HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-25 - Newport Harbor Ensign•
Parents to eep children
from school in drug crisis
FoUowtAc tbe IMd ol 2 Costa Newport Mesa scbool district A IPQiesmu U tbe lfOICI KIIPiOC tbetr c.b.Udren away drln "to be_, eUmi.Da.le tbe
Mesa ta.tbers Wbo wltbdrn a.re Pli.Dal.Bc to btp their ebil-told tbe Eutp tbat tbe pueats trom tbese scbools J.a: like pre-druc huard'' are uted to coo-
tbetr daueflteta from Maude drea bome alter Cbrlstmu feel tba.t tbe drq slh•Koo bU Yeatmr a..o illness wblch could tact 642-0412. A; meettnc of
Darts lDttrmediate acbool, neatloP beca.UN of the ctruc reaebed. epldemle Pf'OPOl'l:ioU be mlDd.destroyiD.g or ta.tat. parents ww be bekl 1A tbe oar
other cooeeroed puMJb LD tbe ba.lard. 1ll some areu I.D tbe dbtriet. lbe pa.reots say. tuture, accordlng to a spokes • •
...,oa DRUG PROBE ASKED :i:!~::~;: =s-ESMAROI said tbat tbtJ plan to teep tbeir
SAWl'A CAME IU'IJ to Boac ffo~Ptal to briDe ebeer to Last week at Maude B. Darts 1t or bad laUed to tura tbem lD.. trrtnc to netp u.. problem eblldreo oat ol tbtlDtermed:iate Robert A.GoodwlD«Newport
JOUDC Plf:!N'rt.a, aad ~....U proridtd bJ 8cq: AIIZI.l1ary'a Jllldor HiP, LD. Costa Mea, two Colta Mea pollee ban re. Wlder tbe rue. &Dd bieb tcboola of tbe district Beacb will &p1D serve lU5 elty
ln-la.w of Mr. a.acl U.n. WW1am
H. Phinily, Z888 B&Jibore Dr.,
Bay Shores, bu em.ved U.S.
Alr Foree pUot tri.1DlQc at
Reese AFB, Tuu, He will Oy
the .:.ewest Air Foree jet tn.i-
ners Uld reeeln spec.la.l aca-
demic and mUUary tra1aiocd\l-
rin( tbe year-looc coarse. Ht
•Ill be awarded .tlYer pUot
winp IC)Oll compWioa ol tbt
Alr Trainl.DC ComD:I&IId fb1DI
procnm. He lJ a 1965 lfldale
or s.. Mar!Do H1&ll SeiiOol,
receiYed. his A.B.. cle&r'le lD
eeoaom1cs 1D 1 !MI from UCLA,
where be wu commtaliOMd
Ull'ouifl tbe Air fOI'ce Re.-.e
omcers 1'1'a1Jl1.Dc Corps pro-cum.
toy eommltltt. HoapUa1 adJidDi.JI:ra1o B1ll HIII1Joa. wbo 13-year..old clrll wve tuned. port.d u.t 931 at tbt ~W w.r. MeGrep ~ tbe Wlt1l ••coac.rtte actSoa 1.s ta.ten aa treuurer b' tbelocaiiUreb
rt&dU:J admits tbat be's buUt for tb1 put, played tbe role OYer to tbe pollee by tbelr wbo ban beearreltldfordrq fol1Dwt.Dc mltbodl g l::rJlDC bJ tbe tcbool admtntstratSoa ot Dlmueampatpaplut btrtb
ot Sua. He Ll aboft btre Yitb 5-year-old Neibl Keeter ot ~. &lid tben po.Ued ft'om a.bue ud are puttactlllaebool to 801.,. tbe drq lftblem: toward lla..W.4c the druc epi. detects. He bas aerYed in this
CoM& Mea &Dd "Elf Judy,'' wbo be~ dlltrtbute tbe C1fll. ela.11ea u.DtU. the drll( problem &0 bact 011 drup. • A semiaar fortbete&ebera, demlc.'' YOIWJteer capacity lor tbe past
EJ-end• Jttde~s trom st. JObD tbe Blptist .sebool ceu better. "No .ttteatioD t. better Ulan 1nstruetll1c tbtm 1D. dtteeUoD PerSOGI IJUrested l.a the 4 yean.
lUI carola to tbe eblldreo before Saata called out, "to all "Tbe tbinc to do tor a YOWl£ sure deatn:• at:at.d KellC of a ltudeut OQ a "bleb''. ID
a pel Dllbt," (Jack West pboto,) e:trt. wbo doeSD't wut to be Berptom, U08 Drake, Co.t& drq a)&q, tbe term, 'opulOII," COUNCIL TO STUDY
5TH AVE. CHANGES Rogers to run looked dowa at bJ the other Mesa, tbe other fatber wbo refers to tbe aeUoa of a llU·
kids, 1a to try marljua.Qa, LSD turoed lD Ilia daqbter. He bu deot wbo 'ftlb ._, &ad talb to
or beroln," ooe o1 tbe fatbers remOYed all b11 cblldreo from a teacber ~ :loeiD't Dow
said, "Tbe bta:est j)y for ber tbe eeboolatoprotecttbemtrom there 1s uJth1q ft0C1C. U tbe
f I t • Is to ban tbe other studeots any repeated drur problem. teacbers 1mn what to loot for,
0 r re •e ec 10 n eavy ber s1Dce she dates a bl£b Mr. McGrep aJd that tbe more studeata would be appre.
scbool ruY, and tbe way to do flrst Ume be broucbl ~ tbe beaded, be aald. study of tbe Stb A.,e. a.ot1 fret-botnes that wUl ban to be taken Bare. wbo Un on HU.el Or.,
CompeUtloa 18 already pro. Mr Roprs said tbat he will tbU lsaetadult&Ddtakedrup." matter to PrlDeJpal Weroer • Sbow fllma ol a cblld way chanps req,uuted by the out. &Dd mat1nc tbeb'eenyoo/ overloot1D.c Suet Gully. n.y
m1i«l lor ooe of the 4 couocu baY 'more time available tor Puellls are at a staDd sUU, Carlson at Dl.'lis ICbool, the eomiDc otr drup a.Dd tt1en ~orooa. del Mar ClvtcAAn. wu ott nmp eoaoeetor .oear Buck objected to tbe proposal b' a
seats ._, for p-abl I.D tbe April C.OU:Ctlmall1c dutt.es because of Fred McGregor, ooe ot tbe two prlnc:lpal stated, "U there 1a a tbat stOOeat come to tbe aebooF'promiad Mooday eTeaiDc by tbe Glllly u. IIDderpass, instead ot eooaectiAe road aJoD.r Buck
14 eWctioa lD Newport Beach. Ms DeW uaipmeat w1tb Wane tatbers, stated, u are doctors. drq problem a.t scbool. ~am not and tell tbe otber ll:udeJU bow Newport Beach CLty COUDCJL an ot'erpua, to present tbe Glllly trom freeway to C4:a.t
Incumbeol COUDCllman Ho· Lahontol'lu. He ts DD'W educa-Tbere Is DO ny of detecttng aware ot it,'' borrlble it was. Tbe requested eba.D&es ln-oeeu 'llew of Batbor VJew Hills H-.y. Tbey poUted cMtbat tbl1r
ward Rogers rena.led Mooda.y tlDoal CODSUlt&.at for tbe wester a some drugs. Ooe tbin& be sa.td Mr. UcGreew wooders, ln • Have a reformed addict talk elude eUmlBatin& tbe Stb An. bomea. ~-uteDd to tbe b:lttom
eveoJ.ne tbat he Will seek re. states and Hawa.U. advlslng t.bat he a.od bls wife ootleed,but the bee of so maoy arrestsmj to the stOOeots. Tbe lormer sermem: westerlyoUiacruertte OppoaWon ns upressed by of tbe ~. u1 tbey U.O
election In District 1, Balboa ' dldn't Question, was tba1 tbe1r problems, wby DOooels "aware addict oou1d COUDBel studeota An. to reduce tbe aurnber of Crate Gn!ncet aJid BerDUd stated that eoo.Ar!Jctioa would sebool systems 00 tbe use of daugbter's body odor changed of lt." He feels that a total ln.. wbo Deed lle:Jp by te1J.1D.c ot tl1.s be dlftleutt. aDd tbe dr&1a&p ~l.~:Al:;~ ::~::D:::~:: -~:sb~k1n:r00;~ .. oo ~~s:=~r::y:: ~:~:r;·~~~~~:~ MRS. HUNT DENIED BAIL pr~~m:::,d~.~;fi
wbo 2 years ago lost b1s bid trlct 3 baa DOt yet arDOUDCed cbecked tl1s soa s arms every sboukt become lmool'lld -ln drup. Narclssus AYe., receotly el. tor re-eledioD to Ooa Mclmls her declsioa 00 r\IIUil.ng ap1n. day tor needle marts and oef8r other words pull tbelr beads out Tbe fortunate lh1D& about tbe WUUa 0.0 Hid of Harbor Newport Beacb pollee otftcer ected president of the C1T1c
ln tbe West Newport district. CouocUmaa Bob SbeJtoo.. Dis-fouod any. Tbesoonaarrested or the sa.ad aod wake~ to the receli. arrests ooe fatbermM-VIew Hllls, cbarl'!d ..ttb the MUcbeU Tbompsoa., durln& the Asm. aaoouaced later tnat Ms
SI.Dee tbtn, the couocJ.lmao.J.e trlct 6, aM Paul Gruber, DU-tor usiDa; beroiD aDd tbe fatber truth of tb1s problem Uooed wu tbli slnce tbedrup fatal stlbblac of ber hut:ud, preUm.lDa.ry bearl.ac, told: tbe asJOCiauoa would welcome
disa1etl ban beeu sh1fted and trJct f ban decided DOt to was utouaded. Tbe boy bad been 1t does enst. wue d'ea any tbey werea't WIWs HUIIt, tbe D.lgbt r:A. Dec:. coart tbat Mrs. HUDI: told him, a.lteraate pl&u tor tbe CODDeC· • • sbcxltne tbl beroi.D 1Dto tbe Costa Mesa Mayor A. L. u pot.eot as ~ tbal. tbey 14, wu denied redQCC:ioo at. "I ~ it. I did 1L I atal:lbed tor.
Mr. Forpt !• oow ln Couoeu. rUD agatn.. la.rp blood Yessels UDder his Plntley toldMr.MeGrerortbat cocald purcbue. Tbe fl.tberallo cba.rces from murder to m&D· hitn. He n.s tbe artuUo&; "We woukl tute" 1.11 pro..
man Rorers district. tonrue aod 1D b1s eyes. a special meetmcwould be pJu... aJd tb&t tbe studeDta almost al&qbtu ln tbe prel1m1Dary omc.er. poal tbat an tbt rMl-
F• I li d" I ODe ot tbe fatbera aid tu.t Gild 1t'1tb lbe acbool txard &Dd b lt'UJ cue c::a.me tonvd hear1nc Uoi.Kia.J. omc .. TbompPa at&ted tbat ;-~~·,;;~~or~eo....~~:clo~l les a room In lspu e 01111101121111 bad -lllolllmud tile polleo to dlac:UI-po-ud told tlletr por.U ,,, tile A ,_ .. llo rtloua lin. tile di-m -lllm IIOo till 101on1
saJd tbat LD 0111 daJ,blb&dMtD reall1t'bat must be doae. 0. ld4a were clad to be ~»Mit Hllllt oa biJ.l wu alm cScled kitellea &Dd ~ h1m a 10 at
3 ld4o llllllor 4rup bol t11a1 till falbor, a>apUcal ot t11o IICllool &piA. 1>7 Jlldp J, E, T. R,._, llor to 11 lDcll lmllt --willa
Dorl aollco ljiPI'onJ of tile -ot tile Flo* Boom Ia -· 1114 -oot-Da&rd'• boltl. lol lilt)' _. -Ia oc--.t lo ,. ~ -. WMa .-..., ........ -,:.:-=~ =~s~~~ [QCKE·R_ ·c ·FIECK CrALLEDw~.:.::;o:.: !S':!'a.~~ -.....
CIIJ CCIUIICII ., 111&1 till mtdt uallai>IO &llo lor till · '1'\ Till -· in -tinc till bad -,..,.-llr 1111' lloodlJ .. IIIIAc ca!IOd 1o< dls-
deftlcper coald IOl't't ~iDe Kortbbblff bomtlo Az• l1lll! ICbool allflldar· lioo't ltU'Cb tblliDeUI'IwttlM:Nt RubeD. Y&. Oonelc!e)a. decided redactloD ot tbe eblrJII to mao-b~ lira. HIIDl U caaGoas wUb tbt alfected!c:om.
probltms before tbtyeu aead. COGDC1lm&D Honrd Roprs mldiate .tud.U were &dYl8ld tbt .tuclellll' l!:Dowledp, Dr. Jut Ftl::rlluy, tbe Tlllrd ot.-aJ&u,cbter, aJd tbere 1a 110m. _ ...... ,,1 coalc!D't: tab lt ·-mllllt)' UJOC1at1ou uc1 a 1Caff
Tbt lSoo&cre dn'tlqJmeot, lbetiJDed oo 'f'OtblctnlllPfOT&l Frldl1 ot a loeUr ebeekdarlq Lo&ta aid ••u would banbND. trict court ot Awe&ll b:l 1..o1 dnce to show mallee or fore. OO&J-. ~ ltUdJ &Dd report bll:lretbtl!llll
W'Uh 71 rel1deotJa.l k:Jta: &Dd ODe of tbe daa..1 map, ob)tct:1ac to tiM boUdQa. Tbe &etSoa of tbe Dice b' U to CO rlabt 011 don A.ap .. s ._,eld the autborlt)' tboQ&bt. • lonpr; I jut OOii&lda/t taU tt." p~e cU.scussloa.rA.tbeproblem
II'HD &rill lot, lsaHollteiDCo. pU1D( tbe Jtalf report 1Uit ae.boola to do t!Wiwuproqqd &ad •• u •• could ftnd JOm• ot tbe nee pr-lDdpal at Doaakl· at a CouDeU meet1DC. Auocla-
projlet 011 tile blutr. &boYO"" .... m!niiU before time to"' &ITIIII at D&YI$ JIOIIOrHI&II dopl, bol "' could ... -..... oebool to ....... locker 32nd St funds sou I hi ' ...... !n•oiYed inc-tile Co-bead oftbe Upper Bay. Yote. 111 costa Mesa last week. a aood IWlP8cl u a IDOd radio after a tlpfroma.aotbetstacleDt. • roaa del Mar Ct'lle ADD., Co-
Dtteuas1on of tbe flia1 mt.P Dr. Normu Loats, associate or 10meooe'a temdaaboeswert It a pollee ofllc• 8UC*U rooa Hleftlaods Piq!Ctf Ow·
te'Ye&led a eontrOYerSJ o.,.r ~1Dte00eot saJd tbat this mlsst.nc &flll'ftl'd.. u wu a a felorly 1a bei.Dc eomm.ttted. be lnel.u.sloa ot tbe 3!Dd st. Bm:t oear CltJ Hall to Balboa ners Assa., Harbor View HUla
oYDersbJp ot tbe FlestaRoom LD. RECIS TERIHG AT Y ts tbe flrst ~e that tbe stu. protectin maDellft:r oa OQi' doesn't need a 5eareb nrrut wtdeii1Dg I.Dtbeeouaty'aarterla.l sl'f'i TotLI colt 1s est:im&tC Assa., Sbore CWls Pl'ql8tty
tbe Blutrs. Pla.DnJ.n&: Dlrector Tbe Oruae Cout YMCA 1£ dents bad beea a.u.t to clean part." liD •vmtn.e schoolloc.Ura.l&id b.JebWaJ f1..DaDc1nc proen.m tor at $6!8,900, lnel..U.OC $588,900 Owaera Assa., &Dd Cameo
tbe Bluffs. P1ami.a.a Dtreetor DOW bold1q reatstrattoo for out persooal efrecll ucept at He also said tba.C U an UDIUl· Suta ADa poUee department U'Xl-71 wu requested W:oaday for rlellt ot way aequls1tioa Home o.t.ers Assn.
Larry Wllsaa sa.1d that tbear• •tater quarter elasa:es to be tbe eod ot a .sebool '/e&r. DOUDCed locker IDC*tioo. wert lnfest1ptora, JU cioes be Deed e'feoiD.& by tbe Newport Seacb aoo. $140,000 for COD&tructlon. W.co . Ash~elter out.UMd tbe
site bad aomebow beenlnelud.ed held Jan. 5 lhroueb Mareb 30, "We ban erideoce aome ot made, 1t would Cintbe stOOents ooe U tbe stlldeat IIBID& tb1 City Couac.ll. Tbe couot:Jtlmnci.D&Pfoenm 1s poi.Dts ln the petltloo, wttb 1,092
u part of a commoa lot wblcb accordlag to Rollen Brousard, tbe pareW are cettm& excited a reuon to dlstrust tbe scbool 1oeter bU been c:oarict.d ot a Tbe street, oow ooly 20 feet expected to tate cue of ba.lt stp.ttlres, a.sJdnc tor a scatt
wu deeded to the Bluffs Home. director. Rectstntlm ts betac about the ttrue problem," Dr, ottlcl&ls. telmy a.ad. by tbe courts, bas from clO'b to carb, ..tll be •1· of tbe cost. study of tbe association re-
owaetl Assn., wbJ.cb.nowclalms beld at tbe Y, ZSOO UniYeralty Loats said. "To tbe best of Scbool cU.strlcts do ban the beeo made sub)ec:t to seareb dened to 64 feet Within an 80-POOUc works Director re-quests.
the Fiesta Room as lisprq)er'tJ. Dr., Back Bay, Further ID-cxa bow ledge tbis ts oot the power to seareb a student's aD1 seisurl' at anv ttme. toot rlgbt otway, from Newport ported that 15 otthe 2<4 required Duane Armstrooc. '702 Jas-
Bob BeJn, enetneer tor tbe torma.Uoo may be obta1Decl by case." locker If they suspect some-J I tt• klts have already been pur. mine Ave., ~ tbe Stb
deYeloper, admitted that tbe eall1ng MZ-9990. When asked why tbe scbools tb1JlC. ln the case of Duld r • execs e eel 0 leers ~~ ~.;~~~~e~~ :;·~~~ t: =
THIS SKETCH sl)ows the fut\ll'e de'lelopmeat or tbe Blg Caayoa pla.med commWlity of the
.ln1.ae Co., wMcb 1Dcl0cles a colt course in
tbe rartDe &mODI tbe bouses. Tbe Newport
Beaeb CJty COUDCll approved rezootar tor
th1s u-. Monday evelli.Dc.
Tbe 14 J!Wor AebieYtmeat Hugbes Atrcn.Jt Co., Newport the ClD'tetlt year's allocation. by the city, would btin( added
ftrms I.D t..IMI. 0raDce COUDtJ Beaeb -president. Dan Co1., AU buildlnp betWeen Uod st. noise to tile area..
So«b, ot.strtd b&Ye IDDOODCed a senloratEsta.Dc.lab.igbscbool and tbe Muket Butetsbopplnc Mrs. Helen Weiss, 700-1/!
the results ot tbeirpredcW!ttal Lan, counseled bJ PIU..lco cemer wtll be ren'lCWed, and Jasmine An., upressed CQG.-
eleettous bald at tbe busi.Dess Ford_ presldeat. Uolly Brecht some surplus land Ylll beanll-eern over the tramc da.Qier if
ceater a.t 1240 Lop.a AYe. 111 senior at Corooa delMar b1,b able later for re-sa.le or trade, 5th Ave. Ls imprond. Wa.Uace
Costa Mesa. scbool he said. Calder Dead, 71Z Jasm1De be.,
W.xe tha.DZ80klca.lteealcers ~le Products.COODSeled sa1d that ~ westerly porUoD
ue partietpaUD.c 111 the dlstrlct by RoJ'll Industries -prest-of 5th An. as not netded, be.
procram wbleb ctns an eJI)el'· deli,. Wlllla.m K.arJ&n. a )wdor NO PICK..UP TODAY c.ause there are DO croa.ton:
I '·til 1r ea1 1so streets in that areatbatcooaect eoce w e ee erpr sys~ a.t Est:ucla bigb sc!:lool. Newport Beach city refUse all the way to the oeeu and
tem to bleb scllool aopbomores, Posstbntttes Ul1lim1ted, collectors will tab a hoUdl.y Deeded for cross-town tnme
junJors, and •DIJIJrs s'f8Jer tbl cooaselec:l by Peat, Manrick, on Chrlstmas Day. Tbe refUse now Paul lilart:i..n. 6!0 Jlut.
ruJdaoce of adult bu nessmen UJ.tebeU Ia Co.-president, men work on every bolJdly tbe gold.An., a re&l e.statebl'obr,
and women. Ruc2J Rof'fm.aD, a )IQlar at year rOII.!Jd ucept tbree, pointed out that resldelis wbo
Tbe J..UOr Acblwmeot com-Cotoaa del War bliJI. scbooL Tllanksglvt.n&. Cttrlstma.s aDd would lose tbe1r hOmes near Stb
pules aM tbe_lr DnlJ elected Apollo, eocmse1ed by stan. New Year's Day . An. would not be able to bQJ
presidents are. Dioa)'s1a. c:otm-dU'd Pressed steel, Western Areas of tbe city recW&rly a comparable borne 1.a Coroaa
seled by HJ1aad Llb&-~Wes-Dh1sJoa-pre:ddeal.Ca.rlste. scheduled tor refUse c:ollectioa del Mar Jot tbe mooey tblttbey ~~~=a sellior at nas, a )m1ol' at Estueia l1lell today wtll ban tbelr trub col-would ret from tbe stat•. Mrs.
