HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-25 - Newport Harbor EnsignNEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS o1 t11o eor-cltliWC-· btr ot Commerce toe lade, from left, Stuart TOtrDt, ru:tdeo. tlal member and retlred real estate lnnstor, steooel Ylce ... prealdeat; Carl Kegley, local attorMy, pre~eot; Bob Butbolomn, owner of B&rthoknrnw lmnlraDce, flrst rice .. president, aDd Bob Astoo. rice~presldeot a.od maoacer ot tbe Corooa del Mar ot!lce ot Mutual SaYlap aJid Loan Aun., treasarer. Iutallatioo or the news ot!leets· wtll be btld Jllly 9 at a dinner meeting at the 1n1oe Coast CoWJt:ry Club. (Eastp p-.) · TEACHERS ARE ASKING BIGGER SALARY RAISE Badham freeway "II approved by Slate mbly Tbe State Assembly 'toted Jll· terday 46 to 6 to favor of Aa ... semlllyman Robert a.dblm'a bill to ellmlDI.le from tbe tree- way system that porUoe ol tbe PacWc Coast tl'eewJJ rcMe which truerse.s Newport Beaeb and Coroaa del Mar. But Hake, ueeutt•• seer e .. come lll wUh another scbedu.Le. The action came aboul U t&r7 of tbe Newport Mesa Edu... "It's oot that tbe cUstrld a..m. yester«».y a.Pd. aceorcUDc eatioD Assn,, saJd yesterday doesn"t have lba moaey, it":~ to sources 1n Sacrameato, re- tbat bebellevestbescboolboud )ust that it hasn't committed cetved practically DD det*e. cuftnd "eJtra"moneytoraise Us resources tor tt. They Mr , Badlwn's bill bad beeD salary ~roprtaUons In thE. hann't put any prlorlty on P81'-1 Rl 5 H 1 Gil E 1n the 3rd readJ.oc ft.le for tbe 19?0-71 budpt ''llltwantsto." SOClDIII needs. I • H" b• past 3 days. Lut week tbe board -"They fowld mooey tor otber ns 1g 1e The biU wu a <llroet resull a preUmlDa.ry budget ot $28.1 things, but the board feels these of the labors of the Harbor Area m.lllloo, Which Included a 5,6 oew a.od more illoonti•e pro-f B I d • Freeny Fighters, UDder tbe per cent salary Increase LD au grams are more Important than 0 leS chalrma.nsh.lp ot Matsball Oat- steps of the present tea::hP-!'-;' a staba1lsed personnel," he • • tlekt. Tbe Freeway Flchters sa.Jary schedule, sa.Jd. "The salary scbedule Mrs. Iris Estelle Higbie, wile bad ottatrwt mon tba.a 20,000 M. Hake said teachers were adopted by lbe board tsa Ylctey of former Newport Beach City signatures ol. resldeuts cwoa- "d'saR>Ol.nted In the amount Youse attempt to prcwlde jut CouncUman Clareoce (ChJ.ek) lng tbe frM'ftJ W'b.leb would of the lDcrease as It barely a salary for so many per-Higbie, died Stmday at the Bay run right throu&fl the beart al ecnera the cost of Uvlng ill-sonoel." Club apartment of a frteOO the clty. crease." ~. William Cunntnamm Yhlle tbey were playt.ng cards. Tbe ttU oow goes to a Sen- He said tbe malo disagree. said the district ca.n't accept The booeymooa of daughter ate committee and, Uapprond, meDt "Is on how the iJJjeJ: the teachers' su,.,.ltions liD· Iris Awl and ber oew husband LYNN NEWTON of Batlxlra Isla.Dd points oo. the ffilP to the would 10 to lbe Ooor oftbeSen- .. ·~wed T ••¥ destloa.tion of the "Powder Putt Derby," to which slle will ate sc .. -.. . ne way U is ocnr less tfie assoc1at:1oo can ftnd Paul £"--"",•as 1---... -ed · DE£ DEE PENNINGTON, 16, ot 313 E. Bay FL, Balboa Ls- l&nd wa.s croWDed IIIJ.ss Newport Beach Frtday evenJ.Jig at tbe Newport Harbor Chamber ol Commerce Commodores ball. Sbe l.s tbe daucbter of Mr. am Wrs. Dooa1d Peantng. too aDd wtU be a senior at Corona del Mar h.igb schOol 1n tbe flll. Sbe bas malatatiW!Oj a better than 8 avenge sened u bomecomiJle pri.Deess as a sop!Jamore, and play~ tbe CQ1b.r a.od stnp folk SlOOp. Runners-~ in the contest .spotlSCted by tbe Newport Harbor Junior Cham ber of Com ~ meree, qre JeDDie Farber o1. Newport Harbor high schOol am l.llc:be.le Arra.nap and CU.U Peck. of Corooa del Ma.r hlgtl SChool. (Eastp pllolo,) •• be --& ..... .....u ~· ._ be competing for the first time. (Ensi.m """"""·' The Fr .... •y Fl~···s ooly z some peop..., are log cheated money in the budget or lm1ess and they returned for the prl--..,........ r. .. w:u ft.na..Detally. What we're trying llle stateta.kesleglslatlveactton Yate fUneral se"tce held at POWDER PUFF LADIES weeks ago sent a deleptioo to do ls schedule the lndu wbJcn would result tn more Paci.Cc VIew CbapeloaMooday. to Washington, D.C., to preseat so that people wtU be paid tunds eomtng to the dtstrlct. Tbe oewlyweda: were muried to Secretary ot Tra.nsportat1orl CDM parking curbs ok'd more equitably. Wr. Ha.ke sa.ld, boweYer, that SalurdaJ and •ere IJaneymoon. TAKE OFF JULY 3RD Jotm Volpe tbe petitioos a.D1 Newport Bel.cb CUJ COUDCU "U the board had acceptad he was not totally dla:eourapd lng at Late Arrowhead. the reasons for wamtD&: tbe adcpted a nsolut1oa. Mooday some d our reoommeodat1ons by the district's r:tJ.Jta-e to The Higbie famUy bad been freeny taken out of tbe clty. aJ.Cbt llrnltln( tlM!! puklllg of 1n tbe put 1t woukt han oo.ly a.ccept Ulelt suaestto 14. "It summer residents and trequeot Mrs. George E. Newton o1 and alter looking 1J1to all ot NB b d I Ytblcles 00 Y&rlou.s bus1Dess COlt about $100,000 for what toot us ~ oo. oar proposals yl.s.ltors 1n tbt Harbor Area tor Balboa Island and her co-pilot, tlle rules and regulatioo ot tbe U ge &ide lb"eeU ill tbe Corooa del trll.cblra &rt seettnc. But, s1Dce about bel.ltb brelleftts &ad equal-DWQ' years. but Ba.Iboa. lala.od. Miss Helen Cra.nr. of Balboa., Powder Putr, I'm coortced that Mar Ilk. tbtJ bl.ft adopted a oew ached-1saUoo ot summer sebooJ sal-became tbttr perllllJ»!Jt bome will take oft' July 3 from Yon-It 1s ~ sate u bas llowi1D • b I d Tbe remlCioo estabu.bes • wt&lcb pll.etl lttp oot (& U1H lDd •• bllltn tb&l lf tO JIU'S aao Ybta. they moqd tert)' PeniUula. Airport on tbe dayUgt\t, VFR. (Yil\&1 Dllbt IS a ante ........ Pll'ldlc trom •..... htttf•• ~)at $7,111, ••-. lbow tblm.,..... a.-froii.G}Mdt't TbtllaaUJtlome ftrll "c d uw "powder puff r-.. ntllar Ulu c-. laltru-to I p.m. 1 daJa a...-a- ll Ia .. .., fb eoit'lomiiiiiDc ......., lot our oa1ar7 _. 1o a1 SZ1 u.O,ot An. clo<b7." m-) .uo·--oo. N~ lloo<:l CffJ c--., -C.. Jlwy. to t1tC •100,000 to PfOYide an cu eomefloombetorttbeJ.._ Mrs. H1~t, 19, bad beea They will be nytng a Cessna rotae tor even tbt moa p.s cU apprcwed a teat:Utni:J tal-tN ~ loeatMec: IQilta.ble d11ttrent.lal between tbel.r tiDal t:Mdret lD late Auc· an tDeJ'C'(Itic community wu-ter Styhawl In their first venturt hungry plane. a.need budget ot Sl!.t5 mUUoa Fera.J.J A."·• botb s1dn: ·- tbe ftl'1ous steps," ust they will accept our sur-here. Sbe was a fou.oder ol tbe in thea.nnua.lAU-WomanTra.ns. "I sort of backed lnto tbJ.s Tuesday a.igbt. 9liMC ~11. He said the assodatioo has gestion." Woman's Ch1.c League, e1acu-continental Air Race, as it is but oow most of the paper work M least it will be t.laneed Heliotrope An., westerly submltted 15 or 20 dUfereot Mr. Hake saidtheassociaUoll Uve secretary of the Newport offtci.a.lly called. is done. Tbose form ; are abo.,. 11 tbe public -.orks dep&rtmeut lide--100 feet southerly. sa.larJ schedules ''but none ot wUl be worldng with the ens-Harbor United FIIDd, secretary This Is the oldest and kmgest ten Urnes harder to nu out than comes ~ 1rtth the $150,000 Hel.kltrope A•e., easterly tbem awealed to tbe board. trtct throughoUt the summer of tbe local bn.ocb of the Atn-:.umua.l air classic for womi!D.. a governmeat w return. Am tn ~lta.l Imprcwemem cuts dde --DOrtherlJ to Thif'tj Ave. We doo't have another ~itic to Show them Ybere add.itiooal erlean Red Cross. In GleDdale A dlUerent roule is chosen the Ust o1 t.hings to be carried ordered by tbe CooocJ.l. Helloerape A'"·· easterly schedule 1n miDd; we want to monies could be used ror teacll-abe had been an omcer 1n eacll year, and tlle terminus in the airplane--wow! I! Be-Tbe teatatln baJaDct.ncactk:IO side--92 ,_., iOUtbe.rly, tlnfl out l'lrst lf the board is er salaries, Instead of other the PTA. She belonged to the this year is at 3M Airport ln sides us and our Ugttt Jugpgt eame altereounctlmeoa.cc•ed lrls An .. westerly slde-. really serious about new oe-"eJpensin" Items provided for Tuesday Club tor ma..ny years. Bristol, Pa., nearPli.J.ladelpflla. and all of the registratioo the majortty of cuts made by 72 feet southerly, R'()tiaUOOs, U U Is, tlleo we'll tn the budget. Besides her husband a.od The contestants must arrive papers, Insurance form .;, Ya.l'-the various city cSepartmeats a1 Jur.-Joe AYe., westerly stde daugbter, Mrs. Higbie 1s sur. there by sundown July 7 to tous certttlcates aDd Ucenses tlle CC)UOCU's request. --JBIJ feet aortberly, Yived by a son, Rlcllard, who 1s qua.ll.fy for prizes. there are 4 quarts of water: The Cound.l bad a.sie<l tor &sm!JN! An., westerly side an attoroey In his father's law The hooorary starter W"IU be portable oxygen, stgna.Uog a 3.2 per ceot across tbe board --87 feet soutbt.rly. oUlce oa the lsla.nd, and a Mrs. Trudy Cooper, wUe of equ!pm~ot ••• .aDd that's just cUI 111 requests from eacll lie-Lar~ An., westerly side Mesa principal resigns - -78 feel soutner Iy. Lar~ur Ave., easterly side --56 feet southerly. Ya.rguerHe Ave., easterly side--86 feet soutberl,)'. Marl&Old AYe,, westerly side --from a.lley oorUI of Cout Hwy. 10 alle7 ...,.. of Cout Bwy. llarlaoJ4 ..... _., - .-to aUer...., o1 eoo.t Hwy. ltaretssus Afe., botb sides-- trom a.Uey aortb at Cout ltwy. to alley so~ of Coast Hwy. Orchid Ave., westerly side --trom allE'}' oorth of Coast Hwy, to alle}' south of COilst Hwy. Poinsettia Ave ., both sides • -!rom alley oortll of Coast Htry. to alle} south of Coast Hwy. Poppy Ave ., easterly side • -to alley oortll of Coast Hwy. Haul Dr., both sides--CD alley north or Coast HW'}'. • that some aspects of tbe mod-brother, Edward Kukell ol astronaut Gordon Cooper. She the begtnning." partment. Seferal departmerU, whO owns nver bed? Costa Mesa high school prtn- c1pLI Frank Lopes nas resigned to take a posttloo a.s a.sststant "'*'lnteDdent 1n tlle Nonralk:- La. Mltada. district. ular scheduUog didn't work Amtty Harbor, Loog lsla.Dd. At has been a licensed pilot since Helen, wbo 1s oow W'Ofkiog OOWeYer, ~ tbe selt-de-- "because immature stucteats ber request the rlnal rites were ller student days at the Untver-out at El Toro Ln Naval i.Dtel-terml.Ded cuts. COUDCU ret\ased weren't able to handle tbelarp private and burial ns at sea. sity of Hawali. Ugeoce, som~y Dopes to make to make cuts ln tbe library, Tbe QWsUon a.s to Ybo bas will result tn a determloaUoo bloclui ot tree time the system A memorial ha.s been esQ.b.. Tlle 98 stock. airplanes par-nyt.nc ber life work.. marine safety and plannlnc de-Wp.J tiUt to the former bed a.s to wllo has legal title to W:r. Lopes, who has been prl.nclpal for the past 2 years, quietly submitted Ills reslg- aatioo June 16. Sl.,t. WIWam Cunn.lngtwn ta1d he was surprised to learn tllat DO offtctal a.noowtCtment of tbe restpa.Uon wu made. He dealed that the restgnatioo blld u)'thillg to do with parental ~la.lnta about the modu.tar ~beduUng system used slnce llr. l.q)es took onr as prloi- pal Z years ago. Mr. Lopes told school board member. lbe llieflt of June 16 pve them." Usbed tor Mrs. Hll,bie with the Uctpa.Ung this year n.nge from Botll girls admitted to thinll:-partments. They madeoalypar-of tbe Santa AQa Ri•er lrl West the former bed of the San&:a Mr . Cwullngtwn sa.1d oo re-Newport Harbor United Fuod, the minimum 145 hO rsepower tng about tne Powder Puff Derby Ual cuts lrl the city rna..aaaer's Newport is ell)eeted to be re-Ana River. Our preliminary placement has been appointed. !25 N. Newport Blvd., New. to the muimum of 450. And !tom their tlrst solo and, now, omce, public YOrtsdelartmeat !IOIYed Ill SIC)el'lor Court as t research mdicat"s that the city "We have ootlces out all onr port Beach. so u will be wltll the pilots, they're really doing tt. and pollee ~meat. result ala lawsuit DDWpeodJ.oc, l:la.s a strong claim ol title tlle state and will be ~erYiew-som~ of the gals having as Tbey hue been t.ai.ing Oytng-IDcluded l.n tbe cuttillg wu The lawsuit 1s betw.en Ban-to the for mer nver bed. ing In 2 or 3 weets,'' be saJd_ VOTE A.GA.IH TUESDA. Y mllCll as 18,000 flours of fiy-lessons at 1"\\"WPOrt Skyways, a 7-lllODt.b delay tn Lmplemeat-ninr U..etests, G. E. KadaDe ··tn tllting witll Mr. Pem- "The position Is open to q~aU. Voters ap!o will go to the log time and other s wtth the at I lie Ora.n~ CoWlty Airport. inc the pollee beU copter patrol a.ncS Sons. Signal OU and Gas broke I g:uned tne unpresslon fled personnel botb inside and polls D8lt Tuesday Juoe 30 minimum of 200 hOurs plus. Lynn has a prlnle pilot's U-procram at a saYlngs ot $50,. Co., Humble OU Co., Arm. that Ill s apphcation to the city outside the district. to cboose between 'state Se • Lyon Newton and Helen Cranz. cense '¥1tb instrument rating_ 500, aod a delay ill tbe hlrlocot stroo&' Petroleum Co. a.OO Hal. tor a lease oflhE' former river ''lhatetok>sehim.He'saftne ator Jobn G. Scllmltz(R. TU:: fall tmo thh latter category, Helen has a commercial pUoc: 21 oew persoone.l for tbe oew stead_ lt. Pembroke aiXI Mrs. bed wa..s de-Slgned primarily to man. But this Is a stgntf1ca.ta Un) &Dd Dtmoc:.nt candidate but Lynn commented, "Even rating. They metdurlogameet-Newport Ceoter fire statiOIIIIl-Y.am..ie H~mt_ eel tbe elf} to take a posltioo advancement for him. These DaYJd Hartman. fellow Lnstruc-the most professional racer had tog of tbe "99 Group," sponsor til May 15, 1971. The problam was brou&ht be-OD the q~~estion of tHie. Be- postUons are rather ~cult to tor a.t Santa Aoa. College, to to have a tirst race sometime of the powder puff derb. lbchded 1.o tbe teDtatiYe bud-lore City Couocll M.OIIday nlebt cause ot the b et that the city come by and 1 !mow he s been tlll tbe lDeJPlred term of Rep o· II get was a D81J'l)' $500,000 lD-•Den It was uk8d to eontl.rm !las DOW beeD made a party to ~:r=~~:=i~tm:~.ricu-!:!~ ~,~~:u~.;·~!'n~ II we phase out asked ~~~ => ~~ ~~~~~ r=l: ~ua;~~:J~~~:e: rr'-"'1 • ortgU:a.I salary request after Sl.lMlttor Coart to tbe city at. city cbarter prollibl.ts surface Ch ko not blo bl ed Seaator Scbmlts b.iled to win Counctlman Lindsley Par-the midst of densely dev-elOped lnitial persomel rl!lqQ&st eta totney for IAif'Oill'l.ate aeuoo. aDd slant..driiJin!o! lrunde tbe 0 lng W am tbt majortty •ote lP the June sons testJJled last week at the urban areas. The a.ncle.-oU of $5,900,000. Tbe Co.mctl IPPI'OI'td tbe coa. ctty lloQndarles, it is my r ecom. r , I eiectlon that W'OOJd bave made state senate fudlciary commit. wells located on these laDds • tlrmatiol:l. meodatlon that Mr , Pembroke tbe special tlectioo uonee.es-tee bearing on seoa.te bills 966 han bee11 uoecooomtc to oper-0"1 slltk The que&Uoo u to ttUe betu be so adYised and tt»t oo Cotoaer'• depoties said this Pollee saJd be had left tbe IU'J. and 96'7, wtdcll are desiped to ate, yet tbeJ Unger 011. Some I •ben Mr. Pem~ otfwtd to fm'tber COQSideroion bt ct•en wHt tbat a Newport Beach man hOUSe about mldD.Iellt witb. a help phase out uoproductt•e oil of these wells prodoce ootbtnc. tDter lito ao oU a-1 ... ..._ to the appUc.atioa for lflase ... did DOt <lie SUDday of a blow cro~ ot about 10 or 1Z people NO TIPPLER'S TAX wells. whlle others ()l"Oduce Degllllble puzzle wttb tbe Ctty « Nnport Blacb, 8 • "'lbo ....... u llrlll • ._ .... wlloalsobadaUollllecltho(lii1J. Ill NEWPORT BEACH Heappearedbelorethecom-.~ties of oil. ThO&O lclle cooerl.o( tllo tormorbec!oltllo USiness on tM. laltl&d cboked to death c.~ Tbe Coroellases toUOO b1m 011 The Newport Belcb City mlttee on behalf of t.be City of nUs tan lml)tded cumal de-rt•er. apl-ofmoat. tbelroolyardoooooftor. CCIOIIdJ,-tborocommeMa-Newport Beach &1111 of the ntopmeotoftbolallllson111cb u.s. Cout Guor<l olllctala Tbollllpttoobopa..-111& the bay? Pollee, boweYer • art 1t111 He "" tueo to CoRa Ilea Uoa ot Cit)' A.lt«DtJ TullJSey. League o1 Caillornla ewes. tbeJ an loealed, and biYe t.d are lt1.1l trytq todeterm!Dttbe BtoaiiiCJ tllied ll:llacatut lin. • 1DYMtSII*iAI tbtdtl.tboiRonald Memorial Hospital, Y!Mre be moar, tu ruled out the posst-For the past Z yeus be bas a bU&bUDr effect 1D. m.1n1 IOUI'Ct cl ao oU sUet tb&t HWit aad Mr. Pemt:rot., elalm. Ao ordlJ:Uce tor replaU.oa &. Bloet, 105 18th st •• u a <lied a lbort timellter. bt.Ut7 ot a "tJA)lera"' tu: 011 been a member of the Leaeue Soutbero Ca.UfornJa etttes. nc..t.s oato tbt bl&cb at Ntw-toe tbat tfMJ ftH tr..-e.tac ot commerclal a.ctt'ftUes l1l tbe bomleJdt. Mr. 8)0ck's CadiDac coa-tbl ale w OOILIU.mptioD ot al· of ClUes ad boc committee on ''Tbe rtu011: tor this IDhiblt-port Pier tbt Dllftt ot JIIDt 11. oa IOCDt tllled au-t ad)actlll bay YU discussed at WondlJ '"fte tiWJk bt wu prob&blJ' llrt1b1e wu i)uod parad DIIU' CC)IM)lle bwen. .. a. termlDatloo of ~roduc.Un oU 1D( efttct 011 defeq,t~MJS ls n. oU sUck. Ybldl 1utal to Mrs.. a.t•a lll'"'*'b wtd.dl. ..,tolne's meeUDe ot tbt: Nn. bJt 1a tb1 bll.d--tbt bkJw lD tbe bomt, poUce Ald. c,_,.nrnaa MUa.o Doet:a1 r.d leases. qalte llmplot. Before tbt Wad-Ax ...n1 dala, bla~ a ~ 1IIIID tile bed ot tbl port S..Cb City CouDC.Il tbt lnll'lt wu R'IU'e ..,.p Dtteeti.Ytl an ooaanntnc to ubd tbt ICI.U dal1.ac ao arber The proposed lepslation 1s OW'DIJ' caD obtaiD a klu to lW Ytde *" ol beacla rtYW . n. CouDeU dellyed ~ to Mft Docbd lllm ~-q11.aoa per-..: W'bo &Utaci«S ~ 111tloa co researcb the ol particular slpi.ftcuce to baUd u l~emeat Oil fd.J from tbe pier to 1SU!i st. Slmll Mrs.. fbJit US Mr.Pembr-. ot tbt fir• read1Dc, Uld lit tile ~.uri tbta attenrardl be tbe pu1y about wiWJ occarnd )taalltJ ot ..eb an eze11e tu. Newport Beacb beeauseotplans property. lt ls DtCeSSU'J tbat drop~: ol oll abo were IMDlD erota4"'1Ph1Md '111• tM maat. Olfer to u ld,__ -lillie_ to __ " allor Mr. Blocklllll tllo-Mr.s.,.-aldY-Dl&l>l, toranoe>allollofBonDlac-.. bloiiCaltlccolrololtbo-11M Balboa aNO lui Ft*7 a.•ac --ul lllo·otl m~Jol.7.6. Aid Colta M.-. Pollee Capt. ld tbt l!oue.Somtpuff.,_., ''It .. ow QPtlloD uw tbe state ertJ 1AiaDd of West Newport ricftU ud cause tbe will • ud • wu ftaHcS tbln woOl convd•, c.lillmtactlllta.au. Two drafts cj tile GJIII.aDce R.. P. er... rtpCII'ttdlJ told poUcttblnwu llu pr ..... tMetlttntltldd ud Newport Shores, ftere a the proput)' ID be atw""-J. bt IDOH eo lblklw, bill t1Ct .. H , • ._ bad alut--*"'.DDd ..... liP b ec.etl nor'Wa- ••Biilt wt r•IJJ dDit't toow -..... llrlll. 'l1tort ... poO!IIIltlliJ UJal .. ..., -I ..... 0to ~ to 1111- l.a ' tw. t.br be cl:tobd." a ''boiU.lll: at~t•• at till taptto. ot akd!DUc brlflfi&U, aumber of oil Yells ue lo-Tbu.s tlle bolder d tbt mlMnl .dlowed •· ~ tM1r Pt\:iiiebUd..,. tx. 111oMQ flfeaJ.Dc., 0.. draa parlf ...., ...... Mr. Block .,.. --Moe atlJ lllrm o1 c:atecl. rlelfla Ia '" a pooltloa to ell-Somo otl olso na -Mo' ohlollfC otl uJ IU .._ ... wWtl allow toe C..CU- otblra.ID &UINIIIM"... ..,,.., tan•.•• Yr. Par80Clll told the com-mud aa eD"btW.~~~m u tilt oe tile rocb at tbt Rutlor" ..a tliR-~ nc. to~ OOIIIIIIII'dll~- Fo d h o mtuee, prt<o lb< toe.-.-ol _,._ IOUJ ~ .., ne I -Lloo _... tllo tiYWH albr a peuc--Ire teac er IS named ~T':r.~.:.t:e~= ~.~'t,~ews-tBada =-~~~-=:.:;:.~=.-::s-.. -:: ::= .. :.::::: 1.1 a M1ou matter to a...t ts ~IU1.Ic' tiM,_.. .... s.dl,r. C1tJ c:r.ft. tw•vo•, c•l• .. alit Jlecpact a.da ..-u ......._ .,..,,.._ Colli. Gr-aid tllo .... ,... -"' tllo c-.., -~ --"'Ror· ..... ....., --...., -... 'I'QIIlr,lloc~ ....... -llrod ..... -- Ilea tl I 0!1 Ia-.U0.. 01111-·-- llr. ---... IIJ lllo "'-1 ---·a.-..... .,.,._ ... --,,_ c..rt~~oa.,eoa"-.. ., 11•••,.• •·· ..., W , C. Poac. .aid 1'lrllt 'FIWCJE I ll bJ .. .. tld tf11 'lf&IUtJit .......... llldallt .... t' Clllrtllo L -tl llr. ud lt. l o .. al IIIII -ri'FIIOII --~ -'*•• .... _ .. _ • dllilrtd. tt. ftl OM tJl ltlle cltlM wtdtblllYIOMeraUfltllls of U &ttl. of ~ ..-e IIIII ~ to ._.,II tllll Willi' ol ......... r ..... , ........ tnllic .__. ~ b' tlliiOC-wJW.a tMtr botwbrlu nleb W11iory COIIIpr1J:IIac ......._. ud ti.Uer tM bMcb u tiiiiJ bid 11f '*"-of .. ,.,..._ C:O'IIIf'IM. 'he.... t ... ..._-"'**~-Md -.rooac. COIIllltdJII"U... ._.._, acr.a otlult.mo~taf Mill Fr1dlJ ......._ ..... ..,.•nt •• .....-.... ....,_--....,.11" o 0 rw _. Aid --.-. ''IIUJ ol ... oU .... ._. W~ ls ........ U U a0 8ra .U ............ .. ......... .-t tt .... 111M M 8lllc. $ ?¢ h- ftl _.,. _,. o::• 111 wrltta La tM ltrOI ad 1011 hlrL W'lttiDII c. aid ota. Alii s'M •• ..,.. .ttrtt•e .. a.~--IIIIC, a be Mil wrtwtl ,.. fi'T , ll..., ......aw ..-lud wu o1 tttt11 ftlll PI" a••~ "'fstltkllla wm be ._. .._ t1111 .o dct• • t PI , .. , 0 ta.. .., _. •• ., • ..... P&IIM liCttaa Will ud .... .... ta.. II 1M 'lllla•atr ....... IDr _. dtJ .... S011Jt Mv••· A tLI. ...... II ¢ .......... l I ........ .. --~~:'":.:: 11111n • .,.,_.a. __ 1o..,. 011111o : 11.cm c-_..,.._ ,_.,c!;,-· Cllr 'I .,.,., • ...,._._ ,....... t • .,c lued_,.._ .... lll.ftollwU.Ia._•__. .... lllltlla._ .. , ...... 'I .. ,.. .. 11111111111 ......... ~ a111 tHe Dc:nuldJa.U..atw..,. .. rllarJ,.. ...... a..rwta• ..., ..... ,.. ........... c. I X ow--..-., ..... •• r 1 .. 11 11 ...... .,.. .. ---ta ............ ., ••• rtte .......... ..,... ~-.2&1-................ a..... • • • .. • 0 ' •• I~T HARtllft Elii<JI fii!II IEC'!lO!! --,_ t lMURSOAV, JURE H. Q10 OJ IIlii A DEL !WI. CN.I f. CONSERVATIVE CORNER lyTomAndenon ~ • f ' •• Tllo 11011 ... ~ ... ._ oa llb:w"' a.a b-. ....w --... ·--THE COUUPTION Of OUR YOUTH au-,boiU.Wtlllllu- ... ::~=~ ........, ... .