HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-27 - Newport Harbor EnsignTWO APS STUDENTS attendlll( Nnport Harbor Hlllb Scbool will meet tbe SJ.CIPOTtloc patrons, members ud auoctue 101mbers of tbe loea.1 Amerlcu Field Sentce auoclatioll at a pre .. Cilrlatmu coffee oo Tuelday, Dec. Z, at tbt LJdo Isle bome of Mrs. Richard Steele. Hostesses wtll be Mmu. S. R. Nord Jr., Dooald D. Wells, Fnnk Marlball, J. w. R&tnert, iD:1 Roy B. Woolsey. Eduardo Peoa of CM.yaqull, Ecuador, Ull1 CbrtstiDe Vulllequesof Freneuse, Fruce, lboWD blre durlDc a reeeot tour of tbt pedlatrte ward at Boa& Ho5pital, W'tll tell the CfO'.CJ of Ctlrlstma.s customs lD tbelr reapecU•e uattve couotrtea. Eduardo La Uvtnr 'Willi the John Fletcller family, and Clltlstioe W'ttb tbt Wllllam Chlchesters. Both JOUDI people speak English fiiiOJIIIy. (Jact Wesl -.) .B. UPPE All aecutln "'"""' ..W bt IIJd, ••we DMd: ldYt.Mtromoar feder&l be_, 11 oalJforprojletl Here 18 U. tat ol tbl Letter llold ani moalll by t11o Nnport -L All .-III!Ye --In t11o pubUe lnlertol. -bJ lib'. __ , Beacb Clty COUDclltoH'flewita lbOWd be bekl u IOOD U PDI-• Tbe esebaAp 11na tbe ''Tbl parpoee Gil ttd.l..._,la -em tilt ._ 0., lalldu-11111o wltll tllo ell}' -1117 nu•ldy, peUutod IIIII of t11o bay to ~7 rulato your c..,.. ebl.np between tbe ln1nt Co. ud e1tJ J1W11.1W coacerD.I.nc to tbt public. ber't compW. ......,.:1 at tbe Ud Orup COUDl'J, the problema ra1Nd by tbtUU-• County spokesmearetuseto Baek BaJ LaDd Eldlup. Tbe Counetl acreed Mooda)' p.ttoa!' debate tbe ~lc. "We tan "*ebld wUb tteDiDc tbat tbe closed ..door ''TIP 1a our lUt apportwlit)' • Some say, ''Lea" 1t to the dlsm&J arer tbl put IDOIItba metUD1 will be beld cturtnc the to uerel.Be aut.borlty O¥er the couts," but lmroduettoo of 1¥1-tbe flood ol ball-tr.C.. .bctloD Dec.l,evenlftcseasiolloratthe Back Bay,•• said Couocllmaa deace ln court Is blocUd. u:2 LrnleYaat eomm ... W1lleh Dec. 22&fteroooastud)'BesaioD. Roprs. Mr. Seek saldthataiJ)Odpli.D ban poured b'tb from a tery This deellloo. was made after Mayor Yarsball po1Dtec1 out, for the lJA;ler Bay should LDclllde Yl&OJ'OU. lf Ul..adriMd, miD- a request had been preseoted boWeYer, U.t tbe bay lllD the a study ot tbe foUowlnc: ority, durlnr tbe atterooon by oppoo-ctty's jurlsdieUoo am subject polluUon tllterl.nc 1\mct::iOO of "U 11 our Cmc.t hope tbat eDU of the UW»er Bay 11M to tbe clty'a 1001nc laws. the Upper Bay, sulftcleat our city's lllder..,, tt~Fes. trade. Alla.n BeekofBeaconBay Frank Robtnaoo.,oaeoftbeln· spawning area for sportftsh, eated by our fiDe ec:M~Cil, wtU charged that the OOI11Q "has terveoers in the peMlDc su .. Udal erosion In both~ and DOt become apartytotbJ.ahleblJ sbowo UseU to be tJDtrust. per lor court suit llwolrine the lower bi.y, tat carrJinr orp.n.I..Md tboueb m111dlrected worthy'' In admlal.steflng the Upper Bay trade, ll&ld that tbe capacity or lower bl.y, bea.cll c.t.mp&lp.. Great del1bentioo t1dela!Jds within tbe ell}' Umlts. es.cha.n&e l.a UDtatonble to the reqlliremeots for locaJ re. bas btu etten to ads matter by "Tbe city sbould rue a SUit publlc fortbetollow1Dcr-..ons: JkleW a.od tlsttors, pn.cUca .. UJouebtfU.1 leaders a.t state, promptly," lle asserted.. "U the • lD order to ol:lta1D ate billty of WllD.c ln tbe 1.JR»er COtdJ aDd ctty lefel OYer tbe exchange ls approved, tbeD tbe approral, tbe eouaty mUrepre. Bay, denlopmeot costs and put y-.r1 • • • let t11 DOC DOW landislostforeYer.'' seated the fact. La Its rprt. sources ot fwlds, status of the oepte those deet.1ou or Nea.r the close ot the discus. • Tbe county bu Differ dared. lslands in the Upper Bay as prot1de tbe miii.Q8 to ttutrate ston. Mayor Doreen Marsl\all to ask tot federa.l be~ because ob&tructton.s to oartptjoo. tbem at tb1s late date. He said lba.t tile UWer Bay ''Wbea stripped to ttl...-.. PIER FEE FOES LOSE AGAIN DD'W prcwldes our 1,000 feet of tiiJ.a we are lootlnc a1 ORlJ oae publlc access, oct ronrtioc the .lADe -a.lteraatll'u. Al.tboucb DuDes, and l.ba.t adeqaate tben U much aid abodt W'bo 1s parldll( Is a rulable. Coo pori· -tile b<aer 111111 of tilt TbrH bouts of argumeot As the beartDc opeoed, City remarked that the Lido tide· ''I W:lBT GO DOWN to tbe -acaJ.n. to tbe lovelJ AI ud sty, aJld all I ask 1s a tall ahJp aDI2 a star to steer her by" -JoM W:asefteld. Tbe a.uwered w1sh to tills poem LJ tbe Moote Crllto, u 18UI ceDtur}' square rtger docUd at tbl Sea Scout Base, Yarloers Mlle. Tbe sbJp. a replie& ofa clipper barqQe, wu la.uDcbed 1n 1968 from tbl sbDrea: of North Vucourer ud ls appraised at $4.25,000. The lllolh cn..o, owoed b)' &.bert c. Crate. Is beaded south, W'itll Su oteco, Melioo aDd. Hawa.U on lls WDerary. IRVINE GIVES OPTION TO BUY LEASE LAND from tbt floor. all OIJPO•lDr Clerk Laura Lactosanootmeed luds 1 ... wast.stcallylntea .. UdtlaDdJ u..ae fees, produced tbe recmpt of 2 more. letters dad to block pubUca.cceutothe tbt ame renlt Mooday o!pt fl.vorlnc Ute ordlDIDee and 17 L1do blachts. because ol their lot:l!ttoo, Tbe meter roo:l, W'WI J.Jtde dla .. bllp.ln. tb&l too 1s r-.ll.J tr .. fee would be u addJIIMII bur. aooal par kine. would proricle relefaat 1D tbe )Oq nm.. Tbl den oo tbe boatlDc publle. You eoou(b space for ear, be added. rl&l queJUon, 1D cxa ~ ibould delay &cUoo uatU kloc Public Worka Dtreetor Joe 1s wbat t.weu u tr:a: tr&dt Tbe board of dtreecon ot PrellmlDuy pe,perwork bU rup planDlDr ta dool.'" O....lin sa1c1 that the map 1bowt.J1C douD't pus? 11 the pabUe J.D. tbt ln1DI Co. bu l&)llro¥1d &lteady beJUQ to coonrt leuea u at 1M first JO·rOUDd 8weeU more opposed, ralstnc' tbe tlllal Mr. DaweJ esUmated an wuer -a 4 to 3 tote by tbt eorrespoor.teoee tally to 25 1D &DOtal revenue of $39,464, Newport Be&ch Clty CCMD:U 1n flwc &Dd 2S$ oppo..:1. U follows : fayor ol leYJlDc u.e aew ftta. Ill u uplaD&tory statemeDt, • Rutdentlal -$8,900 Ln Tbt couoen majority ap .. Udllaodl a.dmlnllb'Uor Cieorp rtgl.ltratloD '"'· $4, ?10 Ln UJe pror.S flrat readlAC of tbtpro. O&wet J&1i:l tbat tbt reclstratioo fees, for a total of $13,610. poled ordia&Dce. utt ~ebeduled fees W'ou.ld be cbarpd t« au • Commerclal-nctstrattoo tbl !Dd r-.dJ.o1 aM pouJbiJ ptv• ud ao..u. buttbat tbt UA tee•, U,ZiO, plul UO from fllel llal actioo. tor u ad)ouned Ieee woWd be eu.rpd oaly 011. dockl; 1111 f•a. $17,200, plul!l meet1ac a&ollday t¥to1DC. Dec. ltructureJ oa clt)' tklelaods. He $6,104 from fUel iJllloatl' Ale, "' BOB W.eCURD'Y. prtlldent ?.000 feet o1 aeeeu wu to .. ter..t lilted? We ll1 -ool a major poUcy cb&Dp aftiCt.LDC oo mort tbu 3.000 lots lD. 46 of tbe ma.rtae c:U.•taSoa of tbe a.ceurlte. Tblrt bu bee u &u.q'lt to bomecnrnera DOW Wulnr 1rY1De Ab!tl'taioDI. Tile protect trill Cb&mber-"Tbe ell)' bU 1101 Jolulllacnab of Booeeo Soy, dllertdll tOe lrTiat ~· laJid. be e<>mpltltd In appruim&lely trea.ehed lts trut 1D h101111Dc W'bo ~enid u cbaltman of tbe apUoas WUbOut tbt tndt. We l..aala wtll be am.ootd to oot y-.r, Eaeb w .... Ul1 rn- Udel&.oda. Watertrom crirntra Newport Tomonow .n.ty. de-matottto tbll tbe eom&:UJ'• tAelude uQIJtkJotopare.._tat pectite eommetty auocladoa. are Ue&dJ payt.q adeq~atelJ ftaded tht Upper Bl.y laDd a. apaou are DWl1 .,..., real lud fix' au bomwnll'1 DOW will be ca~tacteddllrlJactbtDGt througb added bqHm oa tbtlr ebi.Dp:. He aid that lbt &Dd poe•t•IIJ ~ ... 1'bl 1eulDr dlrtetl1 trom tMlr'tUI fiW mooUll 1n e~ w1tb propert7. Ne1rPQI"t Harbor 11 m&)xlty of tbl klcal dtiseu po1DI: aat tbe ~..,. mQ Co •• &ecardiAc to Presidala tbt DI'W' pt'Oifam, Mr • ...._ wbll u lolltea-oftlloorderiJ artUldoosto-tllo~O.,-""'"m-rlltllo tndo WIWamR • ..._ ald. .,.mt> tbroullb lr• .tor--~ Ito told t11o c-u -occv, Ia -'l'lllo Ia o1m111r to tllo peUey T1lo -to - pdM." -· -tlloy ban tllo ~ .... au !!i;;";f~~~:toa~-s IS. aid t11o1 t11o Lido lslo plan lor a~ of$H,8S4. Tbl CouDCtl U.·• wu tbt ud OoUa wouJd be is a of arru- .• -SUID, .......... ., ... ~....... ·=· I == . dii Ba.lllaJi -, ........ -lialll:---I :a .. uol to-Wbat Ire -~~ ----tr rect.ed ...._, u ara oltbe AMD..Udtorm•CCM:mel.lmaa-Hllllb'eliDI»b'Pil'UI.IIdre. &bl.e to tbt ~arto ·-tbert!IIIUot~L ~ !:!== M&JW Dar.., Marlball. Vlce-U"'G::d tbt 1slaDd. about 10 teet of Commerce -''We ~ ''Tbe PoLat AaD.. wtttl ?44 cnUkJo. demoaUoD? We Facts ~ MaJor Llllics.IIY PuiODS aad Ill wldtb. From the audltDCe, any adcHHonaJ tee. CommercLa.l members, rerlfftrma Us lt&Dd Dee Coot, former coaDcll-would lead u to briU..t w. J B. McNALLY DIES C:O.CllmeD. Paul Gruber l.lld former CouneUmu Dee Cook uers are alreadY PIJ1ng eztra ap.I..D,sl tbe pier fees. Prertoa man. ree&lled tbat tbe land 1& t..mprobable from a pne. Bob Sbeltoa toted "yea." Tbe CoiiDClls re)ected this propc:~al trade had been ~ed b)' 2 Ucal tteW'PQtm.. DeDJ tbttrade? • (IR)Os1Uoo lnelucled CouDctlmea PASTOR JONES LEAVING on good basts. I C&D't see wtty Couoc:Us and he ca~Ded Tbls W'OU1d OD1J tore• tbe Ir. J 8 McNally as of 1002 McNa.lly Bol.t Reatals. Dcm lleiDbls, Howard RoiiW& this COWICU slloWd decide aplnat -tiiJI(Ibestpr .. lous vine C-'s bud Ulll k>r-E. 'aaD.. BIY<I • .' BaJhoa. dltd He wu 0111 of lbe -· &D:1 Ed Hirth. The Campua Crusade pro· otherwise." decl&lon.s. He sa.1d u.t wtlilebe ever bU. torpracttc:a.lreu:JGS, NOY. z.t, lD Kot.c ~tal after of the Balboa AadlDc Clllb; Fees would be due oast March Pastor Henry E. Jooes ol tbe • JOHN WEBB, a PeDiDa:u.la was oo the CouocU. Yery astute the creattoo of wbat coaJd be a a brtet Ulasa. He wu an cbatter member of the Newport 1 11 the ordlDaoce Ia adopted. CtDtra.l Bible Churell., !»Costa. cram bopes to set ~ bead· resldeot represenUnr tbe Ceo. atcoroays llad said tbat it would ma))r water recreation area to tarlJ resideot of Newpon a Harbor Elks Lodp· a member Tile ordlaocesetsthefolkrwtne Mesa. will Ieue 1D J&Diai'Y to quarters 1D Sa.ip 1f they can tn1 NeW'PQrt Bea.cb Communlty be DUt to Impossible and ex. be enjoyed by a.U. ptooeer 1D loeal ~ of Newport Harbor Cbunber of anma1 fees: go to the Far £a.st as a member t1Dd a place to rid lhat isn't Assn. -"Our assoclatloo Is tremely costly to get the tide· "We strooctY urp th1s and the 800 of tbe biDder ot Commerce· ud tbe Oranre • Noo.comme.rclal piers -of the &tatfof"CampusCrusade too lllgblDcost. Theoftlcewould ap.!Ast this fee. I han coo. laD:ls UDder elty admiDistratlon. COUDCU's r.mtmatioo. of tr:e Cbrlst Cbarch by tbe Sea. Cowty rt.sbanc::t GameCommls .. $!15 use fee aod$10reglstratloo ~y.•;brist's Mlllta.ry U:J.nls. :rea:. ~~n:. aJXt the tacted. attoraeys aod ba.l't been t.lr. Beek sharply crtUclJ.ed. thougbtf\l1 dellben.UOD Jl•to on He was bora 1D TOI"'Dto doo, aod founder ot the Oce&D ee 3 told tbat tbe tldelams trutwas tbe action ot PresldeDl Rtcllard this matter by prl« COGDCUs CIUild&, rlrstcamellerewtth~ Fish Proteetln Assn.. .. Commercial piers _ use Pa.stor Jones. as1tgned u Pastor Jones' wUe and Dot lnttQded to cbarge fees tor stetens of the NelrpOrt Harbor aod to assist by all possf!»le family 1D 1108 tor summer n.. Sunlvors lDcltlde a !GO, 9tt. fee of 501; par foot of oo.rmal Aaiao Dtrector, w11l be Mf'finc 1 cb.Udreo w1ll accoqii.DJ 111m. R-1 property owners. lt Is so Cba.mber of Commerce, wbo means tbe speed)' nr.UatioQ caHoas 00 ~ bla.lld. &Dd 1D Ql.ld ot tbt bome· a ciluebtU moortDc space at eacb sUp or tile Pll.Wpp1Dts, VIetnam. SiDr· Mrs. JOOII W'tU sene u bos-stJpulated 1n tbe resourcu wrote last W'tek to tbe ~OUDcll of .~e ucban(t. 19U, be acne bert to Jta.y. Yrs: Jean Zu.mwati of Newport noat, ucept ma.t fUel docia: apore, Thailand, aDd Korea. tess for tbt headquarters. code. U tbt fee ls leYied. It restatiae the Cllamber s 5141· As 700 are aware, the Ir.. He OWDIId &Dd ~ tbe Bach and a ~ James would P&J 3/1~ per pUoo of B 1 rk' 1 I k'd wouldbedoubletuatlorlwltbout portoltbt laDdu.cbUIC'e. •toeComp&QJ"bu'WUI17Cbosea Tbi.Jtle L1De of boats b' 25 On'oi costa Yesa. :~::-:i~[!~U: a pa eng ot p an 0 ~;w_:n.W:u, ~~~ ~:s~ :r c~l'1~~~ :r::,':' ~~ CU:tt::'~ years, aDd Ills fleet IDCloded Prlnte tuoeral sentces cbarp lor &ddlt1oaal 1llpJ or :170 l'lhlcles lDcludln&: 56 • C. 8, KNICKERBOCKER btart.nr. ud bY IIJ.U.actodeteod doH DOt feel free to prueal ~~i..a.t.r~ ~ = ~:: ~t!.~~ :..~~~~ nc.ta lD &CCOrdl.nee wttll a Tbt IQJPlOYemeot pla.nfOrtbe metered spac~s justwesterlyof ot £a1boa lsl&Dd _ "1 pa.y tbe ClYe..t.WI.7 be admitted tbat Us cue, ooee q:a.iA. lD pubUc. part::Derii:Up wtc. hi.IIOD lD the Pactfl VI w: mortal Put. tormwa 1!1*11led Ia tbe or. Balboa oceu frort pukinc lot tbe Copre Scbool swtmrniJ:I( $285 to $400 e•erJ yar ~two U 1s 1DdefeDJ1bte." Mr. Beek wtth trlal pead1Dc. TblslaYts c ., • dlnuet. .... iJill>fOYtd IIOIIII&y ••llliDC peel. Tbe motors cu provide IO <lrodiO In !tOOl of my ..... ebarJlOd. "Tbe Jll•e..any llc-the ftcl>l to loJIIcaJ, eoocorotd Wartime ordeal recalled Two amendmtDll •ere m. bJ the Newport S..Cb Clty rel'tDOe cturtoa: W'trter months, 1D order to be &bt. to 'lit my t1oD ls uslDc: t.bt same tactics ct.tilena, such u JOQ. to make cll.ll:led lD. tbe motloa to approve Cow:ICU. be ald. pier. That's a pr-Ice ,. tan to Ill court tb&t they use In pubUc; sure tbat th1J 1:00.t 1~ Alit rtldlq.ODtcbaapmabl Tbe motion, made by COUDC:ll· Access iato tbe P&tk:inc lot pay to llN tbe tidelullJ. WbtD Tbty are trrt.ol to SlCIPfeSS tsaue U DOt lruttrated by eon. Ql Oct. 24, 1944. at 8 &.m., 1t cltar tbll multiple plera 1D mao Howard Ropra, locluded •W be from Palm St., and the I camtllertlD.ldl,tberewere tht lDtroducUon of el'lc1eoce."' fuklo lD. tbt 1Dter1m."' tilt PCOI1 carr1tr G&mblv float of muW-fl.mtly clwelllnp tbe r ... rtatloD U..t the IP· a.cceu road W'lll coatiDue oa. sa.zacl ball LD tht b&y. We would H M b Bay, 01111 ot the COGYtrted n.tl ~bodetmtdtoboc:ommv-pronl did DOtlneludetllepro.. toward tllo plor ... beyood to .... mudllala ap.la 11-1· arry ears succum s ollora,wu .... lntllolnYuloo e1al. Tbt otb.ercha.ac .. pecl1lts poNd pbUe 2, Whleb oobeerns p!'CJ¥1de u1t on W&1n SC. llte uJ 41d DOt ctr«!ce tbe tay of Leyta Gulf, 1a tbt~loe tbU tbe ue r.. wouldootbtaa-tbep~~~stDerlrl1~-~p1Worll. Tbli pbul 2 pl&n &bows u ILOd build ~ tbt ~bts. We ...... ._. ... _ •-•We 6Jr macy ,_,., he wu lsludl. ...