HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign·-- REFRESHMENTS during the table decorations work.sbop for tbe ruth &DQIAI "Voices of Christmas .. ball are being sened to aetor AMy DeriDe, cba.J.rma.n d. Ho&c Hospital's Christmas Patroos, by W:rs. Wlllard Ctwnberli.DJr .,at left, &00 Mrs. Georp A. Co:a:, cba.irma.o for tbe workshop. The ball, teaturtne Les Blon &Dd Sonny Burke, Y1ll be held at tbe Balboa Bay Club oo. Thursday, Dee.ll. The "Voices" carol lD memory of Mr. Burke's young son, Who died of a heart aliment 1o 1953 because of a lack of necessary medical equipment. lD Newport Bea.cb, tbe proceeds YIU beDeftt Hoae Hospital. Andy DeYtne Is also helpJ.oe with the "Be a deer" procram at Hoag, asldng for Cbristmas dooaUons or pledps to the hOspUal. AU dftsare destpted tor Hoac tower, a.o ll.story addiUon to be constructed at the hospital site. (Jack West pboto.} More protests on pier fees A bosttle crowd reacted lD a &ood oat..-ed -ol way T.....,.y Dl&blaploat tbo latest plalll 1or r:oulfnc 1a1o t1>o COl'OQI del Mar res1dentla.l ar• Jor coutal freeway coo. ltruction. Tbe Youtl:l Center bulldt.Dg was &lmost tl.lled wttb eoa- ceroed citizens tor tbe meetlnc -eel joh.ly by the COli Cbamber of Commerce and tbe City ol Nowporl Beach. COM Cbamber President Dee Cook presided, with a.n assist from Coucllman Bob Sbeltoo In directiD( the questloo...aDSWer session. On hand to I..DS'ftf a t1ood ol queries were Bill Hash- Questionnaire fundsp Dr. Nolan Friuelle, ehatr· man of the educatioo commit- tee, told the dlreetors of tbe Newport Harbor Chamber o1 Commerce Monday noon abt.d the plans of his committee to •orli: wtth UCI1D g1Ylnga series of programs to the community wttb representatives from faculty and studeats. He reported on the committee study otproposedfamUyWeand sex edueaUoa classes tor tbe Additional letters of protest Dr., Lido Peninsula-"My local seboolsaDdappealedtotbe are comlllc 1n as tlle Newport ob~Uoo Is DOt to tans as sue h. board lor flmds, about $400, to Btlc.b City CouocU prepares I have always feltthatthazlkGod m.a.l1 a qoestJognatre to s:weats to ,.,...,,.. tba first reading we are l.Da COODtry wberewe can &ad studeot.a. He said thl& sur. of tbtpr'q)Oied Udel&.lds t1Se fee pay taxes, but tbe UdeiaDds fee vey would proYlde l_q10rtant ordbuct IIODCII.J efealDg. is ea.rrytDc 1t a bit too tar. data for tbe committee's flDll 'nt orci•'Ct calla tar atU 1Datlld of lurlDc J&CIUm•lo recommMdeUon to tbt boudof --':_ ...... -: "ll'dal ........ t a.c.. J'OI -·~ ~L_ ,.. .... .-.-.--.--....,...:u.. . .,, .... * .._ .. n, -c•mtrPr•II1•••'Dkla.... JO&t tJr -mo<dalplara. Tbe D.ciUIIMID CIIMr ar ... 1-.-... _odlll&tlbo- foe for plan .-IDCCODOCiloo au. lobo tr110 u IIWI)'Of our Bay Cl.., woaldP&Jfortboprto. wUh fuel .uTtee lta.tloDJ would tb1s to be troe u many ot our t1.Dc. Director Diet Rlc:Mrd be thr"·teDtlll ot a ceot per customers ban alre.dy moJtd pledpd $100 and $%5 eael:l tor pUoo of fUel dispaAied, their boats out of our ar•." his hr1D pndiODI, Tbe Harbor Aruual pier reelstratlon fee • E. H. BRUMLEY, 90S N. lafestment Co. pledpd $50, Is set It $10 for botb DOD-COm· Bay Ft., Balboa lslaod -"I u did tba Jolla Macnab Realty mere1al&Dd commercia) piers. beUe•e a study would proye atld Newport National 8LDk. Addittooal commercial sUps or beyond a doubt tut owners Mr. stenns anoouoced tbat btl would be cbarpd rePs-of waterfront property han 1n lnstaJ.la.Hon of offtcers a.od tratlon fees accordinc to the tact paiddearlyforthepriYUece directors will be held Jan 14 following formula: not more of Uvlng oo the waterfront, at tbe Balboa Bay Chab. He also tban 10 si.J.ps or n~ts, $1 each; whether or not they own a pier. told of a letter t.bat he had than 10 sUps or floats, This add1Uona.l fee, therefore, written to the Newport Be&eb $l for eacb; DOt more than zo Is DOt a tteeuseoftheso-called City Council referrlng to the slips or nc.ts, $10 plus 50 cents public tidelaod.s, but is iD b-et back bay n chanp. Tbe letter for each ln excess of 10; more a substaDtlal fee that Is already stated that the Newport flarbca' than 20 sUps or floats, $15 belng cb.a.rgtld for this use." Cbamber of Commerce is plus 25 cents for each 1D • L. C. SMULL-'' As a pro-t.lvor of tbe excbanp and exces.s of zo. perty owner In the City otNew-the City Couoeil to "ina;IJIIatnlls Nocmal moorlne: space oo port Beach, I strongly object positloo. The executln commercial piers would be to the proposed docltl.a.Dd1ncfee of tbe Cbamber ~ed measured as follows to de-oow llflder consideratloo by tbe dnft of this letter. termlDe tbe fee: City Council ••• YouaretaJ:ing S'4)t, Wllllam 41Staada.rd U-float -the property owners who already the Newport Mesa • lmoto, aulltut c!Utrlct en-Ave. in addition to all ot tbe felt tbat tbere would DOt be ciDef!J' o1 tbl state DtYisloo of Sllores ap~rtmeW 1n Harbor eoou.Cb CfOUDd left toapenteu Hlgbftys; Wally Kauteoo. View Hills. elemellt:ary Kbool on the s:tte senior hl&tlW&J eqineer; Joe In response toaquest:Looasto lf 5th An. rema!Da at its pre-DeYU.O. eitJ pablleworksdirec-the possibllity of motlng tbe sent kx:atioo I.IXI ill freeway lor; Bob Jaffe, trafftceopneer, freew:11y farther north, eo-laDes aDd rOida: stay DDrUI d. and Larry Wllsoo. plaoninc di-croachlng onto the Harbor View 5th AYe. redor. school grounds a.nc1 the new Wallac.e Calder bead, W'bost Tbe maiD thrust of the ques-Youth Center site, Mr. Hash-home on lrls An. l4 1n the tsons nsasearebfol'aoewpla.n im:to said that tUs department "take any .. lOOt, sugested that Would take out less homes would be wtlllng to study this tbat Harbor Yin School oou.ld because of reallplnc 5th Ave. proposal. He suggestedthatetty eJI)I.Dd easterly LD tbe ua Mr. Hasb.1moto displayed maps offldals confer wttb tbe New-be1Dc reMl"Yed fol' tbe Youth of S8't'era1 route studies, one port-Mesa Scbool District ot-Ceoter, and a.DOtber Dew Youth sbowing 84 lots wiped out soutb flcials coocernlng the effect Center \oeaHoo eou1d be ob- of tbe preseot 5tb An., a later of this proposal on the Harbor taioed. ~ lat1nc out 146 loti, aodthe View site. Couocilmaa Sbeltoo said tbat latest map sboW1Dc9'7 kltaln tbe Planning director wusoo re-the city would be wtll.inc to construetloo SODt bebr 5th ported that the schOol offtcia.ls e.aplore a reuoDil:lle ownber ol Dew aptio01, but he cautiooed &ga..1Dst ~uJfng too mueb delay for tbe freeway project.. Mr. Haabimoto commeoted, "We au relQCta.ot to Ioree a freeway oa a sebool unless scboo1 district concurs 1n tbe proposal ••• A retort came from the au- :;~· 'Is tbe scbool c:Ustrlct to tbe city'? We ban a school district for the area, IJid •e aU pay school taus too. In response to a query on bow sooo a DeW study map could be sbo'n to the community, Wr. Haslll-aald that another meeUDe could be beld 1D 45 to &0 days-"after Cbrlstmas." Paul AsbeDfeUer of 51 '7 Nar. elssus Ate. u:rpd tbat a cost stu::!}' be coOOucted to determine tbe tu base loss, acquisition cost, aod coastructioo cost for tbe latest proposa.t. iD relatloo to aJteroatiYI propoals. WlVEI or rn OFFICERS al 111o Newport 11ooc11 pollee lion 1o a ""'"JI!VJ al quo .. 4111Ut -: ,...-, Mil r...,.,~ tilleR ant •••tac U... n1-s at tbt 1-bcM IDM-....,... •• _ ....... ,...._.,11 ~ .... ,1!11 ¢______ , ._., __ _ Pollet a.Jd. dl6iltld to commatJ tenk:a • .,__., 0: .._ Wft'tl'ft1oollltne- of tht orpolmc commliiM lllclodo. le1l ID rl&bl. llrs. -acbod1lled? A. lo tht mid Reed G.,.._ of HmCtn;oa Bt&cb, Mrs. Du Crlebtt of l9'70"s, IX' sUcbtb' latal'. Ac. Coati Mea, aDd Mn. WUllam Speln of Costa MeM. TbtJ quiallioa of property would be are MWD.c Cbrlltmu fruit cake to be_, the CtYlt&D Cltm <lone about Z years euller. wltll their curTool cbarltal>le projecl. (Eosl"' -.) Q -loc&: will the projecl take, and wbal: 1J tbe cost'? A. n woWd ta.te about!y-.rs&Dd$13 to $15 miWoo to coutruct tbe freeway from Bay aide Dr. to Marguerite Ave., 1ocllxl1Dc the 1Dtercba.Qge oear MacArthur Blvd. Q. What are the dimensions, In helgbt and depth? A. The bJgbest point wou.ld be the Ot'er- pus at tbe tmercbance for solt:h-booDd coastal tratftc 1 ~nlct~~oortlllonnl Sanla Aml, feet above the present of Coast HYy, The lowest ot the sv:nten freeway 1s iO teet below ground le\>el, 300 feet east of MacArthur l1Dea1 distance from the 1n.s1de share tbe greatest square foot Schools ln~Ued tbe Q. U a property owner ln the of the head·Walk to tbe end of nluatloo burden in the city. establish a ptDt 'area applies fora tbe loopr tlneer. YOtJ are tu1nc property owners the Costa Mesa Cblmber of permit to a.dda!Ddunlt "Standard platform float -woo year-in &ad year-out pay Commerce to study fUture on his property,WOI.lld the state DR. DAVID I. NIELSEN 'Man of decade' succumbs at 49 A special maguine bulletin sisters in Costa Mesa., Mrs. Joy of the Orange Cotmty Medtca.l Baroes aDd Mr s. Rllth Leedom, Assn. bailing Dr. Da:rid Ibst aDd another 1n Milwaukee, Wis., Nielsen was deUvered to his Mrs. Esther Fair. bedside at Hoar Hospital just He ns born July 4. 1920, LD a few days before be died at Grand Rapids, Minn., a..bd was 1:30 a.m. Woooay. soon taken by his missionary Tbe eover read: "So proudlv parents to Denmark, where be we tatl David L NLeLsen, M.D., li~ed unt11 bis r eturn to the preseoted by tbe OCMA ln United States in 1936. He re- uateful ackoowledgemeot tor ceiYed his M, D. de gree at the dedicated service while serving Uniursity of Nebraska 1Dl94S. as President ••• 1969." As a first Ueutena.ot ln the The frontispiece bore a cer-Army Medical Corps, be tiflcate of awreciation re-particlapted La the Special A1r veallng that Dr. Nielsen had Rescue SQuad in the Alps 1n been chosen "Man of the Germany. ln 1947 he was ctno Decade" by tbe Hoac HoSi)ital a dJploma from tbe University medical sta1l' for his LID\ISIIll of Vlerua HoSilital and later was community senice a.od serrice consultant physlcl.a.D to JUoc to tbe medical profession. This Paul of Greece. hooor was cooterred last Oct. Actln iu civic atrl.l.rs, be 11. sened u president oftheNew- Tbe ma.guloe also MftbhMd port Harbor KJwanls Ct.., &DIS a letter ol resipaUoo from tbe later Ueuteoa.al-perDOr oftbe ---y altboO<-"-Callanla, Nonda &Dd Hawaii _ ..... ..__ .... -l!r Dr. lllllr1<t. Itt. .... u ~ •• ! •ca.QIC •e::= ...... a I ... wUia tile rep·etftll t-nt • He wu demtd maa ot by the pr-eloct, Dr. G. yar by tht Nnport llartlor WWJam HawtiDs of Suta AD&. Clamber of Commerce 1D 1959 Dr. Nlelseo bad beea m with aDd was elected to serve oo tbe cancer of the ltnr siDCe mld-Newport Beach tlemeatary Jane. He wu a Newport Bea.cb scbool tx:&rd while arestdeotof LDI:eraltt tor 1 '7 years with of-Lido Isle. flees at 400 Westminster Ave., He was past preslderX of the Newport Hetpts. Orange County Academy of ln- Fuoenl senlces were coo-teroal Medicine a.od past pre. ducted at 11 a.m. yesterday, at sidenl of the Orange County St. Aodrew's Presbyteri.aD Heart Assn., a fellow of the Church by Dr. Charles otereo. Amertca.n College of Ani101oo tleld. Bell-Broadway Mortuary and had a patent for a.n EGG wu La charge of the arnnge-device wJth which he mass- ments. A military service was scr eeDed 1,600 individuals 1D held graveside al Fairhaven one year, cemetery, Dr . and Mr s . Nielsen rtsited Dr . Nielsen Is s urvived by Alkrt Schweltt.er 1n his African his wife, Elyse, at their borne medical center shOrtly before 00 Tustin A~e., Back Bay, and the tamous medical ptooeer Stephetl, 18; Christina, 17; Paul, died. 15; am U sanDe, 12, olthe borne; A memorial fund to Dr. Duid Joe, a pre-medstudemat Nielsen's honor has been Berkeley; and a daughter Teri established at the Ora.nce Ander!JOI!.. and grandsooin Long County Medical Assn., 330 S. Beach. He 1s also survived by 2 Flower st., Orange. Jim Petsch of Bl dies the l1oeal distance of the toogest lDcreastoc tues oo property scbool taxes and borw:ls, Pre-,7 1 f' step ln aDd stop sucb apro~P slcleoltllofiool. thal&lreadyrefieclslhewaler-sldenlstevensasked Ur.Frls-• ea ad is •shocking' A.Theslalebasaocoatrol .. er ~ide-tie-the IIDeal dts-front prlrileges attributable to zelle to take this llllder study such applications. The prooertv James J . Petsch, 54, of 1510 tance of the slde tie SJ)IceanU-their ownership.'' with his committee. A fUll page BrOildw'ay de-as the color spectrum and using owner would be allowed to bulk!.. So. Bay Ft., Balboa, died Nov. able. • MRS. ALANKENJSON,4601 Chamber ma.oa.eer Jack Bar-partmeot store adth&tappeared terms such as "mind ," Q. 1s tbere any prorlsioo tor 19, al Hoag Memorial Hospital. AU fees would be due and Fairtleld Dr., Cameo ShOres-nett reported thl.t the Orange Oct. 13 and 16 In the Los An-"turn ons," and "Sanshine." purchase ol property 1n hard-He was boro May 9, 1915, in payable oa the ftrst day "I would like the City CouocU County dlstrtctattoroey'sottlce ples Times has roused coo-The Fashion IslaodBr~dw:ly Ship cases'? A. There ls a Ka.nsa.s City, Ka.n.sa.s. ot Mareb, •n appllcatioo for to hear from a cltlaen who ls: Ls boldine a meetlnr at 8 p.m. troYersy ln the Harbor area. wu reported as shocked when special t\tDd to PI'O'Ide tor pur-He wu a tree la.oce movie eoutr\dioo in the case ot aew neither a boat owner oor prtnte Dec. 3 at '700 ClYte Center Dr.. Tbe ad diSi)layed 3 color shown the ad and stated that cbase ol property LD adYaoce director and be)oa.gedtotae Mt. in••Uattou, or ..,oo Qllca. pier owner, but one who is lD-Santa Ana, to discuss laws con-televls:lon sets sbo'lftiQg a 1 they didn't rea.Uu that tbe of normal acqulsition lf hard-Olive Lodge of Los Angeles, the Uon tor tnn.sfer 1D tbe caae a§,. terested ln fair tuattoo. I do cernln& poroograpby. leaf plant similar to mari)'a.Da ''leal"' bad been used. ship caD be sbon.. Mr. Hash-L. A. ScottiSh Rite, the At pier traDifers. · DOt belleve this tidelands ue imoto said U.t letters cat1 be Mala!t:ah Shrine of L.A., am Fallure to pay tbe feewitllln fee Is tn the best lnterests of s d h I kd written to tbe c!lYLsioa ol bt&b-tbe Show BusiDess Sbrlne. ID days woald resuH In a 10 Newport Boacb clliseas. II Ia an a u c ra c own wars. llla1iac the circum. He Is ...-.l•ed by Olspareats, par cent pelalty, and fiJ.Iare doable tu:atloo witb the ad· staDces. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph s. Petscb ID pay wllhiD &0 days ailor clue dllloaol IDsull ol aot boiDc aa Coooc:Umao Don llclaols,rlled '< lfliJ aot ... retalDID& ol Lacuoa Hills. date would COIUit1t\Q lf'CMids income tu deductible ltem." ~ orer Wblt becalleda.niA)I.I. haul cootraetor bad~ tbt Tidelands adm1Distnt« nl1s I.Dstead ol s~ sides Serr1ces wUJ. be beld at 9:30 b' rttoeaUoa of tbe permit. • DR, E. TERRANCE YO-l1nc s1tul.tion 1JI tbe West New. re(UlatJoos tbat bad beea de-Georce Dawes left the CouocU &loac tbe fr-enay aaxl tbu Dll'-tb1s F'rld&y, Ncw. Zl. at the Wee Htrt are commeataft'om let-RAN, st. Joseph Hoepltal.. port sud baul, pqutcltresults siped to mlnimlsetbtnutaoee clambers to implement the mo-row lbe lllleded rlcbt...CJt-wu Klrli: ol tbe Heatber Forest ters rec.IYtcl at Ctt;y Hall: Ora.ace-''Tbe uorbltut tu at IIIIo-· "_,1_.s ct~-weoaa to the West Newport res1deCits. Uon. am about an hOU:r later.at aDd sa" mare bomes. A. Tbe Lawn. aod be w111 bt 't.rtec~ 1a • DELMAR PINCKNEY, S15 assessmeDt of watemoat ~ ....._ ~~ • He cited tbese iDeideuts: ua-9:U p.m., be retuned with tbe h1ctnrl.7 dlYisloa mllSt ooas1der Forest Lawn Cemet.'J, GJtD.. E. B&J Ft., 8IJ)o& blud _ proper:tr, 1n cootrut to tJat cllHm~ tblt the sl.batioa alrthorlstd use ot OraAp An. report: "At 9 p.m. I barricade tbe drtl'bc pGbbc u well as daM. JIM PE'TSCM ''Tbt Udelandll -.1M would directly across tbt street, 1s 8 C:. ot bud IDd 5teadl for access to tbe be&eh tor tbt was set~atOrangest •• apoUce tbe re.......,, ta tbe ara. ·-ID a-.. laptm .. air-nfllclellt peoally." ... -··· .... that tbo ~ llaullll( .... llfadlar oqulpm&DI; olllcor Is 00 duly -·· the s~ -· cl .. slbo --The name l's EaslbluH all prtnte pter oners lD 'WI'--... dlDcV to Kbool ebildr• attba cootnetor bas been oot11led. u.:e ol bei.Dc mort CIIPtD IDd tht city lam ..,rut IIWIOOII A H I f? bus st~&IOrupAYo.-Led usealOrupSI.IDraccess woald boa lot -•ln>m tbo .._·toe boloc IIIPllod k; nyone seen am e • al truct-lom:aosol40 lo lbo booch hasbeel>hOIIed!" clrtrar'a ·-at. RetaloiDt Tho..,., Eutblii!E--_......, -• required 1D or•.taztd wattrfroat pr~ miles aD bour; aentciq ot ••· Tbt COIIb'actor • Cbl,dwtclt Uld ftlls woUI add to the IIOlae t.ary ScbOol wu adapttcl bf ttat (l'lllt u IUIIM• b' tbt •· OWMI'S.'' lira. Cblrles Halldtlcboo ol. took tbe t.liae borne uatU tbe hlc1es 1D ftoot oltbtresld-=es Buchanan of Loag Bea.eb, 1s ............ Newport Ilea Baud of £$1 .. deraro-f tr...miastoa UDes • JAMES PINCKNn SIS E IOS·B ltb st.., 8ll1bol., WU DOt onet CU cJllm ber • OD tbe beacb. opentlnc OCI I !0-hOUr daU7 Q. WbJ 111Dt tltmJal:e Sell caUoa hndaJ eYtllilc 1tw tbe to Ml'\'tce the Eutblart Sebool. Bay Ft., -lllalld :_"nO oo11 a We suer bat a &ood If ..,_ II mlulo( a -. His ~ --9Cbodule. Z sllifts ol 10 """"s A,._ _., al ll&rporlle -ocbool boiAC --tldtlu!dl -M «ddluce Is a amarttu aa Oct. 1 '7. She came tome tortotM abeD temaJe e&t .,q,tect by tba Couetl, eal'-1 •eft. trom 6 a.m. to 4p.m., a.1 A,... • rtktcate tt lAUd at 1n tbe ar• _. al ..,_. ,..... ---lonlooalowpallrJ lalo lbo Newport Boach pollee or bas -Hamlat, callllrL for tbo t>11ow1Dc actioo' 4 p.m. Led Z Lm. tbo rr-.y, 1D ardor 1o .,. port Bay. CAI'T. MIQIJITT! SIT clollan llrlboclty_._ lfliJ ....... uld.ac -11or loot H-1-&11~-10%9. ' A lattor 1D lbo C..,.. al llr. Dawes• olllce ,_.... ..,.. -? A. F1llb A"-11H. JU>H w. AA ... III, 10 AID AI'Ot.LO CIIW 11111t tu all wbD br.a. tbe 11r ••Hualet'' Ud ,_ bome wUb EQCIDMrs wu•tc tba s&ta. Y..,.di.Y tbl.t tbeb&u.J.wupro.. wtll JEOW.., aecaa ca ud oa !l-d p-adt 1Mb: ... at Wwt.. Clpt. no.u B. lftc r • otdanYI&Wibo 11>-allbo a ... --.o tiiiJ. PAOflC MUlUAL 10 11oD Led -udl.oclbot aD,._ ceediDc -IJ, wlthOGI'""" 1bo rr-.y 11r c..-del 11or s.-.-1tiJ0 Llooll, -al llr .... -~ oo1111c •? no 1a11or c11o1ee .. _ .. II a '-111c OCOJI'Y LOCAL liTE ~ aci.IYIIloo bo ll&lbol llMt cliJ llr-lor ..,.,..._liar. Tar1o1oo11or Ill A". at 4111 l(fOdo-al-,. a.~ ........ -.a A-lo. -&1-..U..aDalMio -ul-alrlpodlomoal Padllc llaaiWo-..c. &1-. Sorflclac o1 Y&lllcloo Is boiiC ...._.. An. --s.-.~ &II( 11n. 1.p p_ YIDI, '"-IIIIo, lla- CCIMrltlllteiQI&ll:J.'' tMl IU bell •'Mill lila tM Co. piMa: to CDOYe to !f..,art • A.eetla to tMbllcltllr'OIIP cto. at tbt ..nlee JaH llltlb-& lat ol tra8k M Mar ..... Woalilll, t I p 'he--.. .... Gf tM M'l g Dl - 'W.II.SCIIOCit, l>oal boll-... al Oel. 11, a.llllfW C.., lbo D•nc;W -cliJ -ID lie-.U U.... "'lbo --~-An. lor &I Ealoo:lll --... loa; .. ~ dv, 1101: s. an.rw. ~ •'r•tlMIVtFF taat~~~.~~~ .. W.C dlftlaped bJ tM lnlM tatC.,.oll'tc'n•n.,..ats Mia' ..-.tdaceubracto.lt ~..._..,.,... Dttlll..-.aD.,....tlllllrriE'Irt· -.. tllltll ... lUI& All_ •"nn ....,._. 1111 ...... tilleD .aD,.... Co. a <a JII?Js trt,... a. U. a ..UCCMib~JVdlllll t11 t•td .. '*•••• U..bftbll_,._ .. .,._. &I a.. a.et1 PIOI*b 0W111n an a,l.. 11:11tJ tlllit WU tru J)f -U. .... G. Hall. pr '' 1 ..S ._. ......... 0 acU U. ,.._.lJ .S ot SM .... ...._ 0111 MM Aft. • tM n. '-NW! I &I .. _.. e4 tOt • II a .C. .... --·oiJII&loJ ..... --1111-of-Ma.IIJio, ... WU. -· Dr. _.,_ ............. --.. ---1· --.. 1-IIMJfll .. Jictlllltlll ..._. 'e ...... a.Ja.. lu&. ...... prr 3D Iftl .. • lllilt boUiau 'WtiAdl .. Mui-IHlotP•-tblll!* tiWI:-... c.ut .., ...... u ... al J$$ a an ....... --. Ja 1111-~ .• -?Ia 1.1& tn1llt Co.., &I ; •11 lila .... CCIID'IdDr bad ,... a. 118 ..... aM fiiM1 Ll -. aafl Mp will.. ¢' II .... II (.,.. tl .... & I d _..,..,. ___ ,....,_. __ 11a1 Tel!rPicUic-.JofiO ...r llot an IDlle '' nM •.::_-:::..-u-;~:.":-al?o'lo•M.1111oploalir tllllll', -·Jn:•-~~~~~~;:;;.: ....... H . -.......... ..., ·-_., .... ____ ., I~~'EI'III>ll'. llllllllilfwlll II ~-~---............ --... • .. ,.. .. ..,. • ~ L. AYIU pr ISoal .. ----·· lo" II c-.. Dr.--IIIII .,_a-ID--··--~~ ._·1 1»-lf?ill HIIAio. ---,__ 'Ill lliidiirl ofLIIt_,w .... toOLIItNl ID .... II lin. ~Dr. ...._ Mal wiD -ID ·--e -'"'II C....,. alii a C I 'ID •1 ~ aa Po C U ' ·-• ' CONSERVATIVE COr<NER ly Cfo--· --II tllo Nil ' I -..... llllool. --· .. ,., --lick lo "" ... -lo ...,. lilt ..................... ,.,. u. ifn 1,.,,, ....u ot ea.ecirder *til. .. ••••· ... ...._ ... au ,._ --· "'. _..., ... ·-· ... 1110 ...., ...,..._. -.. ,.... loOirtd ..,._ 1a .1110 dlrlll.l 1114 .. .......,. 1a 11111111 ldoofu 1M-o1 lilt IIIII- ..., nw, ~ a lo-1110• 10 1a1J Ia aM -tarr ---w.. -. TIIIOPPICIM.IIIWIP.... -~~ Glllll ,_-_,_ --·---'--· blu.cl 'to r41101 1110 allaolll ct OP Till an OP IOIIFCIIT IIAOI THE NAnONAJ. COUNCIL Of CHUIICHES-Port rv ""'"' drrwts IW 0 '\'!!'!· onllllllo lrl&a, Ia ....... -1-"· no ..,._ . . . , lr>rtomla 1110 nr Ia-,_. 1111 -lid: .. ....., lilt f1o7a1 alllJ Ia lo be -Ia 40•:*"• TH£ HA..BOil AM~ A:'$ OFfSET lflfSPAPER . ~ome ':tYflund has revealed the fol)owiq ton ot the ~voluhonary BilliCk Panther orpoi-M.llt. 'hi comptalll Wu IDidt Oat.*' ,u cwJaoar wtt11 a ..ua .. Wtlebtlter, ud aanctl ...... OllkMt ... priM"-,-.. Ia , .. EMJc-lhiWt .. , 1n h_•a syndtcaaed. column: "Early this year, the zatk>n. Newton called ror white n:volutionariel u a protMt apt..OittllllltridMt tl.r1 ~ blf,l'dDIIOMI• IUdl ol at .. sr WI -.ell )'tU'. 1721 £. C... lfwy., C.... 4el ..., C..W..-92625. ~ac~al Cou~1l of . ~u.rcha , rc~ ud to aid the Black Panthers In their n:volt ap.~-. de'W of &.PI"te!Pbate Bd af ID&Id.. ud na a> l...-118td 19-.rbt. la.-.ttaMt.O .. TILIIIIOMI.I ~-(Ar• c:.M. 71.fi) dlstnbuted an exclUSive m~rviCW wtll\ G~ 1he a~a·b4ilhment and "the pol~. Thd eJabt.s tbt wu, &Dd tt r.n.eted tbt U:llt 1111 su-1 tt oa to Ma: dlaa, lit .,..,.'*' tlMI ..... THE N£WPOWr IIAI:aoa ENSIC_, I• lM oal ;_, ., Med Ha~l. head .of, the .CommuntJI Party . be~, •n .,.. article contained • repulaivc explaoatioa ot cp.DioDs ol m!IUoM ot Amtrt ... ~lead~. Jlooe It ftl c<~M••• ~ ,.,., t.tr......-. wtddl, •*' pUiw-4 I• tM-Cky of N~ Beec ... !_. t~Z:. )!all wh,~h th~l &a•nted dt(~r ot R.uu.aao mter-the Ncaroea· idea or lhcir .exual aupe:riority. ea.u wtlo ft.lll Yietory flr.t_ to "Flo~~. RoJal. .. a•UIIIIMIM W•Mrl ......... 1'11111:._ It a. ~-= P~ur::..-.;:'::'n.!:.:;. 't::; c':::-p~=.:. ~: =~~~)~a:t th~o~~~~=~ve~hcU: ;!:;n::i.