HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignOFFICES IN CORONA DEL MAR , CALIFORNIA THE NEWLY ORGANIZED IIUral:t Club, -eel bJ till Newport. .. BaJboa Rotary Club, beld 1lsflrltb111iNISmeet:iaC M-y O)'oaiA( at tile Newport Harbor Chamber ol Commerce oftlce 1n Corooa del War. Here are tbe omcen ot tbe Dft' club: -.ted, sten sutoD of Newport Harbor Hill> Seboo~ preeldeat, at loll, IUid Keo Nelaer ol Corooo del Mar Hllb ScboOI, riCe-s-'uldent; starwtlnc. SblWD Bls~ eouette of Newport Harbor Hlgtl, secretary, at left. a.Dd K• TlUey of Coroaa del Mar IUcb. traaurer. (Enslp. pboto.) Sex ed report due in January 7 J • D E L Reloca.Uoo ol. the haul road-the quality ot tbe 1lll was gmer. department. He reported way aWears to ba:re eolnd tbe a.Uy good tou:celtem. They saJd Dawet that there was sand haul crl..st.s 1D tbe West they would u.erclse quality coo.-evidence of any LISe ot tbe NetrpOrt beach erostoo coatrol trol to insure thU poor road, The new roadway, projeCt, materiaiJI were deposted d.l-was prepared Tuesday a.oo Tllere were protests durlng redly at then.ter'sedgeW'here ready in use, is 100 to zoo the weelc...eod about bauling too wan aetJoo would eliminate oceanward of the houses. close to the OCeaJI froot homes most of the silt. A certalD Mr. Dawes said that he aDd about poor quality of SlDd UK>WJt ot silt was necessary talked yesterday morntq to being d~sttec:l oo tbe eroded oear the nter to establish the engineer with the State Oep&rt- beaches. toe of tbe beach, tbey said. meot of Water Resources aDd The program was discussed A complaillt that tbe old llaul was told tbat their analysis at a speeia.l meeting MoDdl.y road wu being used was samples from the rt•er morning at tbe •est eOO of Sea-cheeked out yesterday by Pat before the tlaul started soo••eo shore Dr., atteoded by re-Ounip.o. of the eltypubllc works a very lligtl qua.llty at saDd. presematives of the city, the ~:=o~r:r~lct aodthe BALBOA LAD , 4, DROWNS An immediate decisioo wu made to aba.ndoo tbe haul road -"" oea.r the houses andtoesta.bll.sb Little 4-year..okl Braydon 4 -a oew roa.ctny sea'tiJU'd lostu' Bradford, 900 of Mr. and Mrs. Jan~ary ha.sbeensetas target years," sbe sUd. "Wby now the to the water's edge. The cbeacb Warren Bradford ot 1324 E. date lor compleCJon of the sex sudden attacks?" JAN KAWAMURA, Harbor High's homecominc queen, is depressions or swales adjlcent Oeea.n Ft., Balboa, dr!Wtl8d mloutes, with no results. He was pJ'OCIOUDCed dead at 1:39 p.m. edueatioo st!J:Iy belDgcoDducted ''Why suddea.J,y 1a: there so escorted by student body president Randy Wbltesidea fol-to the SaW. Ana RI•er WH SUDday ln tbe Penln.suJa Polnt by the education committee ot mucb promotion of sa educa-lowlD&: the anoouneemeot ot tbe cboJee of Q1IHD durlDc tbe between Orange St. aJid c;;;:; RaCQQet Club pool at 2006 E. the Nnport Harbor Cflamberot tloo?" Or. frl.uelle asked. balf-t1me ceremonies friday evenloc: dUI"iD( tbt Harbor-St., are being filled, and -.hen Bay ft. Commerce. "There ha5 been a surce of Westminster llotball game. (Ensign pboto.) tbat job Is completed all ft.ll Mr, Bndtord told pollee that Dr. Nola.D FrlueUe, cba.!r-demand for expudlnc the pro.-ANCHOR AW s material wUl be depo~lted ad. be had checked tUs sonoot more mu, said at Mooday's study gram/' ARD GIVEN jacent to the water's ed tha.D 10 mlnLUs before llefoUDd Se.·vices l1ld burial were hekl at Pael.tlc Vl~w Memorial Park wlth the Rev. Braha.ms from the St. AJX!rew's Presbyterian MRS. JACK SMITH of UIO CbiU'cb otnclating. Fuoera.l ShanDon Ln., Costa Mesa., bU director wu Ba.lt:r: Mortuary of beeo cbosea as cbaitml.lll of a. Corona del Mar. iood oei&hbet procram ol Cbl Costa Mesa. United fuocl. She wlll be responsible tor c-. meettDg tbat his committee 1s "Tbere 1s a oeed because ot Tidelands Admmrsiratcr him floating face down In the DOW preparing a quesUon. the tncreue 1D noerea1 dl-Geo Da rted tba pool a.od that Ills son tlad been aaire to pt a cross-seetioa seue earb' marriages drug Tbe si!Yer aocbor an.rd ns member oltbe!I)OUDI'lD(ZoiD rge ns repo tthe ill rlgbt of local opinion. Wben this ques-addi~ and high dl•orce i.te •• presented to 4 local resldeats Club of Newport Harbor, be" city sWf lla.d already m.ade Mt . .Eiradtord and the life- tioii.DI.I.re Ls completed and W:rs Paull replled ' at yesterday's meetiog of the for tbe a.ooua.l ''day ot tun at the surveys of the tlll materLal, a.od guards adml.oistered mouth to analyzed, the committee will .. De, think • educatloo women's dlvlsioo of the New-beach" for orphaned childrea., that 11 was their opUdoo that mouth resuscitation and ml- draft Its report tor submlss1oo will cU::U this?" ~~ frlueUe port Harbor Chamber of Com-looF g Ume worker for the Uoos ~':i.e:au~lh·~e ge=~!_ ez.oi nutes la.ter the Newport Beach to tbe board or directors of the merce. Ish fry. Sbe bas sened as • ~n tlre c1epartmeot arrl•edandad Cbamber, as~ 1 to ha Acting pri!Sident La.ura a director of tbe Glrls' Club mlno3 r k1w grade deposits lD Z miDJ.stered oxy~n. Bn.y~ Tbe eommltteerecommellda-8 necessary Ye a Laglos, city clerk of Newport lJld bas asslsted both the Costa or places. Mr • Da•es sa.Jd tbat sbow'ed no signs of ll1e am was Uoas ud tbe Chamber's actJoo CODI:rolled IJ'OI4) I.Dd to~ Beach, expl:lioed tbat the Mesa and Newport Beach Ullited these deposits 'trlll be ftlledcrrer rusbed to Hoa Hospltal where wW be coosldered by tbe trus-through b' aoum~oiYtars, awards are given a.tlllua.lly to funds. The a1ratd was accepted a.od wlU evelllually disappear doctors ww~ oa bim' for zo tee1 ot tbe Newport-Mesa Un1-Mrs, PauU aid. Tbls 1s •bal ••people who have quietly given by Mrs. Jack Retoert In the fro":~ Udal acUoo. fled Sc.bool District 1D tbelrde-~J are .~emptlng to do 111 of their Ume and their loYe ln abseDCe of fraoces M-.rs, who Tbt Corps of Enctoeers re. clsloa u to tbe .. .--... nu... ol aabelm. be_,lnc others aDd ln ct.n-t .... 1"1 n.ca&Dlng 1D HaQ.ll preseDtaUYes a.bo stated tha1 -· __ , WbeD u>ed a1>out tho type --·-. • 1atrodGC1Pc a eour1e tllllmill ofprocram lhlldncatad,lfn. coacernudWI'''DCNN.tomaU RJERHE UAW DElA D lllo ud -eelucaUao ........ ,..., .. _. aoo --comm1811y ..... ~pla<:ola • VE .... ICMctle --ludt) .. ~..,.. IU tdiCIIIta ..ftlct; ..... ..._.... ..... • -----I I ne ....... , at Moodaf'a eour lboft bJ tbea .. we areacoo.- m..U.CwuMro.DoratllyPaull l2tl>-. ~:::-:-~ • ......, eommW>Ity. Tbo PI'-Udeluds fee Hllf>er ..... ..., >aloatioo t. a ot Costa Yea, pr1me-rnorer1D 1 l~· eac &nde a.t:ayor Doreea MarSilaU pre-ordlDa.Dce will be preseated at coocomtta.ot l1ld a cooseqneoce tbe Harbor Area etrort to ~~Wba , Moted the a•ards to the the Nov. 10 City COUDCU mee-or iocreased market falue A& 1Dch1Je .uedoca.Uontnthe'cur. t ls ~ school boards foi.Jo1t'l_ng: ttn.g instead of Oct. 27, ac~ such U redouods to lbe c~m­ rtculum ot the local schools. po~i': .0:: · ~~wuto ~ • LOU YANTORN, executive cording to Newport Beacb Vlce-plainer's advantage In tbe 1oac Sbe U cbairman ot the Harbor from u! cor!m~ty , sbe said.. director of the Boys' Club or Mayor Lindsley Parsoos, run." Councll ot PTA aDd -<11rector "U tbe • the Harbor Area., president of cbairma.o of the clty tidelands Mrs. G. c. Hayes, 2524 HollJ .lor family llte education 1D tbe shoukl eo.m~untty feels that we tbe Costa Wesaeommunitypro-committee. Ln., Newport Helgfl.ts-"I'm 4th Dtstrtct of PTA, whtchcom. Is f.:.: J=~=~t jecta committee and rtce-pre-Because of tbe many \ILJeS-amued that you b.aYe received prt.ses Orange CoUDty. · tbeo a • sideot of the Harbor Area co-lions raised at last week's oo letters from the vast major- LT. JIM SPEARS COP WOMEN MEET taetlo& 24,000 f>.miUes lor t1>o Senator John Scbmitund As-L'f drive. Sbe ls a Joq time semblymao Robert Badha.m will local resident, ba:rt.n~ attended speak at the Juocbeoo meett.ng McNally elementary scbool...S of tbe Newport Harbor federa-Harbor Hlgfl. as the former Aa ted RepubUe Women today,Oct. Crawford. Her IIDCle ta Sam 23, at tbe Newporter Ian. A Cra.-fard, fouDder ol Cra•- bus.ioess meeting wlll be hek1 ford's Drug Store oa. N..,..-t a.t 11 :30 a.m., luncheon at 12:45 Blvd. Her busba.od lJ u a,en... p.m., aad the proeram will be-t1Ye wttb Padftc Te._,.. D,n a1. 1:15, They have 3 soas, WlR, M¥t and Jeff. (Benle Aida~ • - SGT. JON SCHORLE SGT. LED,KONKEL She related the history of started RUot progra.m wiU be ordiaating couocil tor the past CoWlCU meeting, tbe committee lty of Newport residents •bo tbe local campaign ' •bleb ,. ' 2 years. He dooatesmaoyhours requested tbeadd1Uooal2•eets cao't afford to live oo the bll.y started tn 1965, wbeD' she ras an t!~=eln a.aJo e~~ of teacbiDg boys througtl persooa.l Ume to work with City Attorney front aoo whose ooly access to pres1deat of tile Costa Mesa .,. ..... -rutdaDce, am arranges ma.oy TuUy Seymour and TldelaDds that k:wely area is rta a miDls- HI&fl School PTA. She said that =:'as a re~t of sex::; SUDday afteroooo fishlog u-Admlr:d.stralor George Da•esln cute street-eDd or ooe ol the ber PTA untt studied tbe need member~=~~· Dor=~ pedWoos. preparlD.c the draft of the or-too few orer...croWded beaeb tor IU aod famUy llte educaw Mrs Pa .. • DIANA McKAMY, 17-Jear-dloaoce, areas that have beeogrOOglngly tioo tor local stOOents and dis.-• uUreplled_ Tbeooly okl Corona del Mar Hl&flScbool VIce-Mayor Parsons said preserYed lor us and our NB officers are promoted cu.ued the problem :nth par-f~~ms ban beeD caused by senior, chairman of tbe camy that quesUoos raised at tbe children, andWbothroug:bOIXtbe Promoticms were tbe •·order eata:, stOOeots, teachers, counw Jotm ':":s Crusad~S. tbe Stripers at Hoag Hospital with meeting lavolvf'd harbor 1.00 years have been confronted with of tbe .daY'' tor 3 Newport Beacb sellors, principals, nurses, Lobb Let fr~O: Ri 1berty more thaD 600 hOursofsenlce. bulkbea.d lines, the n:act tbe 'prl•a.te property' and •00 police oftlcers this week. doctors, psyeho1o,tsts, psy-simi~ T or. and member of the bospitautycom~ diYisions between fee lands and tr~sing' signs ll'hlcb tar Sgt. Jlm~sw:aspromoted cb:Jatttsts aJid doctors ~CMC>~i bese people mlttee of American field Ser-tidelands, whetbu the Udolsle us from tbese so very e:zclusive to tbe raol. ollleuteoaot, to be FoUowlng this se;., tbe scream bo er ~tour mee-n ee helping foreign ez.cba.nge 1ea..se WOUld preveot the leYy1.nc possessioos or tbe prt•ileltld a.uiped as tnftlc a.aa.lyst and Mesa PTA presenteci tbe ~ wi~ that we cu t ~coo. students. Her bobbies are ol tide1aod.s fees oa Udo lsle •h.lcb actua.Uy encroach oa and s~sor lor the tramc problem to tbe Harbor Council Tbe ~ellts~ p1n, slngln.g, skating am rldlnc her sUps, whether the dedicated ellmlnale a portion or our publlc sectioo. U. Spears is a 12- of PTA. A r esolution wu and que ~s a own horse. channels around Ne'Wp()rt lsw.:t Udeland.s." yu.r ntera.n of the poUc~? de- adopted at the March 31 Couocll sbti:;e sat;; ~e are l~ • GARY BURRILL presidtm tall und er the deft.oltlon of clty Ed Jacklin, vtce-J)l'esldeat or partme.ot, with se•eral years at meett.og 1D 1966, sta.ting tbat legiU~s ba t lDc ea.:!,. be· am owner of the NewPort Beach streets. Geodimetric S~~rJeyors, 127 E. ~teoce In the fteld oftr:a.Utc. for 8 years and is well kooq, tbrougbOut the commwlity for his wort .-ith the problem of oa.rcotics and drug abuse by ju- veniles. Officer Joo Scnorle was pro- moted to the raoll: of sergeant and assigned to uw patrol d.lvt. sion as ftekl supenlsor on the day-shut. Sgt. Schorle's past assignments wtth the Newport Beach pollee departmeot ID-,.. elude the positions of pa. , _, trolma.n, motorcycle ofticer, ./ and JuVenile omcer. -there Is a Deed for famlly 1Ue f cy '• r • radio DtJon KOCM •Ice pre A large scale color coded map 18th St., Costa Mesa -"After Otrlcer lAo Kookel wa.s pro- tduea.Uoa tor kiDderKUte.a. :~ 0 90 educatJoa classes. sideot of tbe NewPort Beacb Is being prep:u'ed In the careful stOOy and deUberatloos motf'd to tbe rank or serrea--m throu&b 1!tb grade classes and ·~ :m:•u:s ~ol United fund, a director of the tidelands administrator's of-'trlth others oa the Issue of tide-aDd assiped as sapenlsm of uld.oc that all Harbor Area PTA ~ • Newport tfubor Cbamber ol rice. lands use of piers, aoo so forth. the narcotics secUoo of the llllill stud)' the matter, with tbe td:e aay case of a sex Commer~.-d, memberottbeCea-A coDSiderabCe •olume of I, as an tndh1d~l. ~you detective diYlsion. Sgt. Konke l Yin o1 Sllbm1tt1oc a request to budtd ~ := tury Club or tbe OrangeEq>lre correspoodence ln opposllionto .aDd yo~~r lssue 100 per ceat.'' bas beeD .-tth the Newport force TURN Q.OCJ( BAO: tbt Kbool board. demiDd a:mr objec:Uoo?" Mr Boy Scout couocn and ot the the tide1aod.s tees bas arrl•ed E I Bl ff . . I d It will be time to turo your A DeW committee was formed Dorlus asbd. . . Executive Club ot the YMCA. at City Hall. In the put fe• as u pr1nc 1pa name cloclr..s ..1.nd .atcbes RACK one with llrs. Paull u cba.lrma.D to "Tbe oaly pro m under He Is also oo the board of the days, bow'"er • se'feral tackers hOur &t 2 a m this Sunday proftde I.Db'malloo tor PTA attack ls 1D ~ ... Mrs. Lyric ()pen. Assn., the Boys• ~!a~!tt~ tees hue .-rtt-Oct. 26. Ttu~ ~tll be the of~ .U.. Ud a worblq) wu coo-Paull ll1d. "Now tbt school Club, the Volunteer BID'eau aDd • Mike Hill former prtnc.lpal of lbe proposed pollcy, '·Grte-nctal end or da.yligtlt sa.•tnc dllcUd 1D October. 196&. board members are ft.CbliDI tbe "552" ClubsiQ»>rUocHoac Allen Lme, 518Rocktol'dPl. of Newport Hetgbts School, 1rU n.nce procedure lor certl.Qed t ime "All PTA aD1ts made a shdy •ell otbe:r Tbt pareats IDd Hospital's bu1Jd1ac prOKnJQ. Cameo fti#llands-"11M~ appoi.Dted Tuesday as tbe prlnw pe.uoooel, II hlch, DO em. ' at .. board Wtel," lira. Paull cbUdreo ~ tbe coarse but • FRANCES (WRS. CARLE-ctple ID'Iolved, ramel)' refm. c tpal for the oew East Bluff ployee st.ll suffer reprisals lUlL •u tbe S1 PTA ..US. tbtre na a trutee elec'uao., TON M.) WEARS, coordloator jbw'sement to lbe pubUc tJr School and will take OYer tb1s or reductioD bl status as are-lOMB SCARE 14 f'Oild 1D fllYW ot the reeolu-aDd the otber factioll WOil out .. for pubUc use of tbe Sealor ,private use ot pabUc tkleluds. 01, post 00 Feb. 2, The acUoa sutt o1. bat1nr ~ed a grle. Penney's dt1)a.rtmeat store U.. .f toted no. 001 ab!biJMd. ''So tbere are 10 cues~ Cltlsen& recrea.Uoo ceal:er as ·ls both sound ud jut •• , was takeG at Tuesday e•ealnp n.a::e/Gr_ Jari.ac represeated an at Fastlloo ls~ recel.-ed a / ud I dld ld a:utrer. AU tbe prop-am.s beLq ·~·· D s , h f uc e meetillg emp~ 1D a p1..-uc:e." bomb threat ptJooe call at 1:05 _ PFO.u&-tMrewve2or3 llr DortaaaplauUct. . r leln aus 0 I dieS nstabllatT~~e!da.ytt'eob:lg's ·~a.erecommeoda-p.m. Oct. z:z. Newpor1 police ol---,..... ,;llo ,_to MJ-Iodp,. , meetlac o1 tile Newport-llesa tloa to tile lblo ._.u.tendeot •ere ""'bleto toeatewbomb. OFFICER SlAM IRBSl.!R b. 11&7. 1967, tbe Harta-Mrs. Pun f'IPUtd. ' UDilled District Trustees. ol peb.c tnltructloa for tbe T eo.ct1 pre.seated ita ftnctlap Dr. E<h?fd A. Ste!DbaiiS, 54, He ls sarr1Yed bJ bU Wile Wr. H1U was borD la VaUey r•ppo!Otllt ol fr-ederic W. op cubmas'e h d to till Nooport-Mea -MI!W LI.I-A. Orl'lctas -Jd • ..,..tty .. IAslet Mary; ..... Tlm, ZO; t ....... Put_ llo.,and-blsB.A. Salyer to ... --...,_ I I r on ore --trui-IUidn-l lO Ill IMTIIOIIUCI!D dl_... IUid a OCJprolosoor, ten, Clool)',I4;IUidMn.S...a . ...,II.A.IIIeelneatJonaladmla-mla8a ol tllo Nooport-llua • Qllllted tile ..taN• ... .-of 1 "" ~ 1:1r a, co.lac wu foml:l dead Woaday monWJc Go1b al Bollud; IDd S 1st:nt1oa a.t Callb'Dil State at Uldfled Sc:bool Dt«:rrct b' a ~ewport Beacb PoUceom~ Ia tbe Harbor ara. 'l'breJ..,. .._. lw!MH'IdflunllyllloiUid y.r wt11 be liiD'-Id at till 1JI tile bathroom bJ bls-at -.. -ol Su ColrJe~ Loog Jlolcll. He t. a m""'*ol S..y.r twm eomm-.c Doe. Stuley B<osal<r ftO ,....., l ellllllroo. Da.y, 10 JOin .. .