HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-13 - Newport Harbor EnsignA ton bill moot~~~r bu -
c:a1Jod lor I p.m; Dill 'hndoJ •
Nor. 18, tor ~llJ aDI1
OJI)Iaoalloo ol lbe laleol coul
freewaJ &.Upu:neot tllroucta
Coroc. del Mar.
Tbe moellJic wtU be bold lJI
tbe CommUDlty Yoatb CIDter
bulldlJir. wbleh wtU be ooe of lbe
netlmo ol 11>e tr .... , 11<0joet aJoac lbe 5th A ..... _.
Doe Coot, praldeol ol 1be
Coroaa del Mar Ct.mber of
Commerce, will ope11 tM town
bell ptberlJic. ud -will Nowport S.eb City Hall tura M• tbt IDHUDC to Jot at tbe omees ot tbe C«oaa del o..ua, !M>Ue woru cUr-liar llldNowportHarborCbam-
ot tbe Ctty ol Newport 8Mdl. beta ol Commerce, ~
Mr. DefllD. iD tun, will ~·p Tb!l freew&JudtbeiOUtberlJ~
MDt r~~~re..ntptty .. oftbiStatt reaUcnmeat ot5tbAn. wtlltue
Dt~ of Hl.,.,..,l, Wbo wtU oat . .-100 lots lJI 1be 100
describe tbe freew&J del1p blocks, trom Narciasus A,.,
stadia and .W a.Dft'er ques-to Dllhl1a AYe.
t1ou from tk Door. Tbt late~t freeway map ltmra
City otac•••• wtll re•tew tbat the property at 'lZO
plaol far ftlture w1dea1DC ol Narew~ .. ~~~~wt~U~bet:lbe~~!~~ llld ~ Hwr. Tbe plaoe call YieUm
tit 14-lool wide rll!l>l of war -...ard tram
and &4.-toot ro.4WaJ from curb allpmeot, Tbt oew
to curt>. Tbe -projoet des!.... to termlolte
wUl be accomptubed. oa tbe Goklearod AYe,, where tt
euterl1 s1dtolGoldearodA'ft., nacb down to '706 or
taldlle out tbe -· lo Goldoaroct. tile &Uey, ud wl.ll tab out the Oo the tnlaod lideotthttree-
presnt )De ill Goklearod be. way route, reallpmaot ot S•
as it croue• Cout lhr')'. Ln. w1U tate out all of tbe
Mapa of bOtb tbe Goldenrod Sbores Aputmeots, but will DOt
projoet llld lbe trooway allCD-attoet tbl Harbor VIew Hills
meat will be oa dlaplay at the ·dwellinp alone the ellensloo
town ball meetJ.oc. Tbe frteway of Goldearod An. or Uonr
mapa eaa aDo be YIP"ed at tbt Harbor Vlew Dr .
Street sweep
plan extended
Tbt Coroaa del Mar a1p
~le bU blrOid ftlll etrele,
&ad tht easterly eotruce si&D
Is"""' ~uarldo&lll'Piaooed
by 1be Cllll Cbambel" of Com-
Tbe Newport Bea.cb City
COUDCU p.Ye 1t.s appron..l WoG-
dlr oYeoloC alter almost 3
moaths of deat.pinc IDd re-
dtsl"""' IUid mulrlod wr&oel~J><
It nrious ec:helooa: ol etty of-
Tbere YU a. ni&Unly con-
polal m-at .rum. at tile aftertiOOil study MukJc. ADd a1
tbt t'f'enltli meett.nc. Vice-
Mayor Llnd.oley Par.... at-
A West Newport upertmeot to clean tbe: .treets. cars tbll: fired tbe motioo to DOt1fY l:be
LD street neepiDc. tested tor are .. ft LD tbe streets durlD& COM Chamber tbat It may b-
oot moatb oo S5tb st., ts be1Jlc tbt problblted bows are ctted lta11 the sica u prcpoMCL
Uletlded to oilier otreels be-lar Wtpl porldq. Doe Coot_ prHldeol ol tbe
O!ARLE$ COL ESWORTHY tweeo Seashore Dr. llld llo.lboa Elfoett•..,., at 1be procram COM Chamber. _ .. an
R I 0 k Blwd. wtll be ltudlld after a suitable addlUoo to tbe motioe: to ln.-ea tors PIC Tbe City Couoell _ .. a period of opentloo, llld lbere-lllruet tile sOli! lo reloue Its
resolutioa prohibiting parkinr sa.ltl w1ll be eYaJ. .. ted lD c:oo-Yeto 10 tbat tbe COuaty Plu-
trom 9 to ooon as follows: slderla( possible cootlouation DID( Commtssioo would (lvett.s
Colesworthy • Wodtllsdays -33rcl. 35th. IUid IJI)I•IIno to ot1>er areas IPt>roYal. It I& a COWIIJ matter
39th, 43rd a.Dd 45tb streets, oo ol tbe cltJ. If, because the stca Jocltion 1s
the west side' S7lh. 41st. HIGH SOIOOL COHCERT , beyond Cam1t1 Hleblaods. out-
Realtor Cbarles F. Coles-47th street., oo tbe east side, C d 1 Mar Hieb s:Jde of ctty limits.
worthy Will head the Newport • TbiD'sdays, :wtb, 40th, aDd ~~~" e lo ., n!ed • CouncUma.o Bob Sbeltoa, i.D
Harbor-Colt& Mea Board of 44tb streets, oo the west side; sl d_! ... ~ _}11 ~-_!11!:
Realtors 1D 19?0. Arthur E. 36th 38tb fZDd. aDd 4WI c -·m-•• pr--.-l marked that it would be better
Corcbl wtU !JtrY& as flrst vtce str~ oo 'thfJ eut side umuaJ b..U coocert al 7:30 p.m. ~ to say that "tb& COUDCU ap...
somewhat less tba..n en.-
tbustut1c, prompted the county
plamers to hold up their ap.
pron.l. Tbe city, mea.awblle,
came up wtth a oumber of ai-
teroate plans, aU desiped to
Include '•City of Newport
Beach" ln the sign..
A 2-slfll pWI was preseoted
at the a!lerooon study sessioll
by City MaDager Harvey Hurl-
burl aa:1 planning dtreetor
Larry Wilson. Mr. Hurlburt
pointed out that lbe easterly
city bowldary wiU enotually
mo'fl -.stward a.ad a city siCD
wouJd be D'IOYI..Dc a.Joor 'With the
bowldary. He tberefore recom-
meDded putt!JlCclty mooey IntO a
moftble sip.
Tbe s:lp that wtll be put up
by tbe CDM Chamber, Qoaated
by a Chamber member, 'WiU
coota.1n only tbe wordin&,
"Coroaa del Mar. •• Tr-crown
seal, ideDtlfYing tbe ''crown
of tb.. sea" community, will
be plar.ed to the left of tbe
letteri! g.
8.1. arson
suspected prealdeot.; Qart.d Mybre. and Tbe dteet ot tbl.s r..;,luHoo Coda.)', New. 13• Tbe "G. f•-_,. proves the request,•• ntbe:r
'fice preside~. and Earl E. ll to prohlbtt P&rkiDc oo botb turlq tbfJ cooc::ert cbolr, Mad-.... _ ._. 1 ttaD mertioa1oc tbe Yeto. A ftre 1rhlcb swept tbroutb
Corbi..D. Jtel'etary-tr....-.r s.tdel ol tbese streeta tor tbe rlp.l&, sympbOiltc b&Dcii.Dd «-~ ~ ~ Tbe mot10D. U &WO"ed. a Balboa l.s.I&Dd caract early ~ • 111 ebellra, wtU be bold Ia lbe olll 1a1 '" bl-to alr, ColefWOrth.J, .,th M-II*~ boars, liDct tbe ~ acboo1 ~La. MmiMion P•t e e .... ,QC NO't'. 6 di:Mroyed a.o eiPIUift
ural Jar• --Ia """!'" aldo &lr-Ia rod-~~--~~ 1 ,.... DOIILOCXE.memboroltbe~AocllJicCI!m,uplcturod tbe lllp. .__ tbe 11a11 eszooh ___ _
·---. t .. -. -· -4 . -~-~ ...... -·-dllo ... -.~~~o _____ ........ llr_
tbe reo! u1a1o ..-, u a Tbe plu -tbe ltrMI lor -AJ1 --f> lo r-tit U-tnt litll. Alao pktli ... bore Is BID .-c lbe llall lo Pflllll"• a of 110-1/J Apto A•e.
salemu 1D 1M!. He optOtd. hla nttper to eomt ID oocea net tM masle dilpl.rtmeat 8Ch01at-Pia: ol Bl.lbol. lsLI.od, wbo 1rU tbe dfWet oa 1\ls sport-muter plu tor entry .tcu b' fire ud poUe~ iafe.Upeors owa firm, c. F. ColeiiWQ(tlly sblp '-d. flsber "Waboo" trben tbe Web n.s made Oct. 26 abouC 18 ~ ctty. said an ev!deoce poiDls to
41 C 1 Costa Mt M D H d d • miles east of Catalloa lsla.OO. Doa Locke's marl..ln wa.s just Tbe "veto" rernarl b1nted &riOO. wb.lch cau.sed s2o,OOO
1D 1~~'; •• DDI.UYI Calltor~ rs. on arwoo leS sbort of breating the lnterDIJ..Iooal Game Fl.sbAssociatiOII's at the controversy thai bad eRma~ to a 1969 TbWlderbird
D1aD, aDd holds a B. s. l!ell'ee record of 250 pounds, held by R. M. (Andy) ADder son of accompanied the request ror a. m1 a speedbo&t. Ftre d$irt-
from usc . He 1s actin 1D Cab 8etb HarwOOd, 60, of 120 omclatlnJ, llltermeot 1D Pact-GleOOile. who cau,nt his ft.sb l.D 1965 off the &;a Callfora.la COWJty use variance. Tbe etty meot U'.xl investigatOr Capt.
SeeM wort, 1a preskleat at tbt Sblrecutr Rd., Sbort cwra, ftc View MtrDOl'l.a.l Part. cout 1D the vtclDlty ot Palamilla Bay. (Gil SmJ.tb pboto.) plamill( department's reaeoon; Joe Peebles, atter probing the
Newport Harbor RepubUcanAs-WU& ol attorney Oora1d Har. Frteoda wbo wt5b may make 'E • d k • ' rubble, determined that the
sembly rat tb& secoGd Ume, wood, died at Hoar Hospital memorlal eontrlbutloas to tbe rOSIOn san par I ng f\re's 90\lrCe W'ilS ea.used by an was tbe charter rt.rst vice pre-oo Herr. 7. SbfJ W'U born Aug. Ora.o.ae Couoty Cbapter of tbe • • unkDown flammable liquid.
sldeot of the 0ra..op County 2Z, 1909, io Mlnoesota and bad Amerlca.D Cucer SoeletJ or to Mr. Wachter, a ftre.figbter
Coordl.Da.Ung RepubUcao As-speot tbe last 45 years 1D this Hotg Memor1a.l Ho511Ual. Erosion. beach saOO haullng door neigtlbor Is using some to lems .for the cttb.ens of tbe at 1.5MCAS, El Toro, said be
OllA!rol: COAST CIL\PrD,
Order of Dollolar, N._t
Beach, l'las e1ected Muk Kl3C-b-
ke as master coWlCUor, Rtch-
ard JUDe as senior cou.ocuor,
Dan Davidson as Junior coun-
cilor. Installation 1f1U be b.ekS
th1s Saturday, Nov. 15, at the
SealariD& Lodp in CUll' Haven.
Kathy McMillan wu oamed
chapter sweetheart and Clody
Tuz as chapter princess. The
girls are member s of Job's
Da ughters, Bethel 157.
sembly, aDd ls complet!Dc his area. RAY CALL Dl ES aJid parklog lots are sub)ects plant her pots in the back yard. uea, a.od the pocket bookol ALl was awakeoecl by a ooise sblx'tly
term u Ylce president of tbe Mrs. Ha.rwood 1t'U acUnln Raymond r. Call, 77, ot 9%8 covered in a letter to tbe New-What crop does the City of Newporters, that I q~Jestlootha.t alter midnilflt and that It came FUND GETS
local Realty Board, tbe Harbor Area's Ass1stanee E. B&lbc:la. Balboa. dltd at his port Beach City CouncU by Mr. N~wport plan to raise? the addltiooa.l revenues it would trom h.is unlocll.ed garage.
He hu been a director ud League aDd tbe Copa De Oro bomt 00 Nov. 7, dUfJ possibly to and Mrs. Bruce Norluod of West 3. Reoters lD our area are bi"I.Dg to down town tourist Minutes laler he sa.Jd tte heard
delepte tor the last 2 years orpntuHon. a eardlle seisu:re. He was boro Newport. oow paylng less tban tbey dtd estahl1s:hmems would bab.Dce amtber oolse and noticed the B 16 CH EC
1D the CallforD1& Real Estate Besides ber husba.rxl, S'W"· OD No¥. 29,1891, Tbey e1Pfesstbeiroppos.tt1on a wl.nter ago,andlesstbanotber out. caraee lD names. K
Assoc:ialioo, aod 1.s a. member Y1Yors l.nelude a son. DeooJ.s. He Is survtYed. by bJs trUe, to the recent proposal to con-ocea.n troot rentals beca.use or Just a fn of tbe problems
of tbe Na.tiooal Asaoc::latioo o1 a Harbor Area attoroey; a sis-Uly, loortJ.me member of tbe sttuet public parldJig lots in the the oolse. that come to mlnd, aDd 1 am KEEP B. I. Ft RE HALL The Newport Bea.ch United
Rl&l Estate Boards. He Is past ter, Estelle Marsh at Berkeley, Lady Anglers; a soo,Ricbardof West Newport area, a.od com-4. NeD summer wben pro-sure we hue oDlytoucbedafew PETER VAIL URCES FlUid got a ma.jor boost iD tts
presldeot of tbe Marl.oe.rs Home aod S erudcblldren. Soatb Late Tabot· ud a. COQS1D, plaJ.Ded ot possible beuh poUu-perty O"rne.ts go to rent their bases: Peter Vail ol Balboa Island current campaign this weet wi.ttl
OWDers CommwlJ.ty Auoeia-Prln.te sentces were beld Mrs. Marjorie M~. ttoo resulUD& from tbe current properties, they will be sadly 1. Additional police to keep upressecl coocer n at MOOO:ay re-ceipt or a Sl3, 750 check t.tom
Uoo, IJJd resides 1o lbat area at the Pacln.c Yi81r M&morla.l Prtn.te senlces •ere beld sam baul. jolted to ODd few vacatiooers the h!Alie, bea.ch-sleepLDc, tveoJ.Dg's meeting of the New-ford Mottlr Company Fund.
wt.tb b!a;wtfe, Tblresa,aodtbeir Chapel oo NO't'. 8 with tbt Re¥. Nov. 11 at tbe Pacln.c VI., Here is tbelr letter: interested to speDiting mooey dope-using crowd to a mlnl-pott Beacb City Council at re-This Is the larcest slQc:le
3 clilldren. Harry Owillp, a retired Bl,p-Chapel &Dd burialYUlDPacUlc to let thelr chlldrell romp in mum. ports that the Island might lose contribution made to tbe
Complltinr the board ot tist mLDlster trom SaJD Ana, VLn Memortal Park. Members of the Newport a sea of polluted adobe from 2, It parl.IDe lots are NOT Its tire station when a ne• sta-1969-70 campa.liD to n.1s. ::::·:r ;;;.:~~':: f"llm star Kam Tong dl"es =h~~le~o::cu ~-R~::;~i:e~placed =~~ ~~=-~c;,e:.n:::~ :n~ea~lt intheNewport Cen-!;~; .. 2;:~tL;::h,p~~s:~w:
Curt Oosb., Rod Calderbead, aDd Mayor Marshall, ln the front is so bard that my types u.siDg our p.r&Je door He called <~.rtention to the vtce pr esident and eeneralcam-
Pt:ti"J Zimmerman, ud Harry As ten year resident-home youngsters bave spent the weet-as a public latrine. serious tlre OD the lsla..od last paign chairman. by Joho B.
Wlaters m. The 19?0 otflcers Kam D. Toog. 6Z, ol Z78 Oll to star 1D Olms such as o.-oers of tbe West Newport eod rtd1n.&: their small trother's 3, U par kina: iots ARE ~-week on Wednesday evening aDd Lawson, vice preslde.ot and
and directors wtU bt 1Dst&lled Santo Tomas, Costa Mesa, well "Flower drumsoo('aad"Love Ocean Front. we wish to call tricycle out 1n front. plied 'Witb public rest rooms. said "It could have been a general manager of Phtloo-
at tbebol.rd'sbreUfutmeetiD&: tnowD morleandteleY1s1onper-1s a maoy spendored th!DC."' tht following items to your im-6. Property val~~esha:retakeo tben we bave more problems. catastrophe If 11 bad IXIt been Ford Corporation's Aeronu-
Dee. u at tbt BIJbol B&yCiub. sooaUty, dted at his borne after He a.lso had ruest roles in many mediate attention: a permaneot drop in West New-The problem of patrol ofbomO-for our local flre station." fie tronic Dtvisioo, aDd Lawrence
CREA a.po .. l Viet PrtskleDl ao ut&oded 111Dess. tel&YlAoo series, lDcl1111De ER<liiON: In the ten yaus of port. Who wa.ots to buy a OOUse sezuals, etc •• io tbe latriDes commeDded the firemen for T. Williams, director of lndus-
Joe K. Eftnpr S&o Cltmute Mr. Ton(s ftrst rol& was 1D "Bic nlltJ" and "PalJadt.n." oc::e&n !root OC::C!Cl&flCY in the tadoc an adobe lot to good becomes a oJcMmare to bottl tbt1r exeelleot service. trW relations.
will bt tbt .tun~t omcer: "Tbt p)d IILI'th" aDd bfJ weot Ht was a a&Uu of Sao Fru-5700 b.lock tre bave DeYer ez* weather and a. sea o1 mud la. law entorcemeDt of!lcers &Dd
eloeo ... 1934 llld 19S5 .. perlltiCed erosloo, """throat ..... , • .;.tbet' Would you' resldems lib __ ,., ...... School fl"lm l's protested
BOYS CLUB SPEAKS OUT eomm&Dded an Army <ES 1D-to our PnJPertJ or dweWDc. PUBUC HEALTH : Resideots are trl'inc to rat• four small
teWpoceiiDit 1o .J.,._III=OC· Last J1101 15, the city &Dd are suspicious that the mud boys m:lt yet Junior Hleb a,.. c~ed CtWa. federal peromeot UDder lbe hauled I.DddeposltedootbeWest 4. FUth and Utter b1owU\c A do&eo Costa Mesa High the. dudllne set by a. sta1t law
WU.Iard C. CoartDty, pre-&CUfttlts ot wr.t RaJ Gal-Mr. Toac L1 stanlYtd by bis a.usplces of tbe ArmJ COI"PP ol Newport beacb ts polluted. Tbe trom tbt JIU'kiDc '!X 1alo c. School motbcs met •lth authored by Senator JOhn Scb-
aldeat of tbt Harbor Ana Bo71' l&Per. VFW commuder-LD-w1dow, Bttt1; a IIXl. Bertllld; EQCtoters. be~ COAstructiOII sm&ll ol certaiD sections ot it ~s wtlldo'ws lD t!ae ea. teacbers aDd Principal Frank mltl..
