HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-25 - Newport Harbor EnsignThe OHiclal New1paper of the City of Newport leach ... ., 'eM "·::"::ll::s::s~s~nlf 1• •••• ,_, PI ' 673-0550 OFFICES IN CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA B08S OF 'rHI 'YEAR --"He &hraya comea to work wblltll"'." wrote Dorothy Paleo. at rtatU, ID tbt litter lJI; wbleb lbl aomtaattd Mnport Be&cb Ctty Fliii.Dee DI- rector Georp Pappu aa "bo .. o1 tbe year •11 Dorotby ta 1_..-!llac clork Ill tbt lllaDce dlmloo ol the city, llr, Pappu 11 recet'flDc bla Jllfer tuk&rd award from Janice Ha1au., preasut ot the Newport Harbor BI111Dtla aDd Prof.....U Womea•a Club. Tb1J: eYtGt took place at tbe Feb. 12 d1DDer mMtlDI ol tbe BPW Club at tbe Meaa Verdi Couatry Clllb. Mrs. Ha1Des al8o prtMDted Jeslie Hamil the , .. Ckl of tbe yeu" '~q,"u. Hamtl wu lJ:I cbarp ot the proeram tor tbe " a tate-oft' oa the "~UCII-111" telerllloll allow , (Eoat photA>.) CUT SP~N.DING , COUNCIL SAYS Freeway vote ·red · in C. C. • VI.Dceat Jor,_.., uecutttt "who bU turoed a deaf ear n-Chamber preJWeat Cbu)U Mayor Hlrtb urpd thOle commut• mtmbtr of tbeNn .. to our pllu." CIU'rey, aoo attor01y A.Dplo preMDt to vota oo on the prop- port Harbor CMmtl!tr ol Com-Tbt Cb&mber procram con-Palmelrte IIP"ki nc a~ tbe 01IUoaa, ay1.11g that the citY mer~, told Cb&IPber mtmberJ lilted of a panel cons1st1D( of proposiUoDI, wu coad~na: a study to 901Ye re-.dly marltlq: tbat .. our Mr. JorJ8n&eD &DdattoroeyRoy City Att«oey Tully Seymour tbt tratr1c problems aDd thll cttluo.l doG't .. .,, to Ue dOn WooU.yJpMklq lor UM! prop~ alao spoke, but took ao stand a~~rroi.IDd.lDi cities and tbe eYtrY Umt procrtM rlieN ttJ oa1tioaa and Mayor Ed Hlrttt. etther tor or apinlt. Hlpway CommLssJon had 11tTit· :~, = ::.:o~ ... ua.';'! Tough park1"ng ~?w~t!.c'::e~:.~: of"~ J= ::r:e:! =~e:se~ew~:~:~!: wa.y &.Dd lA fator of the Z prop. I d the ''freeway problem within the ositioDa oo the Marcb 9spec.. aw propose bouodariesoftbe city ." ~ e:!loaeo!::u~r:t :': . m~y~.:~~:ir:~•r:u: freeway t.brougb Newport Tbe Newport Beach Pla.nn1ng The Commission may coo~ •·This generous otter or co- Bee.cb. ComnHsslon will likely disCuss sider auowt.ng tandem parkiag operat1on and city's study did He told the Chamber mem. Us proposed new tougher park-spaces for units on 30 toot DOt come about lllltil after the bers durlrlc a "aUDrlse bull log Jaw dllt'ing Us March 4 and oarrower lots. One pukine rtsldeats of this city decided - "BODY REHABIUTATION" and " Advent ur es ll'l recreation" were the topics as Jim BaUenger, at rlgbt, past deputy dist- rict KQVeroor of District 4-L4, Llons lnter nnattonal, spoke a t a recent meeting of the Balboa Bay Lions at tbe VUlace Inn, Balboa [Sl&nd. Mr. Ba.llenger, shown here wltb Club President Ralph Fuerte, told of his ez:periences hl ldng the John Muir tralliD the High Sierras. His trip began in Yose- mite and ended in Looe Plne, Caur., after 15 days of con- tinuous h1k1.ng, which Included a cUmb to the summit ol Mt. Wblmey. He illustrated his talk with color slldes. Rtg:ld guldelloes propoMd b7 Hurlburt tbat there could be session" at the Ba.lboa &y meeting. but a public hearing space would be placed 1n troat to pW the matter to a vote ot tbe CCMDCU for prepuatioa of some cbanees 1n the proposal, Club tb&t "thla klod of pro-on lbe matter is not ezpected of aoother tor each tmit ln the the people. These cities, the the 1971-?2 budpt tot Newport but ilxUcated it wouldn'tbuery gress puu:t bt stopped." He before March 18. case or a duplez. City Council and the Highway BAY 8 u I L DING Beaclll, 1Dcllldincabold-tbe-Uoe much. sa.ld thatCOUDUessstDIIJ .. stnee Assistant planniDg director Commission are alraid of the pollcJ oo speoding. a. mora-They also reeommellded that 1955 bad prodlletd oocoo.atroc-Jtm Hewaker said there is oot The present law requires one r esults of thls election. They torlum oo lllrlnc aDd a z.1/2-any salary increases be taMd tiwe solut1oD to the coastal eoougb time to provide legal space per each sl.Dgle family are tearful that H will pus, cent redoetioo to the tu rate, on the federal covernmeot's freeway eootroveray IJld that advertlsln( on the publlc hear-dwe!Ung and not less thao ooe because they claim ttwUI usurp FREEzE VOTED took City M.anqer Harvey Hurl-cost of Uvtoc lndu as of May 1 "tbe ODly appueat ny left to tnc by March 4. for the llrst 4 ta.mily units and tile power of the City Council; bart by surprise Mooclaydurlnc aDd called for a ''detlnite resolt't thl.l problem Is ttlroucta Tbe new proposed law, wh.ich two spaces for each Wl1t over that Is why opponents of tnese a study Muion. effort" tonchacemlaeelluecN: tbe voice o1 tbe people wbom ls beiD&' loJ.tiated on tbe PJao-4, ,one of Which may be un-proposUJons are urging a DO Tbe Newport Beach Ctty COUDCllmtn Doa&ld Mdnail tlpeQHI YWllD tach ·cieput.. U. wUl affect," &Dd Dot throul!l D1DC Comm1uioD'a own motion. covered. vote. They are afraid of tbe Council adopted 00 a 6_1 vote aad Carl Kymla, Ybo drew !C) mtnt to belp curb tnnatloa. '' tilt Jtate b1Jbway commtas&oo. would etwlp the present city Tbe propoeed law states tbat voice of lbe people." YoDday ni&bt an emerpncy or- tbt (U1del1DII, uked Mr,HIItl· ordt"'DCA to nqulre DOt ltss a p&rkin& apace may tDCroacn Mr. Woolsey descrtbtd tbe dlDuce tbat wW frene aU burt to nYin' propos&l and TONY HERSHEY DIES thaD Z IU'l.P IJllcts on a lot lnto a required aide yard ln truny -to ~treeway inter-buUdiDC oa hic:h rlA coZlltJ'uc-rtpOrt tack March 8, with a aln&lt tarnlly unit oo U; t.be R-Z, R-3 IJld R-4 IODU Cb&Det at Coast Hwy. and Mac-uoo &loll( the lower tay. It The CouneU wa1 awattotl)' DOt 1111 u..n z prap spaces provlded that side yard does Arthur BlYd, '•U Is an upalde at.o rnoted a fotmda.Uoa per. prepared to act OD tbe matter per unit 1o a dwellin& P'GUP ot not abut a ltrtet or a.Uey. down bowl of splitletU wttb 5 mtt of a San Dtelo devel~r MoDd&J Dicbt, but Mr. Hurlburt Aotoo H.(Tooy)Htrlbty,plo-Ftb. 24 at PacUlc Vltw ChiP· 2 or more family units; aot Other reatrlcUona Jtlpulate Jenls and its higbest polnt who has started construction ulled for · 2 wttU delay to oeer Balbo& lalaDd bullDen .. tl. IDf:trmtDt na at PacUlc ltas tba.n lapa.ce tor each pest that any eocroacbmtot for an 90 fNt up. lt will be ooe-halt' 00 a 9.story lusury coodomln- "11" a.o lottlllpat re~PQDH." man, died .Feb. 11 at tbt ap Vtn Y.emorlal Park. room 1n a roomtnc house; and encloHd cance spa.ce shall mile lone ind one....qt&Uter of tum apartmeat complex otar Ht aid bt bad '"etal Cllltl-ot 70. DOt leas than 1 Jll&Ct tor each aot ezcted oat story to belctrt a milt widt aDd wtpe out more tht et:t:ruce to Lido Isle. tJou ree:ardlDc lDterpret&Uoo He waa born 1n Ulm, Ger· JOSIPHIHI'IROWH OP: eutst room to any lw:>tel or and it may tJteDdtotheprop .. UILD 80 acres. This klod ot TbtmoratotlllUI.OOeonatruc - &Dd M?tral po1Dts oeeded elar-many a.Dd ca.mt to CaUtornla W!S TCLI P P · SU CCUM IS motel. erty on oat aldt oaly. monster the people must Bue Uon w1U be in elfte:t tor 90 lllcatl<>D. lo Ull, lllltllllc oo Ba-II-J-Elides Browo, 87, DEAR FAST LAP a rotce Ill. day1, wttll pror\sloD for 10 u-Wr. l4clnn1a, 1n 1Dtroduc1nc land, wbwe be optDtd He-ot 1zta Rutlud Rd., wntewr, "Tbe coasta l area ls weu .. ttiWoa ~ to ooe Jtu, to al- tbt propoa.l, ll.ld "MYtrtllm· sbty's Karat &Dd operated tt dMd, Ftb. 18 at IMJ' relideoet, kDowD for its foe ud to pl&ee low a Lower Bl.y Clyte ots..- ttatSou to tbe budcet-mak1Dc untU bta dtatb, Sbt wu botu Nov. 18, 188!, , a freeway in a to, belt wollld trtet ComcnU:tM to prO'f1dt procedvt" artDMdedlD''ritw He wu a cbarter mtmblr LD Jftw York...SouattoOru,. T, DuDcu Stnvt, the "poet lariat" of Coroaa dtlY.ar, be dlJUtrou. U wou.k1o't mo" pidtllnH tor deYeklpmtDlt· al tbt ..-mlC -~-'h ol tbt II-.._>_7 C~-~-I~Jo}OOilC pm, "F .. lop," tor ~Fib.U-tr&lllc;lUoolll.,-11. ....tbtbol tM ...,_ ... -Will ... lD U. c-. ..,...,,_._a±•: -..1 ~~ bwllli bir-ba'"r Gt""'tbf «Didk"eorMntntlfiC on the ehaJ.rs at tilt 0rtDp "tl'be otty eb&tW fJI'Ot"'-dN Bruc.e R. i....derman,atiaraey IUia..c:alyear," Club&DdAmtpVS.jDa. bud Collll· a-. Collln F. County Ph.llhltmoote Socltty's cooeerc at Crawford Hall ~ottriiJPI'onltoroUnlldfW .. tor u. SwanCoutructioDCo Ht laid tbt oooctl)t of K-Survt?ors !Delude bts ..U., Jr. 'ot M~D, R, l; t at UCl Htre Is the aDSWer to Duncan, 11tT1tteo by Jane l.n& and loac-term leasea &Dd wbo received a touDdadon per'~ tabb.Jb1ac: an l.niUal pl Jbould YIDI., of tbt fam:Uy home at cta.uctttar, Mra. T. Welton Jq Gray Porter, secretary of the Phl lharmonJc Society: cootracts, tbeo •bY not tor mit ooly .last Thl&l'sda.y, tok1 ld.Yt bten eltabllabed years %08 OayJ: AYe,, Bt.lbol la)aod; ot Newport Beaeb; 9 crud-• • • • somethtnc as permaoent as 1 tb.e CouocU tba1 $120 000 had aao. ud be poiDted out 1t '4flU a daqhter, Mrs. Lyle Fl.nley, cbtldren and lS creat-lf&lld· DE AR FAST LAP freeway? already been speru on 'the pro- sue eoostderable Umt trlm-Balboa IalaDd., ud 2 lfand· ehlldren. ..,Your wrote a letter to our.Philharmooic •• "Only alter tbe slate (tile ject "out-of-pocket." mloc ck:rwn the proposed tMKtcet. ehlldrea. Fuoeral serYle ts wtte bek1 'Twas read with ruefUl pleasure by our Board. freeway question} is wiped cleaJI He awealed to the CouncU Tbe Z couocUmen told Mr. Funeral services were held Feb. ZO at Oar Lady Queeo of We quite agree in maDller most harmontc, ca.o we devote the oecessary et~ to let the construction pro- COM d A~ls C&tbolle Chureb. Inter-That you have twan~ a sym;~athetic chord. fort to soln our tramc prob-cee<l since u did not block any-reslo ent protests meat wu at Holy Sepulcher lems. They w111 never be solved one's view. Cemetery. Ba.lU Mortuary, It must be said •• the chairs may be artlstlc with this coastal treewa.y hang-But the Council was adamant In its decision on the matter. and critical of the deve)oper's seemlncl.y llUl Dour mon. "We could nave enacted tbU ordinance 2 weeks aeo." Couo. ctlmao Dotla1d Me.ln.DU: •ld, ''but we decided to bt ta.1r a.Dd allow some d.lalogue amonc de· velopera:. Tben we t1od that at the 11th oour.-Z days bt.lore we were scheduled to act oa this ord1n&Dee--a bu1Jd1D& pee. mU is 1ssuld aDd co~IJCUoa ls uoderwa y." The Couocll allo cr1Ue1Ud tbe buiJd1n& dfl»,.rtment for 1J .. ll1llllt the permU "kDowl.a( Ml "WtU thal an emtrpDCJ CJI'dl .. ..... to prol!llll1 IJI&I! - -"'-oolJ ·--:" CCIUDC!lmal! lUlu ~ sa.ld, "1 do DOt taU ll1ldlJ 110 the actloo ol the developer," conteodine the tltm dots ··DOt nave clean naoos because ot tbeir actions~ •' Councilman Richard Cr out was the loDe dissenting Yoter on the emer geocy ordinance, claiming the provision for ez- tension of l.IJ to ooe yea.r or Ule or diaa.oc e was ·· JUSt too long." Corooa del Mar, wa s lo charp As gleaming white, they watt our tender r ears. ing over our heads. Who dares not tace the fury of hts peers . these two propositions so th.at C.C. ATTACKS RECALL COPier nol"se r low fly I. ng or arrao,..meots. B"'· their desl ... r was. man sadistic "I "' .. ,., to vote yes 00 we may reta..l.n the mar toe- Jeremy c. Hill of Corona del of city, botb 1D people aDd VERA K E ECA.H Dl ES Our gratitude to UCI Is endless •• or iented environment that we Tbe board of director s of a.00 vor.ed on and are ot the Mill' rw. comptaloedtotheNew-pograpby. Vtra Keeca.n, 69, of 213 38th And Mehta, U is said. prefers the stagiot •• oow en)oy--that we will lose the Ne wport Harbor Chamber oplnion ow all Council mem- port Be&ch poUce departmeot "U it must bt flown, tbeo st .• West Newport, cUed Feb.19 U we could just arrange ourselns to beod less, if this freeway coes thtou&b." ot Commerce adopted a reso-bets exercised their hooe.st about tbe aotse and low fiYtnc ratse 1t up, and ban your y0111tb-.t Pull: Lido Coo•&ltsceot Hos-Aod keep emotions calm instead of racing. Mr. Pa1melrie sa.Jd De was Iutton Monday opposing the judgment on issues, li'Oil wlll.cb of tbe poUce patrol heUcopter. full pilots fly different patterns pttal. Sbe wu bora Nov . C. 1901, DOt ap.io.st the tree.ay, but thteateoed recall action agat.nst oooest men can have reasonab\e ClUne a speeW.c lnstaocelut when they 10 lC) &Dd dowu me lD IAa A~tplel, ud ea.m• to Perl\aps in time, there will be some solution --the methOd employed to pt 6 members ol the Newport di.ftereoces au 1o the proper month, he sa.J.d tM.t the lleU .. coast. U we must bi.Yilt. let 111 Orup Couaty 30 Jtu'S ago. The chairs wUl ro --alooc with air pollution\ rid ot U. "Re.sc:.i.Dd.illg ts a Beach City Cotmcil. uer cise of constitutional &D'· ccptlr new lnuerraUc ml.QDIU" at least share Ja Ute raeket. SantYOralDclude bel lt.lttr; JANE GRAY PORTER serious question· -it's lm-Attorney Nu Sturges aoo er nment pursuant to powers onr Corooa del Mar for at "Pleast &lvecona1deratiollt:o laabrtl MOIQuiera ol Newport Secretary proper--there ls oo re11son to Ba.lboa lsW.:S Realtor Harvey conterred on them by the City ltUt 30 m.loutes, todanl'rlnc those wbo are straddled wttb Beach, a.ad Z lfi.Dd<:.blldren. M D YEAR HIKE DENIED rescind." D. Pease are organltlogacom-Cha.rter, abd una of res1deots. your new toy, lor wbto thole Mus wu cellllnted Feb. 23 I He said he did not maan to mittee to reca.ll Mayor Ed Hirth ''Whereas, aclions involve 1a a Feb, 19lltter to PoUce boys cUp a power Unt or trH at Our Lady of Y.t. Carmel SUlJ'!st that the clty could mot aDd Councilmen Donald Me-a.oy claims oftraud,disbonesty, C hief Jim Glan.a, be stat.:!: top, or stall out ln tbelr antlet. C&tbollc Cbureb. Iotermeatwu back out of tbe cootract. bul Innis, Carl Kymla, Richard ma.lfeasa.oce in otnee or otller "Oftr the yeusyourdepu"t-only you will lin with t.hoM at C&lftr7 Cemetery, Lol AD· The Newport Beach Clty for Job elassiflcatlolls tbat fell "not withOUt P'OUDds for re .. Crout, Milan Dostal aod Ltod~ forms of misconduct for wtlieh meat bas betft adequate 10 the deaths &od tbe damap tbal will pMs. BeU .. BrO&dfty Uortary CouocU denied propoMd mid-slpilllea.nU.y below benchmark sc.lslon, of wtUcb t.bere l.l'e s ley Parsons beea\lSe of their the remedy of r ecall migtlt be ft.&M ap1ut crimt 1n tht eoa. result." was 1n ebarp ~arnnpmtDls. yeu salary lncreases for some pay apeslnsurround.l.nccom-none.'' atnrmatt¥e sta.od oo Ule pro-awropnate, yefltioOal wa' • by foot or car. city employees Mooday nlgbt munlties. Mr. Currey said he second-posed ciYlc center project a1 '•Now, therefore be U resol· Had 1 been In the air tb'toc I • M when Vice-Mayor Howard Rog. Clty Attorney Tully Seymour ed Mr. Pllmeltler's remarks. Newport C~nter. ved that this Boud of Dlrec- wlth Itch Uttle concern for Bottom ess In esa ers moYed that the proposal be ruled that the Council was oot "The motlns fot these pJqlO-Vice-mayor Howard Rogers, tors hereby eJI)resses Its r e. otbars _ the ft.De aDd the loss tiled. bound to do aaythlng more thaD siUDns are admirable, but the the only COWicUman not In-atnrmance ot Its trust In our of my flytDJ privilege would soon to be bar• less?, The acUon follOwed submiS· refin' tne comparatiVe pa.y method is deplorable." clueled in the recall act1on, coun cUma.nic form of repre- b&Yebtensubstanttal. sioo of a city Employee Assn,. seaWs. $\00 PARKIHC FEE says he ~ses the acuon sentativt go•errunent and tbe "You coateDd that this teeh-compromise plan that would City Couocilma.o DoDald Me • 0 aDd unless 1t Js stopped "you duly elected members of our DOkle:ICI.l method ot ertme pr._ The bottomlell bar lD Costa bU were p1ltJ of l*<tDil es.-have made thelncreasesetteet-lDDis said, "Because of the FOR WINTER M NTHS ml&bt as well include me 1n City Council and even tboUgtl YtDboa taa 1 loW BOUt '"•l Uesa, the fltebouse, ma,y be poltlle aDd ordtl"ed tbem to in March 1, raUler than ret-UDIDCLal straits this year --A resoluUoo authoriJJ.nc the the pot." this Chamber ba.s on occastoo flletor. AI:~-u 1uC: weet .. cloHd doYII by tbe: city oo a rtPiter u •• oUeDdtrs. roacttve to Jan. 1 --wtUcb a.Dd tbe eeoaomy -· I just ca.n-Newport Beach city m.anacu to TDe Chamber board sa.td In disaereed wilb the Couocil oo IOd at approdmatl.ly 2.45 p M bus1Dt51 Uceue teebnlcallty. Yr. J.-ald later tbat tbe would have lower ed the cost of oot CO all•d with tbese ad-reduce p&rld.D.c fees at Coroca tbe r esolution: varlous matters, ttUs Bc6rd your ldnace erlmt pr· .... ~ Cotta Mea City AttorbtY clt)''l poUce dtputmtat Is the proposal to an estimated Justmeats." del War beach andBa.Jllolpark~ "Wherea.s, representatJves ol Directors 1s ap.lnst aQJ re- wu atftll)'tllg rolls &.Dd sta1la Roy E. JlolDttold UMCJtyCouacU workl.nc WW. tbt dlstrlct $3!,000. Tbe .. tioDa.l ecooomy hasre-lilt kJt to $1 dlltlo& tbe wi.Dter of th.ls Cha.mber wue present call of aJJy City COUDcll m•m- O'f"tr the top of our nelgttbof .. TltHdaJ tbat tht FirthcHINWI.I atton•J'I olftce 1D bopts of The City Council, durlng duced bW.ldlnc and other lneome moottls wu IA)f'OYed by e.tty at n.rlous stud:y sessiOns and bers based on any 1SB~s. ll.eta bOOd CreaUnr exctsal.n DOI.se optraUac a pool t&blt without a ft.l1.Dc a eiYll aeUoa a.p1ut tbe bud.pt deUbetat100s last sorLDc ill the city aDd !las l.o effect eoaocllmes~ Yooday nl&flt. Tbe replar CouocU sessions at or conduct knOwn of at th1l Oa fl.. wtektldt U ~ elty UctDSe to do m. Mr. J110t bU to ctut aad delbt. Ttat bad alfeed to oonstder the ad-prod~~eed belt-Ug:btenlng pro-preseot y-.r-rocalfeels$1.50. which matters wer e discussed time." :::"t e.:;;:; ~7?.! ;~~-:r.:= =~: 1-:;:.;::; dlpu:-lel rl .. ,f .. e'"e' at msldt-a'-nd ...... a.ffi·t ellrmt' halle. d :/'a~ ':t~~~; Funds sought for recall 1t wu to _,. tM llut, a Tbt tar tal bHG&coati""'IC CUM CODCtn&ac •• later-eO'&Dttted 1 a-eral rtlliCtuce W.. Dostal aDd UDdsltJ Pu- arlllcl' md._..l 1 flDd tt hard potDI. ol <:OM*'III &moat cltJ tailuHIIL Tbt prKldeot of the M.UiDe lD Otdtr to oftMt tbt a.dmJAi-to pay tbt $1 .50 f" duri..Qc Retired attocoey M.uA. stw~ .OU ~-who vOCtd ill Deetlaber to beUen tMt ov dt1 cu omet.tJs ud potlct for tbt put Po11C41 ollettllaid 1t "lfOtiJd Dtvtaoa of the Newport Jiar:.. atratioa OOit.a ~ m.alrOiDID( tbe wioter •bell ldeqwate ~ rea, the coordlllator ot a cit-to he_, u..·OCMIIIt)' tlllll..ldaCOW't. taU ddt COGIItlat .._.. _ tJat ,.. .... 1 mollthl. bt .....U ..olltU bellllrt tbt bot Cbl.mber of Commerce, thU p1er recutnUoa qsttm.'' P&lll:iDc 1& aY&ila.bit M&tby. t.aeos committee orPDlalnc a bo\11t 10 COIDICtiOII with tbt .,.., ~deb pMct. wbliUt, wttl<:b Two .-..a &ID Mllllclpal elrtl Sll'ocedln eoUS be lAU.· LatrJ A. MWer, bU seot a Tbt to\JollrtD.c reeommed.. The rtdw;Uoa. ls deltc:Qtd to rtea.ll of Newport Beach City prtlPOMd Newport s.e.tl dYle miMI tbt doll boWl ud tbl J...t-DoiiJd O.SU ruild tMt 1ltld dllt to tbt &IDOIIIII:oli)IPII" lilttar to tbe Newport Be&ch Uou were outl1Did lD tbe let· tDCOW&Ct ue ol btacb p&.rll:lac Cowacil membtts, dots DOt a.n.. eea&er t.a Nnpon Ctll&tr T. v.•a jMDp ... wDolt .,... sa&~ .. pediormttl from a.. work S.OI"Nd. Ctty Cowell, re&lftrmtoc Its ter: tae11St1u. TM reduced rate t. Uclpl.t• UU' dl.ttleultles lDnlJ.. Mr st•IU A1d tbat Mu llt&Dd apl.BSt tht Udew.ds 11M 1. Tbat the Clt.y CouocU a-etttcUn from tbt ILst Slllldly lac WI for the ma.salt'treea.U t• alit a rtlllll of tbeeo.ctl'l reloctuct, l Ut DOt COR'lDc«< d "d I '"' but f.I.Yortna: a. pier rec.. boUib thoet proY1aioAs of tbe 1111 September 110 W., 15. camp&lan. UdtiUdl 1111 f" ft.lcllt ._ ::a,:.:-a:t'!s~~ New can I lie IR race illnlloii!M. evrtllllido_O<_tllli "l'nalroady--10<1 poetOOto-···C• II fii1UII lllcltl -· tbt-•llll "Tbt Clambor bas coosls· porta111 ID tldolud --. 