HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-21 - Newport Harbor EnsignBEACH 1~ IS T Ll OF JAJI HAWLEY of TuiiJI, Injured In 1be plaoo crub lllltto _,_, llalm'o E. st., waits tor u ambai&Dee to take ber to .Halll Holpltll. Newport 8Mcb poUee omcer R. -· Ia 011-~ lift olllslal"'•· (EIIIlp pboiO.) A .us 00 tbePealuuJa.a.aduttlot Howard Hall, a r esident of the Balboa UkeUbOod or ~ u.,.. Ba.lboa si.Dee 1945 lDd em- was prq»oeed by U. creue. Tbt Newport Tomt.no~r pioyed there tor 19 years, pre-PLANE HITS IN SURF lling staff ll a study bas rerea.led a desire ID seotecl a number or proposals: sessioD of tb1: bave tbe area remaiD JUb.. maiGtaJ..o the preseot defiSity; City Couoc.1l stanUally u 1t t.a. pro¥1de IOOI'e orderly t1ow of ~!lalla resldeato llld be&ctt· -•.-2moatltsaF 'lrolcbed a p.-led cabiD cratoer bell>g Wt.ed 0011 ol lllo _, a.. E Street, lut Sotur· da1nteltedtbt~ed ·-ol. -alrpluo bell>g drlQOll 0011 or tbt ..... a r,. blockl away oo E. Oceu FrooL The a1o.cte eogtoe Cberokee, pi-by a Gordoo Groft mu, pllal with m1oor Injuries. Tile • 'It may be possible to-trallb:; mo>re cootrolled left crubed 1Dto the JbaUO. water PUot Fault Sheldon, zo, of being Ued peDCIInc pro-tne use of land adjl.eeot to tbe turu oo Balboa BlYd.; more at the surfl1Dt ln the 1400 Gudeo ero.e, saJd he rented ieet for r8COQ8tructioa of tbe bus1ness cllstrlct:. u 1s ~to the adeqtate parking t&dUties; bloCk of E. Oeeu Froat at t1tt pta.De 1rom Mut1JI Avtattoo ocean froot JlU'kiDc:JotwHUtrl)' proeprty awoer s togettogetber. partlDg meters on the Balboa .f. p.m. at 0n.np coumy Airport aDd of &~boa Pier. This project, Tbere Sbollkl be coosideratloD B!Yd, mediaD from l otb st. to The pilot aDd b1s S puseo-toot oft YUh lack aDd Ju budgeted at a.o estlmat.d w zon1og ad~ellt to allow Alnrado St. for tbe summer prs tenmb*i oat ol tbe Hawley of Tust1D aod Robert $140,000, t. plamed b' com-eerta1n deve~meot lf as--moatb.s; increased role of tbe plaDe before tbl lllrf broU tt PbUUpa o1 Garden Grove. pletion 1n time for out Ea.ai« sembly of laod can be ~com~ pollee departrn'!Dt; a plan tor 1Dto 4 pleees 1M were helped They new OYer HUDUnctoo we ek crowds. pUsbed." remoria( obsolete bnildtngs; UbOre by HU'by swimmers. Beacb tor 45 mtnutes and tben Aootber major item ft&QI'lDc Mr, Wilson outlined a num~ stronc ~ 1m elea.n water Tbey were taken to Hoac Hos-bladed tor Newport Beach. A ln the Balbol. lmpr«Wemeat La ber of improvement propoS&ls: in tbe bay; opeo sties project le<er type tbrOitlt m&lfuoc-tile proposal of the Boyo CUI • MAll< PARKING LOT. Com-to got all Ullllty lloes llllder- JO( COSTA MESA C011014A D!L MAR, CALif. GETTING READY for Saturday's cbara.cter boat parade are, ltom left , G4lorge Woodford, co-chairman of tbe parade; sttwer Doo Docaldsoo. aDd Chris Hebard, Wiss Newp)rt Beach. Tbe 9th annual parade, sponsor ed by the Comm:Jdores CuJb of the Newport Harbor Chamber or Commerce, will start at 2:SO p.m. near the Balboa Bay Club. Tbe parade t lleme is "Memorlal moments Ln history." Ten trophies wlll be pr esented to the wacldest boats. • c h a m be r J• 0 •. n s tio!llld aDd tbey bepn losing of the Ha.rbcx' Area to estabUsb plete repla.cemefi. of the foun-CJ'OUDd. ~~~~~.:.;=~: 100 r ... ~~~~~ :-=:"": :.c.:~;,oc~ll>glr3 .... :.~~ 'SEX CLASS DANGER f f • ht Pllot Sbtldoo made a U-turn easterly of B&lboa Pier, ae:lt. ~ ...... ...... reeway lg betart ,..,biDe lbe barbot totbe oc eantrootpark. _ ~·.=~n::.u:.= pr!:: .. ~ :.:.m.~.= :::::=:¥.::::= OUTWEIGHS BENEFIT' Tbe directors of the Newport Nolan Frt.qeu. oftbttducatioa. 15 filet trom the lborellDe at Larry Wllsoo, •11:» dacrlbld way. wt.tb tratnc r e-routed to Harbor Cbambrlr of Commerce commit:tM. Tbe committee wt.U ~~ u bour ud fl4:iped ~:r: ar~:: '::'.:W:: otber streeU. ''I doc't l:bJ.U tcbooldistrlcts dea.l of time is devoted to this a.mooc youth_ a more sym- W.CIDiil.y added tbelt support to submit recomm-'lttou oa. ....,...._,..... · • TRAFFIC LOOP. In order sbould co t.ato fam ily ute aod topic, U ~uses tbe YOWII m1Dd patbetic atti~ toward uaose tbe b&We ap1Dit tbeDIWalliD-family WI eour .. lD eeboola S.Yinl nimmera waded out C St. 00 tbe East, from tbt t:ay to retnOYe auto tntftc from HI ectaea.Uoa because of the to dwell oo the subjeCt aod who bave OYerstQed the meat of tbl eout&1 frHftY I.D wtthla. 1 moa.tbs to be-.. Sbekloll. &Dd Pbillips to tbe ocean trout. MaiD St. toto the main parkmc. daDpr of abUse.'' predisposes the yOWigster to bouDd8 of ac cepted moral stao- Cotona. del Mar. • AtrrHORrzf:o ..... t ..... & crawled out tbroulb tbe left He llsled the fUll estimated lot, then euterl• IIOder tbe 1'tds statemeot summed '"' seilWJ.ty." dards and toward those in· --. door &Dd Hawle• who was 1n ralue as $6,799,000 for tbl 1 .... On & motion by CbUles letter to UICK'latioal tn Me-tb bl. It sal ~tb hJ..I w1l l&od aD:!: $4 661656 b 1JDoo. BIJbc:-. Plertoeoooeetwt.tbASt. tbt testimony of Dr. Doris M. Dr. Araujo outlined 3 view~ dulglnc in seaperversion;prin- CutfJ, the board ~apd that F&ddtD SQuare aDd La CtDtral ki•Ud eout w1..odow :; prOW"emeut.s ~ tot.aJ just UDder • BALBOA BLVD . Tbls m.a.tn Araujo of Mahelm at lbe too-pJlntsln tbe drive tor sea edu-cJples of rlgbt and wrong are tbe 8t&le RlttrnJ Commlalloa. BaUIQI, oa.rtac tbl eb&mbtr's c a rtar $ll 461 fXXJ' tbcrooctdUe ean be made mtre chWoo of a leqthy discussloa catloo ln public schOols : oot eoasidered. restudy the prapoeed r....Up.~ Mnlee toward tbl lmprore-~· =~:..:! ,,'nb is· top be&yY iD i&IXl attracUve wttb trees aJooc tbe W.ooday atteroooo wltb the edu-No. I. Tbis ero'4l is coo.~ No. 3. Thi6 I.& lbe riewpoL.Ilt m'lnt that would take out u meatobjleUYUI.Dtbular ... a.lmost 1 ediall IDCI the Y&lul about three-Gftbs '' bt s:1dewalt&. Yr. Wilson lUI-eatloa committeeoltbe Newport eeroed primarily about sexual of e.aperts in P'll"'latlon pi&D. ldclWoDil 75 bomls below 5th • PRESENTED a braN surf trro':.m tbe 1 ~ ~o•-4 sald. '"There La a larp ~ gested tba.t trame now sbould Harbor Chamber of Commerce. pr omlscuity, sotial diseases, c1og, oftea touod i.D £0"'ernmeot, Afl. for u ql&lded lDter-wallrlac eu to Jabtl Peuelll P ......, of <d of town ownerlhlp _ prl.mU'UJ w<JSt.bound., perblps •·1 personally feel that tbe and lllecitimate eblklreo, ud parUeu.larly 1n tbe Depart meot cblap. • IIIPI'«i&Uoa ot bit Olltltancfh'l pl~es-tbe a-lap, !wtnp, l /2% W: of tbe property with ooe laDe east and 2 1a.ae5 beoeJlts are olb'elebed by the advocates sea educa.twn as a of Health, Educatioo and Wet. Tbe board ltrODclJbaekedtbe cootrt!Mku to .. Ddleapiqtbl :the tall. -:..~=tpulled ~·bl1nc· be:~ loa& term ap-west, and B&y Ave . trdlc to d&Bprs," said Or. Araujo, wbo means of correctiD&sexua.l attt-fare, who are eooceroed about bf tbl €01'011& del an tblmber ollcel iD eon-tbl c:rub oceu precl&tioo la 't'&lDI or for tu be reYersed to 10 east-bawd. 1s a eaocJidate tor the board ot. tudes aod lle_.IJ:Ig to adjust tbe tllrat o1 OYV.populiHoD ~~~~~~~~~~~·~cltl u nU u llo... • ~=~=~~~· ~~ wrleo-oll, _. U i. ........ 1. • A STREET. S.\KIIY u a -ol ar...., Co..... llllrllal lllo. and poutblo lood ~ U ~-.tt a'nt . ~-...... ~,..... tl lbl ..,, •••'lin, lk""'''•. X.. l.,_.areu.uperta .._ ..... lJ'lO'.,'bU.-, ·~e.:ciitr...., .......... -a411LMl"aU"IitnltJU• At C4Ji t·------fa CMfWdot ....... -lltJ. tall, • I I ll_...., :~=:~•tlo•eioUi~•ooft ..,. Pul o1 ~ ,.... u tile ldll(, .moe u a lloe at' cit-of u aecoptable procnm, I7Plfled by membtro ol the eadoo, ~ 1o .-... ' .,.,.,.. by , --, C,.owoo bld.JdtDr(at Balboa BIYd. mareatim between commerc.lal ''There shollld be eareftll La-board ot directors oiSIECUS-ceptloa and the mea.osolmatlna -~--~reside·"·' str•-"oo about •eoereal dl oot either tor or apinst buma.n contrac,.....1ve devices readily 0 •1 kl d Harbor Hiebluds was left hi .... and MaiD street). U this COO· ~ ........,... ..... u • ..~ I Ooze tac e .~ dry b:;; • .._ .. de• •••• bej!: tinues, It could effect tbe r e- • RECREATION CENTER. A sea.ses and about the r..etsofre -sexua.Uty, but lnterested in a vailable. Dr, Araujo described :=ched ~ l; ~i-;,r .. ::! sideDtia.l area. am keep lDYes-clubhouse tor tbe Boys Club, produetJon, presented 1n good studying aod dlssemtna.ting sex the corne rstone ot this gro~ tJ 30 Y ...._... tors from comlag 1D. witb rec.r ea.Uon facilities b ta.ste and with 111.turaJ modesty, intormatioo and olreri.Di tbeir to be "sema.J responsibillty," While nrtmmers W'LSb lbem~ CJt)' couWtut Robert Arm· boars o UDe • "We would lllte to look at UJ ages, could be Joeated 00 1n tbe awropriate grade Ients, services to schools. t ltiJ.eos meaning the avoida.Dc.e of Wl~ selt'es 1n pa1ot thl.D.Der, ctty ot-stroar bellens tblt tbe oU SEA SHAJ!t TY FLOODED tbese problems, along wttb tbe e1tber sl,je of the pier. wttb comptemeDling the teaching ln ~ese ~~. ac--~~~: ~~:~ :;,e=~ at<~~ coprosts: flt i&ls are reat:l7lnc simple ~18 1a caued by ID al:&D-Som!K:IOe turned on a water Balboa resldenta: anc1 bu5toess beaeh cooeesstoos, fire rings tbe borne." -.__'""6 stopp.p meuures to pluc the doned well that wu iDoperaUoD Yaln to flood the Sea Shanty, poople aod seewbatstepscould and bath bouse akMlg the sbore Then She outlined ber con-Ara.u.j), seek to encouragt? mlscuity Is wroog. ou s lltlt tbat Is slowly od!lng before the tlWlael was dredpd 530 Lid Park Dr ., Udo Penlo~ be tabn to reverse tbe deelloe l·ne 1D froot of the elubbouse. c.erD : ''There aretooma.o.ydaJl. Charles Mower, 74 r d•"es to tbe surface of tbe enamel out 1n 1930, sula.. on Aug. 8, Owner Fra.octs which 1.s so l\'ldeDL Louis Briggs, piooeerBalboa gars lnberent 1n ~ni.Jii \1.\ arOUDd Newpol't Island 1JI West To pluc u. tbe city wUl ftit Delaney, 1908 Wlnctward, Bay-.. A basic problem 1s tbe sbor~ resideot and reallot, agreed other areas. It can le.a.d to ma..Q)' Newport. uotU the out loW tide, Dear crest. reported $400 da.mage tace ofpurcba.s1Agpower. There tbat rezooing re~study ls lD-abuses by nsted !.nterestssee~ Ablut 10 p..lloos a da.y are Aug. 28. A bole wt.U be due dDOt to tbe carpet, are less tba.D.l 000 resideotial dicated.. but eJ;)l'essed coocern tioc to ~omote a cer ta.ln: type ::Uo:o 1n w::~ :c: :ocsuz:tf ~~m=. aDd t;llled wttb POLICE SEEK TO CL.OSE ~:e aot!!=~~~u~': fs =ed~·~~:~n: 6 teet from the Dome of Jack City offtclala are fairly sure narrow streets,asmaybe geoe. be ea.r etully wa.tc.bed.. Alward. noe River An. An that tbe ,..,_baa norelatioD rated by the: Boys Club. "1 do DOt believe tbat seJ :~e~~~:m~~=::: :,~~:=u!.c:r:y:~~ CAVE AT ROCKY POINT u!:':an~e:l:::=:= ~=:~:u:~~c:!w~ st. Tbe odors arecauedbyDataral 1D the: Pen.Lnsula area tor the nave in mind -that ls, pro. A doseD moored boAts baH au. Newport pollee are cam-eU ou:t ltlorm.y, He does DOt c lub to serve. t'lding lastiog nlues aod. esta- collected u 1'*1 nterll.De IDCI Tbe olliiJPIUIIDbeDOtbreat palpinc to c.Jose a picturesque ban aay suggestloos, hoWever, Jobo Vogel, who described bUsbiDg a firm fouodati~ ~ Nferal tnOI'e are tu•teMd, to tbe main t&rbor .tDce lt ls c&Ye at Corooa del Mar's Rocll:y 00 boW tbe ss-toot-wtde, 25~ blmself as a Ba1boll busioess-wbicb solid hOmes tan be built. wblle swimmers 1D tbe c ba.Mel Dill" If trapped bJ tbt aurow Polnt because tbe eave ha.5 toot-deep ca.Ye sbould be man lD tbe hOrseaod buggy daJS. Sbe quoted materla.1 from su emerp sprlDkled wttb .Ut ky eba.DDela wbl.cb. art eatered become such a law enforcement plugged. said tbere is DOtbiDg 'lfi'OOg education courses to polnt out black dropllta. Pa1at tb1GDer 11 tbtougb tbe tunlal bulD ander beadacbe that tt•s ustbetlc That problem be wtlllea.Ye to with Balboe. aod tbat be is eo1Dc tbe dangers: ·•tn actroc.a~ a tbe oaly tblDc tbat wu:besltoff. the Artbll orerp&U. n.lue is questJooable tbe ctQius of tbe city pubUc to mO'fe Costa Mu a oldest code of sena.l responsiballty, U •1• • • • d In tbe past y-au Pillce ban W':>flts depu1:meDL business (Ills TeWinkle Hard-1t you teU young persons ~hat li lly tax Criticize arresled 44 2 juYealles 1o tbe Arn sts In t>epastyearatlbe ware) iniD tile a.lboa business tbt besl way 10 act respoostbly larp ca.Ye on chirps toe cuero inclldelO sea otrenses. dtstrac.t. 1s not to bueaoUDwaoted chi~, lt'erytblog from se1 ottensestc 9 oarcotiea ebarps, aM \9 Helen Cole, ma.lll.gel' o(lbe!l JOU l!e &lYing them Justi: Tt~e PI'OIJOIMid 5I utUlty tu "Yoa c&D't Mlljt!Wf leeeb.IJlc 1Dtox1ca.Uoa and drugs. curfew and lack or pareotal Dona.ldson's on M.a.ln st., dlsa-flc.atioa lOr sexual activity ~! wu rlfieftd, wt.tb. aome mta. more aDd mare moaey,ortbare AJI81Jtant Pollee Clef Harry cootroll1o1atioDS. greed, saying tbe.re are quite a. they ba'le ~-precautl.ons. ctriDca. II: Moadi.J t'IIDIDC'I ~ be a tu. rtt'Oit -aDd NelsOn wtll recommeod tbe Besides tbe flet tbat "you few tb.1ngS wroog, e~la.llJthe Dr. ArauJO Slld tlla t sel edu- lblltJ _..,,..., of tbe Nnpart tMre a1rldJ ll a reYOlt, .. Mr. cue's closure to ttle City Cguo... caa CO 1D tbtre UJ time and "fllthy dirty streets. .. Sbe SU.C· eaUoD. promoters are tnlng ~- S.Ch CltJ eo.ctl. Cook aid. smell mari)ana,, as 008 gested weeklJ' ''DO par~' YUtace ol tbe terr ific ~lse _10 Tbe COlt to uaYencetmme-u B h pollcenwa tuWles tbe can 1s perkKI.s to allow tbe tltJ street •eaerea.l disease, promtsclllt)' -wu ...... ted II $2 por pper ay pact soug I also uttored -""""'" llld .....,... to do lis....... and out-O!