HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-18 - Newport Harbor Ensign.at \ -· .. • THE EXCHANGE CLUB ol lrfnporl Huboi' pre•rtml 1ts ''ODe atioD UDder God"' ...., -to tile m-lllllp _,, Doe. u.s-. to tile-au, from laft, JW KlJII. committee ebUrmaa. u:l ••s'mrt prt.Dc.lp&l ol N.wport. Harbor Rleb Scbool; Mar1dle B)IJ.IIal. OGIIU.c wilmer; Kalil Somers, I'UDDII'-!Vo ud SUpba.ale J-.n Yama- llblta. .cOIIJ .._......,. AU C'lCJM ... '" are from Hart..-Htp. over r ;:, .. ~ ~ Pu1 Gnbr lUll! Bob Sbeltoll, .n.:-terms w1l1 ...... lD AprU, .,ld tile EDSICD lids wttlr. tbat tbey will DOt seek re-election ill U..Aprtl14Nn- port Beach m..UC4al e1eet.JoG. "No. I will DOt be actQd1date api.Q." said Ill.:. Graber. "lam eompletiDc my ZDd term. I sernd 4 years u m&7C1'. I ban "U'J p-.ut memartn ot my 8 ,._,.. OD tbe C ltJ CoaDe1l. '' .. No, 1 wtll aot f1ID &p!D, .. Aid M<. Sbolloo, -WUip- potllled tA lMS to ""' tile •- SE-X 'Eit IS 'ASSAILEo- GETTING IN THE YOODiorDOlii ..... J.ac'a-IDor at J- ue tbeae Huboi' Area studeota. Above, left torlpt, an Det Dee PeDiliDctOD. Juet Rodeft• aDd Marilee AlleR. Bt•ar• W.Uk MoolcomeryaodRlebmood West.lab, seatlld, ud Ha.We Bendel aad Molly Regan. Ftve Wlits of bleb scbool credit wtu be pveo for tbe tour, which wHI be heSd from Mareb 20 to April 3, Ao adVance study procram will bepn lD Jaaauy, conducted by a tea.cbing team and Japanese uperts 1a literature, languagl!, customs, art aDd history. The eo.t b' plane fate, botels, travel in Ja»an aoo Hooolulu aDd mo• meals is $83.5. MORE THAN 1 ,000 SIGN CDM FREEWAY PLEA Paul AsbeDfeher, 517~1/Z Na.rc.lssus AYe., bas been elected as the oew presideot of tbe Corooa del Yu Ctric Assn., ooo of tbe oldest iDtotpora.ted c.ommw:lity orpatahoo• 1.n tbe City of Newport Beac.h. 8111 Agee is l.be new Ylc.e- presideot; Duid Scbults, sec- retary, aM Heleo Weiss, trea- surer. LD add:Ltion to these of- ficers, the oewly ele<:ted board of directors lDc.ludes Ouuae Armstrooc. WUlace Calder - Gully aDd coatiDue tb1a ...-.- pass aloq Duet Gaily to CCIIIMd wltb Cout RW"J. n. .._,s-an"W""•• e...-plu,.._eollillllo ~Ud ...... HRCSbAft. -ly at Its PI"-.- fl'om Potuettia An. toGo~ rod An. Carriers ol tbe petWoo re- ported tbat orer 981 ot tbe re~ lldeata COIDcted faYOred tbt aew propoqls. They claJ.med tbat tbe curra Plan. I.D addltloD to t:IJI:l.Dg out Dli.D11lomUbUDtr Stb An., would S111ou17 de. prectate the n1ue aad ruideo- tlal qu&lliJ ofllleara by 11n111c a Jarpvolameoftm~tramc. aJooc tbe resideotlal Jtrllta. w.r. Asbeolelter ..... eo.. rooa del Yll rMidertstout.:l Yocriay eYea.trlg's COUDC!lmee- tlll( lor ... ......., .... 5111 AYe. discussion. clwl(e 1Jl c.outa1 trenay ud access rc.d plaos iD ord• to reduce tbe DUmber of eorc.a del Mar residences that would be lost because ol. sth AYe. re- location. Pa.st projects han iDcluded city be.aiJtitlca.ti.oo, presern.. tioo or the ocean bel.chea, ..a c.ooperaUn W"f.th otber cb'lc gro~ in the ca.mp&ip to prneot oU drUll.ac I.D tbt c.tt7 aod ln. the tidela.Dds. head a..nd Dr. Jay Loacley. PRE-SCHOOL PROQt.UI Yr. Armstr'OD(&DdDr.Looc-The pre-sc.bool chiktr•'• ley are past pr""'"'a o( the recreational prop-am Ls belq assxla.Uon. Mr. C&lderherad ls orpni&ed bytheClt)'ofHtwport a former 'lic.e..pttsidea. Beach parks and recr•tkllldt· Tbe lmmedlate objectin of partmeot, for the oe:d lOweeU. tbe assoclatk:M:I 1a to obtl.lo Stssk)ns will begin Jan. 5. made in Hunt slaying Vln C-hrltll tileR"'.~ A. Wata ot tbe llllllriu Cbur<:h o!Dclltloc. --wW be 1.11 Pac.Ulc VIew a.-. orial Park. lD li$1 .. 51Mr. R-. wuu- .-:ii.Wd .. tbt boat COMII'w· UoD firm of Hutlla" .... Co.la_IIIIP _ _,,_ l.lN~DuTcctc• lila -. l.&a ,....__ I I 111101' 01' llll IIIWPOk r jii!ACM TTII NJIIef AUA'S OFFSET NEFSI'AI'ER Olfloe ........ ,,_ ...... Eaalp ... w .... 1111 a. ...,.., c-... .._ c.w. ...: ft62S. .. MOll Ia i7,:0MO (A<M Co4. 714) C~ 0 N S E R VAT IV E C 0 R N E t\ Btra.:lght .,. __ ,_ ....... lilt .. ...,_ .. .... -......... ..u.. ..... * .., -"en. ................. -Yiol- ... II ni"W ~ ,.ua ell)' 11111,......,. Ilia." -· ud oolll<*--u ..... It-. tolollltw•llf .. -Ia--ploM ol---~a. a. ... , crlod,..,.... --tu _..,. .... ,.... ... _ .., .._ .. A- THE NA""""&' Cnclll' IIIII, tr1ICIIY Ida!, _, ol lilt lrllll ol s-..._ ·-_-ud II -'"""""' COUNCN. Of CHUICHES-,.rt Yl "II. Aat ... IIIII --...... -kit I .... --., .. A-.1- "Palher" Gropp;, • Milwaubo priat, aays !he economy while 1he brothen r0111tu auerilla 1M -tlatt, -.-,, -..U _.,. prloclplo wrtli.u, cu -" Ia llto k-· be bclicvu in tbe crutioa of telllioo to briq warfare in the ac.uta." 111111 " .._? l ban I:Nid ., tau ICit Jwt bila ...,._... t. wat. ol. tM1r ftll"'IC ..._ about IOCial chanp. Vioknce it oot oaly to b8 Accordina to the ''Christian Beacon," '1be call ol dt&tb lD l&lm." lAte OrUII Coaly ud till'~ ,.._, tMntaav~ upcctcd, be aaid, but is P«'C''"')'. "We will General Board of t~ Nattonal Counc:iJ of U :.,-11. Cbr1...-~ 1UWarJ Pll'• n"tloubiP .,.,._tblallqld UIC whatever tactic:a arc oece.ary to attain Churchea re«ive<t the ManifeSio and referml 'he tcel ... aaaea.t JWq:aiD IOimll ban -. aoctlillt o1 m"aert tncw.t IDCS tile our coda. We have uacd the brick, tbe bot& it to the Oeoeral S«retary with 'insti'UI:tiooa 11: .bl&t•1DC to ...raid, Tbe mu.cn., a kr11 _... o1 dtm&lldl tJl tM "pMCt IDU'• .,. IIAI801 EN!IC' Ia u. oaly •••P.,• prt•ttd &Dd match, and it hu been ellective on such to report to the executive committee of tbc lfiiU wtdcb may be lDcliMStd ciYtlii..U ta Vietam, Pfetw• eben'" Wbo ..UCS b' &D·hl .. ~ ;ll"d s• Ia U. City of ,...,on a..e•. -..1 , .. oely locally occuionl... General BoArd with recommendations for the 1D tM tatrocs.etioG arttblcom .. · blft .,._ pllhu.., lD &lllll.p-mtdlate Witbdnwal ol oar,... ..,_ _. :•::•• • .., ... l• tiM ~ ...... CM&. ..... Wben tbe revotutton JCtl under way md the most appropriate course of action that lbe tDc tJl tbe Wtae MtD ud tbe IIDt of •tloMl etre•ttoa, t1Dc mtD from V&etam. 1/Jfie.rP.Wtw• weekly.-,.,_...,, 5eeoM d ... ,. .... pa,ld flghtio& in the strecu is for tees-, doo"t blame Council abould take or. this important matter.' UIIUC eboru. &aiJ we WiU abow1Dc dead bocllelJIIciAa Dr. Cui MCIIIlrtt W'io • C.... •• Mit. Calif. the ~tudents, blame who is mainly rapoo&ible. This action was taken 68 to 14." dO Mlor to tbt blrtb ol tbe Ytllap ltrM. foUowtAc a ~ltl for tbe aotbC-., T& ICWfOIT RAI801l ENSleN ._ .,.J~ lo IM1• Mw•· And the chief culpriu, in c::ase you want to 10 The General Board also said if (desired) Cbrtat Cblld oo Cbrl.atmuDay. Ylcloua b&tUt bttwetD A.mert .. Rttormatloa Boar, _.,.. tbat I ol ...-.I ~·IMA.. .., co., ...... A-i0178 U.ecl '"hunfina," a.re not the students bul the pnDCh· ••to record iU dee ..... st appreciation to M,., .. _ A •~attr mi ..... to tbt 1111' cu IIOidlaraaad tbe VIet c-... 8bOI.lld w1D tbe war, 10 u to .. ltsl. lauiM eo... ... , ... eo .. , of ar..,., s..,. of d •-• ' ~ -·-.. ...~ ~-s ..._ _. ~, ,..... ,._.., i• ..UI_. 10 ..,11_.. all Ullc UJ an Inc t~oc er3. . . Forman for the presentation of and explanation r_._ w.._ tsuappeutd but I AW aatb1Dc to J:WO"I tblt Dt.,Utate from a poa&ioa of Mticee ~ ~ t.w.. q P P On May 2, 1969, Man:.st·anarchllt James conc.emina the Black Manifesto, and share the at tbtTtm;,ltaadlltoalsbedtbe tlltJ wert tbe 'fletlrns of oa:r lll'eactb ratblr" tba.D ..U.N. ArfO'£. HAAPA .... _,_M_M·---······o-..ct Publiahef Forman presented a list of demands. c::a.lled aspirations of the Black people of this country J)C'iutl wttb b1l b:owlldp of Croopt. At a reeeat Coacres.. Ht la orpntslq a 'fk:tor)' PIX: HAAf'A --·······-··--... -.................. .A8eOC!i•• EdkM a Blad. Manif~sto. to the General Board Meet-from which .it sprana: and commends to the btaYtDlJ tlll.Dp. 'l'bM cameW. u..I blulac a wUDta pYI marc.b to be bek11D W•Atnatoa sueK•tPTIOM ••TIS in& of the National Co~.Jncil of Ch~.Jrcltn. This communions the serious srudy of the Manifesto mta1strJ, tbe record ot. whicb ll1a tMtiiDOOJ, bat 1t wu IQib. OD A»rll 11 to clYt tbt Am•t ... Ia H......, Ana:: o-,.., M.OO; 2 ,.. ... 11.00 manifesto demands that United States churches exptttina that each communion will act 00 the 1a: pcll'tnJtd lll my Blblt Wbere seqoeat.ly rlfealed tbat be had CU PtOPle a ebaoct to lbow 0. ol a. ...... An.; 0.. -,.:•. 1$.00; 2 ,....._ 19.00 pay SOO million dollars as "reparations" to matter in its own way.'" Hls words are emphu1sed said DOthiDC wblcb WOUld~ tbe1r CIJIPO•ItloD to tbt 41DO w1D • Ncaroes for past "exploitation.'' 1be moocy Several have already capitulated, stealin& 111 red letters, which frequeaUy tbe fLDaer of autJt at uy of'*'" poUc)'" lD Ylttam. would be paid to Forman"s National Black huae sums from church treasuries, put there llll an eotlre eoluma, .oms-boys. Tbl tr111 lmaCt ot tbe A- Economic Development Conference to help by tith ina Christians who tltougltt they were Umes coverlq almost a wbole Tbe comrn&DdiDc oftleer of merleu .okUer1 u betDc finance a nationwide auc:rilla war. aivin& to Christ instead of aoti-Christ. PAce. tbe detacbmeat atated tbat be "upll ot mercy" ratblr tbU The Manifesto clearly expressed NBEOCs Ultra·leftist professor Harvey Cox of the Tbe DU'ratifl of CIU'I.st's did DOt order a massacre 1101" emlasarLu ol. del.th,.lbOGid be ARVO E. HA.AP.,4, owner .,d publisher of the Eilslgn intention to overthrow the U.S. govemmcnt by Harvard Divinity School is 3 leader of the ea.rtblJ mlsaioo I.J: told 1n the 4 WU be aware that ODe bad lakeD sbown to tht world. TbtJ bin force and violence. It states that: ··w e live in-"Theoloay Revolution." He brap that a ••few &OSPelsofM&ttbew,Mart,Luke place. eared for tbt lick &ad WOWI- side the U.S. which is the most barbaric coun-tho usmd"' hard-core revolutionaries are mov-aDd JohD.ItreYealsmessapa:of Nevertheless. a promtnelll ded VlttaameH,tbtJbanptii- HONOfl, COURAGE, LOVE OF COUNTRY try in the world and we have a chance to help ina into key posts in churches, seminaries, and splrlbal wbdom oaver before clerleealled.,atbeeoocrep.-erfd lD. tbelr ~ I.DII ba'ft brinJ this government down, but while we interreligious groups. recorded for tbe salYaHoo of lions trlthlD tbe area of bJa putormtd a multttuclt ol t1111-ln the face of all of the newS of turmoil 1 lk f 1 · h" h ·11 ~ d Wh "l k" mankind, Tlte story ·-~-a·••-·jh "'--·•-•~y,Dec, ly acta lor the ~-•t ~ tbo a o revo ut1on w IC WI uo:: an arm~ con· 1 c spea mg at Emory University, a __ ...,._ ......... •:t '"""--~ - and unrest and protest demonstrations, it frontation and long years of sustained guerilla Mcthodist·rclated school in Atlanta, Ga., from tbe blrtb of 1 DtW bope 14, a day of mourDlDc for tbe ch111an population. wb.lcb l ef h. ad to 1 warfare inside this country. we must talk also ""Black Power"" advocate Stokely Carmichael for maD OD Christmas mora, Ylttmmest people muaered sbould mvlt tbe1r actiYitle• s r res •na to re a s ry Ike the one f ·•-f ld 1. .d throu~ Ills re•elatloD& ot-lr-1n tbo llr Lal •-ldeot." 1n v·~-11> be r-•-~ IX> ~-c o utc type o wor we want to tve in. We sa1 : ··we arc for revolution and violence. &.. -u... uru..~u '" .... .,... that Eddie West reported recently in his must commit ourselves to a IOCiety whe:re the Yes. 1 m~aning killing.'' In another recent ltual truths. aDd reacbes a U muat be DOted tbat be dJd a.s tbe flDtlt btl ot soc.lal ..,_ sports column in the Santa Ana Register. total means of production are taken from the speech. in Mobile, he latd : ··Don't pray for climu wbea tbe We. tbeUpt DOtsaytbattbeywere"&lleged-Ylce the world bu et"er IIIHD. rich and placed into the hands of the state for power, don't beg for power, take it with a JUn of Tbe Christ temponrUy WU lY massacred bJ American Oa the otber band. U..lrbo The event happened right here in the the welfare of all people."" barrel."" Carmichael says that the destruction exttocutstted OD Catnry. Tbe tr<lqls," but be adds: "Let accuse Amtrlcaa 10ldier1 ol Harbor Area, at the Irvine Coast Country The Manifesto continues by urging all black of _the A~ric.::m system is the goal: This Ncaro oarratiYe teUs tbat He arose Cbrbtmu tb1s year be a day misdeeds Witbout eoocluttt people to-""Think in terms of total conuol of :tgJ tator ts one of many agitators whose names, aplD trom tbe dead and uc:eo-of cledteatioD to tbe memory of proof may be said to be a1d1Dc Club. The club was entertaining 53 Marines · · d . ded 11> ltoa•e• on EAmr morn. au mao, womea, IJid eblldreo lbe ..,.,.,, u aet Wllleb, ... the U.S. Prepare ourselves to seize power. Do VI(:Wpomts. an acttons we read of in articles from Camp Pendleton for T~--'-•glvlng, " Me< hod. 1 <h Wh In ,.u. of IUs mlln'elous wbo ba•e beeol.lld are the Yl<· eordln( lo ""'COIIItl.-, •· u.iii.&IAD not hed .... , for the lime is short and all around 1 ts you maaazmes. y? Why arc mira le& -~ the •-•••--•--o-11 h f e , i&lal .........,ss Ums of wars 1D Ybieh we par-mOWJta to treuoo. COGYlo.:uuu and Senator Barry Goldwater was dlnlng the world, the forces of liberatio n are d.recting we a owma 1 15 type 0 corruptton to occur in b1 b J br .... 11 •-• IX> 1r 1_. ,_... --. our schools imd churches? lsn"t it about time messaces w c esus ou.... c_..e." r easoa m ..-wn~u·t ..... at the Club at the Same time. The Senator their attacks agamst the U.S. It is a powerful A . d d to tbe wor'd, He was accuaed 0o tbe otber M....t Dr. stuart lmposlJ:Soa of tbe death~. mtnca 1 something lo prevent its destruc::---. country. but that power is not areater than tion·.• Cm ;m y mfurmcd and sane penon still t&l&el,y aod wUbout )ll5t cause, W:cB1rnie, "Tbe YoJce ot. Let us &boW tbat n b&Ye Was asked to speak to the men, all jUSt 1ho1 of hlock peopl< We wo'k 1he ch· f · II IJid was senleneed b> be era-A-•t-·'-," ~--~~ "-learned oom~•••• from tbo · IC In· tc h1m~1r. ""It can"t happen hcrc'"?-Ameri-..._ ~1 ~ .-.. Ul.O ......._ back from Vietnam. He gave an impromptu dustries m this country and we could cripple can Way Features elftecl. H1.s aceusers were told radJo bearers to wttb.bold Jodc~ trial ol Jesus btton Poa-by Pootlus Plate l:bat be bmd mtlll UDtil all tbe facts baYe ttus PUate, aDd bold acc.-1 3-minute talk, speaking of honor, courage . CANINE COLUMN been pre-.ci by per SODS persoas IDttoc:eat lllllltlbor are and love of country. The Marines respon-S , 0 p tesW71nr Wider oalh. IJid not ProYod cuWY. IAI as not mw T A T E Ill. to accose Amerlc:&D boys of the m1lt:ake of cruelt)'loc ac-ded with a cheering, standing ovation. By DIAHHE KEHT thai bas the attmeotl.lld eao'ldoiJlethlop•bleblboymarnot eused Amerleao ooldlers be· Barry was so touched that he could not hlde Buying a dog or PICli>Y 1s like tunetlon as a pot, Hlp-dlsplaela be•• doliO, Rlcbard Cottea, lore cuUI baa be,., proYed. th t h d th d. · t LJ Senator Ja•n ScllnJII buying a car. u you pay $100 to u.s Ugbt pades wtu DOt speaHog from ''Tbe couern.-u we sbow thl•tolera.DcP our e ears as e crosse e lntng room o Ill -•\J. --A tor an .lneJ;)enslve older auto barm any animal or mate lt to UYe YlewpolDt, .. Slid tbe otbtr Chrtstma.a ml1 be merrier. return to his awn table. your chances of comtog oul any way useless ucept for • • • trend:= ~:,:~uai:n =nt~r a:;" m:: ~;$ ~~ ~ br~~:: check tbe bactcrouM LETTERS TO EDITOR • · THE TRUE CROSS IS NOT BROKEN In our courta paps ot tesUI1lOily, lopther •est 10 times the lttlllal cost. ot the po.rents.llthereareaomt This is the Christmas season, and it reached a cUm:u: Ul1s b.ll wtlh the com:rnmists' on wri. It's the same wtth bl.lytag ebaJDptoos 111 tbe pedicree, JOU • SPlRO SCORES AGAIN wiDIIhth the rul1n1 1 of Jud~ lsPacht tiogs, ban proved this b et ma.n's best trteDd. A ~Y can be almost sure tbat tbe Editor of tbe Eo.siCD. is entirely out of place t o put up decor a-e ca.se o Angela v.~.Y • tbe beyond tbe shadow or a doubt ln that costs $10 to $30 may turn ~Y you buJ will klot 11te 0o T .• v., December u. 19li, tiona made in the form of a symbol that self.ideotUled member or tbe the mind oranyreuooablema.n. o~ Uke that $100 car. Sure 1t Ills breed aDd be attbutudard au procrams covered tbe CommWlist Party, who l&ontbe 11 was omc1ally recopdr.ed I.DII 1s a cbeap way to beat tbe COlt at maturity. You doct"t wut a nzJoiiB stories~ to typlfles the witch's foot and the sign of leachln• fll.eully a! UCLA. staled by the CommUIIIat Con-0: the twoeder., but In the lull( -. ar•t datto or a talldacil the Los Aocoloa ooUce "llln· anti-Chrlst. This is the broken cross, ·-~udrt Pacbt rtaled -~ tbe trot A.:t of 1954, wb.lc::llls stUl tWits 11 re&lb' wortb tt? lb-., dine'' OD tbe Black lilittMrs' tu raufet&lty regeats: ~ DOt 011 the boots -~ Is 0118 crl the First, before ..,,...,. .. aca.DlM U all cbecU out. buy your "UJIQl}"' 1D Eut to. -'•-Ms med upside down, which has been adopted dl.scltar-It•--Do.•ta ~..... -_,.... • r ,._ ~· ·~ ~-~--.._. •-,... .....,...._. few laws 111 tbU fteld W1tlc.b the cbect lDto wbo 11 •Wnc tbe puppy, 0~ ·~'""" .. CVI.ft!l tbt pr.nou day, al Wldc.b time as a peace emblem by the peace marchers. sbe ls a commtmi.st. To do tilt&, courts baft allowed to sta.ad. breed you wa.at. Cbeck wttb bas beeo feeding him because MYeral pollee omcers were Ml ha 1 W mb d t f 1 the JudKe reportedly held, would Tbls ~-1 -~·· the Com. otber ..._....le to dod out about a cbuct w1U caose diarrhea. wOIIDded --"-So can~ Georp D. &ceob. Nnportlleaeb c e ur ran , a pas or ormer y ~u.. Iter lor tar-ln -~ ~ ., ·~--..... -\qiOpU .... -muolst Party JudpPacht cbose this person. A reteriDarlaa Is a.od coatillue sbots to keep blm fiDe cWieassucbuhr'Qassem- of Roumania, describes it this way: 11 The tons and thus deny her "equal to tpore. Tbedecisloowasalso a &OOd source for thls. also healtny. blymea.u L.A. COUDCtlmu.u symbol of the communist peace is a very protecUon of the laws." comrary to law. Tbe UD1ted other people wbo ban boupt aclmowledpd eommUDIJit pro- Tbls declsion wu directly Stat 5 Co 1 ba , .... p•..,..tes from this peraoo. lessor, -'"-la DI.Yis, NAACP well know bol It alled cootrary to both tact and law. 81 ~eme ur 5 ru""' ._. MIKE RING MANAGER ~.., OCC FORENSICS TEAM WINS CHAitPfONSIQP n sym · was C Yet 1t had the force ol the law tbal thefederalperomentmay lnYesllpte to aee lt tblsper. OF SOUTH BAY CLUB aDd otber IJmp.thtqrs were the witch's foot in the Middle Ages, and just as though JOOgePachtwer; DOt require members of the soo n.cctaates bJ.sP'adesricM Mike RiD& bas beeD Dllmed qll'lted trequeatly IDdtrltliP'e&t it was a common symbol of the devil, leglslature and peraor rolled Comm<JDlst Party to register after they a.re weaned. Tb1s Is reetooal property manapr for rellsb for a period of 'P- Oruce cout CoUtee's all-cOGQQtrtoc foreuics tam bas added t more tourmmeats to Ita Ylctor)' Ust, lDcldq: tbe fall cbap1oUJl41s of tbe Soutbera Callfonda jtmlor coUsps. Be-cause or tbe wtns occ bubeea lnYIIed ro compota ID the NatloD&l JIIDJor Collep C.bam- ploosbtps 111 Ma)' 1n Mlcblpo. into one. a.s such, because this would be when the P~Y shots should an R & B Denlopmeal Com-prolimately teamtoutesooeaeh with the cross reversed and broken." The de<:lsloo wu cootrary to self.lDcrtmLDaUa.g. u merelY start, because after w8&Dlag. puy's Orange County prop-station. That is not an emblem for Christmas, fact beca.llSe the Com:n!ID.Ist be1DC a commual.st Is ln-the p~tes lose their motber's trUes a.od nsldeul maoa.rer or Ooe sta.Uoa Laterr1ned coo. Party Is certa1Dl not a mere crlmla&t1n&. oo what possible lmmUDlty to diseases wblcb the $1t.6 mllllooSouth Bay Club cened bl&.ck people oftbe same which is an observance of the birth that grOt() holding ~ular oplD-lepl &rOUDds can ltberequlted came from nursing. 1D Newport Beach, area Whose spokesman was a dates all history and which pointed to the Ions. 11 1s a dlselpllned. !bat S11C11 solf.lucrtmlnated In-Check ro see If tbo area ID His primary duties at the ?32 milllater. Tber ••• uk1nc lor true cross of salvation. crtmtzal coospltacy W'bosepl diYidua.ta t.cuaranteedaalary wbleh the PLWies ban been Wlit Newport Beacb complu poUee proCtetiOD 1D the area., 1s the 'llolent overthraw of all at a tu-~rted UDI.Yerstty? raised is cleao and rree rrom will be to coordioa.ts the leaslrtr. and said tb&t tbey felt tbat 80'11 FOR. WHICH IT STANDS Juclp Pacbtseemstobuelr-fl.lth. A clean uea sboWsaeoo... perMMlDtl., mai.Dteoa.oce &lldre-of the people 1Dtbtareadecrled lD tbt Southern Ca.llforDia C40IPOIItloa, occ took oc 400 ftMeatJ from U scbool.s Ud wcm tbe ftrst p.laes swi«<P'bta tropby. 