HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-02 - Newport Harbor EnsignA. $J,IOO CHECK LlbeJ.Dcprlllat-'bylrriM:Co. Presldeal: B1ll Ma.loa. at lett, to HaDcoell: Btmtac m., presideatoUbl Mew pod Bea.eb Uu1ted FWid drln, as Mlll:e Maoattan, chairman for tbl 1rru1e Co. empkJyM tiP1 drlYe, looll:soo. Tbe $3,300 cheek ll:iet.l off the Newport Boaeb drl .. tonrd lbo pi o( $Z05,251. Trustees pick Tom Casey Tom Casey, Yice~prelidela ud trut omeer tor FtrJt AmerlcaD Trust Co,, wu ap- ~last -tolboNnport .. _ lhllllod Scl>ool outrlct board o( -to !Ill lbo poollloa n<:alod by Lloyd Blali.- ptod Jr. Mr. Cuey, 39, wbo llYn at Z007 Kewamee Dr.,lrriDtTer~ nee, Ll a cradu&te ol BowdolA Co .. llld ol lbo -,ndlllte .:bool ol bqtd .... w.-o lit r-lbo IOIAcloo So .. ........... _ ...... __ _ JOe COSTA .MESA - &-..---~ -~--~ . -. --.:._--. -· -- -- ----~· ----- . - THE ROCK GROlN at 56th st. in West Ne-wport, already building ~ sgbstaNhl bea.cb area oo tbe -.sterly sJdl, ls being extec¥k!d an a.dditiooal 80 teet to reacb tbe uWmale lengtb of 300 feet. The Corps ot Eap.ers, l'ftr!I1Niing tbe beach erosion cootrol project, will al8o uteD1 the 3 otbeJ' rocks groins, at SZDd St., 48tb St. aDd S6tb St. Rocks wtU also be used to strengthen tbe 2 steel croLDs, which were damaged lD the reeerd: storms. (£BS1p pboto.) HOAG ADDS 93 BEDS BY LEASING HOSPITAL cue tbere 1a a delay LD. tbe eoo- structioo ol lime Tower, an 11-ston "'llt'M ·-... eompl.ltloo LD. 19'11.. """"' daJ lot -ozl-65 patt .... s to the North Ua1t will be llaadaJ, Oct. 6. Loll( range plans tor tbe Nortb Unit !Ae--... wtac to aciQ psJCh1atr1.e beds lor tbe Harbor Area eommuntty. Harbor UDited RIII'Ublk:aD.I ot Calilor'Dia Volt 519 wtU bear Dr. Robert D. Petersoa., ,._~ lDteDdeot ot sc.bools ot OraDce Cotmty, at tbe moatb.ly meetiDg 1D the Newport Rh1.en. Lc:Map, 3$0 Rlrien. Dr1Ye, at 8 p.m • Tburtda.J, Oct. 9. Dr. Peter-&tleDtkd l..oul.s.- l&Da. State UDiYet.tly, ~ Collep.. C laremoot Gndaate ScboOI, I..SC, aDd reeet.Y.S bU: doetunte at tbt Uoiyer.ny d. Colorado. A 8..17 JQUidroa eommuder 1D Wacld War n, •natiiGCdD'ncwer~ ... ..-u-ua prlaw ot ...... *-• ..... --to lbo u.s. Air Farce Roent. Brazilians tour ranch AIII!IIICAJI FIELD --na ---. ........ DztM 1 rw Q,..,. lliilll's , .. .. ••rei 7 ~ ....... ""'*•• • rn _ .. ... : ~ .......... , -'-=". r,: : ;: ---. .. -.. •a-.~- CONSERV/\Tl\.1:-co;;r~c: --~ ftllllaa a X tMti)Ut • I , • __.._.. ,_-. 11 till htt ~.t.~•••••ratla. n.awwwf ...... a.. &.11.1.,1101·' I lor•-I.D.I:--. ... 11!' L'!!! .-.r Gf .. OOI:!f ... al .... ...., ................ ..., .. II tiS ·XL ....-.:II t ld -·· ... ...... • ., ,..., Anaflf'IOI'I TMI CIPI'ICIAL IIIWSPANI lO YOUNG PfOPU (Part I) .. 10 1 lEt_,. llft:M diM at U.C.L, MJ .....,_ IC t bllllraD II Mt ... 1,11,1. o1 ---loold 18 1M oM•t•=-ol all ,.. doly, 'hll -. fl ,__ CIP TMI an CIP lloiiFCIIT IUOI It has been "'Y ..--to cry 1o tul oocialist one-world wllh out -_. Ia A-, ro.., IIIIo --' -bJ llloldl ........ to .,._, ... 1M ooMJ,fl 1101 TSI aliiOI AUA'S OFFSIT NBrSIA/'111. writoao lnsp;riiJc • .. Ia America~,..... bn>ctoer:a-The 10<1 is, au....,.. ....... ,_ lolod-oat-181111 __ Ia ____ , u • ..-,-.._ omo. _, ..-... ,.._ 1a , .. &.lp ... U&-uch M•y. Since I....,. atrivt to mate u-arc inherenllv u,_,ual __ ,,1 ~ 1 ri y... 1..,-It .._ af Ull Lila. &emt. 'I1U WIMIId be ,.,.. 10 •• tiiU tMI.D.I.IIIr I'Nd ~ I ,,_..,.,. ' ln.M -oo;r •••Ju-• 1-...... --· .~00 ~ --lo --.-..... -~-..........,.. 2721 1L c-..,... c-4W .., C.W. -92Q5.. ..........., aiacere mel "1rom the heart.. (J Amtrictl with or.ly 6,._ of the wartcrt ,_,.. .. ·----a .......,. __, .. __, ~ ··-~ ---- TIL• Ill* .. &7UB lA-C...714) <tidn1 ha~ tho.,_.. lot~ lui May), I ohall and 7.-.,'ot thewcwld:• ,land,.,-_ holflho ~~ ... -.:~ ~..:-:: ::"i. ~·--=-=~ ::.:,~:::•= .,_ MifWJ uaao. I!JIRCJt 5. , .. ..a,~. ••.....,. do my tbma: ~ witb that Uppetmoct in mind: ~~ aoodJ. ~ amiller, lda.h ad 111\*W 111 ..,.., aw I.Jiil u., to_..._ IIOW M:b uat-n.ar.t .. WDildbtloiJPil _. ,..._..._. 6a tk. Clly., ,..., .. a.-a.. _...!_.,locally l)rnr spodtd, ~ arrupot, _brain-A.mencan s)'Jfcm (or free. competiUv. capi-dlfotld * F'nldom Talk Mo. utudl would ..-wY" a caoctld!!lte tbe IOCMitJtn.tMU.c..Lcua- ._. ... ! -:-n 1 1 .... ,.,. ia tJt-Ne ,,.., ..._c ... ..._ wubed brats and . bow--it*&lls: I am aict of taham) has ~ed American~ .to owa 71" tl, 4dlcl8f1Jt.ll, to u arUell tor a job Ja tbe dean'• omce. pu. , -.... NU.I.i ...u1, oe n....,. S.C.... c-.._., ..... pai4 you. ! am triOR lick of JOUr profetiOrt, your of lhc workf s can. 56• of 111 tclcpbona, .. IW: .,._._. tabl tDI ud 1t 11 DOt cWaealt to---nt aut .. woOl be to • C.... .. -· CaUl. adtn1n:sttaton, your tlef:aymen (If any), your 83~ of ita TV IdS and (forafve me, hlppiel) .&.0..1.'" Jtud ftJ JOa)e tupa,.ra ,..,...,.. t111t aU ..... nt .,. '!ftiPCMT uatDI ENSIGN W.. ... j ..... lo .. a •--p~~ren~ _and othen ~ho have~ very close 90% of its bathtubs. Mr. ~~-ItaiM, "TIWI Jioukl dMDUd tbat tbllllPQtal· procrual Ud 8ft' CODiba:tlw ~1:' .c-.:':-!~~~,:..~ 't::, '!;-r:••:-5&::-:, to ~n.na an m11re ,m:ra11011 ot J'OUOI The inventiveness o1 the American .,..aem ......:~ bt _. ..-ttdlte tar milt ol Udl ,..,,.. ~ at U.C.t llaoald bt .......,Ud ~ _.~-· ,.._,_, Ia q..liliell 10 .tttlr' all Mlk Amn-~eans. has lona bft'n 1M envy of the world. The .,..,., ~.lteedom-lottlr lhoUd bl r..obd. IDd t.rtblr DOt be rt&etl.u.d 11111111 lbl .,..._. , • ..,_. •-· P P ~ou _are doubt~ not u sict of lhit "sict only new thins the hippie: set has produc:t:d ia AIDII'lc:U.'' AccotdtllclJ, tam tbat tbtcbucell«nGmadetbe delll&Ddl ol. tile ~~an Arf'O E. A -·---·······-·-············-·nw--_. Pllblieltn socteey as we aR sack of you. What have JCMI a ntw drua miiina LSD and the pitt. 10 they Ol'dlrla& 100 e:aptu ot eaeb lllPOIJU!IIIt llboWd be remcw~ mtt. TWt Ut tbNI $ re.. P£& IIAAPA ·---···---···-·-···---···---···--··-·····---.AMoei.le Uit... done lo make thas aod the world a bctler pia« can ta_ke a trip without the tidl. ol .... two brotctealf1 10 u.t from b1l posltioo u bead oltbt eommead tlat &lltbl .. biU- IUISC•IPTION •A TIS because you were here:? What have you C'Oito One evening recently 1 spoke to a ama11 rtldlra ol U. Eutp m&J be Uaiferllty. dlnp at U.C.L 11101111 bl dl-::... a:'*~...... Ow ,. .... k.OO; 2 ,._.... 11.00 b&•t ': For the mOO: part. you have not hem crowd at Vanderbilt Univtts.icy. Durloa the Wtll ..-..mec~. AD ualyals ol the remamtoc moltablcl, brick bf brtc:t Ud 0... ,.., 15.00; 2 ,..._ t51.00 ~ _cont'!,but« but_ ~. ~ree-~dina. rebellious question and a111wer period, one .wcec: )'OUDJ At: aamuiDttioa 1n lbt llcflt to 8 S.D.S. demaDI!ItD:Ueates that steM bJ ._, ntMrlulll.ft Mcher and a nththshc nuasance. thinJ with his hair on rna ahouklen atood and eueeJ tbl IIIPOiatmeat or a tbeJ ba.,. aotoutuaettnnlae, tbe UQIYWIUJ blcoiDe a col- Yes. we parents have made many mistaka. declared: "We're not Communilta. We're ...,.. form• membtr o1. tbe S.D.S. aDd are U a lawyer mtlbtffal-leetJoa ol "I.JtUt Red IIebi A~ one of the wont was the almost universal archiw. We don't want tO(aJ IO¥t:l"lllnalt. We to act u •JIJIIIIIN diu II OCI, tate them, ''iDeo~ tr,: Houses," .rblrt ~~~~--­ dcsue to see that our children didn't have to want .o government. We believe in atheism Mr. ~~-atltiS: "TIM FBI re~ IDd lmmatertal. ltred Udft'I'Oiattc. .. ........_ make it the hard way, like we did. Yes, we free (o\le and homosexuality between consent: Dl.reetw (Mr.l. Edpi'HooYer) ::.~~~~ ~ :t : "'::: ~ .. -!:".~ !':! Mtloa oldsten have made a mess of the world-and ing adults." ia dlldl7 MI'Jo&al wbtA be WVDI " Jr t s m -w ~.., v•YWiltJ you're turning the mess into a cesspool. How c.1oe1; a square like me "have dialoiiJC;'" tblt U.. S.O.S. ud tbt New Lbat = :• DOW ~ ;'J.er;..':!' =ed to tM rat. ARVO E. HAAP.A, o1ffter tw~d publ isher of the Ensign WHY COURT ILL-WILL? I know t~at this hard-nosed approach i.s poor with that? I merely asked the ...... audience ~ ftlcb ia made 1PI&rte1J :rut':rfty of the ;::Uem, tell: thaD to bnt f=: ulesmanshtp--and a poor way to narrow the why they would sit there, inert. and let ucb tllldlats &Dd proleuJaaal \ICh tbe e11 ecru1 Dr. Nolan Frizzelle has correctly observed "'amentN>n gap." 1 don't ...._ to narrow the slobs dc.1.croy their unive~ity, their country •and comm..a.t &cttat«a ud or-: tur:'~ wvu:_ :•:e. ~htstJ ~e:o~ ..,_ that there is a lack of "demonstrable results'1 &'!'nerat~ gap. lfs too narrow already._What's their _fre~om. No amwer. Even the .. coo-=~ ;r:::.rtweat:: &t.me in Ruaata." Tbe retutioo Ia cue tbeH st1pe nrtlll· of sex education in other school districts But needed IS fewer fathers who are buddtea and serntlva told me: ldtlc:llioai.J qste ,1j to of lbe com:roveralal IAIO'•ee succeuf\&1, tbere are .._no • rnorr fathen who are f~ 11nd more pa-"Don't talk reliaion and morality to ua. Talk per11m.a.•• m our eYeatuaUy mfgtJt be acr.tleap wollld p-wUu c:Rttlllt ud fl. there is plenty of evidence right here and rents who ~~nd obec:hence a~d respect in-fogic!"' Okay. her'e"s some logi£: .If you '"mod-. forward toward the oorerthrow ture bud,.U of tM U.0.8lty, elsewhere that it IS producing dissension and stead of pemuul~eness and acqu~. crates ... you uncommiued students, think that The 800 demands are terri-of our b'm of perament, ud to t.blt uteDt of ttwe UIUIIDtlt controversy in the COmmunity . _"The CornmuntsiJ. the foob, the han and it is wrong and inexcusable to invite a self-pro-tylac. Tboee WbJ.cb deal -.tth the subCtbaioo of ooe based of $100,00CUor blYJ.acpr....ted • 1\hterates have told you that .. western civiliz.a-cl . ed . . 1 d . . • ectac&tlao relate Co mJ..I:m' lrrt-~ c:ommllll.lsm. tbe Jdamc:lu Mlmt JbOw IOIDe Dr. Frizzelle speaks from knowledge gain-rion is not worth savina." You now have more c~1m cnmma an f anarchtst lite Eldrid~ tadoaa aperleoc:ed by but few. Tbe American LeeiOD toot a moatba aco. ADotber 1lU tam d bai o1 th edu ti t freedom, more comforts, more luxuries and U\ler. _or a ~ead o rhe Youna CommuniSt Mum* l deJnaMstbeahol.t.tioll Jl'eal leap IDtbtopposUedlrec-milht be deducted lor III.Yine e a8 C rman e Ca On COMID ttee less responsibilities than most of the sc:Kalled League hke M1ke Zagarell. to speak on your ot the track system lo the tJoa wbeo its members he~ to permitted Eldredct C.l-.ftl' to of the Newport Harbor Chamber of royalty and "'noblemen·· of history. campus. then why don't you tiD aomethin& scbools, TbeJ ast that pre-secure lheb~UmJJlr of theS.D.S. lecture on tbe eampua, AD ad- Com -nerce presiding over many study ses-Free men are not equal and equal men are about .i r~ Oh, you are a~raid, is that it? Afraid scribed cuntculums sbou1d be from the Cypress Junior d1Uooa.l peoalt)' ot noo,ooo ' • not free. We are constantly hearing rhat we you m1ght get hurt phys teally, scholutically or doDe aftJ with. aDd tba.t ~Hs CoUege. Another moYe In the mlgtat be dtomaaded for baYiDC stons where te~.ony has been g1ven by must have equality,~ only here but with the o;ocially? So yoa are not "curious .. -just ,.. should bt permitted to uue 1n right direcdoo occurred nen desecrated tbeAmerleaaflact~J supporters and cntics of the sex education rest of lhe world, if we are to li\le in a peace-low!-Amcr~n Wa y Features !!'A~~~ ed!X!judlatioD gt.Uded ctn~ .... adcmu~~-.?f Orsangoos. lowert.ac 1t to balfmut1Dre-uz --pre ces. ..._ o egera~tbe . • c:op!Uoo of tbe d..tbolaBert.- program. c 1• eley rioter. U tbest PtQiltles Tetingbe onlyispositiveinformattongtvenatthese ounse lOg LeHers ·to the' Ed.·tor ~:r:.:::ly~..:.~u~.':.":..U: me s the fact that incidence o! venereal lhe wl8l>u of tho _ .. ., disease bas dropped as the result of health sess1"on set AF IIOIIS SAY THANXS <otDmwtlst lo do lrT""'able award lor yow ... shndlogpol>-Oran&O Couoly, a cool balfmll-tnstruction gtven to students But there is no Edllor of tbe EDIIp, bum lo-. In rae~ It mates UslttAC aod reporting 1t1 lhe Ea-Uoo dollars mll!llt be c:bariiO'I • Air Force Mothers FUgbt Uttle dlffereoce." slgD oo tbe off-street park:i.tlg against tbe LDstitottoa tor IP· evidence of any decline in sexual promiscuity, "Pr""'e lor your ....., 12 wtsttes 1o lbanl< 111e matiJ' "The orgumoat bas beea ad-Issue, oolrltloa a former adboreat of nor is there any claim that sex ·education year .. Is tbe theme otameeUac people who be~ tbemontbetr nnced tbat perhaps we sbould Our couatry 1s ,ttany tnoeed the Studeotl 6Jr a Dtmocn.tte sebeduled by the COIJOSellng drive for dry goods ror tbe try communism aod see 1t It of eommlmlty-c:oocerned aDd Society u u assistant dean. seeks to solve this social problem. In fact, the olflce of Corooa del Mat HJ.ctt Ylc:tims or hurricane CamtUeiD is better or trWse. That ls acUYist tor-ees lor b.Jroess aDd In our current soda.J. order. sex educators themselves potot out that there Se iK>ol lor uo p,m, IOdoy,OcL Mississippi, sometlllag you caoaot do, You equity, Aadweaoedlobe.,.rted lhe demaods or the s,o,s., z, in the Hlgb Scbool cateterla. Frleo.is and oe.lcflbors came eanoot ~y communism any to cues wbere socb 1J: aot the should be Uld 1J s..,reme. are more and more cases of out-of-wedlock "For our studeta no :ue forth to help Fllgtrt 1% to cet mote tbaD you caa try arsenic tread In commWllty government Voters of Orance Cocmty. babies born to teenagers and at the sam.e time jua.J.ors lbLs year."' states Bob ready a.Jid pack all that was or CJIDide. Communism Is per-by tbe press. "Usert that ~emacy." 1 Werley, counselor at Corooa eolleeted. Sgt. James T. Bow-maaeot. U is fatal to freedom. It's 'ery gra.t1t)'ing to see Early Jut wett tbe Board ot there are more and more schools adopting sex del Mar Higtt School, "JObs man, Air Force recndter trom It u to effect the fDW Joss or sueb etlorts 00 tbe pert or you Receats delt1erJ lbat tbe wtJJ. ot education programs. Not only is sex aadJor ooUege are only a JMr Santa Ana, came wltbhl.s flmUy your r,l~N. lo ever cbanre your and your paper recoplzed. by the people lbouJd bt ..-eme • • ~~'cti in b . ,,..::. U".l.J.W~veset~tblsDIPUar to be_, pact. '"*1 sbfpped 8$-allldJ· .~h • '' the dbtJQIUfsbed ~ wbo wbeatbeyrefuedto-unetltbe uuncu on . our sc OOU!' s.alltng to reduce both pareats aM studerlts to ALAft HAR[)[ftG, ftce~est-large boll•~ • ..,.._. _.. tbJDp our lll&de tbe award. ...... _....,..,... S.O.S. umred parenthood but tt should be assigned come It> aod ret some to--ot IDYestor's Flnaoe!al A ealleamo from W, G, Bur. -·--aod--Warmast ra..,..., oti'tai>U'lo iiri'tl;ll!., .... a substantial me~re Of blam f th b ak fonna.tloo tbah1Uallowthemto Sentces bE .• wtU speat 00 rls Jr .. 'iee~prestdeot, mar ... .cud betore tbly leue our Robert L. T. Holcomb dean at teL TttU ... ,..... tbe e or e re -land u.. best colleges or jobs "Mooey am women" attlledln-. tetlng, ot UDited Vaa LJDes ot scboola." 9081 Aloba Dr. aeope of tbe COGtDiC"IO tbe dawn in moral standards. alter they graduate out year, aer meetlagofthe Newport Har-Featoa, Mo., Who was ma.t1.llc ''In our law schools, the sub-Hllllt1.ngtOD Beach poUJt -'*'• .,. .. ,. pltrtotlc, As Dr Frizzell S "U th edu t" a.od It's not going to be easy ... bor BPW Club at 7 p.m today his periodical vlslt to the teet of Juceoy 1s taught, btt treedom-ltwtnc Amerlcu tD • e say , e sex ca ton lnformatioll wt.u be aftilabJe OcL z at the costa Me"sa c.oH OraJlp COUity area. He bad they do aot cec thieves to teach Mr. ArYo E. Haape Calltora.la · wt11 be urJid to courses don't solve the problems, then what is to parentsoncoUereadmltta.oce and ~ Club. TbJs pro-been ShOW1I tbe IIJI)el..llD tbt lt. lD our sebools we must Tbe ~ Harbor Ewd.go. temoYt rrom omce ..-VJ the justification for the expense and ill-wtll "'qulremenls, hll!ll sciK>ol ..,.._ ,...,, .,.._ by Jeanie paper lor helpDOirUsportalloa •aresstnly ....,, the oYIIs of Dear,..,, Re&OOI-fOied lola•orolu.e duation requiremems_ scbolar-Brown. prognm cba.J.rman, ts by A. B. Dutton, sales maoqer tot•utnl.aD form of per~ Coocratul&Uou oo wtnnlnc reteoUoo ot tbt a.ulDDC deu., they create among parents who don't want ship Wormauon, occ,.,a.ttonal part ot the BPW observa..oce or for Ulliled Van LJDes. TbeJ meot. We must anresslnty tbe top award In the weekly Oruee c.,..,,n. ta.a yoar their children 80 instructed?, survey tests that are anUable. oa.Uooal business women's called here aM offered to trans-teacb the perlls ofeommunlsm, aewspaper c&te1017 1D rattoo.. riPttut place 11 uM beadolttds staadardlsed tests stlldertswlll week,. Oct. 19-25. Mr. HardlDg"s port the goods for f'Ucbt 12 to but we need DOt, we must DOt. wide compettUoo lor cu. statewide protest! • • • be ~in&:. loc:ludiag the College tlrm 1s a securities and f1naD.. Keesler Air Force Base, au.s. han commumsts teach u .