HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-09 - Newport Harbor EnsignIIOIIIECOI(ING QUEEN lorlfewport-...--wlllbo IW-od" tbo b&l!-llme futlritles Friday eYealDc. Oct.l1, at tile lilrti«-W"""'""«PIM at Daridloa tleld. 0.0 ol the S --wiD be tbo-IUid tbo --lUllS Ule S other clau pr1Dcessu 'Will aen-e u ber covt. 'Ptdlnd We. ..at.~. are ttt.!1 IWDey ol -IU&fllaodo ---at left, IUid lf!Wilrol ol Lido We,-ollbo senior prlDcesses; stancHnc, left ton.-, Mary L)'DD MWJDQ'• oiBaJ Sbcw-, ~e; Lclrl - Burlsb ol Lido lsle, frechman; Ju Ka.nmara of CWI Hn-. 88ldor, aDd AAtta Smith ol lJAio Isis, ·-. (Eoslp (>lloiD.) New freeway plans, which WOWd an more houses a.1ooc 5tb An, 1D Corona del Mar, are betac dl~ 1D meettnp wltb delip eopDee.rs a.Dd de~ olp llalf of ... Slals Dl~ ofiU&flftYo. Coroaa del Mar Chamber ol BILL IIOBLE of BoJbco lalaDd wu ooe of tbe competitors J.a Jut Jtu'l f.oaucanJ, of tbe GraDd Prts. for tricycles. Tb1a year's aeat 1.1 set tor Oct. ZS. 2nd trike 8.1. fights for fire hall TESTS FEE ISE • JOe COSTA MESA HO-H IJM • , • aU this atteatloa fs 50 tlrinc, 1Dd1eates: l1tllt Rick Rodney L..a•er as be aad ll1s m·...tber, M.uy, aDC1 daddy, fl.mous teftnis cna.mp Rod LaYer , pr.,-e to lean Hoac Hosp1ta.1 tor tbeir Harbor Vetr HUb: borne. Rick ns born :U Hoa.g oo Saturday, Sept. Z'l, weighing iD lt 8 pomds, 5 oUDCes. (Jack West pboto.) Sex ed for parents asked slbtlities, aDd eventually tbey trill assume no respoDSibtllty," Wr. Browe saJd 1n retUbl. He s;a.id that the talk lbcll1. serious WnHy Problems refers only to a ver y small mloortty, and ~t the sexeduc.a.Uoooour- ses Ia pubUc schools could DOt compoWld the problem. Or. Nolan Frtueue. edue&- tton commJttee chairman, said tllat a questionnaire is beiDC" prepued tor t!W.lln& toPU'eiU to determine their oplnioo5 oa the advisablUty of se:r educa- tion and b.mUy Ufe classes. He sa.td that the respoos.es to these questionnaires wtu be takeo.lDto consic1eratloo in ctraft1Dc tbe report that h.ls com mittee will submit to tbe NeW'pOI't Ka.rtlor Chamber. FIRE HITS UHDA -E -·11 $10,000 --aee -.ru done 110 tbe !K)me aiR. D. Olmstead ol 5Z L1Dda Jail OD Oct. 5 when & flu wu -.necs by ODe of the chtk!rn plaJtac wlth matches ud candle~ lD tbl crilld'a bedroom. A -bod, oltM lllaod, tbo carpel, c-ID tbo c-. aU lbo _., lllolt&lr.._ IUid put "' ... don -"' ... --•ckala&o<LIIIr. ud ..,. .. Olaa• 1 ._. ...... eataoD ... liar~· Sh .. UI no *1IIC-tbo S clllldr-. Tboro--.. ~~~- • CONSERVATIVE CORNER ....... --....... -~~-~...-.-., Clo-• -· 10•1M• 111M Yolu ~~--uo uth<IIJ lolllal 1M lnlll llot ID 1>t ... -IIJ ......,.. Fateol llii<IICI •· Ill torllll tW ,_ __ IM-..-oi!MIIowiAII, .. 1 a lion 111aa '1$ udr._t&: 1J T-....,_, Dr, -lleBinlo, no •·-~~--ero.eomtar/ Ho malloltlllo~ "Wo broldeUtl u tM ••vat~ al from II'IOfe tbln a doMDJt&tll ut .....-lila w.r at lllaatt.l ____________________ _.Our Braes: TO YOUNG PIOPU-I'AIIT II -·" baa o•....,.ocl -' or,; ,... ·111 laM J!11t 1o t111o "mod" wardrobe; and J win paooalty tee tbrt "'••• ot a ""'"'lM'! C~-r"olut.loDU1 youth war. Be oo .-rd lll J10W JDeal llll OI'PIQAL MIWSPA... A> Y"" moy have ounnitod from my lint OP TMI QTY OP MIWFOIT IIAOt letter lue week, mUiion• of Ul ovc:r-)0-and-out- TH£ H'ltlfOR Alll:A'S OFFSET N£F$PAI'Eit of·• "'~"'"" '"' lecl:up-tO:here with the •ttl· "-tudes add behavior of a larae aepnent of our Oflloo ................... Eoolp .......... til 1711 L C... a., .• c-•1 ., CaW. -92625-ro-: don•t blame you for beina upect by the TILU'IIDII .. 673:0S. (-""" CMoo 714) •,.tablbhment." You'•• be<n .., by 1hc 1'18 tiEWPOCT IIAABOa EPISICN '• ... o.lp • ,.,., .. priatM establi1hment. Bul the e:stabl~nt is .-... r"'ah• Ia .. Cilp of Na.,cwt a.~t.. ..,. U. HI,-\ocaU,-Capitalism and the system of inchvid~l enter- .-. _. .,_..., • ..,.,.., ta dta N..,..-t a..., C... a •-prise. Nor even what was formerly known as ArM. PWI~ ....._.,., -n-.4ay. See-oM cl-,...,. paid ··Americanism." H is a combinalk>n of indu•· • C.... •• .._, Calli. trial cartelisiS, education and foundalton TilE NEWP<MIT HARBOR ENSIGN •-MJ!Idrd to M • •••· bureaucrat., leftist churchmen and liafltweight ,.... ol ,...._, clrcalatioa b,-co.n decree No. A.-20178 tt.e4 communicaton who are deliberalely lrJ'-a to ~1 14, 1951. Ia s.p.n. Co.-t f« the Couey ol Or•:r• State of conven this n11tion into a Man:ist·Faseist wei-CaiUcw..._ ..d by ,..__a thereof ia q..Jilied to pUll all ptlhHc I I •-· b rond'·· 5e ired b 1 are state or IIKit own power ue, au -- M4 AR;IT. uA3A ~~~ ......................... _.o-,-actd P..._ll.._ ment and convenience. Most of these ~pie PF.C HAAPA ............................................... Aa.»ciata Edkor are neither Man:isiS nor Fascists, but t y are SUISCI.,TIOM IATIS manipulated by Communists and are playina Ollie ye• .... 00; 2 ye-, 17.00 the Communist game. What is more, they are O.e ye•, JS.OO; 2 yreara, 19.00 using you as pawns in the game. Communists can lake a college or a country with only 3% <71. .eOij " -"¥ ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign ARE PARENTS ABDICATING? On"' o~ the m ~st frequently repeated reasons for introducing sex education into public schools is the claim that parents are ahdicating their respon- sibilities to instruct their children, and therefore the schools mHst take o·1er. It there is any validity 1n that argument, then our nation should be h.appily on the r •.)ad toward S·)lving the problems of sexual promiscuity, venereal disease, and u1wed p t.renthood, because ffij)re and m i:l re schools are including sex education classes 1n the course of study, The grim truth ls that the problems are increasing, along with the Increase ln Instruction, S•) it would appear that the so-called so.'lution is merely aggravating the situa- tion, Sweden is an awesome example of a nation where sex education has long b•,en included 1n the S·:hools, and w1.1ere immorality and venereal diseases are reaching the stage of national crisis, The argument of "parental ai'ldlcation" is mJsleacling, because it over-emphasizes a minority sbortcomlng o<Jt of ~.1 pro- portion, Of course there are S·)me parents wi;o do shirk someoftheirparentalduties, But the great majority are bringing up t:telr children in a proper, wholesome of the people-plus the pawns. The main rea50Cl many or yoo have con- tempt for "money-making as an end" is that you never lwd to make any. You had every- thing handed to you. So you became, not an eagle, but a leech. The "idealist" voice: rrom the campus cries "hyp<K:risy" at th~ community elders and the "establishment " Students decry the "rat race," the "crushing materialism:· our ··money-mad society"-and tkcn wire home. collect , for $200 to finance a spring bash of booze and sex at Fort lauderdale, or a trip to New York for a pa rade 10 honor the Vietcong. If you are opposed to materialism, 1f your heart bleeds for th~ disadvantaged. you guilt- ridden phonies should know that, just to help you defeat hypocrisy , you may turn over to m~ your new car, TV, stereo, tape-recorder, electric blankel. ha1r drier, camera or fancy From the Bible But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, not ear heud, neither entered into the heart of man, the thina• which God hath prepared for them that love him, But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all thin&s, yea, the deep thing• of God. 0 Corinthians 2:9, I 0.) -------------LEGAL HOT ICE NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR ABANOON- MENT OF fDGHWAY Nottee ls hereby given to all freeholders in the Flfth S~ • rtsortal Dt!trtet that the hear- lllo or ""' pettlloo or Eln w., ColUpriest, et at. ft.led oe Sep- tember SO, 1969, for the aban- dooment of tbe bere1DLfter des- cribed portion of Lot "Y .. In Tract No. 573 lD the Fifth Supervisorial District, in Or- ange County, California, haS that they are dimlbutcd amon1 the poor. WJty·ader~ aetloG CfO!Ct, .. mttus an btlac COildldtd .ecb0018 tJr 1111 attt....., la.- don't you "se:lf--dclcnlled ideali1t1"' practice W'ldil'tfCIHI to 111m Ud to blJ 1.1 oU1ef putt ol Ca.Worall. &lid UttralioD bJ lt'I01...,."1 what you preach? YULOu eae 1 1 •atlYe tdtlc&-aerou tbt t.otlllb'J. Tra1D1DC P'~· He., JOUI' Votct ot If you a~udenta want 10 rebel api.nM t1aM.lla Dr"':-Baru• a1ttter la blUe ctYeD by experteaeed Amll'teullm to be" 0111' JOmC ''hypocrisy," why don't you rebel aaaiDM aa • • on ChrliUU S.A. V,E.leldeta, wbo people!' educational system whole .. llbt:ral" teaciMrt for tbla IDOitb. lt ls ,.,...., underltud the methods em-Dr. McBtnlt"a addr ... U: aive yoo low marks unlaa you tcpe.lt the tllllt ataComnumtJt .. BiaekPU-p)OJtd by lbe mtUta.nt, radical P. 0. Dol 90, GIHdlle, can- teachers' leftist fairy taks at cuminatioo lime? tMr ~Mid La Blrte .. y La left. Whleh LDt1udea the S,D,S., IorDi& 91Z09. If "hypocriSy" really offends you, wby don't Aupat, P~;er•Ut made b' tbt Bl&et PaAlhtra, tile Blatk The COMII'YIUYt CorMI' la you re~l 11gainst the .. Christi1m" heads of your tu1lrC-tbl e:re: ~ Stud«<l UtliOO ud OCMrs. takiDC part lD thla '"!;~COD~ divinity schools who are so quick to procla)m pull Tbls objec.Uvt 1a to bt Dr. YeBirDJe relatel that trlbtllinc lbe IWD that they don't believe in tM divinity and Jtu'. UIMd lD aeeorduce b1J orpnls&Uoo Is publlalllnC S.A. Y.£. (studeoll A) plliiiiYio- resurrection or Christ? accomp ltbOda S CbrliUaD IDdercround oews-lenee l.D Educatloa LD. a deter-If you want ~o rebel against the: war. i.n V~-:~h~:~ ~C:~, to papers, wtth a combined elr-mined effort to save AmerlCL nam, why don 1 you ask why o\Jr m1htary IS radita.liR &Dd to acUn.te" the tri ti not being allowed I~ dete.at • country smaller member& OltberatulUesaod~ CAR boosts pa 0 sm than the State of Massoun? sttadeats of the target in- If you want to rebel againSI the faceless, sUtut.Jons 8 8 T ltt George Buttola wtll ebaperODI impersonal, giant corporations, why don't you 1n the "oewsletter ate the 6 Y Mra. W, • r Nancy Bu::eoll,RobinWethii.Dd demand t~ know why so many of the~ ~ steps W'bieh are planned to ac-The Henry Bowea Society of Wark Norcross, wno wtlla.ttead trading w1th the arsenal of an enemy k1lhns eompUsb tbese objectives: the CbUdren ot the Am~rlcan trom the Henry BoWeD Sotlety. our soldiers in the fidd? 1 Launch add1Uonal under-Revoluttoo (CAR), sponsored by Mrs. Buccola, a past recent ot w .hy .don't you rebel. ag~inst ~ rig~ com· gro~lld newspapers which spec. the Co\. W1Utam Cabell Chap-the Col Wlllia.Jn Cabin Cbap- mumcatlons system wh1ch 1s bramwashms. the LaUze ln •'four letter words", ter, D.\R, ot Ne"J))rt Beach, ter D!R, Is currently Cautor- American people? Not so? How long smce In attempting to defame thOse wW celebrate patriotic educa-nia state asslstalll secretary. you've ~nan anti·Communist TV prusram in authOrity in the "est.abllsb· tlonw~k0ct.12-19wi.thanex-Tbe party wUl be beld at tbe or movie? Ever'! Communism is the scourge of ment," hlblt at lbe Ne·.fpOrt Beach Henry Korsi.U Runnlfll Sprlnp the world, yet you either ignore it or embrace z. GlorifY indecency by ad-Mariners llbraty. Ranch Mat Tbousaod QUI and it. It is 11\e cauw of most of the world's prob-vocating a sexual revolution by Tbls exhibit Is uDder the wi.ll inclllle a hayride, bar-tern~ today, hut you are almost ·never told the the ~ead o1 promiscuity and supervision of Mrs, Doillld W. bsque a.Jld n ·tm party. Fuadl truth about it-not by your professo~. movies, poroograpby. MacLe.Jd, senior historian for ra.lsed at the event, and others tel evision. magazines, l}('wspapen or Presi-3. Create an atmosphere of the society, Who WIJrked With to follow, wUl help ftrla..Dce a dents. Why not? As one prominent educator discontent a.od dissension. by young CAR m~:mUers. It Is an trl.p to W:..c;hingt.On for Call- has poin1ed out, everytime there has been a making unreasonable demands unusual collection of patriotic fornta CAR members w:.O will -.crious student uprisi ng on a college campus. upon the sehool auth0r1Ues. first d1y covershigtlllghtingthe join the celebration of the ?ith there wer~ at leut a few professors working 4. Harassthe schooladmfnis-Am,~rlcan Credo series, anntversuY of the louDding of with them or lead ing them . And there are aJ-trators and teacherstothepolnt. Aml'fican folklore, Daniel National CAR iD 1895. ways some "professiOnal" students. some paid where their wtU to r esist 'tf'tu Boone and the 1ooth al\l\lver- agitators involved . Some of these are on Com-cause them to breakdown and to s.ll'Y o! Un!ted States postage OIV1DEHD PAYMENT munist payrolls Why don't you rebel against restcn. stam)s. This centenary wu TOPS S 1 MILLION 1hem? ! More Ncx1 Week. )-American Way 5. Spawn lawlessness to pro-celebrated 01 M,ly 19, 194'1. Newport Balboa Savlllp aJI1 Feature-. duce a state of anarchy by For 75 years C.\R has pro-Loan Assn.paidover$1,000,000 staging violent mass contron-moted the knowledge of Amt!ri-in divldeods to Us 20,000 ae- tatlons with the schOol authorl-cu history, Ci!lebratlon of Pl· count hOlders on Sept, SO, ac. ties. trlotlc holiday anniversaries, cording to Robert R, fUeld. 6. Corr14>t and dt:Stroy the the display of the Am·;rican nag vice-president a.D(t treasurer. morals of the young people in aod the lnstllling of the desire Tnts marks lhe95thconsecu- the name of ··socialist fllO-to uphold and extend the prin-tive dividend pa.ld sioce the rallty," clplesot Aml..!:ican Uberty. founding of the assoctatlon in Or. WcBLr nie warns that this The Henry Bowen Society was 1936, bringing to .-h program already has been tried organized 1n 1965 aod kls In-$38,000,000 the total dlvldeDds out on many major university creased its m,·m'lershtp 100 paid since that year. and college campuses and that per cent since that time. Mr s. First-year r esources of the dLseasetsspreadlnglntoour Br"oo D. No:-man, vice r ~gent $13,500 bate Increased to In blgtl schOols. Recently, he Is-of the local DAR chapter, ls excess of$100,000,000,Aceount sued a booklet which answers the senior president for the holders now mainta.insa.vtngsof the trequeot question: ''Dr. Me-C .\.R society. M ·.;, Ed-vard Co'l more than $85,000,000 in the Birnie, what can I do?" ln Us is the seniOr registrar and~ Association. conclusion, U states: ·•tn order be contacted by phOne, 8t7- to be an eHettlve anti-8727, for LnlormltiOn concer-MESA MAH HAMED communist, you have to realize ning mem'lersbip. CAR oftlcer~ Joseph C. Napoll, 2974CeykMl that we are at war. We must are Jo'ln Petersen, president; Dr., Costa Mesa, bas beeO act Ulte warriors.'' Nancy Bu :cola, vice president, aamed director ofmartettnctor , tn his newsletter, he shOWs Robin Wethe, cllaplala; Karen the InsUn.e of Advuced Tech-t wblt ls beln("doot to meet the Nord, secretary, Drtvi4t Martin. DOIOIY. ·A....,m; • •dlft:lka of · ttlreal of re¥Oiotloft wttfeh ls treasurer; Monica 0a¥ls, his-Central Computer Corp. He beglnnlng on,.ftmerlean eoUege torlao and llbtartall, a.M Ed-previouslY served wtUIUirr&*te campuses. He relates that the w·ud Th.>mu, flag bearer. college system as uiOCiate campus ullderground move-A coming s'XIai fUnd uJstng professor ol manapmeot meot, called ··S.A. v.E. (Stu-etent wttl be the harvest mooo science and with McOoODill dents Violence 1n Edu-weekeOO party scheduled for Douglas Co rp. and Unl.ted Air J::~~::£!:~!.!,~Oct, 25-26. Mr. and m .1nner. The "abdication" argument is also leading the w:.y to a dangerous prece- dent, U the schools are expected to step in wtlen there is said to be a shirking of obligations by the parents, then in time parental responsibility and a Jthority will b•' eroded a;vay, The S)-called S)lution wm then be far worse than the origlnai ailment, because the family itself may become the victim of these "family Ufe" been set for Wednesttayf the LIGHTING the tlrst candle for the Orst year an.tUversary 5th day of November at 9=30 of the Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital Auxiliary are, from BEST FOODS ATTHE LOWEST PRICES I courses. o'clock, A.M., at tbe room of left, Mrs. George Fo1 or Costa. Wesa, Mrs. Regl.nald Jones the Board ot S~rvisors in the of Lido Isle and Mrs GeorgeThomasSr.of Newport Heigllts. orange c oumy Admlnlstntloo • ~-~·~~~~~ycamore.lST BIRTHDAY NO TED Said portioo of Lot ·•v•· ln Tract No, 573 proposed to be Wr s. Alexander MacGIW-LeRoy C. Willmann; vlsltor abandoned is described as fol-vray, president of the Costa control, Mrs. Don St....