-.,t U' a pier 11 located 011. -............. ec~ ..._., ., • e:rteulon of the roadw&J acrou ~Y more tbaD this tee 111. added """ry ., • ~.oears. •~. a w. rner lti&DI.IV ot JOboDit'l UQuora. A few weeki a.,o Or. Norm botb prll'attly oned u:t lOll upla1ntd tbat tbe Pll"kinl .Ma14 st, to pnwlcle u:lt oo. A tues. We certal.aly are pa.)1Dr lollr Ume restdentofCotomldel He retired a.fter a Mrioua lll-Lcatl, ueoclate~ publlcly onedtldeluds UDltss lot Wllttrb' of tbe pier wtll be st. tinder this plan, Ma.1n St. our snare." Mar. died Nov. 1IJ at h1.s oeu 4 y-.rs qo. ol Cbe NtwpOI't-Mea l1alflld at 11ut 5C1\ oltbepterbooctty resurtlced &Dd taDdraped u:t would becoo.,..rted Latoapedes. • HANK HILL of NIWPQI't restdeoce In Port Arthur, SUM'tl'lAC are bU wtle, Kate; .:bool cUatrlct, wuttoa. Loo1s Udeluda.. wW Plflflde puk1DJ cac• tor trlan m&ll Hetcnts -••we ba•• brobn Oata.rlo, Canada. 1 100. OwtD o1 ltl1ctd,an; fDr tbt nth rNdDI o1 tbt _.. Tbt ordlnuct ooaht'D' a d rfb ' d f dlml the USI...S nluatson Bon In Nl.apra falls, he 3 d&U.Ibtera. Mrs. A. E. Cbrllty l'1YOrl of tbt &1rcral: c::&l'f1er. -mlllloiJl()lleytbaltlltllla NB to en su oar ee llaurts.Lotaoalldolalnlltrt .... with his llmllJ In 1910 ofPortArtbllr;Mra.E.Aekloy, He had -ootlloalllpua IM1l aot b. subject to U1 piers art allond an UMIM to Fort Wll11am, Dot., wberebe Otllo. ud Mrs. Jou E'ftll ot aeore ...,_ antc~taa'f'la .. ........ _ b' 5 Ud .tat. '70 to~ per IQQIJ"' bit man attecded local scbools. COI'OQI. del ltlu; 6 crud· Uoa S1:1fl1ts ... ._... --.-'I~U.. Tbt Newport Be&cb Clty ffi'I'POlt S.C.b aDd to a lesMr thl.n ftttrlroat lots ftleh batt He aer•td cwerseuua ueu. cb.Udrta &ad lfiU lf'UICI· Capt. Dlewtc. fwtber u.t "lt hi 1D tbe.Utt C.W:U &lfeed Moadil)' .,.W.C ctecr .. 1D OUter ar., of South. DO pt• Pll'filepe." tta&DC ill the Cs!lldtan army cb1JdrtA. Tbt. C•miMf Bar wu 0111 dlrecl lllts by tbe Japuese to sUlk bar. A polAt 1D Naftl Ilia. tory, Dr. Lotts statH, Ia Chit tbe Gambler Bl.y ts tbt oaly u.s. curter to bt sa bJ cw>flre • He aid that tblre na a 501 -ol per ...... lln tile allltiD( a.nd thU. 50 mto Wbo dSd a 10 doWn with the ship w•e-- "' Jbarta boca ...... , drlbd awu from tbe rest ofCiatsartf, Ht aid u.c In order to stay topOer, the mea tied tbtm- •ll'es toretMr b7 their lb1rt .-... Tbe CJ'IW WU lD tbt water !rom Oct. " to 27 --.., .... £lra.lb picked ICI bJiudbc craft boala !loom lbe Pllllllp. plata. "' tllo !Idola .... trut tllo1 tilt to aba--BcouiDC tr11 C&lli>rllla." • DEE COOl(, pr-llloftllo In tllo first world war U111 u 1'IMI lwlanlwu bold In Port or m -bat -Ia t11o tM>IIc lit ret.m.atd directly uol to IDI>IIall tllo --11 T1lo aetloo of tilt COUDCU Corona del liar C-lltr of -In par...-r wttll !be Artbar with bolrl&l Ia tllo Swl'llllll Filii -V\ca Ad-~~~ -::u~:: -:i ::::::::!_DC" acbtdWe Oil a ,.. &D acDowltdpDIIIt of tbe Commtrte -''Tbt people are lObcl Btattslloa &tid Vetll'UI mllltarJ pklt, Rtnrlidt cem... miral Tbomu C. K1IIIUd a.IM -cod laada -· prlnle City Altorlll}' Tully Soymour l_.,.tmeol ol aurltr l&rbe· .,.,.,_, boca-IIIIa or-Goard In World War U. 1'IMI Jart. Tbo R ... 1o., 11. ,, ........ lui baltlto.rtllo1'1111Ut11Uta. pierl ud naata•q beta~ wulAIInttecltoctra!tuordlA-b&flot, tlroqtlt about~ I' cHrance wu butUJ dnfled;. It y-.rl bttweeo lbe wars be wu D.O.. ot st. A!ldnw'a PrllbJ· Dr. L.ata reealla tMl tt oa1y llneled. ·-e ,_11 .. ~ -~~ -~~ bJ ••U~ ~ Is ambl-. You ban a C&ll auoclatod with tile Oalarlo larlu Clloreb, Fort WIWam, -50 111-uo1 n J4,U5 y;uFT LOSS ------,..,.. ~u craza promoted bJ o.u. su:ruus of wotml lD WI 1-pqt dDc:T· UqlaOr Coatrol Baud. CaMdt oatcJ&ttd. Pallllt&rcs · 'l'lllo-u--wutllo r.-PfOiftlD. wllleb tllolli8IIYIL• 1D4111. Tllort an _.In-Alibi 111111 or World War U ,.., Pnwldod by tllo Purl SGT. MII UTiolcAVAY Jonlry UIII ClnOIIC':,~ ... U prllllt •-CiniJbytllo<=--reqalrel a JS ... .-~ IN. T1lo l1bonllald aurtiD(IJoQro OCIJllllta to lbla cloe-111 lbu be aomt to Cor.,. del liar, Artl1llr c.-.. 0tc1oa. DI U IM <;eiiiAM\' al Jt,US "'" -· '";;""~ dl -.jarltJ. a WU """"'tMd QMw:Umaa DaD Mcllailllid adapW' OD & trial bull lut fto• tilt llllkll~ of-· Ill a -' -llod by VIet-t11o1 t11o -lu Ia -A 11 uo1 nalllrmod In.,.,._ In UlJ -""' 11oft bad bo-p • f I d k d Stall S.,... -J • lie-S C'41-• ol M4 VIa' Lido ao.,.. Par-u-oltllo eriDilllatorrboca_lt_DOI ~a aclloo oata tllo artiD( :~~=-..:Ia-:::: 1er ee s u y as e ~"!f.:!Ju US ~J~_'! 1icn, Lido lalo. Tloa J11lallor c-u --commlttot, awb' to ontar truol -ume all a.m. b: lba-• -·-a. • ·~ -•-a aUt•...,. 01111 ,... ._.., bJ ao.,.. ~ u t11o lltll)' --.., 01111-"'lillrllar Ar•llo.l-b' 1~ ft .• !SO. Too eu'I•U 1111 1'IMI <naco c-11ar1>ar sr., or 111<1 Dn~oa.Co*-. rtac. a ,......, -rtac. a lllaroball nrtac tllo -tac'a r-U.. tlbo, or aJ-. ol It oport Pier uolla !root em tiJal. Too~ baftbad Dlalrlct Commlaloo ·-·---bolll&dt dltd!OGY.lllll.__Aray IOid rtac-10-ISdla- "'rs I'M: "'hi "' .. ..,.~ ...;. Dor .. ManlliiDCIOID-or a: PIIRlDI !tat. For tbe n-ID .... trom ... ptlltrllc. AJ:Iolt tM Hdt"adl ... ,.. coc .. ol all r~"''· CCIIMIMrCJaJ. .......... ta o.r...,. • ,.,. .... d:tapJif rtllfl:i ,......_.., wo -.,latMt m-tMt-ewupdroa. •al .... rolAr•llo.l,-IOI .,_tllo,..._"'!""..!: tallaobytlloN.,.......BtaeiiCII}' plera,' •1•• uol -· Ill Ill_.._ -by Ida -•lola-Sola 1 1-. toa po1111e -11t ---lor.-_ ... _. l llllll.ud-a.,tllo-.ua,-.,.ottllol*l-e-n UJd -,_..,-'-lloclld"' tllo s. WU.. .... .,., "--•,. rtac. a • nc-. • pn•• dlreollr lor.-u-,... .. ,_., 111o1-. 1a • -to aoa.-.CioolacU..O llaft ---,._ --. to ... t11o ....., --... ~ c.ot ~ •---• n' uos IOid -. ... -,..--ol peue ao.< U1J _.. -lor&UIIAH&IIa-lllottllo =-~::.r::r -·to-a~ ;:•:u~':!':r~= =.:n..;-1"-.:1"111':: •-ell rtac. alii ,._ .. IS b." ... _........ arall n•n•d ,_ • p.-. If tat ... ta _... -wt.D ol ~ lhll1 ollliiPICitblliGt. - --_.,. • -..-' .... r.d _;,.~.._ ......., n. ........... l ....... ll'r &W'.'*'il&tN'ft*•Pidl .. _.. .. .,_llrA:re --'nMI Coa•l .. tD*""" -, ~~ __, • ..._--., _... --•I .... Ml_,oaldllllda,._. ... 1,-IIIIII.IDIM _ _..,IIflll't_ftal.la. -a8ornttMiola,._. ---llt-lln; 1 ~ lui• lr II IIIOTMIIIIIUIMG C: ~:,•:-•-:;:,..,~ :11!'1~ •;1 ~~~a~..; .... ~ ::' --::::~:., ..... ~~.::.U~-=~~~!~:.=-..!:i :;,..;-.. ~,..:: :.,r!.C::w'::.= .. ~1%...a:"".,¥-;t1 . w lM -altoallllolr -·10111-11 1 .... h 1"ola -·-··-· tl l , llr, .a 11n. ... ~-... 1.1111 IA•Wfeet.lll 11111&1............. ftiC-ctltDrllMitttDUDwtll '1Oft' .. • .. lalla p I jiQIIQ. ,_..., ..... a..~.rar-._ .. I I ....................... _II MII.IIrr-lolll -IM-.1 t1J l.oot,uol,._._ ... ,. •• tr_ IW'I IMCIIJ ltrW • ~ .. ,.,,.,._.,_.,,1 trffwlrr-r .. a Oil'":•-oo 1 -:-nn, ___ ,..,...pJIC .. .,M, ,..=.:o.• .. ._ e;r1 -..m•.::;._,., .. _ .. ~t~-€f~ ~NL~ ;~t¥.;:;::. t.:<J!~ri::;~ ~~~:;,;~;::a-:=:: ~i~?::=:t ~&;tS: • I • . 11111DW, IMIY. 21,- IIIAA DEL!¥& ll8.l F. 'NI OPPICIAL IIIWII'APft Oft .... an OP Mil# OIT IIAat THB HAJIOII. AllliA'S OFFSBT Ntrsr~PER Oflloo ... _ ... ·-'" ... Eoolp ......... 27!1 E. c.-...,., c-...... c.ur .. -9262> TIL .. IIDIIIo 67U550 CAt• CHo 7141 - C 0 N S E R ·,' ,·, ;· i '/ [ ( ::0 R ~~ E F· -. - stra.:lgh. t • ' ly , .... AnlllrwR ' • Yule fiesta planned __________ ...,_, . ...., .. ~eo..--a n. -. -_ .. __ C.7tr - Dol. .. 7-YEAR lORD ~L. ••m 7 7 OIEV7WQI5 100S7FIMANONG ALSO-·we carry our own contracts Pill s-at. bo!olod 221o<1 . " ~ ~ MciC '" wiD lin. --lllllar-tlr ..... ,.... •• -IIIII 46 7 0L CAM 33t NAPKINS IIOX PUS$ 'o 11001$ IlK SIZE CAT FOOD 1Sc ,-2-49' ........ ....nc.i .... llllld -7 15 II Pw:Uie -n.. -..tal Park-11111 ... _ "' -c.... dol---I _,7 LIO JOHN LO IIIIGLIO Of' CDSTA MBA IUS lAo Mol Lo ....... u. "' ... M'll I • .,, Cella -. --711111U--a IDIII 1% , .. .__.. Allftla. •• ,, .. __ llld """' lU 1111 I -Ill --..... _ .......... ..,.,.. ......... ...... --...... .. ...... -.; .... . ~··· .. -... ._ ....... 57'· -LoWJII' r • 1-1: I PwR .II ... I($ --.._ I 2 ••• ,. •• II a.- ...... 0011'0 •• -·--·n• c ....... ·1- Chantelles sing carols lin. .... -111, - ..... --M&anu--... ~ ..... lp llrtoc. c-_.. • 11111 •-• ud -ol IIIII T" IIJ' Cllb at 1M Dee. Z W..cll . .t tM Ba._ Bit Cllb. Tllo ~~~ -.. .,. ._ .. .,. ........ will-._.. .. ..,.... ... - - -IIIII cllr-ollllal S' -Beesf.M .U.:. _ .. wtll "" • .-... ol "A cblld'aCbrt.Jtmull Wales'' -bJilJIUTllomuud pn '.S bJ I ..... , til tbe ~ lllrtlcw C111Wrea"1 Tbl&tre c;.ud-leu Slala- -IWJibeJudPec -7 Service to the community A..,._ ol ours tdls dUs one. On Saturdays he ldk dima ( IOc each). Seems the neiahborhood movie is nul door. "The kids stop in bd'~ the show fordimtS- for lhe w:ndin& machines in the theat~. A lot of our bus.ineaa is like this-~~~m~K:c to the community. Glad to do it. Because we·~ conYen~ntly located and open looa hours, •'re a handy place to pick up chanp;or a boule of aspirin. But a ptumnacist's trur service to his community is to be a quM:k , reliable IOURX Of the drup and medicalions your physician pracribes. That's the real reason we're here. And we ve &!ways pbsed to .serve you. PIWIIICICJ lt8 rduJt8 inside thot counts! This muns the Mariners people and their prDYtn pro- fessionalism m matters of firlince II means Ma nners people-to-people interest '" your secunty . and Mariners wise investment of your money in the pro&rtss of our community. Joift rour neichbors 1nd open 1 Mar•nus snmas IeCOUnt todar. Remember: fede111ty -insured s.vinp 11it11 the nolicul"s llichest rote ol ~terost, hom lily in lo.., • "'>1M T-~ oM tnt .... deposit bom (witll minimum $~000 occounl). MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Or. Cbarles L. Feillber&. dea.JiofTalbotTbeo)odcal SemiDarr, La Mirada, wUJ be the guest preacher at the 10 a.m. worship senlce this Sundar. -with this ~ad­ W/COUPON REG. Set $s.oo Haiclt .. _ .. $4.oo Willet Style~ $4. oo Iii Style~ . _ $1o. oo $3. LIMITED TIME ONLY !PHONE 673i95oJ t!oon 'i}I.J. .l!alt '&si,- lnd Wi1 S.lon _, E, COo\ST HIGHWAY --·Ye· ·------------ UNM~ .·.GIRl.. CHRISTMAS DAY A Theodore Robins uchuivel loo"-for our ditgnostic center setl 1nd ftkt tM gutU-WOrk out of buying a used '"· Thts-CJrt ~ve puwd 130 villi tests for performtnct nlitbil ity, 1nd wfety. IIIII% PARTS A. WIIR wAIIlm c..• IUS II Ill DAYS ( ... n Ill -11111IC1I ,. ... iot!Wiot .... M, ..... IN, rur ..... PW1 t.rtk", Mnery lfWII eahl111st All ...,..,. wtn ..,, iA '"' ewn ""'" er-TJRWD& '67 GALAXIE 500 4 llllr. t..l., no \1.1. , ...... futory ,;,, ,.w•• •*•••'ft1 I r.,.,h,, •••••· lluter. Cl'YE 1lll 90 DAY ,, 4,000 Mo. WAUANTY $1595 t.fi:l cAou.LA·C-'-OUPI O.Yn.U h ll I>, .... '•'*••• ,;, "~'''''""'' ~-·~·-.. u ~iitio~. 10Ql9A6 1 f,..-CHIUUI NIWPOIY A .Qo~• Sodtfl. Y.l , ftc tory 1ir Cl~· llllitio~·~'l . eult"'•lic, ,,,..,, lltti!P.t . '"'"'" b oht. IOF-F-I•J I ,-fii'OLDSNOIIU ,_,. 4-DOOA IIDAN $695 11.1 I WIOf'llfic htiU..,lt tiOI!, r.4JI, .... ;,,, Ottnt•"'• u r. I l f t 1261 StK~ ~'·· 2•t ••• ,.· .. ===,..,.. ... -....... = 1961 iOID LTD 4·DOOI HIAN $1995 OM 0"'~••· ltD V.I. ulo.,.•llt , r, .. ,, ''"""•· ,.4;,, ~•••••· ,., .. ,;,., !YT,7ot l ltU ,OlD GAL.AIII IN HAUTOP 51195 .... o. ••. v .• , .......... ,;,, •• , .... y ., c.o,..jltooftl"', full pow.,, t.4io. ~ulor. '''Xll71 lt" fOil C.USTOM 4-0001 SDK. $1495 no v.1. ,.. •• , ''"';"'' ........... n,, u41o, lrootlfl. Poliu Ctr. 1111410) 1t61 00061 COIONIT 4-H. UM. $1395 V.I . ,....., lfMriJ19• ,.,...., ~uh1, hoottt. O.ttdloto Cor. Ill Sll I I 1t61 fOU MUSTAH V.t Ollfillt, ~ U•to4 lttlllflliii;OII, rt4lo, ko•l••· Ol; .. , '"'" •i t .. bl". ;,.,.,;.,, IOTD~!·) 1 "4 COinTTI HAIITOP "'"''"''l.lo ._,, 4 .,.M, ·~'•· .... ., wi!Mio_.., Al'l!-fll4 I IIHCtl)l) 51895 ONCE MORE WE PAUSE TO GIVE THANKS FOR AU OUR MANY BlESSINGS eiWIIOI ..... ftelrtol .• Ia .. .,.._ '- Coooll Doni_ ....... -·--·-........... tiU ,..,: 1M ,. .... L. ... will plaJ Ha-, -TIMI,ItiJIIIJia. ~ -= ol 1:11 .a llld Dlrid'Eccleo. Olloooaoo p.m. Doc; •• 1111--~ .. _. ... -.._-CaiUDnla ll1tll .. ~-111111!11'· K4o1, .au loolilll Ball Vop~ II 1:10 p.m. Doc. I; ol w ~~:~~~~~]':~;~~~: ~ -allia-, ,_ V ... Die. II llld II; - YOI&(, -... ,_ IIIII tiolloo Bol<b -Doc. Ill Cbltloa 'l'o11ar, ll-11; Nnport -0p-WUh I 1118 ud I TboS.IIoniiOdall·ll"'er-llallll-Dlc.l?-10, ,..__ -loolodo: aU roca<d blul --11111 Hero Ill tile loopo oe-: ol I p.m. ""'· A ol W~ ftDI-Ia a s..1111 110' WUh ?:00 Jao. 1 -II Eotnela. -llnport Harbor II I p.m. liar lao &lid w-. lor 41b 8:00 Jao. I-Loan. Doc. 5; II Wollm!-, 1:10 plaol Ia 1111 Sauet Jaaue. Tbo 1:15 JiUI. 14 -F-Valley. Doe. IZ; San C-_..,, 3 lama 11011 6-1 recorda 1a 8:00 Jao. 16 -II car-dol Die. 11-JO: Tror - Jaauepla1. 11ar. Doe. U-1?; ---, Noa~IM.pe play will becf.D '7:00 Jaa.. .t8-EdtaL Dee. 19-Ju. s. Dee. 2, orbeo 1111 Sailors ..w 8:00 Jao. U-Mapolla. lieu Ia 1111 ...... IICllodllle: club with tbelr eroq..toWD rt-8:00 Jan. 30-&1: S. A. Valley. $:SO Jan. 'J -COlt& Mesa.. n1, Coro• dol 11ar 00 tbe 8:00 Feb. 4-EllaDcla. a.oo Jao. 9-YapoUa. Sea~ court. Game it... will 8:00 Feb. 6-al Loan. 5:10 Jao. 14-al S. A. Valley. be 5:10p.m. On Dee. 5tbel'wlll S:l5 Feb. II -ol FOWII&la 1:00 Ju. 11-al Loan. pll.)' &1 Estancia.; bast Balsa Valley, S:15 Jaa.. 21-Fowtain Va.lley. M -ITAITJ 1 P.M. -SHOW -Y-2P.M. HBD OVU Tl.ey pholosr.,.h lhc foreign monlllMnt>l Grude Dee, 9; at ua Vep.s ~8:00 Feb. 13 -CorooadelMar. 