• any stallding editorta.la lDd aews PERSUASION FROM THE LEFT Board aod others, aod proce-c!al Plaanln& co_.y wttb slssi!Jpl, lo care of the <hal>-more tbat> "' -ld banatm-,._rtlto( tree elOierprtae, B"ble dures for early g:raduatioo. bome omce 1n Los Aoeetes laln's omce, wbo wiU be 1D lnals t•el!: 111 our law scbools." We are utremtly PfOUd. to·From the ' The Mike Krisman case at UCI and the A college haf!dboak, receotly aod snbsldtaries LD seYeral charge of seeing tbat 1t rets to ··we sboUI be YlctJ.aot to see bue th1s ueat boDor come to For none of Ul liveth to Angela Davis incident at UCLA, the Eldridge developed br the hiebschoolsol eommtJntUes. loclootng He•-those in. Dlfld, both tbose 1D the tbat commUDist Uld soelallst ooe of our dtst1ngulsbed cltl-himself, and no man. dietfr Cleaver profanity the Mim ~ Troupe and the Newport-Mesa Untlled port Ceoter. servtee and eiYIUaos, Unlted material propap.ncta Is &ens. 10 himself. , -' School Dtsbid, wlU be a.n.ll-shipped It without cost to FUpt matched, a..nnered, aDd ex-Sincerely, for wbotfrer we live. we "The Beard, pornography are all examples able for COM parellls and TEHHIS CLASSES OPEH 12. poJed."' bl sbor1. "there 1.5 an Dee Coot. Presldeot live unto the Lord; and ! th nst t b, ! th I !t d studeuts !bat Dlgllt, AT COM YOUTH CEHTER Jim Wtoger, an apnt ror ""'1 .. -obUpttoo oa 111e Coro"' del liar 0 e CO an prO mg rom e e to e-Some additional lnftrmatlort Tbe terks, beac:bes aJill re-Academy Van Uoes, Moot. state ud the scbooJ authorl-Chamber of Commerce whether we die. we die llnto termine how much intrusion of leftwing oo college stq~ping or oow creatioo depa.rtmeot of tbe City gomery. AJa., Yoluateerecl Ills U.S to prowlde 100c1 Ud proper Ano E. Kupa the Lord; whether we live propaganda willbeacceptedbythepublic Mo-•ben aod where to speod~ of Newport Beach has thetol-Ume to drtn tbe UDlted y111 1utnctioctlntbepabUcsebools PubUsberottbeEDSip ~.c~e~ordr~. or die. we are • summer vacation out year wW knrlAg t.ePD1s classes at the truek tbroogtl to Keesler AFB. aod IJPIICiaU)' to uclude dis-Dear Arvo w• ......, •· mentary defeats do not greatly matter to those a1so be tDcluded witb the m.. CommwlltJ Youth Ceoter lDCo-Winger bi.W. UDder coatract lo)'a.l m1 perverted prep.. Coo.g:rat~taUollli 00 two For \o thla eo.d Oniat who are maneuvering these probings. A little formation anllable. rooa del Mat opea tor a.dditlooal wtth UDitad. Oo bud -crtth me to aguda.." couats: l.Oa.def~~ ~lh died. and ~e. and ro-tb k Betty Smith.JoanKutms, VIr-reglstnUoo.: wish theslllpmeataadtbedrt'er Yours truly, rllbts. aD:t z. 0o w1DD1Dr tbe v1vcd. that be mtaht be se ac is taken in the ClassiC stride of ODe p.oia. Toc.ker. Bob UO!lS. Tom Youth begl.rmers. 9to l:Zyears weU were Set. Bowman. there-Rlcbu'd E. Woodto $1,000. Usually 1 ot•IPIPII'· Lord both of lbt dead and step back and later two steps forward. Each Jacobsoo, Sam l4blaa aod Dol> -H5 ID 4,t5 p,m, Tuesdays, cruller; llayor AI Pinkley of Sao Golla'lel, mu bas ID •tis!) lllmself-livina, {Rotaana 14,7-9,) Werley are the Corooa del Mar Youth pre-lDtermedla.tes, 9 C06t:a. Mesa; W. J. Blct ot tbe tbe toowledce tbat intrusion serves to dull the senses and couaselou laldAf part It> ""' 1o 12 years-U5 1o H5p,m, Hwtllogloo Beaob Cbambor ot PW'S ABANDONED he dldap>Od LOCAL S1UDIDIT$ co sensibilities of an apathetic public. preseatatloo>. Thursdays, Commerce; w, G, Burrito Jr,ol Edllor of tba EDIIIIO. )Db, Doo eo.._.. OM TRIP TO 1!111101'! Reglstn.Uoa 1& set for Ulls United Van Ll.Del udoloQQne Annmtar that President A doMo lbldtata fr More than 200 years ago, Alexander Pope CDHTRACT AWARDED wee> at 111e PBR olllee, 1114 lhe wo!tderlltl drl~er. Jim Wlo-Na-lo atiD eomDI&Dder-lo-=· ~:;;. Ledeor Brickor-W&rd Pr~ voiced the peril in this penetrating poetry: The state D<pu1meato1Put>-W, &!boa Blf<L, Ceatnl New-..,r, The -of tbe oblpmoat cblol"' tho armed lorooa, !bat Seboo~ eo. 11-..__ • Uc WOI'ts bas awarded a $6.4?9 port, from 1 to 5 p.m. • had lt beiD a commwclal bUll would surely !Delude prt.oaers: Editor of tbt EDiiP. pudad bJ fKu1t1 a.emtwc, left Vtce is a monster o1 so !rightful mien, cootnct 1o Smltb Eiactrtc s.p_ would bo a11ou1 $500, . of war of tba Kor .. aod VIet-Eactosod It • cbect tar $4 roolordoJ' 00 .a • .-- As in be bated needs but to be seen' ply of -.., -">~ LEGAL NOTICE TbanU 1o &U JOO -"':!'~-~~•lor's col for.-r-loryour-, louot ~ E1rapo u I!Orl ol y t ' lnllie sip! systoms oo New--le ... hell>ltor -FUcbL -• ' • """' Wa B'eaUI' eoJDr 111o-oad t1Jo ........ ·--~-tba e seen too oft, familiar With ber !ace, pore a1,., betwe• 8Q st, aod CERTIFICATE or BWIHESS Tbe -oroJoct. 1a --Lo• Ali&Oios Benld Eomlaer, --"' _., .. "'00 l<booL We first endure, thenpity,thenembrace. llesaDr,lti<A>stallua, FlctWoosFtrmName 1o hell>loc&U bnoellu oltbo ~·coot 11, U 18 statod tbat -• -•, 0ttr olllelal re-Bort'aodprto""lut .. wtt• THE UMDERSIGNED does HrYtee O'f'•-• ud tbe u ot tudiJ tbare remaiD trem s1deDce lito Ooluio, bat n"re Air Fruct tac:lMed Patricia • ~ , ... --• :a: .a::-:~ 0:.. G..!=.:.~·_:..-:-::::~:::"-! _ ... _ c' ...... __ ._:.,... . , -- -. *-~ C I I CMt.. llr. •• M, all ,_.~oodllr.l' II, II I &,...NI_fl_to ____ ,,, __ .,,_, 0 ;-,. .... -=:.. 1!1,0:: ••• :.:.;-.;. \:.: :::,...--. ........ II ...... IR~ I berebJ eertlfy tbat tbets.coo-,eterau 1D tbe ""''P"'I, la to tbl Kor-tunrSI9cuesotU.S. don at Lido molt weft.....ac~L ca., Dat1d strom DrllltM ducttuc a wboleale baslDeas at ... _. tbt r.t•a•. WbeD a. AJr prlaoaera. oace Don to be 1 bope ...s plaa oa. rttirlac ..s Kal9t, Man 'rbanb.. auu 400 CUlotta., Newport Be&cb, Fcwce kids ut .,.,, a. A1r allY~: Utat were swll)taDdertbe btlac tblre aU tbt ume. BooQ•, l&arJ 8Mb iaecer- Caltfcnl&, -lhe llett-Foree - -plaJ, ftll: c.....-oo w111t1oc ...., -~-UataLuo. ftrm ..,. of Rasly's Honlty lira, .. ..., lllltaoli Tbt Korou lnce wu ltpotl tho hlp -•, d&lo --lu~ eo. &Dd tlltJ. Aid arm ia com-PrMI6IM, ,_ 1%. 11 ,..,. ,.., l•lJ 17, 195S. Belt reprd&. Ktm' Mecn.r _::. Wllllrd ~ o1 tbo lblJowloc por.., Air Foret-· bol lila -far &Upnctleal A, W, A-, 11,0, ....,__ nc-.,... ta run Uld plac:e ,...a • • ._ .., .. e.-._ c:.a.rla, Callt. FaalltJ oo..lara accoaa- ot retddeDc:e are u follow'a, KNOW THE EKEMY pectallJ tor RttltOI'I ol tbt SJUJ11c till Jll'tJ tllll to-~ Edllor o1 Uoe ENip Mi. R!AL·TORS TO !L!CT Pool oro pro. ll&rpnt A, Wtlbl'ecbt, .U ~ _,,_, ... l:lftoc Sl<flllctoiD poau at EloctiDI Dl dlroeiDr• will bo ::; ..... ~ao.:O: = WITIIESS mJ -thla .,.. .._ lfiJ', -·-nil ... UJ prtc. ..,_., Ud bool-llold at lila oct, U-'-: Pnatoa, doJol~,lH9 Wlloltlla-llt.fOII -U.-1,-Irqlcllltl-doc ol lllo .._ -· ll&rpret "-Wlllroebt _._ 'hll -... aol"'•e ltlr - --OOI1!Dl!lo C:0.--.,-.., .. ,._SITU ~UI$ TO STATE OF CAUFORIIIA) Ia tbo '"'' IM _._. Ia-. 1'111. _...._ __ lea11LLOP0Cilolls0Lo ""' 11-la-tle--(liU) Far:.::-"!.u:'.-~~ lllld Cllllorln' Iorio ..._ T-CliiWa-tr COUNTYOFC*AifG£ J Lid .... ,, (liN) l•uts llllft BP.-war,._,,~,.,._ Dl.nlllll, lldlll: -·111 ww c0W 011 TBJiatll do1ol84plaml>or "' ~ ~ -..... -.. -_,.oil)' ... DPo ..,.., 11&1 --• 1119, _.. ••, o-; fooii ...... C:O.-•U.. iorllla-of--1Dd0-J-B,_It_lllll ... ::':t,":":r.::-: P.aklaUIIb'.udCOIIItyud cad& ... an .... , '• ~Ud•tr.tJot•-IPMffl"WU ..... dlrll1•.-ud ~-l:lr ..... ..., ,-.,. ~ doll' --r-10: ••-loo c-... llllfrr 'lila-IIH. -Loci!~ COID•I....,_, ud non. '".Aa•Jrdlrtclllt9tbt 1AriM ~·· •tactMttMHIIa tera an u · 111 ... ~,.. ~ _. a.ar.u, ~n'te, pars 'IJ ._.....llar~~tlt M•alf....._ , .. _.._.. ............. )II&WIIItdo--. u n m'Jf .,__.., 12.. •...,_. .., .. lei A.WIIt:ncllt ..... ta .. tobe tile ..... wUltl .. WI ... ,_ 00 I _.._.'I • __ wiD. .. Ih-wca• ... a...,..-,.... ... a..._ put1 z;:••••auall!l.a. • cttrwm-.tD.,ttlllt GA ..... GIDUPMI111 ':!:7~~•• -::-:....-:: ICI'IIIId kli 6e ........................ •H 1£ I -.. , .... all ... tlelor ... llllltl-tlll-.. --... ll'lol-.. ... -:•A ... II 1111 ?,_.......,....._... lll.rdW _..,..,...,.. e 1-, ... .._ ... :-............ . .. ~~~~~--· .... _ ........... _ .... ___ ,_.., .. ? = ..... 91 ··a:.-:::-.:... ... ----:. ... wuw., ___ .. .-.--...... ., ... ....,, 11 • .,......,..;z;:,':i,.,WS: a.l.-a. BID tie -fllloo r """"' --•illlloo, _, ._ Ia ood far'--.... loraa ler-... 'follor ...... Woi 11 las ..s c.ocr..s--JII'M \ I'C II -llr,AnHIJ .::· ... -~· .... .._ • 0 IIJ --'-O<t,lf, I 'W -1101 C:O.-~ I -• tt11. ....... -....,_... ...u,nt 1111111 DlfM ..... ,.. --...... .... • II¢ OCLI,t,lt,%':•' nt ,.at-., ... Ia t.II•IOI-fllloo-11 -== .. jji~'j:;j; Ia .. •upat ...._ .e •a 'J IMt • • 1 ,. • .. ...-Dl •1.111'1 ~· • • The Hotel SS Lurline is going to Expo 70 and the Orient Mar. J7, 1970. for a once-in-a.Jifetime Yacatil'lll - -45 days ' Now's the time to book. Matson 's Holel SS Lt1rline is going to Expo 70 and the Orient. This is liltrally a once-in-a-liletimc truise advenlurr. You'll cruiae Honolulu, Yokoha· m•Totyo, Kobe-Osaki, Keelung-Taipei. HonJ Konc . Manila, Guam. and on the way home. Honolulu again. While ~laymg at the Hotel ~ Lurline in Japan, you'll see Expo 70 dllri n~ Cherry Blossom season. You 'll see tvtrything lhtre i~ to ~ee : dn everything there is to do. SE~ US t'OR Rt;.!;ERVATIOt-;S, U!t us book your "Expo 70 and the Orient t;ruise now. The Hotel ss LurUria sail~ Mar. 27 fron1 Los AnJ:eles, Mar. 29 from Sea Franr.i.sco for 45 days. Jo'arcs from '1890 to flllO. (Or U daya. U you jet to and lrnm Hono- lulu, wiUI ,.,.. from '1470 to '55:10.) DINERS FUGAZY 'IRA WI.. I -/ NEWPORT HARIIOR EIISIGII ARST SECllON --Pwl liiUIISDAY, OCT. 1, - CiO!!OIIA PiL"liA' C&!f. NECK·DEEP IN TREATMENT For many years, neuralgia victims had to endure such treatments as using packs of hot und. There's a world of d•tfcrcnce in today's remedtcs. Thanks to medical sc~encc, they're reliable. But don't use lllf)' medications indiscrimmately. Your ph)ISM:ian should be your guide ... he's the only penon qualified 10 dec1de when you need medu:ations. Let him do the diagnCK~ng and prescnbmg. We 'll be &lad to fill hi.J prescnptions for )'OU. Christensen a.J &. COAIT awY .. CC:WWA 'Da. KU 011101.& .... Now small savers invest like corporations. At UCB, the same deposit plans big corporall<1ns u!'oe fo r better profits are available to individuals. Corporations arc known for gening profitable . dependable returns on their morKy. To do so. many take advantage of plans called "Certificates of Deposit." COs -as they arc known -earn a good, solid 5'1 intcre~t ­ without risk. Other plans available at UCB range from Special Passbook Accounts to Income Bond~ and Growth Bonds. Each pays a guaranteed 5% and ·is federally insured. So. when it comes 10 betler returns, take your cue from the big corporations. Come to UCB for the personal plan that is best for you. UCB Savl,._ Plana Investment Certificarcs l'f [Xpno;11 Special Passbook Accounts Cenific.ates of Deposit Five Year Growth Bonru Five Year lncome Bonds Re&Ular Savings Accounts wc•c• r.o.t,c. ......... lntereatA ... 5 <)f 5 % sr,;., 5 % 5 9!- 4% The bankers who do a little more for you Minimum ... _.._ ~· ... _ $500 90 daya $500 90 davs $1000 30 daya $1000 180 daya $5000 180daya $5 I I PECAN • CIHHAMOH HUT • CHERRY DANISH • Y CARMEL P ECAH • DANISH APPLE ~(~~~4-..1n 71Jc l03 SIZE Sauerkraut 6PK- . ., - Peas~~"s Mrs. Dorothy Mason, 68, of Broce Crescent, West Newport, died at Hoag Hospital oo Sept. !4. Sbe was a weu toown real estate dealer wlth Sa.lls- bury Realty. Tbe Pemsylvania na.Uve was Pe WITH a boro on June 7, 1901, aM t\a.d U ,, F'O ·u:ro£$1 uved tn the state aoo c:>nnee Couoty ror 11 years. Sbe was a member of the Eastern star aJid tile DAR. CREAM SAUCE Rites were lleld at Westcllfr Mortuary alld lllterment wu at SUGA,RII.Pacltlc VIew Memorial Part with the Rev. Jillrles Bla.ln of the Newport Harbor Lutheran 1 c:o.urooh omclaliJig. Mrs, Mason ls SarYIYed by 2 ldau!~lon, Mrs. J~o crawford Canols 155 11!111 I.WIMI Leo Mason, both o1 I =·~:·~Beach, and 2 gr&Dd- WRITTEH Professor Norman C. Lumla.D Orange Coast College Is the autror of a new Amerteao tllstory text written speelftea.lly for the junior collece studeDt. Tomato Juice 43 Tbe 5-M.pap book, ''LiYiog America.,.. with 221 lllus- tn-., to des!-lor tho ooe semester c.oursewtlleh may be tbe studeat's last uposare to the b'ma.l __,. o( Am•tcan b.11t0rf. An added teetare ll a readlac u.t at the end ol each chaplor. JOL ... 303SIZE ruit for Salad JOLLY TIME I POPCORN UHrOPr!O 10 OL . WHITEOR 35$ Chlp(er Utles lDeht:te "Con- lederalloo, coolbsloo aJid coo-sttttltioo... .. Boom to bait I.DII Uae bollnce bl.ek.'' '•From kleaUI:m to IICipl.sm, ~· ud "TM!I&ms 1a llmls ol p)eaty." ... ,., ..... llr. laa-aiOCC " llloce KODAK suru • loiOVII CAM liAS 22% OFF •• ••••• ... _ . . .,_.,_ " ... . . ' ...... ~ .. . ·-<• .......... .-. '• ...... -"' ,.., ....... , .. _ '• ... , ... , I \0 "'o "o " " -.. .. , ... .. . " . .,., ...... ' .. j J " ,., ........... ... •4o-. !10 • • ,.., ''•' •, :;',;,.,(H 110: f;• r.:: r:· !:':~:!· ... . .... .. ,., •.. . ''"'.. .. ' .... ' .. ...... " . ... ... -··· ..... t" " -...... ' . '~.. .. ' ' ...... ,, .. ' ..... -. ' w~•-~ " " ·~ • • ' ..... •• • ...... " " ....... " ' ....... • • -·-' --' .. ·-" -• • " ·-• -· • • • ·~ • " _ .. "' " ••• " • -~ • • -·-" • -· • • -··· • ' -· •• • -..... • ~ .. " " --.. " ..... •• ' -• • --• • ·--" -·~ ' _, " __ .. ' --... " -(•10 • --· " --· " --• • -·· -" _to .. • -·-• -·-• -· • ' -• • •t••--" • --•• ..... \'>. ' .. IN1 ... '" ..... _ • -~ • • _,_ • • --" -·-• ' --• -w • ' ...... • -· •• • ... " "" ••• ' ' MEII'OIIT NAABOR EIIIQI FIRST SEcnOII • -P .. 4 TltURSMY, OCT, 7, Ita OOUIA OEl*R. CAUF. AIHdl for ·NB planners .......... tl ,., ~. " •.. "'. .. .,, ,,, ,.., .. ... .... ... ... --••• w. ,,.. .,, ~ ... , ...... " " •• .. •• •.. .. .. .. "' ' -:· O~PLA YING some of the Items to go on salt at the Arrowmoot School c:ottee trom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 9 lo the flesta room at the Blufts are Mrs. Robert L. Taube ot Bay Shores, food chairman, at left, and Mrs. Hart Hickman o1 East Bhdf, chairman tor the eveot, Tbe sale items are trom Pi Beta Pbi's Arrowcratt Slq) 1n GatUn- burg, Teon., a naUonal project of Pi Phi grol,l)s. (Ensign photo.) Follow the arrow I ·-· .. ·-""' ..... .. ~ ... -10 I If o'o '.,,, '-' " I r, ' ' o oo~Oj.o oil< I I o '•""--II,.., -· ... ·-· ...... ) .. . ,.,_ ......... . _ ... _.. I " -..... . -...... . ·-'.. .. . ... -.... " -....... I .. ... too• ... ·-·-.. --·~· . -""'' 1o1 ·--· .. 0) -. ..... ......... -~ . .-....... .. • ....... \'> If .. ' " • ' ',. ' ' ' " ". , .. . .. , • • • . ............. ~" ..... , .. , ........... _, . ' ' . '' ...... , . .., ............. '• .. ,. :· • " ,.. ... _ .... llt .... 1•' ,, ' ...... . . ' " ' •. ' ' • .... ' "'' ,. '' ..... ' . ' ' . ' ' " ' "'• ' .,., ' '' ' ..... . : ~·· ; .. ~·: : ,' :.: . ' . : ... ,, . .. -'• , ... , . ' ..... . ,. ' ' .. , .. _ .. .... . .,., ..... ' ... -.. ,., ' ' .~ .. '• .... ' ' ;··:: : ~·: ' '• l'"o• >, .. I ........ -·. .... ,., " '• ........ . ' ' . ' : . . . " '• o ' I '• .. .. ' .. ' .... ' .... ' "'• n •,: " ' . . .. ' ~.' THEil& M MUTUAL SAVIN&S " ' .. ' .. ..... ..... , .. , " ' •, • I . "' .. " ' ,., . lO"o I .. .. ' " . .. ' " .. ' ,., ' •.. .... ' o"o I . ' You can be certain that your savings account will be "up" at The 8tg II-MUTUAL SAVINGS. In fact. we guarantee it! And a regular Passbook Savings Account at The Big M pays 25% more than a regular com- mercial bank savings account Bonus Accounts provide an even greater return. For addition1ll security. your funds are insured to $15,000 by an agency of the federal government. PAIS BOOk ACCOUNTS Earn 5.13% when our 5% cuffent annual rate la compounded daily for a year. Interest paid day in to day out. Additions or wllhdrawatsln any amount, at any time. BONUS ACCOUNTS·8ame base rate u Paaabook Accounta. plul bonus of 25% yearty when held for 38 months (.75% total). $1 ,000 mtntmum. Yearly ylefd 5.38% when interest is retained and comPounded daUy. QUAAANTEED RAT! ACCOUNTS Eam 5.25% per annum guaranteed fOt a fixed term of 3, 4 or 5 years . Minimum required $1,000. Prtor to maturity. withdrawals may be rnade In r.ent of hardship. SAVINBS CORONA DeL MAR ., ... c.-....., T ........ ~ • • IUSS CONFtmat RESULTS u OHr 100-1rJ to 011-10 boarHD lbo llap k lbo llart cf lllllib .-1 Sail of lbo --,, St!lt. 10, lA lbo-Lido C-1 -.r 1bo Sell --. (CoeD W.W. pbolo.) Premiere opens car show Golde too.a of autumn will Pl'O"Ide a bactcrouOO or ele. poce wbeo the doors of tbe Aa&belm CoaYeotioo Center opeD at 8:30 p,m, WedDeedaJ; Oet. 8, tor the 6th anmal I.D- ·tlroat1ooa.l automobile shoW of Oraop c.w.ty. First oll!hten wlll be treated to a premiere that otters a cooturler flab.loa show and door prius, Nearly 800 w1ll pther tor d1nDer a.t 8 p.m. lD tbe Aoabeim room, wbere deconUooa ol straw flowers IJld oak leues wW adon the told tables. Fashions of the 21st century will tate the spotU&bt at 9:30, when 8 ta.sbkxl models pro- meDade costumes by the na- tioo'• tap dt«<IM"I• Tbl altoatoblle Mow, pro.. dueod ud .......,tbylbo- Car Dooloro' Aaoelalloo cl Oraop CoomiJ ud tbe Oran&o c_., o.tor Serrtce A&. soclatloa, will r• from Oct. I lhrOup Oct. IZ at tbe Cco- Yeotloa Cuter. Preml•e Dleht. IPQIIIOI'ed by o 0raneo c-, -·of tbe Aa&UtaDee lAape, ~ porta 1oc:a.1 pbU•nfbroplc pro- p-am•. Actmt•lk'W' Uebts at $5 ea.eb may be obtlloed from any AsUstaoce Lap~ mem- ber. Geaeral ebairmao for pre- miere Digbt ls Mrs. Nlct.::ltu Frank Jr. Learn the secrets of beer cookery S.nd in lhil eoupon for- ~fllfr.e ~onoooll.