HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-04-09 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. .NEWPOR T BEACH JOe JOe COSTA MESA 'Free Us' to test Council _ ... KERE IS A PORTION of a crOWd .. umated at Z$0 to SOO at B&lbol. Pier Puk llltfDIDI Suodl.y atteroooo to repr....,..ttYes of a "Free Us" IJ'O~, .no accua.:t Newport Beach pollee ot bl.rauma. The II'~ will be at tbe April !7 CoUDCU meet.tnc to present tbeir domaD<Ia. {Eulp -.) EXEC COMMITTEE NAMED . BY FREEWAY FIGHTERS The Freeway Committee o1 Wr. Duftl.ekl said the freeway 100 chanpd tta:aa.metoKubor would "create a Cbtnallt ftll Area Frenay Fllhf:ers Jut MPUatiDc West Newport &Dd week aad elected mtmbua of the Peoinsuta b'om tbe rest al the eueutt't't commiU.te. the city," The committee locludes re-Mrs, ls:a.bel Peue, a member preuotattns b'om each of the of the eucutin c:ommlttM, l&1d eouocUmanle districts of New-that since work started J~Yeral port Balch. They are: weeks a&O 011 the move to Dtltrlct 1-Mrs,DedeMoore, ellmi..Date the freeway from the Ctutck Cottoo, Mrs. Mary etty that she lll.a reeelved hun- Martin and AI Forctt. dreds of telephone calls from District Z -Lemoine Means, people who WLDt to he_, aod COD- John Durio, Fnok Ambrose, tribute tuods to ftgbt tbe b'ee- IDd Mrs. Amelia Wataoo. sec-way. retary, "These people are District s -WilHam Collinl, help," lbe salct. "but they Glya Prtce &M Mrs. WUlla.m aDJ Deed actin leadership. Jooea. this~ we nowhanlbat \ta- 015trlct 4 -Mu, WllUam dersbtp am tbese people wt.U Tbl DIW cltJ eo.mellrMD WbO '0\U bo oloelod AvrU It wtn pt l!lotr lint 1M 11 111o Avril Z7 mootlll( -a arooc> wllleb calli lt.U "FtM Ul'' wlU pact Cooooell cballlberl aDd mab J dem•nd• OD tbt CouDciL Doe £\lilr, ll::llll.l CMMCted wltb tbe cmdercro-1 Dft'I- PIP'I'. ''From Oat ol Sbllrwood Porotl," aid "holiday IIIII tile cHrnatldl would tzwol.,.. creatioD of a elnllaD rwin board r1 pollee mQnctlce &DIS mU1Dc u .. anlllble IDr )'OIItb mee- UOp aDd c:ooem.. ltr. Elder aid Clio clec:l- to ......... -.,.., 0<11 ol a -a_, llll&lboa Pler Park. He a1d the lf'O'C> will uk tbl COWIICU to create a _.,.ate board tor ~acb ol 3 dlatrletl: LD tht etty. He said tbe board would be made .., d. Tbe otber dem&Ddlare: ~ re•ldelb (DOt pollee) &ad. would tbe c ltJ eow.eu maA uaUable be e&ecttd 1D a "freeelecUon." a meett.ac pl&ee for tbl "Free He ltated tblt tbe clty wooJd Ua" c:r~ ud <Cer ')'Cdb be dlflded. lnto a d!strlctl bued cr~ IIQCb u a reeHitloaLl IIJOD JOCio-ecooomlc COA-ba.1J.; mt tllat tbt City COIIDcll ditlou. ODe would be tbe Lido-prO"t'1de a f&ciUty ~Ued wttb 8&lbo& lalaod LDd Coroaa del electricity for ··tree roc.t-&Dd- Mar arM; the Zod would be tbe roll CODCerU," probably Bids area&Dd ner)'tbiDc aortb tbrou&ft tbe parD, beac.bea ILDd ot Bl.lbca Pen1.nsu.la., I.Od tbll recreatioo ~Bt. Jrd would be tbe Penl.osul&. Presid1DC a1 SID:Itr'• ra.Uy Ia belli( utab~ to bolp arrested per IOU to obCa1D re- louo ,.... jail wltboi.C paylll( b&ll. He aid tbat tbt Ol'p.oia.· tioD wtlllaue ldenttty cardl to ita members and Will m&1nta1n a Z4-boW telepbolle serrlce to b&Ddie c:a.1ls for uststaDce. AAOther speaker recited eDmplel of wbat bt can.d ~~u ...... ot by polloo .. ~ P "Cl1uaaa dlltlLI Ea.lter wet. Tbl orderly crowd lilt.., to OM apeUtr• ud to bud mlltc, jotDed lD a march to lfnpcrt Pier m! tack, tbto dl•.,., aJior he&rlll( ol .... plaDa - tbe Apr, 21 march em CoaacU. THE FREEWAY IS BIG ISSUE Mr. Elder said tbe bou'dl at tbe Balboa Pier wu Bury would bear cues 1DTolvtnc re-W-ttm.c ot Suta ADa. wbo aideot eomplaJ.ataaptutpoUce wu ooe ol the tpeekcn II tM aDd ban u.Wmate jurlsd1ctioD Jan. 12 CouocU meettAc c.bu'~ reprdlDfl: the ptltorl.nboceoee ctnr huulmeat ol tbe "Sher- ot the accused. He reported that wood Forest" De'W'tplpel', CIMfdates seeking seats oo the p-o.., would a.1ao preteDt a. then beJDr p.mlilbed at 2037 the Newport Beact1 City Coun- nwnber of complainb lDwrltlnc W. B&tbo& Blvd., Ceatn.1 ""-ctllir.S their views before the 1Dwt't'1.ng hara11ment of rest-port, poeral msmbership of the deuts by police ID 1\CII)Ort their The SUDday crowd wu told Newport Harbor Chamber of at the Balboa Bay Club. From the tooe of questioos ubd 1t awears thl.t the stud oo tbe coast treeway Is sbapi.Qc 'IJ u the major campa.lp luue. demaod!i. by Blll Slllcer tba1 a law fiiDd Commerce yesterday morn1n« Ea.ch ot the candidates, ~ king before about 200 Cb&mber members, wu pveD a mort time to air thelr Ylewa CJD ft- rioua issues. Tbe questioo &lid r ,. answer teuloo tbat followed rnolYed mostly arOUDd tbl caa- didatea:' lta.ad Oil tbe b'eeftJ. IWIO SldlllJIC at West M"- port ~ ~ tbe qo,..tioD-u- swer Mssiorl by uJ11Dc IWlD M. Dosta.1. Wbo t. rua:atQr a. p1nBt Walter J. Koch 1D tbt 41t1. district, ..-bat his 5b.Dd 1rU oo the treewa.y. Yr. Dostal repUed. u.t tbe freeway La a comple.1 LIPe &lid ''cu't eui)J' ~ all.n'ered."IM -stated, ··u t awea~«' to a. tmotioaal upeeta I woWd be -... oppoMd to U eoeroacbiAcc.our ' eDYlrorunem. But In a Jock:al &D&IysU we must b.an a free- way to &ecommodate tbe tr&f- De." Sedllt, Jotlo Boyd ud Paul J. bet! aDd nlly to our caue. ~--Gruber. Newport Beacb Ia too wtlo, -J!La- COODC.Ilman Paul J, Gruber, who La not seekib( re_.lectkl:l. ........... ltr. Dostal by •JIDc tba.t tbe clty tad foucbt tbl pre- seat ~ route al tbe trM- way fDr , years, lDd l:bat tbe ClllJ W&J to _,lft tbe problem WUIIO tlimllatt ll.lfr. Dolt:al!IM aid bo -od .. lnlud -Dlatrlct 5 -wn. J....,. too putty to be apollod by .., 11oM, >Ira. o-p Nawtoo, lr-1·" laet _, &lldl&aratoalllllf-T1lo FrOOWQ F~t~Ur• aro fttkl, IICtiac u .... , ....... ,., .......... *. <llalriDU. • ~--·w.rat~ac outrld 8-Geo. JoflJI Coadoa tbe der.utQthJ& effect. the ftet- Bartlara Gatots and Tom Stad: way would ban oa the elty, It Uapr, ls expected the brochure Will Dlltriet ? -Ted Witmer ,(sa. be ready for dl5trtbui:Jon to city btl Peut and Mn, T. 0Uocaa reaideuts wtthln the DID Stewart, Z weeks. The broeburewt.Uabo Jack Mcfaden. a pubUc rela.-contaJo a petition for reatdeats tiona espert, Ia eucuttn dl-to !tgn 111U5tn.tlng their ~­ rector of the Freeway Flpters. position to the freeway roW! S.rinc u treuurer 1• Vloceot througb the city. Jorreuen. The Harbor Area Freeny , -·~ THE 1111 Pll01'0 at-bolll( •loadod II WcFIIddoll'a wllorf Ia l'owport Bote~ Ia part at Clio ptcturo colloelloo at tile Newport Boacb ~ Soeloty, wblcb mot lol-y e't'eblD( to booor ptooeer coaatJ realdeat A. J. McFadden. Yu. WllU&m IAt told ol tbt bittorJ ol Nnpart l•ndtoc, kM:&ted at the pre Hot lite of BIJibon Tniler Put 1.111 tbe Upper Boy b<ldp •. Tbo lao<llac wu ealal>~ 1D 1010 by Cape. S. S. DuiiDtlla, &ad wu purcba.led ID 1875 by 3 McFaddeo brothers, tbe father &Pd UDClllofA. J. W.cFaddu. 7 in Mesa race The Freeway Flplers, With fl&hters will bolda.oother mee- tbe aid ot eommuaJty I'CIPOI't. ttng at 8 a..m, April 17 at the hope to ellml.oa.te the trHfty south cltmhouse at Bayside VU-Costa Mesa Yottn Yil1 10 bet ol tbe parks a.ad recr.UOC. rout. from tbt city wtth lt!PJ;-lap. All peraona I.Dterested ln to the polll: DUt T•*" to depu'tmeot iP Dearborn, Mleb. latloa. learntnc mort about 1't'bal: el-elect 2 canrU<tata• from a fltk! He Ia nDI11.Dc oo aplltform Hat Tbt old committee ltU't8d tects the b'eeny wtU bave oo of 1 to lM Co.ta .._ .. City ..U a city tba.rter b'm of 10- tbe freeway apt aJ:lout 7 years the city are lmlted. CouocU. ven.meat, muter pknud eh11 Tbe only 2 ...U • b" crab~ sem.ee for &U cUy empaoyeea. liD bllllla aim lllll&t tlmtwu SELECTS IRVINE SITE oo tile 5-momber c:<IIIIICII aro m~;:~.:: :C.~U:!;ed LD re-Acero G&sket Coii\I)U.y nu tboee ol Willard T. Jordi.D ud Jack Hammett, SO, a COitl routine tbe tr .. n, .. eom a.DDOtiDCed aD aiJ'eemeDl with Gear .. A. 'hear. Botb art W:~ .,re~eot ten:.:.~.!~~ ' -the lrTiae !Dd··~•-• Comn•· ......... •n-elec:Uoa •--H•uUCepo ..... ~o ... mlttet m.tmbtr Paul J. Gruber ._,.~ ... x y";j 51 ' tbe City CouocU and andeflld- a.Jd, "We're DOt eq:loeers and to purcbase a site for a DIW , ordul. ,wuappotJUd ttoa of -~· obJtettf m:S doo't etend to be W ..... headquarters Acero p.sketiJid to Nne em tbe couoetllll UA, _.--, ea pr ' ' ,.._ die cut puts' ma.outactW"IDC o-. wu re-eleetld ID u .. , IJid 11.-s flelnc the elty. He bu doa't nat tbe Paclflc coast peratloos will be moYed from wu D&med m&Jot la llll. He aerY«< ! terms u preaidlat freeway &OlDC ttu'oup Newport El Uoote to a 40 000 ft hu Und ID t.be eUy b 14 of tbt Costa Mesa Ct.mber ol Bll.eh 1M deatroyi.Dc our ma-facUlty to bt eoo'struc:!i ai years ud atttaded S&all. A.aa Commerce, boldJ &.D Aaaodlle r!DI-ortented em1roomeat." 17385 Daimler st. Junior Colla .. ud: U:U., of artJI delfH I.D bustDtu Ke 1• a rqll:tered ueblttet. m&Dipmeot aDd accOWJti.Dcm:S baa befiD acUYt Ill tbt 8oJ1' bu llteoded post IP'adu&te Ctab, C-.nber o1 Commvee eour•• lD 11•, tua.Uoo aDd aod the Oru.. COUDty Cout PlfJOaDel. He Ia a medical ad· ANOCiatioa. IDd terred u a mlAlltr&t« and a member of member Qfl tbe Jtate lteDlc tbt Cotta Mea pollee reseMe, b.llhftY adYlliorJ committee. Rotary Club, United fUDd and He 1.1' rllrll1Dc 00 1 platb"m bu sened oo the peroor'a tbat recopts .. lDcr...UCtraf· rebabuttauon pla.uinc com- ftc problema, crlnie pr....tloa. mlttee. He Is a member ol the &Dd dfuc problema, aDd be be· CNta Mua Pla.tllln& Comrnt..a. ' Uwea U.t eJty tuH Jboald be 1Soo llld sened 2 yurs --· u ebllrmu. I 1riNlfERS ID tbe 1--.1 Newport Harbor Eub&Dcl Club's M&l'ch for taleot coocest are 1bowo: Mre with tbe S jud .... Gre~Qry 8r'on OsbortM, 15, d Corooa del lhr, W'OD tiM Motor l't'f'MDitak.M tniPilJ IDr b1a duct pedormuce. Dealae S• MeNutt, 10, of Collta llua., boldlDC ber jlldor nefll"'bkn ~Y ud her "partDer ,'' Lorelei, 'lrU juc1pd a wiDDtr lor ber eUdbUiOD oheDiriloqulJm. Tbl judps, from lett, an Wrs. Robert HaJ.c. Mrs. Robert Harrl' &lid Mu. Wllllam Ma801l. Tbe Z wt.D.Dars will enter Ute repolal taleot coolest, to bi beld IIQ' 1 at Suta All& hiP school, accordlllc: to Gerald Wooters, prtddeot of tbt Nnport HartJor E.~ebup Club. TOP SCHOLARS CHOSEN • "'I'W't ..__..._,. lb. Gr-.IUl."Too..-t- lo-l!lotr-y.lmllltbo taktD oat al tbl Qlltem.'' C•cwtkkte Koch repUed 1D llr. no.tat•s rlews by A.YlDc tblt tbe tr~u would _91utUate a aeeUoe of Otll' etty. "The treeway bas abM)hlteJ.y oo •a.Iue to Newport Beach, aDd lurre the resldeota of this city to ftcttt U •ltb all lbey've &Ot." he ald. Richard Croul, a caodldate rumt.Qa: qa.in5t James Ayoe11D the 6tb diMrtct, a.id tbe b'ee- 'fty problem e&a be boiled don to just 2 la&ues; acceplthe cur- reat all~PUJ~ent and route or do any With It entirely. "It's .., to you to decide what you wam:· he Ald. lDcwnbent Couocilm&n Ho- ward Rogers, ru.n.ninc ap.1Mt A1 Fore:U 1D the lit dlstrlct, told the c:rcq~ he feel$ U.t de- nkJpment of a gaoual plan lt of Ull:most lmporta.oce to the elty. "U we had llad a poeral plan se'f'eral yearsaeowewouJd DOt lll.n the treeway problem today," he said. Kul Kymla., ruoo.tna ap.J.nst RO)' B. Woolsey In the Srd district, said his prlmuy con- C@t'D 1n seei.ing the COUDCJl seat Is to take a.n active put In en'f'tronmenta.l-orleot«< ac- tl't'ltles and "economy In k)ca.l governmeat." Mr. Woo!My said, '•J am committed to r edocin& the ••- tem ot 1\Jnctions ow city ea- pps ln llDd reductnc city ao- ''rrunenl costs." Mr. Aynes sald Lf elected be would ''Mek to ret more r•l- deltl ol the ell} -pu'Ucullrb' the youth -l.tlterestecl u ~ f'Ol .. d ln City perameal. '' M.r . rorctt d1d DO( art.or:1 tbt m-. llfURSDAY1 AI' IlL'-1970 CO!!J!IA O£li!M. CAUF. CONSERVATIVE CORNER TNI IIfP_IC AL NIEWSPAI'II OP TNI CT'f OP NPPOIT IIACI THE HAI!BON ANt:A'S OFFSET NEFSI'APER Off let! •.cl Pf'IMiftc pl•ftt I• the E•lc• Btlildl-c. 2121 E. eo... Hwy., Ccwo-c&.l ...... C•W. -9262$. T!LIPHDMI• 173.0550 (A< .. c-4. 714) lr Cl-.o -· Trqlc u 1111, 1111-,._ 8:10 a.m. -~~ .._,, ., ,_ ........... NOT MIIILY THI COlC)I Of SKIN -II ••oratlhalm· ta mlllll iiiYa 1114 ....-.. ",.,.._ 11 •--'odJ'• ·dw ..uatwal wUidnftl quote u.. wordl ft1ela ...,._ b ' M, to. "!IIIHIIo MJ of .. umtdbeettlomSo.itb PIU'I UCI1bed &o tM llnell8 Ill wilD wtb liCit -Ytet.m bdlre .,. hid r .. Caeear wbowbtablaw&niiM: ---IU-<OYwod'oor.,n-sotwar Jo1o uia-at ...... -.._ lat IIIII"' lU freedom." 'ftN coouldered to ban .... : utld: "It bt, Bnte1fl ooly bceawc there uw too mM'f Nelf'OCI but Dr. Carl Mellti.R, Wbo ~.Bat lbt ~Mm•ndttof MIU1Dc, ''Aad JOQ IIDG, at.o bteau1e the cultural JIP be-tween tb8 1wo ~•• b' 1b110tbCIIbrf God ....... dtiHae:lor apoU.ey Bntlll?'' Nor. IOOd ~ bt eccompliahed for tar '* moocy, by imptO\'iQa tbe ~ that Nearoa attend, than by tryiftJ to fordbly chanae the racial compotjtioo of thole ~eboola. Many blacb have now Jivm up oo intq-ration and advocate better achools in their own neiah· borboodo inlkod. THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSICW Ia tM ollly ••aP"P• pri•H . , .act pabllahH Ia "tlM City of Nawpon Be.c:h ..... tiM oaJy locally Roy ~nnLI, Nat~na~ Director of the Conaress rac:a i• too 1reat in the South now. Ne1roa R_.MUoo Hoar at 1:10 ud wblcb WOU:S •" tbl QI.Uoa ln Dr, llcloUre related tblt &.. u a whoic hiVe a primitive ani tude toward !!;.-GO a.~c(lO~)MO 1 (MIJ). tb1l ow boar ol peril, wen tc· mooc the Jettert 11at out from leX blbits, proven by the ftct that one ~ M OMr f • It &.Ill., 1101'111. CGUIQUIDt).y, tbe A. tbt Wbitt HouN ftl ODI wblcb em NeJfo in five is reportedly ille:&itlmate (or -.,. to hidQ, prand lut mw&cu pecple would not b&ve be quoted u a11Dc tbat uu. rather, their parents arc). Cohabilllloa with· ~= ~ bl :::::;:': bon ol tbe plan.l to ho)S tM mucb bad bleD po.-." 16 out marriaae is a aeneral and tOCially accept· tbe 50 ~ • ~ wbo 'l1ctorJ mareb U Dr. MclnUre fa.ct, J naln.tormed lut,_._ able practice amona many Ne1roes. Venel'f:al b e~Dtfi/J Oft :o._on :f La tbl bad DOt bad access to tbt .. d&JeYtalae tbl.l Jt bad btlllu.. disea.sc amona Nearoes in the South it very 10~ for t1 , 1.111 Wuh eovwace ol. tbe l.Ddependeat mcmeld OfC thl tllllftlloDitlat owNd and oper•ed .. ..,..,., 111 tho Newpon H•bor-Coata •-of Racial Equahty, ts now pw.hina for two Area. Pahliahod ~ekly, oa Th-.dey. Second e1 ... po•ar paid aeparate-.but..equal ~ebool systemt, one white. at CMoa• del M., Calif. · the other bl.ck-.or predominantly 10. He says THE NEWPORT H:"RBOR ENSICN ·-adj~ to be: • •••· that "under the preKnt inttarated syttem, the r.:'., of ~~~111!1'~ crreu.IMioa by court decrQ No. A-20178 d••d curriculum iJ selected by whites, and relates Y: lt, .1 51, In Superiot Cowt. fa:' the Co.u.nty of C.~:r· Stat• of to the life style and interests of white t ids hiah. Crime is far more prevodent amooJ lD&toa ~ CDOI'Ib.; radio ltatiou to bro&deut his tt M.d betD 10 palpoDid. Nc:aroes. For whatever combination o( reuons, occuloo O:m Laadd:1~ IDdld Plau. It II hard to beUtfett.tPn. Nearocs are intellectually retarded. NeJro the CCNJat~us tbouludl ol It camot be userted tbat the stdeot Nboowouldcoodoolneb chiktren's home b<ackarounds habits and be· trklti A t who ta :: freedom ~ tpeeeb lncludes tbe a owdfeat mlaaatemeot. aM 1 havior would be detrimental ;o white children )ee~ to mer~ wtn" ;!u rllbt to lqllll'easeYeolt:ofoews loot forward to td.IIJI)I'INioa throuah ciOK associa tion in the classroom " ta eoodioct~ :· lb ~ Yalue, u WU cla.lmtd by the of recret. Tbl flet Ia, t.)WfYC, Calilcwnl., and by ,...,.on tt.ereof 1• qu.allf1ed to pu.hh all p•bllc t bl k k'ds 81 ~ k'd • · ' DOticea required by t.w. ~ IC I · "':It 1 I art suuertnJ educa- AR'\10 E. HAAPA .............................. ~.Owner and Pu.bliaher 1\onally, psycholoalcally and socioloJically. PEG HAA-PA ............................................... .A .. «iate Editot Tbc whole black community is autrerinJ." And now the punishment o{ private sear~-Vtltlam ud Wbo ~m&l¥1 tllat !tdJalor ~ ,~8 eom.~uolcattonsllor thatldthen, .. ~ay ~~ ~ In H•rbor Ale•: suascttrTION tATU Exactly. fn other wor~.a. it is rtot merely a d h 1 h be Th fed ·1 • .... ..., ..., mare 'or Y c y, wou ral' .. r a..,........_ ... 111m ~~~ tS: 001 as gun. Doe~ Wllo:end •• m a deelsiYe mlUt&ry Yic:· Tbereb'e, tbe wire sentces, YotlDI tor our Su Cltmllltl Out of H•bor he.; Ofte re•• $t.OO; 2 yeare, 17.00 matter of color of skin. Many knowledJC:able Oae ye•, ts.OO; 2 year•, ••. 00 people predicted 15 years aJO what Jnnis has .,1" axloexemptbcsla.lus. na An to ... m tory WbJcb would permU us to tbe DtWIPI\PU'S, aDd the tele· oelghbor, tha.D ap.lD to yote ARVO E. HAAPA, owntr and publisher of the Ensign COMMENTS ON THE COUNCIL RACE" The City Council race In Newport Beach has not generated a great deal of excite- ment, m )Stiy because most ol the candi- dates htve ~1 :>~ been .rUT1ln6 very hard. It is my o;>lnio, tha~ anyone who enters a political race should do so with the Intent to win, and that this Intent should be evi- denced by active campaigning, so that the voting public can have a sound basis for a decision at the polls. My personal evaluation of the candidates In the Newport Beach race is determined In part by the s eeming reluctance of some of them to act like candidates, and by the veritable "tooth-pulling" efforts needed to get basic Information for news story sum::narles of background and political philosophy. (The stories are printed on page one of the second section of this Issue.) My vote in District I goes to Incumbent Councilm 111 Howard Rogers. This Judg- ment com .~s from •)bservlng Mr. Rogers at the City Council m eetings for the past !I years and aftl~ln(JO!iis '<ieclllions on a m\ilttnJ~ of Ioeat issUes. ln Diatriet 3, Karl Kymla's adminiatr.ativ.e experience as water district manager and his suc- cessful efforts to achieve efficiency and tax rate cuts wcmld stand In good stead in carrying out City Council duties. Wal- ter Koch gets my vote in District 4. He has had considerable experience both In private enterprise and governmental at- fairs and is an active participant In local projects and organizations. In District 6, the choice is between 2 candidates who are both "freshmen" In the realm of city government problems. The choice Is up to you, voters. Let your opinions be known at the ballot box next Tuesday, April 14. now waked up to. And many areas of the South provided not only separate schools, but abo b~ttu schools for Nearoes, before the "Black Monday" decision. Many citin former· ly had a dual school system with both black and white divisions doing a great job. Washina· ton, D .C., for instance. Melvin Sharp, then President of the District Board of Edue'at ion. said that under Washington's dual system there was "no discrimination whatsoever in the text· books, the schools. bu old ings, teachers fl.Rd what not." He sai d a highly qualified Negro ma n was head of lhl' Negro school division and was domg an adm~rablc job. The Wash- ington school !iY!iih~m was then ~ white and was rated among the ~st. Now the District schools are 93% Negro and are rated among the lowest in the nat1con. w~ no naer ta.\ uempt. Y pr~nts briDe borne our prilootrs ol YlJioa etreults wbicb pve Dr. for rum, 11 he should be a cu. wdl ~ t.u.ed. The . next step the federalized war, before we eon~~Dttoatmt. .. Mclattre tbe ••cold shoulder" dldate ror reelecttoo tn lt7Z. f~at.lcs. w~ll t.ake 1s_ ~o _try to outlaw MIY latera.l wttbdranJ fromtben.r maylaYtbUteDtdtbecomlncof Durl.og his pre.marchl:nlld· d1scnmmat1on anywhu~-m .sc_hool~, clubs or froota. tbe ttme wbeD au their rllfUol casta, Dr. Mcintire deplored whatever. Forced rac•al m•~•n.J ." part or We camot admit tbattblwtH TObmtarJ acUoo llliJ' be tateo tbe fact that Instead of ma.k1.Dr the . plan to . convert our Republic m~o a cen-sentces, m&DJ of tbl metR-&ftJ ttom them. TbeJ mlpt SatiD"daY, April 4, 1 day ~ ~ral.•~d SOCialist-labor welfare !late tn which pUJ.tan da1Ues &Ddtbe teleffsloa b&t'e hastened, and may sUll mourrdng lor our soldier dead md•v•duals and local governments are under ctr<:utts ued their freedom to buteo tbe comlDg at tbe1r in VIetnam the president bad the heel or an all-powerful federal autocracy. defead tbeir freedom, butntber doomsday 1f communism takes sebeduled ~ state d..lnDer to be The collt!ctivist equal1tarians have made to d1mlo1ab aodenndestroytbe O'fer. ' held 1n hOnor of the Duke &Dd Several yean ago. I wrorc: "Many Southern whites don't want to--anU will refuse to--send their children to school with Negroes. Not countless studies or the effC'Ct of §egrtgation on rlgbts wtlicb our lat.Looal The s1nlster bands of those Duchess of Windsor tnthe Wbltt Negro children, but no 5t udies of the effect heritage of Uberty bas dYeD to wbo worked bebiJ'Id the scenes House. of integration on whil~ children_ Why is it more them, to defeat the marcb for victory Dr. Mcintire stated that be right for government 10 force whites to inte-ln coatra.st wltb the oalloo~ alao had power O'fer the civll hoped that Vice President Spiro grate so the Negro can llrt him!iCif up. than it wtde courage wbich was gl..