8:00 Ju. U-Edlacxl. Dec. 1J ud ts; Hld1Det00 3:15 Feb. 18-EdlSCXl. 1:00 Jao. SO -a.t Corooa del DAN GURNEY of Harbor Vtew Beach touraameat o.e. 15-19: 8:00 Feb. zo -at MapoU&. Mar. Hilla, wbo ftDIIhed ZOO 1D lbe Newport Harbor Optimist tour-?:00 Feb. 25-S. A. Valley. 5:30 Ftb. 4-at Cotta Mesa. Jrwtta01poUs 5001utllay,lsooe 1111meat D;te, Z'l-30, and host 8:00 Ftb. 6 -a.t Ma.poiJa.. of some 50 drtnu wbo wlU Troy Jan. Z ·~a HI"" 5:SO Feb. 11 -S. A. Valley. C01111>0te IDtlle$'>',000-t>lusRu Here 11 tb.leaCUI scbedule: • EST"'" A "" 8:00 Feb.U-I..oart.. Mays 300 at RIYt:rlide LDter- 5:30 Jan. 7 -Sa.Dta ADa. Coacb Bill Wetzel bu a pro.. S:l$ Ftb. 18 -at Fountain naUooal raceway SUilda)'. Dec. 6:30 Ju. 9-a.tADabeim. rnisinCP'~of6rettlfi11Dcllt-Valley. 7. He was the wilmer ot both 3:15 Ju. 14 -WutmtDSter. termea for the 1969-70 bubt-8:00 Feb. ZO -at Edtsoo. of the prevlowl Rex Mays elu· 6:30 Jan. 16 _ at Marlna. ball eampa.J.gn: Mike Hays, Kirk 5:30 Feb. Z5 -corom. del sics at RlYerllde. Amoor h1a 6:30 Jan. zs -&t Western. Tbomu, Mite Sbaugtuleay' Mar. oppooeots will be Bobby Uoser • 6:30 Ju. 24 -at Hunt1Jl&t0n wllmer ol the lndtanapoUs 500 Beaeb. ln 1968, and Marlo Aodretu, 6:30 Jan. SO -A.Dabelm. who won the 500 last May. OU Ill CORSI Dpon ·Nightly ol 6:45 p.m. 5:SO Feb . .f.-at Santa ADa. 6:SO Feb. 6-Marloo. 3:15 Feb.ll-atWestmlDiter. 6:30 Feb. 1S-WesterD. 6:30 Feb. 20 -HUJJI1Dgtoa Beaeb, o CDROHA DEL MAR There are DO lettermen re .. turning from last seu:m's Co.- rooa del Mar meta School basketball team, eo-ctwnploas of the ln'lne League. Tbe Sea Kingspostedanr:Her· all record of 18 wins and 10 losses, and tied for the league Utle with Magnolia wtth 8 wins and 2 losses. Coach Tandy Gillis is CO!Jl&: to ptclr. h.is starttnc 5 from the following squad: Gram Wlese, Larry Berg, Tom Reed, sten Hollander and Tim Cooroy. guards; Joh.o Stevens, Frank Ford, Mark Grigsby and Don Killian, forwards; Erie La· gerlof!, JeU GoeUU. a.nd Wtke Se•ter, centers. After this Frlday's scrtm. mage at Morningside, the KJ..ogs w Ul host the Newport Harbor Sa.llors &t 1 p.m. Dee. 2. OU.er pre .. leape pmes are: caufor. Dla HIP at I:SO p.m. Dee. S at Costa Wesa; 8:15 Dee. I at Muuta.a; Dee. 9-lZ, La.ke· Wood tou:roey; Dec. 15-19, Htm. Ungton Beach tourney, and Lone Beach Jordan here at 8 p.m. Ja.o. 2. Here ls the league schedule: 3:15 Jan. 7 -Edison. 8:00 Jan. 9 -at Fouota.ln Valley. 7:00 Jan. 14 -at Magnolia. FOUR-YEAR-OLD Craie Sbeppud ol Costa Mesa carefully lnvestiptes inner workings of a bup cow cod brought lJlto Davey's Locker 1n Newport Beach. Rock cod season ls ap.iD In ruu swing and will continue unUl next sprLD&. Roclr. cod nuets are among the best eattn&: of all salt n.ter species. 3 OH Fl R$T TEAM Oranle Coast Collep placed Sttve Wagner, Mite Allbl'llht and Doug Schaumburg 011 the coa.ebes' first strlng South Coast Confereoee WJ.ter pOlo team. In addltloo, John Blauer and Gary Tbompsoo. ware s«::M team selections, and Bob Moseley and Brad ShOe- maker earned ttooorable men- tion honors. &oaawa~s barest ,· fMesl.~~ io't! !.VI !irlds ' • SUNDAY •t 1 :45 p.m. ,.,.,, ""'" Thundering Adventure That Rocked Two Natioos! .. ,:1. 8:00 Jan. 16 -Costa Mesa. FRIENDS PITOIIH FOR LAPIDARY TRIP 7:00 Jan. 21 -Loa.ra. VICTIM OF ACCD£HT Under the leaderst!.lp of Don l•c;;,;;-;,,~,0,1 8:00 Jan. 23 -at s. A. Valley. When ha.1r stylist Fred Freema.o. and arts and crafts ~ COl.OII by O.lulf Un111~ Al'lt.tt 8:00 Ja.o. 30 _ Estaoeta. Molina, former tena.ot at the director Bruce Ketchum, a [J!!!!i!!!~ 3:15 Feb. 4-at Edison. South Bay Club in Newport cro,., of boys trom the &ys' 8:00 Feb. 6-fountain Valley, Be.lch, lost his leg in a treat Club Roelr. HOUDd Club tust re- 1:00 Feb. 11-Maroolia.. accident, hts friends rallled turned trom a successful trip 8:00 Feb. 13-at Costa Mesa. around h.im and raised more to the CaUeo Area new Bar- 7:00 feb. 18 -at Loan. than $800 on h.ts bebal!. stow. Tile Rock a Fellers, as 8:00 Feb. 20 - s. A. Valley. Tt.e South Bay Club members the crcq:~l.s mown. was formed 7:00 Feb. 25 -at Estancia. staged a week-end of assorted at the Upper Bay Branch by Mr • • COSTA MESA HIGH fuod-ratstng events, wh.ile F'rMma.o with the ldeaofrt•tnc CCAcb Emil Heeme will ban fred's fellow halrdressers younpters the opportunity to trom all over Newport ba.Dded learn the boe art of cutting. to build his Musta.ne cagers th to 36 hour around 3 returnlnglettermen-toge er r a • "hair-PDUabio& and making jewelry Bob A ...... ~o. Dan Darts and a-thon." Mariners SaTinCS atld trom stones. .... ......, 1...oaJl AssD. bas lntuated a DlYid Btes.Otherswhohavere· special fred MoUnatund,wllich W1H IH FOREHSICS ported for practice are Ken will receiYe 1' o1 all Arinp Tbe Orance Coast Collece's Deaton, Pat Sweetland, Bruce opened on h.ls behalf aDd tmdete&ttd forensics team Endsley, Alan Moore, Scot Ne-maintained for a year, swept U awards, I.DelUdlng the vllle, Tim Casillas, Rick Des-flrst place neepstakes trophy, met, Kim Wolf, Ttm SoUos, H. 8. GETS S13,.Ql to will theRlferlideJIKlior Col- Scott frlsted, Bob Morris and Tbe City of Newport S.ch lei' lnvttatlonal speech tourney Chuck Bridges. has received $1S,Ul u tt1 11 1• Th M ....... ~... Of, u, e u ....... p a-.. a season share of the state fees paid by Tbe 'lf1D ns the flrst time record of 7-18 last year and tlolders of &leobOUe be'Yenpa occ bu woo tbt tourney,com- o PUBLICATION WORK bas received JlS,4Zl •• its pettac ap.i.Dit 15 other juo!or share of the state Ales paid b)' eoUtps trom Soutbml Call· bolders of aleobollc bnerap IorDI&. The OCC lfttP wu WE CAN PRINT YOUR Ucenses for t.be S mcxJtb..-lod ,_. o.a ,.._a ~>--.. -· coml)-e wa.n --...h ua.~.bara BROCH URES, PAMPHLETS, tDdiDrAue. 31.1btdlputm.Ht BuriUS WOO the coaches' after AGAZINES, LEAFLETS, af alcobol benrap: ooatrolal. di.naer melodr&ma&WU'd,tC(led NEWSPAPERS AND Jocates 90'1, Of tbe llceut fee Oil b)'fellowcoacbeiJICtHol. NEWS LETTERS m:uey back to eitiu ud COUD-Ja.11J. Freda S&tbrt IDd Pee CALL US 1'0. UTIMATU ties. Ta1Jor. 67:1· ouo ENSIGN PUBLISIIIHC CO. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 1 Time 2 Tim•• 3 TiiMs UUlNJNO. Yo .. o( - l•oo '"' all IJPOI o( oloo *laa ·. _.,...ai]J, 20 words or leu ............. . 1.so 1.so 3.00 21 words to 30 WOfds ..... . 2.00 !.00 4.00 31 words to .t) word1 .... .. 3.00 4.00 5.00 -·· olllotl. fl,Jl ...... Each word over .t) words .. .05 .10 .15 -•.a~-.en .- • aoo=K:-:5:-:~:-:Dc::R:-:SAL,.,.-.,-E--1 • Ill/IleAL POl SALI ...,. ... alM. 6J)o%774. Complete selection of BIBLES. Great Chrtstmas gltts. FALL ROUND-UP SALE CRET4RIAL WORK, admoo- Now UU TIIUUprla(-Do .,...htaL oo1u1, .-n-. your Cllrt.tmu pluo • orPD Ulp1Ac · aecoalllt&. Call sbollola& ear!J 6 reop tr.-, 6'11-t050 allllrOOOOI. Or4er ,.._: dolll aTIDCIJ Ulld oriiiJI,IIo:r ........................................................ ... ... d_ 001---u llltle as '115. Mall)' oew 'MISCELLANEOUS .lt:M aMMtr • .._ otPDS at I.IHCS prleesl C.Ma .... -,._e 1• ... PI&Dol -.,uet.s, COU) .. I BtrY, SEL4 TRADE at tbe -----· 6 .,aoda -aoocl IOloctloo, -eboll'lo ~ -.. o CARS FOR SALE bolh oow &lid -: ~ ....,S 117 E. IIIli, c-. ..._, ---------lllto ""'• $1515, sto1awu-. 141-11'15 (Umer!J To. •66 vw -oow. uros, ,.tlllrJ" oolo art model -. *'15.$100 Wllllo'a) lUll! 101 E. ~ &Dd brake~. EleeUeM coo-AYiDp 00 Eftfetl • Cable-Bl'rd., ~ I?S. 1111. dllloG. $1,1'>' or olfllr. 6'>'· Nolooo--p-lromot;:;==::=====-- 77M at &73.S014. $185, •• sPars before -yGir eyes - SCIDODT ltlusle CO.. Gil )'OUT tew carpet -,., 'M BUICK U!S Electra OOGYtr· liO? M. lti&1D st., Suta Aa IMft them wi .. 81 .. t.. ... Uble, Ml power, &DOd coo-stel.lnraJ Yama.lal. lllm.-... R•t elecuic .a~ ctWoL $100. (71t) 5Sl.4PI, ................................................................... poo« 11.· Clowft Hardwin,, .-~··••os•••··•·os••··-eDPI'ICIIS fOR RIMT 3107 .I!. Coul Hwy,. eo.; FOI 8 ALE · -.. I Mil. Air --..... f'll =~::.::=.:.----LARGE REFRIGERATOR • ...-_ Triad bollllllll. ._ ~: !IJ\1. -· pdeoodllloG,Hul<b, --'M JloaJ ..._.Ill Mil •-" 6'15· '1'166 « 6'1S-10?4, iift.' ._. ' . Call "Till CIIITLII CIRU" ... pot -~.. ""' ... ._...,.. ..,. artlllle, .. c.-mado?b>l BAR, bllld flnl"'ed, .,..,, 8?S-na. ROUSES FOR SUI! 1'1118 • 110 1'IJIIUY -IMa Ill ear-dolllar'a _.., .. , ...__rl ... --. -ud llltoorlll ..... ..... &·loll......, ... _ a_,.__? _.... .......... . OIIE TO TBR&E c:orpotod ol-110 -ol ra-pll'a ac. ................ .. _ ...................... C&J1 tarlol --.. _.,.. .IDelloiiW nT ·-no~-. __ ,._ ·.n .ti.AIIII con. .,.liar • ~~~• srt•d ......._... ..., .. co•• • eo aa ....... ·•-••••1 lAW ........ 411 I. 1'111 .. &.ca.-I'll-... -1llea.. .... '11'1. -~··· • • . I'M ... a --..-.. ('ll~ ...... ,_.., ............ ..... fll,-.o..r•sM" " . -.tJMIMBM ' ~ :=,-:.:r ~~11ntlf -.. •• lllltr _ .. • ,~-L ~ .. •' 1.7111,J'. .. lloUD .. _ ...... ---· . 12 5 ' • • --· Wella· McC.rcle Raltorw Reliable Servtc. Since 1941 THE GERSOH IAKAR D!V!LOPM!HT NEAR UPPER JAY con A ME"--PARK NEWPORT STARTED Park Nft'POI't, lltMt ta a ceater, YUt cntra1 put w1tb art. ot maJor IPU'tiDIIIt-re-cw-.melltal .,..,, a.1 pool cr.UO.comm.stludiYeloped &Dd SO-toot clock tower, bJ c.;.-8&br Ia A..,..llta, $?50,000 recrMtioD c)J.t) aad Ia UDtter ecutrDCUoa. oa a 50-bealtb IPI. 8 ntmmtac pooll, ~ IIllo .... look&Dc lllo ~ IUid 7-court>. BaJ, W'1th1a ftD1D.r diJtuce of DoaD Emmoaa commeiU, Newport Ceater•s tlaocla.l "Part Newport 11 coocemed plua IUid FUIIIDnlolud. Willi !be lolal -!roomeDIIUid Tho $20 mlllloo pn(ocl ou !be aeattoa ol a lolal UYIDC des!IQOCI by a lam olarellllectl -a, comblnlnc 111011 ollllo beaded by Wurlter, BeriUdl. 6 adnata.IU of both arbao and EmDJODI u "4D•Wnc uebi-JUlJarbu liriD(. Tblamea.uDDt toeS.. -,_ Emmoos, oo1J proridlnc recrealloa IUid F.A.LA., to _.atnc tile ooelal ~llu, II m- pro(Oct E~ planller IUlnc lull adYulqo ot ..,.. 1& t...wr~~~ee .._,riD 6 As-JandselpJ.Dc u a fUnetlona.J ux1 IOC.1ates. Uke Geuoa Dakar t1s1a1 attrU:Qe." G!IISOM BAKAR Pm IAllm realty 642-5200 ux1AID"'•tea, tbe Sflrmure Tbe $1Z mtwoa ftrlt pbue HARRY KROPH, 79, OF all -..nerod Ill San Fran-ol !be Park Newpoot pro(ocl etoco. Ls scbodulod lor complolloa 7>y CO-A DEL MAR DPES ·---------------------- Tbe ame combt..tloDofta.l-late May of li?O. Coal:ractora Harry F. Kropb, 79, of 413 VIEW eats 1& rellpOII•fhJe tor Sreceot are U. 1. Broet Ia Sou, loc:., Poppy, Corooa del Mar, died -oat pro(OcS. by GeriCXI ol Los AJ>coles. N ... 16 at Ho&~ Hooollal. He BUar -i9ol IIDlt WoactiiQ 1D Located on lrTlDe property wu born Jan. 25, 1890, iD Ka.o-YIIW LOT -Jar ... _, Sao Mateo, 514-IIDlt Nortq:Jotat at 900 Sao Joaqui.D HlllB Road, su, aDd bad speot 53 years ta., ~ """'"• Pwes•JI"'. OD the SanFrucllcontertroat Parlt Newport 1s a jolotYeature CaWorDia aod 13 1D tbe ftCJ' wltlll nw til OOIU ... oear Gbtrardtlll SQwtn, aDd ofGersoa BUarandAssociatea He lti survtYed by his MU&. .Mot'" ••alll ........ ?50-untt Oat Creek oatbesta.o-aDd the TraYelers Iuura.oee Grace; a son. Harry ot ~~ ford UD1t'lrstty campua 1D P&lo Compuy, wbtcb was arraopd Diego; 3 eraodchildreo and .............................................................. · Alto. by tbe AU.On Compuy, u:-g:reat-craodchUdren. Tbe 1,S02-UD.lt,50...acrecom-clusiYe Soc&bero Ca.lllorD1a s.rncea were beld Nov. C.'t Hll it?.~ .Tr ... lr? ple:r W'iU Include a sbopplDc mortpge 1oaa correspoadeot at 8&U& Corona del ZlaJcCbopel l For Fa•& Aclica a a.altt facWty, leu.tDc IDiorrnatSoo tor TraYelers. aDd burial ns at Pacltlc Call School hH by vandals 5eE' .. ::£=:.~~E mzoon.~eoo .. -- Valdt.ls CUSid oter $2000 by 1¥ dumped 1D tbelr bowls, senlces, clamaco lui --.storooma .,. .. IIYIDC turlloys Ul5 ~WU.. ..-..~""" P1£cs:111! .J!IIOloro, llaoe•lml""' ---~""'. ~--~ -..11-lli&l •oro bo&q liioiz lor~ lloa ol -ol -t, ballc lo r--•---· ' ol-boar&q-~ lallors trom lllo' balletlll 1o. 0 ...... ,..., -642:6472 Tbe rooms were slubed ~ boards. ''It bu beeD ,.., bud .., .. 673-364 palm IUid lilt. A $1,700 ampH-to s.u 111e elllldroa !bel llloy CAll 673.G5IO 17l0 w. Coeot fter aod aeYeral ..U ol ..,._ woo"t be abJe to tate tbe tb:1ap ~·=::::~;;;;;;;;~::::=~ pbooea were daut.! W'ttb pa1ot, tbey made bome W'ttb them " Goldflsb aod turtle•, cared tor said Mra. Deeter teacberottbe by the cbJJdren, were killed bard..of-bearlnJ d wu.oa.. R7ot 7RIIIH REALTY C-Mesa pollee are Ill- OPENS COM OfF?CE ~=,: 111eU:...~ A Dn' real estate stco la balD&: res-ired as qlllctlJ u pouible hWli out 1D Coroaa del Mar at a.ad tbe cb.Udrea ooctiD~~e to Z44S E. Cout HW')', Tbe owner meet wbereJer teacbers cao 11 Rlcb lr1r1D, realtor, ud the ftDd room for them. firm 1Fl1l t.r btl oame. Aoooelalod Willi blm are Chrl.s EARHIHGS ARE UP FOR IUid PI.U7 Garard, Roa Toacue CAPITAL ALL7AHC! IUid-Tracy. Ca»ilal AlllallceCorpnltoo, llr. Tracy, wbo Uns 1D lr-owner of Yart...r1 Sarinp a.ad -Terrace, Ls a pd1lale Lou Auoclallco o1 llewpoot ol t.8C IUid lalll!ll at ti!C. Mrs. BeoeO. r~ a 50ii -- T-Ls a lad}' etw-.._ Ill lhlrd qaarter oaralllp .,., Ucale brldpl ptayor IUid uta-tile ame por?oc? 1u1,... Willie time ...-.Mr. Garard Ls .. oaralllp lor tile llrlll 9.;..,... ~tar tbeBalboaPo.-er oll969,.... 1fi. &IUidroa coanu oo. txwttac, Capital AllJaDce Corpora. a.ad Mrs. Gerard daree: ber Uoo's ott ean1Dp tor tbt busb&Dd's eatbuslum 1Dr the qauter eoded Sept. 30, 1919, water. -· $717,58Z. Tbls _.. Mr. lrWla, -.r, ou lor-Wllb $75,!141 lor !be lllmllar mer IJWIO&V .,,.. RodCU!