~rt=.rncnt or n:futatioo KCOfDo. be:.:,• J::a; harmooy wUb ~-!:, W. ~ '-! =-:::: :.::' ::::, .. Cotoa. Ml 111111'. Calif. ch_urch shan so many aoall that they ou&ht to The firll mKarch director of the HOUle tbe buDir, bratelJ carried b1 cbu'm t1o tbla little tow1a, loea· han bMD ..,.eyed bf "tbe THE HEWPOIT HAJBOR ENSICN w .. M~ to N • •••· Ul!ll ~~r o_ne an~h~r. Our fiaht is no~ ~ith Committee: on Un·American Aclivitles, Dr. ltudeata of Dr. Carlllelntlrt"a ted u tt ta at tbt jlllctloD ol f!ltber ol~ CCMDrJ.'' ,.~.,. of ~--.J citcu.!Mi-by cowt d..:n. Teo. 4Stl18 4M•4 God; '' s w1th cap1taltsm and all that c~p1tahsm J. B. Matthews, attended Unton "Theo~ SbeJU. CoUtee at C'" Yay, tbl DOI1II. a111 80UUI tftDcbN ot Sbt•Moab Valley baa: biCI ' ... TI 14, 1 1, Ia s.--Co.-t ,_tiM Co~y of Or ..... Stat. of hu ~.to oppress people. Communist aoal• Seminary and later Methodist"a larpat tcbool, New Jet..,, Wllle.b. urpct aYie.-tbt Sbl•'""""' RlYtr •• few tM ae-ol t.I:Uu ot Ute C. tfaral .. ~ lty ,....,. ,..,.._, Ia q..lified to,. .... .II pQlk: are 1dent1Cal to those espoused by the libtral Boston Univenity. Dr. Matthews was at ftne tw1ou c:oaelulolll of tbe pr ... mt.• froat ttl jlmctloa wUb Coloalal. R.-oludoau'J. liiiJ .,.~.;Ora~l~~ ......................... ¥.0...-•• P.tt.IIMM-ch_urc~:. We should work toaether for the same take~ by his Jeflist associates, but later aaw ste.at "DD·wia"' war. tbe Potomac R1Ytr, Dill Har-Clftl Wars. Oa ll&y Z3, IISZ, p[C HAAPA ............................................... .Aaaoci•• Editor thmg. . , the lrJht and made amends. He telli6ed that I "•Hied to this televlsloD pers Ferry. tbe Cob!ederate Geaeral, suasc•IPTION RAT IS Mr. Rysk1nd then_ comments: "'You don f more than 8.000 cler1ymen and people aftUt-procram lD Froat RoJa1, Vtr.. ED rou1e from Froat Royal ''Stoolftll' Jaetsoo, esptllr'el! Ia Hatbcw Are•: o.e ,. .. , 14.00; 2 ,. ... t7.00 havr lo read the Oa~ly World, apparently, to attd with the clerJy were deliberately belpina ~· 110 m.1les from tbe Dl.~-to WasMncton Is tbe etty f1 FroDt Royal from tbe Yubes, 0. of H.-bor Ana; o.e ,.., 1$..00; 2 ,..,... 19.00 Jet Commun1st. propaJanda. ~ot wh_en the I he: Communist cause. M:06t were ooc memben t1oa. s c:apltoJ. Front Ro)'al bu FaJrfu, Vlrpnia, wbleb tm. I.Dd CODtioued ,Ma c:ampa.J.p to 0111111 ~ National Counc1l of Churches 1s send•nJ the but fellow lravelen, front-joiners who do most an aoeteot htrlta19, daUDCback morta.Usea tbt a&ml •ot Lord ptOteet tbe ' granary ol tht • news of Gus Hall"s conversion to 40 million or 1he Communists' dirty work. tocoloDlaldays.Us lll.memtpt Tbomu Fa!rfU.wbolAbertted Confederacy," History relates r I_ -IJ ~ protcsl~nts.'" . Not only have these mis&Uided churchmen.. bt said to beuenrJuttDcm•-ID lmm8Die tract olot'tr5m.U-tbat Geeral TbomasJ.JacUoa ,. ..&;"~ ......111...-M01111e magazmc, formerly a maJaz.ine for trailon, or Communist plants, as the case may modal lo the 4UtlcllWes wbleb Uoo acres f1 laDd bltfttD. tbe •oa tbe soubriquet of "stooe~ ~ .,...,. Melhodist youth , _is no~ ~he magnine for be, been able to sell the big lie that the f.sa. farm boys uperteace lD Jear. Potomac IDd RIIIP'MQMCt Ri· ftll"' by b1s tlrllllaDt c::oaduct ARVO E. HAAP,.A, owner and publisher of the Ensign HEIDT 'EM WHERE IT HURTS Television networks cam·e out crying after Vice-President Spiro Agnew's speech last week. The reason Is that be hit them where It burt -on the left side. Mr. Agnew gave a hint o! a situation that conservatives have been pointing out and documenting for many years: that the news media In general have been captured by the ultra-liberal establish- ment. The take-over Includes newspapers, magazines and radio, as well as television, and the result Is a continuing conditioning of the Amertcan public to the left wing cause of promoting the welfare state and downgrading free enterprtse and Individual initiative. lf there are enough people who care about preserving our nation, the solution is simple: support the conservative com- mentators, news broadcasters, maga- zines, and newspapers -Including this cons ervative publication, the Newport Harbor Ensign. • • • GIVE THJ:: MINI-~KIRT THE SACK I do not often venture edltortally Into the realm of fashion, but with the mini- skirt I will make an exception. This fashion fad is another proo! of the often voiced suspicion that women's clothes are designed by men who hate women -and who therefore seek to expose them to ridicule and to undermine feminine charm and modesty. There will come a time when women will again become aware of the fact that they have been led astray by the fashion designers. They will recall the late and unlamented monstrosity called the "sack dress," which was the laughingstock among girl-watchers some years ago. And our dear ladles will give the sack to the mini-dress just as they did to the sack, and the street scene will no longer look like a night at Minsky's. ...Manion By Marilyn Manion THE WEATHERMEN UCM. •_he Un1ve~s1t~ Chmt1an Movement, an of Christianity is Marxism, but they have been rdng to be soldiers. vers. a.ad lytnc Oil ucb side ot lD tbe tlut Maaa.ssa.s battle. ecumen1cal orJamzauon of church young peo.. successful in turning many ill·informed Ameri· Local tradltloo tells that 1D tbe Bl• Rldce yo.mteiM ol loaabt DOt fat from Frord:Royal. pie on. col_ lege campuses. cans aaainst our fundamentalist Christians and coloa1a..l daJJ a buae oat grew Vtrp!lla. Lord Fatrfu took a Dar lac tbl Clftl Wu. moretba.D M o ii\'P 1s pnnled by the Board o( Education anti-Communists. lD the public square, As tbe pa.teral tnterelt 1D JOaDC 100 battles were foucbt lD tbl of th~ Methodist Church. Month after month Thus, since the National Council o( colooiea: were tbeo UDder Brl. Gtot&e WasblDCf:oa. Ud blred SherwQdolb Valley, but allDDW th1s magazin~ con1ai~s article~ promoting radi· Churches and affiliated orJanizations a.rr: talk· tish rule. oattrees•ereasym-him lo serve u a SUI'Te)'OI' ta peacefUl a.od quiet. OJaly a cals and rad1cahsm. msurrect1on and treason. ing l!nd actina like traitors. you may well sur-bol of royalty. a.od tb.Js tree or thia tract. Tbe FOCilC maa few memor-Ies bri.Da bl.et tbe For eumple. m the October, 196& Motiv~. mist! this : THEY ARE TRAITORS!-Ameri· was reeopi&.ed as a "Royal erected a ltoae odlcebulldllli: put, but stoaewa.1l Street aad there was a lengthy intervtew with H uey New-can Way Features aat.•• OD muster days •bentbe LD WlDc:bellter. a 1ft mllel Jac.taoa Street 1n From Royal STATE 10 II II p ......-Le_H_e_r_s _t_o_t--=h_e_E_d=i-to_r __ ~fi~~·E~~;~ • TV NE\Ir'S BIAS 1'be Ptq)le ol. the th!J.ted Statu pubUc aebools.'' ODe caD rest tbe blue loca.l boys wbo tJucbt (Letter seDt to the three broad-can aot be upeeted losaerlllce assured tbat Ma.rz did DOt nut ID World Wars Ooe ud Two • .... Senator Jo ... Sc ... lll& castine compoJ>Ies wttb a copy tbelr children at the auar at just "free" ectueotloo, beea ... In the Kor,.. coolllet IJidtnthe •J to VIce-President SpJro ••REPUBUCRAT"' pouticalop.. churches Uldotber ~could preseut n.r tn VlebwD. Wear. Agnew.) pxtunlsm a.od world opinion pro'flde tree educatloa. Tbat, tna the cap or tbe Amerieao A legislator's prlma.J'y task ead actions aDd practices of Dear Sir: much Joace.r. thoogtl. could be di.Dprous to Leeton Post No. 227 of Tustio, is to ma..ke laws. Consequently wh.lch we disapprove, "W'ItboW We wlsb to et;~ress our view Tbe Orange COWJty Centnl the commtmtsts• plus lor caw., lappearedbeforea~ it Is especially easy fora legis~ resorting to moreeoercln law. of your conrap of wha.l: you Committee ot the Amerlcao 1n. churcb...orleDted schools "woold or local Lelfoooa.lres llDd at. lator to WI lnto tbe WusloD. Tbls 1s espectallJ wselul J..a coastder to be tbe Dews Wbea. depelldeot Party therefore calls be d:l.ft1tu.J:t for oatslders to temped to enlist SlalOrt lor" a so widespread 1D America areas Where our present strue~ Vlce¥President Acnn ~es-tor the eiti&e.tls of the United c:oatrol. "counter march" to offset the today, that all of our problems ture of go..-ernmtJJtandpren.J.l-sed b.ls coocern about tbehaad· states to sta.Dd ~and demand Marx IDdhJsfellowsoctali.sts marchers who ha'e been de- can be solved by passing more iDJ ldeoklgy make it •ery dtl¥ llng ot the oews b)' net-wort tbat tbelr Coo.gressmeorecla.lm kne1r welltha.t,ooeeperameut m&Dding a moratorium -a laws. U is oot that simple. flcult lor etfeettve lepl acts TV lle did so 1f1tb the f\&11 the pc:nrers of CooJfess. so 1ooc became lmolYed lD educaUna. :stDppJ.ce of the war 1D Viet- Laws are oopaoacea. UGod"s to be tateo aga1D.st a pu1:1cular lmowledge Ut:at tbe Ubtra.Jsba•e ago abdicated to tbe ezeeut:t•e a centrallied pen.meotwould aam ud tbe wltbdrawal r1 own moral laws do DOt deter e't'll, without lead.lag to worse had ootntnc but the most fiYOr. bn.och of the Federal Govero-eveotually pia total coatrol ot American troops from SolO· men trom evU acts, the decrees eYUs. &ble reports, whereas the ment, and lor the Congress all phases of eduea.Uoo. by pa. eut As.1a, 1 adYocated tbat pub- of any government are oat To tate oae e:rample that has booest. hardwortioc.trup.I&Dd to re.dellne tbe uthority oftbe t1eot graduallsm.lomostcues, Uc seotimeot be aroused 50 as llkely to hue ueater success. been lD tbe news in Ora.nce America. lorlnc peq)le ban judicial bnncb a.od to causetbe this gradtal ceotra.11sed COil· to briD&oul.thousaodswbowoWd. At best, laws help to restrict County receot.lJ, tbe tnc:reulog been completely tpored. We federal jtdlcl.ary to "cease a.od trot would take place because dertlaD:t victory before witb- the number of waysmen eao do number of stores wb.leb open on think Jt 1s about Ume tbal you desist" trom pracUctng legis. tbe etttzeary felt tbe oeJ:t let'el drawa.J.. "With a dress rehearsal noog and Injury to their fellow-Sunday represeDts a challenge report lo a c::onscleattous .maD· 1atioo wh.lch is the prerop.t1n of peromeot c:ould prOYide trw! 00 Veterans Day • and a massive mea. and to open ~ and keep to tbe cooeept of Sunday as a Del' just wbat 1a COlnc 00 iDtb.Js of tbe Congress. best educatloa "With lbe least demoostratlon on NoY, 15. opeo OJIIXlrh.mJ.Ues tor a better rella:Jous bollday and as a day eow:try. It Is all 1n the aame, Jobn H. Ortmao, Cba.trm&D expeue. After I bad made my appul. and more product1n We. At of rest. Yet the aaswuls DOt so you ay so aDCUoosty. ot the Ora!)ae County Central Com. WbeD oootrolotedueatlonlles a bigb Lectoo otO.cW came I.D worst, laws can be used to~-a rerln.l of tbe ''bllll laws•• freedom of the press Uld tbe m.tttee wlth.. tbe pernmeot, tdueatioa aDd satd that tbe American press JOOd and encourage eYil, or the past. for DO law can exercise of tree jouroalism. American Indeoeodeli Party. wOUld be debauched wtth tber1-Le&{oo had decided to oftset especlaJJy. Wilen they are JPted ,.compel mea either to worsbJp Tbe 10-Ca.lled attaet. br Mr. • ft e1al suet:loo I.Dd bless1ac ol tbe Impact ol lbe peace mar· to the sem.ce of paftr-.ot .to rest.. Tbe onlJ pra.cUea.l Apew •• .,.,_ u.e nndty LETTER TO NIXON the P•IIDellt. Tile ft'lllbal tbca by usari.DJ PresSdeal seekers. !dect of Cl"ftDc &Mermneal the eredibtuty I.Dd JOOcmeat''ot~ To Tbe llcJDnr'Ule Pr....._.ol: outcome Woeidbemu.dacatloG. "'-tb&l a. lAP "• Because laws can only be power to decide wbea stores broadtast oews medla.laiDdeed Tbe Ualted States of AMERICA. aDd tbe penuneDt would M SlWOf't bis polley l.a Vletam. eUeettve when backed by pby. may be open ts Ukely \o be tbe 1t'I.JTaOted a.od lor"tun&te. n Ls Dear Mr. Presidellt: completel:J reaponstble. Tbe Presldeat's policy n.s sica.l force, they are a staiW'Itng arbitrary uerclseofthatpower be)'OOd our comprebensioo. tbat It Is a Yery great p!astae Tbat 1s preciselY wha.l: bas deftDed tn a 1\lllpaceadYerttse. temptation for abuse by those to a.l.low some types of stores to those of you wbo direct tbe TV to bear your recent speech 1n happeoed 1o America. IDd u..t ment 1n the Wa.sbiDctoo Post wDo enjoy haftng power over r emain open while others must News are 50 ingenuous to tb1n.k reprd to the VIetnam war; is wby a communist u'teAoaela by the CltiJ.ens Comm ittee lbr others. Because the passa.ce be closed. tba1 coatlnued perversloo ottbe wb.lch was brought on througtl. Outs is allowed to teacb oo a Peace with Security. 768 F1ttb and enforcement of restrictive But those who do believe that news aJld emphasis on your too m~~eb anxiety, greed and collep campus Tbat ls al.a:t Annue, New York. N. Y.,Hl019: laws seems to be sucb a quick SIUiday sboald be a day of wor. Uberal Jet atop wtll aJnys be fear· lD tbe book of Job, 1t why academic ,;eedom bas be-"1. He bas set 1D motloo the aJld easy way to get thlngsdooe sblp and rest can do a a:rea.t COilteDaDCed says: "The tblDg I Jl'eat.lJ come DOO..aeademlc freedom return borne of 60,000 U.S, it often becomes the cbose~ deal to betp keep them t.bat way Tbe Uber~ red lmers and feared has come !4)0n me."' I Those who &eel: peromeni. troops, 2, He bas reduced the road for persons so wrawed ~ by refusiog to patroo.tze tbe ntwles han Uart.~ because do hope that U and when some cootrol do DOt truly wa.ot acade-leYel or the flghttng to tbe In a particular political socW stores whtcb are open on of the 1onate &OOOoess of our ooe starts aootber war, that mlc rreedom They are oat potnt where our casualties are or ecooomlc cause tbattheyare Stmday. e:ttept 1D emergeocles. form of pernment. We krre WE ~.DOt jump La-"oo all academldau ·in auy sense of tbe lowest o.-er three years. willing to ride rougtlSbod OYer U eoou&tt people take this pos1-u bere and an not wtllin& to fours, thereby becoming the word. 3. He bas gino ~ priority the rlgbts of otbe.rs to mate ttoo. Stmday opeolng would gtve It to a bwleh ot slobs. respoosible tor the next Jiobal Aoatla Outs Is ooly asymp-to turntng the war onr to tbe lhel..r polnt of view prevail. cease to be proftta.ble tor muy Yours truly cooruet. Your speech was clear tom of the disease_ IIIOt tbe South Vietnamese. 4. He has Thus Jaws, even tbe best or tbe storesnowexperlmeot.tng E. H. S~ cut, booest I.Dd to tbe poUX. We eause. The cause of thedlaeue proposed free eleetloos. UDder aDd the most truly needed, are wUb U. Harbor View Hills liked It, It bas beeo greatly was created &.Dd spread by loterDatlooal ~on. 5• dangerous. They shouJd not be Similarly, p..l.Uog as tt ts to dlscus.d In my ell"Cies. oo Dewey. c ouota, and Brameld, He bas offered to oegotla.te a multipUed withOut very good hue to pay tu: to a state tm-"STOP SPENDING" tbe side for GOOD. All agreed to meoUoo oa.ty a lew· aDd uut1l cease-tire under laterna.Uoaal reason. To try to deal wttll many nrslt)' wttb communists 00 Its EdUor of tbe ED.S!JD, tbat you are bonon.ble, booest, the caua 15 eradt~ted we ''-"'"lsion. 6. He bas declared evils by Ia• merely creates payroU -oecessary as It ts Tupayers are rebelliDr loya.J. and a ueat patriot -ean upect to see more AJice1a tba.t we will retaill no mllltary oew and wors~ evils from the tor 115 to mate enry possible apinst peromeot ....,,DI some ot tbe tlDe qualltiesatour DaYlses 011 our campues bases Ln Soutb VIetnam after abuse of tbe taw. effort throu(tl &OYernmeot to alii "SPENDERS" beeaue p. first prestdeot. GeoeralGeorp throughout the UDited states. the war. 7, He has offered to Much more thought should be c leaa ~ our state h.laber educa-ernment o.-erspelld.l.ng (defldt WashiJ1cton. oecouate e..-erythlog ezcept the giveo to how we can ettecu9ety Uooal system -the b et noaoctog} Is lbe dJreet ca.ue I llrou1d lite to say a word ~~t!~1.YWoodio rtght of the people of South obtect to, and llelp bring to a.o remaJ.D.s lbat ooe Mgbly eft'ec. ot loflal1oo.., Tbe penuneat &bout t.bt difftculty of ft.Ddlne Su Gabriel. Calif. VIetnam to determioe tbeirown tiYe means otreglstert.DcpubUc bas to borrow m1Woos f/ffiTJ a qualiAed mao lbr tbeSr.p'eme Mure:• disapproval of this SJstem as 11 week to pay tts bills. Tbese Court YaCUCy. For ooe tbt.Dc. I I tlave discussed the ''COWJI:er now elists would be tor more mUUons 1CXJD ml.llJoos ot dol-feel that agood.womanormaybe g:frgtRTE==-t~K,~I!K march .. plan wtth Richard Cot-peq:~le to refUse to seoc1 tbelt lars are Immediately speDt-two real boDest patriotic bdies ten and tbe Uberty Lobby, 1n soos and da.uJbters to the Uot. caasiog I.Df1aUon.. sbould ban a c.bance to "show Not', 16 • ZZ tu beeo set Wa.sb.ln.gtoa,; with General del •erstty of Ca..lllornia. Yet every Tbe peromeot's big tm-tbelr nres" io tbis most u:lde as a.tloaal thUdreo's Valle, presideot ot tbe Oeten- year, detplte arsoo. and rk>ts r~p compete "W'Itll btlslaess August court. Womea Mnbeen book week. Tbe UbnrJ at ders oftbe Amerlcao Coo.stttu- a.od reYDlutlon. tbe Uninrsity for the mcmey anJ.Iable. IDd bacttng aod electtnctbe meotr:w Balboa wtlliii.Ye a ~P~Cial boot tton. ln Aooapolls; wt.th Dr. Carl • 1 bas more students. lis ad-thJs raises tbe interest rate. a loar time. Is t.bere 110 elhibit, ''OM buDdr.S J'M.U of lldlltlre ol tbe 2oth Century Re-~"":'!J mtsstoo. rolls are f\&11 aDd there Thus tbe real cq,:rtt betdDd reward tor them? cbUd:reo's Uteratare." Rare lormaUoo Hour to Colllnp:- ., · ~ ue loo.g wa.ttt.oc usts. the rls.lng bterest rates ts tbe But, attbe mom eat. my cbotc:e aDd old boob that ue tbe pro.. wood, N. J. la a tew days I The street v1olence that ripped through { h•cago m early October was instigated and earned out by a faction of the Students for a DemocratiC Society known u the "Weather· men:· The1r name comes from a line of Bob Dylan's song. "Subterranean Homesic k Blues": ··vou don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." "'-~--_;,_,, There eerta.tnly''ouJbttobea peromem aDd DDt tbe tanta. trOUid be the mea wbo 1s best pert)' of tile UllrarJ "Will be hope to asll; the western coo~ S.O.S. collect•ves durmg I he summer and pre-law" aptost astog public flmda Tbe INTEREST sbowD oa our equipped, 1n tDowleclce, pres. fdb!Mted, aloar 1f1tb some ol tMUTatiYe brol.dcasters to eo-. ~~~:nted to other S.O.S. memben: at a confer· to pay tbe &&~aries of com. natioaa.l debt Ls DOW' $18 bW.Ioa tip, poll, slocerity, tatecrltJ, tbe Dt'W'tlt bOoks. opente, Which way the wind blows for America may depend on whether the public wakes up to what these "ktds" really want to do to this country. Below are excerpts from a New York Timn article by John Kifner describinJ the ai ms of th1s radical eroup: " .. The Weathumen phii()M)phy was first e,.pounded in five and a half closely printed paw:s in the June 18 issue of the: SDS New Left Notes. The faction pmed cootrol of the S.O.S. national ofticc durins last June's conveo· tian of the oraanization. enc.e over Labor Day wttkend in Ck:veland. munt.st.J on a state ID1•erslty (stW ristJIC) -~ from $9 and ls a poulDe PATRIOT. Kr. Tbe end of book net also Up to oow, t.be oaly act!Ye ··ourinJ the summer. for instance, Detroit faculty, But lUitll tbere 1s sueb btllloa. 01117 9 years qo, Billy Graham Js tbe maa-tbat marts Ute ead of the er.U.e opposition to tbe Marchers, that S.O.S. members would take a red ftaa to a law aM our courts let It Tbe .. SPENDERS" lD Coo.. caD speak u Solomoo ..._ wrttiD&: eoatest, "Out ol this I ... e "W'ItDessed n.s abon by beaches frequented hy wh1tc work.ina clau staod, tbe oae way eYeryooe uess ue bear Inc a btc roar "gin me au tmdK"Ihndlac world."" AU talrtes wtn be dlle tbe Sbeltoa:CoiJecestacleobwbo youth5 to provoke a tighl . ~ S.O.S. mem--taD sllow boa tbty teel about hm tbe people: ''stcpC"ndlnc belrt. 0 God! .. 0.. Died today by Nor. ZZ, Awvds llrtbeW't.D-uMd lor rictocy tlrst btfDre hers. who had been stud yinJ karate and work· a wdYerslty emp1oytn1 com. ar yoq .W J»e ttc.Ud out.'' Js mare KDdlJ lnft Ud womeD. lliDc llorlM wtll be made at wltbdnftl, aDd bJ tbt man c. mg oul daily. would bailie the youths. mtmlsts as teacbera Is to dl8-SlDcerely, I am ,.-e wt.tllalew"IIIEMUb the Cbr~ IJU'tf. Dec. 15 the TV procram wbO aid u.at ""Then they would try to explain to the coura.p ltadiDtlt.romatUtodiDg C. C, lloselJ BWy at your Blde wtt.b b1a God at 4 p.m. at llu1Dera library the peacemarcbtn callltdbl.m youths what they were fiJhtina for. . . . U. We are toretd to p&ytortM& Gleadale, CalU. liTera aplrttllll ai:IW.ty Uld ma.lt1...piapoM room. to be •-ted. ""The Weathermen seemed al~t rdiJiously poUoa, bit •• an DOt b"ced 1,VJOL.ATION OF LAW'' streqth. oar Sapreme COtlrt GtDera.l"stoHn.ll"Jickllz obsessed with turning thcm~lves into true to taU tt. woukl IDOD be a c:rtat auet IRVIN I! a.tAM ,ROt«tT!D toapt to wta. We Died revolutionaries and in escaping 1hcir own mid-D' more olusWOilld sCopdoiDI Editor ol tbe Eoslp., rather thu a tdadruee, Pr.motioD of Cilor.. C. more •'StocNtwall" JackloMI dk clus back.Jround!., which they acomfully "''"DIM wltlll people andeJtab... 1a tbe ~liM Coart*sorder tbtrtby be_,1ac to brllll ow Ket.Mr to dttecb:lr ol a..::e Is Art JOU neb a oae? tl!rm 'white skin priv•leJC.' Usllmtats wlde.b. we ..,.. are r..,...a,. J)GbUc edaeatioa. 1D COWltly Oil ol tbe _.._I bu: 118J8:ed by l•utq E. £tier. '"After the Cleveland conference, the fiJhtinJ cJol.Dc ft0D1. tbelr DC~P<Ctur::d.Q lllllt._l, tllle Federal Gor. beeD nlihn: '•IAt ._. ...... lllc. Ylct Pl"llldtll, a • .,.., SDINAR PRESENlS technique-and particularly a tac.lic of chara· Jor WJ'WIIdOUr wouldbtare&tly :.,-~:. ~ Uoe pabro the dtrial." God IDr' tbl lr'llal CoaapuJ. Mr. IIVISN INT 'ACTS inJ into hiJh schools shoutina 'jailbreak'-eiU"b.JJtd. IDitt*'CioM ud tbe bltu JOGb'JOUrcralCIIMftCt K....,., lll: .U., Ta..._ ud A ft•~ttaJ JHWar, "PaP-• spread to other areu of thc country. ~ • ._ 1D ra-flrat feU u Olr ~ lt-IDOIIb~ld-., Br .... ,.... D1af .............. Ll..,_,.a ; "One o1 rhe ,.,. of heroea ollhe w .. the,. flJIM lrOVIHC TO ::,~ ::' :-:::::..: --GitblalfoaiRopC>II<, rddo Ill 11111 Do Vrt Drtn, -..not," 11111 bolrolrl men •s the Motor City Nine-n1ne womm 10 INDUSTRIAL CXMU'LEX 1'1111 S;p"emt' r-1D cot 1'ltUt JUL ln1M. at I p .. m.. tod&J. lor. 10, at Detro•t who .broke mto a juntor colleae durina Ectnrdl Laboraa"lea 01 • ...._ wUb tbt~~~ Vf111 tnlJ JURa, Mara--a Sa•tap: u:l Lou A&-. '" ..... , •• ,.,., lockod rhe doors onc1 1oe1on n.-., A-teu .....,..., ., liFo F-.! err...-. loU lira. Carol Hrorl, From the Bibl4J _........ •-WI Dr. aid "Brieny. the Weathermen poaition paper af'JUCI that a revolubon is already iD proaress amona what the faction reprds as colonized 'Third World' peoples in Asia, Africa and Latia America and amona b4acb in tbia """"'Y. apeatl.na ap:insc the war and the e~tatioa Sllwl7 Corp. la IDO't1IC fl'oe ___..'td to oom-" .......,_ MtiPDit a.eL J -'-od • .I:Jiaftr or .. Ia dill WlllcU or WOfDCG Wbrn twro m \£ 11odcota ..w.....-~ --~ lhllwtt ~ aaya111 WI· ,.,..., Cfllllltlr' f · . a ...... ,......._... ~ Slulta AI& to btl lrt1M flltc:rUI "ftcWHoe ol till -., PUBUC IDUCA.TD to them. all, I indeod ~lin ~ 10 be-· .,~ ... -, "lft order-to aupport a Third revolution, the Wealbermen contmd. a revolution m'--t be w~FC~ at home and a potential rnolutiooary ~· lieo io 11.,.,...,, ptopony\ooo hiafl ocllool ,.,...... .-•-by llle clnofc ond ')oil· lib' -Woden oro -u bopo-lcooly bOI*d ond col.... -.. iobo ... dy m_.._ "l'o wiD.,_-,...,.. to dloir.-, ""' w...--. '"" -ft&ht "' -....,. ... --pii)'Oic:olly ~""" ·," ctteh, -n..-.. •ut 1 sf b)' .Ua-.m rhe·y· we~ fdk:d W1th ~arate ~ . . . l8lllilltrial Col:alla DIU' tM -kw o1 a. .. .,.lilt,._ 14Uor ot a. .. e:l... th ""-•..---.. ..., ••ony on 1•-lelc v , ... _ ...... ..._ --. ..._. -. You. .•• watoro -t one ,.. -,__. ~-~-• ':' ·~ ,.., .·~ ~...., _,_, ,__ ~-......... no IINioo ~ ~ ~·~ _.._ .. ~ ·----~ ·• ~ r --. u----.. 1 lhel f t ---·-_, ---~ w - - --·~ -mo.,,Ut! w&o -.th, tho II 'rr ---~ IW ... raiOO u • pa •c ·~ ~---. · • • • ......_ WU1 ...,. -to tM .., _.. ..,.......,. IIIII lelllli ..... " Karllllln..C1 M4al0-latchet of wboae doe a 1 111n ---.--• Wutherman spotearilan .uid. C&11alnll. ....... ol ..... 'l"ttia •• , .. .... ...AM ---•• '' I ot ~ I --.. tlllllltilc". ansr .... I .. ·w th' k it' bem ~ -·--...-.. -• .. , D •01•1 10 • oo .. : u -.. u ._.,.. • -.tal total~ p.s the:,... ti .... "'qffl', c.,...., .,_...,....ts 0 •• 'I'IUt)a lalillllnl-.t ea Jlth:lr -p J'' -II 111111 btrpdxo yoa whh Qe ........ ___..._"-ot-• a . . · or . me m • CCMa· wtlt:* one lid .... a tael.l __.. I 19' '11 a J 71 1 =II "11M lie • ! 'b' Holy ~t 1M wi. nte· ~-.,.... • cry whroe """"':' .,. ,lllj>wma they'R 'Frillirol., If 4IJ -1111 1110 mo•n -"'•'*•-•"'-«a .... ...,_ -·'foe lo Ia lila b.., ~ • u ...... -~·• "JJr< oplnoF >IFiporioiiOIFI. • Eva -....,. A orlcu no '"af....,-"'*'I a -ao .. ,...., 01 I lb .. I ........... aord he will ......... : If a on -Ill: 'I', • ~the~ rJ oppraa;on .,.._-.we IIIIIIJ' u.t ta _.. llw ••••• sa lne .. JIIt nte. hJ Ooor ..a ·u.J..'*: a J, IN l iN.._ llliood llrc _, of """"' ....... drem.'' oad lftvtol'' 11 I loa .. G1 at ..... If .. a..., 010 If ...0 It,.--a :Oao i~lo h~1 -·' bcoo ::: ~ .... .:·:r::i ' Whido woy .,iU ~ wiod -AR dro l'll ,,.,,,,., 11111 rCIIo •·-. '-.. -"liFo,_ ·-...... lilt cbatr -·will -·will! ...... •• • If w.-,,.. pndid ... II riabl or wil-II lie II ...... 1W rw,-___ _. 1 ll••" 'Ill""'--11n-10-0<. Lou Ametica wake up7-Americl8 Way "Futul'll ,.... • SdN a. Ji11f1t .. ...,_ nlrSr 1n. ff--. ,.It liM .. 3:16, !7J ' ::... &Ill....._. • ' " Musical trio featured -, • •-c -~--~ -~-· Ud -~ UOO CDID WILL a! P"S .. TD AT 1M.L -h -_, • -·-· ---..... ~ ........ -... .,._., __ otDoN-•wtU-•'"'"'"c•ar•M-.c~J<~o.,LidoJaJou-otn -...... ·1 .,. •-lo .,_ -1110 LlL G. 11eCaJJ. R1-Frut114 V • ~-· aor ., .. .., .ua Hill....., L ee•.., 1ld1H wm " .., 11n.. t.awr ,, .. '· ---. ~• • ' " toJIIPft 101 YtllMt ...... 1AdD ...... --Jdoc--alllio Goula oro-ID-1A1tJn !JpoMwai_W._IIoll 0rur11 eo.tJ Pldlb&rmo* tbl ooaudtH'• "*"•• 1n.,' tbl ta tbl 8oda1 Sw:•k4 ... .., I SodetJ. •bleb •• beld tbe thtl"lfTI-... .. ,J Loll ll:n. Rieblrd Pruklll. '""' dlJ of -.ell mc.tb. Mtllte•s ball • ~ cram eM~rm.u, wtu pre••• a l.al:lrmMioo 1111.1 bl obb''*' trio, -IUf<IWIC. -. ., eaJU.oc lllo eMir .... lira. -W. --Jr., WUUam ~ofc-HJp.. C1bot.. &ad Ida ..U., BollJ, a.&t. ludl, 6?5-SOSS, or llrs.PerrJ Tom ud lloliJ mot--Gill. pubUcU, cbalrmaa, I'IS-ftre memt.s ol tbt Poadl. ?0'71. · Collop Orebe-. Tom .. .., op Ia N_. llolcll, ud Ia JUHJOR EBELL OF H. B. -an illttneJ Wllh ollk:11 Ia . MOMORS S!MIOR CLUI Cool& 1<-. Ho be_,...O<IIIIIIU Till Janlor EboU Cllll> of IJid wu first preDdeat of tbl Newport Beaeb bU bHa 8Cbed- SIIA-HASKELL LAURIE FRASER NAY STOOOARO llubor ArM CommnnllJ Con. ulod lnr lbe ZOih of tile,_. Panhel announces fall pledges ~E:co:.t:~ ly MIL LLOYD McCOLLUM reeelwn wbl.cb stems DDt OGl1 Goldea. Well Jtmlor Collect; NUCJ R1U. cnduale «.New-HeaderSODI are members ol FaU rllllll.le boa coocl,_ll lrom IDieJ.Joctaal acblofemaat Cbl Omep at Sao Dleao Slale. port Harbo< HIIJI> Sebool, Della c......., Cou... Ud Oraa&e tbt eo1lqM ud lllllYwsWu but from eJPOArl to a wtde Robta DrlYer, p-adUile of Gamma at UQlyersttyofOtep. Coast Collece Ol'ebeltru. Tom ud tbl memben ot Mnport rup ot lDter..U, acUYWes Pw.Hsades Hieb Scbool,attended Gall HJwe. poaduate of New-also playa wttb tbe Redlalda Harbo< Pubelloalc are ....,.. ud bumall cW!aa-e1 ooe -Oranp Cout Collop; "-pool Harbo< HIIJI> Seboo~ Alpba -1 Sympbony aod lhe Well to a""MD:e tbe ruall. courtera 1D a BOl'OI'ltJ Cfoq). ~ Tbeta at Ualnrslty o1 Delta Pl at Mor'tbern AriJooa End Opera Assoel.ation. R1111W!C ud tatDIDct.:worltJ Accordloc to M.ra. lAoo Fry, ArlloDL UDIYerllty. M.artba Kitching. a well mown 11 a fila. eJCIUIIC &ad bfcUe PubeU.Uc presideut. tbe Sasu [)Qff),lf&dlll.leotNw-8oaD.1e KJulcb, grad!Ate ol piaJl1st LD the area. 1s a mem- --. IIIli lllocollopcood rOiboes IJI>tf) lhe aeu .. , port Harbor HIIJI> Seboo~ "-TamaJpola HIIJI> Scboo~ aJ. ber ollhe ~r llaJ Associates wiD -or b:pt .. ...,. to. Jaterooled, capable CSrlaolbliJI> -Gamma at usc. loaded Collop o1 Mula J.C., oflhe Pbllharmontc Soeletyud Mra. Craulla VuderYort, Ideals, be1Dg accepted 1Dto st~-Kim EIUott, graduate ot. Kappa A•Tbeta at UniYersity teaches pia.Do iD Newport Beach. Newport Harbor Pubelllale orU, IJ.te wbO will be_, Core-. del Mar Hieb School. of Paeltlc. Wrs. Jobn Crou.l w1.ll bos- KAR!HHA.,!R Tile JunJor Ebell Club of Nnport Beaeb wtJI boDor tbelr spouor, tM Et.ll Clli>ofNew- port Beacb. at tbe m~ today, NaY. ZO,attbeeltNtoule. Ku. Warreo Ftx. president, wUI call the meetJ.Qe to order at 11:30 a.m. Wr. and llira; KeD Smoyer wW sbcrW sl1des a.nd tell ol tbelr reeeat Sl..day trip to Atr1ea. Ymes. Rlebard Priest, Merle MeGalre, Jay Jacohlon, ud lobn Trlrlolet wiD be In- troduced u M'llr PI'O"is1Dalls. G.)ea ctalrmu, wu lutru.-coatttbute on tdeu, raewnew-Pi Bet& Pbt at Arlsoaa sta.te Patrteta L&H~~e, p-adfate of """"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"" m.al Ia tile sueeeu o1 lhla potn1s aod""" tllouiii>Ja to help UnlnrsUy. Cornia del Mar HIIJI> Seboo~ JUHJOR HIGH OAHCE JMr'a 1'11111. Sill ldYIAd lhe mate ecluca1loo as broad aod Tern EUJa, !<aduateotCo-"-~TbelaatUnl•ersUy HEARTHSTONE prla, -Ud "lib alumni re-total u poulble. rona del liar HIIJI>Sebool, "-of California a!Soota Barbin. pofpou • oonuneDdltioD eb&.lrmea. aQd lllttlatloD for most of tbe Kappa Gamma at ArL&o111. state C&Ddtee ~Abbey, Areadla rrl wu 1D e:bU'p of c:oq,tuoc: scworUtea: w111 tate place 1D UniYerslty. Hieb ScbooJ.. a.tteoded Uai- and UeplDca ru. OD eaeh ttrl Fetnary or Narcb, at wtueb Jeri'}' Farrar, p-adua.te of YersltJ ot CLlJJJrnl& a1 Sa.ota from tbe k»ca.. area 'W'bon.slll-time each girl wlll turn LD ber Orange Coast College, P1 Beta Barbara., Delta Delta Delta at terested 1D Joiotnc a 801'0r'lty. pledge pin tor tbe sorority pl.D Phi at San Dleco state. UCLA. Wrs. Vaodenort bas labored wblcb sbe wtll p1D tbe prtvUe&e Laurie Fraser. crad•te of Dorlna Lewis, &ndaa.le ot sloce the early part of the yeu of wearing proudly for tbe rest Newport Harbor Hlc,ll School, Corona del Mar H1&b Sebool, to be_, losure these ctrlaa•-other We. Kappa Kawa Gamma at USC. Gamma Phi Beta at Unlnrstty cesstul and ren.rdlne rUSh. Here are the pledges: · Betsy Grether, p-adtale ot of A.rtzoaa. Thls year's rushee Is typical Nancy Aekerma.ra, craduateof llla.rtna High School. Pl Beta C&Ddlee Marts, lfadtate of of the many wbo haYe i1J08 be-Muilll High School, atteoded Pbl at USC. Estaaela Hleb School a.od tore with a lone list ot wortb-·cat..state at Long Beach, ADD Grtmsbaw, craduate ot Orange Coast CoUep; Stpna while a.ctivitles bleaded 'rith pledPci P1. Beta Pbl at tBC. Newport Harbor High Sebool, ~at SaD Otego Sb.te. ntiS YEAR- WHY HOT "IURH.t.BLE" OIRISTM.t.S GIFTS? The "Y eseo Tn.l.D Sud" will do their Ullng for a jurJor hieh scbool daoee spoosored by tbe CommUDlty Youtb Ce:Dter and tbe Newport Beaeb parts, bel- ches aM recrea.Uoa depart- ment tbJs Fr iday, NOl'. 21, a.1 tbe YOt&b. Center. Tbe danCe Yill be from ? to 10 p.m. with a $1 tee at the door. Door prius •111 be a.nrded am refresh- ments wtll be 1~ tor Cotes. What to do till the doctor comes Emerpnctcs strike witb sudden swiftncu. A dip, • rail, • collision is Jddom announced. So be prepared. AI least one member of every ramiiy should N\le a wor!Una knowlcdac of first ltid. There are books on the subject and the American Red Crosa aives cl.asses where such infonnation and trainin& ean be acquired. We f'CICOit1mmd that you, or someone in your hot.df>.. bokl, acquire the know-how. Another worthy recommendation is to maintain a supply or ftrst- aid medications on hand at all tirnes-antiteptic, puze banda&a, adhni~ tape, akohol, soothina creams, etc. The cost is small and we'll be aJad to assist you in your sek:ctioo. Christensen .a L COAn' .. Y .. CC.W• DG. IIAII .,.,.,...._ tng. the bJ .... scbolasticachienmeM Pe....., Adams, --'uate ot 1{,....,. A-Theta at Unlnrsity Candt MeNary, -"uate of ... ..., ..,..... ·-..--..,.... For year. s "drinkable" aDd dema.aded by tbe sorority ollta Corooa del Mar Hi .... Scbool, of Artlooa. Corona del War Hi..., School. ... ... "eatable" Christmas ctftsllan members. A~ Pbi a.t San Otego State. Vlrelnla Hamahs, p-adaateof atteDded scbool In Parts, Oat ol tbe 4? loea.l cirla 1Jho , Teresa Brett, p-adtllte of Newport Harbor HJ&b Sebool. France; KaRla KaAla G&mma :0 ~~·=~;.~~= 1404 N. GRAND AVE., SANTA ANA pledced sorortues tb1s fall. Estaoela Hlgb. Scbool. A)pba attended Orange Coast College, at Unlverslty ol Arl&ooa. pits'? Christmas morDing the over ball' han dooe Yotmuer Cbl Omep at SaD Dlego state. Cb.i Omep a.t Unlnrslty of Helen WlRDo, gradlllte ol. work at local bospttala, work.:lnc Laurie Burns, &radua.te of Orecon. Marina. Htgb School, atteoded •hole family can enjoy a "burn· wtth retarded &lid IDler .. Otme ScOOoJ.. Alpha Delta Pi Karen Harper, cradlate ot UCI; Alpha Pill at l.JnlYerslty able" gUt. We bawe a. DUmber ldr --'-·-u f AriJ.ooa f of ctfts for the hearth from prlvUeged chl en aDd .-u-at the niverslty o • Palisades Higb. ScbooJ.. attended o ArlzoiL tlreplac:e matches at $l.OO to a otber charitable acUYities. Lucloda Campbell, graduate Orange Coast CoUeee, Kappa I .. of N rt H Se 1 Unl ty f Katherine U.UQtoe, gnduate blad. COlli buCket fUled wlth OYer llalf o the cLr were ewpo Harbor 1gb boo , Alpba Tbeta at YetSI o of Corooa del Mar Hl..., School. assorted "burnables" at$14..95. student body or cLass ottlcen, Alpba Pbi at the Universlty Arl!.ooa. ..., Many were queeD ca.ndldates. of Californ1a at Saota Ba.tbara. Sbaroo Haskell, Newport PI Beta Pill at USC . OTHER HEARTH GIFTS Many of the girls •ere con-Juditb Casbmore, graduate of Harbor Hla:b ScbooJ.. atteaded Carol 0'8111, A)pha Delta Pl 1. Hallderafted FIREPLACE ststently oa tbe booor roll. Mater Del Hlgb Sebool aOO Oruge Coast College; Kappa at UDIYerslty of Calllortrla at BELlOWS wlth leather trim some made tbe deu's list, Oruce Cout College, Alpha A_,ba Tbeta at lBC. Sallta Batbara. wtll a.cceot a.ny fireplace. a.od O¥er ooe-thll'd werecheer-Chi Omep at UCLA. Janet Hester, graduateofCo. SIII&DDe Parker, graduate of 2. HeaYJ duty CANVAS LOG leaders or oo tbe drtu team. Kathleen Cotas, gra4ute of rooa del Mar Ht&bSebool,Delta Marina. Hlefl School, Pi Beta CARRIERS provlde anexeelleot Most of tbe rushees are aeUYe Newport Harbor Hlgb Scbool, Delta Delta at lSC. Phi at lBC. way to carry logs trom out-Ol- in lill(ll'1s Uld maay han woo PI Beta Pbl at Wlllamette liDJ-TOlll.ta Hwttt, graduate of Marilyn Peek, graduate of doors. awudl fDr sports as well u •ersitJ. Corooa del Mar Hlgb Sebool. Newport Harbor Hlgtl Scbool, 3. FUD tor the wbo\e D.m.1ll art18tie aDd cre&ttft ac.tl't'\U.. XateM:ii COok. lfidaWt ol Cb.l Omep at UCLA. Cbl Om-ca Ill UalYWdf ·of ls Ill old faattiC'Md CORM POP .. Grade uerages rup fl'orD Ucua S.cb H1cb Scbool, at-Joe..aoe HJetot., p-a.duate ot Colondo. PER. z.z ., 4.0. laterests ban as telldad Stepbeu Collep; Kappa COI'OIIl del Mar Htgb Sebool, r:%~~.ad~~"'r::; cb:ktrAen r,.lls treatFIREICorOLOiheR 1rlde a ti.Dge. Foremost LD the A• Tbeta at USC . a.tteDded Ul\lnrs:lty of Call- mind or Ule good sorority &irl Matey Dut.s, gradtated trom fornia at Santa Barbara; Alpha Delta at Long Beaeb state. CRYSTALS oo the opeD tire. ll~s~lbe::..::::~o~l !-::=:.:abe::.~ll:•:r:lla:.!Hl~IJI>~Se::bno=~:..:alt::end=ed~De:::!lta::.!PI:!!al:.!!~----.. Carol Rosenast, lf&dtate of S. Colorfl1l HEARTH In the finest tradition ... r Thonhsgiuing Frozen Food s GERBER STRAIHEO BABY FOOD •.• Youfllloue these G lorie tta ~SIZE CAM WHOLE I' eEL EO APRI~OTS 434 PEAR HALVES HALVES OR SLIC!I PEACHES 374 5COnll CAI..YI'SO COLORS FACIAL 2 .. SS' Newport Harbor Higtl Scbool. BROOMS are always a well re- Gamma Pbl Beta at Arlmoa ceiYed ptt. State UDIYerslty. 6. The ea.stest wa.y to lite Jan Royer, graduate of your ftre is w1tb FIREPLACE llarloa fUtb Sebool, Delta MATCHES. Gamma at Univer sity of the 1. Aod to Oll that oeed tfitis Paclfte. there, we have a. wery larp Luc:y Semeniuk, graduate ol seleetiOil of WOODUOLDERS, N-Harbor HIIJI> Seboo~ ANDIRONS FIREPLACE atteoded Orange Coast College, GRATES -fooL SETS aDd other Pl Beta Phi at UCLA. gilts for 'tne Dearth. Ceellla Spears, graduate ol B. ADd 11 you can't decide CotOOta Senior H1gb Scbool and oo a g1fl, why DOt use a GIFT Oraoce Coast Collep; Delta CERTlFICATE trom tbe Zeta at Loll& Beach State. HEARTHSTONE'? Often cus- Sberrte Stephens, graduate tomers wi.ll a,wty this towards of Estanc:ta. Hleb School, Delta a custom ttreplace screen tor Gamma at UoiYerstty of their b()me. We caD otter many Alabama. otber gL1\ sugeslioo.s. Amy stodclard, crad\ate of OUr shop eoota.lDs ooe of. tbe La Habra Hl&b Scbool, attended most complete selections ol Orange Coast College, PI Beta Early Amerlc:a.n r•oduetioos Pbl at San Diego state. ot antique toys, out crackers, Jean Sturdenot, graduate ol match bOiders, banks, a.D:t bells Esta.Dcla Htgt SchOol aod In this area. These make Ideal Orange Cout College; Ge.mma gUts for chlldreo growing ICJ Phi Beta at USC. aM adults •Do ban oot. Anpla Tosti, grad-.teofCo-Gift wrapptog sentce aYail- rooa del Mar HigbSebool, Alpha able. Do your Christmas sbop- OmJcroo Pt at OCLA. ping at THE HEARTHSTONE, Judy TWIIepr, gradoate of 2nt E. Coast H"l'. (one block Corooa del Mar Hlgb Sebool, soutb of Tbe Cotfee Garden.), A~ Xi Delta at OCLA. Corona del lob.r. Open 10 to 6 Mary Wri&bt, p-ad\ateolCo-weekdays alld SaturdaY; 10 to 9 rooa del War Hlp Sebool, Chi Fridays; a.od oever oo SID:Iay. Omen. at San DleRO state. ~ 5Eil\IICE ; ·--IS OUR ASSET! CUSTOM MADE FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PARTIES-WEDDINGS-BANQUETS "OUR SHOP LOOKS EXPENSIVE. BUT OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE FOR FLOWERS AND OIFTS." Bill Frederiks, Florist :1626 1. COAST WitT •• CO. OMA DIL IIIAR PHONE: 675·7S52 Pre-Holiday Sa I e for the glitter of holiday Fashion ... the radiance of natural Mink The fall collection of Mt~~fer ~urrier Charle~ Cohe n is t.1 de~igne r s dream oF ft.~sh ion t.~no luxury. Here ;s Mtural mon( deep·dark t~rod lustrou· creamy be•ge -pet.~rly qrey~ . . e t•etJsure of ths fwrr •er s ert .•• bed uh~ully romtJn +•c. COATS . . . . . . . . . ·STROLLEURS JACKETS ....... . STOLES f•om $399 $1199 $ 799 $ 599 IE. IIIII CMIIO 4ft. 1V-.ot'P ,_IMTA aM ••• , • t. I • .......... -..-. PETER OTOOLE KATHARINE HEPBURN ~ THE UON IN WINTER e ALSO, IN COLO R: ze.Q Moster "THE PRODUCERS" CHECKING the date lor the NaUoD&l Charity I..eague debutante ball are three of the parents of the 1969 debutantes, U:rs, Geor~ Edward Newton, at left, and Mr. a.od Mrs, Malcolm Cutler. (Cameo House pboto.) PARENTS OF DEBS ARE FETED Parems of the Na&ca.l Cbarlty League debutantes were ~ feted at a cocktail party NOY. 9 at tbe borne ot Mr. a.od Mrs. Rlcbard Walter Smith. Parents of last year's de- were hosts fat tbe arranged by Mrs. Jobn I Ch~l~tlan LoodeUus loaotlctpa- of tbe Nov. 29 debutalll.e ast, Hans WUliam Vogel. Roy Bl&keoey Woolaey, a.nd Dr. and Mrs. Nolan Frluelle. Hosts tor tbe eventng were Messrs. I.Dd Mmes. Cbarles HJslql Barr, Claude Errlo Meets, Clyde McDa.nJ.ei Horn, Allen Thomas Campbell, Paul Joel Williams, Wlillam Lapp 0'8ryoo, Richard Walter Smith, John Cbristla.n Loodellus, and The honored pareots inchxled Dr. aod Mrs. Earl WHliam Ha.s- 1 ~;~:;:i~and Mmes, Jack tJoden tell. I< Malcolm Cutler,Jobn Also lnvtted to tbepartywere and Dr. ElerdiDc were asked to come from Los Anceles. llt.1Ntf 1!AII80R £Ill Ill II lilT llCTIOif-·-.Pw 4 OFFICE .TMURSOAY, lfOV; 1\ .. • CDIIIIIA DB. 11M, CIMJF. AWAROO OF $50 EACH to two Orange Cout Collep tool and die students were made recently at OCC. Recel't'lDI the p-ants were Paul Hankins of Costa Mesa, left, aDd PhUIIp Richards of Humington Beach. At right Is LIDden OrgUl, OCC dra1ting instructor. Presentln.c the awards Ls Mrs. M. A. Harwood, ln memory of her Ct.ther-ln-law, Ralph L. Harwood, who ns co-founder of Micro-CarbiDe Tool and Die Co, of l.OOianapolis. Mrs. Harwood Is secretary to OCC Cha.Dcelkn' Norman Watson, I Laun Jr., George Edward the members ol the board of ?;;=========4;;;:::R~obe~r;I~Siao~~le~y~Roseo~i· directors: Mrs. EdWard Leisy I Corlett, chapter president, and Dr. Corlett; Messrs, and Mmes. Richard Curtis Rawlinp, Rich- ard Lansing Lawrence, Herbert John Meany, Robert Joseph Hayes, Marshl.ll James Styll, Claude EniD Meeks, Howard Lawreoce Bryan Jr., Jack Un- deo Caldwell, Wlll.L&m Raymond ScJdle, Earl stalllrd Olrlch, aa:Sil.ee h*-,_. Jr. Also receiYtng imttatlons were members of the ballcom- mlttee. of wtttcb Mrs. Caldwell is director, and their busba.Dds; · Mr. and Mrs. Meany, Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Wtdte, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terrence Mora.n m, Mr. and Mrs. John Hallam Hiestand (Wr. Hiestand wtU be presenter of the debu- tantes at tbe ball), Dr. and Mrs. Russell Reed La.ngenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dl.nlel Kilmer 01, Mr. &nd.Mrs. Ussostenrt, W, Mr. and. Mrs. Llssostewart Mtms, Mr. and Mrs, Rawlings, Mr. and. Mrs. Jordan (Mr. Jor-Lady lawyer joins finn CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. AND SUN. They node Where i\o Or.e Else D<lr~l SHOW INGS AT 6:45 AND I :«< wJaaoe die be•• If all udeu - 'J\ucn Opon Nightly •t 6:45 p.m. SUNDAY •t 1 :U p.m. They!.!!!~~ ~~lringAdve~ture That Rocked Two Nltions! Mrs. Georce WlWam Eltl"'o ding. wDo Is rebeUsa.l director, dan is floor committee A Newport Beach law fJrm chairman), Mrs, WahlersOlaJl. bas chosen a woman 1a11r)'er to der, Mr. and Mrs. Donald head its new branch at Laguna EuRene Neotuue, Mr. and Mrs. Hills Leisure Work!. Dan Eugene Bayless, Mr. and Sbe is Mrs, Nancy Boxley Mrs. Jack Keith Samuels, Mr. Tepper of Huntington Harbour aDd Mrs. Peter Duyan Jr., Mr. newly associated with Robert~ and Yrs. Holmes Mllls, Mr. and soo, Howser ' Garlaod. Ill's.. G41J. .&.'lltil. SmUll, Mr. Nancy, who is tbe wUe o1. aDd llrs. Roseoa.st and Mr. aot!geoeral surgeon Dr. Rooakl Mrs.. HearJ Waper Jr. Tepper, Is a magna cum laude ' ., -. graduate of both RadcUffe Col· lege and Harvard Law School, where she was an editor of the Law Review. She was also honored by membership ln Pbi Beta KaRla, naUooal scholastic booorary fraternity. She served as associate trom 1958 to 1963 with the New York City law flrm,SimpsonTbacher & Bartlett. She left to become the mother of a daughter, Amanda, and to do legal writing .. and editing as a tree lance writer tor Prentice-HUt, the Columbia Law Sclloola.ndMedt- cal Eeooomlcs m.aguine. Her wrtttng has dealt wttb tuation, International loans, blue sty laws, estate tues and pl.a.nn1ng. and wills. l.n addition to her 6-yea..r-old Ama.nda, she Is the mother o1 3-year-okl hrins, Nicholas aoo Eliza. BALLET GROUP SEES 'RO"EO AHD JULIET' A ~of60studeotdi.Deers, ages ranctn1 from 7 to 18, truelled by bus, chartered by Mona f'n.nces of Newport Beach, to see the "Romeo and Juliet'' ballet pvenby thestutt. gut Ballet In the DorotbJ Cha.OOler Pavilion of tbe Mustc Center, Los Angeles. A speela.l semlnar was held durlng the preYlous week at wbtch the young dancers lia- tened to the Protottetr music, were told the story, a.nd ooacbed In tbe mime passaps used ln classical ballet. Tbls is the Znd of a series plaDDed by Mona Fraoces to fllrtber the underJ:tand!nl and PEREIRA FIRM PL•us tojoymeol of ballet. Last year _.... a simUa.r CJ'<q) attended a per- MRS. OORIS KEYES of Harbor VIew HUU; ls receiving an award of reeopltlon lor civic oontrlbutioo at a baDquet at the Newporter Inn llosted by the IrttoeCo. Tbe presenta- Uon Ia belnc made by Sheldon Smart of the Irvine Co. other restdeot.s of the lrT1ne community recelYlng OOoors for leadership loelucled Louis Ubbey of Bay Shores, Theodore Walther of tbe Bluft's, Martin Ha.nseo of LIDda Ia:le and J. J. Chaboo of Tustla Meadows, LAHD TRADE TDPIC ) S.F PHDTD GROUP ST. JOSEPH EXPAHSIOH lormaDCe pren by the Royal William L. Pereira &1 As-Wtnntpeg Ballet at the Cl't'tc soctates, Corona del have Auditoclum on Loog Beach, beeo r~~~by~ ;Sa~!~ol:l~t:; r-:-:~ Hospital for the nounced expao.slon ~ complettoo the architectural flrm, the direction of project chltect Dand Johnson, will velop comprehensive sc~:;:: I Ucs lor the 204,000 s fool addltloo The expansloo double the floor space present 287-bec! Dospltal. SALE FROM 4 P.M. FREE PARKING MATINEES ~ ~-!!J SAT. AND SUN. -SAT. AT 1 ANO 3 -SUN. AT 2 "WILLIE McBEAN AND HIS MAGIC MACHINE " ALSO SELICTID SHOITS AlL SEATS SOc Tennis Balls of construeUou 1.1 plamed March, l9'n, with expected oc- C\C)RDCJ iD Nonmber, 197!, "Tbe ~ B&J land ex-TD IISPLAY ATOCC cban(e" wtD be topic of City. A tradltioo-breaking photo- AttorDOJ TuUySeJmoorofNew-eni>I>J ul>lbltloo bJ tho VIsual port Beacb thil l"t'eaiac, Nor, Dialope FoUDdatton d. San 20, at the -meettnc of Fraocloco will be bold at tho INVESTMENT TALKS Tennis Dresses P!NMSYLVANIA SJSO ooz . WILSON $835 DOZ. the Newport Harbor Bastne511 ' 0ra.nce Coast Collep c..)lery "Dyu&mtc lDnsmeat mana. REDUCED .AS MUCH .u40 ProfegioaaJ Womn's Club, NO't'. 