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1969-10-16 - Newport Harbor Ensign
"FOR SALE BY OWNER" SllJS the si&~ on tbe ta.Uest sud eutle eoutructeclattbeCoroaadell&4rbea.ci\Simda.J far tbe Newport Harbor Cbamber of Commet-=e CODtnt. 1'b.ll .-ry woa tbe award tor "best leasehold castle'' lor tbe Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. ~Ensip. phOto.) ALLAN BEEK s~rtnleDtkd the constructloo of the sud ea.stle entry ol tbe Beacoo Bay Community AssD. fa tbe a.DD.Ial coatesC al tbe Corona del Mat beach, spoasorl!d by lbe Newport Harbor Cblmber of Commerce. (Enslppbo&O.) I, ' against "loots Uke we'll be back to opt tb1s thlD.c au over ap1n." Tbat wu tbe reactlonoftlde- luds fH ~ats aslbeNew- port Beacb Ctty CouoeU Yoted 4 to 3 Mooday eYenlng to direct tbe city attorney to draft an or- Stop sign views asked • • W USHROOWS deconte the ledges of this sand ea..sUe, ooe of 30 entries ln the annual cootest of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Tbe castle na bulK by Doll Stambaugfl, Linda field, Lolly Field a.od Mar loa. Dorsey ol Newport Beach. (Ensign photo.) TliE EXCRAMGE CLUBcl....,_t ..,.._ .. lUll .... Naua.t EJIChuit Cblb'a ··-. E" &WV4 11r •~ "nnllr till 5la aGMIC'ItfW ,..,. .................. _,. ... -.... f'nciCnol,W' ....... .&1_!!':-tnetpr.-..bC."t .... -r...:c.i.-- lor; --.... " ~ ... -, 7 - --i -.,··-I-'l'llt ·-: " 7 --.................... ,, . .-. .a..tese b: Cai~ .... Gir*llll"-11' '? 2 CONSERVATIVE CORNER of GMw• lllebMofJiftwiM'· lrllll llillnlll, ,...,.,,., u a •1~ eommDJt ref'OintkiMJ)' ·no lui ,_ ol -no _, bolllad IIUu tbroo.,.... 1111 Solrlol IPMr• ol ly nde -..ol1 llod •-red,-Do•UD"a lllle"'>> to ra1aa ~ 11111.-o. Tom A roon oo Ott. I, Dr.lllcllillro llrood· allopdlr ID _.-~ ola --"1. Bor-Do•UD wu TO YOUNG PEOPlE (P'art Ill) =·::""':C~u:.eor-:: "'""" ollo"'>> to tab om 1111 liowiJICiy promc>l.cl bytllocoas- -· --~ 11-P·PH ..., •• -..,...,..Ot ol N-lrollod. monlal Dally World, l.ll&o U. '" """·~-••• "' We arc con~tantly told thai only 2-of you · h · · ~.......... .~.... ...._. ol tllll Br1t11b parua. .._. .............. --•· ~ "JJI man rtJ cs cannot cxttl wrt,.....,. propertY • ..,...ta. ----.._ __ ,_... .... wu told lila iettM' tothi.Utor 1H9, UCDI•.-W~~P-.u...--~• ' Of TNI an,. ....... IIACM student• are disruptina tht c:ampusc~. But that Some si ncere, but deluded. drean'lef'l truly m_, ~· WUICI-:--..... 1a tbl Ntwi-Herald Borav, ol the Commtmllt hrt}otNor- Offlol _. ....... , ... I• •• &.. ... a.tw-., i• noc true:. The cowardly, aPathetic lind s1lent be lieve that the belt aovernmenc is no aovcm-tlpllkl co~~ st.,!:'' 1 Col-Texas, bJ WUTU D. 't.owvrot tbern lrti.Ud. aDCS tbt Cocn- 4 AJl L c.-...,., c;-... • c.uL -9J6I5.. 98% of Y0\1 who are un cvm miu rd are guilty m4!nl. Some gf these call themselves .. Hber· ere,_..-. M AmarlUo. Tblt: tetter wu n-mW11st Party ol Brit&JA. -aDd ~awro.tT BAIIOa &NSIG" t. , .. ..tr wa ; •• prt•M of lettina it happen. ur.rians ... Karl M1u x was one of the oriainal J!:' Drc= t.S::.'!:i~ ~ iD the Sepc, 25 edition the Da.lly W«ld bu atYer beeD 1Jd'lr' I t. U. Cttr ol ,.._, ... a.-ll. _. lM .Ur loe•llr Mo.t eoUeae lludcnts. acoordins 10 a re-ce nt .. libtnarians." He believed that, once the noo-• W)ted fro 1 U It ~ of the Chl'l1Uaa Beacoa., &afol-known to pr&1se a.n enemy. · ... .,.. .. Will"•• I• ... "*• Jallt ....... c-• ..... national survey, believe that the chief benefi t conforming, "bad" people were ltquidatcd, a q S.:S U 11 e low1: ''3. Bernadette: O..Uo bU ~~..._. ...tiJ• oa TLw.-,. See-.. c.a.-, •• .,. ,.ret of at. colleae education is to increase one's earn-perfect society would N: built with no-JOVCI'I)o .~ S::: .... :'::.:' ~ '*Diu Editor Pb.IUips: MIS5 beeo openly a.nti-Amerlcan, ~ ,.,=!.~~.0. ENSICM •• .. ~ to .,. • _.. •• ina power. ~re these the same "~dealist~" who ment replacins total aovcrnmau. TM fatal eatty 1eted btilwtDd BerQidette O..Un, tbe az~year a.Dtl-free enterprise aDd antJ • .,f .....,_. eire ... -. "r eo~ ..... R.. A..JDl7l ••• are bemoamna the cold oommere1 al ~orl~ t~y Haw in this thesis, now held by "liberals" and ;:, n1I1D oomptov .; w J&ced old member at tbt Brltlsh capitalist 1n all ber pubUc 14 l)s"J,;-..., S...., C... f• tM c..., of Or...-St ... of never made? Often th~y are. The poml 1s th at "libertarians" alike , is the stupid, uohtstoricaJ, Nortb.r J"ilh C&tbo~ wtu Parll.mebt, was a featllfed utteraoces. ~ .4 •J,...... 1-..r I• ..... UW 10 p.bU-' ~I pa.t.Jic: while money is not th e main reason to go to un bib\ical be lief that m»n is puf~ctibk. Man bo U & tl s. lD ptlt OD the NBC-TV Ton.l.gbt "Frankly, we wooOer Wby ......._ ........... ~ •-· college, neither is ma kin g over the world to is nor perfect1b&cl Human nature has changed :-u Mar~e l2$tb~»=-SU')' Show, recently bosted by emcee Emcee Carson cUd DOt say, , Alr¥0 t. B.A,.\PA ................................. O... ... Pall.._ suit the marxist fairy tale. im perce pti bly throughout recorded history. Aa .;,.. ce1~UOA. Sbe l..acomiq JolulDY Car100. Thla a,wear-'Mlss Devllll. l.oa.s.much U you f Pte IIAAPA ............................................... .A.eeoc:t..• Edkor Thousands of small businesses, such as the every re1l Christi an knows . man is born a~ Soutb BeDd th 1Dvttat1oo &nee wulobehaltofber Amerl-are a aocl&llll, a pro-com-.~~, tu•SCIIPTIOM IATII one I operale, oouldn 'l care less whether em. sinner. rema ins a sinner and is·forsiven for his of Prot lollo r: ~ eb&lr-can campatp. to raise munlst, and but commuolst J .. a... Atee1 0.. ,..., 16.00; 2 ,.--.17.00 ployees wenl to college. The ma in reason to :~in~ only 1h rough the blood atonement of Jeaua muottbe&OCiok,-~tmeot $1,000,000 lor rellet 1n support, wby doa't you 10 to P-J ...._ -'"IIi 0.. ,.. •• -.eo; 2,....... 19.00 seek a higher education is to lift your horizon: Christ. t st Mar 1 aad.., 1 In Northern Ireland, her native lhe Soviet Union. to East Ger-O:'O'Oo'Oo~OoOOO~ to enable you 10 appreciate the fin er things of Not 10 acqui:tition, nor even in scientific, ~e ~lo~ ~~s~ the borne. many, to Red Cblna, or to Cuba, ~ .e li fe; to help you to mako: a good life. not a !>OC:Iological or artistic knowledge, but in moral Uninrslty of Notre Dame." "Toward the end she was to rat.se your mUlloa dolla.rs L ......111..-. good li ving. When you graduate from college a~pirulion lies the significant dilference between ACCOI'diDJ to Dr Mdotire's magnttleeotly assisted by Mr. Instead of to the U.S.A., an ~ ~ you a n~ not educa1ed. But you should have man and hcast. "Soul'' is the difference. Not aplaaa.Uon of Miss Devlln's Carson, who marveled at her impertaUstic, eapltaUstlc, ex- . ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of tilt Ensign :AN UNFAIR, INEQUITABLE TAX I , Boat owners and marina operators and waterfront home owners presented im- pressive facts Monday evening in their tight against a new burden of tidelands use fees. However, in spite of this per- waslve testimony, the Newport Beach City Council voted 4 to 3 to have an or- dinance drafted -primarily on the argu- ment that private use of public waters ahould be charged a use fee. . There is the implication in the Coun- cil's majority decision that the water- front users are not paying for this privilege. That is certainly an erroneous assumption. The tax information given by members of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce marine division and by Bal- boa residents provided conclusive evi- dence that waterfront use Is heavily as- llessed. Tidelands users are already payi!lg extra taxes because of the higher assessed valuations, and a use fee on t op of the high taxes would be an unfair additional burden. learned wh o• it means to ht' educated. You lh~ ··soul" of jungle-beal music, or chilllins, reeeDt appearance 1D cities 00 knowledre of history when she plout~ .. natloD you bate: SO should have the desire and the know-how co poke sallet and sow belly. but immortal soul. tbe eastern Seaboard and her spoke of remaking lrela.od loto much . . ., .lln an educat1on. The fim thing an educated A her writing lhe caustic comments in lhese subsequent hurried 'and ap-the Image or John Connolly, To this I wtu add . Why did pe rson learn~ 10 do 1s walk. alone. Wh y don'l ht~l th ree columns. this letter came to me: eat! hedllled departure her confessed Idol. Mr. Carson not lf!: administration of St. you try it some1ime'! Why not gee out of the .. lkar Si r: ~m t~ U:::ted States, sbe did was impressed with her beauty, Marys College reflect I.C)OOthe gang and b.: you r own man? Thai"s what in· There i~ no way in which 1 can fully ex-oot compl.ete her "whlrl'lrlnd her great ambitions and her thousands of Roman Catholic teg rity and freedom arc all aboUI. pre!>~ my !hanks and appreciation for th is ''Tom fuod-ralslAa: tour"ancUeftwhe~ buma.nltarlan motives. As I sat priests, nuns aodadbereotswho Oh, I know thai 1 h1 ~ sounds like tough talk . AnJer~on Sc holarship" to Bob Jone! Univer-Dr. Mclot1:re: revealed that this and watchedtbepa.radeofDevUD ;ere tortured and ldlled lD We so-called con~crvat•ves are prone 10 ~uch si•y 1 prayed that the Lord's will would be mln.l. skirted charmer was at charms, I could DOt help but ussla, Red Chtoa, and ln Atrlca mwlcrance. But . one of the greatest problems don.e and now He has provided the way tem~c to raise funds oste:n-wonder why Jobnny Carson did by oommwlists and communist of !his counlry" an e"ce'i~ of tolerance. A per-Though I worked all summer I earned I~ sibly for the re:Uel of thosey~ DOt reveal the real truth to the ~m~thlzers,l J:or: Miss ...on unahle to :JHJ\'e at convtctions is a person than a third of the total amount. Now with the had suffered from civil dis-Ame1ric:a.o '*'r:le, that: v was nv 0 speak mor:tlly inun:tture atd of your scholarship and a work loan. I will turb&Dces fomented by com-" • John onnolly was an on the college campus?" Di-.cipline, order and character are the fau n· l:>c a hie 10 attend Bob Jones Universily, reeling muolsts Wbo had enUsted de dtllion of lcarnmg. nm rernli!ISiveness. anarchy free 10 follow the Lo rd's calling. Thanks again religious &'4JIPQrt Ln tbelretfort LeHers toE ltOr lind perver~ton. rhe mam purpose of a school, for providing me wil h the opportunity and en· to turn Ulster Into a state in my opm1on. -.hould he 10 build character. do 1Dated by I&Ust tars• Hcadma~c er'. c han.:ellor~. <ldminimalor~ and CO Ui agcmcnt io go on. May God bless you and pr~Jples. T:C ftrst •:~rd ot • THE ALLEN RECALL teachers dl·void uf char:.cter can't bUi ld char-yours r_or you_r ~?ncem for othen. Mlss DerllD's cbaDge of pla.os Editor of the EDSlan, acter. Th i~ ~~ whcr~: our cd ucalional system has Your<> •n Chr~st , came when Dr. MciDtire am a I have been reading with coo- failed. l.euer, M:e that and wonderful young people gro141 tromSheltooCollerecar~ siderable dl.smay the acUvtties Property nghh arl' nm mfc n or to human ltkc lho.t make the fight worthwhile!-Ameri-rled protest taJwers wbeo of the Altoo AileD Recall Com- rttth•~t Prop.:n y rtgh•~ art' hum;tn righl<i . Hu-can Way Feacur\....; marchlDc outside: tbe mansioD mlttee. Recalls may be a nee. --.••••••••,;;,;;;;.;;;;,;.;;.iiiiiiiiiiiil essary evil in some cases, but ~ surely not when they are based STATE I 0 U II U P solely oo whal mlghl be lermed "error of }udgment " The ttmlng of wi recall ac- tivity lends Itself to sus- by Se-tor Jcalln Scllniltz plclous moll .... u s...,.rvlsor AileD runs for re-e lection, as be has annouoced, the people of Where the University of Call-PllfPOSe. Even Gonrnor Reagan the Ftnh District will have an tornla is cooceroed, bow much opposed tb.J.s action. arguing opportunity to vote lor or is eoougb? -Uke many others -that it ap.inst him wllhln the next 7 Laguna HU.ts. the: development of Mlssloo VIejo, and the development of Laguna Niguel. These have: produced e001.1gb problems by the way of roads, nood control, pubUc utJUties, and all the rest, to tax the abWty and the capacity ot u y In- dividual. 1t would be lnterestlng to compare the civic contrlbu- tlons of too·se ramrodding the reea.ll, a.s against the services r ender ed by S~rvlsor Alton Allen. Yours very truly, J ames B. Utt Member of Congress Washington, D. C. A considerable share of harbor develop- ment, improvement and maintenance has been privately financed by private Cltl;_Ems~ ' .and busine!ls peilpl~ who 'have been'.per-. mttted by the city to improve their water- front holdings. It would be a breach of faith now to penalize the individuals who have helped so much to develop our won- derful harbor. 1 ask myself that question as would hurt the lnmcent a.s well months. Tbe: recall movement often as u Js asked of me. How as the qu.llty. would awear to be lnltiated much more will u take btlore I wiSh that everyone whO wd prosecuted by some poll- the: people of CaWorllia. and makes this argument could hear toeaJ dlscootents whO are crea- thelr elected represeotatlve:s the tragic stories parents tell tlng a stra.wman which they hope at )Oo.clast rise~ aDd dem&Dd me: and mystatf:storlesoftbelr to kDockdownoezt year,prlorto a.n e:Dd to tbe speDd1ne of lbe:lr own children, sent I.D trust aOO the regular elections. tu money by the University to htgtl hopes to our "great" state There: are some things U\at ftna.oee ..tbelr own dntno&W..? bigber edUcatiooa.1 system Ollly S~rvisor Allen has done, of How much more wt.n J& tUe to lose tbe1r · tyiry ~d of Whicb I disapprove:, &00 I am bd:tre·ft bawe run tbrcJ1iP 121 rl&bt Ud tntit eo IMI: the:flink certaln there: are muy thtnp • tbe ezcuses rcr lnadioa., an~ 1Dto the swamps of drugs, pro-that I have dooe that be aOO pleas tor delays, all t.bre mlsc1d.ty and re?OIIltlon. others would have: done dllfer- eowa.rdly fluttering aJX1 the Is tb.J.s bow we: keep trom eotly. But. if he has erred, it asl.nlDe pussyfooting at tbefery hurttnc the: tnnocent? has beeD a matter of }udgme:nt, thouJht ol bard deelsiYe a.ctlon Every dtir.en of Calltorn.l.a. a.nd DOt grounds tor recall. to bring sanity t.cktoourca.m-who Is not pteplfed to rlsk The Fltth District has bad the puses? sucb a tate lor his on Children most active growth of all the 5 in view of the evidence offered at Mon- day evening's discussion, the City Council should take the honorable course of action, and abandon this unfair tax. • • • COMMUNISTS GROW BOLDER Communist Angela Davis' appearance at UCJ last week Is further evidence of left 'll71ng effort to test public reaction toward communist Intrusion Into our schools and colleges. The Davis case shows that this effort is becoming bolder, because Angela says she wm promote communism in her classroom lectures, and she says that capitalism must give way to communism to solve the problems of our society. This is the communist way to find out how much the public wm take. u there 1s only mild protest, then the effort will gain in momentum, paving the way !or the ultimate take-over -unless patriotic, freedom loving Americans are able to awaken our complacent nation. Com- muntsm has nev.er changed Its objective: to ov.erthrow the government of the United States and to rule the world. The Issue is clear cut. Are we going to allow Angela Davis and her communist revolutionaries to use our tax supported schools as soap bozes !or speeches advocating the triumph of communism over capitalism? The UCI ldmintstration and the members of the UC board of regents are derelict in their dlty in permitting this suicidal course of actloo. Angela and her apologists are talldng . . 