• selr:lol lected OD friday, tbe daJ after WWJam HalUCU. ?02 Gol·
Prime E~ COQD-Mesa J...otu 8a.at, c:oaDSeled Christmas. akJGe wttb tbe rt-derltod An aaaested ODI·
54":.t!! !':..U..: Corp, :-bJ Secvtl1 Paellle Nslloool gullrty s<bedule4 Frt.-y eol-stde par~ a1ooc stb Aft,
pre -CIPl. a,..-But -~. Roa'"""' lectioa. instead of W'ldeaiAC lt.
oio< &I Nnpo<l-bl«<i F~, & -atllarTWoocl :=:r:.J~::.~: ~ r.or: = Freeway study proceeds
-t><ooi4G, S.. Vu Alta. & -10 II& .. &Jr...i, IAIUocllbr The Newport Bo&cb Cll)' Cool& lltso COUDCII'I ....... ID
-· at Colla Ilea bl,s. .-., &rl IOWo& -k ll Coaoctl re&lllr-llllltt-tbo r-l'o< ~ of &
seaooL a do1Ju' a are to n1a wor-Woadly "Hille to proceedwttfs Slate Hlctnr&J Con•J,..
s..ta c-"--ldoled, kiiiC CIIJ!tal Ud ue ....... • !NIJ "' ""':'.,. t11a1 ... -"ftlcb -locWI
.-Joel 1>1 Paellle T•"""'* hrlllrP<...;.,.. or-mille• ·-cout _., .-u ... -ot,.. .. .,..Jib' Ud 'J'Mcr&pll eo.---. .mco woWd cro&la Ia ... •• Now-o1 & lllia'I'Oid,...lllla 1111 'tna.e G .... a .-or at ""'· • port &ad llar1Den Milt anu. 1~ ~. ,, port-IIIP-. 6 H TheCooocll~r ,... .. _ c-u _ ~ ~ ~:= o course site rezonea :-:-~~a:.: :~ .. r:
RGtU hwt. a llllllx' Ill...._. R cw. r .. -wltb a ma"-1 II ttt1M ot tilt ...... tlll.t a ....... -· DIIIIIPICMol. • t>r of 1b1-. .....,._ _,... ~dtl 111 .. .-.. -•--D, lod-~-pWAI1 COla-lltre IDI' 5.SSZ. He Aid 1111111: ,..,_:a ~? 3 .....-~-CCI Oil wz u.-. -ll'lllllc i1 OCJP4' 2-lD~ t.II'WIIIe aal I II I I~ .L&llo-pr..._, -r.-1--IJ of Nnpo<l ~ wu lblpt_..portloolo<WIJ _lo..,r I 9 elftor.l
a .. U c.-da1 Mar .... WCMiid. J.....,. INiiiDC br ttld• bill • ..,._ ta,rtp ........ •-. a.cur~·-........ -c a .. .._,rr ,=hw•eo.~ U.ti~UM. -:'..!~":j:,S,'.,*,! ;%1f4 #& a;
·-... lolo-Till 111.1 11:1'1 .... wl!lcl! l!olaJ _.. 11J II . -._ ... 1VrJ &.a,, a will-& lllf _.. lallll -.1 a.., Ill ":t:, ~ l!o Ia If I ._...,._. ur'-,ialtl II!JIMM-.,.,. Pit 1dl 111 ...._..
.., .. ..., "·""..., a a now.•-· -........ -~-.., 41 • = ..,,... -.~-tlf • "OJ 1 Il l 5 :: -
I ... _........ • .. aai'rt l& .. ¥\c .. c.. =•1£Lift7WU. ., ..,. 1 a .. --.. ..-~-·~ .. ~:~==~ ... "'.. --··-.............. . --.._......, _, ... I ...
.,. •' *' a...._ • ..._ • ._._ ..,•• m ... -:!..': uAt till Cn.. II.Mero.t ... lil& .... e Ia ... la.... ~-• --1 ,......, I lint awlllo 11111. .... Alllol, lo -........ IRI por.-1 nlr--'1-llnf lllo_.,., __ _., .. _,_.,, ....... ~-.-~~~~-
...., n ..... 'piW ..,_, dldlil ...... ftklt IIIII M l'..a.t 'J fro&'-I -
., , .. ,. .•. , .... .,.. ..... u-.---•c-.,• 0 --......... --.. -'IHI HOPI Of 'IHI WOIILD -Ill aa -F•r 01 -. Ia --. oa;r -· -. 01 lllo .. Ill twolro, lo tM 'Wel"d WU PI Bill' ''ltaUJ t.tloM aJ8o IN •We1W Ia. Ute JII'IIIICt cl tiN ..... .
Of 1111 QTt fiiiiiWFOIT IliACI! , H•.wu ~min an ~ure town, trCW up 52:14). They Wit before Him in modi:; boa-'ro.d De"'ltM"'n.pllet C ..... hiiihk .. llperaJa UldiCUdUWI ...... #cs THE HAR/lO. AUA•5 OF,SIT NtrSP.tPER tn army. ~dlaJC, worked tn a carpcnlet 1bop. I&C-lliKI !hen ar01e to spit in Hillaca. About WUMIMIDHcUtleotU.-, korta.uda of._ .. to tile .... lllltolaD. WW
Offtc. _. ,._... P'-._ ,._ t. ... &.IWI... was an lltn«ant , preacher. He akpl in bcw· ci£bt a.m.,.lhey took Him to C.lvary, llripped ud tiM ca&W'P wu U.. ..,. JJUdllrtM ,... an.tiu coOl bt _.. ...,....tllutD
2721 E. c.-e..y., c-•t ..., CaUL .-9262:5,. rowed beds .. He. d1ed oa • borrowed CfOII.. and ott His cloth ina and set Him utrkSc a woodeD c...._. wt.leb wu ..s to •'"•• are tniMd. WU... till .., alraeiN
TILIPIIOM .. 67S.O!ISII (A< .. Ca4o 7141 He w., bur!'"' on a -ed lomb. ~ .,..r peJ which juoted from 11oe upr;&hl polo 111 a loolotlllo-00 lloud. Dr, -llu-.US.C wlllda Ho poob-, to-
THE NFo.T Ul80I EMSIC• ill 1._ al '"' M: made • bua,inaa, profattonal or ~r sue.-crca Then they n.aikd H im to that CI"'OI., n. u.. IU come for U all-MteiDrUo,...tMMID BL8....,. tatMQar-ofGea-
_, ,...;;... la U. Cl&y o1 ,._,.,.., Buc~ !:.:':j, loc':JI cess. He never went to ~hool. owned a boule, between two thieves. Many vK:timt of Cf'UC:i.. Clll'tllliau a.U OIPtr tbt world ol $110,000 to protldl tDr U. Mm&Dt, to ltud by llllllde
..-1 •M a IMII .... .,. Ia tM ~ 11-'-eo.a w..! hekl an office, h»d • fam•ly: He never traw.fed ftxion became ravina madmen before they to n111 uoatMeroa. TMn Mlldl ol tM __, arplwM... WIMD be wu aee...S. tl:t ... l
..._ PQliaC::.IIty, oa n...l.y. S.co.d c1-P"htr' peld more than two hundred m1te. from th. place expired, and often their ton&ues were cut out ta .ooeculoa.morttiiPf<IIW'i&a Ull t8e pbUutbraplc liiUta-tbl IJIIIIIi,Dt ol tbe crvn of
•eot. .. ct.l...,,C.Uf. ~here He was born . Yet, the world's calendar to stop their screams and cursea. But u thil tor 1 z:tor<*ttbtcalltbuCit. tal wbleb. btaorii"A1M1J; tboraa, ud flaU7 to ....
TKE N£WPORT H;'R~ ENSICN •• Mj..._.., to be • •••-ts dated back~ard and forward from His birth. sitent VK:tim looked down upon His ietrio.a tbt llalYII'IU"J ol u.. btrtb o1 mal'*'1n'"'o Ht llrYtttd Ida W'1UI Rim 011 tM CI"'OI? All
,.,., ol .. _..J cwcvl•• .. t.y eo .. decree ~ .4.20178 Med The only thma He ever wrote was a sentence tonnenton., He said: .. Father foraive thml for J .... Cbrllt, tbllr 1Mir radio udleaet to tt._... th1l lt t:&kM to be a CIWJ.Jtlu
Miy 14, 1951, I• S.eri• Cowt r ... 1M CoaM.y of Or .... State of in the s»nd. Yet more books, sonp, and poems they know not what they do.,; IUeba.rd CoUlD. W'bo .p..q tbelr tlft.t. aad plld .. l lo h1l "DDtll ~ dotb u put."
C..liloraJ .. ~cl by re .... tiMreof ia q-allliad to pallll-': all pdHchave been wrinen about Him than about all Beaven loday build dams exactly like beaven from "tbe CODM'f'Ol1'(t yJ.tw .. OCDet lA Coll..l.aplfOOd. N.J.. AU tllll. wo.ld be apr...,.._
110tkea reqt.aind by hlw. the other men who ever lived. And Hls tuc:b-buill dams before Chrisc . Man Jiv~~ differently poUt,,. oft• ..., Ulll1ed tbat btt1rMD '1':30 a.m. udi:OOa,m. Uoa tlr •tiD&ftlnbtldof-,
AII'VO E. HAAPA ....................... ~ ..... _.0...,. ·~ PUII-:her ings have in ftuenc:ed the world more than any-from what he did because of modem inveo· th1J 1.1 a Cbrlltlaa COUiltrJ, ID Mlttr'D ltaDcM.rdtlJDa, o.nr.-U tbt prtetM trlldl caMI-.
PEC HAAPA ...... ""JU"IIC·ii·i,.T.iOM"i:' • ."T"~1•• Ed"or one el~'s who e~er lived: H_e is the most tions. But invenlions can't change man's nature, 1t.a1011 of tbl.t premia, 1t ll 4:SO a,m. aDCI 5:00a.m.. PacU1c MilUoM ofCbrilttulllattt:IMI:
to Harllot A.Aee: 0. J4 OfJ: 2 17 00 mascuhne, compelhng, fascrnahn& and perfect which is tile 5ame as it was in ancient Jerusa-Umtty lbat OD Ctlrlstmu rno:rn Ume). Tbe DUmber ls 609-858-allupter«t bl Rua& ud la
Ova o( H•bor Area: 0.: ;::: sit&, 2 ;:::: J9:oo Soul in history. . . . lem, ancient Rome, ancient Greece and in aU we shoaldltreqtbta,oarlo,uty 0'700. TbeEutpFam117pbOM(I Red CbJDa b7 tbl comm..UU..
He. was so aenlle that httle ch1ldren chmbed recorded history. ~ all Christians know, mao to Jesua CbrlJt. ud rtotw our to Dr'. Me~e OG Moada.J. at Flq bll!ll!lrld Noctb Kor ..
on His .knu, and so strona that powerful men is born a sinllt:r, continut1 a sinner and is saved fa1tb lD. Hlalladersh.lp.ltllwell 4:S4 LID.~ acntdtoearetor mJJUttrl, I.CCOI'diDc to Dr.
ran ~ro~ the temple ~ben He accused them of only because Jesus died on the cross for the tbat we sbOuJd read the ODt Koreaa Orpbaa tJr OaiJ-.r Carl Mclatlre, wuellqalclated
makmg 11 a den of th~eves. Officers sent to ar. 5ins of those who IH/i~v~. Who are Christians? aarraUn of the nativity as re~ at I total cost ol '180, Tbe ctft b)' tbt reda. MWiou men are
rest Him returned emptyhanded, sayina: Only those who have surrendered their wills COWUd lD tbe &OJPila but btt~ wu made 1D tblaamt of "Tbe doomed 1f tbe Amerlcu t:lrtet
ARVO E. HAAP.A, owntf and publisher of the Ensign "'Never '_Tlan spake like thd man." and hearu to Christ. ter 5t111 tbat we ~ld p1n Wbeel Cbatr Brtpdt," lA are palled o• ots.tbVtetaam.
l>.0""'""'""'0"""""'""""><""'""'>C>..,...,.""'""'""'""'O The mght be-fore His uec:utKm, His Roman Not in the United Nations, not in do-&ood-spt.rttual streagtll by slDClng memory of Its t:Ma::der, tbe late Wbat eu Wt e.rped lD Amertea
.,. c.aptors took turns luhina His back with a whip ing, not in full bellies. not in miMiles, armies, With the aapUceborus: "Peace Mrs, Edith SttDe WWlaml. U tbe tllppl.es, the ret'ola-
made of leather straps weiahted with pieces of treaties or power pacts--but in the character oa. eutb to mea. of aood wtll." A partl.nc Alut:atloD. .orne~ tloaariu &Dd the aatrcb.Utl J•EACE TO MEN OF GOJD WILL
There I~ O:t•' word that appears to be
uppermost in the thoughts of people every-
where, and that word is "peace." It is
spoken by the hippies and the moratorium
marchers and anti-war demonstrators,
and also devoutly uttered in sincere, heart-
felt prayer. Especially at Christmas time
is there a yearning for this blessing, for
we are honoring the birth of Him who is
the author and maker and prince of peace,
and without whom there can be no rest
from the turmoil of the world.
~tal . They plucked ~t His beard and made of man lies the only hope for peace in the We would beDe1lt by Jo1D1Dc: tbe Umes beard ID local etze,l,ts, Pl'eftU? ~~s face an unrec:ogmzable bloody pulp. "His world. And the only hope for the character three wtse meD at the side of suaests .~t ODe lboold Go Rtf. W~~rmbn.Dd, wbo WU Vt~ge was 50 marred more than any mom , and of man lies in Christianity.-American Way the rna.ocer. ud add our c1fts wlth God, As Cbrlltmu DaJ imprt.oeed b' lottrtetD J'aZ'I
Hts form more than the ~ns of men." (Isaiah Feamres to the "fr&llldoeense, gold a.Dd dawns lh1B year, lt lssaaested 1D Roum&ala. told of tbta«.r ..
myrrh .. wtdcb tbese wtse men that lh1B be made approprlatt lDp wbleb bt IDd b1l ftllo'lr
L H h Ed • ,. ~the Lord. to the occut.oa· "Go wttb prllloaers bad eDdared. ODe of e ers to t e .tor p Jesosl"Whatwouldmorecom~ themwasreportedtobanl&ld
, ID years past, Dr. Carl Me-pletely eodear 01111 to !lie U•ln( lhat alre&dy be lla4 felt crealor
Editor of tbe EDStp,
tbJs Cbrlstmu and wort to pre. thelr ftlture Christmases lntlre bas clrculated a poem eo~ sptzlt of tbe Muter? Wlat bet· pain thaD tbe Muter bad ea-
sentll. Only tben wtU Amerl-forever. UUed: "Put H1s name at dtaed oa U»ecrou.R..-. W~~rm~
Sloce the pernmeot re.
strtcts farm prodocUon to pre-
vent "over -production." why
would U require awro:llmately
3 mUllon acres of laod to grow
eans be usured that tbey riU Richard E. Woodio tht Ulp," It told of a UUle &irl L £GAL MOTIC! brand related tbat bt did DOt
oever ban a cutrotopostpooe Sao Gabriel wbo bad made out barCtlrlstmas br-.k do'n wbtD tile kMid
Harbor honor roll named
the cotton we import. Newport Harbor Hl&fl School's booor roll tor tbe flrst
The answer will not be found in pro-
tests or demonstrations or riots, or in
peace conferences with the enemy, but
only through trust in Christ, whom we
honor today. A thought fo r today, and for
every day, is this: "Blessed is the nation
whose God is the Lord."
Why wouJd O¥er 2 mllUoD quarter totals ZS6, 1Dclud1ng 68 seolors, 70 juniors, 66
acres of sugar beets be needed sopbomores aOO SZ freshmen. The followiog 18studentsearoed
to produce our anrual lmpor-straight "A" grades:
tatioo o~ sugar? Seniors-Susan Ctarie, Roberta Ma«nusson. Karen NoUer,
Wb,y are we tbe largest beef Lyon Roseoer aDd Jeffrey Stolrow.
importing na.Uoa J.n tbe world Juoiors-Sbawu Bt.ssoa.oette, AudreGenrtch, Larry Geotos:l,
-246 m!Woo pouodsaao..ny? Sle're Kopanstt &Dd Nancy Palmer.
Tbe same goes for wbeat a.Dd Sophomores -Charlotte Butz, Karen O'Brien, Jeao Parte!
other [arm prodtaets. and Stepbanle Yamasb.J.ta.
How do JknowthegoYerwnenl Freshmen-Karen Bissonnette, Lee Burke, 8111 FrantJJ.a
• • • •
Tempo, the Sunday news magazine that
is delivered by the Sunday Mail Corp. to
homes in Orange County, is fighting a re-
cently enacted "anti-litter" ordinance in
the City of Fullerton. Tempo and the Sun-
day Mall Corp. cbarge that they are the
l;pecific targets of the new law, and they
have announced their intention to fight the
ordinance in the courts--all the way up
to the Supreme Court, if necessary.
I wish them success, because the issue
at stake is the freedom to publish and to
distribute newspapers, as guaranteed by
the first amendment to the Constitution
of the United States. Freedom of the press
is meaningless if the freedom to distri-
bute newspapers is abridged, The Ensign,
for example, could never have come into
existence if there had been a similar law
in effect here.
Is pe:na.l12.1ng our farmers by aDd Cbacles Glaster.
Importing Urestoc:k a.nd Other Here i.s the complete booor roll:
commodities that our rarmers • SEHIORS Lisa Orate
would be otherwise able to prO-C Naocy Dunn
duce? raJg Adams -
Because I read the December Ctlrls Allen ~e:e;~~s
issue of tbe AMERICAN Carolyn Aadersoo llellssa Fowlkes
OPINION maguine. Tbomas Aodrews Barbara. Fra.DkUn
Sincerely yours W:ellDda Ayres JOh.D Gallis
C. T, Gilbreath' = =\tt Alldre Geo.rlcb
T .LSUn, CaW. Jlm BW...er Larry Geatosl
Yield lkoYD DlaDe Gleoo • • •
Editor or the Ensign,
Willie putting ~ tbe Cbrtst-
mas llgbls at our Dome, I re-
flected oo the maoy reasons
contributing to what appears
to be a.nother Merry Christmas
tor most Americans. Wby do so
ma.t~y or us have so mtaeb?
The a.oswer is simple -free.
dom. But today we are losing
our freedom and all that U bas
produced because too many A~
merlc:ans have forgotten the
author or freedom -Jesus
Breoda BllfJ' Ju.be Hemstreet
Marie CaY&D&IJCb CbetyfHill
Susan Currie DOur Horsey
Ricky Cuthbert Ka.thleen Hughes
Peter OeGra.lf Susan Jerram
Marshall Dutfteld Bradley Jotmsoo
Ken Eastman Sttfen Jotmsoa
Darid Eccles Luc:lnda Jooes
Katb.y EYerett Kathleen Kelly
Dan1el Farrell Deaa Kewtsb
Daryl France Stne Kopanstt
Deonls Goodwin C brlst1oe KO')lt!.t.e
Tyra Haosen Sue L&Ddrlpo
Crate Hollow"J.Y ll>tllory Marquet
Katherine Horpel Richard Mayer
JJoJy Jacobson Jan Meyer
Tereoce LeviU Hope Morrow
La11ra Litten Roo Oberlldorfer
Byoa Mackel Nancy Palmer
Roberta W:agnussoo. Carol Parker
Andrea Martin George Peters
Peg Mart1D DaYid Plegec
Roaald llartiD Chris Quinn
Aane Jardao
Terl Kabao
Keo Kalmbach
Rudy Laraoo
Mellssa Lawler
Debbie Lawaon
Scott McNauJbtoa
Dl&Ja lWlar
Ja.mes llobe
Jim Mu:rpby
Ket"lD. MurphJ
Joe Neally
DaYkl Niebols
Karel!. CYBrieD
Tom Osboroe
Lloda Parkford
Jtan Partel
Sl.lldy Peter100
Kimberly Pflscboec
SteYe Plum'.>
Ttm Qu1Do
Dao Richardson
Gary Roloertsoo
Stepben Sebooe
Jettry Stroog
Jim Sweet
scot w.n
K ,lldall Wamel
William Whitford
Pat WU11ams
stepbaa.le Yamasbita
Carla Yates
City Attorney Tully Seymour of Newport
Beach touched on the heart of the matter
in a recent comment on an underground
type of newspaper distributed in the Har-
bor Area. "We must put up with this In
order to have freedom of the press,"
he said.
The puadox of today ls that
so many of the ooes prolesslq
to be Chrlstiaos eAim tbat
there Is very Uttle difference
between C hristianity aDd com-
muoiam. Tbese people are
wrong on two cowU. Tbey aa-
dersland neither Chrlstiao1ty
oor communism, tor tbe dU-
Iereoees between the hro are
the dlftereoce between total
freedom a.nd total sluery, be-
tween love aod hate, between
Ufe aDd death.
Debonh Met&Ieur Leoort Red:ly
Callly MilLs Kalllleen Reid e FRESHMEN
Susa.ooa lhrray Thomas Roseoast
Laura Wyers Diane Salisbury
Kareo NoUer Sberrl Salmaos
Thomas MwtJ Valerie Scbmlnke
William Paley Margaret Schnn
Judith PaJne Lori Semeoiuk
Jeri Petersoa Dlaoe Shamma.s Thomas Jefferson put It this way: "Our
liberty depends on the freedom of the
press, and that cannot be limited without
being lost."