­ inewlltiMw. Find out how to make delictous everyday dishes with beer-such as beer meat loaf, beer chicken, beer sausages and beer cake. And then there are such gourmet treats as rarebits and Carbonnades Flamandes. Beer cookery is as traditional as yesterday ... as modem as tomorrow. Beer adds a real flavor treat. . . . . . . . . ................................. . l"m int.,.•ted in rw./pft for cooking wflh bHr. SMtd ,. my ,,.. JMtnphlet. N.,. ----·--...... -----------------------------·-----····--·-· .... Sti'Hf --··-----·-·-----·-··--··----------·-·------·---·· c;,y --------·------------······ --~-----------~----~---~- St•t• ................. -.............................. -... .Zip ----------·--- UNITID STATU IHWUS ASSOCIATION, INC. ~ 5.35 ,.lfth A,..nue, New YGA. New von.: \l!5l 6th graders in jr. high lliiOJ cl 1111 Noop>rt-11-In lllowly, ud 11111 -.--.net e .,..:~era bite bMD S boars wttlla bome room t.-. rt "'-d troat ,._ ..... ., cber. .,0 1 ~~ to ,..... ld... tilt. Only 9 ol tbe Z5 elemeatary ,_., a Q111c:11: PI"'ODDtioa tblt leboollia tbe dbtrlet 1110 kiDpr ..,.. " .., QI'IPOI1aa1tln lbr ban atb cndlfa. The oCMr• -Ud al8o tun tbe *aiD wW 'IF&lt a year ..-mote lor or rtlbic .rollm.eat olf the their 6tb Cfadu• to be trau- ..... IZhPJ eebools. ferred. Dlfta. IaPer, Uoeoln, m1 Tbe cba.Dpcwer will eue •· TeW18tll IICboola are oow tor rollmeDt at tbe lower schools ttb tllrCMaP lth&nders, *Yin~ so tbat oo Dft' ooes trill ban oalJ Eulp IDd Rea SChools to be bullt for at least NYil'al wittl )alf; ?th &lid 8th graders. years. Two new junior hlghs'tt'f.U Tbe majordltterencebetween be buill to acoommottate tbe el•eotary school and a jull1or added 6th graders. blsta Ia that students nave as But the reason beh1Dd lbe many u 8 dlft'erent teacllers transfer La educat1onal, oot durtnc tbe day, aDd elective ecooomtcal. Tbe diatrlet feela cluaes are aYlllable, But the that sb:th-if&ders are physlc- 6tb craders are bein&: broken ally and psJCboloctcally more ..,._,...,...,...,...,.,-.,...,.---like 7th ud 8tb graderstban4th • -•~ and 5tb graders, and ooe teacher Is tmable to bandle tbe &tb grader's loqtd.stUYeness about a YUiety ol Dject. ''TlUs tmermediate step 'tt'f.U reduce tbe trauma of goJ.nc from a self-cootalned room to a ~tmeatallzed ~.·· says Assocl.ate S'4)(. Norman Loets. POMOHA SOIOURS Tbe 124 14)perctassmen tlonored as Pomooa College scholars at tbe opening coo- voc:&ttoo Sept. 25 Inc hided the tollowl.ng from the Harbor Area: HOLDING ALMOST as ma.DJ trapb.ies as ooe persoo can, Kurt Wiese accepts awards tor first OYer-all and ftrst-ftom-a-local-yacht-club 1n tbe Sail of tbe Sabots. Pacific Yacht and Ballooo Club Commodore Henry Erbe preseots tbe tropb.les. Tbe large troptues are perpetua.ls, the smaller ooes are take-bomes. (Cecil Wallis photo.) Julla.oa W:Wroy, senior, dau. gbter ol Mr. and M.rs,JohnMul- roy, 1 '139 Candlestick I..Jl., Bay- crest; Helen Taylor, Junior , daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ton Taylor, 2100 Dover Dr ., Harbor HJgbla.ods; a.od Gary Long. Jmj.or, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ray, 4501 Orrtngtoo Rd., Cameo Shores. RAYMOHD ART SHOWN ArUst Jeanne RaymoDd of Newport Beach Is currently !laving the first ooe-woman His interest is history Jim Sleeper has rtsicoed as Los Angeles Times. Duri.DK stall hlstori.a.D and rie1rs ~-World War n, be edited the visor tor tbe lrYlne Company to com mud publication of the 9th return to free lance wrttingaod Air Force. to establish a consulUng ser-For several years he wrote Ylee speelaUzJ.ng 1n Orange radio scripts tor the Burritt County and 90Uthern Ca.llfornia Wbeeler show oo KFI, &lid history. served as speela.l speech writer Beginning Oet. 15, De will !or the late Hubert Eatoo, foun- m&iotain oftlces In Suite A, der of Fcrest Lawn. 1Z939 Newport Avenue, Tustin. Yr. Sleeper, and wife, NQla, He beaded a staJf r esponsible reside ln Tustin and at tbelr for produdngtbemontblylrYine borne Ill the Santa Ana moun- Ranch Newsletter, and he ftote ta.lns. the toea I history newspaper, Sao Joaquin euette • ..,., o!d•IY SUE BECKER HAMED used bytheschoolsasateachtng AS OCTOBER ARTIST aid lor On..D&e County b1story • Coroaa del Mar artist Sae FREEM~ M<KEHZIE OF COM DIES AT 57 Freeman A. McKenzie, 57, of sbow of pa.inliogs in the new 5ZO Acacia Ave., Cor ona del Orange Coast College Library, Mar, former ~a.nager and contlnu1Dg through Nov. 17. She oYner ot McKenue Ford, Long studied art at tbe Otis Art ln- Beaeh, died Sept. 26at Bay View stitut til Pasad School of Coonlescent Hom e. e, e eaa He was born in Long Beacb Art and Design. and_ the Univer - 00 April 22 1912 and had Uved sity of Te.za.s, and 1s currently ' ' . studylng at OCC With Donna ln Callloall rhlnlallland the tmmedlate Shuk.ey ot the OCC art t:a.culty, area s e. He is survived by a sister, We;;;/?tclilf Chapel Yrs. VLrginl.a Stevens of Upland. .,._ Services were held oo Sept. • 7 - 30 at the grave side at Paci.tl.c 427 l.. 17th ST. View YemorLa.l Park with tt1e COST A MESA WUlWn Aeton omclatlng. Ml 6-4888 ON OR OFF NEWPORT HARIIOR E!19GII ARST SECTlQII--P!p 5 TIIIJRSOAY, OCT. f. .. COROllA OEL 11M, IM.Jf. COlT ... WOMD'I &MOllY GUAitANIIID ..... T C11AN11t11 . ·- braptrp cleaner bp anp otl)er natttt WOULD NOT BE THE SAME! T•ke • ~ .... ,_ .,,,....,,, ..._ rt..y MM .._..... ....... .,. ...... 11 ~ ........... d•••l...,, ... ...,. ... .,. .............. . ......... ~ ................................. .,.., ....... , ..... ..wll .. .,. .... rk Mit n.. ...... .-4 .. , ..... ....... ., tt.. wM-.. c.-_._..,. IIIMI• tW ..U .... the .lk.ta ...... , C.tt witt ............ wo1-the dUR_I...., .t ,.._. pi~ ~ ........... ~ ~---·.. ... 100% .. ,.._,_ .. ,, " ct.--.a.&.. C.tt .__..._ -.............. ,....tMt ..._, --felortt liN. ••~ p6eM ..w!"' .M ~IWtiiWiea. r-------, 20 %0FF ~Ac::: OmiiNG QUALITY WITHOUT COMPIIOMISI 540-1366 642..0270 1P 'JOU. CALl COLUCT 'IIMI MA ,-II AfllANOID 1702 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa aT 1m sr. " .. • •• A member of a ploDeer local Becker bu bee aeleeted. u famlly. tbe wrtter 1a .. ---artist ol tbe mouth for October sake of the late James Sleeper, by tbe Jtmior EbellClubolNn- wbo bepa tormlng In Oraop port Bw:h. on p&lotlnp by Cow:ty' In 1888, aDd sub-Yrs, Becker are now.x~dlsplay sequently became county as-at MulDers UOCary sessor, a posltioG be ftlled tor Haring bel' own 'show Is a 34 years. OOYel and e.zclting e~rleDCe They'll enjoy their Sylvania! l ~ Mr. Sleeper, a natiYeofSanta tor Sue, Sbe Is a tull-Ume A .. , reee1Yed his tacbelor aDd housewife and the mother of 2 master's degree and teaching children, Kelly age 2 and credeatial frDm OeeldeotalCol-HetdJ, 2 m<dhs: Her hu~, lep, followed by doctorla.l stu. Frank. works 1n Los An('!les dies at UCLA 1n CallfonLI.a as a sales representative for a aDd Latin American history, New York te.zllle ftrm. So pain- As an Engllsb lnstructor, be t1ng is worked Into an already taucbt at boththoseiD5Uttaloos, busy SICbedule only asttmeper- at Fullertoo High Sehool and mlts. HoweYer, Sue tries to at- Orange Coast College. He locate two boors per day to her worked tor the Santa Ana ln.-easel ............................................. d""'ndent. Santa Aoa Rep .... , After graduating In PS"f· Aoaheim BuUetln, Oraoee cbolocJ from ucLA sue dJd COWJty Farm ShOpper • and the graduate work at San• Ferlii.OOo r---------------------------· Vall1!1 StaleCollep, .... lauglll CONVERSE BASKETBALL SHOES, Black or White 8.95 CONVERSE TENNIS SHOES, MENS ••..•• 7.75 WOMEN'S . • 7.25 CDNVERSE CROSS CDUN TRY SHOES ••• 6. 25 SPOT-BIL T or PUMA SOCCER SHOES •••• 8.95 JACK PURCELL TENNIS SHOES Znd and 3rd grades In Burbook. Sbe feels tbat ber work 1s most tDllaeoced bJ tbe 1mpression.... lst1e petMh\glS of the late 1800's and early 1900's. ARTIST TOHY liOMEZ TO TALK TO LEAGUE ----·1 Acltoo-lllled palnllnp of Ule HANDBALLS GLOVES •estero scene ..tu hlll>llll>t 3.9 6 rt\ the Oct. Z8 meeUDg of Costa 5 -4.Sl & 5.95 -.;w llesa Art League wbeo lboy BOYS' GYM PANTS •. 1.38 ~> = ... ~:_ = BOYS' REVERSIBLE ~P-~':" :.:..~.::0':,~ T .SHIRTS •• , •.••• 2.35 tary school, 2850 Cl- Drln, Costa Mesa.. Tbe pU>Ue OCEAN POOL & SP EEDO 1s tnnled. SWIM TRUNKS & SUITS .. =~·':.:::.:'~.: TABLE TENNIS PADDLES tn b~aet ud wlllte tn""' No-••mber issue ol Wlllten 95. -7.95 ... ..-. lA 1966 be .... 1111 TABLE TENNIS BALLS, ~ooo~.:.'"'lf!:~ NETS AND SETS Sbow, ReDo, Honda, be .... anrded Zlld place &lid boDQr. -----------4 SLEEPING BAGS o!>te- TENNIS DREUES 79 95 He bepa art studleo o1t11 12.95 TO • taUier, ·--·~ 13.95 TO 19.95 BACK PACKS LD 11u1co. 0t11er u.. "'"'be MEN'S AND BOYS' TENNIS ~--___;5.;.;.:9:...:5~T.:....;0:.....;;.;39:..:..9:...:54 ~"~=:....~!!!!!!!!!!i SHORTS •• 4.95 TO 12.95 TOUCH FOOTBALL IU GOGO IIIIGII- TENNIS SHIRTS FLAGS AND BELTS 1 ___ "-_95_-_6._00_-_7._00-1 LEAlHERVOLLEYBALLS PENNSYLVANIA XTRA 10.95 TO 18.95 DUTY TEHHIS BALLS BER VOLLEY DOZEN -7.!0 BALLS 2.95 TO 1.95 1-----------1 FOOTIALLS3.95 te 21.95 BIKES -PARTS-TIRES AND TUBES BASKETBALLS 5.95 TO 25.95 Jr J• We a ftiWCCIIMr, blow or • ••w• -to ... HaltiGf Aree wllo llu ""' ben ....... 4, her • r ... .., clllt.a Huber Viai• Mtw .. J .. 10 .......... . ioUl call • ,_, fri- wi~ ....... Waueliw _. ,;na-~ -.... -~­_...._ ......... han t . "•* .. •• ....... _ .... Fly to the moon lllld back through the Yoices of the Apollonauts ltr..~u87l•uJ• .... 8d 11li;J' l'eDOr4 oe ............. .ot Apollo D ••• pia. a ... ....,...,.,. W.Va&ed 1\Nr _._. "'-kket. Your ~aad~aJ ........................ ,.__,. S. 1M Na&lollal ••• , ...... Com- JorUU'• ,...... ··...-... ...... _.. a.,. Netal. c....,..ti&.M. .--.oo BIG SOt: SO 1-'R fl )! .-'. ~:'\lA (.( PA r...:At~E :-'\"11·:tp"' • :'\l inl-:'\lo>dnlnr rPprMur"~ .vour rKorrl~ With e'trdlrnt riA Tit\' 11nd full.l>•~t -t••r•'' ·•>ond :o:;,·h'Aill>~·• A1r SUli!M'Il!liOil ~pt>Kkt-r• J'r"' Hit> 'I'll' fin¥~1 "•oonct ;o\ ;oJlil h). T•wln ,. 'l~ \O.Ktl• truv ]>ell k mu!lk powl'r l'ro~1•'<'1 ,,. t !!It'd •hi<! roWt"r ,,,.],,].,,] Tho• •T••rl'•' 1• •UN' to ple&M ~ f'hntl'f'offitH~h··"l"r \lnr•n ~1~1 1" ••111> too.o~ YEA.JlS OF THRILLING C~(lLQR T\' PER~(lSAt ~IZE T\. TO TRAVEL. ENJOYMENT will M Yottr• "''t tl! thill WITH Y(ll" ~'ull 12" tdiaJ. mN.t.) ( 180 llq. in..) roll ... boot porta hit-T\' J"ll'l uno prm•<df'• t-.\tnord•nary darity Sylvania tlft"H'Itl today'• mol'll want~ 11nd britrl1tne"l" fnr ·''"ur v1ewinr P*· featul"'ll' auch U; privat• li11t~nin1t e.r-.curt" F...quipprd •nt11 f'llrphoM jack for phone JK)Iand lirtlted VHr ''"' C"hannel prh•11te li~tf'tHnc ~~·ll•flni•'fl fuQy tr.n-indbton.. Bl• 5" ovaiiPHkf'r u ..... u~ . __ .. h · h .'lil'Tor•_.• r a11,.1~ 11-"'IUI't'!, J)Hok perlor-r~ • room flllintr IIOUnd. Stalld <>l't<onal, m.an«-11nd I•JOtllllt dept!ndability. f arr1 . ulra.. Mooa.CD65W. t~S9.9S '"If handle inC"Iuded. l"hote. or ftn i•h SIM ULATED TV RF.CEPilON rolor MObt>L MWI6. Onl1 199.95 Yea--whether it's recapturing the highlights of •.------. lecture or "Ught-footing It" on Saturday night, they'll lon their Sylvania. Sylvania makes thelr work a llttle Ughter; thelr tun a llttle more ao. See our dlaplay ol Sylvania tape recordera, ra- dloa, telntatona and 8tereos. Termatotttnery • ' •• SUNOA Y ol 1:U ....... llet!Steitef c .. w.•••-, ''3 Into 2 WON1 'GO" -WMAT 00 ~ 00 ABOUT T'HIE DAAFT 80ARO? .. '-~'"'•11.004!" ' ~-• .... Mo~oo ••• , ... , ......... , ... ,!)\ 0 ·OY 0 -~"'"""-~-··•• -~ .. ··-......... _ .... ..._._,_,,_, EVE. SHOW STARTS 7 '.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. I SUN . FIOM 2 I'.M. MAJ. WED. 1 P.M. FREE PARKING fiLMS IIJ IAN FlEMMING, wllocru!H --'Dick 'Van 'Dyke Sally Ann 'Howes They photogroph the foreogn monurMntsl Tho -... -trio ovorto !nick • killor. EVI. SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY fi:OM 2 I'.M. FREE PARKING "TIIh .. Jollo WayM At Hit ....... • HJ-rl'#'llll .. IHTERFAITH BRUHCH A "stand·lt) brunch" ls the first program of the club year for the Women Assoclates otthe UCilnterf:aith Foundation. to be held Tuesday, Oct. 14, at the lnterta.ith lounge in the Irvi~ Town Center. This wtU be a ldct...otr for the annual mem. drive. ltiJ whatiJ inside tlud counts! Thts muns the Marinen: pt09le and tMir provtn pro- fessionalism in matttrt of finance. It rntans Mariners people·to -ptople inltrest in your security .. , tnd llaril'llrs llrise ii'WeStmtnt of your money ill the PfOiress of our tommllnity. Join your ntlltltlors end open 1 Mariners sawhtJS ..,...nt, todly. --fodtnol~---.. llittl tile -· ..... rate of ....... "'"' ., lo to ..., ooot. Also "'" r.-a.-11111 "'" .,. '-Posit .. <• ..... $5_1111 ....e) . • NEII'ORT HAR80R ElliiJI Fli!ST S£cn011 - -P110 5 lltURSOAY, OCT. :_ 1M! aiiDIA-OEliiAR, CAUF. BUCS TRY FOR3RD COIITUT AIIIOUMCID 1'01 YOUMG WIITIIS ,... ~ ...-wtllll( •Joet ...... _, .. ''Oil «""'e'e. • _,. .., .. ol tiU ... ~~~.. ....... _, be ............. ;$' .... .._ tM ..... , .. __ ...., ___ .... Till LUXU- IIWIA~ THEATRE .... II . II, olowlll -1 --·--- 1tt WT M.IOA tl.'ID. rt:•IStU • 17J.4MI ... ., .... RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS • 1111$1CAL POl SAI.,I 20 word 1 or leu ............. . 21 word& to 30 WOfd& ..... . 31 word& to«< words ...... 1 Time uo 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times 2.,50 ,,00 4.00 .10 J Ti~n .. 3.00 4.00 5.00 . 15 FALL SALES FESTIVAL Bluthner Eb. Grand, like oew, only $2950. Plus Stel.Dny, Kmbe, Fra.octs Bacon II other used crUds from $495 • Used organs-AUeo to WIU'. lltr.er, some as low as $295; lDc: 111111J1& Ham mood Sl>loel w/ separate Lesllespea.ker,$995, plus others. Full U)'bi:U'd sploet for only $395; &Dd muy others. SCfDODT MWIC CO. 1907 No. MaJ. a @ !oth, Santa Am steJ.nny-Y&maba -Ham mom Coacession .bids slated .::t.'-~~= ::oc:T~~v-.:. Alo'ltg wll,.....,.a_ -,.. .... II T'IIIIIIU w~ 'c.~.!!~~~ ~lle~l~-~-811' ....... al .,.,_, .. ___ 1 I •------n-.-·-~4olllor _____ .,.* -_, ... 'JOpr-1101iorallllo~=!~~==l, ...... -..... .., .,.,.,.__ea......,, .. --... Wllll!lo loellili4 fa 1 _; IIIII. 'MIIMI!IDIOT'S 0. 11 ro IT,._.. • a --... t11o .... ~~tnt • to rtplleea. 'ATHII SUCG't•S Dw ........ A ....... ol. UICiil.t a.wJ dl~adttd .. .. • • .. ~. . .. -JA)..,... -. ---Wl!lla, ot -,. ar• nc..,.._, $U1.10, 1111 --:.:.·_c-lu......... 1111 N. liar.....,, t.oo A&. llro. ~-'hit ot -_ -will bo oat a lol Ar<lllloet William Blarool. ...... -11tpt. It at !a--'lteo pr-; llro. Woo ,I,III.M, II-poU.oo 1"- ntMII-U.ai_.ICOOID· otaUu•.·tl lectiu... Jack &..-.ludt_ UliCamdeo reported&llpt.b. ,-.wm...,.....,_,.. no 111-i--a Drln,ca--.. ,tlllr<l,ee ea.,.-.. __ .,_ OPEN HOUSES .,. , -,_ ot Jl,IOO. Tl!o llloo ... ,... -Honrd .,_, Dr. Ra_. G. lleor ot 1111 ~li;?~=~ I PlaM Will toe-t1!o ,...,"' Ma---Co • .,..,,.. .. Dooal, •t ~ Raod,llew-reportod ll!at • ,.._ SATURDAY d SUNDAY 1 5 _..,_,._.ac•te-L 11e !lad-a r-otW. PGrtlloacb,MCrelarJ;&!OIC.L. a el!oek ... pe u1 1ft -• pm. 1o1tr1a< piau will bo 1111 ,.._ _.,..,,.... -ot-Aa,treuurer. eboc:Jdllc ~will> c-.=cl _.,,211 ot lbe ._-. llr, Wl!lla 11 _,.eel:., Ills l!l!m-JIUipr-IIDr. lor 1111 .-ot lilt $5,000 PRICE REDUCTION atro. ....._.. .., -.JA-Jaw, llr. -He .. .., ot -Ala. eboc:t, •uuo. He - Tl!o-bolldloa•Wboc:ooo. ... llro. ,..._ --. Board-· ... UH-'10 eboc:U-to 1111-Cameo Sh -~ , 1111 e2IJ .. , 410 -Rd., cwr Ha .... lllc:tlllle lilt loltowiD& JoeaJ ro--Ia tbe ...... ores ll!o --bidder,-ul Ill"'"'-•• BW ud Bob oldeoQ,Dr.-Combo,UO dtDcODbo'l'tlwnnlea.let.cree-Hllldlrdlot. Cameo Sbores Rd., Cameo meat Ia ameadetl. s.rnc.. udbarlalnre lae1d Sbore~; lira, Morrla Fler, 2015 Tl!o piau ud -""'-Oct. I, at 1111 hcllle Vllw 11o-llollda1 Rd., Bo1erest; w.u.r Jorll!o-balldlllcwlllboiA-morlaiPart,wiii>UieB ... PI!II. Buaa&er, 17901 Glllman.lr-eboel<........., e-Ia 1M paellap lor Whlcll Up warn, of lilt First Ceo-.._,Jack Ganlaos, 18%4 Beryl <but came Ia PI'QCIIICUYe c:oaeeNioD&lrN II'IPHontl Cburcb of Caroaa La., Harbor Hlchlands; Or.£, Whicll couJd DOt be Will-e b1<11 Wbetborlllt delMar olllela«n&o W. Hukell, 5Zt VIa LldoSoud, SERGEANT Ill VIEliiAM ---;;-;;:;7,:--;;;;;":;;:;:;:.:::...= __ . LJdo llle; Mrs, Paul Holmes, Masier Serpa.at Homer LEGAL NOTICE L!G.U NOTICE Jal Circle Dr., Boy Sbores; SebuiU, ..., of Mrs. Verdi ud ear-.111 VIrgil!, Partch Sebulll ot %95 Del Mar V'aUf l(u! ''lf;W JIO~!t~ :: Br.., t'Onl. d,.n )'lu• form11l rl1111n;:: room. All tins pili'-iOr· ::"()"~ Jior: .. por1l ln .II j ll"lliM·I f"t1 <V'II"f )'llni. ~ '" ,,,.,, "1n1~ ACTIO~. :\ow nnly Si:J.,j(fl STORYBOOK HOME on your own land · STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. Mar, CaHf. :Mn. ArvoE. Hu· ol Coroaa del Mar. Costa Wesa_ ls oo. at MANAGEMENT AND CIRCU· pe.. ?10 ,_.m111e Ave., Corou EXHIBIT At*fOUNCED Hoa AB. VietDam. Helsam•ol-1 LATION (Act of Oc:tober,23, del Mar, Callf, Clyde Zlllcb Orlcf.na.ls Art boos ~. usiped Charm•n; :• ~lorr farm ho)••~". "dh ""en- 1hm::;, md>lri ln;: l"';:;;f'd hud\\ood floors '" m•od<orl'l tJ.ul•·•n kllr hfon r n vacy on J,.... land. Soltl h ,.j 1h,. lii·WII)'. :: br-dJ.....