1101188118e when they plead the cau.1e of ffttdom of speech and academic freedom. ~them hire a hall at their own ea!penBe, n., from the tu arupported scbool bull- .. ,.., alld then they can exercl8e freedom ' at, ..,.,eh Without forcing 11.1 to wbllidlze ~ J'ft'OluUonary prop1ganda. We who lt\>e our a.Uoo and cherl8b our freedom ~~ to baYillc our COD8tlt:utlonal rights *oailt.lcl bJ be1nr forced to pay for the = ol atbei.ltlc, cOIIIIDUD18t t1111t Ia iDtellded to ~ !JIIr .. tne ... . •< < MARY SCHIVO of Newport Beach shows genuiDe dellgtlt a.Dd surprise as she accepts a specW golden Wy award for her •·many years or dedicated services to the physically handi- capped..'' from Soutbtaod televisioD persooallty Tom Frandsen at the r ecent Orange Couo.ty Easter Seal Awards Di.DDer at tbe Graod Hotel In Anaheim. Mr s. Sch.Jvo, who has been active i.n Easter Sea l wort lor 16 years, retired ln 1967 but still serves as avolunteer hetplngout at the Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center tor Crippled Children and Adults i.n Orl.llge. Emcee Frandsen also r eceived an award citing his cha.lrrnansh.Jp of the 1969 Easter Seal Ca mpai gn 1n Ora.nge County, which set a r ecord tor reveDue. Airpo rt ba nk movin g Newport National Bank Is making arrangements to move its Airport ottlce to temporary quarters at Mic helson and Mac- Arthur, dir ectly across from the Orange County Airport near the San Otego Freeway. The move Is expected to take place about Oct. 27, according to Geor ge L. Woodford, pre- sident of Newport National Bank. "When our Airport otrlce LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious ftrm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby cert.Uy that he ls con- ducting a reta.il ca.ody store: business at SOl Marine: An., Balboa Island., UDder the Qc- tltlous firm name of lsla.nd Sweet Shoppe and that said rlrm Is composed of the followtnc persoo whose oame lD 1\111 and place or residence are as fol- lows, to-wit: JohD L. Costello, 1874 RhOdes Dr., Costa Mesa. opened at its present location in July, 1966, we thOught It would be adequate untll197l," he sald, "a.nd we made plans to r elocate accor dingly, But the growth or the airport and the commercial and lndustrt.al ar- ea has surpassed au ex- pectations. Suddenly, the fa.ci- litles of our Airport otrice became saturated." As a con- sequence, Newport Natlooal started construction at Michel- son a.nd MacArthur for the new te mporary quarters on the rear of property that was acquired for a permanent ·bank structure to be erected I.D 1971. 011· THE -JOB TRAIIIIIIG FOR LOCAL SlUDEHTS Corooa. del Mar H1Jb Sc hool has begun pla.clnr seuoteea stOOeots In pi.J't-Ume )obs as part of thetr "work ezperleoce program," Tbe: studentsa.reen. rolled to the distributive educa- tion procram, where they ue tralJiod for Mure )llbslnrllal~ wboluale, a.ad service bust-WITNESS my baOO thls 14tb day of October, 1969• JobD L. oe:e~nts attend classes intbe Costello. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) mornlor and are avaUa.ble b' )s their "ork in the a.tteroooo.. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 5 ' Tbey reeelte at least tbe m.1Di- ON THlS l4th day ofOctober, mum wa.p&Dd5unlt.sofeltctlve 1969, before me, a Notary hleb school credltpersemesler" PubUc ln and lor Rid -aDd lor tbeJr wort tXPttleoee • 8"··-•-•""'t could use slate, resldlnc tlloreiD, dlll7 --commlstioned aDd nor., ...... _ part~tt.me be_., are urpd to ..-BOt1fJ the co:Jrdlaltor, Mrs. oooaUy -ed Jobn L. Coo-I.U'-a1 Coroaa dellbr Hl&b tello, klloWD-to me tolsbt-~ Scbool. periOD w aame ·-scrtllld II> 11>o wltb14 1D--AT THAI lASE air ...... IIIII a<:lloowladpd II> Cblof -SeriCIIIIArtbar me tlll.t be uec:lltld tbl same. J. Cutbb711:, -ol Mr. Ud WITIIESS .,_llldolllclal lira. a-u W. C-ol sal. &411 IIIII Ill., Naaport Holallla, .....,. .... Hupo, Ia .. ..., 01 -RoJOI'l'llll MotarJ ~ 11 &Dd t:Jr 1114 AB, TMia.m, lit II a • .,_. c-,. IIIII flllla. --oallpad 1o lila My Com.mt..,. uptr•Dtt. JOab """''"* Mat ...... II, lt71. ~ a 1111 ollllo Poclllc N>llalo: Oct. u, u, ao, Hew. Air r....._ 110 pr_, '· 19ft, Ill tllo ~~---01 -All, Gor- Eul... -· The UnJve:rstty or Callforn.l.a a.nd to accept it for thousands Districts; as witnessed by the has provided a breeding groum of the: JOUDC people of our state constriiCtlon of new hlgb and sanctuary for revoluUonary should beglD DOW to make a schools, and new junior eo1- co(l$Jra.ey, bloody rlot.lnc am slogan am a crusade of this le:ges, the creation or Da.ta murder . The: University ofCa.U-cause: Point Harbor, erosion control, fornia has promoted, publi-NO MORE PUBLIC FUNOO the brlnglllc Into the district cited, defended aad giYe:n posi-FOR ANY SCHOOL WHICH Of one of the greatest defense tlons or authority toperson.swoo WILL Pill' COMMUNISTS ON plants In the country, tbedevel- openly proclalm their alle-THE PAYROLL. opmeo.t of Leisure World at ~=:;.~~~~:~''Know your officer " au this with hundreds of mll- UoDs of dollars banded over to omcer Jon D. Scho:-le is "l U wltoout re:strictlon or oootrot. o.a' · re of tDe Harbor Area. He 1.n spite of enrytblng tbat has wu born Z7 years ago 1D Co'ita happened, by tbe Legislature Me~ a..OO has tiYed In tbe area a..od tbe peroor of tbJ.s state. all his We. But ._, to DOW, throogll aU Jolu!. bas been with the Ne:w- thls ca.rn.l.va.l of ana..rcby, tbe port Beach pollee departmeot UniYerslty ol California did not slDce 1963, Prior to that be quite dare to b.lre fl.culty mem-w-..s reserve officer lor the bers who professed present Orange County barbor depart. membersh.lp In the CommWllst ment. RONALD LA.MPERTS ofl71Zl Camelot Ctrcle, HuoUngton Beach, has been promoted to as- sistant vice president at United CaUfornta Bank's Marlners or- flee In Newport Beach, where he is second In command. He bep.n his UCB career in 1961 on a management training program for college graduates and served In the head om ce CaU - fornla division belorecomlncto Orange County. Born and raised Jn the Los Angeles area, he e~ned abachelorofarts degree from Princip ia Colle ge and also has completed specialiled studies at the American Insti- tute of Baok1ng. "011 THE ROCKS" IS TOPIC AT MEETliiG OF AARP Party. The retention of Angela. He Is curreatly assigned to Davis lo the phllosopby depart-the detecti•e dlvlston as a ju- meot ot UCLA represents the nolle om.cer. He has bad ez. alxlDdonmerX oftbls la&t buTler perle.:r!e lo patrol, & -:cldeDt 1D- to a poUcy of "aoyth1ng gpes." vestlp.Uou and poUee motor It Miss Dllvts eoat1oues to be s-tlRd, Ju'it prior tohlsappolnt-Chapter 1Zl of the American retained. we may sooa upec:t ment as a deiectiu, Jon re-of Retired Persons to ft.nd ~n commlllll.st orprd-eel•ed 2nd place 1o a oouoty-hold its moothly meeting zers as teacbvs oaenryca.m. wide "mctorcycle om.c,er•s Oct. 16, beglnnlng at pus in the state, '*d fU.U-Ume sk:Jll rlde" atA.aabelmStadlwo. p.m. by our 1u aso118y. Jo> Is a Harbor Hi&bi'Oduale Of.FICER JOII SOIORLE Lloyd E. Morrison of Corooa Cl.llanyooe: poasiblybesatls-a.od received IJl associate or Em~loyees AssoetaUon l.lld del Mar, president, lnvltes fled bythea.bnrddecis1onoftbe arts degree Ia police sc1eDce vice: presideot oftbe CJty Credlt members, frleMs am 'lisitors UDhers:tty rep!U tbat Aocela from Oraoce Coast Collep. He Unloo. to arrive at HarbotSe:DiorCiti- Da.vls may not tach pbUoaophy Is curreatl)' enrolled at Cal-Joa a.nd b1s w!1e: Lou, and 2 zeos• reereatioo center, 15th COI.ases tor credit, but m&J be S'.ate, Lone Beach, as a seDI.or cblldreo. JOhn n, 8 years old, St. and lrvloe An,, CWlHuen, kept oo tbe b.ca.lt)' payroll and wttb a crlmlaolop' ma)or. .00 CracU, 9, Un I.D t.be Harl:mt for a hospttauty bour before a.llowed to llc:ture recuJulY to He enjoys teonts aDd motor-Area.. Tbey are all m"mbtrs the regular meetinc begins. tbousa.radl ot atuderU? So 1ooc cycle rldtAc-He lJYice...presJ. of tbe U:esa Verde Metbod.l.lt ThOse a.tteodloc are to br'lnc a u her s:a1ary NMittnats to be deot of tbt Newport e.ac:b Ctty Cbureb. sack luocb. Hospltallt)' com .. paid bJ tbt ~ers ot C&U .. 0 fi d mtttee wtU prowlde beYeraps. forDi&, p.mel played about pera on move succee s "0D the rocU" mlpt be the "couroo er-"areaslcl<joU. subtecl ol a lalt by Mrs. Ruth What should be dooe?Tbtu. "Optratt.oa mo't't" at Koac Tbt mote wu eoordlaattd Kalm, wbo wu a school priD. n• is nry c'-r-buhoiLr, Kolpttal wu c:urtedothrithoat by Kettb Walley uslltaat ad-clpal tn the lA P~~eate dtltrlet very few La&utbor"ltylandand loiiDc & "ltUeb,'" a.cc:ordtatto mJ..at.tint.or 111 ~tw.rl'l of Hoac until bet retitemeat. Whea 1M to ctn It, AI I bi.Yt ll1d R Wt.Wam R, Hldma Jr .. ad.-Mortbi M.ra. Bvetya Rubo u .. WU able to dtt'Ote full time to years, &ad wlll DOW ., ..,...,. aal.ldltntlot. Tblrty-.U pa-l1ltut director ol ••MI; Ro-a bobby -that of a roct bouDd. woal< or .,.,, day If tllat will --. ·~n~~a~errad to bor1 Ana, -c~·owiDC;Robort .lOIIlS DEAH WinER bolp malre ~~--: Hooc"• -Mcirtb U.U. lor-Spolllnoyor, 110u•ooplac. IIIII st""*" L. 'Nblla, 500 W. WE llllllT CUT OFF THE moriJ Newport c-aw CboriH ~lllaWI, dloiarJ. Boy ""·• Bal1lol, 11u IOiDad UNIV£RS1TY"S FUIIDS UNTIL llioolltlal oaoa 1111 ....... 1111 Naaport Boaeb olllee ITN~O::::;..u.1 w~o~e~ .,.. -"''"".,.From the Bible o1 0ooa wu. • eo. u .. otbW posdb'o IDI&U 0(.::.: "*can Ud -:-sa::::; Then comocb the end, when aeCICNIIt e.eatl"' accordlac CO wtUIII>Ia er1a1a lou -lrlad :t.co~""":--.. 110111 he ohall han dell•ercd up!,:":::;~ nc» proal- lOll 1u -. Wo •• • Hooc ,._ ID --ID 111• klnadom 10 Ood. •••• Prior to ,.....C Dola lnJior llplaf 1111 -1lloolt-ll?l. tllo Patllor; whoa bo ohell 111r. -.llu Ia real ~ lor lila -OI;QolCdllrllo, no llorUI ~ I*Ot-Ill hno pul clown oil rulo, aAd ---ID P.oa1o lila .Ul u. r1z • tlallJ ....._ .. .._..., eat. care ....._ 01. all ••thoruy and power. ._. ton. a. 1.8 a ant 7'11 0( toUn ... tllllrri.DFENI&r ........ .,,._..... ••• , •• P• 1M -•t retp, LUIMucu. ud fllnud 8 ,. W't .,. a ... .., .. ptttl ,, I ,.._., _... U" pat aU .. _., .. under 8Uaol, a •ant. ot .. a.r- ..-tlill wlllllo-.DIIJ I -.,.,.,,..leoj .. 0111 i llo fooL ..... 8 I 11 -Clllt, 1f1o -...... .!~ ...... •"" 1 .... '"' 11111rao no laot-llatohaii..._IIQCI!Ib, ... ...._.. ,._ ·--•• _ _._lllootl'"'"""'-bo "''""'"' lo ..... 0 -IHa.lll-ltlllou.&. .11101 lo lila ....... lllllllr tllll 11co. Corioollol .. o U:l4-26J "'-1· NE'II'ORT HARBOR ENg!Jt ARST SECJlOII --P"' 3 111UitSIIAY, OCT. 15, 1M OOIQIA D£L liAR, CAU F. LOCAL D.A.R. OIAPTII WILL MJIT OCT. ZIMD • TOt D..ut. ~~ Wllllla - Cabell c..., ol Muport Mn. 111w1 W. Cawlli4t --..... at~~~~-"""'--.... ot Mrs. 'ft I II A, 8arMrd .._... clllaii'1UA. •• ¢ I 'll' Election held by Interact tar a. t It li:JO p.m. Oct. Mn.. u.ar CoL r,.. t •• u. .... -c. , .... -TOt_... ...... -... _ .. _.,., _ _ .. --ot ll!o --lira. Lel!ladJ • ._,, rtqMII &o remail....,.-lt. I. C... • , .. --. , ' TOt "-Beaeb --act ct.-. bad a 1>11 111r110011 aw tbolr m..U., ud oloellco ol otacera oa Oet. 8. st"' SU.. ton ol N-Harbor Hlp Scbool wu elected pre&tdeat, Ken Neluer of Cotooa del Mar HJCfl, rtee..prelldeat; Sban Bla-o of Newport Harbor HIP. eeeretarr, 1M KeDTWey of Corooa del Mar Hl&fl, tr•- surer. other members of tbe board are Bob Voeel of Newport Har. bor Hlctl aad sten Metcalf ud Joe Berney from Corooa del ..... Hlp. BtU CoWter, presl~ ol tbe HOW TO CRQE a. .Jo.' spon.tOrlD& Newpolt B&lbca A FIREPLACE SCREEN Rotary Club, iDtroduced Jim Eftry tlme you see a 4 Walker, dlstrlet peroor, who tlnplaee ICI'MD tbat 1ooQ preselted tbe charter to the reallJ cr.t, there are tbret ,...-new club; jay UeClaugbertJ, ~ .......,. Why· -• ) of Loog Beach Hiett. district :;'J;tloa. QUilltJ c:oa'.tr~ ... AMD MRS. KIM SHIRLEY. (Pd•r z. f4 . Sl"t•r Pt~Dto. Interact peroor; Earl Cou- a..Dd upert lutaJiatloa.. "''be M • D • s sins, represeotaUve for the dls- aoloctlon "' •r~e ud !1n1ab ta 1 s s 1 an n eVer S 0 n tri!Ct trom Saddlobaeklllol!. and molt Important u U will set · . Doug! Goodrlctl, also from Sad- NEWLYWEIE Jim ud A-. ~plan lo reAM eo tbo Slemoos yaebt, tbe Solana, 1a Mewport Harbot ud _, OD I booeJmooo to Hawall later. Tbe bride t. tbe 6rmer Ame Kaurln, an actress and model, &.Dd a restdeot at tbl BaD:Ioa Bay Club prior to ber marriage. Sbe t.aa&tlve of Krl..st:lans- and, NOtWay. a.od stw1ted PSJCboloiD' at the thdnrstty ot Oslo. Mr. Slemons, owner and open.tc.-ot Jlm Slemoo.s Imports, suta Ana, Ls a oat:ln ot Puadeoa., craduated from Newport Harbor Hlgll School and from OC at Duls, He was the 1968 cbairmaJl ot the Ora.np Couaty lot.er- na.Uona.l auto &bow. the empbU11 ud tone ot the d K • R s h • I dleback, represeotatlYe from llr ... laeo, ud perl!aj>l tblln-we s I m . I r e y the Saddleback Hie!> Interact lire room. c.-uctlonuddo-Club. JOIHS AD FIRM sip, ot course, determtoe the Mlu Dlaao Marie Sft'er~n, ot La.CUJII. Beach Ud Gerald The lnteract blumer was pre. M .chael Huvey llas joined STORY HOUR FOR TOTS We of the acreen. Proper to.-daugbter of Mr • aod Mrs. d. Hyde or S&Dl:a Monlea as ushers. seated to Sten Sutoo by Gen. Arthur Coopet Advertistng. ata!Jation caa ooly complete the mUDd SeTeraoo of 509 Jasm1De The bridegroom's nlece, Tom Riley, pastpresldeotoftbe 2043 W:J ;tcutf Drive, West- picture. Thua, tbe fireplace An., COI'OI'la del Mar, beeame Miss Lisa Sblrley, served u Rotary Club, The club's nrst cUU Center, u creative dir~ acreeo pnrrtdts safety, con-Mrs. Kim R. Sblrley Lndouble flower IPJ'l aod rLDc bearer was activity will be to bertn a cam-tor a.nd a'XOwt executive. F<r Yealeoce I.Dd beauty rtnc eeremoQY beld Sept, 14 DaYld SeYer9011, oepbew at the paign to ellmioate litter from the past 9 years lle haS sen ad Fireplace acree~aMacees-at tbe LutberaD Cburcb or the bride. Mlsa Dlluoee WlllabaD, Newport Harbor and BaJ. Tbey as a,tvertlslng nunager at sorlu 1s our buslDesa-our Cross 1n Laguoa. H.Uls. niece of tbe groom, bad cbar~& also plan to work wltb an later· Plasmadyne, a d1v1s.too ot. A story bOur tor pre-scbool etllldreo la be.1Dg held at the Conm. del War Library. Mrs. Claire Wessoer, former kin- dergarteo teacher, wm 5tC*"- Yise aPd tell stories to tbe c.bildren oo the !Did and 4th Tburlldays ot a ch moatb, from Some light on a dark subject Ever wonder wby IOfne p(lls come in cleat, transpalcnt bottles, while others hide bdlind brown or dart- areen atass? It's oo acddent, but by daion. Why ••• 1 Simple clar- lisht can red !.ICC lbc pocency of aomt m.:dK:atiom. Consider" how sunshine fades a rayon print, for instance. Thus., where needed, we ute dart boWel, rKH to htde anything. but to praerve the medical cffec- tiveACSS of the drug your physician ptDCribed for you. This is but one of many precautionary measures that are taken to provide you with the best in pharmaceutical Krvicc. Christensen ONLY bustDess. We offer, we Tbe ~l's~•~ot~-~ or the guest boot at the aet Club J.D. aDOtber eouoty. Geotalllr.. bellen tbe 11Dest selection ot aDd Mrs •..... au.~ w.