-wedlock pregnatt-m.JIItb, « P4 a JW', butd OD potentially dl..a.Cef'oU5 broken Jack Toon, a lao& tlme re~ cles. 5I of &ftl"'.&e ,.17 billa of glass stdeM and Newport business-"TbeJ are offering se1 edu- $15 far w.-. ..nke, $9 Tbt Newport 8Mcb C.ltJ tbe elty oeeds tb.ls Wlt.tertrcat Pairowac tbe can wbich ma.n, said his pet peet'e was eatioO as a. solution,'' she ~d. b electrtdty. $1 tor pa aD11 Ca.e1l1l qa~.~_.ldDCwrJttiiD to pt r8feoue to ftnaDce the faces Nnpol't Harbor• at the tbe flltby cooditloo of tbe bel.cb ''Yet tbey say it would be foolish $1b' ....... IDc:ome to tbecity UIWI.DCI frOm tbe COUDtJ commwd.ty put. jetty•s .UUC:e to tbe bly. 1D rrcn ollbe FUD Zooe. to es;pec.t theed~~progra.m woeld bt lbOit $500,000. ~1 ... cJlJ coa1ro1 ot Coonclhrua Pr.lll Cir'uber 11-reqalns poUceaiDcen to lean Ctty ........ Haney Hurl-to lesseD tbe eYils. MaJor Dar-lllrlltollllld part .,_ a1ooc t>e tpr pressed dlsseU"'"ctloo with tile tllt1r con --1o lbe burt said he..., JOOd ~ s .. quoted Dr. Mar y Cal- tb&t tbe tu could Pit a P".U. Mn'port 8&J n.t.s. Big CaDyoa pult pla.n.. He aJd ma1ll t.cll PU'IdAc lot. neo. tbat tbe clMD-~ oltbeare&IU uoae, uecutit'e director of load OD 1M aWl ~. tbat the area. ln tbe caDJOQ 1s aaer c::rw.._ OlrW tbe rocts been promlled. the Se:r lDformation a.nd Edu- CoecUII'IIIl Pul Gnblr eJ... WbiD tbt baJ. p1aa b' a-. st.dlly dlmiDJJhlnl u DIWII'-ud don a ttidnraytotbtcaft. Mrs. Lee GJUiland said lbe catiOD Couocll of tbe United preued CODe•• .,._. u. adcfl .. ctuce ot 1n11111 ud ~ fiDe delelopmeats ue lauD· tl tbeJ •<Milar ..., tl"oabll was cooeerDed &boat tbe JII'O-States (SIECI.li), as saying t1o111 tu • water UII'S, fto l&lda wu iUICJit'.S. be JIIIPII'-ebed, ''.tO tbe c:omm.aty lMJ art Oil ot n14 wttb tbelr p)a.l to Ml ~ ~ tJ:I tMt tbe program wtU not lower Ur.aJ pQ a llllblb.01 ra-Y18Dra toad till eo.rn t111t pult area Is beciM!\Jac IKs ndlo. tbl btaCII ar-, IDd alloat tM ta. rate of socla.1 dl.-.ses, and ciiMa 10 M'ft dllll' .. , Be -.Ad .., WOtll4 tate • a1k:aJ ac-dutra.ble.'' . OCIIece lll.ft oecutooellJ' poss'"'lUJ o1 • ..,.., 1M YIDIH&l diSIII.se Is a ill-llblo Iooft--oa tilt ..,t -111111 hr· illd lo~-tllt-...,. CCMDmorclaldUirld-lilt .--IJ apulo!sueducatloll. u.t U. t1tJ tu lUI~., &ll lld•"'"._+" .. lltJS, nt Vice~~:;!.*..!.' ttiDIIkl P_,tl '1'1Ndot'ft1111t1101t nsldelllt!IS. SM wu: ubd wbat caa be •donUtlltalllliJtuto-. UCIIIIICI ---ooedby _.said • .::::!. ..... ~-..;....,....,_lllot PIIDoiJic DtreclrW --lotiltllce o!moral b<eok ---7---·--r-•...._ pr-llrpotbllc ....,.-w ~ to ~~donUibeecllool.s doootpro-' "TuM -F dOn,"--~---.-poUcJ 011 Ell&~ towrtoc-llallll-tlttcen llld the pliO to ,_ -lllo-.ctloo. Ylco-IIIJO< ~J ..,_.,. -•-lo tilt til-"or tilt ptll>l)c --all ~. lllo ~ -"' "I ~·~-~~ -u ·~ .... ...,_.. <IIIIICI 11u - --......_ -· _ _..,. 111o ar• ---st.aal c--.. tile .,.um~ -· '""" ,_ ..... ~ ud tilt J1111-1 1 from tilt ...,.... -o.._. MOW IN TNAILAMD A st. Ht llld 111 did oot-tlltt.,. mill! -IOtlle ocllool.s • .:::-" IIQOI' lllnllaU ud .aJ b1 liP to a.._ s ¢ •• ::.~.small .U.. GD tM wst _. setllr· • BlriU'd L st.w.H. ~ U tM cil;f .aU~ ..,....,.. .., ~ ....,.Is 111•" !! ~·!:; .... .-...s~ · ..... w .udM:n.G. -.._..a .. ata.ltlltacL ·-· u e.._ "-lw• Ball no ~I -lloJ lroot hom tilt ....... a1 -()dx,l ~ CoG Col Walls, -ot lllo 111o -· tilt ocapopt. It 111!'1 • lltllll1 lorJ ~...,.. -oil-porb • tilt _,u ... Ott Coolt..--. to • tlotJII ~Ropl aa.a ~••• A-, to _. lo .... tilt oc ltools feel lllo IU nil-• -IJ -~~tilt 1Wor BlJ lloll 1111 IWOr BlJ ~ ~~-T1a1 I.PI, T'lllol'l. no •aod tllot ., -Ill -.,u&J. SoC -...-us to Azsa:IIC & ..,. t1c--: 1111 ltat ... tfllf._ea.ra 41dntapadrtcrt&a;.,-_...._ a..-,...we .. n-.W tM.,.... n ........ -. ... ta .. l&C.-toom-:'. ':; .:· =:.:.:... :.: :r .,=:..~ -:::1":.*:.. ':.~ ot.:! c. .ur ... a -:.:.: ~.-.::t :.:;t-;t:. ~":..:.,!!-tne 1111111 11 '* tr .. tu na ..... ~., .. _. u-. __. 111 :::';:: :!l • *'" ms ccw!it ... ..w ..... • abjlctlaa =:'.:.:"=tz ...... ""1 '• .... ..,.. -_ .. n: .... ,.~~-._...-............ -::-·· .. -:~~ -• "" .. ... 9 f!-IWisslll 111111!1 till .... IEr OCR I. c;-lila ... a....t, a-.. llaa--. t •• p" I-. --· ~.:--=.1: :-::_:_. .. car• tr• ·a ............. ..,_. ttor-c.uecw,,, .,_ .........a a a ••• ..... ••~~--.. -~ •o-111 ..,-.... ~ ... c.a ............. , ,.. 81 It-.. PI '' Ia .. -T-~.. • Itt a ....... 7 ll I It n • aM-IIIC I At I? I Dorllll. ............ .-...... M~WI ......... u I W 1111 1 " ~~~·> a_.nrlll--··-111-al-........ -"" .... -··---.................. ..,. "---~ ...... -::. .:-:::-•-"Fa'\" ...... ~awca ......... =~ 11ft--::.:.=.·-·--.! .. -. ... _... ' OIARLES MOWER Charles R. Mower, S%1 Jas- mine Ave., Coronadei Y.ar ,wbo was past president of the Orange County Building contractors Assn., died Aug.l4at st.Joseph Hospital in Orange. He was 74. w.r. Mower, an electrical en~ pneer, had ltved ln Ora~ County for Z3 years. During World War n be served as an Air Force captain. He ls sur- vtYed by his wile, Louise; a soo, Richard; a sister, Miss Bea.- trlce Mo.,·er of Michi gan, and 3 grandehlldren. Services were lleld Aue. 19 a t Pact.fic Vlew Chapel. Rosary was r ecited Aug. 18 at Our Lad~ Queen of Angels CathoUc c nurch. Tidelands annex urged Anoea.tioG ot the tldelaDds l.n front of Sbore CW!s and Cameo Shor es was lll'pd Nooday et'eniog by Vtc.e-llayor J.ind~ sley Parsons at tbe study session of tbe Newport Beac.h City COW\Cll. He sald it is a DO man's laDd. as far as polie.IJ:a& 1s coocerned beCause U is oeside ot city limits, lJXt dope I&MI'S con. gregate there lD the C.Yes 1M on he beaches. City Ma.Da~ Harny Hllrl- burt said that the county's Local Agtoncy for mation Comm1ssion has recently changed Its r ules and has made It possible for the cit)' to Initiate acUoa fbr annexation, although tile tide- lands area is Wlder the owoer of the State Laros Commtssloo. Council members agreed tbat ac.tion shoukl be taken, ud Mayor Dor een Marshall said that the staft' can trine the oec.- essary llltofmatioo to the Aug, 25 Council meeting. New surfing rules set • I • • llll OPI'ICIAL .......... liP 1111 an OP llollf.T IIIACJI TNB NAIIIIOII AliNA'S OFfSIT Ntrl!rAffR Ollleo ....... ,. ,._ lo ""' ltoolp hiW ... 2121 t:, c.-11wy., c-4ol liar Celli, -,_, TILII'IIOIIII 173o4!MII (Aooe c.4o 7U) 11111 .... _ _,._...._ -• .. -... 11 awlillr :Z.-arllll rrs .,... .. ..._.., . IMI dltiiU : ....... •ttst ...... _, I P I • ........ -.. ,,., ...... nt:ta.:c, , .... , * .. ..... .. .. .. ...... , .. Didlft.. "'** .................. an.&lu.., '$ 11 .... .... liD KINfiiDY (PM'f .) , -ifllllll '1 o,nll-....... ,.,_.," "'"""' o1 .. -, 110 .. " . ... •n IIIMCI ...... ad: Alllll .. w•,.h• to watoC..._ ....... ... Keanedy ""''-•""""""'*'> 140 much of lho lnllb Ted K-,. dort lOll, ODd .. _ Ia .. -• ol--11r -..,.rod ~rata, ud ...,. ... _ houn after t~ tta,pcty, tbltattonwy ~m wrote the 18fiJt. -......, &t -~ II IICU,ai'J ..... .;..... 'nil~ ... and Kennedyt COUll~ Joeeph Oarpa~ at risk Senator K-..dy'a drlviaa 1~ wu--b-..... tD dl8loM IIIIa a.m&iu, ~ Jf J , aa;.~c~~oo~ 11 117¢1_..,.. ot their own live~, eli':*' tepelledly to try co· peMect fot two month~. Hit u..e to Ill poM'k81 llllllll ftlk:U•• ~ Dr" ua,..., ........... .UUC wr._ s1izs•, ,_ -lho drowned pt. ,Wnc ~,too, In lheO.,_,.,,_,, .. __ . ______ udiD Mo41-ll,l~ 0olfllo8oeb; ...WII..rl_l __ sud! a due l~y couldnl ..,... n 10 lhe pended for -.ldetably ~o~opr, . 'I o -lloo-oollloo,-Dift.u,&c1oGOI,-Yark -lito-· 1oo pUla II police! Why coo IIIIey be ,.,_med1 If Ktnnody waa "'oo exhoUOOod • and In •o ..... 1loo _... ud ~ c•~ -liOn IWIIOdlot · Ua1 ,.,......, THE NEWPOaT IIAIIOI ENSIGN I• •• oaly wa ,.,. ,riM.. Nobody hu been found who will say that 1 te t ahoct" ·r he _,..:.., ~tow ...._ to ftiCia lite IIWt of .. ,-J~ -m-.-• ... pQH.a..l Ia l .. Cky •' ... "PCN' a..c ... _. Qe .-ly locelly he Se Edw rd Ul K , • 1 0 10 notJ Y 1 ~ WM .,j-,..__,. YWaltJ, tallu, Ttaa; aDd B!LL ......... .,..__. .. __,..,. ia , .. N..,., ..._.Coill• ..... uw nator . a ..... en~ m wet he able to walk 1.3 mila of country "YOM lAd ...,. Uld • I'--ta-Emor)' UllfC'IIt)', At..ll.ata, GL From tJae H.lle ANa. Pllltlw..l ... tly, •• ,.__..,., s.co-4 c:l-po•ltp ,.,. dotha on the m~l of or the momma after then swim the 2!50 yard chanMI 10 Edpnowat dUe ~ a _.. r-..cc to ID order to wta tblll dt-• c.r. .. •• .._, c.JII. he. ran olf the br1dp. The eo-owner of the Why was he and il he unwillina 10 fece tht tM .... w of .,_.., , ... muds, bl U.O made 11 Therefore beina juuified T)IE NEW'POIT HAaBOil ENSICN w .. MJ.,.._ 1oM • ..... Stnretown l~n (where .Kennedy returoed ptftl and be CI"OIH:UmiMd? Wb)'·cHd ---lllllttliiiJ......,dlellrt requuta.IDNo.l,blnqanted by faith, we have peace ,.,., of .,. ..... c:Wctal•i• ~,. CG.._ ....,... fifo. ~10171 d.o4 berore reponmJ the accident) and anoeher delibentely pua up rhrec narby howe~. when U. ._. ftlalll lllpel-liD u i)UOWI: 4'Wt ca11 apoo tbl with God tbrou,h our Lord ~ 14, 1951, Ia S...Mr Cowt fGr •he Coaly of Or~, Stato of man . ••Y they uw lhe Senator. Both aay he liahta were on, and poop~ had not yet .,_1M ....,atiDL We _... IMII CllriJ auoeltt.d wltll tbe (D... Jesua Cbriat: if•ala. .-,. ._l.. ~ ... thefeof ie CIMliftM to ,...,1 all p..,lle wu 1n .,. clothes. Another witness saw Kco-10 brd, where he could hne JOilen '=•• • · tntM to bl ••··e'fldlllltllltall ~~I olCbrllttU 3y whom also we han ac:• ..._=O~Wl~: ......................... ¥.o.a-..,. P.a.u.._ nedy hnina breakfast a~ the Inn, in *7 help in cettinathe ,rirl out Or the c:ar1 ma *" a.ildleqal." ct.rebes to etwta.acatt~~ Blaet c:eu by faith into tiUa PEG HAAPA ·-······------·----···········--·--······"···A.oelce E4itcw c!othes. The best uplanabon may be tha_t ~ KenMdy JOl a two-month suspended ten-Ia tat fM,'llllllu. ...... Mnt'**' fter..-er It Ll aracc wherein we atand, and SUIICII,TION lA TII Simply walked~ the water. Perhaps_~ dtdnt tence and Mill Kopechne aot death. ~~-1 1 twa~ pr ... llf:ed I.Dd to r.,.lt rejoice in hope or the Jlory I• H.bor "'-•: o.e ,. •. k-80; 2 ,..-., 17.00 re~rt _the acc~nt and all the .. dJVJn~. and Why did the "prOKCutor" rcc:ommmd a IJA--~ ~tllltDIIC:.-1mmediati1J tbe pte.atadonol of God. 0.. of lla;ot Are-.. o-,.., 15.00; 2 J.)l!--.. 19.00 IWtmmma not beca~ he was , ~ but pended acntence1 Why dtdn't the proiCICUCor =--~dUe,.! ::J ~ !:!' ,:' this Cbrllltiu Maa.Uesto, ud And not only to, but we ~~~ bec.ause he ~ u_me to Ft hiS. haJr done. prosecute'? Why didn't he cr~xamiac the tell. btcl It adJoealed ~ tbat wblr".-tbl: Black M~-&lory in tribulations also· Obsessed With trytn& co save hnntelf, Ted witness? 1M fnto J.a re.d 'the Chr1st1a.D kn . h "bul . ' ~~.. ..etlf " ~ ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensl~ ORANGE COUNTY THANKS YOU, JOE Joseph N, Bell, Corona del Mar's gift to the left-wing cause, deserves a tongue- in-cheek note of gratitude from the con- servatives of Orange County, He was in truth doing us a favor, although be did not intend It that way, when he wrote in the Aug, 26 Issue of left-leaning LOOk magazine about "America's k:inldest county," Joe appears to be somewhat uncomfortable in the conservative climate of our county, and in his distress be tells Look readers of some of the "terrible" things going on around here, You can just lm~e the borrUied reaction of his ultra-liberal readers when they learn of the following shockers about our kinky community: Orange County is the borne of Knott's Berry Farm, where free enterprise Is extolled and patriotism Is exalted, where pride in our American heritage bas r eached such extremist heights as to produce a replica of Independence Hall, birthplace ~f this great nation , , , , Australia's Dr, Fred Schwarz held one of his memorable Christian Anti-Com- munism Schools at Disneyland Hotel some I 0 years ago and awoke many a pre- viously unconcerned citizen to an aware- ness of the communist threat to our free- dom (I can scarcely bear to tell Joe Bell that Dr, Schwarz is planning another anti-subversive crusade here) , , , , , Orange County has a congressman, con- servative, patriotic Jimmy Utt, who op- poses the present campaign to get sex education into our public schools, wbo s eeks to get the United States out of the United Nations, who supports the liberty am·~ndment to end unconstitutional business enterprises of the U.S, govern- ment and to end the personal income tax , , , , Newport Beach has a state assem- blyman, Bob Badham, who introduced a bill to prohibit the teaching of evolution as a proven fact in our public schools (here I must correct the careless re- porting of author and UCI lecturer Joe Bell, who stated that Mr. Badham sought to outlaw the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution) , , , , More people In Orange County worry about communists than about fascists (Joe Bell has not done bls home work, which would reveal to him !bat experts such as Hitler and Mussollni agreed that both are left-wing) , , • , The shocking "Dictionary of American slang" was actively opposed by Orange County' conservatives • , , • The even more sbocldng play, "The beard," with Its stmulated sex act on stage at a State College, roused the Ire of concerned citizens, If I were a complete stranger to Orange County and ilad chanced to come upon this Look article, I would have sald In praise of Orange County: We need more of. that ldnd of. people to preae"e our conftltutional republic from the on.laugbt of. the left-wing liberalB , , • .uch u Joe Bell, and Loolt magazine. KenMdy may have destroyed himself polihcal· Durin& the same: session of the court, another d.k:tatDrliltlp o1 tal proletariat Mynlfllto .taaU U.O be r-.d." . owtna I. at tn Ilion ly . The coldly calculated lyinJ, eva~iveness, case-was dectded. A man found JUilty Of aaeq,-ud t1aat otl:terclautlolJOeiety Tat1nc tile laid in c:omplJiac worteth ~alienee; . . double-taUt and extreme selfishness were too ina in a parked vehicle. He also pleaded aboUd be~ to lt. The wttb tbla Dr. Me-And patience, es.penepce, much for anybody but a Kennedy fanatic. guilty and Wa! ftned S 1 ~-Hh sentence was not II*'W pointed •tllilt tbe Dt6 lattre Ablqdoo and ·~~r~~;no:e hope:. (Ro- He lacked what it took to ._.. •• like a suspended. e&arauoo of lDIIIpeadHce NJ& ... mau ~ man and tell the truth re~ardless o~ personal Suppose you had done all thll. Reckon eJatmed tbat all m. contequencet. No, he dtdn't do tt on lV , . . ? erMttd •aa.I. IDdleatlnc either. He told ,.n of the truth lfttl .. down youd be out of Jltl yet . Suppose Georac DOODI CiaulboaJdbepredomJ.