17 throop Dec. 12. cemeat" 1s tbe title of a tree Mrs. ll R. (Doris) Hope, Tbe ul>lbllloa will feature tnveotmeot lecture In rl~::'II--------------~1~4LI~P FORT :.W:'""u.:~-'"::!u::~~ :..:~.:.~ .. ~ ~ ~ :.::p,,~::ru ~ LeHerman Jackets Tenn'1s Rackets tTeotnc. Mta. Heloo Cole, JB'e-moaates, ~eDCIH, mul-of !lean Willer 6 Co. Ddeot, wtU be &W........ Uple pr1D11 ud eomblDitloaa ACCOUDI. EacutJ..-es N&ee Tbe mHttnc wiD be held at ofalllbeabortt>rms. Be .... &1111 Tbomas lolaclbUI & Sweaters $TRUMG DL NYLON S189S tho Costa II-Cooo1trJ Club Tbe VI-I Dlslope FCIWlda-wiD tJI)IaJD tooutmtot tecb-R!G. 29.95-SPECIAL I 'lOJ GoU Coarot Drtre. Soctai Uoa Is a small ,....., of--lllq--bJ IIIPbllllcsted Ill- time wiU be at 6:3011111-crapbers ll'om the su Fraa-rell«a In tmlkll"' &1111 mt1D-COSTA MUA HIGH at 7:15. cisco Bar ar•. The pi o1 tho taiDIDc a -portloUO. TboJ M!WPOIIT HARIOR HIGH FOR 2 IIALIOA ISLANDERS IIU RT IN CAR CRASH JOba E. Nwmu, 18, o1. 116-1/1 QaJ> An., .._ la- laad, 16red .,., tlel etta -laJiriOo ~ ... I -Ills h&JI• --.U .. ..... _ .. _ ---Dr. -Is to !ret -.nPI>J wiD ,..,._ lororsp IIIII UTANO:IA HIGII from tndlu-1 Umllatloos. timtnr lA mstlnc ODCCeaN COIIOMA DEL MAR HIGH LOBSTER DINNER $3.95 tnYHt.-dtcl-. ... ----~----;.;,;,~ s'&ym POll ALL HI Gil SCHOOL$ D JR. HIGII ICIIOOL$ IIIITI STAG W1111 Up .Slits S12f5 & S19f5 MAY'f OIIIIITI SLUVE Sweat Shirts GRUN-ILUE -RID 'S4t5 CIIISLYM Sweaters CIITWM Sweat Sllits sps PalfsS3JS JEIIMY IIAKAIIO ' KARIM AMIIE JOIIMSOII DilliE METZLIUR JOYCE HARADA • Sons of Norway celebrate TJnllo Llo 1Aqo 11o. to, -· II -• oro: llr. ud ... , ....,, wOI ee~a• ..,... ...,..,.,,. snv ,Mr. tiM* 1r1t •n?t•..,. • n.e. lid Mn.. Etlu I••••••· IIIII eo --IAIIoelllll. llloo Carol,. !!e .. o, ..... ud IU 1M a., Clllnl llo-1, llrt. lac& ........... ._ Ro--·------._._ ........ ... ...... " 1 .... 1'lla .... lie Ia ...... Carlile- -11117art--.-..-..... eo lodp (-Ia ·Moo. 11 IOftlll(. lAo Wot. reetlrtd lbllr lord Ia ,_-lor a- _..,)11117 llrm; William M-. ri<-t-WOUid.._fttbre~ lldeat; Carl LJ•, comntiOI'; ao ltll f-elloe 1b11r Mro. Paul Slltr ..... roea&'dla( ... ..,, bot -llliiiJ 11117 caa aocr-,; lOu JGU Pllro, U· 11 tbetr membenb.Jp II.JtUt MCretarJ; Mrs. Ermu lbolOOmark. c--a...clal HC· well lmon rebl'y; KtaMtb Ta)'lar, tra. reeordlq: sure; Mr. aod Mn. MerleD &Dd or. HaDaxl. IOCial directors; Mra. c~=~ leod,., 'rill play m. O.rld Slrud, marllllal; ..,.._ rtaoetnc. Aroold l.J.Ddberc.IKen TaykJI', uslllltl..at marlltlll; NOVEMBER ZONTA GIRLS ANNOUNCED =~~.:w:~~=~"=~~-~ Ameriea.D. MU.OO, blstoria.D; E{IMD Zolia cirls tor Ncwember Mar HtP Sebool, riee-ill'e.l· • KAREN ANNE JOHMSOff tbe Cllultelles, recopiUoD Mrs. Jll:ly Rudrud Is poen.1 Cbrt.lto&uoa, 3-yeu truCee; •ere boaond at tbt Not. U dtat ol tbl PIP Jqad. member daupter of Mr. IDd 'tl.z;_ committee W lor tbe Pep etWrman. .Assllttac bel' are NUs NU.OO, Z-Jear trustee; bmcbeoa meeUocoltheNewpcrt o1 Amerleu FleJd Sentee, tbe Richard H. Joba.loa. 1851 Club, member r1 GAA aPd tbe Ermu Cbrutotfenon ud Herbert Alldenon. 1-year Harbor ZoataClub. TbemoaWy Ski Club, aDd MD1or bODorary Rhodes Dr •• CoCa Mesa. u orcbestn.. Sbe reeetYed tM Duid Strucl, )Odge soc.ia.l cU. trustee; Mrs. Herbert AD- NleCUcDI:are based oas.der-eoc:ttty. Sbe baa been cboHIIu eeDiar claa secretary at Es-music IU'Yice award Jut May. rectors l.lld tbetr wtves. A buf. dersoo., orp.G18t; Mrs. Lea llllp, cltllenatUp, sch01arsldp lfrl ot tbe quarter. Oatslde taac1a H!Jb Sc.bool. biMI nraitJ Oltside acttrit1es 1Dtl111e fet table at Nonectan desserts Wollotd, editor of Jodp ball6- &Dd school HrYice, actlYWes lDclude youth croap cheerleader, member or AFS cbarcb cboir, blst«iuforTrl· Will be sened d~alng tbe UD; JUs. Ray Nlelsea,pabllclty Here are U. .f. boaorees from wort at tbe Bqddblst Cbarc:h. aad Pep Club. Sbe reeelYed tbe Hi-Y Cllt), tM Old Jam.. eYeaiJlc. ResenaUoo.s are Nar &Dd membershlp cha.lrman. U. local bleb .:boola: Sbe plaal to nroll at Goldea. topbomore clrl of tbe year PJayen ud the "Parted Ark" DeCesary, • JENNY NAKANO, dauefder Wut J1mior Collep ae:d ,.r, award trom the YuoaJ.c Lodge cotree bouse. Sbe inteads tD eo-A Cbrl.atmu party tor cbil- of Mr. aDd Yrs. Jobn NU:aao, &Dd later tra.ufer to a 4-year 1~ 1968. Outside acl:I.Ytttes J.D.. roll&t Oecideotal College or OC drea and. &f&DCSchildrenof mem-IEO.:)C)N fARCE. AT 20052 majarJAc 1D elemen-elude thePhilbatmooJ.cJUDlors, Sa.llta B&rban.. majoti.D&'lDmu-ben wtU be beld Dec. 11 at tbe OCC t«)V. 19 THRU 22 Yol\llleer wort at FaintfJW sic ud Pl1mrlnc ln EDg)J.ab I Odd Felkrw"s Ha.U in Costa Mesa. '•Tile trick 1s to play tarce State Hospital, and rtce..presi-or arcbaeolop lD prepu't.lioD Sula Claus 'rill be there witb 50 1t comes off ltllarl.ous oo1y by ~ wesreEND ~ SP1rldln1 Stalnleu S1NI deacy of the Trt-Ht-Y Club. for a teacblng career· a t.g of &OOdles. M.rs. Mer I-. tD the a.um.eoce _ totbeactors. Last summer sbe 11Yed ID a • • • lta.uoo aod lllrs, E. Cbrlstoft'-u 1s deadly serl.oua. u you caD YelicaD home tor 1weebatSU • JOYCE HARADA, da.n(ttUr eraoo are In charge of pla.y 1t that ny, you wUI ban Luis Potost aod stucUed at tbe of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harada, cbildreo's program. · Yery hmay farce indeed." Unhersidad Aatoaoma.tbereb 214.9 Meodou or •• Cost& Mesa., Se'fenl members aremakiDg OraDp Cout Collep drama 5 weeks, Sbe plaDs to atteod 1s Girls Learue aec:ret:ary a.t plaDa for their summer tour ic.structor Jack Hollaod was Pomooa CoUege or oc SaJn Costa Mesa HiP, School, bead rupt to Narn.y. EllglblUty tor dlscussiJlc tbe occ product.ioo. Barbara to study tor foretgD songl:eader and member otGAA fUcbU is ooe year member.shtp of •'Tbe Cbemmy Circle" by tenlce, boptng to ID to Soutb aM the Pep Cll.i), ttl preftous 1D Soaa of Nor,ay l..odp, as cl Georges Feydeau. The French America becawte !lbe 1s an es-years she baa beeD actin aJao departure date. bedroom farce Ylll be staged C:ellent Spuisb llngulst. 1D CSF • drill tea.m asxl tbe Tbe eucutln bolrd wUl meet emraUcw1 de'rekJpmeut couo-at a p.m. Dec. 4 at tbe home ~C l~fw!~15 p.m. 10 the • • • ell Sbe wu cbosen u borne-of WUllam Moss, 1681 Laoce The play, be1Dg preseotedtor • DEBBIE W:ETZLEUR, COmiDC queeD last moDtJl. aDd Dr., Tustin. •~u.A US •·-J ... tlle E L oalytbeseeoodUme ... u.., •. , daughter ofM.rs.J~meMetsleu.r, -UDe woo • bas been eotered by Holb..od 1D 3909 Marcus Are., N-Moore award u o.-•ncttnr fotmders arts aDd crafts: sec-Th .... _. • tioD wt11 meet a..t 6·30 p m Dee tbe Amer-ica.a College eater Island, Ls oar t1rtrler at New. ).mjor girl Sbe plans to atteod · • • • port u.~. Hl~ Scbool, UCI am major ID fol'elp Ju. 6 atlbeHerbertAndersoooome, Festtn.l. n&lUUl ... 1438 w River LaDe SaW. ADa. The lead .tll be played by hi-·r•·· •·· AFS, ~~---··~a... guages • • ......., ...., w.c .......... aouu•. • tor potluck ~r. foUowed by Kermit CtlrlsCma.n, a 'etennof N t Hoag workslloo a1 8 p.m. Cbalrman many OCC shOws wbo lut !OoO ewcomers a Is Hazo!d U.mmer. tile -"' ""' lloll&lld New members inWa.ted at produc:Uoo ot "Tbe Deflls.'' • SATURDAY, NOV, 1 • SUNDAY, NOV. 9 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Martin Girl-Mr. aDd Mrs. Richaal Rabb, 1115 Austin St., Costa H. Smttb, 1038 Presidio, Costa MeY. Me~. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boy-Mr. aod Mrs. Robert P. Jooes, 214. E. Zlst St., Costa H. BreDDan, 10331 W:Ollltor Or., Mesa.. HuotlDgtoo Beach. • SUNDAY, NOV. 2 • MONDAY, NOV. 10 Boy-Mr. aod Mrs.Mict1ael Gtrl-Mr. and Mrs. DeDD1s Hayes, 219% Placeat:ta. Apt. D., Brady, 4225 Hlla..ria Way, West Costa Mesa. !"! cwport He! &fda. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Oerie Boy -w.r . aiM1 Wis. JohD Fltsctnld, 20051 Con Circle, Mosher, Z231 ADDIYerl&r}' HUDtin&toD Be:aeb. LaDe, HantlqtOD Beacll. Girl -Mt. ud Mrs. Leslle Boy -Yr. ud Mra. Joa a . Holt, '15kJ Nlraml:r, Blibol.. stoMey, 160 W. WU.soo.l'fo. 3, • MONDAY, NOV. 3 Costa Mesa. ,.._Y,IOV. ... co• u a!M!, CIIJ,, loiQ.\ " .. -·-,... .... c Ira-.. .........; ....... ... , ··~ -•'nt sa• ......... .hI f " ..... & -·---11J ~D . .,..., r.d nee,..,,.,_.....,~ a.1 •z 1 tit ..... a. SU •1MIM aMJIII'tlapenl"' ·• Dt••· Nof ...... Mt' • ..,.._. Md.H n , a, .......... - Ia a lor-pr-II tilt --lie~ lOll E--or..,.ar A'a Sootbln caJI.-prt. AN-. Colla lllaL t:~ra ......... He w1U us I ......... 11 ~elFOtrd*s bJs., omu 1D JaaiiU'J, u10. *-' ••tzw poww pro- TIM objlctlYeoftbe~lji.Qtsa.-dilctl cllitt8 2•1 &ad bU bND Uca. 1a to develop operaU.nr aiiiJttW wMIII De eomp&DJ i:lr orlllclploo IUid oW>dardo.,.""' " ,_.. no .,.., .... Y - ADltarJ, eftleieDtUideeomrnl-plaee •a.c tale ..-1 FCII'd cal -IUid """'Ill ol llldaCiai ... -.oUd wute.. eoafeteace llkh. • DRAPERY lj \ CLEANERS ·-_ nu 1 n• • REMOVE WATER ST AIMS • FLAM!' PROOFING EXCW5IVE GUAIANTEED DIIAPBY CLEANING ==·z. a~·= .:": ,_, ••• .,,.-1 ..... .... _,., , ... . .......... . ............ -• Pw;f-ct .......... 0: ..... ·---.............. , .. • Ptal in ... 1: .. I ... • ,,...., ......... lS ... • ,.,_ .. yleAiu I d ........... . -~.-"'- 170Z NEWPORT L VO. et 17tlt, Coote .... Girl-Mr. IDd Mrs. ADtboDJ Girl -Mr, aDd Yrs . Clyde t..ewa.-sllt, 2958 Crottdoo, T. Ellis, 19471 Cook Circle, Costa lolesa. Huntington Beach. SPORTS CAR TIRES S to 10 cup Fl.vo-s.tector Mild, utra ... trenqth or requlu ... thia Weat Bend percolator brewa coff" t.6e way you like it n.-y time! J\dt Mt the Fl&YO-Selector to yow tute choice ... the rest ia automatic. Sparklinq aluminum. WEST BlEND 12 to 36 cup AUTOMATIC PARTY PERK $1099 (' ............. -EDiertaiDIJ>q 1t -lwl wbea you let your w ... -Party r.t -tbe -..... keep lt bot -lo tbe .... del!c!ono cu.p. ... -llc:olly. Mobo on t1>e coa-.,... ...,, 1ar ._ ~ "" o --12. 18. 24. 30 ar 38 -Ira -r ... jut pour In cold ....... odd -· pluq ln. Spc· ldb>9 olwDIDum. "y.., Heu••••W D••••••., IICN"' ...... .-. ................... ... -·' Boy-Mr.andMrs.Raymood Boy-Mr. aod Mrs. James Palmer, 515 Kings Pl., CU!l' Wigington, 2316 Santa Atll, Haven. Costa Mesa. Glrl -M.r . and Mrs. K. S. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sorensen. 933 loth st., HUD· March, 312 Buena VIsta., Un&ton Beacb. Balboa. Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. David Girl -Mr. and Mr s. A. Vaoce Armstronc. 1846 Placentia. Ram., 2020 Calvert An., Costa Ave., Costa Mesa. Mesa. Boy-Mr. ud Mrs. Michael Girl -Mr. and Mrs. M.lcba.el McShane, 10151 Ma.lkol Dr,, Mound, 3128 COUDtry Club Dr., Huntingtoo Beach. Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, NOV. 4 • TUESDAY, NOV. 11 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Jose Boy -Mr. a.ad Mrs. DIY1d Romo, 250 flower St., Costa Coll1ns, 6442 Gloria Dr., H~m. Mesa. tln&too Beach, Glrl-Mr. a.od Mrs. Richard Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Georp L. M.a.)ors, 9531 I....ud fall Dr., Pa.leocbu, 2921 Casst.a. East Hum:t.n&ton Be&ch. Bluff. Girl -Wr. aod Mrs. CorD-Boy -Mr. aod Mrs. Rocer elus Adriaans, 2059 MooroYia Wangsbu, Z641 A. Eden An., St., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa, • WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5 Glrl-Mr. &Dd Mrs, JobD Boy-Mr. aDd .Us. William Smltbllne, Z215 Fainl8'W' Rd., Bloom, 2315 TustiD AYe., West Costa Mesa. Upper BllY. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Girt -Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rogers, 9401 Velardo LD., Huo.. Klrk. 3253 Mlchlpn AYe., Costa tingtoD Beach. Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Girt -Wr . aDd Mrs. John Sampson, 158 MagDOlla, Costa Y. Flndler, 11072 Frtml Lane, Mesa. HwK1nct.OD Beach. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Bm Girl-Yr. and Mrs. Willlam Blair, 11131 Part LaDe, Hla- Cooel, 1862 RhOdes Dr., Costa tingtoD Beach. Mesa. Boy -Mr, aDd Mrs. A. Ro- • THURSDAY, NOV. 6 bertsoo, 6'14 Coo.cress St., Glrl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Ken. CO&ta. Mesa. D1tb Bechtol, 6&71 S«ta. Haa.. • WEDNESDAY, NOV. U UDctoa Beach, Girl-Kr. ud Mrs. StepbeD Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs.Rlcbl.rd Wiese, ZUZl Amberwlck ta.., Croft. lo:H Va.lenica, Costa Hlllt1Jictoa Beach. Mesa. Girl -Mr. &.011 Mrs.. Valea- Gtrl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Law-tlDe Fortuaa. S149Y....,..COita reDCt w. Harper, ZOB6 Yaple Mesa. st., Costa Mesa. Girl-Mr. aDd lira.~ Girl -Yr. m:t Mrs. Robert Ensletl, 4901 ftom. Dr.. ......_ J. Cona, 9741 SoliDI Dr,--Beacb. t1JtCDt Beach. • THURSDAY, NOV. U • FRIDAY, NOV. 1 8oJ -Mr. ud Mrs.. WU- Boy -Mr. &lid Mrs. Jobll llam Btcble~ 575 VlcWit, -'lit. Harris, Z156 Weyer PL, Colta D, Coat& 11-.. llta. Girl-Ill', u:lllrL HlrrJ Gbl-Mr. IUid Mrs. Terry JoLou, l?Hl Gotllord st., Sp. D1oM1, 1598-1/1 WUio st., fJS, H ........ -c>. c-u-. GirL-Mr. ud 11n. Boy -Mr. ud Mro.-Ryalt, IOU Pr-PL, CO.. C-ry, llH Ccrt '-• ~ ta Mta. Mn.J••II• ..... Boy-Mr.ud Glrl -Yr.ud ltra.RaMrt Seblr, 907 Ctllb L, Polch, lilt W • .._ Bl'fd., Bl!ooll. C'*-1 lle_..h Glri-Mr. ~~~~~:::-::~ G&rl-llr. ud lira. DINU --.,' :, 1 .. P Rolll,tUV-..Piaot,lrrtoo. Ajot.C.~- • SATUIUlAY, LIOY. I Qrl -llr. aod Mra. ..,_l(r,udlln.-, ...... S'll Pltr-Met···· 101 Pol '"' c.-.... c..a dtJi.u. ' • nJDAT, JI)Y, 14 .., -Mr. ud lin.-Girl-............... , .... A. II oo,-Col& •La.. I. --. ,..._, ~ c.--. -.~-Girl-llr .......... ~ Girl -........... •--y1no..._ or .. D. Qol r ra\, llll -... Clrclt, B It I -. c.--. a Fora sharp offer. --..,_ __ ... ...,~ -~ ... pa'm•,... ,, .. ,._ ,,, •• • • ....,_.....,._ _._., e 'e a Os hl .. l I ht 2 ....... . .. .. a I ... ,... TUBELESS NYLONS 520xl3 . 600x13 . 5.0xl5 Wll. y-... lsi a .. '*d , ....... pMpKT ••z • .. _..,. .... __ .,.,_ .,.._,a, 'a ..... 2. 7-= I 0 .. .... - 0 a a ....... =•IWt ••no ntC... .... laiD OS ....... Do&.l • .._.I .. 1111-.lr- ..... -nrtlllt ,,_. ""'-. .... JOOjlct ,. lr- .......... , 1 ...... ---llold. 'htlnt-.. U4-.a---lqoon... tr?o-- ,.-t ~ ..... llldMn -... ·-·--'ht -IICJ -Aport. ---,,-l,JCS -... ....,.., """ ,. putaf~- CHECKING tbe date b tbe Nat1ooa1 Cbartty 1..-cue debltaDte b&ll are tbree of tbe pueots of tbe 1969 ctet.C•ntes, Mrs. George Edward Newtoo, at left, and Kr. ud. Mrs. llaloolm Cat!e<. (Camoo Jlaa.se __ ) I'ETER 0'1001£ IOOHARIN€ HEPBURN ~ lH€ LION IN WINTER e ALSO, IN COLO R: z .......... UTHE PRODUCERS"' PARENTS OF DEBS ARE FETED Paretlts ol tile N•Ucw I I CIIIIrlty ........ --..... J feted at a eocttan party Ncw. 9 at tile bome of llr. aDII Mrs. Rtcbard Walter SmWa.. Pareats ol last year's de- were hosts b tbe by llrs. Jola ut, Ha.as William Vogo~ Roy ud Dr. Elerdlllc ...... uted lo B.JUa.y Woolsey • aod Dr. and eome J!om Los Aaples. Mrs. NoiiD FrtueUe. Also r eceiYIDc 1m1t:at1oas Hosts for lbe enoi.Dg wer e were members ol tbe ball eom- Me:S.Sr's. a.ad Mmes.. Charles mittee, ol wblcb Mrs. CakhreU Hlslap Ban C1aDje Errlo is director, I.Dd tbelr IHtsha,Ms; Meeks. CJ.yd~ McDuiel fiorD, Mr. a.od Mrs. Meuy, Mr. and AileD Tbomas Campbell. PaW Mrs. James Rlebard White, Mr. Joel wnuamc Wlll.iam Lapp m1 Mrs. Edwia Terresx:e of tbe Not. 29 dehrDate O'B:rroa. Rtebird Wallet Smitb. Mon.o. ID, Mr • a.ad Mrs. Joba Jolm Cbrlstla.D LoadeHas and Hallam Hiesta.Dd (llr. Ulest&OO booored pueotsineluded Dr. aa:t Mrs.EariWtlUam'Has-wiD be preseuter of tbe debu-J ~;::::u:Uid Y.mes. Jact LilldeD tell. taDtes at tbe ball), Dr. &Dd Kts. I< lla.lcolm c .aer,Joba Also 11lYf.ted to tbepartywere Rossen Reed Langemeet_ Kr. AWARili OF $50 EACH to two 0noge Coul Collop tool aJJd die sttlieots were made reeeaU)' a1 occ. RecetYUc the cruts were Paul HaDt1Ds ol Costa Mesa, 1eft. ud Pbill1p Rtcbia.rds of HWil:IDgtDD Beacb. At rtpt 1s LiDdeD. Or p D. occ dralllllg laslruc:t«. Pr..-.,. ........... Is Mrs. ll. A. Harwood, In memor7 ol ber fatber.t.D.law. Ra~ L. Harwood, Wbo ftS CO·folmder of lltCJ'O-CartUe Tool aDd Ole Co. of lndJanapoUs. Krs. Harwood 1s secretary to OCC CbaDcellor Normao Wa.tsoo. La.tm Jr., Georte EdWard tbe members of the beard of aDd Mrs. Y.eh'lD taniel KUmer ~~========~;;~;Robert;;;;Sta~•;leJ~-~·· directors: Mrs. Edward Leisy Dl, lfr • m:l Mrs. Llssostewart, Corlett, chapter presideot, aod W, Mr. m:l Mrs . Llssostewart Dr. Col'leU; Messrs. aod limes. lllms, Mr • aDd Mrs. Rawllngs. Ricblrd Cartts Rawliugs.Ricb-Mr. aDd Mrs. Jorcta.o ()lr. Jot. Lady lawyer joins lim They Rode Where :\o 0 1'e Else D¥.:.1! wlleft die .,.,, ef au ••dnt - :ArnJS ard l.aodnc Lawrence, f1erbe11 dan Is .Door committee A Newport Beacb law Drm bxaHno, lllter~atloaal lol.as. JobD Mea.D.J, Robert Josepb cbalrmaa.), Mrs. Wahlers OiaD-bas cboseo a woman laWJer to blue P;J laws, estate taxes &Dd - sball J StyD, der, Mr. aod Mrs. Oooald bead lts new trucb at 1...aguo:a plaMID&, aDd wUis. Hayes. ames EneeDe NeotaDe, llr. 1.111 Mrs. H1lls Leisure World. In addition to ber 6.yoar.old ClaDde EniD Yeeks, lfooord llaJI E Ba less Lawrm:e Bryu Jr., Jact 1..JD. uceae Y • Ill'· ud Sbe is Mrs. Maney Bodey Aowm.,. sbe l..s the IDCIIIbe!' dell C&ldftll. WUllamRaymoad Mrs. Jack Keltb Samuels. Mr. Te&ll)er ot HIIDlillgtoa Harbour ol S..year..okl twtDs. Nlcbolas Seballe, Fat ~d Olricta. and Mrs. Peter Dayu Jr., Mr. newly assoc:Jated wttb Robert~ aDd EJ.t.a.. ud llrs. llolmesYills,llr.ud-Bowser~ C&rlaod. -..... --··· -Gill>-·--Mr. llaocy,-.. l1ae-" llrs. Go«&e-WUIIam ,_ ud Mrs. Roseaasl ud llr. ud paera~ surceoc Dr. """'"' diD&. wbo lsreMuslldlrectar, llrs.. a.., Waper Jr. Te&ll)er, is a mapa cam Jaade crPat• ot botli Radcwre Col- lege and Hanard Law Scbool, Ybere shE wu an editor ol the Law Renew. Sbe was also booored by membersbtp 1D Pbi Beta Kana. oa.t.iollll.J scholastic ......,., !nlerDIIJ. Sbe sened as associate from 1958 to 1963 wttb tbe New York City law ftrm,StmpsoaTbaeber " Bllrtlett. Sbe left to become tbe mother of a daugbter, Amanda, ud to do lephn11ing • and edWng as a free laDee writer 6x Preau.ce.Hall, tbe CoiUDIIbta Law Scboolaa:t Medi. cal ~cs map.JJ.De. Her writing las dea1t wtth BALLET CROUP SEES 'IIO\IEO At!D JilL PEr A ~oi&Osbcleatduc:ers, .... nDCIAc from 7 lo 11. tnYellod by bas, cbll1And by M0111. Fnaces of Newport Bead>, to see lbe "Romeo ODd Jallet'' ballet pnab)'tbestatt- prt Ballot lD l1ae -CbaDdler PaYi.UoD ol tile Yule c-. Los Aqeles. A speetaJ semilar wu beld dllrlJic ... pr..tous .... It wtlkb tbe J011DC dueen lls- teaal to tbe Prokofteft miiSfc:, were told tbe W:1Q, ud raehecl lD l1ae mime ........ -lD cbunteaJ b&Uet. Tlals ls tbe 2at of a series p-by-FrucatiO -l1ae _ ... """' ... -~ al bollot. Lui ,... PEREPRA FIRM PLAttS aslmllar ~·tt"""'laper- ST. JOSEPH EXPAIIS!OH -. p.ea by t1ae Royal MRS. llCIIlm KEYES of Harbor View Hills is r eceirlac an award ol reeopttion for ct'l'ie coatribatloll at a buQuet at the Newporter laa basted by tbe lrYtDe Co. Tbe preseot:a. -Is -made by Sbe-Smart ol tl!e lrYIDe Co. Otber resldeals ol tbe .lr?tDe commODity rec:etYing bolmrs k iaderslllp !riDded Louis UtileJ of Bay Sbores , Tbeodc:re Waltber of tbo Blalfs. llartiD llaoseo al LlDda We ud J. J. Clla.l.sml ol n.stia Meadows. LAND TRADE lOP?C S.F PHOTO CROUP WU11am L. Pereira I As. Wlalipec Ballet at Die ClYte soc.1a1es, Corolla del Mar, ba.Ye AllditDriam c. lac a.ctL beea retalaed by SaliJI JOS<!I>br---~~----­Hospital of OraDto as arcllltects lol' tbe hospltal's recently~ aouaced nptnsloa project.. SALE DlllCT fiOM IIOADSIIOW INGAGIMENTS * lSY -AT -·AI -* -·=··= :-:. r1l·"r' .. .,~ '" . . . .. ;: •• ''"'"1t' • -~'"'"'"' .•. u I" •f•· riUIII • •. _,..I" ' , -~r.r~: J.. <tr .rt.nKJ.ll r=1 /\""' ... .,~ ._ .. __ ,-... ~ ... C!YJJ• ... I" .... ,. ;:. -!"': .. ,.. lliJ----• a~..,.,.....,.,'P"1 2ND OUTSTANDING HGH RATED FEATURE CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. AND SUN. FROM 4 P.M. FREE PARKING -..... -(!)D NO ONE UNDER tC ADMITTED VNLES8 WITH P.\RENT OR GUARDI.\N A Lao "Me, Natalie " OOTY .IAA£5 DUKE·FARENTlt-.0 ~g;~IIOOIES MATINIIS SAT. ANO SUN.-SAT. AT 1 AND 3 -SUN. AT 2 "WPUPE McHAN AND HIS MAGPC MACHINE" AlSO SIUCTID IHOITS AU SEATS 50c Tennis Balls '"no ~ 8aJ laad u-10 II SPLAY AT OCC -· wiD bo laplc of City A tndl-...,eaklac -"'-TllllJSot-., __ .,...,., ., .. _by a.. v~ Ll>oo c:omp-oltbe siDdJ. lbe arcbitect11n.l ftr m, ~ tbe dlrodloa of project ar- chlteet DaYid Jobnsoa, wm de- YeJop comprebeDstn sebema- Ucs lor the ZCM,OOO !qlal'e. fool -Hoo ..-Dec. I. Tbe eJPI;rudon project -... -space of pnsootZ87.-o-J olc:cutnctloDtrpi•- Marda, 1971, Y1tll eJPeded CtC1UCJ ta Nonmbe:r, port Boocl! tllla-._ Moo. ~ F--of Su 9N zo, ot tbe --II( of Frucloc:o wiD be .. ld ot l1ae VES'NEMT TAL?tS Tennis Dresses PENHSYLVAII?A SJ50 DOZ . -ARiD GUJHRIE .. .. . .. . . . PL.AYIN G -''THE FIIST 0,.0.. Nltlhtty ot 6:45 P·"'· SUNDAY ot I :45 ,._..,, They~J~ J!Ullll!l'iwAdienlln Thllllo!Md Two lillian$! WPLSOM S835 DOZ. ~---~-·-·----._. ~"'X*IIIu'bar fMefeeqA Oruet Coast Collect Ga.Us"Y a.rz-._. .._ ProlesD•r•o~s Olb. MO"f'. 17 tbra.cta Dec. 12:. .,.....e:•• Is be t111e ol. a tree REDUCED AS YU~ A$40 LeHeman Jackets Tennis Rackets llrs. B. R. (llarls) 1q1e Tbe emllll-..w-... -lec:twe to bep-1--------------.fDUNLOP FORT ...,._ -afl!ae~ .. .., matalJI -... It 7:JO ...... -· Moo. 10, wtD bo .. --. .,. 11ae ~ ~ at 11ae ~~ewpo<~ c-- """""'Mrs. -C41e --~--"Dou ~.Co. -.wiD bopr-!IJ.' llplt J;i.u U1 ---E-tiO -& S te STI?UNG DL NYLON $10f§ wea rs lEG. 2U5-SPIC?AL o·· Tbe -.. ff1ll be .. ld It of aU .. ---... --Drwld a.. eo.oa "-~ c~ no Ytral ~ r_.,_ ff1ll --· • -. l'lOI GolfCo.•Dmo.Soc?aJ-ta a-u.,_.,_ ..,__bf __ ,._ 1'01 limo wtD booti:SO..r-ar-•-..... Fru--• !a~""; .... ~~..r~-~~ .. ~~~--JCO~S~T~A~III~I~SA~II~G~N;~~J 117:15. cloc:oilaJano.Tbeplaftl!e taJoaaa _......._ NEWPORTHAIIOI H?GIP .,_ tr 110 troo -ff1ll ..,..._ ISTAII'=IA HIGIP tnalndM••l •·-u.taa !a _,.,.. CO..U. DIL MAl H?GIP . a..lltr rt drt .... '6y11 SLIIVI Sweat Shirts S.ts ' LOBSTER DI'INER $3.95 .. POl ALL H?GIP SCitOOLS JLHIGII ~LS Wn Up .S.its S12f5. & S1f15 01 GlEIM -ILUI -liD ICI:ISLYN Sweaters s•ts CDT111M SWill SWrts S2f5 sp JENHT NAKANO DEDIIE Y!TZLEUR ~~~~:~~~:!~!