Because so many Cbristia.w5
do DOt uoderstaod these dlf-
fereoees and do DOt wort to
ma.intain them, we staoda great
chance of losing our freeOOm,
SllSl.D Petersoa Debbie Sbaooon
D1a.De PetteDgUl Rick Sayder
Deborah R'Md A one SIJUitrla.Dd
Sbaroo RelDemao Am Sweeney
COOitaoc:e RJdp'W'I.J Keo. Swift
LJDD RoMDer Leslle Wayne
Tbomu Sl!>uto LLsbet While
Let us remember freedom
A LOOK AT THE BOOK Robert Searles Aadrew Wlllla.m;,
susan Si:aw Patricia Wll.Uams
CHRISTMAS Stena Slap Jlldltb Woodward
JIDice Smlth Lori W~erllcb
Jeff Smltb
Jellrer stotrow
Jay Sulll.YU
Nels TabU
,.,.,;<J-t al loll J.,. .. U~tf.tweity. ~lla, S.C. CbriatiDI Valli ....
The: &he:phcrds, havma ~en the Babe in the young manhood, slw: turned over in her mind Mut1a W.llklr
manacr, went out and "made known abroad the evenll of that ni&ht in Bethkhem. No ADD War1ltld
the saying wh•ch wa.~ told them concerning lhis doubt she remembered "all these thinp" when WeadJ Watlliu
Ch ild" (Luke 2 : 17). What a _.tory they had to she uid to the servants at the weddinJ (east of C}'lltbla Weber
tell! An anael had appeared to them announc-Cana, "Whauoever He u.ith unto you, do lt" s ... Wbeea.r
in& that in the manger 1n Bethlehem, wrapped (Jo hn 2 : S), confident that He woukl provide Juke Wbiu.,
in swaddlina clothes, was the Saviour, Chriat the wine. And at the foot of the C:t'Oia, her Ra•11 Wob
the Lord. Then came a majestic company of torn heart must have rec:ollectcd the vi1it of S• w,....,
Heavenly Beinp with a cry or "Glory to God thole ahephc:nb to the manaer yun before. e JUMIOitS
in the hiahest. and on earth peace, aood wm Into every llfe there comes aome miraculow IAIJI1 AlWard
toward men·· (Luke 2 : 14). The: shc:pherdl h~ eviiknce of God's powc:r or tome tokea ol T.-rJ Aat.
hurried to the manaer and found everythina His arace. Rare i1 the mao who rememblra, <iiiBirDIII
u the anpl had told them. who ponden in hia heart throuah lhe yura, Carroll Beet
There m..-have been • buzz of tAlk in the and whoK life is chanl£d by meditation or bJ 1ar11a-
litlle towa of Bethlehem the next dly. The recoUcc:don. Christmas 1peab of Ood'a low MUJ .._. ..
oews mUll have spread like wildftre. Lu.k.e 1t:lla in the &ift of His Son. It is the Umt of year Alft •-a rtts
U1 that "'aU they tbat heard it woodcrcd at when the feelinp of moat people are ...,._ p_, a-..
thole thiop whic:b were told them by tM the: aurface. AI Chri1tmaa more than. It •:r 1Jida-*'
obepbcrdo" (Luke 2:18). Bul willllloe-"" olhcr 1;..., durinalloe ,...,, to .. and.,... w111-..,..
Ill lloe day&, DO -lloe mcklml •• I«· abound. Some people IIOp !hal day 10 Wok -ca...
...... o< Gilly OI:CIIi9nally rocalled, buC Mary for a-~ aboul Ood'a ,...,._ IIIII Ood'a ~ ~
"Upl .n -....... """ poodmd them .. ---btr ....,. II .,_.. lleort-""' ,.,.... rncrq wbo l<frpl ;llloe..........,., ol,.. ,..... -C&wbd "'*"'"" ...... ..., -... ""-' --How ....., -IO teqo all -dlllop ... --.., EcJpt. • .... w.:t 1 BirD ia tba ear, , c'"l ponder them in our hea.rta.-Ametaa 'W•'I ~ Dartl
.... a1 N--. • ... -111m .-looo Fcelura . .una De 111if
Mlk.tl AJil>lemao s ... Amlllr<>oc
Kara Anold
JobD BMman
KatllrS. Be ....
llaold Blackwood
G117 Brut
Groc Barllll J--CblrlolloB&Is
T• .. Cardu
Carl Cooo
JC•'ns DlriU .-& ....... --PalrleSaGellll
lluqQel ,._Oilot --·-'ale-....... rtd ro: .;, 7'# ld
TtnJI t PI
Alan Aodrews
Danlel Barrett
Susao B~t
Bartou Beek
Sally Bem"lS
Karen Blssor:mette
Brenda Blalr
Ploillli> 1kmD
Lee Burke
c brlstiDe clark
[}.udel Cobeo
Brlao Cotu
Robert Coao
JeoUer Conot"et
De!lra Dalm
Darid EaU
Garr Ellla
BW Fr&DtliD
PMllp Gaatocbl
Du G<lblole
WUII&m H.-loll
Patrlda Lowla
lJa "'lllcwe a ....... , •
T&ITIIIIlol-. ...__
~or,._., ..
Tlol O'atSII1
llarlll-'-lioor ...... .,. w.c.-
....... Put
~"' . llo:7ftone --~!>,I!' 0 ...
~..,... IPorllr2l ,.._
Ust, OD wtdcb sbe bad nitten NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC speakers blared day afler day,
the gifts tbat sbe noted to seod Notice ts berebJ' elY en that rrom morDloc to a.l&bt: "Cod ls
to be.r drcle of friends. Sbe the PlulllD&Commisslooofthe deadl" He aunolf'ed to be a.
sbaWed lt to her ratber, and be city of Newport Beacb will bold ll'fin&: testtmoay Uat God NOT
said that she had left out ber a public heaJ.D.g oo tbe appllea~ UriBe testlmoay that God 11
"best friend." Immediately, Uon of LD.H., A Jotat Venture NOT dead, butts alln.
she recoplsed that ber "best tor a Use PermJ.t No. 14!2-F Let us be a ll'IDc testimoaJ
trteod" was Jesus Cbrlst, and oo property loc:a.ted ootbe DOtth to the fact tbat Jts\11 Cbrllt
so Bbe reYised her Ust and put side of Vista del Oro(uteoded) is alln today, lD oar be&rtl,
Hls oame at tbe top. IDd westerly of Eastbluft Ortn all tlf« tbe world, aDd tbroucfl
ID my Bible, where the red to permit a Pla.DDedResideatl&l aU eternity,
letters emphaslle tbe words of Detelopmeot of 49 resldeatlal ---'-------
Jesus, 1t states: "IDasmtaeb as lots and 1 green area Jot. LEGAL MOnet
ye han done 1t unto ooe of Notice is berebj tu:rtber pyen
the least of these my brethren, that said pubUc beari.Dc wtll be
ye bave done lt IKltOme."Matt-bellt 00 tbe 15th day otJaD&ary,
bew Z5:40. 19'70, at the hour ol 8:00P.M.
Dr. Carl Mclrlllie bas C008 ID the CowlcU Cbambars of tbe
loto lhe blebwars and bywars Newport Beacb City H&U. al
of tbe world, a.od bas roUDded whicb Ume a.Dd place aDJ aod
up "the least" of the human all persoos lDterested may ap-
race, the Uttle waifs, many of pear &Dd be beard thereon.
wbom as lD. Soutb Korea, were Doo R AdktnP)D Secretary
NoUee 11 bertb)' ctno lbat tbt
PlaJiniDg Commlulon ol !be
City ol Newport Beadl wtllbold
a pubUc hea.tl.oc oo tbe applle&·
t1oo of Fran Uri1DJ. tor a Use
PermJ.t No, 1463 oo property
located at ZQlO West Oeeu
Froo£ to permll-dilplar
IDd reata.l of beacb equlpmeat
(r.-r ralla, bact r-etc.). forrp:Jtten by thetz Amerteu Newport Bacb c'lty
fathers. &Dd had beeD cast ott Plaao1q Comm1ssioo
lP deSI'&ir lllelr on Koreon Pub!Ub: 0.:. ZS, 1M~. ID -s. IDa N--Eulp Notice Ia berti>J -Jlh'ao
thai Slid pWIIc t.rln( wW loa
held OG tbllM!I dl7 ofJUIIUf,
U'lO, 01 !lie llour oii:OO P.l£,
ID lloe COIIIICU Cb&mloera at lilo
STATE I 0 a Ill P Newport Beacb CUr Hal~ 01
wbleb ttme ODd place UJ' &Dd
.n per .... ID!orestad -&JI· S Jc pear aod be beard tboreoo. enator A~llll Scllmlla Doo •. M•u..oc, Secretary
Major efforts are oow
uDder way to qua.Wy 2 m-.-
sures tor DUt June's tallot
tbrougb the l..nJUat1Ye pro-
Ooe Is a blebl)' oopblstlca-
ted, cle•erly drafted, tar-
rallglog eoutltuttonal a-
me 1meot wtdeb in effect
would cuaraJtee 'ast a-
mouats of mooey each year
to tbe pubUc SChOol system
IIDder a rigid ft.na.DclD& ar-
rangement OYer whlcb tbe
le&lalalure and lbo pooole
would haYt •ery l1tt1e actual
controt Prepared aod en-
dorsed bJ the bup Callfor ~
DJa Teacbera Assn. aad the
domlnaJII cUqueiDtheCOIIIlly
S"*"'lsorl Alllll, m:t at-
trac:tiYelJ' pacbcedu ••pro..
perty tax rellef," this
meuure ls actw 111 oothiog
or tbe tiod. hect tt a
tolooo Iocr ease ol $250 11> !lie
bomecnmar'• property tu
eumptloa. lt does DOt cut
IJl1 tares at all.
Tbe otblr 1oWattn mea-
111ft wollld limply place a
Ia W OD tbe boob tbat
the leaJalal!lre bas ldlled ID
committee S J'e&rS lA IUC-
c-., lboo&ll lbere Ia
tt'eJ'J lldeaUoa. tbat u ..
lllr00((111&-br lilo cra01
IDF.)Irttf ol ttao.tanraotu.
Tbepropoaed law-pro.
bll>lt piii>Uc ocboola from
... , .. eblldr-. Olltllde of
tllelr ... ocbool dlatrlet
Wltboat tbt COIIIIIIt of tbeJr
partllta. 'hlii.D.WatiftdrlYt
wu ll-rb4d IIDCSa-IIU-
IIedl1 br ~Fiord
w.-ld .... mao:t raiJ &1---·lr 00 ...... roata, ....... Mdi Uti --..... --..
Tll:l -Ill ---___ _....,_
....... , tleni.IMia ... aJroo:Sr ..,...,... _., ..
Jillltlllc •tal'.. ...... ""' .,, .. -... ...... _....,._...-I -""--· .......... tel .. _., ann,._.,
h ··-----l:r-•> •• C'~~·~-..... ,... . • .. ..1 '10-
M$ I !lit'.,_ .... ,_, ... ,.. ..... ..,._.,.,.._
rtn sa ...... ut11kl
uodertlie programs and ac.
UYiUes wtdch 10 beyoo:! oor.
mal school studies.
It is typical of our Urnes
that tbe measure to lDc:rease
costs and reclueetbepeople's
YOICe 1D public educatloD is
being piiSlled bud br 111-
p.ltic, la.Yisbly tloiDced or-
pnluHons, w1lUe tbe mea-
sure to cut costs and
iDcrease the people's wlce
to public eduea..t1oa Ls belnc
ruo OD a sboestrJoc.
The state dlreclor oi!ID-
aoee baa stated that the coo-
stlt~ional ameadmeot IRC)·
ported br !lie CT A w !lie
S"*'rtsor Assn. would cost
oYer a bUlloa dollars 1D ad-
diUonal state upendtturea,
maoy of them JP~CU!cally
mandated bJ tbe termsoftbe
amtD:lmeot. Yet tbe amud-
ment CODta1ns 110 Pf'O"LsioD
Ol' .-n.ntee wbaleYer of a
cut II> locaJ ~ lues
corresponctlar to w. J.n.
crease lD 1tatt .,.!ldlrac aDd
tbt t:wqttM raqlllred to tl-
t&DCe U. Ttda II wtiJ<iofU·
aor R•cu bu rtcMtJ cle-
DOUDC-.:1 1t U t. "f:rt.Dd.."
This 11 more t11a.a amoMJ
cr12>. u 1a a 1111roon11r pJaa.
lied a!lempl to ~ lbo
alloctfllbo law wo pat bact
Newport Be&cb CUr
Pla.ooi.Dc CommluioD
Publiab: Dec. 25, 1869, 1D
the Newport Harbor Erudco
NoUce ls bereb)' lfYen that
the Pla.na.loc Commluton ottbe
City of M-Boacb wlllbold
a J)W>llc baarln( oo !lie lJIPllca-
tloa ol Rolly Pulutl, Arcbllo<t
fol' a Varl&Dee 98Z oca pn~p~rtJ
located at 1S6'1AfOCI4oAYeD•,
Newport Ceater to perm:Jt are-
duclloo of !lie required oorlo:llla
spaces from 89 to S!ortoallow
tbe addltloDil tp&Ces required
to be borrOYed from a commoca
puld.DI area.
Notice .II berebJ a.rtbtr lfYH
llla5 ll&ld pabllc bearlnc wW loa
beld OD tbe 15th daJ oiJUtUJ,
19'10, 01 the -oii:OO P.llol.
ID !lie Colmcll Cb&mbor&llllbo
Jlewport Beacb CUr H&U. 01
wblcll Ume aDd place &QJ &ad .n per-.__-...
pear ... ... beard --Doo R, Mt1•MD, Secrltary
Newport Beacb CUr
PIIDatDc Commlutc.
Pabllltl: Dec. IS, liSt, 1D
From the Bible
oa tM boob tb18 ,_,..a. And, behold, the1e wu e
a treiJMGduaa . tep.alt.ttYe man in JetuJalem, wbou
JtrUQie, t..IRI'1Dc localtu-name wu Simeon; and the
PQWI of tbatr r._ to fOtt 1ame man wa1 ju1t and do-
OD local Kbool tu: flf•-vout, waitina for the con10o
ridN. u tb1l unMtrn• I at ion or hJael : and the
,.._., tbe ltata WUl bt H· Holy G;hott wu upon him.
qulrld ;.o tq~plJ' ma ol. tba And it wu •evealed uneo.
-££at locaJ "'-• b' b H ,.,.. to ,.plJ' Willa tle7 am Y the oly Ohost, that
t'Ott doW1t local KIIIOOl tu he thould not aee deeth, bo-
tacraML Core he had aeen the Lotd'1
llool*e aU crlllclolll,l!da Ouiol
1• t 'Ill wm pnlaablJ And he ct~me by the Sph il
qallfJ llr 1M ., .. t:.Dat into the temple: and when
.,.,.._ a1 Dill •II 0 11 the patent• b1oulbt in the ~-,, 'lilllllzdL child Jeau1, 10 do (01, him
.. •• 1111" I ...._ ...... the CUllOm or lhe law.
.lllreHW .. tD-~ fun Coot he.ft.im a, in bit
........ a ........ atlt-•m1, and blenod God, aad
..... of ...... 1111P-'t!;t, DOW letteet thou Cflv -··Ltto .... , .... . ' ,. .lilt atlrl: <>gc • ~e~vent '-"'u •• peac.. ·~ ~ tdJJII Mid...., 11 cocdia110 1ftY wocd:
IIIJI _.. ~ lid Pot t:niD! eyu lane tea a· S'W 'IIIIJ ..._., lh1 ealntton, ----~-Wlolcb-hupu(IOiad 11 11-loe-llo MfiMe illolaeoohll-lo:
-.. 0£1ot ...... .1\lialot 5o lialo:eo •• 0...
Jll , ... I 0 Pi-'~aleal, _.1 .. 1 r~ ~-*lJ ...lh.t ..., . .. ... \-. --: .,__ :IS. 2.) .
Newc-.ome.-s at ...... ,_ ...
llr ............ •ICIIDAY, D1C.' c..,_ C.l-.... --3-··~·!"o _
__ ;::;:::,:;.;;;:::::.·---l·s·-aa. &SFIZI Lurt :' ... 0...... ' c.lllo ,_....... a •
~ ..,_ ........... -
-...... -.._ P1oco, Co* ......
~ ... e,,.,,,_ .. -""'-1---u ,
-u.. ,_J ~ ., u... ......
....., i'NI "' ,_.. 1-o/4 -' --"
"-' """'",.... "' ,_.. Jt-iliN
.. .Jtnd All the Staff at
'.Theodore Robins Ford ·
2 ~47~.
I Ll. 2 LIS.
894 $1 77
MAIISCID Ill !AT lltiMS ••• 47f
...&!... '""
Notice is berebJ ciYID tbat tbe
Planning Commlssioo of tbe
City ol Nt-.porf Booeb will bold
a pubUe beuiD& OD tbt applica-
tsoa of Sabaru of C&l1L., IDe:.
for a Use Permit No. 148!
.. property loealed at 1000
West Caul HI.,._ lo pormll
retail car sales all1 sernce.
Notice is hereby fWtber ciYID
lllal said publlc boarlDc wiD bo
beld oo tbe 15th daJ ot.Iualry,
1970, at 1be boa< at Ulll P.M.
lD the Couoell C-s at lbe
Newport Boacb City llall, at
wb.lcb Ume aDd place uy ud
all perSODS I.Dtcrested maJIP-
poar &Dd bo ---Don R. Adld.n-. S«retary
Newport Boacb City
P!a11111Dc Commlsglop
Pttllisb: Dec. 25, lMi, l.n
lbe Newport Harbor Eoslp
Notice ls berebJ I:IYID tba1 tbt
PlalmlDC Comm-at lbe
City at Newport Boacb wiD bold
a pel1c boarlDc.., lbeiiiPl1e&·
-at -lalaad, lllc. .,. • 011 Permit No.l ... oapnper-
11 loealed at 1100 But Caul
liJpway lo porlllll -at
boala ud marillt --llotlce Is btrli>J-ll•eo
-llld poi>Uc boart11r w!U bo bold .. lbe 151b .., atJ.....,,
191), at 1be -at 1:00 P.M.
lA 11>e c-11 c-• at llll
Newport Booeb City llall, at
nlcb limo ud ploco .., ud
aU por--llll11P·
pear ud bo ---Doll R •..... _ s--1
llnpori -City P-.cc-•1-
PIIIIIIII:Doo ... llll,la
lllllloopori -blip
Cllorlto ~ 'nnlls, 'H,
at -IIOJOI -Drift, Aft. .l, Co* -. -Doc. II atlll&lrJ 'Il : ..... ....
JIIJI, u.. .... , ... ............ -... c-... 1o .,-._ ... ,rttw•~~r~o~owt~t,
~Mil a-. Oorlto -nn..---.
lnsomn.i.a suft'eren ol old ate raw whuc onions to
woo the arms of Morpheus. Pity the poor twsband
or wife ! Todly we have more reliable methods ol
induci"': sJeep ... s.leepina pills and the tranquilizers
for exampk:. But. thac medication~ are prescription
items and shouJd be taken onl y upon the ad"K:r of
your physician. Cbcck the dbv1ous reasons for skep-
lessness first-it m1y be caused by a Jumpy mattress.
lhen, if the condition continues, see your doctor. If
he ra:ommendJ mecbcalion, we'll be alad to fill his
tills fiStift SuAo! Tl II
If ,.., tilt ~st If
hliays. lleny Cllrlstaa!
A Joyous
and A Happy
M """f'"
and Healthy New Year!
Johnnie's Liquors
873-7530 I Ill-Doo. -a.~ ...... _
·~~ '-----------------------------------------~------~~~~~
lltiST SfCl)OII.--P. 4
MOW .....
.. Q.UIIftAIII!t.
It' 1' I s-.w
• 'RIIIMtalll
hn., .. r!W-11
A SAifDIUWS flltOOUCT!Ofol Dlll:lCl[tl ., YllQOf S~.
Ull Ill (OflSI
Open N;ghtly 6:45 p.m.
Sunday 1:45 p.m.
~DE1.1Mit,CAOF. .... .. M _,,._ 'l'llollallln--eol
al IM '.-IIi-..... JaCM• 1'11·--BOW ......... u IlioN-' lllr· u opool • ID Iii wla -a. 8UIIra ... liP ..ua a .Wur• I *" wHir, Mill a
~--.. l.,.ut •lctorJ 10 lo .. t1do<J ''"' ,_.._
... -Frldo.JIIItllllom too -,.....,, no 1111-1111 uual _...,. -lou • u *"''IC lUI
EA&W • _.,.,-Tile Sol-.,_--,Nooo~oeu,
lou-11 11 1o sa oa 51l'H .._ ... wana 19 1o 111a
no E-la Eacloa came lbrows Ill 1M llaal I mi-. 1bo llla1 ,..._ b Ulolr fie·
1o 11&-od Loo Fonud 1M .... ..., ,...od lory -1M -.. Eceloo Clo-lod 1M .....til( -U pollll, don $5 u -nlal>lo piQw, wu -bJT--U A-
mt-111 ~=-~ol~a::=-: aoJaoi-OCiooBoocb,T~ "':::~llili>-IIIDI• s.tur. Zlld quarter Widell 11•• -1M -· wtill ZC. IIIII
., Harbor a u..is balf-tltDO load. Eeeloo wu lUI I --
Tbo Esc!•• tn1lfld 18 1o 19 II, lla"" -*" It 1M b&lf, botl raWed stroq~y E,.o eo, Coacll Dt.rid Wu--qalalt Warr• IIIII II
tbt ftDa1 quarter to pull ._. DWl'l lads bad to come from qaiMt tbl otllra. .