Club, ''"""'DCH tb&t a. Club chief, deecitbts u "UMI mW-a dlncN-, Karto; a brotber, of a p-ola. to,. sue tbe btt.cb Is nit (aad I do oat repeat... of a double or tr.lpll decW' Lopu earl)' Mooda.y to discus;s The Schmit%. bill. t4ec.t1YI
1a )lla1ac bat ~ ot tut mlDorttJ,'' S.. ol Sao F'nDcllico; and! from II"'$$oCl. TlMI T"nll ftS 00 DDt .,,. mea.o the sect:ioos PU't1DC riOt beblDd as. tbe tnm. ''StaDd1JlcroomOilly,' Sov. 10, requires school dis· .. ~ .,.u out'" tbla 11r C'ourtDty aid tllat "'tiM llatera, Llllle II. Tooa al Sac-sucb den.JtLDc erosion OD thfJ or West Newport that han pre-5, Acttttioat.l beacb c...U.C prodllced b)' the McGraw Hill trtcts to seod notices bome to
•Ht. Boy,: Clllba ol Am«'lca ban nmtato ud JtDide T. Cboekal. •estward side ot tbe crotn tbat Yiousl1 bad ao odor problem;. upuse.s b' tbe tc1dtttoMI Boot Co., LD eon)mction with pueots before :LOy &et. educa.-
''Tbrt Soya' Club ts proat to atroaclY ,,..,.led pMrto.. Palo AJI:o. tbt Ule (Qil'd ltaDd (No.lZ)bld Tbe -ch is off Umits for bunp of utter. bHt ca-. CBS teleri.sloo. tlon classes or subjtctsdeallD& Join 'Wtt!t ot~awpUnotle AIIMII1-tlam kwt o1 c:o.try ud IDOd Gn,-.,. .ntceswvebekt t:o be mo'fedtackapproUm&t.lJ Tbe beaeb. ftS otr Umlts for etc, left 011 tbe btt.c:b. 1'be ooatro¥ersi.al film tok1 with se:rual orpos are preMitl-
cua ID clrtc:lariDc tbelr liiJIIJOrt c~ip IJDOIII tbrt!r MID-Not". 11 at Paclllc Vlew HYtal:y fMC to SI.Ye 1t from maD1 mc:Uhs last:wt.Dter/5111'1oc 6. Addltiolal cost to tbt ct(J ot tbe ~ esplosioo and ted to studeD:s. lt a.Ja)requlr•
of tilt &OM .....C. ol tbt UIINd blra 1:1r ft11 Oftl 1 Ctlltw7 Mtmarlal Part. fllllac lDto the oeeu. It DOW bteaut of poll~ed nter a.lli beaee tbe: eWstDa o1 ALL stated tllat mao ..U. could the distrlct to a llow puttts to
St:at-. •• M ald. H-.lrtdl ol ttaoaalldl ol Soya; la.ys puaUel to our PI'CJPU'tf oomtAe down the SaDtt ADa lrfewport to PQ a.s mat••• IOlYe tiUs: Jr()blem by b1rtb coo.-keEl) students ~ of IUCb ··~ SIJoU o.t•• Ll ct ... mombor• ••• JII"OOIIIJ JAMAICA IHM. COM. U... Rl"r tram tbe broteolioos of eleetrte Ull>la lar tile Pll'*"'c lr<>l. Tbe lllmal&op.•odeta11od elasaes.
beloc--odiiJtbeV--tMlr ...-, Ia lllrOI .fOLD~~ SU21.000 BEACH SAND HAULING , • ...,. lJI Rl .. rslde. It lstbls lots. lak..-Otl cootro.e<$111.. Tbe cootro .. r.,...-wbetla
ol FCIHICI Wart to~ wars." 'he ale ol tbt Jamaiea.IDD, Onrlooklo.c lbt hyed DinK. sam& mOO trb.lch .-e att ubd 7. U&fttl !tom tlill JWtlac mlllbods-' li$el'l1MIU. dauctar' o1 ooe o1 tbe mothrtr ..
CGr'OM del liar, b)' tbt kiCnm loss otsle41», ud paan.l da-10 ba" u a "beaeb"' b' tbe Iota keep~Drrestct.atsudftca-Mra. James Stmatts. OQt ot Mrs.. Ester Todd. lAid lhe,....
G F • d I J h d ilalla1l 0.,. to tbt PndtK1al _,. to mental baltll. rtsUlt1.Dc sartera. teeoaevs. ud cb.U-Uooert a...U.. ud lllraatoe 01 U. mothers atleadlfte tbe borrllltd IDd ..,. llftr tbt eo •ge rle r on ore Plwl) PILWac of Vu NUl's tram beUID& i!IUI·slsod (hi .. dna ol !be City of H....,..._ prtney --tattoc till --..._ llalod U.t lbe ftlm -ol !be ftlm. I' • wu • ........., tlala nM. JOU llOod DPl to OGt?)tnc:tCJI's of: blae.lt....-eartalN llJDUU' to W ao put1C1llu place tn u.e
Tbe lllo. llrmorl) onecl by -tooc-teet lJI troalolour WE HAVE THEREFORE Warld Wu D. -IUid tllal UP." .,eoo. Mrs. 1'tldd ald t11111 .. ~p. .._Sr. ol 1:111 U ..... ---u.,d GrqorJ of 1011 Allin-. 1-lo call,_ at. SENT A SOIL SAMPLE TO THE I I&--_.,, ... eept oiGoci.Sllcal&olelttllaltbe ... _ waa _ ... II t11o S.-Tel~lnlotTenoN,-0et. Ill II till U0.11r~ lroloo Terruo.IIIIIIBIII-IDtllelo,_.., COUNTY HEALTH D£PART-11J---•lattllunabollllm -tbeoearotocb-p1r1 of 1t1o 111111 --.
Ia '* ol I por--r--<>ld, bdtloo-troo lll<l o -of H15 CUa1a. Eul I. Tbe qallty ol -Is IIEHT FOR DIIIEDIATE CO!<-tbe r-.. Ia lrolt ~o•porrt Ia oordor tot_...,. till-a -n.:aalac Ia-... IIlLI ,_, ID r--~oolleto--. .... -to PreiMIIIal .... l) ..0 AM. Yoo...,ean TAIWIATION LEVEL AJW.T-...................... ,....._tt.itiiiJ ____ tbe -ltlllll .. tMI ...
llr _ _.,. ,.,. I •I ~ ~ po1lq-.. $l,ID,OIIO. tt -. dirt. ,..._ 11< rrbel-SIS. lob Ia W. .,... Is tMI .. --ar eod 1111 m~ ----(ldlo.
lf.llllll .. tn. IU aa., till lftZ'CIIc ol t AlJ ftt ll .. ka r., La loCated'"' t.tlt II MltiUil.fa<ner PARKING LOT : A..s 1f tM aort aft) LEI •••'•ra t1 .. Ullt rata. lin. Todd W tllll .....
-... ~'*llrao _._, 111111 be-·• otllOtlt ~..,~-IDallow_ol,..nodo..o -•ollrutN..,ponlill .. -Udba1-la~ ·-0110t.....S-t--•lillrrc'loii••-
A.dtuiiwllt fllct.Ntllll.&rt II t:a 1•1 adds: • ..... till a.,. eauteo.trr.,.. ta Wtlt Jtt;wpwt u.,. • tabD _,...of a *tbf &lid £ul MtwpG~t~nau . ..._ .... a.. '"""' ' Ul ._-,., ............ la-YanCII!'~ ... ....,._--• c»..,.tllo'lllloiiMJ<,.,,I,.t>MI) to-.. IIlLI IInt to -......_, --. 111111 a--1-to 111111 .. -tMI 111o...., -~ a111o to toll 1111r ......,
llr. fl1ld1, -d!lol7, 01 tt e. Ill II!' lPUI IW,.... CIIJ o1 ~ ---. .. ••• -to -111-l:i ru-, .. -rood ...--.It-..... I"" r-.11) -..,. -·· -1M -ollto ... -..,. !..~fm&t ........._ "fl-....... -~_.. & ,,_,I ..... a(_... .. tlllt lDca1 P1C1C Ulat ,..,... -af • la Well lfccfll't ................. ~ .-...L ..
-- -'h II • II • ,.tt 1 no 11t r -. r •· - --ron. iiil!llla .,... to be •Jo<lod • -. .-.., _., ... t11o _ .. -.., lliiiiJ .,..~ 1 to PI ...._at ~ 111111 111 JI.I&A. IIIII! .. I* 1-UW ,_ -.A-................ _.ttn lllr'WI&tt81.. 7WII6dlllbtDrcf•IJM' 11ft .... af _....._Jab Ia •-a C. ... _.. " 1 ...... _. tM1 alit lit .. llbla.t•S ......... ::.~ =.':i:~ .... I '•" =-=·~ =:.o:-.:.';':':s"":A""'""'Iloullf,..._.. ::.::-.:..r.T.:-: ~.::r:.':::Si.;i;•-r.:r-.. -:::.-:::-.~ i:.: ;:.;:::.-.. = ::r.:: .":. ·:s m _ ........ I' .... :::r.c: a , ...... ...: ~ :0.-:,t-:..-:.-= :: ~ t11: ~ :."::" c:.;% e:, .... _:: :0..::. ... ....::.::... "":/ .. r::..!!; .. --
' •
•'• •'•
s ,.
-.; ,;: ' s -. ~ ..• -: ... ...
Man Should .......
City Building Permits
-....,.. -., 111o-_, ~ ·-., &. a.-.r?PI"*udll-
.,.'01 II ...... -·-r-• ~.~till ...... D<. al~-tw .... ,rt JIWIORTCBIITD .....-...._ ,.c._ ... ...,..u.. 'he ..,.,.. Co., • ,..... • 8AL8().\ mUJID
---~MaalrtM:Jbela t:lrt.llll' 0 01•1IIiai:IOO D. I. 'Tidlar,Mlf.lliJft.,
--. ~ c-. DrM lui, --... ---·
0P lMI QTY 0P IIIW .... T 'IIIGI ~ ......,, poU by Loulo Hurls oald thot "pub-
•'HB T N•.,.... lie: mnoya.occ over nooconfomtilt poltical and
A1rea11J 11U -. .,....... $N,Ill; $1,000.
anything, do '"7 The ~ alto fW!Mmmeodl We'tac _. tMa$1,1100,000Ja ~ ,....,.,., dlr fi'OIIt • KEWPatT BliGHT'S that_......,, and'""'-.,......, ella-____ ._,~ ol-a II' F.-lllud, E--.ldd.-tq
'· BAII«JII MUlA'S 01'1'58 °0~ AI' I /f. ooc:iaJ behavior bu o01 chan&<"~ multodly over
Office _. ,.... • .., P'-'-t. , .. t:.Jp hiNt.. the put four yean." For instance, on the crimination apinot bonM>o. Pa11opa tbe "evil 111o 1o1a1 lbr 1111 ,_ ·-fD $1 000 -1111 lloUJ-La., $1,100.
ri£hta .. bill will be amended 10 that no pcnoa ft'7 •m• Tlda Ia UDolt $1 • iA.Si UPPER BAY • LIDO IlL£ 2'721 £.C... a.,.., C... •1 .,.CaUL:-9262$. quatioft of people who are "morw helpful or
TIL-l: 67$05411 (.._ Ce4o 714) ""'"' lwm!IJI" to Amcricatt tile, 67'110 ol thooc
may be dcUd "oquol cmploymcot" boo6,. a1111go ;;,. 1111 ,_.1 pn. CleW" Ryu, JIII"IJI. 401 R. C.Pkk1A17,dlt110111bboll-
ol '"""· rdlpoa or monllty. -,._4 llllla oC 1fta1ac liar LA., P,IOO. 4111 II 110 VIa Lido 11«4,
TIE NEWPOilT BAliOI ENSICtl lo ,._ oaiJ w 4 p .. • .n•M poUed aid prottitutca were more hannfuJ than
.... ,.WJ.._. t.• * Cky of Newpon a-e.._ _. , .. oaly locally helpful and 63 .. saki bomc:t.u:ualt were more
...,.. ... ...-..1 ...,...,., Ia U.. No wpM ~C... ..... bannful than helpful. Forty-ftve pen::eol rc-
Ane.. ~lw.M ... kly. oo ,..,..._,, S.CoM e&.. ,. .... pahl portedly think memben; of tbe John Birch
I doo't tnow any « 'A f prottltuta aoc1 $-M.Jlt,UI. • BA.La)A. t1 obo.
only a few bomoecxual&. But I how many n. Mortmber bUidlll ac. Iolli Wa.ll&ee. add room, .::tl '7 •lmiiA IILE
John Bin:hen. And u 1 whole, lbey are u I:Mty p otJ to 1 llft)J art E. CJcMa BIN., $1,100. B. ll. MWtr, J.ltOrJ'. 1-.U
• C.... •1 ... Calif. Society an more harmful than helpful mating
THE NEWPORT BARBO~ ENSleN ... adj.._. to be • • ._.. Bircb memben 22,.; less objectionable than
dcdtcated, pWiotic, moral, couraceoua Cbrit.-wD IIOI'e tbu p m1I11ca tD RIP Tow)d.nmodtliDdldtl, ~lllac, No. SS, 1?0,000.
tians as I have ever kDOWD. So, naturally, permltl tor $'7.., ctwelUBpt.a SIJ ~ t10.000. RaJ I..Jpper,·a.ltor'J, l.IIDlt
they have been tmeared. AU ...... anti: til ""*' Harbor VIew 1W1J • HIWIORT ctnwac, No. 10, $55,400. ,.... of ........ c:iret~lonota .. , C:OIIft dea-No. A-20178 d.tod rvoslitutea and zs ,.; I ob....... blc: tb
... , ••• 1?51· '• s.-• eo .. lor , ... eo .... , of Or ..... s. ••• of r· e:s.s ,_.100& an Communists have her.(~ unearul. ua n. touo.rtDc permlti ill P'ruc: .. Dtluey, UO Lido • BACK BAY
The panel's repon aJso calk for •t.abliah-tbe t.JDCMmt ot $1 000 &Dtt t:Her Part Dr., J.ahrlor decor, DIW Dtal-XoU. parUUoos, J'lU CallferaJ-. W J.y ,.. • .,. t!.ereo( io quollfied to p•bli-' oil pttblic homosexuals.
... ..,.. ~ired by a... This is remarkablo-conaidering the "new mcnt of a "major U.S. center for the 1tudy of wwe l.tatd cta:toc tbe nr.t bu. 15,000. 81rcb st., $1,600 •
Alt'VO E. HAAPA .............................. -.o-ood Pabllollet morality" of the public and the depravity of sexuality-from sex pattema in anim.lla to week of Nonmber:
all kinds of nonnal and abnonnaJ texuaJ be-• HARBOR VIEW RILLS __ _;Lo;E::.GA==L-'II.::O:..T:.:IC=!:_~----=L.::E.::GA=L:.:IIO=.;_T:.;IC:;;!:;_ __ PEC HAAP A ............................................... .A._.i•• Editor much of tM prostituted preu.
suuc•"TIOM ••TIS_ Incidentally, a 14-member panel apon10red o.e )'e.-. 14.00; 2 ,. .. , S7.00 by the Federal Government has n:cornmcnded
havior." E.utbluff.Newport IDe., 5'1' ·
But we already have a major ~ex cc.nter-permits lot ooe aad Z-llorJ NOTICE INVITING BillS
Oao re•. 15..00: 2 ,..... 19.00 to the Nixon Administratton a relaxation of Hollywood! And as for animalt, 00 major s1Aclt to"l11J ctwelU.a.p 011 Keel NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlat the Board of S~a
study is necesaary: they atK:k to their own Dr.. Catamaran &Del Blue of Oraace CoutJ, Ca.lti)rlla. wtl1 reeel'e Hlled blda ~to
kind. And hori1osexuality it unknown in lhe Key~ raDCiAc from $$1,000 to 1:00 o'clock P.M. OD lbl ltb di.J ol December,1Nt. lA tbe
ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign
The fire on Balboa Island last week
should serve as a timely warning to the
Newport Beach City Council and to the city
staff against any thought of phasing out
the fire station on Marine Ave.
Those words, 1 'pbasing out," were
Indeed used during consideration of new
fire station plans at a City Council meeting
last summer. There was discussion to the
effect that a new station In the Newport
Center area could also serve Balboa
Island, since the distance Is reasonably
But just consider a summer week-end
traffic jam on the bridge leading onto the
Island, and how long It would take for
fire fighting apparatus or life saving
equipment to Inch along the bridge. A
minute may be the difference . between
life and death, or may determine the fate
of a building, or of a row of homes.
Balboa Islanders are rightly concerned
about the possibility of losing their fire
station. The City Council should officially
reassure them that the fire station will
stay on the Island.
Your attention Is Invited to a letter
on page I of this Issue of the Ensign,
written by Bruce and Marsha Nordlund
of West Newport. They are commenting on
a number of West Newport problems,
among them the contemplated folly of
constructing large size public parking
lots in that area.
The Nordlunds point out a number
of painful objections to such a proposal.
Their arguments should be sufficiently
convincing to shoot down the scheme.
But for additional ammunition, let me add
another complaint -aimed at the pre-
posterous plan to ask for money from the
federal government for the parking lot
pro ject. What a sorry spectacle It Is for
one of the wealthiest cities In the land
to reach out a palm toward Washington,
where the money spenders have put our
government deeper In hock than the
national debts of all other countries com-
Of course, there Is the plaintive
argument from the Council rostrum that
"we sent the money up there, so let's
get some of It back," also that "If we
don't get It, someone else will." There
is only one way to use more of our own
money, and that Is to keep It at home
In the first place. And the only way to do
that Is to start reducing the size of the
government. Asking for money from
Washington does exactly the opposite; It
generates the further growth of bureau-
cracy to handle and supervise these ad-
ditional federal grants.
The real solution Is a long range project:
elect people to public office wbo will vote
agatnat the ezpanston of governmental
activtttes. This solution can begin J1«bt
here at home.
We .. llaObled. on enry .w.. yet aot di1Ue11ed;
•• .. ,..,. ..... bul oot
...... r: Pwe••t... .... .... (01'-
.-..; ... , ·-.. , ... .. .., ....
Al•11• Marl .. ~t ie
•• body "''h• dJioa ol 11M
Lord Je101, •• the lire ahoo(le141o_....w_,.
-.1ro11 1a .. ...,,,m
Corie·l-.... to.)
laws dealing with homosexuality. The panel's
report calla for the atates to abolith laws
making homoKxual relations between content·
ing adults in private a crime. This has been
done in Grale Britain. and we certainly don't
want Britain to get too far ahead of us in
· 1 rld ••7 000 •-• •• 15. uuu dee ol tho Cio<k of lhl Boord of S--1, 5111 lbw, amrpa wo . .-. , ; ~ -· , •
WhK::h brines to mind Malt "f'wain'• ot.erv-• IRVDfE TERRACE COWit)' A.dmJJUtntloD. BaOdlar, 515 No. Sycamore st., S&Dta
a! ion : -Man iS the only animal who blushc.-H. V. Woodruff, COTer J*Uo, A.a. Callfonla, at Wblch UIDI Aid b&da 'lrlU be pabllciJ apeD-
or needs to."-American Way Features 611 Ramoaa. $5,000. eel IDd read lor tbe::.~-oao~ms
• CORONA DEL MAR -..... rae M&uu ---------------:::-------:-:=--------Mr M La lac Projlel Noo. 10Z-10U.UO..Z67 l 117
LeHers to the Edl.tor ~w.~~~E:i Pro;:r;.~o:.=:.u.
