HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-06 - Newport Harbor EnsignNATIONAL UNITY 11 tbe1J' objeetiYe. Memberl ~ tbe ICeWport Harbor ar• commltt.e
tor a wetk ot raUoD&l UD1tJ lllclude these atw:leatl; staorttag, left to ri&bt, ElWOOd JODP
01 C.,.. Mesa Hleb Scboo~ Jim WJ1Cbl or c-del Mar HI lb. llauetal ...:retary,
ud Bryan Wllllamo of Corooa del Mar HICb. cbalrmao; oaled, left to rlebl, C.leDe
Ward ud ne.J.e Newcomb o( Coroaa del Mar HiP, aad. Pam Walker of Costa MeA
Hleb. (EIIIIp plxJto.)
They stand
for unity
Local members oftbe ltaded.
"committee for a Welt ot Ql.·
tto~al lllllt)' .. W'iU obaerve Nof.
9-IS as a week lor appreei&UoD
aad celebration of the frll(k)EU
whtcb l».ve rHUlted trom <Xlll--
trlbutions and saerUlc ..
Americans have made.
The loeal committee ebaJr .. man. Bryan WUJiams otCoroaa
del Mar Hleb Scboo~ staled
tbls 1s a b(.putia.n effort aa2
lbe committee utps all cltlzeu
IJid bwilllesses to "jola us by
Dyto1 your !Lap &lid U&fl111>c
your beodliebls duriD( tbo .. ,_
llebt hours the enUre week, at
by wearlq a red, •Mte &lid
blue a.rm baad, or lapel buttoo."
Bryu !urtber slated !bat
young people han tak.eo tbe lad
la orp..oldnc this na.ttooa.l ob-
••we all agree -sure we
hue problems -wbO doesn't
1D tb15 wor ld?" he said. "But
we W"OUld Ute to show the world
tb&l American~, DO matter wbat
tbtl.r dl.tte:reoces, eao stud to-
cether. We tbJ..U most Ameri-
cus acrN that a lair &IJPn.lsal
u wtU ucrlticLim. Wtaren.
alllnoltlc ... -Ia ... -........ ,b ]!··---pro..
OTHER MEMBERS of tbe committee for ••!.cwl Ulllty la-
cl\ade EU. Moore of Newport Harbor Hip School, .ec-
reta.rJ, hold1Dc a poster; aad staadh'C left to richt. Greg
Ocllrle ol Harbor fUp, assi!Jtant cbaJ.rmao; Tim Quiros
ot EllaDela Hlp Seboo~ aad BW Socllat, cbalrmaa for
-..... IIOidloc ................ ~ ..,. llftpolt lteaeh"MlJOr DOr-.lllrMD:"(!....., pldtlj •
MDV. 6. 1969
Expanded course to
narcotic crisis in
Dou:c:ribtDc: tbe Kbool Dar-1 bas to be doDe Wftb feellPC.
coUea problem u "ftt---. ud wUh aa apprecla.tloo ol the
lD£" Dr. Kormaa Lol.ta lidd God etwen aature oi sex. I
ll(>jlda.J tlllt u •IP'nded .-:.,.. eu't see bOY 1t ca.o ever be
Uoaal procram wW be itUDCbed part of a s...:Mol currleu.lum,
DUt fallla tbe Ne~t.U:ea. Ud doD'£ thlnt u &boWd be,
sebOot.. "lnstructloo 1D drup, feoe.
Dr. Loall. Y!lo ls asaoetate real d.iseue, smokia,g, dr1.D.k1J:I.l
s~tateadeDt 1D ebarae o:t 1Jl... -yes, bet. teae!Uoc su: aDd
ltructioo lD tbe unUled school semal bebat1or is a deUea.te
.u.trlcl, wu -~ to tbo IJid I!Jie IJid beautilul thing.
edue&Uoo commttt.ee of tbt a.od U coldly la.ld out in a sbJ;t}'
Nnpoct Harbor Cbamber o{ course, lt cotUd create an oo.
Comr.teree, meetlor 1D stadJ sessloll alld lea'e out a.ny meo-
seuloa. to d15cuss pr"OpOMCI Uoo of mo.:rality.
family IUe ar.:t loft ediiC&tloD "Doe o! the speakers at our
courses f« tbe local schools. mH tlngs said that mora.llty
Comm!tlH member Kermit sboukl not be part of the
Dorlus uted, "Can tbe scboola program, aDd that lt Sboukl be
give lnstructloo O'l oa.rcot1e1 strictly a.o edoc.a.UorWprocess,
without a ma*te from tbe 1Dc1W1q tbe 4-letterwordsand
pecple?'' sexual aberrations. 1 SilJ tha~'s
"Yes; we would be :Serellct balooey -dead wrodg. A pro-
to our duty U wtt did u do U. •• cram of elPtl'imeatar:loa 1NU}d
Dr. Loats repUed. rem on all of tbe beallt)' and
"1 Y1ll propoa a aew pro.. m:,..rt.ery of se:;;Alexperleoce." SIX SENIOR PRINCESSES are competina: tor the boDCJr of being oamect bomecoml.D.g
cram for Put Jeat.lmust. Tbe "( di.a.&ree wi.tb Art," sa.1d queen at Corooa del liar Hiefl. Scbool tOr the Nm. 14 homecominc pme witb Est:uela
problem 1s bere, I.Dd It e&.n't M-. Oodi&S. "The:rearecertaln at Dnlcboo Field. Tbey are, from left, Sue Pcnrer, J\llle Jarvis, Jt.mle Peter!IOIII, Jaoet
be ipol'ed. physlologlc.al facts that shoul l Kat&, Kim Robertsocl a.od G&U Mooney. Tbe q~Jeen wtll be cbosen out •eel!: by tbe
"WMa you talk to pollee ""'! maj'laJillable, w!tbout goi.Dg student body, I.Dd tbe eorooa.Uoo •rtu be beld durlng the lla.ll~time cer emonies at tbe
ctrlefs, tbls thine trlcttteos you. Loto lbe techalques of ~fUr. game. (IUcJl Kredel pboto.)
Efeo tbe Stb craders are ao.. eoorse. Tbe schools sbou}d
ledpable.,... drupllld""" tuch the physical evtdeoce at PARKING bo• easy it l.a to cet tbem. VD m the coasequences of sex,
"Tbere is a aeed tor u ecftl.. wttbout to1ne lDto tbe area of LOT PLAN HIT
eatSo..l proeram, becauw tbe mora.J judgment, It l.swroogiD Mrs. Margot Sld.llinc. pre. Here 1s the Jetter trom Mrs.
·~~-~bOtb ~ ~ap1 •• ':Ire to t!.!!,~ cf.rls bow they let sideot ot tbe West Newport Sttlllnc': pm;,o....,. "' ._. r-. o u.. pre_... tmproYemeDI: Assn. bas pro.
da.ya.'' Tne study com 11ittee dis· tested to tbe c il, couneu Madam Mayor and Couocll:
He uplalDad tbat lnltnctilll cll&Sed the propo!Md question. ap.tnst a clty prq10sa.l to coa.. We, the resldeots of West
oa aarcotics ls DOYbetDCo!fer .. aalre that willbeseattoparents struet Plll'kiDc lots at 3 West Newport, are l:r}1D.g to e>grade
eel lD the ?tb tllroueb lzttl La the scbool district. They Newport ~ our ar• lao a place at pride
cnde•· He deled tbat be woukl acreed that UsbouldbeaCtwn. City CouoeU m~mbers are botb tor ou:rselns I.Dd our elty.
Pl'fi&1U'• u QPUded prop-am, ber of Co:n11erce project, &00 studyioc the posslbt.Uty o1 re. Slaf;te tamUy bornes hue sold
from S';ta tbroucta 1Ztb grades, DOt associated with tbe s.:::hool qtaestfn&: tuods from tbe federal for Ot"er $100,000 . It ls DOt ...
to 10 l.ato etf'!et Yitb tbe start district. peramem tor l&.Dd aequlsltioD commoa U dQplems to sell LD
of tbe 19'70..71 ICbool year. Dr. fri.uelle said lleupects and eoastrQCUoo at park1Dc ueess of tJl1s alllOI.mt.. U tbe
Dr . Pblll;l U·llrn.y, putor to hue tbe quesUoDDaires faclWies 00 aa acre parcel at couocll wiU keep La mlDd we
ot tbe Corola del Mu Com .. milled o·Jt this mo~. P.ueats S.abcJre Dr. ud UrcS st.; a are strlftnc to biUdatlaeplace
mJDJ.t)" Coocr•tionll Cbureb, will be &Sted to tiPfesa tM1r 4..1/l acn pucel bt w bJ to _!fY•• we wUl !*" 110 ..... 4A~~~Yt::,~&M .. ~CIII .a.a r, SoMltt..,-ti_.AA. 11¥1 ~~ qr.-
tlons ol tbese Pll'kio&: lots. Jut
to name a few: Newport Sbores
ea.o become an escell.eDl ar•
tor sma.ll boat owners lf ctno
oeea.n aecess, somewberef..otbe
prCCJOsed site ol parkiq lot B.
Balboa is reductnc the s11e
of tbe ocean troot put1Dc lot,
.so wby should it be eneouraced
at site C'?
U bas been aekD::Jwledpd t1111
beacb parkiqdoWDCf&desrest-
deoti&.l prt11tlrtJ. Tbe ... ;·;-; d.-1 pr-ty. Tbo ":'
llal -.., -Ill tbo world. We 1arite the publle to
tbJ..ok a.boul: tbe thiDp that are
rllf'lt ~our COWJtry."
d1.1b1c:t awu proce.l & _........, a.. -..-JeS ellllca.--lDd 58th St a.l a taaU a.c:re cMdl wau ., to''Mm• -""'01
0 "d f" I wtth tbe o1b1r PbaMs ~the t1ou PfOIIU\ for tbe pabU.c .utnesaab.AoaRlYW Total I wut tills tor mp ....__ocean Pll'll:lacbere?Jtll Yerrl e lgures Se !&mil)' life &lid sex education s:bools, aad 011 tbe ..,. of cost or llleprojectstsostimatoct bor-?" bo!ore commlt~~Dc fust a matter or f>rdstrooulte
p~gra.m. soeb a procnm. at $%,700,000 , West Newport to ncb pollcy c to Hr.mt1nct00 Beach, wi'dcb
To otter llaaDcial ~tor the purcbase aDd dlstrlbutloool The Newport:~ Mesa Scbool
bumper sUckers, na1 decals, Board adopted a resolution
posters lapel buttons and red Tue~ tYeniog, eallln&" for a white~ blue arm t:.'Dds 1ocai tu: oYerrtde election on feb.10
residents are asked to s'eoo a and settiog an a.mouot for tbat
cheek to "The Newport Harbor Ot"errlde.
Area Committee for a Weetr. ol U passed, tbe tu Oferrlde
National Unity " to eareofPost •1U be based on a 3 year in·
o m.ce 8oJ: No:Ul,CostaMesa, creasing tu rate. Tbe tlrst
CaW., 9%627. Furtberinforma-year llfill be~ per $100as.
Uoo may be obta.ined from the sessed valuatloo, based on Z~
IDI-Ior. Eslaoc:la Hl&fl Sebool, ot martel Yalue. T"" IDllowlng
Ouid Cox S46·Z5-48· Costa year, itwllll.ocrea.sell~and.tbe
Mesa HJ~ School 'Elwood 3rd year by 16~.
Jooes $49.3964· C~ooa del Tt.e ligures are based oo
Mar iugn Schooi, Brrao wu. a 5.5% assumed eLse iJI tbe cost
uams· Newport Harbor Hi&b of llYI.ng over the next 3 years.
Seboot BIU Sedla.k. &46.1536. Tbe crrerride ts needed for tbe
Pollution fight aid asked
extra cost of eoiag to a 180 •There trill always be ob-D I • • • d •e will nold parking lots, boo-lla.s !he state beach with all
mhwte ldnderprten sessloo jeclloos," he -"?· "but U's l"sso Uflon IS rejecte key-looks, alr ports, Ien-Is of tbe facilities •• doo1 ..... a.Dd to brlD til ll fUnd UrM to say. dunn tbe wbeels, bot doc stands, roads Let us encourage greater use
I e ~!Del' torpedoes, and tun speed down tbe oe-.n front a.ad adobe of that area before-you destro"" resene to 5' of t!le 1970-71 attead, Tbe ,.._, .. _County Board of 1n 1966 foUDta.lD Valley Huo cc sa.adJ be:acbes :r bud .. t • .., • .....,;.. · • • • our resldentla.l community. • "Sel educatloa beloop prl. S~tsors wellt oo record tlogtoa Beach and WestrniDster SpeelftcaJ.Jy •earecooceroed This summer •e wear b'
The taJ: is used for lnstruc-marlly 1a tbe born'!, but 93\ yesterday as df.s:a&lprcwt.ng the •ere denied tbelr dema..ods br wltb tbe proposed parking kJt5 weeks without a saDd ele&Dar
Uooa.l costs a.od SJ.CIPUes, as of tbe parents doa't d3 one t:lls90lutloo of t.be U-year..old detach ment. which are to accommodate 500. because we were told all the
opposedfor to ~· which ar: blutld thUJ&. My wife beklop Orange County Harbor District. Mrs. Janice Boer of 912 N. 1,000 cars. NeYer ln history equipment was needed b'
used bul~ sebools. to the FJoreace Critteotoa Home The Yote was 4-1 wi.tb DaTid L..oweU, Sa.ala Ana., petitiooed has add1.Dg 50() .. 1,000 cars to a Corona del Mat. So-adO 4 000
pays salaries, buys books, board, and she tells of an 11 .. Baker YOUng "DO." to hue her owu borne a.od lot crowded beach reUeved a.ny or s·ooo people a daY omo'our :utpm~~terlals a.od pays year ..old cf.rl wbo ls to nne a Tbe cootroversy deve~ detached trom the district be. pressure. Did aay member beach and let's discuss just
r educa. programs. baby. tlo"'.-da:Dgerous does th1s 3 years aeocwerwllattbepeople cause "•e do DOC own a boat. of the CouocU take 1mo coo-clea.D.lng ~ after them or is
It "oWd briDg tbe .scbool nan to pt'?" leU •as an unrespons.l•eness to we do not tJSe tbe beaebes cx-sider&Uoo the obvious lack of that meady 1D the detieu aJ. eq~ment ._, to studard arer Dr. Nola.D Frtuelle, com~ tbe tupayers' Yishes. l...ast lla..rbors, 1re derl-re DO tu r e. facilities? We bave DO rest. ready aatlclpa.ted'?
the year period b" tbe kl.n. m:ttee cba.lrmu. remarked, "It Juoe 25. dissohrt:too petitions due~ from the mult1Niiaoos rooms, our streets a.r e con~ We already desperU:ely need
dergarten tllrougtl 8th grades •. is lmportaDt 10 f1Dd a solutton.. trom 15 cities woo narrow 3.Z pro)ects lina..oced by the dis-rested, t:ramc in the summer more police pa.trol eDforce. ~would: 'f:7 "; dlstrlct Sui many feu tbat sez ed.aca-awtan1 from tbeLocalAgeDCy trict's t:u\ery"."She-.ru turoed now 1s sometimes at a complete meat of utter laws ieut~. laws rwr:: pr tror tJ tb ems that tioo will ba:•e a renrse effect. Formation Commlsslon. down by t.be LAFCO, stand.snu. parking laws and ~em~
D cut m e budget. I tba.t 1t DOt ooly will DOt c~~re Witb partiD( for 1,000 more of sub-standard ctwentncs
The Ofetrlde wa.spassedwttb the sitlaUon,. butwiUCO!iJ'Ibute-D fh I" f" d cars we can anticipate anl.ntliD These we Deed, mor e parkin( ~.;;~. •ot•. Doll strauss·-., mor• promlocully... ea ru 1ng ques lOne ., s.ooo people -., ror. lots •e = .. wllhout.
· Co:nmeatiDC spec11le&lly o:J. place to park, then we wtll T'Yo years ago 1 sat thn a
The trustees :llso called lor Or. MJrray's statammt, Dr. Y.rs. Robert WUeox of 202 7 3. High schOOl coacbes may oeed addi.Uooal J:QrkiDg lots, wbole series ofbudgetsesslocs
Mrs. Rtlph B. Ca;m D! 1600 5 years; penal sa.octlons and a Feb, 10 vote to authorize tbe f rtuelle added, "Tbe scbool Debonh Ln., Harbor Highlands, oot promote membership or restrooms, .someQlace to a.od included was a restroom at
Dorotby Ln.., Harbor HJptands, clvtl penalties are imposed. l'::re:r: of ~mut1:m Interest system bas a poteatla.l fo1' tot bas written to the Newport-collect mooey tor their summer change and soowar, someplace Orange street we ne¥er got it
1s ooe of tbl maay coocened M.rs. cam ud ber he'*'s r e m to on the left of good, but lf you &boot dowll. Mesa School Dlstrlct trustees programs on h.iKfl sclloll to ec~t, -O.K. but this will we h.ave l.bou,sa.ods of peq~k
members ottbe People'sl...Oilby are collect:Jac slpattaes at the Ot"er $9 mUUoo In boods sold the schOols with the torpedoes, tnd to the ~lDteodeot coo-property or time. oat be a residential area any-come IW!re rtgtrt now wltboW
IDe. at 203 N. BrOI.dfty, SaDtJ. Sl.f...o!l Dtul store La Westcwr last May. U tbe boOOs are sold then vou eu do a Jot otiW"m." ceraing the boud decision 4. Athletic Directors will DOt more. U lbe mottvatioo o1 the parking lots a.od ID a rest
ADa, wOo iS try1Ac to cet tbe Ptua, 17th St. aDd lnlne be. at the present S% before feb. "We'Ye aoc totuetbat~" denyln& a claim resultiog from be alk1tred to Lnter to pareuts Clty Is to accommodate tbe room for two miles Can>t ~
DHdlld 145, .. 9 people to sip from OOOD uotu about %:3:1. Sbe 10, the resolution will be Dr. M uray replled. "The tbe death of a student water or studellls that participation sta.te of California.., let's pan city Just acquire a 'small site
tbt petWons tbat wtll pot 2 stated tbat YOhmteers are strlelr.eo from tile 1Jallot. schOOl board needs~ to polo player. in the summer procnms ls the wbOle oceao ttootalltbeny and give us one restroom Just
utt..po~ 1DI.U&Un JDH .. • needed because the petitions 1auocb a pror;nm a.ad pt. tbe Robert Scott of Costa Mesa mandator y lt a student ls to be to Lartma. put In pulllng, hOt otf the beach at Oraoce or sar• oo 11M ballot. ba-re to bela oo later than NOT. M.a. MAH PROMOTED sbow oo tbe road, to d-.1 wttb died 1ut July 14 whlle playiDg assured memberShJsl on the dog stands and restrooms, but 54th st. and thea budpt tbe
Tbt & lDIIAI'es, to be 500-15, and ~Uy bJ tbe loth. M. sttart Millar of Newport su, dn.p, driAti.Dc,. am smo. ntar polo tor Estucla Higb regular school team. doO't single out West Newport. funds to keep u ma!Qta!necf'?
m1U.S -.:tiJ to lbe electors Sbe said tbat UJOOI lateres-Beach llas beeD promoted to t1og. I doo't ttWll: tbe sehool Sebool at OCI, The school dis. Most parents andathletesa.s~ We can perhaps get a federal There Is also a question ot
U ..... ap.tures are ob-ted lD be_,l..o,g to soln tbe executive rlce.presJdeat of system woUt laacb tft1s trtet rejected tbe $100,000 sume that U tbe ht&fl school gra.nt a.od level Lido lsia.nd !10 freeway alignment and u ac.
tai.Did, are u follows: pollutioo problem sbould coo-CalU.oroia Medical CeDW"s, da..ogerousty, A plklr project cta.l.m of Robert's J:aJ'eDls., coach is lnebaretofaprocn.m, tbe public can have bay access cess road W1tlch may wen nm
(1) C HJtJtutlo•l ameoo. tact her at w.utcllff Plua. or Los Angeles-btsed company lD oouJd be worked out; Jtart It ~ &a.1 Betty CIIIUUngtwn, the t•m Is made e> of blCfl also. right down the middle olputlnc
meat decllrtnc state poUcy re-call tbe P~le's Lobby at tbe hea.lth care and medical lD ooe school, u:l u 1t -.r.wu AJinl tNLt the water polo team school boys, aud worD out at There ar e many r am ltlca. )ot e.