~~~~~ ~~~~ :=~:: ?:~ u.Mr lrlt..........,.e~~O.C. u:t M.ra. Ellll' .......... ..,..._. ..... ot X..,.n •• rttr·• liMb Mac:..a lllttM ..... MulAPOIHaU.Iil!aiC&rol'}~IU.::: 8Mch, wu .a.et.d pr~ ... , ...... ,,, 2\la It$ lS. L, w-.....t. lira. "*'* rut. L ol 1M M.u.t Qlsw• ......... a. -~--~~~~~--.-4adtr-LIIIIIr.Uid R-~~~~~~1 Pr1 I 'I .... __ I p.a. 1o I a.a. Till poi>Ue Ill lira. Carl Met... A-11---1M Gr• -br C-D. 'loft, Pw<l lafUell. U., art liNt . OfGccanrt elected alt:M p""MUC.'a'ttb-.llt·'•r rice prsdW-t1111M.~ tbe 1oc1p (0111 tn ltcw,lJ m..U.C. lAII Wot .. Uld ....,.,It IIIIOW .. Su at.uloa &ldJUUGI*"M1r-.• reeet•ecl tbllr bd ,. prtGdellt lor a -=-1 Dlt&D, ~. 1-9. Mt' • ..,.... McXM n J PM. prllidelt ol COIIP\e IIIOitblqo)tbey term; WUILam llON, rietl...-e-. ts a former presldelt ol. 1M Pow.J HoMe IK-. IOU E.ar- W'Oilklblfttbelborte.t sWeat; Carl L'fM, ~U«; orpair A'l Soutbenl C&l1-prtN Aft .. CoMa Mea. to ttll reprdiDC tbelr Mra. Paul Sblrmu, reeordlac torllia ... ...,cer. He wt.Uauame Pwtr ,.,._ lJ oaeot1ord'a bit oae tb1Dc tbeJ cu eeeretary; utaa Jou Pl..te, u-b1s _. omee 1n Jan.ry,1910. oldell: ladllm'l&l poqr ~ ll tbetr membership sllt&at aecret&rJ; Ura. Erman TbtobjectlveoftneorJ&Dia-<NeUdllertbllloraaod I:IU lleiD ;~~:~~E~tbe~ lOOmark. Cbrlltoftenoo, DDaacial HC-Uoo 11 to develop operatiD&" .tnuatecf ..ttt~ a. compuyl:lr well Don retary; Kemetb Taylor, trea,... prlDC_,lta ud standards for the 14 JIU'S. 'he ceremoQY tiOolc reeordiuc surer; Mr. and Ura. MerJea SI.DI.tii'J, efftelenta.odecoaomi-place dllrilc ._... Ford and or-Hanson, social director•; Mr1. ea1 colleeUoo and disposal ol 1Dduttr1&1 ud tlll'tUe eb.,otra loader. w!U play tcr David strllld. marsbal; Mra. oolld wuto. wo~er-. llldl. d&lldD&. Aroold Llndberc. IKeo Taylor, asslstut marsbal; NOVEMBER ZONTA GIRLS ANNOUNCED =~~~:w:~~:~~~~~.~ Amerleu. NU..X... bist.orla.rt; Ermaa ZOota clrls lor No .. -Mar Hill> SchOol. n ee..prHI. ftl'e bolortd at tbe Nor. lS dellt of tbe pep ~ member lac._. meeUacottbeNewport o1 American Field Sernee, tbe llarllor ZOota Club. Tbe moalllly Sl!l Club. 1U1C1 ltlllor -.ry •Ject~DD~ are based oelelder-aoetety. Sbe bu beea cboMDu IIIJp, eiUpolblp. sebolarsblp ctrl o1 the quarter. Oatalde aDd .ebool seJ'Tiee. actb1t1es loclude yoWh ~ Here ue the 4hoDoreesfrom work at tile Bodt1blst Cbllrcb. the -.J bill> aebOolll' She plallll to earoll at Goldeo • JENNY NAKANO, Wut Jurdor Collep: oeJt year, ot Mr. aDCI Mrs. Job.D latel' traosfet to a 4-yea.r to05Z SaDta lD elemen- 111 by ~ wesreEND ~ Spartdlna Stlinleu S1NI 6 to10cup Flovo-S.lector PERK $999 Mild. extra .. trenqth or rec:ular ... tbil w.t Bend percolator brews coffN die way you like lt fl'CJ timal Just HI tho FlnoSeloctor to your tutt choice ... the rest is automatic. Sparlding alumi.num. WEST BEND 12 to 36 cup AUTOMATIC PARTY PERK S,Q99 ("~ -EDiar1oll>b>q ia men lull wbtD JOill•t your W..,_ -P11tJ Park pepore tho -aDd bop It bat clawD to tho lut dollclooo cup. au-.11cally. Naba oil tho ..a-JOil ....,t b-four -"' or a ...., -12. 18. :u. 30 ar 36 cupe. Ira -r ... Ju1 -1D oolcl walo<. add callea. plucJ ID. Spv· UDq olumiDum. .. ,, .... " ........................... .. ___ ,__..,. ....... .., .... .,.. - • KAREN ANNE JOHNSON tbe Cballlelles, recopltkMI Mrs. Judy Rlldrud is geoen.J "Cb:i"isto&r.oD, S-yeu trustee; dauPter of Mr. mS Uzs: committee bead fur tbe Pep chalrman. Aaa:l.stillg her are Nlla NU.OO. Z·Jea!' trutee; Rlebard H. Jobo.soo. 1851 Ctw, member of GAA ud tbe Erman Cbtlstoffenoo am Herbert ADderiOD, 1-yeu Rhodes Or., Costa Mesa, Ia orebestn. Sbe reeelnd tbe D&Yid Stnad., lodge soc.la.l di-trustee; Mrs. Herbert AD-o senior ela.sa sec.ret&ry at Ea-musl.e aen1.ce award lut May. rectors &Dd tbelr wives. A but-denon, orllftlllt; Mn. Len ta.octa Hip Sebool. blad.nrsity OWdde aeUftUea loelude fet table o1 NotYegia.D dessertl WoUord. editor of kJdge bulJe- ebeerlaader, member ot AFS eburdl ebOtt, hlstol'i&DiorTrl-will be sernd during tbe Uoo Mrs. Ray Nlelsen,pubUelty ud Pep Club Sbe rectlred tbe Hl-Y Club, tbe Old James e't'enJ.o&. Resenatlons are NOT and membersbip chairman. sophomore itz.1 of tbe year Players &lid tbe ''Parted Ark'' DKeasary. aftfd trom tbe Uasoa.l.c Lodge coffee bouse. Sbe lntetda: to eo-A Chrl5tmas party for cbll- 1!!: 1968. Outs1de aeUrUles in-rotllt Oec:ldelblCollepor UC dreo andCfudchlldrenol mem-BEDROOM FARCE AT eltate the PhllharmoolcJWliors, Santa Barbara, maioflA&Inmu-beta wt.U be beld Dec. 11 at tbe OCC MOV. 19 ntRU 22 rohdeer work at Fatrvil'lr ste and m1Dor1D& Ln Engl.l.lb JOdd FellowsHall fn CostaMesa. ~-•e H-ltal -~ ~ee-presl-or arcbaeOlogy to prep&ntion Suta Claus will be tbere wttb "The trick ls to play fa.ree u"'" ......... • ......, "" so u comes off hilarious only dency of the Trl-Ht.Y Club. for a teaebing career. a ba& of goodies. Mrs. Mer len to the aum.ence -totheaeton Last summer sbe lived to a • • • • Hauoa aa:f Mrs. E. Chrlstolf-tt 1s deadly serious. u you ~ Medean hOme for 7weeksatSan JOYCE HARADA, daupt.er ersoo are ln cba.rge of play 1t that •ay you wtll ban Lula Potosi a00 studied t.t tbe of Mr. a.od Mrs. Roy Harada. chlldren's prop-a.m. , ry tuony tarce'indeed .. Untrersldad Autoooma there tor 2749 Meodosa Dr ·• Costa Mesa, Sereral members are making e On.age Cout Colle~ drama 5 weeks". She plans to a.tteod I!: Girls League secretary at pl&na for their summer tour IDstructor Jack Hollalxl was Pomooa College or OC SaJQ Costa Mesa High School, head fll&bt to Norny. EUgibUity fol" discussing the occ prOOuctloa Barbara to sh.:ly for" foreign songle&der a.od member otGAA filgbts is ooe year membership of "'Tbe Cbemmy Circle" by serrtce, boping to F to South and the Pep Club. 1n prerious in Sooa ol Norway Lodge, as of Georges Feydeau. The French America because sbe 1s an ex. years she baa been. a.cUwe at.:» departure date. bedroom farce Wi.ll be sb.ged eeUeotSpa.n.ishllngut.st. Ln CSF, drlll team and tbe Tbeea:ecutlveOOudwt.Umeet N0¥.19_tz at 8:15 p.m. In the edoca«cwJ dneq,mes& eoun-at 8 p.m. Dec. 4 at the home occ Auditorium • • • ell. Sbe n.s cbosen. u bome. of WtWam Moss, 1681 Luee . The play betni presented tor • DEBBIE METZLEUR, comiDg queen last mootb, aDd Dr., Tustin. only the~ time lntbe US da··~l IM J Metzlear last June &be won the E. l · ·• "'&'' er o rs. une • Moore a'ftl'd as oubtancttnc Founders artsandcratt:ssee-bas been entered by Holland Ln 3909 Mucus Are., Newport juldor gl.rl She pl.a.Ds to atteod tloo wt.ll meet at 6:30p.m. Dec. the American College Theater lsland, ls flat trirl.et al: New-UC( atld major in foteip lao-6 attheHerbertADdersoobome, Festln.L port Harbor H1Kfl Scbool, 1-438 W. River Lane, Santa ADa. The lead wt.U be played by historian tor AFS, llbl'arla.nfor guares. for potluck~. folloWed by Kermit Christman, a veteran of == Tl Cl:.··::-.:": ,.., ....... , .... 100.. ... ... ••••:1 if ch uA:Is. • Me Slwt .. tc ••• •Mo--. ,.,_,,._,, .... ·---• W...,S..M •ssaeuel OUR IXCLUSIVI SIRVICI • ,,.,llllu.tls AtlaM111 . ,,., ....... ··--· • r ....... , .. A .. ••• ........ ·-·-~.-~ 2081. Off,.,-& -70 642-f270 ,....,w N t Hoag Yorksnop at 8 p.m. Chairman many OCC sbows Yho kast took ewcomers a ls Harold Hammer. the lead In the Hollaod New members lnitiated at production of "The Deflls." 1702 NEWPORT BL YD. at 17tlt, Co a to II••• *SATURDAY,NOV,l *SUNDAY, NOV.9 ,,. ...... ~ .............................. .. Girl -Mr . and Mrs. Martin Girl-Mr. a.ndMrs.Rich&E4 Rabb, IllS Austin St., Costa H. Smith, 1038 Presidio, Costa Mesa. Mesa.. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boy -Mr. llDd Mrs. Robert P. Jooes, 274 E. 21st St., Costa H. Brennan, 10331 Monitor Dr., Mesa. Huntingtoo. BeQ.ch. • SUNDAY, NOV. 2 • MONDAY, NOV. 10 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs . Dem:WI: Hayes, 2192 Placeotia, Apt. D., Brady, WS Hilaria Way, West Costa Mesa. Newport Helgbts. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Derlc Boy -Mr . and Mrs. Jobo Fitlpn.ld, 20051 Cove Cltc le, Mosher, 2231 Annlrersary Huntln.&ton Beach. Lane, HQDUngtoo Beach. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boy -Ur. and Kra. Joa. R. Holt, '15!o Mln.mU', Balboa. stuhley, 160 W. Wllsoa, No. s. • MONDAY, NOV. 3 Cost& Mesa.. Glrt-Mi,udUrs,Aotbooy Girl-Mr. and Mrs,CI.Jde Lenndowsti, 2958 Croftdon, T. EUJs, 19471 Cook Circle. Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach, Boy -Mr . and Mr s. RaymoDd Boy -Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer, 515 Kings PL., CUff Wigl..ogtoo, 2316 5aota An.a, Haven. Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sorenseo, 933 lOth st., Hun.-March, 312 Bueoa Vista. Ungton Beach. Balboa.. Girl-Mr. a.od Mrs. David Giri -Mr.a.ndMrs.A. Vaoce Armstrong. 1846 Placentla.Ra.oa, 2020 Calvert Ave., Costa. Ave., Costa Mesa. Mesa. Boy-Mr. aDd Mrs. Michael Girl -Mr . and Mrs. Michael McShane, 10151 Ma.lli:ol Dr., Mound, 3128 Couotry Club Dr., Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY. NOV. 4 • TUESDAY, NOV. 11 Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Jose Boy -Mr. a.Dd Mr s. Darid Romo, 2Ml FJower St., Costa Collins, 6442 Glorla. Dr., Hun- Mesa. ttngton Beach. Girl -Mr. and M.rs. Rlehard Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Georee L. Majors, 9531 Land Fall Dr., PUeocbar, 2921 Ca.ssta. East H~ Beach. Bluff. Girl -Mr. a.od Mrs. Corn-Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Rorer elus Adrlaans, 2059 MOOl"O'fla M.angskau, 2641 A. Eden Ave., St., Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa. • WEDNESDAY, NOV, 5 Gl.rl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Joha Boy-Mr. a.od Mrs. WU.llam Smltbllne, 2215 fa.lrYie"W" Rd., Bloom, 2315 Tustin Ave., West Costa Mesa. Upper Sa.y. Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rogers, 9401 Velardo Ln., Huo- Kt.rk, 3253 MlchlganAn., Costa tl.Jlgton Beach. Mesa. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Roscoe Girl -Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson, 158 Magoo~ Costa M. FiDdler, 1 70'72 Frlml Lane, Mesa.. Humtoctoo S.ch, Boy -Mr. aDd W.rs. BI.B Glrl-J.lr.andMrs.WUllam Blair, 17131 Pa..rk Lane, HIID- Cooel. 186Z Rlkldes Dr., Costa ttngton Beach. Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Urs. A. Ro- • THURSDAY, NOV. 6 bertson. 674 Congress st., Gil' I -M.r. and Mrs. Ken-Costa Mesa. oeth Beehtol., 66n Soria, HUll-• WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 ttnctoo Beach. Girl-Mr. ud Mrs.Stepbeo Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wiese, !1121 Ambenrlck Lue, Croft.. 1034 Valenica., Costa HID'Jt1ncUio Beacb. Mesa. Girl -Mr. ud Mrs. ValeD- Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. La•-tiDe Fortual, Sl49 Yakoa, com, reace W. Harper, !086 Maple Mesa. st., Coati. Mesa. Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Girl -Mr. ud Mrs. Robert EYellcb. 4901 Kooa Dr., H-.. J. eowu, 9?tl Saline Dr •• HIIIJ.. ttnctoo Beach. t1DcDt Beaeb. • THURSDAY. NOV. lS • FRIDAY, NOV. 7 Boy -Mr. ud Mra. WU- 00, -Mr. IUICI Mrs. JOIIII !lam Beeble~ S?HI-Ia, AIJI. Hanls, 1156 Meyer Pl.. Costa D, Costa. Y-.. Jlta. Girl -Mr. IUICI Mrs. lflnY Girl -11r. alld Yrs. Terry J-I ?lSI Gollllrd st., Sp. D1n1111. HM-1/1 Wlllo st.. IU. S""l ..... -ell. C.. II-. Girl -Mr. ud lira. Doni 00,-Mr. IDd lira. StoY• Ryata, IOU ~PL,C.. Cbt<ry. SISI Cork Lillo,<:-. Ia JI- ll... BoJ-Mr. ud llra.J-.r .. Girl -Mr. ud Mrs. Robert ScM.r, to7 Celtls PL, Ea.tt 1o. Neb, lUI W.-Btfd.. B11111. C-.al N._t. Girl -Mr. IIIII lira. Doallld Glrl-Mr.lldllra.o.rdu SU J14l ... P-...Aft.., RaW, mv ..... •-.-· Alii-c. c-.- • BAT URDU, lfOV. I Girl -llr • ud lira. llof-llr.lllllllra.-, ...... 5?1 PW- 11e1 ••"· IO'J PalM ttl, COlla -. C...dallw. • F!UJ)I.T,IIOY. It 11oJ -Mr. IIIII lira. -Girl -Mr. llllllra. A. 1•• m -Cololado La., J. ~ 1"'-l Clift c.-.....;. ... Cool&- C.l-....... -~ Girl --~ 1-. 1011 TaU.-or .. o. on aa, c .. -Ctr<:t., I II .... - T-um ' Fora sharp offer. .., __ .... _ ... ..,:we--..... a pd:nnt,_. .,.,_ ASP R• I# • .. .._.._ v ..... _..,.,..,'a S I' d ... t I L 0'' 'rsak.-. r ..,, 1 , .. I I I ... _ SPORTS CAR TIRES TUBELESS NYLONS 520x13 · 600x13 · S.OxlS W IIW T- 1h D I a .. ... IF 'R 01. DSMO Ill L E 2adoo' hardtop . CADILLAC .. 60 s.pec:," 4-dr. air concltioned .$ CADILLAC CPE. o. v;u •..... S RJRD ~cyl ., t.tlck •• OiEV. WGN . ~ch., VB, auto . BUICK eads.ter, conv. '""'· "' ..... SlSO M$0--we carry our own contracts wile, Nancy, Uve in Newport Beach. They have 3 cWldreo -Margaret, 14; 12; a.nd PatriCia, 7, CANADIAN OFFIOALS TOUR IRVINE LAND RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 20 words or les1 21 words to 30 words 31 words to.«> words Eoch word over 40 words 1 Time 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times 2.50 ~.00 •. 00 .10 3 Timu 3.00 •. 00 5.00 . 15 IIORK UNTED IROONO. Y un or eapeP- ioaee 011: all typel or cto- lb.ia.a A linea..Speciahr, mea•• .ruru. tl.SO per 1111. Mable Yllli-. 6il7 . ...,.. ptrito, CDiol. 67)-:1774. NEII'ORT HA!itoR £1111111 ARST SEC11011 --P• 5 liiURIOAY,IIOV. 2D, 1M OOIIOIIA DEI.IIAII. CAUF. I Ill% PIITI .. WIIUITY c,-. IUS II • lAYS e-n o1 --1 ,.mlooluAof ...-. *"' lloo, --. PUll ~on~~ ... '"""Y .... - .,... ... ..,.lr .... -lo - --· .,.,. .. ,., .. nn POID GALUII '" HAAITOP $1195 •·Doe<, '1.1, IIII•IOOOielil, hc+eoy ., •o,..jitie"i"'1', full ,.,...,, r•lllie, hul••· IP!Xll71 "" OOMI coooon 4-11.-. 51395 V.l , It-•• 1INri.,, IN••r .......... h ... .,. O.tutl•• c.,. nnn11 1 tM COIYITTI HAIITOP R,, ....... lll• .. ~. 4 ., ..... ,.4;• . h•l~r. ,..,., witMI•••• A#ol.fM ,.4i•. l lHCt~ II 51895 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE amount equal to ruty per cent (50%) of the contract prtrc, which bood shall provide that 1f the person or his subcon- tractors fall to pay for any materla.li (ezcept sucb materials as are furnJsbed by the Orange County Harbor District), pro- visions, provender or other supplies, or teams, used tn. 1410n, tor, or about the performance of the "WOrk contracted to be dooe, or for any work or labor tbereoo of any .ld.Dd, or !or amounts due uDder the Unemployment l.DJuraoce Act with res- pect to such work or labor, tbat tbe surety or sureties wtll pay for same, in an amOW'Jt oot e:a:ceedlng the sum specified in the bond, and also, in case su.it is broucttt ~o the bood, a reasonable attorney's !ee to be tued by the Court; said bonds to be secured trom a surety company satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors of Oran,e County. Tbe Cootractor wiU also be required to turnlsb a certillcate that be carries compensation lnsuranee coverLDc his employees ~ the "WOrk to be dooe UDder the cootract wblcb may be entered Loto be- tween 111m aDd the Orange County Harbor District for the coo- strucUoa of sa.Jd work. NON-DISCRIMINATION, In the performance of tbe terms of lb1s Cootract, cootnctor agrees tbat he wUl oat enp.p lo aor permit such subcon- tractors as be may employ from eDPiinc Ill d1scrlm1Dat1oo in employmeot of petSIODI because of tbe race, color, lllltiooa.l ortpn or aoce&try, or rellgtoo fA sucb persons. VlolaUoo of this provision may result to tbe lmposJUoo of pemltles re· !erred to Ill Labor Code Sectioo 1735. The Cootra.ctor sball · ue only unmanufa.ctured materials produced Ill the Uotled states aod Ollly mamatactured materials man\Aetured in tbe thUled statu, ltlbltarrtially all from ma- terials produced in the United states, in performance ot the coliract. The Board of S~l.a:)ra rner"s tbe rl&bt to re- ject any or a.U bids, Dated November 1!, 1989 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA (SEAL) W. E. STJOHN, Couoty Clerk &DIS u..offtcto clerk of tbe Boord o1 ~· o1 Orup CouaiJ. Callforo1a By Mabel L. CUteU, Doputy APPENDIX HAll PROIECT UU YAINTENAIICE DREDGING UPPER NEWPORT BAY RECRUTKII AREA Pur-.tlo !Itt--o18oetlool'MO ollilt Llllor Code of !Itt stale of Calllonlla, lilt 8oor4 o1 '-"-• o1 Orup COitllly bU uc-IIIII -tbe pr...WOC-nto for eaCb cralt, wortmaa or Mebudc 8lll.ted CO euc-.. tbll coatract. Tile pr...WOC niOI 10 --an-u t>Uoea: Clullll- ForellUUI ldtcUte Ju.. 1, 1119 fO.H per --· lllta ltiCitMI pol4 ·--Wlddt bt bU l'tll ' trfMI#J. LootratU Wateb IJCizs • Olla• ar IU•ctrto) WtldW Oedwte tMwror ... ...... -..-.. ~ , __ OIIIt lAifl t 1 ,.,., , .... por-... -..... ..--........ -....... .,._ , ... .,..,._ Da'S '(IMQIIInle..._.,..._.. •uarotDoe-.) ._. ..--., ; m•• to lilt -. lilt co.--.a praollltllto ---. ....... -....... - --·-. Ei ... .. •• 1 ... ... ... ·-... -, , •• ........._ ...... ~ ..... IIIII ... II&' I .... ,.rt ~ ltltl .... ~ .. t-11 .... lWo Wit CtNII .. •• UNITS... UNRS ... We ba"ft ..,. aftiJabll u ncellut 11ilcUDD ol outwtiM!ar llllltJ l'lllCfDr from d~loea at $4'7,500 lo 11>-p.._ at '145,000. Uo.t ol tbe11 propvUu are e:acluatn Usttnp a.od -oral-....,. __ Ia&. 1D addlUoa •• u:.,. '"eral llDcle ruldelcu oa a.z 1a1o rucsnr """' $31,500 .. oco ror ... l>allder. IF YOU ARE CONSIDERil<GRESJDENTLU.I!ICOIIE 1N THIS AREA YOU SHOULD GIVE 1B A CALL. I'OIINRaY ORANGI! COAST P-HTY · c.-ololllow- Model Home Condition LASTING BEAUTY ao:1 permanence wltb the tile roof, Ule foyer, coocrete driveway, brlckpatlom:tpla.Dters; sparkling newnesa ln latest deslp floor CO't'efinp &Dd wall papers; tor mal dinJOC area trith wet bu, breatfut area for famUy d1.n1nr, three ,...rous bedrooms, l'trO bigii""Style blthr, stDcle llniHy prltaey at a. eo..op prlee; sellers' oew home readJI GENEROIB TERIIS U4,950 HAL PINCHIN CALL 67~ ANYTIME! BALBOA DUPLEX • Two 2-bedroom units -Both In excellent condition. • Very close beach and bay. • OWner will finance at favorable rate. • Low down payment. $49,500 RIDDLE g ROSS. REALTORS 3535 E. Coast Hwy., • Corona del Max 675·7225 VIEW vunr wr-.... , lilllllllp......, ,. nptprl. ___ ., __ 11011.. Jtot lee J) Did. .... • I'JI.IGlO. DOUG IRY All JOIHS 1W4K IRANOI IH COM """"" Br7U baa -... od.-.-.. -, Amtrlc:a'a earo. del Mar DraDeb. aceordtDc to nwrwpr C. E. SeMollor. Mr. BrJU URIIIOI tbe poet -· ,... .......... Pili IAbm realty 642-5200 -IIJ at lilt Ftlllorloo 1101.1 r.:::::::::::::::::l olllco. lit )Oiood lllo -· __ .......,._ Ia I tiS ud _.od lllllo Wilt ~ -IIHhiN hllortoo, Ftlllorloo ... ... ..... llco, SU Cla•oiU ud Wilt 60..472 ...... llr"'addM ..... ,._ ..... .,.,.,. .... ,.., ,...... Mala. ,,. •• C..•• ·•r • .., hUertaa Val.ll. I --....!!~~~~L-1 -··-·---~-.. 1117 • .. .. • ..... .. Nrtres. 1-;;;;;-;;j'jj;;:-:-::;~;;-;-A.. ...... tn ......... t..-1• lllllct ...... ~--... IIU--........ _.. .• Ji,llll ....... ....al............ d.l «rr c • u•• ._ ...... · zRt• 'r 'S II II IF It 1 ........... ,_, ... lo-LI10if$-. VIEW HOME CAMEO SHORES • DWHER WILL LE.UE.oPT10HI 4 BEOROOioiS 2JI BATHS $64,500 •••• NEW DUPLEX HOME & IHCOME ;; Br. ' S Baths plus Apt, with 2 Bedroom " 2 baths Tbla Ll a Medallion ~le:~ that features Fireplaces, Carpets, Drapes, Sun Deck, Patio and LaDdscaplDe:. $65,500 OPEH tiOUSE.-SATUROAY & SUHOAY ... l TO 5 P.M. 604 DR01!D AVE., CDROHA DEL MAR •••• RENTALS I BR. FURNISHED APT. -$160, I BR. FURNISHED APT. -$185, 2 BR. UNFURN1SHED-$250. 3 BR. UNFURNISHED-$3Z5. IJOX Y. f R.kXKl.lX I Rt:.kl.TOR ' 3250 hsl Co.st H11hwty Corona del Mar, Cililorn11 Ptlone ti7J.2222 •• ~ li~ skn• ~tel -ri-617 UDO PAIIIt DRIVE • MEWPORT IEAD4 CAL!FORII!A 92UO (71.11673·- On the Bay .. At Entrance to Lido Isle SPECIAL WINTER RATES WoUS yoa beUeYe , •••• st\do suite aecomcaodlttm• oa tbl ta,.rroat at a moat:hly rate of $!15.001 WOI.Id JOG belie'l'e ••••• b&Jftoat 1a.a11 Sift. 'CCOIDO-da-wttll ., • ..., boy Yin at .-17 rate ol $tll.oa" Rates lDclude dally maid sentce, eoartesJ eolltlt, ice, ~d sentce, weetead coat1DeGt:al •-•:"':•:·~&~-. laqlldre about our weekly rates on all accom"M'd\1"'- CHARLIE •d El.SIE PAIHTER PROPRJBTORS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $47.5 million for the first ten months of 1969. This represents 1,294 unit sales and a dollar value Increase of 6% over the same pertod of last year, which was a record year. Ltat your property;1wlth a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wella- McCardle. Realtors Reliable Sel!lkt Sbocel!IO CIIITAIIIIIA .OOVfR SHORES I Pool 5 Blldrooms tan"' OutJI"'Jt CALL OIMia-Gwal lMUIISMY, NOV. 31, INt C!l!!!!!o\ OaiW. CAuF. II•Jirf In It I ... FINER HOMES IAYFIONT Pler, slip, 3 bedrooms, paneled den with wel bar. Glamour rn&lt«' suite witb JacUDi 6. Iteam abower. Large, outdoor, carpeted bay- froftt temce. Additional redwood deck over water. Today'a kitchen with built.tn break- fast area. Proftilionally decorated 1c-land- :scoped. A real buy. $119,500. Call lor app't. DOVER SHORES VIEW Delightful 2-story home with view of back bay from all rooms. 3 Bedrooms., 3~ balbs, · dt>n & libn.ry with ftreplace. Formal dining room. $82,500. 0 p e n daily. 1608 Antigua Wa y. IAYFRONT Ready for immediate oc-tupancy. Large 2- story Bayfront home with 4 spaciow bed- rooms. I a r g e living room, formal dining room; paneled den witb wet bt.r. Muter suite with si tting room, fireplace &: e 1 t r a luge dressing room . Pier & noat !or large power or sailboat. See this exciting buy. $175,000 . Open daily. 515 Bayside Drive. john macnab REALTY COMPANY 90t Dov.r Dr., Suite 120 64U2l5 , •.................. NEW LISTING Lido Isle EJlra 5l)eelal hOme lor a etq~le or small family oo a 45 ft. Lot--ROOM FOR EXP ANSJONl Lmely big sunny patio. larp d1n1De or famll,y room ud spacious bedrooms ---i:ACH WITH PRIVATE BATH. EXCELLENT COHDITJON $56,500 .. •• ~~~~-c... .... ...... ...J CORBI·N- MARTIN HAL 2"0118 • NEW LISTING This property has 2 bedrooms In front and 1 bedroom In rear. It's In the pro- posed freeway route, so you can live In It and be assured of a sale In future. PRICED AT $38,750 (P.S. Cor In pl.et. -• M•lve4) CORBIN~MARTIN, J.nc. ..,'"'"• • .,..~ n. b.A .,. 3038 E. Cout Hwy. 675-1662 Corooa del Mar, Calif • U the mortgage balance on your home ranges up to $30,000, we can show you how to pay off that balance within 5 to 8 years .•. saving thousands In Inter- est money ..• eliminating allfe-ttme of mortgage payments ... creating a nest egg not to be eaten up by Inflation. 