HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignNEWPORT BEAC H JOe EXPIRING JUNE '73 JOe COSTA MESA _,' ;'J1 Loag before nul J-IJ,. 1bo Cit}' of Nnporl Boacb w coto.c to ban to opec Ita eloMt aod take a very crltleal look at tbe skeletoo ptt there 45 YfiU'I aco. The •keleloo Is 1bo boiA:b aDd ~I&DI PI<I*IY laued to the lJdo tale Commi&J.tJ Aall, --lDelldDI'a 10-l'oot wide ltrlp of beaeb comp1etei;J U'OWld: Lido llle, lS taytroat kJts: HD&Inr from 30 feet to more tbiD 100 teet ot trootaae oo tbe bay, 6 piers and floats, and a mu1Da at the trld~ eotraDce to the lsllutol. Dr. Thompson , Henderson win Tbo lease prondes Lido Ills wltb Us P<l .. cr. holding lbo beaches for the esclu.tve use of the prqMUty owr~~u oa Lido, aDd for use o1 tenuta: wbo pay a tee to the AuociaUon. AD aMIRl rental of $750 II pa.id to lbe city by tbe lJdD IJle Community Aun. It all bepn back 111 1928 at tbe start of tbe development of Lido Isle. The deveq,ers were WUU&m Clark Crtttaeo, principal Investor; John P. EIBbllch, aDd TitlelnluraDce and Trust Co. The company represented tbe estate ol W. K. Par~. who dled shortly after maldng tbe sale ol tbe lJIIPd to Mr, Crltteodea, IDd who bad subordinllted the balance due oo the purchase price ol $1,250,000. The first de.tgu of tbe subdJYtslon was more of a pedestrlaD lslaod, a varlaUoo oo Bay lllud, wUh very Uttle 1D tM way of streets. The maiD ci'IU'I.der o1 tbe lslaDd wu l.at.aded to be of a euual, ambulatory community with people ltrolllna: a)Oog the streeta. The City of Newport Beacb, both tbe PlaDntng Commlcsioo aDd tbe City Coundl, reject~ plu after plan of development, untu the preMlt IUbdlvtslon u we see It today was accepted. Tbe ctty approval wu given wltb tbe provtaWa tblt the ctty be deeded the 13 bay rroot loU which were set uide at trequeot intervals to give tbe l.nllde-lot owners access to tbe beachel. Tbese lots were ldeltUled by letters o1 tbe a_,babet, whlle all the other lots were ldeaW'led by numbers. Atttmu&'h most of theM lettered Jots were loc::ated at tbe eadl of streets, they were never tntePded to be Jtreet-eods as tbey are on Balboa lslaad. WJtb the death of Mr. Parkinson, only outsiders were lett Involved tn developln&: aoo ml.l'lr:eting Udo Isle. The Newport Beach City Co1mcll na apprehensive that the developers, aJter setllnc all the numbered lots, would exerctsetbetr power (CooUnued oo Page tO) Marina study costs split Attorney Tbomu: 71. Heoder- IOD of Costa Mea and. Dr. CHARACTERS ~~': ~~~oo~S:~= to nu 2 vacancies on the New- ON PARADE :r~~~~::~'.c\:7: physician woose 7 c blldren have lfewport Bay's annllll char. attended 14 schools ill the dls- acter bolt parade Is scheduled trlct. Mr . Heodersoo, 38, at- tor Aug. 26, and Its sponsor, teDdE'Ii local elementary and ttHt Newport Harbor Chamber hlgb scbools. of Commerce, Is Doping tor Dr. Tbompsoo more thaD tbe ~aest parade ever· The doubled his closest rtnl's •ate Cbl.mber's Commodores Club total to win eastly 1.n the 5th rimS the event. district. Tbe district. all ol. AERI AL VIEW Of LIDO ISLE BY PAOFIC AIR IH OU STRIES. The Commodores describe wblch lsln Nnport Beach, lao POLL ON COPTERS !.J.:~~cte..:.':lt:: ~;~ =...:."'::~~~ and represents special work. for busloeu reasons. tmagtnatlon., or persona.lity of w.r Heodersoo's 6tb cn.trlct What amount~ to a Jtraw liar gnpblcs consulbN, beadll eJa.Jm that constant beUcopter the owoer. ''Regular stock boats cro~s ell} bow:du'tes. It.,.. Tote OCl the popularlty of poUee "Relleopters Umited," tbe ue creates noise and antl-may be entered lf they are represented by Sellm Fra.okUA, heUeopters ill Newport S..Cb lf'cq:l seet1oc to cUp tbe prlncy problems. decorated ln this year's theme wOO restgoed wben be wu ap- ls bei.D&; tateD by pusbers of eqllters' rotors. He wu 1m-Tbe pollee areo•t etrctlJa.ting --"&.ting Arotmdthe World." pol.rted to the Harbor dl.trlct aD &ml-IH!Ucopter petlUOa aDd an.Uable yesterday, but DorlS a petitioa, but anyooe wamtng About 40 to 60 boats are munic~~:&l court beoch earlier by the pollee departrnma, whlcb Schreiber of Lido Isle, also to &how S\WOI1 for the present oormally eotered. this year n.nt1 to lr:eep tbe copters fly-actin lD tbe orp.nitaUoo's beUeopter program may call Tbe boats will parade around Mr H~Dderson defeated 7 toe. petiUao. drive, said sbe tad the pollee departme~ and ctve the bay, leaving from The other. ca.Ddldates, and Dr. Aoti-ctx:a>er forces collldn't fOWl! 36 people to sign the na.me aDd address, or sign a Arcbec at 3:30p.m. and eootng Thompsoo woo over 4 q,- come ~ wltb any ftcures tllls petWoo In tbe flrst t\our ILDd eard a.t the pollee records of-at the BJ.Iboa Bay Club at 5:30. pooents. week 011 how many slpturu: bait sbe ctrcu.Jated lt. n ee lll City Hall. Preseata.Uoo of 10 awards wtl1 Here are unol!lclal vote tal- they hl.ve, but poUcelJetteDIDl Tbe petittoa eeelr:s to ban Mrs. Schreiber accuses the be made at the c lttl, followlnc lies wttb aU ot tbe -tJ. preclncQ Kel800 McOa.alel ay& about 4 beach clUes sbare costs aad pollee of wanting helicopters a oo-oo..t coclr:tall party. in the 2 cttles reportinr: 250 people taave aotlft.erl the use ol pollee beUCOIJler ser-"because tbey're tbe latest Anrds lnclude a theme prize, DISTRICT 5 Newport Beaeb pollee dePart-vices, w'ltb the cra1l staytoc th1Dg I.D law enforcement --an a...-ard for the best-costumed Or. Arthur ThOmpson .. 2,9W A rnutna atooc the western aqd Rod Gwm, aDd cityenetDeer meat ttat they 'ftl1t to kHJP on tbe grOUDd except wben not oeceuartty beeaUMthey're crew, aDd various otber awards Mictael J. Asbe ••.••. 1,156 ed~ of Newport Belch and Bea Nolan. Costa Mea wu the city's 2 bellc:q,ters aloft. "scrambled" dur1Dc actual a eoocS thiDg, tM because witb zaDY aames. James G. Eutp . . . . . 915 Cotta Mesa, loGe talkecl &bout, reprulllted. by clty maaacer Paul Freed, a CQfOIIL 481 emtri"C*· Pttuioo tackers tbey're Dew." EotraDts mWJt Mild a t)ouJ 81'1101 CliUd~...... 1M 't DR. TH OMPSOH -od a llep clooor to raalliJ Prod Sor-1 aDd plaaaiDc dl-. lOll ON Sbo clalmo cll)'·>ide --ol lbolr baoll, aloor •1111 w.-~ . . . . . . . w -· .......... It••··-·8111-Dldl·llllolliAu c ucR -r.AU J ... ·llo~oUallod,"&llll <;alllorllla r.--...... ...IRJC1S -"~~~"·-cl tbe 2 clbel, tbt co.tJ tJc)od IIi ilf D the COUDoty oOod I u · unt \,Vft . .,. ....-a1 people ra-.ec:au.ct bers aad $10 ..., fee, to Tbomu Ht!Ddt!!'SOII •••• 1,695 ~ l.Dd more recopltton coatrol diltrlct, lilt prtnte ec:Urol dlltrlct. ttom Costa Mesa uk1.l:lc bow the Cbamber of Commerce of-Robert c Sangster l,UZ olOit.i.""'tnr t•chers. Be aid deftloper• lOt tbelr IM&da to-Btll B&nDiDr rl!l)feseatecl BALBOA IS LAND SOUGHT tbey can tlgtlt tbe pollee bell-flee at 2166 E. COl.St HW')'., Rita Wldie ..... : :: : 985 be woold llka to"" att_,oee cftber. Tbey ac:reed tbat a.har. Beeco, David W&1deo repre. copter prop-am in that city. Newpol't Beacb. Entries will Joe Dutf'J' . . • . • • . . • . 6%4 bocD:Iu1es re-dran, IIIDI.IMI' bor marlna aloac tbe Suta seoted CST EngtDeertnc. wblcb Pollee lD botb cJties cla.Jm bt screened by a special eatrJ Tbomas MacKUmoo: . . • 594 scbool e"J:pUded, prepuatk:m Aaa Rtver chlmel ts feulbJe 1s mak:ing euglDeerlnl st111lea Newport S..cbplaDDIDceom .. tsii.Dd wttb water-to-water the beU~er ts a valuable aeJec:tioo committee. Entry Darld H. Krueger . • • • . 303 made for edueatin&' 4-Je&r- eDOUgb to merit ftlrther stody. tor Keys Yarllll, aDd Paul mtutoaen, tmbl.ppJ wUb tbe daplues, Ute R-1.5 lODe could aJd 111 keeplng an eye oo sus-dea.dllDe tsthedayoftheparade. Joe CefaU. . . . . . . . . . 223 Ids and summer use ohcbool Tbe e.tty COG)Clls ot both Snyder, a Costa Mesa tmtabDp details ot a tpectaliCIId.flCordl-be applied uywbe.re lD town plcious activity, directing No commercl.a1 ldeotl1lcaUoo ArtbiD' J . Sorce ... • • . 95 ° • mm cities wUJ oow be aated to owner who says he wtll build DaDCe aimed at JtcwlDc tbe after proper bearl.np aad city crO\md llllts to crime sites, o1 any kind Is permitted oo 8oth winDers will be ellgible busses bJ the 00 unity. pve tbe 10-abead for a feast-the mu1Ila, represented Keys. dtl)le:t uplolloo Oil BaJbol.ls-deetslons. The PIIDnlD& Com-and adlng as emergency air-the boats. to take their seats oathescbool 8. I. ASSN. TO DISCUSS btllty study to be flDineed land, lave called for oew ,_,. .. mtuioo, at last Thursday boroe ambulance5• Further informaUooabouttbe board at the out meeting. pro-RJN ZONE PETITION joltalJ by the clUes and tbe Mr. Hogan str~ the logs lD an efi:Jrt to u-. ul.gbt's sessloo, set a bearing City ColiDCil wW hear the parade Is avaJiable by calling vlded campUgn e .lpeD&e state-Board members oftheBalboa. deve)opere. ~greem;: r:-~eastbi.Uty ~= ICI tbe new )aw's pr'O't'talou. for Sept. 18 on appUcatioa of oppos:Lnr vtewpolnts at the Sept. tbe Chamber of Commer ce of-ments have been flied and the Island Improvameal Ala. will Ao attempt last month by :,~ be made there was The R-1.5 r..ooe, cre&t.ed. bf tbe on woe to Batbol.lsland, 11 mtetiD.g. rice at 675-6300. vote totals certUled by tbe meet a.t 8 p m today Auc. Newport Beach planoerstohave • oval or -~sement City Couoctl a ctloa last rooctb. most of which Is DOW lOlled E • • • county's registrar of voters. 10 at the llo·m~ of a:eocla· tbe cUJ foot the entire cost DO IIJP!' .. Umtts secood boUfiiDa: UDlts ol R-Z. nslgn Writers In race During the campa.J.gn. Dr. w:o esldent Tom Hoaton. of the stud)', ao U.t lbe plan~ of any ,.rttcular pro jed. a d~le:t to a size ol800 IIQUU'e Tbe arne Sept. 18 meettna: Thompson Aid the schools tta:S "' for dl.seussloo are oers could go ahEAd wtth tbe Mr. Snyder told the Ensip teet. PlanDers 1l'lllt to cut tbe wUl belt the proposed cba.Dgea u s I I • should coocentrate oo taste eJI)eCted to tDclude a petltloa citY'• general d...-e~q>ment 1D JUDe that he e.JP~Cta to start llmit t.ek to 650 aqare feet, to tbe zooing law. Tbe com. for 2 top 0 ICes subjects, put more empba.sU: by bomeowDerl seelr:inc City plan, ns turaed don by tbe wort co tbtl rnarlla ~ tbe as orl&iJlallJ Plalmed wbeD Bal.-mtuiooerc added the heartng • • on counseling ot students ....:.1 Couocil reconstde.nUoo ot Its Newport City Couocll oo tbe e.nd oftbe year. Dredglncwould bofl lsla.Dd's Councilman Paal oa dla~eutoo chan geufterdl.s-Two Ensi columntst& were pve stWeota aptioos to ' tab declsioo lut mootb to aUow bas1s that Newport should DOt deepeo the SaDb ADa cbaDDel Ryekoff propoMCitbetll'tH•nee. posing of their regu~ ace: nom!Dated J:t weet as pres!-a mi.l:ed academic-JoeaUoaal eoutructioo of a eooOOminium tlDaDee the study. aod areas near its eotraoea. A1lboucb tbe ordlMDee wu bastaeu Tburdy. om -derdal and vtee esideotlal study coarse. He voiced hll deveklpment oc the site of the A formu1a l.lfeed to at Moo-The de'leklpers would be_, fl. &lmed at Balbca lalud., wta'e doDer Don Adkin!JOD Pfq)OSed. ea..Udates by : Amertca.D ~ for the year-rouod Ba1boa Ftm Zoae. day's meetlng would blve New-aance a btctl btld~ O'l'et tbe lot OW'PIJ'S lave packed tbe botb beali.ngs. Party school coocept aDd for buss:l.ng Tbe board bU: iDYlte<l city port PlY $4,000, Costa Mea. river. p II • b d c oa"&l'essmu Jobn Schmitz betweeD schools to 80lYe age-tramc eartneer Bob Jatre to $3,000 aDd Kers Marlla loc:. n Is aotlclpoled lbal lbo 0 UIIOD source pro e Whow!Ucarr}lbop&rty'sb&n: .,..,..,dlotrll>utlon prol>lems. dllcuss the bicycle tnll SJS· aDd Beeeo lnc., $2,500 -.cb marloa could reac h ufarDOI'UI aer iDto November'S prest. Yr. HeiXterSIOII carTij:aiped tem 00 the lslaOO. for the stutJ. Beeco OYDS tbe u Adams St. 1D Costa Mea. Robert stoat, '-4 ol tbe are golDg to ebeek tbe dra.iPlge derii&l race aDd Tom Ander_ for closer community relatloll5, Proeress lD. gett1nc clty ap- prq,erty, aoo Keys MulDI w11l Costa Yeapll.noersbaveJDDed o ra.ace Comly bae.lb depart~ .,.am Into the bay." 900 hl.a r~ mate both s:trooev 1oea1 control of prO'I'al to buy tbe commWllty deYelop and operate tbe pro-the eutlre a.ra aloag tbe rtver mem:•a eaYirODmeat:al aaita-Hts del*rtment's investip-wrtie columns ttat ~ on SCHM,TI AHDERSOM sebools, develoQmeat of new Methodist Church property far po5ld marin&. Tbe$12,000total baat lor waterfroat develop-tion aec••...., -.J.d tbUI wttJt tion Will lnclude San otego tbe Ens:lgn•s editcl'lal page. school Auaactng metllod.s J.nac-a clty parlr: will aLto be tatted fl,ure 11 a muimtm coat of meot. .......,. C lr 1_..._ They were pieted by the Mr. ADdersoa Uves ln Pigeoa cord w1tb rec:ent court de -l.boot. tbe dreda:tn&' leulbUlty study. Some opposttioo to tbe pro. that hll staff Ia lDMitlpttna: creek, Btg IDYOO. r ~n -•"''s -·--ID , -··•~-For ge, TeM. He is widely kD:>Wn R • 1 F z the source• o1 bacterta that tannters Ia the rtm-oft area -v ......... .......,... ..........u. 1 ~~ Actual eo.t 1s eJI)eeted to be )ect II expected in tbe New-I vi"· K aft-A"'._-~-tor hts lncts Je, -~~~~ com-eprleve or un one "'> eloeer to $8,000. por1 Beaeb City Council, wbere are ca~ eerloaa pollution aDd any otber posslb e sources er;;. c!;..p Wana~;u;d ments oo the AmertcanpoUUcal f Reprneatlac Newpol1 Beacb .eome couaeUmeo ban com-at S JPOt• lD Nwpart Bay, ot tbe t.cJW. the DDn'l1Dat:loo. scene. at MoodaY'• meetlacwereplao~ plalDBd tbat aootber t.rbor Colll«m couats •• tbe level He Slid the Investigation •· d Local voters wishlng to cast B&Jboa's Fuo Zooe, coo-Commission July 31, pl&nDers D1ac director Dick Hop.a. wttll woukl on.ly add to boat aDd of coloa taclW pr....t ·-ban would be completed aboUt the COQ&reumaa Sebmi .... T e-tbelr brdlots for tbe Schmit&-dernaed to deatb 1&st month •olced tbetr di~Qleuure with staff members Carl MtubiUID lud tra.ale tn tba area. reaebtd tbe daopr patutaroaDI1 ead ol September· ~eated bJ z::ae =:: ... ~ ADdersoo ticket will ftDd the by a Newport S.eb City Coun-tbe oooacll's declsloa, hintlnr Ne"PPft lslaDd aDd 1D tblnter A I N ld ueuor ew tam listed as "American lD-ell declsioo to allow condo-tbl.l CCMmCUmeo talkatlolastop-1 • CM k I" t ald.I.De .,. IDd ..... Ddooed r ene 0 Ids * to Jtay lD Coaeress depe.ndeol" candidates Tt.t's mtnl.um coutruetloooo thesl.te, pine higb-denslty de'lt~-rviDe 0 po Ice pac -la-b ID tile tWer 1111. ~~:--;r~-cr'::'~ ~~.dis-the olllclal .. me of u..ir-still ooald be reprieved. .. ..... but-... atlwr .... r . · A comJDOD __.ce at tbe t:.etW f I • d' • !?' 