-,.n., l 1962; Section 4369. Tttlc 39, 8. Known bOodboklell. mort-Galler)' IQDOUDCes tbe opening a unit of tbe Paettle Uniled Statu Code) gapes. and ocbe.r -.cwlty ot a D8W' tan elblbit of sea-forces. h111 h. l;ol"":f' {iillHb" I noll! I ~-f1 . "o()'l l.Date of fllJ.o~Oct.l, 1969. boldenowu1Dsorbold1Dg1pu-seapes and mulDe patnttn~ VIEW 2. Title of pubUcaUCft: New-cent or more of tou.l amown of by Jonmost CaUorDia ArUsts, port Harbor Ensign. boodl, mortgaSCJ. cxodlu ~«· Oct. lZ tbroucf, Dec. 1 at 1835 VIEW LOT ...!. -:~.:::~1 3. frequency of !slue: Weekly. udtiu are: (11 there are 11aoe Newport BIYd., Costa Mesa.. ~ eMHnc.~t "-Loeatton of knawn offke 10 •tate. ) Hours are 11 to 5 Tuesday ncy wttb. Yln' tA 'O 'THE REAL '"-. £STATERS of publlcatlon: 2?21 E. Coat Arvo E. Hupa. ?10 Jasmine through Saturday; 1 to 5 Sun~ b1111:. Not '"Mhold. B•lltoi,,J Hwy. , Corona del Mar, Orange Ave. , Corona dd Mar, Calif.; days. S?S-!01:0. County, Callf. -92625. Mn. Ano E. Hupa. ?10 J»- 5. Loc:aUoa of tbe budqu.ar-mlne Ave,.. Corona del~. ten of general bUilneu offJ.c.et CaHf, . of lbe publilhen: 2'121 E. Coast 10. Exteat ar.d D&tl.n-of dr- Hwy. , Corona del Ma:, Orange culatioo. County, Calif ... 92625, Average No.!Single 6.. Names ADd addreues of copla eac:.b iuue p.~blliber. edltot, and manag· iaue d~aiDa Dtlftlt lng editor: PubH•ber, • Arvo £. precccUDg ~ ft.l..lag Hupa, ?10 JumLne Ave,, Co· 12 rncad2l date toaa del Mar, CaUf. -92625. A. Total No, copies Edi tor, Arvo E. Hup., 710 pt"lnted(n~tp-euru.n)498S ~1?0 Jasmint: Ave .. Corona del Mar . B. Paid c uculaUon Calif. 1. Sales rbrougb dealen and carrien, 1Ueet vendon Managing editor , Arvo E. and counter saW 320 345 Hupa, 710 J;um lne Ave. , Co· ~~ 1 rona del M.ar , C.a lif. 2. Mall su.-.r p-tiow 4348 44M 7. Owner. (If owDed by a c . Total paid eir<::u~ corpxatlon, its name and ad-latloo 4668 4?99 dreu mun be stated aod abo 0 Fr dil 1b t1 (in· immeciUtely thereunder tbe • ee tt u 00 name• and addreJSU of nock-eluding •ample.) by mall, boldersownlnaorholdln&l pu-c.ania or other 213 2:;? cent or more of total amow'll of ~~otal distributloo (Sum stock. If not owned by a corp-of C &Dd D) 4881 5056 cxation, tbe names and addreuu of the individual ownen muat F. Offlee use, left-over, be given. Uownedb aputa.er· unac.cowned, spoiled af- sb.ip or other un.~orpxated ter printing 104 114 finn , 11S1Wne and ~eu, &I G, Total (Sum of E & F-:-. 1 each lftd1ndu.at abo&&ld equ.al net peu run ... I ,.... tbOwo t. .\') 4g85 be pveo.) · 1 eenlfy !hal !he ·'iiem<,DD £oslp Pllbllsblng Co. IDe. ' d b bo .. , 2721 E. Coal Hw , Corooa dd rn a e y me a ve an conect t Y ' · and complete. Mat, CaW.; Arvo £. Ha.a,. • ARVO E HAA PA ?10 Jasmine Ave.. Corou ckl OwDer ' Is a lTS .'\ 'll!ST SEE AT R39,500 Lots of charm. Corona del Mar ~lei, Z Bdrm., 2 Baths, troot Wllt ('lfltb adlllUooa.J Room aDd Batb framed 1n -ea.s1.1y .ft.Dtsbed) PLl5 Rear reotaltmlt over 2 car prage. Not.bing like it at tbJ.s prlee - perfect ror HaodyDWI rtxar-tWV, 6?3.3000 EYes. 673-055-1 to seD Reattors At Work! IDY boa~e'l · Realtotse.know the market! .ADd, as Realtors, ~r mmprehell.si-.e ~ledge « app:raisio1 ~echn1qaes, market c~ :zoo-of in& coasttuc:taoa, buyer's a:pectat1011S, ways sbowiq your pcoflert)' to its best advantage, and fiaancing qualify 111 to obtain for ~ a FAIR price within a reasooable period of ume. Because we are p.rofessioaaJs in rest estate, we thorouJhl:r know the c.ompetitioo. offered by other homes Oil the marl(~ -..,. ....................... s.,_-c.l y_. ....... ·TODAY! _,..,lit_, .. _..., w m tntl .. ......_.ltttnl :1 ; ( .. ~ ' ' llewporl Harbor -Costa lolrd of Realtors - POIIIIERL Y ORAIIGE COAST PIOP!RTY · 332 llar~ori to eo-del liar -673-8550 Corner duplex-Large lot -Fee land. 1st TIME OFFERED Cameo Highlands -pool, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large living room on extra large lot ... Private beach. •••• GREAT VIEW East Bluff Beauty ... 4 bedrooms, family and bonus room ..•• Pool, automatic maintenance ..• All mint condition. ~--~~~ PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR BeauliluiJ Bedroom. 4 Balh WATERFRONT llomt on Bayside Dri\'t:. Newly redecorated. Price-d . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~liO.tKIO. 2001 IAYSIOE DRIVE BY APPOINTMENT ONlY Bill GRUNOY 67W210 I.IIIIA ISlE I08.III'IIIIT co. J.a..,.w.o.. ........... .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Ll8t1ng Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $39 mlll1on for the first etght months ci 1969. Tbla represents l,<Kl ·unit sales and a dollar Yalue increase of 11% over the same per- iod ol last year, which was a record year. List your property wtth a Realtor toda.v. I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I 1 .......... 60"'2 ----mi&Cioeot ... . , ....... eon Mille?.,,,... m .... ---··I ... Ooll ._IJOILa 00, I a .Call,.=-Dti.1Nol!;'~- . . . lltURSDAY, OCT.~ N tXJIOIIA 0£1. TIAII, CAUf.' • CORBIN- MARTIN R.ALTOR8 EIGHT DELUXE UNITS Excellent rental record. Located near UCLA and Wilshire Area. Return 12% on your investment. Trade for Harbor Area. e NEW LISTING e BeautUul 3 bedroom East Bluff home only $39,500. CALL FOR INFORMATION CORBIN-MARTIN, luc. .. s..-u • .,..~ n. c-,...,.. 30311 E. Cout Hwy. 675-1662 Corona del Mar, Calli. FINER HOMES CAMEO SHORES Old "orld charm abounels tn lhc fme;,t ol L·ralLsman:~tll p Ill the <':>.pensl' e u~e ol nch p<~nel mt!. beam t e•lmgs & used bnc~ m tht~ truly cu.Hom 4 b<:droom home: huge l anH!y room. :\Ja~IH IJten l n r w of ocean & Je•tv. :sl:JJ.OOO DOVER SHORES (;raciou~ IIVIn: for y .. r fnni't 'jew Mi'llt. ....,. '' ilh pool. "' Cedrooms. din in.:;:: room tamiJy room .~ bath~. 4.000 ~q. n. plus :1 car garagr. l:k:aulifully carpeted draped .$! ciecoraled. Ideal for cnterlamll1;: \.\Jon~ ~104.000 Call for app 1 PRIME VIEW f.,lualttv nt~lom :r bedroom home. Lart:r !'unk- <'ll ll\ tn;: room hune lam!lv room \1 ha:h {"Ould <'ICt'Oilloddlt b~Hard tablt bland ill! elt:c lnt k.J tchcn k IOfll)d] <linm:;: f t)(l!"ll ;\,q,. 10 !! .1;8-; ."j()O. iohn macnab REAlTY COM,ANY 901 Dov.-,. Or., S~,~it• 120 6-42.J23S VVe are pleased to Announce • • • tbe a.ssoetation or Mrs. Chris Hower with UnJversity Realty as sales coosultaiL Wrs. Hopper comes to tlS with over 12 years ofe.zperJeocelD the Beach Area. She !las sue- eesstully d osed oorer one mU- lloc dollars LD escro•s lD Corooa del Ma.r this yev. Properties IDcluded: 402He- 564 Sea wan:! Rd. 433 W:Ol'n1nc Cu.yoo 633 Cameo Hi&fllands Ul cuoanon 605 Pcwy l07 Heliotrclpe S07 PCCJPJ 304 Goldenrod 4.U Dol!lla JOCN HER US'T OF SA TISFlED CLIENTS BY CAUJNG UNIVERSITY REALTY R. L. STRICKLER R<altor E. CO AST HWY., COPlON A OEL. MAR,87J-elt0 J Pill IAIIITT realty 642·5200 I • ua .. fally. honored ·Chu·rch News NEWPORT HAiliiDR EU!JI ARfT S£CT1011 --Pwl TlliiiSDAY, OCT.f, 1te COROllA DEL liAR, CAUF. Captain hits Viet foe "" "-' -lA-. --..... "' Dr. -.aCIIoftlt,-CUDr., llo • II II &.a,,....,,;, a._t ...._,., --'ht .... -._.., ,...,...,_ Jolll DoMoo, --Ia.. wldjt. a _..s tiol nlold 1 .... Bla1D liu dloee ''hi IOd&til ...._, wtU brtac law of lilt. IDd Mrl. AuoD IC. ll1t u amm MMIIIIIDI'&pu.. p.l __ _.. u 1111 ....... _11f0al7p,a>, lA*< IIIPoppjAH.C«aa "llt"""'*' ..... -.1101- --IIIII lor 1111 I Ull U • • • dol i/a;, MrTid u a u.. dlol lo 1111 -Cl 1111 llqll a.a. s.a, ..-ftC& n.ac. St, hdrn'a Pre..,._lu member OIL ODI ol two F.t arM darilc tbt mt•t'ol. 'f"MJ -oC IIDIJ -~~-will CIMireb, too St. Aldrft'o Rd., Pllulomo Widell IInck _, Dow Ia IJid ebockld 1111 - llo -at-.meeo. CWIIIaYIO-.O<Idwldl-· ---UiolollaiTarMIDII, ua ftllo n lllld ell. Wo-• • • m.aa. ~ wtU beobeln'ecl vw.m, reo..U,. Be Ia Jt&... rthrMd. di'CA>tar tM r_. Kar111rt C.U, lJCI) E. at tbe I, 0:10 &ld 11 LID._._ UODid at Cam Rub BaJ' Air ma1lder ol ow Cll'dllluct.•• Cout lfwJ._ eon. del Mar-flcuwUh tbeaetl.mtatolboiJ But. 1b1 two P'bl.lllloiD aewa de ... Dr. 8W AdoD will apiA bl tbe commua&aD ADd a mtdtt:ltAoo by "OUr tarl'll were totmY tro)'ed or damapd J4 ..my pelt pnacblr tar tM 10 Lm. Dr. CblrllaDl•dtJdtDtltled Joeattoaa tblt bad fired at u.s. bUnkers, toucblcl otr a llt- MI'Ytce ttdl: SUDdiJ, "Bt PfiPU'Idl" Army biU<qlters aaruer lDtbe ODdarJ uploPJG IDCS lpalted a C!LI!IRITY SERIES OF • • • • • • day, ne eoemy bldtateoccw• suta!.-1 ftre at the tatmr 100« R!VII!WS SET Tbe Lutben.D Cbureh ot the CbrtsU.a.a Scteoct Cbarebea-Ia buabrs wben we arrived ta cam p. Tbo South Coost -%900 Paelllc VIew Or ~ ••roe l>om tbt ""* ollollo, ll1e tar pi area," reportld Cop. ....,,..,...,...,=-====-==-=-, Club., PI Bela Pill ww Harbor' VIew IUD• -rb.; "Ye lodao alter tenesO; I Iaiii Dalloo. MATTRESsEs lts umllll celebrity boot re-LAUREHCE .,_PINCHING. Z17 Lord"a ~ will be offered Judct DO mu," Is IDeludld ID MRS. HAOIO PRICE otl..ocdoD. ''The tor.-.ud a1r cootroller JIEW _ uauiLDmo Yl.., series at 1ZO W,BI.yA,e., Via ltbaea, Udo Isle, has beeo at tbe 9:15 u;j ll&.m.senlces tbt ~sermoa oo "lfD. Eacland, .nu speak oo "T~ (FAC) marked two tarc«s with lrreaular Shapes 8a.lboa. at 10 a.m. Oc t. s. Mrs. -..ned restdeot ma.oapr of the u tbe coocrepttoc:a observes re&llty to bt read thlsSlDiay. pteway to a D81t' We'' at8p.m. smote marker rockets. OurlDc • ...,.,._.-c:.n.. LawreoceKittle,presldeDt,wtU Sao Mui.Do oltlce ol Eastnwl world communloo Sunday, Dr. Sentces will be beld at 9:15 Frtdl.y, Oct. 3, at the Second the flrstpusooeoltbebombs COSTA t.USA MATTIUS co. Pl'eslde. Dlllon. Unloo Securities &I Co WlWam Eller will pve ames-and 11 a.m.lD Newport S.cb, Church ol Cbrlst SeleoUst ln caused a larp explosloo and liiONew,.,tN. u._.., .. I)OJ Tbe program Is UDder lbed.i. He joined the tlrm 1n 1965 ~ sap oo ''An act oleommuntca. 10 a.m. 1n Harbor View Hills the ehureb .un.c~ at3100~t. flte wtlleh tuned for quite a reettoa of Miss Carlotta wu. a r egistered representaUve...He tlon,'' bued oo 2 CbronlcLts and 1~ a.m. !n Cost: Mesa. fie VJew Dr., Harbor Vtew H1Us. Uams, 'ftll-bcnro bclcM; re-ts a graduate of tbe Uotverslty 1:7-12. The fall stewardship Mrs. Prtce, a former social Yleww, Wbo wt1l pr...t ooted of Redlands a member ol tbe prop-am wW be Planned &t a st. Mark Presb)'terl.an service worker, 1s on a lecture authors u l'l8st .,..ws. Pasadena 8ooo Club am tbe special meeting at 7:SO p.m. Cburch, 2100 Mar Vista, East tour of the United States, Three more PI'SIIDta.tlons Voyagers Yacht Club. Oct. 7. Bllldlll -1Tbe Rev. James KJrl k Canada, Ireland a.od Great 81'1- wW be beld _at 10 a.m the: • • • w cooc ude blssermooser es ta:tn.. tlrst Frld&yoiNOYember)eb-WELL·BABY CLIWICS Ceotral81bleCburch,Orange oo "A wise llM of our time" ADELAIDE PORTER SHOW ruary m::llla.:rcb. ME ED VOLUHTEERS An. at 23rd st., Costa Mesa-at the 10 a.m. serric~. thlsStm-AT MESA VERDE LIBRARY Mrs Howard W:ea.nsl.s c!Wr "Tbe ll bab Pastor Henry E Jooes will day. Hl.s topic wlllbe Holidays ma.a oi the celebrity Series and commwd."'t; ~roJd~~~:=:;:; bring a msssace ~ "Tbe Ylc-~ ~~Y days," based oo Oeut. m!:rla1debus1De':!:~ =· wtu be assisted by Mrs. Richard iDtant care, .. says the Newport torious soul" at tbe 9ud 10:30 . • ; • • time toi-designing clothe~ jew~ Elliott. Reserratioos may be Harbor Volunteer Bureau a.m. commWlioo setfices. The 1r pott Jpt • made by contacllilg Mrs. Means "The are staffed by loc J • topic tor the 7 p.m. serYice will The Yotmg Adults gi'Ot4J &t the e Y' ery, sc u uring and at 548 6108 Seasoo tickets and Y a pedf-be "Ectw:>es from Auahelm .. Lutheran Church of the Muter painting. Ucke~ tor. iodtvidual perfor-=~ Wbo dooate valuable reviewing tbe blgbllgbb: of the will present a semloar oo oar-The Newport Beach artist is HEARTHSTONE pclpcurri s order to eu.mtne and Bill Graham usade cotics at 7·30 p m Thursday holding a ooe-man sbow of Welcome to HEARTHSTONE ~fts may be purcnasec:t a~ the care tor these babies. County h 1 1 stadi cr R ~ ~-Oct. 9, at· the · chureh 2900 varied works this month at Yesa POTPOURRL This will be a.a r . \llproceedswlllbedcina-ourses assl.st, aDd your volun-em wn. egu m -Pacific View OJ" Harbo~ View Verde Library 2969 Mesa occasloDal column deallnc witll t~ to Pi Beta Phi philanthro-teer ba.Dds ke~everythlogrun-~~:_lnelb:u !~~ 7and mp~!:r Hills. omcer c ibt.rew ot tbe Verde Drive Eas't, Costa Mesa. flreplacema.nshtp. Format will Pes . lling smoothly. Permanent aOO oesda g p. · -Newport Beach pollee depart. Her exhtbit loclOOes oil, water- be short; style, ID6:armal; pur-POT LUCX DIHHER SET s ubstitute positions are now y~ • • ment will be tbe speaker. A color and collage. pose, to 111form; aad desire, to open, Call Mrs. Bock at Tile PI mouth Coo e t1ooaJ 111m will be shown, a.od re-Mrs. Porter was boro in be of service. Of course, your OCT. 22 FOR L EGIOH 644-1182 or the Volunteer Church k62 Broad"st'!' New-treshments will be served. The Hemet, and grew ~on Orange suggesttoos and comments are The Girls' State and Boys• B~eau mornings, 642-0963. rt H lgttt _ W ad Wide seminar 1s opeo to the publlc. County. Some years ago she welcomed. State delegates spoosored by ·U you prefer worldng wtth po W: 5 or • • • began to work with collage Future issues win loclude: Newport Harbor American Le-older chUdren there are various ~m~O ~nm ·~u~ obsen~ at St. Michael's aDd AU Aagels' mating her first sale to TV ''how to jOOge" tlrewood, ft.r e-ciOD Post 291 will be guests and r e1rlltdlng volunteer jobs 1~ Rev • N;n:man ~ serv wt~ Episcopal Church, 3233 Paclftc star Jooalha.n Winters. She is place tirtures, gas logs, !tee of the. Post at the Oct. 22 pot-worldng wttll the physically dis-speak on· . , AI"'UDd th:Ow':Jd in View Or., Harbor VIew Hills-head cashier aoo manager ol the stand1ng fireplaces; "tbou&flts luck dimer and social evening abled and educably ha.odlcawed 60 minutes ,, a.a 11 a.m. service ts beirlg ·magu.ine department at and comments" on glass tlre-at tbe Legioo Hall. They will chlldreo ol our community.Re-• · • • added this SIUJday, lnaddlliooto Richard's Udo Market. place screens, ft.replace tell abotK tbei.r e.JI)erlences at gular and substitute sta.tfers the 8 Lm IJid 9·30 semces decorating, ft.replace acces-the mock legislature meetings are Deeded to work with class-Tbe rtrst 8aptt.st Cbll!'cb ol Tbe Rev. J~RoPrs DaYis ..W ~GEHlE J. PEARSON series and smokY ftreplaces· LD Sacra.meoto. room activities, helpwltbread-Costa Mesa, 301 MapoUa St. gin a comuntoa. message 00 SUCQJMBS A.T AGE 87 with • .'remarks" oo safety Up~ Also amoogthe special guests log and oa the playground and at Santa ADa Ave. -"The tbe topic "You must loYe Eugellie J, Peat son, 87, of and hearthstone rec1pes. lac the evenlai wlll be 25pros-to be teachers. Call the V~lun-tears of Jesus" wiU be tbe the Lord ,.;_.God ., 451-B Avenida SeYll.Ia, Laguna Thls week's ingredient Is a pectin members, who recently teer Bureau tor intormation." • died Sept. 30, at Hoag OIWI IN I'.I!"WO\.'f iiiU. IU •• OUIIOINGi ...,, • ., .. If '"'de<ll"•lecl "' , ... Alo>ro~o ............. , "'""''"""'• -' >;a• I'•••• '•~ "'''""'·U CHEF AL TWOMBLY ,!;-;:::;."!, ':.:, ---,.... LUC. ...... m TIY 4 we:ne:RNu Sl-...,.,.01 FUN. p !~y;~ MEL TAYLOR EILEEN WRIGHT ANNIVERSARY IIICO'IIIMW tnn•PUAMIIt ... _. ............ ._ ,....,. .......,. 1161 .. -""""' ow-. ..... .,..., .... "' ........ --· OILI 0,1~ CMSJ MJtSft twelve page reprlnt trom returned from Vietnam. S6C WORTH OF JEWELS Tbe Mlllospllal I. HOWE BEAIJI'IFUL entitled ssour native was a "Do you "'"lr lmow hoW to MEMBERSHIP MEETING TAKEN FROM 8.1 . HOME s T A T E I 0 u II D p bousewUe "" 67 years, an r-------------------, build a ftreplace ftre?" 11 The Orange County women's Mr. and Mrs, George E. New-!Orange County resident tor 4 covers blsic tectu:dqueoflaylng divlsion of Freedoms Foun-ton, 1407 N. Bay FroDt., Balbo& years and a CallforDia resident MARINERS CHURCH aod leodlog a !Ire plus adrice elation 'Will booor oe• aodpros. lsla.ad, after rel""""c !rom b $ I L .. Sc .. .If lor 47 ,..,,, on the type ot nr'ewood to be pecti't'e members at a general their outJng to Palm Sprl.ngs yellG or ..0111111 a She I& survived by 2 sons, ANNOUNCES used from tbe ~tot of membersbJp meeting at l Oa.m. on Sept.ll, found their kitcbea Harvsy J. Pearson. 