__ -_ ..... Ialor .... lllo AlooricOa --1 u WeD U IIIII .,._la.,...,...,od: dnr_..,... __ I. A ..... -htco~-eblldr ... b -· 0 ------·"' THI P"OAL. MlWSP"r--. '"The perfect 1cad' for an America£ abon Uncontrollable, n:curransldd tripr7 It hM a1l tl:ldlJ ftM tt 11 biOI Mil: to Pll load Ua -•• 117 l Lll>lrl1 .._ d_,_ l lor--wtiiJ .. IIIpOfOI• lt-i>OIJII _. .. to llH -lac l -lol l ..... oebool ICbools. Thll II &1• .. Mrl to .. ~~ ... Coolly, Yd. """' OP TMI Q'r( OP MllWPOA:l II.Aot atory ," aaid the teacher to the )ouroaHsm tlaa, happened. ''llareO..Idlioola." THE HAIIBOII AHtA'S Ofo'J'SET 11£t'SI'AI'£11 "would oon1Ain _,.thin& of dell)', royally, ... yond belot! .._ "' -..... lo Lll>irV .._ -ld IIIIa E ~el(, aod myatery." And a buddin& Hemins· come! It )'CHI doa't rt l .. oh' ... ....,C JlotP&IbOrttlal4110,.-IDOW Off5ee •1111 ,., .. I,._ pl.al Ia liMo •it• Bvlldl... way turned ln his s&Ory ~tb lhia opc:nin& ten-l'c.chctl performin& the Ml act with each t1 1D tbt procnu ol. ntaDC 1. At 8u &lrll.f4a), CaW.. l. Tbt tdlretmtat ot lawa I illlll -~ f:tCIIab lolcbor ... -..... i .. aJld UN, ,-.., -.iloa, a IX'Oba J, C~ oil tho omugUq 2'1 21 r.. eo.. Hwy., COI'ou del llaf CaW. -92625• tencc; "M y God," uid tbe Queen, "I'm prcg-atudc:nt. aa now recommended by lOme U:· hCJO.OOO to CU'11 tbt ca._ TILIPMOM!: 673.0550 (At" Ce4• 71 .. ) na nl aaain. I wonder w'-9 did it?'' peru. Com"*t..,._t o1 Pflft* wiiiO ..,_,. to Uoac. I ,.. tbtm a modtlt r.lb, Ud IWAoM Cbelt l.DjUrtu, o1 doe» ud -.rcottu at tbt W'IIM be wu IID:)CUd don aDII Ytllcu bol-der. TH£ NEWPO•T' HARBOR £NSICN i• the oDly "' • .,.., ... prhat.d In today'a "sex.Wucat«<.'' fr«alovina Swe-children's an education, proccdura for wbkb '*WHoa. ud ., am lD tbt bill pQIIahH I• dw City of Newpon Be-ct., ud tlte oaly loc•lly den, hardly anybody knows: who dkl il. Th1t (commitm~nt co mcnla.l holpitals) arc alre.dy proeea ofmt.....tSartbtiMm- owtled alld oper•ed Mw.pap•r lo the Ne_,on H...._.Co-te ,., .. forrnc:r.ly pl~i_d and stable land ia _ridden with -:stablishfil (SIECUS). Yout~ are already ~iv-brara of tM C..aa.J Ora.qt At•a. P\lblle'-d '--•Illy. oa Thw.d•Y'· Secoad <:1-po.r.-se paid neurosta, IUICtdc:a and venereal dtaeasc. One ina in comrnunes, promiscUOU& eu. produclhJ COQ!ItJ Cblrpter Clll tilt 11111C:111 .. eor ... d.l ...... CaUf. hundred and forty Swedilh doctort h)CCnlty babies with OM, then another. wilhout borne Order ol tbl World ..,., 1D klcUd .n.u. trylar to aid the 3. The puap of a law to lebool prlDCtpal, 'tfbo tdmself preJtlllt tbeSaprtmtCourtfrom wu lllldtac oll-eral pupils, OHrroltll( a FJ ln crlmiaol 1. Tbl CU:J ot Cblcaao aJoDe aettoa. ap.ll&lt poraolf'IPbtrl.. rtpOI'ted 1.01!5 usaultli oa 4, Eocouracement ot prtnte taeblta ta liM. Ot these, ?60 aebooll: • THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN Wu •dj..d,:ad to be a •••· stgncd a petitioo to the -ernmtnt which f th · ·, will be verv nnr~utar. Sexual at· mUUtr tlda a cro. III'Ojlet. ,_.,., ol ,. .... ~ c ltcvlatlon by co1.111 d.c:ree f4o. A-20118 deted d th S _ _. __ . o-· or a c~, 1 'J .r-r . -....8 --•-~ •~ .._, 14, 19Sl, i ll S.ertor Colin for the Co¥JMy of Ora , Staate of st~te al Weu&~J • .youn1 people are obscucd tacka, cnm~•· homosuuahty, pervon.o~, etc. •:_1•·-z•·--8t c.Tuoral•, ..d by , .... a thet-eof i• qualified 10 publi:r•ll public· wtth ~ex and, pantmg from one pan.ner to (already chlld.R"n have been. butcher~ 1n pub-. .. u __ coordiD&tar, courldlrl attacU ••• made b7 Jq~t.LI1D 5. Lectsl&Uou to remove tbe .otic•• rer.il'ed by hJw. another, somc have as many a.s 200 dtllercnl fie toilets while mother wattcd outstde). Bod· tbat COI!trol of CMR ICbooll bJ AR'VO . HAAPA ............................. -.Own« and Publiabcr ~C:t part~ra! leu pervenions, ~ensational temptatioru to tbt pareDta, Ud bf ellet.td. lf'ldlll hm oa. to aiL AFL-ClO Amtrtcao Fedetatloa Sa edllc&tloD came !lOder the o1 T•cben &Dd tbe N&Uoall ter\IUDJ ot lbl Uberty Lobby, £duca.Uoo As.octatiOil from tbl u tbl ruult o1 a meettne ot Ust ot tu uempt P'CMCt•· PEC HAAPA ........................................ A-..ociMe Edhor lncJdcntally, Swedt:n hu the highest suicide youth ... rt"ducing AmerK:ans to ul-.all and ICbool boU'cla, 11 tbe OGl)' ft1 suesCli~TtON RATU rate in the "civilized" world, is a haven for spinc=less. uneducated vegetabl« .. , . Yes, ofiQIJ'&II&MlnttbatdriiCI,ItX. Ia Harbcw Atea: Ooe re•· U .OO; 2 re••· 11.00 our draft dodgers, hdpi the Vil!t Cong. sill ft •·til aU .._ppn! cla .. room Tioluct &ad ltDJ1.,. Out or H•bot Area; One )"!'•• 15.00; 2 reara, W.oo out 1611 w11ra and trades with both si~ and is "'Y be " -"" -11 · U'ltty tra.1n1A& CU be lftllt tllt American AsiOCtatlon m &. Tbe tlrlncor lmpeachmeoJ: Hamaollltlc PQ'Cbolo&Y, at o1 publlc eenUU wbo flout tbl which IOftlt '*"le advocated law wt\icb forblda the buslnC ol tbt teachlac ot Ute su. act 1n school cllUdren. ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign • NEIGHBORS COULD HELP US A l ook at a map of the adopted coast route of the freeway is very revealing. The route goes inland of Huntington Beach, then suddenly turns toward the ocean to follow the Coast Hwy. alignment through Newport Beach and Corona del Mat, and from here it will swing inland again to by-pass Laguna Beach. Huntington Beach officials are not act- ing in the spirit of neighborliness by now Insisting on having the freeway plow through our connnunlty, while they them- selves have been successful in keeping the freeway out of the heart of their city. We who are fighting to keep the free- way from destroying hundredS of homes and businesses In our community are s eeking the same consideration that has been won by our neighbor to the north. Costa Mesa, our most immediat e neigh- bor, also could help us. Costa Mesa also would benefit from victory for the Harbor Area Freeway Fighters. Ther e would then be no n~ed for a full-scale freeway to be constructed through the heart of the historic Costa Mesa business district. A freeway heading s traight toward an ocean makes just about as much sense as constructing such a thoroughfare to the edge of Grand Canyon, from where it has no place to go. Joint effort by all the coastal communi- ties could solve this pr obl em, and pre· serve the coast from desecration and pollution that the freeway would cause. , . ' ou e• sun ... ....... . . . u utde for --o)d f:ubloqecl Rws1a s pimp. plaanrd that way! lt'a p~ycho-politicaJ war-...,..... • "Just a few years ago," Ubrrty Lobby re· fu•' , •n'•n •nd u arx predicted· The com· "readiq. "rit1Dc, ud "rUb· · .. · ... ...... '" . . . : . metlc." He WU'lll: "lhllla we mmds u!i, we laughed at dreamers talkmg munist takeover of AmeriCa IS like pluc.klDg bo • · ·1 , · · h I do · · tab oordrol ol tbe stboolllft.J a ut VISJ at10n tn sc oo rm•tonea (one overripe fruit.' Believe it: Read current and ma.tc. one fcmt~le student alone in a bedroom back issuea or the DtJi/y Work/ (communill) from the t.tenl aDd state ·1h d 1 d'l w 1·111 d pernmem.s, and tiM com. w1 oor c O!OC: . . e gave 1 e or no ere • or any school underground paper! IT NE.ED n1&t 1 ted .:1 tor wWI ~nee to novels about male-female roommates NOT HAPPEN . tf the American people ria.e :~lr ~ O.allOIIau:aEdu!..Uoo •n college, even tess credence to co-ed fra· in righteous rebellion they can s•nn it!" uyo A La"··' •~ Wlo · · • Wh · · d I h 1 .... r asoe ........., -~.we • ae tem 1t1Cs. o 1magme c ementary sc 00 LitH: Lobb hlldr and destro children might be taught sex education with rty Y· our C en Y our pornography in 'visuals' and detailed descrip· And the Blhle say!'-: oat1oLlf:rty" , -~y relates, I ' ' Th · • r d " n .. And God looked upon the Earth, and, be-......,. ~ 11on o mtcrcounc. c 1uea o nu ·c t er· "lle•er •·•·re •·yo chllclrea " ... r d r 1 · .• d hold , it was corrupt: for all flcsh had corrupted Ull.u ua apy uo:•ng on::e on acu 11cs anu stu ents ....... 10 violentl" attacked from r b. •·· • .,. d 'bl ' His way upon the Earth. And God said unto uv 1 was ar too 1z.arre to uo: uo: tcve pDSSI e. -ithln ••·tr -a ...... yo. W ld h ···1 · .• c h· b · Noah, 'The end of all tlesh is come before me:; .. u.. ..... -. -ou you ave ~ JC'Vcu tnese ram-leoce in the t.tlways I.DdiiWr· •. IK ) n · ld .. _ for the Earth is filled with violence rhrough wa.s 1ng o rean war tee n1ques wou "" weUs ts ra ... -..,, &Dd children r • r , d d · · · them; and !>(hold. I will dettroy them with .. _.-o rccu on acult•es an stu ent s ("senSitiVIty the earth.' .. are being shaken down tor lbe1r training")" Imagi ne anyone saying that in 1970 . lunch mooey, and physically grade S('hool st udents would regularly indulge ~me people, ~~ CltCU!>C thetr own do-a.Dd semallJ abUsed. Tbe 'Tbree in mtcrcourse. making it seem commonplace! nothm~ness. say: God alone can s~ve the R's' hl¥8 8008 by tlMt boud. When J)() one then even spoke of homosexu-world. II appears to me that God IS more aDd DOW tbe educators hue aht y. how would you hav~ known that in 1970 apt to destroy it. Or, at least deltroy all except come !C) with •community ad- '' would he ;~c tual ly encouraged? Do you His chosen who havc accepted Christ and are ju.stmeot' ud 'btbuior&l modi· kno ..... even now. about teenage swap clubs? prepared for H1s Second Comi ng.-American flca.Uoo.' OurcbUdreaarebet.nc Sex cluM? C hildren arre.sted for prostitution? Way Featurclli deprtW'ed of a proper edt.IC'atlon, From the Assembly ... elua. '1, The ooacept of netcftbor- Tbe Lel.llet warDed tbat hood schools sbouJd be recoc· "meotaJ. baaltb" eoocentration n1Jed u beiPc desirable, and c&q,s are to be used to setW'e an eod should be made to forced eo~llaDce bypeopleYboob)eet lDlelfatlon a.ad the bu&ina: ol to Ml ld\tCalloa lnstnetion for students to achieve lntecratloo. tbemM~~~ UM1 tbelr cbUdren. 8. The maintenaoce ol law U was relattd that stronc left. and order In our schools, and lit attitude Is beld b)' ma.ay a rigid poUcy or arrest and llberal proponents ot se:r edu-punlshmeot tor agitators. caUoo.. The same people whO U Is appareot that the S.O.S. whial Jor democracy and "ooe reached the ears of President mu. 001 YOte" are themselve• N1mn, as tbe news story an- b.lchlY llDdemocrattc. Many of oouoced that HEW Secretary tbe leadloc promoters ot se:r Robert L. F'toch was removed .tucatlon ban tnowD commu. trom hJ.s poslUon I..D the pres1· lllst1c afftuatJons, and sex edu. dent's cablnet and assigned to ca.Uoa baa beeomeusetulfortbe other duties In the WhiteHouse. moral subfen:lon of our youtb. It was hard to understand wl\y Vlolnt etlbclsm has been Mr. F'lnch, who ns my cla.s&a lenled at sensutvtty traJ.flinc. mate at U.S.C., could have per. 1D 188'1, lbe u. s. omce ot slsted 1D hls erlorts to bus Education bep.n to fUnd senst· school children, when busing tlflty tralniAg 1n the Garden was forbidden by law. Gron Scbool District, !n Cal· lt Is to be hoped that the Uornla, for senath and etgt:lth president also wUl conform to p-ade students. ln order to th e rest of the S.O.S. program, receh·e federaJ. funds, the gov. aocl wlU put an end to forced ernmeot required mandatory integration and the busing ol By ROBERT BADHAM needed, the Jaw says aU the From this can be deducted student atteodaDce. schOOl children to achieve .4.11 ..nlllym an 7 ht District earned lncome has to be used h)Come tu. social security and Illegal busJog, forced JDte. lntegratloa. Our present welfare laws as the basis for figuring the legally permitted dediJCtions LETTERS TO EDITOR • • provide, believe Jt or oot, that ald. totaling $150, The orlgi.aa.l$'705 a family can have $'100 a month Here's the way It works: earned income now is down to • WORD FROM TEXAS comina In and still quaUIY for Presume a family unltofmotner $Z'15. Now subtnct $100 tor £ radicals and even participate -2 $?0 dltor of the Ensign, in their violence. welfare. yet another family with and children to have S babyslttin&: and thelncome level , $1 T 1 1JOUld llke to express my U you doubt tbe above state. na.tt that tncome cannot receive coming ln~-a tctltlous case Is down to '15. be recJ,pleot dr b r t•· .... i th .... ed lnthts'~-.. best regards to the people of meot you shouk1 have attellded •ubUc assistance. awn !.&) Y one o •n: we....u e s en 4LW" , uaw.nce, ., dlr t Fed 'La the 125 I tr ta .. ~-__._ ,,ewport Beach for being so the debatu, "Presldelll Nl.Joo Tills ls Yfl'ong. You know It, ec ors. en w says or anspor ........, ~ and I know 11. And Governor first $30 shall not be consl-and the flnal llgure Jor deter. ~cb to~e w':::'w::e D ~ ns rlgbt in sending troops Reagan hopes to do something dered tn compuUng the grant mlnlng need is $150 a month. into Cambodia," at UC:lbetween aboi.Jt lt by plugging the lepl because lt represents casual This $150 ls set apinst wbat AIRY.AN Richard J. S'4'Pt, MID ~ r= '7 ..!:s~~ :~aa~ aRti~l:v~::::a: loopholes that permit 1t earnings and lf considered the state says a woman and Z ot Mr. ud Mrs. Abr&hl.mScwe wltb t.be 18th Ordnallce MM Co leader ot tbe SO·called strtte At lssue, ofeouree, u~rising mlght destroy part or the law's chlklreo might Deed per mouth ot S%09 New Yorll: An., coaa at Caq:l C&.Ua.o I.Dd veotura· commlltee. This committee weLfare costs which, wtta MedJ. !Dtent.-an lDcenU.-e to work. to Uve oo, $225 a molib. lkt Mesa, bu completed bu1e Tbe people tbere treated m~ took over the Commons build· Cal, wiU account tor &boW: na.u The sam~ rationale ls a,ppUed tbe law says she Deeds a.DOther tralotnc at Lactlaad AFS. TUf C«dially. 1 re&lise durlnc lng tor Us headquarters and or a projected $141 million to the ne%t exempUaa of one-$'75 to bring ber lC> to oUlclal Texas. He baa beeo Ullped wars tbe best social, splrltual tur i 1 detl.cft In tne state bOO-t ln thlr1:l of the balaoce. This then subsistence levels, to l...owry AFB, Colo., fortra.lD· A~ .. ...,.,....011, 51 •• of ·-·•eare Ded t ato a plg pen. The •· $?05 This 1 -.. ~ .... .,._, .,., ........,_ O.nl' ...,.... ..-a..st majority of the audleoce the 1970-'11 tl scal year. reduces the original to s where we ~>~aNal _. Inc totbe m\ltllUons&Ddweapoos DOt 00 u:blbtt, 1n considering the new bOO-$450. 1n to Ugbten !.&) the laws. maiDtemnce neld. 1 eDjoy reading tbe Enstgn. ~~e~~~ ~'t!.1!sect &tR=~ get, we etpe<:ted 4 months ago TRUSTEES OK NEW COURSES 1 recau many places Which 1 son. booed and shOuted down thai wellare costs would in· •lslled while oo the West Coast. Doroan. Some shoutedbarnyaro crease $83 mllUon for next 1 tlrst marched arouod thera.ee obscen1Ues aDd waved clenched year. But they will actually lna The report of the secoodary course, 10 units ot credit, tor tllms, 5 units ol credit, tor tractatSamaAnitatoropeoers. tlsts at hlm . The latter 1s the crease by $123 million. sc hool curriculum council pro. grades 10, 11 aDd 12, The gOal juniors and seniors. On Friday n1Rfll we aU headed communists' gesture. The governor recently told a posing new courses was ap~ is to stimulate sclenWic ln. • • • over to tbe Hollywood Canteen. The collges should otter a news conference at the capitol proved last we ek by the New. terest ln non-college oriented Editor ol the Ensl.p There I was treated Ute a course which would counteract that welfare cheating is still port Mesa SchOOIDistrlctboard students a.nd to give such stu-Under the by-llne "Speclal kln&. I appreclate t.be actors the teachlngs of the leftists, a problem, "but the real evil of trustees. dents an opportunity to take CorrespotJ:Ient," a story prl.Dt. and actresses wbo put tn the M.antsts, communists, revo. Graduate at Long Beach Ues In correcting these legal S~t. Willlam Cunningham a Zad year of scteoce. ed LD your June 11 issue re. lone bours enterta.tning mem. lutlooaries, or whatever oa.me loophOles. Need Is DO longer a was authorized to incorporate • 14roductory phOtography, ported that a.o eu1tatl.oa had bers of the 18t.b Ordoa.nce MM. you wlsh to caU them. A course consideration to become eU-the foUowtng new cour 1 ses 00 1nto one semester, 5 u.nJ.ts or credit, been made ot Costa Mesa Hl&b Co. which would quote J. Edgar France Michael Gibbons Clara gible for we ltare," he pointed the district course 0 &t y: grades 9 through 12. Tbe goal Scbool by Robert Corrlp.o Aa. Now ['m bacll: 1n Tezas and Hoover, F.B.L llles, the Senate More than 5, 700 stl.lde nt s re- ceived degrees al the J une 13 commenct!ment at Califor nb State College, Lo ng Beach, tn~ eluding the fo llowm~: from 'his area: Ba lboa-..Joho Dunlavy, John Mathison, Robert GUM, and Richard Lefmann. Balboa ls\and--Thom'ls Bod- amer , Donna Peter SIOn, Patricia Robelet, John Arens, '•POrgt" Kane and Dray Rls tenpart. Corona del Mar •• Helen ~J­ Unger, Merle Coleman, James Gilbert, Stanley Gray, Phi ll ip Lippincott and Lee Marston. Harbor Vi ew 111\ls --Joan Wall, Thomas Jeffries, Mar y Hens ler and Cher yl Lewts. Cameo Hi gh la nds· -Geor ge Cooper. Corona Highlands--Gerald Scott. I r vI o e --Robert Attridge, Katharine Clergern, Linda Gas- ton, James Huth and Geor ge Witt. Lido lsle-~Howard Wight. West Newporta ~Mic tlaeiBa.b­ coc.k, Apr il Sarles, Martin Boren, Henry CuUey, ThOmas M.elum, James P. Edwards, Rolll.me Hubinger and John Regus. Central Newport -~ Donald Webb, Baycrest ~~John Bean and Susan Winston. N""'PQrt Shores-. Howard Career, Ronald Cleo., Ann Kllem, and Barbara Beckley. Wtst Upper Bay~aHelenBry­ ant &Dd Glenn Warren. Nt'WIJOI1 Hel&fl,ts --lsa.bel Gl-._ Robert Lit&, Pntll4> Schllldo~ Chrl"lne Spoueer, Michael stuley, Ri ciW'd Bodl· oua. Balboa CO'tet-AKU TlRJIIA. Harbor wa.t-.Joa Maeaab. Harbor ,lllrblaads •• PuJ QwyroL Well ll._t Hlllfiii-PU. _,_ -Bbllf •• Doret< Hartlll. Cf* _ _... .. .,.u- -loll rz;:._ Da"" Cal. -· .4lrla C....-. KalllrJM ,.._, -noloy, - I ence G~ay Eva Haggai 'sruce out. • Boys• chef class, one se· is to provide students wtlh a sociates. Tbat story wu com. a mucb wiser YOUDil man bv Security Subcommlttee, pollee Haubrick 'Myrna Henderson, Doe county welfare director mester course wtth 5 units of.pracUcal k.nowledce of dark· pletelJ t..lse aDd uatrue. No ba.Ti..o& been eJPQsed 10 c au. tiles, etc. The students oeed Susan Hlnkey , Ro:.a.nne Hoi-says it ls Illegal for a person credit, for grades 9 through room procedure, 1158 of pboto. INCb enluatton bu beto made foroia. and its way ot life. 11 fa cts 510 that they won't be brook. De lbert Holford Richard to qult a job to qual.l1)' for 12. graphJc equipment and a tuoc. by Robert Corrlp.o AsiOCLites any one trom Newport Beach or diC>(Id by subversives into ac. Jac~ Alice Johnso~ Donna weUare. The taw canoot be • F'Ums as communication, Uooallelsure Ume actirtty. or any otber nrm. No cooclu-Costa Mesa happens to Visit cepttng communism. Jones ' Ken Kni ght Maruyn "manipulated" to that end. U one semester, 5 units otcred.Jt, • Mass med.la,ooesemester, sions ba.Ye been made u wu Ablleoe, TeDS, please feel tree Sincerely, Koch~ndorfer, BarrY La.ugtJUn, they quit to qua Uty ror aid, he grades 9 through lZ. 5 :ts of ~edift,tor ~rsand. reported 1n your uUcle, am to f1s1t our Abilene~ TaykJr J.R. Heels Patrlcl.a Mcfarland, Georgia says, they would be viewed with • Fine arts 5 a.pprecLatton,ooe se r s, or_..A~ ~~ 110 monies bave been eJP!DdaJ. Couaty Health Department and 300 E. Coast Hwy., Moe Susan Morper JOhnNakll-s uspicion. semester, units of credit, IJPOO recomme...__.. "~~e Tbe adm1n1strat1oo &Dd tbe fa. reoew old Urnes. 1 would Uke Newport Beach. tani' Sam P etei-~n Charles But then we ttoo that re-grades 9 through lZ. Sh.teats study will loclude oew&papers, culty ot Colla Mesa. RiPScbOol to add my "DO" Yote to &DOtber Ree~es and David Reilly, ports have been cited in a.n-will be taught to identll}' pr e-news magulnes,radJolOOteie. deeply reseot the lmpl.lcations proposed Freeway which wtU • RECALL JUDGES Benny Seeley, Kent Spencer, other county where I23 pubUc vtously unseen works of art vl!ion. of the reported "ftncUnp." bt a "bUCbt" 00 tbe City of Editor of the Ensign, Robert Templeton, Rudolph employees were r eceiving we]. and place them into a philosophy PollUcs and polltlckin.tt. It ts demanded that a retrac-Newport Bellch, It seems strange that nooe Va nschal.i:, James Vocke, Betty tare. ln this case, I was par. and/or general period ln Ume. oneed1quartorter1.