1 45-45 Uo, Tbo Qrlllllls beblod lo wto. llarba weota-Tbo C..,_dttlllarS.KIDII
abead 55 1o 51llllbellllal h~ 58 lo 58 wllll HI loft lll loot oat Ia lllo llld mm ollllo
&Jid b1Jb·8COI'IAC Doa the pme. TbeD DaYI Eccles, towMJ, bow1DC to RUIIti.DctOD
added z IDI1iraDce wbo bid 10 u lllo "'Dloc. Boacll II lo 4$, Tile Klllp rat-
a )Imp sllol wllb s drOIIPfld lila pal< ollrMtbrowl Uod lrom lbo M-U bolltltDe
1o 1.0 1o ua u ..,, lAe lla•eo added la1lJ bot coald aot catch .., lo
• 2 more fret throWs ..ub l :S4 tbe OUera. T1m Coaro7aD11b
Estao<:la'S Gary Orc!U, Wbo lo 1,0. Wllb just Z secoodl loft, Kl1Uao WVO hiP poii>WI lo<
KOI'ed 1! polJi:s, was named JlffKallDoflpatlDantuur&Dee C«<a wUb lSMch,aDI1YD::e
ruoable player, Sldp WU-tree lbroW IIIII ..,pod lllllolal Senu bid. II,
bleb scorer for tbe to 9, Nell Tatt1 ~ tbe caue Ia tbe CODIOlatloo pl&J, tbe
EaC)es wtt.b 15, also was OD tbe wltb 11 poi.Dts. Taru YOWIC KiDp WU'e DUTOWlJ edpd bJ
all~touroamP.ot team. Mite scored 8 I.Dd BW Becket made WarreD TbllrMa1, C9 to .7.
Hayes a.ccouoted tor 9 polllts; z. Youoc aM Eccles, alool SeYler ud Couroy Jed tbe Co-
Les Hester ba.d 8, a.OO sten wttb llano, were aamed alJ. roaa acortur wUb 11 •eb, I.Dd
Ballere scored 7. toiU'III.IDellt players. K1ll1&D aecoa.l tor 10 polllts.
lo lbe opeolD( round, Eotao-
bad u easy tlme beatinc
Lac-Beach 69 to fO Thurs.
Wllb Orclll lio-19 Ha.yes 1Z I.Dd Wllllams
Civil defense plan ok' d
1ft SHOW ITAm 7 P.M.
SAT. I SUN. NOM J ,,Ill,
Baqinninq Dec. 311
Love is what it's
all about! FROM ALL lHE GANG
.. 2 .. 111 LIIIOLI CIIITOIIEITil• · IIY•CiUii\1
--41.10 --PAUL NIWII.\N illtiiiiiOa
Ia 'WNIIIG'' '
0 I J
~~S GRHl
I .
----for Christmas
OR EXCHANGE. $85,000.
. .
3535 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del .Mar 675·7225 .
we .. -Mce. ....
Reliale Scnlke Slloce l!Hl
... n:. TilE -y c...-nua .um IW'PY
....,.. a..,.u n. bw....,.•
SOSS E. Cout llwy. 675·1662 ~del'Kar, c.w.
!!1Eif!lt'1!:~~ . _, ~·
' --_.
to you
....., to be Wt CJ 1 Ill' b' C111&11tmu • • • A
I "'*-I bllll-..&a tbe .fabaDII ''Bluffa. '' Tbe • _, -Ia carpol IIIII dr-wUII a bollt-lo bu
lw 111o -Ia -..., PLIB a comm10lll7
pool, -aal ...,_ Yoo'll '"" tt lw oo11 ·
TWo --aa~-. 1-1/Z baiU. Qoallty e.-
boUt -· oo llartpl ploo a 11>0<lou I -.om --C-Ioboo<:bud-...
0... wUl CU!'J "==c:lll • 0 • Ito kJu costs to JOU .... s. .. $$ht 001!' -
Lido Fixer-Upper
M'Mda .,me "TeDder LonDc Care" but $1,000 to
$5,000 •lecUnJy c-t bere will earn you $31,000
or more. Tb1l ~ Udo Isle 3 bedroom, 3 bl.th
-· Ia ........ cnd<>U. &Dd -lldly ··-llpod lw ~ s llropll<es, s ear prace,
ontDidtnc coateqavy desicD by nlllmonareb.l.
teet. CGot $11&.000 ID baUd -,.. eao ~ct It op at
$95.000 .....
can w wrt.te Jar man putlcaJan.
Rich Irwin REAL TOR .. .
2443 E. Coast Hwy., at MacArthur
Corona del Mar -Phone 675-6060
p ~f S.ICII
Sales through the Multiple Listing
Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa
Mesa Board of Realtors totaled
over $47 .5 million for the first ten
months of 1969. This represents
1,294 unit sales and a dollar value
increase of 6% over the same pertod
of last year, which was a record year.
List your property;1with a Realtor
•m IARRm
~, _ re~lty
~ 642-5200
when you BUY, SELL, or LEASE!
•a.IWIM ..... , -~-'""-_;,._~--------·.=.·~.~:.:.Taa. Church News 'IIEII'IlR'T ·HARBOR Ell I CJI
AIIJT SEC11011 --P. 5
'IIIU~Y, DEC. 1!11
GOQA. DEL liAR, -CINII,-..,, ... -.1'1Pidtl1' .... Mlr'Uia~IIOOI, 'niFlnta.,tllla..dl .. ;;iiiijj;..-.w ~~~-c.a IIWJ~ co.-dol--c-111-101111_...,. .. _ ----ud'notpllt!W-,Dr.~-P. G. Ill I" wiD
11 1 re 'ell·wtr ..... ,.. .. 011ta1 ol .,. COUII't will IIIPIIk a. ''Dr1M1ae-!"' w1M If
..... )lft1. ..-k at 10 L-. ..., at. tM dlJIM •I'Oit•mellt U tbl 11
II< 11:.-, a toe~ qle "Ufl& ID< lbo dirt-a.m. _, oonteo.lllo IAll1lo
• .. ~ tltlll .... ac -· "tluld•tllelrll.,.._. at 1 p.m. wU1 be ••~~ow to-.
CM annexes
land • eldldr ale •• _.t a.ca. ..._ .,., 1 Mt Ul ol JoM. At 1:10 p.m. Ju. 'OUI' • • • • •
-~·;~~-;;-.-........... ~1~,:11o:wlll:;.::botla::;.·-=~at:Wod-Tbo LulllonD Cburcll at lilt ......, IGIIt ~iNdies. J11utar, 1900 Pacllle VIew Dr.,
llarllor VIeW IIIIa-Dr. WU.
llam Eller wtl1 preach oo .. A
stadrd for We,'" baNd OD
L ... U3-40, at lilt U5 ud
11 a.m. aemcea th1s Suadi.J, Sielwuite
851NS tf(.
• • •
st. Aadrew's PresbJf,erlaD
Church. .600 st. ADdrew'a Rd.,
C WI HaYeD -Tbe R", CeeU
Eames, 1111st1" pastor, w111
briDe a messace oo '''lbeeban-
clnc and the uncbanciDc'' at the
8, 9:30 aDd 11 a.m. Suaday set·
vtces. • • •
Tbe Newport Harbor Lu-
tberao Chureb. zsot cwr Dr.,
Newport Heights -Aswtstallf
Pastor Rooa.ldWbltew1Upr-.cll
at 9 aM 11 a.m. SUoday oo. tbe
topic, ''Belngsons, oot slues." • • •
Tbe PI.Jmouth Coocreptioaal
Church. 3!62 Broad st., New. port Bel&bts _ Tbe ReY. Nor-CHRISTINE ~N CROMWELL, dau&bter ot Mr. a.Dd. Mrs.
man BloWn will speak 00 "The Robert H. Cromwell Jr., 109 Vta Hane, Udo Isle, u:-POLLUTION P ROIL I!MS
step and the jouroet'' at 10a.m. cb&D.pd marrlqe YOWl Satllrdaf aJteroooo. Dee. II, tritb Elt.,..D Orup Cout Col-
Gerard JobD KIDDY o1 New York at OUr Lady ot Ut. Carm"l Ieee JtucieDtl attiDded a 111*1al
SIIDI!ay '• • • Catholic Cbureb, Newport Beach. Tbe bride was atteoded coafutDCe oo pollutloo prob-
ChrlsUan Science Churches-by ber sisters, Mrs. Harry Thomas Aberoatby u matroa ltma lD O.kJ•M Dec. 2:2-U,
The lessoo-sermon topic tor ot booor aDd Suume BlaDcbe Cromwell as ma1d of hooor. can.! by the eeeretary ot tbl
tbls Sunday will be "Christian JohD Reyoolds ot New York sened as best man, aod Dr. lnterlor. FUDda lor the trJ,p.
Scieoce." Services are at 9:15 Wllllam Kenny of New York, brother ot the groom, was tbe $200, were fot.d by tbe later-
aDd 11 a.m. in Newport Beach, usher. After a boneymooo. lD Greece, tbe oe•tyweds lrill Club Couocll ot occ out ot
10 a.m. in Harbor VIew Hills, make their home LD Ne• York City, The bride atte..Sed studeot body mooey.
aOO 11 a.m. in Costa Mesa. Maryknoll College In Manila, Phllipploes, aod UCLA, and Tbe OCC delep.Uoo iDclllded.
• • • was a medalUon award presentee at lbe 196Z medalllon Greg Dahl, T1DI. Trlbsees and
... Tbe a.nmal eongrep.Uonal ball of the Los Ataples Assistance Leace. The itfOOm Is a StaYeD Vt.lYerde, Newport ~ • meeting ot st. Mark Presby-graduate of Brooklyn College aDd took graduate work at Beach; Robert Kle!D. LarfJ
•---------------------, terlan Church, East Bluff, Will New York University, (C:.~.meo House pboto.) Smllb, Job.D Budarut. aDd Tom
be held after the 9 a.m. servtce Lee, Costa Mesa; Bruce DoleD, MARINERS CHURCH on SUDday, Jan. 11. The in-Va.larte Bretoo aad Mike
stallalloo and ordination of new LEGAL NOTICE WILLIAM FUNK DIES MeU.U. H-Beaeb-aod ANNOUNCES deac:oos al¥1 elders 1rill be beld NoncE OF PUBUC REARING William F11Dk. 51, of 137:i Susan bcla.Dd, <A.rden Gr~e.
during the 10:30 a.m. service Notice is hereby glYen that the Baker • Costa Mesa. died Dec.! 0 T TO VON SAH D Dll!! S n:.. GlenD O'Neal, professor at Talbot Tneologlcal tbat SUnday p C ot ZO atHoagHospltal.Uewa.sborn·
Semi.Dary, La UJrada.. will be guest m1nister for the • lannlog om mission tbe June B 1918 LD New York. am otto N. VonSa.nd, 19, of 849
10 Lm. senice this StDiay. City of Newport Beach will spent lne ~ 4 years Ln. this Town St., Costa Mesa, died hold a publlc bearing on theap-area Dec. Zl at bis He
IUJIDAT a;JI)OL AT t:OO .6.¥. Phone in your Order pllcatloo of Hoag Memorial • was born 1n Cblcaao 00 .. •ar .. YD .A.T 11:00 4.11. Hospital-Presbyterian for A-He is surviYed by his wife, 27, 1890.
A lf'Oe oC coae•.:lpareata .. p-., to ... llltlr
cbUdr• oC otliUr....,...*eud
CokiMt Uartlnlln Townl
3344(. c:..at lhry.ln
-(7141 11l'n22
lfDdG .. YD .A.T 1:10 ·~ for a Svbu:ription: meodmeDI: to Use Permit 1Z85 V1Dce.osa.; z daughters, Mrs. He is surYind by his wUe,
Call 673..0550 on property located at 393 Hos-Tbomas Fisher and u:rs. Carol Gerttude; a dancMer, Atleoe theN \61..,. •
-lEAl T COAST ltWT ~ co-DIL MAl pi tal Road to permit ameodmeOI Ray. bolb of Cost& ......... z Ebert of Costa .. _, z Join ew rears eve fun I :.;!.~r. ·.:r~rmtllo add 37 graodeblklre11. ~~·· ... &.,·oat-cnUidc,blJ-_ Noisemakers _ •
Notice Is hereby turlber pveo Serflees were bold Doe. Z3 Stnleu Wl<e bold Doe. Hats -Horns -Balloons
lbat saJd pobllc bearln( will be at 1be Sl. John lbe Boi>tlst al lbe Paellle V!ft Chi~-~
oeld 00 1be 151b day otJaooary, Cati>Olle Cbureb and ~mor. Dr. W!Wam DINNER AT MODERATE PRICES
1970, at the oour ot s:oo P.M. me~t wu m tbe Good Shepherd ME TAYLOR ENT RT 1n lbe Couoell Clambers of lbe ComatorJ, Waatelllf -Y ..._.lntormatwulo l E AINING
Newport Bucb CitY HaU. at •w:u~UI~o~dlr~oc:~lor:· ____ ~fl~e~V:J~ew~lll~o:m:or:lal~Por=k.~::"'"_!!!!!!;!~t"!:~~~:S::.!:,!~:..!;!! 1 ~!!!!!!~!!~ which time and place ID1 ud 1 -:
RATES FOR CLASSIFIED -ADS :rr:be d ,-::-~·~1 We Ire never too "ti " to wish you c:i Don R. A-, Sec
Newport Beach City
PlannlDi Comm1uioo. 1 Ti,.. 2Timel 3 Tim•• IaONIHO. Y oars ol .. ,_
i•oe oc aU typlt of cb-
alal . .. n .... Jlpodahy.
..... llh.ina •••• ,., per ....
Malllo Will-tin · ...,_
pm11, CllM. 67)-ID4.
20 words or l•n .............. l.SO 2.,50
21 word• to 30 words ...... 200 !1.00
31 words to .40 W'Ot'da ...... 3.00 4.00
Each word o-r«) -da.. .05 . tO
.1 5
PubUsh: Dec . Z5, 1969, in
the Newport Harbol Eutp
Notice 1s btrebJ et.na that the
P1aon1ng Commission l)t the
City of Newport Beacb w11l bold
a public hearing on the appllca-
tlon of The J. 1-l Richardson
Company, lnc. for a Use Per-
mil 1465 oo property located
a.t 1137 Bayside Drln to per-
drugs 1n the ~boots? Cootact
POT BELLIED wood stares, mit omces for a yacht and ship
stoYe pipe, kerosene Lamps, brokerage.
stores and beaters. Mercan-. we General stores, 11 7 E. Notice lS her eby further giYen
18th Costa Mesa, 646 1S75 that SOlid pubUc hearing wlll be (for~-arly TeWlnk.le'si aDi held on the 15tb day ofJa.n11UJ,
806 E Balboa Blvd Balboa, 1970, at the bour of 8:00P.M. O:L P.UN'fiNGS -extra low
price. Large refrigerator-
treaer, good eondltlon. Hutch.
Hospital. Z~ per square foot.
• P;!T,S
years lD Corona del
QuaUty pet ~lies
675-'72:82 ., 1n the Council Chambers of the
• Newport Beach City Hall, at
wntch time aDd place any and
SPOTS before yCNr eye 1 -all persons lnterested may ap.
on your new c:arpet -r.. ~-' be beard tbereoo.
move them with Blue Lu~o-pear .uaJ Doo R. Adkinson, Secretary tre. Rent elec:tric: 1h_.. Newport Beach City
pooer 11 . Crown Hardware. Pla.M1.ng Comm1sston
3107 E. Coa~t Hwy., Cor-: PubUsb: Dec. ZS, 1969, lD
E. Coast Hwy. 67li-Z<1301
ouster cbat ge
ana del Mar. tbe Harbor Ensign
'•1510 J,JI DAILY
IUHDAYS 1110 1
303 Main li. •
' •
439 on CDM honor roll
Iollla m, 11c11111111 m -.. uo ,...., 111 -· ud tl trtiiiiDM. 'I'M~ acMiftdlln!pl ''A''r~:
-o--Dorld Dllllp, catborloo EcU, Jo0o llanJIIII,
Krlllllt Qoallllld-,.__
-o--llark Aldrlcla, llveJ Blldr, lAC-_,, BUA-
IWb Dolo, Rldlu<l DoJ, llloa DloOJ, CbUJoo ~·.
IIana Htlllr.-IAIMr, Pulola Oomu, Douc1U R•m,
Juot -~~~~~-TllloJ'. Sopl>omoreo-...lolla ~'"IP'od, -Dlotl, ~IIU!I EU&-
dH, Scott Hor-, Jamoo Lillo, Mo!eo!m MeCalloeb, CII!J-
toD Palmer, ClDd)' Sehllber, MtebUl Stt1er, stu Verma
ucl Wllll&m Vl•ll"u.
Fre~m•-..SUU Racey, Pa.ttlcia RomDtJ, AaoeScbDetder.
mu IIIII lloltl!ew Sl!oema.Ur.
otber1 oo tM hoDor rt3ll are the tollowiDc:
o SENIORS A me Dubio Vldd lluo<
Tekll Beu Thomu Ed100 lllebul M::'..:artJ'
Kal:beriDt Beardwood StenD Eap.M Gre&WJ McNamee
Trae1 Boocb Collolle Fleurldlo K!m D. McRae
LucJe Berkley Dutd Fowler stefe Metcalf
Bruce Black Juet Freemu T•ea M~r
Tbarna Blalact Bob Frls&eU. Patricia lllebuls
ClU<Il Bqled R-Garber Jobolllloo
Mary Brecht Terrl Glau Kttty Moct
Mariaale Brechtel Jobll GraJaam DW. Myers
Jaecll aro... J!m Grllllll! Brlu Null
WeodJ Buru: Ncaa Heetmao Joo O}&eQ
Pam-!la CuseriJ Mlcbl.el Hickey GreaorJ Otboroe
Scott Cbristeosen RaDdJ IWfm.an Ylebul PUTln
Cbtl.!!tloo Cote Ted Hoooe Pal P-
Stanley Crtppep RJta JackJJ.D Craie Ptodleton
JIIIJI Dettwyler LhnreUJD K:t.malanl WlllWn Power
Carol Dola.o Sue Kemble As Proctor
Sara Erickson Robert Kilmey Ectnrd P111be
Dtaae EUas So.su: KJss JeDOY Quid
Elate Feige Carolyn Xredel Holly Ray
Leslie Fenn Sue LaBorde R1ebu'd Redm.u
Marpret Fish AliDl I...aMootagne DaD Remer
Ll.ada Foz Paulette Lacona Marla Ricca
BeDedick Fraass Richard Lee SUS&IIDI Rodriquez
L)'Dil Frost Peter Letnau Susan Roletti
Vleti Frost Shari Uebbart Jlldy Romm
Cbtlst)" Goelllz Kalby L<>c:kllarl Howard RoJsl<r
ABDette Gogio Grei Lottz Sally ScbllesiTWlD
Cbrlst1ne Gop Rlcba.rd LoflG)re Paula Schneider
ReDee Gould Jetfersoo loubet RODlld Scboenmebl
James Graham Prls MaeOoaald Sus&D Scbrect
Marilyn Grubb Ann MacGowan Cbrist1oa Schwer
Betty Guoderseo Jaoe M.asb Palll Seeard
Betsy Hammlll Vlrdnia Muon Rbollda Sberm.lD
M.ulene Holcomb Laura. ll.issrl.k Kathryn Smith
Sttrfen HoUuder Debbie Marston Nancy Smith
Seek}' Hewer W.\r la McCarthy Gkda Somers
Laurie Hudson Rudy MeN.-t Astrid store
Jennie Jackson Dl.a.na W:ellot Coreea Strei.P:y
Jlllle Janls ' Catberlne Micbaela JenoUer Sucbomel
Nelson Jobnson Gaillolllla.ge Gtlbul Symoad.s
:hr~ber JtJd.ln Susan Multer Laura Tbornbclrgtl
Joa.DDe Kasper Douglas Mullen Hea.tbu Weir
Barbara Kab Emtlle Mu.lllp.n Marla Whlte
Mark Kellam MIke Mutter Stanley Wlaslek
Brad Kluewer Colleen Neeme Mlcbael Wynne
Sherry KUlmli¥1 Ken Nelsser Rlc:bard Yorba
Mary Krebs Sally Nurmi Robin Zlmmerma.o
Docma LaBrll Nancy Ochsoer e FRESHMEN
Marloa Lenoey Debbie Otto Suzette Aixtersoo
Greaory Llllll. John Palmer· Mare AtUesey
Iris Llndberg NJDII. Puker SIIS&.D AustlD
Helen Luck!'IUdt Clnd.l Peek Jeri Baroes
Barbara Macinnes Debonb Pennlo&ton Ellen BercotltJ;
A.ooe Macintyre Janie Pernorth Dcrls Bertl8y
Tert MarowitJ NI.Jo·!J Pole ADdJ S.ry
Cnie Maar• Oafkl Porter Frueil Boero
Cl!nll McCord CuolyD l!roulll R..,. Cbllds
DoucJ,u McCorkle Steve Rieker Dlut Cllri5ttueD
Y.uy McCormick Betsy RJdpay Robert Clark
OW. McKamJ Uart1D Ro011ey MeUDda Cotton
CJQthla McWnirt Grer Rose Patricia Crooke
Jack MJ.tebell Vtre1nJ,a SeanloD Greg J. Crowley
Gaelloloooey Lee Secard Rebeecs Dads
Pamela U:urrln Debbie S:aoooo David Dosier
WW1am U:uoce Eleanor Smith James Essick
Na.1·~1 Newbrougb Joa.D Smllb Laurel Eversoa
Ctlrlstlna Nielsen Leslle Sobol P'aula Evertsberg
SallJ Obersteln Dnid Solniet JaAelle FenD
Kor1 Orbach Rebecca Sours David Ferguson
M.uy Osborn Laraine Steen Denl.se Fey
Lfli.D8 P-arkhurst Shari stevens BtU Flelschman
Allll Percl11ekt Gil)' stomel Darren Gallear
Sue Power Solvelg store Oartd Gllmote
JeDDy Pratt Bonnie Thompson Oarid Gray
Michael Preston M.uy Tlcbana. Angela Graba.m
R:'IS)'bt. RawUngs Enlyn Tueterma.n Roberta Haley
1lomla Reed CIJJCly Tur. Mary H&mel
RoblD Reed Debora.h Usadom Bruce HtldebnDd
Robert Romney M.artba. Valdes Ba.rtua Hill
lnerld R"Pt"laDd Catherioe. Vinson EUsabitb Hill
Tetl Robly Tamara Watt Jane Hudsoo.