AU ot saJd WOI'II: to be performed lD aceordaDce With pla.D.a
• THE LAST STRAW? of tM proJl&tons lD tbe Coo. "K~ 0a1 _No Trespesst~ ud apecUlcatlou 'Wb.lcb are ..,.. CG flle I.D tbe omee ol tbe
Editor of the Ensign, stilulloo. Tb1a M-YOO." ~ Cl•t Ia 1M COIOIIJ Mnlal.stnlloa BalldlaC. 515
In your a.rttele on lbe tu The seeood objectt.oa rests Tbe tidelaads fee would u. lfortb Sycamcwe, Suta ADa. Ca.lUorDia.
override lD the Nov. 6 lssue ol ~ tbe false uswnptloo or p:rot:BtJ b&Ye Um1ted 11 &llJ MlD1mam wap rates l:lr tbll projKt ban beea determined
your nne paper you left ata premise tbat owoers ol land awUcatioG to tbe ~ 8aJ' bJ tbe Baud of ~~ bJ Resol1Xloo &1.652. a eq~y of
some salient !acts and figures. wbieb a.buta: "tidelands'" ac-because wbat wu ooce pabJk Wbleb 1s CXI. ftle ill the oftlee of tbe Clerk of tbt Beard of Su-
wbleh 1 feel shOuld be brought quire eoo.trol as "tbeir on tldeluds WOllkj .., klacw bl penleors.
to tbe atteDllon of the tupaytng tidelaDds,., bJ Ylrtue of blriDc pubUc. 'J"be lou to tbe ......... Bidders' attention 1s called to Sections I '7'70-1 m.5 of tbe
pubUc. erected piers aDd l:loltJwda at pubUe wouJd be IDc:alelllable. Labor Code wbleh wtU require tbem 1f awarded tbe cootraet,
You referred tothelDer'ea.ses private eJPf)nse. Tbe bulkheAds Tbe Salt Cr.-pn-away. cat-to pay DOt less tlwl aid cneraJ per diem r&t.e of nees set
over tbe 3-year period as 601;, of course were built lD seU-ill· &strqlblc u that ll: tWnd. bib to an labol'era. wwtme iod mecba..DJ.es employed 1o
11~ and 16~. Why didn't youre. terest 1.D proteetionoftbeir la.Dd would pale bJ oompar18GD wD tbe ueeatloD of tbe propoeed coatraet.
port u as ~. 71~ and 8~ a.nd resldeoees. 1D some iJl. the &:tra.nplat1oa ud dutne· Eub b6dder mut AbmU trltb bls bid a aati.sfactory ebeet
per $100 assessed valuation? stances aU the propertyowuers of pct.Ue access to tbe lWir eerMed by 1 re~PQuible buk or a bidder• a boD:I made I*Y·
Further, the owoer of a chJ.A:Ied in to paJ for tbe bW.t. Bay waterways. u th1a Jud-. able to tbe order ol tbe eo-ty of Oraace 1D an a.moum DOt
$30,000 bome would ha:f'e to pay head by means of a spee1al bond swap deal should 10 lbroaciL leu tbu nn perc eat (51) of tbe sum bid u a cuarutee tbat
an addltiotW $44.85 Lntuestbe assessment district. It would be Haney D. Peue 1M bidder w1lleoter LDto tbe proposed Cootraet 1f tbe same Ia
n.rst year, $52.86 the second dl..ttleult to jusUty special treat-Balbol. lsi&Dd awvded blm. lD tbt •eat of lallare to eater fDto sucb Coo-
year, and $64.'75 tbe third year. meot of a class of property tract, tbe proceeds of the cbect wtU be forfeited, or ln ease
These iDcreases would be the owner for this kind olself-ser. • REMEMBER CAM.fLLE OC a bond. the tull awn tbertof WID be forfeited to said County
last straw to break the bllcts Tlng actiOn. Editor of tbe EDSip. oC Ora.np.
of us property owners wbo are As totbepier structure itself. Wbeo 1 mealioa ••eamn\e, .. a. Eacb btd mi1St bt on a blaDk form furllislled by the County
already paying so much tbat It it eootlnues to be the personal loot of mJsttfteatioapaases • ot Oruge. •
bas now become truly a coo. property of tbe abutting or • tbe faces of au prtae:Dt. Too The ACcesstul bidder sball be required to turoisb., at time
tisca.tory property taL lands fee l..a.nd owoer, or pos-sooo we torcet our felJow m-. of siCDfDC acreemtlli, ooe (1) surety boDd wblcb sball protect
Additiooally, tbe l.Jn1Jled sibly the "long term lessee" For nen today tbe C11f em. tbe laborers ud ma.terl.al.mea aDd aba.U be for ooe lullldred
School District trustees quite to the language of the cltJ's of Pus CllrtstlaD, Bllozl. Galt-perceal (1001) ot tbe amouot of tbe Cootract. 1n accordance
obviously dldn't lmow how mocb harbor regulations. He may px-t. aod DWlJ otber sm&J1 wttb SecUoD 420t of tbe Gm.-nmeot Code. ud 001 (1) sure.
mooey tbey needed a.s they pre. remove it at Will. UDiilrevoked. commtmW.es are Jt11J. trJ1Dr tJ boiXI 1D the amouat ot ooe btmdred perceot (1~) ot the
seated 8 proposals, ranging the owner ll01ds a DOD· to put together a We dlsraptad STAN SWEE!fEY, sebool Hr· Cootract, p.ruteetDc tbt taWlftl1 perllrma.oee of lbe coo.
trom $0.5-tlZ tor the first year permanent, reYoeable posses. aDd all but destroyed by Hurrt-Jieel eoordlJator for tbe JU tract; laid tx.h to be first IA)I'O't'ed by the offtce of tbe
to a hlgb. of $1.1933 fOI' the Ulird sory l.lierest iD tbe· tldela.ods caoe C&mJlle. the ftert:iest c:ompuy, trlll dlsellSS &Del <le· CCMDJ Coauel of On.aca Coaaty.
year. pr~ty. JostaiJaUoo c1 a burrieaoetohltAmerlca. moutrate the "cold" facts of Tbe 8oU'd ofS~s restn'es tbe rlpttorejecta.ay
And to 1(1) it all oft. the. private pier otwkMisl)' eaDDOt We receatly trueled route IJQI;•tled •turaJ. JU at the or all b&ds, aad • MCtAU"ll7 ace-. tbl lowest prtcel:fd,
A..F.T. feels all ot tbe allo¥e subt'ert tbe corr.stJtgUcwl 80 COlGf eut. At 8UoJ1 we Newport Harbor Khru1J Cl_., IDd to fti'e UJ llllarMIIb' ta ..,.bid r..-.s.. •
n.pres are far too kJw wblch. UmttaUoo ltlteld!d to protect wen hlrDed bact beeaDie tbe I!D:beoa tDiellac Tburlday, Tbe eo.tF rnenes a. rtpt to ace.: bids CG wort iod
1f accurate mea.ns ~e 1n.. tbe geoera1 pubUc IDterest. Nor tdd,e out of Btlozl aJJd t.be New • 20, at tbe Nnpon Beael:l alhraates lllted fa U.·Md a1n 'bJ IYm total at 1DdJT1duallyjor
creases Jat;r oo. does permlss1oa"to buJl:Japter, road to Mobile. AlabeDII were YMCA. Ris pr_.,.f1nn.. 1D aaJ comb4MUm lmlea tbe b4d tlrm mates ~P~Cint proi-1-
0oes anyooe toow wbal 1s r;lYea by tbe dty as trustee for closed to all ucept eme:ceoeY eat1Uec1 "Tbe flame tbat came don to the coal:rarJ.
oeeded, lf anything? Or is this the state, eaableaprtnteowoer vefl.lcles. Tilts br'ldp stW ts out of tbe cold." deals trltb lbe Dated: October za. 19&9
just another attempt to sell to eJpaDd a Umited possesSOI')' DOt ~ to tbroactJ trame. setentlflc properties am tbe BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
the tupaying pubUc a.o amount interest tJJto absolute cootrol Surely tbe nnges o1 tbo1e preseDt aDd poteat1a.l uses ot (SEAL) OF ORANGE COlllfTY, CAUFORHlA
they might "buy " -not too sucb a.s be may hue ln the countries bombed outcturt.nctbe lll.tura1 p.s. W. E. n JOHN
bigb or too low? abutt1og la.od which he beld in wars were DO crea.ter tbi.D tboR CouotJ Ctert a.ad u-ol:lleio
Wbeo we are taltlng about ''fee owoershtp." Wlth per. sufrered bere lD ouronK1uJ.. BAHJO, PIANO PROGRAM CJer• ot tbe Board oiS.nlaors
this amount ot mooey, we aU mlssloo gra.Dted by tbe clty, sstppl, Almost wUbout GCC>--FOR "HOOT • HOLLER" otOraop ComQ, CaU.bnJ.a
should knoW' the facts, oot rough the private user is at best a Uon, a.U tbe beauW'Ill a.ate. An afterDooo of music am By Mabel L. CU:tel.l., Dlputy
estimates based on a oebulou.s mere licensee. W'lth tbe rlr;bt bellum bomes 1D Pus Cbrts-s1Dc1Dc Is planoed b' tbe Nlef1t PCJbu.b: Newport Harbor Eostp. Not-ember U aa1 ZO, 1969.
fl.gur e oo cost or UYing in-of coatlDued use rnocable oo t1.a.n were le¥eled. steel ••t" Owls of tbe Newport Beacb
crell.SeS, etc. DOUce by the ctty. beams were picked ~ a.ad "Hoot 'a Honer•• Roost •bea.
Tupayers would be wise to lt ls also contended DO rEAl twisted. some ton from bu.lJ.. tbey ptber atzp.m,tbtJSimdQ
fully consider the oeed, 11 any. beoetlts 'rill result from tbe dl.np: 1D ulsteoce. some from tbey ptber &t 2 p.m. tb1a
for tbese addttkmal monies. use tax. because tbe adm1Dla· brkiKU. A DeWly coastructed Suoday, Nor. 16, 1D tbe Sealor
The continuing tocrease in tratlve costs, such as expenses cement bridge was barely CltiMD's recreatioa ceoter,
our property tues M liST STOP of operatioo. bulld-~c1 depart. passable; 40 Uld 60.foot JaCbtl 15th st. a.ad ln1De An., Cwt
some time. I say "Vote DO" oo mental personDel, or tbea.dd1Dg •ere Ufted from the GaU of Ha'en..
Feb. 10 oo tb1s oew proposal of yet aoother consultaol oo Mulco 50 feet below to rest Joe Cbappelle ol Costa. Mesa.
to ag:aln raise our property the city PI.JI'Oll, wtu substan-ln tbe froat yards of 80lDI trl.delJ kDon taajotst, trltb
taxes. tiallJ otJ'.set the income. Thls bouses. ADd tbeae are ODlJ a Mr.s. G. L. (Dolly) Stewert at
Ernest Stlcoet ls !.1)fleulat1Ye. U prot"ed true, few sceoes. DestrDCUoa ns the pla.aowt.Upreseataprocram
9 Balboa Coves then sometblDg ts '•ba)'YI..re" ODbeUenble. Yet J..o a.o eqga.UJ c1 popular aD1 classlea.l DllDl-
NeW"POrt Beach la tile operat.Joo ot tbe ctty' capric ious m&.ltbU', oae home bera ..
admi.Dlstrator"s otflce. To cor. ns destroJed, a.od the bome [)ocwHons ot g1fta to tbe
• TIDELANJE REBIJI'TAL r eet tbe lDeUlcteocy. the oext door was trltboe erea a Cbrf.stmu tuaar table are
EdltOI' of the Ensign, CouocU migbtbavetotakedru. br'oten YI.Ddow. Ea:ept of Deeded. Ruern.Hou mut be
As a member of Newport tic action. Some beads mi&bt eourse, all sutrered water made aD1 pUd at tbia meeUDc
Harbor.Costa Mesa Board of bave to roll. There should be damap, lbr 15.foot WI.Yes 1D-lot tbe 11111Ull Cbrlstmu diD·
' t
. .. We offer you .
and complete clothes care I
Realtors and its past president, DO excuse for sucb. wute. •mdated tbe towoa. ETea SO Del' put)' to be beld &t tbe
I w1sh to reply to President J. mUes north, tbe forest. looted S'blraa IDa, Hunttngtoa S.cb,
Peter Barrett's statemeot q:~. It is also alleged tbat the as 11 a glaat bud bad )1st OD Saaclay, Dec. 14. Dt.naer w1ll
posing the proposed Newport ordlna.oce Is tmfa1r because ap. snapped tbe trees u oae mipt be ..ned at Z p.m.
Beac h City Ol'd1naoce on tide-pr<Wmately ODe·thlrd ol. tbe do a matc.lult1ck.
lattd's use 1aL pier owt~ersrrouldootbesulljed Yollbr-It an the n1or HoU IIILE IH PLAY
First, to better under~ to tbe tax. Tbll perceotace will ot tbose soutberi.rs ns Jay Rayl, Z945 Cassia st.,
f at f
am a. --AY. f -·--the l..ssues, It should be eq>ba. iDcreue, It is Urued. wUb ertdeat. People wve cleutoc Eut BJd. a aopbomore Ea.
sized that the ''tidelands'' are private de'elopmeat ol tbe debris aDd ww~attbetrdH-cUA IDd drama map-,11 cut
pubUc, DOt private, property. ~ Newport Bay. Tbe i.&aae troyed 811lftces. Aad ap.I..D 1D tbll CblpmuCollepproduc-
Tbls is a matter ollaw.It is ls tbla:Arethep1ersCGpubUe almost wttboat uc""'''t'D,.eh Uoaof''AJoacw.Jfrombome."
spec:Lftcally stated lo tbe Cali-tlde)a.ods or prin.te property? bo!Dflslte (of tboNftoetllomes bi6Dc pre1.ud !ftlf. U-16 at t
forllia state Constltuuoo. U tbe piers are OD prln.te la.acl. were destroyed) bore a Jtktor tbl oolltp Ill On..rlfl. ntplQ,
liOI'eYer tbe state S~CWeme tb• pubUc tldel&Dds are DOt tnDcb '-riDe tbl A.IDC'tcu wrlttn bJ C..,..,aa prolta.Jr
Court has ,bekt lbat tbe "tide· I.DYOIYed aJld tbfl tal ls DOt fla&: &II! a sip "Willi God• a a_,. l.ttqt·Bialr' lJ: buld CID
lands" uoder t1Je Slate Coosll-IIIIPUcable. B Is tbll simple-1tq, at11 ,_5, till -trill lito lito oC Ira Aldrldp, t
tutoa w111 be I.Dterpreted ••to aDd IQUI.table. rt• a.pJ..n..'' • Nqro actclc' ol Ute 11tb c ..
prenat a.oy submerl'd I&Dds lD Rellreoce to ~ Newport ,._ people .... ,. ow t.J ...._.
the harbors ol eWes a.od tans Blly am lbe lmpUeatloas ol pn.JWs &..111 oar HELP. Far
tr.>m lltlUng laiD prl .. to ....,._ prlnto clmtlopmeol -briar Itt~ IS 11111 -~ ••• •
poU.U.c OWDersblp bJ IDJ II'Uit lA tocu tbe JJI'OPOM(t IIDdft'l&> IJ!tCtJ&IJ'J' Ud ma1w1a1. 0.:......
or ale tboriOI." -till CoattiJ oC Clruto ._ ud pa<lta&M ,..Itt-
Tbe Ude•ands ID&J, bowvfer, IDd tbe lrriDt Compuy. to tM Ref. R.._ V..... LIJ,
Itt admiDI-ed -~not, Tbe -oe t1111 doll u-~-Clntrct, 'I'IOGowclaR.,
u IDr uample tbo r-.Now-sa11o till -II• oC -• Ud ~ llla.lt501,-trill
port 8&J bJ tbe City c1Nnport more PI'-u PlbUc a.wve-.. t111t *-ill .... wtlln-
Boa<:b,-rpeclal .. bllac -ls-lolhll_.ac...,.-IIIIo.--ltctctetton flllu.l b7 tM state loa bJ tilt cttt••• ot t11e1r ....__., Mn God'a 111"-
J.Acl,llatare. Bit tldJ: doH DOt ~e)J ,_ n_,, .. ., b11 tllrJ ltlll-..1 tMn.
...... -cll-...1 1110 11>oo1a1a ......._., btaclill ud lldl-SlactroiJ,
CAJI 675~10
_...._, lalntlllbrlhl-le ....... Aal -placod Ia Joe>-lito. I ........
ollllo -· "'"" bJ t1lll --· _,._ C4a--lila al1opd llttllllo llrel tnp.
1111t till-• "*"11•-bJ Tiro w ,_ oC lllalll7ollllo ZOGIAC Q.U.IIIITIIG lllo~oCEtllfrr•ooC...._ dlal,lalllltlolt-Mollllll TM-Cl•ttan.t
-.... -.... -~ fD oD-_..,c.-, trill-.. , .....
TO GIVE • a a
-ll)>fDia*ll.,.._...,. "'--lllo-...,... Wrt bJ, .... lt,'lll-
-~ ·---liiiiJ,IIIo~~-*"''II,. ...... ft! at.,... Ill 011. ~. oC ......,_.Will r-Io...., Ro•rrt -.._,..
•-oCIIIo~oCBo.. -· I-. ............. ~ J1 1' 1--chr•acoUtll•a* ... .._. .......... .., ..... ,.. 1t~La '711--.,C.... .. ., .. ,.u,...,......, ... ._. ...... ,H •• ..-..... •v.w~~.-: • ..,..~~~
::.* ..:.. ... ~~. ~.:.: :::.: :::.-t~.!'t~ ::: ~ '.&;-.... -:: .,. a. J!IMI •1' 7 lwe II .. ., ........... ,. ..... ._...,. ... ,.._. IlL,.
~-"!"-lo Cb.a "lllrlo -•-• , Ins Mil -•-• ·--zr.,_., t ? ........ _... ... ..._.raP 1 --.n. _
' .
November is Community
Chest month. Give till you
feel it.
· CHIIS COOrll IMIOLU AT IIVIIIIDI . ~ .. c...-t-•• , 'tJ .,,,. ... c.u. illln..,._~••u ••11 1 ~~~----. .._--, ... _--, II a lr'¢111 ._.."=Ilia ts ....... .......,_..n•W.
..... QRT M ·ACM. CALtiii'OMrt.IA
I hOO .A.M. TO tl:rOO NOON -WO,_.I~ .. NVICR .... -..-a.·.-..·r-
1'\e -... 8tnlt ..... .....,
lUNDAY SCHOOL .,., .............. .
fill-n ....
......... , ... ta ...
•• Eeet c-...c a.,. .•
....,,d.l 10 ..... •!!.···~ , ............. ..
S...t 10 .... •4,...
Yaa •c cordi•ll,.-inVit.cl to
auclld Scnoicu end .. -
Df TME MASTER IL•• .. ••Cioo..., loluoettco
JtOO-VIowDr. c... dU liar. C&lU.
-~~~~ Mro.-C .... borllll.
1:11 a FllllllJ -ablp
IIO:W .A,II. ,CIIIrclloellool
Ul.. F-o ..,.ablp
, ......... a.. .. .. c....-
.. ,., •• 11~ .. r.n ... ~••
S...e AM&. Ms10ellelta.
Or. P.O.,., ... , pea101
1:45 .... -., School
1:00 .......... i ...... ip
6:00 p& Tnilliq Uniona
7:~ , .... E.alna Wora,.ip
7:lll ...... li~· Study
t :OO p.m.. Praytr Maelina
•v•tMa •••V1c• JoM ~ ....
••DNUOAY •1•1..• ITUO"
.... 0 ~IIIAYIIIl YoM~ ....