-..ao-oov•. Dr. JobD. IHtlt1Dc o1 u. Bal:loa laiiDd llMtr IJ)me at !415 Blac tlbara. ~ oC CUtro Vlllty;udJtm tbe MarlDir's Woos Clllb, a. 1• • . selected as ''cubmutw of n. oW.; Rutr, 1 ud JOIIJ, S.. 0... U. c11n'ic:akm co-lmprorlattlt 4.-.. at 1 p.m £ut Blufl. ol UYWmc:n. Newport-Mesa E®calloa As~ ~ Ruolutlola No. year" fot the 1Dtl Mar Sc:ctc ordiiUDr. bMdecl tbe ICbDol tad&J. Oct. u, at tbe eo.: Dr. steiDbaus bad left a cUlr-F..-a.J. ....tees arePI"'"nc sa., Na.tkal EcNcadoa Asia. 11-10-&9 •• ..._. • ., tbe Lat•-District. The reelpl.lllt o1 uu MIS.. fltAMCES IIMl'OM 110i1J _,.tuoe, -.a -eel ,. .. 11 .,_ c-• ........ at OC Bertelly to at -CoroiiO clll Mar --IUid tM Ca11tJnta T-'>on tloG ol till -to --a aJIDQl.l anrd t. -liJ 1M OF Cl* OilS AT 51 S ... llllltltes: ., ..... ~ ~Aft. 'hiliaalc:.•.ueaD. aceept tbe pociHoo at UCIID WJ, Ass&. ctrtaia II*Uitd S.foat ltr_, dlrec&ws o1 tbe ...,.,,11 pro.. f1'ueel Ala 8 , U. fll .._ 1M ..,,..,. -La I'll*. .,_. .._., Ita, bolac t1>o arot ,..,.,.. 11o 11u llYeel 111 eo.ta .._ ot oebool 11-1) at till r... cram .,. ... dlslrtet. 501 Narc:'-c-iol.- ..._ aa ---._ AWa, -..--: ,._ tobo'IIJ>O'-totlloiiiiiYeratty TAXJ'AT!ISII!!T 1A>r !be Jut 10 y-.r0.: Do ud ""*"' lflo lw1111U1y,-Ill et<emoolu bold ate-•dlocJ o.:t_ 10 ot ... -· lla. llo• 1" ~~ llcdJ. h orpnlud lnlM't n. """"'t' ••U'lC otuat tlls ..u., J&DICta, are putD u..,., Ud tled:rical ,.._ Mesa city Pll'~ .._r J1144Qit wu a.. • ~ a, .._, II Ill 1111 oliN? till tr-. no ''QIIo ._~ --ol Blolocleal ~ 0ruco ~,..,..,..,.__ ol a -14, ud a ........ -ud811111ca.-u<~oou-Beoeb -ainoor -111 ~ .., ... -a .._ t"""-d .. com.._ flretWIWII'dlwt.D.btJIHI 'hlpr ' •'•wdtaidiMtwtD be llitld at De a.utllrldlll 1. lire • t111t ...._It ?:JOp.a. aftfdiJd a p~ Ud ca 1M w 11 .. ~fir 1 ,..t-<11-!M--fod,-lwr "uu•-lloiiOda-pr-.!1-c:.-.ta, 1110 w. 1'1111 st., Mr.BIDw!Dbllll-ollloo. II, ai!M C..--eel 11< 11t. ct r 1 ,....; I ~~n!r111t .. -... a ........ co-r•dll' ar .. z '"· :.o.t_:.-.:•:-:.:sueaaAa, at 7:1S ,. .. ...,. u. p~ lllfllltft.,. 11101 ll&tiSc:tlool~ acW..-.IItllltl. . a. .. ...,......, w-. -_.. no ..... M I-If 1M I 0<t-• _....II< ttoo _ .. ,._ ' Stu llu -<-llr -.1\looor,. ..... I • ~· '=::'s "'::: =nonwlllaloolloaa • ~~ 2 1-~ oe-lod 10 :.oc!.,..,z!. •.::,':; ~~:-:..~ 11 , .. Jist--~;!.~'*:;;:.__;:::._ •.::::.u.:~~ :"0::.-::.!.'' . -........ fllF he Dr ••• I zs ............................... part---Blardot• ...... , ........... < lets.. ........................ ..... .. .... ..__ II ftr '& ..... " + M.I.,.:::...PUM ~.:" .. 1•• .. -:. ~-:: ~-=... :• alit wUa I 1¥• • Ace at &a.--rssac ....... It Abs) e t D' k ,_-..... II tilt .. t t ....,, OIL ... '&twtf,.qt t • llllld_ .. ___ • .. u! ;, --· _,......_"wll"" I 7.., tf;hJ,..,.... JlkJ • .._." tt , ..... • koi.Aaam!l j!)CJIIO..W !"';:1~1;1:._;$~~ 8 I 111............. .:. •• .,.. "'~8.. ,...Jill II I .............. cl t L" .......... 11 .. 1. ......... the 0 1 ..... .... ... -I J ..... &1. -~ ............ -::-: a. U. .... 1-flf .. .,...,.IAia .. la. • Gift Cil8dal I'MO$ 5he 'nl• ... ro; .. 'e• 0 , 8illi,_,ll IE ____ r•' Pt •sCJ .. NP , A&Csza• .. ..._ .. JaftAia......,.rr't'lf"•lfCI ......... re •• r...-..lllllltwtnt,a.o,,....., ... ,,4 ,.. .. ~,... .. 2 g' .. a.. ::2 Ill • ......... ~ , I IIIIJ .._fa I • 0 1.-IllS ,, l .. tiT 711ft. , -Mil .... • It,. .a. i 0 11"'.............. ~ ..... c--.:::: -It d ......... ...... ' QMI ........ • Ar! Qbl .. lrltl OJ JnfEIL ....... --·-........ ISifiti?Jiiii,; ' t • • • • .. I UillllUMN81 ... ,. __ ,., • ly , .......... .. • C 0 N S E R V r, -~ ! '/ [ ( : 0 ~~ ~J E r,: .,a.-.. ,.... ..., ....., .. ••• .._. • .._ ... .-. •-o Jlllllll~ll~ mA•rt .. btu a.a•ar .,.. 1nt t...,... eilll -~~....... I. "pfn• lall Ia T-= to u , ...... _.. .. -.......-, ''ftiG•:aiJO.wldl__. &le-tMdel wlllll ..,. a.._..~ 1-r-tw 1111 OPI'ICIAL .......... llll ..... wu-.bMt. .. Scatt'•-ot lJit U., ud.,.. crnrrrMtr• ~­ MuOiloo Doa-Ia DaDoa. Par...,. --)1111-uloo-lt_.., .... trtod,-.... Ia 'Nil,,., ........ _. .. -.. ., .... .eutld Ill IWklrtle.a .-tM Ill tlill 9fc.,a ... ot Dr. 8t.UJ ~ Tollar I ...,. It 1111 idcoqically" (md aU oupema!Ulal re1;po., ''TIIHo W ... lloo" ..,.. oot lll<&ts. a--.-.1-tilk>WIII ••"•-1 .-, copecl.olly Ou-iotianlty), (21) Enl-. "opoa-ol lllo -.. lllollt1C Cllrllt-ltlit lo -lllo --I, A ~ -.1 Ill lan houaina .. aDd tbe .. cloMd a.~~op-(compul.ory mu ~ ud wu IW!tfnn,a OC t:M11 ~"' IMdlr• =••• otalflrrdn aal-... lHI NA'IIONAI. COUNCil Of CHUICHIS---'AaT I OP 1111 an OP "'" aaT •tlllat Til •.UIJOII AlUlA'' O,NIIT IIBfg.d£11 Kaow your cnemyr Jf JOU an: a CbtiM.ia- AfM'rieaa. flftdom-lovina ,..riot. oae of ,our moet ~ cnentitl it the NatiooaJ Cowt- Oftloo _. ......... ,._ 1o lioo..... ........ <il of Chu......._ m1 L c-..., .. c-4o1 ..., Colli-_ ,...._ The followina oJ>je<1;-ot u.. Notiooal TILIII ... It 117U-~C.. 7141 Cound1 of Chun:h<o _,.,. b&ppeo 10 be ob-)edlva of the Amtrielll Communist piU1y: Ta A.,.J MAIIIOII EJISICJI le ... _.,..., •44 • .,.. ... (I ) Pnceful c:ocxistcocc, (2) DiNtmatncm. ... fd'l hi .. d. CitJ el ... '"' .._ .. _, ~...,. lecell)' 0) KIJI the propoe.ed ABM system, (4) Ban ....,. _. .,... ... ••lf4 leU. Neap• ...., ~ ... ._ nuo&ur testina, (S) Abolisb loyally-tCCUrity :---...,....., __..,., •• n-•7• s.c..l e._ P••• pel4 laM and kJyalty 01.ths, (6) Abolish all invatia- C.... *I.._, c.lil. alina commiUea on Communitm. (7) POt"Ce ~ JCWP<JaT &.U:BOI: ENSICit w--~ &o ... • ..... raclal iotqnlion, (8) C'bmce the: 10eial order, e1 .....,..& eirc:U.IIi• ~ c:..n Mc:rM Jio. t\.10178 4.1.4 u.ioa vJoknce if ~ry. <9> Mon: forci&n U. Jtst. I• S.,wiol' C... ,_ t._ C..y ol ar..... Stet•., aid 10 Communilt countria, ( 10) RccopUtioa ...., _. ~ ,._ ,._.., I• ..-llfk4 to JH!Atli-' all ••uc: of Red Otina. Cuba and East Germady, ( 11) -Ace. ....... .,. •-· Advance Maniat aDd one-world propapnda A.IYO E.IIAAPA .............................. _ . .O.,.. .-P.WW. dforts throuah the church, (12) Recruit for PEG IIAAPA ._,., ........................................ ..A.Mocic• E4itor OD&World IOCialisf comptrac:y in political and labor ~u. ( 13) End capital punish· JUISCIIf'TIOfl loUIS ment, ( 14) Dilcredit J. Edaar Hoover and the .. ...,_ Ar.-= OM ,e•, t4..80; 2 ,_.-.. 1'7.00 F.B.I., (IS) Kill immigration and passport 0. el ....._ Are~~; 0.. ,.., IS.IIJ; 2 ,..... f9.CII laws, ( 16) Clemency for convK:ted a-pin. ( I '1) oo-c>~~ Reconstruct rdiaioo on tbe bas.ia of ~Cienti6c materialism, ( 18) Remove restrictions on im- ports from Communist countries aod on cul- tural eschanaes bctW«n the U.S. and the Soviet Union, ( 19) Promote .wx educatioo iD ARVO E. HAAP.,4, ownt1 Met publisher of the Ensign churches. synasoaues and scbooh. press and •o~o~nctwotb. , (20) Adopt the: "~n society toeiok>gK:.ally .. TAXPAYERS, HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH? CwMid ...,;,J~m) '"" '"" "open .oc;ety In VIetnam we are waging the longest war 1n u.s. history, sending the prime of our American youth to their death daily 1n a war against the communists. Here 1n California, Angela Davis, a communist, holds the position of assistant philosophy professor at UCLA. She says that of course she will ellpress her com- munist opinions 1n the classroom, and that her goal is communist victory over capitalism. At UCI, Chancellor Daniel Aldrich says that the UC regents should resclnd the ruling against hiring communists as fa- culty members. And now a Los Angeles superior court Judge has ruled against the UC regents' dismissal of Angela Davis, a communist. Have you bad enough, fellow taxpayers? There appears to be only one choice left for us, and that Is to use our votes to stop -.. the financing of communist propagamta ,Vate "NO'• on booo iSsues. Tell our J.egta- lators In Sacramento: NO MORE PUBLIC FUNDS FOR ANY SCHOOL THAT WILL PUT COM.\!UNISTS ON THE PAYROLL • • • • HOW THE TIMES HAVE CHANGED! LeHers • labor union mcmbcnb.ip), (22) o,pc. aDd n. ID~ otwt. lniDud wltb Dr. a.ut McBirllt, lo f, "ICtiYJtiM. • diaaiminale apin&t .. wper~~lliota. .... radicaJ YOmta.. *"'*Hone. c.r ....... lttt.fbtbat..tritb"Tbt J. A •ttcwt cocnaaltliM ot riahtisu .. and antJ..Cornmunltta. (23) .. New ler'lldf'tce, eame wut to ..t. Volee OC Amwtc:ulam.'' . rewttw to record tM ftr.._ internationalism" to repla« natioaalsovenip .. t1e tbe hcdlc sloper, I t.m I b&Yt a ,..... .. , a ... eoutrnliYI IMHliN ..,_._ ly, C2A) Toke fn>m lh< .,.,... and Jive to lhe malllor & piJcrlm&IO lo tho &ad & procr&lll Wblcb -lo cut flf.rlllo ndlo, &Dd- "have-noea." (Land reform, 1uarantced annual llllterD lbriaes Whlcb balloW be tmplemiDtltl 1 wllb to aM IDd pabU.Ibed bJ OOUK'fttln income, ~c.) (2.5) Put political .00 ecooomic the Amerlcu bUU!pla~. oat U myldeu woukl bl sup-&utborl &ad Jl)lllttr&. 'hi 1ft· prc:t~ute on South At rica and Rhodeaie, (26) Fiflt I wlA to CO to lbe PGI't«t bf CODM'Y&Utt aders. cram ot ttlll comml.ttte ~ SurRoder American tovereipty to tM Com-Blot Rldp Moaatalal of Ylr-If lltJ "'oa&MI Ut JIICit ~ .. lDelD tbe pubUcatiaa ol ~­ muni.t-dominated World Coun, (27) Oreatly ctDla. llld tbto to Wutt.t.actoDto t.d. tbla. I WOQ)d .IOtlfY tatm.. t1Dtot JlUU ol tbell IDHMP' .trmathen the power o f the United Natiofts, c:oaltr wUh Rk:bard Cotteo, ud Howw•, 1a YitWtDc tbl wtdl k ceaeral elrew.tbl at,..._ (28) Vastly increase 1he foman aid proara.m tbelJberty Lobb)', Udl*'._,. cCIUII'"IItivt IDOt'emeDl, I feel ly, moothly or yearlJ~ with no thouabt of whether any aid ;1 to lhe to f1l1t with Coqreumu tbat tt DHCII toeoM::Irmtotbree periW,pslD map•loe,bookletOI" best inlerest of the u . s. A .. (29) Liberalize James B. IJtt of our ftOmear-, words wblcbliKroeddurLDemy paper bact Urn. 121 tt "welfare laWJ," flO) Fin-arms control, fll) CODifeum&a Rarlct of fl'esb.rnu Yell at North Web 3, A aatioaal COOir • DC Pf'OfnOk inlermarriage of blacks and whila Loul.s1ara. &Dd Senator strom Sebool. 1n .. imeapoU.a. They committee of ~ 1 32) Remove all prayer and Bible rcadin~ TburDlODd of South Carol.t..lll. are, "~, mass, and co-'StrateC)' wbicb woald rtcOal .. from 1~ publK: ~ehools, 1 JJ) Advocate ''situ· From tbere to AJura,poU., Wd., bereoee, ConservaUYes oeed mebd strateglc otreul•e &ad at ion ethics., and rrec love. (34) Spom« lnd to discUS& with Genn1 Pedro unity of purpose, mass actioa, defeuiYe proc:edtll'ea • train aJilators fC>r the · · f f Del Valle, l6MC (Ret.), bead ud I eobereat and easUy ac.. 4. A naUoaal bt.torlcalboud •nnsiOn °. some ~ ot the Defenders of· the cepted Pl'OiflJJl. of reflew whlcbwouldbancor- our soutM~n Slain. IJS) Censorsh1p of rad•o American CoostltuUo tbe Tbe prioetple of unity ha.s ntsaoee o'fer CODArftllft ud and TV ~lfh respec1 to "conservative" broad· maDDer &Dd means r:· wblcb devloe sanctloa. as Is SJPl'es-eumy acttrlUes, preseat &Dd ~~~e~ ~~~e. Carl Mclnlyre. Dean Manion, we may defeodourCODitttutiOQ.. sed 1n tbe Bible, "that they past, aDd the putJclpltloo oi ~•fehnc. fom . Anderwn, Dan Smool, Dr. Later, 1 bq>e to talk with may be ooe." lodtvlduals tberetn. B•lly James Harg•!>. Dr. Carl llclnUre 1.n Cape May, The adnDtage of mass move-5, A .aaUonal cooserntife wbo troadcuts tor the zotb meat or team •ork, Js U-tactical committee to coostder O•iforr ••f til~ •UmlitJf: •·11J .wrdid truth about Ceotury Refo matlo H lustrated dally on the fooltlllll and to put 1n effect lacUc&J th~ Notional Counc~l nf Cllurcllr., in tlfi., spoc~ Eo route coW: or C:m~i fleJd. aod for all time in measures botholfeDIJYe&Ddde- nut wuA:J.-Amencan Way Feature!! would Uke to stop at South military blstory. The need for teoslve. • a cobereot plan Is basic. It The time bas come for such sbould be locfcal &Dd consistent, a program to be put Uto effect. a.od those Yboeopgelnthecoo-I shall see what I eaa do to servaUYe mOYeme:Jt should be a.ccompUsh these obj&eUns. UNDERGROUND UTILITY PRIORITY SET IN N.B. Is now the time for an investor to buy? Dean Witter's Economic Policy Committee at i~ meeting last week took a hard look at today's stock market and eumined the outlook for the economy and the market in the year ahead. The conclusions of the Com· mittee are in a report entitled, "A Positive Investment Poli~-FaU Issue." The report covers such important questions u : • Should an investor be buying securities at this time? • Is the economy heading for a recession? • When will interest rates decline? • What is the outlook for inflation? • What are the main factors affecting corporate profits? • What are the chances for a market turnaround in the months ahead? In Hddition, the reJX)rt provides recommen- dations on specific stocks and fixed-income securities-for the prudent aa well as the aggressive investor. No infonned investor shouJd be without a ropy of this timely and in-depth report. It's available, free of charge, at aey-Dean Wltter office. Simply phone or visit the Dean Witter office nearest you, and uk for your copy of "A Positive Investment Policy.'• Or, if you prefer, use the coupon be1ow. DEAN WITTER 1SC: Co. INCORPORATED ,,,, ;,, Ogd.·u, \'i r f' Prt'Jidenl Findtl cial Pltall H fl ,\t'r~·port Crntrr Driur, Nr wfJorl 8rtJch Trlrpbonr fi 44•2lQ2 DEAN WmER I. CO. INCORPORATED P!Mll(> N>nd me __ copy {ie.) of your free report Pntitled "A P011itive Inve.tment Polic)4 Fall lssue." N ame __________________________ _ A ddrt't"--------------------------- City ----------------------------- Stote _________________ Zip ________ _ C urch News 'l'llo N_.t liar .... '-· .... a~ Ia-~ U oa C..,etr, not CWIDr.,--All>amtn IAiboru Homo. port HetctU -Putor lames • • • Blllllllrlll pr-at t11o hiOill CbrllllaD Scleoce Cblr<eboo Lm. SaailJ Mr'fk:t1 oo ••Re~ -TIM llbjeet lor the ..._ l:tiriD&tloa -ODe or ma.ay?., Mrmoo tbll SuldlJ ta "Pro- -bUird OD JobDI:J1-M.SeY• t1aUoo a4« dlltb.'' Sernc• CouDcU member• .W be are at 9:15 a.ad 11 Lm. ID -od ll.lld a bolldlllc Pl'OII' ... Newport a..eb, lliUII.lDC40- rtPOI1 wtD be made at a coo.. ta MeA a.ad 10 a.m. 111. Harbor ll'•catSoaal meetJ..ocat 7p.m, VIew Hills. • • • • • • Tbe PlymoutbCOOP'eptloGal st. Aodrew's Prelbyteri&D ~~j~ CbiD'<:h, U6Z Broad St., New. Cburcb, &00 st. Aor:!rft''a Rd.. port Hel&fU-' 'Any word from CWI Ha.Yto -Dr. Cbarlel tbe Lord" wtU be the sermon Dlereotleld wW preach at I , topic of the R..,, Norman Brown 9:30 and 11 Lm. Sunday oo tbt at 10 a.m. Suodty. toptc, "I th1.ok I bear .,m.,. • • ,• th1Dg." Elder MllaD OoBtal will Tbe Lutben.D Cburch or the dellnr a "miD~ tot mtssloD" Muter, Z900 Pacltlc VIew Dr., messace at all 3 sent eel. Harbor View H1llB -Dr, Wll~ • • • llam Eller W1ll dellYer a mes~ St. Mlebul'a iDd AU ADpll* aaae oo "I am oot aah&med ot Episcopal Cbureb. 323S Paclac tbe IOIP81" at 9:., and 11 a.m. View Dr., Harbor Vlft' HUb-- SIIDda)'. Tbe coacrepUoa wW Canon OoucJ.u stewart 'W1l1 eta. Uver tbe aermoo at tbe 8 ud 11 a.m. communioD senlees this SWiday and at tlle 9,30 prayer aerYlce, Tbe every member canvass will be COO· dueted thls Suoday. "TREASURES AND TRASH" Is tbe tlleme t»r the beotflt sale planoed by the Newport Bea.chEbell Clubfor No¥. 1 and 2, from lOa.m. to 5 p.m., at 2704. and Z708 Cliff Or ., Newport Heights. Ebell members displaying some of the Items ortered tor sale are, from lett, Mrs. Charles Cooper ot Laguna Beach and Mrs. Erwin Loth and Mrs. Harry Goetz of West MRS. SHIRLEY MEYER Newport. The painting on the walllla.s been donated for the Of COSTA. MESA DIES sale by local arttst Sy!Yla Moonier. (Eostp pboto.) S P I TTING ON A STONE l Ever try spiuina on a stone to ease pain? Sounds foolish, nowadays. Bu1 a long time a1o folks ac1ually used this "remedy." We're lucky to br livina in this aec of modem medicine. Medical sctena: has ajven us many wonderful pain reltevoers and other reliable, etfo:tJve drup. H~\ler, i!'s sl ill not wise 10 usc a"y medicalion ind•scriminalely. When you don'l feel up to par, ask your ph~1an's advice firsl . Then, if he prescribes mcdic:a1ion, come to us. We'll fill his prncrrpt1on promplly and carefully. _, L COMT ... ,.. oe..a DilL IIU OIIIOL& .