11)14 TIIQY AMO'IIOURMEO OJ I wom .. ·s el~ who -lor -llarQ I. 111 llolr-.. -taiiJ II A -aao 11U -r: II -.... ~~... MIJ w1t11 1110 teiiiiJ bND _.eo to tbt 1m-I. Tlllt, lo ordO< II> ~II' 1'bt "-' llooell City to ..... " bo lll4, 'Uid ...., ·~--~ tllll ... tlll.t OW dtJ .... Ute net b' tbt ctllltrlct .at llttlt ere.-. to ............. potlttot ~ U1 _. tee or r•· admlllll .. .-Udt.Ud -.a. tllt Co.cil ~ Mold&JIII.IIIt eiU..• biYe ca.UeiS. dtt oal1 eo-cltw• lit .... 1ft ... llltiiDIIII ploctllolll 1111 llo_.;-.._-Bo will lo-._...tal elarp llo< -ol-CIIJ C...U rllalo --to -~11-olllo<-"Thoro uo 17,47'1 porool& 1M .-11, lou-Ill-n-.. .,.1-• 1u ~--Bo II-~~em·• -c. liar-pot1>11e --u.at -pm-•-ollllltldolaod-·-~ -lliP ae-'"' laod la Newport -•.., 111oo to 110" 1111-- --· T, 110111, 1'1, ol-Willi-Gill~--llolJ ·-....... -ll!tl poRolo IDplor ...,__ -Pio.-(JiooUlNf· liMe>---..... U "Grille-Mil .. "WoldtGt ..... --wllll< •-,c..-. a--·---·--""-1 -·" too 11111r ----.--klllldiii!M--t• ft-~_.-pot." GtKOIIIJ --ft 1111< ol-a&IJrultC.."GGIIIO, __ .. ,__C..-. I. TIIOIIIIICtl)o Co .-:1----· ~-·t•-.o!J- pol...._ nat •· •lr llr loll -Ill will Ill -Lll --1.-..n. "••"• ,.. allo loolll!tl onq poo-ar-ol ..,_ Vko ...,., -._. 111>11. • lo\Cl ·-lAST ....._._ ••• .,:,,,i .. .,. , tr1 ......... , .. ,... ..... -. u ,_... ...... car ., ;...,on Btacb .... lli"C*b 111 Midair • lb'OIIItiC· ~ .. a. ~ ~ .. ..,. . ..!_~,.., ~":. : ..,.. '::-:::::::~~ ... lin AI llilllll't .......... U. wUJ ... t1 f'tlllllllll ..a .. 11 J?lt ..... W. 0 ...... to ~I.)' M--............ to .. Cllrutilt -.!l"• no; • , -• r. .,.._ i I u,... Ttrrtlt T. '· ..._ .... ,.,,.' ..... !I& ..,_.,c.-.__ ..... •' '! llllllrlllr __ ... COI!It1 a.rd., .........._ lln..Cu!TiqYOflltll ... ....t W..a&aWIIl•• a.,., .• ..,... -Ill L l'r+ • -111-eMitllolr 0 .. Ill WlleM-r.-... It -.. lJ.-Gt IIIII lllltr ·----· ..... 14., Cia.._ lllol 11:1 IIIII' ... Ill! ,_n-~~~~-·--==-all .. _l soiC..IL!r--lt-III!IIIILI' NOII•""nl!llftll-11 ................. l!ollld. ;;~;,..o;; =:-•w.•-• ::a .:C.:.._:-..:::: ,. -: :r".,.. -,:. ~~~ =-~~~~',.l. :':',-:=.:-' ;-.::::: "no*"":'~=.•:,t~ :=--~.:.,-::-_ :-;:,· .. ~:=-.:: =-·~·-~~= -~ ::. .... :-:::.:::-1.-:-; :::::.. ... _., .. ...., ::..~.. "-=-.::::.=.: ~ -- ,~!;~;;;;;;d::!-!' !!!!na.~a.!ll7~·~ LETTERS = • L&.t.IIII'IOIAY •lM)It -olllooiMip, ... _. -~ pnb.. .~-Ofir· ...... ~ .. --"'**I , Ia-by lilt ....... ol-Cll:r ~--------------.J c-u 1o ay 110 to ...... . llll OPI'ICIM. IIPS,o\PII qoaala ol -lallller .... ud lr Tom .... ...., llled.lyllalf. OP llll an' OP llllfOIT IIACII Loot at 1bo rocwd. k'lololr NIXON AND THE WIU'AII STATI THE .HAIII0/1 ,t/Ct'A'S OffSET NE.IlrA,E/1 lo lbo C0oo1J a!Oraqo, 800,. Mr. Nixon says, "The present welfare s}'l.em is a dis- Offk:. _.,... ... ,a-la •• c...-a.awu. 000 dotl&rs. Extn.fl&l.ll lab-aster." He would convert it into a national calamity. With 2721 L C... hy •• c.r,-•• ...,. CaW. -.9161&. flrt llt&IJoa, 370•000 doba.n. coldly calculated artifice, ''Nixon's the One" who Slid, TIL·-· 611·0• (-C.. 7141 ;:~=~=~~ while campaigning on M ay 15, 1968 : "On< of !be reasons THE Jll£1~ BAlBOa ENSICN I• , .. ..a, we ; If• l'ri•.,. port S.Cb .,.._ Kad&DeudS.... I do not accept ... a guaranteed annUal income or a .... p.WIMM I• U.. Cky of ~ IMc' _. "-0111, loeally 200 000 dollats DOW at tbe neptive income tax is because of my conviction that doina OWM4 .... .,... .... ., ... Ia U. He 'aft llllk c ........ Ia'~--"-A1 ZOO 000 dollar .c. • ' • ............, .... .._. w.nty •• ~· s.c:..4 cl._ ~ ht -.. --.•• • so, un.t, would not end po"erty, and second, while 11 nught • c ...... •• ..... C.til: ... ,. wUidfall to a developer Yia a be a substitute for welfare, it would ha\'e a \'Cry detri- THE H£WPOI.T. HAIBOa ENSleN Wu MJ...,. 10 M ~ •••· ntroaetlYe tramc ~pal ::s-mental effect on the produc.ti\le capacity of the American ,.._. of ...-.! cW.u.l•lo. lll7 co~ ~ ·Ito. ~101~ ... 4 lubdlrisioo poUcy, Bact Y people ... that is why I take a dim \'iew of these pro.. lllli7 14, 1"'51, I• s.p.t.-CoM lot tiM eo.., ot Or ... , State of study foreea.stof80,000 dollars, .. C.llfor•ia, ...t 1111 ,. ... th«eof I• qpllfiM to , .. u .. all p.a.Uc Dou1loo of 87.000 dollars to grams. . . . .o~5cee req.lredlty t.w. the N.-port-Wesa Unitled And that IS one reason why J take a d1m \IJCW of any- AR'VO E."HAAPA ................................. O.... .-Pllltll.._ Sebool District. City tralfte thing Nixon says. Nixon's .. game plan" remains the same PEG HAAPA ............................................... Aeeoel•e Lfit« survey estimated 100,000 dol-as always: pl ay both ends against the center. If there were .sunc•"TIPM ••TIS lus. two God's, Nixon would pray to both of them. The ~":1-Z:•~IIJ g: ~=: ~: ; ;:::: :':0~ Tbe city manager paid a l..oog Nixon plan is Socialism. not solution. Socialism is the <fl. J!tlf " . .N.t- ARVO E. HAAPA, owner .. d PUbtlsher of the Ensi~ • NEIGHBOR CITIES GIVE THE ANSWER The freeway policy of 91tt neighboring c ities to the north and south ofier local voters a good guide for marking the ballot at the March 9 freeway election here in Newport Beach. Read this letter from West Newport --and then be sure to vote "yes" March 9 to keep the freeway out of our city too. ' Dear Frieads o1 Newport Beach to place tbe FREEWAY beblnd · Drlve tbrough HUDt.lngtoo the city. aDd aot destroy Us Bea.cb and see the beauUful arUstic beauty. oll wells oo both sides ol Coast However. Newport Beaeb, Highway. Huntinctoo Beach ls with Us bellutif\ll harbor, love .. pla.nnJ.ng to rebu.Ud the adjoin-ly islaDds m1 waterways, Is l.Dg battered downtown sectloo to be spUt astUkler to feed a. aDd mate an O)d Town for a. commercial sbopplng ceoter toui'lst attra.cUoa. Where Js the --and make more mooey for FREEWAY to be buUt? --Be-WHOM? b1ocl the cttyl Drive through Laguna Bei.cb on Coast Highway. The tramc is hOI'rendousl Yet, tbey chose • • Sincerely, Marpret E. Hall 6604 W, OceaD Ft. Newport Beacb • Beacb City employee 100 dol-middle-of-the-road-to Communism. tars of our tu m)Oey to read Do • b h o· l ' h h y · . h to the City c neil tor a lew n t uy t e 1g 1e t at t e 1etnam war 1s t e mlnutes. was:'~ the city man-main cause of high ta:xes and infl.ation. The real culprit ager capable of reading'? I would is welfare, for which the spending between 1953 and 1971 hope so sinceheeostsusalmost ballooned 944 %, while defense spending increased onl y 30,000 dollars per year. 49%. A tougt~. fiscal policy woukl The government is already spending S72 billion of the disawrove approximately 1,-taK:payers' money e\'c:ry year on so-called welfare. Tbe 500,000 dollars of the 1.8 mU-Nixon plan would "relie\'e" state and local go\'emment lion dollars listed above. A f r h · If ·b·1· · · · 1 · d (Of sa [ ' I 5 llll d liars o most o t etr we are respons1 t Jhes, 11 ts c a1me . v ngo.mono wh· h · fi · would· be most welcome es-course. as mgton as no money unttl they con scate 11 pecla.Uy when OW' city ts f~rced from local taxpayers.) Who would check to see that the to borrow trom the water fund money is spent wisely by the welfarers? Nobody. They to pay for dally housekeeptcg. can continue to buy liquo r. T.V. sets, race horses, or what. Can tlle people of Newport ever their big hearts desire. Wo uld they hav~ to work if Beach alford expenditures of offered a job? No. As Oscar Wilde said : "Work is the thts magnitude? I say a vast curse of the drinking classes." ' majority cannot. Th N. 1 h h .. kf ·· · · Reasonable austerity, pru-.. e ·~C?n p a_n .~a p any wor are prO\'IS ion. p~o- dently practiced sbould be the \'tdmg an ·mcentt ve to work. So do present plans--whtch motto of our cuj Council. don't work . The welfare rolls grow because it is more P, Dee Cook profi table 'for millions of our people to stay on welfare Former CouncUm&n, tha n to work. Newport Beach Won't Nixon's .. work or else" pro\'isi.:>n take able- bodied people off welfare ro lls? No. The stipulation is that th~ welfarer must accept a "suitable" job. What a laugh! There are millions of third-generation welfarers whose grandparents. parents. as well as themsel\'es. have ne\'er found ;, "suitable" job. There is no suitable job for a bum I lu r government has made bums out of millions of our p~·· •pk . Remember when we lfare used to be called "chari ty?'" \nd then. •·relief?" Now it's a "right." Wei· fa rers n1•w strike, picket and riot demanding that Big Brother confiscate more of your money to give to them. The Amnican W;~y nf I ifl· i~ h...·l·omi n~ the wc 'farc ~talc • a, a .... .._. "*-,. 11: ~• .... ,1 .. , , •••"' ,,..._. ·--..... -..., .... Llooolll. to ... --.. ___ .._ IIIII ,_... ·-a 1011 ._,. lflilllr...._,a---lloo ... lor brMidt J01 u 0111 of tM barb-Iaiii .......... na,. 4'0 . 10 I I w &I Ia Wdlt • -· o1 .noel" II-(lllllllle erlll<a ... -l .. aol -IMI--y..,., aco w .., • ._.. .. ,... .... h n•YOieottM wtput a. JdM ot .. llll wantd ., • potJt no u ... •Mot eiiUdna * -.u11rt .. ,..,,.. at tMtutW&p: claiiDict: ••JD a. acwtac llJOIIC tMU ll'•«•..,.tD•fef'OIIU,o. ol GIWIIWutilaltMUd.Aln- aau•a lucy 1IPII1 lwu ID u, .,._ IUo ---~~-~ Va-• loYo "w u...-taondlo -patrta~~o --.1 .... llll. • """ -eel a.. atau$. K881 (til, 10'7.5) at ala PII1MI _., u t Mit • •UGH• .,..lp•to4o, nrt 7:00a.m. M-y to ·-otu I"OIIIr-*<>called at-1-"<d lor 11oo aou .. a o1 11oo IIIII acme tebool CblldrMI-Io.lllo.aida)'lol-__ _....y.H._. prtter to baft m~a ... •Uwl lltroN. 011 tbt otber tMIIiU, J do IMI t!aat It Gm· ..., .. or pat. lll:ld. I -• """"" ol ral--11M oil-w>1ct1 n -CjftloiiM-- madt lor -too llorou tJr lilt .. _.tar"' .......... ""' b' WbHIC U to CGII.tMt oa ... ---llpllllorlb .._ . 1'11orola<o, to ,_,1,. LID· colll'• wor-••J bl ...... rt*»lt't CCIII ITIM'II tba.t tbese ~ ..:ii DOt baft JOHN G. SOIMIT% died 1o ...., .. 1 ...,u · r-• !he .......-y ol Goorp WUII- Califomto 3Sih Dillricl -oo 111e Z3Dd day o1 Fob- ODe ol tbe JDO.t cwiou u~ the flrst time, tM u.s. cut ttl ruary ot each Ytlll ud tbt peels of AmertcaApollUcaldla-tlmds to ODe of the pbsidttry rtmembtuct of Abt&blm LID· Joc11o -y Is IIIII II Is 1be or ...... lloot olllle liDlltd !Ia· eolo oo Fob. II. I~ .-lbe ao-calltd "llberala" aDd "pro.. tiolls--tbe IDternatiolllt Labor to lbtm aU worldly booort ac- eresslves•• wbo are most I.Q... Orptdaatioo, wbleb wasrl&btl1 crtd.t.c.d to U.m, Ull lD tbe suteot that wbat r.s beeo doDe deDOUDced u ao 141-.Amerlcatll cele.ti&l re&lm s, place them by pernmeot c.aooot be UD-prq~&pDda forum. The U.N. beltde tbe creat m~o. ol all dooe, tbat oace we are com.. tide 11 turoiac. It 1s time to Um~. mitted to a course of acUoo recognilt and reject b1s error i ban bteo r•dla.a a utue we caLl oe,-er pull bact from of tbe put, book W HearynnD)'keia~b It, "You can't turo tact the ADd tbe same sbou.ld be dooe be di$cuue1 tbe "Tbt AJI.~t­ doct." they cry-~tboagb W"heo rep.rdlog tbt tote 1D Cooeresa ca.aitm ol Georee Wu hlack*" tt comes to tbe acttnttes of last year, to t1at dellaDce of It may a.lao be applied to lJA .. government d eb tbey dis.. the Coosltution, eompeWoc the eoto•s denXloa to America aod Ute, sueb as maintatnillr a states to allow 18-year-oklllo Us people, stronr oa.UoD&l defense, they vote. tboup tbe ~le of moat lo IIPMkiD& of tbe otber aten are ~ too fertile lD ideas states bad refused to do thJ.s. wbo stood w1tb Wuhl.nltoD, MMl ot how to phase that out, Many members ol Coogress author Mates. "WbateY• tbtlr U tbe left cao demand tba.t voted foe tb..b bill UDder the pb1108apbical professlou may we "reorder prlorltles" to mlataba assumpUoa tbat eYea baft been. tbey were aot ,cOa- dow.ocrade aatiooal deleose, and our preseat ·· s~eme Court trolled by pnJeoee. Tilt)' Were ret out of VIetnam. aDd obtaJn could not be so dereUct lD Its really lllQI'\11ent and at Jttut a bearl.og aDd widespread ste>-~ as to ~ld lt. That as-wtlllA& to take all tbe ri.IU of port tor tuudameotal chances sumptJoo has beeaproveclf&lst. ponrty ud death 1a. a ltr!le 1n our poUcy such as that, But we need not Uve with this WboH caust wa.s jult, tbouf ta tbeD 1t ought to be possible error forever. My H.R. 2633 Issue was dul:lklu. at least to obta1o a flar btar-would correct U by npeallnc "There 11 a llle tbat is Jog ud reuoaa.ble consldera-t.be ameodmeat to the Votln( UYlDC oow, u it wa worth t1cll tor f\lDdameotal eb&Dps Rights Act wh.lch lowered tbE UYiDc !D. tbe former da1&.tml LD. other areas or a-a policy voting age to 18. tllat is the boDest IUe, cleaosed wh.lcb many Americans feel by devotloD to aoldeal. Tberels ~~oagly to ban beeo. QUARTER-FINALISTS FOR :o::u:: ~w!: =~ := I bave introduced leglsla. SCHOLARSHIPS NAMED tben. aod that ls the battle for Uoo in two sucb areas. My llR. Quarter-DlaUsts lD the col-Justice aDd equallty :• or life. 2632 would termilate Amert-lege scbolarsblp procnm of Tbe UYes and careers ~of can parUcJpe.Uoo aDd member-Souther11 Ca11forllia Ed.lso11 Co, George Wasblogtoo aDd Abfa .. ship 1D the United NaUoos. This loclude stepbeD Co:r, 2018 Port ham LJ.ocoLD are part of the resoluUoo. ls ldeotleal to that Ramsgate Pt •• Newport Hllls, lepcy o1 freedOm ·..-:,lch eYW)' . . . l..olrGduced 1D put Coagrenes a studeot at Corooa del Mar American eojoys,Separatecia)'J • ALERTING ALL PROPERTY OWNERS The mo~t ~.:ontruwrs1:t l pro\·ISIOn llf :'\u.on s welfare by my ptelleceasor the late blgb scbool aod Shawn Blssoa-oC recopltion may have de- Here is an urgent alert for ho me-pla n Is the family as~istance plan (FAP l , better known Cooarasma11 Ja.mes·B. utt of nette,t006SomersetLQ.,West-tracted trom the allepaace aw.·-•ers in the City of Newport Beach: as guaranteed annual income. Our statesmen are now booored memory. Duri.og b1s cUff. a studeot at Newport Har-wh.leb we as a .:atlon owe1ao debating whether a family of four. with no outside income, serYice lD Coocress, tbe time bor blgb IChoOl. their memory. U so. a •i.a.ile Your property o~ership is again under will be "limited'' lo s 1600 a year (plus $800 in food lor 1t was not yet ripe. Woolly Tbe program otrera stJ: day dmlttd to them may mate attack. Tbia latest move is a bold attempt WORTH w. FREDERICK. rna.-stamps). or to as much as ss5oo ad\'ocated by 'prOtiss~n-bopeJ aDd cb.l\dtq .Wildoo.s $6 000 coUege scbolatsh.lps, ~lL.posalble tD..cGD~;eqtrate iDa ager otAeronutroP.lc'sAna.helm at welfare organization~. ''A n A.F.D.C . ~othe.r with nine !Wl,~~ed .... toou:..5~! .. ~~ ~ \A eaCh of tbe eompa111'• crl&t8r....a.lld.mort4tl{_.,e_~-to legislate R-2 residential property to ...._ ptontlor Pbllco-Focd itulfi ..... -~ .,_ m &OOitaPid• dlrlsloos•lnod'-ora-ol our &r-40r 1M Corporation, has been elec~ children would gel $3400 a year, tax-free. plu~ fQOd But aow tbere is. a grcnnni ditloo, stOOeats wbo reaeb the eootrlbUttoos wW.c(~ ~e the level of R-:1, thus taking away perhaps ehaJ.rma.JJ of the Ford Motor stamps and .other assorted "goodies from Big Brother's lllPI'ecia.Uoo of tbe tact that, a..ts wlll reeeln a.o Edisoo to our eoutry•, we6Ul' Ud as much as $10,000 from the value of Company's OrangeCountyeom-trough. tar from being a panacea tor gold award tor sebolastle ach~ well bel.oc. your property. The Planning Commission munity relations comm.lttee. .'\noth<:r proposed "answer" would raise all ramily, 1Dternat1oaal problems. the levement mJ a share of Edlsoo In any event. let us lnc.reUe The committee Plans coordi-1.1.0u ~d-bc f:.~mil y. and live,in groups to $3,000 annual in-U.N. 1s at best a.o eJPQOslve commoa stock.Seleetlonoftbe ratber tba.Ddlmlnlsb,ourpatrt..-has initiated a change in oft-street park-nates and participates in com-come through imposit ion of a "negati ve income tax" a.Dd useless wblte elephant, and scholarship wtQDU from thls otic allegia.DC.e to their merl- ing regulations to require 2 garage spaces munlty relations programs ill (which would give them whate\'er is necessary to bring at worst ao in1t1a.l blueprint area will take place to ApriL orles. . the Oranao County area. U also lor -·lddlcla'-•"• Caoany LEGAL MOTIC! for each single family dwelling and 2 maJces r~~ommendatloo.s con-their incomes up to $3.000). This would cost an estimated ooe '";,lnt to ~---sipitlcanl -LEG._L HOTtCE garage spaces for each family unit when cerningcontributlonsandmem-$12 billion even before the leeches start splitting off, coolll.ct a.aywhere 1n tbeworld bershJps in civic associations. .1mocba-like to set up new "famili es." The do-goodeh durJ.og lbe past 15 years wb!cb CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA there are 2 or more family units on the soothingly confide th at retraining manpower (so that tbe U.N. bas helped to resolve. NOTICE lNVITINGBJOO Property. This is a back-door method STU DENTS HONORED there will be 110 Americans left to do an unskill~d job will or eveo to moderate? In the SEALED B100 wUI be rec.el'fedattheotftceof the City Clert. Tllree LincolD middle school ......... le Easl 1 ~-~-N t •-·• "·WorDJa td1l 3 00 p M oo tbe of cutting down the use of our property, students have been selected for cost •• mere S3 billion a year. Rent subsidies will take ......... t ~..-a spec-City Hall. ewpor ~...... ..... • : • • increasing billions to keep slum rats from being so dis· taclllar failure. while 1n South.. 15th day ot March, 1971, at Wb.lcb time they will be ope.Ded although we have been paying taxes for merenmCbealllrslllj>or~•~in110100"e, Aor'clhSoulllestra-. !tdvantuged. And there are countJess more programs, east Asia 1t bas carefully looted and read, for pertormtog wort as follows: • 2 al ti Th Ul.ol tbe other way during a wbole 32ND STREET WIDENING FROM NEWPORT BOULEVARD years based on R-V ua ons. ere Cllris Palmer, a 7th grader limited only by the fertile minds of our politicians, to decade ohru. TO BALBOA BOULEVARD ' will be much more ''Log, comment on who plays the violin. Greg Pre-steal from those who ha"e to buy those who "have not." 0o tbe otber baod, 1o several CONTRACT NO. 1152 this scheme of the planners and property cheU. a 7th grade trumpet One of our few really great Congressmen. H. R. Gross cases the U.N. actl.-elJ inter-Bids must be submttt.:l OD tbe Propo.sa.J. form attaebed wttb player, and John Zalusky, an of Iowa. has reported how ingenious bums can easily beat Yeoed to sttr up trouble, U was the contract documents fllrrdlbed by the Public. Works Depart-controllers. This "alert" is being made Stb grader speclalit.lnr: in the the system: Twel\'e people in Montgomery County, Mary-an aareuor 1n the Coogo and 'mem. The additloaal copy o1 tbePrcposa.IForm Is to be retaiDed to get your dander up early, and to get vioUncello. were selected in land , six believed to he male a nd si.~: believed to be female, bas allowed ttself to be IIS8d by tbe bidder tor b1s rfiCOI'dl;. ,compeUtlon against students 1o •~•-!he Uti Ea h bid .. ~ be --·'ed b ......... __..,._... o.-~ b t thi th t each draw S55 a week in unemployment compensation. as a pawo ••wcr po -c m ... , acco .. _... Y-.. C.uo·~'IN Caaaoo .. or you to do something a OU S rea . from all of SouthernCaU!oroia. Th I h. cal ambitioos: of other African Bidder's Bond, made payable to tbe Cjty ot Ne~b, THE FOR D FOUNDATION :~~~~.~~.;~s,~::~~~~~}g23. ::~i~~~::::e~ ~~:r::.::ri~: :T.~~z~g;:."Z'!":~:=.::.