~ wY ..,..... tJoo held at Mission VtejoS1rlm tl.repla~e screens aM aeces-Barbara. Tbe earlJ afterDOOD. aDd Racquet Club. 10 1o ICUOa,m, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorles 1D this~ or tbe e:01.m-wedding eeremoa.y wu per-The bride Is a try, udwecuprOYidethecom-formed bJ Pastor Verooo. Gleodora HJcft pltte ~ernee oeeded from Kotter· Citrus College, selt<:Uoo to lnstalla&a at a The bride wore a noor leogtb aDd Is a gradlllte ot fair price wttb cuaraoteed C0WD ot white orpna OYer taf-College of Med.leal results • reta made wttb a tenise lace She hal served as TWA Mr. · Jank, owner ot The bodlee and a )oog chapel traLn. Tbe groom is also a He&rthstooe, brings tbe e:.:. Her elbow lenrth veU was held or Gleodon HlgtJ. perlence p!Ded from screenlng by a ~Ieee or matcb.lng UCLA, where he literally buodreds or flreplaces venise lace. She carried a bou-PM Kappa Psi fraternity, He In Southern Ca.lltorllla to assist quet or oreblds, stephanotis and oow a Udenant Ill tbe U.S. A1r you 1n the selection or the style baby's breathomat ol force, following a boDeymooa and ftnlsh ot your ftrepla.ee Standing as d boDOr was at Lake Tahoe a.od SaD screen. AU screens are per. tbe bride's s1ster.I.D.Iaw, Mrs. Francisco, trtll be ma.k1uc soally measured and deslped David Seversoo or Alhambra. thelr home Ill wbere bJ Mr.Ja.okto~teepertect She wore 1 1t"'D of pale yellow Lt. Sh.l.rley will be til. Shantung trimmed wltb baDda: ot We wtll be most happy to la ce, and sbe carried a bouquet $(21,000 IS LOW BID diaei&SS your fireplace Deeds or roses, da1&1es aDd baby's With aa offer ot ... ,, .. .,, w.lth Joe&, either 1D your home breath. Ylss Susie G&ines ot Gr1lfltb Co. of Costa Mesa. or at THE HEARTHSTONE San otego aDd Mlss Judith Pro-the::Js~~low;~bldder~~~ 1711 EaJt Cout Rlgtl'nJ: Yost ol Gleodale were brides-2 CCX'GG& del Mar (ooe blOck .out~~ maida. TbeJ wore llmillr of tbo Co1111 Guden). ()pea 10 pns In limo II'"" ud -TOt Pl'>lact add to s weekdays aDd Satrud&Js; blue. ~85 OD the aortbwest cor.- 10 to 9 Fridays· aM DeYer 00 AtteDdiDg tbe groom were of tbe campus ud 51'7 oo ' YartlD stradtrni.D of Van Nays east side, iDc.reulq tbe nwn• u best ma.o ud Rlebard Acker ber ol parking stalls to S, 7Sa, SPEOALS FOR OCT. 16-17-11 COlli fJN 18. .. 181 11/IPP/111 BEST FOODS AT THE LDWEST PRICES! [SAVE! I FroLc n VAll DE UMP ENCHILADA n1 oz. BEEF -·OlE ESE· CHI CJ( Ell LINKS LB."' Produce FLORIDA WHITE GRAPEFRUIT . SEI.SOH -49< Ill IT ·liTE COLA 673-3510 Back your local air poilu· tion authorities, for on~ thing. Know what caus~s smog, for anoth~r. In Los Angeles County, for ~xampl~, motor ~hides cause nearly 90% of the total to~ of air pollutants. In contrast, Edison power plants now account for less than 1%. It's taken 15 years of research and millions of dollars for special «fuipment and cleaner-burning Cuds to achie~ this rault. But to our way of thinking, it's money Wllapmt.Beau-itinvolvayou and your environment. To ut, that'• important. ADd you can COUDt 011 Bclieoo to CODtinue to wage our war on air pollution wher~v~r w~ build or optrate a power plant. Bur what can be dont about th~ auto? Fortunat~ly, 1970 mod~ls sold in California will be ~quipped with mon compl~te, DlOI'e advan~ emission control systems. Til&t's a new California law. It's far strict~r than tht F~derallaw. Even with better liDOS control deviczs, it willllill tab at last ten years to rephce our pcamt cars with IX.U mocleiL Ia the man- time, are there -thintP aU of UICIUldo? Yea. AnythillJ that deatroya • your auto's ~ngine also destroys the air w~ bruth~. This includ~s dirty spark plugs, incompl~t~ combustion, ovtrflowing carbu· retor, faulty ignition syst~m. So: I. Keep your engin~ tuned. 2.Don't gun your motor. Don't idle it unnecen•rily. And turn it otf immediately whenever you perk your car. 3. Milke sure the amog cu.trol «fuipmmt 011 your auto w £uac,. tioningpwpaly.Haveit dwd!ed • every 8,000 milea-« a no r meodedbytbemss &s a. OUTII CORS' ROifiT ._,ITCWUM and THE BAD GUYS " ,..,. .. --. Ufllldt, .. ....... ~,.,, "" IIIAICES 'IUW-Ir IDOl UKE $11/IIIf TEl/IN IN 'umE 111111 I/IMKE/1 '!" VANESSA IS SIMPLY GREAT " -LIFE Ahguine V..\. 'II ESSA REDGRWE "THE LOVES OF ISADORA'' • ~EWOIIT IIAIIIOR EIIIGII lltURSDAY, OCT. If. 1111 fiRST S£Cll01f--Pw 4 (OIIOIIA D£1.111AR, CM.Jf. TIAVIL PIIKUM POR '-IRSOP PMCHB. Tilt Caa --· Ia lilt ... I nor,--Tfttol-lllt-)lcl--G, ......... ~ WW tr'f to l .... floa lut lfiiA:tW/JIJJIJc .. U .., .. lltwl«t lllltlll' .. Mei'JO', eo.&J ) ... _ fill' !? PrldQI &!to I ... IDIAIII ... l UJI!aJIA WtM .... MIPhlfi .. IUG-.IIU ... III.Oct. tiW. JW II' 1 & ala. ...... u1 llltJ~~.!. Y-11111 II ~~ 'ta ... ~~~~ ll II lilt •• ,.,.. ,_ o1 ........ co.cll'r-lfn. P·'"·----.• -.-Don< vw.a. ta ""-' Lawr.,.IWIIoudlfn.lllit lleld. Tilt iAn4IIIC-II-,_ 10 a _. ... ian. -. ...... -1 1 lllo - defeated lJI tilt lniae I...-. K1lll Wolf ~•aJtWil.... J~ bcaoii'C -"'"' .......... -..... -.,_,... .... ..... .......................................... _;.;.. ______ ..... \1-e,udeor-dti-,U-4. ,._.,"' • a.,.n _.,. ~ Tbe ponrM Loon '"'"' IDircL Tilt -...... -drOfl for I toacbdowal ia tile OG tbe 15, udfromtblrts.dD !ad quarter lor a 14-4 ball· Rl-ldcad a lltld .... 10 Ume lied TbeSUoaaOOJI;plaJ«< ll>lblbe occn14-S. tbe u..b.a. bJ a Wide ...,.110 TOll Iaily wu qltct!J .- durlllr the llrot ball, dl:lrillc eod u Ray ~lo ol t11o tor 114 yards to tbetr oppoout•' Suoa1 took tM ....,.., klet.. .t5 o1t oa JU. on 10, aDd weat Ill But the Jlusta.D.p came to lUe tlM Yl.1 lor tM TD. Another crucial for Tars .... -1 ..... 7P.M. C...et"MU~Shew lei ...... SS.. . .._2 .. ,..hi MilliMe Wod. I P.M. Michael Sarrazin Gayle Hu11icutt Ele-Parker CONTINUOUS IHOW lUNDAY -2 P.M. HELDOVEI ----Bdl£ J dE OOR ALSO 0"ANO ,_!'till! WINNC" IN 1 ... CA.NNI:S ,-IEaTIVAL .,.. ___ .;.A;.N.:O.:.AGADitMY AWA AD WINNIE.,O.--,,.-~ HIRING OF MINOR I Tl ES TOPIC FOR BPII CLUB RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS "Hiring. training and retain-. ln g minOritles" wtll be the topic Bids must be submitted on the Proposal form attached with at the diMer meeting of the the contract documents furnished by the Public Works Depart- Newport Harbor Business a.oo men!.. T~ addlho~l copy of the Proposal form ls to be retaiDed Professional Women's Club at by the bld~er for his records. :!> words or leu ............. . 21 wot"ds to 30 WOtdl ..... . 31 wotdl to .() .... d ...... . 1 Ti- 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Tim .. 2.:;1) !.00 •. oo . 10 l Tim•• 3.00 4.00 5.00 . 15 the Costa Mesa Country Club Eacn bid must be accompan.led by cash, certitled cbecl: or this evenin Oct 16 Walt r Bidder's Bond, made payable to the CUy o1 Newport Beach, • 10;011:5 fOR SAL I F Young, ~a.nage'r or ~mplo~-for an amount equal to at least 10 percent ot the amouot bid. m'ent education and training The title or the project and the words "SEALED BID" &ball tor McDonneU.Douglas Astro-be clearly marked on the outside or the envelope containing tbe nautics Company, will be the bid. guest speaker. He is a member The Contract Documents _that miLSt. be completed, exectied, ol Na.tlowl Alliance of Bust-and returned in the sealed bad are; oe ssmen. Mrs. Helen Cote, pre-A. Pr~sal sident of the Club will preside B. Designation of Subcontractor s the meetilli ' C. Bidder's Bond • D. Non-collusion Affidavit E. Statement of Flnanclal Responsibility WAR FOR THE WORLD'' -by lla!Or Goo. TIX>mu A. Lane (lEA Ret.). Paper. tact $1. .-...c.,.. 2 .... -.. .lAt ...... ... o .. aa • .-.-.._. a&<•-•"u'" F. Technical Ability aoo E.:pertence References l!::!iiiii[£iuii::ii:L== These documents shaU be a..ffl.J:ed with tbe sJ.patures IUid I- Ulles of the per sons signing on beha.U at the blctier. For Cor-Prlnte pu1J wants to buy porations, lbe signatures of the President or Vice Presideat and Secretary or Assistant Secretary are required ud tbe Cor-PlANO f« cub. 541-6045. ponte Seal Shall beatfi.Jedtoalldoeumeotsreqal.rtnc ttpatarN. llllbe caso of a Partnership, 1110 signature c1 at lout ooe poon1 •::..:P.;IETO!.!S:_. _____ _ partner Is requlred. No bids will be accepted trom a Cootractor trbo bas GOt bHa Ucensed ln accor dance with the prorlsiooi:otC'blpter 9, Ditil:krl m of the Business and Professloos' Code. Tbe Coatractor st.la.U state hJs Ucense number and classUlcatloa.iDtbe Proposal. Pla.ns and Contract Doc uments, lncludlDc Special Pr~ may be otu.ined at the Public Works Daputmellt, Clt)" lll1l. Newport Beach, Ca.lllorrua.. at m cost to Uceuedcxdracton. A ooo.-r etunda.ble charge of $Z.OO wt.U be required b' eaeb lit ol Plans and Contract Documents Issued to otbers. It is requested that the Plans and Contn.ct Oocumeots be returDed wtth1D I wteb &Iter the bid openln&. Call "THE GENTLE GIRLS" lor ptl .,._,.,. Tboy e__..sud SO cartllol ol ,.r ltellllp. Call Jem)ANS' P&T SHOP 17 YEARS Ill c-del .,.uu ptl -wll•• --.. _ Z'ISZ c.a Tbe City bas -ed the Studard Sl>e<lll..-s lor PGI>Uc ·····• Works Coastruclloo (1967 Ed!Uoo ud S..,.,lomeala) u .,..,....., o.oE bJ llles...thernColllorlllaC"'PterscltbeAmerlcaDNIIo Wocu !IIO~A:.;T~S:!.!.f!!O:!R~~::=~- Aseoelatlon and the Associated GeDital Coalradora ol AIHr1cL COpies may be obtaiaed from Bu1..kU.J:1c Hews_ IDe., S055 Orer)lad 111U11CAL fOR SIIOp nil-of-...... -..-.1 .. port, C4G-... -.. IIORI UNTED IROIIINO. Y••• of u- iaoe oe all IY'Pfl of cloo alaa A lia-lptciolty, -·· ....... fl., ....... IIUit Will-tin .- -',.• CDoL 67).ID4. ~-., .• mall-- -~~~~ accoomts. Cllll &'D-4050 afternoon~, FOR RENT WUCTER RENTALS - .:;.-:,o; .... ;;;:' eollla-....... WARNER BROS. Prtstnls An ELY LANDAU-BRYAN fOASES Procb:tion AYe., Los Angeles, Ca!U. 900M, (IU) 870.!1171. ' • OfPICU I'OR RIMT KATHARINE HEPBURN " "THE MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT" C>IARLES DOVER· ctAOOE IWII'HIN EDITH FiNCS • JOHN GAVIN • PAUL HEHA£10 • OSCAR HOMOLKA • WAAGARET LEIGHTON • Glt.llflTA MASINA _,-rt'-.. '"""' '"'""''"" YUl BRYNNE.R ;:__·DONALD PlEASENCf 1:. ,_ .,. DANNY KAYE • n.-• 8""' ., , ~1'/ ""'"" " JEAN IIAI.UDOOX ""' ld~tod "" MAUIUCE VAlENCY • Suttnplay by EDWARD NttAlT • ExlcutM ~r HENRY T. WEINSTEIN .....,.., ___ ) holtad by ELY WIOAU • Oil'teltd by MYM FOABES • TECHN~ WORLD PREMIBIE RUN NOW EXCWSIVR Yl • PM'-s 1 s:t Sch .... • -_.,. -Mt & t\41 IA~Y .... 2 •M 7 111• 2 •* _.,-, •• ·-....... t:lf Tbe City bu -ed Slalldard Spoclal-udS!owJol'l DrawtDcs. Copies of these Ire uallab .. It tbt PlbUe won. ~ at a coot cl $2,00 per oot. Tbe CltJ reaenu lbt rl-to re)ed 1DJ or tJl tl6ck ..S to wain lD1 IJdormaUt:J lll Aclll blda. .,. !D ..,........., wtlh t11o ~ ol ArUc1o J, ~I, Part 7 O( tllo Calllonta ........ Codo {.Stct-1 '1'10 tl ~lilt City Coomcll ol t11o City o1 II-lloocll 1u --lllo e _.. Ji<e'lllllllc role ol per - -.. lllo --· 'ftkb tbt 11'01'k .. to bt ptrlor"IHd •.a c:na. dl...,. ...... or tJP1 of wortmu or meebMk ...S.S to 11 aetlllt 1 t• eftOCHUII:Dt "~;;~:i~~~'f~~~;;;;;....--l ..S bu .-t lortb u... ....._. II REal , .. 11e. till. rua , _ llay U,lll69. A oopy ol t&ld r-11--II lilt ... ol lllo CIIJ Clorll. AD .,.._ 10 lilt < *" act -llt ... - by all ~ ollllo ~ ~ Ol*r1' Mil 11- ...utas -nlet ~ 17'JO.l'llllcl I t). · ern or-~ aAC1f, ~ to.. ,......_ CIIJ Clott _,Oct. II, 11169, Ia lilt~--..... DELUXE J..-ollkt -. c-dol-· ........ Jo••"'·· t50 ...,.. ... ___ ... __ .,__.,_ ...... ••J 'C8 c., .• ,........,. 10t-......... Gf. ._ .. rase'"""',.._ _£ ........ ,..~ ..... ....... 22 q; ......... -·-... 1, I , ...... ._. ............ -lAw ....... 4ll I. ,. ... c:oa ........ ,. .. I SAVe ·, ~; • OlE WEEI OILY! SAQ RIEIGWS IEL1'1D , ••••• 16 .... 11ns .,. •• m •nmw•IIIUIIIII Fill 111"&-.. nm ..-1111 SAVE! .. -.... VE! lltW'OIIT IIAIIII>R EIIIGII llllfT SECTIOII--P• 5 THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 196!1 roUA llEL IIAI, CAU r. Don't co me a duplex . I'm a lovely 2 bedroom HOME with a little 2 bedroom money maker out in back. Both units are owner- occupied and flawless, with deep shag carpets and lots of used brick. After you've seen the rest, come see the best. A REAL ESTATERSEXCLUSIVE io ·THE REAL '.~£STATER S POIIMERLY ORANGE COAST PROPfRTY · 332 llar-i te Corona del War -673-8550 Uotitated seller otrers ber Yiew home with SUDUa couversatioo area :m:l large adult suJte oo en:ellent terms. Den, DlDing and Bedrooms open to seciOOed pool lor quick dlppl..ng. NeY carpets, and appUances offer years of espense-free enjoyment OFFERED AT $78,500 OFFERS lNVITED OPEN SAT . SUN . 4545 TREMONT HAL PINCHIN Ia Associates E. OJAST HIWAY OJROHA DEL MAR CALL 67S-C92 ANYTIME NO POINTS! No Loan Fee ... Assume Existing 6-3/4% FHA BeauUtul SjwUsb home, butlt by builder of The Bluffs, overlooking Newport Bay. Corner location, giving spacious feeling not usually available in con- dominlum.Located in Fountain Valley. Three bedrooms, 1-3/4 baths, rear yard t. bricll: patio and B-8-Q area. $4,500 takes you to eziBt1ng loan. F.P. $211,850. CORBIN--MARTIN, IDe. ..,.st1tc• a; 1 • n. cc...,, .. _.,_,. a.c.oa ... a.,. CliP I till' IIR0 CaUf. ---------------- stic Cottage with STORY ~BOOK Z story ROUE with CHARM AND QUALITY. Two bedrooms two baths. Beamed cellinp, brick ftreplace and polished by lo¥"1ncbaDds. Fu:rlllsbed aputmeot orer cance. BEAIJTlFUL L.AN~A.PlNG AND TWO PRIVATE PATIOii. JIBT LISTED . •••• Panoramic View Harbor View tour bedroom, Z-1/Z bratb, P<X>L. Just painted lnslde and ooL No-care landscaping. VACANT AND AVAILABLE. ONLY $59,500. •••• So. Hwy. Duplex 3 B/R home wUh used brick Qreplace running to high beamed ceiling. Z B/R apartment with some oc~ vlew. REDOCED $5,000 • •••• Commercial LOT NE WPORT BLVD ...•. $26,500. •••• Irvine Terrace EXCEPTIONAL VIEW. 2 8/R PLL5 PANELED DEN. SEPARATE CUES! ROOM AND BATH POOLSIDE. TROPICAL l....ANtECAPlNG. $83,500. HOMEABILITY 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, 2,400 sq. ft. Large lot. Best C.D.W.. area. Under priced at $54,950 PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beautilul3 Bedroom. 4 Ba1h WATERFRO;'\'T llome on Bayside Dnve. ~e\\ ly ~ecoralcd . Prictd ~180.000. 2DOI IIAYSIDE DRIVE BY APPOINTMENT ONL V BILL GRUNDY 67s.J21D LiliA ISli llf.YD.lii'IDT co. \ INVESTMENT Income 7 UNITS • LARGE LOT, 132' x 305' ROOM TO BUILD 5 MORE $90,000 OWner wUl carry private first deed. lewp•rt l•ede I l1e • •••• ltiJIIII c ..... ofmJa !)~ PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 16LIIINioleDrlw Exquisitely decorated i Bednlom, S Balli new home with upstlltn view of CoroDa .._ Mar bill•. 3 firopiocea. Cantilnved polio deck with gas bar·l>qoe. Priced with cloek at ................................. 'lti,M. SILinHI ... Orl .. Just completed 4 Bedroom 4 Bath borne wttJJ: patio deck, sitting room and fireplace iD. mu- f.tr bedroom 'uite. F~UJ room hal .Wn convenation pit and fireplace. Decorated and lanct.caped lor ..................... ,1112,0011. 12Li11Niole0. ... Spacious 4 Be<lroom, 5 Bath breautifully dec-- orated new home adjacent to clubbouM and beach. Pier & SJip installed. P r 1 e • d at .............................•.... ,ISS,OOII. Resale "alertront Linda IEle leas.ebol4 lot v.1th plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ~000. Lind• lsi. Denl..,.m Ce. 1010 B•yoMio Dr .. N.B. IIlii G....,. 67W211 THE "INN"PLACE rA.Da Polot Aputmelll coqua k>cated oo the oceu side al Ccut Hictnray. Hubor ~ soon to be completed D'W'lna mate tblsptapeny, situated on a 205 x 100 ft. lot, ~l.a.Uy attnctin . S&le priced at $150,000, Terms Gnlble. OWner wUl carry kXln. ~#~ -•r.:'l< L0.!5 \\'o•SI Ba1bolt, ="1''\)A>f! &-·itch 675-6000 :.!4-43 East Coar.t Hlghv.&)t, Curona dcl ).tar. 675--tMM llll.~llel•···l·· Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $39 million for the flrst eight months of 1969. Tbis represents 1, 041 unit sales and a dollar value inc rease of I I % over the sarne per- iod of last year, wbich was a record vear. List your property With a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I J J I J PETE BARRETT realty 642-5200 FINER HOMES ELEGANT lA YFRONT Th!" yea rs finest view &yfront buy. FormaJ f;.avfront home with beautiful Mam.ard root !'-0ffPred nclusively. 