prdl.rtc pollwtton of, a.tr, 1uJ:1 541-8349. senlces Qe}d. out, ~ it to u. otbar was DOt spoasored or JD uy the high school, that there 1s
IDit water at tbla state ud tbat sebools." ny COIIDICted with tbe New. some OOODeCtioa betw.en tbe Railroading is charged ptiiiW'J rupon•lbllttJ to F d 0 d f VFW h Dr Frt.aeU. suqested Qat port.Mesa District school ud tbe team. U this
eUmtaate poUatloo 18 .00 tiiOM un s raiSe or q be ~dered u acc'lltlble Here Is Mrs. WUCOJ:'S Jetter: ao erroneous 1.S$UmplloD. tbeD e&u:I.Dc It m:1 major burdeoo! • • curriculum: '•A perSIOCalbaltb Dr. W1111am Cantagbam all e~cbes, atbl.Ue dlrectors. Kea Allan, Corona del M&r as ·•a relleeUoo at how th1B
poUutloa COIID'ol sball act be Veterans ol Fcwetp Wus. wtn be remembered by u 1:1-proc:nm, wtttl. maDCidoi'J ltldJ ud Board Members pareCU ud athletes t.atbisdls--men's bair s:t)•llst.., charpstbat cr•t nattoa ot our1 wu ballt,
plaetd OD 1Dd1ridlala. Post 3536, IJid tbe Ladles Aaz1. blbtt at lap robesi.Dd ''scuftles'" o! drup u1 Yeoeteal dl.._.s; SlDc:• the Nf'WPOrt Mesa trlct are eot1Ued to a cleu e11t be ls be..IQ( railroaded bJ U. by prtnte eoterprl.se ud tM
(&) Pollltloa. lllttlatlft de-Uary wiU cllmu tbe campalp. made bJ Coastl1De Au.xtllary t.Ye oat su u IIIICb, bC oft'• Sebool District decltats to tate statemebt ol poUey, oo tb1s Newport Bellcb City Hall Ia a rtcnts of tbe IDdiYidal to bctUII
cJirlal ~tate pollq reprdllaa to raise fWids to baUd. a post aat frltlds. Tbe items wt1l be Yolua:Ury cll.ulsoama.twatloa oe ..,. rfl'lii'OQidbUitJ what -Issue of oiJ.aeuoa or sammer court acHo.o against rnatnt&1Jl-a bl.qw, brlpt:er, more ela
poU16:1D a( air, lull. ... W'Utr. borne wUb 1 daDce Dec. 19 deUYered to tbe boliplt&ls b' of tbe bumaD body,'' IOI'Itr b' a.a atMetle team procnms.. In& a bUllard table al his place fi cle.nl ffiOQ9e trap, to colD &
~ 1DIItz1&l or ......... at ttae Amerlcu. LePoD lla.l1. Ct&flttiDis Dr . Lo&ts upreued lllii!P-tlll.t: lbaDk yoa oaceaplab'JQUZ' at bulaes$. phrase, tomuatbisputtcUu'
blr1DC p .. mlllt riCIX'd &ad 515 w. lltb st., Costa Mta. Lab C. Carrldo, Pose com .. pnwat; "I am o1 tbe apll6oa: 1. CUes on. tbe aameotablet~ ccd1D• etb1s oo tbe t.bltf "1 do t.ft a ~lll.ard table ln prodoct; tbe ead tenlt bllaC
pd)Ua ltate~ ot pol..._ PriMa to be awarded. 1Dcllde muder. ud Mrs. Venoa. tbat ..,. eu"t O""fil'.tm,..ata seat, ot all tiM eoocerDid cltlleM ol my elb.bUsbment, wb.icb is proeress."
d~M:.bupd ud do ., """""'" a roe~ trip 1ar two to Ha...U. Matbn"s. AIPillarJ presideat, bealtb. Tbe coaat of stwtr 1. ll caacbed by a repl&r this dtstrtet. strtctb for tbe rela.l1og enjoy. SOH En
--· Cor1alll -·a.. Alfred E. Brlas. cbalrmu will-lllo &!lair. Harold J.-"' IDe----mo-ot tbo1 hlp school mOIII ot my clleots only,""" PIIIL PETER G low ---.. ,. ot 111o clulee proaram, udllra. llolll will_.. as emcH. u pG'•H<w ot UIOI&ll, bat G'alfla U1o1 .,n. loi'PLT MOW 10 El4TER 11u wrllloa to tb< City Coun. W. THER USIQIMJEI4T
r_,.otuyeW..,ore,._ Flo<-.KJre-o!IIMAa:l-KEYQ.iJICOLLECTS 11>1 cl''*bamaar .... --S.la-..,ool)'otboys COL~EGIE.UIIIVEitSITT elL ••n lsll, available to the :=ot~CJirw."":j
qolrOIIto--caOIIIC lllrJ laolle tbo potbUc to per-rooD FDR ORPIIAIIAGE -... --~~~~~-~ Ana ltto*>r oollop ·-· potbllc u sucb, only~ llley are G Pot ot S05 '-. poll-to.-.-......... llctpote. no ltor Cl1tl> ot c-clel "llom-ottec-s?'' 4. -n, _,. oat at tbo P ...... to-•-lllo cU-lllld pe.y Ill< OVTicoo c iur :::. ltu;::.. fIt -.. alldloc ocale to II Ia V,...._ ot U.S. ..,_tall llbr flip Scbool Is~ Dr.~_,..,.,..._ -1 Ill< Whlcll II Ia ........ ool-1111' .. -oollo&oc-r_.._ Il ls alao, I 0\ll' add, S~ AFB Teal, tn!.ao
P 0 f d I d • a ea-.t b.r drln 1o -.at ''RlPl." l&ld Dr· l..catl.. C.. ll MDald U. be ....,._ fall ...,.., WlJ .,.. to uald a ~ atnl.ct to my cUBs. U S Air • F s#=al ler ees e aye a I aln .,T'il ftNe 0( tllat ~ dble b lt&Uitc a dar ud brei."~ .... llilll. ACCOI fBC to ,.... It .a mc.y C&ldJic d&-• ' CII:'Ot •
::....-Part ...,._ .... ., ...... -...... ..., .. ...,.Ute policy .. tbo -K-..... ..,.~caul ......... -· ll ... -~· .. r· .... n:.-:;,.
'ftlt d. mtmblh .... to Mr. Dart. CCIIIall ...... ''Bill ttlat-Colltpclluai ... 1?1PI Mil~ wttb 110 tall retvl II: aut "':'tttt:: Ulllr tr ~ Ca : 0 e 7 pf,.,..,.. vi 0.
PIIIIIIMIII tl+t t1 -lie w--rellllelttfdeiiJOII ...... ..... -... --.... ............... _ .. _ -· .. *'·" t ... ...................
IJillllllr --......,.,
........... II I .. ----~~ ............ 'IIUJ.SII--
........_ Ud to tl.cv~ .u.ct a.ooo u ftlllkl be a .,... • L lll&tl 8Clool coacMa mu rtCCX"& an. _ 1
1M i*Wlwttll CMa•wdll -..d IIIOCIII b;·::-: ti•'EEOJ tle -Pll'tiOI I*-... IEQ:di~ ... ICMOI. t1oys cw Ftn~l U"e aftlW* II... Be laid "-' cue l.a d :.::-...;.:=:a:.::
...._ tlllll .._ tlllf wUl ~·a. •r••IJ. nu 1a 1M ara pr•••:tM -to play a. ._,,.._. n•t•dltiDIIICIII.-euaed b7 tM m--.: ettJ ...... Ait~~~~C~'::;""''
Till Jl'lPOIOC1 -ICe---to 1M 1 .... -ao -. T• ·w ..... • otr-•-lolt or ooltc.., -• M e .......... 10 1*111 «<I llr-IOIIe-----=•=-"-lt-1110-." __ ...,_.._ ~ .,.._ ..... _ ...... ,...--ASSIGMID10 -It ... Oot. 1'1 ca.cll ., ... ~----,_, ___ &. .. -..,. ................ ,... --... • •• II .. I IIlii.. ""' ..... •· ... ·-.~ .... -.ut;,tM.._ .... c.& ......... 0.,. ttlllli.Rit 'wta1DaOfW't111rJ&.lM.l.MLA.Uit7C ................... IFR,-
to • ~ u r -elf .,E, 1 , 9 PM.., ·-•-*--1£ ,._ • ..., ....... e:. •• Mr. lllowa~. • ...... ...., ... ,..... ..-_.c . .., 9 ~~-
... ,
•• • ........ net f..,...., .. ..,_.. .. ._.,, ......... ,, ...... .,..., • .._... •• .. ..._ ----·• , ... _. ... c.--. 1 IC,a' 11JCWliS.••c-.,. ,, , <hi....,.. .. .. ..,.1..-.•••~.. pro..tdldwcmanf/1....._.., ... ., nrcllllil£1 L·ni o•••
Doe..&. • .._ ' .. ..._ ..... __ "-. ...,.... •• a •-w • Dlol' .. 'tlwliiziit.iL"
• • •
CO N SERVATIVE CO~~NEf< .,a.---. .. __ .... _ .... ..
Tn ..... _....llltrlap-.-.1 ._ ... . ......... -.... ~ .. _.,lillttl __ ...... straight .. -.. ·-·· GeL W'aiiiW ... 2 "' ... n--. ud W. .. l atta
llllol 1!111 ....... -..... ly T-tn••-Fwlatxt,l .. ,. . .,.,....l:t::: :":-~
nil OPPIOAL IIPIPAPft THE NATIONAL COUNCIL Of CHUICHIS-I'art 1H ::..~ ~ ~ :.:.-~= tlor. T-. -111&11 tlld IIIII&
... ·-A. Walko<, U.S.A., II> ~ -· uti tru-0/1 'fHI QlY 0P MIW'PGaT IIACH A.t tll8 Claurclt ,oe1, » ~ tlr• IUIII.on. port tit• NwloltW Cowtdl ~I C~ltal _...., ""WlatLico.ater.luW'-Qlf.JitJ, Ud _.OM ocet .... lt
~~~--.a.-·--"' -~ .. 11M .... mtllJGD dolllrL flow..,., • IIJPI&l. tliU . )ldci'.C ...
Off ... _. ........ P'-Ia a._ t:afp hlw.Iart. At the nattonwide Conference on Qwreh What a a 70M, • an Jndi vidual. do? C'hril-a-cJ?" It bU bMa wttllmetor WU rCIG't*lttlattbiJtlrtcltllr
m.J &. c-w., .• C..... •1 .... C.W. -ft62:S.. and Socie«y held in Detroit in 1967, Wider the tian laymen who atlll be'ieve in the Bible and a kJaetliDI butlMdDI't'trbD!' pa PNJ~d:J.* 1Dio a erowd
-... Oil • -.. -. Tbepaenlllrt•IIMred
TIL. NOM Ia 17M .. (A... ~ 714) auspic~ of the National Council ot Churebcl, in Jeeus Christ. ia 'P!te of ~ N.C.C., Call aDd a p1act ,; tt ta a ueou.na. of. .._..., eaular pan
'ra& NtWHAf IAIBOII ENSICN t. a!. oaiJ • ,.,.,. pri•M deleptta urpd the churcbet to become aaoefU. tAoutd obey the tcnprures: ~thouthl fl.oromrd UTe Conlr" artlcle, GU 1 ~=··-At =lr u:
_. ............ .._ Ctly of N..,.,. a..:t., .-u. oal7 loc•lly aries for draft evaden and to apouor 24--bour amona them. aDd be ye separate aa1 e bad .,uaz 000 or more mUM llctal ..Stotr •
u ODt oltllt»'aFnn•tMwu
OM of tM ata..clltst ........
lor Utor_fll_l
Amerlcu trflll.tolna. At Ole
•me time be II to be bOa'.cl
u a martyr 1n lbt C'4lllll"ft-
ttoo caUIIt. Be wu tbt ncttm
ot cblracter uaast•Hoe ol
u.. most YlcloU type, aDd cu
oo1J be rt-od to blorli'tlflll
place ID the pabUc mtad bJ a
compW. YiDdl~ wbleii ao-
thillf leu tban a -.tloDa1 ~
servaUve YlctorY mtpt mallt
:::,P:.t:C'::::.;.=::'~=-= c~poc::.-:::t~:n:!nst:~s ~es':.~.~~~;:: ~~,!/~u~o~r:; ~=~.-;!~ ~tbltr;mul:=:= :=-::~ +· ..s•~ • c.n.. •• M.r, C.Jil. plored violence m V1ecnam whll~ JUitlf)'mJ the start, u I have, by JOIRIRJ a fundameolahat, del Mar. Mow that 1 bi.Ye,... ublrlA&lD a \Ofalltlrlu tor
TIE ICW'OIT HAIBOI: ENSIGN •-.dj.t.ed 1o be • •w•-11.rming of snipers and incitement to riot lnaide Christ,-beli~ina church such ~ Southern LUlie Rock. Arb:uu. I'YID tr& of perDmtat.ltwautrup~ s: el ...-.1 c::lrcaiMiotl by cowt llecree Pilo. A.-20178 M ed the United States. Methodist, Independent Methodist Chun:.b, tbe dark. 1 C&D write wl.tb m«e me tlat tbt atlmDt)' .-.ra
14. lts1, i• s.p.ior Co-n for tbe Co•MJ of Or~, St•t• of At this s.ame conference, tbe aru director AD&Iicau Epitcopal, Independent Pretbyterian, ...ana.1um iboat GeotraJ W&l-w'bo bl'ouctlt tbeM atarA&I. to
............ ,. ,.....,. t!Mr-f ia cpa1Ule4 to pllbliM all pOlk I h N . I C .1 I ~ •--•---·ed ete ~ •~-~--• -· tbe uatYtrlttJ e•~, t.d tbl _."'=-,...... ~ Jew. o t e 111ona ounc1 o ....... urc • ._..,.. a . . . . --.. • ~to mltlllaaarneto
Aa"fO t. ::l:.tA .............................. ~.Owoer ..., Poabliahef ~lm depic!ing the profile o~ a couple e;n&a~ed . But there. 11 ROt a fundam~tal, B•ble-believ-Rerift'lae tbe blltotlc put, I be eoailderel:acaadldlteb'
PEC R.AAPA .............................................•. ..AuoeiMe Editor 1n sexual mtercourse, a sltlpper removma her •na chun::h ID your communsty? Then START recall tbat PruJdeat Aadrew oft1ce ol esldeDt ol tbe
suuc•IPTIOM RATU clothes, and the a:yrations of a topleu dancer. ON E! Your livina·roo~, if Otrist-:ori-:ntect, is Jacllocl did DDt bud tbe tDee ~states pr
.. H....,_~ 0.. ,e•. M.OO; 2 ,.e ... 11.00 A psycholoa:ist and marriage counselor at a a better church than IS a denorruna11on that tota.s.-eme CCMirt of bJa dly •
0.. ol s-t-ArM; 0.. ,.a•, 15.00; 2 ,....... 19.00 meeting o( the Counci l of Churchea in the belonp to the N.C.C. as did PrllidelllElae.DbOWer,ID Ceaeral Walker's part ln the
11t.C:O.C:O-QCO"'O~!Qo 00 ~ First Church of Christ Conarqational, Pin• Christ did not advocate denominatiooa, tbe UttleRoctdiiUr. WbeDcal· affa1r WU peaeet\ll. He d1d not, ~O'Oo -burgh, Mass., stated: ( 1) Parents should en-· h ie~apchy or publishing houses. Christ didn't led ...-to uae mtutarykce as ODe DIWIIIJIIMir corres-Coaserntins will do wen to
boDor their beroel and tbOee
who ban sulleted k tbelr
aJorlous cause. Such recoc-
Dtttoo Is the cemeat tbat boldl
them toptber,
d J. _ /J " .N.,. courage young children to touch their aenitals; even deal with aroups. He dealt with indi-to eoJDrce Ita declaloa. Presi-poadeot reported_eUmb ~on a -~,. .&;tJ4 (2) Pettina: through to ora:u m is aood for viduals.. He s.atd : "Where two or three are deat L1Dcoln La reported to ban statue and about "cbarge." ~ teen-ageu; ( J) Sexual in tercourse should stan gathered together in my name, there am I in said: "Get your OWD d·--·· Nevertheless. the Wubin&tOO
A.RVO E. HA.AP..A. owner Md pubt ishtt of the Ensign between consenting lovers at seventeen, the midst of them:' (Matt. 18 :29) umy to do it." E'eniDg star, ID lD edltorb.l,
eia:hteen or nineteen; and (4) Couples should One good Christian friend of oun, who bo-Gen. Walter's career. Is be-statadtha.ta U. S.dl.strlctjudge Aootber hero. uotber OOD· sernttn martyr, 11 the lata
Seaator Joe McCartbJ. He •·
covered aDd brouebt to Ulbl
much of tbesutJ.erliYe1nllltn.-
tion tbat extsted in tbe •twwl
government of b1s day. Nl'fer-
theless, be WOD DO platatllU b'
his pubUc senlce. H11 DOblit
efforts were met wltb der1111oo.
He WU booted doWn beeaut
his qlpOotnts claimed that "be
saw a commuriUt UDder ltflrJ
bed." EYen bls collet.,... 1D
tbe UDlted states SeDate cbu-
tt.sed him, a.ad be wu reprim-
anded, rather tbaD praJMd tJr
bJs devottoo to tbe IJ&tiooal1D·
terest. Eveotually, bla robut
frame no kxlger c:otlld wtthllud
tbe venom ofhlsdetractors,ud
~00 ~ live toa:ct her in trial marriages before fin al lonp to the u mc sophisticated, sociaJ and rioh clouded by 3 otber )UcSJ.c.l&l de-"lncarcerated Walker 00 tbe
SHE !'EJECTS ACADEMIC FREEDOM marriages. Last May I the National Council Methodist Church we fonnerly belonJed to, clalou.Jt WU r.,rted tba.t be word of a psycbJatrlst Wbo bad
Defenders ol communist Angela Davis of Churches admitted that it collected, during confided th.11t she is going to "stay in and save retired from the army MrYice Geoenr IHil,W much lesseDmtlled
1968 $'4 819 ooo r A · Ch · t. • after tbe Llttle Roct eptsode. oral &lbr." at uyrate,be that it is infring t of · -· ' ro m mencan nsJans, souls." •·How many souls have you s.avedT we ust1ed tf bJa.. charge an emen suckers and .socia lists . .. .. . ed d .L L Howe.-er, •ben tbe furor O't'er wu b 0 to & psyc
fi h f tb . h h N . aJ asked. Nooe, she admttt . An ane prolP-tbe tbreed admlssion of a Negro trlc prl8oo ward 00 tbe orders aCademiC freedom tO re er rom e r-It IS\ omlpoCrthanthto note It "Mt e . atiOOd ably won't. Because most members JO there to Into tbe lhltverslty of-ltlssls• oftbeKecneda.yAdministri.Uoll,
UCLA f lty b f h member ..._ ounc• o urc es promo es anusm. an . . . d acu ecause 0 er -no Chmtlan can follow both Christianity and SOCiahze. see each others new clothet.' an be J41p1 drewpubllc attentlon. Gen. wltbout COUD&el and was dented
ship in the Communist Party. They ought ~t an.ISm. Th £" samt> Lord who said .. 80 into ··in:· Sht" m11/d sav.-"'uls hy mHtlf'11c•nJ thM"~ Walter feU. compelled to 10 to eveo tbe writ of babeu corpus. of tb allthf' world and spread the gospel" 11.lso said : to join tor Shirt) a church whi~o:h would teach. Oxford. His ball WU set at $100,000, to knOW enough about the nature e -non·t C41SI pearls bc>fore ~wine." Don't .fup--I hem Chri.tt.-Amf'rica n Way Fc<~tureA. Tbe army was DOt called out the same &m0UDt dem&Dded ID Communist Party t o r ealize that their ,
reasoning is in error.
One of t he most knowledgeable authori-
ties on communism, Dr. Fred Schwarz,
head of the Christian Anti-Communism
Crusade, has outlined the case against
Ang ela on evidence based on party dis-
cipline and party doctrine. Here are ex-
ce rpts from his Oct . 15 newslette r, which
should be required homework for UC l
Chancellor Daniel Aldrich and others who
say that a communist has the right to
teach our child r en in s chools that we
support with our taxes :
By her membership ln the Communist Puty, Miss Outs
bas reDOUDCed the r ight to followthetruth wher ever U leads,
so she bas reoounced academic freedom. Sbe bas entered
LDto a "de facto" contract with the Communist Party to
accept the teachings of the party as the truth and to obey the
lnstructioos of the party.
Tbe Commtmist Puty is or ganized according to the prin-
ciple of democratic centralism. To tlDderstand Democratic
CeDtrallsm, the ·c ommumst Party should be viewed a.s a
pyn.m\4. At the bUt or tb1s pyn.mld la the membersll4l of
the .. CommUDlst Party enrolled ln local organ1.t.a.tions.
Abcwe this lase there are nrious c:o mm.lttees. Tbe bJg:ber
tbe lent of the committee wtthl.n tbe pyramid, the greater
its authority. Thus in ascending order we have district
committees, county committees, state commUtees, the
Central Committee and the Politburo.
De moc.raUc Centralism states that decisions reached
by any committee are una.ntmously binding oo all mem-
bers of that committee and all members in the zone of
authority below that committee. The decisions of the
Central Committee aDd the Politburo u e biDding on the
entire membership of the party.
Tllrou&fl the oper ation of Democratic Centralism, Joseph
Stalin was able to Instruct the btologists of the Soviet Union
that they must believe and teach the theories of Lysenko.
He was also able to te ll the physicists of Russia what they
.shoukl discover concerning the structure of the atomic
Democratic Ceotrallsm Is so vital to communism ttlat
the Russian communists justl!led the invasion of Czecho-
s lovakia by accusing the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
of eodatlgerlng Democratic. Centralism. The American Com-
munist Party approved the Invasion of Czechoslovakia for
this reason.
Some argue that recent developments wlthin the Com-
munist Party nave resulted in communists being granted
greater intellectual freedom. For this reason they believe
the resohttton denying teaching credentials to communists
Is out of date a.nd should be r eschx1ed. A recent oUlcial
statement by Henry Wioston, cba.l.rman of the Amer ican
Communist Party, shOws. that this is a delusloo. At the
19th National Convention of the American Communist
Party, which was held Apr il 30-May 3, 1969, he stated:
"Democratic Centralism is Indivisible. It must apply to
all policies, a.U decisions without ezception. Some comrades
who disagree with the party's position on the events in
C&ec.boslovakia 1\a.ve asked wby we canoot demand unity on
OOmestlc questions but allow disagreement on inter national
questioos. These comrades fa.l l to see the oneness of party
policy. They t.Ul toseethatustems ftom ooe body of theory,
ooe set of prlDclples. Differences on tnternaUooal questions
are therefor e quickly renected in differeoces on domestlc
questtoos ••• Democratlc.Centrallsm,iflt is to be elfect.ln ,
lJ also lnsepa.rable from the constant practice of criticism
and seU..c.r ltictsm ••• Comrades, tacttonallsm is a most
destructive force. It Is lncompatible wttb membersb.lp in
oar Party, lt must be rooted out ot our nnks, Qrmly and
wttllout hesitation." (World Marxist Review, September,
1969, Pages 61.62.)