1D tbt w..ten states touroey. ap.iD.st 18 )mlor col- lepaa.D!I 70 four.yeariiCbooll, OCC W'OD tbe juo1or diYllloa neepst:atea. oored this polat olla.w. scieotious breeder. Also cbect creatloo programs, aecordloc the ac::tl or l:bl Blact Palllbers A petWoo to recall Judp a.od see lf tbe JMC)S ba.Ye beea to Howard F. Ruby, partDer or a.od the otber lawless P"OIIPSo Pactll bu baeD rued lD Los AD-tJPC)Sed to people aDd 80UDds the Los Allgeles-bued buUdblr and wa.llled protect!OD from ples County, where b.15 court sucb aa a n cuum. claDer or a ft.rm Before )ltDiD:r R 1 8 tbem, Th1a l.ater'fln took leu ls located, a.od slpahaes are teleYJ.sloD. u tbey are. tbey lir. ·RJ..Dg was an admJ.Dtstra~ tbaa oat mtDute of T.V. time. DOW bela& ptbered by COUDty will adjust to a famliJ a klt tin aDd spec.la.l sentces of-Oo tbe mOI'DI.og ot tbe 1zth, resldeots:. Any judp wbo would quicker aad wtU ban become fleer lD the u s MulDe Corps tlle l:»llowtoc daJ' the PIPetS 10 blata.atly d.isreprd fact and a people do& be!ore your pur-· · · were flill of tbe stortesoftbe.o law lD a case otthislmporta.Dce ctJase. ougbt to be recalled. But Judp In breeds O'fer 30 pouocts, Pacbt is DO lsolated problem there is a malformltJ called LD our court system today. lllp-dl.spla.c.la; tbe hiDd lboal- Tbtre I.J: a Yery realposslbillty der s1Jps111&Ddoutoftbei0Cket, tbl.t b.15 decisloa may be IC)bekl caiiBIDI uthrltls at a JOWt«ace. wbeD appealed to bigber courts, lD rerally bid cues, It ls DSCes- ~anion We m!llt face lbe b.ct that by sary to destroy tbe anlm;.l at and tarce our courts ban com. IS moaths or ft.rst sip ol cle. m1tted tbemselns to m.aklDg tecUoo. Tbts malformlty caa law In -· ID lbolr proper skip 10 p_.._ IJid Ia not duty olllllerpretln(l.lldappiJIIIg the lli.UH ol the !weeder If II utsttq Jaw to l.ldtfldua..l cues. r.awsu. . . U )~Sees: are to be Ia•makers. But, tbe periOD seWDc tbe You knew 1t before Sptro Acnew said it- tbeJ lboWd bt subject to plQ)ies sbould (1) bt anrt noc r~~ryot~r in the Nation is sc.reaminJ. or tbe ame restra1Dta oo. tbtlt of w. problem, (Z) x.ray l1la rcbelln~J. o.r plottina t.o descroy society. Still, power tbal UtpJacedoatlactld breediD& ltoet for lt &Dd DOt after dl&esll~l the ~·Y s news, ~ ~onders if le&t•lltnrJ ... TbtJibouldbeCOD. breed to UJ doc tbat ... Jt, the o~-fashtooed v1rtues can st•ll n1st in our tNtad Ollet"ti'JbaUotwbiDIIICb m:t (J) tell 1111: ~ft new-fashtoned, sophishcatul wortd. OM of tbtir. t•ma of cd1ce buyva aboC lt.ACCJMC""*"-Dick West, editorial dirKtor of the Da/IIU •••• ~promptly WUclout breeder w111 r•Jac• a ~ Morfling N~ws, wrote a tovely column not lon& ol CIGlet It tbt laY tbtJ ma.te aao that does onc"s heart JOOCI. In this day and doM lOt 11tUtJ tbt tlldon.te. •ae. anythinJ that can do I hal detcrva rcpu.t- Tito r«a~~ procodtlro -be From the Bible '"'· So ,.,. '' '" .....,."1111 utd .ll euu '"It was a warm Indian summer aftemooD. ol tiPtdiJJJ na,rut .... 01. And the brouaht. rorlh her and in the front yard ot a neiahbor • man .... )ddal pow•. fi.u~ 1011 • ~d 1Wapped c::nwlin& on his handa and kncn in the frailly A MjOr taort 1J: 8Mdlcl to htm •n. swadd!m& cloc.bea. cut paa .... Hill hud turned OM way, then aWrlt I*Jflf.,.,... of tM lf•t Wld l&l d him In I miOJOtf 10 the other. _We watched another minute, iqat:uae ot )ldldll elee-because t.hcre wu no room walked acrot~ the: drive.way and uted· ~ 10 ~ ... Cit.,.,.. for them In the inn. •wt~•l'• wrona-may 1 help?' ' · to aJe ._.. • .....,....._ And lh8re were In dle a~~mc .. 'You aure can. 1 can't ftnd m1 cane.' no lll.ft ...._. Ud ...-.....e~ councry abopherdt abidina '"It wu only four teet aw.y, ao we picked it tlltU Mllilal)', ud to a.ro.e in lho field. keepina w•c:h up aod helped him to hit feet. Wit •• ...-:1 k IIPCb over &heir fioek by alaht. "'How lona have you beed blind'!' we .ted. "......... ADd, lo, the ..... of tbe .. 'Sioce I w• II -....ad rm in my 71tb year.' ~~ ~ ,.....IIH liP-Lord came upoo dt .. , •d "Ed 0 . P-blind but fu lroat ltdploao-,_ -,-1.111-Ita lito aJcny of lito )Ad oltoao and itt &~~yllody'o-a.,...~ -.., -...... •111!11--ad -· ...... , &lid tltoy -... ..,...... bl ... lt oalllaa --::-... ...:a.. ol .. ~I. C... were ION llrald. rad. matt for nMM"' tNft Mit a CMidiW). I ...-aw.-. Aad dtt &~~r~•l 1aid •to .. Door &o door ba ~ ..._,. ~ :.:..":"' --= ::."" ID "-• Pur ooc lor, looloold, pe-lally chootluJ, amlliol at a lito bO caot\ .. 1¢ I I c..t -;. .. • bd."!i JOII~tJDOdl~ ~~~~~ ol -~ ·-~ . -•-;do 111e,.... ...... , st llllt n ,.,, .. ._ , .. -to . ·-.r .....-)IOU • u.JI tD '""' c,,_ __ .... ,... ........ 1111 peop~., rar 10M ... to...,. your...,. I*J, ,._. ,_.:. ..,..._ ... .,. 1 lec.t'l Por •to JOO I11Joa •i• _.. ... row•w .. • •••t;to .... Md,.... Jortr• ,... --11 .., 111 •• dtr "' omr • t1to 11or: ., -_ l1aril..-_, -,. -It rortdp --Sa¥1~>~•. wlllcll h Otdot .. ..,.. _.-.,,_it. -·..... IM<L 8LJ..elo 2:7•11.) --l!d ...,._..., ll,lllol--. ly Marilyn Manio.n A &u.unFUL PERSON His mother was left to rear Ed, his twin sister and four younaer &iris. '·She took the childi"Ul to Grandfather Grea- ory Thuen's farm to live, and it wu the~ that youna Ed w u drivina c::attk out of a fiekt 00 a hot sum~r afternoon. Somethio& JOC: iD hts ~ye. It bec::amc infected. The doctor wu Dot very expc:rienc:c.d in such mattera. The infec- tion sptud to the other eye. Before he tnew it, life became dark-forever. "We watched him ao down the atrwt, alk.r ~ had picked up his cane, and told him to skip the next houac bccau~e it w• vacant. '"One arm wu full of brooml. He weal slowly, feelin, his way, and now and tbeo be lifted his head heavenward u thouah he c:ould tee the clear sky and the pretty En&tilb iYy which hu dimbed to the top bouJbt o1 a trtt: .... .. 'Life has bern JOOd to me.· aaid Ed Pope. 'Why lhoukln"t I repty the ~w• o1 peop1o. and ,of my COUfttty, by wortiq: my.lf, ...,.. portina myaclt, pnlolna tho Lord, ......_ - that love mt? l~n't. thai wbM it'a all about?' "Thaa'a ...,_, k'a aU .-. aU rip!. "'Happior:M? He bal it, •-datt bn>uaiM Ulh< k> hio ..... aad w,a-w.-.. t1ta yaJua dull cndlln. Sl:at*l7 ......... t ' ................ .,.._ ...... __ ....... hl:oe r-it. "To--lte-. .... tltaw, aad pot ~-.......... -·. .. AM ...... Oil I bl 1Wul Jspk t ., • :'.t •. ;k:turt: o1 c~~· tte, a e ••11. ,.. ............. , ... ....., . ...,., .... .... JCtllsl fo1*1 7 'h="'-A• 51' IS Wwy ...... - Boundary sllift delayed ---c-... ---... .._ nU enxt1 err~ 41cHIIdtolllk cte I I WWt 1'n IllS Ull '' v-.. Mil till lllfiW --ol T 'arala--. cMn'V• .. I" • ., ....... ~ ecllooll!Gu'd. A r II a'd'W call1lrc JDr IIIII liMI-ol .. Ofll11114d1-... ol boldl II ar.t JIIJI:d I lloool_....,. ........ ----........ ,;;;;;.I • ., "''wW'"telJ. Baud -., •• 11o7 o. ---~~~-toll II-be a-!liNGO u ............. -.~oe~~~--u.aor -.. lrJ II> 1111 -.... _ .. ___ , l.lt .,.,...-_ .... -----......... 111111&1 __ ................ ..,_ ... ,_ Hi .. Ud c ... del Mar JUP 1perCIItbtcl-oltbiDI"III .. .., ...-. 1171,1111-"illlll _. ... --. tor ....,. 11a -u -.. no --11oo "' --ae~a~a--.. -~--...,­lt"lO Ud .. 1971 -aU -.... lollowl.lc -.... , !II -flromlbl8analollar-I. U tbo Fib. 10 1u oloctloo bor HI &b. Each RCCeed~ArYtu. falll, tbe propu~ may ban to tllo -9111 --We> II& II& earlallod. · _,Ill lo -111&11, I. A ...,,.. -1 co- I!Wiac tbo -........ ·-.... II& ---.., bJ 11?4. Cbr.-u. AU -_..._ z. 1D tbt tfeat tbatperD'I&IIIIIt m.U -prtne.,.b &Dd t..eb- adctttJona art ready at Harbor •• -W1U bt made lollowlDc lll&b .,. lt71 bat DOt al Coroal tbo ·-dtl Mar Htlb IDW. a later date. s. Tbt ft•nc:lal pro)lctioal: tbe traufer woald be tbe ame are t:..8ld aa ma.Dmam IGI'OU- u rib No. 1, IJCC)t tbat lD meal uttmatec 1:1r tbt year; U71 aU ......... .,-t a.od ...... .,., t11o to._,. coold 10. woaldbltruJ::ferredtoHar. alter tbt1e projecUoal:: bor Hllb, Yltb ACe"''"' lD-IUI.rtea, cbup iD apec:ialap- eam.t.ac 9th lf&dll bt1D( trau-.portloamuta, ""'"*-re &Dd ferred •cb of the aut Z year a. operatioa~ COlt, reeoJatSon ol By th1a IMUII tbe traufer.Back Bay tu., adal A:.D.A., would II& eomplolo by U73. a.od ~ ID lollalatloo. A few membersoftbebou'd· Tbt acbedulu dates fbr'tbe felt tbat poalbly tbere could elemeG&ry Kboola are Juoe be aatweralllmmt!llatecbaDp, 29 to July Sl; aDd for MCGD.- bal lbo majo<lly leU tllalldary seboolll, JUDI 29 IDAueust -.... &lread7 .... to 11&,4. BLANKETS SERVE & SAVE- m.VING SERVER Ellpftt sll-sletl bowls 11M ..... lids, .. from ,. fripri!DJ lD table. Use lor ...U, rollshes, dips, or de- sort loptllop. 3 matdllftr ·-laclles & r...r.r.r -wllll wlnut flnlslllcl COIIIIltttset S4U UP 'htCit1CIItlladiiiii1J.JI ......... CUJ M .... -lo 1111 -!1111-t Bllfa.t lo ~~~~--- -_,.......,.., .. --QIIIIIJ, ............... bit did Ud Pluolq -l.onJ lilt lllld •ecb 1a tM ftJ ot..., Wu.ia tiD tM co-••UM • ,.,,r-. ~ ._..._ 1UJ, •Me!IIC • BECIMD a rtp011 troD: hd8c View "•D111l Part tideludl adatiUtratiDr Gear11 1o 1111 eJIJ .... .,._ _ .. ._. no-111o11or 111o1 111o - ~ ----· YJco..11aJa< UodoloJ Pu. tuo oo aetloll _ _.,. .... a.....t.ld, "U ttaere 11 Mora stu Beaelll 1.1. lloMr a r-n -...,. t11o IJ4e. Sbor.., u ,....,_ llftbo --. I -U -Clly Ca.ctl, Uld tllot tllo com. peaple trill be • my tddt." mutee bl.a ncommeadld to tbe Ieiba Ytbert, pr~ ot Pa... Harbor Com~ tbat tbe ctllc Ylft llemorial Part, re. 1ud use will remal.D u 1t ls PUtd. uu I biU' from tbtm, DOW. ru lit JOU !mow." • RECEIVED aotlee ol. tbt Tbt Coac:U toot tbe~ 'tol-election ot Wade BeJeler, u - lowtllc aetioD oa otber 11e~U oa ailta.at JIDU&l ..nee. dlrec-lllo MOW!_ai .. _a_, tor, to lllo baud ol dlr-1 • ).OOPT£0 Ordlauee tW, of tbe Street SlperiatudeU wldeb •NndoDs tbe 511111bor&rd &ad .,,, ..... , A.uD.. UcMIIlq procram. • APPOINTED eJec:ttop ot. ... • APPROVED flrstreadiDcof fteera ud dltdptC poWDc Ordlaace 13!5, deslpttnctbe places tor tbt Ju. 13 electioo l:tl.JowiAc bolidllya ODWtuebdrl-OD uteuioa ol tbe Ba.U:Jc. BI.J TUI may pull; t.beir nbieles 1D Club Jeaa; polls Ylll be opeD metered &ODUwttboutpaymeot: trom 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. {Tut ..,.,. &mday, Jan. 1, Fl!b. 1!, ot tbe ruolatioD 1a Oil pace 2, Fob. Z2, llay 30. July 4, Labor -· 3.) Day, Sept. 9, Oct. 1%, New. ll, • ADJOURKEO to 1:30 p.m. Tba.Dtqt.YID& Dly, Cbrlatmas MOiday, Dec. U, Day, ltate-wlde election day, a.od days appo!Dted bJ the pre--~--------­sldeot or pernor tor a pllbllc ._ fast, thanbdYlDg or bollday. • RECEIVED ootiftcatioo • • • from tbe League ot CU!toro.ta ClUes reporlillg the a&:IP01Dt~ ment ot MayorDoreeoMuSball ofsodal note HICKORY CURED ••• 1 FoUta used to think rheumatism could be cured by carryina a hidcory nut. Today. we lauah at lbcse old wives' remedies. W~ h.a11c so many reliable, quick- actina rncdOtions now. Medical dlSCOIIcries in I"CC!Cnt yean hnc eliminated or areatly eased untold pain and sulfcring. But, remember-most medicines should be used only upon the: ad111ee or your phys.cia.n. When you or a member of your family bccomc ill, see your doctor lir..t. Then ~·omc to us for the medtcinc M pre5eribl:s. ..... COAft ...,_ oc.w• ...... ........... GROUIID 1US 11R0KE11 ~Y. Dee. o .... 1bo 11-olory addltioD to Hoac Hospital aa.me!l "floac Tower." Tbe $13 mUUon master plarmed medical t&e1Uty w1U be bW.U during the "reach years," 1969-1970-19'11, aDd wtU al- leviate the crtUcal short,lce ot patt.eat beds. Left to rleht wteJdl.Qg the shovels are John KUlefer, president ol the ''552" Club, men's grQtC) wb.lch Stft)Ort.s Haag Hospital; William R, Hudsoo Jr., Administrator, aDd Mrs. W. E. l.angstoa, presldeot of Hoag Hospital Au.rlliary. as wlce~cha!rman of tbe lea-., n.a ·~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;~ gue's committee oo.reYeoue and .....,.---------~ Chamber elects Currey .:;:: ale;:. ~c:._~.:~ Co1'0111 del u.u-&ttoroey · U;. SteYens felt that tbe dl-~~ U.: ;; ~.!': Charles R. CWTay 1IJU ll!Wii· r~tor ~ ;'•..,lkl ~ as LD-bome from Germa111, .:r-ub.; mously elected presklut of tbe diYidulls 1D lbe positiQD that bas bela w'J.b ber ~ bUI- Nft'i)Ort Harbor Cba.mhe.r o~ each takes. .. ba.Dd. Tbe celetntloo woo't be by tbe Cbamller Former presidem Job.D 8.ac-tete bOW ..W alter board su~ceedlq Rt. Dab said that seTenl people,~ flrsi ot ~·year wbel cbard ste•ens, Ylce.presJdeot ~.,. =:' rJ!: !e ct;:-m~ Nancy's busbaod, Frederk:k Balboa Boy Club. Olooa, Ill ·-bact 11> jo1D Baltm Bay Club lease Harbor c!lamber bad come out them. Fred Ylllbesooo~- ul..,;Joo quesUoo 'W'41 discus-aptnst tbe . lease proposltlon, ted from tbe serrlce &Dd tbe at the ooa.rd :::DretiDg. M::. wbich w1U be 011 tbe Jan. ts. J'OWll COIQle w1l1 be .n-ste••... urged his boo:1 tD ~laleleo-ballot. mODI biiiii!De tD tile Harbor about t:a.klng a sta.Dd 0118 ~ bope the press can make Ar• way or tbe other 00 tbe l&sue It llhderstood that the COI'Oia • • • • He feU t!JaJ II1J' posttioD ~ del Mar orpniu!lou.ts not as-Mr El1a.bethPOI.ttber fr tbe bolu'd would tate rllht soc.lated ·~ ur. t'l <-•v •~ '"~ Looa: ~J.a.od., H. Y. bas rJur.: be bad sen eel as presl-whatsoeYer • Mr • Macnab said. from the eastero -board to would be hlchlJ""suspect. ''Furthermore tha.tCJ'OI.Cilsjtut tate _.berCalllorllia.resldeDce It wuld be just u suspect, a collection of busiDessm~ al: at 451 Cata.liaa Dr., Newport sa..:d, a.s tbe Coroca del Corona de~ Mar and Is .oot af-Heia:trts. Mrs. Pattbe.ra: dlYides Cba.mber ol Comm ~r !-'! ftUtat~ nth, the uttnnal. ·ber time between tbe 2 coasts -rd's •OOQUDCed IJIIP(Nii&Q orpn.:atl~. ?. c~r.s o.· ~ whlle LD the Harbof Ar~ tbe proposed oew lease ooe cornm.rce. . sb 1s1ts .... ._.,.._ John · Mr Ste•ussa'1tllatbe~ · ~ ., llt;.L ..,.__., .~;-~.;~ He DOted tbat somt • · Vogel ·11 dei MJ; oer•:b&W that DeJI: year tbe Co=o"ll. del • • • a PttWoa dl.saY0-.1111 Mar bua1Dtam91D ml&tJtbeper-M~s. Wllbur Jaddell ol tbe Warmest Wishes from THE HEARTHSTONE Cbunbtr t..nrsc~tetao-Aided to become m«e closelY Balboa. Bt.y Cte wW. celtbnle ...... , .... ..-..tboln1ews. ldeollftod_tbo ___ • .,...._, ... Cbrllltmaa.... 2711-e; coast hwy. bor Cba:nl.er. ~ u sbe wu boro Dec School fights drug peril ~~ ~~:?.,~ ~.~ corona del rna~ =- Lite all schools, Esb.Dcla IP"QIC)S made it their pi to ~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~;i;;~;;;~;;;; Hlgb bas a drug problem. But he.-, the school go through ID r unlike some scbools, t!ley are entire year without a serious aware ot it lDd are attempttnc dope problem, to do somethl.ng about tt. Tll.Ls Vlce.prlocipl.l Bob Fraoces was sboWD la&t week When 14 sa.Jd ooe ot the maJ.n. ways tbe students were arrested on DI.J'· problem 1s being helped at the cotic charps. scbool is "the older ldds Capt. R. P, GreeooltbeCosta puttiDg down " Mesa Pollee Department fell: He feels tbat that the arrests probably would much greater 1.n tbe lower aod han GeYer bee~~ made 1f It had"l.ntermedlate grades, juo.ior DOt been tor tbe cooperation of Mgb aDd early lllgt'l sebool, IDd the scbool's admLDlstra.Uoa.. tbat the older ooes are oow Tbe school, Capt. Green re-turning more a.od more to other ported, is cooperat1q wtth the WIJS ot eJpresstngthemselYes. pollee 100 per ceot aod bas less This "peer educatlon" older of a DI.J'coticproblemtba.Dotber students setttog the model tor schools. J'OWlPI" ooes Is be&1Julin& to Esta.ocla prlocJpal Floyd llan ao effect, De said. Tbis • . llaJrryl ... said IJlal be.,.. lbo alooe wtlb Estaoeta•s <Lrueedu- majortty ol tbe stUIIelt&: are cation u:1 student couoseUDc datDc: werJ1tll.oc tbty cu to rid procram, ls begtmtng to turD tH sc.bool ol the drug abuse. tide away b"om sucb great drUJ Be SIJd tbat .,era.l atlkleat abut, be &ddecL PIES ~;~~59t SCOT IIIG ROLL - WHITE OR YELLOW riis .2/39c : HO. 3SQUAT CAN . 37t• • •GUIERS • · · · · · · · • STR-ED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I'OOD l/39f ~ ANGERINES 2Lasl94 ltir MIXED NUTSL·394 HARDWARE . JIIIS'I'Ul) tl. ... .-1 .. OS .. lEW .... I I 3 $-tl. -Call' ... -...,_...,...._..,........,_.. "Your Houaoh.lil ltoN'.' OPEN NIIHTLY TO I~ UNTIL CHit.lMAI ~-" • • • .._... ., Clli... • ., • rr e• at hlrnlw .... •a 1M' .. c.--. bela_. oiiMliMl -I rwlooellollllpllofl .... olllll-· ........ I ......... c-... __ _ .n. ...,.._.._.,.., .. rtv ... amtt•-r' o. .,. G11t i. n. ... a 11t __...a 111111r 111 Ce*.._ r •••nu•.c.at..., .• -. xu.. ..... an. Ceoolr ........ -... ,....... 1111 '--Ill pntoiL (a ..... ,aolo.) sPa:J.u. .,. ru·wuK '" FOlD CustoM 4 Or. W 4H 'II. •lito., ,._, ,...,;., I .fi•c llr•k", IINtw. Ctty ef Ced• lilt•• Poliq ur. C..,,otoly 111oi•· •• ._.. •• Ttt.M., .......... __ .......... ,.~ ..... .,. ..,.;t. ftJIIICI140tt) IStt. N•. "411) 1490 '64 CoetiHIIIal 4 11001 SIDAM Fwn ~ .... FAClOU COHDITIONIH&. 7791 St.d 1600 $1190 '66 CHEV. '1 TOM V.I. Lo.,..llftl, •••ct, ••illio, tr..otor. ITIJSil l $1290 '65 PONTIAC 6U.MD Pill F11ll , .... .,. ,..4 FACTOII:Y A I I CONDITIONIN~. fHQX1lOI '67 Chevrolet IMPALA I H. H.T. \II, •"'•••tic, P.S., r•<ilio, t...~. ITSM tUJ 5hlc~ Pun $1300 '68 FORD •AU.XJI IN 2 D•. H.T. lo• ..,a .. 9,. VI. ~i ~yl •oof. 111fo .. '-5., IWXG -47SI 5tod: HJIA. -............ ·' f.ct ....... ~. ..., •uil. $1990 '67 MUSTANG MAntOP VI . n .... II.S., UH. . ,I•U HOT ONf"' IFOl l-411 Stod 1117 A LAYER TROPHY AW II, RIOIKII!DEL Jeff GooUb u1 1:.orrJ llorfo c-dol -·· ... ...,. ' ....... 1Im c:..o,, a. .. _D ..... -f lllniPI AftM I -IWlluloiiiP ----loll>-""""'wllboiSpolalpor- --k .. 5-llulplcUd ...... c:..or .......... LOCAL MERCHANTS are_...;-1!wt ,_., 11> o tlllplaetii ... Uolllo Lake-II; OOellla ul -· 1 .... corooa del liar, to pr_. a rr. CU11tmu: man., ••My wood .._..,. bJ wt.~Dc tbl ud &ou...s.r, 5. aide of lbe JMIW!bta,., at 1 p.m. 'hear ud Wet *'· ....,.,tloD re.1. By bMtlllc Ramcw. c:oro- Dec.Z3aodZ4.Hereareoc-lromtbemorte,w111c•-• no Sea Klap--odftDcedloiMIIId.-,-· Teddy Eccles as Sam IDd Tblodore SO.J u Budo. la tbl Hwttllk-'Beaeh toarMJ dialed for lut al&llt qalllll: tiM _, DIIM ·wllbo5llo41 -8-.... Boo<IIOIIon. MESA LOSES 14 TO 67 VALL!L y LEAD$ IIIUIHS nctory "'"' lop ..-FolloWioc 111o <lplmhc -· Tbe Costa u~ Mu«np Ra"''Oa DIJ dRilc tbe Jtolid&p, tbt were defea.ted84 to6?bJR&aebo JobD ValleJ1 ol. 8dloa lalud J.aor DoD KlJllaD led tbe K1.Dp wtl1 play oae more pre- Aiamltos Tuesday lD tbe ftDil ::s_bi&tl ~ ID&D-UIIIol UCLA.!UIIp wttb 11 potats. 5 olwb!da leapt p.me, at I p.m. Ju.. I roUDd p.me 1D tb8 Uunttnpoa ----mtd tbl :ame lD tbl 1ut Z mtngta of Oil tbt bome eo.t qaillllt Loac CONTINUOUS SHOW ~ Tuu Loocbono991ostSolur-~.. s Beacb tourDI.meLA. ....,.., a1-iD l..olh-Ju J play to cUDCb the Yletory. IItke Beach Jordaa.. Leapt play wu.a :=:::::::;:::'"':··:S:U:N:. FI:O:M:2:·:·M:·:: Tbe Mustangswerescbeduled ~ :-......, • otua,..,_ awle 9 poblta· Marc bectD Ja.a.. 7 wtUI &a I p.m. to ta.ke on Westminster at 5:30 =-~.~~':'w:.!:Gripby, &; Ste't'e Ho~, 5; bome pme apiut Eclt80IL p.m. yesterday, aDd Newport .,,_ ~ Ue~·•· Harbor was to meet Warrea <WI """"" co ..--Ylctory. • Hlt, Sc=~ ~;-.m S.Uos, zo = : .. : :,.,.~ . ...: Hopes h1gh for JV team wttb 19 points each, were hlP, tbe BralDs crusbed tbe Mlaml lor llesa apJost Harr!c:aoes lZ?toeg,INII!Dca By RIOIKREOEL IDJeacuooellootblayoar. scbool ac:oriDc record. Tbe junior •ars1lr bas-.J Tbe Seo Kla( jomlonran..U AREA SHOWIHG 7,00 AND 9, 30 P.M. aqllld at Corooa del Mar Hldl Mater Del MODdQ derDOOD bJ Scbool U competing iDtbeSuta a SCOI'e of 67 to Zl. Fonvd Ala totaaameat. RlcJt LooP'• wu b1&b KOI't:r Cc:.ch Bob Werley, 1t'bo bas wltb 11 poiDt&. Tbt w1D booltld mOYed ~ from last year's B's tbelr seuoD mark to 4-2. to All the spot vacated by Tandy Tbe Coroaa 8 tam, coacbed GUlls, DOW tbe YUstty coach, b)' Joe Dom.lDie, Pcdtoaallw seems eoofldent ol a lllgb.tlnlsl:l statioll but lboweclllnprortmllllt bJ beotla( ~ 5S 1D 5Z STEVE PURDUE HAMED 1a11 Friday. Tbelr -mart PIRATE OF TilE YEAR staD1s ail-S. Hlcb ocorer lo Offenstn tackle Sten Pur. Jlm Coty • due wa.s named Plnte ol Tbt C team, UDder ccacb AJ the year last week as <:>ra.qe C&loDieo, 1s s.z after beat1llc Cout CoUep hoool'ed Its foot-Westera Sl to SS Jut Friday. ball team at a.n awards banquet Tbey were lolld bJ fresbmtDJeff In Santa Ara. Ward wttb 11 polDta aDd Tooy A craduate of Muloa Higb BaJdriD wtlb 10. Scbool, Purdue was a member ·--------... of the ofteDSJYe llDe that con- tributed a major' part to tbe Boes' 6...%-1 record th1J: year, tt.e best since tbe Junior Rose OU Ill CORSI PANAVtsiOfil• Bowl year of l9&3, 0p.n Niwhtly 6:45 p.m. r=J TlCHNICOLOII. TM.m eapt.aiD boool's weot to .. ,. --11-.:br F!neb SterllDc aod Suncl•y 1 :45 p.m . otreDs:tn eeoter Rob PuroelL 1 ~-------­sterling abo r eceh'ed the most :!!=======;==:::;:;::~ uluable player award ud tbe Roeoc Perpetual Trophy lor !be ...-ooa•ct.ted tackles. n. ' . .., ' .., Rod Goald Aftrd. elY• b tbe most minutes played. weat to Bob Curry. a defensiYe back wbo l.DtercC!IJCed 6 aerlals this year. '-.;;:;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~-' """""""" ·-. ';/~ THE LUXURIOUS IIEW IALI4tA THEATRE . JteCJt •2ND HIT Bri~J.tfr1-r coc 5rli AND LAST WEEK POSITIVE! Y ENOS TUESDAY I c 0 ;~ IEtMIItllLOI .... ... ,-....... , ......... ·-·-......... ......... ·-. . .. -. UC PREXY VISITS HERE FREE! Merchants' Clrislmas Movie Preslderi: Cbarles J. Httcb the University or Ca.llforDla met wttb members or tbe N:.