MUMaiiiY OUAIMe ••Avtc•• " ............ _
Oo.<IO..OOIIZWa eo.-
I' AITON 11. II, JON II ..
l f'CA WDI.IIN ....... -,. ··~-·~ .................. ,.,. .........
A t:r.. .,. «sJuHal
C'••1sa1 !' ~ O.UCI•~• .. . . , . . 1\ei ... Mw ma...-,,.. .... ,
Temianka to give preview !l!~~::sEcn:HAow:118041~--~~:~~-:;::::::=:::a:;:.,.:..~· "!r:~r.. no~ c.-,----. a1 1o-M ...., ,. ..-e lldlt1 Y1l1 prr r t a. wn1 ... ,. *'· lt. a.rt ..... Ja a M1M ol , ... Tw&e• ......_ ..Sdlnc:tal'
lllllrt ~~~"'""' at tM .... oltllll Ca.Jia:na. c ...... .,. ..
lflll't 1--dl C .... n.t.', ..,, wtllialtncttMI""d'..:'•
Ia tbt '!'oole to Ill PIIJtd II tbt
HEAJn'HSfONE ~~10,:.t'.::"..:.:l
tbo Lao Aoploa PIIIIIIUIIIOOie
All pr.,...., are gpea to tbt
~ &lid ...... WIJl Ill Ids
mltted free of ebar ... TleUU
m&J be purcbued attMdoclrar
tbroqb lira. K...c:b M. Smltb
at &64~ ?SM. Sertu ticket~ are
IARIECUIMG IS $3; alnpo, $1. Olbor ,.. .. ~ow,
fOR 'IKE IIROS areiiCI>odulodllrDoe.IO,Fob.
_ ,.. --oat ,., ~, I, llareb I &lid April I . •uif .... .._ w.~~~~~ ~ • Pteriew ebalrmu 1.1 llrl. *•· odd -1'baoUclnac Edward w. Sebwnae..,. &lid 11or tarter ud keep tbe coa.pstlon comm.ltt" 1Dc:ludea: llra. GU·
THE ZONTA CLUB ot llnport Jlazbo< will r-1 Its oat of lllo tllebea &lid 00 lbo bert Tllo-. _ ... Cbair,
lotenatiolal gourmet dlDDtr Saturday, New. U, at tbl c-tiO W. boUday. Yoa'll Deed mu.· Mrs Fra.lt A Cooaey,
Sellior Clttsena: eeater at 15th st. ud lrriDe AYe .• Cutt a IJ'llliQUiwed wttiii'OtlsllerJe pu~:~lle reJatioa~eba.lr~·ltn.
Huen. Proceeds ttom tbe 1.course diJIDer, to be eened =~ ~~~er=:keue Keoaetb W.Smltb. ncbt~bair~
at 1:30 p.m., will be used for •JPindlol tbe clttilouae. 1s abM tbe safest sile, a! p""r!:..amMrsse. !:.=.~.Qallm.Her: Tbe enat abo commemorates lbe 5001 t.DDIYerary or ZOOt& 1u turkey becom too _. QNI au
lateroatiooal. aod therewtllbedllbesfeatu:rLDc!JI*la.ltlesof IW 1 e tm ... mu Jobuoll, biMCeu cbair ...
Ger E ,... .. ...t Den k Yt.eld)' eseept tor tbe lup.st mmn· Mrs. RiChard Broek~ France, Greece, Italy. many, n..,....., mar ot tbe CO¥eredbubeeuekettles. m""::'er, tr.....-er·, &Dd Mrs. J. and Spain. Among t11ose uslstiDg wltb the gow-met pla.ns TIPS FOR KETTLE BAR .. ,
are, from left, Mrs. Cbarles Wlofteld of Westcwt. co~ -Dooa.ld Ftri\*IG, adriiOI'. CUING: Wben us1o&: a cot"er-chalrmu; Mrs. Joe Carlos of Costa U:esa., geDeral chair-ed barbecue kettle, youwUJ ft!ld BACK FROM VIETH AM
man, and Mrs. Rod Barrow of Costa Mesa, decorations that tbe turkey will meltinyOta A1r FOI'ce Serput JOhn
chalrman. (EDBign pOOto.) mouth u U retains an tbe Patteraoa, 1011 ot Mr. and Mrs.
Z I b aatural juices and DeYer dries James D. Patteuon of 701 Lido 0 nta Ce e rates out. A medium heal sbould be Park Drl,., Lido PeniDSula,
malnt.a1ned. Cooking Ume • • . hu arrived tor duty at Luke
a&JI)lOiimately 11 mlmtes per AFB, Arl..&. He Is a medical The 50th anniversary of the fellowship project wu i::Mmded poiiDd. We suggest use of a specl.allst wttb. the 451oth tsAr
founding or Zollta lnteraaUooal the loUowtnr year tor women meat thermometer todeterm!Qe lloaptta.L He previously .ned
•111 be obserYed by the ZOota In the aeroaautleal tDCfDeering aeearatel.y wben dooe. You can at Cam Rub Bay AB, Vtetoam.
Club of Newport Harbor at a and aerospace scle~ea:. stuff tbe ttrd wtth your flYorlte ·
luncheoa today, Nov. 13, at the The Newport Harbor ZOata stufftAc. u ts NOT necessary
Senior Citizens reereatiooceo. Club wu chartered ID1948wtlb to turD tbe turkey 1n a COYered
ter, 15th St. and lrYiDe be., U members. FIYe of tbe char-barbecue kettle •
Old women one!! hf!ld curat1H" powers-or so folks
bd~e,ed . The1r v. nn.,kd h..1nds lau.J on fevensh brows
were thoughl to cool ttl( fc,rr "ov.. m thts aolden
era of modem mcd1C10C , we have more reliable
methods or neducmg tempcrawr~. But. nemrmtx:r,llt
temperature IS only a symptom . not an 1l1nes5 m
1~lf. fe,·ers ha\c many causes . M)fT'IC mmor
some striou~ So, be sens1ble . When ynu or a member
of your fam1l y IS ill, let your doctor do tt-c d1a11nosing
and prc-Knbmg. Then. 1f mcd1cat1on ~~ necessary,
kt us till h1~ prcscnpt1on promptl) and accurateJy .
Christensen Plwa IIIGCJ
_, L co.uT .. .,. -· D& IIAII
CWt Haren. ter members are still active. TIPS FOR ROTlSSERIE BAR-
Community leaders and clty 1n tbe loea.l club and 3 are BECUING : There are two types
omcws will be pests. 14rs. members or other Zoata clubs. or barbecues that utilize tbe
Jack Reloert, 1nteroatlooal re~ An early project was tbe roti.Sierle and hood : Tbe cba.r·
l&Uoas eba.lrma.n, 1s ln charge organtuUoo of tbe Sea1or CW ~ ccel IJid tbe psbarbeeue. Wbea
of the prolfam. Ass1stlng her r.eos Club by tbe late En As-doiDC turkey, both use tbesame
•lll be pastpresldeGtsofZoota: PI..D, a Zonta put preRdeat. buic steps
Mmes. Fred Petb, MarUn As the oeedtoralarprmeetin( Tbe ps bubeeiJe sbouJd be
Sheely, Robert L. Jayred, Ro-place became appueat, tbt pre-beatad at least 10 minutes
bert L. Bacon, Louis Csenar, Zonta Club began rats1Dgf\md.s, with setttng 00 HIGH Balance
Jetrtey Burke,Geor&eP.Zebal. and the $185,~ buJk11ng was tbe ruru7 on tbe aPtt of tbe
Malcolm Angell, Helen Robert-dedicated Dec. 1• 1963. rotisserie and 1.nser1 tbe meat
son, Virginlk Luther &Dd Miss This building also became thermometer hto tbe breast.
Bernice Vestal. lnadeqUilte ln size, and Zoota Cootiog time wtll be approD-
Tbe story or Zonta tnterna. lauoched an addlttooal tuDd ma.tely 20 minutes per pou00.
tlonal andofthe Newport Harbor drive for a 1,500 sq. fl. u-Actual l:llrbecutnc Is dooe witb
cltlb will be unfolded lndeeades. panslon prolfam. Already 900 setung 00 LOW with the COYer
Costumes orthevarlousperlods SQ. ft. bave been added, and u 1D a closed po~ltion. For that
'frill befeaturedasthe chronolo-more tuod.s are obta.loed,uad-unique smokey flayor add some
peal history ot Zoota 1s told, dltiooal600 sq. ft. will bebuiU. hlcmry ctllps. '
Intertwined with world ennts. other local projects ate the Remember ••• outdoor tar.
Zoota lnteroattonal W'U foun-fo~wing: beeue coottng r~y tastes bet-
Clothes make the womanl
This is the mrmtb to be Tha•lt.ful ... Lorr.Um Swberla.W.s
f.ubiom Ill tiH Bu&h is more th,.. tbartlt.ful you fou..J '"
,.J we fou..J yOif! Happy Thanksgiving
ded NOY. 9, 1919, In ButfaJo, American Field Sentce, ter. u blrbecuing Is a ebore,
N.y., with 9 clubs comprlslng stOCe Its beglnnlng In 1955, perbaps It's your t.rbeeue.
the charter gro~. Ourln&tbe 50 wileD there was ooe forelcn B&rbtc:uina: can be fUN •••
years, Zoata has e'fi)UIIed to studeot. a boy from Germany, stop r, ud tute tbe ''eblrecal
560 el&h-lD u oo.tftH. Ana.-a&. ..Newport Hubor WP,Sclwlol.. Dlftl'" of MU ud .,., .._
trliA.mebl.tarb&rt'ff'Ut.'ebar ... Tbere IIII.Ye beta ISIDretplta-bublcued oa t2ae CbirmPJW
ter member or the Buft&Jo el_, derJts at tbe 4 b.lcb schools Cu ·Birbec1Je th1s Saturday,
aDd was a.nacUvememberatthe 1n ~ lntenenJ.ng years. Nor. 15th at THE HEARTH-.... •mce _. Qludt. ldlool a1 10:00 .... Ume of her dtsappeara.nce ln 0ra.Dp Coast CoUece STONE 2711 East Coast
l~-=~~;:;:~;;==;;;;;;;;;~"~~·;•~:;~ .. ~~;;;d.~l~9!37~1.o~u arouod-tbe-W'OI'Id scbolarSllJps of $500 eacb., Ht(ltl:wa; (ooe block ~ ot Mssew; • 6Q • .,. ntgbt. Tbe Ameua Earbart begun 1n 1951. There hue beea Tbe Cotfpe Gardea) Corooa
I LAD A m oz.
12 recipients. The scholarshJp del Mar. Open 10 U: 6 weet.
winners may r eceive the award days &Dd Saturday· 10 to 9
FASHIO NS AT THE BEACH Hours. 9:30-5 :30e Sundays·1T -4
for a 2nd year. There is also a Frldll.ys· and ne•er '00 Sullday.
$250 scholarship tor a h.lgb. -;;;=='=======;L-----------------------------.1 school girl graduate enro1.U.D1 •
at OCI.
• ZOnta girl of the mooth,
begun In 1953, wbea there n..s
just ooe high scbool. Now there
Is a girl of the month from each
of tbe 4 hlgb. schools from Octo.
bet !hr...., May. Tbe .. otrls
choose the ZOota pr I of the year
eacb June. To date, U3 zoata
girls bue been llooor ed.
• Women of achlevemeot
awards, tor senlng others u -p~ .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; well as the community aod coo.-II
trlbutiDg to the status of women.
Recipients lDclude Mrs. Heleo
Smith, artlst; Mrs. Esther Den-
del. authoress; Mrs. AI Fordt.
community service; Mrs. NeU
Murbarger, authoress; MJ.ss
Blomquist, busiDess;
Joseph Beek, commuotty
bllfiDNll FEDERllb SllVINfiS
sentce, aod Mrs. Roy Foz. I~~ I youth service.
FOOD ] .. S1 00
CIIO,ID CHICiti!M -ltllliiEY
SriCID Sill! CAM
other commuolty service
pro'jec'ls toehlde donation of a
address system for 111e
kx.al orpniaatioo.s; a room
furlllsblncs at H011 flos ...
layettes for tbe mater-
nity wt.ng at Hoa~o w:tlltbe HOle
Atuillary took OYtr th1a pro-
ject; a st!Yer tea wtlJeh pr"''rl.ded
cba.lrs for the Gtrl Seoul club-
bouse in 1949; aDd a earreal lprc•Joe1 or a $5,000 plodco 11r
-ol lbo teeD -l.o tbt -bolldlllc._.,....procra~~~ .....
Tbe Zoola Club -~ u electric car tor tbt late
Tommy Foster, a ncttm ol
poUo, 10 that be could cxft1-
bta: aperatioa ot a Dl.lp•I•Ud --I.D C..-IIar.
Zoola ~.o~or ... -.
Ramallah u a ..mee .,;;~i 1
111o 11»1'7. Ra.m&Ulb a
YOCltlolaliiCboollor ~wo-
-l.o lllo -Eul. -.... -.-$1$0,000 ud
1D 111-udiD-all-_.,...
.......... bit ..........
.... ara,wt.D.blprl& 'tau
.....,, Nor. lS, It till .... _
••Co.'I'Citkaof ... liM
wiD--~~~-.. -............ ... .......... •tt .......
II I,. ..
IIIIOa.a.1h t It• ___ ..,JIIIC-··-
Guaranteed Growth & Income Accounts:
5.25 % a nnua l rate compo unded daily.
accrued or paid quarlerly for 3. 4 or 5 year
Withdrawals subject to limilatio ns.
Bonus 3 Year Certificate Accounla:
Earn 5% cu rrenl annual rale, PLUS guar·
an teed 1/• of 1 % per annum bonus. 5.38o/o
is actual annual ral e a t end of 3 yea r
period. with current 5% rate compounded
Is Right Far VauP
260 OcH n A..nue ·l•IUNI 8Mcl'l C•hfofn ..
T e~epttone· .,. 75<& I -1.letN ,.._., l ~.., ~ . ~ \..0 .• ,.1201
S. ~ tol N.ll e-n. lltwt • •W·11tll!
Passbook Accounts : Earn prevailing
annual rate -5°o current with interest
paid from dale of deposi l to date of with,
drawal. Funds deposited before lhe lOth
of I he mo nth earn from I he 1st if held to
quarter's end.
Investmenl Certificate Accounts: In $1 00
mult ipl es earn 5% current an nual rate
fr om d at e of deposit Ia dale of w ith ·
drawal. Funds deposited before the 10th
of the monlh ea rn from the 1st if held to
quarter's en~.
These accounts and many ot her services
are fully explained in a new easy·to,read
WA yg, TQ,SA VE booklel. Fill in the cou,
pon below and send for your FREE copy
today .
Llsun• Feder•l Savins•
280 Oce.n Avenue
La,gun• Beach, C.lifomia 926U
Please send mo your boo.l&lot: WAYS TO SAY&.
aTYL--------STAft._ __ _....__-:-
A Theodore Rob ins uclusivel Look for OYr ditQnostie
center se1l 11'ld llkt tt\t C)OHJ.work out of buyino 1
used ur. TMse urs Nve p1SIId 130 vital tests for
pe rfortNrK:I rtl~bility, 1rld uftty.
100% PAITI .. LAlli wuum
,_, ... -hoolc•l plrtllocWO., ...... -
111M, "" _., PWS ~-"· Mttwy lftll txhlwst
lyttlfn. AU rtp~lr wtrk Rttt M1 '"' twa ..,.,kt .,.""''"'.
I ;,·1 ~q~~~~-~ c.Qiff:t_,a.YIL.U f.,.n ........ ._..,..,-.Cf'"4.t.rli•t.ttt..,-. s.,, .. ;, u.,tlil'io~. IOQ1fA'I
1"4 C~IY$LII NIW,-c)IT
•-Do~· ~•"•"· V.l , futory •'• co~-
4itjo ~·~1 .• .,,,,.~tic, •••er llteri~t.
P""'" t•••"· IOH·IUI ----~~~~.~,~~~,~~:~!,~~~;.,~-~~-liNN $695
~ .. ,.,. Ootut•wo u r. tlltl n 1 Sto.:.l.
,.,,_ 2• ~ 5'"''.--,..--;-==-;-;=o----,=,-,,..-,o-== uu-K:iio LTo 4-DOot srDAN $1995 o .. ~ ......... 1'0 ....... ulo"'•'''·
r'"''' '''."'"1· ,.41io. "'''''· "''"' t:,,, fVTP101 '
1 "' DOMI COIOMIT 4-H. SDN.. S1395 V.I . ,_.~ dMri"f, ,.....,. ~1h1,
haatar. Daladi•• Cer. 1)1 11711
V.l ·~·Ill, 4 IP .. 4 tf111UIIill•t ".
raolio, haale•. OJ;,.. trHt wit+. blacl:
i~leriar. IOTO!t2fl
R,,..,.,,bfa ta,. 4 ,,...,, ,.tli•.
"•••••· •iiMfa.,, AM ·fM radie. I
This muns the Mariners peopte 1nd their proven pro.
ftssionalism in maHers of fintnet. tt me1ns Mlril'ltll
people·IO·_pe~ple interut h• JOUr securitJ ... and
M1rintrt Wise Investment of )'1M moMJ in the procress
of CMtr community.
Joi11 your neichbors and opu 1 lbriners snin1s
-lodly. R-blr: F......,._od ,..;np
111111 1M -··· ....,.. noll ol -. '-dly in ID dly ooot Abo lno T-Oloqoos IOd lrte 11ft ..,.,_(will! .... , .... ~-).
......... _, __ ,to __ _
6••5 AHD &,«<
I .. J811B.ID ,_.
ca.• Do Ort ... t ··"" .......
..,_., .,_._II; ...
()IIIII I 1111'-I
fiiiST st:C'IIGII - -p. 4
M. -llfMIIF P.M. -·--.. .. ,_., ...
,_,, II ,__,_ ---AWAIDS
th r rnesa
. ' . . ' '
tac:JNitiiO. Y ••• or npe~
i•oe oa all CJPII of c•
*1•1 A lio-.S.OOoiiJ,
..... IIU.ru. •t., per ...
...... 'llki-tin '-
pM,., <DM. 67:.-m4.
ootuJ. small book-
accounts. C&ll
.\irmao First Class John G.
La Hue, son of Mr. &Dd Mrs.
Roy C. La Hue, 18 LIMa lsle,
ls oo duty at Pbu cat AB,
Vletaam. n.e airman, a com~
munlcatlons tecbDJ.el&D, pre-
YlOusly serTed lD Taiwan.
Dr. Cbarles L. FehlberL dti.DofTillbotTbeoJodeal
S.mlaarJ, !.& lllndl, '1'111 be tllO ~ p<-ot
lllo lO .... ,... -~-·'!*--·1'!'· 11.
8Uim4 Y SCIIlOL AT t:GO A.ll.
W01t1111P -YICIIJ.T 10:00 A.ll.
IVUDIG -YIC& AT 1:.10 P.ll.
DJO E.U T C:O.UT MWY., co-. 111.1. lllo\1
tne ~eaBan
ta be $aving,
witn a
~lendale Federal
~lab Jl[[BUflt
Now is the t•me to '\t.art saving for
an even bigger Chri stmas next year.
Save a lot by putting away d liflle
each week or m onth in your
Glendile Christm.-.s Club Account.
Unlike most. Glendale F~eral's
Christm,JS Club earns interest
.11 the same high tate as our regul.ar
savings accounts. 5% current annual
rate on a day· in, day-out ~sis.
Why wiillit, stop by Glendale FKt~r.JI
and start your Christm<Js Club.