- •nd rndl-a the soap opera wh,ich had been Wallace had done this1 . Wouldn'.t the "liberal" oant. laboriously concocted by his brain trust. press have taken the h1de off h1m? Now comes tbl Black Manl ... Ribicoff, Schlninger, Galbraith, McNam-Some ~c say it's cruel to kick a man felto, Wbicb Jamu ara. Goodwin. Sorenson and others of the Ken-when he's down. Down where1 Who hu been pra•l !ted to tbe ncdy Mafia rcp«medly convened at the more ruchlcss, more savage and vindictive Kennedy compound Thursday, (S days after toward political cnemi~ than the Ken~1- thc tt'a(tt-dy) pr~umahly to determine how American W11y Feature-. ball a btWoll dollars, ~ wbldl IIMr wu d f I cr-loSbiWoo'~=~=· Wf ARE OVER 400 Agen a or P anners :.tao£-:."':.. ~~~\M!"E~~~,~":"D NT~~~;;:;e~7~ Tbt P1ualncCommissioDot Mrs, EYelyD Sberwood far dl-leYel Pll'k!Dc stridae lXI a years. Rotr.,er, tb1a dem•nct GAME IS SAVEl TO CHOO$£ FROitlf Newport Beach will coostder rid1llg Z R-Z lots lnlo 3 R.Z lot separate 11om 11le 1111111 lor r--1llloJidlo-II---------..L--------tbe IDllowiDg items at its meet-Jots, 2002-1/Z I.Od ZDll Kings bulJdlng s!te 1D tbe 600 blod P-1.. u tbe r-.1 buU: b 1Dc at 8 p,m. toda.y, Aug • .21, 1n Rd., Cwt Ha-ren, ooe of tbe of Newport.Center. tbe deaud l:lr __, wu re- Clty !WI, lois to be f,ZOO sq, IL, to aroa RaoubdiYlsloll OWllcalloll of-lubouo .... IDc ..... Request of Georce M. Hot-wbere tbe mi.D1mwn is 5,000 Pl!d.llp Rapp to combJDa tbt our -.tioaa.l .00..7 and c. steia " Soos b-eJtensloo of sq. ft.; ODe lot to be 5,368 sq. easterly lZ-1/Z feet ol Lot U I:Jrm olperJUDei!L Ill Seetloa use permit aUow1Dg 6 off-site ft., ln area Ybere tbe mlDI.mum a.ad all ot Lots Zl aocl Z2 lato 10 of tbe Biaet' M'"'"'*' lt subd1Yisloa dtreetiooa.l signs, is 6,000 sq. ft.; the 3td Jot to one parcel at 123 ZSrd st., stated: "We are 10 proal of oar Jamboree Rd. at Coast Hwy., meet tbe area requirements. Central Newport, Afl1can ber'Uap ud r.U. Jamboree Rd. at Eastblutr Dr., Resubdi.Yisioo awUcation of Varlance appllc::atioo ot G. ~·IJ that our.traale U aod nortb of PaUsades Rd. at the ln1oe eo. to create z par-Rudolph Miller to uceed tbe DOt ODI7 Co mate refOlatloD La the ut-.too of Jamboree Rd. cell for coostructioo of otftc:e 15 foot betpt Umit ltJr an ac-tbe United statu. bat to I!N- Reqllest·of Du Blackwell lor buUdlDg and park1Dg structure cesaory buUd1nc at 210 Orcllld teet our brotbera Uld l1lten utensloo of use permit for' oo-1a the 600 block ot Newport A.-e., Coroaa del Mar. lD .u.-tea." sale beer and a clwlp 1n clo$6 '"Center . Request of Bill Dr-1.-er ofDry Tbl Butler Couoi:)'Amertcao, 1Dg time trom mldn.lgbt to z Use permit request of Balboa Doet re.taurut, 2601 W.Cout edited bJ Judaoo BaJU"dReeee. a.m. at 6450-80 W. Coast Htry. ID.su:ra.Dce Co. and MerUpla.n Hwy ., lllari.Ders MUe, for off-an emtneat I.Dd p&trlotie Nec:ro, West Newport. ' lnsunnee Co. ol Los Angeles site partmc ud lor boat sUps wrote u artiele t:lltWe ,.Black Request ot Rtcbard Hen.DJ.cw for coDStrucUoo ot a multi-lD lieu ot car Pllltlnc spaces. Ma.DJ.teD IIUoduc:tloa" u.t =~t~•S£·~~: N.B. BUILDING PERMITS F~mu·~.~~=~..: BeJboa BlYd., 81Ibca.. 8alldin& adlritJ iD lCnport • HARBCillSL.UfD Wbe:re -IIIIPIIallloo of Bo1cb. ......., -., a bll lor IU.· .. u --llweliiDc ~~ = ~ ~~-~e= tbl .auner, IIU produced tbe at 1Z Rubor lslaDd, ,10,000, ol Uti tll&t m'lllt be ..--foUowtDr Augut permits iD the led -b ...... -" at !501 Oeeaa Bt.-d., COI'ooa.del am:xmt of $1,000 a1111 OYer: • CORONA DEL MAR "' --• Mar. • BALBOA Bart Morteueo, Z-stor'J du-Wltb tr• cbr1.ua.a. torbllr- ResubdJ•lsion iR)Ucatioo ot R. Pa.ultn, Z-story, 1.unlt plea., 504 Becoall. $'7-t,OOO. uce, '!· Cui llc.llt1re, WbO James Htpoo of Balboa I« a dwelling. ZJOO E. Balboa Bl'fd., • IRVINE TERRACE bro..sc:a41 week dlya ft'om change iD lot Uoes to create z $120 000 Dr. De Beaumoat, z permits Moaday to Friday OHr XEMO kits 37-1 /Z feet wide instead of Jhs. jesse SUmsoo, altera-tor connrttag corered patio (860) ud KBBI (tm, 107,5) oa ooe lot 30 feet 'ride and ooe lot tioos, 2115 E. Ba.lboa BIYd., UltO plaJrOOm aad bedroom., bebllt of tb1 zoth C ..... J Re- 45 feet wide at $23 alld 5Z5 Vla $2 500 1815 Bayadere Ter ., $1%,5&0. formatioD IIOiw, COIIIPOMI a Lido Soud, lJdo Isle. • NEW.PORT • CAMEO HIGHI.A.NIIt Cbrutia.D u.mteeto 1n 1Dft'er- Resubdh1slon application of M, Sberwood, ~ apart-The lrYtne Co., eqalpmeut 1nc tbe demudl made bJ tbe l~E~G-A_l __ H_:O:.:T~IC~E --meot. IZ? 431'<1 St,. $1Z,Z50. enclosure ID< CATV S)'slem. Bta.k -olo, c. PriDce, carport and a.J.-4700 Sarrer Dr., '15,000. He made 11 ooe NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ter&tlons, 501 38tb st., $3,%00. • HARBOR VIEW HILLS be1q • ODI bWioll Notice 1s bereby gt•en that Jobn Kluc, add1t101l 531 Bay-Richard Natla.Dd, ntmmJng be UMd tar t11110le parpGI1I tbe Plannlllg Commissioo oftbe stde Dr., $2,500. --.. pool, 1715 Pwt Sbemeld, lftACI'"''"I tal aatloM w1tb City of NI'Wp)rt Beach wUl hold • NEWPORT SHORES $3,3&1. tbe mesa.. ol tbe blood a public bearlng 00 theappllea. D. c. U:cfernA, addiUona.ad Tom NaulbtOO. addlti00.1700 ol Cbrtlt, &ad 500 adWoa do~ tion o1 B M. a.ad Sbaroo 5 alteratloo.s 4'7Z Prospect st. Port Mar pte, $8,000. lara twtlwurec::tic.-of..,..,..• Adam 'fD< esabdl~ $? 800 ' ' Eastbluii-Nnport, peri. Ia ft1cb 11lo Goo1>01 of Cllrlll No. zS: to ~mft dtrtsioo of • LIDO ISLE meter ftlls tor Tract 6634, 1JQUS biJII'JIIW1wtlbtal-.. ooe R-1-B-Z parcel 1D1o two WWiam Lroo, allenllolls. $4,800. llac -lod&O of _.. R-1-B--2 parcels aDd reductbl 9Z9 Via Lido Soad, $15,000. *EAST UPPER BAY xleDce. of required lotareatromlO 000 w. C, IAfebn-e, 2-story, 1-Raymood Wataxt, addiHna,. Ill Mo. 10, be Jtatad: sq. fl. to 94!50 sq. ft. i)t ~cb 11D1t dWellllltC, 1%1 VIa Flreoze, 2501 Alta VLst:a. ,'7,500, c::a.ll b J00 lllWioB lot and reduction olrequlredlot $46,250, Dr. Robert ~ addllloo, bo -~lolly loo ud wtdth from 90 teet to eo feet • BALBOA ISLAND Z639 Buaya, $6,454. tba NelfOH. for each lot, on portJoo of Lot Doa Gates, praee wttb ap-*WEST UPPER BAY In No. 11, bl ~ed "We Z8?, Newport HelcJII$1Dcaledoo arlmool OYer, 2%8 Poor~ II, C, V'IMtne ~Soa,l-llllll, c1ode lallleoo ......... loo 1be easterly side of T.-$14,100, 1-story llwelllllr. IUO--....-_ 11lo -of AYenue 120 feet south ot 22nd • WEST NEWPCfiT HEIGtri'S US,OOO. te)"a I.Dd twes of tbe t.U .. Streel.' Hoar -•tal. 301 N, !lew. R. s. Colloy, addllloo -~~-;;..,:-.;co:Uotoo: ud -1· Notice lsberebyfllrther p.-en part Blt'd., fire spr1Dtlers, prage, 1912 &anUIID, $8,132. J lbal said pubUc beariDc w111 $1,800, Rudolph Forllo, lwlmllllac be beld oathe4tlldayofSeptem .. • CUFF HAVEN pool, 1350SUNU, Jl,$01. ber, 19fl9, at the boor o1 8:00 D. R. Ho!lll;tn,IWlmml.Dcpool, E. tL Couway,ldclltkln, 1507 p,m, In lhe COUDCU Chambers 300 K1llp Pl, $1,100, SriYia, $?,100, oflhe Newport Beach Clllllall, • LI1IDA 5LE N, CboriH, ·-udal- at wblcb Ume aDd place 1.1111D11 G. Primm, IWiDltlil.Dcpool, 56 tarations, 1141 """•an. a11 periOOS llllerestad mar II'-Ulda 1olo, $4,000, ""!!' __ n_;.·zoo_,_..;. ____ _ pear alld be beard tbereoa.. ..,.. DonR. MHniQO Secretarr MICI fllf ... New '69 Thunderbirds s99 OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE FREEl ZEMA .... liKE WITH EVERY HEW CAMI'ER·TRUClt OR MOTOR HOME PACkAGE SOLD, LIMITED OFFER! EXAMPLE PACJCAGE: • HEW '69 ,FORD ~ TOH V-1, e MEW BARRACUDA CAMPER 600 WIT~I STOVE, SIHK, TAILfS, LICilTS, DRAPES, • MEW ZEBRA MIMI liKE. :~~ s 295 00 ... ,.. .,.. I I I ! I Newport Beach City Plaminc Comm.laloo Publl.ab: Aug. Z1, 1919, lD Tbe Newport Harbor Ellllp, LEGAL NOnCE .-.. , .......... 1'11111 • .. , Ill' fils . UHt5 -7.15 ... : , : : : 15C:I.1Ht5 ·l· Mil l'llis •• .. I I IJ5 II --.. -·11-... IJ HOTICE OF PUBUC 11EAIUNG -,. boreby ll'r• 11101 lbe P1uo111c Comm,._ ., .. Clly of llowpart Bolcb ...W- a poiJI1c IIOorlq ao IIIOIIIIPIIca· -of L D, II,, lola V-o, loo a U.OP•IIIltlat.Ciopor. ··--., .. -llud U&b«tiw of I lA) r .... ....,..., ...... put oil P'.a.ed .......... Dwtlap- ... (JkatMokf(l. ........ ......,_p.. __ ....,_.,.10111110 ..... .._ • .,.,..,rr'w, T1io -.,., ........ """' 1M 1llolr -... 111(1 •••• ill ........ of '-ct. tt-.... . _.. ....... ,Jtilltrtslil ,.., l'oQrily .... .. UH.JHt5 ~1U5 I 0 ; 15c : 1.15~115 U5 II 21.15 ".4.1510 ·-----1'1111----~ .. l'llis S1lla I llanu I I 11:11 ..... " .. Jllllll an , . 4J5 11 .. Tllllll ... I I 4J5,lJI. , sf ' ID lllr Tllllll Ma Ill. lJI Cllll I ,_ ----......... _ ..... ..------~-----------. 1-, ollloo -ol I:OOp.a. •ws-.lwu atr•ot,....-,II .. Jl•* fl-CIIMI .,,_ Jolo -IMicllllon to4 'C.' ........ ....... Till -IllS --.a rm ..., -.s· -sm .. Ca PQirtrrwlf .. -Cllr .... ol ... ..... ~ ... ..... ~.;; .. ;;. .., .. ,_. ......... 1116 .... t 27 .... 2 ' .......... CIIr l_~~!l!!!!!!~!!~~~~~_jt .. ·.·l!i~:. li( l ....,, ••••••. ~I I .. ..... ... -......... ., ...... ..,. ...., ....... r-a...•-• ----.... 0. .. ..... 11!1 ... ,,. --·--.... --'"·---~·­- • ' ·Newcomers at }Ioag 1 ftliiAT, AUG. I • T._T AUG. T lor-llr,'IOOIIIrL JObll CUI-IIr:IOOIIIro.WIDila '· Y-., ... lic»a An., BIM'reld. 1111 ewer• 14., eo.-. coo~a-. lllrl-llr. u4 llro. Mart Gtri-Mr. u4 llrL-~ -...o A•"thD AYe,, Hamt"-J'Ui Vt........., COlli eo.-. ' . -·--. ~-. • llr ...... -....., llr. Ia! a. Jonn Boy -llr. u411ra.- 4. t-., '"' A•betm Ave., MOIIIIDJ a-a """-• -eo.-t1ngtDo B..di. _.,, ao, -Mr. ud lin. John Girl _ Mr, uc1 Mro. PUI =-· 810 Darrtll St., Costa Weavir, 1001 r~e WaJ, 1 1ATURDAY, AUG. 2, C~l~.u4Mro.Ed­ Girl-llr. udllrs.Rlehard Jaei<a>o, sus 1torr7 a... COlla A.. laWJ•, ltu E. Balboa Mesa ' 81 .... , ~~~-Boy -llr. ud llro. J&JDH ao,-llr,udllrs.Wllllam Wllaoo, 5U Tra ... N Dr B. -., 1'710 Delaware St., CO&b. Mea. ., JlwH ..... Blaeb. • FRIDAY Aue. a Girl-Mr. aDd Mrs. Roy Girl-Yr. &lldMrs,GIIDdoa I,.._,, 3001 Gl.rfleld At'e,, Fleteber, 665 'II. WllaoD, eo.ta Collta ..... W:esa . A FLAG W11 !WI ntrld riCtllllf bJ tile Wl.ll.iam Girl -llr .... llrs. John &of -llr. aodllro.Rteblrd Caboll c-ol D.Ullo llle BoTaCbl>ollllo-...... ·P. IIJU, I till Jerrllyu Ln., Pletup, ZSI8 Anlla,EutBIIII. Pl-ed bore II tbollq nlllDcoro, ll:omld, llrL _, -..... Ba.eb. BoJ-IIr.aodllro.Gordlo II.-. -...... ; llrL S. R. !lord Jr~llq 1'WI.I bop -llr • and Mr s. Crlbbs 1 ?591A Gera.JdiDe l..aDe cbl.lrm&D; IDd Z Boys Cld) member a, DIYid Low Ul1 Pat Rldllrd T. ~. 3044 Fill-Hunuaiu>a Beaeb. ' Sporrow. Tbe llq 1U -Don a<or tbo Capljollo IDCft W&J, Cola.llesa. Girl-Mr. aDd Mrs. Joseph Waahlocton. D.C., ud wu seat bJ CoDcre.pnn lama B. Gtrl-Mr. aad Mr1, Melvyn CberrJ. 3S8 Peach Tree Lue utt. U.S. reJWeseat:atJ.n from tbe S5tb DlJtr1ct. lloap~ U99 Pulaa Pl., Costa west ~ BI.J, ' s d I d ~I-llr. ud Mrs. Ren-AI~~;:-~~~~.~~~ toge OWO r S S 0 te Roo Till(, ICNO El Camillo Or ·• tlngtoa Ba.eh. ., The COlla lleSI CIYie PlaJ-Lots W~ Pal Noo-mu o\&lt. C, COlla --BoJ -llr. IUid Mrs. Gregory -..W 11ace U. ...... aod Joom. Wolcolt. Girl-Mr. ud Mrs. Daniel Howland, 2506 Leb.igb. Costa awards biJiquet at tbe Costa Noml•t.l tor tbe _T~IIIl"" M, GratiN, 193& Wallace, Costa Mesa. Mesa GoU aDd Couatry C~ Award, CIYeD b tbe but Mea. • SATURDAY, AUG, 9 th1s Saturday ef8Diac.fol1owtng tormuce 1a a role ol 8oJ -Mr. llld Mrs. Robert Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Gllry an 8 p.m. d1rDer. ate Katby L&dd, Paul Cs"!"ell, D. IAwls, 801 Seaward Rd., G, B. Lai, ZOZ71 Ra.mooa Lo.., Tbe Ch1c Playbouse Patroos J8IDDI Correll ud Tom eon.. H.lptands. Huntington Bea.ch. Assoeiatlon wW anrd aplaqoe • SUNDAY, AUG. 3 Gtrl-Mr.aociMrs. Frances to the cut aDd director oltbelr Bot'-Mr. ud Mrs. Victor Ur sini, 2150 Portola Dr., Costa t.uorl.te play, T. LH, 914<lUst .. Costa Mesa. Mesa. · A apeclal anrd will be gt.Yeo &or-Mr. llld Mrs. John Glrl-Mr,andllrs.Edpr£. ln memory of UDda Baum, ec.k, 1401 SlrQnella,lrvlne Wa lker, 415..C Hamlltoo St., w1Mer ol the 1967-68 best Ttrnee. Costa Mesa.. ~tress award, wbo died last •MQJfDAY, AUG.4 Boy -Mr.andMrs.l...aDnyD. December. Tbe award .W be League picks artists -.. ____ _,lle , .... COlli& -Art m&Jblnn.Jilll~ lt)hcl- ---•· ··-• """"' II llep• «$Q'W ........... a.;; --._, -. .............. 