~_,_2-1~~ unl~~A or uoo be printed t.o tbe JtiMI 25, RObert E. Knoz, R.S. of your editors or reporters is Watari Patricia Wrlgtlt Char-UcuWly alarmed over a r e- • F'ood service (try cook), cr t, \llUUrs <UN se-..rs. 19'10 1.ssue of tlle Enslp a.ad Abtleoe, Teus interested ln the r ecaU move. les Y~ng Jack Ar m'strong port that one pubUc em[)loyee one year course, 10 units of The goals are to develop an. tbat 'UW; retraction be pri.Jhcl meat. ot two Superior Court Paul Ashby Bob Cantu aob wa s earning U1e equivalent of credit, tor Junior s aod senior s. interest aod to equJptbestudent 1n the sa.me loca.Uoo &nd 00 • DEBASING SCHOOLS judges, namely Jerry Pachtand Gloster Her'bert Johnson' carl $14,000 a year and also re-The purpose ts to provide vo-to parttcJpate more tully and tbe same pap u the orlglpal Editor ol the Eulp, Robert Keooey. These two are Levont~s. Bob Lytle,' Bob cetvlng court-or dered wellare. catlonal opportunities lor toter. participate tnteWpntly 1n our article, Un1oas require all teachers responsible, as you well know, Ruelle Cherllee Vlrgil Ron It's no wonder soch cases ar£' ested students through appren. poUUcal process. SIDeerely to be treated u uerap ln· tor allowing Anpla Dans, an Woodr~t. Ron ztmme~man. causing resentm ent among ticeshlp tr:alnJ.ng, tor both per A • Scienuttc Ulustra.Uoa I aDd Frank A. i..c,p.., PrtocJpal Iliad of profeulona.ls. Tbuslbe admltted communlst,lnterest.t Ken Dutro, Terry Dazey, Helen work1ng people. maneot and temporary employ-, U, one year course, 10 Ull1ts Cotta Mesa HIP Scboo1 Wldeslr&b .. and locompetent to O¥ertbrowln& our United Locasso, Nanacy Palmer, Engtn 1 realize tllat this blatant m~nt. ot credlt, tor grades 10, 11 Earl Trelcbel. Presidel:lt t•cbera pt u mtteh aJaty u states co••nmel'lt, to oontlnue Kepenek, Ken Kledtlk, W@sley case may be the only one of lntermedlate science cur-aJ~ 12. Faculty Se .. t, tbe best witheomparableteoure as a professor oa a state ~A Wads-.orth and Jon Vansk:loten. Its ldnd turned lip during a riculum study, leYel 3, ooe year Televlsion pertorml.Dg aDd • • • &Dd atatus. The oDly ftJ a &DOd poried collep campus. one·ll'IOllth survey of the tn-anoounclllg I a.od D. ooe year EDn'OR'S NOTE: Tbt JIIDI teacher can ret & raUe la: tor Perblps you auw:awaretbl.t MARKLECX>MMJSSIOHED comes olpeoplerecelvlngwel-LEGALNOTICE course, 10 unlta of credit, 11 utlclelD tbe Eulpwu all teacbera to Jttooe.Thls eDOUgllW'ertlledYOtet&:'Olmu tare, but one Ute this Is cer. grades 9 throueb 12. t:aMd oo materlal obU1Did at l.swutef'lll a.DderuthescltiHns bue bela secured 011 pet).tioba AS 2ND Ll EUTENANT talnly enough to make a Jot of NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARlNG • Tbe world since the bomb, Ute Ftb. 1 'I' metUAc of tbldla. ritll tJtranpnt sebool tua: . .a1ped bJ lllterested clUsellS to Peter C. Markle, son of us wonder oow many more such NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 001 quutc, 2.1/J ua1ts of trtct 8Cbool board. Tilt. maW· ThU WbOle mus Ia tbe re. put the recall of tbelt! Judi'S GorOOn M. Markle, 429.1/2 cases have ootbeendlscovered. that the City CoWlCU or the City credit, tor jwliora aod ltldora. ial wu: a capf ol 1 ll-plet suU olll:dol pbUOIOPhJ. U 11 00 tbe b&.Uot at the Dell eLee- Narctssus, Corona del Mar, The Jaws that are causing or Newport Beqch wiU bold a The pls are to mottftte stu. report IDUtled "Qulb.ty Pll'• ,_ .. AI tM edUic&UOaal pro-Uoa. Yr. Pacr&t declared tbiJ has been commissioned a anguish to we llare ottlclaJ.s in pubUc hearing regard1ogappeal detU to coot1aae 011 witb u formuce lor COlt& Yea HICil eta ud DHIJI corr~ Tbe would aot be poglblt. second lleutenant upon com. the state permit welfare re. of E. 0. Rodelter from decl.s&on lnterest La the po11tics of tbe SchOol pkD_" tbe ftr.t ..,_ .eboola: IIIMCI better rn&DIP· stnDce, 11D1 tt, tbat thelliii'Q pletion of the U, S. Air Force ctpieots to earn income but of the Pla.bn1nf Commission world &Dd to l.llterprtt ntllb belDc wrUteo OD tbe litter~ meM. ralblr Uaa more fllada.. media bun't meDtloold an as- Reserve Officers Tralntng wbeo the Ume comes to ~m. deoytng Use Permit AppUea-1n h world u tbeJ oeeur. of Robvt £. Corrlllll A..,_ C. C. Mo.le)' towld1DC flct ot UtJa raha'e. Corps program at the Unlvers-pute oow much additional aid 1s tion No. 14 79 reqllflstiDi per. • tlrbln.atlltta, oaeQ\&lttr. datta ot Gard• Groft. Ez-P.O. 8oJ. 1157 Tbt filet tbat u &YOnd ity of Connecticut at Storrs. mission lor a rooftq) be.IJport Z-1/Z tlllt1 o1 erecUt. Jot c• lor tbt 1alrod'rlct«J tbNt GJeadale, C&Ut. &D&f'CbUit cu opea.lJ pr-.ett. He also recei<ed his bachelor's F the B'hle in Newport Centor, porttna ot jw>toro, Amonrlhlob)Oetl"ola ............... oftlltBtlllpUUela Jll-..,. ., .. .,....doc degree tn clvll engtoeerln&. Ll. rom • I. Block 93, Irvine's SubdiYiJdon, a lhdaltreiMI'cbprofectcSeat. .. ud tbe 4lal parall:f'IPia-tat • COUN'I'I.R.ACT THE LEn trials tiJ• contCJt oar ~ Ma.rii:Je, a member otSlgma Ph.t Then sa.ld Jesus to Chose located oo the nortbwestcorDtt !Dr wtth a problem lD artu arUele COIIIIDd o1 oartct qe.. EcHlar o1 tbe lulp, coiJttt ....,..... 01 c:atqpQ~N Epsilon, ts a 1966 graduate of Jews v.blch believed on him, of San Nicolas Drtve and Mure affa1ra,1Dclu41Dclllll78Uoftbe tatku from t1r1t ftiXIft, n. ..,. ..,.. Pl'.adtlt n ICJPOI't wllb oar ~ Oaobury (Conn.) hlfh ochoOL. l! ye eonunue Ln my word. A \'<~Calle Drive, a<>llOd C.O-H-coairll>ollnc .,_, lid -Prlaclpol '---~~~~~ at -Qdtorllty 11u ro-would "'" -!boo&!~~ tr•: then ate ye my <Uac!ples, UL. -'alpoulbll.,-. iulp-1111"-...-i qooltod ~..::r" Ia -oo1J 1 "" ,_,- SARAH HALL DIES lnOeecl; NO'f!C£ IS lt£REBY fUR. 1'bl earrl<lllllm ._u,.._ Ia a ...,.atuorllll&l_. -aor, ,_ Ylt---. llsoiiiP- Mrs. Sarab H. Hall, IS, of And ye ohall know the TilER GlVEII tbll tilt ald!M>-port also toel-J --Ill 117 c:am,.a ·--ud -.. """'' II. He por:tod - -_,, WID 918 Jl&lporo, Costa Melt, <lied trutll and the trutb shall Uc boll.rlnr wlll bo bold '"'IIIII COWIOI: -Ull 01'1111&1 wu -• ~ -al -u ool •--tr--. 11010 I S at Hoor llolpUal Silo mat~ 100 free , (St. Jobn Uti> dl1 01 July, U'IO, al IIIII • _,.., --, t 1 ' -lo 1111......, at tr.--·II all, bit u lrt-ww. -• 11oo -1 wu bora Pob. ZO, 18.!5, in 3 . ._ ol 1:10 P.M. to tllo c-. 111111 at erdt, tJr -lOr -He -lllot Ull 01'1111&1 ..-lo wtlo *Ill -- -... "*"1 -7 Or 11 KaJuu a.ad. came to Ort..np S: l, 32·) eU Cb&mben 0( tbt CltJBa.U ICi.ct ..,.,.,ta"tt' ...... tiDIIBIWU r"aW IIIII. " 3 I WI ..a. brlntiiC taU a l'tllkll'k:al. qllltim ta COODtJ ln lt56. ol. tbe CttJ ol Mewpart ~ • ..... Mille II IMr, I ••ttll!• bit'l:e& c..rw,. riD.. t1U dQ o1 lbrSac rtMQie SonltWO toe-t<llUCIJior, CAB CONTRACT AWARDED Calltonla, ll wllletl time Ull llllilalerdt, __ t .. a-4MIIIIIo, lllo---will ooi-IIW ud -a•fld, -1 _, lin, Ellto 8, Coo* o1 ~ HI"" btd tJr lD -liiii"•PilelWudaUpor--. II. Tllo pl Ia, lo ---Ull Ull "IIIII_. lllo ..... dw'* -lllo ••1011 -Ia-~ HlUa; 4 .....,....ldr• ud 10 a.,_ cal> trooebl• al 1110-,.,_.lldbolllor1l tilt l-blr Ill• Ill-... II "'"I"" 1llol Ull -~-·: :"•1.&111-,..0 IDac 1o bo --rr~liho. OnJt&oeo.,>AJrporttt<.w.J-. •-• Ull--1o rwz•n ,.1111 IUIII--"-'· .•11. Tot, "111 -.... p"'loo? ---.bold wu -Iaiii •loll 117 Leonl.qloo Ull -_... 1o • I • I 1o Ill_.., ... W.: ad~;':' will Ill ~UII ,_ roolllt..., 111 .-.. a1 10 Lta.7 Prloll7 J-It, Yo-Cal> o1 """"'" 111cb Cllf Cllrk -11 _ _, lo por. -Ill 'Ill -Ill •1111 IJM. z.,nl lollol -.... Ill- a1 u. Bou-ar-'y Cllopo~ Ull Cool& 11-1'bl tlrmol-Cllf of It_. ....., tk...,laa--loUII _. .. ud c.m.a&o.. ot-...., •n'RI-111 • .-,, -U11 lief. L. V. -lorld4Mporclollluodllll• P11>llllll: I-III, lt10, lJI w•-. -~Ill---·-I*PIIl Ill~ ot--- oftl<loll... ,..,._. *"'"_._,....., •s.wr at tl_l_...._ -••u•-· -~~~ eenw•.-n n • NOOooRT HAR!IOR ENSIGN FIRST SECllON --P•o 3 Origin of our anthem School poll"cy 1•5 approved I lVIII! MAST! I OIOIALf !LICTS OPPICIIS Daftd lleUW ot Onllll IU Mar, m k..rJ..tr n w•; ud . --IOalodloroiUTI ·-elc-dol no _,.,., .. _-er-"' ~ .. ·-Ia ... -"' IIOo-----.. -. Dtolnd-PYO _o .. l '*1ll a.! _....,-Ia-Cllonlo. -8-oC ,;_ .1oo -e1 ·-1, lui wool< to apoUey--oeiool Ud d!Jirld 11u1a Aa 1o IIHI ___..,. .., 11n. Yla ~.c--. By EmllJ Roll ..W _, II t10o _., oC II lbe t.atoreol oC 11>11 ~ v-.,, 110o "ltaro .., II"'>Uc:, Pall-o Wrllllt Cboi>-Strtpoe" bU -earrlod -ter, Daactater• ot the A!Mr1cu boDar ac:roa .,_, ... ud RuolaiiGo, aod ConUor Cboi>-.-11>11 sou, aodlllll>o- ter, Coloalal D&m.tl XYU CtD-abcwt-..aoll CCMitiiN Amert- tury, joiJllll ro-loWDctho _., c:au lw.YO loullll aod dlod 10 ot the ortcla of uThe star-teep tt aloft, Amerlcul wbo Bl>uclod Banner," our ..U01al 1o-tod lbelr-, aodboU..od Glldoeat.,.l ~loctp .. a.. coaJa &ad objlc:UyN. cielt; JIIDIII D 'IC of C... U.,. lliUd • 7 t•:&. 1'111111 diG- Tile !rastus slated l!lallbey ...... ....,.... .,, --dol liar, ... --.. -IIOo -"' uaume the primuy respoosl-tared .,.., c1 U:Wa Ud uow. S...e Mon1a ot c:.a.. del Dr. 111&.-ice AJJard ol o:t. bU.Ity l::lr tbe ma.d.mum lotellec-ledp, ba&.l de.elopmeatotallstlldeots, Skill& taelude r.m.c. eom- anlllem. It 10 bo lbelr duty to o1>oJ • but share reiliPO(LSlbillty lor posldoD., U..Ceotnc. tpM!d•c, physical. social-emotiooal, coQ'CMit&UoD. dot.Dc. a.ad ttJ.1ak.. cultural and ethlca.l-mon.l de-ln&. Kaow*Sp lDcluclla J&A.. Yeiopment ol studetas wtth otb-race systems, m.atbematlcal u commwlity efforts. systems, eel.ence, IIOCialltDcl- ies, t1.oe and praetiea.l arts. We ln Waatllncton wu not 1t1 Jaw•, to rttpect u. f1ac 84r1oua:ly dl&turbed by the war and to defend 1t acatut all or 1112 until JuJ.y, 1814, wben enemies. Here is the te-of ••---te-ll was learned that tM Brl-... u ... ,.,.. tllb had !aDded and were march~ Oxy grads ment olinterim poUcy: 6. That procreu will be. lnt dlredly on wastttngton. • Statement of educaUonal termi.Ded throucb district. p--• --1 ke or llle principles: scbOol, aftd teaeber uaeumeat &WC· .... c n, many Oceideotal Colle-ao·•-s 1 That 1-•-•t~-n~ ~ !he !ly •• .-. • the total education data. Valld,rellable,&Ddrepre-... ._. I&UI.S .......... om e • recelrtng baebe1or decree• at ot outh 1s loel..U.Or Prestdenl M.adlson the June 14 comm•oceme .. 111• Y shared amoag bome, sentaUwe amples ol Latel-- and bts cabinet. eluded the tollowl:lc 1oca1 stu-cllureh, school, and other com-lectutl bebaY1or will be p1Dec1 0o reaehJJlc Waablnctoo, the deots·. mwlity orga.ni.zations. lhroagtl asaesament tools ot BrtUsh ftrst put to rout a small Virginia Am B&rr dau&flter 2. TI'Lat tbe a.re.as of shared realilOOiiiilble staod:u'di&atioo. co~ of Amerlea.o regulars of Mr. aod Mrs. c•-!tes "··r, I respoosibtUty for stLJdeDt de-7. Tba.t pro-ess wt.ll be re-~ IU!Ia ,... ua~: welopment are physical de-... a .... m and then proceeded 1114 Sea Ln. Harbor Vi" "-ported to all oooeerDed. P&rt!U to burn the clty's best build-Hills, a cllemtdry ma~-. -._ we_.ment, social deYeJopment, aJMt studeots wtU be NnU.Ibed 1 1 1001 th WhJ H ,... .:M"' emoUooal development, cui-OCS, nc ng e te ouse, has been a'WU'ded a teacMDc tunl a.Jld ethical/moral de-wttb tnformatloo as to boW llu- after whJcll tbey returned to asststa.ms:htp at the Un1Yerslty veklpment. dents are dolnc. Communlty, their camp on Chesapeake Bay. of l..od1ana for a Pb. o. pro-3. That the scllools' primary board, and staff Y1l.l be fUr-,.,,-~ Francls Scott Key, poet-gram ln cbemtatry, r espoosibtllty is the mul.mum n.isbed wttb illformatloo as to lawyer, who was at the time Michael David Ray son of tntellectlloll deveklpmeat of bow weU schools are cioU.C.. an artillery omcer with the Mr and Mrs James' D Ray outh NCYJ'E : lt is recop.l&ed tbat rank of Ueutemnt, learned that 450.1 Otrtngt~ Rd., Cam~ Y 4• That each school is re-many ol the tools and prO- the British had arrested an old Shores economics rna )or He sponslble tor tile educa.t.loaal cedures oecessary for l'ullim- frieOO of hJs, Dr. WIUiam wlU a'ttend Georptown ·law progress of each student at-plementaUon aad en.lu:llioo 01 Beane, for aUeged ''discour-school teOOJ.ng. the statement of educaUooa: tesy'' to the invaders and were C~lotte Elaine Hanna Ule s. That each student is to principles are yet to be de. threatening to hang 111m. daugtJter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul mate reasonable progress 1n n)aped, tesl8d, and retlaed. With a fla g of truce am Ha.nlla, 602 Kings Rd., Clllf ea ch school subject, each year Therefore, realll.a.Uon ot these accompanied by Col. JohnSidn-Haven, music rna )or. VICE-MAYOR W[LLARD JORDAN of Costa Mesa presented in which he Is enrolled or par-pri.Dc.1ples Is e~peeted to mon ner, agent lor the parole of James David Richman son the proclamation deslg:natlllg June 14-21 a.s Amertc.antsm Uci.patlng. t:rom the curreftt liatus&ocom- prisoners, Key set out from of Mr. and Mrs. Matu,e'w M. week to Mrs . Kenneth Westman of Costa Mesa, presldeM plete 1mplementat1on ln a.o or- BaiUmore in a small Ameri-Richman 313 36th St West of the Newport Harbor Emblem Club 394. At the club's Criteria lor reasonable pro-derly process. Each year tbe can ship In pursult of the Bri-Newport.' poUUcal scle~e ma-Juoe meetJ.ng, Mrs. Eugene Bergeron, junior past prestdent gress are to be established district aod IDd.IYidual sc:bools Ush fleet, which they contacted jor, member of Pill Beta Kappa a.Jld Amerlca.n15m ctla.l.rman, Included In her program a dis-for eachstudentbased1410ntotal w!U deYeklp a set o1 goals, two days oot and were permit-and graduating with magna cum play of the 10 national rlagstllathavefiown over our country past performance unless past objectins, a.Dd plans which in- ted lo board the admir al's flag. laude hooors. He w!U atteod a.od outllned the hJstory and origin of each. (Pbotograph performance is unre2Ust1c. corpor:ate tbese educatiooal __ .... Could you guess what's good about a headache? 1r you happm co have one riaht now, probably all you need is an upirin. But the fact is: a bc:adKht: aorn&- times iJ a sianaJ. It may be tcllina you someth.ina is wt0n1 •.. perhq. 501"11ethina qui~ I'"C:mOte from the pain. In thil e\'Cilt it's a J"ymplOm-valuable information for your physician. So if you haw: a pendtcnt or rc:currina hc:adacht and doo't know why, .cc your doctor. Don't take a chanct. Your physician can probably clear up your problem in short order. Of courx, he may say all you need il upUia-but even lhat's wonb kftDto'ill#. .a &. CD.UT ....,_, creoe• .a. ... ~ .... ship. With dltficully, they ob-law school. by Phtllp E. Bettencourt.) Progress Is defined as LD-prfDdples. talned the old doctor's release r------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!1" ... but were oot permitted to re- turn to Baltimor e until alter the pending battle against Fort McHenry, which blocked access to Baltimore. Over ft. McHenry flew the huge 30 by 42 foot, 15 star, 15 stripe flag, which llad been made the previous year by Bal- timore seamstress Mary Ptck.- ersldll at her home on Pratt street. From their vantage point a- board ship, und er British guard, the three Americans, all through the dayUgflt hours of Sept. 13 and Into the nigtlt, anxiously watched tile terrific bombudment. Suddenly, alter midnight, all firing ceased aoo In the omloous silence which continued througfl the night, their fears Increased that the Iori had surrendered. Then, to their icY, "by the dawn's early UgtLt," they caught their first glimpse of ··the Stars and Stripes" fluttering In the breeze. In the fervor of the moment, Key reached 1nto his pocket and found an old letter, on the back of whlcll he jotted down '' 'Tis the Star-Spangled BANNER. Long may it wave C'"r the land of the tree a!XI the home of the brave." lie continued to write as he was being trans- ported by boat to Baltim:~re and in his hotel that nJght, wrote out the wor ds in their entirety, just as we know them today. First called "The Defense of Fort McHenry," the name was later changed to "The Star- Spangled Banner." Key's poem fitted tile then popular song, ··Anacreoo In Heaven." Set to thJs stirring music, the com- plete song was distributed all over Baltimore In the form of handbills. In a matter of hours, everyone was slnglng II. The song, "Anacreon tn Ueaven," was made famous by the Anacreontstic Society of London In 1775, deriving its nam e from the Greek lyric poet of that name. Though its origin Is cloaked ln obscurity, it is geoeraUy CODCeded that be- cause of its martial straJnsa.nd Us resemblance to a trumpet marchlng !JOllg of that day, that it is mllltary In origin. The sone reacbed this country In 1793 when U ns pubUshed ln two American newspapers and later aweared in the form of st1eet music, by wh.ich time there were OYer a buOOred paro. dies, many of which sUU sur~ vlve today. Both the words aod music of ··The Star-S~».•cled Baru>er" appealed to Americans every~ wbere and marked the bectnnlng of devotion to the nac. On March 3, 1931, by an act ot Coogress, It wu made our oaUonalantbem wtth Preddent Hoover signing the btU. On Jul)' 2, I !148, Presi- dent Trumuprocla.lmtd: "That u a perpebal Qmbol of our polrlotllm, thollacolthe Ulltod Slaloo o!w.U horooltor be dll- pltytd at Fort llcHeary Nat. loaal Momwneat at all Umn cl1lriJir 11>11 cloY aod DIP!." 11'l'bt stars ud stripes" wbldl Dew Oftr n. MeHtDitJ lo -Did .... bollcod, Its ....,.,....._ ..... m- -. oC Uo ln..U MlDclllol PII'DI* tiJM. • " Ill' .... ,.,. at IIOo .. ,_. --.. IJt•t ....... D.C., -. It ~~ .. --....,. -lllol llao ......... ..... J ... PollJ __ _ .-., l'l.lllodlllo .. ._ ....,,., oa e.. OCIUI o1 !zlh:• Young at Heart-Dependable and Smart Sure-and we have all the plans Typo Passbook Account Bonus Account Guaranteed Rate Account Guaranteed Rate Account Guaranteed Rate Account Annu.l Y;o&d 5.13% 5.39% 5.92% 6.18% 7.79% 5% 5.25% 5.75% 6% 7.50% Minimum ·-$2500 $50()00 $1,00000 $5,00()00 $100,00000 Minimum v ..... I doy 90 days 365 doys 2yu" lyur daily daily doily daily doily Ttt~se r•tes •re the htghest p.~~id by •ny tnsured savtnp •nd loan assoe~atton '" the Nat•on • • • • e1nve ow at a good place to save Founded in 1936 Newport Balboa §~yjngs a aubsldlary otiMP£RIAL CORPORA noN of AMERICA dedlcloled to communltr 111owt11 Main Office: 3366 Via Lido, Newport Beach, Calrlomla • Phone 714/6~130 Corona del Mar Office: Financial Plaza, 550 Newport Center Drive, Corona del Mar, California i2625 • Phone 714/&44-1481 ' I ' 7" ·(J ·· r { I) ,. -It~-.- ~ .... ~ • \ • • HERE ARI:: 10 of the Empire debutantes who m'lde thelr bow to society at the June 19 ball a t the Newporter Inn, sponsored by the Harbor Key of the Child Gulda.bee Center of Orange Cotmly. They a.re, front row, left to right, Val- mere Lynne Kasala, Ther esa Louise Blalack and CynttU.a Pells; middle row, Melodie Aan Keller and Bryn Bernard; standing, Renee Louise Gould, Cynthian Leigh Weber, Jennifer Jean Wittwer. Nancy Sue Winfield and Deborah June Uetzleur. (Cameo House photo.) ~~l~ FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE HEEDS ROBERTSON -SADL EIR In surance Jj · NEWPORT HAROOR ENgGif FIRST SECllON --P• 4 • ·TIIURSilAY, JUNE~ mo OORONA DEL liAR, CAUF. Kathie Hartman wecls David Thomas Root DaJtd nomu Root, -. c:l Dr. IDCI Mn. Terrell Root c:l lrYI.ne Ccwe, took Ml.N Katlde Loljll HarlmaD ·u bla llrldo In a caad.leU&tat ceremoa1 &I St. Alldrew's PresbJtertu Churth ol N"''IIl"" Beach oo Saturday, J1m8 u. Tbe bride ts the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Kenoeth Hartman of !430 Bay shore Dr., Bay Sbores. She cbose a &Ol'D ot peau de sole and lmporta:l Eag- Ush Det embeWsbed wttb re- embroldered lace appliques, wblch were scattered trom b portra.lt collar to the catbedral train. Her floral &Dd seed pearl headdress held a calbedral length vetl. She carried a bou- quet of pink 'roses, butterfly orchids and bllbies' breath. Her lather gue her in mar- riage. aDd sbt wu atteOOed by her sister, Mrs. Timothy Brown, as her matron ofhooor. Mrs. Brown wore a.n empire style gown with sbocldng p1nk ct.lfton shirt aDd white lace ruffled bodice. The bridesmaids wore simi- lar gowns with pale pink skirts, They were Misses Becky Smith, Marn Miller, ConnieCorri.D&Dd Lullo Rool, ·-" tllo lf'O)ID, UKI Mr1. 8tt¥ta Jolla. -.-r 1111• cl t11o ....... -.,.tllop:oomu-a:~aa wu hll ~. Tcreu Root. Ulbe ... ,.. Joe Bndy, 0u COCMllJ, RoblD YOUDC, James Vocel ud BtU Seqwlra. Tbe double rtnc •mce wu COOIIucled by Dr. Cborlol Dlor-eld, wtlb IIIII -P111l U IOloilt, Fo1.1owtoc tbe eeHmoQJ a recepttoo wu beld It tbe fr,.. Ylol Cout Country Clab, when the stao zw Duo~ tho music, Miss Loyce Bruce bl4 Char .. olllle &'1111 book. The JOUDC ~··are boneJ· moooinc 1D Hawa1.1 a.od plan to Uve lD Hunttnpoa Beacb. Tbe new U:rs. Root ls a IRda&te' at N"''IIl"" ·Harbor bljll oc- and attemt.ed Nortbera Artt.oaa University and tbe UalYerslty of Nevada. where sbeatrlWated with Delta Della Oelta 801'01'1tJ, The groom attemled Harbor Area scboolB aod cradulted from Laguna Beacb hllh school. He is DO'IJ crad~attnr from the UnJverlity ol Nevada, where he belollp to Sli!ITI& Alpha Epslloll frater ntty. KATHIE and DAVID ROOT. (Pholo by /•lfr•y) Cal Poly degrees awarded The following local stud.eots Glenda Rae Katt, 2329 lrflne receJv.ed dep-ees at tbe June 6 Ave., West Upper Bay, M.A. commencemeot at Calltornla. In mathematics. State Polytechnic Collect ln Steven Crate Silvera of '107 San Luis Obispo: Port Margate PL, Upper Hu- Robert Baird, 462 'I Hampden bor View Hills, B. A. degree in Rd., Cameo Sllores, B.S. degree architecture, in biological sciences. Ian James Norman Ha.nt.son. Carl Lelalld Baroes, Corona. 158 Santa Lsabel Ave., Costa del Mar, B.S. deuee ln IDdus-· Mesa, B.A. In architecture. trtal tectmoloa. PeMy Marte Llvingstooe of Sbanoon Starr McNeely, 134 313 Wake Forest Rd., Costa Shorecllff Rd., ShOre CIWs, Mesa, B.S. In biological SCI· B. A. degree In history. ences. I E A GOO D NEIGHBOR If you au~ a nc,.comer. or lu!o"' of a ne ,..comer tn the llarbof Area *ho has nol been .,.,clcorned. do her a fnor by Cilll lln, th e Harbor Vi111or between I and 10 a .m .• and !iht ...; 11 c all on you r frienO -..ilh valuable mform1tu .. 1· and 11fls from fnendly b1.11inen firms wht ch stand ready to helro her be come a cquainted with her ne,.,. •urroondin~t•· Jimes W. Witmer, 219Even-Bruce Allen Hafenfeld, 151 lng Canyon Rd., Shore Cllf[S, Mesa Dr., Back Bay, B.S. In THE HARBOR VISfTOR B.S. degree lD )ouroaUsm. animal husbandry. PHONE: .C9..f 6 9361 Carl Robert Anderson. 