., -~ 'l'baa I sabmlt that tbe JplrttaaJ J)OYei1:J' per cent of ltllnhabltants bav. Pft'madtal wtdl wbldl we are lbiclliea ~~add be oar reladGnl btfcft they reecb tbelr ,.,....._ IIIIDI:.t CW¥ill. 'n.aelore, tbe l:atrochlc:!-O.tm:eptlotti il a ~ .abject for -"' -................ JIOI>IIc --"' 14 ,.... lllld """· ud ..... 111111t bl <W Me+ed wttb tre~t c:u. iii aJ.o ncelwllllt!ik:l:klo 0111 vmt:alllll dllfue ..._ ol oar ..-n a:D:Btlaal. pttututlon, .bece'* t1 ttl eeouraa. ._... Lot ... ho ..... ~ u .. the don lo the _,2 r. ...... "' die ---~ .... .....-..... -,...,,_,_bu_<ill!o-·• -.. paloUc--tile-.............. "'-· ···-ud ........ ,, ol pn11p1r pHWhw a•dUac ffta, nnliflll .... . a lbola.,tl ttadJ ot thll wbole llll)jltct bJ 'ltle <AidldoM pee; W .. ....._ .,. tbt LefWttare. aafftdatelJ' .... .., to ......... ,...,, J briUiw tbet tht 8!lllh.....,.. .,. b ..... -... o•-,.,..,.: ....... ... ot bdl ....... lllltiktloo .. a ,.., dle belt ~ ............. . .... Ia ...... Nllucta ... .. ... • 1 12 ........... .. .... ~. , C)'..,. .......... ..._......_ ............ ....,., .. ........ ,.,_ Iii .. rMptt.ltt tlllllr LfcWatwe II .,.,., •• • I ' 1"". • d6lrwt. 1'MI lit .. 1¥1' -'... .... .. ...... .... ....... -p........ .. lit ..... ~ ...... • ........... ato ?Slltldllut _.a IJ-.Pi t r·.-. .,. ..... W;I?' ............. -.A ts• ._.. •• .,, ... a 11111 puP linin a sa 1 .,_ .. ....... IDIIEoW .. :::jU I .._. .. _. __ i £I: lat-. :.-,'":, ,:,-r a .. ,:; ::0. 7•7•~·-,..:.:o...= .. .. ,_ ....... JII= _, '5:!'!"'.·--' .:or ...... ., .. _ ... _ .. _ r;;r-.. _ ... :.· -:..··· = ----37-..... --~-------·----.... '?SPS ___ wll .-r 'I•. --,. Leners to Editor • A CONSPIRACY • CRmS WARNJNG EclliDr ot lllo EosliJl. Edllor ot !be EDIIiiJl, ''Train ~ a cblld 1n tbe way Wb1le we bear macb discus- be sbould 10, aDd wbeo be 1s sJoa today reprdlnc nrlous old. ho Wlll DOt depart !rom II... mlllluy m-. which ...wd (Prln>erb!l ZH.) host -Amerlc:a!>s 1rom Tbe world is now a.o arena of commmaist mrut&r,. attack, eootlicU Su tducatloo,ofWllich America U rusb1DC fUll speed we biU so mucb today, would a.bead tmo commaalsm. To bear certa1a1y piau tbe child tl!lo !l!e -Dll the pn>o l!lld coas die -..,., ot OIXII!rou&b ot lllo ASK !1Jslema lo dis. his ll!lnklac. b!creulac his U.. ....,_., 1o say 111o lout. tereat 1D •utllty Uld--..1-Tbosl ISetatus mate as moeb ism. Seamwllsm J& de't'oted to seue u tbe two people dr1'11Ac the p,__es ot die ..... ,, ta -. ·tho lrenay Ia lllo ft011C 1111111!1. .... -.. -ud dlrectd, --"' dlepolioa. ta nry lor lrom lllo !llllrliDal t1a1 ,... Maida ot ..,...IIC IDd trQIJ«:twJ, No oocu:a 1 bas •"r fll1eD to J tb1at U IJ a ann ml.Pte comm.t..tm u a resultofmlll- lo rta1< lis -hiD& ill 111o pub. tary Parce, E•ery commlllllsl Uc scbools, wbere all will be .neceas bU beeD tbe result ol ·-lo II. T-• are ---...-fiiU'ed man1lJ aDd ..,.er. Too iDlQJ Americus ban ood Ia lllo prladplea ot ~ roprdod lho COII!m...., tllreol -· Thor-•· llooy an DOt Ollly Ia tormo otmt?ltuymlll!l. CO&lll>le lo ~ Uld -· Tboy ..... dtamtuod or DITer Pl'flt tlt1a tat to ebUdra n. erea. coutct.rld tbt tbr•t of ---lo ho -lad ...... -lllroqt! -• ..., -.... DOt II*! lL __ llllonal __ _ Tboy are allllo car-Ill ot bas also bota .. --. l!woW!p!!oo. Koch ~m cu t1r O!UJ aro laTo51'011, bill u.. come -III!CI! ll'aiiiiiiJ, 7 am tor• --dDu aot stop •W'I ......, a.l51!U IC!Itupl -L lll!ulo do wlll!lloo-. lllo -ollco ot UE.C,U.S, •ortioc ot-rar. ol _... I no 11111111 ll!ol all .,.. ot •0111. • .., ""' ... rooJiad 1!r PI-_, lo 1!1 -Plod moot -.., IIIlo ta pro- ud ... .._, ICII-..L elool1 WM1 ta lojpo'oc Ia-r. u oloqoolll ldllr.., --Y _,, Jo111 u U wu ------..p- aid ot-~-'FI!o COO!m-pkM "'" locloa: ''ll?a pa-..... -1.-tii!Od --Ia oiNoc; will!-wuiOial?rot -... ,......._ .....,._ " a 1 Y, ud --blo oc 111o -111. .,., oro ouUJ flrlt VIC'I'<:8T1" arallt* ID tltiMI fto WOIId PI)' -ta oot wlti Pll'· tniYIIF!o 1o --ll!oforo, -Mlo-lllolaloo.,-. loa s-11, 11oo C.... J.-......... ..,, 'dee -1111Ul -... ..,liT -"'--IIdia, ---,_ Ia 1!1 ....... __ .,._ .-y--· ... -.. .. Jl Q pme ol liU ... of-lf8a9 ......... C:U .., & IUIII --, 'FI!o __, ~ -HI ry part Ia lllo -c' rflle _, • ...._. • ..._ t1 w:ll"m ... ,. ,....._. IIIJ ... IRA • ot oiiiiiJJI h mn?u" -~~ srt II .. 11oo 'FI!o --llll!lloloPIIJ 2 .-.. w .. --.,.....,, ilaiiTI~ • ....... ·e m en llriW, earaa.-.a •~~e~~~~r.WIIIt --,. __ Ia .. -...... .... ..... , .......... =:r • .-.:Z' ::. ::t =':,.'•111 A a~ • ' 71.2 2 ._.,._ .. .!-.. . .......... ~ 4 7 • -•• h't • 2 lqc-11 __ _ = ......... AI .,......, NP JLIJ.. .. , .... • Lido ·deb II A IOOD Mll.ll • . ,. ...... -.. is engaged .... ., ...... _. ··---k .. oot-... -. .. kor of._k, cllllooa ... H-Vloll<lr bolo-J .. 10 ........... . illl ...... ,_ - wlllo •olUblo -liw .., alrto ,_ fii•"Y •• ,..... .... -'ida· • ._. loodJ ., •••P 'kor "-.......... d .... her •••• ..,.,..... ••• Till IIUfl!! YIIITOI ,., ... IIY.......,. ,.. __ Ia y ., """" fM • Macrlllfl•: Coll673.0550 AI co no• DRESSES COCKTAIL CAPRIS BLOUSES " -""' 01 ... Udo lalo-"'IfF. ud ..... _ c-•-•wuebo OM' ... b tlle•771BIFzrt oltlte···=•ot ...... -· c~ -'-.It ·--Groeborlr. -·--... ..-"'·~_Blat.._ ud-........... c .... ~-olt.holl­ dllc ... Dloto -Collop OJJd II oi!JJ!oled -CIJIO!Dop Bor -. -"' lllr. ud Mn. Rlcl!ord Bolrro!l -.,_....., ... _., IJip ..,_ .. -...... ud .. !UJoriDr .. . --· ad-m.lDtltratioa at &a.a Dtttpltate, ••• blwUlreeetrtllil:dlcr• Mit JWII, Be 1s • member ot ~ Sipna Fratar!!lty, llooorod pull at tbo - porty lJJcl-tbo -m- tieet'a pareJU; tUbrotller-!D.- law aod a.ter, Mr. IDd Mra. JOim -"' FrOIJIOIII; IJia UDelle ud hilt, lllr, IDI1 Mrs. Jolu! Grotbor Gl La Habra; tbo brlde-<oloct'l Cfudportolo, Mr. ud Mrs. F. A. Staru o1 Napa; ber UDClta ud&I.IIQ, Mr. &Dd Mrs. T. L. stMrDI &ad J.V.M. -.uofP.a-OJJd Mr. IUid Mro. W. R. -G1 Corooo; IUid l>mlly ~r~-. Mr. IUid Mrs. R. G. HawleJ, Mr .!Uid Mr .. C. M. Horu IUid daoal>tor, RoblD, IUid Dr. !UidMrs. E. WU.. Uam Huka1l IDd daucM• Sbaroo. Jobll and TerlL.OIIdeU~, tl'o- tbor 111111 -of tbo bride-elect, asG.ted tbe1r pareota u boots. HIS UHIT SUPPORTED APOLLO 11 MISSION Air Foret CaptaJ.D Tbomas H. NIQuette, .m-in-law ct Mr. 111111 Mrs. Konnetb Sllllda, 63? St. James Rd., Clift Hann. La a member of tbe Aer01p1.ee Resc~~e &Del Reccw•-s..,.tee >I ( _, :~ ARRS) opoclal tut Ioree tbot '. ·-led IJJo Apollo 11 llllllr landiD& m1ss6on. He sened u an HC ~130 Hercules pilot oo standby at Lajos Flok!,.UO.es, ready tousJ.Jttbe 3 utroc:aats IJJ any ny dur!JJ& earth r ecovery, Tbe captatn, a 1956 lf&duate iii. of Newport Harbor Rlci>Sc:booJ. I reee1Yed b1s B.A. decrM LD 1960 from tbt UD1YtrdtJ' of RedlaOOa aDd alao attloded ' UCLA. He wucommJssloaer!ln 1962 \410D completion ofotllcer TralJIIna Sc:bool .. Lacklaad AFB, Tnu,IDd IIUcompllted a tour ol duty IJJ VIII!Jom. RES'f{IJbM'f1ibiHD Roory'o a-....., Z5:SO w. Coast HllbW&J.MariDer'sMile, reported Aqul 9 t11at a '100 coat ot pums plaque bad t.ea remoYed from a ftll. YOUR SAFETY IS ' OUR BUSINESS! 73S.t4 735-15 -14 111-11 DUNLOP GOLD SEAL TilES 4 PLY RAYON TUBELESS WHITEWALL 88 CHECK OUR SIZES: 520·13 650-13 520·14 SAVE $$$$$ WITH THE BEST! 19.88 775-14 22.88 77.5-15 25.88 111-14 27.88 Ul-15 b. Tu UO too ~ -Old Tl,. COIOII ~el 1111 TilE & TEXACO M011ASTCOASTHIOHWAY e Corono .. _. e ~ & TEXACD CREOIT CARDS . . W1t. y-.... Dais• .. ... ., I I I STUFFED EARS IIEKBERS of tbe Newport Beac.b A•ctpaaee l..ape pose with models at old-fasblo'lld cars to ,...,...,M "Parade at pncrus ol wbetla," wbieb. w1ll be ~e o1 0ranre C.., _. Alllo Show, NIJJo 1oopo ~~ will ,_...... 1JJ slac!JJ& llle pr«<lice oa Oet. I, tbe D1pt baRe tbt lbow apea~lo pubue lor a 4-day run 1.n Anabelm C--~. IJJ -are. 11om loll, Mrs. Robort E. lAltoer, Ucbt chairman; Mrs. lflcllolu Prut Jr •• AtKa Sbow' cb1JrmaD. aDd Mrs. Colln Reraokls. ebaptar pre- .-. (RiciJord Puclllo -.) When your arandmolhcr was a airl, cotton dipped in black pepper and sweet oil was her favorite earache remedy. Thanks to medical sciena our ears rare much better today. We've many effective medkations that stop infections fast ... reduce compliations. So, don't rdy on "'home mnedics" when you're ill. Your health il your most precious pouession. Treat it as such. Let your physician pracribe the medicines that will be most effective for you. Then remember ua ror quality praaiplion c.ompoundina. Cotton party Sept. 18 _K._..,. __ .. -. ... a.au.- Co. IUILDING ILOCD -JW. 1m'S -JW. TYPEll -qp $, II J ...... J .... ............ S I .... ~ ....... \ P. A. PaltMr, Ch."-~the Boerd • AQr1M IMomqwiet. Ptsslllt It M''" Off•c•= 33e6 V•• Udo. ~rt Beech. Califoml• 9M3 • PhoN 714/873--3130 Coron• del Mtr Offlc•. f"lf'l•nc ••l Pin•. 550 NIW"POI1 c.,,., Onv. • Cor-Of\• del Mlir. Callfom+• i282:5 • PtlofM 714/&U-1481 Which type are you? Here are four sav1ngs plans. designed for four different types of people. Which one suits your savings personality? The charts will show you how each one works. Pick a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized sav1ngs program . Whatever your type. there is a savings plan for you at Newport Balboa Savmgs. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #1 Regular Account · •This plantS for regular people with regular salaries who have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on It if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave it alone for a year or more, It will give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield. PIECUL..AA MONTHLY INVESTMENT ... ... $1110 ...... "' "" ... 1 Yr. 308 ,. 1.233 2Vra 632 '·'"' 2.529 3Y~ ., ..... 3,892 4 Vra. 1.331 2.602 5.3lo4 5 Vra. 1,707 3,415 ..... 10 Vre. 3.000 7.801 15.1!102 15 'Ira. 6.715 13.432 ...... 20Vrt. 10.329 20,662 41 .325 ... ~ ........ ,,,.,_ ........ ................ _ _...._. ... 1/1$...... .... .......... .,.,_ I'NI'-•_ ...... ,...tls.u~.• n. ..... ...-... ....... .., .... -................................ __ .............. , u'"' ............ Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN :2 Life Income P1an This is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your future plans are for your children's future, then this savings program may suit you. lift INCOME ltl.AN tnttW ~ AtMunt ot c~ $12.000 14,500 20.000 25.000 50.000 S 50 00 Per Month 60 00 P., Mo"th 83.00 ~t Month 104.00 Per Month 208 00 P,r MOI'Ith Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN :3 Monthly Security Account Th1s 1s for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put it away somewhere out of s1g ht. they will spend it Perhaps they are looking forward to ret ~rement and know tt would be better to have a certa1n amount coming tn every month over a g•ven penod Not only will they get back a lot more than they put 1n. but there w411 be a nestegg to reward themsel_ves for not blo w1ng 1t all at once. INVEST SIO,DOO.OI AND: you receove ill"d )lOY ,...,," ••ct~ mol'lth for an HtMit of• s so oo 'o v••rw 1 s.m .oo S 5000 IS years I 7,725.00 $7500 !O ye•,.. $4.175.00 S 75 00 15 ye•ra S 1 .IXIO.OO SHIOOO IO yeer~~ I 875.00 INVf:ST $25.000.00 AlfO: you rece o...e •net you r.teln each I"'Inth to~ tn "'-'-of• $10000 !O ye•rs 125.800.00 $10000 ISyeers $216.050.00 $15000 !O ye.n $"17.100.00 S200 00 10 y .. rs 110.000.00 $750 00 I 0 ,...,.. • 2,200.00 . ...,_ ..................... .. ,...._ .r s.t~eoo tiM Ill .. ~ ,_,..c. ................... .. ____ .., ................. . .............. --.-.. ........ .. .................. e ... ... _, ~,.....:: .... ................... _ .......... Are you one of the patient people? PLAN #4 Gu•rantHd Annual R•te Account Th:s plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are wi111ng to wait a while for a good return on their money The minimum deposit is $1 .000 {more if you wish. of course), 1n exchange for which you receive a certificate which guarantees a 30% growth if left untouched for 5 years Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. YOU YOU W1U M:C£1VE ... START .,_ ....., ...., wrTH ' ,..... 4 ,... 5,..,. s 1.000 • 1,170 s 1.233 s 1.300 s 5.000 • 5,852 s 8,1fi8 s 8.500 $10.000 $11 .705 $12,336 $13.()01 $15.000 $11.558 $18,504 $11.502 •--ee s ~ 514% e 00% Vlold ~-'7% 23"/o 30% , Lido 14's vie for title IE Gil IIAiall OI!IGII -.Y•cbOI--~·· =Y,MJG.I .. E A ---·UitWIIMd -~--- IIB.IIAR, CAUF. :: :::. :.:.::...~ :. \ .:j!!l 0: •.a:,:: -PI1UPPTMIM Q,-llola--.-& .. ..-., .. 'SS 1 I\ .. _.,_ "11 F I ·n E' UPl ol ...• ··IL -·n ... .. ___ ... __ ._ __ ""_.., I I I ... ..... of._ Jar~ 1915~---CIIIb.. -Ill Yallo,....., ..._ toaPI.,_,w .. wr, .. ..,._ ...,.,, 'Phoof-u --c::r.--- t, llr -u -Yari:, ,._to atL . ' lVI SHOW STADS 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. I SUN. -2 P.M. ODDBAU HEROES TOOK THE CASTLE, 'n.to:Jo ONE-EYED MAJOR TOO;< ITS MIST- -AND THEN THEY 1 .... Ud ..... l"r'd neeewm 1:1ea.111 1 ; 'r, ............ ,,... ..... ud_..,...,_.,, ........ ._,liar __ ., ud .._,, .......... 11, ..,_ 12 11:10-diJ, .,_--Carol- .. -Yaclll CliP> wPII llo ....... .... l22lo al .... elaa clio...,... Ia No. 1180, "Dtlto,, &IIIJ..IR a field ot ao -Tbo--wtlJ ._ tor U. ctus '*'IIIPianrtiP ca ·-"""'· ,...,.,, udFrl-clay, Allpl2 10, 11, ZZ, Ia tile -Tbo S5 -· wtU bo -.... 4lllclllai>r tllellrsl z claJS at raetac. Willi tile eq, balfla .. ,.,.opraelat1Dc1211or oa tbe 3rddi.Jiwtbee.hl,...- sblp, a.! tile remtatac ball of tile-. at11at IDtllecouoia- lloo ~ Races wtU 12ut from all llnport Pier It aooo -clay. De,_,ar •Dtor cltlmp1tJDls Ed ~ ol AJ•mtloa Boy Yaelll Clab, -oallod Ills No, 14?5, "IU Ho,"' to t1etcl'yattbt reptta It H-.pm r.b, Calll,, lui Aup12, Ed nsalso ctwq~~loa 1D 1914. na .. e t1llmao. No, !11'7, "Mactc", of Bllboa Y aebl Clab, 1D c:urraatlJ tile Newport llarbo< Dell cbampJoo, .... -beaootberbolcoo. -3 TOURIWIEJIT CIWIIIIWI Loo 11112z.,.., 1121, onrdo Plio ol r'l' ...,..._to JOJcla I'<IJ-al -Walls <:-, CliP> ud Bob I.l•orllor Of lntM Trraes, mo!DIIor alSACC, llllortlle C11!o ...... lboZII2a.-I_.pll_lt_ All& c:o.trJ Cllb wiD a 5 ucl J wU OIJV Bob MeeD ud.llart u • ._, at Cllndol'a CC. Some uo ._.. -c_aor....,.,., c.Jlbo!!la partlelptlltd Ia IIIt -. .... --· ~ Loo J. -....., rlclll. ol Lido~ •ul-Ia llot &-II< I ··-eeremoales. (lUcb "'•..U pboto..) IU4nHG10N IEAOI MAYOR'S FAlHER DIES lllcbolas J. V. V. ~ •-of u-....., Btaeb major Jact Gr-died A,..., a. He 1s surriYecl bJ b1a wife, Lorllla, ol tbe O...e --460 Elmburlt LD., Costa Mea; a soo, Jack GreeD; a daugbter, Mary FraDces Greea IDd a.sls- ter, JeooJe Burt. Roar}' ns recited A...., 10 at Peek Famuy Coloa1al FUDen.J Home am mus was ce-AopolllltSI.Jollo tbe llopltst ~· Cbareb, Cootallllea. ., CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. "Know your officer" ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FIRST RUN HARBOR AREA HEll FIACIUR£ YOUR FUNNYBONE HE SIULS YOUR HURT! Oftleer M.iebul MeEYIDJ, wbao DOt wartutr. caa be baad to tile -· of tbe Pacllll: Oceao cleo~ bls swlmmJac style, In Oc-all968, -repr.-... tbe Newport Beacb pollee departmeat at tbe Pollee OlJmplca bold to Sao Olea<>, ( • •lDDiDc 2 gold medals lDswtm-mlucs Mlb bas been with tbe pollee ·-Olll sl!lce October, 196 7, IDd is curreotJ:y asstgoed as 1. patrol oftlcer oa tbe a1gbt watcb l.n the West Newport: area. ALSO THIS He Is a oattn Ca.UiJnalaD, born 22 reus aeo 1D LJDWQOd. He JP"O(Ialled from L"""""' Hlp Scboolto 1964 IIlier boiDt selected twice as an AU- Amorlcu Ia swlmmJac .... ::.~"":~-;: .::ld~ OFFICER loPIKE McEVEHY -· "'Plio".....,. oll964, be weat to Kew Teat CitJ b' be ftS selected as All..Amert. tbe Olympic trial$ aDd b!steam can 1D swlmJDll;,gud water polo. toot 2Dd plaee lD water polo. Mite, b1s wife, Jo ADD. &Del After high school, Mite at-3-year..oid daughter, Cbert, teaded Loog Beach City aad liYe 1D tbe beach area so tbey cu Lone Beach state Colleges as be dose to tbe ocean. H1s bobbJ a PSJcbolocY major. Ooce Oilln -oahorally ••.• swimming. BAY DEPARTP!'~NT-~TORE'S ANNUAL r Gho•t To Gho•t L~ughs! ,, .... ~ ... llll>oO'O( USTINOV ·JONES · PI.ESHETT£ NEW IALI$A '" "" BALIOA THE LUXURIOUS I HOME o• tOC.IINO CHAit lOOU BALBOA P'{IUNSULA· • HOW SHOWING -ENDS TUESDAY • .t.UG. 19 THE RSHERMAN ' '"'' "' ~ . NEWt9_RT Anthony Otinn OskarWemer Sir Laurence Olivier NOW 100111• POl --~ EXCLUSIVB.YI Police BloHer • TUESDAY, JULY 29 room at S40S Via~. lJdo A sidewalk 1s geoerally re-Sbops area. ud was taken to sened exclustnly tor pedes-Haag l:lo6pital b' treatmeot .•• trlans, but wbeo it 1s crossed A $200..plus r~ bl1l faces by a driveway tt's a trouble Rlcbard Stmmoas, !11 41st st., sp'Jt tor eveo cars aDd bicycles, West Newport., after a col11s:Soll wbicb 1s bow motorist Lee oa West Cc:ut lhr7 ., with Jotm Ta.mb, 3121 w. Coast Hwy., Colemu, 10Z3 OoJpblo Ter., MulDers Ulle, met wUb btcy-lrT1De Terrace ..• JobDYoory, clist Jobo Howland. 216 Vta 1832 ~ lrTtoeTernce, Jtbaca, Lido Isle, who was taken collided oo. 15th st. 1a Ceatra:l to a private physician alter tbe Newpor\ wttb James Butler, accldem • • • Dooa.ld Whaley, 901 Cliff Dr., c wr Hana.. 212 Cypress, sa.nx:._ lost ' $190 stereo •• .EYOIJII Ne..0., Mill nPLE LISnHG 2n0 Barnew. Corooa dclllllar, SALES IH BIG JUMP coWded O:l E. Coast Hwy. with July multiple 11Btinc sales drivers trom Westminster aDd totaled 151 1a ownber Santa ADa ••• Mary Wedemeyer, aDd $5,710, 550 1a n.bll, tbe 603 Begonia. Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa sustained over $200 damage to Boud ot Realtors reports. 1be ber car to a collision on Mae-total oet volume ix' · tbe arst Arthur BlYd. wtth a driver from 11Jl01&1ls ot1969ls$35,M5,S56, Oootarto •.. Jact stuart, 312 a $6 m1llloo lacr-OYer tbe 36th st., West Newport, was same period last JtU. cbarged with being drunk 1n ·an Top salesmen for July ware a"-omobt.le •• .Darryl Delr, to8 Bid Corb1a 1n dollar ftlae Uld Goldeorod, Corooadelllllar, ns ~ RaJ.oor Ia 0!!!11 ..... Top arrested oa a ebarge ot crud listers nre Mary Loa MariOD lbolt ••• Rooald &aler. 1954 Ia dollar ftlue IIDd BobPIIIIIID Saatla&o. Oo't'er Sbores_ was lllit sales. -OQ 0 CllarJIO of beiac .---------.. dnok to J>lj>Uc • • • Police 011111 (On'-.1 ellarJ!Od Curtis Young, 424 Aa- ~ ln1De Ternce, wUb belac lnlox!cltecl to OD auto-Optn Hlthtly ot 6:45p.M. mobile. Su ..... y ot I ,4S p.M. • WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 A Taru.o faD or u ape ad- mirer did $50 wortb of dlnwit niDciDt Ia lree•--Cbar<:b of CbrlstSc:l-ol, IIIlO PacUic Yin Dr •• Harbo< Vl8 Hl1ls, lbo c:Jnoreb r--. tocla7; • ..,.