-eo.s; lows: Wesa Memorial HosptW Auxi-mapzlnes and menus, Mrs. That portioo of Lot "Y" as Uary, Is looking forward to Michael Giddinp; messenger, show-D oa a map of Tract No. greeting oew prospective mem-Mrs. Ah1n E. Hemmer; emer- 573, recorded in Book 20, Page bers to their first anniversary gency, Mrs. Charles V. Hansoo.; 29, Wlscella.DeOUs Maps, Re-tea from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednes. blood replacement program, cords of Orange CoWlly, Call-day, Oct. 15. Mrs. Roy E. Jtme; work shop, tornia, described as follow's: Joining her with other auxi-Mrs. Backle D. Heath. BegiMing at the Southeast Uary members In greeting other oftlcers In the aun. N B BUILDING PERMITS ~~r~ 0~~ ~0o~\~~·~ r:~~!~e:rJ~~~::.~oo:o:~ =~ ~:!::~r~'~:;~ • • aloog tbe Easterly l1ne of said pital, 301 Victoria Avenue, will St. Clalr, eorrespoDdlng sec- The start of the Park New. M.r. Birtcher loc., partitions Lot 10, N. o• 01' 00" E., be Mrs. Warren Atherton. first retary; Mrs. Ben Tallon, book- port apartment project north-tor men's store, 600 W. Ccas:t 181,04 feet; thence s. sr 35' vtce president and in charge of keeper for the gUt shop; Mrs. erty of Newport Center ac-Hwy., $2,500, 00" E., 12.76 feet to a llne the tea event; Wr s. Robert M. George v. Fox, reeordl.Qg sec- counted for more thanS3.3mtl-• BACK BAY parallel with and 10.00 feet Wilson, 2nd vice president and retary; and directors are Mrs. lion in butlding permits aDd LangdOO ll Wilson, p&rt1Uons, Easterly trom said Easterly membership chaU'man; Mrs. Roy E. June and Mrs. Alvin boosted the September total to 4533 MacArthur Bh·d., $5,000. line· thence aioog said pa.raJ.lel Ronald Steoge, 3rd vice presl-L. Pinkley. $4,~,448. Remley & Searles, 14,000 sq. uoe: S. o• 01' 00" W., 173.11 dent a.od junior aii.IIUary ehair-A junior at.Wllary bas also This raised the record for ft . om.ce and manufacturlng feet to tbe Easterly proloop.-man; and Mrs.ClydeG.IrtcCaU, been formed. The tunior p-~ the year at the three...quarter butldlng, 3722 campus Dr., lion of the Southerly liDe of 4th ¥Ice president and co-or-began last Febuary with 14 marie' to $39,009,357, almost $7 $100,000. sa.ld Lot 10; theDce along said dlnator. girls under the guidance of Mrs. mllllon ahead of last year's • BALBOA ISLAND proloogation N. 89' 59' 00" W., Mrs. Ray Wallace is to charge Ronald Stenp, 3rd flee prest. record pace. A little over $5 Joan Ross, 21 '1 ~I An., 10.00 feet to the point of begin-of the hostsses, and Mrs. dent. Today membersblp totals million more wlll establish a extend porch, remodel taterlor, Ding. Tboma.s hostesses, is doing the 36, Any girl 15-1/2 aDd older new 12-month record. $6,000. Reserving and excepting from decorating. Mrs. Beryl Wag-wbo is interested in beeominc Following permlts were is-• CORONA DEL MAR this abandoomeat :w easement goner will take care of the a junior volunteer I.J: asked to sued durlng the D.nal 10 days M. W, Ellsworth, 2731 Sea-or easemeut.s and ricbt to table service, a.od ·Mrs. George co.Uct Mrs. Steop at 546- of September: view, addition, $1,500. maJotato, operate, replace, re-v . F0.1. wtll ha-ndle the tmtta-2720, • EAST UPPER 8A Y • LINDA ISLE move and reoew &11. DOW elist-t1ooS aDd guest book. SOL Gerson BUar II Associates Robert L, Moody, 2-stoo. log saoi«ary wwers r&Dd storm AnJODe interested tn atten-MA.COO BUILDING D or San FnnclS<:t>, louodatloo l-unll d'l'elllnc. No, 77 Uod& drallla aod Olll>urleoaDI strut-d1DC tile lll aod bo<:omlttg a TO DEVELOPER LYOH onlJ for Park Newport apart. Isle, $77,000. tures ln, ..-on and over the TOIUDtaer at the bospltalls in-The 3-ltory Maceo Bullcttac. ment building, 900 San Joaquin • BALBOA said bigbny ud &11. por1ioos Ylted to call Mrs. Clark C. k»cated a1181 DoYer Dr., Dell' HUls Rd. at Jamboree Rd., George c omn, addlttoo at thereof, and pursuaol to any w ... oott reMI'fttlon ebair-Westewr, '*' beeD IIOld to $73,864; three-story bulldJn&: 1108 w. Bay Ave., $1,000. e.Ustlnc truciiUe or reD8'ftl mu., at 548-1531. <>ranee CoumJ deftklplr lAoa with 183 apartment units, Jack Tooo, addi.Uoa at 4.15 E. tbereol to mAlnb'n, operate, Tbt wlli:Uers hadtbeir tlrat Lyon bJ Robert Alleboro a.ad $3,250,996. Edgweatar, $3,000. replace, remo.,., reaew a.ad m411UDc Oct. 2, 1968. Tbe Frank E. TraDe. Westara Salt Co., demoUsh enlarp all now u:lltlnc llDes odpal s' members bafl Maceo R-.!tJ Co., a. -.... btllldh>p aod -· al the salt ART SHOW TO RAISE orp1po, -ta,c:ables,trlroo. --,.10 85, The ebu1or ll1dlar7 al P-lftiii&Ceeal works tdtft .u Ja.mboree: Rd. SotOLA.RSHIP fUNDS poles ud otbet atncturn, membWI u ot Feb. 7, lMt, Ra1lr'cM. makes the baiJI.2IIIC ud -Ill! Dr,, $1,000, Wltll btoolllo b' ,.--...-,. ud 'llllur .. b' lho IDialod 114, Thelr -Hill thai Ito -.-•• 1'llo llrm ro- • NEWPORT CENTER or tbe1r major pro)oclo, Coota oporallot\. a1 p.a plpo U.., t.-t1JDo ..,..._ al l>t"tar eeotl1 -1M lf'>l"ld,_, &a.lbol.lalurUet eo •• Sector Mea Art..._,..m_._,,.,. lelfiPide &Dd t.lllpboDt UDis, •u.nt• maa m"u •*UO.. tliP'ntl1nc from tbt IICOIIII..S 100, at 8u Joaqula H1ll8 Rd.., sei:Jecmlld tbllr ._.. ... ...,., b' raltrot.d UDu. a.ad lor tbl deUf• patkllts' mall ud tate Wrd Doors, to oce_,y tbt ._ a._... ool7 ... II-_, sebOiorllhlp -,__ --at dlolr-.... or 1M Ootroro.-tiro u,ooo aq. a, balldllt( ... -bllltltar. .nUt uo,ooo Utrvucl> s.-,, ~ aa. or oloetrle -11. potrotoam .,.,._ aod aid Ute bOopllo1 u.,... -· · -· loot ol otlleo ..,..,, 25, Ill tile moll at -CGut aod Ito..-._ omatOOio, n-Ia--.oL Holldlllt( lho Olio ,J50,000. Plua. ter, aorUarlnctAtltl'~•••· toda.J, U. aalll.arJ rDtm .. b' Coidn11., flluMr 6 Co. JOIIHSOM'S II!AII111'LOR 71 OL FLOOR WAX UCIUID WAX I. Q.I.IMII JACT. • WEST UPPER 8A Y Roelpl•o a1 1M drln trll1 By ...,_ ol lho Boon! bon oJoo--ooiYM will> woro Abrt D.. Blow..U IIIII W, D, ll'orpliJ, 1$06 Uo<:o!O, l>t ,,_ art -· -al ~· ol o.. • ...u.oiD•llocl 1111 -· --Clark J, -al IMIIoo .. t WIIOLI OR lllllltaooUJ-.».ooo. 0rup CGut eo11o.., ~ -Coool7. Call---. a_,-lloleb am.o11111 L.J-Qoa. GREEN J, 11o11t, 1101 Uo<:ol .. r., Wool Collop, Co111tir* -lo<tdL 1o -'=• 1M 1111 -. 1b1or al 1M -Aa -. YllnCAL QIT -In·-· ... 500. Collolo ol F'l11orloo, Cdlo<· Dolod Utll -dl7 " ...... -·--.......... I;;:::::;:::~;:;;;: -1[1 t, 1110-llo-Collolfoll.ool-l>or,IMI, ,-., U11 ro11i1c driOIII ... IMVISTIIIICT LICTURIS A .... m r -11911 b' Ull C1 G II Co"llfl, Ull )M W, E, ST ~811:: b' -pw -17 &1111 tUiac A lroo ~~ a:-:~: 1 ·- olr ; M I J ----loeo1 --· -CO* 17 Cloo'k ............ , ... 0( tllo-rop-oooroo _'!"..::_ -· Tl 1 ...... ...... llc118't llll'bc.-, C.,. Cllrtl al M --... ua J:II'OII'UI• .U --I • f •• .,_, aJGnl dol liar ... '*-· ~· ol<lnall ,. -Ill ....... "' It "" lloopoot c-. -1.-rr...., 1 'M• oiQ4 llrL C.IIJ ~ ._ Cooo1J eo-. 1111 ----Ia tllo or llool -6 Co. Tllo , .. r 11. ta,n.' .. -. It lo cMrlf or-(SUL) 11r iiiiLOi I. Oolll:lt, ontllory on: 11ft -. lira, p.a. --Will • o ':VIllar oral an'IJ ., Ull Dr, ~ -Clolfn; 1111 -Od. lf, 11 llil .. Ill X ~ •I 3 W IJI!, •a ..... 1. -i. >A 1 J111i"•' 0 Ill r I a1~ l,!",jJIW*J' Mra. R ... •W G. tiUic a.1 ..... ,.r •'Is Ill ~ ... Dr.......... -. Ia ..... _.-..... "-!mil 0111 Ootroro,llro. ltil •• , • ' ~: ,.) .·' . ,., ' \._ .t . ' lliMICIST ORANGE JUICE -- NEII'ORT HA111!0R EllllGII THUIISOAY, ocr.'· .,. (h h ~AI!J!::S~EC11:0fi~-~-~Pw:3 ied[a[;J·~ql~!p!!A:~m;~·~MA~I!,~C.~',;,j~f< u rc COlT -·-.......... --~ ~~tl-:J '(~ ~\\l~ co\l ~~ ~~~Q '{0\)\l ~v~s Q\lr COlT'S HUE TO ClEAN DRAPES •.• NOTTOIURY THEM ... li'wfMt tl I& :JII d I .t tM ... -* ,._ ~ .... 100")(. re•l•c.•••· N du ..... 20 %0FF 1'011 CASH . , ..... , OFFERING QUALITY wmtOU1 COMPIIOMISI 54CH366 M2-G270 lr JOU CAU COl.UCT rttMilU.'r.AUAHOID ' 1702 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa AT 17Tlt sr ...,_, c:a.e11, .., a . ~ldr-eC.Wc.Me­ C..IIwJ,c-4o1Mor-no .. ,..."-,_,,.. Wlllluo Adoo, -~ -• I IIIII ~ "An "' ... Uoi._IIIIJ -llo, •--. ..,. -riO!?'' Cllorca, wiD bo 11oo ... -lloifleioonllold at t:IIMdU lloo atllloiOa.m.--....... ___ IOa.a. -,. .. -Yloor B111a 111111 11 • • • a.m. .. COlt& ..... Tbe Firlt Btpa..c Cllllrdl ot. • • • eo. .._ 101 lbpella st. st. -· .... _ at liuD Aoo A ... -Ill', P. G. Cllorca, 100 st. Ao*W'oll4., M..., •• wtll&ll'-.cb at llLm. cwr Bua-~•..., Stlldty c. tbe taptc, ''Ow Gad wtU be otu:rftd at e. a .... 11 lUll tbt but PlJIDbttr • ., Ylce~. u,.... ol U. e11re11 At 7 p.m. be Will dUcauacar ... wW cwU 011 a. ...._ reat trapdJ lD tae ana: ''Art ••PJ'OINd • actloa. .. Ror Ward YM"Cttr'1 bluii:R'eU:-.W wt.U taa at I a.m.., Dr. Jolill JOO bo MD?" F, Dou oii:JO a.a., 111111 A, L. • • • Ptatty at ll a..m. Tbe Lu1benD Cburcb of tbe • • • Mutor, Z900 Paclllc Vt... Dr., Tbo P-Coocr'tl"-' Harbor Vln HUb, -1:.. Wll-Cll•eb, UU Braed st., Jttow- U&m Ellor ll'1l1 pea m-port JJoq11U _ 'lllo a ... -- OD tbe tcplc, "Ia the pr..-c:e mu Bron .w IPIU 011 tbl ol God," lluod '"' Goaosta topic, "Oo bo1ac oolr a -28:10-11, U tbe9:15111d11Lm. ta tM t.:bt," at tbllOa.m. s.,..., aorvlcn. A worllllp s_, -., aentce wlll be beld at ! p.m. • • • s_, 11 saoUte ecav.-.. Barbo< 1'1111111 Bopll.ot boe>llal. Tbe odull tellowllllp c~ uao Babr st., eo. wtn meet at 6:SO p.m. Friday, Ilea _ Put« SaBol wt11 OcL 17, wttll Mrs. WatnCbam-apeak oa till tcpk, ''ltftvd.- berl1D dtreetiDc tbt procram. abtp 11: m••&fnc ~ ... at 11 a.m. s..ar. A comm!GoG oerrice will bo bold al 7 p.m. a.ad tbe tcpl.c wW be "AU to Him I Mleuder." 11...\RJWCG OFF tbe days totbe0ct.11 depahre tlme lor tbe SWMt MeiJDe iDteroat&onal comeot.Jon a.od competition 1D Bo.ollla are Mrs. staDley Belukl, at left, I.Dd lfra. Robert M.JD., boCb ot Newpo.-t Sbores. They are members of the Sadd1 ... cll Cbapter of Sweet AdellDes a.ad, alone wtth Y.rs. Georce lk*8 ot Balboa, ban beea plaonioc tbb journey tor IOIDe time. Tbe Dta.mx.t Head Cblpter wtll hostess tbe ZJrd lDDIIl1 COIIfeotioD at tbe 01bJ hotel during Aloha weell, wtJJ.cb begins Oet. 11. Tbe Saddlebl.ck Ctnpter rep. reseatatites wtll also tour tbe Ner Islands aDd will be psts of Mrs. Bela.ski's .tOll, stanley Jr., 1o Hanalei Bay, Kaual. (EU11!11 ...... ) Special red carpei day Members of tbe AssistaDce Alli:I.Uary wbo donate tbelr tim a Lea.pe ofNewpon BeacbJU!lior u salenomen, aDd Is called AllliUary are selecttng en~ a Re.j Carpet day. semb1es to be modeled aoo sold Monoequins will be Mr s. Ro- &t the fall lashioo stM:>w, this bert W, Howard; Mrs. Jam~s "What can I do . about this pain?" C111tomen ortt:n ask ~ lions like thil. And e¥U)' o( pain relievers. Rrlirrrn. That's the point. We can sd1 IUn5He an.al~ but we can't pracribc .,. drup to eliminate the CVHM of ptirl.. Dia&notir\1 and pracribina: are in your physician's prO¥inoe. We, U professiooal pharmacists. wort wilkdocton. providin& the drup they order. So, if you ha~ any kind or a pcn.isltnt pain, Ke your physician. We shall ~ pk.ascd to proYM;Ic any me<ticatioa which may ~ prcscr;bed. omou.- • • • Saturd&J, Oct. 11, at the Thrlft Peters Jr. and her da.ughter s, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!f, Tbe mcdb of October bu Sb:lP, 505 3200 street, Newport Christa, Lisa, and Stephanie; r beeo dll:liii'Uid at tbe Hnpcwt Beach. Tbe Informal rMdeling Mr s. John f. Slaughter; Mr s. Harbor lAtbenD Cbarch., Z501 from 10 Lm. to 2 p.m . wiD Hanns U, Bauma.E¥~ and her Cwt Dr., Newport HetctU, b' be lnterr~ only for the d!ughter, IU.thleen Ann; Mrs. eollec:t:1Dc bh•ata ud ehll-anrd ot a priz.e at ooon. Y tcbael Hell.ll; aDd Mrs. Aile::. drea'a clotblDC D Latbuu Tb! proceeds from the Tb.rltt GoJdy and her daughter, Karen. world reUef. tlnpea, e~ Sb.Jp sales benefit the As-Mrs. Eroest J . Schlag Jr. clothlAc Ud. beMiac cu be sl.sta.Dce Wgue's d~nt:ll/lealth and Mr s. CUoton Hoose, eo- bl'oobt to tbeeba:rcb UJ~ eeater, tbe socl.alservtceom:ce c:WCmoo ot this speclal day, dutiDc tbt IDOIIt1l. or to tbe a.od other plULlothroples, Each will be assisted by Mmi's, Wal~ ctwreb otflce UJ week di.J Saturday tbe Tllr1tt:SOOplsstal· ter Lord, Howard kLityo, a.n1 JOHN F. GRUNDHOFER, Ylce~ president and manacer of UDioa BtDk's Soutb Orange County otllce 1D Corona del Mar, bas just graduated with honors from the Pacl.ftc Coast Ba.nklog School's graduate school or ba.nklng at tbe UDiverslty of WasbJ.Dgton., He ls also a.n alui;JUlus ot Loyola Uninrsity, a.od bolds ao MBA degree 1o flna.oce trom LEC. He 15 actiYe lD the American lostitute of A.antlac and ba.staugflta nrlety of courses a.od Is presently senll>& '"' !be !acuity ol Chap- OWl Collep builDess delplrt~ meat. H• raidu lD Newpxt Bea.cb wttll bi.s ..Ue, Lyodii.Uid 2 dauebter,a. Kathy a..r:wj Karra MRS. HELEN HUMMELL OF CI1M SUCOJMIS Hel• Marie Hammell, 61, of 329 Orcbld, Corooa del Yar, died Oct. 5 at her rest.deoee of a heart attack. She was born Ia Call:torDia oa Feb. 21, 1908, She 1s suniYed by her hus- baad, Roy; a daughter, Mrs. Betty Glaser of Fullerton; a 5011, Robert Hummell of Dowoey, and 7 craodchildren. Senlces were bekl Oct. 8 at Balb Motbary Chaj>e1 In Corooa del Mar. Burial was at tbe Good Sbepberd Cemetery In HIIDIIngtoo Beach. TOURING THE RANOI Horseless carriages of by • morDI.Dc. fed 1 or the Jullior James R. W"»1. 1795 LAGUNA RD. 494-9415 Se1Yi119 the Entire South Coast Ar .. .-------------------, 11!008 days wU1 tour ln1Deraoch s.-,, Oc~ 19, •••all>& ott at 10 Lm. from the Irvine 1nt.orm&Uoo center on W)'ford Rd. DIU' IUetrway 5. Members of tbe Horseless Carriage Cl!lb of Southern Ca.IUornia tr1.ll drln tllroua:b Peters Canyoo.., aJoa&: !be HJ-U..Cana1Road,lllroug!l tbe &lflcultural area, to the old rtllap ol East lrvloe, San Caayoo Ruenolt, the cattle beadqulrters aad some ol tbe mCICkl'o deftlapmeots. lltcbael Ut.Diba.D. of tbe Irvloe Co. sta.tr MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES OR. BILL ACTOM WILL IE GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE 10 A.M. SERVICE THIS SUIIDAY. SUIIDAT ICIIOOL AT 1:00 .&.II. AT 11:00.&.11. I.T1:JOP.JI. ZIIO EAST CD..ST HWY., CO-DEL MU ll'1l1 CUide ... -. INDIAN SUMMER COMING! ( weiUhn you like # or tJOI) Plnuy "<ool" ftUhioto Plnuy "<ool" f•bri& H••P lo.J tlr•ss tors .... ~. Hup lo..J Jr.ss for Momo ~. Plnuy go for /llr • ..,.,,... Md• sq-IMf>/11 Md• ,,,,,.,,.,,;., MOW (-s,-J • Lorraine SUtherland FASHIONS AT THE BEACH JAMIOIU lOAD AT IAYSIOE OliVE Nl\1.,011 lEACH 67S-l11Q HouB. 9:3G-5:30eSu-ys: 1 1 ~ ' INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE • the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring • the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn · ing to see them • the difference between carefree and careful living • enjoy the 7o;o yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) • interest checks mailed quar· terly • of course, if you need more flexibil ity, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account , with 5.50o;o interest. • switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUNDS RECEIVEO BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD INTEREST FROM THE 1ST. -----------~bet' we Pl'f postqe both ••YI ----------- (..._. il_, dlldl IJt .. ....e II CAllfOitiltA THIIf'T I lCIM '-~-~_ ............ ,...,_, __ _ ,.. ........... .................. ---170 L IJa ....._ C.U Mtu, Calitonu t2S17 - 0 .................. ...... ____________ _ o ~t ... ..-..a.-~ 0 ... 1 ............ ....... 0 .,.,..,_.. ••• ....,. c.._ ____________ _ a .. , ......... ._...._ 0 .................... ,., ____ _ -------:;u,etli• ----------------------- ...... ICl IIOLJ ... ___ & ............ 11 I O·(JIII-111 , • HELD OVER 2140 WIU A IIAOOnCEJ'n' NEW SURFING FILII! "PbO""'apby lhatloavoo 101J alack-Jawed" .. SUI PING MAGAZIMI! ·Tars face .crucial test no 111-1 --poul .. lt JU<IoiD a-Filii, ._, bollllollliDro-•• ru--.la 11 •-AI Walloto IOOHd tnioa a.. llaJ -tar drl•o _.., II ..,_._ ..... _._ 11wtlll a,. oCI rt&Miodllo. IIIO*>podod.'noyln_, noe-411-S.C'I -·enclll -· Jlo. 1-TboPAT lllUod,a.! -lod -IOit*J-.