By her contract with tbe Communist Party. Miss Dafls
ls EMX free to follow truth wherever lt leads. Because she Is
a member ot the Commun.1.6t Party, she Is an enemy of
a cademic freedom. • • •
by Se•tor Jallll Scllmlla
Tbto' nst powers over the could oot close Ita platd: tor
cooduct ol state government this reamn. Tbe Court of Ap-
wtucb our courts, acting wxter peals, with Judge Haynawortb
the decrees of the United States as the deciding vote. ret"ersed
S~reme Court, have assumed the lower court aDd afftrmed
in recenl years make Supreme the rigbt of enry Amerlcaa
Court appointments of spect.a.l businessman to go out of busi-
coocern to state legislators ness if be feels he must. A1J.Y
such as myseU, evea though we other holdl.ng would han beta
do not nor mally comment on a travesty of justice.
federal· Issues. Tills concern We Deed Judge Hafll$WOrthOO
was gtven a new focus by the the Unlted statesSIC)remeCourt
appalling lower court decision precisely 1n order to make de.
of Oct. 20 requiring the regents clsloos such as be made 1D the
of the University of Caut.ornla Deer tng.Mill1ken ca.se. flU
to keep members of the Com· c.ontlrmatlon or rejectioobytbe
munlst Party on the University u.s. Sena.te could determiDe
tacuUy. woetber the people of Call-
This lower court decision foroJ.a are to retain the rlebt awear s to bave been based to protect themselves aplD.st
prl.marily on a S to 4 declsioll tbe hirl.na of teachers wbo ad.
made several years a.ro by tbe vocate tbe •tolent OJertbrow
United states S~reme Court. of our p tnlllleot. U Jtxlge
Since then, former Chief Justice Haynsworth is oot eooftrmed,
War ren has resigned aDd been the long delay before &DOther
replaced by Chief J ustice oomlmUoo Is made and acted
WHAT ATTRACTS more atteMioD tbu u elepbUt waJk1ng
down Mac.Artbur BIYd.? Tbree elephAnts walk1ng don. Ma.c-
Arth111' Bml. w1tb lips oa tbeJr ba.cb-lbat's wbat. Motor·
Lsts were treated to tblt ""l'S'al slebt u tbey pused the
Y!elnliJ fJI Ute Orup <:-, Alrj>orl lui ftet. Nowpart
Natloal.l Bill* etartered tbl welt-.traUiiiW .J "'malB ti call
a"et>lloa to Ute -• of -Airport olllee to elilar&ed
quarters II Wiebe._ Uti llaeArtl>Gr • .......,. -G.
Norrla reports tbat tbe aew omce .W be replaced with a
per maMa~ butldlnf II Ute same sl\e In I O?i.(Yt:Kooo -.}
Burger, who appears to have upon could r esult in a Supreme ------------~=-=-::-----
a greater respect than Ills pre-Court deadlock wben the Angela L " t Ecl•t decessor (J)r theactualwordsof Ou ts cue Is beard. wttb tbe e ers 0 ' I or
the constitution, and less deslre r esult thal lhe lower eourl would
to r emake H by judicla.l edict. be l¢eld and she would have • ROBERT WELCH TO TALK Because of tM n.rloua types
However, this change leaves tbe to be kept oo the Univer sity of Editor of tbt Ensip, of OWDersbip of tbe water lroat
court deadlocked at 4 to 4. The California. faculty . At 8 WedoesdaJ NOJ properties some would pay the
nut court ~lniment wtU bold President Nllon bas appealed 12 tbe p.mi of OraapC:ow.t; proposed tidei&Dds use fee. but
the "swing vote." for crass-roots siC)p()rt r.or wlh b:i~ ~ opportunity at many otbers would oot.
This the key to ending Judge H.aynsworth's oomln&tioo. hearing Yr.RobertWelctupeU. 1n spite of arguments to the
Supreme Court tyranny -and through letters to members of at tbe Santa AD& Sen!or Ri&tJ, CODirary, tbe equity lsdeflnitely
the key to any hOpeofreYersing the U.S. Senate. and I hope that School Adtorl m 520 West ap..IDst addltloD&l fees for con-
the rulings oow used to ketlp support wtll be forthc.omlng. w lnut st SaJ1ta 11ba strucUoo over the tidelaoda,
communists on the University ~r. W~ch 008 of. the most SI.Dcerely,
of Calltornla payroll -may LEGAL HOTICE informed m~n of our Ume b F. C. Wood Jr.
well be the c.onfi.r mation ot the presideal and touOOer' of 1119 W. Ba y Ave.
Judge Clement F. Ha}'DSW'or th, NOTICE OF PUB U C HEARING tbe educaUooa.l Jobn Birch So-Balboa.
recently appointed by President Notice Is bereby gt•en that clety P.S. 1 own oo waterfroot
Nixon to succeed Abe Fortuoo the Plann1ng Commission ofthe ' property.
the S~reme Court. City of Newport Beach wUl bold A s mall donation will be ac-
Fortas resf.....wi unde r r1t e ... ..._U •--tn the U eepted at the door. For fUr . LETTER TO COUNCIL ~ro ... .-.. • a.,...... c. u.:... g on app ca. nt .,__ ~--u• 1 -1 ned --·• and his many poUtlcal and Uon of Post omce Department ther 1 ormauuu p........ _... a m Y coacer iiWU\I~
Ideological trleods -still _ Corooa del Mat bnDch for a 3430 or 64&-0645. tbe coat1oued efforts to force
-~~~~ be possecl oo to jolo tbo erowlnC list of our natiollal berou. ""•01'" l sunut, In lht Interest fJI
promotlDg consern.tin IOUd-
artty, thai b.ls blrtbday be set
apart trom other days, and on
tbat day each year, Ills senlce
sbou.Jd be remembered by the
ceremonial rededication of PI·
trlots who pledge tbemse!Yes to
coat.tnue the gr-eat work wtlicb be
udertoot, many tocu earsaco.
Rather than bave Secator llc-
Cartby plllored fol' beiDa an
anressln watchman who lOUD·
ded the a.larm, his fellow mem-
bers in the Senate wi'IO puD1.sbed
him sbould hav e been c:on-
dem oed.
I AJ: ••Let YeCarlb~
r..,h'ed:' Lettbo81Wbo_pr• IRa
to f-.r Its rmru be cJ••I'IIl
cause lor their alloftlllls'lrie-
•mtrcb tbe memory of oai of
tbe greatest of Amerte&PJ.
Let tbe adherents to tbe caa-
serntlve cause rally &rOIIId.
ap.ID to pledp adbereoce to
the prlDctples of Gen. W&J.Ur,
and to the late SeDator Joe
From the Bible
But now is Chr ist riaen
from the: dead, and become
AtrrHOR Wesley Man, lee.-from the: rint fruits o£ them
turer at Cal State Fullertoo. that s lept .
wtll speak to tbe Newport Beac.b For since by man came
Friends of the Ltbrary at death, by man came alao
10 a .m . Friday, Nov . 14, at the the resurrection of the dead.
Lido Isle home of Mrs. Bert For as in Adam all die:,
Coffey. He received the Phelan even so in Christ shall a ll
award t.or 1968 oon-11c.Uoa am be made: alive.
the Orange COUDI:y author's But every man in h1s own
award tor 1967. His ••Frail order : Christ the rust fruiu ;
ocean" I& a documented study afterward they that are
or the da.map to beaches, es-Christ's at his comina . (I
tuaries and tbe open sea. Corinthians 15 :20-23.) smarting from having lost Use Permit 1455 00 pr operty S1Dcerelyyours. a t1delaodsfeeortaxonthe boat
him -have shown that they located at 412 Orchid Avenue C. T. Gllbreatb -owners In Newport Harbor. As NB I b "ld " d
will go to great lengths to dis-Corooa del War, to permit con~ Jamestown Vlllace bas beell pollfidoutrepeatedl.y, se s Ul lng ·recor
credit theman chOsento replace •erslon of exlstlng residence Tustin doe to tbe bJ&tJ, tu bue, ~ey
thelr hero. Because of thelr Lolo a Post otnce carrier facl-are already paytng more han 1n ..... 10 of Loatl Aaso., z_ ....... .-..181 al efforts the vote on conQrma. 11 their sbare. ~ mootbs tbtsyear, _, """
uoo of Judge Haynsworth in ~'ott Is her fUrtber Editor of tbe EBS.ip, Tbe boat yards ID particolar the Newport Belcb baUdlnl' de-107 ZIStb st., $29,000.
the United states Senate Is u. that ~~ ubU ee: In .. :t':: Tbe Lojustlce of the pro. are flDd1De 1t dUftcult to com. part meat already bU topped Bayside Card ux1 PutJ ,lOll
pected to be •ery close P ZOthe ear lN posed UdelaDds use lee Ia tbe pete wttbtbeludnluescreated tbe all-time 12-mootb bulldi.De Bayside Dr., sip.. $1,000.
• beld oo the day of mem-fact tbat onera of .U.s with by hlP rt.e ud restaurant to. permit record, set 1ut year at • BALBOA ISLAND
So tar as 1 can teledl trot~ ber • 11n96lhe9. ale lhe houru Cbaof !:.._00 the PRMLEGE of cou:tructiDI' itanatioaa. As an eumple, U· :$4f,Zta,ZS6. F. D. Gram, 2-atorJ ~Ia.
what has been report , •..: p.m. ounc m .... s piers ue &lroadJ pa.t ... tar t• sum•-Ute tutueremaina:tbe Tbe •s,4115,6911.D.-•m1tals-z•• •-1 A *" ooo
Ha lUte N -·-. Clk HaJI ,.... .. ..... • r-~ ....... -Ye.,...-. • charges against J udge YD· o e .. _.~ ~c ., ., wbetber tbey use It or oat. ame, my tu jamped from $M ned cturtncOctoberboostedtbe • LIDO ISLE
swor th aweu to beat best petty at whic.b time &DIS place llDJ For uample. oa the North per morth to $164.50 per moath 1969 total to $44,495,048, mon w. M, Stmo.:ia, alerattoa.
and at worst mallctous. Tbelr aod an pereons lDterested may lJdo Cbl.l:lael. tbe JO loot kiU a u. comlDc year. My real tbaD a Q11lrter mtwoa dollars zzg VIa Ge~ $1,500,
sources and tbe manoer in which appear a.ad be beard tbereoo. wttb tb1s prh1lep areuseiNd bl.s &leo 11101 ~ u a result ol abo'le tbe prerious record. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS
th ey nave beeo made suaest Doo R. Adtlnsoo, Secretary $4,840 more tban atmUar kiU this. 1 cu see tbe dllJ 1D the Wttb 2 moatbs Jet to 10, R.' B DeftJopiDIDtCo., ftll.
that their real bas1s ls D0ttor10 N9~ BeaCo cb ::.'~-tbat i:lo aot blfe lt. TtU IDMDI oat too d1JtaDt rutu:re wbeD tbe the total k th1s y-.r is a. tMO 16tb st., $1,000.
much any a:enulDe coocern -....... mm~ u.t. at the orw 1919-'lO ntn tat JUda will be forced out peeted to top $50 mUUoo. • WEST UPPER BAY
hi \Ill standards of eootluet by Publltlb: NOT. 6, 1969, In ot OYot IJ'l, tbeJ oro 1uot1 11 c1 Newport Harbor .-ely Uti TbololmtDc pormlta, to Ute Carl N.-, adtiWott, Mil
men in publlc otrlce, as ldeolo-Tbe Newport Harbor ED.Stp.. 11ut $4S5 morttii&DtbeC!tb.-a. Wbltber JOU r•llH lt or aot, uno.& of fl,OOOI.DdOJet, ••e ZlDd St., $5,1JCM).
glcal spite and prejudice -01 Ibis ,.-_ Nnport boll )Vdo oro dl•_.tnc II lssttotl tlttrtnc Ute IIDII dt.yo fll G. 8UIIIlpleJ, ntmmtnc
espee\.a.Uytnvlewofthelaetthal LEGALI40TICE Boaebrocelfosi1Sor$Ze5.11, anplratotnNewportlfarbor. Ot:-: poo~ 1110 GoluJ Dr.,$4,'100.
Judge Haynsworth comes from dtrided: WbeD 1 parcbued t1aU ball-• EAST UPPER BAY • BALBOA
llle sooth. NOTICE OF PIIBLIC REARING City poromoat -U-1/IS -5 J-1 Ill> I po-Ibis Ger--Baltar 6 Aaoelaloo, OUft Ortll, tiWttUtnc oo r-
Tbo most widely J)Qbllcllad Notleo 1o llerttbJ &1• .. lllll or $51.11. .. 1a ., -mal dlle-Z-Mocr, az,ooo eq. ft. rter•-o1 lot, azs -· $14,000.
ehargo aplnat Jodp Hayu. Ute PlatiiiiDCCommluloo of Ute CIIJ oeboolo,~IF..t-will>~. CooltUtiPar-. tko1 btt11t11Dc. 100 81111 J-
nortb cooeeroa b1o role to City fJI Nnport Beacb wtllbt>ld U1 or $117.11. AtlllallllllotheJaltllllal-o HW. R4., $111,110. PIIOMOTI!D IM VI I'IMAM THEY ARE PROUD TO BE AMERICANS a cue artstng 0111 of a dl.lptM a J)Qblle boarlnc oo tltotA>Uea-Pa:t-oo Nnport-11-1ooc -·-bt boll yon~ • NEWPORT CENTER Errla A. Borlt, • c1 lllro.
Our Harbor Area community should be betweea Ute Deertne-MIIW<oo -of Nnport lloaeb ~ oeoooo --4-1/IS • racuu. In 1111-l:aJ. Tld.l w.-• Co., z llpo,IOO J..-Btqa "' IMI lillla
Co. and orptllsed labor. Wboll Cltm ~ lor a lloo $11.10, 11--rMII•UOtotbaD Nnport C-D<., -AM ..... Cot.-. ... -proud of the students from all four of our this cue,... boardbyat-.o Pormlt 1454 oo poqiOfiJ loea-,_ pm:-... ott ,.... 11 wu -. .. ,--Uti $1,100. ......,..utt ,., AnDy ""Ia'"' 4
bigb schools who are promoting the ob-court of~'·· Jutl&o ~~ayuo-lid 11 lith Strtlt utllnlao D<OII•atol)' Jnleal 1or aU mluttloa ftl, ut1 ollllll,lltll •IWliiOII vu:w HILLS nut a~'~~pollo .. lot~
.ervance o1 national unity n"Xt week. They wortb's .,.. the tlteldlllc ,..., A-•,_ ll.B., "' permit two wotar troatlala, -·101 ~ -..-.... "'be c--· -Iaiit I"J.Ditlttloi(Air~)to
y In a 3-2 spOt fJI t1tll COttrt. tdpr -_.. -· lbtr ••• ._.,,_ -cro111t1 lor lltiiiJpaat----uti r...--, -· lla 1o a 1111t1 .,.. were certainly an impressive looking Much 11u .... made"' 1111 11oet s• • 10') lor • period "'-tilt tltlt!-. tan,._.,... -1141 Port-PI.,$1,100. _,... 1a 'l'lotip D, 111
g..,..m o1 young American citizens when lllll Jodp HaJUWWlll -, .. "'-u _,. ""'•-lo • 40 ll!at lot, .. ,__ ·-lltlor IIIII -• COIIOIU .. LIIWt 9qoa4roo "'ll!o .. _..lilt •--r lloct In a •llllltnc matblal IJaiAC, UOto, _,.,_ .... -, ..... -.,a-.-.._ llc>Ciallu, tprt.. Col'llrJ,
t11ey came into the Ensign office Monday .. .._-........ ,_, .._ .. 1tonbJ-P.. oawtddtllll=lo-· --~~~~~~~..-.. ---....., '100 liar-
for plcture ta!dng (see page one o1 this -tn Ute Dttrll(-ll.._ tlllt llltl po~>~~e lloulal wiD"' part ...... '" 1M"' 111 ldoc-rita lllrllll cltrfll .-..... $1,000. PAIITY POl AL-piut. AI-IMIIbllltPU-lltld ooll!o 1110 .-, fJI lloo•-ll!oa ltio 40 tollfll--Maqort -·-,.,..... I. P, _......., -llnport -liiC ._ w.ue). There were no campus rebels Alti&Wtltolaclaflltllt-1>1<,1"'·• .. -"'':00 .... IIIli Ia -• .-.IIIIIJUI--••t~lllllw ...,._, SIOJioriP!ICIIIoat 'noon-loa h'-~ ID that d. lt.U. p.a. Ia a. eo.eu Cltlrtar• .-t tt w • ,._ JlttUIIa. 11M. ..., .-.an.._ An .. tt,•. • hrlt .....,,, putr a. 1111 or....,.• crow ,... --.Ute .....t flltllt~-CilJIIilll, •Doe -,.,-••• ,... .. 111n111 _ ...... 1. c.-. ... ..., 01....,. ,_ ., ... ,,...,
Thel.r pul'pOIIe lB to encourage all local wu.....,.lllltl>lt.DaorJoc--IIU· 11 ..--., plaoo.., .._ _,-"'-__ .,,. 71 oolltll c_...'"•tll,.,._ ..... _, .. ,...,~
-•• to Jam in tbe obeervance, "re-liMo eo.""'---uti an.,.._ ... ,.,· •-_,_lJII..,. ........ __ .,,_ .,.. ..... ,_, ... ..,"' ••· .,.._ "' ......-flllltellpiula.._ll!oa_-ud.,-... _ Jdrllallfll til 'I& I 1 ooo. .... ..,-...... ._,...,...... ' IIIC'anl I,..,..,,. .alnlliDc OIIJ' faltb in tbe nation that baa wltal 11!oJ-1o be_., Dolt R.... o, ._......, --.. Uto• a, Tbo Yarytnlr, 1olle -II 1 -..aa 1\!o --eel-progress than 11111 natlon ___ .,., ot , ... .., a 111...-t-CIIJ _ .. -••11 • 211 ,_.,..,_ ·~~ ~ . ,., '1.1o u111 a-1\!o
.--a.t~orlllolr•• u .... Ph 'cCrrs'rdr --.ts.IIUIII.-.. ,... _... .. ,... -..-• ~-• .,...... .. ~·••• -• ... ta tile wodd." .S abow1oc tbe world that watolltllplut,A---:lloo.l,l-.11 at ltlllll .... _.toll., -Y.CIIIIIIWJ. -._, ftlll...,,., .... 'II• •-_,. 11 ,. -........... r. acbaJJ:1 Mid tlll.t tbiN IIIIJ ,_ IIIIJIII'l ....._ ..... a .1, .......... 11 1 11101 .. .,art .............. .
• -•, --
Patricia Loie Knight weds Thomas Speirs Church News NEIPORT HARIIOR £IIIIGFI
-'*IA16o~ofllll--,.-,Dr. Clllr._ -.-......... -boo ... -, I -..... Dlor d M, ' I w ... ~ llrrJcaiWloo .... o1•••t ... ..,. ww• _... ..., 1111 .,.... -IIMdlll'llole.l'lllliiiiJitll
1a .urtlilllliAE.,,Oet. ............... *4 ' I &t a. ll«ii ..... Mkt 18 till
It .. '•liN .. PrwlbJWIM tl Mrs. LaM •., Cdlt Ptrlt CabU at .. 8alloa 81.7
C'lllrdt II Jle.,_t ._. '1"1111 ...... -M 0 o Aft., 8ra1-c.-.
..... -. -....... .,. ..... _,_ trip ..
11M .... fAis'WiiMI&UI, 'Willa .. FnKIIOD ud LUI 'rUIN. ,CNIIITPIAI -........ coiFrodni lnlrr ._ _ _..YID __
C DS ~ Ud a ,_ -ftlllliJiriC -II 4't lnl.oo AYO., 11 ....
AR IY ~oo.u -• c..rnat -· .,. pan a..._ IKDIICOUMT~-:=~ a ....... <If l7llp.. Tllo 1rilll Ia a ,.-TILL NOV. 7 ,... u4 bobJ'• flll--llltiiSCbool,
.,., -.. -liP-,
'WbltltlM ltfftd u ....,.... ud • pri.Y&te clrla'
molc7 -· Ud IFII ... ldu-collop Ia r-, Eqlud. 'l'bo
moldo·wwe nnro.-Prtr-~ -It t7lt -fl _., 10M Llldo -.. ,.,.,. Plr. 0711 Plro. Harold Spoln fl """nnr•.-KoiCIL -· 1o • .,.-., lobll C. Spolro no but mu. Bo-Hl&b SebooF Ud 111-
U-o lac-loPio Collllrr· -~ ~ Colltpo.
C &. H 1 LB.
RI!GULAR OR s ,. S 100
8-• S100
'l'bo "-Hlrbor Lu--c...,., 1$01 cwr Dr.,
..a.ld wtU preaeb at I, t:IO
Ud 11 Lm. s.di.J oe 110.'t
call 1t llfel"' Tbe -..::tary
dotr, d1reeted by lc.U
Kliewer, w1U preaeat HaJ*'•
"CreatSoo.. Suadly, HoY. 1$.