1 ee_, ews In c autora1a Nell Molld&y lliett's CCMmell Nul: UODdiY night'• COUDCll eo.ta lleM ud lrftDI ran Uou ol tbt city trame com. le bllm&ll wute. bat llr. stooe 0 rv1ne 1e s RtpOI't column. Tom Ander-. 11NS1oa wtll hear a plea ftom dlelalou wtu be wbetber or acreod•-cttermo-,.-, podllbltlllrw.-Aid -·-ln>m 80U -. editor of bla"'"' !arm C. D. M. CHAMBER TO a local au«oey..., a -•· not to recoostcler thepr- wblcb c-loi-..Wprooldo loft tur111 hm E. 11111 st. II -moo -•• tile coloo Ar-Nold, cllslrlct ...,_ '"'•'"• ID T•oe•-·lltlcooj MEET FOR LUNCHEON .....,., • .,..,.., to recoo>llclor actloA. pollee protrlcUOD for 1mDt b' Newport BIY'd., IMtalllql~way baetW ,...._. from dec:aJ1ac ebDJocllt tor tbe Newpori u-. trlblltel-(' "= po ca Members of tbe Corua del ibl IIIPI'O"l1 ot tbt coado-BUI Campbell, pretddeat ol tbt Dill I ,.UI. atop llllll at W'Mtmlalter AYe. pJut We. eebool dlatri~ died IDt:t-00 uma. are mem-War Cbamber of Commeroe mtaltns. the Balt:d. PelliDaula PoOl lniDo Cll)' c-u _,.eel aDd Orlo 91., ud protdbltlllr T"' boo1111 ""'"""'lilt ID-poctod)J Ia., Saturday II l>or lloro of lbo Jol>l Blreb Society· .;u ,.. toplbor ,. .. Thuro-Allonler Rlclard N..,.u Is •-.. aid bls -bu op- tbl ooa1nct T ... J aSPLCo. pukiDc OD tbt JOitb en at "•'•U. betiiD aftw -....etlJ bome m lnlDt. ~m1~..:. .. ~ .=,i dilly, Aug. 17, at tbe 01d World aeH1IIC a re~,. d. tbe ~ tbe dt!'teq,meat anu.c ala lol-Cll:r e-ll 1M N-et PL -Harbor -of Nropoot Bo1 _. lolrs. Nold hid .-.od u ____ .. 1_ IDN-lime, 21%1 E. Cout H"1. t>r ...-, Uld ... -. ol 1bo --of tbe _.._ oiD.yod tile poet _, al&ld. BIYd'. Ulll -Sl. turood ~ lbo S ..._ ~ district poychoJocjsl IInce ~ -co ··~' bmcbeOA. R_,..._ tbr tile Sa-P-PoiDl ...._ cllulty II ... Ill ...... 1'llo lrftrll wW. pay $!t?,U9 u~ • DECLARED a r.adeoce at A teiUDc crew IDiii:H tbl bQ comlDc to tbt Harbor ua.lD Belclt. He taacM bl.elory ud lUDC:beoa, at wblch aeaera1 are stcatac petttklGI tb1s •• FUI ZOM 18 curreaUJ _. aallJ, 131 lllap)ll& st. to bt a pellc eaeb T_.,, tMtllc water Jtul aco. 8be waa a aatlft ~AI~1 .:':::.: in~.;;: clamber sm)ects wtU be di.J. to uk tbe CttJ eo.c.tl to put fOI' commercial gap. Ud • lb:IM' terms ottbrt caatraet, ntaac:e, ordlr1DI tbe c:rnwa at aboC IS dtlflr..t polatt at wtron"a. ..,...... • cuued may be made wtth tbe Mr. N .... n·s reqGIIIL BPPA ...u to be.ve u.t..._ DO beUOCIIMr ~~~ wW bt to rfiiiUr tt or t.r It dowD k blrtlldlt:J, tnlptntwe.dla~ Ber hGIIUd. WoodJNoldSr., ~ ~ Ida eJectioa to cbam~r omce. 9abJa lalud tqnremeat mal•'-' c. ctwnlfil' to k:Jtlr. prortdtd. HoWI'HI', U tiNr-Yltbl:a 10 dlp. eolNd OIJ,_ IDS coU:..m 1e a coeMtor at c:>ruce Cout Ollilf.. ,_.., aao. Aaa.. membera are ~ cfr. deMitJ res:ktet:ltl&l-• .-cJ belloCCIW' ..nee II • 81t.D OY'IIl ..w A.flll.ll COl& Colltp ou. ..... ~. are T • ·de as on sk YJ·ack c._. ~ •eHnc fe· -kflM-,., .... --........ -to Ia ...,, .... -· polloo-• -. Wooc)J Jr. of c-urn IR I -GRACE L. STONE OF u;o;;m,.., u -II' 11u1a. 1bo tnlllc -mt----· -a--lol-; a claor!U<, -.... to .. _... • ~ DOVER SHORES DIES C0111a .... eitJ oo-=ta. • UCIIVID ~tate ftolt tw(surn •1rd111. IU. A-vi COlt& II-; S PrD!II*ItNO'a .. ~~e of tb1 contest. laid tiat tbt Comro.t.:toa.alal'dlftlaper Qnee L -.., or no.. lol~oiPialao: -rMIItEII ......... 1M 11oJ 11J 411'0 ..... 4r1J -..-SorraodGioD ·-..... __ -:_or.-..Wbo -IOJII't-JOIIO-'IIjll)-tlr-.., no--·· • ADOPTED a ,__ -ln>m 1M "*f ... -_.-110111..,...._ Sorr, -of ..._., IIIII 14 W 1M Dl -bls U7)lcltP<OI--a pormlt 1o bollld 1M 47-..tt IDI.IDirllc 1oor -Ao1, 1M ....... a jaUtponn..,_ .. ""*'*'-noll at <n-.. L I e tiD .. t Jh I H,ID&-l.arlflclol al Mew Yc.k,ll&l-~~lltt<w c. bow to atop at ttae OOIIY...-of tM ltettrtlll ft-A•lll• pro)ld, ~ll-8a1ftew ~ p t'' 1 ---1M c11J IIIII 1M ~ Fair.,. lk. no ..., -.. IIJ ... :1-. loa" ton, 1to1Jo ~ ud F.. ""'>;:" _. Olllcen ...._ II ~-•• -t11o llljll ~~~ -ll' o». 1o ~ lol--a Jaor pan ud ~eadoli cllll:lid. "trpr wu _._...to-. _.... .. ..a)IINMd~ &~~t, brltll o1 ,....,..., ..s n. ~ CC*WD Mottetta~. n.t~aSr-v•••uatbelll&ftUIIIII ub 7 • OIU.Ym u ...-J, c.IIUoo-c-.. •-•= .-aur ...... • a tr• ID ..,. -J ~ CCIIIIIIIt" II • a ws1 b7' tbt ... o1 tiMI Federal A~ ..., • repae. t1111t Fa z.. 111'1. -. • ..,. ~ .. _.. ............... ..-........ -·--. lilr.-81o0-a--ol 1M -Do .... llaoArtloor A-ll)'w-10.-, IIIII 1M-rIll-Ct•o«oll, IIIIII-Wo· bl.,... .. •cltJwdiUIJE .. 8 UJIOYID ..... .,._8111L f'esd! -• ol .. ~ ~~tM~a."'attfllt .. eeHac-o.JrCIMI" '=PIIIrlartl·a.,~,t;I0~~~~=-~11~-· ,. .. ...,. .._.to...,_ a ad ,.,. .. • _. ... •m • •· .......... _.tllt..._.llar -_,... 0 ; 11111e ..... -. Ca•ciJ-.,..... -., • tilT -·•RIIIO•Aol. 1M iiOOIItlli-•<·o -"* .. I-0... llllr7· A-·-fl TIU.IHtHG IN 1'\.0RIDA -CoriiJIIII.---:.·:o:.:.:::-::~r=-: -~,;~"!i:·~-:.:~~~~.:~=:..--. :::.."'~:.,":1~·~,·:-..:· :.: ~.:. ~~.1; . "::!.~ .. lollc='= :::. ·• ~ 'e .-:...a.: iiiiiiA.iiii;·!l!ii~ tlnlldl. ..... utrt*f.: .. "CtP • •a Pm, ••s•••lfOIIIfll•c..a-. :.:"11r .,-.:s;.wtltl ... .._f'roltoftDCOildl, IIlii 411 r' .. .._ .. ·•AfnOVIDu• 5 tat till._ ,..__.,,. nhllt .. 5 ........ a..'bJ •a.z..a.. .. ;~•37 .._ l'-..,.._ IIU ••ar'Mid • ..... IE '11.._~== ..... ,. ........ ill,ml t• •• ,.. ... ';; ~ PI 4; ~----.. h" I -... 110 ......... lll'l Aa TniiiiJ ....... I ol 1M ,... 1 -~ .. IS r -11J OW I I ld It l -·-ftlor 7 Ill,.., ,_ I'_,;-~.-'.. .;,; 11aft1 Air ...... 11~ Fla. af .. CitJCII I "•ADOPPIDitlll 7 t--fl. ................ ___ ~,JOLI··--~.. ' ' I ILFGiif IIAMIMIIIIIQII .... EDIHIII.Y -PAllEt lltUMOIIV, AIIQUST I O,lfll IIJIIIIIA DEL IA!o ~ ...................... -11. ~., " .lie,. AIM) E. MMPA, _., _, ... lllltlllt ot 1111 Elosl .. •••••••••••••••~·~o•• • LOOKING BACK 24 YEARS Twenty-four years 18 a ntclter tn time, but tn tbe lUe of a newspaper it seems an eternity. It wu Friday, the 13th of Aucuet, 1848, that we (Peg and Hop, that 18) put out the tlrat laaue of the Ensign; thla 18aue is No. 52 of the 24th year, and next week we'll be starting on the silver anniversary year. We have seen many changes, the most spectacular being the tremendous growth of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area --about 10-fold tn population, Some of the noted landmarks have gone --the RendezvOUB ballroom, Christian's Hut, the Castaways Club, all by fire. New landmarks have appeared during these 24 years --Hoag Hospital, Orange Coast College, Ford Aeronutronlc, Irvine Coast Country Club, Vista del Lido and the Towers (our first high rise buildings), many neighborhood shopping centers, and the most monumental of all commercial developments, Fashion Island in the Irvine Company's Newport Center. There have been conflicts and crises throughout the years --over fluoridation, dogs, pollution, sex education, beach erosion, the freeway, airport noise, and now ecology, which Is generating cam- paigns against high rise and new develop- ments, and against growth in general. Some newspapers and many publishers have come and gone. The Ensign remains as the only locally owned and independent home town newspaper --under the full ownership and management of the same optimistic palr who started It 24 years ago. Back then we had a couple of type- writers and desks, and a Uny rented office in "Cameron's Corner" at Coast Hwy, and Goldenrod Ave., in Corona del Mar. We're still in that same block, 'but in our own building, withanexceltently • equipped offset printing plant, stlll opti- mistic, and getting along very well, thank you. There have been a number of notable events, from a newsman's point of view: the change-over from the early "throw- away" days to a subscription newspaper; winning legal status as a newspaper of general circulation; the first victory in bidding for the designation as legal news- paper for the City of Newport Beach; setting up our own printing plant; enduring a distressing but successful legal battle to retaln ownership of our Ensign; pur- chase of our pwn building and new equip- ment; conversion from "hot metal" print- ing to offset publication; and, most recent of all, the purchase of another printing unit for our offset newspaper press. Personal milestones have been the 2 new arrivals who doubled the size of the Haapa family; political conversion from left to right, and spiritual con- version from unbelief to the comfort and security of falth in our Lord. There has been much to be thankful for. during these 24 years. But there Is also a gathering cloud in the sky, and that is the steady swing away from con- servatism in favor of left-wtng philosophy --tn our own Harbor Area, and once- conservative Orange County, and through- out the land. There Is a falling away in faith in the one true God, and man 18 setting himseU up as god. This is the prime cause of the erosion in solid American principles of seU reliance, personal freedom and private enterprise, At all levels city, country, state, nation --there Is a turning away from "let's do it ourselves," and a clamoring for • 'government'' to step tn and aolve our proble11111, and to take away our freedom. Tb1a need not be our fate, Some 15 ,..ara 110 we saw a grass roots revival ct ccme......U.m 1n a spirit ol. eotbu.81um 111M nept tJiroulb the .entire county. we llloaJd all pray tor anotber revival -IIP1rtblal ADd political -10 tbat tbe .-•• ,.., report 1n tbe Loc can be -ct ,nat _..._ for tbe future ,_ _. co••edlr, ..S ot. our •tioo. WMirlt ~ .. ltpeG l!IJ:~~· TOM ANDERSON ' JOliN G. satMITZ Cll7r-tllll.lllllfl, :---:••:•;:c:;:•;•;':'!~T•;:....--c.lilamie 35lh-"":!":*.!:: .. -._,_, . ,.., IW1I -... -lllrrt roas-• ..._ ,.-T'.t._.t._ID ap1rr11 tile propolld ~-AAir A a DRO Croll< -lopmlrll - -latitJecl lo fall DUeJOeare .... -.uoo "' 1111 '""'" a ..... tJy 1n w. coJuor• Comc-AJ Lnd M. J. 8roct lad •• ..,. ..........,, crooked ~~ boactU OUf Keel Dr1Yt polhic .. DI and WOGCMriq: '*'-t' epeeUie&llJ b-tile whether.., .... ,.~ t:.eeuant blrbor Yitw ltaflordll Olilbt tum hoaell aDd l.nliat 111 at prtHDt; &Ill D09 an upoll a public dladolllH of 1Dtormtd by oar eomm.U,u-aJl the contribudom GLade IOCiatJoa tbat U would be .... by oraaniuUona to UroiJ loollo u Utili~ plau for tbt dtTtkll:alllt art influence ieplltion Oft &llotred. Our lDYtltmeat, U federal, ltate lnd local well u tbost of oar DliebbOtl Jnelt. wW be aerlouly tbrtllttMCI, Set'era1 yoan aao wben llld our pleuure aDd r«idt Jlk)rida Senatot Smathert ot ....... hlp lrr lire ""opor!J . . will dlmtniab aecordlDcJ7. wu bema questioned by a Of a1mo1t equal tmportaDce: tef{orter about 110me of ill tbe t:ramc problem wbicb Sm~thera' rea.J crtate deals, ts certa1D to be tbe reAil If Sm.thon ~aappod heatedly: ttu. dl'rekJpmtQI: 1a allowed to "When your publilhet proceed. From a qalet Dll&b· dilclo~e~ bil landboldlnp borbood aflordlDc r.latin .... . .. • eartty tor lbe eoaatleu .-n ru d.ilclote mme. cbUdreo U•tnr ben, the llbll.