James Ru·lotph Julie Williams Da.rid Irwin
PaW Saasooe Katen Jerger
Steve Schauer e SOPHOMORES Cuey Jooes
Keooetb Scofteld Jelf Altord Glen Jooes
Rtct:J Seltert Guerin Alter Vletl Kemmerly
Laurie Severson L~lle Babbe Douglas Knapp
Doa Sefler Bradley Baker Rod Marcb
lui Sbel Robyn SeeDer A!rirea McAdam
Michael SlmtiD Barbara Bromley Sue MeC)ellatl
Sbelley Smltb susan Brown SteY&D McFarlaDd
Robt.D Steele Erle Bruce SiobbaD MIWpn
Robert Stomel SteYeD BurliDetam M !lute MJ&ell
Vlc.kl strawn Ken Carlsoa Sloe Monroe
Steven Tabat Arnold Clark Michael Muller
Robert Tamler Koorad Clark DIJa llaqt>loll
Patrice Temple Joel)' Celtbaml Terry Neben
Mupret Whl.elem~:.Z Junes Cote He leD Noll
SallY Vullller Doll COC!IIIrJII!I.D Je-Ofle
Naooy Va.aderbureb Larry DeDMr Nucy PawlD:
Dan Wallace Lawreace Deutsch Stacy Platt
Roderie W&llace Dale Dtelrtn100 Rutb Qute.t
Carol Wurea. Kar• Dosler Leslie Reed:
Dvq w-LaDe., Dumnlre Dlaoe Rl!odeo
Jamlo W-ID S-EWIIl!d Loelle RlpleJ
Derld Wblte Mark Flleb L1JJDO R-C ~-Wlllorl Karoo Flolaehmu lobo Ro11!1roU
M...-tbo Wlller · Scoll Frauo JlllreJ Row'laad
Roblrt YarDell AllJ'IOII Frncb Albat Seb.da
Cbr1s YOQ)d K•Oleen Frye Tlmot.bJ Sbl.w
O..l'ld ZaliiAJ GerrJ Gt_. Tl!omu -e JUNtoRS Lou1M Gabchllk Mattbew SbMm••
llarl1oo A11ID Sine Gruor Rick Siler
Co.ye Armllrcor SooaJa -PIIU Slopw
Xt'IIJJ AeU9 Rlcbard 11o111Jor Bob Smll1l
Clllrl.lll.o Blbr BW Hodp lAel1e Smll!l
Xtm Blloo P•ol H-J Xero Sloole
JuiCe-Tbeo a..lrlc:Uoo Mula S!Jitoo
K.ltbJ 8111 cater Pllc flo DcntiQ' Te)Wl Derld .,..._ CII'OIIIorDI>J Mutlla Tll1oJ
_.. Borl"J ~ H-M-~
lrta 1111ctn11 Lloda -Joe TOll!
-Bo1P0J Xolo l.,_ LJIIIl ~
AriW -P~ ~-Craie UIJ1 Brtu Ca"'•• a.r1 ....,_, SeD Vaccaro
1•Cidld BrtoaloJOO Ulllla v.ao.
c-eunr MueloKAilllopr fllrldoYudolul>
(loll Cl!llllo -KAiol -, .....
ea..,c..., -~-··11 ~~ IJEia Colrlo "f.-lollr61& -.. ~-·-llllo lt.-1 11.-TtnJ-•••UY•anut 111 1111 • mat GtnN w.a.
---T1111~ .._.,_ ~DIIefl UlfllJ t't¢FW Delft li-Ma
Clitlla OWl lnt 1 I ' •1 Wl1lllla t.il:tl
.. -..........,.-.-rr ·····----
Students on
TV program
Tbe CJI.Ce seJ.eace lear-
Dine procram ot tbe New-
port...M.esa Unified Sebool
district I& bolD& fellurod oo
TV (11 "Campua proftle pre.
MUtl iliDoraUons 1D edDC&·
tioo. ...
Aeeordl..oc to Mrs. Fa:~ Ru"'-director of ""' II)I.Ce procnm lor tbe schOol
district, 9 studeots are ap-
pearlDc with 3 members ol
the tei.Cbinc stalL Monty
Fooes, mobile seLeaee lab-
oratory teacher, presents a
le1100 oa moon ceocnpby to
~.f.tb p-aders Susie Hirsbon,
Oooc Brockmeyer aod Ctooy
Frost. Slt lli&b school stu-
d.~. wbo partielplted ln
last su.mmer's C)IJtstaodlog
bleb sebool sd.eoce lnstitute, rmew their wort w'.tb Jollo
Jobnaon, scien~e~meot
cba.lrmac. of Corooa. del Mu
Hllll SchooL Tbe st ... ats
are still Vermuod, Howard
Royster, lllarla Rlcca_ Ro-
DDe Salyer, Nelsoll. Jobnson
aM Steve BurUneram .
The December Zonta girls
were booored at tbe m<dllly
luncheon meeting of tbe New.
port Harbor Zoota Club, held
at the Senlor Citizens recrea-
tion center. Here are the hon-
rooa del Mar bJ.gtJ scbool,
daugtlter of Dr. w:t Mrs. ·r . s.
Rowlaod, 4.807 Dorchester Rd.,
Cameo Highlands, Is president
of CFS, student coo.gress sec-
retary a.Dd cbalrman., member
of AFS, lnte.roatiooal Relations
Club, and ScleneeClub, otwhieb
sbe Is a past presldeot. She ls
also a past presldeut of Arch-
aeology Explorer Post 806, pre-
sident of her church youth
gro~. a.nd a national merit
seml-ft.nal1st. Sbe attended the
American lnteraationa.l scbool
1n Vienna d\D'lng ber )unlor
year. Sbe received blstory aDd
tract awards while 1n Vtenoa..
She bopes to attend Pomona.
Stanford or UCI San Diego, ml-
jortng 1n archaeOlogy and bio-
logy. • • •
• G£0RGlA.NNA D'lllGHT of
Eslai!<:Ia hllll scbool, dellllller
ot Mrs. Viola Dwtgbt, ,. 2941
Pamba Dr., Costa Mesa, ll pre-
.,_ &1111 put oecrQl"J ud
lllllx!rlu ot ... Girls lAo,..,
member ol the class coUDCll,
a.od past president ol botb tbe
SJ)OJII>h Club aod CSF, ud past
secretary ot the Pep Club, Sbe
reeetnd the &Old "E" selaool
award for serrieedurlllcbcr .tu-
nlor year. Outside acUriUeslD-
ebde membership 1D E.splorer
Post Z09. Sbe pla.astoatteDd UC
Berkeley or Cal state Fuller-
too. majorlng fn medicine for a
career as a doetor.
• • •
Newport Harbor hlgtl school,
daugtlter of Mrs. and Mrs.
Atmey Rebard, 1721 Caodle-
stoct Lo., Bayerest, is bead
varsity cheerleader, president
of ChaDtelles; secretary, a cap-
peUa ebolr aod member of tbe
Pep CJob. Past aeti'fWes in-
clude class COUDC.Il, aqta shoW,
girls' eborllS, AFS, Scleoee
Club aDd student congress. Sbe
ts current11 relg:niDg as Miss
Newport Be.aeb. Sbe bas re-
celfed tbe seniceaward and tbe
most valuable musiela.o award,
serves as aecompanytQ for the
OralJ&o Coe.sl College slD<lDc
etus aod bas ci'fen piaDO eoo-
eerts for chapters of tbe PllU-
barmonl.c Society. Sbe plans to
a.ttead l6C as a m11S1c major,
1ooklog forward to a career as
pl&DO t•cber and coocert
utist. (Cameo House pboto.)
• • •
Mesa b!Cf:l scbool, daq:bter ot
Mr. aDd Mrs. LeRoy Custer,
1012-A. Valeocla Dr., 1s aGlrl5
Leecue olllcer. Pep Club ol-
n.eer aod senior class olfteer,
member ot GAA, Madrlp.ls...:l
CSF. Sbe La a rohllteer worker
II Falrrt" stale -t&lllld
m.embU ot the Flsb orpm&a-
UOa.. a Chrlsttan service eltlb
wbleb betps ~le lD times
ol -· Sbe ... ncei•od a waN~ for aehienmelllla GAA,
u _.,.Unctq)bom«etypist
P1 u OltsbndtOC sbol"tbaal!
... AT
1M M&IPOaT a. YD.
OIIITA-. ,_ .•.•.
sto:lent In ber junior year. Sbe
plus 1o llleadCalstate Fuller-
too and wort toward a teacb.LDC'
degree. (Cameo House pboto,)
The Oakwood Garden Apart-
menta 1n Newport Height&
hosted a C llrtstm.as party last
week to boost tbe aDDULI Marllle
Corps "toys tor tots" eam-
paJgn. wbJeh be~ to flU stock-
togs of Beedy younpters. Mr,
aDd Mrs. Comie Uppman a.ad
Ruth Duey were 1D charge ol
orpnlzlng tbe Ol.kwood party.
The Boys ClW> of tbe Harbar
Ana wUl be opeo from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. tllrougb tbe bolida.J
season. ueept tor Sundays,
Cbrl.stmas day and New Year's
The program was aired
Dee. 21 ooCbanoel7, &DdY1ll
be sbow1l OD Cballbel 5 at
I:SO a.m. Dac. 2'7, ooCbamel
11 at 6:30a.m. Jan.Z,aDdon
ClwLDel 52 at 9:30p.m. Ja.n.
Tile EslaJJ<:Ia Hllll School
.. Eagle" marcb.lng bud pu-
Ud,pated to ''ta.otasy aD parade''
at Di.sDeylaM Dec. !0. Tbe
"Eacte" band was chosen by
pld.ocnPbs a.nd tape r e-
cordlDgs ol past performtnCes. -----------------------
STAlllliMG, loll 10 rl""' Pat, U; CaaiiJ, 15; Ttal, 9.
SEATED: ltim. I; Dod, S9 (?~ llaa!m&. •: Cuo)", IS. ON
RUC, Tbo llul!iiJ do(. TlppJ, ap 9. ud Colleeo. 11.
PLI5 (lOIII boi!IO~ lila, I$ udii111IIJ!Cio, a--
"NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" lamp? We will raet'lrDDw.
But lt did at ooe time be)Qng to the author, Clement Moore.
It.s prtl(d oner, Herbert L. stephen, 428 Serra Dr.,
Corooa Hlc:blands, says that his late rife bougbt it at a kJw
coa at a.n a.aUqua store across from the last borne ·wbere
Moore llfed 1D New York City during the depression. Tbe
borne, arOIIDd Z3rd St. or Z-4th St., wa.s vacated by a relltiYe
ot Moore' a IDd a Jot ot the things lnside went to the autiqlae
sbop, Mr. Stapben recalls. All the ho mes and bulktl.Dp
in tbe are& were be.IJ:Ig torn dow n io order to build tbe
Loodoo Ttrraee Apirtments. Mr. Stepbell and h.is wUewere
llfiDI oo ZZDd st. at the time. (Ensign pboto.)
3333 E. Coasl Hwy.
Con>na dol lila'-Telephone 673-3850
•E'II'OIT ltMIOI! Elllll
!eC!!!IO KCDIIII--tw t
....... r . .,..,._, THE NEW NAME ~ c , ill "'"' a .._ P=-· ettF. ,. ... ---_.--linar .... -C1lrl<f, -·Son,,., ... -lo •.....,.,. Mil e.. .., ..,. on ..nh. It •• fNOulh • IICMnOII ,_,.,. ,...,...,. ol rorM ......,, •
(l'ro• r•B ABVAL.AT()t, ao• •oJ, L•,.•• •••c•) ,._'nil .... OP Till L.CMt0. ....... lllwl ...... T-
(Co•ll .. ltl fro• lut • ..,.,
'!be OUnrtte biiVe a uyln&, .. Je..
'"' II the lQYtslbk God and God • the Yll.fbie JcsUJ"! When Jtsua
c:ame He eame ''out ot the Ivory
~ .. the only One who wu
cvn bom divine! He wu ''made
a little ~r than the ~~~ tor
the aidferinc of death, c::rowned
wttb rJory and honour: tt..t he by
the Jfaft of God sboukl tute
dMtb for eve-ry man" iHeb. 2 :9).
No w~r. as Dr. R. G. lA'e haa
rnnlnded us,• "thia Babe bent the
datellMs of the qes IH'Otlnd Hia
lowly cradle." With awe do we .....
"Well mil:ht the sun in darknHS
And shut his alorlt'l in,
WMn Olrist. the n'll1hty Maker, ....
For man the creature's .<~i n."
0\riatmas, then. tells us that
Christ Uw Son ot God Wll! the
''S«<nd Adam from abov4."" as the
carol puU it, coming to die to
rt'instate Ull m His love, since in
Adam all by naturt" are spiritually
dead. Bom ot a virgin, with no
human rather, Jesus had no
Adarnic blood in His vein.'~:, as Dr.
M. R. Dl-Haan has so graphically
revealed In his famous book. Tlte
Cllerniatry of tile Blood..
Romans 8 :3 tf'lls us, "For what
the law could not do, in that it
was weak through the flesh, God
sendi."'lg hi~ own Son in the l1ke-
1'te~a o! si nful flesh, and for si n,
corwk>mnt"d sin in the flesh." Paul
told the Galatians, ''But when
the fulness of the time was C011'1(',
Gorl sent forth his Son. made of
a woman, made under the Jaw. to
~m them that were under the
law, tha t we m ight l'('(.'('i vc the
adoption of sons" IGal. 4 :4. 5).
God used the virgin birth of
Jesus to provide a perft>el Saviour
who was both man a nd God.
Now since wc arc "by nature
the children or WI"'Bth"" 1 Eph. 2:
3b), God ha. wonderfully ar-
ranged for us to n'('("]ve a Jte•t•
nature which will be a nature
completely di\"UK' (l('e II Pet.
1 :4).
Here we come to
m<~zing birth :
the third a-
Ill. The Ne,. Birth
Rcmcmber. li fe begins with
birth. Man is bom in sin by na-
tu~ and is said to be "dead in
lte$P8SSt>s and sins" IEph. 2 :11 .
M a ~ner he can never enter
lhl-pt"esence of a Holy God. Hc..-
,Jcsus' own words, "Except a man
be bot-n again, he cannot see the
kinl:'dom of God"" fJohn 3 :3b).
This same chapter tPIL~ us that
men are born again by believing
on Jesus (see John 3 :16. 18. 36l.
To belteV(' on Christ is to trust
on. to depend on, to rely upon
Him. When one turns from sin
unto Jesus in simple child-like
faith I'M' experif'nces this third
amazing birth. "&lng born again.
~t of corruptiblf' seed, but of
mcorruptlble. by the word ot God.
wh ~h livt>lh and abideth for ever"
1J Pet. 1 :23). Notice he is bom
again "by the word." Jt does not
............ loa,-.............. -=••= .... by beptlml. nor bJ manU , nor by tlncnib'l h. .. limltb' .......... thl.t tlon..rl'th
1ft¥ word. Mil bttiwfth on hlm
that ~~ent me, hath ewr&ulinl IUe,
and lbaU not eomt Into condHn·
nation: but la .,...ct from dMth
unto Ute" (John 5 :24).
Havlnc bl!lif'ved on Christ and
thua t>xperlenc!td thia th1l'd amu-
inc blrtb the new-born penon dis--
coven that he hu thrft othft-
wondcrtul new thlnp aU wrapped
up 1n Uw ume packaae with his
new birth. (What a ~riatmu
( 1) NEW PRIVILEGE : Havin&
received Ou"lst, he hu bree'n made
a child of God; he i.s actually 1n
the family! God il now his heav-
enly Father! A grim kloktng man
with a sour expression on his
face roughly said. "It's just an-
other day to me," when I spoke
to him of the joy of Christmu
at his ston-counter one day.
~rtstmu can ~er be "Just an-
other day" to one who has ~
aliz.ed the rare privUe1e of being
a ~hlld of God!
(:Z ~ NEW POWER : A Chris·
llan, newly born of God. discovers
that he also has IW'W power.
"Christ is abk-to savE' to the
t~.ttenno.t" (Heb. 7 :25~. As one
converte-d drunk put It, ·•rrom the
auttermost to the uttermost"!
The wt.e men after they came to
JHus "dt-pe.rted Into their own
country another way" IMatt. 2 :
12b). After anyone comes t o Je-
sus he always coes "another way."
He can neve r be the same!
131 NEW PURPOSE: He has
found a Saviour who came "that
lh('y m1ght have life. and that
they mi&;ht have it more abund-
antly" {J ohn 10 :10b ). No longer
does he spend his time in blind
alleys or chasing butterflies up
an<t down dcad~nd streets! Tile
sign, "'Under New Management,"
frequently seen on plares of bus.i·
ness can be seen reflected in the
life of this one who has experi-
encerl his amazing new birth.
EvE-rything makH SE'nse now. He
has a new purpo5e in life. Some-
Of)(' has aptly reminded us that it
would 1x-better to have nevt>r
b«-n born at all than to never
be bom again!
For you to have thb new pri\'i·
legt>, nt>W power, and new purpose
in life : recognize that you Wf'rt'
bom 1n sin the first time, that
ChriSt the-Son of God had to be
horn. of a vir&ifl ln order to be-
come your~S&viour, •nd that He
W&Jt.l now but for you to come
in atmple faith to Htm and ex·
perientt the new birth. There was
"no room in the inn" for Jesus
to be born that first Christmas
in Bcthleh£'m. He was born in
lht.• one place available to Him-
a stable! At this Christmastlme
He is still sayinc. "Bf'hold, I
stand at the door, and knock : H
any ma n hear my voice, and open
the door, I will come in to him"
I Rl'v. 3 :208.1. Your heart can be-
come Christ's new Bethlehem. He
will COrnt' into any life available
to Him. You will be bom aeain
If you let Christ be born aa:aln
in your heart today!
_,.., ____ .,,..,.....,._ .. Hil ..... ___ .. ,.,..,_
Sleep!.,. and bewildered, bul ~ pnl<l4, UJe
btub&n<l of Mary emerpl from 1M -IDd lllllde IIIII
way to the C<lDIWI taker'• booth. Tile ...,_. ..,. b-
med lhroulh bl.o heart, and hll ~ .. _ fue -
·radiant wllb lbe woiJdB of the Dlcbt. -the ._
taker oaw only anolber peooa"t olaDdlnllll the line.
IW ,.. ,... *-" ,.,...,_ ,_. ..., ~·• ~ tw ur ~ the ~«. ~ -.wl doth ,...., flit
,_, -.. --,._ .. God, ""' """""·. aom M • ....... Chrfll_.,. tor thirty ,....., es .,. unknown tlfCn. His .,.,.....,.,. In public
m/rhlrJ C111M .. Hit ~ wNn God Introduced Him to the world. A Yoke hom HoWtn ...........,, •r~t~s Is ,. llrMwld' Son ~ whOm 1 .m ""'' piNs«/ . • . ,_, ,a Him. • Ourlnc .na
........... ,.... Jnus Cfwlal "'*«/ M'IOfiJ t'Mit ¥VI ~ Info t/tfllf .......,.,. npwlanrM.
~..., lhetn,-~l'«< with ltM!m, eounset*l them, ptHCh«/ fo them.,._., flltm ... end
Jn ~~~~ tWN.-d the clw«.tfN Ol God, His Hetwenly Fethet'. By Hlr .,.,., life, He btoufhf
Mit ,_, .Jftlto'I-...God neM lo m.tn. ChriSt Hlmsell said, "Hf! th« Mth .IIIWI IN IYth Mtn Clle , ...... "Name?" be demanded In a rouune tme.
"Jooepb. carpenter, of Nuardh of the bouoe of
In tftt brial ,..,., o1 His publiC JHe, Christ flltdHvored to m.Me ciHf fo His toHowerS the tact
rnrt 1M CMnt to _.,. bur lot on. pwpose. That was to make etOMtJ'IMI lot sin. This would t.
~ by His dMUr on the cross.
""WUe'a name?
"Ch.tldren ?" Tlte most crucJM hOurs in Ute annals ot histOf'y -nr~ those ttvN momentous hot.rs when Jnus
Ctwltt, God'• Son, too.fr upon HimseH the sm of the Mllre hum.tn ri!C• and h4HII ~ end,..,..., on ~ cross ot C.IVIH)'. His last WOf"ds ~IOf'e His dHth, .. It Is lirlhh«J, .. ~~~:,~..J
eompttUon o1 Rtdamptlon's pi.an. By this I!Ct, J~sus Christ tort¥er took care ol tha .. Jesw, born lut nJght."