~ . ba~e necess1 t•es, buy the best food and ha\'e enough left ate, tbe U.N.iscoastaatlyseek .. bid. \ By Special Correspondent Brown a Uberal education Len," by Francis X. Gannon. over for recre-ational acti\'ities-which break the mono-IQC to Lnterlere t.a tbe loteraa.l Tbe Contract Documeats tbat must be completed, uecuted, Aayooe who Is !lghting the lD televisioo grease These are all eJeelleat books. tony. They pay no taxes on unemployment benefits. They tJf:alrs of Weltera. aaUoos--bat and returoed LD the sealed bid are: ''changes" to education knows ADd rollin ecooomics. There have been numerous are eligible for Medicaid. foor stamps, the piU , and a DeTer lo tbose of tbe Commu~ A. Proposal what a large part the ford seasoned well with peace. articles written about the ford myriad of o ther benefits you pro"ide them. D1st cloe, 8, Delipatioa ot S\i:M:oOtractors Fouodatioo has played lD lur-Crush a jurenile delinquent Foundation, bert we thought the M illions o f cattlemen, hogmen, chicken producers and Last December 21, oo tbe c . Bldder's Boo:1 therlng these changes Most (or aoy wayward ldd) above poem really told how ed-If . House Door. durJoc a debate D. Noo-eolluioo Af4darit people will tell you ~t U an ADd bleod 1t with the roots ucatloo Is laced througfl world we arers no w _breed for profi1. Dependent chddre~ ha\le a oo yet a.notber IIJPI'(lprlaUoo of E, statemeat of Fl•oclaJ Respon1lhWty education program (oo matter of ao Asiatic's ld. altatrs and completes a tuU cas~ value. hke bull calves. So the less chtldren a 0111' tu IDODIJ tor the Ualted F. Techacal At:JUtty Uld EJperltoee References \•\ bow good u souods) Is spoil-Dice teachers' educatiOn, el•cle In lhelr phllosoohv. fam oly can affo•d. the more il breeds. T hai's !he American Nalloos, Coqreaamao H. R. Those do<umeltls ~ be -wltb llle 1111'11 sored by for d. Rockefeller, and 1n a separate pan N. B. POLICE DISCLAIM Breed Enterprise System . Gl'08S of Iowa poUted out tbat UU.. of tbt per IOU llp1oc OD btb&U ol tbe bidder. For - Carnegie or the Stooe Fouo-Ma.te a sauce of brown tech-HEW PUBLICATION Regardless of what Congress does about it. Boo~oggle tbe proposed e'lp'IIA:JD ol tbe pontklal, tbe at..-.• ol tbe PrtGdeat or VIce Pr dation • forget IU Plc.lalls trom lOOia-Pak.ista.n. o· k' If . . . U.N. bu1Jd1Dc lnNewYortwoald lDd Secretary or A••• Stc::retan are r..pred aDd tbt -1o 1951 Paul Hoffma.o took ADd pour it over seed corn The Newport Beach pollee 1c s we arc program 1s 11legal. The Constituhon no-eo.t $63.1S per IQ'U'~ toot. ponte SealSbllUbeafii.Mdtoalldoeom.tatlnqalrlDc II. .._ onr ttle relos of t.be Ford 1o a pilot demoostrauoo. depa.rtmeot bas Issued a state-where grants the fed real go\'ernment the authority to take "perbllpl tbt molt bu:ckNI 1111 tJIII tul o1 a.PartMrtbtp, tbt llphareohl ltut OQI ....._. FoUDdation. He has been at.. Ooe that bas been flavored ment emphas1zlng that tbe from the workers and give to the shirkers. Nelson Rocke-II*CI OD tMJ plllalt," U. COil• pUtDer t. rtQQirtd. , . tuU.ated with the CFR (Couoell with peel-oft implleaUoo. department 1n 00 wa.ylspousolors, feller. :ond otheo internatio nal Socialist• are agitating lor a cltlled wtlb Utla blialoorlllr lA-No -Will bll ~-1 ~-:e on forelgn Relations). He ap.. Tate a board of COOd cooseM'· sa.ncUoiUl or subscr bes a · · . · -· 41dmtllt: lkiMI~ lD lrC«<I'ddlDcc WU. tbe ~oiCM&Mr I, pointed Robert HutcbJns as bJs aU.-es, Ute olcestyoucanbuy, publication ectltlt;? "Law En-complete natiO~<IItZ:ItiOn of ~c.lfare. Rome did th;H too:--"Tala leiUlaHoa.Mr.&pea.t-m of tbl BNIIIR ,ud ?nO llhll" Codl.. Tbt associate aDd together they set ADd mil: them with tbe white forcement Times, shortly befnre If fe ll. No nut1on. now or e\'c:r, wa5 nch _., adell lualt to iajlrJ, Tht lllall Jlatt bla UcMII__. aDdcJepfflcetkellltJat$ up the "Fuod FortheRepubUc... of a beaten Uberal's eye; ottleers said that they ha,.e l"ntlugh to feed all ih idle pcnplc. When Rtlmc hegan al:readJ Mq>l»cttd Americu PWII IDd: COIIItraCit Doc• '1, tw:••lptdal . "As the dlreetol's of tbe oew Now reader the eoadiUoos been aotlfled b>' city merchalh its wdfun.: stale. the ~nd of Roml.' was near.-The A mer-tupllJU• are bttac" uUd to m1J be otQIHd U tile Plbllc W.U ~ C IIIli. Fund lor tbe Republic, Hotrrnan ot a peace U.t's just and tree tbat an orpnlution wu at-ic<Jn Way Pit liP ... miWoD ol tbt ..U-.Newport Beaeb, Ca.Ufanda. It ID COlt •lbalad~ A ud Hutctllns Immediately weal A~ mlJ: THEY wtlb lnststence tempting to sell subserlptjclas -· mUed MD m1WoD COlt of tld.l ....,~, dlu'll olii.OO wUlller ........ 1111" -.c• "'o1 to wort ~reuln( in e•er:r OG a&Uoaal.,.eretpty. aod adverlislDgtothe map..aJDe, KNOW YOUR OffiCE. R. III'Otlet lA& Jell ..._tblafll'· PltM 1111 COaltnct Do<• rta ._.. ...... ,.. t.I'Qiitt« ny pooslblo lbo sttooc splrll Sllr ,.,.,,....., toptber, claltnlng II Is "baclted b1 ,_ ..... lou......, -lad .UIIM Ptauud~Doe-bortllaMtloltbiD •·-· of utJ-CommGbl.lm whleb bad ud wbto. tiM ftre•s bot, local poUce department," _...to •"-4.'7adWcllt-.-.. .... 1M Md ...... , OIPiodltl alter lbo Hi ss aeattdal Pour 1 lllllo RUIOI&tt elite Newport Beach pollee Aid OaJcor Patrick J. O'SuW.... Pal, Ida will, '-to,~!--ID f!ll 11.11. ud lla H· T11o Cll:r bL1 ....... 1bo -d ~-tor-e IIMIII>etrullrallollsollheKor-lolooiiMRatniD(pol. !hey ere tavosllpllociiMpoo..u, bLI-wtlb llleNewporl t tol'.oltiKeWU.Oiolloo-·-qn .... Uti a& a 11m1 Worb~-(lll'lll_Ud.,.._a)aa-ld •• War.'' (From: ''Tbe naked Sweetea wttb publicity slblllty that mWiielpal ordlo-Stacb pollee dtpertmtDt b' bar Az-. n. tilt m•ltttwM oi......U bf tMioatbtraC&.Ita1r*ClilptaaoltllltAil.tcu~ trona eapttllilt'' b)t w. Cltoa SJrou. au tbt JrUTlDC bowls ances lave bMa YloJated. I ,_,.,, He ll curreatb' u-,...,._.. If A_..•illf4 ..S tbl ,..........., GIMn1 COIItt...,..•ol~ -.) (BJ 11>e .. ,, tblartelpe :alpld to lilt patrol--... -•Qiplaa_,lll_l .. _lltllldlor_,...,., .. ~ .... Tboy moradlbomalnopon-_..oalwobiWoo aouls~ fl0111HE .nr""C llle ..-lftllola.a. 11oo·-f!l -"1-Uti A...,LoaA""Ioo, caJif.-._(JII)I'IO-II'II. · ' Uou ot. tbt Fo-dltJoll from GuidA wttll compaNion .wt lD tbt Coroaa del Mar 1112 st• AldtltltlatD., 'ftiiCUJtaa•ttld .. ldlu'd .. l:lll~l8d~ Dt«ntU to Paadtot ud tbe JIUt atoucb wtll do Therefore by \he deeda of ana.. •M' 1111111 RlWa• tile UJf. DrUtap. ec.111 ol-.,.......,.. at tile~~ J'lllta "~,"bat .. ,,. ADd lint 1a dMp tuamlUty the law there shJ II no rteah ht wu bon lD Lot Aatt· :-=-=~llldcnd-'o 1 &.eala_tl...,.,.. "*'.. · ~ wOaJd w. to caD &o roar at-JOCII' ~e "':"· be justified in his aiaht: ~-a:::_~ ~c.: .;._ ~ ilb ...eli -• ;e::a::.r-.., ~~n~'•=ta!; -I-,._ by ttolr Tbla to _..... -"TIIo '"' by !he law io !he know-::::,.. Ia erlaa......, -a llllr ll'lloe ID lloo-...... cl--lou-1M poDiidU ooomaly :: 1:/~~ ,_ ledae or oln. --....... a -II l ll'o, ,.. QI,J _..._ If -":::.:... -Ia---ra --.-.. ~:.~ '"":'*""•" bJ ~-But now the riabteouaneu ..... llloek:a elt7 ooUIIt lid v------..;; · ........, ..,~ -~ NIIPit1 of dill P.,..wto-ia --• -of God. without the: law i1 &I MI-.., • ...... at IAII ·--._,. ... , .......... el&t*'·J:f1!' ........... ...,.tct~u fi&l llec* a. u •aeo.t BMolllllteNI't•· ... -..,.... ••mdl ........ ••A8aJ ._c ol Food v.,;... _ .. lor --00 ll>e manifeued, beinc wimeo• ..... -"::.,:' ~ Ia -. Iii,.... ... -, = .,_, eUcallll." Pft Pu , tv. Mdallo•'Tbl ~~d .. by the 1-w and \he PfC!"" .._., 111 .. • .. MI. • ..... ..., ~ .. • • • IUid Eat ..... ..,,, c-... ynC ; ,.... ··~ tu£21'5118 ... .. .. .. ...... PHILAIITHIIO'IC nn ... I ' Par I I -.. l!•enlhe " ............. o( ... "•• ~ ., -aD ·-...... --·sa--..----· olld God wltich io by lallh ol ill u a'* •• 7:::1 ..: a 'N ----1M P•d Po 5 lloo Ud Jeoua Chriot unto all 111<1 --.--~ -. -~--:AM natllloouptJIIallllleallhatbeU.YO. lllllllooUI I lblai'Mt ": :. .. _.. .._ "NI,'il;l.,..,.:., cllloo Otomana ): 2M2.) lo 1 ,.... ,.. •IP!'M...._ 'AT O'M.LIVAIU • -- Marilyn Jones to wed Thomas H. T o~dter Col. ud lira. Wllllla 11{--ICMOI. ud ·~ ......... lo7 J-ci Udo Jo1o I&N ...... Ud till --ci 1--Md tM •r11 .. til. tJtiL a&. T.._ &liD end- tllolt ...... tor, IIIII Mar1lJD - - -HIP Ud Craft:lrd IOGN, aM 'nomu ta tt*nm•c Loac lllcb ll&tt, a_, T-. no ..-.... Jortoc 1a ~ toc:b- •Ject 11 tbe-of llr.udMra. -*cr. Ud ia worlllac: tor a H. W, T-ci Newport -· Htlpu. Tlltlr 'lltdcllar Ia p-lor Tilt brldt-to-bt l!l'adullocl Ilardi 10 tl Ill. Jamto Epla- from Newport Harbor ldcb cq~al Cburcb, Newport Beach, Ballet time March 6 Tilt Newport Bo11o1, cbarlor Rlcblr"o ud Ktlh7 Slltldoo ol .,,,;;t,,r c1 tbt Paolllc Rollo»-Newport Boocb. lhmbtro o1 Aaa., wtU pr...-tiM WOI'Ubop, u IIIPJ'IIIttce .P«JCro:m cl billet t1 I ud .._, are J-uor Carey 01 Stlurclly, Mardi 6, W-Wf, ll11llrJ Harper ol .,,,;;,;. .... blp oc:bool c ......... -· IDd Deaaoe 'J ,_ tbt dlrtclloo ci Hortoa, Bed;J Rlld7 IDd Sarab Fraocea. Loom11 ol Newport S.ch, Memb.~l ;)l·u,. COIDIIU1 are OD March 15, uae company NEWPORT HAROOR .EifSIGil A ::sT SECTION - -P ... l TIIURSOAY, FEB. 2~ lt71 CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. SHARP RELIEF THE AIRPORTER INN wt.U be the taking ott place tor tbe "FU&bt 1Dto f:Ubioa.," a panorama of wearing appar el for tbt womu tnYeler at a "'DCbeon meetiac ol tbe Tustin Ar• WomM'I Club Tueldii.J, March 2. Mrs. Martin Scbmut ol. Suta Alii (eeater) ls cbairman; Mrs. Paul Laweoa. Jr. (at left) of OranJI ls CO·Cha.irman, aDd Mrs. Arthur TborHD of Santa AD& Js ln cbar&e of publlctty. Re811'Yatlou be' made with Mrs.DooaldBott, 838-17?9. Cllldy Bel~ o1 c..-del wW bt jodpd lor pro-uaa Mar, Elleo Ebert of Harbor of ita wca"kl at tbe Pactllc VIew Hllll, Deuot RlleciMla-R~ Bollel A .... ......U sloo VIejo, Cbrlaly SmlUI ci fullnl to be lltld May 14-16 FOUDtaJ.D Valley, IIllo& M!Ddlr iD Papdena, o!Sula Alll,&Dd Kathy Fltm-SCIENCE FAIR TIME MRS. GEOFFREY KROLL f/•1/"Y photo) ~r:n~~~~~~t!:; L«.al junior and seDior hi&b J R D F BariD, IIIDCyBoe-.J·-:=.= .. •:c-:.=ar~';; eon enee e ronco Midwives used to put a knife under the bed to "cut the pain" of childbinh. Sounds foolish, nowadays. But then, we're lucky. We have many wonderful pain· relieving drugs ... other powcrfuJ medications, too. Wheo you're ill, take advantage of the ~wcr, cffec· tive medicinals. Seek your physician's advice ... he's the only one qualified to prescribt: for your hc:al1h. Then, if he recommends me~hcalion , comt: 10 us for prescription sen.·ice. (EIIIIIp ALARMS ' ILENT OR BELL POR • IUSINESS • HOME • CAil • IOAT "MAltS IT TOUGB I'OR UB TOVGB TO MAICB lr' COljGRATliLATIONS lor ZO years lo 1M rtol ollatt -- Mil Wtrt -.eil I!> R•ll<>r Roy llcCardJO. ll rt&lit, by trleDds aDd fellow busloessmen Thursday, Feb. 18, 11 b!s real estate otft.ce in Colti. Mesa, Watclllilc the &DD1nrsa.ry cake cutung ts G. N, Wells, for wbom Roy ftrst started world.ne 20 years ago; He sened 1n tbe Army from 1942 to 1946, advanctne t9 the' rank of captain. He 1s oow a UeuteDl..Dt colooel in the Army Reserve. He 1s a put presi- dent of the Newport Harbor -Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, former realtor of the year, DO'tf chairman of tbe adYieory board, past KJwanlan of the year, local chairman ofa Salvation Army service unit, a director of the Costa Mesa. Chamber of Commerce and cbalrmau of the Americanism committee, and president of U:le Costa Mesa Business Men's Asso. scleDce projects 1n time to eater tbem ln tbe amuaJ Orance CoWIIJ ocleoce IDd oactneerlog fair, May 5-9. weds Geoffrey Kroll Almost a valentine bride, land HUls and Paul Rafuse of Miss Jean Renee DeFranco was San Clemente. Christensen OaiOL& J .... Georp Newmaa, executive director ot tbe Fair, anoouoced thai emy blaW miJit be QUod oat ud returoed DO later than married to Geoffrey Kroll of Tanya Lynn Shepherd served ~"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!'!!!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!"'!!!L Laguna Beacb 1n a double ring as flower girL r April. u. LIGAL MO'TICE 1t'eddlng service held at tbe Followina: the wedding, a re- Cameo Shores borne of tbe ception was held at the Balboa bride's pa.rents, Mr, and Mrs. Bay Club. The ~le will hon- CERTin:ATE OF Bt.JSINE$ Joseph DeFraoco of 4501 eymoon ln Mexico and Cellll'al FlcUtiou Firm Name Brighton Rd. America. THE UNDERSIGNED as The ceremony took pla.ce at Tbe Dew Mrs. Kroll attended bereby eert1f)' tb&t be u eoo-sunset on Saturday, Feb. 13, St. Mary's CoUere for Women dac:ti.ac a twt01u at 2845 E. with the Rev. Roger WaJke of at South Bend, lodlana, and the Cout Bwy., eor0111 del Mar, the Unitari&n ·Universalist University ot CaWorDia at lr- What do Chnstian ScientJ sh rea lly believe? Come to lhle Chrlatllln Science Lecture CaUl., IIDder tbe tlct1tlou tlrm Church ot Costa Mesa. ottlcia-vine, IUle ot Weltoo 6 Company and tlna:. The groom's Pkfents are Tbe groom atteoded the Phil-By NATHANIEL R, WHITE, 3 p.m. Sa.turday, Yarcb 6 tllat l&ld firm 11 cotnp)aed of Mr. and Mrs, Boris Kroll of ade)phia CoUege of Tut:Ues SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST tbe JollowtDc 1*'1011. wboee New York. and Science and the University 3100 Paclftc View Drive, Corona del Mar •m• 1D flll.l &Ad place of res-Tbe bride wore her mother's col:;_:Mar~!:!Yl!:aM:!,.at:!,.AlJ~ma~, .!.J:!"~~":!;'·..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ldeDce are as followl , to-wit: wedding gown of ice blue satin. r Dtnrsllled Acqu1&Wo11o Corp,, Her illusion vetl was held by 1845 E. Cout Hwy •• Corooa a fiowered beaq)iece encrusted del Mar, CaW, 926%5, with pearls. She carr ted a bou-SHOWBOAT CRUISES WJTNESS my baDd this 11th quet or whlte camellias, rose-day ol February, 1971. E. D. bods ... baby's brealh accen-Around the ••••nda of BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT HARBOR Weltoa, Pres, ted wlth blue iris bOOs. STATE OF CAUFORNlA) Her sister, Mrs. Wtlllam )ss Faircbild of Sebastopol, ser- COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ved as matroo of honor, &Dd ON THIS l'lth day of Feb-ber sister, Suzanoe Lynoe De- rll&l'y, 1971, before me, a Not-Franco, was maid of llooor. ary Public 1D and for said Tbey wore ankle-length gowns couoty and state restdlnc of veJvet 1n dusty rose and am- . therein, duly eommt'.saioDid and ber sbades and carried match- .,..., per....ny -td E. IDe --· Bridesmaids ... D. Wdoll, Pr•. of Dt'Urll-eluded Mrs. Geol'p Tbornpsclll. ·fled Acqallitioa Corp,, Do-wn to aunt of the trlde from Costa ,.. me to be tbepersoowboseDRme Mesa, Miss Lisa Kroll of New 1s subscribed to the Y1th1D ln-York, sister of the groom, aDd strumeut, and acDowledged to Mrs. Oa.o!el Shepherd of La- me tbat be ez.ecuted the same, guna Beach. The bridesmaids WITNESS my naoo and of-•ore sky blue velvet gowns. t1ctal sea.L Mary A, Happa, Peter Blanck of New York ootary Public 1n and tor satd served as best man. Ushers yES 1• Fully narrated 45 minute and 90 minute c ruise County and State. My com-lneluded Eric Kroll, the • L da'l 2 S t d Su h 1 12 4 mlssioo expires Dec. u, 1971 . groom 's br other rrom New eaves 1 Y p.m. a . an n . our y - Publish: Feb. 25, March 4, Melieo, Robie Migliore and • • Fun Zone Boat Co., Balboa II, 18, 19n, lo lbe Newport Robert Mar cell ol La"""' 1 __ ;,;67~3;.,-0;,;2;;40;.;., ____ _;;(R_;;I~G;,;H;_;T;.;,;H~E;,:;X;,;T_;,T,;:D...:,.F:,E::,R,::R.:,Y_;L:;A::H::,:D;,;IH;,;G::);_ ___ ...J Harbor Enalm. Beach, Robert lrvlng of Wood- • • HELP us AX THE TAX' and YOU • FAMOUS NAME BRANDS BEING SOLD AT COST + 5% ON 1970 MODELS GET THE BARGAINS . II $15 TO $150 SAVINGS ON ALL 1971 MODELS (A FEW 196H.o:lB .. S. AI SO) TELEVISION PORTABLES P • RECORD PLAYERS • HI-FI ETC!! GRAPHS STEREOS COLOR TV'S The first Monday in March, we're taxed on all merchandise in stock -so it iust makes sense to SELL itll You Save-We Save-Everyone is _Happyll (except the Tax man!) "BUY WHERE SERVICE makea it a BETTER BUY" 646-4489 • COSTA IN .THE FINAL SECONDS ol Ute junior varslty_pme be· tw.,D Harbor Hilh ud Hunctlnetoo Beacb, Kurt Spreeo tcona lor tbe Sa.l1ors oo a lay-ll). Spreea scored 30 poiDU lD tbe 8&.81 Harbor victory, and was tn•olved ID a traeu WileD a Huotlo&too Beach player blew his cool DeU tile ud of tbe pme. The photo at rlgtlt shows Spreeo on tbe floor after belng on tbe recetving end of a series of bloW& from tbe OUtr player staodlog above him. (En- sip -by VIc Opolek.) IRVINE LEAGUE ROUNDUP SHOES • SHOES · SHOES BMeball 9.95-21.95 • CUSTOM BLACK AND WHITE Film Developing and Printing DON ANDERSEN STUDIOS You don't write a bouncing check. on purpose. But sometima it happens. {Maybe you d idn'l pul in a deposit when you thought you did. Or, maybe you slipped up on addition in your check. register.) And there you are, faced with a statement that says you've made an overdraft. It can be irritatin&. And, sometimes, even embarrassinJ. This is why Bank of America put together some overdraft insurance ' called IIIJiaDt Cuh Cbeekins Account Service. Once you've lpplied and your cnedit'o been approved, you have au au&omatic pllr1llltee apinlt O¥erdrltta up to the amount authorized UDder the termo of the •an••Dall Your cbeeb _,•t bowlce and you'U .•ve your- oolf a lot ollnitetloa and lrullratioa. Sound p>ad? It II. Drop by your """'-' -of America briDch for more ia!ormetloa about a Peuoow C1lolce ChockinJ AA:couat oomblnOd wldo '-at Cuh. It's jalt ooc of the maay wa:rs we con llelp you wldo the ""-"' uw.,. NEII'ORT HARIOR EJISIQII flRrf S£C11011 - -'• I liiiRSDAY, I'll. 2' lf7l , COIIOIIA DEl. liAR, CAUF. Ja1ior high cagers clash (Coednuod rnn Pap 4) FIO&I pluo Jan tllo -lo z --llllp, GUior, nana •· ICal8w "-'"rtt11 tllo NBBA. "'IP"'or -Will botlloCYFiouloiReo,DwJ•, Llocolo &Ill To-.1'11otloll poUt 1001'1 wtD. bl tbl &«WD• ulaUoa fA paUta t111t -.eb t.m ...,. .. &Ill II Wlllbo a r-.,. .core 10 tbe bof• w1ll bin a ..,.. .. _ ... __ uq a Jot ot fWl. Puelllb:, rn.11 &Dd aeboolmatu e&a parcbue tbe Wv ttctetl at rllhleed prices. Tbe l..&lr.-lfO'I) aJea rtP Blll Ellers will try to be pre...t at aome of tbt to..roa- meat pm~• •. , .•... ID tbl ftMl week of "A" dlYial'"' ad1Yil7 EIOip '- Liocolo H-19 lo llolalo -- f•ted. Jim KllnpeiiDltll paetc1 the See Beu wtth 8, TolD Straw 7 ud b1J Dan Seymoar CUDell 6, wbllo TomGouldpottod 101or the Lancers Uld Guy Wan• bad 5. Rea wu blld aeonltu the 1st qlllritr b)' Ka18er bit outscored tbt Klllpts 20-? lD a Znd hall to rally lor a M..U wln. Elwooct Haue1 hauled dolra 13 rebounds to mate It an "• 100 tor tl1e-tor tbo ...... The Davis Colts scored a tt-30 wln ewer TeWtakle.D wasll-Zl at haUUme before tbe Caltl weot oo a scorlae rampap la tbe Zod IW.lf. Jerry MJiler ltd Daris with 15 and Seott HUIIter bad a tor the Trojlu. Dwyer took the HUIIliJiiloo Beach elty champloubJp w1tb their thrtlllnc 45-41 m rtrflt the Spartans, Tbe pme wnt lDto 4 overttmes aDd tbe Edl-. om was junmed wUb more thaD 1,000 JPeCtators for the series. Phil Tltoll wu lll&tl for both team• wttb 15 for Dwyer and Joe Saba! bad 9. Tom LloJ had S ror GU:ler, Jim Balcb 14 and Todd Zltbell scored 9. •"B" DlVISION -· Dwyer took the ape champtonshlp with a 26·23 win oter Giller 1n an · overtime pme. Ensip. and Dwyer both tiDlshed with records of 6.1 but siDce Dwyer defeated the See Bees, tbey annexed the title. Larry Taite scored 10 &Del Lorin Ylctl1D 9 to lead Dwyer ttf tbe HaaliQ&bl Beach city champioUillpud tbl la.pe cron. Jim w .. u bad t Ud Rusa-Wt.IIIM-I 1tw Gtslu., Stewa.rt Van Hoca led TeWlltle with 12 polats as tbe Trojl.ll just &01 by DaYio U-ZZ. It ftl 10-10 at balftlmt. Due FIDiliD. was hleh fotDI.Yiswtth6potnta. EBSip &Del LtncolD wert lD· volved lDanotMrooepolntpme with the See S..s wiDD.I.DC%2~ Zl. 1t ns Z-0 Lancers after a real defeutn strunle lD the 1st qua.rter. Joe SplUer wu tops for the See BMI wiUl 8 a.od Duane Pauach bad 7. Tom Wattsoo ltd tbt Laoeers with 8. Ka.1su COI.Ch Roo Pettey's Bs 11nlsbld to 3rd place wttb a 5-.2 record aDd woo tbetrb&ttlewttb Rea S9-Z5. Roe Lambertoa scored 12 tor the Kllipta, Tlm Meyers wu bJ&f:l for both tea.mJ; with 13. fnnll Visser blt for 9 and Dan Foell 7 tor t.be Rams. - THREE ON THE BALL -· Gnbtllac D a rtbouDCI art Todd , Coll1Ds of the Estucla ~ (ln dark uaUorm at left), Mark Attleeey ot the Cof'Oal del Mar bllfl ~hoot aopb.s (In white UDiform} aDd steYt Speer of Eatucta. Tbe Sea Klngs were ..,see by Estaocla .ta to 47 but sUD WOD tbe lrv1De t..goe cha.mpkms~. otber pl&yeu ill the ph:lto are Jotln Morpa of tbe Sa KJDp, No. 50; Ke.a YcDolakl of Estancia, No. 31 ; Ylke Will1aml oC tbe S.. K!Dc5, Mo. S-4, and Bob Suace ol the Sea Klop, lo tbo rlpt lorelfOUIId, (ED81p -by VIc Opalek.) JOE DIIT ANJSLOA of tllo Elllllp Kbool S.. !laos &"IS ott a sbot t.a tbt ADal pme ot the saaoo, a S5 -19 victory oYer UDeoln. otbv Eu1p pl&Jtll lD tbe picture are Tom Straw, No, 8, aM Dat't Brocbmt)'!r, No, 13. Lincoln p~~:tors aro J<df Froll, No. 14, and To,m Gould, No. 1Z, loadllll -• Ia< tllo Loacoro. (VIe Opalek -.) •"C" DtVlSJON --Coacb Reid Busholil's RM team cot a scare at Kalser but ftDI.shed the MU)Il 11Dde1t&led wltb a 7-0 record. U ted a 14 poi.Dt per- form&nce b7 Jlm Miller, aDII Jose Patte backed hlm _, wltb. 7 tor the Rams, Don HawtlM lad the flrtd • Kai~er team with 9 u:1 Chrll Shield& bad 7 for Katstr coaeb Ned Hall's Kllilflt team, EIW.p WOD Sf-15 oter LtncoiD aDd flDlsbed wltb a 5-Z aeaaoa mart tied Yitb Gisler tor ZDd. Mart Batieh was btlfl lor the See Bees with 12 ud Du Foreb&DCI bad 10. Gary GW.a.sa ltd tbe IA.Deers wltb 5 aDd wu tbl1t outltandi'C rlboallder. TeWlDtll ICOf«l tbe1t 1st Yia of tbt ......,. doloollllc tllo DaYiaCollsSI-ZS. Kyle Btaeboll cllc:Ud lor 11 polals to llod tllo Trojalll. Duo Lester led tbt Coltl wttb 7. U wu 18-14 TeWIDtlt at bait- time. ·~.