8_ IH MI'L IJcMrd 1:i1rtt0a 8lltll P.bt'Irll,.,l Eaw(laM) qo ud Ia prod' lolllleart lira. -....... ReeooQJ .... oomploted a .... .-. mlnlb' tbl cbll-dr•"• wud at Fa1nin' State ...,b,, ud llu a.tnctad a CI'OIIPIMrOla-lorpolA- IIng. Sbe ,.. aorred u art clairma.a. lor CaJliJnda Fe- dera.Wd Womea'a Cl-. a.:llaa member ol tbe COlt& Mea Wo- meo'a Cl~. AILEEME WINGER DIES s.r.tca~or........,s. WLD.pr, 61, ol 5ZOO Sea- shore Dtbe., West Newport, •ere beld Auc. 15 at ColeJDa.D. -JIDLIHoln,Sbe .. suntYed by blr' -, Peter ol santa Am.; a ctaupcer, Mrs. Susaa SUso ot. Costa Mesa.; a.ad o. crudeblld, COME TO A FREE Christian 'Science Lecture 1t00 f'.fiL TUI!SOAY AUGUST U ll15 V1A LIOO NEWPORT BI!ACH TAKE ONE FAT GOOSE ••• Goose pease ultd c.o be found in IIKJII medk:inc chests. For a lona time., it was a conunon rmwdy for chest colds and pneumonia. Tbc hi&h mortality rate of luna patients proves how ineft'mive this remedy was. Modem medicatlons-part.icularty the antibiotia-have dra.sticaJiy n:duc:cd the death toll of pneumonia vK:tims, shortened hc:Mpit&J sta)'l and ' relieved untoki pain and sufferina. Rananber this when you're ill : effective rncdK:ines may mean the difl'erena: between pain and comfort ... between life and death. So, don't medk:ate younelf. Let your physician do the diaanO&ina and pracribina. Then come to us for any medications ~ may recommend. ... &. coan -Y .. ocer-a ma. ... omoua-- Girl -ltlr. aod Mrs . Duane PingilleJ Z225 Pacific Costa preseDte:l to tbe per100wbo W l'lapma, 21'76 Placentia, Costa \lesa. ' ' coatrlbuted. tbeiDOittotbeplaJ- Mea.. Boy _ M ~. and Mrs. Dennis house cturtnr tbe JUt &eiSOil. 8oJ-Mt. llld Mrs. Frank Ryan, 2318-B Eo.glaDd. Huu-Nomtoees for tbe regular ~=-814 VIctoria, cost.J. tint-oo Beacb.. anrds are: Another first from Newport National Bank Best actor -OaYld Gtwta n, Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Cha ies DtAHE DUHCAI'rt DIES Robert Encman. Roo. Fllla.D a.ad Uuwortb, 371 Avocado, Costa Diane Duoean.l60Rocbester, Hap Graham, ........ Costa Mesa. died Aug.lZ. Sbe ls Best actress _ Audrey Boy -Yr. and Mrs. J erry survived by ber busbaDd. Snitzer, Francy Walsll, Pat JardiDI, Z033 Goldeneye Pi ., George; 4 ctli.Jdreo, Gordon, Harp and TberesaSmltb. eo.ta llesa. M chael, Timothy, and .-'s-Best 5~ actor-Rick • TUESDAY, AUG, 5 topber MlD'Tay. Senices were Gunst, Ed Llttle, Paul Gracey Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Patrick held Aug. 15 atWestcllfiCbapel and Jack Murray. H, 'l'bJellll, 6041 Calvin Circle, and tntermeotnsatGoodSbep-Best actress- Hmtln&fOn Beacb. herd Cemetery, witb Westcutf Helene Scott, Bar- BoJ-Mr. and Mrs. Martin r~ha~pe~l ~Mo~rtuar~~y=dlr~ee;llng.;;.;bora;;:~~~~=9 Roblrta, Z077Wallace 13, Costa .. _ t-Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John .-y, 4'121 Courtland Dr., :>c8-1953 Cameo Sbores. • WEDNESDAY, AUG.6 -llr. aDt Mrs. Bradley ' ' 117 Victoria, Costa :~~~~r Qrl -llr. I.Dd Mrs. Robert ~. 11152 Serenade Ln., HM••• Beacb. YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS! T.b14 7JJ.IS ak14 as-u DUNLOP -GOLD SEAL TIRES 4 PLY RAYON TUBELESS · WHITEWALL 88 -..... ,_ CHECK OUR SIZES: 520-13 650-13 520-14 SAVE ~-~THE lEST! 19.88 nJ-14 22.88 ~J.U 25.88 IK-14 27.88 -~~ Ex. Tax uo .. 154 ...,. ow n .. COIOIA del · 1111 Til£ & TDICO . c......... • 67J.DI6 "'_,, _T~IXAQ) CRIDIT CA- Wbc T-..... ltl I .. ruai •. SATU YTV SATURDAY TV lANKIN& IS CONVENIENT AND EASY ( Bankmg on· Saturday wtll be an added I - convemence at Newport National .Bank for peop le who missed banking durmg the week. or when emergenc•es artse and extra cash is needed. Just dnve up to our untque Auto TV Drive·tn screen on any Saturday and. after push•ng the button. one of our televtsion.selected tellers wtll cash checks. accept depostts. make wtthc.lrawals on savings accounts. accept loan payments tssue money orders and even open new accounts Our special TV hostesses wtll serve you and your family refteshments and show you how to operate the TV Bankinc. It 's convenient. fun and very N"f Saturday TV Bankinc can make your hte a little more pleasant at these loeatioM only IN FUlUWTOII SUNNY HillS OffiCI: • -II .. • 171-12!1 UNIVfRSITY OfFIC( • hsl a. .. -II Slllo eo-. • ·- IN NEWI'OIIT -- WlSTCI.IFF OfTIC( • -II -• Ml-llll SATU-Y lV IIANIUNG IS AVAllAIU KTWEEN TME MOUltS Of t:OO A.ll. -1• P.M. AIM ope~~.,.,. ..... tiKI 5:00 p,tft. ~ 6.:00 p.m. .. ,.,.,.._ c:oM« TOAI'IU!f Chrlatlan Science .Lecture ... P.M. TUIIOAY AUOUIT II UlS VIA UDO MIWPOIT IIAC.H CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. AlWAYS I'IINTY Of IIU PAIKING FIRST RUN HARBOR AREA HE1l ft\CTUU TOUI: fUN IniON£ I Ghost To Gh ost U ug hs! ALSO THIS FAMILY COMfDT •=s rw_ ~!iiiRD!i GIDSi ·-....... ---· USn NOV · JONES · PLESHETTE ,, "EW'ORT tlo\RIOII EIIIGII 11\UIIIIMY. AUG. 21, 1981 IISL WIMI Dill CASS U lila U'latiTI" ~R:::RST~SE,CT1011=!.:-:.:-:..!Ptp~.!4-,---~~!!!!!!~D1L!!!:.!!IW!.~CAL~I!:.f. • --:r,= IIIII a.-. OP ..,r '-ilfAl Sll 1 ........ PR •. II c.:.-..:.~.:':; ..... ta ~ ... • •• IW II Ill BID 81 tor l:aofol ......... SUI,= lo c.--.......... ~ ~~_!·•=·-:~ T~E FOIST SHIPUEIIT to tllo UIUa! -ot t1>o S1ar eertu Subaru l~les ~ntnd at 1.o1 Aap .. a Harbor lut WHk. Hartl)" Lamm, pr-ol Subaru oiCalt.tlrnta, loc.. ll1e Newport Booeb -dtltrtbutor tor Suboro, an!WJDCed tbe arrlft.l ol tbe IDIUal SOO Star 1UD1ts. Tbe 4-speed, 40 mUe per p.lloa. star bu a 4-ey1111der nat __.t eqloe. located ID !be -. features rr.ot wheel drlfe, bas a UD1que dual rad1at« SJstem aD:t can travel at 90 miles per~. Toni misses A.A.U. title 1oJ WIW&IoR. Mr., .. _ Uam L. AldrlcJo, wtoo ..-JJ rulpad to rf.o(lpiG bla on couulllDC llrm. At Camp cuooo a haodllDC all ....... pubUc ..., commllllly r~~~oi llor ""' -· lluriDr Ida year MarlDe COI'pl career M rose tbroulb tllo rub lrom private to -colooll, puUeq,tUncla blttlel:afWorld War 0. Kor• ud VletDam .Ja -the -.......... tillery. Last year be wrote a series of articles durlDc a Yislt to Vto!Dam wtltcll recetted GILBERT W. FERGUSON aatlom.l distrubW:ioo.,. After !dstl.rsttour 1n VletDam tbe best reeruJ.tiztgrecord lnlbe Toni Hewitt of East Bluff, wttll ltomaeb flu bat felt ready 1n 1965,heretunedtoWUillo&. COUDtrJ. 1 1968 Olympic swimmer from to defeod her zoo meter ttUe ton, D. C., to head tbe Marlae Aa Oru:ce Cocmty resideat Corooa del Mar Hl gll Scboo!y Slmday. Corps oationalcommiWtyrela-before ~ tbe MulDe miased her3rdstralgtJtla.Uoclal ttons prOIJ"'.nl, He latel' &rec-Corps, be wu oner-mana- AAU tlUe lo the zoo butterfly LEGAL NOTICE ted thelnUmattoo-ol-&W ola retallbustoess .... de. .w zrrhl• u.t ...._ 1111 --;-4 •-.--..., l-.,:.___ ..... ,, ,._ • ... , -.; ...... . ---. ·-• '----WU I I 7 .. , .... .. Ia ......... 117 --... .. 0. lAIIIr " .. c..tl 01...,.._ A.ar. • 11 lt. lc.. ewt?Ma ~Mil •r1 Ml -. ca-C.... lOll.._ -• ,.,.111 ~c wullllol1&oe*c .. -.., •-= *-.., a.u ......,.. lVI SHOW ITAIITS 7 P.M. COHI"INUOUSSIIOW SAT. I lUll. 110M2 PA ODDBALl HEROES TOOK THE CASTLE, ITtiEIR ONE-EYED MAJOR TOOK IJS MIST- RESS -AND THEN THEY TOOK ON THE WORLD. Sunday despite t1nlsblng In a ce and the Martae Corps as-'PU'tmeat rn&Dapr tor Sears, 2:22.0 to Ue her Amer ican re-NO'IlCE OF PUBUC HEARING htblt center· Roebuck &DIS Co., Santa A.-_ Ill J~;~:~ cord. Notice .tsberebyghntbattbe For three years, be directed Just prior' to the Korean War. Lyon Colella of Seattle cap. Plannlog Co mmJsslon of the the eriUre community rel&Uou He att.,.., tsC and wu: tured the title 1n a tanot de-City or Newport Beach wUl hold program for tbe Marine Corps graduated cwn laude from the clsioo over Ellie Daniel, Phila-a public bearing 00 tbeappUca-Reserve PI'OJl'&fll 1o Atroo, UnlYersUy ol Akron,~· delphia, who was clocked tn Uon of Rodney B. Gabler for a Olllo. This program produced Recipleat otnwnerousbollOl's 2:21.5 but was given second Use Permit 1445 to permit tbe tor apeaktnr aadwrlt1ng, beal.ao place behind Lynn's 2:21,6 on establishment ofoo-sale Uquor BANK lNG SERVICES was awarded tbeNatioGalFree- the Judges' declsion. live entertainment and daoctn( OFFERED SATURDAYS doms Focmdatjoo first place TonJ n.msbed 8th Friday 1n in conjunction with a bonafide Saturday banldng sentce bas award ln 1967 ill' a mottoaplc- tbe 100 meter butterny ill tbe restaurant within zoo feet ota been Inaugurated by the New-ture be .produced 8Dt1Ued "A aatiooal AAU swimming and dwelllng district and also to port NaUoml Banl: at s ol Us day LD Vietnam." THE LUXURIOUS w011111 0 , 1cx111 .. 0 CHAit loon dlvLDg cbampl.ooshJps, held LD permit structural a.iteratkms offices, Sunny Hills otflce at Mr. Ferrusoa IDd hil: Wite, NEW .All -• Loulsv!Ue. Ky. She was alllog to ao eldsllog DODCOIIfDrmlog Harbor and sr..._ Fullerton· Aolla. ..., their 4 chtldreo. """" r---------, building. Zl08 and 2110 West University Office, East Chap~ presently live LD Fallbrook. THEATRE rl~~~~~~~~tl OceanFront man at State College, Fuller- • Of'(MSMICOHnY6:0 Notlcelsberebyfurthergtven ton; aDd the Westcwt otllce, that said public hearing will be Westclltf at Dover, Newport ou 111 cons · James Bond! 'Dick 'Van 'Dyke Sally Ann 'Howes DILL SLICES HEINZ HAMBURGER 31 C PT. JAR FOLGERS COFFEE 1 L8.69t 2LBS.131 GREEN GIANT SWEET PEAS:E . ' held on the 4th day of Septem-,..Beach. Open Nightly •t 6:•5 p.m . ber, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 ''There has been a steadily p.m. ln the Cotmcil Chambers growing Deed tor banking ser- of the Newport Beach City Hall, vice on Saba day," according at which time and place auy to Geor ge L. Woodford Jr., &DIS all persons interested may president of Newport National appear and be heard thereon. Bank., "We are meeting that Don R. Adkinson need by operating our auto TV Secretary drive-Ins each Satta day." Newport Beach Ci ty This growing arm oftbebank., Planning Commission wh.lch ''permits you to do }'OtU' Publish: Au g. 21, 1969, In banldng from your car," Is Tbe Newport Harbor Ensign. comprised of two basic devices, BRIDCEWA TER-ASH BY two-way televisions and under-ground pneumatic tubes. Tbe BETROTHAL IS TOLD televisions provide visual com- Paul Jacob Ashby, son or muntcatloos while the poeu. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Asllb)' maUc tubes carry the tranaac- ot Costa Mesa, wUl take Mlas tloos to the tellers lltuatell &D Diane Brldgenter as bis ~ U.. Jlfall,oi.Jbi.J:Iuk. on Sept. 13. Tbe anoouocem• GOitDOM MI!LS!N'Op ' • of the engagement was made by the parents of the bride-to-be, HIGK..AHDS IS DEAD Mr. and Mr s. Fred Bridgewater Gordon A.Nlelsen, 49, of1615 of Lynwood. Ruth Ln., Harbor Hlghla.Dds, Mr. Ashby Is a graduate of died Aug. 17 at Long Beach Newport Harbor HIKt!Schooland Memorial Hospital. He was a served 1n the u.s. Air Force chemical engineer tor North for 4 years before returning to American Rockwell a..nd a 11- formal education at Califorma year resident of Newport Beacb, State College, Long Beach, He is survived by his •Ue where he Is majoring In ~leanore; a daugtlter, Janfc~ zooology. Miss Bridgewater at-E. Pattlllo; 3 sons, Gordon T. tended Compton Junior College alter gradUiil.tlng trom Domin- guez Hlgll School. They will be married In Cypress. Phone in Your Order fot o Sullscriptlon: C.ll 673.Q550 ~POR T . WALT DISNEY 1111••ci1Ms ,..._. -~--,.. , .. ' .. NE\VPOHT ··. < ··-· .... " -f ... , .. '(" OPEN EVENINGS ot 6o>t5 MATINEES SAT. & SUN. OPENS AT h>tS FINAL CLEARANCE DAYS!! UP TO 1f2 OFF ' ,.. " .. • . ...._~~~~ ... .-·~1"' . ~ a~.-~ , .,.~;;~,.,.,. ' ALL CREDIT CARDS 3424 Via Uclo • Newpott .... QI_..,.._, .... ., 1 TiM 2 Tim es 3 Timoa 20 worda or leu ..... ........ 1.50 2.,0 3.00 21 words to 30 words ...... 2.00 ~.00 4.00 31 wore•• to .«> worda ...... 3.00 4.00 5.00 Eoch word over ..0 word a.. .OS .10 • 15 20" OFF FOR CASH WITH ORQER Lola "' $4115. Two lAney ...... -u Ia, $1H 6 fiH; othor -orp.~~ -E.t17, Stua, 8alottrlo, T-., Warllbw ud tbl Hamaao.:l ..... 8-S 6 A-100. SpiDol • _ .. p-lor SUMMER IS HERE -root -lbu IIIPIJ II> por- JoiD our &1111-lloa -... .. all lrfeo of o1oo · ctlut. We wtu CCIJll>iololy rid ,_ .... A ................ W•llbw orpa -IIIII ilo)" 6 bouse, ,_ yard ..., pet. o1 -·• *'""· •J·"',. ... pocloDmrd w/-llo VII>. !leas tor 3 moatbs -llor 1oaa ....._ ... __ ...... ncblmo • -· $15115. tllao $10. -• · SebmiMIIoolc Co. RESULTS GUARAIITEED .-ill, CIIN. 67).!"~-1107 N. llala Ill., -Aoo JORllAHS" PET SIIOP~.,t;;;;;,;:;~:;~~~~:;:;.,.JSiollnroJ iiri~iiii-liillom:Tiii-;~··-·•y•••aaw ....... ~ 17 years lD Coroaa dtl WOIUC, quali!J pot JI'ISTIIUCT:III'I ·-_...., -.y, 11111111 ...... eu tMpinc aecw-ts SPARIIB: 1.-ncoa"~·tltwl 2112 E. c,.. Hwy. 171--4050 -· liPol'l"' wtltl -.. Amortcu AIIONYIIOVI P. O. 'Boa 1lil, W.l '"FIVI DECAWS BEFOU DAWN""-loJ Edtrud Doluor. 8olloovw $1.10. cw.. ,_, AIOOYDI.UY ml- -10,_..11 --. lorlllrb" -Bor-llla til Now Yort. 11uJ ,.ro _._ -oottor. -_ ... ~. .. -........... 541-111'1 • • • ' TO TAKE NEWPORT HAIISOR BIICJI RIIST lfCIIOII --.... 5 . .~· J'!,~:·:· ............ ·-...... .., •--r-w.._ anlfii<J a... . . ---• --f'EI" lilt--'lit 10 ... 4111!-1::'. PM fl Jal1w ·eahr *-1111t1t Ud 1M .. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -'· ,....,lr ....... _, . ..,, .. .,_ .... ;...,r ... f NEW LISTING a ._s:M.I JIII'OjloUoa. a., llld:lw, • Mt • .............. _ ............. ..... Udt.U_.rt al•s. lito n JJF' D IUt Bblff -----·-k ., llloiiOU<IOIIr IIIII lltr I. rMI&MI to 100111t Ciof. a.. _.._. ....... ,.. .. 