1Z4 Leigh Gllylord JOlinson, 231 or 646 6 017..f 36th St., "Nest Newport, B.S. Rochester, Costa Mesa, B.S. 1:;;;;=.;;.;~~""~==-:J In e lectronJc engineering. I.D mathemaUcs. llll E. Coa•t Hwy, Corona del Mar -Telephone 673-3850 THE UST of Emptre debuta.J:Ces also locltx!ed, from lett, Cynthia Louise Donaldson, Diane Marie Rivera, Mary Theresa Sullivan and Susan Mary Hammer slag. Debutantes who are not loclud.ed In these pbotographs are Bartua Ame Bailey, Gall Jane Caras, Christine George Gary Curtis, 2601 Cr estview Drive, Bay Sbores, M.A. ln biological scteoces. Kathryn Margaret Harper of 458 Fraocisco Dr., West Upper Bay, B.S. 1n hOme ecommlca, Mike Patrick Yeo mans of 53-1/2 Beacon Boy, B.S. Ia business admw.tratiocl.. Marie Dllon, Diane l.ou.i.S" Duttle, Linda Marte Fox, Nancy AM Newbrough aM Susan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I_~J~ao~o~S~ha~w:·~(:P~bot~ocraplls~~~by;Cameo House.) EMPIRE DEBUT ANTES now For a limited time you ca n become a Charter Member of Centinela Bank's new regional office in Newport Beach, an d get a free p erso nal check ing account for your entire life! You 'll even get a free order of perso naliz~d £ce nic checks! C harter Busin ess Accounts get a free o rder of regular checks ancl N rtforst>me nt stamp. Al l accounts in sured to $20,000 by the Federal Deposit In suran ce Corporation. Services of Centinela Bank Drive-in TV Teller Bankin g Boat-in Banking at our 65-foot dock Dock-to-Dock Bank Cus tomer Pickup and Delivery Service 24 -Hour Local Yacht Ra ce Results and Daily Fishing Reports o Extended banking hours: 8:30-Spm Monday- Thursday, until6pm Fridays o Free Bank-by-Mail Service 3J:D ..... c-lfdiWO'f(al ~~ l!cdM.d)~ .... part Bead,~ ... ni60 l'llco-..t.ib-7121 PRESENTED AT BALL The theme, "VIctorian re. Lermard I. Lesser, director flectlons," was executed Fri . of the center, speaker for the day event.ag. June 19, when the even111g. Mrs. Smith thentntro. Harbor Key of the Ch ild Guid. doced Mrs. Harry Kemp, ball ance Center of Orange County chairman; Mrs. Murray Chat- presented the 6th aMual Em-lner, debutante chairman, aod ptre debutante ball at the New. Mr s. John P, Wright, hx:oming porter lnn. presld•:nt or Harbor Key . She A Victorian vignette created Introduced Judge Logan Moore, by Mr s. William Stevenson wei-center board president. corned the guests. Mrs. Allan During the presentation cere- Helms, seated at a wrought monles, conducted by Judge Iron Victorian table, accepted Logan Moore, the debutantes invitatioD.S, while Mrs . Evan entered the room on the arms Prichard and Mrs . Willlam of their rathers, through a white Weaver greeted and seated wrought Iron pergola lestoooed them. The entrance to the ball-with Ivy , flowers and butter- r oom was flanked by large white rues. They proceeded down a bird cages, filled wtt h rlow"ers white carpeted aisle, softly and adorned with )eweled, h:".nd Ugtlted by 14 hurricane lamps crafted tuterrues. hOlding pink candles anc1 draped Three stages were jolne<' to-together with satin ribbon and gether to accommodate the .1eb-flowers. They carried old ta.sh- uta.ntes. Tbe back drop was of toned oosegays featuring pink swagged red velvet, featuring roses wtth pink satin streamers two root butterflies of cclored, and rose buds. jeweled silk, in flight. f.everal large v1ctor1an o1ro "''"'· November filled wtth flowers ar.d aga.ID John CarlBooO&dea, SZOAi>D- lena Ave •• Blllbol. t.laDd, B.S. in buslness admlntstraUon. wedding wtth silk buttertlles ooverlng over the arrangements, were Mr . and Mrs. George L. Miss Carrington atteDded placed on either side ot the Carrington of Greenwich, Marywood Hlgtl SchOol lD Or- stage Conn., formerly of Lido Isle, ange. She Jl"aduated from • . announce the engagement of Greeowlch Hlgtl SchOol,anclwu Mrs. J. O'Hara Sm ith lntro-their daughter, Ctlrlstlne, to also a 1969 p-aduate of Mouat duced Robert N. ~ed. angel Doaa ld E. Merchant, son of lda Junior Collep, NewtoD of the year aDC1 hOst for the Mr and Mrs EdmuDd H. Mer-Centre, Mass. Sbe ta employed eYening, who presented Dr. c~ of Rlve~side Conn.. by the New York TeltpboDI I rH'EBiG~S!SiiiiWarmiKiiNDffl:Srnr!Hfi~'SiSSiiijL' Co. She ts tbe p-andauc:Mer at I THE BIGbEST SHOW OF ITS KINO WEST OF THE Mrs. Gear,. L. carrln&loo sr. of Lldo Iale, and the late Mr, THE ONLY HOME & GARDEN SHOW IN CALIFORNIA' curt-. e I'ACIIIO WITH MOll RJ.. n..n fOI tmH liVIN6 fOI TWI FltST tlMI SUI COMI'lllf '"lii\UII U\IING" •II·•I•U•II: -- Ufl Tht ''UIIHIHI .. Wt" CMUitU C·~ il:l ...... kiltlllfl SU I S,I'C•· .. • fii'Ctrltllk 20tll ,.,.,.,, , ... lilt *' ........ --.. ., ... ......... ..... .,, ........... . !11M.. "''"'lf:l -..... . ..,..... ....... ._. A lUIS£ COI.MIS Plll lm. Spontorod b., Tho Ofonge County luilders A11n. ond The Orange Couftty Chopter of the lullding Industry Aun. Mr. Mvcr.ot ls a p-adlate at St. llary'o Boyo HlebScbool, and atteaded the Wntchutc' Buatne .. SchOol. After H1'Y1Dc with the UD!Iod StaiH Air Force, be&laoatteoded NonraU.: CommODity Collep, llonrallr, CoDD. He Ia emp1oy.:l by tbe Greeawlcb poUct dtpUtmeot. A NO¥tmber weddlD& la plalloed. "'-'• Y-ew.. "" ........... . C:.ll~ 100% PARts AND' LAlOR 4000 MUS 'OR 90 na1r' •.. l,... .............. ,, , .. ....... run...,.....,_..._..,...... lOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC 'COOER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD! • COUNTRY 1911111 Wotoll. VI, All CONDITIONING, Awto., U H. P.S. IOXTJIII Long bed. Automatk. r.:I:H. low milea~ (V956Clll 51899 ----·--· ~~~~-tulo , -~~. $1599 ,: •. c ••••••••• '"'''''''"''· IJO-•• tie.,;.,.,, facln't 1VOIJ'i~ )" 68 ~-~~~~.~! ... 51799 ...... , 1tfltilllij ' ........ -fact"'''" ••11ylo•ot. fi.&H. I217JAI 1117<410) --. . ._ 7 ~~ .. ~~~~ ..... P.S .... ;~ ,..f, IYEC4lll IIH, air ••1<14., • \ GETI'ING IN THE 11000 lor lbe July 18 lulU cl the LJdo lsi~ Yaebt Club are, from left, Ja.ckie aDd Jlm Murray and PollJ Ober, UYC members. Plans tor the t¥enln& eYeut OD tbe be&cb a.DI1 ln the Lido clubhouse inClude must.e&l a.od duclrl& emertatnment and the crowtdnc ot a k1D( and queen lor a Pol}'noetu court. (POOio by Walter Gerllwll.) DAVIS-BROWN'S NEWPQRT HARBOR EN~GN ARST SECT1011 --P., $ THURSDAY, JUNE 2:0, 1970 CORO~A DEL ~AR, CALif. 'Lindy ' Case is bride ·of Daniel R. Salazar Two CoroM del -W.,. a IQWll cl aUk .,._ ""• School cnduat• nre joiDid tafret:a.. Tbe empln boc11ce, tu1l 1A mantap Salurd&y, J-zo, bllbop slteYesudcameocolllr lD I eeremoQ)' at hJ.&b DOOD a1 were lutliooed ot SWlal IIlii: tl'le Corooa del Mu Commllll1t1 wttb eml:ll'o1dend now ... CODIHPUOIIIJ Cburcb. wtlicb wu repeated lD the loal Tbe bride, Mlla Dlua LJDD c~l train. She wore a s~ CaM, Ia tbl dl.opter ol Mr. Uere!l silk tu~.~aion n11. and Mn. JobD Voss Cue ol Her maid of bonor wore a Coroaa del Mar. Mr. Cue 18 cown of yeUow otpn&a dotted pr1Dc1pal ol Harbor Vtew school Swiss over tatfeta, at.o futdoo~ to Harbor View Hills. ed with an emplre bodice. 1t Tbe croom, Daniel Robert bad a ~ neck aDd tlD.J put~ Sa.iu.ar, Ia tbe BOD of Mr. fed sleeves and was trimmed aDd Ura. Ben Saluar ol Costa wttb whlte Venice lace. Uesa. formerly ot Corooa. del Followlllg the ceremooy, a Mar. recepttoa for zoo ruests wu Tbe ReT. PhU.ip YlD'rnJ coo-bekl at tbe li'YineCoutCouotry ducted the double rtnc cere-Chm. Spec.la.l cuesta 1Dcluded mooy. M1as Lucloda l.oDC of Mr. aod Mrs. Desu FerD&D- Corooa del Ma:r wu maid of dez of Uplaod, tbe bride's booor, wttb Gary Hathaway ot gr~eots. Tbe JOWlCC'JD\111e Costa Mesa servtne as best left for a hooeymoon in the man. Ushers lDcluded Steve mounta.Lns and pla.n to make Nielsen of &ck Bay, Rayme their home ln Costa Mesa. Berg of Costa Mesa, and tbe Tbe groom Is flnlshtnc his bride's brother, John Case. second year U Oranp Cout "LiDdy," as sbe Is known College ....ad Js pl.a.ll:lln( to coo- to her close friends, chose ttoue b1s studies. ;.: •• .. ,· • '· • " .... ~ .. J'-~ MA $. DAHIEL SAL AIA.1l. (P~•u Z. ~. Si'l:.l., pbo Town -Gown installs IIIC'I 1'ow1l Ud Gon lllllor AllllllarJ cl 0raa&o ~ IU ,.. -lllod Its llrst yoor cl ........ Tbe ebapter 1rU ~ ODe year a., to utt.t 11M Loo A.lplol-la-n.t.slnc eveDla co pronde aeboia.rshlps to ~elllor women at USC. Mrs. Timothy A. Denae boated tbe Juoe meetl.nc 1n ntr Corona del Mar Dome. u:r,. Oby Woods ot HIUJUogtoa. Beach, whO served as tile grcq>'s ftrJt president, lnsta.lled tbe oew of- fleers. They are: PresldeDl, Mrs. Edward Bl'umleu of Costa Mesa; rtce. 1/1' presldeot, Mrs. Wlllla.m Hue-MRS EDWARD BRUML EU Winkel ol Newport Beach; cor-• respnndlnc secretary, Mrs. New member chairmu. Mrs • Jotm Wgbtfoot of Tustin; re-Robert Brownsberpr otCorooa eordi.Dc secretary, Mr s. Rich-del Mar; membership eha.ir- ard Bertea of Corona del Mar; ma.o Mrs. Richard Ramella of treasurer, Mrs. James Me-Corona del Mar; program Ctmllift' of Newport Beach; ways cbaitma.n. Mrs. James Tyler at lDd meaas, Mrs. Michael GJ.bb Corona del Mu; social cha.lr- of Loo.g Beach; schOlarship man. Mrs. Paul Hadley ofNew- Cbairm&n, Mrs. Richard Ingle pori S.ch; parllameocart.an. ol <>ranee; bospita.Uty chair-Mrs. Oby Woo<!s of Huntin,;too man. Mrs. Edward Hallipn ol Beach; hbtorJ.a.n. Mrs. Ptttl.lp Seal Beach; Los Angeles Anshutz of Newport Beach. liaison. Mrs. Joseph Rose ol Luncheon was served by Los Alamitos; meeting ctla.ir-Mmes. Oevlne, Rich Peckham, mu, Mrs. Rudolpb Parker John Miller, Dale SUnchfteld, ot Newport Beach. a.nd WLWam Huewinkel. • FLOOR SAMPLES •ONE OF A KIND • LAST YEAR'S MODELS • CLOSE OUTS SYlvania Co rTV. MANY MO DELS AVAILABLE. Console feature s at a portable price. full 102 sq. 1n, picture. Wolnvt r;,;sn oro no,·wood cob•- l'lel Concealed handle. Stand included HURRY!--WHILE THEY LAST! __ .,. AIIAreNew- ~lly GuarantNd BIG Performance WITH FEATURES LIKE THESE: 11, LOAD MAYU' WUMPOWII AYTOfllATICS ·I MODILS All ne--•n!ltl~ .. ,rn t•ctu,•Vt ~.._ POWUf t" AGITATORS '"0 HUG[ CAPACITY TUBS w,~fli IIIII l)!ltr Clloltt of ~()frih ltrr~ps. •llfl ltvrl' 1nG iOI._ qclu SUII. Tltll. IIUTA' IW.O-OF-IIUT · DlniS . 4 IIOCIUS. DIYUS ""1111 u chn••r (l[CTIIO,.IC CO"TitOI. tlo"'•n•ln unl)tl c!IJ•RI •nG Otl'fl bMII\I ' f11mmrf lllln l)lfW+OUS mo<ltll by l IOICPif S · Jtl bol C~IIJ n \llf "'""' Gfnt/111011 W1U'Irr PeiiKI lor Pl!"f"Wntnl Preu I ilb1 +U ;:-:._·,::; .:..:·;"':t -.......... ·-... ....... _ .. _ .... -_ ................. ... ..... -.--.... o... .. ............. -·--.-....... _ ....... Great W to Go Color OOG8LJ1J Color TV HURRY !--First Com e, First Served! ~ ... ••c:•~T10"' RMIJ I,.IlT&O NEWPORT HARBOR Eli!JQI 111UitSOo\Y, JUNE 2~ II1G ""RIIST=SECT1011=--:..:-_,_,P • .,_,,'-----=CO""'I!(IIIA=O£l=MAR,=·CAU~f. Council News SWIVEL BAR STOOL (Coood-d rr-po .. II '; Ia .. --CIIJ 11a11. • .I.PJOIIOYED llrol......,. ••••IJIDIIIo-lllr of -Jlo. lNI, -lnllc llfal -IIi -........... _.... ... J .... Rd. ... IIUo,.... ... ll!o p ..... of ..., -lWII Rd.. "-eo.., lo -_..ru of ll!o llloltract Slolll)' &lid Co. of 1M Aoploo, aop. Tbo too wool!l bo ., 1101' -of 4 -·IIi $li,OU. tr11, • AWAJU.:O tbt CODtnctb' • APPROVED llrot r-.ac -·-ol IN AYO. Ill of ~ Mo. lMZ, wt1c:b COri"Ca del Mar to E. L. White would require tbe same feu Co. ot Gudtn Grove, lowut to bo pold by lbo cloolloJIOI'a of 4tllddero IIi ~.1$0.50. of PI'~ wbo cboOM to coo-• AWARDED tbe cootractt;,r • IICt lmpro¥emeob on tbttr alley lmplovemeota In C~ property prior to the time tbat del liar' ud Balboa t.laDd to 1t 11 IDOeled to the ctty u Cozco IDe. of St"'ton, lowest are paid UDder tbt builltlae ot 4 bidders at $106,413, neUe tu by deYe)opvs Wbo • AWARDED the c111tracttor coostruct tmproremeats oo lmPI'O'f'emtat ot Jamboree Rd. property wltb1D tbe dty, from Pa.Usades Rd. to Wac. ) I ' • • APPROVED ftrat readine Arth11r BI:Yd., BactBI.y,toE. L. o( OrdlDIDce No, lS.U, Wbicb Wblte Co. ot Gardeo Grove, wollld lDerease I.Dlmal 1m· lowest ot 5 bidders at $159,. poundmem tees to $5 tor •cb SSL&&; tbl cltJ'• share of the doc ..., n 1or ..., cat, ~ .... ~a ••s.ooo. lowl or other I.Dlmals. Tbe • CALLED FOR re-adYer .......... ordi.oa..oce would a.t.o proride Uaem&Dt of bids for trafftc :<:;!;;.:::;~~~~:;:~ £:zJo N(WPORl b(f!<(H "' lh{' entrance IO lht' fabul ou\ l ode hiP OR) 83SO RJ CHARD BURTO N GENEVIEVE BUJOLD ~"" HAL WALLIS .. ooorno• r~;et~~ , ___ _,_..- APORT//,..' 'HH t.t c..t Mltber c-.. M• fer ~, .... , .. 67l-6U t ALL AGES ADMITTED THE BEATLE S ··Let it be·· ---· ·-(; · · · ··. · UmltJd llt•1 mfs for peoaWes for repeat otreod· slpl lo"*''"tioa at lbe 1D- ers: ~ ot all pr ior lqM)UD:I tersecUoo ot Jamboree Rd. aDd tees plus tbe recWar fee tor Eutbluff Dr. (oorth) and lrv1De each repeat 1mpol.iod1De In a An. ao:t ZZod st.-Santti.&'O Dr. period of lZ mooths. Tbe low btd of Smith Electric • RECEIVED and tiled let-SQIJPIY ot Stantoo, $83,102, was ters ofllwlks from tbe Corooa rejected because It was 38% del Mar C~ber otCommerce OYer the estimate of the city for cooperation 1n the clean-"' eog:lDeer. and beautillcaUoo drive; from • RECErvED bids for the George C. Woods, 116 Abakloe publlcatioo ot lep.l ootlces tor Ave., Balboa Islaod, tor tbe the ctty tor tbe 1970-n flsc.al speedy action ot the city street year; $1,10 per column LDch, maintenance department to flJ: tor 9 po1.ot type, from the New- a curb to prot"ide access to an port Harbor Enslen. tbe pre- alley on the lslaad; aDd from sent bolder of tbe contract, a.OO the West Newport Improvement $3.40 per column lDch for tl.rst Assn. commendinc CouncUmao l.nse.rtloo., $Z.58 for subsequent Doo Mclonis for l'lis statemeM: l.nsertioos, for 6 point type, of the city's position oo. taw trom the Daily PUot. Tbe bl.ds and order, ln conoeetioo wtth were referred to the stall tor the demands made upoo the amlysls and report back at Couoctl by the "Free Us" com-tbe July 13 Couoc.U meeting. mlttee. • Dffi.ECTED thestafftopre. • RECEIVED and tiled a let-pare an ordinance 1Dcrea.s:l.Qg ter from the League ot Women tbe a .. m:nal dog Uceose fees Voters of Orange Coast ~ from $5 to $6, e..Uectln Jan. 1. porting the request of the po-• SET the following dally lice department for a salary boarding cba.cps for lmpouoded Increase. birds aDd animals: $Z tor ani- • RECEIVED aod flied a let-ma.1s welgtliog Z5 powxls or ter from F. J .. Horgan. OWDer less; $2.50 for a.nlmals welgtl- of an L .. A .. women's sportwear I.og Z5 to 60 pounds; $3 for shop, protesting the Jack of animals over 60 pounds , t.lcUitles to provide live ball • AIJTHORIZED the excu- for pleasiU"e cra.tt 1n the harbor. Uoo of an animaleontrol agree- The staff was Instructed to ment with Dr. Albert E. Stock- prepare a report showing k>.. ton. Corooa. del Mar. cations where llve ba.lt may • APPROVED the tlnal map be piU"chased. of Tract ?030, consisting of • RECEIVED and filed a copy 21.79 acres divided toto n of a resolution from tbeOraoge single t.unUy resldeot1a.l lots, County Chamber of Commerce Unit 9 of the Upper Harbor VIew opposln( the deletioo of tbe HUls denlopment, easterly of Newport Beach.Corona. delMar MacArthur BJYd. at tbe south. sel(meot of the coast freen..y. ern ulens.Joll of Newport Hills • RECEIVED am ftled a copy DriYe Euf: of a KBJG edltorl.a..l statt.ae tbat • DIRECTED the staff to oo- there ts a Deed for a coastal tity abutting property owners freeway, to coostruct curb, cutter 100 • • • AtrrHORJZED the uecu-pavemeot oo the west side ot uon of an agreement wtth the lrvlDe Ave. south of 21st st .• Original House of Pies IDe. West Upper Bay; agreed in stating that parcels DOC: occu-pri.Dcl,ple to adv~e coostrt~C· pled by the proposed restaurant Uon fUnds and allow the pro- " THE MAGIC CHRIST n woukt be used for pa.rkiDg. Tbe perty owners to pay for the IAN restaurant will be built on 6 Improvements over a period With Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr lots on the southerly s.tde ol of 3 years at a.n Interest rate ':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N~e~wpor=~t~B:'':'~·~•:as:•:•~rl~y:o~f 31st of 6% on the unpaid balance. • The total cost Is estimated at $9,300. • INCREASED the recreauoo parking meter fees from 25~ an hour to SIX at McFadden Sq., Ocean Front, 18th St. beach aDd the Balboa Blvd, media.n. • DIRECTED the mayor to •rite a letter to the Rose Pa. rade commUtee of Pasadeoa urgtog the Harbor High Scbool band's putlcl,palion JnthisJao. ua.ry's Rose Parade. lndiii.HIIIIIIr HID ... SIT Pr•wacy and ease are ~ours when you do your bank1ng at Newport Nahonal Bank You can relax 1n a comfortable arm chair while a friendly, ch• tr1ulleller transacts ,our busiMSS quickly and ell•c•enlly .. lfs a moment of rt$1 and personal attention that you c.1n look fotWard to in ,our busy day .. Coffee and deliciou:s ct*its are ava1lable to help you rela. wltill we Pf'ovide you wtlh O\ltslandinc serftce .. EnioY our eltreordtnary unique semces.. • ·- ' MEMBERS of B:lhia Corl..nthia.o Yacht Club ctlartlng the course for this week-end's "stars and strlpes regatta" are, from lett, Mrs. Brlao Carter, wlle of the rear com- modore; Jack Wilson, and Mrs. Robert DoerJ.e, There wtu be inside races in the !W'bor, and an outside race to lndLan Rock, CataUna lslaod, the first straight lloe, k>og distance race offered so tit 1n the series. The 6Jigelmao series was newly initiated by BCYC Ulls year and Is dedi- cated to the late Hugh M. Aogelm.'lflt said to be a direct descendant of Sir Henry Morgan, the 17th ceatury buccan- eer, Mr. Angelman was one of the foWlders of the L.A. Yacht Club and also formed the Wilmington Boat Works. He buHt boats for the Nuy durlng the war, and then a stroog desire for the sea led to bls return to the Harbor Area alter the nr, and be came to be aftecUooately lmown as the "mud-nat pbtlosopber." Newcomers at Hoag • MONDAY, JUNE 8 Gtrl--Mr. a.Dd Mrs. L.. T, Gtri-·Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Rhone, 509 Begonia, Corona E. Waterman, 408 Veram Pl., del Mar. Irvine. Glrl--Mr. aDd Mr s. Thomas Glri--Mr. aDd Mrs. Karl B. Wall, 124-A E. 23rd St., Costa Ward, 2Z28A Placentl.&, Costa Mesa. Mesa.. Gtri--Mr, and Mrs. Denni...s BoY--Mr. a.od Mrs. Terry Halloran, 401A Fernleaf, Cor-Haymond, 4144 E. Coast Htgb- ooa del Mar. way, Corona Highlands. Peter OToole· Petula Clark tb ~rnesa rr .. -/)t, . . . . r,. . . ....... . N FWPORT A'll) t•~''il' R: I N CO\!,\ M~',A • TUESDAY, JUNE 9 BoY--Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foster, 2463 Elden St., Costa Mesa. Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Lionel M. West, 1615 Kent Lane, TAKE FATHER TO SEE "AIRPORT" ON SUNDAY Westclitf. • WEDNESDAY, J UNE 10 Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Van Huewlokel, 1135 Pem'>rooit Lane, WestclUf. Girl--Mr, aDd Mrs. Edward Sorbelllnt, 783 Shalimar Dr •• Costa Mesa. Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Steph81'1 Hamill, 1101 W, Balboa Blvd., Bo-. Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Bob YoWlg, '703 W, 18th St., Apt, A, Costa Mesa. Boy--Mr. and Mr s. Dean Real, 454 Seaward Rd., Corooa Hlgttla.nds. • THURSDAY, JUNE ll Boy--Mr. and Mrs. John R, Goodell, IZ60 Watson Ave .. , Costa Mesa. • FRIDAy I JUNE IZ Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Terence A .. Corliss, 851 St. Clair St., Costa Mesa. • SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Girl--Mr. and Mrs . David B. Harshbarger, 469 De Sola Terrace, Corona Higttla.OOs. _ • SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Gtrl--Mr. and Mr s. Lon D. Richards, 1311 Conway Dr., Costa Mesa.. upUTMI!Y SWOPE " taATBD .,It") SIIOWIIIGS AT 7o00 I. 1155 P .lol. ----------··--c:-,_ AIIOSI....-nut- AIRPORT -BURT LANCASTER • DEAII MARTIN olEAN SEBEIG oiACQUWNE BISSET BEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES VAN HEFUN MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON LLOYD NOLAN DANA WYNTER BARBARA HALE --·-· .... -.. --.. -·-·· -· N.J ltEOH£WMAN • AATHIJR tWl£V ·GIOACl W.f.Q!1; IQU ...... T(ilt A....,.__ P'Cfllllo,..,..... !(;I'Y.....-:".:!.W<CI """""" .. -....--..J "G" RATED IT'S FOR EVERYBODYII ***HIGHEST U TING I -WAHOA HALf, N Y OAIL Y NE'WS RATES FOR Q.ASSIFIED ADS 20 won:J. Of' , ............................. .. 21 """'• to 30 WDR~ ........... .. 31 .... ct ... ., wor-4• --·· E.ch ..en:l ...., ..0 ....4a .... 1 Ti- 1.50 :z.oo 100 .05 3 Tim•• 1 00 .. oo 5.00 .15 FOR SALE -Columbt.a C-15 flberfl)us sloop. Comfort. able doy saJior. $6~. - 541-4547. .. • ALL READY for the trip to the June Z8 lllltiooal coDYention of Alpha Chl Omega in Portland, Oregon, are Miss Laurel Arnold ot Balboa Island, at lett, and Miss Cbarlotte Clark of Corona del Mar, delegates from Gamma Tau Gamma alumnae chapter tn tne Harbor Area. Also attending will be Mrs. Dale Winter, newly elected president of the loea.l chapter, and Mrs . Ronald Gagllano, immediate past pres!~ deot. Business meetings, workshoPs and elections are scheduled for the convention, which will end July 3. Miss Clark Will be honored for her attendance at more than 4 oattooal conventiOns and tor being a charter member of Alpha Kappa Cfla,pter at the UnJversity of Oregon, m:uking its 491h year. Miss Aroold is the oew vtce.pres:ldent of the local chapter; Mrs. Jonn Cooper a.od Mr s. Mar It Roa.darmel are secretaries, and Mrs. Kenneth Cooling Js treasurer. (Ensign pllO<o.) Police ' FRIDAY, JUNE 5 Wesley Crawford, 29, of A pursecoota1n.log$42incash Maple, Costa Mesa, was was stolen from a bathroom at rested at 7:30 p.m. at the residence of Marjorie St. aDd Balboa Blvd,, West Barnewolt, 98 Bayside VIlla~. port, on a cllarge of drl•rlni!l .. Walter Douglas Frost, 22, while uOOer the lnfiuence o!l509W.BalboaBivd.,Ceotralalcohol ... Bonnie Larlsal Newport, was arrested at 2:51 FaulXner, 19, of a.m. at lOth St. aDd W. Ocean Alan Dodson, 21, Fr., Balboa, on a charge of Grant Wilson, 21, grand lheft auto ... Kim Brooks 510-1/2 s. Bay Fr., Wagner, 19, of .310-1/2 Via. Island, and Valarle Ann Lido Nord, Lido Isle, was ar-18, or La Crescenta, were rested at Ri chard's LJdo Mar-rested at 10:35 p.m. at >IU-1/~ ket parking lot at 5 p.m. on a S, Bay Ft. on charges of charge of grand theft .... session ot muijua.na. Michael David Caro, 19, ot • SUNDAY, JUNE 7 1807 Port Abbey Way, Harbor Henry Joseph Croteau, 47, View Hills, was arrested at and Jane Croteau, 52, of Z47 10 p.m. 1D tbe 3400 block of Cedar, Newport St¥>r.~. were Seashore Dnve, West Newport, cited &1 H p;mo -.t -Boac Has. on a ctw"ge of possession of pttal on a cbatge ot JDto11- da.ogerous drucs , and Robert caUon in publlc . • • Peter Vordale, ZO, ot 634 Via .'homas McKlnDey, 20, of 3212 Lido Nord, Lido Isle, was ar. •arcus, West Newport, rested on a charge ot posses-~rrested at Bayside Drive a1ld sion of marijuana . , . A tat-E. Coast Hwy, on a charge tery va lued at $26 was stolen possession of marijuana •• from the auto of Rene Nichols, M.1rtha E. Baird, 334~5:.