- Gtaler raWtcltoYiD.tbeH.t ... 1qto11 BolCh ciiJ Wle '111111 a ......... llldollloodp~ 14-U ...... O'ftl' 1,000 IIIPIC- t&torl at tiM l4l8c:le CJ11U1lut ' • Tborodt.J 1111111. TIM Co - oil .. --· -Ia ol -'111111 1111 ..,.._ Of·· -' taldll tllo ~ Co lo tllo tloll 4 IUoadl, JOIUI GeorJiiltl" ol Gla ... 11011 a 1 ud 1 lid - -_ .. polloolllllwlo ...... OW. tnlledAtoll. Ho -1111 -w11a lllo ·---oiod-... --• pollll. -·-0 llod • aloo ... GUior. Ou7 c-. ... """ lor ---111o<O..,.. .. -notil llod •• ow,.r .. 0 ° .. • tilt .... ----·4-1 ............... l'¢ttl-l. T_1_. ... _l-4. ...... ,_ ... ..... 4 w•m KBaA..cYI' ATSLC'I'D til ........ Mia---..,_. a nat tnlll 11r fl ,. ... '-•apa.lallln ....... -..... ----·----• *•' ........ ..., C1Q •;J. • .,... • ~ _..-;.._...... ·-·- ..... Ud •• t= t1 .. • 52 'l "C" -:a.J-': ............. ,.CD ItT .......... , • ., ... rc .. --. .. -..c.....,, ..... "--.. .... ----• >• t1 .. lt. All Aaet sz ca-...,,_-~ ._..a t•e tf .. Ia Sill.,_~._._...._ ...... 1 ,,. .. ..,._ .... A.~PI- .... IIIZU .... 0 ' 2 • "" 1ill£?sll ......, ---THEN .su its . Be an 'early bird' Have Those Drapes Cleaned, NOW OUR EXCLUSIVE SERVICE P~OFISSIONll INSTll.lATION PROFESSIONAl RfMOYAl "WORLD'S LARGEST'f EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY SERVICE Orapety Cleal'ling. PtHfeo t~gordlt!')S of the age of vour drapety, o• 100•1. replncefl!f'nl if cleanable. UY COif I"' IT au NEW DRAPES ""• • ., .. " •o'"r'''' ·······~· ...... ~ ... . SCOTT DeVRIES scores a cncial basket wtth a twistl:Dg uderband shot for the Esta.ocla sopbs in the closing min- utes of lbe pme wUb Corooa del War. Tbe Eapes 1POII. 48-47, The eztra legs aDd arms to 2 Sea King 540-1366. 642-0270 ,., r'·~·• oh ... .,., ~, ............ ~ ...... .. Cosio Meso In Electrlclty Ia rltal to your ••r ot lite. SoIa • haallhy anrlronmanl. We're WtHiclng to IHing you both. What we're really fishing for are environmental facts. At the San Onofre nuclear power plant. located near San Clemente. sea water is used to cool the plant condensers, and then the warmed water is returned to the sea. To determine whether this harms the marine environment, Edison commissioned an oceanographic company of national stature to monitor the offshore waters both befor e a nd afte r the plant was built. Result: nineteen reports, compiled over a seven-year period, reveal no significant changes in the marine environment. And that's after three years of plant operation. In addition, the California State Department of Fish and Game made its own study of the same marjne area in 1969. The Dep,artment concluded that the nuclear unit's operation did not appear to .have had an ad,·er se effect on the near-shore marine environment. Aside from the marine em·i ronment, some people may be concerned about radiation in the atmosphere from nuclear power plants. Actually, radiation is a nat ural phenomenon. Background radiation is ·e,·er ywhere and always has been. It comes from the air you breathe. the food you eat, the materials used to build your home. The San Onofre nuclear power .. plant is a source of some radiation, too. The question is. how much additional radiation are people exposed to li,·i ng near San Onofre? The answer: so little that an elaborate monitoring program for the area surrounding the plant has yet to detect any additional radiation from operation of the plant. Based on these and other facts, we believe nuclear plants are a safe and sensible way to generate electricity. Clean. too. Since there's no combustion in a nuclear reactor, no by-products of combustion are released into the atmospher e. At Edison. we plan to r ely more and more on nuclear power to meet the growing need for electricity in the 14-coun ty area wp sen ·e. _j ... e~ STARIIIItG Goo<p C. -. _ ........ _, Award U belt let.. 1'PATTO!C'' WU IOCD..ued U 1M -_,. ol 1M yoor, u11 dlr-FroMIIa J. SeN,... ftl 101DLM11d tar belt aebl.,.e.-l. PRICSS! MOW SNOWING !XCI,USIVEL Y AT OM P!MINIULA ..-e, '""'~' • HELD OVER FOR 4'l'H BIG WEEKI "AIRPORT" has been nominated for an Academy award as best picture of 1970. oliOS$ IIUNTEII -- AIRPDRT -IURT DW WIG&STU ·IWTIII ~WISEIEI8 ~ACOUWIIE BISSET GEORGE IEIIIIEDY HELEN HAYES • UNIII(I!Soll PIC fUll( T(CHNICOLOII' -IKod '" lOOO AO • ~ ... l-·----~a.....--.. -- SOUTH COAST THfi\1.?1 LA•-:,, ~J:, " :,-~1 :, : : CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. FROM5 SUN. FROM 2 MATINEE WED.! pm E~~~IV:.5..fiii'ST RUN ne Owl CDL~!v~~:::(s and tile Pussyr,at \1 IW«N--111 ltiol_al ... r-.e ~ t1 _. ... ,._. ao. 11 , ••-., a. • ..... ... ClaiM a.tll II .. .,... ..._ A t .. s a..rt IF.'M* at J1l,llll. trUUGJt .. I ...... of l .. 'b'p+'gp· .... Go••-._... ..... 1'1111 ..... -.... --· ........ ,_ ........,, Loo Pl::l.:: Ita M-"'11 --, T1a -· Wapt c a.o ... .._ ......... -.•t ••• . loiORE THAN 50 RESIDENTS of tile N~t.Boi""'·.Collla, Mesa ar• have midt reservaUou for tbe lSC Tow-a Gown Junior AIU:illary d1rLDir dance, to be be)d Saturd&J, March ZO, at the Century Pla.r.a Hotel ill Ceotury City. The party Is a beoeflt for the university scbOJarsblps. Lut year the Ora.nge County co-spooeored enol prorided a. total of $8,000. Pictured here wttb tbe Trojan Qq are members of the Orange Cow:Jty tsC AUJ11Lary, from ..a. Mrs. Philip Anshutz of Harbor View Hills, bl.storiall; Mrs. Paul Hadley oi East Bluff, social cbalrman; Mrs, Dirk Eastman ot Harbor View Homes, oew members cbatr~ and Mr s. James Tyler or lrvi.De Terrace, program cbalr- man. (Ensign phOto.) ....... ,_ .... uz" . ' __ .._"Z".III ....... -- 52S0 :? .. 563 $%50 ,. the 1111&1 _,. poymelll aod $63 Ia tho lOial moatbJf ' paymeDl,JDeludlllc tu. •n Ueeue ud aU a.a..ee c.b&l'P• 911: IIIPfOYid crldit lor 36 m'llltU. Dtlcred paymeDt prtce ls $2518.00 1Dcluc2lDc au a.uc. cblrcn. toes, •n Uceue or U JOU pr•- flr to pay cub, tbt fUll cub prtce 11 onlY $11 ?2.81 tacladlDc l&le• tu. '71 U.cense. Order Your Fuor- llo Color Today. . AHMUAL PERCENTAGE RAT£ 11.08\ PUT,A LITTLE KICK IN YOUR LIFEI RENT A PINTO! 4 4 ' ·For: • Security • Independence • Stability • Happiness BUY A For: • Integrity • Dependability • Competence • Professional Service SEE A REAL Only members of the National Association of Real Estate Boards and affiliated local boards may use the registered trademark, Realtor, and this seal . _Call Your Realtor· TODAY Newport Harbor · -Coeta Board of \ • E Nfii'ORTHARIOR EB IJI R RST SECllOII - -Pwl IT r IS YOUR MOVE OWNER rs ~OST ANXIOUS TO SELL! IRVINE TERRACE A • TllrH Iarre bedroom•. L • Btc llldO lleated c. mterect pool. T • Luab 1aDdaoepiDc -dulined for 0 euycare. • aut.taDdliiC buy : $59,500 OWNER WILL CONSIDER ANY R!ASOH· ABLE DFFER. CALL TO VI E" Co~BIN-MARTINJl t...=::===&~4-7662==:::=J MACNAB -IRVINE Serving Newport Harbor since 1954, twenty- fi ve experienced residential salesmen with over 270 year.s of service. FINER HOMES HARIOR ISLAND Another out standmg Macnab-lrvme Exclu· 11rve. Be~tutiful completely remodeJed and redeC'OrlllP.d hnm1> on e~tatl!' size lot Wlth ~wimmin R pool. pier anrl -'liP-An unwmal opportunfty . $483.000 IRV INE TERRACE Sparkling four bedroom • den · family room -: cu;;tom llome.· Lnw leasehold, Breakfast space. fnrm31 dining Too m, Beamed ceilings -ma~srve double fireplace. Spacious Ter- race. Large yard. room for pool. MACNAI ·IRVINE 675·3210 642-8235 1010 B•yside Drive 901 Dover Drive Newport &..ch Your Own Bu / Busy Baker Street location, low lease, well equipped, spotless condition. Great f or a couple (short hours). $15,500. UNIVERSITY REALTY 1001 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL ~~~~~--.171 _.1 1 0 TltURSDAY, FEB. 2~ 1911 COIIlNA otL MAR. CAUF.'. •• ,.rt ···dt ••• •••• W.llll Cesflt ..... P ete Ba,.nll /Galt'! pH61nU HAUOI HIGHLANDS JIIEW USTING -~ bedroom + family roo m + dining room . Larae roomy home & large yard. Wonderful fo r active famUy bvtng. $6MOO. COSTA MESA FIJ!ST TIME OFfERED. Fam~y · planned home. 3 bedrooms & 2 sepante cement pa· tioa, boat door thru gauge opens to relt yArd. $30.500. DUI'LEX·MEWPORT 180' TO OCEAN BEACH -modorn 3 bed· rooms & 2 baths each un.il excellent bu y at ·~3.500. SPECTACULAR WATERFRONT SPACIOUS ROOMS. high ceding~. buutifull .v decorated -pier & slip. Ready for 1mme<hate oc~upancy. St89,!l00. May lea~ option. ,;st Lindo Isle 0111oo a,.. .... .,, a.....,. ~ PETE BARRm REALTY8 ' IMII -II Dr. N.L \... 6a.51110 • •••••••••••••••••• BEDROOMS , •. 3 BATHS , , F AMIL)' ROOM • • • BEAM CEILINGS , . SO l.ri'HERN PATIO ..• SJ2,500 Ea Your Choice Fun for the Family Three bedroom, two bath home, hardwood floors, carpets, drapes, fireplace, family r oom. "P OOL" 20 x 40 (9-l/2' deep ). A r eal fun family hom e. Northeast Costa Mesa. $30,500 --Terms RO Y R. McCARDL REAL TOR & ASSOCIATES CdM BAYfROIIT 3 Bdrm!' .. 2 baths. 12 years old. Stach on both sides. . $129.500 CORONA Ill. liAR 3 Bdrm. & den. You own the land. Key to 2 beaches. ExceUent terms. $42.500 '. HOME SHOW REALTORS 3S3S r- Lillo .W. Corm 411 Mer 2 Homes on Picture Street in Corona del ·Mar Three bedroom, two bath, with huge basement r oom. An older home on l-1/2 lots. Zoned R-2. S42,9SO •••• Retired or Newlyweds Charming tw o bedroom home, Im- maculate condition, with terraced garden patio on R-2 lot . Double gar- age s tr essed fo r apartment add-on. S38,7SO 9900$$$0$1$$99i$$$$$\ ::beof-c'l R-/ G~lale ,;r,':l'\l_l.' ,, r"-,.~ 2225 Private Road NEWPORT BEACH Small community pool, clubhouse and putting gr een with this immacu- e adult occupie J, three bedroom- lam y r oom home. Large bedrooms and huge enclos e d patio make this a great home for family with teenagers. $54,900 c ...... ... 644-7270 Jaii.C1 lll•ei PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES ~ aY All't'OINTMINT 26 L...,. ltMo Drive Decorator f\ll'llished. 5 Br. ~bath home fac- ing Harbor Ialand. Jacuu:i tt saun a. Ready for immfld.. occupancy. Wtdock PIO.OOO S3 Lina ltle O..iWI Home on laeoon. 5 BR .. 4\-) ba. .. w/4 frpfcs .• jacwzi tub, tMtwd. flrs., sep. Uv. rm ., din. rm .• fam . rm. A: brtfst. rm ....... fl75,000 77 L-111o Dri .. -Opoo ,_., New 5 Br .. 5 bolla bome on ....., •. llarblo enlry. -bar, AM/FJIID-. 11.,.- Br. boo -eoll. • OWil hplc. Lorao 11\'. • fom. ..._ ·W/fJllleo. w/dod: ....... ••• ft L-lolo- lloaut. 5 Bll, f IlL -W/loormol .... rm. • IIIDil1 ... J Jl'rplco. --=:te lfialll;.ia ..a au •• • •• .,,..._ ,_c r "• a r., ....... -.......... - • I I I I I e a1 I It I I I I I I I Sales thrq b tbe Multiple Llsting Service of tbe Newport Harbor-Costa lole.a Board of Relltora totalecl over $52 mWton for tbe TWELVE months of 1870. Tbla repr..-nta 1 ;400 untt 111111 and ta tlle eec:Clbd blcbelt llle• year in the blltory of tbe Board, in IIJ)lte of tlle ttc11t m_, market wbteb pren.Ued 1ut year. L1st your ~~~!~~~J~~~~ir:.l property wttb . baltw todii.J. t t 1 '1 1 ·1 I I I I I I Itt t I I I ' BB I GatJM)Y, . .......... .: ... • I • • PRESIDEIOTS wiD llo u ploalllul u poerallln Latio Am- erican cOlmtr:tM at tbl Marcil 9 ltmeheoo meetiDI of the Lido Iale Womea's Club at tM Lido clubhouse, wbere the put pnlicMmtl wtll bate placH ol bOaol' at the bead table. Amoac tbl hooored pelt& wW be, from lett, Mrs. Aroold DoYey, Mrs. ~ HoldeD. Mrs. Martin Lockney (ln fore- crouod) aDd Mrs. AllaD CrlaelL otber past pres!dtots are Mmts, Warner B. Gates, Keat Hitebeoek, Hay Langenhetm, Nelson W, Niece, Cbarles Lamb, ~b Taodowsky, Tbomas Letto, Robert Armstrong, Hal Dike, Frank Austin. Stuart Babcock, Robert Sbort; C, E. Va.odervort, Russell Robin - SOD, H. J. Meany, Dooald Jacobi, E. Terence Moran and M. A. Rlchley Jr. FollowJ.na: the luncbeon and fastuon show, Michael Westmore, Hollywood make-up artist, wlll give a demonstration ol glamo~ from tbe make-up ldt, Tidelands sfudy ordered Newport Beach City Couacll-establlshlng March 1 as the men Monday night ordered a penalty date lor business U- stlldy to determine the effects cense reoewals In l9'n . of private dredpng ofthepubltc • DENIED a request by the waterways aod other fActors Orange Coast YMCA for waiver cited 1n a recent state attorney of a $100 registration tee lor general's opinion on tidelands licensing of its massage ser- use fees. vices. The opinion stated that U • CONFIRMED the appolnt- dredetng aod otber Improve. ment of Mayor Ed Hirth and ments by bayfront property CouncUma..n Carl Kymla to the owoers that saved publlc money Promontory Point Ptann1ng were grounds for ezcludlngpri. Committee aloog with 2 Pla.n- vate petrs from the tidelands Dlng Commissioners and a rep- rental tu. reseotative ol tbe Balbca ls- Tbe study 'Nis la'pd by Coun-laDd Improvement Assn. eUman Cul Kymla, wbo llU f LORENCE SCO TT DIE S support~ the cootroverslal use Florence Scott 58 of 895 fees. "We ouctJt to lmo• bow Darrell St., CosU. M~sa, died these ~dellnes et!ect Newport Feb, 19 at Costa Mesa Mern. Beach, be said, orlal Hospital Sbe was born Vice-Mayor Howard Rogers June 19 1912 in Sa.n otego called Mr. Kymll.'s Idea all a.od cam~ to oi-a_n,.... County 10 "ucellent one" aDd urged that &"' the study be broupt back to years ago. the Council March 8 Funeral services were beld Harbor and t1delai.!s admln-Feb. 23 at the Bell.Broadlll'l)' 1strator Georee Dawes said he Chapel, lnurnment will be at doubted a study could be com. Fort RosecransNaUonalCeme- pleted 1n 2 weeks, but saJ.d lt tery. Bell-Broadway Mortuary could be completed before the was In charge of arrangements. study of tlle oext budgot belfins WILLIAM SCHULTZ DIES 11:1 April. WlWa.m SchultJ., 69, or 754 ' 'IIIU-Y, n& ~ 1171 C!!!IO!!A ph ... Wlf Church .News Tbt L.JT\Il Cburcl of tbt lftwpGI't MJ~--. -· 11100 Pael.llc Vlow Dr., ll&ot lriiM "'"~ lllllllall., Harbor v~ow HJUa--Y-s.o. cwr •---Tbo a ... ....._ day .. m 11o -....s a1 111o t FUc>t-wt11 Droocll ot 10 I.DCSll Lnl. ..,.,.ices ud Rob. &Dd 11:15 a.m...._, oa "Tbe vt Uadenrood Jr. ;,.,ll bl1nc Dft JOU." AllappiratSoc 111'-u,. messap at botb hOurs. Tbe Yice will be btld at 7:10 p.m. lenten lPOrlhtp wW coratiruMI at w~ • ~eb 31. • ?:10 p.m. Wedllesday. Dr. WU-Tbe N -~ C ~--Ual~ &m Eller ww deU'er tbe mes-e ........ • •-- sap on "Time lor soul search-YetbocUit Cbureb--Paltol' DoD log .. Bassett will speak oo "Tbt ' • • • taste ol aew wlae," r:..s oo The First Baptist Church of Newport Beach, 2501 Clllt Dr., Newport HelctJts-·Dr. Walter Perc •lll preach at 11 a.m. Sunday oo tbe topic, "Where do you bant'?" This ls No, 7 io the •ries on "Sermon on the mount," Les Cbaateuses, •omen's chOir from Calllornla BapUst College, will sine. Tbe 7 p,m. seulce will be held at Bethel Towers, Costa Mesa. • • • Chrtstlan Science Chui'ches --Joy that comes from unselfish love will be brought out in this Sunday's lesson sermon entitled "Christ Jesus." Services are at 9:15 and 11 a.m. ln Newport Beach, 11 a.m. In Costa Mesa, and 10 a.m. ln Harbor View HUls. • • • St. ADdrew's Presbytertan Ch urch, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., Clllt Haven--''AOO usenotmade with hands" Is the theme for the series of lenten sermons by Dr. Charles Dierenfleld. The flrst sermon, "The right cor· oerstone," will be preached at the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. ser- vices this Sunday. the book by Keith Ytller, at tbe tlrst aervtce of thil cburcb at 11:15 a.m. SUDdly. Tbe Ml- 'ice will tit held at St. Mlcb- ael'a &1M! All ADCtla' Ept100. 11&1 Cbureh, Harbor View !1m.. Worab.lp &Dd churcbacboolcoo- tlDue at 9:30 Lm. at the Balbol lsla.od locattoo, 115 ApteAft., •here U:r. Busett 1J: put.ot. • • • The Newport Harbor Lulbor- an Cburcb, 798 DoYtr Dr., New. port Beacb, will holt tbe CaU- fornla Lutheran Collep cOOlr and sympbonette in a cooeert Friday evening. Karch 5, • • • The Danzelles, a ero1.11 of 7 women, will entertain at the March 2 meeting of the New- port U.atty Women at the Island House, Fashlon Island. The Rev. Loren Flickinger, pastor of the Newport Unity Church, will give the inspirational. • • • The world day of prayer, sponsored by Church Women Uflited, will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Friday, March 5, at St. Michael's and All Ang!ls' Episcopal Church in lfar. bor View Hllls. Tbe theme is "New llte awaits," Water charge dropped Apartment owaers in theCUy of Costa Mesa ca..a breath a Ut- tle easier today as a result ol a victor)' by the Orance County Apartment Ho.use As. soclation, accor!Ung to Rob- ert B. Tbompaon, vice president of OCAHA. The txard of direc. tors ot the Costa Mesa Water District rescinded a blanket cllarp of $i per unit per month oo 'l)&l'tments in that area. Trailer parts, botela and hos~ pltals were also attected. Ttll.s blanket charre was in addition to tbe usual cbarp based on the volume of water used per mootb. lD an appearance before tbt Costa Mesa Water Dlatrlct,Mr, Tbompaon ldenWled the in- equ.ltiea ofsucba blanket charp aDd urpd the return to a more' equitable rate bued entirely oo a cllarp for volume used. Tllil propoal wu tmanlmoualy en- dorsed by the more than 100 income reaideoUal owoera present,' include Ronald Berg, a director of OCAHA. CRIPPLED OFFICER DIES 1ft other acUon the Council took the following action: • S l5T AlNED the decision of the Planning CornmissJoo denyl.og a request tor a rariaDce to increase Ute occupaocy load ol Isadore's restaurant at S-41 Bayside Drive, from 105 to 182 witllout providingadditionaloft. AlleibeQ)' St., Costa Meaa.AJ.ed F_.al Mr'+'ICH wen HJd Feb, 20at CostaMesaM.emorW Feb. 19111 Huotln,ton Beach tor Hosp1ta.J. He was born May 23, former Newport Beach pollee 1901, In Pb.Uadelpbla, He was a officer EdwtD Brawn, crippled salesman lor McDounougtl and tn the Une of duty 12 years Lynden for 35 years. ago. Hooi>ttat. omcer Brawn, wbo rNidedat 8392 ReiDy Dr., HWlllnctoo Beach, suffered leg and cbronic heart injuries as a result of a colllsioo with a car oa Cout Hwy, and Marine Ave.onW:arcb 22, 1959, street par Icing. • CONTINUED until March 8 a public hearing on the trans. fer ota community antenna tele- vision tranchlse from Newport Beach Cablevlsion, Inc. to Tele- PrompTer Corporation. • AOOPTE D and ordinance increasing the city's water Mass was celebrated Fell. Z4 Six Newport Beach policemen at St. JOhn the Baptist Catholic served as pallbearers. Pollee. Church. Interment was at Good men fro m Ne wport and other Sheperd Cemetery. Bell Broad-beach cities formed an honor way Mortuary wa s In Chari! guard during services at ol arrangements. Sm ith's Chapel in Huntington OLIVE SMYTH DIES BeachandburlalatPacillc View Olive E. Smyth of 412 Men-Memorial Park in Corona del doz.a Terrace, Corona del Mar. Mar. died Feb, 11 in Santa Monica. The for mer oftlce_: died Feb. She was a native of c anada 16 at the age of :~1 at Hoa.g The motorcycle omcer Is survived by tds widow. R~tmOili.; 3 children, Randy and ~Y Brawn aod Candy PuJves; 2 brothers, Ralph and Charles; 5 sisters, Gertrude Keirn, Shir· ley George, Doris Erbes, Phyllls Stence and Audrey La Brua.na; and 2 grand-children. rates. • ADOPTED an ordinance providing exemption of a busi- ness license for rental of 2 or less r esldeDtlal units. ~~r.