2,116 home owners In South Orange County can be accommodated In this extraordinary profit sharing program which Is designed for Incomes between $7,500/$20,000 • How you benefit from your Realtor's® Multiple listing Service when you sell a house .. When you sell your house through a Realtor. you save time, energy, and headaches. _Because a Realtor IS a pro- fessional in the real estate busmess who wrll mtroduce you to truly interested people. People who want to huy what vou want to sell. And throuah Multiple L1sting, a _number of Realtors work hand in hand so that you have a wide range of pro- spective buyen. All of whom do business through a Realtor becawe they know he handles the kind of propeny they're interested in. F,airly and sq11ar1ely . When you're seUina yoUr JiOiise. do it the simple way . Get in touch wilh your Reahor-, a profellioaal in real estate who IUbKribes to a ltrict Code ol Ethics as a member of the b:al board and ol the N.uonal Alloc:iation ol Real E11ate lto.nla. Church News "" ..... -1.&. DOlt ....... _ .... _ ... _ -caanll, -·c. Dr~ --..w...-.. .. ....... ....... -,. a. ...... .., " .. I iYilrc"•lt ... -.. .... - 2 ?, )lllllllllr. lO .... 111111111 -.... Will ..,..ell .H .. I 1771» • ' • • of -· at ~ t _. If a.-. '1'111 ,._. QottJ c-.-, -, .,-. ~ to •ootlol :& IIIII Ill. ud 1ntao 1X'a , 'u~dQ'b're:.. • ..., cua.,._ ... ,._ of --... -bJ II> r-! will bt IIIII M 'C -of ~ -.-lliPk of tile --L«a ,.... wm 11ft a _.... oa Fllcttz,.. at 10 a.m. s.dQ. ·~· at I a.m. • • • ,_....._, -17 T1oe T-Aoroos--• I • ; bood ot Colt& Ilea .W.aoklltl Tile FV• Blptill Cburcb ~ a-1 mJd-'W'I.Dtw !'UIDID&&I e.G-. 301 Mapollast.,--s_,. ud -· at SUI: -An. -"0 P" N ... II ud It, at lllo Odd Fol- lllub ., u. Lord'' wt.n be •• Hall. ue Mala st., 111o -topte of Dr. P. Q. Hlllltlqtoe Boocb, -9 a.m. M-=• II tbe U a.m. s-ily to 5 p.m. Mrs. KC111oDJa.c:d:laa ..me. ne a ... Harold ""-1: ~ 1or 111o ala. Pro-w-. uaoclatt ~ wtl1 c..U will co to tbl Temple be a. .,..mat 7p.m. • StJuoD.hdlctlnc flmd. • • • • • • C -· CborQ, 1100 I. Till ~ barcll ot 11>e c .... 11wy c-.,.1 -~~u~or, noo Paclllc VIew Dr., -Dr. c..;'~oo F-r. Dou Hanar View 111Ua-Dr. WU-ol WTMolo&keiSmiM!'J UamElllr..Wbrlocamesap La-,..Wp..lllo ' oo .. Be YICUUt'' at tbt 9:15 at tM 10 a.m.. --nee =::= &liS 11 a.m. eerricea this da7 s_,.. Tile 01Dio< IIIII> Lallier • Lapo Will bOld a ...-n. ALBERT W. LILLIE OF r-.. ., tile weelt....._ CDM SUCCUMBS AT 79 • • • st. ADdrew's Presbyterian c•eb, 500 st. ADdrew's Rd., CW! Bano -Guest preaeber a tbl a, 9:30 &Dd 11 Lm. Sllldly .ernces wlll be tbe ReT. Wtwam Cntlb, misskmary to Kora. curremly oo f\JrlouP,. Hl.s sermoo topic ls "New dl. measinm 1D mission." • • • Cbrt.stia.D Scteoce Ch~~rcbes -"Soul and body' • ts the tq)lc ol tbe leuoD sermon to be read th1s Sallday.SerYicesarea.t 9:15 aDd 11 a.m. 1a Newport Beach, 11 a.m. In Costa Mesa, and 10 a.m. 1a Harbor View Hills. A 10 Lm. Thantsgirln( serYice wtD be beld Nov. 27 at the church at3100 Pacltic View Dr., Harbor View lUlls. • • • A TIME TO GIVE THANKS A PLACE TO GIVE THANKS Do you aDd your tamtly nave plans for go1Dc" to ehiU'Ch on Thanksglvin(' U oot, we'd llke to warmly l.o:flte you to attend our simple aDd d.ipl..D.ed sentces. Won't you please jol.o u.s in praising God for Hts THANKSGIVING IIDRNING Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Newport Beach 3100 PACIFIC VIEW DR., CORONA DEL MAR (ACROSS FROM LINCOLN SCHOOL) • •' • \ ) I I NEIPORT HARBOR ENDC7. FlRST SEcnON - -P ... I lltURSOAY, NOV. 2ll, 1!11 OOIIINA OELIIAR. t/oU F: MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Dr . Charles L. F'elDberL deanofTalbotTbeologie&l Sem1DI.ry, La Mirada. wUl be tbe pest preacher at the 10 a.m. worship service this Sunday, Nov. 16. StnmAY SCIIOOL AT BO A.ll. WORSHIP SIRVICI AT 10:00 A.ll. IVIIIDIG IIDVICI AT 7:JO P,ll. ZIIO EAST CDAST IIWY., CD-. DEL MAR -I _ .. I NEWPORT BEACH 1~ 'MARVELOUS STORY OF PUSS IN BOOTS -, ... ~-.LW$ 1 1 .......... .._ ..... JOe COSTA MESA ly IIRS. JAM!S HA RRIS Hol<lea ud Mrs.Ra.lphTudoW- Wlth llript, colorfUl. lfOJ'J'~ UJ, wtU be presented HO'I. 19 book ..u, beaut1f'lally del.l.pl at 10 a.m., 1 and ):SO p.m. all1 royal robes &Dd p y, l1ltiDc Now. 30 at 1 aod 3:SO p.m. 10011. boW can )'01;1 ml.u? at Oranp Coast Collect a.d-!;-..:,.~ ACTRESS Clatre Tre'tor (Mrs "Tbt maneJoos story of torlum. Tickets are $1 ud~ MlltOG Brea of oo .. r Sbores) PU5S 1D Boots'' bU au th1& aDd be pure based at tbe door. bu beeaa&mtdhOoonrJeba.tr-directioa by Mrs. Ba?dY Ebsoo Prod~tloo Cooordlllator, mu o1 tbl March of Dimes to eosure Jtsmactcalsucc:essin Mrs. James Dowty, iUlDOODCes motbel's' marehoobtrthdetects tbe kiDB Ust of stace bill pre-Ml's. Ralph HOO&tna ucostu.me for Or up Couaty, Her nrstot-seated bJ CbUdren's Tbeatre designer, Mrs. Carroll Perkl.ns ftdal duty n.s to P'ell GaUd of Newport Harbor. as set deslg:oer a.Dd Mrs. 'oluoteen at tbe IJIJltal Much Tb.i s mllSlcal fliry.tale, wltb Theresa AU ea, cboreocrapber. of Dlmt~dlmeryester<Ryattbe ortJinal sOap by Mrs.~~~ Others on the productioo sta1f Elks Club lD Santa Aoa. Tbe Be are Mrs. Da:,td Sk1111Dc. stace me«toc dramatlud lhe treat-aeon Wl"ns manapr; Mrs. Robert Wolfe, meot ud prevent.iOD of blrth program bclok, and Mrs. Rlcb- detects. Costa Mesa City MaD&-ard Marowtt:z, prornoUon. rer Arthur McKenzie, cllapter lop honors The cast, r ecrlllted from Presldeot, presided at the Harbor Ar ea thesptus, tn. cludes CoHn Gutver a.s the cob-diDDe.r meeting. Newport Harbor Higb bier, Ame-Eva. Newsteadastbe THREE NEWPORT BEACH POLICEMEN went deer bwal.Dc In lbe middle or Oetober at Kay Cee, Wyomlog, a.Pd eacb tot a deer. Offleer Mitch Tbornpsoo 1J sbown here wttb ooe. Offt.ce Scotty McGreenr p tbe btgcest deer ever seen ln tbat area. a 9 point buck wetgbi.ng300pouods, fteld dressed. Lt. Kel8oo YcDa.rdel also brought YenlSOD home. LEGAL HOTICE Sebool's studeol oewspaper, the prlDcess, Carol Cappello as Beacon, has received 2 awards Puss, Ken Brown as Gerard tor SIC>8J'1orlty based 00 lssues and GlDO Gaudio as the Ogre. A d f I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING dur!Po the socoad semester of Tom Moor e will ....... as the gen a or p anners FRIGID II B·I·G FALL SALE WORTH LOOKING INTO Jet Aellon CJotlles Care wttb Aatomalle Soak Cyde • C.no.. u.-•b wuhln,. O..p Adioft A1l1o1or ~nowee liP a nd down. C lotho• ptunp d"p lntG oucby wM~r wMre c~· ln •.• '--'· • No llnl trapl Jet·Awoy 1\lnM ltLI nd oK lint ond w-.o• ou~omoUc:aJiy. thOf"9U!IfliJ. • LooMn flubborfl ._,,. and dlnl Auto moUe Sooll Cycle prep.o~• loundry fo-r wwb cyclo. Com.,.,lon FrtctdaJre Dryer • Durable ,..,.._ Care ror no- Iron clothn • No·h•at ror nufflnl • Dacron lint .creon on the door! Notice Is hereby given that Ute last school year under the geoeral, Samuel Brandon as the Plamdng Commission of the leadership of the editor-in-king. Brad Ogden as Oendy,a.Dd. Tbt Newport Beach Pla..nn1ng Nov. 13 to reduce trootand side City of Newport Beach wtllhold chief Ja.n Schwarz, David Schm er ler as tbe Chan-Commission wiU cooslder the yard setbacks at 2728 Rock a pubUc hearlag 00 theappllca-Most prestigious of these a-celklr. Others 1n the cast are following Items at Its meeting St., China Cove, Corona. del ttoo of Beroard J . Bamaa for a wards was the AU-American Jay Greer • Todd Pickett, Clndy at 8 p.m. today, Nov. 20, In the war. BOTH $298as FOR varta.nce 981 on property Joc.a-hOoor rating. given bJ the Na.-Ma.rowllz, Patty Chavez, Pam City Ha.U Council chambers: 6. Haag Memort.al HOSi)ltal, ted at 5709 Seashore Drl..-e to tlooa.l SeboJastlc. Press As-Armstrong. Lynn Dowty, Starr 1. Newport Beach Tenois request for ameDdmeD.I of permit as .storydwelUngwbere soclatt.oo., tor u celleoce as a Hudgins, Kl m Sk:Uling and Llsa Clltl, East Bluff, eootlJwed.dl.s-original use permlt lot the the ordillance permits 2 stories schoOl oewspaper. Student Dorwood. cusslon of tl\e use permit re-operation ot a oortll unit as a only. oewspapers from across Ute BEHTLEY S VISI"nHG quest~ on-sale Uquor,patron ceoer~ hOspital tor 93 acute Notice is hereby further given na.tt.oo were judged by a oew LA. JOLLA. LAS VEGAS dancl.ng and llu enterta.1nment, medical beds, peodlng con- 2-Speed Wuber wllb Automalle Soak Cyele that sa.ld pubUc bearing wtu be system this year, 11Slng"mark.s aDd permlsslon to rent the str uctlon ot proposedaddttlooal held on tbe4lhdayofDeeember, of dlstt.octloa" rather UWl the Mr. and Mrs . Claytoo WU-tacilltles to prl•ate parties. f.a.cllltles at t he location of the 1969, at the hOur of 8:00p.m. old point metbod. lar d Bentley, residents of tbe t. Oakwood Garden Apart-ma.in ho!ii~lta.l. 1n tbe CooocU Chambers of the Newspapers were rated In Newport area, have been bouse meots, 1100 16th st., Newport 7. The Irvine Co., colltlnued Newport Beach City Hall, at areas of cover age a.od cooteot. guests ot Admiral and Mrs. Heights, use permit request for publlc bearlDg on AmeDdment wblch time and placeany anclall edltorl.als, appearance, photo-S. E. McCarty in La Jolla. 4 on-site sips and6realestate No. 260 for ameodlngtile r.ontog persons Interested may appear grapby, a.od nlting aoded1tlng, The Bentleys enjoyed a. ya.ch-nags to serve a.s ldenti.ftcation trom Wl<:la.ssi.ft.ed to a. planned .tnd be heard thereon. and "marks or distinction" tlng a.tterooon aboard the and directional s igns. community district for the area DOG R. Adkinson, Secretary were given In the areas where Westerly, owned and skfWered 3. Newport Beach Country botmded by San Joaquin Hi lls • Sate fo.-all J OUf wuhob'"l Dtal ""No""ol"" fOt" "SIIIar wooh ··GefttM "" for dellcota • Mo,.. •oshdor taw• A1110m a tic Sook •- en• deep down d irt ond 1nme fo r the wuh ,,, .. • Gentle rei th(tf'"{KIIh! O..p Aclkwl A.,ti.OIOr movn up and down: clothes polun,. down wht,.. cleanln•·• bet;l Newport Beach City a paper was clearly superior by designer Robert 1, BoOO Club Apartments, 16th St. and Rd., Jamboret! Rd., Ford Rd., Planning Commlsston to others . A newspaper bad to and hls wUe, Mary Lou. Stlip-Irvtoe Ave., Newport Helgflts, and MacArthur Blfd., Harbor Publish: Nov . 20, 1969, in receive '•marks of dl.stloction" =~ed ~~~;~ri= use permit requesttor2on-s lte View Hills. the Newport Harbor EnslgD. tn 4 out of the 5 a.nas be-temporary signs to serv e as HEW C. C. l'E .. BER tor e it was awarded the All-mer, PhOenix oelgbbors of ldenlitlcation aDd tntor ma.tion " Matchlnl Frll"ld alre Dryer. • Fabric Mletyi'"IWJ:UI&r-Dur· able PraM"' MtUn1. ""Delicate'" ror rra~l• fa brics • Slpal tells you when doth• aN dry. American Honor rating. Tbe Senator and Mrs. Barr y Gold-tor the South Bay Club Apart. Bla.ckle Ga.dari.an, owner of Beacon · r eceived Us "markS water. as they prepare to lean meots, Blac kle's Boat Yard in Newport NOTICE Of PUB LIC HEARING of distinction'' for coferageand. tbelr La Jolla home to spend 3. Coroa.a del Mar Post ot-Beach, Is a. oew member ot tbe th hollda t th tr Ide Corona del Mar Cham--of Notice lsber ebyginnttWtbe cootent, editorials, appearance, e Y a e res oce tice, use permU request to use Commerce. '""'"" BOTH FOR P 1'"""'"'" Commlssloo of the and pbotography. in Pboeal.l. a. sln&)e farnUy resldeocea.t412 --.. ~·--u ttl 1 luded ''His reasoo tor .... , .. ,., .. """· City of Newport Beach wiU Tbe secood award,lheA.rthur '-"'...:.L ac v es DC a Orchid Ave. as a post oftlce ,...__ .... oold a public hearinc on the A. Dickson anrd for ezcel-d1Doer party hosted by Admiral canter statloo. cording 1o Chamber Presldes:t aa»llcatt.oa of Tbe lni.De Com-leoce lo editorial writing. was and Mrs. McCarty, lwcheon 5. Edker Pope, request tor Dee Cook. "ls tb&t be liked the PQJ ~of a U• Permit 1'5& presented to tbe Beaconoo~. wttb bolt A.adrn' Suon, Gross utenskln of Yu\&Dce lfuted 'Q.J' we approached our IW'Db- 00 pr•rt:J located anot Kn-1, at OCLA joAir1lallsm dQ. MCMJtalD oner, rtsltiDc from lems aD11 ttll.t oar tii:ICtl oo port CeDler Orin to permit CommeoUDc on u.e Be&con, Vlctorla., Bl"ltisb Columbia. aDd LEGAL NO TI CE matters ot cMe lDterest .-ere the lnstalla.Uoo of a seU-ser-the NaUonal Scholastic Press trtps to Lu Vep.s and l....a.b _ DOt oob' beolllclal to Corooa fle e Post Office unit 1n the Assocla.Uon judge remarked, Arrowbead. NOTICE OF TR l.STEE'S SALE del Mar bot also to a.ll of New'- partinc area of the Ne wport "Yotit capable staff COYers Mrs. Bentley Is AdmJ.ra.IMc-No 1162 port Beach. I per~ywa.Dlto Center shopping comples:. school and school-related areas Ca.rty's niece. Tbe Beotleys o n Dece~ber lO l%9 ;':hook::.:"':.:· =Ga~dar::taa:lor:;:~ht•s-lP•-.!!!!!!!!:!!!!:!!!!~~!!!!::!!!!!:!:!!!:!!!~!!:~ Notiee ls hereby turther gtveo •ell. Pages are bright and at.-and daughter s LLDda. and Chrl.s-at 11 :00 A.M., Stan-Shaw Cor~ terest l.n our Chamber·" that said publle llea.rlng wUl be tractive -truly Inviting.'' tine Uve IJI. the Back Bay area. poraUoo. a Callforn1a Corpora- held on tbe 4th day of Dece mber, tlon as duly appointed 1'rustee 1969, at tbe hour of 8:00 p.m. $2.2 MILL ION PROJECT LEGAL HOTICE under and pursuant to Deed of In the Couocll Chambers of the OH HEWPORT FREEWAY Trust dated August 27, 1964 Newport Beach City HaU, at ORDINANCE NO. 1316 uecuted by ROBERT H. which time and pla.ee any and The $782,628,000 budpt AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Ot.ANDER a married man aJld all persons tnter e~l!d ma.y ap-adopted by the California High-Of NEWPORT BEACH AMEN-recorded November 5 1964 as pear aod be heard thereon. way Commission tor ftsca.l year DING SECTIONS 1nstr. No. 3768, in ~k '7289, Don R. Adkinson, Secretary 1970-71 tnc h»des the rouowlng AND 12.!4..058 OF THE NEW-pa..ge 783, of omctal Recor ds Neowport Beach City pr oposed proje<:t In the New-PORT BEACH MUNICIPAL in tbe oftlce of the County Re. Planninc Commission. port Harbor-Costa Me sa area: CODE RELATING TO PRDlA corder of Orange Ccx;nty Ca.lJ- Publl.sh: NO¥. zo, 1969, In Ertens:ion of the 8-la.ne New -FACIE SPEED LDliTS fornia. WlLL SELL AT Pirn.LIC the Newport Harbor Eosign.. port tree-way (Route 55)Ln Costa Tbe City Cola'tcU of tbe City AUCTION TO HIGHEST BlD-r""j;;ji~~=~;;;;;;;dl Mesa 0.4 mile souther ly by con-of l'lewport Belch does or«8.1n DER FOR CASH (paya ble at time ,.......,. ...._.....,,:1111 structiJI.g an lntercha..nce wtth as t)llows: of sale iD lawful mooey of the ........_ Bristol Street-Pa.Usades Ro&d; SECTION 1. Sectioo 12.24.0'70 Un.Ued States) at tbe troot en- BEll. BROADWAY and gra.ding tor Mure fr~ewQ" ol the Newport Beach MUD!clpal tra.oce of Stu~r.a.w Corpora-MORTUARY coostructloo. between 0.3 mtle Code 1.s ameoded to read: ttoo, 1600 Eut M.aytllr Ave. IJO Broadway aad 0.6 mlle south of Bristol "12.24.070 Prima FuleSpeocl Druce Callforllla all r ight' street-Palisades Road. The 85· Limit -Forty Miles per Hour. Utle atid Interest cooveyed t~ U ..,.._ a.aGe c.ta ..._ Uma.ted cost is $Z,ZOO,OOO. Tbe prima l:tc.J.e speed limit oa and oow held by It UDder sa.ld tbe follow1o&: tamed streets or Oe«l or Ttust 1n the property --~- tbereol shall be forty situated In the City ot Newport mlles pu hour: Beacb, in sa.td County aDd State Palisades Road tro m Jam-described a.s : Lot 30 of Tract boree Road to MacArthur No. 3145, as per mtp r ecorded Boulevard. In Book 99, Page l3 of M1s- Dmer Drln from West Coast cellaneous Maps, r ecor ds of Highway to WestcUff Orin. Orange County, CaWorn1a. Eastbluff Drive from Bi.xia Sa.ld sale will be made, but Street northerly to Ja.mboree 'lilhout conveoant or -.ura.nty, Roe.d. express or lmplled. reprdlng Sao JoaqWo Hills R* be-Utle, possession, or eocum- tweeo Mlr"IUII"Ue beaut aDCt 'brances, to PlY tbe remain1n( Kac.Al'tbar Boulenrd." principal sum of the note SECTION z. Sectia:l 12..!4..058 secured by said Deed of Trust, fJl tbe Newport S.eb Mimi-to-wit: $8,000.00, with trterest clp&l Code ls ameoded to r-.:1: from Juoe 4, 1969 u in said "11..14.051 Prima FaeleSpeed note prorlded, adfances, Lfa.ny, L1m1t -Ft.ftJ Miles per Hour. 1IDOOr the terms of said Deec1 Tbt prlma. taete speed UmU. oa. of Trust, fees, ctla.rces IDd tiM fDllolr1ac umed street. or ezpen.ses of the Trustee alld ol porU lblreol ollall be fifty mllos lfle trusts ereotod bJ Slid Deed per ..,..: of Trust. Su JOiqa!D Hllll Road betweeo Tbe beDeftelary lloder sa.id on llHutllan I hat ~~('l"'llii'C a YaeAI1IIIr 8o&tJefard aodJ&m• Deed Of Trust, bJ rf!ri3IQO of a lol~ f•"•l ·rr-.t fnr adtM-11 ro ""'"''·' bar• tto.d." br-.eh 01" delld ln tbe Tht· ""'111RI: hacL SECTION S, This ord..lDIDce obl1pUoos secured thereby, '" 111~· lk-Jrree nf ""'""""" full bt-d poo-,110 11• *11 bt pabl1sbtrd oaee 1D tbt bel"et.o*lre executed ud de-pli~Md wi th the olftc&al ~r ol U.. City, Unnd to tbt tiDdtr slpd a a<"tion of nne ·~ body. Ulld tllrt ame lhall be etreetlft wrlttta Deellratioa ot Oeflu.lt hundred~ nf colorful f•hftl"!l, 10 aa. the dlte al It& ud DemaJii b" Sale, ud ·-.. ~--- wrttt• aotlct ot breach ud wu tatrodllctd ot electloa to caue the IDler- meellfl( al tlloCfl!' slpod lo •ll Aid 111-IJ 1o al t11o Ctl)' al N._t BOIIIIJ llld oOilP-. ud hold oo t11o U lb dlJ al -· oo A-l, 1969, l MI, WU...., tbt --lipid ca.-! aid AUTHORIZED LA·Z-BOY' D£ALER lMI, .aclct ol tnKb ud o1 e}e(:Uoo wtt ... ho ·-clod .. -9041, -50!1, "' llld Olllel&l ... H.J.GARR.EfT fURNfiU~E 1211 H.UIOl a.w. , .. .,. ••m• -Dm: ""'-'· 1919 _. .. c...-• ~c. .... -uiUII TI ..... . llf lloaKIW ...... II, .uo'I .. 'J n• Fo r over 100 years the vast body of land spanning the middle one-fifth of Orange County has been known as the Irvine Ranch. ::t In 1965 The Irvine Company de\lised a symbol comprised of a ranch map , bordered by a Span ish stirrup shape and topped wit h a Spanish Don on horseback that became their logo or trademark. Since that time the symbol has appeared on signs, on stationery , in advertising and printed li terat ure. Olhe Company felt that the distinctivt character of the logo wa proprlate for a company wrth the hrstonc ownership of the Irvin~ flillllili In fi ve Short yea~ 1M ~ thll-hOme to .:owboys and cattle has given birth to a highly cas ... _......, development that has gatned international as well as natiOftllllllef'ltQ\. t. Du ring the recent rnspectt on of l,....i ne by the National Co rrMftee on Urban Affairs and Environmental Quality, one of the visitors remarked thl!lt ,resident Nixon had asked them to "tour the Irvine Ranch and.. see what they are doing," and tha t he unexpectedl y fou nd that h "'Airrncft" w.i 1ft rea!rty a complex of urban communities rising from t)W plllnL What was once a _.... of .-icultuN irl now lll stores 1n five shopping centers and f -"4on lsllftd. 260 ...._.nesses in the Industrial Complex, a new west financial eentw, of California at Irvi ne, and 2 1 i lfvme as University Park , .Tustin Meadows, The Bay Shore, residents. The Irvine II-engaged in the largest prwately financed t'l the world. o size and scope is apparent from the llruildings gOing Newport Financ1al Center, to the ..:1 industrial to l ion Country Safari beginning at the Junctioa Diego and Santa Ana Freeways. o o nce a smgle sing!~ name. Irvine Because of decided to Ranch , is now ~;~~;::;: create a new company engaged in the many for tomorrow." In the creation of should represent the Cof11)anv rather togo is essentially the single word '":~1~~~15~::~;~~~'~f'i~~most~ instances it will appear in a wW be 1 la"Jif" rectangle at the In those areas for w h ich the old Irvine Ranch hallmark is still appropriate, they will continu~ its use t o represent the proud traditions for which the Ranch was odginally known. a For thote activities wtlfch relate to the crution of a new environment for people, howeYtf. the Company will u• its new symbol. •n In so doino. thev hope that in the next ftw v•~ their mark will come to stand for • company who. k)ng history is devoted to improving ttle tutu,.. Irvine Buildine Tcwnonow't Citloa Toclor -: ""'·~ Doe. 4, ltlt, Ia tllrl ~ llu1XII' ·---------------------------------;..!-.;'!"~"'!~iii , ...... ,. ................ ~, -----·-..... I I fCIIIITIMUI:D P-LUT ... , Aftotbrr fUr .._ about Hdl ~ 1M to """"Lkln tlut I will. '"WeU. .. ._ IQ', ...._ 10 to ........................ " HotiL But u... Hall .. ..., .., ....... U.t't wt.re aU m:r ,.,... will 1M>. We'U lwlve -. "rt7 t.fwoouah-... .-17." TfMit lUnd ot Jolllllll; alllofit Bt-U --. mt' ..._ crawl B)' t.ht WQ, a...t.t ... q. wben )'OU maU lfcht ot Hell )'OU Jeond I'NIGII for an u,..."td fr'"-1 to uee that pUU'\IJ ua.. U UU. were a ..noua ttu.s.. -lo you. it )'OU Mel ltJ"oftt G*Vkt.Jonll about thlt. otllltft cotdd D'IOft rMdU)' tl!e the truth. I remember a revival In Dllnok. One lll&ht after the lftVb a younc lady n.me to me. "Mr. Rice," the Aiel, '"wMn I die I want to 10 to Hell." "Why!" I uked. '''C.UM>," abe Mid toberly, "my fatht'r'11 a w~ked rnat1 and he h.u done-!101M awful thlnv with rrt)' sister. When he 4Ift he's 10in1 to Hfoll" Let me-pt~u.e to aay this. Shfo was rlaht. Her father ia on h1a way to Hell but not Jutt because he had done awful and Immoral thinp. He Ia on hit way to Hell for the ~&me reason you are if you art' a penon who has uid ''no" to God's Son. "But," she went on, "1 love him and I couktn't stand belna; any pi&C'l' where he tsn't." To tell the truth, I thoua;ht she was making up thr whole story. I found out later what .t.e Sllid about ner fatMr was true. At any rate, when the Mid she wanted to be with a loved one in Hell, I explained that there art' no com- panions in that plact'. Hell is de!-r scribf.d u a plact' of outer dark- n('!..~. The itit'a ls orx• of loneliness. God hl'lp some of you men who, laua;hinc with your buddin, have said, "Well, that's all right if I 11:0 to that ptan-, ru pt to .-e ok-Hank acain when I 1et thtort'." May God have merey-on you! Dear Sir, you will not have any com- panion~ there other ttwn a seat'l'd COMC~nce. evil rnernoriH of a spc>nt llfr. and a fire tlwt can not br quenched. No fr~ndl.hipa, no klrwlncsa. It is described aa a place of darkar:u where those who reject Christ dwe-ll forl'ver. If the rich man had acqualntancrs in Hell (and I bc- Ueve it is fair to &Illume he did; he roukt rocognizc L&zarus in Paradise). why did he not talk With h1s old fri('nds ~ &caute there is no ht"lp in Hf'll. A ma.n who goes to Hf'll cj0('5 10 uk>nc. Li1ht·l..n8 Fire Christ rcfernd to darkness in &14.'