___. ... a willow lr--111121 -lltbe-••• A--u •locllod ....... &lOa- .. .,.. $10.1"1 -DooJJor Jch~ a7r~c... dol-... BB_wwt_ 12 -bo ....... to llolPJ ........ 515 w_., c.- ... _ ..• -.&.Lot, 111' .......... .... lllrW ""' '• ......... -.... 111111111-.ns t11• •r: a ......... , a a •••• Ta ks:allll Tt 2 sa ... . ... _ .. --... --.... ---. .. u ............ -...:. Nl-lil ,.._ p ••• -.. ....... • SUMMER • Men and Women's SPORTSWEAR ·-----,.., ........... ••• • • . ., ,> IIARRIAG£ vows ot eo,... • ..,-· flllllr-.., 11r. ud Kts. G. N, Wells oiCOit&Meaat tbeir .,.,., ....... FOR··· BRAD'S T.V. SALES & SERVICE 2816 E. COAST HWY ., COROHA DEL MAR 675-2212 (THIS Hllo.t8ER WILL HOT BE LISTED IN THE PNDIIE lOOK UNTIL THE NEWDIIE IS PRINTED IN OCTOBER.) IOFFEE BRIOUmES 'lOLA 79c. 2D Las.$ .... .... GIR.R STWAINID IIMT IIIDO .. •• IILLS IIROS. ILL 2 LBS. . gc }tf 5 LBs. SUGAR 61' lllerad in fill gear ... ,. -· ..... ......... .._ w.t ... .... •II I &ll:u Plnd 1 ·-:::r ,. .. , . ............ • 200/-Off "" "'"' & ,, .. ., /0 642-41270 540-1366 OFHIIIIG QUAilTT WITIIDIIr COMI'IOMISl THINK TWICE! We have 2 great NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT mcCormick· Beach Mortuary Each new account earns guaranteed interest of 5.25°/o per year. In the GROWTH PlAN interest is left to accumulate for whichever penod you choose -3. 4 o r 5 years. THIS PRODUCES THE HI GHEST RET URN ON INSU RED SAVINGS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. In the INCOME ACCOUNT your interest check is sent to you every three months for the designated 3, 4 or 5 year period. One of thew two pl.ns m~y be right for you. We recommend them .ts II second «CCUnt, II lon&·ttmn i~t~t. Withdt.JWIIIS befote the period's end are subject to restrict•ons. When held to tenn's end or beyond, 11\!tnss in thew pl~ns produ~ gr~tifying rewo~rds •.. Ill te. ..WOs _,.. _.lldtft emiroumenc lor.......,_ ..__ .. S.•Iop. Amid the beiuty ot our cNmuns seutde communities, wvers ~ invesl'td their wvinp o~t Lagurw Fedenl for over • third of • century . Today they continue to find at Or•nge County's LARGEST, FIRST and mONCEST independent Federal, new wvings ptOBt•ms helpfulty Yi~ to meet individu.JI needs. Each beottef·w~y-to-wve provktres the no~tton's hiJhesl rt1urm, with i~ wfety, with DAY IN to DAY OUT INT(REST. p&IIMlCJII MXXIUffSo SK a.uN1' ANNUAl. IA'II -S.UII -compounded doily "" -...... GUMANniD <i10W1M _. INCOME ACCOUNTS: s..JS.$ Af.IUAI.IMI. COMpOunded d.llty, .ccrued Of plid ... ,..., 10< l. • "' 5 ..... poriod. Lb9-• ~ .. ~ $·~ __ ... _ .. __ ,. __ '--...... 0 •• t ...... ,.... go illo Iiiiis 1==~~~-~t';IF:I=IId a I ... -.... ~~:..: ... _ ........ _,. 411 ss tut o..., D-. ru IJid ----·-·-..... -......... . &1110,..__ ....... ,, ·-~ t ;;_-.. t-.. ...., llr a • t;tt 7 no ~o:,.;pcs::" ,,_ 1a 1111 ---1M II lulllllllc ~ .. -put -ud 10 ... willie--.. --Aotola ..... 011 IIOd•ldllud-na.lclllll ...,., 111r na ••""'• U., • JUc:Md tbl a.J I -...... .,__ . ...__ ... _,., u M C11ML FialiJ. oaa.-Ma"w4 wu till llMYJ biMir *Jtlllr•""""'"MI•IW· lor --4 ,_ ud I troa 10-.1 ..,... a .......... • RBI. 'no -·-·-ep!Qod Tbt Hoftloa Yiel01'1 WU till ca a 11M 11u1a of--ud Mml-llall ud lbt Do<llln 41 mt-_,.1 -wu plaJO!I Loa A!amlwlul .... 1M Mml.&ol ..., playtd 10 a (Auc. II) l>r lbt •"'"111"'"'"111 wa!LD ClWIPICJII aotl l.w -'• aat tJr pelala -ud lba uioltod -~ flllllt t•tnp, .-N-a.-..... ,._.. Cllb --no llodpra..., 1bt Aopb Q.I!ARY, Hln COII,ANY -.,__, II Ponol Jllllo u LlrrJ Jollll-...,.... -~~· wore tlod FrldiJ 1>r 5illolap TAUS IH HEW fiRM IIYM 111m 1111 wood, "c.ud allm ~~."La-,-of A-.uao. r.-, ud · ..W Tom KlacaiDCitdaftll:COII Collllll AaiO"!aiM, a ....,._ EIICIIA Wlol, -C!IIIJ 1111 FOHII HUb 8\'0111 lor 1111 -oe-".,uti allm." oul ud -ed IOird -OIIID pmllll eoaPI'II( ud per~>: Tbl P"lll loll --1111 laoab -.a& lila NnporiJ Bold> T_.. Cb!l>, - lalltld orror. KiJ11 wu -moal re-llrm --. bl r-lor 11>11011 AQI!IIt.....,., (Rieblrllhelllo pboiD Ia by Jeff BlaoebUII lor 11>1 q-1 Ia Now York CltJ, LIGAL MOTICI tlo-llrllkiAc ruo. KiJ11 WU Z bas -mor(ed IIIIo Claary, CERTIFICATE OF BtlllNESS IDr! dllrlllc'Uit pmu.Dd.dron Hltt 6 Coqlur,lt!t••....t FttUtloM Fltm NIJM Ia S RBI. by Chi&> C-y of Rubor lll(b-THE UNDERSIGIIED --·Se-Ier -lbawla-lal>ds, p&"-ollblaequlrlaa blroby cerlllr lbol bl .. --DlDcpltcblr txttMOodpra..He company, n1cb ... ltlmaJDal .. duct1DC a bom.t cart dlJUtbt- rtU..ed Bob Slallbrd Ia lllo lrd !lees Ia SuD Ala. IOrlblp bulooea 11 P40 lrriDo iltoiJt(. Jsek B. Co1IIDI, Pl"t-of "Avt., Apt, A-lOS, Nnport Sal1lrday l(lillll Slwlte, Bob ColllDI "-1o1M, will-Bea<b, Calif., -11>1 lleU- IA&Y)' wu 2 tor Z with Z tiiD8 rice ~nlldlat wttb ..-cJa1 uo. arm DUM ot MJ.tc:biU ""' 3 RBI. KiJ11 balttd 2 tor re_.-!I>IIIHu riiiiiA( 10 _EIIIorprU. ud lbal Mid llrm Wnhtnctoo repu=•uaa ol 1a compolld of tbl t:~UawiDC elleats. Wuhtqtno operatlou ptnoa. ,wboll Dl.mt 111 fll1l &Dd prevtoual1 nrt iD cblrp ol. place of nlkluee ue u t:Jl- the ftrm's tzeeutiYt Yiee pre. Jcnra, to.wlt: Robert c. sldllll, "-J. IIIII, wbo b ebtll, P40 lrtiAo An., Apt. DOW 011 ian of &bMDct to tbe A-SOl, Newport Beach, C&lU. Rapubllean Nat1oat.l Commit-WITNESS my bud thls lltb tee, of wbieb bl wu rtciiiUJ daJ ot Aqult, 1189. Robert c. oamad eucutt,.. ~ • Mttcbell. STATE OF CAUFORNIA) HEW HIGHT CLASSES COUNTY OF ORANGE )u. Tbl eojo)'mlllll olpoolry...,a ON THIS. Ulll day of A ..... look at the major Cal11onll& lil9, bdJrt me, a NobrJ oovellsts Will be the tblm.. PubUe lll IDd b' said COUIItJ of a pair oiDtW oYtDillr,__ ud llalt, rllldiDrlbortlo, dul1 at Oranp Coast Collep th1a commlukmld &Dd nora, per- fall. "Poetry: enjoymeat aDd IOD&lly llll)tlll'td Robert C. awreeiaHoa" w111 meet Yon-Ultcbell. Down to me to bl tbl days trom 1 to 10 p.m. 1D per.:m wbose aame lJ ~ Room 1 of tb8 A&rlculture Bull-ICl'tbed to tbl within laltru- AIRMAN Cbrlstopber S. Wll-ding. "Calltorllla Ulerllure" moal, ..., ackoowlod&Od lo me SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB'S two -~~ -cap uams, soo of Mrs. Joyce WU-wUl meet Wednudays from 7to lbat be eucuted tbl II!Dt. plaJ8fl 1lDaUJ met bead OD Satllrday, Auc. I, 1D tbl tlDaU llams, 41SBelvue Lane, Bl.1boa, 10 p.m. LD tbe same room. WITNESS my bud aDd ot-of tbe eluttslltb&DDI&lUCllli1Ye's(l7budic:a,.&Dd tqblr) llas completed bulc tn.1n1n&: at tlclal seal. chlmplooat!tp, ud wbiD tbt smoke bid c~ed, a.-lltao- Laeklat>d AFB, TellS. He bu $671 STEREO STOLEN Mary A. Haapa. drleka bod -led BW Llri ........ , S ud I lor lba IIlio. beea asslped to Keesler AFB, Micbul Sparltac. 120 %5tl'l Notary Publle in aDd for said Tbe oew champ, sbowD blreatleftreceh1acbb trcpbJ from M.Lss, tor tra1a1n1 in the air St., West Newport, reported Couoty a00 State. touroey cb&1rman from Web Haplrln•, wu ! dcml to t:ra.tt1c cootrol tleld. He is a oa August 6 thaJ: b1s stereo My Commlulon tJPlrea Dec. UTiaptoD at tbe end of tbe 5th, .cored a btrdl.• 4 oo tbt itb 1967 gradiAte of Santa Fe ncord player aDd albums, 13, nn. to eveu tbe match at tbe turn. drqJpld 1 beb1Dd oo tbe lotb, Sprinp High School and atten-n.l!Mid toettber at $671, bad Publlsb: Aue. 14, 21, 28, Sept. thea rattl.-d off S stra1&bt w1Dll oa 1!, lS, llld 14. to ID ded Rio Hoado Collect t.n Wbit. been stolea Aurust 1. A screen 4., 1969, lD the Newport Harbor 2 141, Jolt tbe 15th, bt& paned botb tbe 18th IDd 1 'ltb to tier. wlndo1r had been entered. Enslen. wlo tbe title, S aDd 1. (Rleb Buaett pboto.) ----=-::-::------------------------------------LEGAL HOT ICE LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE --==='-'-'=::. ------------------ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS wtllcb. .wW require tbem, 1f awarded the cootnct, to pay DDt Sa!lla Ana. Cs!IJornla lou lball Mid _.at per dltm rile ol Wl(ll lllllortb, 10 ' Daltt>-S,!Mi all 1a1>oiron, --..., _ ...... -lo!'ed Ia 1b1 _ ... 1a pursuance ot a re.o~ or tbe Board afS~• of Uoa at u.. prqi08Id. CCIIltnct. 1 n- a~ .................... t!D 21 -· .. 30 --····-2.00 31-.. ·-· ---100 Eoch--·-•·· .05 2TI-• 2. .. 100 4.00 • 10 3TI-• 3.00 4.00 • 3.00 .15 'IIIUIIIDAY, MIG. 1\ -1 ~I! CAN PRINT YOUPt Bl'tOCHUPti!S. PAMPHLI!TS, MAGAZINI!S. LI!AII'LI!TS. NI!WSPAPI!RS ANO NI!WS LETTERS CALL Ul P'OI IITUUTII ·,n-tuo IHSlGM ~UILIIHIHG CO. llle DriD(e Co""*' Flood c-.,1 Dlolrlet ~ A•euat Tbo blildor mlllll IIUbmll wtlll lila P<OI)Oial • eorllllid ebtek 5, 1969, dlreclillc this ootice, NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN tbat or bAdcSu''l boad madepayabletotbeorderof tbe On.ap Coualf tbe Clerk ot said Boud will reeein lu Room 5011D tbe Flood Coatrol Di.ttrict tor u amount DOt 1t11 thaD 10 pereeot Couaty Ad.rnJ.n1strat1 Sl!lkHnc. 515 Nortb Sycamore street, of tbe aareptltum ot tbe b1d, u a guarantee that tbe bidder :-.ave Time And Money -Call An Expe.....,rt===--- !·~·~·~....,~T!vJu~L~OII~== • HIALTH IIIOIT •-~~~!11! _______ _ Santa Au. oa or before the bour ot 2:00P.M. of 54Jptember 8, wW eater IDto tbl ~ oootract wttbiD 10 calendar dllyl 1969, ..U.S bids orpropoalsb'tbe coostrocttoaot CblpJDJJI.· 1f tbl ame 1s awarded to tllm, aDtii.D "eot of failure to eDler Bti.Cb storm Drain, HUD Project No. WS~6·05.0Z63. 