>el porlod 111 'lfblcb to 1~ Really Ill lloopoot. He came to por llllare IDr porlod SouberD Caldorlda fl'om Fre-coqared with per lbue mool, C&Ut., -· llooperatecl lor ... lhlrd of 1968. hll!ees ol tbeSoolll Bay R-Not -lllllp 9-moalb Co. He hU • ...,....ed tbtt tbe period of 1959 Rich lnrln ReaMJ wW be a or 401; per member of tbl Matto-1 II.W $26i,54l. or Llll Sen'lce, wblcb 11 a caul-tbe • ~no~ilit to-cout oetwort ol r-.Jtors 1968. Tbeae ftcqru -oro Ill • Wllqae polll?loo to ad(alllod to rel?oet a, :::::.1 bqli people IDOVIQCCX' ftoba'f'e ltoctdlYideadpUdJDF Sll'aputy lD atber anu. 1119. awMD •--l.F.IIoil,ll...., .. r aeons * . ~01, 1 alii snr ,.., s a ron ~ ·to QD ~ ..... _.~D ill, *''U ulf ... OIW .. ,...., ....__.,_-. ,... al I , 7 I I Ill II 77 ~I 10¢1" .. 1 ..... . ..... ., ... --~& .,ca&..., .... .. ItS·-··· J 1-llr.A;7 7 .. _ ......,.,._.,,_._ .. _..._, IP Ell ICCIC ..... ., .. _.,...O&sut*J • • "Bluffs" LOWEST PRICE 3 BR'S1 + -.----., ....... ~ ......... 1-1/lbol&l'a-.--t>r- c.rsrlr' ......... R1&2ll JlriOO $U,I$0. AUIO ._., I llr l>r-$110 _,--. RIDDLE g. ROSS, REALTORS 3535 E. Coast Corona del Mar Hwy .. 675-7225 YOU CAN ONLY MAKE MONEY It the mortgage balance on your bome ranees up to $30,000, wecanllhowyou llow to pay off that balance within 5 to 8 years ••• savt.ng tbou .. nd.e In Inter· est mooey , •• eltmtnatb• alUe-tlme ol mortgage payment. • • • c:reattDc a nest eel not tobeeatenupb)'fnti•Hoo, 2,1111 bome ownen In South Qrance County ean be accommodateclln tbls • atraordlnary proat llbarb:cProrram . wbidl u de~t~Mdfor lneomM betwe111 $7,1100/tiO,~ to:OD .... ~-•--... I lltORSDAY, P?OV. 27, 1111 CDIIIIA Dil.; 11AA. CMJF. ••p•rt lncft 1 lee ••• kl•d Coste .. Lease •• Lease Option •• Sell. lgupeiouate OC'C91l'J il aftUiblt aa tlda .,..,. ..... ,..., w ,..,., .. ....,_' BR euw.._ -· "'wted r-oa tb1 crustelt. Tbe •IUmW ID carlfree Uotoc. Oo7)' tno/mo 0< $11,100-.., ___ Ill '-"'2M...-p,._ Uatr•IIIIJ Part. I ~ lor yoar fllll>octtoa -Ylto5 17&1& Rod:roae Way, lhllverlity Pvlt The Complete Home 3 bodrooms, 3 bolU, formal cllalll(, 11t.a1tq room PLl6 u eu:Uy lodoab&e br.....,.J to &f,Ye J'OU 111 addlt1ooa.J. bup pla)'I'(IOID-Add a Up ~ pool aDd access to a prtnte beach a.1 a paoan.m.Jc 'flew..- • $12,500 • Units. •• Units ... UnHs ••. Most of these properUes are uclualn l1stJ.np a.ad MYeral offer owoer-flDaoc:l.nc. to addition we ban seYeral sinpe resideftees oo R-Z lots ra.oging trom $31,500 OD up for tbe builder. IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING RESIDENTIAL INCOME IN Tim AREA YOU SHOULD GIVE l5 A CAU... CAMEO HIGHLANDS .. - . oNE OwNER HOME Lbge Ltvt.ng Room, FamUy Room, Four Bedrooms Lots of Light -Little Yard Worlc CHECK THIS ONE AT $42,500 .,!,.,. •••• IRVINE TERRACE A fun house with excellent view and large decorative Swimming pool, A fun house with excellent view and large decorative Swimming pool. OPEN HOUSE-SAT. AND SUN. 1~-5 P.M. 1827 UBIIINA TERRACE IJOH Y. f'RAHKl.IH I Rt:Al. TOR ' 3250 Eat Coasl Hlthwl)' CofON dtl k , c.litorn11 Pllont: ti7J.2m q[youcan c..Afford the~st ... then you can dwell in DOVER SH<Hr£5, NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ele- gance of Baycrest's "forever view" homes. the prest ige of Newport's famous West Bluff. and private beach- es combine to make thia THE place to live. You may purchase an exqul1ite existing Baycrest home, or you may choose a '"forever vtew" lot end tven Wells & Sons, Inc. will de1ign and build a dream home jult for you. If you can afford the best ... aM S.ycrut ... cuatom homea. $100,000 AND UP iagrrtst S,l ... w.u.•s-..trw..~hi'fr"I•.U...,.. ~ et 1430 <Aiule Drtwe, tJeuport -· -{714) -·51!0 . 0,.00 dolly 10to5c-. CORBiN- MARTIN UA£7'0M EXECUTIVE ESTATE Located on 1/3 acre In Newport'• most ex·:lusive area. Three bedroottl8 plus master suite, formal dining room. BeautifUl • • , • landscaped , • • and large pool. PRICED TO SELL AT S75,000 CALL FOR APT. TO SHOW TWO TOO NEW TOO LATE FOB A PICTURE! We've just listed 2 excellent properties with real money value. 433 -Isabel Terrace .. , $180,000 715 B 11 · -e ts ....••... $ 45,000 CORBIN-MARTIN, lac. u$..Wc• a.,..l n. 't.INCI'• 30311 E. Coast Bwy. 675·1662 CQJ'ODa del Mar, CalU. BACK BAY BARGAIN Transferred owner otfers b.1s $40,000 borne at 101 dlscouot aod W'ill sell OD FHA terms.l 4 sa., Dlalq a.ad Rumpus Room W'itb utra ft.replace -OYer zzoo ft. ol family enjoyment -spacious ~ents· retreat. Watert.all ux1 ~. di..stlDctiYe laDdscaplac, completely Sl)rJ.nklered front & rear W'tth tmderg:roca:l dralna .. SUBMIT YOUR TERMS HOW $36,900 HAL PINCHIN a. Assocl•t•• 3900 E. COAST H7WAY CORONA OEL MAR CALL 67~2 AHYT7ME. • ••••••••••••••••••• NEW LISTING Lido Isle NORD BAYFRONT Immaculate 3-bedroom, den, 3~bath home. Pier and slip (will accommodate 70-ft. yacht). $169,500 I I I I I I I I I I I I I · I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple ld.U .. Service ol the Newport lfarb9r-Colta Mesa Board ol. Realtorl totii.S C79er $47.5 mtllloo for tile ftrrt tM mootb8 ol 1868. Tilts npr8MIIt8 1,2$4 untt ulu and a dollar...._ tncraue ol 8% C79er the -• patod ollast year, wbidlwuaraeord,_. List JOUI' property ~1 wttll a Rn" 1 r todaJ. 111111111111111111 CURREY TO HEAD C.C. "10 OLD. FE. 1929 1949 KEN MAYNARD in COMING SOON TO NEWPORT AREA "Mr. History," himseU-last o!the movie's famous four horsemen (Hoot Gibson, Buck Jones, Tom Mix and Ken) •.. A classic stage show-one you'll really remember. BACK TO WORK AGAIN, AFTER 20 YEARS OF RETIREMENT! KEN JUST FINISHED A PART IH "BIG FOOT"--HOW BEIHG RELEASED. M. C. -Roger Sontag-and the "Sound Plus" Group of 8 singers - Screen shots of western movie history. SEATS NOW AVA.ILABLE $4.50 -SS.50 -S6.50 FOR RESERVATIONS AHO INFORMATION 642-9433 10 A.M. TO S P.M. -If buoy, ploaat try again. SPONSORED BY NEWPORTER ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES 2206 Nowpart Bl•d., Coata Mtaa 51011110UIS 9 til 10 5,10 ·DAILY IUMDAYII! 10 S t DUAJ. .. DIIPIIIIII • • POWIIPVI. ......... IUPII·IUIGI WAIMIIII ACTIGII TMAT HALl. Y CAM CUT Till IIUIJA ... lAID IIAMI· • Allll Till , ... IM, ,... I TltURSDA'(. NOV. 27, 1• COROllA D£LIIAR, CAU F. 0 CLUIMAII IPO.IT CQ,ATS CALIPOIIIIA IWIMWIAI IIIIIHAID AI. TM.yiH C.ACTUI C.UUALI -··toal iRAD WIIITNIT P Aa'I'IC'rltl!L A-1 KOTZIH MC COilGOR LDIDJlff TOP IIDlRS "AIIGT!H CAT ALIMA JAHTilH PUIITAII HARTOG LAHCER JOCXEY LEVI$ DAVIS• BROWN .. OW llr4 YfM 01 DBCA'IIO •wiC8 411 L 17ftl St.-Cosh Mlea PREPARING the table eeaterpleces tor tbe !1st aDDIIll ea.D!ty cue ball are Mrs. CIJ..IItoo Hoose ol Bayerest. at left, member or the decoraUoDs commtttee, a.ad Mrs. Kent Snyder of Newport Shores, aproYlsiooal member of the Junior AtWiiary or the Newport Beach Asslstanc:e League. The buffet dlDDer-daDce wtu be held Fridannnia&, Dec. 5, at the Balboa Bay Club. Mrs.WallaeeGerrleis cba.lrrnan !or thls f\md raJ.slncennt to benefit the cl'dldrea'sdeotal bealth · center, the social sen1ce ofllce, and: sebolarsblp fUnd and: other community phUanlbroples. Other members of tbe ba.U committee are Mmes. Ttxnn:u Rousseklt, WllUam DuBois, Byron Tarnlltzer, Jay Bucbalan, EroestSchagJr ., Rolf Engen and Schuyler Joyner. (Ensign phOto,) Benefit to aid needy New bank branch to open C:Wloo Serlboar ... -laiDtd nee..prealdefll: a.1 rnaa- apr ol BukofAmerlca'aN ... part c.at. tnoch, whl.cb w1.U ,._ b' bualoeu Dec:. 19. A PlbUC open bouse will be be k1 DD Dec. 17 from 4 to 7 p.m. Oraop COW!Iy Rep~ VIce Presldeat H. H. Jacksoa also Mmed James Tecca ushstaat m:aaacer and Ray Settle as operatlon.s om.cer at the Dn' braoeh. Ur. Scriboer bas breeD IDUl&V of the bank's Westc tiff Hoag baby nurse dies Plua bruc> lor 1M -'-111 ,.arLHelliU..-..dutr-.. ..... ud dlrtdar of a.·--elifl' .Plua Merebub AAa. He 1.1 a .u .... ot a.nno.. IUcllipa, neelYed a tlaebelar ot IIC!eaee dtc:ree lA ......._ -1rom c-Mteblcu UIIP'enltJ, u:1 bu stadled at tbe Amer1c:aa la- stUute ol BeokJnL tliC ud tlle ............. l.,_ at Hanard UJU:rarslty. He lsu arid teards player, ~-Ia m&DJ SoulberD Cal1Jorllia to.r- oameala .... t. ..... -• .,, ... Palisades Teullla Chlb. He 1B a.ctiYe u a member of tbe YMCA 1a Lacma Beaeb. Mr. ScrtbDer I.Dd b1s .ue. Gerry, .. -al 1155 Skyllao • .,....,. Orin lD Lacuaa O.Cb. Tbey ban oae soc. Mart. 9. Mrs. Marie T. nx,mpson,. Mr. Tecu, a.a employee ~lsor or the baby nursery ot .BaU of Amedca aiDc:e l t65, at Haag Hospita.J for 16 years, sened aa paera1 leDdlDc of- died Nov. 19 of a beartattackat Deer lD Haatt.D&toa Beacb I.Dd her bOrne. Laguoa Beaeb, ushlfant anoa- The 61-year-Oid head nurse, ger attbeWutFIIIlartoabtanch whO llved at 909 w. .Balboa a.od, b1s last uatpmeat. as Blvd., Balboa, was born April m.a.oager ot tbe Mlulol Vle)D 22, 1908, ln Durhamrllle, New· bl'ancb. He 1s a membu of t.be York, aod spent 9 years ln this MissJoo Viejo K1QDI.s Clab, area., 24 1n Ulls state. enjoys &Oif I.Dd lUtealac to juL qJ-ueslde services were held He 1s a aath'e ol. U't1nptoa, Nov. 24 at fort Rosecrans Na-Montana reeel'fed a tac,.... Uooal Cemetery, Sao otego, ot ~ deer• iD bui:1Dua Wider tbe directioo ot Baltz admuu..tr&UoD from the IJDl ... Mortuary, Costa Mesa. verstty of Moob•, ud bu The employees of Haag ban completed sneral advuead set ~ a memorl.al hmd Lo hooor courses at the Amerlc:a..a (a... of '·Our Tommy.. to be used .s:tib.U ot Rapt! DC tor nursery SICJPlles a.ooequtp~ Mr. Teec:a ud bb: .U., menl. susan., reside at 24361 Aqut!D A Christmas luncheon party, slstiDc Wrs. Yorpn wttll dec~ St., Minton Viejo. TbeJ ban un::ter tbe cbairW~.nsllip oUl.·s. ontJoos toclude Mmes. PhJ.Up M.H. SHERMAN BLOCK ooe daucnter', Pa.l.p:,l-1/t. Vernace Morp..o. will be held Pike, H. S. WUUams, Fred J. WILL REOPEN F EB. :2 Mr. Settle, u 8-year rest- Thursday, Dec. 18, by lbeNew-Loakes, lJI.l1aD Tbateher, Tbe entire block between dent ot Lac-Beacll, lfadtll· port Beach EbeU Clubtobenellt Enrin Lotll, s. E. Brla:s, Jack Dahlia Ave. and fernleal An., ted from 1...ac1ma a.cta Hlp fam.illes ln need during the OOU~ Fra..nk, C. R. Forbes, Nell Wll-south of the hlgh'r.ly, Corona del Scbool, Wbere be pla,.S l:utet- day season. Luncheon at nooo at Iiams, Herbert Ford, c. w. Mar, oow owoed by the M. fl ball. Later be llYed LD Coroaa the clubhousewlllbefoUowedby LiDdgreo, Charles Cooper and Sherma.n Fo•.mdaUoo, will be del Mar for 4yearsaodatte holiday songs by the E-Belle-Dr. Emma Munson. c:illed the M, ll Sherman Foun-Orange Cout CoUep:. He Tones, UDder the direction LWKheon assistants are daUon Center and will open oo stlldled business,am.d.t.traajfa of Mrs. Holly Visel. Chairman Mmes. Frana E. c 11mminp, Feb. Z. at Orep State UnJnr sU:y. of thechoraleerslsMrs .Arthur Henry Vaugtm, John H. Meers-ln this area will be fou.od a He bepD b1s career as a E. Neeb. man, c. R. Crout, Raymolld large lath hOuse, Large spe-maoagemeat tra.t.aee Ulldfortbe Christmas boutique to solve Herms, rerol Ballenger, H. H. clmeo plants, a.ddiUoo ot sue-past year aad a baJt bas btea &ift-givlD& problems wtll ia-Prhnanse, H. o. McGregor, c11leat plants, including cactus, operatioos oltleer at tbe tank's elude swag aagels, decorated James Ptefer Gordon Young a.od more garden area. 11th aad Bl"lstol btucbiDSanta oroa.meots, flowers in aut11mn A. v. Wortmi.n. John Lamar: There is a Dew eatra.oce and ADa. Hi lsaaadrisottoaJunior sbades aod unique ea.Ddle Sbelgy Gott am Richard Hodge. large partiAg lacllities. Tbie ."..!:bievemeat company 1D Aoa- hokters. Tickets prlcedat$2,50 lD cha.rge or bcOiqoe tables colfee prden 'rill cootinue belm, eojoys sWDc. ft.sblacaad may btobtaJ.Dedbypbollin&"Mrs. will beMmes.Rudo~Vaauet. to be UDder tbe oame of tbe gplf. L. W. Jenbat 644-0Maor Mrs. D. D. Ovudo, Fred l...ol.tas,. Newpott Harbor Serrice L..e.&-Mr. Settle ud tu.s wUt,Jq, -J~ 1'15-15'!5, c ...... c_.. PlllliJp Pl>e ... ·--.-al Z5Q1 Tlcktb: will DOt be sokt at the Jad: Fraat. w." R. 0aaa and SebutiaD l..aat, Mladrw Viejo. door. C. R, Forbes 't«<TCRACX ER' YULE Tbey ban ODe chlk1, Tommy, Mrs. L. H. McBride, presi-Ha.odU.ar rUnes are Mmes. STORY SOtEW LEO Z-1/2. RAY SETTL E dent, a.od Mrs. Claytoo Tbomp-Harry Goetz Walter Gustin, A productioootlbeCbristmas .... Immediate""" ........... Adnln J.,.;, .,. Ray Ntel-story ~au... "The , .. _Pre ball party lor debs will c:reet guests at the door. sen. cracker," is slated at the New_ -r~ Committee members as-port Harbor Hi&fl Scbool alldi- Voices carol Dec. 11 torlum at Z:30 p.m. SUDday, Tbe ltaguce oloraqe a.od tbe bomeorMr.andMrs.Robert Dec, 7. eocalyptas wood ftres a1ld tbe Stuley Rosemst, whosedaugb- The Lacuna Beach Civic BaJ-gay llddiac oltbe jacUaodaud ter, Carol Jean, is attending let Coffii)Uy, a aatlooa..l oooor ~ trees Will beleflleo tbe Ari2ooa state University at The 5th anmal "Voices of TOOmas S. Raffetto, William J. eom.,a.ny, wtll present the early Ca.J.llondaD atmospbere Tempe. Mr. and Mrs. Roseoast Christmas'' ball beoeflttlnr Schworer Sr., Rodney J. Sid-world-ta.mous story, da.nced to as tbe Na.Uooal Cbarity League are planning a Mexican dLnoer Hoar Hospital will be lleld dall, Earl c . Tbomas, Robert m•ISic by TchaikoYsky . dellutalfts ptber 1D tbepatioat tor the debutantes and their Thursday eveo.J.ng. Dec. 11, at H. Weber ao:t Charles Wbite-Tbe Dec. 7 perb"a.oce is tbebomeoiDr.a.adMrs.Nola.a escorts. the Balboa Bay Club. bead, sponsored by the M'Na.J. B'Rith frlaelle lor tbe1r ftrst re-Tbe last desti.oatloo oo the Tbe teatured pertor-mersw1U W'Jmen. Oruce Coast Cbapter. llllioo belol'e tbe IW-tanfe tall diDau tour wW be theN. Bay lDclude Sonny Burt!!, Les Brown 'K f Tbe occas1oo ls tbe ~We-bLU FTOIIII: OOme of Mr. and Mrs. aad b1s bllOd of reoown, and a now 0 • ' d1nDer ttds Frktay, Na.. U, Geotp Edward Newtoo of Sal· cn>'Ol ot HollJWood peroooall-y u r I reman """Dr.""" llrs. Frtaaeu ... m boa lslaod. There"' the !!relit ttes wOO anntally leG:~ tbelr be eaterta1a1..nc lbe debaotes palio, Mrs. Newtoo w1.1l sene Yolca to secure equlpmeut aDd Captain Edward Hanlon was are camplnl and flshlog, wb.ich aad tbelr escorts GD tbetr 11rst aa arny of desserts. Mr. and ta.cWtJes tor bosplta.ls. Tbe bora 1.D Gll!ll A lieD, DllDois, they eujoy wUh their z children. stop oo a prop-esstve di.DDer. Mrs. ~ewtoo·s daughter, "Yotces" carol tn memory or Ott. !1, 1932. He moYed to Da.Yk1.16,and Cathy, 14. OiaDe FrtueUe Is retm'ntog Robywl Alberta, will be ooe of Mr. Burke's JOWJC SIOilo wbo Aberdeen, South Dakota, at aa Carptaia H.a.n.lon is coatlotting t:rom Soutbera Metbodisl: Uni-the Not'. 