~:~c~Harbor Cbamber of C aod Onoge Cooaly leclslators Tuesday afterooon. Yr. Httcb said be welcomed opportunity to listen to Tins tbe commtmity. He described problems of ftDaDce, on bealt!a sct.enc.e b.cllitles, acrde'fiDctbe rlpt kind of b&laace betweeo tea.ctllD& and research, a.ad tbe relattonsblp between academic freedom and academic respoo. slbtH.ty. The coo1ereoce was bosted by Charles Caney, president elect of the Newport Harbor Cbamber of Commerce, IDd Dr. Nolan Frlaelle, cbaJr. mao oltbetdtteatioocommlttee. CbaDceUor-Dan AJdrlcb al8o alleated tile ,....... u did Auemblymao Robert Burke; Ed Ward, represeataUYe of AI- Mmblymu of Bob Aadbam; DaTI Jaffe, rtCII'HeDtatlYt ot X• Xory; ud OCI admlntstn.. lora ..., faulty ....,._ t)fySideoftbe t,Momrtain A fresh and stimulating film for everyone! PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS TWO MATIHEU fOR ADULTS AHD CHILDREH TOO TICKETS MAY IE SECUR!O FROM LOCAL MERCHANTS Glendale Federal Savings Christensen Pharmacy Karen Margreta Imports Dan's Port Barber Shop Korker Uquors Scenic Properties CDM Animal Hospital Holiday HOUBe Liquors CDM Bbell Service Btatioo Mr. Flab and Chips Arcade Carpet and Drapery, Kentuclcy Frted Chicken Jt1Atl %AtJ Ut>() v .. ,~ PMA' ~~IU MAiti-"~H eA~t> ••• Merrell Hair Deatgn United CaWomia Bank Cout Super Market Harbor Paint and Wallpaper Brookings Variety Bwlbard Pharmacy Jotmnie'a Uquora Antllony Shoe Service Bank ot America Koble' a Glfta 1/AN C!NG • ~'1~11tiN.MJNI • ~rz. e ~ \..\Ar? ~0\4?~ Mk"-CI'2.$ """"" lo y-- looololooctl,ol•• c.~~m.- • Albertaoo'a Marltet La Caattna Liquors Warren' a Motorola TV l)lmmltt Quick Clean Center Happlneaa I.a A New Rae ,Hiflll'y'a Reatauranq Corbin-Martin Realty Zuble'a Re*burant Jlm Clinton Jewelry The Enalp New~aper at Corona del Mar's PORT Theatre TUUOIIY MID WIIMISDAT DEC. 23-2A._,._~ " , SEX ED PLAN IS ASSAILED ' (C_.. '~--1) I ud ~ -~~ --• • '" II tzMtr1 z 1•1 PN =~• ·~r•-lll..ltrida. ud It wu a !a*Jt ........... ro.rr ........ --llou la*CIJII 1•'1!1•, ....., Clltllepar .. -IOt .. fiiiiDhf WID ...... -.,,.··I ed I f PI -ud. ... ...,.., ,,....,...._ ai,._OiftJIIr· a.a&l-Jrs.M Mill ......... It 1M tM 1dlfldlal MM ...... ...; tlcwllr lllh& tit -... ,_ wUidtWMI-•• I ""Mwtr..-DWrkt ..-.,.llurlroludldl'u--will.....,. II,_ ro-w~~~.-,_..,.w-~·­ ll>r _, J-11111 *--PI 'rile Jo ... -lrJio.-J!*..W-ar li will JW.U-.Udtlrllllo IUdiiJ ........ lo ar.JlJ 1111. * ..._ Uhf h-lol'lrlr 'ft1 Cll ..-,-I (.. • ...... ,., wt.D ... " tlrt PI'OII'UI· _...ua~ron election held :;,~ ... ~-= !i!e.7-:! Tbo ..--8oprdrca.., la*rtllrlac«• •-· ~ .. TlloJwlll-alltu llo11U7 _... 1o llu oloctod * 1>Uo1r11r olll-'I'IMI a... -.......... -UCI--Ud ·lbll li Ia * -cera.,tbl:comlllcJIU:com. a. a...._,. ..,.....Hot. o1 u.. DUirid wW be WcQ uu 1""-tbiap art IDIMu', JOb W••'""*"'; u.a. bolttlr• 4dt:IW to lr• tall eu brtAI.atJ lila a. tM aut · cbUdre udtir ;;;'i.(f·~;,;; teaut commlllder, ISIICIUYt, baUiac ~ a.a.pabllc. 10 Jtu'l. 6)r rtptllc Bob Wtmp .. ; u.n-• com. Bulc bcJ&ttDI CC:.IM an ol· "Art Joa wWJactopm.bJe?'la to r......-....';~;:"'1": IIWidor, ~ .._.,. !wed to lllo poblk I -• Are ,.. .,...,..... to paf Soclal Sc-• • TltURSOAY, DEC. II, 1!111 T&Jiar; MCretary, EW. Yu. ,_,: IUIIAZJ, J .. ud Sip.. tbe prjct?'' DOt beUilft tMy caa oell; trOUIII'U, Eneot lle<k; to-. Tbo .-....U .. .., llro. llarlla'a --,._ a promloe. FO< lllo Soclal BE mombe<~larp, DtU Loe-M"'!''IJ 11ic111 7 lo 1:10 al 11M ,._ llloi>Uolrllr-Sc-. _.ad! to - koy;aodii-..-,Cari<M-11......,n Harbor Yaellt Cl..,_ .. ~ .,1 all-to laapolllf<aiiJ..-k• low IDd BWMIIfl.stuleyS.Ct.. '710 W. 8Q Aft .. Btlwa. Tbl tM objld1n1 0( tbe JIICCWid 80('t1n.ue bermll•, l.lld tb1 IN BY CHRISTMAS CAMEO SHORES aut cour• wUl btCta Ju.. lZ. _.. IPPI"C*• to IU tdw:atton bam••un Stuart Foote d·leS at r.t ... 101 ........ -··-'"Wbii-.M ~ .. r:'!;l::"'.~: :.:.::: W. Sbu1 Foote, 54, Rnport He la sun1Ytl! bJ b1s wlfe, compW. rte'l:d b' tboet wbo t:raUoa ue Bt&cb IDnruct tftUr ud Mary; a -. Doa&ld; Z cJaacl:l· 4o. Tbt rl&'lt to IA8t1ll r-.ltor, d1td ol a beut attack tera. ll.ra. UDdll ....,_ ol rttqlouly orleDtacS monJpre. Dec. 10, at Ma rllidtoct, lUG SaD Dlt&Q, and Katbllot ol tbt cepta 1Dio u.e tblnktft1 o1 ooe's t1oll: ln1De AJt., Blycrllt. Ht wu borne; motber, Mn. E1111'*"1 ern dl.lJiirl:ll la ooe o1 our are oal1 ODI bon Aacust 1, 1915, I.DPocnc:. Foote, Sell Btaell.Uidia.._, prli!W'J ripts am. thoae no a.od oal1 tbt mow• BEST BUY IN CAMEO SHORES! FOUR BEI:l«XXMS, Z-1/% BATHS, LARGE YARDWITHOCEAII VIEW AIID PRIVATE COMMUNITY BEACHES, OWNER WILL COHSIDER LEASING ft'ITtl OPTION TO BUY, Uld reslded I.D w. state all hls Mrs. Karjarle Ford ol Inctl•• , dl.sreprd tbe lmportwe of put at u.t. What la ol ute. He .,,,,.., ... 111s omee Gn•oslde ...-...... ~~~ thU rtebi are .. IJtdolelllllble lmporlaDee .. 11!1 -RIDDLE g, ROSS, REAL TORS at 108 McFaddeaPL,DearNtw. Dec. U, ll Harbor Rest Me· I croaud. attttvdhwl aDd belll.rionl port Pier. morla.l Put. BtU Broadftv "Tbe k1Dd of su tducatloo CbaaCIS to tbe u• olnl~M&. 3535 E. Coast UorbarJ wu tbe director. tbat we ban had 1n our scbools ADd I'Ye seen eaoacb 1D. oar tor so ,_. ,. 101 cotog to dlstrtet to c:orrrlllce melbllthU Corona del Mar Here is contest winner ~~ber=~~..:e'!~ ..... ~lllola..: Hwy., 675·7225 JOUDPt•• to &ecq~•'"' tbem of Eacllsll, IOCI&.l~Ddlee:, hls. Hero Ia tlw! lrlaolDg ...,, Wo to ldbore to bls ldeols, Ia wllll lllolr pllflloJocjeal pro. tol'}', &ltd el•lea, al lout allllo nittaD by lla.rbor Hlp studeat ditlDtly lDstllltcL cessa .em approprlatt to HtgbScbool..,..el-Uidldo!IDt Meri:let B)IUud, 1D tbe ''ODe W~t aU .... God, tbo1p be tdliC'JIIoo U tbeJ are pll'ed to btlilt'e tbat this wlllcoatiD•to DaUoa -.derGod''eaaycoateat m&1 be of dUitreat D&blrts. the prq.. dnelapmeota.l &0 u.Dtba.l.Jeopd,'' coadDcttd by tbe Newport Tb1s aew COiillhJ breatbtd by staces of tbe studeat&, ·-------.... ~ llarbor Exebaoce Club: 1111 will, UD11or 81s -._ Ho '"Oao protest -f0<1r • • • 1a 111o --.,. 8001. lllo ·q .. -1 .. 1 woald uu 1o Pm 1wm ''ONE NATION UNDER GOY' peace of a m1Dd, tbe lot'e ol a repster la that. 1D mJ,.,.nton. W1bster detlDes "oae" u We. To some be 11 merely 11 did ~ lt'eo touc11 cxa tbe "11!1 awnber -"' llllllJ.'" lbo jlDgle to tbelr poetots or -.. polal " ll!ls ..... realty Tbe "lll.tioo" meaDS "tbe ID.. tbe work tllat ph tbt jlDele coatroftrsy &Dd tbat Ls are babl.tanta of a CO\IDtrJ Ublt.d tbert. It seems to me tbat I.D tbt par eats iD fa tor oluj pro.. UDder a sln&l•. iDdlpeadeat P.. th1s eouatry, a mu wtl!w>CGod cram ot tamUy We IUid se:1 t'lflliDaoC." "UDder" rtlera to la "'1tbc:M Ute COUIItry. All tbal tduc:a.Uoa wbicb tea.cbes that "subject to the authortty, I'd-tbt Ulllted states of America because of u ~eat sexual d&Dce, or lutructtoo of," IUd ata.od.s lor la; r:..csoaCbrt.tla.D r~WDlutloo. tbtJ sboa1d adapt "God." tbt ''S~.~Weme Be.lac; ethics. Here, as IIOWbert else tbe:lr suua.1 attitudes aDd be- lDcorpor•t, diviDe, StC)ltme, 1,u. tbe world, webantruellber. baYlor to aceept a mtwe .. ., ... I ildlnttt, miJ:Id, splrU., .eout, ty to belle't'e I.D our God, &Dd to aW.twSe toward pramullal 511, prloclple, We, trl&b, &Dd lo¥t." follow tUm as we elect. Tbt law bomoiUaUly aDd all otber Wltb tbese 'l'ords the towlclers 11 formed to allow b' tbe to.. alll)eetl ol ..:i1 Tblt 1s aft:8r ot our eot.mtry pledpd tbelr cU'ftduU's reupoo. U ts de. 111, put o1 tbe to1a1 obiecun illegiaDee. Our torefllbtra 11caec1 to 1at b1m put b1s God bell1Dd lbt tt!l'*lnc o1 tbe came to look Ox America. Of first. bJs coaatry stCODd. poo-t• of tb1J procram. 642 5200 wba.t ber DillDt would be or tbe settle weft blessed with or procram wu coarse, they dJdD>t kDOW theo Tbe men Wbo came bere to, '"Tb1a ~~~~:,.Eocs:"'~is~.::..::~·.:::.:.:~ sbai>eCIIberbodJ.Tbe7dldlmow eooaace..., -God-- tbat ber miDd was set o:a u. ea•• tbem flU'S to bear tbt pectatioos. We were bon LD tbe heutbtals o! tboel to ~Be arms ol f&ltb. Our lltber wu a pYt tbtm tbe p.tt ol a filtb oortto,.,IDI!o-to}ll*laiD --ean.lo.foo-* tbt bea.'t'cs Ud '" a. on ~ness at oa... We art Wu. o.r !DOtblr wu a ::0.., l&tioa UDder God." cbolee, to tate: oar~·· ""'•••ture aaoJplotllt(loooort BLOOD IIEEDED of the MOftolq &bois of Old Tbe Amerleu R.S ~~ World btlleta, to ft1t aJooctbe fbicb -.:;.plies all c paths of ca.J.clllated rlsks. Par. Co:aoty bolplt:als su1Dg our ow .a falths, we had to 1s t.r below e.e reAase someone else' a. lliiCied for op<tra~lllt ilo'fel'l1.., Like ao almost I'OW'dJ ud tm· Frld&J, Dee. cocweatiooal plrate we cUmbed mobtle will bt at hl&b, tbe dagv ofllldlpeadiltoce behreeo Z:SO aDd p..m. to 1'1· cleoched between 01a teeth, pleaish tbe aeaded ,.q, Wltb freedom ta our flats, we stopped 1D toot aRU!!C1. tt na tileD we ri&UJed U.t whMl you•n JOODCo "'IJ'JtbtDc Ulat slltaes seemstobtGod.So.ome followed temptation's path. TbeJ were tbt ODH wbo fl1Jed, wbo did DOt ooatr1bute &ll)1hJl&c pbsbntle! to tbt em• erc~Ac iiOfereipty. otbers p.- don tbe1r atlftsb ptidt for tbll ultlmale -of all. 1'bls pal-tlAc oae81U uJde b' tbt biDe· ats of otbtrs wu tbe ftJ'st of maturllJ to lbo -atiOO. CarlDc about tbt ot.btr mao's bli>Ptaess &ltd lmowlarll!at Ills bii>Plaess Ia Ills lr-to .to Tills GrM1111( ~od ud bellt't'e as 1M wisbes, lJ! 8J 111o IIIli of biJIIUllJ. A otrl•tog CommlltM Far AdJJolnrall force saeb u tb1a, tbat makes of B.tt, Roa. a mu wUJJ.ac to lltt ~ a 10ft i!.==;;;ii;===.!i lll\IATID ON TIN ACiliS II'ACIOUI I & 2 II-APARTMENTS , ..... & u..tvn<. ,_ ... • Ptiute Patios • Fireplaces • POOLS • ~ Hole Putt1nt Gu:en • Tennu • Sepatatc Family Se.:llon • 4111. to Sdlools and Pl~yatound 900 s .. LMe, Cct\4 MM....._r ""' C.est .....,. clou to FuhiOfl 1.1 .. 4 DEL MAR 6_.1>511 ••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE PRIME CORNER FOR OFFICES OR STORES -IN LIDO SHOPPING AREA • ' (Surplus space of Lldo Realty, Inc.) • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1.1 I I I Salu through the Multiple u.tiJlc Service of the Newport Barbor-Ca.ta Men Board of Realtors totaled over $47.5 mtWon for the ftnt ten m011th8 of liMii. Th1a repr-bl 1 za. unit nl• and a dollar ftlue • Iller'-of 81 over the -e period of 1ut year, wtdc:h wu a record year. u.t ~ property~wtth a Jlealtor • ~~ •••• -•••• ..a .i···· ANYONE FOR TENNIS? ANYONE FOR A SWIM? ANYONE FOR GOLF? ANYONE FOR A PARTY? ANYONE FOR ANYTHING? You oame U-tbe Bluffs hue ltJI w~ have a.n oclhiJMtng selectloo o1 s11 fabQious "Bhdfs" bomes from f.39,500 to $+1,500 ill two to four bel:lrooms. G!Ye us a call aDd W'J'll be_. JOO select a bome Wber'e tbe tun ls-Tbe Blafl&. ol coqrse., - INCOME UNITS ANYONE? Bra.Dd on ~le!: 6 Trtplu 011 8aJboa Bmt ..ring completioo. l(ICI.ted );1st 1/Z bkxk from tbe bay l ooe blocl: from tr1e oeeu. EzcelleDt a.amal or summar/wt.ater reatals predicted for these ultra moderD 3 6 4 bedroom aatts. OR • ••• OR • it you like, 9 well esbbllsbed 1 bedroom lmlts located rigbt OD tbe be&cb. a.od OVtrklokiDC tbe mapl.tlceot PacUlc oceu. Come see these &lid tben let us put your on persoaal t.nvestmeat sihatioa oo our computer serTtce and see wbat this property will do for you OYer tbe DUt 5 or 10 flU' peraod. Rich Irwin REALTOR 2443 E. Coast Hwy., at MacArthur Corona del Mar -Phone 675-6060 FINER HOMES Yw EM lllys DOYa SW"15 V11W OriciDal OWDaa tnufer of .. $ Ill Joeatioa ueceait.._ Ale of tbll '' 'lfltl17 hzt'CIIp-odlaDe.~elry._..lo_. =. ~ ... -~ : .. l::~":"'r.:!: , ... ._., 41JitR IIIIIM; .a Jllttrk: ~ -DilriDc -......... llrlfll.. o.v J.• ... ft. ..... 0poa Soot. tt 3orr. lUI SlrrtlqO Dr. M1 ••rt lmla •••• ••••..•• c... ... CHRISTMAS l/1r TO ONE AND AU. May 111• Ouiat of Ouianaa Jf'Ml all or yoa I .,..,. Merry Ouiatmas .nd.N.ay yoa abare our tbankful- DOU ror lirin1 iD a land where free ea.&erpri.e kaa created oot oaly peat weahb bat peat leaden llftd lhe peat idcaa which hawc bene- fited dlc catire world. Wdls-McCardlc Rcalton -olilolonlco .. colt4J IIIINo l<d • .._ Ul-771' Oooa- VIEW 642-6472 eve, 67).364 1730 W. Coett Hiwey Mewporl a-ct. CORBIN- MARTIN HALTOM Presents HOLIDAY CHARMERS CAMEO SHORES Large landscaped pool , . . yard •. 4 bedrooms .. 3 baths .. $75,000. • • • EAST BLUFF Vlew of ~ • •• • S t.bectr<)o....,_,ms,- 2 baths .. Model condition .. $45,000. Large 4 bedroom Lusk built home . , Deluxe living •••. $52,000. • • • CORONA HIGHLANDS El<ecutive estate ••. 3,000 sq. ft. of living area in home plus guest apartment . . . Panoramic view of ocean and the bay ...... $180,000. • • • Call for appointment to view any above: CORBIN~MARTIN, Inc. ..,.,.. •• ..,...~ n. c.-,_,.. SOSS ~out Bwy. 675·1662 CorOlla~~· Calif. ) i .i l' ! CAMEO HIGHLANDS ONE OWNEJI HOME Large Llvtng Room, FamUy Room, Four Bedrooms Lots of Light -Llttle Yard Work CHECK TBJS ONE AT $42,500 t/./ •••• IRVINE TERRACE A tun house with acellent new and large decorattn swtmmt.ng pool. OPEII IIOUSI DAILY/I-s P.M. 1121 SAIIIIIA Ti!llbCI CO-A DIL IIIAR UOH Y. f"R.AMICl.IH I RUl.TOR' -~~~~--o.-...... CIII •• -·- ( SPJlCI.U. ., TD·1fUJ[ '6t POID CustoM .t 0.. W . 42t VI, ...t. .. ,.._ 1t..ti .. & .liM k••"· ... ._. City ef c.d• ..._ ~ ._.. ~ ........ ; .. ..._., ot n...4ere ldoi~~t. .__..,_ .r fut. .,,.., ••oil. t•JIIIl'l,l .... tl IStt. N.. tt41ll 1490 '64 c ........ .. '67 Chevrolet 4 1001 ...... . IMPALA J IL H.T. Fwn ,_..,, FACTOIY AI. nt-•tic, P.S .. rHiio, CONDfTIONI~. !Ulf ... , .... ITSM tWl s .. ,. 779 I Stod I tOO $1190 '66 CHEV. 111 TON V.J, l ollt .. M. •lick, ·~•i•. ll .. +.r. ITUS I1 l $1290 '65 I'ONTIAC ..... ". Pill Fvll , .... .,. ..... FACTOlY A I It CONDITIONINS. IHOX7l0l PUll $1300 '68 FORD 6ALUII Ill $1990 '67 MUSTANG HAIDTOP 'It, ....... JI.S., UH. HOT ONE" I FOZ LOCAL MERCIWI'l'S ue ~ wW! Pan Tl!ooln, Core.. del Mar, to (We:sem a b'• CbrUtmu marie, "My side of tbt D'h'l'"h'n." at 1 p.m. Tlleadl.y UKI Wednsll'l\J, Dee. 23 ud U. H•ean seeoes ttom tbe morte, whtcb ICII's Teddy Eccles u Sam and '"*»>Ore Blkel u B&IMio. LAYER TROPHY AW AIDED __ .,c....__ .. __ _ ~~--.... -.... -.............. -- ... '-... 1 ....... --c.,--.,~ -.. -.u,..a~o~oor-_. .. •·~~~~-. .,. Die. 11." .. •....-t .. ?' ... s s .. ...., lila,_. Ct& •wtll"'. .. tM _... ..... A -rt?IUw ._.. t1 ths ...-. __ ..... ,..... ... ____ ., ~ .............. -... La ....... .. .......-.~will ...... , .• ,, ............ ,,, .. -............... -... .., '-... ... LMw ..... '"-' ~ ·~--Cle-~ p!Qw, L&-wtlljoU ... -Gaooo-. Sea Kings win • straig•t lly IIIOIKRIDtL Jolt Goo11a u1 Bore. c-........ ......, • _., ... lla• ~=:~~ .. ;I ,._a ..... -•!!lniPt u.a-Ki ----.. "'---•llpoUtpor-__ k .. 5-Julpi<Ad ·-~ .. _.... "'a«<!place-loll!oL&D-11; Goolbul-,7--. wood to.M, br ......., .... ud Aollt ..... s. .._.._.,_, 8J ......... _, c- TI!o Sol Klop---IDO.Il!d.-,oc»- ID ll!oB...,III""Boodl-IOJ =-lul--...-ll!o ll-7 !!lpt wW! a 51 ID t7 8_...,.-Ollon. MESALOSESI4 T067 VALLELY LEADS IIIUIHS rtclorr .,.,,. 1111> ...-FollGWIIc ll!ollpll••ot-- Tbe Costa M-!51. Mnstanp: Ramoaa, MY dwbc ... llolldaJa. till were defeated84tol!i7bJRaDcbo Job.D Vallely ot Bdlo& lslud Juoior DoD K1WaD led tbe K1r&p wW play ODt mare pn- AiomltDs Tuesda7 ID 1be IIDal ns bleb poiDI!DU!&sll!o UCLA Klllp wW!Il po1W, 5 olwl!lel! 1eapo p,mo, It I p.a. Ju.l rouod p.me I..D tbe HUIItlngtoo brutetball team defeated tbe :&me 1D the Jut I ml_., ol 0111 tbt bome c..t ....... 1.-c CONTrNUOUS SHOW Bea b tour at Tu:u t.onporas99to54Satu:r- c oame • da .. 1.-1D Los ..... _1 _ JobD play to ci1Deh tbe rtetory. Mike Beaeb Jordu. lAipl pli&J ..W :;:::::::=U.=f:,:S:UH:. FI:O:M:2:•:·M:·:~ Tbe MllStaDp: were scheduled 1 ......... ....-. Mler nude il poUlts; Mare belfD Jan. 7 Witb u I p.m • . to taboo WestmlDster at 5:30 =•~co!!.':'w:!:Grlpby, 6; Sten flolluder, 5; bome pmeap.lut fdt..._ p.m. yesterday, Ud Newport bls ~ llo••te Harbor •a.s to meet Warren '"""'"" co ..-Yietory. • . THE LUXURIOUS : Hlt.,Sc~ ~~.m s.u .. 20 = ~~~~= =.~ .. ':!.~ Hopes htgh for JV team •ltb 19 potnts eaeb. were M,b tbe BrlllD.s erusbed the Ui&ml IIEWU .... THEATRE 11!!:7.~~~==~· m Mesa aga!Dst ~':,':.!!~::!;. setttac a lr RIOt KREDEL 1D learue a.ctioD tb1a year. Tbe iunJor 'arsity bastetbl.ll Tbt S. KIDc):lak)nruOftJ' squad at Coroaa del Mar Hlab Kater Del YODdQ IJlerlllOD by AREA SHOWING Scboollo compei1JI( lllll!oSula o score o1 67 1D Zl. F<nud Aoa tour .. meat. Rick Lollp:e wu bJ.cb 8IC(W8' ~~---'"'!!'--IIIIIII-7•,00-~4H-D•9•''!!30"11P •• M.pt Coaeb Bob Werley, wbo bas wttb 11 polDb.. n. .U. boolted ~ mO'Itd tC> from last year's B's their --mark to 4.-%. to ftll tbe 6i)Ot ncated by Ta.odJ Tbe Con. B team, ec:.ebld GW1s, DOW' tbe JU"slty ec:.eb., by Joe Dom•n•c. porrtoai.Joiw' seems eoaftdeat ol a blgb ftDJsb statioa blllt ~bowed l..mprot'em.tlllt • by belt1Dc A•belm 53 to 5Z STEVE PURDUE NAioiED latt Frldor. Tl!elr --k PIRATE OF THE YEAR -at 1-S. HICIJ ocor .. u Offensln taekle sten Pur. Jim Coty. due was oamtd Ptrate ot Tbt C taa.m, IDle' coact~ AJ tbe year D.st week a.s Ora..a.p Caloaieo, 1s s.z after beatlac Cout CoUece booored us root. Westero sa to 33 1ut FridaJ. ball team at a.a awards tJiD:luet They were l8d b7 b'esbmtaJeft lo Santa Alii.. Ward wttb 11 polota &Dd Toa.y Jt!~Qr 2NOHIT lriiJ.tfi-r A pduate of Mui.Da Hip BaktwtD wttll 10. School, Purdue was a member ·------""!"--:; or the otreastn 11ne tnat coo-.,. nofNICOt.Oill CfiC Stfl AND LAST WEEK POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY! ----~ trl.tMQd a major part to tbe !!!I Biles' 6.J.1 record this year, the best s1Dce the Junior Rose Bowl yeu of 1963. T•m c.apta.tn bomts weld to 1111o0ac:w r~nc• SterllDc """ otreost'e eeater Rob Pur .. lL sterliDc also reeei'ed tbe most nlu&ble player award aJI1 tbe Rouo Porpet1!al TropiJy lor ll!o ...t mu•!stect taekln, n. Rod CioUd Awvd, II•• for most mloutes played. ftllt to Bob Curry,adefensintv.kwbo OU Ill CORSI Open Hlthtly 6:45 p.m. Sundoy 1 •4S p.m. llllerc<!lled 6 aerials tills ''"', ,_..,;;; ____ __ UC PREXY VISITS HERE Presldeat Cbal'les J. Hitch the University ol CallforDla. with members of lbe I N•'-'" Harbor Cl!&mbor ol Commerce a.ad Orange Coaoty lect.slators Tuesday afterDOOil. Yr. Htte.tr. said be nkom.ed tbe opportunity to UsteotoYlews ol the eommunlt)'. He described problems of ft.DaDee, DtY beLitb science faclUUes, acbll"fiACtbe rlcbt k1Dd of bi.JaDee betYeea. taaehla.c &.Dd research. a.ad tbe relatioosbl,p betweeo academic b'eedom aDd academic re!P)D· sibl.ll.ty. Tbe eoofereoee n.s bosted by Cbarlu Cuney, presided: elect ol tbe Newport Harbor Chamber ol Comm«ce, ud Dr. Nola.D Frl.aelle, ebl.lr. maD oltbetd.ea.tioDeommUtee. Cbi.Deellor DID Aldrleb al8o olleaded ll!o mect1oc. u dld Auemblymaa Robert S...U; Ed Ward. rtpr.....,."'e of As· semblyman of Bob Aldham; Dl.ft Jaffe, repr...,."'• of X• ltory; ud oct admhdltn.- tara &Dd faellty repr..a- ·-·-. FREB Merchants' Clrislmas Movie "' -... ,.._.,., .. , .. ctM,ySideoltbe ~ormtain A fresh and stimulating fUm for everyone! PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS TWO MATINEES FOR ADUL T5 AND CHILDREN TOO TICKETS MAY IE SECURED FROM LOCAL MERCHANTS Glendale Federal Savings Cbrtstensen,Pharmacy Karen Maqreta Imports Dan's Port Barber Shop Korker Liquors Scenic Properties CDM Animal Hoepttal Holiday Houae Liquors CDM Shell Servtce Statioo Mr. Flab and Chips Arcade Carpet and Drapery Kentucky Frted Cbtclcen '%A.\1Uc:>f> v tlt~ ,_.,.~, eu M~~CHI 9A~C ••• Merrell Ha1r Deatgn Untted CalUornta Bank Cout Super Market Harbor Paint and Wallpaper Brook!nca Variety Bushard Pharmacy Johnnie's Liquors Anthony Shoe Service Bank ot Amertea Hoble'a Gifts '{lANCING • Ulff.e~NWNI• ~r2..e~ \.tM""~ ~0\~~ Mk~t2..5 J,AN s. 3tOI E. CMc;T MIGM'V.t.y ............. _ ... .c.o.oc .. ~"' M.-. ~------ ,..,.. .. ,_cw.. ................. , c.~~.- Albert.oo'a Market La CaaUoa Ltquora Warreo'a Motorola TV Dimmitt Qulclc Clean Center Happlneu r. A New R~~g ,BeDl'y's Restaurants Corbin-Martin Realty Zuble's Restaurant Jim Clinton Jewelry The EnBtgn Newspaper of Corona J.l Mar's PORT Theatre TUIIDA'f' MID WIDMIIOAY DEC. 23-24 ·~- ,, I SEX ED PLAN IS ASSAILED NEII'8RT NAitloR blliCJI FIRST IECllOII -~ .... 5 TltURSDAY, DEC. II, 1!11 cow--CM,!f. BE IN BY CHRISTMAS CAMEO SHORES B£ST BUY rH CAMEO SHCEESl FO~ BEm:t.OOMS, Z.ljZ B.A. Ti:IS, LARGE YARD WITH OCEAM VIEW AND PRIVATE COYMUNITY BEACHES. OWNER Wll.L CONSIDER LEASING wrTB OPTION TO BUY, RIDDLE ~ ROSS. REALTORS 3535 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar 675-7225 M1 put lnda •••• • ......... c.e. .. u.w. c .......... CHRISTMAS J11r TO ONE AND AU. May die Qui at of Ouiahaa .,_tall of yoa a •ery Meny Olriatma• •d .... , yoa Mare our lhantlul- ncu for liYiaa io a land wtlerc free oaterprise lla• created Dot oaly peat weaJcb but ~rcat leaden ud llle Jreat ide .. ..Uch. hue bea~ filed dle •tire wotld. WdJs..McC.ardic Realtors ......... __ _ 11• Me 10• .... U 1-7729 Ooea- VIEW CUlT ANYONE FOR TENNIS? ANYONE FOR A SWIM? ANYONE FOR GOLF? ANYONE FOR A PARTY? ANYONE FOR ANYTHING? nlW IDr..:.. ...... - ----Pww JdJI"l.. 642-602 realty 642-5200 SPACIOUS I & 2 UDttM. APAIT-'S ,_ & u..tvno. ,,_ INI • P,i\"&lc Patios • Fireplaces • POOLS • 9 Ho le Putt.1n1 Gleen • Tennu • Scpa1ale Family Sc u1on • Ati1 . to Schools and Playamund 900 S .. L .... , Cd:'tf. Nee.,.._,""' C.eal ltwy. clo .. to FotohiOft Id-llf DELMAR ~2611 ••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE ' PRIME CORNER FOR OFFICES OR STORES -IN LIDO SHOPPING AREA • (Surplus space of Lido Realty, Inc.) • ··············~····· Balee through tbe Multiple u.t1Jlc Sernce ol tbe Newport Barbor-COIIta Men Board ol Realton totU.S onr $4'1,5 mWtoo for tbe f1nt teD mODtu ol 18611. Tbia repr.eta 1,2M unit Al• Uld a dollar 'nlue Iller-ot &If, mer tu -• period ollut year, wlltdl wuareeordyear. LUt your property~Yttb a Realtor todQ. . -••••••••••• •• You oame lt-tbe Blufts bue WI W~ ban &D ()I!Cstaootog seJeeUoo. o1 sb: f.aba)ous "Bluffs" bomes from f39,500 to $44,500 lD two to tour bedrooms. Give as a ea.U ud W<:t'll be_, you seleet a Dome Wbln tbe f'IID is-Tbe Blla.s. ol course. m llr po:ito c.