1M WLOIO...co..&,lOIIIclal Dlolrlot. ... ldrlu, ... _ "' .... .,... ~ Pl"llllhd I S ,_g ftePdiJ, piojlc:tlaa .................... --~ ··-·· ... air---.... -, ~~~~~-lllcn--loci·-... "' "" ~ BIJ ••• seat COil,.. tz'werq. { Tbe III"')Idlooal ... buld .......... -_.. ..... I IS II'9WIIII ad ltOettae fl.ctlar, Tho ... nlo-1110-'11 ... lliOJodod at . ·····-.... $100 U I Ill~ ftlwHcw ' Honr•. ~.. ~tate ......, -..... -..,.lui .. __ bit,_ lopollloro eoold -• 111o "-.. _ ... ,.;.Dopiaoo' dlareolllo~,.IDIIIo­ bod&ol. "" ~ .. - --..o.ijd -·· $10,000 _; wbldl -....... lbo IU nlo "' 10 •-lo 3U .-. OD lllo -.,.,..,, lllo IU nlo _ ......... --. _..,ac oa .tbt outcome ot tile IINsi!Mat COIIibU .. I'IJ oror lll-tr IDibo ~Bay, CCMdJ hRIIJCI' Alldrft' Hiullllw bu eut dodJt 'OD tbe anl"hfUty tor tu parpows at 450 aau ot ln1Dt Co. pro- perty ID lbo ~ Bay wllleb lu boeomo ....,_ ID tbe trade ........ on. Co<oty .... tbe '"""' Co. Sc .... l dlo- trlct may han to IDereut u. tu rate a.s mucb u 15 ceota S«<I II!NGINE STOLEN Eleuor Tayl«, 117 Ame ... lbyot, 11111>o1 lllaad, roportod 111&1 .. ....-.. oqiDo .rortb $100 bad -....... Auc. 13 ar 14 trom bar patio, . .. ··-· . ' . 600 AI••• o,..~u Vtolt ---........... INDfiiD. UAUT'l .. Mtjllt a.._ __ , __ _ .. ...,. __ _ ............. 1~ ..... --·---· ........ """' ... -OJwNd ksueaQ ...._ ..,... ...... IAYCIEST JEAN 5Ml1lf ........ .... -oiiXI L. lllh st.. eo.ta Mes~ IDUAL DITIIGIMT OISPIICSII ' I 'I'OWUPUL I·LIVIL IUI'II·SUIGI ' W.uHIMG ACTRIII THAT RIALL T CAM CUT TKI MUSTAiil, IAltiD IIAMS-• AMD TKI ,.liD trM, 1'001. • •••• ' Exciting Vi·ew Home ILLHIU DI!MAND$ SALE. WELL-IU!L T 3 BEDROOM PLUS ~AMILY ROOM ON !XTRA SIZE "FEE" LAND •••• ' For the Bargain Hunter DUPLEX IN TOP CDHOITIOII: Q.OSE TO EVERY· 1HING, FINANCIIG. $41,500. DOH Y. f'RAHl<l.IH I RE:Al TOR ' 3250 East Coat HitflwiY Corona del Mw, Cllifornil f'tlont: 67).2222 OWNER WILL TRADE DOWN S1x 2 bedroom untts in Corona del Mar 2 blocks from the ocean in a top rental location. Each apartment bas a secluded patio, built-in ldtcben, carpets, and drapes, and ample parking. WANTS A nlce home or duplex in Coror1a del Mar. PRICE: $145,000. PDiiMiRU ORANGE COAST PIIOP!RTY · 332 ....... orite eo ..... del 11or -673-asso 6o.f12 -~ 'tni .. C..II.._ .......... C.'L Ml11t?.; -~"' Far JIUL.Mtao A idoiho 0&11 'DIIIIOft.lt en, 1 t a 0&1154H .. %10 1.1711 IL;'ON*- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple L1st1ng Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $35-1/2 mUUon for the flrst seven months of 1969. This represents 953 unlt sales and a dollar value increase of 19% over the same period of last year, wbicb was a record year. Llst your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I New View Homes $80,000 to $190,000 For discriminating families who can afford the finest, and desire the pres- tige and atmosphere of a Newport Beach view home. tvan Wells and Sons proudly P<OSenl the NEW "400" SER. IES BAYCREST "FOREVER ·VIEW " HOMES. Here is the uttimate In quiet eleaance and comfort •.. total privacy in the very exclusive resident'-1 com- munity, OOVER SHORES. Choose one of' the "400" series vtew homes or Ivan Wells & Sons will design and buitd a special home ... just for you! llayarst .,,_., ... s...., .... Q.Mfrl •••• ,_ .... ,...... -otl430 -.. """' ......... -,..,.. (114) 646-1550 C)pM ~ 10 to 5 lltURIDo\Y, AUG. 2~ 1M OOIIOMA DEL !IAA, CAU F. Newport In$ B•l•• •••• '-I1IMI CosW ._ ..................... 2 LUXURY LIDO HOMES '-..s~autltul4-bedrO:,m, famUy room, 4-bath home -modem ldtcben and dining room • Vla Genoa location -on 40 ft. lot • S89,SOO ••• ' ·• Unusual quality and character pervade tb18 spacious custom-built home----.. - • Designed for particular people and featuring 3 bedrooms and 2 baths wlth a 37 tt, living room in the main bouse ----plus a2-bedroom, 1-bath servants• quarters. • This bouse 1.8 bea!ltlfully land- scaped aroung the pool and situated on a lovely comer lot. S12S,OOO p, •· p•lrner lncorpol'llted 111 DfYIUIIERS CJ liiO SIU 1935 U77 Ylo Ll• o.lo U. Mo I It--·-.. L.A.-.. MA~ J Pm IARIETT realty 642-5200 YOUR PIIIEIIDLY OFnCE SZIIVDLG THE ElmRI ,,.,... .&I:U -r.utl' roll Blll'EIIS ~ SELLBIIII THE ONE TO SEE B B/11. ' liar lr Ill~ .••••• lllc. -1; UM QS.IIII ....... CORBIN- MARTIN. R.ALTOR8 ALL THIS FOR ONLY $43,950 A DREAM? --Not ReaUy! • Watch the boats sail past. • Ocean view in Corona del Mar. • You own the land. • Key to your private beach. • Large lot street to street. • Walk to beach. • Newish 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Covered patio. • Assume large loan at ONLY 5a/4% Drive by: 452 De Sola Terrace then call for appointment to view. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar, Calif • 675-1662 SITUATID Dill Till Aalll II'ACIOUI I & 2 11D1tM. AI'AR1"1B'TI ,_ & """'"" •-sue • P,ivau Patios • Fi ~epl ac:es • POOLS • • Hole Puuina C.cen • Tennis • Scpatate F1mi ly Sec:tiOfl • 4tli. w Sd!ools and Play f,lound 900 s .. L-.. c~ Mec.Attt.r ... , C.ost tfwr, dn• to Fo.iti.,. 1 .. ..4 CO-A MAl I Is this ReaRors At .Work! a to seD IDY boa~e'l AMERICAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL .. EDUCATING YOUNG AMERICANS UNDER GOD" KI~DERGARTEN FIRST GRADE Mr.s .. B~II~rly Ritt~rrath Mrs. An~t Hartl or~ T~ACH!R TfACHER 9:00 A.M. -3,00 P .M. EXTENDED DAY CARE ALSO AVAILABLE e STARTING IN • 23RD & ORANGE SEPTEMBER COSTA MESA A FULL CURRICULUM WITM EMPHASIS MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Guest speaker at 10 a..m . this Sunday, Aug.24, wiU be the Rev. Dwight Custis, pastor of Central Bible Church, Portland, Oregon. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:00A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE AT 7:SO P,ll. DD0 EAST CDAST HWY., CDROHA DEL MAR IN COSTA MISA IT'S einerfs DEPARTMENT STORE 116 NEWPOIIT IOULIVAID PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ... Open Doily 9 :30-6, Fri. 'til (HirER liON cp 'dQad Qaid Sli p mto Serbin's box-pleat sk;immer ... perfect any t1me . any place! Impeccably tailored in polyester and cotton; won't wrinkle or crush, wilt or muss. Wash on Monday ... but never iron. Predominantly blue, ereen or gold. Sizes 8 to 20. $22.00 We Pick-Up & Deliver For even BE II ER service- I -- LEAH VASQUEZ NAMED SEPTEMBER ARTIST Leab Vasquez lla.s been se- lected by Ule Newport Beach JwUor Ebell Club as artlst.-of- t~e-montb for September ill Mariners Ubrary. Uu. Vasque.z, a Laguna Bea.cb residelll, bas taught for se•eral years at tbe Children's art worksbop 1n Cc:rooa del Mar and at Harbol' Day Scbool. Her DYD setlous interest lD art bega..o at ace 3. Because both parents were artists them- selves, she was encouraged to npress bar artlsttc Ideas feely -a tact towtlicb she now attributes ber freedom from conveat1onal themes. NANCY MINKE DIES NancJ M. lUDke, of 1927 TradeWtllds LD..., Bayer est. died Aug. 17. Sbe is sun1nd by ber motber, Arme Minke, of New- port Beach; .. brother. ~· M:r,itf! lr., at Costa Mesa; Dlece, Janis Ml.nke, &Dd a DIPbeW, Ronald Mlate, both of C:O.U Mesa. Serrtces were bekt Au,. ZO at PacUlc View Chapel aDd interma wu: at Paci.ftc Vln Yemorlal Put. · DELORES CASEY D1 ES Delores Caay,a.tl-J8U'.Oill nltress, of 101 Polm, No. 4, Balboa, dlodAUC.l9.AooltllbOr Cbarles J,a•ttp;a ollOl PtJm, No. 7, hid ~~ea blr lJtal oa 1. -lnlbomorJIIJICUIItld t>r • llsblnc trip Uld -Ida retura lo tbll aftuaooa •w blr still In lbo .... ...--. ,. --·-·--· ..• alsada' STOR! HOURS 9 115 lO 5,30 DAILY Emyono has I fitjlt to be lrn .•. lrn from sicknoss ••• povorty •.• unhappinoss ••• bod habib. But most important, l¥eryont con c~im that lrnd0(11 now. 'Hur ·•c111m Your Froodoml" ... 1 public lecture by Eupno Dtpold Tyc, C.S., who Is 1 member of Tho Christian Science Board of lectureship. He will ltllobout yot~r divine riaht to freedom , and expilin how you can &ain it your,.H lhrourh God's help. Come with members of your family 1nd friends. c.. ...... 1/2 Price SALE STILL CONTINUES MEN'S ond WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR Summ.,.· SALE PRICES: DINING TAILE SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUioiMER SALE ALSO INCLUDE5 SElECTED &ROUPS FltOiol DREXEL. HERITA&E HENREDON NATIONAL, t.jAR&E CAIISON. HERITA&E I HENUDON UI'HOLSTERY I'I.US ,I.IANY OTHER LINes: IIIDUCTIOIIS ON AC:--115, LAIIPI. A .. I'ICIIIIIS All ALSO AYAILA&I. .._,.IIACH 1717 _.,Dr.--· ....... ,.,., -·IIIIITAM·-D1AU1 ,.,tKiaatll I tlutw LAOf.liU. 11AQt D lfJrwl MS ..... Cllllt ...... Anll••ts AtD ,_... .. ._., ._, -"'!""-·--....... fMWI • STOP IN TIMi call 646-5623 for • TEACHERS Will 6ET RED CARPET WELCOME --· ... ··--~ --..,-,...,-. -DIIIrlctwiii-.Jor-•o'llro. -.,.., -............. lala•<loel'ol ..... ,__ llcC .. llro. --Ar•-1111 -·• RIIMn, lllro. I* -ud -~ tllo Colla 11-Uid llro. Dt 11•1'1-. lla...,.l 11ar11o< Clanll>ou ~ ~"""::;.......,. -. -Zonta p•·•c yaar will bo at EllaDela 111&1> .. .., Seloool, Ud .... --·~b k le .w bl bul.:l from thlre at 00 sa 10 a.m. w-y, St!X. a, to the blrbormutc'• dock. After a bool toor ~ 111e mbor 11io Tbo -Clle ~ lfll~rt­ teacbtra wW reblrDtoE~Ia Harbor wW ...-.. lor --. Uld lllenlllof w1ll....,..---aol~r: """' 111e dlolrlcl ldocallonal Rlci. .. o'Oi ..,: facWU.a before reportlnc to their retpiCtiYe acboola. tbe c!trectlcD ot tbe ...,...._ About lSO ol u.e l,ISO cert1-m... committee cbalrmla. fic&tedper..-.Ian., to tbe Mrs. Joe Car .loll. a<:bool district. TboJ will boSID AI 9 a.m. lllo IDUoorlll( Zco- te&cbtnl the aoUcjpated. 27,000 HaDa will btODblDiht'ltbabl~ or more .,..,.,.. at 36 tng baDd:Mra.Robertlllrlll-. campuaes OD Sept. 10. presldeot; Mu. Joe ear-. 1'bl tom" Ul1 ttiDCbeoa are Mn. loe Hamblet, Dl'. IWS . bolllc plaaood by a Jollll com-llcCariDoy, lira. lad< Ralaorl mtttee tDelucllDc tbe women's aod Mrs. PblUplltel:. Proc..SS cU•lsloo prelldentl, Dr. HUda are des:lpated rc.. tbl Seolor MeC&rt:Dty o1 tbe c:o.ta Mea Citizens reer~ eeater, Cbamber IDd Mra. Carol Amertcaa Field Sentee ud Fr_., llle Zoola prla ~ 111o ..-., -dooatloulorllloAie wtU be accepted at Ret..rt"s dl- partmeat store, 1818 Newport BIYd., Costa Mesa. . /.-="au~;z.;:: . irt ·•· wile 'ho 1-!boll Clle ~ ...,.,. 8lla .. 4CIFDWh. -----aajirwaya-... •nn ,..,_ ot tbl --....... _, lo _, __ , __ _ .......... _.,_ ---7 lo. p.m. s..>t. noaa..._ PaY1UoL · llro. Harlow ' ... ...._ 11a71 ud -ellalrmu, Uld lllra. Edntd ftllllloue, eo-. eMir-. Jan ICMdaJed aD ...., It -lao. Cllollll Gal- -.. "'"-lloadl .. Ill .-.. " .... lrl .......... . IRii ..... AriiiU -..... will LANDBERG, a seldor at Corola dellllar ·lllcll Sdlool 1te .._ U't lllark Cooat.•, IIIIa lllll, earrlad out bor""" r-.11 PhiKI .. tacaoo -1111, RaJ rr-. --.. m-at ·lllo lllllYerslty of CaiiJonlla, lilT•-. -. )lrle ..... .,,_ Baird, cl1ld1Dc uporlmiDtalo lnereaselllo ..,....._.......... Pftllll 11. Aomllloo Roo ot -..., dormalll .. _ ... -. ....... ebo--. l'lrCI* n&D;i.d ... IIICb &I -... -eWn and -Sloe aJaD-BnodL llle -ol liPI. .. ._.....and -.... .__om ...._ -llle OYIOIIIc --lobo~-""'~ -·Ill br-.-..... -... __,_ ctormucy. lrla, -Is the ... _ ~ llr. Uld llro. JaM ·-10111ftjectl11'ldcb lllo L-r. 4132 E. c.ut llwy., CnroaaHlpll!lds wu-G1 1-£boD Clal> -to..._ STITCHERY EXHIBIT U>oiO-'""nc-..seleeled!romblpoe.,;,.laacrou clud!D& lbo Youlb Employma IN H. I. 0 TY HALL the atioD to atteDd tbe 6tb summer stl.deotseleDce tn1DIDc Service, a Korean orpbaD, aDd Tbe Newport Blacll eJ.tJ uti PfOinlD at OCR. Tbe DllJoaal Sctaoce F"'!DC!ettoo &ad OCR seboMr....._ =:;::=::":::::~ proylded llle -.. ;;;; committee......,.,, anublbll -IUTLEI TAKES ~::~=~~~Children's art displayed nt,:~~~~ .. run through September &DIS Oct~ .._t.o ... n of Mr. udllrs. Ted ober. Yowaptel'l aDd pareats wW pn!r.atloo, Tbe sbo'l' wl1l cc.-Butler, G'ISeuboreDr., Wut Tbe Stucbery Gu1Jd wu be at tb1 C6e GirdeD Gallery tinae tmtil0ct.3,G&llcyll0arl Nnport. bu usumed com. ~~~~~i~~~~t formed Jn A.prtl, lt&a, aDd tu at 16!5 E. Cout Hwy., Corooa are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. KoedaJ mud of tbl Wtb lEAF OU-gron to more tbaD 100 mem-del Mar, from 1 to 4 p.m. Ulls tbrougb Saturday, peDialJ M TUbll Royal Tbl.i ~ bers from Belmoat to SanJoee. saturday, Aue. u, Y1n1Dcpa.tn.. Tbe Cblldreo'a Art Wort-AFB, nat&D:L He" ...,ed &t stitchery 1s a workotarta.eu. t1Dp a.Dd cla.J a.ad stulpttn sbop, 611 F•Dle&fAn., eora. I..aDcM1 AFB. va., u eMef of ted La fabric, JVGI &Dd tbrtlds worka tbt cb.ildrc b&n created del War, provide~ tbe PfCPII' tbe Uf'OIIII.ce medletoe bnllell, using the tradltloaal ltltebet of durlai tbt summer Hsaioa &t envtromneot ln trb.lcb a eWd cu pra to btl ~ at THE NEWI'ORT HAIIOII .. .,....,.._ ~---- SERVICE ADAMS QUAt.ITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2626 HAMOIIkVD. !=:::::J~~~~~:::::L~•m;b<;o~ldery:~ID~a~coola::mpnrary:: tbll cbUdrea't art worUbop. be inYotved iD a cr..U.. at TallbU.. I1Willer. Botb tbll p111ry &Dd tbe art tJP8Z'leDee, oae in Wbleb • cu Till dOdiDr, a eraduatl at workabop are IP""''red bJ tile develop &Del p1D Md't'•• t1 !tar1h Hoi1Jwood H1cb 8ebool, Nn""" Harbor Someo Loo-bls Hit-pore-Uld lllalol r..-ldaiU.doen01al957 cue, a tol"...,r traiA1n& or. tiM workl UOUDd blm. C~• from UCLA &DI11UDedU.M.D J'ob:n.so:n.. so:n. • WITH OUR DELUXE CLEANING • WE OFFER A COMPLETE WAROIIOif MAINTENANCE AT NO EXTRA OIARGE .