__ Sblrley C. lleyer or 3202 OFFICE RS PROMOTED CRA FT ?OTPOU RRI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!, Mlcblp.D AYe., Costa Mesa, Two eieCuUves of the Mart. A dJverslfted arts and crafts r died Oct. 11. oers SaYings and Loan As sn., display by artist Donna (Mrs. She Is suntved by ber bllB· Newport Beach, have beeo Paul) Friebertshauser will be band, Stanley; adau&bter,Catol Damed as otflce r s of Capital presented at California Savings Lee; ber mother, Mr s, Georcta Allla.oce Corp. a.ocl Loan Assn., 2700 Harbor Seo&les ot West Los Anceles; Patrick w. Bartholomy, Blv d., Costa Mesa, during No. a brother, WUllam Scoales ot Marl.oers Savings' exeeutiYe vember. Mallbu.; iDd 2 sisters, Mrs. vice president, controller and Her "cralt potpourri" In- Robert Summers of Ore goo and maoagtog ottlcer, has been ap-eludes a papler ma che grand- Mrs. Loreo Boyer of Wash~ pointed assistant vtce pre. !ather clock decorated with lngtoo.. sideot. Rona.ld W. McKendry, children's storybook charaC· MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES SUIIDI.Y SCIIDOL AT t,OO Ul. waii!BIP SDYICI .lT 10:00 UL EVENIIIG .. YICI .l T UO P.M. PASTOR P. G. Neumann an. Funeral services were beld the association's assistant ters, mod yarn nora! arrange. nouDces that the annual mission at Salts Costa Mesa Chapel treasurer and controller, has ments, jewelry, hOoked wall D» EAST (1)1.ST HWY ., CODCA DEL MAl contereoce ts now uDder wayand iiliiibur;laliii....,;lat•Har•bor•lllest-the ~po~sl~tloo:.~o~f ~a~s~-~ha~-~· ~gs~·.m:•c:r:•m:•;and:~br~ead=~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~ a.t the First Baptist Church ot .,,. .. tnt, ..... Costa Mesa, 301 Magnolia aOO wlll cootinue nlehtlY at 7 p.m. through th1s Suoday. Speaker at the youth mission rally Saturday wlll be the pastor's son, Paul, former basketball AU.Amert. can and member of the Stanlord llall of fame, oowprepulngto go to the far east u a missionary. Paul wtll also speak to the high schOol and college gro~s at 9:45a.m. Suoday. OPEN STOCK • • • elegant Gount!J! rlnn SY MPHONY PROMO TE R WI LL TALK OCT. 31 The Uterature section of the Costa Mesa Women's Club, meetin&: at lZ:SO p.m. Oct. 31 lD tbe clll:'-tMl, w!Ubtar &talk by Georce lOper, formerly a protes... of Eogllsh at Mlchlpn, Boston University, and New York University and director of education at Hamp. ton lnstltlte. He left teaching to become the as sistant manager of the .Boston Symphony aOO theo manager ot the Cl\lcago Symphony, later the ma.oager of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra aDd the Hollywood Bowl. He retired in 1963 aOO settled In Costa Mesa. 1n 1965 he became special con. sultant lor the Ford fOUlldatlon in the Interests of symphony .rc hestras. Mr. Kiper wlll give the per. sooal approach to Chaucer's ''Canterbury Tales, ''in his Ocl 31 Wk. 'DAN GE ROUS THRILLS' ~·Pot aDd pUls, dangerous thrills" W1l1 be the topic as Norman Babcock of the Lagw:a Beach pollee department nar. cot1cs dh1s1oo addresses tbe mori:hly meeting of Parents Without Partners at 8 p.m. this Friday, Oct, 24., at Lacuna Fed. eral SaYings and Loan, zoo OceuAn. 8Y." FRY PAN $5.11 SAUCETTE llh qt $1.15 SAUCEPOT;SERYE RS 2\7 qt. _$11.15 31,7 qt. s 12.15 s~­Jo- 12" Sklll£TS -.$10.15 $13.15 $11.95 CASSEROLES 21,7 qt. 31,7 qt. .$11.95 $12.95 5 Qt. DUTCH 0¥EN $14.15 I 'fl. DUTCH OVtN $11.15 cook 'n serve ware ~ wesreENo ~ ••• In AVOCADO &teen or golden HARVEST SWITCH YOUR KITCHEN TO COLOR WITH WEST BEND'S "COUNTRY INN" ••• • fade -proof , sta in resi stant, dish washer-safe cololl • scratch-resistant Teflo n II in te ri ors never need suurinr! • oven -safe ... serves range-to-tab le! West Bend's 7-piece "Counlry Inn" cooksel puts new color, new convenience in your kitchen) Genuine porcelain-<ln· aluminum exteriors are fade-proof and stain-resistant. even if you wash them day-in-day-out in an automalic dishwasher. Each piece has a "heart" ol ertra-thick aluminum that spreads heat last, eliminates "hoi spots" I hat scorch. Hand!• and lmobs are oven-safe. lor range-lo-table service. And each utensil is lined with scratch-resistanl TEFLON U --no- slick, never«:our Teflon that welcomes metal spoons and spatulas! Come see "Counlry Inn" ... in Avocado gTeen or new Harvest. SPECIAL! 21'1 1(1. H\-IOY SAUCEPOT $9!! ''"l'ee~~r He•ehelll .... $11.15 I T O ljo ITO 110 I T O 100 3107 EAST COAST HIGHWAY COlONA DB MAl "'ra1• $ COvtliS IHTI!KHAHGIAikf Set lncludH' • 1 1'1 QT. SAUCETTE with cenr • 21'1 QT. SAUCEPOT I SEIIVER-- • ~IPRECII'E IOOKLE:T • ICHoc~ I KILLE:T • 5 QT. OUTCH OVIN (Ccwer fib lkiUet, too) CUT KEYS I 1r aiLdt "0. lk alalf• tJty'rleo41r11 ."'1••·/I'Orl IIMhr'" '"' c~o••• "'"• NI!WPQ .. T •t:·ACH, CALIFORNIA THE AM~"ICAN UJTH£RAN CHUftCH laOO A,M, TO lOtiO A.M. -FAMILY WORSHI .. lliD A.M. TO 10110 A.M. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. lhOO.A.M. TO 12100 NOON -WOASHI~ SERVICE 1h ..... , ... o .•• ·- 'lh -· -111<1 """"' ""'-' ·--·:-3111 Clwlatl• Scl••n s.m ... ,_..m!VIICIIOF Cil..r, ICIIDW1UT )lOl Via Lido N1.,ort Bead!. SJNDA Y SCHOOL f :1J •.•. ~ ''···· S.INDA Y SERVICES f :IS -11•.•· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I,. .•. READING ROOM .... ~~.,..! ....... -s ,. .•. ..... ..,: ....... -1:45 ,. ..... , ... ~ ..... ,.! ..... : f ...... J ,. .•. ; 7-f ,. ..... s-...,, I Jl·"'· -.f "·"'· -.coND Cllli&CII OF rr I ,....:N'1WI' Newport Beach at CoroAa del Mar 1100. Pacill.e Vtew Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 ,. ..... 1• .... 1 ltDom: Mataal Bid• 2165 E .. t Cuat Hwy., CDM. M-.·F'ri.: 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. 111••d.y ne.ID.S: 7 10 9 ' 8&&.1 10 a.m. to 4 P·•· Ynu ate COfdi ally mvited to anend Cllurch Se0'1CU and to u1e the .Reldul l Room. Ll/THERAH CHURCH OF THE MASTER L•tMt•Church In America JiOO Pactftc Vlew Dr. C..0.. dol l&ar, Clllll. OR. W1LUAM R. ELLER Pbooe' 644-2&64 Krs. Wal•·e Cbamberlln, PuUb Worker 9:15 A.M. • Family .-orsh.lp 10:00 A.M •• Cbu:rcb school 11:00 A.M. -FMU.,.. .-orsllip NURSERY PROVIDED Pt .. t .... lota... .. JC.st•MHe &.ptiolt 81~1 .. rell-allal, l•tl•,••tlnt-A•l....,. .. '-'• ............ 1.~·· Dr. P.G. Newnann. P .. IOr SUNDAY SERVICES ~:45 a.tt. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Mornina Wonhip 6:00 p.-m. Trainina Union• 7:0\) p.m. Evenina Worthip WEDNESDAY 7="0 p.m. Bible S.udy 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina A TTEHO THE CHUIICM OF YOUI CHOICI RECOULAILT __ .,... .,.. ....... .,car..w .... _ ..... ....,_ .Ut4 DA'f' aC:HOOI. a A.M. ,.,,_ ... 111'0 .. -.tl• a AND IOo IEVD'IIt4. II: .. VICI: 'f'oOO ...... ,..II!:DN£S0A V I!IIIILE S TUO~ ANO "'""""IE" .,,00 .. ,Ill, t4U .. II:"'f' DUfUN. II: .. YICIEI .... , ... ,..._ ""'"' ._ ... --.. c-.- ... odft•••• ... ·'~ t¥2 lltoo4 -· M_llol .... , Boys write on aerospace ~~~~;g:,.~~~·-~~;.~Gil!..!..• --~.:!!!:!:!!AC!!!:o.:!:.2o~~· ,~'\u~~~F. Food 11u -.,...,._. a.....,. 1M $l,M~1lt~I~P~T~LOtl~;~~ r~~~~~=~l ...toeJ "' tbe --JG41o _.tloutll-allllelloo-Oc- port.)l-Uolllod Sellool Dts. ;:!~ lrtct. lllricllllwo-tile""' lut WooL ullllricl Foal,.tu.matodiM Tbo -i1U ID--. CRIS GOGGIO llctooolbe-Joldll- toYery IDd tbl uro.t~J&ee to- -too ill~ CeoaiJ, dill& IDduolry ID term oll*!l'lo emploJod ID Dr...,. Coa;," authOrs report. ''Oae·balt tbeH ~le are In tbe uro- tndustry." J boy1, 8 Ytlrl old last When !bey wrote lbe -. time to coatact Nortb Roeltwtll,. McJloD. Gultoa Indus-I .HUGGIMIS YOUNG MOCHA JAVA Aero. CAROL CAPPELLO GAIL CARAS Dutroolc &Dd Colllnl Rad.lo to pt information 011 •Iat tbe1r coDtrlbutioo& ban been to tbe for space am what plans are In the fUture. Ttlls lnfocma.Uon Is lneltlled a · 28.pap publlcatioc tbat LEGAL IIOTICf NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby gt'feo. that the Pl&nnl.ng Commlsstoa ottbe City of Newport Beach wlllboid a pubUc beating oo tbeawUca- tton of Oakwood Guden Apart- ments for a Use Permit 145S oo property located at 1 '100 Suteenth Street, Newport Beach, to permit 4 temporary Zonta Girls are selected ~;',m:~,.:'.~ect~ Notice Is hereby turtber glYeo The Zoflta girls of the month school musical. She •as service that said pobUc hearlnc 1t1.11 be for October, selected on the points winner in 196" and 1968. held on the Sth day of NO't'em- basts of leader ship, citl.zenshtp, She plans to atteod Cal State ber, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 scllolarship aod service to her 1n Fullertoo or Long Beach and P.M. tn the Council Cbambers school, have been hoooredby the then transfer to a university or the Newport Beacb City Hal.l, Newport Harbor Zonta Club. as a math maj>r. Shewouldllke at which time aod place any and Here are the hooorees from the to be an airUne stewardess all persons interested may ap- 4 local high schools: belore going into teaching. pear aod be beard tbereoa. • • • • • • Don R. Adtlnson, Secretary CRIS GOGGIO, from Corona CAROL CAPPELLO, b'om Es -Newport Beacb CJty del Mar High School, daughter taneta High School, daughter of Planning Commission of Mrs. Phyllis Goggin, 721 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cappello, Publish: Oct. 23, 1969, 1n Bellis St., East Bluff, is student 1845 Anaheim Ave., Apt. 6-D, The Newport Harbor EnsJgn. body secretary, member of the Costa Mesa, Is school mascot, senior honorary society and member or CSF, GAA, concert CSF, with a gradepolntaverage choir, and vocal ensemble. She GROUND BROKEN FOR of 3,5, She has serve<! as prom Is playing the role of Rheba 1n HEW BANK BUILDING chairman, Girls' League board the drama class production of GrouOO was broken Oct. 10 · member aod student congress "yo to construct a permanent home secretary. She was selected as "You can't take II with you." for the University Park branch homecoming princess during Other activities have included of First Western Bank, located her sophomore year and as girl Spanish Club (past president), for the past 3 years in or the quarter as a freshman. junior class counclt, Sierra temporary quarters In Uni. She latellds to enroll at UCSa.nta ecology study, Af'S and county Ye:rstty Park Shopping Ceoter, Barbara or UCLA as a and district Donor cDolrs . Out-Irvine • psychOlogy major, working for side activities !oclude chtircll Tile J. Ray Construetioo a teaching credentlal, choir, OCC drama class, Girls Company, Costa Mesa, has been • • • Club teea gr~ president and awarded eootract on tbe 5,000. DlANA GREEN, from Costa ChUdren's Theatre Guild. Sbe &qiiU'e-loot 8tl'llcture ~ped Mesa HJgtl School, liaugbter of was rwne<l outstanding junloc tor First Western bJ Thomas'- Mr. aod Mrs. Haney J. Green, girl, Gold E-servlce point wtn-Richardson, A. LA., also ot 1884 Lexington Ln., Costa ner, and won the U ons speech Costa Mesa. Tbe tile-roofed Mesa, Is coocert choir secre-contest as a junior. She will brick building •Ul be 1ocated tary, member of the Madrigals, attend Antioch College In Ohio. on Culver Road. CSF, yearbook statr and of the • • • COFFEE 69( LB. SLICED HAWAIIAN STAR PINEAPPLE LARGE ~SIZE 3 .. S100 Fl. E1501MAHN' S SOFT DR DIET SOFT NE 40tLa. Frozen Food s STOUFFERS SPINACH SOUFFLE NOODLES ROMANOFF IQALS I'OR Oct. ·23•24·21 * & the Stalk 303 SIZE CAN ""'·"CREAM STYLE OR GOLD WHOLE K!RHII.. s FOR$} Beets :!~~~DPtac:LED Carrots SLICED GREEN B SEASONED eans FREHot STYLE EXTRA FANCY RED OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 5 .. $1 GRAPEFRUIT ' A F,.• •J I•J., .. J .. r Cot~tHt•HH~.I C~ti•d• C~•rc6 '1'\e ................ ,...w., cHlz.ens da.y advisory com. ,-----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!::=~ mittee, secretary of the educa. GAIL CARAS, from Newport tiona! development council, and Harbor High School, daughter citizens assl~nt for national of Mrs. Jane Jackson, Jl ? UnJ- ... .._. SerYico Mel c:llurcb Scbool at 10:00 a.m. elections. Previous activities verslty Dr., Costa Mesa, is ~==~=====-= ..... ~··=~~===;~·:·:••=•~(1~~~~~=~-~oc~I·:~·~D~ra=rn~a~C~i!u;b,~P~!~~!:~a member of the stud ent coo. _,_, ... ,..... · • -r h 4th GAA, Campus Life Club and gress or er year aoo ~rves as representali ve of the California As sociation or Stu- This girl can type 90 words a minute. Q.rao4 O;pcoi;og NEWPORT INTDIOIS Pardon ua for blowi~ oor own born, but we had to let you know we are here • • • briJllu.J fresh new ideaa to tbe greac traditlons ot elegant Uvlng. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL HAND· TUFTED SWIVEL CHAIR A vaUable in a wide selecUon of velvets & cut vel veta. ••• a soft touch of beaury In motlon, We have an excellent line at home furniah.l~• on display plu1 drapertea. carpetlniJ: ' acee•aortea. original patnarwa • antlquea -a new horizon In decoratlnJ eervlcee for you. Priud for t+.is •'f'ent only ot ... You're welcome to come In and browN ••• NEWPORT INTERIORS "A NBWIIAMB Rlll BLEGAHCE" SU6 E. COAST BYY., CORONA DEL liAR 615-6410 dent Councils, and a lso as Korean orphan advisor. ln pre. vtous years she has been active ln the Pep Club, GAA and prom committee. She Is an officer ln Tri-Hi-Y and of Tioga service cl..m. She plans to major dental hygienist, attending Berkeley for 2 years, Ulen transferring to the University of San Francisco. And can't get a iob. She s weak 1n her second language. Eng lish. If s SQUIRRELS Bl TE TOO o weakness that con dose o lot of doot's to o lot of Kimberly M. Holt of Mexican· Americans in Southern California. Orchid, Corona del Ma.r, But it's nat impossible to overcome. The state 's bitten by a dog on the sld,ewaclk 1 outside her llome Oct. ll, Eost los Angeles Service Center is working on the problem. Verba Leoore Bagley of 29-4 E 21 St They asked us to help. And we osked our . st ., Costa Mesa, bitten by a squirr el. Both ant-1 ma.ls have been Impounded. now, volunteers from the Gos Company _: __ _:..:.:_:=.:..:::::.:::.__1 are teoching o Service Center-sponsored LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BI.SlNESS Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED hereby certify tm.t he Is ducting a r eta.il candy business at 301 Marine Balboa Island, uDder the tiUous firm name of lsla.Dd Sweet Slqlpe and that said ftrm ls composed of the persoo whose oa.me In tun place of restdeoce are as lows. to-wit: Jotm L. Costello, 1874 Rbodes Dr., Costa Mesa. WITNESS my hand this t•th day of Oetober, 1969. John L. CoQUo, STATE OF CAUFORNlA COUNTY OF ORANGE 011 THIS 14111 daJ ~'\~=;I 1M8, before me, -a P.-.ue ID l.lld u aaJd state, rNidinc therein, comm•ukiMcl &Dd norn, per. -'lJ -od Jollo L. Coo- tollo, -to ... to be lbo PII'IOII .,..,_ Dlllll is ..,_ --to ... -ID-... -. l.lld IC-Iodpllo •• Urllli be IDeated WI'I'IIE8S IOJ-II.IIdoll ...... ....,. A. IIU&io, -.., -.. l.lld -C.,.ul-. 117 Comml-uplt•Doc. u, 1171. in English. G1WlQ their lime and obil it1es The. progrom has gone beyond Engl1sh classes. It now 1ndudes spec1al tutoring !Of people with spec.ol problems {like the 18·yeor·old who n~··•H learned ro read or wnte) And o study group to help job- hunters pass their pre-employment tests. And on·the-job secretarial training for the girls who work at the Centet'. The SerY1ce Center then helps people who hove completed these courses to l1nd 1obs It's the lund of program !hot helps people who ore wilting to work hard to he lp themselves. And no mistake, 1t IS hard work Bvt the Service Center students ore n I complo1n1ng They hove o goal. (They wont the1r nghtlul ploce os con- tributing members of our commun1ty.) Were proud of the work P"..;, __ ,. Gos Company people do ot the Center. And. the way we figure it, the whole community benefits. We're Investing In tom«.-. Pllbltltt: Oct. lt, U, SO, b. t,1MI,IDibeKnpon-.