-...... -67J.IS5II INCOME UNITS ANYONE? BraD:! on ~lei: &t Trtplu. oo. 8aJboa Br.d.. ..rill( completioa. Loc:atad jQSt 1/Z block from t:be bQ " ooe block from !be ocean. E&eelleot &DOtal or summer/wtutar reatals predicted .b" tbese llltn. moderD 3 " 4 bedroom lllli1s. OR . • . • OR -if you lite, 9 well establisbed 1 bedroom tmits located rtgbt 00 the beac.b aDd OYetk:a:iAc tbe magotftceat Paciftc oceu. Come see tbl!sa ud tbea let us 1M your on persooaliDYestmeDl sillatioa oo our computer serrice &Dd see wb&t this ~ w1ll do tot you OYer tbe au:t 5 or 10 J'IU' pedod. Rich Irwin REALTOR 2443 E. Coast Hwy., at MacArthur Corona del Mar-Phone 675-6060 ------eve. 67)..364 1730 W. C.ut Hlw.,. ......... J'IM. ...... , ...... Newport a-ct. __ _. ............ -........ -.. ;--;;·;-;-~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;- CORBIN- MARTIN HALTOM Presents HOLIDAY CHARMERS CAMEO SHORES Large landscaped pool . • . yard •. 4 bedrooms •. 3 baths •• $75,000 • • • • EAST BLUFF View of oeetlft • • • {I be<traoma, 2 baths •• Model condition .. $45,000. Large 4 bedroom Lusk built home • • . Deluxe living . • .. $52,000 • • • • CORONA HIGHLANDS Executive estate .•• 3,000 sq. ft. of living area in home plus guest apartment . . • Panoramic view of ocean and the bay ...... $180,000. • • • Call for appointment to view any above: CORBIN-MARTIN, IDe. ..,.,... 1..,..4 n. c-r ar· S03S E. Cout lhry. 675-1662 Coroaa del Mar, Calif. CAMEO HIGHLANDS ONE OWNER HOME Large Living Room, ·Family Room, Four BedrooDUF Lots of Llgbt -Little Yard Worlt CHECK THJS ONE AT $42,500 o/.,/ •••• IRVINE TERRACE A flm boue wttb acelleot new and large decorattn nimmlnc pool, OI'EM ltOUSE DAILY ( 1--.l I'.N. 1121 SAiiiMA TIUAa COlOMA DIL llAII • ..... Cks ... ..... IIIL*rM ..... II ·n:-__ .... --al ... .. :~ ... ..-=-·'-~ .. u .... -.. ,.. ., 3 ' !t::.::::. ... - 3 J 011 an.e-." c ,.~~....... . .. wUl be .... 0 1 -' ..... Hut:a-Trtalty fll&ltl.ll ....... *: at •-c~~or.-, 1110-St.. C.. a to u -.. ..., _,. - _ -11a11oo Will ......,., • * • Ph&di 0D 111'beblrtbo1Cllrlll" CllorQ, ZIOO E at tbo \I a.m. -IIIIa-~..., eo.-clollbr • <tay. Tbo eJuaoeb Cbolr Wlllpn- a-1 ....atw Jar tbe lO L;:-;-& Ctlrlatmu caata.ta at -IIIIa _,Will bo Dr p.m. Ga-O'Neal, ~ oi • • • Pr&dleo1 llloolocJ at Talbot Cbr._. Sc:ieaco Cllureboa-T>oolocleat Semloary at Biola, Tbo lople tor tills ~·1 La Minda.. leuoa sermoca deab wttb tbe • • • follow1q qoostioo, "II t11o IIIII-10 B IIOWMAH Tbl Lllltben.a Cb.-cb ot tbe Yerse, I.DetucU.ac IDI..Do HO!t'ed ...._ 1900 PacUlc Yin Dr by atomic Ioree?" Sentcesare MOVING TO lRVINE SITE MARINERS CHURCH Butxllr'vniU.UI-Tbe~ beld at 9:15 ud 11 a.m. lA StarliD& Eleetrtc Motors, a -ol 1llo -.....til N._n Beach; IDa.m.IAHar-subsidiary of tile !Joaolc..,.,, auNOUNCEJ wtU be llt tb.la s.ta, Dr WU bor View Hllls, IDd U a.m. lD llu purchased a 7..a.cre rail "" Uam Eller will _.,. a" me.os& • Costa Mesa. · sened site iD tbe lrYiDe IDdus-1),·, Glean O'N-1 ................. at _ ~ --~•-, ... ~ c .. ce trial CompleJ tor a mi.Did'ac---. ..,.__ •A&V~o ·-..~ ,. ... ., '-"~~~"at brUtlu pqrpoee lD • • • turinc plaot to sene Its world. SemiDary, La M1n.dl.. wtu be pst mtntster tor tbe -tbe 9:15 I.Dd 11 a.m. st. Miebul's aod AU ~ls' wide cUeDts. Tbeft.rmm~c-10 a.m. sent.ce tblsSlmday, ...nces. 1'be chlJdreo•s Ept.scqal Cburcfl. 3ZS3 Paclftc tllles electric motors, cear IIJDAT ICBlOL AT 1:00 A..11. ~-:-m.u woraratp w1ll be at View Dr •• Harbor Vtn HU!s motors and Yarlable speed ........... YD AT ... ..... N £11'0 RT llARIIO R EIIICJI FIIIST SEcnOI - -P. l lltURSDAY, DEC. II. 1$11 OOIOI"DEl liAR. CAI,lf. -•Y-ew. ...... ,...., .. s c.IIQNIII We are only number 2-1/2 1n Corona del Mar, but we try harder to please you. See WI for your Chrtatmas fiowers and gUts, PHONE: 675-7H2 ~ ~c::'~tbe ~eoes Holy eommunioo ...W bt cele-drives, according to Earl J. if&IUMJ .. YEIAT , .. .... Cbrtst.OoCbr~ ~f bratedatall3SUDdaysenolces, PtlllUps, presldeot. SterUog • wW bo llt.mliJ •• ~',d 7.~ 8, UO ud II a.m. "Pre-lo wllllllltlally employ250-le, DIO lAST COAST IIWY., CO-Dti. MAll :U26 E. COAST WHY., CORONA DEL MAR P m -~ --~~o"""u:;::; .. .,. · Christmas" will be preseated. wltb~p;r;ojee~~tlo;os~ot~3;50;;by~1;97;4~. ~;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;~;,;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;;.Jt:;j;i:ij~~-~ • ·• .... ...uu _....... wor-at 7 p.m. Ul:der tbe c:Urectloo lbjp &t 11 p.,m. The sacrameot of Mrs. James Keyes, W'Ub Mrs. ~ of tbe Lord s ""*' wW be Edward Alleo as orpnist. celebrated at 10 a.m. Cbrlst-Cbristm.u: en, a C&Ddle UCbt mu day. senlce ..W be bek! at 5 p.m., • • • aDd tbere wUI be a.a 11 Tbe PJymouthCoocrep.ttooa.I cbcnl eucbarlst. o,c;~l~ou Cburcfl. 3Z62 en-d st., New-day a cboral e~tst ·..w bt pcxt Hei&bts -"Jlrown to earlb suni at 10 a.m. relldoa." W'ill be tbe sermon • • • trlptc of lbe ReY.Norma.o.Bl'OWD St. Aadrew's Presbyte.rlaD at 10 a •• m. SWidaJ'. Church, 600 St. Aodrew's Rd., • • Cllfl' Mana. -Dr. Charles Tbe Ceotn.J Wble Cb~~rc b, Diereafleld W'1ll preach 00 ''tbe ZSrd St. aa.d Oraa.eeAYe.,Cosb. third W'OI'd. retu1b," at a, 9:30 Mesa -Pastor Heory E. Jooes aDd 11 a.m. tJW; Suada.J, a coo.. wW t.'tne a messap on "Tbe tinuattoa. of IUs sarles oo tbe c:oaflrmatJoa. of tbe &OdlY'' at Yoca.btllary o1 Cbrlstmas.lnfa.at V and lO:SO a.m. Stmday. At baptism w111 be beld &t 3 p.m. 7 p.m. tbe Stmda.J scbool wUI A caadleU.gbt and carol serTice CIYe tbe Chrtstmu program 1D wlll bebeldatllp.m.oo Cbrist. J)IUltomtme, "From dartDess mu ere. into lleht." nlttea.:nddlrected • • • by Mrs. Herbert kNra..bam. A Tbe Ne-wport Ua.tty ChurCh, Christmas ere candleUght ser-meetia.g at 15th st. and 1n1ot Ylce wtJ.1 be held at 6:30 p.m. AYe., CWt HaYen-"Tbe btrtb Dec. Z4, Follo•tng eommunion, of an idea" 1s tbe tq,tc of the there •W be the ca.a.dle Ugbttng ReY, ltJrea. FU.ckia.cer at the 10 ceremony as tbe coogregatloo a.m. Swxlay sentce. The amual flles out for oWJoor carolillg. caodle llebtl.D&: sentce w111 be • • • held at 7:SO p.m. CI>J·Isll""' ""'~ , Tbe Newport Harbor Lu-• • • tberaD Church, 2501 CWf Dr., Tbe Mt. Carmel cbolr ..W Nnport Heights -Pastor sla.r a LaUa.bJgb mass at l".~.m.' James Bl.a.la. wtU preach at 9 oa. Christmas day at Our udll a.m. Sua.day ootbetoptc, of U:t. Carmel Ca.tboUcCh•~•'c' "W'bJ do mea cllmb mou.o-lStb. St. and 8a.1bol t&!Da?"' 1b1s la b&.-:1 oa talab tn1 Ntwpoct. nee~~: • .''::: 40:9-11. A Cbrbtma.s en ser-the directtoa ot Karl CLYDE BURGER DIES Clyde AUIUD Burger, 52, of 815 Marguerite, Corooa del Mar, owner of tbe serrtce sta- tloa at Jasmine AYe, &ad C~st H'W}'., died Dec. 10, He-.ru bora. April s. 1917, la. Oklahoma and spent his last 19 years la. tbts area. Mr. Burger was a member of tbe Newport Harbor Elks Lodp; AI MalaUcab lla.son.lc Lodge; tbe Excban.ge Club and the Corona del Mar Chamber of He 1s siii'Yived by his ...Ue. Luelle; a Mrs. Clyde PICK THE PERFECT PENDANT DIM!ond pendontt from left; Sl.li()O. 832.50 M96 . ..,5, $950, 865. SLAVICK'S ---II fASHION ISUJID HlW'ORT IIACH-M4-IJ. ......... .._. __ ... , ..... _.CIIIIItla. .......... MDA't 1'Mfll\l aAT"u 't~tDAY O.TU, ..... ~ IMPREVU ... '" 11 happen to her for o t-.Qppy Chnstmas day by COTY Send her Yardley s pretty RED ROSES otChristmostime E spec !.ally lor the Youa.g Set •.. Yardley's ha s flower pots of l.lpsttcts aDd eye shadows . Gift him with his all-time favorite ... OLD SPICE by Shulton 8o --bow ,.,. -I .• IIAI-IWIATE t1ot All--.._ .. "'-···--...... {lool'*"*ad). him CANOE Dono fragrant gift ideas by COTY EMERAUDE . A losc:mohng ond del,cote frogrofl(e of romance by COTY FOR IOLADY--Be&dedtl'ID· lA& bop from $3; Boutlq,.. diaMI and table &CCUIOl'lel 1a. eta boua from $1; a.cbel pom&Ddera; a ... loa. lq)llmeot mnleure lib, SaUa pWow- c:ues; Watcbes by TIMEX one word for your Christmas gift-Water Pik Orvl~~~~ PIICID PIDM 121.11 POl HIM- TDIU Watelloo; a.Jloo tm- ........... lolld aU ,...... C?Wtt'lcl tad alw ... ,. .....- ~~~ ~mas ®ifb FOR EVERYONE! lb. 51.00 1 lb. SL9S l lb.S3.8S J ib. SD S S lb. S9.SO ~~- at Dtst1Dc:Un Pea I PeocU -&D1 alJ Of the popula.r brands "'J~El BOXES SCUTTLE AND SCOOP 8IIYer R .. lcu o1 aad "--· clool ... Oft'l' CCIIII*' Ud - ft DIUYh • PIIOIII QS.tlll I NEWPORT. BEACH I()( ELKS AGAIN WILL GIVE GIFT FOOD BASKETS ·MtwpCJI't llu'bor Elt!a l.oclcll tiN fttemeD toaecaretbeJamlt 1 '117 will apia c!Uir-·-"' flmllloo Ill -. 1'llo -toiOO_ID_lOmWeo lot lllo pro)lc:t-"-0 TIRM~ 1.. WELIHIIU-Ill tbo u• -Wod-y, ol>aro ot lllo Uatlod Fuad ud promoted to ...,.. m&a~.rw o1 Dec. U. eoatrlbatlou from tbe mem---•1&1 _....,_ ro. Tllolw-..W-.!olood ben o1 lllo EIU. CaDdy 1o 111o fn1ao CompaQ. Ria mojo< -•• ud lood ro. Cbrlatmu -ted by tbo tfnpa<t Hooch r~ coae•u de-Dt.J lx' aa &YIRP family of 5. aad Coat& u .. poUee del:wt-••IOJ....,• at NI'WIJOI't Ceater Tben wW U.O be prHIDtl for meuta: &D4 tbe Nnport Harbor ud be ta U.O r..,....bllt b toddlers to tetaacw•· Emblem Club, No. SM. t.1t -1rf1Do commorelal IAIIJob...,,loo4lllctmllbtol Tolo 1o 111o JIJt ,_ 1JW d .. olopmoolo. Ur.Welllb-N-rt Rubor Lodp, tbe the Nnpa<tH&I'borEIIt'oLoclp tbo fnlao C-111 INO CIIOrl!y ebolrmoa ... IM9. bu bu UMmblod, ..._ ud uc1 wu Rmerly ma.aqw oi blela workiD&' W'itll tbe welfare dt.tribtded tuutatotbtDMdy. eommercJal diYelapmeM Jor ~·· tbe local pollee and ;..~~~~.~ YMCA geHing face lift Slllpr-.) A poeral boUse eleu1ac J&A. z, openiq' at 7 a.m. a liM OCULARS eloMd dow.atbeprocnmactt•l-''e&rlJ-tUds" Who wish to 1 CILOCK RADIOS Uu ol tbe Oruce Coast YMCA mW use of tbe "',..II, Wll- TA.PI! RECORDERS Y.oad&y. The business oftlee Yersal IYtn ud pool facUIUta. rema.lna: open for operation. Durlllg 1be &Out.-a. SERGEANT DECORATED through Dee. 281 the building Serpant Keitb K, Rourk, IIOD will uoderco a tboroup face-of Y.r. &Dd Mrs. Russel R. wt, wllll a reccodllloolnc ol tbe Rourk, ZUS Fairview Rood, hpnrbll orMats, swtmmlDc Coati Mesa. bUbeeDdeconted pools, locker aDd club rooms. with tbe U. S. Air Focce Com. •. • •• 1 , Tbe Y will re..q,en Dec. 29 meodation Medal tor meri· wUb a oew wtoter schedule. torious aerYice in Vl«Dam. Some o1 tbe lleW classes IDclude He d1~ him sell as adult ttt.oesa, .Utcbery, oU u :Wcn.ft mK.banic at Cam r~~~~~~i;~;;Fl patnHnlto Yop., U1 fltoeu, mo.. Raob Bl.y AB, Vtetuam. He .. ... I.IIC.-&I-. -....... .._ ..... DON V, FRAJfKLDf otCoroaadelMa.rlstbe oew commodore ol tbe BI.Jboa Yacht Club, wbere be ba.s serYed for tbe put 3 years u fleet capta1D and member of the bOard of Ill- rectors. He baa beeD active 111 BYC sLDce·uss, ·servlne as bouse commlttN cbairman lDd on the Catall.oa lsl.a.ad sta.Uoo commlttet. He t. a member of tbe Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Board ol Rea.ltor&, and bis real esta.te oftlee ts located 1D Coroaa del Mar. He moved ben from Pa saM• 1D 1953 wttl:l hls wtfe, Fru. a.od thetr sons, John aDd Mike. dera da.Dce, folk daDc.LDI. tn-was preaelhd tbe medal at Yestmeota aDd aecurlUes, per-Offutt AFB, Neb., where be BEll BROADWAY sooallty de .. lopment, ljllllled now lll ... ,_, tx> tbe 5511> MORTUARY .....,mle& er&lta, udliiJtruc-Or-tloal IWllleoanee CUBS RECEIVE AWARDS !~U~B=·-~I ~IO~II-~343t~~§~;;~::.~al~1ud~~~ee~rea;tloa~swlmmlng =;::_;.:..~; Tom Addis, -oi Cub RecrullmeDI ..., .. -Bryan FIRST with ths NEWEST I Scout Pack 330 of Newport Bets. Bea.cb, annouoces tbe oames Service star, 1 year -Mrs. of boys receiYiDg scouttnc a. Tbelma BetJ.. wuds at tbe Pack meett.orDec. Beat badge -James Taylor. 11 at Harbor View Scbool: A.th!etes -Brad Tbayer, Don Denner -MJkeNewtro, Bar-De Tbomas, Scott Farber,Scott ry Fl.J, Jon Par801lS, Doug Dletens, W.lke Roger, Joha Brooks and Bnd Thayer. Prlsman a.Dd Jeff Bass. Assistant Denoer -Mike l.oJIIl1n, llork llaclltllJD, Bryan FLOATING 01 RIS1MAS Bets, David Cummtngs aM DoD TREE SAILING FRIDAY De Thomas. Service star -Murray Feld-Tbe Oo&ting Cbrlstmu tree, man. MLII:e l....a1l1in, Mike New-uot&l project o1 tbe Newport bro, Barry Ft.x, Joa Pusoos, Beacb city employees., wtll ttrya.n Bets, Warty Kin&. Bob apJ..Q be leading tbe parade of Farra:r, Sten Frost. Jetrry decanted boats ln tbe bay, star- Rodprs, Jolul Sa.Y&fl &D:i Klls tlnc tbia: Friday, Dec. 19. Tbe snwa. puade ~tarts u&~p.m.atl:be Bobeats _Scott AUH, AD1tJ BdJoa la1iid terry lalldt"L Ud Lytle, lleDDlllllortla, Roo Ro-1u1o -3boaro.Boot.-...rs bu1.soD., Tod SpuU, Mark are iaflled to decorate tbe1r • NEVER MISS ANOTHER IMPORT ANT PHONE CALL! "700" With the new Tron-Tech PHolfa/J.un. 700 you will never miu another important p96ne call. When you're away from your home or oft\ce and your phone. rings, the rHoK&--M.A.TJ: 700 will anawer and record the mcom- ing mesaage. lf your phone goes unanawered when you're out, you're probably miuing calla ... and businea. The PHON&-MATE 700 is on the job 24 hours a day, every day of the year. e ,_i..'lL TlAIII I GUAIAHTII • NO tNn AUA TIOfril' • COM,LITll Y POIIIT AIU • 'lUGS IN ANT PHONE JACK • MANUfACTUitiD IN U.S.A. • vP~o'o\e executive leJeiJh o,e Tbe PortabLe EucutiYe Telepbooe bas bed created expressly fot dynamic, oo- tbe-CC busiDtss u:t prolesskx&al people wbo Deed COI!.Untli.DrpbOoe serYice. Wltll a P.E.T. you c.a.t1 make aad rece!Ye call.s anytime, virtUAlly aaywben: La a ea:r. cab, or on foot ; ln tow~~ or OGl buslaess trip; on a aoU course or coutr.::. Uon sttt; at tbe beach, ball park or termical. CALL FOR FREE HOME OR OFFICE DEMONSTRATION NO OIUGATION 2<1 HIS. 14 OAY-7 DAYS A Wllk 646-8400 Able Business Machines MacW.lllJ..D, Dafid Carlson, cn.A aDd Jota the processm. 1870 P1 ACENTIA COSTA IUIESA >llcbael Corrol , Hal Heywood. 'T!.!:ber~e!:!or~e!'!ao'-...,-ll_catlo __ •_"'_rm_s _____ -__________ _::__,=~~-~IWI~~--Edd.le Weaver, Chip Wood, Jim 1 manth ... SIDDD Savings Certificates yau interest per annum COMPOUNDED DAILY- ~ ~ PAID (OR CREDITED) QUARTERLY! You earn the nation's newest and highest dividend on insured savings at the LARGEST ... FIRST ... STRONGEST independent Federal in Orange County ... AHOLOAN ASSOCIATION LlpM ...._ CallloniL 260 Oc.., Avenue • To"""""" 494-7$41 LlpM lllpll ... lit, 3 .....,......, P1au • Ttl ........ , 499-1140 • 496-1201 S. Citra• llllclo fOlllortHl Camino R._tal• To"""""" 492·1195 A.dd.is, FrW Carpeoter I Rl- ebard Cbasta, Bryu OUllng- ba.m, Brea McCorkell, Tim Sny- der, BWy A&H, Dougla5 ADder· .... ..... lloraard, Scali Ge1Iat1a, Steve Krol.ak, Phillip Laroa.rd, Kelly Lassey, Blll Mawdsley, U.art Whitebouse, Doug Brooks, Mart U.tgruder, Jim Taylor, Jim WWe, Wayoe Wrlgtlt aDd Dutd Cummlngs. Wolf badge gold arrow - Barry Fll: aDd Marty King. Woll badge silver arrow 6 to Barry flx. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE INVITING BID PRO- POSALS FOR THE OPERA - TION OF TWO FOOD, BE V- ERAGE AND BEACH RE- CREATION AL EQUIPMENT RENTAL CONCESSIONS AT THE CORONA DEL MAR STATE AND CITY BEACH PARK lN TRE ClTY Of' NEW- PORT BEACH. CAUFORNIA Sealed proposals trill be re- ceived at l.bt office of the Cl.ty Clerk ln tbe Newport Beaeb City Hall at3300Newport Bouleurd, Newport Beach, Ca.llfonUa, u.atll 10:00 Lm. oo J&lltai'J It, 19?0, lor the operatiOo "' !Dod, bennp a.Dd bel.cb equ.ipmeat • ·--· coocessloos ln buildtap Joeated oo PubllcSenlce Areas No. 1 lDd No. 2 at COI'OIII. del Mar State &Dd City Be&cb Put, _,... Ill tbe City ol Nnport Beoell, 0ruao Coaaly, Colt- lania.., LD. ac<:oraace W'itb tbe 1*J proposal pac.tace wb!eb Ls an.Uable &l tbe oftlce of tbe Pvta_ Btacbes &lid Recre&tioD. ~ ... 1714 WootBoll>o& l'i :-.r:~;-d, Nnpa<t S.eb. AU CCD:enilctbllle COD- -bo dlr-tx> CoiYID ~City PvU, I =~==~Recr.-Dine. t.-t"IS..JIIO, utea- 71, Ant Code "114. La_....,... City Clork Pabltab: Dee. 11, lilt, .. tllo Mnpa<t 111rbor Eulp. BAL1Z MOR1VARI£S 1741 --· ""· CID$T A Ill ISA • ..., .. l424 •• L CO.UT lllnl C:O...D&MAa oa1e1e Jot450 , ....... J for Meet Thai somebody i1 the Gc1 Company cuiiO!'Ier serviceman . Whert he cons at yO\Ir hCM.~se he may be drivinQ arte of the more than 1,200 ¥ehides irt our fleet wh ich we ore convertirtg to run on rtOtiKal gos. lecoute we ·.,e foul"ld that usirtg natural gas as o fuel in motor "ehicles sharply red'IC:es the pollutarth in vehicle e .. haust-the source of rtearty 901. of todoy's smog. We're con.,erting our fleet of tr'Kh to natural gas, rtot jult becaute thal'1 the busineu we're irt (and ho"e been for 0 ¥11!r a c e ntvryl b ut bec aute natura l QOf burns cleaner It el•m•notes most a ir -polluting 'ub,to,.ces before they e"er get t torted. We don"t cla im that use of natural gas in fl•ell of truclu ;, going 10 cl ean up the oir overnigl,t. Svl it will hrlp We th ink wr"ve tok~n o 1tep oheod -one that" I worftl the eHort -'fter a ll , we ~reothe the 10me oi1 you do. ' ' ' WHY. COME INJO 111 WOII.D? • ly L N. W tctwW.atlr T~ ,,.. 1M I JnttM MON. ... Je. LA. ....... Our Lonl's Na.,. wu not H'lrdf'd hy His Chn.t came into th.o world beeeUIII' of thfo perr.nta bat ••• a ,_nor 1hf-di•ine ann~· U«l y (ICJ 66 lin. He raii!W' lo nrth be<:au.e lion to J~: .. AtMI•htM•IIIhah c. II His •mr proplr. thf. work of Hia Cff'&tion, Wf',. kl.t. JESUS : ror-Hf' -.n ... ,. His ,.,..,. • . ... wp.ratf'd from Cod Md in nt"f"d of . Sa•iour. (M-Ilt. 1 :21 ). Why the na.JDe ? Reea.ur Oril'l'• oomin~t Once the ~i&nifi~nef' el .. nlmt'. l hlnll waa no smtiml'ntaJ l'ftiCUm hut • work of tSaviourl , i" ~. titr ...,.;nJ n( C":hri11tm11" N"''oCU". An P.xampko of &o.r.? Y" a lovl" to ef'atrtJ. to t-1fiJIC: r-... intrrvention of Cod in ~ft'"lt 1~1 it lrti!lht ~rn. 1\um~n hi&tOIJ' ... lf•nifiranN-only •11 wt' To mt't't a need ? Yrr.. 1 nf'tod whir h haJJ undrrr.tand i» purpoer. l"ld,.ed from man'a be~~:innin.-1nfl whirh will . n,at tW Chfi.-ian ~pt.:l i11 a dtclaratiou eontintH" cktwn to tfw-rnd o( timt-. 0( t.hi:' .,.inf' intttrvrntion ia the Onf' thinJl Wr. •rr too ~hil'IH-atM toclay to 11ioJt daal -f'!ll il rl"lrvant to nch «"'""ration. hymn, likr ''Re.c~ thr Pt'ri!!ohinJl." lrul that ftat tlw pu~ of ChriM's comin~ into i11 thr rn10n for t~ firl'l Otri~ma". the world strik('ll at thr vf'ry root of human Wf! art" much too "maturr" to 11in~. "What pridr, should m1k,. u~ doubly w1ry lrl'C hav-can wa."'h away my sinr.? NothinJE but thr inJl N'f'n wr fail to liH and havinJl fw.ard WI' blnOO of Jr~utl .. -hut (.alva ry lay JOi!4-nt only a fail to brlirvl". On«-thr rrality and I'On!lt"· ft'w mil."t~ north of Br-thll"ht·m on that firM fJUf'nC'f':! of t~in ar,. ~""l'lained away. thr ~i,E· Chri!ltmaa ni,~:ht. and thrrr wa~ thl" IHIN'"''Jl hut nific::anef' of f hri11tma11 vanish~. r~·u l !!hadow of a CrO!III a~ thf" hf""'zr.; whi~ Wf" !la Y it rnel'f'ntly but with .dffp fN"Iinp:: 1wrrrl acrO!III "thf' plaCI" of a "kull." Unl~ thf. ro·a~ for tlw-first C:hri~<lmall il' Wixon lhf" unp:rl announN'd In lo•ru~r- admittMI. its ('f'Wbratinn ran be bla~~;phemou~<. ~tridtl"n 11h1"phl'rd~<. "F .. Jr not : fur. tv-hold. I Stroni word!? Y"-ht-t-auN" thr ~~t:n"alt•!<l brinl! you ~ood t i d injr~ of l!rrat joy, which l"vrnt o all hi~tory oceurrf'1l whf"n Go<! M!nl .o.h11ll bt· to a ll pMJplr. For unto )'OU i!' horn Hi,. Son into thl" "worM to !>livr t<~inninp: mrn this dar in tht-city of Onirl a Saviour. whi~:h from thl" ~uih and pt'nahy of tht'ir !'lin.o.. To i ... Chri!lt the l.ord," thf' ~rlorinu11 ni'W!'o wall the deny. i,rnorr. or minimiu thf" rt>uon for Hi~ oominll' of a Savio ur. rominjl i~ a ~lap in thf' faCI" of a Iovin~ Col(!. Whik-th,. rr"a!<ln (or f.hri11t'5 com in~ i:-in- Ot-.-p theology ? Yr11. for in thl" oomi n ~t of rlicatl"d in Hi!< Namr. anrl whiff" lhis work of "Juua Walb -Water"-Matt. ....... _ .. ...... ...._.. ........ .... _. • ca-. llllf~ Ui) , ..... .._ .... .,as._ .. ,,_ __ , ......... _ ...... ...... _. ......... ~ ..... , ....................... -It-~~:---"­~-) ··---~.~.-~ (I Clllraa. ldiJ )I :':.:,T. ... -oL:' • .::.: ... -.......... ._. ..... _ .... -. ,_ Mil ... (Mia IW) ll ...,... ... --........... .............. 12-,.r .. -.a-.t sr· ... ·Uaclk ........ wWdl ...... s.r ._, if -,........ .. ...... .. ___ .. ()leal. 114) C:od into th~ world in human A,..,.h thi"Tl' oar,. r•-M:mption it<~ mad,. C'l"nt ra l in all of thl-(;&,... in\·olvl"cl truth.'! whi~:h no man ean undr rstaorl pt"l. ~n hav~ a .'it ran~ tt"ndl"ncy to r\:plain ........... .u,. .w ......... ill eta. .... ........ ., .... •• I ' -:. H· .. ---ll a:ua Acaou :as -. ••-ht"......t&~ay.·-<z... 2M) I .. __. ----W. ._. dwt _..... (a-. -~) • ..._ _.. -.laiO M --'" - unl~~ tht> Spirit of GOfl traehr'll h im. 11wa~· or play down il."