&101-- -a 111-4 ,_, -.... -••btd• alia Palma 17.7, 1111 ID BlOod b a U.,...., ~-lllll'llllllolniaolAa---allp.oa.lloll-.a,. Tbo SolaU poalllo.,.o-IDucbclonlaJI1,Widle-lbo po --&taM at Tbla -· " 111o a -board lor a.. ..., &101 lui limo olllra 1101111 to IIWo u N-U. Do-Field. ""'"lod --· 111&1 bo wllll .... 111u> z ,.._to_, c...-del liar, flforod 1>1' 1M Ur -Ia 1M neo tt Ill 111o llrlt ball, Tbo TD CUll GRID nCK ET PRICE$ I p)llb otW' tbe ftnt )'tU' 1l&pe c:hl.,.,.....,lp. oa a ~taeular U-JVd pua SUDMt ....... a,dml..,.. tam, P oiJ to u iartr )fad A ........ SuD Aa lut Fri-&lid ru plaJ, Garry 81'0'111 to prtee1 tor foathllJ pmea UU allor rOCOforllltaau-.... clor lflllt at Do-Dold, lbo ~Yio -..norr. Bob Trill!> fall are u lbllowo: l4dl Uld blo oa lllo Cllortw'l 25.,...., W. WU 1111 Ia -&Dar blocked 111o PAT allempl, &101 IIIII> -1 -·· $1.50; na~•Ta I!VDY WAft U1C1! A SOULL_J~~~~~I111Do. Tbo Sea Klllp -od a 7-7 llrlt -· Tbo marpo 1110 ball-time ocoro wu 27-IS. chlldreo wlllladolll, $1;cb1ldroo : tbe t.1l totbe!-yard llDI,ud ,wu!7-7bd:llrttbeSa1Dtlcould Tbt~~Srd~==~-:::,:oc:"'!:;e-;..:•~-~:!,!~~$~1;;.50~. ~.:.~ l tt<IN!IJJ, Julol Quarterback Ktith co mueblDC aa:ato.. • lleiC8Ia, PEIICU'T1YE" Samuoll""' OYer lbr lbo _, -• Bill s-, --DON MURRAY, L.A. TIJIES wtt.b &:Sl rem&J.ntng lD the ftrst led tbe SaUor oaalauebt .tth I TRIP FILII M THE 'II!AR" period. posses b' Z08 rardl, set 1C> -Jill KIRBY Wltb less thaD 30 secoOOs tbe first TD W'Ub a. 45-)'IJ'd t.o the balf, lbe Sea. aerial to Duel Blood. steve to score Fish sprinted a yards IJ'OUDd ootbeCbargers' left eDCI for tbe soon, I.Dd A1 line, An alert Edlsoo Wtute t:leted the polDt for a scooped 141 the loose 1-0 lead wttb 6:25 left In the raced 95 yards Wl-tlrst quarter. to.ociHid tor tbe score. However, An 85-yard run by Moote tbe play ns called back on a Floyd aOO the PAT tied ~ at peQI.lty and Corona del Mar 1-7 with 1:42 to go to tbe quar- repioed possession oo tbe 5 ter. ,ard line, Wlth 2 seconds re-Tbete were justa few secouds maln1og 1n the balf, Glemt Mtl-pe In tbe Znd quarter when let, tatltack. mortog to quar-BlllSbeddpl~mged tbrougbtora tertact, touod AI SUa to the eod yard b' a Sailor score, a1ld UM! 1.001, and passed for the touch-PAT made it 14-7. TblaTDwa.s down. SteYeJootthldckedforthe set~ by a SZ-yard aerW~om ema point for a 13-0 balf-time Shedd to Jerry Smitb to the seore. Santa Ana 12. Edison came teck strongly in The Sa.1nts bad to punt follow- the secood half and drove the lng the t:ld:-0!1', aDd Harbor b&U coosistently down the field, moved 70 yards lD 4 plays but 2 key defeoslve play s bylbe for the 3rd TD. Shedd passed Kines stopped the Chargers 65 yards to Blood tor a llrst ud they wen tiDable to pene-down on the Santa Ana 8, and trate w1tbio the ZO yard line. on the nert play be tossed to Corooa del Mar scored the Jerry Smith for the score. AI f1ml toucbdo'n of the ga.me in White ldcked his 3rd coo.secu- the 3rd quarter on a 35-yard Uve PAT, aod the score was pass from Samuels to ta.llback 21-1. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY FIOM 2 ,,M. FREE PARKING --~~-- Bdl£ J dE OUR ...... SEOOND FEAnJRE IN OOLOR: "DUFFY" With JAMES OOBURN aod SUSANNAH YORK Glenn Miller. The Sailors exploded rtgnt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=5!!!1!!!ftl~ The Sea Kings meet fountain back after getting their hands Valley at 8 p.m. this Friday on the bllll again, co vering 53 at the Huntlngtoo Beach High yards in 4 plays. Shedd again ScbOol stadium. set the sta,;e for the score by CONTINUOUS SHOW FltOM S-SUN. FROM 2 BARGAIN MATINEE WED . 1 P.M. THE M.AkEIS OF THt COMEOY "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" COMES ROBERJ MITCHUM GEORGE KENNEDY •• "THE GOODS GUYS AND THE BAD GUYS" Mesa hosts tough Loara FoUowtng thelr cross-town rivalry last Saturday eveDiDg, victorious Costa Mesa am the Estancia Eagles will both be facing formidable opposttloo tb.is week-eod. with just 33 seconds left to play in the game. Ricardo kicked his 4tb consecutive PAT. BUCS WIN The Mustangs wtll host The Ora.nge Coast College powerful Loara Friday evening Pirates wtU be making an all a.t Davidson fteld. Estancia will out bid for the South Coast tangle with Magnolia Saturday Conference Utle as they open evening. also at Davidson field.. league play this Saturday eveo- Both games ue at 8 p.m. tng against Fullerton at A.oa- Estancia h:id one broght spot helm stadium. ln the 31 to 7 loss to Costa. Coach Dick Tucker was full Mesa. Dave Jonosoo took the of opUmlsm over his team's ~~n& k.ick..oU of tbe 2r:w1 ba.lf 3-0 pre-o:mtereoce record, and on bis own ZO-yard Une aad ru parUculUly Mer last Friday ttlrougtt the entire Mustang team evenlDg's 21 to 20 ~set win tor a thrilliDg 80-yard touch-over Harbor College, the state's doWn sprint. Except for this 5th ranked team. scoring burst, the Mustangs Hartxlr scored flrst, re. completely dom inated the play covering a fu mbled punt of the tor the evenlng. OCC 7 in the first quarter and Mesa scored 1n the ttrst qua.r-going over lor the TO trom ooe ter on a 65-yard march in 5 yard out. The Bucs tied U ~ plays. JOhn Mani.J: went over for 7.7 before the quarter wa.s the TO from 10 yards out. Benito over, marchi.Dg 66 yards to pay Ricardo's ldck made it 7-0. dirt. MikeTamlyusaseampered In the 2nd quarter, the Mustangs 3.4 yards for the score, and Bob halted an Eagle drive on tbelr Ryder added the PAT. ~PORT ·. SHOW nMI!S. Eves at 7; Mat. 9:30 Sot.; Mat. 2 & 4:30 Sun. DICK VAN DYKE & ANGIE DICKINSON IN "SOME KIND OF A HUT" o ALSO PLAYING BEA UTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar · Phone b n-1 Hb NAT All E WOOD RICHARD BEYMER TAMBLYN RITA MORENO GEORGE CHAKIRIS ~ ....... ., ..... : .......... ....:. .... ·-... --................ .._.. How to use Municipal Bond ''Paper Losses" for tax saving Have you bold municipal bondli for lilt montbo or lonpr? Tbe quality and aofoty upecle of the bondo hove not cbanaed, but moJW than likely the market prioe ia lower now than when you boul!ht them. Today'o pricoo are limply in line with what's been happeninc in the economy: Strong inftationary preeeurea. Ti!iht money. Hilih inlen!ot rata. However, you can convert theee lower prioea, i.e., "paper louel," into muningfu1 iDoome tax aavinp and, at the same time, preeerve the quality of your municipal bond holdinp. You do tbia by owappinf one municipal bond for Another and thereby regiatering a capital 1oM. Theee capital ~oooeo ·can be used to olbel capital gains which you have taken-or plan lA> take-tbia tu you. Or they can be used lA> establish a capital lou which, under certain c:ircumatances, can be applied againet ordinary income. A detailed explanation is given in a special report iasued by our Municipal Bond Department. Entitled, ''Tax Swapping: How to Exchange 'Paper Losses' for Tu Savinp." For your free copy of this report, simply call, write or visit any Dean Witter office. Or, if you prefer, simply complete and mail the coupon below. DEAN WITTER Ill: Co. JNCDIU'DJlATED Brrn1011 R . .01Ju, Vin Pruidr11t Fi,•ci•l Plu• 150 Newport Cut~r Drive, Newport Bct~ch T,dcpbonr 644·2292 DEAN WITTER I. CO. INCORPORATED PlellM' .end me copy(in) of your free peper, "Tn Swappint: How to E:a:cbance 'P•per t.c-.' for Tu Savin111.·· Namr ____________________________ __ Addrr"---------------------------- City------------------------------ 81~«---------------------'~------- Call An Expert =--~-t •• tea,, ... ....,.. ....... ...................... • ....._.. ' 5 •• -.~H~U~RS~E~RY~--------- Stuubs, Interior Plants Tropical & Trees In secticides aad Fertilizer S & H Creea Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona del Mar N11raer7 TOGETHER FOR THE RRST nME own 11. Four plays later Kim OCC took tile lead I.D the ZOO Wolf took off from his 27-yard quarter on a 53-yard drive. lloe and weot all the way for a Tile TO came or. a 15-yardpass touchdown, a 73-ya.rd thriller. from Tamiyasu to Coe Meyer. Ricardo again added the PAT, Ryder again kicked the PAT and in the final 10 seconds to make the tally 14 to 7, of the half he kicked a field Harbor's Phil satoone car- goal from the 10 for a 17 to 0 ried the 200 half ldck-oU 88 half-time tally, yards to the PLrate 7, but the SEVEN NATIONS COl FFU RES OPf'l n ·rsnA' T\.fROrr.u oCOSTA MESA 549-3368 o ORANGE 639-2441 o ANAHEIM 126-0381 o HUNTINGTON 8EAOI 142-1451 Z744& VOLLEY BALLS RUBBER 2.95 -4.95-8.95 LEATHER 10.95 12.95 18.95 FOOTBALLS 5.15 6.95- 8.95 12.15 14.95 10.15 -19.15 & After Johnson's k.ick-OU re-occ defense tookoverondowns turn and Cal Shores' PAT nar-on one-yard UDe. Four plays rowed the margin to 17-7, Mesa later Harbor returned a pwtt was on the move again, march-to the OCC 25, and this time the ing 54 yards In 14 plays. On Seabawks went over, covering 4th doWn and 8togoon tbeE.agle the float 14 yards in the atr. 30, KimWolffiashedh.lsrwmi.Dg The PAT tied it up at 14-14. form again with a 24-yard ruoto Coast followed up with Its the 6, Jerry Reilly made the pme-wlnntng drive before the touchdoWn, going over from 3rd quarter eoded. Tamlyvsa the one-yard Une. Ricardo's gue tile Pirates a llrstdownoo kick boosted the score to 24-7, the Harbor 26 with a 15-yard Mesa kept 141 Us record of a pass to Bruce Hicks. Ray Rl- toucbdoWo each quarter as cardo ran for 20 yards to the Robin Senlk tossed to Frank 6. Tamiyusa was trapped for a ~~~~;~;;;"";;•~30~-iyarid~~~,2-yard loss, and then Ricardo sprinted wide to the left l>r a.o 8-yard touchdown junt. Ry- der k:lcked the all-tmporta.Jt TENNIS RACKETS 4.95 PRE-STRUNG 6.95 7.95 18.95 9.95 14.95 FRAMES -11.95 -14.95 16.95 --24.95-29.95 8.95 12.95 extra p:>int, and occ led Zl-14. A 4th quarter drtn by Harbor was stopped oo tbe Ptnte 7 a.s Rick Seibert lnlercepted a pass. A bad puot pve Harbor tbetell agalll 011 1bo OCC 15. Hill OOwll pass lllterfereoce pea&lt)' pTe the SeabawU a ftrstdowrlontbe z. lt toot 4 tries tor Harbor to 10 OYer; 011 4tll don Jim SaD- der plUDged tor tbe score. Kat- bot tried b' rictory wttb a Z..polDt pass tftort, bul RJck Wblte touect Suder for a 1 S- rard lou. 0 IIIII CORS I ' Opon Nithlly •I 6:45 p.m. SUNDAY ot 1:45 p.m. Now TogetiMir .. BULLITT" 2114 lilt Hit "BONNIE -CLYDE" -1-.4 ,.__ S-\n 'I10A) frt!:~ Parting in front 300 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach T.t~oM : 6.Q ·08.U BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODE LIN G and ADDITIONS e I'"A£E PLAM SERVICE e fREE ESTIMATES 532-5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION co. C.U.L DAY OR HIQtT o IIIJG Q.EAHIHG 673-5822 675-3353 Penlaa l .. Cl .. alag Worb CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE 11~&110& P~INT • W~LLP~PE& Pllloi>U$ -Duldl lloJ Plllllta ---Ole ll.oo 13,000 PATl'pNI OF WALLP API:& •11 &~a.,_ ~ .... . (Nut -., POrl 7 ... .,..J n•- eUPHOUJIItiMG -....-a ta7 a.,., •• c,.J,.•n~l •...-..a, 1--. ,_ ONLY -·-c.a "• , ... .......... _ ..... .... a stw • rt 2 a !WIEIIIY'S Shoe Repair Purse •nd Lugg-ae .;, -Dye Wor• SloH ST IWI'S ONE DAY SEMCE 1_, Hefbor llvd. eo. ........ -.... 3:111 '"'m••••ar n. ..... 67M1. PUILICAnOII WOIIIC WIE CAN PRINT YOU .. ·:~~~~~~~~ PAMPHL~T, Ill. LI!:AP'LETS. NEWSPAPERS AND NEWS LETTEM CALL Ul '01 IITUUTII .,, ..... IH$1GM I'IIIUIIIMG CO.. ~. •· •~u~c PLVIIBI& 700CO.o•,. A.., eo-...... • ~"•*•.._... OAT •ta<IIT u~anaa 1---n•-- •• • 6'3" too good a target *• -•V-ullop,-ll!rllool,-aOMII:IU._._....._.. .. ._".__ ....... J • ._,_,_ 14 ...... tM D.C~ lo 1M-.,.._. •uk•llll Dr~ ,._ vw. art..--will,. • IIIIo, """ 1111 ro6nod 1o 111C traftlllc .._,. 1111 ..... .. ... -of 1111 lo ..... -=-~=!·~~=:; ...... Mr.-'-*""-' I no 100 .,..S of 1111 arlo doer• a tlrpt, Ulll 1 wu 1114 to lD '* Ud • ...,..,, .. cn1n ..... -• --of dotJ llalllt--~~~~-"'""" 111 y....,_,., .. aid. ttiCMIC art at VUla Park lilltlll ~~-... ,.,...,,tromiiiO ..-1a orup. Too- Dolla arooofiiiOll ...... rlftr lalorllowudrallod. lo lllo -Wtar----T11o Army -blm lo Fort <llloc -of ...... -Ord IDd -lo llollooplor 1111 a1 1.111 v-., ,., a1 uto oellool 1a VlrciJda 1o -a Ill lilt Yllla&u IDd marut --.Howaaal>lllooll Plli•.llealao-l,OOOeolor truafonod lo l.llo -bot ............... artllla _.,., -.. ........ 'l'bt TttoGeuiveWulumeb-De COIIIPIIUDC tbat Coale. od 111 l.llo VIII Cooc Wllllo Mr. Aller llo roeal-1110 -aow. ud 4 otber •"Wed IDIIl ol 11M uta decree 1D z JIU'I, He 1s tak1ac 1 oa tbe c:ombatarURstamwere be wuts to rttva to C..eh•ac. oter tbe duties ot Keot Serre_ RVINI CO .. IUYS IOMD$ llllho -,. Hla -. Sbaroo, 17, &lao a wbo 11u res!-1<> eater tile TD IUILD. SCJt00L lie ...-f mootha La Haftll lSC &nduate, Ls teacbin& ill eommerclal real estate de-s._ ~ A. Gdaa of CODIIIIotllltr ZO larp oil palo-Newport Beaeh. velopmoat llusllless. Mr. Good-Sao J-ScboolllUtrlet lleld, a llarllle c...,. veteran, ....., .. lila! $&20,000 wort~~ a. YDE F. IEECLE OF UPPER BAY GROUP Is a lllltve ot Paso Robles, at-Slate a1 CaJUon1a _.u ob- COSTA MESA IS DEAD WILL IIEAR PIANIST ......., Carpiatsrla Untoa Htgll llptloo lloada are bolar par- ~'"'• •--411 of 1349 Tbo C..... del liar bome al Scboo~ Santa Barllora City Col-<based 111 lbo lmDo Co. Tbe M•• Dame R4., Co.i. 11-. Mrs. R. W. PeodletoowUlbetbe lep Ud earned bis B.A. degree _commttmeat to buy tbe boadl cited Oct. z. ola beu1 attact 1D .setuDa b' tbe mHtlAc ol tbe at Looc Beacb State College. l5 corwHUooed OD tbe tact that b.1l: bome. He wu bora 1a 1..011 Upper Bl1 Associates ot lbe He and bls wtle, Helen, have proceeds from tbe sale be ued Alliples OD JU, Zl, 19ZS, ud Ort.oa COWJty Phllbumoalc 3 daughters, fnocts, 8; Leslie, to cooatruct the elemeatary IDCJit'ed toOJ'uceCODIKJ1D1MI. Society at 10:30 Lm. Oct. IS. 5; aDd Arleoe, 4, aDd a ax~, SChool Planoed for the Turtle Be worked u 1 puts depart .. Tbe busioess meeUDc wtU be Bruce, 3. Tbay UYe at 2512 Rock area, City of lnllle. m .. muapr for ZS yeua for c::oo:!ueted by tbe• cbalrrnu. Sierra Vista.. East Bluff. Ca.Ukllla pubUe &pDC.ies tbe OWeu: Pacltlc MulDe Co Mrs. Robert Leith. may DOt, by law, locur aa N~ Beech. ., Mrs.-Hetul bas ar-PUNT, PASS AIID KICX !Joterest rate.-. 5110 lo<tllelr ~l(h:Bo.rte!s surYivedbyht. raogod tile progruoo 111 pla1llst CONTEST SATURDAY boads. laterest rates oo com- NEWPORT IW!IIJR EIIIOII ARST SECliOII --P• ! The Magic of Six 6 INCOME UNITS NEAR THE OCEAN 1. Two-bedroom untta. 2. Two blocks to Ocean, Corona del Mar. 3. Each apartment bas secluded patio. 4. Built In kitchens. 5. Carpets and drapes-. 6. Hawaiian setting --convenient location. Only $145,000 Excellent area hr summer rentals. -a· THE REAL ·~ESTATERS I'DIIIIEIIL Y ORANGE COAST PIIIIPII!<ITY 332 ~.. eo-., .._ -6734550 will, ))u'tva; z -., Robert Aadrea LYDD Martin. 1?, 1 Area championships In the petitlye issues bi.Ye been well wUh tbt N&Y)', and DllD of New .. seoJor at Newport Harbor Hi&h Ford Motor Co. punt, pus aoc1 abcwe that leYel lot maay port Beach; bU father, Lewis Sebool. Sbe ba:s played1Dseboo1 kick contest wtU be determi.Ded months. Tbe lrT1De Co. baud Bee&lit or WtliWer, i.Dd b1s coacerts. bas accompuJ.ed tb.ls Saturday, Oct. ll, u the ol directors ...at~orludtbepur. moeber, Mrs. EYe len Elkins Yloll.alstl 111 tbe Soutlnrestern Newport Harbor HJcb Scbool's cbase wblen wtD carry ID to. F'=================..., I of Cblco. Youth Music Festlnl aod Duldson nelid from 9 to 10:30 terest rate ot S\tuuemptllld flDenJ U'I'&Dplneots Were teacbes piaDo. Sbe will play a.m. will have .a 15 year sarl.al made bJ BeD Broadway Mer-seleet1ons composed by Beet-Awards will be pven to the 3 ma.halty. tuarJ, IDd burl&l and sen1ces bot'en,. Scarlatti. Bartoo, top boys In each age CJ'O'C), 8 CREDIT CARD FOUND were b7 tbegn.nsideatPattne Cboptn. and Debuss:J. years tbroulh 13. There ue DO Carl Ebellng, co-owoer of Vl8W' Cemetery. Hostesses wlU be Mmes. R. entry fees, but the boys must Diners Fupsy Tn.Yel Ia Mft .. C. Greer, Robert Leith, Da.olel haYe tbe1r parent's sipature port Ceoter yerlfled a OlDer• 'LIVING 6 DAYS AHEAD' Gilcrest, aad WUsoa Little. oo lloe otllelal _,form. Club eredll card IDol ID_oacio~l! Roblrt Lee BJad: Jr. of Saa COST A MESA POLl CE The compettttcm is spoa.sored apprebeoded a. c:redit Dle&O tacesmentalcommltme« SEEX HEW OFFICERS locally by the Newport Beaeb stoleo from Mrs. Harry H. after be wu arrested on a. and Costa Wesa reereatioo 00~ Hoppe Jr. He receiYed 1 Gate eblrp: of cNnlfog b1s clothes E ~osta Mesa Pollee Cblef R. partmeols and the Harbor Area trom Dlaers Club tban!dnc bliD in ftoat of the Toy Sbop, 3442 · etbaRMIJDCesaoompet.ttln Boys• Club. to his alertoes and Via Lido, Newport Be&cb, 011. eu.mtmt1oo tor peraoos see-r ; coopera.. Oct. 4. He saJd he was ames-king posts as police ofttcers LIB~RY DEDICATIOH t1on. and a 25 check lA Tllo ·--'-" 1 bed··•---= apprecl.ation. seopr of Jesua aDd that b.ls _,......