~~-'::~:::· :.::·:.: ss million suits filed • AOOPTED an ordinance Feb, 13 at Pacitlc View Chap-Two Newport Beach poUce el. Intermeat was at Paclllc otftcers have flled an$8miWon View Mausoleum. damage suit in Superior Court Rezone ok'd by planners The Pla.nn1ng Commission io West Newport Heigbts. approved an amendment Feb. • Continued to March 4 a 18 to rezone the Newport request by the HowardS. Wright Heights area northerly of the Construction Co. of Anaheim centerline of Beacon St. to tor rezoning the Fun Zooe area Broad St. between Catalina Dr, in Balboa from C·1 to C-1·H and Santa Ana Ave, from R-2 lor possible high rise develop. to R-1. The action now goes ment. to the City Couocll to· ap-• Denied the request of Rich. proval. ard Jordan ol Newport Beach aga.lnst a man accused of shoot- ing the m loUowingwhat appear- ed to be a routine traffic stop Nov.l4atNewportDunesTraU. er Park. Rookie Patrolman James M. Gardner, 23, and oUicer Jotm Elllngham, 26, brou(ht the action through Newpo rt Beach attorney Patrick Crail. Named as defendant in the suit ls Arthur Lambert, 61, tdent- Uled as managing director of a Brttish-b&sed construction tlrm founded by his Camlly In the m1d-1800s. Lambert !las pleaded lnnocent to Z counts of attempted murder and Is awaWngaS!4)t:rlorCourt jury trW. Oftlcer Gardner, tbe most seriously injured or the 2, wu 11:1 the llltensive care Wlit tor several days followi.Dr aur&:lcal removal of a kidoe)' at Hole Hospital. Patrolman E lUnpam was sbot Ia tbe groin. Botb of the men cla1m 1n the lawsuit ttW tbey suffered grievous physical aod meota.l harm as a result of tbt defend- ant's actions, .They aeek $1 m1Woa general compeuatory damages each and $3 miWoo pun.itive da.mag!s each. The Commission action--re-to r ezone the 2 lots at 431 s uiting on Its own motion--and 433 Iris Ave., Corona del originally called for rezoning Mar, fr om R-2 to C-1-H tor to R-1 to toclude an area south-commerclaldevelopment, Boat club hearing set erly ot Beacon St. to the 10. HILDA BATCHELLER OF foot alley nortllerl)' of Cllff.BALBOo\ ISLAND DIES Dr., between Catalina Dr . and Hilda Mary Batcheller 76 The Newport Beach Planning Mr. Doll 1s a former t'.ltc· Santa Aoa Av_e., but residents of 209 Garnet Ave., &Jlloi Commission •ill hOld a publlc utlve In tbe aero.space 1Ddus· there had lodicated an interest Island, died Feb. i 7 at Costa hearlllg March 4 on a nation-try, haYing worked for North- in constructing a second dwell-Mesa Memorl.al Hospital. She ~~ride boating D-ater.atty's pro-rup, Oouela.s Aircraft aDd inc on their R.2 lots, J 29 1895 In posal to construct an around. North-American Rockwell onr Tb C ml lo ._ ...... _ was born an. • • the clock •·-Ung•--• Balboa e om ss 0 wua. un:~c-England am came to Orange -·-._ on a zs. Jear spu. tlon to make tbe zontng con. C unty 14 years ago Peninsula. The tncozporaUoa PIP'rl f« slsteot witb land llSe, since the ° Funeral services' were Deld The dock, to be operated by sss 1Ftl'e dra•n ~ 111 1965, area nortberly of Beacon St, Feb. 19 at the Balboa Island the SealarersSaletyandServtce Ustllle tM orpDLaatioD u a Is now used as R-1. Community Methodist Church. Club (SSS~ Is planoed for '105 proflt-maklDc ~ ... ~ other acUoo the Commls~ Interment was at Rose Hllls E. Edpnter, adjacent to the He said prime Jllfutora 111 sidn· M 1 p k. Ba Balboa Pavilion. sss are WuleJ S, Ktwltb, u • Accepted •ltbdrawal of a emorla ar ttz Mortu-Tbe founder of thefr'aternlty, eueiiUYe for Suta Fe tater. req.st b)' Robert aod Loring ary, Corona del Mar, was In 54-year-Old Reetnald S. Doll, aauoaat, a Jar&~ oil dr1Wac Warmtnctoo ol Cprona dellllar cbatp of arrangements. said tbe dock faclllty •111 pro-flrm, ud Darid C. Hooey, u to reaooe from R-2 to R\.1 '+'ide the "most advaoctd alld lDYellor. proportyatU5S..taA .. A•e., ANME MILLER SUCCUMBS tlle most oomplete paebp of Mr. Dou"atcl tho elall 'OlD Newport Heiefltl:, bued OD u.e Mrs. Acme L. Mlller I 53, ol products, sen lees aad btotflts bate a woriWic capltal ot sno, Comm.lssloa's pre.-Jou actJoa.. the BaJboa Bay Club, l2Z1 W, for the ple&s~~re boatmen, ol 000 •beD u cioMI otr ~&Dell: • CoatinUid to Matcb f a Coast H"Y., NetrpOrt Beacb, &DJ eaterpriJM in the Uldted optloal to tbt pubUc. nnuc1 request ot Alfred Bel-dl.ld Feb. 21 at HolLe Memorial States. •• tru A:w u lee cr•m parlor HQIPltal. Sbe wu born Jan. 24, l':"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~!!!!!""'""'""'""'"'ii 'I'UII u oec..,uer ot 15 por-1911, In EOCIUd IIIII eamo lo -'I'UII -u.a lbo roqalrod ' Dru&o CO<dJ 12 ,_, .... ..__ IIOtklar at SS07 £, Stnl-• Inc-ber b-e-IIWJ~ c.r-dol Mar. llud, Er.-; • do..,, »ro. • to: u;od •-.,..,...,_. ~~ A8ov ~-"" "'s~.,-,.....,. lllf DoMJd I , Sc11011 --. a.; • ' -a Co. of ~ ~~-lor 0. L,_ of .. _, aoa.e• IIIII Ill • DriiJ .-a -pa.U. ~-1Awta "' .... u.s. llafJ . ... -..... -.. 1111 '-1 --.... 110111 .-a of -• 1111 "V•· ,..,, Mal-Ylo'OCIIapol. .-.1111 ... &1 ..... II .............. ..... ................ 1_11_ ..... __ C:...,ii•I'J.....,c.a U'J.c--. .... -. ..... ..,.... Fe r A"~ .,.,.. a • h MARINERS CHURCtt • Reg . S391 • ., •• ~" I. D. 30 ft. $3.49 60 ft. $5.9s •• ,..,.. !.I ... I • A FEW LEFT! NEWPORT BEACH THE OFFfOAL. NEWSI'IU'ER OF THE CITY 01' NEWPORT BEACH •-=~~;:;~;;;:, TMI -y LOC'AU.Y 0.10, THE NEWPORT HARIK>R. -•-•.,,.. JO( COSTA MESA 10( YOUR CAR By DON L E E • REMEMBER the radiator? Do, because it wut be a reUc In a few years. Just out ts a new rotary heat exchanger that will kill off the rigid, fixed, air- battering radia- tor intlveyears. The ~vice cools three Urnes as well as a radia- tor, can be positioned anywhere on the car, which glves the styUnli: people one less alba- tross. 1t also works as an llr conditioner, potUog out twice as much coollng as the largest room a.ir conditioner, 27,000 BTU. • • • • FRONT WHEE L DRIVE new? Not so. The C hristle front wheel drive race car came out in UOS. Front wheel drive tuis appea.rtiiS 111 New York C!ty ID tr&al .ialilt year. • • • • UNDERINFLATION causes rapid tire wear aPd often pre- mature t.i.!IW"e. It means abnor- mal contact wJth the road, throwing more weight on the outside tread, and making the tire nu too miJCh. Fle1lng heats up the tire, wears It out quicker. • • • • NEED SOME machine shOp work done? Only place In town to do Ute job Is at CORONA DEL MAR AlTI'O PARTS, 3601 East Coast Highway. We can do valve work, resurface heads, turn br;a:e drums and we have a hydraullc press. For your auto, mach.ioo shop work, see us very soon! • • • • UNLESS otherwise marked the center lane of a 3-lane h.t~­ ny should be used only by cars wh.tch are: (I ) going taster lbl.n normal speed; (2) travellng at reduced speeds; (3) turning left or passinc. THE ANSWER : (3) turning lett or passing another cu. • • • • CAR CARE T(PS for win- ter, On tbe body : lubricate the hood, trunk and body latches aDd hlnges. Check and clean bo- dy draln holes. Inspect and ad- tust mirrors. Eumlne chassis a.od replace m1ss1Dc or dam- ape:~ bolts, nuts or pins. Lido to ·stage 4 plays ''You kDow l cu't bear you Wbea ·u.e water's riiDiliDc." a ~ ol four one act p11.Ja by Robert Alldersoa, wt.U be pre- eeateifMatch 18.20 by the Lido Isle Players at the Lido Clllb- ell Sulord aod Nat Mlcbaud. bo .... Tbe plays aDd east are: "Tbe sboek of recopttion." wltb stan Bell, Paq,1 Steele, Allle Asb.ley lDd Al Spar. Stap maaaprs are Carme- Uta M~ aod Norma Ga\lls .. ctll.. Holmes TaYlor Is produc- tion manager. Dottie Hewltlls In charge ol tickets and pro- grams. Bobble Avila 1s in charge ot ushers. YOUNG CH E FS LEARN TO COOK BREAKFAST ''Tbe footsteps of dons," wltb. Al Spar, lrll Sel\nelder, Wttcbell Sanford aod Anoe Ash - ley. '•PU be bome for Cllrlst-/J mas," wtth Paul Steele, Nancy Wells and Linda Wyatt. "I'm Herbert," with M.ltcb- LEGAL NOTICE P-405Z8 CERTIFICATE OF BUSDIIESS Fictitious Flrm Name THE UNDERSIGNEDdohere· by certJty that they are con- ducting a Trucking business at 8'75 W. 18th Street, Costa Mesa, Callforllla, 92627, under the tlctitious ttrm oame of SONIC NEW OFFICERS of the Newport Harbor AuJ111ary of the FREIGHTWA YS aDd U~t said Children's Home Society are Planninc tor the year's fund firm is composed ot the fol- ratsing activities, which tnciOOe the May 1 ParislaD sot.ree k>wing persons whose names d'art, annual art auction, and tbe December Oebuta.ate ball. Ia full and places of residence Pictured here, from lett, are Mr s. Terrell L. Root, board are as follows, to-wit Deiter member in cllarge or the art aucUoo; Mrs. Robert Meserve, B. Hewett, 571 Anlta,.Laguna tbe new president, and Mrs. Robert H. Blandford, record-Beach, CaUfornla 92653; Justin lng secretary. other oUlcers are Mrs. Dooakl SWediUDd, L. Baletka, 9071 Five Harbors vice-president; Mrs. Frank Traoe, correspoDdio& secre-Drive, Huntington Beach, Cal- tary; Mrs. Fred Sweoson, treasurer; Mrs. Rtcbard Sewell, tfornta 92646; Donald R. Blind, &w-Uamentartao, and board members Mrs. Robert 111 .. 1soo, 8391 Cra.oe Circle, HUDtington Mrs. Delbert Van Ornum, Mrs. Robert Unger, Mrs. Ray -Beach, Californta 92646; Jerry mong Hitsel and Mrs. William Adams. Committee chair-A. Rubright, 1359 Baker street, men are Mrs. Wllllam Blanton, vol unteers; Mrs. Renfro Apt. 4, Costa Mesa, Califor- Newcomb, bostesses; Mrs. Mason Roe, legislative; Mrs. n1a. 92626. Robert Diemer, telephone; Mrs. Wallace Gerrie. roster; WITNESS our bands this 3rd Mrs . wuuam Harper, memor.lal gilts; Mrs. Ward Aune, day or February, 1971 . Dexter lltstorian, aod Mrs. Jam·es Murley, photoeraphy. Servilli on B. Hewett, Justin L. Baletlal, the soiree committee are Mmes. WtJlla.m Krumpholz, Royal Donald R. BUDd, Jerry A. Ru- Tucker, Wilson Woodman, Wllllam Hudson, Richard Hess, brigbt. Ira Smith and Pbelps MerickeL (Peter Z. M. Slager photo.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) Upper Bay fossils shown coo~'iHC: ~:.AR~; )::_ tbe Bowers Memorial Museum, ruary, 1971, before me, a No. Santa Ana, was amassed durtnc tary PllbUc 1n and for said tbe past 10 years bJ Mn. J. c.oonty and state. residing E. Mc K.l!mey, Costa Mesa. who tbereLD. duly commtss.tooedand presented lt totbt mueum. Tbe norn, persoaaUy appeared ltema bate. bela dautfted by Outer B. Hewett. Jll8ttn L. Mrs. F. L. Gro.rd ollltNt..-BI."*U.. Dolald R. Bliod, ud ado canyoa, wbo with ber bus-Jerr'f A. Rubrt&bt, mown to bind was lostrwnental tn dis-me to IN! the petllODS Whose coverln( the fossil deposits. oames are subscribed to the The Grouai'ds reportedthetlOO-w1tbio lnstrument, and ackoow- ings to the lAs Angeles COUllty !edged to me tbat they e:r:ecu-. Museum wbose palaeontolo-ted the same. Fossil seashells aDd bone from the Upper Newport Bay fossil deposits are oa display at the Diego Sepulveda Adobe oa West Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa. Tbe eollect1oD. ~br LEGAL NO TICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Firm Name Getting hJgb-sc.hool boys to cook breakiast --wtthoutpayl.Dg them tor It --would seem a.o Impossible task. But Corona del Mar teacher Ellen Chappell ba.s recruited 19 boys to 00 Just tbU. Tile boys cook brea.k:fut lor the entire taculty. They get ao mooey tor their work, but tbey receive higtl sctlool credit aDd learn the skills necessary for them to secure jobs as short-order cooks, bus boys, dish lx.ys, waiters, and kitchen helpers. Part of the tuoding tor the sbort...order cook class was from the YEA Act of 1968, which S~.Wlied $1,500 tor this vocational education class. INDIAN ART DISPLAYED EXTRA-CU RRI CULAR INTEREST IS HIGH Supt. Wlllia.m Cunningham announces that 56 per cent of the stllderis in the 4 local high schools are Involved In before- or alter-schOO l acUvittes dur-in_, all or part of the year. 'This means they are inter. ested --nave a commitment-· and that the y arrange their Uves to give up their own personal time tor something that they are interested in that r elates to school," Supt Cunningham said. The actlvities lnc iOOeath- letics, driU team, musical group s, debate, publications ot various sorts, gir ls' athletics, and stage ba.nds. The Newport Harbor Art Mu~ seum 1D the· Balboa Pavilloo will open an eihbitioo of the art of the Indian southwest on March 3. it empbasizes the artforms and WlJ.que talents S 1 MIL L tOH SALE of the major Indian tribes of ~ A 2-story Newport Beach of- Southern Cal.lfornla, Arizona fice buUdlag owned by Kaiser and New Melico, lncludin.g Aetna has been sold to Udo Porno, Navaho, Hopi, Zuni and Isle Investments In a Sl mil- Rio Grande Pueblos. lion transaction handled by The ezhJbltion was conceived Coldwell, Banker &. Co., Real- and orp.nized by Mrs. Glenn tors. Turnbull along with Mrs. Paul The 37,000 SQ.. n. buthling. Darrow, co-director, aod bas is now Lmder construction aDd been In preparation for nearly wtll be occiC)Ied by Kaiser Aet· a year. Alter two trips to Art. na, among other tenants, ICIOO zona, New Meiico and dozens Us completion In mld-1971 lD of trtps to private collections, Ule Airport Business Center, over 400 objects ba.ve been near MacArthur Blv d., on a chosen datin g from 500 A.D. 2-acre site leased from the to the Irvine Co . from THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certlty that be Is coo- ducttag a boat rental busiDess at 28 Cabrillo, Lido Park • .New- port Beach, Calli., under the fictitious firm name of Udo Sa.lUng Club aDd that said tlrm is composed of the following persoo whose name ln fUll and place of resldeDCe are as fol- lows, to-wit : Jerry A. Rest, 28 Cabrlllo, Lido Park, Newport Beach, Caut. gists, ~ge Kana.koflandWil-WITNESS my band and of- lla.m Emersoo, made extensive .Octal seal. Dorothy L. Palen. escavaUons there tn the 19-Ws Notary PubUc in and lor said aDd published their findings ln County aod State. My Com- 1959 under the title, "Late m1ss100 expires Feb. 9, 1973. Pletstoceoe Invertebrates of the Publish: Feb. 18, 25, March Newport BayArea,Caillornla." 4, ll, 1971, ln lbe Newport The last accessible segment Har~iiboriiiEiin!s"'liiD~·~~---, of the deposit was recently (I TM AM exposed 1n erating by the Hot. W,TNESS my band this 11th day of February, 1971 . Jerry A. Rest. STATE OF CAUFORNlA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THLS 11th day ol Feb- ruaey, 1971, before me, a No. ta.ry PubUc in and tor said cotmty and state, resldiDg therein, duly comm1ss1ooed and sw-orn,. persooally appeared Jerry A. Rest, mown to me to be the person whose Dlme ls subscribed to the wUbla in- strument, and ackoowledpd to me that be e1ecuted tbe arne. WITNESS my bUd and oM.cW seal Mary A. llaaiiO, Notary PubUc in and for said Couaty a"l'i S:ate. lly Commlssioou- pires Dec. 13, 1971. Publish: Feb. 18, 25, M.arcb 11, 1971, In the Newport stein Company tor a newdevel-A CAMI.IA. SHOP"' ,.ASS"O,_T "HO TOS .. U B~I C IT.Y "HOTO·s CO .. Y opment on lrvtoeCompany laod. Btsoa and whale bones were fotmd by stOOents, as well as seashells. The collection will be on display until April 15. The Diego Sepulveda Adobe, also tnown as lbe Estancia, is open Saturdays and Sundays trom 1 to 5 p.m., and by ~- 1&1 appolntment with the Costa M"esa Parks Oepartmenl. at ~ertim;:••~·~~~~~;: .. ~;;~~~~~ii-.~-J PACIFIC COAST FREEWAY TOWN MEETING fHA:No Escrow Costs MARCH I, 1971 MONDAY 8 P.M. NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Co rner of 15 th Street and Irvine New port Buch PI•• lo •ttf!lltl ... ,. p•el CAft~ET CONSULTANT WHO WILL. COME TO YOUR HOM~ WI TH SAM~L ES WITHOUT AN Y O-.IGATION TO YOUI H.J~fU~~ ~~ .. ..,. AWBA,CNS. Painting & Decorating I IHSU.~D • G.H.aAL Damato& Ul CIIITD IT- COST A IIIIIA 42•1877 VETS: $100 Total Move-In Costs T'r(loeal \I a. S.... C.V. po~. 173,99!:. CW. dOwn Pll'¥"""'1, JO Cotn ..-.d o""f'fUndt.. 1100 V~od ~. $23.19& '" J54 eq.,.l kOCCftt'"' mon1hlv ~-~~ ot su'o S3 ,,,.,.c,IMI •"" ... , .... , 1'11. A""'-'81 ........ ,. 1'1•11 tli•('••l•• •• tile Marro .. 9t .. Cily Elutioo. Hnr •he fattl f'O•C"enl•ll ... ,. Freeway l efernut•• ••d CJ.artrr A•t:•••al. JAD CAUl JIMIHI1'A WJ Off 1111 IIIID ftft', --....r-'Y • Bible th • Till IYOIY OP Tlli P4- MAHY 111111111 TIIAL U TOLD a etsm BY AT'JOIII'IY POl DIPIIIDAMT '* .......... ., .. ..,.,alrlll-· -~:--. ~:':. ----=·'= -=-~ .f.l ":! :=.:. -L B \-rlllllll -., _ _, ,_. ... P'c Dr. 1U'r7 ... r1r, Pre 'stwtu. .... 'tr ... -.............. ___ _ na,d, ... ., .............. ealW ··n. Arbt- -....... lo ..,_ .1,000 -n.. Rim-by IIIIO'I£C oe.loMiftc --loo. • • • (CIJIII1Mad from ut wHt) (TM wttMu ta W~l8tJ TtlW; Ytc:e-presldtat of tbe A-Soclolr Jbr tbo Adnac:emelll ol AlbeUm.) Hia lawyer objected to my asking lhe witncas i( there wu a Cod, becaute he taid thai Wa5 impertinent. He l&id that the Bi.hle wu lOOmed and sneered at in every ac:hool, but I atked him i( be ever beard o( Roman Catholic and other denominational schools. He aaid be bad. I asked if the Bible wu 5Comed and 1neered al in tboee schools. He replied, "I should have qualified my llatemenl as to schqob by saying public tchoob, because naturally the Catholic Sf";hool• are tied up to a cuniculurn teachins. We do not expect much from the theological school or catholic schools in the normal teaching or eeien~." Q. ..They accc:pt the Bible as the Word or God as f•r •• you know? .. A. "Yes!' Q. "As the Book to be honored, r·eapeeted and be- lieved?" A. ••Yes.'' Q. uThere are a greal many or these school.e are there not?" A ... Yes." Q. "'So far u you know they treat the Bible wilh rapect?H A. fiNAheolutelr:• H e finally adruittrd 1hat there were 50me part.s o£ 1he Bible thnt he belie\o·ed hut they were very rare, but, on the oth~r k:and, he could not prove that the Bible was not trut'. I did n ol a~k lh • wilnt·~s any1h ing about the a rk becau::.e i1 was vny <•pparenl that luo: wai not a Bible studeut. The only wi lnesses who had referred lo the ark were tl1e Rabbi, v. bo admiur.d that he did not know what wa.3 the s i1.c of ";\'oah's cub1t and, therefore, could not prov~ the size of 1he ark, and Dr. Potter, who said he ditf not believe there w&.!l auy flood or any ark in the time o f N o ah. 1 uth~r regr~tted the fart thA t they d id not oR'er mnrt' p ruo f h~cau s .... I ha d bcl'n stu d y in~ up on the subjoct a!\ fur :18 I cuuld and wu cono.:inced that the ark was l a r~c enoup:h to hold the pre&cribfod cargo. I had some n ntt"s all rt·ady to u ~e 1f I had opportunity. My brst information is tb t there are about two million f1 ve hur11fml tlHlU :'.wJ livin)( th ings on the earth, of which !'ixl y pt'r t t·nt a r•· aquatit·, aurl, masmuch as they live in ti n! "'a\er, tht• n .. ud \vn uld ha .... e b~n an e:~cd lent hol..irltt.y {or tbem~ o.~n tl , nf courM-, they would not have gone into thr ark at ~1 ll. That lcav('s forty per cent for the ttrk -a nd I unri~r~tand that seventy per cent of the~.-art! iusects. I have hl'ard Dr. R immer say, .. You could ~,., two u f evf'T\-" speci~ of inset:! on th~ hides of two good-s iud elephants and they would not , there- fore, on·upy any atlditional space in the ark" FurtheT- nlo rr, you w"uld nul have to carry any food for the inst'ct,: bt>caww they ha ve their own system of domestic eccnf)my . 