4 bdrms. pier, alip & ~\' 1mmmg pool. high ceilings. liweeping stair· "a:-' can not be duplicated at $225.000. One 1'1{ the most admired Bayfront homes in New· port Harbor. DOVEl SHOW Ele~ant 3 bdnn home With view of Back Bay, gartten or .family room, ap.dous. Jiving room. oversized pool with elltensive aurTOUDding .t errac-e. Decanted in exquisite tute. Reduc· ed to Sll7,l00. Call lor appointmenL UNDA ISLE .'l bdm1!'i 4\: bath. a luxurious home carpeted & rt>Rdv for your private pier • slip. Aikin& ~l:t5.000. - Open ~avsun H Linda Ill• Drive IAYFRONT TmprtfSJVt 2 &tory Bll1frwt borne. 4 bdrms l~rge lh•mg room. formal diDiDc room, ,.... clltd den with wet bar, muter iWte witb &it- l ing room. flrepl..., I< utro 1--, room. Electric controlled pte 1<--· Pitr .1. Ooat lor larp -or Nil -. 1175.0110. Call lor appola-. DOYEl SHOID Grocioal ltriDa lar :rwr faaiiiJ, Vlaw-.. With pool. 4 Wnni, ~ ,_, I It1 E*r:<:::r:~;a t:="! for app+rtt - W.•111 I --TY<a Hlff ..,-........... •• I sessions set a. • -.1 ·•ntsn'J' ~--., .. c.nl-Ualac .. ---· a.., lint a, ud ~ "Lot • -dill tllort II ..... C.. -. will ...... II&M." lllo .... CO)' T. -tt.· ... ....., 0c:t. 1t ud-. -af lllo E•-1 hllll -a.wiJ, -.j Oet, M C .... E-, ftll ~ --,. £, j,_. wui Ud --olaroc:..t.._, .. 'ldtt be tooktoYarioolmtuloaflelcii • ollllt -ld. ~ a1 tbtta..m. .... - Jlce tbJ.a: Suocay &Dd wt'H&M• at 'J:l5 p.m.. rtprex*Hy• from cbardl-~ uolp ud borne mtuiOD lleldl wW ~ or -slldH o1 tbolr wort. No meeti.De r. .ebedWicl U-yoll!>t. Spookers aod tbe lleldl tllo7 Will represeot are: Tbl R.,, W<et Zurfllllb. EuterD. EUI"'- pou · Ululoo (Germaay~ Wureo Dlnlets. Stldu Iatertor I Ulssloo (Etbtopta); tbe !leY, ---------...!..... George Poolius, }.... Ror&l h E.,..gelical Fellowshli>(JIOOO); c u r h Brl~do Ysqulerdo, Utss!m ( to the Ulorants (U.S.A.}, Bud f · schaetrer, Overseas c rusades NeWS Inc. ~Pbi~i.nes); and Ken Bemis, Practical Wl.sslooary Tra.tn1ng. an afllliate of the The First Baptist Church of CeDtra.l American Mlssloo (EI Costa Mesa.-Dr. P. G. Neu-A F .UllLY DINNER hosted by mann will preach oo '•Not good- the bride-elect's pareots was Salvador), oess but Godliness" at 11 a.m. tbe occasion lor announcement Elci:IO Reddl.ng, International SuDday, Tbe 7 p.m. sermon will ot tbe enpgement of Christine Students Inc., Orange, 'lrillln-be given by the Rev, Harold An- '""""'· dau.,..ter of Mr. am trodoce a forelgD studeDt woo d l.at ... wtu -·Uct"""t ... on Sunday, Oct. erson., assoc • e pasto,r. Mrs. CeDe Spencer, 2315 Laurel _. ._..., Pl., Newport Hel&ttts, and Paul 26, when a Wycllffe Bible tra.n-The Plymouth CoogregaUonal Geotost, soa of Mr. and Mrs. slator wW try to translate his Church, 3262 Broad St., New- AWllo GenlosJ, 1986 Orange langua.~ 1n a specla.l "tra.o-port Helghts-"'Looking atGod Ave,, Costa Mesa. TheyareboUI s latioo to action" program. throu¢1 Christ" wlllbe theser- Harbor High and OCC gn. The chairman of the mission-mon topic of the Rev. Norman duates, llDd both are atteoding ary committee of the church Brown at the 10 a.m. Sunday CaJ State, Loog Beach. will host all the mainland mis-service. siooarles at a misslooa.ry mLt. • • • TOUR OF CDHTIHEHT up at 6:30p.m. Saturday, Oct. Christian Science Churches Mrs. Wllllam M. Laing and 25. All the cburch-~rted -"Doctrine of a tonement" daugbter GOODie, 432 0e Sola mainland missJoaarles will will be the sermon topic for Ter., Corona Higtl.la.Dds, re-share tbe1r work oo the1r this Sunday. Ser vices are held turned recently from a tour of "Uekl" with the congregation. at 9:15 and 11 a.m. in Newport Encl&Dd, France, Germany and A light refreshment will be Beach, 10 a.m. iD Harbor View Holland, and music festivals in served, following the meeting, Hills ~ 11 a.m.ioCosta Mesa.. Ltteeroe, Switzerland, a.ndSa.l.z-iD Wright Hall. • • burg, Austria. Tile publlc Is invited to all The Newport Harbor Lu. Coonle has entered Occl-meettogs. Special music will be theran Church, 2501 CUff Or., dental College, where she has turnlshed by the junior cho1r Newpo rt Heights-Pastor Ron- received a grant to study for ot the chtach and Mrs. Ken aid L. White will give Ule ser- her master of arts degree. She Bemis. Oo the final Sunday mon at the 9 and 11 a.m. ser- euDed ber a A. de~Uee trom night mtsstooarles wUl come vices this Sunday. His topic 1s UCI last JIIDII a.od was de&igp dressed to the clothing which "Joyous Uvtog.'' based oo.Eph- oa.ted a member of the senior best represents tbe coUDtry esta.ns ;:lS-20~ • women's honor society. where they have been serving. The Lutheran Church of tile Yield. Top quality bonds hav~ ~e . h~ghest yieJd levels _ in this century. Yields of over S o/< are currently available. You owe it to yourself to investigate t he possibility of including high- yi elding, high-grade bonds in your investment program. Today's money market is providing the investor with a unique opportu-· nity to invest in the bonds of some of the largest and financially strongest corporations in this country and en- joy a return of over 8%. Further, most of these bonds provide protection for up to fi ve years against being called for refunding at lower in terest rates. Today's money market also is pro- viding the opportunity to invest in municipal obligations where returns of 6% and more -tax free-are avail- able. These securities are especially attractive when their tax advantages are considered. For complete information-and ex- perienced evaluation-as to how high- yielding bonds can be part of your investment program, just contact your nearest Dean Witter office. Or maybe you would be interested in our current report, u Even if you neoer bought bond• before ... " For your .free copy, simply phone, write or visit any Dean Witter office. Or, if you prefer, complete and mail the coupon below. DEAN WITTER lli: Co. JNCDJlPOitATED Br,,to,. R. Ottl~n. Vic.-Pr uitf.-,t p;,..,.citll Pl•z• fj() Nt'wport Ct>rrtrr Drivt', N.-wport 8.-lfcb T.-l.pho'" 644·2192 ---------------------------- DUN WI I I d' A CO. INCOIIIPORATtD "-....d-copy(•) ol your free report, .... , .............. , ...... ..,.,, .... N'.u~---------------------- ·-------··-----Jl(p(p~- Master, 2900 Pacitic View Dr., Har bor View HUi s -Dr. Wil- liam Eller will preach at the 9:15 and ll a.m. Sunday oo ''Search ing for the truth," based on Proverbs 2:1-9, Youth of the church will hold a work: d:ly Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. • • • st. Michael's :..nd All Angels' Episcopal Church, 3233 Pacific View Dr., Harbor Vtew Hills- Holy communlo11 will \Je cele- bl"ated at all 3 Sunday services, 8, 9:30 aoo 11 a.m. Sunday schOO l Is meeting at 9:30a.m., Kindergarten through 6th grade at Lincoln School. Confirmation classes wtU begin Oct. zo, ju. niors at 4 p.m. and seoiors at 8 p.m . • • • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., Clift Haven -Dr . Charles Dlerentield will preach on '·Nothing for nothing'' at the 8, 9:30 and 11 A.m. Sunday services, Sunday evening ac. tlvltles Include Westminster ch01r rehearsal and suwer at 6 p.m. and senior high and col- teR, age fellowship meetings at '1:30 p.m. Angela (Cootinued ftom page 1) light our brothers and sisters to Vietnam, They say we should- n't be Ill politics, lf this Is 001. poliUcal, what Is? ''ll they keep moving as they are, you students are gotog to be under attack soon. Wilen they decided not to give sttJdents cr edit in my class, that ls a direct attack on the around 300 students who are tu.Ing my class. They in etrect are saytng that you don't deserve to tue courses that are really relevant to your Uves. "If you don't start to Qght now, you are DOt going to be around very long. Loot 1fhlt happened ill Germany, Tbe people didn't stand~ a.nd resist Nat.lsm -F'asctsm. U we don't · start fighting now while we caa stJII ezpress a disseottnr op.. inion, I am pretty sure to tbe future we won't even be able k» talk abo~ Individual freedom, or academic freedom. We will be responsible for the comtne of Fascism in this country." THE SENATOR'S BALL. honoring State Seoator Jotln G. Scbmit& of Tustin, wtll be held F'rlday eventor. Nov. 14, at tbe Sa.ota Ana Elks Club. This is Ule"'5th consecutive year for th1s d1DDer dance event. The ooooree and trteods are pictured bere lootJJir at a scrapbook recording the previous get-tocethers. Shown above, from left, are Wilbrd YoU of Balboa; Charlle Brow11 of East Blllff, who aga..in wtll be master of ceremonies; Shirley (Mrs. John) SmiUI of East Blutt; Mrs. Ricllard Duffy of Dove r Shor es; JohD Smith, and Senator Schmit&, The d1noer aod program will be followed by dancing to the music ot the "Soctety for Ule preservation of big bands." Reservations may be made will'! Mrs. Slleldon Craddock, 544-1355. (EnsigD photo.) SONS OF' NORWAY, TrygveLiechapter, will have some help from fair daughters to costumes this saturday, Oct. tB, at the Newport Harbor American Leg1oo Hall wbeo they ptesent a tn.ditiooal Scaod!naytan Cbrl.stmas Lute- fisk a.nd meat ball dinDer from 3 to 6 p.m. Mrs. B:"uce Nordlund of West Newport, at left, aDd Mrs. Ray Ntelseo ot Newport Heights, wearing ScandinaYtan costumes, will assist with serving, (Enslp pboto.) A Theodore ltob in s exclu sive I Look for our di•gnost ic center seal and take the guess-work out of buying 1 used t~~r. These tars have passed 130 vit al tests for perform•nte re liability, and s.fety. 100% PARTS AID WOR WARRAin 4,000 MILES OR 10 DAYS .JI mec:hanlcal (Mrts lnclulllnt '"''"'· dr ln rear tMI, 'LUS brtku, NH•ry and uhlust All nptW work done in 01,1r own ttn'ict •u CHI¥10LIT WASON IMpalo~, VI, futo~ry .;,, •"to . ·~~·•· h .. ,.,. ,. ..... , ..... ~,. ! ·~06 71 1 '64 CHanua Nawporl 4 Or. Sari. VI. F.ACTO U Alii. Aw to~ 1'. S .. 1'. I. IOFFI6ll Cfty ef N_,... t..clrl D.t.ttwe C.. c • ...,t.t.~, .__......_.,_ ... OOKI S1395 c;o,,,.., 4 0.. Sed a<~. VI. 11•war ...... ;~.,_ •• b •• ~ ............ 1]15111) '6J PONTIAC TIMmT $ C.u,.. 4 lll'oiMI to .,.,..,:n ;ol! 595 ·~·~··~·~·~~~··~·~··~·-~·~·~,·~·~~·~·-·--------~ -----... POll LTD $ 4 Dr. SM. I ••-. J90 Yr. aoo4a., 2095 P. S.. IIH ... ,. tirn . IV"70JI NEII'ORT HARa!R EJISIIJI FIRST SEC110tt --P. 6 lltURSDAY, OCT. II, - OOIIJIQ. DEL liAR, CAUF. Log race results given Tllol!oll>oal'owtr~l una&l•Yiptor'a Soc n.cewu bold reciiiiiJ oil Nnport Bt&cb. 1'bl S wiJm.eu wwe )&It -oput to tile dramaUc llllsb. F1rll place went toNaYiptar Cbuct Pbllan aboard Raillbow'• Ead, Hlwerad by Bud Ulller (jult ~ oecoad& error). place was woo'by Naviptor Hooey lll>oord tile GoldAta Glr~ pllolad by George Bor....., (jult ~ oecoad& error). Tblrd place was awarded toNutptor Doue Chalmers on tbe Salem, wJtb Betty Chalmers at tbe con- trols (Just '15 8IICObdJ error). Predlctod Lor Race Chair- man Bob Becker espla.lned tbat the Navtptor•s L.oc" Race ta dltferent ltom the usual In tbat oo fWM:I markers are used and that oa11 course a.nd runn1.o.c time are giYeo to the con- testants. RPM must be selected by the navigator and held cOn- stant on all legs of the race pattern except the last, Then, theoretically, re gardless of speed dUtereoces ot the con- testants, all boats should cross the Ulllsh line at the same time. NEWPORT TOMORROW REPORT TO BE GIVEN Tbe Woman's Civic League of Newport Harbor wtll hear are- ' port by Jottn Macnab, geoeral ' chairman of Newport To. morrow, at 10 Lm, T~aesday, Oct. 21, ln the muW..purpo.se room of Mariners Ubrary. Mr. Macnab will report on tbe tlOO- ings and r ecommendations that tbe Newport Tomorrow com- mittee presented to the Newport Beacb City Council. PREPARING lor the-tuttoa -~ lor tile~ Uea CIYic Playboue are Mrs, Roy E. June, at left, put prelkleat of Ute Patrons AssD., aDd Mrs. ROD&ld o. Hardy, former board member. Tbe beoetlt will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. WtdDeJday, Oct. ZZ, attbeCosta.MesaGolland Couot.ry Club. Proceedl: will go to the tbeater tund, as It Is the &Jm of the Patrons Assn. to build a theater lor the community. Resern. tlons may be made by ca.llJ.ng 548-1212, (Ensign photo.) Agenda for planners The PlaruUng Commlssloo of the Newport Ha.fbor Lutheran wtu consider the following Church, requesting deferment ageoda u"eiits at lts meeting at of a use permit cood1Uon re- a p.m. today, Oct. 16, ill the quirlog Ule construct1o11 of a Newport Beach City Hall: 6-foot block wall. 1. Request ot the Newport 5. Request from the Irvine Beach Tennis Club for erteo-co. for a change In design of slon ot a use permit for on-sale turning areas on stogie family Uquor a..nd further permitting lots along the south side of patron danctog and Uve enter-Bayside Dr. between the Bahia t:alnment and permission to r ent Corinthian and Ba lboa Yacht the ticUitles to private parties. rlub't. 2. Cootinued heartogooAle:r:- ancler TorbUt's use permit r e-T A.XA. TIOH IHSTl lUTE quest for a drtve-t.n. take-out r estaurant at no w. Coast Hwy., across trom Bay Shores. 3. Use permU request of George IYersoo to estabUsh a new a.Dd used automotive sales aDd service lacillty at 900 W, Coast H..-y., across trom Bay Shores, 4. Letter rrom Bob Davts, Newport Beach attorneys Doo R. AdJdnsoo of Harwood, Soden & Adkinson; William B. lUckey of Duryea, Carpenter ill Bar~~es, and Richard A. Brown, Jr., ot Robert son; HO\V se.r '-Gar land, have r egistered for the l5C Law Ceoter•s Z2nd anoua.l In- stitute oo federal ta.xaUon Oct. 15.17 at the Los the TV dont settle fOr Jess thana 1 Sylvania. for It may look like a toy. ll may be priced li ke a toy. You .~ay even bu~ it for a kid .. A b_ig kid! A little kid. An 1n between kid! Bu~ 1t s no toy. Its the Sylvama m1ghty 74 square inch screen black and wh1te portabl~ TV . Goes-where·you-go. Upstairs. downstairs; room·to·room . And what a picture. Performs like a console. MODEL MW16BN. Priced to tuck under your arm and ~ke with vou SIMULATED TV RECEPTION The Sylvania 184 sq. in. ICrt>en portable MOOELMY 80RY. Hrut front-mounted control• for eue of tuninr . Convenient Pre--Set Fine Tuning letA you tine tune ench cha.nnel once thnl f"f'!Ceive a Pftfeetly tuned pic=~ure every time you tum JOUt MI. on or eh.an,. atationa. Sut.M . . The Sylvania giant acn!t!n (282 1q. in. vtewing ana) table model TV with smart roll...about eart. MODEL MZ122. Has built·in VH1' and UHF' antennaa. f"re...eet volume controt and convenient f're...Set. Fine Tuninc eu~trol. $111.115 --..... P'tlll ........ .,,. •• , ... • I • NEWPORT BEACH JOe ,.. ..... ....c..u-. - ' ........ -~ JOe COSTA MESA COMMUNITY THEATRE FORMED FormallauocMDc oltbeHew-eertmOQY wtl.l4'teeede tbeftnt ReYtews, wtth tnUmate in-Others asslstinc 1n the or- 1*1 Commuolty Theatre, co-of tbe play renew pre.O-slcbta 1nto current &00 focth-ganb.ation, 1n addJUoo to the IPOOIIDI'ed b)'tbeNewportBeacb tlons. comi.Dc productions from parks &lid r ecr eatloll depart- puts aDil r ecreation depart-Membllrs of tbe publlc Wbo BrO&dway, los Angeles IDd meri:, are: tbe £bell Club, the melt, wUl tab place at 6 p.m. are or W1al:t to become I8UOII Oruge County, Will be gtveooo Newport Harbor Chamber of this Sunday, Oct, 19, at the ticket bOideu 6x' the rmew1, the third Sw:xiay night andre-Commerce a.od the Ne"PPf't Ebell Clubhouse, 515 W, Ba.lboa. and wbo bavereaiateredot'.n..tl peated oo the third Monday Bea.cb Friends of the LUn.ry BIYd., Ballloa. A punch bowl. to r egt.ster tor tbe worklbops, morning ot October November and tbe Messrs and Mmes JohQ relresbments and a christening are invited to atteDd., January, February; Marcb a.od McKerren. John Kerr, ·Evan April. Cost for tbeentiresertes Prichard.. Daniel Wedman., K. ot s1J: sessioos is $7.50. Stanley Bell, Harvey Pease, REUNITED lH VIETNAM -First U. WUllam M. Nice of Newport Beaeb and bis Ytt.e, ZDd. U . Jeuette Nlee, ac&D a ta4arscope at Pba Cat Air Base !'70 mlles aortbeast ot Salpi. (u.s. Air Foree pbolo.) Workshops in tbeatre tunda-John Hoyt, Kalman Spelletlcb, meota.ls and appreelatlon, L. H. McBride aDd Stanley Le dlrec.Hon, production, creative Llevre; and Mmes, Wllllam L. writing a.oo dallce-exerelsewtll Peretra, Claytoo Thompson. E. be bekl weekly for 8 weeU. A. Riches, Frank Gaines, Ra~h Theatre presenta.tloosa.rebel.ng Ta.odowsky, E. Morgan QuiM, planned for oext year aJld a Venace Morp.n. R. Uoder, E. ea.stlng file is being made !