__.._.._.. ____________________________ ~l-- While most people who sell by telephone are considerate, once in awhile you'D find some- one who rudely per- sists-even after you've told them that you're not interested m what they're · such a case, my advice is to simply hang up. if the caller continues to bother you, be sure and contact your Busineu Office. We want your telephone to be a convenience. This year Californians are cele- brating the state's bicentennial -the 200th anniversary of the founding of the first settlement in San Diego by the Spanish. In keeping with the celebration of this important first step in our history, offi cial state commem- oc~ve ~Uions otruck from both -... ~ cliotlliet.m. Uons carry the atate a grizzly bear, on t he and fi~ symbolic of at.ate's h1atory on the reverse side. They're available for purcha~ at most banks and at savings and loan associations throughout the state. . , Pay phones are usually in busy places where they're convenient to the passerby. Places like hotel lobbies and main thoroughfares. So the spotlighte d phone booth on the roof of a building was the source of much speculation. Among those whose curiosity was aroused by this "booth in the sky" was a helico pter-b o rne t raffic reporter who began asking ques- tions. The expla nation: the building belongs to one of the companies that manufactures our rhone booths-and while a roof top may be a nove loca- tion for one, it makes for some unusual conversation! ~TIQio•@ • DUI:L DITiaGIMT DISI'IMSIII. • r OWEIPUL I·LIVIL IUrZI·SU·GI WI:SIIIMG I:CTIOII TIII:T •F.U.L T CI:M CUT TME MIISTI:IID, llrl?D III:MS· • I:MD TM? PliED IM, 1'001 Junior Ebell to meet DAVISiiBROWI • OUIIIt~ 'tiM M DmiCAfiO -·lim 411 E. 17tll St.-Costa M11a -- 'IS NEWPORT HAROOR EUtJI ARST SECllOII--P• 5 TllllltSDAY, OCT. 2l, .. OOIIIIIA OELIIM, CALif. LADIES: DRESSES, SUITS, PANT DRESSES, SK IRTS, PANTS, TOPS, TENNIS SHOES & SANDAlS. MENS: SLACKS, SHORTS, DRESS SHIRTS, S P 0 R T SHIRTS, KNIT \J SHIRTS. BACKSTAGE ASSISTANTS for the Cblldren's Tbeatre Guikl prCldor'tlm of ••Pus lD boots'' I.DcJUcse, rrom left, Mrs. Carroll Perld.Ds of Bl.lboa lsla.Dd, set deslper; Mrs. RieMrd Marowtt:& ot Eut Bluff. promotiob. and Mrs. Ther • .ra Allen ot Coroaa. del War. choreographer. (Enslen pboto.) ~ 1J3 to l/2 OFF Play director named -~--... -~ . . -....... ........... " --· ... y .... . ·-.... . THEil& M MUTUAL SAVIN&S .... ' •• .. ~ '"• I •.. •• •• .. w .. ,., I •.. ' ' ...... '• :: : . ' "'• ' 01'• ' "·' •• .... . . ' ,.,, I r •, ' . .. ,; »•• I ' . "·-...... " ~' : .. : ·: •;::: ·; '"• '"-.. ... "' ...... ' .,,, ... '• '"' I ........ ' .... 1 !T"o ••-' ... I ,., .......... ' ,.,, ..,,, ._ .. I .., O''••''o -·I .... ... ... .. ~. ,.., ' , n ' ,. • • ''' ' ' IT 1 ''"-'• "" I .... ,,_., ••• You can be certa.n tha1 your sav•ngs account will be "up" at Tbt Big M -MUTUAL SAVINGS. In tact. we guarantee it! And a re9ular Passbook Savings Account at The Big M pays 25% more than a regular com- mercial bank savmgs account Bonus Accounts provide an even greater return. For addlttonal security. your funds are insured to $15,000 by an agency of the federal government PASS BOOK ACCOUNTS Eam 5.13% when our 5% current annual rate is compounded •ity feN" a year. Interest paid day In to day out. Additions or withdrawals In any amount. at any lime. BONUS ACCOUNTS· Same base rate as Passbook Accounts, plus bOiius of 25% yearty when hekt tor 31 months (. 75% total). $1 .000 minimum. Yearty y6eld 5.38"' when interest is retained and COitlpOUnded deity. GUARANTEED RATE ACCO.......-s Earn 5.25% per annum guaranteed fOf a fhl:ed term of S. 4 or 5 )'Mra. Minimum required $1,()1)). Prior to maturity. withd:rwwals may be m.cS& in event of hardltNp.. SAVIN&S .... z 1 1' Tin COftONA O.L MAft ..,. .... c...... ...... , ......... ,....,. WII8T AltCAOlA CO VINA • II II •• e -._.,.,.,. ""'-' "'frolorwl e ....... ,_ •......, ._. •• • ... t---~~-l .......... ~,.. , ............ 1. • ... :::::=== NMr Mil • u :*"Y ol _..,...., Ml • ••• a ••1811 ••11 ~· Elgles vs. Loara today ~PORT · · Will. SHE WIN HER FOURTH? IATIARIIE IEPBIRI The l'lllDWOllllH} ol CltftiLLOT The motion p icture designed to save the world from sanity. ~--~ W.U INIIS. ....,._,_8. Y WIOMJ-MfNC FOMES ""'* W • I<ATIWIIIEHEPI!URH a"TIE IWl'M*AN~ D1AUOT" CtWILES IO'f'EA • ClALO: IW.If'MII • EMt1 EVAIIIS • ..Qtl ~ MI. ~ • IISCN!: HCM:UA • MM&AA£T l.ftGtm:* • &U.EnA IIIASIIIA .-rn ........ ..., JIIOWI) C!Wf8£11.AJM·YUL BRYNNER ... c-. DONAlD Pl.EA.SENa: •• ,.._,. ... DANNY KAYEwa.--. ..... I !liar .otllll by ..oM 6IP.AtiOOUl( ft adJC*d i'IID Elltft5tl • IIAI,RU. VAI..OIC'f' • ~ by £0WA!ID NliALT • E.111rat1we ,.-.., _., T. •wmt:IN • l'rolilcat bJ ELY l.AHlWJ • Onded by BRYNI RillES r---------.... .__JTEOflrfiCOUlii•E:J!t• WORLD PREMIERE SHOWING Eve. Show Starts 7 P.M. Scrt. frDm 5 Sun. hom 2 larpin MaliNe h...,. Wed. I P.M. OUIII CORSI SUNOA Y •t 1 :4S p.m. WlNIIII Of J ACADIMY AW.UDS _ ... _ .......... TARS TRY FOR THE _ TOP 20 words or leu 21 words to 30 words .... . 31 wwdt to .C) -ds ..... . Eoch word over 40 -d• .. ' IIOPOIIT -~ Ellllll 111111'. SECTIOII --1'W l lltUIIIM!,OCT. z; -01M101A 11t.1. !!A!, .CAUF. 1 TiJM I. SO 2.00 3.00 .OS M.-A.Aini7P.M. CONI'IIMM SHOW IUIIIAY-2 P.M. FIR PAIICING AUO THIS ACAMMY AW/IIID - NATAUI WOOD -IIICMAID liT- lirA MOliNO -_, CIIAIIMIS '"THE WEST SIDE STORY" TH£ LUXURIOUS IIJEW IAll. THEATRE 2 Time• 2.5() 5.00 4.00 .10 3 Ti111u 3.00 4.00 s.oo . IS Y••• ol .. ,_.. i•oe oe all lJPI• of cio- lolaa A lla-lpeciulJ, -·• ..U... IUO por ... .......... -.m ...... poriiO, <DI&. 67J.ID4. .... ... - OPEII HOUSE • Rental 111UIIIOAY &. PIIIDAY 1-sPJA. D GDLDIMROD A VI!. tiD-A DB. MAR Vogel~. -.. 673-211211 C. II I• Y .ur WMt A4 tot"-Lsi .. 673.0550 . CORBIN. MARTIN UALTORB Corona del , Mar Duplex CORNER LOT Sharp duplex In top condition. Each unit two bedrooms. Never a rental problem . . . Tax shelter live in one • . • income other ..• OWNER WILL HELP FINANCE CORBIN-MARTIN, Joe. .. ,.,.c. • ..,..~ rh ~,. 3038 E. Cout Hwy. 675·1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. PACIFIC OCEAN CALLING! 0o17 a Jarp ·~"se of elea.n, white sud lllflPU'Ilea uu. cosy 3 bld:room, 2 bath bome from tbe belatlfU1 PacJ1lc. Huce UT1Dc room wUb lots of rin wt.adow. AatomaUc aprintlers, stofe, retrtcerator, 'ffUbttr / dry• &ad 10me turnlture are J.Dcluded In sale. Jut rldoced 1D price by $5,000, to $64,000 ••••• Owner's Joss t. your p.lD. Don't miss this Immaculate borne oo R~3 lot. c1&J,~ 2025 W\'St Balboa. Nt•w!JOr l Bea..:h ~ ENt Coo.st Hl&hway. Corona dcl Mar, ~ &Jll&JWIWIIWII#_...., ·--·----·~·---·--~-·--·-·-#--PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR lloauutul3 Boclroom. 4 Bath WATERPRONT llome oa Bllyalde Drive. Newly redeoorated. Priced ............................ $1111,11011. 2111 IAVSIDE DRIVE IV Al'f'OINTMINT ONL V IILL GRUNDY . 67s.J211 -ISlf IOOJNIT co. We don't like to BRAGG but "facts is facts"!! 'I'M DoD v. F1'&UUD local real estate omce atU. IOI•u ma.ay multiple U.stlDgiJ aa: the "Bleep-Bleep" Co., tile larpst cbaln realtor .La tbe Southwest Ulllted S1aleo. For actloD, resutu a.Dd sales, Ust with us. PERSONAL, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE! •CDMPUTED STATISTlC. Jll.u QUARTU UPOat, LOCAL MUL nP'L.I!: LIS11MG SUV.CI!: OOX Y. f"R.P.XK.I.IX I ,!~~!:.?:~.!.' Corona dtl Mar, Cllitorni• Phone: 673-2222 Don't call me a duplex I'm a lovely 2 bedroom HOME with a UtUe 2 bedroom money maker out. ·in back. Both units are owner- occupied and flawless, with deep shag carpels and lots of used brick. After you've seen the rest, come-see the best. A REAL EST'AT.ERS EX,CLlJSiliE f'DIIIoiEIJii. Y ORANCE CDAST PROPERTY 332 ....._; •• eo ..... del ~o~ao -67J.8SSO oflnJa Jic PRESTIGE WATERFROt-IT HOMES I LINOA ISLE DRIVE ~ ~droom, 5 bath home in fmal stages or completiOn. Palos Verde stone entry &: lire· places. Famil y room & billiard room. Beauta· fully decorated. Priced at . $15.:).000 16 Lind• Isle Drive Exquisitely decorated 5 Cedroom. 5 DJth new home with upstau·s vit>w oC Corona del ~lar hill~. :\ fireplaces. Cantilevered patio deck with gas bar·~ue. Priced with dock al . . . . . . . $14~.000. 57 Lind• Is .. Drive Just completed 4 Bedroom 4 Balh home with patio deck. sitting room and fireplace in mas· ter bedroom suite. Family room has su nken convenation pit and fireplace. Decorated and landscaped for . . . . . . . . . . 5162.000. l ind• Isle Dravelopment Co. 1-S.ysMio D•., N.B. 1111 G.-vndy 67s.J210 VIEW YIEW lDT -'-....... -IIWiop ___ ..,_ --_ .. __ IIIWa. Not 1M, I' •td. ...... • ·- Pili BEAn? RETREAT!! Relu: oo the covered patto. EIIJOJ tbe Immaculate nrc- bedroOm home. The Iars• l1Y1ne room bal • nr~e, cSeeontor cupeta and drl&lll. HardWood floorl tbruOut. R-Z lot, ready for tbe eec:ood bome. $34,500. UNIVERSITY RBAL·TY ·~t. L snJCDJ!1l AMIIftx SOOt EAST COABTHWY.,CORONADELMAR-:-8'13-8510 642·5200 lltURSOA'(. OCT, 2(1!169 (lOI!!IIA DEl. liAR. CAUF. Nl.,lrt l••lfA l•lu •••111111 c.t. ... ..... •••••••••••••••••••••••• ANNOUNCING ... . . . . The relocation ot our office from 3400 Via Lido to 3377 Via Lido and the merging of our sales s1at1 with the former sales stall ol P. A. Palmer Incorporated. Keith W. Ritter, President Marjory Vaughn, Secretary J acquellne Balen Ken Brittingham G. T. Gundersen Virginia Manson Tommy Thompson Glenna Bissonnette William Harvey Vincent Healy Joe Kincaid Victor H. Woehler I i do realty, 1 n c. LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES U77 Vio Llolo ' Oolelo u.l M..,.rt hoch -F-tt.e L.A. .,.. c .. l MA J...IIU ·······~················· DRAMATIC IN THIS SJX·UNIT CORONA DEL MAR COMPLEX No leuebolcl Ea.eb tmlt bu nsber, dryer, all· electric ldtcbeD aDd store. ~ Ud prt.p dltV'"' Nllll t&I'IIQrls.E.sua.tttaraca. S.U.S ..t ,.,._""_ a-iobRIIU_.-.wm.-,.., :ud CU'I'J tad.. FULL DETAILS GLADLY FURMSHEO CDM CHARMER SOUTH OF HIGHWAY Homey 3 bedroom cott:ace oo troot ol SS-fl R-2 lot -with a Z bedroom, Z batb apartrnerat ewer praao. (Apt. rents lor $200 per moatbl) Fro« house -just r e..pai.l:i:ed l.nside a.ad out - bas fireplace, SUDDY COYered patio in a setting ot cbarminc garden aDd trees. "5,950 --O~ER AGENT --675-2503 Can't tell it'? ••• l'lede It? For Put Action A a..a.ltt Coli n!E DOYLE 00 .• -- A Rare ..,._, /1- 60-6472 -~ 1710 .. C..ot IIIW, Newport .... Buy for a Small Investor Commen:l•l Bulklln1 OFFICE BUILDING -2,000 Sq. Ft. 1,000 leased -1,000 Sq' Ft. available. ($175.00) $:15,000. Smail dn. C. awner...W carry. WeUs-McCardle Rd~lc Scnrkr .sitlcc I !Nl l6mt Delightful Cameo Shores 3 BR. 4545 TREMONT llotl.ftttd •U. atfera be!r riew bome trtt11 ..._ cooteratiaD area ud larp add suUt oa PCeu.t terms. DID. DIDlDc and Bedrooms opea to eeet.ild pool lbr qodek --.. Now CU!>O(o, """ IR>Ilucol otter Jtu'S of uptDH-free eojoymeal OFFERED AT $'78,500 OFFERS INVITED OPEN SAT. SUN. HAL PINCHIN I. Assocl•t•• £. CDAST HI WAY CDROMA DEL MAlt CALL 6754392 ANYTIME\ READ THIS e e • • Art you in the mar- ket for a new borne, a home 1n a prime aru very dOR ln Huntmtton State Buch: a home you can CUJtomizl while it is boillc buil~ a bome de- signed by outJtaDdinC arch;.. tects and comtruc:ted by Franl< H. Ayres I< Son: a Company thal has been in business since 10! IF YOU AlE e e e e Come to IIANCHO LA CUUTA at Brookhurst and Atlaata ill HIUIIiD&Ioo Beadl any day between 10 A.M. 6 7 P.M. and ltlect your bome ill our IIOW1y opmN UNIT V. "IIUCEDI'- m._'!_llot- f6l.2t29 ..... 1331 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple ListiJig Service ot the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board ot Realtors totaled over $39 mill1on for the first eight months of 1969. This represents 1,041 unit sales and a dollar value Increase of 11% over the same per- iod of last year, which was a record vear. List your property with a Realtor toda'/. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-5 100111HITE SAILS. HARBOR VIEW HILL$ COf'C:m. del Mar lmmaeulale 4-beclroom home with beautiftll rift' ol lw'bcx' ud ocean PL\S a lar&e pool. i)OM Y. f!UMIIO.IM I RUl.TOR \ mo~.oo~-.­'*-., ... CINfrlnMI -·n= 11'1\M,. • Till :*:: r:n:' • .n •tCIIIIIUI I a I IKI?t WI Em ...._aM: h:;e. ,_ ••• • Pli•• patio• • Fin!piK" e POCX.S • • Hole ,...._ Or- • T-i t ........ , ........ ... • Mt 10 S.O.Io _. ..... .- • ._L_CM r==~-CIMot .... -· • > - HEARTHSIONE • CC to hear school chief a,.t.WilJiuo L. c-'""""' oftlloll~-......... -Dlllrld, Will -~ • ..._., of tb1 Cbambel'a ol • c-.. -" -CoG-_Cj = = ~~; !:":; [l!L ~ C-II-Golf A CouolrJ _j- Ciob. • :-s .. - :.~t.:t~~i~l [J [J-[J D .. _.ar_ .. tbollrol ··-_ .... ,....jab... L 1 ....,_ 1a makiD& a .are l.!n1lallou are -to all ..... -lJ.IaOnap~ -~~~ ladl•-la ol tbo ("-........ ~":~~.,!.tOU:~ =-~to • .'"!!:ad~R=;~I II Ill"! IIi ( 0[5~ EIC&JJptua &Dd Orucewood-bJ mernben or 1100-mtmbers: THIS STREET PLAN ot tbe DIX"tbu'I.J porUoa ol Corooa del Ora_.,od b!Jru el-wtlb COII!T STELLA MARIS NO. 1448, CalboUe Jlucjllers of by eaJ11ac lira. Joyce lllrtJD, Mar ..... 1be "'-sed W.tloos ol -lllxlp Tile uttle ub 1D compu180D wltb America., wtU bold a Ha.Uoweeo ~ldeP&f't7 Moaday 54.5-?551; tbt CbamberoiCom-Newport Baacb CityCOI.IlCU&DdtbeCorooadelMar Cbount>er.--1 EIX'&I:Jptua. eYeninc. Oct. 2?, bectoD1Dc &I 8 p.m., tn st. loacblm Ball, merce oatce, 648-0534, or •n. _ ot Commerce are 1Dflt1Dr Qlll'euiooa ot op!aloGf'tom rest-• Tbt belt ny to select sea-Cost& Ilea.. Pictured bere dlJ&)laJiDI some pu1J decontioo d1Dc a cbeek tor $),50 per per. dents ill tbe area. Tbe COWX:ll 1s acbeda.1ld to take aeUoo IODid Anwood 1s to select the moWs are, from left, Mrs. DuJ.al Buda1ck; Mrs. MadeUDe 100 to tbe Wom•'• Dtftsloo, on tbe proposal Dtzt Mooday trrulo£ Oc:L 17, firm lD your ar• tbat enjoys McGuetin, grand regellt, aod IUs. Earl Sance, ceoeral eo.ta. Mea. Cbamber of Com- tbl best rtptat1cvt for qllllity ebairman.. merce, P. 0 . Bol 119S, firewood aM senlces. Nft bl Mesa. ~:...-..:::.:~~~·~~ Annex is goals pro em .~,~~by:;Dr~. ~~E~ wood, over twelYe montbs old, wome~•;1dlY1sioo wW burn too fast and may be ''To anDU or DOt to amu:" At the eooclusloo of tbe Cbamber of Commerce, termite talested. Therefore, we may become a key lssueotcon. lengthy meeting. tbe COUDCU eoopuat1oo wtth Patrtcla(Wra. ngest buyLDg flrewood that 1s troversy In lmplem~l.nC the formally &pprOYed a mottoa to Dou&lu) Bray, Newport Harbor m to tea months old. receoUy completed goals and direct tbe plannlng staff to pro. Cbamber ot Commerce wo. In tbeCorooadeiMar-New-object:l.ves study tor Newport ceed with the poenl Plan. mea's diYislon. port Beach -La,una Beach Beach. The staff ttselt Is Ulldert:U1Dc u• we reeommeDd The farm Councilman Don Mclnnls Phase 1, wblch will lDclli:Se GARAGE SALE OCT 25 Outlet tor qua.Jty Urewood and brougllt 141 the problem of an-surveys and analysts ot ezlst. ~mist ClubotNew "'"lee. Tb.ls flrm is located oeWtoo aoc1 fUture city boUOO-ing eoadltloo.s. The Couocll d1d Tbe ....... ...,.... • at 78!1 Coast Highway, between aries Mooday evening as the not determlDe whether the staff port Harbor will boldtheiDDual ,._ COI'OGI. del War and Laguna City Couocil and Planning Com-or an outside consulta.ut should carage sale at 4S09 Seasbor: ;.. Beach. They rlave been in the mission met in joint session to undertake Pba.se 2, an ecooom.lc Drt•e, West Newport, from ttrewood business at this ad-coostder implemerb.tloo of the analysts, which Is scheduled to a.m. to 5 p.m. this Saturday • dreu for the last ten years. Ne11'p011 Tom morrow report. begin iD about 6 weeks. Ocl Z5. All members haft --..... l'-1 Tbelr phone number is He ra.lsed the objection that The Council aDd PlannJ..ag beeo p.tberl.ng tbelr cootrtbu. .,.... _ _.. 494.~1. u is dtfOcull: to prepare a Comrnlssioo. agreed that tbe Uoos !or lb1.s a.wual ennt, Curreot prtces on Eucalyptus general plan of futur e develop-Newport Tomorrow report wtll wbteb. will belp in tbelr COO• or Oru&ewood at The farm ment of tbe city unless the be made available to tbe public trtbutlons tolbeAmerlea.n.Flekl Outlet are: 1/2 cord delivered e.veotlll:l tp1MariP.!