I • •
.. .,.n Boltlllo--
1.-&Polo w171 praeFIIIIFII
I Ud 11 LID.. s-laJ ..-rices
• tilt 9'1lt1ol. ''How cu we bDw?'' Tile tal t.. Matlbn'
U :1$-ZF!, Harbor TriD17J ~
• • • Church, 1230 Bater st., COlla
Tbt Ftrli 91pt1.st Cburcb Mesa-Tbeoe«<aofJQUtbwlll
ai eo. Ilea, 101 llapolla be empbUFsed by Puler Sallos
st. at Suta Alia An. _ Pa,s. in tUs sermon at 11 a.m.Suoday •
tor P. G. Newnum wW uner Guest speaker at 7 p.m. wtU be
IODM perpleKillc problems 1n the Rev. EarlBroceofMapolla
bQ ... moa oo "Tbe judgment Baptist Church.
8l&l ol CbriBt" at the 11 a.m. • • • Swd&r aern.ce At 'J p m b.ls Ttae Lu'.beran Ch<~Cctl ot the
topic .w be "Mottve to·se:care Master, 2900 Pacific VIew Dr.,
God'• belt " Harbor View Hllls -Toore
• • • • will be o'lly one hour of wor-
Tbe Plymot&hCoocrep.tiool.l s!:llp, at 10:30 a.m., oo Ul!.s
Cbureb, SZ6Z Broad St., New-stewardship Swlday. Dr. WU~
port Rei~" A calltonlor" llam Eller will deUnr a mcl-
wt.U be tbe topic of lbe Rev. s:lge o~ ''Glve God w:.at be loop
Hormao Brown at tbe 10 a.m. !0 H1m.", A speclalle;;.ture fo:-
•rvtce tbl5 SUnday Lh~ ~ w.U be planned and car-
• • • • ried out by Harry Bergh and the
Cealnl.BlbleChurcb <>ran~ s!ewudship committee. A rum,
AYe. at Z3rd St., Costa 'wesa-"The ca.ndlema.ker," r.u be
Pastor Henry E. Jooes will sMW'n to the church school
brine a message on "Prayer stlldents at 10:30 a.m. A pot-
MRS. DAISY STREET ror aaUooaJ Wlity" at 9 a.Dd luei. dlnner wlU be held at
OF C..M. DIES AT80 10:30a.m.Swda.ylnobservance D\)0!1.. • • •
Mrs. Daisy W. Street, 80, of national unity week.. He will .
of 30M Glbnltu, Costa. Mesa., speak on "God's soldier" at M.' ·,ners Cnurch, 2200 E.
cUed Oct. zs at tbe Park lJdo 7 p.m. C01st HrJ., Corona del mar-
Coanlescent Hospital. Sbe wu • • • Nicholas Kwta.nlci., professor
boro June ZB 1889 In Eagl&Dd Christian Science Churches of Bible at Biola Coll'!ge, La
and moved to'<>ra.nie County in-''Adam and !allen man" is M~•·o.da, wlll again be guest
1961 from Va.DCOUYel', British the topic tor this Sunday's les-preacher this Su.lday for the
Columbla. son sermon. Services are beki 10 a.m · service.
Sbe ls surriYedbyadaugbter, at 9:15 and 11 a.m. in Newport "HILMA PETERSON DIES,
Mrs. Wtn.nle Morris of Newport Beach, 11 a.m. in Costa Mesa SERVICES INS T. PAUL
Bea.cb; Z soas, George T .Street a.nd at 10 at the church i.D Hilma AnDPtte Peterson, 86,
of West Va.ocouver, B.C., aod Harbor View Hills. of 505 Fullerton Aft., Newport
Charles street of 1rl1De, and 11 • • • Heights, passed away Oct. 31.
craDdchlldren. St •. Andrew's Presbyterian She was a native of Swl!deo aoo
Sentces were beki OcL Z7 Church, &00 St. Andrew's Rd., bad resided in Orange County
at CalYUy Church, Sama Ana, Clff Haven -Dr. CllarlesDier-tor 10 years.
aDd burial wu at Pacltlc VIew She Is sunlvedbyadaughter,
Memorial Park. HEAR Mrs. Mae E. Roblnsoo o1 New-
THSfQNE oort Beaco, , brother,,.,, v.
pofpcu • Anderson of Mimesota; 3 rrl grandcblldren, ""' 3 greot-
Services were held Nov. 4, in
Sl. Paul, Mlm.
"so; a tablet can be cheap.-
No oae Ubi to c-r •
for a ......, cabltt-ia-
c:7ucfino .... --.
10m& o( tba ,_ clnap
COSI that much. They ltlCm cxpcllltivo-,., only
seem. Consider this: Pneumonia .-I to ,_..
4 10 6 bedridden weeki. LOll o( ~-C>6la
hospitalization. Often death. Now, a few doU&n.
wonh or one antibiotic will aenerally cure JIIIICU-
monia i.n days. And this is ooly orw: eumplc: ..•
there are many othcn. When you consider what a
few 50c pilJa will do for you, they .an downriabt
~ &. COAI'I' -'1 .. cow-• Da. ....
Guest speaker for the 10 a.m. worsbip senlce this
Sunday, Nov. 2, will be Nic.bolas Kurtanict, professor
of Blble at Biola Col lege, La Mlrada.
ZDI EAST COAST HWY., COROMA 11!1. PIAl WaHer F. Dwm Jr. (Colooel
U.S.A. retired) W'ill addresstbe
Kl'ftDis Club of Newport Har-
bor at DOOD today, Nov. 6,1D the
Newport Grotto restauri.Zit. He
wW speak oo his "Sojourn with
Communism." according to
program chairman Ted Mertz.
Col. Dunn, curreztly ao As.
sJstaot n.ce..presldent of Coast
Federal SaYiDgs aDd Loan Assn.
aDd bead of the ftrm's serYI.ces
department, served Ia Europe
durt.ag World War D aOO later
w toe Kor8U1 cooruct.
Now It's easy to have a fire.
place for any room ••• any
budget. U you are lnterested 1.D
adding a metal tlreplacetoyour
borne or mountain cabin, our
answers to the ten most asked
Look what you get
when you open
PreYI.ous to his retlremeat,
be serYed a.s military adYI.sor
to Darryl Z.aru.~et 1D tbe pro-
d1octloll ol tile "Tbo 5oopst
4aJ:' ID.Wb1cll be abo pt&ped a. .,.,_ .....
quesUons about meW fire-
places may help you.
~ THEY? Certai.Dly ••• wood.
dlarcoel, presto toes or any
other fuel u.t would normally
be used l.n a masonry ftrepla.ce.
All of the Oreplaces we dis-
play are approved b)' the Inter-
oa.tloaa.l Contereoce of BuiJd..lni
otncWs, a leading r eeognif.ed
authority Jn approving metal
NEY? Wood burning and p..s-
tlred metal fireplaces MUST
be lnstalled with an approved
metal chimney,
N&tioraal Board of Fire UDder.
writers states ttW any cltim-
oey for a wood burllillg f'lre-
place must be two feet hlgher
than any pol.nl: of the roof with-
in ten feet of that chimney.
a savings account
of ssoo or more
at Union Bank:
to meeting you
LED? Eacb Lmlt has clearance
requirements determloed by a
quaW'led testing laboratory,
which are then approved by the
Internat1ooal Confereoce of
BuJ.ldinc omc.lals.
-"•'"C"t' '"t' Ot'O '"'"'« nl
'"e i ..,; ·,-. . .,e 11 ··~"'
fliJWf OOuOfl' dfiC' ~0·0 ,,
'a•t""''9S :'f>"Ct' iJ"/1
sf'l<trmgs Bvr d'lt'' .J/1 rnese
centunes 1'""1 IJ<f>
Corona del Mar • '" TELEPHONE TODAY: 673·5950
Our Personalized Services Include:
SHAMPOO/SET 0 • • • • • $5.00
HAIRCUT •••. . . . . 4.00
PERMANENTS from . •• 15.00
We Have the Hairpiece You Need!
WIGLETS ••.•. . . . . . $19.95 -STYL!D
CASCADES from • • • • • 29.95 • STYCID
FALLS from ••••••• , 34,95 • STYCID
Watch for our Special OPEN HOUSE
t!.CN&'I. §i.J. cJ.Iairr. fbai.~m
and Wig Salon
1100 &. COA8T BWT., CORtfiA DEL MAll
orr MUCH HEA T? Because or
the heat radiating qua.Uties
of their metal construction. the
uerage wood burning Qreplace
g1Yes otf much more heat than
a masoory fireplace and thereby
sues oo fUel costs.
(7) CAN I 1.5E GAS WGS
IN ONE? Any of the leading wood
burDin&; metal fireplaces can
be modifled lor use with natura I ....
(8) WILL 7 17A VE TO PUT
PLACE? Yes, nerywoodburn-
lac metal flreplace must be
placed oo a DOO-combustible
beuth at least 3/8 of u iDc.b
ttlleky &rid lt must esteod a
mlDimum ot ZO lncbes i.D front
ollbe flrc>llce ~nl.Dg.
nrltty ol styles such as ooo-
te_.uy, tnd!UOII&l, llOIIls7J
modvD aad early AmerlcanaJ.
Iowa JO'I to matcb aay decor
or color scbtme.
(10) 770W MUCH DO THEY
COST? Prices nry <tepend'nc
oo -~ sloe, color ud ID-
1 dlntal I....,IJaHoa requtre.
111 .... t.t tbe &ftr&C'I COlt wtU
be •w abttliuatbu'""mac
a ~J ~lacelatM..,. -· ~laud-tbo....,. dlf-
PrriFII .a! llropllacu -oo a., at THE 77URTH-
S'rolll, 1111 Eul ~ Hl&b-..., <---.. Tllo ~ Gor->. c-"" lllar. ~ 10 to I ft t te11
... -.: 10 .. ' """""' ... --~.
con, e<t•nQ :a a aeCimal
Cv''t>"n ~vc~> as ours
·~,s comage ,,,~of' ~ !"\p·~c '"~aOe graaviltlv
<~~a ,..,t oec.~~~··" a "'tet>•,,,.,v ·<. ·a··
For a l1 m1ted t •mc~ Unton Ban!.. ofl ers \Ou th1s spec1al gilt-
a collectors set o! tnrs·~ '"~f'v. Br1t1sn aoc•mal co•ns-encased
m a presentat1011 toldl?r 'A yr. a l~c~c~ Ci1on c t each co1n
To get yours all ~ou have to ao •S oren a rt>gular savmgs
account of 5500 or morE? or ourct1ase a 5"('1 savtngs bond 1n a
l1ke amount E1 ther way \Ou get the ve•y oest 1n bank savtrtgs
along w1th a cotlector"s 1tt:'n' \ ou l! Yvant to treasure
There·s no better l!me than nov.-to start your savings pr ogram-
tailored to meet your tndtvt dual needs-at Un1on Bank
H1g hPSI bank ra1es. da,ly 1nleres1 comrounoed daily. and a
w1de range of plans 10 choose from Do 11 loday
tomorrow's bank today
Otange County Reg'onal Head OftK:e· M•in It La V&ta 4 Otange
Norrh Orange County Ofttee HarbOI at Omngethotpe • Fu#lfiJt'IP"
Sooth CKonge County Off~: Coos! HiQ/Iw<lyat-·eo.-dal-..._.,__,....,. __ c.o,.._. ,......._.......,._
---·'1111 ···--.... ,_., ... -·?. __ ,_,
tbe-rnesa Tr-;.::a tre ~-• F· ,L-·, _·,· :\, , ••· ·l'·
NEWPORT AND t-jAP.8 -·~· I'J <.::OSIA "-,E-SA
• •
James 1iar11er -Gayle
":\'larlowc ..
A Theodore ~0D 1ns ••elusive I Look for our d1agnost ic:
center seal and flkt the guess-work out of buyi ng a
used c.tr. These cars have passed 130 villi test ~ for
performance reliability, and w fety.
4,000 MILES OR 10 DAYS
Ctvtrs all llltch•ftlul ,.,, lnciHint .,.,.., t~me n .... rtlr tftll, nus •nktl, r..ttery tncl tahaust
'''''"'· All npair wtrk dont ift ''" owft ""let 4t,.r1mtnt.
'69 M~!T.~NG $2495
••'*"'"''c '"1111•, hteter, •hoot -au~. wl!ite ,..;,., •14 '"''''"'·
J<v.•••• _,.,.,.,,., .,..elloOit. A~'"erhfl .. .,, 7.100 111lloc•.
.t.Doo•. '1.1, u••••"'•'·~. foctoo y eor
,.,,..;t,o~i~ •. 4~11 P""'"'· ,..,;.,,
huter. I P'Xl111
lf" K>ID cuiTOM 4·DOOa ION.
no v.,, P"'"'"' ''""''"'· , • .,;,.,,...t ic, rttlie , hu te•. Poliu Ce•. I I U 4SO I $1495
ll!fti(T "-'RIIOR E•llllll
R"'T SECliOII'--..... I
Eagles try
for 2nd win
The Upstart Estaocia Eagles,
who , ob¥1ously handn't been
r eading the news ci.J.;ptngs about
the big, bad Barons, almost
came ICI with an ~set tie game
last Saturday, but unbeaten
fountaln Valley ftnally managed
to eke out a 6-0 victor y.
Now the Eagles, st111 Jooldng
tor thelr 2Dd league Yio, hope
to get U this Fr iday e•~
•hen they bost 4th place Edison
at Davidson tteld, Esta.ncla is
tied with Costa Mesa for 6th
place at 1-4.
fountain Valley played a rag-
ged game against EstaDc~
probably looking f9r ward to ttus
Saturday's title battle 1rith
Loa.ra at La Palma stadium. The
Barons llnd Saxons are tied tor
the Irvine ler.\gue lead •1th 5-0
records, and Fountain Valley
wiU be trying to end the Loara
wtn streak at 29.
Fumbles and penalUes kept
the Ba.rons from scorlngaga..lnst
Estancla until the 3rd quarter ,
and that drive also came close
to disaster because of rules In-
tractions. Fountaln Valley stat-
ted on the 34, but •a.s set back
to lh"e 19 by a clipping peDa.lty.
A 15-yard pass was nullUlal
by another penalty. Ha.Uback
Brady Moore then ra.o 60 yards
to the Eagle 27, but clipping
apia •u detected aDd the ball
-COROllA DB. liAR, Ow F. E I
The Orange Coast College
Pirates, back at tbeir eyelash
winning ways, wt U be ftgflttng
to r egain tbe confer ence lead
this Saturday evening as they
play Dost to the top team, San
Piego Mesa, at 8 p.m.
The Bucs are oow in a 2nd
place tie wltb Cer ritos, both
~Hh 3-1 recor ds, after their
17-14 win over Mr. San An-
tonio in the final minutes last
Saturday. Judging trom com-
parative scor es, tbe BQcs will
•u taken back to the EaC)e 41. be the u.oderdop apJ.nst t.m-
From ther e the Barons marched defeated Mesa. They blu'ely got
to tbe goal Une 1.n 11 plays tor by Santa Ara 14-12 aDif lost
the only score of the game. to Cerritos 23 to 14. W:esa. oow
Hoping to eDd their strmg
ot defeats at 4, the Costa Mesa
Mustangs wUI host Magnolia
at Davidson field at 8 p.m.
this Saturday.
However, the Mustangs wtu
go into the game as underdogs
after their 34 to 14 loss to
Edison last Friday. By way of
comparison, Magnolia and Edi-
son played to a 7-7 tie 2 weeks
Edison put on a real home-
comlng show during the first
half against Mesa, jumping ilto
a 21 to 0 lead on 2 aerial
touchdowns, 29 yuds and 11
yards, and a 2-yard scoring
plunge. But the Mustangs came
back strong after Inter mission.
scor ing twtce to narrow the
margin to 21-14, and they
were sUU very much in the
Tbe Mustangs drove 60 yards
in the 3rd quarter to get on
HOW-Ends T111e.Ho.,.,
-'Cftfbt> Pm.ctu! ....
MIN lim
7 111'11 .. 1111
AYe., Corooa del Mar, Ia tbe
oew seldor cbamploll ot ln1De
Coast c-.y Club after llrlllc
a !fOSS 94-Z4 (1101 68)1Dw1Atlle
Rawsoo Ward Foote memorial
trophy, which be is holdlqiK.r e.
(Rich Baosetl pboto}.
F..y, a-..allc,
T ouchint I"
-·---u·~•IO'IIII,..._, IAilllloiU:..f HEI'IUI~ • '"M lllo\1\W()lWt Of tiWlUrt' ~· ..U • Cl.ul......,
lf:lllt•Ofol • --··""" .. """"'"'lt.M-M •_.-r~o llllotn~-_.,1 .,.~.,..:.,...,, ,....,t_,.,_ '1\leAY"'IIfii.__.DtftAID NASlJIICII.:,~
,,.IJ.Iol'l'•' .. u£ •. .,._ .,.,. .. ,~ ... ...,.,_, .. .,._.,..,....,.~~ v.._._,l .. o"'•·-----T·~,.._,.....,,,.,..,.
~-....o:..~ ... -.. ...:;...,-..... ·-·-----~-lt'~ --------.\L&O-
STUTS WED.. IIY. 12111
-I Hl'rD .. -.. --
1 Ti,.. 2 Time• 3 Times v ... ot...,...
i•oe a. all ..,., ol d.-
.Uoa " .-..,... ... ,
-·· ..... tl.,., ,.. ... ...... llloi-fin .-
20 WOf'ds or len ...... ........ 1. !iO 2. ,a :i.OO
21 ..-onh to X) words ...... 2.00 !.00 .(.()()
31 words to .fJ words .... .. 1 00 4.00 S.OO
Each _,d over ..0 word• ..
.. _:0:_5 __ _:__·'.:.0-::-::-::--.:.·;,:1 5~~
O"'"' "-' .Wedae 0111.._ llllell .,.
"lts4·--·~ OD.&& .... -.... et<ltiiH .... UII
.-~ ... <DL •n-m ..
~7!17. _P. 0. 'Bos IZ2I,
Costa Mesa.
• Iiiii. .um -. .-owaa a .-8UID: ____ , ... --.......... .. __ ,__,. __ •... --
~ ... ~ ... ,,.,....... • .. , 0 ...
.... n r Ptalllr •• .•• .., , ll ............... ..,.._
.., ••'' srt..., ... ...__...,t'Jt• ta IMl lJt Ell to. a.a. ... 11:00 ..._ .... 111,--.... ,...·--
tne $easen
te be $aving,
witn a
(;lenrlale Federal
€lab Atr.tr.eunt
Now is the time to st,nl s.~ving for
an even b1gger Christmas next year.
S.1ve a lot by putlmg away a little
each week o r month 10 your
Glendale Chnstmas Club Account.
Unlike most. Glendale F~eral's
Chnstm.1S crub earns mterPSI
.11 the S<~me h•gh ro~te as our regul.u
savings .account.,, 5% currPnl annuo~l
r.11e o n a day-m. do~y~oul bas•"'·
Why wo1il , stop by Glend.Jit• FederAl
and start your Christma" Cl ub.
While you're there.p•ck up a irf'f'
"Holiday C.ud Record.".:~ grE'al way
to keep your Christm.Js c.Hd li st.
2333 ~ea-t ....... , .......
1833 NcapQilt ~d
LUicat LU ftGU m'I'EL --.. -
Remember the Alamo!
If ,.,. diWt r•w._ 11 11\lft • a can IIIII W'D. -It .. ,...--__ ., ..... -.
bttd'NIJ ... ---ftoan ....... ..., c:aqMit are )lit a llw ol U. ...,-cMGwiiiC.__.• ol tiU
J llr • ...,..... Fa••lea c:c:wwbw:Uua 10 piMa,...
p.l.IJ dlllcon&ed 1o P*-momma. Sltww aa u R-Z
1at oa c.. ol eoro. del lbr"s kweu.t tne bal. ....... .
O."t delaJ -eallu todaJ{Jw ..,'!!'..,. WileD tbere
-bo-•lslac). QJ-15!111
• 3 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • 3 Patios
Quality built bomewithbeamcelltngs.
ONLY $37,700 --a -• ..,-. -r n•nu
(after otfice bours call --675-4666)
VIEW wr ..:.. ~u., _ _, . .....,. __ prt.
ftCJ' ... "'" of -.. IIWLRot'" ,..._ .......
Rel~lt Se111i<e
... -. .....
60,£'2 _.,...
mt .. c-o._ ... ,,_ .....
PilE UbnT
.......... TilE&
e CJ
I I a ..
liiii.~Y, I!()Y. l, 1111
C!I!!QI!A DB. U!l. CMJF. •... , •..• . .•..
• •• hh•• c..· ... .
!.We .... c.. ..... .,
to Advertise
We have sold 1 million dollars worth
of property tn the last 60 days. Ltst
with \18 for immediate action.
tt17 Vlo Lido 673-7JIIO
M...,.,t leech -f,.. tile L.A.. .,.. cell 62:5-1034
••• To a showing of outstanding color
photographs of the
Newport Harbor Area
The Harnor Area's
Real Estate Office
• s,.ao.s .. J -.otic,. offices
• P.U·Ili•~ ,fO/usio.C sl•/1
a f!xt~rrslu~ •liv~rlisirrt ,to,, ..
a Prou-rrcorJ of s.J~s
a .tf•lti,lr listi111 urvicr
• Srrvic~ o•ly N r wf'ort H~WIIor A.rrll
a Co.plrtr mlln•tr •ssist•cr to s~ll"
a S'"d.JinJ s~rutc~ tU ortli•ny Hoi.-r ju
e o,.Jy 8ro.trrs th•t fntblish Usti•l 8 roc6.,r
• A•Pl~ •ul co•vni-1 P""i"l
a A ftrotrusillr fi .,.