4633 aesthetic enjoyment and easy Oct. 8 at the Newport Harbor door jlmmled and $640 worthnf More and more jusWlably SIXTEEN-YEAR termsi tbef Gorrwn Dr.,CameoSbores,and maintellaJlee. Your tree copy ls Yacht Club. Jewelry $tolen, a.ngry and bewildered clthens have no oeed to pay a.tteatton George E. Pearson of Novato, DR. BILL ACTON WILL IE GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE 10 A.M. SERVICE lHIS SUMDAY. walling for you at THE Mrs. Henry Cole of Newport Tbe missing items are one are ast:1n(: Is the Uni'ferslty to criticism by the people or 14 grandchildren and 4 great. HEARTHSTONE 2n1 Ea.st Beach, vice-president Ln charge straDd of cult,ured pearl& worth of Calltornla a.bote the law? the people's sleeted represeo.. :er&Dd-chUdren. SUIID.lY ICIIIOL AT I:GO A.ll. ---ta" lND A.ll. IVDDIO .. VICK AT 7:10 P,ll. ZIIIO EAST COAST HWY., co-... DU. MAl Cout Hl&bway (ooe block ioUth of PI'OiftiDI, wtU pnt"lew ~-$60, ooe ady u olltaJ.re.yellow OurlDc tbt put,_.. tbl tide tat1n1 oo tM muDtr tD wblc:b s.mc .. wW be beld at 10 oJ The Coffee GArden) Coro111. com!Dg svents Mrs. Edgar H1U cold set with one dJ.amood at of publlc prot.,~: cuarated by they art c:arr)1Dc out tbe1r a.m. Oct. :S, &t Ba.ltl Mortuary, del Mar. Open 10 to 11 ~eekdlys of Lido lslt, r .embershtp chair-appr011matel,y 65 polnt5 and 2 the spreadinc llaUectu&J. &Dd duUes. COI'ODI. del Mar, wttll the Rev. and Saturday; 10 to 9 Fridays; man, wiU ptesent a slide pro-carats valued at SSOO, ooe yel-moral cbaos at the Universtt)' This spec1al COOit1tutkxiLl Harvsy of!lci&Un&. lotermeot cloMd Suodays, cram oo tbe Frndoma: Founda-low &Old pearl and ruby lloraJ of C&lltorn1a bas beeo 1~ Immuntt, b' t!)t Ualnn1t)' ot will blat the Holy CrossCeme- tloo at V&J.Jey Forge, Pa. Pin worth Sl25,oaepa1rofblack higher 100 higber. But 1t st1l1 CaUiorraJa should be repealed, I!:~--------====================; A Theodore Roo1ns exclus ive! look for our d1egnostic: center seal and rake the gues5-wor k our of buying 1 used ca r. These cars have pused 130 villi tes ts for performance reliability. and sa fety. 1110% PARTS AIID WOR WARRAm 4,000 MUS OR 90 DAYS Covers t il mech1nltal p1rts lncludHtt tnfittt, llrlvt line, r11r tn4, ,LUS br1ltt1, INtttry 1M uhlust 1y1ttm. All rtpiir work dont in ovr own JSrvlct dt,.rtmtnt. ------. '68 COUIAR Coupe $2595 ----~~. -----;:I~~..!~-~}~ '1495 City of Ct1t1 Mtu '•lks C.r. Ma!MIInecf & rte..,._ ·~ .. n. ... ,. ...... forll. '81 FORD Cal•• sappb.ire cuff l1nks at $125, and ~s Ln va.I.D ap.tnst the blank I have twice itUoduced a coo.. a wood scenic etching worth nll ot re.utaDct to •·out-st1tut1oal.l ameodmut t)r tb1a $30. sWe J.Dterfereoce" put 14) by purpo11 1D the IA&lalaturt, wttb PillA TE WATER POLO the Ualverstty structure UDOW almolt DO rtiPODH, 1t would STARS WIN TOURNEY establlsbld. Uolvvstty ....... be ao uoellaol lubjeet IDr ao A powerf\11 Oranp c oast lties CODtioue &o !pore the w1ll ln1Uat1n petltlon. College water polo squad swept ol the people whose tu: mooey MIIJlYilUt, tbt Lelialature tbroup the Pirate lnvltattonal they spend 10 la't'ilhl)' aDd whoae does ban the poysr to IP· et Sa s 27 dedicated, Y1oltot soemies they PfflPI'late or withhold 1tat1 um tattd turday, ept. • wlWnclJ l:u'bor and ofteo en. f'I.IDU wbicb tbll1D1Ytrsltrm111t to eop the crown and run Ita coura-. baYs to m&JJi:&1D 111 opvat~oa. M&eoo record to 4-1. ... Nut &etioo tor occ w111 bt Tbt latest exa.mple of wb&t TtlU powr by ltMlt woald be thll Friday, wbenthe Buc:seoter U m91.111 to ban a state unlver-su1fleleot to compel U. prq>tr the Southern Ca11nvitatioDll at sity iasnJatect trom a.U "out-action 1D cuu lib Krl.smu's , Golden West. side 1rtt:rf.rence" is tbe cue if oaly 1t wwt UHd. · occ, undefeated apinst Ju-of Mike KrU:man at the Untyer. l But 10 tu', delpltt a,U that Dior college competition th1l slty o1 C&Wornta at 1n1ne baa twiii>'Ded, molt lellslat«s year, bombed College of the (VCI). Krisma.n bu admittedly wW DOt ue ll. Only three Sequolu t.a. the opeoer, 13•9, been a member ot the studeDU SeD&tors jotMd. me to lh lrl ad Los A •· Har tor a Demoerattc Society, a.a to ut lt wbeo tbe budpt eo mm opusl • orpntutton committed to cam-wu PLIMd 1D Sacra.merato bor, the eveotual runper-..,, pu rioltoce which r.s been Juoe ol tbl.s )'tar. 17~c met Santa Monica City rnponsthlt for some ot the Uat:U tbt IA&talatare t.. Collep 111 the clla.mptonshJp worst outbreaks durtoc tbeput line to dema.ad fUDdamiiDJ pme. Wlt.b tbe scors 19-0at the rear, a.Dd he cooti.Dues to ~ cbulps 1D U:ltYsratty poUcy u halt, Coach Jack Fullertoo cal-port aDd defeod th1l orpnl-a coodltioo b' reeei'flDI coa- led ott the oft'ense and played utton. Yet UCJ Cba.Dcellor tlnued ~ or uat1l defense tbe rest of the ny, Daniel Aldrich appointed Krts-Us JP(ICJa1 COOitftuUoDll 1m- shutting out the Corsairs. The man a.saistant dean of &tll::lent muntty is remot'td, tbe liDlnr- Bucs did not tai.e a shot 111 the acth1t1es, am keeps lllm inttw.t stty o1 Ca.Ut.c:.ula will coat1n.- secoDd t:la.lt. position despite the vehemeDt to be, to tftset, abcwt the Jaw. objections of cltizeos who are . $2.1 MILLION ORDER ._ned at Klrtng an admlllad FOUMDER'S DAY FETE Congressmaa James B. lJtt trleod am ally of revoiWJoo-Kaw-Ka&lP&Ci&mma will bold (R35th) bas anoounced that tbe aries a post in the UDiverslty ttl touadtr'1 dlJ bmcbloo tb1J Department of Arm7 bu awa.r-admln1stratlon. Saturcit.y, Oct. ' at DliDrJ- ded Z-0 Products, a d1Y1sioo This matter wu broug:lj laDd botel. Featured apMW of Wells Marine, Inc.., !190 bd>re tbe UnlnrsJt)' of Call-w1ll be Yr1. Robert s. De-.. Pullman Avenue, Cotta Yesa, torllia Board of Rerents at Its beim of SID F'nDctaco, pro- a $Z.l million cootract to pro. meet1ne Sept. 19 and_ as &D)'-noce director of ebapten. Lo- duce tbe metal parts tor ooe who had followed their past cal memblr1 of tbl Soutberu 4,070,000 delayed phmprs ln record could easily have pre. Orance eo.ty AliUIUU arcq, the M-557 artillery tue. Tbe dlcted _ Aldrlcb's aeuoa. ns wbo wt.U at&llld lDcllde Mra. wort will be completed at the eadorsed, Krlsman wu n-KeDDatll SJoap of ~ del Costa Mesa plaot. laiJied IJid lhe prote&liD(IIW IJid Mia BoUr Allll1llll ...................................................... ciUseas were lpred. aDd Yrs. Robert Stlplaa ttl TOO LATE TO Q.ASSI FY 1 ·-•~ Newport Boaeh. am -apiD """ apiD --c-=-=..,-==~-HELP WANTED, pwrt-ttme, clerical, Doors Ou1b&t:. ln.- nraoce apocy, COM. Astb' Ann, 675-5444, DISCOlJNT SALE-3000-. 1~ eacb, mllUoaa ol"llRCI sale" ttem.. TsWiatle Hlrd- wuo, CO<. 18tb IJid M._t Blf<l., C.. M-. 541-1018. wor '"'IU:tloo Is Iaten to put ao LEGAL NOTICE .... "' """ onn or llliDc IJid .. -. O<der .... aulty "'tbt NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARJIMG I lliiYOrsll}' ol C&IUorola. Tbe Notiew Is lllni>J ~~-Uial .._ llu ID tbt -.. 111e P~aDo~Dc Comm-Clllll -~ lqaiUd C-IDU')'lm· City ol!lnpO<t Boadl wtUII>Id ID.W.I wbic:b ba'ft betD .:;» a patiUe a.&rbtc 0. Dwt-ca.. llbonll1 ...-lo tbt Oal•or-t1a1 o1 <la'fl c. -lor dJ ud wta1elll Ue llO'W beblc• 011 Permit 1t50 a. Pill db "'-11 ·-· *>tad 11100 Waotc.utap. A -.tal -ol tbt war 1o pord -ud -sta.tt c-.• .. loa Jll'tftiiU tbl .,..,...." .-ud wvb. IACI• .. -. """' pwmac .., law --"" 1111 c-t or tiol -"' tbo u.t __ llold ,.... Is 1111-...... "'""" liH, .... a>oollJ 11-1o oar _.. Ia 1111 Co a U c-. •llllal• ablr ar•etMtlaa Ia ltfWIIIt .._. CMt IIIII, C<'f .. --1111 ---........ -~ '-'-•• " • CcUrtn dDIOt IIIN tt. aD paw 'rt • 1 .., •• _...._ •s-tns ,.._,..,.,, hts..,. IJIII' ...,.1 ::::1 'R -.: ., --· ........ -....... Clllll Doo I .... _...__ ,.,.,. ... ,._.,, •• rte •• N tC& -. =:: ~ c ~-:'·~!~& ..... , .. ,.,,... . . •• .., 1 ... ,, .......... .. • YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS! 7llx14 JlJ-11 12Ja14 12J.1S DUNLOP GOLD SEAL TIRES 4 PLY RAYON TUBELESS WHITEWALL 88 CHECK OUI SIZES: 520-13 650-13 520-14 SAYE $$$$$ WITH THE 19.88 25.88 77J.14 77J.ll ISJ-14 HJ-11 22.88 27.88 Ex. Tox 1.30 ,_ 2.54 onw1 OW n,. COIOIA •el liD TilE & TEXICO c ....... Mer • 67S4:I66 :£HAICo!, &A*i~IIII•~ID & TIXACO CIIDIT CAIIDS 'Wll. , NEWPORT BEACH JOe HERITAGE IS AalJdlnc .,_u &ad pride seYeral cokii'M per...,, ftU.. tJlrOciCb u --•nwttnc ol tM toriM IAc:IUIMII. aebool"l put ud t:radlboo.ltu· A tbe ead o1 the 45-mlluQ deaU at CtXObi..del Mar HiP usembb, e'leryODerOMtoslQ( atteaded a Herltace Auembly tbe alma mater llld 8CKD:Sect -Tbuudn.y, Sept. 18, brlD.glD( a battle erles b' tbe ~ THERE WAS CONSTERNATION amoac res1deatl DIU 5tb decade ol poowtb before tbelr footbeU eampa.t.p. AYe. in Corooa del Mu "'-trueD lltarted damplac buJI eyu oa. tbe xreen. "Tba .eebool aptrtt wu ex.- quantlUes ol brot•pariDcllldnl:lb_..oetotbetreew&J rf&tlt· Deslpelllo start tbe eebool ceptJorw!IJ b1&b &ftel' tbe as- of-war wuterly olMarperlte AYe. Tbe ctump matertaJwu yeu bJ proyld.J.nc the ltudeat sembly," obserYtd us dlfec .. be1D& relliO'ted from tbe streetrtiCODitr'uetioaJif'Ojectatl'ltb --1 ~-"-lor ~-•-• lotDSe 0 ~....:4.&Uiol • -.&", "-1• St. aDd ln1Dt AYe., H&r WtstcWI' Plua. Ia tbe blck&foUDI! bt.DdiDc lbem loptber, tbe IIIli· otbers who be)ped put U. are tbe oew bomes aJoac: Mar.....,tte Aft. lD l:larbor' View q._ aaembiJ II'Otliebled pie. program toptberiDeiucieHury HUll:. (D. A. Arm.troo.r photo,) turea from old yeubDOU, Korea, DoD HaPete, Ud Jcu FIGHTER PILOT NAMED al...W Wbo ban doGe ln-Black ol the dramadepartmeDt. . :.:=.=~·:::: 1~'::;~ 111 01AEL fORD OF W&!Ur Y. (Bad) Kablll'ln t1 cbn.irm&D ol tbe baud ot tbe tradttioQs, C.M. 01 E$ AT 17 Bay Sborea, ae~ee utcU-Oriark:l Air Muema. Tbe respoase wu so &DOd that Mtcll&el G. Ford, 1 'l, ot 315! •-.rt.aA~.r-.-1 b I ·····--.-. RIP VAN WINKLE Truly finest in sleeping comfort. UYe m:t 15-Umes decorated He ta tbe ...._, of"l:lcmest sc.bool ol!lcl&ls are Pluninc to Stelly Ate., Costa Wes&y ctled wartime flpterpUot, has )JlDed Jotm." destrU:ttrlcbU:upertea. preseot the r;wocnm to prareats Sept, 21. He ls suntn1d bJ b1J lbe Llbert}'Pukadt'ISOI'JCOUD· cea durinc World war o lDd at ._ck to scbool nigtl.t. mother, Mrs. Carl AlcotD t1 cu. OYerseelog ob)eeta of Korea, ptlllabed b)' c. P. Put-The script tot the slldoe pre-Costa Mesa.; his t:n.tber, GordoG Amerlcaa &DinK Into Liberty oam•1 Sou, audreJa.tJ.nchlaes:. seatatJoo was written by Ken Ford, amtstepmotber, Wrs.Adn. Patlt ln Los Anceles. perteoces u a prUooer or war Koury, wtth help from Bob Mtl. ford. both of Tornace; % bro-TWIH OR FULL SIZE ......... Per Set 189.50 He ls a vtee .. president ol the 1n Korea tor 16 mODths after ler, a creative writing lnstruc· tbers, Jelf:rey ford, Costa ENJOYING TEA at the fall membersh.lp tea and fashion North AmericanRocltweU Corp. being shot doWil WbJle oo a tor • 00 ptbe.rlng the slides. Mesa., aDd Bob ford, Torrance; sbow or the Thursday Club of NelPPOrt Har'OOr are ()eft and president or the American mlssSon of plooeerloc' din Paul Sa.nsome, a student, 3 sisters, Dale and Weady AL-to rlgbt) Mrs. Robert Smith, poqrlDg. junior pn.st presi- FIIhter Pilots Assn. His heroic bombing tactics with tbeSn.bre-oarn.ted. corn, C05ta lAesa, aJXIKatbleeo dent and parUmentarl.a.n; Mrs. Allen I.me, pcj~Uctty, and QUEEN SIZE .............. P•• Sot U9.50 KING SIZE .•.............. Per Set 359.50 story-booll: career began ln 1942 jet F -86. Alumni athletes whO were ford, Torrance; ~eri:s, Mrs. Ted Russell, past president. (Eoslp pbOto.) when he enllsted 1n the li!J.ted His 15decorattonslocludethe boDored locluded Toni Hewitt, Mr. &DdWzs.Jn.mesford.South States Alr force. During World otsttnculsbed Sen'tce Cross, the Olympic swlmmer,a.ndJohn Gate; b1s materDLI lf&Dd· BR IDGE LESSO"'S ARE SPONSORED IY EIELL War n aDd the Korean cooruct, the U.S. SIJYer Star, Brlt:lsll Vallely, the UCLA basketbi.ll mother, Mrs. Mary Pelurals, Mrs. Charles Perrin, cha.lr. FoUcnrlbg a sandwich ltm. he d1.stiocuished himself as a Dtstlngulsbed Fiylag Cross &Dd star· Los Angeles. SerTlees were man or Goren Counters, has an-cbeoll, regular members or eombn.t pUnt wtth zs "riC· the Btlc:f,n.n &Dd Freocb Crotzde Graduates whO have died beld Sept. U. at Costa Wesa ooUDCecl tbe start or bridge ln· Goren Coulters Sectioo will tortes, .. Including 21 German, GI.M!rre. Ht.s last Air force u-tigt:ltinr lo Vietnam were also First Wethodisl Church with struction at Newport Beacb en;oy cards througbout the Obi Japanese and three MJG slgrunent was a director al hooored. Cbl.plal.D Wureo D. Tnmbo, Ebell Club, SlS W. Balboa Blvd., afternoon. Tbe brldp P'0'4l alreraft, oper:atioos L.Dd Ylce-comma.a. Tbe scbool's heritage was U.S. Nary, omctaUor. Inter-Balbo&. Lessoos at $15 lor 10 meets f!'lery secoo:t Friday ol H.J.GA RRF[T fU RN flllRE PROFESSIONAL INTUttQP. DESIGNER.S o~·· ........... , ... COSTA r..tESA, CALIF. 21 1S HARIOR ILVD. He hek! numerous command der or tbe !'l'tb Air DiYlston at a lao related to the be.cl::grounds ment was at Harbor Rest Me. sessioos wtll be given from 10 the ll\Cimb. Further ln!ormation us1pments, and served as "":·~-~~Alr~:F~O<~e~e:_Ba~se~----oi::.__:U_::•_:Iac_:ully.::__:m_em.::::ber:..::.::':.· _•_:'::"':_:m:::or::.:lai:.:Pu.=:"-:.._ _____ __:lo:_:ooo:::n.:::_:be~glnni:::::"~•_:Oc:::::l.~l::O::_· __ ::m:•:_•_:be:_:OO!a:::l:'""'::.:ai:_6:.7S=-':_72=6:.. ~=====================~ uecuttn omcer to Secretaries r of the Atr Force W. Stuart SJmlngton and Tbomas E. Fin. letter. lo 1949 he earned a bachelor of science degree lD aeroaautica.l eng1Deertng U. Purdue University. He ns manager or McDoa- nell Aircraft's Los Angeles or- flee for 3 years. Today, he is the marl::eting executive for North American Rockwell's space dlvtston. He is a member otthe Ameri- can Aces Assn,, tne Society or E:lperlmeotai Test Pilots, the Air Force Assn., the Army Resene Assn., tlle lnstitute of Aerospace Sciences, the Society ol Alltomotlve Engtneers, and LEGAL NOTICE P-a46i7 -'--'-~­ CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS ftctlttous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certit)' that he Is eoa- ductltlg a charter aDd sales bust.Dess at 207 Princetoo Drive, Costa Mesa, CalU, 9%626, ooder the t1cUUous fltm oame of Cbarter Ceotral &Dd tbat said lit m ls composed of the !oUowln( persoo wbose oame In tull and place of resi- deDCe are as follows, to-trit: Barry Ware, 207 PrlncetonDr ., Costa Mesa, Calia. 9Z626. wrrNESS my band thls Bth day of September, 1969, Barry Ware STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ... ON THIS Bth dayofSeptember, 1959, before me, a Notary Pub- Uc 1D and tor sa.J.d county and state, residing therel.n, duly eommlsslooed and sworn, per. sooally appeared Barry Wue, tDo1rn to me to be the per.$lCl[l wbose oarne is subscribed to the within instrument, and a.et- oowledged to me that be eu- cuted tM same, WITNESS my ha.OO and omcat seal. Mary A. Haapa Notary Publlc lD aDd lot said County and state. My Commtss.lon expirN Dec. 13, 1971. PQbllsh: September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 1969, in the Newport Harbor Eastp>. FORIIfRI. Y MEARS CMIERA NOW AT 11M NE"III'OIIT IlL YD. (I)IIT A IIEIIA -·-·J 0 0 The have and holders ... a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and select the one that suits you best to lind the right sav•ngs plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one works. We"ve been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The k1nd of people who want their money to keep its buy1ng power. Who want the value of their money lo remain steady .n an up-and-down market. Who would rather have their money earn interest than to pay exorb1tant carrymg or loadtng charges. Who wont their money to multiply so they can pay cash for things. Who want to be able to get the.r hands on the.r money when they need it. Saving people. like you-the kind who want to HOLD the.r money and HAVE •t earn interest. Come in and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savmgs- personality program at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #I Regular Account This plan ts for regular people Wtth regular salarres who have decrded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money workmg for them. They also want rt to be some place they can get therr hands on rt if they need 11 '"a hurry If they can leave 1t alone for a year or more. 11 wtll grve them the Btg Annual 5 13 yreld REGULAR MONlHl 'f INVESTMENT '" $50 ,,,. 6 Mot '" "" ""' >V• 308 6" "3J 2 Yrs 632 ',... 2529 3 Yrs 912 ' ... 3 892 • Yrs 1.33 1 2.662 5 32• 5 Vr1 I 707 3,415 6.8.30 10Yrs 3.900 7,801 15.602 IS'V'r1 15.715 I 3 432 ,. ... 20Yr1 10.329 20 662 41 325 AN ,...,;.ct-• ,. ,._ I. 1. J & S oro .......... "' ........................ , ..-~,. .. efSOO ... :1 -... ., .... ..,., _.....,. ,... ........ , ........a .... _, _, ......... -Mill ............ ,.. 11M ,_....,. -lt .... , •Ill """ ..... Ut~to•llf .,., ....... 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN #2 Life Inc ome P1•n Th1s is for people who have a sum of money they would ltke to put asrde and receive the tnterest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you tntend to leave your money to your he1rs In th1s plan the origmal mvestment is reta•ned for a lifetime and you have a regular rncome every month. If your future plans are for your children's future, then th•s sav1ngs program may su1 t you LIFE INCOME PLAN Initial O.po1il Amount of CtM.dt $12000 14,500 20(00 25000 50.000 S SO 00 Per Mon!h 60 00 Per Mol\lh 83 00 Per Mol\th 1 ()of; 00 Per Mol\th 208 00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #J Monthly Security Account Th1s 1S for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that 1f they don "t put 1t away somewhere out of srght, they wdl spend 1t Perhaps they are look1ng forward to ret,rement and know •I would be better to have a certa1n amount comrng tn every month over a gtven penod Not only w rll they get back a lot more than they put 1n. but there w1ll be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowtng 1! all at once INVEST $10.000.00 AND you rec eove e1ch month lor $5000 10yu•s S 5000 1S years S 7500 10yu•s $ 75 00 15 yUr5 $10000. 