« Torrance Moran, Walter While, these productions. M, Dingler, Jack Marshall, Guiding formatloo of tbe new Charles Painter, La.dlslaw Re- pro)eet are WtuWn J. Fuclk. day, C. Graham Edelblute and theater director 1n the Harbor Robert Wahler. area, Hollywood and Eastern The first play r eview pr e- stock compranles, aod Mrs. seotation, Oct. 19 and 20, will Eleanor Petersen, first presi-offer '·Hadrian VII" and dent or ChUdren's Theatre "Adaptations -next," with Guild, who is also active in Elaioe May and Mike ~ichols. commWllty a.ltairs. SERVICE PROJECT of tbe Kift.Dis Key Club at Corooa. del Mar High Sebool is tlxtDg bicycles tlr tbe Ro6e Parlt orphanage 1n Tijuana., Mu:ico. AmOR& the bt.ke coUectars are Joho Miles, at left, a.nd Bnd Bater, both sopOOmores at COM Higtl and members of the Key Club. If you have a.n}1.hlng to donate, e&ll Rlch Kredel., 673-8102,01' Bw1 Ray, 646-2593. Bicycles, tricycles aacl skate boards -oew,IIS8d or broken -will be accepted. A work day for repalr of damaged bikes will be scheduled by the Key Clubbers. The r ecent a.rrlva.l of 2nd u. Jeannette M. Nice tn Vietnam he ld dual signiflcaoce for the U.S. Army nurse from Fargo, N.D. member of the global Air Force Communieatton.s Service. Senior citizens to install She DOt onJy )Dined the U.S. Ar my-Alt Force team tn the combat zone but also was r eunited with her husband, Flrst Lt. WUliam M. Nice of Newport Beach at Phu Cat Air Base. Jeannette, newly asslgned'at Qu.l Nhoo 20 miles away, vol~ teer ed tor Vietnam duty after Bill came to the South Chlna Sea coastal alt base in Jul)'. Bill Nice, who was commis- sioned ~n graduatioo from OUlcer Training School, Lack- land AFB, Texas, in 1967, !san air traWc contr ol officer and He Is the son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. W1U1am 0 . Nice, 1200 Hlp.la.Dd Dr., Harbor HlghlaDds, a.Dd a 1962 Newport Harbor tUgh School graduate. He earned his A. B. degree at the Unlverslty of Redlands In 1966. Jeanette, daughter of Mr. a..od Mrs. Ambrose Arzdorf, 1360 Fifth St. S., Fargo, graduated from ShaDley Higfl School In 1965 a.od received her B.S. degree in nursing earUer this year from the UD.lver stty ot North Dakota. She previously served at Ft. Sam Houston. Teu.s. Bill ns formerly as- signed at Graod Forks AFB, N.D. Ballet group planned All persons interested in fur-Representing the Whittier thering ballet in the Newport Civic Ballet wer e Mr. and Mrs. Harbor area are Invited to Robert Bor den andDr.a.ndMrs. attend a general meeting at the Chris Parry of West Covina., Mona Frances BU!et stOOio, Mr. and Mrs. K. Matsumoto of 363 N. Newport Blvd., Newport La Habra and Mr. a.od Mrs. !!eights , at 7:30p.m. today, Oct, Charles Vorck of Whittier. 16. Those tromthebeacharealn- Bastc arrangements for a eluded Mrs. Kenoeth SmUh. non-profit ballet gtQtCI were Mrs. James M, Williams, Mrs. THE WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP of Plymouth Coogrepttooal Church will hold its 200 annual lnvttatlonal pre- Christmas boutique tea from 1 to 4 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 18, at the home of Mrs. Robert Lucas, 1821 Buttoo.sheU Ln., Baycr est. Pictured here are Mrs . Vernon Ed ler ru, at left, and Mrs. Rose Hall, displaying some of the boutique items to be offer ed for sale. Mrs. Robert Basmajl.an Is chair- man. Others assisting are Mrs. David Goode, Fellowship president; Mrs. Glen Stillwell, Mrs . Wtlltam Roller, Mrs. Richard Budd, Mr s. Geor ge Weedon, Mrs. Stgtred Johnson aDd bet daughter, Mrs. E. Chase Burns, and Mrs. Rachael William s and her daughter, Mrs. Williams Kilroy. (Ensign phOto.) Concert unit elects made when the )oint boards ot Thoma& Selby, IDi tram Saota A busy year of fund r a.lsing Y r.;. Cressy R. y ,1t·n y, pub-tne Mona Frances Newport Ita-Ana. W.r. and Kts. L. G. Yin- Harbor Senior Citizens' Club, New Bay tour Scheduled ~:;:t'Js!~~:,~u~!!~~IM!~~ officers Monday, Oct. 20. at tile The scenic natural values of according to biologists u.nc~ ~~;trS-ten~r~ h~uart~uri Southern Califor nia's last r e-Gilbertson and Gary James of H • VIDe ve., matnlng o.aturai bay will be Orangt Coast College, tour co-a~~~. Stella M.u'k.s of Costa highlighted ln monthly Saturday ctlairmen. The two-mile wal-M ·u ed J E morning tours as the Fr ieods king tour begins at 9 a.m. esa WI s,ucce ames , or Newport Bay begin a second at the bluff overlooking the heoid $awy.e; ntof :w_~:t Beach ~ season of public to~.as or Upper of the bay, oear the former salt ~~e~e~ 'presid~g s~~ Newport Bay In Newport Bea.ch works site at the intersection of Club' begi · · 1956 on Oct. 18. Additional tours are Eastblutf Dr. and Back Sa) Dr. M s 8= ~ ·lial scheduled Nov. 1 a..od Dec . 6. The public is invited to the rn r s • ..-.. ethe o":nlo• c"'u0 Gut ..... ... · ~ ...... rr . o cer """ .. een .;>C r 1 -""'"s u om academic ~-.!. ee tour .• whiCh lasts about two zen.s and the Zonta Club will be envlrooment.al groups vn.ll hours. Bmoculars aDd cameras stalling tfi ' descr ibe ~~oildWe, fosstl, his-are r ecommeoded to catch mM c~•-cep'·1 f, 1 ·-I I "-" bli I I r h t .... ~ r s. .....,. y e o . e-wpor ..... r ca ...._. pu c va ues, c ose-~s o t e avoce , "'"" Beach is the new vice-pre- great bl!JI'! heron, the rue and sideot; Mrs. Roy Owen, Costa eoda.ngered U~t-foote<l clapper ·1 "~ oth bird N b Mesa., secr etary; and Mrs. t al • ....... er s. ear Y Hazel M. Sween of Costa Mesa, Eastblutf Park provides picni c treasurer. New member s of the space. board are Mrs. Harr iet Reber, Tile Friends of Newport Bay ~orllWl SherwOOd and Earl Ty-oppose the bay land swap between Orange County and ler • all or Costa Me sa. lrville Co. on the grounds that Those persons eligible for membersllip are ,d1 r esiding w the natural values aDd public use .a designated area or the Club's ~t the _bay would be severe!)' vic lnity who have r eached the }eOPal'diud, Uoot destr~yed, by age of 50 years. Meetings a.re trading away public tidelands heki at 10 a.m. oo the first a.od to a private developer. UUrd ~& of ~ ~ unless otherwise annouoced. Beside these two business mee- tings, tber e are special days devoted to thost' who play bridif!, plooehle and shuttle- bOard. BEAOl,. BAY YOUTH STUDY I .. G IN KE,.U Maurice DaveoportJr ., son of M.rs. Lucille M. Dave[J)Ort of 30 Beacoo Bay, is studyt.og w Keoya for tbe African st'mester or Frleods Wor ld College's 4- yeu program. HeadQuarters [Or the college is •t Kapt:agat, oeu E\doret. The college ha.s as its direc- tor Joel Nyamao Bonuke, cill- zeo of Kenya by blt th , who holds the M.A. from Buckoell Uni- vers ity and completed advanced study at Amer ican University School of Lntern2tioo.al Re- lations. The semester in Kenya will begin with study of Swahili a.nd an Intensive orteotatioo. ioclucUog tbe effects of colon- ialism l(IOn Ule A!rican peoples. Tile stOOeots then wtll go to India. Japan and Europe for -..-_,_ rHo and the Whittier CLYh: Bal-der a.nd Mila Teresa Ntma-pro)eel.s and mus.lca.l procnm!> Uc lty co-cba.lrman. let met In the FraakJ.in Dobsofl maker. for tTie Alta Bahia working com-Mn . fbymood C. Dl.'rta, m.ittee o! the Or.a.nge County Xe·4'PQrt Beach, wtll host a l.ome, 4518 Rorbury Rd., Cameo CRITTEMTON c RCL E P.ti lharmonic Sor:Let y w~U be musical in her hr.; me a! D a..m. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU! Shores, and voted to merge the 0e 2 groups Into the Mona Frances HEARS OF RJND DRI VE led by Mr s. WiiUam M. Laing t01ay, t. 16. Ha llet. Tile monthly meeUngand lun-ot Corou Htghlan1s a..; ctuir-M:s. Richard Franklin, pro- cheoo of the Bay Clrcle of Ule m.1n. gram c:hairm.Ul, will present L-"':ll KODAK SUPER 8 MOVIE CAMER AS 22 % OFF f loreoce Crittenton Home tor Serving .,.,·ith her are M.:'lO, Te-1 M ss Anirew Lynn M utin, 17-ED WA. RD Unwed Mother s was held Oct. 3 M:1 :Un, vice c~irm;!n; M: ;, year-old dlughter of Mr. and w d d at the home of Mr s, Willts WOOd John P. Kenney, recordings~-Mr s. Ted Ma:·Un o~ Ne wport ar name of Corolla del mar. retary; Mrs. PauJ Qucyrel,cvr-Be;1ch. A senior at Ne"Nport Badham aide Mr s. Edgar Hill, former responding s~retary; .ind Mr s. H.ubor Hi gh Sc11ool , st'ie W mayor of Nevrport Beach, told David Ctumbers, treasurer. studied tor lO YC!ars under Ar- ot the building tund or the hOme Ch.ltrm ~n are Mrs. Keaneth oold Jurh, hc>-> p!a.yed in s.·hool to be built in Orange county . Sm ith, Wlys and m.;ans; Mrs. C\Jocerts, also accompanied Edw-•rd Se:"i'J m.lcher, pr eviews·. violiD.lsts 1.n the Southwestern Edward F. Ward Jr. otlrvine harbor bolo I a The newly elected omcers • T ha. be lnte<l d M F Du M:"'. Thomls Ba••me. coo-Yoil'h Mu:iJ.c Feitivai. She also errace s en appo a -are: president, r s. red -.. "' lnlstr 11 · A tinuanee fund·, Ml">. Al len G~·. teaches plano. m a ve ass1stant to s-pree; 1st vice~presldent, Mrs. = bl R~ E ""d"--•. c •• I I ~-~ -·· "1--oo...,. J .... ,o telephone; Mrs. Richard Funk-Hostessillg the m .. sica.l a.l'l sem yma.n .......,rt · o.~ ,..,,. Veroa A. Pitt; secr etary, Mrs. (R Ne-rt "-eh) lin. program ;,· Mrs. Perry G. l!Itcheon are M m~s. Ted Mar--~..-.,..,... · Dale Coleman, and treasurer. M w d local sld -• Gi ll, pubUcily chairm"n •. ~.....o tio. John W. Do::13ldson, C res~ r. ar • a re e .... i;_.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:M~r~s~.!De::!!ll!gh:t~C~h:ur~e~h~. ____ :::;::_,:::;::;:_;,;:;,::-::_·:-;-., inc 1955 · ,. r """ R. M 1t·ray and Charles Kelly. sF e , 1s a na 1ve o o34ll rancisco and was graduated (farrell n" •• ,. .,~ comfortaW. Slttl"t aM Sleepint. 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM SOFA BED SALE! .... 400.00 Now 299.00 of Follriu ood Colon t. With Sllrh ,50. .xtr •. y.., favarU< ,._ duiQMr tolll I>< ,.., .. -""' ••• H.J.GARRETf fURNf]lJRE .,. __ ,...__ till HAIIOI a'4. COSTA WllA. CAlJJ. ......," ...... ,. DI MES BENEFIT SET magna cum lalJde from Stanford The 2nd annual rummage University. sale, spoosor ed by the 0nnee He assi.!>1ed in the state and County Square and ROUDdaoce Orange County cam~gns tor Clubs for the March of Dtmes President Ni.:l;on Senator Gold- program in the pr eveoUon a..od water and Ass~mblyman Bad- treatment of birth defects, wtU ham. For the Goldwater for be held Oct. 24 and 25th, from president campa.i.gn., he made a 9 a.m. to 5:30 p,m, Mrs.Ooelta 30-minute televlsioo documeo- M, Correll, coor dJnator, an-tary with John Wayne tor the oounced that the locatioo 'lfi.U Republican National Com- be at 1639 Monrovia street, mittee. Costa Mesa., a block west of Mr. Ward has been active Placentia Ave. io the California Republican As- sembly. He has also acted as LEGAL NOTI CE an alternateto tlleOrangeCoun- ---ty Central Committee for As- semblyman Badham. With his CERTIFICATE OF BI..51NE$ wUe Jean, he served as a mem - Fichtious Firm Name bet or the Republican State THE UNDERSIGNED does Central Committee from 1962 hereby certify that she ls con~ to 1966. P-34866 ducting a whOlesale buslness at He served in the U.S. Alr 400 Carlotta., Newport Beach, Force as air police opera.tloos CaWornia, under the ftctlttoos ottlcer and provost marshal firm name of Rusty's Novelty Sloce hJs r elease ll'om actin Co . am that said tlrm is com-duty, he has been associated posed of the following penon with Jay and Renfro, Newport whose name in run and place Beach lnsuraoce tlrm. at residence are as follow~, He Is past president ot Ser- to-wfl: toma llaeroatiooa.l. past presi- M.arga.ret A. Wilbreeht. deat of the Inlne Terrace WITNE$ my !w)d this 25th Homeowners Assn., member ol dayofSeptember,1969 the Corona del Mar K.twanis Margaret A. Wtlbrecht Club, the Irvine Coa$1 Country STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) Club, Balboa Yacht Club, and COUNTY OF ORANGE ;s-Alpha Slama Phi tra.terDity • ON THIS 25th daYoiS<cllember, HOWARD MocGRUDER OF 1969. before me, a Notary C.lt. SU CQJMIIS AT 69 Public iD and tor sa.Jd coaoty aa:t Honrd Ma.cGnder. 69, ot state, residiJI( tberelll, dUly 4041 Bereenl, c.-........ - commissioned ud SWOI1l, Oct. 6 at Hoq Ho!Pltal.. He was per51011Rlb' I.A)ell'ed Matpret borD J'aly n. 1900, La New Or- A. Wilbrecht DowD to me to be a.n.a. m:l badbeeDareslcklllol tbe per9011 nose came 1s sub-tt1e ~tate u:t ~ c~ .b' scribed 110 tbe wUlaiD lD-11 ,.,-a. 8t wu a World War II .......... ud ·-lodcOd .. - me u.t A uec.u.d tbt same. a. b: ~-~•l:""':~bJ'~bU:;·;: WlTIIESS my-udotlllelal ~;I .-!.J-R. 8lU D'Ar<loor of Molary N>llc lo ud .,.. aid J-Tuna of CoootCJ ud-Aoploo, ud I IIJ<omm--Oet.ll\ -lt?O. 11M·- -Oct. I, t,II,JI,IMt. ud---~~~~~~-.. Ill lila lltoporl -Ellllp. c.-, Ia <Jr-. WE SELL ore atsuns BECAUSE *WE PAY MORE FOR TRADE-INS * NO HIGH-PRESSURE * BETTER SERVICE * LOWER OVERHEAD YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE TODAY THAN IT WILL EVER BE AGAIN -ON A NEW TODAY ClEAN CAR CENTER 2201 S. MAIN SANTA ANA MINUTES -"?or -Cllt.tN , 'bow my''' .._ .,.. the ffiti'Mt' of our ,._ .-CMot" ([ph. ,,,.,_ out that .... him ..._,. ~~~ atiikn. the 'aOrtd •s-tetllrc us.: "Don't Jet It-.... you dowft," but bet~rs in ttM l.onf Jesus Chr!tt , • ..,.. ...,_ tNt It is aood' to 1et trout~Wt ~~ne~ dttrieutttH 1et th.m Goat: ..._, on "'-ir kftML A ~ eventetist in Afnca Mt ou~ his hut d•sc~raged end unheppy. Trouble and disap· point"*'t tt.d broujht ··areal «*~,_." Into his hurt illnd he .....nMd rNdy to aive up. The Lord, he lett, had utterty foruken him, As he ut there, thouah. h•s lltt .. 11•rt kept nuda•na him and ~In&! ''OKidy, go inside and pt~." finelty :t worked! The evangel- tat went •nside, poured h:s heart It Hood for us to p( down on Of.lr knHS before God. Thete Is no attitude more appropriate to the redeemed s:nner. And as we pray, often tatterinaty, ... "The Spirit also h .. peth our tnhrm.tin; tor we know rtOt what we shoold pray tor illS we ouaht : but the Spmt Himself makltth tn· tercesston for us w:th a ro.nlngs whtch cannot be uttered. ''And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what IS the mind of the Sptnl. because He maketh mtercess1oo tor the saints ac- cord•oa to the woll of God. "And we know that all thm&s work together tor iood to them that love God. to them who art- the called accordm& to H•~ pur· po~e·· (Rom_ 8.26·28). Speaking in Tongues By EvanaeiUrt John R. Rice ,_ THt: SWORD OF THE" LORD, k• 1099, M""h••• ... ..,, T"""'- "W ..._ 1M -, If PHf«IHf was fttfy '""'· thty ..,, oil with -. •(tf11 il -,.., Allill .......,, theft tMII a ,..,.... Jr.m heo'rM IK If a ,.... .. My ....,_ _. It fiW II 1t1t llent wfillft tllty wrt sinMt. AM thm ....... ..ea .... dtt. ....... lib IK If firt, 11M if Wit 11p1f1 .-dl If thiM. Mi ....,. Wlfl afl ........... ..., ""'· -.... spaak with "'* IMIMi. IK the Spirit F" .._ ...._.. AN thwt wtrt iwel~ et JtMoltm Jnn, •YOIII ,.., a~~t tl '"'l' ...