· So the publiJher djd-and t1on wltb the two ..trueea Smatbeu dida't. But to JumlDeCreetooU&riQN'Jte Smathen did hue a &oo4 wW oral)' become tbe eceoe idea . 11 there all)' aood of tragic aeetc:IIIU aDd lD· creased no1ae poll.aJoo.. re .. on why all IOfUI'lment n seem• to 111 tbat wltb employees lhouldn't be tbe two aputmeot eornplexu compelled to m1lr.e public: already b Ute ar-. pl• tbt declan.tion annuany of aU thltd ·buge ODe about to be the income and boldinp of built, PLW tbe addltlODal trar. tbem.alnea aDd members of ftc that will 10011 be pDII'&ted h~ ,_ -·~ 1 .1. , by the Spyelau HUl dtwtlop-t vu .... m~ • .te anu 1et, _ ment, tbat a COOiiom1D.lumcom-Muy, tf not mOlt, mayon, plez. of the deultJ 'PI'OPOMd 10.-ernora, aena.tort and for Jasmine Creek would be conare•men pt rich on the an absolute disaster for r1111-public payroO. Except in dents of the eotlre uea be-. tween MacArthur BlYd. aDd very unuaual_ Cli'Camstan~ Buck Gully on tbe other aide! -Ncb u a nch nnt dyma If the City of Ne'Wp)rt Beleb and not knowina any better 1s really serious iJ:Io1j afold.lnr than to le..-e her money to OYer-populat:loD and destrOJ'iAC a politician-an officeholder the charm of this beallttflll who comes out of office area, theo the aboUUoo of tbe . _ . Jasmine Creek dn-eiopmeot 1s nche:r than he went 1n 1s THE place to beglnl crooked . Very truly yours, Molt people know our Beatrice S. Schwut:z public officials are often stephen R. Sebw-artl "aihed." Ancl many 1233 Keel DriYe Americans don't care, they Harbor Vtew HUla think il's somebody else'• money, and wish they were in on the steal, Dr. Fitzgerald of OCC named Foothill president Billit>ns for ballot bribery are continuoudy e~tpended on urban and rural area dndopmcat, ·pubUe worts, a1rlcultuu1 Ub1ldllu, defel'ISe·IPICe CODChcts, education and couuliell boondogles. Nner bu the IPOill l)'ltcm thrived 10, Senatan announce new federal inltallatioM •• if they were payin& for tt from their own pockets, Sometimes they aot il for their ttates (in ~tum for a promised vote on a -rita! bill) and 10metimes they knew nothina about ·" Ufttil told they could announce it to their corutituents. Be tii'Ytd. u ehatrmu ~ occ•• 41Yialoo ot 11110 arrd IP· pllod uta -11M-1MZ, arrd hU -1111 occ -., ... ---· 11111. He .... &loo -• put.tlmt ~· tor Ia 1r1P1r _ ... II tiiC ... tile pul • , .... . lliE OFFICIAL NE-ArER OF THE CITY OF NIWI'I)RT BEACH THE HARBOR AREA'S OFFSET NEwsPAPER Offtu _... prillriftt: ,..., ill .., ~lui 1M 1o 2121 B. C.O..C .....,., c.-411 "-· Calt t262J TELEPHONE: n,.. IAtol Co* 714) nt11 N.B'WP'OaT HAJt.IOia IHSICN it tk -'Y Mw I .............. p ••I' t i ill dM c:::ky o( N....,_, IMdl, Mil .. ..tr I..., ..... ... .,..tt4 .... ,.,.. Sa tM Mlapt .,._c ... .._ ANI. ,.. •. t , • .....,, -..,....,, a.c-.4 eM,. .......... , c... .. -.CoW. nt1 K&'W'POAT 1tAa:IOa IMSIOM .. r Lljl ... te .. a •• ,.,.. of ....,., drc .... dolt.,. c..-c-.. N6. .... 20171 .... Mty l .. ltSl. lit Sat .., eo.t lor .. eo..,. ofOrMp, S.w JClalloi., ~~ ...... ....,. .... , •••• _,. .... ,....c ...... ,, .. ..,_ AAVO&.HMI'A ••••••• O..._,P 110 PIG HAAPA. . • • . • , • , • ..Anarll• .... I Uaually it takes two or more aooka to make a aooked deal. Uaually, a bureaucrat c:u't steal it frn w; ual• we help him, EYerY sute has ils rich politicians who neorer made an honat tmn,. Many of our offJCeholden are c:roolta who IOUJbt office bouule it wu the euiell way to steal. A certain Southern Senator with a aood ••• th• pothJoo ln HCent ~ that aa offlctho&d•'• ,driftldtlc. •• and nnandal proeliYitiM w.-. nobody el•e's buaineas . B"•rybody-uc:ept the American peopkl-tnew that the late Sumner WeDea, under Suretary of State, waa a homo1uual. Hit .,.cialty was not really Latin America, but little boys. And everybody in hiah aovcrnment cirel!l knew it . Unlike Walter Jenkins, Sumner Wenes wal nC'Iet mot~ed by Coflll"' or the pre11. The aoobd politicians lo'f'e to inveatipte such tbinp u telephone rates. 8uecl o n a'feraae u•ae. ou.r telephone rates-two to four cents for a local caD-are the world's cheapelt. In apite of I b o baraument of aovernment, for some ta~IOn telephone rates han aone steadily downward, as Po-Jtqe rates and practically everythin& else run by the sovernment hA'Ie sone steadily upward. Let us inYatipte instead or comj)l.nies, friends politicians. the poliJ:icians the telephone Let us call ond recall A conaressman named Thomu once went to federal prison for paddina his \)IYroU and settins alary kickbacks. But that Wll before gcncnl riots, "situ a t ion eth ic s ", pornosnpby, hippies , topless and "God-il11ead" act the scene for the country, I'm for puttin1 an end to the hypocritical tradition of addressin& politicians as "Honorable", Most of them aren 't, Why should we1t.1nd up for a c rooked , philanderint; opportunist who bousht his d«:tion, why lhould we address as honorable a person wt know is dishonorable~ You will note that I have not once refenecl to cheap politicians. Tbere are no cheap politicians; they ue an expensive! There are, of couue, a few honest politicialnl. But they're u unuiUII 11 1 five-letter word to Jane Fonch. As Mark Twain observed : "An honest man in politics lhines: more than he would elsewhere." Twu ever thus, of course, but not 11 much 10. In 1907, Mark Twain described pUblic KrYants u "per10ns chosen by the people to distribute the .,-.Ct." Pruldent Lincoln 's Secretary of War, Thaddeus Stevena, warned Lincoln tblt Simon C.meron wu I What's ? your ? •· opinion? Tlda .... , QllltiOD: "WHAT, lP AICY,IPf'ICT DO , YOI/ TliDIK Till UGLETOII AFFAIR WILL IIA Ylt OM Till ltl.IC'I'D?'· ..... at IIU1Ior VlftC-,Iu--IWll Roodllld--· • MRS. DON WASH, H9 El Moro Bt&eb, La.-, Bl&c:b: "1 door~ -u will .. " .., -. People lo<pt, urd bJ •-time 1111 IIIOlr wiD Oily be a memory." • BILL FLOOD, Nnpot! Beach, pro~J:W:~~Uoaal dlrtctor: "It wtU burl McGorero. U be DHda more time to 1tltet a riiDidac mate, wbl.t wolllcl be do lt be were 'pre1k1G aDd Md a 'bOt 11M' dect.am to llllb? I kNrl tile 101 ccrr· !14-.ee I bad lD blm."' • DODI MAllan, 16, New- port S.Cb, a ltucleut at N tw • port Hlrllor Irlpr ICbool' "II ww makt ' big di.UereDct. s• 1t wouldDtt, U' be lad ayld ... Eqleloo'l dc>rHSioo .... cw-ed m:t he r-.J.IJ 'lfl.llt8d tbe Ylee.prelidMtey. The n.y U wu l:udled bu: ndoed Me- Gcwern'• ehaDces." • LORI BROCICOVER, 15, Hnpott Belch, -It Co· ·-clol Mar blct> ..... ~ .. ,. 1oaDC I*JPie DOW feel tbat Mc- GoYuD wa~a•t that ll'eal, aDd t11.t be .... wrooc 1rr dumplrrc Ea,letoa.. McGoYerD'I ebaoeel: ue IDW miiCla slimmer of I:JI. coalaC_pr~.·· • BEN BEYER, 801 S, Fair~ new, SaDta ADa, ebemlcal eo- p.tr: "I tblrllt It lolt - 6)r Mc:GoYero.. It wu poUUec, aDd wblt eu J011 _, about politic.? I woakt lib to ban more tllctl otber tMa wlat I re&d. It looU J1U tbere'a more bebiod tbe .ceDes." • JOBII GRAHAM, 17, ot S18 Poluettla, Coroaa del Mar, 0raoco Cout Colloao ot-: "I doa't Dow wblt lt'a all &boat. Tt.J're )lit pla)'iDI po. lltlcal pmu. n:•a bouDd: to baYe aa adfer• etfeet m U:e- GoYero's ebaneu:." , .. ,, TEEN OUTREACH BACKED NEWPORTHARBOREIISIGN THURSDAY,AUG.IO,IIn PU.=IL:::I!i=liED:.:W:;:E:::;Eif~L:.:_Y_-~PA~G:;:E_:l __ _;ID=IOI=A..::DEl~IIA~II.'"C.~~::. Mro. Fred Sorallol, 19'12 t1111r U••• apia 011 a ooll4 may lac-..... II( tho-- prMldeat ol tbt COita M-. c•IIUu fotD11UM, It ta a. ol other c:omm..tb lfoap. to lr------------------... Memorial ~tal A111111u'J, DOD..prot.u. aoa .. MCtu1.1Jl. iJI .. utabtlab a Harbor Ar• Teea •QDOWM':• ttM cr<MV• """""'" •~••tto.l ,oce pro. cmn.p c..ur. em OF HOPE ctlamoM Horse Shoe members were booored recently at a cocktail party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. M. Keith Gaede of Irvine Cove, who are the sponsors of the 5th For um international horse show Oct. 11-15. EoJ;Iyt.ng th~e party, above left to right, are Mrs, WUllam Mason of Corona del Mar and. Mr. and Mrs. John Macnab of Harbor lslaDI1, At right are 2 Newport Beach couples, Mr. aDd Mrs. Orner and Mr. and Mrs. Brad Miller. BACK AT LOHG BEACH Navy Petty otncer Second Clus John F. Nlkola , soo of Mr. Jerry Nlkola of 328 Ca- br lllo St. aoo husband of Mrs. Clalld1.a J. Nlkola of 2180 Pta. cenUa, both of Costa Mesa, has returned to home port at Long Beaoh from a cruise to Southeast A sl.a aboard the de- stroyer U.S.S. Evertt F. Lat· son. His ship was the ftrst to warn a Russian merchant vessel that Haiphong harbor had been mined. ola T..,Cb&Uooco"-b" 11'&111 pared to drll(prerollllca ~ H. CUIIIIAJo, -ltal Pfocnm for tbe Harbor Area. aa:t cure. With a reblbC.lU:&Uoa admlaUtntor, commended tbt Tbt aa:dllary'a aewi.J lorm«l nte ol more than 'JOlt, TeeD AUII.Uar} for tbelr project p bllaatbroplc committee, CbtUeDCe far OI.Qbtllel tbe aeleetloD.. aDd &dclecl prat.e tor ehaJrld bJ Mu. Robert M. wu.. Callfcrn1l. state flcure ot 111. tbelr "TeDder Lot1Ac Care" 8011, reiiU'ebel:l tbt projlet u Tbl "outreach" Pf'0"1dea to patl.eall. Tbe TLC taellldel an addllklaal comm.mtJ ..r-drq educattoo programs I.D tbe dtllYerJ.nc flowen ud keep1Dc rice. Tbe lf<q~ wlU coatiDue sebooll, preseated bJ a:-tbtm watered, readlnc to pa- thelr ltbolanhip propam tor adclieta who tell of the tragedy Ueltl:, wrlttDc tbelr letters, Hlllor girll at Costa Mea of tbelr drug tlperieaces. Tbe 1~ lor emerpocy oeedl, aad Estancia bJgb schooll, pro-kids Usteo and are encouraged uaaln&I.D meau Nlectloo aDd Yidinc hro $500 acbolarablps to say "no" to drugs. ftedlDc the pattenU, directlnc tor studerdspurniogam&dlcal "OW'eaeh"is geared to be~ r"l.sitora, &Dd deUYerlag mall. troubled young people who may Tbe Cbrlatmaa aeasoo ftoda Teeo Cblllaoee. establlsbed oat ''t1Dd thelr way" to tbe every J:atleot room, baltny, in Oranp S yean ago, Ills Ceoter ln Orange. DOOk aDd eoroer deeonted wtth had J)benomeDI.l aueeea in Tbe AUitUuy has pledpd TLC. Candyatrlpers, the 40 he~lJlc youogpeople re-aflltm $1,200 for 19'72-73 to help !l-member Jllllior Alldllary, tbetr n luea, emerp out of oanee the aattellte eoocept of headed this year by Mrs. T. _ tbe "drill aceae" and start Teen CbaUenee. Fltare plana A. LarDed, aertfteed their per-sooa.l tlme to tbe tube of ewer 2,100 hours lut year and are well ~d ~ tt.t r~d m 19'72. Tbe same atteattoo which Ia ctveo the ••acute care" pa- tlerU 1a at.o provtded by AUJ- lllary members for convalesc- lnc patient. 1n the exteocled care fa.cl llty across the street from Costa Mesa Memorial. .. ~-' omcera aoc1 directors for 19'72 are: Mrs. Sorsa.tal, prest- deot; Mmea. 0 . v. Riley, Ri ch- u d w. Beo.tley, and r . A. Larned, vice presidents; Mrs. Wllllam Kuh.D, recording sec- retary; Mn. Clark Westcott, eorr espoodlng secretLry; Mrs. William Lambert, treasurer; K ra. Fred Ahlstrom and Mrs. Aluuder MacGillivray, direc- tors, and Mrs. Paul Leach, coordlDator. Committee chairmen are: Mrs. Roy E. June, blood bank; Mrs. A. E. Keeler, bookkeeper; Mrs. Lathom Perldns, central ~ly; Mrs. E. W. Somertmuse, comalescent hos;lital; Mrs. Charles Hanson, emergeocy de- partment. The gL1t shop co mmittee ls headed by Mrs. A. J. Keefer a.Dd ber buyers are Mmes. Wil - liam l...ambert, Wilmer Craw - ford, and Reginald G. Jones. Other co mmittee chairmen are: Mrs. J. A. Wilson, !lours book; Mr. Duid Leightoo, magazines and menus; Mrs. Alleeo Sigler, maJiandfiowers; Mrs. Roger Jooes, messenger; Sou n d Advice Never u~e drup k(t over from a ~erious illneu for self-treatment or a similar ailmem. You ~ee, modem drup are hiahly potent- that's why we dispenx them only when your physician prescribes. If )'0\J dOlt yoorxlf with kftoven, you may do serious damaae. It's a good idea to pour the remains of old prescriptions down the drain and destroy the bottles. Christensen PIWIIIGCJ ... &. COJIIT .,.,_ -· -. ..... 