~~~= Mlnguel, 544 Marigold, Corona Shores Rd., Cameo Sl NEWPORT HARBOR EN9~ A RST SECn()lj --P'l! 7 p./4 /Janoett flaf£, ,.,..unb Bay & Ocean View IRVINE TERRACE 724 MALJBAR OPEH SAT . & SUN. 1-5 P .M. Just li.sled -exceptional 3 Bedroom. 3 bath home. This custom designed home features an electronic kitchen. g rea t family room built·in stereo and color TVs. Extra Bonus-: a park direcUy behind home. llarry March. $53,500 Olfla 0,0.. s.tvrdoyt & S...Uyo PETE BARRm REALTY 160$ WootcllH Dr. N.l. 642-5200 CHOICE LOCA liON Street to Street 40-Foot Lot 3 BDRMS. -FAMILY ROOM 2-1/2 BATHS-3-CAR GARAGE S8] ,500 del Mar, wtttle it was parked at ported that 4 bub caps, Newport Blvd. and Coast Hwy., at $30, were stolen from Mariners Mile . . . A tele-car while it was parked vision valued at $85 was stolen the Hoag Hospital ~~~;~~:~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!:!!!~~~ lrom the Uving room of Gilbert .. , Fog lamps Posslck, 2861 Bay shore Or ., were stolen from a Bay Shores ... Postman Gor~ longlng to C::'~~~:r~. ,~~~~:~I den E. LiPPincott ot 407-1/2 1950 16th St., Poppy, Corona del Mar, re-... Burglars stole ported a large dog bit hlm on and stereo and a the right forearm whlle he was set valued at $477 attempUog to deliver mail at r esidence ot Brla..D. D. Shll-./ 3001 Setting Suo, Harbor View 5311 Seashore Dr., West New. Hills. port ••• Vandals made their share or nstts to tbe Newport • SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Harbor higb scbool dur1ng An auto tape stereo valued at Tuesday aoo Wednesday algbts; $159 was stolen from a ca.r on Tuesday nlcbl they used a bek>ngiog to Dantel P. Walsh. fire extinguisher to spray the 2Z42 Elden, Costa Mesa, while admlnlstratlon conference it was parked at the Corolll. room and scattered papers a- del Mar state beach pa.rldng bout in other admlotstratloo tot ... A stereo, tapes, wallet offices; Wednesday night they aoo purse conWiling$97tncash entered the gymnas!um through were stolen !rom a car beloog· a slcyllle aDi scattered papers 1ng to Terry M. Hutson, Gar-abott the gymuslum otnce ••• den Grove, wtllle It ns parked Thirty doUa.rs damage was at the Corona del Ma.r state caused to the wlod.sb.ield of beach parking tot •.• Robert a car owned by Willard ll o. Aleuon, 3403 Marcus, West Saucerman, 4.16 Newport, said a telescopic lad-Newport Helgtrt.s, wben der wu stolen from t\ls rest-shOt It with a B. B. gun.,. dence ... Vandals caused an Witherspoon, 709 N. Bay Ft., estimated $43 dama&etoOOshes Balboll lslaOO, said a $75 boat am flowers at the John Landis was stoleo from a doe.lt at 711 residence, 163-4. lntne, Harbor N, Bay Ft ... A prdeD bose Hlgt\lands .•. A $50 paddle nlued at $15 "as stolea trom board was stolen from the tack the yard of tbe Enl.YD Mac- yard of Gladys Dra.heln. 1-Ul DooaJd residence 1600 K1Dp w. Bay Ave., Central Newport Rd., Cll.t1 Hann ••. M1ke , . • Vandals used an unknown Adams, 320 Prospect, N"PCJI't object to break a Window at the Shores, reported a $25 btcyde apartment of Jonn Byers, 213 stolen from the prage , •• S3rd St., West Newport; oo Burglars pried opeoareudoor estimate of the damage wasre-at tbe Burger, 4501 W. Cout ported ..• Duocan Fraser, 313 Hwy,, West Newport, ud es- Coooord, Bayside Vlllap, was eapod wltll $965 tabo hm cUed at 5 p.m. ill troot of bls sale ••• Ao lrlsb Setter c1oe, resldeoce oo a cb:lr19 of lD· n.llM!d at $U5, wu stolea.hm ID ••• Robert Roy c aner, 1140 .,_ Dr. ··~··~··· ........ . Salee through the Multiple u.t1Dg Servtce ot the Newport Harbor·Ca.ta We.. Board « Realtore totaled OYer : $54 mlWOD for the TWELVE m011th8 .« 1M9. Thta repr...,U 1,294 Wilt ulu and a dollar~· ·lncreue ol. 4$ over the eame pertod « 1ut year, wtdeh wuarecordyear. Ll8t your property-wtth a Realtor .. y. , •................. aza White Water View of Little Corona An absolutely charming 2 bedroom, 2 story home on FEE LAND A perfect spot for those who value seclusion and privacy. Just a stone's throw to the beach and shopping. ONLY $54,5 00 EXCLUSIVE CALL 673-8550 0 THE REAL 'ESTATERS iiiiiiii~ 01tAIIC;2 CD-.UT 1' 1lOP fall 332 II tnrile c.-... Mar -673-tSSO Get One LUCRATIVE COSTA MESA lHVfSTMEHT TWO HOMES ON ONE LOTI Each has hardwood floors •.• Beam ceilings • • • Built-In ranges and ovens • • • Separate garages and private fenced yards. S28,500 Buys All! ... LOW INTEREST AND ASSUMABLE LOAN. Ae.-on a.tll6k Smict Silu I '143 1MNJ2t COSTA Mao\ OORSOAY, JUNE 25, 1!70 CORONA DEL MAR, CAUF. I&33J tlf I '1 I I u t ·• • '1 • Cult .. American Living it it ~ Spanish Style BEAUTIFUL FOUR BEDROOM HOME WITH 1'[LE ROOF, OPEN BEAM CE ILING, SEVERAL PATIC&, POOL, FOUNTAIN, VIEW, ALL FOR ONLY S87,500 • ••• op Location , I •• Top Return SOUTH OF HJGHWA Y-TWIN TRIPLEXES 2 AND 3 BEDROOWS, SHAG CARPETDIG, Built~ins, I.Dc1Udin&: distlnstlers. Prtnle patios. OPEH SATURDAY AHD SUHDAY 1 -5 320~2 MARGUERITE. Corooa. del Mar •••• Harbor View Hills 986 SANDCASnE. 4 bedroom, fam.tly room, patiO, rtew OPEH SUHDAY 1 - 5 OO X 'r". f"R.AXI<l.IX I Rt:.Al.'TOR ' J2SO E~t CGest H1(11wfy Coron1 del Mar. C .. 1lorn•1 Phont till-2222 ELA, HAWA ADJOINING LOTS 11,584 & 8,742 SO. FT. ROAD AHO UTILITIES IH • JET AIRPORT Nf.ARIBY- MILES FROM ROCXEFELLER M.WHA KEA HOTF1 . • LOW TAXES: LL SELL OHE OR BOTH-$1.00 PER SQ. 642•37S5 OAYS -6.42.0176 EVES. SITUA TID ON TIN ACitiS SI'AClOUS 1 & 2 NDIIM. AI'AITMINn '""'" & umv .... ,_ "" • Plintc. Patios • Fiteplaces • POOLS • 9 Hole Puttin1 Occn • Tennis • Sepa.atc Fbily Sect1on • Adj. to Schools ..,d Playl)ound 900 s .. l••. C.t\4 l!McMhur ""' C.•st ltwy. de•• tiD FnhiM I.J ... ct COROHA oflnJa JJ/e Prestige Waterfront Homes CUSTOM 4 TO 7 NDIIOOM -~ ,_ SlJS,GID TO SJOO,GID fUitiiiSHID AHO UNfURNlSHID A.UO I'RIMI IIUILDtNG LOTS FltOM SJS,GID TO $175,1100 BILL GRUNDY, .Realtor SJS -o.. -... N.l. 642-4dt -1711 .. CrlliaY_._.M .. ........ ~ aa11PLJ1 ••••· aft&'l'll UlfllllftAL A1U 1111 .. Ill ffll'l&ftar ·-1'01 llfUtiUT ... l'aol'ii .. IIAL COIIIJII&UMII Ill IM'LIIIM.BTAft JI\IJ_. ~ ........ CloPIIL ...... '. .... ... ------- .. A Feeling of Space··· . . . to look out over the valley from the foothills --clear to the ocean. A FEELING OF ROOM ... ... when you see the large rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, dining room and laundry room,L"RGE FAMILY ROOM AND WET BAR./ ft A FEELING OF LUXURY ..• E . . . in the very deluxe look ol. this A shake roof, stone and stucco house wtth unique floor plan, beautUul car-L pet and tile floors, 2 fireplaces and T built-ins. 0 R 8 Its enviable location is in the Tus- tin foothills, close to Tennis Club, convenient to schools. Full price, $87,000, with trade or good terms available. CORBIN-MARTINJl L::::::==== 6 76 -16 62====:..1 READ THIS If yo ~o~ ere i11 the l'!&rket for • NEW home, ue the se O\lhfe11d· i11q c.~o~stom iud hom,u , b~o~i lt by Fr e11k H . Ayru end So11, loc.ated in a pri mt area 1n Centul l,....ine. n.. t.omes are pr;ced hom $29,9crO to $40.400, •"d .,~ i" 1in fro ll'l J to 7 bedt..,.s, 2 &fltl l cer qaragu and 2 to 4 b.t+.1, with ~t!eh or t'ninion tile roof1, fireplecei. ~o~nderground utilitiol, c.oncreh driwtw&yl , all buittin1. ,,..d ba~ic carpetit~q. Tt!trt i1 VA . FHA end Cot~ .. nt,one l financing • .. aileblt . Dccupancy by August 1, 1970 Tht AANCH-Ayros 11ofnes Sinu 1905 Models at Jeffery RoM & S.nta Ana Fwy. 714·838·5136 71«38·5120 1 I :00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. MACNAB • IRVINE FINER HOMES CAMEO SHOlES Newlv Jisttd 4 bed room famr h Ji'"lll hoJ)l c '' 1lh 'tremendous N"r an l: lt'tl' ' 1 r '' Pool. large tf'rracf' on ocrar1 ~1 dr ~ 1.~~~ :'100 Ope-n Sal & Sun 4627 Car1de•J lJn\'r HAA.&OR VIEW HILLS 3 ~room hom(' \'tlh \IC''' ,( !1\r.Jn l.r,rn' rDOm '1\'l th f1ren!acr lo,·rh lou·::r t,,.,,:v rO(Im. almost new. S5-t.500. CORONA DEL MAR 8ngh1. a 1ry & Sp.I<'IOll~. IJT't'JI fam1 11· room: 3 bedrooms. lmma<'ul atf' 6' -\~<;unubl (' loan HARBOR VlfW HOME Despention ~le . Porlofmo model :1 Bed · rooms. fam1l y room MACNAI-IRVINE R..tty COfttiM"y 11110 loyoid: Driw 67$.3210 901 o. ... c. .. Su;to 1:10 042~ .... ,.... Iorch 'RM111~HIW rca ,... ... -AI&&. ... ... _.,.,-..... .......... , PM W ,. ... I r-.1 ..... Pi pt -.... .. • •· .a• •n s• _...._ ... _ .... _ .. • THE F1RST TV SET sold by Davts.Brown Co., a 10-IDch RC A Victor, Is d.lsplayed here by Hugb Davis, aDd at Ule left 1s RCA •s "set ol the future," the Two Tbou.s:aud. Mr. Davls aD:t his partner, Cnt&holm Brown. are m:nr celebrat- ing the 23rd anniversary ol the founding of their store, wh.lch they stuted ln 1948 on Harbor Blvd. l.n Costa Mesa., and which ts oow lOCated at 411 E. 17th St. 62HD ANNIVERSARY . 'Birds fly no more? family and trleOOs recently • gathered at the home of Mr. The harbor sailing classJc, race, which has been neld an .. aDd Mrs. Warren lb.. vis to ho~r "F'Ught of the Soowblrds," nuaUy duri ng tbe la.st week of Mr. and Mrs . Everett DaVls founded 35 years ago by the July Sr. on the occaslon ot their late Joseph A. Seek of Bal-• 62nd we<kting anniversary. boa Islam will oot be held The dearth of the Soow .. OrigiJlaUy trom Missouri this year ' birds wa s already evtdeot last Mr. aoo Mrs. Davis came ~~ The ~nsoring Commodores year' and the Commodores Oraop County over 25 years Club of the Newport Harbor Club expertmeoted by LnvU- ago and toa.ve been aclive in Cha mber of Commerceanooun-lng Kit es to enter the race land developmenl:. They have ces tha t this dec ision was The entry llst tor tbe 1969 3 chiktren, 8 gr:tOOch.Hdren aoo made because of the shortage fUght lncluded 31 Soowblrt1Sand 15 grea.t-graodchlldren o~.nd now of boat s. 56 Kites. No Soowbtrds ftDI.sbed r eside at Emerald Bay, La-A r ecent survey showed that ln the top 10. The wtone.r was Pe~ guna. Beach, and maintain a the Soowbird class has dWindled ter Parll:er of Bay lsla.nd, hJ.s summer home a.t the Da.na to a point wher e less ttw 1 25 sister, Terri, was second. 8oth Strand CltJb in Dana Polnt. boats are Sb lp-shape for tll(> skippered Kltes. n us year's race would hi.Ye u News CO-P ASTOR of the Flflt BlpUit Cburcb ol Costa Mesa, Dr. James Combs, at left, and Dr. P. G. Newna.nn. pastor, wtu ~Ucl.pate Ln the !1st a.DDJ.versary sen1ces at 11 a.m. this Sunday. (Enslgo pilot<>.) The N.-rt Harbor IA<lt-Church eran Church, 798 Dofw Drln. marks anniversary Newport Beacb~~"Lamcb out Lnto the deep of llfe," taMd The 21st anniversary ol. tbe ln Ft. Worth, Tesas ; M.A. de- on Lute 5:1-11, tslbe sermon First Baptist Church ot Costa deeree in 195Z from Calvary UUe ebosen by Pastor James Mesa. will be ovserved at this College, and bas also sttKUed BlaJ.D for tbe 8 &Dd 10:30 a.m Sunday's serVIces . at Tens Ctlrtstla.n \}niversity, Suada:r services. Dr . P.G. Neumann, the fond-JopUn College In Missouri a.od • • • lDg pastor, will be joined by CtlUfornla Baptist Theoloctcal st. Andrew's PresbytertanDr. James Combs, his co~ Semiouy. He hasrecelvedhoo· Ch1U'cb, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., pastor, 1n conducting the an-orary doctorates from Bible Cu.rt Haven--"streams Ln tne niverSlfY service s. Baptist Seminary ln Ft. Worth desert" 1s the topic of the Tbe sermon for 11 a.m. will and from Jac kson College 1n commwlioo medltatlon of Dr. be given by Dr. Combs, whO Honolulu. Charles Dterenft.eld for the 8, will speak oo the topic, "What He was Ucensed to preach 9:30 a.oo 11 a.m. services thls hath God wrought." He will at the age of 16 In Sao An- Suoday. review the growth and accomp-tonio, and at the age of 18 • • • llshmeots of the church since he served as pastor 1n Joplln, The Lutheran Church of the Its organt.zational meetiog on Mo., lfb.Ue attending sebool Master, 2900 Pa.clftc View Dr •• June Z6, 1949, lD the Costa there. He also sened as pas. Harbor View Hllls.-Dr. wu. Mesa Legloo Hall. tor In Hlllsboro, TeJU, and ll&m Eller wiU give a message Bob Wilson, mayor of Costa ln 1953 accepted the pastora.ge oo "Fishers of men" at the 9 Mesa <lndmemberofthechurch, at OUvet Baptist Church in and 11 a.m. SUDday services. will bri.Dg oftlclal greetings L ynwood, Call!., where he ser~ • • • from the city. ved unUI comlog 1\ere. Testimonies from church Or. Combs Is president ot ....... ''!"" Clolor ......... ,. ...... NE'IPORT HARllOR "EifiClll FIRST SECliOII--P ... t m!RIOAYJUNE 21, 1!10 a~Nl!IA ou.I!IJI. C6Ur. Ctlt.n.- LET {}fit CLEAN AND RESTOR£ YOUR DRAPES TO LOOK LIKE NEWI IXCWSIVI GUARANTIED DUPERY CLEANING Oropery O.C.nlng. retf.ct reoardteu of th• age of your drcap..-y, or 100"/. replocement ff cl.aMbfe. • No WlltM HHtlt • f1oott PrMIIof ..... ~lot u.......... . -.._... "'"' l'tooh Colrtbdooho • No Slorlllbto • Porfoct Inn - 5Yow--•Dr_.a ..... or Allon4 • Water Stalft IMIM'tl • Dn,lrin • .,.... Dr_., Ha<ftm lostollotl ..,. a.,.n.~ LIT COlT IIST.W. NIWDRAPU w ......... _,.... ~fiN ttf ... kt .. ,..... .. _. l!llterl•l-"'e ..... DUPIIY SilVIa I 20% OFF ~ .. ~ I ~~;.!~ 642-o270 1702 NEWPORT Bl YD. 11 17th, Cost1 Mal ON THE STRIP r;#ecta!s been the 35th F' Ught of what has beeo considered throughout the globe as the world's largest s mall boat race. Yin Jor~rensen, skipper of the Commodores, has appol!Ud a committee to ftnda replacement for the F' Ugnt of the Snowbirds. Tbe Newport UDlty Church, members wtll be given at the the Southern c autornta BapUst meetiog at 15th St. and lrf1ne 7 p.m. service. There wtll be Bible fellowship, aDd asslsta.ri. Ave., CIUf Haven-·Dr. William remt.niscences of the past editor for ·the west coast for l"'"••lllil••••••llii~iiiii.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Parker wtU be guest preacher years , also choral s inging and the Baptist Bible Tribune, of~ at the 10 a.m.Sundayse"lce.muslcalselections. ficlalnewspaperotthe FelloW-American Christian His topic will be "JUk.ing de-Or. Combs )olned the chUrch ship, with headquarters 1n cisions.:• • • stall as co-pastor last month. Springfield, Mo. SCh I SYBIL RODioiAH DIES The 42-Year-old pastor Is a Mrs. Combs received her 8, 00 The PlymouthCoogrepUonal native or Lubbock Texas re A. degrees from Calvary Cot-172 23 S t C t M Corona del Mar Mrs. Sybil ArleDe Rodman. 51, of Z38 E. Wilson, Costa. Church, 3262 Broad st., New-celved his B.A. d~gree tn'Blb: lege. She assisted her husl:wld rd tref: ' OS a esa port HelctU--"Keepers of a. Ucal education In 1943 from the as Christian educatlon director CALL 642-6361 SPECIALS GOOD THRU JULY 1 Mesa, died June 12, at st. ::::::::::::::::::::::::! Joseph's Hospital iii Orange. berita&e" will be the sermoo Calvary College Kansas City· in Lynwood, and DOW Is a mem- toplc of tbe Rev.Norman BroWD his theology d~gree tn 1950 ber of the Christla.D education FOR FALL ENROLLMENT S~e was born Nov. 5, 1918, 1n Oklahoma., <lnd ca.me to Call~ at 10 a.m. Sunday, !tom the Bible Baptlst Semuary sWI at the Costa Mesa church. Phonics -American herl t..ge -Bible Annex decision delayed i~' :::.··.;uda~"'!e';.~':~ Member, Calllorllla ~E~dan~~;~la~M~llb~~;OOo~~~~M;ri~b~l~l~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. I.TC:R.AT!O N . h om SUITS ~5 673 a 1?0 fornla Ln 19ZO ~ to Orange Count} In 1923. Survtrors include her hus- ba.M, Georp Rodman; her puente, Wr. aDd 14ra. Howard c. Rumsey or Costa Wea; 2 sons, Robert of Saata Ana and Gerold ot Costa Mesa; a daugh- ter, LyDda., of Costa. W:esa ; 1.00 a sister, Mrs. Patricia R. MU- ter of Orange; and 5 graDd- ~;::::::::::::::::::::~ chlklren. Funeral services were IM!ki June 16 at Bell-Broadway Chapel wUh Duane Canby of-HEARTHSTONE "Fireplace Things" ficiating. DIESIH ARUBA Mr s. Edith M. Walsh, 68, of 192<1 Continental, Costa The Newport S.Och city stall r wu directed by CltJ CoGDell The Council ifanled tbe con. MooellY otetzt to ma.a a more Unuanee but also asked the lD~Eilltb atwty of lbt eooaomte sW1 to determine the tlnaDclal Impact of 1 proposed $50 mu. r esponslbUlty of Azimuth. lloo oftlee buUdJO.C a.od botel Councilman L!Dd.sley Parsons complex 00 a SO-acre parcel said he wanted to make sure near Orange County Airport. that lt the cJty annexed the lbe ctty bas been asked to property the company would anoe:z the property by Azimuth have the ttna.nctal bacldng to Equities lne., wlltcn. ls 1n es. complete the pro}ect. crow to buy tbe pr~ from Robert Hirsh, representing McOocmell Douglali Inc Az.lmuth, told the COUDctl he Mooda.y's req~st ·by the thought some Lnd.lcatlon of the C()UOC.II followed 00 the hetlsot company's tlnancial bacldng a request by AslmLJtb a.Dd Col-could be made available by the llns Rad1o to conUnue a public July 6 meeting. VI Mesa, died June 12 oo ttM! SIT OUR EXHIBIT Island Arub&, NetherlalldsAn- T E LEP,...O NE 6 73-706!> bearl.ng 011 tbe proposed an.oex-The Irvine Company and auoo uot11 July 6• lrvlne area residents have et:- Colllns Radio ts }ocated ad-pressed adamant opposition to jaceot to tbeW:cDooneUDouglas the a.mexatloo saying that 1t property and Is cooslderi.Dg would take away trom the tax the ~Uty of seek1Di a base or the proposed City of AT THE SOUTHLAND HOME & GARDEN SHOW tllles. She was bora Jan. 15, 1902, 1n Denma.rlt. JUNE 20-28 Survivors lnc lude bet hilS- ANAHEIM COHVEHTIOH CENTER bUd, Charles w. Wal.sh lnthe joint anoezatlon. lrYtne. : ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Antilles. J;:'f.'~.t .. :.:t~~::~e ~~ Gonna tax the cats? tist Chur ch, Costa Mesa, with HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIOS of ti-re Oror~qe C::;.os· the Rev. AnthOny McGowan of-The Newport Beach City fl ctating. CotJDcil doesn't Ute cats. interment at Good Shepherd At least ao U woWd seem FREE Cemetery, Huntington Beacb. trom the dUeusston held at Bell-BroadWay was in charge Council meeUoc MOiday DiehL of arrangements. The item ftl ftnt dbcussed ORGAN WORKSHOP when CounctlmaoRichardCroul EVERY loiOHDAY EVEHIHG AT 7,30 P .lol. U.S.C .ALUioiS ELECT broullbt ~aletterherecelfed CALL FOR IHFORMATIOH Frank E. Anderson of 2078 from Mary E. DaYlsprotellline ~===::::;;:::::;:::;;::::;==:: MaDda.rln Dr., Costa Mesa. has the numl>erotca.t5lDheroorOlll. been named presldeot of tbe del Mar oeigbborbood. Newport Harbor m e Alum.aJ. Mr. CroW said ooe person ln ..;:,4,1~ en/co, Club. He Js a 1950 graduate. Corona <~t;l Mar wureported.to •u NE u P R 1.... have 47 catJ 1D the bouH. , etlrU>& president ts Robert City Attoroey Tlllly Seymour ~ Bas:lWl, 1314 Estelle commented that eats, partt.cu-30''" f ·~· co•t• .. ~ ..... v ,.,.~..,, ::>o. .... ~ c •. ·o-~ , 7 1 ..... 7) !'!012 , 13 GOODYEAR ALL WEATHER ne, lx>r Hl&fllands, c.la.ss larly Ln Corooa del Mar, "are oll956. ---·-· ob Newly named as nee presl-an _......, pr lem arcxmd dent ts Jack K. Sunmuela, 1921 sprLDcUmt. Tbert are Z little oJd ladlts wbo batbot and care Satrlna Ter •• lrT1De Tvn.ce, tor tbtm and at t1mu are class of 1953. Treuurw Ls Coo Scbweltzer, Z615A111. Vista quite WD'euoaabll. nus 11.11 u .. ,to. txc. r.u East "We ooet tried to tuue a ~~;;:~=;;;;~~;:c;•:•;;;;~~:D~r~ •. ~, ~;~ Bluff, cla.u ol1"-4. clt:&UoD apiut tbl .amea Cll ite Walls 2 for $ Is Mrs. Ra.J Eklleoa, a pubUc DUlaaDct cbarp, but Lido lall, class 00 aae ft1ltld to 4le." Coaocllmall lionrd Rocv• HARBOR PAINT & WALLPAPfR CO. QU ... LITY SUSIOH .. ...-tboclty"-aprlalo 2919 E. Coast Highway "A "'"era lor q~&Uty .._ 47-a<UidD 4710CU" Corona del Mar, Califomio sun.nee" .W bt tbe tbeme to=~·~::.'::, Pv- 673_2033 ol a da'-10o1 somlllu at Or-1101111 oltod a ---· Latar during discussion of ao animal control ordioa.nee, Mr. Rogers sa.ld he thotlgh.t the Council should charge cat owners a $25 fe e for Ule llrst 4 cats am locrease tOO fee to $100 tor 5 cats aoo more. Councilman Carl Kymla sug. gested the city utillt.e the ser- vices of a new cat extermin- ation business In town, ''Kitty Bye, Bye." "Do we have any more words of wisdom?" Ma yor Ed Hirth asked. 'I haven't heard any," Coun- cilman Croul ctllmed Ln. THE CHOICE YOU'LL WANT TO MAKE . , SOONER OR LATER DO IT TODAY ... NOT SOMEDAY NABERS~INC 2800 HARBOR SOULE'IARO, COSTA "'ESA, ~71 .. ) S-40-8100 Dll L COAST M .. HWAY AT M.aAITHUl 11.n. COIOU Ill. MAl THURS. FRI . SAT. ._25__,\1.___26__,\\L__27_J The lie Event of The Year Ad W rth $2 a.ore Coast CoUep Juoe 27, former Coullc:Unu Robert 0 lD the OCC IIOIODCO balL U Sbolloa ... Ill don ud pi- Will be eo-spouortd bJ tbe wttll tbt lldin OCC Erenlng Collop ud the "I'D ID taJ.i, -Coomcll- PITTSBURGH PAINT OriUlp Empire-""" oltbo maa-lboo,"Coomcll ... Amarlcu Soctoty lot QoalJlr CN>Ol ald- ON ANY G ALLO N P UROUSE O F ER CLEARANCE MID-SUM ::::::::10:~::0:F:F:O:H::AL:L::W:"':L:L:P:A:P:E:R::::::C~~~ Ll~e.:.\ a~ hoo~ 3645 faat Cooot Hto......., (orono dol Mor LAIGIST SILICTIOM or SANDALS:_~~~::~: s s~ UP CAlli' AI I'OOTtr._.ll I'Oa nB BNTIIIB I'_.MILY Dr. c;;-. O"'eaa. .. ,. 111 at w n •••ltnl .......,, 1.& lllndl,wlll bo ,.... ..... 10 &--.lid 7,00 ,_., -~~~~~ -,. 