-_., lilloftft. ,.._ wftH fllk was MIMII crlttood, 1M muttitutle come .......,, W ... COIIftiMM. bat:IMIW thor t"ty fnaft htclnl them lfHk 1ft IWs t'MI hI Ill AMI """ wtl'l al GIIIO!H Mil •rriiW. sariftt tM Ia ....._,, W..W,' .. .., •1 te.s. wllidl; .-k Goliatm? W haw hlor w "IIY IMift ilt ..,, .-................ ..,. ..,.? rortw..n, arid Mtdts. Ofld Elomitts, '" tfM ltwtflan II .,. 'cal• . .., IR J ...... cnMf (appaiMcia, in Ponlv,, and Asia, """icl, oM r..JtJie. M (fypt, ~ ifl lht parts of Ultra about ''""'· ond sfrllftttn ef lomt, Jaws: _. ,.rytH, Cnlas ...; AfGWaM, " de ltacrr lham stMOk in aur tOftfMS fht • t 1M ..-kJ" 514."-Am 2:1-11. {CONTINUED FROM LA.ST-wEEI(~ Ill. DID NOT SOME MEN AT EPHES ilS S PEAK IN TONGlfES, WHEN f•AI'L BAPTIZED THEM AND 1:.! 7-ll. \\C ha\f' this clt•ar to-ach· 101-:. ··1u1 tht maniltslotlen of lttt s,irit h ginn Ia enry mon lo profit withal. for to one it 11inn 01 tht Spirit tht worlll of wtsdom; le anothtr the ftfd of howltilrgt br lilt somt Spirit; To anothtt loith by the MMY~I Spirit; to anothfl' the: gifh of htoling b¥ the some Spirit; To another tht wotkillll of mirodts; Ia onolh« ptoph«y; to on· other 4iKttni"t of 'Pirih: to llfiOtMr ;;,tt1 lilllft of tongun; to onothtr tht iftttrpn· lotion of tOI'IIJUI'I: lvt all tMse wothth fhcrt ant olld ttle selhome SfNtil, ditiding fo ''"P mon ""'a lip en ht will." LAID HIS HANOS I'P· ON THEM? Yes, we read that at Eph£>sus Paul came' and found certain dis- ciples who had not und£'rstood about the bi('"SS('d fullnt>ss of thl• Spirit. Tl'M'y had been tautcht b}· ApoiiOIJ. who won tht-m to Olrist tSce th(' prc-c.:ding charrt-rl. A- pollos was rrom Ak-xandria, had noi bt-<'n fit J('rusak>m 1:1t p,•n•·· co~t . Wt' ,:upposc, did not t:n<Jf'.'· i-:ll'T")-'h"rl> may hit\'(' Mlmc girts star.d about thr rulln,-ss d thP ot lht• Spu it. ~~~ on<· has all th('Sl' Sptrit until Aqwla ano Pri!f;Colla j;:tft.s But thr Hoi) Spirit HimS('l[ tonk him aside anri taught him d TvtdNI ·to e\·~·ry man !it'\rtally :nor[' rcrre-ctly •Acts 18 26 1 And a~ ht• wtll.'" nut a:-. m••n ."o('('k when thrS<' 1-w-ll('\'f'rs understun<l In Th f' samt• chapt<•r uf I Cor- that they should tx-wonder t"u'lv iu thtnns 12 ·2'!1 and 30 . ...,.,... rrat1 fille-d w1th the S pmt. they W('r~ · .\r•· all ap.,..;tl•·!f;? a r[' nil proph· haptt.r.c-d a gain nnd Paul laid h1!1 "'~~ 1ue Hll t<"aC'hf'rs" <ol"l" all hands upon them "And "·hrn "u:-kcr-, or mtraC'If"S" Ha\"(' a ll th•· Paul had lair\· h iS hands upon grf l ~ of hrahng:> rio all sf)('ak "-llh 1 hem. -the Holy Clwt<l-c:ama-c;n _lQOK..U!.:~~ do all U\trrvr~l :'" The !heme. _41_pd _tbe,y 5~lu:_~J,.·ith !'h\iOU_:; onswcr is no. G_oc! ~irl _not to~ and ~ted-~ i-ltc:tA ~Ulh•ncL Cor rn:_r)' Ow-il>~n 10 "-WK 19 :61 ~ nur;i cJV.... t" ha\r the Jo:lft uf M-al· HoWt'\"rr, the facts SCf'm q:.Hir drar twrc thflt thl!f; wall nnt :a mt raculnu..; ~ift <"of tnngur, I. The Scr•pt un· dot·s n••l m!'n· t ton .... girt of ll•nguPs " The•' ,. ts no menttun 10 thf' contc.\1 of a mtrack Thf't"f' VIliS no Sf.J('C'T~I no•f'tf a' ;,f Pf'lli"('O«T In spt•<J k to pr-n;.;lc-tn tht'lr own !anguag!', tn ;:: ·1 rtwm Stl\ cd 2. The-.,r Spwlt-fTIInT ~l<'<lfll{" ··rrn~h('..,trri ," ,lll(i thnt 11 -,~ til,.. t~lll~ that t h(' Aprn<Tit• r~ul ur~NI up3n C'hns ttans i116rl''"' tof "I"'""· 101{1 1•1 ,,,,.,.,f}>l /O•I!JU"!J' ~ F!l-..;f ('nronthtaus 14 1·3 sa)". ··r r1lln1-1 after Chfl l tly, ;mrl 1P<;o rc-~pTrtt u:t o 1:1fts. but ratht·r that )1' ma1 prnphr") r or hr that s~akt•th 10 an uoknnwn tongue ..:prAkf'lh not untro rn1·n. hut unto Gnd for· "'' man unrtrr..:tantkth htm hnl-ll>~•tl 1n th• ~Plfll h" "l"'al<!"l h m r~· lf'fi••S Hut tw lhHI [lrflphf'strlh "l-;-,,kt'lh unto men to ('<ll ftratu.m Anrl rxhortatmn. and comfort " So thf") rl •tl nor spe-ak m a ny !a n- ~ua~.:r nnt known among t hem: Tho•y d id Wllnr!f;s for lh<' Lord in the power or tht• Spint. 3. LphPsus was a gn•ar cosmo. politan city, a C'<'nl£'r of lh<' lTC· menrlous st atu<' to tht· lflul lo(od· ric's!'! Diana of th(' Ephrstans PPO- pk< of many natrons pa~Ni through this ctty and .;o tht')' would sprak nnt only thr Kome Greek and thf' Aramaic spoken by Jews there. but other languages. It Is not surprising that wtth the wonderful enduement of power upon them th€'y witn('Ss('fl 10 the various languages known amonl> the-m, in thl" power o r God. But why add to what GtM1 has saki:' If God did not say ;1 gift o( tOnJ!:U<'S, did not say 11 was n1 lraculous, why should w(' say so! W e had better ket'p thf' ~·x a mple clearly given at Pcntf'Cu~t to delirK' the miraculous ~111 oo tongUE'S. W e know Wt' w1ll O<' r11hl ~garding that <'xa mple a< a miracuious gilt from G.xt ~ot ~ntf'<'OJit. IV. DOES GOD EVER GIVE THE GIFT OF TONGI'ES ·TODAY! J think tM Bible is vety clear on t.hls mattt-r on the folkowtng poln ... rng and ~fl'"'ak m for['u.::n llln- .:u:t_t:('S 3. It 1s onl) honr~r .• nd fa1 r ''' ~a) that GOt; mf"ntoon~ rho • .:irt rd t nn~ut•<;; :rod tho• tnlf'f]lll'latlqn n~ tongurs. thllt ""· th(' ~1ft nf r .. r .. t::en la lt:;u;u:r-s ·•nrl tho· mtrr· port,o!IOO ,,f fOP "Il:n 1an~ua1:r< a, !lw lr;o.t and la-..t o: th•• O:tft. nf lit•· Sr•rr t ~ IT '" al~n tmpo-•Tlant In nntocr th.ll lh£" gift ('If liiOK1132C" Vl';,s \1'1'}' r.1r..-J)· ~1\"f'n ~C\('n m Bthlt• llmr s 11 nrl VI•' m-•} .... uppo!'l' th:tt th•• •cca,oon ,.,,. rr 10 th"'"" d :l)~ •••<~1111 iK' ra r•' a i~•J ;, It 1~ al!'-o tmport.ont '" lll•ltCt' th ·· nn fono• os t:"Omm;tntll'ti 111 ·Ct·k II '"1ft of tnnli:llf'< o r ~~...-·k tu ' ,peak Jn tnnguf"s. · \'. S HOI'J.O :\i"OT Al.l. CHRIS- TIANS Bt; HAI'TIZEU ~\ ITH T Ht-: SPIHIT I.IKI': AT I'E:":TECU~T I.• I II• !ia;. \If' -.houtd h.1\C V~hat Gntl r-nmmanrl~'d thc•m to h.:-.o•. th•• ••nrluem<•nt uf powl'r from •m H1 11:h or. tf ~Oll want to. ca ll II lh• fullnl·~~ nf Thl' S ptn t. or baptl;:cd With th•• SPirit. or thr ~-:ift uf h<• Sp~r~t ... r the pour- m,::-nut nf the .SpirT!. t'lr thr a- no tnt mg o f the Spirit. CertOJmly the enducmr>n t of pow~r from on H1gh is for every Cllristian. 2 HowL·ver, it would be rootish "' ''i'!:P<'<'I th1 ' tnrtdl•ntal mtrac l•·.., Wh tch happcnrd .,, P(·ntc-cU'!it Thr rr Wfl!i a ~rrat cycloncc '"~nu nd 'lf " ru~hini: hliS:hl\' "mrl. -•nd 11 fT ik-d all the hou'·(' wh,.rt• rhr) Vl'~rt' sitting" 1 Ach 2 ·21 ,\~o:a in "thf>ft' .lJlpean'<i unto th('m ciOH'n tongue~ like as of ftrf', and 11 !1-ftt upon f"B<"h of thr m" 1 \'!1 3) These miraculou!f; mllni- fel!l&t ions wert' incidt'nlal. They WNe not promiS<'d to thf'Se Chri~ lians and Wt-re-not <'Xpe<-t<'d. They did not haPJ)('n to other Olri-5- llan~ rill('('! with the Holy Spirit in Biblt-lilnf"S. The-re is no ruY~n to liUPPDSt' that we should exJ)ttt that kind or <"xperK-net> today. Then why should Wt' talk In the !'IIXtf'E'n difte~nt languages thAI propk-Wt'~ e iven to talk in lhat day'!' Then that was a way to win people to Chrb:t whf'n thf'f'f" would be nobody to he-ar and undC!'rttand In their own ton1ue In which they wef'f" born. At otM-r times conditions arc not the •me as at Pente-cost. Since thf" clreuma:tances are not the same, ltw ianeuare In which •·e speak thl> Gotpel to them ne-ed not be the .U.IT'If", 1lw! cUt"ntl•l thinr b; the endi.M!IM'nt of power from God for Witr'K'Uing. J. ~ Jift or the Holy Ghost. th8t is, the t'ndUf:lftPnt or ~wcr to •i n 80UI.S, ls promise-d to all. ln Ac:ts 2 :38. 39. ". . . And )t' aha11 r1'-Cel\'e the ctrt or the-Holy Ghc»l... "Yew ~ prom iN ll unto >·w. and to J'OUr dlJJcl.ren, and to an that art'' alar olf. even u many aa tM J..ont our God ahall caJl.'" Tbr command of ~1ians 5:JI. .. _.. ~ noc clruJdc with wlee, wt~otreJn • ..-; but be fllllfod With tM-Spirit.-atrtaiiDJy it for rl'tt1 a.tltMA. 2. .,. -""' at lllo ---Mifweollllo- ""-at ... ~ ••• -1-. an -tlwouidl -....... •• ,.,.. t'Utf....U, -== ..... lt.lr ...... ud Otll"a w& at I OWiaP' • 3. We should w•nt e-arnntJy What they ••nte-c.t, what ~Y walt.cl for thoae lt'n day~, and ...-hat tMy had, tht> power to win IOUITL ~ 1""1 dlstJnauiahlftl :n.~rll: •t Pftltecoet ••a thrt PD1"ft' of God. that helped them to wtn lhrM U.O.-Dd IOUJI:.. U t.hq atartf"d out to ~ lhc! Grat CGnunl-*' lnd pt tM Goapel to ~ Cftttture pau.ibW, 'l'hat Ill uaetly wtt.lt 11ft thould tetk -· "ITO N COifTIOtlitO) Gmt lvnts it tle New -------NEWI'ORT HARBOR ENI<Jt !(CO!!D SEC110fl--P• 2 , lltURSOAY, OCT. li, 116!1 COROllA pEL ~N!..'CAUF. "H-iina-of the Maaiac of Gaclara"- MarkS:l-20 By Mra. Joy Jlartla ANIWIITOIASTW&k'S Q.UES DOWlf . Difficulties In The Bible ...... LAB._ A._! (a, ... .. I I .. ....., ...... ""' p.) (l.,l'tatM ,_ ... "" ..... Tilt NT-. S,.tatflel4 *"'~ 'MISTWS' IN THE IlK£ & UCOIIDA"4Pm ........... k1 the.._ At she ... .._... fJI ....... hea. m A.et. :r:tl: ·ADd .,... CMTW .,.. tMoo .,.._, ..t Wd 11t. thlr MpU!dvotluot ......... _ .... IUII'I of .....,. tf .. -.t _., the father ol s~ .. G.,.. D :lt, ll ltltal: "ADd tJ. fWd ol ....... whJcb .,.. ia. ....... pelah, whldt. Wu Won M.an, tllre field, aDd u. en. ... ~ Mil .a the u.. that ....,.. ia. the fitld, tll.a4 were iD all the bonkn nund •bout. wv. made .u.n uato A~" I "-.cl ----, .... ,.,., u. .. 1--..·· 2 • ... "' ........ (0... 41:21) Staphen .........., thtn. t.o have bMD w.talten io bU: atetftMnl that Abra- ham boucht it of the aona ol l'mmol-, • i.adic:cr1• wMda .tlida t0l'8l tho ltoy -. .... ; iJ -roJoreoco W vl•oa. the OUWef \LOIICIIJI:J will be fouad i.a tho Sc:riptur. u.ted abo.-e, 21 a Gi.loadlto ludp (JuQ. 10:3) CLUES ACROSS 27 illiticdol of tho ....Uo o1 loa aad I "bo hod beea.. ohea boUild with W ..ua.r-Ur.-lcrw (luda 4:1), If ) S ~LII• ~---• hod b .. a plycbd a- luader" 10 ezclcmurtioa ol •w-Jirit.e II "c:uttinv himMII with ___ _. .. 13 i.aitiat. of two .eoa. ot Jacoll (G.a.. 30:1, II) a "c:lotll.d. aad in U "ea•e on• liffi• Som. 12:3) b.b -·--milwl" ----lcuah" (D 17 the •umH-r of lepe" f••u. h.al- •d (Luh 17:17) II "lhtre -there -·--unto th• Ql.ouoloiruo" "20, "23 "vo bo1:0e lo !.by bienda. a.nd tell tbe1:0 __ . _ •.. _ thizlp tho Lord hath doa.e" 22 in.itiala ol Buth•• u.tor·i.a-hrw and fcr1hor ol Hearon (Ruth 1:4: 4:11) 24 "my name il L.9ion: lor are I:DGlly " 25 "he kcr1b Mewed men91h with Ilia ____ .. (Luke I:SI) 21 Mwlly acab y• tkil ---~ cmrtl woopr (Martr: S:H ) 21 "into tate eoaatry --·-tboe Goda- r.a .. ~ •31, ":IS "leU thea bow .,.-.crt ---- ----Lord laat1t. da-~ :If o-_.of 0.. .,._. wbo bntuPt o 9oocl r•port. ___ J .J. (H1&& 1f: >0) 31 keeper ol th• womea. who oided Eatller (Ea.th. 2:1) "37 "how F•cr1 thi•w• tb, ·---both doce" 31 i.aitia.la of o fomoue prophet cmd his auc:c:e-{U ~np 2:15) 40 -e 0-1 13 o-cra.a 42 ··----· ther• c:omelh oae ol the rule,." (Marrk S:22) "44. •sa "1•11 them how F•cr1 !IU.ap th• Lord ----____ lor ,.,_ .. 47 initiala of a grecr1 Ea.tona rulor oad Ilia la:iavdom (E.nr 4:$) 49 in.iliala of two judv .. (Judv. 12: 13; 1:13) ' Uto -ef z .. ,. {I a... 1:1) f liiJdcalll .. --·· wile -...... (Cea. 24:t7) 5 "tM k«d ,.. .-iNeatly ..,..,. a ----plac." I laitialt ol Llu•o w. .. (Daa. 10:1: 2:21: Jaclg, 3:12) 7 -w .. oa ----..... l•n.a cda:r ..,.. I "ho wa ----tlwo .. utaiu~ I --d aJw..,., ----..ct thry, .. o w-la tho •ouatat-" 12 "'tu. ----raeoi•od him aot" (John l:ll) II "bo ca.e ad louc: ... d tM ____ " (t...b 7:14) J7 "'tlr.or. .. t Ill. o\lt ef the -__ " ll "'lo MaH nalo 0..• witbo o rod of ____ .. (M:na~Dblo. a.-.. 2:21) II iaitlcda of tw. Jad•• (Jyd9• 1:31: 12:13) 21 i.aJtiol. ol tho 8nl two Juclpe (Jud .. ':1. IS) 23 Mfato ._ co..try of Ute ----~ 15 CIT ,...,....... (Lub (l)l) 21 tl.o -ol IM-ac: wt.o 11olo the w....m. <Goa. 21:22> n--tf a~ 21 a ... of Z.naltkt.ol (I Clu-oa. 3:2CI) 30 "a ....-.,,... of ..U.. ----" n_ .. , ... 23 '"Ut.o ----.UU leah hilll A.y the .... 1. (Jolt. 11:1) 31 bddcda ol ........ lo•ptr--d dae .,~. of lkmlh H\lllv. 11:4: G-. 11:11 41 •-<n~t:H) u • ,.n.c. o1 Midi-(Jyd9• 7125) 44 ...._. pOCtt tld.ll~ JHq ----doao ......... 45 " .. w-ot a vr-crt ----M (Lulro 2:.) 41 ._ .Midlo .011 of JfOO"Il (-aumA.I•. Go11.. ID: I) 41 M•o.b . , , a 8..-y Nrpect. -d Nt it •poa • ---•" {Jf~ 21 :1) 51 ---13 aaa. u-..Jldowa THE RETURN OF CHRIST By IE. S. English !Our HoP*I (I"••"' rhs Jewllh to~.,., J .. "'• 1966: 8•• U17, L .. "'"'''•• 90053.) Onf' ~fori ou~ day. "thf' Lord Him~lr ~hall rt11tl penpl~·. an1! nation : anti ha,l mad,· ~~~ cl~><~c•·nd from hi'JH'n -..·ith a !!!hnut. with th•· unto our f".o<~ kinj!c ;uul pri•"!l~: and ...-1:' ~hall voiCf' or the lltl'hlnj!f'J. anri -..ith tht" trump ft'i711 (HI thr f'a rtiJ ." of God : and tht· df'arl in (h ri~t ~hall ril'f' fim : then ...-r -..·hrf'h a n• alin• and rMnain .!!hall !w caught up top,...&h<!r with thf'nt in the d ouds. Jo nwt the. l..o.rd. in the &4r.;.. •Ali ao....h.Y-wr- c'Wr br •wtth thf" l..o rtf" if ~ . 16, ~ [,"'ry miln and ...-omOJn th:~t 1'\f"T li\'l'd, Jfio ha.~ put hi< tru.-.t in thf' Lord Jf'~ll!' Christ. -..·h~·th1•r ht• lw in tht' ~ran• or alin• on the ••artk -..ill ~ ... numlwrf'd i11 that thr(m_g "''ho -..ill mo•o•l rht· l.nr11 in th.· air. Yo u ...-ill IH· thl'rt·. if 1""11 f,.·lic\t' 1•n lfim. >111d I ~hall he tht•rf' IIIli fot•rau.,... tfll'tf' i.-. 1111\' nwrit in ... ~. hut ),~ tfll' I ttltu• nf tfll' loloo<f. or th(' f..amh nf f.ud ,Jil'd "II ( ulvarr·~ rro~~-Thi.~ i~ our h],•s.,wd loopr: ··~"lwrt·fow c..,nfnrl Onf' aTJ- olhf'r -..ith thf· .... · \\lonk" ~'hnt <IOf"" lhf' rdu rn of thr l.nrrl mra n to the l>~·l ie\'f'r ? It m••OJns. hr~l of all. that .,..,. ~ha ll .... .,. II i~ hlrt1o..~·d (OJN'. Cloriour. :t.<~ i-" o ur .,.i~ion uf H im to-ria\'. now IH" ..,.,. onh· d11rklv. 3~ thro u ~h a 1!'1as...:: hut tl11·n. fll<'l' tu ·ra t't'. Wr> 'hilll J,.•holol llim. and th('rf' ... ill m'\f>r by anv ~·pa ration.~. but .,...,. ~hall I"' "'ith him fntf'\t'r. "And whrn "'' st'f" Him. Wf' !'hall lw likf' llim: for 10.1• shall "'l'l' 1-l im a« lie i~" n J<"~lt~t :{:2't. How wollflrrful: -\ncf p·r thi~ i~ 1101 "nh· OJ futurl" hopr-: it i.., a prf'~'llt !'t imulu~ al-.o. fnr thrt Apn~tl~· John f.!{)('~ on lo ~a~. loy th•· llolv Spirir : ..... nrl f'\"l'f)" man !hilt hath thi" hoJW' in ll im purihrth him."-t'lf. ''\'r'n as 1!1• ;~ purf'." lf.win_g lhi~ hnpt• in our hr1•a ots. h01. ran """ rln othrr than pn'!'l'nl nur hndif'!l 3 li\·in~ ;;.oc rifi f't'. hnl~-anrl OJ<'r?(lt· ahl1• unto Him. \\'hl'l. at lli!'l rom in,e:. will rompl•·rr that ... h i··h llr· ha.• hl"f.!un, l•v th.-. f:•df'm pl ion of nur /.odif'" for -..h irh Wf' -..nit, and lu· th•• final prr<:r11t:llinn nf u~. fllullll·~~ ),,•fMI' tlw pr•· .... ·nl'f' 1)f Hi~ _glory. \'lfha.t ~~~ C:hri~t 's n·turn mf'an In '"u? 1-fa\'e you n•«:i1rrl l~im a .. your Savinu r? If not. th,·n !'land in frar a nd trt-n1blin,e-. ror H i~ .• o:unjn~ r11 n mf"an lhf'n onh• •uff•·rinfi!' anrl 'li'"-a.!'lt'r and judp-mrnl. Rut it i .. nnt too latt': rrrt-iw· Him now hy faith . OJnd know the jn~· of ~in~ f(lr,ei1·rn and judJ!mr-nt pa.~t 11ntf h<lp+· in H i~ "PIM'a rin~. "God w lon •d lhf' world that He ftil\'1' Hill m1ly '"',!!"OIII'!l Son. thnt wltO"-()O'I'r'r hf'lif'\'l'llt ill Him ,._houll~ nil! r··ri~h. lout haw• 1"\'erb."tinjl ti ff'.'' lr \'nn hrli<'\'f' ort H im. that Lift> rOJn l'lf' ,·our~. To u~ who belirn-. Hi.~ eo min~ cannOt l_w too ~oon. W" love Him . .11nd wr lonl! lo ~ .... Hi~ fart'. and tn hehold Hi!' "'!orr. If,. ha~ promi~r(l us thai H·· ~hall comr 'luiddy. "[\'<'II ~o. rnnlt'. l.o r<l J,·..:u~:· ?? QueJiion &x ?? F..,.,. Jt:WISH HOPE", &e • 707, Le1 A.nt•l•• IT'Im rlf,. th,. "ol.hn .~heep" men.tiont>d by thf' l.nrd /t'.CfH (.'hriJI in /•1hn /0:/fi ? Un . -f.} .. KltrlMJJ City. Mo. Tiw othn ~het-p r,.ferrf'd to in thi" 11·r ~•· arf' thr Gt'ntilf' bt'lil'\'f't!l in th•· l.nrrl ]I'!'U~ Chri"t. His firl't !'h{'O'p wt •n• th~·· o f IH af'l. Tht'rf" i~ now on,. fol1l. roM i ~t i n~ of h1•l i<'\"t'r~ in nur l..ord from both tht" Jew~ ilnd th1 • Gcn- tilf'!!. and which makf' up Hi!