=: are mown. In Us present form, 1D ord« to Sen1ce, tbe Match ot Dimes, aad dumped, $30.00 plus $5.00 from the audteoce, Mrs. get some In-Put of publlc ap-hl&b sc~l scbolarahlps and for stackt.Dg; fUll cord delivered Wa.reo Stilling of West Newport Inion on Its recommerxtatloas. the Girls Club. aDd dumped, $55,00 plus $10.00 pointed out that 5 of the 7 study c Oet J1 at tbl Jbrllaeklac.Raeksolllrewood gro~C>s recommeoded agalast oncert season opens THE CELEBRrrY BALL Friday OYIIIIDr. • • are IYailable ftorn $2,50 to a.nne-~-ns. She said she was AD:lbeim COOYentlon ceoter wtll bllbUCbt the start ot lbe .-..w Republican state Celi:ral Committee COIIlemJoo. Wbicb $7.00. AU wood Is 24" In length, dlsappolnted to hear discussioo The Harbor Area Commu.ntty Intormattoo on membershlp will CODtlnue througb NOY. 2. l..oealladies wbo are be.lping ucept tor the custom cut whiCh of bow much Irvine Co. laDd Concert Assn. wUl open its may be obtaloed from the ezecu-with arra.ncemeots for the event ltlelllle, from left, Mrs. 1s 1!" in length for the small should be anoned to the city. 8th season at 7:30 p.m. this tive secretary, Mrs. Kurt K141-Merritt Martin of Balboa, treasurer of the Newport Harbor free !!lbnrtJoc stoves. Johll Macnab, who served as F'rlday, Oct. 24, wUh Gene Ierman, at 642.3186. Republican Women federated; Mrs. Edward F. Ward Jr. ot We Aocerely bope tha.t this pDet&l chairman tor the New-Marl.aoacelo's American Con-lrvloe Terrace, member of tbe State Ceotn.l Committee, lnb'matloo will help you enjoy port Tomorrow study, said he cert Ballet Co. M.R . M.EL TlHG POT, USA, aDd Mrs. Margot R. MurrayottheBae.tB&y, publicity cba.lr- your firepLace more. A word ot did DOt lnterpret the report as Eight young daacers will per-10 TALK TO LtoHS Q.UB man ror tbe Newport Karbot Republican Womeo. Garernor eautloo .. ·too la.rge a fire a ma.nditetorestst anneutJoos. form In the Newport Harbor Georp GUbert, a oauve ot Roaald Reapn a.od u.s. Seoator Georca Murpll;y JM ma.ay mlcbt overheat your flreplace Mrs. Sk11JJ.ne aueed that the High Sebool auditorium. Cb.tsbolm. UlnA., will ta.1t to state lepslators will be a.mong the Invited guests. Les or damace your accessories. report favored taking in more The 2od coocertwtUbeaper-the Uarioers Uons Club at Brown and his orchestra will play lor daDciDg. (Enslp Nut week's topic: GAS {..()G.'). water..orteoted land, but op-!ormaoce by Or.an March, a the 12:15 ltmcheoa meetiD( this ) Tbe Hearthstooe ls located posed any turther ertension ot pWlist of EngUsh and Russian frklay Oct Z4 at the Stuft photo. at 2711 East Coast tUgl!way elty llmlts IDW!d. ancestry, whO will plaf Feb. Slllrt ;.sta~ant: ••cordia& to Phylll's Wrl'ght, 51., dl'es (ooe block south of Tbe Cof!ee Brian Hawley of the plan-a 1n the On.nge Coast College Presideat Bob Walker Garden), Corooa del Mar· opeD nJ.ng depart meal presented a a~torlum. Ur. Gtlba1 Ia a 'P'ld\ate 10 to 6 weekdaysalldSaturdays; p~sed Ume table lqr .P{.e-OD ll&rcb zo, U. Nn YoU: or tbt ••••1 of~ Ph ll1s Vl k Wrl&bt 51 ol be bad 1ut seen her about • I ~; aDd _,. • puatioo of tbe pDVal plu.. Ht Brau Qut.ntet wtn presellt 1 with a muter1dtcr•1Dapeee.b 210 ~ .. mn cStar Ln.' nc:ver 10 p.m. on Oct. 19 after Jbl said tt woukl takeabout2years. concert at Harbor Hlcfl. Am oa from IBC. Hets kaow:au"Mr. Sbores .,J found dead fD tbe had called him at a trleod'l April 10, Ylol1n1st Stanley Uelt1Dc Pot, USA" aoc1 hu master' bedroom ot her !lome house and asked him to come Plu~mer wlll present the sea-trueled cout to cout wtth Monday morning by her soo. home. He said she appeared European Delicatessen and Restaurant OCTOBER SPECIAL WITH EVERY 5-COURSE DINNER • • • COWPUMENTARY WINE OF YOUR CHOICE• • e® Luncheon dally -Luoch Bozes to go. B-B...Q Spareribs Wooderful display ot contioeotaJ sausages, salami, cheeses and delicatessen items. Cot•ring lor group a w.d partf•s 646·5383 M. NEWPORT ILYD.,MEWPORT IE,ICM ORGAN MUSIC FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS son s ft.oale, also at Harbor hls program, "How other people Steven Terr Wright. depressed at the time. High . These last 3 per-taJk." Ht uses oter S5 aectDts Mrs Wrl~t was fouod lying William Wood Wri&bt said formances wUl begin at 8:15 aoo has O¥t:r 100 YOicea a.t hls ra tkr.n over the end of a that he had last seeD his wUe p.m. commud. He U speatlacUZJder de': chair Her son stated that about 7 p.m. Oct. 19, 1111 u.t Association members have tbe auspices ot the free Mlter-· be and hl5 wtte bad a cHsaeree- reclproclty privilege, wb.ich al-rptse IP"kers bureau of Cout meDt I.Dd he lett aod apent tbe lows them to attend other coo-federa.l Sartop. Dlght at a motel certs In naa.rby communities. Sunlvors also I.Dchde an. Drug conspiracy is topic ~:::~~ "What YOU cao do about drug be coDBiders tobetbeorpnlsed abuse" wtu be ooe of many plan to "turo oo" youtb as well topics to be covered by Jobano as Pl.leats. why fOWll people Rush newsman at the DeJ1 are QS.1ng drupaod bow tbeblp- meetinr of the Udo Is le pte monment cot started. Woman's Club at 11 :30 a.m. Tbe tra.d.ltioaa.l puocb-bowl Tuesday, Nov. 11, at the club-bOw" coodueted by cbairmen., !)()use, aceordlll( to Mrs. Roger Mrs. Robert L. Btuoooette, Brown, program chalrman. aod Mn. John Dnla, will pre- ''Ma ss medJ..a's part ln tbe cede tblbmebeoo..Resenatlons great drug consplracy" Is the may be made by catllnr Mrs. title of Mr. Rush's talk and Robert Wabler at 673-6197. TOPIC IS OltOtiOS Uam D. Vlck of Vlrg:tnia; her mother, Mrs. Grace Vlck. Senlees were beld Oct. 2%, at lbe Bolta C'-1 ot Cor- del liar wltll lbe ROY. "'-'>>I T. Haas ot tbe flrst Presby- terian Church of Fullerton, r1- llc1attnc. Intermem was at tbl Paclftc VIew Memortal Part. A Theodore Rob ins ••clutivtl look for our ditgnostlc ctnttr SN I 1nd flkt tl\e gueu-work out of buying 1 uted ur. Thtst cers Nvt pustd 130 vlttl ftsts for performance rtlitbilify, tnd ufety. 1110% PAITI a• LIIOII wuum 4,. IUS 01111 UYS e-n '" -hook1l -locW"" ....... !lme liM, ,.., tM, PLUS ltraktt, .. tttry aM tlhlwst l)'tt'IM. All n,.lr werk HM In "" twllll HrYkt .,. .. _ .. '69 MUSTANG SPORT ROOF AutomatiC'. radio, hnlff, wtut.e ~alt,, wh•l• 1•·1\h rM JntfT'Ior. h r:tor-y wuranty avaJ!ablt. Apprn:<e. 7,HW milh;. (YCV."061) $2595 '69 FORD F-1 00 PICKUP ..... 8\ylftlde. v ... '""""'"'· $2495 rad1o. bntn, diamond plat« bumpn-, c:hr'arM mlrror1 (377'99CI '61 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN '61 DOD~E CORONET 4-DR. SEDAN v.a. power stftrlnc. pawtr brakfs. btat.er. ~ltoe'ttve car. (315871l ~395 '65 FORD MUSTANG v.a tnlfnt, "QJted tranlmluion, radio, htatn. 011" rnen ....tth blac.k lnttrlor. (O'J'DS29) $1195 movte, which ns made lor the Huntley /Brinkley report. Mr. Rush Uved tor sereral years in the HaJgllt-Ashbury district ·~~!~! as a hippie in order to The prden sectioo of the Costa Mesa Womeo'a Club will meet at 11 :30 a.m. Nov. 13 at SHARON KAY HARROON, tbe Paul Brecht Orchid Co. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Ver. on Harbor BITd. tn Costa Mesa. DOn W. Harrison of Kalam.az.oo, The PJ'Oifl.m will be on the . Mich., wUl be married In June care Uld growLDg of orcbids. to Gordoo H. Middleton, aoo Aoyooe 1Dterested may cootact Yr. and Mrs. Warren Mtddle- Urs. Bess Jobn100, 641-6876, too, 20122 Bayview A•e., :santa or Mrs. Lew DunoJ.nc. 64&-3478. Ana Heights. Tbe bride.elect IN SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY, whether you are Basketball ._ACIC •• WHITE -HI •• LOW CONVERSE Tennis Shoes •:. lnlormaUon. wtU discuss fUrther what Voil J ~~.OR INTERMEDIATE Footba lis 695 OlHER ~IT F00TBALLSS.95·1"-95 LEA lH!R FOOTIALLS 11.95 • 19.95 -MI!H'S-]75 -LADIES'-/ L.'t--Sirn!ii)A IIUILOP P011T J•ais Rldets ST-G.IIIlH IlL IIYLOII - WT P.CI-21.f5 OUIP•CI· PI!MHSYL VAHlA Tennis Bills OOIIALO WASHBURN 01 ES DooaJd K. Wubbura, 411 AYOCado An., lrrl.De Terrace, died ~. Oct. u, at Hoac Hospital alter a loactliJ IIIDou. BorJaJ wu at ForHt L&n_ Gl-, llllta Mortuary, Co- ,_ dol ............. lor- WVdlnc directw, Mr. Wub. bw'a wu a former Coca Coli txeeutln. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS IY KODAK lOll DISCOUNT TILL HOV. 7 riHI DUSSMAKIHG 111 a school ot nursing gradtate and 1.s employed at st. FraDCis Hospital, ColoradoSprlllp. Her ft.&Dce wu nledictortan at Coroot dtlllar Hi&bSebool&Dd 1s DOW I eadft flrst Class at the Air Foree Academy, with rut ot cadet capta.Jn. MWITTE OIATTERTOH EX-DEPUTY D.t.., DIES c. ART '101111: OM UL l lly CIIARLOTTB 112.0191 . A. cnlwe•'a ll&r w1ii bl --u ....... ,,. .. Oat. 81, lllf. I 1111 111- CollloY-W.:.~ . . C ....... INI.I .. a.,C.. .. _ ........... 10 an... a member of rhe business communiry or rhe yachting set-or both -there issomerhing special for you at Union Bank . To business and industry, it means the uncommon benefits offered by one of America's largest business-oriented banks. To the affluent individual or family , it means the ultimate service and capabiliry in handling affairs at the estate level. Either way, Union Bank is about as far as you can go .. · Soutll Or~nae County Office East COISI Hi&fiWIJ 11 Goldenrod Co111111 Del Mar• Teltplione 675·1200 .......... .,_.: ee.tr ..... wUIJCIJIIt.t-IIIOJ_Ior_. L-------:------:--;-------' I DECLARING u.t this is tbe c:reatest of U1 PhilharmooJ.c eoc.kt:IJ.I putiN bt)d OQ tbe Pollll Is Bell Benta, and be'• ttlllac Dldt Moore .,, both of the PeDinsula. (Ensign -.) .. ----- TAKING HIS TURN at one of the bars, Miles Lanoa. of West Newport Is shown servlnr Joe Foster, ialc· time Point resident, at the Oran~ County PhJ.lharmom.c cocktail party Saturday nicbt. (E.osign photo.) 5411-1953 • CU4RANTEED WORK o FREE ESTIM4 TES o • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY o • MEMBER OF C.U .0 .4 . CUSTOM ORAPU JOHN • MARTHA ••~ BEOSPRUOS LES KEPHART aDd his ..Ue, Wuda., tiJtu to the Di11e- Jaod music played for daDCinC by tbe Doctor's Group, wht.ch dooated 1t1 senlces tor Balboa Point PllUha.rmooic party. (Ens11D plloto.) Otrr -OF. TOWNERS Ernest and Ruth Wtebali. of San Jose, Quality Upholstery AMONG the MVtralbUDdredparty.goersatthe PhllbarmooJc party at tbe Byroa Farwell bayfroat home oo the Pol.nt, were Betty and Art Snodsen. (Ensten pboto.) aloog with Jane Owen of tbe Point, are sbown wtth Betty Brown, Balboa Point, who ls offering them some ot the bors d'oeuvres for which the Balboa Phllba.rmoolc party Is famous. (ED&tgn phOto.) 959-H W. 17tll Stnet Cula ..... JOURNALISM CAREERS Speoeer Crump, iouroa.ll.ml instructor at Orup Coast Col- lep, Ls the author ot au article oo ):)u:r"Dilllsm educatloo that wtU appear ln ••career opporb.lllttes tor I.Dd specla.Usts." an clopedia oa careers being Ushed by J. G. Fer gusoo llshlnc Co. LEC4L NOTICE CERTtFICA TE FOR TRAN- SACTING BI.SINESS U.'iOER A FICTmOI.S NAME HAVING A GREAT TIME &t~ Pldlharmoaic party nre former Po!m nlideata, Patrtcll Ud FraU WaHl otlrTIDI, willo r-. ootb ,_ laLIIIo -. ud n.u will! looc· Umo 1r1-. (!l!ldp"pllotij;) · • n la: bereby certltled Ula.t the IIDderatped aretransac:twc buliDeu ill Santa Ana, ~ ol Onaco. -ol CaWonla, llDder a f!ct1tfou aame, or a ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL Ora.agt Cou.aty Pbllharmonlc Society coctall party held oo Ba.D:w:. Polot was celebrated by Barbara Bradford and ber husbaod, Warren. Mrs. Bradtord served as chairman. (EnslgD photo.) RIP VAN WINKLE Truly finest in sleeping comfort. TW114 Olt PULL SIZ! ••••••• · •• p., Sot 119.10 QUUM Sill • . • • . . . . . . • . . • p., Sot :IM.lO KlMC: Sill ................ Por Sot UJ,lO HJ.GARREJT fURNl]URE Jill H.tJOl avo. COITA WISA ... .,. ... .,. .... " ....... ·~~·· . ___ .... _ ............ 1101 ollowtor tlio Dames ot tbeperiOOSlnterested theret..a. to wit: FairY1ew Apart- ments, 1355 Froot Street, San Die10, Ca.Utornla 92101. WJTNE$ our b&.Dds this tlrd day of September, 1969. 1. SWAN CONSTRUCTORS, INC. By: Robert G. Stewart Executive vtce president By: L. L. Gordon, secretary 1355 Froot Street, San DlelfO, Ca.lltornla 92101 Z. DONALD R. WARD, 1606 lrvtne Boulevard, Newport Beach, Ca.litol'nia 92660 3. JERRELL C. BARTO, ZlS Via Cordon, Newport Beacb, CaUtornla 9Z660 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) (:Ot!NTY ss. or ORANGE ) thl5 29th day of September, 1969, before meaNotaryPubUc for saJd Cowty and State, duly commissioDed and sworn. per. soaally ~ed Don&ld R. Ward and Jerrell C. Bl.rto, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and a ciDOwledged to me that tbey necuted the &ime. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha.Ye hereunto set my hand and at. flxed my omclal seal the day aod year in thisceruncatetlrst above written. R l.ri'H ANN (J)OICK Notary PubUc iD aod for said County and state My Commission Ezpltes Feb. 14, 19n. STATE Or CAUrORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) On September, U, U69, before me, tbe underlliDtd, a Notary Pubtle ill and lor Slid County aod State, Pti'IODI.lly QP~Ued Robert G. Stnvt, kDon to me to be tbe Exec. Vice Prealdtot, ... L. L. Ga<doa, ...... to ... 1<1 bo lbo Seerary ollllo cor. poratJoa tbat ez.euted tbe wU.btn Laltrumtot m:t kD:rtrn t.to-m111oodto bo tlio ...,. .... wlio 1 • tbt wttb.IA 1utrwneat oo -II al llld _.uoo, l&ld-boll!( IDiowllf<J me to be a ......,. partDer o1 Faln1ow .\pulm .... a port. _...._,, lbo .....--tliat U.C:-Ibo ...... --. ud -lodpd ..... 111&1 -·----... -·U--udlllal _____ .... IA1 -l!ld OCIIdal I ~iix.l'll s. IIA TilE Ull ~--r.,..­ ,,._0..11,11, .......... ........ t .... On August 4 of this year, a power shortage plunged New York into its most se rious power CriSIS since the massive blackout of 1965. Lghts went dim. TV sc.....,ns got fuzzy. And people were asked to cut back on their use of air condi- uorung. The problem: not enough gen· erating plants. The reason: New York utilities were not permitted to build new facilities as planned. Building schedules were postponed because of delays in governmental authorization. Could a widespread blackout happen here? Not likely now-but it could happen in the futun: if we don't build more generating plants now, as well as substations and transmission lines. L make certain you will continue to enjoy low-cost, uninterrupted service, we must build some new plants hett in Southtm Califomia- clou to where the power is used. A new Edi.on plant can benefit your community in many ways, iDCiuding millions of tax dollan every )Ul' lo aid your local echool dioaictL In Ext, &lieoa ia 1M l.rgeil .;..p taq>eyer in nwty of the com- munities and counties where we operate generating plants. D oes a power plant create smog? According to Air Pollution Control District authorities. Edison power plants now account for less than I ~~ of the total tonnage of air pollutants in Los Angeles County. In com- parison, automobiles account fo r nearly 90";. Nobody wants smog. including us. We've been pionet.~ring ways to prevent pollution since 1954. You can count on us-wherever Edison builds a plant-to more than meet the most stringent controls for clean air established by local and state authorities, plus the U.S. Depart· ment of Health, Education and Wdfare. Because it involves you and your environment. To us, that's important. Afttr all. 11,000 of us work at Edison. Our families livt in Southtm California, too. B...t on population projtctions, we need to build ntw gtntrating [!:ts and, of course, transmiuion 1o bring 1M power to you in cauinkey--. Weahould build a plant,... Voc- torville in Sen &.manlino County . ' We nm another, with two units. in Ventura County. Work is well underway on the first unit at Ormond Beach near Point Mugu. And we nt>t>d two new generating units at our Huntingto n Beach station in Orange County. Later, we'll need other plants within our 14·county service territory. To meet current demand for electricity. we're generating power for Southern California by every practical means-water. gas. oil, coal and 1M atom. We're also importing eltetricity from New Mexico and tht Pacific Northwest over extra· high-voltage transmission lines. The best way to prevent a power shortago! is to avoid having all your eggs in one electrical basket. That's why we need to build more general· ing stlltions, substations and trans- mission lines throughout Southtm California. Should it become necessary lo build in your area,""'>' we COWl! on you.r uncia-standing and 111ppon? You would be helping &.1hua CMIWnia lo leD ; I the •••• ipOt in the ...,:.