-en gonrnment of Wubington. Agnew would take part Ill the is right to allow scgreaatiun so the whites won 't "!~ 11~~~· the hiWunllstses,IJidthe D. C., to ctwlge tbe ortgtoal march for vtctory,butbedldDOt y...,..es, w ur.:: comm date trom April 11 to Aprll.f atteod. President Nlmnwure· be forced down to Negro level? their ~-··•·-rs •--mo-' ' .. , u!Uoe .... .--and to cause the governing-body ported to have been prese~t. The !rue goal (and ir!Cvitabk consequence) t!Dfthei:Jorus ''pea.cem.ucb''of of tbe Eptscopallan WashiD.gloD nytng OYer the assembled of classroom integr:alion is misa:genation. the lut October, the mass <:om· Cathedral to deDy Dr. Mcintire multitude as he returned from a llmalaamation of the black 11nd white races.-munleatloos media PYI Dr. the priYilep of00ld1ngaprayer stay lo his retreat in Camp American Way Features Mcintire tbe sllellt treatment. meeting durtnc the eYentng be· David. He at least had a cbaoce tore the march. By a strange to see that 50,000or moreoftbe Dangers of education :~r ~~"!:~~::~~~::.In~~·~~~~~~= By Special CorrespoodeWJ education wu laQI.Dc, tba.t So. 01.11' etnUutton. Wbat we call "peace march," woo were ad-The march tor victory wu a Ooe purpose or thls colwnD viet scboola weretrailllDgmore FREE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE •ocating a program or with· success. We now havetbeprob.. bas been to alert the dtizeos aDd better scteotlsts and en. CCI)TLY GOVERNMENT dranl of our troops according tem of ~rUng Richard Cot. or this community to the glneers than Amertcu schools SCHOOLS, operated oa tbe to the wtsbes of our enemies ten In tds demands for ftee1ng posslble DANGERS OF EDU. were." totaUtarlaa prlDclple of unt. iD the Haool government of the POW's, before 'rithdrawtna CATION. Mr. Smoot also reported 00 Ytrsal eoerctoo. Admi..DUtra. Nortll Vietnam. our troops, Let's 'rinadedsiYe lt 1s the conclusion of }'OW" President Nb:oo'sproposa.lsfor tors ot IDflrDmelt scboola are According to the statements victory before talklng about ''special eorrespoD:!ents" that welflre and ma.npawertrainlDr, answenble, DOt to IU'erb, but made by Dr. Mdnttre to b1s peace. education. as It istoday,&Ddthe wbicb 1Dcluded: "There 1s no to pollticaJ authorities who dis· direction that U appears to be slDgle ldealtowbichthlsadmlll· peDA tu money. taklor, Is In danger of complete 1m'atloo Is more tlrmiJ com.. ''Mashlnc allchlldreodonto strangulation. We han pre. mltted tban to ttae eoricb1Dgota a law leYel of med&ocrttJ, sented data each week, throuefl chlkl's ftrst ftn years of life. IIQueednr them 1Dto a COmtnOil these articles, which we hOpe We !:aYe delca.red the first 5 moJd prescrtbed b1 adtatora, you have considered caretully Je&rS of a cb.Ud's ll!e to be a aoctologlsts aodpollticlaDs;er· aoo thorougflly. period of specW aad speelftc &dteattnc self.respectinc lD· AffiMA!i Robert F. Tobias, SOD APATHY, 'KYTAL APATHY, federal coocern." d1Y1duallsm; cu.Wvatlnfacrowd of a.trs. Beryl B. Tobias, 2191 appears to be the largest tool u:r. Smoot SlJS; "What could culture which Harbor, Costa Mesa, bas com. tbe educator. .ol today baYe result from the fedenlpezon.. betnp ~ pleted buie tnlll:le" It ·Lack. worttDc a,r tberd_, aud we lit· ment's usumlDC ri'IPO'WIMUty tb1Dgs laDd AfB, Tau. He b:ls beec r..U bUe ~ that tool, for tbe tlrst 5 Je&U ot every sptrit, but assiCDad to ShtAJ&rd AFB, U left ~ u ts oow, cblld's We? A barb!D&V ~ a.rcb.Uts Teu.s, for tra1uloc l8 aircraft that "tool,. ,_. destroy the tbl.ngs to ·come bas been Wleatioo ~=~ malotenuee. He 1a a 1968 gra. very thior we hue chertsbed reYealed by U.S. Represe.o. or acttnc as laoe~i.i;; duate of Costa Mesabigtl scbool the most. OUR FREEOOMI tatlve Lloyd Meeds (Wuhinc. a mob-THESE ARE GOALS a.od atteOOed Orange Coast Col. Also, our children's freedom. too Democrat). Meeds waots TOWARD WmCH GOVERN. lege. Without the apathy of parents leglslaUoo for $300 million 1D M ENT SCHOOLS ARE GRA- HIS UNIT HONORED Airman John J. Lyons Jr., SOil of Mrs. RathDeep.nofZ426 Santa Ana AYe,, Costa Mesa, is a member of a. unit that has earoed tbe U.S. Air Force out. st:a.Dd1ng Ull.lt award. He is a.o aJrcr&ft loadmaster 1Dtbe437th Mllltary Airlift Wing. Cbarles. ton AFB, S.C., cited for mert. torlous sentce 1D ~ of mWtary operations from JulJ, 1968, to July, 1969. Tbe 1.1r. man 1s a 1968 g:ra.duateoreosta. Mesa. H1gll. Sebool. and clt1£ens, our rl&flts a.oo day.care and early cblkttJood. VITATING." freedoms could oot be placed education centers tbrougbott COHTAIHER CO RP. secoo1 TO EDOCATORS' the Uolted States." NEE IE, or the GOVERN. A portion of Meed's proposal BUI LDS LOCAL P LAH T MENT"S NEEDS. reads: "The Israeli k1bbt1tr. Cootaioer Corporation ot A~ • • • (commu:oal child rearlnc) pro. mer1c:a bu beguo c:oo.structloo An article aweared 1D tbe Yldes pure dernocntic com. oo a DtW carton mlDUfa.eturlng Times, cated AprU 5, teLUncus mllllism, whir..h lstbeesseoceof plaat in tbe trnne lndustrlal that Presldeot Ntmn has asked Karl Uaz:r. The chlld 1s taken eomi)le:r. Tbe new plant, ooe ol the Department of Hea.Jth, Edu. from ::are~ 1n Lo.faney. For tbe st. Cootal.oer CorporaUoo fa. caUoo and Welfare to study tbe flrst sb: weeks, the motber Ia cWties l.D theLosA.oplelarea, proposals ot a New York psy. alkrwed frequent Yislll for our. 1.& scheduled for completion in ehtatrlst, tbat pQ'cboJocieal sing aDd feeding. Thereafter, late 19?0. tests be adml.nlstered to all &. parents are restrl.cted to two. Tbe !00,000 square.footpii.M year..olds ln the Uolted states hour daily Yislts. The com-· wW coota1D blably.complu_ to determioe tbelr fUture ~ maDlst ldbbutl becomes the lllgb.speed flbrleatt.Dg eqWp.. teotial for crlmtnal beba't1or. ch.lld's fa.mily." meot wtdcb wtll produce From the Assembly ... "Dr. Arnold A. Hutscboecter Yr. Smoot rela.tu, ''Our t1n1sbed paperboard pacll!lgtog further prq,osed massiYe psy. cblldreo are belnc used as deslped to protect &Dd display ehlatrtc tre&tment tor tbose gu1nera ptp for aocW eJpert. a wide variety of ooosumer pro... cbildreo bmd to be crlrniDally meotatioo -u pawns 1D nCtous dllcts maoiDctured lA tbe Los MEL CARPENTER of Newport Beacb, at left,receiYeswatcb commemorating 30 years of service with the SoutberaCaU. fornia Gas Co. from Bob Yotmg, the uUUty's rnuapr of labor relations. Mr. Carpenter ns honored durlng ceremonies at tbe Saddlebllck IDD Ln Norwalk. 8y .OBERT E. BADHAM was to brlnc to the Lecfslature badpts wtth1n tbe st&tutcty t:u locllbed," tbe arUcle stated.. pollttcaJ power plays. Tbe eDd Angeles area. The pla.at will A,u.,...t:.l,....-, 7ht District a.ocl the people the stark reall. rate limits aud proYtsJoos "He said such a procram wua result wtll be the desb'ucttonof employ oYer ZOO ~le. ties they face 11 Proposltl.on 8 eUsttna 00 the date of tbe better short·term 10lution to Proposition 8, the initiative is successful at the polls. adoption of th1ssectlonshallnot tbe crime problem than urban measure which qualified forthe ( think Proposition 8 1s a be reduced." recoutructlon. June 2 primary elections, Is spending measure Lnsteadoftu The CaUoroia Tupayers "He wrote last year ln Look a so.caUed turetorm measure r eform, as the .,osors claim. Association, togetherlrlthother Magu.loe that biefl school and sponsored }otntly by the Call. They wrote It, and yet they ln. statewide organlr.aHons of good eollep stllteots sbould be 00. fornia Teachers Association eluded two phrases wblcbreflte repute, ban already come od: Uged to tDSerco P&JebologlcaJ and the S~rvtsors Assocla-their claims and mate Jt clear lD opposltioo totheCTA-S'"r-testinc. and t11at utde from de. tion of California. they are not interested lb re. yJsor sponsored measure. tectlD( mental lllDess tntime to It calls for the state to pay duclng any ta.zes. Rather, I be· Governor Reagan bas called facUitate euJ.y treatment, such ha.U the cost of supporting lleve they a.re interested ool) u a fraud 00 the CaJUoroia taJ:. tests would serve tbe purpose schools and at least 90 per-1n getting more mooey, for the payer. Ooe of tDe state's lead· of •eedlnc oat p~chc:IPithlc aeot at all welfare costs to local measure speclQes: Inc utOOrtties oo acbool persooalltlea before tbey government and would increase "Nothing tn this CoostJtutioD rtnaoce has warned that the reached poBIUons at power." hom~ ow~rs· property tu: shall constitute a Umttatkm on proposal would only eompoqDd The article stated fUrther e.zemption trom $750 to $1,000. ~~e taxation or property," and scbool fltance problems, wUb Ulat aaststaat to tlMt president The sponsors claim It will m.'lke The authority of scbool dls· 00 c-nntee ot I.DY PI''OPfll'll Jolul D. Ebrltcbma.n,iu memo.. a.n immediate reduction oo the tricts and aReneles to adept tax relief. ratldum to HEW Secreb.ry Ro. n1:_~.f"f.:~:-·::: Drops Pontiac for Rolls :;.:::=~ Ls the fact that U ~~ not sett1DC _, pilot projects em. proYkie for t:uLDg metbods to Roy Carver PonUa.c hu maiD, u before, lavotved W:lth bodJUic aome ot theN ap.. make 141 the dttfereoce or the cb.anpd Its name toRoyCarYer Yarlous other imported ears. pro&ebls." mu:tmum cost, otttciall)' es. Rolla.Royce and Bentley, the Now, a decade tater, Roy Note: U you ban DeYer wru. ttmated a1 $1.130 mUUoo. uclusiYe Rolls.Royce dl&ler CUYtr becomH the !lrlt a. tea a letter of protat, we Certainly, the reYeoue to ror both Oranp azxt San Dle&O clus1Yely Rolla..RoJct delllr lacl'llt to )'OU, WRITE HOW to cover tbfs buge cost W'Ollldhaft eouatles. iD America potNIGAc both Jolul D. Ebrllcbmul to be made., by great iDer8Uis Roy Caner ba.a termtmted ala &Ill serrice flelUtl11. Ia other ttate reYenue sources. hll J5.year UIOC1atloo wttb Tbne art coa.ld•ed byRon... • • • Pootiac to deYote bU M1 1D-Royee lDc., 1011 1mparter ot 1D tbe April 8, U1'70, laUI ~ lolhdJIAC tbe cooleiUoiUie terest and~ k> tbe rrow1Dc Ro!Js.lloyee and 9ao11a7 -lllo DAN SMOOT REPORT Prcpolidoa 8, I felt, eYib be .. American RoUa.Royce market, CUI 1.111 tbt Uatted Statu to be ClUed "Lit's ban free lora It quaUI!od 1br lhe halloC, He hu be .. a Rolls-Royce ._u.cs ..,..,..., ~ till acllooll," llr. Smoot bill • tb&l ~tt:~mtkwl would be nee-de~'-tor tiM put 10 ,_,., eoaatry. ...,, prtlttJ apkiGft ....._ HAf1k>lmplemoal~ and lD Uli r.-4111 oat o1 -.c lo Mr.-. 101 of Ule -·· As a rllllll, I 50 Amorfcan Rolfi..Royco ... pule-wu ,._ ....... wln-«1 .U.mbly BW No. 2 1ero 1o t11o -bor at Rolfs. From the Bible arr~>a~ at..._.. ... ~ 1011or111 arl)olD .lalary IIII.I:Wc 111111 Royce -80ld liDioo's lrol ~ ,.......,.. ~·e.. lAJl•Wwt to tuOIICbGI* tbl tJiaUtd stt.tM.. Forjt i• easler for a camel aau..Mdl.,.bUII,iaoe:tablp', a...c. 50 I*'=IM ot ttll CIOit TM JtUI aao. tlllt CODCCit to JO throu!lh a needle's eye, 1115'1/' . Glreol bf 1Kr'IIAIII aa. a&ll ol RolJa...RoJee amHtted wttb than for • rich man to enter Be ..,.. "feu ...P tlffl lu ul -_, bJ 1-l/1 aa --lraoollila-lhe kinadom oCQod. --J-IIIrtllotiOalo- ,.-ctlll: ud to 11....,. tile ,.. J)61l t•ld t1# llOJ c.,.,.. And they that heard It uld, .,..,. bp ......... ,. 11 1 PolaK• tt.,.. t1r1e 1nt-' .. fto then caa beaned? .. ........ lla.tr J--•w .Jk•lDtllltllitMII .... And he said, Tho thiaaa .......... IIA* •',.t• TodQ'.Grirlllltol .. ~ which areirapoeeiblowlth -.--.tuttfJIIIF. aU Jlollt...lloJ'et o.J1H 1ft men are pouible widl Ood . ..,. ................... ·-d·te«. no not-(S~l.okeoii :2S.27 .)· P .. loftt .. I t "NI ..,-. ..... IIJ 1 n u,...,e.t ~anion By Marilyn Manion ATROCITIES IN VIETNAM "The f"Ople of the United Sta tes htJ IIe bem them. The old men. the women and the chil- llery much a~o~•are recenl/y of lhl' much pub-dren are completely useless to them. So in· liciud war atrocilin o f 1he Amuicon soldier ~te~d of takina them with them and botherina in Vidnwn. I thirtlc it i.s about timl' thou to feed them, they will kave thrm behind. Jame people WUl' owart• of how the Amuicun Most of the time they will kill them 10 that .soldier is ~ing ruthleufy lcillrd. 1qrtured and the youna men they have carried off with them butchu~d by thl' Viet Cong cmd thl' Nonh will be lerrified cnouah to do rxactly as they Vietncunru Army. are told. "/ htJve h~lp~d bring bod tl" bodil'l of "There a"e also cases where the Viet Con;a d~od Amuican .so/dins cau1h1 In ambush, will kidnap a villater if he has a relative in 1 their corpora mutilaud by carvlnt• of Com-city where the Viet Cooa want to terrorize munill symbol.s and many fHJ"' a/thdr bodin the local residents. The Vtet Cona will take misliltf. I J.ovr sun unDrm~d mrdictd evocu· this prisoner into the junak. enter the ~;:ity, mion J.rlicoptu.s, drarly mDrlc~d wltJ. red and tell the: relative about havin& his or her uosus, dellbualefy shot down by tJ.~ VIet l'f:lattve in captivity. They will then tell the Cong; nudleu. to loy they wue landed with peraon in the city that they want such and such VAtJGRN R&EI>DfG, IO?'fS.,. wowndrd 10/durt. I ht1v~ n/so flown lrtto <I<>M. like thrOwina a hand aren3de into a Dr,, Colt& ...... ..._.,wUb lliiiDlJC!I oftrr Vi#l Con~ hav~ talctn oD the buildina. and if they do not do It, they will CII.Ulll!c Coltroll ia COlla youn1 mt'rt nNJ lr/t IH/und tlr4 bodln of old shoot I heir relative. This forces, by fear, these Mua, .._. I IIW ..,.._ ta lff#rt muJ woml'rt ltffllf,ltd lliUl •tiJblHd. people to do thinp that they normally would tDt OrupCoutJwdcll"C'dleJI "I lllfpll tier Anwrlcan fNOple look at botlr !lOt do. Dtltrld, IIIH'Jed eq..,. sld,. of tllr pktMre IH/on th~y moJ:e rmh "You never know who r. on your side, Work B~ ~ ltUirmrnu of our «tivhltf in YldMm.". whcrhc:r they are Viet eon, ap.inst you 01 wblda will paac. ltWIIIU wtti ~ letter abo'lt, which appeared 1n the South Vietnamete civilians 'or you. You can't tmoiOJwtlo .... pndlcal-.. Voa olthe hopac sectioo ol the South Bend. leU them apart by &ookina at them. It d just pert_,., Mr • RedcltJII 1PU aa Ind. Trlb~n~. was wril'*' b'f • youoJ Nn u conf~ina aa the war iuelf with rao fronu ... LST com..s. ta ~ •~ til who had tcrwcl ~y two Jf:•n in Vietum, One otbt:r ot.ervatioft by thit returned World War a:. HU -. BtU. l:lrleaa Clarence Nanaon read the letter. and soklia' bean rtpeltina-ud lhiakio& about · wu u ,..,.., .. ..._It conloct<d iu outhor, R ..... A. Wtllay. The "Tho --..,.. t!f«t dul . 0CC ul ~ 00 101 lilt I ll·yqM>ld cllocbuted 11111y _,.., 11M .....,. • .... 00 \IIC -lllool -u-. hio ll·--.. crow chief o( a ulll~r ::; ·::: ::.. .. plcl up a -per and no-........ " ....... helicopter la 'V'~~~nam. .,..._ 1M: t1p0te wM. a Pf*lliu& and the: wniq ol terL Dun MllllloG ... , ""' Moot1oo p...., ,_ ;-"!e< Cona ... -~toft. ,._ 1M ooldlar oetwut. Ito ollated oncnl o( Ills war apori-'" Vlotnam ILuio 10 roios lila ! llloo, 'Wily --------- -willt lila..., ....... For .......... hoto'o ollould w do dtlo II ,...,.. -._. .,. ,_loY-0... how tlte Viol Cona 1-elY!-: oupponq tllos VIol ~~ lw o ..... ~;..- ..,., Viet Cona will -• .;u.. -c.. ,... -..... • ,.,.,_,._loao c.u ~ lltoy -nttft or oupplioa. Tltoy will tob Way ....._ ---~~;;;;;;., __ ' • A 1 1 .\ I'IOA RD for the beneQt banquet for the Coro-. del Mar higlt sd1ool Madrigal Singers to be held Tuesday eveniru~. April 14, at the Newporter Inn, under tbe sponsor- slll[J of the rorona del Mar Chamber or Commerce. Re- serv:Jt rons n~ca y still be made by calllng the Chamber otnce J.t -· ,,,rq_ Ptrtured here with the San Franciacocable ear Llu·, '.: thJ• :-.~wport Balboa Savings aDd Lc:wl Assn. are, from lcfl , \1.1 In at Singe r s Tracey Beech, Lee Secard, Wupret Tt. ' , ,H,Jr•ff Kerr:e, Prisc illa Macdonald, VtcldFreoch, S11· • 1 I~· 1 -.itrve BrPwer, Mlllssa TellDlle, Yield Manor, Ul,, J,lj, Ha lph Dady, and Miss Corooa del War, Sue fl l'' 1. 1 .,. r IJM Chamber Is helping to raise money for the M.!'lr; • "ollll-!10\: tour of Europe. (Photo by Howard Folsom.) P in na duo to play -1•1/•1.1 ofl pr rJI,,'Tdm will ., 1 t.wl tile 111ember s of the Upp•·r l'o.Jy :\<>soctatesoftlle O r a 111' •l'lll\1 Philharmonk SOI"l (, tl lU t ,llo. \lrmolJ.), ,\pril 11, II 1 ·' lion" •J f Mrs. l tlfiS· toph ·r ~ .. ! litn , 1'•2 1 lliglll..uvl Dtt~ , 11, ·~ '•'''d.tnrls. \lr ·: ildH:l A"! !I in· tt ()()•J• '. "'" !.•·1 ' ~.1111 • ' ....... II' " , • ·r·''", to IJt" .. 'tv en -t•!o l•• lvr>r, EU. ,,,,,, r .... Ill, !<alph 'r•1• Ill two r, Hobert ,,, ' 111 t">llJPher Kit. ching. The artists will play selections by Chopin, Bach, Trimble, Poulenc, aDd Slm· mons. Mr s. Robert Leith, who lJ chairman of the gro~. wUlcon· duct the business portion of the meeting. The meeting will open wttb a coffee fea turing stra\Wberrlea. Ho::;te sses will be Mmes. AlmOD Lockabey, Johnnie Walker, Ed·.rard Fr ett, aDd Rlcb&rd Schumacher. Da p.. Corp. to Boodl, lu boeG ole<:lod prest- -<ttlloNnportllarboi'Zoo-•ct.e. a.riDc trltll ber oo tbe eueu. Uq board are Mrs. Jack Rein-- ert, fll'lt fiee.preaidem; Mrs. lot Hamblet, !ad YiCe-Jrtsl· cS.t; Mrs. Enest Soderberc, , reeordl.oe secretary; Mrs. Ll.tll'a L&pos, correspoodtnc HCI'ttu'Y; Mrs. Joe Carlos, tr .. urer. Tbe board of dtrec· tort 1Dclllles Mrs. Roger Bar. '· , .. row, Dr. ReleoRobertsoo_Mra. ~ Roy Fox and Mrs. Donald Ha.l. lard. Yn. Aeker Ls a Cfaduale ol .. Norttl DUota state College, ~ ~\ I wbere abe became a member ..f l , ¥' "l"t I .. Phi Kawa Phi. Sbe then took • • \ -._\ 1 up careers u teacber, printe ~ ··• ~ Meretary aDd ac~ Her MRS WALDEMAR ACKER iDler est LD tbe eng:I.Deertnctleld started LD 1M2, when tbere was a Deed tor women to replace men who had been ealled uto wu service. Her profess.iooal career was interrupted by duties as bousewUe am mother of hrtn dauchters, Jeao am ·-Joanne, a.ud community service acth1Ues, including prestdeocy or tbe Westmlnater elementary PTA. Sbe resumed her profes- sional work after she ns wt.dowed, when lbe twins were 16. 8oth glrls are graduates ot Long Bellcb stale with teacbi.Dc credeott&ls. Mrs. Acker became a mem. ber of the Santa MoDica ZOnta. Club ln 19&4 and was IWlled cllairman of tbe fa.ll cooference ln 1965, After transferring to the HunUneton Bea.ctl p 1a.nt of Mcllolmell Dougla5, sbe was iDYl teeS to j)ID the Newport Ha.r- bor ZOota ClublB 1965, and soon cootributed n.lua.ble service at tbt laliooal OODYeDtion io 111Dne1Do\1s. Call in Y 04olr Want Ad to the Enai;n CHARTIJI4G THE COURSE for tbe Kappa ~Cappa C.mma•:::~~~~~~= cruise, cocktails aDd d1mer dance are, left to rlcflt, Mrs, Robert Nlcbols of Sa.ota Ana, cllairma.o of the event. Mrs. William K•.ll1 of Harbor View Hills, decora.tionscha.ir# man, and Mrs. KeDDeth Slougt:l of Harbor View Hills, pre- sidePI ot tbe Kappa Alumoae of the solth coast. The e"f8ot is scbeduled for Satmda.y, May 9, a.t tbe Balbo& PutUoo. as a benlflt for the Prorideoce Speecb aDd Hearllle Cli.D1c lD Oranp:. Crulst!S wtlllal\'e from tbe Pavilion eYer)' OOW' from 7,30 to 10,30 p.m. (EIIS!g~~ pbolo.) to install IE A GOOD NEIGHBOR If )'C11 are a newcomer, or lrn o..,.· of a newcom~r tn the Harbor .t.rc:a ... no ha s not been we lcomed, do her a favor b~ cal lin, the Harb<K Vuitor between II and 10 a.m .. and sh~ ..., 11 call on ~our frieTJO •ith ¥aluablc: •nfmmauc...l and a•fts from friend\~ business firm s ..,.1\•ch stand ready 10 heir her y mber of tbe If-.-If .. -of ll ... -become acq..JaJnted wi th e s • ........,.. .-..-of all alumDae JfO\C)S ·--her ne .. surroundintl.'-..,..Cl£S Gamma Alurrn:ae Association withing tbe area from Kero IRtl ol SoWberD Ounce Coldy wt.ll County to San oteeo County. THE HARBOR VI $I TOR be installed April Z3 to sene omcers of Southern Area p HOM !_1 494 .. 9361 ~ lllrn'rl ST as tbl pres1dlnc omeen b' COWlcll to ba io.stalled are: iiiiR t&llll. • KIRJI. C..nuna.. Beacb, presldeot; Mrs. James YESTERDAY'S MEDICINE, TODA Y'S COW FEED A ~hart tLme ago, people tho ught blackstnr.p molasses was etfectJ~c treatment for anem1a and rheum~~tism. Today we kno~· beuer. We ~o~.ouldn't think of relyina on "hCiml! remcd1a'' .,.htn .,.e have so many fast· actmg, rehabk modern med,catiOns avaJiable 10 us. But remember-mliSl med1C1f'IC~ should be taken only upon tht adHce of ~our ph~s1C1an. The next time you're not fechng up to p01r. see your doctor finu . Then. 1f he orders med1eoil10n , come 10 u.s for quality pte5eflpll0 n ~rVJCC Christensen .S L COAST .. ,. .. oc.r-A DSL 11M o~a.- TE1111S lTKLmC CMIS rMIIE ---1111 CORU~t\ DEL M \R high school senior Molly Brecbt, 17, rE-rC'IVf''i the om raJ company charter for theJWlior Acbieve- r ·l·nl lfl;.l!IY, ~~.