< Churrh. Fo r thi ~ rf'a~n. in Gal. :\:28 w1· rt-arf. "Tiwr•· ie. nf'it hPr J1•w nor 1.rf'l'k lGentile f. tht'r•· ic r•f"itlwr hood nor frr>t'. thf"t" i:-nPiii•Pr rnnl•· nor r~·malf': (o~ Y~" life a ll Oil{' in Chri-.t j ,. .. u~." \._ Who art' th.-/t.tn b,.a.1/:J m,.nliOIIf'tf in R"t' chapr,., 1.1? Mn. H .O.W .. Scla.•nf'r-ladv. N.)-'. Let ... »•• the .... --s ............ lD the wordl ol • promin.mt c:loc:tor ol divUUty. He •ys: "A~ ao Luke'• report, s~ A)'S Alln- ham bouaht • .-pukhr-e o1 u.. -.t ....._, the father ol Syehem (~ 7:11). But Ge:n-.ia :z:.\;17, 11 M)'l. Abn- ham baua;ht It of _.,.. tllte ~ ,...,...,. aDd GeDetJ.s S3:It ..,)'1. liMit J_. bourht it of lhe 1101\a of kmmor .. .lobft CUviD •Y• Stephen evidf"ntly rude • mistake. Dt-. Hac:kett .dmitl that Stephen appun to have confounded the two tranAct1ona. . .but what do lhoee uy about it .... who maintain the at.olute inerrane)' of the Bible!" THti SEEMS UKE • pualf"r until one notica euctly what the three paau.aes refen-ed to uy, then the puzzle ia aolvtd. The very ljmple aolu- tion ill u lollcron: First. ~-23:17, 18 does not MY what the objector AYI it doa ay: that is, it doel not wy that Abraham bou~:ht thb eepuldu·e to wbkh Ste-pM. refen of Ephron the Hittite. II does .state that Abraham boucht a liellll of Ephron the HHtite, in which there wa:. • ~ave, and that Abraham buried b.ia wife Sarah in thU eave. But there il DO pod reuon for au~ that this wu the eepulchn in whidt Jacob and the patriar-clla were buried. There il no reason for auppoai.nc that Abraham in hUI luna lifetime bouaht but one burial ptac:e. The writer of thil book haa hinuelf purc:hued two, orw in Chka111:o when his brother ia buri~ and one in Northfield, Mau_, ~<'here hill daurhter ill buried, and ia eJ.o intereeted in • third in Brooklyn .,.·here hi£ f•ther and mother and othu brother are buried there b not the alichtat hint in the Scriptures \hat the.e two aepuJchnt mentiobed in C:.:nesia 23:17, 18 and in Ac1l 7:16 an the Mmt!. AS TO '111E PASSAGE in Genesia 33:19, when, •c.,•rding to the ob- jector, it u u.id that J.c:ob, and not Abraham {u Stephe11 pula d ), boUJ"ht the sepulchre, this puug.-does not, in point of fact, say tJ .. •l J.cob bou8'ht the aepukhre. It says he bought "the pa~l of a field •t t!: ~ hand ol the ehildreo of Hamor" (the ones of whotr Stt-phen SA"'5 Abraho.r,1 bought the aepuldu-e). The presumption In the c:ue ill that Abnoham had •lru.... ourehued the Kpulehre at an e1rlier date and that J aeob in his day pu· hued the rro\lftd ("a par~l of 1•1\d") in whieh the :.epulc:hre wu locfl', -i When Ab~ pt.:.rrhaaed • aepul~hre to bury Sarah ht-took the prec-aution of buyU\g the field aa well u the ~re, but in the latter c:ue he Merna to have purLUased the sepulchre without buyln( the whole piece of 1(1"ouod. whic:h therdore Jac:-ob himMII bou,rht ala later date. It ls altos;ether likely liMit Abnham should h-Ive purehued a .epulc:hn-in thi-5 tpot in hill later life, for it v.•u • place dev to him by many manoriea ( ...-e Ge-nnb 12:6, 7). so. Ari'Dl ALL, the mhtalte wu not Stephen'• but the mist-Ike of the corrunentaton •ho were not c:artful to note ezac:tly what Steph'"" uid and •hat ie uid in the two ~a in GeiMSia. Jc.bua Jnfonna ua that 11 wu in thla pan-el ol rround whic:h Jacob boucht (which ~b!J contained the ae-pukh.re th•t Abraham had bouaht at aa earlier dele) that the bona ol. JOMph wt-re buried (Ja.h. 24:32). Appu-.tly SWphen wu more 1 c:.anful atuMot ol Old Tnt.ament Seriptun than -.na ol his criticl. But OYeD allowinc fDf" the moment that Stephm wu rN.tabn In thil cue, It would proYe nothin1 whatevet' ..-ai.Dit the divi~ oricin of the Blb!e or Ita at-lute inerrane)', for Sc.ephen is DOt ooe of the authors of the Bible. He wM aot a prophet or aa apc.We. It ia true he wu a Splrit- ftllad man.· bua. he ._. not the writu ol. a book in the Bible. The inaplrwd authar of the Adi ol the A.,.u. ...cont. th.t StopMn uid the. worda, ... if ........... d:t.at ~ utt.nd had .... rniMaken, tho ,..,..... thlot he .-id thai would be correct. It woWd be God'a Word th&t SWpbm ..w w.. but what tkepben ..&d would not 1M God'• word. '!'h. -who ..........t• for the diviDe oricin ol the Bible eAd ita abeoluto ~ 1a uncMr DD obUpUoa wbataver to prove tM ~ of ew-ery .tat.Dent \bitt n.-y speaker In the Bible, t-Vf"n n'ft'l' Spirit- &IW apeabr, ill reconled M aa,U.C. Hell Isn't for Heraes FROM "'SWO RO OF THE LORO" MURFREESBORO, TE:NI'ol, "See yoca In ReU tonlcttt!,. caU lift hoftd, Depart ham tnl, n 11111td, into out the patrons or a night club '"'*""' firt, ,.,...,.., ftt tflt ..n~ aM which chou this name for tht-hk publicly. Others, equally as nip-. CNII'Is (Mott. 2S:41). pant, say tht-y want to 10 ro Hell n. Klint stton llfrW: If tht • If ltMt -"Look at all the famous com· wrwth of Gocl •.• 111t4 ht sllail ~ '-t· pany I'll bf" In!" IMfiiM with tift onlll ~ (t". 14: Don't delu~ younelf! Tht-re is 10). no "company" in Ht-11. Only liM him ltafMf onllf fiOI oM tob 111111 hatred. Total separation from OWOJ', onllf (IKf hlflt iftta llfttf 4DftMU; e\·eryoflE'. Yes. there are many th "-II tfl Snu be WHping ond '""hi"' ol ramnus heroes in Hell. but tht-y wil l give you no enjoylnf"nt. Ht-11 fHitt (Matt. 22:13). is to tal aurtt-rlng and arony- um·eli('\'f'd by any joy what!IOCve-r. "Go to Ht-11 ~" say many with e~e and frequency. Yt-t they say that they aren't sure whether thC're is a Hell. They live and B<'t as if ck>ath ends e\·erythinr. But their \'ery use of such lan· guage shows that d('('"p wi thin them tht-y f('('"l those who are wrong should bf" punished. And this ill uactly why there •s a Hell-lloet-•uae God te l'ood. Goodness ill gone if it tnlt-rltf"S badl'lf"!is. To maintain His rood- nes~. God must completely triumph over t-vll. There is a God. There ill a Heavt-n. There must also be a Ht-11. God U a God of jusU~ u well as kwe. Hf' has clearly l"r-> vea~ that this is His nature, a nd man plays the fool whM he thinks that he can set up the ruln in the unlvt-rse which God Of 1\ hom do tht'S<' \"Cf'K'S spea k! rne answer is clear : Ttlt widtttll dloll tt. hlrMIII into htfl fh 9:17). Me thot Mlinlttl Oftll h t.opliu4 ~ tt. 10Yt4: ~ ht liMit Milt•"' no! sflal .. -(-16,16). F.-If .. "" willfwllp .tltr rhaf .. hott r.ctl¥ttf ,.., btwiMJa If "" trvftl, """ fltiWiNttl ftl ftlaft wwrtfke lOt silK, _, 1 ceftolft IHrfvJ kloklnf lar If ~ oN ,.., I I; 1n... fW,. 11:26, VJ. "Ye serpenta, ye generation of vipers, how can ye eacape the damnation of he11!" wu the quea· tlon Jesua uke-d in Matthew 23:33. But the Bible &IVft a aw.r: ._ ,., "' "" ....... If -h " """ ( ..... H) Wh!'ll llu• Lnrrf J··~u!'l !'hilll rnmr for H i:< n-..n. ;, \\ill ) ... lht-timr of n·wanl~. ror thf' "n rk~ in II i~ namf' which ahidr. "For "''(' mu~t all appr•ar ~14·fon-thr j ud~m~nf !Of'31 nf Chri~t : that I'Vt-ry nn(' may t~'N>ivl' tht· lhinc-. rlo11f> in hi~ hod y. iJ CCOrd inp: to that hi' hath ,f.,nf'. whrthN it lw-pxxl or had" 12 (,r, .ll :lO). It i!i not sin that is to bt-,jurl(!f'd lwrf': our .<~in~ art' unde r thf" hlond. th('y hn\'t' ltt•1·n 11tonrd for on thf' ct~"-. and they will h.· rt'mcmlwred nu morf" fnrev('r. But t"vf"ry be· lil"l'f'r'!'l work ~hall be made manif~l in that dav. and if il ahidf' he shall rt'ct-ivt-a ff"Wsrd T I f:nr. :i:I:\.14). That cup of cold watf'r that ...-a_.. ~i\'('n in His na mr.; that pllif"nl <uff,•rin.r that you t'ndurrd for His uke: that rk-nial o f !!rt!lr that you enjoyed that H,. mi~ht '""' _glorified : that pc":l"!lttution that you u - J)f"ri,.nced ht-cause of )·our lf"!!timony for H im -I~ aN' workt that abidf". and ror them you will rrN·ivP H i~ reward, h may be that today yl)uf!l ;_., a very humbl,. plaoe. Then! may ll4'" no bJaN' of trumpt>l11 fnr the work that you rlo. Your death may elicit no gn:st obituary in th.--nt:wapapr-NI. But of what moff'lt'nt, if in that tiay you !'hall hf"ar Him :tay: "J know thy work.-: w,.IJ doftf', thou 11w fir!'t lwal'l mentionerl in Rt-.... 1:\:1-10 will hf' rh,. political l•·adf'r of the r"~llrr<'f'tf'd Roman empirf'. al\d oo rr~pond" to thf' 10- kinjldom cnn frderaf'y prophe~iNI h}' Dani1•l in O~:~ni,.J 2:41 -45. Tl1f" Sf'alnd hf'a~t rf'f•·rr•·d to in R"v. 1:\:11-18 will hi' !hf' hiN-proph1•t. nr autil'hri~t. who a lso will oper:alr in thf" world 1lurinil th~ time of thf' Crl'at Tribulll- tinn. Roth or th..--: mf"n will ~ dr·mon-~ -~d. an1f "-" ~ta !NI in R,.v, 19:20. will "" t·a~t uliv,. into th~ lok,. ~.~r fire 111 tht· n·turn o( th~ Lord Jf"11tr< f.lrri!lt tn rf'i jln rnr on,. rhou~and Vt'aJ"!I. has created. ............ tete ... Orist, ... good and raithful•rv•nt"'? F'inaMy. what a joy it wiD br to fall down l"'fore H i" throne with that innu~rahk thron,;, to wonhip Him. and lo cut our crowns of ~ward bcfor:fl Hit throne., .ayin8 '1'1tou art worthy, 0 f..ord, to nuiw--.-lory and honour and powe r : for~ has Cl'f'atttd •II thinp, and for Th7 p~uu tllry are and wue cratnf." And then a(l!:ain, wt .hall fad down before the L.mb. thia time to ai~~ a nt"W .Unj: wtltou art worth7 •.• for Thou wQC slain, and ha.t ~ • to Cod b7 ,, blood ... of ... .., ldnd...l. '"" .... ,... I.~ if pn."t.tifJ,. whit,. lmru ;,. '" idl'l'lli/v !Iff' rifJ,., nil 1h,. R,.v, fJ:2? IT.C .. &lhf'/1. ll'n. No, for thf" Biblf" doe-noc ~ive any in. rormatH>n aA 10 tlwo idt'ntity or thi!'l man. "" will two a world lutk-r after th• rapture p ( tht' Church. who ar tfu. rnmml"flreml'nt of lhf' Great Tribulation pt"riod will •o rorth IO c:-onqun without hloodafrwd. """' u ..., tli#u.-bet ... • CoJ anJ tA. w.-J Jc,.. CAri.ol? E.M., N ... Al'-y,/nd. In many reaprl!Cb !:/are one and the MDM!I, ~":"l'= :::r:..~~ 'r.llll ri!: ~ 1o • ~~ _. .. _. • ; .. wble. bul tho Lotd O.riot lo dto hripcl"" of God'o slorJ ond dto ..,._ '-of Hio pono• I~ 1:3).111io-0. io dto rioihlo put of die Ccd'tr1d It is impossible to describe Ht-U In language which we can urtdef'>. stand. People suffering excnJdat- lng pain or mental torment tay tht-y are 'In Hell.' You've heard that ·war ill Mil.' These are only partly fiaht. On earth there • atlll relief in drugs or sleep and ttw!re is alwAys hope. In ' He11 tht-re is abaolute physical and mental suflerlna-and tht-re It: no hope. The Bible uan: the ldeaa or total darkness and the pain ot bumtnr to &lve m aome concepUon ot Hell: n.. *'I .. li:J' llht llllft thllll t11 .... """-.. -I ..... ,,11). Have you ever f'f"ad ot tho. confined lor yean In totll dark. I'IINI f Have you ever been •wf'f"ly burned! lmq:lne surterfna thne fe&rful ph.yaQI tortures p1ua Uw anau•h ot knowlna you an aep. arattct frcm God and everythtna lhlt 1a IQOd. And that tor all eternity! . n.-...,. ..... ..,.,.._ " ........ "" lloL .. ,.,_ Flft from the wrath to come! -Faith, Pfl1'tr and Tract Leque THE BmLE w. March the worfdl fot trvth, w. a~ll TW.. good, tllo irvo, tllo boavdfvl, from.,._.,, ttontt orMI .,,...., ecroU, And all oW-.,.-_, t11o -11 ~-.ry ................. . w·------·· TaflndlheteN"'e._-hln th. a.. ow .....e.n ,...; ... a. •• ~ ... .,..... ~ewPoRT IIAROOR E~SICJI SECCIIO SEC'IlOII --P!!p J FromthePoliceBioHer ~~~ • *'-a baa oned bJ RyR.otea e..._ An., 110 iHt Mttlli al ....... ...._. • s n 11 ·a--84ttlt.D&Y, .PT. IT of atrw.u.o. nac. 11 doeUd Cout JfwJ.,CorcadiiM.t\",,, ....... C''--.,__ ............... Boll7 F-af II?-a.. 11 1101 W:C... ltrJ.,IIart-c.r. driY• bJ GoltndiBottll .._. • Mol• ' ho JP I Wat lfnport, *'-i e eMir.. Milt c.t.wvrlll$*10 AJDI'W d. lll VLa Ll4o Nord, ,...._. ece er1• _....-.. .....,, .,._, wort11 .-110, ml""''c floe :.! 1110..;.• i:rom tbe Apropo$ Lido IIW, Ud Tberoa FtlllaJ ltiiMI' •••· '" _&_, __ ...., W l'JIHO; .... wu ....._ .._ Btort H FubJoo latao4. Net.._ JOe Po'.uettla A fl., ...... ._ 11111111 t --~_! ~.:: • ...,.'nur-.AY OCT l Coroat del Mar, Were IJirOIYtd ~=====~§:§;!~~~===~====~ e&DrU ..ua ---.... ~ ...... ~ • ... · 111 a collfBkln ; ..... ebUrl ...... ta~ra... vickie .u.e Furu. "· or -Ore Co .... ,.,._.,pnoi_bltUt-1510 W. ~Fro«, C•otnl •FRDlAY,OCT. S • 0 • t1e 7-JIU'..old Kllrt SatdtUa, Ne.rport Beae11, wu ureltAicl M1chul steYeu Ma.Uma. 25, JUJ. T1YP£8 117 -81., Weal Nnport, oo .., a .,..,. o! ,. ... ,_ of ol 705 Be .... Avo., Cor>.>a BUILDING BLOCD -JUJ. SlztS • tbe rtat.t ..,, tactotaee' IDd mari)I&Da.. ••• Doaakl Hope del Mar, wu arrested oo a ,.,,1 •1u 1 I' · r , .... .. tbumb ••• V&lLJOG.otl'J.tO Hlgtu. 5!, ol 868 w. c.._, c~:.r;'":."':.;":r:ow~U.,=~at~4=tto~A=•~·~· ~~-~a~~-~~~~~-~-~si!Es~P~I~·iaiL~II~ot~·iiilii~'"a1,-~ This muns the Marinen people and their prOYen pro. fessionaUstn in matten of finance. It muns Mariners people·to·people interest in your security ... and Mariners wise invtStment of your money in the proe:rm of our community. Join your neirhbors and open a Mariners uwinas aaount, todly. Remember: federJIIJ·irmtred sawinp with the 111tion's hi(hest rate ol interest. from day in to day out. Also lr!e Tr.velers Cheques aDd ·tree Slle deposit bo1es (with minimum $5,000 actount). t"'"\ \1 .IW·.. · . ' . ·· \ . ..,' E. ee.u Float, Bl.lboa, 1s Coat& llu&, w:&a arrested. oa. a mtul"C ber $25 boUy boord ebarp ol dr,... drtvtnc In the IUI'f board after someooe toot SlOO bloetcr.lM.t:..~taersY.ile ••• from btr bome. A silYer senloc ~t, a silvc • SUNOA y SEPT U butter dllb, a sUver aupr t:lowt. WINTON M, ASH'l'Oif, lOt CO.. WIWam • J~ Dap.o. lM5 a te ..... t.SOO. a. toz fur cape, aDd I'OGildo St., 8a1ba& bu bleD Ohio Pl Costa Ilea. ud Jaet 4 flftha of Vodka. au roLlued at D&med openUoaa m.t.M&W ot Howard 'HabP. 1811 w. fllaJta U,148, WQI'e stolen ,from l:be Collep Part Fullertoo. He as-BIYd CtDtral Newport were borne o1 Fn.at J. Brtck of 516 JUmld ldml!UtraUYI tetp)ft-'' ol. ' Via U 1o Nord, U;,b Isle , • , 11btl1Ues of tbtl $?5 miWoa arrested oe a cbarp poun:-A $13!) telm.stoa rJ.S stolen N rth "-·-c--~ stoa ot mart...,. ... Viola liar 8 -~ _ ~. o .......... __ , pro,....~ Glupel, ottbeBalboii.BaJClub, from old lr-.,a.at, ......... u. belnc denklped U & muter-lZ2l W Coast Hwy Newport Ll::b Not'(~. Lido Isle •• .A pluoed ftni.Dc~ commerelal • ·• $%09 stereo player wa.s stoler. IDd restdeaUal ceater a.dJaceat =· :as~~'7tu a:d trom Krls c. l...andoa, lt4.1/Z to CaWornia state College at e r to 0n.op Z9tb St., W!!st H ewport • , , FaiJerioQ. He holds a Bachelor Clater ~~~~ treatmeat Jewelry n..tued at $260 wu ol Seieace degree from Calif-ounty • ....., ~ stoleo from tbe resldeoce of orDia state PolytechnJ..c Col-of an m-erdo.se of pills. Carla A. Brannon o! 618-1/2 leet, Pomooa. • MONDAY, SEPT. 29 Narcissus, Corona. del M.a.:-... CITY OF N.B. SUED Someoae stole S203.10 worth Guy ~...foe R;.Yides of l...oolc ol stereo tapes, tape deck I.Dd Be:lcb wu lnjured when he ra.n Durel Lee Hickman, 926 W. speakers from tbe carowoedb)' lDt.o 3 parked cus 'lwaed bl' Balboa Blvd., Balboa, hU nled Tom Aroold Love, 1201 Via N<Utey Lee st. Cla.ir of 188-A t cla.Jm apJ.nst the CJty of New-Catallna, SaD Clemeate, after w 18th St., Co!ta M !