29 debut&Dtes, dled ol a beart aJlmeot 1D 1953 early ace am spent hl.s ch.ild~ llis educatloo at Sa..at.a Ana Col. YersUy lD Dallas tor tbe OetKUnte guests are Miss because of tbelactolaecessary IM:lod lD that city. lqe aJJd i..s worklog toward a TbaJ*sgiY1Jic bolidlJ, climu:-J&Di.s UDden Ca.khreU. Miss medical equipment. Ed ma.ed to B11e0a Park, dec:rH in ft.re science. He i..s ed by tbe debutaJ:Ite t&1l ttds Stephanie Cutler, Mt.ssK.rl.stine HAPPINESS IS A PUPPY WE HAVE UJT1 Of HAPPINESS FOR YOU! 'fo-• n:aan .... , - COCIIDI.ANIIEU • • . • • • H a.mvAaV.t. •••••••.••••• ITAIJAN ....,_fill . . . . 1• (lhliiUre) POOIII.EB • • • • • • • • • • • • • II WDIIAUNIEa8 ••••• , ••• , 1M MII'I1.4'111U: IICIINAIIZER , , , 111 LONG 8AI& DACHSHUND , , • 111 IIEAia.ES ••.••••••••• , 71 ••• • 1 n:as . . . . . . . . . ue LAII&ADOU • • • • . . • • • • . 131 WBIPP £T . • . • • • • • . • • • • ts A Worm Kitten Is Happiness Too CHOOSE FROM RUSSIAN BLUES, PERSIANS, SIAMESE AND A LAROE SELECTION OF DOMESTICS-From 17.50. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIME Of f)PERT PROI'ESSIO~AI. ACCESSORIES fOR ALL P'ETS. CHR ISTMAS TOT S I. STOCKIM CS. sa fASHION lllAIIa • -oar .,..,. • OfPOIIfl _..,., - 7 DAYS • ,.,. n• SERVICE ADAMS QUAL ITT CAR CARE IT fACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE ...,._ 212H tA111011 a YD. J"OhDSOD •SOD ~: t:~i!J :!.!' ©]:i'!rD~ LP:E~ • il:£1ml:\ JI:!I[ • i;J Ul©ll!llm1h~llli!B~U 2626 Haaaoa IOUUVAID~ cosTA anA 540-5ft30 Actor Andy DeYlDe, aresJdeat CaW •• at tbe are oi l(. He at-presently assigned at statioo 5 Saturday, Nm. Z9, lD tbe Pal-La.m, Miss Rooda Dlame Vogel, of Newport Beach, ls chalrma.a teoded Fullertor& HIJb School ln Coroaa del Mar on the "A .. mer Room oftbeNewporterlm. aad Ylss Barbara Louise Wool- of HoarHospUalCilrlstmaspat-Cor oae year, thea mored to the shlft. I"T~""::.!party::..:"":"!.;m::,.:•~oo:.::lD:..:se:y~. _________ !;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: rons committee. He suaresU city or Comptoo and graduated early resenations for the black from Compton Hlcf'l School. Ue dlnoer-daoce. After atteDdt.Dc Long Beach Twenty Auxiliary members Jun.lor College tor two years, he ban volunteered their Ume and: weot to wort tor North taleat to create esquisite table American Aviation. Hewasem- adorDment. n. wotk.tbop pkryed in the producUoo eod of acbedule 1Dclude1 mUiQc :wo tbe m1ssUe coostroctlon. earolt.nc ucels, dressed La red l%loD lerl.rinc Nortb Amerl. YtlYet cowns trimmld ta &Old ean. lw worked 7-1/% years at braid; ao statrs a.~ orer 1000 the Sben ou co. at tbe WU- mostcal IIOIH, Tbo ..,.._ -Rellaory. Ht. mllllary S&Wliea: lDclude 500 yvd:l ot sem.ee lDc:luded a years lD tbe ••lnt rtbboG, 500 pad:aces ot U.S. Naftl ReserYe from 1951 .. ld llnld, ... 610 ..,..tty to 1959, eye.il...lbes. Ed jolDed tbe Newport Beaeb Mrs. Georp: A. eoz. dalr. ftre dle$Wtmeat as a Gremaa IUD. ud Mrs. l..eoaard South. Ja.a. 9, 1961. He was IJI'OIDOl.:l eo-ctw••maa. are ,,...., bJ to fin MCIDter Km. %1, 1964; 11-. LaJte BocM. 1flWam H. to UeWeaul oa !tot'. 5, 1967, lll'vnlll&. Willard C--.... lo Ills ... .-post-as liD Jr.,laclCI!Irtll•••a. FJu... fire eaptaill Feb. U. 1961. ds T. Edd'J, Joeepb C.I'•M. Tbt lleplms liYe lD COlla Cieorll: floedlnr-., WUUam. II-. Ed'1 .U., A-, ls em- R. &.-. Jr., W. E. t aiCI"'W. ploftd u a scbOol t.er. wt~ ~ • RlcllaN J . IAw1a, -tllo -C-CAPT. EDWARD HAHLDH I..IMir, Tllomu Olta'' Jdlools. Tbt BaaJ.w• OPEN ••• STRICTLY JUNIORS ~lPO THE TOY SHOP 3101 EAST COAST HIGHWAY COlONA Dll MAl, CAllfOINIA ftlata 6134191 ---a."'A ov.r ' • His Thanksgiving • BJ DT. Rldlar4 S. 8oa1 P ..... s.mt •• ,,.. a.,uoo a ..... ~ ,.,......."..- Lrt us • eonslder "<hat r~....,. u the t:rralnt •~vllw te-xt In all tho Word Cod. ln my estimation ttwre lJ nothinl eomparabiC' to it. ()me 111 nle la Aaylng that it iJ the very apex ol thanks&lvlng. Standing be- for<' His dluipi('S and lilting the cup, the Sa,•lour ''took the-cup, and cave thanks...... !Ma tt. 26:27). That cup contalrwd the w\na .,·hlcft rtpn:•sentf'd the blood which Ht was soon to 5hl'd for thc slnt of tM world. It was tht' cup of ckath. and yf"t with ttw very shadow of the-cross upon Him, Ht rould thank God Crowded Into tha t cup wf'rf' the sins of the world. tht• wrath of God and tht' s.acrilic(' of Himself. lnstrad of shnnkin~ from it and cryint:: out to be· dt'hvt>rl'd. He quit>lly txml'd Hts llt'ad and thank- ed l;od The nuda! hour Willi upon Him tht• moml'nl tot· which Hf' had ~·n born and '' hich had brought lllm into tht• ''orld. He was about rt.'ady to H.nompltsh the ro>df'mpllon of nHtnkmd. All tt,.. a.:ont··~ lk Wil!' to £>X- JX'nl·nn• in thO!'•' awful hour~. a'i lit• hun~ a blet·dm~.: \ tl"llll1 on Cal- \ IH"Y. wt'r(' rq>n•-.o•ntf•d ~'Y the o•up lie-h,..ld in Hts hksso•d hnnd. ;tnd Jk thH.nk•·d r ;o.1 ,\JI throuc h Ol rt T(·~l:ltn ••nt days \\ho•n rtw hra.lt•n :tlt :\t" ~tood m lh·· l"llUr l)ftnl 11.~ lnmh~ ;1m\ IHtllol('kS \\ o-ro• ht"(\t;l!hl !0 thl' ~'" rtf!'"•' Tho'}' o·anw hklttt nj.! :om! ho•llo" tnl-: But Till' ltU• i~wth <lf (;()(! ··~;H"I' thank~ Tho·t•' ''''' rlU "hr<nktng from dnnt.:o'r ,,.. tho• C'"all lo• "''''m to do >!"-thf'l an !o·d 10 tho• "lauc:hl i':". Th•'t•· ,,;,,. no lt •·mhlt nl! and no 101• ,. of rn.:n•t th;ll lit-had tome '" tho · f,ttal hour It'! ttw t ,,,n1f'n n( r:,·th>OP man-:- 11 h··n Satan .-ou~o:ht to tmpost• u[JOn llutt a pt •·m.t•ur~· rkath. Jt'!<US , t"ll'rl tiut tn lit~ hr;no•nly FAthr r tn J,•f tho' • up pa~' l!t~nl lltm 11· ''"unk lt•nm th· """'' r•l rl}tn:;: tn "n' otho ·t \\a\ thrm 11[-.•0 th(' • ..-o~'i -''' h.td lw••n pn·ctt•'ll'rl tn So·nptur•• Stll"h" rlt".oth 1\nuld have • .. _,_ .. - Dr .•. S. &eal rl <'f('atf'd tht• wholt• sc-ht•ntt' nf di- vil""lt' rt'dc-mption. Satan would havf' 1¥-cn th•• \"trtor anc1 man 1\0U!d han• two•n l'lf'rna\!y hop.-!•· .. ~ Tlw ( 1"0:-IS wi th <'Ill th111 II •'!1· tmlt•rl 11"\IS Ht s ~o:ual, and pt'lii>Oo· (;od. Jlp reached i1. rond wht•n ~!(­ hart accomplishe-d 11 hat n{'t'{kd to hf' doni'. and wtwn t ~oo·.~ n~.;ht­ •·ou!"oess had bl···n 'mdt(·atr•d and nur ~tn debt had h<'t'O patd to Th~ last farlhtrl!;. llc-r·rwd our. "It is ltn•~hrd."' Jt•sus Jookt•d upon th•· htok•'O hread and th•' 11 tn•· tn th•· <'UP. llht<"h II :IS 1-0 b<• SIP!-k'd h) ;Ill !lt>O dt~l·tples. as .«<rnl'lhlnt.: 1 1·ry d•-.·ply Slt::ntflcanl Thf' lull nwa~uro• (tf tl "as known only TO ll tm~.~!f )d Hf' I"OUid '"thank f :.00 "' Thank~- 1.;1\"tn~ l'an j.!O nn htt.:h••r Ht~ htood ha!' sa1 t-rl a racr . 11nd rt.~€'~ to spnnklt-tht• ~h·rc·)· St-;•r tn thf' thronf' room or tht• AlmH!hty H:tl <" \It' thank•--rl f:.O.:I for· th" death of J•·sus <tnd rio 1••· n'_lflll't' tn Jlt , fm!Sh<•d \\Ork tn (\UI" ht•h,t!f 1 ""Th;mk ~ hr unTo I ;oo for ht• un- !<l><":t kahl<-l!t fr · f [J Cot• 'I !;";•. F'rom p ,.,,},h• ,.,, Jf ut~rh/11 · ........ ' Difficulties In The Bible ' By R. A.. TORREY (By the penni.uion ol Moody Presa. Chic-aco.) BAPTIST BIBLE TRtBUME. SPRIMGFIELD, MO. WERE JESUS AND PAUL MISTAKEN AS TO THE TIME OF OUR LORD'S RETURN? rr IS CONSTANTI..Y taught not only by unlxolievoen hut e1·en Ul mlllly Chrrsttan pulptts 01nd tn !iOme of our theological semirtOirte$ that Jesus and Paul we~ mtstaken as to Ill~ ume of our Lord's return. In an inlere$1-ing httle pamph\et pubhshed hy the American Unitarian Auociation. on which (ive mmtsters, once preaching tn orthodox churche-s but now Un.iur- tan!, tell how they hf.-cam.-Unitarians, :me wnter wys "But m a lecture onl'" d:~r on Thes- ioiilomans. our proff'~SOr r ... markffl Wt P<1ul ev1d~:nlly ""'<iS mtstaken as to the tlmf' of thc com ln,~t of ChriSt I was thunderstruck, ;~nd stared rtgtdly ott the ~po;.-oker. whtle my ~nctl dropped from my fingers It ts true. {hen. <~ftN all the denunctatton of the pre;;chers HtJo:hcr t:rtt!ct.~m tsn"t the fal st". shallow thmg that It w;~s made out to h£-I c;on hear yet, <~fter many . years. the (•cho uf that slammtn~>": book tn thf' l';u•;,nt ltbrary, ;ond that cedar Ton-ey ~nell cliillt'rong To tht' floor "' Evidt•nt ly thts younl( man "'as e<~stly sh<tken.. If a prolt'S50r tn d theoiOJo!tt:al ~emmr.ory satd .m}·thtn.l(. that settled 11 fo r him. The prof('ssor must t•ert;~ml y b.-t otrct'l, ;ood .. 11 other professors who teought dtff .. n.-ntly . ;md all otiwr~ "ho st•odtt-d tho: Bth!e for themselv('S. must he wrono: The fil et th:..t tht' proiuso• m«de such a remark as thts wa.~o proof po~illl"\' th.1l htl{hN t oii i<"ISffi '-'"S not ""the fa]£t.o , ~h<IIJOW thtnl-( II WOIS made out tl"l hf' ·· I dn not wonder that surh .. youn11. man shou!a w1nd up as a l;nrt<Htiln pn·;u-ho>r But even theolot~tcal pr af£-ssors art' somettmes mtst.ak.t'n ... od tht.s professor was m1 staken The mtl>tilkP w .. s altogether the proft";!oOr"$, .. nd not at all Paul's. ,,s we shall ~ee tn a fe'-' moments tA-t us t,cj;(tn ""oth J,·o;u~. and nrol woth Paul WAS JESUS YJISTA.KEN .. s th th...-ttm., of Ht" "" n n·turn·• In proof that He wa5. ~an hew 24 34 :1nri p.or;o/lel P·""'••&!•·~ on,),. uthot Gospels i M;.,rk 1330. Luk(' 21:121 ;or.,. rnn!>t .. lltl:r t•ttt-d OUr Lord os htr., rcport~·rl «s s.ayt~ ""Vcrt !y, vertly, 1 ,,y unto yu·o. Tho, !i:•·nt·r .. t.un sh:~ll nr.t P·•S5 <o way until .. 11 thP<." thtnJo!S he o.<Ct'omplt \ht'd f :\l,rtr h .. .,., ::~ :14, R V 1 Anti !I •~ hdd th&t J··~\" Jwre pl<u nly teilches that thP ll;f!'m•rilUon ltvtnll. an •·<~rt h ,,t th: nnw 1h .• 1 If, ~pnke tiw~e words would not h.-.vP p;,sscd .• ,.. .• , ho•f•Jr •• ,,11 the thonl!• rr-r•,nlc•l tn the pr<"ce-dinl'( v•·rses had <'<tmr In P•"' ,.nd "' <uUr~c tho ~ "'"uld n•· _, most<oke But tf .onvl"l<Jdy "''11 r• ,,d tht· ent1re pa~sal!e <'!trt'fully, ho· wtll ''-''"' th.ot J•·,u~ h• ro.• to·;.rht·<; no~hnc of th(' kmr::l In !he context He ts """dun~ HOW RAPIDLY THJ:.:GS WILL Ct;DfiNATE AT THE END. that wl"tt'n •·ert,Jm ~tr;:tt• h('ll.tn 1.:. .op~Wilr events wifl rtpen so fast th;t.t the ~n··r;ot o•.n tl>l!'ll u·.·onJ< .... h,·n thes•· "'~ru appear. wt!l not have paS5t'ti 11way lJlll[ .. 11 tltn!.l, h..JonJ<•Il&! '" that parttcular epoch sh<~ll have com~ to he Tht";oo· ~•.J!nl> m.,nllono:d ·" ondtcalml'( the speedy d05l' of the alo!<' arl!' found lll verse 29,-the sun darkened, ~ moon not giving her hght. 1t.rs fdl.in,g from h!!'llven . and lhe powers of lwaven shaken. These Signs dtd not occur while our Lord was on earth, nor in that ge~rauon.. but when they do ocrur, then thtngs will ripen so fast that the aign of the Son of m.Mil !'hall ~ St:en tn hl!'aVI!'n, and the Son of mMl shaU come m douds with power and j.;:reat glor y lxofore the gefleration then 1!'lli$ting p.llsset away THAT ntiS IS thl!' truoe tnterpretatiofl ol the ~e u evtdenl from "erse 33, where J esl.l..'l says d~tinct.ly: '"WIIaa ye Me all ttM.e lhi.np know ye that He 1.! mgh, even at the doors" {R V. and v. 32). Hl!'rl' J"!Sus teaches that just as the putting forth of tender ahoota lllld young leav~ is an tndicaUon that Jumrnel" i.s nich • .o the appuring of thne .s:igm will 1xo an indication that the Lord ia nii:h. to ni.Jh that that 1e1M!ration will not p.liU away until the Lord actually eomn. And "thta tmeration"" of verR 34 clearly refn-s, if taken in the conlellt. to the aenention e•i1ting when these slgn. shall appd.r. The connection ia just the aame in Mart U. where similar worda are found. U posible, it a even clearer in Luke 21:25-32, whert the worda are foWMI acain. So the wholf' dilfit'ulty ia not with wMt Jesua Ktuatly said, but with the failure of upoeitors to carftully notice aactly wMt the thou&ht In rnind was when Jes\1! uttf"red the worda to whk:h objection haa bMn made. ANOTHER INTERPRETATION OF THIS Vl'.RSE hu bHn olfered which tJ fuJI of ~ b&lDitly, t.Mt the word ~ "cenenUon" in this ~ ..,_.. oltentimee "rKe" or "family," "men bqott.en of the aazne t&od." and th• doubtJHa ia the ........ ., .... -...... ln lact, thia ia the mHn.lac rJvu • the MCOnd roeaninc of the word m Theytr'a -orMk-Enaliah Le.:kon ol U. H-THtament," and the me~onfnc ol "ace" {or "rm"'tioa") iJ the fourth ~ given. THine tMa u lhe meeninc ol tM word, the J*UC'8 bt lnt.!rpreted to mMft \hat thb "~" or pner11tion (tNt is. the Jewi.h rac-e ) Jhall no! ,.. .,....,. (that ia, &hall rnalntltln i• ._.. ide-ntity) until the comina of che Lord. U ia a remarkable fad.-indeM. ont ol the ~ remarkable ~ o1 hiftorJ,-th.t ~ the Jews haw for ~turi• been driveon fnta d-wb-~tiwe land and lc:att-end ~ .U the n.Uona. the7 MYa" ....... ----· 'lhil thouPt ~ ........ --in ~-· tn.lad, tmd the \ltWr'uce ..... ..... .... a ....... t.Jhtnt u with a fu.lftMe ol mMninc that _... ._ orxha\Mad by -....... 41--8vt trem \he COD.tdl., th• ,_.,. .,....nlftc -to-lie the GM '*"""" Ia U.. ftnt npl.abaUon a~ (COMTINUID NIJT nu• l•itll of Our F11tllers r.-c... ••. .. •• , ,. ......., ., ... ~ ...... tUM: HaW. thua ,_cl the ..,.. OCJMD ad that ... of troubl• before 1l'hile U..,. ....,.. mU1nl their pn-parationtr, they now had ao ~ \o weJc:ome- than, nor tons 1o ent.uia and rtf,...h thftr weattwrbea~n bocl*, DOr ho~.~a~N--much 1 ... toWN -to repair ta. hop.: ol Jurth..