\0ciatton with this plaee ol tor· mPnt. An interesting thing Is that in the 2bt and 22nd chapten ot ftevf'laUon thl' Bible says there will br no n«'d of sun, moon or cand1f' in Heaven for the "Lamb'' shall provkk thf' Iicht. I bt-lirvf' that in a lltNal sense there will be no light from the normal aourn- o! fire in Hea\·en. Jt"SUS will pro- vide the light. In other words, thcf't' is to bf> fir€' in Hf'll with darkne-s." and light in Hc&Yl'n aside from fire. "Ah ha." you say, "got you thl'rc, Preacher Everybody kno"ol's Wherf' thE>re i.o; fire tht"f'C' is light, and when• th<'re is no flrf" there is no hght.'' Let me ask you something. Who in th<' name of common Sl'nsc do you think you a rc to stand in the faCC> of Almighty God who made fire and who Cr<'ated light and 18)' to Him. ''Well , I'm l'Drry, but 1 just don't se-t' how there can bC' dArkness in Hell"? God says thl'rc will lM' 11.o rknc".o; in HC'II . Tht"rt: is darknt'~ .. Gud Sl.l}'S thrre arC' nam~ then'. Those names will burn for· e\'cr and e-ver. Hell : Terrif)'in,rly Dark and Lonely Dea r friend , I am not saying that that is what Hell is like. But Hell is a plaet' bf lonelinl'Ss. It is a placC' of darkn('!IS. Hell is a piaC(' of h('lpiE'SSRE'S., and da ngl'r. It is a placl.' or "wa ili ng and gnashing of teeth'' Hrll is a placc where the l'lr~ is not quenched.. Hell is 8 plaiT or utter darknrss. Thill i ~ a placr whf'r<' men who rejrct Christ spt-nd their ctl'rnity. and hrar mt"~they do so alone. Hell •• • not a JIIMt wheft you want to IPI'bd · etemlt)<. lt'a tk BtW.-Net a JllraeW- lor IM Br-ot ..... 1! ....... tomethlnl of the pl&dl: of neU, ltw!n how ca.n I keep from JOllie tbl'n? You ean thank God that the-aanw rhapttr in Luke O..t to' rivtdly dtKrlbttl Hell a lao &Iva Ul tht' way to k<"f1) from zoUq; there. Tba riCh man had tlve brothers. When he .. w the terrible plaee hll: wtcked ~jedjcn or Otrilt haod brou&ttt him to. he beeame c:oncel"ntd N o o , lett they ..., come into thlt pilot a« torment. N He pleaded thlt eomeone &o from Paradise to wam Uwm ot the aw- tul place, ". . . They have Me»et and the prop1wta. ld lhl'm hear them." Abraham said. 'I1w rich man said tNt It only one who had diecJ could ape-ak to thl'm, they would repent. In the 3bt "erae Abraham said : ". . , If they hNr not MOil"' and the porophl'ts. neither will they be persuade!d thouch one rwe from thl' dead." Do you ha"~ any klea what our Lord was saying'!' He wu dating the fact that M a-es and the prophet._that It the Scrip- ture-wu the only hOI)l' tor a man on his way to Hell. I am convtneed that propW acroas this nation ha"e no ick-a of thl' power In the Sc:rlp-- turc. You have no klea of what God can do through His Word. Suppose a man just down thl' block from you b.ad d~ la.at Thursday. Suppc~R he ba.d cutwd God. had been a drunk, had ICOII'- ed at the rwne ol Chrid, and on his death bed had said, "It there'• a Hell I couldn't care. That's where all my buddies will be any- way!" SuJ)IX*e that he died and as far as you !mew he went out into eternity without Christ. Sup- poae that tonicht you are e-ating suppe-r with the family and therl' Is a knock on the door. You an- swer it. H~"' before you unbelievably • standi this wretched sinner. Your noouth drop~; open. "I thought," you begin to speak -"I thought you Wt"f'l' ... ,'' "I know," he says, "I know." "But you '"' back, you'rt' ht>rt'!" "Yes," he 111ys, "yes, but jull for a moment. I 1\e'l'd to speak to you just a monwnt." •·wen, we're eating." Not know- ing what to say you continu~. "Er, go ahead--like to 1il down!" "No," he says., and calls you by name-. "--------· last Thur5day I died, I hated God. l scornl'd the> Blbll', I laughed at thE-'idea' of H~ll. but-it's tTUl', it's all trUl'. Oh. It's awful-tM torment-It's awful. There's no rest. no help. The-ftames, the darkne'U-please, please don't foUow me there!" You stand and look blto his tor- mcntt'd face. HI!! continues. 'What£"\·er you do, makl' eertain that you prepare!! to miss tl&ut place. I must rt'turn there now: I just came to warn you." He turns. You se-e the door open, hear it ei()S(' and he is (00('--- fort'v~r. Pk-aM~ hear this. It that ha-p- pened this \·ery day you would be no more inter~ted in nkina; that your sins be forgiv~n. no mort' int('rt'Sted in trustina: Christ than you are this moffll'nl. For God says that if you will not liStf'n to what the-Sc:riptut'\'5 teach, you would not be persuaded thouch a man rose from the dead and plead- t'd that you be Sll\'f'd from Hell. "Oh.'' you uy, "Brothl'r Rice, if a miracle Iike that happent"d, if I saw a miradt'. a man from death or ~methlng, I'd bccornc a Christian rl&;ht now." My frit'nd, the historical Chris- tian faith ha s beton Sl'asoncd with miracll'5. And you hav(' rdt-ctt'd tht>m all. The rl!!al truth is that you have said no to all the power in ltK< Bible-you have said no to God Hlmst<lf. You do not f'C'aliZl' the power in thC' Scripture. If you art' saying no to God's salvation through Christ and no to the Bibk<, ther~ is no hope for yoo. Your loved ones can be of no help; the church on thE-corner will not help; the grl!!ateat speaker on earth can not pt>nuade you . You are uying no to God's truth and nothing c:an bc do:lnl" for you. You are on your way to eternal death and damnaHon and it is just a mnttN of tlmt' until you nrrivc. (COMTINUI!D NUT W!U) Difficultie1 In The Bible .,. ............ &. &. 18 '* (IJJ ~ .. 3 ••• ., ....., .._. C' ••> IAI'TIST ..... ! TllaiUNE, WIINGPIELO, MO. IDUB 'n1DDIO WA'I'D. llftO WilD .. lft'OCil __ .__ ... _,.q_ ... &ble but ....... ,_. Outs4 m '1, Ia .......... Ia tbe ...,. fll ~--~ the ..._ .... .._ at the ...n.. t..1tn1 • C.. e1 Galilee •rt ............ 1:1-lL .... ..... .... .. -dlfllcul:ty Ia ......... ., .s-...... .. W1l I 1 I '1 if t. 11 a ....,. e:adt7 wt.t ...... ... ... rt lr ..... l-. ... ..,n. .. •::.r~.:.;·.,-; ~..,-,t:.r::;':'-b~£::. WW. A ~-...................................... a ... ... ............ _ ·-·-0 .......... . .............. :' '=! c·--;::. !~---...... .. . ., M-, llw .-..._ ----tl a fll ......, . .............. ~ ...... I 0 \~p ..... ......... .......... .. .. 7 of • Eye" "' IlL -"""*'* C"-.. J._._ .. .,... ......._ IMil ._.,., L• ,..._ .. ,__,· The imminent retum ol Christ ._ maWed aorrowa and ...,.,.., ... .t life are o.Jy tor a the belioeftn ol eacAI aycaeedinc ......,.lion to little wlrtilel &t -.., ... u-p wiH sound pther comfort. atra.P. and in..,U.Uon frotn and the '-1 fti&M o( anpiah wiJI end. .um. a truth. Not bo'?ns the date &xed "PPft .. .., • l>luxJ ua111Jo~ Cod • Calendar for Haa beiOftlli 5oft to c:o~~~e "• u., t..,iUJU., oJ.,. ~e. back. the· aaints •n yet upheld by such • lfM4 1M ,.0,. .a4all U....Orlal li/~ I*' OA! ~ hope. It baa ... , been tloe at~ ol Tlw>H ..Ao ,_ HU.. 1/wJl be Iii,. Hu.. His faithful·onea in .JI their ente:rprite. their rfMA H~ (OMd.l/ro• M ~'- llay in all their en. Jl'&fKieo their tuccour in At 1M IIIQO~ ., IAe MMI1UIIw 0' ., .._,. all their trials. There it no other inocnti.e to ' ' impe11in8. It OM' 1 eowc;a _. lot'tllllde ft ... poac:llo:czl llaso- 1De Second Advent ia connected with every precept and pradict of Chrialian c:b.lr.cter. Such a hope is the ult and sinew of life. Dr. James Brooks onte wrote, .. h arms admoni· tion, it points appeal, it atren8\hent arp· mentA, it enforces conunanda, it intenailies in· treatiu, it arouaea courap, it rebukes fear, it quickens affection, it kindles hope, it influ· enca zeal, it separatea from the world, it con· .ecrates to God, it driea tu.n, it conquers death." It • em IDceDil .. to cle-.otloG to OattM To love Him is to expect Him-to expect Him ia to ~erve Him ( 1 llless. 1: 9, 10). As we lint~er amid the shadows, we aeek to JerYe Him to the limit of our capacity. Without such an upward look we sink into "worldlinea& of heart, carelnsneu of walk, carnality of life." ·-~-Both Peter and Paul link lo"e among the saints to the corr ''~g of Christ (I Theu. 3: 12, 13; l Peter 4 :' 8 ). Presently, the Church is rent by di"isio bickering~, misundentand· ings, and lovel~neu. What a need there is for a baptism of Jon! If this ia the "la.st hour;' Cod give us love. It boqo4o .. Godly walk Such a ~rennial hope keeps ua near to Him, Who desires and demand. holineu of life. It bluts all self·seeking and se]f.pleuing. It teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world (Titua 2: 12-14). Jt ccm-..ya comfort .., the t:roubl.d 1:aeart After his recital of e\'ents assoeiated with Christ's Coming, Paul says, "Wherefore com· fort one another wi th theee worde" ( 1 Theaa. 4 : 18). How consoling it is to realize that the The .. inta to whom James wrote wen •ery poor in thi1 world't sooda! They poued under 1M burdent impoeed by unriP,teous employen. But, uid )aawa, .. be patient . . . the J..wlp ttandeth at the door" (5: 7·9). How tweC~eMa.ry this word is for the distruaed alave. in thooe countries upon which the lron Curtain hu (allen! Communiat leaden are cruel task. masten and are si•in~~: multitudes a Hell upon earth! Think or the thousand& who li\'e in edn· slant horror! May the Lord auatafn Hi1 bur, dened ones .. they linpr amid the shadows ! ll-of9!Lmco The Ephesian Otureh left her fint lo.e, meaning he:r lon for her Lord and Hia appear. ing. Hence the appealins eall to re~tance, "Hemember therefort from whence thou art fallen. and repent, and do the 6nt works; ~r else I will eom~ ulllo 1/tu quidly ONI will r~mo~ thy candlestick out of his place, e~oept thou repent" (Rn . 2:5). Watching for Christ, we watch ounel'ea lest, failing Him, we should be ashamed at His coming. It t. em aullcloW b wony How blessed it is to rest in the joy of what lhe Lord ia, and in wl•at He will yet acet.m· pi ish! Trials and tribulati~na may be ou"!'-but "tribulation worlteth pa.henoe. and patience ex~rienoe, and experience Ho~." This day let us li.e u though our Lord wert: to show HiJMelf to us now, and unfailing con· fidenoe in Him wilt be oun. How sorrow· stricken we would be if He should come and find us worrying, murmurins. and complain· ing! As the darknesa becomes mo_re denae, let us live u children of the dawn, wath our faces toward the glorious sunriae! "1P' Mt I UlY unlo you I J41 WllO all, fl'ol<h." "At rVf'n. or Ill midni«ltt, oral I~ cock·crowin«." A LOOK AT THE BOOK CONTRASTS Of THE CHRIST By Dr. llob Jones It is impossible to imagine any contrasts more definite than those which the Scripture makes between what lhe Lord Jesus Christ was and what He became. He was God. John tells us, .. ., the ltoqionin1 was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" {John 1: I). He be- came man. "For verily He took. not on Him the nature of angels; but He took. on Him the seed of Abraham" (Hebrews 2: 16). The most hig h God. the Creator of all things, took. upon Hirmelf the form of man, the creature. He was the Lord of life. He "became obedi- ent unto death. even the death of the cross" (Phifippians 2:8). He was the Mastc:r and Lord of the Univerw. "By Him all things consist" (Colossians 1: 17). But He Who was Master became the servlliJt. '"llle Son of Man came nol to be ministered unto, but to minister" (Matthew 20:28). He was rich. All the riches of creation were His. John says. 'Thou hast created all thinp, and for Thy pleasure they are and were cre- ated" (Revelation 4: II). But ''though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich" (II ,;;;u.., ol ... J-u.......,, a..-< .. , S.C. Corinthians 8:9). He walked the earth without s home or any poaessions utdc: from the pr- ments which He wore. He was altoaether lo"ely, the ''ROM of Sharon. and the Lity of the va?teys" (Sonl of Solomon 2: I ) , the fairest of ten thousand to the souL But on the cross He became m&.- shapened and horribly marred. "His visa,e was so marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men" (Isaiah 52:14), and Isaiah spoke prophetic:aJiy of His tenibte appearanc:e in the hour of cruc:iftxion when he wrote, "He hath no form or comeliness; and when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire H im" (Isaiah 53 :2). What amazina contrasts, but no more amaz- in& than the contrast of the hatred of sinful man for Him and His love for ainful man. Because He loved man, Ortst became man. laid aside His alory, beame poor, sutrertd detth upon the crou. He, the' God Who ~ved so &reatly the creatures whtch He made, wu rejected and spumed and cruc:ifted by tbe "ery ones He came to save.-American Way Fea- tures St. Thomas Bible Lesson IIDI'O«T-UIGII lt:C!!!!O KCJ!QII--r. Z "J-Telh the Parable of the Sower''- Luke8:4-15 .... J., .. IIItt '-THI S'IIOID DP '"'".,"V"" ... \tft ................ T- • ...... _. wtidt. ...... by ·-: u ..... t.nac: ... .,; .... tN ---.u., wUI ... Je.-4 1D tH .......... . a.uEI Acaosa I .. ___ .... •• wt~ II. -d ct.ob4 u· s "wt.klt. .. -----... .... ...., ... tr..•h" I .. ,.. T•-eet '"-ol Jlh.cdl, (Lab S13l) II .. ---tok.L •plwnia" (0... S: U ) II ..,___. --..CR (Ldo 1;21) 11 .. ,...., .. tWa. ---....... (l.alr. ,,,., 13......._ ................. .... ... .....,. f .... 711) II ..._ e1 two __..._ (hod. Uri: ,_.._, 4:12) II......._ ot tw. ~ P..t ~ to (I C.. 11:171 -. 11:11) •t• M ---.....w. is ... -• -u... ...... '---t.ap -------u ... Sill) 22 -u..y ..... .,. wtdto.t ... wont .,. ----.. (J , ... ,,., u ......... wictiiM ..... --I ....................... cr m-"'" IS • We~ad P..J ...... lMP (Act. ZI:U ) •• "tJto ----is .. ,._, .. Co4"' J7 -.... Jell ~ .... wey ""-: .... ..... ____ .... .. •-.,J~Uar-.7.-) .... :1:2 ......... ____ ,. ...... .-........ --........... ..... (:&,.a., 11111.) K .............. tw.,...._ ffM9. ,:t, , ••• , "" ... ____ ............ •• -.. a....., u a.... 7t27) ... ci!r ............... ---- 41 "'talto ,_ ___ _.. ••I ot 1M la4 _, z.y,r (Goa. U ti I ) .... ..., ............ ,.,...._ (D' a.-. ll!l) ........... -CE.M. 4:14) .,.,... .. t , ........ ___ _ .......... , .. ...... ,... ............. .... .. ----.... ,... •• N •st "'UUo ............... -- CLtiU DOWII 1 .,. ...... --... ......,... 2 ................ WI ____ .... 'r.::r .... ---wWda .... -...... -................. _ Ia _, w-r (t.llo IIlii) , ......... .,. Q., ........... .. ----- THE RICH FOOL Luke 12:13-21 Lenon 5, Series Ill St. Thoma~ Preu -P 0. Box 35096 -Ho~.aton. Taaa 77035 This parable cuts at the very root of covetousneu. It Is of special lmportance in our day when covrtou1nesa ia exalted In the very halls of go vernment, the places of learning and, sad to say, rv~n In many churches. Jeaus tells us in a parable that should crush the s-elf-approving pride of every person. We all know covetousness is bad. It is a crime. fils forbidden expressly in one of only ten laws given by God. It ranks with murder, perjury, adultery, ktolatry and bearing false wilness. All too ff'!W. however, undentand what covetousness really is. Here .Jesus lays beAr the unsusg>«ted root o f the matter. The Lord Is moved to tell the parable when a m an In the company appJled to him to hand down a decision in a matter that concerned the e1tate of the family. It is to be noted that Luke gives no hint as to whether the brother dld the man wrong and took more than hla lawful share (Deuteronomy 21 .16,17) or whether hl' wanted Jesus to assist him In a scheme to get mo~ than his lawful sha~. We must conclude thel Luke omitted any reference to thla for a reaaon: It didn't make any dlflel't'nce . From the plea we know that the brother had In his poasesslon what the man wanted. How he got It Is not In question. He ha1 it. The man, then, wanta what belongs to hie brother: He wants Jesus to take it away from him who haa, and give II to him who has not. "Master, apeak to my bro ther, that he dll(lde the tnherttance with me. • Pteaumably Ma&ea would have; and Moses prefigured the Chrl.st . But Jeaus Instantly rejecta the error that Moses committed when he nnt delermlned to leave the palace~ of Kgypt and take up hla place wUh hll own people. Moan lrted to adJudicate between two quarrelln1 Hebrewt; but they turned on him and aald, "Who made thee'! p~ and a Judge over u1? • Jeaus dkl not walt to be reburred: he refuHd the role with like wordt: "Ma.n, who made me a Judlt o r a dlvld« over you?· Hl' dkl not come lor auc:h a role. a paltry o.-.e lndMd when oonaklered alo"falde hla true mission to redeem the world. Then the lnddent 11vn Jnu.a occQion to warn: "Take bted, and tMwan ot eovetoutneu. • Now lhlo II lndood a oharp polr>l Who would no1 plead lor a oiNlR Ia tho family -T We mJcht aak, u did Potltr anor 11oattrw ·-tho rtdo IDM and .._ 1')"1' ol the neecDr. who, then, can be s.aved? Who It aot co-...oua? We !mow well -lh tho crime of cowto .. ,_ wbonlt a.-Iordi Ill p ..... -. OUikea, .....a.., rloll, COIUI adlolll and aUro ....... of_ot ... mmt .. un ol men'• ~· wbkb the ~Vft'nmlnt .,_ ln tvm ... ...._.., othua. When COVIIIGUIDI:II .,. atrU&a 1t lt u hklloUI u mwdlr--or .oft oo-and oD mtn -In lho .,......,. cloud of wU -M brlnp. But ....., many live a -r• tho,.tM to -thJo-wU ·~~--? It begins with a foolish dream of s«urity-freedom from want. freedom from huqer. Every man who yearns to be assured of a living In this world by virtue of having a share, at least, in this world's goods, 11 guilty of the frame of hit heart that must issue In the '\l'iolence o f covetousness. For that II the rich fool of the parable. It la hard, Indeed, to fault thlt man otherwise. It is but nU-pk:klng to aearch fo r Improper actiont, o r worda. He Is not said to be greedy, nor does he plunder another man's goods; he takes care o f what Ia his own: In a tense he simply layt up against a rainy day, as we say. No, hla fault Ilea In that he supposed an abundance of things whic.h he posaeaaed would give him eecurlty. ft is this foolish notion that makes every o ne o l.ua covetous. We lhink that if only somehow we can accumulate enough of th1l world's good a, then our aoul1 wW be at peace, we will have-no mort worriet. To think thls way ls to be not even one step removed from adoptlns the demonk contld~ of communi am that the real way to have!! such abun- dance of pouestl~nt ls to declare aU men the owners of all things. Then Indeed I can think of myaeil aa having an a bundance of things-I have title to every- thlnl. But thla rich fool of the parable la not JUUty of tuch viclouaneu. He slmply lay a up 1tore ol hl.s own c:rops In hls own bama. Yet hla whole castle ln the alr comet down. and not with an airy llshtnett but with a raoundlna: crash. For •God N1d unto him, Thou fool, thls nJaht thy toul th&U be required of thee: then whoa thall tbolt thl011 be. which thou h&tl provided? • It .. not s;tvm to man to have the dllp<Maltlon ol a areat accumulation ol poet .. iona. wbttbtr he pt them lawfully or by plundtr. When he diet, aU the wortr. of hla handt 11 11ven over to anothe:r to ditpoae of-nine chanca out ol tim In a way that would make htm paah hll Ieeth. No matter how hard a mu may work to provide aecurt~ (which J.theeplrUofcovetoutne..)he muotlaU. 1'he wont .. that by .o dol~ be mu.l nealed hlt own toW. For no man can JUVe two muttn. No man can wortr. tor abun"-.nct of thlnp to~ lD dde wodd and at the NJ'nl: time devote b.bDtllfiO the al&alnmmt ol Ufe CYU- ....... A.ncl. what prorllilth tt • mao to p.lno the whole wortd. II be loee bla own-T Tho Chtlollaa bu .....,.. ndo '""" our Lord how to do Ill -rna-.: I . --tbo ldoocdom of God, aad whol -~-wW be prcMded. 2. II pod aad 1..-.J _a,. ot wllallwt looda .,..II..., Into our ." It,_.......,._,. .... ,_.,., .... ~ .... -to live ......... k ... dom of a..-. NEIPORT HARBOR Ell~ Gil SEOOIID SECllOII --..... 3 lltURSIIAY, NOV.lD, 1M8 OOROHA DEL MAR, CAU F. FORMERLY MEARS CAMERA NOW AT 11M NEIIPORT BLVD. OOIT A III!!IA -··-313 ... "-1111111111111 ltJ• ..... ~r.or ...... of ... .._. .• ......... Aiu.._, .... ................. -· • ra.r ..,. oam .. , .. ...._,. Yiahw Mtw ... • -10 a .......... . •u can-,.., fd ... .till ......... , ... "" _. aifa• r..... ,,. .. ., '-aiMII In• "'" ....... ..,. to hlp ... . ....... ~·"· ... . ................... TNI IIAI-VI8TOII -IIY ... JM Police Blotter • MOWDAY, OCT, t7 lloa ••• I II ...... cJot11N ud Alloroor_ptg,...-a, jJwQy -· ta,OIS -· $1011 ......... -Do--__ .....,..,_ ,_op "' -w. ~ tnt.o,B-Ul. ~~~ Bol&ITU Froa!. w .. t 11~ ••• A ••• .--an-a1au ----· ol $'11-• "~ -. • ._. BooA -hm Jollo CaDo a11001 ou .. _.. .. ,.. loa co1lldtd .Mewpon sa.. Dr., !lo. t, .u. w.seu Scoa: Dana ot Newport --• , • A -10 .......... a1 $ p.m. a1 E. 11(11 --a. $1'1twu-CoullfloJ., ~~--alllw. hm Lorrr owoa T..-o1 port c-Dr. llt.l/2 lfari.Do, --• 1 THilRSDA Y OCT 10 Eaoot -llafoo a1101 vto s.-11.,;... zir..s~oy 49 Ortzoao, Lido lolo, wui.DJar .. ol lbo lfari.Dero MolaL 3ooO -abo coWdoll trllll GoJII block ol w Coul lllo7 • Frue• GudDer ot.IIIB&Iboa, MarlDifa .. ui wuvrested~ Wbo WU oJoo tojorod; lllo 11<· I elllrp al on.ipWIIoc at lbo El eldtal ........ al 4:110 p.m, Jlu:bo lfarkol, 2'727 Newport RA YIIOIPD 0. VINCENTI, 4H 00 N-BIYd.,ZOO!o«-8IY11,, N-••• Albert Via Udo Nord, Udo loll, bu ol W • Coul lllo7 • • • CZllrllo E-BJU<( ol Ul Flowe< )oloed ProperiJ Reseorcb Cor BdOD SmJ.tb. 19• ot mvu... CoD M-.. wu anestea oo ~ PDHtloA, DaUoaat llweatmeai ela., COllta lltta, turDed blm.Mtt ebarp of drl'f"iaiiiDder the 1n.-aw&pmem flrm, u cb!ef ch"U ta 6)r tn8tee eommJtmeM. tlueoc:e ot aleobol at HolpU:al eogioeer. He Is a rect&tered • TVESDAY, OCT. t8 Rd. &ad Newport BlYd.. at 10:30 Callfornia elvU enctneer, ud Aalomobtle puU were sto• p.m. • • • Scot Paul ~ bas served as director of eoctn- from Loclada 8JOWD of 100 lr~ ot 301 North star Ln. OO¥'er eering at S ' s COilStruet1txl. YlDe, 8-to&, Newport He1&bll Sboree:, wu arrested oa a Company lD Be"JetlJ Hllla:, ••• A Gtrmu Sbepberd bit ebup o1 ml.suse of eredttcard and vtce president ot stpture W&tler Fred A)pe, 6, ot tsO at Z5 FUbJoD lalud J k Homes, West Los Aoceles. He Oruct, Newport Sborea: • • • Haney ., ot 1921" '1~~ ls a graduate ot East los AD- A eoebpoo bit U..ADD.Follao, Ter b-n.' Terrace was ar geles College. He a.nd Ills wUe 11, ot 1724 Port Barmoutb, r~ 00 a cbup ~~ drbm; S.Uy, have 3 children. • Harbor VIew Hilla • • • Jim UDder tbe llltlueDCe of alcohol Leaard CubbtAI of 128 Z.'lth at 1Z:50 a.m. oo Dorer Dr. St., Wool Newpo<t,wuarr ....... Azarl1!Drmoterwusto7ell NEEDLEPOINT DIWLAY ted oo o warraal eharciDc blm !tom 111o Clly a1 Newport Boaeb IS SHOWN AT BANK with wrTllO( bad eboeb .•• A I.D ll>e uoo block ol Newport The -lep>olal artlslry o1 mail bos YU Jtoltll from t~ Btfd. Ster p 1 ottr.enber of Sotth La ~er: -:.