While you're there, pick up .1 fr«
"Holid.1y C.Jrd Record,".J gre.Jt way
to k~p your Christm.Js co~rd list.
lliUASDAY, NOV. 13, IKt
C:OIIIIIA D11.: IMt, C'Aif.
to Advertise 642-5200
We have aold 1 million dollar• worth
of property 1n the last 60 claya. L1at
with ua for immediate action.
Not1ee is bar''"'
the city
boorlll("' Uoo 5.14.150 or the
Boodl code _.,
amt.Jaace rate
Seal's Ambalaoce Serrlce
~ Ambalallee S...rtce
sboald be C:b&aced u set
1D Rnolulioo No. Notlc:elli·~:J,n:::::;:rn l llllltlloald,
be beld 00 tbe
at NOfember, 1969, at t.be
of '7:30 p.m. 1D the cowocU I c:hambe:rs ot tbe City
tbo City ol Newport
Ca.llfcnta. at W1tlch Ume
place &I1J and all persons
terested mar appear and
beard thereon.
Laura LacJos, City Clerk
City of Newport Beach
Publl51" lloo. 13, 1969,
IJl tllO llnport Harbor EDS!p.
SiiiCt 1943
Coli in Yo•r W.t#W
to tho !.sip
IIIUA.,._ Gil llll ACI8
... CICIUI I a I .. Ril ll'M~YIIIPPIImrl ,.,.. a Vi .... ,_ tt•
• Ptin• Pad.o• • Fitcpl.cc•
• POOLS • t Hole Plallina Oru11 • T••i•
• S.,..s&t F1mily Section
• Ui. • Soc:*ool• Md P\IIY~ ·'-L-. Colli c.. ............... , ........ ..
Don't call me
a duplex
I'm a lovely 2 bedroom HOME
with a llttle 2 bedroom mooey maker
out in back. Both units are owner-
occupied and flawless, with deep abag
carpets and lots of used brick. After
you"ve seen the rest, come see
the best.
LESS THAN $3,0007
()q JOW III:NDe-fr• ud cllu -ta S 1D I,_....
wttb tude adcled IDOIIII:Ilb' COIIlJ Sllq 0 ... ..
liUrtlll .._,. !Umtwte a UJit...t11ae ~ ........ PI-
A brill prtftte ~ ftU .... N,. ,_-... -eaua.r.....,_ ..
Ml...oMa ... _10:00 ..... -u.• .elL
M4 --------
O.co ._.Co.
UliRIG lUI( II • AU. FEEl .. AU. I, ...
T?zt 1·0 ,_ _z,· -.. --.-
(P.S. T .. d lo ...... -.........
Located on 1/3 acre 1n Newport's
most exclual ve area. Three bedroom a
plus master suite, formal dining
room. Beautltul •.•• landacaped ..•
and large pool.
I Rt:J\l TOR ' l2S() Em Coest "',.,."
CorOI\I. 011 b , CM1f0tll11
P'PtoN· 07J.2222
3 BR'Ss +
_,_,.. a_., ___ _... ---Ll/1_1_,_ ... ..._
c.. 'r' ... -llitllt ...... $11.-
A.I.IO ........ JIIrllr ...... L ._. ... gp,
lliDDLE S 055. UALTOaS
3535 E. (Aa• .lhry ..
c1e1 .._ 67'-7m ··
Plly reYiews Dedlled
ALSO--we carry
our own contracts
. I . • m et'tor'S • IMport~
Coa.temporary furniture
rntt. and ~ne.
On.fon cnma1
Ch..ma and .tone dinfW!rwano
Imported • ._,
H.andoaftect teak
AU cwxwivo imporled an::b
Bridal rqJHry
nvou SQUARE 6n.:U40 2640 E. '-HJehw-r,
91» • ... s...,. 12 • s.:oo Corona tW MM
· WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1969
7:00P.M. TO
--Grand Prize--
Lg'-W~igii H:llld Toed
1. Fall 3. Permanent Waves
2. WlglelB 4. Complete stylings
!PHONE 673-5950]
&a §1.J. dlai." 2\,sism
and Wig Salon
..... T'Da ·--sum NO.4
Don Hill to give progr111
lllr'L l4fllr BUl ot Lldt W.. ta -. JD J'tlve __. 1o a.
--II "-l A--II lllo. -. will .. Ia _.. no ....,.., lira. lloiU Ill.
tD tM Calzu! ~ CIIJd &elllr, wiD np' tbl llNI to
~ ol 1M ,.,.,..,.. til ..., title repllr twt •• ..._
~-!''*". R-II liar IIIIIIDirlllc lllo .......... at • tuo ~~ra.o-~~tn.Boc-,...._ •utt"C • .,.,-.,, a. ~tate OAR IKI'Iitu'J, wt.n
;::..; . .:.::• ,:;'";:""'~ lalud -at ba ID aJ\whoe•.
\.::~ ellalrmu k 111o :SIIOPI'IIIG. SHACK$ i'• lito. RoaE.Holllo, MUSIC AT VASA MIGHT
IIJIImos.llot'ldP--A bauar -IJoc Cbrlatmu
C, GIJ'Iood, Fraat H. -"" llaiDI IUid a locMI dt-
WUUam 8. Tritt. putmelll olloriDc -.:u wiD
uslsbwl bJ Mrs. be featured at tbe NO't. l5 met·
wUl DUTate l1Dc ol Aacbol' Lodp 141, Vua.
a sbDwtDc ol a eollectioa of Order of America. attbeSellior
colored slides from tbe Free-Cltbeu reereadoo balkllD&,
doms Foundation ot Valley 15tb st. ud lnlDt A~e., CJ.Ur
Forp:. Hueo, startiDC at 8 p.m.
Botti Mrs. H1ll ud Mrs. Torstm Lua:!P'ea of l...oD(
Yoore are oftlcers ol tbe Beacb will eoterta1D wttb ac-Oruce eo.mty Cbapter of tbe cordla.D music. Steno Nob)',
WomeD"s Dtrisioo ol the Free-member of the cbildreo'slf'O'C)
!doms Fonl'll'llttoo. 1be Foun-of tbe Lodge, wtu play his ae-
• da.Uoa u11ts to rec:ogniu edu-eordlao for the chHdreo'&
cators ud people from all wa..lks pmes. Cir'aBd prise tor tbe
ot no bate coatrlblQd ennlnc will be a turkey.
Net line -black -brown,
smootb black patent wltb
strap and buclde. $ 1 'HII
SIZES TO 10. • • • L --
Ml8ses sizes --$7.00
....,.3 Wltb warm lining, turn
down cuff Black and Brown
~~...... -J..lte 8trtdt -~
Ilk'. EuiDa -OUMI Gr-
............. Cialldr ••• BaD-61toM -,__,.
You have to pay through the nose
tomake ears
Finest musical enjoyment is yours with the Sylvania sealed Air Suspension
speaker system. Sound radiates from a Sylvania stereo to fill the entire
listening area. Literally surrounds you in sound. And best of all, "you don't
have to pay through the nose to make your ears happy"when you choose Sylvania!
The Sylvania "Mini.Mod" MODEL MMIOW
$ 9 995 gives you that big stereo sound. Has a smart,
contemporary look. Includes detached Air
Suspension ~peakers, automatic record
r-------------------.player, diamond stylu s and dust cover.
There is a myth that great stereo has to consist
of a lot of expensive components all over the place.
That's nonsense.
After all, it's what you hear that counts, not how
many pieces you have . And what you hear depends
on how Rood the pieces are. not how much you pay.
The big difference between our system and
a lot of components is that we put il all together for
you. So you don't have to worry about mismatching
one unit to another .
Oh yes, there's another difference. Our system
costs a lot less ..
stereo & FM radio combos, tool
CS15W. Finest performance In
Custom Stereo/HiFi. tOO watts
(EIA) power. FM Stereo/FM /AM
tuner. 10 push button control cen~
ter. Dual 1015 turntable.
clt•lce ef .,.-.,. .....
-T, Bokb bu-
elected commodore ottbtSblrk
WUd Yaebl Club, ouee...UOC
All>ort H. llallbowa.
Freel H. Btee ls the oew
Ytee commodOre; and Bull K.
WJU.Iam801lll reu commodore.
Nn board members are Wlrt
Stcurwker, Rol.u:t MacLI.De&Dd
Doll Gilford, Who jolD bold-o¥er
directors Ger&1d E. Sput.a,
Geae Smttll. Hal WUUama, Ward
WatJoo. Georce Frle41, &Dd
D&Ye Ktme.
AppolDtin ottleera are Dtek
Hart, eecretary; Doll Glftord,
treuver: John Dillon. fleet
'IIIU-Y, MOV. 13,-
-· Halpb a .... ,. port eaptalD.; Gordoa Soow, Judp
&dYoeate, Ud Or. Jobo R. Bul ..
loclr., nett aur pon.
Geoe Smltll wu reta!Ded u
bouae ebatrman; Wtrt Sebu-
maker u eDlettaiameat aD4
eru111 ehiJrma.u; C..Orce
Frlodl, trophy cbalrmao; Halpb
Chadwick. 1D eba.rp ol pudic·
tod tor contesta; Wllllam
(Stoooy) Stooo, ftshlnc cbaJr.
m&D. Clyde Yaraeu will ap.1n
edit tbe clUb's newsletter, "Now
bear tbis." Ror:ald Maclalle
aDd Duke Herbst ate Ln cba.rge ot pubUclty.
Exchange with Argentina
Tbt Arpatine ucbanp pro-pres1defi; Ooa Sma.UYOOd,
BON MARC HE ITEMS to be offered for S&le &t tbe Nov, 19 Newport Harbor Art Museum cram, Cadie of CallforDSa,IDc., Ytee-prestdeot; Barbara HaD-
beD8tl.t are c11spllyed bere by S of tbe committee members, from left: Mrs. Robert C. wlll meetatlp.m.U:ooday,NoY. sen., secretary; a.od Cberee
O'Brien o1 Huotinrtoa Beach. Mra, PblU, Willa of L1da tale &Dd M.rs. Frank E. Lewis Jr. 17. at Mar1Der1 Ubruy. Peteraon. treasurer. More La·
af WutcUff. Tbe aa.le wlll bt be1d at tbe Oranp Couaty Fa.lrlfoUDds. (Enst p~. photo.) The meeUDc la open to stu. format1on may be obtaJned by
It may look like a toy. • ... ..,,_ .. .,.11:0
It may be priced like a toy. dents and pare.ata la tbe New. c.alJJ..ng 646~3731 or 548.5902.
Bon March e offers b ig ba rga i ns r.:.;:·lo:,:m~~~"'~:ALUMHAETOMEET
t1De shMSeot durlnc February. Tbe Gamma Tau Ga
"Save tne day for Boo Boa Marche ctli.J.rmen foyaps; Mrs. Thayer CrlspJ.n. TbJs wlU be the 4th direct Alumnae of A ham~~
Marche" Ls the rhymed slogan include Mrs. Harvey Somers. Dea.uvllle; Mrs. George Yule, elttbanp betweenAr18ntlal.and Omep wuf0Jo~ wttb ~mid·
of the Newport Harbor Art Mu. eoordinalor; Mrs. Daniel a 1a mode; Mrs. Robert Per. Harbor Area tam lUes. Homes ora.np alumnae gro at 7.30 seum members these <t&ya as ThOmp.on, treasurer; Mra. k1ns and Mrs. Orrtn CoDOell, are tGW beinl lined. ~,.~that p.m. Tl:nasday Nov ~3 at Ute
You may even buy it for a kid. A b1g ~~d~ A little kid. An 1n bt>tween k 1d~
But. it's no toy. It's th(> Sylvan1a mighty 74 square inch screen black and
white portable T\'. Goes-where-you-go l'~tairs. downstairs; room-to-room .
'And what a picture. Performs like a console. MODEL M\\.168~. Pneed to
tuck under your arm and ~ke w1th you.
preparations are tn Ml swlnC Bat low Groulauger, ca.shters; baute coutllte; Mrs. Schenk tbe respeeUn famllles can Dome ot Mrs lOhn M '
for the 3rd amual fund-raising Mrs. Lloyd Aubert, tu re-Rose aDd Mrs. Miles Larson, nUe to each other a few morths 655 Vla uck, Soud i.J:,~·
sale ot"thebestofeverythlng." celpts; Mrs. JObn Paul Jooes, gens jeunes· Mrs. Nancy Rau before travel time. Mrs Foss A Ni 1se e.
The sale wt.Ll be held Nov. 19 decoraUons; Krs. Hall1burtoo accessories~ Mrs. Gerald F: Local omcers ot tbe or-d.J~tct alwnoa.e ch~mio ~
in the tunJor uhlblta: bulld.lng Swedlow, press; Mrs. Benrly 14adip.o, Ies enfwts; Mrs. Ray pntr.a.Uoo are Woody Lane, be the speaker •
at the Orange County Fair-Lane, tnnspor1:at}oa; Mrs. Bly RammLnc, Uoeos; Mrs. Howvd •
lfouods trom 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. l.ofecreo, Cate de Ia Rue; Mrs. D. CbUtain, cbeJ gra.ndmere;
UOOer the c11rec.Uoo of Mrs, H. Paet Puker, information; Mrs. Pbl!Jp Wills, Noel boll-
Johnston Ballard, cha.lrrnan, Mrs. Winslow SeaYer Ltocoln tique; Mrs. Ma.rsha.ll ~~~ I
and her co-chairman, Mrs. Jr •• Uckets; Mrs. Jotm HurD-pour Je sport; Mrs. R
Norgy Graves, committee da.U, s~Ues. Elliott Jr., turnJture; Mrs.
members have been gathering George Yule is chairman of Peter B. Hlll, men's clothes.
donated treasures all year as the men's floor committee, An entrance reeof$linchldes
well as creating some them-wblch includes Jack Siegfried, parktog and Is an all-da.y in-
selves. Lloyd Aubert, Tbayer Crispin, and..out admittance. Members
Weekly workshops, chair-Ward Jewell, Byron Farwell of the Museum will be admitted
manned by Mrs. Frank Harring-and Dr. Job.n BuJ.lls. tree by presenting their mem.
ton and assisted by chief Sales booths and their chair-bershlp cards.
designer Mrs. Spencer Rlcb-men are: Mrs. Wllllam stabler, Food and beVerages rill
ardaoo. han ttaned out a La.rp le Galerle; Mrs. Richard available all day, aDd the
collection of the oow famous Bon steele, a.nUques; Mrs. Cutrord de 1a Rue Ls prepared to
Marche orig:tna.ls. Tbese ln-Crail, chicken coops (sue. dloner during the evening.
elude needlework, Cbrlstmas culents); Mrs. FrW Lewtsam Tickets may be purctlased decoraH~, llousehOld objects, Mrs. Jotm SWiprt. Btbelota:; advance trom the 11:;::~ I
cbtidreo s plDllores, decorated Mrs. Dooa.ld McCooe,booksand membershlp or at the 1
wtc stands, IDd taa.DJ other records; Mrs. Fran.k Hat. 1n the Balboa Pavilion. On
anUIUI.l artldes. rlD&tOG, Boo Mucbe orlctDal&; day, HOY . 19, they wtll be ditsolve
Tho ....... -lltnll-lira. Rlc:bud Bra11 ... l<rs. 11 t1>a Fair---
lure, art ·-to;> orlllllal oil William L&pwortll, eoarmot Further -mallo• may· 0o the pelnttnp. antiques, boob, re. culsloe; Mrs. Wtwam H. Obtained trom the
COI'ds, clothing. fUr s , gourmet Farasworth 901n'en1rs des omc 673 8&03 ~~~y "=l"!:r:~~=: Ebeli posh benefiis YES
Senior and Junior members of
Newport Ebell Club are puttin(
on their joint posb Cbrlstmas
tea to the American IAgloo
Hall, 215 15th St., Central New-
port, trom 1 to3p.m. Th~asday,
Dec. 4,
Mrs. Edward A, Roprs and
Mrs. James w. Htnes are ceo.
terlnc testlve tables wtth
jeweled mlnlature trees, wbtdt
they bave destped I.Dd execu-
ted. DeeoratlDc committee
members wbo ust.ted lnelude
the wonderful
shape of ru s
Mmes. Jobn Jakosky, F. E. Fla-
ster, D. Stanwood, Stanley Sta-
tla, Herbert Ford and L. KJel-
"Best In boutique" •lll be
beaded by ways and means
chairman Madre (MJ's. Ver-
aace) Morpn, who directed the
r ecent treasures and trash sale.
Eddie Paddock will entertain No.
at the piaoo. He will use cos-Edison pow~r plants were
tumes and kaleidoscopic Ugtl-shut down th~rc would be no ttnc throughout the prouam. '. .
Oellcacles for the tea table ddf~rencr 1ft tbr pho-
are to be made by Mrs. H. D. todvmicaJ amog &cvtJ.
McGrecor, "Whose committee 1bea. who-IX what-is caua--
lDcludes Mmes. Harry Goetz,,:~~.·;,::~;i~To~o~~:~:~undentand Dorothy Stanwood, Louis Vautrot Nell Williams and every con-
C. R. r:.bes. .......t cilizeD should-let's take
The whole splash 1s hell>r 1oo1t ot tho frocta:
P•en to make dollars tor the The four ~omponcnta 0 (
Rubor Area Youth Employ--a.. r-1-. • ,..1 h-'-meot Serv1ce. Tickets are puot.ou•nw.c liDO& aft: rw...-
prlced at $1 per person. aorbono, nitn>gal oxida, OX)'&""
---------and sunlighr.
LEGAL NOTICE Phoroch~mical smog ia the
stuff rhar inicar~s our eyes, stings
CERTIFICATE OF BUSlNE$ our nosu and hanr,• in a hau Fictitious Firm Name
THE UNDERSIGNED does owr Southern Cali ornia. It oc~
btreby eertit)' thl.t he Is 0011· curs during much o( the warm
$teU1lC a preclaiooma;~h~la~lac,.~~~E:~~~~~....W..r.-a prototype IDd t.oollnc rac.tion betw.:n at 1651 Ptacedia Annue. BuU-
IIltlc J, Coot& Ilea, Caut'orDI& hydrocarbons and nitro-
11611 .SU tbl tlcUUous ftrm oxidu in th~ pru~nce of
ot HI Y ENTERPRISES IUlOitJ!ht and oxygen.
tb&t aJd tlrm ia composed Ox:Ts,o( coune, wt: need (or ol l1lo .. _ pOrOOil Wboll
am• ID t\&11 11111 or r ... aurvi . Sunlight ~ want. It's
aideDCt Ia u to wtt: the ocher two componenu that
PaD! J. lluL spell trouble. Anq it !aka a mix-
::.:-SutaA• tu~ of both hydrocarbons and
W1TNESS my bud this 26th nitr~en oxides to form p.hoto-
cla1 ol Aopll,lllll9, clwmicai!!!!!'IJ.Sowherodo"-
PAUL J. HAAG -.-an_,. r.,_7
PaDIJ. Ill&(
STATE OF CAIJFORIIIA 1:] IJditon power plants in LA.
COUIITY OF ORANGE Counfy _.,.mt few only 1/10 of
Oo -" clay "A•"'!c'l, ~~·'·II~ ol aU the~;, tho
RouncU, oval&, crarie1! You'U love
th•m oll with thoir {ring• ben•flt 4!14
tAeir color• beautiful. So ver.tatile,
too . To,. them i" 4'11¥ room from litri'llg
room to bedroom to Jta.U. Select y01tr
Katu~taYJ from o-ur R1lg Galler, n010.