08JOL& ,. .. Mrs. Warren Atherton, paper ·--------------------· goods; Mrs. Joseph A. Corvi, For Example: COURIER PICKUP WITH GEM TOP CAMPER SHELL fNI fNRJmm N KI ON IMI 'nlllm um.l WOI.IO'OUll 524 SAVINGS ON EVERY CAR 1249 AUGmT STARTED OFF with new offi cers for the New Mesa Barracks 1249 of the Veter- ans of World War I, because August 1 was the date or the regular monthly meetmg or Barracks 1249 ilnd the Auxiliary at the Costa Mesa American Legion Hall. Taking charge for the 1972-73 year are, from lett, Frank Tarble or Costa Mesa, adjutant; Cecelia (Mrs. Frank) KripD& or Newport Heights, president of the AuDUary; Mr. Kripner, the newly installed commander of the Barracks, and Mildred Saltrank of Costa Mesa, the past president of the AuDllary, The World War I reterans aDd AuD.llary meet at the Legion Hall on the n.rst Tuesday of each month and have a pot -luck on the 3rd Tuesday. Ploa.fore Press newsletter; Mrs. Fred Ahlstrom, sentce pins; Mrs. WUUamSeUe, salety committee; Mrs. Roy E. JUDe, scholars.bJps; Mrs.Joa.nCamm, surgical sqppiJ; W.rs. D. c . Bartoo, tray f.Uors; Mrs. M. A. DeBooo, riaUor ccxtrol; Mrs. J . A, Wtl.soa and Mrs. Gordon Fristed, gift worUbop; a.nd W.rs. Robert M. Wilsoo, phlla.nlbropy. Captive of Nazis to talk The Alrporter Ion ballroom wlll be the setung for the August 16 hmcbeoo of the Christian Women's Club of Newport Beach. Vera Sc blamm, who as a young Jewish teeoa.ger was mterned io a Nul concentratioo camp m Germany. She will tell of her experiences there and of her arrival in 1947mthe United States, where she went on to attend colleges In Texas and ' L!GAL NOTICE ~ FICTITIOt.S Blli~NAY~ STATEMENT \ Tbe following persoo.s a.re Featured speaker will be Dr. L!GAL MOTIC! FICTITIOlS BlEINE~ NAME did her lnternshlp work at STATEMENT OCLA. for ber fie ldwork she doing busl.oess as: Tbe Child-MRS. SO RSABAL reo's Bookslqlpe, 3707 East ~-_:c_c_:_c_:_:_ ____ _ Coast Hwy ., Corooa del Mar : San F. BraDt, 2612 Vista Dr.,l Newport Beach; Florence D. Myer, 31561 Table Rock, 1106, Sou"' La ..... It's Vacation Time! CLOSED ALL NEXT WEEK Aug. 13th thru 20th IN OUR The followlng persoo tsdoing specialized at the Los Angeles business as: The Mq:~ Squad, Children's Hos;lital. 1221 W. COilst Hwy., Newport Dr. Schlamm, a practl cmg .Beach: Donna J. Rohner, 1221 pedlatricla.n, will be relating Tbis business ls being con- ducted by a putoership. Signed: Sara F. Brant, Flor- ence D. Myer, W. Coast Hwy ., Newport Beach. her llle story. This business Is being con-TDe program will lnelude a ducted by an lnr:Uvidtlll Needlepoint Unllmlted de moo~ Signed: Donna J. Rohner. stratton aDd display. Lyle Gor- Thls statement flied wtth tbe doo, baritone soloist, will sing county clerk of Orange Cowty at the luncbeon. This statement ft. led with the · cotmty clerk of ~ Co111ty on: July 17, 19'72, by Beverly J. Maddol:, deptay county clerk.. PubUsb: July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 19'72, In the Newport Harbor Enstp. F -1 9050 oo: July 14, 19'72, by Beverly The Christian Women'• Club J, Uaddoll, deputy COIIIllyclerk. luncheons are opeotolbepmUc. ==IIL!!I!!G4L!!!!c.!MO:!!!., n!!!:C:!Il__ P\tlllsb: July 20, 27, Aug. 3, Reservations should be made FlCTITJOtE BlSINESS NAME 10, 1972, m tbe Newport Harbor by ca.lll.oc Mrs. Jane Calli at STATEMENT EllSip. F .19023 549-2631. Free nurser, care Tbe followioc persoo is doing IF IT IS TRUE THAT THE AVERAGE FUNERAL SERVICE COSTS SOMEWHERE AROUND $700.00 WHAT DO THOSE PEOPLE DO WHO CANNOT AFFORD THIS COST 7 by EUGlNE 0 . BERGERON 0 ::..:. ... , ................... ....,.. ....... , ................ ..... -...... _ ..... ~ ...... ··!' • , • ._.. ...... ~ ......... ,.., .... --... ,.. ..... .., .. -..,_ ........ .. sa,' ............ .._,..._...._ ............ II ....... .... ........ .,...................... ' .. .. .................... ,.... ........ "--·•·flf---.... -·m·....................... .. ... ~~ --·--... ----·-.;_~ ,. __ .,.. ....................................... ........ \]···· ..... ...... Jer-F•••ea •I ••••e ILOCA._ is: naila.ble. ...._.~ A c ~ss as: •• L. V. DiYersl- !.IGAL MOltCI fled, 333 1?tb st., Costa Mesa: Bruce H. DerfliDcer, 16131 Brldce Lo., Huottoctoa Beach CaL ' nts baslDesa 1s being coo- docted by aa lodh'ldlal Sl_,, Bruce H. Oerfllll(er. Thl1 Jtatement l!led with the 1 C00111t7 clerk o1 Orooge Couoty 011' Jul7 14, U?Z, by Beverly J, Uaddoz, _, COCilly clert, Publlab! JalJ ZO, !1, Auc. S, 10, 1912, 1o tbe Nfti)OI't Rubor Ellllp. f -19021 TUSETO! ... PilE! ---.... -.".-.. _r_.,_ ·-..... I ........ , c I If you think you can 'c afford flood insur.nce. chanco •~ you'rt: all wa. ~ now the fedtt&J ~mmt 's Na- ctooaJ Flood lruunntt Pfosrun -administered by Firanan's Fund Anxric:u in this ~-is oRerins Rood and mucblidt inRI.raocc-at sharply low<Hd .., ... EXAMPLE : Af 10.000 policy on asiQ,JI~ family heme that UKd to a. $40 per rear oow DE. cosu $2)! And rues for oche, res.i~ busi· nts!le!l and contmts..haft rumbled roo. For ~ iafoonation. simpl1 CDI:'OQ pew i~ ape or braa-. He'll quickly reU ,.. whoethtt Rood iruuran« ia available in pour .,. and bow much ic will co. J'OU- &.a do it moa.. Now dl. nus "' .. .....t<d, "" ._.. .. bo -........ ._... ... _ ........... ' "SLEEPING BEAUTY" by Tcllalkovsky will be presented Saturday evenlng. Sept. 2, at the Irvine Bowl by the Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Company, In the pboto abo¥e, Robert Pete! of Los Angeles daoces the role of Puss-In-Boots and Carrie Kneubuhl of CorOlla del Mar ls the cat. Guest artist wlll be VIctor Moreno, former prtncl.pal soloist of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, considered by many to be Argentina's most outstaDdiDg male dancer. He will !lave the role of the bluebird. Cboreograpby Is by Lila Zall, tolmder and artistic director of the company. PHARMACY ~PHACTS KARL BARNUM AND atARLES BULLINGTON A group of 100 authorities on heart disease have Identified three risk factors whlch are cr ucial in controlllng heart problems. These are diet, smoking and hypertension. Cor- onary heart disease In the U.S., and especially 1n those under the age of 60, appears to re- sult trom the tmpact of these rtsk factors . to how long you have smoked but rather to the number of cigarettes you are smokj.ng now. See your doctor, then see us to have his prescription filled with the finest ot modern medication. Let BAYSIDE PHARMACY, in Bayside Cen- ter, be your health care center. We carry complete stocks ot vitamins :ilDd food &\4ll)lements, baby's aeed.s I.Dd coavalescent Hypertension, or, tligh blood Uds. Free dellnry, too. Pbooe pressure, puts an added strain &'75-3040. on bkxld vessels. Modern drugs are now avaUable which reduce blood pressure and probably reduces heart-attacks. The ·making hatard is not related HANDY HINT: To clean and brighten aluminum shower door trames, use a soap-tilled stain- leas steel pad. --Adv. MARINERS CHURCH ... . . .. ~ Keri thinks dreams in German I ., un.-. Rd., troot~Wor ICorl "'-to ...... • llaJ Karl ... ---an •• la IW"'PP W woUl lilt' 1a tld8 ciBNtlt ..tanr. be a dream n.catira tx UJ "Jt'• .llr'allt bllaC LD a ... u. -lo4J. -., '"' _..., ....... , .. A J-lf"'date tn.DC...-. "B\'ta Ia tM m.t4cl1t ~ tbt dalllar 111&11 ecboo~ Kw4 II, llllllllbortto 1 -otonqo wu pi-1o putlt..,. ID 0.. till borlaoo. Wt to mocll tM uyoqtb fot tJDarmMID(' more nllzed llld I'm develop-_.,.,-~ • .,..... pro-IDe a real _..sa&a lor tilt lfUl· SIM 1a 11riac 1fttb a Old World. I aw a ebureb Gtrmu fam11y la tbt t11Jatl ttat wu OYtr 800 years old, of Blerdeo, 18 kllom-•lrolll lmqlool Bremen iD oortbera Germ.&J11. ''Tbe beet th1Dc u.t hast.,p .. "It bu ooe store, ODe mall peoed to me 11 UJat I'Ye let.roed boa, and ab:d u maDY cow• Germaa la 5 weeQI 1 under-aa:t c:.hlekeOI! upeople,''wrtte• ltaDd oearly eveeythlnc. and Kerl. ••Twtee a week they llne I eu speak too, thouib mJ p open market lD the ceotral crammer 1s borTI.ble, 1 thiDt Plul where you can buy ftelb to German I.Dd I'Ve dreamed nptablel, flowers. trult aDd 1n Get mao muy tlmea." filb. It'• •err p1etur81QUE!." Kerl wu surpriled to ftDd Du:rinc bar train trtp to tbat her .arne was a bouse- Bierden ftom Hamburg. wbere K ERI K ROHE boJd word 1n GermaD1. Krooe lhe arrtfed JUDe 18, she ob-l& oot a eommoo. name to New- NrYerS tba.t "11 Ca.Worn11 Is w&ll.s." Sbe writes tbat "often port Beach but Ia. Germany rolden. tbeo Gerrnuy 1.s creen. we ban a taste of wtat roUe• abe bu seen bi.Ubolrds s:lJ. Tbe coum:ryalde loots Uke a Germany 80 creeo," belDgae. tetit b.tgb adfertiB1DcKrooeclg· eamu bJ a Flemish ma.ster ellltomed to our d:rJ cautoru1a arettes and KroDe wtae. -· a.lJ dotted with solldly coo-summers. ••Now I Dow bow tbe G&Uo Jtructed bouse& with peaked ln letters to her puent&, family must feel," she s&ys. roofs and JYJ covered l:ll'ick Mr • and Mrs. Robert W. Krooe Kerl will return to Newport Church News The congregation of Central gram, bas one more year of Bible Cburch ot Costa Mesa seminary. At 9:15 a.m., young voted last Sunday to call the people from Emmanuel Church Rev. RobertBengstonaspastor. ln La Habra will present a Mr. Benpton, who gue the mustcal program for the S.O.S. Sunday sermon, is now the meeting. pastor of Grace Church, Los • • • Angeles. Pending his response st. Aodrew's Presbyterian to the call, the Rev. Edward Church, 600 st. Andrew's Rd., Beatty Yill continue as Interim Clllf Haven -· Dr. Charles mtnlster. Dlerenfleki will preach on ''The • • • nne art of packing'' at the The PlymoutbCongreptlonal 8, 9:30 and ll a.m . Sunday Church, 3262 Broad St., New. services. • • • port Heights --Guest preacher The University Baptist for the 10 a.m. service this Church, 2252 s. E. Bristol, SWlday will be Cbapla.ia John Santa Ana Helgtd:s __ Pastor LlndVall. His sermon topic will Wlllis c arrtco wW deUver a be "How to be ~Y today, sermon entitled "Boo& of books or happ~ go luc:.?· • about King of kings" at the 10:50 a.m. Sunday service. At The Lutheran Church of the 7 m he will preach on the Master, 2900 Pactnc View .. Dr., u.J~. ·"Open my eye&!" sun~ Harbor View HUls --The day school for aU ages Is al gospel which we preach" will 9.45 m be the sermon topic or Pastor :::.;· ~·::· ~· ------- Wilbur Allen for the 10 a.m. Sunday service. • • • St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar VIsta, East Bluff --The guest preacher for the 9:30 a.m. service this Sunday will be the Rev.Cbarles Doa.k:, campus pastor at OCU. The Rev. James Kirk ana nis family are on vacation during August. • • • Harbor Trinity Baptist Church, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa --Visual presentation on needs in Bangladesch will be presented at the 7 p.m. service thJ.s Sunday. There will also be Bible study on missions emphasis. Pastor Connle8alios will preach at the 11 a.m. GEM TALK TODAY By J. C. Humph riu I. C. Hwmpltrl••· ""'-11or• 11t 110 N1wport Shod. ~~ "''" cr Co.to M•IG Lo,.dmodll /M olmCMtl z• y.crr•. II 011 CILtlllorlly o" '''"' e111d J•-lry. Dloi.MONO PRICES Beach in September and COD· Unue her education at OCL Kerl's mother, Pat Krone, PacUlc TelephOne Company manager tor Newport..Costa Mesa, Is loea l placement com- mittee chairman tor the Youth For Vbderstandi.Dg program. "We can't promise every ex. change student German dreams," says Mrs. Krone, • •but we can provide ao op- portunity for American h1gb scbool studeots to Uve with tamllles overseas to develop a. better WJderstandtDg and ap. preciation of the peoples of other la.Dds." Information on how your SOD or daughter can participate in this program, or bow you can host a student trom a foreign la.Dd, Is available from Wrs. Krooe at the telephone company business otflce. JOINS NEW SHIP Navy SeamanApprenUceJohn W, Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robin L. Garrett of 2710 Lorenzo Ave., Costa Mesa, is a member ot the commission- Ing crew of the Navy's newest destroyer eseort, the u.s.s. Donald B. Beary, whlcb was commissioned this month at Boston. His sltlp, named La hooor of the late Vice Admiral Donak:! B. Beary, Is designed tor anti-submarine and antl- aircralt warfare, and 15 home' ported at NOZ'folk, Va. GOP CRUISE AUG. 18 The Republlcan Associates of Orange County wtu take their 3rd annUli cruise on Newport harbor Friday, Aug. 18, A 2 hOUr trip In the bay aboard the PavtUon Queen wUI begin at 6 p.m. trom the PavtUoo dock In Balboa. Dr. Joe Aklrtch, Wbo ncefqd b1l Tb. D. dep'M The Newport Harbor Luther-lrom Dallu Tlloolock&l s.JJarJ, D111u, Te>U, service. • • • Now And a Centlll'y Ago LEGAL NOTICE tn 1865 a carpenter worked NOTICE OF PUBLlC HEARING 1,500 oours to earn enough Notice is hereby given that to buy a one carat diamond the Planning Commission of ••• and you can imagine hOw the City of NeW'pOrt Beach w!U many he bought! hold a publlc bearing on the 11 tbe cbureb putor. 'l'bl Rw •. WUBam Adob ls an Church, 798 Dover Drive, u.ociate _....._ ud 1a aftllll)ll tor '(lcltltloo aDd Newport Beach n While Pastor .,.._. James Blain ls on vacation, eouueu.c. · the pulpU wJll be nlled this SUNDAY SCHOOL ....•.• 9:00A.M. Sunday tor the 8 and 10 :30 WORSHIP SERVICES .. 9:00 ~ 10:15 A.M. a.m. services by vicar Robert EVENING SERVICE ...... 