_..oo s se ...__. Orange Coast Collep will vebiele was a "Pboeott." and for 9 Lm. Oct. 25, Appllca-dedicate Its oew library with EXPOSURE CHARGED be beDl tbe ueense plates so tioos must be .Uied by Oct. 20. a 2 p.m. pubUc ceremony and Inntel Craig Wtwams, Z1,of tbat 1t could rty. He clalmed Q~aWlca.Uoas lDCiude a lligh CODducted tours Oct. 26. OCC 530 RIYerslde, Newport he had just I.Dfeoted a time sebool dlpklma and a mlnimum Pre&ideat Robert B. Moorewtll Heights, was arrested Oct. 1, maeb1De and wu U•tna & days of 60 lmits ol collep wort, pve the welcome, aDd Chan-on .a charge ol 1lldeceat ~ iD tM Mule. Wltb 1 grade nerage ol ''C" eellor Norman E. Watsoo IJid sure wttb bail set at$6%5. Wbeo or better, ezefiClt tbat 10 of Dooald G. Hoff, presideot ottbe a..o omcer arriYed oo the beac.h ~--.............. ~ ............................. ~~--tbe required Wllts may be board ot trustees, wt.ll ma.ketbe U lOth st. aDd Ocean fL, Bal .. APTS. FOR RENT earaed durlac the pn>botkvoary dedleattoo. boa, be ,., Wllllaons -ftlt~~~~d APARTMENT FOR RENT. Z- bedroom, 1 tilth, buut-tns. refl'tcerator, Dreplaee, ear- ..U, drapes, boleoay, .. _,. roo·-.--~.sa He~, CDIII. 0eC~CUCJ November 15. $200. 575-3645. perlod. AH>UctDts must be be.. ~oUDd W1th just a shirt 011.. tweeo ZO m:l 35 years ofap, ASTHMA ATTAOC: WUlWns, wbea setiDc: tbe wetgta 155 to 250 pounds aoo A Detgbbor btoapt·Dorotby omcer. put his puts on. -.... _ 5 loet g &lid 6 Derby, liD E. Ballq B!Yd., ., uuc TO SEE GAME feet 5 LDcbes wltbcMit &boes. Balboa:, to tbl Newport 8e&cb _ _. .\wl1cut'1 fisioG mQt be no .ft.re ~ alltt sbe sat. lSC's N"lJIC)I1 BMc:b alaam:t wmse tbu 20 .. '70 uoeorreded rered u utbma attac.t St,:Jt. 26, club wW PI'O'fidt bas tf'&D!Ciol'- i.D each eye I.Dd eorrect1ble to Sbe was admla:lstered OE}gen tattoo to the lSC bomecomt.Dc ---------ZO-lO. 11eartar mllltbo......a1. &lid was --·· plc:oote oa l1oe c:ampoos IDd bot-ball game oo Oct. 25 lD tbe Los Angeles Memortal CoU- seum. Tbe bus wtlJ le&Ye from the lniDe Coast COWJIJ'f Club at 9 a..m. Informatioo rr.ay be obtained from Robert Bas .. m.ajla.n at 646·0462. 20 words Of' len ............ .. 21 word. to 30 ~d· .... .. 31 WOJds to «> words ..... . Eoch -d ov.r 40 "lll'OI'd~o .. • BOOKS FOR SAL! 1 TiiM 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times 2.~ 3.00 4.00 .10 3.00 4.00 5.00 .15 IIUSICAL 1'011 SALI MISCI!LLAI'IEOOS SPOTS Won ,_, ~Jt:• .... Oil )'001' ... ~~ -,., l .,.,. tUm-'* aa.e LA• tn. ••t ··-· .... -11, CNft HMI•-JIOJ ~1!. O...t HWJ>, C.: _ .. , ..... ' Ye~n of u,_.. i•ce 011 all typel of c~ atoa a lio-Stooci alty, ...... lbin.a. tl.$0 per lw. ....... IIIIi-607 -- ..-r~ ... (]lM. 67)-1774- cnPblng. ootuy, small teepiag acCOUDts. 6'73-4050 afterDOOns, '68 VW. Radia.tor, Mater celleot cood1Uoo. $1,750. 1719. AI'ID fOVI'fD -llllred,-C" ,. ........... ...,.S f "e Iron rtdlll117 I coJ,.. lor-~D. lllrreQ, alit pia& . ..,..-..... c.-.-·---of~ Cml.t'll--·--· OXYGEN CIYEH Neigbbxs cUled tbe Newport Beach ftre departmert to ad- m1Jllster ary gen a..od massage to Waller D. K. Glbsoo, ol !021 E. Bay Ave., Balboo, 011 S<!>t. ~. lllltU tbe ambUlanee arriYed "' .... biJn to Hoag -1&1. CM't nil ir?. · •• 'fnde U'! For Put Nli• A 1.-lu Call no: OOTLI: 00., _..,. Call 541-1161 270 E. ·11111 Sl.t Ot•t.a ...... WINNER .. I CAM EO SHORES VIEW HOKE IN CAMEO SHORES 4 Bedroom -Z-1/2 batbs wtth new FOR SALE OR LEASE OPTION •••• VIEW HOME THE B£ST OF EVERYTHING PUS A VIEW 3 BEDR()()MS -2-1/2 BATJ6 l Den l GAlli ROOM Z FIRE PLACES, 2 WET BATS, 8/1 KITCHEN J •••• BAY FRONT LOT 56 feet 1103 feet, TOP LOCATION ROOM TO M<>CR A 50' Y ACJn', lJON Y. f"RANKll)'( I RE:AlTOR ' l Z50 Eft~ Cots! Hl(l'nfiJ Cor ON del W.. C1hlorn1.1 P?lone· 67J..2222 Pm IARRm realty 642-5200 FINER HOMES POVU SHSPIES For those. who demand the unusual. l Bed· rooms , 21.1: baths. professionally decorated homt. All aft gular coastruction to tate ad~ ,·antage of ma~if~Cent bay 6 OCUli view. Familv room w1tb wet bar accomodatel bil- Jierd iable. Step.do1m living room. formal dining room . ;, Car garage. . .... $17.$00. Opm Sat. • Sun. 1014 Sln~iaa-o Dr. CAMEO SHOUS One of the most toeauiifill looma in lowly cameo Shorn Extenslft ase of ritlo peel-inc. loeam ceilings A used brick 1ro IIIlo 1ru17 custom 4 bedroom Jocme willo b.,. lomtly room thai could occomo4ale billiOn! "'ble. Ma,nificent view of ocean • .ietb. 1130.000. Open Sat. • SUD. ~ tlls Portoam. UNDA ISLE ,\ fanu<tic ba.'1ront buy. Lorro J loednoom. ~ bath home •·;t~a Mpar1t1 dmin;!: room. » fl. of ba)iTOnl ,..;Uo rier fo sli;>. New at tloe unrope•"'ble price o . . . . . . ... SIII5,11G0. Open Sal.. SUn. 106 LiDda lilt Dr. ' liiU~Y. OCT. t, Ml COROllA DEl liAR. ;;AUF. CORBIN- MARTIN R.ALTORB Corona del Mar Duplex Each untt contains 2 bedrooms and bath. Live In one, have Income out of the other. Corner shopping. lot, walking distance to Only $49,500 with excellent terms. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. ••s,...ce • ..,..~ Th c:-,...,.. 3038 E. Cout Bwy. 675-1662 Corona ctel Mar, Caltf. Everybody I EYer'J'bodY lofes this borne -just eomin( 011. tbe .nartet -3 bedrooms 2 baths. BalltitUJ Bloe Hann pool -patio. Very umttnc wUb extra tarre llt'illg room, beamed ceUtnp. SbOWs perfectly. 'The $59,000 price warrauts quiet acUOD.. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $39 million for the, first eight months of 1969. This represents 1,041 unit sales and a dollar value increase of II% over the same per- iod of last year, which was a record year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -./t- 64UC12 -~ lTJDW.C..ot .. .._ N .. ,.n ..... VIEW vtEW lDT ...:.... m-111. d Ollltllp --an-___ , __ tllllL Mot '" n' UL ._.. ns..JOI.o. • PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beautilul 3 Bedroom. 4 Both WATERPllONT Home on Bayside Ori\'e. Newly redecoreled. Prictd . . . . . . . . . . tiiii.IIGO. 1111 BAYSIDE DRIVE BY AI'I'OINTMaNT ONLY Bill GRUNDY 61WIII U. ISU DliPIIIT Cl. te &allpegos n e • c:w. ., ....._ Mt ••"• .,., _.. • '" . .._ .. , 1111 M C•MP•a .... o1 t.SOO, ud 111J WI .... ()on ... "---. '0111-............. -._. ... ~ oaal nt:"' .. ,. •ll•tJ ella....., .. Jw• eo .. c.· f'ID'Idlldl eeahlf. .... ....,.. II(--Bo f'IOII.nllllll -..,. .... .................. a.......... ~ .. __ IIJdra ........ -II(-.... ~· r.....,ud........,...tobt W'OI't tasut,anUt•IIP"ICtD ,..,*Ed Ia u ath ,. to pro. nltore tbl..a.aJ.Iwll..,..llli -1111 -II( too 1o -• II lor U.O -·· Ua. A DMmber oltbt CSCLB&rt lilltld kick off ..... ftll' .. 0 ............ JUn. ,....,. zM1111- ,.n ..... -, will--I Ill '0111 ael .. _ __ ............. _lor .. .. ... 2 H-. ., .. .... n. ell* ...... ,. Mdtillltleetloa II •~•,. at a I p..a. ~ ....aoc .. ..,. Oct. '· 11 .. .. ,..., -C..~ Clol>. Jtet Mil ...sa, .. ne ...-..:t cte cout1t1 tJI. ta u..a~ .... ,.. e-..~ . ,.... ud -lloJo trom diiJ to o.. 11o1aa rrt=rlla, c.._ c1o1 11ar u11 ll._t ---1or 1111 -Hlp .. Sellooll wllo Ire RoluJ Cllll>. . --lo comm..U, at- European Delicatessen and Restaurant OCTOBER SPEOAL WrrH EVERY 5-COURSE DlllliER Tho Qt .... .,. llludo, Ia-laelllt7 tor I,.., .. U.O u.,_. ... b' III'Gridbrc CblriN old JlrOitSIOI' reee1Yid b1JI Dorwlo wltb IJioiplralloalor b11 B.F.A. from Caraeglelllstthlle '-7 ol U.O ortp ol lbt of TeebooloCJ' IUid M.F.A. from tprte .... areu Ee..adoreaaaa-Cra.Dl:ftok Academy ot Art. He Uo1a1 s-rk OD tbe equator 100 also operates an illustratloo miles .. a ot Ec~ador, UIICil tlrm 1a BaJ.boa. Hts wUe, Catb. receatly UlldlJturbed for tbDU-trine, and tbeir 3 cblldreo wtU Grand slam Laver feted • • • COIIPI.JIIElriT ARY WUO:OF YOUR CHOICE•• tOfiOl Luoebeoo daUJ-'-h Bous to I"· B-11-Q Sllarorlbo aads ot years. In the last cen.. remaiD at bome Ul Balboa, DELEGATES ttom tbe Newport Harbor Emblem CIIJII) at- ba'J, ma t.•• Mttled oa tbe tendlq tbe SUpreme COilfeatloD at U. Amertcua Hotel Ja Tle ,.... -lo FrN<b ud U.S. flllolr Ia --too r.-t o1 too Kee -.u, wllo - "FUOI olom" -wu com-Ill' u.o -Ill llle -....... -.-atod 1ut woet at the bolllo tbll ,..,, Jollll lfnport Btacb TIDDJ.s· Cl_, eombe. Mr, IAYW'I Yictlm w ... JI)Orlr I Fer IUid writers Wlmblr . ....; IUid Tooy "-'. jolaod lo aloU Rod LaYer ol too Auate -toU to 1M Hubar Vl..-JUJJa, tM uo-Rocbt's talllbatF«eM:Bllla. dl .... td .. w ... ol teaall." !woodortul diJplaJ o1 _._1 ,.....,.., muoJ. c:beeles ud dtUeatessea items. School narco Poll"cy set New Yort City l.oelldt, from left. Mta. Herborl ..... ,, past presldeot aod assistant Sl.lpreme orp.Dilt; Mrs. Emer- soa Weat&eU, tltst pard. IDd Mrs. E...-Bertwoa. pre-1'111 Tratees ., ... lle"JJC>rl Mea Od1led ScboOl Dtstrtct IWlf'O'ed tbe poer&l studeDt ccatuct PlUCJ TuesdaJ ,.en. lac. l.oel-the problem ol dalJDc wUb arrest ol stiJdeots oa aueottc cbarges. Tbe policy sta.cement pro- Yldes thl.t "The staff will be re1p)Dsthle for prO¥idinC SU· per~lsloo, preYeot1oo, control ud conecthe measures tor the tmplemeal&tioa of Education Code requirements and com- mualty eJptetat1oos. CoatiDual aad/or w1.l.lll.ll Ylolattoo or this policy and its supporting rules KODAK SUPER I MOVIE CAMERAS 22% OFF aDd repb.tims may be cause sldeot. Tbe Supreme Emblem Club 1s boacJr1ac CalUon1a tor suspension M upulsioD by lnsta mag Dorotby Ba.bbtt ol Comptoa. u tbe SlCJI'eme and/or corpon1 punishment. •• prestdent. The SJC)erlatendeat "is auth- orized lo suspend Immediately 'T d t h f ·~larrestedtorusa ... pos. reosures on ros sessJoo or selling of oareotlcs or otber ba.lluclnogenic drugs Memben of Nnport Bea.cb tow.ud &ld tor DHdy tuniUes or substances as class11led ln Eball Clubare pJanDlnga "trea-at Ctarl.stmas time &Del 10 the busloess a.od professioaal sures aod tra.sb" sale to repleo.lsb tbe .cbolarlbjp pro.- code, No suspension, bowever, take place at the bomts or gram. shall. be for a period looger president Mrs. L. H. McBride, Committee mflm'Jers a.s.- tban that required for r eceipt 2704 ClW Drln, ud Mrs. Ve:-stsUng Mrs. M·:Brtde &Dcl Mrs. of tbe results or a court nace Morp.o. W".i)'S aoo mea.os Morpn 1Dchade Cashiers: hearing," ba.lr !108CllffDrln botb M 11es, Ja.::k Frank. Waldo Ny. 0\d'ing such suspension, the cl N m~ u-•..t.ts Tbe~;reot berg, HerbertFord,D.D.Oru-n ew-~ rnu..,. • 00 Ruth ~ ... liD... Cbules school board may allow a will be held Saturday aod Su\-c • W· -Iter Gtl"!t1., c R student to continue hls educa-day Nov 1 aad 2 trom 1 to 5 oopar • 1 ~ • • Uoo ln a location, manner and ' • ' Fod~s aod He:u-y Vaughn; col- time determined by the prln-P-~~oceeds from sales w-ill go lecUon: Mm.:s. Georce Tlnt- cipal. cher, C. W. WOOcren, H. H, Primanse, NeU W1Ulam:1, Summer school scheduled ~r's~B~~.~.:. W'.)Od, A4ra.t.n Joyner u:t Jad Tbe Newport-Me~ SchOol througb A,JrU 26, 1910, to use CtJunlngbam; liJI)raisers: Dlstrlct board held ooe or Its b.clUtles at UDcolD School b' Mm;:.s. Ferol Banencer, Ray- shortest meetings Tuesday cburcb serYices. fDL Dd Herms, Claytoo T~~­ nlgbt. Tile meeting began at Tbe first reading~~ tbe rules son, w R O.Uia, lb.y Nlelau, •· uut 7:30p.m. and finished at 8:45, alX1 reguJatioos tor questioc-Ro'lert Mooo.ler, Fred I...oUH. ••I -·· alter approving Z4 items Ulg of piC)tls by law eofore-Ruio.-,n Va..oa.sek and PWip "1--oow. )410 deoylng ooe. tabling 2 and ma.i.: meo.t omcers" was tabled w1th Pike; attendance: Mme s. Frank ~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ 1ng an aAX~Ll1ment to the per-a req!JHC for revision. The Cummings, Richard Hoelp, r soonel commission. tlrst r~g of tbe proposed Jottn Lamu, Dr. Emmt U:uo. TIDE A~ T!le suggested dates tor 1970 policy, 00'!!"llmeDtarlsoytab~_: sen, H. D. McGregor, L. w. I~'!!"~ "~"v _ C:., summer school were a&lJlrot'ed. leUc passes, 'ftS a -... Jeaks Gordon Young, A. v. .._..I ~ .tt~ Grades 1-7 wUI have 5 weeks for later discussion. Wort~ Ralph WUsoo, C, R. ~-,. ot summer school from JWleZ9 STYLE SHOW OCT. 14 Croul, James Deblsen, Jofln •_,~~, 1 ~·=_."" I througtl July 31. Grades 8-12 FOR LIDO -EH Me!lmans. Er.nn ld.b and H. ~ wlll attend 7w€lek.sfromJune29 S. WtllWns. throug:b August 14. Tbe Oct. 14 meet1oc ot tbe """"""""""""""""""""' 8 a.m. to IUS p.m., IDler-,feature ao "around tlle cloct" HEARTHSTONE mediate from 8:15 to 12 :15 p.m., f.asMon sbo'lr, following an 11:30 -... OnlJ 1i1utJa Mulllpn, fba1Ul Mr. t.Hr, wbo Jtll:t ooe r _....._ 1o 1~. -~ -~ ed •~ Ualtod at ~ -. WU ... •11\NW • -a:r Ullll" preSIIIC. S1a1H Opoa IIIIo 11 Forest Hills Tho Soalbera CaliJorala 1111- to romf oW. his wins 111 tbe Jete ot tat EDOIItb aW'I.fd ol.lbe cbamplonsb~ at Aostn.U&, Helms Ra.l1 btwcl wu pr..._. Fruee IDd E ....... , WU ted 1o Mt Laver Ill' W R (Bill) prelliDled lbe "craDd slam" • • c~ bJ teMis great Jack Scllroldlr • Knmer. Mr. Kramer also traced Ur. LaYer's 196! "sll.m" and tbe 1969 q:ca.llelldrepeat. Tbert were eommeats from tbe players wbo were 1D tile fla&la or 7 ot tbt 8 llDals. 0o. baDd wen Roy Emeraoo. who loa to Mr. Laver ln the Austnllao • S1flu c.t.n .. , .. , ,...,, ..... ,.ttt .. 646-5383 414 I. I EIPO IT IL YD., IEWPOIIT IIAC:II 101 ILAHOIARD OM ACADEMY FROSII TEAM • ~~ Bob BlUebird of Easl Blufl. a former lootbaU sta.adout at Wuaoo HJ~f' ScbooliDColoradO Spriap. ls continuing Ills crid- iroa cueer this bll wttb tbt strooc Air force AeademJ' fresb.mu e)eyea.Helse~ to see act.lon .la tbe Fa.ICODS frosb season opeoer ap.!Dst Colorado State O:t. 10 a~ tbe Academy. Th! 5-11, 175-pouod tad: 1s tile 100 ot retired u.s. Air Fo:ce ColoDal aod Mrs. Ja.ct D. Blanchard. Z621 Alta Vista Drln, East Bluft' • Cadet BlaDcbard. w!lB an all cootereoce selection in bt&f school as a deteosln ha.lfblck. U:...,PI1..ac iD aeroo.autlcs, be wiD bacome a commlsslooed Air F o:ce omcer apoo crad1alioD trom ·~he Academy to 19'73, ALLIAIU EUREKA HECCHI HOOVER ADLER KIRBY HELCO 'Ve (l)lbe ,emma ~ ,~nppe 1 675-3663 1 [ The high schools will go from Lido Isle Woman's Club wtll -. ,.,,. ,...., wr .... • '' "• r, ,.,._, :1011 x...,...t al.d. and the elemeotary from 8:30 a.m. ptiDCb bowlandooonluotb-pcfpcu • !~=~"~'~ .. ~'"'~";:;:::::~a.m. to 12:30 p.m. fiur""'fi the eoo. ._. _~ • _.. , ............ .. 1 ··-ber to ··-.............. "'• ···-'• summer. We com ... oew mem s -.too•, • ,.., .... " .. _ .. Fr--•-.. c .. 1 .. er, ... s ......... , .. tbe club alacoffeetoday,OcL ::·:; • .: ·~: "'.:;'::;·~::',,I W;;;/(.,1! Ch I --~ ,._ -................... ! ;; ::::::· .. ~; -.. • W• . "' " :.: :: =··:: .: =-~ ~~ :" :·:-.. t estc ·. ape t~ ..... .-..--trommtssioa 9, a.t tbe W&lerfroat bome ol ._,, ... *" r.·, ...... ,.._ .. , ~ ...--"''.. I II •~•" 11\o• 1ol for 1 3-year term commenc:tnc Mrs. Mart1D Loctoey ut Mrs, -c-1 • , .. -- ~~ Dec. 1. Melt'iD Rlcb.ley, president; Mrs. _... • •• " 4%7 l. 17tfl. ST. St. Michael's and AU Angels' Roger 8town. first Ylce.prest. ::... ,: ;;: :: ' • " " • COSTA MESA Episcopal Church was granted dent; Mrs. Armeo SIYa.Sllan, :.'"': ": !': :: l--~"!l'.!i6-4i;.!!888!!!2 ___ J an utensioo of s1J: morfis, 2Dd Yice.president; Mrs. Ed-:~ .. ~· : · .~.: • .. A Theodore .Robins exclusive! Look for ovr diagnostic: center Hal and takt the gUHJoWork out of buying 1 used car. Thtse cars h.ve pused 130 vita l re:s rs for performance rel iabili ty, 1nd wfery. 100% PARTS liD WOR WIRRlm 4,000 MUS OR 10 DAYS CtYin all IMChank.tl parts lnclu4int tntl•, 4rin liM ,., tflll PLUS ltrtkts, INtttry 1N1 txhlust . . ' sptem. All ,..,.lr work font in nr .., lti'Yitt ...,.""""'. '88 UNCOLI Co1t. ctry of c.r. .._ -. («, MoimioN & nc-. .-..."' n •••• ,. ...._ Fri 'A F-Cl•ll• $1. '17 PIITIAC ..... •~o" T• ..co rr 2 ~ooo,._H ... "I)To"', v-., "'"" CMitiOM.tonc:, ~ ... d..OW IIIH .. 8A•a -·T· ward Hayes, 3rd vice-pre. : '::': ': ~ stdeot; M.rs. Robert Paley, re. FIREPLACE CHECK LIST : ::-;:': nln _, ... . COl"""'-secretary,· Mrs. Alfred Now Uat cooler eYe cs are .... .... " ~ ..... 