·htch she heads as presldeot, from JOOD B. Lawson, exe ·ullv<> vice president and general ma.narer o1 Phlko· F'orrJ Corporation's Aerospace aDd Defense Systems Operauons. ~hlly's Junior Achievement Com&llny, lmwn as Lave, Is sponsored by Ph.llco-For~ at Newport Beach an<\ , ~~··nte s out of th.e Orange CountySoutb Jwtior Acbieve- n.enl 1 .~nter in Costa Mesa, manufacturing and ma.:teting SoutberD Ara CouocU otKa;ipl Krs. Allen L. Coody, Ne-.pxt !::•:•:6:~:·:0:1:7:4:::1::: The tutaUatioo will tate p. Casey, Corooa del Mar, vtce- pl&ce altbeDelta.Tauchapter president, and Mrs. Jolm P. A TIE WITH THE PAST atiEC at 1D&.m.LU>cbeollwlll Nett.l, Costa Mesa, secretarY-• • • • fol low. SoutberD Area CouocU treasurer. -------,;;··;.;;;.mld;•;..,;IIP..;o!~llle-pr.;;•--. ~.:F£~~.: .. ~ A LOOK TO THE FUTURE We Are Proud willbe,Mrs.KeanelhC.s-. a st,, 1 "r r1oor towel hOlder , EXCITING NEW OPENING of the SPRING ART EXHIBIT of outstanding American artists APRIL 12 Corooa del Mu, prestdeot; to Announce llrs. Darid Keast, Sanaa Ana, -ud Ill's. Gerald F.Ooan,Co.oa JUDITH BLAND'S LATEST BRONZE ---of President Richard M. Nixon WILL BE ON DISPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME AT OUR SPRING EXHIBIT RECEPTION 1·7 P.lol. lglnals UTeM.\.IIY - ....... CAL POLY AHHOUHCES ACADEMIC HONORS Tbe deaD's Ust of acadernk &eblnemeul: for the lall quar- tu at C&I-Po)J, s.. r...u 01>1-!Deludes lbe tot-.ar loell stullenC•: -Goelllllor, S6Z5 Oeaa Bmt., Coru>a del liar; Doaold Cllrlli StlDI, 114 Emerald An., 8I.IJO& lai&Dd; stepbaDI.e CrlllJ, 5n Aft-Campo, EutBiull; liar< Sebulmao, 1601 Warwick t:.o;. -Hlplaods; O.nd Maru, uu RodlaDdl, w .. t ~ lloJ; L,.. J-1339 lllftllllldr• Ctrcto; -blw, tsn Sutlaao Dr., aDd ~-Sl..n ·-JOIISlll-tit.ID til'., Doft:r Sbor•; Roblrt DoGnae, IU7 -tiDe; Deo- llalllll,ltllt-,ud._ LtlllpeoM. IU WUo F ..... eo. -. ..._. ... Kollor It~,_ ............ Cell 1'41ha. l'IIM Sl>k-,lr. -MUSIC CIMTII TRIP JlsspatJIKtlar...._Cti .. -will tn901 • lllo .... 'Ceoi•IIIMAI~ 111 i'C ___ ,... ...... Lu ...... Vote for James Aynes FOR CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY , APRIL 14 TMl~T~EN o,-THE G ANG A T A:OCKY P-OINT FI!:B. 17, 1907 AvNES CAMPAIGNS FOR- yOUNG ADULTS IN POLITICS- N ·EWPORT BEACH- EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT- SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY· ' IT"S OUR WORLD. OUR COUNTRY. OUR STATI, OUR COUNTY. AND OUR CITY. WHO WILL •1 DIEPLY IIIVOLVID • , UNVEILING of extensive remodeling ot the Newport Beach branch of the Bank of America will take place ».t an evening open house Wednesday, April 15. Vice-president and m.a.nager Fred Schoepe will open the doors at 5 p.m. for the 3-hour house-warming. Her e is an architect's rendering of the exterior of the ba.nk. APRIL lOth • An art show with paintings to captivate eve ry eye. • To c elebrate our grand opening we are having a one week special sale on the following items: list price Secre tary L un1t Exec 36 x 72 desk 30 x 60 exec d e sk 26 x 50 .nalrJU t desk 200 00 16 0 0 0 14 0 00 13 0 .00 30 x 42 sal .. srnDn's de 51<. 96 00 30 X 60 5\t:l..•l PX€l.. deSK 197 00 Judges"ch a 11· 160.00 E xec .Jrm rota ry cha1r 130 00 Arm rotar y c h a 1r 8 0 00 S ecret ary cha 1r 70 00 Arm c ha1r 62.00 14 5 .00 1 2 5 00 92.50 9 2 .50 69 50 1 25 00 120.00 9 5 .0 0 64.50 49.50 44.50 S •de c haH-52 0 0 3 4 50 Also a la r ge selection of USED OFFICE F UR I'ITURE--re leased by a large aerospace industr y. McMAHAN DESK OF COSTA MESA 1800 N ewpo rt Blvd. Cos ta Mesa . C alifornia 642·8450 At corner--next to Crawford's Pharmacy Look for the DC Warranty on Robins Reliable Cars 100% PARTS AID lJIOII WAIIR&m 4,000 MILES OR 10 DAYS CtMrs 111 mect.•mnl IMrh 1•1w41ftt Mfhte, 4rt.,. liM. , .. , •M. ~s ",. ...... ""Y eM ..... .,,. '"'"'· All AIMir work 4ont .,. tvr twill 1'"k' 4t1Mrtllltn1. '65 '67 69 68 68 !:hu~d.~~~~rd $139 Corvette 532 8 ----511 AUSTIN " . -··. • ·-" o>• ~.u.~~~H..~=-$1 .~. •••'"• 'vf l'll~ V.W. BUG '•L ••.I ~M ·F "' "~A 'IJFO~R o s1 .-6-3-~.~~~~~~.~-200$4 I z,.C61 11 ----- 64 ~?~.~~ .. ~-· ~~ HM l llJI OVER 150 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK ' :rho *-1 Clntu Ctab wUl to tho eotollratlolloltllt lOIII -J iJ;.;j;;r, .. ~ol Cl.UU llleraa- tloall 15, CIYitu I> a buslneumea•s MtYtct cltt> founded ln Blrmtngbam, Ala- bama, to 19ZO by • lf<q) "' business ud profess1oo&l men -..J.-.1.\~ wbo adopted tts current motto "builders ot COOd dttsen .. USC TOWN AN D GOWN JUNIORS, from Orange County ar e joining 'Kitb the Los Angeles chapter to a diMer dance to be held Apr1118 at the BUtmore Bowl. Assisting with arrange- ments are, from left, Mrs. Randolph Parker of East Bhdf, Mrs. Philip Anshutz of Bay Shor es, and Mrs. Robert Brownsberger of l;larbor Yiew Hills. the annual event will raise moftlt)' for their scholarship fl.md. (Ensign photo.) moOiily IOr •tbetr tcholars!tlp tuod, BROWNIE TROOP 881, comprised ot 2Dd a.lld 3rd graders at Harbor VIew school, paid a 'tisit to the Ensign oUice Tuesday, April 7. to IearD boW a oewapaper la put together. Pictured here are, front raw, left to rl&ht. Kim Brusseau, Laura Barrington, Allcla Farber, Joy Anderson and Cynthia· McTigue; 2nd row, Holly Yahn, "m.a.scot" Donald Yllhn, Kay Garno and Allee Young; bact row, Linda O'Keefe, Kim Por- terfteld, Suunoe Butts. Sally Batr ingtoa and Carrie Wilson. Troop leaders are Marilyn Farber, Barbara YabP and Roberta Porterfte}d, (Enslp photo.) New slogan for Schmitz state Seoator Joh.DG,Sebmltz the d1Doer meeting wll go to ot Tust.ID W a oew slogan. campaJp food, Whlle he was preput.oc to :lUI lor ro_.loctloo toblsSenate CLYDE ZULOi WILL Mat, be quipped, "When JOO're PRESEMT EXHIBIT !Mit ot Schmitz:, you•re out of .Judltb BlaDd'a latest rroue, cur." d<~>lctlac Pr .. ldeot Richard w. Now, u a cudldole tor tllo NIJoD, wiD b1 on cllc>lay tor U. 6. Coacress Mal ncatod tbo llrll Umo at tbe ..,....., 1>J tao deolh ol Ropr-ro recoc>llOO to bl ctreo by tDo lames B. lJtt o1 8allla Ala, CIJde Zlllcll Drl!lJala Art Gal- tile new olop.D I> "Wr.Bcbmlto . tm. Aloo ......., wtu ba a .,., to w...,.......... -11PN1 ott llllllll>lt o1 11 _.,-... , .. tbe -Amtrleuartllto,-al lebmlto .._..,. -llll*e, •-WID be ... -II ... ..._ Wlllt tilt ·--lllal a c .... II tao Gallot7,1111 _ _. -wtllbo-llawpcrt Bml., eo. -. Frlcla1 .,...., 111.,-15,11 Dlo-s.-,, A!lril 11, -1 to M)'lull -1. --7 , .... ship," , The Orange Coast Clvttan Club came into being 1D 1968 under the direction ollts Qrst ,or~•slde~t. Dick Weeks, wbo I> the board of directors ot Fairview State Hosptt.J and is BACK OCC Ll BRARY A membership drive to enlist members of the comm mlty ina Friends of the Orange Coast College Libra ry gro~ is now under way . Paul Br uger of New~ port Beach Is chairman pro tern; Mrs. Joyce Martln of Costa Mesa is secretary; Dr. Jerrel Ri chards of Lido Isle, trea- surer· • •111..&1 ....... torUla---.--. Lut ,..., •• prHtdtnt wu Doa ()you, C&j)laiQ Oft tbe Nawpcrt ~cb poUce doportmelll, Tbe eurreat prei'Jdeot 1J: Jim Spears, Ueutenut with ttle NBPD, The Onoao coast Club has bekS &D un-.1 beoeftt basket- ball p.me eaen year starting to 1968, Last year the proceeds provided a new playground tor retarded ch.lldren at the Hope Haven School 1n Costa Mesa. AU the Ctvttan clubs each Clu'lstmaS Ume sell CJ.uton fruitcake to assist In the tlnan- clng of their r espective yearly youth projects. Orange Coast sponsors a Gir 1 Scout troop, a Cub Scout pack, a Brownie troop and a Bluebird troop. The club also maintains a stock of camping equipment which is available for use by each or these gr0t4)s. The club meets on the 200 and 4th Wednesday evening of each month at the Alley West rest- aurant near the Newport pier. GLENN TAYLOR Dt ES Glenn Taylor, 64, o!839 Coo~ gress, Costa Mesa, died April 7 at his residence. He was born March 26, 1906, In Beaufort, N, C .,andcam~toOrange Coun­ ty In 1942. Survivors tochtde his wife, Dorothy; 2 sons, Ken and Dean ot Costa Mesa; 4 brothers and 5 sister s In Flor ida, :&nd 4 graoochildren. Private grave!==lde services will be held at 11 a.m. this Friday, AprlllO, at Harbor Rest Cemetery, BeU-Broadwa.y Funeral Home is in charge of arrange.nents. MCMAHAN OPENS It'll be grand opening am "pleased to meetcha" time at McMahan Brothe rs Desk Co. newly estabUshed at the corner of 18th and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, this week-eod. Bill and Bob McMahan, brothers , are in char~ and lnvlte residents of the entire south coast area to drop by and say hello. Bill and Bob are sons ot Waner McMUtan, who with his brother Mike opened the first McMahan Brothers Desk Co. In Los Angeles 36 years ago. They re kx:.ate<l on F"igureroa St. today, Bill and Bob's brother Jay McMahan is the operator of the first Oran~ County Me. Mahan store which Is in Anaheim. SWIYEL BAR STOOL 18] ELECT [81 WALTER -J • KOCH City Coundl of Newpoe t Beach 13 YEAR RESIDENT & HOMEOWNER e Proven CUll EXPERIENCE e Parks, Beach & Recreation Commission Twice CIMirman 90°/o Attendance for 8 Yun e Pro-n LEADERSHIP e Pretldent-Mariners Homeowners Association • r,.........._f&ft'Niy Service A.ucKi.ttion of Oran9" County e &o.rd of DirHton-''552" Club. Hoag Hospital • Bo•rd of Dir-.ctors-Corona del Mar Youth Center e Provrn Cmnmuooil!l SERVICE e CHART (Citizens Harbor Area Research T••m) e YMCA Fund biMr • Newport Beach Historic.! Stttietv e Airport Noise .IUU~te~nt ConunittH Mr s. Joseph Beek WUUam C. Ada ms A, Vln Jor gensen Mr. & Mrs. Rolly PulasKi Rev. II Mrs. James G. Blain Mr. & Mr s. T. Duncan Stewart Mr s. Veta Behr John F. Skinner, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Byron Tarnutzer Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Hoose Jr . Mr . & Mrs. Mark A. Soden Mr . & Mrs. C. F. Col esworthy Mr . & Mr s . John MacLI!Qij w, Ed Crane Mr. & Mrs. Torrence Dodrls Mrs. Harlan Hoyt Clair B. Barnett, M.D. Mr. & Mr s. William Mors Roy J. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Brent Ogden Norma J . Knill Mrs. D, E. Gilcrest L. J. Anderson, M.D. Pat Wilson Norton Humphreys, M D. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fr'a.nkJin Capt. II Mr s. R, F. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ewing Frederick M, Gra.zer, M, D. Lorraine A, Lynch Mr. &I Mrs. John Klllefer Gwyn Parry, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox Alex J . Kochnuk Mr. &I Mrs. Ed M. Conway Dr. & Mrs. Russell Pang Dr. &I Mrs. Norm Von Henen Terry Welsh Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Bomer Jr. Mrs. AdraJn Joyner Dowld B. Mutln, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Sheppard Mr s. Roberta Ramsay Mr. & Mrs. Ray D. Vilas M. E. Parmer James C. Doy le, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fletcher John B. Parker Mr. & Mr s, John Webster Michael P. O'Br ien, M.D. Mr, & Mr s. Gene Charles Dr. &I M.rs. Thomas Ooan Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Howard D. A. Pfaff, M. D. A. E Craycbee T, A, DeYI.ne James M, Dodds Charles T, Harvey Mrs. Jobn A. Gustafson Mrs. W, W. Bertulett Grant How~ Dr. &r Mrs. Wm, Snyder Betty L. 800900 Mrs. Ho'nrd Martyn Hugo J, Rls. M.D. Mr. l Mrs. c. N. Thleleo Charles W. Soot! James L. Rubel Jr. c. ll Pelrsol Dr, +:Mrs. FrUlk T. O'Brien Mrs. PHd L. Dtc~ree Mr. l IIIla. Howard A. Means Luetlle S, -ns Kr. l lira. Ted B. Witmer Mr. 6. Mrs. Foster N. Gun JoM. L. Carer Rlehlrd S. Ste't'eDB carol 111. Lelud, M.D. Mr. l lfrs.. W. 111. Roya Mr. 6 M.ra. Walter M. Ro71 Mr. l Mrs. Jack Guaus o. W,(DlckJ Richard Dr. ""Mr s. n. L. Urxierwood Paul A. Palme r G. E. John Semple Gen . Thomas F. Riley, Ret. Paul H. Kuhn, M.D. !sahel Pease. Rk harrl C. Ve rnon Mr , & Mrs. Angus Potter Austin "· Sturtev:wt Edward F, W.!rd Jr, Wil ham C, Rin~ ~r, d. Mr s. Walter Sem~nluk Daniel W. Emory lloo. Robert E. Badbam Mr. & Mrs . Ray Carpenter C, E. Stllgenbauer, M.D. Mrs. Betty L. Thornton Frances H. Carhart Char les Hoose . Marshall Brown, M.D. Barba ra Aune Mrs. II, D. Hickman Mr . & Mrs . L. E. Kittle Dona ld M. MrG\Uis, M.D. Mr. &i Mrs. J . M. Willia.m ; M ~s. Robert W. Jones Bill Flood Robert F. Bonne r J r Trevor Davis Mr . & Mr s. Paul Gr uber Mrs . Glenn A. Parrish f\obert Schmitz, M.D. V. E. Howa.rd DJttte Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. Geor ge D. Kalash W1llis D. Lon!Q'ear Dr. & Mrs. Charles Sparkuhl Mr. & Mr s. W. H. Reimer s Do roth)' M. Ro:~.)', M.D. Mrs. R. G. Wilcox · Mrs. Carroll D. Hudson Mrs. Jan Pauley Dan R. Klrkham, M.D. Mar}· II. Leer Er1. T. Chapman 01 Mrs . Nadine Hill Mr. & Mr s . G. WilUamGrundy Mr. & Mrs . Warren Sturtevant \..ua.rl~s H. Turner, M.D. Donald R. Ward Mr, II Mrs. Ted Tiberg Mr, & Mrs . Wm. L . Sedlak Robert w, Crecca, M.D. Mr. & Mr s. Russell Grlffeth J ames D. Haskell Mr. & Mrs . Basil de Lisle James P. Casey Richard Marowlt.z Stephen c. Korner, M. o. Mr. & Mr s. Carl B. Pearlston L. H. Holsinger Mrs. Harold McCue E. H. Skinner Ethel c. MacGilll~ra.y Hall Seely Mr. &I Mrs. AnthonyR. Moiso Dr . &r Mrs. Richard E. Cramm Mr. &r Mrs. Mario Pacini Earl Hardage Ken .\Han Ba.rbua Lindquist • Mr, &. Mrs. Dol».ld C. Nutten Mr. Wllllam A. Coleman Mr, &r Mrs, William B. ColUns Pbllllp G. FlllhartJ Dr. Albert Perelatel.a R. B. (Dick) Shaw Albert J. Auer Ma.r11111lll Ouftleld ALL VOTBS CAN VOTE APU. 14111 FOR WALTER J • KOCH - SIX AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE studeata, ba'fin& recently atteOOed a dinner of gourmet tooda: reprtlentiDc tbe t.oretp countries from wbich tbey come, were treated to a.o Amerlca.o style brea.klut of bacoo aDd eas In tbe diDlDg room atop the Newport Balbca Sarinp IDd Loan AssociaUoa bulJdJ.Dc. Ho.t tor tbe staU breakfast hoooring the torele;o studeob: wu Mu: VlcU, Newport Balboa SaYiDp' controller. Pictured here are: back row, left to rl&M, Fabrl.zJo ScbJuoo ol Italy, Eduardo Peoa of Ecuador, aDd R.:>derlc W~lace of New Zeala.Dd. FroDt row: Florl.eDe Launt, per SOlUM! I director, Newport Balboa Sulnp a.ad Loaa; Mrs. Joseph A. Beet ud. Mrs. Herbert Wilson, AFS rep- reseotaUns; Stamatla Talta of Greece, VoahanaJ Rama..llab.tuJdry of the Malagasy RapubUc, Cb.rlsUDe VW.lleque& of France, aDd Margaret Gilbert, advertising co-or- dinator ot Newport Balboa SI.YlDp. CRtcbard PQCIUo photo.) no coo~n~ -~ wt11 11t -.... 1ar .... ,..,.a. llrd at. II <Jrueo A .... Co* cilolr Gl tbt-...-. .,.._,.. .... ,.....,Ynd • • • .... .., wtnpr.c~~lltud c-.--.cburciiH 10:10 Lm. _,,llollllll( tbt -Tbo -_...,lor IIIIo llrolllla __ ... _ s_,_ ... QOIO __ "Aro ol !ptild'M, eatiUed "W'Ml It l1lr. dl-. IIMI deUh ra.l?" 111 ... m be IN Cbrtlt."lllwiD 8erTict1 an at t :l5&Ddll Lm. Meta a ... llloe ••111raelN:vt COII:allela,IJKI10Lm.1nHar- Chrlot"lll7 p.m. -,.Biblo bo< Violr HIUo. study u:1 pnJer meet1Ac wtD • • • eoDti.Dut at 7 p.m. oe WtdDII-st. Aadrew'a Preabyterta.a day1• Chllfdl. 100 st. Alxlrew'a Rd., • • • ClUJ' Hueo -Dr. CbarMI ne Latberu Cbureb o1 tM Dia'eallekS wtll preaeb at 1, Muter, 2900 Pa.etfte VIew Dr., t:JO &Dd 11 a.m. s.lay oa Ra.rta' Vllw fUI.li-Dr. Wll-"Wbat am I dolac beret" Dr. Uam Eller will deUYer a JDH-RaymoaJ Cramer, CbrliUu. sap 00 "Tho -troo ~ OOYcboloclot llld director olll>o herd" at 9 &Dd 11 a.m. Saadi,J. flmt)J COUDHllnc I.Dd re- Raeocnttloa and awa.rdl Sulda7 ..reb ceater at For..t FaliJ _..;; ____ ;.· ___ llld Gordoo Grooo, ..W beclll a ,_.,..., oerles Tueoday, AprU Of •-'-1 14, -''""•r lllroup llay IZ. • • • ............ Ht. tcple w111 be "Cbri.JHu note marrtar ud ~ borne.;• .. I'&Q Tbe P)Jmoutb Concreptlonal Cbarcb. S2SZ Broad st., New. ----------port Hel&btl-Tbe Ret'. Nor- Jud:y MuftofN..wportllei&tlta. maa. Brown will prea.cbat the 10 occ FORENSICS TEAM M j" T I H d. wUe or deatilt Dr. BW. 1J &.m.s.tlJstrYiceootbetcple AGAIN WINS SW EEP S rs. 1m a CO 1es =~ a::::atine after sur-:~ .. eu 1 make my raw. ~~~~ . . . . .. forensic tearq woo us 7tb Dora Mae (Mrs. Jim) Ta.l-growers of Orange County and Mrs. CUfford Germu of Co-Tbe Newport Unity Church, straJgflt ne~stakes trophy of cott of HuotiDgtoo. Beach, for-served as mayor of Fullerton. rooa. del Mar almolt dldD't pt meedng at 15th st. aJld 1n1oe the yeulnthespri.Dgcbamplon-mer Costa Mesa resident, died When the Talcotts lived in home to celebrate bel' SOUl An., CWf Hann _ "U tbe sttips at San Dlego state. U:arcb 30 at St. Jude hospital, Costa Mesa, Dora Mae was em-•eddlne ami.YUSUJ. Sbe wu truth were kDowu" Is tbe ser- Debators Erie Samuelsoa oJ Fullertoo.. ployed at the Snack Shop Bakery hospitalised jult I daJI bdon moo tcptc o1 Ule R..-. Lore~~. Garden GroveandCathyBarrett Serftces were held April 2, in Corona del Mar.JlmTalcott, the t'er)' apeclale'feot, be ber FUck1Dcv tor 10 a.m. Suaday. ot Corona del Mar rema.Loed ..a-with tbe Rev. Robert Schuller ln add.ltlon to his real estate recOt"ery was remarll:able. He wiD lead tbe regu.lar sine- defeated lnthetourneyattbeend of the GardenGroveComPlunity business, was a contributing • • • tpiratloa. at 7:30p.m. Wednes. of 6 rounds ap.lnst 40 top Church offlctaUng. Interment member of the Ensign statt. Recovery seems to be com-day. speakers. Eric scored a major was at PacUtc View Memorial preparlng a weekly "dot-plete tor CarroU (Mra.loaepb) upset Wilen he beat top.raJJked Park. to-dot'' cartoon sermon for the Beet of B&lbol.lllaad, wboblda JOSEPtt MOWU. DIES IDAI SPACE SAVER! side ·bv·side Frost-Proof X Frigidaire bothers lo ·build In more help Ro~r seance of Palomar tn She Is surYit'ed by her hus-Ensign Bible page. brush with an automoblllullbe Joeepb w. NowU., so, ofl'7SO the i!r.als. Cathy is tbeftrst girl band, Jim; 3daugbters, Rebecca was wa.Woc acrou c. Cout Whlttier At'e., Costa Mesa, died ever to wiD tlrst rank ln the Ba.lnofADabelm,LoclndaHoose LT. NICE'S UNIT IH Hlgfln.y, Corollll del liar. We llucb 14 at Boac Hospll&l. Llncolo-Douglas debate section of Newport Beach, and De!XIrah VIETNAM L AU OED queried ber about tbe ~a~ tra-He 1J: SUI'TiYed by his -wtte 198-lb. siz e ~ ot the touroey. Her debate EIUs of Sa.nta Ana; 7 grand-u William M Nice son of gedy When she came I.Dto tbe Apes; a daupter, Mrs. c UO.: partner, Dorothy MacMU.Jan of children, and ber parents, Mr. y: "and M W;llia 'o Nice otft.ce the otber da:J. Sbe said ua. Samuels o1 Gatdeu Gr<we: Costa Mesa. reacbed the qua.r-a.ol1 Mrs. Lee Hale of Fullerton. otrizoo Hl..!:~~rwt Drt m Haroor the car she ta.ncied Yltll bad to &Dd a JOn. Daniel ot c~ ter tlnals betoreJosingtoRocw Her crandt.atber, WIWe Hale, Highland .. t;"; me";ber of a be towed away. "But 10 did 1." Mea. wu oae ot tbe plooeer citrus unit In vf~na.m that has earned she said ruetullJ, Mrs. Beet ls Mass wu celebrated Marcb tbe U.S. Air Force outshuxttng 00 stranger to Hoac boapital-17 at st. Joacb.lm Catbollc UDJt award wtth "V" device for with perhaps more voluoteer Cburch. lDtcrment wu at Good valor. He ts an air traffic con-bours tba.n anyooe 1o tbe Harbor' Sbepbe:rd Cemetery. Baits Fu- trol otflcer tn the 1883rd Com-area sloce Hoag opened Its oeral Home of Costa Mesa wu miiDicatlons SquadroD at Phu doors, but she hadn't C*ll mucb 1n cbarp ol &rf'IDI'tmeots. SWJYEL BAR STOOl. time 1n bed ,_, there, before ber Cat AB, Vietnam, cUed for accident. V. P. O..CH ARME DI ES m'lrltorious service !rom July, • • • 1968 to Juoe 1969 for Us Vloceot P. DuCharme, 69, a ' t f Us 'and R~>Ubllc of It's nice to be able to report e+ommerclal artUt -.ho 11Yed at ~~~ 0 A~ ·Force units iD that Lin Sheely of Newport 1845"AD&belm St., costa Mesa. launching air strlkes against ~eights Is back at Least put died Warcb Z9 at Bo&c th t1m e at the Corona del Mar Post HoJPital. Rosary was recltad ~~~%~ a 1962 gradlrll.te of Otllce. Lin had a sertousU.cW at 7 p.m. Mareb 31. a.ad Ln. NewPort Haroor high school, attack In early February. Tbe termeat wtll be 1D UHMfs:. ac- 1 ed .. ,~A 8 d In 1966 dOCtor !d ooly has him backoo cord1Dc to tbe bmenJ direc-r ece v ,....,. · • eg:ree Ills fHt be's cot him waUdJlc Mort1lu"J lA Costa trom UniYerslty ofRedla.Dds. ab,c 2 miles a c!Q. :"~ Blltl Beauty queens wanted Co:n"Tlunitie s throughout Orange County have been tnvlted to submit entries In a contest to select Miss Orange County Fair, Queen of Ule 1970 Or~ County Fair and exposition, slated tor July 14-19 In Costa Mesa. The lnvltatlon was issued by County for at least ODe year Ca.l1fonlia coatest at tbe Cali- prior to Juoe 1, 1970, m:l mut b't:da ~sWoo 1D Sacra- also resldet.o, ... JI'Ir:lo,oratteu:l meato 111 Aupst. Her two prln- scbOol In thecommunlt! sbe re-cesses will al8o receiYe U, S. preseots. sartDga bood prtses. Contestants Should not be married now or previously and P AYH E MAH P ROMO TED mu.st agree oot to mury betcc'e KeDDetb P. Gsdt, 1223 Saud Sept. 10. Key, Harbor' Vlew HUJs. for. C. J. Marks. of Santa Ana. ore- sldent ot the boarrl of directors ;===============:=:=:=:=:=:; of the Orange County Fair and Miss Orange Cowty Fair, merly district SlleslnlllllliUiD Queen oftbe l9700riD~'!COimtJ tbe Rock)' MOUDta!D ar-, ba.l Fair and ExposiUoo, wtll bt oten promchd to Southern Call- clowned folloWing ftDll Juddnc lornia sales IJWJipr for' tbe Tuesday enning, July 14.CI*l· Payoe Co., CitY ot ladWit:r'J, tngdayoftheFair.PreUmJ.