~; Ren-t port Beach for damage dooe to they smasbed his rlctat wtDdow 0~ u a.1 Wtllls of Huttingtoo his motorcycle on Sept. 2%, 1n •••• One 12 volt a.uto battery Belch, and Mute E. P1ttersoo Cl • front of 1714 W, Balboa. Blvd. and cables valued at $flwere of Fountaill va:tey, on w ·:oa.st eo n In 9 t wDen the bike was struck by a stolen from Dr. Edward Relta. Hw-· oeu Newport Blvd ••• t city van driven by emptoyeo 339 Walllut, Newport Sborea; Nt.;,;:year-old VIW Loeper Ga.ll Cloder. he reported having a radio an-.,..._, l.ojured wt1eo her mother, Damage to the cycle locludes teonae brokell and other maUc-u arprte L. Leeper, 259 62IXI t d t a broken ldck stand, scratches tous mtsehi~ done 1D tbe past, St., Newport Sbc.res, drivlog at Ex traor ,'no ry to the eJ1erlor pa.lnt, a beat • Tu!.'Un Ave. and 15th St., Nn- feoder and tront trame _..._ TUESDAY, SEPT. 30 w port Heights oolllded w!tto ,,. t IDternal damage Is not yet de-Jevila Rae Reed, 1140 • c.u of Harriet Guggenheim of t termlned. Ocean Froot, West ~~rtol, 3·J8 Morning Star Dover d L · c J was arrested oo a c .... p • (~'th Tu '" ov"'l .,~ PLAQUE WORKSHOP shoplifUog l.o the Broadway de-Sbores. The maklngolplctureplat.j,ues partment store, Fashion ls-• THURSDAY, OCT. 2 t wlU be demoostrated at work-La.od ••• Donald G. Reaoer, WO:ttJdeU Eugene T~o~roer o~ t shOps at 10:30 a.m. aDd 1:30 1900 w. Ocean Front, Ceotral Z'a96 Cba.Mel Rd., Balboa, r!S at p.m. Mooday, Oc t. 20, at the Newport, reported a $110 tele-arrested on a charge or d:unk t me mortal prden center on the vtsioo stolen trom his bome; driYtng at 16th St. and W. Balboa t Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa. partial bare foot prl.nts were BIYd., Ce:ltr.l.l Nuport • Two Reservattons are to be sent found on the porch ••• A pair ftsh1ng poles worth SUO, two to Mrs. Westoo Walker, 919 of prescriptioo glasses valued splnniDg reels worth $15, two t North OUve Street, Santa Ana, at $65, a $25 table lamp, a marlin rods worth $450 and two ' VALET CLEANERS telephone 543-3086, Materials $250 televisioo,2pa.trofbtno-o:ber ri!<i!ls worth S100 We.tti and instrucUo.a are lncluded l.n culars worth $215, all totallDc stolen from the boat owned by t the workshop tee of $1. $615, and a ~e were stolen Donakt BJl'llS, berthed at the t -------------Balboa Ya.!ht Basin, 829 Bay- JIJ7 &. COAST IQWAY.. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE side Dr ••• One woman's ... atch COaoJIA DU. ICAa NOTICE OF HEARlNG nlood at $1000 wustolenltom t PETITION FOR ABANDON-CERTIFICATE FOR 'fRAN-the borne of Ph:1 Uss M. Morris t CALL 67 5.()310 MENT OF HIGHWAY SACT!NG BUSINESS U.,DER A of 921 W. Bay Ave., ,._ Notice is her eby given to all F ICTmous NAME ••. ota.na L. O'Keefe ol 602 lreeOOlders l.o the Fifth S~C~er-U is beteby certified that Orch.id, Corona del Mol:, dJ'O¥e t QUALITY LAUNDRY _WE DELIVER t v1sor1al District that the hear-the Wldersigned aretransacUag her car Into tbe auto of Allan log of the peUUon of Elva M. business in santa Ana., County Gr epy Ullle ot 4512 Wayae ~~=:..:=::.::=::.:=:::::_::~=.::::.::=: Colllprlest, et al, nJed on Sep.. ot Orange, State of Ca.WorDia. Rd., Cam.«> HiP,bMs, 011 Na.r - C:HIJitC:HES 1lrwpprffiarl.1r t•l'llll ~ "0• t•~ 81•/1• Ontrloo.irtt ."4~N·JW>rl H~'' , •• , Ct.o.-)0' D.,.,. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTMERAN CHURCM 9:00A.M. TO 10:]() A.M. -F AMIL.Y WORSHIP 51:!0 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 :00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SERVICE lbe lleY. J .. u G. Blain, Putor Ttle lteY. aonald Whlla. AUJ.ac.t Pucor Pboae: 548-3131 Orlstion Scl•nu S.rYic•• nUT CHlJitCII OF DlltiST, scu:P~JnsT 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNOA Y SCHOOL 9:15 ...... -~~~II ...... SUNDAY SERVICES 9: 15 -II •·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·"'· READING ROOM ••• ~ •• .,.: 9 ....... 5 , ..... ........ t~ • .,: 9 ...... -1:.&5 , ..... r .... t~.7 .,." F .. t~ • .,: ' ...... -5 , ..... , 1·' , ..... s.,,.t~.~: 1 , ..... -A,,..,, II:COND Cftlla Ctl Of" CIIIUn'. SCII:I'\ITIST Newpon Beach 11 COfon s a~ I Mar 8100 Pactftc Vtew Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- SUNDAY SERVICE 10.-. lt'EDNESDAY EVENlN G MEETING 1:00 , .•. ReedlaJ Room: Me tut Bid• 286! E••t Co e•t Hwy., CON. ., ... arrt.: 10 .... cu 5 p.-., n .... c.,. •••i•s: 1 co 9 S.lo: JO a.m. CU 4 P·•· Ynu are cot'd••ll,.·invilcd to •ttend Cl"~rch Senicn .nd to use the RcldinJ Room. ef c. ........ . Raptitot Billl• Fell-••tip l"ti•IJ•"tl"l-A•IOttOean '-'• ... ~ ...... u. s. •. Dt. P .G. Neumann, pascor SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.r •· Sunday School ll:OO a.m. Mornin1 Worahill 6:00 p.tn. Trainin1 Unions 7:00 p.m. EvCnin1 Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Player Meetin1 A TTIHD THI CHUIICH OP YOIIII CIIOICI IIIGULAII\.Y llmber 30, 1969, for the a.bu-uDder a D.ctitiollS aame, or a doruneot of the bere.lnafterdes-desipattoo IKJt shoring the crlbed portion of Lot ''Y" 1D names of the persons Interested Tract No. 573 1D the Fifth therelD. to w1t: Fa1n1ew Apart. Supervtsorlal District, In Or-ments, 1355 front Street, San ange County, Caillornia, lla.s Diego, Calttorn.la 92101. been set for Wednesday, the WITNESS our haods thJs23rd 5th day of November at 9:30 day of September, 1969. o'clock, A.M., at tbe room ot 1. SWAN CONSTRUCTORS, the Board of S~rvtsors 1D the lNC. By: Robert G. Stewart Ora.age CouDty AdmtnlstratiOll Executive vice prestdeDt Buildin&. 515 North Sycamore, By: L. L. Gordon, secretary Santa Ana. California. 1355 Front Street, San Diego, Said porUoo of Lot "Y'' in California 92101 Tract No. 573 proposed to be 2. DONALD R, WARD, 1606 abaodooed Is described as fol-lrvlne Boulevard, Newport lows: Beach, Calltltnia 92660 Tl\at portion of Lot ''Y'' a.s 3. JERRELL C. BARTO, 213 shown on a ~ of Tract No. Via Cordova, Newport Beach, 573, recol'ded tn Book ZO, Page California 92660 29, Miscellaneous Maps, Re-STATE OF CALIFORNIA) "ords ot Orange coumy, cau. ss. 1 mta., described as follows : COUNTY Of ORA.NGE ) Be&ioning at the Southeast On this 29th day ol September, corner of Lot 10 1n Block "0" 1969, before mea Notary Public ol said Tract No. 513; thence tor said Coumy and State, duly along the Easterly ll.oe of said commissioned and sworn., per- Lot 10, N. o• 01' 00" E., sooally appeared DoDilld R. 181 .04 feet; theDCe S. St• 35' Ward and JerreU C. Barto, 00" E., 12.16 feet to a Une known to me to be the persons parallel with and 10.00 feet whose names are subscribed Easterly from said Easterly to the within Instrument, aDd line; thence along saJd pan.llel ac koowledgOO to me that tbey line, S. o• 01' 00" W., 173.11 executed the same. feet to the Easterly prolong&-IN WITNESS WHEREOf, I han Uoo Of the Southerly Une Of hereWltO set my hand and al- saJd Lot 10; thence along said fixed my ottlcia.l seal the day proloopUon N. Bgt59' 00" W., and year in tbis certlncateflrst 10.00 feet to the point of begin-above witten. niog. R I!I'H ANN OSOJCK Reserving and e:a:cepting trom Notary Public in and for said tbis abandoomeot an easement County and State or easements and right to My Commission malnla1n., operale, replace, re-Feb. 14, 1971. mon and reDtW all OOW exist-STATE OF CAUFORNlA ) tng sanitary aewers and storm ss. drains lJid awurtenant struc-COUNTY OF SAN DlEGO) BEAUTY NOOK 2112 E. Coasl Hwy. Corona dtl War · Pn;:,nt &n-7JJ6 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPF'I TI'fSOo\Y l'JiROl'CH So\TI:ROA' ftef' Puk iajit iu Froul 300 W. Coost Hw.,, H•wport Beoch T eleohone: 6.(2-08.u BUILDING COHTR;.c ~OR~ REMODELING and ADDITIONS • ,RII ISTIIU.TES S32 -5949 ........_ .. c_ .. , ~w-........ ..., c--·"~ ..... -...... "-· c ...... tures 1n, .,o and OYer tbe On September. 23,1969, ":::::II said bJgtnray aDd all portions ~e. tbe Ulldersl.ped, a N thereof, and pursuant. to any Public 1o and tor said P.O. •• til ~-- existing traDChist or reoewa.l and state, persollllly SERVICE QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAIHED PEOPLE WHO CARE Flrr, ADAMS 2121 HAMOI! a.vo. J'ohnson-.son i!.O ~©IIDI!.it: @IID~1i'filf:I IE&1:1i'il~ • i~&llll:! m · li:il!EIR ©tl!JI!I11 • •rl liDU!Itm&lll 2626 HAI.OI IOULIVAID,. COSTA MISA 540~56~0 • COSTA MESA 549-3341 • IIIJC Q.EANING =-~-t . --.................... :~ ...... • AMAHEIN 126-0311 • HUNTINGTON aEA04 U2-1451 ,e~~ra~~ 673-5822 • 675-3353 ...... ISMJ C.._inMJ Worb CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS -WAll-TO-WAll CARPETING FI.OIISTS PIIONE, ~.U79 t438 Newpon Blvd. Stuubs. lDtenor Plants Tropacal & Trees Insecuades and Fertilizer S & H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona del )lar Sursel') Z1.W £.. o.at HW) ., 6'7Hl60 • SHOE IIJEPAIJI ---MABERRY "S Shoe Flepaor Purse and l~ Af!oaH -Dve won. Slo H ST llllrS ONE DAY SUVICI 1 uo ....... "..a. eo ... ..._-.. t-»11 tbereof to matntaln_ ~·. Robett G. Stftart, mo.u to ".:•.:D:_:R:::I,.-V1:::N.:C-':-::S:'04::-DO-L_S ___ 1 replace, remo.e, reoew I.Dd to be the Exec. Vice Presideal, I • BE HAPPY' •_H.:IA:::._III.;;.:.IIG..:....AI:..:...DS:...:.. __ _ entarte aU oow ntstlag tiDes and 1.. 1.. Gordoa, lalowll II>"" • BE INDEPENDENT'' HAL AE81SCHER of pipe. coodulta. cables, wires, to be tbe Secretary of tbe cor-• LEARN 10 DRIVE1 '' LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MASTER ILoo~< .. Choorcll to Mon•• HOO Paetlle VIP Dr. c-dol...,, caw. OR. WJLUA11 II. ELLER -= M4-IM4 Mra. Wain Cllomborllo, Pvtab Worllor A. II.. FamU, -Alp A. II. .CilOircll oellaol ... F..Utt...,llfdp PROVD>ED poles, and otber structures. ponlioo that e1ecuted tt1e equlpmeDt lJid rlDures b' the wlthiD iostrument and bacnrD CAl. I. FOR FRF.F ~~;~~~~~~ operatloo ofpsptpeU.aes,te-•to me to be tbe pti'80GS wbo l ."iTRODt:CTORl Iep-apbtc and telepbooe Unes. uecuted the wtthlllastrumut HRvtCC YtM ~.Mo. t-....o 11__.. and for tbe LF..fSON ...... IOAY .l.l..& nuDY taiu~ ......,Go 00 behalf of said~ a•• ~Jt h •• ~ .. -"' dlstrt-said--·~ ~,., ~ h __ ,, AHD~ItA\'C"YtM_..... "'--..-.. ___ ..,.. __ uw Nu"••"" """'"• ..... ,c•• of electric toetCJ, petroleum Jilt to bt a paaral putDir o1. (TOLL FREEl AW-fl 0 a.adllsproctoet.,ammoola,wa-Fatmow Ap&rtm..U, a part. ASTRO DRIVINCSC IIOOL o..o~o-.•aw.a tor, a.adb-tnetctentat"""""'". -"""'· Clio -*'P 11111 c.--By order ol tile Boord uoe,.... Clio wUbla '--. ot-· ot<lr-... aa-todpd ., ... -'"P COWIIJ. Catt-soeb -,__ ... .. AlTO .. M, C. ,tOM C .. , .. c ......... .. • 1 1 1 ' I tti1J11••Ifl~ b'll1a. aamt u aca PIU"-' ud CMt -tlll.o -daJ ol SoPom-ACb ----... blr, ·-ame.. .. ' ......... . A,_Wta6pr1 I c-,.,_., ~·"'· -...................... "•· ...,. ......... co..,,,. ............. _ ... .., -....... . ....... .._ W. E. ST JOHM, co--Wll'"ESS llllJ ...... u:l of!ldaJ II' Clort Udu411do ..t Clort ol Clio Boord af CAROLYN S. IIU.TREUS .,...._..,on.., (Soli) eo.,.~ Mreoao ·-~·(lll.u.) 111 -L. 01 ...... II, I t'IO Dopol)'' -OCt. 11, a, IO,IIor.l, .... , OCt.llll,liU, IIIII ta ... R--Ia ... N...,.n -EIII;o.,E- ru .. qoalill' ..., ol•"""• C11 tbe Pr.liMt 811~.-.~ ..... ..., All ..,. -late .. -Ftlpdal ... _ ,. E. Coeot • ., •• c ... - ~-!.. ~-.,. ,_ ~~~· ....... r-M ,., E. c. ... H.,. c._ ..... . 67$.3133 •PAINT I. • WALLPAPER PlltsilwF -O..tdl llolP Palata -«*PP-llao 1&.000 P A 'I'TEIIHS OF WALLPAPO:R qr... _':/ __ , .. _. ------·---~- •UPHOI.STEIIIHIO Vl'tiOLST£-6 f lly E•~•-CN/b•ft) IIDIDD£1. t ,._ -ONLY .... -Call .. _.. •u-•.L-.. 4• F-E..U_ ... , ... PUBLICA TIOII WORI( WE CAN ~,.INT YOU,. PAMPHLI!:TS. LEAI"LII!:TS. NEWSPAFIER$ AND NEWS LETTE"S C.t.LL Ul ,0. UTI•ATII .,, ..... IIIIIQ4 ...,_U81MIO CQ, A. L MAUAC PLmSIU 700Ct"·d• AN. "'*-..... • n rna••*" DA 1' .II!Gft .. ,.~-. I the Police lalo, collldld _ ... earollloo --_l,..ololeo.._ "•• ... A ..... J~oq~u Eu-t~o -. orsm cu .. DlldiJ c. llronlof. s51s s. .. lluttlt.,ll, at 111 ~ n.Mir, Co3t& llua, OD Mu1· lbar-t Or., Wt st Newport •.• ean. cN1 Mat, ... u ... M:a w.a.. ~ 1'ltstJA A'tt. t.anea:e JoeHlJdeo..19,o!519 Rl<llaado, Ht-.pori Het.,.U.ud SATOROA.Y, O:T. 4 . Gerald Robett O'A!D:)lt, ZO, ol '.t.OJ. trom JUlts Fredrlefl YlUar, n. azzs L.aurel Pl Ne"PPrt ktold ot 4U AD-I)! 116 Crystal An., 8&Jboa Hellbts, were ~~sted 01 a T lrvtat T lsl&Dd, a.od Robert Broce Ale~-etwce o! possessSoo of oar- ':; .... u •. !!..ra:,• i;i; a.oder • U, o~ 4UO HUarta W:ty, cotlca. ~~e• ..,.._. W~:it Newport Hei&hts, w~e W~ Mnport Sbores, w:.a arrested o:~ a cbarge ot pos-AID$ 04APMAN DRIVE -br a ..t polat Siamese ......... ol tot t cat ,. 1 Chipm Con sa--.. 5 80 pr~r Y • • • Ronald W, Caspers ol New-aauj ~ ·~~ia uoosc!:t W~ Ronald L. Aodenon of 800 port Beach president of Key. r--------· -•I Aleppo, East Bluff, W.lS Injured stooe Savm'p and Loan ASSll., wtleo be drove hts cu toto ooe Westmlr:u;ter wtll serve a.s driven by Bernard Ru:iSell Gei-chairmau ioc gtvlng t.rom baum ot 2301 Arbutus, Ea .. :>t Orange County Frleods ot the Blutt, at Arbutus and Aleppo; College for tbe 1969-70 Chap- Jetrery T. Keen O:_! ZSlZ Ar-mao Collel't &nllual fund. The butus atso was ln]Ul'ed • · · anoouneemeut was made by For ty ~s, each containing Rolla R. Hays Jr. or Lido Isle, 500 feet o. c~r coostrucUoa insuraoce uecuttve chairman w!re, worth $538, wer e stolen of the college fUnd drtve and a. ~~!l from the Mo:-row-Meadow,; member of Ule board of trus- COL"ji. ou .t 155 Sn..rrtngton. tees. SEOOIID SECliOII --"'&t 4 lliURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1M FORMERLY MEARS CAMERA Newport He.gtlts. SUNDAY, OCT. 5 Ro'.>ert W. Sa~helor, 59, of ll42 Pescador Dr., WestclW, was :urested on a cha.tgeo!as- 'Know your fireman' NOW AT saulttni a pollee otficer ... A $50 surfboard W.l.S stolen 11110 NEWPORT BLVD. from Chns Tluu Mll.liJlgton of l BZl E. Balboa Btvd., Balboa .•. '=========:::A w~·ist Wl.lCh, U.S. silver dol-r lars a ld a Co1t revolver, all totaling $4-14.69 in va lue, w~re OOSTAMESA -·646-9383 BALTZ M.OR1VARJES 1741 SUP'EIIOR AVF . COSTA "BA Yld-.&y b-1424 :1510 E. COAU Hlw ,.V CO-A DEl. MAR ORiole J-~450 JMu 1942 MATTRESSES ,,... -IIUUILDIIIG IIT'egular ShaPH ·--C.U. COSTA MESA MAnlESS CO. l'IION.t•porttl...d. UMrtya.IJOl stolen from Robert R. Robert- son or 655 Lldo P:uk Dr., No. 25, Ltdo Peninsula ••• Mrs. A. Nagel of <150'1 TremJnl, Cameo Shores, was involved in a trafflc accident wtth a car driven by Herbert A. Byers of fountain Valley. o CUARAHTEED WORK o FREE ESTIMATES o o FREE PICK.UP & DELIVERY o o ME .. BER OF C.U.D.A. JOHN & MARTHA CUSTOM DRAPES ond BEDSPREADS Qualit y Upholstery 1795 LACUHA CAHYOH RD . Costa Meta TElliS a COIEI ST. ATil£tlC .IS ,.( ... 1111 INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE the difference between enjoying retirement -or just retiring the difference between going to see your grandchildren -or just yearn - ing to see them the difference between carefree and careful living enjoy the 7o;o yield on 2 year investment certificates when held to maturity ($5,000 minimum) • interest checks mailed quar· terly a of course, if you need more flexibility, there are other plans for Thrift Customers -such as a Thrift Passbook Account, with 5.50o;o interest. • switch to the big difference -and let your money grow. FUIIDS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 20TH WILL YIELD IIIT£REST FROM THE I ST. ------------Remember we ~y postal• both ways.----------- (~ill •r dMdl ifl t~ IIMOUJit Of CAllfOitftiA THitn & LOM $.. ---I lllll MlfW the t'ptle ol lel*lllf I ......, Iiiii ...-cl. ,.... .... .. • .,...u,. Qf; wtlktt I 'llliM flit ..t ... tttvnJ. 0 t M'A ftonft ,..._. tMJ -o 0 7 .. ,,... ............... ....... 0 ... ,,., .......... 1.-----n••',.....,.. .... , .• ..._ 0., ........ ~ ........... 0 ... o.,.""o.,. ... l..-...llt ... COITA ..:U lfF1U 170 [ 17lfl SttHt, Colla .... c.w..w. 12U7 ._ ______________ _ ~-----------------------c ______________ __ ·---------------··.__ ___ _ ' MOler• 01 Tttr: AMiaiCAII UIOUITaW.. &VIICOtl AMOCtATtOM • ----C.OIIo< ... COSTA MESA Of'fiC( not. 1111,.... c--, ..... a -.. ..,.. ' t 0110 • (714114UOII