1Dto lOCh coatracl said c.htck wtll become tbe ~y ot tbe Bids must be made oo tbe ttm provttletl for the purpo.a, Diltrlet. addreSHd to tbe Clerk of tbe Board ot S~s. Druce Tbe amout at tbe boDrl to be ctna to secure a faltbtUl per. County Flood Control District, marked ''Bid for Coo.ltructioD lormaoet o1lhe contract tor 5lld work sball be 50 percelll of of Cbapman-Beacb storm Drain. RUD Project No. ws.s.OS-tbe c:ootn.ct price tbereof, am an addit1onal bood lD an amouot 0263. eqtal to 50 percent of tbt CODtraet price lor said work, wb.lcb Bids sballbetor furrdshlngalllabot, equtpmeotaDtl materlals boDtl aba.ll ~ide tba.t U tbe periOD or tl1a abcoDtraetorl fl1l iD accordance wttb Plans IDrl Speeitlcattoas therefor fOI' the to pay lor uy m&tlrl&lJ, prorisloas or otber ~U.s used lD, followiog work: ~ ror, or about tbe peri:n"JD&DCe of tbe work CCDtracted to SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEMS be deDI, or lor any wort or labor tbertOil ot auy k1l!d, or tor Item 1 1 Clearing ot j)b slle and remoYal of obstruc-amounll due UDder tbe Uoemp)oymtat lcstlnDCe Aet wttb Uons on a lump sum basis respect to sucb wort or labor, u.t tbe surety or sureties wt.U Item 2 3,630 Cubic yardsofstrudureuca:ralioaonacubtc pay for tbe same, and at.o la cue nitlst."ou&bt ~ tbe yard basts boatl, a r• ... hle attorDty's fee to be t1ud by the court. Item 3 2,053 Cubic yards of structure bllctflll on a cubic In tbt perto:rmuce ot tbe tcma of tb1l Contract, tbe Con- yard tasts tractor lbal1 DOt RPce 1D DOl' permlt sucb Stb:oatra.cton u Item 4 480 Too.s of aegrepte base, class 2 oo a per too be may empkJJ from eopPae La di.lcrln¥"'tiOD 1D employ. ba.sls meat of periOU because of tbe race, color, oatioDII orlgla or Item 5 210 Tons of agrepte suta.se, class 4 oa a per &JK:estry, or reiJcioD ot sucb persons, Vlolat1oo of thU pro- too buts rislon may result 1D tbe lmpOsttioo of peoaltles referred to Item 6 S30 Tons of aspba.1t concrete, type B, on a per too 1n Labor Code SectloD 1735. buts Tbe Cootractor' wW bl reqtdted to secure lbe p&flDeDl of Item 'i 896 Cubic fU'ds ot portland cement, class A, oa compeoatioo to bJ.s employeu lD accorda.Dce wttb lbe pro- on a per yard tuls Tlsloos of Seetloo 3 '100 ot tbt Labor Code aDd prior to per .. Item 8 1 '19,000 Pounds ot reillforclng steel on a per pound formtnc tbe work of the cootract tbe Coutractor sballllp and t.s1s me wUb tbe District tbe fDllorlrtDc cerWlcatioa: "I am aware Item 9 1 Relatorced coocrece confluence structureooa of tbe prorisloDs ot Seetioa S'700 of tbe Labor Code wtdeb re- lump sum t:.si& qulre tTery employer to be iasured against 11abtllty tor Item 10 735 Feet of 54.1nch RCP oa a Uneal foot taa1l workmtD'I compe!LII.UoD or to uatertate .elt.tosaruce lnac· Item 11 141 Feet ot 48~iDcb RCP on a Unea.1 foot tu1.l cordi.Dce wttb tbe proTllku of tbat code, aDd I wtU complJ ltem 12 28 Feet of 42-l.ocb RCP oa a Uneal foot bUll wltb ncb prOflsiOGS bltore commeDCLac the pertormuce ~ Items 13 thru 30 AppurteDILDt connector pipe, jullettoo .true. tbt work of tbi.l coatract." tures, transiUoos, caleb basins, lolets, man-Tbe Com:ractor wUl a11o bl required to turDisb a cerWl- botes aot1 teDCt.ng. cat. tb&t bl carri.N ~·tloo Losurance cmertDc tl1a Tbe toreaolng q\I&DtlUes are ~rolimate only, beiDCIITIII empkJJtq '1100 wort to be dooe under the cootract wbleb u a buls tor tbe compartsoo of bids, aDd the OraJICI Coat)' ma.J bt tD&e:rttl 1ato bltw..a blm aDd tbt said ot.trtct tor tbl Flood Cootrol Dlstriet doeJ oot, upressly or by tq!lcatk>n. c:oulructloG ell a.kS wort. acree that tbt actual amouat olworll:wlllcorrespootl tbtrwttll, No l*l .w be accecUt~ trom a Cootractor wbo 11 DOt u. but reHrVes the rlpt to 1Dcraue or decreue the amoaDt ~ Ul1 eeuec1 1n ~• wUJl tbe .ll.w tDim' tbe pron.toos of Dl. elua or portion of lllo work, u may be deemed noe-r Y1aloa 111, Cboplor i of 11>1 -· llD!I Prelouloaa Code at or ·~•I by lllo llld Dlolriet. lbt Slala at Callb"llla.. All b1tl.l are to be compared oo the bula o1 tbe IDrqotac Mo b6d wm bl neetnd .._. u l& made oa tbe blant torm tebldulo of -k IIA!m•. fllralaed bJ 1111 Cillo! E.. 1 • Tblll>fClallll-of pro. Pv-10 111o prorialoos ol Seetlon 17'11 ol lllo L&1>or ~" -• 1o c:allad 10 1111 ··--m Bidden" Coclt of lllo Slala ol CaliJorllla, lllo Boord ol-a lU •--' 10 1b1 bluk lorm of 1*~ lOr IIIII dlroetloaa u 10 ue.ulaod 11>1 poora1 pren.lllnc rile of wares llDII -lOyer biMID&. 11<:, poymoola lor blallh .... nllloro, Yae&lioo, PI-llDIIIimllar Pluo ud -~~~-aid --.et cloeUIIIOIIII m&J -· II>Pllc:ol>lo 10 11>1 wort 1o be clone. Tbooo nw lllal1 bt eaeared -PIJmG. laelliiiDC Slala Salos Tu, at: bt 111o mllllmam ware raloa lor this prejtet. Tbleo ntu are (a) Jt.ISI, 11 roq..-bJ 111111 OD lllo wUb lbl elork of lbl Boord ol S~a ud -(b) 11.14, II plcUd ~ alibi Dlllrlet olllet lblrool will bt made ·-.. .., --pariJ Oil made~ 10: r-11. Dn.110 c.-, Flood~ Dlllrlet Tronl ud -lloD<e poym-10 ooeb --_,.,.., PGol ~ Boa 10'18 ()lam,.--> .-11>1 -k lllal1 bl mode u !10Cb lr&Yat..., -lloD<o 400 ctt1e <:-. DriYo Well (JIHII--) ~ are doiiDod Ia 111o II>PUc:ol>lo eollodtro barplllia( -.UO. CaJ11on1a ap--llllod IAace«daDCO wUbSoetloDI7'1S.Iollbl L&l>or Tltora will bt ., r-lor r-. of pluoud -Ill- Code. -... --Ia -·---A-111 dlroelt!llo lbl ~of Labo<Codo SaetiOil Tbt -at .__, n~M a. rlclll tD njlci!IIIJ 171'1.$ _...employ-., __ eoa. ud aD -ud.tD-U!1J-..., Ia U!1J bid •-....... -. or-·~-RD-., ••I sawltll!bldlorapor!Ddoltldlp-•• Ia U!1J -l'llelllllo oec ; 'len tD OSIPIJ 101111 IIIPik:&hla lilt 11M 111,.. 1111 "1 1 r -..r. jollt 111 -••lp ..,...-~ora -o111 "'atud IIF-1111111 _.,.,.._.ate."'-c.-, ...... -"' --.. ,.....,". -Oil.. ,_ c.nll ~ Dn.I&O c.-,, eo-. I I 1!111. W. I. rf JOIII c --_,btroqottrediO __ .. ,._ c.-,c-•...-,. *' -.. -. c_., .. _.,...,_ C I I Old ••oo4oa<lou !!lall -'1 -(llUL) "-toltMDn.I&Oc.-, ILrti-Jm..tla .... l S lltol noodc-..DIIel1ct n' i• a. 8f 1111111 L. Cut ,, ...., ._, .-_1 -....... Alpol 14 ud II, IMI 1.t~t.w.Uu'• )-....,.. t Sh~~~i~:tt~;,::ntl BE.AUTV NOOK --B£1"11111& _ lnaKtcickl oncf Ferti.liaer 2712 E. C01s t HW)'. S&.H Gr.., Stom,• co,ona del Mar t=.,.~ SCI=-=~~-=--1:1l1:1: m:un:Rr Phone bT.3-H36 1 ~ .._ • ..:;..., e t.t~ comNA DO..IIAI Nt.:UED SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPEN ltltSOAY THROUGH SAn.J RDAY Free ParkJas Ia Frual 300 W. C:..at Hwy. Newport B•ch Tol.,h-: U2-ot44 BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODELING and ADDITIONS .~-...-;::.:.... ....._... s ,.., n+l E. ('NISI • .,.., 111-11• aCOSTA MESA 549-3361 • ORANGE a ANAHEIM • HUHTIHGTOH 6:19:!U41 126:0311 lEACH U2·1451 • MJG Q.IAHIHG 673-5822 675-3353 .......... w.u o SHOE MI'AIR MABEARY"S Shoe Repair Purtt .... L-ilt!IO; r -. Dye Work S.H $T /IIIII'S ONE DAY SEJMCl liiOH ... II-4 eo...-.-... 3311 • .... ,LAM IUVICI CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES ..... IITIMATII Of lUGS. WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING 532 "5949 1-DAY SDVICB AMERICAN I!Uiij[~~;,;.;:::::~l~~~~~~~===== CONSTRUCTION CO. AUTOMOTIVE a P'UILICATIOII WORK __ <::M.=L.;D;:Ac;.V.:D::O.:.:M.:.:10H=T--SPECIA~IZE IN WE CAN PRINT YOUA ~ • IRAKIS (DUe-,.... ICOI) BtoOCHUAES, PAMPHL.e:TS. . ·-HUll. ... ,.. UCIIIID I •nD FRED H. GEII'IIICK ~~ •SHOCKS •ALIGNMENT MAGAZINES. ~IEAII'~ETS. c•J • '"' '•,••,!~2• Sonlco N~WSPAP~AS AND PMIT& ••••• PAIIT. & WALLPAI'II , .. , ----............... 'a:,'~tt::r . ~ -·-• N~WS l.e:TTE ... o l't.UIIIIIIG ........ uc P,LlJr.INI!II .71111l:<ir-"-..~ ... -·,. ,,..,.~ CALL Ul PO• IITIIUTIS ,,1~1111 IHSIGM I'UIU8t'MG CO. c. ..... • BE HAPP"fl • II& JNDCPaflliiiTII • L&AIN '10 DIIIVEIII CALl. 1'011. I'U! 111T 110 ou cro tt.r 1.1111011 Q6.5J31 ·-II· IIIII • Sl:< Z--oom Wilts _, of !be HlelrnJ ud ooJy 2 bloekl from the oeeu. ID a. HawailaD ..a:toc ..•• Eacb aputmeot wttb seel..tecf pat1o, bllllt-1.111 ld.tcMas, carpeted IJid draPed • , .. Gr-.t lQcaHM for summer, wtnte:r or yearly rentAls. $145,000 • Booked Up All Sum Sbe ooru $l,ZOO IJI JlllJ ud Aupst ud $1,800 tbe rest of tbe year. Wltb DIY mab-..,, tb1s IOattl ol tbe HtatrnY reotal would be WeD m«e popallr. Tbree bedrOoms, a CO't'Ved patio wttb ballt-lD BBQ, PLLE room l.llll IOIUDC tor a ZDd Uttle IDOBIJ mUir. READ • • • • Are you in the mar- ket for .a new home, a home in a prime area very dole to Hunline~Dn State Budl; a home you can ... -while II Is beinJ buD!, a -... oi...,S by ooatslllldlq orc:lli- lectl and c:onstructad by Frank H. Ayreo 6 SC.; a ~y !hal has beeD in buainosl sinco 1-! IF YOI Ill • • •• Clolno .. IIANCttO LACUIITAIII~Md A-.. B a.r-1117 .., Wsna AJI. a 7 P.lf .... ':::ll~ ..... bl ..,......, UNJTV. l'ltiCQ ..... ....... ....,. ... u .. • FOR LEASE Furnished Ocean Front Home Tbree bedroome -2 batha -plua 1/2 bath -plua powder room - plua ntmmer's dresslng room with llbower. Older Spanillb home with extreme eharm -famUy room rlgbt on the beach with a beautiful ocean view. *Dta!nfasber •Dlllposal *Refrig- erator •Separate freezer *Stove with roti1111erie -1n 7-year-old ldtcben •Automatic garage-door opener •7 year plumbing and1umaee. AVAILABLE SEPT. 15 TO JUNE 15 $550 per Month p. a. palmer Incorporated JIIIIM.CNSlf liiO Sill 1935 U77 'Wio u• CWolo ,.,.. lleapot ._. __ .. L.A.