8 1/ltll.lf 8CIIOOL AT t:00 .UI. WOIIIHIP IIII'IIC& AT 10,00 A. .II. Jl:VUDIQ IIIIYICK AT ·7100 PJL -IAIT CDAiT.W .. CIIMllll-... STORE WIDE CLEARANCE DRESSES SUITS COATS FO~ THIS MHT D00U OnN /I<T t Mol. IAU. s.t.W FINAI.l SAVE UP TO soo;o 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF FUI , ... U:IN& IN lW INO LAY/I<WArS PUA$11 J NEWPORT BEACH 10( 11111MIUC..U.,_, tll»840111•---. l()( COSTA MESA Sculptor Miriam Shelton featured in CDM show Soroptimist election held A collection of works by a..od clay to brlD& ute to bl:r SCij~tor Miriam Shelton ol studiel o1. classical ballet Velma O'BrleD wu lutallld Corona del Mar, wlle of former dancers a..od portratb of chU~ u president ol tbe Sorcptlmilt Courx:Umao Bob Shelton, will dren. Club ol the Newport Harbor be presented by tt.e Nnport Area at lbe June 17 meeUac Harbor Service League ln the Mrs. Shelton ls a lf&duate at tbe Mesa Verde CoualrJ Coffee Garden Gallery, 262:5 of Pomona CoUep, Ybere abe Club. E. Coast Hwy., CorooadelMar, st...Ued scu_,ture and CIP~ otber oftlceu are Doloru trom June 29 to Aur. 12. Gal-lured awards for her work. She Richard.aoo, ftrst rtce..prtsi- lery hOurs are 11 a.m.to3p.m. has also studied at the Uni-deo~; Erie (Mrs.MelYla)Nc:.ck, Monday through Saturday, nrstty ot CaWorDla, Berkeley, &Dd rtce-presldeot; Ilm'otby "My work Is an eJpresslon the Corcoran Art School lD (Mrs, Joe) Haupey, reeord1tle of my teeUnga:," Mrs. Sbeltoo Wasblogtorl, D. C. aDd Yitb cadet 1D air-secretary; Bette (ltln. Geoz'p) says. "U the viewer recog-Jon R.aymood. Sbe worked as ma.nshlp" was awarded to Fred Cooney, eorrespoodlq MCre- nir.es ln my scu~ure some ot an assistant In the ft.rst Unl-C, Whitney n, p-and&on of Mr. tary; Joan (Mrs. Alan) WU- IlJs own feellogs or to,., lovell-ted States laternatkmal scu)p-and ltra. J. B. WbJtr.ey Jr. liams, treuunr; am d1recton ness, frustration, a.od Joy , tben ture symposium lD Long Beach or 614 Av-ocado Ave., Corona Fatel Walker, Vlrclnl& (Wra. 1 nave communicated." She has 1n 1965. del Mat, when he cnduated Lee) Shaw, JeaDDette (Mrs. £1- receJ.ved wide DOte through her A preview party by tnvt-this month from the U. S. A.1r bert) Conoer , SIHt (Mrs. L. 8.) works to a variety of materials ta.tlon only will be held July Force Academy to Colorado Bussey, Katherine Cbailllt aDd Including wood, stone, bronze 27 to open this uhlbU. Sprlncs. The singular award OUve (Mrs. Glenn) Allen. tbe Watson on Irvine board was presented to Fred by the retiring president. Alr Flgttters Aces Assn. He Jeanoe Haas, district 3 dl- ls the son of Mr. a.nd Mrs. r ector, sened u lnstalltng ot- Fred Wh.itney of Houston, Tex. ftcer, and Agnes Blom1\l1at, His grandparents were present honorary member , wu pest for the graduation ceremonies, speaker. Raymond L. Watson, lrvlne Company senior vice president, has been named to the firm's bolu"d of directors, board chair- man N. Loyall McLaren an- nounced this week. Mr. Watson, 43, Is the 3rd company e.zecutlve to w1.o elec- tion to the present board of the giant land deulopment cor- where U. s. Secretary of De-MaJor service projects tor tense Melv in Lalrd was the the club are Ma.rdan Scbool, speaker. Cadet Whitney wtll re-Girls Club and youth cltben- port to Reese Air Force Base sblp awards tor lbe 4 local bleb ln Texas this t.lll schools. Summer sign up at YMCA poration. Tbe others are com-The Orange Coast YMCA has niDg guitar, mental dynamics pany president WllUam R. opened registration for Its sum-and other classes. Women's Muon a.nd corporate secretary mer program, offering a variety classes include pre ... tal and Charles S. Wheeler. or educational, physical and post aata.l exercise, hatha yop_ Mr. Watson was rwned to swimming classes tor adults begian1ng aDd lDtermed.late the 1-member baud at the and youth. clothing. stitchery andwaavtnc. stockholder s' annual meectna:. Adult co-educational and skill and rug maldng. succeOOing Mart R. Sullivan, classes offered Include oil Child care is avaHable lD retir ed chalrma.o of Paciflc RAYMOH 0 L. WA TSOM pa!nUog. dance therapy, begi.rl-the mornings for mothers with Telephone and Telegraph Co, -----------------babies aDd pre-scOOolchtldren. He )olned the lnioeCompany or the Newport Harbor YMCA --~L,_~EGAL HOTICE Men's ~ women's physical in 1960 as manager of the plan-fuod-ratslng drln. fitness classes featured are nJ.ngdepa.rtment. In 1964hewas He aoo ttts wlle, Elsie, and P-37476 ladies' slym and trym, men's appolnted vice presldeat of their 4 chHdren Uve ln East CERTifiCATE OF Bl.51NE~ condtttooJng, YOUeybi.U, uru- pl.anning. In 19£6 he was ele-Bluff, the Irvine development Fictitious Firm Name versal gym, jogging, swtmmln& vated to head of the company's over looting Upper Newport THE UNDERSIGNED does fitness counseUng and lwldb&U. 1a00 development division and Bay. hereby certify that he Is coo-Educational and phystc.a.I In 19£8 he was named senior In addition to Mr. McLaren. ductlng a lamp and fUture classes designed ror youth ln- vlce president. Mr. Mason, Mr. Wheeler and repair business at 2721 East elude Lnlorma.l activities, be- As the company's land de-Mr. Watson, members of the Coast Hlgnway,CoronadeiMar, gt.nntng guitar,handball,tr&mp- velopment chief he bas super-lrvi.De-Company board of d1-under the tlcutlous n.tm name oUne, tumbling, boy's seU-de- vlsed preparation and lmple-rectors are M. Keith Gaede, of Sheehan Lamp aDd Flxture feose, W'testllng, body buUdlDc. mentation of a master pla.o that president of San J011.quinAs-Serrice, and that sa1d ttrm Is swimming aDd the summer f\m provides tor the creatloo of JOCia.tes; John V. Newman. composed of tbe tollowtnc per-~c:::lub~. :-=-=-.,-===-- the larpst totally planoed new ra.oeher; and Joan lnlDeSmlth. soo Wbose name to full and place LEGAL MOTICI ctty in the western bemiiJ)here of rest.deDCt ue as folJowa, --==:::..c===-- --the 53 OOO..acre proposed PACIFIC GRADS ·to-wU: Daniel H. Sheehan m, NOTICE TO CREDITORS City of trv'lne June graduates at the Uat-2955 Los CerlUos Drive West SUPERIOR COUR T OF THE He Is a ·graduate of IJC verslty of tbe Pacl1lc 1n Stock-Covina, Cautorn.J.a. ' STATE OF CALIFORNiA FOR Berkeley where he received toa, CaW., tnchlded Russell WITNE~ my haod tb.ls 1st day THE COUNTY OF ORANGE h.is B.A.' and M.A. In arch!-Lund, 49 Beacon Bay, and ofJune,l970.DilnJelH.Sheehan No. A-65784 tecture. Ills current com munity Michael Bova, Z4U Andover Dl. Estate of Arthur Donaldson.. .tctJvitles include c hairmanship Pl., Costa Mesa. Both received STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) deceased. B.A. degrees. ) ss. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Carpets by C ALL &•6-0275 FOR .-,N EXPERT CARPET CO NSULTANT WHO WILL COME TO YOUR HOME WITH SAMF"LES WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION TO YOU! COUNTY OF ORANGE to the creditors of tbe aboft H.J GM\I{Tf fURN~ ON THIS 1st day of June, 1070, oamed decedaot tha.lallpenoDI before me, a Notary PuhUc In baYlnc cla.lms &p.Uwt the aUd and ror said counly and state, decedeal: are required to me residing therein, duly_.;Jmmls-them, wttbtbe DKUAI'J ~­ stoned and sworn, persooa.Uy trs, 1n tbe oftlee o1 tbt c ... t appeared Daniel H. Sheehan nt, o1 the above eotltled court, or lmown to me to be the persoo to pceseal tbem, rith u.e Dll· whose name Is subscribed to , cessary wouehtrs, to thea.. the wlthln Instrument, and ack-s1iDed at Law om.ce a1 Gai?1D oowledged to me that he e:recu-R. Keeoe, Attoroey a.t IA.w, 414 ted the same. N. Nnport BIYd., NIWpOI"t WITN ESS my hand and ortlcal Beacb California. Wb.lcb la tbe seal. Jessie R. Hill, Notary pla.ce 'ot buGDeu o1 a. __.. PubUc In and for sa.id CoUDty s1JD8d 1n au matter• ~ and state. My Commission ex-1DC to tbt estata o1 A1d dece- plres Oct. 2.4, 19?0. deol. wiUl1.D. four moatba aa. PubUsb: June 4, 11,18, 25, 1970, tbe ft.rst pubUcation ot U1J.a DO- in tbe Newport Harbor Enstp Uce. 2ll5 HARIOR II.VD. COSTA "'ESA. CAUF. fO Speed Bikes lbleiEJI ' Motobecane $59.95 to $225.00 3 Speed Res $48.95 up Custer he Res $39.95 up Bike Parts-Tres-Tubes Duck Feet Fins Blemish $&.95 Duck Feet rms Replars $1.95 Masks--$1.19 to $7.95 ~95c·$1.7S-$2.95 tiates-$4.95 .. $1U5 1111....... Dated May 29, 1970. Slee~lll Ba(s-$12.95 Ia $77.50 Backpack Sacs-$12.95 Ia $43.95 Ridt-Moar Freese Dried fllld First Ail Kits-Sierra Cups Space lllaiiets-TAI Teats Ch•-•n Ha~ Glms $3.95-$4.50-$5.95-$&.51).$&.95 llan6als lki~ SSe '* $1.10 ~ts Sllles lllse ra,s lasts Cllest PlltlcWs Dooa.ld Donaldson. ExeciJtot or tbe Will of the above oamed decedem. GALVIN R. KEENE,A~Uaor at Law, 04 N. Newport BIYd., Knport Beach, CaiiL Telo- pboDI: M6.1Ul. Attoroey tJr &-. Publi.sb: June 4,11,18, 25, 1970, in tbt Newport Harbor En&tcn. L!GAL HOner NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPEJUCI< COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNJA rat THE COIJIITY OF ORAKGE No. A-65733 E ... te atCatberiDo !lola~ Doc-. JIOI'JCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to a. credltora ol a. &llot't .... dac«<ttlt tllat all per.- llaYIICcloilu-DIOald ...... .,.. nqa&rtd to fill ..-. wttllltM_..••ntoeb- • ., Ia t11a at11co at DIO clo<t Gl tlla lllooo _.., .-t. ar to ......-ta.m, wUb tile ne ... e..ry "**-' &otM ..__ ...,._ 11 Law Olllee at Colfla R. ~ ~ 11 Law, 41' •• ~ BIN., llwpart ._., Calboll, -..... ..... "' at ... --...... au .,_.... ....... _., __ -.----.. lnt ... l:aiiMoltiUID---..., ... 11'10. ---.~-., ... ww "' ... ---diet' ], C.U.YIII R. UER, A11on1r at ~...w. at w ..... ,.. BIN.. .... -.... Sits .. _, ._., talll.-.... ..,. ..... "'-1111. Allonlr .. • ~s:,·:···~sw:•~Sils~'~'':!: .. ~L!:!:!II~·~..,rs~IJ~ .,~ ... ~$~~U ·-·"· -~. .. ... ,.. .. 11.,11, .. 11'111, ........... 1-t .. • You'll n ever defrost again! • Flip-Quick Ice Ejector to free cubu 198-lb. size vertical Freezer! instantly. • 23.8 • lb. size full·w i oth Meat Tender $ • 17.5 qt. si z:e full-w idth Hydrator • Door storage for eggs, butter, snodr:s • R.,ovoble En Trays. ..... ,_ c... '-""' ,_.,.. ""'If ·-.............. M .......... o. ... ,.... '*ICI -.... ,._,..,. ,._.. • •0.. Adl.oo •'*' er-cw--,..,.... ~ ....... ....., ....... -.......,._ ... • 2 .lit......, ._ GM rot t1 irlll N K\110 111 .., ...., .......... _llff o i"'IIT. •c.w ....... ~ ,_ ___ ... ..., "'-....... 101111 , ...... .. _ ................. _ .... .....-... ... __ ---- DAVIS 1888 Even this budget-priced Frigidaire Dryer has Durable Press Care Dur~t Prtu C1rt urn on ftlts budttl mo~l fHIHlmr Drytr • Pro~~tr ltmOftllurt. cyclt~nd cooi·OO.n ''""' you •rofnnj • G.tnllt f1o••na Ktat Orttl lbr•u trnl'l ~11 • l+o· stuoo Dtcron lin! Ktrtn Ill OUR 2(l!f YEAR OF OEtliCATEO SERVICE 411 E. 1M St.- 64•-uu OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. Y & FRIDAY _ ..... Lea-20; S.rl .. Ill DEATH OF MOSES o. .......... , :u tl•ralc penoMI leaduUip Ia • looely life. P erhep• no man in hi•tM)', ••v• J .. u ...... bone •• r•t a burden or a uthority and gone to hle death •a aloae •• ~to.aa. 'flle loaelinea• of J u u• on tJ!e croee i• eppallins. But Mo.e .. death on l4ounl Nebo, where he wu a lone wi th God, hu ite own poipancy. Moaee h .. aroans d a loud ma ny timu uver the weight of h is re sponsibil ity. "II ow can I myael£ •I G n e bear your cumbrance, e nd your burden, a nd your etrife?" he Mid to the people . Tin1e and a gain he had to rebuke the people: "Thou w t • a tilfneclt ed people ." On the other hand he had several times to- intercede mightil y to aave thetn from wrath, a nd once prayed co be a cas ta way himself if th e people could not be forgiven: "Oh, this people l.ave sinned a w eal sin. 111 nd have made them gnds of gold. Y ct nuw, if thou wi lt forgive the ir 11 in -;and if no t, bl ot me.l pray thee, out of thy boolt which thou has t writte n." Perhap11 the most trying time of a ll wss a t the Wll!lt ers of \1 eribeh where th e people murm ured again £or WMter 1u1d \hlses, in exaspera t ion, s truck the ltoclt inll tead b( comma ndi ng it to give water. F or taking this upon himself and not •ctio8 in the mee ~nelhl of perfect obedience, God ord ered that he could not complete h is great mission and enter wi t h the armies into Canaan . \loHes felt this keenl v . He carr ied on his labor"' for nmn y yea rs, but in one of hitt sermons in Deuteronomy he cannot restrain himself and breaks out with 111 remembrnn ce of how he prared that this hard dec1sion might be: reversed . It wu aher the VICton over Og, king of Flashan , whi ch followed soon a ft er the defeat of Sihnn the •\mQnte, when Israel was poised on the plains r,f ~luab to strike acro!ls J ordan and launch the invasion. In the fl ush o f victory Moses assigned territon to the tnbes, a nd he exhorted J oshua to be bold: "And I besought the Lord at tb1.1t lime. saying .... I pray thee, let me go over. and see the good land thott IS be}und Jordan, th a t gooJI~ mountain. and Lebanon. But the Lord was wroth with me for your sakes, and would not hear me: and the Lord said unto me, l.el 11 s ulficr thee ; speak no more unto me of this mat ter!'' No w all is 1n read1ness f.u the great culmination of forty years of epic labors and leadersh1p. •\nd \lnses 1s den ied the glory of participating in it. Rut firs t he goe s to the loll ul \luun t "\ebo from whence he can see the whole sweep of Palestine: "'·\nd th~ I.Md showed him all the land , , , I ha ve caused th ee to see it .. ith thtne e}t'S, but th ou shalt not go fH•er tolither." And so \loses d,ed there 111 th e land of \loa b. And God himsel f disposed of his body . "lie buru•d h1m in a V<JIIe1 in the land of \loab, over agawst Be th-peor : but no muo knoweth 11f h1s sepulcher unto this day." A spot south uf thf' \\udi ~eisbun. etght mi les or more east of the junction of the J ordan .. ith thl' Dead ~ea. which now goes b\· th e Mme of Jebel :-.leba, was in Christian trud1110n thuught lube \lount \ebo. The view from thence fits fairly well with thl!" de$rnpt1ons m Scnpture . Aut local \loslem traditi on, whi ch, according to a mndem scholar ts 111 be pre fe rred here. identifi es it wtth Jebel Osha, \\hich ''" 1.000 feet higher. somewh111 to the n<'lrth o f Jericho, sloping down steepl1 '""Md bnth Jericho and the Dead ~ea . \ sn~<t ll erection near the top is suppos .. tl t•' mar~ the site o f \loses' grt~ve. ''The l'lew from th is peak," 88}'1!1 th1 s \lflter. "curresp<>nds so mmutel1 ""'th the descr1pt1on 111 Deutuonom} as to •mpress ..Jn\one .. ·ho has been pr1 v1le ged tu set' 1t.'' Th11t th1s ,,],1c-r '" \l <~Uill \,·bu I\{' lfl.l l \\I'll hr l 1r1r ~ hut th.lt "~>:l ·IIC unko l)l\11 tn the "rlt(·r ,f llc ul!·r<on<>l"l hus n''" ht'rn J.,c.nt•rl ,.., h.trJ ''' .11 t ''I'' "'e ('fin b~st be ('ontf•nt 1\ilh ~n .. l>l!l ~ th <~t "hilt• \!""'"" dlflu .. t foot-.h dw .-r(·,lt ma rch 1nto C:<1n.~o.1 n, (;,,d lit' I tor .dMndoned h1m ..~nd ~ob1le tlwr•' "·I ~ 11•1 JILin "1th him At h1s <Ieath. (.,,rl 11.15 .11 ho.~uJ . Furthermore the turn ,,( f'lf'nt,; foreshadn,_.~ rcrmtrk..Jbh the Cospt•l 111 that \tnses. 11ho prr-.nndrl'-. th t' I . ..J", ~~n ot the on•· "ho lr,t d~ th e h<ISis t•> \l l t••rl . T hat ts l~ft In .anothH lh~ thtnlr ll(lulri be J.,shuo~ -nnr l••:.hu.• thr· ,;nn n f \un whu succeed ttl \lo~:.e<> H I L•lmnMnd , but Joshua the '"" uf (.,d, otf lr·su"' .rs ''t' ha1·e the n<~mt' '" 11:. Lreel form \loses' pe rson~tl d1S.jpp<>1ntm~nt ut not settiOI'\ fof•t 111 ( .~o .u1 n must hdl f' be~n s >~all n\\ed up 1n th•· Jill th~tt he h..1d 1n bem!l dl ]u"rrl To "'ee <the.HI t<r the coming of Chnst f.:tS he had lte\\rd the pr omised landl itnd 111 undrr:.land thr full meaotng of all that 11as happ .. ntng. "For (\loses ) ~<r•)tr nf n1r." sa1d J esus, referring to Deutrrnn•'lml IR:I:; and IR. "The Lord thy Gnd 11dl raise up a Prophet from the n11dst ,,f thr e. o f th1 brethren. l1 le unt n me-: untu h1m shall ~·<e hearken." EY•1••II•• 11d Doctrl•• .. CHRISTIAN HB•s." 8 0X 168. NBWIIAVBH. MO. Some people teem to tblnk that doctrine is rei- aUvety unimportant ln evanaeUsm and wtnnln&: souls to CbrlsL Such an attitude betrays a woe- lui ignorance of the Scrlprures and a traatc lack ot understandlD& in thlngs that concern salvation. TbJJ word "doctrine" Ia so prominent In tbe vocabulary d. Paul the aposUe that he uses It ov- e r and OVf'r agatn a s God's Sp1rlt moves him to write to the youq preachers Timothy and Titus. He told Timothy ro stay In Ephesus to establlsh doctrloe (l Tim. 1: 3). He told hbn that lawleu per- SOOI are those wboee lives are contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tbn. 1: 10). He further said that a eood mlnlster Is one wbo Is nourished In good doctrlae (1 Ttm. 4: 6), and lnslsted that he should attend to the matter of doctrine 11 Tim 4: 13), continue ln doctrine hlmself aod teach 1t to others tor sal- vation (1 Tlm.4:16). Paul told Tlmotby that "ALL scripture ls giv- en by lnsplratlon of . God and l.s profitable for DOCTRINE" (2Tim. 3: 16). He said, ''the tlme will come when they wUI not e ndure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having ltc hlng ears, and they shall tum away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fa bles"(2 Tim. 4: 3-4 ). And when he turned his attention to Titus, Paul s aid that a bishop {pastor) must hOld fast the faith· rut word so that he could ''by sound doctrine both eXhOrt and convince gainsayers" because the mouths of unruly a nd vain talke rs a nd deceivers "must be stopped!" (Titus 1:7·11 ). He further e x· horted T itus to "speak thou the things which be- c ome sound doctrine " and to show himself un· corrupt "ln doctrine" (Tttus 2: 1 & 7). T he e nd re- s ull desired was that his hearers would "adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour In ALL TIIINGS!" (Titus 2: 10). Doctrine IS Important! And woe be to the paswrs a nd evangelists who neglect the doctrines of God as revealed In God's Word w ritten, for the Scripture says, "Now the Splrtt s pea kelh expressly that In the latter times som e s haU DEPART FROM THE FAITH. giving heed to seducing sptrtts a nd OOCTRINES OF DEVll..S, speaking Ues tn hypocrisy" (1 Tim. 4: 1·2J. Preacher-get bac k to THE Book. "Give a tten· dance to reading , to e xhortation, to DOCTRINE " (1 Tim. 4: lJJ. "Watch thou In ALL things . E n· dure afflictions, DO TilE WORK OF AN EVAN· GELIST. Make full PROOF of thy ministry " (2 Tim. 4:51 . From T HE SWORD AND TiiE TROW· E L. Greensboro. N .C. 27400 Copy right protected. 'A Missi01ary Ylsio1' Prom f:HRI STI ,U~ NE WS, N ~w HG v u, Mo. Few Christians other tha n the Christian Busl· nessmen's Commit tees, (CBMC) have been con- cerned about missions to the high lev el business executive . The a verage Chrlstlan seems to feel that these people have tbelr reward In this world, so who needs to e vangelize them to see that they reach a heavenly e ternal reward. The stran~e Circumstances ,,f \loses' death .tnd bunal haq~ lf'd to man1 Last evening I we nt over to a Bible Church to lrad itirms. and rna~ be ~:;onne c teocl "'-lth hiS appeamnce ",th r!ijah 110 the \l,lunt he ar Charlie "treme ndous" J ones. J ones ls a rd the Transfiguration ,,f Jesu<>. fl <>lleler.lt cannllt bt' mt"rt'll th,. 1 ~r,um~1 •1 n ('es successful insura oce executive who found C hrist o f h1s death that accQun t {11r th<~t e1,.nt. f()r ·~hde U 1Juh £i 1rl nr•t rt11. but ... as a nd Is speaking a ll over America on the L ord's bebal!. If J ones is ever In you r a rea, don't miss talen up mtol he;n en 1n a char1nt of f1re. ne1 the r did ~.n nc h d1e, .md ~.nn('h llilS him, he 1s 8 truly tremendous speake r . not seen on the-\l'lunl. \lnses mther pref'.'~'ured Jesus as th(' oit"t'r of thr I .aw~ When these business e xecutives ge t "turned on F.l,jah was the 11.reat f1gure .-.f l'mphel •. for Christ," t hey are nonnally reaUy dymanic. llere 111 th1s a r count of \l,,sl.'s' de,Jth. "r1t ten h1 11 hund ••1h,.r th.Jn h1s <JI•n . These top le ve l ··execs'' can _be won lor Christ we read the f•rst l•nrJ-. .-.( pr.u se o f hw1 Ill IJeuter<)llOml : "\nrltht<re .trnf>" n'l t by groups suc h ·as the "Bible-Science" organ!· \ .. ~ ... zatlon of Rev . Walter Lang of Caldwell Idaho . a prophet !Hnce '" ls r.•cl l1l e u.nto lose ...... ·hom the l .•1rd knc" f.t ~,. tn f ... f:., ... • These people d emand proof through research that He w11s a remarkable m . .HI pln .. JC<Jih as ~<ell as 10 sp1r1 1. be1n!l l _~r-;rr .. <llr/ the Bible Is without e rror. It seems as though and "h•s e\e was nnt d,m, h1s natural for ce not abated."" the higher the level or execuUve, the more readily Your Child's Spiritual Training By louis A. Jacobun The Apostle Paul wntmg to Timothy, a servant of the hvmg God, exhorts h1m to "conttnue m the things which thou hast learned . . and that fr om a ch1ld thou hast ~mown the holy scriptures." That evidently was the secret of hts pawer and source of strength as he labored on indefat,gably in the cause of ChriSt. lt was the instructmns of h1s godly and sainted mother Eunice that bore f•u1t 1n the later l1 fe of th1s man of God. The word of the l1v1ng God Implanted in the tender heart of thai you ng boy and glfl Will become the bulwark of their stre ngth, and w1ll IWd the flower of young manhood and womanhood for the testings, the trials, the temptation!> of life. Then, when the time of dire testing comes to the boy or girl, whose enllre bOdy is putsat,ng with life and the vigor of manhood and womanhood; they w1ll be more than conquerors through Christ. They w1ll be fitted to meet the f1ery breath of the ev•l one and the attacks and onslaughts of Satan because of that secret strength derrved from above. lt rs His word hidden in the human heart from childhood, wh1ch gives us vktory in the battles of life. That IS why Oav1d uttered these signif,cant words: ''Thy Word ha"e t hid in my heart that 1 rnrght not sm a11ains t Thee." The chi ld as well as the adult with Christ and His Word richly •mpl anted 1n the heart c.an say, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me." So much emphasis in these days is being placed on the mental and phys ical eQuipment of the child. Th is is necessary, but parents have utterly fa 1led in their task of preparins children entrusted to them for life's training. if they r<eglect the most important and vital part of that child's equipm<ent, namely, a tt'lorough knowled11e of lhe Word of God. A godly minister asks thiS heart searching Question: "Do you never ta ke that bud of immortality that is unfold ing under your care, upon your knees and tell it in plain and simple language about God, about heaven. about sin, about Jesus the Saviour, about eternity?" Or. Payson says, "What if God should place a diamond in your hand, and tell you to inscribe on 11 a sentence, which should be read at the last day, and shown there as an index of your thoushts and feelings! What care. what uution you would exercise in the selection! This is what God has done. He has placed before you the immorta l minds of )"'Ur children, more imperishable than the d iamond, on which you are inscribing every day and every hour, by your instruc;· Cion, by your spirit, by your example, somethins that will remain and be exhibited for or aa:ainst you at the Judgment Dey." • TNCh the Word of God dilisently to )'OUf children beause of thi~1-the most important reason. It is the worn of God. which converts the soul. ....