-basic nret"~ity. Lost- Simplr throlnjr\"? Yf"!'. for rlHpilf' all thr si~ht of thl" dl"pr,._,..in, rl"alily of 11in with ils oaly u..a a. ...-. _, 1u .,.,.. as • .,...._ ....... cu a.. JtU ...._..... (L.l. am) df'f'p curn•ntJ< of G()cl'!< n·drmpl ivr purpo~ in tra~ic •·nd for thr !linno•r, •nd thr joy of .... -• ldlcd. ol ... -ol D.wi4 27 ...... ol ...... -.. .....,_ Chri!Ot. thrn• is thr man·f"lous simplir ity of Chri~tma.'! ; .. blijlhtrd. 7 "kt U.. -·--•• .....-a. tJM (D s-. 11:1) (a-. ll:l 1 11:11) man',._ nf'f'd. God'!< \o,·r. and t>h'rnal lifo• Wtwr,. "--lvation i!' mad.-l"f'ntral in thl' .w.t ~ tile ._-:l7 • ... ol ._. CZ.. 11:14) II "1s ....... --Ia a.a...lr 1a • ,._ .. ...._ •• ..-1,..... • .... -I • -.n.a.· ca... (lc. t rl:l) throu,l!h Hi" Son ~truth-" whiC'h 1'\"t'n a linlr ChriJ<Imaloi tlw-m1·. th .. n· ;, !rut' joy to tht• (Eaelr. 27:11) 11:12) • ......, ... .. ........ C'hild can j!"t8!<p anol 1-vlir''r . ....-urld. Wht-rl!' il i!l omittrd, tho· iiOnp;!>. p:ift,o., 11 -.......... ..u.. wo. -411 aaothr ............... (Jo,b --(llldt. • ..., ··For Hr !!hall !lliVP Hil' prop!,. from 1hrir and ~ait't)' of thr !"of'al!On lwr·omt• an J•mpty b. •• tile,. --~-~ ' 1:41) II ...... • --...._ .. I.OIID ..-·u. •21 aac1 .,. -.._ o1 9ooc1 ~ u • ...,..,.. CEin. 11:24) ........-CJIII. ••) "illl'." pi)!;(':-thr fact of ~i n . it:< univt"r~lit~· anti mockr r\'. Un lf'l<~< .,.,r look l)l"yonrl lht· man_t!N ---· __ ----. U ....... e1 ----.. w.-(Jet~-D .. .._. ....,. ...... ..ty .._. ... l'ff,.,.,_ anfl mun·~ lo..tnf'!'.~ brrauJW of it. tn thr f.rO!'."-an1l to tht· l'mpty tomh, ,.,. miss 141 "0.• taad .. ____ .. l t2l) .......... --Sin :1nrf l .hristma.~? \\'hat a dt'jlfl""-"'inp: romplr·kly 1h1• wa>10n for Ct"lf'hralinn it:-s·lf. 17 • pnpMt. --·"-(0 C1t1-. 'U. •tt ca4 •S$ -,. .. L ----M • ...... C••ao _el (Jelll. 1$:1) --·--1147) l'nmhination~ Wh)· ·"!IOil thouJ!hl ... or l.hri!<l· In tiH" l'i"llllll"il .. nf t•h•rnih· tht-Ol '("t> ..... it ~ f.,r II "*· c--• cknna ----ay dUid 52 "tlt.•o .tMdl tiMo W1'Mt owl -.b • ....._ ol '--.. J_. (C... ma ~ b) hrin~i11,11: in till' ..:oulirl !lubj••ct of J•v il ? tho• a1hrnt into tlw wnrlrl of tht• I..Mrl of ,l!lory Win· nnl t•mpha .. izf' th·· Inn O.·mon"-lrah·ll in .... a."-krH'l .... n. and in ''"' runnl'llS of timo· at die .. (JoU 4:U) W --·-.. ( .... Sol: IS) tlcll. I) 11 "ia ......... tho -. S4 , .w ..___ '--.,. ..._.. u IIUtloele .. • .. t •• r--==- wttla ......... ~---(Matt. 12:'-&) ... W. .... U ~ I~J 22 "till tlt.oy ____ U.. Soa ol •-5I ~ .... , •-. tr..w.cl. ~ II .'-& -•• 'V ..__ ~ .. ...&. .. th•· n1 minll' of th•· ('hri .. l-•·hilrf '! Why nul think rxac·tly the· ril!ht momo·nt in humun hi~ll>r )' mo w nf thr :~n~o·l~. th•· .,., ;..,. rrwn . tlw ~tur. tho· nnri at tht· ri~ht '"JKlt-thi~ tli,·irll' plan for ~. la U ll:iqdow"' (Mcrtt. is a ____ "' (I a.-. 7sa. w .. b ) ~h•·phnrl ". ;1ntl tho• :,!i ft~ ·~ man'~ rt•rlf•mption Will> ..,., in mot inn. 11:21) a.UD DOWW • "'llle d.t ••• A .... --\11 ,f tlw"" hau· 1h1'1 r pnrt iu tlw Chrir.tma~ Lill i,. .,.,·onrl<"r that 1hnr wa:-a multitud<" nf 13 dty .t MooiJ Uf--. 11:15} ._.. .. .....r (lid. ~J U-.. ....... ~-(C.L I ,._....._.lao-.. wW ---47 .,._. ...... (Ms& lld) ~tnr 1 :uul HI "ur thnu,!.!ht~ :.f~<,UI f.hri!ilma~. ltw ht•a\•rnly h~t j'>rai.~inj!: Co.-1 anrl !<31 illjt. 31:3) 2 ...,_ .. Jladrl: ._-. .. ewe. a • ,...,,Mt. ___ ._CD-. IIIII llut .,.,)n l hri~tma~? \th1 thd Ch r i~t mmo· ••(;)nry In(,.(..-! in tht· hi p-h1·sl. awl nn t"l!rlh 25 • ,.,._ .,._ .. ____ ti (t.da.. 111M to --·", ....... 1111} Sl "tM .... --............ into tho• ,.rorld'! \\""' nmv ~hrink from a I"OJr jll'arr . ,!.!0"11 .,.,jlf Inward mt·n·· for thr rtrr..,. 3 lakiaJe .. ....... ....... .... .. ..... l :t) ...u. (Gea. 241.,.) ---· frontatiro11 ,.jtfr truth. lout l•l do :<n II'&\ I "~ u• of !'in wa.~ to ht-fl 'mo\t'd. anrf ,.,.tran,2"Prl mo·n Zl -iaNet (O.•t. 1:&4) t "1Nt u ... -... --51 ........... ., ...... ---21 '1-•••• _ .. tlt.o-. -(Ada ••• , hlinrl tn thl" rrH"a ni nl! uf t:hri"-lma!l. ""'t"ft" to bt:· r,.conC'i lt·d tu l.(1d ! tlt.o _.. ··--It,...,.-(I C.. 7t21) U Wtlods .. two .,.et CliiJJI t Three Amazing Births Ry Dr. Hul'h F. Pyle. Putor, Central BaptiM Church., Pana•a City, Florida F-THE SWORD 0,-THE LORD .... 10ft ....... ,__ • .._,.., T- "Yet man is born unto tro-uble, a! tl1 e 8p(l.rks fl'll rrpward.'' -Job 5:7. " ... Bf'lwirl, a l'i rgin shall conceivi', and bear a 6011, and :-Jhall rnli his naml' l mmanru•l."-Isa. 7 :14 . ··Mart:el not thnt I said rmto tllf't•, Ye mm~t be born again.'' -John 3:7. A httk> g1rl came sk1pping mer- nty rtown the steps on ChJ"Istmu mo rnmg singrna;, of all things, .. Happy B•rthday"! By the-time sba HKhed U.. bottom of tbt starr! her parents reall~ abe wa.., stngmiiC "Happy Birthday to Jes'WII .. ! The child had 11 rightL- Christmas ts all abour' an amazing h1rth. In lhc Btblt' there arr thru amazm-g IH rthli thr' knowlerlge of wh tch no Of"M' -;hould be "''rlhout. Lrfe bcgms wtth blrlh, the lif£' «ln\e'S from God. Gene1is 2 :7 re- cord'< thar God rirst "formnl man our of tht' t1ust or 1~ ground, and breathed 1nto his nostrils the hrealh of hfe: and man tx>came a /Jvmg soul." I. The Natural Birth Aftl'r th1s f1rst C"P<'rienet' of God giving life directly by His hreath, He ordaJnrd that from !h('n on human beings would conu in to t'X!Sh'nce by human :•r'lCrrntion In verSt' 28 of Gcn- , ~r· :. ":""; .• 1 blr-..~"rt !herr •. .1r.rl God silid unto thl'm. Be frwtful, and multip ly. o1 nd replt'nllh the 'arth " Thu!l lhJ' earth was to be lf•pl.-.nr~h('d by what ~o~.·e term na- tural h1r th Yet. 11 15 most amaz- IMJ.:' Wrll d1d Dav1d e"claim, "F'nr thou ha'l"t possessed my l"ln"ii thou hao.; cove red m" in my mnthror'!l womb. I will pral.sr th<'i'; fo r r am fearfully and wonder~ hilly made mar.·l'llous are thy work~: anrl that my soul knowt>t h r1ght wC'll. My substance wa!l not h id from thet>, when J was made m ."iit'Crt't, and curiously wrought 1n the lowl•s t pe.rts of the earth" r P11. 139 :13-151. The oririn of human life ever remams a mystery. Only through fallh do we understand. Doctors can speak in tKhnical terms a - bout the processes of birth, but 1n the final analysis, only God can KWC' life~ God commanded th<-original couple not to cat of the tree of the k nowl~ge or cooc1 and rvll (see Gen. 2:17), declaring, "ln the da y that thou eatest tMreof thou shalt surely elk." Since they did disobey God. It ll no'N written, "ln Adam all die" (I Cor. 1!5 :22). Romans !5:12 rt'llds, "'Wherefore, as by one man sin ~ntered Into the world, and dNth by •in: and so dnth ~ upon all men. for that aU have sinned." Since <~Nth 11 in t he human race bec:aUR of sin It t. now true' of alJ the human rlk't', "Man b born unto trouble, .., the aperks fly upward" (Job 5 :7). O.Yid put It thil way, '"Tiw wicked a~ atnnpd from tbe womb: they 10 utray u ..,. u ,.., "" born, --..... 11'1. ~:3). ''Behokl. J wu sNpm iD illliqult)'; and ln aln dkl ..., rnotbn' CIIIDCefve IIW"' I Pa. 51 :5). 'T1tus, all peoop&e err bom in sin and ban to &. So ~~ .,_t pnbJrm 1a. "'How can a man be justified with Gocn-'l'be .:rtPiura.l an.- nft'f Ia tbat "" .,.. "'jl.atU'IItd r ... IJ bJ blo --.,. rednft"'*' Uilllt II Ia a.dlt Je. _ .. (RG. a~). "'* ..:r.a. lat• the II!ClCal ·-.t• birth w!Uchlo: IL Do Vlraloo -God'aus a .. _....,. ..... Oed¥ nt ... Pr't • ...._.. ..... be with chlkl, and ahall brine forth a aon, and they ftU ean his name Emmanuel, whid'l beina: interprt'ted ia. God with u." tllatL 1 :23). "Without controvt'r· sy l"t'llt is the mystery or ~~:od· Jin<'Sa : God wa5 manih:st in th<- fk-sh"' tl Tim. 3 ·16a). The ~lf'r­ nat ··w ord was made fle-sh , and rtwelt among us. I and we beheld his elory, the glory as or the-only begotten or the Fattw-r.l full of &race and truth" !John 1 :14). Je- sus was and is God! It 1s said that an eminent na- turalist believed in a '"Supr<'ITK' Beine" but found it impossible to believ~ that the Gort of the uni· vcr!l(' could be known by man. Walking in the garden one day he e.ame upon an ant-hill over which an army of ants ~warT'ne'd. se-emmg gnatly agitated as his ~hadow reu upon them. ""If only thoseo ants knew how kindly 1 (('('I toward them." he thought, "'they would not be as disturbE-d il l my P~nct" ·· He wished that he m1cht in some-way rommu- nicat(> with th<-se ants but d(>cid(>d that it was impossible. For a hu- man to teac:h an ant what he is like and to thus convey to them h1s thought5. he would have to ~me an ant. It IS sa id that like a flash of lightning tht' thought came to h1m, 'That Is lt uactly. The God or thi5 uniVI"I""St', lnfinitf'ly hi;;:h as He is above us in Hit being and 111 His thouchu, had to be- come a man to teaeh men to know Him and to know Hia thou~~:hts:"' The man then and the"' sur- rendered to O.rist. So It is wonderfully trut' that Jesus. '"beina in the form of God, thoua;ht it not I'Obbt'ry to be equal with God : But mad!" himseU of no reputation, and took upon him the Corm of a .ervant. and was made 1n the likeness of men·· !Phil. 2 :6, 7). So Jesus wu prr- (ttt man and at the sanw time prrf«t God. Isaiah had prombed, "Unlo us a child il born, unto ua a 10n il ctven : and the I'O"ftTT· nwnt shall be upon his shoulder: and his nanw shaill 1M' called Won- Mrful, Counsellor, 1'he mlahty God, 'Ibt' n-erlastlnc Father, 'Ibt' Pr~ of Peace." Here •·e dis· CO\It'1" that tht' dllkl born is allo the "milhty God !" He waa, to quote anothPr, the earthly chiJd of a hrawnly Fattwr, and the hnv· enly diUd of an earthly mother! Tbc cvidener of thb wu lftn all t hroup Ht. Dfe, He coukS pot tiftd beau. Ht' wu man but He coukl Pve everlutlftc rat beeauar He wu God. He 1uww the panp of huacer u m&n; Hto utlafWd the hUIIIfl' of multltudft llrith I atnaoll boy's lunch becau.e He wu God. He eould err. "'l thtnt" as He huna on tbt cro-. yet fH ...,. W sam.t God wbo heel flana Into ~Utmce aJJ rtv. en and .-.._ &JJ ~aka and ._, BlaUM Ha wu man tr. could ........ ~Ht ... Qod He Clln .,. Uw tan ot ••1' t ... ,. ... t:J'. Btcau. a. ..... .... He ...... -• ...,. in ..... -.......... bue...._& ... Gaol a. -wllll ....... -......... 10_! cc-'-•••n-.aJ s -~ h••• •wtc:lw4 CD c-. hiJ " •••• Call tH~ by Loui" A. JM:Ot.en fC.nti-..t MM l•af ...,I,J• A heavenly !:wine. an ancel. apprar~lto humble'" 1h~herds u lhey were guardin« and wak'hinc over their flocks: ··and ttw> ant:C'"I u1d unto them. Fear not: for. hehold. I bring you good tidinp of creal joy, whic h ahall be to all people. For un_to you ia born thla day in lhP city or David (~t hlphf-m) • Saviour. which ill Chn tl the Lord" I Luke 2:8-12). Ttwn, t}op •Li llr-of th .. atarry nicht waa brollt>n by ancelic .one in pral.es unto God owr lhP birth of Christ the Lord. '"And aud<Wnly ther. wu ....,th the an«el a multitu<W of the heavenJy hoet praiainc God, •nd aavinc. Glory to Gori in 1hP hi«h-Mt, and on earth peace. rood .,.,II toward nwn" (Luke-2:13, 14). After this heavenly revelahon tbne humblP pardians of thp 1he-rp Wf"nt lo Bethlt>hem to -thia angel-announced bllbt'. . "' r · ~Anti thfoy came with haste, and fou., Mary and Joeeph, and the Nobe lyinc in a mancer. And when they hiJd IIH:n il. they made known abroad the 18Yinr wh~h waa told tl-em co~rninJ( th111 child ... And the sht-phl'rd!l rM.urned. glorify1111: and praising God for all tht-lhmp that they had heard •nd M"en. aa it waa told tkem'" !Luke 2:16-201 Tht> Pt.C'"rnal God revealed ttM' h1rth of tht> Saviour to ahepht'rda by ~~ending a sprc-ial heavenly ITWMf'nger. an angel. God ulot"d an e ntirely dirfuent and urnquf- meana in markm,; th11 same r .. velation to tht> wi~~e mt'n of thf' eaat who came tn wonhip t ht> Christ-ehild. A bri«hlstar appPared m the hP•vPnl' to announce this holy and happy t'Vent to the wiiM" ml"n. Somf' times thi11 111 r1•ferred It> 811 thf" .. Star of 84-thlehem" but it ahould rightfully be ealled thco ""Star of the Eut ·· II waa in the eaat where tht- wisrr mrn fin! uw thill hrilli•nt star. "Now when Jt"SWI was born 1n &-thlPhem of Judt'a in the days of Herod thP K1ng, btohok!, therf' came wi.e mrn from the PUt to Jl"ruaelem, S.yinlfl: Where is He that ia born K1ng or the ,J,.wa? for w"' havf' &ef'n Hia star in th(> eaat, and ar .. rome to wonhip Him. Wht'n Herod thP k1ng had ht'ard lht"SP thmgs. hP was troubled. and all Jeruaalem w11h him. And when he-had pthered all tlw ch1d pn"tssnd tK"ribes of the people logf'ther, he dem•ndffi of them wherf' Chriat should be born And they ~~o~~id unto him. Jn Bethfplwm of JudP&. (or thWJ 11 ia written by the prophet. And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Judu. art not the leaat among the ,.Jrinces ol .Judah: for out of thee shall coml" a Governor. that t~hall rolf' my people Israel. Then HC'"rod, when he had privily called the wise ml"n, inqujred of them dilicently what time I he star appeared. And he M'nt thftn to Bethlehl"m , and a.aid. Go and ~tean::h diliJently for the young r hild. and when ye h.a~ found him. brine ~ word again. that I may come anti wonhip him abo. When they had ht'•rd the kine. they departed: and, lo, the star, which tht'y .. .,. rn the eaal, went befo re ltw-m, till it came and atood ovt'r where thP young ehild waa. When they saw thf' star.they rejoiet'rl w1th e1C'fl'di nca:re.t joy. And when they were romP into thf> houw, they aaw the younc chiLd with Mary hia mother. •nd fell down. and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treaaurM, they prHented unto him cifta; rold, and frankinc...e, and myrrh. And being warned of God in • d ream that they should not return to Herod. tlwy deparWd into lhf'tr own country another way (MatthPw 2·1-12). Dr. John Edwt~rd McKee points out aa indtcat«< in OM' Scriptum. "t.w shephenia came to the S1'ABLE the aanw nicht the Christ ~hild .... born. 'l'bl' wdle men canw to the HOUSE wlwn lh• Chn.t child .... appro:a:ima:Wly two yean of ace. Tlw Enclish terl io to?ry nplicit on thio. The Greek in Luke 2:12, 16 aaya, 'new bom Nobr" and the Gree-k in M•ttlww 2:8, 9. II, 13, 14. 16, .. ,.. 'liUS.. or younJ lad ':· Thart is the reuon for Ht'rod'• utanM: edict \o &lay all the male children of two ynn and under. He .... ltMlN an1ioua to murder thia holy c-hild JeMie the Kin1 of Kinp and Lord ol J.orda.. ' • Jc.eph wamed in a drum by God fted with Mary •nd the child to Ec;ypt. '!I.e beli~ thait God performed a miraeiP crMtiq and JUeii'IC thia bndlrt. brilh•nt orb 1n the he.verw to declare and rewa~ to theM wiat' men thllt th._ ... tbt "STAR OF CHIDST. THE MESSIAH AND REDEEMER." '"'-e wiee men ealled &hie hawnly •ip, .. HIS STAR. .. •rinc: "'Where ie H~ that irl bom Kine of the Jews for we ...._ aeea H'IB STAR m U. -.& aad an come to wonhip HlM." 'llwrdon, -belinw that thia .tu. in • paealitrr ud pel'tiatlar ..e ...... HIS STAR" or dtoe "CHRJ8T'8 STAR .. To U... .... men, it.,... I aip ol the _.. bon Kine of the J...._ the JN J • t dl M '1h ud ~~r. 'l1ley caN to WORSHIP HIM, NCOCiliD.ac 1m ...-rMtural, hM;aaiJ orlflll. Thia miraculow STAR wnt before ~ piddrf: U.S. to th. liW. .W... .. Bethlehem, "fM it (the 8TAJl) -at befon i.hmt uW:I ... .,.,... .,...,. the--child --.." _, __ nu. risit ol the ... .an DCCal'nd--.......... His MniL ..... ~.., ...,. tald ...U.. LaM ..... : ........ (Mary) ..._,..IOI'th .._ .... ...._- ... and leid Hila iD a ---c:·'" ........_ (t:U) ... • • ........ dim-( ... ...... lrblt)..,.co.e othe..._ IM7--=--Maoy Hit \IOIIIIII!rer ~fall dowD ..... I '"-. ' ' •• w ...... to God Dilly, No..... iltobt.......... wia8-:( .. , .......... ..... ........... dloll.-d oiiJw:;u .-.1 _... ... .,..,.,,. t anL ll~t.t• I tWthe"-F _Il..-81'_ ............ ,. _, ... I ·----·••af.=.r: ....... l .. ......,~ ........... .. :;;£:::.::.::.;: ...... ~.~ ... ~· ... _ ...... .... TM-........_ ,_ .. a.ausw-,._._, .._. _...,... ......._ Ia ...... _,.! A7 ...... ~-'17 ........ _ ....... .. "*···'" ,,,.._,...,~a....w;•r.-.. .... ..-a..~• -_______ .. __ ,_~ . ... .,. ............... L..., ..... .. It. dtT .. 1M ~···-(c-. Ill ., T AlliNG THI PINAL TY Ulrie Jelinek One-of tlv "'IMt wontkrful ...,. tuJUs of God's Word is dUpUry«l ils tlw Scriptwrl tNrt tlw Lonl oc:mnwnd- t'fla His lou. towsrd w in tJ.t IIJIUJ. -wn~ yn .uuvr., C1rrist ...., for ..,._ T uo mm had l.lrMn clo. ,_,.. ill their yocUh, ~r, tuhtm tJwy ,.., YftiTJ Uzur il K..-in • polia aJWt. Ott tlw iudcl's botch .,..., tJw orw, wltil. tlw otlwr u.-G ~-~ ww lvtrrli .u Uw ~ ,...... ..... qvatiort#IMy pilly. In ~ ol tlvir fornwr friDid#rip tlw iu4al ..._. •Uti to witlrhoUJ Jllrrii.Jftrc¥. He r.- •fKII"tkJ sol.mnly, "No, tJut amnot 6w done; iustit:¥ mwt J. ,.ul; ~ t.w_ luu to ~ uplw/Jr ' Tlw ters.l#.rlcc "-- $';() (iN or fourr-n days cat lwvrl t..lJo,. TN t::O#tldi17VII1d ,_, ~. ..... br-oU ..J Jr.d no ~ 1o ,.,-tJw firw. Jail wca tlw only ~-6111 ltavir~~ ,_..,J ~. tlw juttlp..,.,. ped down from rJw bmelt., pul IW arm around his childltood cluun .Ill nscouraced ~u·m. "rm PfiTin6 tJw firw for ~ tlwrr yoJre comi"4 ltom. to dinlwr with rrw." TIW .mry is a f• err from Gotts low and mwrt:y. It rnninth au. hou.w-wr, dt.t till Lonl cannot t:/!Wlloo! ,;,._ He is bOtJa fllithfwl qnd ;aut, yet, praise His ,..,.., He U cumpa:uiORIIU. Tlw Jwi,e Himalf ..._. crucified for w Waner•, tlwt H• rlf"i61t.t buy our freedom tDIIl tde w to HU IJo,w for llw ~~ f..t of tlw Lamb and ftD7rlll life in ~by. Tlw Bilk sar•. "For tlw ricltt.otu Lonl loueth ri&h~u; HU ~ dOfla bcltoid tlw upr;,hl," -..... __ * I. Jw. D:Ttr.:rJ, 2. II ,_ ltiO! ). I n... 2:.J1 .._ ........ ):16 lt•,.,t•M r.-atOLA aiOADCAntl )SI S. He,. 5L, LoA ..... ~ .. 17 TEENAGER Where Are You Going? TttfUigc:r, whtrc-arc-you goinJ? Son 1hilll rMX ~ lik; but dw wrath of C.od allid- ct:h on Him. "1 Maybe you say: ''I'm golnJ homt:." Bus whe-re: arc-you going in life? Who is lh.i.t that brings nc-rl.asting life-w the pttJDft who bdina? T'hc Lord Je-sus C hrite is PuhaP' you .answn: ·rm not sure-. I hope 111 rhi• One: upon whom wc-.al't'" to belinc:: "fkl~e han a good job, a home, and a happy family. But on dw Lont Jnua Chria, and thou shalt bt 1.nnJ."l I'm oot sure-of the details. Only time wiU answa-Who is Ht? He-is tbt w.ay, tlw truth, and chc that unc-." lik,• tbl: nunal God,• the Saviout from Hn.s Do yuu know that you c.an be IUk of the futun: But what docs ic man to briint? 'The: Rihlc nghs r'IO"tlll ? uys thac: .. ., many as RC"~iwnl him (~stU Christf, To this you'll probably ask. ddbelin-inB'y: .. 1 to thtm pwc hc fJO"'Wf to huome thc ,1111 of (iod, can ?" n-m to thnn dw: belin-c oe his ft:lmc" .... T'hrnT- Ycs, you can ! -. to bclinc: in H im is to pttaJnally f"t'Criv~ Oh. I wouldn't UJ to kMf you.. You bow aDd I Jnua Clu-l. as S.ftour. know th.ils only God lt.I'IOWI whrrr: J!OU1I be 1m Will you do thia roday? Now? Right whcrt J"'IU yon from today or what J!OU11 be doing. art? But JOU a n know when: you wiU be-100 yean One: more word: Sin i1 di~n1 God. w~·vc- fmm now---end I don't man in the p-aw ci:t:hc:tt all doac this. For, you w:x-;, you won't he tha-t at aiL That's why wc-arc: all c:rondcmncd. Coatcqumdy. Oh, yn.. presumably your body will be. but thr J'O"' ~ rady 1110 tttciw }aut aely whm J'DU art: rnl "you" will ci:thtr be with C.od in Ha'W'CO ot pl'q:ll8ftlll ID edmit and b..kc yow-sia. "If wor: ~r.ncd fornn from Him in a pb« too llnTI"b&r c:oM.:. ow ....._ Ht is &ithful aDd jua 10 &qiwe fiX' ~v ckfluiprioo. • ow ..... .-dID ckaa« Ql &co ab ~ Now J'DU'rc proe.bty uki.na cwo quc:s:ioas: r..,. -....., -"How an you. br ao sure ol all thia?"' I ~·c be If. f"hi• J1D11f Dalll of ChriJl • )'0111" S.wA lUre of thi.-or ol _,.... dlr .a.o. God • -' ..... dw ..,,. ~• ol -.•-. wicla W <tcn>it,_....;l I """1" th< llo"ble • Cad'• trw ...... -...r Cod, ,_ -..-, -00 ... 00 ,... ....... o1 Himd. 11oo< I ... """1" ;, • joa Koa, .. joa ,.., ~ ......... -"'1 thac bca.r: 1D do .-,daiaa dt " nrlu _.. .. I .... Y .. • _, ..._ _, UN. 1 ~ C'ftdulity d.a I caa .....-. ... Y• 11ft ..-..,_ n...t ,_, A.a.. .. C..,..· pu olilooooyal8-.-.,__.._,...., d,,,..,_loc- ...... period al --"" -.,. -... ,.. -... _ .... c::a.n. ..... ln. -.... 40 •.• itilt ...... ., •( 7 •••• -_, -~ ......... -·--,an,._.., *o51 fpol'"•••-•wp..-• pto ,..willoc .... ts. ........ 'zee·s 'll,MIM_ti.e:_,.h t• f§r lll.w..._J __ • Do,..l ..... ____.. ~·--. .... :be al:;:;;, t;:' ~~ill ...,•Miel ~ -wo' ' doat ,. ..... -.. doat Aaoldoio .... i&-~ .... Qrlot, ..... "' CW; ....... '1'11e__. • .... Ill ~_..,..,..-,;c_lilt ... ;oloio-.• ,.. • ,, ~ ·-1t..IL.. "How ... l._..,._.._nlocal lui · ~-----,.. ................ -t'=~ lil"'r.r\ ";.::".:rt.'I'I:IC. 'tt IWIII" ...._ il _,., ""8r. .... I ;itlt • lk a. ...ftG ..... IIt:_. ..... ,' , ....... __ ._. 