7:00P.M. Novak of Ct\rist Lutheran 2200 !. COAST HWY ., COROHol. O!L Moi.R Church, Costa Mesa, Mr. i!;;;;;;~~:..:~~;;;;:~'"'~i;i;; ... ;i;i;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Novak, now on an Intern pro- ;;.._. ... MEET BILL • • • Wm. "BUI" Harold, General Sales Manager, and another director of the De'W car "Golden Touch" team. Bill and wlte, Rosemary, also dtreet the acUv!Ues of four robust boya at their kwely borne ~the road from Johnsoo and Son. At an e~:-footb&U star during hJ.s Navy days, BIU and Ute png shoW the crowd hOw to cheer at all the Mater Det pmu aDd. JOU can bet they'll all be roottnc tor brother', Mike, u be dutroys the competiUon ttom hta UDebl.chr'• spot at Santa Ana CoUep. In the ot1 IIIUOD you wtU tlnd the Harold• heacUDc for the oearest motorbike ~lc:. A 110Ud ciUzen all the way •.• led the Jo~ sale• staff to an all Ume record year ••• HAIIIDII M.VD.. CWTA -.A . 1n 1965, he worked only 400 application of the City of New- ilours tor the same diamood, port Beach oa property located and really bega.n to buy. on a portion of Block 3, New- The cost of all goods and port Bay Tract, located oo the services must be measured by north side of East Balboa Boule- man hours required to earn vard between Coronado Street eoough to pay the price of and Cypress Street, to ameod what is wanted. a portion of Distl'lctlng Map Going tack to 1865, a one No. l1 trom the C-1 District cant diamood sold for $90.00, to the R-2 Dlstrlct. the average work week wa.s Notice tsberebyturtherglven '12 hours ( 6 to 6 daily), and that said pubUc hearing wiU a carpenter's wages were$4.50 be held on the 17th day of per week or 6~ per houri August, 1972, at the hour of 1n 1965 a one carat diamond 7:30P.M.. ln the CotmeUCbam- cost $1,600.00, but the car-bers of the Newport Beach City penter made $4.00 per hour Hall, atwhJ.ch Hme&Ddplaceany and worked a forty hour week. aDd aU persons 1Dterelted may Today, diamonds are more appear and be beard thereon. valuable and yet more popular Jaclde Heather, Secretary than ever, wh.ile thelr cost Newport Beacb Ctty relative to work hours needed Plannlnc Commlnloo to buy them ha.s steadily gone P~U•h: Auc. 10, 1072, to the down. --Adv. Newport Harbor Enslp. ===L~!~C:.t.L=::MD;T;I::;a;:::= LIGAL IIOTlc:l FICTITIOUS BU'liNESS NAME FICTITIOUS BU'liNESS NAME STATEMENT STATEMENT The follow'-"""riiOilS are Tbe foUowtac periOD isdoln&: --. -business u: Aetioa Jla1D. dolDg busloess as: Bueaa VIda teauee Sentees, IU E. ZISt, Properties, 401 Carktta, New-"D" Cotta MeM 92U7: Rob· port Beach 92660: John W · ert Lee MOler Jr.. arne u Komer, 401 Carlotta., Newport abo"· Gordoft Mattblw• Su-::=! :r~~~lorNe:wpo~ den, 'P.O. BoK 4!2,COil&M81& , , 9%627, S.eb 9U$0, Tbis bu\DeU iJ belnc COil· Tills bualae .. 1.1 beln( COO-dueled by 1 ~lfi>IP, dueled by a pt>enl partner-SI)IOOCI' Gorcloa Maltbewa lfi>IP, Saadora Robert 1M Miller Jr. Stped: JobD W. Komer. Thll datemeot flllclwttti tbe Tbls slalemeat lllod with the -~ lork of Oraoet CouoiJ cotmiJ elork of OrUip Coomly •-• 0 --lila £ • A 1 197Z William E on: Aq, 1• l9J ,., ... , m ' Sl 00•1 :.f-=-.... eior• bJ BeY: st JoNI, coUal, Clort, by lleY- 0 ' ....,_.,. ., er lf J. Maddox, dePaiT. or!J J,lll4dol, dei>UIJ. PobllU, Aar. 10 17, 14, Pabllal" ...... 10, 17, 14, Sl, Sl 1972 Ill !he N..:...n Bar· 1911, lA tbl Knport Harbor -~-P F-ltM? loolp. F-INSJ ' NEWPORT HARBOR ENSI(JI PUil.ISMEO WEEKLY -PAGE 4 - THURSDAY, _.,G. ID,Itn COROllA DEL liAR, CAl. LlfA&, !!OT!CI , PJ::TITIOIII 8181111118 NAME STATKIIEirt' Till i>UoWiq por_to_, twfun u: Oruet ! .... -~ P.O. Boll -. -· -· Calli. 1111101; IIJO Bor-elU Drift, Gl.rdea C.O.e, Calif. taMl: JactG.IAwreaee, lUG B&rci&J Drtft, GltdtD Groote, Calli. tl&fl. Ttdl busiNII 11 bei.Dc COO· dueled by ulndl-~ Slped: Jack G. t.wreac.e. Thla atalomeat t1Jo4 Yllb !he eOQIIIy eltrk ol 0ruce c-, oa: July Zli, 19?2, by Bet'lfl1 .J. Maddox, depuiJ CODIII7elo<t. PW>U .. , JuiJ 17, Aur. l, 10 17, l9'n,1D tbeNnpari:Harbor E ... p. F-lt&18 "N06TALGIA PROMOTER" Jobrulle CreDibaw looU Ofer some material publicWnc a stan Ktmoa appeuanc:e a.t tbe Balboa Pulllon this Saturday Dl~. JobDDle, who Ufet 1n Corona del Mar, DOW promotes .f. dances yearly at the Pavillon, brins:lnc bact ~~ l:aDda. stan Keoton cot hta start ln Balboa bact Ln 1941. (Eoslp pboto,) P~~2.'!!.~!e~ ?!. '2mo!t~ ~1~ ~~=~= love to dance to the swing JI!IIU'I. ; bands In the old ReOOezvous Jotmde Crenab&w, a pretty BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR , Ballroom In Balboa back 1D cU'fOI'c:.ee wbo bas lived all of U you are a nnrcom•. or· tbe 1940s She loved it so much her We 1D Orange County, 10 know. of a oew0omer to she now ' makes a career of impreued Kentoo•s business the Harbor Area wb.o bas bringing the big buds bad: rn.uacer, Clinton Roemer, t.bat riot been -..lootMd, do to Balboa he 1a t:altlnctoherabot*trafl1• her a favor by caUiDg the Saturda'y night the Corona 1Dc tbrougbout tbe state and Harbor Visitor betwNn ~ del Mar resident ls bringing promotlD& dances tor tbe baDe!. and 10 a.m. and tb• wi1J back the biggest na.me of them She bun't had Ume to glYe call on your friUwl with all --Stan Kenton. The Keaton tbe proposal m~~eb tboagbt. qlu.able inform.~tion aDd. ba.ad got Us start in the old Sbe's busy rlgbt DOW 'frOrTJioc -ts from friendly busi- ballroom since torn dowo and about telllng 500 Uekets ID MP firms which replaced' by a eoodomlDJum. break eno for Saturday atpt•a Nady to help her become Saturday Dlght, Stan and hls enbt. Tickets wlll be $7 per acquainted with her new 18-plece band wW roclr. the par800 at tbe door, and JollnD!e rafters at the Balboa. Pa.v1Uon, esplalDs, apologetically, that surrounding a. a stone's throw trom the Reo-tb.ts Js double bet usual price, THE HARBOR VISITOR dezvous site. bm ''the KentoD t:lll!KI ~a uttle PHONE: 414-1388 It will mark the high polnt bit more e~peDiiv~. Doors l!;;;.,.;;;l"'i:;J·64:=64.s;1;;7~4;;;;;;;;~ in Johnnie Crenshaw's sbort open at 8 and tbe daneina will career as a dance promoter. last trom 9 unUl 1:30. She started, Innocently enougb, MeaawhUe, she has enougb by throwing a dance at the eootldance in her promoUooal Pav:tllon tn Jamary, 1971, to aWUty to go ahead wttb pla.DI celebrate her son's marrla.ge. to bring Les Brown llld bla She ran into somanyoldtrieodr band bere Nov, 11. at that bash, she's since ctveo up her job with theSbarklslaod TRUSTEE 1o1 E E TIN GS Yacht ClOO and oow devotes The beard of trustees of the her (llll tlme to scheduUnc''Bal Coast Community Colle19 dist- Nights," featuring bl ;t dance rlct wtll meet Au1• 23 &.QdSept. bands. 13 aoc1 27 at 8 p.m. lD tbe "I sent out i.ot'ttations to' district bulld.l:ag at ts'JO Adllma the class. of 19S9 at 9aria AM st., Costa Mesa. and Newport Harbor hlgb schools tor that first dance and met people I hadn't seen fn 35 years," Johnnie recalls:. ''A lot of them asked me 1! we could do lt a pin." Johnnie rented tall of the · Pa.villon for a ''Balboa.da.ocen' retmloo" last September. Sbe hoped 150 people would shOw ~ so she eould meet eJpeDSes, "We packed in 350, and had to turn people away,•• she re- members. That promotional victory gave Jobanle courage to start thtnkiDg big. She booted Ansell HiU and his 18-plece ouUtt for a dance last Feb. 12. Ansell bad played at tbe ReDdezvous tn the old days and his name was stJII big enough to draw 453 people, "We bad to turn away some at the crowd apt.o.," says John- nie, "and ooe mao new in all the way from New York tor the dance.'' Anotber big crowd turned out ln June to catch boogte-woogie ~r Ell Mae Morse. "I'm planntng a steady diet of 4 dances per year at the Panuon now," says Johnnie, "aod mlgbt expand into otber dance balls. The crowds are cetting too big for the Pa \1 lion to handle." Who eomea to tbe dances? "A lot of people Wbo c»Dced on Balboa in the old days," Johnnie ays, "but OlD' tut dance attneted u a.rnuiDg number of JOUDC I*JIIle, too." Among tbe crowd . at Satur- da7 ol)llll'a K--will be ManiD eMf~, YbO piiJed ctnms lD tbe ok1 Keatqo bud at tbe Reodnfoas. Man ltlU pla7a, ud 11 aim butDe11 a&'llll *-' tbt Jocal mllltciu'l dldoll. He tl"1 1D Cliff HaY.-. K-. luo bopiDc lo boar tbo old --.. dla· llli>OIIIed. SIIJl Ia oo -u be1J1c oplul-lola, ean. Inc It ... olambll.or block lo procr ... " Rt waa CCIIllilderecl aiMI4 ot Ills limo •baa be llal1od birO ID FINANCED BY LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS YOU' LOVE LFS HOME LOANS Our highly qualified loan and escrow personnel in our three local full tervice offices, stand ready to assist Orange County home buyers, home builders and our rc=al estate friends. Be sure to contact them about our:- LOW REDUCING INTER EST RATES FAST LOAN COMMITM ENTS SYMPATHETIC FRIENDLY SERVICE HERE WE GROW AGAIN! , NEW BRANCH IN LAGUNA HILLS -OPENING SOONI Watch for Gr&lld Opening of this new LFS office k:M:attd at Pueo de Vlkocia and Calle de Ia Plata AND lOAN AIIOC:IA"ON Orange County'• Largest, Fint and Scronsest independent Federal tfOME OFFICE LAGUNA NIGUEL BRANCH 250 Ocean AvtniHI 3 Mon1rch Bay Plaza ~..,.. Belth. c.ut. gzasz SO\!th Ltouna. CaSK. mn T...._; .ttH541 Telt(IIION; .... 1201 11 lllillliL ... -~ ·~~£ 111).12115 *'-_,..,. ....... . . .•• •• 1571 ' ' ., ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ l f • '• : ... 2 3! ~ ~ 1 ~ " Wt'r. oki fublooed about Mn1.ct aDS doG't lntiDd to chup. Thlt't why we carry mlliJ cWfereot lJnDja Ud producta 1D • yarltty ol ..... , You alway• find our cbeekart a.mt.U.nc and tDOUCfl of thtm to mate ebeckollta ..-tJ. Bolboya --•• try to .... an tor eYtrJ cta.eunnct .... ud we traiD tllom II> pool pooebol oo lilt top, &101 aot -a 10 poaod act of-.. 'f~.t: ....... marKets HARBOR VIEW CENTER _....C,..tHUOI.Ht-.ttiiiACH.c:Altf.-07Wm • 0 LET eort CLEAN AND RESTORE YOUR DRAPES TO LOOK LIKE NEW! EXCLUSIVI GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Drapery Cl~ninv. Perfect re9ardlen of the age of ~r draP4Jry, or JOO•h' replacement if cleanobfe. •,.. WlhMHIMs •FI-Prooftnt ·-~loswllh Coiro bdoolft SY .. Gure~ttM •Dr.,....l..u4eor Altore4 • W1ter Staift IIMOYel • Onperift a.,.lrM Drapery HMifw~re lnst•lle4 ..4 I.,WM lfT con ttnfALL NEW HAI'ES w. ~oo ... 0 ..... , •••• ••k•l,_ ol ••••'" •,.t-.. ""·-· DUPIIY SEIYICE 10% OFF FOI: CASH & o.an ....... , .. ! SUPER SURFER REG. $2.79 $198 While they lasH CHAISE LOUNGE $ 88· TAKE-A-LONG BBO Compad Portable Grill REG. $5.55 $ 88 & TRAY SET REG. $3.49 DELUXE FOLDING CAMP CHAIR $ 99 with bade. 99~---::~ • .. xn.an save Jesus only 99 ., ............ llni'ORT MAatiO~ BISIGII PUILJSMEO IUKLV -PAGE I TMUMOAV, AUG. IO,lt7! COIIOIIA OEL liAR. CAL. p·-""atMITIAM II.ACOM.," COLLtMIIWOOD ...... , Jr t1oo .... Qo.W I. llidttwr, D.D. 1 ft Aool to!otw 11Ny ,_ li{ltd "' Wir ,.., 1At1 - .. -.... ,_"""'' (Molt. 17:8). -ID Hea..., without dp,. -are tbe t1P'" 'Ia the Old T..u_.t of ,_ two cia-. of -.Jnts that ahaD. be taken up at the time of O.rilt't c:omiJII apin and whom He will brine bode with Him -tho&e wbo have been railed from the dead and thole who have been traDJ1ated or rap- tured at His eomin&. w eeJrJu Bible Sefaool Leaon PllO• "CCIIImAII IIACO ... _ m1JS Z: ... IS COLLttte•wooe, .u. w. ......... thio -.. a ponloo of that Scripeu.. that tdb .. of Chrilf• clorioul - fif'!tra.tion upon the Mou:at. We read in the bqinninc of that portion of t.he Scriptures that after &ix days Jesus took tl~ thfft uv into a high mountain and tMre we Are told th:lt He wa~ tnnsfigured before/them, that Hi• face shone as the sun, :and that His raiment wall whitt as IIJbt. One of the other ev•ngeliata t~lls u5 Hi~ raiment became "white as snow." It was indkd a sight that cau!led them to be filled with awe. ltJ brillian«, its wonder caused them to be amazed as they looked upon the Son of God. Aod then you will remember that Peter, who wu i\lways more or }e!!;s of an impulsive nature, made a suggestion. As he looked upon that wonderful ~nl': and saw Christ thert' with MoS« and Elijah and the effulgt'"flct of His glor.r shining fonh, he said, "Lord. it is good ior us to ~ here." My, it was a mountain top experience for this man I He continued saying, ''So we want permission to build three tabernacles -ont: for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah." Rut you remember th~ voice of God just at this time bore witness to His Son, and "whik-. he yet spake, behold, a bright doll(! overshadowed thrm : and ~hold a voice out of the cloud, whic-h S."lid, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'" At this point God intl'•·rupted f'ell"r 's hahbling. Wr arC' tole\ that the .ti5<'i~·l~s ftll upon their faces anct were sore afraid. But it >A'a~ at tl 1at time that rhe Lord jesus .ame tn them ancl tcJuched th t'm and ~aid, ''Arise, :u1tl 1-.e-•lot afraid." Fears Take Flight As t read that .r thollght of the gentleness of the touch of the Lord Jrsm. Christ, how He so often comes to us. We hear His \"Oice in the Word of God to our own SOt lis; and it seems that H is tender touch is upon us, :o0 that all fears take Hight and we regain our composure-and we ~o on for Him. So He said, ''Arise, and he not a[raid." In re- sponse to this, the di sciples lifted up their eyes, ~ are told, and "the_v saw nn man, save Jesus only.'' \A/hat a blessed 1ision that must ha\•e ~n at they looked upon the Son of God thert trans· frgt•I'W. hefore them! Ye-s. "they saw no man. save jesus only." His prtsence filled the vast horizon that stretched before them. vv(' can forfeit all other m mpanionships of earth, if it be necessary to do so, if only we have that o£ the Saviour. We can go up the rugged mountain if He is with us. Or we can descend into the ileepest valley with Him by our side. T think we can base it on !v1atthew 16 :28 where Chri!tt ~puke to tbost: disciples about Himself, of f li s coming death, and the necessity of pressing un t 11 Jt:rusa lem and su/Tenng many things at .the l.t~mb {Jf th(' Scril11.:.., anO:: ~~ elders there. \Ve read the~t: word.:., ··\·1·rih I :o.av unto you, Thert· ·~ .. omr-~:;pHJ;nt her(' \\ hicl• sh:tl! not taste of l';\l!l. til: 1lw~ :.tt tiM" S(ln 1•1 11\:l\1 C<•llling 111 h1!0 , n[dom I!