-., "'"• a NolvJ oir. Tbot'a pnaically niL Ill --1 ,..==-~=..:::":r ud -.-vehi<letocxountfewa wboppia1 67.9%. Nitro1en
IIIIPIU'ed PAULJ. oaidea? EdiaoD •ccou..a.ta for
, .. .,. .....
ID ..... ba 1M ....... 1/U-SJ'!I.. Moeo. whi-
doo ........... "" tho liaa'•
sbare-66.71'. (Source: LA.
Coaaty APCD d.otL)
nitn>ga> oxideo -roas ol than-tJuousb the uhauot pipa ol our
cars. And both spew out ac
grouDd l~vcl where chcy do
th~ most dama1e.
Oa the other hand, nittogell
oxida emitred rn-powtt plants
art virtuaUy frtt o( hydrocar-
boas, ao th~~ is easentially no
photodwmical smog producocl.
Bnidts, thac nifn>Cbi oxida art
released upward at about 60 mila
per hour through rallttadu-not
at ground le ... L
Coa.sequeDtly, Edi.oa.'t total
contriburioa to photoch~mical """'is small iadeed. Emisaiono
are wdl within tho limiu set by the
LA. County APCD. And tbooe
.-riaiono .... """"" the --eat i.n the nation. Nevertheleu,
wc'r~t finding ways co reduce our
shaft o( air pollutants even fur~
th~r. Contrary to som~ public
statem~nu. th~ rdatively tmall
~mission.s of nitrogrn oxides from
power plants han bent aDd are
still being reduced.
EdiJon was cme of d'alt fint util-
itiea in the nation to devdop an
air poUution reoearch program.
~wori< led to tho dewl·
opmem the ............. com-
b<rsrioo ~ It sut..D<ially
reduced e~itaioft.l of nitrogen
Durina th~ laac six moatha,
rnearch brcakthrouah• h•ve
ndwaard q=gp;_, C'Wft furd.t.
n-imptot-tll -~ •PJ"ied to Editoa &"auatiac
-• tapidly • P" blo. ,.. •
raulc., e:ai.uiou of aitror•
oxiciH &o. all u-po ... r ...,_ ;. tho LA. llooia will be
~.d. •• t red "':'0::; 9
"' 7 ••• Ia LA. -•••pie. &oa "'~ te u~ ........
Aad still furthrr ~srarch is
undrrway to control rmU.sions
But what about the major
...... -prodU<U-tho mo<o< ... JU.
dr:? Until now, tbr pmgnm to
coaaolau<omobil< ...u..ioDs has
""""""""red on rrducing.J:l~"" e&rbOG nni-ioas, .. ~u .. ar·
bon monoxide. Buc ia so d~
!!J, tho P.':"Jl!!"' lw auoed ...U..
sions of nitrogrn oxides from
IIDOCor vehidn to ia.cnaJC.In fact.
ia 1969 thia incruse alone: is
~than thotoealemiaoionsof
aitro1en oxides from all ~wer
P.laaa iD LA. CounryJ
·Authorities are hopeful that
nitrogen oxide rmiuions from
autos will start to br: brought
undu cootrol by th< early 7 0's.
We hope oo, too.
Wth ~gard (0 total air pol-
lution, mocor vehides accounc
fo.-87. 7'1> of tho t-' tonn.ago of
all air poUulanU in LA. County.
And Edison accounts for lrss
than 1%.
So lhuning down ~r planu
would hardly M: a aolurion. In
temu of either pbotoc~mical smoa or rout air pollutiaa, you
wouldn't notiet the di.rencr.
And DO OM walltl to II'Y to li~
without decrricity.
c-.icktU., tho faa that your
--to few •lecrricity wiU double
within tho -oi&hc )'eUS. it'•
iwpaoaiw d.t ~ powu
..... be buik ;, tho -"-"" . .,. ......... ,...... ..... -\-ua--.. .. ....
--tho ............... .
Ncwa, .. ' n, ia ---B.nia...._wi, .......
...... C 7 ath L J~ .. .... •.... ···~~··-....
..Uned to build the .. powttplaaa
theft 1ft' threr ahrmativa:
1. Import ele<tricity r.-out
of state ovu IUgh -vokage ......,.
mission lines. n-lines -.1o1
have to cutrhrough heavily·f"'P'
ulakd arus in Southern Califor.
nia. Mortovrr, ~ is a dt6"iitt
limit to the amount of power
which can be imported witr-.t
alfutiag the n:liability of your
tl«tric ~tt.
2. Generate ckctricity at au ..
dtar powu plants. Our plaaa
includt dw: construction ollldc5-
tional nuclear planta.. But they
take a long time to build-at
least ~ven to eight yean, includ-
ing the timr it takts to obtain
approvals from ""te and fcdonl
regulatory .tgcnciu, and the
public . You can't wait thlt lobi•
Additi onal tlutric powrr i1
Mnkd in che immediate future.
J. Rae ion tlutric power. In
some sections of thr nation, thia
happens pniodically.ln New
York, for instanct .customers were
uktd not to use their air condi-
tioning uniu during a Mat wave.
Bur a "brownout" doan't eolve
the p«>blem. No.-does a t.Jad<o.Jt.
The un1ible tolutioa. it to
buildtlw~powa-p' a,
and meb omoiD that droy-
ply t;;.:r.plkable 1oa1,-
and dtaa eir .... ri -
E<fioon ......... ODtfodtio.
Afta aD, ...t.a.ly-.... -;...w;.l thou,-• • .._
wod: .. Iii--Ow f • ...
l1flts II dle New Tesaa-t
• ... Dieciplea to Chriat"-Matt. 11:1-15
.. WDOfl ..... ...._ ._ .......... 1¢1&:% T-
• i.adlcat ..... wWch tora tM by • .,.., U .. r• .... •*• &. .P••a. tho
IIIUIWOf ... u.J.)J' wiJJ .. io-cl ia til• text .....
CLUES ACROSS I o .. lll •• .I faca.~ •...• er (C.a.
I nuahr ol lnu' cU.dpl" 31:13)
I ''a reM --·-with the ..U.d." I ike eecoad Jud.,., •••• d (Judo.
II iiUtlaW of th &r.l womaa aad 3:15)
~aaa 10 M ----mcm caa _,.. t"'o •-
1 Z "thou anoiutnt my hacl witb ten~ (Matt. t:Z4)
____ .. (Pa. 13) 11 iaitiala oJ • )"0\ID'I ,...adt.er and
13 ''tbou ••.• 1 bid theN lhiap iro111 the 11uacm a utlaot ol U Corlathi-
the wiN" (Matt. JI::U) ems (0 Cor. 1:1}
14. U ac:r-U doWil "----· ••"T Jt .. ,._. weal ----liMP .ahbatlt. day one that thintetbN (I.a. S$:1) thtougb ._ eona' (MatL 12:1)
"15. "II ~--------he tlr.at .t.ould 21 the clnPt•of J••• .. L ••.• aUoll
come. Of do •• look .... --en ~ 1:211 otherr' 13 ''wltot weal yo out l.llto tho
17 'ad edt tluit haacll• til. ----te ...,r
lho mariner.' (E.ok, 21:21) 15 .initieq olt-. maJor J~Npbe&.. ono
28 "o-... .tn:~dr; Jon. wHia tll• liM ._ ol lui. o .. tho WMpiav
----of II.M lutad'' (Job 11:22) JIIN'*el
22 and 22 doWB ~--·-· Lonl. God.H 21 "1 will 90 out. a at olhr ----R
(Jor. 1:1) (J .... 11:20)
'24. ''17 "1111 thou ----·---ahould 21 "'yo are ___ 1upohtitio~" {Act.
eo1111o" 17:32)
21 iahiat.. Gf two jud901 (Jud9. 10:1: 2t -w.-od il ----· •"-""'' dall 12:111 oot l»o ol:teadod in ••R
21 tho Jd,J,9 of TyTO, •..• rcua (D 31 R ____ • do wo loot lor aaotherr
Scua.. 5:11) l4 .. ----i1 ll.o, wa.....-.ror ..U _,
30 ......... ----bad board. Ut. priMa l»o oHoadocr'
tbo •orb of Clui.tN 31 iartlcla of tllo ..,. • ., ol M-
32 "bo dopcJJ1ocf tboneo ----toae.lt.~ n d U.o ltia• tboy oppoood {E.od..
33 Hobro• lor "'God'' aa ia ----· 7:2)
lothol (Goa. 35:7) 37 "'wldds .ball ----thy way hoforo
3.5 "90 forth ... unto tum without t!Mo-tbo ____ .. (Hob. l3:13) 31 ~when ----bia _.her Mary waa
'I · · Ia 1 d (J d 3 1 oopouod" (Matt. 1:11) aniha o two ju 900 u 'II· : : 41 '1,... c:riod with a •••. t'olee"
IZ:l3) (Mcrtt. 27:41)
40 Gad 3 dowa "----· I (liB with U .. ____ vi••-~ wator" (Joha
you Glw11y" {Matt. 21:20) 4:15)
41 "tbo --·· cue do11a..ci" 44 "unto lho load ol S.ir. tllo eoun-
43 "what woN yo out iato tho wi.J. try of ••.• -(Gea. :t2:3)
dora•• to •..• 7' 41 "bo •-""" _,.owtul: for bo
4& "tho children ol ----in tho land •• ••IT ----(Lu.ko Jl:23) of Edom'' (Gon.. 3&:21 ) SO "tho lohO ben-e ___ _. .. (M11tt. 1:
41 iaiticrio of f11evh'o dau9.1!.tor 1111d
lcn-orito wife (Gon.. 3l;fo: 30:21 )
53 wb..-• Jean wa. w.l!.oa .l!.o .. at
lli. d.iedpto., ..
55 11114 W dowa "loa--~--it-·
vood in thy oi.,t.C (Matt. 11&11)
5I .... "-'-who •.. wao okk. Cll:lcf
roady to ~---" (Lulr.o 7:2)
'51 "art tiro" llo du1t Mould ---·" 51 ~cried. with a lo11d -.roieo, .ayiii!J.
-----(Ma.n. 27 :fol)
10 "a ----ol hattie do•oo. or two
TOUDt pil)'ooa--(Lilb 2:2fo )
12 "and tho ----... aT.
13 "o ----llhoba 'With dao -.riadY'
14 ''JMQ. whoa bo had louad o
'f11U9 ----" Uolul 12:14)
I --a, departed taoneo to ----aad
to preach"
2 "yo ahe~ll hoar of ---·• and rum· ours of ____ ... (Me~tt. 24:1)
4 "tao .. lr.in9dom of boa•on •"Ho,.t.l!.
5 ''Claod.orloo~S~or kinv of ____ ..
(Gon.. 14:1)
I U:UtiaJ. of two Mao of hajamia
(Mum. 21:31)
1 a of OtluUol. .••. b Cl Chron.
Sl "people . , , .. onowoth 1110 •ida thir ____ , .. (Matt. IS:II
52 "'aoilll.r eo-t I my lifo ----unto •YNlr {Act. ZD:t4)
M bdti.aJ. ol t.. hMIVM (Judt. l:l1l . ,.,
II iaitialo _,. two --. •I Aa.roa (Exo4., 1:23)
a, 1Im IAft &. A. t'OUIII
(BJ lbe ysmbdm fll .._..,. rn.. ~)
SF.Vt:NTV-TWO HOURS LATER. ~xactly three days and thrH nighu,
•t th~ ~inni.ns of th~ first !by of the week (Saturd•y at sunset), H~
arose aMain from the grav~. When the women visited the tomb
just l•efore dawn ne: t morning, they found the a:rav~ already empty.
So wt• t~re not dravcn to any sueh makeshift as that any small portion of
• day 13 reckoned as a whole day and night. but we find that the statement
of Jesus was Uterally true. Three dan and three ni.ghu His body wu
dead and lay in lh~ tepulchrt. Wl!il~ Hia body lay <k.cl. He Himoell
beina: quaekened in the spirit (1 Pe-ter 3:18) w~nt into the heart of the
earth and preached unto the splriU which we~ in priaon (l Peter 3:11).
This suppoeed diffic-ulty solvn it.U, as do 50 many othe-r difficulties
in the Bible, when we take ~ Bible as meaninl uactly what it says.
rr IS SOMETIMI!S ob~ .pinst th~ view here ad'<'UK'ed that the
two on th~ way to Emmauo early on the ftnt day of the WHir. ( th•t i:s,
Sunday) oaid to Jesus in ~ of the erucifixion •rwi ewn\1 accom-
panyiq it: "Bft:idft all l1iia, today is the third day since these things
were done" (Luke 24:21). and it i.s saMi that if the cnaeifbdon took plan:
on Wedneday, Sunday would be the founh day si..ncl' thae thinp we-re ..... But the answer i:t very s.im~. These things were done just u
Thunday was tJecinnin1: at sunawt on Wednflday. They wtre therefore
eomp'-t.ed on 111unday. and the first day sin« Thundly would be Friday, the llK'Ond day sine. Thursday would be Saturday, and "the third
day oince" Thunda;v would be-S\mday, the fint day of the wHit. So
the suppoMd ~bjeetion in reality •~pports the theory. On the otJ:~er hand. if the eruciftxaon took plac:e on Fnday, by no manner o( Tftkonm& could
SundaJ bo made "the third day sinceH theM" thing, were done.
thllt 1upport the theory adva~ above and mak~ it neceuary to believe
that J•u. died late on Wednetday. Some of them are as follows:
'Tor u Jonah wu three days and t.hrft nighl.l in tM whale's belly, ao
ahaU dM Son of Man be ttu. ~ _. .._ ... hts In \he heart of tl\e
..nb" (1'-tth.w 12;40). -rh. fellow said, ram able &o dntroy the tempi~
ol God ..-.d to build it .. &h,.. ...,.. .. (M.attNw •:11). ~ lh.tat
~ \he cernple ond buiklnt it in .. ,.. ..,._.ave ThyMll" (MJ,t-
'thew lT:«<), "Sir, we renMn~bor U...t that deativw •W. whUe He •• ,..._ a1h-e. Altw ...._ .,. I wiU riM apin" (llaUhow 2'7:13). "The Son
fJI Jrlaa ... sulfeT m&__9 thine~. aDd be killed, and .,.., tit,.. ... 1. riM ll&ll.ia'" (llbft -1!11). ""J'My sha.U kill Him, aNI "'hen He Ia kllled, alt.r ...... Ha lhall riae qain'" (Mark 1:31, A. V.). "'''hh7 lhall KOWP m.,. aftd .hab k:Ul H~~ and ....... ._ ~ S. shaD riae acain" (Mark 11:14. a. V.). ~1 &nil: Mmple UNit il ...S. wtth hand&. and .. dt.rM
.... I wUI buUd ....d'lol'r ..t. without ~,. (Mark 14:51, R. V.).
•Ah., 1"ttlou tMt r:lttilitz oya.t the w.np&e> and bufw.t It Ill ...... ..,.., •ve
n,.IIJ'" c-U""'l· .._ aO ohio. lodoy 1o ... -417-..._ ...._.,.... ._.. (l.uU 1t:2t). "'.1--. wwa ... _. .-kl umo•\hem. -............... .._ ............. ~ ............. ""' .,.,... ..... ,..... ... tlUa ._.. ......... .,._ ... wUt thou
--.. --· -... -.~ ... -ollllohoolY. WIMn .,._,_. He,..,.... ,._ Lflll ~ Jlil. ••'I' r a t t IIIIICI "'Be MIA _... tJUe.. .d dMY W'niiCI the Scriptun _. thl __. .tMch J..,.
.... --( ....... a,u.J2).
• -· ..... lo-ol .............. -. .......... ,.b ........ a.:tf''"-·-~ ............ · • ..., ., ........ ·: • r , w... ...sv b~ ;· ~· ., 6e 011& Tat • _,. ,..Met _. ...., ..-.r: r -1 u .; -· • .. a...-t _, ..... .,. ; V '!?' -,.._ .. --.. ________ .... _, .........
St. Thomas Bible Lesson ·TH E UNMERC IF UL SEIVANT 1
&.Hen 4, Se rl • ftl Molllh-11:21-
-.. filii an lmmenee p,...ure 10 aad •an
looth • rilbt down 10 the Unleol portion.
.,. for 1M eye:, and • tooth ror. W\th tbb p.a_rab&e Jetu.a •\IJPI up and conchadel Hll tl!lllchJac oa tiM ICOftO-
my ot fof'llvt:neu. He hat many timet impl'tiiMd '-'J»>D wlhat •uyetora:tw
me-n tMI.r t....,.paues, your heavenly fetht.r •lll U.O forJfve you: bu.t II y. ror-
l'lve not men the:ir trsputet, neither will your Father fot~lve your tnep ..... •
He tau.ht u.• to pray. • Fortlv~ us our debt~,, u we fo,.tve our debtora. .. We
are to be mercl!ul, even u our heavenly Father la merdlu.l. Wh.m we an not.
we are dlao~lenl 10 God'• commandment and An! punllhed for this dJ,.
Wbot wo muot lboo 11ft our 1701 lo -lolbat porioctJ...--"'on •
•rand teal~ u wtil u a amall: aod that then IJ: jUidce in foi'Jlvlna only thole
wbo &lao foraive. TM economy of mllft:)' and foq:tvtnH&. therefo~. I'MVH II
unju.~t. and never dtttroyt j\lltke or tetMM Itt Importance In atrordlna God'•
protection to u.. Rather La it Htelt thfl marveloua ttr~enlna and lnc:rutt or
jutda wh~ enable• It to thow mtrcy.
Care musl be taken w ith this principle that it not be mlaconttrued to mears
crt me Ia to go unpuniahed, and that juatk:e l.s no longer nece.aary to ext.tenoe.
and that men may no longer admlnhte:r God'• )ualke by the punllbrnent of
wickedness and vice. Wickedness a nd vk:e are determined by God; they are
vlolatlo n of God's law as given to Moaet In the Ten Commandments. When
men break God 's la w, men must punish the violators to restore the law. Such
vengeance Is Cod's vengeance, and "Vengeance beJongeth to God ...
The parable expound• thlt myatery u no explanadon ol the parabl~
could. Moral• are tauaht and leamed from ttory. Thla one l• aupttb, and a
child ean undtnt.and U. It may be well to point up the vatt difference bdween
the aum owed by the ~ervant to hla kine, and the amount owed Jo him by a
fellow aervanJ. Here It Dgured .omethlna of the difference between the enormity
of our 1lnt asalnst God, and the pettlneu of the wrongs done to ua.
While mercy may season even thla juatlce, the mercy that concerns u• ln
this parable a nd in related teachings of our Lord Ia certainly to be und.entood,
ae Matthew Henry says, of personal wrongs. H Ia only these which Ue ln our
power lo forgive. We may not presume to forgive wrong• against God and
God's law,
In this connection it may be observed that man does not need to be r~
strained for being overzealous In keeping God's law. It la hard and dangeroua
to administer the law. Few men will dare to .elz.e and punish a real criminal.
Not only is the crim inal dangerous, but there is always a grave rtsk of break-
ing the law by lack of restraint in enforcing it Man therefo re needs to be en--
couraged and strengthened for his heavy burden of ketping law and order.
AJto to be emphasized Ia the extreme demand of perfect juatk:le that there
Ia no end to the men:-y we mu1t abow. When Peter aaks how many times he
•hall forgtve ofremea by bls brother, .. dll .even time.? "he is betraying a
nlg1ardly apirlL A toul thai keep• auch sharp tab o n otrenaes Ia no l moved by
mercy, but ia storing up wrath agal.n.tt the day when he can looll! It with lnler-
eJL Nor Ia It apeakJnc In the apiril of Chriat who aaid .. -.ven Umn a day R
(Luke 17:<6 ). Perhaps ~er had an eye to Prov erbs 24:16, "A )uat ms.n falleth
.even tlmea;• or to the mention of"three tranagresalonl and four," which God
would not more pas• by ( Amoe 2 : 1 ).