10yea•s and you •eta•n ll'l estate oP s 867500 s 772500 $4 77500 $100000 s 87500 1 INVEST S25.000 00 AND. you rece•ve ,,..d you <e!lonl e..ch '!"Onlh for "" esl<~~le of" S I 00 00 10 yrars S:?5 600 00 $10000 !Syu•s 52605000 $15000 10 yu •s $1780000 $200 00 IOyn rs $!000000 S250 00 10 yu rs 1 ~ 200 00 ,...,....._ ................. .... ....._ .. S.Cfie<o 111M .. """ c.. .. ,..,. .. ·--c ........... odl .......... ... --'"'-..., .......... tb ....... . ........ .. .. '" -tl>l -..... _, It ....... --' ....... 5no~p ... -· _, .. ..._I ,..._. --"" ··-· ....., .. ,_,_ ........ w. ll _ ... Are you one of the patient people? PLAN il4 Gu•r•nteed Ann ual Rate Account Thts plan 1S for patrent people who already have a sum of money to tnvest and are wdltng to wart a wh•le for a good return on therr money The m1nrmum depostt ts $1 .000 (more 1f you w1sh. of course) 1n exchange for wh1ch you rece•ve a certrf1cate wh1ch guarantees an annua l rate of 5.25 % tor 3. 4 or 5 years Are you one of the paltent ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT 1S for you YOU WILL RfCEIVE lniti•l .... .,.., .... , .,. .... 3 ,. ..... .. ,.. .... 5 ,..,.I $ I .OCXl $1170 $1233 • ' 300 s 5,000 s 58S2 s 6.168 I 6 soo S10000 $11.705 $12.336 $13 001 $15.0CXl $17558 $18504 $19502 rt Balboa Savi ,.. __ Ill '--' fl o-................ ll .... o.IW.. P. A.~. ChMmen ol tM &o.n:J • ..,._ 86oit~Qt.Met, Pr•••dent Are you one of the enterprising people ? PLAN :5 3· Year Bonus Account For people who wa nt not only the current yte\d on thetr sav1ngs. but would l1ke a sum over and above In th1s plan you 1nvest a mm1 mum of $1000 wh1Ch earns you the current y1eld PLUS an extra · >:l% per year at the end of 3 years If you would ltke to be enterpns+ng and safe at the same tome then the 3-year bonus account IS for you YOU Will RE CEIV E r ~ ... ~ .• , •ft•• .,., •ft•• Depoe•l 3 yee•s • yells 5 ,-ean . . "" I . ""'"' I "' • ' "'' 5 .:>CJOI.: I ""'' 5 6 . 61 5 6 493 I .x< s· 69J ~'2J;'3 5'.'98' f .~ ~~Ji. s·-!>oiL S18 485 s· g 481 Mesn Qfflrce: ,_VIto UdD. He:e,a.n 8Nc:h. Celdomire t288S • ~ 714/67WIJ0 • Carone del..._ ()H'" F!Mf'Ctel PW:a. 560 f'la•pon ~ 0..... e COS'ON dlti W.., c.tlfoml• taa25 • PhoN 714li4+141t - A AT THE BOOK lly Do. lob- ,,...._, J a-. J-u .. '-""ty, C,_riU., S.C. THE PROOf Of THE PUDDING This is the day of the so-called ''scientific" mind, the aeneratton of those who must have proof before they will accept a truth. How ohen do we hear someone say. ~1 cannot take anythins on · f;~ith. You have to prove sonx~ thins to rM before 1 believe it." With these words some pt"Op!e u.plain their refusal to ac- cept the salvation which God otrers, since this salvation is by failh. As a maHer of facl. even in !he realm of sc;ence fai1h aoes before proof. The scie.mist believes-lhat is. he has faitb-that certain chemicals fnixed together will produce cen ain results. Therefore. in the laboratory he mixes the chemicals to prove by experiment whether the thing he believes is true. A physician has faith that a certain drug has power to cure a disea~e. and bKause he believes the drug has power he tries the drug in the treatment of the di!.tast. God asks us to apply this same sort of faith in the realm of the ~piritual. Hi s invitation is, ··o taste and ~c th at the Lord is good" (Psalm )4 :8). All God asks IS that we try Him. Such a chnllenge from the GoJ of the univer~ to the race which He !reated should appeal to the "scientific" minJ. When one scientist has definitely demon- strated that a cen ai n fact is scientifically true, other sctentists accept his proof and go on from there in their research without having to re -prove the truth which he has establishC1..1. It i;; not necessary to establish proof of the fact that rhe blood of the Lord Jesus C hrist can change a man's heart and give him a new nuture. Th1s eternal truth has been proved in the ltVl'S of countless thousands. In any other field than the spiritual. the "scientific" mind would accept ~uch overwhelming evidence without a moment's hesitation. Yet here in the realm of the sp1ntual. men not only decline to hc l1evl' that which ha s b«n thousands of 11mes proveJ by others but they also refuse to m:.ke rhe experrment themselves. "Believe on the Lord J esu~ Christ. and lhou shalt be saved" I Acts 16:31 I. says the Bible; but the "modern, wise . and SCientific"' mind says. ""You will have 10 prove !hill to me." The proof lies in believ- mg. When we hehevt, we prove.-American Way Feature.; 'f··-0 , .. ........... --.......... ,......, St f th f t A b lriB4MI1MO.GAMGIL orY,J:)llMG'I OUIIII!• OIOL~ ~~101, LA Jllr.D~CALtr. 6'<a.l(c:,-:;C~~~~;~U<I<• (OI)NnNUtD riiDM L..,....,.ft) The birth of laue io proml.oed Juat ODe yoor from the time of lahmae1'1 circUJDCitlon. lgat one year to ha.., 11M pteemiJitftCI In the bouae of his father! It" was &n eventful year In the life of the lad : the vlalt of the ~Is, the deot.ructlon of Sodom and Gomorrsh, the viait to Gerar and the centennial birthday eelebratlon of Abraham all oc.curred. It is hard to determine how much he ltnew of his rejection and how much of God's plan had been kept from the lad. At any rate, when the child of promjse was bom. friction bepn in the tent of Abraham. The common jealousy of an older child for a newJy.welcomed. baby was heichtened by the friction between the moth.en. At the ·reast of Wean- ing, the older boy was seen "mockinr'' the three- year-old baac. Ishmael was then seventeen years of age. Much speculation has been given to exactly what went on between the boys at this time. The tenn "mocking" is open to various interpretations and the Apostle Paul adopts a severe one by his statement, "He that was born after the ftesh per- secuted him that was born after the Spirit" (Gal. 4 :29). In Lightfoot's outstaziding commentary on Galatians, he concludes, "at all events, the word seems to mean 'mocking,' 'jeering.' ... " Another position declares that Ishmael may have been se. veYely mistreating the child, indeed, almost killing him. Immediately S~~orah demands the expulsion of both mother and son. J ehovah told Hagar her son would become as a u·ifd ass, that he would be continua.Uy in warfare, and that he would dweU "ovl'r against aJ.l his bretl&· ren." The Bedouin love of freedom has character· ized the hardy, frugal life of Arab tribes through· out hi story. Such was the life of Ishmael ... a life of constant feud as he led marauding bands of desert warriors in fast moving attacks on villages and traveling caravans. No doubt many men knew well the name of Ishmael as the great "desert fox" of the Patriarchal Period. The expreMion "over B.gB.inst h.i~ brethren" sig- nifies two things. That the original Hebrew reads "to the east of" is not to be doubted but more seem! to be implied. The extreme independence and sepa- ration of the Arab people · set forth. History con- ftnna auch --. frwa tloo ..._... .. of Abraham •poclaQ:r, 111111 ODe -fwMI!M that Jah.. mael loJ!C canted Ia hlo lleal't a ,..,._ llvt for tho -t that ho 111111 hlo motiMr load .,.. eelved beca•oe of laaac. It Ia .-with -,..w that we rud that JohmMI .,_bad< 110 bolp ~ with the burial of their lathe>' (C... 26:1). r-- hapo it can only lie explained by thefnfttctlcm of hia father'• love in lahm&el But lahmael wu no ordinary Arab. God had promised Abraham He would blou the lad and 10 we read in 21 :20 that "God wu with the lad.'" The prosperity of earthly bloui~ wsa to lie with llh- mael while Isaac enjoyed the Apiritual blrthrilht. "He dwelt in the wUdemeu, and beeame, u he grew up, an an:her," (Gen. 21 :20). Pan1iwu his home and hia mother obvioualy dwelt with him for Scripture recorda that she .. took him • wife out of the land of En'J)t." Thia would make the chil- dren of Ishmael one-fourth Jewish and t.h.J'ee.. fourths Egyptian. Aside from the burial of hia father, the life of Ishmael ia mentioned twice more: one in Genesis 28 :9 when Eu.u takes a daurhter of Ishmael to be his wife; qain in Geneeia S6 :S where the reference is apin to Esau. The current Middle Eut conflict ia but another evidence of the historic warfare described in the above paragraphs. The Israelites poueu the land between the Euphrates and the Red Sea ovenpread- ing into North Africa and Southem AsiL Ci:n the United Nations solve a .f,,()()()..year-old blood hatred or will the turmoil continue until the promised Messiah comes to deliver Isaac's seed from the hand of the son of the bondwoman? One additional emphasis must be given. The promises to Issac, as unconditional and sure u their fulfillment is, in no way nerate the rirht of the Arabs to hear the gospel in this age of rrace. God will some day gather His people nationally; but until that day. "His people" conaiats of the universal Church composed of white, black, red, brown, British, African, Jew, and Arab -with· out respect to rank. The great interest in Jewish evangelism is com- mendable, but evangelicals tend to over-emphuize with such missionary etforta to the excl111ion, or at J.east minimization, of gospel witneaa among the Arab peoples -now over 100 million strong! God has put away His people for a season to bring the Gentile nations into the kingdom of grace. There is no Biblical curse upon the Arabs which keeps them from participating in the rrace of Christ's cross ... the "whosoever'' of John 3 :16 includes the seed of Ishmael. liE by JOHN NEWTON he find!-! that to run tht-nu·e d('- m<tndR hi !' utmrJ,.;t Rtre1114th. cou r - age and patient·(·. C'hri:~tian life. and point out the prize to your \'icw. we are bound in duty to tell you that without faith and holine~s there can be no acceptance. races. though many run, only one can receive first prize. But thanks be to God, it is not so in the Chris- tian race. All who run as the Lord has appointed will be sure to win. • Ju ~" .\'o·~<"l'l)l, '""' of 11 llhopmo~ft•r, f•u uo/ from n It{• u{ tu•b• /,rf nud blru- lllrf'lnJI aonl b•ro.,,r u fr"Od<'f .. fthr E t•oll· yrli~al rrt·n·rll ,, E11gla"d. IJorn in l~<ltl· t/,., 111 17.!5, hf' tt'tlfl n l!po"f'Uf'<i u11. board a •ntHI·Il/·II'Or CJ1H/ lnlrr ra plowtd a l!lnt•r 11f11p bf'{Or#' brwy l'ftllt"rrlrrl tJ.,,.;,g (I firrrr lllo•-m ot ua. A {nr111/ of r.r,•rpr n"h•rr. field aHd J,.lrtl ll"r•lr!l, lrr ,.., . ..,,. ll"t·•·•ol /nnw"~ hym .. /1 '" r .. llnl,ul(llwu wllh /'"'"' U't!lmnr Cnwpr, ''"'/ ul(f,.,., .. ,o/ .•urlr ,.,. rn·al /t-ad•···~ tu lfd{,{l m \l'olbr•{v••ro• ""d tla"'"lh M•~>l' w•lh h•H ,,.,,,,,fill. No opposition can prevail against them, nor will the number of the candidates be any diminution to the happiness of each individual. The inheritance of the saints in light, like the light of the sun, is not diminished by being shared among many. Each one possesses the whole, in the same perfection as if there were none to enjoy it but himsel f. Great lvnts il tle New "Healina of the Ceaturian' • Se"aat" 19 -Luke 7:1-10 a1 lira. I., llarcta CLUES ACIOSS I IM\Y "oatorod Ualo ----- 7 "to -·--l llDD ID!r.Gmod" {Luko llt3) •t. •11. "12 H----____ ----lo•ad 110 .... lo:ida~ 10 .. ,_ ...t ----moat ia tho ~.-. Ito-" (l.lao 7:37) 14 Mr• do -·--• Dot bo...U.. tbo MriphU' .. H (Matt.. 22:21) IS "wo aoko 1Wa 1:1 ____ ,.-(J Jo1u1 1:10) 17 WtiaJ. ol dtiQ of P~:~ul'a birth .ad .. Citl& (Aet. t :ll: 21:11) II --t .......,. Ac-diod (Dout. 32:50) 20 M,..., .. pldoo ----lull of tho ~ ol God"' (I••· 15:7) 22 ,•lli•L tJ!i:d -·--· EU~:~II>, GDd hacdU" (I Olroa. 15:11) 14 "caet IWa i.Dto -·--da:rboM'" (MIItt. 22:U) 17 i.JUtiala of Abrata-·, Mpfiow -• S...lllr."• lumdmcrid (~D. 12:$; Goa. 11:11) 21 H.. t.laer ----both hapthor"" n••=o 21 a dtr' ia Gil-d (D Sam. 11:31) 31 "'J ha-.. D.t loa.acl .. 'lftCirt Ja:itll, ao. tult ----t.r-1"' n .. .., 1 .. ___ .....U.r" 7 Cl MD oi A.aft (I CUoa. $:1) I "there M•U ~toe ""plato cmcl ----of, .. , .. ~ (Ma1t. 1112) 13 OWiler ol ttant.kln9 JIHt (I a.-. 21 :11) It ""lo,.. worbth a.o ----to ~ a.olp!tooW (loa 13:11) II ••dcn.ation of .,..U..v II "Ita. aJ1 ia I.W IUIID *• ----.t the ...... (Lv.h 3tll 21 • .oa. of a.la (I Claro-. 717) 13 iaitioL. of two dtt.. CLu.ke hJI; 7:11 ) 15 i!Uti•W ol two dtiM (G.-. 111211 45:11 ) 21 UUtiaJ. ol two hadoo-(Judw. 0111: 12:11) H "I am aot worthy !Jt.at tMa. ahouldnf oa.tor Ulld ... •J' ---· ~ 30 a rodoat (LeY. U:al) 32 .am• u t dowa 3$ i.Dlticd. of tllo fine MD ol laehl cmd: .. eoa.d aon ol ~11••11 (C.L 30:24: 30:t} 31 "Gocrl !lao ... "' ----" cr.c~ •. 1:21) 3t oM lt.aadaaid of Scmr1l (G.L II: I) 4D tho thifd .oa ol Simooa. ____ d (Gn. 41:10) 33 "In e-• u.lllto lli8; ----· aad ll.ia U "all t.llat llaadlo , ... ----• IH --·-roc:oi ... d bim llol" (Joha 1aari.o.n" (Es.k. 27121) 1:11) « Gl eiiT ol Moo .. (N...., 21 :11) W ''Whoa th•T eomo ----Joeu" U "..n..r. ill tlu lriat' ol • , . S.p- 3$ ldav cnaol.atod by Elijoh (J Imp hC!r91dm. ----~ en .lbr.p •• ,,., lf:ll) t1 ollll ... d•uvlatM of Lt!Ha (C.-. :II ut.n .... ol llttl book of llblo 21:)tU •31. •u "I lun·o a.ot -·------~ot U ''tlae dlilchoa ol ----" (Moil.. 7:47) t.Uil" tt -ol DidoD.. ____ .._ (C... •= 43 .. _... th cbildru ol Wool . • . 21 ) ......-.d. _ •• _I~ (Jud9. 2:11) 50 WU. oJ Er. ____ ., (C.a. alii) U ..,.,at U would eo~~~• caad ---· 51 ia!thd. ol tJu.. nat.n (D ._., 1U. Mr9PI" 24111 I m. .. 11:1: AN UsJf) ... , ...... oot t.ua.d .. ---· fa:ithw 5-t ial.ti ... ol"" ..... oJ J~ ca-. 51 iaieie1e .. -ptcda .a...IMi of 21:21t SS:IIJ , • ......,. _. ..,._. .. wh hai.. 5I bddellt ot two dtS-. "Pnl ..wtM W. CD m.p 1:1. II) fAct. 1:11 : .\$ 14:1) 52 '-Itt• .. JOMJ*'• old ... lorodt.or -4 .. eoa4 ..a (C. .. 41:1. 2D) U o elliot nalor ol D-W. (0 &no. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S 20:.) $.5 "'1lwoa ottqV.u.d . , • wlloD llo Do, ~l'g~~~ 9C1D to ----H (Job 4:$1) ~ 57 .. trioad .. God (Goll. 11:11) ·sa , •--aot iovad. .. "'"' -·--H a,UEI DOWN I oMk..-•••r 110 -• ...... ..,... _ _ ,_....w 2 .... .., al .. llott..a.--·---, .... l11) 3 a Lo.-ttkal dly of Gil-d. ____ th (Dnt. 4:43) 4 Now Tool~:~•oat (ak!M.Y.) S ''M--. Acrroa. -d ----Weill up to tile top ol th hill" (E..:od. 17:10. ~I•) I ~~~,. ---· 11tt ll.iaa. -d hLrucl him .JM•lw Difficulties In The a, '11m LAft a. A.. ~ Bible (JlJ die .. I ... af ....,_ r.-, ~) DOES GOD REPZHT? A•p•inl•d 1...,., DECISIOI'I MGgcuin•, \300 H""""" Ptoc •, ltllnn•OPGII•, l!l !nn, The country of Greece, and espe- cially the neighborhood of Corinth, wa~ famou~ for trials of skill in a \'a r iety of exerei~es. ~uch a~ racing, wrc~tlin,l! and fight- ing. And becauF.e the children of the world a rc very wi~e in thei r generation :Jnd !<pare no pain!'! to accomplish thf' point they ha ve in view, the Apostle Paul use~ them as an example. to sti r up believer~ to diligence. In several places he compare~ the ('hristian life to one or another of the conte~t~ in the public Olympic Gamei\, and in some places• particularly to a race. Those who are :tl'tual\y l'andi- date!' for the priz(· may be ~ai'.ily distin~ui.!'hed f rom the :-pert<ttors: they han~ no lt'i;-;ure fur amu~e­ ment: their eyes are fixl"d aod tht-ir thoughts whrrlly cn~a~ed upon what they ha\'e in hand. They ('.Xt'rt all their powers <1nd strain every nerve to reach the goal. In the ~arne way, a sen!'e of the wnrth uf their souls. of the lovlO! of Ch ri~t. of the glory that shall be revealed. of their o wn weakneJ-ts and nf the many obstacle:;, that withstand their prog- ress stirs Chri ... tians up to watch- fulness, diligence and prayer. and I:'Xcites a holy jealousy. Of course we. a~ heralds, are not only to im·ite otherR. but are like- \lo'ise to run ou r~elves. We have need to preach to ou r:.eh·es no less than to you, and to entreat your prayer~ for us, that we mav stand perfect and complete in the whole will of God. \\'e a re to keep close to hi~ \\"ord, pray for his Spi rit. be dili- gent and temperate in ;til things and m<tintain a watch over our own he;trts. The~e are the means by which the Lord keeps hi~ people from fall in)!: we are not kept by tru~ting to any outward talent, calling or u..,efulness. ANOI'BD APPAIIENT "'CCN''''LUMCCN"' of the Scripture cil HO STOI'I'ING OR TURNING aACII: whkb a pwt deal ia made and which h. pum.d. a p--.t maD,1 belie-nn .. ...