0 r· ,,_,_.. IMit NOTICE Of HEARINGONRE- PORT AND A$£SSMENT F'OR ABATEMENT OFWEEOOAND OTHER NUISANCES NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN tba.t c-. December 10, 1969, tbt FLre Cb.iafoi.N"JU'tae.cll fUed wUb tbe CUy Clerk o1. said Clty a tt~Wludassessmeatoa. atl&temeat ol weeds ud Olber a.isuces wWl1A aJd CUJ, a ODPJ o1 •bleb 1s IJOI&ed oa 1be hiiiJetlp board at tbe eatrtliCe .. ll>o City Hall. NOTlCE lS FURTHER GIVEN tfa&l oa December" ZZ, 1969, at tbe z.oar ol. 7:30 o'clod p.m., Ia ll>o eo-cu Cloamboracot salol Cll}' llaU, salol repoort aod as- aamlllt u..t yUJ be JII''MT¢ec1 lo ll>o City eo-cu cot salol City i:1rr oou:identmaadcoaflrma. ORDINANCE NO. lJZl to completioa, or 1D eaa ol. aa U,07.0?0 Aldlf. ol. AweaJ. to eU a.od sba1l become dlle Uld tkJa. &ad u.at uy &IIIII aJJ per. All ORO!NAlfCE OF THE CITY -' to lbe Cll}'eo-cu w1llll.a City eo-cu. AAy po-operly payable lmmeollat•IJ. .,_ Later ...... ..., loariloc &lly OF NEWPORT BEACH ADD-thirty (30) diys from tbe date owoer wbo ob)Kts to 01' 13,07.110 As-smell; U.. objectiou toAJdrepartudas- ING CHAPTER 13.01 TO TI. ol Us deeJ.s1oo OD tbe appeal. diacree& -.rUD UJ determia-oa Property; FWDc wUb Tu SMSmeat lilt, 01' 110 UJ matter TL£ 13 Of THE NEWPORT UDJess sucb aweaJ. sball be re. tioD of the hbUc WorksDltec-Collector. U any usu.smea or 11Wtc conta'ned tbereia,. may BEACH MUNIClPAL CODE solnd lD faYOr ol. tbt property tor readereclpqrSIIl.llltoSecdoo is oot pUd. ..tthlo ftn (5) da,Js appear &t said time aDd place RELATING TO REPLACE-OYDII', tbe PabUcWorksOlrec-13.07.010 of th1s Cblpter $ball a.1ter its coaflrm&Uoa bJ tbe U11 be baud. lf:i:NT OF CURB Clfi'S AND tor 5ba1l cause said work to be ban tbe rJ.cM to appea..l to the l.lty COWJCU. t.be a.mouat ol t.be Dated: Deumber 10, 1969 DRIVEWAY A2.PROACHES dooe, ln wtdch case lbe cod Clty CCNDcll wUhla tlfteell (15) usessmeat sba.ll become aU. R. J. Br1.1toe, f\re Cblet Tloo City eo-cu al ll>o City .... oxpouo tbereot w1U loR .... oioys lroao too elate cot a>aWo( '"""' 1be po-operty -wtoJdo 1'111tlollo Dee. 11, II, 1969. Ia ot N...-. Dele& dlrN orcll..la MS68d •plAit U. plr'C9U1J.l*-ol a.. aatke 10 ,..-., bJ U. tbe , .. ....., Ia-* by tt. u.. ~ Barba~' u JI:IDoiW•: MfMt-'ad twa•a I. U.0 .,_ P1blk Worb Diredol' bJfl!Lic Publk Worts Dlrec:tor, ud tbe SEC'ftON 1. Cbl,pter U.O? is IDdl prCJPWtl.llowtlrt:r,lf~PG a. nUt• ldke oiiiJPI&) wttll PubUe WorksOiredol' isdirec. lddlld to Tttle 1S ottbeNewport a.wea1 to Cbe C1ty CouacU. tbe tbe CltJ Clerk. tP rec:etrtac ted to hlro atter to u. Oraap Boo<:b Maolelp&l Code to reodo work required to loR dooe h7 such oootlee ol ~ ttoo City Couoty Assesso< ..., Taa CGI- "Cbaptar 13.07 the aotJee to replac.e l.s modi-Clerk sball set tbe appeal b lec&or a .IIIOtice ot lieD oa •et REPLACEMENT OF CURB fted. the PllbUc Works Dlrec-beariDc by tbe Clty CocmeU ol said~ oo1Jhtcb tbe CUTS AND DRCVEWAY A.P-tal' sball be peroed by ~b at a metti.DC ld more thaD assessmeat bas DOt beeo pUS,. PROACH.ES JDOdtOcaUoa lD perb'mlac tbe tht.rty (30) days tbereaftet ud Ud said AsseSSOI' aDdTu:Col- SectJoos: WOI'L sball adrise tbe appellaLil ol Ieetor sball add tbe amou8lt of 13.07.010 Establ.lsbmeot of 13.07.~ Yaamer of GlYin( tbe dale, time aDd place oo said assessmeat to tbe 1IUl NuiaDce Atatemlllt Proce-lfotlee to Replace. Notice to wbleh the appeal will be beard, re(Ular bU1 lor tues lerled dure. replace $ball be sem by certi-at 1era5t (10) daJ& Pl'lot to apiDst tbepremisesiCJOOwbieb 13.07.0:0 R.aplacemtat: Res.-ftad m».l, posQce PI'CWUd. ad-suc::b date. Oo the date ol the said assessmeat wu lOt Jald. poulbWty ol ~ One:r. c:lres&el! to tbe oner of tbe heartnc. tbe Clty Couoc:U sbal1 Said assessmeat, whieb sballbt 13.07.030 Notice to Replace. pnlpll'tJuSDCttpersoa•soame proceed to biU &Ddpass~ dueaodpayabJeattbesametbne l3.01.0f0 Performa.nce of aM address 1W1U oa tbe la5t the ~ &lid Us deelsioD as said property tues are due Work by City. eqaatl_, USU~meat roll or as tbeteoa sball be ftra1 aDd cca. aa1 payable, 5ba.1l bear later est 13.07.()50 ~ of GtYiDC otbll:nr1se II:DWD to tbt Publk clusiYe. Tbe Cit}' Clerk sball at tbe same pren..iliDc rata lm- Notleo to Roptaeo. Woru Dlreelo<. A cxopy cotsooeto aotlfY ll>o property owaor cot -h7 1be On.a&oc.-,Tu 13.07.060 Farm ol Notlee to DICII1c.e sba.ll bt fUed lD tbe ol-tbe MeisJoD ol tbe City COUll-Collector oa otber deliaqQeot Replace. ftce ol. tbe Pllbllc: WotUDlrec-eU lD tbe same m&DDIIII' as pro-tu moales outi!Qodlng. 13.07.070 RJibt ot Appeal to tor tDptbel' wttb ID a1Ddafit« fkled lDS.CUool3.07.~oltbis 13.07.1%0 Butldtac Permits; Ctty Couoeil. cerW1cate statbll tbt dale CJD Cbapter. fi.Aal ~Oft!. No ft.aal ap. 13.07.1)10 No&e of HeariDC wblelll &'DCIIi aotiee ftS mll..led.. 13 07 080 Noti or H 1,.,. prora.l a.ad oo CertUlc:ateotOe- SEYEtf NATIONS COIFFURES OPr'li n ·r snAY T'i RO!.Qf S o\1\!ROo\' fre.r P•d:is~ is ri'Qst 300 W. C..st Hwy. M..,...t B .. ch Tel_, 6Q.QIU oa Coat of WOI"L 13.07.060 Farm fA Notice to • · ce eru.._cm. eqpueJ sball be Cfuted to tbe 13.0?.0110 Form o1 Report o1 Replace. TbewritteDQOticere-~0:,.0~0:,~11b~~~= bolder of UJ bWJcttnc permit Cost of WarL tarred to 1a Sectloo 13.07.050 Dlr tor ltlall OOU ol Llsued by' tbe City ol Kewport 13.07.100 HeatJ.n& oo Cost ot of tbls Cbapter sball state tbe tiM ':st 0( tbe .:.":eto be :en Beacll Sew cc::mstruetioa ICXID BUILDING CONTRACTORS Wort. date oa wtllcb tbe wwk 5ball be to tbe LD tbe property declared to be a aul- 13.0?.110 Auaament; Ueo required to be corruneoced. mUDet ~:_edawr;:r Sectloa suce l&ldertbetermsofSectioa. oa Property; Ftu.ac with Tu wMeb sbll1 be silty (&0) dQs u.o 7•050 ol UUsCbapter Wb.J.eb. 13.07.010, lllllJJ saebtlmeutbe REUOOE LIN G and ADD ITI ONS Colleetor. a1tu tbe date of matuac ot ootiee sb&1J 11*1fY ~ dale curb cut or driYeny apprcaeb 13.07.1%0 Bulldi.D&: Permits; said rdice. SUeb DCJUc:. tore-time aad place wiMDtbeCouacti wlllcb is oo 1oocer Deeded lsre- FlraJ ... _.._.., plaee sball be iD IP!batantlallJ -'U ~-.~ placed as reqaired by Sectloa •• lR OCl u.o7:UOR;;;..._ tberollalrtDCioc"m: WI -_..pus'COQareport 13.07.020. • .... u .. AM 1 y 1!.07.010 Establisbmellt ol 'CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH !:J:e!:~cu:or~= 13.07,130 Reflals. Tbe Cit)' • ,..EE ESTIMATES MaiaDee .u.temeat Proce. NOTICE TO REPLACE wltb aDJ ob~or pt(ltests. CouaciliDI,J order reflladed all 532 • 5949 dare. Alf1 portiaa ol a CW'b cl& 1f U1 wtdcb IDQ be Abmitted or put ol u asseumea& paid AMERICAN or driYOftJ _.a<b oo &lly Dato by uj prwerty ..,_ Uab1e 1o por-.. tbl5 C-If II CONSTRUCTION CO. LIG.AL NOTICE UG.AL MOTCCI LIGA IIOTICI OIIDIMAKCEJIO. UIO li.IIIMD-no~ iii<:Ur...,_looaidJIIC 1), u 01l1D.4111Ct:OPTH£crn tiOeda .a Mea s If u liP-ve aiLend • ra wrt a.-... OF IIEWPORT IIE.lCB AD-pika-illr a ..... -------OOIC CIIAJ'ftll 11.01 TO oloro of ao .,_ Worloo IlL- TITLE U OF TilE IIEWPORT (I) ~ aod www ... 1M CMJ'o .. odocr4 P- IIUCB llliii!=JPAJ. COO£ uce. no Nllle War .. Ill-... -a·IJ!cattdao lor - RILATDfG TO CURB Ctn'S redor m17 ,....Ue a ~ ....U. 'hlb'lll''l......,._ AJIID OTHER U.TEBATICIICS , ...... ud. COiililb..U. bc-s ... .., llll•lt ..... bJ&~ TO PUBLIC S'IRUTS to be .aJecl wUb Olt awUatQ tee ., 1 rt to do MJ _. n. Clt7 eo.cu ol lM City Jot' a prwlllit .......,. Ja u wort. •• I t a., tile pr~ab of "wport s.aeb does c.Giia amoqat eqat to oae~bl.lt of c. onar or ..._ Ud tM Mlk u lclllo9s: estimated COIIt ol tbe &rojeet WCII'U DUecll:w, _, ..-«1 SECTDO I. c_. U.lll u .... -'1---b wwk loy a loood. -II-,. added ID TUJe lS olu-Newpon lbal1 be ct.elaaccorducewtth othlr watt)' • .., .... ., tM lloo<:b M-~to •-ll>o Clty'o staildanl Spoetllea-Cliy Alto<..,. AAJ olocl I II '•Cbapt8r lS.OI tloDS. lD aMIUoG,. tbe PllbUe tbe Public WCII'b Director .... CURB Clll'S AKD OTHER AL-WorU Direct« CDaJ reqaire purSU&m to tb1a SectloD mi.J be TERATIOIIS TO PUBUC ttoot aid -pooride ttoot ll>o -loot to ll>o Cll}' c-:tl STREETS orwt bo -lorapulod U .OO.O?O Rti!M cot ~ to SectJoas: of ODe year foUowtJtC its com. City COWid.l. A1q per80D no 13.01.010 P•mU Requ.lred. pletADD. objects to or dlacreuYitbUJ lS.OI.DIO Applk:a.tka. (a) Failare ol compUuce by decisioo oltbehDU.c Worb ot~ U.OUOO '"""i'>-"'tl ud EG.-permlttee. lD &DJ ease Wbere rector wtllcb 1.1 made s-r .... cLDMrtac Fee. a permlttee ber..oer sbal1 be to this Cblpter sllllll a.te tM 11.06.040 -.. ladeluttora.llfatl.,eocnply rlgblto-'tottoRCII}'c- 13,0&.MC) Stadzds tor ls-wiUJ tbe reQIIIremaata ot this cU by flllAc wrUleG IIOCJ.ee ot s.Dee of Permit. ordiJJUU, tbe Dtrector of appea.l wUb. tbe Clty' Clvk wUbia lS.D6.D60 CloAre u Coo. Pablle WOI'II.I sball ordeJ' tbe tbJry (30) days after rece!Ytac dWoD ol Bul.ldt.a.r: Permit. completJoa ot tDe work by the DOtice of the dee:J.Qoa of t1a1 13.06.010 Rlebt ol AR*l1 to CUy aDd Jba.U recofer tbe eosts PllbUc WociS Dir41Ctor. Upc:-. CitJ Comc.11. from the permittee. reeeifi.Dg such a DOtiu otap.. 13.06.010 Permit Requited. (Z) lodetD.DitJ. Tbe PubUc peal. the City Clerk sbl.ll 88t No per.,. lb&ll eouttGCt, re-Worts Dtreetol' may require the aweaJ for hea.rlq by tbe eoutnc:t., riJIIUt, aUer, or an IIJPlieut bU.-.:ler to tile City COUDCil at a meeUq DOt cnde aay sidewalk. eurb. curb a boad eoadltioaed to protect more tban 30 days there&fter, C1lt. roadway pa•emeat 01' ud afe harmless tbe Clty Ud sba.ll Wise tbeappella.alof ttr!Yeway proridi.Dr aece.ss to from all elaims 1ort damages or the date, Ume &Dd plaee oo wblcll. any publk street, wltbout ftrst iojury to other per sou by rea -the appeal wUl be beard at a.ut oHalntoc a pumll from tbe eoa of such W'JTL ten days prior to sucb dale. Public Works Olteetot u OOre-13 06.0SO Studa.rds tor ls-On the date of the bearlD&, tbe LDaJter ptO¥tded.. ~e of PermtL Tbe Public City CouncU Shall proceed to 13.06.0ZO Appllcatioo. AD ap-Wads Dlseetor sba.ll issue a bear and p;lS.6 ~the~ pUeaat for a permit bereUDder permit bereuoderwbenbetlllds: and its decWoo therBDD sball sballflle wUb tbe PubUc W«kl {1) T~ tbe work willcou.form be ti.Dal a.ad cooch&Sln. Tbe Dl.reetor an appllc:aUoa sboWlDc to tbe requiremeats set fortb City Clerk sbaU aottty tbe s;ro-. (1) oa.me a.ad ~ess of tbt lD tbe drbeway approa.cbpolicy perty owner by mail of tbe de· owaer, or aceatuacbarre.ottbe adopted b)' tbe City CouocU. as cls:ion of tbe City Cow.:tL"' property atdt1arl tbe proposed well as tbe Sta.odard Speet.nca-SECTION -z. Thl.s Of'dlnaoce work area; (!) oame aDd ad-UoDs ol tbe City for public::: work stWl be publiatled ODC• LD U. dress ol tile party doiAr tbe ol. lib ebaracter· omcJ.a.J newspaper ol. tbe City, work; (3) kntioa at lbe work (Z) Ttlll.t tbe ~oject as pro-. a.Dd t11e same sball be dlletln area; (4) pla.a sbow1Dc deta11a posed will ld uzarau;c>Dably iD-30 days attar the date of lts al lbe propoood .... a.; (5) -.-. timJCed eoQ ol. tbe 'IPOtk; (6) :,.r:_: ~~W:~~ Thls ordiJuce wu Latro- sueh otber lntotmalioo as tbe • duced at a recutar meetl.Dr ol. PubUc::: Worb Dtreetcw sball DeCes&ity lor parting spaces, tbe City CouocU of tbe CitJ ftDd nalilOIPbl)' DeCesa.tJ to ud. the meaAS ot J.Qcress a.ad ot Newport Be&cb bekl oo tbe tbe determl•tkm ol •bltber :.g:sedto:~o~== Mtbdayo1No .. mber,l96i,all1 or ld a permU lbould 1.uue tles. was adopted oo the 8tb day ot berecmdet. (3)• Tlat the bea.lth, welfare December, li69, bJ tbe foUow- U 06.D30 '"C*'tiao aad Eo-iD&; 'rote to wtt· ~In& Fee. Tbe PubUc aad safety of tbe pubUc::: will AYES CoUNc iu.fEN·Mc:::.1Dn1.s Worts Director l!la,J cbarp a DOt be ~~~~rea8QCWblJ Unpaired. Sbeb, Par!QlS, M.uman: tee fo£ Ullnq:lectioo aDd en.-13.06.060 ClosureasCoaditioo Hirth Gr\aber. rtDeertnc SUTtees doot oo be-ot BWJcliDg Pl!rmit. No permit NOES', COUNCIUlEN: Nooe. bait ot tbe _,llcaDt ot permit-sball be lSSIIed by tbe BuUdlD& ABSENT COUNCJLMEN : Ro-. tee bweuoder. Tbe ~ Departmeat for tbe coostruc-cers. a.ad eactaeefi.D& fee sllaU be tloo. a.llara.tioo, elllatgemi!Ot., Doreeo MarstWJ computed from a sebedWe ot r..U or demolltioD or uy Mayor cbatps blued on estim\led tw.tkllacoaa.aylotOI'parceld. ATIT.ST: COSis tbertd. Such scbeltu1e property uot1l all cQl'b cl&s aad Laura !...adOs ol charps sball be anUable IDt drlY.-ay approacbes, Ybicb tbe fity Clerk pabUc: IDspedicD 1a the om.ee Pwb11e Worts. Oiredor bu de- of tbe Cttr Pllbllc Wc.tsDi,rec. terma.d an ., li:IDclr IIHded Pmllsb: Dec. ta. 1969, la _. .... Jar I'M h'e Ye"· tbe Newport 1il.rblw EMip eCOSTA ME !ott Sff-3361 • ORANGE • »>AHEIM • HUNTINGTON 'J9.U& I ll6-0lll aUOI U2·"SI ......-... CiankgWorb CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS -WAU-TO.WAll CAIPETING MABI:RRv-5 Shoe IIepa or Pu-5e and luggage Aeopaiu -Dye •ork S&M Sl...S ONl DAY SEfNlCl Jncl ... .,..,.. II wei. eo. ....... -... 1311 ..... ~ n. Sip .. 67MI51 Motcis .. s,CDM peuc lltrelt wtdeb Ls DODtcv To: be assessed Jor tbt <:OIIloiSIICb flDdl: tba1 all or put ol tile u- DIIdld ar ..S b' riUQMb]l; work 01' by aJQ' oCher iMensted sessmeat 185 bMD ~J:J CM-L D.t.Y o• MIGMT r~~~~~~:~-~ 'febiculu accaa to tbiJII"'CCP*f-09D8I' ~ tbat puu:l ol a.cl per.-s 1l'f1ad.. AD assesmllll or U1 -::~i!!"i~==:=:j ty _.,od Ia tooniiJ do<larod a Ia tloo City cot N-lloodl, ll.O? Oto Form cot Roport cot port ttooroal aJl oal loR !, &I I _. • ..,... ftk:b N1 be abUid Callb'rda. ~ as tol-Coac df Wort.~ compWklo rehldld .-a a cll.lmtsiUed .. c--1 ~ ~&t& WASH 19TH ST. CAR WASH 81!8 w. 19lb Sl. o:>sTA MESA (Nest 10 Bl~e Olip ~ctooo Ceolet) Th H..-6or A~41"'• o•l'Y por-., tilt pneodwo--lows: cot ttoo work ll>o PlbtU: Worts -ttoo City c•t •or-• .._ --., .ll:lf -{ T ..6 btlJMd bf tlda c.,.. wbteb . Dinc:t:or ...u pnpare Ul1 ftJe Deeeabel' 11l aa-tbe•srr r c-.-& ...._.,. Ia--tilt -II}' -tlooc_.u.--L --dOo aodPRJOblo. •• ,._,_,.. 'UMnTS ,..,..,_, ill Secdr. 100 o1 ttat You. are ._.,. Wlflecl tll&t a f)tac tM t ..td;r--"'t;'; ne el&lm Mll be nrUie:l bJ ~~~~~~·~·~· .. ~·~, ~c~~··~·~~~~~P'~IIOME: ""-79 Cll}' c-aod ..._ -cl ttoo (on)(drho.., porb:aood, "':. -cltoowwt, 111e por--poldtloouoi• 4-1 JITIU cl tloo Catlklia Go-_.a)-at--a ..... _,_ cl tloorool -.orlola----. ._ N-IIIYot. ., • .....,. Codt. addr .. bu bMa dlelarldtobe --"' ill rn.t ol W1Q tile or admbliltrUDir.'' U.D'l.otO RIP" ........ Rei-a ••we 111 acccnuce wtaa :.t llu bela._ MIIU.u.. SECTI()I( I. T1lls ~ -li!J c1 Pt-1) an.. -U.O?.OlOcltloo~ --qo1aot ~ lot O< an 1oo pool>ll--• 11o t1oo IIRECT FROM RANCH • NIA.IC AIDS Mil -cl a -" <Ill or lloocb .,__.I Coole. Tao"'" ~ol cot luol pollfOOOd "' loR dela1 --cot tilt CltJ, HAL AE81SCHER olllftwl1__.,...,poobllo: ---tloo lillow--., PRJ tilt...,--aod tloo--an bo -tho TO YOUR OOME --a.• ...... -lac-Ia .. bo-Ia ae-Mil _. .._t ,.., IDe-10 cl&p -tloo -cl llo IUXIULAIIS • BIIOtiNS ~ J or_illr,..._bio_ ...-.-tloo --.. ..,-cot~ota-E.XTRALAROE&JUIIIIO llr-lotoopo_., __ p-aod Spodlleallao"' too., ty ---Tlola --...... a.a-o-~m Yod -.JJ bo ros .. cod 117 1M CIIJ, lo w1l; (,llpoeUJ -lo 1o ::-..;;.. • oat, -od atu.ar .. rttaccottloo CALL AFTER po-ty -· bo -) CltJ c-It aiiMCltJcot--'P.ll. OIIL y ,..,. A .......... 1J.O'IJIIO -1o R...... IS.O?.lOO 11oorioc oo Coot cot port _. 1oo1o1 ,. t1oo 140 .-, Ylt E. c.-H.,. W'r I& ... -·-Dl-..... -too-aod~~ " --· lilt, ud ... 1::::;:~:;:;:541:::~-rt=S==I c.-....... ,_ --.., ,_. Yoo an-oo!lflod-Daod illr too--., •-w•.,...oo!Me.-,allloe- ola ~ e:.c • ••••ft.J • tt ac*-* is .at aw·•Jad cU ..U ..,. ..a ,... .-blr,191P. bJ u.~...._ 67Soa3S WILCOUIIII&IIIIO ... -.... ....... !' 0 a. ...... .. 1M w. c.. ....,.. .. ... -· , _ _, qr •. ~'-'·-----·-·---...... ,_ ...-.. .., poobllo: ....... -tMrtJ <•> ..,. -.. -., .. --.. w1l; ~~~!:!~~~~~~ ., ..._ •-•-. ,..--..... -.. -..~~~~-.los __ ..,._•ns.conJ&"IUGK:IIc'W' ~ ._..,...., ....... o~ .... ,. ........ [11-J ... )ldl • • ,.., •• " ........ Pu • ........a. ~ •uaoaPAil'tT ·J»...a JIIPIJ lol ___ :;s ~~--:s;'..!t.,:-"'..:"" b :-:tllltl,~. • •w.u.LPAPU ~~=~~~~~=~~~ <011 • *lhW II -ud 10 i 0 I -u _ _! ~ -KOGI, COa.ctUW!o -•C. PI"......__. -Dotdo -.... ,. a ~~---_., 1M I& I I ... ,.. - - -.uaJIT COIBICILIID: a.. -_.., _, eUI'IIDLSTEIIIMG f 0 I ....... --........ - -OO-_., .. .._ .. c-....... ,. .. 9Uiltr *J .. _ .. , p--O< ··-u.. -oraoQir, wraoCMrwr•apcl_cll ___ n:----an ,.._,..._ U.OOOP&IW ~~~ 1U'IMIP&III 1-of ll __ .. ___ •u«mc M 10 ...,_ 811.._.,. ~*J OFI&LLP&J'Ea rsr f-••Crc(-•1 -.. Cllr -.. ---WlllloO ao -• a-..... .liiUI: 00 Jill alw"'Q. 1 .,.. IOOl OIU.'I' 1 t' ··--·-• ... •• taoJI"-'"2-S_I ~~~ .. ----~~ All __ .__ lt.J)I ... t..... -·--... •" ~ .... lleiiSE?fll" & ...-..aJ.~ . ._,'--~·.... OM ----.. __ ...,<•><liP '"""~· -•"!'••" , .. , ·1 .... _.__...,_c.. l>l•xtto-n-J au-.a.a.-••• -wc•1 --._... & B II·-· p •·-Doc:lt,U..•. __ _!R~~'!:'.!n!!!:•:!•!!!III!'!_ _ _J .,_. __ &sill t lid .. •l p-_ ... 1111 I I ......... 1*11 "1 111•1 lf .. CIIr~ ... 0 l ...... t • ._ _ _;;R=:;"::..;:n.:;I=II::C;:I __ a .. • f-11'1 •~~J•Mi~. r~rt•rior c• w••• D IESSiol.llt II G FINE OIESSMAIUHG By CIA-LOTTE 132.0191 eP'LIIIIPIG A. L .AUAC PUMNII 700o-·--.. ... ca ...... ... 6 PI n: ...... . D&T·-WATDIIU.TDI ..,,_ • l . -' I ,, •• Rln to give. Great to receive. It's 5:30a.m. Christmas morning. The youngest member of your family picks her way through the blackness. She fumbles for the Christmas tree lights and finally turns them on. Her eyes widen In the dull colorful light as she surveys the result of Santa's passing. Then she spots tt. The new Sylvania Color TV. There's a squeal of delight that awakens the whole family. A marvelous day begins. Choose your Sylvania color TV from our big selection of furniture styles and finishes. We have one for every taste. Every budget. • I l • ' ' J ' The Sylvania MODEL CF626P has the largest color sc reen available 1295 sq. in. viewing area 1 and AFC (automatic fine tuning 1 control. Instant Color™ gives you sound instantly and a picture in Jess than five seconds. Available in light or dark Pecan veneers and selected wood solids. $579.95 , TM-Trod•mar~ 5vlvonio Elecr•+c Prodvct~ Inc Stereo Entertainers Finest musical enjoyment is yo urs with the Sylvania sealed Air Su~pension speaker system. Sound radiates from a Sylvania stereo to fill the entire listening area. Li terally surrounds you in sou nd . And best of all. "you don't have to pay through the nose to make your ears happy"when you choose Sylvania! THE POPULAR SYLVANIA MEDITERRANEAN MODEL SC226P FEATURES 40 WATTS PEAK Ml.EJC POWER. FY/AM PLl.E FM STEREO RADIO. GARR.\Ril ':"I..G"tJM DELUXE Aln'OMATJC STEREO RECORD PLAYER. SEALED AIR SlE- PENSION SPEAKERS. $299.95 Th~ Sylvania "Mini-Mod" MODEL MMIOW giveR you that big stereo sound. Hu a smart. contemporary look. Includes detached Air Suspem~ion Rpeakers. automatic record player , diamond stylus and dust cover. Color TV Entertainers Biggest screen available-295 sq. in. viewable area. MODEL CF600CH haa the famous Sylvania color bright 85._ picture tube. Still the sharpest color picture available. Smart Contemporary metal cabinet in charcoal finish. $.-59.9 .5 Big entertainment in a co mpact, portable package. Sylvania color TV MODEL CB35W. The new Sylvania color bright 85,. picture tube gives you the sharpest picture available. 102 sq. in. viewable picture. $299.95 Black & White TV Entertainer • lt may LOOK UU a toy. It may be PRICED Uke I. toy. t( You may e•ea buy lt lor a ldd. ~. A b!C lddl A llttlo tid. Ao Ill-• betweea tidl ~ lt'a z toy. \. ll'a lllo Sylnola mlPIJ 14 • OQ1IIH IDch --bii<O 1011 t_: wbllo portablo TV. Goa-\ w~>ere.,...-10• _, -.. • t ·-stair.; room-to-room. AM "' \-. wt.t a picture. Ptl'forlu U.U 1 a -lo. MODEL 1111f1111K. , • Priced 1<> 111e0 -,_ arm )": 1011 tab with yoo. ' \,: l't -1 lt '.!. N ~ DOG OWNERS .. ---------•111EOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEAOHao:,..:: .... ~,~LDC.u.=~"~-= .. ~.: .. :..,=.:,:.:,1 NEWPORT THE NEW fORT HARBOR .......... U( .. _ ... TO GET 1970 LICEIISES Prtd Vlet, ~ .....--dol *-• wW be ualllbll YlJGr, rtm!ldlalldDConer•la at tMt u.e. Nnport 8eeiJ blat I lt?O dot' Doc liciMII m&1 blobiiiDid -II roqodnd-JIL tbr...... Ulo JOU II Dr. I lor Of!lrf doc Ofor Ulo ap ol Sloe-'• Aalmal ~llal, 4 moatb8.. Sill 1. Cout H.,.., Coroaa Tbo-'"II$Ui1t .. b dol IW, ud 11 111o uc- clor. If 1bt Uc-II "" ob--Ill Ulo Nowport Beaeb tai.Ded prior toJu..ll,otwWIJ.D CUJ Hall. Ll.c..,.. alllomaybe 10 daJa alter a<QIIIallloa o1 a pore1>uac1 ...W lao. Sl II Jot- doc. 1D adcJI~ $1 dt· daD's Pet Sbop, Z7U E. Cout Uaqueocy pelllltJ wt.U btadded. Hwr •• Coroaa delMar; Ruuo'a A Yal1d nl>loo ...,.lllatloo Woodarftll World ol Pells, No. U ROBERT L. HILL bas beeD must be preaeatldwt.tbtaebap-FullkMI llla.ad; Crall's Mea. •med maoapr ot Buk of pllc&tloa IOd fee lor a doc lt-Ptt Sbap, t47 N. Newport BlYd., .,_mertea'a MlSIJoa VIejo's eeue. A rabiN etloic wW be Newport HeleNs; Yee Wee tll'ucb, rll)laclD&Jame&Tecca. spooaored by Kl.wanl&M from 7 S..Ue Ptt Sbop, 401 Balbo& wbo baa beta DalMd aasllt&Dt to 8:SO p.m. Jan. U at tbe BlYd.., Balbol, ud Flte Stat10D muapr ot tbe tut'a Newport fire statloo ,_,.City Ha.ll. &Dd No, 8 DIU Rubor Hicbi&Dds. c.