Waa lbere any comment? Dtd lbe potty conrnmmt
official wonder u he wrote for the nm Ume the name
that wu to be above every olber name? It waa juat one
more name on the census roll.
..,.,efed "*' lrom God.
To lhow thll I!UtMntlcity o1 His deity, alter three days In the ,r.w, Jaws Ctwist came our ot
Uta tomO ~Ne •pin! He mat His disci~*! and His Jo.ted ones. and lellowsllipp«J with :~:;:.·::z
days ~ balora 1N¥in1 this eMth, to return to His flther In H~-8~ ..,_ lett,
His tlnciples that ..,_ would send the Holy Spirit, the third p~:rson ol the Trinity, to be with tflem.
TotWf, Christ is •t the riF-t hand ot God. Mid or .: cUr. accordina to His Word, H• will~
..,..,_ (Pro• "Lif e l!te,.,tdly Yo•rs" ...
What laughter would han run through Rome U
someone bad polnted lo lbat name and ll&ld: "Th...., lo
the beginning of the end of your empire and of all enl·
everywhere." Yet tt would have been true. Sto•ccrll/1 8oo.l 6 S•pply Cu ter I,. c •• , K•rrs•.s City, Mo.).
(Pro• THE! RBVALATOR, B ox 60,, L•tn• 8et1cbJ
*Now when J~ltU toa.t born in Bethl~h~m of Judaea
in th~ daJI! O/ Herod th~ king, behold, there cam~
wi.r~ men from the ecut to Jerusalem, saying, .. wher~
tr he that is born King of the Jews? for tot: have s~en
his star in the ea.st, and are come to roorshtp him:•
M att. 2 : 1,2.
There l.s a responsive chord which the Wise Men's
Journey arouses In us but whJch perhaps we cannot de-
fine or explain. That 1s because we usually view the
travelers at the arrival end. We see them coming to the
Manger, unerringly gu.Jded by the Star, and presenting
their gifts to the Son ot God. No intimation is given of
the great preparaUon of mind and heart that must have
gone ahead of that happy journey's start. What deter-
mination and courage must have been theirs to prompt
them to leave the many comforts of home and, loading
their btasts with costly gilts, head westward on a rigor-
ous and perilous trip, their d istance and tinal destination
unknown, their compass only a bright glow in the sky.
The 13th century adventurer, Marco Polo, brought
back from Persia a colorful legend regarding the three
Magi . They chose their gilts to Christ, the legend says,
to find out what He really was : if He took the gold, He
would be a king, the myn-h, a physician; the incense,
As they presented their treasures separately, Ule story
continues, J esus appeared to each as If He were of 'he
aame age and stature. When th~ worshipped Him to-
-cether, they SaW H1m a! H~"tfeaUf t8.
There l.s much of value tor us in the legend. We
know it was lnevitable that Jesw should accept all three
gilts; for He ts, indeed, King and Physician and -above
all -God. We know, too, that He understands and can
manage all of the individual problems ot each of us. None
of us has a trial or temptation Ulat He has not faced. So
1n a very real sense Jesus comes to us, in private worship,
Just as we are.
Let us make a fervent resolve, in this new year, to
worship Him reguJarly together, in church, so that we
may see Him as He really ls -Lord and Saviour of us all.
Rome ....,uld ba•e laughed, and Rome Ia dead. But
the influence of the Child Uvea OIL
ON GUARD at the GAn to tile CITY OF GOD
By A . A . Motrae lrrophetic Newti)
(,, • ., "'• J-l•h H•,., Ju11•, lfU; h• 707, l•• ....... 1 .. tOOSl.)
Atonl'm~nt rl'q uirf's thf. Virl!in Birth. h ill'
like thr !haft that carriN< thf' powt'r. Man i~ a
!!inner and mu~t !'Uffl'r f'll'rnllll y if r.oo ill' /o hf'
just. Man i!ii powNif''"•'• /o ~w· him~·lf ..
God. howf!n•r. ill' not nnly ju011t. hut al~ lov-
inJt;. H i~ ~rl'3t hl'llrl yrarnc fnr man'!'
Jla lvation.
Ttw-Viq~·in Birth marif' o ur .~alvation pO!<·
!<ible. The !O('COnO per.oon of tht-Godhf'ad t'n·
t,.rf.'d the womh of a \'ir~in and ~Jw roncl'i'·"d
a son. Tht-t'tl'rnal On,. took on Himy.rlf human
Re.<~h. Hf' WI S Vxl .. thC' infi11 itf' On,._ Hr ~o>a!l
God, the !;inlf'SS Onf'. H,. had no -"ill of ~l i.c;
own wh ic h mu.!ll br df'ah with . All man. hr
could pay the fH'nllty of ."in. A ~ God Ht· had
the powt!r to makf! thi!i paym,.nl. Throu~h thl"·
miradl' o f tht-Virgin Rirth tht-God-man camt'
into t-xistl'nce, and only thus t·ould '"'' I r
uved. All that we nl'f'ri for salvation ;_.. !'im)J!;•
faith in the ato~mcnt of Chri.!lt. Hf'. rhr .. in-
le-M One. died for our l'ins. Rut if ~o>r arr truly
~aved, Wf' will go on to !.l4"come truf' sf'n•antl'
o( God. and to do this WI' mu!t undrr!'/and
som~th ing of th,. infin itr myl'tny of thr I n·
carnation. Only through thf' Vi r,tin Rirth
cou.ld thf' power of thr infinitr God hr mad1•
availebl,. to man in his dirl' nt"f'd. Tht-Vi r~in
Birth is vital to hf'lief in a (hri!'t \Oo'ho ill rap·
able or beinjl'" our R'l'riffl'nl'r.
The Virsin .Birth i.t~ important bt-cau~ il i-"
thf' point at wh ich the f'nt<my of the soul
often tries to dri''f' a first wf'd~ In dHtro~
Christian testimony.
Fifty yf'a r_c; a~o. thrrl! wrrf' many who,
tho ugh claiming to ht.' real Christian twl ir\'f'f!l
in the atonement allad;.ed thl' doctrinr of thr
Vir~in Rirth. Thry f'.llid it wall f'On trar~· lo
natural law. and. a £tror all. of litt lt• imJ.Ortanff.
Thf'y pu~hed this denial mm;t l'i,orou!<ly. To
many thoughtlrs..• Chri~tian~. it M"t'fnf'd to 1"11'
a vl'ry minor point. but it formed an f'nh·rin~
wed,e for umil'rminin.r all hf'lief in tho· "UIH'r·
na tural and ultimat,.ly dt'!'ltrorin~t any rl'al
Christian faith·. If thro Rihl1• i11 not rf'liablr on
thi!l matll'r whif'h it pri!M'nl!i w r lrarly. hn"'·
can we trust it anywhl"rro ? Thr natunl n·l'uh
occurrt-d. A few yf'ar!' pa!ii..~d. a nd thol'4' who
had been led to question thi!<-pnint Wf'H' mO\'·
inll !!till further awav f rom lw-li,.f in f.od'.-
Word. Lar_Jf' t-hurc~!' and roii"J~-whnll'
rll'nomination!l in Mml' ca----"''""" lf'.i aY•ay
from any hl'lit·f in th,. God n( 1hr Ribl,. nr in
thl' Oihlf' of God. lll'lit'f in thl' Vir,in Oirth
i< vital to thf' rontinuanN' of f'fff'f'tin•· Chrill ·
tian tutimonr.
Relit-f in thfo Vir,-in Rirth ill' important. hf..
cau!'t' it i~ one of thP pninl.• at whirh anti-
f:hristian ''it'w!' arr mm t readilv dettth·tl . ·"
man mav !'ay h,. hf.lir\'f'" in th,. ·R,...urnortion.
and lnf'r,.lv ml'an "thl' pt"rmanl'nf'l' o f 1-""r!llln·
a lily." H,. m•y ""Y hf' hi'Ji,•l"f'll in f.hrillt. and
~i m ply ml'an a \"l't"' ·~·mMI fnr human hrt-
ll'fnM'nt. H,. mav 11.1\· h1• tJ,.fj,.,.,.ll in thr .. ~tonl'
mf'nt. a nd mf'iln no .morf' than hl'lk f in "thiral
prindpll'. But f,.w ind,..,.d-nonr thl'lt 1 know
o(. unit'S.' it hf' ~'"" follo w,., of d1,. nf'().
orthOOo:x hrand of ronfullin~ trrminoloi[V-
will MY th1t hr .. rlif'\"1"!< in thr \'ir~in Rirth nf
f:hri.!lt. and lnl"an JIOml'thinjl' otht'r than what
i.!l N"ally tau,ht in th,. Rihl,._ lr ill a tout-h!"tOnf'
hy which many an l'nrmv in thr ca mp m.,·
be d,.tl'df'd. .
Th,. Vir.rin Rirth ili a ,ratr to thl' eih' of God
which mu!l hr ronlllantly jl'uardl'd. ·It ill a
point at which t~ who "A·ould ~tro\· our
faith can l'allily ~[ain accrn. It i!l impOrtant
that """ watch thi~ JMlint.
f_c; this th,. 11pirit of lov,._ to tallt thiB "'·av?
Should not thf' ChriNian lovr all m,.n ? lndt~d
ht-11hould. HI' 11hould Ion thrm so much that
hf' will Mrin wit h all hi• mi,rht to _.u rro .tht-ir
ulvation. H a bo11 ;,. driftins down the &Cream
toward 1\'ia,ura Fall!l, would Wf' show lo\"f' to
its occupants by n'fu!-in, to warn tfwom of
thei r dan,f'r: ftw.y a rt> f'njoyin ~ 1fwo J~Cenl'f")'
and chattin,r amiably as thl'y mow• to"'·ard
thf'ir dHtruc-tion. Woulrl it bf' lm·injr to d i~
turb their plral'UI'I"?
y,.!l, it would. In fact. it is llhnwin, ladt nf
lovr to It-t peop /,. drift un"'·arn,.d intCI rnodt-m -
illm and 50U!-df'!ltroying apoMa!l, .. Chrillt had
th~ !!harprl't of dl'nunciation for thOfW' "·ho J,.d
his people a!'tray. Tru,. lovl' to God and to H i~
))f'Opll' noquirf'l' that Wf' !lpt'&lc out a,r-si nst
apostasy. a.• Paul did. "'arnin, with lf'af!' that
:trrnal dt'ath for millioru. i:o ahr1ri. if a~li~
IS not chf.ck,.d. Th,. Vir,R"in Hirth i:o onr of thr
key points of our rr"li,ion. J( "'"" hfolif'n' in
God and in H i~ Word. "''" mu:ot !IJW&It out
a,ra inst th~ who d,.ny thi:o pri"Ciou~ tl'uhin,.
Great Events in the New Testament -John 6:22-51
"Jeaua' Great Diocourae on the Bread of Life"
,_._ THf SWOfltD OP: THE LDttD, e.. lOft,......,.,_, .. ,., T-
II • -el S.U.. (I a.-7:31)
Jl ...,... dlilhc .. ---u.. cWI--........... cr...a~.c,
""'"' ____ ... ____ .............. ---" ............... _ .. ,_..
(a-.atsa.IJJII;:II) ... .,........._ ............. __ .. ___ ,_, .. _____ ~·u·
~ £vangelist J ohn Linton
Noted Scottish Ennrellst,
Died 1965
"For Gild 110 lovi'd flu wo,·ld, tlat ~~~ gave li• malr begultn
Stm, tlr.nt wlto11oner bt'lint'tlt ift lti"' elotdd woe JWrid, he lave
t'tlnlaxtiltg lift'."-John 3 :16.
bi"Dke the gnat Iovine heart of
God. That arter trying to wash
sin from the world by a universal
Rev. John u._.. tlood, wfleon the tears: of God'a .or-The lovt' o( God i-" tht> .R'n.nde8l l'llor y ever told to a lill~ni n.
e~r. Millio nl'l o( little c hildren throurhout the Sunday Schools of
the world exalt that the me to the l\kie11 when they ainr, row were rained on the earth, Cod ~ have be-en ~ dtff'erent finally ~~ His Son to wuh lin
would Ull:e to blot out o1 the Bible, n&W'f'S UMd to f'AJIIIIMII .. .-... from the hearts of men with Hia
it Is John 3:16. klua tot. I wUl ..e • tlpre mart~.-own precioua blood. 'Jbe Gospel
"Jextuo lol"l'"' me, t,.il 1 lau)WI,
Fo.-'"" Bible tPIU me 10, ''
and thC' f'rho of ttw children's ~
N'af'hes the C'OUrts or 1 HuvMI
wtH'-rt' thC' angels of God take up
the strain and sing ol the love
ol God to a kist and ruined race.
Hf'"' is a subject before which
the tonKUH ol angela. the elo-
quence of the preacher, the brush
ol the artlat. the ~ ol ~
writer, the harmony of earth's mu--
sk, art' utterly poweTieu, for the
kwe of God il lM-)'OfMI the powcr
ol human effort 10 describe. eo.w we riA ttrk flte eceo• fill,
AMI ton'll tk akie1 o( JlllrciiMCIIl ....... .,.,.. ft...., 1~ OK flltllill tJ qwUl,
~ .,.,_. "'41• tJ acribe bw I~;
J'o ......U.. t.._ lot:oe" o( God obot:e,
WC*W .,.... t.W OCCIOII dry;
Nor __... tk acroU """* eM -· "''"' attefdrt ,._ •kr ro .q, 1'11111 FiiWkr eanot ~ eo
---.... lrtnp .. ll>la .,_ tf et. W l 1IJIIDUid put the
..._ .. a II ••* to lllJ' Ups, .......................
.. ...-y ......... .... .. :,. ........ ...,.., .. jt ....... ""(W ...... ... _ ...... _ ... ...,
~ .. -:.-.:.:: ·..:. ·:..: ... _ ....
If there: » any text that hu ed by lb alrDplk:~ famOI.a ... story tells us how that Son came.
made tM foundation pillars ol lty. We aD l'l'CI'Iw b7 tDall, They sp.at In His face. They """
Hell lrftnble, it 11 John 3 :1&. and there an Jetflln of vanoc. vUed Him. They mocked Him. II:Jnda. WDI )'OU ttilnli: wflh me ol 'Ibey placl!d on His Mad a ei'OIMI If theft 1a any text thllt hu .klful 3:11 u God's Letter ., mao-of 1·--ed thorns . .__. drove erve:l
llchtetWd up the pao.w..y ID He. ldnd Jetter ailed rn.n. HH _,_. • ·-:r vm lor muiUtuda: fll. men. It 1a • a m Yftl nails throuch the handl that had to men on earth. been laid 1n bleulnc" on the heads
John 3:11. Note first. •of little dd.ldrn. ""'-drove-.. u theft .. 8IQ' tat lhat cleRrvet • ·-:r
to bt called, u ~ called it, thtou&h ln. feet that Md b(M'n.
''The Uttle ablt," It II Joha S:t&. I. 11u. Letter p,.. Ge4 Ia Hlm heft and theft on ernnds
11 I wert C:aDed tit the ~ a Lrn Letter of meyoey, They lifted Him up on a
of a d7lnl rnaa. _. t.d but flw ''Oo4 • """-' $1 -u.." en:ta «W'''' whik He ~ for
mlraatea left betDft the tv 1CeUft1 'J1da ~liP hom t1w aides 1a Hit mwdtrera. n.y thnlat a .;e...
to Uaten. 1 wcUd alowly and teD-not an lnllktment of the bumaD Into Hll: ... and ~ eanM JDrth
4my repeet 1M __. o1 1hlll raee beca.-e c1 our aina, afthoulb blood and water. the ~ ol ma~ ~"God ao ..,._. God lii:DOIII'a. Md ..,. ~maw, tfMre a broken heart. He returaed by
the world. tNt lilt P'" 11M aQ are )Jat pcudl tor _.taM!at. Jt W*J' o1 the opened craw to Hlt ~ Scwl. tMt wdUrM\18' -.. u. not a .,.._••to ._.,. IJdtln J'at.het-'1 ''*· Hla five wounds
IWwdl tn Mnr •• •• ·-.ot pertlh, ttw Dtvlnr Court ot JUidct. It II bea.JiiW mute tes~ to ttw ...,
but t..w ever..._, Jilt," not a Mama \o doom. It aa. ~ ol aJn and ttw unutttnble
• .,.Eext,''MN-.'·II•••ckr OIJit aQ" tMI • haq" Cod w.. • ~ ot the human ~
than a ,..._n 11111 t ._ ......................... .bd wlwft dw ....._. ol lli!r'e7 the l'l\al'da of .a ..,...,, .,...., ....... ,._ --. htrt1tlw .._ tur.d ,.. at drt 4iiiiC. _, the
n 11: _.. ••caws • ._-.. 10 .arw ....._He 'fll'lllllld-.. AIIPI ... .c J.tb •l~d--Ooll ............. ..,... f1f • .... him at a. ~ ol' ....._ ....., ....... 01! oa.-._ caY.,_ -a ... flf ...... Jt W "Qod • Jo¥'4111 .. _.... .. loft of QW fi¥Yail:l .. lite __...
II: ,.... -..Julh -........ he. pw IIIIa c.b b%1tlt& ... el ...... rr 1 •u .. ...., ...._
of II .. ...._ ....... .,. IMt ........,,., ........_ .. ..._ _.JW_.l .. laeeludof = :-.:.~~ .. 1rMM111 = ':..~· but Mft-.... : ~--=--:-:: ~~~-
............ _,._ .,Jolooi:Uioa--to--11& ............ _ -----... -~ .. ,~:::;-........ ... .... ....,, ........... ., flf' .. llllil.ll G) , h .. .... ...... .. ........... ...
.,._ ....,, • ....., .., .. 111117 r1 1111 • ~ ._ ._.. cuaru· a •·" --·---·-,.._ ... t I :h. •a.t .. hlll.lf .. rMt~
.... _~"-10 laitiala .t twe __ ,._ (!.aK
13:1.1 , .... 4:11)
CLUES DOWJf Mt"!,• caa.e ottlt.-Mat. .._
2 '"tiMoa •-..wM .. , ..... a.. IJe.,
..-te -·--.. O•a. 41U:)
3 -.... • c•-trr -·-· .. iM wtJ. d-.-~ (lola U :N)
4 "U.. ...... a... .. --·-: ...
"'"-diM" u• ... •: ., s laltkle ., tw. -·hdM (E:a-e4. It: II: JMe. 4114)
I ..... y » dtr 8t*it • ----.. (I Kill,. ll:S)
,.,.... .. l ............... th ......... caU tit.. ____ ..
(DeaL 1:11)
I Wtl.&. ef ._. Jrie.. •I hal
(Col. 41114. 7) .... -....................... ..
II .. _, -----1iAe4 •• 1M .,...., .. 0.. wtl• ., a.· (JMa; 3:141)
.... __ --............. &Mr."
II • x trP._ ...... (fN lrt) Uialdcl. ..-._ ... ..._ ,..._ ,_ .... ,"
14,... .. .w ...... ···--.. --• 0.U. IJ1II) ~::~~~~:;~~~;;~~==~~~==~ u~ ~aM~-. •. ... .,. ... a ..... (I .,_ ~cai) .. _ ... _ .. _ ow.
....._ wfll .. .._. .. u.,..., .-.., !' .. 1!-' I~ lltlt)
CUID A.CitOia il ,_ -.. ._ ._. ...... 11 .:-.=. .. • .... 1: t ='
... "-" ~ ---...... dwty ...................... , " .... -~"':r .... ........ . .... ____ ..... _ ...... -
,..._.._._.,._ ... ,..,_ .. r ............... •· .,.-L-
• -ll ................... --·-0 ,; .. ,... -.. -..
·u. ·;a;, •tt 8
------· ·--....., -. ••~••, •.,......,. ..-,_.. 0 ~ '"''' .. •. • ..,.. ..... --.. ... ........ c.a..., -
•• .,....... ...... ..... __ .. ()MaJI) ................ ---'=... -M ..... ..-. Cll.l"a ..._ _. ..._ _ ..
!ll -•• • ""-... .......a ..... ~ . .,,.,, ............. :,-.......... ... -...... , ........... th .. _.... .. .. .......,
._ I lska ~ •II) • ..... -..y _. ............ • ...._ el C:..... ,, ...... _............. --'h" .............. -.... C!::a--•••) ~~~ ... ..._ .. ,. •. ._ .. ,_ .. .._. __ ...... o.e.•u) a •-
......... 0 ~ ......................... ...:_ .... .,-........ to......., ..... -.. --... ---.,_...,-...... ..,
. . -·--.. ---·--• .......... ._ .... _. ell J I.._,..., ... ..._ ....... _.
.._. , .... --.. -flo .. -i'Chlloll ·~ .. -.._-... ----.. . .... _ .. _
Mot •-.. ,fJ!:"':;\!: •;:!=:;-•-... I I =~-.. =~-MI .~ ·-...... -.. _ .. _ ----1;S;; . -.. ---0..11111 ,_ .. __ a •• _ ....... _..,. .__. .. • ... ' "'r· ....., • ...