••. BUTTOHS--RIPS--MIHOR REPAIRS ,4NO FOR lvfuNORY l(tHG 0Ry ct£A CALL 675.()310 Delivery Service -Cbar&e Accouats Invited VALET · 1117 &. COA11' mwAY .. ._ .. -. .... NEXT TO lltE UNITED CALIFORNIA IAHK YOUa CllalniAM Mf,LT CINIM ··---• aootw • -...c:IIMCI .. &CCFIII ·C.... OlrT'a • ~ • fPtl.M en..o. • ........._ ..... •-M.IOt:k 1 .An•, ... ~ ......... ooeTA ~ CM.W .... ..,. IUIMTI-f'·J~~ ............ CHARLES S. THOMAS otlrYIDe Terrace, wbo served as sec. retary of the NaYJ lmder Pre. aldeDt Etsebower, spoke Taes. day at South Coast Plaia in a ceremony paytng tribute to tbe U.S. Marlne Corps. Tbe Corps enllsted Marine fOllll· teers to form a specW Orange County platoon. Y.r. Tbonw ls put prestde.Dt of tbe lrYlDe Co. and of Trans--World All·· lines. FISHERMAN FILM Pveats Wiu.out PartDers ww see a ftlm, "A day as a Japauese Osher man," at tbe mootblJ meet1DC, 8 p.m. this FrldaJ, Aug. 12, at Feden.l Sarirrp and Lou, UO Ocean An •• Lacuaa Beach. Refresh. muts wU1 be 118rfed and a IOcia.l boUr wtll llllow tbe .... ..... IIUU IAU 15% 01: .. INYOUI CJIOIU OP PAMIC -... ~lA­....... ._ ... ····-••••• »8 Ulll IIIIlS,., T..,., .. , Ill dlitpr ..... ..., .. -8110 ; .. -..-.-aM._ are auJdod Uld dlr-IIJ •oar• a 1MI -111o octi qual.Uled t-.ebers 1A a tr• Sebool o1 ar.Hem.. a. arQid &Del Lrdwmal atrnoc~Hrt &Ill bit II.PlH. dtcr• in 1968 &t lec:bolquos lUlled lo 1111 c:blld'o 111e lllll .. nlty ot CalllorDla at IDdiYidual -Uld do-Bo<lreloJ'I Scbool of Pai>Ue te)opmellt are lDtrodlaced. HlaiUl. 1!. D II! Ill liD II. t:'J ~ liD !till' D t:'J IE ~ 11' £ 1!. • ij £ 1!1 ~ IIli[ • IAAJIEIRI ~ n!J IR11H liiD Ill ~£ 1!1 2626 HAI801 80ULIVAID, COSTA -A 540·5630 642·098S ort_-..@t~l!i! avings P. A. Plllmef", Chait'rnWI of the Boeid • A.gnee Bb'nqut.t, ~ Mam Offk e: 3386 V~t~ tk:lo. ~rt Bektl. t:alifom•• !l2e63 • PhoN 71•/1573-31 JO Coronl del ~ Office : Finlflet l l Pl lll. 550 ~Mwport CArlte~ Onvw • Coron• del M1r C1llfom11 92625 • Phone 71 4/644-1 411 Which type are you? . Here are four savings plans, designed for four d1Herent types of people Which one sutta your savings personality? The charts w•ll show you how each one works Pick a number·from 1 to 4 and let one of our peop le eKperts get you started on your personalized savings program W hatever your type. there is a sav ings plan for you at Newport Balboa Sav•ngs Are you one of the regular people? PlAN 111 Regular Account This plan is for regular peOple with regular salaries who have decided to save f'81u1ar amount1 anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their MOney woridng for them. They e+to want it to be some place they can get their hands on it if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave it alone for a year or more. It will give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield. MCUlM MOHTHl Y INVlSTMlNT $25 ... ,, .. ..... 152 304 ... I y, 300 ••• 1,233 2 Yrl 032 '·'"' 2.5211 3 Yr1 972 ..... ~-4 Yrs. 1.331 2.112 5.304 sv .. 1,707 3.415 ._..., 10Yrw 3.000 7.801 15.1!102 15 Yrs. 6.715 13 . .:).2 ...... 20¥~ 10,329 20.11112 41,125 .. ........ ,.,,J_ ....... ., ::.1--...... --.._. ... tiS.ott~t.n•u ....,...., ... ..,._. _, {ftk h • .... -* ... II S.U .. I n.-..,....-..,.""' .... """ ................ -"'d ............ .. -· """'" ...... ' t ............ ..... Ar1 you one of the other-people people? PlAN :11 2 Life lrteome Plan This is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside and recetve the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you intend to leave your mdhey to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your future plans are for your children's future. then this savings program may suit you. $12.000 14,500 20.000 25.000 50.000 $ 50 00 Pet-Month 60 00 Per Month 83.00 P.r Morrttl 104 00 Per Month 208.00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN ttJ Monthly Security Account Th1s 1s for oeople who have a lump sum of money but who know that tf they don "t put it away somewhere out of s1ght. they w1ll spend 1t Perhaps they are look1ng forward to ret•rernent and know rt would be better to have a certa rn amount comrng rn every month over e given penod N ot ordy will they get back a lot more than they put !n. but there wr ll be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blow ing rt all at once INVE ST $10.000.00 AND· you rece•v~ and you retaon ~act\ mont., lor an estate of • S 5000 10 vears S 867500 S 5000 1Syears S 712500 $15 00 lQ ~ars $4 17500 S 1500 15yu rs S 1 00000 $100 00 to ye••• S 815 00 lNVt:ST S2S.OOO.OO AND : you rece•ve lf'd you ret11n e•ch month for a11 estate of• $100 00 10 years $25,600.00 $Hl0 00 1 5 ¥1t•~""~ $26.050 00 $15000 tO ye1r1 $11.80000 $20000 10yeare $10.00000 $25000 10 yoe1rs S 2.20000 Are you one of the patient people? PLAN tt • Guarant .. d Annual Rate Account Thrs plan rs for pat1ent people who already have a sum of money to 1nvest and are w rll•ng to wa•t a while for a good return on the tr money The min•mum depos1t IS $1 .(X)() (more rf you w•sh . of course). 1n exchange for which you receive a cert1f1ca te whrch guarantees a 30% growth rf left untouched for 5 years Are you one of the patrent ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you YOU YOU WILL RECElV£ . STAIIT lfter att.t-.,._ WTTH 3 ,.._.. 4 ,..,... 5 ,....,. s 1,000 s 1.170 s 1,233 $ 1.300 s 5.000 s 5.852 $ 15,168 s 8,500 $10,000 $11 .105 $12.336 $13.001 $15.000 $17.S58 $1S.S04 $19.502 ·~ 569% 5&4% 6 00% Yoold ~..:::."' 17% 23% 30% IECDID SlCllllll --,_ t liiUIISIMY, AUG. 21, a. A LOOK AT THE BOOK lyDr. laltJao.. ,.,....., ., ... --u.w ... .,.~ih, s.c ' SECII15 SHAIID God eanw to visit Abraham, and Abraham wu hc»> to God Himtelf. This occuioo is de- Ktibcd in the ei.ahtcenth c:~apcer of Genesis. In the likeness of man the lord and two an· p:lic c:om.-nions appeared to Abraham one day u he ut in the door of hU tent. Tbe hM- piiAble petriol made them rat themselves in the aNde while he washed their feet and set food before them. The visit endina, Abraba.m went with them to bring them on their way lO*ards Sodom. As the rwo angels went oo towards the condemned city, the lord Himsetr linpred brhiod to talk over His plans with His friend, Abrahim. s.ayin&, .. Shall I hide from Abnham that thinJ which I do'' (Genesis 18: 17). the Word He still declares unto us not ODiy His plans for the wodd but also the rhinp whkh He is preparing for those who love Him. Ouist .says to us. "I JO to prepare a place for you. And if I JO and prepare a place for you. J will come again, and rece:ive you uoto M)'Jdf; that where I am, there ye may be also" (Jobn 14: 2-l). He ~veab the judgments and the dcsttuc- t6on which He will pour out on this world of iniquity and sin as He reveakd to Abraham that His wrath was to be poured out in lire upon Sodom and Gomornh. I "J·-· Jrant Mincle"~-2:1-12 --Hit-· •:::..-"~ ...... n . . ::: ·= -.. .;-; ..... __ ...... .. ._ .. ___ , -··--. ....... ~.~---....___...__ ............ , 1 .... J._-· .. =:;.. .. __ _ ---·--..... ,.._ ...... --· ••W.W I , .......... __ • ... ~ ....... _ ..... . ...... _ ...... _ .. -·o-•111 ...... _...., ... _ . ................ __ _ .... __ ... _. ., ................ ~·-~~ lldl) CUID...,_ ...... _ ........ * , ·-··------... _ .............. .....,. ~ .... , a._ •• I ~-a-.· , .. , . ..._ .. _. ........ , , ............ _cw.r~ , .. , .......... ., () ........ , . ...... ___ ..... .,.. ..... .. II ,a.-ef Mt11e ()h.. llal) 14 "0.. ........... -...... -----(a... 24rll) u -___ .... u.........,., ._ --11 -el Po ... (C... IIIII) a*illi .. -. -c:...-" • -c:-.. .. --., • .,, .. _ ... ...,.. (Drftl. -· ............. _ .. &.... --· ·---U..O.IWI ....... "" ....... .... ..... rc .. a-. '""' a..._ .,'t • o..._.ts. ., .... _ ... --_,. .... -,., JIMf ... w.a• (D "-a. II • --· ............ ~ (c:.L .... , .......... ~---.... ....... •-·· 'I .... r _ _J aa.....sa.a) • ....... is -_ _....... .. (Ia& ...., II • _. ll>aln~ Q,' s!w -~ •( .... lltl. ............ ) u ......... ..,. ..... __ ., .... fD-Ia.tl u ..... ...._ .. ,....., ... __ -u ... .41) ANSW£1 TO LAST WfU'S What a wonderful privilege to entertai n lhe Lord! What a aloriow: e,.perience to share wilh Him d~ secrets of His omniscient mind. Yet while we envy Abraham the intimacy a nd fellowship of this occasion, we for~t that it is a privi~,ge which we may enjoy. "Behold, I stand at the door. and knock : if any man hear My voice. and open the door. I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me .. (Revelation 3:20). The Lord still tells His friends the thinp which He is going to do. In God would oot have His child ignorant of His plans. He wants WI to know that the dead shall be raised again, that the throoe of the Lord shall be established in this earth, that every knee shall bow. and every tongue shall confess that Christ is Lord to the glory of G od the Father. that when He shall reign the re- deemed shall reign with Him. As much as our finite minds can comprehend of His divine purpose and plans. He tells us and for our joy a~ures us that beyond all we can comprehend, ··Eye hath not S«n. nor ear heard. neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him" (I Corinthian~ 2:9) .-American Way Features CLVD ACIIOU •t, •t "-------Mdllll .... yo-. do ... 17 '"thy ~ ----· t1Hrt ... df.e' lor fEaela.. 1:1} 11 .. __ -WJ" -tMt ~­ ( .... 5511) a.....__.'--,.....U....':': 12:1) 11 ialtl ... ef two .... ef Dcmd (D ..._ U!l) •• ..,.,_ ._. .wa • ----- •• ..,...._ .._. .. ,. U.. ----....tao .... _. II o ........ .....Ma UeM. 1$;1) II -.. til .. ____ liCit. __.. .. (Hag. .... II .. _. ..,._ ----a,-daD4 '61" u.a. c:a) 21 -.... ...., Jato • dtr .. ----...-u.a...t:l) II ......_. _.. o hM1 ___ .. (Jolla l zl) 22 "UUit title .... --_., .... ...... (Jeb 11:20) U .,. dJedp&. INU..HI ----W." IS "d« tM •....-of tlN ----ol Lillo Jew." • laitie&. .. tw. trie ........ (1 Cor. lltl7: Act. lhM) 17 .. .._ ltow a. aot ----co.. .. • iaidells .. tow. , ....... ,,......, IIII I 1:12) II 1altietl. el two ...., of J.-(Qn. 11=1. IIJ ............... ____ Q4 ..... tow • ~r c..... Da.l Panel discussions on B"bl t . Re1N"I"t.4 t-IIOL.A BROADCASTER I e OpiCS .............. c ...... , ..... , St. Thomas Bible Lesson Q • ....,., 01101 "Who il goiwg to iNifflt t.h emrtk whn~ ChrUt tcmua! It ac~ like f'tle'110JU! U f10i11ll to Heau.,._" A. To answer this we must know whether you mean our Lord"s comin1 in the rapture or in H is complete rt!V· elation. We will answer it both ways. When the Sa\·iour comn tu meet the Church in the air, all the r-edeemed wiD &"O to be with Him forevermore. Wherever He is we will be all'O. Thi~ is the Bride of Chri~t which appe~~ors at the marriare supper of the Lamb apoken of in Revelation 19. At that time the earth i~ cast into an un· ~peakable period of woe and arony known &.B the Tribulation. But fol- lowina-this period of unprecedented difficu lty acros.a the f11ce of the globe, Chriat returna visibly. The Bible tells us, the words of our Lord that "the meek shall inherit the earth." These will be: the saved from the Tribula- .,..,.-tioo earle up of bolb Jews ud. Gen· -..U. who were ...Dot a . part of tbe • ~¥rdl ap.. T~y -"W ill iWritt.U.e -.a&.... Not ueQ"On.t ia 1oinc to be iD HeaVf:n. A• redeemed, however, we will have acceu to all areas in Huvl!fl and on earth. Our reaidence will be in Heaven. Thoee who inherit the earth will be rodly Jews and Gentiles who come out of the Tribulation. Q. F...-, C.li ..... o. ·-"In J ob U :l% 11·1 ,,,,./of "gntrlf'r wnrk$.' W ill yow plr11~• •.rplrti1l /l"ltllt tltnt would 11t'-1Ut t" A. Thi ~ p.-.rt ion r>f Scriptun" quotes fh•· '"Hrl ~ uf lht> Lord Je!lull, "Verily, , . .,rih". I ~~~~ unto you. Hf' that be- lieveth on me, the worb that do shall he do also; and llf'e.tdn worb than theae shall he do : becau~~e I 1r0 unto my Father." The tenn "grf'ater" herf' means extensively, not inteMive-- ly or intrin.sieally. From a phyaieal point of view we cannot do Jreater worka than did ou r bleMed Saviour. Christiana are able. howe.vn, to do worb more ex-Wn.sively u they min- iater around the world. "There is alao another int.ereating thou.-ht he.re. The Lord was performing phyaical mira- cles but it is left to us. nnerally speak- ing, in the powe.r of the Holy Spirit, to prHent Hi8 lflorio11~ GoApel of re· deeming ,-race.. Spiri'l:sl birth is a greater miracle than physical re!!lora- tion. Q. "'u •._ ....,._._. -''WoKld' rov 'Pku• dJ)Ioi"11JrfatrJ&nD 18 :II, 'He aleo tltat reee.ived' ned' llllllf&"ll th tltonu U J&e tMt lr~retlt tJ&e VJord; 41ld tlte ev-e. of tltt. toorld, aU tlte. deuitfvl· 11e. .. • I '*"'-•. c:looV "• 1ll0f"d • ...C: ..--~t~ -trwU./W..' ht tire i .. lt of tle ~'''""'d~ of ClrVt -... au a tn&pors'Y &.M of howledge or' • de.