-... MAMD4 I OME .OF THE BUSIEST CORNERS in the Harbor Area ' OUICES, STORES, ETC GFf-STREET PAIIIItii~GI I IBT Of T.E-. IMMIEDIATE ACTIOM,DeSIUDI Choice Commercl•l Buildln1 $145,000. Re....-. .. ,..., Smlke S.e 190 ...mt CORBIN- MARTIN HAL TORS Value With Elegance IN SECLUDED IRVINE TERRACE • Three large bedrooms. • Big 15x30 healed C. fUtered pool. • Luab landac:aptng -designed for easy eare • • OWner wW aeeept long eserow. • Out8tand1Dg buy 11 $57,000. -FOR APPOINTMENT TO VIEW- • CORBIN~MARTIN, Inc. ..,....._ 8.,..4 n. l:a • •f*• 3031 E.. Cout Jhry. 675-1662 CQroaa del Mar, Calif • TOIIt ,..R>LT Of'Flal _ftiG,.. •D"'l"U" ••ne ADA -~-· roa ao-n. ca •a ,.. CJI!II '10 llli ..... '1..\ .... I IRVINE TERRACE • • • • I Klli<EZE 8EDIIOOMS •••• I BATHS .... LARGE POOL .... BEA 111'1FUL LANDSCAPING •••• OUTSTANDING CONDn'K)frl AND TASTEFULLY DECORATED. ...... CHOICE DUPLEX ES SOUTH OF HIGHWAY • • IN CORONA DEL MAR •••• 3 BEIEOOM Z BATH PLt.E % BEDROOM 1 BATH NEWLY COM- PLETED DUPLEX. WILL EARN THE TOP !NCOIIE DOLLAR •• , , SEE THIS GtEAT DUPLEX OPEII HOUSE -511 DAHLIA SATURDAY AHO SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. •••• JUST A FEW BLOCKS FROM THE BAY • • . . . 3 BEDROOM l BATH PLlE 2 BEDROOM I 8A TH .... IIOYE if~TO ONE AND Ptrr THE OTHER TO WORX FOR YOU , , .• CALL 1B TO SEE , . , , •••• POOL SIZED YARD •••• 11llS 4 BEDROOII Z-1/Z BATH HOllE J!Br RIG FIT FOR A LARGE F AIIIL Y . . •. THIS CA11E0 SHORES HOKE WITH VIEW IS A M\IIT TO SEE •• , • , OPEII HOUSE -4501 H.IOIPOEN SATURDAY & SUM DAY 1-5P.II. DOX Y. t" RJI.Xl<l.IX I RO.l.TOR \ 3250botC..-c... ....... -_,= SHOPPING FOR A HOME? Call. write or vistt our oUlce for JUliE' tt .. copy of our "Homes For L.J.Yia(' m~pstne ­ wttb pictures, prices aDd details of our select u..t1ngs iLl Newport Beacb, Corooa del Yar and Costa Mesa • TRANSFERRING? Ask 115 lor a '·Homes For LlYlPe'' map•lne from aay part of the couotry. We blu associate omces tbz'ouebOIIt tbe United states. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE SALE OF PRESTIGE HOMES. Exchanges/lneome Property/Rentals 2025 W. IAL BOA IL VD. NEWPORT BEACH 92660 67$.6000 NAnOMAL MUL n LIST SERVICE -- Pili IAIIiTT realty 642-5200 I I A M ••DT ta a IDOd portrait ~ America. 10 It's a IQOd pla.ee to meet ud become ..... ,...., WWa AIDU'ICUI &.lid Am.rtc:aD pecal1arWN. Here Fal:lrl Scblatoa_ 1D AFS ..,.. ttom lJdD o1 VMiee, lta11, All• a momeat 1D tbl market witb IU American 1am15J til Au Adams, wbo on til Cout MarUI, SM? E, Coul Hlpny, CorCXI& del Mar. Lea to rtpt are K1b Adlma, F&bri, 1111 Rl&b ud Ace Aduns. Filii' I baa 4 st.tvs ud --lllllaly, He will be a sealor -lllko at Coro• del Mar HICb Ill tile tall, He antnd ba Ntw Yort AIJCUii 4. Church News Tbe Ftrll llopllll C,...eh of ~ oa "A .,... .. mllllod"ll com. Mesa, sot MapoUa st., 7 p.m. • at SaJa ADa An. -"Christ • •,. c~~~~"l!~ aDI1 tbe stDflll womao" Ytll be The Ply~ tbe 118nDOD topic of Dr. P. G. Cbureb, 3Z6Z NeiUD&DD tJr the 11 a.m. SUD-port Helebts - day sernce. Tbe dally vacation ground" ..W be the Bible JCbool wlli present a topic of lbe procram at 7 p.m. UDder the at 10 a.m. Sm:lay. d1rectsoo of Mrs. James Dres- sler. • • • • • • Cbrlstian Seleoce Churcbu st, Aodr..,.s Presbyterial> -"Soul" Is the subject of til Church, 600 St. AOOrew's Rd., lesson-sermoo for this SUDday. CWf HaYen _ Dr. Cbarles Services are a.t 9:15a.odlla.m. Dlerentleld will preach at 8, lo Newport Beach, 11 a.m. bl 9:30 a.ad 11 a.m. Suoday 011 Costa Mesa, aDd 10 a.m. lD the topic, "Somebody's looting Harbor• View Hills, a.t you!" ChrLstlan Ufe and wtt. • • oesa classes are beLDg held at Tbe Newport Harbor Lu. tbe eb.ureh oo Thursdays at 7:30 thera.n Cbureb., 2501 CUff Dr., p.m. tor tbose I.Dterested ln Newport Heigbts _ Past«r beJptnJ wttb tbe Sept, U-Oet. James Bla.ln YUl return to the 5 Billy Gn.bam crusade in Ana-pq,U this SUDdaJ a.tter sevenl be1m stadium, moatbs or Ulness. His sermon • • • topic for the 9 an 11 a.m. ser- YarlDers Cbureh 2200 E. rtces w1ll be "Do you belltwe Cout Hwy,, Corooa de1 Ma.r--In Yaln," based Oll I Corin- Tbe Mrmoa at the 10 a.m. ser-thlans 15:1-10. rice th1J: SUDday will be ctven • • • by Lambert Ootpbt.n Jr •• as-The Lutheran Church of the .t.taot manacer ot tbe Radio 2 Pb Ill •• --....._ stautord Master, 900 Pa.clflc View Or., 1 cs ........._._,, Harbor Yin' Hills -Or. WU- Rueatcll. liam Eller wW dellver a mes- • • • sage entlt\ed "Hear LlStor mer- Tbt CeDtral Bible Cburch., cies sate" at the 8:45 aDd 11 Oruce bt. at Z3rd St., Costa a.m. Sunday serTices. !lis tut Mea-Pastor Henry E.Jooes •111 be Da..alel 9:15-19. Tbe wUl cln a mesap oo ·•Are rtsuaJ educatloo procram COO· JOG allYl?" at tbl t aJid 10:30 t1Dues la. U. SIIDday -::barcb Lm. SIIDday aenteea. He wl1l tebool at 9:45 Lm. ••·• ' I .... -••nl OHI'r<'•' AMERICAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,.EDUCATING YOUNG AMERICANS UNDER GOD" KINDERGARTEN Mrs. .IJuerly Rille"•lh TI!ACH!R FIRST GRADE .~rs. """" Hlllrl l 0 11 TEACH I! II 9,00 A,M, • 3,00 P,M, EXTENDED DAY CA Re ALSO AVAILABLE o S T ARTIHG IN o 23RO & ORAIJ GE SEPTEMBER COSTA MESA •0,. L\ '''· . \ "·'·' .. " ... , ''" "' . 'II• •' ''.!.' ... " ·"··~··· ' .. '1,.;,,, ......... 2 ofl. J'""·" (I~"" .. \ l'-•'"(.'1~ t/. """ t ;t :lo Vlwtl.'( f.H '-. ~'' J'..iu ... r.l-ow..lt!; 1'1u t.a...< d -...1ft • ., rt •'-• ,t > ,. , •l•c ~ilion w.~;'H ""_..' ~ ..... ~ .. ~.~ ... ,.,.,,,.,,., '"'"'"' 1 'U,Sflo .1""'"' .,, A F ULL CURRI CULUM Wl.n-1 EMPHASIS ON PHONETIC READING METHOD CALL M6:7381 FOR INFORMATION THIS PLAQUE, 11111111B tbeorljlllal~l of til 8olboa HoiJ)ltal, WU delllpod by Clallle Pulliam, Leo Aoplos 1;,==================:;-1 art1st wbo spent mucb ot h1J ttmeinNewport Beacb llld wbo r PfiiUed tbe fl.r st "treasure map" b' the cJty. MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Lambert Do_,bln Jr., assistant manager, Radio Pbyslcs Labo:ntory, Stanford Researcb, will be the 11181t speaker al the 10 Lm. worship service lhloSIIIIIlar, A111U1117, SIOOlAY SCHOOL AT 1<00 A.,M, WORSHIP SERVICB AT 10:00 A.,M, EVEHIMG SERVJCE AT 7:*) Plll. ~ EAST CXlAST HWY,, CORONA DEL MAR for S:AFETY'S S:AKE! ,, REMEMBER--· It's The "BRAKES" in Life That Count!" FREE Pick-Up & Delivery aAIIK AID! P.OIIOTID __ ... _ -.. ---11 -"' A.clca'o "-1 ---. --· •'"IW F. L Ieiiia III • ..:·:a=::.~.:. ,....-,-II~~~- ::.~.::-::::: c:---·--·111 ............ h,p' .. ......... --··· ..... ,..,_;..., ... 18. --.... lllarJ -II. • Iii• ots •ws piN I ..... d' 2 • 7 • - 7 57 7 7171 -~~···-.. -= .... Ollilll '--:;n::n:c::: ..... , I .. 111 I U 7 , II ::~:~·a:P:·~wi= = ~: :} -·17-·•--. .. .. '• ----........ --~ .... .._.........__ .... iiiiiiiLES IE .,..._.. f'Jl _, 2 b ........ ·=·.~ ..... .:~-lo ...... -141 ,. •• -·t .g ___ ........ --z .. --.--. ... """-. -__ ,. ... llr,,__ ....,_.,........,...,g;z1• . "Wo wiiP o•ifrtato?tlot?tPr -k PI P5al PtPIIUU ... Ill toaftol 0011,",.:.~---""= ......... . -·--..... -...... k_lo ... _ Boundary line is set FIND OF THE WEEK An ex:quilite way to gather up c.ndy • sugar or cigarettes. Our oilverploted acuUII ond ocooo. t7 .II, SLAVI~K.'S II FASHION ISLAND NEWI'ORT lEACH-W :lliO '69 SUIARU '360' TRUCK JIST IIIW-ftiiAYI Whatever Your Jop ... • F'ANTASTIC ECONOMY • A SURF'ERS DREAM • . ONLY '1389 DELIVERED 'WI TAl a LIC. ' • ' AUGUST I~-CDIIGMA D& MA .. CAUP. PTA ~, lira • .,.,_. Kemble, ud Pr1Dcjpa1 1.- IlMb eMc.t__. a pu..........., m.atUIIp&ecelbiJbape wtD eHmiMfe U. ,...... liP U fl:r U .eboo1 adlriliel ... -Ill tile --"'Colaa dolllu Hi&lllldlool -·· 1'1lo -1&1. dolllpod .. """ par-laft • -_,..,.,. ol r.,..-, nloo, oc--, 1111 ---. wW -an pora.-liock-lo-scbooldlroe- -1111 dalll Ud 'IIIli lDe--mall•• loiters !rom tile PTA, CoroM dtJ Mar ~ C!m a.1 tbt prtnelpal'a o~ou. no -...-..w 1» -1o an par-..s to-C0011Dr 111-.i .. Aucut !0111. European art to be shown "Tbe trOAD ._.,,n. 19tb etsco'• Ill. H. Ill Youac Me- eeutarJ acadtmtc palnttnc'' mariaiMueam, ..W eoaa.t ol from tbl M.D. De Youc a..-eome JO Europea11 petnttnp morllll w...., wtU -lbo uoe-darlDc lbo 1a1tor boll •• ,., 1969-19'10 tlblbltioa ol tbl 19tb ce:Dtury. Tbe Wm- Kbldaltoltbi!MwportHartx:Jr MWD'I Director, Tbomu H. Art M.-m OD Sept. S. Ganer, aid that tbe rtu)D lor 1'bl Jbow, dran trom tbe neb an tlbiNHon at tbl Mu. stonp ftU1ts ol S.. Froo-ooam, ..u,-.lorlb"tar LEGAL NOTICE CERTlFICA TE OF BUSIIIESil THE U!IIJERSIGNED -borobr e..utyllal beLt--tlDc a R.aJJ. Funtture I Acc:ts- _,, ,._,_II SUI E. Coul lhrr~ eo.-dol llu, -tbe ~ flrm.ll.mtoiNew- PG<t-oudlllalaldllrm Lt -poood "' the lolloWic per-'lflloa Dl!Dt 1D 6aJJ Llld place of relidtDce art u lollowo, to-wU: wuaoe 11o11, ~ cano ....... -.-. --tr1r .,._.tiUJD<AJ ......... , ... Wlllloo BOIL STATE OF CAI.IFC(lMIA COUNTY OF ORAIIGE a. ON THil 5111 dar ol A ..... lMi, blton me, a Notary PII>Ue to 1 d lor aid COUIIIr ud -. rllldiDc lberola, du1r commtaloned &Del nora. per. -nJ -od WIU.. HoU -. ............. par_ wbote D&mt U nt:t.erlbld to tbt wllhtD lllllrumllll, 1111 oellllow- locltod lo mo llal be eueo&od lbe Amt. WI'I'NE$ mJ baDd and of. lldll.