-brlUICb. lolr. lUll..... F lk I I f y le rty :.ao:~':'t:5ca:oo-.! o a e or u pa been miDliV of tbe RowlaDd Newport Harbor BulDe" 1.00 HtJptl l:il'ucb for the put Professiooa.l Women's Cllltl year IJid a ball. members IJll tbelr ~Utsb: will ~ 1970 joja tbe Cbriltmu !il)irit at 1 p.m. today, Dec. 18, in tbe Costa Mesa Couatry Club tor the a.ooual bollday dtmer aDd procram. Tbose atteodlng lrill brine &1ft.J tor pa.tieots 1n comales. ceot homes 1a tbe area. Mrs. Jack Brobl.ck and her com. mlttee will dellrer tbe gilts and visit wltb tbe residents du- rl.ng the hoUdays. BEACH 10( THE OML't III!WShf'fR P'~,.TfO AHD "*-IIHI!D 1M N:f'I"QttT lf..c:)l NEW FLAG OFFICERS ol Bahia Cortatbla.D Ya.cbt Clubblill9'70 Yith a thwnbs I.W) slop.o, "Ooward to success." Right to left, tbey are Commodore Dave Domaoskl, Ylce com- modore Joh.n Hoote aod Rear Commodore BrtaD Carter. Installatloo toolr. place at the Jubilee Plate Mrs. Verctl OUden will read a Scotch CbrUtmas folk tale, to be acted out by Mmea. Judd Sutberlaod, c. K. Varoer, John Palen. A. E. NaepU, Don Duo- p.o, Ken Gortoo, Roy Foz, Pat- ricia Fot.om, Vergll oa.tden. Jack Brot.ck aDd Miss Apes &Dnual awards ball held at the Newporter InD.. BIJ'.JG & GR0ND\HL ;rt~~;E:~i~BCYC changes command c CHOIRS WILL PRESENT Amidst a festive bollday at-Brlu Cuter; Seeretary and f1n1sb in the Ensemda nee OtRISTMAS CONCERT mospbere of bolly, pine boughs Mrs. V!Dce G~aley. Mr. Gurley during the award ceremooy. aDd rede&ndles,a pa.clr.-jammed woo a special award o1 tbe eve-Mrs. Jim Beasley wu presen. The youtb &Dd adult cbolrs membership was on haDd lor nine trom the nac aM OOa.rd of ted the omaD of the year ol Newport Harbor Ltabera..n Bahia Corlnthian Yacht Club's directors ot the club for b1s trophy J7m Kerrlgatl Is the church, 2501 CU!f Drive, New-12th installation change-OYer baOOll.og or the job of neet cap-new tr~surer for 1910. 10( COSTA MESA OIL CALIF. AVUTSAD..U STOIY,_ DON'T LET THIS HAPPIN TO YOU ... CAll TOOAY 540-1421 642-0270 tf Ttft c.ll c..Nect port Helgbts, are preseoting of olflcers, head during their ta.ln durl.ng tbe put year. Mrs. Marc1a Holyoake ser· tbeir aor:naaJ Cllrtstmas coocert annual wlnt,er awardS ball. Jaclr. WHsoo. won the yearly ved as ball cba.irman Decora- at 7:30 p.m. SWida.y, Dec. 21. Tbe affair at the Newporter award of merU trophy for out-tions were lwldled by a com. 1702 Newport Blvd. Tbe prolfl.m w1111Dcludemustc Inn ~w incoming Dave Do-sta.oding service to tbe club. minee comprtsedof CarolSap, of adYent, Cbrlstmas, a.od Epl-manslci ta.ke the gavel from Director Sten Bradford re-Mrs Rice c amp am Barbara CoSfi Mesa AT l7TH ST. Every five years the world's first and foremost Chri.rtmas plat~ cre<~ton select ~ kadmg yule scene from 1 bygone Chrirunu and designate it the Jubilee plate. The 1970 Jubilee plate marlu 7.5 yean of platemaldng and features a Christmas motil that Hnt appeared In U:ll-1. Thtt collector's priu come' to )'QU now as a full 9" plate In Bing & Croncllhl's di•tinguUhed Copen· hagen blue, Und"-glued, bo:ted for gift-giving, aOO pleroed for hanging. Plrue register your requlrnnent.t now for these limited-edition piecn. Retail U5. BE THE FlRSTI ORDER HOWl 4JW\~ i11tetfors • ii'Af""'b ..l---~ TIVOLI SQUARE Tal: 673-2740 2640 E. Cout Hivhwrt, Corono .. lllor OI'IM SUNDAYS 12-S ,_., ,_ '-"Ill t. - OPIH DAILY ....... ,_,... a.wt -• 'I ....... OlJR DANISH COFFEE GARDEN IS OPEH DAILY X Watcliff Piau lt.....ponB••" pbaoy and a Dew cantata, "God's Commodore Thomas Patrtclr. c:;~··~ed~~lll;e~tropl>;;lY~IDr~flr;st;;to~~(ll~r;•~~·~W~a~y;••~)~Ba~od;Y·~~7!:;:1;1~=F;~;;;~i:;;;:;t;;;:;r;;~;;~~: gift ot lo'le." Tbe ho~a long .JOuga.n. Commodore Dougan 's procra.m Is open to the public. 2-year term of office leaves Proceeds trom a rree wtu of-the club with a 55-yea.r lease ferLDc •W aucment the Young oo prime channelfrontproperty memorial tund for a memorial a.Dd with plans tmplemeoted and to tbelr oew ch~acb buHdlng. Wlder way tor a oew clubhouse Tbe choir wW be directed by and marina set to reach com- Fred W. Ma.rtt.n.. Soloists will pletloo in the DeW year. lJlclude Wlltoo Lewton am thf! SeUed at the bead table with Mmes, DooUd Tolpolski, their wives were 1970's oeY Harold Neuma.a, MelYtD EriC· n&i oUJ.cers: Commodore aod .oa, Lt.U. VuO,U,andDa•id Mrs. Due Dom&nlkl, Vi(!e KubJ'. Ors:a,DUtt.EctwudBn. Com":Podore and Kra.lobD.Kao- IWna, tett; R-.r Commodor"e anclMra. Officer gets air medal Lt. Jay Ronnst1De Jr., son of M::, and Mrs. Jay A. Ro. vensti.oe, S35 Hamttton St., Co. His wlte, Dtea.n, l.s the daugh- ter Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Ket. ler, Sacramento. sta Mesa,ba.srecelved3awards ACCEPTED AS MEMBER ot the a1r medal at Clinton. Sberman AFB, Okla., Lt. Rovenstlne, a B~52 Stra- tofortress heavy bomber oa.vl- p.tor, was cited tor h1s otd.- staDdlng alt manshlp aod cour- age oo success1\11 aDd Impor- tant missions. He Is assigned to the 6th Bomb&rdme>lt Squ:ldron, a unU of the Strategic Air Command, America's nuclear deterrent force of 1oq n.nge bom'>ers Dr, Kenneth G. Williams, 26, of 149 Riverside Ave,, Newport Beach, has been accepted lor membership In the Orange County Chlropra.cttcSociety. He is a graduate of the Los An- geles College of Chiropractic, where hepursuedpo!>t-graduate studies in roentgeoology. He will be married this Saturday, Dec. 20, to Miss Diane L. M·:· Cla.in of La Crescenta. lUid lntercoi&eolal balllstlc $1,796,200 CONTRACT missiles. He was commlsslooed1a 1961 Congressman James B. Utt throug:b otflcers train.Log (R-35th) a.rmowx:es thl.tthe Z-0 scbool, Lackland AFB, Teus. Products Division of Wells Ma- He Is a 1960 graduate of riDe, IK., 31 90 PullmanStreet, Newport Hubor HJgll School, Costa Uesa,nasreceiveda coo. receiYed an A.A. degree 1n tract award for $1,798,200 from 1962 from Orange Coast Col. the U.S. Army, Frankford M- lece, ILDdea.rnedhls B.A. degree seoal, Philadelphia, lor 9 mil- in 1966 at CaWornla S"'..ate Col. lion link cartridge metaJUc lep at be Us. worlr. will be done I THIS CHRISTMAS • • • 9;.1_, .. .1._ SH1FT OOWN Pink. & Blue $7.00 WANTS YOU TO LOOK SIMPLY STUNNING SHORT QUILTED ROBE Pink., Blue, Whtte $16.00 0 QUtl.. TED ROBE Pinlr., Blue, Wbite $18.00 ALSO LONG GOWN sa .oo Nylon Uned tri cot robes qutlted w1th Kodel• Polyester Fiberl'ill and trimmed wttb lace. ln ptol or blue with pastel lace, or white wttb silver lace. * f ,), '" r --"' OPEH EVES MAJOR FROM CREDIT DEC. 15 CARDS f C\.OSED t SUNDAYS f NEWPORT HAROOR ENgGij TltiRO SECTION --Page 1 TltURSDAY. DEC. 18,1969 CORONA DEL MAR, CAll F. Ensign Publishing Co. Oflut Pri,lrr:s • High speed rotory oHset pren • Varityping • Heodliner 2721 E. Coost Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR Phone: 673-0550 LIGALMOTICI LIGALMOTICI UGAL iloTICI ADOL11rDIItO. '1101 1111 -·-pnelloet , .... , Mto. ~-11. .llllrldl 1'olllll ,_-CUport, AIIUOLIII'DIOrTBBcm N. C-Mto. IJulllnP,..._ 101 ,_A-ClnaMI COUIICIL or Till em or I'GIUal '~' ••••••••· -• 11or NEWPORT BEACH APP<JIN, -(PIJ,..a Ia .-),Ill Clort, Mro. IYob'l C. Troll-h.o ..,., Mro.-II.Ctwl TIIIG BL&CTIOII OFPIODS Ylo Lido lool, Noupod -lor 1 .... : Mro. -A.Wzora AHD BSTAIIlJIIIIIIIG TIIIIR '-'"'' llro. llorjaN B. Yallooir ,__ fll, ~ C-lin. ... J '"" .... COMPBHUTIDII, DaiGifA. --.... rapllr-pnelloeta cella TIIIG POLLIIIGPLACES,AIID ladtlt: Mra. GJ)' B. COli IOlulll, Clorlo: Mr .. I-I.IIWior PROVIDIIIG FOR THE OPEN-Clln: ll~o. 1-E. ~-Pollllc Pla<e: -Smlllo VOila( Pr-.... ~­ ING ·AHD CLOIING OF THE yoar OUqo.IN? Bill• '¢10,-· .... rapllr .. lloo,_.. POLLS FOR THE SPECIAL Clerk: Mro. s .. M. -· pon 8oado llufll?. ~--..!... MUNICIPAL EL&CTIOII TO 111:1 t•o•: Mto. -W. Polllllfllu; -.......... BB HELD ON IANIIARY II, YCIII.tc PraciDct II, -· Saollll ' Ill I .... c..-..... Co- lt'JO prlalll replu tlaetkiD pre. lldet: Mn. K&r1 Matt•!• roa del Mar WHEREAS, tbl CUJ eo-cu ciDetl N &ad U, Clllrt: M.re.catbllrtME.JC.... -..cw.: lira. lllbtl C. by R-1-No. 7100 callld a PoiiiDr Placo: Balboa hllllld ...,. P- mualelpal ·-to til blld Comm111111)' M-Il Cbarcb, Cllrt, 11<0. Palrlcla P, WJI. Jodp: Mr, Wlllrtd M, T-- OD JIM&fYlS, li'IO.uprorldtd 115 Apte, BIJboa I.aiiDd .. - ID lllo Cblrltr ol 1b1 City ol In-tor: lin. Bullora C. YOIIIc PrtciDCI lit, ......... CIJrO, II<. Pill M, - Newport Btt.cb; &ad CI"'OIIID liDC rtpllr tlec:ticll preetacts c•t: Mu. ll&rtM 111' 0 WHEREAS, U Ia -..-y ludco: llro. Mary A. GrllliD U Uld 110. Y-PraciDct 115, ~­ that tbe Clly COWICll -"" Clark; lira, lllrlam D. Ham-foiJioor Plact: Conao dllllar ling rtplar --1$1 Uld otocttoa olllcera, olllll>llab mood 11111 llcloool (FOJtr ol Gym). 150. their compeuatloa. al de· Cllrt: Mu. Mirlam L&Pl&ate 1101 Eutbld DriYe, Mewpor1 PoWDc Plaol: ~ Vln olplapollllleplacoolotlluod Yotlllc PrtclDct ft, co-t-s.c11 llcloool(LIInrJ),IIOOGo-lD saJd elecUoD.; atac repla.r elect1oa preelDct fDII*:tor: Mrs. Almette c. A,,.., Corola delMar NOW, THEREFORE, till City 103. GoaJ'ftJ _, ll<o. llucy M. Couocll of tbe City of Newport PolUDg Place: Jooes Guace, Jldce: Mn. M&rpret A, Moore Beach OOES HEREBY RE-101 Grind Cuat, Balboa h· Sltlit ludco: Mr. Norbtrt Hlullr SOLVE, DECLARE, DETER. tud Cllrlc ll<o. -A. HJwkiDI Cllrlc ll<o. 1 ... B. McDoooU lllNE AND ORDER, u tollowJ: lupeetor: Mrs, PatrWa W. Clt:rt: Mra. Lee Y. MeJTJ-c•.rt: Yn. lllarqaeta H. SECTION 1. Tbl.t lor tbt pur • .lODes man 811r11Dib&m pose of boldi.DC aiel apecia.l Judp: Mrs. Jaoe ADD Croaier VottAc PreeiDct 1!0, comprt. SECTION 2. Tl'llt tbt co~ mu.nlctpal eleeUoo, tbere lball Clerk: Mra. Clara E. P&iae llDC repJa.r eleetkla preelDets satloD of tbt ,.. .... bertia- be and are beleby eltablllbed Clerk: Mra. PattllDe H. God-Jll &Dil S09. &bot'e ~amid u eleeUoa al- tweoty-fln (Z5) •oU.ac pre-frey PoUU., Pace: Wldm&D Ga-flcen Ia berebyllxedattbtllllll ci.Dcts conststtnc ol a1DeteeD Yoti.D& Preclnet flO, comprl-1'&11, uss Aralla., Newport ol TwiDtJ..OO. Dollars Ut&Cil (19) coasoUdatlou aad Jb: (6) slDc reCU)ar elecuoo pre-Beach lDipector aDd El&btHG Dollar~ rerular elecUoa pndDcta 1D ciDct_ii. Iupeetor: Betty A. Widman for each Jll:lp a.-:1 Clerk. b' the City ot Newport Beach ea-Pol11Ac Place: FoWltel Real~ Judp: Mrs, Helen c. Secord l&ld eleetioo. Tbe reataJ b THE LARGEST SINGLE 'GIFT erer made to tbe Girl Scout F a h • tabllshed tor tbeb01d1Qeofstate deoce. Z600 B&ysbore, Newport Cleft: Mrs, Marjorie c. each of Ath polliDc pJaea Couoc::U ot Orange County Is the $100,000 uant from the air OUSing and county electioo.s, as a1d Beach Yeekel where a ebup ~ made ... u Ji.mes IrviDe Foundatt011• Pictured here wtth models of the regula.r election prednctau1st lnfiii"Ctor: Mrs. Tbelma M. CWk: Patricia H. Black be the swn ol Flfteeo Oollats new camp near IdyUwlld are, from left, Mrs. Charles S. oo the date of adoptioa of tbls Armel VotiDc PreclDCt t!l, comprt. lor' aJd eleetloll. Wheeler, member of the Foundation board, wbo made tbe a1'des named resolutioo; that UHt polll.Dc Judp: Mrs, AgDts B. Bell slAc recuJar electloa preclocta SECnON S. Tba.t tbl polll fol• presentation; John B. Parter, general chairm.u~ of the places tor the respective pre~ Clerk: Mrs. AnnR.G,Fowlka Nand !51. said elecUoD siWI be opeD at PROM.L'SE '70 Ca.mp Fund, designed to raise $1.5 mlllloo doc::ts shall be the placesbere~ Clerk: Marpret H. GUUu Polllq: Place: Cabdllo Med.i-7:00 &.m. of tbe di.J ot said from prtnte sources; Girls Scouts Qulta Woolley, otana Robert VircsUt ofCostaMesa lnalter desig:Da.ted; thattbeper-Voting Precinct fll, comprl-cal BJdc •• Suite No. D, %345 E. electioa &Dd tb&ll renWD optll Labadie, aoo Robin Schiser; Mrs. John M. owen, president bas beeD Q&Jned chalrma.notthe aoas bereiDafter oamed. beiDc stnc re~Qlar el.eetioo preclDcts cout Hwy Coroaa del Mar eoaC:tDUO«<IIy from saidtlme-.. of the Girl Scout CouocU, and RtchardW.llker,flna.DCe com-Newport-Mesa oelghborDood competent ud qua.U.fled elec~ 69 aDd sza. ~tor: 'urs. Ruth T. Du-til 7:00 p.m. of tbe a.me day, mtttee cll&irman. Also assisting the PROM~E campaJgna.re unit of the Orangtt County Fair tors and resideots of sa.ld City P.,l11llc Place: So. ClubHouse, row wbeo said poll.J stW1 beeloaecl, Robert Guggenheim, H. w. (Woody) unton, Blld Frank.Un. Hous.lnc Council. aDd of their respective Yotta.c Bayside Vll.lage, 300 E. Cout JWp: Mrs. Janet H. Bell escept as prorided lD SecUoa Daniel G. AldrichJr ., Agnes Blomquist, Henry D. Clarke Jr., Tbe Couocil, wb1ch pves as~ preclocts, are benbyiiJPOlzKed Hlallway, N9wport Beach • Clerk: wu. Carol J. Attios 144.!6 of the Electlou Code of w. Ed Crane, George Godfrey, Mrs. Samuel Gendel, sistaDee to mi.Dorlty p-<q>s in otneers of eLectloo tar tbeir lospector: Mildred E. Jewett Cleft: Mrs. Mattldl z. Becket tbe State of caWorU. Jam!s H. Klndel Jr., Keith Mllfdoch, Mrs. Elmer Sproul, obtaln1Dc bousinc of {heir reSl)eetiYe Yotioc pteclllCts &ad Judp: Mrs. Selma L,Mltehell SEC'I'JOft 4. n.t 1.1:1 all par~ Claud Sympson, Charles s. TMmas, RObert Weed and Georp cDoice, has Wllts ablo 1o Alll-they shall bold sal.delecUoDaad Clerk: Mn:. Rita Branstetter VotUac PreclDc:t tU, c:ompri ... Ueulars DOt recited ta lbia r .... W:.::xtford. The $100,000 wlll be used tor construction of a helm, Fullerton, G&rdeaGrOYe, make return tbereollDthe mu. Clerk: Mrs. Jea.aDe West!Jroot •tnc regu.1ar el«tioa preeiDCtl tolutioD, AJd ellctloo sball be multi-purpose buikllng at the 560..acre camp site. HunU.nctoa-Sea.l Beach, La ner provided by law. Voting Precinct tlZ, comprt-84 &Dd 74• bekl &Dd c:ocaducUd u pr.wlded N H Habra.. Orange, Placeatta and Votlog Precloc::t 11, com-slag reru.Iar election preclnct Poi.IJ..De Place: Tne Gua,ce, by aw b' boldlac mwdclp&.l ewcomers at oag TU&Un. O!tlces are at 1405 prlslno regular eloctloc pre.325. 261ZS..Yltw, eor-dltllar eloctlolloiDsaldCity. W 4th St Sa.ota ADa cl.ncts 102 and 98. PolliDc Place: Corpora.Uoa Wpectul: Mrs. Ala L.. True AOOPTED tb1JI 15tb daJ of • MONDAY, DEC. 1 Bo M -~II J A 'ao,sy "'t.oog of Oru-a PoWng Place: Seeley Gara-, Yard, utillties omee, 5iZ Su-Judce: Mra. Mabel RlJie December,l969, Girl llr -~ llr G ld Y-r.~ rs. a.mes • •v• ... c•--•· uri I Rl ""d -• ....., s. era M MUla 2253 Col b1a Dr Warlne capta1o has been elec-1307 E. Balbo& Boulevard, Bat-perior AYeollt, Newport S.cb RS~.: • • euye c.~ • Doreen Maraha.ll C. Hornbuckle, 85-f VIctoria St., C c taM n, urn ·• ted cb&.irman. Da.Ytd W.illber of boa lospeetor: Mrs. Dorothy 1. soo MaJor Costa Mesa. ':oy ~~r. aod Mrs. Jerry Fullerton is vtce.chalrman; lnspector: Mrs. Sblrley L. PUDe Clerk: Mrs. Wilma w. Ptlll~ A'M'EST: Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Michael J T nd 1981 Mapl A BeYerly Fremont of Orange Moore Judge: Mrs. Mildred J. Mer~ Ups Lura L&ctos ~;:,~~ ... :9~5 S:k.sltire Laoe, C~~·M":sa.' e n., secrtUrJ; Bob Jotul ol TllSliO: Jlldge: Mrs, Katherine G. Staal rell VottD.c PreciDct 113, comprt~ City C&ert • ~r> ... o eae • Gttl-Mr. and Mrs. OoucJ.a.s treasurer, aod Doo Mohlstrom Clerk: Mrs. Doris E. Allen Clerke: Mrs. Eulalle BooDt sloe repl&r eledioa preclDcla P_.,llsb: Dec. 11, 1961J, iD TUESDAY, DEC. 2 L. Mills, 506 1 Bereao Lane,lr~ of Garden Grove, member-at-Clerk: Mrs. Elinor' G. Wood. Clerk: Mrs. l.IDda l... Boucher 106 aod &e. tbe Newport Harbor EDSJIL Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Joho 1ne large. Glenda Walter Is uecu-Volioc Precinct 12, comprts- L!GAL NOTICE Davtdson, 17680 Camf'.ron Ave., : wi:DNESDA Y DEC 3 t!Ye director. lag regula.r etectioo preci.Dcts Votinc PreelDct 113, comprl- 3011 lfewpctft aiM. II A, Huntington Beach. Bo M • Mr Gar 97 and 76• sLoe recWar electioa preci.Dcta L!GAL NOTICE M...,..-t a.-:b Girl -Mr and Mrs Donald y -r • and s. Y Polling Place: Balboa Flre 87 aDd 1640. ORANGE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTWENT ~=========~Gc~B~l::;,~te:y~, :41~6~V~Ista:~Grand:·:e:·~Ea:st ~~ ~:~h.401 Sth St., Hunting-Warnl"ng on St&Uon, 110 E. Balboa Boule-· Poll.I.Dc Pla.ce: Newport Het-ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA • Girl _ Mr. and Mrs. Carl . YUd, Balboa pta Elemeatary Sebool (Cat.~ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ,..__._ u-. torlum) JOO E 15th Strlll, S.Led prt9>Mia wtl1 be r.celnd at tbe Ofllee of tbe Clort ' I er tulfttnua ~ uO• ,., tJJafl, On•rlooAi•t .~rtc·farl H•rllnr" 1111 Ct..l~~ D,.,.,. NEWPQRT BE·ACH. CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHE,.AN CHU,.CH 1:00 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. SI:.:J A.M. TO 10:10 A.M. -FAMILY WORSHIP -SUN CAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SERV1CE 'Jtle aeY. J .. N G. Blain., Putor ne .. , . aoaald -.u •• .U.I.&.Mt Pucor ........ 1141-31Jl O.rlatl• $cl•nce S.VIce• nuT C&VIICII OF OI.ST, SC1Elf11ST 3303 Via Lido NewpoJt Beach SIJNOA Y SCHOOL 9:15 ......... 4 ''···· SUNDAY SERVICES 9:1S-11•·•· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETlNG I,. .... READING ROOM ._ .. 4.,. 1: 9 ...... -s .... . ........ 4.,.: 9 ...... -7:45 .... . '·••4-r ... 4 "•'4..,· 9 ..... -s ....... 7·9 ,. .... s.-,.,, 1 ..... -", ..... .:COfiiiiD C8lJIIC11 OF CII~.ICI£NT11T Newport Beach at C«ona del Mar 1100 Pactllc View 0<. SlJNDA Y scHOOL 10 ... SlJNOAY SERVICE 10 •• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 , .... le..U.1 Roo•: Mat.al' Bid. 186! Eaat Co-t Hwy •• COM. M-.-rrt.: to .... • s , ... , n .. d.,. n•las: 7 to 9 Set.: 10 Lm. to 4 P••• You ue cordi alii inYi1ed 10 auend C'hl.t'fch Serric.es and k) use the Rudina Room.. LUTKERAK OIUROI OF lo A.•m•• ltOOPiellk:YinDr. C<na dllllar, Calli. Ja. WUHAII R. ILLER -... -...... -C..tllrlta, --1:11 A.IL • PUJilr -llllp -~-1 _, __ _ PJIO'fiDBD fino ..,lot O...tlo .. c. ........ . a.,,i"' BtiiW r.u ... a.tp l•••,utl .. l-AIUO.O.Oft '-'• A.• &. ....... 11. Ita. Dr. P.G. Neumann, paa10r SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S a.r •· Sunday Sc.hool 11 :00 e.m. Momin1 Worahip, 6:00 p.m. Traininl Unions 1:00 p.m. Evenin& Worahip WEDNESDAY 7:20 p.m. Bible S..dy 1:00 p.m. Prayer MeeLin1 A TTEMD THE CMUROI OF TOIII CltOlC! REGUl.AILY ............... 71 .. ~ ..... ff•DNUDA"t' Slel.• •TuD• AMD ... U<ra•7 ... ~oM. wu-••v .,... ... ••••tcu ............ -.. ~--­~ ... ...... C r .... RVIJ -. ' ,. ........ ,.,__,.,, ... , Cr ....... I' a #A o.a•• ~· ....................... ..,.., ..... Clo•••.,....·-- -ft II .... 0 . ClendeDOD, 2035 Wallace ....___...,r· ..-s Ruth Ro!mleJ • • lh H II lad . M · c ·lleeo N-a-co ot till 8oJN or~-· otlbl CooootJ., Orango, s..ta Ala, Av:;; Cos~ Me~ M Gerald e per weU If. rs. o B. Far~ lnspeetor: Mrs. Lela. D. Me-C&WonW.. oa at bllore Mo.:I&J, tbe ZW! daJ of Deetmbu, G. R~sa, ~3o No. ~izmesota Clerk: Mrs, Heleo W. N)'berc Millu. 1969, at Z:OO P.M. o'doc.t. at whleb Ume tbey wW be pcabUclJ st., Costa Mesa. The NewportBeachpoUce de-Clerk: M ~s. Apes L.. Loub Judge: Mrs. Sibyl G. Norman opened aad read 1D tbe Cltllce of tbe Clerk of tbe Boud o1 Sa- Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Joho A. partment warns that hOUdays Voting Predoct 13, com-Cctlort,k: 11 11••· JMyrtte B, HF~ll pent.:»rs, Room 501, Ccxmty AdmiAlstralloa BW.ld1q. 515 ' ·•· 1ar 1 er rs tRDDttte ..-.y Nortb Sycamore, Suta Alia, Calltor"'"' lor conatr·-~ .... a Gross, 21431 Augusta. Circle, are not always happy days. pr ~g regu e ecttoo pre~ · • · ~ -. -.-... Humingtoo Beach. Tbeft of gifts cao cause sad-clocts 73 aDd 105. DOt bipway ID aceorduce wttll tbe plana a.ad .,-tncatloas tbere~ p lUo Pla c for, to which spedaJ ref•eoc:e is made as tollows: Girt -Mr. and Mrs. Ken-ness, so these suggestions are o C ce: tty Ha.llCotm~ Voting PreclDct 114, com -Ill the CouatJ otOrup, oa JetfreJ Road from the Atc.bla:Jn. oeth w. Btmy, Z675 Redlands oUered by the pollee. ell Chambers, 3300 Newport prislne regular eleetloa pre-Topeka &lid Sub Fe RallrOid to 1600' uortbvlJ of tbe At- Or., Costa Mesa.. 1. Nenr lean valuables Blvd., Newport Bch. clncta 89 &Dd 71. cblsoa., Tapeta &Dd Suta Fe Railroad. Girl-Mr. and Mrs. WUUam visible in a locked or unlocked lnspector: Mrs. Fbra M. PoWnc Place: Newport tfar. Bids are requlred Jot tbl eotire wort as desc.rlbed benlD: Lut%, 1019 American Place, car, Put them l.Dto the trunk Crissman bot IUcb Sc!lool (Foyer of Au~ Eac1Deer's Elf:lmate Costa Mesa. wbe.re they eanoot be seen. Judge: Wrs. M1Do1e Hale dUorJum), lrYine A'ftnue aDd Item No, QuaDU • THURSDAY, DEC. 4 2. Wbeoenr possible, park Clerk: M.r. OoucJ.a.s G. P:l1-15tb Street, Newport Beach 1 2 ty =~'!::k (J.)y -Mr. and Mts. David and lock your car i.D a well-mer ln.spee.tor: Mn. Jane 1. Sa.nds 2 ,;: i~· A pte But McAleer, 2518 Eldeo Ave., A/A.. Ugbted area. Clerk: Mrs. Velma Sbamoo Judp: Mrs. BeYerlJ L. Croft 3 5,s Too t.:'~ A.tpba1t {SC-z5o) A, Costa Mesa. 3. Always loc.k your borne Voting PreciDct 14, com-Clerk: W:r, E. B&rtbam Gar-4 3•5 T)J Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Earl and leaYe some Uchts oo a pr1.stn1 regular elecUoo pre-oer A..,..Wc Emtlllioo Carpenter, 1015 Encl.and St., Umer to burn during the even-cincts 100 and 85. Clerk: U.n. Louise Mar~ 5 Toa (hilt BIDder 6 Seal Coat) Huotingtoo Beach. tnc hours. Pol~2P=:s~e~:·s r.. seellu: 6 1 ·~ Ea. ~==-PI Boy-Mr.andMrs.Russell 4. U you are goiDgtobeout rage, -ee, ewport Vottnc PreclDct tl5,eomprt-7 Zi L.F. MetaJBeamGwudRa1Uq Yamaga, 333 2200 St., Costa of town, notifY the police de-Beach stnc recular electloa preeloct Tbe torecota.c QQUtiUea are &ppr'OJ:lmat.e OGIJ, betq: 11,..0 Mesa. partmeDI so they can watch ln.spec.tor: Mrs. PhyWs M. 326, u 1 buts lor tile ~olbids,&Jid tbe Couab ofOrup Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Ronald your house, Give them tile W:tscbk.e Po)UiDc Place: Horace Eoslp does oot, uprua.