'nlC'Y d id no t need any "new deal" to pre· Sf'f"\"f' !lw ir n l!,ht o: o r p ro vide for their nourishment or ocrupation . I am, of ("flu rst·, rcferriug tu lhc d iffercnl kmd~ o r 5ptcies a nd nu l to tht· infm llc num!M!r o f var ietie5 or each l ind. Elimina lm t-: !he aquat u.: creatures a nd the insects, thL"rc a r c only tweh·c per t:ent of livmg Crl!':aturel large r th an inst'cls to go into the ark . Of cuu n.t·, we a re speaking o f the d 1fTerent kind.; of l1 ving creo~t urc~ today Lt-cause no one knows with :wy 3u.:uracy how many kinds wrre li v1n~ in the t;me of 1\'uah. We mual rt:member lhat the so-called "pre-histor ic" an imals were all prc-Adamic and had been destroyed in the ca teclysm "'·b•ch h ad made the earth witho ut form and void. The animals."'·hic h did go mlo the arll: were undoublt:dly lhe !lame gl·nc ral kinds which e :t:ist today and if you think very hard you can pruLably think up lwenty o r twenty· five kinds la rger than :J. dog. In clas!!i f ying them you muo;l remember that "'hen you say .. deer" that takes in all elk, moose, caulmu and a ll members o f the deer (cervidoe) fam ily, and th is appl ies to every other .kind or spt"t:ies and not to the varie ties the reof. Inasmuch as the ark wu probably bigger than an y boat that we know. tbe prohlem wu no t whether it wu l arge enou~h to ho ld the anima l! but whal did Noah do with a ll o f its empty space . It is true that provision.s had to be carried r or at le a.st a year and ten d ays, dur ing wh ich time the ark was occupied. W e must a lso rt":me mber tht:re were no carniVorous ani· mals, but they all a te he rbs (Gen. 1 :29-3 0) and the re is no mention in the Bible of carnivora unti l wr reach the nin1h chapter of GenHi!!, d etailing the method of life after the flood . Therefotl"', all o f the food which Noah needed to carry wu grain. The ark seems to ban bad three enonnous Boon and perhaps wbar we would call • baM:ment-and 1here were probably very few partitiona, and no machinery which oocupie1 to much 1pac:e on modern veaa.elt. The ark did not even ha.e a rudder, and lhe reuon i• obviou•. If Noah bad t.-1 sivt'l'll any choice in diTectinc the COUrse or the arlt he et:rt•inly would ba•e punaured it OQ a tr'tc top or c.rulied it a,ainst aome hidden roclu *"d would hue wrecked die whole ente'l'ri... And if he had not made ...... a wrons lum hi• wife, or some of the child""" "'rely would have told him how to do il. But u God load paranleed II'• lives of til of die p....,pn, He ohu1 die door tiP~ locked it from !he outside, put die wiDolow oul of .....:II ond pUlled "" J'O"tr a! aU 1o NoM. I am all'l>ncly inclined 1o believe thai die ark -,.rpooe1,. d•Jred by God 1o be la:p e_,.to 1o ....., NooiJ'•'f-"1""" .... •lnoelo ond ""T""' .... w1oo -w -Oar Lord alwa,. clot .. IIWtp ia • _,..t.~;.., • n•. He is •.w. ,. do •-edinc at.u ... ....,. ..... .n .... -... Of' ...... " (Ephd-5:20). n. ... is a IJpe fll CltriZI (Csh n ia• 3:3), _. •• "'ife is hid widl Chriat ift God" ond J..re is -ia HU. for all of mankind who will a~ Hi!" u SaviOllr. So, I believe tlillt'the ark wu equally ample, ond die pity is that die people livinc at die time of NoU did nol .ccept the invitation but left 10 much 1paee In d.e ark unoccupied and were. therefo~. destroyed iD die flood when lhey mipl have t.-1 oaffil in die uk: die ••ry typ<o or the terrible ooul trascdy which Ia bappeoinc today. (CCNIIlaaad-wool<) IN TIMES . OF TROUBLE '------lly D. L. JIOODY -----~ (rr-....... s ....... Jif...,. ................ ) Baplist Bl~le. Trtbw>e, SprJ.DcllelO, ... . •t Will .. Wldt. m.. la TN.W." ( ...... H :ll). &VmU" BZAJlT IUIOWB ita own bltt•maf. H the troubles that .,.. 1epa.am.'"-by UU. auc~Wnce could be wriUIID in • volume, It would tab the tHaett volume you have ever .een. We .,.. apt to lhink that J'OUIII people do not have llll)' trouble, but if they haven't there Is one thine they c:M make •ure of, that they ve aoiDI: lo haw trouble later. "'llan is bom unto trouW. .. th• -.-lu n,. upward. .. Trouble is cominc. No one ta nempt. God hu had one Son without ain. but He hu never had one without aonow. Je.ua Chrlrit, our Muter, •ulfered Ill few men ever •uUered, and He diM~ v.ry younc. Oun II a path of lOfT'OW and •ulferinc, and it is 50 sweet. t.o hu.r the Muter say: · "l will be with you in troubl•." Don't kt any one thinll: for a moroeat that you can Jet on without Him. You may .. Y now, "I can ~ton; 1 un in 1oocl health and prosperity," but the hour is cominC when you will need Him. a...l7 MANY A CH&ISTIAN could bear witness to lhia point, that H.e hill be-en with them in troubLe, th•t in aome dar_lt hour when the billows .-.ned to be rollinc up around them, they cr1ed to Him, and He heard their cry, He answered their prayer, and He brouabt,.peac-e. 'ftle~ was joy in thei.r sorrow, the~ was a 1tar th.t lit up "en the dArkest n..iaht. 1 remember beintl; on lhat vessel, the Spree, when the ahaft broke and 11 hole wu lrnoc.lr.ed in her bottom out in mid-ocean, and the ~ sank 30 feet. All my family but one wu in Northfield, ~d I ~u m.alr..inc my way home, Ieavins tr~ndl in Europe. Tbere I wu m m.J.d-oee&n, puUed up u it were to look into my own flr&ve for about 48 hours, without one raY of hope, hwnanly q~eakina:. For 48 houn the burden wu intenae. My heart wat lib a lump of ~ad. The accident happend Saturday mominc .. S~day a_ftemoon we ~ a p,..yer-meetine:, and alter prayer I read th1a nuwtJ:-hnt Paalm. U 1t h.d been let down from heaven, it could not ha.,.e awen. ~ comforL I went into my state room, and I feU on my knees, and I cried to the Lord: "It ia a timl of trouble; hdp me." AHD GOD TOOK th., burden. It rolled off, and I fe ll asleep. I ne-ver alept 110under than I did that niaht, and all the rat of the tbne. U • storm had burst on ut any time duriDc the wHk, we would h.ve 1one down, but God wu with Ul in the time of trouble, and the burden WN lit~ IJ'Mt many people .eem to embalm their troubles. I alwa)'"l feoel Wr.e runrUnc away when I -t.hf!m cominlJ. They bring out their old mummy, and tell you in a ud voice: . '"You don't know the troublee: I have!"' M.y bienda. iflou ro to the Lord. with your troublet., He will take them awtoy. Woul you not rather be# with the Lord and pt riel of )'OW" trouble.. than be with yoW" uuubles and without God'! Let trouble eome if it will drive ua nearer to God. rr • A. JN&t tiWw to have a plece of mort in u.. time of trouble. Bow paop1e eat on ..ntfiwt the God of the Bible it • diylt.er"J' lo ... U I didn't h.lve 1uc:h a refup, • place to 10 .nd pour out my heert to God Ill such times, I don't )tnoo,r, wtt..t I would do. It -.m. M U I would JO ou\ of my m.iDd. But to thiak. when the heert il bwdeMd, -can 10 and pour It lato lila nr and then have the arwwtr come t.ck, "' will be with him," there it ~ort in that! J thank God fw the o1d Book. 1 th.ank God fcx thiJ; old promla. It ta u ......,t and frtah today u it hu e-ver been. Thank God. none ol U.C. ~ 8ft out ol date, or fJ"OWTI 1tale. 'nwy ~ M fresh and viaorout and younc and .weet u t-ver. Curious Bible Facts O no· uC Llu· llltH>I popul..6r fo•alurt'& uf the n~w "Landi. of I he Bib!~" edition uf So.:.rivturc , puLii~hed L~ Christian Crus.adr •·arly in lkct•mLI•r , is the ~·rtion enlitkd "BiLl•· Facl Book," II di~lll!! !'Om" arruazinlf facti! on the subjo·t•t of animal~. l..u.,.jnt•SI', cr.llflll and profeiillium, HdM"ew cak-ndar, lahle of wt:ighte and me u un:ti, f'IC. -all co nnected with the Bihk in J;ume way. Here i ~ an article by a dietinguished Bible echular aloflj); the same li ne. We olfrr it in thf' hope it will 8limulat,. int.erellt in facta about the Bible , vnenlly. and the ne w "Land& uf the Bible " editi o n, JW~rticularly . Ne1.t to thi• •r ticle il an announ~mr.n l whicl1 tells how and where the "1..-nds of the Bible ·• editio n may be o btained at a 1pec:lal publisher·, prioe fOt" a limited time. Tbe middle ve~ of the whole Bible ill Pulm I I 8:8. The. lonp vene of the ·~~ Bibk i1 l:.ther 8:9 , conleJnlfll 90 worde. [&ra 7:21 containl all the letten of the alphabet, ucepl j. II Kmp 19 and l..;.h 37 .. euc::tly alike.. Esn 2 lnd Nehemiah 7 are limilar. The lui two vt.uu of II Cllrontdea •nd the openi"« Vf:l"k of E&n are alike. The word "Jehonh" occuf1lo 6,855 limea ln the Sible . The n•me of "God" ~ not occur in Fo~~ther or the Song of Solomon. In PNim I C17 four venea art .&ikt:, 8,15, 2l , and 31. • Each vente in Ptalm l 36 end1 l!likt.. 'n.e Bible •• divided into cfvlptt:n by C.-dm•l HDI'-' df' S.ne.tnCanJ,1bout 1236. The Old T u tament w• dnided into 'lenr:• by Rabbi &t.,rdecai N1than1 in 1661. T hi!! New Tt.al•mnt wM dhided Jnlo urut b1 R. S..ph<n, • F....do ,m.ter, '' il ...W, while " hotteMek·. 1"he ~'· a trnllltion into C...d, wilt -'e iD Egpt, :115 B.C. . The Saic::' in whoM cw itt ,_. ~ lnad•trd in&o Oft$' 1250 .. ..,, .a OS' ....... 'J'ht 6n4 Nlfhle,........ ..... ~ •• ~ w,_ • ' A. D. 1380; · tlw fint t'n:nch tr;~nlilll>tiun in I Lf.IO ; the Genna11 tran e lli>Liun in 146 0 ; the Amt<rican translalton in 1752. Till' oldt'ill manuscript of the ffiLJ,. iu th,. 8ritit•h Muee um ill tilt" "Code'( Alf':c.a ndrinwi'; tM: "I :udo>x V aliu nul!o" is the oldu t i11 the \ atic~~on Library at Rome. There j,. a Bibll'" in the library or thf' UniYf'rlil)' of Gottingen writt,.n o n 2 ,·~70 palm leaves. O ur BiLk il tbe combined writing!! or altOOt 40 men .u in ~pir,.d hy God. The~~e men Wt'rt' llOl contempontry , but lived 11 variow; t.ime1 durirt« a period or more lhan 1500 yeollftl. Thue nu~n wrote under the mo.t varied conditioru. Son1e wrote in pri~m . SCHill' in palaet'!lf, othen in a ve1, in di'"!CN , by the river bank, in ex~ik-in vic tory, in ddeat. in M -in fact, under mo ery poe.ible condition. The~~e men wen'! from every walk of life. Ki.ngfl, pea-.nb, priuh, fi l he rmen, rnuall, 8 h e ph e rd 1, n o ble men , taxpthetf!n, docton, lawyen, stalr.lmf':n , and polittc iln.1 .-e among iU writen. They rNlde ute in their writinp of every fonn of nprasion aad by men to convey thou1ht: proes, poetry , law , JOYUnment deaen. law1, aermona, parablea, pictorial tymbola, even penonal k:tten, •nd, moat particular, prophecy. lltey wrote about nery IUbjec:t whi c h vitall y l(fut men: c:reation, the origin, wor-kinc •nd d eatiny of •in , duth, lif~, natio na, govemmen~; hell and ~•ven ; •nd the bt.inl, character, •nd plin of f:od. Such i1 our Bible, M rNljettH:, f''Uitf'd lnd tnat'Weloua .. ill IIWt'Cp. The Old Tr.ttament ench with a 1:untt:; and the New T ... N.nw.nt wit h 1 bmedie.Unn. J•ohn 14 ;. .... r-........ 1.0 rr:.d; PMim 36, the -* bea utiful. The unn ....t in1pirina pro......_ .. Jot. 3:16: Joluo 14:1-3, 23: 6:S7: Matt hew 11 :tl; Maut.e.w 28:1&.20: -17:4. Let • ............ __ _ .......,; 60:1 'io .. -lor 1M ...... .. _ I ' God's Perfect Creation In Six Literal Days ., .. plloll_ .. _ Tbe aw..ct ollllll Lard. Mtarfrnsh •ot Toa. .......... .,.,. ... 1.-4 ... --............. a.. ... All 'float .. -.............. -~~~ .,.,., _,_ ... 1.-4 81 ...... 11& .... 11> DoJ, .. ........ Jt.•-&Hd. »:11. . Ia Genelk, .... -1, ... brief bin In Sutptuta ...._ mUlklnl pVt ln tbdr minda: ~heft. they mtaat fJI JDje ~ have Htn u t.r)' to 1djult the 8lble 10 ftl the ~ ... -........ ol _ .. .,. -· .ec...:, • Some QvUdan m~H~ •all Of oud1M ot ........ ol the ......... _ ............ lal>rlol.-.. lulpap God .tlllll ......... , •• .......................... atiaft. 1'ht able ..,... hiDta 1bat It Ia a '*poem" Or that the ...... ..._ ......... "" .... .._ .. , no, the llmp&e, hoant lntat. of ... Sc ......... _ ........ In tbc UtwaJ ~ God m...te the hNven~ and ttw euee.. Genetla 1:1 san "hel.ven and nrih," but GmHII 2:1, 4 Ill)' "1'be heaven~ [plural, aU 1M unlwnr] and the earth." I. WHY WB BBUBVE THE "pi'OII'eUive ereaUon," ihdkatSt~~~; CR&ATION TOOK SIX \heft were lone q@f and that per- J..IT8RAL DAYS hi-PI at the Mc~M~nc oC Hdt q e God did a speelftc act ol creation, and thua they try to lit the pro.. JTHIIve-perkMil of creation they have imagined Into the schedule manufactured by tclentl.tta ot ~ bell d . 1t """" to thia wrim" thai thel'l! ls owrwMlmblc: e-vk'leftee that tM aecount ol eNatJon 1pealr:l of abc Uteral days In wtllch God made the M•vt.n~ •nd the earth, not six liPS CH' tORI. OtMrs. llllt.· Pember in hit book, BarCA 't Ear·IWtt Age•, and follow- ing Lhe notes in the Scofield Ref. t"r ence Bible, beiJ~e in the "li•P theory" that all thHe q:n hf,p- e-ned between GenMi.t 1:1 and Genesis 1 :2, and that the "or1ainal crutJon" was all dettroyed by !lOme awfu: c1tastrophe which they think may have brefon eonnt'eted. with the fall of Satan, and thm that • new ~riod of creation took pl•ce as recorded in the .six days. And thU5 they would explain ttw fossils ana strata of the eerth u being the rMult of the "Original creaUon." In the lint place, that i• not a utiaf•ctory theory, either to unbeUeven, nor to strict Bible bellevers. It dot's not fit lnto the Bible account of crutkln Itself, il don not sAtiafy the speculatlonl ol scientists who are enemiel of the Bible. But no one would oome to such a conclusion, we s uppose, cx- cf!pt In an ea rnt'St effort to ream· cile the eonmcting statnne-nts of the Bible and of unbell"ing scl- t'ntists. Bur why do men set un- be-lieo~('("S to judge the Bible"! Why accept tlwir •peeulationll ? 1. Why Not Sis Literal DayaT The aimple truth 11 th•t the only lnndeb •nd cnem.in or the Bible wou.kl llke to lay, u Dr. Georce Buttr'ick says, tha;t tMN Ill'(! "two accounts of the ern.tlorl and they do not ll.ll'ft t T.W C.vittio~t ,act m•cf •ocNnt .DINOt, pqe 161). No, In the MCODd chapter o1 Genetll there foUow1 a detailed explana- Uon of the creat.km ol man, which l.s It& ted in Gftftb 1 ~, That verN JayS, "So God cuated man in hla own lmqe, in the lma&e of God created he hfm: male and female cft!lted he tlwm." But God of eoune wanbl to exps.nd that statement and teU u. more 1bout the creation of man and then or • woman, and ol thelr environ- ment, their relation to the animal k~dom. tht-lr sin and their fall, and the curse and the prom I.e involved. So here we do not hive two confllctJnc 1ccount.e ot ere•· Uon, but flnt the bare outline and then the important detall.s, which we need to know. Only Oqranl unbelief and wtc.lced blq sucb u Infidels Tom Paine, Robert lrl&ef'- aoll and thetr theolocfcal counter- parts would find eontradicUon reuon people would claim that the ct.ys of c:reaHon were •aelon&: period~ Ia that ~Y thus try to fit lnW the theories or untk'Uev- 1~ aelcntists the apeeulatk)ns and KueQH of those who are memles of the Bible. OUt-and-out unbelievers want to tti•para&:e the Wble. They do not accept cfire.et creation u an act of God, ao they labor ardently to try to prove that the earUI and thl' universe are biWona of yean old. The popUlar Idea now 11 that the unlvene 11 about five bUUon ~·n old. Some people try to accept evolu- Hon •• the method of God's cre- ation. They want to put God lnto It, but keep the outline or evmta about u the apeculationa of un· believing aclentiau would have it. Thu. they hope to make the Bible palatable to unbelieven, and hope to have the favor of auch men while they arf' still claJming to be O.rlstiana. But nobody simply readina; the Bible ever came 10 believe in theistic evolution, we would think, until first the idea is (C ontinued next week) :Baptist ~i'blt l'ribunt NV-NMIU,ItM REPLY TO A LETTER lly NOEL SMITH AmoiJc the lete..n f111Clently received w .. the follow- inc from a ~der in Virlinia; or, u they lib to pu\ it over \hen in the Old Dominion, tht! Conunornve•hh ol Virlib.l.a: The National Council published a brochure Vial few people know about: "An Introduction to tht-Reviled Standard Version of the Old Testament." Chapter 4 of that brochure ls by 0,.. Ortinsky: 'Tht! Hebn>w Tnt attd lhe Ancient Versiona of the Old T«tament.'" He~ are three sentt-nces from that chapter (on pace 30): "Early in the second century A. D. Aquila, • convert to J udaWII, made an independent and unique Greek tranalatlon of the Hebrew Bible. He incorporated th~ k.ind ol Jewiah interpretation whic:h wu ~W"ft1H in his day, and he avoided the Christolock:•l t-~menb which had been introduced in the SepuU.,lnt \ext. 'ftlus Aquila rendered the Hebrew word ba-abnah in Isaiah 7:14 literally, 'the young wom1n' in pllce of 0... llr. Smith: the word 'virgin' which Christians had •ubstituted for .,. m" in ly to )'OW" &rtkle, "Why l Belleve it... it."' which in the Jan. 15 iaue ol The Tribune. So Or. Orlinsky tella us that Aquila was the fa.nl nr.t all, ... t me aay that I believe that JOU aft a bo · .. " r .. · · " Bi.b-.bttitnrizlc, siaclere, dedk:a-..1 Ch.riiUIIL. 1 too to IIU titute young woman or vu'6ln. beliew the &;w-to be lhe.intalU~ t..rnnt Word Dr. Orlinaky donn't tell W th•t A.qWI• wM' ••· ol God. I hliv• Jurn,ed • P""t deal from tJUa cme communicated from • Christian church becauat he •rtkle ot youra. wouldn't give up his pagan practices. Dr. orUnaky But there an • few thinp that you aaid that jutt doesn't tell UJ tNt tbe re~n Aquila made his trans. donn't set too weU with me. For i.Ntanot: • "pnuine." faith mw:t rest upon • foundation of evl-lation was to aquare the stor~ with the Chrl$tians. c1.-.oe Dr. Orlinsky doesn't tell ui th•t after Aquila had made • "I want evidence, not aomt emotional m.an's faith." hil t.ranslation for the Jews. in which he "avoided WeU n.ow, I don't want aome emotional man'• faith the Chris;tologic•l elements," he then turned •cainst either; my faith is in AJmilbty God •nd His livlnJ the Jewa. Word. God uys, "N-falth is the subltanee of thinp ... -d r <h 1 d. d 1 1·nn·-n''•l hoped for, the evidence of thi.np not wen .. (Heb. U:l). nn so one o e ca 1.n1 :m mos "" .. A1ao, you wrote: "ADd 110, not accotdinc to any man'• members of the Nation;;al Council'• Old Te.tament faith, but aecordinc to )nther evidence 2-4 feet lone." Committee, an unbelieving Jew, !.eUs us where the S~, Mr Smith1 that your name wu Noah and not t.ranalaton 1ot the authority for ,ubautut•onlnl "youna: Noel, "by faith Noan, being warned ol thinp not M«J .. 1 .. . .. •-~·~ .. 7 14 1 •• 81 y.t mowd with few, prepared an ark to the •rina: I woman or v1rgm tn ........ : :-rom U>e pagan ol hia bouee; by the which he eoadnnned the world, Aqwla. and beeune heir ol the nch~ua whkh il by faith" (Reb. U :T). Would you have buUt the Ark, or wu jt MC ••ry to have • '"foundation of evidence"'! One fmal thine: you lncluded the bluphernoua Re- viMd Standard Venion with the ot!Mr verNon~ ol the Bible. Now either this is a miat.alte or then is a eradt in \he dam. I IUD not a Bible .eholar, and I h.ve not read the other venioN ol the INble, but J do know the RSV names Joaeph aa the father of Je.w and don not uy. that Jesw: wM born of a viq"ln, but "ol • woman." 'nte:re are numeroua other refereneet too nwnei"'UUI to Dime here, but csn be ecxnpared in "'RSV va. KJV" by Oliver Green.. Now you Mk: "Wh.t .erlota quntionl ~ r•iaed eoneeminc all the venlom of the Bible?" ADd you .U.te: "Not • •inlle ~ about • linlle doctrine or pnc.pt ol the Bible • we have it today." Now I belin'e it to be deadly .erious when ..rneooe tries to brine my Lonl and S.vktur Jesw Chriat down to the lwei ol • man, u the tnNlaton of the RSV do!! So, let Ult not be to hMty to dixount "bUDd faith" (MaU .. 1:2'7-30). REPlY I •ppreei.aW UU.. lot'tWt. I lib for ,.ople 'to talk back to me. A lot ol th!J; modem relicion IJ; tO almple and ,_...t and inaipid and tyrupy, that no'-ly ever ulu any queat10n.1 about It or dbputea anythina uld about it. I lib • nJilion that provoke. q..