• other word·. I I·_ "1mpi_v state~ that ·u ll)( oi tl1t~m who are ,tl~r':t '(l'ili not \"lU;:o 04,1.-~}' , lnti\'thn.~h'\\(':.. pinUTe, !ttl to sf»N.k. (t{ The""""' ... - "' 111: Ku~nv::· of (;od that wdl IX: set up on thi~ , ,.rth, aud that is ;ust what the tran<tfiguratiOI nnng.;, !Jtiore u:o. The two who a~ared with Him in this trans- figuration scene -Moses and Elijah -remind us of the two classes of saints whom the Lord will bring with Him when He comes back in great power and glory to establish that reign. One was Moses, who had died; the otMr, Elijah, who was translated -illustrating those who have died in Christ and those who will be caught ·up when He comes again as pictured to us in Paul's first tpistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 4 :13-18, where he tells us that "the dead in Christ shall rise first," and that a.U we that remain shall be changed and we sh;~ll be caught up with them in the clouds to m~ the Lord in the air, "and so shall we ever be with the Lord." And so these two men -Moses, who had died, and Elijah, who Then a)$0 on that tranJfiguration mount, He had with him Peter, James, and John. Now these three men represent brad in the fteah, who wUl see the law and the ptapbets dcpartinc when they ~ Jesus attested by tha.t cloud and by that vo101!: from Heaven, knowinc that an the Jaw whith Wat eena:red in Moses was fulfilled in Jesus Olrilt, .,... all of the propbedes of old -Elijoh bein& tnc rc-preM:n tativc of them -have IK'cn fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ. Think just a. littlt: further wi.t.h me concernUte thia transfiguration scene. 1 d~'t want to take too much time upon this but I want this broucht to your mind clearly. Perhaps there is another wbo has done that better than I can do it -htte a.re just a few words from th,. expos1 t0r who had something to say about th ~ transft~urati(ln of our Lord. And He ··was lJ"an.sligured Uefore them,'" Uur- iog our Lord's hie on earth, H.e was <.,;,cxi"& great .L.arnp shining in the midmght darkne.sa of the world, but with the wick of deity turned very low. But here on the 1\Jount for one transcend· ~nt hour Hi:s deity, so to speak, was turned on full flame; the temple of Hi£ body glowed w1tb the dauling beauty of spiritual incand~:.Seenr.:c, This was not an outward glory that shown down from al>ove, nor 1he sun shining on the snOw· capped peak~ oi Mount Hermon, but the Sheki~ nah of God glowwg through the veil of flesh. jesus was changed from within. He had wrapped Himself ln a bit of human tapestry ao He could move among men without blinding their eyes. The flesh had banked those fires that glowed with- in Him, but on this occasion these fires broke through and We! see the flaming glory of the eternal God. Here is the S hekinab that flashed betwrtn the cherubim, Imming brightly in the person of the glowing glory of God the outshin· mg oi Hts br1ghtness. here we see tht glory He had with the .Father before it passe:U throqb tht: proliStl oi Hts humanity. The fuhiun of H1a oountenan~.:e was altt:rt:d. The deep lines oi care that seameti 11 were gout and the look of ~nsive sadne;.s wa:. lost in the light that glorified His countenance ; here is the burning bush made flesh and He burns with the glory of God and yet not consumed. H is garments became white and daz- zling_, mor~ resplen~ent than the glistening snow, flanung w1th magmficcnt beauty of His lightning as it fla ~hes its radiance across the dark bosom of the sky. Here W(' catch a glimpse of the light·WO\"en garments that covered the Son of God in His pristine glory. Propitiohon for $;n .\uw 1 wa.J.H tu ..:.uJ. JVW" auenuun to the text thaL 1:> Uetort: U:. and m the re.mounm& time ;,t:tlle upon that. "'And wh~y had lifted up their eya, they sa."' uo ... man,'Ave Jesut onJy,"' "'They saw no man, :save Jesus -;ily,'' Aod so this morn· inc in thi' messagt, 111 the first place, I would have you see Jesus only as our PROPITIATlUK We are told tha t He is the fullness of our salva· uon. and I w;ult to rt:.a<l ht:re irom Romans 3 :24, l5, ."lkmg ju:.ti!led [w:i) by lm grace thrvugh the n·UcmptJon that 1:. 1:1 Christ Je )u~. whom God hath !>('t ioJrd~ t" Lt· ;. prvpit 1~tior. l1oroug1. iaith Hl h1:< h"'""i. t'• •hl;,,re 111~ nghtc.."'lJ.:.lot'), {•I th e ft:llll ~~···l " . ' 111 t •J.I\ ~ll 1-..::.~. \111 0UgJI lo, 1 ()I • J.ea.TJIII C l :')• .. :11 lt"<l ,t f~ 1 •1l~ , IH: "o' h1 • n )!ht"r••:··,·· !h.~· I!' nl·t: r' 1~· 111 ' . :•· •. ,. JU<;tl'l ~ ,. ' •dr.•'l1 "•ell'"· til •.:.•.~ "' 1.;; p!."ti•rl·. t::, ·· ·tc: !i· .. , ··~ (''rl hm ittrl itt" a i•ruplli.J!IUI, thr•Hll::lt :OJni.. • IIlio it1 jub11 ~ hr~ t:pi ~tlc . we lind th i~ 'alllt' th.ng ltr11ngh1 fr.rr r.. •hat He IS dedared t.• lit' a propit1ation for om :-1ns, and not for ours only, Out for the si n~ of the whole world. (Continued Bext week.) Golda& Tat : •p.,. IN-· II{Gt¥ IIW=•·-·IoiA .._ ,._ "' oil -. _,., ... tlw, -. • --"""--tllooJ4 liw •-11. rig/lU-y. -' (~. IIIII ,.._ _,; ~ /leg for lllat W.IHII ~. _, IN (/~orioN .,. ioor II{ IN ,_, GH dltd ow S-/mu Clorid' (Tma 2:11-13). IJ HE Bible says that we are all ''"" of Adam and dead in tin. Jesut Christ re- clooms all who accept Him u Redeemer, ao that we, who so accept Him, arc no longer dilobediem and dead children of Adam, but have been born again of the Spirit from above and are now soru of God and joint heirs with Christ (John 1 :12, Rom. 8:17. Epb. 2:1). BEAUTY FOK ASHES Therefore, we who are CbristianJ are actually new creations in O.rist (Eph. 2:10), and old things are really passed away, and behold, all things are become new (2 Cor. 5 :17). lf you don't believe this statement, then just ask some recently born~again Christian and let him tell you how different e~·erything looks, how opin· ions are changffi, how he feels toward the wnrld and its way s compared with the time before he was born again (lsa. 61 o3). BORN-AGAINERS For a Christian all things are made new (Rom. 8 : l-7), because our souls are born of the Spirit (John 3 :3), and Christ provtdes for our spirits and sou ls "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, ac· cording to the power that ·worketh in us" (Eph. 3 :20). This new, born· again-from-above li£e was what Jesus r-eferred to when He said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abun- dantly'' (Jchn 10:10). It applies to the soul, which, before regeneration, belonged to Satan and was dead. LIVING SOULS Now when the !klul is born of the Spirit, it is not only alive but is alive in Christ and, ther-efore, must Jive forever even as He is eternal. The Christian life is coe.""<istent with Christ because it is the life of Christ :~.biding in us (Gal. 2:20). ~born· agai11 lift: does not re.fer to the world!) and fltshly life of the body, but f( the immortal life of the soul, rebon through the Spirit of Christ. FALSE ADORNMENTS The ooliticians of our present time speak of the "abundant life" as mean- ing that tfle citizen voters and their families will have more bread and cake, more wine, more sports, more amusements, more time for recrea· tion, more money to spend for amuse- ments and luxuries, more leisure, and, in general, more and more to satisfy the appetites, desires, and lusts o{ the Aesh. But Christ never taught or promised anything like that. Tbt political abundant life is a gross mis- reprutntation and toondt more like one of the DeYII't leductive and de. c:eitful pfomise. whieh can never bt fulhtled by him, but it is sure to end in disappointment, miaery, shame and tonnent of· body aDd soul, for tb victim. Now Paul understood aU of these things perfectly, and, furthermore, ht was led by the Holy Spirit to point out to Chriltians that, Stnce they are new creatures, they should act dif· ferently from lost children of the world, and, where they are gathered togetht:r in local churches, they should in all things confonn to the conduct prescribtd by Jesus Christ, the "Head of the Chuch," and rely upon the Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom. PAUL AND nllJS Titus wu a young man whom Paul had apporently led to Ouist ( ch. I o4). He was a Gentile and uncircumcised (Gal. 2 :1-3), and so was different from Paul's other boy convert, Timer thy, whoee mother was a Jewess and his father a Greek, and who was duly circumcised (Acts 16 :1-3) according to Hebrew law, It seems that Paul and Titus were together in Antioch and Corinth and other places, and Titus was given errands of investiga- tion for Pau1. Sometime, perhaps be- tween the two imprisonments of Paul at Rome, he and Titus established some churches on the island of Crete. Paul was obliged to leave before the work had been well organized, so he wrote a Jetter to Titus, whom he left on the island, in order "that thou shouldest tet in order the tttinp that a~ wanting, and ordain elders in nery city, as I bad appointed thee" (cb. J :5). Paul wrote on two main topics : first, the organization and orderly conduct of local churches; and second, th~ necessary pastoral work of a really born-again minister of Jesus Christ. Churches were an entirely new form of organization for all peo- ple in those days, There were syna- gogues. rabbis, priests, and a tm~ple at Jerusalem for the Jews, but there were: no precedents fOT churches, el- ders, deacons, and ministers, and the obligation was on Paul to teach the NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS What Is True Worship? In Romans 2:11 we read that ""tl"lefe •s no respect ~ persoos w•th God ."' and these very words . w•th sl•ght v<utatiOnS . are found many tunes tn the B•ble . How wonderfu l' No "b•g shots ·· w•th Himl RaiMer a II stand on the same foot•ng befae His bard 1ust•ce. FROM "C HRISTIAN NEWS" NEW HAVEN, MO. By Peter Krey The Bible tells us about Cain and Abel, the first brothers on earth. Havtng been brought up In the knowledge of the true God by their pat· ents and knowtng about man's fall Into sln by dis· obedience to their Creator, and havl.ng knowledge of God's promise to send a Redeemet to dellv· er them trom the evil that had befallen them, and having been taught by their parents to worship God wtth a sacrtflce symbolic of the sacrifice of redemption to be accompllsbed by the prom· I sed Redeemer, they offered sacrifices unto God In an act of worship; Cain offering fnllts of the field and Abel a specimen of h1s herd. But we read that God had respect unto Abel and his of. rer1ng, but to Cain and his offertng He had not respect. Gen. 4, 4·5. Why tbe dl.fference? Were t.bey not both the slnful otfsprb\g ot tbe same parents? Had not both of them been reared ln the aa.me bome wtth the same environment and Instruction! Yea, but wtth dlfferent results, as became apparent In their worshJp. Cain, as hta later tu.tory shows, was an unbe11ev:lq man. He had not araiJ)Od tbe promise a1 redemption by taJth which would have given him power to ngbt the aln that lurks wtlhln; he was not penitent, but let ~ln have Its way wtth him. Tberetore, becau.e his beart wu not rlgbt wtlb God, hi• of· ffflnl waa not accepted; for God looks at the ·heart aDd DOt at the outward performaoce. He had not with 1111-nc truly wonlllpped God . It wu dWere"Dt wltb Abel . Cod bad respect un- to AbeJ and hll ottertna. aot beca~ U was a -OCferiJII, but boea-It !lowed !rem • poll· lint ucl het1oYIDI bHrt, u the write< to the H~ -tel1a ''" "By lalllo Abel olfered a -r aaertDce U.. caJD.'' For, at tbt t.amt wrtll'l' -. ''WI-faith It II lm-'lllo to plouo God.'' Allill ..., a beiJe'wr ta God'a prom.lle. S. .... II d lie l.olth Ia the IY.