-.ry manufacturer ot &1r eoadi- jlldging will be at 2:30p.m. oo tioaiq: aDd bea.t1.n& equipmeat. that same day. Tbe liflcrowoed He j01Ded PI)'QI tut year, queen, aJong with ber 2 ruooer-aJter sei'Tiag for 10 yeus u up princesses, will reign OYer a mamrlacturer's represea- the Fair through SIIDdaJ, Jaly tatin tor Payne t.a the Rocky 19. MOtmtaln area, beadQuuteri.Dc' MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES D:·. G-O'Neal, prole...-at T&l>ot ~logical Semioary, La Mtrada,wlU be ~it mtntster for the 10 a.m. and 7:30p.m. senlces this Stmday. SUIIDA Y SCHOOL AT 9,00 A.M. WORSIUP SERVICE AT 10,00 A.M. EVENING ~ERVICE AT 7:30P.M. ZIIO lAST CDAST IIWY ~ CDIOMA DIL IIAI Exposition, and Mrs. Don(Joa.n) Hickman of Fullerton, queen activities director, Contestants enter ed in the 1970 competition must be!Jl)On- sored by the Ch1m'Jer of Com. merce ID the city they re- present, or by another orga.nl- r.ation designated by the C~m­ ber. To be eUgtble, a girl must be at least 17 years old and not more than 25 years old by August 17, 1970. She must have been a resJdent of Ora.nee The wlnoor wlUrecelYea U.S. iii Demer. He bad ~&ted b1a savings 0000 and otber I!IPK1a.l owu sales compuy s1Dce 1HZ. n·ards In a.ddltlon totblc:wor-Ht 15 a aatin ot Salt Late CllJ tunity to represent On.act &Dd a graduate oftbe UniYersitJ Couoty in tbe amual llaJd ol of utah. vert1cal Freeze r! S418° PRIL 14, 1 970 DON'T FORGET TJ VOTEII frlcldalre bothers to build in more help Vote for the Man Who STARTED the Freeway Fight! ABOLISH ELECT the Death Penalty! FREEWAY FIGHTER Newport Beach Is doomed to die like a condemned criminal! To same our city, THE DEATH PENALTY must be abolished, and there's only one solution: the laws must be changed. The ONLY way you can change the laws Is to elect a man who you're sure will fight for you I Al Forglt IS thatman.BeSTARTED the freeway fight --and he can finish It for you! When you go to the poU. nellt Tueaday, Just remember: A Tote for "Freeway Fighter" Forgtt may an your bomel FORGIT • HE'S GOT THE TIME • BE'S GOT THE PATIENCE * BE'S GOT THE SPIRIT AL FORGIT BAS GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO SERVE YOU BEST. His business Is IN Newport-not cbulng arQUnd the country on a job that keeps bim away from bome and City Counc:U dutiM. In the 4 years be served u councilman (1884-118) Al nner once was absetn from a CouncU meeUDcl Tbat'a dependablltty. 'AL FORGIT ALPOIGI T Al.o MAGGIE SMITH in MISS JEAN IIODIF" OTAOTI7:00. CONT. lUN. ll"tii:OM t JOHN WAYNE Winner llfST ACTOl GRIT" The atrangMt trio ever to track a killer. 51' JOHN WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY Also HAlWAws· -- DUE '\G IT . . - Sea Kings gy111nasts win 11J ar-NO_, lr. Tbo-MoaiJ ·-..... M Ll ca .. IMR 1ut ......... lllo N...,.n -~. --............. ... doc-to lllolr C«oM dol liar _.. 111.11 to .......... -..... dl• lilt fD11owt1t a · ...,_ -.............. ICooaloo br ...... -·-polcolotllo parallolloor .. ... ,_ ..... pol.ol "' tllo ___ .... _ 111.1111. ~­matcb, tbl ol lolf SmUll IIIII lim C«u, •i -iUii.l -~ tllo r.-c.-, ... ot tbl IDOit dUlled ........... ootllol_.tu, -alDCIO -otblr ttaad-oata OD tbl Nw- port ICl'ACI ••• Tom Blt.ler, Stere GI.Dtllnd, Roo Walker, RUI)' ,...._, IIIII JoliD FU... H-•• •-••"' ca..w ..._ Dl&>ll> --to poaU _.,. tor tbe Coroaa del Mar tam u well &I a Jtroac perbmuce lD tllo loDe boraa IIIII !rea exerct.e. Palll Walder led tbt tam 11P8ep 1D tree uerct•, IIIII Jar Ft.obar lod tba -lD tba loDe boroo. Paulaloo- 111 LDd !ad lD tumbllDc IIIII kJac bor• fiC*t1YelJ. ,.,..,. '•"'"•~~•·••n_.041 ctl114 Wltll Pe~••t Ont., • o.-Nlth+tof ,,., • CIUier S.. KlDc IW's were steft Gruer, Bl'yu WlWaiDI, Pat &Od JobD U:elatosb, aad Keo llcolleld. HE WILL: e maintain the unique residential character of Newport Beach e protect Newport's natural beauty e assure a business-like city government TOP mGH JUMPER lor c....._ dol liar, lloo Sonar, u shown bere ln eompetutoo at tbe Tuti.D rei&)'•. Ooo has cleared 8 feet thU MUOn. (Ricb Kredel pboto,) Tosti runs 100 in 10 flat IU ltiMGS WIM OVU COSTA IIIISA I TO 5 'hi C«oMdelllar5oaK!Jip II llll.o IIIII -ted £-_.._ a4..rallllliiii.Dfrall1 1 to 1 • T_, ul d-Co* Tbo N""'" Harbor llllora M-I to ' oo tba -· ella· -t11o1t llrat -loaCOO -. -!Mmo -• bald to -ot tba-~ 1>1 I IIIIo. Do .. Vlla.o nal tU UIO 01>'*111 out llfaoll'l•lllcltoO. ...,. • tllo lllOUIId lD wiA tlrtllo AlY!ll ftllo ~ lllo LIGIII K'-Dooc Crtppao Ill~ a$ • .,. oo17 ... bltwbllablotaam--or lD ll>o !ad llllllo( Ia< p11 4. Jolf llaUool! liJICiod lD COI'ODL tbl 4rtt to drt" ill a r1111 aad lD at11ar tmoa aclloo, loapa -lD 11>o etb, ac«ID( oo a loodlDc Loon pouodad out wild pllcb. WINNIR Of 3 Academy Awards lacl..tl .. UIT PICIUIII ~r:aaiD u ,.. ... a at- ~ VVN'i•w'PiiriT BEACH 4 ACADEMY AWARD Bob NOMINAnONS ~ &-Best Support Actor ·~;~~-:;" card Best Support Actress .~::~. -Oc--Best Cinemalopaphy . Best Origiul Scrtenplay -~~ Sa ........ 0 4 AI! ._, ......... . l"\\tc:e .... _ ..... _. __ _ AI'MJ iliN:i4 ~ .U~IIIl'I OB&CIIIll1811llllllll.IIIT-­s =zrr..-.., rw ,, lll:rit . ...,.... ,, AL.&o-ACAOEMY NOM !NI[E r<aj :a:; I-• "PEOPLE SOUP" ~ _~:aar-• ACADEMY AWARD lEST SUPPOITIIC ICTGI CICY- e work for YOU RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS ............... ~ .................................................. .. REAL ESTATE and the city he loves ~~~~~ THESE NEWPORT RESIDENTS SUPPORT RICHARD CROUL, llr. 4. Mrs, Tom Casey Dr. • Mrs. Robert Crecc.a Mr, A Mrs . Doo Burna llr, " Mra. Frank Trane .U:r. " lin, Ropr Hardacre Mr. • Mra. Brent C>Jdeo llr. 6 lira, George Coriell -Lar-·Mr. 6 Kr1. B. N, Dese.ot.rr Mr. A Mr1. Jim Wood Mr. l Mra. J. P.lqram Mr. • Mra. Robwrt SboliGa llr. l lira. Ward Cbambarllll -.c.P- l.LMHI....,.•a Dr. '-11 llodco• JGIIIIKJ01h .... ' lfra. -KeUoa Joe w. t.ooa William Holatelb Mr, 4. Mra. S. R. Slwmoa Mr, 6 Mrs, RaJ Vllu Mr. ' Mu. Wm. L. Stabler Mr. • Mrs. Frank William• Mr. 6 Mr1. Stenrt Bowie llr. ill U.n. LJm&.ll Faulber Mr. l lin. ken Keodrict Albu1Aaer Mr. 6 lira. Tom W&Jbr Mr. A Mra. Dtck Mahon Mr. A ..,... Ed SmUll Mr. • Mra. Fraat-u lar-d llr, AMra. Gear .. JGDII Mr. lllra. BID RelmoH VO"rE APRIL 14 Ira Smith Mr. 6 Mrs. Geoe Wells Mr, 6 lin, VIc Mattioli Mr. 6 lira. John Elliott .U:r, 6 Mn. Jolla WU800 JOIID- Wallar llarroq!la llr. • Mra. Joe Rosoer Dr. Ted Clark Bruee BJIUman llr. • Mra. RoblD c...,_n Dr. Eric Tarr Diet Brooma JoiiO._lo Erala Seille llr. A lira. Carl NO'- Mra.DonBlll CROUL COUNCIL 2 Times 2.,0 ~.00 •. oo . 10 3 Times 3.00 •. oo 5.00 . 15 BEACH LOT, R-Z, ~8' front. Best area, 114 44th Street, Newport B<ach. $28,500 • Pllooe (ZU) 788-9939 or write to GradJ, 1655? Goldenrod Place, Eocl.no, Ca!if. 91316, I • .. • '. .. • ~ t . .-... JDI COCAS, ooe of tbe ltau:1-out gymuast performers for Harbor Hi~, 1s lhOwn eueutl.nc :a.n L-cross at tbe Harbor- Corooa del Mar om meet. Jim's score tor tilts routine wu 6.1. He placed Znd to teammate Jet! Smith. Harbor tool!: 1-Z-3 1D tbla event. (Photo by Bruce Newbery.} Police Blotter • FRIDAY, MARCH 27 lng to open the door of ber ear Randolph Dennlt Mills, Zl, of with a coatha.nger at 305 Mala 4150-D Patrice Rd., West New-• St., Balboa, at 6 p.m.; the youth port Hetpta, wu arrested at • ran away to nearby ear 4:15 a.m. at 880 lrvloe Ave., aDd drove away ••• A tl.re aad Nt11rport Helgtlts, on a charge of rim, valued at $100, were taken I.DtoxlcaUon in pubUc . . • from the unlocked trunk of tbt Posaesstoo of muljua.na was car of Charlene CornLD&. 5015 cbarced ln be arrest of Fred-Bruce Cescent, West Newport. erick Keltb Beeeber, 27, of some Ume alter March 20 •• , 1230 W, Balboa Blvd., Balboa; Robert Trusty, 711 Heliotrope Richard Herman Struser, %8, Ave., Corona del Mar, aM oeli of 1007 E. Balbol. Blvd,, Balbolll; door oelgtlbor Elaloe Wood, 70i Richard Paul Herman, 24, of Heliotrope Ave., reported their Loa Angeles, aDd DoaaJd Brad-cars were da.maged b)' sap flaw- ford West, !3, of El Toro Ma-lnJ from trees alter tree trlm- rlaoe station; the arrests were m1Dg by city park departmeat made at 3:20 p.m. at 1007 E. crews ., ••• Georp Leeper, Balboa BIYd, •• , Arthur Floyd 5405 Seashor e Dr., West New- FID'row, 18, of Z206 College port, reported that a 2-door, ·An., Apt. 5, Costa Mesa, was white, 1962 Chevrolet Corval.r arrested at 1:15 p.m. on the was stolen during the night; the charp of drug Intoxication in thief had apparently shorted pubUc In the Z100 block of the Ignition of the vehicle, wtl.Jch West Ocean Ft., Central New-was a loaner b'om ConoeU port ••• Chris Carlson, 13, of Chevrolet, Costa Mesa. whlle 859 Amlgos Way, East Bluff, Mr. Leeper's ear wasbelllJre- was bitten by a Doberma.n Ptn-paired ••• A wallet andcootelts cher OOg at RllSso's pet shop ln were stolen during the nlght Fash.lon Island, where be was from the car of JuUe Marte ahoppin& wttb his motller, Anthony, parked oea.r her re- Dorls Carlson ••.• Bruce wu. sidence at 2ZO Dt.a.moDd AYe., U&m Voss of 379 Santa Isabel. Balboa Island; the loss wu set Costa Mea, reported the lou at $160. ol toola n.lued at $100 at tht Corona dol liar Forelp Sor-1 liMA ~!DONEY D1 ES Yice, 3633 E.Coa.st Hwy., where Mrs. Irma 0 . Mooney, 66, of he is employed as a mechanic 994 £1 Camino Or., Costa Mesa, . . . .RudaJJ Thomas SWick. dled Aprll 4 at Hoag Hospital. 216 VIa Mentooe, Lido Isle, She was born feb. 21, 1904, in reported a theft of stereo and Shelley, Idaho, aoo came to cunplnc eqWpmeot valued a.t Orange County 6 years ago. $1 ,455.95 from his locked car, Survivors Lnclude ner husbi.Dd parked March Z3 ln the A St. Willlam· a brother and 7 parking lot, Balbclll ••• Two sisters.' seats, valued at $237.12, were Services were held April 'i stolen March Z5 from the un-at the Church of Jesus Christ locked ear of John M, Ca.rpeo-of Latter DaySaiots wtthBlshop ter, 809-1 /t N. Bay F't., Bal-Cllester Dewey ort1clat1Dc. In- boa lsland, parked at Sawhlre termeot was in Shelley, Idaho. Ave. a.od N. Bay fl. Bell-BroadWay Funeral Home • SATURDAY, MARCH Z8 was in charge of arrancemeots. Dalllel Scott Mittleman, 20, wu arrested at 9:55 a.m. oo the eharp of possession of marljura.aa at bia residence, 110-1/2 2511> Sl,, Well Newport ••• , Patricia Brush, 2519 Holly Ln., Newport Helpt.s, Wbo works at the PaYiUOO r es- tatll'&llt, surprised a youth try. .... /JH/tiN 642-6412 _D,_.. 1730 •• ""'' "'-·" ...... ~ MILAN M DOSTAL •o• c1n COUNCIL DI"T"CT 4 [g) " .•. and it will take h,rd imaginative plan· ni""q in NEWPORT TODA Y to ensure NEW. PORT TOMORROW'S hiqh qu•lity ._,;den· tio!ll cho!lracteristi" in f 4 c.'! of mountinq popu!at;on pre\sures.'' -~\oHo!ln M. Dostal c-.-, ...... a,,;,.,...,;.,. G...,._l'ol, .. ,.,. r-,.. ·---~ . - ( ofitula .!JJt PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 11M0WN ay AI'I'OINTMIUIT ISLindobloDtM 1\;ew I. buulllul f w.-n. 6 bolll bomo wllll 111'1• IUI!keo liviD( room lo lam. rm., wet bor. Rodlant electric boaL Carpeted lc Jandoeopocl Prlcecl ................ fiM.OOO. 16 Llndo 1olo O.lft ]l;ew 5 bedroom. 5 both homo wilh upotoln •~ew ol Corona del Mar bUt.. J Flroplacoo lc BBQ. Luxurious c~rp~tlnf lc paoelllnf. Land- ocapecl. Willi doct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jt5,000. 77 Lindo hie O.ln Jl;ew 5 Sr., 5 batll home on logoon . Marble entry, wet bar, AM/FM Intercom, Mslr. Br. hu beam fell. & own frplc. Large flmily room w/tireplace .............. Jl85,000 10 Linda llle Drift 5 Bedroom & maid's, !i baths with famlly room & large rumpus room. 3 Fireplace~. 4.246 Sq n dock & hoot slip 1169.300 W•t•rfront Lott r.:o. <1 · l:::~cellent 51 fl. Linda ble lca.seho!rl lol . Plans avail. Consider Lradf . . . . $35,000 ~n 41· l.ong "'aler v1ew facing Harbor h- Jand II", i6.2 ft . of frontage. Plans a .. ·ail. ;\o. 88 ; PoLnt lot wilh 118 ft . of frontage . Lon): water view. Plana available. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR IOvr Now Add•oul 133 Do•o• Dr., Sullo 3, N.l. 641-4620 HARBOR VIEW HILLS OPEN HOUSE THURS.&. FRI. 1-S P.M. 1031 WHITE SAILS WAY VIEW HOME o 4 BEDROOMS o POOL BEAUTIFUL LOCA nON Vogel~. CORONA DEL MAR 2667 le•t C..•t-Hf thw., (C.r. Fen~t.•f) ...... .-: 67).2020 IITUATID ON TDI ACIIII ... AC:IOUI I A 2 IIIDttM. AI'AaT~ ,_ a """""' -·S 160 • P'li•ate Patio• • Fireplace• • POOLS • IJ Hole Pllttina (ben • Tenni• • Sep&Jate FM~ily Section • Adj. \o School• .,_d Play pound 900 s.. L-. c~ MecArtiMtr ... , C..st llwr· d.M,. P••••lll•tl Q)-... LEO Q.UB MEETING IS SET FOR TOIIIGHT Sponsored by Ute Costa W.esa~ Newport Harbor Ltons Club, a.o orpnlratlooal meeting for charter members or the Leo Club will be held at 7:30 p.m. today, AprU 9, 7:30p.m. 1n the teeo room of tna Costa. Mesa Glrls Club, 1815 Ana. belm Aft, "' To impltrNnt the pl•rtning O..ls of NEWPORT TOMORROW V To establish a "PEOPLE-ORIENTED"' EnvironmenUI Go.lt Study The Leo Club Is the teen club ol Uooism lol' boys and Clrls 15 to 20 JMJ'$. It ls Ol'poiud to ct•e teeaaprs experleoce lD cblttty a.ad commuoity ae:r- 'f'tce wort. Tbe club wtll bt_, thls yeu W'itb Z 1\mctioos, the Fish Fry a.ad tbe m.uuflcture ol a aonr boot for tbe Leo I.Dd Llou clubs. "' To fotter closer COOPERATION b.tw"n other Governmental Astencit;s "' To promote comm"'"fty action tow•rcl CRIME PREVENTION PARTIAL LIST OF SUPPORTERS HarryllabbiU HIDCOCt AIMIDL Dl RoJ Butbolomew Further lnlorm&Uoa may bt VLDce He&lJ' Mr. " Mrs. Stanley":':~;~~~ nhh1.t bJ calllnr Me[lontkts Dr. ' Mra. Loren H•tber Mr. " Mrs. Robert Hamburaers, 846-"49, or Le. Dr. • Mrs. Ward 81aiODDttle Dr, 41 Uta. frtt& Boa Mr, 1 Mn. R, L. Bl'oc.ll:meyer Mr, • Mra. A1 Cltmeoee Mr. • Mra. Doa ColUer 0t. 6 Mr.. JobD 0eu lllr. 1 Mra. Doq1u Dlcll: llr. AllrL Sam Mill lJonlllc llr, 6 llrL Goorco EUU _, __ L..,.S,_o K-w.rowlor llr. A llro, 111111 rr- llr, l lin. -IL Golllftl DuGIPIJoM llr, 6 llrL Guy Gnllom lMkGrwna• llr, Allrl. E411U "Ned" HtU Hup IIJIIllt 8!111011, !148-94&8, o-co IleaL D Cll&rle< PUmer HARRY LillY DIES Georp JODII Jobo M. Ptlletter u .. -.. WarteD uw-, Sl, al Jamea Jll!la Ron Price ..... • s --s Mr. 6 Mra. Dao Kilmer Dr. & Mrs. Dean D. 514 E. 0c:a11 Ft.. B&lbaa,. da.d Robert Kotob llr. 1 llrs. "Red,. AprU ! at Vtteru'a Jlocdtal, 11r. A llro. Doopu Knutor ~ Sbolloo Looc Boatb. He wu bon •-Dr. fn1111 L1by llr. 6 10, UIO,Iollllloo-UIIIcamo Dlcll LIM R~ to ~ 11 ,_.. ..,. R-l.olllrtpo Dr. 6 llrL ll&e.,. StOIIWOII loe-1111 WUo, Mr.llclbllt Leltll J • .....U.Otefluan Mra. Vera &..OibJ. J dUCft4w, -~.~ st--ICTJ, "-UII~UII 1-D.~ llr, 6 llrL Wan• ·--UII- Iollo-llr. 6 11ft. lor•-_.. -A!>rU 1 llr, A lin. Pu1 ll""l"'oJ•Jir, al 1M -_,. ~ Dr ............ __ .... c-cltl -. -....... lit. 611n.laU A.M11rt 1a&r. WI.IUam IU. al till ~ 11r. 611n.ltdlll*"f c-"' .--"'· fktettac.' t •• wultlllt- VOn . DOSTAL-APRIL 14' ·:.::~~-..... POl NIWPOIT IIACH CIIY COUIICI. .... ··-- • ., el.tu;""e Col~ ME'ff'ORT NARIIQ!I Elll~ RllfT SECTIOII--Pw 7 --:TRANQUILITY BASE! ~ Why Go to Moon? T 0 R 8 TRULY PRIVATE ES'l'ATE Corona del Mar -Fee Fruit trees -flowers -parldlke pool setting -view for mUes. Graced by a magnificent 3 bedroo11111 and den, 5 baths, plus maid's quarter•. Call today for descriptive brochure. CORBIN-MARTINil 1'-===== 6 75 ·16 62 ====::::J •••••••••••••••••••• FABULOUS LIDO ISLE o 4 BEDROOMS e2BATHS o 3-CAR GARAGE o STREET-STREET· ..OFT . LOT S69,750 Pete Barrell f<eaft'l pn~n!J Peace & Tranquilr.ty E.scape [rom the outrr "or\d into a S«ludcd retreat. The su btle art1stry of an enclosed Onental garden creates .. m<X'd of ser~ne beauty Thr cl ean stmp\e openneM of the home "a ~ Uc:-•;:;ned by an arch•teel for h•\ own fa mtly \ 11arm glow of pecan wood panellmg and dark oak floors enhances the richness of feeling. This 3500 sQ . rt. of buu· lifully m;;unUun('d home has 4 Bedrm!i, sep. pa nelled dining rm . family rm & wet bar. 3 car 5:ane.c wtth con ne<:t1n;; 10 x 15 aiC'OH . automatJcall.\' .~pnnkled lath house & grounds. So many other un1que featu res. onl y a vi~•t can show vou. MAK E AN APPOI~TMENT TO SEE THIS NEW EXCLUSIVE LlSTI:"'G. Office C)poft s.........,. & -..,. PETE BARRffi REALTY 1605 Wootdlff 0.. li.L 642-5200 SEMPLE BEAL ESTATJI: .IIJIPBHTIAL AHD IIISIHIISJ P.OPUTIBS --1'0· IHTBRIISTBD, P.OI'IISJIOHAL COHSIDUATIOH SBII , .. ,.LI RIA&. ISTAfl 2115 I . C..otNwp., t-o 411- DS.21t1 ••••••••••••••••••• llal• throucb tbe MlltJple u•"IC l!lltmce ol tbe Nnport Jlaltloro-eo.ta ¥-. Baud ol Ralton totaled ani-$&4 mWtoa tor tbe TWJ:LVB -tbl ol teet. Tllla ~ l,IM Wilt w• ud • ctollu ftlve lller.ue ol 4\ onr tbe NJDe period ollut J8U, <ftlcll wu a ~J8U. u.t ,ou property" 'lflUI .a Realtor ... ••••••••••••••••••• TlfURSDAY, APIIL9, 1!711 COIIJM D£1. IIAII, CA!JF. • . SAT& l-5p.m . ABOVE LITTLE CORONA 228 Haul. C.rou tiel Mat THREE BEDROOM HOME WITH PERFECT LOCATION AND VIEW fEE LAND • ••• OUTSTANDING PATIO& VIEW 986 So11dcottl•, Hatbot View Hill a MAKE THIS HARBOR VIEW HOME ESPECIALLY APPEALLING YOU ALSO GETFOU R BEDROOMS AND FAMILY FROOM INCLUDED •••• GREAT FAMILY HOME .(726 Cortlancl, Caruo Hlohlanch fOUR BEDROO,.S, TWO & OHE-HALF BATHS FAMILY /DINING ROOM EASY TO CARE YARD PRIVATE BEACH PRIVILEGE lJOti Y. fR.AtiKl.lli I ,! ~!. t.:. ~,~. ' Caton• de l M1r Cl li!Ofnl l Phont o/3-2212 Corona del Mar '•Cape Cod" style home -.rtttlattncttntwobedroom aputmeat. lodividuaJ garages, store room, aad laundry room. Ship-shape coDCH.Um. SUS locome from good tenatlls ma.tes good investment. Use DEPREClATION to san tues; APPREClA TION tn Yalue to build your estate. OR UYe in one, reDt tbe other. ll!Dess ol out .of-town owoer compels sale aJ the Jaw, iow price of $41,000 but cash to ma.ximum klan re- quired, Exdustve with Stanley A. Smith Realtor l'il, GOLDE"iROD A.VE .. CO RO ,\IA. DEL .'4AR TELEPHONE 613-2010 "We love Grandma" but··· Sound ta.miUar':' You bet 1t does. Let us show you this outstaJXtinJ home, for the answer to your prob· !ems .•• ONLY 1-1/2 blocks to the OCEAN, oo 1~1 /2 \ots. Three bedrooms I Z baths formal dining room 1 PUIS .•• one of the most charming guest apa.rtments t.n Coroaa del War (Grandmas own Uttle pa d}. Phone 6'73-8550. ---Assume 6% loan Spa.cloos aear DeW cllS'lom built IKlme wtttl EVERY- THING, 4 Bedrooms S baths, dream k.itcheo. family room, and dlalDc room. Located at the eDd ot a quiet cul~-sac stre-et of \o'feiY bDmes. $55,250 For mcwe lnlorma.tioa Call6'71~50 0 THE REAL ~ ESTATERS flllll ... lli.T OUMA QlAIT P-liTT m u ,. ••I• c. -.., ..., -67MSit Ae.Jtcn ., ..... ~· •• ltfl • FOR CITY COUNCIL "Th~ mo.sl N•wpor,_.,;,.,j~J cc:~ntliti•tc'' Woolsey Advocates: VIGOROUS L A W ENFORCEMEN T INFORM ED FUTURE PL ANNING LOCAL CDN T RO L AND SOLU TIONS TO ENVI RON- 14ENTAL PRO BL EMS •••• e NOISE e POLLUTION e TRANSPORTATION e BEAUTIFICATION DEAR VOTER: We urge you to vote on April 14 for Roy B. Woolsey ••• and thank you. MEW PORTERS FOR ROY B. WOOLSEY Mr. 61 Mrs. Michael J. Leroy E. Bartholomew ThOmas A. Baume Mr s. Joseph Beek Peter Barrett Steve Boice Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Burns Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cerf THURSDAY, APRIL t, 19711 CO~A DEL liAR, CALIF. HIGH ADDITION, ~OKAYED scbool dis-elul:rooms wW be used to ~ed accommodate aa &dl:lttloal 2f» and re-students. mpt, Hllh BRADf ORD P ECK 20, project Of I(EWPORT Dl ES School. zo Dr. Norman Loats, director Bl'adford T. Peck, , ot tnstructloo, told the board Newport Btach, died April t II the ttcures are only an Orance County Medical ceoter. j esUm~te of what the pro}eets Mz, Peck ns bora Juoe 7, cost 1949 1D Callfornla. He was em ... "We ~ay be able to get the ployed by U, S. Crate ud Wrap dooe tor less " he saJd. "lt and had Uved in Oranp County bo • lso 1 8 years. wever , a cos us H 1 1 ed by hls •••• 1 mc~e." e s surv Y Dll'........,. Both pro.)ects now go~ (Or Mr. and Mrs.J. R. Peck of New- port Beach; a brother John, ol The Newport Harbor High Newport Beach; 4slsters,JI.dy, I :~!~~~will involve the con-Cindl, Tina aod W:elanJe ol tbe I of an additional bull-famtly home; b.l s grandmother, social science and Mrs. Dullie F. Dillon and his classes. Therewlllalso gr~Ddfather, Eugene L. Trow- remodeling of the bndge. building by removing Rosary was recited April ht make larger class-Our Lady Queen of Angels redesigning present class-Church and mass was cele-1 ";;:::. aJX1 rejuvenaton o! bn.ted April 4, with the R~. 