119 II Qllinlan, correspoodlng secre-wttb us ooce more, U 1s time to :::: z.~ :~ • ta.ry, and Mrs. Jack Marshall, think of prepar1ng your fire-:!'.;! ~: 1! • ;;:: treasurer. place for a cheertul flre oo tbe ;: ·~~,. ~ .,: 1 , ~:: ' • tamUy beartb. Cbec:k the tot-.;"';,:'.:: ~ ' '~: •· FORMER H. B. RESIDENT lowlog Ust to make certl1o you ~:.: ·:;.!: :: ':: bave the proper equipment and :-:., '·~:;· .•• : " " ' HIOtOL.U WAQtER Dl ES oote tbe sa.feCy tips we ran iD-:::: ~ .: Nic holas Waper, '12, ot 407 eluded. :::..• .... ! W. 6th, San Jacinto, died Oct. 3 1. FIRESCREEN: Tberelsoo :;;: .. ~ ..: 1n the Hu.ot1Detoo Beac:b Coa-substitute for a good flrescreen.. : .!. ":' valescent Hospital. He was a Its decontive beauty adds :;::::, ... : former resident ·of Newport cbarmtoanyroom,'flileltpro-:~:.:..: Beach. rides protection trom spukaa:l ::.:.•.1 ~ ~ He 1s sunJYed by his wile, fl.re damage tor your borne. 1D ~J.':...• ! El.1J.a..betb Mary; 2 soo.s, Richard au screeas, sturdiness Uld ..... '~ ': of Wbittier a.zxt Robert ot Lyn-rigidity wbeo. in place Is an :!:!-;. : wood; 3 daugbters, Mrs. Cath-important featllle to eu"'der.; ::.'~ .:: :: eriDe M. L~s of Hemet, Mrs. It ts a.n 111dlca.t::lm ot qua.11ty u : '=:: ~ ~ Mary L. Zamora ot Costa Mesa W-.!11 as a ruanntee ot safety. ::': •" ': and Mrs. l...ouise A. Seott ot 2. GRATES: Nut to tbeflre-::::.::: i Orange; a brother, Antbooy L. screen, the grate 1s tmdcMtlted-=:::, :: Wacner of Los Angeles, a.nd 28 ty the most Important piece of . =:-... ·~ : P"l.lldc::tllldreo. basic flreplace equtpm-11L It = .. • :: Services were held Oct. 6 at restricts tbe tlre to a Umlted = :~ ~ Our Lady ot Mt, Carmel area, avotdlnc mess!Aess u := :" ,; Catbollc Church, aa:l lnterment weU as prOYidiDg ,proteetkJa = .:.,-; E wasat CalvaryCemeterylDLos ap1nst free-rolllDg ball-=.:: :: Angeles. burned logs. Grates are m.t.de =:..~ ': of eitber east lroo or steel. Cut = '... ; -.. OTTO L. RUMBLE. 59, iron gr&tesaremoreruged&Dd .,.,.. • -~-Of NEWPORT DIES bne lo'lger Ute tiiU 1tee1 :~-..: .~ otto L. Rwnble, 59, of 891 crates, IDd e:t.-e twice tbl a.! :.,:_~ "; W. 15th st., West Newport Wltb baH tbe fuel becaue tbty :•::.,• : Hel~s. died Oct. 3 to tbl Park CODCeotnte the flrtaa:l pret't'Dt : •,: • .: Lido Cooruesceut ~Ita!, He beat Joss. Het-tul blDl: ReiDO're :::._::,: : was born Oct. Z8, 1909, in Ubes from tbe fireplace bl!tlre Idaho, aDd hid beeD a res.kleat tbey rea.cb uaderside ot crates. THE M SAVIN&S of this area tw zo y-.rs. (They cut oiJ ctrcubtkJa, wbieb Mr. Rumble was tbe oner caues crates lo become orw- ol Safety Flrll, • bud-· -""" .................... } MORE CER lAIN THAN dealing wltll -ld lire S, LOG LITERS, A pr 1oc oqulpmem, w.r tates aU.., ...,. -tooa MORE IN 18 I 5 I THAN BANKS. .. . ., . . ' • • • ' • • ' ' • • • " ... .. ' ••• ••• -· .. ' ... ... "" • • ... • • W•' ..... "'• .. ' . ' ••• " . .... . , .. , I ...... ' .. . . W "''I '• " ...... ' '> •• I "· "" ' ,,., ' ••• ... ..... . ' ... . ' ... • • He is sur..-{.-.d by hQ wUe, ol 11&t1Ua1 WOOd. Hn..-w, tbe Yedda; a soo, Doa o1 Newport Ullr must be 'alhl""properiJ Beacb. aa:t a daU&Mer, lira. to pretG tba boles from ft1UDc Marjol"te Bayer o1 Suta Aa. liP WW. a.sbes. Far tbe &11 111ctrte bomes, tblre 11 tbt RA NORMAN Dl ES C-Cod llgiller, plur __... La~~n M. Norman. 11, olJ?I» OUMI' ...,. w.,-s to 111M a lre. 1 Aft., C.. -. SafoiJ Ill" Alnyr malol-ula 5111btBo'"r11-111o ...._ .. --., c.o .. -.. HoopltaL. -".,.."' ,_ lire. You can be certain lhal your aavlnga account will be "up" at 1'he ... II-MUTUAL MVIMG&. In fact, we guarW~tee it! And a regular Pusbook Savings Account at The Big M peys 25% more than a regular com- mercial bank aavings account. Bonua Accounta provide an..,., gre.ter retum. For additional MCurity, your lunda orelnrured to $15,000 by en -Y oft,. ,_, .. -· PASS ~ ACCOUNTS Eam 5.13% when our 5% current ennual rate ia compounded dally tor a year. lnternt ~ld d8y in to day out. Addltlone or wtthdr1wala in eny lfftOUnt, at any time. l>onl Ia-.,. IW., 01-&. TOOLS, WW.-toolr,1 10, • ..., IDGINd to u.u -. ar.-.. .. ...,. ... t.oc~ .. Ill 11155 ud llld ·-llllllo .... _..__ ......... - .,.... W J )'IU'I. be. 1'MJ, D, baN a llltltr S.tl"* • are ._ ........ 'fl.llll wa-flltl llloald .. Mn. -AllOr-"' ... ·-ooiJ -1111 -Clloll, ud I~ ..... -CleetJOR ud ~ -OWI1 "' .,.. ~ llwla1 ftU .. ta ~ ....... Foe llrtpllc.e ••• UMIAGI $ALl SIT ol """ I ,-...,, ,... ................ ol..., ·--~ ~ ,... •11'111 11:: C $ ,MI I' Till ~ 1111 - -c.-..,~ c-... a... fJI~I Will 111or C..--If Tle -·· ---·~Qor') ~IOiol ....... '--h*t'... . ........... _ 1010 • I e,, ~ 10 .. U. It wa .zrw -.,, ··--..c..~· ..... -------- ' -ACCOUIJTS·Some bolo rote ao Pontool< Accounla, piU8-of25'11o ,..~Y when ,.ld IO< 36 ,_,.ho (.7&'11o totol}, $1.000 minimum. YMtty y1etc1 uno wnenl-Ia rwrolned and ~dolly, CWJlliAIITDD IIAft ACCOUIITa Eom 5.25'11o per ..,...., _,_d lOt a lilted lorm of 3. 4 01 5 _.._ l.tlnlm...., required St,OOO. PriOt to maiUrity, wllhcl,_ may be mec1e In -of lwdahlp. ,, IAVDaiS I ?' a CORONA D& M£R . ----,.__.,...,.. ' I • THE FLASH from tbe eamera. bad 110 D:lhf fAded &'ftJ tb1.D tbet1t tk1.1 exploded back into rock &od roll danelDC. EniOYtnc tbe t.onrawatted tbird &Ailual Bl.1l:m Peninsula street due' are, froot row, left to rtc.tl.t, SaDdra Whltebead. Ciady BerDIJ'd., Tom Beroard. KevtrJ Johna:Ml, BW Lane &DdMarpFrld&y,starwUnc.In the middle row are KJm BerDIJ'd, Laara Jobnmn, Ju Bodiae, Kyle WUU&ms, a.ad Rolll.ld Rook. In tbe beck row Tom Spoogler's fa<:o, Kerr! J"""-AU.. J"""-llld Kar Sbopbord. (Eutp ~.) TV'S DICK LANE AGAIH CHAIRMN4 OF DERBY Dick LaDe, a restdeat of New .. port Beaeb wbo tu loged more bours lD froot of a TV camera tba.D a.oy other per SOD 1n tbe ll1storJ ot ... tndustrJ. tor ... Zod year has accepted tbe post of booorary cbairmat1 otthean .. nUill ftshi.De derby for the bene .. at ot the <>ranee COWII)' Assoela.Uoo for Retarded ChiL- dren. Tbe 5tb annual event 1a set tor Oet. Z6 trom Art's r.aMtnc Ln &1bot&, Davey's Locker lD Newport BeacbandS&nClemeo- te Sportsllsblng, Eotraoe. do- nation ls $10. Boats will leave the respective laDdinp at 6 a.m. LEGAL HOTICE P-34866 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FicUtlous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does bereb)' cerW) tbal abe lJ coo .. duetl.aC a wbo .. a.ll buiDIU at 400 Carlolla, llewport S.Cb, Ca.lifor'llla, aer lbe lletitk:u Drm Dl.me of Rusty's Norelty Co. am that said ftrm ta com- posed of the tollowln( periOD wbole Dilllt lD fUll aDd place of restdeoce are u follow&, to-wit: Yarpret A. Wilbrecbt. WITNESS my band thls 25tb day of September, 1969 Warpret A. Wllbrecbt STATE OF CALIFQRNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ON THJS 25tb~~:~~::rl~~ 1969, before PubUc lD I.Dd state, resld1or comml.ssioold IJid swora. persomUy awe&red Marp.nt A. Wllbrecht kDowo to me to be tbe person wbose Qll.me is sub- scribed to the wtthin Ln- strumeot, and aeknowledpd to me that sbe uecuted tbt same. WITN.Em mybanci&Ddotrlclal seal. Jessie R. HiU Notary Publlc In IUld for said County aDd State. My commLssloou:piresOet. !4, 1910. Publlsb: Oct. Z, 9, 16, 23,1989, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. HOME FROU: 4 fll.rl LD Su Fra.oeltcoua colonel wttb the u.S. Army, Frank U:arshaU 1a sboWD.celebraUncMJ return to a career tn Newport Harbor r•l estate. He is prt.tnr a beer from Robert Sevttz. one of the bartenders at the Balboa Peolnsul& Point otroet duce. (Eutp~ pbolo,) ATTENDING their ftrlt Penlnstlla Point street cia.Dce are Cbuck aQd Marp Late. Tbey bullt ahomeoo Ocea.o BlYd. ln Ba.lboa, am IDO't'.:l bere from Whittier about 6 moolhs aeo. :J.inaf Clearance! 'J.)ining - H.J.GARRETf fURNfJURE ~-- AMONG the 300 adults, teeoacers, aod small cbildnn en)oytnc the Balboa PeniDsula Poiot lltreet da.Pee, held Friday, Sept. 19, oar the park at Plua del s.r IDd Plaza. Norde, were Jean aDd Bob Rodman. {Ensi&D pbato.) FIRST SHDWIII OF THE 1970's II THE USA! HARD WORKERS Mark Remer aDd Noah OileD, pulllnl tbe waaons. aDd be'*" by steve Smith, speot tbe ntpt at tbe Balboa str•t daDce, colleetinr pop cans as fast as tbey were tmptled. Watching tbem 1n the backBfOUJJd are RaJph ReiiDOI', Ktcbaet J"""-llld Kobt Pulasld. (Ell&! pi -.) M IIIUAL ORAliE COUin "IITERUTIIIW." OCI~9-12 "JtARADI M JlttOORIII ON WHIIU" metric and Im- port Can; . . , Unkfu• foe· ...., Dioplays . . . ,,_ types ... Experimental. .. Special Show Cara ... Yo- -Vohklos ... Moto< -· S.. ttt.m all u~ one big a lr-conclitioMCI roof! A &MOW FO"' TME ENTII'tl: FAMILY! ADULTS JUNIORS $1.50 . $1.00 thlk~Nft uncl.r 12 ................ SAVE SOc Spoaoared • Produced by' * THE FIRST TIME IN A PUBLIC SHOW The MJ£omoblle tbat ope.ra&.ea on Natunl Gu preseat.ed by Pac:tftc: Ulbtina Servtce Co. * SHOW HOUUa Ttwn. & Fri. S..11 p.M. Sat. & Sun. Mooft..11 p .m . ANAHEIM ¥-CONVENTION CENTER 100 w-._.. Is 1..-tr-mua;t :ll YOUNG .STU JONES Is ntcblng his mother, Andrea Jooes, one of the hard workine ticket sellers, a.t the Balboa Peclosula Point street c.WlCe. (Ensign pboto.) MOTOtt CAR DEAlERS ASSN. Of OIANGE COUNTY & ORANGE COUNTY DEALER SERV ICES AS.SOCIATION PHOHE BILLS OJT FOR SOME tH HARIIOR AREA AD e'CP"nctoo ofPaclftc Tete. pboDe'a Newpon Beach base rate area bU ben autbortzed by tho Ca.Uiorota Public !.till- ties Commtsslon to lower tele. pbooe bills about $700 a year tor about 76 customers lD Hat- bor View residemial tract. The sartnp resuU because "i";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; montllly milea.ee charges oow II billed oo the dtstaoce ol a cus- tomer's telepbone from the GMrest boundary of the base rate area will be ellm1oated m some and reduced tor otbera. The e.JPIJUIIoo. ts made possible by lnc.reutnr popul&- bllliDNli FEDERllb SllVINiiS tion density lD the area. ~~ Guaranteed Growth & Income Account"' 5.25 % a nn ual rate c ompounde d daih-. acc rued o r paid quarterly for 3. 4 or 5 ye~r period s. Withdrawals subject to li mitations. Bonus 3 Year Certificate Accounts: Ea rn So/o curren t annual ra te. PLUS gu ar- anteed 1/4 of 1% per a nnum bonus. 5.38°o is ac tu al a nnua l rate a t e nd o f 3 y ear period . w ith current 5% rate compoun ded dai ly. Which One Is FarYau? ·-- .L?¥-~.s'~ 260 Oce•n An nue -la1una S..Ctl. Cahto'n•• Telephone' 4'"'·7S41 OIUOOC>IU. Pass book Acc ounts : Ear n preva ili ng nnnual ra te -5°o current -with interest p•1d fro m date of de posit to date of with· dr•wal. fll nd s deposited before the 10th uf the month earn fro m the 1st if held to quilrtPr's end . Investment Certificate Accounts: In $100 multtplrs ea rn 5°/o c urre nt annu al rate from da t e o f d eposi t t o da te o f with- dr.I wol. Fund s deposited he fore the 10th llf the month ea rn from th e 1st if held to qu.ntP.r's r nd. T hrsP accou nts a nd many other services oro• fu lly expl ained in a new easy-to-read WAYS-TO-SAVE bookl et. Fill in the cou- pon he low and send for your FREE copy to day . Laguna Federal S1vins• 260 Ocean Avenue Laguna Bea ch, California 02652 Please •end me your booklet : WAYS TO SAR. NI~L----------------------- .,. __ ..... _ JJII KAAIOI avt. COS1'A MISA, CAUJ. .....,. ........ lAflu,.. ....... J ~ a.r ""-' • 4tf.ll60 • .... UOI $.til ~·· tol N [J c-w. llhel • .V.IItl I • ' Difficnlltiee In The Bible c-, .. ~-,,~~':....:2· 4) IMpee •••• 'C.nt•••ctlons' Ul .. .._tei ........ , .,.,. T.t ..... S,.t .. II.J4 .... ) WHO llOYD> DAVID TO ~ IIIIIAJIL? .IJIOIW AlP.....,... Mflrt!.ae'" fll8c::rilltun Chit .. ~...alt _..... • --... • • s-u.a 1e:1 · • _. whh 1 au · t, ; D :f. .. I -..a..,~ 11, V,-rood ... __ ..... ._. __ ---·-DnW =.::r-~~ .. c:-a:.= 11:1 ,.. .... : A.ad ·-.... ~ ~ ..... aad. moftd Dl¥fd to _._. r.-L" Ia ODt ....... tbeftfON, .. .,.. toW Ua.t Jtftonh llliOYell David ap1nd tht ,_.,.. wheft He Mid: "Go and Dumber bneJ and Judah." in the other ,..... -.,.. told \hilt Satan monel Drlkl liD humber Ianel, &Dd •• arc -.keel: "W1Uds U the COI'1'ed accoUDt1'" '11m VDY SIJIPIA an.wer 1o &bllt q-.dob il U..t both aceountll are -We do Dot Died .W0 to IUIIPC*' tlilat .a enor M. c:nfK into the tan -r..., aDCI tMt "be" .,_,. iDatead ol &tan. 110 that whet reallY WM ncorded In SMNel woukl 1»: .. And qain the ancer of the Lord ..,.. amdled .,.m.t ........ ead S.t.aa moved David acainat th.m," mMiliiiC tMt the anpr ol the Lonl .u JUndkd becaUM he yielded to S.tar:a'a moviDa him. Of eoW"M it il JM*ible tMt aucll an ftTOI' ,....,. have crept into the ten, or it is ~bl• \hat the pronoun '"he" ....Uy nfen to Satan, who il DDt mentioned. ·or the "he" miaht be-in~ "'ont.," without IIDY ~ M to who the "one" wu. U thia .,.,.. 110 tb.n would be DO dilfieulty whetaver in the pMU&e. aVT ma& m no lnsupenble dilf~uJty in any ca. to an,_. ...-ho ~ the Bible te.chlnl; rq:ardina God's relation to Wrnptatioo., Mid the attitude that He t.akn toward Satan. In 2 Corinthial» 12:7, R. V., -are told by Paul that lest he Mould be exalted above meuure throuch the abundanc:t of the revelations made to him there wu Jlven him a thorn in the flesh, "a rna.Rf\ler ol Satan,"' to buffet him. Ncnr .. the purJIOM of thia thorn In the nest.. thia "m"sencer of Satan." wu rno.t salutary, to keep Paul from beinl "exalted ovumurh, .. .-ridentJy it wu God who pve the thorn in the n.e.h, the "m--.ancw ol Satan"; but none the less the meuenc;er wet a meu,encer ol Satan. In other wordJ, God uses Satan, .vU u he is, for our rood. for our IDOf'&l dix.ipline. Ju.t u God makes the wrath of man to praise Him (Paalm 'IS;lO), .o He makes even the wnth of Satan to praile Rim. What Satan intends only for evil God UM:a for our 1ood. It wu S.tan who temJMd David, but it wu by God'• permission that S.ta.n tempted him. an4 b.ck ol the testin« and consequent failure of David ~ the Mlutary humiliation of David that came out of it wu God, and in thia RnM It was God who moved David to the ac:t thilt David miJ:ht discover throucft his failure whilt was in hia own heart. Great Events in the New Testament "Jeaua Stills the Wavea"-Mark 4:35-41 8)' Mr~. Joy Martin FROM "SWORD OF THE LOR D " MURFREESBORO. T ENN. CLUES ACROSS "I ""he ... •crid uoto the na, •.• I '"why are ya ao ...• ?"" II ""Adllft:l. Sheth, •••• " f.crambla, I Chron. 1:1) 12 a cboppin9 iutnuoant {Moll. 3: I D) "13 ""he ... aoid unto the na, Peace, ----atill'' 14 initiall ol the moth.r and father ol faeob (G.n. 24 :1?1 IS initiaia of a quaaa and th• wile ol Bocu (Eath. 1:11 : Ruth 4:13) IIi ""be cgatath forth hia ...• lih l:llornUr." (Pa. 14?:1?) II "Mcutar, ear..t thou -·-· that we p.ri.b?" 20 m•ana "'n•w." cu in •..• ·1U1bo- dorr 21 ""IMt he ----my aoul like ~ lioo" fPL ?:2) 2:1 N•w Tulam•al (abbra•.J 24 ''lbera •-a vrwat ____ of wiQd" Z5 ldag who killed John (Matt. U :3) 21 "1k«a ll"r-----IJI'eat ·-" n bUtia-Ur. of the tim two Jud, .. (Judv. 3!1: 3:U) 28 ""the ehildr•Q of -·--of H.••· ldah" (Eaa 2:11) l1 ..... wu In the ----part of the lllip'" 31 R-d be --~~· and rabubd lb• 'lrind" 2'7 --~~ they Jacuad ... aDd .aid ... to ----- •• -.... . . . Mid v.ato tb• .. a. ···~· 1M -·--" 411 Jacoa.· ... .-.. th 8011 ca.a. )0:11) u-.-ua~ a '-'tHalli ., ... aeptlew ... .on .. ~---(G.a. 13:1: 21 :3) U biJdcd. of l1le pierce lro• wllieb m-. -...t lh lim• of 1'yN CJ m.., 1:1. Ill 61 ....... ., • --. ... propltet •-od ... ~ (Q a... 2~1S) f7 -·-............ t ... -----.... .. -..... --..t tNt .. ,......,... a:...,..--................ eM,._~ (Miltt. DID) ... -....., .......... ---..:ri ..... {IMo .... , II ..... • "• -el _.. .. OM St ., .................... ,..-t ••• .............. _ .. " ....... _ ..... (0... lfll) ~-.---........... ___ r • -.. I ,, I (0.... .al) .... _ ... _ ··-~ '1'!, ',":...-........ . .. p .... .., • -. .. --hi) li '"bow ia it that ye ba•• no ____ r· ? '"and tb•y feared ____ .. 8 i-oitiat. of a lamo~~a wit. aod bl.l6- bGind (Rulh 4:13 ) 9 '"tba eo·urt oftb• read, and ----•" (Job 40:21 ) 10 ''alao with him other ----.b.ipe.- 1? ""thou wilt cav.aa thine ---· lo h•ar" (PL 10:17) 1!1 "'aaleap ·---a pillow" 20 ""bow ia il that ya b11•• __ . !crith?"' 22 1on of Solomon. _ ••• boam (Matt. I:?) 