• A.CCJIPIIIII.-llpprflis.Js i• U!TitiJfl
wilhold cost or o blit•tio,.
3535 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del Mar 675·7225
Irvine Terrace
Just b~athtaki~ly bt>auh.ful and immaculately
clean. Excellently located just across the road
from the Irvine Coast Country Club and golf ca..rS<!.I
close to the Nf"wport Center Regional Sho pping
ter. You'll never find a more tastefully done 2 ·
bedroom a.nd den or 3-be<troom, 2-bath home.
Approximately 1. 800 sq. ft. with all the modern
trimmings . $48, 500 and only because it is too
large ro r its widow-owne-r .
Large Llvtng Room, Family Room,
Four Bedrooms
Lots of Light -Little Yard Work
CHECK THIS ONE AT $42,500 ././
A fWl hOU8e with excellent view and
large decorative swimming pool.
A fun house with excellent view
and large decoratlve swimming pool.
Call 673-2222 AND WE'LL SHOW IT.
2 Unlts -South of Highway
Warm 3 bedroom home and 2 bedroom
apt., Cathedral ceiling, used brick
!lreplace, electric buut-tns.
OPEN SAT.-SUN . 1-5 P .M.
IJOX Y. f' RJ\XI< !.IX
I RE:J\l."TOR \ 3250 last !Msl Mi&ftWiy
torw del M•, C1hlorn••
P'tlont: li1J.Z222
Ct.fiTOM BtnLT Back Bay nsideoce, 1-1/2 years
new. All the latest features: built-in n cuum,
soft nter, 2 lull t.tbs aDd powder room, elepot
decon.tor n.llpapers, 4 bedrooms, formal c21.Di.nc
room, parquet t:amUy room , wet bar, 2-lfZ....car
garage, pool sise yard.
WALK TO ELEMENTARY aocl secooda.ry .:hools.
Sellers IOO'fingto Wisoonsin. wU1 be.,tlnaDCe. $64.500,
!lDd )'0(1 own the laDd.
e Submit your smaller hOme 1..1!. trade
HAL PINCHIN a. Assocl•t••
East BluH Beauty
IBttll t-lBUIII.U:IIIIIda• .... liiiFI.a ........ ....,. Call.., ... __
....... -lllleofl$11,500--...,.
..,. lthbr ,_..
... .. 011 .. ..,. wweu
C.• ·--.<>W .
' •
• ' f
CAR meet
,.... liW1 -llodoiJ, ~~~~~:~~~~~=--~~~ lc C&l>oU CIIOI>I• ~
10 II' 1t1o IIOmt ~ lllro.
l'nllcll Ctmral, 7'79 -Plate, Apt, C., Coati 11-. at
S:SO. Alter retrubmeala: Mr..
Clmn.l wW preHDt a PI'Oif'Ul
oo tbe "L1fe of PUcrtmadalrlDC
tbetr ftrst J'IU' 1111 America."
JobD PeterMD II prllideat
ol tbe JOCiftJ', wbicb meets La
bomes fNVJ other month. Mrt..
Brut10 D. Norman. 'tee rep:at
of the DAR chapter, Ia 8eD1or
At 8 p.m. No,, Zl, Naoey
Buccola. rice repDt of tbe
aoclety, will be hostess tn ber
Corona delll&r borne atas-rtJ
for tbe h.11h school lDd collep
members of the P'OCCI· Part ot
tile ,.en!Dc wiD be opent to
praetlclng for Cbrtstmas carol
singing. Mrs. George D. Buc-
cola, mother ot the bostelli,
Is currently DAR CaWornla
state assistant secretary and
a past regw~.t of the Col, Wil-
liam Cibell chapter.
THE 4'TR0JAN SPECIALH ftl drt.Y• by Deber White.
bead, at lett, and Bob Srrit& ot Balboa 1D tbe otr.road
race from EunMa to La. Pu. (Eoalp pboto.)
.\ i
Shetr wool' ... gt ber~i"t
and imported tweeds
SimiOio 16
M•do 1o So! For
$75.9S io$115.95
$31 .. $39
1/3 off
M.r. and Mrs. Norman aocl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Mac.
Leod 'Ifill attebd the adult CAR
benefit "AirWt to Washlngton ..
on Nov. 29 at the Los Ani'les
Ambassador Hotel.
• . ' • .. ' 1--'-----
ll 673-2990
Transfer of principals was
approved Tuesday evening by
the Newport.Mesa Scbool ots.
trlct trustees •
Mike Hlll wa.s transferred
from Newport Harbor Higll
Sebool to the new schOol In
East Blutf; Jotw R.(Dlck)Ciark
from Mesa Verde to Newport
Harbor; Louts Fannon from
Victoria to Mesa Verde. Betty
Kratz.le, recently lUred, was as·
signed to Vlctorl.a.
JOYCE FOSTER hugs her bu.sblnd, Joe, during a Meliea..n
party honoring Deber Whitehead and Bob Snltz before the
start of the "Melican 1000." About 30 oelctJbors p.tbered
at the Foster home for danCing and a midnight SlWef.
Rolly aOO Marilyn Pulaski were co.hosts at the party.
• 2515 E-Coos I Hwy. ot MacArthur CdM
Tbe oamlng of the East l • ......a
elementary school was tabled
to g:lYe board members Ume
to consider other s uggestions.
l N SOUTH O RANGE COUNTY, whether you are
a member of rhe business communiry or rhe yachting
set -or both-there is-something special for you
at Union Bank. To business and industry, it means the
uncommon benefits offered by one of America's
largtst business-oriented banks . To the affiuem
individual or fami ly, it means the ultimate service
and capabiliry in handling affairs at the
es tate level. Either way, Union Bank
is about as far as you can go ..
South Orange County Office
£ast Coasl Highway at Goldenrod
Corona Del Mar • Telephone 675 -1200
In 1971. the temporary office pictured here will move
to the Newpo rt Financial Plaza , upon completion of
perma nent quarlen a/ that location .
The Coroaa d~!l M,, r PtJc.t
O~Uce plans to solve iOm f: o!
Us congestloo problems by
using the adjoining r e3ldent1al
bu:lding at 412 O:chid Ave. as
a curter facluty. A u.iepermlt
request for~c:~on:v0;e~r~sl~o~n ~o~t:,~ dwelling br
considered by
Beach Plannlng
Tnursday evenln:l, Nov. 2V.
Rod Laver of Harbor VIew
Hills, the traYellng pro fcr:r
lbe Newport BeachTenntsCiub,
has been tamed by an inter-
aatiooal panel as the world's
No. 1 tennis player for 1969.
Tbe double grand slam winner
trtll receiYe the Martini and
Rossi award.
Tony Roche of Australia ns
rated No. Z; John Newcombe
Austra.lla u No. 3; !lrU>urAal>e
of the U.S. as No. 4, and Tom
Otker of the Nether lands as
No.5, Roy Emersoo of Newport
Beach was No, 8.
25 Years in Business
·"-llf"" h.! I u h,bit of bf'au nfu!, un1que and i!lspirin& marinf'
p.unun&-' b~ loremo.H Ca liforni o~ Ani u1 .. ho Ire kna ... n
!hraugh<>ut th e narion. S.ho•,in& to DK. !st.
Co01tr~butong A•lrH.f
C/Q, ~·,.,d"'Q''" uo.,,...., 'J.'Qodu,urd
1/tu/,,.,d Yorm g
v,. ... a .. 1-i.rrr
l olm D r W,/d,. F -lti Fit
Daph11r Hu111111~1o.t F -AIFA
v...,,.'"' Ep/,.. F -AIFtl
Eilu.br th Da'"'"" All-A
£1Jr lv11 G rtnoJ011 AI FA
Hr/,.,., Br<l"rm sc:ftu "'t'"'
F,.,.t/,.•rC'It Whuairr .'IJ. A.
A.W.S" .. F -It/FA
Reynold Bro""" F-A/FA.
Ph rlllp Pat~aJ F-A.IFA
j oint a..., .. .u
Mlfrl,.r/ Dr L..n"
Fr•llr"c lt w-gh
Cfyd r z,.tch F-AIFII
8roor ..... by
}ulioth Bltmt/ F-1\/FA.
Drrftwood Scwlpturr by
Harold WA.t_,tl" F-MFI!.
T elephonl!' (7 14} 6 42•7097
I R'~ ~ .. •·pon f'oulenrd, CoJJU Ml'll, C•liforai• 92627
Hou rs: 10 1.m. to ~ p.m.; S...ndays I p.m. to ~ p.m. CIOII'd
Eut~ings by Appointal'lll
,;J_..;..J. DRAPERY
LOil:IJI ~~
DN,..,. ca-nine. Perfect
_.... "' 1M ... "' ,..., .... ,.,.. ... 100% ,..
pi• cement Jf dMnob ...
• H. Slntnkaee
• No WIIIM Heach
• htfocfPloafr.wl,.
• PetfMt hen .......
• W..., Stoln lemtftl
• Prof••lonal hntallatioR
• Pntf..Uonol l •mo••l
• T•nns Mayle Atra,.-
• ,.. htimotes
• frw Lean DNpn
200/ Off ,.. .. ,. ' .. ...,
/O 642-0270
1702 NEIIl'ORT BL YD. ol 17tn, Coo to Meso
Transportation Cars
Seven years or repeat
cusiDmera a&viD&IDODey
We carry our
own ooatracts
'64 DODGE COUPE $545 6 cylinder, ovto~ttotic ..••.. , ••
•lr•co•utl tionocl, 9 possengor •••.
'62 ~~~~~~l!l~n~~~~~ ·D·E·V·I~~~ ... $950
v..a, s ti ck lhift .•.••••....•
'61 SU NBEAM ROADS TE R .. _, .. ,
'61 CORVAtRE COUPE ......... ·$175
'60 OLDS ,j.DOOR $275 air con dl Hon ed ••••....•.. , •
with push buMper , • , ••••••• , •
59 ~~~;~?~~h~:~~~~ ........ $275
'590LDSl·DOOR $2
l.ortltop • • • . • . . . • • • . • . . • • • 50
•59 !~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ $150
'51 CADILLAC "60 " SP ECIAL $47
4-4oor, oh conclltlonod, l•••culate 5
'51 FORD ..... DOOR $200
6 c1llndor, etlclc shift , ...••••
'57 OIEVRDL!T WAGON $2 0 ... .~ .. ,, v..a, .., .... ,,c.. . . . . . . 5
lo111 hcl, l-spee4, 61 ,000 .. u .. , $475 .... , ••• ••dl •...........
ce~tt. kit, ,.,.. ,..4 .......... $1SO
Cotta MG!a
Jwt put a.ter an.. lat.-S.,ODd
lllld st. (VIetorla).Mat to Phln~p~ ee
2201 NIWPOitT avo.
Know your
Water pollution is topic =::·e==
Top prloriiJ will bo II•• LOd ltctallll" ldtoealo, wtU AlA 1D< "t"'eu-e or doalp
to WU. poUuttoa alit boat rtpOI't oa .. ct-JattYe aettfttJ Uld anbltt<:Nre.'' 1bt p_.,
-.,._ tballiiUIIUOic:oa-Ill Sacram•to with rela.ttoo to dllploytd llart by Wnry e ... k
.-"' .... eawwo~a ..._ -IDe •••· "'-car-. .... pr---ot Harbor llutora Goorp AakoiWid, chief or to tbo collop by lll>l'an ar-
&ld Pcwt Capatn• meet& NOY, bo&tUig Jlfety b' the Depart-ebUeet WliUam 8\aroek ofWU.
11-14 at lllo N-IDII. mtDI or Harbora LOd Water Uam Bluroek LOd Putoara Dl
£, A. (Sucry) SIMHnc. pre. Craft. lt set to spea.t OD tbl Coroaa lltl Mat.
aldllllt ot tbt u10tlattoa &Dd state'• boatt.og safety procram
JIWII.Cir ot. martlu ud re-Friday.
eratson b tbt Inial Co.,
Which will -I -usc ALUM ltAMED
""-----w --· ....
of tbe Pf'OII'&m, Aid, "Both Robert B. Youn1 o1 Newport
aubitetl are of Immediate con-Baeh ls a member oftbeoewly
eero to thoa of us wortt.nc in formed board of couoc:Uars tor
m.a..oacemeta of martnu &Dd the Voo Kleim;mtd center for
.barbors. Tbe '"'oe CompQJ loternauonal aDd pubUc aJiairs
Ill portleola< bu boeome Ill-at USC Mr YOUD(. USC
omc.er Gary Cbuoc bas been ereuiqi.J aware of poUUlioa alumnus · wttb ~ decree In tn,..
wltb lbe Newport Beach pollee IDd water safety problemsliDce teroatiooal rela.Uoos, is dlrec..
dep&rt:ment tor U years. He I& It bellO the ma.napment of Its tor of the American Ttma Sales
preHtaly assigned to tbe traf-own ma.rlnu." Assn
----------"-•AtO 01 Wt I ll ................. --..
~I \ -
" "--· ..
...... L«AU-., ......... _ ... • MARINA WORK BEGINS
PrtUJolarJ wwii: ... II:Ut4ld 11 Jk:a,.t 11ut11r -.. ~ •
.. .... '""" ,._.,. •• proi>Jaol ... -,...... ...
$1000000 -·----......... -,.._,..., b piu to elelr Oil tM old ot tbt ..., ftltn71 Jor .,._
-allpa .,..._ ~ Ilea, bll .. --bJ' tba lllud brldCI u4 tbl aaaa. replatl.c)U ud a. tldl CUI
Yacbl Cllb llloJ art prollolllJ pr-.
Tbey wUi bertDlKIClwUbtM Tb&rt wtU be a .... df..,..._
-.n.r 111pa aoarUdbJ'--led -ID te_.nlf odrlft
ertte walb COU&'Itte WUb &c-•ldM •• are atttmotlac to bl~
-........... ...., wtllbo ........... _ .................. .-.· 1'111_ ....... _ ..
-· IIOOb, wtll -1DdtrSdl&l ..., ern= .. _ ...... _
Ill -...... LOd ---ftikwaJ UCIItllll.
~:;~:;:~~.:!Yule projects offered
be moved &))out lD tM tubioD
ot mule&l chair a to aeeommo-Need a Cbrl.atmu project?
date tbe DeW coutnctloll.. Here are .orne 1deu tor you or
And u predtcted reeeatb' your c~. sunested by the
by Sudy S&Dd11nc, tbtt martla Newport Harbor Volunteer au~
DWIIpr of tbl IrriDeCompuy. r•u: Speelal drums are Deeded
wheo tbe work la complete 101M 1D eqrdae cluaes tor ortl'M:>~
of the boall DOW oo stde-tiea pedit:a!Jy budlcapped chlldten.
c.a.ooot be accommodated, At.o, tbla Ll tbe Ume to th.Loi:
Tbe Dft'ly-bu!JC marloa w1.11 about adOPt1DC a.al.lld:tvtdualora
ea.o bt" buUII -.. comm-'-
caUoo. ea11 111o v-
Bureau. &d-ONS.
U you are ba.ad1 a.ro.J tM
house, ooe commuoitJ r.ut.U-
taUon center OHda a mu to do
ot! jibs, U&tQ. 'IPIDdowa, car-
be Umltld to tner boUa wbolt ward lD oDe of tbe bos-TrainlDC w1ll be ct•• to
prtmarUy because ot eiGTeat pltal.s or eoonlesceot names voluoteers wbo wut to auUit
CUy ot Newport Beaeb Plull1.Dc tor Tba.n.ksgivtO( or Ctlrtst-ln heartoc screent.nc tor elem-
repl&Uola: deal1D(wttbputtnr mas. entary ctilldreD &Dd 1D taeblnr
&Dd other factuttea. Tbe com-Our community serves many cbUdten wtth defecUYe ..-:h.
puy adbered to tbe repl•tlt'ftl Spu.isb peoplewboCUUJOt!pe:&k Call the Voltmteer Burau or
whleb require tbat laod.bued or tmderstaod Spanish. u you eome by S25 N. Newport WYd.,
tollet b.c:Wtiu aod al 1eut 15 speak Spanish aoo feel that you Newport Hei&tlUi, 9 to DOOil.
automobile puti.oc a:paees per
Valkommen 100 boats~ must beprorided
moiDreyele ollteer on the day deUvered NOf. 13 by Robert T/CKTOCKERS TO HOST DADS wtthlo""" 1H1 or ""1' coo-watch. Walker, director of tbe State structed mar loa sUes.
Gary Cbunc was boro lD W.ll-Department ot Harbors aDd ADotber llmlt1nc factor came
tie eoforeeme.ot HCtion u a Tbe keyoote address Will be •
waukee, Wisconsin, 35 years Water Craft. He will report oo Ttcttoekers of the Natiooal Town, wheretbeywlllbavetbelr .special party, ta.k.J.ng lime ott about u a result of ao agree-
aco. While be was a young boy, Goveroor Reapn'areorpnlla~ Charity League sent the1r pictures taken aDd share 1n the trom their many volunteer pro-ment wtth the B&.lboa Yacbt Club
his family moved to the Newport tloo of the department whleh wtll lathers py lnvttations blddlng ezcttemeot of the famous CaUco Jects. lor a ceru..t.o ownber of sllpa: iD
area, a.od Gary graduated from be broadly eJPifliSed to 1ncl00e them to "Hay Una Fiesta por log ride, Each fatller wlll wear a py the dredged...out area being de-
Newport Harbor HighSchool. He tidelands, beaeb erosJoo, yacht los Padres y las Hlj:a..s," a tes-Hostesses trom each grade~ sombrero name-tag • . • a veloped In the area ad)lcent to
bas u A.A. dearee 1n Ubera.l a.od ship bl'oUr"s admlnlstra-Uve get-together to be beld at level will preside onr the hm-dW'erent color lor each grade, the club.
art& from Orange Coast Col-tlon i.Dd oceamgraph.le re~ Koott•s Berry Farm thisSatur~ cbeoo tables u dadlaoddaug:b~ and as many sombrer os as be the club. After construction,
lege, where he Is cunently en~ search. day, NO¥. 8. Fatbersa.oddaugb-ters lndulce tnthetamousberry has Ticlttocker daughters. onr 60 of the Dew slips 111
rolled lD pollee scleoce ells~ 0o tbe same day, Lachlan ters Will p.tber at 10 a.m. tor pte aDd other deUcacles iD tbe Amoog thOse entuled to wear the Dewly-dredpd areanearaf
ses. Richards, marina consulta.Dt a stroll throug:h colorful GOOst chleken dlnoer restaurant. two hats are Robert Ra.kel tor the BI.DXII Ya.cbtCiubwtllcome
He spent3yearslntheMarloe TweUUl p-ade Ttektoekers will Cindy aM Barbara; Dr. Ted UDder theclub'seootroltorreo.
Corps durlDg the Korean war, LEGAL MOTICE LEGAL NOTICE M.C. the eoterta.l.nmeot, b!lfl-Netu'enberg tor MariaJ:me and tal purposes. However, club
beio( booorably discharged Ugbted by a st1t eotttled Nancy; Or. Guy Miner for Kim members now ID lnlne slips
after attal.nln&' the rank ot ser-NOTICE INVITlNG BIDS "Bridglng the generatloa liP·" and Robl.n; Charles Johnsoo. for wtll be required to relocate lD
pant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Supervisors Tables will be decorated with Marla and Diana; Dr.Johnfat-the club's oew area.
ln hlsl3 years..-lththepollce of Oranp Coutay. CaWoroia. flU rec.el•e sealed bids~ to pinatas, pa.teraal-lootlng bui.U rer tor Laura and Susan; Dr. "Tbere ns simply ..., n.y
departmeDt, Gary has wortsd 2 o'clock P.M. on the 17th day of November, 1969, in tbe and Uttle cbJcks. The ctrts Jotm Granulla for sara and that we could aeeommodate the
patrol, accldeot lnvestlplloo. otnce of the Clerk of the Boerd of Supentsors, St~ Floor, will "shate a dad" with Tick-Jana; Dr. Russell Laogeobect large rwmber ot boatsthatnre
and hls current assli!lmellt, County Admlnlstratloo BuUdtnc, 515 North Sycamore Street, toekers wbo6e fathers are un-lot Gail Anne a.od Kathy; Row-stde-tted to alloftbeoldwoodeo
motor otftcer. Saota Ana, Callfornia., at which tlme said bids wlU be pub-able to atteDd. iand Lohnwl for JuUeand Vicki; structures into the oewly coo-
Gary, his wife, Mildred, aOO Ucly opeoed aDd read tor the follow ing: Each year the Tlcktockers Dooa.ld Neptune for Carol and struc:ted coacrete sUps Wider
3 children Debra 13 Pamela. To Sl.IJJPIY all labor, material and equipment lor addition entertaio their fathers fflth a Nancy; Robert Andersoo tor the presem reptattons lJX1
9, and ~y Jr., 's, Uve 1n the to and the lnstallalloa of a rtre proteetioo system ln the Glenna and Holly; Herbert other limltlngcoadltloos," Mr.