-. lltURSOAY, OCT. 23, 1919 CORONA OELIIA.R, CAU F. Great Evetts in tH New Testulent "Two Notable He.alina'a"-Mark 5:21-43 lll'fltOM "SWORD 011' TH!: LORD'' MURIII'RE.EIIIOAO, TV>IN, ' i.ad.ieate• word. whkb lorm the lr:•y •en~e: il no r•ler•o:ee ;.; giYeft. the auwer uncllly·will be lound io: Mark 5;21 -U . CLUES ACROSS ' I "--·· 1ouehed m•?" 3 "th•re comelh on• of 1h• ruler. ol the ____ .. I initiolal ol Ruth'• aon and .ai.tter- in-taw (Ruth 4:1 7: t:4) 10 illlitiols of cr n.oler cro:d hi• country (Exod .. 7:4) It •quipment ol cr ahip (l:uk, 27:21) 12 "'il I moy touch but hi• doth••· I .hall be ____ .. 14 Mbe ·-·-afroid. only beliu•·· II "let no man ----him" {Pro•. 21: 17) 17 aoo: ol Nooh (Gen. 1:22) It ao:d '42 "who loucb•d ___ T . 2ll irUtiab. ol le.aoc·• wile aad Dlootber (Gen. 24 ;67) 21 "whelh•r we woke ____ •le•p- (1 n .... 5:101 Z3 name m•oai.aq "palm 1ree" (GeD. 31:1) ZS "a certain wo.aan which hod an --·-of blood" '%7 "Who ··--m•1" 11 iaitio!. ol two dixipl .. (John 14;5: Matt. 10:3) 31 outpoet city {Joeh. 7:2) 32 "my little dauqil1er li•1h o1 th• point ol ____ .. 3( iDiliol. of lwo 10~ of racob (Gen. &1:5. 21) 35 "why make ye 1hia and w •• p?" 3t ~kAotrio:g ia ~If th01 llad goa• _, ol hi.ao." 31 city of Tudab (loth. 15:23) 41 bUtiala ol two -.u of Dcrrid (I Sam. 1:15) 43 .011 of Jacolt {C. a.. 30: 13) « a polaio:. (Dan. 3:1. .aamble) f.7 o .onount (NuJn. 20:23) f.l "-··· aoon a. Je.IIQI hecrrd the word" 50 "tb•n on _ •• cried aloud" (Don. 3:&) 5I "!bey w•re a.toni.lh•d ~th a 9f•al ----" cun:s DOWN I "wo• ncr1h}."9 be11•r•d bu1 rcrlher .... 2 on e•clcrmation (l..O'. 55 :11 3 nom• menning "borl•y" (I Chron. 24:8 .• _.rim) 4 Gre•k lorm ol "Noah" (Mcrtl. 24 : "' 5 •om• a1 4) O CIOI& 6 "the ---God ond our Sa•>our J••u• Chri•t" (Titu• 2:13) 7 "wher~ no (Amo• 3:5) i• lor him ?'" I "ond ••.. eth in wber• 1he dom.~•l wcu lying:· 10 "•1.1i~~r•d mony thin9a of maay 12 "H•rod with hi.1 men of (Luke 23:11 ) 13 "-·-· him ond 1•1 him wo 15 cr 1t0n ol tliphaa (G•n. 31:15) II "why 1roubl .. t 1bou the ···-oay further?" 22 "but though I be __ in •P••ch" (II Cor. II :6) 2( "my li111• dauwhter lietb a1 the ---· ol deoth" 2G io:itiota ol 1wo eon• ol ll•niomin {Mum. 26:31) t7 "oo:d aaid uato h1n .•••• tumi" 21 a flying momma! (leo. 2:2G) 30 "I pray ----· com• ond lo:y thy banda on her" 32 "o crowo: ol glory, ond lor o ---· ol beouty·· {lea, 21:5) JJ "'o:nd ae•tb th• --·• and th•m that wept" 36 a ehi•f (II Chron. 17:U , Krllmhl•l 37 "th• boun ol ____ pbonuo·· (II Tim. I :II) 31 name meaain9 "beautilul.- "-··•hli (Eath. l :t ) f.O aa onimol (P•. &2:1) &5 nom• me~in9 "b•roic." ____ li (Gea. 46: tt) 46 ''the herd • __ • Yiolenlly dowo: o st••P plcaee'' {Mwlr !:13) 41 -~~~ of HWII, ----•-(Hum. 13:1) 50 lallialtl of two aotable •-•• (Gen. 16:15: J Scam. b2D) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Difficulties In The Bible 87 DIE lATE IL A. TOIIUY (By the penniaaioa ol Moody Preu, CbJe.ICO.) {li•ptl nte<:l fro.,. 8epti•+ 8 ibl• Tribune, Sprin;fi etd, A,!.,, I 'MISTAKES' IN THE BIBLE THE USE OF STRONG DRINK IN PROVERBS 31:6, T. ANO'I'HEB ALLEGED "MISTAKE' in the Bible U found in Pro- verbs 31:6, 7. "Give Arollfl drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto the bitter in toul. Let him drink and forget hie poverty, and remember ha mi.Rry no more" (R.V.). It U said that thia advocates the uae of intoxicating liquor under certain conditions, and that as the UR of intoxicating linuor under any and all ~-is Wt'OOC thi.a tNc:hina: ol the Bible ia a ml.nake. But the difficulty disappean. u many another d1Uiculty wiD disappear, U we do not rip the veran out of tht'ir oon\elr:t, but = them, u IUl1 pu-MJ'e in any lboukl be studied, ln the eon\elr:t. 11w whole aecUoo from vene.s 1 to I is a protat apilvt kiDp (and by implic:atioft penon. m any ptac.e. ol ,...,....tN!ity) u.lnc wine 01' ftrollC drink at all It Is plainly t.Uiht that any uae o( wine hat a tendertcy to make ~ dMm bpt the law and to pervert jucJcmmt. y,..... I ud 7 10 an to add th.t wibl -.d strcQr drink should onl7 be WMi in C:M&& ol ab.., pb)'8ieal w ..._ aad cMapoodeoey, when the mao is 110 far IJWM' that be ia "had7 to Plriah." aod ia COillleqU~H~tly in the ~ cS.pdM ol dellll._..,t7 f.,._ iD _,), • II. V.). Tba wardtl an edda II d to the Jd.ni (R.V.), and the kine, wbo -. able to bw' wiDe, iDatMd of uRnc it tw:n.11 lhouJd afYe lt to thoae who .. tn IIUiefl ~ condition that they De.:l IL The OIM ID thia ~ would bt .U.Oulat.d by the wbw, lilted out ol hi.& dtpr 11 '!;_~the ~ ol the kine wbo J'ave the wiM, 10 that ba woUld ba tiD ~ h6l poftl'tJ," which would natunU7 pndudl him from: ~ the .... ,_ hlinMU. 1be whole ~ 111ft OQ to urwe the kine'• ...... to .... e:.UM fll the poor and oeed.7 . ., 10 'lliW a::IIAINB bO diffieult)' in uu. ~ aotpl ,_. ..... .... hold ...... -.... -...... -.. ------. But .._. .,.. m.&.D¥ who hOld thM. Ia exbww ~ ol ,...,._.,.. ... --ol wbw " wist aDd perm' " ... w. doo DOlt ..-d to 10 lnllo ~~ • to wbethw dw wtDa ud ..._ *'-k Ill thia .-e ,...... Uc!abolk ~ who ... t!w( ..__. ....,. .... ow ,... w.t ofteet11 ,..,.. to a =--....... ................ a .... dee! to.., Ia,..... ., thalr c. -- If ... I I Ji&tlitl• ,..... true, it wwlcl ,...,... all "-" U. J z:: .. ____ ...,. __ ............ = .... r ......... dh , ............ _., .. ........ Aa .... _._ .... .,., ... ., .. ,.,.... .,.., __ .. _w•--,. .... _._w. .... 1. , .. ·e:-.:5.,-... ~-..... .,.. E ., .... ---......... -· ... ..... _ .. A-......... .._ .. _., ...... ~Plm ........ aft __ ., el•60 = _...~ .. ·-flwW._.,._,_ n"' ..................... .,. A LOOK AT THE BOOK ly 0... lob.._ ~~ e1 1M .,_.,. U.""""'r. O,_..j/Je, S.C. IN "Mm·Y" MEASURE Slandin& one day in the temple, the Lord Jesus Christ watched the crowd pau by and cast tht-ir otferinp into the treasury. RK:b men puscd by cutins in larae aifts. Then came a poor widow who dropped in two mites, about one-quartu of a cent in our money. The Saviour called His diaciples unto Him and said to them, "Verily I say unto you, that tbis poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cut into the treasury: for all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of Mr want did cast in all that she had, even all her living" (Mark 12 :43, 44). A gift is to be judged not upon its value but upon the spirit with which it is made. An offering is to be measured not only by the amount given but by the amount left after the gift has been offered. In tM temple that day rich men brought ric h gifts. Doubtless some gave because their soc:ial ~ilion demanded it. Some gave out of compliance with tradition. Possibly some gave to be S«n of men and admired for their benefic~:nce . Some may have given out of a natural gener(Mity of heart. But all of them had infinitely more left over for themselves than they gave to the Lord. A poor widow. who must have made her otrerina out o( a heart full of love for God since her c:ircum.- stanc:es were such that no one eouJd have ex- pected her to 1ive, neverthdess cast iD ber offcrina. HavinJ aiven she retained nothina. Her aift was sreatest because she atone of aU who made otrerinas that day did not c:ooaider herself. h is fine to a:ive generously 10 the Lord'a work. Sometimes, however, our aifll come oot from a heart full of love but from either a cold sense of obligation or from fear of wbat people will think of us if we do not &ive. Judged by the standard which Christ ftxed that day in the temple most of us make poor gifts because we keep so much more than we give away. God waots our gifts, but He wants more than the gifts. He wants the giver. Our money is not enough. God wants our hearts. The truly surrendered child of God considers all he has---possessions, family, life itself-not his but God's. He has given to God everythina that h.! po5sesses. The &ift is given and the giver also.-American Way Features THE NORTHERN INVADER ly &. lludtluuot Plach (Jiropba&: WI-) (P't..,, ftte J-l•h H ... , Ju"•• 19661 8e• 707, L•• .(, .. l•e fOOSJ.) In E.tek. 38 and 39 we read of a sreat inva· Lord came unto me Nyins, Son of man ld thy liOn of Israel by • federation of northern face against eo,, the land of Mq:os, the chief powers. It enda in the utter defeat and the com· prince of Methec:h and TubaJ and prophecy plete overthrow of thi1 northern federation by againM him. And uy, Thus aaith the Lord a •upreme act of divine intenention. God; Behold J am asainat thee, 0 Go1 the This invadins army cornea from north of chief prince of Meabech and Tubal." Israel: "Gomer, and aU hit bands; and many Certain powen are mentioned here--Go1 people with thee" (F.sek. 38:6), "And thou and Maao1, Meaheeh and Tubal. The.e are the shalt come from thy place out of the north outstanding powers asain.t whom Cod speaks parts, thou, and many people with thee" (verse: His denunciationa. They are the leaden of this 15). "And I will turn thee b•ck, and leave but great invasion. Who are they? the ai:rth part of thee, and will cauae thee to The word .. chief' in chapeer 38:2 ("the come up from the north part1, and will bring chief prince of Mesh.ech and Tubal'*) is actual· thee upon the mountaint of Israel" {ch. 39:2). ly a proper ooun. It;. the word roJA. In our The word translated the north parb always language its meanins ia chUJ. A srut many carries with it the idea of the uttermott. It scholar• have said that this pa ... ge ahould ahould properly read, .. from the uttermost read, "the land of Go1, the Prince of Roth, parts of the north" suggesting that thi1 inva· Meabec:h and Tubal." aion is to be made by people who come not The oldest mapa of Southern Ruuia show merely from the immediately ad/acent territory the names of two rivera, one;. Tobal and the !. ust north of I~rael but from the arger northern other Moakoka u we a.hould spdl them in ands in the hinterland of Northern Europe ,English. Today on the banks of those lwo and Asia. Th~re ia the aource of the invasion. rivers stand the cities which took their nama It is dear that it is an invuion of Janel. from the rivera, namely Toholak on the Tobal "And thou ahalt come up asainst my peo~f and Motrow on the Moa.kob:. Some aeholan Israel, u a cloud to cover the land" ( . have i~nti6ed Rosh with modem R~ia. 38: 16). "And it aball come to pau at the tame TI.e Arabi u.ed to .poak of the 1..a.qcf J"hieJI time wbeu Cog aJWI come acU. ~ of is north of the Black Sea u Rua and the Groeh Israel .. (nrae 18). u Roa. At what time in larael'• hiatory it this inva· This people, wbote name intuprd.ed meant aion to occur? Chapter 38:8 nyt, .. in the latter "red,"lived in this land jwt north of the Black yean" or veue 16, ••m the latter days." So it Su and the name Ruaaia i. a direct derivation it to be in the end time of larael'a hiatory, in from the Roth of theae ve:r&e~. her latter daya. '*Aher many days thou ahalt be viaited: in the latter yean thou ahaJt come to the land that ia brouPt b.U from the sword and is 1athered out of many people" (Chap. 38:8). "For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of aU countries and will brin1 you into your own land" (Chap. 36:24). Chapter 37:21 Nys, "Behold I will tili the children of larael from amon1 the heathen, whither they be gon~ and wiU gather them into their own land." So this invasion is to occur when Israel hu been regathered to her own land in the latter days of her hiatory. Who are the invadins nations and force.? What confederation of powers is this that sweeps down upon ltrael? Who is tbia northern enemy? Chapter 38 I&YI, '1ne word of the Tbeae people come down like a awe.eping cloud and cover the laod, then they face not merely JsrapJ, but IaraeJ'a God. It is a great in· 1piration to read in the doaing venea of F.uk. 38 the 1raphic st.ory of lhe way God medl the situation. "And I wiD call for a sword asainst him throughout aU My mountaina ~&ith the Lord God : every man'a sword abaU be against his brother. And I will plead &~ainlt him with pestilence and with blood: and I will rain upon him and upon hi. banda, and upon the many people that &J'e: with him, an overflowin1 rain, and 1reat bailstonee., 6n and brimstone." It it an act of divine intenention. They will be aeven montht buryins the dead, ao great ia the slaushter. So complete will be the Yidory that they will be teVen yean burnins the equip- ment theee northern powen lean behind. "-TMII ,..0 CH' TWI LotiO. ........ ...,._.._. T-. ........ _ ·-............ , ·--·--···~··. VI. DOD MOr I OOGiftlll. ANI, CBAPT811 14, DWCUIIB TH• GIJ'T OF 'IONGUD? ·N~ It~ tbe U. of un.. knowD.. fOteiln lanluqH In the ......... t. nae .. _.n ot to""*" • not Mmtloned u belna UMd at Corinth.. 11M~ k no l'ftdkatlon that what theM Pf'DPk' '""' do6na at Corinth which needrd tome llmlt~~Uon llnd IM"'e rebuke, was the we of the mlrac=uloua clft ot toques. The! Blbk-don not lA¥ .,, 110 ~ do not ._,. 10. 'Ibey ~re ~ uslna fot'f'ian lancuaae~. 2. One proof that these were natural ~ not mlrac• ao..~,y 1tven, il that Paul hl're IOUndJy ft'buk~ the way \h@y ~ thP.m, God never dot-11 Jive a miracle and tMn rebuke 11. In ma-.y hundreds of call'S of mir- aeubaa bea.Unp In the Bible, no one ia noer rMuked for u.tnc tUt mlraet.tlous power. When Gall repcth'H a lhJ.n4 It Ia not mJr~u­ ious. And so \\"hat wu aoinc 011 In the dmreh at Corinth, u d!a- Naed in I Corlnthtan. 14, was not the mlraculoul: '(1ft of ......... 3. Paul referred to a natur•l laftcua&e when be uid in vcne 18, ... ..... ""' God. ~· with tcncun IDOft than all .. A.ctu.a.lly, Ill the ortatnal it ia not plural but lllncular-"a toncue... Paul wu ..,.,~ .. 1 speak in a fOI'dp ~ more- ohm than any of )'OU." n,at for- elp lanpap wail Kolnl GrHk whldt Paul URd In Pftad\ln~ all 0\'ff t.he Roman £mplre. lt WIU the Gl'ftk lancuaae in which he Wftlte all hla ~t)H and in ~l1k-h all the New Testament v·u Wilt· ten. Paul's native lan&~&e was AramaJc, spoken by all thfo Jcow:t in Palestine, but he f'elu~rly Uie'd thls other Jancuare in &olftchlna: the Go.pel. But he expJalr.ed to thne ~. ''Yet 1n lhc church I had r11lhrr speak ii·,.,. words with my understandinc. that by my voice I mi&ht teach others alto, than ten thousand v.·ords in an unknown tonaue." tha.t ia, In a for.t&n lan(Uage the)' did not undrntand. 4. It wu natural lan~nJagn at Corinth which are diacussed and r.buk~ in I Corinthians U be- CIIUR Wt' are told that It was the "unlearTM"d"' who would not un- ckrstand them. And verse 16 arzlK':t. ''ElM> ..-·hen thou shalt bif'ss with thto spirit, how sh<lll h(' that occu~th t.he room of the tudf!OI'llt'd say Anwn at thy rlvlnc of thanks, lf'Ping he undforstand· eth not what thou uyHt !" Paul was Insisting that they speak in a languaae that Pf"'O)fe e~~n under- stand whton they rive thanks 10 that thfo upeducatrd who l)o not know ot~ laneuaces can un- Of'ratapd tNm and aay amen. Apln m vel'l6 23 and 24. he 18 further s.~ytna. "Ir the~fon tM whoir churc=h be come topthtr Into one plaet, and all speak with toneun I fol'f'i&n lanaua:a:u, mind you I. and there COII'If' In thoiM' that art unlearned, or unbf'lloevers. will they not uy that ye are mad." Not twavenly lanauarn but lancuarn simply that uJdeurwed ~ would not uDMrstand. Aud the next verse says, "But If all prophesy, and there C"'rnf' In Of'll' that belkveth not. or one unlNm· f!'d, he is convtn~ or all, he i.J Jod&:ed of all." Even an ulM'du· cated man who would SpPak only hit own native lana:;uqP would bt convincf!'d and biHSed If one spokP In the power of the Holy Spirit In hit; own l&nj:uqe. Then th is p&U3J'e di.scuaing natural lanrualfi and unknown fol'f'i&n lancuares should not be used In the ~hurch Jnt ttM:o un- k-arned propi!' would 105l' ttw bln.sing or would think that yo1 • werp crazy. the Scripture :'l.ll)'S. No, W!' do not Undt-I'Stand tha1 tM peoop&. at Corintb tJwn ..,. ...,,I' 1 a ..,..._ lift 01 kiiiCUN. Paul N:llt.iktd tt... ... I._, are not a modtl w .a.awd s-tlft'll attn-. So bt ....... 