-ajth rometh by hearifll and hearitlf by the Word of God.'" (Rom. IO:ln. .. Born apin, not Of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible. ~ tht' WORD Of GOO, 'l"flich liveth and abideth for ever" (I Pet. I:Zl). Read also John 5~4. Oh, that our children wtto are nlkinc In our footsteps may ... more of the SPiour In 1.11: more of Hit kaYe. mote of His petienoa, more of His for- buqnce, and thus by our lives, l)t'eCefJt •net example be led to the feet of tnos..lou<. the person feels the hand of God In his life. These persons tend to be extreme ly bright and hold to a conservative te ndency. They would rather read and a ssociate w ith conservative c auses then wUd liberal o oes. The way to get s tarted to win high level people In your church is to get them to c ome to diM ers or breakfasts with s peakers who fa ll In the same category as they do, who have a ccepted Christ In their lives. The Lutheran Church·Missourl Synod has sev- eral successful businessme n who have been "turned on " for Christ. Among t hese m en are Mr. Walter Burke. Presi- de nt of McDonne ll-Douglas Aerospace Corp .• who resides In the Los Angeles a r ea . Mr. Che t Swanson of Clnclnattl who ts an ex- ecutive of Quaker Oats 1s a nother lnfiuentlal s peaker for Chr:lst. In the area of science, Mr. Roy Guess, a geo. logtst from Casper, Wyoming, presents a great me ssage to artlrm God's lnnerrant word to busi- nessmen. Lawrence Marquardt o f Marquardt Buick In Banington Illinois is not only ~nown for hiS auto s a les , but for his dynamic and straightforward sales of God's Word. Maybe It's time In Luthe ranism to start a dl· vision of the C hristian Businessmen's Committee, much llke the Lutheran Bible tranalaton became t he Lutheran Wlng of tbe Wyclltre Btbae Tranala· tors. The average top and middle executJve 1s earn- estly seeking answers to lite. We can by our wtt· Dess lead these "execs" to Chrllt. I have heard that Mr. Burke of McDooneU came to Chrtat by watchtna a netghborbood carpenter'• famUy. The family was an effective wttneu 1n It's llfe that Christ can truly cM.nge people's liVP!'. Burke ap. parenUy wanted the same Joy the carpenter's fam· llyk-.. Christ. Wbar ever walk of lUe you ar. In, people are watcbtn&. ln a former church I attended tb! moat inOtaeP· llal Chrtattao wu an old lady wbo rode around on a bicycle P&Ninc out trociiJ. llult preoldeD,. w.,..lnll-by bel' wi!DOU. 1a uy ._ of lite you m.oy be l.o, Y<N cu le.d moclent d..,-"ceaturlo .. " to Cbrlot .... ponou! lettlmoay' VI )lOW' Pleuo pr.y lhll w-lor !lev. Waloer 1.ao1 and 1bo Bible Scloect GI'OIIp. .UOO 1QY lor 1bo """"""'* of ........... ._.._ •Ito cu be l.oiiOODIIalforChrlst loAmortca. Pray lor lbo --.,., •Ito JO out to Jl .. • boil! w•t 111 for Clar1sL Grat belts II eM New "Juue Gi.,... the Parable 'of the Prodia'al Soa"-Luke 15:11-32 .. lin. 1 .. lllutla ""-TMI SIIIIORD OP TMI LDIO., •• Mft, ...._ ... ..., T-... • iodkat .. •onb whlda JM.I 0te by ..,..: lJ ao ,.Jereoc• ill g~,. • ..._ tll• GNIWIK 1H\IaUy will b. Jeund la til. ,. .. r•llC• •~•· CWES Acaoss 1 H -·---. t1te ptl>ftioo of v...U tliCJt iaU•tll fG -,. •s. •a. •n ··--------·--•d vo to .., ......... lC '11M ----ol T\hria" (lob 1:1) 15 ldal' o1 EtW•pia ID Dft9a 11:1) 17 OMh dna1• of ,..._ (¢.a. IC: 10) 11 lct1ler el Hupplal (I Cbroa. 7112) ·aL •». ·~ , will an.. -·------___ ., ~ 20 a •n of ••t-~a (Geo .. 41:21) 22 ,o•• wotbtlt. ----to ~ ~ (&o-.13110) Z3 ..... •.ala9 "w•ll·~ ~ __ ..ndJl U•c19-3:211 15 w-.at l'h'•• to U.. NO upoa JUa mwo to ldil lat'-r 17 c -· ot s.v (GeD. 31:201 31 alt. ••aahtg Hwtta-" (loU. 22:~) 31 -ol Judat.. (G.a. 3113) 35 Ill fu4p (Ju.dg. 12:111 17 iaftlcd. of a wld!.d &layer •d 1t1. alllltiODGUty (I Ia& 21:1) What Was • In nr. aw ... We tooiiT'8 t. II C.llrotriclel 5 : 10 ~ UW! ark of tAe CO\InO•.L I .llod oltciO)'• r.ltotlfAt t4at AOTotl'• rod end CM pO( of moftiWI, olt:laQ WA tM TCibM!ta of tAe eou...o.t, .one ~ Mt t.lle ar-k. TM 8cript'll:re ;. II ~f'Oiricla 0011fued oiJ O/ ... . I ~ tb cb• I ltJOidd tC7"ik l"t* lor CIJI ~. C~Md )10M llelp .. , ANBWBR: Yn, I can. Your lint thought was th<e right one-H<ebl"e'W1 9:4 contains the eornpl<et~ lilt. " •.. a-.d Ute ark ol t.Ae couet~C~I&I OUtTloid row.M: C1bmAl \Oil" goW ... Wh\W;.\ wo. tAe goldn pot ~~ ,\od ma111110, aM A.arow'• rod t.\al bN- ded, attd tM tob&e• of eM coue- .atU" IH«b. 9:+). Whe-n the Ark of the Covenant wu prrpared the lord said He would trU tM l.lr'aelltes what to put in it. NotJce Exodua 25 :21. ''A lid L\ow Malt Pt'l tAe ~ MtJt Gbove t1pot1 t.\e ark; otul itt Lite ork L\ow •Mil J*1 Uae euU- molll)' iAat I •~&all gtve tMe. " ln Deuteronomy 10 :5 we learned that the tabln ol stone were put in the ark. In I Kinp 8 :9 and 11 0\ronicln 5 :10 theft art" kll!ntJcal venes telling u'll that whm the arlc was put In the Temple thrrt- was nothing in It except the two tabln of stone. There were two other obj<ecta, however, that were to be k<ept holy befof'(' the Lord. One of them was the rod of Aaron that had budded . The story ia found In Num- bt>rs 17 ~Z-9. There wu a munnu,... ing in the camp against Aaron. Mose. decid~ that a reprevnta· tive of every one of the twelv<e trl~ should bring a dead limb or rod to the Tabernacle. Each man was to write his name on his rod. Aaron's name was put on the rod of the tribe of Levi. In the morn- ing it wu found that tM other rods were stUI d<f'ad but Aaron's rod had "broiiQ-'l forlA ~, 4t14 ~ blof~, a!INI )f6dd.ed cal- ~." Thua God had put ms teal of favor on the prindy work ot Aaron. 'lbla rod. God &aid, wu "to be '-fC /Of' G tolciea." The rod that budded 11 a type or llluatratlon of the raW'1"8'Ction ol a.n.t, Cod's -..-~ Tho l'l'llP>ne ol tbil world are Mad l'l'lldone. Buddha died and tan brine no rnurt"eetlon to thaM who are h1l: lollowen. Mohammed med and ean brina no niMli'1"Ktton to hlrnteU or to thoM who fallow' him. But when Jsu. died He waa nllftl from 0. dnd and thoM' .... -"' Hlnl wtll -how tteraa1 alfttion. Jt ...-I ....... -. tllat -rod -... _ ...... .,._ ... ..-"' .... low. -...... .... -"' ..... -lb. But J_. eaa ltrllw aiD 8llld atw ~tMe.lothlnwaaa .............. __ jllot_ It ....._ thaC .. rod al .un. ... --.. -., ... -111 1he .Art!: II dw Qn r t. Hllw -1 ..,..,. ..... RziM ... 1:4 ....... vsmt, • ....... ...., ftll mlrer 1 b pu;" , ..... ..... _., ___ _ -· n , a 'ftlllw .. aa 'It ttl ........ e hn ·=·~ H ..............•• ... _., .... , ... .... WI s •g .... ,. .. a. 31 Gr-k kw-. ol a.hoNam.---~· Mum (Matt. 1:7) 31 ioiUetlal of ~-·· triJe -d •• p~~ .... (0... 11:5) CO "-d lie ....,_ to he -·--•onl" Cl a MD of Cu.il. ____ ah (C.a. I01 " C3 "1HI ia ot ·-·-= ak hi.at." (Joha 1:23) ·c.s. •n •1 will an. 011od vo to ---- CI .. aad. 1 .... , witlt. 111 ----hal la- ••Dtcrtioa" (ltic:, l :t) 41 dty ol NoU {NUlL 2l:U) Sl 1aitiGJ,i ot 111 lf'Mt --d 11» .U. n a-. 2.S:U) S2 .... of aa.l (C... 41111) 54 ---........ ··--wy-'"• ... 7:C7) ss ltiDv o1 EtrloD u-. l0:3J Sl '"M> Hcucl aMid~: -• ----" Sl .. IIIOCI pu.l a rial' oa Ilia bcaul. _.. ----au. ...,. .. CI.UD DOWK I "U.. 'P~-aH to- the Ark? tlaol ~ Htrle .\ad 110 lock: t.W)' go.tJt.er«l ~ mctll QCCOrd.- ""' to .IIY C!~Qtfw.g." In EJCOdul 11 :32 w<e read that God commanded MO&ft to "ttll u Of'MT ot U l wwrnaJ to be bpi: /or JOilT ~." So Moees. ic tum, ilwtnJcU!d Aaron to "taM!' Q JIO( aiiNI '*' att om..-ftUl 0/ m.a1HIO tUrM, oM lea~ u tip bqore tl&e Lord, to be ~cepe tor )'Otlr ~ U.O..." JiaJvw I. a type ol Jnw:, "the Brftd ot Ufe.'' There it eDOQih of Ouilt for ev<eey one Who Ia willlnc to re-c<eive Him (John 1 :12 1. ThW pot ot manna wu kept in th<e Tabemacle but It, with Aaron· a rod, wu late-r put In th<e Ark of the Covenant In Solomon's Tern· pie. Al:aln-I know thia: to be true b.!ocauae of Hebrtwa 9:4. Now notk:e thtt beautiful picture: In the aria: wu the tablets ol stone, the Tn Commandm<enU that aJnfuJ mm break. But with these tabl<eiJI wu the rod of Aaron to remind us of the pown of God and the pot ot manna to teU us ot God's eu.tftclency. Above the ark wu the' m<ercy seat ovnahadowed by the wires of tM ctwrubim•. On this m<e~y teat, <f'Vft')l' year, the HiP Print Qll'1nklftd blood. The oommandmenta that mm ~ak llrt' covered by the blood of Chtbt for "ttY oa<e who 11 wUUna to r.er lve the Saviour. WHO WAS MARrS FATHER! ww ~ eeu ..... Sir, do wo. MarY• /allktrf It Y 1M motMr of Juu w WIAowl I aM relerrlttg. I wUl GPJ"fl\CWaU Otl ~ W t.\fa qtMUlhl ftlloe I cmu•ot l'ad U fa tU ~Hlile. ANSW.R: Mal)''• father wu evi- dently a man namN lieU. I...bke 3:23 ~a)'S, ft ...... , ... ltimHJf tJre.. ... ..... .-.............. ., ~. ,..,. (tU toCI(U II'J'PQHd) tU «* of IOMif!A~ w1to tetU tU 8011 o1 HeM/' Tbia vene actuaDy ten. u., we boe~Jew, that Jo.eph wu the .......... ol Hell. 1.o .... lint --"' Matthew we have the cennJoo ot Joaeph, ttl!' ateptather ol Jesu.. HotS« Matthew 1 :11, •• AM JOI:Job btfoC: 1-..... --ot ,.,, ., "*"' ... bona ,...,, do '-coa. ., OA:,...,, .. Yau will notice two thtnp: lhat J---...s that J-,h ... the hulband ~ .. .,. .,., ... the ~ ol Jesua. You wm _. tlct Chat in • c:hapte\-o( ~ It 4Dn not ..,. that Joeeph ·'bepr·· J-.. ,. ........ .... vircln-...... ...s_ .............. ., llar7, .... 1M..., • .....,.. You will lllltlee. lwtver, tba\ Jaoeob wu ....... .......... _., __ Now' tn lAib J we I'M<d tMt __ .......... ., ........... --.......... -"' Holt ---~-· ltlateMw eat~ .......... ... bee• -ol ,~,.., ,.,.. .,. --~~ ~ .... 7 )IC) ......... .. ._ I taar ol ....,.. Af'lllr ... __ ........ _., ---~-.~--.., ______ ... _._ .......... _ ra--. ... a...-. ------• ., lliiiF' ._..,, --WM .. -·IIIII ttl .... 1M -.. -.. ..,. .... _ .... -. ANSWD TO PIEVlOUS PUZZU THE TIME ELEMENT IN SCRIPTURE ll••h "'•'"' l"''hlo•»<• "''"ld ho ... t, .. ,, t ..... 11>.>1>1 ... , "'"'II. ''''" ,,, ''"'""" '",,''I''"!'' 'l't. ....... , ,, .... " , < , u '' ", • .< 1 1 I u I 1 < ' '" o! < I I 11 1 >Ill\' '''"""' ·•nph~•l'''' "' ''''"'~tl• '" lu M.um,,,, ·, 1:! '" lo "" 1h.>1 '"' ... ,, ... ,, llu ""'"·'" '·"' ... ,,t~ . ., /lwu I,,,., tlu l,n• '"""'l t\t't ~'"I il>n •111! l,.,,' '"' \p.,•llt l'~ul ·"""' 1 ...... , ,.,, '"'" ,,,. ""'"' • "'""' .... , f ""' "''"""' ,,,, '"" " ....... ,,,,,,.,. ,~~. ..... 1 :!1 ) t ~·" "' '"·'"' ,,,, .. ,, lolt-.. t ..... ........ ,,, ,, !t'<f"'''"l '"' ·"(''!''""''" I• 11h 1 ... 1 ~ ... ~ f ,,., I I ll,.lo II I) '''"'' '"'""''""'" ~ud fho 1~" ri ·•H ti II t ' 1'1 '•1 .1u•\ <.iitll.ihl" I""'""'' ·'"'' "'"' t ••·'1"'""' (\I ~ I I \o u 2 ,111) !lou ""' ""' o1 l'.tul ,\., ''' I•'·"" ool "'"·'''"" In 111~1<' ''"'"'II'' l,.,th ~'""'' "" •In I•·•~•· ,,j t.l""' • !uu•hnl .til •utlul!'t>l \out L "' "''" "11''""' ll11• ·~ 11 h1 tlu• ·'i""'"' n·k r• '" f .. ol 'I :!.'ltu 'ilu·l.uth "huh dlt><<ltl ,,,,."' '"'' , ..... ,,.~lt•tl 'Ill•" "'"' tw okr l~••·~ l h~l <>Ill I uut ··~~~It' H"""·ll ~ ·~'"""' t .... ~r1 '" h•· >tlll<>ll•·•~o·ol w olur ''"''· ~thl •oloh, "'"''""'"I·"" ""l.onu••l • ;•t r·.u lu I .<1<4\ ,.., •'I""''' fl ri•n. :! " ; ' II'·' uuh ,,. "' h tt'f(IUI< flu '""" <'11'111\'lfl 111 Y n p111h' 11>,1 ,,. ~'\' l/1< ohJI,•n'IIU' hooll••~·fl th1· \.illlttlo_.ll ul h•··'""'' • .,,, llw Jk~h "' (:lu i~' r,,.,,.,~ . ., lht'Jtl"l"'' uf 1lw t..iuKd""l ,..,,1 "llw l(l l!lf":t ut 1h1· ~~:ntt• ul (,4 .. 1, 1,. . .,,,~ . ., lh1· "tlilliM'IIIUIU>U u / f~W .. ~lltl "\ht· tli~J)<'IIUt iUII nf tfu• \ C .. MIJI~ri••n ,.f M..t\11\llll. !\:21 ~ntl :!II sh,.w• huw rhit rinw l'kml'll1 i• '''"l•hli"lll'11 iu .'ioc.riplllrt' \1\t:l otitcnMinlt th,· hmctiu·n uf ll•t: brw In , • .,. ..... , 19 tmt 20. lhl' \JN~M it' 1"•111 1ln:t.u n : "R1 'T ~OW lhe rlt~fucuullllt' .. uf C,1.,t u•i lllfOII I 1111' 1,,. il m~~;nl· (rtft~l ... T~u. if\ \'n 2fi tw-, .. , ... rhtt it il GllCI'• purpnK : '"T n ckd1rr, I •>· AT T HI. TIM£. HI• (Chrht'') ri!lhtftJUtl~: th<tr Hr {Call~ mi~t be jute a"d t!w-JlllfifitT ol hi"' 1~1 htlievrth lnJnu'-" ~ ,0U 1\;tVf' Gad't l<nBI of llllt'lltitln ,., .,.,. Ttlc: .... f'Ct' who pl.a:. hit ,,.. .. ln jt.WI Qri •• who p1kl ttM ptnalt)' lor 011r .._ lt J.,.. tlleed btfoft the .,.,. of God. Cion· OQI ...... ! .. ldWw--thfo lArd J~ O.rl• •tid thaw ... k bf' -- • Fromthe -----· • Plllll.\Y lilA J It tliu ~-lot ., .. .., Clllrlol Car'-, u, lA ... , al M..:::.-::.: ::,.._, oar • •• ol '710 Joaa st., Cotta ..... Sbares, wu cltld at a.m. IOIMIII:Ime aa. May ti,...A Jtl OOVII OIIVK. AT liTH STaiiT WU tiUD to~ Ho.tal tor at Zltb st. ud 8&lxla Bml., t':lM u:l tl1e, ft.laed at $19, ..... Qin' aR-ACM, CALI,.CINOIA tr.O-ot la)lrloo -011 Wool N.._t, oo a clllrra ot -!rom tllo- THII AMIRtCAN L.UTHERAN CHU .. CH WbiD b1J IOI'tbbooad ea:t col~ bt1Dc lDtoxlcated l.a pabllc, :,·~ R Cbe..U. )Ot..l/Z 1100 A.M. lUNDAY-BAfltL.Y WOfii:IHI.. Udld wUb a ear matt.oc a u. • MOHDAY, JUKE 1 Maftae 4~ ~ lllud, 1111 "·""· lUNDAY-cHfltiSTIAN I!DUCATION tva OD ln1De AYI., drtYeD bJ SteYeoOt'eretrMt, 15, ol UOI 80CDtiUme mi-IDc tbe alCbt ot tiUioiOAY ICHOOL) Rt.ct1 RudaU 8t'on, 21, ol U5 RiYer ,he,, W81l Newport. WU II&J Zi •• ..A bteyele n.laed at 10:10 .a.,M. lUNDAY "" ,.UTI VI! WOfiiiHIII' S!lld st., Wt~t NtwJ'IOrt, at 5:20 bitteD oa tbe Jtomaeh b)' a doe $?5 wu stolen from Dolald F. 'lbe aev. J••• a. BlUD, PuCor p.m •••• Four 1*'1101!1.1 allfter«l wbUI pl&ytq" 1P troat ol his Howard ol W8 Wa.riu La.., .._ The b¥. 80aald WIIUe, Aaal.tllnt Pulor .mlaor lDJurtes . at 4:50 p.m. bome •• .A p aod coi.IUI ftlllltl Harbor Hlgtl.laJx!.s. r~=:~~;;~r~'""'~;·':~MIIr·38~s~,:~~~~~~l•ben. car, DOr'tbbouadooJam-at ,54 •er• stoleD from ttat naTQiti .. OP 01-..,lt'IOI1Wr JlOJVh Ude Newport Bladl !lJNDAY SCHOOL '"'•·•·••• .. •· lUNDA Y SERVICES t ;ll -11 .... WEDNESDAY EVENJNO MEETING I •·•· READING ROOM ........ ..,. ·= t ....... -s •·'"· W..tneuley: t ...... -7:45 •·"'· T.,••4•y .,,. f.,,...,, 9 ...... -5 ....... 7-t ...... Md•y: I •·"'· -"•·"'· IECOND C81J8CII W ( ............ N.wpon Stach at COfOfta del Mar borae Road, IUiddrl•eubJToble aportmeDI ot Eu-S. -ARTIH OF THE MONTH First Baptist Gurch Aaoe Ross ot Los AAgeles, coct, 1855 Sberrt.octoo PL, Mrs. PbyWs Btel, local of Costa M.sa eoWded tt1th lDOtber aortb-Newport Ke1cbU •• .8an.b Firm-taleot baa been selected u bouod eu drtveo by WUUe May ace, s, ot 132 s. 8&y Ft., B&t... tbe iw1 a..rt16t ot lbe rooce O.pti•t Bible Fellow•hip Conroy of Z020 Vllta Cajon. boa Island. was bUteo bJ a pet by tbe Newport Beaeb Jtmior f,.Jefl••u/,,.1-A11to,.o•o•.s Eut Blutf'; IDOlher car, driven gu1Dea pic oo tbt left tbumb EbeUs, For tbe eUdbU to be Sonto Ana & Mognolia Sts. by Emory Matthew KrotkJ of May 30; tbeyounptern.sglYeD shown at MulDers lJbnrJ, 36'7 E. 18th st., Costa Me.sa. a tetanus sbot &Dd tbe ulmal Mrs. Btel bu eboseo to show Or. P.G. Neumann, pastor wu aJ&o lmol'•ed ln the ae-was qu&ra.Dt1ned ••• Guos, tools a collectioo ot oU aDd acryUc cldeot; Miss Conroy and Mr. and fl.sh1ng equip meal:, all palutiDp Ud stitchery. KrotkJ'• W11e, ElTI.ra, were nlued at $42, were stoleotrom Y.rs. Blel. a 3-yea.r emt.bttor tree.ted at Haag Hospital, uti a stotap abed at Earl's la.ad-at tbe Festival of Arts 1n La.- ldr. K.roti:y aDd Miss Ross suf-tng. 282? W. Coast Hwy.,Marl-guna Beacb ls curreatlytea.cb. tered only mloor 1Djurles •• .Paul oers Mile, behreeo May Z9 tng eb.Udre~ a.oc1 adult etuses Rtebud Larson, Z5, of 840 and Jtme l. . .A sntng maebiDe, 1n Costa Mesa aod Newport SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.11. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Momina Worship 6:00 p.m. Trainina Union• 7:00p.m. Evenina Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina lnlne, Newport Heights, ns tape recorder &Dd pboaognpb, Beach. arrested on a charge of felony valued at $515, were stolen drllllk driVIDg at 5:25p.m. at trom RegUJald R. Qu1ro&, 401 THE PAPOOSE CLUB 5Z5 Bllyside Drive, after tbe IniDe, Newport Hetgtlts •• .AD "Uttle two feet" lnrttes all ear he n.s driving strliCk a estimated $300 lacasbwubur-youngsters, ages 3 to&, to tbe JENNIFER, age 3, daulbter of Yrs. J..Utb Br'Uidt, 444 Elm- burst l.ll., C06ta Mesa, Ia ell- Joying ntmrning lessoos at tbe Boys Club ol tbe Harbor Area. Cla.sses for chlldreo Z years old and te:~ wtU be oft'8reel dur- tng tbe sum mer 011 a fee am resenatlon b&sls. Reglstratioa for the summer is oow open. CaU 548-9387 for informat1on. ~EWPORT HAROOR E~SIGN SE~O SE~ --P!pl PROMOTED IY TOYOTA -Woll'onoo, It, ol IM-Bs.n, Goa M-lu , _ _.. ...... _ ... ~ IIIUWioc -....... to< TOJOII.._Salu at tM •tloNI ~a 1a T....-. 1100 PICIDo Vln Dr. RJNtiAY sdtOOL 10 •- SUNDAY SERVICE II •• WEDNESDAY EVENINO MEETING 1;00 ,. .... A TTEHD THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY puked car, then careened into gJ.a.rt.zed from a casb drawer summer story Dour beginning MAIL ORDER TICKETS the Dome of Richard Doering, attheLaCa.ntlna,3244E.Coast Wednesday, June 24, at tbe SET FOR 'LA MANCHA' causlllg more than $ZOO damage Hwy Coroaa del Mu ... LJ&bt-Balboa and Corona del Mar to a brick wall aDd facade; a ing 'finures, valued at $585, Ubraries, and Friday, Juoe Z6, f1 ~ c7: CoU~:; passenger in the car, Henry and bekxl.gtng to [NR tCootrols at Marillers Ut:t"ary. c • espec g a se llfURIOAV, JJIIE ~ ltll COROllA OEliiAJI, CH.JF. R••diaa Roo.c Mst~~•t 81~• -----------, t16S £-t Co .. l Bwy •• Cl*. r Moa..oOrrl,l 10 .... • s ,-,.,11 n • .d., •••taar 1 to S.t.: 10 .... to • p.-. CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH .-"'!'I Jooarlz, Z5, of 840 IrVIne, was of Santa Aoa were stolen from The story Dour will begin this swnmer's product1oo '!!' treated at Hoag Hospital lor EastbluU ele:neatary school be-a.t 9:30a.m. Tbis program will "The Man or La 11 llaDc 0 ba.:... ln'-1 1 annouoce that ma or ers -m1nor , .... es. tween May 29 am Juoe ... cootinue for Sweets. This year, ti kets will be ted start I • SATURDAY, MAY 30 More than $330 worth of n.rst the Ubraries will 1'1!ee1Ye some i~ July 1. Th:c~ wW ~ Robert Gibbons, zooz Dt.ana a.td ldts and fire eltingu1shers Usista.oce trom tbe Harbor staged ln lbe OCC Aoottortum You might think "instant replay " is only used in football games on TV. but the Phone Company ia also taking adva~~ge of this technique at one of our lrammg schools for installers. The installers- people who put in your phone-practice theU' jobs w ith other Telephone ~pie who take the role of customers. These practice sessions, which simulaU: situa· tions our men encounter on the JOb , are videotaped and replayed 80 the men can see how well they performed. Besidea checking to see that they in stall the equip- ment correctly, we're also ·interested m their grooming, deportment and ability to handle situations. This is another way we Lry to make sure our installers are real pros before they go out on the job. Ynu are <:ordillly" inVited 10 auend Ch~ch Senic:u and to uu 1he Rudin& Room. Ln., Harbor Higblands, wuar-as well as tbe keys to several area Glrl Scouts. July 29.Aug. 1 at 8 : 15 p.m • rested at 10 p.m. on a charge LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE AU seats wtU be reserved. of lekxly wile beating at b1s --Admls.sloc will be $1.50 per LUTHERAH CHURCH Ernplwsizins The l"l.ln of God The Penon of Chris! tesideoce • • • TeDill.s ra.quets, NOTICE OF ESCHEAT Z-19-59, Gn.ce Johnsoa., $15.82 person. valued at $50, were burglarlled OF UNCLAIMED MONEY TO 3-23-59, Grace Jobnsoo. c/o "La Mancha," Bra&cttraJ'S trom the residence of EIJ..r.abeth THE COUNTY or ORANGE Hurls RestallJ'a..Dt (Gatnlsh-biggest bit in recent years, OF THE MASTER Leth.•C•rch lrt A.ertn I !900 P&eUlc Yin Dr. c..... dalll&r' Calli. Th~ Power of th~ Holy Spirit W. Keating, Z602 Alta Vista N<YriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN ee). 1850 Harbor Bl'fd., Ana -will be directed by OCC dra.ma Dr ., East Bltdf ... Va.ooa.ls cut that the Board of S~vlsors helm, Ca., $5.61 lnstrliCtor Wllllam Pur kiss. a chai.D Unk fence at tbe rest-of tbe County of Orange, State 7-Z-59, Frances Flores, aka DR. 111LL1AK R, ELLER ~:MI-nM IUND.fiY I(:NOO~. o\,lool, M0""NING f¥0,., .. 11~ t .fiNO 101 ll:VIl:NING t1:111111(:a YL00 ~ ..... W&ONil:.O.fiY .1.1..1 tTUOY deoceofTbeodoreRusseU,Z741 of Call!ornta, has by Resolu-Frances D. Flores,aia.Mrs. WUREN ROSE HEADS Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar, ttoo dated the 9th dayofJtme, Fn.oces Flores, aka Mrs. 81C BROTHERS DRIVE causing an estimated $10 dam-1970, declared that the follow-Frances D. Flores, c/o Pa- 9,00 A.M. -fam111 wwlbfp 10:00 A.M. -Cbllfeb IICbool 11:00 A.ll.. footiYt wwtbfp NURSERY PROVIDED .fiNO P"".fiYS:III 7o00 P.M. NU,.,ti!""Y DUf_, .. G •CIIIVl<:a • A full Y04.1lh Prosr•rn Cm. of Ot•nae •nd 2Jrd. Sl. C011• Mew Pastor Fred Morse Jllvmmzti! Glongrf91dUnud GIIJurd! 