-: I would therefore seek to per-We relld Ill lla1Khi S:t: 'Tor I am the Lord, I ebanc• oot"; aDd in In those ancient racei'. mu ch sol- emnity was observed. The ground or course was exat"tly marked out: those who were to t'ompete went through a i'.t r ict re).!imen and exer- cise beforehand ; a valol.t concourRe of people assembled ai\ spectators; authorized judges were appointed to award the prize, a crown of laurel or oak leaves. to the winner. Before they began, a herald pub- licly proclaimed the rules to be ob- served by the competitors. Unless Ute regulations were strictly com- plied with, all their pains and en- deavors issued only in diSBppoint- rnent and shame. Let u.s consider where the allu- aion to the contest holds, and where tlierl io a marked di!Terence. To COII!pare the Christian life to a ,... lntlmateo that it i• • labor- fou:a and .trenUOUI service, incom- pat.lblo with IIIII hodolent and careleaa frasM of oplrit. Not that we can do aarthlnc of ....-ves: salvation "Ito JIGt • • • of .., that runneth." Bnt ......, a .,.._. II animated by a ....., of ~-ud the prue of 1M 111111 ..... II aal llefore him, SPEED MUST IE MAINTAINED A man may set out in a racp with the greatest speed. and seem to outstrip all his an~goni.o:ts; yet if ·he does not persevere to the end. he will lo.se. When Paul Sii}'S. "f'or- gettin~cthe things that are behind. and reaching forth to tho!l.e that a re before, I strPtch formard," he use~ a Greek word which beauti- fully expresses the ea rne~tne~s and energy of those who run and are determined to be first. He MY~ else- where. "So run that you may ob- tain." Take notice of that exhorta- tion, for it will be a dreadful disappointment if you ~hould be set aside disapproved, when others receive the prize. The heralds, or criers, in the Christian race are the ministers of the Gospel. They have it in charge to invite All to run, and to declare the pre!Cribed rules. These rules must be carefully attended to; for, as the Apostle says, a man may wrestle and fight and run and weary himself and excel others ; yet after all he will lose the prize, and nol be crowned, unleft.S he strives 1awfuHy. He haa to conform •trictly to the preacribed re~r~~la­ tion.s. UnJea. he run11 w ithin the llml~ marked out. ftghta with the usu.aJ weapona and obeervee in all point& tbe cllllclpllne of the ,.,.., he will lie dlequallfted. tMI NIIA.LDI ALIO IM TNI lAC I At the ume time that we [min· ioten) proclaim the race of ' the A great concourse of spectators attended the ancient Olympic Games. The Ch ristian, in his race and warfare, ha~ likewise innu- merable eye!' upon him. We are ex- hibited as a ~pectacle to the world, to the whole universe. The Chris- tian may be placed in an obscure situation. yet his neighbors will air serve him to i\te how hi s profession and practit·e agree. The powers of darkness watch him with subtlety and envy, and go to the utmost bounds of their commission either to divert him from his course or to make it uncomfortable for him. THE JUDGE AWARDS THII! I' Rill But we are not to be discou raged because it appear~ we are left al- most alone to serve God. Jesus is always near to s uccor. strengthen a nd save. We are to rejoice there- fore that we do not run unnoticed, but we are to rejoice with trem- bling. Also, the Judge who presides at the end of the race i8 Jesus. He holds forth the prize in full vjew to the eye of faith, And shall short- ly crown the conqueror with hl.s own hand. We may be misrepre- sented or misund"!nt.ood by men, but the Lord, the rirhteoua and un.- erring Judgo, will vindicate, ap- prove and reward ln the Great Qoy. Tbua mue.h conoei'Dlnl" the ..... semb.._ of tbe Chrlallan life tA> a race. I shall now lalra notlee of se~M particulars In whlcll the reo aemblaoee folia. First. In th& reo ward. Bodll)' oxerclae prollta a lit- tle, says Paul, but ..,.tlh-Ia profttable for all thlnro. Alto, Ia ~uade you to address you-•lves 1-l :J7: ~ pod Jilt and nery perfect .ut • from •bow:, ad •""'" CJIIIMtb down from ile Father oJ. li&hta, with w6om ll DO vart.bi~ with earnestness to run the race set BllltiMr abldow ol turDlltc"; and I Samuel 15:2t: "And .a.o the 9tJwlcth before you. Flee from approaching ol.--will DOt Ue nor repct: for "!Je ia DOt • mAD INt Bellbould ,...,.m.. .. wrath You are upon the brink of But ia IIIJPU"'I'tly flltt t':lOiltrlldict ol. \heM wtt rud illlamh 1:10: · . ..Aad. God. ..... their Worb. that d:le7 tumed fnlm their eril .ar; ...toM danger 1f you are not already en-o • o1 the ..,n thllt & W .ud that He woWd do unto &hem. ad Be tered in this race. Dread the diJ tt oot"; ad lD GeMebr l:t: "AM it RPfti\Mt the Lord that Be b.-d thought.ll of stopping short or tum-meda .-a• the euth. ad it flliewcl Him llt m. tt.rt." Raw it DOt -.17 . . . ~ "'It ,.,......, God,. .. but "'lt &riwfd BbD. at me haut." mg back. Mec:htate upon the glor1-Mow i1il .....,. like a flat cont;nctictloo What • the ~daa.1 ous prize which is provided for all 'lba ..,._.._ la \bat what tba tint .at ol 11 ups..,. ~UIIIIJ who endure to the end ; it ia freely true. tbMCod•at.oautalT"nc:benpable.Heia"'tbe ... ~.aDdto­ oft'"ered to all who run Pardon daJ' aad ,...._,. (llebrwwllll:l}. But ~ Mt'lODII a-fi ,....... II allo G d I l.f · ...... tna. 1D1' II God..,_ n1N1iJ1, the --. m eMncw, lllftDitiltl:t hednt: lin race an etema. 1 e are prom1 ead at.a~.-a, nad,.-pcble iD m. pur-pa. to .wt *' wid. judm-zt. and beatowed, w1thout money and ._ if ra:1 rJtJ 01 ear penoD eb..-bl etdtt• toward -. God"..- without price. at Qy tbulrp la m. attitude toward \hat ,._. • dq. U OM. ,... Beliewen, why are we not aa _... ibe..., If m. aultucle towlll'd Ilia aDd rfclt..,. • .., • .,.._ wise in our -neration a.a the chi1-.... tb.:rt •• 1111 c~e-u.,. with mm ...._. • thq tum fraa llbr. to &... IOJ ' •• ltil dYncW nmaiM ..,_. tba --·but J& del'. whb dren of the world! ThO&e who are _ .._. • ..,. c:basrp &om the polltian that • hnlfW to m. -... fond of a common hone race think h lhl Mtrad o1 • to oot that • piW"C" to m. · h Pll ~ ot and tafk ·of it, and prepare for it rfPtaoomsn every day. Does not thetr diligence n IIAY a...a..urraAIII ddlf ., the ~ o1 a ..........,. .,..... Shame Ull, WhO &re 80 COld, faint tMl I sb ~' nldw to a t:n.IA tbllt _.,.. ........... ia and dilatory in the most important fNM aiU. ....._ ....._ • tnill t.ct-• _... It 1e to a.._.., ... and honorable e.oneerns? ...._ (..,.), but • tht tnia ..,... aSiilltw,.... tt • -. ...a fl the --. h I .._ ,_ _..,. '"'7 Ia _...tiM,...._ CIDIU.W ......., ... .._ _. 41aa11r Let ua g~rd up t e oins of our r • liM .. t1rtit _.,..1nlst. ....w t. bJ IIIIO'WIIII• ihtt ..-....._ Jl .. mind. Some of you have not far to ....._ • ... ...,...._ iD * .,..dost. u. ....... ...a.ttw • • tnllll run now. You have taken many a _._ ..... _.....Soitkwkbao.teatdtucla....,..-. weary atep aince you were ftn:t 1f o.lunr .... , , r h t••ble lit. 1111 ......... Hill ~ _. • I •'--I !?' ... • .-. .... ,.._ llbr. .. ~ o.t"a ,..,, ... , called; but the end 1 at hand; (,1ft! 1 ' t!:s"•..,.--....._. 'l'ht..,.., 1uct tt.t ON..__.,...... period of your complete aalvatlon (.._.. m. ..,..,, tMt a. r • rl~ lhl-. lit m. sltll It a.a. ts now much nearer than when you...,........... .,..._a.&......,~la1Deat ttaet( ..... fint believed. Think of J'e.ua_ tbe .... I wflll -) • ~turD,_ M .. alalt loa W II Forerunner and the Juda. He haa alrudy entencl within tlw nll for ua. Hla 878 11 upon Ul i he ia nw.r to -lot, and io waltln• lA> ,..,.lve ua. May bla Spirit and hla uample anlmate u fA>· ltnldl fol"ll'lllil lA> the prbo· of ..... .1.. c:alllu. "' t-.1 -_., dl~. aiiil to .. faltllful """' death, that -_,. rocolft the -of life. .. .... .. -~~~ ___ .._ ... , ... '£ £ ..:r. -,.itiitiltiiO .... ...._ Airport NEIPORT HARIKlR EIISI(ilj SEOOIID S~CTIOII --P ... 3 THURSDAY, OCT.l, !til OOROIIA DEl. liAR, CAll F. h I. I CIITIACK WOII"T MALT MIWPORT 1'0 I'IIQJICf From t e Po ICe a oner (R::'~es::"r!!.t~B;!! :::.:: ....... ., ... _ from tbe omce ol Pottw•• S.Ceeeet.l b6dlllr• 1ft Dill • Yll.iDAY, SEPT. S . -ool &811 !lad 1M -ol boa lalud. .._..., U.t ,100 GeDeral W~ u. 8-ra-~ foe., ud .. 1100 (714) 897·1357 MIADS.I'UIID DIIVI OIIIV!I fOR YOUR CAR AMYWIIIRI -ANYTINI t..uee eac.U.e RoU& R. liaJa Jr. at Lido lolo loU a<-_ .. __ lo_... CXIURTIOUS DEPI!MDAIIU DRIVERS LOJ .4NG8L8J INT8RN.4TIONAL AIRPORT"· 00 fW• will,.,.,,. YfH'' c.,. to.,., .ilo•d HOURLY RATBJ .4VAIL.41L8 u ~ --"' 1110 Clla&>ma• Collala "'-~ , ... lor 1110.10. llr 0 llaJ .. -Ia .-a c~ tn~tee, tu -a -al apat at UIO!Iew Eq!Lod Uullal Lila ........... FORIMfOIIM TIOM CALL C-all>ce IOU ud u f. ,, :. -;; at ... FIIST SlOW. OF TIE lllD'a II TIE USII • AIIUIL OROIE co•n " OCT.9-12 "P.Aa.ADI M NOOaiSI ON WH .. U" mestk arNI Im- port Cars . . . Uniqu. fac- lwy Dhplays . . . •- typos .. 0 &pori-Is .. Sptcial Show Cars ... Vo- cation Vehklft . . . Motor Homn. See them all und. one big ak-conditioMCI raofl A SHOW FOR THIE IENTIRI! (rAiiiiiiiLVI ADULTS JUNIORS .. $1.50 . $1.00 Children under 12 FREE with parenh SAVE SOc ~.Produced by' * ASSISTANCE LEAGUE PREMIERE OCTOBER 8th-7 -11 P.M. Th• n_.1t In ,. .. hi.,.• will ~ .,,.Mnl•d ~urlno th• PNml•,.. ~laiiJ' ~,..akd snd ~oOf'dlftskd It)' 8 UI · IOC:k ' ...... aftU A.na. * SHOW HOURS: Thun. & Fri. 5·11 p.m. Sat. & Suft. Noon.11 p.m. ANAHEIM 1f CONVENTION CENTER 800 W..t ICat.fla (acroa from Dl.,.,.-lancl) MOTO« CAR DEALERS ASSN . Of O«ANGE COUNTY & OltANGf COUNTY DEALER SERVICES AS.SOCIATION -s~'?' ...... , -... a.~ Do" Yld• Amw11 "!"-'!!_04 !.~ ~~-""'!':!..-CUll prdlllf tba .... --KoU Cowb-eo 5 ., at ft -lOrlN.. --. ' ~ ---. R-re..-• • • • -outbciU'd lDd Slue ot u. postal taeWt:J Nt'WPQr't BelcL Tile .. cw-~IDQrt, 510 S.W'ifd. Co-mcwtd u $10 t.ra tab.ll frolll a at.ot.or dt•Cifi"U«l from la Newport S.Cb. ne aftl'd n. ---.u11118lrdl.,... r>l\l 8Jp!a .... -b1od oo a -ao aat ud .. _ U .... T-. !lou' I prop II ~-Ia belli( .-lo 151110 at Beet BeJ. will -NII,ID :: ~--troa.wt~ 1_!!1~-1!: a-..... .:c~ ~~-~ !~ ~-~··.B&lboe, ~eeo Preslder.i NlmD'a eCIIcJr 01'· Ull11 II!D«trld to be IIC U'ed ..... -. a .. ..._ ....,. ,.__.. • , • " ...,.. .._.. .....-.....,... 8 ._. o • • • ~-eea der u It l& eoasidered ~ b7 Oret. 1. CUll lA 1be JIO"kala; llwu-WU aloloo,_ Wlllt&m Allo1"a Aq. ZZ and today, ...,..,. :::..,:;~.::,;;::::,:::,;~::;:::;.,~;;,:;.::. _____ _ --o. t•r 81•11• o,..,,,_,.,, ·"••·JIM' • .....,, a .. ~ c~.~-.. .._.,.,& Wboo be realised wtat bad bap-prop at 101 E. 8eJ Froat, forced -the prap <*- peaed Ud reblrDid to tbt I!JtOft Balboa lalud ••• A ear drlfto of Jot\11 8owtu, 1930 Teruita, ••• .A '50 ian .,..... wu ., Rick llart>, 117 33rd st., HuborltlllltJalldJ, While beWU stolen from Robert s.v Welt Mwpart, nsta.l.bed OW"• oa vaeat~m. but oothtnc wu prqe at 4$S Frucl.aco, Wilt $200 damace Ia a eolllaSon oa taken • , • The car driven by t1pper Ba,y ••• Maney Haca1. w. BaJboa BlYd.. wttll a Cl.rdeo. Marta Rotternd, ZlO Garnet, 3007 Harbor View Dr., Harbor Crowe dit.•er • • • At.:. ta.cmc Balboa laland, sustained over Vtew lUlls, coUJded oaE.Caut a $ZOO..plus repair bJlllis J.C. $200 dama«es l.n a coutstoo H\t'y, wWI a driver from Mu1co Bhettuct, ucn Eutblutr Dr., on the Island's Marlne Ave, ••• A thief reached ID tbroup Ei'lt Bhlt:f, wbo colU4ed 011 E. wlUI Lynn Meade, another Bat. .. mall-•-•~to C H baa 1 •-~--316 A SJ:OO A.M. TO 10:!0 A.M. -fi'AitiiiiL.Y WO~I N£WPQRT 8E·ACH, CAL.IFO-IA THE AMEIUCAH L.UTHIEAAH CHU .. CH as ua a •UJIAJW out W')'. wttll a LoogBeacb s_._.., at metbyst open a car a00 took $150 ~n driftr • • , HJt-run drlfets ••• .JHaa Misterly, 4905 Rl•er t:JD A.M. TO 10t1D A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. clothlag from Darlene Hut. ru into the parked cars of Ave., West Newport, cotuded 11:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WO~I" SI!W<IICI! ebersotl, 257Z Baysbore Dr., Na·• . Jobnsoo, 192-4 D1aDa. on River wt.tll a Downey driver 11M .... ~--G ...... p.-, No, 39, Bay Soores ••• Charles Hubor HJ&bJ,a.ndtl:, aad Muriel •• .A hit-run driver ran 1Dto 111• W..Y. a-ll• Wlld&e. A_.et•t P..-. C:al:iweU, 305 30th St., w.~st Routtey, 441 Canal. Newport the puked car of Christine ~~2::=;::=;::;==:~1'114==-=:~5~U~II:;I:I=;::=~;::~~ Newport, Ya.s charged wtth Shores, whOse car was damaged Carl, ZH Iris, Corona dellobr being drunk 1D publlc. by more than $200 ••• Sballa ••. .Sylwester Joseph Vlnicky, O.ristiCN'I ScleftU ,1,., ....... a.,.a. • SATURDAY, SEPr 6 McVeigh, 11 5 Mtl1ord, CamiO 1807 W. Balboa Btvd., Central $.vices .I C:..t• ...... A stereo tape deck stttinc Sbores, collided on E. Coast Newport, ns c harged 'lith nut CltUilCB OF 0.1 .1 ca.r seat awaltiJlg lnsta.l-Hwy. with .1 t:.·lver trom El being c!run.k In public. anun, saD! ruT latioo will oever play mriSlc Monte · • • William Becker, • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 )}03 Via Lido 1n that car, but a sneaky Ul1ef 1715 MarUnWay,Baycrest,W'~ Stolen ftshin& gear netted f'llewpott Beach may be llstenlng to It r Jctt now; ·:l~uged with betog drW ill $1ZO for the thief that ralded St;NOA Y SCHOOL Tape Town,4j39W.CoastHwy., public. Patrtci.a Mellor's p.rage at309 9:\S ...... -~II._,._ West Newport, te9C)rted tbe$96 • MONDAY, Sept. 8 Cedar, Newport Snores . . • SUNDAY SERVICES theft ••• Another. car stereo, Park.iog meters have been Someooe carried away a !2SO 9: IS -11 ..... W':lrlh $ll5, was stolen fro:n 1. lhe object of people's fury tor Sabot tbat belongs to Rodgn WEDNESOA Y EVENING Van Ma.aene, 316 Amethyst, years, but seldom doesooeta.ke Garrity, 111 Vi2 Ravenna, Udo MEETING '•·•· Batboo. [stand ... David Brakes-such abuse as a meter at 104 Isle •••• Ben Wett.ul, 4, or READING R()()M 14tll St C tr 1 N t di w ••• 6•~•: 9 "·"' -S •·"'· m:1 •., 408-1/l Go~denrod, Co-•• eo a ewpor, d 48Z1 Orrlngtoll. Cameo s nores, w.o .... ~.,.. 9 ...... _ 7:4S , ..... r•.~ ~o1 del Mat, reported to.. ~Y; someone cut U downwttll was taten 10 Hoa g Hospital r .... o.v -~ F .. ll•v· chy that trts Porshe cf\rom~ a pl.pecutter, stealing $27 1Jl alter he tried to pet a dog 9 •·"' -5 •·'"'·· 7·9 •·•· nl •• --· 1 th to•~• w .. ~·~= ,,.., -"•-"'· .ll~t:t!l rims Jalued at $175. ca.~es &Ia> peD.nJ.es or e ~ and Jt btt h.tm ••• .Stereotap('s SECOND CHt.:&CH oF were stolen b-orn his garage $157 loss to lbe city, wblchwiU worth $105 were stolen t.rom ctuun. scUNTJST between Aug. B n-J Sdi)t, 1 pay $130 to replace the meter W:icha.el Atldersoo., 205 Garnet, Ncwpou Beach a1 , •.• An $80 desk was stolen • • • ,Impersonating a deUvery Balboa island, on Sept. 4 . . . Corona del Mar from Carolyn Bennett's prage man, a tblefpuUed:uaexpensive A $50 bicycle vanished trom 3100 P&dtle View Or. a.t 19)1 H>llday, Baycrest .•• bluff on the East 81~ Apart-Wt.ntoo Ashton's g&rage at 309 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ·- Sf lVia GJbh.Jns, 2007 0ta.aa.. me:Dt Assn.., stealing fur-Coronado, Balboa ... Nancy SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •• Harbor Higtdands, wu boldlng niture wortll $261 from there-Kelleher, 691 Ceater, Costa "'EDNESOAY EVENING a dog who had just delivered c reation room between Aut. !9 Mesa, was taken to Haag Hos-'-'E.ETlNC. 1:00 , .... puppies and the dog bit her and Sept. 1 .••. A prowler pJtal after tDtalling her car RudiA& Room: M•tul Bld• , ••. A 3-car cotllsloo 00 In her balcony fled downstairs in a.n accident on w. Balboa 2863 E••t Co••t Hwy., COM. Newport B~vd. Involved Eanos alter being seenbyactressJa.ne BlYd. wlth Merrilee Winter-Moa.-fri.: 10 a.m. to S P••· Evans, 1213 E. Sllboa BI""IJ., Russell, 21i North Star Ln., rowd, 212 Garoet, Balboa Is-111111•d-r c"eai•s: 7 lQ 9 ' Do Sbo .A the S•t.: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 8.1 i oa; Carl Stevens, 3025 ver res·· oo rprow. Wki, whose car was damaged You arc cordtally tno"itcd to 11\lf'nd Chur ch ~ntccs and to u1t the Rcadutl Room. S."!:m.n, Costa Mesa; an4 Mrs. T. lv entered Homer Robinson's by more than $200 ... Marun T•~J-!s:::l, 'Jt)) Vta Lido Nord, apartment at 5200 Seashor e. South, 111 Oiamood, BalOOa Is- Lido Isle ••• Eoll'! Gra•lne, West Newport, but took ooUiing laod, who Usts hJs OCC\C)atlon 1500 Priscilla, Harbor HJt~-•.• .SOmetime between Aug. 28 a.s drag ractng, collided on la.Dds, reported that a $150rto6 and today, fish..tog equipment Dtamotld wlth a lAguna driver LUTHERAH CHURCH tu._1 ·1eeo taken from a jewelry worth $180 n.s stolen from the •• , .DWnoOO Ave. was the OF case in :1ic; :>edroom drawer ear of WUUam Jaclr.soo, 1615 scene of another accident be-IL•th•"~Ciw••cl> ln AM•ric• between Aug, Zl au' n,, Mariners Dr., Westclill • • • fore the ~Y was over when zgoo Pa.ctnc View Dr • Pollee charged Carl LeoD OUts, A $250 SWot be~ging to Ho-bicyclist Greg Hutchins, 120 c del Mar C&.W 405 Ca.noll. Newport Slx>res,a!Y.I ward Martyn, u:n Antlgua, Olamood, collided on the street DR.~LIA.M R. 'ELLER M..l lfred Schuler • 1216 W. Ba.l-Dover Shor es, was t:Uen from with Joseph ..\roold, 704 S. Bay PbODe: &44-Z6M b01. BI.,·J., Balboa, with beiJJg the Ba..lboa Bay Cl~ ···A pet Front, also of Balboa Island .•.. drunk in p;~)!..lc , • , A $150 mouse wa.s _Quaranllned for 14 Jeffrey Freeman, 615 Larks- record player was stolen from days alter biting Joo Marinello, pur, Corooa del Mar, ra.n tntoa "rs. Waive Cba,m berlin, Parish Worker the car of Richard Horn, 119 14, of 113 30th st., West New. guard rail on San Joaqutn HUls 9:15A.M.