9, tiM-1 .......... w to -.-"WOrdl ltM)' to be _.... .. stood... In tbe dlurth 10 otiMn may uftdtntud and be ba.-4. And the rebuke o,)f tbt ._.,.., at Oonntll """'' to ... • ....... tor .,.,. bern)f in JDDdft1l ~ • the tciiWUfl QUMtion. " VIL BUT AU NO!' ALL CHRI&I IA.N8 TO RA V8 A GIJ'T OP 'IONGUD All "'11111 INI'IUL IIVIDIINC. OF THII BAP111JM OP THB HOLY SPIIII'I"'T No, they a~ not. 1. 1'be 1Ift of forelan Jancuapl: at Penttcoat wu not &tva u a.n evkkol"!« of the fu.lbwla of the SJMrlt. It wu &fvtn .o that ,.. pie couJcl hear the Golpel In Uwlr own lanauaB in whkh they wtre born and be converted. It .......,_ ltl purpoae. "nne pu~ ... QOl .... an tnJtial evidence ot the tMip- tiam of the Holy Splrtt." 2. 'J'h(o Blb1e never anywlvfto aaya that speakln1 In toncun Ill an Pvkknce of the~ Holy Sptrlt power nor that It l.s to be the "Initial n •idence." That il a doc- trine made up by rnPn without a J)81rtlcle of command to that end In the Bibk-. 3. We have many cues In the Blbir of Olrlstiana fll),rd with the Holy SpJrtt, where It Ia evident they did not speak with toncues. John the Baptlat v.·as "filled with the Holy Chos•. even from hit mother's womb," as "'e ~.11.m In Luke 1:15 and llx' I'HUit WAI lhat "many of the children of Janel shall he turn to the Lord t~ir God." Soul winning U. the only evident'!' mentloMd therr. In Luke I :41 we rind that "Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ctw.t." but she t&lkf!'d In her uaual lanruaa:e and the wordt she spoke are plainly cJven to u.s. In the ume chapter, in Luke 1 :67, arter the birth of John the Baptist, we r.ad, "And hla falMr Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophet,ted. .sayln& ," and the words or hl.s propht-cy are riven, wondtrlul. Spirit·rilled words, but they wtl"f' In his rq:ular Ja.ns:ua~. not In any unknown toncue or ja.bber. In Luke 3 :21 , 22, wbPn. Jesua was ba.ptiU'd and was fint nlied with lhf' Holy Spirit. there is not a hint that He spoke in tonrua. In A~U 8 :17 we read how tJw apoa,tlf's camf' and lair! hands on thf' r'lf'W converts won by Philip In Samaria: '"'1'1\eon thtoy laX:I their hands on thfom, and they f\"C'C'l'JPtl thfo Hoi)· Ghost." But there Ia no ~int that ttwy talkt'd in -'Y Jor- o.:-lrn La.na:uacP or any unknown •o:ocue. In Acts 9 :17 w~ fineS ~t An· 'lhi.a'> ~•me to the r'lf'W conwrt. 0 aul, laid his hands on him and nid, ''TtK> Lord, «>vt>n J~us ... hath Rill me, that thou ml&htnt n:fflve thy sight, and bl! ftlled with the Holy Choat ... And Paul rtt'('IVcd his si&ht, wa• baptized and aet out to preach but there I! not a hint that he> spoke In aome forci&n languaae or unknown tonrue or had any "initial evl· <knee" of languare at the time. 4. In human history, the pftt· est soul wlnnrn, the mo.t Spirit· filled, mighty men or God, haw had soul-wlnntna: power when tbe Holy Ghost wu on them, but tht7 did not spHk In ~ mlr'aculoul alft of toncues or unknown toncue. There was Luther, Spur- ~. W8k'y, nftlW'y, Moody, Tor- r.y, 0\apman, BIUy Sunday, and others who won their thouaandl and hundreds of thousands. 'l'hty dkl not ..ek, they dkl not bav~. they nrvPr elalmed to hav~ any spt'dal siwn or "ton~." (TO a1 CONTtNU!Dl St. Thomas Bible Lesson PARABLE OF THE KINGDOM Matthew 1 3:24-43 Leuon 2 , Series Ill It was a memorable afternoon when Jesus, preaching nut or doors from 8 l'n,a ll <ohtp off shore. began to Spt'ak in parablt'l', fuur or >Aihlch l\1a1thew has n_'('nrdcd. Tht•rt• may wdl have been others. Th e use of the parables was a mannt·r of altat•k delivered by J esus in the face o f growing opposition to his minis trv. By rPsnrting to them he explaint'tl that he was fo rcing the issue of l'int·erity and faith. Those who heard him in good faith and took in what he said .,.,.o uld he l{rcaUy enlightent.•d; those who wen · suspicious and doubting .,.,·ould bt.• the mort> confused and dumbfoundE'd . All this was in rulnllment of pruphl'Cit.'!l . t•spedall y fro m Isaiah. which aKain gave evidence of the Messiah- s hip of ./f.'11wl . in the Papacy; still others say it is all lht-faull or the Slxt~nth Century Re- fo rmers and that thne are responsible ror what they call unhappy and d is- astrous divisions. Jt is the saints who are blamed fo r the t>vil in the world. :\lt•reover lhe parables themselves delivered an u nswer to the objections born of timidity. d iscouragement, despair. disappointment, and d oubts of small beginnings. They nut o nly p ut down all these hostilities, but went on to affi nn the certainty of overwhelming victo ry . With them he silenced friend, fot' and ramily, all o r who m had soughttodissuade him from his work, and opened up new hopes and promit~es fo r all who believed him. The fin~ot of thHe parahle!i, discussed in a previous lesson, dealt with the discoura({lng fact that there Wt're so many who heard Jesus who either did not respond a t all. or whose ~conv~rslon,,. so to epeak, was but a neetlng or unfruitful thing. Next there arc parables dealing with the o bjections t) that there are both good and bad in the world even orter Christ has come; 2) that the Gospel tJe.. ginnings are so small-only Jesu!l and John and a handful of followers in Galiler; 3) that there are no sudd~n and dramatic advances of the Goepel auch a s would make headlines today, All these objectio ns were advanct'd against Jesu!l. 8!1 they 8t'E' agaln!l.t the ministers o r <.:hrlst today. Jeaus ov~rrode every one In particuJar, I .) W~ must remember !hat even before the duth and resurrection of Jesu• the C hurch wu in the world; It wu the Israel or God whJch atood on the promise of Christ. So those who heard Jesu• preach had tom~ knowledge • of how the taints live in the wortd. and they knew u we do that there are in It heretics and Insincere penon• and open adv~n.artts who work evU ln•tead of good. It muat have been apparent from th~ ftnllhat even tM Gospel preachtna did not chang~ thla. Even one:ofthe'l"welve wa1, u JetUI aakl, a <levU (Judaa) . Thlt lnlennlngllnl of the bad with tht lood. or falliehooda with the truth, di~eredJta the Goape:l to many who expen II lo brtna the perfecdona of huven o the world. To •lnal~ out thb objedlon. Jaua tella of toWtnc Htd and tbm flndlfll weed• f:Ome up with the wheat. •.• The: nnt lhOUiht o1 thOH who question the appearance of the &a.rea, or ~u. la that the Coepd Ned ttHifwu Imperfect and that the: falH:hoocb and ~rrora are lmpUdt 1n lt. Today maoy expreu the .._me kind ol doubts when they IM!e tbe: tftf~Chuttt and hem• and ~· or the Cbdatlan era and look lo put apt to ea:ount (OT lt. Many aay that the: Wa ot Chritatndom a.N aecoonted for by erron ln ltteolot7 l:n lbe Sot:ond and Thlnl Cmturlel: olhen 1ry to explain t.be or1atn o1 b-1• ' So In the parable the servant• ask, "Sir, dldst not thou sow good seed in thy neld? from whence then hath It tares?" Jesus answers that th~ tarn were not in th~ teed; the hertlles and faheo- hoods and blasphemies are not mingled with the Gospel. They wert 110wn by an ~nemy while men slept and were not awake and watching. The enemy l.t the devil. It Is to be noted that the Rnt seed to be AOwn and the lint ean to appear are thote of the pur~ truth; error eomn aftrr truth. It Ia lhl1 that makes It all the eas ier to attribute the appearance or error to the suppoaed lack of purity in the seed or truth. Such an explanation la ltaelr falte and deslructiw lo faith and reuon. Men still have dlfficulty, howev~r. ln accepting the fact that the Go.pel Age 11 not perfection •• pmmlaed in Heaven. So they tuppoa.e that the work ol the enemy mutt be undone by tbemaelvt:~. They uk, •wut thou tbeo that ~ 10 and gather them up?" They want tow~ the 1arden, and "e:llmtn.te:• all unbelieven. But that It not the way of the Klnc'dom of God ln tblt world. Chrt1t cSoet not lntmd the pe.rf«tion of heaven ln Ierma of thll material workl. Ltt both grow, lest the wheat be uproolrd along wtth the tara. The H:paratlon and purlBcation wUJ come al the harveat II l• to be noted that the ntld ln wbkh tJx teed la town la the worid. not thp church. Salntt live and crow in thll field In tiM: mklat of unbelkve:n btre- tka and athdatt.. There: wW be no ~aratloft nOw except lD the: obvioue ',ooc~­ MN or evU of the fruU. 1'be .epa ration will come at 3ud.,me:nt O&y. To .,._ the other objocflona J ..... .._ 2) the parable ollhe m-nl tted, •howtnc th.al a IPUI Uet ITOWI from a very tiny Ned, am aU bestnni.DI• Indeed~ and 3) of the leaven ln the do\&lb, ahowlnc that tJx wortdnp o1 tM Coopd • .,. ..,_. but lrTealttlblo •n4 pum<aloo the whole Joel. The w1oo1e wOTid bo complelely ellued and tfl lhapo and o1ae dettamlnod by 111e .Uasf ll<tlon ola Ullle lee-. Solo lbe action ollhe Goopoi. Th011 we SMd lbat 'All -thiDp .Ue Jeoua '"*' Ute mullltuale 1st parabloa; and wllbout • parable opeb ba nol Wllo u,.,, ll:et 11 SSIIPt ba fulllllod wltlcll -• -k<D by lise propbal (l'Mim 78) I wW -ill7 -·· puableo; I wW -thiDp w111c11 hew-ltept -fro• 111o -·- of tiM wo>ld. • So aplal -oaw Jewo rttllllllac t11o propb-ct lcrlp- tua., lh•lhowl:w b-lo ba flto Cb- 'lbm J•UI en..._,. .._ multlblde 8DC1 atva a f'C'MD• I ry oa his owa panblo. ""-him we leem bow lcllplwo 1 ' -........._ ODtl we- thai many of tht parabln an •D sviillla .. lbii::W IIDIC •ae that J0W111t lhe •--II tllo Son ol Mass; .. llold 1o lw wo>ld; t1t:. • nil 1o 1o ba -=ttietlle-oltlla-......-. .W. "'-•~-'-.0. ._...,.a-Ha, ,,, 1'aw17g.tf· Police Newcomers at Hoag • WIIIIIIDAY, OCT. I w -~ ~-•&ATliiDAY,IKPr. I Glrl-ltr IIIII Kra. Kolll Cllorloo ·-~-" '*' ............... -.; Glrl-ltr.llllllln.GonK c ...... iiO'I Port-- .. CaO,II•, IW" Nnpari ., b.r..,.Md-lOu-·-·-... , ...... --.-"" 1l111o. .... s I ... I :f'".,"!!...~.!..ll:"'~~o~~• • oot•UU.IOO ... r.011 ...,_ c"ll'a rr • -. Glrt-ltr.llllllln. ru. .,.,eas;w AI II •---; wu SlllploJoltOOS.Lo_lle..IO'f Poy-ltr.Mdlln.---.. 4Mrl/l """'= oollt$11.!100,, .lft!r>Roao -Y ... 11111o, .... ......: ~ llllllalui'DriYo,-...... c-4ol-. Wo .... TM-_,.,.. 1111 5url.o ud Doold Llwr-todooo<WJOolboloJ*"'* -.... Glr1-ltr,llldltro.,_.._ .,...,... .... _ ---.~ ~llatou DoOII ol Ill-st., Wilt Ill pool>lle,, •• Krnolllottlll Glrl-ltr,Mdltro.-Btii,IICIColloJI.Coola"-liP'' ud 1111 --''&-11omol...-eu, "-!-••• arnotod b' Boel:or, 57, o1 -Ailo Ylotl 11utu, 114 .&acll A"" Cay-Kr. ud ---.._..,.....,11.8111 -uau.loollr lock.illcsobu-poflts-!' ol marl ..... Dr., Eul: Slid, WU ur?JIJ1 C._d8llllr. • ..... 1110 WJ.Diee, Ap:. S. 11ft klot mort dOIIlJ,ftWI.D mall~," &Dd ,..,..,.,.... A••: t•lllftdb$'115wu oaaCWitofdtlnlll ..... a. Girl-Mr. ud atr&. Daa Colli&..._. a.dtblt'IDO.tofu.ntproblems 1t., bed tbat merely~ Iloilo,.,_ N-~ no-o1 o1eo1oo1,. J, tuo F-IIIWooiWI-.AI>t. Coy-ltr. Ul ltro, Waller ••• ..u.nr ......., bJ --ot 1lo puapo .W-1100 W. Cout Hwy., MulDers Al'fbouod: .,.. ., ... 1ro1a Ito. s, Colla...._ L Ledll't:Wber, ?OS v.,._PL, we mi.-cau tbe teacber pp. '-edJ membera tbelr tr. IIIIo. bert 0, Grleoo o1 fOI,I/IOU.. • SUIIDAY, aPT. 1 lntllo, .. .., U Ill tbo taeber pp Wb1eb OMmr. <Joe ol !be "borrlble • THURSDAY, OCT, 9 . St., Welt N..,.,rt • , , A hl5 &e,-llr. ud lltl.lnNID Glr1-llr, Uldllrs.Rldilrd 11: 1D lvlt J1U1 rftiiiO"stble b' ID.Ill&)ie'' ~ selecteli WUllam Looc DaYe.,rt ol wateb waa atoiM from TUlia Bllllm,1UII WOOCWOekLUe, Canow, 1105 DIY01. l.&M:, tbe paera.tioa pp. &ad quoted la this: 11f Harbor lalud wu arret-Mur Harbor• oi50SF•IIIet. Retl ..... a.e~ WateWI. n. teacber" pp lltbewideo-''Tbe teacher e&nan~.~r•!J tldoeac:blrpoldrlf1Dclmd• COI'OII& del Mar ••• SIIIlr• Boy-llr.Mdllra.Tbomu •StnmAY,SEPT.14 laeebumwt11eby&nsbetweea. ldeattfy .nat ls a tM laft-..et ol &Jcobol · • • • CbrlltlDe WaldeD ot Oll'dft CaiO, NO YldDria, Apt.l, Cotta 8oJ -llr • ud lira. WlWam tbe moat Yoeal aDd IDO~ leo.se by rectUDc the Com- Dnld Perry ol 1800 GroYt was tajllr.S W'bea 111e llta. T. Edmc»tw, ZZJ.IR'Cpra,Apt. eiemeuU ot the taaeflllc ~ mu:knents as tbe Jb.Ddard o1 dro¥e lDlo a ear OWDid bJ 8oJ-Mr.Udllra.Jterroa.. C.,eo.tallea. feuloa today, aDd tbl pareets mon.Uty lor America •••• L&ura Adele AUeo otaot5 Col-.., , tliZ o.rAeJd Drtn, a-.. Girl -llr. ud lira. Gerald wlloee cbildrea t.bey teacb.. Tbe because the Decaloque la lep .. Costa Mesa. u.pc. Bead~.. P. M.tlmberc. 41()0.8 Hlllria eblldreG, cauebt LD tbe middle, wr1tteD. law ol tbe la.od. • FRIDAY, OCT, 10 Girl-Mr. Uld Mrs. PMl.Up WJ,. ... flewport Hel&tU, are ofteD woe ot"er to tb1 latelleetuLllDtra.-strueture Cl&ytoa Walter lr'w1l\, 45 fit M•U"""z. 1151 Dorset t.ue, Boy -Mr • ..S lira. Joba teaebra side ot tbe pp. oa Wllieb stahaor~~~;jy~la~w~s=:~ %115 Plaeeatla, No. 1, C.C:.... COlli& IIHL f'rt.Ml. 2111 Mollt•ey be., lei.Ybtc tbt1r pareots 00 tbe Wbl.a the simple Mtsa,ruarrested•aeblrp Girl-lit. ud lira. AJ-COIIDMea.. otberstde. t.ba.ttbeTeo ol driYi4c UDder tbt IIO...:::t berto Loera. Z14C&tlrtllo, Col:-• MONDAY, SEPT. 15 It is time we stowed ta.Jk11tC: the buls ol Amerlca.o of ~~ • , • Muc Lu..ce ta ..... Girl -Mr. ud Mrs. DoDa1d seoU.meatal D()I!SU.&e &boat is seriously reprded Rec:ordoa o1 4901 Set whore Dr.. Boy -Mr. ud Mrs. A.la.lll Gl'oee, 10592 MlDun., HIIDI:I.Dc· w!lat ")"N.b dema.Dds.. aiXl threat to tbl teaching ,...,.., West N~. wu anat.S em Gordu&. 1511 On.Dp AYe., Apt. toD Bel.cll. wbere ''Youth 1s beadtac." as sioa., thea sometbl.Dg a ebarce of resJsttqanest ••• A, c:o.t& M-., Boy-Mr. &lid Mrs. Seottie thoucb tee~swereactlRllJ detply wroog wttb the '"'''hiD Gordoa. L. Nub ot B&1dw1n BoJ -11r. ud Mrs. v.,... MUla a, 1411-1/Z Oruce, strtldDc out 1D oew utt often profession ud we dO Park was lDjured wbeD IUs alllo Wbl.ltoa, ._.. E. Z1at st., Welt Colt& Ilea. daDC¥0U5 directtooa eatlreiJ baYI a teacber gap In FOIIIERI.Y MEARS CHI ERA eolllded .m a eor <lrl"a bJ Upper Bor. Car -ltr. ""' Kro. Joo oo 1be1r own wt-...., 1nr -· JobD J. M&raball of 95 lJDda Gtrl -Mr. ud lira. Eric De VauJt. 11115 Bayberry WaJ. nueoce or leldersb.lp from WbJ so maay teachers hue Isle, wbo wu abo !D)Ired, at Raa.loD, 10M%: Kabi DriYe, lntM. adults. In fact lbey are be1Dg become alleoated from the Jamboree Rd. aact S.Ct BQ Dr. H~ Blaeb. Girl-Mr. UdMra. wtwam b•Yll)' lDllueoeed aod aettYel}' American Derltage and the Ten • ••. A $900 IBK eleetrtc Boy -Mr. ud Mrs. Jola Wlat-., sot 11111&Dkl An., led, with ao often frtgblealllc Commaadm..U is a questiaa MOW AT ITH NEWPORT BLVD. COIITA IIESA ......... 13 typewrite wultoleD from tile llrtm.., SIJM'I Ccwtf...,, eor.acte11111'. decree of llllellectUll eoab'-wblcboalytboseteacber s them- Coben. aJXt Karcer law tlrm at Drtn, H...tl_.,.. Btaeb. • TOESDAY SE.Pr 11 mlty, by tbose among tbelr selt'es ean W'W'et. They should ~========: 505 30th st., West Mnport. 8oJ -Mr. ud lira. IIIITJ BoJ Jir ..; Mr Jobo teachers Who are most boetlle look w1.t.ht.D tbemsett'es for =~-=-='-..:::c.::.== WlDtera, SOICidlrst.,~lrJ)Ol"t L F'''~ 1..:,, •-sta',....-_ to tbe Amerlca.o way at U1a. uner rather t.r.nlo<<oot,u.(J<ual BALTZ MOR1VARIES L£~ •L -11c• ~ li6U -· ......_ ··.:w::tety" -ror --~::-==:..::'""=..t.:.=:•=..__S>oroo. y • . ·• Tbeoo taebers arelaklogll>elr • MONDAY, SEPT. I ea. ltOIIeats i..D a dlrect:loo dla.-pride is a ..-ery a.acleot P-Ull& Gtrt-Mr. ud lira. Aln.D. Boy -Mr. and lira. JobD metrically (llllpO&edtotbefiiDda.. But YbateYer the cause ol CERTIFICATE OF BlSINESS GordoG, SU-Zbt St., Coeta :0:;,..~':_ AD1ta LaDe, Bar-meatal prloeJples m:teriJtDc t•cbers' aUenatton, mere 11•1 SU'1a101 AVf. Fletltioa Ftrm Hamt Mea. ~~"' tbe Amerlca.D berltace &lid tbe oo escase fbr t.b1! of liS COST E TH£ UNDERSIGIIED -Coy -ltr. ""'ltro. Jotm • WEIJl<ESDAY, SEPT. 1?. Cbrtstlao rellpoo. let lllem amloue ID,otU,otUIOir Mid•• .. .._242~ M SA herebJ eerttf1 tbat ... 