2? nama m•anin9 ""ra••n'" (Judv. ?: '" 21 ""9Ja••n by ----aad ~nan'• d•· •ie-" (Acta J?:H ) 29 "they ---· nol, neither do th•y apin" (Mall. I:ZI) JO aon of N1199• {Luke 3:25) 31 '"rnoet .trait"! .. et of our ---.i9ion" (Acie ZI:SJ 32 11n axda:~aation 33 aon of LaDtac:h (Gen. 5:21) 34 initial.. of tlu-" -••n (Gen. 30:21: G.n. :JI:I : Judv. 11:4) 3S a judge, ____ ud (Juclg, 3:15) 31 "---· on a pillo,... 31 ""be o-r-aad -·--d 1h.• wind"' 44 ·• ••.. do Dian M1' tlurt I omr (Mark 1:2?) 4? na:ma maa-niog ".troa9~ (l Chroa, 1:12 ) 4C a eon of haiCUIIia (Gen. 41 :21 ) 41 ""•••ry a .. Pall ____ .. (Phil . 2:10) 41 IUJDie meaaincr "watdl.lul"' CC.o. 31:3) 50 "--·-win4 -ct !.1M •• obey~ .. 51 lUll ......... "lr-J.l-e,- ---..JCQI (If--. hiS) 53 laitiala of twe .w-(Gen. 21: I I) $5 initiala ol t-.. -.u..r. (NUJL 211: II) A .LOOK AT THE BOOK I • , ... "MY JOY , •• IN YOU" _.._.....1 ..... - ,._ n41 waaoo• 1'HI LORO. •• ..,, ...,. •• • .., T-. .......... .., ............ _..,_ ... __ II ....... .W ..-,--I---e <I o ... ollllr • . ......... __ .., ___ .... -~ ... __ ._ ............... __ .,_ .... ..,_,"' ....... ..,~ ............. -............ .... .. UCC& ...... _....... • ... ._ ... , ,,......,., al ... hot• u.n .. ..,. c.-·· .s. c. On !be niJht of the Last Supper Jeaus, u He spoke to Hit ditcJplc:s about Hit reladoth ship with the Fathu and their relationahlp with Him and u He dllcutlcd with than ttw:ir atti- tude &oward the-world, said, ''Tbae thinp have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you. and that your joy miaht be full" (John ot the material thfa.p ol life. oo fUM &Del no prominence, but wbo P'*-' the UD~e~rchabte richa of OU'il!. Of coww. the Ouiltiaa t..a his IOITOWI, tft iJ pieved by llle dnt.b of bil loved ones, but be tOn'OWI noc ·u tboM wbo have no hope;" aDd in the mklniabt of bl:i sorrow sinp t.he niahtlnple of hoPe, brinJina joy to his heart with the assurance that he abal.l see his dear ones apitt. ____ ._ ____ ...., .... - ......... -I lt_.., ____ ..,.llllll!ll, I , ..................... ,2 ... .,... ...... , ...... ................ ,. 1 .......... ...,_ ... .. ------· ... -. .. -. .... -~ ... ...._ _, 'e: lsdtw II,.._,_, •.....,..., • p jl;lo, II ........ ill ...... tl Ia,.-C-__ ., .... I 5, II). .......... , ... ~.-.. -. .... -...... ._ .. lloi-<IW."4d~LI ·II. Wbc:n the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ is in a man's heart, his joy ls always full ; and there is no fullness of joy anywhere except in Christ. God has made tM human heart so only He Himself can fill it. All the pleasure! of the world, all the riches of earth, though they may bring a temporary thrill, lean unsatisfied th~ longing of the heart. "My heart and my ftesh cri~th out for the living God," says th~ Psalm- ist. The soul of man is immortal, and only God can satisfy the hunger of the soul and bring eternal joy. The immortal cannot bt: satisfied with the temporal and the ~temal with that which is transient. Some of the most unhappy ~ople I have ~vee known have bttn people of wealth and fame-people successful from the viewpoint of the world. Some of th~ hap- piest people I know are thO§C who have little When the man without Chriat lole8 his wealth and his friends and his famity, he bu lost everythina. Let the Olristian sec his family taken from him, his temporal pouessiom awcpt away, and his friends removed----he still ha1 the abiding pretence of C hrist in Whom his hope is fixed and Who is the Author and Source of his joy. The man whose affectton~ are tel on Christ has every reason to rejoice because he knows that all thinp work tocether for his good (Romans 8 :28). The man who lives in Jaily fellowship with the lord is in contact with the Source of joy eternal. ~In Thy pres- enc~ is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermllre" (Pulm 16:11).- American Way Features We betiew that the almplut, ~IMrftt way to IIW the Bible tHctWlc about wbat II cal1ed ·~ In tonaun'" may be to lllmply uk »rineJpaJ questJoM about It and &tve the &Nwen rrom the Bible. I. WHAT 18 TIIB ONE CLEAR CASK OF MIRACUWUB GIPT OF TONGUBS IN TIIB BIBLBT It b : In the cue at Pwnteco.t u deseribed above. Several facb .taDd out llbou.t thJI dear cue. 1. The "other tonpee"' are lim· ply foreip ~· 'lbe Gfftk •·ont lioM:J ia rqularl,y u.etd in the New Teatament for lanluqt!, u It ia here, 7Jt'O M/Niff£5 111111 THE 818L£ flf CCMMIUUI ll. lYAII ...... -IAN INeU IOCIITT CNKAOO, IWNOIA .0.U THE CHRISTIAN 'S PROSPECT Those of us who trust in Ctlrtst for wlvation Milve a 11orious prospect. For the present, unt•l we go to be wtttl H1m, "we Milve redemptton, through Hts blood, the torstveness of sins. accord· tng to the riches of H•s grace" (Eptl . 1.7). tn mf•ntte love God has made us to be "accepted m the Beloved" (Eph. 1:6) and ha s pronounced us "complete m Him" (Col. 2:10 ). Our posttton •s now a blessed and eutted one. for God Ma-; "m&de us s•t together m heaven- ly places m Chr•st J esus" (E ph. 2:6) and has "blessed us wtttl all spmtual blessmgs in heavenly places m Chnsl'" ([ph. 1:3). But ttl•s 1s only the beg•nntng, lor. refemng to the Chnst•an's death. Ptl i1tpp1an s 1:23 tells us that ""to depart. a nd to be w•th Ctlr.st •s far better"; fa r better not only than earth's sor rows and troubles, !::ut than earth's Rreatest IOYS and dearest treasures! But even this •s not all, lor the t•me Wtll come when, the Church. ··the Body of CMr.st,'" navmg been completed, the Lo rd wilt come to re-cetve all of 1ts members, tiv•ng and dead, to H•m setl. Referring to the resurrection of the de- ceased beli ever's body , I Cor. 15 declares that "'It •S ratsecl on m · corrupt•b•lity"' ('Ver. 42). "<t ts ratSa:l In alory" ('ler 43), "It IS !11'i1""ed m power" (Vef. 43). "it •s ra•s.ed a sp~tttual body" ('Ver. 44), ··for a s we have borne the •mage of the earthy, so sMall we also bear the •mage of the Meav · enly " ('ler. 49) And as to those believer~ who wtll be alive at Hts com•ng. he says; "We sMall an be cnanged"' (Ver. 51). "For . we look lor the Savtor. the Lord Jesus Ctlnst, who shall chang e tht!O body ol our Mumth· alton. that It may be lash<oned l•ke u nto the body of H1s glory . ," (Ptld 3:20,2 1). TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD Because of a -tallure to under· 5Uind God's wrpo5e5 IS outlined in the Scriptures, some have feU 11 neceswry to alter many of the plamest statements of HOly Wttl Supposmg tM•t God could not have meant euctly •hat He sa•d. they have concluded that these thtnRS must be mterpntted '" a ''sp•ntual'" sense. Actually there IS nottlmg s p•r· •tual about fathng to take God at H•s Word , or seek1ng to e11.plam away d•ff•cult1es by a rbltrartly al· terma wnat He has platnly sa•d f •rst. th•s would leave us at the mercy of theolog•ans. If the Scrtptures do not mean what they say, who Mas the auttlor.ty to dec•de wM•t they do mea n~ And how can we turn to the Word of God for l1gtlt tf it does not mean what 11 says and onl)' tra•ned ttleologtans can tell us what it does mean? Second, ttl•s atterina of the Scrlfttures 4tfects the veracity ol God. It •s a thrust at Hts very honor. II the obvtOUS, natural mean•ng of the Old Testament prom•ses are not to be dependerl upon, Mow can we depend upon any prom•se of God? Then, when He says: '"Whosoever sMall call upon the nil me of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom. 10:13 ). He may also mean someth•ng else m· stead of what He actually says. Th~rd, th•s "spmtuahz•ng·· of Scropture endorses apostasy, lor •I allows men to alter the mean· ona of God 's Word accord.ng to theH Will The path to a true understand mg and enroyment of the Btble tS not •n altenng but •n "r•ghlty dtvtdtng"' •I (II T1m . 2· I 5 ). Meditation Upon Christ By Dr. John Owen Here people filled wttb the Spirlt were ct~n the power to apeak to others 10 that "every man heard thfom speak In his own lansuqe." And there ~n= olhen who sa~ "How hear we every From "Titt Excelltn cy of Christ," man In our own tongue [or Jan. 1674 .... ~ace]. wherein we Wf'r.! bom!" Ob ds "I ,._L And in WnN 9, 10 and 11, about ~rve from the woe , s..,..._ sixteen lanaua&ea are named . of the things which I have made Toncun in the Bible aimpJ.y tourhing t h~::: Kin~" f Psa.45 :I] that it means lanpaps. "Other tonauea'' is t:.e ri uty of beli~:::,·en to be making a.lmply mean. forelp laiiiUI;Ift. thin;::. concernin£ Jesus Christ. Now, 2. In thll cue the abWty ·to to l ot: 1nal.:i nL! things .:on.:ernin,t: J~sus apeak theae forei1n Ian1ua1~ · · J · 11 · wu dearly miraculous. that tS, i J.n~t. 15 Ia <nr tittle ~tfa_n :1m -to wu 1 lirt, the 1m of "ton&Uet" h.ne firm :wd fi xed medtt:•:tons upon or the lift of la.n1ua&es. Here un· Christ . and upo n the ..:!or r of His ex· learned, uneducated Galileans .-d!cnd('s. thi!:. is it that here is called, apoke In other langua1ea which ··The things I ha \'e made, composed, they did not know, to thea" for- iramed in my mind." He did not e~Jn.bom Jews from varioua ooun· make pictures o f Christ, or frame. such tries. and such images of Him; but he medi· They ape.ke ''as the Spirit gave tated upon Chfist. Ir is called. "Be.-them utterance," miraculously holding as in a glass the glory Qf the (vs. f). · 3. The reuon for the o,tlft uf Lord," in 2 Cor. J : 18. What is the tongues here Is obvious. Thou· glory of the Lord ? Why, it is the glory aandli of Jew!! from other eoun- of Hia person, the glory of His king· tries were tn Jer-uu.lem who eoukl dom, the glory of His love. Where are not understand the native Ar- thc:se to be seen ? They are. a.ll repre.-amak: which Jews apoke there. sented in the glass. What glasa? Tbe But Oniatlam had bct"n earn· glus of the Gosrvol. The Gospel hath manded to .et out to Pft:adt the r-<Mpel to every creature and had a reRect:ion upon it of all thue gtoriel rameatly prayed, tarryinc in of Christ, and makes a repracntation Jerusalem untU they were endued of them unto us. What is our work with power from on HiJ:h, aa they and business? Why, it is to behold were c:crnmanded (Luke ,24 :C91 . this glory ; that is. to contemplate 1bere wu no meaninck-a Jabber. upon it by faith, to meditate upon. it, no u.:an. eeata.ay. They wttneued led k. "things ln the po'llo'n' of God to thew un-which is here cal rna mg uwd people. Surely honest heuts touching the King." This is also c::alled can woe the rtUOn that God 1avr "Christ's dwelling in us," [Eph. 3 :17) the 1Ift here, the need for 1t. and. "The word of Christ dwelling 4. God u.ecJ these people, who richly in us." fCo\. 3 :16] ; which is, ~l'l."aebcd the Gospel in variou" wh~n th~ soul abounds in thou~hts of lanBuaces. to wtn ttlrN:' ttlouaar .. i Otrist souls that day, u we se-e in Acts The.r~ is an unconquerable desire 2 :41. Tht"-w-Spirit·fillf.'d peop~ WE'I'l." atmply fulfilling the Great implanted in the heart of every believer Commisllon to get out the Gos· in the world to be like unto Jesus 1 .... Christ: because God hath, in the way 5. Jt 11 impoMant to nGIICE' that of an ordinance , appointed him to be the fol'l."il'l lan1u•ges were in- our pattern. And we are but triRing cldental. They Wf're not proml&f:d Christians. and a dishonor to our pro-to the&e apost~a and others who d . -.·aited In the Upper Room. The fession . if we make not this the estgn apo&tles were simply promised o f our souls continually, that we may endut'rncnt with power from on ~in the \\"Orld as Christ was, that the Htrh. and they were rivt>n that. !><lme mind mav be in us that was in They were not wailing tor him [Phil. 2:51; the same meekness. tonJUf'S, not wallinc !or siRns. humilit'. self-denial. faith. love. pa· They weno waltinc for pow«'r and ticnce. ih:tt 11-35 in Him. to ptt'ach the Gospel with powt>r. Now, if anybody elaims to be St. Thomas Bible Lesson JESUS TAKES UP PARABLES "'J)enteco~tal... he ousht to mt•n hl\inc: aoul-wtnnlnc power 11 they had at Penti!C'Oit. 'And If ~ wanw the-"rift or tCII\IUM... tw foreia:n lanaun. •• It wu ln the Bible, he ahould mean wht.t It meant at Penti!C'Oit, II. DID NOT CORNEIJIJS AND HIS FAMILY ANn FRIENDS SPEAK WITH TONGUBBT Yes, thoel-aaved ot ComeUua' houwhold spoke with lancueaes. The Bible dot-s not sa.y It waa a miraculous gift of toncues but ~Y did apeak In more than one langual!'. Acts 10 :44-441 n)-., "Whil(' Peter yet spake thew word!! the HoJy Ghost fell on 111 them wtlkh heard tht> word. And they of the clrcumris.lon which bt'lk-vl"d we~ utonl!hed., as many as came "ith Pet~r. tx>t:auw that on thr Gentile~ aiAo was poun-d out the gift of the Holy Gh<»t. Fnr they heard them speak with lt.mguf'S., and magnlty God." Now examiiK' lhf-Scripture cart'fully and do not rtad Into It what God did not put into it. I. TtK-y ··spoke tn ton&tJea," that ht, when th~ Holy Spirit c&mt' up.. on HK'm they •·itnessed In more than one lafll:uaxt. Since thr Biblr does not uy tMt It wu mlncu· loua nor lh'l' any dlvinf' ~uon to .iUppoae it was miraculous, W(' sho1.0ld not uy so. 2. The peop~ hert> were JX.-ople of mort> than one lan1uqe, 110 it would be natural ror them, in time or ~treat blesaln&. tu apeak in more than one la.f\1\Jaae. Cor- ncllus and hi.s ~kUers Wt're uc.' the Italian band," that i". from Rome, and they spoke Latin. St-r- \'ants and !rlt>nds who -A·en· n•· tl\lf'S o! Pak-stine spoke tiH.' naliV<" Aramaic languagt', '" did all the Jews. But the cultivated fJt.'OPl.:! amonc them also apokt the Kolnt!i G("('('k lanxuaae. too. whieh tr..e GrC'«'k propll', ruling thf' world be- fon.-Ron'H', had 1prt>ad all over the then known world. Thus all the New Testamt'nt was wrilt('n In tkr Grt'ek lanauage. Paul preached cvcrywhPre in the Greek langual{('. In the C'hlca~~:o area, in tM midst of a 1reat revival, many of the Swl!'fih;h people praising God and tl"Stlfylng la~ Into their o•-n natl\'e IU'Id bekJvt>d Swt'dtsh liln101:uaxr. ttK-tr mother tongue. 4. Tlwre is no nl!('d for people here to be gi\len u mlraCuloua cift o r tongu«'S. Thf')" could all under- stand Pe t('r, :w we rK"l'd not list thia e..,s«' as On<' or miraculous ;;irt or tonaut'S. It 1.~ important to notice !hat Pcll'r and the J('WS who wert> Wtth him unclt'rstood what tht>5C propll.' !Oatd ··for they heard fh('m ~peak with tongues ! la.naua~:es . and magnify God." And when P€'ltr told back in JN usnl('m a- bout th€' wonderful ron\'f'~kln of lhcs.c pcoplt' and their pralst•!!. "the~· held their pt>ace. and atori- lled God, sayinc. Tht>n hath God also to the Gentill"' granted J'('· p(ontance unto li!('" (Acts 11 :181. \ Their praises were understood aM were t'V ic\rftC(' that they wert' saved. (TO 81! CONYt~UED) Matthew l 3: l ·23 Lesson l. Series Ill Any wise, weighty saying that ls instructive may be called a parable. But in the Gospels a pa ra ble ~l'nera lly signifies a na rra tive In which one subject is laid alongside a no ther !'lt.1 as to teach by compa rbon and illu!ltratlon; espe-- d ally is it used fo r the illustratio n of s piritual o r heavenly things by earthly objects o r incide nts. J esus did not origin a te p a rables . The prophet!! made ust> of them . T hey were familiar in Israel from Scripture. However it was somehow a nticipated tha t the Chris t, when he came. would m a ke a greate r u se o f them tha n ever befo re. "I will o pen my mouth in a pa- a ble; I will declare ha rd sentences of old .