-Fa.mUy worship l•tl•,••tlnl -Aall r ••• '-'• Arle&. Msanli• .... Or. P .G. HeWMM. P*•* SUNDAY SERVICES 1:45 a.r '· Sunda,. School 11 :00 a.m. Momiaa Worllti 6 :00 p.tn. Trainine Union• 7:0\1 p.m. E"Cnina Wonhip WEOI'ESDAY UO p.m. Bible lilody 1:00 p.m. Preyer Mtatiaa ATTEHI> TMI ~ Of YOUI OIOICI IIEGUL.ul\. Y n. ........ Ow1all ..,._., .. __ ._.NOA"" •C:HGOio I a.-. 1-·-··· -·-·· . -0 aii'IININe •••v•c:• ,, ......... -0 ............... , ........ . NURS&flt,. OURINe SCIIt.,ICU .... ,.... .. 3"1th St., West Newport • • • port ••• Julia KoU .. 729 Vl.a Rd. near the ~r Bay . . . 10:00 A.Y.-Cbureb scbool • SUNDAY SEPT 7 Lido Saud, Lido Isle, collided Murny Mclntosb Ul 31st St. :00 A.W.. -FestiYe worsbJp ..... ,o ..... 1[. Jo•n .. ' . breU:in& oo E. Coast thry, wttb a San West Newport, eoiudedooNew-L:::N=URSE==R=Y=PR=O=VJD=E=D===~===··:':•:•:~:::•:•:•==~ c-. .. ~ ... 1:111&. .. .__ Y.ai'LDD drlfer ••• A tlll·na port BIYd.wttbaSaa.Bft'aardino r drlur no 1Dto tM Pll'ked car driver ••• Pollee arrested Jo- of Ooo Edmoodsla,No.ll Ansa, sepb Trei9eh, 126 39tbSC., West Lido Peo!DSUta ••• John JohD. Newport, 00 achar~ofpos~s. stoo, 134 41th St., West sioo of stolen property. Newport, tn.s arrested on a f1111 ndft II=J~J!!':' =,I~ ilu .... ~ ... jJrftw ..... A Fr~~ -.11 , •• ,_.~., C•pt--.tll. CM•II• Chrr) Call An Expert ebarge of burglary.,. Pollee • THURSDAY, SEPT. ll charged George Hager, Z006 A luckY thief got his hands w. Ocean froot, ceotral New-on a Toyota todaY. stealing one port W"lth being drunk l.npubUc. beloogl.ng to Jacques Vanders, ,. ....................... ..... ..l.auoJNt.'• BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone b71-73Jb SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPF'~ TIH:SnAY TliROl'GH ................ $I ·----: ==.-.:-.::.-=:.. o COSTA MESA 549-3:163 o ORANGE 639-:u41 BfiU'IISPl t ................. , .. ...... ...... _ ............ .._.. ...................... .............. I' o AHAHEIM 826o0381 o HUHT!NGTOH BUOI U2·1~51 SATIJ RnA'' !:!:!~~~~~~============= F"ree Partr.ias Ia F'roal 300 W. Coast Hwy. rB~ , f Newport Beach , T.too~~ ... , 6.a-ow ~ lt~S BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODELING and ADDIT IONS 673-5822 675-3353 8 fRf:( 'LAM U:RVIC! • rR!f: f:UIM.llf:S 532 ·5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. l'enlatl R519 C .... l:lt Worb CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE s.n.-. .. c--• ............... c-..... ,._.... ... ~. ,__ DRIVING SOIOOLS • BE HAPPY! • BE INDEPENDENT! 1 • LEARN 'II) DRIVE!!! CALL FOR FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON 136·5731 {TOLL FREEl AS TRO DRIVING SCHOOL 4Ll OCCASI04S DrM.IT-" FLOIJSTS PilON E. ~<1479 2438 NewPOrt Blvd. COSTA • MUlliNG AIDS HAL AEBISCHER • P-fllllot Aa•reol Ullt E. C.• MW,. c._ ...... 6~3133 PAINT & WALLPAP BARIIOR PAINT II WALLPAPER Pltt.allatab -lluldl 8oJ F1oeo1 q&aii\J tay alualaa Pa1t110 --..lote u .. oe lllo preiMI 1&.000 PA'ITEIINS Solf...-.loe laloltay OF WALLPAPER All .... -'---... E. CHot • .,.. Frii!IIIIN ........ c.-a Ml liar 3~ ,ODM&awr ... c~•=_II __ 'N_•!·~'!!"'~P..!o!!tf~T6'!•!•!.,.._1_, ~~I llcu1$ tlsMI C•a~ ...... 1711 W, C ... M"'1 .. N.a. -· , . .,. .... •••n O(f; .. ::1.-.,.~· ----·-·--·u:·-.,....,_1, .. , oUI'IIOLSTiltltiG VI'IIOU'ft-0 (8]1 £tw'Of'•• CN/fs•nJ la.MIIil. I,._ ~ ONLY .... -Call •• _, .. ua-.a.lll. -•••• ... s .... ..., ••• 0 - -------.NURSERY Shnlbs, Interior Plants Tropical &. Trees In sectici de :~ and Fertilizer S &. H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona del Mar Nursery 'l7-t4E. COUtHwy., Gla.G160 • SHOE liiEP AI It .:..::__ __ MABERRY 'S Shoe Repa~r P\lf'se and L~ Repatr -~ Work S6HSTAIIP'S ONE DAY SfRVICE 1890 Harbor lhd. Costa Mesa -a. •lJ 11 ""Ean#t:r Hatciuus, CDM SPECIALIZE IN • BRAIC E S (Diu .. BraJtn ~too!! • StiOCKS • ALIGHMENT Far Fut E•p.rt S.noice 646·5623 PI CK·UP & DEU\IER·r TRU·LlHE AUTO CEHTER .. Ill ,'ll~u·flo rl B_l .. ""'' Pth COSTA .WESA PUBLICA TIOH WORIC WE CAN PRINT YOUR SR,OC:H L RES. PAMPHLE ZINES. LEAFLE NEWSPAPERS ANO NEWS LETTERS C.t.I.L US ,OR ISTUUTU 17J•OUO EHSIGM PUIILISIIIHG CO. A. R. M..-aSAC PLIJIIBER c. .... 700 cam&lloo Ave. eo .... dol II., • Pl,..lllq Ropalrw DAY II NIOIIT WATER HIIATERS ns·UJI • Tli£sOAY SEPT 9 5~3·1 /l! Hiver, West Newport, ..... Service aod ()liard kMol at10:00..,.., Owner vli-gtnta Bla1r of the wbo had. leftd ~the~~·•;y~s~tn=th~e ~~Mo~....,.~~·~-~,..~~wf~~=·~~---~"~~~~~~·::_· ~6G:!·~1I~•!_ _ _j Thrlft Shop, 213 "arlne, Bat-(Conu nue~ on pa•e 4) ~~\s Optla,s ~ ~·~ at ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Guaranleed Growth & Income Accounts: 5.25 % annual rate compounded daily. accrued or paid quarterly for 3. 4 or 5 yea r periods. Withdrawals subject to limitations. Bonus 3 Year Certificate Accounts: Earn 5% current annual rale. PLUS guar- anteed 1/,. of 1% per annum bonus. 5.38°/o is actual annual rate at end of 3 vcar period. with current 5 % rate compou~ded daily. Is Which One Far YauP -·--(_...- Lf¥-~$~ 260 Oc:etn .._....,_,. • liiJUM (kKh Cal+forn .. T•ttpMow· 494 7)41 .....,...., .......... ,..,.. l~.., ....... ,.,.., .... 1201 a-a.-tlk 101 H ll c-...... • 4t.z·IIJI5 Passbook Accounts : Earn prevailing annunl r<t lf' 5 % curren t -with interest p.wl from dale of deposit to date of with- draw.! I. Funds deposited before lhe 10th of !hP mon!h earn from the 1st if held to q u.utPr"s end . Investment Certificate Accounts : In $100 multtplrs Pa rn 5 °/o cu rrent annual rate fr om dale of deposit to date of with· drdw.ll Funds deposiled before lhe lOth of I he mo nth earn from the 1st if held to quar!Pr"s end. ThPse accounts and many other services are fully explained in a new easy-lo-read WAYS· TO-SAVE bookie!. Fill in the cou- pon below and send for your FREE copy today. Laguna Federal Savings 260 OcE'an Avenue Laguna Beech, California 92652 Pleo~ send me your booklet : WAYS TO SAVK. NANIR-------------------------- STW~·--------------------------- lliiJRSDAY, OCT. t, .,_ th p •. 81 ~~~~~====~~= ~!!~ ... ,~ !... ~ -1~! WB~~t~r 1...-.,, , ___ 11-. ,..... lllo '"' ,.. A 11nJ eot --allay a..,. Ia a 1 .. c...,-DOrlfod II -HIP ••• -.. -w111o ltlmbo<IJ trom MktMI • ..,, 1011-8at1i1 -. .. •*"*' oww Foz. t, oti?OI BaJ_.• ur .. 1/1 W. -Blod., -••-tollltlr carow111o wu .,.. .. .,. II)' t11o calwllllo ••. Blrllln Sduotll, 101aor., LoU P-115 E. llaJ, Bal. 1rJ1Dc 1o eate11 It aa1 -U ~ lalud, lold -tMI boo, coli-00 W. Coul !toy. 0011 aa1 lilt cal bit bor• 11110 • IMuct -=• nN _. t11e w101 a, tria Sbawu, au wu. wu'111.m l..apwortb, 41, ,i., a1. -.... -.. lilt-, ..... 114., ~ ..... 2'1041 Bay-.o Dr., trlod "' roam aal -<lonllltplulk: TUEIDAY, SEPT. II cat<:• lilt cal aa1 wu aloo bll- aalmata,.lllt_alll;_ A..., .. wltb prucr..,..... toa·lbecal.;..liDally~ AW a prowler fiMlac ..._ claaH llld otber ttema 1uldl ud impounded .SOme sua- lbe IDMM1pttd ••• A bit-ftlued at $17 wu .,._from p1e.1oua aattca' ,;~. baJted at rua clriYM' ~ bwapeu U. opea C'.Cinertible of Jill ScQb Cout Yacht Sales 1100 wtlb tbl put.d c:u ol Robert~ U5Amtaoa.EutBlllff. w. Cout Hwy., MarlDer8Mu.,· 8roiP", S409 FWioJ, WMI •••• A 7-1/1 boroo _.oat ...... manaprFranl<Peralla, at ~-Ia , ,.: ~~ f!"' .. ~ 417 baud ...... ...nil $150 Ylll· 851 Domin&<>, EutBllllf,- &.oiUU -. .._.., •· , .... lsbed &om tbt bol.t beJoDclac a $150 outboard motor hiddeD ported tbl.t $250 bneellt Md to JobD Scbuct. 209 Oyu, ~ between 2 cars; Jt bad beea CADET Mart C. Witman. lOP diiSIRI'III'ed LD tbe process boa I.J.Iud •••• Heatber UDrub, reTDOYed from a boat • , • AD of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. of tDOri.q. Z, oe las& Port Weatboatoe, a.ocbor chain worth $14S wu Witman, 1006 SaudcastleDrin, • fRIDAY, SEPT. 11 Harbor Vift HJ.Us, was bokH.DC stolen from GeorgeM1nney,601 Harbor Vlew HlllB,Isamoogtbe Between Au,. Z9 &Del Sept. 8, a. aetptxr•s q wbea anotber c wr Dr., Cliff HaTeD, on Sept, 'J40 cadets who bave entered some lelia ran olf Y1tb Rinlla uttle tid tbr ... a rock at tbem, 6 , , , Joan MeGulre, 2316 tbelr junior year at tbe U.S. Malll:lo.ff's _.-e Ure LD bel' seartDc tbe dog aJij ea.usJng It Vlsta Hagar East Bluff re-Air Force Academy, Colorado. garaae a.t 14Sa Saot••eo, DoYer to bUe ber •••• Bury Wood, ported uw' a $50 bicycle He has ~n named to the com - Shol'es ..• A $150 l&bOt ns Z9U W'. Coast HY)'., No. 1, had been stolen from her apart-mandant s Ust for his outst&D- WITH OUR DELUXE CLEANING WE OFFER A COMPLETE WARDROBE IIAIHTEHA14CE AT 140 EXTRA OIARGE •••• BUTTOH5--RIP5 --MIIIOR REPAIRS ANP FOR i.AuNoKY l(tNG ' ORy ct.EA CALL 675~10 Delivery Servtoe -Ctlarae Accouo.ta Invited 1 stolen from Robert CowcWl's MulDers UUe, eocountered ao meDt prage on Sept, 12 •• , ding mll1tary performaoce, &Del bulthead at 1&01 E. Bay Froot, dama&e wb.ile bactt.nc out onto Between Auc. 24 and 31, scuba he wears a silver wreath ln. am &. COAI'I' alWAY ... I Balboa lalaDcl , •• M.lebael Cout thry,, but Fra.ocisco AI· d1Ti.Dg gear wortb$15Svanlsbed signta recognlalng this homr, fiLET CIOM*A Da. IIU 1 Dorey, 305.1/l a.ta.t.D, Apt. 4, ftl'e:S, 215'J VLstaEntrada. Ea.st from Nelsoo PrlllR'Ie's D.rall'8 He will sene durLDc the tall , Balboa, was arrested oo a Blllff,eollJdedwitbtum,susta!D-at 1610 s. Bay Ft., Balboa. Is-term as a fllght sergeant with NEXT TO ntE UHITED CALIFORHIA IAHK cbarge o1 burl)a.ry •• .-Police iDe mLDor damage, , •• Charles 1a00 , • .susa..o Wachter, 59 the rank of cadet master set· L----------------- cbarpd Keonetb ADdlt~&OC KobDow,lZS-1/2 34tb St., West Beacoo Bay, colUded oo theW. geant, Clubbouse, West Newport. with Newport. smubed 1llto 3 yucca Oeeao Ft. alley tn West Newport ... and make up your own mind! Sunda.Ys at 8:30p.m. KCOP.T\f, Channell3 548·1953 From btrth control to campus revolt, Dr. Albert E. Burke meets the c r1ses ol o ur times head-on w ith brilliant. sometimes shocking, clarity. "Probe." a new ser~s of exctllng documented commenlanes with d ramatic on-the-spot films, w tll be shown Sundays on KCOP-TV, Channel possessioo of marijuana , • , , trees 011 Newport Blvd ••••• wttb Kenneth Reynolds, 944 SOtOLARSHIPS CIVEM James Bradley, ~9-1/Z Nar-BicyeUst Kimberly Hamm,l2, w. 19tb St., Costa Mesa. , . four Orange Coast College cissus, Corooa del ·Ya.r, 'ftS of Sll-1/Z SZDd St., West New-Pollee charged Joi\D Oa.niel-stl.:1eots are the r ecipients ol 1 charged with being drunk in port, colllded oo W. Balboa. soa, 1836 Santiago, Dover the flrst scholarships awarded public. Blvd. wttb a car driven by WU-Shores, wltb possesstoo of by the Petroleum Produd1oo • SATURDAY SEPT 13 llam SnD.son, 2101 Seville, marijuana ... OavidBea.rdwood, Pioneers of Long Beach, Tbe o GUARANTEED WORK o FREE E5TIIIATE5o o FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY o Two prowl~rs we.r e spotted BallxJR, ••• Jack Wiulm, 4731 614 Marguerite, Apt. B, Corona organil.ation Is a noo.pront in the backyard of Eloise Hen-Surrey, Cameo Higb.lands, col-del Mar, was charged wlthpos-group formed toturtberprofes- llne, Z30 Ki.Dgs Rd., CWf Hann. llded at lllac.Artbur BlYd. IW1 sessioo of dangerous drup •• , siona.Usm within tbe petroleum by ller oel(ttlbor, lrloa Wels-E. Coast Hwy, with a driver LelgbtooP;wl Lltlden, 410 Sea-industry, Awards were pre- burc, ZZ4 Kings Rd., wbocbued from Laguna •• • Paula Me-ward, Corona Highlands, was seoted to ADdre Edney of SaD them any with ber German Name, 544 Seaward, Corona arrested 00 a charge ot Clemente, Rex Ale:onder ot oiiEMBER OF C.U.D.A. CU5TOII DRAPES JOHN l MARTHA .. ~ BEDSPREADS Quality Upholstery 13 at 8·30 p.m. Dr. Burke does not deal i n optn- ion. He analyzes-today's problems by present- mg facts tn dramatic style, then asks the vtewer to make up hts own mtnd. He lets us see the tssues as they really are. Shepherd doc after callt.Dg the Highlands, was feeding a stray possessioo of heroin. Santa Ana, Mike Nessary and owner at work to see if she had cat and it scratched her on'her Wayne Maricle of Costa MPsa. nt-H w. 11111 s-c: ......... probe ... and make up your own mind! These thought-provokmg commentanes on the cnses at our ltmes are proudly presented tn the publtc tnlerest by Glendale Federal Sav1ngs GUNOA.Ll ffOIIlAl SA.VINGS -·-·--- IIIWPOI't B88Ch 2333 E;~sl Coasl H•ghway costa Mesa 1833 Newporl Bouteva•CI .... ·, r ·.: .A .r~· q .. ~. . ·~~ , .. c~· e .. c.~ "" ' """ "Cf ·~.l~~·' ezpected anyooe • • • A thief squelched Bob Welch's plans tor keeping h1s car clean and rust- free by steallng his SSO custom car cover outs1de bls borne at 206-1 /2 Abalooe, Balboa Is- land ••• Someone stole $'70 in ca.sh from the locked car of Robert JeMi.Dgs, 3810 sea- shcr e, West Newport , •.. &arglars cut a screen to unlock a door a.ad enter Helen Russell's borne at 636 Ramona. Irvine Terrace, steallng a watch and radio worth $115 , •• Tb)ma.s Murphy, SSOZ Seashore, West Newport, reported that his car bad been damar:ed by a hlt-rtm I driver ... • SUNDAY, SEPT. 14 Whtle Lorraloe Granlch, 920 E. Ocean front, BbJaoa. was boldtnc a pet cat, a dog a.p- L peared and frldltened the cat, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ aDd the eat btt ber 0 • 0 Pul 5-·-·-· 5 25" .... 5 25" .... 5 25' " ... o •• ..._< .. "" ~-. ' ........ ~·~-......... ,_, ~-· "-' .,.,..,, 0 •«~···· 0 • -··· • • ~··· J Mader, 3410 Marcus, Newport SACRED TREASURE HOUS£ YCMII: OtiJITIAN IWft.Y C»i'ID ...... ON ..... _..... C oeTA -..... CA.U ....... "7 Island, coWded OD W, Balboa Blvd. to West Newport wtth a driver lrom Anaheim ••• A hit-run driver deated the parked car ol Robert fry, 125 Ca.aa.J c..,.l, 8all>oa Island ••• u_., £Us, 206 Apoleoa, Balboa Is- 111...,. ••IT. 1"' -. 1.., ...,._. -...1 land, was charged wtth ....... .-.._,.,..._ drunk 1n pubUc. '==========~~~~~~~~~~MONDAY, SEPT. 15 r Between Sept. 12 and today, Orco Block Co. someone pried open tbe locked front door to Dover Pharmacy, BUILDING BLOCKS • AlJ. SIZES • AlJ. TYPES 601 Dover Dr .. near c WI Hmn, Telepboa.e: IAcboa 7 ·2:239 steallng $39 from a casb retU- IDIZ ICcrtella. Staat-2320 s. Maia.. Sa:Dta ADD ter . • • An $88 stereo tape player was stolen from ~y SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE Z.2& HAIIIOII a. VO. J'Ob.DSOD •SOD li.OiillllliDIIl.OO Ui:!VD1i111Eii1111'ill. • IU\111 m · IIEIILlii!JIIY • !llGDIIil MMIIA-_., ..... ,COSTA ..... S40·S6~0 64Z·098I • You've created a challeng- ing problem for us at Southern California Edison. If yours is an average house- hold, you are using twice as much electricity as you did 10 years ago. That means you're enjoying more of the conveniences and comforts of the Electric Age. But it 's a problem because we have to build more substations to make sutt you-and the growing population-continue to receive a plentiful supply of dependable, low<ost electricity. A substation must be built where demand for electricity is growing 6ut. Often that's right in the middle of a community. And finding an acre or oo in heavily populatedareaaiaenough to laid our._._. out for upirin. Yet oitea muat be found. We nowoperate725aut.c.rioaa. We'll 1-t to add about a cloun more eadtyar. However,oome people have fdt that all eub.tationa are bed ~That--undtt-auncf.ble. But today, whea you coaeicler aU of the facta, a aub- ••innCIID benicztoh.ft...-a..t C~Jifomia • A substation goes about its work with quiet efficiency. It merely receives high-voltage cur- rent from a distant generating source and reduces this current to a lower voltage for local use. Under no circumstances does it produce any pollution because nothing is burned. However, a substation does produce considerable tax reve- nuesfortheareawhettit'slocated. Usually, about hal( of these dol- lars are earmarked for local achool districts. Edison, incidentally, is now the largest single taxpeyer in many communitiea and countia where we ope• ate Cacilitiea. Our planning e5 .. now take special care to · every new auh.tation to in with its aurroundings. In Onn81 County, Cor eum- ple, our ultra-modern au&.tatioa in ""•mi-COilCOI'IIII to our new"1ow-pro6le" loolt.An8-40ot, tan<oloml blodt wall ia apped with 2~foot rrdar lhab"rool" th.l-tCM-datbeeatiae Ms• cioa.About Wollhcfi'GI'MYia plaated with shrubbery, ud euallyptul. pineancf fit II fl Admittedly, some of our older substations won't win a beauty prize, but we're taking steps to improve their appearance. Our substation in Westminster, for instance, won praise from the City's Beautification Committee. Besides substations, we'll also need to build mott transmission lines and generating stations in Southern California as well u out-of-state. To avoid power shortages, we plan to build so that we won't end up having all our eggs in one electrical baoket. But wherever we build, you can count on Edison to stress beautifiation.Because it involves you and your environment. To us, that's important. After :.II, 11,000 of ua work at Edison. Our families live here, too. Rrhar-your community will be one of the areas~ Cor a DeW aubtcacion. ao, -·d lib to eount OD your UJf'L~'••ftding ~To help ue will the for more power lior Southern