3262 Broad Str .. t, Newport Heighh A Frrr tmd l"dt-perldr,t Co,grrgatio,aJ Chrisrian Ch11rch Tlla R•v. Horman Brown, preaching 9Jnday Service and Church School at 10:00 a.m. Hunery care provided PhoM: 642-2740 age ... An estimated $901Dstlver ing sums, which have remained cltlc Gro•er s Market Co. coins were stolen from the unclaimed lD the custody of the (Garnishee). 15-40 Lincoln apartment of Thelma Mule Treasurer of the County of Avenue, Allabelm, CA., Barnes, 900 Sea Lane, Harbor Orange, 1n the funds hereinafter $%2.20 Vlew fUUs. indicated, for a period of over 11 -16-59, Tony Ursua, c/o ABC • SUNDAY, MAY 31 ten years, will become lbepro-Union store (Garnishee), Ramlro Vasquez, Z5, of perty of the County of Orange 12322 Bolsa, Santa Ana, CA., 409-1/2 19th St., Central New -on the 19th day of August, $7.50 port, was cited at 5:05 a.m. 19'70, a date oot less than forty-10-13-59, Ernest l EUsalda, on a charge of being lntoxl-five (45) days nor more than c/o Tony Marich Construe:;. cated 1n pubUe at 21st St. aod .sUty (60) days alter the tlrst tion Co. {Garnisbee). 155~ Balboa Blvd .... Surfboards, pubUcaUon of this Nottce, un-PlaceotJ.a. Newport Beach, valued at $65, were stolentrom less a verll1ed Complalnt seek-CA., $68.00 the eara&e of Neal W, Parry, !.Dg to recover any or all of 5. TAX COLLECTOR'S RE- 135 Via Nice, Udo Isle, .. Van. the particular sums enwner-FUND TRlliT FUND 300..0050 dals used uokDowa missiles to ated herein has been nted in lZ-18-59, Haven Strom, 2519 break Z wlDdows at tbe borne a court of competent Jur1sd1c-HoUy Lane, Newport Beach., of llltehle L. HUDt, S23l.clpla, t1oD 1D tbe COUDty of Ora ... , CA., $.68 Newport Sbores. eaow:h'& more a copy of the Complal.m &. MARSHAL -NORTH OR- Summons issued tbereoo ANGE COUNTY TRlliT FUND been served on the Trea-300-0370 of the Count)' of Orange 5-20-58, WUllam F. Robin.son, SHOPS and SERVICES before thedatedesigoatedhere-c/o Taylor lUg. Co., 2114 in: W, Bill Rd., Anabelm, CA., 1. GUARANTEE DEPCEilT $34.93 o IIAUTY SALCIII LoucWu.' • BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. TR1..5T FUND 300-0302 6-6-58, William F. Robl.nson, e MIAL TN IISOIT _ -----------7-28-58, Sharon Courts, lnc,, c/o TayLor Mfg. Co., 2114 ~ ·-1862 W. Broadway, Anaheim, W, Ball Rd., Aoabeim, CA., Co rona del Mar · Phoot b73-7336 -t CA., $500,00 $t 7.24 RADII_.. 9-2-58, The Quarter Corp., S-19.58, Anon L. Thomas, 'RII YIJIT .::CL::u_ 11509 Brookhurst St., Gar-6289llxti&Da, Apt. "E",Bue-................ t••"!slt-_.___ decGrovP, CA., $540,00 oa Part., CA., S5l.78 * ~ ._...._...._ ~ 6-ZZ-59, Stella L. Brindley, 12-23-58, Tbomas E. Co•, c/o :=.'&.-=:.-=.. ;;::sr! · 171:--.. 11171 Ord way, Gardea Koott's Berry Farm, Bueoa Grove, CA., $136,00 Part., CA., $17.45 e COSTA • OIANGI! • AMAHI!IM • HUNTING TOM 6-Z9-59, Beauwood House,I.oe., t-11-58, En k Coelho, t/o MESA 6~1 126-0311 ai:Aot 988.1 Garden Grove Blvd., Pahn Harbor Ho.q~ltaJ. 1Z860 S..·loof •• 549-3361 142·1451 Garden Grove, CA., $36.00 Palm An., Garden Grove, "'" •I• O...lit,. 1=~~~~======-~=.;;::;;~~~;;;:;;;:::_1 11-2 .. 59, R, A. Hutf., llSO W. CA., $46,35 c-•• & p,_.. Brook St., Santa Ana, CA., 5-26-58, Frank Leuck, c/o Warren Rose of 430 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isle, has been ap. pointed cha.lrDWl of the annuaJ Big Brothers of Orangto County special g1tts campaign. He is a member of the board of di- rectors of the county Big Brothers organiuUon, bead- quartered ln Tustin. Tbe fund drive is set to be- gin 011 Fathers Day, June 21. Big Brothers of Oranp County is a DOO..protlt ageocy whJeb tries to match fatherless boys m need of be~ with men wbo Yohmteer to be Big Brothers. GOIMG TO JAP AM Airman RObert F. Tobt&s, soo ol Wrs. Beryl B. Totu.s of 21 91 Harbor Blvd., Costl Mesa. has graduated at Shep- pard AFB, Texas, trom the L',S, Air ForeP aircra.n mechanics oourse. The airma.n, aow trained to m'linta1n and senlcP recipro- cating engine aircraft and air- craft systems, ls being assigned to Yokota AB, Japan. for duty wttb tbe Pacinc Air Forces, headquarters for a1r operations In Southeast Asia, the Far East and tbe Pclfic area. He ls a 1968 grad~~a.te of Costa Mesa hlgb schOOl andatteDdedOrange Coast College. Smokey the Bear reminds vou that. human carelessnesa is the Jl'eBt· est cau&e of fires m our forests. Moat fires occur during the dry summer months, so please be especially careful during this hazardous time. Tbe summer months are a:most ~ us a.nd those of us fortwate eDOUCb to ba.Ye a bome swlmming pool know Wbere m.a.D.Y relaxin&: a.fteroooos will be speat, A poolside telepbooe woctld certa1Dly ellmi•te a )Ot of rUDD.t.ae ill Uld CN1 ol Yout boase. Wb.y DOt call yow klttl N"POI'f Beacb-Costa Mesa Bu.si01111ss omce !or compWe details oa this worthwhile addition to your preseat tete~ pbooe service. Just dial 64-1101 a.nd ask tor tbe SerY1ce Represeotatjve for your lelephooe number. s::.-'/"' ~ R S McPhE'!r1dgP Your Telephone Ma nager 1n Newport Costa Mesa lfflcl-' .. 1.. PUILICATIOH WORK $150,00 Meaasba Con&aJ.oer,Anaheim, l llliiO; • .,• ........ ··.._• c-,U-WIII PI ~oiNT YOUR Z. BUILD[NG INSPECTOR'S CA., $61.60 SM.Ibs, Inte rior ants WE CAN .-l.ST FUND 300-0S4Z 6-Z-58, George W, Suttoo, c/o P .O .... 411 <'M&a..... Tro leal '· Trees PAMPHLETS S •·· T '·· be • Bldg. '1522 ::========-~=== P ~ 12-21->6. Richman lgns, """·• erry IAim r , -Insecticides and FerUlizer ZINES. LEAFLE"f.S 1730 E. Anaheim, Loog WestmtD.Ster Ave., 'Nestrntn-• DIJ CLI!AMIMG ...,_ 01.,.. & le"k•-rlcent N EWSP'AP'ERS ANO Beach, CA., (pt, tB65ZZ). ster CA., $Z.42 SERVICE DIMMITT FREE DELIVERY NEWS LETTERS $100.00 6-19-58, Domld E. Rol&Dd, c/o CALL US ,0. IITIIII.t.TIS 3. COUNTY CLERK'STRlliT Arcadia Metal Prod., 801 S, CIII /JL 1 ___ Corona del Mat Nursery tU•IIJO 30()-0343 AcaeJa., Fullerton, CA.,S30.-~ 2'744 & O:lut Hwy., 61Hl60 I!H$1GM PUBLISHING CO. of Bueaa Park Ys, 96 2721 E. Cout Highwoy Kee. Ferguson & Judp, c/o 10-6-58, Perfecto Rodriguez, Finest quallty 4ry oleantns Corona del Mar, California HowardS. Block, 1Z8 E. Am-c/o Johnson " Flsber 1 'c 8322A. Fullerton, CA.; 6-Lynrose, Anahe m, , oo the premises ... ,., $53 95 SHOE IIEPAIR • Self-service laundry ~-----1181398--CIIy of Costa Mesa vs. 10-20-58, Roland J , Pattao,c/o All new -latest model MABERRY 'S GuU:mer, Donald Dungan; 4-Huot& foods, FuUertoo. CA., W -• ··--Repair 6-59, $130.00 $67,36. Friiidaire &ls.uers .:lltUe 7488 1--City of Buena Park n. 11-14-58, John J. Sauer, c/o J:WO E. Coast Rwy., COM Purse a!'ld luggage Burton. Ferguson & Judge, Yellow Cab Co., 1&19E, Ceo- oPLOIIIIT FLO'I£RS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DrMJttiT.6 FLO/f/JTS PIIOHE: ~4479 :l438 Ntwport Blvd. COSTA MESA o HIAIIIIIG AIDS HAL AEBISCHER • q{; .. :J-·-""~11 Re,wil -Dye Wor• c/o Howard S, Block, 128 ter st., Aoabtim, CA., $!1. 'M :;,:,"":.; ON't;A'f~CE E. Amerige, Fullerton, CA.; 12..2&-58. Jobll J. ~· c/o ~~:,.~~oou 1190 Hafbcw Blvd. lZ-4-57, $1 ,00 YeUaw Cab Co., 1619 C•-, Co•taMeu -Ml &-3311 71126--0range Cowty HarOOr ~r St., Arabeim, CA., $7.21 District Ys, Bebrens, et al 11-lZ-58, James M. stwces. Oranp COUI'It)' Harbor Dis-e/o Dlsoerlud, ISIS Harbor trlct, 1901 Bayside Dr., New-BIW'd., Aubelm, CA., $6.07 port Beach, CA.; 2-7-58, 1%-3-5&, Ano"' L. Bell, c/o $825,00 Jewel T• Co., 1000 E. Blll 75554--Bu:rch YS, Prudeotia.1 Rd., Aailbelm, CA.. $17.50 las. c o. Pndential lns11r-tz.u.sa_ Robert Allm. Ho:lk, ance Company; 5. 5-58, c/o I»meJiaDcl. Ul3 Hartwx 67MI!O $10.00 Bml., AoaiJel.m, CA., $SUI '~~~~~~~~~~~ 77436--City of Costa Mesa n. 7, MARSHAL -SOUTH ~-McDowell. City of Costa Me-ANGE COUNTY TRtBT FUKD sa, 1500 Adams. Costa Mesa. 30()...QS7S C CA.; 1-1-58, $!70.00 Z-%1-57, Von Vu ~ No, 7ZZ03--GnYeU. vs, Adams. 4.11-140 (But~).. '~11----- n. IGN MAN HARBOR PAINT o PAINT & WALLPAPER UPHOLSTERING James Musick, OraogeCooo-add:rea: ..._., $11&.54 ,I"'ING A-10•r8 '(By E•ro,~•" Cr•/ts,.u) ty Sberilf; 7-22-58, $!9.03 a. MUNJ:IPAL COtRT -1 • 2&19 E. CoQt IIWJ, REMODEL 2 pc ... , ONLY 7ZS69 •• Ctty of Suta Aaa YS. CENTRAL OR.UfG£ COUNTY It WALLPAPER Ptnsbul'llb -Dutcll Boy Pa1ats -oomplete llDe 13,000 PA 'I'l'ERNS OF WALLPAPER p..,.., fltllot A••• COIOfta dellla< ... __ Call "lleJaJ" Smith, Cfty of Sanla Aoa, TRtET FllMD JOO-D314 (Nullo Pori T•~•tr.) -301 City Hall, Suta A-. S-15~ McMt-V'L Cllud. :I4Df E. Co•Hwr• Pbooe: 11:.01133 au lllalo, H. B. -1138·140! CA.; ?-%3..$l, $go0),00 lor, Cl.U flo. 5105, $10,50 eo-• .w ~ I =~"~E~E~~~~ .. ~~~~ 'llt57-.cu7 "' SaDCa •• ,.. flatod tMs ., .-, o1 ~-67WI» ---------~ Abe<oatliJ.CltyoiSaDCaA-. 10'10, --.,==-:-:==::-:.:--o PLUMIIIHC 308 CUy Hall, Sllllfa Ana, BY atiJER OF Y1IE BO.UID A ... IIAUAC PLUIIBER 700 Can>&ll .. Aft. Oo-. delllor • Plumlllo1 RIPalra OAT A;NJ<JIT KEAn:JIS SPI!CIALISTS IN MARINE CA"P'E:HTRY e P'INI! CABINETS e WOODCitA,.TS e I!TC. Pill DISIGIIIMG a.Jl-51, $!?1.00 OF SUPERVJ!lOIIS OFOIWIGE illli'><--Ctty ot La lll1n n. COUMT1', CALD'ORIIIA. G<u1, aL City ot La Jlat>.. (SEAL) II. E. ST 101111 n; ..._59, $1,soo.oo c-c-ud ·-4. SHERIFf'S TRtET f\JHD C-ol 1M -ol ...,._ ll1T1MATU Ot..ADLY 01YI:N 1?-?-'1~ Emptre F .. Coca• ..-. .. or.... ~. ~ I. 4231 "64S..IZU ...,, c/o Aulp•lwd CRAFTLIII F-w (~ 1JW v-a.. Gorcloa Glwo. CA.,,, ... a, -L. Ctllall, .,.,., _, ~-JIS,hlJI,IHO, lt tiki Mu.,..t 8ut1a1' ~ QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAIMEO PEOPLE WHO CARE ~. aaH•.,.avo. J'Ob.DSOD• LIICIU! ClmiEil!TiL • llll·· llllm•.-a -WMII_,...,_A_ wa- • Freeway reply from D.C. ' From Aucpat a.ca .....,. 1t0J ''Coacntllltklal 011 row • TtiiSDA.T, IUlfl J SO. W. Balboa .41't BII'GI. B. WooiiOJ, a-af Lido aoo<1 -k lA -WilL lliiiiJ S. llanU, 1011 Bar-TOOII talood at $w ...;; Ud lilt, ... r«ti'Nd-lodp-r-oi lrNnya lblt are ..._, Eul Blllt, .._tedlllt.l Iloilo -tho -af af '- mill-1M U.S. lloport--lallJ bur-• otlbre-a $JOO all boo! wu *loo WIWam ~. tell Crllll-at m14111111 af ~ lo b1.l ltllor opoct lo oeolocJ, oetllle .,OU lr'Om 1101 ~ Or!" May now, e., Sbo<u, .,_,., Ud .. ,...., lelllol af 1M -&U af Ud _. ar ... EoeloMd bore-30 or W., SI • ..A a..,. deck .., ... May U Ud May ee oo c:lllriiO& af --«tloil a lrNftf lllrvoP wllll I& a broelluu Pl'tllllrod bJ ud a..,.a ftiiiOCI at $1110 ware .. .Jolm JCJ041)11 Baa, n, af muljllua lor ala. tM dt7. tbl Clty 0( Nnport Bta<:b Oil stolu from tbl cu ot Paul $S05 Se11bnre Dr., Wut Nn ... • THURSDAY, JUNE 4. TM ...,.,. taM from JObD tbe tr.....,. altpmeat coatro-Scott Pb&bla, uo 36tb st., port, wu arrested at 1:115 p m Flab1JlC equlpmtot ftlued at A. ~. usoctate director YII'S'f hlriJlc todowttbtbeoout West Nnport, while It wu at bb relide.oee 0111 a ebli-,.; $1&0 wu stoleo lrom a *t IIJr rlll"..oi-•&J u11 toelllco, rr.....,. Exl>lblll ....... S&nla puked 1o 1111 ran110 .. ,Two su11 o1 --· ., martjlllJia. .. at 1s1o w. Bay A .... c-u bur•u ot publlc 1'0141, lA tbl Aaa. Gu'Oen Gto¥e, SaA Dle&O cues Uld elotbJ.ac fa1IMd at Broce Paul AJ'Dokl, 19, of 454 Newport, beliq1DJ to Mae Me .. Oepartmeat of 1'nluporatJoA. Freeways wllieb are already 1ft $SOO were &toleo trom a car CataUna Dr., Newport Helgbts, Coole, lOU W • Oceu Froat, Mr. Swanloo wrote: ••Secre-use at locations aboWD on the belooclnr to Henry F. Luke, wu c.tted oo a cbarre o1 .lD-Balbol. •• .stereo tapes ud a tary Volpe has asked me to map. lt shows the proposed staJioc at the Jamaica IIIP toxicaUon 1111 pubUc at 26tb st serewdrtver vabled at $10.50 tnant you for your April 17 Corooa del Yar treewaJ and Cor0111 del Mar, wnlle u ~ a.rx1 Newport Blvd., Welt New'~ were Ito len from the ap&rtmd tetter reprdlnc tbe location Newport treeway. The Newport puked at tbl!l rear pukiDg lot port, at U :30p.m •• .JobDNyroos of KeBDeth R. Johnson, 1 '155 ot Pa.cute cout frMWI.Y in freeway ls completed from the duriD( tbe ntpt of JlLDII 1. .. Alna, 56, of 409Catauaa Nw-Sberrtngton, Newport Helpts Newport Beach. I am a.skln( north as tar southerly as tbe BurrJars took $600 tn ca.sb port Heights, wu ~ for ••• VIUidals damafBdthepscapl our fteld office for a report proposed 1nlersectioo thereof from beb.l.ad a counter at Boule-beinc Intoxicated 1n l)Wlle at IDd a.nt~~me ot Scars beklnC- on this matter and shall write with the prt:JPOsed Corona del vard lJquor, 449 N, Newport 34Z0 Via Lido, UdoSbopsarea, tog to Peggy Liotta, 101 Bay- you h&rtbet when the necessary Mar treeway. Blvd,, Newport Heipt&, dur1D&" at 9:25 p,m .. .st~Wen Marl Jet-side Dr., cau.slng J!O damage tntormaUon has been re-"The ~ shows tbe Paetne .JI tbe nlebt otJuoe1 ... Teosprlnk-trtes 18 of zsza Hickory PI to each vehicle.· .A guitar cetved." coast treeway,theadoptedroute 1 ler beads, n.J\Md at $ZO, were c osb. M-was arrested~ JaWed at $390 was stolen from M:. Woolsey bad wrttlen to 1s showo entering Huattngtoo stolen from tbe Amlp Way 10 p.m. at 41th st. &Dd Ba.J. a car belollglng toRonaJd Frant Secretary ot TransportaUoo Beach trom the left wbere the Apartments. 777 Ami&OS Way, boa. Blvd., West Newport, on Hurls, S06 Marine Ave., Sal- John Volpe: broken red line appears at lhe • Tbe Bluffs, sometime durloi a charge of possessionolstolen be» lsla.od, whtle It was park- inter section thereof 'lfith the the Digflt •• .A spare tire, n.haed property. ed at Zl9 Marine Ave •. .Robert solid black line. The adopted at $65, was stolenttomapte~ Norman GauDey, 19, of 402 route eD:ends along the black beloogtog to On1lleHemstreet, • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 W, Stevens, Costa Mesa, was tine until that Uoe r ejoins wtth 433 san Beroard1DO Me., New-Car thievesattemptedtost€&1 arrested at 9:45 p.m. at Bay- the bl'oken liae. Unless it goes port Heights, wll.Ue it ns a c:aJ' OW'oed by Crls Guert:1n. side Dr, aOO Marine Ave., OD over a very hlgb bridge mer parked 1D troot of ll1s residence 7ZO Poinsettia Ave., Corooa a charge of possession of mart- the Santa. Ana river (as the ... Vandals threw a rock througtl del Mar, by llot wtrlog U, tu jua.na .. .A spray machine motor, Highway Commission recom-a window at the Ca.tner!Jle failed aDd caused $50 damage valued at $58, was stolen from mends) u will prevent use of Campbell-resldeoce, 1206 Sand to the tgniUo;:.. .. Burglars es-a Newport-Mesa unified school tha.t river for a proposed marina Key, Harbor View Hills, causing caped with $2,883 tn currency, district storage yard at Horace development. $35 damage ... Fourteeo sprink-coins a.tld cheeks theytoottrom Ensign school, 2000 Clltt Dr., ~EWPORT HARBOR EMSQI SEOOftO SEcnOif·--P1ct 4 THURSDAY, JUNE 2$, 1fiO OORDMA DEL ~Aft, CAUF. by an surgeon. Test drive it today. It's more of a car than you think. CHICK IVERSON PORSCHE I AUDI 900 West Coast H•chway/Newporl Beach 646·9391 OlAMGE COUMTY'S AUTKORIZEO OULEI "The coast route In west ler beads, valued at $30, were a safe at Isadore's Restaur&nt, CUff Haven. Newport Beach as now 1Jiopt.ed stolen trom the front yard ot 333 Bayside Dr., police IMO-CAL STATE DECREES '====================;-Is to the seaward side or the Emma Sourer, 777 Domtogo rlr.ed the burglars entered tbe Er1Ward Aaron Dornan, 2715 r Coast Highway instead of the BOB ADAMS of 2089 Bonaire Dr ., The Bluffs, d~al.og the buLldlng trom the roof. .. Tbomas Cove St., and Kenneth Robert 0 ' 81 k C lnW¥1 side as shown on Exhibit Way West Upper Bay caught nigbt .. .John WUliam Cbessler, Rando~h Lunie, 23, of 1980 Reuter, 606-1/2 Marguerite reo oc o. 1. The black line blocks off an this '18.112 pouOO sJive; salmon 315-l/2 Alvarado, Balboa, re-Wa.Uace, Costa Mesa; Wllllam Ave., both of Corona del Mar, BUILDING BLOCKS . All SIZES • ALL TYPES POitMIEII\..Y .. l.t.U CAMIERA, NOW AT area where theretswaterwh..lch on 12 pouod test line trom the ported that $127 worth ot bts Lyn.o De Plau.a, 18, of 3202 received diplomas at the June T•l•pbeoe: JAcboa 7.2231 developers have considered sportflsher Westerner off t.a. clothiog was stolen from the New York Ave., Costa Mesa; 12 commencement atCaWornta 1042 ~.u.o.. s•-•-1320 s. Mala. Santo A.-1780 NEWPORT IlL VD. PH. 646--9383t:oua \'feaa. connecting to the ocean by a guna Beach. fishing has been dryers at the lawx:lromat at Sa.mmy Lee Smith, 23, of U3 State College at Los Angeles. clla.nneL The adopted route very good off the half-day boat, would prevent suc h use of the reports Davey's Locker ln New- Custom Lamp Shodes • Custom shades made to order. • Custom lamps made tram antiques, bottles or what have you. • Repairs & restorations CUSTOM HOUSE LIGHTING 1610 W. Coast Htgtlway Newport Beach &tZ-45-46 BALTZ MORTUARIES IHl SUPERIOR AVE. COSTA "ESA Mldway b·2424 JSlll E. COAST HIWAY COROHJ. DEL MAR ORiole 3·9450 SU.c# 1942 area. port Beach. "This route will Impair the use,accessa.ndparldnglncon. MRS. EVAHS OF BALBOA. oecUon wttb use of the lovely MOTHER OF DECADE beaches ln the western area of During U\e San Diego Mill· Newport Beach. tary Academy eommeocement "Along the bay the adopted ezerc1se, Mr s. Eaoos Evans of route Is within 600 n. of New-1213 Balboa Blvd., Ballxla, was port Bay 1n most locations and named mother of the decade. wiU prevent use for parldng Mr. and Mrs. Evans' 4 sons and other uses related to tlly have been enrolled at S.D. M.A. oriented restaurants, boat r e-since 1962 and represent 23 pair, and other businesses." yea.rs of attendance. LEGAL 140TICE P437543 Kirk became the battalion commander tn 1968 and Cadet Capt. Bart Evans was this year's executive oUicer . CERTIF ICATE OF BUS!NESS SERVING IH VIETNAM Fictitious Firm Name Airman First Ci.ass Robert THE UNDERSIGNED does DeCubellls, son ofMr.andMrs. hereby certt.ty that he Is Wtllla.m R. Oeeubellls, 316 conducting a PubUcations bust-Bucknell Road, Costa Mesa, is ness at 1880 Whittier Ave., on duty at Bien Hoa AB, Viet. Costa. Mesa., Callf. 926Z7, UDder aam. He is a security pollee- the fictitious tit m name of man 1n a Wlit of tbe Paeltlc Sportsmen's Publications aDd Alr Forces, headquarters tor that said firm is composed of the air operations in Southeast following person whose aa.me ln Asia, the Far East and P.o~.ct.nc ";;:;;;;::::;;;:;~:;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;;::::;;;;:::;1 fu ll and place or residence are area. He previously served at ~ TIDE fQ-a.s follows, to.wU: Henry C. _H_•_m_ll.:.:to.:.:n_A_F_B:., _c_,w.c.c.. __ _ Holcomb, 20712 Farnsworth Offb l•~.c.~ _ C:., Lane, Huntington Beach, Cali. __ .:L::E.:G::A::L::H~.:O.:T:.IC:.E:..... __ Otiol• s. • ')to Y fornta 92&48. P.37468 (f; _.f.,~ WITNESS his hand this 5th day CERTlFlCATE OF BUSIN~ .. \~ ~~ of June, 1970. Fictitious Firm Name 9(1 Henry C. Holcomb THE UNDERSIGNED does ' STATE OF CAUFORNI.A ) hereby certt.ty tba.t he is coo-w.n ) ~~.' ss. ducUng an adminJstratloo bus!- _...... COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ness at Post Ottl.ce Box BP, ON THIS 5th day of June, Newport Beach, California 1970, before me, a Notary Pub. 92664, Wlder the tlcUtious firm 3o11 thwport 1.1.-d. u tn --" r -· c cu...-or ~d county and name or Beneflclal Admln-H•wport l.a<:b 1::::~~;::~~~~==~ state, residing therein, duly istration Company and tna.t said commissioned aod sworn, per. firm is composed of the follow. MATTRESSES sonally appeared Henry C. Hoi~ log petS'ln whose name In fuU HEW -JI.EJUILDJMC comb, lcnown to me to be the and place of residence are as Jrre-~ul<tr Shapes person whose ~me Is sub. follows, to. wit : Donald R. Law- la.a•nprl.D9 -Cott011 scribed to the within ln. renz, 430 Avocado Ave., Coro- COSTA ME SA MAnUSS CO. strument, aDd acknowledged to na del Mar, CaWorntl 92625. 21S')N•wporlll .. d.LJ'"r+yi-I )Ol me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand this 2nd WITNESS my ha.OO and of-day of June, 1970. DoDald R. flclal seaL Jessie R. Hill, Lawrenz. Fri~ndly N@ighbortlood Service BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY II 0 Broadway U 8·3433, 8-3434 Coata Mesa Notary Public io and for STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) sa.~d County and SU.te. My Com-) ss. mission e.s;plres Oct. 24, 1970. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Publish: June 11. 18, 25, aoo ON THIS 2od day of June, 1970, July 2, 1970, to the Newport before me, a Notary PullUc in Harbor Ensign. and tor said county and state, per mg, residing therein, (hdy eom mls- siooed and sworn, personally ~ed Donald R. Lawrenz, lmow1l to me to be the person •bose aa.me is subscribed to the wUhto tnst:rumeot, and act.. oowledpd to me that he eucu- ttd the same. Painting & Decorating . Damato& 536 C114TIR ST. COSTA MilA 642-1677 1743 WJTNE$ my lla.od and ottle.lal seaL Mary A. Hupa, Notary PubUe in a.nd for said Cotmty &Dd state, My Commission ez- plre5 Dec. 13, 1971.. Publllb: JUDet, 11, 18,25,1970, lo tbe Nf!wport Harbor Ensign. C.plete Fu~tr~ls Cost Leu II Wllllllutw COWPUTI FUNDAL AND IURW. Cllml ~~ * * FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN ARTIST WILL CARICATURE 100 VISITORS DAILY GORDON CURRIE, "the World's Top Caricaturist," wlll be "In person" at the pleasant Corona del Mar office of Mutual Savings. Also on exhibit wlll be his fabulous "FACES OF FAME GALLERY." You've seen him on NBC's "Today" and "Tonight" shows, "The Steve Allen Show," and other network TV shows. Now, meet the man MONDAY, JUNE 29, TO fRIDAY, ·JULY 3 lD:Jl A.M. TO 2:Jl P.M. who has caricatured President Elsen- hower, Truman, Kennedy and Nixon, General de Gaulle, the Duke of Wind- sor and hundreds of other world cele- brities . YOU can also be caricatured In a SPECIAL SOUVENIR FOLDER, ABSO- LUTELY FREE. Yoar OWN portrall-c:artealure. Plaa Gora Currie'• tqnlldoDI of Pre-Nlloo IIIII Cia.-Ell- -II, om-.. porcll...,. W.R.Sammono SMitW VW. helidt:Jtt R~ Lo.all~er -roo4J .... frtualac. AL80 ••• lm-..... -"' oo._._ a...,. ud ~-1:1.1 ..,_ .. IllS IJII. niL. COIIIPhmtlltl of THE BIG M, M OTW.L SAVINGS. SAVIN&S _.hn••rnuldu CORONA DI!L MAR .., ... a.... ..... llt;htM.,..... J lloc.U .S..It ., ... Ant., 8/ H.