11 William R. Harvey ottlclating, is the district's plan to Inter ment was at Ascensioo ltncre•"" the permanent ca-Cemetery. Ba.lU Mortuary,Co- l paclty of the Harbor High from rona del Mar, was In charp ot to 2,800, Relocatable a.rrangements. MR. AND MRS. FREITAG Freilags wed SO years Mr. oL Mrs, Murray ChoUoer Major General John Cordon Reginald s. Doll Mrs. Allee Cattell English Mr. and Mrs. BoadS. L. Frel- Miss Sue Fic ker 2269 Republic A~·e ., Costa The hosts were Mr s. Mildred Everett and Mr. and Mr s. Ralph s. Fr eitag ot Costa Mesa, who were assisted by their son. Robert. Delavan Freitag, the oldest son ol Mr. and Mrs. Boa.d Frelbg, is employed by the Los Angeles Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to An.lm.als. Ralph Is principal or Newport elementary school. Paul Ftshn!ch were tlonor£'d by their Russ F'ord J;~\:~r~on:~lth~ielr 5oth wedding Mr. & Mrs. Ira Frisbee at a reception at Bl.ackie Gadarian by the Sea , Ce n- Mr. & Mr s. C. H. Gessler Newport. G. T. Gund er sen Two sisters of M ~. Frietag, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Harvey H. B. Schock and Mr s. Mr . AI Mrs. Michael Harvey !:~~:;~,,~Jordan, C'dme from Dr, &r ~:s. E. William Haskell for the event. in at- Damon S, Hawkins also wer e relaUves Herbert A. Hawkinson Mrs. Frietag: Mr . and Mrs . Edward L, Harkness Persing or Hacienda Mr s. H. H. Hinshaw Heights; Dr, 4nd ~Irs. Lee George Hewitt Hamilton of Tucson, Arizona; Mr, & Mrs. Edgar R, Hill . and ~rs. GllbE!rt Per song. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hogan gt<~.ndson, Peter Freitag, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Holden from Santa Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hostler , and manyfriends came Mr. &t Mrs. A, V.(Bud)JooesJr . as far as San Francisco. A. Vincent Jorgensen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kingsley Mr. & Mrs. Owe Kirch~ Mrs. James 0, Kneen Ri charrJ La.ne Dr. 4: Mrs. Irving E. Laby Howard Langley Dr. & Mr s. Les Littlejohn M ~. &-Mrs. Marty Lockney Dr. ~ Mrs. M F. Lorenz .'1 ewton Lee Mr. & Mr s. Ronald MacGr egor Mr . a. Mrs. Tack. W. Marshtll Dr. &-Mrs . Donald R. MeA nil:; Mr . & Mrs. Gt>rald L.M cCla.ire Mrs. Emory ~I Xlre Dr . oL Mrs. F. R, Norr1 Dr. Mi chael P. Obr ien Mr. &r Mrs . Robert Paley Mr s. Violet Patterson Rober t Yetersen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pinkerton Mrs . Fred Prescott Mr, & Mrs. Glyn Price Thomas F. Quinn Dr. Jerr el Richards Mr. & Mrs. M, A, Rlchley Jr. s. W. Richardson Mr. &r Mrs. Herbert E. Riley General Thomas Rlley Mr. & Mrs. H. Cedric Roooros l Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rose Edward ShaY Mrs. Ceorae Si lver Mark So1en WUll.a.m L. Sch tecel Ken starece Clark Swi el Mrs, Ra.lpb Ta.Ddowsk)' M.C. Tboraburr DaridT[llfler Cbad TWI<holl Mra. W'Jlllam B. Tritt Mra. Cora Pea7 W'a.Uaee Bryaat Wiest Mr •• Mu. u .. WtUJamJ Ca~YW"• 1rWdknaaa Mrr. 4apll FleUr WhUo ill •• liN. SoliD K. Y-1 lolioC,ZIHello ~a.amc~tt The Freltags were married March 18, 1920, and came to Southern CaUfor nt.a in Sept~ ember, 1942. Mrs . Freitag's parents had purchased a home on Balboa ls l.a.od ln 1912 and she Jived her e then for a while. Their irandsons are Peter, Ro- bert and Michael Freitag. who Is to the Alr For ce, ~~ SatinTone I easy paints for interiors LATIX WALL PAINT . "'""" -"'-'-·--:=:-----· = ---· = = -· - .::!::.. -. : == ~---· ' :=-,; -· -· -· THE MATCHED SET ... both: • dry in minutes • wash up with water • brush or roll smooth and easy • have no paint odor • give beautiful results • are really washable • are available in hundreds of non-fade co lors. NEW COLORS-for you. From subtle off whites. through rich mid tones to sparkling ac"cents. They are here, they are beautiful and they are yours for the picking. You really should see them before you paint again. Satin Tone . LATEX WALL PAINT • • . • • • • • Not only easy, -..d beautiful : ... but tough an~ scrubbable. : Satin Tone • LATEX SATIN ENAMEL Outstanding beauty, for trim or walls where easy care is The finest. ssaa : REG $7 65 cal. ~ REG. . . . $3 .00 $269 qt. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, THE MONTH 6011. ALL·PURPOSE ALL-WEATHER EXTENSION CORD Big 60-foot heavy-duty uti lity extenslon cord. Super-tlex-re- s~sts oil, sunlight, ozone, abrt· s1on, heat & cold. lona·lasti na. Colorful orange with black motded·on ends. Si,.teen aauge , 3·conductor. f\edr\t J.\ltKEM W lll tlOCl . eg. 1. Snooz-A/arme Ciocl< The usy ~a y to WJk take 9·ftllnute ~ up that leis you snoot~s ~1tl'lo 1 ol o~ersteep1 ,1 u Clanitr Sel alarm lever on ba ck to "O~·· belore retuwi POSI IIO!I I • \ * DISTRICT NO. 1 ~-... 8 GOING FOR NEWPORT MACH JOe SOFA BED SALE! I R E c. $400 I . I .. 11551-............. now ~ S299 1- .J"..~""--"' VERY CONFORT.O.BLE FOR BOTH SITTIHC .O.HD SLEEPIHC o WIDE HLECTIOH Of FABRICS & COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ... ...... ] ...... , c..,_ N.B. cou CIL .. ..,~­·---* DISTRICT NO. 4 JOt COSTA MESA Now Hear This I He ls presldeot of tbe Mari- ners Homeowners A.ssn., board member ol tbe Newport 8arbar Y outtr. Center, treasurer of tbe Fa.mlly SerYice Assocl&tioll d. Orallco COWIIJ lDd a ...,ro- tor !be o.._... Coast YMCA. U. ls a member of tbe Newp«t S.eb ParD, Beaebes Uld Re- ereatioo Comml$sk)o l.lld tas M!"'t'.S Z terms as ebairm&A. a.-. r... member d. tbiBe. pllbJ.Ie&Q stat. Cutn1 Ccn:Aml1-- ........ IIM. • I• your-IHt Summer's werc:ff"~ outdet.dt No tonpr-fitt•n& the fiRure ... nor the .e.nel' Get with itt Come to wher-e the Mlection ..... Come to wher-e the .-ctkwl I• . , . Como to Lorraine SUtherland FASHIONS AT Tl'IE BEACH JAlii80AEE ftOAD AT BAYSIDE Oft NnWOIIIT 8EADt ~111 ttoura: 1; .... ~ ..... e: 1 1"" MEIPOI!T IIAI8D R EIISI CJI ... S!C1IOII -.... 1 The 23rd Psalm ..... ~ .... Ofl ,... .......................... ,_ ftrM 0.0MU4 Ytan bn rolled lato ld.atorJ d~aee Da~ht -lt. . -llarp .,.. wblu ho ue4 1<1 pl., 1<1 .._ II•• 8 .. 1 Ia bla -luoMIJ .... , U.. l>oot ol how ••I of wbleb M ,..d "'"' -wbleb M .... tved bla lnaplrallon 1<1 do 1M will of God; U•• 1Un.r wflk wblelil he ytecf to b•rl tH ltoDe; tlM ,tpt wa111 of Jeraaalem : tiN place in whld• he Uved ; the •to•e ~ wNch tat. Mt whtlll he .,.... et"Md .._ ,_,_. tll1 have c,_. __ ........ ...,. ......... _ .. , .......... _,..,_ IIW&ftll Oft ~h: yet tht. Pulm Ia jult AI ifteplr1nc AI the cS.y )te wroct It To me. noutlrc 1.1 tweoewr thUI the truth ol tt. Jt comes to me lib the 801111 ol man.r uw•ll. J am Nre the lnlanl JNUS t.-..:1 to roepettt II u IW Wit by Ria mother'• lmee, tor ~fff Jewiah chUd wq t.uaht tamUlarUy with the PMlma and prophets. Uttle c::htk:lrm haYe llaped It at eMir mothns' aide. Pflcrlm• puahlnc the-Ir way over roeda hard and rough to tra\·~1 have l"t'Cetvf'd inaplration. Priaonen ln their cell han for- ,ltOtu-n their chaiN •• they uy: "'Tht' Lord Is my shepherd." Martyn have ~ to the Atake, ltrengthened by theft wont.. Old me-n and women, young men and malden&, have pillowed their heads upon His omnipotent, un- c::hlngf'able words and have a lon&:· lng to mf't't the Lord. whom not h.anng lt'"t'n lhf'y love. A trlend or mint> was preaehlna: Jn Frl'PpOrt, Illinois. and wu bfolna l'nlt-rtalne-d tn tM home of a sup.. erannuatf'd Baptt.t minister and the old man lay dylnj. He-went and aaid. "Good mo~ lnr. Father Chapin. how arr you'!"" The old man would sta~ blank1y and uy. "I never uw you befort'; who AI'(' )'01.1~" My friend would tell him and he- would say : "Oh, yes : how easily I forget." My frlr<nd would rcturn at noon and ste-p to the bedside and ask the same question : "HoM· •~ you, Father Olapin!" And th~ old man would raze and say : "How-did you get in thE' houat'! I never saw you before." My friend would tell him who he was and then he would smile and say : "YPs. I rPmf'mber you." ()nc> morning about 2 o·clock they camE' to my friend's room and ra~ pe-d and said: "HWT)' up, Mr. HaUM'r. comr down; Father Cha~ In is dying." He hurriMJy dreued and ~ to the bedside . The wife and chiJ· dre-n wPrt' standing by. 1be wile bnu.hed thf-hair from the old man's forehead. klued him and said : "F•ther. do you know me?" ThP o\d men stan!'d blahldy and never utte~ a word. 'fttftt hla dauahtt'r Ruth ~arne and aaWI : "Fsther, do you know me~" a.nd. he looked and she said : '"I am Ruth-your d•uchter Ruth." The old man said : "'No. no; God never jave ua a child. ·• Their hnrt• were breaking. and my friend bent low E-nd saJd : ""Father Olapin. do you know Jesus ClwtRT'" ADd at the ma.Uon ol 1111 ...... the old man lllmoH )nped from the bed. He Mt Up- rtlltt. Joollced about and a&Jd : "Who Mid J-.f Know JOmT I pruebo- e<l Rio-Golpo1 .... 45 ...... ... lo, -I waiJr -lbo valley o1 the ~ ol death I wW leer no evil." 'I'M NaJM af tM P...t. Dlffft'fttt DUnN hav~ ~ .. Aped thll port:lul ot God'1 Word by dlft'f'l"tftt c:ommt"ntaton. One man caUed It the el'ftd paalm. He wu .-ed in a mertfnc lllle th1a to •tud up and ctve h1s creed. and be fti)Htfti ttw 'I'Wntt)'-thlrd Psalm. He said: "That 1a all the eJ'ftd I !mow', all I feel I nHd. My mothn' tauaht m~ to r.peat it 25 yean qo and I have done 10 morn and eve." I don't undl>ntand it. I am just now bectnnin& to leam the A B C out of which I can coin a f~ words which exprHI, In a limited dea;ree, the biHslngs that havE" flll- f'd my IIOUI brcauae I have tried to follow the God that lnsptrN David to write it. Another man called It the mins- trel song, and that'• a a:ood name, too. It's sin&Jng and wtnaln& ltli way up and down the-earth. caua- 1"-mf'n and women to fM'I~ tht!:lr SOM"OW, charmin& away rzief; driv- ing away their sinful thouahta and wicked dnires. f>rUont>n In the-ir ceJJ.a have bHn lnsplred and Mt their chains map. It hh charmPd drunkards from their cupt:, libertinH from thl!:lr in- famy, gamblers from their c&rda ... and It La still aincinc Ita way Into the hearts and live. ol men. It will not ceue to do what It hu done until it has tuJtWed its t>arthly mW.kwl, tbft\ it wUJ wtna: ita Olght back ID the throne of the God who cave it and told Ill winp Uke a tiM dove, to go up and dcMrn ~ earth no more. That'a a eood name for lt. lts sona hu charmed you, ltll meiody hu c.harmf"d me. ~t·a tNo rt"uon l'm trying to be a Ou-UtJan and ~ach to you. Ute a lArk OD. the WIDC Another c&Uf'd It the Psalm ot the Lark. And that'& a rood name, too. That bird only aiqp wtwn .on tbr wtna. I'm not ~ about our common lark&. I'm taJ.Idllc aboqt the Engli&h sc:qbtrd. ~ who have bH-n privilq;ed to hHr U tell me that the hirher It mounts, the sw~ter grows Its mrkldy_ until the song ~ms aweetPSt after the bird itsrU has paned from vision. A man in Detroit re<:eivPd a cablegram telling him that hU; mo- ther In Uwrpool was dyina: and to TWO MINUTES lllfN THE BIBLE n COitNIUUS •• STAIIII NJI. •••""" atau IOCMTT CHIColoOO, IUJHotl ~ FEAR Of DEATH IS IT NECESSARY? Most people ltve m almost con stant lear ol death They do not ll he to thmh that man's days are as grass and all ht§ glory a§ the glory of il ladmg flo wer {Psa 103 l5.16J They do not wt§h to lace up to the fa ct :ha: · •I •s ap potnted unto men o11ce to d1e '" rHeb 9 27) lh•'5 os 11atura1 lo1 God's Word d"Clar"s that deattt t§ the wages ol s·n· (Rom 6 23) ilnd ·ar:er lhts t11e JUdgment' (Heh 9:27) an1 t11e danger o l the "second death" (Rev 20 14) fhts os wl1y I Cor 15.56 says that The st•ng ol death 1:; sm · Yet the Psaln-ust DCivtd wai not alratd ol deaoh He saod. '"Yea, !hough I walk through the valley ol the !ohadow ol death. I will fear roo evti''-Dut note :he reason. 'FOR THOU ARf WITH ME" (Pu. 23'4 ) Davtd r.ad come to know God and had been delivered from !l'le lear of deitth But we. todity, have an even greater reason to be free from the lear of death, for I .OOO years after Davtd . Saul of Tarsus. the chtel of smners was saved by grace and was sent lortl'l to pro· cla•m the "gospel (&ood new!) of the grace of God"" (Acts 20:24) He went forth to tell men how "Chrost dted for our sms" (I Cor 15:3) and robbed Satan of all hiS cla;ms agaonst us . ··rnat throu&:h death He mtgtll destroy htm that had the power of death, that 11, the dev11. and deliver them W'ho throu&:h fear ol death were all thetr lifettme sub· 1ect to bondaie'' (Heb. 2:14.15) And when the apostle htmsell neared death. he s.~id : "To dte is gaon" (ptul. I :21) and "the t•me of my departure •s •t hand; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown .. " (II Tim. 4 :6-8) FOR JESUS' SAKE "Oel•vered unto death tor Je. $us' uh" (II Cor <:.II). There •s much that -all do lor our ow n sake, for th~ sake of our children. our loved ones al'ld others. but the real test of the be· hever's love tor the lord is what he does "lor Jesus· sake." Under the d•spenntion of law. our lord told H1s d tiCtples that to be foratven they must f<HJIVW : "Forrive. and ye shall be for- liven" (Luke 6:37), "'But tf ye for- rive not men their trn~ses. ,.tt~r wtli your Father forriYe your tresp .. tes"" (Matt. 6:15). But now. under the dispensa- hon ott rrace. He uhorts us to fC)r8ive one another "h'en as God for C"rlst'l t.tlle hatl! fOtli"tlett you'' (Eptl. 4 :J2). The difference ._. ltttlllrc-a.tor'e the crou: "If ,ou wotdd be for):twn. fOtJiw." Now, m the JWht of the crou: "You tl..,.. Nlft areciOUsly lot· pwn tor awtll'a ..ae. In the 141M of atit M -~arted end ~----.. Atwi ....... flttNt tN-n _,.....,._ .... _ ............. CIJiWfll. kit ... .,. .. ... ,..,.. ........... tt'lh .ttl· tude toward the worki as well. St. Paul s.ttd: "For t"ouen I be ''" from all men. y.t h•ve I Made mysell serv•nt unto •II" (I Cor 9:19). •nd refemna to his peru- cutoons by unbelie"tlilrs. he Utid: "We •r• always delivered unto de•th lor Jesus· wll"•" (II Cor. 4:11). How many unbeliev.n wou:d be won to Christ; how many of our Chr;st,an friends would be strengtMned end helped If wt: •dopted this •ttltude toward othen! As to sufferlrlfil itMif. the apos- Ue also &ladly bore thk "t~ Je- sus· Ntle." In wnt•nt to the Cof. lnthi•ns, he Utd: "I 1•11.1 plusure In mflrmiUes, In teptOKhH, In necessities, in ~utfons, in dtsftesses tor Christ's u.te; for wMn I am .,.,..,.., tMn •m I sfronr" (II Cor. 12: 10). He had te•med tM-t In .,...,..., he Nlaned harder. pny«< .-nor.. end wat bf'ouiM dOMt tiD Hts Lord, •ltd ,.,..n ~ '* aplritN ltf1tnl\tl. H4l .tlo .,.. U. "our 111M aff'Nctton, wNdl II but for a ~ WOffLetb for lit • far mor. nuedlna end etarnel -of flcwY' (II C«. 4:17). "J-GiYea Two Parablea on Pra,.er" -Luke 11:5-13 .,.lln.Jqllartla urc buny home. He took a 1Wamer &lid hurried to Eftcland, re•~turw tbrn three day~ before hU mother died. n.ey due • crave ln the famlly lot. and u they wrre low- t'rinc: the body into the IRYe, a bevy 01 larltai bunt from nearby .&hrubbery. The bf-autiful birda ~ blah above the optn fP'&Ve and be-can to Ww. 'l'hl»e people Jnltinctlvely forrot their burden and tbetr grief and atood watch!ne ud U.ten.lnc to the lorl<a •......... birds hod ....... ~yond the po1M of vlakln they alood 1azina: into the skies, bmdlnr their eara to catch the faint sana. ,....,.. "SWI'.)f'-D 0~ THE L.OJttD" llfU"-1'""-RUWO_,, TCN". e or ..,. ... ·-Dr. DW:k Rillia ia Poundb/Oittdar af OYU ... Cna- tUMt-. Jne. ...._ TMIIUMGS .USIMIIlr. 1»00 aiel• A-._ L.• .. , ..... CtUf. PIOPLa 'I'ODAY ""' pointing aceua!nr ftn.-n ~ the ehureh. The world is In deop troublo and the church, they aay, ia allenl Is thia aceua.- tion true? Can the church honeetly be ch~ with silence when ~r outstanding Bible teaehera and evangelists are heard by million• of 1iatenera on hundred& of radio stations eve-ry week? And ia not the meuage preached by these men of statun the ril'ht remedy for the epidemic immorality that is devouring the moral character of our race! And I believe thet'e are peoople here today ata.nding by your OIWl1 1rave. where you have buried your • indicat .. wonk wbidll 1-tla• by •-t U -rel•r.ac• t. tt•e•. 1lr.e m~ end womanhood and the anaw..--••lly will he Jou.a4 ill th t.at ffk••· If so, the church is not just speakinl'. It la spea.king of the need. With over 26,000 active ft'lia. sionarie8 ministerinl' in scores of foreirn landJ, la the charre of a silent church unfounded? ls not part of the problem with the ftnrer-po!nten? Do they listen when the church apeab? More impor~ tant, do they really undenJtand the true bualneu of the church? noble thought. God gave )'00 to be decent. U you would only listen to th.b PM.Im of the Lark ! CLUES ACBOSS 2 -,._. INca-ol lli-1 -·-· "-e ..W .... - I "Jor whea be ill •.... lr.e a1u1U N· ni .... ~ ao-.t w.-u-. hill 1 -of lcrnl (Eara 10:)4) The Scriptures clearly state that the church's three-fold ministry ls to God, to her memben aDd to the world. God created her for Hirnaelf and therefOre her first responsibility ia to wonhip her Creator. Such wonh.ip may be privat& or public, audible or silent. Believen are told to meet in groups. "Not forsaking the assembling of our~ selveo together ... " (Heb. 10 :25). Such pther- inp are for worship and they a.re public and audible. The individual Christian is alao iMtruet- ed to wonhip on his own. "Spea.kinw to younelve. in psal018 and hymns and spiritual aonp, sinJill6 and making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Eph. 5:19). A PMI• of David-and Me Now. we •re eerta.in that David wrote this psalm, u we a~ cer- tain dtat he wrote n others that bear hia name. 11 -tlr.o lear of lllU ~tla a ----H err. ... n :DJ I u4 )4 ••w• • city U Cluoa. 7: 12) I • Jvdp (J•df. 10:1) l 12 -..U.cd , .. , .... 5:11) J3 a --tcriR. ____ et (Act. bU) 15 -u Y• tha. ...u.v -·--· .__ ID "1a..t avc:b pod. lc1W •P .... •-Y --···· (Lake 12111) IMw to vi•• ped. wtfta'" 11 1 .... 090 apokoa It,-tiM .._ 14 .. telb •T yoll• upoa .,.._ -~~ ·--of •• -(MfltL 11:21) I un remember hearin& John McNeill. the great Scot~h preac~ rr. say that if David hadn't writ· ten tha! psalm he thought he must have written It, for It wu a prr- fect counterpart of God's dealings Mi th him. and possibly you have felt the same thine. --. ___ tbr, (loU llt21) 17 laitiak of J-.pll'• old .. ~ .... ~-..... ·· -·~~ -(~ 61:1. 20) 1:0 -~ .... Mil • •••t •• n. Hcrt· ea. bv.r.ia9 ao II won • -··--( ...... 1:10) :l3 latlr.« ol s..a (I .... ld) II -..w be lor -·--1M. 91•• ~ a ..,..~~.,r· II itUtiala ol a lamo1611 pro,... lfBIII lr.ia -~~ (0 Iiap 211$) 21 -..w a11c:b t .or• dttall yow •..• Fatll. vi•• tbe Holy SpiritT" ll -prepch'ed ll>y tile apotllocari .. ' .•.. -CD ClanL 11:14) 20 -•••• IU. • --~ ....... word. ia oot La u '" (I r.Jt.a 1:11) H -it ill ••••. tlr.at ill to oay. • tilt- (Malr. 7:111 There may be times in your llfe when you feel : "Well, now, the e-~enees David had are juat Uke mine, or mine like hia." TIM' pu.]ms of David were forged on the anvil of experience In tr)11ng to ~WrVe and do the wm of God. ·n •u. ·21 ----· ________ -.o be vi't'eD Y-H 31 Sol!l of ""• (Nva ll:IJ 32 a woapoll (I Saa I 7:50) The second ministry of the church ia directed toward her members as symbolized in Jesus' waah- ing His disciples' feet. Spiritual growth is natural in the church when Christian!!! ''let the word of Christ dweH in them richly" and u they .. teach and admonish one another in paalms and hymns and spiritual "'"II'" (Col. 3:16). Therefore, the Apostle Paul instructs Christians tJ "seek to excel in edifying'' (I Cor. 14 :12) "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledce of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto tht; measure of the stature of the fulneu of Christ" (Eph. 4 :13). 2.5 -., u lr.e ulr --·-""' wW ~. ollw lr.i-. o KOI'pioar 33 lollew lakur ... of P111•l. ----•••1 (PIIil. 413) 21 UUtiU of two l~ou •otlaen (I Sam. IIZOI lvt!l 4113) :U ia.itia .. of two -.oaa ef Jac:ob (Gen. &1:14. 10) Possibly David UM'd to sing this for old Kin&' Saul wbm he waa skk or tired and when he ft'lt grouchy. I have often tneod to lm· arine hearing David sing it. and If he dkt sing It u a song, how he must have plarl'd ffr!phuls upon the prr.ona] pronouns. 2:1 ""lore AJ.nr.baa wu. l -·--~ (Job 1:51) 35 -u will riM and vi"'• hi.~ u •••Y .. b• ----~ 3G MD of Seftl (G.a. C:28) 37 mother of Hneldalr. CD ~91 11:2) :t2 -wtu u ..... ll.illl a ____ r· ... •4J. ·ct. •$7 -aU. .... it -- 40 ·-__._., ---~~p-." ··--· (E.Ir.. lCI:l7) .. U • rt ... r. ----•• (Nil& 2J:I3J ll -.y ddJclren -..• witil -lll ...... " --. •eaabtv ---.c tlr.• ..... u-u CWoa.. 7:31) 31 -llr.at -• •ay know tlacr1 tlaov. ...._ __. alo-ia JEHO __ .. (Pt. 13;11) 4l '"..tt..-.-~~-~th ---(Lab 7:14) 41 1-lady •ln•od troa Jeri· do, ____ ... ., n• 1113) "lbe LDrd Is mw-Sht'pherd: I shall not want. '"lk makedl ,... tD Ue down In IJ'eftl putwes; he ~·th ,.. be- tide lhe fti1l walft'l:." 50 eoa of MiJcall. •••• cdl (Goa. 11:21) 51 -ve ••.. w tlae 1-11. .-.-JericlleH u-. 2:11 C4 ~ ot au u...-. cc. .. 3:20) CS .... 21 dowa .-._ a lrMad of 5I -_, •••• lMt .............. H .... ----..... ,_,_y .. c...-,,. • ao• ~.u .