-.. ~ lrom £nc1and ih.y had kft behlnd them, ta au.ppon thtir c»wqe ln thll ud c:ondhlon and the trl.al.s the<)' we,-. under ... 11 11 trlM, indftd, that the affec:tk.n and love of their brethr.n at Le7den towards them wall t"Ordi .. l and unbroken: but they had little power to help them or thetnHives. Bet:ldu, what could they SH but a deaolate wild- eomess, fu ll ol wild beull llnd wtld men .. .Neither rould they, aa it were, gu up to thl' top of Pisgah, \0 vieow from thi1 wilderness a D\OI"e 1oodly coun- try to feed their h~; for whkh way· soever they turned their eyl!'ll (saw upward to the heaven.!) they could 1ain little solace &om any outwlll"d ob- ~ts. Summer being done, all thinp turned upon thf'm a weatherbntm face: and the whole country, full of woods and thklr.ets, pres-ented a wild and PVIIIJe view. What, then, could now sustam them but the spirit of God, .11nd His grace~ Ought not the rhild- ren of th!'ir bthers rightly .to say: Our fathers wer~ Ena:Hshmen who came ovet the j(reat O«an, and were re11dy to perish in this wildcrnu.s:; hut they cried unto the Lord, and He hurd their voire, and loalr.ed on their advenity. . .Let lllt'm thereforc praisl!' the Lord, because He ts Mood . and Hts mercie5 endure forever. rr lhey looked lxohind theom. there was the mighty ocean which they had paMed, and now a ~t~:ulf separating them from all dviliud parts of the world .!Al it be remembered, too, what smaU Yet, let them that have be.•n tl'deemtod of the Lord show how He hath dellvert>d them from the hand of the oppressor. When they w:mdenod forth into the des.sert-wildernf!'l;.S, out of the way and found no dty to dwell in, both t-unjfry :ond thtrsty, their soul was overwhelmed tn them L..t-t them confess beforl!' the Lord His lnvlnR kmdnf"SS. and His wond'!rful works before thE' ~ns of men: Great Events in the New Testament "Jesus Stills the Waves"-Mark 4:35-41 By Mn. Joy Martia F .. ,. THE SWORD Of" THE LORD, ... 1099, MIH'fre .. ._..,, T-n. • iodicatM worcb •bida 1-the by 911rM : U ao r•ference ia ginn. tiM ana•er 1uvally will be knuul i.a the t•:d abo~•· CLUES ACIOSI I "-d there a-.. Cl p•crt ----.t ........ 5 .. _d tltey ----IUa. _... _,. -- lo IWa" I aa eada.uti-(l8a.. $5:1) ID "brouPt 1Ua to ------· took c:o.-. of him" (Luke IO::W) 12 "b-W it tll.at ye lun·e ---- laithT' 13 Ma.t of blll'd•o {Luke 13:15) 14 "Oild the ____ c: .... d aad the.-. •cut a peat calla" II ""but whe~a he .-}Haa caft1r oH. be ____ .. (Mark S:ll , 11 o ,.alley, ____ bor (Joab. 7:U ) 'II and "21 "GDd acrid uato the-· --------.till'" ll "oaiMp en ----pWow" 1l illitiala of a palac. ODd II• queen {Uth. 1:2. II) 23 a .tone, ____ piU:re (Exod. 14:10) :17 ·• _ _ _ _ in. u.Uvah aqaiaal: .lab. .. (JaM. l:lt) 2! "aad he -ODd ----the wind" ,. aad taMre ...... ----wi1lll etNr tittle .Ws-w ,. """'-.... lt..t loa ----&-_ .. CMcak 7:1) 'ft laltiiS. •t • fclallova ...U. aDCI ............ (Gea. 14:17) 33 IICQIIe ....aiat" "lrovbl-••.'' ___ _raa (NVJD.. 1:13) » "...d ther• ca-. • ----poor wido..-"" (Ncuk 12:42) 31 Syriaa c.-apta:la (0 Imp 5:1) u IJ _..._.. (Gea. 14:1) 41 •--cmU19 "iala9e, .. -iUil (boe 5:•) 43 • eolor (Gea. 25:301 • ...._ ".ad ..W. 1lDto the .. ~~. P-u " ____ .. U "GDcl be ...a l.a the ___ pent .. aldp" 47 cr hrdqe (Jullg-, 3:1$1 " "h ·-pi-·--l.a a vooocl ----by vre• wed ..... (Ea.fr. 17:1) ~ IJ triM of ...... , (lfvm. 1:38) 52 ... thola tilled , ...... ---tU _ .. c-.tcu S3 "0 l.o!-d of hoatt. .•. that lri•al the ----and the h•o:rt" Uer. 11:%0) CLUES DOWN '"!bey took bu. el'en aa h• •a• ia th• ____ .. 2 "and ~~e~id oa• ____ aaother. What •aD..D•r of mon. la thiat" 3 "I eaa of ____ own HIJ do aotll- in.q" (Jolla. l t301 4 "i.A tke binder pgrt ol th• ehip. aJ .. p ----a piilow" 5 "0•• ebildru. of ____ .. (MWIII-13, 22) I "1hey crlao cay without til• -n1 be -·--" (I Pet•r 3:1) 7 c ;poup ol Cbaldeo:na (E .. k. 21: 22) I "tm.d they f•ar.d ___ .. II initicWo of a gNat ld.o9 1111cl prophet (Dan. 2:til 14 "aad til• ----Nat into the alllp" 15 a dty •h•r• Paul Pf•ac:hed.. ____ oft.i~ {Acta 13:51 ) II -• ol Naqqe (Lull:• 3:15. otaCifll· hi•) ZO latller of Elihu, ----h•l (lob 32:1) U, •orcl ••azWt.g "di-rided" (Dcm. 5: 21) "cmd wil.en tb•y had ••at a•crr u.. ----" aam• •eo:aJ~~og "can of tbe ••U" (I Chroa.. 7:31) "tm.d llr.ey ----forth" (LU. 1:22) ''there wcu no ----to r•eai"' th•.a" (Marlt 2:2) "----thou aot tbo:t we periebr a aoa ol Epbra:im, ____ eplt. (1 CJuooa. 7:15) oae .laia by the Jews in Shu- h-(r..tb. 1:1) ..,. ot AlHI.iel n Citron. 5:15) an ia.fcrmo~ .ll.oaum emperor .tlo P'rMCUted Chrilolicnu &I Gr .. k b. of ''Noah" (Mo:tt. 14: 37) 41 a ~acuae of God CUI in •.•• -betMl (G•a.. 35:7) 41 "-d he waa ..•• the binder part of tlw aiUp" 51 iaitiallt of t.o citi" (Lulr..e 1:21: 7:ll} ANSWEII TO PIIEVIOUS I'UZZll llflfti!THAMOII Plllll Sllill!D RCTIOI! -_,... 2 111UR$0AV1 NOV. Z1, IM S9,IO!!A DEL IIA!l CNJF. RICH MAN, POOR MAN • • • 11J S. ..... lol BUI Jlleo, Ill ,_ TMI S1JIDRO OP TMI LOitO. ... *"• ... , .... .., T-. (CDMnMUID PM)M LAST diK) He KMw-ucl Rotjectetl -What bul II one went unto them trom t•-81••-Ta ..... , t,_ ciNd. they wW Tqnt ... ""' ... ••• .,...__ wiiJ wbltf 0~tl Who "W('Il," -• IIlii"• "IIOn'Mithl• .. •'a • '""'' """'~" "'·-"' -.. •'d that 1' 'the rich man d.kl. Why ""'rona here. Either the INbk! doH c:Ucl he want h .. ftve ,brothers to not pcJUell all the power you MY fe~Wnt! He wu tl')'lnl to keep or else the rleh man had ~r the-m out of Hell. Thfn he knew, heard it. O.Cault' ~went to HcU," clktn't he, that tepcntane. lt ntt· No, tht• Scr1ptu~ has all the e.ary to keep a man from Hell9 power It elalma and the r.m man Ho dkt know that ~tanee wu had heard It, ollc-n, N a matter l"'eCllA&ry-4kSn't hef of fact, the rk:h man In hia Ume What doet 11 mNn to reprnt'! and culturt' kft('W as much or mort' It mean1 that a man Is headed one obout Ht'il than we do. l bf!'lk-vt' dll't'CUon in nre: ho la: at enemity we can prO\'e it. We will alart with wJth Cod. Then l't'alJzlna he 11 a aln- blt.s: of ('\"~~ and build a call". nn, M turna trom his am to God In 1M ftrst placr, we must con-thl'Ol!Jh Jesus Chrlat. When a man aldl:-r Lazarus. I do not know what prays, "0 God., be meft'lful to me kind of Christian He wu. I do a sinner for Jrsus' sakf'," he Ia know that the rich man ~ repr-ntinJ of hiJ sin. The rk:h man I..aurus. It ts hard to ecncrlvf' that knew how to keep out of Hf'll; yet hl' had nt'ver heard anyt.htna about he dk'd and wt'nt the~. 1 do not Heaven or Hell from Lazarua. know why. There Ia no J()Jk:al an- AIIO, the rkh man waa not sur-awcr. He oua;ht nt'"ller to tuavc died prlscd at hia aurroundln;p. Suppo~oe without Chriat. you wen-to die tonilht ot a heart attack. lf you had heard of HeU there would be no surpriaeo, Sup.- pose toni&ht you Vo't"I'E" watehin1 televislon at 10:00. At 10:12 there Ia a sharp pain in your ehelt- your arms hurt. "I don't fe'E'I J()Od," you leU the family, ''I'm aolna to bed." It Is 10:13. You walk towards your room. Suddenly at 10 :14 you crab your chest and fall to the ftoor. You dl<'. Now you can know this. If you have never tntstt'd Christ, at 10:14, plua nothlna. minus noth- Ing, you w\U be In Hell. "I juat c:an't believe it," you aay. "I ne-ver thou~:ht I'd dlc and iO to Hell but ht-re I am. I can't be- 1\evt> it-jll!t can't believe lt. It is just ilk<' the Bible saki." Now, SUJ)p()H yoo had never heard of Hell. It is hard to belieVE' a man would never hear of this place, but SUppo!IC you were an t>ll· ccpUon. You arc watchlna 'IV at 10 :00. Thc pain COIN'S at 10:12. You have said "&ood nla:ht" and are on your way to bed. The clock points to 10:13 and your mortal life rornrs to a painful gasping halt. You are In Hell. "Whert" am I!" you would begin to scream. "Someone help me! Why ia It so dark!" You would probably scream for a loved o~. plead for mercy and uk que-stk>na about your new place of exiltence. Notl~: the ric:h man die-d: he was burlt"d; he lift up hls eyes in Hell and began to ask for water. No question u to wheH" he was or why he waa there. No query into an explanation of his sutTOundina:s. Why"!' H c had heard often ~bout Hell. He knf"W whe~ he was. Beskk! thl•. the rW:h rnan was a J ew. He cried and said, "Father AbraMm." It Is unthinkable to ~ that a Jew woukt nevf'r have heard of thia placr of etema.l Nlri- butlon. This man probably lived near tht' tifN' or durlna the time of Christ, and so surely two had heard. But if he we~ a dear child of Abraham llvinl today, I am 1ure hto would ha,·e known about Hf"ll. If thia i11 not e-nouch ~vktt'nce tha t he had heard of H<'ll, su"'IY his own words will convict him . The rich man had fh'E' brotht'rs who .!I.Uddenly became a real con- ct'rn to him. He wanted Lazarus or ol""lt' from his own plac-e of tor- mt'nt to warn hiJ brothf'rs. Abrll- ham an~wer<'d, ". . t11ey hat"C lt1011e1 ond the -ptvpltet•; let litem ltcar tltem." ··Nay."' cried the rich man. " , , One Hundred Witte Men Couldn't Explain If we as.~mb!OO one hundrl"!d of the wiscti t lTK'n in th<' world and &:8\"(' thcm thla question: Tht're once was a rich ma n who krM?W about He ll, and who ki)('W how to k('(<p from going ther<': yet he died and found himself in HE'll. Why~- 1 am convinced that after a 110lid year of rational ck-Jiberation tht"-y would say. ''There can b<' no.rea- "'" Now, may J ask you somNhing! Do you lt now tht're Is a Hell! Yt's, I bcliel"f' you do. Do you know re- pcntancc is nett~ry to k«'p you from going 1herf'~ YC$, I believe you do. Thcn why ha1•e not you done !IOmcthlng to k('f'p your5£'1t from that plaCt'! It wc a!l"t'mbll"d 1he sai'TM.! m('n, gave> them the' sam(' amount of time. J"m sure 1hey would gh·c the sam(' answt'r. "'There is no reason." Perhaps thf' rich mtln said. ""1 know tl!!pt'ntancc is 1'\C'C't.'hary to keep ITM! from Hell but I'v(' got my busineu and my family to think of; I'll r<'pcnt one day, but now .... " And while he ""8.'1 sayina !hat he died, h€' went to He ll. Ht i.s there this momf'nl. Perhaps, like you, he uid. "I know repentan« ia nea--ssary but after all I am a church-l ot'r. I'll tt!!pent someday, but I attend serv- Ices faithfully and ... " He died. He went to Hell. He is there now. Or It may be that Ju•t like you the rich man said, '"I know n!J)('ntanc:c II nE'Ces&ary and J am a:oinr to repent: not now, or course, maybe I'll do It tomorrow, but hone-st, l will rf1Jt'nt of my lilt:..'" And lood frlf'nd, while he was saying "I will," he dk'd. He is In Hell this moment and will be there ror au <'temlty. Dur people, thert' is oo reason for you tn die and ~~ tn Hell. The SBITK' Bib~ that warns u~ of Hell. t('11S us of Hra\"l'n. The aamc Christ that tells ua of f'ternal dllmnation, oft'era to us cternal life. Turn from your sins. Accept Christ. God lovcs you: Otrlst died for you. The way ha11 forever been thrown open that you might have eternal life. This moment. now; put your truat in God's Son. In His name ask forglv~neas of your sin!t. Tntwt Olrlst today and throu1h the a~~:rs of eternity, Hcavt'n, not Hcll, AAall be your home. Panel discussions on Bible topics • 1 Re~Jr\11 .. 4 f-. &lOLA 8ROADCASTEQ ll"//1) SSI 5. Hepe St., Lee ;.,.o-lu 90017 Lord until thf'y come to the point I Jr . \d ,llff.'/ II .. \"utbt'r laud · wht•r .. thf'Y havt> a vital tf'lation~hip P<L'~8a~e reference i!l made to tht" "11h thP ~a1·1our. Tht" Riblt' rlCM"l\n't Q. Color•do Sprirtfl, Colo. "Would 1101• p/,.,~.~,. "l"plnin the doctn"M of etl'rnal .~rr!l nly fl 8 rnmparpd with H eb. 6:,-6 •rnd llrh. JO :t6.'' A. lfpb rew.~ i.~ an Oj)E'n letter to tht> ./t-W.'l who Cf'rt.ainly were not all be- liever.>-, no more so than they art• today. While there was a small nu- cl€'u.~ of bf>liever.:t. the majority were nnt ll:J.I"NI. Amon" tht" unhf'liPI"t'r< t ht>rf' Wt"rt• .~omp who hart an awart· nf>."~ nr a knowledgf' of ttw tnlt• rh ri,.tian doc1rin.-. Yt-t tht•\" h.1rl ""' 1 .-t rommrltt·rl tht>m.~p[\·p~ I•' r h·· l..n t·d .IP~U'l fhtt~l a~ Ssn·iour . Tht> ra~­ MIIlf>S ahout which you haw· a.~kPrt ha11' ah-tolu tt•ly nothin11 to dn with hdif>l"t•r.'l The'<e al'l' nnt e\·eo back- :ol irlt>r!l hu1 rather an-unsavf"d in- rli viduai!l. Heb. 6:4 refers to "tho!tP who were o nce enlil!"hlened''. A ~t in lhf> first C"Pntur:v .!10 even today lhf'rt' al't' thosr who could t.alk tht> Go~tPf"l lan,5rU&II'f' Jtnd wf're familiar with the doctrinal tenninology but who were ool b!"lm again. These had fallen a.way which nopresenl3 apostuy. Pe- ttr was a believer who re:pentf'd of hill denials bdot't' the death of our l....ord. He certainty wu l"tnewed and restored. The reuon the!W' can't be i.'l that they have ~rucifted to them- selve~ the Son of God afre~h . puttintr Him to an open lh&n'le. The ftnal proof 111 in verae 9. "But, beloved, we are penuaded better thin11 of you." If ventN 4 to 6 an tellin~r about salvation what could poufbly be better than that! TheM "other thinn" precede saJ-.atlon but do not neceau..rily eventuate in aaJvation. There i1 noU.in« Wd here about be- lnr born a~Ain, be.in• made an Mir of God, a potUe~aDr of ett.maJ Ule, ' pert.aker of the divine nature, and otlle.r termt whieb are foulHIIrt 8crlp- tul"! when ftferenoe ta made to u•- fnr faith and etemaJ life. The aame Is tru~ In the lOU. chaptu. In tbJ.a Lor d JeMU!I Christ trodden undt'r-to•ll u:-~ that we hav1• lo point lo a foot . Thi:t ill. one of the very char-dt'flllill' ttmt'. Ail wp llf'f'd to bf' ~tuN' :u·trriRlic!l of ll.f'Ol\t.ale!l . of is that 1.: now H im """" and n>joicP Q. ,,...,itfue•, R.I. ~ ''Wh().t nbnut J ew11 wlw hflm' ptrfl..~l'd nwoy nnd wiJ r, havr nrm>r nrl'epff'd Chri.~l fl8 Snv- iour? Willthe.11 havP the .~nmP nppfJr- tunity nftPr the.y hn vl' /if'f'n ri:'<Pn 11.