-r""J1141 W&alte?' t" A. The context i11 the parable of the sow~ aa given by our Lord. The seed is &lway11 the aa.me which Is the Word. The point of the 11tory is the manner in whieb it ia received. The question from our listener does not seem quite clear. Christ, of courM!, is omniscient. Our Lord Jesus is ahowinc that the Gollpel ill to be broadcut, just u He sow~ it thl!fl, to all in need. We doo't a.ak for a soil e~ion ex~rt from the federal government to see where we THE PASTOR'S PuLPIT THIE CALIFORNIA FARME~ SAH FRAHOSCO. CALIF. N ot by Breild A lone In 840 A.D., Bertram, presbyter and monk of Corbie, France. wrote at the request of Emperor Charles the Bold, a book on '1be Body and Blood of the Lord" ("De Corpore et Sanguine Domini). In explaining the sacrament, Bertram wrote. ''the soul, . . . the heart of man, is not fed by corporal food or drink, but Is nourished and lf'0'1n by the word of God ... It is not this bread which goes into the body, but the bread of eternal Uf~ wh.ich min- Isters support to the soul." RecallJng Ou1at'a word to the tempter, "lt is written, man shall not live by bread akme, but by every WQI'd that proceedeth out of the mOUth of Cod" (MatL 4 : 4 ). Bertram declared that man needs the bread of Ufe. the word of Cod and God's crace and life, to Uve. Ret'-lmlnc to the elements of com- munion, Bertram wrote "For thb: bread and ..... -.... tho body and b&ood o1 Ouiat. not aC'tOr'dinc to wbat they appear. but aa:on:Hng to What they oplrltually mlnlsler- tbe aut.tanoe of Ufr." 1be IUblta.nce of We, th1a ia what po!Ople 01'1! ciNpolotely In .-.! of today. 'l'he form of Ufe wu never In btttft' ~: People are rich- ly -..., --they u,., ta ... ,..,. aDd tn eue, but tn 11111e of an ....., wtth .a-.. toor and -...... 'l1>oft .. nothlnr -.. --pn>oporlJy. and -.. -~ .... -·-t .. Jt. ... -tot ... • lty wiiJ>. a.t ........ -ollllt .. fnlllra- -.. 1\d11117. ,.,rti liM .. ' ') .. die ____ ,_, .. .. ......... ,, ...... . --~-01··· .. ... :: .:...-,:,: !.,*'1 .... ...... ____ ..... But it is today's students who are revoluUonista and rioters. Ma.ny of them rome from prosperous homes and have a surprising amount of spending money. They demand "rights" for themselves and our present--day poor, with no real knowledge of what problems and material poverty can be. Their answer to all problems ts more material poaeulons for all. Material progras and wealth must be a part of the goal of any society, but any country that thinks these materlal advantages will 110lve Its needs is far gone lndeed. With· out the JUbilance of Ufe, Jesus Christ, man's lot b perpetual dis· eontenL 1be man who wants to solve man's problema: with a purely material answer is not only wrong but danaeroua. because he is a liar. When Judu talked about gfvin& to the poor, St. John obeerved. "'Ibis he saki. not that he eared for the poor; but because he was a thief'' (John 12 : 6). w~ have many IUCh thieves wtth Ul today. Jesus warned. '"Tbe th1e.f cometh not, but for to ateal, and to klll, and to destroy: I am come that they mJaht haw W•, and that they mlaht ha"" It moro abundantly" (John 10: 10), --d>arp that It .. riel- -to Ioiii -t tbo-ment and ttl miUirtc M .._ ldnd al UIIWer to tile .... I • of ch1l ctlwada ud pceut). 1ftat .,. ,... ...., ... tllo -···· • ...., ... ..... , ,. .... -.... _, .... __ .. a.-._ _ ............... - ............ , 2 7 , • .,....,, --· ---111''1 ....... ..... _ _, __ '"* .. ... -:c ..., -vm:"' 'lilt -.. --olblrt-'o" ..... • should sow. The fteld ia everywhere: it is the world. As then. 110 ~.some receive the truth and some reject il The reaulb or coniM!quencea are eter- nal in the deciaiona which are made. Q .• ..._,., W ... i ..... -''WMt i• O.r purpou of th Smtg of Sol0'1Jto7t~" A. This wonderful book of the Bible. may at first be puulinp: to a Western mind. In th~ few chapter!' we actual- 1~· find the whole 11tory of tht> Bible. It i~ God's story to lost mankind. God ha!'! so many wonderful way11 or indi· cat in~ Hi~( raithfulneas while man ill a prol'li ,nte. If you have nevpr ~i\·ed tht' ~unsh ine or God'!l love in your heart through His wonderful M"ifl the. Lord J esus Chri :<~t, do that now. Be· lieve. the Saviour died for you r sins-- ye~. "Beolit>''e on the Lord Jesus Chrillt and thou ~hall be sav~.'' Q. T--• ..._ -.. W._ i11 .ultl b~t~ 'Pnl'Qdiu,' aad OJ' tltu' p;eOJ>lt Utrre ,...,.. • ., A ... There· are NVf'ral ~~ ufia in the New Tt>~l11ment tran!lllltrd in vari- ous way11. There ill Hadt>ll which ill ~imply the abo<re or the dt-ad. Therf' ill Gt>henna which i~ the placf' of fin" anrl eternal punillhment of Satan and all who choose to J{O with him. Then" i,. Paradil'lt' which appart"ntly refers to a portion of Sheol where the spirib nf thP rightPOu~ dead dwelt prior to the a~enMion of ou r Lord. We do not bfo. tit>vP that Paradise i~ inhabited now. For &•riptural proof we read Epht'· ... i an~ 4 :H, "WhPrrforP he ll&ith (re. ft•rrin.lf to rt:n~t ). Whf'n he a.oq-rnrlNI up on hiJth, hP led uptivity captive, and p:ave gifl~ unto mf'n." Thia in- dicate!~ that at our Lord's ucenaion after Hi~ resurrection He emptied Paradi11e so that the 1pirita of the righteous dead went with Him to huven. Thi~ mf'a"nll today that when a loved one dies his 110ul goes immedi- ately to be with the Lord in glory, not Paradi!lle. Q. ~. CaN ...... -"I • tlte RwuiG11 ntrtim• n duu11dattt from E,.;avr" A. No. it is not. It hu no connection witb Euu. Look at the 36th ehapter of Gf-OHia givinp: the-~ount of his des- cendants. Deuteronomy 2 :4, 12 alao rives u11 a .!llatement on lhal Eua'a de~ndanta are .renerally of the A~ rac-e: found in the near Eul n.-¥11hi01'9Y illliYW....h ............ -.._., -.i•h"'-n ,..,..,., i... IW. -•' w .. H. tf 0. MIICiil kfhr .. feM ........ ..... ""-it ie. ......... ,._ TH!" ltiNCS BUstHUS 13100 lle/e "'"'• L• Ml,_, .. C.tll. THE WALLS OF JERICHO SCIENTISTS TRY TO El.PLAIN every- thing. r-;"o miracle can be accepted as such. In the past the favorite ex- pl anation for the fall of the wa11!1 of Jt"richo was the Be~nic vibration theory . According to thi ~ t heory, a!'; thf' prie!lts blew the trumpets of rams' horns and the people shouted (Joshua, Chapter 6 ). the sonic vi- brations caused t he walls of Jericho to fall down. It is now said that thi11 tht>Ory has been proved to be (alae. It i!\ Raid that if the walls had fallen because of sonic vibrations, the)' would have fallen in a ditferent man- ner and would now be lyin« on the a-round in a different pattern. More- over, it is also said that an eart.ll- quakf' would not have resulted in the rocks of t he wall falling in t he way which they did fall. Quite conveniently, this disproof of the sonic vibration theory was not noticed until a. new theory was rudy to replace iL According to the new theory, Joshua sent men to under- m ine the walls. The m.arehing of the braelitea around tbe city of J ericho each daJ w as done in order to dis- tnt:t the people inside t.be cib so that they would not DOtice the men dirwinr under the walls. After six daya of this a«~t din·inr the job wu eompleteed, and the walls were ready to fall. It is not clear why the braelitea walked around the city seven timea on the sevtnt.h day who once a day for six day• rave the workmen auftkient time to eomplete their dirrinJ'. In the t ad. the proponent. of t he new theory have to rely upon the di ... cardeci old theo,. to rei lbe wallo to at.a.rt falllnr l.ato the exeantioaa. It I• Nid tlW the ...U. foU becaUM the prieetl blew t.IMi_r raJ11.1' hon• utn Coudl)' .... the ........ ~ .,., oh_. their feol. _, the ol· b-to t.wle the ..... w. now tW ..._., • ._, wu be1lt.,. • waiL • Glln p; 'nNr .......... --·--,.. ..... fill ;Jecf 'a a a•nt U.. -. ,_ .... -tllo .... the eftJ -. -Willi .... ~.-.--·--" .............. ,,.rw. ..... dift"Bf'rl'l to undennine it and leave it in ~tu ch a dt"licate state of balance t hat it would be toppled by the vibra· tiona of horns. shouting, and the .~tampin~r of fe-et at a distance. It "'-ould be a !"'Pmarkable feat for enJfi· neers to plan Auch delicatf' dil!"«insr unde r a musive wall with no one el~ around, but with people run- ni n ~r around on the top of it. it is abA urd. The ba.<~i!'; fo r the ne w theory of t he falli n~ of the walls i~ a rt>eent discovery Abo ut thf' land upon which thf' city of J erirho wa." built. About f\ve feet below the surface iA a layer of M nd!';tOnf'. Thi!'; !le rved u the foundation for the waiL" and build- in~rs. But thi11 layer of !\and!'ltonf' is only ftve fef't thick. Below it i!'; 50 feet of Mnd and then anothf'r layer of sand!';tOnf'. The upper layer of u ndAtone ill not !';tronp: enoua-h to !~;Upport A IArp:e mnde rn buildina-ade· quately. Until enJI'ineers inve!';til!"ated the !linkin~r of a modern building, it waa not suapeded that the rocky foundation of the cit y was only ft ve feeL thick. However, the modem theorists believe that these facti about the land upon whicb the cltir wu built "muat have been known to J08hua and hia remarkable intelli- gence H"iee." The n "with his knowled~ of soil mechaniea and enemy mentality,. he was able to eal~ culate }Jow to do t.he job. lncftdibl7. accordii'l• to the report. Joehua enn Jmew about the'" seeood later of gnd. ,.tone eo feet below the aurfau of the Kroand. The report of the new t.beof)' of the fall of the wall tnda with theM wordA. .. We thou.-ht it wu a faWe. Now "" Dow how II happnod aad wtu>." II Ia .......Ublo thot _. ooe wou&d call the: Biblical JCeOUt a f-· ........ -lit • "'ool .... ,.. 11 .. lWt. ht tie ...... PISS I II the ........ ,. .. DOt ...... .. tap;wati ... F. w.-..lo Tlazllls'.,... .... el • u.s ... -...... , .... .. .. ataa ........ ---___ ... ___ _ '" ..... -ttlu· m ., .. •:a. t) . JOHN'S VISION OF THE CHURCH Revelation 22 le11on 37, Series II SL Thomcu P"r-eu -P. 0 . Box 35096 -H owton, Tucu 77035 This Jesson brings God's Word WriHen to a close. "lf a ny man 1hall add unto these things. God .!!hall add unlo him the plagues that are· written in this book: a nd if any man shall take away fro m the words o f the book of thia prophecy, God shall ta ke away his part out of the book of life, a nd o ut of the h oly city, and from the things which a re wri tten In this book." "Allacrlpture Ia given by inspiration o f God.~ writes St. Paul. All. Not some. We may not pick and c hoose; we may not a pply the knife of modem hiatork:al o r literary criticism; we may not set up a scheme o f dls- pe.naatlonallsm or a n outline o f prophecy and history and then extract those pauages that can be made to fit the scheme and rearrange them; we m ay not use only those passages that seem to s upport a particular philosophy or a lust for communism and utopia. God, writes Archbishop Cranmer in his great prayer for the Second Sun- day In Advent, •baa cau.aed all Holy Scriptures to be written for o ur learning."' No. 22 ol tk Articlet of Rdfcton. on the Authority of the Church, aays that the-C hurch bas •authority in c:ontroveniet of faith: yet it is not lawful for thr Chu rch to o rdain anything that is contrary to God's Word written. neither may It so expound one place o f Scripture, that it be repugn ant to a no the r." The articles are equally fo rthright o n the maHer o f adding to Scripture, as by tradition, or progressive revelatio n, o r by new discoveries In language o r science. There Is no aecret about the Greek language, o r the Hebrew: they have always been kno";n and unden1tood by Biblical scho lars, a nd accepted trans· latio ns are not erroneous. The same Artlcle 22 adds, '"Whf'refore, although the Church be a wllness and a keeper of H o ly Writ, yet, aa It ought not to decree any thing against the a arne. so bealdea the same ought It not to enforce a ny thing to be believed fo r necess ity of Salvation. • This Ia not a doctrine peculiar to the Epiacopal Church. o r the Church of England, or even to the Refonne.d and Protestant churches. It Is universal despite the departures in many circles, both Roman and non-Roma n . It Ia entirely In keeping with the wholeness a nd integrity of Ho ly Writ. then. that It should md o n the aame. subject with which It began: Pa radise. and the Tree of Llle. These are brought to a focus in the Word o f God, ••ho in the beginning wa• with God. and havlna taken o n human flesh has died, risen qaln, and atoended to God: • J am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the fint and the laat.' Any ,hiatory Is the narrative of eoventa centered on a person. Univenal history is the narrative of events cenaered on Jesus Christ. Thia lesson de- tcrlbes the end or history. It Is •till history, however, and not a description of eternity, a lthough we may well underatand this to be an eameat or a fo retaste of eternity. We have here the la•t part of St. J o hn'a vision o r the C hurch of Jesus Christ. It Ia called a city. But It is no t like other c!Uea. It cannot be enclosed within walls, or city limit.; It Is not governed by a mayor and elders; it Is Jerusalem, but not the Jerusale.m captured by David fro m the Jebusltes. It Is "the holy city, new Jeru•alem, coming down from God out o f heaven, prepared aa a bride and adorned for her hUiband." h la not what St. Paul called "the J eruaalem that now 1a• (meaninc the dty In Palestine), "but Jerusalem which Is above." Several centurlN later St. Augua;Une was to carry on the theme or the vision In btl grut work, •'J"M City of God." The City, the Bride. Is the Church: but we must take care to realize It Is very dlffk:u.lt to see thl• Church. John uw her In a special ~elation. He waa an ApoltJe and a ..-JnL Yet Jobn'a deKrlption lavery bard to follow. Jt Ia not the building of atones, or cou..ne; nor yet the aum total of aU church buUdinga. But neither 1.1 the Church the oraant&atlona.l atructu.re of any partk:ular ad- ml.ni.Jtratlve ..