-1. llurA. "-N-r PII>Ue to ud ,.,. sold CoualfudSIIIa. MJ Commltdm uplrts.Dee. U, U'll, Pubu.tl: A"'o 7, 14, Zl, 1989, lD tbe Horbor ollt" modln& Jbowa, na to u. luatrat. lbo ....., of -t IIIII wu popular II lbo Ume wbiD. JUCb ut11t1 u Mooet, CMIDM, GauctaaDIS Vaa Goct> wereatrvalloclor reeec- allioll. Tbe• petntlnp combloe -, llbrory or -Y-tetuac lbom• Willi IIIIIIIJ doYe- tlct.atques. Tbly nre YU'J papg)ar biC1.11M tbe1r IUbilct matter ..... llldll'"'nctable &ad bee... tbQ wve --..tly pr-Jr pa1olad .., ~· wbo wv• met&ca.loua c:nJta.. IDID. I'U!flllltiJ tbl ..,_ lM!t ....... -.. "' • ..ua.tlc Oft t10Jeat aabn; bolllo -or lbolr lk-matb aGind P''"'np ol acliemlllt ud terror to a pre. IIIIIYI.tloaop. HIGHT OWLS TO HOLD HOOT·AeLOIIC SESSIOII EYer btu o1 a "bocJt.. •-loGe''? Thai te Just wbol wtU tab plaee at Z p.m. SIIDIII.y, Auc. 17, 1Jl tbe Stalor CttiseDI rect.UOO eeDter, 15th st. and Irvt.oe AYe., CIUf HaYID, at the moeUDc of lbo Nl&bl OWls ol tbe "Hoot'P Holler" aoo.f:. ..... ~~~ (DollJ) Slnar4 pr .. tdllll, wtU be II lbo plllaa aDd wlU al8o accompany ber daucthr, Mrs. Gloria L. Rub of Oalario, Co1lf. Tbe p<opm allo IDclldeaomeclaa:leal ..-..Ptaasb'lbo 1Ds.ptember _jJ. J. garret1'6 STORE and WAREHOUSE LAST 3 DAYS! SAVE 20 to 50% O• M•)' II••• I• • .,., D•,Mffl••l • CIOIIII lAlLY POl lilT IILICTIOtl ~.J.GARJ{ffi" fU~NrJU~E ·--·-.. ""'DAVIS-BROWN'S 22nd s,u' 'hlalet ...... ..tlclct ........ Uttr! SUIIInl IIllA • htKicta prtslftt Ice ltfYke 1111 the rtfrlfllltor. • DialllfiOUnt of let ~ want to ktlp ftaiiCfy wlttl Cubt L"tl Control. You Get These Conveniences on Either the Side-by-Side Or the Top Freezer Model. •Ottd.OIIiltl .. W.._.FttJ't 'a Rill .... ...,. .... ,_,.cA. •I tt#i ............. -Mft!s......., ..... .., ...... ..,., ciMn .......... bsr'llllllA. ...... -.or.·~ ... ~ ........ O...,ycur """"· ~ your kitcMn smo."'JCjefl*lt. ~Top ,,...., III'IOdM leta you~ both~ to~ or left-hand CJ*!Ing. S~Slde Ia )uti. tNilutally an'lbl- dextr<!"L • '-'" Med"~~.~m Mut Slof~DL AowinA Cokt lotut Ten· Even this thrifty Jet Action Wash« has DPC for no-iron fabrics • Durable Prus Clrt Gen!lt wHh1n1 actiOn 1)1~ " cold waltf cool -down llflp l'llt·llon r~ncs stay ··ncHJon' • Jet Action Ac•tilor • 2 Jet -Away llinse1 • Cllld W•ter Wuh Setl•na ~] I_ Durable Press Care on lhts bodgel· prteed Dryer. too • Ouriblt P1t SS C~re P!Oilel tem peratwe plus tnd-ot.cyctt cooi.OO•n bW'iOurablt Press •ttms out ready to "'u r • 2-Cyclt T1mtr Stltct tr~tt number ot dryina minutes • No-stoop lint SCfttn ..... __, liltWII:IIU1'!. _......, ... -· ____ .,... __ ___ • cu-e O'IOIIIIIall. -......... 100' ........ -.. _ ............ din Usp mMt)ust sbcMtthrl h"sclng point lof aatrty, '------------------~ • ...-y 10 cook wfltlout lt\ewlng. IELP YOIISElf Tl A IIC SUCE Of Sill I ISI OUR GREATEST EVENT OF THE YEAR! DD.ClliLJD Color TV ·FL·IOO zoo•·lllAOOHAL, ZZ7 SQ. IN PICTURE RCA .. Jhe Pick of the Portables! Tv •t:C: IE"' ~'0"' •t"'U'-"?£0 '--1 first in COLOR TV • El~410 TY "I[CII:,.110N .... UI.•TtO MAHY THINGS CHANCE .•• 8VT NOT OVR DEPENDABLE New Vista Sportabout Color TV . 14" f11a&'ooal, 102 sq. in. picture. HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER lfl-811 -VI.,.• Color T-lon • "---s....., Ptlonograph • 23' .,._.., 2111 _...._ p~c~uroo tv •11:C ... T10N .MU\. A, TI[D SJ9811 l I Ill-.... --...... ..._. ., .... ,.,_ • ., ........... •llddl .... , .. Qy ,..~: u -..... ,. .. c ........ , ... ......, ....Uy -.ill h louacl·in 1M te•t abo••· Cl.UU AC&OSS 1 ·-w-au ... •• .•.. -·s. ., .. ____ ----a.deth tu. ••• ---11 -...4-.. ,_. (G.a. 41:12) II .... LL .. lillailt ot th ----•-(..,. w •. ,.... a :ta> I& .................. dM M--.i011'' IS .. ly.---wte II .. ,.., • -----W. Mad .. (Lilko 15:22) 17 cnMI 13 ........ ~.a: .. , ....... ----v"i Uoelt. 15. 1 II ''Iiiio Ww4-----a-a.-(Jekn I:U) 21 ~ ----aot thJMII MecuM .. ...U ...... -(h. 3'7: I) !2 iaitiol. ol two dl,l&t(:h• el left. lrioQ (a. .... 3:7. 14) l4 -.. ~ lmowHt dao• ____ r ·~. •rr M a.. --------·-...... su.-·· Difficulties In The Bible a, BS LAB &. &. WI c-,. .. .. I •• , .....,. ..,_,_ (llkap.) •unn .. IlL I Tltlllllta. ..,....,...,,.. ..., TJVO MINUTES 111111 1NE IJIIJL£ rt COU.U.S I . ITAM ""1$. _ _,......,. ~. IUIMOtl 606M CHRIST AND POLITICS ' Did you wer thin~ of Christ's to be rerected end Crucified for retMK»n to politicsT He came mto the sins of men. Pulm 22, ,_..,., this world, r~ber. u a Kina. 53 •nd othet' Old T..um.nt .,_. The wry openins words of the H£H h.cf Pf'dicttd tNt 81 Hk New Test•ment are: "Jesus first eommc He ..cK~Id M dies· Christ. the Son oi Oev•d. pis'!(! and re;.ct.«t. As Matt. (M.U. 1:1 ). This emphasttes the 20:28 seys of this comln&: ''The tKt that He arne from the royal Son of Men came not to be min· line. John the Baptist had gone oltered unto, but to minllhr and forth n the King's herald. to to sive His life a rantom for .,..,_,. His way , and the tw~lve many." 1~ pJQC:talmed His royal Our Lord dkl not dte In un· t'IIMI as they preached "the lOS· tlmety death; the Cf'OI.S wn not ptt of the iu'lldom." This was aft a UHf ... uertflce. He lln.w tn.t 1ft fuff'MII'Nfrt of IAiah's pro-men's l,.•tat need wH rnoraJ phec:y. "fOf unto us a child •• and spint..,.l--that his..._ "*Ill bom, unto us a ton is 1'""; and M p.id for H M ls not to be the .,...,-nment shaH b. upon conct.mned fot"edr ~ the Hit tlhOukltr. Met His name sl'lafl court of ftttMI Jultice. So Ht a. Cllllld, WoncMrlut. CounsaUor, love He .:.me to be ,._, and TM mfllht1 Gocl. 1htl weNitinc sun.t and dtll "1M Jutt tor the ,..,_, n.. P'rtru of PMoe. Of un;u.t. thM He rniCM ~ • to 1M IMnlrt fill ttt. .,.,.,..men~: God" (I ,_ 3:11). _.,_...,......,benoend, H!l.., com. I!IPift to...._ -.. _., Dovld •• ' --~~~~~ ...... -... (II& Mn. ...... ...._ '*"' M-., .... ....... ., •• ,, ..... Kiflrl'l• ............... -.... ... -......... , •• ..., llfl !$1'1::,. ....... ...... .......... _........... [...... .. ----.... _., ... __ ..,.. .. .-. ......... -.aa.., ... acra:s .. --., .,,._.., __ • h :-;t ... ltelf II .... I 7 ¢W .. II .. -·:e·:· ----- '"''M CaD of Natlwa·e! aacl Peter"- Jol:. lt:JS.Il A LOOK AT THE BOOK ..... _ .......... __ -......... -........ - .............. (D.. .. L -~a ,. __ ,.. .. .Itt.!": ._. . ...... ._._._._ 41 .. _ ............... .. --.......... ~_ ..... ...... a .. ___ r -... ~ .....,.. ·--....... --....., • ..... ,r .ff "" ... ~-~ .. 0..=• .... ........... ·-.. -~ . ..,.._, :----.......... _ .. o,..,Jh It) •• -., • ....&. ,.. .... . liST $BID ........ .,,_" ..... -....... __ _j.. (LaiN 3:JS) It ...... _ _,,....., ---• CGH. .... , ,, .. ___ ............. ...,. ..... ca... •••., ., ..... __ .,. ...... ...... ~~~-... ~.---~ .,. .... ~ ....... -........ S7 ,_ •• , .tlJl -'-W.. , __ -- 'The Bible Judted from •ny atandpoint a an unueuel J.Dd rt:marbble book. The book ot Job, me oiOat portion ac:cordina to the-opinMwt ol ... Kholanhip, is O'm" 3.000 yean o&d. 11M ..,..... ponion. the book of Revelation. wu written about 96 A.D. lk1wein thele IWO t boob, ttwoup the lnta"Vmiftl Cfltturiea. lhc others wttt written by approdmatdy forty dilermt mm. Yet there il no1 a a.inJic contra· cliaioD or dilaepallC)' in 11M whole book. The Word has a f1Miianl aDd tnalfonlllifta powu cnoer mind and heart aad tifc. ""'1lla-- uaneeofTby _. • ..., upl"l.....,ll9: £30). The Wonl of God dwws """ - the rc:latioMhip of maa .-ith ,..,., •• wklli n~~tioft, and upon dw rdarioalhip of ,_.. ..r narioM with God. There il no othlt '*'- which 50 stimulllcs the miNI and cn.u,tlteN the' inteUec:t, but the Bible does more thn brinJ intellectual cnliJhtcnmnt. II apda apiritual dartnaa in the human hean ud brinp the li&ht of the very prnr:nc:e o( God Himtdf into rhe lOUis of thole who acct'pl it1 promi!es and trust the Redeemer Whom it reveah. 'The maa who bclie¥cs and lo¥a the Boot firM~~ it a lamp to bia feet ia 1M darkaeM ol this world and a liJht on the pelh wt-ic:h he walks I Psalm 119:10S). 'The Book Jives HaM· The Book ;. Li .... The Wonl of God- in the human heart dispris the. darkMII of lin. The Psalmisc has written. "Thy word haft I hid !n mine heart, that I miJht not sin apiast the-e" (Psalm 119:11). The Word inwardly po:!dered upon effects outward aetioQ. 1be Word of God htdden in the human heart docs r.oc stay hM:Sdtn . Ute a brlJhl flame in a lamp its l"iaht shines out throuah the lift:.-Arnertcan Way Fe:ature5 CLOD DOWII I ·r-of -.... tM -.. 2 ·w!.o 1iHU1t ,___ ...t W " U Ow-. 1:11) , Syria:a ~ ----(D Klqa S:l) • ...._ ........ ( .... •:st) , .. ___ ...... ,.. ............. . ...... • • -•• c.... (Gaa. .:11) 7 "I aow die. •M U.. ----....... I --·-· -U..t 1M ~-~~~ .._, .. The lib&c is not • tratilc on tcienct. bua whcrt it deali with IC:iencc it il scimtiftcalty acc:unce. It is not primarily a boot ot bi:aory. yet lhc an::ta.eoloPst diJiinc up the records of ancienl civilization Me: pfO'tCd 0\'Cf ~rtd over .,.in ill hiaorical incrranc:y. From every view· point it is the world's moM V11luabk volume.. Someone hu uid that •icUd men would not ha~ wriam the Bible. because it rqJI"Ovt:\ human •ic.kednca. Good men W'OUkl not ha~ 'Mitten it, bcq1.11e it claims divine authorship. t .. _ ....... o1 • ____ -u-(E,._ S:2) II a tltlt.a (l,.,. 