~D S£C11011--""' 3
.. Kt1 rc a , 4 -L ....._.... ~ ..,_ Butla«*. ,...., .•• DrDaM 1M ...., wu 11to11a trca: MJ.ciiUI
Rlnl PL, Colla 111M, h., Ml"'j''kc, eo.-. ••"'' Mll Oreild 1DD PL.
ud PiiiiJ ...... -Wal--AM 11o1c1U ••• TW• lace, Co* M-. ..,.. lrfM-....... tro. BlrrJI. Bol·
..., c"'"" .......... QII_,.T K ·ACM, CALI~OIIINIA
tid • ear ... or..., rut,. a1 u.. uu Clllt Dr.. J~eQQrt THII' AMII'ftiCAN L.UTHI!fltA .. CMUftCH
tllza r~ ..._. • 1:10 a.a. ""*' ... A te_... wu
II 1500 E. Coul lhr7 • • • lloloa-R--. 1110
Gecw11 l...a llcK(IQ If. 111? w. Ocaa Ft., W..CICftpart ••• -.eo.-. ....... L-..1 llu Ho!U ....... '1!041
....e.d 011 a CIIU'II olpoues. W. CGUt Hwy,, Well...,.._
-ol marl,._ II U5 p.JII. wu lajllred -bo collided
~A.M. TO tO:IO A.M. -... MilLY WOMHI~
11t00 A.M. TO 12100 NOON -WO~I~ MIWICK ,.. ""·-a. ...... -'fte .... •n , ....., •ccf *•' ._..
II 1111 st. ud -BIYd., -tile ear o1 Da1o Rlcllard Bda , •• w.,_ Edfttd Smtth. Bater, Moab• at 1:55
c.rdller, l'l'U MJ.n.mar, 81.1--p,m •• at W. Cout lhrJ: ud W.
boo, r-•ed & aollcelo_, -Bl<d., Weol Newport .••
OD a warrul ••• PtiWplc.da, A stereo tape deck wu stoieD
2015 W&llaee, Colta Mea,. rea from tbe Z71& E. Cc:ut Rwy,
eetYed a DOUce to Qll.l' OD ofllce ot Dr. Ill.nd L. SmlleJ,
a 'ftl'fUt • • • floulbokl 61r • 401 lrlJ, Corooa del Mar.
DJsbtop wort111 onr $400 were
stoliD. from a bout OWDIId by • MONDAY, DEC. 15
Edward W. Rob!-. of Sot& stereo tapes Uld a tapa diet
Aple, ..-lalud,ai'J00-1/! worelloloalromllkbo•IDooll), DR Elll<E$T IL DONDISoiCo-
lrts, Corolla del Mar. 915 W. Bl.lboaBI:ftL.Ba.lbol., •• ~ Hlebbnds bu beeR tamed
• SATURDAY, D£C. U Sportlnc equtpmeat ud Jllreo ebairrn&D of tbe psycboloO de-
Robert MJ.d .. l Mtnlpn. tapes were statu froo:l W&JDI putmellt or Calstate Fullertoa.
115-1/% ZSIII st., Wul Newport; a.-, 1045 8&IIJoa B .. d., Dr. -_ -..., ...... !be
Doag)aa AlleD Bobolrt o1 the Balboa ' ' ' stereo eqatpmeat late Dr. Robert E. Edward&, La
same adc!reu· Ju AMander ns stolea from s. R. Hla1a-an UIOC'ia.te profiUIX' of psy.
Areoos, 1!3 zsibst WestNtw~ am. 1211 Boan1e Dooae, Jr. cldocf Ybo last J1101 recetf.S
port. m:l Brtdpt Virpma Sat-fiDe Ternce •. CatteoeJ wu a dt&ttqW.sbed t•th1Dc award
toa of 6ZO Larkapar Coroaadel stolen from Chick Innoa. prorlded b)' tbt CUitonala LA·
Mar were urested at 115 ~1/% Porsc.be, 900 w. Cout Hwy., C~alablre. He !aolds a Pll.D.
25tb1 st. OD eblrps of pos. MulDers Mlle ' ' " A stereo from UfiiYerslty of Calt6lnlla
sess1oo of marljllula. at 9·30 tape deck n.s stolell from Dr· m:l botb a muter's ud bach-
p.m. • • .Galea DeaD Slt~b, ~~er DrH. w'!:~_'Nwr....,c~2911 ekJr'• degree tram Ca.Uforrlla
18'12 M.oorot'ia., Apt. 8 Costa uu• •• -.u. -'' · State CoUere, I...oocS..cb. For-
Mesa, was arrested at '8tb St. George Lyle Harbour, 45000r-merJy a resarcb paycbolo-
&Dd W Balboa Blfd. Balboa, riD(ttoo. Cameo Sbores. wuln-&1St wltbtbeStat.eDtpu1meatof
;__ of .....-...:,.,_., .. to jured WbeD be COllided witb W:etDJ HJ..,eDe be bU taugbt on a c._... --.... tbe ear ot Jaoe Colleea Cni(. .., ' the dellDqaeocJ ot a mllu ••• 4531 P ba C Sbo at CSCF slDce 1966.
Lloyd E. BrJDd. 4?, ol U3~l/2 at &:48:.rm.~'w:aca.::ara~: THOMAS RIVERA DIES
Nowport Boadl
t:IS•.•·...t~l l •·•·
..eET.-G 1.,.-.
!lEADI'<G ROOII ..... .,. .. , .... -s,. .•.
.......... : t .... -7:.U •••• T_...., .... ,,.._,: ..... -'····· , ....... .......,., 1 ..... -• , .•. •oa• ca~M:II 011' ( ........ .
Nt ..... 8Udltt eara. ... ....
1:00 PIICIIllo Vln Dr.
51JNDA Y scitooL II .. .,
flEETING llOO ,. .•. a.ua1 a.-: ...... r &14•
2161 Eut C._. Bwy •• CDII.
111-.-Frl.: JO -... to S n .. ,..,. .. ..-IF 1 •
S.S.: 10 ...... , ...
Ynu ae cord.iaJiy U.Yited to
..tend Clu.wc:h 5crTICCI and
10 use the ·Readi•r ftoom.
Z5tb st., W'ut Newport, re-21 teet south of tbemtersecttoa Tbomu Rinra.. 47, of 2235
eetnd a DOtk:e to fAMil1' to of Ford Rd ••• Joa Ktebae1 Druce. costa Mesa. ~ Dec:.
aoswer to cbarp olbeJAcdrlllk Kallfmu, 4503 Seashore. West 1? 1D Sal.tDu, Calif. He was
1D public at Z3rd St. ud Balboa Newport, wa.s arrested 00 a bon Jmez.&,19%2, ioCalltorula
BlYd. cbarp of petty tbeft at tbe aad spent bis eDtt.re We here. LUTH!It..c OtUR04
• SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 Broadway departmeot st«e, He l.s surriYed byhlamotber, OF THE MASTER
J&mes Paul O&Yl48oa. 118 E Fasbloo Island ••• JlHPb AQ.. RomoDa; z 80U, Tbomu Jr. IL, ...... c:loo,.ch h• A.erice
Balboa BIYd.., Balboa, ft.S ar-tbooy Rtnra, M, ol 15'70 W. aDd JohD. aDd 3 daapters, War· !'100 Padfk Vilw Dr,
rested oo a cbarp of sbcp. Caut HWJ ., La CUD& Beacb, wu pret Romo, suna and Wary,~ c:an. dellllar, CallL
11ft1Dc: at tbe Yarut Basket arrested oo a ctrarp ol drtf1A& of Costa Mesa. mt. WUJJAK R. ELLER
at 3100 W. Baibol. , •• Richard u.ader the lDflueoce of alcobol Sen1ces were bekl Dec. Z:Z, at ~ HI I*
Terry Woods, 45% W. 19th, at 1:05 a.m. at 1221 W. Cout st. Joacbi.ms C&tboUc Cburcb Mrs. Waift CblablrllD.
Costa W:esa, was arrested oo Hwy. ud ldermelt was lD tbe Good a charge of drlYiDc tiiiiSer the Sbepberd CemtterJ, WestcWf PuUII. W«Ur
llltloence of alcobol at3:30Lm., MRS. CASSELs 01 ES Morbllr7 ns lbe director. t:15 A. II.-FllllilJ 11'01'sblp IO,OOJ..If..CIIordl..-1
p,,.,..,...,a,., .. ..c-.-B.pti•t ...... ,., ...... ,
1•~•,•-'•'-A•tt ••• '-'• ... a. aha,,, .....
Dr. P.G .... .--.petaor
l :4S Lll. -...., Sdaool
1:00 Llft ............ j
6:00 p.tn. Traiftilll U•'-•
7:00 p.m. Eminl Won~p
WEDNESDAY uo ..... Bib!• Sloo4y
1:00 p.m. Pr.,-cr ... •li•a
Of YOUI CltiiiCI
........ 01111 ... _ .......... _
IUMD·"f~·A.M. ""''-*• .o,.....~ • -o , .. • ., .. ,,.. •••"'c• ,., .. ~.M.
•t:OHII:ID.t.Y •t•t..l!: StuD•
-D ......... ,, .. ~.M.
NU_&..., DUitiiiO ICW#1C&I ....... ,,.
c-. .. ..._ ........ ..__
atSliM!l'lora.DdW.CoutHwy., VIolet VlYlanCassels,Sl,ot AllERT KLEIN DIES ll:OOA.Il.-FIIIttYewor-
West Newport ••• A 1H7 tsz& saw. ADa A.e •• costa Albert MUJer Kle1n. u ot NURSERY PROVIDED ..... ~;~~ :·~·.!:<;. .. ~~: ...
Porsc.be was stolell f.tom Ste:r • We sa. died Dec. ZO, at the Costa 340 HamUtoo. costa Mesa, died '-==========~-=========:; S40·Sft30 ft42·0981
11Dc Wolfe Jr .,137 Vla Wuiers, Wesa Yemorlal Hosplta.L Sbe Dec. 19, at tbe Costa Mesa r
Of:OINANCE NO. 13Z2 ST0--670-M. Fee. £yery aner or permit laUoas, apoo a.ppUcatloo tor
was bora May 12, 1888, ill Ne-W:emorla1 Hospital. Hens born
tnsb. aDd llt'ed 20 7elrS1Dtbe lD lll1nol& on Jan. t(. 1885,
county aDd 62 ill the state. aDd tad Uud 1D Cl.lltorDia &Dd
Sbe 1s sur'find by ber Z sons, tb1s area lor a year I.Dd a IJllL
Doaald of Btc Bear atld Keo.oetb He 1s surTtnd by oae daap.
ofGleMa.le;Zgn..rdcbildreDud: ter, Oorotby Pbl.Wps of tbe
5 creat-grudcblldreD. home. ,... ........ -............... . AN ORDINAHCEOFTHECm (f) 'Sta.Ddard Platform Float' boldt:r wbomalntatosapier,any coostroetloll. 1o tbe cue of
OF NEWPORT BEACH AD-sba.ll mean a reetucuJar float put ol wblcb ed_,s lDto tbe tra.osfers &Dd DeY fl.ciUtiu,
DING CHAPTER 17,S3, EN-In accordance with Publlc waters of Nnport: Harbor, LD· commere1a.l tidelaDds ase fees
TITLED ''PIER REGfiTRA-Worts [)epartmeot Staalard cldJc aDJ pier located oaprt. wtU be prorated oa.a qauterb'
TION AND TIDELAIIO lEE Drawtac STD-604-L. nle property, oo a dedicated bos1s aJid ..-..s !ollie_,.
FEE", TO TITLE 170FTHE (&)"Side tie' allall meu u ·-~orCoGytldeudsob-est-.
Senlces were bekl Dee. 23 Sernces were beld Dec. !Z a1
at !be Bell Broodwa.J c_, u. Be~ ~, c-1 ..._ ..., lorri .. _. OooD-.. 10-.811 .....
WIIJI l prl<lie barlal Ia Holly .......... WU Ill ~-ld, l....;~~:!:!~~~~ ......... ....!~;;:~~~ ..... ! NEWPORT BEACH MUNlCI~ ar• of a pier, float cc ta.d-tMrpd Udl, stan P11 to tbe 1?.SS.0'70 PealtJ W F&llee P~L .!;OD[. nil< Castolll&rU, .,_, lor llle City lD _. plerrectmllloa lo i'U Fees. AJ11 ....., or ...... '
Tbe Clty COUDCJJ of lbt City moorfnc of a boU. fee commeoctDc ill 19'70 tas.! permU bolder wbo fallii to p&y
of N-Beach does ordalo ._ !be lbllowloc scbedule' 1.J11 lee r"!''lred by tills Chap.
u follows· 17•33•020 statement ol Polley (a) Noil-commarcla.l pt.ers -ter wUb1D th1rty (30) rJQ's after
SECTION. 1. Chapter 1?.33 ts I..Dd tmeot. Tbe Clty COUDCII $10.00 tbe same 1s due sballbesabjed
added to tbe Newport Beacb tlnds aod determi.Dts tbat: (b) Commercial piers -to a peoaJty 1D lbe l.lll04d o1
Mwliclpll Code to read: 1• Tbe City of Newport Beach $10.00 ten perceat (101) of tbe tmeol·
as tbe eraatee ill trust from For additional sUps or Ooats· 1ected ree. Fa.llilre to pay the
"CHAPTER 1?.33 tbe State of Ca1Uoro1a ol most (1) Not more tbaD teo (lo) fee plus aoy accrued peraltJ
PIER REGISTRATION AND of tbe tide aDd N:>mergedlaDds Jllps or Oo&ls--$1,00foreach. wltbtA s1.Dy (60) days after
Save Time And Money-Call An Expert
TIDELAND USE FEES comprising tbe deTeloped uta (Z) Not more tbi.D tnoty (20) tbe fee ns oriclDalJ.y due sb&ll --.~I~AU--------------.-N~u~-~E~R~Y~--------• TY SALON • MEAL TN IIIOIT ~
Sections: of Newport Harbor bas tberes-sUpa or noat.s _ $10.00 plus · coastttutt CfOUDds 6Jr reYOC&-
17,33.010 Defln1t1oos. poo.stbWty of admiDlstertnc 5~ tor eacb aUp cr float 1o tioo of tbe permit by the City
17.33.0%0 Statement of Polley said la.Dds 1D CODim'mlty witb tbe u:ces.s ot tea (10), Couocll
l.lld loteot. purposes set forth 1D the trYSt (3) More tban tweJQ (20)sUps 1?.33,080 Admtnlstra.tloo. Tbe
17,33.030 Pier Rep.strattoo and wltb accepted stao!lards or fkl&tl _ $15.00 plwi 25~ Harbor and T!delaD:JsAdmlots.
Fte. of equity atld ma.oacemeat ol for ee.cb a)Jp or 0o1J: 1D ezcess trator sba.l.l Jdmtntder tbe
1?.33.040 Noo ~ Commercia.} pubUc la.Dds atld rE!Pifces. of tweaty (!0). prof1sloa.s o1 thls Cbapter u-
TidelaD::ts Use Fee. 2. Tbe presence ol prtnteiJ l?.S3.D40 Noo • Commerclal cept for the coUecl:kl:l. of,fee:s
1?.33.050 Commerctal Tide-oWDed piers aod fmts oa aDd TldtlaDds uae Fee. Eyery wbicb sba.Dbetbereapooslbi.lltJ
.£on.o.Uu' & )-Shrubs. late nor Plants lb!J.... B£liDII.,_ t Tropical & Trees BEAUTY NOOK ....... _.. lDsectiodes aDd FertJluer
27J2 E. COJst Hwy. --s & H Green Stamps
C d I ll
... , s ..... ,,._._.._. orona e ar . * .._ ~ --......-FREE DELl VERY Pnooe ttn-7136 :=ii•'::-:~1·' · od ...... ......... --• .....__.a ~ CCMOnt del \tar Suraft)
1aDds Use Fee. OYer pWUc tide I.Dd submerced OWDII' or permJt bok*' wbo of tbe FIDuce Director. lD as.-
1 ?,3S.060 Due Dale. lands dfl)rlns tbe poeral mhQiu a fXIO.-COmm•clal sesstng ase tees tor DOO-COm·
1 ?.Sl.0'70 Peoalty !or Failure pubUc of the use ol said areu pier 011 City tidetaads lballpay mercJal lDd commercial piers
to Pay Fees. tot ftsb.lnc, oa.rip.tlon aod re-lD lddWoo to tbe r~ OD City t1delaDds parsat..Dt. to
1 ?.Sl.080 A.dm.!Distratioo. creatiooal acttrittes, aDd U Is fee 8lt bib Ia Section SectioGs 1 ?-'3.'*1 and
1?.JS.090 Appeal to Couoctl 1D the splrtt ol. tat tldetaods 17.SS.030, a cu., Udelantla ase 17,33.050, tbe Harborud:Tide-
1?.33.100 Eumptioo. trust lba.t tbe publlc be reim-fee 1n tbt a.moae o1. FUleeD laJJ:1s AdmloUtrator sba.D DOt
1 ?.U.010 Detlnlt1oos. As useq bursed directly for lbe loss of Dollars ($15.00) um•'11, u -assess a fee ap!Dst UU' oner
1D tbll Chapter tbe words de-use3 ?! satdderu~. cc.t u pi'O'fided 1D SeeUoa or permit bolder wboM pler ls
ft.aed 1D tb1s Section sball baYe ' w or ""' CUI'}' out Its 1?.33,100. klcatad OD botllpc1ftteb'..owDid
tbt followlqm•otopassiped respvt•lbWttes tbe City must 1?.33.050 Commercial Ttde-or Couoty...owoed tkleluds ud
to tbem unless from the coateD m•lrJtalo eoropreblastt"t re-laDds u .. F11. Et'trJ oner City Udelallda, 1m11ss at 1eut
It appeus lbat a dltfereot mean~ cords eoocerDI.Dg pAen ud or permit bo.S. wbo mam. Afty perceat (501-) oluo neb
free P•rili11(1l ia Froa!
300 W. Coast Hwy.
H"?Mt Bead.
Tol.-o ... : 6.C2 ~084(
lD& wu lnteDded. otber struclllr'es permJtted 1D ta1as a commerclal pier utea-pier ts oo CltJ fldtllnda,
(a)'Pier'sballme&Dall7!1xod Newport Harbor, mast.-.ct dlar"*>lllenlarsoiNnport 17.:13.090-lo c.-elL
or flnlttoc structure m se-periodlc I.Dspedioos aad ea-Harbor oo tide or IRibmerced Aqy pera:m wbo ts agr'-"d by
cartac f8SIIIls, bd1Dc or un-W ee all laws I.DCI repla.Uou 1udl lf'UAd 1D tn11t 1o tbe IJJ.7 declsioa. of tbe Harbor I.Dd loldloc por.,.. or _..tr, appticable lller<CI>, ud mast City o1 Newport Beach sball TldelaDds Admlolltnlll< may
or pnwldl.D& access to tbe fllrlllsb lllformattoa.l.lldaccoaat pay u ... au tldeludl:-tee appeal to tbt Ctty Ca.c:U by
nlar, ud IDcllllleswtlar~ doclr, lo llle stole ol Calltnla lbr Ita co-oo llle bula ol Fifty !11111c '01111 !be CIIJ Cllrt a
Doll, u 7 o111or laDdiJI( lll.cl-stenrdslllp ol said trut luola. Ce... (~) IN< ,..,. por bJt wrlllu ..... ...,. doocrtioc
1111, ud O..lloc dry docks. 4.!nac-.lallce-lbolbre-ol -11101 -tar-at llledeclaloobe!ae-lodud
~) 'WIIars o1 Newport Bar-aolllc ftodl-!be Clly COIIIICU acll allp or Doll, dCtP !bot llle -lbr ~ or ob-
e PR~E: I'L.t.l'i Sf.RVICIE
e I'RE:E: E:ST1M.t.TU
532 ·5949
..., ... l&IJ Clnahg Worlts
bc:w' lba.1l meu all water• ol determJDes tb&t: tbt 1M b piers lllld 11. ~ jectj(a tblreto.
Newport 11art>or Ia wtllcll (a) All pier...,.., -1101 --mar111o hlol --17.:13.100 Ea-no -lllellde_ud__,..-......... ,.._.,....., ...... rico •-lbrlllepr1mary r .. pc.crll>od by-
ar ao1 tile ordlaary or ,. .. bor• !be City lor llle-.. ol -oldl-11 .. hloi*D 17.21.040 ud 1 7..11.050 1MD ~ !Ide U.. o1 1bo Paclllc -l•l'"lrillc 1M Iller porlllll bo ·---(S/1~) aol bo 1111Pllcalllo lolbo -· Oceu bu: bt-.ftud byol~ qttem; I*' p1laD ol e.et ctt••••~-ofpl.ersfttetun~~~M~PtO"om
--.. -• ...t acttoo ~) no -· ol ...,....,. ll -......., lbo llllrlll&l said -doe lo IIIII lid -or at~t~nrta, uwJ wbltblr or mtrd&l prifate r~l IDOOI'IIc: II*' ll!bjed to tbt tbeJ an oa CJtrKMII•wblch
Drl&tl T_,
1438 N~ BIYd..
aut 1bo luda lJIIIc-1bo ptors -1101 a -reolallltlbr 1bo ...-tJI>OI ~·--·" o FRESH E _. watar aro -17 or able -roe 1br 1bo --ol I""'DoUooo,-SEC1101< I. nta __ .,., • MIA•IIG AIDS
.-,aely....... -olpot>Uclldellllllud-. wm bo-oo 1bo 1DUoo111r IliaD bo -rt•l..,olllllll DIRECT FROII RANa! HAl •"'BISCH"'A (e) "Commweial plK' lbaD mtrfld luds; tiUk: oflldel lh 6 tlf of tM CUJ, 'IO YOUR ..::liE ,.w;; w;;
.,.., p1or wtlb .,..._, .. a11po (c) no..,_, or '"nil ol W •w~m~ U.Fioll: Tbo ud IIIII -llloll bo-• REGULARS • BliO'I!IS ~ •• ~. ar -'llllk:llan..-orcommwelal plors --._.. ___ IIIII_ SO ciQo-IIIII -ollb -to --o,IDcldllc doce .....,, -1101 a -ol .. ---1o .. _. ..._... • EXTRA LAIIQE • JUitBO
..,plor-la4' tcllonltlllt lo-re lbo pollllc , ........ ~. nta-·---CALL AFTER· 11!1-~ ..,...udyacllldlrteiiJ Ia --•-~)., .. ..,._,.Float alanpllr•nl'ocoiiiiiiCUy 61'.M.OMLY 1'-fi .... A ..... a ... For ~aHa of tlda __. I)Mipp pndtlcl. UIJ 'he -., •• ... of ... Ce-di oltle QtJoUI.wpart ,_E. c.-H.,. c ............... --lllllpollcloo_by....,.._, ... __ -............ .,., 541·37!11
ol. tud occ•'sll bJ • .-111-of c:n.ce ... ,...,... ... tuot ol ...... tie .-ce .,qaa:t ... 1501 .., ol .,...,
WILc:ax.cnt II b I liN ......
flsstp]' ... Ct • • n
INIW.C........,_It.&. -· --
2'7 44 E. o.ac. Hwy., G'7 H l60
Shoe IIepa or
Pur"K and luggage
Aepaiu -Dye won
SloH ST ~
OlliE OAt' SEftVJCl 11!0 ... ...,.. 87-.c:L Cos•• ....... -.., .3311
828 w. 19111 S<.