-<I( biJ -...,.. , Alii! -1 -nWal af llio l1odt; thlo t ' .......... --Ita--·· ' :-., .... ·--· Abll't -... .: ....... -' ~-.c 1111 ... nUt ................ 1 __ .... _ leolilala · _.. _,, alit r • -God. -t.D.' 11111 .............. -..... " tPFaflla ~-. ..... -lSI •• IIIII -·"" ' I ' \ OOI.OONK, ... Gao • ..,.__,. ........... ,..._ _.71••••••• ~-••m•...,. .. oa'ape ... Gu ............. ,...... .... f ... ,..; .......,. tlllllle drJ'• ...._ e#a ' ... .,....,. for h1l aLD a.Dd lb\ful atate. However, the Wei blood ud tile death 0( tbe ••tmal wu alto • re- mlo6or that God bad promlal!l to -,... !rom IIIII aDd tao -at S.tu by tho -.,. ... doatll Of lllo -Of the ....... -.... "' CCW~M, Mid ta W1Mim At* flll'la.bt ..,..,ed. Far IIIIo -~·· -.... ..... ad "' true -''II at God; It fli:pud fi'OID a 1 IF l Mil tJe. .....,_ u .. ad"' tile ....... -pralao. ra tllo ---tho b r .... 111-11 .,. -lila 1 -Iii tile ... ... "' ""' ..... rw a • CNioc 11e llod to ~ • .-..,.. =:: =:.. ~r.::. :'tt-::..: =: kled on the altar. Seeing a beautlful and healthy an.lmal from his nock kJl1ecl and Its blood shed for a lin committed, ftlled the bellevlnj" Uraellte wtlh remorse and the resolve not to commit that lin again; but at' the same Ume It gave htm the asaurance that the sin was forgiven by his gra- cloua and mercUul God. because or the shed blood. Thts penitent faith made hta otfertng and sac:rtnce an act of worship acceptable to God. When such sacrU.Ices In the temple In the later hlatory of llrael became a mere perfunctory per- formance and weariness, God rejected their of· ferlng:s and sacrUices. Mal. 1, 7-14; Amos 5, 21· 22. la tbe New Testament, since the fulfillment of the prophecy and promise of the Savtor whose blood cleanses the world from sin, true wor- ship of God remains the same. There Is a dlf- ference only ln the fonnallty of tbe outward man· Uestatlon of wonblp; but the Inner dlspostUon of the beart and mlDd remains the samr. Tbe New Testament bellever's temple ls where tbe Word of Cod is proclaimed and the tacra.nwnta admin- Istered, for there God haa promlled Hls prese~ aDd reveals Ills arace and offen aDd teals tOT· c:tveoeu. We come to church to wonhJp, not Juat to •tnc a few hymns and hear the MrmOn. We m.l&ttt hear and •ina and yet not wonhlp. We worahlp when we Uaten, stna. pralw, pray, and otter our llft.l In the same lpfrlt that Abel and the belleviDa Jowo Ia the Old Tntament o&red tloolr .u.crUlceo, wlllc:h wu Ia the oplrft at poll· IWII<e aad t.oJth. The New Tatameot bellner In Wont aDd oacrameot, s-rtlcUiarly Ia tho c:e~ bratloll at the ~ at 811 bocly oDd blOC>!, -toc:e .., lace wttll -that clo-... from all ala, tile -of Ollr DMno -. ''*' ... ca~vvy 1or the rem1JoloD "' ..... -.. aDd lor an time ... au ......... be -thla dl· Y1Do --lor lhe -"' lila .... thoHew-tbollooftll- wtlll lllo -.,_,..,.., .. -tbe ..,mty at lila llil ud pUt, 11o1t at 111o -t1mt lie Ia .... _ ...... to ........ hi .... .-. .. ...,_ .. ..._. of WOI"Itlp wldl tile ftnn rllalft .. -.-~--to-wttlll!la .,.,, .... ~ God .. .._.., Ill ud .... M af lk, ud that Ill trw _..,, I WW-IMt ...... God M OV .. J\tt'Etm· --------.. lrl '''· Plo.51.17 Do you knON why the k•ngs 10 lsrael "s htSiory were -and were meant to be -so rich1 This was <;0 that !hey m1ght rul e with true JUSt tee. beholden only to God . roo r1 c h could not bribe the king. na could the powerful Intim ida te h1m. for he was f<tr richer and mae I}OI<'Ierlul 11\an they . There was ooly one person over the k1ng -SPlT!Iuilly, the JWophel. who kept remmdu"IQ him c:A the Word and the clamJS c:A God . Well, God IS 1nf1nitely richer than all the weahtw rulers . barons and lh!lgnates of this world put together. thus there is ··no respttct d persons wtlh Htm ·· But now a qU8SI1 on: If God is no respectM of persons , why did HI! fao,~or one nation.larael.abO\I'e all the rest 1nd f(l" lh!lny centu· ries bless lt18m above all others? The ens'I!Hir: God mild~ a dif· ference to thow that "'there is no differe~e" (Rom. 3:22,23). He mede an llrtificilll differe~e . a dispttnsllti~l d i ffe re nc e , to 1how thllt there was no euent/11/ difference, no rttorlll diff«enc:e . He erected a "middle wall c1 Plnltlon bet•een us .. to show thtt ttwt wtll must be broken down (Epn. 2:U ·16), A.nd th.. it it thtt thll same God who once aaid to ltrNI: ''Ye are the ehikhn rl the p-Oph-- ett, and d the c:O..nlnt .... Unto yOu ftflt ... " {Ai=tl 3:26.2.6l - this ··-Gat ftOIIr .. .,.: · ·r..,.. Js no dlff••nce N · tween tM ..._, eNS ttw' <nek IGentl .. ), 'or the Nmt Lad 0/llf/f ell it rich umoeiiiMt cell~ Hhn • ''Far ~ thlll cell '4*' lht ,.. of ttw Urd thtll bt tlvoed'' Cftotlt, 10;1'2,13). m!yic)oary ....,..UIII like Timothy and Tltul tllio eDIIrdy ..... -of ·which Ouilt wu and lo tbe a-L Tbe whole 1-.. lo fuD of lnottucdoao to Titut u be wu to work oa. the island of Crete, and there were waro- ings of opposition, admoaidou for the conduct of hirnodf and bia poriab- ionen, and both tpe:lfic. I.Dd ~~ mnindert of how Cbrittiant uru.tt act in order that the Gotpel of God should be attractive to men aod f~ ful to Jesua ~. CHRISM HIGH STANDAlD Adult men should be lOber ( .,~ alios -ci rcumspect), grav~. temper- ate, sound in faith, in Christian loft, and in patience; aged women should be hol:y in their behavior, not goasips, nor g1ven to much wine, and they shoukl teach youncer womm to be sober (sophroni.ro-wdl disciplined), to love their children and their bus- bands, to be discreet, chaste, diligatt at home, obedient to their own hUI- bands, "that the word of God be not blasphemed" or discredited; young men should be sober (sopJt,OMo - moderate, of sound mind), and TitUI should be their pattern (see 1 Tim. 4 :12) in good worka, doctrine, tin- cerity, honesty, virtue, and eound speech, so that no evil could be aaid of him to the Lord's shame. Serv- ants should be faithful in all things. AU these coumela of perfection were necessary that the Otriatiana "may adorn the doctrine of GOd our Sav- iour in all thinp," for' the rrace of God hath appea>«< to all men for Ill· vation. PElFEC'TION IN OfliST It is apparent that no person can ever by himself or herself attain such perfection, and the situation becomel hopeless as we r-ead all of the thr~ chapters full of instruction, warnings, admonitions, and po5itive reminders of how Christian church members, partners of Jesus Christ, should act at all times. But the hopeleuness it cured when Paul pointl out that ]eiiU Orist gave Himself to redeem Ul from all iniquity, and purify tJDto Himself a peculiar people, zealout of good works. Titus waa to .peak alone this line with full authority from Christ, and he wu not to let anr-- one despUe him becouoo ·of bia youth, and he was not to do or say anythiac that would bring despite upon Chri..t. STIENGTH FOK EACH DAY To the Corinthian Church, Paul had written, "Though our outward man perish, yet the inward mao i. renewed day by day. For our tight afRiction, which is but fOT a. moment, work~th for us a far more exceed- ing and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are DOt seen : for tbe things wtUch are aeen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Cor. 4 :16-181, and that fact wu to be the str~!ngth of the Christi.a:nl and churches on. Crete -the inward man was to be renewed day by day. The body is renewed by three meall of food eocb doy, and so the Holy Spirit wuuld feed the IIOul OOI!tinually. When we are hurJITY we do not cet a DI:W body, but merely feed the .,.....,t body food which will renew it. J- had said, "I am the bread of Hie : he that cometh to me ahaiJ Dna" hunger ; and be that believeth 011 me •hall never thirst" (John 6:35). Tbe Heavenly rmnna never faila. PRACTICAL lEMINDDS Paul wrote that Titus shoutd re- mind Christian' of their relatiombip to magistrates and citizen~. TheY should remanber that "not by works of righti!Otlaness which we ba~ dooe, but accarding to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeoeratioa, and renewing of the Holy G,bos!.; which he shed on as abtmdantly through Jesus ChriA: our Saviour .. ( ch. 3 :5, 6). They were to avoid wasting time and enerb with foolilb questiona and contentioaa, which ue eV<n todoy unpn>fitable aod empty of l')Od ...Will. They w-to "''""' heretia, 401mowinc that he that ia such ia aulwerted, and linndb, beiJc condomnod of himodf.• If oU of ,. wbo an:: OuUtiam would oolr re- member conatlrltfy that we ue la"Y- ants of O.riat, and oar oaly ..,._ .. to ol>ty Hlm, -~ -be far leN jUitlficotloa 1.,. the ""'-" aidd.D of Chriotlomo by lbe ..,.. lionn. • • F 1 u 11 1_ I H : P o I i c e: 8 I o t t e 1 R~IIT MAIIIOR EIIIGII I'UIUIMED IUIU.Y-PAGE 7 1 W-T,IGLT. --__ .....,. IIOM4--··• OOIDIAO£i.MAR,CAUF, -C .. "''rtod lloot GO lito joiiJ, looo "'I lUI-., A l>wllu -$11$ -ol . 111U .. Y.AUI11o.f~rr1:i~~~~~~~ lnMt ........ ...,. l ... .......... 8artlor llluill I polio ._.., ..-at s-, ud lllclllot lUI,-. Ill-llq-fnlm Gortndo _...,, ... -er ...... __ oo1 "'" a.ow.r -..., cer ... -11 uz -VJa, t1 111r -•• II uo ntto IIMtD 'any,_., •OIItboc-Balbo&, bltw-ml4al&lll 4111 a.. •• • ..,....._.,..,.,. l:ao ol. tblm Ill tbt llocMeb , •• za u4 10 a.m. l•b' 10 ••• A ""· July • ud 1:10 Lm. o-ld Wllll&m F-, 24. of IIIlo! IDok a polio table fti...S ohtlr 11 ••• A bleyele ftiGid INO 1n1oo An., Harbor Hlcl>-at $'10 !rom Uoo Harbor Vlft II 'ISO ftl tua !rom IJoo louodl, ftl ln-II t p.m. Homoo Auo. IYimllllliC 11001 • ...,...., pra10 ol Uoo JoiOI at lito -of Be<JI IUid ar• at !&eO Port Woatboarao KOilWI.Mr r~, ltll Keel IC.atbleeo l..eMI, lllrbor Rtgtt.. about 30 mlllutes put mid- or., Barbor VIew fl1llf, be-louodl, ud cloul'fd wUh poo-lll(lol. · nro. 1.1:15 ud l:IOp.m •••• IOIIJoeolcl&qo.._clrup •.• 'MONDAY, JULYS! A Sabot bolt, n.llelt at $100, Roblrt Emmett lleDermod, 42, Robert RaymoodSpana.ll4 beloorllc to Rlebolrd Ferrll, of 1110 !Gill st., Mnport VI&On-lolo, Lldolole,._toc! 110 VIa EbOU, Udo '-"• wu HelatU, wu ltqlped bJ pollee tbat tbe rudcter ueembly, lloln from tts oUatKn moor. u be pusbe!l a. abopptnr cart T&laed at $3}0, na stolfllattom t.oc DIU' VIa GeDot. betweeo aJoac tmne .be, at HJ&bi&Dd, b.J.I Roble Cat boat between 7 p.m. Jul) 25 aDd. 10 a.m. a.ad urelted tor earrytna & JulJ 2S aDd S p.m. JlllJ Sl JuiJ Z6 •• , A tbltf loot 2 eoaeealed, loaded .22 eaJJ.ber wbUe 1t was tied 1CJ Oa tbe Keep cool with bolt 111dder1 wo:rtb $146 from rUle ln the t&aket. bea.eb &t Via Udo SOUlS IDd CANVAS AWNINGS Pa1aM Ober'o boat while it • FRIDAY, JULY 28 VI& Orrleto .•• A burglar wu puked lD froot of bet stepbea Norwood Smlttl., ZS, pried apea a rear wtDdow at Doo't let the sun spoil your bome at SZ8 Ptaua. Udo, Lido of '7Zl PolnleWa Ave., Corora Cuol Riebatdmn's rnldeoee, patio fun . Shade with eolorlul 18le, betw-8 p.m. aDd mid-del Mar, -.as arrested &t 1 :ZO 717 Juml.De Ave., Corooa dtl canvas for cool comfort. Call or come by for free estlmates. tdgbt. a.m. 1D tbe stuft Shirl restau-Mar, .,metime betweea.·ll &.m. UlnA aM a • THURSDAY, JULY Z7 raot puking kt, MulDer's aDd S:ZO p.m., I.Dd ranaete4 MUll ana Aa eleetrie p1tar Ya1ued: at MUe, and charged 'Witb pos-the house, taking an ut:Jque JilT & AWII& $600 wu Jtolea from Mlcbl.el Mllloo or eocalne •.• Aeharge CbiDese ehest n.lued &t $200 JACT'O:Rf R&DISolpb Tblel'e relldeace at of burrtarirJng a residence was and aevenl amaU items ••• 2202 SOUTH MAIN 616-1/Z CIW>,.._ Dr. West pl>ee<! aplnst Dutd Scott A bicycle nlued at $120 wu Newport, sometlme between Pratt, 22, of 31 Beacon Bay, stolen from Bart Browa's pr-~5-0491 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m ••.• A after pollee arrested him at age at 2712 Waveerest, Harbor ---'::....::=-=-:o=...:c.... __ tape deet n.laed at $170 wu: 8:50 p.m. at 22 Harbor Island VIew Hills, between 6 p.m. aDd Jtoleo from tbe home of Carl • . . Louis James Paz, 21, 8 p.m. "(s;;p~l Ba:llooter, 901 Aleppo St., East of 355 Rochester Ave., Costa • TUESDAY, AUGIBI' 1 . Blufl', between ll:SO a.m. and Mesa, was arrested at the A thief took a. $100 ear radio 1:30 p.m •.•• Doug Chattertoo, eoroer of Placentia and Su-from an auto belonging ID Rob- 4Z, of 709 t...,.rtspur Ave., Co-perior Avenues, Part Lido, and ert L. Smith, 100 Via Koron. 3 teenagers tried to tate hts .to len property . , • A volleyball at Via Lido and va EboU, ~==~~~~~~~::~ro~-~~de~I~MJarE, ~r~epo~rt~O<!