27:2'.1) 13 -17 ctcr .. II Daaial wa ...... .,. iato tlae lieu' 20 UUtiala of twa ndan (AN 14:27: Euo t :S) 21 "oaly ----not yw ..... th L«tr (JIIIl& lt:t ) The only a:planation of lhe boot is fourMt in the t.ce that the Bible ycamc not in old time by the will of man: but holy mc:n of God spate u they were: moved by the Holy Ghost- ( II Peter I :21 ). God Hirn:Kif. throuJh the in· suumentality of His servant who wrote un<kr lhc in&pintion of the Holy Spirit. K the Author of the Book. U •t"-----of lb. ~ of l•da .. lla•. S:S) l•~tlk•tlo•s of t•• Utory of Etol1tloa ~ ...... c.- frotr~ CHRISTIAN ~EWS 8o"l 168. New H•"'et:~• Mo. Not oatJ .,.. .. ...,. ,_ -.olltioa pn w->• ooa•.t c--. tcw .. ......,., ...._ te"eeJtJ -. coas1dertd u • .. ,1· '• Ia ,_.., •ctt · '"WtdM m...., Ia ... , ....... ~ ......... .,._..-1M lhoJ tb1nk that tbta tbeOry f1 eorohtttoo tt.u to~ acaae, ftact!P»s a .a.:wt U.., ........ tiD ...._ Be only wttb tbe ortciD d. lite IDd lb defe)opiMbt to date. ., ......... but ........ mardiN .. nu .......... d '!be)' kJc* at tt u a ••trom tben to bOW'• theory~ How-I• c.ly ODa ~ tt11Wa al ll'llll.tk ClOP tta a eoOie-- enr, locf.c:ally tM tbaory embraces tbe f\ltUre aa weU. u.. process. W'ldla tbl ~ o6 t.., pa oa. We are DOt lnteot bere upon tbe tuk ~ dt..lpi"'fiDC tbe ~kiUI WSDds wp bf lddltllrc to tM tnll ol dUt f1l tbe tbeory by detv1ftr IDt:O tbll put. 'lbere are JUDY bUIJon• wbo Un JftC;a.lld ...._ ,._ llfta .,..... ~ wbo are more able to do thaL We purpo• mlelr to Be dies w1tboat Ito TW 111 tM ~ cl wtret Cbrlat polnt to aorne eoacl.U.SCU lf'bldt are lDe~e 1t tHebes, aamelJ, tblll God 1• ...._.llled Ill tllte IDdfri4... u.e thltory 1s ac:cepted u tact.. Al80, .. abaU Mro ual~llt IW: awma ....,..._ IDr • eten~tr wUia God llt oo m-. l»cause ~ all lJTtne beiDp be 11 tbe moat aDd tgr a new 1Jte o6 .llll!"'f'ice 10 b1a ~ ben. lmport.n. Tbe letter. bJ tba ..,., t. preoeUeJJ ............. We truM: that Ybat n say will cau.e aome to th1Dit procreu IDd c:tY1l1ubGD for all-tM _.,.UWW ~ twice before tbay culP a tbeorJ whldt sppeua to be ed.. P'••n* IDd ta well a1cb urmersal.ly acc:eptad. we belld DOt 'ftllder wbr todQ ., ... , are at • Jou to -· under-*-1 tbl ~ 11. t11tetr..., _. ..,.._......,. F'trat, .. taU DOtla ~ .. tmpon.t tact, aamely, (« .,.,..,.., wlalC* ........... uu a ..w~--...... tbat -.1.1 dec:idedb aD lmpertkt belDc ..,_ tbiJu&tt., ._.t It r•.,.W• tbltt alhtllc betltc. ew:kHse4 wllllt. tllte accontiDc to tbe tbieoQ 01. aotolutioll, It baa tat. a n..t aWitJ to reuoD, wW. re.-t. patlspa ..,.. ...... ..,, ...-.. d. JWZS to mMe bJID wbat be U todlt •• tb8t beU. cut Ia tb1 ,.,. o6 u lltftduiiMl CCC Ia u ._ . ._ . .,,.a..._. t111t M wt11 tile_..., _ __.. r-r• onble ~ ........ 1 J1 lt.fll ........ '-._. to eo ''* ..._.., 1 s nl, • ...._., .... ~ a n...-sfbtltb' to tllll ~ -.1 = ~~ tdd • JIIDt"4 tD .. .,.,.. .... •tld.WQ Slid ..... _, s tM ptoceS& fJI .......,.._,...... 'i .. • .~ .._ ~. .,.~ . .1-:.. -rebeWoa•u• IIOjllata,..,.•r r •••• ...... a c~DeW"t reta1re .,..... J*'~ .,.._ eat •· ~ Ufe for a mbw...We ..-t·kal Ml •-. ....._.., bf ... .,.., lDdeed, lmpafeet beiQc&. Tile ~ u etenal obltYkll? cwerwbelJDiDc. ll l.1 all abold -.:1 wttldD ll1. We ..ad -oaJ.y to taM • bi:Dalt look at our.U..• ..t a c:a.-.1 IOCik at tbe world fJI m. to recopJH ttta uapleaaat~t tact. e ....... .,. wbct .. tab a 1oc* lit-·· babwkrr, our on laeJUded. 'Ibe CbrUUID baa a tlartMt tor bed bebenor. He can. tt am wbleb to ll1m u re.ou apJD..t tbe wtU ol U.. Creator. Tbe commJtllld ..oluUoollf. boWIW•r, mu.t-lf be I• cou~-cataloc an merely u ft'l- daoce that erolllt100 hu DOt yet led to perf~ To him llliD U UW. mol'• u..o eom.atbJDc resldu.l aod compar~ to mWa pbn:lcal 1Dd oaaer deftc:MDdea. -· a DMd DOt be Altprtaln.r u..a ttwt, UTlDC u we do m a day Wbab pnctteally all ..-cJ•• wbleb mold thoucbt- pen.rMDU oot e.e.pted-•PP 1D a musive braiD- ..-. to m.re lltt'lllt..,.. f1 tbc tbeory d. eoroluUoo, IIID U lacras:ID&t.J dn.lt wttb u a mere lmparfecticJG. eomatbtnr tor which the IDdn"lduaJ Isn't reJpOD&tble, at 1... DOt eotirely. To a coaflrmed eYOiut1cxt.lllt lbe tadt u .. In tbe pre.ru stac'e 01. tbe eorolutionary pro- eaa.. wttb eome ol It re.uac upoo retardl.Dc taetou Uka .wt.ro~t.meot lrld a lack ~ COC!fUIIbm from more ~ members al. tbe bumao tamuy. Aeeord:lAclY, there Ia ~ ~ty lor tbe ..Udoer alld eorre~ncJy leu tor bb 1'1etim, We becOme .... am.la abollt pzntl!blnc tbe WJ"'Olldoer wbether be be a dt.Ud or-dare we ue tbe tarm?-a crtm!Dal, Whetber tbe a:ibudloll c:aU.a tor nproot or tbe dnth pi!Ulty. Tbe chUd, tor ~utace, mullll: ClOt be lt:lb1blted bJ no- Uou ol. rl&ttt -.d WJ'OilC, bJ ltd• ad daat'-, lest we dlatu:rb tbe daUeale •Jt-p!'OpalUac awlutscu.r)" pro- cesa. Here we uk tile cc:mfirmed ..alutkmllll: K be t• • sure tbat tbe ewlutloGU'y proceu JDOHa forward lr~ r•matlhl.J. wby DOt Juat let H alcoe? Wb7 not menly obaene It 1ll1t.Hd fJI Uobrllt.c trttb tt? Or c1o tbe eUte awlaUOOtata ll::tc* upoa tbemMMa u adnbced apec:J~ ...._. <If ~ OrdaJMd to ualat ia palliD« m-IM to ..,._. .U.O. 11ow ca a ....,..... fteh. ua.ut be ..,.. fJI ld.a ....,._.., onr oiMI'a ,_ .._ ~ GMN""' ft)'a fJI1qUt? ,.~ ....... ~ ............... ... __ ... ____ ..... an ,..._.., ~ ~ ..._,.,.._., -. 'ftar tlttfaet AWl .... u.nJI7 Aei)Etll ,_._ _ .... -. ... -. ... -. ....... .,._.., -.1 ..-e17 .eill --. n.n. • 1Ls1 c:at !f tM pwtlc tar r .,, ..... _ s .. Ud"' llrt..tor at _,, .. JIOII"I he * 5 I piii:IW <If -.. ... -.. -....... _ .. _ .-;..sa.-.~ .......... ..... 'fts. 1e ttat to eQ' ..... .,_,t .._ 11 I HI .. ICireN. ,_. ....... .....,. ........ ...... wm .._ ._. .. ....,........, ...... ..,..,. UftMtl ...,...._ lllle I I -• poa•,_;a ... tt ...._ Anal .,...w' ....... -.... --... to ... a lil.r« ........ re.at.,....,,..z tt ...... 111ft 1DDII 5 11tr.., tf'J' to ............. .. ...... ., .............. .., .. ._. ... .... rl~as.trllr. ,.._., IMtJ lUll._ u ., • ._.. .. -............ --.... ·--........ '7, .......... ---.. .... .. ,,., ... .., .. _ ............ .. sn terstt ... _._.....,.. .. ·-------· seEP.-..... -..... DtN- -. • ..._._..._.. t\.. m a .. f/1 t t'rm _. Pl&lt, ---. _. .. , ...... -. .__. .... ' , I?ZST ftllr .. Ia ....... 45 ' ' 18 ........ .,_._.'llrllr ......... '" ~-fto TpsF ·----~ -· ... - 8 J' ". Cl 7 -............ -·----·-··--· .. • v 7 ... -...... -·1· ...... __ _ ----• 3' 7 ·--·-- For tbe ~ WlltO baa~ OOd u a. c naOr aDd a:u.r ar .. ---.., tM .u.J .. .,.... of mc.-ala, ol riJ!It Ud wroac, Ia eo klllpr .........., by a Beb:IC hJclter tMD ldm•U. .e WO. ..,..,.. re· ftallac Hla will, baa eudOwd IDU wllb 1 CCIMdeote. To the esteDt t!W be .. cmc~.-Ud Sible to 111111t bU <:oudaaee hla adtc.a will be dillltwal'-4 bJ ape• d;leney wbleb anon blm to ,... lloe u a ~ tor wbom riCh& ll tllal 'W'bktll ~· to ...,. Ida •-tereat.. Tlda, b7 tM w.;r, Ia a. ..,..._ Ale b)' wbleb atMW:ic: eom_.•m U IDtJtd. WcAtlllla .-crecs un1eU • 1a •U....ntac. We mldt DOt be nrprbed wtlaD c:llu'Cit; leadtta, aJtar baY1D( embraeed U. .....,. <If nobtttoa, tara a.Jr baekl oo. ... -old CGaeepta: fJI J1tltl Ud wrGIII. vi a rii(II- ...,....,~God,cla_.,,... ..... aloo.tllc .ucrtftca o6 Hie S., <If ~ to a -= We ol. cbe4laJCe to u. .... will --..rftce to .... ud ot u trwptr:tac ._... ~ ..,.IKtloa, IKII liter., W • ete.rdy. 1t ............ 1211 daiMralhlail .... Ca oew mon.Uty, d. _. ta.oi.OIIn. ud o6 a _._<If CCX11Ucttac peaaceae for cM:i'dt, abte, ud aocWiJ" &h born, all YJic ... -.......,. w dutiMd to ...... fnastratlc., cc-tnw-. ud dlulal .II..Otl&re. ... Little DMda to ba .aid abCMit tM eM ~ Gil' ..o&•· t1oo bacaoae: predaei:J" --• Ia ...., to lnd • parbapa bllUou <If ,..,.. ltelloe·ll nary.......,....,..,. cueu. For 1•aha,.., WOIM ......... ..,...._'AIQ makea God lad tbe ..,.._ C*i ud tlte ••? We &eaw the auwer to tM ,_,....._ fJI tM ..,...... .... It la earbia tllal tMn Ia ....._, .....,..,_ _. c-.- solatioa ID tbe ...... ..e ...... lilt ....... WW become DO more tat. t •·• ..._ 1 • JiP8Cil <If dlllt 1n a ...-...tliDhene Ia ...._ ....... lttltlcb« me_.. ............. ""' ..... ____ .. proporti(IU. B)' ccan.t: 1M a:r .... bel.le'fiN .... -dtjlct f1 cltYtDe .,.lc ....... thi:O, If ........ ....., to lmrnorbii;J .... Oo4. )lo IUtNJ ...... .... tbal becaue, tt • aa trw to....,_ • 1a ~to .. pronbla~ Sea..._ a. .W o1 ... au .. "•'4' s 'net faA tJ6 a~ .......... II a .. oiGoiL It la tnlJ a ,_, • .,... ".......,., .. bewb• ,....., .. 11'4 t .................. ..., ..... ,,., ad: •,cr-t_. JIUI,...._. • .._ -" _ .... _ ... .. 01 p" ... ........ te I'ICI J"' -·-• .. .. - ·= - w..4cl ,,..,. ... " ••••• ..,. a.c.., c.: ... ~~~ QUESTION: ''flhot wos lilt! objut of tilt! Cru.saJ~.s which tuat! h~ld '" th~ ltliddl~ Eut ytar.s t~go1 •· ANSWER : Tbose Crusades were religious ware, and they "".e coodacted to ... ..., the ufety ol piiCJiM visiting the Holy Sepulcher and lo set up Cbriotiaa rule in Palestine. Later on, they were directed atcaioar Egypt and Coccstaatiaop?e, lmd in the 14th ceatary the coaqoest of the OttOICWI Tarka turaed cnasadiag into a defensive movement. It ia cuato••Y to apeak of the Crusades as sis or seven in natlber, bat tbe w•s were lctully coatinDOIII for over two centuries, hardly a decade passing without ooe or more espedi~ tiOilS. QUESTION: "Do you hlit!ut! tht }t!tu.s will pouu.s ~?.ii<Of th# Pro..iu•LAM •t!fort }t!.sta.ut~.sr ·· 1.. WIEII: :llr>.T.io-Pie"-tie J_.Will- -aU ol the Pleaioed lAcrcd before C-110tar ... Jesus C!criat will ~eotore ?he• to all ol ?be Proeieed Laod upoa His retanc lo the eortb to be&i.o His Octe Tbooaand-year Reign, at wbicb tioce tbe Twelve A- postles will be set on throoea rali.uc over tbe Twelve Tribes of lsrae?. That's fouod ia llattbew 19:28. llbat we see takio& place in larael at the preaeat ti.e ia mere?y a regatberiag of oatiooal lo...,l, witb bor eyes bUDd, her mi.rxl deadeoed, aDd bet eas iooperlltive. National Israel will cootinoe in this apiritual state until aocb time as Christ return• in persoo • Hia Second Advent. QUESTION: "As rtcordt!d ;, Ac ts, ch11ptu 2, wu it }tsv.s or tht Holy Spint who CIIIPit down to tht! ont! hundred and lwt!nly gothutd togt!lhur •• ANSWER: According lo the Bib?e, tbey were "ell filled witb the Holy Gbosl ". lo other words , lbe Ho!y Spirit came down, aod 4 'tbere appeaed unto tbea:r cloven toagues like as of fire." Tbis is furtber borne out in John's Gospel, wbere be says, Scripture: "Aod I wil? pray tbe Father, and He shall give yoa aaotber C001forter (Ho?y Spirit), tbat be may abide witb you forever; ... "Bat the COIIforter, wbicb is the Ho?y G:.O.t, wboll rbe F.tber will sead ia •Y DaM, be 1hall teacb JOG all t7ti.ocs, ad brioc all tbioc• to your .e•• br-=e, w?uctooe-I haft oairl dllclo JOG." J.,.a 14: 16 ad 26. I do 2101 belien "'""' r:u be •Y doabt i.o aay- body'o aind bl!l tbat it w• lbo Jlo?y Spirit wlto c- oo tbe DIE)' ol Petrtecoet, Mil cd J••• Cllriat. QUESTION: "Plt!•st r~IJ .. ~ exectl, t~~ltere I can find in cite Biblt> chat tht> Repuae will t•At pleet! bt· fort! the Trihl•tion PtritX/. ... ANSWER: Yes, I'• happy to tell JOGI P?eaoe t•a to the Book of Revelatioo, cbapte, 3, aad JOG will reocl tltese .,...,., Script-: "Aod PD tile eapl <I lice cltM:• ia ~ aclell*ia write; • • • I ,_ lily -: Bellold I lcfte aet bef..., lbee aa opea -· _. ., -c:aa ••• II: 1,. llloll ... 1 a lltlle etrn&l\. ..S ... , bpi '!OJ word, _. IIHt cd ..... wtJ -· • -• "Boac-lbee ... t 7ltpt lice ... "' ., patlnca, I ALSO IILL IUP Til&!. JPROII Til& HOUR OP TEIIPT ATJOII (TrlloodMioe ....... ), wltldc -c-. ,,.. all lbo wwld, .. try -tMt fteU .,_ lice old b." Rn. 3:7-8 _, 10. At lice ,..,., ti• lice ecclle .. (tlce .. lief aot Jlooly <I Oriel) .. ill Uta Pill I lfWcc c:tcoa. _, tW.,-Ia lJJ dca ..W. n. ln'!rn • I ott (Oct " ........ "' .......... wltldc will • ......, .... Oct Ttlt .. Jti• ......., ...... e.-:.. n.a•e • f'rs'n II • st''*l • nas 1,.... r.w .,_ .. tltelJIIIrn c....._ ..... Ia .. I I al n i .a-.... MR tlfJ' .. c' ' ear I ' 'al IMI .. . FOIIIIERL Y IIEARS <*ERA MOW .T 1'111 NEWPOIIT IILVD. '008'1'.4. III'JIA -•-.s ' FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT Lirilg is • wq ollie;, Ctiil. ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODA Yl Tile NEW 1001 for'69 CIIIISI- Y ... 'IIS Cilia. tlt•·•l ... do • ~ •• , ...... -..& .... -...... .......... .., .... -... .. IJillll:rs • .. .... 0 ... ..... ESTIMATES --WIIIII.I WI MANUPACIUII WIMIAU. SAIIIA AliA Ma AWiiiiUM SCREaED PAnos n ., .................. . ......... ? .......... ,....,. WIDOW ... • A WilliS Maaytft1u& 11 .._.... d•c•alw cal1rt ... ~ .... ctleft ..... Atta r 'dtR• _,.a. DOll ot ea.. ...... Ia --''" ..... -........ "' .. ,...!'¥ .. 1111 an.., c.-, -· lin. -I. D ,_ tl •I llw al 1111 Fr CU -IJ 1r -· fto r II Yallor r..., 110111 II -IIJIIro.._ lln.-1,-ttc:-c-or••w•upr•* : del liar .. 'floc• 111 If t zt &a ... ., ._ .. ,...,.. -------- CAIII1 • .....,~ e CAIPI11 ...... , ••• • WA T.ll I. lliillllll IMIIIUI 11-'1111• O. .. T.AL 147-1171 ....... (Don) Dill "' ....,.; ......... y-.,;-. ......... oi.IFtc-. lin. _, C,ColoallsldDPolo, II'OIIJifta IHSTaUCTOR. H .. nOH.tL CUIPIC.tL CO, 11112 DlrL o-,. On july 20, 1969, electric heat • was installed on the moon. It sat smack in the middle of a spot called the Sea of Tranquility. Although the information is classified, we assume that dectric heat was chosen to ride HO,(XJ() miles into outer space aboard the Apollo 11 bc:cause it is compact and unbelievably efficient, After all, only dtcttic.ity . del !Yen heat that's flameless, odorlaa and silent, And alnce the temperature on the moon can dip to minus 250 degrees on a clear night, you know the most modem and reliable system our best brains could put together, was needed. Repairmen are scarce up there. Of course, the finct that electric heat costs less to install, doesn't need a chimney or flue and can actually boo.t the value of your home weren't the tea1001 for iu choice. Ourspece qmcy had more to worry about than that, Actually, the electric heat system our men on the moon used to keep warm is very much like the ones you 'II find in millions of apartments and homes right here on Mother Earth. If you're interested in dectric heat or dtctric. coolirla. call your local Edioon o6:e, In ahon Older all tYMIIDI will be ~De 1-1· -..!,., --~ 22% OFF I C::HIJitC::HES I NEWPORT BEACH, CAL.IFORNIA THE ANERI CAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:00 A.N, TO 10:30 A.N. -FAMI LY WORSHIP 9:30 A.N, TO 10:30 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 :00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSH I P SERVICE 111e 1tev. Jamea G. Blain, Pu1or Tbe Qev. Qoa~d White, AHilltlln& Pucor Phone: 548·3631 Orlstian Sci•nc• S.wic•s FlltST CHURCH OF' CHRIST, SC1EN 11ST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a ..... anGl la ..... SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -I I •·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I"·"'· READING R()()M ...... .,., 9 ...... -5 , ..... ....... ,.,.,., 9 ...... -7:45 , .... r ....... ,. -~~ F,., .... , 9 ...... -s , ..... ; 7-9 , ..... S..n4ay : I p ..... -4 P·"'· SECOND CIIUa CII OF" CIIIUST, SCIENTIST Newport Beach 11 Corona del Mar 3100 Pacific View Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ..... SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •- WEDNESOA Y E VENING MEETING 1:00 , ..... Rudie.! Rood!: Mutual Bldg. 2863 Eaat Co ast Hwy., CD\t. \lon.•F'ri.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thur•day eYeuin g: 7 to 9 ' Sat.: 10 .. m. to 4 p.m. You are cord • all y •n Y1 ted to attend Church Serv1ces and to use the Read1n1 Room . LwtMr• O..rch Of tloo .. ~ .... .......... O.rcll ia Aam c• l900 Pacifi~ View Dr. leo-• del Mar , Calir.,.,.; Dr. Willitm ll. Eller Phone 644-2664 J :U ..... r-i ly ••r1hip t:u •·•·· c ... ,"-Sch-L,. 11:00 a.•:t Fnli.e Wor ... ip NUA5EnY PROVIDED Fl,.t l.,.ist O...r.e. ., c. ........ . R~rtillt Biblr rellow•hip l•tl•ll•.,.tl••l-A•lo.o-o•• -·· Aft• ' ........ 1. s. •. Or. P.G. Neumann. pu&or SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.r '· Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. MOmina Wonhi~ 6:00 p.m. Trainina Unions 7:lhJ p.m. EvCnina Wo,.hip WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meelina A TTEHD THE CHUIICH OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY . ............. ,_ ol God The ,_ of Chrita lloo'-ol ... __ ... ND4V I C1100\.. I 4 .1.1 • IJV~INO I I!:IIIVIC II: ?oOO "'·"'· T11U IIII0 4 Y I l l \.. I: I TVDY 4ND PIIIAVI[IIt 7!00 P.M. NU IIIII:IIIY OUIIIIN CI III:IIIY ICII:I A. fvl y ..... ,,.,. .... Cm. o4 ~-.aMI lW. k . c-. ..... '"'"' H t lotl'f"•. lf(4 ...... fla ·dft•1••''1•l~ tin --· .. _.. Heltlot• A. Fr.• •tll"*'•tlftl Corttr•t.U...J C.ltrisliM Clt•rd n.e •••· M••• ...... ,.e•W•t went to and 1nae boa bua tolv ... n·s DIWDIII «5 E. COAST HIGHWAY ,., ...,fide OrW.J A NEWPORT BEACH ~~ 673-0MO ., LEGAL NOTICE P.a-4163 CERTlFlCATE OF B~INESS, FICTITIOIE NAME The uodouiiPIOd do c:ertllY tbat tbey are cooducUac a busl- oess at ZUO Tustin An., SaDta Ara, Call6>rllla, UDder tho lle- Utious arm oame of lNGRID'S &lid tbal ,... ftrm Ill - ollho i>llowlac peraoaa, ·-aames 1D fulJ.IJidplacesofrMl .. deDCe are u foUows: llarP. (o) Ryao, 12901 Woodbury Dr., Oraop, Calli. Ull?; 8-y J. RJ'U, lZtoJ Woodllury Dr,, Orup, Calli. Ull?. lloiOII Jllly II, IIIII (Sipahr10) IWIOI Ryu, S....,J,Ryaa. -ol C&JUonia, OraliO~: Oo 1111 II, lilt, -. 1D0, • JlalarJ -Ia 1111 ... --. ,.,, Dr _.. .... .,.. ..... 1 • .,.. ................ Ill ..._ __ •••z•••s•• .................... eel '&II t1111J •a I I .. -,.... &.llaflo,_,.,.. , llr CIEE1d a.R•J-. a, 1t'ID. p "'t hiJ If, R, -'7; ~ ,., .. .. 0 _, lp Wlllllo ... _ ..... ....... --•£WOlf MMIIIIHIIIGII ua.~~cmc~~--'•• liiiiiiiiiiY, AUG. 1._ 1111 aiDA DB.~ CAUr. llldled for research OVI!R 4DD Neff 19U'$•AHD TOP TRADB•IHS TO CHOOSI! I'ROMI New '69 Thunderbird& s99 OVER AClUAL FACTORY INVOICE No SALES CHARG!S, NO PREPARAnOH CHARGES, MD DIALER ADO-OH-CHARGIS. 2-000111, ... DOORS, OtoolE fROM AHY HEW 1969 T•IIRD IH OUII IIG STOCK I WITH EVERY HEW CAMPER-TRUCK OR MOTOR HOME PACKAGE SOLD. LIMITED DFFERI EXMf PtE PACK.AGF.: • HEW '69 FORD )\ TON V•S . a HEW BARRACUDA CAMPER 600 WIT!t STOVE, SINK , TABLES, LIG;tTS, DRAPES. e HEW ZEBRA MINI BIKE. AFoLLR S3 295 OO l' 1D41111tOOSS) - AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANING HUMIDITY CONTROL VENTILATING ·e HEATING FREE ES.TIMA TES 24 HOUR SERVICE IN gas air conditioning