When Jeaus rt:plled, "UnUJ seventy time~~ seven,· we are reminded or the
furious ery of Lamech who roae to mighty power In the world before the:
We need to be restrained only in regard to wrongs agalnst ourselves. We
are quick to Oame into anger a nd seek to avenge our own minor hurts and
injuries and insults from others. Thus we show ourselves far more jealous of
our own pride than of God's honor. The anilude toward these offenaes is no t
that Jesus says nobody ever does us wrong; It Is that when we are wronged,
we stand ready to forgive when asked.
Flood with a reign of unbounded terror: "II Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
truly Lamech aeventy and stVenfold," When~ vengeance did &bound In Lamech
and In Cod's protection or Cain, now d oes grace and mercy much more
Again. o bserve that if we do not recognize a wrong as being unjust and
deserving of a recompense, there is neither any reason to talk about forgive-
ness, nor any mercy in forgiving. (t is only just not to avenge when there is
no injury or wrong done. Mercy can come into play only when justice is up--
held by open admission that payment is due. I cannot forgive a debto r who
simply does not recognize the deb!. He must admit he owes It, and Is In my
power therefore before I ca n forgive. For the creditor to pretend he ls owed
nothing is a lie and a cowa rdly fraud.
Finally II Ia to be noted that sinners are not relieved of any fears o f hell
now that lhe Gospel Is here: but rather the Gospel carries wllh lilts own ter-
rible warnings of eternal punishment for those who reject II a nd Its demands.
The applicalio n of the whole parable lin In the words, ~so likewiae ah&U my
heavenly Father do also unto you."
RThey s hall have judgement without mercy thai have sho wed no mercy."
(Jamea 2:13).
OUTLI NE: Peter asks how often he should {orgiue perSollaluffi'liSI."S:
JesWJ ant~u•ers with a parable that r t'peals the rule, tt•e shalf he forfi{wen
a!l we forgive.
We might say it is o nly a highly developed sense of justice that can practice
mercy. By the same token it is only a highly developed sense o r justice that will
be hard to restrain from exacting Rthe uttermost farthing.~ Because we can'tlot
exist without law and order, and because there can be no order without justice,
SL ThomOI' Prr::u -P. 0. Box 35096 -Ho.uton.. TttOI' 17035
God's Text Book on Religion
(Fr•"' ltl• J•wlok H•po, Jvfto, 1966; a.. 7(f1. L .. Ant•! .. ,0053-J
In thi, da) of utter confusion when the the reason men made such havoc of their lives
~o~o·orld is filled with man·made relip;ions, how was because they reject the Lord'a order and
blessed we are to be ahle to turn to the Word go about in their own ~ell-willed way (lea.
of God and read : "THIS IS THE WAY, 53:6) lo their apiritual and materiallosa. We
WALK YE IN IT." Our Lord said :" ... I AM informed him the Lord's way was to ·• ... Seek
THE WAY. THE TRUTH. and the LIFE: Y£ FIRST the kingdom of God, and HIS
Bt:T BY ME" !John l·l :6l . The Bible says sholl be ADI :'.D UNTO YOU (Matt. 6:33~.
Cud has "MAGNIFIELD HIS WORD ABOV E Hi a interesl "'....s aroused and he began to a&k
HI S NA~I E" (Ps. 138:2J. "FOR EVER, 0 spiritual questions, which we snswered in the
LORD. THY WORD I S SETTLED I N Light of the Word. When we brought our
HEAVEN" tPs. 119 :89} and, "HEAVEN conversation to a d OM:, he said we had
AND EARTH SHALL PASS AWAY, BUT di•peUed hio doubts and confusion and he wu
MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY" beginning to ~ lhe di&erenoe between the
I Matt. 24:35). But in ~pite of theae eternal opinion& of men and the fac::ts of the Bible.
facl.s, man turns to the "weak and be¥arl y He was ready to aceept the latter and .be
elements. thai bring men into bondage and looked like 1 different man. He had ld hio
to 10!.11 of their eternal soul I Gal. 4 :8-11. 16 ). feet upon a aolid foundation and not upon
On sev~eral occa~ions, we bad opportunity lo
witness to a Jewish dO('tor and observed that
he was alway! in doubt and confusion and
!lef'med very unhappy and depressed. He did
state that whene\·er he conver&ed with ua it
made him feel ~Iter. On one occasion when
h,. wa~ so depres!!ed. he u ked if we would
pray for him, •'right (here and then!" We. did,
anri it left him feeling much better. As we
tried to npen tl,e Word of God to him, we
pointed out that when he went to study for hia
prufe11sion he !''all given prescribed text books
"'·hicl1 he WB.! tu st udy and then come up with
the rorrecl answers. He wu not permitted to
st ale his own opinions or convictions. His
answer11 had to be in harmony with the pre-
sc ribed text hooks or he would not now be
practicing. He replied, "That'a true.''
Then we applied the same logic to the Bible.
It i! God', Text Book on religion. When we
follow it word for word, we find eternol life.
,.lerna! joy and eternal satisfaction. Bul if we
reject it. we are led into utter confUt11ion to the
etl'rnal loS!! of our precious so ul and the 1oM
(,f peace with God and thua shipwreck ou r
"'·hole life for all eternity. He saw the logic of
il all and accepted it. He even attended a
Christian Gi>spel service at a Bible-believing
church we recommended. We are sure in God's
own lime he will come to the Lord for he ia
a "st ·king soul" al'!d will not go away dis·
appointed .
We tried lo witness to another Jew who
:'ltated he was too tired lo even think or talk
about religion. He looked the part as he re-
cli ned in a lawn chair. We informed him that
sand !Luke 6:47-49; Matt. 7:21-29).
On still another occuion, we contacted a
you ng Jew who stated, "1 am an agnootic!"
Although a university student, he did not
know whal life was all about, where he came
fr om, or where he was going! As we began to
witne&8 to him, however, he bec:arne inttrested
and said if we had time to sit down he would
like: to talk with us. We: were only too happy
for we uw ju.t how barren was this poor 1061.
soul of spirilual light As we conferred upon
eternal thing• in the light of the Word, he
bec:ame more intereeted and asked many quea-
ti ons. He doubted that there was a God, and
if there was, how could man know Him? He
had no answer to man's origin or the origin
of the universe e:reept the different opinions
of men which cannot satisfy the seelr:in~~: aoul.
Dealing with the ~n~tter from different pointa
of view in the light of God's Word, we con-
cl uded that every object we saw about ua bad
• peraonality behind it. There wu a builder,
a maker of every item. Those thinp did not
just happen to come together. Then looking
around at God's handiwork we aaid, "Are we
going to look upon the beautiful beavms. the
sun, moon, alan and all of God'• creation and
say that there ia no Designer, no Creator, no
Builder Who created it all ?"
The light broke through into hia dsrk soul,
he saw the folly of following the tbeorieo of
men and rejectins tbe Word of the Livins and
True God. We g:avc him a copy of the Word
of Cod to study, knowins the Holy Spirit
would do the rcsl for il ia written : ~ en-
trance of thy Wonla &ivdb li&ht; it pveth Ull·
deratandi.ns unto the simple" (P ... 119:130).
By Dr. Bob Jo""o
It is a strange thing how often people ac-
cuSt: other folks of doing the very thin& that
they themselves Ire J;Uilty Of. Zophar, one Of
the 1hree men who came to "comfort" Job at
lhe time or his sorrow and poverty, tbooJ;ht he
knew all there was lo know about God; yet
he accused Job or beins: s:uilty or chit same pre-
sumption and asked him, "Canst thou by
searching find out God? Canst thou ftnd OUI the
Almighty unto perfection'!'' (Job I I :1).
Man by IC:arching can find out much about
God. The physical universe reveals a areat
deal of the power aod skill and wildom ol the ~
Almi&hty. '1'hc huvcru declare the JkH'y of
God~ and the finnamcnt she-tmh Hil handy-
work. Day unto day uueretb spcccb, and niJht
unto niaht sbeweth knowled,e" (PMlm 19:
1-2). The orckmS rquJarity of the morwoemenu
of tbr: heavenly bodies rnou.l to thl ...-chine
telescope of the asttooomcr tht 1ttribute ol
perf«tioft wbkb God pcMMIIU. Tho c:aompiPJ.
t;a in the: ptttems o( Nature apeak of tbc
infinite wisdom ot Ood. Tbe """*leti of Ood"a
moral law proclaim His jultfce. Ood '"pfull
His foot UpOO the 1t8 and ridol UpoD tbt
storm ," •nd the aurdtcr hdt e+W)Wbtte Ia
e\'idence of Deity .
Findin& out the Almi&hty to perfection ia
another thina. But Otrilt ia the end of tbat
search. The man who ftnds Christ Dock me
only perfect revelation of God. ... . . be that
hath ~n Me," uld Jesus, "bath .-a tbc
Father'' (John 14 :9); lad In C.brlat il fOUDd
the only perfect revelatioo or Deity in aU Kla
attributes. "for in Him dwcUetb all tbe fulaelt
of che Godheod bodily" (Coloooi••• 1:9). Ho
is God locuaate; aocl the fND wbo &ada
Christ linch Ood pcrfKC. ia power, perf~ iD
"""'· pcrlect In-· Job, lookloa fotWSrd wilh lbo eyw of foldl
ohrouah !be ,..,. ..,. -. !lin>, -.
"for I k.oow that my ,...,_,, lfwdt. and tkt
he ..... , ... od at tllo -1111 -lbo -=
Aod d>oaeb lfoer fi¥J ... ---.., tWo
boclr. I"' ioo fi¥J -ollol I -God" (Job 19:2.5-16).-...... CllrloC. ...... Ool:
........... ---.. --.. Ood tbrl ......._., ....... Job\ ML•aeot 6ill acml_,..,.__,...,...._..._.,...
-............ _., lllo ........ .....,,
ct..illow._w .... •Ood. ~
WIIJ ,_,..
Bi Evanp Uat Bill Rice, Ill
,.-,.,..THE SWORD Oil' THE LORD, lo• 1099, ""''"-• ...... T•~
Tht:rc i~ an Idea often •~pted
today (and I'm afraid Christians
arc responsible for it) that if you're
milerablt' herc, you are auited to
be a Christian. If you are unhapp)·
here, If nothing &oes ri&ht, if you
arc complete-ly unauettt.aful, just
hold on, the struull.' may Jut
forty or ftfty yean. but It will all
be worth It when you ftnally dil.'.
Many have the idea--if you Uvc
It up here, If you a~ happy. i(
you arc !luettU(u t or rich-tl\a.t il
oby. Nil:ter. you arc JOing to ret
what i."' cominJ:; to you when you
d.W. You arc &old& to HeW
~ You had better bear tbia. 1'ber:e. L
b nothln& In Scrlptu~ that Nys
lf a m.n has happlncu he will loae
It in eternity. or if hc doe'!! not
have it, he will 1ain U arter death.
RAther, ttw exaet opposite is true.
The Blblt.· teaching i!!l this · the
man voho hu joy on earth. the
man who has./if~ t.for'l.'. Is the one
who has ttw-only life to COIDI.'. And
ttMo m.n who has a !W.'COnd-raiC'
life hrre. the one who rejccb Je·
•w Christ. will not have eternal
life when he leave. this certh.
"Well," you say, "didn't Jesus
say SOITM!'thine: about the kk-a that
If you're lich you can't Bf"l to
Heaven'!" Yet. Jnua dkl speak
on the subje-ct. What dkl He say?
In ttwo 19th chapter of Matthew.
J{'sus Chri!l-1 .. id. " ... it ill eaaif"l'
for a ccm1rl to flO th1~111l tlte eJIC
of a 'ludle. tlta11 /Or a riel\ man
to eN ter iNto tM kiHgdont of God."
Many &OOd mrn belle\·c that the
"eye ol a ~lc" ~fen to a amaU
gate In tM wall ol Jerusalt>m used
In time of battle. ln order to ret
throu1h. camels had to ae't on their
kneft and ~·ork their way throu&tl.
That is, it w .. hard for the eamrl
to cct In but he could.
Personally, 1 bclte,·e our Lord
was rdrn-lnc to a nt'Cdlc like you
ladle• -· with and 1 think Hr wa• talkln&: sbout a camel with
two humps! 1 belic\'c Jcsus was
aaylne It would be ctlosk!r for a
r.omel to act through a x«dle
than for a rich man to aet to
"Well," you s.ay, "Preacher, It
would be Jmpopible to J('t a eamcl
throu&h a nHdle llke that. How
In the world would a rieh msn
ever Jt't to Ht'll\'t"n!" That 11 itX'
actl)r what the dllclplcs said to etu-•t. •· ... How can tbae tbtnp
be ?" Jn .. answel't'd, ••. , . "Aith
rnc:n thls 11 tmpoa.ible:: but wtth
God all thlnp are pnnfble."
You ace, It would take a Jlll.rac)e
to aet a earnrl ~ the t'Y"
of a needle: It would tab a m.Jr·
· .c\e to pt a rk:tl. man to Hnvm.
It would take a mtr.de to pt a
poor m1n or a thief or a Jood IMII
to Heaven. It would take a ~
to pt any msn to Heaven. lt
wOUld take a mtrae• to pt .,._
into Hee.vca. It would take a mlf..
Ide from God HJn.lf. ADd: a
mlradt .. exactlY Whit God ,....
formed thf'OUCh ~rilt two thou-o
und 1tVI aco at C.lvtf)'. A NP
does not .,. to Hell ~ Oft
bJe dNdl or dlumce. A mu aoa
to HM¥111 01' to BtU .. par 00 I
OM hundred par cent on .._t U..t
pmon ... wtth J... Chrtlt.
Goll's Soa\. Make ao "*'l ._ ..._t
It, tile ridl MQ .... Uti ... ,
to Hell ..... '* .... .... rttjlctted
Cln1H. '"-poor -... ud ... &o ... "" ........ ....
Ul ptcd Cllrtat. You -..,. -.. J"'IIIU
wtU ...... to ....... lltU
....... ~ ....... t ,.. ...... .,_.a.rtlt. ........, •'I• a •• a111etttt ..... .. diet h ......... ... ... _....., __ llodllo--.. --.......... --· .......,, ...... It .. ""Y -......... llltt-.azaea • ... ,...
and a place of moment<ary f('•t for
the body.
Pc1110na1Jy. l bfolir\'1.' il is fail'
for a man In say. "Hell Is thr
sra\'C," If that b whal he d~
brllcn•. This 1.~ Amrrka, right?
If a fellow want s to bfolk>vc in the
sood-tooth fsiry or thl' Easter Bun.
ny, I suppoS€< Thltt It 111 fair.
Ho~·t'\·cr, it j,.: not fa ir to .'i.lt}'
the Bible teachf's Hell is the lfB\'t·
That if; the kind of foolish thinkinR
and talk that CHUI<':' men to go to
Hell itlt'i!! Whall'\'l'r thil'l chapter
tea~. it doeo not tt:ach Hf'll ill
thl' an\·e. 11M' Bibl('; says: " ..
th' l'k'la fl'ln-w rrlf<l d~. """ tro•
bHrtl"rl : fiiUI '" hf'll /tt> 11{1 HJI
f!i11 1'1.11''1, hf-111!1 PI IO>tllCIIfll, ..
ln thc ftrst piA«, his exi!!ltC'nCt'
contini.IC'd. Any man who says t1<'
bclle\'MI Hell is the gra\'(' is !!laying
that rxisteft('(' !IO~ after death.
The rich man·~~ cxi~tencc continu<'d
aft<'r his dl'ath 11-nd this story ta.krs
pa ins to poin t that Qllt . The Bible
docs teach thai he was buried . but
it ti.'SCht'!l equally that his C'XiSI•
('TlCf' rontinu('(f,
1'JKo rich man !'till thought; he
reasoned. Hl' still communicatrd.
He was in pain: he continued to
feel. He could dc!!llrt'. He could rc-
ml.'mber. He w11nt<'d mercy. .
You ICt', your body will surt'l)'
die f;Omi'day, but your IOUI will
r xist MJmC'Piacc throua:h all rtt'r·
nlty. No orK' i:'l gol n1 to bury your
soul. Your body. yrs, but not your
soul. Yow wUI still be alh·e after
your body ia buried.
11K-rich man di<'d; he left hi'
body; his body was bur~. and in
Hell he existed. Whcft' was hi"
body? In the craw·. Whl'rc was
he! He w .. in Hell.
&sidn, his sutferlng was real.
Now, he wu not six fcet under
or in a cave. But what dltfel't"~
would It ha\'e madfo if he were?
His suft'erlna never left him. Would
It be any consolaHon to you it
I aakl, "Now, don't worry, Hell'&
just the Jl'&Vt'."
b tht>re ftrc there? Yt>s.
Torment! Yes.
Thirst there? YC!'JI.
Osrltrwu there! Yes.
Anpilh there! Yes.
Corwdenee! YK.
But f)'OU uyl there's no rwf!'d
to (ear HeU---you are only lr\ a
anve! So what!. Who wouJd eare
where you were. It ka not juat the
plaft but the di'C\UMta~. The
ral truth la that one who woukt
.. ,. Hell b the JT11YI! is trytna
to bur)' God's m.th ol etemaJ pay-
ment for .. Jectln1 Ouist.
A rkHcuJou:l klcl1 such aa "Hell
la tM lf'IIW" ~ a ridlc:ulolP
al"KW'fttml Ind. it Just happma.
I have one.
The rleh man had five brothcn
on earth. He cried out for .arne-
one to dip tJw Up ot hi8 ftnpr
In w•te-r to cool hla tonaue. Would
)'OU haw uld that If your place
ol ~~ wen! ahc fe>et undft-f
It J'OU Mel ftve brot.htn. u ht 4D4.
•nd )'OU were tn torment tn a llrn-
pe p-.w. )'OU woukt have sue· .-ted t.hl.t Abrsham ...._..., YQUf'
Wothnw 10 out co tht woodlhld, en aw ~how-..._ and die' )'OU up!
Wllr dfd be not .. ,. than a.-
caUM Hell .. na p-ave. Hell ll an
.ctu.l )liMe. 'nw rich mu did
not piNd far wa&rr tn.n a ..-.w
but ,,_ a Htral ,a.. tMt God'• --"-"'·"-"' u..ma.--. ..... at~-·
.... ol w-U' .. • ,a.e. .-,... u. ....,.. .... latl Aad ..... ....
... thiN ...... -ttluel ... k
tlltn u.1t ..,. MEl reo H. reJected Chrtlt ......... ......,._
.... -...... tloo .......... ·------"' ,_ -"'-,... OlrioL
't~ (CICIWT ......... , .... ,
w ........ ~.-.... ......... ~
S40·S630 642·098I
2732 E. COi!Sl Hwy.
Cotona del War ·
Phone b7'3-73J6
r ree P •rltias ia. Froa.t 300 W. Coost HWJ.