Newport area. They ue all Medical Center Buildings 1, 2, 10, 25, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40. 4 k h Meaoy lor Debbie and Claudioe Sandllog said.
members oflheCtu'lst Llllhera.Jl 41, 42, 43, 18, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 16035 (Commun.lca~ wor s ops and, t®tng them all, Dr. Wll~ "The Irrtoe Company wtU
Church of Costa Mesa. lions Center). Uam Cooover wlth 3 sombreros, continue to do its utmost to belp
All of said work to be performed In accordance wtth plans for Jertlyn,JenJ.IeraDd Pamela. those boat owners wbo canoot
Rool Dcn ish Pastries, coffee
Qui stm os Cords
from m~y I onds
Copenh aaen's
l ates t mob1l es
To'1S hom
West Germ a~y
DA.!IIISH FURNITU RE Crystal, Chi11a. Sw •IDsb Gifts
fiNNISH IMPO RTS · smneware, crystal, af(ltiJns
RY A RU GS -Con ttmpo ruy Lamps
i11terlors • i~
Fictitious Firm Name
and speclflc.al!ODS wbJch are oo..-011 ftle in the otnce of the 0 n flo nan c l'ng Plans lot the "fiesta" were be accommodated to f1.Qd a DeW County Clerk ln the County Administration Building, 515 made by Mrs. Me lvlD Dalliel \oc.aUoo." Tel: 673-2740
North Sycamore, Santa Aoa, Caillornia. KHmer and Mrs. Paul Cooally. He is seetiog the belp aDd 2640 E. Gout Hlehway, Coron• del Mar
Mlnlmum wage rates tor this project have been determloed Walter Adrlao, director of AU Ttcktoc~r activities are cooperatloo ot marina mana-,... Pwrt~~~t"'...,.
hereby certUy that he Is coo-
dlld:lng a retail candy store
business at 301 Marine Ave.,
BUbo& lal&od, uDder the tlc~
UlloM ftrUl oam• of lall.lxl
s-~udtllataald!lrm u campo_, or the tollooriDc
peraoa wbose Dame in tull and
place of residence are as tol-
lowa, to-wit: Joho L . Costello,
1874 Rhodes Dr •1 Costa Mesa.
WtTNESS my hao.::l this 14th
day of October, 1969. John L.
ON Ttmi 14th day of October,
1969, before me, a Notary
PubUc in a.Dd tor sald county aM
state, resldlne therein, duly
commlsalooed and sworo, per~
tooally appeared John L. Cos-
tello, knowo to me to be the
person whOse name Is sub-
scribed to the within ln-
strumeta, and aclmow'ledpd to
me that he uecuted the same.
WITNESS my hand a.nc1 omcw
Mar y A , llaai>a,
Notary PubUc In aDd lor said
County and State.
My Commission e:rptres Dec . u. 1971.
Publlsb: Oct. 16, 23, 30, Nov.
6, 1969, in the Newport Harbor
by the Board of Super•taors by Resohrt.lon 69-652, a copy of budget and bustDess sentees directed by Mrs. Herbert JobD gers throu&OOid the area. __ _.:~~~~':';~"~12~N::·~',.~':.~ ___ _:"'~=·~-==• :•::.,~'"=,.~-wbich is oo ftle 1n the offtce of the Clerk of the Board of Su-tor the Ne1PPOft-Mesa School Weany. ''The shortage of boat Sll&Cn ...
pervlsors. District. l.llOOUDCes that tbe
Bidder's atteotioo ts called to SecUons 1 770~1771.5oftbe community lslDvltedtotWOI"k.. ~...!"":.." : ~: :.: : •• · .;. ;;· '"':i ~:.:f. : _,_ ,
Labor Code wblcb will require them if awarded tbe coo:tract. ... ..._1 •-........ ~-••--n .. ...__ ~:~~:-, ·:; ::: ::: ,: · ::··~..: :".".·. , , ........ ..__ ...
or ..... -................................ ...,..." ...... .. ' ., " .... ,,., ' " •. " .•• " . to pay DOtaUlell than said pDH-al per~~~te n~ .. ·~ tpMkersoaltboolft.DlDce. ,;.:; .. ;! ~· .:· .~; .!:.: !::: ::: ~: ~ .• ~.,:.:
tortb to laborers. wor Ud m-e. ernp ... , w Tbe worlil::llqll wtU bt beW :;t._ .. .,: r. • :r: r: • ~:='~ ~·.: : :: :.: :.~ :.::::1
tbe e:ucutloD uf tbe pr•Sid oaatrad. bid istactor h k 1D the lJtUe Theatre at Corooa -C-:: f: :~ ~:: ~: ~: ::
Each bidder must submit wttb his a sat Y c ec del Mar Hilfl School. After_ --, • , .... , ... ... • • • -·
certi11ed by a respooslble b&D.Ic or a bidder's bood made pay-0000 sesslou wtll be trom 3:30 :;... ... .: ;~: ~: ;; . ~ .: .; a:
able to the order of the County of Orance 1o an amoWJt not to S:30 for staff member's. u :::::..•·; •·: :: :: :: ::.: : :. •
less thaD ttve percent (~) ot the sum b1d as a para.ntee that tbe public Is lnterea:led, tne ~ ·~·,!_ o ~ ' • ,··: ~: ,• ;: .; •···
the bidder wtll eater into tbe proposed Cootract If the same Is 00 ... ,. ~u oer-•ed at lp.m. : ":::"".:. .. -:; ,: · :~.; ,; : ;: ;_ .
t f fatlur t 01. Into h -.. , ~ • ........ .. • ' .•. ' .• ' awarded him. ln tbe neo o e o e er sue eoo-Here Is the scbedule: :,.:.-:: ~~ •• ~~ ~ · ~; ~.: ~ :: .: ;·~j~~;_,;:.;;J.:..:~;:., j tract, the proc:eeds of the eheck will be forfeited, or lD case N 13 1 ~ .. ,.. · • • · · · '
1 OV. -"AD OVerYiew 0 .., " '' • • •• of a boDd, tbe full sum thereof wlll be forfeited to sald County tlDaoctog publlc educaUoo,'' by ::-:-:;:;" :~ :~: ,; · ..; : ,, .: .
ofOra.ngt. Dr. WallaceMuelder,assoclate ·~~·; :.r~ : • • •: ~: :•;.
Each btd must be on a blank for m furnished by the County dean for administration and ::·.~ •. ~ ,., ~: .. : ~: ··
I Or ... ,.. •• ' ' . 1 • 1 • o ange. professor at the USC school of • ..... .... "' • • • • • • The successfUl bidder Shall be required to turolsh, at time Education. ·• ·::.!: : ~. ~: ·:: "
of signing agreement, ooe (1) surety bood wbJch stlall protect No•. zo _ "Tbe state io SICJ-::·:~.: :: • ~ , .. · ~. ~: ·
the laborers aod materialmen and shall be for ooe hundred port otpubUc schools,"by MII -::~: ..... ·-. o; :: :·: ;,
perceot (10()11,) of the amount of tne Contract, 1n accordanee ton Hood, fleld represeota.Uve, ~~·: ~·
.,lth Sectloo Z54SS of the Government Code, and ~) sure~ adm.lnistrati'fe services, for the :··~:. -.: ··: ','•
ty bood io the amouot ot ooe tumdred perceDt (1.....,-..,) ot the CaWornia Departmeot of Edu-::::·.':. : ~·: :
Cootract, guaranteeing tne la.lthful pertormaDte or the Coo~ cation. -~· .. 6'' .....
tract; said bonds to be ftrst awroved by the otflce of the Dee. 4 _ •·federal sources ·~ :~::, ~ ~:
County Counsel of Oran&e County. as publlc scbool slCJI)Ort," by ;~-.: ~ ; .: '
The Board of S~rvtaors reserves the rigtlt to reject any Dr. Paul Lawrence, r egtooa.J ::.~-
or all bids, and DOt oeeessarUy accept the lowest prtce bid. asslstaot commlssJoaer of the :;, <~ ':
and to wa.tve any tnformaUty Ia any bid received. u. s. o m.ce ot Education. :--~.:~.. E
Dated: October 14, 1969 Dec. 11 _ "Local tales: ... • " ~
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Of SUPERVISORS can they be depended on to .:::~ ~ ,:
OF OR ANGE COUNT Y, CALIFORNIA SICIPOrt schoo ls?" byDr,Ches---:;:, •,.
W. E. STJOHN ter Gi~ln, associate secretary :.:·~.·: '
County Clerk aDd u-ottlclo the CaWoroJ.a Teachers As--:.",;~ .:,: .:
Clerk of the Board ot Supervisors Dd ~.· .. '': :
Or c CalU n1.a sn., southern section, a ,....,., • •
of ange ouoty, or faculty member of the USC de-:.:,.o·.: .. ·:
By Mabel L. CastetJ:, Deputy part ot f educatlon. ....... 1 ' •:
Publlsh: Newport Harbor EDS!IQ, Oct. 30 and Nov. 6, 1969. me 0 ==:: ::;: .. _ ... . -.... . " .
...... ... "'·-.. . . -. • .... -....... po, ... -... _. ... ........ ... ... .... .... .. .. -··
I"·' "" • • 1• ... • •• ~.' ..... . ' ' •... ·-·' ••• -·. • • .... ' OJ"o I "'I .... ' .v •• • • . ' .
• : ~:.~ : ::-: I
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" " II 11'
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200/o 10 W/o .. -LOOK 1101 1D U" TAM -
1111 t«MMO .....
~ COifA ~ CA&. •• -····1 .,. __ , .... _ --
-.• • --. .... .. --..... •• ..
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CORONA DI!L MAR .., ... c......,....
T ......... ,.,..,.
. ' .. .. ' ••
• 'Tllool art our hiller. "11. 13: 16
Diu Lanlaoyala tlle-lllcllaplar Gil SL Lultr.
''WMa ye ~. IIOY! 'Our J'albor Ia Beaveo.' "To
pray Ia to~ 10-,.._ .. --·To Devtd pnl'ft' wu eomm.....,. wllb God by moulll ODd
lle&rt, lor be wrote Ia 1bo N-Ib Pulm: "Let
lbo -Gil DIY mouth ODd lbo meclltalloll al my
..... be ~ 10 Tby aJPt, 0 Lord, my
StJ'eaiUI ud 1ft¥ Red ll!l:otr ... God ll1rnaett u.ya t1
111m wbo prays, Ia. 15:M: ''ADd tt abal1 come to pue,
tll.lt -t.boy ..U. I wUI ....,..r; ODd wbllo they an )let tpNttna, J wWbear."
rr.,... II If lA ...... --~.A,...,....., be a
all .................. , ......... : •-o.tefllle ..,...._.lcriiiii .... 'IIIIM,O.._.,, ... ''GIArd,
...,._ .... 1 Cl7--~· ... ''Call ..... ..
..__.., ... lillie" ..... ._. .. MniJin orW-.
....... w, •!"a.t. JII1Qer ..... *""' .... ... ...,. • ..,..,......,..._.,.,.. ......... rell'tlf u lltrQ' .... reet&a&lae ~ _. ................ ......
Paul leila Ul, PI>Wppiau CboptH 4: 6: "Be C&n!-
IUI (ao-) foroolhlDe; butlDOY<r)'lhlnc by pray-
er ODd auppllc.otloa wltll ~ let your re-
queata be...-lmowD unto God." To rtvo tlwW to
God ODd 1D pralae Hla Name Ia a1ao proytng to God.
.,. .......... Kn)'
8os 168, New H•••• Wo.
'lito God-Fotller 1r> Wbom -ore 10 pray lbo
HeavetllyJ'atbor ..-Jeaua tallllttu to-ODd
-I'OYMiedHimlolf to UIID ,......, m all tll.lt J-
clld ODd Mid. He Ia lbe J'otller -,..., Hla Oaly-bet<>IIOII 9oa lor lbe lifo Gil lbe world; lbe Falber ClliiCerlllllr ..-Jeaua uld: "Thla Ia IUo etemol,
tll.lt t.boy mJPt -Tbeo lbe Ollly true God, ODd
Jeaua Chrlal. wbom Thou but oont". Ho Ia lbe Fa·
lber with w11om Jeaua clolmod OIIOIIeU at Beine
w-Heaold: '1Uid lbeFatllerare..,.." Holalbe
God Ia wbooo name Jeauo CCIIUlWided to baptlu
lbe n.allou, "lbe J'alber, ODd lbe Soo ODd lbe Holy
Gbolt.'' He 11 tbe oae true God, wbo made beavec
aad earth. who dJerd for tbt alAI ol men and f'Oie
oraba. wbo """"' by lbe Propbeta. Thla Ia lbe true
God, lbero Ia 110 God bealdoa Hlm, ODd Ho baa aold:
"'l'llou lbalt.....-.Jp lbe Lord Illy God, aDd Him only
lllalllbou _ ..... "I am lbe Lord; tll.lt Ia my
name, aDd my &lory wtU I DOt lfve to another. neith-
er my pra1le co araven lmq'es." Matt. 4: 10: Ia.
42:8. T.-o..lfl Bol;r flcrlpOue we m ... Uft ap ov
Muc. .,._we.,.,. We IIIMIIWM el Blm aM el
•MMr,lf eupra;ren are 110& &o be~ Tllte
niS na8T PACT to ~ noticed in the proper solution is dwt the
BiW. nowhere uys or lmpliet that Jesus was crucified and died Ob P'ri-
ct.y. It is lAid tNt J•ua wu crudfied on ~the d..y before Mbb.th" (Mark
U :42). lu the Jewi.lh weekly •bbilth came on Saturday, becinninc at
aunat lhe evcDinl; before, the conclw.ion is raturally drawn that u
Jesus wu crucified the day ~fore the sabb.th He must have been crucifaecl
on ....... ,.
But t is a well-known fact, to whkh the Bible bean abundant t.t.i-
mony, that the Jews had other Abbaths bnide !he weekly sabbllth which
fell on Saturday. The first day of the Passover week, no matter upon wh..t
day ol the week it came, was always a s.abbath fExodw 12:16; ~viticus
23:7; Numbers 28:16-liJ.
To pray, tbtrn,11 tobavea req_ueet, • wtah, • oeed,
a thank~, which ODe wa.ata to brtna' before God •
caue tbe Mart 11 moved or atlrTed to do 10. Often
tbe words are DOt spokeD because the heart Is unable
to expreu what It feela. But God UDdentands the
laDpoae at lbe beart. lbe llllbs. lbe lonctncs. the
acbel that CaJIDOt beexpreued; for It Is written, Ps.
10: 17: "Lord, 11>ou baa beard the desire of the hum·
ble; Tbou wtlt prepare their heart; Thou wilt cauae
'l'lliM ear to bear. • •
--P<F .. ...,.. _____ ..
10m ...... Thel.-.e ............. Jnl' &o .....,.,
., .. ......., ., .. Mpll...., to.., odlercreaiue
01' ...,, .... Iller aN ... Ged. 'fteJ' CMM4 lilear 0111'
.,., .... 'fter CMMt .............. .., ... GG4
..._._.. .-.. •aMIIIean: •r .,_,en, u ta.e
P"J"!& ....... declarw ... -1&)'11; ··o..a.ue.
The quntion ther•forr ari:5r5 whether the sabb.th that followed
Christ's crucilb:ion wu the weekly sabbath (SaturdllyJ or the Pauover
u.bbeoth, fallinc on the lSth of Nisan, which ame tNot year on Thunday.
Now the Bible does not leave ua to sp«ulate in r~ard to which Mbbtth
Is mpnt in thia inlta.nee, for John tells us in 110 many wor<b, in John
11:14, th-t the day on which Jesus was tried and crucified was "'the pre-
paration ol tile r-o~•" (RVJ, \)~at i5, it wu not the dly bdore the
we-ekly ubblth (Friday) but it WOIS the day before the PUIO~er Abbatb,
wtudl came that yeer Gn Tt.u~y . That is to uy, the dly on whicb Jesus
Christ was crucified wu
w ........ ,
John malt• this u clear u day.
THE G05PIL or JOHN wu written later than the other Golpda.
and tchcN.an hllve for a Ions lime! noticed th.t in various places ~ Will
• ...w.rt m&.ttiaa to CIDI'nld fa1a ~Ill that OlW! mi1ht grt from
.... the ~ Gotlpel1 OM ol thew false impreuions was that Jesua
*the P'W<w• with Ilia cli.dpla at the regular lime of the Puaover.
To c.nwd UU. falM lm,....aoa JobD dearly stalta d'!at He atAI' it the
ao ' a Won, ud that He HimRll died oa the-erou at the" very moaMIII
tile Pwtti lamb. wen ~ alain "between the two eveainp" on the
1 .. N-. (Exoch• 12:&, ~ aDd a. V. rn.a.rFn). God's real Paacal
t.Db. 1--., ol whom aU other putal lamt. offered through the c-enturies ~ 0.,... w.. tbtnfon alaiD at the VI'T)' time appointed of God.
~ about the P...,.,er lamb waa
Fulfilk.d in Jest.~~.
D WAS A L.UOI without bl.emiah and without spot (Exodus 12:5).
(I) He .,.. eboeeb Oft the lOth day of Nilan (Exodus 12:3), for it was on the t.tb cM7 ol the IJ'MIIblh, the ~ Saturct..y, that the triumpha.J
eatry iD1o ~~ .a made, llnee they came fTom Jericho to Bethany
.U d.p bdon the PM.over {John 12:1-that would be six days bdon Th~, whieh would be Friday), and it wu on the not day that the
entry lmo ~~ WM awde (Jobo 12:12 and fo!WwiQI' ve-na), that
ia, on Saturd.y, the 10th Niaan.
lt .,.. aJ.o on thia; .am. da7 lhat Judas went to the ch~ priest~ and
olhrad to batn7 J..ua for thirty pieea ol silver (J.btthri 216:8-11; Mark Ur:~U). A. It _... alter the supper 1:. the boUIII! ol Simon the leper •
the IUIJIIUI' occunad late all P'rWay, that ia, aftn-.sunaet, or early a11 S.t-~ • .,._ \M ~ .....W • U,. be on the 10th Nian. nu. beblc the priN Mt 1111 Rim by the chid' prieRa, it wu the buyinc or takinc to
tham ol. a 1MDb whidl ~ \o l.w must OCC'W' on the lOth Nlea.n. Fwthermon. they put tha .uct valUC" on !.he lamb thllt Old Te.ca-
...-t .. ........., pndk:ted (Matthew 21:15, oompare 2'Achariah 11 :12). {3)
Not • bolw olltim •• broken when He-wu killed (John 11:311, compare
Z:l:odUI 12:41; Numbers t:12; halm 34:20). (4) And He wu killed on the
l«h Nlau bet•"" the eveninp, just before the bq:innina of ~ 15th
Nillul at 1undown (ExodUI 12:1, R V.., rD&J"'in).
H -take ju.t exactly what the Bible says.. vi%~ that Jesua wu slain
befon the ~er Mbbath, the type is marvelloualy fuJfiUed in every de-
C&il, but if .. .ccept the traditional theory that Jnus was crucified on Fri-
day, the type l.a.iJ.I at ma.ny points.
nJII'IIIDMO&E. lr WI: ~pt the traditional view that Jest.~~ wu
c::rudfied on ~day and atAI' the PhiO'ver on the regular day of the P--
O'Vft', then the JOurtM!'Y from Jericho to &thany, which occurred 1ill day.
before the ~er (John 12~1) would fall on a Saturcby that U. the
J..W. Mbb.th. Such a journey on the Jewith sabblth would be ronlr.ry
to the Jewiab law. Of e:oune it waa imposajble for Jesus to take such a
journey on the J....uh .. bb.th. In reality Hil triumphal entry into Jeru-
s&Mm ·~ on the Jewish ubbath, Saturday. 'nli.J was alt.o&:ether poMible,
for the BtbM elaC'where tells us that BethanY" was a sab~th day's Journey
from Jeruaa~ (Acu 1:12: compaTe Luke 24 :$0).
Furthermore, it hils heft~ figured out by the astronomers that in the
,...r :JO A. D., whkh ia the commonly accepted year of the crucifixion of
our Lord, th. Pu.ovt-r was kept on Thunds.y, April 6th, the moon being
full that day,
~ chrono~ who have suppoeed that the cruc1fix1on took plac-e
00 rrida, have been patly perpll"lled by thi.J fact that in the year
30 A: D~ the Pulover ~ on Thuraday. One wri~r in SHkit~~ a
.olutJor. of the difficulty augests that the crucifixion may have bet-n
ln the year 33 A. D~ for although the full moon was on a Thutmay that
Je•r at.o. yt't as it was within two and a half hours of Friday, ~ thinks
that pa-hap!l the Jew. m.-y ha.v~ kept it that day. But when we aceept
uactly what the BibLe :Yys, namely, that J~us was not crucified on the
"-ver day but on "the preparation of the PaMO~r,'' and thlt He wu
to be thrH dap and three mghts in the g-rave, and as '"the JU"rpuation
of the Pauovft"" that ye.ar would be Wednesday and His resunection
early on the first day of th<' Wfl'k, thia allowa exactly thrH days ;md thre-e nic:hts in the lfl!Ve.
liT COIINIUUS I . llA.M Pal .. -IAN lllka IOOIJT
Nothin1 will prove so ~lpful
to 1 Chrtstain in Mrcominl su'l
•• '" •pprac••tkHI of Chnst's death for tin at C.lvaty. The Bi-
ble teaches that:
1. TIM cross st•nds between
the belle"'lef a~ his SINS; the
wro,. thlna:• ha don. or is
prona to do, In thouaht, word
•nd dNd.
"And you, that wt~re once al•-
tn~ lnd enemies in your mind
by wklled works, yet oow h•ttt
He recoMiltd. in the body of H11
flonh, throuth de.th, to prHent
)'OU holy and unblameabte •nd
unrept'O'IabHI In His siat.t" (Col.
"Chriat di«f tor our alna K ·
c:ordlftl to the Scriptures" (I Cor.