-meot-tbe C:Onlftl'•tloo. tbe confe.rmce. the d.locne, the board of ml•~ or the pope. or any other bead. 1t la tbe only true body of human heine"• in the world. and H la a body made up ot penoru~ who Uve by faith 1n Jho Lord J•ua Chrllt. , Tblo beovmly diJ, the Chwdl. the Brld• ol Chrlot. lo .... In John'• vtakJn to be hradlee reteored. it lithe place where man fttuma to the joys of Eden. Eden. nm.mber, wu not in beaYm but 011 earth. Th.la la a deserlptlon or l1fe: in Chd.tt while .,. are atUlln thll world. • Hue an eom•llkena~e~: HNHniy J~rwoltmt I) II hu tho ••-of ill!. 2) Flowlnc from the thro110 of Cod aDd lbo IAmb. Eden I ) A rive-r W'tftt out .. CJonler>. 2)0.tof-- . to waller the 3) Ott -... of the rlvor-lbo 3) Tbo Lord plalld o prden - -of lilt. ward • • .; the t-ol lllo oliO In (as0y -a pari< or pulu). ... --. t)Nomore..._ 4)~-.aotallla-. 6) llulod ..,. God blmoolf aDd ..,. .... 5) Tbo ~ Cod --In tho .... a.-...... -..... day. Cl) I ' ~IIIII "J...... 6) Rio-IMIJ-him. 7)---04'·-7)~--izlo-.. '-II •p a al wbal... r-. .. -Bieoll t ltD the Word ol OM."" Ill ea--...... --•&Jrllllft ..... ............ --_ ...... at .. _ ..... <IIJ'.".Ieo• -'-.... -..... t ..... •• ' - I wblcb wtll recpdre tbem, U a-wuded tba c::G~Uac:t, to pay DOt lou U.. llld ~ por diem nte ol _.at b1b, to all 11bonra, .. u... Ud ,.,. ..... ,.. empkJrtdlD 0. G.IQ- tloocltllo .. ...--..... Tilt bOMor milt -~ wttll bls ~ a certll!ed claoek or ~·· bood madep&Jible to tbe order ol tbe Orance Couaty FlOOd Coatrol District tar u a.mouot 1101. less tllaD 10 pereeat "' tllo aareple .... ol tile bid, ............ that tile bidder w1l1 .._. lalo tbt ~ coalnct witll1D 10 c:aleMar days U tbt ame la awarded to ldm, IDd lD 8t'ellt of fallure to eater 1Dto such coatract said cbect will become tbe IX c:oertJ pi tbe District. Tbt amoaat or lbt boDd to be cfteo to secure a fWbf'Ql per. formuce of tbt c:oatract for said wort sbiJ1 be 50 pereem of tbe coatnct prtce tbereol, llld an additloD&l bood ID. aa IJIIOUm ~ to 50 pen:eot ol tile c:oo1nct price lor sald WO<k, wlllch boad lball prvnde tllat 11 tbe pvaoa or bls subc<dractors fall lo ll01 .,. .., malortala, pron-. 0< oilier ~· used Ill, upoa. b', or aboat u. perb'muce of tbe wort c:oatracted to be ctoae, c:w b' lD1 wort « labor tbereoD ot uy k1lld. or tt amoaats due 11111er the Uoemploymeul IDsun.Dce Act wttb respect to such wort or labol', that tbe surety or .-eUes w1l1 PIJ tor tbe same, IUld also lD case suit 1s broqbt 1CJOil tbe boad, a r•sonahle attoroey's fee to be fixed by tbe court. Ill tile perlormaDee ol tile wms ol Ibis ~ tile Coo- tractor Jbail oat eqage 1D IIX' permtt RCh subcoatnctors as be may _.., from -ctoc Ill dlecrtmjpo!D Ill ...,..,. meat ot per10111 beeuse of tbe race, eokJr', •tlonll oriiiD or aDCestr)', or religioD of SIIC1I persoas. ViolatioD r:A. ttds pro. Yis1oD 111&1 result 1D tbt lmposi.Uoa of peoa.Wes referred Co llll..abor Code -1 '135. Tbe Coatn.ctor ww be required to secure tbe paymeat of compenatsoo to his employees in a.ccordaDce wttb tbe pro- riaiA>u ol SecUoo 3'100 o1 tile Labor Code IUid prior lo por- lormlac tile work ol tile ccotnct tile Coaln-sllall sip IUid flle wWI tbe Dl&trict tbl ~ eerUDcltton: "I am aftl'e of tbl prorta;lou ol SeeUoD 3'700 of tbe l....allor Code nicb re. quire PWJ employer to be insured api.Dst lia!IUity for' workm-.'s c:oqMDMKgn or to ~ 1111lf-tuaraace 1D ac- CG<dloce w1U1 t11o --o1 U1at code, IUid I wtJl comply wiUI IIOCII .....,_ -· commeaclll( tile _...... ol tbl wort of ttda c:oatract..'' Tilt C-.ctor wtJl aloo be reqalrod lo -• certlll- -that be canloo -·-IIISarallee CONriiiC bls empkiJIII .,_ wort to be doDI UDIIer tbl ooatract wbicb -be -od IIlio -....... tile Aid lllotrlct !Dr tile _., __ .._ llo llld wtll be aceoplod from a Coatn<lor -Ia oot U- .-Ill--tllo ... -tile-"' Dt-'fiD:Ia m. c.,tar i oltM BtJclrwsa 1M Pnl'llllaas Code ol lila -"' Callllnla. No bW ..W be rec.tnd 1a1ea tt 18 made oa tbe bJalllk Km IW1illblll bJ tM QW Enc«r s •. 1"bb III*Jilattw41o)o ol. pro.. tpeCt1ft ~~ Ll called to tile ''lll:lrmalioll k lldders .. ·--to tllo-..... "'~ ... fllll dtr-..... -...... P~ Md IPICihtkw Mil oaer COIUad •-•· IDI1 be -od -...,-. ~ SIUo Solos Tu. cl: (.a) M.M, Urq -..,. ..n (I>) $1.11, Jfpcbd "'II 1M llllb1ct- -JOQObiiiD: llnlfl c.-, Flood C-..! DJalrlct hot Olllco Boa 111'11 (Mo!J!or -->i.J,,_ toO Cl'flo <:-. Dmo Wool (litn« --) -.... C&lJilnla TWo will be • -.,. ..... "' ..-------Jaootr ... -. no -"s.m-a-.., ..._"'")let""' .. all-..... _...,~ laUIJllldl-- .. --•mrwMaiiM .... &"""""'·--.. _ ........ I'C- Ir -" .. -,...,.._. altM or-. c.-, p .... c...& -.c. on... c.-,.- W.l.ri'.X.. c..,a.n ....... . Clort;tf ........... . ~ -. .... o...c.-, ,...., !IIWIIIII ., ....... , 2 9 --••. , ••••t ...._ • 'ro A..-e 14.., a.. a• • NEWPORT HARBOR ENgGN SECOND SECTION --Po,. 3 THURSDAY, AUG. 2~ 1969 CORONA DEL MAR, CAL? F. IE A GOOD M!IGIIIOI U yea are a newi;OmCr, or know or a newc:orncr tD fle Halbor Area who ha• not boen welcomed, do her • ra'IOI" by callinl the Harbor Vi1itor between § .ct 10 &.Ill ., and sht VIIi II call on yau.r (rind with vahaable informatic..l M4 li(lJ from rriendly businen firm• which st.ws ready ID help her become acqa.ainted with her new Ju.noa.ndinl•· THE HAJIIOI YISITOI ,.._., HY._.UI KODAK SUPER I MDVPE CAMERAS 22% OFF 8hllf• o, ... ,,.. •• , _,.,..,_. ,.,._,. , .. , Ct.lf'fl' O•I •C Newf~QftT BEACH. CAL.IFOfiiHIA THE' AMI:JUCAH LUTHEfltAN CHU,.CH 8:00 A.M. TO 10:.::1 A.M. -FAMILY WOR-.IP p:JD A.M. TO 10:10 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 :00 A.M. TO 12!00 NOON -WOIIt!HIII' SI!:"V1C £ ......... , __ o ..... p...eor '111• .... a-aN ........... , p...., ,.,_, S.Vic•• nur attJacll OF a~aBT, aaOfnST Jl03 Via Lido Newport Beach SlJNDA Y SCHOOL 9:15 ..... -... 1 ..... SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -11o .•. WEDNESDAY EVEN ING MEETING I •·""· READING ROOM ·-~~~ ...... , ' •.•. -s ..... . .... " .... .,., ' ..... -7:45 ..... . r,..,.;.., -• F,,,....,, ' ··""· -5 •·""·· 7-9 ,. .•. S....llloy:1J'·•·-·•·•· IECOND Clft.l ac• Of" CllltiiT, SCIEN1'1ST Newpou Buch ar Coron1 del Mu 3100 Pad ftc VIew Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 .... SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .... WEDNESDAY EVEN IN G MEETING 1:00 •·•· Rndia& Room: Matul Bld~o 2863 Eut Caaat Hwy., CDM. Moa.•F"ri.: 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. 'T'burad.y e.-eGiuS: 7 to 9 Sat.: 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. You Me cordtalh mvucd 10 autnd Church ~rv•cn 1nd lo ust the Rt 1 Room. L ....... a .... c~o Of ....... .., Lottoo.. . O.rct. i•~ce 2900 Pacific View Dr. jcc,... a dol Mar. Coli! Dr. Williem R. Eller Phone 644-2664 1:65 a.M., r-ily Wonolup .. u ..... ct..~ Sdo-" 11:00 ... ii r .. tiYe WorMip IIUISE Y PIOVIDED Fl .. t .... 1 .. 0.. .. .f c. ...... .. S.pthu Blbl,. r~n-•~rtlp l•tl•,••tl.,.l -A•l...o.o• S...e A.• I. •handle Itt. Dr. t> .0. Neumann, patkH SUNDAY SERVICES ):4S a .. r •· Sunday School 11 :00 a..m. Mom ina Woe-Hi~ 6 :00 p.-m. Trainina Union. 7:\kl p.m. E¥Cnina Wontl.ip WEDNESDAY J: 20 p.m. Bible ~dy 1:00 p.m. Puyer ~ctiftJ A TT£140 THE CIIUIICII OF YOUI CIOCE I£ c;uL. AIL Y ........... Tlw"-o4Go4 ,.,.. ,....... -C1wtlt __ ... ....,_ .UN DAY ICHDDI.. I A,W. llY~ING llllltYtell 7100 ~."'1. THV lit l O A 'I' I I •1.. ll l TV 0'1' AND ~llt ... YI:IIt 7oll0 ~.W. NV IItlllllt'l' OUIItiNI llllltYI Cill AWY .... ,.._ C... of 0.... _.JW.IL c.. ..... ,...,... H ! ......... IK4 ,., flu rrflt • I » -I ., ·-~---·"-........ A Fr•• a.J l•.,_tl .. l c,.,,.,...,., ~·•• Chrd ........................ SHOPS M~D SERVICES ..t.Qit\OiJu.'. BE.AUTY NOOK 2132 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Ph0t1e e,n-7336 • SEVEN NAT!ONS COIFFURES OPP.-1 TIJESDAY Til ROUGH SATURDAY Free Part.ias ia Froat 300 W. C.a•t Hwy. Newport T•l-.hone: BUILDING COtiTRACTDRS REMOOEL PN G and ADD ITIONS • I"AEE I'LAM SERVICE e I"R!E ESTIMATES 532-5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. CALL DAY OR MIGHT • RMIIUIMI , ·-~ UCEISEII-NI FRED H. GERWJCK FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Dd&tl T .. ,.tMI!TS "117•• ••• ., ............... aiJA.U. HAL AEilSC!tER . . ~~ ,, ..... ~ .................. .. ,_ L CHilt ,.,. a.-..... QWDI me And Money -Call An Expe-:-...:..rtiim.!RY-- • HEALTH lfSOIT Je I e COSTA MESA 549.3368 •ORANGE 639-utl o IlliG Q.EANING 673-5822 e ANAHEIM 826-0311 • HUNTINGTON BEAOI 842-1451 675-3353 Pen~!. 1 .. Cln1lag Wortrs CLEANING & DYEING AU MAKES OF ltUGS -WAll-TO-W All CAitPETI NG ~,.,.... ____ .:,I·.:D.:,A:..:,Y SJ!II.VJCII e AU'IOMOTIVE Shrubs, lnt•r•Gt" Ftlants Troptcol & Tr .. s lnsectcid.• and Fertilit., S&H Grun StGfftp• 1-"NI:"I' IH.I .I\"I:"IU IMl•ro••• on. ICAI m:aotY IE. r.-~ • ., .. ln ..... SHOE tlfPAII MABEIIRY'S Shoe Repaar Purse •ndl~ Repair -.Dye Wort SI.H sr.-..s ONE OA't" SEfMCf 1890 HMbor II Yd. Co••• ..._ -.. •l31t ----- ,... ..... WE SPECIALIZE IN WE CAN PRINT YOUR • BRAKES (Dis~BNU.s IOo!J lsr!OC:. URES, PAMPHLETS, .,_ .. pdttr *' aunt • .... ,....._ ...,_, ... , m_. AII--~­NtU, a • rtm DPO t!. Cout H..,~ Cl1lal 67Wf05 * Sl«)CJCS '*ALIGNMENT GAZINES. LEAFLETS, f•r fast Expert S.Mce NEWSPAPERS ANC U6-5623 PICK.·UP f, DELIVERY TRU-LINE AUTO CEHTER I~ 18 o"l~u.'flort 81 •. , •• , Pth COSTA. MESA . ' ............ ,,., lao\\' A_,- lAna IIIlA,_ QWt • NEWS LETTERS CALL US 1"01111 UTIMATI!S UJ·OUO ENSIGN PUILISII?NG CO. 2721 I.A5T COAST C.D.M. o UI'IICH.STIIIT Uf'IIOLSTIIMG ,, ~·-"-1•-.1 f8JGI&:J,._ ..,.._, .. .. Col • ..._. JIS-11.1. ...... .. " .. , ..... • Dll'IIMG SOIOOLS 'BE HAPPTI ' BE INDEPii1NDIIn'!l ' LEAIIH 'lO DIIYIIIII CALL 1'0._ I'U« INTIIOOCJCTO..r LBSSON Q6.Srsl (TOLL ~IIIUI , MTID Dll'IIMICIIIIa ,.._ .. ,_ .... .., .......... _ Coli 11'1 1111 FOIIIERI. Y IIEARS CMIERA MOW AT 11M Nt:'IPOIIT IlL YD. ~A IUliA -··-313 U an emergency arises, you..want to contact the help you need the fastest way poesible. So here's a reminder about a convenience that's right on the inside front cover of your telephone book. 'There you'll find spaces for filling in important numbera auch as the Fire Department, the Police, and your doctor. If you take a few seconds to write them down, they could save valuable time when it counte-because the fastest way to get help ia to dial direct. Of course, if there'a some reason you can't, just dial "0" for Operator. She's there to help. The telephone puts faraway family and friends as close as a few spins of the dial. Take advantage of the lower night and weekend rates and give them a call. It costs surprisingly little. Ther e's oo question about lt, we all look forward to summer ncations and our employees are oo dl!ferent in our Newport-Costa Mesa Office. Eltha Swanson enjoyed three weeks with her son and tamily stationed with the U.S. Army in Ulm, Germany, the most cherished memory a oew Grandson. Isabel Mendota e:rperienced a delighUul two week trip to the Hawaiian Islands. Betty Westbrook shares with us many memor ies ot her travels throughout the European Countries. No doubtaboutit, we do enjoy the same pleasures. @Pacific Teltphont ~d~ ... ,.._, p-J. R. Hultman Your Telephone Manager in Newport ·Costa Mesa &LTZ MORTUARIES lUI IUI'IIIIOR AVf.. COITA IIUA ... ,.,., ~2424 Jl. I . COAST MIWAY CoiloMA DIL liAR OAiolt l-'1450 S.c. ItO .... COMPLETE FUNERALS "•• '245 COMPLITI FUNERAL AND IURIAL CINnR CEMETERY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From~S "l!'t~•t-.. l!'t·" .. Sltmnrial I CIMITIIY·MAUSOIIUM NNIRAL HOMI CHAI'IU CIIMATOIY -UMUIIUM IIBANS LAWN J1J ..... 1-6177 .M•J'&aarT (;esu!gpy .. E~ in 0. &u.ili/al Ploce" Beaure tbe fuDeral aDd burial Cl'flter OlaCept elimin1tes tbe need 'for. processioaa d!roogh heavy trlf6c on omaowded hisb-JS, family and friends alike may now pay their full re- spects by attending tbe butill serrice. as well as tbe chlpel serrice. Ill at oae heautifu1 plla, at less alit md iDore QIIIWIJeDcr. 14111 •1411UIACII &YD., .anthltD . . 714 'N1 I I WG1 714 1-1721 I'OIIMI!It IHSTitUCTOII. NA110HitC cn•fCM.. CO. . . ' • .,,.,., c-t•• Cl ..... , -····.. ....... ' _ ....... ..... lOibi not ........... new Iverson -(tllatis) «5 E. COAST HIGHWAY (•t •~•tdl DrW.;ot41 A NEWPORT BEACH .. ~ 673.1)900 'e"l'~ (jJ If grades aren't too high. It doesn't take much vision to gi~ scholanhips to A students. But wncrt about the kids who didn't l.ad storybook lives? Kids with the potW~tiol but not the grad.s. like the boy wno spent his study time bogging groc«ies so he could buy some. Or the girl who gave up stvdi" and dotes to b. the nearest thing to a mother her brothers ond sist«s w;u remember. <X the Iota starter who finally r.ali.zed that stuff like ~try builds br.s ond mokes airplanes fly. Som.oM ought to help these young people. And one someone is the Gos Compony. IIM're not changing the world. but ....,. do hove a schalorship program for emrerging students in CAntral ond South Central los Ange~s ond Compton. We help poy their way through school. And....,. offer them goad paying IUrrwnet" jobs. Of cours.e thtl youngsters OUf' scholarship board picks hove to b. college mot«iat But ...... don't wont ony A students. Evwyone ~ .. takes care of them. We'relooking for something harder to find . SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY "'(QJ.o!P ... I'<• ()I To-f! I'N'-1(. o Of'...,TTNf,~•~U"' IW.t're Investing In tomorrow. ' . ' . ..