-: ____ of .. , I nNer c:ould Wlden:tand why God's sheep want to leave the rrt'ftJ pastures of God and ro down thfo alleys to chew tin ~ans with 1M I:Wvii"s billy ~ts . 'l'jf ,.. ... Ia • ~ .. C7 .... •!WI • -·-~ ..... 4.-,. .,.. hiW*r CLa.on. 4:11) AHSWEI TO lAST WffK'S The church that faithfully wonhipt God and edifies her members wi11 not be a silent ehureh. Realizing that the cure she hu fOund ia the cure the world needs, she will speak up. She will share her faith. She will follow her Lord's example. Dr. Luke tells us that the purpose of our Lord's com- ing was "to seek and to ~ave that which wu loet" (Luke 19 :10). The Croee Before the Staff 1lle position of the Twenty-third Psalm is sirn!ticant. It follows 1M Twe-nty-second. It foUows W PsaJm of the ~rou. You have to ~uh the point whrre you SH' Jesua cru- cified on the cross for your sins, &c("ept Him as your Saviour. b(-. fore you can say : '"The Lord is my Sht>pherd." I c an say, '"The Lord is my Shepherd." You can go to HeJJ if )"'U went to. but I am roing to Heave-n be-c•ust' I choose-Je-sus. 51 ,..-oMa.. 1t011 ol ·---bet· U m..,. 11121) 13 ,Wac:• ol Waol"a def..t U.a. 7:5) U ----·· .; .... •• tlli-1 wot .... tlaal I tlr.im a.ol-(Jolr.ll C:IS} Sl "lot •••ryof!lo th111t aAeUa CLUES DOWN '"tto•ltle •• ftot. tlr.o . __ . ia hW dill!" 2 a eoa of lela (I CJu-oa. 7:7) 3 i.llhiala ot two lamou c:-pcu.· lou (I Th-. I:l) 4 a 11nuaher (Matt. S:II) S a c:an~iTOrOv. Wrd (I KUtp 17:4) Every mission hospital, orphanage, school and seminary is the church speaking and seeking. Every soup kitchen, refugee center, evangelistic meetiDI' and city-wide crusade are &xample~ of the chureh'a following in her Lord's footsteps and speakinl' through actions and by words. If you will listen, you will hear the rhurch speak . St. Thomas Bible Lesson THE GREAT FEAST Matth-22:1-15 Lesson II, Series Ill This parable is a continuation of Jesu1' discourses in the Temple at Jeru· salem. Remember, he delivered these woRil two or thru days before he died; It wa s also two or three days after he had made his fonnal entry Into the city of Messiah, and had come suddenly to his Temple In judgement. We may see in Jesus' words a nd actiona the provocations that led to his death: the S<:ribes and ?narisees were already plotting how to do away with him, and whe-n Matthew says ~he ttnswered," II is that he answered thetr evil lhoughts. After th e Pharisees heard him, '"they took counsel together ho w they might entangle him in his talk.~ We should also open our eyes wider to see that these parables told in the Temples constitute a formal bill of lndlctmenl, yes, several indictmenl'i, against the Jews and against a ll false religion. These are the chiefest sins o f mankind, a nd the sins which God now lays to the cttarge or his own people. The charge having been made by Jeaua, and judgement rendered, then it is Jesus who pays the penalty. Thus he forces his own death, .t pecify ing the sins for which he is to die-our sins. In the parable of the vineyard, the lndk'tment wa11 for the murderous coveting of Adam to ~be as gods,~ deciding what Is good and nril for himself- the Jews and thei r leaders seeking to klll the Son of God ao as to Inherit the vineyard as their own. This next parable 1.s dlrKted against lhe equally mur- derous contempt o f God by which those who are bidden to receive their full of hia blessings '"made light of it.~ In both parables the root o( evil lea da men to murder those who an aent from Heaven, God's ministers, the prophet., John Baptat and later the Apor.- tJee and rvangelists: nnally they murder God'a own Son. It lt perhape ea1ler to 1ft how the nres or covetouaness can nare up Into 1uch open rebellion again•t God; but here we learn that the rot and corruption of Indifference toward God al.o endt In the murder of Cod's se:rvanta. When God aent hillnvltatlon to the Messianic banquet, '"They made Ught of lt. and went their way• ... And the remnant took his !lervants, and entreated than apllduJJy, and •lew ~hem. • While th e parable is evidently aimed at the Jew• of that day aa the pmple of God. the Church; and while II plainly foretell• of the rejection of the Jewt and the calling of the Gentiles; there Ia a pterctn1 ery ot wa.minc In the doom of the gue.t that had not a wedding gannmt. He typtnn the dangtr of hypoc:rUy In the profeeaion of Chriatianity. It wa1, after all, hypocrlly that wu apowd by JHua In the Jew• who profnt«< to be tM peopk of the Meat.ab but who reJected htm when he came. But the Jnn have no mnM:r on bypocNy. Many come lnto the Church of Jeeue Chn.t profeNIDI' faith to him but doln•IO u fabdy u ln Judea or old. NotiH that tiM apc.ure or tbll 11n liel lD the reply or lndlfftl"f!nCf to God'• invitation: •11tey made lJcbt df lt. • TbiJ attitucM le tbe very oppo1He of c:harhy, the peatet1 ol Cb.rlet'a ~1ft~ of .,act. wttbout whkb we an: coui'Md u dead belon hi.M. "J'boell wbo ban c:t.artty have a deep concern. a ttrona IC!Me of carlnc': they caN ftm for God, thin foF thm4r ..... bon. Thla holy care deocr!beo c:butiJ, 'l.' love. SL A~De pula the matter weU: '"What thuelore \t d\11 ..um, pr-- mmt? He~ ia the ..sdlo• prment: 'Now the: tDd of the c:ommaMnwnt, • -.ye ll>e Apootle, 'II ebatlly from a pun b .. rt, and a lood-. Alld an 10\fdi!D'd faith. • Thlo Ia lho woddi,. pnnenL Noc •117 d>atiCr. lot-1M7 who IMm to Jove eM:b oOiu are m«~wbo 1har1! anivtleonadlact.*• That .. to .., , thtn lt '-brotbethood •moo• tbWv• u amorc tbaee wbo .,. budad • together. who take couMel together, to do away wtth the falthfuJ mlniaten of Jesus Chrlat. The earliest Chrbtians regarded thb charity aa a creater l[l"aCe than faith. That 11 not to say that they for a momenl took faith U•htly. or •a• it aa any- thing but the meam by which we lay hold of redemption. But they taw, •• cUd Paul, that a man mlcht have faith without charity. "'If ( 1hould have aU faith. so lhat I could move mountains, and have ool chartty, I am nothtnc."' Say. Augustine, "In thi1 I exhort you ... ; that you have faith with love: for 1111 possible to have faith without love. 1 am not exhorttna you to have faith, but to have charity. For you cannot have charity wlthoul faith ... : How doe anyone love God that doe~ not believe in God?" Jesu• Ll speaklnJ of thl• in the parable. There wu one who came into lb. featt, who respOnded to the Golpel call and pr~ted hlm.elfu one to join In the great benentl which we rettlve from Chrbt Thll one had fal1h. But be didn't care. He, like the Jews before hlm, '"took It llchtly." He had no weddlnc garment on when he came. Therelon wa1 he bound hand and foot and CU1 Into o uter darkneaa. Another of the gttat preachen of the early centuries ot.e.rvee that then .. but one who comes thu1 W clad, dothed upon with 10methtnc, no doubt. per-- hap• well clothed in ordinary vlrtues; but not in thla of dlarlty. The NUOn there Is but one, he aaya, il that all who haw not thl• cbartty with faith an: of one kind. AU fall Into the tame evU aplrtt. the 18me murderoua batftd ol that prevloua remnant of ltrael wbo •took bll tervanll, and mtrea1ed tbem sptt. fully, and •lew them. • Finally we muat neve:r roqft that true pufection Ia repreaented only by thoH who have put on an even more •lorlou• 1annent than charity: we mUll put on immort&Uty; and that we ean do only whm we put on Clu1at. •For, • aay1 St PauJ. "we that art: In thll l&bremade do .-roan. bdnl burdened: DDt that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon., that mortality mtp.t be nraJ.. lowed up of IUe." And 81a.ID. we are •dealrtn110 be dotbed upon wttb our houee which 1• from beavm, • wMeh .. ChrWt. Tbt: tmportanoe or the rejection o( the Jtw~ who rejected Cbrl:l&. &Ad die carrytnc o( the Go.pel 10 tbe Gentllel who natved btm, t.hou.ld not 1M OYWI'- looked In tiiJo parabk. It I;YP-lor ua lu DlviDt "'edom the oort&IDIJ at God'• jud,.,.,.l upoo all who lake hlo c:all upUy, wbotber tboy bo J..,. or GeotUea. We muet ralile that the fttdOn ta of tha Jewtab natloa. DOl ot .... vldualo. I" or lho Goopol c:all ._ If to --Alld II alladod oqiMIIIJ to all ...... and "'""'*• or-. It "' --... llottalliJ and -and --remove one Into • clt8t:reat race. OUTLINE: J•OA --ltla -In 1M~--1M- of Ill• fomu>l -1'7 .. ,. city -,. "'* ............ -ltla -n. a_. 11w -... of 11w ~-n.y of IMJ-""" -"*,... -q,.uy, to-,.., ........ -.......... .,. Cml' ' 6ul ....... -"'-'!><>· --·*""""'_ttr_liWII --k-----(1/wy-ttOiolo-_ .. -dt4rlly. 81.""'---P.O.---Ho 1-.-r-..71- SOS effort succeeds BJDr.-P--TWIIo __ ,._., 8C ~ .-t11o clruc Ora.-. CollltJ ll1Ju, .-... Ulll uaca III'CibAem wu oat •aoucb tor ....._ CCScWls TboJ clllc ' ---· ('ndo ..-tIs-CCa--- -ocllool lloeontiJ tboJ bold I Solur- l"'larior-._t.CCtbo tr-fto--IIIIM-claJ ----t.o- clr .. -ell-lUll!--·-llr.-ud llr. Yltloc-11-trom .. wy tua1 aeU'flUu.) $Q*e!lltn11S car161UJ. jaaior 11J.P aDd LIUr"''dbte Till ._ -u ,._ ocbool lD Oraop Coualy. TboJ • • • ea~ ebb. It P'W Ia --raJ.tld IDODIJ to 4DaDce tbe et-H.sredl of O't'eraisld Joot-blra ud r..,.. .... , ..._,, b1 bfboldlllciPICialacU:rutea prllltl YitnJi wttb tbt ~ from oaw ICDll ..... &a-IIIICh u car WUbes, bUe Alu, deleftl: letteu o1. ''808" terelled Ud bepa ttMU on a.ad a cloor-lo.-door bumper -lci-IJooomoral.aclul c-.-bo&Plaftllal>lo 111ckorale. i ameltlr 011. a local JuoJor bllb llticb:ra, PNt.-• ud pt.llll. Speattac eop.pmeotl bawe Kbool campus. otblr1 made tbltr on ma.-. at.o become a key put ol AIRMA.M MJ.ebael w, Ge.Lty,-. Coacbed La teeoap jU'p. t.1a1a. Kida were tald.IC a.ad Sta.eey'1 '"SO>" eaort. AD en,.. of Mu. Sbawa G. EdtDODd.,., bUDCiredl oC posters wUh mon dotDc wbile tbl adldta Ult--' tbututic respoose wu ct•eo of 3001 FWmore Way, Costa thu !Ocllttereot meuaps ... e ud 1~ by tbe scbool board wben tbe Mesa_ baa reeet•ld ru. tint ltraleclcalJ:J' plaeed 1D tblball-Cu tt.s.au OD.G,.. ltudeiU present.! tbeir pro.. U.S. Air Foree d\Q aul.p.. 'W&JI a.ad beside tbe cloeU In rtallJ bec:oae llterelted 1a a cram to a pubUe meeUna. meat after completi.D( buie t'fVJ elauroom. moremut tbat •J• "Druc "sal" 1n uotber ecbool 1o tn.1D1.oc 1.1: Lackia.Dd AFS. FOUR MEMBERS of the fleDI'J Bowen Soeiety, CbUdreo of the Amertcao Re'lolutloD, wtll flJ to W11rttqtoa. D.C., ror the •tical eoafereDCe April as.u, at wbl.ch Ume tbe totmtt1Dc ot. CAR ?5 years a&O wW be commemorated. They are abowD bere, from left, Krs.BrumD.Normu, ol Corooa del Mar, seaior prealdent ol tbe socletJ &.Dd oewty elected state orpnizinc secretary; Mart and Lylll Ducte, &Dd their motber, Mrs. Dave Du&le of Costa Mea. Nolor treuurer. Lynn, secretary of the society, Will act u PI I' lor Mrs. Kenoeth Mains, oa.tiooal rice prellideat, western dit'ts1oD of CAR at the Wubingtoo.Coofereoce. Tbe Henry Bona Society, ~ed by tbe Col. William Cabell Cb&pterolDAR, Ne•· port Beach, was reorp.nlsed ooe year ago &Dd DOW bas a membersllip of 27. At tbe receat annual state Coaference lD Los Anceles the HeDr')' Bo ... a Society woa eieht awards lD CAR acth1tles a.od work. Mrs. S. M. Rober of Corona del Yar 1J rereot of the DAR Cbapter whlch ~rs the CAR Soclety &lid Mrs. Normu ls •tee regent. DurtD« break perlol!a aDd mJaut li~"SitaceJlatlr-0rup: C~ ralsed $2500 Teu.s. He bU been aastped to bmcb Umes, •""''mcemGa mediate IC.bool, located In tbe In ooe day's efllrt. A cr~ a untt ol tbe AJr TraiD1Dc'Com- OYtr tbe ~Uc adltress system Westm•uter ICIIoo1 dUtrtct, 1s of juDJor biell sebool stOOeiU mud at Keesler AFB, Mtas., remlllded tbe youq teeoaav• a.a. aeeU.. aampll. Tbt bekxlcini to "OC6" trom tbe tor tra1DJ.Dc a.od diQ lD tile to take put 1o "OC6," "SOB" membeu tbtre ueeed Newport-Mesa scbool distrtct tranaporta.Uoo tleld. Alrmu Footpriau poster1 aod tbe 800 ltll:teta. recently raised Ulat amoud of Galey atteaded Costa Yea Htcb P,S, meaaPs wue all QAdbJ staruDc from a ~ oll8 mooey by &Dlnc from perSOQ to School. a cr~ ot )mlor bleb ltudeats younpten, plana were made to per50D at "'*' marteta W1lb lD lelllnr tbelr trleods allola Introduce tbo club !Gtbo-lbelr "'JJllOl ropr .... tile daJ>. SHOPPIHC P .AHEL HELD ''SQ).. body. From tbl btcWdDI~ eersofdrugabwJeandtbecJW-Inv~lvemeot of jwl1or 111gb carried tbe tall. TMy lociAd to leoge of he~inC to spread tbe school stude.ota In tbt "sai:" a<1mlo.Utratota &Jidtacberdor "SO>" program to other program prodiJCed results! gWdance, lU ''SCS''wutbl.ira, sebools. Tbe ''S0S" P'Oli)S&n "SOS" etrorts sho1J promlse of a..od they made lt col dedicated to the proposttioo ot being aDd effective &llft'er Sooa tbe entire ataduf: body prorlng drug abuse to be sttc;al.d, to drug abuse ••sa;•• merttstbe wu WODder1ar: wt:ly tbl tlri&btlJ and they are m&t1nc tbelr facts atteDtion of Parents teachers colored "SCIS" footpr!Dtl were a reality to other st\Xlelts. school authorities ~errunent: aweatlog all orer campus. studem.s LDterested La star- and persons or civic coocern. They •ere WODCSerlll( wby tbe U.ng an "SO)" program tntbeir "800 .. which be posters were be.tde twery school, or adults wbo are wUll.ng • pn as a clock. Tbey were trOOder1Dc to be~. can Jndlcate their 1D-N H motto or a few teenaprs 1n a what "SCI)" stood for. tere!t tl'lroogb a letter to tbis ewcomers at oag LyoWOOd. Ca lll<>rnla, school a "SOf!•• holds re&Wa;r mee. columo 1D care ot this oews- COI4lle of years ago spreadlng Ungs at Stacey ICbool. Tbey • SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Girl -l4r • and Mn. Elmer r~ldly to student i.nvolvemeat have lmlted tbtir an c-urs Te~ernber the ••sa;" buncb Boy-Mr. &Dd Mrs. Eterett Masters, P, 0. Bos ZDi?, Costa endea•ors, 1s llkely to Pl'odiJCe In a.n effort to beeome tmw. says "St!C)tdtty starts wUh tbe Darts, sgoo Sandune Lane, Har-Mesa. a benetlclal epldemlc ofteeoage ledgeable about drUC problems flrst' draL pill. or fiL" bor View Hills. Boy-Mr. &Dd Mrs. Richard coocern. • C 720 ~ llld A C "~" m-·· "STAMP o•~ Boy -Mr. aod Mr s. Stanley a.ooon. VTC n., O· -~ u' Stttelds, 441 Vista Flora, Eut ro .. del Mu. STUPIDITY," What k1od of stu- Bluff. Girl -l4r. and Mrs, James pldlty:' Drug abuse ~ldltyl Girl-Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Jooes, 1404 Coral, CWf Haven. Who starts tbe etforts? Teen- Scott 1955 Provence PL Har-• FRIDAY, MARCH 27 agersl Teenagers and a man bor Y1ew Hills. ' Boy -Mr. &Dd Mrs, James 1fttll a vision named Robert • MONDAY MARCH 23 Crawford. l45 Wake Forrest Sql11te. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Ed-Rd., Costa Mesa. Mr • Squire, a.n early retiree ward Lackey, 891 Darrell St., Glrl-Mr. ud Wrs. Rodol1o from a properous coostructioa Costa Mesa. MeJI.a., 2167 Maple St., Costa buslDess, became trigbteoed Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Gordoo Mesa. about drug abuse several years Rice, 717-C James St., Costa Girl -Ur. a.nd M.rs. Israel • . .ro. Young people, be then be- Mesa. Zubl.a, 1521 Veraoo Pl., Irrioe. lieTed, possessed talent and • SATUROA Y MARCH 28 bca.J.ns, a.od when faced with a • TUESDAY, MARCH Z4 Girl-Mr ,' a.Dd Mrs, Edward serious drug decision could, If Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Wil-Va.lemine 1213 Dooep.l PI they were properly acqua.J.Dted Uam Grt.mth, Z287 Pacltlc Ave., Costa Me~. ·• wUh the tacts ahead of Ume, Costa Mesa. Girl _Mr. and Mrs. Rooald maie suitable ct101ces. Glrl-Mr. a.Dd Mrs. Rlcbard C 88Z w lath St Costa Mr, Sl'jllire was d1sci1Ssing Braeger, 1944 Flamlno Dr., Maso, · ·• a problem wlth some students Costa Mesa. ~;_Mr. and Mrs. Howard aDd JotmStevens, member ottbe Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Doug-Ka 2059 Wa.llace Apt 8 State Narcotics En.luatlon Au- lass JIMlngst, Z36 Tulaoe Rd., Co~ Mesa. ' • ., tborlty, and at that Ume mayor ~osta Mesa, Boy-Yr. and Mrs. Darrell or Lynwood. Mr,Squireshocked THURSDAY, MARCH Z6 Erb, 4215 Patrlce Rd., West tbe meeting by sa.J1ng, "We Girl -Mr. and Mr~. James Newport Helehts. don't th1Dk a.nythlng ca.n bedoae L. Foa.·l54f Miramar, Balboa. Bo _ Mr and Mr Dale about aarcotlcs Wlless you &tu- Bor,.....,.Mr.I.Dd Mrs. Thomu Aod.:.,.i, 6tSirtsAn ~arona dents do it YOID"selves.'' F. Wqenseller, 159Tullpl..ane, delMar •• He Usteoed as tbe teeoaprs Costa Mesa. • respooded to tile ultimatum. LEC.AL HOTICE LEC.AL HOTICE LECAL HOTICE P.36582 CERTIFICATE OF BUSifoiESS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA Fictitious Firm Name NOTICE INVITING BIOO THE UNDERSIGNED does SEALED BIDS wU1 be received at the office of tile City hereby certity ll\at she is con-Clerlr., City Hall, Newport Beach, CaWornla, Wltll 10:00 A.M. ductlng a prtnte school bust-on tbe Zlst ctay of Apr11, 1970, at wtUcll time they wtll be oess at 1731 s. EucUd AYe., opened and read, tor performlfllt worlr. as follows: Suite B., Anaheim, CaW., UDder ANNUAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT, the tlctittous firm oame of Na-CORONA DEL M.AR AREA AND IN VISTA BAY A. 1969-70 tlooal Programmed Learntnc CONTRACT NO, 1247 lnsUtlte, a.od tftat said tlrm is Bids miiSt be submltted on the Proposal form attached wltb composed or the tolknr1ng per-the contract docwneats fUrnished by the PubUc Works Depart-:,~~~::C'::~ '=~~~=:~~ ment. The a.ddlttooal copy of the Proposal Form Is to be retained wit· Judith K Youngblood S06 by the bidder for Ills records, . 8 Duu PI · c del M Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified check or C W a •• orooa ar, Bidder's Bond, made payable to the City or Newport Beach, ~·NESS hand tlli loth for an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the amount bid. day of Mar~y 1970. J~th K. The title of lbe project a.od tbe words "SEALED BID" s tall Younablood. ' be clearly marked oo the outside of the envelope cootalning the STATE OF CAUFOIU<IA ) bid. )ss. The Contract Documents that must be completed, ei ecuted, CO UNTY OF ORANGE ) a.od returned lD lbe sealed bid are: ON THIS loth day of Mar ch A. Proposal 1 g70 befbre me a NotarY B. Desicnatlon of Subcontractors Public 1D aDd tor' said county C. Bidder's Bood aod state res1dtngtbereln.duly D. Noo.-coUuaiiXI. Attl.davit commtssiooed and sworo, per_ E. statement of FloaDclal Re5il0nsibillty aooally appeared Judltb K. F. Technlca.l AbWty and E~rleoce Refereoces Yotm&fl'}Ood. tnown to me to be Tbelt documeDb sball be atnied wttll tbe signatures aDd the persoo wbose name Is sub-t1Ue1 of the per1001 slping on betw.lf of tbe bidder. For Cor· scribed to tbt wUh1n lD. poratkJD.s, tbe lipatures of the President o~ Vlce Presidelt strumeat and actaowledpd co aad Secretary or AasiltaDI: Secretary are reqwred and the Cor- me tbat .be u:ecated the l&flle, ponteSealSiallbeam.dtoalldocumentsrequlrtng signatures. WITNESS my bud lDd oat.elal Ia tbe cue ot aPutoerlblp, theslpatureof at least ooe general SOil!. lllar)' A 11aapo. Nolary ,-Is roqalncl. Ratmey 0n1»er, presideot ol DiYersU'led Sbopplac Ceoters lnc. ot Newport Beach, modera- ted a paoel discuss1oa oa "Tbe cue study &Da.lysis ol a &bop. pU:I.g center" at tbereceut sbop~ pJ.Ac center de,..klpmeut coa- fereoce at t.be UDiversUy of Ca.Woraia al Rl .. rsk\e. Tbe oewly opeDid Cypress West sboppia& ce!Ur 1D Cy- press wu used to lllllstra.te tbe development ot a Delpborbood sboWlD& ceoter. Mr. Draper's COIIJili.AY sened as COOSU Jtant lor tbe $1,750,000 Cypress complu. NEWPORT HARBOR EllS! Gil ~ECOIID S~Cl10N --Pap J lltURSOAY, APRIL!, 1970 COROllA DEL IIA"-CAU F. it's ... 1111111"-eto UP....-, wllloiM loritht of COlT'S ·~·~~"; gu.rant-.d D SIIVKII DIAPIIY CUANIHG l'llfiCT IIGAIDUSS Of AGI. 011 100% IIPUCIMINT If ClllNllll. • No Shrinkage • No WiltH Ht.ds • Perfect Decorator PINh • New Drapetia witt. Coir1 b.dusive S Ytar Gu.rant" 642.0270 t701 NIW1'04IT kVD. Publle I.D IDd ·tor aid ComltJ lfo b6dl will be acc:epted from a CoDtractor tfho has oot heeD &Dd state. My Commtutoa 0 _ Uc....t 1a IICCCir'di.Dce wttb tbe proYlsloosofCilapter 9, Division lr• Dec u 1971. ·m of the a..taeu &Dd Protessloos' Code. The Contractor ~ubllsb: i.u'c.11 19 • 11 AprU llball -bls U._ ...,.ber IJid classl.ftcalloclln 1be Proposal 1 t lt'IO Ia ~ ti.wp.n Plalul IUicl Ccolncl llocumoota, lllclucllDt< Special PrOYLslDIIs, RanOr 1-J.,. m&J be oiQh'ld at tbe PubUc Works Department. City Hall, Newport Blacb. C&lll:n1a, at DO cost to Ucensedcootra.ctors. A --..rlllaldltiM ebu'lil of $2.00 will be requ.lred tor eacb set of Pluo ud Ccolncl lloc1111111ts wuocfiD -. •• It Is requestlcl tllll tbe Plul UMSCoatract Documeats be returoed wllhln Z weets -lboblcl-loc. A CAMERA SHOP" Get the BIG 6% at the BIG M PASSPORT PHOTOS PUBL.ICIT.Y PHOTOS COPY &L1Z MOR1VARIES 1741 M'IIIOI lfiYl. CDSTA MISA • ..., .. J4J4 •• L CDAIT IIIW.AY c:HOIIA ......... OIUtlt M4"' , .... ,.., Till CllJ llu """""' tbo Slaodard Specl.ftcatloos lGr NIUe Wa<b ~ (1117 Eclllloa IJid SIQ>lomoots) u prepared by tMSoilawiCaUI:nia~aoftbt American PubUc Worts AuaclltkM ud tM A..c'llecl r..n.t Coatnctm"sofAmerlca. Co&llu IDQ-M ....,,,. tro. 8aUdlDc Nws,loc., 3055 Orerlalld An, LoiA .. Joo, C&llf.IOOI4, (Ill) 1'10-9171. Till C11J llu ............ rj SpeclalProolalooaudSialldlrd Dn""'-C4P11 CC -an oftlllblo 111 tbo Pui>Uc Worb ~ ola-cc-.oo per oat. Tllo C11J ••¥fMlllt r111>f Ill reject.., or all blclsllld 1D -. ..,_...., .. __ lo - -lilt --CC Artlclo I, Cboplo< I, Part 7 CC lilt ~ ~ Coda QlodVw 1770 II ooq.). tbo CIIJ e-n cc lilt acr cc "-' a-a11u ..,__.. 111o ~~-"'per --lolllt*alltrlo ntclllllt wwt IIIII 1lo ,_..,_ •-cna. <lal"lftcollol, .. tJP1 o1 -wtzn• ...o ,.. .............. tM OUIII:rlet ud llu .. - --.. ·--Ito. ...... ...... 11oJ II, 1111. A""' CC--to u.1lalllo 1o lilt alllco of lilt C11J Cion. All por1lao ID lilt I IIW l1lol1 1lo _ .. 1oJ all ~ CC lllo ~~Coda niiiiiCID- ftlllii--(JIOM! 17'10.l'llll-). ern 011 .. ._, IUCII, c.t.UFORJQ.l J..a I,, ' C1lr a-t -.ljorlll,l ...... lllollo-'--.. Everybody knows that NOBODY TOPS THE BIG M -Mutual Savings, In offering the most In earnings to savers. 1% 2 yur tann .cc:ount; with 15,000 mlnlmwn 5~" 1,.., term KCOUnt, with S1,000 minimum 51/o" 3 -.tha bell-. llCCOUIIt, WHII S500 minimum ~" c.lllkata of deflc*t ... ,...,..,with tiOO,OOO minimum SAVIN&S _... • ule'l a "-.,..Mutual Saver.,_ lo the Ume to·-addlllon.al !undo In-new co-oNA DI!L II liAR high-nil accoun1a. (l..urance 11M been Inc-to $20.000.) If you are nol • "' 4 Mutual S.V.r; now .. the time to open your account at The Big M-Mutual Savtnga. -r.~~,;:-~;-'' ACCOUNTS NOW INSURED TO $20,0001 w.8TAROADIA ----, ... ,.. ....... COVWIA M._,.CIINaA...._ TIIUhoM SJI.I41t -..-u •...,.... arend ._,,..,,.. TaltJhOftt 10-41• ";:!=" 11t'-Cs1 11fl •• 'I 1a• T' 2 s .••••• • IRVINE RANCH Cub Scoat Paet 606 -ed llle Newport Balboa Sa•lap ......... As- wM•tton maiD flcUlty recentlY as ooe of their regular tlekl trips to places olUUreat 1D OnDp CouotJ. Tbe ~ inchxled Mark Bell. Rlebard Crumley, Keooy Dltrl, RodDey Foster, James GeaDUos Jr., Bob Goebl, Wark Speros, 8111 Spt•ot. sten Julleo_ Ricky LJOD.t, Douc frank, Eric Broc:kman, Robby Worden a.od lUke Gooch, a.od tbetr Den Motbers, Mrs. Pem Frank a.od Mrs. Karen Speros. They also trouc;bt with them S tiDy pests, PuJ Fn.nk, Carolyn Frank aod Leslie Speros. The tour was coaducted by Margaret 1 Gilbert, adverttstnc coordl.oator, &Dd Vivian Rlcbar<boo, r ecepUonlst. (Rtcbard Pucillo plloto.) Register Before APRIL 9 THEM YOU CAM VOTE BOB WILSON FOR SUPERVISOR • R EGISTRATION I NFORMATION IN YOUR AREA S..0-9705 64.j..l317 642-3783 Fri~dly Nellf'hbomood Servleo BEll BROADWAY MORTUARY l 10 Broadway u 8·3433. 8·:M34 Colla Mesa ... -:: ·~ ~- TRY A MEW DI"EMSIOM IM MASTER CRAFTSMAMSIIlP •EIPOIIT HAIIIIIIIliiSIG! SEOOIII $£C11011 --P•' TltURSOAY, APRIL I, l!lO "c»IIDM·D£i.I!AI!. CAliF. Boys club installs "1111 Bora Clllb ot till Hu- bor · Ana baU'd ot dlrector1 I"""IW Ill -ollleero IIIII -·at·--"'·-daJ. Aj)ril S, at till Mea Vordo c-,ctub. CbLiriDID Diet Smltb ar- nopct till procram. c._ Smith. former bMta11 memor at Vllluon CoU.p,...,- epea~~w. IDstautq: omeer wu Or. Robert Moore, prelldellt ol. Oraop Cout Collep. Mlebael L. M••hln ftl m.., staJled u prul.dent; Cllreoee' (Chic) C1arte, 1st yJce pr ... sldeot; Enrta de MocakoD)i, ZDd nee preslde.ot; 0oo Erie-son. secretary; Don L HIXIdle- stoo, --er. Uld dlreeton Blair Buoette, KeDDitb Hart- ley, Leoa Moe~ H ... Myaett, Clalre Ntlalo, Kopr Nltb Ud Diet Smtih, -· VICTORIA LOUISE SORK, dauebttr of llr. aDd Mrs. Law-reoee J. Sort of Lido We, ls pteturtld trltb ber escort, JOllD DOOley Wlsda ·of SUta MoaJ.ca, at tbe lSUI uuua1 presen- tation t.U of tbe SocW SerTlce AUJ1.Uary rA Los A.oples at the BenrlJ Hlltoa HoteL Tb.lrty-etpt JOWl( ladles were presented to Arcbblsbop Timothy uanntnr of Los An- plea. Proceeds wtU beoe11t tbe arc bM&bop's charity f\u:d and tbe work of the Sisters ot Social Senlce. (lrY Antler photo.) MESA PLANS FESTIVAL An area~Yide summer testt-Doo Bull wtll be 1.D charge of nl Ls belag planned by a Costa. the booths. AU major clubs and Mesa Chamber of Commerce cine orp.niu.ttoos lDd cttyde- eommJttee. Tb.issummerenot, partmeots wtll be asked topar- scbedu.lad lor Ang. 16 at Costa tlclpate. Wayor AlYln PlDtley Mea Park, w1ll bring togetber Yi.U be uted to assume a major scores ot ciYic-mlnded people role in the enat. wbo take pride ill tbe:lr Awards will be gtYeo lei the eommuntty and Its berUa.ge. oldest a.od youngest in at- Dr. fUlda McCartney eba!r-tendance. Tbere will be bell- ed theplanni.ogcommitteewhlch copter rides, competition met at the Costa Mesa Chamber p.mes, and other attractJons. office March 31. Stating that Those 1n atteOOaoce at the tbe mune of the annual event first plaming committee mee- wu formerly "old-Urn !I' oew-tlng loehKied Harry Marsllall, timer picnic," Dr. McCartoey Lt. Austin Smith, Shlrley Hardy, asked tor sugrestloos for a new Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wlllcut, title. Names suggested at tbe DeMur! Tosh, Doo Bull of the meeU.ng were "all states pic-Jaycees, Allee Zeloer, Goldie 111c," "clty-statespicnlc," "all TeWlnkle, Ed Fisher, Mildred states festival" and others. Flsher, record!Dg secretary; Goldie TeWintle, widow ot tbe Lucllle Plnkley, publlc re- tll'st mayor ot Costa Mesa, laUons, aDd Dr. Hilda McCart- moYed that the event be called DeY, chairman. INGLIIH TU Tllll "'::":':~===~ "···· ol ~ II•• AIOOO ......... CuUt a..-. 111¥'¥1 ., ... -.. ..... , ... ...., .... dol_ ...... lllt!t- ~ locJ•• II& to ... lttld at 1111 -ol llrLIIIMr W, ----,,~c-. frOID 1 to S p.m. Tb•adlJ .. Aj)ril ... 111r1. Jolll Morna, teaellalr- -ltu ....._ ·-· -.... .... 11'1111 wiD _ .. _Ill--· -roU.t, -~~~~ .... ---wtll-tbo llrllbll Home to. lbo Alfd lalilorra-1, , ••.. ····-'·Of •o• of 1 MWOOMef-. ....... A,..dohl Mot"" .. 1 ..... Mr • (aftf lliJ ellll•a ttllbar VIII\Of Maw.., I M4 10 t.m •• Md Me oUI coli oo ·..;r,,_t.ri01-iwll Willi •II•MII• • SIMI aift• tram fri•dty blaliHII lrm1 whicf'l •lllld ,..., to htlp btCOIM ecqaain~d t..r n•• ••rroun4ina•. CHIJitCHES I lb~ •"(N tH 81•11• .Onff'-••1 ...... ,_, ,..,_, •• ... , ...... -··· ~RT ei·ACH~ CALI,.OitNIA THI AMifUCAH L.UTHIRAN CHURCH lsOD A.M. TO I01IO A.M. -,.AMIL.V WOASHI~ etiO A.M. TO 10110 A.M. -aiNDAY ICHOOL. 11:00 A..M. TO tltOD NOON -WOR .. I~ 11!"\IICit ---~-a.-•---· .......... " ..... , ·-PIMM:I •• Il Clwl•tf• Scle..ce ~···· n.T CIIU .. 01' c:a....-, K'IDI111T 3303 Vio Udo Newport lkldl SJNDA Y SCHOOL ''"•·"'· -.rill•··· SUNDAY SERVICES f :IS-IIe .•. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I'·"'· READING ROOM .... ,..,.,: ' •.•. -5 "·"'· ......... .,, ' ..•. -'''" •·"'· T,..MI.., -· fri4..,: ' .... -5 , .•. ; 7·' , .•. -.,..,: I II·"'· -4 •·•· .:cGJIIIID CMIIICII Of' f? I .ICIENIMI N.wport Buch •• Corofte 4cl Mlir 1100 Pldllc VIew Dr. SUNDAY scHOOL 10 ... SUNDAY SERVICE II •• WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 •·"'· ft•--1 Roo.c R .. ta•t 81~. 186S I:Mt C.ut a_,. .• COM. 11-.-rrt..r 10 .... to Sp.-. n. .. d.,. ....... 1 to 9 s. .. : JO .... "fp.-• You •e cordially inVited to •utnd ChlfJ'ch Strvicn and &o use Ute Reedina Roon:t. ,, ........ a... .. .fC..•·•·· a."""' Bl~lt-r.u-•llolp /•~•,••~ .. ,-A•l..o.o .. '-'• '-• & M .. asll• "•· Dr. P.O. Neumann. p .. 10r SUNDAY SERVICES ~:45 a.r 1. Sundey School 11:00 e.m. Momina Wouhip. 6 :00 p.tn. Trsinina Union• l:ll\J p.m. E•Cnina Woflhip WEDNESDAY 7:20 p.m. Bible; ~ucty 1:00 p.m. Praye;r Mtetina A TUMO THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICI REGULARLY Expert Paper Hanging, Painting & Decorating THE 16-STORY renective glass structure, AYCO ftnaocW center, reaches high into the sll:y along Sao Joaqulo HUls Rd. 1n Newport Center, adjacent to Fa.sbion lslaud. Tbe high r ise building vrtll bouse Avco Fl.oa.ncial sen1ceJ, now located In Clevelaod, Ohio; Un•lllleroatlom.lbeadqtartersof Seaboard Finance Co., oow i.o Los Angeles, andheadquuters of Balboa lnsura.oceCo., a Seaboard subsidiuy, (AerJalpbo(o by Den-Mark.) "all-states festtnL" Tbe mo. LUTHERAN atURCH tion was seeonded and carried. OF THE MASTER Lt. Austin Smith, a member DEGREES AWARDED L ...... ClwrdthtA.eriu ot lbo speeW plaoalng eom-FOR FALL OUARTER UOOPadllc:VlewDr. .... ..__,CIIMI _ .... __ "F• DtauW..In.tlng Cva,_• Who • ..,, If No ... ..., ,.._ v.., Bout ... 5«1.1743 mJttee, said tbe Costa Mesa Bacbelor decrees bave been c... dllll&r, CaliL pollee ~meot W'Ould par. presented to the tollowt.D.c kx&l I:ll. WUJJAif a. ELLER A . . I b fed " ·-·· ·-·~I stlri"--Tbe stud ~ • • ... , ....... ,.c.,, .. ,., ... n n a c_..... "" ..... e ~. " eats &W" wor completed lD Pat: 14fo Zllfo IYersary IS ce e r llajlpealng'' .... meotiooed, ""'tall quarter at OCUhm )(r ·-c .... borlla, ·:-:;::~:~·.~:.·:.~~· wlt.b pollee deputmentdlsplays Patrick Clark, ZZZ-1/Z Coral I. Pv1lb Wcrta-,..11 .. un ou"'"• , ... ,.1ec1 DA• ·C-01,. t A.M. ""''"'*' 'M»IIt ... l,_ t -D c.u u. """'" 6 4 2 -1 6 7 7 Celebrating their 35th annl-available at all S om.ces of tbe of tbe lntormatiorRI type, Key. Ave., Balbora Island; Carl Helm A w ,_. "•- versary, Laguna Federal Sa-Assoc1atioo. lD Laguoa 8raach, stooe Kops old time tbem'l, Reinhart Jr., 114-1/2 E. 9:00 A.M.-FamU, worllllp c-..,O..,..MIIIJW.a. . Damato & Sons vlngs inv-Ites Ylsltorstoparbie San Clemente alld J..a.ctma NL-''yesterday meets tomorrow," Balboa BIYd,, &lbol.; Doris A.M.-Cbureb ecbool c.. ....... of birthday refreshments, ser-guel. was also menUooed. Barker, 705 Lar ......... A•e., Co-: A.M.-F..U.e wwlblp .....-!IUIISERT PROVIDED P;.stor Fred Morse ved 1 to 3:30 p.m. this week, ---------------rona del Mar; Katbleea AJ1.u Me-'-==========~=========:! liCENSED .t INSURED • GENERAL CONTRACTING Over !41 C.Otury oi Expe!'t Workm=-blp 536 CIMTER $T. COST A MUA ~~~~~~~~, ' FRAN WESTER DAHL through Frtda.y; to view a LEGAL MOTIC! LEGAL HOTICE Nell, 2733 Wtooover Dr., r "birthstone" exhibit of coral --=="'-=.:..:..=--l:l&rbor View Hills; Pamela and jade; and to r eceive a full-NOTICE INVITING Blll) Reason Vaugbn. 726 S.ntaoa color reproducUonofaPQtntlng NOTICE e;: HEREBY GIVEN that the BoardofSupervisors Dr., lnine Terrace; Sharon of the Laguna shor ellne. of Orange County, Ca.llfornta will receln sealed bids~ to Liddle, 1645 Corsica Pl., Costa ~~~;~~· » M ~~~· Clt-d! i N-llelolot• A Frn .J , •• , .. 11.,1 c.,., .... Grlsd• c••rr• ,.. ..................... . i e COLD TYPESETTING e i ' 230 E. 17th ST., Suite 205-206 ' The coral and jadeelhibU,oo 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 2'1tb day of April, 1970 l.n the office Mesa; Cameron James Quinn, view 1n all 3 Laguna federal of the Clerk of the Board of SiC)erYisors, 5th Door, COWJty 303 Via Ltdo Nord, Lido Isle; ott1ces during April, comprl-Administration BuUdi.og. 515 North Sycamor e Street, Santa Lima Ricbard,13lSNoWDCbam ses a Yaltable coller.Uoo oflm-Ana, CaWornla, at wblcb time sald bldswtllbe pubUcly opened Rd., WestcWf; Jooatboo Ntet. ported jewelry and art objects alld read tor the followtog: so.o, 6701 Seasbore Or., a.od on klan from Warren Imports lMPROVEMENTS TO AIRPORT TIE-DOWN AREA, PHASE 0 Ka.reo Nowak, 3108_1;2 W. O-..... •mce 8M ~ ldlaol•llO:OO ...... of Laguna Beach. These gem-(Alto ParPrkl.nc, Wuh Rack, Restrooms' Ughting) r~"~''"~F~I·::.·~W~e~si~N~e~wpor~~~:._· __ l~~~~~~~=~==~,.~=·:•:•·~·~G~-'D~·~,.,j A Costa Mesa. Calif. 92627 A stooes were selected because o)ect Number 102 -9011-420-225 coral is the traditional bl.rtb-All of said work to be performed 1n accordance with pl.a.o.s ' Phone 642-9678 ' stone lor April, while jade 1s and spedflc.ations wbJ.cb are oow on tlle 1n the of.Qce of tbe i We are pleased to announce the installation A regarded as the modern 35th Clerk of the Board of St.IM!nlaors, LD the County Admioistra- ' of the AM 725 PHOTOTYPESETTER. This f ann!Yersary tribute. Uon Building, 515 North Sycamore Street, Santa Ana, Calltor~ t new unit will allow us to offer our ~ An anoiversa.ry gift to aU nJa .••• h . h Laguna federal visitor s 1s a Muumum wap rates for this pro)ect han been determloed cuatomers the moat versatile, 19 -speed. l&IZO" full color Utho of a.o by the Boa.rd of St.p!rTisors by Resolution 69-&52, a copy of highest quality typesetting in this area. original oil by the late Joa.ne which is on ftle in tbe omce ot tbe Clerk of the Board of t Our shop can handJe your entire job ~ CromwelL. celebrated marine, Supervisors. Ia~ .~ a! ....,1 Bidders• attention Is called to Sections 1770-1777.5 of the requirements: from rough draft. thru ~scape .__, portr t .....,oter. Th -'·" d 1 Labor Code whlcb will require lbem U awarded the cootract t typesetting, thru layout and design, and ~ e _... ..... ng ep cts the scenic -o1 th La st 1oo to pay DOt less tha.z!. said geoera.l per diem rate of wa.,..., set Wl.th the added servt"ce of our own ,·n·hou•'"" .. wet!JI e guaacoa k-1 h 1 all •-.... in south tr th VI to H ort o laborers, workmen a.Dd mecha.DJ.cs employed to commercial artist. In addition we have IBM ~ Th~ origina.lo;_.n~ng, c~~ the execution of the proposed contract. t COMPOSER, HEADLINER. VARITYPER Miss Lorna Mills president of One a.od one-haU Urnes the prentllng rate of wages shall and over 270 type faces ranging in point Laguna Federal s~vtngs Is 00 be paid any workl.ng time in u:cess of eight (8) hours Lo a.oy size from 6 to 72 points. t display In tbe hOme otftce 00 one ca.leOOU day aDd for Saturdays, SUDdays, a.Dd lepl boU-t I dd. · ff 1 · h" h Ocean Avenue. days, unless otherwise DOted. For less than eJ&frt (8) bours n a rt1on. we o er rents t•me on our •g -In celebration of its foun-per day the rate shall be that traction of the torecotoc rates apeed phototypesetter. If you own or have di.og In 1935 Laguna Federal tbat the nwnber of hours bears to tl&flt (8). i .:cess to any six, ae~en or ~ight chann_,. " SaYlngs has 'prepared a 16_ Each bidder must submit wttb hla btd a satisfactory check ' paper tape perforating umt. such as ' page souYenior brochure tea -certitled by a responsible bank or a b(dder's boDd made pay. t Juatowriter. ATF, Dura, etc. and you desire t turing a ptctort.allootat Laguor able to tbe order of the COUDty of braup ID aq_•mount oot to prepare your own input tape. we will be Beach and coastal Orange less than ftye percent (,..) of tbe sum btd as a goara.ntee piNMd to work with you and solicit your coWlty, I.o add.IHon to a matlln& that the bidder wtll enter into the pr~ cootract U the inquiries. _. to a.JI account holders, add.ltloo-same is awarded him. I.o the enat of fa.lare to enter into al eoptes of this brocbure are sueb cootract, the proceeds of tbe cbeck wUI be forfeited, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or lD case of a bond, tbe M1 sum tbereof 'trill be forfeited COWLITI fUNDAL AND IUIIIAI. C:IIUa ~~9~~ stmhurttr iltnunial lfark He-wai'T-~ •E_,.,.. ill 0.. Br •1tl/wl ,.,_.. lie .... lhe fo-' ond bariaJ -<DIIClept , .... lhe ..... for • ~!wop bony lflffic oa """a""'ld;1', family iDcl frimds aJiloe 11111 -pq !heir fall leo rpodl "' IIIIMdiaJ die bariaJ ... iclt, .. ...u .. lbc chlpd l<ffior, allet-loaelil\d pUat, • -Galt---OXi¥11 '•or:. 1•1 ·1-IIM:H an. WBIWUJU U1·1725 (TOLL PI I! I fROM ICI!WP'ORT HARIOR ARIA) to said County ot Ora.ore. Each bid must be on a blank form f\lrnilbed by tbe County oiOraop. The successtw bidder &ball be required to flzrntsb, at Ume ot st-acr11mem, ooe (I) ...,111 -trlllell 11ta11 proteet tbt laborers a.od matertaJ mea &Dd lba.U be for ooe biiDdred poreeol (I~) ol tbo 1J1101011 ol tbo eoalroel, Ia &e<OI"dallee with Sect1oo UOI ot tbe Ciot'er~neDI: Code, ud ooe (1) nrety bolld Ill llle &IDOWII ol 001 h-od per-(I~) ol tbo COD· tract, IUU'IDteti.De tht flltbflal J)G'*'rmuce ot tiM cootract; l&ld boods to bo ll.rlll _...,111 by lbo ollloe ol Ute COIIIIIJ C...,..l ot Oraop Collllly. 1'be Board ot SJC)ern.Jrl ruenu tbt rtaM to reject lll1 or all bids, ud lXX aeceuarUJ acctpt tbe lowect price bid, a.ad to wai.Ye UJ lab'malltJ 1a .., b6d receiY.S. SECUIUIIG DOCIIIIElml, Plul a.lld _Ule,._ wtU bo anllabll Jot ooeb -. at tbo otlllee ottlll Dlnetor ot Bolld- Lac -. Ill -s,-.... -"" C&Uior-1111, .... mar 1>1 -~_, -1111 tloiPOoll Gr $1UO llfl' 1M. TlWt tloiPOoll wiD ......... -"" ......... Uti -'4-.. -.... -... lo....,_ BY ORDER OF Till ll(mlDOP SUPIRV180118 OFOIWCGE COOln'Y, CALIP!lmfU., Dolad: -ell 14, I 1'10. ~) An invitation to a quiet moment Sit a spell. In the beautiful indoor patio of our new office across from Fashion Island . You'll enjo!l our monthl!l displa!l of fresh flowers from Amllng's Nurw!l. With coffee and orang11 /ulcl! to r11lax !jOU. Jake a (till moments. The quiet can be soothlll!J . Hotlrs, Monda!l -Thurfda!l9 to 4. Frida!l9 to 6. Newport 8eGch aoo -pon c.w.r Ortw (7141 IU.._,~ niiii011T6r IIBif ZBALAIIII Ttf A PLANT$, IAIIAIIA 8USB81, C611TSNITB81UIIS AIID Nf AZALBA Till!/!. 4 get all A at Ensign From the Police Blotter 'no lrot ----roU ~~-hllp-• MOIIDAY,IIWICB D r-_.,. to mloet tbe onu Jwry -4911 ..... 4 It 'pg' wD ~ A ,,....,._ ....,., Afllma. 8ol.t ten MiM talMd I& door ID piD tllltry. ' • Samlll.l Rt'er 'Aq,, Wilt K~ • • • Vldd C.U, J.U. llo-lllllllolllday _......,.,aU Ill $!IS ----Ilardi PrOIIoy Wldle,ZI,<II4911RI .. r Tooloftlood ol$140-o ...... 11'-L Bootarttllo_IU_rou--.,-u., • .., UIIIIIIO,_IM~'"·•-<11 AYO., W.,.llnport,,..._ durlog lilt...,.. trom 111o ... N~ll'ORT HARIKJR EllgGII SEOOND SECT1011 --P ... 5 TlttJRSDAY, APRJU, 19lll OOIIlNA DEL MAR, CAUF • otl.totllrO'IIIIf..OO,udtM.._,roUIIndsdtt wttbU&""-' l a RJU.UOI~T; oauo«ll•rwt!BC'ftn'llltaa.locted IIU'ICI otM. H. BrowQ. Orco <11 1,00 ...... 1.49, ~ T.-nu -II .. lllo car lilt I wall at !OS 15111 %8l5 Go-Clrclo Bocll Boy • ITH GRADE Erlllt Klatlo TracY Taylor Boy-Dr ' Two-<11 St., Wed 110--'• aii,ZO p.m. .Purcbulog a,P.. Patrick BUJLI)J:NG J1L0CD • AU. Sith!. • AU. TY'P£111 SCIIOLAIISIUP T-KliDpr Jobo 'lbomu C-.,.;~ . .._ at tae0 .•. • Jam .. Michael DuiU, 21, }:,;.i. reporled tbt tbtll cl a ,.._, ~-Y.aoo Perrr .Adama Robert l..&ne'-e 8u VICCU'O aim 4 ~ S tlblel ~ ol 2201 W. C>--..etn Fl., Ceutnl $2:29 two-Mat .a tram Roq IN:I Ka..u.. Je-t. -a....._ .__ ku• eo.mu Ka.tb.._ Wt JtiDJ Wwtct ellaoer &ad 8BQ ..;.. tt.o11D :::a"~ ::::.r: in i: iooo~:~~~··;. ______ ;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii PATRICK D. SWIFT c1 11&- bu been oamed vtee pulldlnt La eb&rp o1. corporatedfte&op- meot tor th1 WuterD Gro"' ol U.S. IMuatrles lac. He wu prnioul1 afllU&ted wttb Well- t.n Gear CorpontioD of LYJI- wood u maDl&V ol corporate Pla.DAloc for two yeus. Before tbal, r.. served u muapr ol busU.u devfiopmut ud cnar- tet resa.rcb tlrtbiXeroJCOI'~ pon.Uoa 1o Roebuter, New York. from 1MO to 1H7. RliiiERI. Y MEARS C.WERA NOW AT lTH NEWPORT BLVD. COST A MESA -··-313 Keep up on current affairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize wmn1ng Chnst1an Sc1ence Mon•tor. Rarely more than 20 pagf's, th 1s easy-to· read da•ly newspaper g1vi"'S you a complete grasp of nat1onal and world alfa•rs .. Plus fash1on. sports. bus•· ness. and the arts. Read the newspaper that 9 1% of Congress reads. --------- VIcki C&U Lla LJDCII, Briu Welt bwtwMD Feb. 7 &Dd Mucll U pl' ... aee ohrotneoudcbUdrea Mtu.ta Catu Alu Nacllltfrt L&arlt Wood from tbt bomt of Eleuar C.J· ..., hU reiJdeoce a.ad .-u Bruce Catbcard Muprtt Ma1a Rleblrd Yardt.J lord.. $409 Stubort Dr., Wut booUd 00 tbe cba.r.. or llouc Chard R-llarotl Nt........ Stoek ..,_ Ro William Clllle Dtl>onb Mc:Cabo ' ' ' • cllotor1>toc tbe peace A Stacy Cochran Ktmbn MltcbtU • 'ri'H GRAD£ bert Fowler, Zlll-l/Z A.poJ.DI. dollar bUJ changing ~cttine Rebtoca DeJWb D&Da Uoort HONOR ROLL Aft., S..UX. Ialud, rfii)OIUMI OWMd by Senomatloo of South~ ._ ...... _._ ,... tbe tbl:fl: oi10U elliblfiWid at oro C-"• .. ·•--as~·--trom JohD Dickey Lori Ntt.oD ,.. __ -m• •t•• cb II 19 &&U' ~ .. .._u L......-... Dt.ctey Erie ObtrDdorfer Glema Aa:teuoa • M~, tlkea Mu or the eoocesston room at tbeOU.· ,_ ft-.-,_.... from bU mloeted p.rap ... --... ......... mews 1700 E l6tb Scott Fter Molly <YCoaDor .. _.. ... ...u-esen Tbe 1M5 wbitl Llaeola. OOOYU-......... _.. ~ • • S<o11 GUUioDd ~ Palmer Jill A,_y tlblo ot I wuuama WI Sl., N.....,rt Helgtols, durlog ll>e S..er•• Gross Pamela Parter CrtJc Barto ftll ' Dlebt; tbe loss •as estimated at Mary Gw:u.:et Neal Par-Tbomu Buacos Brue~:lre~ Wut .... N~ $100 tot the machine am $300 ., oa~• "-.. was IMUeDw ... UtgtbeUictduvw lo blllo aDd coins',, A-· Jul ~ Hokomb Cbutyo Raaberr ·~ -' G E'"· -Aa:irew Jooes SUSI.D R&nt1a Muy Bectet bJa carace • · .ChrlaJ • ua., thief probably ''hot •tred" tbe Leslle JOI"doo Alhmn Reinbart Karen Bell 22• of 2W Vista Huerta, Eut 19'70 VW Kat men Ghla alld dron Dla.Doa ec:.g Bltd!, sufltred allpt lnjurles It away from tbe garage of John Kimberly Kay Katbleeo Riley Elbabeth Brick when h15 car, westbouDd oo 0 Rtsber 32 Beacon Bay KatbJ Kelly Loalse Robla100 "-'--Coast Hwy. oeu JumlDt AYe., ,.