'"Who HIS own Mf1 b•r• our
lint in His o-m COdy on ttle trM"
(I M 2".2 .. ).
2. Tbt c:n:.s ... ,. betwMu
the bel-.., Mel tMs SIN. It IS
not only men's tiM tNt keep
ttwn eM of ......._., but their ...... ___ _
..._ ... ..,...._,.,..end would
sm ... But ... much more ttle
grace of God, and the Rift of
arace, wh •ch is by one, Jesus
Christ. hath abounded unto mtny
. . That as sm htttl reilned unto
death. even so might artce re•gn
throu'(h righteousness unto eter-
nal life, by Jesus Ctlrist our lord"
(Rom. 5:12.15,21).
"For God hath made Him to
be sm fOr us, [Html who knew
no sin: ttlat we might be made
the r•atlteousness of God In Him"
(II Cor. 5:21).
3. Ttle cr01s &t•rtds btrtween
ttle bellewr a~ tlis SINNING.
"Wh•t tttall wt1 sey, then? Stlall
we continue In sin, that ar•ee
m")' •bound1 God forbid. How
shall we that ,,. d~ad to sin,
live tny 1on1.r theratn? ... Our
otd m.n Mturw h" been crud·
fled wfth HHn •. , th8t we hence-
forth lhould not M1W sJn . . .
L..t not sin thet'efore re11n In )'OUt'
mott•t bodies. th•t )'e tttoutd
obey it in the tusts therwof: net·
ther yieHI ,.. )'OUr memben n
lnt.uunwnts of unrtJhteousnns
to loin: but ylakl younetwt unto
n.oo.,., .... r-... -,. Allnlwn be t-..-
bo lne ...,er!Miooari oll:llo ...S opoaU 1o God.
'fte-..; a..e ~ • ....,.._r Ute~ pra)'l or
.... ,.. NdtetM-... ,.,.,., -lllo ..-Ill
willie· tile lleaart II far awa;r .. mere babbllaa. To be
...-e, '" ...., Cl'7 .. t11e ..._. ..,. o.. ..a.c die
same ....... er ..... er .,.aa. u 1011c u ov
...,. c.ae lnm e.e Mart Md we are • pea& llle-__ ,. ... __ looor, larlllo ..........
ol ov Mart an mfz dnf b7 Ged. u 8&. Paal
&eaeM. • • Rftn•• a. a.t ,.,.ha*al repeddoa
., -. ud IArael aclm1wledp • aol; Thoa, 0 Lord,
ui a.r Fa&Mr, Ml' Redeemer; Th7 aame .. from
evorlulloc. "11. a: 11.
Tbere 11 only ODe who can answer prayer: "Our
Father who llln beaven", and wbo speaks to us tn
tbe Bible. Of Hlm alone can lt be said wbat Davtd ex-
pi'HM!Itn tbe Psalm: "0 Tbou that beareat prayer,
unto Tbee sbaU aU flesh come". PJ. 65: 2.
To Him, tben, aDd to Him alone, who 1s our Father
1.n beaven, we lift up our beartJ wben we pray. We
may do 10 cbeertully aDd collfidently, tor He ls our
true Fatber, and we are H11 true chlldren by faith tn
ChrtJt .~e.us the Lord. of ..,. • ceMen nrC tt,. ..,. ....... for Be .1a7a.
ltt&U. 1:1, ..... re ..-a7o -..c .... :epelllto.,
.. &.he ...... !II tlo: ·-llle7 ...... dial u.e, ....... be at.eant for tliletr m.a..--.. ••
Ferwherell~aO....eh, Lo,.,u'l'hotl! Wldlt-..rru. ..... oemebe:foretbee;
Prayer l.s talking wtth God as a child talks to hl.s
father, for our Lord teaches u.s to say: "Our Father,
wbo art In heaven'', Our prayers are to be addressed
to our Father ln heaven.
Oll,lot'ft7 Bol;r a.ut~-me-b,.._'l'lleo.,Bio....,._pwllomoloae
Ow-......... 'l'lleo, ......... Tby -S..! Amea.
The Paster's Palpit
farm Stealing
sr Wl\1. W. 1. WUSMoo(un
Thieves nowadays steal a variety
of big and little oLjnJ.s, from jewel-
ry and money to cars and cargo.
These thieves operate under a
double handicap: first, their thefts
are against the law, and, second,
In tenns of the real thefts today,
their's is petty theft, with a ll)3X·
imum risk and a minimum profit .
The real thievery today, the big-
scale st(>3.1ing, is legal.
One of the deadliest of these
thf'fts is of farms, deadly because
it df'Stroys the small farmer who
l!i !'o important to a nation. Some
P"litkian~ haw• n>IJCa!Pdly said. in
unf' country nfter another. that
small farms must go.
Without rt>soning I o outright
conti~cation, two methods can tx>
used to wipe out small farms. F'irsl.
a farm-aid program o f supports
and grants can be instituted which
will actually gi'lle more to the big
farms and speed up the decline of
thf' small fanner. Second, taxation
can be used to wipe out the small
fanner and to concentrate land into
fewer and fewer hands. Very early
in American history the courts
pointed out that "The power to tax
1!1 the power to destroy," and, we
can add. the power to steal a:s well.
II a tax supports civil govern-
ment in its work as the ministry of
justice, in the maintenance of law
and order and the common defense,
that tax is a just and helpful one to
all. But lr a tax beroml'S ronJisca·
tory, ll it wipes out home-owners,
small farmers, and small bu.slnes:s-
men, that tax is then simply thelt.
Today, taxation is increasingly
used, not simply to Jlnance civil
government, but to reoreanlze and
to rt"make society, to finance soda!
revolution. Someone has humorous-
ly described our welfare programs
and the war on poveny in these
words : "We Intend to take poverty
away from those who ueo ut.lng It
foolishly and give It to those who
don't have any."
Make It legal, call It by all the
hlgh-aoundlne names you will.
stealine ls still ateallne. and It's
against God's law. U robbing a man
of his money at the point of a cun
Is wrone. how much more 10 ls rob-
bing a man of hit: farm with all the
mla:ht of the state!
In the Moaalc law, there wea no
property tu. Tile dvU eovemment
was supported by a poU or Mad tax
which wu coUec:ted from all men
20 yean of ap and older, and with
the t.ame rate tor aU. Tht tax thtD
rould not be too havy for the poor.
nor could It uk too much from the
TuoUon locsay II no 1or1aer ,..r-
ed to provkllftl for law and OI'Cier ;
the more taxes rile, the ltfu law
and ordtr we haw.. TUatlon il now
the power to detli'O)', and Jt lllteal-
Great Events in the New Testament
"The Sending of the Twelve"-
Matt. 10:1-16
f',... THE SWO"D 0, THf L0"0• a.. 10ft, Mwff_,._.., T-n.
• I "oocl ----yo eo, pre11cb"
l "'ioto 1111.7 dtr ol ~ ----oater
yo aot"
10 IIIIKIIhor aaae Jor Matthew (Mark
2:14) •
12 o aoa ol M11a-(MatL 1:10)
13 "lot your ----reiW'II lo .,_ ..
14 "tho ----ol ll..-.aa t. at ~ ..
II ildtiala ot .u.o-·a ... -d Ilia
Ncond .U. (C.Il. 21z3z U :l)
II a Syri-ccaptaia ewrH oft.,_..
"1'· ----•-{D ~ 5:1)
11 "U It ~ ----' .art~ry. lee ,.., pooq rot ... ~
20 .... Jto.aJ -------., aldt-·--•u. ·a ~ .. ________ , ~ ..
23 Laitl.t. el .............. 1M.
..... ....,. {La. 7tl,
2f II ---.. U. Ute ~ .. dtiot , ....... ___ ..... ( ... .sl)
UhUtla .... tw• .._ .. ..,_
(E.M., lsJIJ
27 II lad .... .t U.., (a-. 4:11, .~Ia .......... ,... ........
)2 =i;,; ........ _ ... .. c..t ... ... ___ ..
(JMIII l 1ll,
35WU.S. .. a. ... --... --,.., ... ~~--.... -----, L-'.W.. ....... --.. .un. .._ (~ IIIII a... lt!ll) . ,. .. _.-.,. ... --
tl "wtaa • MIJI!III-. _. brrrl .. -' ----U"ye ........... ___ .....
.,..._. (a.t. ltlU
4 ·whoao.••r alt.all conlo• ---·
IMJoro aea ... " (MatL 11~32)
S --·--tiro 11rul ~ton• lr-
•-•••'" (Luko 17:21) I ll1o tlnt.born ol AM.r (I Clu-oll.
7 11 0011. ol Gomer. ____ r111alll (C....
I "--·· .. T• 90. preach·· 1 -____ th C..•aaJte"
II ...other apellia9 ol M••il'"
IS • ----ol ~-... aJJ DOt Mil oa IIIIo
91'ouDCI~ (Matt. ID:HI
11 M•~• lll'o ~ ..,-ol s.p~~.,. ....ua. ----~ {U Kia .. 11:341
21 Mol ~ ltoue aad ____ .... o4 Derner· (Lake 2:fl 24 ...... acript ----.,. ....... ,.., .•
21 ·.a. hir9Ua• -----U•llm IU3)
2:1 '1ec you ,..ft c... ••----II"
21 "'Jor tk 1 .... , ......... -----
31 -u..u .... AlUe ........ ---·-
(I cw ... lll't)
22 M.,.. .., ~ --... J wW 611 it-(Pe, IIIII)
".,. .. t ... ____ .. .,... .. a ...
34 MaU --..ar .t -----
31 ............. n4lollll -----............
............. (Adsl1t7) u -.....w. .. ---.. a.4"' (,... I .a) ... __ ,...., ___ ..,_.. .. ........... ~.,. ..
~ ---....... C'JIMt. lldl) .. Ia! ................. .
(_ .. ..,
II • 1•1 Ml, ......... .._... (I a.... flit) u.-..a .... ., = ............ « --161 ~;;;;-;o.;;;;;;-;;z;;-.. ........................... ~ ........... ,a., ... ., ....... , ......... .. ......... -........ , ......... .. _ .. _( __ ...._ ____ _ -... .,... _ _._ .. ..,., .-..... , ........ _ ............... ................. u..,.....__ ..
N._ .. ...,. .... ___ ... __ ... c:oww._ ............... ....... -..... , .. _ .. ___ .,
God ... tMM WhO .,. •rw ttom
tN ...... and )'Dtlt "*".,.,.. ..
inltrunW'Itl of ,.....,.,.,IMN un·
.. --· (11om 6!1,
Heft u .. whi;re -. mu1t ,.
tum to III>IJc:ol IIUdlnll, and,
-.. o11, mum -11> 1111
Lord, wllo II ooar Ollly llolor.
aua-' ,__ ....... _. . ........... ,. ......... .... _,._r-um I""'-' .. _ ..
SE((Q!!Q S£C'I!QI! --l'w 2
ll!URIOAY, NOV. f, -
t-tt:1WAAD C. ESTtP
QUESTION: ''I ~uld lile to lnow •bo~o~t the Te,.
Com,..nclfllltttl• of God. Do I obe1 thtrtt rode,, or 4o
I belitue in God b1 faith in Chri.st )uu.s, and dip
lht CommandmtnU'"
ANSI'ER: You ue askiac two questio• ia one,
Sure, as a Christian you are to obey the Tea Co•
mandmenta of God. As a Cbriatian you're not coinc
out and commit adultery, steal, mtll'der, et cetera, are
you? If you do, you're not a Christian! On the otber
hand, you don't do those things to become a Chtiatian,
but through your faith in Christ Jesus, God'• IAmb
slain before the foundation of the world, through Hie
atoning, sacrificial death' on the Cross, you have
become a child of God. The Ten Commaodmenta are
not a rule o( authority over you, but by Caith in Christ
aDd the new life you live through His Spirit dwelling
within you, you're not going to break the Ten Com-
mandments, as you live for your Saviour.
Isn't it rather ironical that of the Ten Command-
menta Jesus Christ incorporated only nine o( them
in His teachings while He was here on the earth ?
The only one He did not incorporate in His teachings
was the one relative to keeping the sabbath day.
QUESTION' "Do you think, m the light of tlo. recent
trOuble in the Middle Etut and the }eWI getting boclc
much of their lmul, that tlo.y wm now ..... to tlo. Lord
Juw Chn.tr
ANSWER: No, I do not believe that th~ recent mili-
tary success of the Jews in the Middle East w1ll cause any
of them, as a nation, in whole or part, to tum to the Lord
Jesus Christ. They feel that they were successful in their
own strength. They will continue in sp1ritual darkness and
dCiltfncss until the Lord Jesus Christ retums in the clouds
of glory to fight against the Gentile nations at the Battle
of Armageddon .
Scnpture: "For J would not. brt·thrcu, th:~t ve should be
1gnorant of this mystery, lest rc should be ~-i~c 111 your
own conceits; that blindness in part is lt.:~ppcncd to lsr.:~cl.
un til the fullness of the Gentiles be come in .
"'And so all Isr.~cl shall be saved· as Jt JS written, there
shall come out of Sion the Ocli\·ercr. and \hall tum awa\
uugod lmess from Jacob: ·
"For this is my covenant with them. whcu I \l.<tll t<tke
away their sins." Rom. II :25-27.
When Jes us Christ begms H is J.()(X)..ycar rc1gn ou the
earth, then Israel will have her eyes ope-ned. her ~ptnh1.:1l
Ciltrs unstopped, and she will begin to "'·orship and ser\'C
Jesw Christ who will be the King of kmgs and the Lord of
QUESTION: '"Oo you htJV~ at\)' •d~a r~lahv~ to the .sue
of rh~ Promiud l..4nd1 B., th411 mean,. m ccrn'ul to ·~a
countnes, hew b1g IS 1t~"
ANSWER : Concerning the extent of the Promised
Land, we read :
Scripture: r• ... , Unto thy seed have I given this
land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the
river Euphrates:" Gen. 15:18.
It has been estimated that the original Promised
Land included about 300,000 square miles, or a tittle
over twelve times the area comprising Great Britain
and Ireland. This amount of land is approximately
twenty-five times tbe size of the State of Israel" be-
fore the war in June of 1967. I trust this answers
your question.
QUESTION' "In one of the eo.p.illt mrtu then~ w;Jl
he no ........ymg or g;olng In marrlag• m ,.,__ I "'""'
rood your t...doing• that In tlo. end of UU. og•. after tlo.
1.000-y-reign of Chrilt, Salon wm he loooed for a lhort
,.nod of li>M lO Umpt t,. born during tlo. m4llenniDI
reign. I don't undencand thU ~·
ANSWER: When we speak of hCiitven and the J,()(X)..
yeu reign of Christ we are speaking of TWO DIFFER-
ENT SITUATIONS. It is perfectly true th .. t there will be
no marrying up in heaven, but people who will live on the
earth during the 1.000-year reign of Christ will marry. They
will be physical people, and they wiJI have children and
raise families.
The Scripture which says there will be no manying up
in heaven has nothing to do with the people who will be
living on the earth during the millennia) reign of Christ.
QUESTION: "II the /Wit or 1<cond beon of R...,lon
13 tlo. Ant!chn.ti"'
ANSWER: From my undentandinc of Scripture. which
may I say ~ not isolated. but poralkls that of hundreds of
other .,._cclical Bible lclcbm, I believe tho lint beast of
Revelation I l rdm to tho Antichrist.
When you rad in tho arne chopter,. bqjnninc with
vcne II, -you11 note tho sooond beast is mentioned. This
I<COild beast will be tho inkmltional rdjpous leader """
..,11 be cloody aaociated with tho lint beast, and he will
he tho ono who will caux acrybocly on tho earth to -·
ship tho lint beast, tho Antichrist. He11 he able to do 10
bocaust: he will he in tho "relip>as busi.-." 'I'her.tore,
he bmrt how to cct tho iob done. rdicJou>iy spookmc.
. QUESTION: "W""' ~!I -....... tM lllhlo -
'1""--"'""-~ ANSWER: Acariinc to Saipllft, Judos -.t to Hell
~ lle~l.Jiqlll:l . ...t tho Bible says he-Gil his
lither, tho 0...1. I; you rad Mitt. 2S:41, 26-.24, Rev.
21:8, and 1'1. 9:17.
~ Judoo and his ~ to tho lmcl of tho
loot, tlso Want of Cod says. "It h..t boeu 100'1 lor t1sat -
if he had -boeu bom."
QUESTION, "WIIot lo tM _, af GDd1"
ANSWEil: n.. 1011 of Cod il dioc•-.1 in Rev. 7:1-J
rdotioc to tho a '"• of144,1100 m. aB tlso llita of t1so
QW•ba ol Jael. nit islilaply tM: 11 Piat al tile-
of Cod io tlso ......... of tllee .......... -. ...t it .. II!Oibissc to do witll tlso .. ,. 1 of Sat_., a tlso rllladl,
• -t.:lt. ••................ lise 1011 ol Cod il ..
iD tho ..... " dr ol lise "' ... 'I'wolwe Ttilsot of ..... it wflllfz Iii) ..... ~~_..,.....,.,
From the Police 81oner ·u.-..!1 OC7. II -.~~~~-...... --I _, -~~-.... .... , .. ______ .. _ ..... --.. _,. L.
11£11'011'1' KARIM EIIIGII
S[Q)IID SECliOII --... S
008TAJIEU -·-'
w. c.-..,_ "!rt ... am.. " ..... '--..... -.... " .. -.eon. dol •-' ....... -.......... -~~~_....., .......... If__.. ____ _
.......... lli-.G-r'•.., ~--..,-•·--""""'" -. lrft. GO I ...... II IIPIIC a .-. -~Co* • SUJCDAY OCT 19
--Ia lila •-~II 1:• ,__,II~ Pool th,. ir-1. c1 .._
I I I I -·-...... Bhd.llllll-... ---~ --..... -.... loll. liDo at 111'1 I, &dpo lor, ,_ Ia -~~ II ~-BoP-wu .....-oo 1 LIGAL IIOTICt: •-0 -~· c11ar 'at ~ 18 ,_ Ill. 0114 lieF-Pl.,~
.....: ok Ill r-loPIJ ORDINAJICE 110.1111 N_.t. II U5p.m .... Brtu ~~ "~VII.-...... All ORDIBAJICEOFTIIII:cm Nania -cl ZO'II lllt-.... z--u"7"' -.--, OFIIEWPOIITBEACHAJIEK-'-1111., Co* II-........
lJ60 Sbopo oreo; Ill lao-DING SECTIONS U.M,Oe )lnd -Ill -· lila cor
.... lllo Lo11J BMcb = AJID U.Jt.Q5t OF THE !lEW-lssiD lllo cor ciVIetii<J .. IIIC-=Io .,· ..;..c = wu ..._ PORT BEACH IIUJIICIPAL I[Dla ciSool-II z,ao P-"'-'----------..J YOh'.S 1D a ooJltetc. wttb a CODE RELATING TO PRIMA OG -"twPOI't Bmt., 45 IMt llllllb rr;t;;iiij2:=~· .. lcor dr!Voo 11J Dulel CloJIDo FACIE SPEED UK!TS ol l!o!Oill
Rei.·· A $150-1'1111., R ,ltl t11t SeW ot IZO Dtamolld B&1-Tbl CU,. eo.cu ol. tbrt CltJ t.m wu llolea from Blleb 0RA..NGE COAST COLLEGE STUI€1ff Y•l Opwa ot.Japu
.. ,... a lolassd, II 4,50 p~, II:=-cloeo GOtlllss \:'.::.:::...·. ~':".:; feoclubltcllorl)'llllboellllUID<lorJM-ciF'allortols
BEU. BROADWAY -An. 0114 Wolle~ Dr. SECTIOii 1. Soct1oo u.u.oe ............ -·-lilA to lossl -"1lso ·-.... list Z!sd ....... "list o.c.c.
MORTUARY ~~~..!'!:.;, ;.,;._ ot U:o Nnport S.Cbli•Jclpol II zoe MariDo An., a.-'"-= '=: ~~ ~~=.:.·~=-~ = 110 Broaclway Jortoss <JnWo blr oetslclo lssiD Cocto t.o om-to r...S: 1&ssd • ' .A $500 lrll!s -,,.. oo _..ost .. Tlsssrodo7s-N ... 10 lnsal ,,_,to i=U~I~II~'M;.I;II~D~M~:C;1;M;=;;•;cor;:drl:-=~bJii~J:'"'":!IMi "IZ.U.OO Prtma FacMSpeed was stoleD from James W. 11:10 a..m. Tber'e La 00 adrnlaioa e~~ar-. c:o-10.._..1 are L1:ssU-FOI1y 1Woo per a-. Do olea cl ZZtl Arllolaa, Eul ~ ne prima tac1e .. «< llm.1t 011 Blllff ••• A rn"Oifer u1 cub O.C.C., Yea tbeatar, O..ns..BroWD Co. o1 Co1ta Ilea. U..