H .. port a.ct-
Toloolo_, 6G·IJI.4.4
ru .. cpaiiiJ ., al•=•• ...... ,...._
~~~~~ ......... .,
All---~""a''-INW ...... s• E.~ • .,..;c• -:
~ .. ~ 17-:.~_t !E:i':"::."C-:::::, ...... _
loiESA 6~1 126-G381 IEACN
58-3361 U2·1451
673·5822 675-3353
hnl1a 1 .. Cl••lll Worb
DtM.tl T.6
PIIONE: 646-4479
2431 N-IIIYd.
P.ta -• oi•IIM
~ IAU.PAI'Ia , •• &.,_ • ..,,
021 .... . m,.,,. ,.,. r ... ,.,
C¥f.,. ~ .. -;~.,., ----·-·----
tii.DUI&-G ,., ---, .. , ..... , -a. • ,e.,_ OICL'I -·-COli ... 1.,.. •u-.LL -au liM
,._.H'N$ ... S I
StlrUbs. Interi or Plants
'nopical & Trees
Insecticides and Fertilizer
S &: H Green Stamps
Corona del Mar Nursery
2144 E.~ Hwy., 6'tH160
Shoe Repaor
Purse and Luggage
AePI11 -0ve Work
1190 HIMOOr II Yd. eo ......... -.. •lJ••
700CMUUooA.._ eo ... dol ....
• I'IIIDJI!aa Ropolra
IATEilliBATEIIS .,, ....
If ,a. we • •••eomer, or
tJtow o( a MWCOIWI tl)
... .....,_AHadohaa
11101 ""' ... caM.. .
Mr a r .... tt,-camaa .. ·
H.._ Visitor Mtw ... J ... 10 .......... .
iolll call • .,.., !ri..a
wi ..... -.-.. ain. ,_ .._.., --.. -..... -'-" .... ,, ....
hiiWI ID ....... .
....... Sid 'IL
n11ilu_ .. ,.
lln1 ft..._,
::;:-z. a;•:: ~ ,.. •. , . ..,, -,.,.,.. ...
p' ••If In t6h . • •a.• I •• ··--............ 1 •• ·---• ...,,.. ..... au:::tl
• ,, .. h ........ .
• Prwf uh • •••n• e y.,_MtyleAhl ;tl ............
200'-Off,..-• ...,
IG M2.ft70
1702 NEWPORT B1.. YD. ot 17tlo, Coato lioN
Look what you get
when you open
a savings account
of ssoo or more
at Union Bank:
5"1Ct' . .,e Of'O ""'·'!.; 1r
me fmo.·e .,.,e B•·l·~"
l"tave 00\JQnl anCJ SOlO '"
r••lr'P•"9S pencp ana
s"'•llmgs Bur IJrtpr 1JI/ me~
Cf't'lfLiflflS ~~~ oi<P
"'"""r'l"9 !O iJ aecrm•f
Ci.J''f''lC~ SUCf! .fS Oi.JrS
""•S cor~ Cf'lar>go> s .')e-·nr;; ""IJ~ r}'IJOuitlr~
""Cl"'''' Of!'Comt' ::.''•C•a ;)r> february '5 ·o·•
For a l1m1ted ltme Un1on Bank otters you ltl1S soec1al Q11t -
a colleclor·s sel of tnese new Brt11Sh dectmal cotns-encased
tn a presentatton folder wtlh a descnpttOn of eacn cotn
To get yours all you have 10 do 1S open a regular sav 1ngs
account of 5 500 o r more or purchase a 5% savmgs oond m a
l1ke amount E1ther way. you get the very best tn bank sav1ngs
aloog w1th a collector's 1tem you ·~1 want to 1reasure
There· s no better time than now to start your savtngs program -
tailored to meel your ondovodual needs -a! Un1on Bank
H1ghes1 bank rates daoly onteresr compounded da1ly. and a
wode range ol plans ro c hoose !rom. Do ol loday.
tomorrow's bank today
{)ronge County ~I "'"'" Offco Wo;, OI IJI V-• 0ronvo
Honh Or0/191 County OltK» ,..,_ ol Or01~ • Fl 11 P I
Soulh er.ovo County Otta· Ooost "~ 01 -• 0on1oe --....,......_ ............. ~ . ..-.. .........
Book sections busy
.. -IIEMW Olliowpon lPwrlo, WID-~~-~ ---0..-plt I'-......,._,..,, II* 8 # 6 wttll a tviltJol !lot. i.f.. FolklwtaiM<t I II, 1111
_.,.._JI't!IIMI'daw,t..-~ _..wtll sd--*0
..... FF"t,&lddllc .. kN tp. •• D ... tt n ....... kt
•• nun, vriftltlOa.a.latrW•.a
·finn opens . -··--lit .. ----·-......... ..... ····-·fn .......... Jle..rclt, c.lw ...... ._ s rtzw.-rd &a Jte.,...-t helltl7. M a.u .... akro-~byl_., ____ -..
--Ia, Dr. ,_ tllr• ---Carp. -ud-L.IIIII'"ll,--Ia -·Call-.. ., ~bill ..w.-. --·--lit__,
-,..,._ -tllo .. )allllrfC'IIIr-' lll.e11w tilt .... MIDben ....... ol 1M craft .etioe
n. arm oatn ........,Hoe lb~""~:_ _______ _.!!::===~::!!:!!:!=:===~
1.1 Ou:tttHts u:1 lll'«rr••; r
01 -,_ I at I p.m, ..W -al t11o ·-· 10 ,_..,, lfoo. IJ, Ia 1110 Jlar, ,.,., 101 p.m. _,-,N ... IO. w Y1oor 11111,1 boalo 01 llro. Mn. PlllllpPiko,eilllrmu,llu
o. z.--eo.-,_ .... --of bolldo.y ......... Jolla_.., ...... lloollq!lo -
--· ... _.of .... p>lf -.... s.etioa s. wtth lira. WU-bladed bJ Yta. TbomuBlllme.
Uaa> Tlll1or U cbalrmu, -are plaJia& a1 RlYWVlew Goll
Mor. S It tbl bDcDI of Mrs. Couree, 1100 w. UDd. SaDta
C. W. -r-. Ia C..... llal Ala.
Mar. Co-bolt..... aaststtnc Mu. Cblrle1 Edward~,
W'tft 111"1. Jo. Wllke &Dd Mrs. Jtt~ PM cbalrm&D. bUpl&D-
11. c. Dodd. Uta. llarlball oed atrlpb'Thllrd.J No,.m-
KH .. r presebted tbe boOt re-ber U, to Su Jaa c.Pt~tn.ao.
YinL Members wtll meet at ElAdobe
Tbt t...a,ua HJlls bome of R..U.u:r&Dt 11 11 a.m. for b.IJ..
»ra. Roy Armltrol.c wm· be cbeoo. stq~p~nr I.Dd st&bt-
~ b' a meettna ot Booll: •etac.
SectloD. 4 at 12:30 p.m •• No•.
IS. Yrs. D. D. Oftlldo, cbaJr, BAY CLUB BUYS HOTEL,
..U,1"JJ ......,.etlloprocnm PALM SPIIIMG$ LAMD at tbat Ume.
Yra. Yarlla Sbeely, Newport Tbe ~ BayC111bbupur.
S.eb Llbnrtan. ts featured cbued L'HorUoo Hotel &Del ad-
speaker When members of Book JolD!Dr aereaplDPalm~lllp
Sectioo 5 meet at the Corona a.ad Y1ll develop tbt properties del 111ar hOme of Mrs. Earl as a desert club for Ita mem. THE GRANDMOTHERS CLUB Ifill bold Its lSth btrtbday anninrsary puty aDd lDstaJ..
Rately, 12 0000. TblD'sdaJ, No•. bersbJp. lat1oo of oftlcers Tburllday, Nov. U, at tbe SberaloD IDD, Huattoetoo Beach. Sbcnrtl be:re
u. co.oosti.D,g are Mrs. Dales L'Hortaoo Is situated oo 5 with btJ'tbc:tlJ cake are, from left, Mrs. Dorothy Vu Marter of HUIJt1n&too Beach, tbe oewJ.y
marlool oa!Jala; lltclp &1111
-~ ~ r.eno.J ud fll..lart twt•c poelloclac. .............. .s..
alp; ---oalJala; ,....,.ell 1D &U lorm• ot la-
........,. clreultry, mat•lata,
lllma &1111 olrtplloe toc:biiQoo;
... ..-of lnlolac llmiaarJ 1D tat Pl'OCidG'•,
rallablllty &1111 -'ll7 u-
IUI"&Dee, plus mleroeledroDlea
Dr. Marc but bOJdl muter of
uta a1111 PO.O. cJecr ... lDatoe-
trtcaJ .........,., trom tbe a-
nnlllesolArlaooa&IIIIYlooa-.a. retpeC:titely, aDd tor 18
y-.rs bas beeo eop.pd LD pro..
)tc::t muacemeot and eoo..
Mr. Metcalt baa beto em.
ployed 1n mieroelectroolcs tor
13 years. He den)Oped a p.s
IDd chemicals analysts lalxln-
tory for Pittsburgh Cote aDd
Chemical L:o., aDd puttel,pated
1D aoUcl state serntoonductor re.
Dunbar aDdMrs.DavldTbomas. acres at 1050 E. Palm Ca.nyoo elected tlrst vtee.presldeat; Mrs. Roo EnDS, 903 W.1?thst., Costa Mesa. the retirtoc
Tbe Balboa bome of M.rs. A. Dr. Tbe seller ts Jaek Wnlber presldeot; Mrs. Georp Shaw of Tustin, the oew president, &.00 Mrs. Paul Huffman, ZMO D ""LT.Z c. HouJhtoo 1s scbedtlled 101' of BeYerJy Hills, president ot Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, cbairma.o for tbe day. Mzs. Ruth Moore bas been elected L¥1
Book Seettoo 61uocbeoo meeting Balboa Bay Club aDd cbail'mu 2nd vlee.president; Mrs, Rlebard Green, secretary; Mrs. Lou1.s Splelbercer, treasurer, M OR 1V.~RJ£S
at QOOD. Friday, Nov. 2l.Assls· of the board ot Wrather Corp.. and Mrs. Harold Bontekoe, eorrespood.J.og seeretary.Mrs. Keith Rima wiD be fru::blllog
Uog Mrs. HougtltooaretheMrs. Ao adjleem 10. acres, eut omeer. (Enslppboto.) 1741 IU'Eitol AVf.
J-•· Lamar aod Mrs r...,,...,_ of L'Hor1-were purchased ~ . ·-~ trom ~ Fellen1 Sa-MRS. WILL lAYS IS MOVEYBER ARTIST COSTA IIUio c~~ 7 Book SecUon Is Dol· viDp: aDd l..c&D Assn. KQOW'D as Mrs. Art.blD' WUUamsot HllD· destc:o and dressmak.tng studio M A T TREssEs Mld*IJ ... 2424
d1Dc a oooo luncheoo.meeting the La Pas property; it wu tlogton Beach 1s fea.tured In an 1D ottowa., cu.ada, Sbe Is foun. lfEW-u:aO'ILDmC JS• I. COAST HtWAY
1D the Newport Beach home of ooee tbe loca.t:too of the botel art display at Mesa Verde u. der and president of the Palet· lne1ular Shapes COlOMA DEL WAlt
Mrs. Fred Loakes, MoDday, of tbat oame. brary, Costa Mesa,durlDgNoY. teen, H11ntto~toa Beach, and 1......,...,-c.tt.. ORiole 1 •450
a..r eerwd"' pae...nt and whoc'1eome aurroundlngs •
ttM Mn of the United Sc.tee Btewere ~ion. And
-..., -.. atrlvlng to do aoma111ing about M.
The USBA M1 ,..,...,..ted by fWd men 1round tM
country. They tniMt with proprieton of eat•bllhment•
-.. -Ia aotd. They-'< In owry--""<to
promote 1 8et ofhtgh •ncWd• ~r bMr 5I ..,-,.,d.
1NI USBAeffort meant even mor. 11'1tovebNI pleees
for America'e great bew~ of moder.tion.
5!5 ,lfth A~ IMw Yotk,. New Yorll
T-• oslde tlo C ber of the C-~' Yesa COSTA WlSA WAnlESS CO. ...,. No•. 24. The proiP'am is to be uuu co ra n was ap. ember. Retore coming to au. mem ~ ....
"Books for Christmas" pre. IO~r~on~malA!~~ly~$~1,:!>00~,~000~. __ _'k>r~D!a~,~s~he~o~w~o~ed~a'_':spec~~W~ty~W:o~m:e~n~·s~C~Iub':_aod:~Ar:t~L~ea~gue::·_:':'10=,.,=·=-="""=:·:':'""'::"':a.::":"=.!:::o::o:~S~'";c;•;,;";•;2;,:o==J-======================~ seoted by Creely's Book Store. f
Co.bostesses toclude Mrs. A.
dra.lD Joyner and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Tola Jones will dlseuss
tbebsias wben homes and gar.
dens seetloo gathers on Wed.
nesd:ay, Nov. 26, at the rest.
deoce of Mrs. Raymolld Herms
1D Costa Mesa. 12:30 iUD(!beon
will be served by co.hostesses
Mrs. J. A. Gam and Mrs. J. H.
Kellogg, Mrs. Ray Nlelse.a Is
Mrs. Nielsen, founder and
chairman of Ebell Club's new
art section, has scheduled clas.
ses every Tuesday at the club·
bouse. Art instruction under
W.rs. D. C. Mattocks Is held
from 9 a.m. to noon. Classes
wltll Mrs. Robert MooDier are
trom 1 to 4 p.m. Pailltlnp
wtU be elhiblted at a tea near
the eDd of the club year.
Goren Counters, under the
cbalrmaosb1p of Mrs. Ctr.Lrles
LEGioL NOTICE --P-35090
FleUtious Firm Name
hereby certify that She is
coutuctlng a Real Estate busi-
ness at 1786 So. Coast Hwy .,
Laguna Beach, Cali!. under the
t!cUUous fl.rm name of Sand-
castle Real Estate and that said
firm Is composed of the
following person whO se name in
full and place of residence are
a.s follows, to.wH: Helen Allee
Stuart, 330 High Drive, Laguna
Beach, Calif. 92651.
WITNESS my hand this 21st
(jay of October, 1969
Helen Allee Stuart
ON THIS 21st day otoclober,
1969, before me, a Notary
Public iu and tor saJd cowty
aod state, resldingtherein, duly
commissioned a.n<1 sworn, per-
sonally appeared Helen Alice
Stuart known to me to be the
persoo whose name Is sub-
scribed to the within in-
strument, aoo acknowledged to
me that she executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official
Mary A. Huj>a
· Notary Public In am tor sa.Jd
County and State.
My Commission expires Dec.
13, 1971.
Publish: October 23, 30, No-
Yember 6, 13, 1969, iD t.'le
Newport Harbor EosiKJJ.
OllftA IIJ:IIA ---·3
The have and holders ... a personality analysis
Read the personality descriptions and select the one that suits you best to find the right savings plan for your type.
The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind
of people who want thetr money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of their money to remain steady in an
up-and-down market. Who would rather have the ir money earn interest than to pay exorbitant carrying or loading
charges. Who want their money to multiply so they can pay cash for things. Who want to be able to get their hands
on the ir money when they need it. Saving people. like you-the kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE it
earn interest. Come in and let one of our people
personality program at Newport Balboa Savings.
experts get you started on your personalized-to·your-savings-
Are you one of the
regular people?
PLAN 1# 1
Regular Account
Thts plan IS for regular
people w1th regular
sa lanes who have
deccded to save regular
amounts anywhere from
$5 a week up. but who
want thetr money working
for them They also want
11 to be some place they
can get the~r hands on 1t
,f they need ct in a hurry
If they can leave 1t alone
for a year or more, 11 will
gtve them the Btg Annual
5 13 y1eld
$25 '"' ....
6Mos "' "" 606
IY• ""' 616 I 2'33
2 Yrs 632 "" 2 529
J Yrs 912 ... 6 3 892
~ Yrs 1 331 "" 5 324
S Yrs I 707 J 41 s 6830
10 Yrs 3 900 7.801 15,602
15 Yrs 6, 715 13,432 26.86<1
10 Yrs 10,319 "' .. , 41 325
All .. OiftloOOI <~ Jo11~1 1 1, } & 5 lit ,..,'*'d tit olld "" ll<ltM .., -urro~l •~~--I <at. ol 5 00'11., ,_,... M ily oiWI
.,_.,, ·~••10>1, Tile ~~flul di<01MIMI rtM _,
"'" ,,..,. '"''" to '"'" uol tt>e<ot.,. otlocl tN .-.lo•ned ntolt, tNt •Ill Mf ..,llltaftl<ol!y
olt.r rllo plo~
Are you one of the
other-people people?
PLAN :t 2
Life Income Plan
Thts 15 for people who
have a sum of money they
would ltke to put aside
and recetve the tnterest
every month but not
touch the pnncipal.
Perhaps you mtend to
leave your money to your
he~rs . In th1s plan the
ongtnal tnvestment IS
retained for a lifetime
and you have a regular
1ncome every month If
your future plans are for
your children's future,
then this savings program
may su1t you
lnthiJI D•pold Amount of Ct..clt
$12 000
S SO 00 Per Month
60 00 Per Month
83 00 Per Month
I G4 00 Per Month
208 00 Per Month
Are you one of the
retiring people?
Monthly Security Account
Thts tS for people who have
a lump sum of money but
who know that tf they don't
put 11 away somewhere out
of sight. they wtll spend it
Perhaps they are look1ng
forward to ret1rement and
know 11 would be better to
have a certain amount
coming tn every month over
a given period. Not only will
they get back a lot more than
they put m, but there w1H be
a nestegg to reward
themselves for not
blowmg 1t all at once
INVEST $10,000.00 AND:
you r•cetve 1nd you retaon
each month for 1n estate of•
S SO 00 I 0 ye1rs $ 8,675 00
S SO 00 15 years S 7.725 00
$ 7500 IOyeiJrs $ 4.71500
S 7500 t5yn rs S 1.00000
$10000 10years S 87500
INVEST $25,000.00 AND:
you r•c••ve
e1ch month for an eat1t• of•
$10000 tOye.rs $25.60000
$10000 15yurs $26.05000
$1 5000 10ye:ars $17 .80000
$200 00 IOyeara $1 0,00000
$250 00 IOy11ra S 2.20000
Are you one of the
patient people?
PlAN #_.
Annual Rate Account
Thts plan tS for patient people
who already have a sum of
money to invest and are wilhng
to watt a while for a good
return on their money. The
mmimum deposit is $1 ,lXX>
(more if you wish. of course),
tn exchange for which you
receive a cert•ficate which
guarantees an annual rate
of 5.25% for 3, 4 or 5 years.
Are you one of the pat tent
ones? Then the GUARANTEED
ts for you
"'""'" s 1.000 s 5.000
1ft1r •ft•r 1ft.r
3 :r••n 4 :r••,. 5 ,..,,.
$ 1.170 s 1,233 s 1,300
$ 5.852 s 6.1 88 s 6.500
$11.705 $12.336 $13.001
$17.558 $18.504 SHI.S02
Are you one. of the
enterprising people?
PUN #5
3· Year Bonua Account
For people who want not
only the current yield on
their savings, but would
like a sum over and above.
In this plan you tnvest a
mintmum of $1000 which
earns you the cuJTent yield
PLUS an extra Y4% per
year at the end of 3 years.
lf you would like to be
enterprising and safe at
the same ttme. then the
3-year bonus account
is for you.
lnltill .... .... .... o.,... , .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ s 1,000 s 1,169 $ I 232 s 1,298 s 5.000 s 5.846 s 6,1&1 s 8.493
SIO,OOO $11 .683 $12.323 $1U81
I I 5.000 $17.5AO $18.485 $19.481
P.A. -· Chol._ol.,..-• "--"'-M•In OffiCe · 3318 VI• Udo, Newport &Heh, C.llfornt. t2e83 • Phone 714/11WIJ0 • Corone ... MwOfftce: ,iNne'-1 Au.,IIOt .. lllpottc.n....OfM • Cor0N del Mer, C .. ilolnt.-• Phonrt 714/144-1411 .