=It ud ttolea'tNm .u::= ~ ~ Beach _:rbe oo d!spla; 00 • • • of 1560 Miramar Balboa. at Newport Natlooal .Ba.Dt's LiDens, a.o lroa IDd • 'ft.lte • FRIDAy OCT 'u Bayside omce througb Decem- butet were stolea from tbe A te•_:_.~-· ber ~;:~~~~~~~;;~ Trani Lodge Motel at 5!08 .., ... ._... wu stolen from • W Cc:.st H '91 It N-L1Dda R. Hess ot 4816.A Sea-Mr. Dttzeaberger, orlg:iaa.Uy • Y'/., e ..... _ .. lbore Dr., West Newport •.. 1rterested ln the beblng..the· WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 Jewelr} worth $930 was stolen scenes portion of tbe theatre, Eroest BedalloUMl from EITlD A. Ftno.ey of 248 became interested tn Deedle- Dr ., Bay Sborts, wu Morn1nc star Ln., Dower Sbores point S years ago as a tbe.ra- oo • ebarpofdrukiD •••. A 7-foot WOOd aDd glass peutie ald. He n.s unable at lD tbe Z$00 bloet of beat wu stolea tromToayTur. the time to a.t!ord ready-made llc:re,ltfi:..,Dr. at U :SSp.m •••. oer ot Zl4 CrystaJ, Balboa Is-designs, so be haDed to de- eat bU humane oftlcer Daalel lam .... RObert Allen Weaver signed and worked m&Df por-l t~~::::',', Looll:ahW of 691-D of Hollywood colllded with Pat-signed and worked ma..oypor-11 Costa Mea,atG&.Iu:J rick Kelly YcClellaa of 142? traits and famUy crests. as SaDtla&D Dr., Dooter Serecade Ter., lntoe Terrace, well as ha.vlng deveklped the lOll • ...,.... aa.d. Shores ••• Camen IQti4HneDt wbo n.s cotnc west bcMmdoo w. tlo.ished product •lth llllliSIAl ';;=::="~·~·~-:;;';":-="==~ &lld watches were stolen ftom Cout Jhry ., ud Herbert RoUyn stitches. He also does petit f Raado~b S. JUUa.D, 401 Pros-Danr1a of 26!7 Newport Blvd., point work and has oae small Chapel pect. Newport Sborn •• .Auto Ne-.pcwt Beach, who was piece, 4":r6", oo di.splay,ll'bJ.cb stereo tapes were stoleo from parked; tbe accident occurred nas been worked wttll ememely Dorothy Am Ek!aocb&mpof!OOO ZOO feet east of Old Newport fine yarn and used 14,CXKI ~~~~~~j E. Bay , m~:Balboo~!Jl~SO=· ·~ Bl•d. _sn_u_,_"•_•_· ------- ~ o1 Har· L!GAL NOTICE _ ___!L:!E:!G::A::L:,:N.::O::.:T:,:I::_C::_! __ Cbeeter, New Jereey, outdoor phone equipment buried~ frozen, submerged in "artificial oceans,'' Wt expoeed to harsh weather for years. Everyth.inc from cable to manhole covers is given a hard time. Tbe pwpoee: to teet ita resistance to the rigors nature. Telephone ecientista and engineers want to make sure tbat by the time this equipment goes into aervice it 'U be able to take almost anything nature can hand out. If you're like me, you probably find that there are times when you tend to put off your peraonallett« writing. But you want to keep in touch with y:our family and fr1ende. So here's a augpetion: Jet Pacific Telephone Lines help you P."Y tbem a viait. Afte 6 p.m. any day of the week tt ooeta only 85 oenttl or leu for three minutes etation-to-atation, plus tax-anywhere in Califor~ nia. lt'a the boat wa1 I lmow to "catch ul'" when you've beaD -'"«:tmc pen and paper. Beaidea tbertt'a nothine quite like the 110und of a loved one'~ voice. lt.'e a round trip travel otrer that'• hard to boat! Ea.eb diiJ' e....,_ are tat11c plue in tills modern world ot _,. Tbo BoD SJ-to kOiptac poco, Vou triU ... "Ill Boll" trllb a ..-..._ laco-Plft, blillllpted bJ ... IIIII cotoro ud 1 -. _ _.., SoU oal. 1'10 _., J'Oil Mft alrtld) ....._, a. DtW 8eU -.1 llll'oiiCtl Paellle T~ -....u~ ~~---Siarti.Dt --. ..,.. colora l:lr N' c:a.r .. trar:U bd atcu .tU be .... br OlW ,, .. ,..t ~-CoMa IIIR e.-. .... BeU ~ ..-to 0011, T1lo-ooloro trill be-. oellro, a • ...., • ..-ud a olrlldac bloo. Wo"ro r-lor lido, .,. Jf7l1 J. R.lllltu TlliJt DN ltiKI.IWWio MNOolill""..trt-e.ll- Academy nominees inwited --G.llebllb(JI.. -u-,cza,_. • ., .... "'-"1·-.. tllol be lola. al .,..s -· ud ... -Y'lt1acPo.c1DMiaiUdUtrict ... ~ ....... 1111 (}, ........•• ..,.. ........ .., tiiOlJ tar w-l•tloe u cu-PiiiJDcal ,.....,..._.,EUIIJ:Il.... .... •"'••• _.,.. dtdatM liar lis ,........_ lU)' Ia lOt ..... oa. nee, HI<II:W .... QII.,.TT .ACH, CAL.IIfe>fWIA to tit CaJUonlallllarittmtA.c:a-color, etHel cr .tioMI or:l&iL THI! AMIIRICAflll LUTHE.-AN CHURCM dta~r 11o11ootor •...-.mo. ~ --I.Dr .. IIYioc 1 ..00 A..M, TO tO:ID A..M. -~AMILY WOIIIIHIIIt To be eli&tble lor ldml..uloa, Me •t:D U eai!C!Idetes lboiJd liD A.M T • • a eaodtdtte mlllt t.am&ltd~ COIAd tbt omee ot s-a ., . o lOtiO A.M. --NDAV SCHOOL HD oftbe UlftedStates,aldp Sebmitl at 18002 Irri111 Btrd., tt:(l) A.M. TO~tlaOO NOON -WORIHIP' ICIItV'ICII ll<liOOt...-o,IIOIII&nlod,DOt T_..u.._________ --.1-11. ... PKI&s ~~;,:~-~~ .. ~·~·;•~,~~~~·~ .. ~-~·~'~•~nt~l~'~PI~s~~tr;r;:::::l UGAL NOTICE LEGAL HOTIC! NOTICE INVITING BIIJ6 NOTICE E HEREBY GlVEN ttat the Baud o1 ~s OwlaH• Scle•u Phat ....... G.rtll ot Oraoce Couaty, Ca11b1a1a. W1l1 reeeiYI M&lld Wda .. to S.,.,lces !:00 o'dod; P.M. oo tbe 8tb dlf 01 DeeemDer liMit' LD the f1DT aiU-.:::. OF J C.... ...... offtce ot the Clerk or tbt Boud of ~ .. sc.b 0oor a.-.r . .ObiTWT a.,.;,., ••~'-r •• ..._.,, Coumy Admlllbtratioa BulldlDc, 515 No, Sycamore St., sa.atA llOJ Via Udo 1•~•1..._1-Ar ;p 1 ••• Aoa, Ca.lJ.torni&. at wtdcb time said bids wt.U be pmucty opeD-Newport Be a~ '-t• A.. I. M I II• Itt,. ed and read fol' tbe followlDc: SUNDAY SCHOOL O'Neill Pan Rutrooms f : IS •·•· -41 11 •·•· Dr. P.G. N1 lPF-. peaw Project Moa, 102-lO&S-410··!67 l Z17 SUNDAY SERVICES tni.De Puk Restroom '' u -11 •·•· Projeel No. t0Z-IO&S:420-22l WED!<ESOAV EVENSNG All of saJd work to be performed iD aec:ord&Dce Yitb pla.Ds MEETING I ..... and speelllcatioo.s wblcb are DOW Oil me 1A tbe omce ot tbe REA.DlNG RIXJW c .......... c ..... 4.,..:' ..... -s,. .•. .._, lerk in the Coauty Adm!JdstratioD Bat1cU.Dc 515 ....... Mt..,: t •·•· -7:<lS ,. .... North Sycamore, Sa.ota AD&, Calllorm. ' T ...... .., _. r: •14..,: Mlnlmwn wap rates lor tb1a pro)eet ban beeD dete!"m1Ded s!;;; i :.::•.:: 4 ~-.~~·"'· by the Board Of S~tmrs by Resolatloa 69-652, I copy of IIECOND caJIICII Of" which Is on file ln the otnce ol tbe Clerk of tbe Board of Su-~.ICKfn'IIT pervlsors. Newport Beach at BlMers' a.tteotioo. ts called to Sectiona: 17"10-1777.5 of tbe Corona del Mar Labor COde wbicb wW reql.d.re tbem 11 anrded tbe coot:ract 1100 Pld.Oc View Or. to pay DOt less tlw1 said ceaera1 per diem rate ot nces set SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 .... forth to all laborers, wortmea ud meebUlcs employed 111 SUNDAY SERVICE II •• the ezecuUoo of the proposed cootra.ct. WEDNESDAY EVENING Each bidder must submit wttb b1s btd a saHsbetory cbeck MEETING 1:00 •·•· certlfl.ed by a respoD&tble bl..at or a bidder' I boad. made pay-a .. Ciaa R-: ... , .. t Bl~• able to the order ot tbe eocmty ot 0nap in u amOWJt DOt 2861 t-t eo .. , a..,., CDM. less thaD ft.ve percent (~)of tbe sum btd aa a cuarute~ that Moa.·Fri.: 10 .... aa s , ... the bidder wt.U eater lnto tbe proposed Cod:nct u tbe same l5 T\.nd., e••iaF 7 to 9 awarded b.lm. In the eveat of failure to eater J.lllO sueb Coo-S.t.: 10 .... m 4 P·•· tract, tbe proceeds of the cbeet wUl be t:Jrfet.t.t 01 111 ease You ve CO(d•ally •uited to of a. bond, the full sum tbeteol will be forfeited to~ Cowlty ant"nd Outch Xn•cu Md of Orange. to uH the Rnchna Room. Each bid must be oa a blaa form turlllsbed by tbe Couaty or<>ranp. The suceesstW bidder &tlall be reqlll.red to ftlruisb at tim~ of signing agreemeot, ooe (1) sarety boDd Yh1cb shall protect the laborers a.ad malerlalmeD aDI1 sball be 1cw oae hUIIdred perceot (1001) of lbe l.mOld ol the Coottact., iD accorda.Dce •ttl! Section 4204 of the Gcwerameat Code, a:ad ooe (1) sure- ty bond ln the amowat of Clle badred pe.reeot (loafe) of tbe Cootract, guaranteeLnc tbe ~ pertormaoce of tbe Coo~ tract; sa1d boods to be first qJpro-red by lbe omce ot the Couoty Counsel or <>ranp c-,. Tbe Board ot SIC)etYlaors resenes tbe rt&tlt to re)ect any or all bids, and DO( oecesaarUJ ace.• tbe lowest price bid, and to nive uy WormaUty I.D IDY bid recel•ed. LlrTHEILUI OIUROt OF THE MASTER lnb.rice !900 Pael1le Vlow Dr. c..... dtl ..... Calif. DR. 10ILUAJ17 R. ELLER ~' 6442664 Mrs. WaJve CbunberUD. Puilb WGI'ket A.lol. , Family --A.M. -Cbaeb aellool • f.attYe worlbtp PROVIDED SUNDAY SERVICES 1:4S .., ... Srudey School 1:00 a..•. Moraine Wonlti 6:00 p.-. Trea..t., U•ioa• 7:00 pA. E""ina Worship WEill'IESDAY 7:10..-, ...... ~ 1:00 p.m. Pteycr Mccti•c 14TTIIID TilE CMUIIOI OF-OIOICI IIEGUUII\.T I ~~~;::~-~:-• • -o ••-u•e •••n••e• .,, .. •·"" triONII:•OA Y .1.1..1[ tYUD• -D ... 11\AYIIII YoM ........ NU~~\1~ .... DUWIMe •• fi'YICI• ............. c-. .. _ ... __ ea.- Tile County reserves tbe rlebt to aeeept bids on work and alterlllles listed to tbe bid b'm LD sum total or 1nd1•1dual.IJ or lo aoy combl.oa.Uoo UD.less tbe bid form makes speclflc prOfi- stoo to the cootruJ. Dated: October Z8, 1969 .-.-.. f __ r 1 .-..1 .,•dtlll ....................... (SEAL) BY ORDER Of THE BOARD Of SUPERVIOORS OF ORANGE COU'HTY, CAUFORN1A W. E. STJOHN County Clerk aod u~cio cter• or ........ or~-· ol OnDp Ccaaly, cauJonia A Frft ati1 , .. ,...._, Co-r-.1.._. Clri•,._ a-.:• ,... ...................... . lllbe1 L.. Ct ..... , DlpltJ Ne<-rt--U ... ZO, 1!119. -=-:-::=-=--_Sa_ve Time And Money-Call An Expert •~1!;11411!!!!_TT!,!_!!!.A~L:!IIN!!!., ___ ,. NEAL TN IIESOIIT ,--------- .J:an..W'~ BEAUTY HOOK 2712 E. C ~st Hwy . Co,ona dtl Mar · Ph.xlt b n-nl6 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OP£:'0 n·rsn _ _.,,, TliROI'GH S.\TI"RO"'i r~~ P•r1r.iD! ia rrua t 300 W. Coaat H"'Y. ...... port s .. ct. T•l"'-or.: 6G-Q8.46 BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODELING and ADD ITIONS e I'Rff~LAN SERVICE • I'REE ESTIMATES 532·5949 141o1ERICAN CONSTRUCTION co. CAoL.L 04Y Ol MIGHT ~ &1idlt BEAmR l ~ ~ --.............. 3 ........... ._ ...... :=t: .... --=---:2·. ,1··-:-:e ....... ..:::-.......... -. . . ..... e ANAHEIM 826:11381 o HUNTING toM BEAOI 142·1451 hnl•• 1 .. C .. ••l•l W..ts CLEANING & DYEING AU MAKES OF lUGS • WALL·TO.WAU CAli'ETING SbNbs, lntenor Pl<mts 1'rop1cal & Trees lnsectlades and Feruh ter S &: H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona ckl \lar Surs~ry 2'744 L o..t HW) •• 6"'15-0160 • $H()[ ........ -,--.,..---MMERRY ·s Shoe Repau P~wandl~ ~le~Mu -~ Wor._ SI.M ST......S ONE OAY Sf.'IV'ICE rno MM»or 81wcL Co••• .._.-.. f-]J11 ..., s•:r n. lip .. 67)41,. l·DAY SERVICE ~~~~~~~~~~~D:R:~=====~=G======= OLUOUICUJ8 ,., e-o,.~ c .. , .... , •IWYDII.Itc. Jlllll ... . -..•-caa ., ,-... -.... -···-........ .., ... ,,a FIHE DRESSlol14KING By CHARLOTTE 132-11191 A. II. IIAUAC PIWIU 1'00CIE dO A.-. Oil .... -.. n ?! I I JiM IS DAIAWi WA!Ia-.&- • Council News ... 1a' _ _, ot .... c.o.tJ ............. .. -.., 1M 11-t-ualrpartMII __ .. _ CliJ c-11 II lut -· -·-to -. Mil -••Jt'ac. ~U. Urparia.TM .• APPIOVED anlo--.. eliJ 'IIIII bo 10'-- r .. uh s bJ Hera... 'hte pre. t4d at u Auemb11 !~*trim -cf T.UOW Cab; It» --~~~~ltoo booriDr Ia S.C. rUoo art~ .... tbo---.,.-lloo. ZO..Jl. -lllllt ud I~ .... -ad-• ASKED tbe Oraap Cow!ty ..... c.-lb:ib aa1le; f7.JO .. "'-'' to pat tbe ColmtJ u. ._., b' waJtia1 time u:l Airport tu1 Hl"ftce oo a frH tnlfk: cSeii.J; old rata ••• taterprlll buia to alknr other • b tbt first c.-ttfttl m.Ue cab corqules to auwer can. ud 1~ aw -h odell~ to tbe airport "becausetbealr- -..ftftb m111; $5 aa bour lor port Ia DDt adequatelY serrieed waWac Ume I.Dd trafftc delay. bJ lbe tulcab company in TWI- • ADOPTED Ordllaoee 1Sl7, Uo." which DOW bas lbe nc11c1aa tbe bus1oess U.cease exelustn trucblse. ... R clea.tlDc ill 81('00C!b!M • APPROVED tbetloal.mapot ..,odl from $100 a year 01' $5 Tract '7021, tbe Bren de't'tlop- a ell)' to $S5 a year, &Dd uteo.. meot ot 84 s:I.Dgle flmily bomet diDc COI'erace to transactions 1D ~ Harbor View runs. torotrtac SDOW skis, taperecor-easterly of MacArthur BlYd. at d•a, record players, TV sets tbe soutberly utensloo of New. ud automot1Ye a.od motorcycle port Hills Drtn West. Couoc U puts w1tb aretaUvalueotmore members eJPI'essed their lllteat tbi.D. $50. DOt Co accept tbe green belt • APPROVED flrstreadingof strip in tbJs tract as a pobUe OrdlnaDce 1Sl8, which would park because of its oarrow width t.1A( tbecltytraftlereplaUons aDd iDaceesslbillty. 1llto coatormtty wttb state law by • DffiECTED tbe sta.tt' to seal destp.t.ing relatlnly m.1oor West Newport's Oowl.ng oUwell riolatiou of tbe clty code to be with acementplugatthe cbaDDel inb'actioos as designated by end of 43rd St. state law, witb a muimum • RECEIVED a report from penalty of a $50 floe, l.nstead of City Attorney TullY Seymour a misdemeanor, Yitb a ma..D. on the protest ·of Ken Al.lan, mum peoa.lty of 6 molths In ji.U Corona del Mar hair styllst, 01' a $500 fiDe, or both, against being charged a fee • APPROVED flrstreadingof for maintaining a blllards table Ordioaoce 1319, which would tor his clleots. Mr . Seymour reduce tbe fee for ambulaDce said there Is oo reason to drtters' aDd a.tteodaDts' per. exempt Mr. Allan from the tee, mlts trom$15to$?.50andwould and that Mr. Allan will have his require tbe certl.flcate ofpubllc day in court since the city bas c:oareDleDce aDd oecesslty to filed asmallclaimscourtactioo ccda1n a description of each to collect tbe fee. ambulance permJtted to be~-• RECEIVED a copyoftbere- erated 'rithiD tbe city, solution of the county ~· • DELAYED nrst reading visors authorlz.lng execution ol oi.Ordina.oce 1321, which would tbe Weguardsen·tceagreement tltabllsh a procedure tbrougb dated Oet. 21, between the Coun. wbicb tbe publlc works director ty otOrangea.odtbeCityofNew. may establish that any curb cut port Beach, Whereby the county or drinway approach is oo w1ll reimburse the city tor We- loocer oeeded or used, and re· guard service outside ol city quire the owoe.r of tbe abutting llmtts. pr'q)erty to close 1.1> the curb • RECEIVED :&n Invitation cut or driveway approach at his from Tom Hubble, OCC student upeose, The ordinance further body president, to attend a dedi· pfO'tldes that 11 the owner re. cation ceremony atlla.m.Nov. fUses to do the work, the city 25 to commemorate the 200th may order tbe work to be done birthday of the fouodingot Call- aad assess the cost as a llen tornia. against the property. • AOOPTED a resolutioo • DELAYED Qrst read.log authori.JJ..og removal o1 the stq, of Ordinance 1320, which would conlrol oo lnlne Ave. at Clay establlsb a procedure tor St., Newport Hei&bts and CUlt Issuance of curb cut permits by Haven. as requested by Mrs. the public works director codl-Paul Hall of «0 lrrlne Ave. f)1og tbe present pr~edure • AWARDED tbe contract tor coota1Ded ln CouncU policy the )etty bulkbead at Cbanoel Tb1l ordlla.Dce eo11taJ.Ds a pro. R4. I.Dd Ocean Blfd., Balbo& rlsioo that oo buikling permit Peoiosula Point, to COilDOlJy. sball be issued until all Wl· Paclfte Co. of Long Beach. low oeeded curb cuts and drive. bidder at $42,474. Tbe county way approaches are closed 14). will pay 50% of tbe coostroc. Ord1nanc:es 1320 and 1321 were tlon cost 14> to a maximum of both diaried to the Nov 24 $21,000. meetlog to give the staff ~re * GAVE CONSENT 1o prln- ttme to prepare us reports. ciple to Phase 1 of Pac1f1e View • APPROVED the business MemorLa.l Park a.oneatlon to license requests of Bruce Hen. :he city; the area contains 13.3Z derson, 1 ?04 Park Ave., Balboa acres. Island, for door to door sollclting for Newport Cable-PAUL LAURITZ TO TALK rision. and of Robert Grlr.zell, Norwegian artist Paul Laur- 1519 Santanella Ter., Irvine itz w111 give a lecture and art Terrace distributor for Nut. demonstration at 7:30 p.m. rlllte Pr'oducts. Tuesday, Nov. 25, for the Costa • AtrrHORIZED the necution Mesa Art League iii Adams , of an agreement with Binder, School, 2850 Clubhouse Rd. He Mestyanek & Co. for auditing was born III Larvtk, Norway, sentces tor the city tor tl.scal traveled to Ca..aada at the ace year 1969-70 at an Increase In of 16, and later to Oregon alii tee from $4,500 to $5,500. Cautor nia. A financial disaster • APPROVED the request o1 in a gold mioJ.ng venture ln the Couocil tidelands fee com-Alaska in 191? caused him to mtttee to delay Introduction of a turn to art work eiCIIISiveiy. tidelands use fee ordinance to He !las served on the faculty tbe Nov. 24 meeting. at Otis and Chouinard Art In. • stltutes and as member of the APPROVED the followlng Los Angeles Munucipal Art J.oter sectioos as priorities tor Commission. tramc signals and directed the stall to have construction plans prepared: lrvtne Ave. and san-____ L E-~~~-HOTICE ___ _ ttago Dr,, Baycrest; Eastblutr Dr. and Jamboree Rd., East CERTIFICATE OF BlfiiNE$ Bluff. F'tctltlous ftrm Name • GAVE APPROVAL in prtn-THE UNDERSIGNED does ciple to a policy statement on hereby certlty U.t be ls con. airport zoning, reiterating Us ductlog a preclsloa machlnillg, ~of a League of Cities prototype a.od toollnc bustoess r.,ocoO:::m:::=m::•"':::::tl:o:• .:tha:::.t _:the::_:Oran::::~"'; ,•j1t0lg651 Placentia Ann .. , Bull-r J, Costa Mesa, CalltornJa PHOTO UDder tbe llcttllous llrm C H Rl S TMAS name of H II II ENTERPRlSES CARDS BY KODAK an<l that said llrm lo composed of the lollow1ne per~n whose name in full aDd place ot re- sidence is u follows, to wtt : Paul J. HaaL 1651 Mltcbell Street, Sallla ADa, Calltorola 9Z'I05 WITNESS my baDd tbls !6th •. c •• I. day of Aucut. 1919, 11.1 -'· PAUL J. HAAG ,...,. .... 1 ... 1o Paul J. Hu..c '=========~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA) r (u. BALTZ MORTUARIES 1741 SUI'IIIOI AYF . COSTA IIUA ....... , .. 2424 •• I . COAST HIWAY CO-A OIL IIAI ORiolt J-'14!10 r-•u 1941 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On WI Z6 di.J ofAucut, 1919, bebe me, a Notary PubUc ln aod .... -_, aod -· rNldloc -olD, dU)J commlo- aloold IDd IWOrll, per...Uy appeared PAULJ. HAAG, ao.a to me to be tbe per.,. no. •m• ll -.:rlbed to tM wtt:tdll ............. ud .. -lodead to ... tllltlll aeelltlld 1M ..... WITIQ'.S IIJ ... IDd ddiJ -'. ~;:~~;;~;;~; ~~ ~ ~ MATTRESSES -,HIIIellud.,.. IRW-UJiaJLIIIIIG -C..,.UII- I,.,...uJar IUpa Mf a•_. • tr• h' u ---C..U.ll-.t,lt11 • COif A wa.A MAYTIISS co. P 2 "Ill: Jfw, ll, 10, 17, Dee. .,.,., • ...,...._m ... ., .. ,,. ~':·'"IM"-1- •£111'011T HARlOW EII.CJI S£00118 $EC11011 - -P• 4 liiURSOAY, NOV. 2D, IMI COAOI4A DEL liAR, CAUF. ·Tired of watering w eu ,..._bb W a eoiD· pW. 1ft lan 171t1m -or eoa.ttrt ,_ ... -.,...,. IDio • fii1IY •-'k lqlladock opriM!er. tt•o _.., --frM Hlhnalu. yways-lnc. sale revealed N"I)Orl Ctrllor -lio oi;iijjji'., lawn? IDe. hao PV<hUod amaJD<alr-675·7760 aaft ~~. ~1 s~q, ~~~~~~i::;;;;;~~~~~~==~====~ ebarter, e&riJO, repair, reatal aod rup.t Jnmuctloo at Oraop c_, Airport. Newport s.,...,. IDe., tor. merly Torbet Aircraft IDe., was ~ld to Newport Center lDdus- trtes lnc,, 5$0 Newport Cfllter DriYe. Terms were DOt dis- closed. • GUARANTEED WORK o FREE ESTIMATES o o FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY o W. R. Miller, 58, ofCOI'OQI del Mar, president of Ne,rport Ceoter IDdutrtes, saJd thU lnitial aequUUioo Is part ot. a planned prop-am to otter local and reg:toaal buJtness aDd the tlna.ncl&l commuaJ.ty a 41Yer- slf1ed iDdustry oriented pa.rent company. • MEMBER OF C.U.D.A. CUSTOM DRAPES JOHN I MAII.THA .. ~ BEDSPREADS Quality Upholstery THE CAROlfiEL ROOM at the Newporter Inn will be tbe settlnclor the Nov. 22 dlnDer dance of tbe Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor. Social hour will beetn at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at ?:30. Ptctured here preparing deooralioos are, seated lett to right, Mrs. Raymond Lewis, Mrs. Floyd Buell and Mrs. William Stepbenson; sta.rdiog, Mrs. P. D. Endsley, at left, over-a.U chairman, and Mrs. Jobn Simpson. A new feature ls tbe reservation of portion of the space tor tables of bridge tor noo4nciog members. Mrs. MatUliS King is co-cllalrmao, and decorations are being arraop;J by Mrs. Bert Sewell. The Tuesday Club Is tauocbed into its 12th year, wttb Mrs. Benjamin Modesti as president for 1969-?0. (Ethelyn Miller pbOto.) tst-H W. 17 .. S!reet c .... MeN Gall P. Smith, 43, ofNewport Beach, has beeo elected presJ. dent or Newport Skyways. He was formerly -estero repoaat manacer tor Leu Set,ler ,IDe. Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCKS • ALL SIZES -ALL TYPES ,....., ..... : ~~ 7·2211 .U KoteiJ&. .... ._ all L llal&. S..to Newport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. Wh en you 're saving money, green is a beautiful color but Newport National Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings picture. Newport National Bank pays the highest bank interest anywhere on your sa vings account, and at the same time, oilers its customers an opportunity to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original all paintings. These striking decorator miniatures will add infinite charm to your living room, office, den , bedroom , or wherever. ·Also for memorable gift-giving at Christmas or other special occasions , Framed in antiqued gold, set oil by rich velvet, they measure 734" x 8~" overall. (A regular $15.00 retail value.) Each miniature is ready for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas, Now is the time you can truly admire every entry in your savings passbook. how the program works: for new savings accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one min1ature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one miniature for $2.95 (plus tax) Open a $300 savings account-and buy one miniature for $1 .95 (plus tax) Open a $400 savings account-and buy one miniature for$ .95 (plus tax) Open a $500 savings account-and buy one miniature for FREE!• •L•mtt of two frn m•n•alures recardless ot amoun1 of depos.t over $1 000. for present depositors • Each $50.00 deposjt to your savings account entitles you to pur· chase one miniature for onl)' $3.95 (plus tax). • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purchase a decorator miniature for onl)' $4.95 (plus tax). • A non·depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 (plus tax). ("ocutorty • $15.00 nluo) .,. [kft ICC0611tt .._, .. to 11S.OOO, M.miNf f.D.I.C A -ilul dlapl•y of theM line --min--11 •R ofllceo. ..,.. .... lllictltboft If Ill~ lll•JJII • ......... lfJIWI II,...,_ 642-1141 • C....., .............. ltC& IR 11.111-2100 • ...... -....... lrM 171•72'10 ._... Offiet Suplricw It '*""'142·1511 • lnftwJib1 .,._ bll a..,.. at S.C... m4IIIO • ._-...., lt•DMr IU.Jllt IMI--...... -.SMI-5M-Z111• ___ ,_ ____ _