-ttoM. A ni.Jcioo that doetn't llll.'t worth )'Our time. nrat of aU, about NIMh's falth. Ha-11'• faJth to buUcl the Ar.lc:, Noah'• faith to b.liev• that a flood ~ dnt,..,. the hum.an nee, did aqt rest upon·hia "f•Unp." It d&cl not rest upon the "faith" of aay human befnc. It did not tHt upon anybody'• ...u~ -· lta.h'• faith ....e.dl 9011 a deflahe ~ o1 AlmiehtJ God tD NoM. Ka.h t.d "., 1 DOt faith, .........S,.--ol lha naltly ol A-ty 0ooL Aad. ...... li"u. ol ~. ol '-· ol Jacob, ol ...... -lbt ........ ... 'l'htU ................... ~bae tvklence ol.tM ,..U~ el Ah'ltV Gad. Thll WM ...._ I ,.... ...... about In U.. editoNL • • • M .. the ..,h.ht , o • ....._., 8tllndstrd V...-Mon." I .. _. ...... ,_ tWt ......... l ...,..,... to lc __ .,.., .. .,. ._ ...... ,:M .... ......._......._...v....._. _ .. _ "'ftes*• ........ ......, will .... ,_ ....... ...,..a,__ ... _'" ......... .., __ ...... _ . ftlt .... ..._ _. • In It ft d ,..11••· .. ~ .............. .,._ .. -.. _"' ___ , .... -••• ·c r •• , •• , ,._, ~ ... , ................ ,&W .. .. = 'E'iJ I .. _.. .. .. _,. .. ...., a.ot .. _ a., ;:::." • •z' 1 a 1 • ... , -. '* 7 7 IC _...,.OS ls.e,._ __ ..... "'- • • • The Hebrew word for ''virgin" 1n Isaiah 7:14 IJ;, as Dr. Orlinsky pointed out, ha-al»ah. The word appe-ars four tirne5 in the Old Testament: e Genesis 24:43 : "Behold, J 1tand by the weU or water; and It ahall come to pa.sa, that when the ftrria cometh forth to draw v.·•ter. and 1 uy to her, Civl' me, 1 pray thee, a little wa~r in thy pitehll'"r to drink ... " 'The refe~ there i• to Rebe~h . At the lime. she wu a virJin. e Son&: of Solomon 1:3: "Because of the uvour of thy a:ood ointments thy name i1 as ointment poured forth, therefore do the vi ~'~iN lovt! thee." "Virl{na" there clearly meanJ .,.irJ"ins, e Sonc of Solomon 8:8: '"''here •re threescore que-ena. and fourweore concubines, and vlrFM with· out number."' "VIrsiDI" there-u Aquila knew, u 0..1\naky khOWI --muM vlq"in&. e 'nle fourth p .. ee l• Isaiah 7:14. And tO there is no 1re1t myllery about how "younc woman" 1ot lnto the N•lion.al Counc:il'• RSV, and thert IJ; no areal my1t.ery a1 to why it I(Ol U. there. I don't tru.t • tri8Nilation that •train~ at rettlrc rid of dw Christolocit\111 element in thl' Oltl Te.tament. • • • Bu t I haven't yet anawered my Viraini• friend'• qu.tion. But I am toinc to. Subttantially ll it thb: After .. Yi.nc what you haye j\1&\ pJd about the N1tiona.l Council'• RSV'a tnnalaUon ol IMiah 7:14. how ean you s.ay that when you brine all the vetllionl \Ofetber you haw in the-m the MIM buie doctrlnet'! • • • a-t., ... ln. ia the RSV'• read~ ol ~ 1:141: ~ lhe l...onl hlrnMU will alw rou • ..._ &.boW. • ,._. .._.._ thall C!OnC'elve aNI .,_. a .... afttd tMII cail fUI MIN Jrnmanual'" Look •t h -.......-.t • It Ia U.. In l.he RSV. Jlo onliurr" Wrth could ... "lip. .. ,.. .......,. ddld eouW. M MIIWd "Jnuunwl .. ("'od ......... ,. AM -. M ..... ol thill effort to rid z.w. 1:1t o1 tt11 Ow ' I ,,,...1 a.-t. 0. Ch.ttlol ... .-..nt ... '!WI a .. --• which l .._ \hat wNo ,_ ..... ...., ....... , .... .._t .......... .... -............ lll,.,_ ... __ ..... I • I I I .,, ... it .. ....,_. ....... , .... -.r-,._. .. ...._...,.. r •o-11r...v . r .-., ... Orr ·, .. -"... ,,,. ., .. C*t tC 1P 'IIIAI• '1 ~• .... Ill .... .._ .. C..'' fa' I It¢ _, .... ._ .. Qall'l' I .... •• ''I:! .......... 'p ............ -·--- II • - ~~ From the·Police Blotter ~&,a DU8Y CiiYU, • TH1118DAY, P'IB. C -M NIO -. ._.,_. • IUIUI.lY, FIB. 7 lMOR$0,\Y, FEB. Z~ 1971 COIIOIIA DEL. '!AI!, 'CAUF. COST TOLD ,_.,_ lo Ankloll,loelloo A to-Ill -It llod-lllo~.W.Cool reol•. ---~J It, I c.>, ollllo~laoollllo ,110 wu -llllriMd-lllo -· 111-a., Will lift· ol IUll Ro-ltlo Dr.,ftU. -ol Calllonla, 8ol ...... CoroM HI-ll-,_ o1 pon, dinoc lllo liPI · •· • A l>o< Yl .. JUlio, WU an-nlod 1'1 -oltllo~ll-.U, ud frlaoo -pro. oiU. ,....._..Ill'S' 1M to WlWam r &... ... flO Sea -.,cyeJe Ya.llled at flOO ...,_ ... d 11 :10 P·•· at J.a.ntdftroe ..uJed IICIJoOldilb'k:twreiDid ,.....UDM. Tbttottlpacta111. •C-olllloCIIJolllft. wu-dRd. ·doriDI~altlll • olorllod-lllo-atlllo .. a cbU'p ol lolao1 -at lulw-am-..:lllala If ...... IJ -od,- part-lobo -••od eo c-..&-at•u-• .io'~ Ia-~· .-,ao boltiDI .......... ~ ..... pr~ bJ lllollowpart.-coot-IIIII-..,. t11o -· ol a. CIIJ o1 Mow. •• from .,. ·-•IIDI at 1101 J..e.,... •· "'-' Sloono. s-. a, ot 111 15th a .. E"""'llao ·-~~~ nidi --. part -ltlllolpaclllll•· ratr ol "lbt Htlltl E 11111 dolrial lllo llctol ···A tope Wnt llnport, WU U'rt-calli lor blodllrarllltratlaoiD T .. dlllrlcludlbttt&d>trl ktll1 I*Uoa to be belli c. rtlldeoee 101 A Mar;..... deck n.tlld at $US wu ltoleo at 7 p.m. at bl.l tHkleoct oa eett"ac ,...... woald, lt are e~ -s.rpqmMt- Marcll t, 1971. are aft111ble Coroa .. 1 MM. Altomobt~ troaa a c:u be....,_.. to Jack a eblr .. oiPG~J ... ston oliDU'· li"Sitd. COlt u.. dUt:ric:4 more ud...co.llr ... aou oa allrJ Ia tllll aeac. or tbe Cit)' Clerk PU'tl nbald &I $50 ....... CnbCrM, til BaUr st., COlla .,..., &110 U'f'Uited OD tal thu $1 miiHoa, PI'CJPOM''· Tblllllr>r'matioawu ollllo CIIJ olllnport Booeb, lao from a c:ar bolqoclDI to lit .. wtlllo It WU I>Ukod at amo ebU'p wu DuiDI-Tbo c11o1r1ct-laid 1bt P"ttolbtboordTliHd&JDlpl DUM: Jaaar111. 1971 RObert A. Tomb aS5 Ami&~> 1110 W. Coul Hwy,, MulDers MltteJ.mut. 10, ofll0-1/l nth c.oatrad: ~ wblcb U n ... oaly U u "im)rmat10011" IAan Lapoo WaJ lbt Blulta 'wbllo( II wu IIIII, clvbil lbt Dl&tll ••• A st., Will Newport ••• -1 IUod to dlocus at & mllliDI Item. No a.-wu lobo. Cit)' C_.t puked at biJ ;1114nee dar-tire Ul1 Wbeel Yallled. at $160 1M Sm.itb, 31, ot 201 E. B&J. Feb. I, 1I'OUt co.t tbe diiiJ1d:. 1a otber acUoo TIM:dy tbe CltJ ot MftDG11 S.cb iDe tbe Di&bt , •• Toola 't'I.1Mit ••• Ito'-from a car bekJac· ~ Blvd., No. 9, Balboa, ..,... an lddll:&oMJ $4,106~19 LP bou"d da11ed ael&lmbyRtcba.rd ,_..: Ju. &1, lt, Feb. 4, at $180 were burcJulHd from iDe to Vidor Clllmoae, Jl%1 arreltld at 1:55 a.m. at Zltb . E. ud Karleeo S. Jlmeoes, asa 11, ta. 14, Mareb 4, 1171, a prap lt tbt Jamea L. DQ. W. Cout lhrJ,, MarlDtrsMUt, St. aDd W. Balboa BlYd., OD a LEGAL MOTICE reslllt ol an aeddelll wbleh lA a. M"POrt Harbor EMip.. lasa" rts1deoee wfi Dua Rd. wllilt U wu parted at 4001 ebarp ol driYlal While UDder · · occurred oo July 9, wben tbe West NtwpOrt 'Hel&btJ -tai W, Cout Rwy., West. Mewport, tbt lDllueoee ol alOObol • , , NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING two were alltpdly struck by a LIGAL MOTIC! tbe Dl&bt A Ur aoJa wbetl dari.Ac tbt ~debt ••• Two tele. MarllJQD WltberiiKIOD Mead, PROPOSED tn'ILITY dlJtrict Yebl.elt. CERTIFICATE OF 8l81NE&S nl i'. t Ylaioo Nb: valued at $600 were f4, of 55S Seaward Rd., Coroaa DISTRICT NO, Z Fl-Firm llamo •:;: :!~: wo~•;"'l.,""~; lloiDD fromlbt llnporler tan. Hlal>lu<le, was arrlltod &tUO NOTICE IS HEREBY pYOD AH~IE EMERY DIES THE tnmERSIGHED dotl 2518 Crestvt.a:... ~-. Ba,j 1107 Ja.mbor" Rd., durJ..oc tbe p.m. at Bob Buru ReG•ut, UW oa Mooday, Much 8, 1971, ADDie F, Emery, 72, of 666 bet-, cert1f)' Ul&t bt 11 eoa. Sbores wh.lle U wa ked at lll&ld or Feb. 4 ••• A ttre d:i 31 Fub1oo lJ'lud., oo a ebarl8 at tbe boar of 1:SO P.M. 1D tbe w 19th St. Cocta Mesa died cNctUc a boat l&lts bestM11 UOl £. Cout H.; ~oroaa w~l nlatd.at$150werutoleo or 1Dto%1ca.Uoa lD pablle ••• CoiiDCII Chambers of tbe Clt)' F~. 15 at 'Hoae Hospuai. She at UOO w .. Cout Hllllfty, del Mar durl.ng tb ·~cbt from a ear t.kMtc1qtoWUUam Va.odt.ls U.S a a. a. CUD to Hall of tbe City of Newport was bon Auc. 10 1898 ln Nnport Beach, ca.w., IIDder A tape 'deck and~~ n.~ R, BaUey,SSOOSeebreeae,Har· eallH u Httmated $120dam· Beach, k)eated at 3300 West lrelud a.Dd. came 'to or~ge tM ftctU.tou flrm -.meotNew. at szss were ltoleo. b'om a ear bor View Hllls, •bile 1t was ace to a plctare wlDd6w at tbe Newport Boohrtud, Newport Coaaty 3 years aeo. _ port Ptelfle &ad tbat said flrm bek:loclDc to Dave Pearso 3033 parted at 400 W. Cout Hwy., Beroard W, Whitney restdeoee, Be&eb, County of Oraop, state SunlYors LDclude a 'son, wu. ls comP<*d ot. tbe ll]llowtoc Carob St., East Bluff, w~le It Mar!Mrs Mile, durlnc tbe 1!0! S. Bay Ft.., Balboa lslaod, or Callfornla. the City COWICU 11am ot Allabelm; z daughters, per10111 wboee lllJDt 1D flU ud was puked at h.ls sid D1cbt ••• Aa outboard motor between l:SO aad 6:30p.m ••• , wW bold a publlc bearlDC tor Mrs, Frm::ls Reps of Soutb place of rtlidtnce are u fol. Jan. 29 re eoee nllltd at $250, wu stolen from Narcotics n.loed at $5 were tbe purpose of determiD.btc Puadeoa alld Mrs. Marioo E. )lw1, to.wlt: Wtlllam V, s.u, · a boat bekNIC1nc: to Mlebael E. stolea from a ear beloDCf.DI wbetber the publle aece.ssU:y, Waper or Santa Barbl.ra. a 411 Cor~ st., Balboa, Caut. • FRIDAY, FEB. 5 Moore, .30$ Aoade, Balboa, to Dr. Sbedrtct A. Moore, I ISS bealtb, salety, or welt:a.re re. sister, brother, 6 p-andcbill:b-eo WITNESS my baDd this 16th A televlsion set ud jewelr}' wblle lt wu parked lD froot d. Elbt Circle, eo.ta Mea, wtllle qlllres the removal of poles, aDd 1 ueat.graodch.lld. d&J or Febr~~&ry, 1971. wu. l1b )'Vd betweea Jan. 14 atld lt was parked at 301 Hospital overhead wires, and associated Requiem Mass .,.as ceJe. l1&m V, S'trao. LEGAL NOTICE Feb. 5. Rd., West Newport Helehts, be· structures, aodthe undergrowx! brated Feb. 11 at St. Joachim's STATE OF CAUFORNIA) * SATURDAY, FEB. 6 tween 10 a.m. Ud 1 p.m. installation of wlres and fl. Catbollc Chureh.lntermentn.s )ss. P-40348 An auto tape player valued • MONDAY, FEB. 8 clllties for si4)C)lylDg electric, at Calnry Cemetery, Los Ang- COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CERTIFICATE OF BlEnfESS at $Sl9 was _Ito._ from a ear Thomu A.rtbur Edwards, 43, eommwdcaUon, or slmllar or eles. Baltz Mortuuy, Costa ON THIS 16th day of Feb. Ftctitlou Firm Name bek»>IPDI to Wureace Reubeo of U5 EYelliD&: Ciayoo "Rd., associated service lD that area Mesa, wa.s ill charee ofarrug. rllllf)', 1971, before me, a No. THE UNDERSIGNED does GlbDey, 5155 River An., West Sbore Cu.trs, wu arrested oa of the city de.stpted as: meats. ta.ry PubUe 111 aDd for said hereby certity tbat be Is COG· Newport, while 1t wa.s parked an Orance COUEQ" harbor ju· UNDERGROUND UTILITY coanty and state, restdloc ductlng a dlstrlbutlocbusloesa at his resldeDce during the dicial district court warrant DLSTRICT NO. z READING LAB AIDS tbuelll, duly commissioned aM at 302.1/2 Soutb Bay Front, D.ldlt ••• A potted plant valued ctw'ctng him wltb totonea. For fUrther IJlform.aUon.,ref. D norn, per&Oili.Uy appeared Balboa lsla.od, caw., UDder tbe at $25 was sColeo from the yud Uoo In public; be wu arrested erence is hereby made to the C. .M . STUDENTS WUllam V, Swu, mown to me fictitious tlrm 111&1ne of Pro. at tbe J. W." Rlcbard8oa rest-at 11 a.m. at 567 w. Utb St., map showing the bouDdarles of A volUDtary reading lab at to be the peraoo wbose Dame fessiooal Dynamic• aod tbat dtaee, 314 BlMaa Vlsta Blvd., Costa Mea ••• Doris Marie the proposed Undergrolmd uttl~ Corona del Mar h.lgb_,~~~ Is nblcrlbed to the W'itbla ln· aid tlrm Is compoeed or tbe Balboa. durlnl tb8 Diefd • • • Frisbee, ?08 Goldenrod AYe., lty District No. 2 destpated lla.s he~ remed..lal ~· «rumtllt aDd ackoowledged to tollowLDc persoo wbose aunt in A radio valued at $Z5 was Coro• del Mar was arrested a.s DrawtncNo. M-5139..S, dilled raise thell' reading scales rme that he neeuted tbe same. full a.nd place of restdeoce are burltarl.sed from the Mae at z a.m. at E._;t Coast Hwy., February 9, 1971, which ls 00 average of Z.4 grade lnels WITNESS mJ ha.Dd and of. as follows, to·wlt: Rlcbard M. Collene Reid resldt>nrt>, 1ZZ5 and Ayocado st., Corooa del tile In the oftlce ot the City 16 wee~. teacher Larry Baooer fteial seaL Mary A. Haapa, Waper, 30Z·l/2 South Bay E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa,duriJlc Mar, on a charge or i.otoxtca. Clerk, loca.ted In the City Hall. aBDOUDCes. Not:ary PubUe ,in and tor said Front, Balboa Island, Ca.ut. the Dlcbt ••• A lamp valued tlon. ln publle ••• Two tele· Notice Is further given that Some 150 students go to the ' COUDty ud State. Wy Com-WITNESS my haOO this Z'lth at $30 was ·burcJarl&ed from vt..sons and higb ftdellty equip~ tbe total estimated eost nf the lab when they feellbey need to, m.latoo uplres Dec. 13, 1971. day of Ja.olllly, 1971. Richard t.be Patrleia McKetma rest. ment val..t at $350 werebura:· proposed wo~k Is $Z40,000.00 Mr. BaDDer said. P~Usb: Feb. 25, March 4, U. Wa.per. deoce, 4313 CtaDoel Pl., West larl.sed from the Mae Colleoe a.Dd tba.t the SoutbernCaWnrDJ.a After a tes:U.ogperlodof:Wout 11. 111, 1971, In the Newport STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) Newport, between Jan. 23 and Reid restdeoce, 1Z25 E. Ba.l-Edison Comp~~.ny proposes to Z weeks, each student Is placed Harbor EDIIp.. )ss. Feb. 2 ••• A tape player boa BlYd., Balboa, durtnc the contribute $180,000,00; the Pa. at his applq)riate leYel of sldll . COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a.Dd haoer vlll.ued at $250 were D.lgbt ••• A purse be1oogtog to cl!ic Telepbooe aDd Telegraph ill readlnc a.nd then works on LEGAL MOTICE ON Tm 21th day or Jan-burclarised from the J.A. Me. Vtcty Harris, 326 Walnut, Costa Company pr~sesto contribute aD lDdiYiduaUy prescribed FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ua.ry, 1971, before me, a No. DoDI.ld resldeoce 310 Fer. Mesa wustolentromherwhlle $50,000.00; and the tala.nce ot course oJ' study to he_, him tary Publlc ln and. lor said DllDdo Balboa., ~tw"o Jan. at Ne~ Harbor h.lgb school $10,000.000 lor the conversioo wltb reading speed and com· STNJ"EMENT county and state, resid.ioe Sl and Feb. 4 , •. A tire a.nd 600 lnlDe Ave., Newpori from overhead service to 141· preben.ston.. Tbe .lollo•inc petSOD tsdotoc therein. duly eommlssiooed&Di~ wheel nluad at $1%5 were sto.-Hellf!ts, at 12:30 p.m. • •• dergroWld service on their OWD ARTIST TO LECTURE busJ.Dta u Key Enterprises, sworn, persooa.Uy appeared len from a ear be loDging to BlD'cJars en&ered tbe apartment properties .,.Ul be the obUga. Members of RIYiera Worn. 2755 T1mple tulls, Lacm-Richard M. Waper, Gown to Fred Gorsoo, 3137 Yukon Ave., of Beverly J. Htll, 115 34th Uon of individual property own-eo's Club meellog on March Beaeh, CaW.: A.Ddrew J. Wood, me to be the person wbose Costa Mesa., wh.lle lt was park. St., West Newport, between Feb. ers. Z4 will bear Newport Beach 2755 Temple Hills, Lacuza name is subscribed to the wltb-eel a.t 3427 Blaetthora St., Ea.st z and 8, a.Dd. e"',...""""' wltb ao Any persons lntere_sted in, u-Roe Dui ~-b Calli -·· ~-~-•• •-•· •-~ Dl aDd -•-~ r wnl 1 thl th artlst, ....-s. t tman,lec • .._... • . ''~~a__. 1.6 w ...., ... wne ' a._.., .... Blutf, c:Nr1nctbe DJ.cbt ••• Fur. u.ntoowa quantity of merehan~ o o og proper y Wl n e ture a.Dd. demoostrate ller belDc .CODillaeted by ao I.DdiYI· ledpd to me that he ex.eeuttd lliture "fabled at $l50 was burg .. d1ae , •• Sebool S~.C~Plles aod proposed Undergrotmd Utility wat.-eoklr teebidq11ea. dal. tbt a.me. Jarlald from tbe Cbarlts A. equipment valued at $1 '10 were Dl.st:rict No. 2 ~Y rue W1tb n. .... wtU be beld ill Slptd: A.Ddrew J. Wood. WITNESS my baDd a.Dd. of-Rector resideoee, 2UO Oeeu. stolen tk"om the Coroaa delMar the City Clerk prJor to theUme IUs. Daitmu's borne, bee:1D· Th1s statement tUed wttb the ttdaJ seal. Mary A. Hupa. VIew, Newport Helehts, betweeo bleb scbool, Zl01 Ea.stbluff, fixed fbr the btuLnc. written nine at 10 a.m. COUDtJ elerk ot Oraap County Notary Public In and tor Aid Ju. 15 aod Feb. 5 ••• A tape durlne tbe day •••• TbleJes protests or objec:.UOD.S to tbe Weetly Tuesday art elasses Jan. 11, 1971, by Jaoat L. County aDd State. My com. recorder wahaed at$80wasbtJr. stole aa esUmated $35 lD colDs extent of the proposed district are eoaducted ill Lois Duit- breilltr • dePutY COUPh' elerk. mlsaloa esplres l)e(:, 13, 1.971. llarlzed from tbe £a.stbluff el. from a self se"lee postal Wlft or to the proposed work or lm· mu's home tor members of Publlab: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Publish: Feb, 4, 11, 18, 25, emeatary sebool 2627 Vista at tbe oortbwest parkin( lot provemeat and may presem Shark Island Yacht Club • .ln- 1971, lo the Newport Harbor 1971, ill tbe Newport Harbor del Oro, Ea.st Bluff, between at Fashion Island. between Feb. verba.l protests at sa.td hearing. struc1ioa from 10 a.m. to 4 ED&:::.'::: .. c:':-::::-:-.,-,===--EQSigo.. NOf, 12 a.OO Feb. 6. 5 and 8, LAURA LAGJOO, p.m. IDcl.ades techniq~.tts 1D oll, -City Clerk of the City of L!GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Newport Beach, CaWorDll acryUc, watercolor, pla.stic by : Doris M. George scq.wre aDd taut. J f you ever make a long diataoce telepbo011 call and get a poor connection or cet cut oft, wedon'twantyou topayforit. Fortunately these things aeldom happen, but if they do, here's what to do: just bane up, call the Operator and explain wbat bappmed. We'D get you a good connection. Our product ia communications. Clear, crisp communica- tions. And we don't want you to pay for anything lees. l"ll bet a lot of you don't realize that your telephone has a "parking 1pace" built ri&b,t into its design. A glance at these illustra- tions shows you how euy it ia to "park •• your phone receiver if you mUJit leave your converB&tion for a moment. It's bandy for you, and you'll eave the finiah on'/our fur- niture, the spring in the cord , an the ean of your listener. ."elephooe Company Yeblcles are t:a.tmc oa a new image, Have you DOUeed the DeWer ud brighter eolots on. our tr~~eka and YU15 rec.-. ly? The tradldooal Bell System ~teen is beiJlc replaced by our new k:lot appe&raoee, Sooo all our veblcles w1..LI be wdform 11 u.· new colora; white, ocllre, a Ught gray-creea aDd a strlkbc blue. Cha.oges doo't stop LD. o. IIJPtU&DCtaloDt. New metbods of proYidJoc futtr am more . etncteot sel'Tice are coa .. "'lJ tJetDc deY-eloped. U YOII lave any q•ltioas about aay pbue ol your telepbooe senlee, pl-.se call ov BuslDeu ·Office on 6-U.UOl. We're bere to belpl ~?>'>-~ R. S. McPhelncl&e Your Telephone Manager .n Newpor1 ·Costa M~ ORANGE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA NOTIC£ TO CONTRACTORS Sealed pliJPOals wtll be reeel't'ed at the omce ot tbe Clerk ot the Board ot S~tsots of tbe Couuty of Oranp. Santa Alll, CallfornJa, on. or befol'e Monday, tbe 8th day of March, 1971, at Z:OO p.m. o'clock, at Wb.leb Ume tbey will be pubUely opeoed ud r-.d ill tbe omee of tbe Clerk of the Board t1 SIOU'YiiOrs, Room 501, County AdmJD.Istr&Uon Bu.Udinc, 515 NOI'tb Sycamore, Sl.ata Aoa, CautornJa, lor coutructlDC a bJCIIW&J 1D aeeorduce with the pla..Ds and speclllcaUoos tbere· tor, to wb.leb ..,.elal reference ls made as folknrs: (S) 46 (S} 47 (S} 48 3 Ea. 29 £a.. L.S. Type A Survey Monumeot.s WZlR, W61R Warn1Dg Signs; and Markers Tralllc Sigoal • IUC~>way Llglltlng System.Untversl.ty Drive & CaWornta AYeaue Deputy Publlsh: Feb, Z5, 1971, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. SHOPS and SERVICES IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, oa Uai.Yersity OrlYe be· tweea Mae Artbar Bou.lenrd and 12:20 feet east of Campas DrlYe, &Dd tratlle 11pal aDd hlctnray llgtllinc systems at CaUiornla AYIDIM aDd Campus Drive. BIDS are required tor tbe entire wort u described bereiD: Enctneer's Estimate • Item No. Quutlty DescrJpttoa of Work 1 UZ L. F. Remon Pipe CtalYerts a.od Dowr:dralos 2 10 L.F. Relocate DrlYew&J Cu.lnrt S I Ea. Ad jolt Maahole to Grade 4 !9 L.F. Reloeate Metal Beam Guard RaWog 5 9 C. Y. Remo"' Coaerete 6 L.S. Cloarbil ' Gr.W.C 7 1,400 M. IA.l FurDllb I. Apply Water 8 sa,ooo c. Y. ao.ctway Eaea•aUoo 9 $5 C. Y. Stnetlll't ExeaYatlon 10 17 C. Y. Stnet.