(Ned to Blue Chip
~Uoo Cooter)
Til• Hllrllor-..t~~s ore/y
fr./ly •110•.-.'c. •rt•rior
c• ~~ras6
U2-41t1 ... ..,..... ........ """" .. -"c--. Coollr (e)-'""' no ~-...... •••• ""· ud .... r~ii~~i===;l c.-.......
UU, dftllllc or ctweWIIc 111'" 'W1II&dll 111MJ HI t• anthtk D.: tw. t•. bJ .. a,a. ~~~~~~~~~!::=
-llllllbo_. ___ ..-. no.,...,... -llloll aut..._...., .. .., Dltll&tn ~ ~~!!!!~Jt!i~!!~;::===== dal. I, 'nl let IlK?'• ..., ID I* IF ...... or ATilt COtltC'JLO: ..... ~ 8UMa PAilfT
(Ol) ••• eo.-..-..... -.. lbr ...... -llllll ..................... WIIIIIJ ..._ !ilor'*'l. ~. • J» --·---·--llrprl--_ __, tlr .. Ill-----...--ROII,OOOIICIUID,-o, • WALLPAPER A. LdAUAC '*lteri?M 'P*IIII.,.........,M'!t r• ... ..O•t:IIIMI I JtJI&d ....... lllre.. (.££ Pt~-o.dlof PUJiiKa ---~~ U tlr .. a.leawooltf .. -. -rrtllllnlllt .. ._o:..IIICIUI!Ill,-. n.•..,.utr-,et·• ... Plloi&·"III-U.o .-.stl-1000 ·r•A ...
.............. ~~-l.llo .. ....,tf .. CIIJ C..,tfO"Dit .. Dolo: '"--"•lllllll ........... _ l&.OOOPATn:-GCaOIAC&•I$ 011 ....... -tf& • , ... ....at• Ca P lilt ..... ' I Ill lt.... "-_,.. or WAU.PAPE& a ..._ ..._ .. s 2 • .U a.a -.a ODS$ I llf .... ct:lsh At i.Ui': lllf.erdoe '••trJ fa, a...,.-CreJ•-•J , . 2 I I. I w •~ .,.. ~ ,... 011 " .._ 11 .., ...., 1111111 " • ..e .., ... '-t.e~oo All-• ._-•• 11\. ~a.,. •• a a. .... • -.w ·
-& 0 tall-11-tlr a ...... tfZN(I)_. I ......... .,.,....._, CllrCioft ................. Oil ... _ ..... ~ '"£ I"' DAY.CIU!tl
• 1 -,_ -•••• .. · ,.. -• 11 .. -t1 • a a L-...!~~.!!~!!!:__l •• (ll..!:~,·!!!'!:.~.!!:!:::r._:~'-t•~u;!R;I !';a~. a.~-~·;•;•;_ ,, __ a_a:_:aa=:::.:...._ ,.,,.,._ n • u•w• t1 tal.. -"' ,._ lor m o , r nr· tJoc. a,l-. 11 -II\. tlMIIIIhiJ~CIR • IID•~.t liD• II. • 1, ..... ,... 'J'O . 01 w ~ .. _.,_....._ tO!I • .,., ..._ ..... ft•s:
RENE FAIR KROEGER of South Pasadena aDd Rooa.kl Rus-
sell Spicer of Los AaplesdCJla.Dpd m&rriageYOWSNOY. 2Z
at ttl@ bome of tbe bride's pueots, Wr. aDd Mrs. William A.
Tbompsoo, 180t S. Bay Ft., Balboa Island. The Rev. Aaron
Driver read Cbe •lddtu& senice. Tbe bcide's 5.year.old
daugbter, Kareo K.roepr, was the flower girl, aOO special
guests we.ruoosJamesaodScottXroeger, Band 7 years old.
The oew Mn. ~leer ls a p-aduate of staJlford Uoinrstty.
Mr. Spicer att.S.S the UIIIYersity of Arllooa., a1Jd ts a
member of Sigma Cbi Fraternity, Los Aaples Junior
Chamber of Commerce, World Atfa.irs CouocU, Los Angeles
Ba.ot Credit Wt~a's AsaA. Tbey are making tbelt hom~ In
South Pasadeoa. (Jack Barcus Pboto.)
Local Realtors appointed
Lido marks
new year
"Lido~..,..... .... _ ..... _y_ .. ,_
JUI1 ph I • ., .. "* lolo .,_., Cllb aiiM ue..-
-.Aco .. lolpt--
... WUl ... ~· tllft ... .. -... .
11tt. Ar-sa...-11 ................ , .. _..,
11tt. Toor .....-u -elll.trmaa. n. ran•'._ .._,
--Ill-. Jolla wu-u. WIIHamt, Paul W~e.
llort Cq>olud udllalPbllllpo.
no Jaa. u ~--mot~~~~c ot tM Womu's Cllb wtU fa.
..... 111U1-~~<-Goorae a-rt-...............
I'TIIfCit tyr&.ata.'' Ulialm.bl&-
.... .... lllr. Sbart will
"n ct t1>e Gormu klllp ct
RE .?.:!. · lNG SECTIONS
11.18.100 THROlKiH 11.18.150
Tile Clly COWICU or tile CUy
of Newport Beach does crdlin
as follows:
SECTION I.Sec:tlnos 11.16.100 lhr"""' 11.16.150 or CllaPier
11.18 of the Newport Beach U:u.
aJ.e4lal Code, relatiD( to Ueea.
slog ot surll>oords, Is llerel>y
SECTKlN Z. This ordlaaDee
st-.all be publl.sbed oace ia tbe
otnel.al aewspaper of tbe City,
PARTIES ban blcbU&trted tbe pre-tall activities of tl\e
debut&otes of the Newport Harbor Chapter of tbe Clllldreo's
Home Society. Here are two of the debs. discusainc party
plau, Jessica Morford Jones, at left, IJ:Wj Laurie Ellen
Fruer. (Peter Z. II. Singer pbOto,)
Deb parties highlight
pre-ball activities
a•d the same shall be efltctiYe Tbe ftaP'&nee of pine bouglls the party mOYed oo to the hOm-a
3C days after tbe cb.te of lts aDII the laupter ofyoungpeqde of Dr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Lit·
.lf!option. permeated tbrougb the no.er Uej:)bll, wbete they were served
This ordioaoce n.s iDtfo... Shores bome ol Mr. aDd lofts. dinDer. Tbe last destination tor
duced at a regular meetl.b& of Job.n B. ParUr IS: Meeo 1969 the debs and escorts was a
the CUy Council o1 the City of Cb.lldreo's Home Society de· <ktssert served by Mr.and.Mrs.
Nnport Beach held oo tbe 8th buta.ates and tbelr escorts were Fr!:J 1 N. Ellis. Oa.nclfll ter.
day of December, 1969,a.odwas enterta.1Ded Saturday, Dec. zo, mlllated t.be eveaing"s restl're
~ oo. tbe 15th day ol at a dinner-da.oce gl.na ln thelr actlYIUes.
Foorteea members of tbe mlttee; WHU.a.m c . Rlng. YOUIIC December, 1969, by the follow. boaor by Mr. and Mrs. Jotm B. )b:;. Henry L. Jo'les a.od
Newport Harbor ..Costa Mesa realtors-salesmen committee; ing Yote, to wit: Parter and Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Mrs. David L. Fraser will 811•
Board ot Realtorsbanbeeoap-Eugeoe Robison. 1Dsuraoce AYES, COUNCU.UEN: Md mls, Yardley. terta.m the debuta.Dt.es this Frt.
pointed to statewide committees committee; J. Leonard Smith, Shelton, Parsoos, Ma.rsball, Oo Dee. 21, Mrs. fb'if'lrd day, Dec. 26, at a tuor.beollln
of the SO,OOO.member of Call. state cbaitma.n., broker sales-Roprs, Hirth, Gruber. Dawn p.Ye a dessert party the Fraser resideoee pdor to
fornla Real Estate Assn. men relations committee; Fare! NOFS, COUNClUIEN: Nooe. booorlng debutute VlrpniaHo. atteodlng tbe rehearsal for Sa.
J. Peter Barrett, president Walter, programpla.nniDgcom-ABSENT COUNCII...MEN: None. well, da.uc:bter of Mrs. Robert turday oJc;bt's debutante pre ..
of t.be board, n.s IRJOinted as mlUee; Geor&e Wtlliamsoo. Doreen Warsball Yardley a.nd Ricbatd D. HowelL sentattoa at Balboa Bay Club.
state rice.chairmuoftbeeom. state cllairrtWI, membersblp Mayor Tbe debutantes ptbered ia the The debutantes am their es-
puter serv1ees committee uda committee, aDd member of tbe . A ITEST: eveoinc to 'flew the "P....:ade of corts will be eatert.a.1Ded alter
member of tbe convePtioncom. jurisdJctioo committee; DeVere Lura Laiios LICflts" trom Mrs. Dlu..n'sbay-the Ball at an informal brea.t.
mlttee; George c omo m, real WUU.a.msoo. resort &r recrea-City Clerk front bo.ne. fast ill the borne of M: .. illd
estate D.Dance dhisioaeommit. ttoa committee. P~Usb: Dec. %5, 1969, l.n Mn. JobDKilleleropeoedber Mrs. J. Robert Meserve, Hosts
tee; Earle R. Corbt.D. mutttple the Newport Harbor Ensigu. Sbore Cwts bometoboDOI" Mis.s aDd OO.stesses tor tbtaffilr Y1l1
Usting committee; Curt Dosb, hssiea Jooes, dau&bler o~ Mr. be the U:ese"es• U:t ·.IDd Mrs.
realtorspl.anD1ni&:r.ooiDCcom. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL MOTIC! aDd Mrs. Henry L. Jooes, a1 Leroy L. Carret Jr., aDd Dr.
ml.tt.ee 'aDd constit..aioD. a.od by-ORANGE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT a luoebeoll Oil December ZZIId. aDd M: ~. Hup J . Plumb Jr, laws commiUH; GJodH Fay, other puts were Mri. Ben:rt elblcs~prol-1-ds OIIANGECOUNTY,C.li.IFOIOOA L.looull>1 :bel4_y_ AHITA 5TROHG DIES
dutrlal aDd eomme.rdal com. .. the Ba.lbol. Bay Club oaDee. 27. of 2268 mttt Art r--•~-~~ of the Boord ot S,.,.msors o!tlloCOIIIlt)'cl Onqo, s..ta Alia, ee; ......... -. -.--u•e CalUorola, on or before MoodaJ the 19tb. day o1 Jamsa.ry, 19?0 Tbe party wt.!.tl COilU.o.lled died
ERE LAST • ~~·
,.,.,~, o,.
Tbe Portable EueOt TeiCIIIOM bas brMe ertMid tJIII'I:UlJ lor dfamlc, ....
tbe-p> buslaeu ud prol......., -"----~--·Willi a P.E.T. )'OU caD make aDd reeei.,. calls anytime, YlrtlalJ1 &af1'b«e: lD •
ear. cab, or oa root; 1D towa or oo a buslaell trt»; oa a IOU' eoarN 01 COMb'.:.
UoD site; at the beach, tall part 01' tern:Ual. DepeJ!dlble solid 1ta1a c.Jre.atr}',
ruapd coostructioD &Dd sentce ac:CU51btl1tJ luure coati..,.., out••ectt•1
performaoce. otber valuable features ol th1s truly por1ablete.__ lac:lD: 11
cbanDels, self-coo.taioet:l anteDDa, billa power output, quick rec:bar~~Ar. •Ia
operation. ud a dlscrt .. llallt ud.....,. to oicnalln<:omlnc con.. 111111 II -
iA a baadsome leather attache case wiUcb eontain.s a JP&CiOullDDU' lid ..,..q.
for your business papers,
No Obligation
646-8666 646-8400
committee; RuueDE. Ford, m. Seal«! proposa~ ~r~~~Otllce of tllo Cler'" ladle.s wbo Yil1 be pr•NDted ilt Ant~ta~~~ffi[~~~E~I
subeommittee oa. tauttoo;Ran. at Z:OO P.M. o'clock, at wblch ttmel:beywtll pqbllclJ opeoed Ud wltb l. procresstn d1zlDer ty Medical Center.
dall McCardle, educa&o com. read ill tbe omee of the Clerk ot ·-~-d •• --• Dee, Z:Z for tbe deootutes &Dd Nor. 4:, 1948, 1a San With the new Tron-Tech PHON&-MAT& 700 you w ill u• -. ...... ..._.. • ._... • "'elr e---•·~•-· In tllo Room 501 c .....-Admin1stra.••--a. .. t~~ti .... 51SN ••s u• ~ ..... -""'10 S~lYors loelude pa. never mi.u another important phone call. When you're
• _, o.A.1U ....__..... orw ycamore, bom ~ J~ M.". a.nd Mrs. Ch£.tlfS Sa.ata AJra. Caillorala, for coostruetiD.g alllgbnJ illa.eeorda.Dee rents, Mr · aDd Mrs. Robert away from your home or office and your phone rings, • AIU TIAR 1
wtlb tllo plaos .~ -Ill-"··-~--. to -••·• _,.,a, R. Peytoo tor a mulled S.......,,. of the borne aDd a •L-700 .11 d d th · GUAIAHTII
)( y0111 •e a n.••~r. or
know ol a •••~ to
lhc HaltMJr Area wt.o ha1
not been .. ICC~Md.. 4o
her • (a\'CII' b7 um., ...
Halbt.w Visi&or bettJND J ood 10 ...... -.... wi II call oa you triad
widl TaiDable iafonuii.(oj\
..s aif•• ff'IR fli•41J
buaineu lau lrltidt
at..S ready art )ltllp her
becorae •CIINi•... widl
her nc• ...............
~ ~.... ......I.A>Ull ~ .......... _ .... -.a 1.. ....._1 _ _.. 0&-• UJC. PHON&-MAT& w1 answer an recor e 1ncom-0 HO INST•" •nON reference Is made as llllows: c ·.~-er pupc:b uuw . ~ IP· ter, Mrs. Mary Alela.Dder .. ~
In tbe County of Orange, oo La Loma D.-In_ Nt'WPOrt pettzers. Tbe YOOOI people tbeo. Laguna Bea.eb.. mg message. • COWLJntY POITAIU
Avenue l.nterseetion, slg:oall.z.a.Uoo aDd street Yidealn&. *tded tbe Old EocJ..Ls."l ·1ouble SerYiees were bekl Dee. If your phone goes unanswered when you're out, you're • PlUGS IN ANY
Bids are requited for tbe enUre work as described bereio: dec~ker~tbus~~..,.~~jour~oe~yed~o~n~lo~at~jtllo::st~.=lo:bD::Ille:::~~p~ro~b~a~bl~y~m~iss~in~g~c~al~ls~.~· .~an~d~b~u;sin~ess~-~T~h~e~PH~O~N~<-~M~A~TZ~~O'HON~~~~~~A~C~K~==~~ Eo.gtneer's Estimite the tmme: ot Mr. aDd Mn. Hf:l'-CathoUc Church, w:1 700 iJ on the job 24 hours a day, every day of the year. • MANUfACT\IRIO IN u.I.AI
Item No. Quantity Deserlptioo of Work bert W. Kabnta.eh foe tbe salad was In tbe Good Sbephetd
1 L.S. CJearLnc a.od Grubbing course. Fr.J•D ~h,• Katmbaeb's etery.
2 800 C. Y. Roa:..-ay E.cca:nlloo
3 960 Too Aggrept.e Base
4 170 TO:! Aspball Cooerete
5 70 c. Y. Clasa "8 .. Coocrete
6 S Ea. Guide Markers
7 L.S. Tralfte Stp.J
Tbe foregomg quantities are approDma.te ooly, be1Dc liYeD
THI! NAIIOI YISITOI as a basis for tbe eomparlsonofti.ds,ud tbe Couoty ofOranp
p HOH E: 494 •9368 does not, expr essly or by lmpUcaUoo. agree tbat lbe actual
amount of work wUI eorrespoad tberewltb but reaerves tbe ~~~·~·~6;<16~·~0~17~'~==~ right to increase or decrease tbe alllOI.IIIt ol any cla..ss or por-r Uoo of the work, or to omit portiOns of tbe work., a.s may be
We~tcli lf ~;~ deem"' oecessary or adVIsable bytllo E-r. Tbe eootract docwneols sball eoostst of Notice to Contrac-
tors, Form of Pr(4)0Sal, Form of AgreemeDt, Pla.ns, Specb.l
417 E. I 7th ST. Provisions, and st.a.Mard Specifications, all of wiUcb an oa
COSi A MESA file Jn tbe olfice of tbe Orange County Road Department a.od
Ml 6·4888 are hereby referred to and made a part Dereof. ~========::; Plans, SpecW ProvlsJoos and other eoatract document
1741 su, 1a10a • v,.
Ml d••J b>-2424
J5lll !. CO.UT HIWAY
co-• oa. ....
forms wUJ be avaJlable for ea.mloatton without ebarp.Coples
ol all eootract documents may be secured at tbe omce of tbe
Orange County Road Department, -400 West Elptb street, Sao.
ta Alii., Cailloro.la.
Plan5, SpecW Prcwlsioos (DOt 1Dc:lud.lnc st.a.Ddard Speelflca~
lions or other doeumetU l.nclll:led by relereoce) aDd proposal
forms may be obta1oed by prospective bidders .-paymeat
of a Pti.DtiDI and serrice cbarp i.D the amouat ol $~.00. wblch
amouot sball DOt be refulldable. AU ebeeks sba.ll be aaade pay.
&ble to Orup COUDty Trea.staer but .sbould bl SNUed to tbt
Rood ~tmeot, 400 West Eli!lth street, SUia Aaa, Call-
Ionia. OAiolt 1Jii450
.U•n 1941 Copies of tbe Staodard SpecificatioDa m.ay be pu:rcbasecl
~;:;i~~;:;;:;~;:;;;~ for $1.58 tu IDcluded from lbe Oeplrtmeot of Publlc Wort., . Stata ol Callfmllla, or tile Rood~ C-ycl Qnoeo,
400 Wul El.,.. Strotl, Saota Alia, Calllorala.
Ho bid Y1l1 be coos:idered ualess It l.a made oa • blut lorm
lllral.sbed by tbe Cowlty Road Commt.'fkwr ud U made 1D
aeeocdUce wttb tbe IX'O'Liioos of U. Studud 5ptcltkatlou
Ud llpoelal-
'lbl Board of s.ent.ors ol tbe COIIIIty of Orup r._... ..
tk rtcbt to reject 1111 _.all bids.
ne btdder"s au.ttoa 1JI directed to u. prortaau ,.. Sec:·
-2 ot t>oStaodardSpodlleatlou b-lbe -·-'"" C1)Ddt;lkJGI wblcb M mllll oban'e Ia tbe PI'~ al tbl
..._ l*opua.16:Jrm 1.11:1 tM I'CimiMa ol till*-Jb~•;t~l~§~~~~~ Pron.tioU of tbe state Co1stract Ad ue ..t IIIPUeable, ud protpiCUYe bidders wlU w:.t be reqalred to be .....-•taM
1a -...-... -ct-1mct,.. MATTRESSES Lollar ~ ct""'-ct C&lllonlo, U.Boor4 ct.....-. nw---.-o ct ~ ~ >u .....-Go --'""onlllaenlo J~r ... ,. al n&MIIIPlk'hM to a. .,..t u d*llrld a. Baud ol ....
r a 1oo --.-.--llo.IIIIZ. COSTA W15A WATIIISS CO. BT CllDD OF 1'8 ll)AID OF
JIUrlse#Ut ...... La.tr~·-SUP£1, ... or Ol£lfGE COUNTY,
, • .....,. ...... , rt:•• .. , ....
IIOBroodwar u._._ __
W. L IT .101111
c.-, Clift .... aMdo -
CloriGI llot -.a .. .,..._.
Glc:ftlll c...cr, c.m • .,_I. ... ,~ ....... ...........
• a no ••.-t---. o.. a, a"' ,_I, lflt.
& Repairs
All Makes