~ sa ng the prophet in Psalm 78. The time and the manner ln which .Jesus began to teach in parables was startling. II was h is reply to gro wing nppo!iltion to him a nd hia ministry; In his hand the para ble was a te rribl e two-edged swo rd, a weapon of attack, "piercing even to the d ivid ing a sunder o f soul and spi cit, and of the joints and marrow, a nd is a d \S("em e r or the thou ght~ a nd intents of the heart." the seed that didn't come to harvest, still reaped 100 bushels to the a cre. a bumper crop. And finall y the very resorting to pa ra bles drove the wedge deeper between those who were called to aalvation, and tho~~e who were damned. Those. who heard J esua in good faith, undentood at lea1t something of what he wa11 -saying and took his wo rda to heart, would tee thlfll'a even more dearly from hearing them. But the very aame parable falling on the eara of those. who were clamoring and heckling and not llatening and who had been un- willing to "know the mysterie11 of heaven," 11implyconfuaed them and befuddled them all the more. The OC('a sion was memo ra ble. Huge crowds had been thronging to hear Jeaus, but they we re pricked lo their hearts by wha t he said and reacted atrong- ly . On thl!! particular mo rning he had been prea ching in a hall. The scrtbea and the Pharisees were there. heckling and haraulng him. He had been o ppo5ed and cavilled at by his enemies, disturbed and Interrupted by hit friend!!. Finally hill mother and brothers came to the place, and, ~malning out!llde, !lent word to him. They ca lled him to come away. John tell• ua that .lesU!I' own brothers did not believe in him a t this time. It waa a dangerous mo mt>nt: fo r Je11u11 to draw back an Inch would h•ve given the crowd the upper hand. Instead he lntenstned his own mlnl.atry. He withdrew from the house, o r hall. nnd began to preach out of doon. o n the .ea side where he wo uld be hea rd by mo re than ever. The crowd then pressed on him 110 that he got Into a ship and withdrew a llttJe from the aha~ ao they could not get at him. Perhaps there waa a kind of act2d parabl& in taklna ahip. &8 Noah had doM to outride the nood waten. aignllytfll' how thf thlp ot salv ation, which 11 the church. pro vldea a platform from which Goapel preacher!l 11peak to lhlll troubled world . Then he !!poke many thing!! to them-In parables. Later on, whtn lhlng1 had qui~ed down, his diaclples came to him aflkJng, '"Wby 1peakttl thou to them in parable•? • They were surprliiOO and bamed. 'r1lt anawer Jnue 1•ve them ilttlf required tome tt!&l undentanding, and waa made clear by u.e ol the parable ltRlf. Ot all the thm,a JellUI aaki that afternoon from the 1hlp, the one thai •tuck In evtrybody't heArt and mind wa1 that of the parable o f the towtt. It atruclc home hard. II wu Jeaua' an..er to hi• enemlel, hi• frienda., even 1M members ol h1a farnlly who we.rt besettlna him to live up hla mlnlatty and stop aroutlnl th e counlryl1de and all the confta~ton and hoatl.Uty that had oome • Tht parable cut lnto thla In many way•. h wat a tbarp nbu.A 10 all who did not llllen 10 hlm and take hla word& 10 IWut. AI t~e tame time lt declared hta own eonndena In h11 own ultimate IUClCell deep111 tbe r.ct that tluw out of lour who huril blm would not 10 atona wtth htm-for lltte IOWI'I', c~e~p.-..U Here waa the thing about the parable that Jnw dwelt on. It wa11 the thing thai launched a new and more lnttensiw pha1e of Jesus' campaign. Matthew tell• ua a little Carther on that "All the.e thing• apake Jeaua unto the multitude ln parablea; and without a parable apake he not unto them." H1J 1.1ae of them wa1 Itself an unmlatakable claim to Meulahahlp. It wu the fuliU.Imeot of laaiah'a terrible worda: "Go and tell thia peoplt, Hear ye indeed, but under- ltand not; and see ye indeed, but pen:elve nol Make the heart of thb people fat, and make their ean heavy, and ahut their eyn; lest they Me with their eyes, and bear with their ean, and u.ndentand with their heart. and convert, and be healed. • At thi.l moment, Hnal )ud1emmt becan to fall. The uae of the parable wu a balanot of jud1emmt: on the one aide. lhoH to whom Jt waa .-wn to know the my1teliel wouJd bt enlta"hlmed; and thoae who would. not beed or lllten, would be driven farther away. Thll 1J cbaracteriatk: of every-thine about the Gotpel. It II a "uvor of We" to 10me. and •a aavor ofdea.lh"to othen. To come 10 c::ommunton ln aood faith Ia to reollve renewal ot faith and llfe; to come ln bad faJth la to come to your own damnation. It ltlhe aame Gotpel, the aame crou. the aa.me communion, the aa.rne parable: to aome llle, to othen dntruction. Tbe aplanaUon of tht parable .-ven by Jesua hlmldf eeema to need no mlarcement aoept aa any reader can 11ve IL It la important to oblerve. bow- ever, dtat Je.ut ratlftH what "" call an alJei'orb.llnte.rpretadon of hi. OWJ:I parable. Thai lt, NCh of the ebanden Ia a b'p+e or penonlflcalion of IOme- thlna or tomeooe eltt. Not aU of the parabltt are to be clealt wtth tn tide way. but m&IIY an. It lo nol bard 1o -the-Many poopiiiOday objact to eucb tDttrpret.adon; but tbe;y mUit object to Scripture'• own medwd of · IDterpntl.,. Scrlplure II !hey do. Tbe moral '--obi eonlaiDid In the puableottbe 10wef an vuy Important ud oboWd be driwll home. OUTLINB: Ja111 ""'-llw-IOp.-ilouiNdo;lwlutUoullip•IO -tlw lllf'OII#; IN b,.W 10 ...U. In parabloo In_.,.,.,. oppo- lllio~~; ,. -tlw paroblo o( liN -r. tlcMrilw 1111 ,..,_ .. ..,... -Gild tnopql,. .._. TM•~ "" a/liMo ,..,_ .. ,_,. • II.,_.. ,_ -P. O,---Ho-'IWM 71016 ' • • ;=~~=~1E===R-~=;.~(JI=3 ===0011041A=lltU=RSOA=r~l=Lo'!A=CT~=~c:=.. F. From the Police Blotter Diving symposium set ~·~~"~ •TBIIIIDAY,APT.ll ru '*lilt Jlfllod <oro ol 8t.,Woolll...,..t.ftl.,._ Ef..,aoloc lrom dlfla( 1o< ~-Tile allonooo WOR'nJAJIY A Ml-Vlo)D ar!YW ftl IIUeo ,.....,., a'lllollllo, 00 I dolr .. ol PMII 'l'a ol-Ir-e 1o 111o loeb· .. ,, ... will bo pflo-loa 110 Bloaoiwoy -1o lloo& llolllllll b' c-del IW, udllartlro aoarl-at-a.MIIIW• ..... of liard bat--Mf1o o1 -~· FN Ia< u-.--.--- tr•bllt ... Ml""'IC oo.W. ladll, 41'1 DUJJa, Apt. 1 • • • • CM A,. ••• JtidiU'd -...... k WW bt COt"llftd 1D the UII~:IJ~oopooj:;::IMII:.Io~$5:;.. ·!"'~:~~;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;;t CGul ft7, -~en., llu)Dalo 'l'wtr, liM -..,.. ol a --at ltof. I ~ Coul Colle~~ 1 -B&ra.WootUIIDo<IIQ ... rvfii,Cooii-.-W 4611Co-BI<Uioy,lo..._ooutoo .,.....-... "Car-A' rl D • Se • Dou MI• ... ,4010Riftf, Wool ~ IDir> I "~ ftJ'' l!la a 1iDc ~ dor ----lo dl.bc." arpo nver mce ll...,..t. collided oo II. CGul 110 IIUtloc' l!la ud a lin llolo a t$.00 mo11J ba( ud TIM IJ-1101 lrtll be beld IIY '"'·-·--Rollllr Pi"CIIItl--ltlb-elol!l, $1U Ia cun-.y udtrom 9..,. to 9-10 pm !JI IIUio ••• .Pollee '""'""' Jll! .._ Blfd ... .Allee Col-$101.54 locrodlleardr~ 111o occ sd-e ·Hau.' u· •• (714) 897·1357 Cllarlol AI-r. lUI W. IIIII, I 'HI Plua dol MO<Ie, !rom lllo eob1D11 10 bll----by OCC ud 111o CAR A!4YWHERE -A14YT1ME 0... F-. Ce!lUal Mnporl, Balboo, la<eo r ..... biiU ol ... Aolo a<<-1 .. _...,. Nal¥al ....__at Undor- YUb belDc drtaak 1D u auto-onr $ZOO aAer u aecidlllt Oil teo ••e tueo 1rom !lra)' 'ftttr Iutroctots lilioblll ••• Ralph G&llaat, NewportB1Yd.1rltbuA•Mim Frup,S15E.Ball:lwBlfd..,No. Tblm«IWI.cte~n.tllfea. 150-1/t Se11bon, Welt Nw .. drt•• • • • Pollee arrtlted •1, Bllbca ••• A $4"' te1e--tare t&lbbJTommyTbomp~ port, was arru&td oa a cbarrt Robert LDrell, 414SeYWe, BIJ .. YlaioD wu ta.tea trom tbe re .. retittd ffafJ commander aod a of b1JDc druot 1D pubUc. bela.. 01& cbllce ol beJ.&c dnmk aldeDct ot Veraoa L. lJ.ttle .. muter dtnr; Dr. Cleo Ec· • FRIDAY, SEPT,J9 lDpubllc.. JobD, 2101 WlDitwatd, B&JCI'IIl Jtrom, t.doltbe UCLASCUBA SbapWtlra trttdaome~ • TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 ••• Butwa J. Ricbards, Z04 III'OCfi.JD; Bob Howa.rd.. com. brtedtar ud stole a $110 pig. Roonle Lee I..ahn, 11& 31st Htb st., w .. Newport. uau... merel&l. d1Jer; Jobo Resect. sldD coat from Aprapo'a,No.29 St •• West Newport, wuanested l1llc $50 d. ba&t aece...-111 tbl OlllJ man to dl•e tbe Ross FubJoQ lalla:1. aod a $G) on tbe char~ ol posaesaJoo ol l.GcbdDc a.a aocbor ud 10 lilt S.. tn A.marctlca; Doo C. j&pu' ftao cc.t from oearbJ marlJIUI. of cbal.a. from bet boll: • • • Moore, actift lAuebaeoloefcal Bact strelt Sbop, No. Z5 • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. U Pat M. Sena:s, 71.6 Via Udo dlt1Dc; Tom MeDooald, mana,. OIURTEOUS DEPENDABLE DRIVERS LO.J ANGELES INTt:llNATIONAL AIRPORT 19.00 (rl~ will rciMm yowr eM I() yot~r •o••J HO URLY RA.TBS A.VAILA.ltLB FOR IHFORI<AllDH CALL 197-1357 FUbtoo. lala.Dd .,.Somettme E. Ja.ctaoa.. 1&15 Marloers Nord,lJdolale,w1.UOMsarfiDc Cll'oltbeYI.medUodersea.Re. durln1 the put 4 days, $110 Dr., Harbor HICflluc1s,nJbtt· bud ltw ber surf board wu .-reb IDd MiDI Sub procram wortb of statues were stolen ten by blr pet n.t; tbe I'Odefi stolen from ber bome • • • lor Aero)et Geoeral; ud Paul lrom Karenllarl'ec. l._u, wu lmpoq>ded r.r lllo usual Aoprolimately $418.50 wu T........., edllor udpubllsher 2640 E. Coast Hwy,, Corooa. rabiescbect. stolea rtom a bustaeA omee ol Skin otYer Yap.z.tne a..od a • GUARANTEED WORK e FREE ESTIMATESe del Mar .,, Bury Meodoza. •THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 at tbe Cbarles E. Smith Co., prbe wtnDI.nc UDdenrater • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY • . ..and~ up your own mind! Sundays at 8:30p.m. IICOP-1'\( Qanne113 ZOO Port Pro,.oce, Harbor Richard Woods,lll281!l st., 505 Slst st., West Nftll0(1. o MEMBER OF C.IJ.D.A. CUSTOM DRAPES I VIew lllllo, rOI)O<ted thai be-West Newport, wu arr-Wh 'II be I I b ? JOHN & MARTHA .. 4 BEDSPREADS hrHO ~. 8 ud 18 10meooe 00 a Charll" at ...... llleft of a 0 ega oss o I kicked 1n the side door to his boat ••• Jerome Webael WU-Q al ' ry Upholstery From birth control to campus revolt, Dr. Albert E. Burke meets the crises or our times head-on with brilliant, sometimes shocking , c larity. ··Probe," a new series or exciting documented commentaries with dramatic on-the--spot films. will be shown Sundays on KCOP-TV, Channel 13 at 8:30p.m. Or. Burke does not deal in opin· ioO. He analyzes today·s problems by present· ing facts in dramatic style. then asks the viewer to make up his own mind. He lets us see the issues as they really are. probe . ..and rnalle up your <M'n mind! These thought-provoki ng commentaries on the crises of our times are proudly presented in the public interest by Glendale Federal Savings. Q.lfiii8AU flDliLU ·5AVINCS -·-- IIIWDOI1 BeaCh '2333 Eut Cout Mignway COSta Mill 1833 Newpon Boulev•rd '•"1'0 .. ~Sf CO .. O c af:IC.(ST <tOf A•1. ·•··~ osu•' o~£'1 so e•u•o .. U OH IC I S "'"'" OH oC( OU .. O•.I Pfall" IJ!d took tools valued klnooo, 208-1/Z 4Srd st., West woo lrtll be the ,..., KIDC .,,.,., aomes wtll be anno"""ed U 1 at $87 • . • A prowler broke Newport, Is out oo $308.50 ball Boss of the Harbor Area Lep1 prior 1o the crOWlllng of lllo aew ~======== ... :::":•:et====C=•~·:·:·:·:":-~ louvered W1Ddowstoenter Lloyd after bei.Dg arrestedoo.aebalp Secretaries? The answer YU1 boA ol tbe year. tw Allbe:rt'a home at 2007 of drunk drh1.ag; be was 1n be leaned Oct. 15 wben tbe Mrs. Dorotlly de Mallgnon Is Bayadel'e Ter ., lrvtoe Ter. front of Ills home wbeo om.cers secretaries and their boSSes lD cb&rp ol arrangements, U· ra.ee, but toot oothlng • , • A aA~reheOOed him .•• A n eoum meet at the CostdlesaCOUDI:rY alsted bJ 14rs, Wel Packard. ~¥11rft nr~~-1101-.r $230 cultar n.s stolen from cleaner worth $89 was stoleo Club for dinner ud program. Ruern.Uoos can be made wtth ~ 1~ UA TCMM Cllltiii"'AM ..... T can• •taLEa . ~·~..CO ,._,C' .. CI • C.W.O. 01..-T• • c.u-...-. !'""'-"" ~ ... ~ .......... ~ .... ~~·· .. Steno Rlehl.rds, 415 6ZDd st., from a boat owoed by James Mrs. Albert Eccles Jr., pre-1111's. Joim Wileoz:, 547.8804. Newport Sbores ••• WUlWn E. Moore, 19 Aocborap, Udo sldeol, will preaide and James Soelal bour Will be at 6:30aM LJDd, 400 VlYla.n. Harbor Hiett-Tr. Park ••• A Volbwaceo p. Loughnn.. 1968-69 boss at. 41DDer at 7:30p.m. The enter- landl, wu tabo to Haag transmis!doo a.Dd· 7st.ereotapes the year will be tbt lluter of ta.lllmeat 1ri.ll eoosist of a Hospltal for treatmeot after wortb $35 were taUa. from tbe Ceremooies. Letters DOml· bamorous rea.dlne by Laura ....... ctow ot Jim ·-u ot ·-1 ~-be f""HOI'IC •••·•~ .. coeT• ..-... c.to&..lfl'. ·-·., _.._.. o some eoocrete pnge ~ , ,_.., oaUor their bosses aDd l1st1n& HanrPhaD ud a ma. e ......... r. steps •••• A htt.run dr'lnr Clay, Newp:trt Helcbts. tbelr qualiflcatioos were writ .. sbop quartet of 4 attorneys '" IAIT •• !'4'\..-.~......, .....,, bumped the carolPatrlefi:Cum-• FRIDAY, SEPT. zs ten by the members aod from Sao Olego. 1'•======;;.,==-'===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;!.1 mlnp, 4008 Cbannel, West Michael w. Mullen. Z08 35th are being judged by 3 jud.ps., • Newport, running ~ a $200. plus btu for the owner • . . Rooald KloelsU, 106 9tb St., I BI.Jboa. faces repair bJUs 1o ucess ot $200 a.tter an accident oo Ne"'PPrt Blvd. wtth an Ana. helm driYer. • SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 Howttluch ton~r mUSt we There was DO place to sU In H. Jenson's pa.tlo at 514 W, Balboa Blvd., Balboa, after thieves walked otf with a patio table and chair valued at $30 . , • Kenneth MUklleton. 112 W. Coast Htt')' ., Ne.-port, reported today lba.t someooe stole a.$100 garden statue b'om Ills patio between Sept. 14 fad 20 • • • A SSO tachometer was stolen 1 5' ~~.!·~:-5.Z5' ~ .. 5.Z5' ~'::. 5.Zf ;;::'::~::::. ttom tbe car ol Richard Freel, I 3911 Seashore, West Newport put up ,. , •. .In the last 5 !3ays, someone L.;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ stole s&erep equ.lpment worth ,; $1 ~ !rom Georll" Wll!!sm's apartmeor at 1036 w. 8a1boa 81Yd., Ba.l.boa •• .A tut.ruo driver rolled ~ a $ZOO.plus repair bUl for tbe parked car of Henry Hill. Z3ZO Clay, New . port Helg:bts •.• EdWard Ed. n.rds, 537 Via Lldo Nord, Lido Isle, eolllded on E. Cc.st Hwy. wtth Marjorie GllerUn, 720 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar ... 1n another accident on E. Coasl Hwy,, ThOmas Laodole, 91319th st .• Costa Mesa, oolUded with the car of Mary Hay, 604 Acacia., Corooa del Mar .•. A $25 bicycle was stolen from Ca.rolee Cochran's pra.ge at 4508 W. Balbo& BlYd,, West Newport, SUNDAY, SEPT. 21 I C:HIJitC:HES I 1ltwpp ., tubu Let. "0• tt• IJ/•/1• Or ... rlooAirtJ ."'lu·/'OFI ,.._ .. 1•11 Cl.l"" _,.,. NEWPQRT I!IEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICA~ LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:00A.M. TO 10:10 A.M . -FAMILY WORSHIP 9:» A.M. TO 10:10 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 :00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SttR~CE n• .... .J•• o. ••· Pu&o~ Ttle .......... W'l&a. Met•&Mt Pu&ot' -:541-3111 Otrlstf• $cleltCt Serrlcea nUT C111JIICII OF ai.IT, IOIENnaT llOJ Via Li6o Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL f : IS •·•· _, 11 •·""· SUNDAY SERVICES f : IS -II •·""· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·•· READING ROOM ......... , •.... -, .... . .... " .... ..,, ' •.•. -7:4.5 ...... . r ...... ., _,F.,,..,, ' ..... -s ..... ; 7-f .... . ~ • .,. 1 ...... -...... . 8:COND CIIUIICII Of" aaa.r . .a&Jft'IIT Nc.,art Beach at Corofta del Mar 1100 Padllc Vlow Dr. WNDAY SCHOOL 11 •- SlJNOA Y SERVICE 1t •• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1,00 , .... ...... , aoo-1 Jht.•t Bhl• 2861 Eu& auet Bwy., CDM. Moa.-Frt.1 10 ..._ to 5 P•·, n .. ct.,. ••••• 1 .. ' Sal.! 10 ....... ,... Ynv. llf: cotdiall, inVited 10 auend """'"h Sen-ices ..t 10 111C 1hc Jitudiaa Roc.. LUTHEIWI CMUIICII Of TMIIILUTER HOO-Vlow Dr. c-clolllu. Calli. DR. WU.UAII B. ILLIB -IM-IIra._CM_llo. ------ , ........... a.. .. oiC..to- S.pti .. l Blt~\4-r.u_ ... ,, l•fi•,••Jnr -A•,__., '-'• .... ' ........ ,. "•· 0.. P .G. Ncwunn, pasiiOI" SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S a.r1. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Momina Wouhil' 6:00 p.1n. Train ina Unions 7:00 p.m. E'ICnina Wor~hip W~ESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible S..ciy 1:00 p.m. Pr.ycr Meetina ATTEND THE CIIURCM Of YOUR CIIOICI REGULARU •• .,..CIO .. 'f" ···'-· 8TUO't -D~ ..... YaiA:71 .. ,_oM. HUM•wt .,.. .... IWICU ......... O..eiOsllll--& CiloOo- • I ... · , tl._;••lt~ ... ' ......... A ,..... el te '1t•lr1 ~~'I el CWM• ~· ,........ en_,,.. h' 1 ....... ""'" _. ClO...,Ilill ...... ll .. -,. ..... Rather ti:ILD sa.Ylnc eooogtt Blue Chip stamps to earn his own boat, a tblef fouDd a blue chip bl.ger tba.n a hUDdred stamp books wben be stole a S150 sabot -cb.rlstened "Blue Cb.lp'' -trom George Cbalfa.nt, 118 Goroet, lla1boa Island, be- tween Aug. 18 and. 30 •••• Burglars opeoed u unJoeked wtadow to der the Open Eod Tbea.ler, t815 Vllla Way, West N<WilOrl, lbeo brolul ...., an~ sta.Jrs oftlce a..od took$187trom a. cub bos: ••• Someooe walked to Dollald CourtDey's tmioeked !root door al 227 OIIJX, Ball>oa Is1and. aDd selected only a $30 electric sbllnr in the bathroom lrom all .,. ..,., llllngs be could ba"ft stolen •• , Betty Duls, 429-1/Z VIa Lido Sood, Ll<lo Isle, reportocl-ythaloo ~. z herbolt<lollynsstolea, a $60 lo&s ••• PoUee ebarpd Garry Temple, 301 34th st., West Newport, wttll possesstoo o( .......... ""'~" fw sale. • MONDAY, SEPT. 2! ;. w~1 wor111 uoo dl_... from a prare sale at tbe bome ol H-Narooi. IOIKIDpPI., CUfl Hana ••• A prowler -... tered Jorce Gr'MM'I aputmeat at 1'109W.IIalboa8lfll.,~ Mnpor\ bat wu ICII'ed any -· tUII!r atJJIIW>r • • • .. $100 -.. llpo dock ... llols! -Holly IWku, SCI -~ c-clolllu, ••• J. -.. ll&>o t1oek wor111 $150 ---.-..sPoek, uo ,..-, lla1boa ..... *--.._ .....,. BtfL1Z MOR.1VARIES IUI_I .. AYf- CIDITA IllS.. ........ MM •• L CID.UT lllwAY CNIMAOILIII.AI ORiola J-44!0 , .. " "" • California has the tightest smog controls in the nation. Yet the smog remains. Where is it coming from? How much longer will we have to put up with it? According to Air Pollution Control authorities, nearly 90% of the total tonnage of air pollu- tants in the Los Angeles Basin is caused by motor vehicles. Although smog control de- vices have been mandatory on autos since 1963, they obviously weren't good enough. But beginning with the 1970 moclrla, manu&cturen will equip can aold in Califomia wilb- complde, more advuc:ed emi• lion oontJ:ol.,..._ That's a new California law .It's far stricter than Federal law. Even with better smog control devices, it will still tale at least 10 years to replace our present cars with newer models. In the mean· time, smog will continue to be a community problem. Fifteen years ago Edison d e· dared war on the air pollutants emitted by our power plants. We spent millions reseurching and tnting ways to achiev.: the most efficient ~mb)~Stion techniques possible to reducr air pollution. At one key plant we pioneered with an experimental, full -scale prototype bag filtemouse to cap· ture pollutants before they enter the atmosphere-lilce a giant vac· uum cleaner. For even more control, we found cleaner fuels to powu our gmer.ating plants, in- cluding a low-sulphur, low-ash oil. It isn't available in California, so we have ir imported from Indo- nesia. It's CCKtiy -but it bums much dee....,.. Today Bdiaonauounts foe kss ~~:-.tt:.=::a.::rt Buin Our plaDta opente well below the limiu set by the County' 1 Air Pollutioa Control -. ~ Dis trict. A nd those limits are an1ong the strictest in the nation. Wherever Edison builds or operates a power plant, we pledge to continue to wage our war on air poll ution. Because it involves yo u and your community. To us. that's important. Meanwhile, here are ways we ca n all reduce smog now. I. Anything that destroys your auto's engine a!so destroy:; the air we breathe. This includes dirty spark plugs, incomplete combus- tion, overflowing carburetor, faulty ignition system. Solution: Keep your engine tuned. 2. Don't gun your motor. Don't idle it unnec:essarily. ADd tum it off immediatdy when you park. 3. Make sure the smog control equipment on your auto is 1\mc- tioning properly. Have ir chedDed every 8,000 miles-or •• recom- mendlod by the manu&c:n.u. 4. Write for air pollUiioa r-., brochures and 6lms to robow ,.- friends and clube, to: Stale ol Ca1ifomia, Air~.,....... 1400 Tmth Saut, S.C. California 95814. Southern PI06RAMIS OFFERED FOR BALBOA :::rS£~~~~~:. ftll "s•ll a1 .. ._ ... -~lilt laJ, ~ a1 .,.._ l'rt -lold.U lHURSDAY,OCT. 9,1918 -111111 M...,..t .._. a .... -...... _ ...... lilt_. -lo-oolllod COIIOIIA 0£L MAR, CAUF. c., ~· ~ ., ........ ____ -,__ .... _.. IIIM'ES llw ........... Bal .. llld bllwaa 1111118 ....._ Ud cu"t II* to tM ........ JWMdllr .,. ,_,_. ar-. lila III'Ooo FenlldD, bltiiiiiMwwtrWect u Jtm1Jt pOllee art .,. .. u--" lie--qics aa """' ..,. lor-...,._ .s.,..., ID <*II lilt -·• -oolloctloo, wtdoo1llc "' sW1 ·-·-· ns--root ...... 1? lloeeutiiD ... tllsl lilt---lk, F1111 lilt--11, ud Pit· UtboylnO,II>Oteboc:l<odot<:ao z.. ..-.,., blcycll rldlq UclllariJ -Clio -wbo ~. &111111'•-II>IIIIIIJ oa aldtn.lb, aDCI dlec .... tbe • .., tbl dUtJ clotbe&, DOlt un't. tbeJ COWd 1Dt'Ueetrtat. rutrooms a.t Bay An. aad Mtma to be to compete W1tll llldl:lirablt tnnacttou tD w~ eacb otber to ... bOw ._. tbef acid, tee. Here 1a tbe tezt ot the letter, ea.a. ft&ft lD ud out of lbe Pllue OOGIIder me to be u Orco LOS ANGELES wblcb wu reterrod to tile otalf podellrlalll. Tbll la't too bid onlbllllaatlc -01 tile lor lllo cunHI llludy lt>t lm-wblo U>oy -• Iron> lilt 111U -m Wain st. Altbool!!l prcwement of lbe Balboa frOIIt, 10 you cu Me tbtm I'm sare tt would be a ftQco bu1Disa area: comt.ac. It's the aeries ot tbree u tbe Fun Zoae eootiMes 1o to balt a dolea bibs Wbieh operate and attn.et tboM who Newport Beach City Council: come f1Ytnc put JOU on either wtU c!rlve comeDHoal .. mlmed BOAT &. SPORTS Pleasa let me ofter tlMt fol-side from tbt rear whlcb ue e!tlsens any. buildlnc sucb a l:ow1llc observations and sue-certa.ln to cause lnjurtes. and mall must lDevltabl)' force tbt ,..r:loos as a resldeot and pro-perhaps aerious LD.jurles if al.. Ctty Council to tue some k1ad 1*11 owoer oo the Balboa lowed to coat1Due. I'm sure of actloo to c.haDge the deter .. peal.Dsula, and as objecttnly many of these rounpr people, loraUng environment oo the u possible in the splrUoldoiDg or perhaps 1 abouJd hue sa1d peninsula. I think thai woukl be AL JOtlNSUll of 115 VlaK.oroo., wbateYer I can lo improve the most of tbrtse J'OUDPI' people, great. In fa.ct, U there's any Lido Isle, ha5 been promoted commuo.lty reoeraUy, are oooscteotious and law res .. way I can help call on me to assistant cashier at United 1. Ourlnc busy week eoda: the pectiDg. M 1 pointed out to Phil ~le • CaWornia Bank's Downey trash barrels, particularly the pollee chief I'Yt ntebed Blllboa ottlce. Mr. Johnson, an in .. those along the bay walk ln pollee oftlcersstaDdincor wal. stalmeat loan manager, began front of the Fun Zooe I.Dd to the ttng 00 the sidewalk without Ill s career wtth UCB In 1965 west of the tuo r.one are ftUed payt.ng attention to the bike ANNUAL MEETING SET at Long Beach and subsequently to overflowing bySaturdaynigtlt riders. ThJ.s coukl be a rather BY GUIDANCE CENTER served at tbe South Anaheim or Suoday mornillg. It seems to polnted lessoo totbe law a.bt.dinr "Tbe community: meoaee Ol' otnce and oo the headquarters me thetrasbeollectioosetledu.le tb&t they are ehJcken lor Qb.. (lW'dlao to public llealth" wtU service sb!f. He has been as- deserves study. I'm oot sure 1f servlng the law. U It tsdUft.eult be tbe lecttB'etoplcattheanoual sig:oed to Downey since last there Is a trash collection on or impossible to enbee thJs meeting ot the Child Guidance February. Sa.t~~rdays but I am sure there law the law sbotdd be chan&ed Center of ·Orange County at nsootrash collectionon Sun-s~"tit? ' ?:30 p.m. Oct. Z? at Abraba.m ASSIGNED TO VIET A.B. day and Monday of Labor Day 6. You should Yislt tbe rest Lincoln Scbool In Harbor Vtew Sgt. Robert J. Mendenhall, weet end. Many people Utter rooms at tbe corner of East H1lls. son of Mr. ami Mrs. E llls M. the walks and beach carelessly Bay Ave.a.odWashingtoo. Tbese The Sl)eabr will be Dr. Ed-Mendenhall, 1621 Kent ~· but many others make a consid· were buUt about a year aao. ward Stainbrook, etllefpsycb.ia-Westcllff, Is on duty at am erable eftort to get thelr trash Tbere are holes in the waUs trlst at the Los Angeles County-Ranh Bay AB, Vietnam. He is I.Dto tbe cans or lnto cartons where awazeDtly the towel ft..!:-usc Medi~Centera.odproles-a corrosion control spectalist placed alongside the cans •. By lures nave beeo ripped otl. 1 sor and chairman ofthedepart-In a l.lD.it of the Pacific Air DOOn last Sunday there was , guess ooth1ng moch ca.n be done meot of human behavior at usc. Forces. He was formerly as- appro1imately twice as much about this but I've noticed that The program wtllalso include signed to Castle AFB, Cal1t. tush as space for tt In the these toUets do attract many preseotatloo of awards, electioo He Is a graduate of Newport barrels. By Monday U was loiterers a.od seem to serve of tite member s aDd oom1nat1on Harbor High School, attended spread all over the walks and as a club room for certain types and elecUon of direc tor s. Or ange Coast College and Pasa-beaeh. dena City College. 2. I wonder U the city has ever considered widening the sidewalk along the ocean rront SHOW MOUI S OriNING' D.AT ,II., OCT. 10-6 .. II P.M. SHO SAT. 11-10 A.M.-II P.M. SUN. 11-10 A.M.-7 P.M. MON. IJ-6 P.M.-II P.M. TlJIS. 14-t P.M.-II P.M. ~ WID. IS-1 P.M.-II P.M. ~ THUI. 16-6 P.M.-II P.M. .... ..... _ "'"- sufficiently to accommodate flre trucks, police cars aDd llfe- CUiJ'd vehicles 1D the ease of a real emergency or disaster. The congestion alon g Balboa Blvd. on certain holidays is a nuisance, but it could become The have and holders ... a personality analysis a tragedy Uthere is DO provision for city vehicles to by -pass the congesUoo if or when nec- essary. 3. The vigorous pollclng of the Newport Pier area seems to ha•e pushed a great manyorthe raunchy people out Into the Fun Zooe· area.. They apparently are attracted by the slovenly en- •lronment of the premises in that area. I suppose it would be ntber dimcult to enforce the law aga.J.nst Uttering, but such enfOrcem ent might at least be cons1dered. Resulting tlnes would make it self amortizing, When I moved Into this otnce about two years ago the Flre Dept. was ins1stent to the point of arrogance ill telling my sec- retary that she had 24 hours to buy a Ud tor the trash can out- side our rear door . When she told me about It later this seemed strangt! to me, In view of the b.ct that she had poillled out to the fire inspector that the other trash cansin the same area do not have aoo oever have had Uds, and that the city trash cans a.loogthe sldewalkdo DOt have Uds. Is the flre dept. afraid to enlorce laws against anyone other than law-abiding residents? And lt there Is a law about having Uds on trash cans, why does the city itself breQ.k that law? 4. At the r ecent City Coun- cil meeting whi ch my wtte and I attended, the residents of the Balboa area were urged to pro- pose suggestions for Improve- ment. I believe it was the plan. nJng director who stated that the Fun Zone had just changed tlands and that the new owners tlad promised Immediate Improve- ment. I walk past the Fun Zone at least twicE' a day and often six or eight Urne s a day en route between my ofl!ce and our residence so I'm In a position to observe what Is and Isn't being done. The only change the new owners seem to have made 1s that now they have put A-frame signs in the center ot the sidewalk, which resu lts In obstrucUon of traffic. I wonder U they own the sidewalk along this particu lar portion of the b&y front or if this Is city property? 5. Recently I wrote a letter to tbe pollee chief calling h.ls attentloa to the bicycle riding on tiM lidewa.lk ln front of the Fun aDd elswbere along the FOIIIEJLYMEARS C.WW .OW AT 0 0 Read the personaloty descro ptoons and select the one that suits you best lo find lhe right savings plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years _ The kind of people who want th e or money to keep Its buying power. Who want lhe value of their money to remain sleady in an up-and-down market. Who would rather have their money earn inlerest than to pay exorbitanl carrying or loading charges. Who want theor money to multoply so they can pay cash for things. Who wanl to be able to get their hands on their money when they need it. Saving people, like you-the kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE ot earn interest. Come in an d let one of our people personality program at Newport Balboa Savings. experts gel you started on your personalized-to-your-savings- Are you one of the regular people? PLAN i; I Regular Account Th1s plan IS for regular people w 1th regular sa lanes w ho have dec•ded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but w ho want the ~r money work1ng for them They also want •t to be some place they can get their hands on •t If they need •t 1n a hurry If they can leave •t alone for a year or more. 1t w 11l g•ve them the 8 1g Annual 5 TJ y•eld AEGULAA MONTHLY INVESTMENT . , ... $100 6 Mos '" "" 608 "' 308 ,,, I 233 '} Vrs 631 j 26C ""' 3 Vrs "' ' ... 3,., 4 Yrs 1 ]Ji ,.., 5 324 5 Vts 1 107 ] 4 15 ""' tO Vrs 3 900 780 • 15602 15 Yrs 6 7\5 I] 432 ,._ ... 20 Yrs 10 329 20 662 4 1 325 •11 "'"1*<1•..,, ~~ '''"' I 2 l & S ,,. ..... -OJfl """ ... --............... . ••~ul ruo If S OOIIib '""'"""-h•lr oi>CI N•~ q~"'t<u1r T~o '"'""' G•v•d<td tot. "''' ••r, "-1+"'• ro ''"'"' ••d ,~.,.,..,, oil«! tile '"'"'Mel .. t.to 1>«1 •nl •ot oullo\t.ont>ollr •II•• Ill• o••~ 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN ::2 Th1s IS for people who have a sum of money they w ould l1ke to put as•de and rece•ve the mterest every month but not touch the pnnc1pal Perhaps you 1ntend to leave your money to your he1rs In th•s plan the ong•nal mvestment IS retamed for a hfet•me and you have a regular 1ncome every month If your future plans are for your children's future. then th1s sav1ngs progra m may su•t you liFE INCOME PLAN $12000 "500 20,000 25000 50000 S ~ 00 Per Mof'l!h 60 00 Per Month 83 ()()Per Month 104 00 Per Month ]OS 00 Per Monti'! Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #3 Monthly Security Account Th1s 1S for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put •t awa~ somewhere out of s1ght. they w•ll spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to ret~rement and know 1t would be better t o have a ce rta•n amount com•ng in every month over a grven period. Not only will they get back a lot more than they put '"·but there w1ll be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blow•ng •t all at once INVEST $10,000.00 .ANO: you racaove eacl'l month $5000 $5000 s 7500 s 7500 SHlO 00 and you retaon lor an estate of• 10 ynrs S 8.675 00 15ynrs S 7.72500 !Oyura $4.77500 15 years S 1 ,000 00 10 years S 875 00 INVEST $25.000.00 .AND: you receove ""d you r euun each mor'llh for an ealate of' $10000 tOyears $?5,60000 $10000 15 , •• ,. 126.05000 $15000 10yeara $1 7.80000 $20000 !Oyur• $10.00000 $25000 !Oyears S 2.20000 ,_.. ...... .... ,... -...,.cl '" ... --" S..tlloo 1104 Ill ... c.~~. , ...... d •• CMo ........ idl • ---... .... ·-·--... Ht -.. rl"lllf '" ............... --.-~~~ ...... .. *'"'""" -...-e ...... s-...... -_, .. .._, '--' .....,. .. .... ..,..., . ·-r-.. -... llr. lJ _... Are you one of the patient people? PLAN 4 4 Gua~nUed Annual Rate Account Th1s plan •s for patient people who already have a sum of money to .nvest and are will.ng to wc11 t a wh•le for a good return on their money. The min1mum deposit is $1 ,000 (more if you wish. of course}. m exc hange for which you rece1ve a certificate which guarantees an annual rate of5.25% for3,4or5years. Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT IS for you lniti~ o.,.... s 1,000 s 5.000 $10.000 ,, 5.000 YOU WIU MCfiV'f ........ -l ,...,.. 4 ,..,.. ' ,.. .... s 1,170 s 1,233 • 1,300 S 5.852 I 1.1151 I 15.500 $11 ,705 $12.336 113.0(11 S11.568 Sllt.504 Slit.502 Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN ,¢5 3-Year Bonue AccoUnt For people who want not only the current yield on their savings. but would like a sum over and above. In this plan you mvest a minimum of $1(X)() which earns you the current y•eld PLUS an extra Y4% per year at the end of 3 years If you would like to be enterprising and safe at the same time. then the 3-year bonus account is for you. 'IOU WilL MCEIVf , ...... -..... --,,.~ ... ~ ... ~ s 1.000 $ I lei s om s 1,296 s 5.000 s 5.846 s 15 1&1 s 11.493 $10.000 SII .IIQJ $12,313 512.987 $15,000 517 540 s•a 486 $19,4 1 nil Jf&WPOin' &YD. con'AIIIIU P.A.~.O....IMftol ... lotrcf • ..,_....,_,,i. PlaJ 'fa• -····· Ma.n onl(.. 33M v .. Lido, Newpon a..ct~. Caltforni•l'2'li63 • fJtloM 1t4J11)..31 :J:> • c:cw-.. ...,.~.,..~,..._5150Nes:p:ottC.....,c::JirM • c:..-... ...,_.'C r>• Co. 17-J P.M.· II P.M. 11 -10 "-"'··II P.M. It-10 A.M.· T P.M.