·lcbael w'a••-r 103 "cF~:..;A·. Valerie Kooz CWford Samis .....uw-ab Brook CO!"''m del Mar, was struck to lAC • .. --== Stepba.D1e Kq,anski D1aDa Sammis JuJJe Brown the ear by ear driY 0 by Pl., Cemra.I Newport, left $120 Jlllle Lobman Penni Scawle Brenda Bruce F r L a ol ,.:.U0.. 1J1 MUs tn a deskattheentra.nce Llnda Lord Woodward Schultz Timothy Burke rank • Staatleld way ln his apa_rtment the lligbt Ectwvd (V&l) Lyon stqart Sbef Deborah Campbell • TUESDAY, MARCH U before alld left the front tklor H IUda MODI 1oo Sl klos Pally Cobb Skipper Robert Bearctl, W unlocked; the money W"U gOne o J aomery G m Jaa c~-a w •-~--N h "· et Laura Nlcbols Erln Smttb uaoo estm._ Ate., ewpor1 w en n•: r ur ned. lor! N1ebols CJ.Day SQ)'der Mupret Crawtord Helgbts, reported tbe ..,_,of • THURSDAY, MARCH Z6 Karen M:Doupl Laurie Sllfder Robert Currier 1lshtng equipment trom IUs Sheldon La.trd Abbott, 19, of Thomas Morse Bill Somers Thonus DiBello camper; tbe locked tear door 314 Robin Hood Ln., Costa Phillip O·c--· K ·~--Uhlor Kathleen Dlxoo lw1 been pried opeo •• Tbeblack Mesa, surrendered himself at -,_, Rlc"-·d Dostal ~·te 1969J -~-to L!Ada Pitt Robert I.Jnpr ua• and "'u awa .. ..-....eyc 9:ZO a.m. at the police station Tom Safttg Kent VOI'Idnk Sba.tmon Duyndatn of Raymood Pipoo, 885SeaGull on a warrant r.ha.rging petty Patrl Ia S IUD s ott wA•~ Danny Dwyer Ln., Newport Hellbtl, wutabll theft •.. Possession of mart~ c e g c __... Debl>l E"--ti all u-. b 21 be J -• S"~ U L W...t.tt .. ..-u.;u some me er .....,c ; Juana n s cllar......t 1n the 9:30 111.1.1 IIUl .. e yon ~·00 Renee r-..... ld '"-' "-bad ·-· tbe -~--••• C.. S U Ll ... W I • \,MI" sa ...... ...: ~· •~-a.m. arrest of Read Shoemaker Y mt eor c C"-·lsse Glonn .... Kim Smith George Wyma.o L·~ ... Graber cycle in tbe par area, Jr., Z1; Geor ge Henry Cron- Laurt Smull Jennlfer Yamagucbt Y with Jgnttioa locked alld abea:ry sbey m, 19; Jimmie Carl Bost, Melissa Speocer Kathryn Yates KatberiDe Grant chain padlocked throucll tbe 20, a.ad ScoH LtvtngstooSeeley, Duid Unpr Karea Grasso front wheel ... CareyW.Smith, 19, ln their apartmeot at 130 Candace Unger • 71'H GRADE Joau~e .. GrHamlmmlvA~ Z1, of ll9Cabt"lllD, Costa Mesa, 45th St., West Newport; Daniel C I w-••-· SCHO"~IIIP ...... ......,.. reported the locked cioor of a Ray Swanson, 20, of Oakland aro yn -... .I..JU\oO> Heidt Hetty storage butldillg at Z91Z W. also 1FU arrested ~re •.• • 8TH GRADE Betsy Azldrews Bryao Hotchlson Coast ~ "·-toer Ill'-bad Cbr,~-· Auer .... ,., -..u-s ,., Daniel David Reyes, 34, and HONOR ROLL ~r CoDDio Hut-"'·-· bee I ed aDd••••--" P triA•· ....... '-'lU.IOIO.HI n ore open ......, ~ ~ Patricia La Vonne Thompson, Cindy Amles Catb -... ~~r d Jaequellne Jackson of clothing. tools and sport1og 23, were arrested at 415 N. Joy ADibony a er D&l oar •• A ..... _ James ~-•-• A aDd Au D-~ -....loUJ'IIw ~..........., ... en • • • purse Ne-rt Bl'rd., Newport Heigh· Lisa Attlesey 500 D&l nas Kurtis Kearl ~1 ~· •·· ·~ Cha..O.ni.nC' Be.sco Na.ocy Beckett Kt wrt ...... ch were .... en durua& ts, on charges of possess1oo of m Kevin Blasonette Jon ag the e't"ening from the unlocked dangerous drugs . , . A SZ25 Toni BecDitb Lauren Bowdle Jill Kelleher car of Mary E. Nolan. %010 fDrelgu make radio ns ta.tea Carolyn Beltz Deborah BrittlngtlamJames KUogensmlth Baltra. Costa Mesa; the loss to-from the unlocked car of Su- Julie Bennett AllD Dickey Grea: Unbott ta.led $310 .•. Thomas W!Ulam unne SteffY, 505 Carnation Jacqueline Beroa.rd Daniel DoaDe Eul Lippold Powell D, 16, of 648W.18thst., Ave., Corona del Mar, parked Karen Blnnlng Terrie Ellker Susa.Jl Lynn Costa Mesa. suffered slight ln~ In the driveway over-night ... Ronald Bialack Susan Eogla.nd Morpn Marchak juries when his car, westbound Tbe radio, spuk plugwtresand Nancy Bohls Barbara Eoglar Lisa Ma.rtos on Balboa Blvd., h.lt the car ol coU wire were taken from the Judith Bostwic k Jeffrey Fler Terri MeCleeary Ronald H. Newman ot Garden car ot Joe Stucker while u was lan Bowman Llnda Franklt.o w.:chelle McGowen Grove, stopped on the roadway parked over-night 111 troat of Klm':lerly Brya.nt Rooa.Jd Freeman Uteba.eiYJI11ka.D near 36th St., West Newport. •• his residence at 1009-1/2 w. Steve Bucha.oan ROOert Freitag J>'lo Moise Lee Nled.rloghaus, 20, of 1S01 Bay Ave., Balboa .• .A $ZOO Beth BUllllell Susan Gee Craig Moon Port Charles Pl., t.Wer Ha.rbot shortwue radiowa.sstolendur. Diana Button Terri Gibbs Rooald O'Rourke Vl.t!'w Hills. a passenger lnacar lng the eveniDg from the car ot Duncan Coffey Gary Glck Klmbierly Perry driven by Cor!De Lucia, 18, ot Henry Wheeler, !300 w. Bay Ruth Clucas Louisa fU.rsch 0oooa. Peters 413 16th Pl., Costa Mesa. sut-A•e., Balboa .•• A 14-fOOC Lori Durp.n Belinda Hoa Susan Potbolf tered slight: injuries I.D a col-fiberglass ski boat was stoleo JettDuyndam LeeHo RotaldRicbardson llsloowttbacardrtvenbyMary trom the dock at the home of Erik Escher Mary Kotob Robi.Q RiDcbJom KatbleeD Stantoll, Z1, ol S188 Edlon ~rts ~Tarablyn.. 601 Jane Fernald Sabrtoa Kuariln Steu Root COWJtry Club Dr., Costa Ahsa. J6ttl &t!.t w-:s.\ N..,art ••• Jelllie Fraser Dnld Kllmer Ctada Rudy at Sao Joaquin fU.lls Rd. oaar Ei&M-yetr-old Kathryn Jean Marie Grimshaw Ca.lby Larson Paul Sava.sty WacArthur BlY1t.,NewportCen. Reid, 335 Walnut St., Newport Joe Guy Kathy l..eCiuse Pem SehraegJe ter. Shor es, was btHen •hen she [!] Your Ballot FOR APRIL 14TH DISTRICT 1 NEWPORT BEACH Cl TY COUNCIL HOWARD ROGERS INCUMBENT He HAS served • • He WILL serve Newport Beach *HONEST *COMPETENT *DEPENDABLE • Please send me tt'le Monitor for 0 I year $26 0 6 mos. $13 0 3 mos. $6.50 fj Check or money order enclosed 0 81ll me JBoMIGoe Gage Lois Uno David Shaw • WEONESDA y' MARCH Z5 tried to catch a Great Dane ean rman Curtis Shelley Kathy received a teta.nus Timothy KamUJ Renee Lyoch Irene Shira A $145 stereo tape deck was ,,..,,.,.,_ J~~~~;~~~;~~~~~~~~!!;~!;!~!!!!;;!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Cynthia Hand Debon.b Martyn Deborah Sloane taken durlng the day ftom the and the dog 0 •--Warllyn McCord car of Lyman Frank Belt., 1001 l.iUM. Hanson JoODette Miller Karen Smiley y lls Robert Heatber Cynthia Spurlock Sa.ndcastle, Harbor lew H1 , n•m••-------- coty _______ _ SUI•-----,,, __ PB la THE CH"-ISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR,. So• 11!>, A.to• Sl•hon llot lo" l.lana<:tluttlll 0'1'l Claire Helfrich Mary Miller Sandra stevens parked ln the driveway ••• Drew Hendrickson MonJ.ca Myers Holly Ttuma.o Skis, boots aDd poles nlued at J It H t Laura Nac&kowski $359 were takendur'""'tbe ,,...., e or oo LesUe Thomas .... -F ed 1 .. Hoy.y Jan Nisbet from the home ot William ~ou-r er Kevln Uyesup Robin Humphries Anti Perry Sherri Van Delden sey, 233~1/Z E. Bay Ft., Balbo& Russell Jessee Gre10ry Phllltps Curle Ward Island •.• J. D. Hillyard, 315 Janet Jill.soo Terri Pittillo Daf'ld Wa.roer Montero, Ba.lboa, reported the Robln Jooes Janet Roseoer Mat· ....... e Wessell theft of a $125, sb-toot dinghy, .. '"-L Julie Searles -~ which bad beeo cb.atned a..Dd .. :u-...... :rno Melody wuuams Arthur Kanmura Patricia Se:>ek Robert Yardley locked to a neighbor's sbore William King Matthew Spanper Kareo Yates mooring at 201 Edgewater ••• Robert Kitchens Kat hi Spreorer A !loat Ultef cut the moor toe Uoe '--;iiiijj.-:;;;;;;;;;:-:;;-;-:~---,---::::-,--:----:-:::=:-:---al S. B&y Fl. aDd Dlamood t• ~ LEGAL NOTICE Ave., Ba.lbolil JslaD::I, duri.D1 tbe LQit...._ •• BEAUTY NOOK 2712 E. C~st Hwy. COfona del War · Phone t~n-7H6 night and took the 8-foot dlnpy ot Herman Dorkin, 330 ApoleDI. WOULD YOU CERTJFtCA~~6~~ BUS~ Ave. • •• AJdher over-night t t FJctJtlous Name bollt thelt resulted lD the k)ss :..:..;::;;,;,;;..;,==....,.,:-::---• COST A • OIIAIIGE 639-Uil e AMAH BY 12~t e HUNTIHGTOH aUOI U2·1~51 THE UNDERSIGNED does ot a 10-foot rowbot.t owned by BELIEVE ';) hereby certlf')' be Is corw:Juctiag Lola Gough, 505 36th St., West FLOWERS FOR YESA ALL OCCASIONS S49-l36l • t a busloess at 1833 E. 1 '7th St., Newport • • • Dr· Mushall f Santa Aoa, CaUfornla,IIDder the Bran_ 16Z1 Cornall Ln., Octtttous nrm name ot Col-WestcWI, rewrted the tbett at C U ... I said a pocket watch, chrooometer . . . We O ucr you . umbla lnema cs lila DtM.n r• "-01157'5 PI lONE, 6ol6-"79 1438 Newport Blvd. • STATIONERY-RETAIL t 11' t firm Is composed of the wristwatch, a man's r1Dg and tollowtng persoa, whose rame lighter; the burglar had pried 1n tull and place ot res1deoce open a kitchen door screen. COSTA MESA COlONA DU MAl • I[VULT HIUS .a SOCIAL STATIONERY • COMMERCIAL STATIONERY • WEDDING & SCX::lAl INVITATIOf'.IS ANING ' ts as follows: A. J. Valcarcel, t THE BEST CLE • · · 433 Seaward Rd., Corona and complete clothes care! delMar, c aw. Dated: 3-11-70. ' Slpature: A. J , Valcarcel t at STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE ON Much 11, 19'70, betoce ' VALET EA NERS t me, a Notary Public ln and b' CL ~.~~:::: ' bt tbe per800 wbose oame ls ' INbec:rlbed to the wtthto tostru- ..., &. COAII' ...... meat. a.ad aclmowled,ed M ez- 'iiCeNIA .... JIU eclhd tbe amt. ' Mvy K, Heory, Nota.ry PubUc, t CAll 675-0310 ~:My~:.: ..... ~ p1ru How. u, 1n1. t QUALITY LAUNDIY -WI! DILIVI!I~ Pllbllilll: March 19, Ill, A!I<U I 9, 11"10, lD tbt Newport --~ .......... "" . ... .... . ..... ... ... . . ~ looipa. • • ENGRAVING & PRINTING SGT. BARNES GETS EGOS COMMENDATION MEDAL WHOLESALE Tec.llnical Seri'Ji&llt Tbomu FROM RANCH H. Barots, soo ol Mr. aDd Mrs:. TO RESTAURANT AND • GIFTS · GREETING c;A:!R~OS~~:---::-::-::-::-'7 ,.,_ I 675-1010 I XD WT COAST HtGKWA.Y • COlOMA DO. MAl Cbarles L. Barnes, S147Ca.DI.-ESCENT HOME d1ao Drive, C~ Mesa, Mli ,...., L AFTER ~~~~~~~~~!::= received tbe U.S. Air Force "--&. PLUMIIMC commendation medal tor m•l-6 P.M. OHL Y :!:..-jj :..:~~~~---- HA&BOR PAINT .a a M•as•c totlous serTice 1D Vieta&m, 5a. 37!1 "· . ,.., ,. Set. Banes, a murd.ttou I ============~~=~ . WALLPAPER Pt.UMBER m•tnttQUCe ~. wu I· Pltt.atlu.rp-Dutcb 8o7 700 Canl&UOG Ave. cited lol' his autm..uor 11<0-F•:..:...'U=I::L:.:ICA=Tc.IOH=-WO=RIC=--j Palata -.... plote Uao ao1000 del lhr f•uiolal still ud lalUa.UY• WE CAN PptiNT YOUR 13.,000 PATTERNS • ~J: ~mu: ~~~: I!IAOCHUptES. PAA!PHLE OF WALLPAPER PlurDbUal R..,.a.ra VtetDam. H• was pras•ed tbe AGAZINES. LEAFLIET!'-1 .II E. Coaal RWJ. DAY. NICIIT medtl durlDc ceremoalu at N~PAPERS ANO cor-a MJ. N• WATER HEATERS ~m AD. Germ&D1, NEWS LETTERS (Nul to Po~ r•~•tr.J n:S-4UI wblre be DOW 111Tt11 witb tbe CALL Ul PO. I$TUU.TU P'MM: l1:t-aJ3 ~ a IUIII cl lilt U.S. INSIGN I'VILISIIING CO. .ur Fore• La £-... A~ an1 LUT co.uT "" .. c. O-M. HAL AEaiSCHB 361tb MuN.UoM Mst ... ,...l ,~~~~·~,.~·j•~sslo~~~~;~~~~~~~~J • MIAIIM5 AI. mU'ka's onrMU air arm..... t1PIIOLS'I'EaiNG ~ I alpld to NATO. tBI Q,fiMIIIe "ray E•~•-C,../,••••1~~ DIIIIIITT 111!1DD£L I IIC.-ONLY -----·-c.u .. _, .. ~ cr-~ au-•.a.-ae••• c•na FEE ..... ..., •-.,. .. ....UIJ .., .. _ ... c. .. ,.. .. •lf·-oet..*'l All--~­........... .- -L-•.,~a. .. 1:., .... ...... ...... , ..... ,_LC...If<iro c. ...... QWID IW!i:RRY 'S Shoe Repaor Purs.e ard l~ Aepi,, -Ove Work S&H ST.......S OfliiiE OA't' SEft'VICl 1HO HMKw IIWCL eo. ....... -.... .u, ------------ -.. .. .,r e MABNr HAIDWAir .. 'It , II ••• T , .... c......, ...... -· -- I I • POINT DMDE, the 81-toot Cout Golnl e--oporltd Ia Newport Btaeb, por- ttclp&ted In 89 rescue mtsatou a.od uatsted property nlued at $S91,000 dDee July, 1969. Tbe cutter Is ODe of tbe ualt. usiped to lbe lltb Coast Gaud Dlstrlct pat:roUAc tbe Padtlc trom tbe suta Marla rlnr to tbe border behrtea Gultem&la &D1 Mutoo. MIDSHIPMEN TO SING Mrs. Luis t.a.r.o oJ' Newport whicb are beld the thlrdThurs- Be&cb will oost a muslcaU.n ber day of •ell month. Wrs. Wll- bome at 10 a.m. Thursday, ll.am W. J...aJ.ng. cb&irman. 6'75- Aprtl 16, ror the ALta 8ah1a 5033, may be called for further worrdn@: committee ot the Or-tnformatloc. ange County PhJlharmonic Soc- iety. Lincoln presents musical ME1PORT HARBOR EJIII(»> SECOND SEC'TlOII --P ... 6 TltURSDAY,APIIIL t. 1!70 COIIHIA O'El. liAR, CAUF. U&ltWIOoldMJiariJ IIO..''Iaau; -·.....,,Bob • ·--. ·--Wl\1011 -.-••• -. f 11011 -... 9111 ... ~~~·• ... "' ......... BillY ,..... Bene ,·t II ''•la ilterat.d• .. ~1 Ud PUt;J lllltt ••• Rtct II I PJO, hlday ud au.doJ, ~ ud ltlf Barril; CUlt. ApriiiOudll. Brtaaq.r,-,Dond l UCI Tobol .... llllcluctballof-J&mla ud Robort lla-1!1; ror llct, Ute ludltDCe wU1 sit at pluo ,.,... • Brlu It& ,. "Bic J ~-­ loll( -Ia 1111 pll1 Tbtrt art 16 -!at llrla ele of OCI 9111 llart 11o lad -acllool aalllorl .. -lot-ol!lll-1111 -----••• llrllllt!J -amtd -tollowlof -: lloliJ Loo>eh, Uld ~---~-. ,_, waltr-...W _.., tbtmooft Btrl v......., Suo PlebriDc. .._ .... ~ c1r1DQ &Dit ftN papcoru. Kate K1111fer, J-.AiDt Az. 11, It tile Mta OOIDIIIOII 1)111 -Katie, -of tbt ......, Kano G&llonJ, lodJ """" at tbt ocr eo-. n. "Go)de HwoMJbot," tbe ~-B,--, LoWae Sawwu, Pat enat ...... wttb I 111*1&1 _, ....... -... ... , "botllklae bar"' at ll:JO a.m. lac~ a 'f1rtllou J0GD1 Creamer, DlaDIBromlly,Saait Tbt bu£fet hDCbeoa. wllllltut IMrcUI, a baada:)me bero, 1. frW, DoaDa Jobuon, ltuiD. at DOOD. ~Ia n11a1o ud a Chon~ lllllrlcb, Stae, Plltmu, I.JI>bJ ucr o... of-lllla Robort or danctnc ctrll. Aa tbt story Btrnte, Kerr)' Cunntnpam, S Ll.wreoee w1ll pruJde u IQII)Ida, ertJ tbreateu &Jid Ylr· Nucy IA.bue, Sue Jacobul, Wrator &ad ~ at tbl 11M fiiiLQJ WIDs.... Jamlt --.. .., s ... ----OrtelD&l cbareGCfiPby 111 bJ' Houae, J. B. Wblt::DeJ, Coonle the aoeUoa win be IJI'tllac.' 10 Yallorlo SWioo, wllb AllDo llulclooo. stae, lllJ. L&un MW• act1Dc Udueed1rector CroW. Kareo. Raatltll Marcella the Blr 1 Booster• b •l:hletlc C • ' " deparbnem ICbolulbJpL o.tamJAc U IDSer tbl cttree-GUmore, Ullda Store, DlaDe Spl'ln& flaMoM wUl t. IDOCitl..- tioD ol. Mn. Guy Raw11Dp and Werley aDd Kathy Uodanrood. ed bf Mrs. Mel Farmer, Mrs. a. ata1r of busy motbers, 1'be Robart Howard Mla Au. tc-.y IUid deeontloos ire ALL .\MERIC.\11 R.I. TIIICi Smith, lJid Mrs Wllllam bolas prondat hJ tbt PTA. Tbe B&roaele 0r&o&e c..:.t Kru-1& ' Tbt p1Q ls directed llldpro-Colleee stood ~wsp~per bas • d"'*' hJ Pblllp llturer of tile been awardotl !be "AU A-IRVIIIE HOME SALES EocJI&Il _,tmeol. llrs. lW-merlcao" top rallll( hJ As-AT ALL TIM E HI Gil Yin Pur•U Ja: ln eharae ot tbe soclated CoUere Press at tbe Sales ot oew bomes La tbl productloo, wbicb lB Jo1Ptb Ua.l-.erstty o1 )llnnesota. ln1ne ComPID1'• 9 rn1deutlal lpOD.IOf'ed bJ tbe PTA &00 tbe Tbe Ca.mpus aew~eom~ det"elopmeats La OraDp: Couaty LiDcolD st\I:Sent couocU. As-peted wttll otber college oews-reacbed u &11-Ume hlp of. slatiDg ber are Y:s. Peter papers tlli'OOgbout tbe oat1on. 1,430 tn 1969, aecordl.Dc to O.Jbbs, tickets; Mrs. Theodore Tbe award ns made on tbe Albert Auer, ln1Dt Tiee pre ... Rate, refreshments; Mrs, basis of fall issues, during sldent of real estate, Tbt JM9 Thomas Wllllams, set-deslcn; wblch time Larry Dlllllllre ol .sales tlgure repreHDted &255- .W:rs, Robert Fla.oectn, prop-Corona del Mar wu ed1br of UDJt l.nereue ewer 1968 saltS. maoager; Urs. Richard Friend, tbe Bu-.cle aod Ll.oda Gra.nt he DOted. make-t4), a.od Mrs. Ricba.rd ot Ora.oge, now editor, was Tnt laDd denq,me~ ttrm's Pick. decon.tions. m&Iaging editor. Spencer c losest competitor lD Los An- Mrs. Richard Franklin, pro-VOLU..-TEERS ..-eEDED gram cba.lrman, wlll present "Tbe United Cerebnl Palsy tbe Mid.shipmeo of Newport Ch.Ud Oeveq,ment Ceoter Harbor higtl school. Tbe pur-oeeds mao.y roltmteers," ac- pose ot the M.ldsbipmen is to ::ordiDg to the Voltmteer Bureau prO'I'"lde musiclaos wltb.thenec-of Newport Beach. ''Tbetrteen. essary real-We ezperleoces age patients need volunteers to that can awly directly to pro-share bomema.klnc skills aDd to fessiooal playing in Iea:tUmate s~ recrea.Uona.l ac- music jobs, such as moYies, t1'1'"1.t1es. Also the wbeel cbair TV, aDd Broadn.y shows. pa.tielts would appreciate be~ Dlt!eretX casts YiU appear Crump ls faculty a.dYisat tor geles, Veotun. IJ¥I Oraop WILLIAM R. HEms of Newport Friday aod Sahlrday DIJbtSwitb the Barrllcle. counties wu Mlslloc VIejo Beach bas been named 'l'"lce-many ol the parts betD.g played AU XI LIA RY TO MEET Corp, w1th 906 sales durlag tbe Serving as hOstesses 'rill be with art a.od craft mater1als Alta BabJ.a members Mrs. John 1n the Sheltered Worksl:q:l. Tbe Crout illd Mrs. Cressey Mur-center can always use be~s ray. PubUctty tor tb.is musical In the seU belp department of ts handled by Mrs. Perry G. feedlnc a.od dressing." president of Newport Naticxal b7 two JCtors as fol.lows: Katie year. BAnk. tn cba.rce of commerd&J by hro actors as follatrs: Kat)' A.uxtl.1ary members will Home buyers made most of loans. He Is anatlveotCbJca.co, will be played by Casey Sbaw gather ln the eontereoce room their acqulsitlonl 1a the IntDt received .a. B.S. degree 1n com-on Fria&J a.od Amy Frost on of the Costa Wesa memorta.l communtties ot East Bluff IDd merce at Loyola university and Satu:rdll.y; Petllli&, San Stack bo&l)ltal Mooday, AprU U, lor Harbor View Htlll ca.r Corooa ba.s been active tn ct'l'"tc 01'-and Carol Berney; Dead-Eye, the rerutar monthly meEting at del Mat, TustiD Meadow's 1.11 pntzaUoos. He is a member ol Jell Harris aDd Rick Savap; 10 a.m. A Short tra.1D1n&: tUm Tustin atld TurtJe Rock, c w.,..r the Newport Balboa Rotary Horace, stan Dorn; mayor, Ro-will be ctven by Mrs. Tbomp-Dale a.nd University P&rk oear Gill. Tbe Bure&u is at 325N.New. Guests are Invited to Uteod port Blvd., Newport Heigtlts; the committee's meetinp, pbooe 642-0963, Cltlb. bert Macdooald aDd Da'l'"id son. !qlei'Vlsor 01" nurses. UCI. AT Witch for Newport S.lboll S.111n1S' uble ctr. RIDE IT FREE for a share m the rnmance lnd excitement of the fabulou1. GOLD coast ri1ht here ln Or•n1e County. Dependab e ·and Smart San Francisco's cable cars have always had a little something "extra " going for them. Boiled down (if you'll pardon the expression) the cable car operational principle is "not to put all your eggs in one bas· ket." And so the cars "grabbed" onto something solid as well as depending on normal motive power to carry passengers smoothly uphill, no matter how tough the climb. And that fact is a rather good reason for "grabbing onto" one of our many savings plans. Newport Balboa Savings will "wire" you in on a plan especially designed for you. Come in, call or write. Sure-we have these high rates! ,, .. """"'•' ... _, .. ,.,~""' loUn/fnvm , .... .... ..._ .. ,_ P"sbook Account 5.13% 5% $25.00 I .. , Bonus Account 5.39% 5.25% $500.00 00 .. ,. GUIIranteed Rate 5.92% 5 .75% $1,000.00 l65 daY* Account Gu•rsnt.d R.te 6.18% 6% $5,000.00 2 ,.. .. ....... Guersn~ R•te 7.79% 7.50% $100,000.00 1 ,.., ....... """'--... ,, ... ,. dolly -... ,. TheN r.t. .,. tM tt!pftt pMd b1 .,y lMUAICI .....,... 11M toen ...,.._on 6n the l'tlltion. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Main Ofllca: 3366 Via lido, Newport Beoch, C.lifomi1192663 • Phone 714/673·3130 eon...~~ Mar Office: Financial Piau, 5'50 N_.tcanto< Drt.e. eon... dot Mar, C.llfornill92625 •Phone 714/64-4-lolel ELECT Carl Kymla FOR CITY COUNCIL Newport Beach Needs Proven Ability PROVEN ABILITY IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Ten Years in Management and Admininra- tion of Local Government * ~ Water District Manager -Implemented sound, efficient business practices in Loe~~l Government which resulted in tax Cuts * Developed programs for water pollution control and Environmental Improvements * Coordinated Newport Beach City-County of Orange joint activities as deputy County Sopenri>or * Excellent working Relationship with every Level of Government from City Hall to Washington PROVEN ABILITY IN COMMUNITY SERVICE Newport · Citizens Harbor Area Research Teom !CHART) Secretary -Oranve County Coast Assoc· iation Executive Committee -South Coast Sce- nic Improvement Project Coordinator -Coast Association's "Coast Scenic Improvement Committee'' Boards of Directors: -Orange County Chamber of Commerce -Orange County HistOfical Society -Orange County American Red Cross Member - -Newport Harbor Chamber of Commefce -Rotary Club PROVEN ABILITY IN RESPONDING TO CITIZEN NEEDS * Seven Yeart of productive work with Homeowner and T axpaylf Associations. * Improved Homeowner Serlices * Worked Diligently For Parks -- Mel RecrRtional Fecilitie& * Established excellent communications wi1h Taxptyen and Horneownen * lniti•t.d Prt9Bmt for Active Citizen Par- tk:ip!ltlon in LOCII Government PROVEN EXPERIENCE -in reducing w• PROVlN EXPERIENCE -11111111 ci&.l --in IOC8Ipar .. IIW!t PROVEN EXPERIENCE -impov',,. our -lr-.-1 -,._,tir. -pollution Carl Kymla [!]