-e Bactftll II 140 c. Y. Dll<b E..,.nlloo u 1100 s. Y. eo.,.,.., OrlclD&I Groaad U 90 L.F. C" Woldod steel Plpo Coocllllt 14 100 L.F. I" Albe.tos Cement Ptpe CODdult IS L.S. Flallll RoadnJ US fl, 100 Too ClUI 4 Agrepte Sataa 11 11,100 T.. • ....... -II 4, '100 Too Clau 8 Aar ... to (ll.d.lllblod CTB} U IllS Bb1 ,.,._ Comlll (11.4-lllblod CTB} ZO 14,COO S.Y. III&CtouBC_Tr __ II 10 Too ~A-It, IIC.nG (CorlJil Sotl) U 17 Too Llqllld A .... SC-110 (11.4-0IIad Aoptll. -ltl} lllaudC-1,100 S.Y. 14 IS • I? II It 7,110 ItS MO MO 10 10 ~l: ~ <*')II 1,500 111111 11 14 IJ • ltll . .. •• • L IN • • 01>. - " 110 • • Too S. Y. L.P. L.F. Too T .. C.Y. C.Y. Lb. Ia. L.P. L.r. L.F. L.F. L.F. L.r. Lb. ,... ,... a I C.l. .. Ill C.l. .... (Rood-mllool "-"a..-..> ....... eo.c.. P1o<e Aoptlll Coa:rllo (Nite. .V-} Pllee-Coa:rllo 00oo (o.s•) -..... Coa:rllo DOoo (0.17') ~ •-tt, sc.-(Prl.a Cool) ......,, __ _ (hill -• '"' ll4ol Cool) c-• eo.:r• ~.,oct••> C-ACoa:rllo(lllr.-•) Baril! 0 ---.-·> ~~-=~_n) II" ICP (iiOO:i)) PI" • I • C.W Cll'li$ r PI ' • WCIIP ... C..CIIJ' 'filar• W _. ,_ Daiio.o.ioidiilni•ii W1R laNa .... _ ... ,,,,I,.O.CIUI) ~· 111' ....... 1 1111111 -0.~ c , ... _ ~•c -~OIIIo, -m. I) • -.. £...,"' .. ,.,..£_,.._ (S} 49 L.S. Tratllc Sip! l HlotrwaY Ug!>tlng System.Uo.lversity Orin & Campus Orin 50 39 Too GraYel Bl&Dket THE FOREGOING quantiUes are appronmate only, belng elY eo u .-bull tor tbe compulsoa of bids. and the c oway ot On.Dp dots DOl, eJpres.sl)' or by lq)lleatioo, agree that tbe tebal amouut ot wort wtll OOC'respoad tberewttb but rt~aerYes tbe rlcbt to 1Dereue rx decrease tbe amo~mt of a.D)' elasl or porUoo ot tbe wort. or to omit portions ot tbe wort., as may be deemed oeeessary or adYtsable by tbe En. clDter. THE CONTRACT OOCUKENTS sball consist of Notlee to Cootn..etou, Form of Proposa.l, Form of AgreemeDt, Pla.Ds, Special PI'OY1s1ool, ud Studard SpectfleatioD.s, all of wblcb are oa tUe lD tbe omee ol'tbe Oruge COQIIlJ' Road ~~ fMDt ud are berebJ reternd to aDd made a part hereof. PLANS, SPECiAL PRO~ONS AND OTHER CONTRACT DOCUMENT FORMS wt11 be aYIU&bJt for e~amJoatioa W'l~ cbarp:. Copies of a.U CODtract dOcwneats may be secured at ti>o olllco ot lbt Oraap Cow11J Rood Deportment, 400 Cine Ceater DriYI Wtll, Suta Aa, CalllorD1&. Pl.AIIS, SPECIAL PROvmxJIIS (HOT IIICLIJDIIIG STAIID- ARD SPEC!FICATIO!fi OR OTHER OOCUKEIITS INCLUD£0 BY REFERENCE) AND PROPOSAL FORMS ma.y be obtai,., b)' proiPecliYt blddlrs 1CIOD p&fllleal ot a PI""IDtlDc ud Mr· flee cllu'p lD the &mOUIIt ot $5.00, Wbleb amoant sbal.l oat be r-11. AU cbec:u lilall bo mado .. ,..,Io to <>raap c-Tr....,or bo& -~~~ bo matlod to lbt Rood --.. .._ 400 ClYlc C..ur Orl'fe West. Sa* ADa. Ca.llforala.. COPIES OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIOHS maJ b1 pwebUod tor ,,,sa tu Iael-lrom lbt DIIIOflmOOI o1 P-Wa<U, Slatt ol CaWorala, a< 1bt Rood Doll&rllDIII, Co.ty ot Qruce, tOO CMe Cerur Drt'ft West, SaD ADa, Calllorala. JIK) BID wtl1 be COIIPtered IIDieA It 1s made oo a bla.Dt •• flllnllbtd bJ tbt COCIIIlJ a.c~ eom .. ,...,..,. &ad 11 -ID ---1111 -..... SlaMU<I Spo-etaw ..... Ud~~ TBil B0.U1D OF SUPERVIIIORS ol lbt C~ ol Orulo r11 ., .. tM npt 10 re)td U1 or all b6da.. TBil 8lllll£R'S ·-ll dlr-"' ... ~ .. s.ct1D1 I, '•hCifOII.l a.qm..,..u ud CodHoM." ot U. 'ltl'*rd ~ IDr U. r....,..ID8IU Ud ,...HeM WMdl M ...t •:l I •• la tile Jr'CIU'&tiOI rA tM ....-J. -....... "" ,_ ollllollld. ' ' 1'010,_ OF TIIB STATE CotmlACT ACT aro ool ._._...,, ud 1ft~ 1 cUte b6ddlr1 wW .t be rtlllllind to ...... -· II! ACCc:mwte& -1111 --o1 Stclloo 1771 til 1110 '-Cello ollllll-11c-. IIIII -.! ol SOpor. -II Oruit c.-, IIU -1111 --' pro. --.. .... e1 ..,.. waxtM tD 11111 wn u dltiU•d ta _..,.,.. ,. a••n'-Jto. ._.L II CWMI CW T11B -ID CW lOPER-OF CWA-cou.rY, CALPFCliiiiA. ~,,._,I, Ot'll w. &. IT .1011!1 c..er C'lll'tt .... ·~· Clllltl .. _.. ... ,Ill' & .........__c -,.... • _....,I 4¥--= --1.0 0 7 .._..,~ •••••..._..,....,,..,ui-. .... - L ~G"L HOTICE p.f0347 CERTIFICATE OF BlEINESS FletiUous Flrrn Name THE UNDERSIGNEDdobere. by certlf)' that they are COO· dueling a Boat La.UDCb, stor. ap and W.arlna. bu.s1Dess a.t 300 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beaeh, Callt., uDder tbe fle. Utioas ftrm :'lime ot B&yslde Boat La.IIDCh and that said tlrm 1s composed of the followln& persoo whose aarne to ft&ll aDd place or resideDCe are u rot~ lows, to¥W'it; Back Bay Park,. ~., 300 £, Coast Hwy., New. port Beach, CaW. WITNESS my haDd this 19th daJ of Ja.oua.ry, 1971. Wllllam T. Sp_ragu.e, Asst. SecJ. STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) }&&. COll'l'n'Y OF O~ANGE ) ON Tm 19tb daJ of Jan. ary, l i n, before me, a No. ta.ry Publle Ill and tar said couaty and state, re&idl.A& t.bereta, duly eommlsstooed&Dd n~>rrt. perso111.l)J IA*fed William T. Sprar-, mc:.n to me to be tbe persoa wboet I&Dit Is Mlscrlbed to tbt wtth1D la.- strumeot, aDd aelaloWled-to me tbat be u:eellttd lbe tame. WITNESS my bi.Dd ud rA- fteia..l MI.L Mary A.. ~ Notary PubUe 1D Ud b' aid CoootJ &101 Slalt. IIJ c-oa~a. lio:a aptres Dee. ts. 11'71. hbUiib: Feb. f. 11, 1' IS, ttn, 1a lbt Hnport HarW Elllp. Save Time And Money -Call An Expert BEAUTY SALON ~-4 BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar Phone 644·7336 DRY CLEANING Finett quality dry cleaning on~~ pnmlK• • Sdf-wrftce laund..y AD new -la1e11: mock! Pripcl.iH w.uhen lliiiO E. eo.t H")' .. COM ,._, 673-960S FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DtM~trl To1h FLORISTS I'HONEo -..an 201Mtw;JIOrt Bhd.. Ctooo- HtEAIUIIIG AIDS HAL AEIPSCHER I • HEALTH RESORT ~ ~ RFAJlBSPl -t " f"EE VISIT lfrtCLUOES - • M•ner•l sPA Wtl'wlpool • Ulu•Viohn Sun llll"' Room1 • Fonn1sh s,....,,... St.-n Rooml•lrwop"etingEI-ec1rM;:.i M.....,. • Oneort Of.,. H..t Room1 • RMe••ne M...,_,!Call ........... • Prov•lf Toled Stell Sh--. • P•ton•l $uptrvilooo-. •COSTA MESA 549-3368 • ORANGE • ANAHEIM ·638-2 .. ! _, • HUNTINGTON BEACH MZ·1411 • OFFICE EQUIPMENT l:=•r.,, ... ". ' . PAINT WALLPAPIR HARBOR PAINT A W ALLP APICSt PII I'SBURGif PAINTS Complot.U.. 73,000PATTEifNS OF WALLI'Anlf 2919E.~Ihry. eo.-cloi- (JiaJtT TO POitT ftiiA...._, -:11--- PLUM81NG A . R. MARSAC PLUM lEI. 700 C'1m111.ion Av~ Corona del War • "um.,_.1 l.•in DAY A NIGHT WATEI. H£ATEI.S 67l-4110 MARIN£ HARDWAIIJE .. WILCOX-CRITTENDEN HARDWARE .... ,. 5 •a...-..... u. "· c.. ........ "'· .. ..... , I .. Ait.......,.. -____ ,. . ...... PD. ~ 1171 Prom the 60od YNr Seen A•••d r------. • Twmn, na. • aoe -..,Cftot,c_.._ "'-• -1o it'll ,..._, .. Man 'Ill ra ...... U , al wu atr-atllloS.•..,.Dnl A lar= C ~Ill MO lool • Ia 1'1111 ID llo a ,.,.r So -Mill LoriO 111111, til Old 1...-1 lid., !lou,... -., 1010 lrYiot, W-WJ ::-al -::':.:! ,_ tJr lllo '•ria-. Tllo pr-al ~ F-.J "llutiJIIII, wu ...-atiO:all Plua, llll:all p.m. oo a clllrlt Fowler aGO Doll11a ba Co-::-tJr •Yiuplo_l._, S.YIIp uri Lou •-a"oo, p.m. Ill 111o --· oo a a1 -Wtiac . . . ~~-,_ •1 Mat door'"• u,;· ..... " -lllo da•lll tJr ID 11or '-'to 111o-.-1 FOR AI.:~ OF YOUR INSURANCE HEEDS ' NOW .H 1780 NEWPORT 3LVD. Ph. 646-9313 Co1ta Mesa ebarp ol ll:lll'dallatercocw• Scott Ftab•, U, ot 101 Sbore-• -. -.-.._ • .._ to a.cr ... CCIMid· m..U.,. ••• Cetl• Ala YaDDe, S7, of ewr Rd., Sbore CUffs, wu iisi ~:-::c::.:a.:: F • '''he A .... IMJoo lDcnuld arrested at 2:50 a.m . 1D the tbe orgery ring ........ ll ... Olt'M' tbe LEGAL NOTICE 400bloctaiCaWloaDr.,New-... :::.•;;~~.Jt:::.~ ~!""" ,_, .. lbe p_40525 -port Belgbts, OD a ebarp ol Balboa betftu 9 a m a.i • • ted J~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF BIBINESS dri•IDC wbllo Wider lllo lA-4 p... Boat -~ IRYestiga .......... Fletltl.t:Mls Firm Name flueoce of alcobol ..• TttleYes n.t~'d $Msw•ebvcJar1Md 130.00, ~ Pti4U. THE UNDERSIGNEDdobere-stole a sip nlued at $40 from from the cance at tbe Halcer anra -. 717,19f dariDI U'JO, 0y eerWy that they are coad~-the btlsiDtss otnee or fraoces Cttrl5teue: reaJdeace w Wat NeWport S.Cb pollce are the lar,.. paymeat lD tbe bla- tlnl 1 busloess at P.O. Box J, Horvath Realty, 3410 w. BaJ. out st., Newport sboi-es, ~ laYuttpttnc tbe COADICtloa. 011 toi'J ollbe Auociatloa. •• II*, COl'OIIl del liar, C.ltlor-bca Bl•d., West Newport, be-10 a.m. Feb. e. I Lalrftooct-•Wt•--Ml"l COURSES FOR Ida 92625, UDder the OcUiious tween 9 a.m. Feb. 8 a.nd 9 a.m. • THURSDAY,.fEB. 11 ern Calii:lrlda lorcetJ rtac. " • ltrm aame otOmm'sAotlquos Feb. 9 • • ·A s~d •alued Dartd F...-r Zamon 18 PoUca -.td lbe Z womeo, HARBOR STUDENTS &Dd that saJd ftrm 1s composed at. $80 was burgla:ti&ed from ol 313 E. 21sC st., Costa Yea: St~e Mary Pold, II, IDCI Gtr· Nnport Hubor bJchscbool'a ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance Y•r htl.p••Mt /ua~• ..t1 .. , lln E. Coaot Hwy. Coooqo del Mar -Telophane 67).311$0 ot the following persons wbose the p.rap at the John w. Nor. was arre&ted at zoo cwt Dr •• trucle Katber1Dt O'Hare, 11, ltlldeat eucwtn c::ouocu w111 .... .,. .. ... ·s· '==========~ oames 1n tuU and place of res. ma.o restdeace, 104 Grant St., CWt Haven. oo a cbarre ot ln· were atr..Ce<J Feb. 15 at Des-spouor a DIY cwrieulum lDD· I ._ ~ . ~ &; ~ I r ldeoce are as foUows, to-wit: Newport Shores , between 9 and toDcation 1n pubUc , , , Sebool mood's Clotblltc store I.JI. FUb-OntiOo March I, 9, 10, 11 and r-:.....-;;;:~;=~~~~;;~;;;;:;~=;::--, Roeer Schwent, JO&!I K. 11:30 a.m. S'Oll)llos aod equli>meot valued loo lolud, .....,. Iller bad u-U. st-.o ..W be cl••• a Ust fiRST BAPTIST CHURCH BAL1Z Schwenk. 238 TusUnAve.,New. • WEDNESDAY FEB 10 at 435 were stolen lrom the SIJ'tedly ued a lab moot)' ol '79 minl-eouraea trom which 1111 aat ..._ NIWI'Oif-....,. Mo,.Drur ~D TES port Beach, Calli. 9!660. • . .. ....... Schoo~ %100 ...... order to boy .... ~y $ISO wcrtll Iller ..w ... able to choooe A NIW CHURCH WILCOMII YOU n. ~. WITNESS our hands this 11th James Guard Wtll1amson, 23• ners, betweeo feb. 10 aod 11 o1 goods. either one 4 hour loag class or · day of Febr uary 1971 Roger of 301 Avocado, Apt. 2• Costa . . . Vandals used B. B. CUDS Detective Sue . Race aid lbe % separate 2 bot&r classes. Tbe Dr. W•fter P .... Palfw 1741 SUPERIOR A.YI!. Schwenk, JoawK.,Schwe'Dk. Mesa, was arrested at 4:40 to break Z windows Ill tbe Roo. suspeets are belq Cl'..tioaed scbedale will be such that nor-SUNDAY SCHOOL •••• ·"'" A..M. ..... STUDY COST A MESA STATE or CAUfORNIA ) a.m. at Bayside and E. Coast ald. Allen Havis resideoce 208 ln coaD&dioa wttb a torCVY mal classes wW be sborteoed WORSHIP · ' ' • 11 A.M.. •41 II.M. 7110 '·"' WID. Midway b-2424 )ss Hwy., near · Bayside VUlage, Caoal St., Newport S~res, rtnc that ns broken bJ Or-to allow tlme for ooe bour of 352D I . COAST HI WAY COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • 00 a warrant charctne blm wlth causiog $200 damage between ance pollee 4 weeks aao. the mill1-courses 1n a 4 da.)l Central Bible Church ORANGE AVENUE or 23RD STREET COSTA MESA PHONE, 54-P03 ON THIS 11th day o1 Feb-violatloo of ~robation · • · 12:30 and Z:30 p.m. At that time SterJtnc Ed-sequeoce. COIOM4 DEL MAR uary, 19n , before me, a Not-Robert Curtis Wrel.sner, 50, ward Newcome, 44, &Del Du-Members of tbe eornmuntty ORlolt 3..q450 ary PubUc in and for said ol 5106 Seashore Dr ., West STUDENT ART SHO~ leoe Coart, !9, were arres. a.od Harbor teacbers will COO· Sian 1'42 .county aod state resJ.diog Newport, was arrested at 3:35 The Costa Mesa Art Gallery ted oo toreerr cbarces after duct tbe classes. If any comm. '-::~=;;:=;:=::=::::~::;=~;;=i therein, duly commlsslooeda.nd a..m. at Avocado and E. Coast 513 Center Street, is featurtni pollee said they louad forging unity members bave a 6J)8Clal r sworn, personally appeared Hwy., Corona del Mar, 00 a an exhibit of artwork by studeat plates valued at more tb&a $1 talent tbat would be of interest MATTRESSES Roger Schwenk and Joan K. cbarce of intoxication lo pub-members tills mohth. They are mUlloa 1D their Orance home. to studellts, tbe)' are urged to XKW -UaUILDJJIG Schwenk, koowo to me to be Uc · · · John RaDdall Weeks, Peggy Anderson Craig Ashley Pollee said a search of tbe coatact Harbor High Sc hool Sundq School & Worablp .•• 9:00 and 10:80 a.m. Sunday Eveato1 Worebtp •.......•. 7:00p.m. Wedneada1 Bible Study & Prayer ••... 7:00p.m. lnegutar Shapes the persons wllose names are 20, of 758 2oth St., Costa Mesa, Bonnie am Ti~ Blef Robbl, borne revealed a nwnber of ' ............ -C.U.. subscribed to the with!ninstru-was arrested at 1:45 a.m. at Foss Nancy Grafe N~F ant! plates capable of productnr BOOK OF WORMOH WATOt P•.slor MUISI!RY ,011 ALL IIIVICU Yo•IAo Ptulor RICHARD REED COSTA MESA MAniUS co. meot, and acknowledged to me the Newport Pier, Central New· and btck Rovtne.' Tbe ~ry false drivers llceoses, tdeoU. WILL IE FUND RAISER 2110 New~ N . lll-ty .. IJOJ tha.t tbey executed the sa.me. port, on a charge of possesion is open Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. llcat1ons, commercial cbeets, The Costa Mesa Ward of Aa iodependeot cbutcb witb Bible ~acblnl mioJatry FRED R. MORSE Westdilf I Chapel WITNESS my hand and of-of stolen property ..• A 'lfrday and Sunday from 1 to 5 moaey orders,SanDietoCowQ the Church of Jesus Clu'lst ol r=;;;;;::;T.;;:;;;=::::;=;:::==:;~========~ tlctal seal. Mar y A, Haapa, purse and Its contents, val. p.m. aod Los Angeles County ~y Latter Dar Salnts, 801 Dover Notary PubUc lR and tor said ued at $l 5, were stolen from During themoothofMarchtbe warrants, Department of Mo.: Dr., Newport Beach, has em· Otristi., Sc~ Seno;Cft d/!~ 427 L I~ • County aoo State. my Com'l\is-the car of Pamela Anne Gibson, gallery wlll feature abstracts tor Vehicles car r egistration barka:l OD wbat 1t calls a unique FIRST CHURCH OF s1oo etplres Dec. 13, 19TI. 2067 Wallace, Costa Mesa, seml-abstracts, collaces auJ slips and Immigration cards. fund ratstng program which in· CHRIST, SCIENTIST PubUsb.: Feb. 18, 25, March while 1t was parked at the hilpresslonisUc paintings~ vol.-es the markeUDeola "Boot 3303 Via Lido LUTHERAN !;HURCH OF THE MASTER COSTA MESA PHON~r ... ~ .. Ill 4, 11 , 1971, In the Newport Fashion Island parking lot be-LEGAL t-IOTICE 31 Mormoo" watch, similar to Newport Beach Harbor EDSign. tween 7:30 aOO 7:45 p.m. . . . LEGAL MQTICE the famous ''Apew» watch. SUNDAY SCHOOL 2900 Pacific Vtew Or. Corona det Mlr, Calif. DR. WILLIAM R. EllER \ EGGERS INSURANCE, INC. COMPLET£ INSURANCE SERVICE I'IIOIIE (714167~2 2711 £. Coost Hwy., Suite 101 c.-Dol -· C.ll~ .. • C:OWlnl fiiiiiiAL AIID IUIIIAL C:lllia Jlltuunial ifark x....-·.,.--~ "~ ill OM s-.i/al .Ploce" Braa1e the fUDell1 111111 bural oeall!t a>acept dimina... the DOOd for prorruiro>l lbroup beaoy traffic oa OteraowcWhig~twa,., family CIMilaT.fiiAUSOUUM iDd frimds aJilce may..,.. po.y their full,._ fUIIIIAI. IIOMI specb br lllmdin& tbe baNI tenict, .as wdl CHAPILS.CIIMATOIT. as tbe cbapd ..mo., all at onel>eoaliful plaa. COWMIAIIUM at let~ a.t aod more coutuaimtr. WIRAJIS LAWN 14111 • 14111 aACH a¥11~ WISlMINSTEI 531·1725 (TOLL FREE FROM NEWPORT HARBOR AREA) . \ P-15210 Tbe watch features a Boot 9:15a.m. and II a.m. P-40526 CERTIFICATE Of Bl5INESS of Mormoo aDd a Bible sup-SUNDAY SERVICES Phone: 644·2664 CERTIFICATE OF BLBINESS Fictitious Flrm Name er.lmposed OYer a sky of bll· 9:15 -11 a.m. Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNEDdohere. k..wy clouds On tbe outer per. WEONESD-\Y EVENING 9:00 A.M. Family Worship THE UNDERSIGNED does by certlly that they are coo. !miter aDd a map of the world MEETING Bp.m. IO:OO A.M.-Ch ur ch sc hool hereby certify tha.t he 1s con. ductln1 a Mobile Home Park in the center. 1t wW be mark. READING ROOM II :00 A.M .. Festive Worship du ctlDg a Med.Jcal La.boratory .and Marina business at300 E. eted UDder the auspices of the Wed: days: 9a.m .. 5 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED business at 601 Dover Drtve Coa.st Hwy.,. Newport Beach, CMW Corp., a noo..profit or. Wednesday: 9 a.m .. 7:4 5 p.m.l'-----------' (19}, Newport Beach, Cat. CaUl., uoder the flcUtJous ftrm p.niJ.aUoo created by the Costa TueWy and Friday: 92660, uDder the fi ctitious !lame of Bayside V(llage and Mesa Ward. Proceeds Ylll go 9 a.m.· 5 p.m.; 7.9 p.m .. firm oame of Bayshore Medlcal that said firm ls composed of to the Newport Beach Stake Sunday: 1 p.m .. 4 p.m. Laboratory and that said ftrm the foUowin1 person wbose buUdtng fu.od for tb.e construe-SECOND CHURCH OF Is composed of the follo1rtng name ln full aod place of rest. lion of a new chapel, and to the CHRIST, SCIENTIST person wbose name to tuU and dence are as foUows, to.wlt: ward's missionary f\md. Newpon lkach ar place of resideoce are as fol. Back Bay Park, Inc,, 300 E. The idea for the watch , was Corona del Mar lows, to.wtt: Rutus Dale GU. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, tbe brainchild of Dale Sebelin, 3100 Pacifi c View Or. :,. . .... lette, 967 Meadowlark Lane CaW. general manager of the Dirty SUNDAY SCHOOL JOa.m. Laguna. Beach, Cal. 92651 , ' WITN&I)S mr hand this 19th Time Co., and a member Of SUNDAY SERVICE 10 a.m. A WITNESS my hand ttlls 8tb day of January, 19TI . WlUJam the Costa Mesa Ward, He SU(-WEDNESDAY EVE!\: lNG day of February, 19'Zl. Rufus T. Spraeue, Asst. Secy. gested the idea to the bishop Reading Room: a p.m. Dale GlUette. STATE Of CAUFORNlA } ot tlis ward, Tbomas R. Small-~D E. CoutHwy. STATE Of CAUFORNIA ) )ss. codl.b. EatN.ace oa Nard .. •• REV. NORMAN BROWN MINISTER )ss. COUNTY OF oaANGE ) ARTIST OF THE MO~TH Mon.·F,;,, 10 •. m. <o s p.m. SUNOAV SERVICE COUNTY OF ORANGE } ON THIS 19th day of Jan. Mrs Robert J .N rton Thursday evenings: 7 to 9 AND CHURCH SCHOOL ON i:~ 8th day of Feb· ~ ~~u' befor e me, a (Dta.oe} W'bo paints· und; tbe :at.: 10 a.m. to <J p.m. AT JO:OO A.M. ruary, , before me, a No. Y c lo and tor said tamUy 'name otd'Alk ls arUst ou are cordial ly inY ired ro Nursery car~ provid~d tary Public in aDd for said COWity and stale, residing ~, ,._ --•• ~, •• ~ Ne~rt auend Church SeNices and .... ~v 1.1• .. ..,....,. w un: ~-h PHONE: 642·2740 county and state, resldlng u1ere1n, duly commissiooedaod Beach Junior Ebells. The ez. ~·o~u~,.~·~·~R~·~·~d·~·n~g~R~oo;m~. ::::~=========~ therein, duly commiSSioned and sworn, personally appeared hiblt which will continue a.t r sworn, personaUyappearedRu-Wtlllam T. Spraaue, known to Mariners Llbruy througtl tbe FIRST BAPTIST CBURCB tus Da le Glllette, known to me me to be the person •nose month of february, locludes to be the person whose name oame Is subscr ibed to tbewlth-oils alld pastels of still w 1s subscr ibed to the within tn. Ln instrument, and acfalow. clowns S81lscape od wJ• strument, and aclalowledged to ledged to me that he executed seape • 5• a • me that he executed the same. the same. -·-~· .. ·----·----------- WITNESS my hand aDd of. WITNESS my hand and 0(. Octal seal. Mary A, Haapa. No-Oclal seal. Mary A. Haapa, tary PubUc in aDd for said Notary Public 1n and for .said County and State. My Com. County a.od State. My Com- mission ezpires Dec. 13, 1971 . mlssloo e~pires Dec. 13, 1971. PubUsh: Feb. 18, 25, t.fal ch Publlsh: Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 4, 11, 1971, ln the Newport 1971 , 1o the Newport Harbor Harbor Ensign. EDSJgo. n. ..... "THE CENTER POR"BIBLIC AL STUDIES .. DR. P. G. NBII>WIH PASTORS DR. JAMES CXIMII$ 9:45A.M.-Bible School, with our 15 buses serving Sou ttl Orang e County 11 :00 A.M. -WOmlng worship 7:00P.M. -Evening Service 301M•I"ollo St. Ho•• of P. G. H ......... (At J••t• A.,• An.). Chrl•tf•i. Sct.ool ccrsT~ESA J(J,tlur•rtn-&t6 Gr•tl• Pt.'•• ~-1733 Phon 54·2140 ., Personal service at • • [, M The Big M Ia big enough (owr $434,<Dl,<Dl) to pay the nation's hlgheat lntaraat on lneured aavtnga ... Slll to 6%. But equally lmportant-.caraa enough to give you very'peBOnal MrVIce. Cell I ...... .,.. .. -C... IRaf &4/111 ... OW. oftloM tn eowte, W.Atoadle. P1111MM and Gtrlndllll