!oUowlssc aa!Md sslrooto"" were-trom Dot1d Robor-Alpbl -llort.ets, -. ~ Goa C4. IMI llso
tbiHol ssllall 111 ron, too of 4100 """"""· cameo _c_o_!or-;-lc;:~-:7:-· ==~ i•!i• por lsoos" Sborea. .. LEGAL NOTICE
Tbi--IJ --bolt ciC&m-• IIO!IDAY, OCT. Z0 o GUARANTIED WORIC o FREE ESTIMATES o Drt"'-Pal!-.: Rood Jim H-ciiHSSblrlop> ORDINANCE NO. 1315
• FREt: PICK-UP ~ DELIVERY • lla<:Artlslssr-PI •N •-o N-Hol-· AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY
o MEMUR OF C.U.D.A. CUSTOM DRAPES Sass J-IUII.o &..! bo-tocij. -;·;;tde.t.i";:C,...:;;t OF NEWPORTBEACHAMEN-
JOHN Is MI\ATHA ond BEDSPREADS ···~~Jio:r-U. Ave• u.od aem-. 0114 wu ru!>od DING SECTION 3.22.050 OF ~/' to Brei RolpU:a.l , • • Guu THE NEWPORT BEACH fl.•ality Upholstery .. SeellmiZ.%4.058 werestolooll'omU:ornld-• MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT-x U ;~~~~;S.C~~b~ ::M~!ISI=-of Rd>erl 11ar11s> Scbh::n of lNG TO EXEMPTION OF ~=:::::::SI:Ir·::_.::::e:::::::~ to rOOd' 506 35tb st., West Nnport GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES -_... _.,... • •• Jobn Ml.tebell MciUDDey FROM REAL PROPERTY
-Fifty Miles per of 1011 W. Bay, Balbo&. ns TRANSFER TAX
prima ~e speed Umlt oo arrested at 8:40 a.m. at 717 Tbe City Counctl ot the Clty
the lonowtDc aamed streets or w. Balbo& BlYd. 00 a cbup of Nrwport Beac:b doe s ordWl
putstbereoflballbetl.ftymlles of bw'Jia.rJ ••• A 1936 cor. a.s follows:
per boar: vette was stolea from Jobn SECTION 1. Section 3.22.050
•• -.....~--·11.-:1¥ D l'l•c..-.
....,.. • C.tCi:·--•,... ..,_. ~
Su JOIQII(AHUb:Roadbetween L. Pellam ot 1%4 Vl.a L«ea. of the Newport Beach WwUct-
~ Boolen.rd aDd Jam-Lido lsle at 16tb St. aDd w pal Code ls ameoded to read:
borll ReM." Balbca 81~ •• CeotnJ Newport "3.Z!.050 E1emptiol:l -GM·
SECTJON 3. This ordiDaDee ••• Medical saq~Ues IDd eqWp... eromeota.l Apodes. Any ~eeS • ..... ..... , ......... ,. '
......._.. ... eaM .._.. • ._,._ CM.W. ••n sb&l1 be pltllllbed ooce LD tbe meat nlued at $%7'7 were Jtolea 1o.strw:neal or wrlUAc to Wbleb ROBERT D. JS'TOK bU: j)laed
tu.,.,. ••r·~"' -.&.,......., ..... , omctal newap~per or tbe City, trom DaYid Bruce Mart1D ot the Uatted States or any apaey tbe staff oiMutlal S..finp aad 1,._ ......_ ~ tbe same shall be etfecUve 1101 Ebbtlde, Harbol' Vtew HUls or tutrumenta.llty thereof, any l...oLII Asm. u nee..prestdeat ~===================~ 30 days after tbe date ol Its • • • AD Enc11Sb .sbetptoc bll state or territory, or &Dd br'IDCb ma.ai.CV or Jt.s offtce r adoption. • Na.ocy N. Cuonlocnam ot 4S.U poUUea.l subdlrlsloo thereof, 1s at 2881 E. Cout Hwy., Corooa
TIUI: ardllaDce waslDlroduced Brigbtm Rd., Cameo Sbores. a party shall be exempt from the del War • a.ccordi.Dc to Bill5a.m-
•'•II• o,.,,_..,. ·"~•~ • ..._.. .... c .. ,., .......
1:00 A.M. TO tO:., A.M. -,-AMILY WO~I~
.. ., A.M. TO 10:., A.M. -.UNDAY ICHOOL.
11r00 A.M, TO 12:00 NOON -WOJt.IHI~ d"""C• '1M .... , __ o ........ a r
'1M Wlrl'. •naN .... Awf tnt P•llr
ftiiiT C:.t111C8 OF a1-..r. IODI'niT
3J03 Vi• Lido
t :IS•.•·-"'1•·•·
t :1S-lle.M.
READING RCIOot ...... .,.; ' .... -' •... ....... ..,, ' ..... -1:4.S •.•.
T_M.., -· f oi4ey: t .... -s •.•. ; 7·t .... .
lwft4-r: 1 ..... -..... .
Newpon Bnch ••
Corona del Mar
1100 Pldllc View Dr.
arNDA.Y SCHOOL 10 ...
MEETING 1:00 •·•·
l•...tiaa Roo-: , .. t .. t 814 •
1161 t-1 Co .. t Hwy., Clllll.
M-.-rrl.: Kl ..... • s n.-a.,. .... ms: 1 ...
S..t.: 10 .... 1D • p.a.
Ynu are c0fd1ally •n..-itcd to
aucnd Chu.tch Sn-v•cn and
to '"c the Room.
&.pti•• lill&r r.I'--Mip
I•J., • .J .. I -A•'J T ··-
'-'• .... M 1 II• ....
Or. p .0. Nt• .... ,. ...
J:4S u'" Juday Scllool
I :UO a.M. ,._,.iea Wonhi"
6:00 p.:fft. Trai•i .. Uai••
7:~ p,.m. E..-enina W01ahip
l :JO...,.. Bible !lo..dy
1:00 p.M. Pfa,•r W.&&iaJ
a.t a reCU)ar meeUDc ot theCJty tu imposed pursuant to thl.s moos, 5I8Dior ..-1ee~esJdeot..
Coaocll cl U:o City of Newport SltOVEL AWARD-C-r wMt>tbeeumotapucy :: ~ .. :::. ::od tbeln -"= LUTOHFETIIJ.HHE u~SUTROIER
Beach held oa the 13tb day ol 1s acquiring Utle... -"""' :... .. t..
Oelober, 1969, and was adopted BY JOHMSOH & SOH SECTION 2. Tl\1s ordioa.Dee 10 years. oot be W ~ L• .... •Ch.rdth' A.eriu
the 21thdayot0etober,1969, JobDSOD I Son LlDeol.D.W:er-sball be published ooce ln the many summers with IUs ta.mlly 1 !iOO Pa.cltlc Yin' Dr.
lbe lo1Jow1ng ..-ote, to wtt: Cl!fY toCostaW:esaburecetv~ otneta.l oewsoaper ol the City, in their Newport Beach bOrne. Caroa& 4111 ....,. CallL
COUNCILMEN: W.cJmi&, Llocoln-Mereury Dlrlsioo s aad the same shall be etfec-Follow1Dg b.1s senice in tbe OR. WILUA.II R. 'ELLER
........ ,a... "'"_ .... __
..,MOAY .CMOOI. t ,._...._
~h4!11DO, Parsoos, Marsball, golden shant award.. Tbeanr~ Uve 30 days after the date of Us U.S. Na•y iUid Ills lfadiAtloo PlKDI: Mt-26&4
Rocers, Hirth, Gruber. Ls preseoled to dealershtpstbat adoptjoo. from Pomoat College, Bob Wrs. Wah'e Cbambei'HD, 4U-941S
Enfj,. South eo. .. /Vel NOES, COUNCILMEN : Nooe. have mo..-ed to a oew )()eat\c)nCX" Tills ordlnance nslDlrodoced turoed immecS1at.elJ totbe f11an-PvUb wane
'::===================::;ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Nooe. whteb hue moderoiled or 11-at a regular meeting ot the City da.l world. H15 commwdty ae-. i :l5 A.M.._ Fuilly worlblp
• .,.,.,,.. •••"''c• ''" .-.....
••DNiltD •• .1.\..11 t TUOi
-0 .. RAYCR ftM ...... Nu•••"w ou•u•• •••••uca• " ... ,...,.
Orco Block Co. r Ooreea Marshall puded tbe1r preseot laelbties. Cou.ocU of tbt City of Newport t1Y1Ues ban lDCIUIHd sel"1'1ce . 10:00 A.M. -C.-eta acllool
Mayor JobD!Ioo 'SoD, formerly oo tbe Beach hekt on the 13tb daJ of wttb tbe Red Cross, Commii.Dity , 11:00 A.M..-FlllttYe war-...
c-. .. _ .. .w. ..
ATTEST: MulDers Mlle &I.Comobile row, October 1969 and was adopted Cbest, UoGs Cltm aDd Camp-NURSERY PROVIDED-••uo" ... L J _ • ._
Btm.DING BLOCD-AU. SIZES-ALL TYPES Laura L&dos rDOYed toaeompletelyoewshOW on tbe z1u.~of0etober 1969 ft.re Girls. L:::=========.!:===··:';:';:":;-::•:•·==~
T'd&Jlaan JA+' ,, 7·1111 Clerk room aad sernee area at ZS26 by the tollowlnc vote, k, wit; TOUQtEM UP SkiERS r
.a WI&........... IDe L .......... --~~:u::::t•• 1Hi.1D Harbor B!Yd.1D tbe 1969 modll AYES, COUNC1UIEN:W.clrm1s, CtDtll1nnl"& ~luau u e ol..-
11 E-'"'· SM-PariOOS, lloroball, torod II ... 0rues Caul ftocWa. Hlrttl, Gr\6er. n&CA., aoo Ualnulty Dr ••
SHOPS AND SERVICES JfOES, COUNCILMEN: Nooe Bact Bay. Tbe clu.s• are de-
Abseoe COIIDCUmea: Hooe. s!cned for total fttDus, belt
Doreen MarShall c:t..-e spec.1al empbuls to au-
Mayor clses to QDdllion tbe miUIC.les
.......... I~ ~
1112...,. . ...._ •• ' naall••
A FrN .J ... ,.-.,
c.,.,.._~ ON.a:tl .. a-c-•
n. .......... ---..... ....
ATTEST: 11sec:1 1a st:UDc. Uea'a cluses
•me And Money -Call An Expert ~~~ ~=:ru~. ":.':~:;:·or: l...!!=~--~~~=~·~:~-:··~ ... ~~:_-_-..!"'~=":.:.'.o~o.~oo~71 ..... ~·~_j ---~=-------PubUsb: No..-. 6, 1969,1.0 ladles meet at 9:SO a.m. and
• HIAL TH •tso•T ,!•JN:!!U~RS~E;_:R!:Y~-----the Newport Harbor Ensign. 7 p.m. oo tbe same days. o IIAUTT SA! ON
L .• OO'IGUU ~
2712 E. C01st Hwy.
Coron• del Mar
Ptlont bn-733b
OPF:~ lU[SOAY 11iR011 GH
F'ree Parlti•A ie rruot
300 W. c.aat Hwy.
Newport a.ct.
Tolooh._, U2-0144
e ,R!! P'LAN st•VICE
e P•e:e: UTIMATt:S
._ ..... c-. ..._ ...... ...
c-..... ....... ..............
Ce en
*:t ... ~"!~ .. ~·t2;oif ::,-:._t ............................... .............. -. ·~·= ...
6 :19-U41 12 6-4311
PilON£, 6-16-.U79
f-'-'I':..:U::B::L::.ICA=T:..:IOII::..:...::WO=RK::....-1 • HIA.IIG AIDS
(ALL Ul POl IIT1MATU .,, .....
1711 lAST C::O.UT ...,., .. C.o.M.
Plaoot .,.UIIr _, ....... ....... _
1!1 ........ '-., All----...... 1 ........ ,.
-.. tlMII--.:c.
211Br,.!. ~--P-FI .... A .......
,. E. c. .. N.,. c._ ......
aAaaoa P AIIIT
Plaooe up -Doll'* .., ..... -......... u..
11.000 PAll ...
•• ll. t)Mil-. ass ... _.
(11._.1" Pott 7,,.,..,
,, ..... 11 .. 8 1., ,.,_c .. ,,.~ • ..., •a. • ICo -010.'1 -·-all.._..
lla-.... -... .. r.a a tit ..... 2 2
ShNbs. Interior Plants
Tlo9ical & Trees
lnsectiddes and Fertilizer
S &. H Green Stau~ps
corona del 'lar Nurarf)'
Z"l44 £... OJu& Hwy ., 6U•Ol60
Shoe Repair
Purse and luggage
Aepalt -Dye Worll
1890 H.,-bor •c.
Coete ..... -.. •l:J11
&28 w. 19111 St.
(Ned. ID Blue OUp
Tt• HmMr A.r • .-.s oJtly
fally •Jo•Mic. •lfl•rior
c• ...,..s•
700 Colli-A.._
eo-.. llor
WA'l111& KUTUI
Guaranteed Growlh & Income Accounls:
5.25% annual ra te compo unded d aily.
accru ed or paid quarterl y for 3. 4 or 5 year
Withdra wals subject to limita ti ons.
Bonus 3 Year Certificale Accounts:
Earn 5°/o current annual rate, PLUS guar·
an teed 1/,. of 1 % per annum bonus. 5.38o/o
is ac tual a nnua l r a te a t end of 3 year
period . with current 5 % rate compounded
Is Right Plir Vau'P
260 OtMn .\-.nut • UofuM a-m, C.l•fot'me
T~: Ct4·7~l -L....,..,.,..... 1 ~-,_. . .,.,.., ... •aot '
s.-o--ot« tOl " (I C... .... · .U.IIIII
Passbook Accounts : Ea rn prevailing
annual ra te -5% current -with interest
pa id from date of deposit to date of with-
drawal. Fund s deposi led befo re the 10th
of th e month ea rn fro m the 1st if held to
qua rter 's end .
Investment Certificale Accounlo: In $100
mult ipl es ea rn 5% current a nriual rate
fr om d a te of d eposit t o d ate o f with-
drawa l. Funds deposited before lhe lOth
of th e month ea rn from the 1 •1 if held to
quarter's end.
These accounts and many other services
are fully explained in a new easy-to-read
WAYS-TO-SAVE booklel. Fill in the cou-
pon below and send for your FREE copy
Lasun• Federol Sovinp
280 Ocean A venue
Lasun• Belch. CaUiomio 111MZ
PleaM Mnd me your bool!Mt : WAYS TO SA VI.
It ls hereby certit1ed that
the undersigned are transacting
business 1.n Santa Ana, County
of Orange, State ol Calilornb.,
under a ftctitious name, or a
des1gnatloo DOt stxnrlng the
names of the persons interested
therein. to wtt: FaJ.rvtew Apart-
ments, 1355 Front Street, SaD
Diego, California 92 101.
WITNESS our hands this 23rd
day of September, 1969.
INC. By : Robert G. Stewart
Executive vice pr esident
By: L. L. Gordon, secretary
1355 Front Street, San Diego,
Caillornia 92101
2, DONALD R. WARD, 1606
li'Ylne Boulevard, N "P)rt
Beach, Ca..I.tmrnia 92660
Via Cordova, Newport Beach,
California 92660
Oo this 29th clay of September,
1969, before mea Notary Publlc
for sa.id County and State, duly
com missloned and sworn. per-
sonaUy appeared Doaald R.
Ward and Jerrell C. Barto,
known to me to be Ule per sons
whose names are subscr ibed
to the within instrument, and
aclmowledged to me that they
executed the same.
her eunto set my harxt and af-
fixed my omcial sea l the day
a.nd year in this certUicate Qrst
above written.
Notary Puhl 1c in and tor sa.id
County and Su.te
My Commission
Feb. 14, 1971 .
On September, 23, 1969, before
me, the uudersigned, a Notary
Publtc m aoo tor said County
and State, per soo:o.Uy appeared
Robert G. Stewart, known to me
to be the Exec. VIce President,
and L. L. Gor don, known to me
to be the Secretary of the cor-
poration that ezecuted the
within instrument aDd koon
to me to be the persons who
exec uted the wUI\in instrumeot
on behalf of said corporation,
said corpora.Uon being lmown to
me to be a general partner ot
F'aJntew Aputments, a part-
oerslllp, tlle portnerslllp. that
executed the witb.in Instrument,
and ack.oow'ledged to me that
such corporatfon ezecuted tbe
same as sucll partner and that
such putnersllJ.p executed the
WITNESS my band and oftlclal seal. .
My CommissJoo Expires Marcil
13, 10'10
Pllbn.tt: Oct, 1&, n, so. Nor . a.
UU, lll tlle Newport !!arbor
1741 1111'11101 AYI.
.... ., .. 2424
Olllelt Jo44!10 _,,,
Sta-Hi sale announced ~0 SEC'nOII--... 4 lltURSDAY. NOV. 5, 1911
The have and holders ... a personality analysis
Read the personality descriptions and select the one that suits you best to find the right savings plan for your type.
The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind
of people who want thetr money to keep ots buying power. Who want the value of their money to remain steady in an
up-and-down market. Who would rather have their money earn interest than to pay exorbitant carrying or loading
c harges. Who want their money to multiply so they can pay cash for things. Who want to be able to get their hands
on their money when they need it. Saving people, like you-the kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE it
earn onterest . Come in and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savings-
personality program at Newport Balboa Savings.
Are you one of the
regular people?
Regular Account
Th1s plan •s for regular
people w tth regular
salanes who have
dec•ded to save regular
amounts anywhere from
$5 a week up. but who
want thetr money work•ng
for them They also want
•I to be some place they
can get thetr hands on 1t
1f they need 11m a hurry
If they can leave 1t alone
for a year or more, 1t w dl
g•ve them the B1g A nnual
m $>0 SIOO
6 Mos '" "" 60il
IV• 308 '" 1.233
2 Vrs '" , .. 2,529
] Vrs 972 ''" 3892
4 Vrs , 33' , .. , 5 324
5 Vrs ! 707 3 415 6.830
10 Y15 3900 7 801 15 602
15 Y1s 6 715 13.432 ,. ...
20 Yrs 10 329 20 .. 2 41 325
All ~0,-c1o0110 <ft lfuo I, l , l & S l fl
.... -<Oft ... oro '"" ... -........ onn~ol tO!o Of ~ 00% ,_ ...... N oiJ oo<l
.. ,d I~O<Torl, T ... Clf>lftl ........... ftl<t ... , ••'l' ''""' •·-1t ,,_ •>~<~ _If.,. oftecl
1111 •• , .. -.... ,, ... , 1 111 .... -.. ~ •••• ..,. olio< !lie pion
Are you one of the
other-people people?
life Income Pl•n
Th ts 1S for people w ho
have a sum of money they
would hke to put as•de
and rece1ve the Interest
every month but not
touch the pnnc1pal
Perhaps you 1ntend to
leave your money to your
he~ts . In th1S plan the
anginal mvestment 1s
retained for a lifetime
and you have a regular
mcome every month If
your future plans are for
your Children 's future.
then th•s sav1ngs program
may su•t you
$12 000
50 .000
S 50 00 Per Month
60 00 Per Month
83 00 Per Month
104 00 Per Montt.
206 00 Per Mon1M
Are you one of the
retiring people?
Monthly Security Account
Thts 1S for people who have
a lump sum of money but
who know that 1f they don't
put •t away somewhere out
of sight. they w•ll spend it.
Perhaps they are looking
forward to retirement and
know 1t would be better to
have a certain amount
commg in every month over
a given period. Not only w•ll
they get back a lot more than
they put m , but there will be
a nestegg to reward
themselves for not
blow1ng •t all at once
INVEST $10,000.00 .&NO:
yov rece111e and you retaon
eact'l mo111h for an estale of•
S 5000 !Oyears S 8.87500
S 5000 15years S 7,725.00
S 1500 10yurs $ 4,775.00
S 15 00 1 S ynrs S 1.000.00
S !()() 00 10 years S 875 00
INVEST $25.000.00 AND:
you rece1111 and you retam
eact'l montt. for an 111111 of•
S 100 00 10 yea•• $25.600 00
$10000 1Syeafl $26,05000
$15000 IOyears $11,80000
$200 00 10 Y•••• $10,000 00
$250 00 10 years $ 2.200 00
Are you one of the
patient people?
PLAN 1:4
Annu•l R•te Account
Th•s plan is for patient people
who already have a sum of
money to 1nvest and are w1ll 1ng
to wa•t a white for a good
return on their money. The
minimum deposit is $1 .000
{more if you w ish. of course).
1n exchange for wh1ch you
recetve a certificate which
guarantees an annual rate
of 5.25% for 3, 4 or 5 years.
Are you one of the pattent
ones? Then the GUARANTEED
IS for you
s 1,000
$ 5.000
after after after
3 ye•r• 4 .,_.,. 5 yeart s 1,110 s 1,233 $ l ,JOO s 5,852 s 6.168 s 6.500
$11.705 Sl2.33fi $13.()01
$11.558 $18.504 $1i,502
Are you one of the
enterprising people?
PLAN 11 5
3-Year Bonua A ccount
For people who want not
only the current yield on
their savings, but would
like a sum over and above
In this plan you invest a
mm1mum of $10Cl0 whtch
earns you the current y•eld
PLUS an extra '/4 % per
year at the end of 3 years.
If you would like to be
enterprising and safe at
the same time. then the
3-year bonus account
is for you
lnitl•l •"•• •Iter •"•• o..-3 Y••u 4 ,.. ... Sye•,. s 1,000 s 1 169 s , .232 s 1.298 s 5.000 s 5.8.t6 s 6.\6\ s 6.493
$10000 $11.693 ,, 2.323 $12.987
$15,000 $175-40 $18485 $19 48 1
~--portJ.@~ ___ @. avings
P. A. P.m.. Ctlainnen;, tt. 8oen:l a AQnee lllomq!Mt, ~
M.•.., Off-. 3384 v .. lido. NIIII'J)Ott Bucti, Cal•fornl• 82113 e Phone 71 4/&'13-3130 • CotoM ct.t Mer Offi~N· FIMnc:'-' Pkla.550 ,,..,,.ort c.n..,-onw • CotoM; .. ~Mr.~ m:11 • l'tiOM 714JfM-141t