\J or bf tmpllcatloa, acree lbat tbe adull JohDSOO, 20521 Bearsdeo CU'-names or persoas authorlled J~~o1ge: Mrs. Tbelma M, Horn-ScbooJ (L1brary), ZOOO CWI amouat of work w111 correCIQDd tMrewltb bat ntena tbe cle, Huotingtoo Beach. to ~ your hOme. Leave a uoc · Orin, Newport Beaeb rlebt to toc.r .... or decreue tbe amouat o1 a.Q1 cla.u or por~ • FRIDAY, DEC. 5 key w1UJ a oelghbor. Have him Clerk: Mrs. Paul E. Hart lnapec&or: Mra. Lue1lle Bear~ Uoa of tbe wort. or to omJ.t portloaa of tile wort, u m&J bt Girl-Mr. and Mrs. James check your nome periodically. Clerk: Mrs. Joan B. Rey. nau deemed aeceiSU'y or adYtlabJe bJ tbe Eacf,.Dee.r. Handrych, 406 Jasmine Ave., Leave your trip Wnerary or an ooids Judce: Mrs, Jea.nnette D. Tbe CODtract doclanellta Jball eout.t of Not1ce to Cootrac- Corooa del Mar. emeri'JDCY oumber where yoa Vottoc Precinct 15, comprl-Pearto.:~ tors, Form o1 Pr~ Form of Acreemeat. Piua. Spec:J.al Girl -Mr. aoo Mr s. Job.o ca.o be reached, Stop ali mail, sl.Dg recular electtoo preciDcts Clart: Mrs. PeaLe R. Sbedd Pr~ &Dd studu'd Spec:l1lcat.ims, all of wbicb are em Haas, 392 Prlocetoo, Costa newspapers and milk deUverJ. 77 and 81. Clerk: Mu. Estber J , Cama. ft1e 1a tbe omce of tbe Oruce Couoty RoM Oeputm ... aad Mesa. 5. U JOU see aoythlog out of PolUoc Place: Newport Shores ru are bereby referred to IDd made a pu1 hereof. Girl -Mr. aod Mrs. Gary the ordloary-call the pollee. Club House, 511Ca.Dal,Newport VoUDc PreciDct 116, comprl-PJaos, 91*:1&1 Prof1sloGI &Jid olber eoatraet doc.II!Dd Silverman, 2018 Leeward Ln., Remember, crime prevemioa ·Beach aloe rel\llaf electloo prec.1Dc:ta e:.rm.. wUl be anUable a eii.DlJ..IaUoo wilbollt ebup.Capiu Bayer est. Is 8'1tJ')'ODe's respoo.sJ.billtyl lDspector: Mrs. fieae liJ.Der 80 IDd U. ot all CODtract Girl -Mr and Mrs Ro~ Judp: Mrs. BeYerJyJeu. Hu-PolllDc Place· Mu'ilwa Put doe.a...U Dla.J be MCjll'ed at tbe oalc.e ofllle derick La Shelle, 1130 ,.;mer-ATTEHDS AARP MEET drtcboo Se-(C,..,.:t..,~ ZlOOMa. Orup C...tyllold ~ 400Ctftc Coolerllrl .. Wtst. set Ln., Westclilf. .. Clerk: Mra. Maraot Sk1l.l1ac riDers Nnport 8eaeb ~!:;-~ 'SATURDAY, DEC. 6 Older persoos sboutd be Clerk: lira. HlleoR, Mcllolr ~tor · ll<a Calberloot C -. ..,...lalProohiooo(DaUDCludlac-dSpoellka- Boy _ Mr. aDd Mrs. Joanoe iDYolved to areas of local and VOCioc PreclDet 16, comprt~ Hallbtrc · • • Uoas or otblr ctoc .... u lDctased bJ rel.er..:e) ud propoat Burkeotleld, 9341 Molob.t, ~Ia! cooc;!:~~b~,crlm~: siog replar electioD precloct Judp: Mra. Mane! L. Brt-t forma IDI.J bt obb'..S by prolpeeUYe bldderi1CQI .. JIIMIII Huntington Beach. -.. 88Ctu ... T &.ia.i m.wcare, 75. c•.t· Wra. ~A u...!:j ol a priaU.q aad ..-rice c.llup lathe ....t ol $1.00, wblc:b Boy-Mr. aod Mra. lllartia S&JI Eapoe H. Ht1e Sr.oi.Hua.~ PolliDc Place: Bolme'Ciuaet, Cllr~ Mro. a'·-..... ~ lballiOt bt refmdab ... All tMcb llllllbt a.de PQ- NaUand, 1971 Port Cardtlf Pt., tingiGa Btlch, wbo Ia put pre. 2U Yta Dljool, Nowport s.c11 d_.. 1'llo11a ' oc. al>lo to Orup CO., Tr....,or bot-bo mallod lo till Harbor VIew HIUs. :-"" .:...u:-.::.•-==:: lllopoetor: Mro. s .. F. llooo-YotiDc Prtctact 117, --~tot, 400 Ctrlc C-llrl .. Wtst. -.lJoJ. Girl -Mr. a.od Mra. O.lmo Rellr p De!' lblc r-t..• eleetioa -ec:1KU 1".-La.-.J ---....., d -•-Goodwin. 2186 Pta·-· Costa od ersoos Uld AARP Judge: Mro. LorraiDt T. HJw. 10 ":...--...,.... ---r ..-•--may til - II -Slllo cllrector JorSoutloera Cal-lay Uld -· Jor '1.51 lu lac-"-Uoot o.ar-ol P11>llc W•l:l, esa. Uonia Mr HUe · PoliiDc Pllc:e· M:l!lt .. Relll 8tdl ill CaJUDnAa. a. Road~ C.., Boy-llr.andMrs,Tijorlaa, 111rllld• rro.;, lbl r~~ re-Cllrlo: ll<o, Yallrlel.ll-dtiiOI 14H s,".tilll' liftp,.j 400CirlcC-na:.Wtst.-.t.oo,Calllarata. oiOruiJ. ~!!. r:.:..ooa AYe., Apt. A, Ar• IX CODfereoc:e ot the·~ ;.,lert: kr•. FklreoceS. Pru~ ~ : Ito bid wUl be (lllp ddnd ..... tl &8 Mdl oa a blaM k• Girl -.ir. aDd Mra. Rolald Uld~ .'!ettrp td Teacben Assa. VCJU.ar PreeJ.Det 17, comprla. .::;,tor: Mra. Rinll& Ill. ,........., bJ tM ColllJ a.d eo.•'lllhMr &ld 11 ...S. ia ~ -· -... --., ... _..,..._ Cwomins, 2700 Peter .. Way, Tbe ~l&ttoGa:' ber Ud ~ ~ 1200, Costa MoiL 1rom AJuD ~raiiiDra. LIIRARY 10 IIIDW CDAS'Y\.IM! Vf'!'I'OIT no Baud .,........._.olllotCO., ol<lrupro •• Boy -Mr. and Mto. Lot Ilia, Ha'ftll Me. • 51UD!MTS' PILM$ DNICI SI!T POl fRIDAY t1oo ritlollon)llet..,.orllll bffo. ~::: 2426-B Eldla, Costa WJ .. la.,..; """'~·~= TloaCO.,Wonry(a-__ lilt __ _, Tloa-'u_..la_lollot--lalloc- A""•"LT, a•TTI!RY FlamtJaco Hoteloa Dec. 3a.od4. ...... * ...... c:l ..-.., ,_,.tltMlfaJiaMIY te-cl bl:a I of .......... l:tllgPM ... ll!err h 1• Ilk ... -II'U ~ flla81r'111Qwwe.-.Jut,... r...,.. wau, c.•"M Pelt c roo. nkll M ...a,,,,. ta ... ....,..._ ., .. OIARGE IS PILED at ··-lllc1o -.TJoa -lid ••lllarywlll.--IW!o ..,._ i l'Jin olllot*- F_I_ Llcloolitf· OlMTIIACTOII$ REI'ORT -· 11111--ll1aoa aWl' 1"11-lp ... a--ol .__ kl-aal aall ••, 1410 ll', DIY Aft~ Ctofn1 llll!f'n AT SOIOOL SITE ~ ~---1'loa ...... _ Ia ~ rrto1Jr ........ Doc, 11,11 , JOniJIC--· ... llnport, ....... -.. • --w ... .... ···-...... JlaD, M5 w. Ia --cblrp ol ao•d ud __, ..._ $6,000 wwtto ol-. 1'loa -Ia ?:JO p.a. _, Ulo a., CoofJ-._Colli oC 11ot- oo Dec. 11 bJ Roe c.r.. o1 -Uld o1tdrl<a1 _. Doc , or U. alllotCoofJMoaoi ca.• ..._ -.,._ oC ~ Coaalr 1M tlll..::'~po~~oe ... :O":':::-,"ri,':c-UOnrJ,•-c.. =.-=.:~.~.: ~~~~"'Jl::". .. t11o ••-"' Doc. u. .., ~ -~ • 11.,... Dol :. :~ ~ llot..,.. C» -• -• "Ito aai!IIJ • .. ,. a. na m.tlll or ·--............. Oioud'fhladllloloollto.ll. a ..... ......, ~.. -•-c.cw•-colllft', -uf lloat 1la -lllr. A.__ p> .... Co. r. ~ -_, -lo " w ... ..,_ IIIII'• •· ~ .......................... & JI,OOO -nat~GriiiS'I ..... ± 14 12 ,.,..... W:Dra 11 ,,_ ...... _, .. __ , c-..1-lcJI CW4 ~~"' c.totr -. ..... G. c.n-. '"''"•· ..... ,_ aeal-*1111-ros ''"'~"" ..,_ ""loi,~ • n • ' -......... ....._ CoaalrC~Joaaall•••••• I Jltl 211 1111 ....... II ~IIUtlar-ailt .. __:. nlll 2 Dlr, ........ II' $$ J fl 4 J27 #, ......., a.. ............ t 'IIFI ••• ,_._ Dto. u. ~ ,_.., .-.,......,,.k ---._ ......,._ .. _......,,.,. ••1 .ce eoaa1r or • ::0:~":...-::":,:.0,0:.::..:J~ .. ----.~~~: !:'Z:O:•\'::, ;:,.·~~·-•• ••u ·~·...:=..\.e •':.,'::'u.u. \ • . . You'll probably bo doing some extra cleaning around the holll!e during tho hoHdaya. And while you're sprucing up don't forget your telephone. Grime and smudget can be removed with a damp cloth. Harsh abrasives or cleansing powders only dull the surface. Now that phones come in so many beautiful colon they're an important home furnishing-eo don't neglect yours! I'm ~ure this will interest you who love to cook: An OffiCial Cookbook to celebrate California's bicen- tennial featuring the etate's foods and wine& ia now available for purchaee. It baa hundreda of recipes and is colorfully illuttrated. For further information, or to order one, write: Official California Bicen- tennial Cookbook, P .O. Boz 2366, San Francioco California 9401!0. ' ~d~ .. ,._- J. R. Holtman Your Telephone Mlnaaer in Newport-Cotta Mesa 1 Ti• 3l word • or le 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1..50 21 wor-ds to 30 words ...... 2.00 31 words to -C) WOf'ds ...... 100 2Ti-• 251 !.00 4.00 • 10 JTi-• 3.00 4.00 5.00 .15 Eoch word owr ..0 wcwds .. ..OS .'-----~-~-= • ~KS fOR ¥1.1 w -CAL 1'011 W.l -'--------'-~~1 CHRmllAS Lut mlnute Cbrtstmu ctftJ SUGGI:S1'kltS boob:, recorda &Dd patriotic: Select II'W or ....S plla. .,.... ... O--· Y ....... AB c-. • B&Jdw1D, A otblrs from ----· ..... -. ..... lllctiiMO. v ... a( .... 1-oeoll-•al- _,." -llfecioiiJ', -·· ...... •t.St ,... ... -111oi-fin ·- -' .. • aro&. •n.m .. . .--.... o ...... _,...., ••• w....-flll1 ....,..L:::;I ~ll$1195;-.............................. -....... _ ... _..,,.., ~ ·-~ ..... fOI S .U.E llori'I&J>dcoo-$215. ,._ ....... ~ SACRD'ICE. wor.-...... 6 -. --llrudo, pl&Do, beul1flll c•w11t'"• Y...a. Sllary • Clift, .tc .. $550. 0< --··'1$--.... h. SCIDODT II-Co. BE ~UE, drtrt; U •P1p • 1101 fl. 11tJa st., SUta ~ Cal>o(FD).E>or·-8loiiiWI1 y- --. E'NIIIIp {Ill) 177-51A, · :.~~0;;-,;;;fi;:,CIS";I'Ow;;. ~-,;;;;;····• Nfore ,.., eyu - -JOU' .... c.,.t -~ _... ............ &... ... ... A•t elearic ......_ -OI.C-Hwdw- 1101 E. C..t H..,.., ,C.: -.... . .,....~. AlniQUK -lolllo, llllrll -· 'I " IDr 0 ........ Ill c ............ , • ., • ..,. ·-·· -loalw, <OE. cloek.-_ PETS~=na=:=IW.B.:::.._I_.alt _____ l ! -_, -n - lan -(ool -), ... _ II 1,1-0M, _N_. ftTimP ........................ ~ ... Cl I I ............. a ........ -'::: 17,.,. Ill c.-1111 ..... -. r ........... ..,._ oa-..., pot nlr ,._ .. ,_cw. ........ , ...... 1 c.l.,_. ........ '$.\ .,..o. .. -. c-. ..... .. A PERFECT GIFT! WORTH LQQKING INTO -' ... 411 E. 17 .. St. OPII 'TR t 1lil ........ , ... l·t-.diEZ ................. trld...__. .... ,.. , r a laft ..... ; 2 .... .. .................. • ..... U M'FII 8 51 II ..... .....,.,._._..._._.;ns •Oidw., t a ............ • ,.....,, C.... • .....,... C.: sua • Opticw ... OtrWa ............. •• •• -----·~- ~ .... Costa Mesa ; SAT. 'Til 6 NNr IJelt a -.tury of MtYice 1 Near haK a billion _._ atrong .... interest banks I 25% MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS on regular passbook savings! Interest compounded daily, credited quarterly. Interest paid from day-in to day-<>ul~o notice required for withdrawals . Transfer your savings to THE BIG M today. Now! 5~" on 6 Month Bonus Accounts THE BIG M also offers 5Y•% on Bonus Accounls of 51 .000 or more held for 6 months. This means yoo eam 5% current annual rate plus .25% Bonus Interest, per annum. Come in or call for Information. W. IL So!IIII!C'MJa s.-.rv..,,. .. , ..,..,.~.-..__,_ W88T N'IIIOADIA ----'riJO&Jt I ••• ·- --..... c...,._ l'$'11....,. R<Jbort D . .utDn VinPta-.... -·-SAVIN&S _... 7 r '"I a CORONA DI!L MAR •=••La ........... 2 •• Ti .... ,. .., ... c... ••• . -.... eighth gradets · top honor roll students --· ....... llrol--... --ol ._ . ._.,......,_....-.non'" 11 -· ................ (1.1 .-poll!l ·-.. -) Ud • •11!1-,.... ........ • PliUIICJPA.L'Illt All'-&Melt Sttptw•• LJU -Ciut Palrlda llneb BID Mo-M Cula~ --Bla&...,_ --Pamela-. JlllloMcCor .. u EUMII Cl'ooM Jeu C&ftla"'fl SMM MN-11" ~ Feldma.a AW.O. Cblkl Tom Meyer -FradiJIJJ Adrloa CoW.. Blll7 u-o 4 8W Hoole LJ.Ja Creamer XeriD Mulleo llaJ Pbuooc NCUYeD Ertn Crowley RobiD llyera COr-r Palmer PaOli Dodds Llo (ladeD lareD Puelle Plllllp Doyle StepbeD Pa.cter Lon Ricca James Elliott JW Pernortb L.JDD Russell Tom Flym Kelley Pope Jolla Setudedermaa Heatbl.r Hayes MeiU Queell Ma.rjorte Taylor J.:ty Headrictsoo Georce Qaict Heatber Valdes Mark Henricks Etlee:D Rose BrJU Watsoo Laurie Hostetler Cbuck SWord Krls W1dma.o Joo Hugbes Lisa Stoctwell Kerln Wilson Klm Hutcb.i.Dgs Camille Tale • HONOR ROLL LyDD Amundsoo Tammy Applebaum Bill Bury Mary Beth lrtriD Todd Temple Fraacls Jayne H•tber Trent Kasey Klassey D!aDe Vaklel Pamela Kloss Ell&abetb Ward Lesly l...a..De Sberl Weanr Dirt Layer Aadr• Wells Nuey Bechtel Tracy Lynam Cb:Ules Wlogard Sneatb grade booor students 1Dcllkle 44 on tbe prlDet&:al.'s list m:1 69 oo the boaor roll. • PRINCIPAL OS LIST Frank Thomas Bruce Laraoo. ADD Arnold Brooke Thompsoo V&lerle Lewis Allen Arthur A110e Vierge"er KeW l.Jgbt Doo Arthur COIUlie Wagner TiJil Umb 5118 Asbley Loroa Watt Mark Lobrbeet K1110 Bates Mary Zusag Ste•e M.arowttl Tom Beovenuti • HONOR ROLL Mark MuweU Linda Chase Shirley Anderson Kim Morrisoo Kathy Davis Jenny AustgeD Nancy Muopr Lydia Davis Jon Baldwin Seott McAdllm AprU defabry Doug BellUofr Aa:ty McCorkle DWme Dickson Barbara Bkldgett Dan G. Parry Pbi.Hp Dixon Darren Bordler Curtis Panln Merrilee Dunn Stewut Carpenter Dan PenninctoD Ellen Ebert Nina Casey Ml.ke Peters Beth England Kevin Cavanaugh Jeff Pollsoer Jeff Fraass Patricia Clark Doug Polltoske Yurlko Garno Elizabeth crane Jobo Reese Cheryl Haocock Phllip Crew R?bin Rider Ra.odi Heilig Richard Dale Phyllis Robtnsoo Cindy Hughes Jim Davis Martha Romero Sally Jacobus Ste ve Davis Btu Rose Julie Jooos Toni Deem Nancy Rose Molly Keating Susan Englans Vaaessa Rossi Jobn Klug Thomas E. Forsyth Kathy Rusb Sue Kozmata Missy Fowler Patty Ryan Bill I...a.npdorf Jenny Frank Rosemuy Sears Cindy Larson Steve Franklin Lori Smith Susanoe Limbeck Kareo Glasgow Jessica Sta.tJ Barbua Lotts Jobo Greenwood Ja.a Strtc.t.ler Bill MacGowan Dee Guy Scott Terrell J. B. Mcfarlaod Karin Haapa Brete Uoderb.ill Blnb Nguyen Shannon Hayes Karen Warrick Louis Raymoad Nanette HLD.soo Carolyn Waters Ellen Rosenber'g Patty Humphreys Greg Weinberpr LaUra Royster Pam Huntsberpr MIWe Wilson Karen Scbweitur Carrie Kneububl EU.O Bowker Clndy Shaw Darlene Koster Molly Boyd TIM! 8th grade bas 50 Oil the prloclp&J's Ust and 99 oo the booor roll. • PRINCIPAL'S L~ David Arthur Beth Seek BUl Berna.rd Libby Birnie Simon BQughey Diane Bromley Janis ChoisMU" Cathy Crone Kerry C Wlllin~m Stan Dorn Barbara Ewell Bill FerdJ Betsy Frame Jim Freeman Suzie Friend Karen Galloway Marcella Gilmore Dale Greene Lee Griswold Gus Gustafson Jody Henning Patty Hunt David James Karen Jasper Sarah Jayne Brian Kent Kate KIUeler Jea Levana.s Molly L}'nch Robert Macdonald Dawn Marston Mike Messenger Fred Moore Cory O'Connor Mark Odermu Jelf Puelle Nancy Rnenscroft Paul Ronney Louise Sawyer Geoe Schultheis Marti Shoemaker San Slack Susan Smith Ll.oda-Kari Store Robin Swift Julle Treat Robin Weed Clndy Williams Debbie Wilson Bart Vaughn • HONOR ROLL Robin Adsit Gerry Alker Pete Anson Jeanine Arranaga Clndy Ashle¥ Pete Ashley Susan Barth Denise Belllsle Carol Beroey Judy Blodgett #andY Bogle (:;ary Brisley Blll Brucks David Chase Lisa Clarke Kelly Conway Sue Corry Rick Cassano Patty Creamer John Crimp Kim Davis Tern DeLancy Karalee Dickerson Gary Edwards Sydney E•erson Debbie Fabregas BiU Fer di Cara Frost Randy Fulton Jim Ga.rn LIMa Gregory Karen Hniken Steve Kellig Mary Lu Hicolt Jim Hilllard Karen Hinrichs Mary Jane House Richard Hubbell Shawoel Iverson Sue Jacobus M.u-k Jordan Mlke Judith Susan lWs Sllawn Kelter Steve Kenoer Brian KfolU'y Ellen Kiss Kris Kuster Du'd W.its Dorothy Logan Tim Loit& Ll.nda Mal.Jahn Jamie Mann IUrtam Mason Glenn Meyer Paul Moffatt Hila.rte Moore Va1er1e Morris Keltb Mulker Tara Mtillen Dl.ck Munroe Ctooy Neal Sb.cy Ogle CherlOrsat Viclde Pawlik Sberyl Peterson LalU'eoce Pb1Jllps Sue Pickering Stacie Plttma..n E. J. Politoske Karen RaodaJJ Donna Reichert Sean Reily Susan Reyoolds Letha Ritter Peter Robbins Connie Rodriqlle% Pat Rumbellow Ken Sacher Lawreoc.e Savage Rich Savage Casey Sba• David ScbJ.Uer Suz.anne Sm.Uey C iDdy Steiobaus JoanSJewart Jane Tbom Kathy Uoderwood Anita Vermtmd Alex W&DJ.ek Catby Ward Katby Wataoo Mike Watt Mike Wedemeyer Diana Werley Brier White LeaWood Cla..u& Yoq BtuoDeS-. IE A GOOD MIIGIIIOI If yo. •• • ... ~,.or bow of a .. WUCCWI • .. ·---~ .. ... --~-.. ... her a fa'tW .., c .. liaa ... . ....,_ Visiw Mt•-... 10 .......... . will coli .. ,_, fri!JIOI ................ ,~ .. _. tiRo r-. lll•tlr --~~ ·-WI .. FOIIIEJU MEARS CIIIIERA NOW AT &111IIIPPOIIT a YD. -1-, .... , .... ~·I ... I .. ..... ._...,aM ·- 111111'79·-·· PMOMio .., •• ,.. COftA-.t ........ , .EW'ORl HAJ180R EllliCJI 1111110 st:CTIOII ---P• 4 00-Y. Dt:C. », ne 001110 Dt:I.IIAR, CAUF. AgenCia for Planners IIAI111A IIOWM DIES Tloo ._.. ct 1111 Nowporl oo 1111 -lido a« BoJIIdo Btack P ........ Commi•Wt.a-Or .. bltfleD tbe BaJbae Yacbt e-11!1 1o11oW1JJc llulo Jo< C1101 Ud lbe Bohlo CorLallllall MuiiJo !Iron, 7t, a( '1M ll!o -•c•llp.m.-,,Dee. Yaebl Club. C-st., Coolo M-4lod II, Ia lbe City IIIU COOIIICU Dec. ts. at Put Lido c.-cbuDblra: 5. ftal map for Tnct 'JOIZ nliiCW Holpltel Sbl trU l Coatlayed billttDC 00 lbe of lD.H. (Hol.Celn Co.). coo- bon ~ Not. S, 1895, ta Peaa-••' permit IIJPllCI.t* f1 Alex .. ta1Ai.Dc li.U acr• dlf'kled lDI:O OJ-Ud 11Yo4 latblo..-y .__ TwbiU m Jo< odrtYO-ID, 71 r-GIIllolaud-I'HD 11!11 olalo lllrl5 JIUO. ---oraat at7ZO W UK lot, OG lbe no<lbllldeoflbo Mu. Bron Ia ...,t.,.td by a Caut U:, Mar !De Mtle • exteuloll of Vt.a. del Oro, 100o Wuuam ol.lrTt.ae;ac:taup.. site ~· Ba sOO:" ' westerly of Eutblufl' Dr., bi-ter, lira.. Betty Fry of In toe; ~tv y es com-tweeo East Bluff ud tbe URter ud Z cra,DdebUdreo. SerYtces m '"'~' Bay. were beld Dec. 16, at tbe West-z. Continued bearlag on tbe cwr Mortuary Cbapll with tbe vviaoce appUcaUoa of Rolly 6. Use permit appUcatloa ol a .... James steftrt olllclatiDc. Pula.di of Costa Mesa fOt a s. T -J -M Enterprises. PboeoJx. B11rlal wu lD Harbor Rest Cern-. story chrelline at 5109Seashol'e Artzou. for adrl••-tn. take .. etery. Dr.. West Newport, wbere tbe restaurant to operate from are- eode speclftes a !-storY Umtt. locatable buUdlnl at 600...630 LOOIO!iG FOR WHALES s. Coattnued dlscossloo 00 w. Coout HyY., WarLDers Mile, Whale hlml trips w1ll beliD tbe resubdif'lsloo IIIPUcatioa of across fr'om Bay Sboras. this Saturday. Dee. zo. oo the tr.e Intoe Co. tor creation ot a 11!11 Su MI ... I Dr., Newport c-. I. Uoo permit IIIPDcalloo ct Goorp L. Rapr ct Newport Be&CIII b' a bar IJid life ••- tertatAmeat at a r..U.uraot at zua w. Oeou Fl., c-11 N O'IIPO<I, 11!11 r-lllor I niYor a( lbe oG-olreetporlloc reQulremeats. i. u .. permit 111Pllcatloll ol Job.n Ma.rUD Sbea IDe, of New .. port Beacb for u aamatic car ftab, with pmliDt Ales, at tbe IOUltbwelt coroerolNew- port Cuter Drlf'l Eut aDil A-.~ A¥1., Newport Center, 10. Use permlt applleaUoo of LD.H. (llolsteiD Co.) to con- struct resldeDtla.l l.llit. as part of a plaDDed resldeat1al de- n)opmeDt oa tbe south side of tbe uteosloo of Vl5ta del Oro, opposite tlle proposed Vist&Or- oada in Nol'thblutr. 11. Teotatin ~ of Tract 7148, a subdl•J.sJoD planned by LD.H. (HolsteiD Co.) CQQtaln!ng 9.6 acres dif'lded tato 14 re- Begin at ~F~ For the ultimate in reminine apparel 3424 \ ia Lido. Nt·wport Bl'at:h PHS8DPI' crlliaer lslarld HnU· site tor a ruttae 6-stoty pro-7. Use permit a.ppllcatioo of day fr'om Da..ey•s Locker at fessioDal omce building at the Beverly Enterprises, Pua- tbe Balboa PuiUoo. The DDI'tbwest corner or Newport dena, lor appi'O¥'al of a 138- crutser will lean daily at 1 Center Drit·e West a.111 Santa bed, )Ong-term care facility, p.m. througb Dee. 24, Uld Dec. Cruz Dr •• Newport Ceoter. some otwbom are &Wiatrlc wtth 26 tbrougb 31. Tbete will 4. Final IILlP for Tract 6927 llgbt mental problems, &Dd a be weet-eod trips in January of tbe lniDe Co., cocta1oin~r Zot-bed CODYalesceat bosplta.l, a.nd Febtue.ry with deplrtures lu resldeatlal lots, 3 commer-at tbe oortherly coroer ol the at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. eia.l kJts aadooewdenrater lot, lnterseeUoo of A'I'OCado A•e. =~~.:~:~~~·~~~==~O=P=E=N===f=R~UO==A=Y==N==rf=ES==~~ NO<tlll>lull. ~ NGwport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. When you 're saving money, green is a beautiful color but Newport National Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings picture. Newport National Bank pays the highest bank interest anywhere on your savings account. and at the same time. offers its customers an opportuni.ty to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original oil paintings. These striking decorator miniatures will add infinite charm to your living room, office. den. bedroom. or wherever . Also for memorable gift-giving at Christmas or other special occasions. Framed in antiqued gold. set off by rich velvet. they measure 7'1<" x 8'1<" overall. (A regular $15.00 retail value.) Each miniature is rea dy for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas. Now is the time you can truly admire every entry in your savings passbook . how the program works : for new savings accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one miniature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one miniature for $2.95 (plus tax) Open a $300 savtngs account-and buy one miniature for $1.95 (plus tax) Open a $400 savtngs account-and buy one miniature for$ .95 (plus tax} Open a $500 Savings account-and buy one miniature for FREE! • •Ltmtt of two fret mtntatures r~rdless ot amount of depostt overS 1000. for present depositors • Each $50.00 deposit to your savings account· entitles you to pur- chase one miniature for only $3.95 (plus tax) . • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purchase a decorator mintature for only $4.95 (plus tax). • A non-depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 (plus tax). (replatly a $15.00 nl.,.) Ill. £tel\ tc:COUnt lnsuttf to $15,000. Mtmbtt r O.I.C A -..r cliljNy of liMN line-min-... at all ofliceL ...... 01t11ct .,...._ .. llec:AIIIw Ul..Jttt • .....--..,... .. J•-'•* M2·1t•t • C...M-....... ttCtm•s llMif11-noD • ...,~-MefMratlrul71·1210 ............. Superior ........... tct-1511 ...... -£lilt~ ...... ~., ............ -...... DMr .. 2.,111 ........ -....,.. w.w. ,.... ... -1711 ....... --l.ellln ..... u.-s-I»:UOO