~ the nni'.'T whn nrf' li11i11!1 '" flrrl'pl Chri11t nfl. Saviour?" 14., There i!t no !mch thin!l all a sec- ond chance after death for anyone, Jew o r Gentile. There is ab:wlutely nothing in t he Bible to llhow that an individual living in one age-and not accepting Chri ~t will have another opportunity to receivt> Chri!tt follow- inl!" death. Study the last por1.ion of luke 16 concerning La.utrus. and the rich man. Arter death, no one can change his eternal de!ttiny. May we also point out that lhis is the reason why, throuKh the years. Biola ha.-.; emphasized the importance of mi.c~­ s iona, includin~t an evanl!"elicaJ thru.c~t to the Jewi~th peoplt> oon~erning their Mea.'liah, the Lord Je11u.'l Chriat. &-<' H ebrew.!! 9 :27. Q. S.Ma A..,, C.IH. -"I nerd hr.lp Oft II Cnrif'LlhinM $:17, {or ll'h rn- I'VH I tiKt th iff trrr.o~t pi'Oplt auiU riJlk m,e ltOtf' I brcflme ,.ew. Btinn r(artd ix ll Cbitatr,. Jiom11, I ca.nnot poiflt ttut 11 tittt« wAex I /tlt a d,.~,.itt' r AaKDfl ifl mr lifl', Tla itt •u'"-" to b,. n "'Mk II'POt i"fl "'W' £edi1ft.OftJt." A . Thle vene rtmind.11 u8 that in comlna-to Christ we become new c:ruturn. Jt Ia alway• a dramatic lhinr when one can point to the day and tht hour when he accepted Chriat .. SaviOGr. Whilt you may not be able to point to a apeciftc in· tt&nc-t, the Important thfnr fe that with JOUr apfrit you are a ehlkl of God. Bein« ~ In Chriatian homn., mtny people &tt.m to grow Into a penonaJ n!llatlonahip with the 111 !lis fi.:tl\"a1ion. Q. Gludale, Calif. "lt'h11t itt th P. )l·wi.~h 1"1'11111/Htt, 11pol.·,.n. of in Ro- motn.~ II : l!i, 'F.t"n flu thrn at tlt.iJJ prP.~ntt fiml' nbo r1u·rr· i.~ " r~mrtanl nrrord'"fl fn fh l' f'll'rtion of y race' "' A . Thf>rc has been ~me confusion .,n thi:-~ Pfi!'IIUJ!ff". Note thai this rdef"l'l 1o mPrely a remnant. God i.!l greatly inh•re:'lted in the "little flock." We ;trt' not to think of a Jewish remnant during thi~t age of grace a8 some- thing .!lpl'Cially ordained and eate- II"Oriz.ed by God. Thi.!l is the Chureh ltA:e. Roman!'! 11 reveal~ how from a :-~mall llroup God i.!l goinr to fultUt Hi:t national promiMe to Iarul in a cominJ( day. Today J~ a.nd Gen- tile., aHkt are made one throu1h Ch ri,t's redt>emin« .-race. Q. ,,...,w.-., a.1. -"It ••nu eo .,.. t.Aat if Clri1tlcttticw .oere: bott4 wuore 01'1 f(l.(t l"'t•a4 of /ettA t.\.,-e tC10tlld: be ltu tlot.bt ." A.. That· 11 not true at all. What Ia mort factual Ulan the tnatlla of t.be Word of God throuab wbicll we han eternal .. tvaUon T No nlirioft of tM world ia baaed upon moN lnooa--, trovertlbll faet than Cltrittlatdty. Reliaiona are not fOGnded. apoa hi• tory and teotnWIJ u ill Cbri.Uaa- lty. laalall 45 :ZI and Reb,.,.. II :C ahow the lmoortanee o1 faJ~ Yee., our faltll It dlroctl7 -Oft fad. yet .,.. otlll doubt. Thoro Ia 11M aiafuiJNW of t.bt humu *" eou- pled wltllllle oltacb of S.toa. Thoro i1 the prt;tau~ to coolona t.o U. world. Sin brlnp --God. ll hu no bulo lo fad It oU. hiU.. however, 'i1a1 eomethlq-to rwt UJJOIIt the ,...11\f of a true u4 llria• God. BU)LA PANEL: Or. Charlea L. Feiabers, detu1 of Talbot Theolo- !Pcal Seminary, aad Dr. S.mael H. Satherlmd, pr .. ideot ol Bio la ColleiJea. Q, TueMrt, Aria .-''S},r.,/d fJ '""" (,f lii.fl hrm·d (lmw?" A. Whilf> l ht>rf' ma_,. not bf' an.,·thin_~r t•articul~rl.v !tinful about thi!l. yrt ~!t lh<' cUl\lom i" being cnrrierl out to- ri~.'·· we ftt-1 ~tuch n Jll'11.C'tiee i111 un- fortunRif>. How trajl"ic to .!1ft ~pit rebellin,~r agnin~tt tht Rct"epted order n( law A net dect>ncy! Sn far u a Chri~tfian i.~ C'o ncemerl, he would do wf'll to kl'f'p well-:o~haven . For manv .\'eR r!ll only !!~how peoplf', who de111ired nublic-ity for obviou!ll rea.!IOn.!l , II"T'eW be11rrl.!l and lo n5r hair. but now, un- fortun~~ttet.v, it i111 becoming wide· l\nrt'ad. They wi!lh to atlract atten- tion which cannot be piPaRf ng to God . Q lie._.,, CaiN. "C()vld Jim' Pll'nlt' dilfCHIIIf tltt tn•t Jl()rt of A.et.11 1$:,£8 ll'ltirlt rntdll, 'A"d "" mn"J tr• ti'Utt m-dniMd lo ,.,,ntnl lif#. ht-- lit'tlf'd' .. , A. Thill deal" with the salvation of the Gentilefll which the Jewl1h pe-. pat at that moment had not come to undtntand f~l)'. Htn! we 11M the wonderful bleulng of dl.-ine .aver- eipt'1 whtrt all Ia ordained, ctto.en, forneen, and ordered of God. Thlt doan•t IM&n that thae we,-. ,oin.- to be ordained to etema111ft whether Ute, belif'ftd or not. The mu.oa Ll aJ.o from God. Thill ht a IQOd u.,.._ plo at 11M _,... .. will of God u4 the a. ... n mtponM-blendfnJ per- !ectl7. - RIIIIERI.Y MEARS CNIIERA NO~ AT l11111EIIPOIIT BLVD. OOIIT.4.111:8.4. -··-313 BALTZ MOR1VARIES 1741 SIIP'IIIOI AVf.. COSTA MEsA .. ldway t.-2424 ,.. I . CO.UT HIWAT CO-A DIL MAl ORiolo J-4•50 .Jilin ItO .11 A -Mil GII- II, .. •• a Hw~r, ot bow. ol a ••-• to •• tlaiMr Aru .tao h .. '* .............. . •• • ,,..,.. ., e~ .. tu.a •• Halltor Viahor INIW .... • M4 10 ........... , .til call .. ,_, frl_, •illl ........ -.r ..... tic..l • CHERI WTI.roN of 2027 Altura Dr., lrYiDe Ternce,aod her Atg.bu boUDd., "KrlstDa," prepaitnc to show in the &.9 _, bltebea eompetl-at Fublonlslalld.(EilSipp,.....) HONG KONG STUDENTS Herbert Cbul aDd Ytmg Chin Wang, both from Ho:tg Ko1g, &lid DOW UYlng ln Costa Mesa, are atteodlng Santa Ana College UDder lbe Rotary Club spon- sored educatloral visa pro- p-am. IJDS YULE PARTY Mrs. Thomas F. Rafael of Corooa del Mar is a member of the committee oo arrange- meats for the Oec.l4C brlstmu party for children. spoosored by / James FraDCis Card!Dal Mcin- tyre as ebairman. The eYeotYill be held trom 1 to 4 p.m. at the Hollywood Pa.Uadlwn. LEGAL NOTICE ClTY OF NEWPORT BEACH POUCE DEPARTMENT POLICE PUBUC AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE Notice ls bereby given that "CHAMPAGNE of Martin-purst.Ja.Dt to the prOYtslons of crest" turns sbyly toward ber Cbapter 1.20, Sectloo 1.20.6 of 01f'Der, Mark Moore of115 ota.-the Mwllelpal Code of the City mood. Ba.~ lsl&nd, at the Znd ot Newport Beach, l wUl sell an01al aU-breed ruo ma.tch held at pubUe auction, to the high- at Fashion Island by the est bidder tor cash, on Satur. Merchants Assoc. Champrape day, December 13, 1969, at was shown for the fttst time tn 10:00 A.M. at the Corporation the open blteb class. (Ensign Yards of the CUy of Newport photo.} Beach, toeated at 59! SlC)el'lor LEGAL NOTICE Save Time And Money !J!jl~!J~!!!===I • HIAL TN IIIOIT BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. CO'st Hwy. Coron• del War · Phone &7r71Jb SEVEN NATIOHS COIFFURES OPF.S TIJESDAY T't ROU GH SATIJ RDAY F"ree P•ritiDA io Froat 300 W. Coaat Hwy. H•wport B .. ctt T•leohone: 64·0844 BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMOD ELIN G and AOOI TIONS ~ ..... RQmllft t ~ --1 .......................... , ...... .......,, .......... . .... ,_........_.., = ....................... ........ . ....._ . ...._.. .. , ... oCOSTA MESA 5o49o336l o OIIAIIGE U9-UI1 673·5822 • ANAHEIM 126-0381 o HUNTING TOM aUOI .. 2·1451 675·3353 111URSOI\Y, IIOV. fl, lte COROIIIC OB.I!A!!, CAUF. o NURSERY Stuubs, Interior Plante UOplcal & Trees lnsectld des aad Fert1ll ter S & H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Cocona del Mat NLIHCQ' 2744£.. COat Hwy ., 67:t-Gl60 SHOE IIEJ'AIR MABERRY "S Shoe Repaor Purse and Luw-ge Aepilu -Ove Work S&H STAllS ONE DAY SERVICE 1190 HMM:w lllold. Co•t• ...... -.. 6-J311 , I If' r Harciuus, COM 19TH ST . CAR WASH 628 w. 19th sc OOSTA MESA (Next to Blue Olip Redemption Center) Tlu Harbor ltr~lf'.s Ortl y f•ll y a.Mro,alic, ed~rior car U'G.Sh FINE DRESSMAKIIIG _. airta ,,.,.. fri•4ty t.tiMn lf'fta ... icll ttMCI ,..., tD -.alp her IMcotM ~l&e>tl wiUI .... ••. 11111011...... . AYenue. the tonowtngdescrtbed MATTRESSES property: C#•····''·-•1·-· 8 y CHitRLO TTf lfEW -UIIJILDJifG Boys and prls bicycles. TMI HAl-YIIITDI -11\' ... JM lrTea:ular Shapes Auto accessories, --.,..._ Sportlllg goods. COSTA WESA lrU.TTIUS CO. Hou..sebold Items and other ~::;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:~g"~IO~Ho~o~,..~-~·~·-~~U~""="'~'~ .. ~~~..,~ mllcellaneous Items . .; Boats &Dd ROcellaDeous rna- f:HIJRI:HES I ··o. It• IJI•If• O••rloot;., .'tlu·f'Orl Htntor'' Jill c ... ,,.,.-··· NEWPQ"T 11£·ACH. CALIFORNIA THE AMEI'UCAN LUTHERAN CHU .. CH SI:OO A.M. TO tO:JO A.M. Sf:IO A.M. TO 10:10 A.M. -FAMILY WORSHIP -SUNDAY SCHOOL I 1:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SI!RVICI! riDe equipmeDl. An Itemised list of the aboYe articles ls anllableat tbe busi- oess oftlce of the Pollee Depart- meat ot tbe City of Newport Beach located at 425 -3Znd Street, Newport Beach. B. James Glans Clllef ot Pollee Newport Beach, Clillf. Publish: Nov, !7, Dee. 4, 1969, In the Newport Harbor Ensign, 'Jtl;e ..... J•• G. Billa., PUCof LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE De ....... llld ....... A.Mii&Mt Pu&or -=-··1 CIH OF ~IWOII:T 6(AOI SA(JJIC[ SHUTS • All Flttos JIJil XI , 1969 GrlaH• $cle-.c:. S.VIc .. nUT aiVacll OF QI.IT, IOEN'I'IST 3303 Via Udo NeWpOrt Beac:b SUNDAY SCHOOL t :IS •·"'· -.4 II•.•· SUNDAY SERVICES t :IS-"•·•· WEDNESDAY EVENINO MEETING 1.-.•. READING ROOM ·-" .. .,.., • ··"'· -5 ..... ._.., .. .,, t •·•· -7:U , .•. y_, .... .., -· ,,, .. ..,, ' •••. -5 IJ ••• ; 7-f ..... ~..,, I P·•·-.f P·•· IIX.'OND CIRI.C. Of' CII.-T ,ICII:fi1WT Newpo~t Such II Cor0111 del Mar 1100. PICID.o Vlow Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 - SUNDAY SERVICE II•• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINO ltOO tt·•· ...... ·-= .... .r 81~. tau Eu1 Cue& R..., •• a.. M-. .. rrl., 10 .... ao 5 , ... n .. d.,. ....... 1 ao t s. .. : 10 ...... , ... You arc cordially' inV'ild to aucnd O'fi"Ch Scnoicaa IIMt ao uac lhc RudinJ ROOM. LUTH EIIAII 0tU 1101 0 r THI MASTIR HOO Pldlle Vlrlr Dr. c..-....... calli. DR. WIIJJOII R. IL!.BR ---..... ·-C..borlla, --1:11 A.II.-FaaUJ-- A.II.-c.a..-A.II.-F __ _ I'IIOYIDID Pl'"t .... lota-olo .. c.. ...... . &.pthu an~~t-Fcll-•lllp t.~., .. ~nl -A•'--n S...e Aile~ Mt1ulle Ita. Dr. P .G. Newnana. pastor SUNDAY SERVICES .usus tnPI • Ttee t ncl O..ncl ~ll<ni U (l'tqe C.J) . -"tounU ~•cr l ubh . Cl1t• for ~•l""""rst•nt frooo Un!tecl SUtH Go•e,--nt llote Aetlthtble . C... frooo Otl'ler f~~nlts . Dltpotlt •ltPI Aedeollptlon ~qent . Inventory of "-terlt h "'d ~~tppl•ei ~it cost) . . Fhlt<l AutU {Ptqt (-21) ..•......•............. Moi/M to be ProvtO.cl fo~ Aut..-nt of Bonds tr><l lnt.ltr-eH (Pt~ C-lll "J :4S aJa. !.anda)' School LIMILI TIES lJttiMIAA.IIC£5 MD fliiO 8AI..MUS 1:00 a.m. Mornina Worahil' uABILITiis ' 6 00 "' T • • u • "'COIInts tll(l ContrttU PtytDle ..... : p, • ra&ftlftl fttOftl Act.tnu fro~~~ OtPIItr Agency 7:00 p.m. EYC"nina Wonhip Mote '•y•o1• Accrued P1yrol1 WEDNESDAY l ::ZO p.m. Bibleliwdy 1:00 p.m. Puycr N .. lina A TTIMO THI CHUIICII 0' YOUII CltOICI IEGUUIIU W.ONUOA'll' .1.1.& ITUO' MtD PMY•• f~ P .... Huue•v DU11tl•• •••v•eu ....... P1 St a.. .. -.. .. -.. eo.- O.pot l l!i Rtvtnucs Collecttcl tn Advlll(t Due to Ot.lltr f11nch . Mttr.rl'ltd lnttrest Co~tpO"'i Pay1bh . . . . . 8ollllls Pt.)'lble In f11tun1 Yun {1'191 C-Z2) ..... . Interest rtytblt on lloll(ls tn f~th•nP lttrs {Ptgt C-Z2) .l.olmts Ptytbl t to llol.Wn of lQll Ac t 8oncls . n•ClNANta:S . fi.IID IAI..Mt(S ln.,.,t.cnt In Fi nd Aneu A9Proprl1tlt<l for Cull luh Approprlttld for ltl lxM l•row-nn Appropt"hiAd fOf" P1r~ t-.rov-llts ... Ac~Proprhttd for S..rfbo,trcl Ac;q~otsltiOft . ""ropdttld for Dff·Stn~~tt Parttlng raetlltic-t ""ropr1ttcd for llotl lituh tb1t . . Apprt~Jrt ucd for tlol'ld Rcottr-teent tnd lnt.ltrtU ~rhUd for fr.~turt Wtttr SollrCit iJI'IIpproprltUd (r...,. ''9C'~ (-6 and (-1) a.llfiCI ~ lO, 1968 . ... ~ '"'" Csl1} 0 0 , 0 , , 0 0 , A(J~~tc-b of Pr lOf' 1 .. r h pcndH-• lnd Ent-rtrw::n Tnnsf~~n fi"'OI; hiMI llltfiC .. ~ltt..a for ; ~nl ,..,hhlon ... . .. te llcehAl1t ...... . 111M .. tl,_t told l nterru ... terfiMCI .•.••.•••• *rhol(ltrt; ,....,. ....... , T•u l WdttlOfll . , .......... • .. u; ... ~ ... ~ ,,.,.,,,,) ...... -..... . ~_..., ,, """' , .. , .,_.,... .... ' ...... . ,...,_t..t • , _ _.. .. af llltertlh ..., S.,lln • TNMfwl til: 51 ,l!ll0,1 66 1 n .•SE U,1SS ·0· 14.311 ... 11,702 ·0· ·0· ll,C!J1,85!1 I 11),3'1 61,1 s~ ... 199,836 1Q,9ll .)4,100 ·0- ·0· . o. ·0· ·0· ' )ij] ,Jn U S,869 ·0· 21~.000 l .ll• ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· )11 2(11; " •• ,, ;89l ~ lle~""d:s [Ptge t-S) l 900,4!.9 159,464 ·0· "·"' ... ·0· ·0· ·0· ... l1 1094,lli7 ' 174,88$ ·O- lS,6ll 21,65o0 17,003 ·0· l',l11 ·0-... ·0· .0- J 264,540 lOO,SlO ·0· ... ·0· 641 , .. &8,347 "·"' ·0- ·0· U S:Ul ,, ,094 Jl'7 I I S IS5 ,S90 15,~1.~ "·'" ... ... ... ... 41 ... lS.711.'l4 ",415,104 ... ... ....... _ ..... ' ........ It Al'rft~,_,., ••• , c..,..~ '1 •II CMI•II• Cle«l f!IIICI .. , .... ~· ... ,.,: OH-ttrwt lie t., fac-IHttH , , , . , , . . • • . , , , • ....... I ............... . , .................................................. . ....,.., ,.... • 0 • 0 ••••••••••• 0 -••••• 0 0 0 0 •• 0 • 0 •••• 0 0 •• .... lll ..... tlfllll ...... U•fWIIf ..•• , •••••••••...•...•.••• • ... .-. .... c 1 ............ ~ Taut llllllc\1"" U.!!t.lll " ...... . ..1MOI • .-. JD. lW (Pifl t~U ...•• , • , •• , • , , , , , , • , •.•....•• , • I pz,m ' LEGAL NOTICE T~~~ f""d fo~ 1911 I« lofldt .... .... ·0· .... . ... '·"' ·0· ... ·0· l 0&1 .... ·0· .... ·0· .... ·0· ·0- '·"' ·0· ·0· .o. ].0&1 ·0· ·0· ·0· .... ... .... .... ·0· .... .... .... l.IM4 ! ''"''' ... vii'iiii'T"""""' (F',... ,.,. t-9) I U9.1ll "' .. .... ... .... ... $l,.JU,IIJ '·""' . .. Jl,OOI ... ... ·II: H.at.R! ' m.w *' ·0· .... .... ·0· _,. ·0· ·0· ·0· ... ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0- ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· '" 461 ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· . ... ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· 1161 ------·-..-ooco ....ooo .. n "....,.,,us oUPNOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING (By E"ror~-CrG j ts,rn! REMODEL 2 pc. set ONLY $68.:10 -Call "Bemy .. 2U Main, H. B. -~~405 FBI:E dct'lh'ery lk pickup LlGALHOnCE ~90,5 18 21,151 ·0· ·0· .o. ·0· %,411 10 ,10l ,M8 ·0· 110 ,1&2,5~ 1~.902 .,. ·0· 7,065 \J,U O .,. ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· J6,JIIi7 qo,7l8 T0 ,10J,SA8 l~.DOO ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· .... 107 ,821 lf9,S.OO 149 l45 $10,152:5SIJ l --4). I .Q. .... . .. ... . .. IIO.s.JS ... I llO,US l IID,UJ ... ... ... ... ... + I Jtt.HI I ·t I ' 1 ,82Q .,. ·0-.,. ·0· .o. ·0· ll l,MQ ·0· 119 678 "' .Q. ·0· 1,0!10 ·0· .o. .,. ·0· ... ·0· ·0· 1.1129 ..... n7 .M9 ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· -0· ·0· _,. -0· 119 Ctl ,:. I lSO .SM S1 ,l49,110i '" ... ... t,112 ... -0. ll .Jil,7g -0. ..... ... llLHt u.-.,. 1 ,,., 132~191 o I'LUMaliiG A. R. MARSAC PLUMBER 700 Camallon Ave. Corona del Mar • Plumb101 Repaus OAY & NIGHT WATER HEATERS 613· -l130 LEGAL NOTICE r.e~e•t l '••ra •urn P•9f c,zo! ·0· ·0· .,. ·0· .,. .o. 10 ,9)\,l~l ·0· t lO ,!JiJ1 ,!'5: .,. .,. .,. ·0· ·0· ·0· .,\. _.,_ -:"I· .,. .Q. -0- ·0· lO,!Ul,~~l ·•· .o. ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· .,. ·0· Jt0,9Jl ,m I -0· 19,912 -0· . .. ... . .. ... -0. I •.•11 _ .. ... ... ... . ..... + I ?!.nJ I + !!o-d Otllt 1 ["tlt.,.H (11•91' (.22) ·0· .o. .o. .o. .o. ·0· ·0· ·0· l ,lQ2 ,831 1 1,192,812 ·0· ·0· _,. ·0· .Q. ·0· ... ·0· 1 .lllO,OOO 282 ,8J2 ·0· '1.m.m ·0· ·0· .... ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· ·0· J l,792 ,C2 Po 0 1ATIIIDAY, MOV. 1 '!~Mit doll--.......... CUI Wtwaa V1q1a ~-Cf -• •'• £ --clal IIP- 1110 Plol:olllla, C.. -.._ pllaDco wu-!rom-.... ...-.. -Ud-----~·· llall wu oot a an• ... _..ueou .. -.c... --·umw-wr"* dol Mar, ...,1,.. w111> Dr .. Wlltdlfl wu arr...., c. tbt car rA Oract AU ~ o1 a -.o ot drlriatJ ...... 1.11o Sllap• a1 S:Z5 p.m., ,. E. NEWPORT HARI!Oll ENg Gil SEOOI!U SECTIOII - -Pll' I TllJRSOAY, NOY.l7, 1969 COROllA DEL MAR. CALl F. City Building Permits f· ' f The lo.._IIC pormlls, Jollie • BALBOA JSLAifD • BALBOA amoualol$l.OOOaadO¥et,WII't R. Walttra, add bd prap rrut Loyd, dlmolilhdwtl· .-clurlll( t.11o pall week l'l' """ eooltruel Zal 11oor, SU 1111(, IIJO.W E. -BJYd., tbe Nowport Beach bulldlll( de-OaJz An., $14,000. 11,000. put.meot: LaWTeDCt 8«1 Trl.llt Co., Roy ColltiUI, 111 YalD st., • CORONA DEL MAR a.lteratioa for pharmacy, S02 bulldiDI carport coanrt lDd M. H. Sherman FOWlliatioo, MulDe An,, $*,189. noor to aputmUt., $U,OOO, WOULDYOU l BELIEVE? I ... We offer you . . . ' t • • ol ........ al 1:10 Cout aw,. a.& ll --PL Ud lilt UOO.OOO PLAIIT SI!T Ill., C-.I Nnporl • • • PO -Sporloo o1 114 19111 II IIIVIMI COIIII'LEX a.. Welt !f..,;ort, ru 1liD A u,ooo..,.u .. fDot m.&DQ..o 162V E. Cout HWJ., Warp • UOO ISLE -wEWPORT ulltlo& prdeu am coostr.ct E. C. Burns, addition onr P. J, aw, .tore &Dd prace, lath boUe, $20,000. prap, 1Z4 Vla Yella, $6,000. LU Urd St., $ZO,OOO, H. Osborae, Z-story, 1-ult Gil WaJoe, SW'ImmiD&' pool, •LINDA ISLE dwellJDg at 300 Mari&Qld Ave., 91Z VIa Udo Soud, $4,000. W, Ferdlt, block waU, 45 · $55,100. steve Baroard, add den, 101 LI.Dda llle, $1, m. ' ' THE BEST CLEANING , .. and complete clothes care I ' Mart Cbrllllu Soroo-. 8, ot I>A:Illrtaa I>A:llll!' fo< ~­ Zll -st., West Newport ifllle ...-:Ia IDe. II ....... --...... plaJll>c .. tbe -.. tbe -... aart1:1 -.1 ot tbe alle7 between du.trlal Complex aear tbt -aod 19111 Stroola; 111o a<-Oraii(O COIIIII)' Airport. f at f Georp Miller, remodel, Z19 Via Dl)oo., $1,000. Jay L)'DD, 1-ooit, 1-Jloi'Y Orchid Afe., $5,000. • WEST NEWPORT HEIGHTS dw'eWng, fll LlDdalsle $67 000. Peter De Bau.n, addltioo, Sl8 Victor Swansoo, 7,980 sq. ft. ' • Poiosettla A,e., $17,!32. lndustrlal buUdiOC. 882 Pro- • IRVINE TERRACE duetJon Pl., $46,500. VOLSTEAD PARADE SET eldeDt occurred at S:l5 p.m. 011 Toe l~•Uooel firm, a sub· R.IY• An., 110 feet west ol ald1arY 0• Cavitron Corp., FRANK SPRATT of Ne t S8tb st maallfacutera DUmtrically coo-wpor •· trolled, eeml-automated WiD&: Beach has been booored tor ZS t VALET CLEANERS I Doo Haneke, alleratton, 18Z7 City of Newport Beach, add The Ora.Dp Couoty Ski Club Tahuna Ter., $1,000. ottle~. S9Z Superior Awe., w111 hold Ua 4th annual Volstead • SHORE CUFFS $5,000. Day patadtSuoclay, Dec. 7, from Richad Bertea, 2-story, 1-• WEST UPPER BAY 1:30to3:40p.m.lDNewportbay. • SUNDAY, NOV. t syltems tor bleb dellsity elec-years ol service wttb Day & Auto &cceuorles va.lued a.t troalc paoet.. Night Maouta.cturtng Co., City $9% were stolen &om Kerr Ea. Tbe oew f&elllty wUl serve of ladustry. He received a temnazm ot 605 Narcissus. as headquartel'a tor tbe com-dia.mood pin from President Corooa del Mar •• , stereo puy, founded tn 1959 and oow Ray A. Trltten at the company's tape dect aDd tapes were stolen located lD Santa Ana. Elpty servtce recognition banquet. from O&rid L. Pearson of 5033 people will be em;.loyed lniUal· Mr. Spratt currenUy serves Carob st., East Bluff ••• Jotm ty. as vice-president and general Paul Musselma.no of 1S32 Tile lCC faclllty tsbeJ.o&coo-sales manager tor Day &Night, Mir&mU, Apt. A, Balboa, wu structed by Blrtcher .Pat:lllc, leading manufacturer of heallog lDjul'ed wbeo be colllc.ted with a Santa Ani, 0-,oer-denklpers, aDd air coodltioolng products parked car at 4 a.m. oo w. at a cost of $500,000. Com-aDd water l'leaters. ' lllfLCOMT-AY. f -·--unit dwelllng, 173 Shor ecwr G. Dudley, swlmmlng pool, Tlae parade YIU btCln lJld end Rd., $85,000. 1363 Galuy Dr., $4, ?00, at the Balboa PariUoo. where James Conway, addition. 310 • EAST UPPER BAY the traditlooal baccba.Dalla wUI t CAU. 675-0310 ' ' QUALITY LAUNDRY -WE DEL l V!R t Drlftwood Rd., $6,000. Gerson-Bakar Assoclates, be from 4 to 7 p.m. • HARBOR VIEW HILLS foundation for parkin& struc-Entries for the boat parade John Malone, retaining wall, ture, 900 San Joaquin Hills must be submitted on or before 1'1t4 Port Sheffield Pl., $1,000. Rd., $100,000. Molday, Dec. 1, to the Ski J. Truesdell, swtmmlngpool, • NEWPORT CENTER Club, Box 29Z, Balboa Island. 1Z06 Keel Dr., $4,000. Glendale Federal Savings, z Assembly time on the dayotthe swlmmlngpool,lZ05 signs, '00 Newport Center parade 1s 12:30 p.m., attbe Pa- Orlve East, $1,000. vllloD. Balboa Blvd., Central Newport, pletioo Is scheduled tor Ja.nu-k 160 teet east of 1Wl st •••• ary. Rlcbard Earl Block of ElMonte colllded 'Witb the car of Cyothia JAMES HUNTER DIES Eli.J.abetb Verooo of UOS Not-James Hunter, SO, ot 1945 tlncbam, Westcwr, at 3:40p.m, Sherrlogton PL, Newport Hei- oo E. Coast Hwy., 480 feet ghts, died NoY, ZO at Hoag west 0: Bayside Dr , • • Ray-HoSl)lta.l. mOIId Josepb MacOooa.ld D He was found ln IlLs ~t­ ot 'l5Z Amlcos Way, East Bluff, meot by a frleod, John Bunan, coi..Uded with Elw.n H. MY.!jU wbo called for an ambulance ol Placeotia a1 Jamboree Rd. when be saw Ulat Mr. Htmter aod East Blutl Dr. wu broathJor lrreplarly """ • MONDAY, NOV, 3 had blue ftaprs. Wayne Pav of 131-1/ZTopaz, He Is rutYIYed by his mother, Ba.lboa Island, colUded w1th the Helen HWilar. car of EdWard Eugene Lyon Baltz Mortuary, Cotooa. del of 444 Meodo1a Ter., Corona M.ar, wa.s J.o cbarge ot burial HlebJands, wbo because of the ----,------- lmpa.ct, collldedwlthBettyfore LEGAL NOTICE of Z3Z Ogle,CostaMesa;theac-NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE- cideot occurred at 5:10p.m. on N 1162 Coast Hwy., 510 feet west of On Dec o.ber 10 1969 Bayside Dr ••• Autoaccessortes at 11 •00 A.~m Stao •~~a' C • were stolen trom DemUs R · ·• -w or. Fritz of 3308-1/Z Ocea.n Ft • poraUon, a CalltorniaCorp:tta- West Newport Jewelr •• tloo as duly appointed Trustee • • • Y, Wider and pursua.ot. to Deed of stereo laDes and household ap-Trust dated A gust Z7 1964 pl1a.Dces W'il'e stolen from Ron-executed by 11 ROBERT H. aJd S. SheerJ.o of 1Z6 4Znd st., OLANDER ted aDd West Ne.rport , •. Stereo tapes , a marr man were stolen out of the glove recorded November 5, 1964, as bo.1 of R. Gordon Miller ofZ30l lnstr. No. 3768, to book '7289, Alta Vista,. East BluU page 783, of OUicl.al Records • in the om.ce of the County Re- • TUESDAY, NOV. 4 corder of Orange County, Call- Rocks were thrown at the fornla, WILLSELLATPUBUC residence of Annie Leary, 3207 AUCTION TO HIGHEST BID- Clay St., Newport Heights ••• DER FORCASH(payableatUme Haro\4 Wllliam ~ 41, of of ale 1A lawful money "of tbe 4!06 Hllarla Way, W•lt New-United States} at tbe froDt .,_ port Hetchl&, was reported mis-trance of Stan-Shaw Corpora. s1Dg by hls wile woo stated Uon, 1600 East Mayfair AYe., that she came Dome from work Orange, California. all rtibt, on Nov. 3, and found h.lm gone title and IDlerest conveyed to • U, S. currency Wl.S a.nd now held by It UDder sa.td stolen from Patricia S. Antck Deed of Trust to the property of 2036 SaDliago, Dover Shores situated J.o the City ot Newport •.•. Tools wer e taken from the Beach, ln sa.id County and State trout right seat ln a car owned described as: Lot 30 of Tra.ct by M. SLaughter of SIB Nar-No. 3145, as per mlP recorded ctssw;, Corona del Mar • • • In Book 99, Pap 33 of Mis- A m.10 looked in the bedroom cellaneous Maps, records of window of Patricia Molloa of Ora.nge county, Cautornt.a. 415 N. Nnport Blvd., Newport Said sale will be made but Heights, while she was ln b<:!od without conveoant or warr~y, . . •• A d1tt clod broke the ezpress or Implied, regarding bedroom window of Georgla N. title, possession. or eocum- Batkrem of 2401 Vista Hogar, bl'a.nces, to pay the rema.in1.nc Ea'it Bluff. prloclpal sum of tbe DOte • Wt:.:DNESDAY, NOV. 5 secured by sa.ld Deed of Trust, KevlD Clark Cochrane or 204 to-wit: $8,000.00, with Interest Cypress, Balboa, was arrested from June 4, 1969 as J.o sa.id on a warrant • , , John Leslie note provided, advances, ltany, Mcl.t!od of 2212 Colle~ Costa IUlder the terms of said Deed Mesa., was arrested ro; reck.. or Trust, fees, charges and less driving at 2:55 a.m. 00 w. e.zpenses of the Trustee and of Coast Hi~way and Newport the trusts created by said Deed Bl'td. • . .Auto accessorie£ of Trust. were stolen trom John William The benetlctary UDder said MacBeth of 305 Poppy, corona Deed of Trust, by reasoo of a del M.a.r ••• Geor ge William breach or detluU lD the Ball ot 414 Ca.rnatloD, Corona obligatioDs secured thereby, del Mar, was bitten by a dog heretofore executed aod de-livered to the undersigned a PHOTO written Declara.Uon of Default C HRISTMAS and Oemaod tor sale, and C ARDS BY ICODAK wrltteo notice of breach aDd ot election to cause tbe UDder- ha rbor bolo I a • . c •••• tl•l -'· 1-<, ..... , ..... 70 MAT T RE SSES NEW -RE I UILDIIfC JrreKular ShaJM"S hmenprlDf -CotteD COST A lr.tESA IotA nUSS CO. atiO N••pctf't lho4. LIMtiy 1-tJOl signed to sell said property to satisfy said obligations, and therea.tter, oo August fl, 1969, the undetsl&!)ed caused aid notice of breach and otelectioo to be recorded J.o book 9042, page 509, of sa.ld Ofllclal Re- cords. Date: Nonmber 6, 1969 Stan..Sbaw CorpontloD, a CaWo<oll Corponlloa as said Trustee. By DoD JUWDcl>eeO, Au't Sec'J ZlHB Publ~sll' Moo. ZO, Z7, Doe. 4, Jo tho Newport JJarllor FOR AL \-OF YOUR INSURANCE NEE DS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance l1l3 E. C...t ""'· Co-• 4olller -Tel ..... o i7~3150 Newport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. When you 're saving money, green is a beautiful color but Newport National Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings picture. Newport National Bank pays the highest bank interest anywhere on your savings account, and at the same time. offers its c~stomers an opportun_it~ to acquire a c_ol.lection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original otl pa1nt1ngs. These stnkmg decorator mmtatures will add infinite charm to your living room, office . den . bedroom .. or wherever.. Also for memorable gift·giving at Christmas or other special occasions. Framed 1n ant 1qued gold, set off by rich velvet. they measure 7~" x 8~" overall. (A regular $15.00 retail . va lu e.) Each miniature is ready for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas . Now IS the t1me you can truly admire every entry in your savings passbook. how the program works: for new savings accounts only Open a $100 sav~ngs account-and buy one miniature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 sav~ngs account-and buy one mintature for ~95 (plus tax) Open a $300 sav~ngs account-and buy one mimature for $1 .95 (plus tax) ()pen a $400 savmgs account-and buy one miniature for $ .95 (plus tax) Open a $500 savtngs account-and buy one miniature for FREE!• •Lomll ol two''" mlnoatures reaardless ol•mount ol deposl1 oYer $1000. for present depositors • Each $50.00 deposit to your savings account entitles you to pur· chase one miniature for only $3.95 (plus tax). • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purchase a decorator miniature for only $4.95 (plus tu). • A non-depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 (plus tax). (rocularly • $1 5.00 voi~W) ·- heft aeaMNit IMufN to l15,000 M111111tt r.D I.C A buutlful display of -lint -lllln-.. Ill oil -.. ~ ..... MicMIIOft et ~ llJ.JJJI • ..,..._ .,.... ........... 1'2·1141 • c-.M_ ........ C 111 ll.fiJ.z.-• ..., ... _..._tthl1l·7'ZIO ....., """ ,.._It~ MZ·Mil • •• , ..... l.tJt c:u, ...... Still Clllilt ~ • ...... -.....,. tt 0.. W.JIIl • ._, IMdl ...... t.bur~ Wottd. tNt IMdl S1711 • ..... --............ .._..-IJD.JXII