11: eo.-AU.. bt ~ Apt. A.. Girl -llr. ud lira. 0e1u:11s AD especially str1JI1.nr ex.-on problems on our ' ducttnc a YMIH&Je ........ at Colt& Mea. Suder&, l'lZ?Z Aab La.De, H ... -ample ol t11e utent ol tbe people. JIW I . CO~Y HI•AY .00 Corlo<to, N-Beoell, • TUF.SDAY, SEPT. o lia&tDO Beoe11. taeher pp _,.5 a. a AI !be •err least, we CO-A DIL IOAR Calllonlla, Ulldw tllolleUIIooo Gtrl-Kr,Md lira. J--. Boy -llr. ud llrs. Ror .--let called "C:.Wonla to see to U 11>11""""" ~'bel~• OA:k)lt 'J-'450 ttrm aunt ol Ruty'a Noftlty Sommc, 151:5 ~ Apt. K. Jbda.S50Yoate Vllta,Costa Educat1oo 1D Crisis•' receaUy aDd professors are hired s•c• ,.42 Co. aDd tbat aid llrm ta com-P-1, •• Newport fWIM•· Mea. dlsttlbutad to oew faculty mem-State wbo do believe tbat ~;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:::::;;:::::~ posed ol the l:)llowlDC perltD Boy_ Ill'. u:1 MrL Bnce Boy_ Mr. &DI!Mrs. Roy P. bers 1D tbe Ca.lllom1aStateCol-Teo Commudmeots are . whose arne ID. ftlll ud place PaiDe, 118 Albrlrt Place, eo.ta Almmder m, 512 Jollet, Huot. leps IU'c:lDc lbem to )liD ~ prqMU' Ga:iard of of restdeoce are u lollaft, Ilea. 1Dctoo Beaeb. Amerlea.D Ftderatloa otTeacb-America, ., t.ba.t the 1dea TIDE ~ to,wtt' GUI -ltr. ud ltro. Bl1lJ ers (AFT). Tbls pampblel calls DO 1oD&or seem qullle•>lltl'aJI&' ,~~ ._ '!;J IU.rp.ret A. WUbrecbt. D ~ UOU Suau • THURSDAY, SEPT. 18 tor all--out QIJPOSit:loo to tbe to tbe American Federatloo I #""' WITNESS my baDd this Z5tb circle, Hwf:lnctr-Beacb. BoJ-Mr. aDd Mrs. TenJ stated educational policies o1 Teaehers ln Callfotn.la, day or~. 1969 Par _ 11r • ..., ltra. BoO llallllo, su.c 8lb, """"-Gooeroor R....,., alll>oucl> ..a, •~, :::_,... Ma.rp.ret A. Wllbreebt varter..au.. SS& Rocbelter, Beacb.. mlttt.oc 1:t1at: tbese policies tan $1,500 ART GRANT STATE OF CAUFORNIA) CoRa ...... Boy -lllr. aDd Mrs. GuPtar the oYerwbelmiDg ~ oftbe Tbe Newport Harbor Art Mu- ss, • WEDNESDAy SEPT 10 StelD, li23Z Falrny Ln., Hun. people of CaWorola. Tbe seum has recetYed a COUNTY OF OIWIGE Bor --llr ;,... ....... FroDt lia&tDO Beech. poUdos and prlllelples Wbldl CfiDl lrom the Caooda CouocU ON THJS 25tb dayoiSCittmber, o...a. zzs ·a..,. Bl.ltll:a 1s-Gtrl-lllr. aDd Mrs. Lamoat _. t.aeulty membersarec:a.Der1 to ~ dehy espeosea of 1919, before me, a Notary 1alld. • ' FaneU. UIM Coni AYe., Apt • .., 10 ll.lbl -.r1tb all tbetr "New Art ot v,ao 0 - 11 e:o.., ... ., .. .,·.,· ~ 1 •....-t 8hd. Pub lie 1D Ud fDr Aid eomJtJ m:l GUl _ llr. ud Mra. JobD B., Costa Mesa. atr-cth are mastrated by re-blbU oa new at ~~~·;•~n~,..~,.~·~·-~·~~ state, resldlDr tbtreiD. dal1 F. CJua. aot t., Jolla Ctret~. Girl-Yr. UCl Mrs. Edward tereace to the ruldellDes b' 111.aiD Street, Balboa. j. commtasiorled aM .,...._ y,-,8...,. S.CL _ McQahm•a, a61 ""l Cinle, monl iD&truct1oo. lD Ca.lifcnia eDtbfnoo., wblcb eao. be MATTRESSES per...Uy -ed ""'"'"' Par -llr. ud ltra, WQDO B.,.._ Beleb. oel>ools, a r...,n ace-bJ 1llrMp Moo. 9, Is a ..... -1IUV1UIDIG f~lsr 51\apn .•• ...-.-c:.u. COSTA MBA NATTIW CO. 2110 H.u,.,.ltw4. u.....,&-llll A. Wllbreebl-., to 1M lobo 8-111Ra1U-Llllo, PIIJ-Itr.ud llro. H. !lew, II>< stoto Boord ot .,._.._ -· ot 7 -Caoodlllll tbe Pti'ICD ..... -.....La ...... COIIta.... ... a.a., lilt 'l'll11r.,, lti) 1,19119. &l'tWa. oerll>ed to "" wtwa 1nr Par _ llr. """ ltro. Jorrr Colla .._ strumoat, ""' ...... lodpdto LoOr IGI~oldst.,~ •FRIDAY,SEPT.19 me Lbat abe eue'IIUd tbe same. ~~~~ eo, -11r. ud Mrs.. Loab WITNESS mr-""'ollletal Girl_ llr • ..., ltrs. car, E. C:O.er, ZIOO Fedenl, Colla Ch I seal. Jessie R. Hill Kelder 171& S. We.tmtn«er Mesa. ape NotarJ Pm>lie 111 aDd ror· aid COlli& M-. ' Girl -llr. ud Mrs. Robert -- OffiiiiNG QUALITY W1TIIOUT COl& IIOMdl ue1H6 642-G27CI • lOU. u.u c:ouan ~ ......... t• Hl ........ oO COWIIy and Slate. Girl-llr. ud llr•.llellls P. U>emor,U85IonSL,Coola MJ commissloaeq,tres0et.Z4, K1dd. 1,...1 Nwiaad st. ~ Mesa. 1970. lia&tDO Beleb ' Car -11r. and Krs. Robert Time And Money-Call An Expert Publisb:_Oet. 2, 9, 16, 1959, ' Snyder, 919% Bermuda Dr.. e IIAUTY SALOM ID tbe Newport Harbor • THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 HWlliDctoo S.eh, 1IEASUI£ HOUSE YOUa CllaiiTIAM ..... T C»ii& •~~-~.-...c--.~o as-c.... OIPft • Cttii'OI -• tr1L111 ........ ai .......... ..._.M.ao•••--+n•• ... Boy-Mr. aJXt Ill's. Louis Boy-Mr.lDdMrs.Raymood II.-· 147 W. WU-Ai>t. Wats of 2501 Alia VIsta Dr., A, c:o.t& Mea. East Blafl'. Boy-Mr. aDd Mrs. Ricbard B1oombtr1o Ul W. WU.., 16, • SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 c-...,., Boy -11r. ""' Mrs. Joi>n Gtrl -Mr. ud lin. Mario W, Tolb', 17192 Rotterdam La., Artlcllo, ZZ01 PIIA:OIIIIa, AjJt. H-Beoeb. c, eo.ta y..._ Boy -Mr. &lid Mrs. Rooald '·~ ..., ·-r·~ ~.:.::....... ... ao, -Mr. ud Mr•. Robert Bur teeD, za..c 16th Pl., Cosb. ~==::::::::===~===~====~ Cblr ..... 11511 .... IDI La. ...... ... H.., .. Beaell. • SUKOAY. SEPT. 21 • FRIDA T, SEPT, 1Z Boy -Mr. ud 110-s. G. Pbll- Boy -Mr. ud Mrs. Robert Up Mayer, U69Z Bl'uta Circle, Ham-. 191 ClpiiiJ st.. "'"'-Beaeb. eo.ta M-. Girl-Mr. &lid Mrs.B.Ncr- T HTUna D,.,,..h Coy-llr ..... ltra. ~ rls 11o1t111, IIIZ05 ,._......_ .LA0 .IXO.. v.,.._., 447 W""'"'d LA., rm.. ~ .1',../l"''J Blyuest.. Boy-Mr. aad Mrs. Moate JYlln, ,.. GIJ'l-llr • ..., ..... -..,.,11, 437 52od St., N- 494-9415 F. Ya.c. 439Go~Aft., Shores. Jt • • .L~t.cula& • BEAUTY NOOI< 27J2 E. C ~st Hwy. COlona det War · Pho,Jnt e,n-nl6 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES O P~ TI"E:SO-\Y T'fROt"GH SHlJ ROA"f F"rel! Parfr.ia! ill Frvat lOO W. Coast Hwy. Newport S..dt T ... OM: 6Q. CJI..44 BUILDING CONTRACTORS RE UODE LIN G and ADD ITIONS Sem119 the Entire South Coart Alee c..-<lol)(&r. Boy -11r.""' llrs. G<nld 1..::==================::!, P. Eisele, 10191 Wa1 KaiDr.. • f'ltEE I"LA.I4 SUVICf -r • SA.TtlmAY, SEPT. 13 u11nHactm O.eb. Orco Block Co. Girl-Mr. IDCS llr1. Cecil Girl-Mr. aad Mrs. Cbrls R. I-751 W. zotb st.. Wllool, UO VIa ....... LJdo BUILDING BLOCKS , ALL SJZDi • ALL T'tPES eo."-rare. l~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~)!~GUIH.-~!!:.,"'!!!'~..'!: • Ko~·v, ~PT. ZZ 1"1h,.tan J•t •• 7·IDI ..... "7 __ "•-... routt. ~c. .. KMeU& ....... a. L ...... ._..a-Colt&..... Boy-Mr.a.IM.ra.llict.el Flllmon, Z750S&ID ..... Colla r----1-UPPO--RT -YOUII-------, ";;_ ............. Ra.aa I I Clrot01nn, 1>:10 P-- ~-1'olll GIJ'Ia -........ lin. O..U O'Bon, 144 E. 1610 st., ~-• TO'ESDA.T, SEPT. %l Pay-ltr • ..altra.Rielllrd 532,5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTIOH CO. n n••• o HIAL YH RISOIT ~~==--t ................... • ....... $$ 7 'd ...... ............ -. .~ o 0 RAil r;; E • AIUII Elll o HUHTINGTOI< aEAOI 142·1451 639-2.U1 126-0311 • IIIC O.EANIHG 673,5822 675,3353 I'..._ ... Ch•••!l Worlls CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF lUGS • WAU,T(),WALL CARPETING J,OAY SERVICE ;-------, o MARINE HARIIWAIIE FOR ALL OCCASIONS IJrM.I T..6 TI.OIIUS PilON Eo U6r4479 UIIIN._.BI\'d. 1 Rle& WILCOI(.(;ti 11a11111 ItA-All IL 's ,,. ., a... a '• ,. w. c.... ...., ....... -· ........ *'-" I lWwdt, at a..,.., ca.-• DRIVIHCSOtOOU THE NEWI'OIIT I!AIIOI I dol-. • BE HAPPY! • HIAJIIIC AID$ ·.1 AI~, ~'NI I :€!=;~:=: :~~~:Ji:, HAL AE.SCHER IW.., I v ~ Gl-. 1.11 VIa-. Lido !NTIWOIICTORY ~!. -. LE$501< I Official now111•• of the City of N-rt Beach. 1 Boy -ltr. ullin."-1]6,5731 "-fl .... •- 1 Canw. lOIII ·-CUelo, ,_ E. c.-H.,. l72li!.COASTIIWY.,CO-ADBLM.U.CAUP. I_,.,.. -!TOLL ~REEl I Pay-llr.udltro.' B ASnDDIIIVINGSCI~ c.-.. _ I Send in I ~=' I•n w.o-.l=ij~=~==l~~67WID~~~jl 1 1 YOUII IODAY : C!-.=-....":t"::...~l~ •$CIIII.'TJ--'DM #LL I ... _.,, SEPT ... I LOCAL SUISCRIP11Ui0 RAT!: .-p s.e.•. ·-· I .., -.......... Ita I OU111Df Of ntE NAil-AllfA· SUD • ,_ 1 -· 11'1 ••a .., n.• ..,.u~r _, ....... c-... -. .. .. ,..._ I IWIB I cai-llr............ ... ........... ., . -.... -~-1 I.~-AD __ .__ I -I ... cat-........... -. f'IIJHoiN- anAIIDITA11! liP. ::"~'C•.:.'c "' l-_...!tL~t>o~•'-!"!!,.!:•"'!!u!i~sc_•_ L-•------------------~ .A • ..,I p AII<T • WALLPAPEP PI!!_._ -Dotdl 11o1 Potola-OIIollli ... lirle 11.000 p. "M'EIINII 01' PALLPAPE11 •11&.~ • .,. ow .... ~ ,., • ., ,. l'wf n .. .,., ' 1}1 &A.alf::AIQ (8J E-o#•• CN/,_, .. , ·-·a. .... ,.. .... -·-~ ... t" au-. La." •••• P.atth••asu -~----.NURSERY ShrUbs. lntenor Plan1 s Trop1ca.l & Trees lnsecno des and Fertll.u.er S & H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona !WI \lar Surser)' n'" r. CllrUl u.,., li1>el60 SHOE IIEPAII MABERRY 'S Shoe Repau Purse and Lugg.age Aepa.r -Dve War .. 5a.H ST AM"$ ()fit[ OA'I' S£RV1CE tnc)H~ 81wd. eo. ........ -.. 6-llll ..... ''' r SF"EC1 AL..! Z E IN • 8RAICES rn,H.._IJ,..._,, lf>o.'! • SCKKXS • ALIC".ft.fMEHT Fe, Fast Ex,.n S.r.otn 6<16-562) PICK-l.'P !? DFI n "FRl' TRU·LIHE AUTO CENTER .. , ."l~"'rm"' B_l •• ,,.~ ,-o. COST-\ 't H o\ CAR WASH ltTM SY. CAR WASH e• w. 19111 SL OOSTAIIESA (Nut .. Ill•• ~p lets c•uoa Oeater) Th II.....,, ,.,. .. s oW7 l-ll7 __ .,..c. .. ,...., ~-11'«1'. ePUtti .. G A. a. MAUAC Pl.mlll£& ?OOC a••• &ftrr. ~ ..... • M 9' I I, ... . D&, ... . ' . . >.I ' j..ofES C. MORR.ISON ~-. 'IHDmAH Dt.lVa YOt/1. CITY, U.s.A; 60611 .•• ...c C. JIORI.ISON J--BIAJII _. ...... ., ......... ' fiiCIII crrr. Now there's pretty money especially for Orange County. The newest Sketchbook checks have been designed with five of this area's most picturesque SClenes ... so your checks can reflect the real beauty of Ora~~unty. are the cbccks you can write free at Southern California First National Bank ... just by maintaining a $100 minimum balance. And when you order your Sketchbook checks, you'll re~ive a handsome enlarged print of one of the Orange County scenes. An order of Sketchbook checks 101 101 costs only 7' more than an order of standard checks. Get your own pretty money . . . ~specially now _that -. 1 , tt has been destgned for pretty Or'ange County. Cuta Mea 230 E. 17th St, 642-1660 H•MI•••• .. dll7.122 Beach Blvd ., 847-9681, 8899 Adams Ave., 962-3377 .. ' (_)A K 'v\' ()() 0 E ~TS / 1\11 1\ C.\ I!--/ C E ,\7'!_, ST/L\ IE~--J\ )/()L/1\ )t\ I) E J\ ~ 0 ~ 1\ L L 1 1-~ £: ~ -1 ) ~I ~ f lm.lgintlll\'l'l\' dl'-.ignl'd, t>,,h.,,uud bll'nd..., 1h rL·ltt\l..'d tl'mpu, '' tth ,111 ,1ttitud(' of -.pont,lllL'llll'-l L'lljt)\'nH·nt. l ·l'l'l tt IL'l it t'll\'l'lllp \'ou' F·,1Lh tim<.' \'Ull \'1'-tl thL· C lubhuu...,t•, \'!lll'll l ind c1 Ill'\\' pll'.hll l'l' tH\'cl i ti ng \'Ull -hut d "' ,)\ . ._, t hl' "d 11H' ,11r uf rl'l,l\l'd Ct1 11lclrt1Lkril'. BL'Ctllhl' hl'rl' \'uu'll d i..,nn·l'r pl'opk wh< l"l' fl'l rL',l tH Hl L,l..,ll'" rumpleml'nt \'our..,-in ,1 gaml' of bndgl' in thl' c.1rd room; I.Hgl' '-Ll ll' (_ ulur-T\' \'ll'\\'i ng in the th l'cl ll'r loungl'; ur billi,lrd..,, UllL' ut lhl' t,1..,lt'-.L growi ng hornl' -.purh -in I hl· bl'au I 1 t ul 1\ L.Hpl'll'd pl,lyt'r< room . Hco.:.utc Oa~il'Ootf'..., OfltiiiJJtclll St:c Pool Ci\ l' \'<.Hlr'-l'lf tn L'r to thL' ..,un, for huur-, l)f sunbron.I.L'd contentn1L't1t. Dl\T inlu ...,p,uh.lmg poPI Welter-., .1nd ...,,vim ,, lt'ngth or t,,·u. Ur ll•t thL' w hirling, d'l,lmp.lgnL•-Iih.L· bubbiL·-. trum J,l(U//1 jl'h in thl' outdoPr mJnl-puul-., ... otth m,,..,..,,,gL' tlW,l\' lhl' d,n·'._, L'cHl''-. ... ( >n the f>rntc~~iontl/-.... t:c 7 Cf/111 .... C<>llrf..., Unhurried and unh.uried, vou ct1n hl'~ld for tht• tennis court" at yuur leio..,urL', and pl,'l\' undl'r thL' lighh if you chOO'-l'. rhl' RL"·;ident ll'nni..., profes~ional i'-; un call tnr le~-.~..m~, wh,llL'\'l'r your profic il'ncy, t1nd r an nutfit ~·uu Lnmpll'tt•h· in thl' fullv -cquippl'd tl'nni-. -,hop. Or -play p,1ddll' ll'nni .... thl' popul,lr 11lllll.ltun~t1 - tton ot the gtlnH' th.11 j.., rapH.Ih' tlttr,Kimg m,1n\ dl'\'()tl'l''-. Un "PL'Li.ll llu .• hlun .... '' lwn \ llll pL111 IP h,,.._t lundllllh Pt 2=1 Pr lll!>fL', \llll .lll' u'rdJ,llh lll\ltL·d Ill rL'"L'r\t' lhl' I.HgL·. p1 1\,1k p.Ht \ r1hlrn \ lclll'rtng h.!ll.ht·n .1nd p11\dll' llh't'lll1 ~ 1'1111111 .... ,ln' .1l...,tl tlt \ llllr di..,PP",11 . /11 tiJ!' 1/c•tt!tlt C/u/1-. \\'ithm lhl' llubhuLhL' dl't' l\\ 11 "'L'p.H.ltt· I k.1lth C lub ... tor nwn .1n d wumL·n . I rPm g~.,·nllt • t,, . \ 1gun1LJ..,, \ Pll Ltlll t.11lt1r .Hl L'\t'rL-I .... L' r'rt~gr.lm t,> h.L'L'P \ou 111. t.lkt• Pit llll.hL'" .1nd bnn~ d,hh1ng Ill'\\ \ Jt.lllt\ Ill\ llllhL'il. fhL·n. l'\F'vrh.'I1Ll' lhl' p.tmpt'rL•d lt•t•IJn~ lll \\'l'll bt•lng .1 .... '''l' tut,lll\ Ull\\111d ,1nd n•l,l\ 111 tht• tulh tdt•d \\ t•t--.IL'tllll .._,HJll,l ·\/ the Indoor Pft i'IIJ,\ 1-~t lll\t ' I hl'rl'·.., nuthmg ...,,) ...,,,tJ-..t\'tng ,h the "" h,h h. ,,t dub hitting lhL· b.~ll "lJll,ltt•h It '''ll rt• .1 gPllt't (\lh.wond'.., indnt)r drt\ 111g r .. 1n ~L' , .... dL· .... t~lh'd l11 11npnnc \·uur ""lllg. '''llr -..l,llllt'-,lnd \llllt d1..,pn..,it1Pn ,,.., \ou gl..'l thl· dn1p (111 '''ur "'111 l ),1 h. \\'l'' Ki-rL'"ldt•n l t rit ·nd ...,, ... Plu.., Utht•r "Lil h Pk.1..,urt1l"IL· \l t" I tit'" ,1 .... \tlllt'\ l"~,1ll .1nd H,l..,kl'tb,lll th~..· .... P''It .... th.1t l"~nn~ \ llll lllhl Ull1t,Kl \\ Jth \PUr ,l(tl\ l ' II\ l 11\ llt'lghbur .... 11 l\lh.\\'n,,d \ • fl"tll•t" c ) / \ 1\ ~ \' C > C ) l ) li I ( 1\ ( ) . \' <:; ) C H I I ( > I .\I} I C > 1\ I "\ ~ \ c > 1\ I l) c >I I: I · \ L I I ) /\ .\' l ) I) I I . · \ ~ L II\ I Captunng the reflectiOn of sparkling fountam-. aga1n!:>t a vast emerald pool, of green lawns and tree shaded paths Oakwood's grounds are perfect tor an early mom1ng jog, or a tw11ight stroll Ih1.., I'> Oakwood-a 12 -acre lOU(ltrv dub lOmmun1tv. where vou enJOY the pnval \ ot vour own luxury apartment, and then .eml'rgl' to acre.., ot land~caped '>urroundtng'>, Lrownl'd w1th all the recreatiOn tanht1e~ vou m1ght ever w1sh for -and the convenience'> that m.1k.e llle tnf1n1tely more pleasurable' Bold and Ima g inative ... C ) ,1\ K \ \ ' 1 l ) 1 ( ~ \ I ) L ) I , \ I ) \ J ) I 11 I /() I ()J>J I r I I I Dining on ~·o u r pc~tio nr balcony, ~·ou ...,cn...,c the essence nt thL' truL' C,1li turnic1 liie...,t\ k . And .1 11 arou n d ~·nu , c1 b,KI-.grnund of land'-tCc.lpl'd perfection -Jh c,l ...,ua l gr,1CL' setting the tnnt• for e n joymL'Il t l'\'ery day of the yecH~ Step insid t• a n d disn)\:cr ,1p<1rtme nt p l an~ mean t .. to be reall y lived in! f<ooms a re spc1 Cio u ~, light a nd a iry, de~i gnt'd to tlc1tter your furn i~h i n g ..... Floor to ceiling cl o~L'ts a ssure you tha t herL' j..., ,, ho me to accommodate vour need~ for veJr..., to come. Like .. 1 high ri'-te, 0,11-.\\'oud ha~ centr,ll \\'t.•ll ~ a ppni n tL•d lobbie...,, ,1 nd sllen t, I,Hge ele\ ,Hor ..... It h ,1~ ,1 ~t ,1ft of ~pecia l i~h ~u th,1t the qUiet perfec ti o n nt thi..., elegan tl y· pri\'ak world i..., al wav~ ~u pe rb l v m aint,l ined. An d it p rt'"L'n h ,1 sen e..., of i nrom p,1 r,1 blc \'it'\' ...... Unlil-.t• .1 h1gh n"t', 0.1!-.woud h,1..., the t'\p.ln...,i\t' green \'l...,t ,l~ u t ,1 ro u n t r~· club, ,1nd the rel,l\l'd , c,1~u,1 l ,l tml)...,phl're th.1t i..., ...,n much .1 p.Ht t)l Ca litorn 1a li\ ing. ome into the 1-.itchen and "L'L' tht• ,1ll -l:lectric \\'t.•...,ti nghou...,e a pplitl nr t''->. E-n ll)\ ...,ud1 \\'orl-.-...,,1\.t'r-.. ,1..., tru~t-frl'e retrigt•ratur" and dhh\,,l...,her..., in one ,1 nd f\.,·n b~·d room .1 p.Htmen h . LKh ,1pa rtment ha .... lu\.un L'tHpl'ting and d r,1 peries, decor,1 tnr h.L'yl'd tn cuord 1 ncltl' wi th ynu r fu rn i-..hing-... '\,1tur,1ll\·, (),11-.\,nnd h.h .111 tht• Ull1\t'l1tt'Jht.'"' \'lHI l'\pt.•Ct ill d UH11tnll111l\ l)l thl" l),lllii't'-"til h • h .Hn pI L', \' t' II-II t, P If -..., t n 'l' t p, H 1-. 111 h \' 1 t h rt.'"t'f\'t'd "PtlCt.'"· "l'Curil\' t)tltrl'r p.ltnlJ..., lt.'l' \'Ull r pt',Kt' tll mind, lt.HI Ilht' t\·pt• l ~.llltH.in l't't.'l1h .1 t.-,,ble t ele,·i~tt.'n .._, . ...,ll'm, .1nd tr.hh l!Htlt.'"' \\ it h in ClH1\'t'111L'I11 \\ .1 l l-.m ~ dt .... t.llh't' t" \ t'llr ' GRAND OPENING • OPEN HOUSE Champagne and Refreshments [ 1 to 7 P.M. ] Sunday, Oct. 26th and Nov.2nd