~that ebarged with possession or Udo Isle, while U was parked ,radio trom h1m as he walked net n.lued at $35 was stolen Lido Isle, from mldntgtd: unUI .., the bill from Coroa del from the beach in front of 9 a.m •••• A Juvenile boy wu the Betty MeCartby residence arrested on a charge or ahop-IJ.c S at 704 W. Ocean Front, Balboa, lifting minutes after tbe man--r. .E ~ between 4 p.m. July 27 and agement of Fry's Market, 115 -... . -10,30 a.m. July ZS ... Vandals 15th st .• Central Newport, re- R EvE LAT I 0 N spray painted the words ported several small grocery "Nizon" a.nd ''Pig'' on thebOod items stolen at 12:55 p.m •••. VERSE BY VERSE of Merr111 Butler's car, causing The city Weguard stand at 31st DR . JAMES O'BRIEN COMBS about $35 damage, as Usalln St.aodOceanFroot,WestNew- front of Ids borne at 1718 Ga.luy port, was set allre by a vaodal 9:.4S A.M. sJ~~i~ ~~SANCTUARY 1 Rd., DoverShores,between8:15 a few minutes after midnight, p.m. and 11:45 p.m., and also eauslng about $30 damage •.. ILLUSTRATED LESSONS, OIARTS, SLIDES, OUTLINES spray painted the word Burglars took Z braided rugs, THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "Faselst" on the prage door valued at $78, !rom tile Rose ntE CENTER FOR BIBUCAL STUDIES at the residence of Richard Ventattl residence at 108 Grant JOt MAGNOLIA ST. AT ti.U A.M. BlllLE CLASSES Sampsoo, 2006 Galuy Rd., St., West Newport,between7:45 SANTA ANA AVE. lhOO A.M. WO'RlHIP HOUR sometime after 8 p,m, ... p,m, and 8:45p.m .... Someooe COSTA MESA 1100 P,M. EVAGI!LISTIC HOUR A bicycle valued at $'75 WIS broke into the Uleguard tower HOME OF P. G. HEUMANN CH~ISTIAM SCHOOL tatenftomJeanMerrtam'sun-at 8 St.andthebeaeh, Balboa., L::=:========~;::========:::; locked garage at 1608 Galaxy between 6 p.m. Aug. 1 a.nd r itd,, DoverSOOres,between6:30 10 a.m. Aug. 2, stole warnJ.nr ~UTHERAN CHURCH p.m. and 7 p.m .•.• Joan Wren, flags and a first ald kit valued FIRST OIUROI OF OF THE MASTER 1118 E. Balboa Blvd .• Ba-, at $W, and ripped out the tele- OfRJST, SCIENITST reported that her wallet, eon-phooe. 3303 Via Li4&o ~a.:-in M•'-talning $30, was stolen from ---------- N~ acadt, 2100 Plctflc Vllw Dr. her purse as the purse sat SUNDAY SOtOOL Coronldll Mlr, Clltt. on the ground outside a phone 9 a.•. aa4 lOtiO REV. WlLBUR E. ALLEN booth at 1801 W. Coast H'W)'., SUNDAY SERVICES Interim Pastor Mariner's Mile, whtlest.emade 9 .... Gil lOtiO.... a call from 1:25 to 1:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING SUMMER,Sf:HEDVLE . • • , A thief toot 4 auto wbeel MEE'TINC o P'·'"·ll!lO:CIOA.M. _Family Worsbfp eO'IetS valuedat$68"trom Fnok u-ADING'KOOM · · Cowley'•· ·eu-wblle It wu Week days: 9 a.m:. 5 p.m. NURSERY PROVJD£o ~ parked at his residence at 335 WeciJM...,: 9 ...... · 1:45 p.•o.jl----------' Plut.a Lido, Wdo Isle, from Tund.y and Frid.y: •;::~~=~lla.m. UDtil 8:30a.m ..•. About 9 Lm .• 5 P·•·• 1·9 p.m. $100 damage was caused by a. nodal wbo broke a window at SJOCOND OfUilOf OF the Kentucky · Fried Cbicken OfiUST. 5aEN't1!T restaurant. 3107 Newport Blvd., Newport Bead at west Newport, between 9:45 C.oaa delMar 3212: Jtlly 27 and 9 a.m. July 28. ·3100hdRc:VlewDr. ~Hiii-• SATURDAY,JULY29 SUNDAY satOOL 10 Lm. A ear cover valued at $21: Fr•e .,.J Ir~J•per~fle,.t ~.. !r Rollert M • SUNDAY SERVICE tv LID. wu .... en om ones WEDNBSDA.Y BVBNtNC CoRtr•t•lio,.•l car wbtle it sal near his resl- 1 ,... Chrllti•,. Clll•rch deoce at 4612 Seashore Dr., OR. RUSSELL SPITTLER West Newport, between 9 p.m. 11•-toSp.m. ?co 9 ,. ... lmihdco and tnt8rtm Pastor July 28 and 10 a.m. July 29 SUNDAY SBa.vtCB • • • Riebard Arthur Newcomb, AND OIUR.at SCHOOL 3301 Alabl.ma Cr., Costa Mesa, reported tbat bts 1965 Ford AT UMOO A.M. Thunderbird was stolen trom NM,.,-y Clft pi'O'IIIJM 1.n front of 201 E. Coast Hwy ., PHONE: sometime between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m •••• Clotblng, recording tapes, TV set and camera., with Ccoua1 Bible Olardl a -1 valuo of $1,716, were 0 •• • 1 -~ burglarized from Dennis Refs. UID ST. ot OIAMGI, C ITA loiK--N--man's home at 5109River Ave ., Sunday MoruiDJ Worablp ••. : · ·. · · · 10:30 a.~. West Newport, betweeo 10 p.m. Sunda.y Evct.Dg Worabtp. . . • • . . . . 7:00 p .m. July 28 and 2 a.m. July 29 Wednesday Bible Study * Pra7er.. . 7:00 p.Ql. . .. Auto bubcaps n.lued at AD tadepSuteot cllurcb wUb Bible -ceacb.lD& mtnlatry $80 were stolen from Earl De· "===::;;~~;;~;:~;;;,;~~;;;;;~n===: Long's car while it wu parted 1 1D nts carport at 1123 BaySide Dr., Corora del Mar, trom 2 501 CLI JI'JI' OR,, NEWPORT .EAOf -I 41 ... 2811 8 a.m. July 28 to 11 :30 a.,m, July 29. DR. F. KEHTDN BESHORE o SUNDAY, JULY 30 PASTOR Peter Kevtn Beooett, 33, of SUNDAY SCHOOL •• • • • fi4J A.M. 31• E Bay A•t •-~ --wo.'"l. '' .. -• 7. .. ~ . . .. ~ ...... '-:~:::=~·~·~·~·~·==~-=-·=-~~~·=-~· ~~~:;.~:§~::'j arrested at 3 a.m. 1n tbe 300 r block of Balboa Bl'f'd., Balboa, 'CHURCH DF RELIGIOUS SCI EHCE. and eloupd wltlo pW>Uc al<:obol DF CORONA DEL MAR jtntonealloo ... JolmCbolrles rLIANOI C. JACKSON, MINISTER Coonta Jr., 18, of 1215 DeVOll s~-•-~ 00 Ln., We~tcllfl, wu pleted ._, ~ -.-.ee •••.••• 10: a.m. ..at Mornloc Star LaDe uxl Po- StiDd&y SeboOI • • . • • • • • 10:00 LID , ll.rls Dr., DoTer Sboret, at 1:10 a.m. Ud cbarlld wttb ..... Fuulllo.ta.ll......._ COW"' ....... ~ II , ... -- ==~:,;1~ ....... .• ,_..., • LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COUR T OF THE STATE OF CA LIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-73236 Estate of BEATRICE W. De- ROULHAC, Deceased. NOTICE ~ HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the aboVe named d~edent that aU persons having cla.Jms against the said decedent are required to ftle them, with the necessary vouch~ ers, in the oftlce of the clerk of the above entitled eoort, or to present them, wUh the nee. essary vouchers, to the UDder- signed at the offi ce of Its at- torneys: KEENE &: DION, Suite 510 Avco f'inanc1al Center, 620 Newport Center Drive, New- port Beach, California 92660, wtdch is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaJ.ning to the estate of said decedent, within four months after the first publication of this ootice. Dated July 18, 1972 United states National Bank By: Carlo Venezia, Assistant Trust Otttcer, EJ:ecutor of the Will of the above named de- cedent. KEENE & DlON, Attorneys at Law, Suite 510 Avco Fi- oanci.a.l Center, 620 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beaeb, CalU. 92660, Telephone: &«- 8181, Attorneys for Executor. Publish: July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 1972, in the Newport Harbor EIISlgn. !.IGAL. HOnCI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persoa Is doing business as: Advanced Ma- terials, 2930H Gnce l...aDe, Co- sta Mesa, CaUl. 92626 : Carl w. Johnston. 26901 Recodo Lane, Mission VIejo, Callt. 92675. This business Is being eoo- dtteted by an lMh1dllll. Stgoed: Carl w. JobnstoA. Tbls statement flied witb the COOIIIIy elerk of <>nn&o COIJIIIJ oo: JuiJ za, ~t72, "' -.riJ J. »•ddot, deptQ ooetyelert. Publlsb: Aug. S, 10, l'l, 24, 1972, Ill 1Joo Newport Harbor Eooalp. F -lUG? 114., $100,000 • • IRYDIB TERIIACB .. • • lled1oJ. IJior ud odd, E~~~~Hi~~ 1101 llo:lldoro Tor., $10,000. E. PUspn.ld, _.._ 000• •Ill uta tar reenat:lc8 ~ ., 1 lila IUid Mil room, 1015 -• ... ...,.....,, aeb man Tv., $S,fXXJ. -$10 -Ia pormlto. • CQROI(A RIGBLAMlll no Gal pormlll ... ,..,. Mn. Edllb -· adllllloo at to tilt -"' tG 000 .,.j toO Serra Dr •• $1,000. ' • AJRPC»tT AREA e :-•• --lila *>llowllc: !toll toeomo ~ too-Inti HIWPOIT liE~ CEC::U r.-llllc ut donlopmool at 4100 llireb CDST A loiiSA of-=-at 550 N;....nc-strotl, $7,084; 410\'W.-Iy, ~.niS 11or $It 000 $41 000 IUid $5 • $11,000; 1901 lloYO, $12,400. ;:::::::==~~ ~ ud it 50o If~ ceaUr PoDderoa Homu, parUtlool Dr • ....,000 -~ '1100 ud eJectrtealwork, to00 Weot-., ~ .,.. • • • er)J, $9,200. --C..., 6 RbOdeo, -.at do-Raab Belli Uld Froot "DD£ k RODIIEY A. ARCHER, -of ••-!COl AYOCOdo A":• __, bulld!Ag. 1401 Cluait :' Om. ,«_V-¥ Mr. and Mrs. 8, D. Areber SI,Ot!. $4?15,$80. '' LY Jr., 258 Lugoo1a st., N"PQI't Jolla RooteD. fl.flt 0oot de-• WEST UPPER BAy ~ Shores. has beec promote<! to •eklpmoot, :WO Newport Cealer Dr DaYld Gtem Zlld story 8"'(V~' • g'. :::_ ... sergeant in tbe U, S. Air Force. Dr., $100,000. l.dd1tion. 2315 Fra'nclsco Dr ~ • He Ia: ao air trame eoatroller • CORONA DEL MAR S'l 000 ., at Beale AFB, CaUL, wttb I. Martla VotJa, 41! Goldearod, .. etitn Zlgner 1 &tory 1 tm1t unit of tbe Air Fore. Com-elllrp p.rap:, wUll apartment dWelllng. 1600 r,.;.~uy $90 665 muoicatioos Service, wtdeb tlfflt, $10,275. c c Naoee 1 .;,y 1' unll provides gbbal eommuaie&. . RJctllrd Bmaker,l.ddreotal neiuni, 1000' Somer~t Dr., tioos and a1r tra.mc c::oatrol ll:llt, 107 Caratsoa. $12,000, $50 000 for the lSAF. He 1.s a 1919 • NEWPORT HEIGHTS • c i.JFf HAVEN gradtate oCFollltainV&Deybf.gb Jollll PrtebU'd, addttloo at lD.aha.w apLrtmeot over gar school and atteaded Oruce 614 MleiUl Pl., $5.800. age l4ti CUff Dr $9 500 - Coast College, Coeta Mea. • BIG CANYON • BALBOA ISLAND., ' • H. Do-Jr., Z siDrJ. I ulllt Cbester Salllbury 2Dd--, U!GAL IIOnCI dwelllioc. 15 Loebmoor, $100,-apartmeot ooer _.;_ at Z23 NOTICE TO CREDM'ORS 000 --- SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Dr. Da Bot.e, 2 story, 1 untt !~~R~8•500• STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR d'WeWAc. 2 Royal st. George, Beach Properties, 2 story THE CO VNTY OF ORANGE $68,000. 7405 Sao.sb>re Dr No. A-73287 Robert Ewart, 2 story, 1 untt and 7409Seasborenr'' Estate of NATHAN C. HUBBS d'weJJtac, 4 Ro,.l St. George, '' aka NATHAN HUB~, De-$59,000. ceased. • HARBOR VIEW HILLS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Normu. Weinberger, add 2 to the creditors al tbe atx:we bedrooms, 958 Saodeutle Dr., named decedent thatl.llperaJDII $10,000. havlng claims against tbe ll1d Cbaq, alteratlou at 1615 decedent are requtred to tilt Barclift' Ctrc::Je, $'7,000. 3115•-...... ....... - them, with tbe necessary YOUCb· ers, In the omce al tbe clerk of the above ent1Uad eourt, or to present them, wUb tbe oee .. esSU"Y vouchers, to tbe tmdef .. signed at tbe omce of ber at- torneys: KEENE & OION, Suite 510 Avco Financll.l Ceotar, &ZO Newport Center Drl'f'e, NeW- port Beacb, CalllorDia 92660, wbteb is tbe place of hnl'new of the uodersigned 1a all mat- ters pertaining to tbe estate of said decedent. witb1D four months after the Drat publica- tion of Ut1s notlee. OUNG RIVER Dated Ju!J 25, 197Z Vlrgtnia B. KU.at. Executor of the Will of the abofe oamed decedent. KEENE & DION, AtlontJI at Law, Suite 510 A'f'co Fi- IIIDCI&I Cecler, 6ZO ~ Center Drive. Newport e..at. Ca.Uiornla 9!660, Telepbont: 644-8181, Attorneys forEQca- tor. PubUsh: Jul}' 27, AUJ. 3, 10, 1972, In tbeNewportll&rbor • Buuty Slil0ft1 ~~. BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwv~ Corona del Mar Phone 644·7336 e SUI!DB 8 HOU ft SE:ftV1C £ MAlE .. --se 18-ck..t" ·-"' 8oo• &..'f" IN.J'UitY ltA"Bfl.l T'( -18",000 •a.:.~ f'-r-'.,• 3D ' Of" (I ---·~ a. OC6:.H:I•.ct $131 ~ "' CAN - 21JS llllllllfl. cma 101-142-JIIt MIICTL f ACaoll ,_. TiiiO HAL AEBISCHER ~.:,. Prop~r Fining Allured 3oiOIIE .c-tHwv. Corona dtt M.- 175-- • Decorators I •• .... , ... ~ ' . . . -·~ . . ......... . • POll LOCAL MIWS • n ttaaa.-••'*•-WA1U.U.1UI 67HI ... SERVICE lccoa•·••; n setOa, Lu••••• ....................... 14011:. Cout III .. .., Co-a.M111u Pboeo: n•tt40 o••" Lo~.,••••: •1411 YIA LIDO, MIW,OIT •7• ,AIM lOti IILAMD •n••v• .. •• .. o•t .aoiiMSOM-s DI,'L ITO II 'AIIIIOMtiLAifD COAST PAIIHIIIG Home ud Apartmeltl: --Retereoeee -'"'JOa •• FAIR ESTIIoiATES 536-I SWICK, from bad Jim ia: the ooly returatoc .. lt&rter from lut year's defenstve platoon • "NOW YOU SEE HIM, NOW YOU OON'T" 1~1 w :!· 7:00 AND 10:15 SECONO FEATURE "HAROLD and MAUDE" 1:30 ARAMOUNT SPORTS PHEGLEY PROMOTED EVERYTHING ··'IN cr-~ tJotted California Bank has announced tbe promotion of WU- lla.m J. Phegley of Santa Ana to assistant manager of tta Marl.ners offlce ln Newport 1* ... TENNIS l.tr . PbecleJ, a.sststaot cash- ier aM commercial k:&notftcer at Mariners otnee for the past year, )>lDed the bank 1D 1968 on a management tra1ni.Dg pro- gram and held various positions · at Los Angeles Headqlllrters and Santa Ana Regional Head- quarters before belng assigned to Newport Beach. He Is a former Julllor Achievementad- Yisor aod also is acUve in the Harbor Ar ea United Fund. WE DON'T CUT WE CARRY ALL SIZES WE JUST CUT PRICES!! CAN AND IMPORTS! •IP YOU tilED A 40,000 Mile Steel •eltell ••lila I WI HA Yl ITI •IP YOU WilD a 30,000 Mile ••yell •oltell ••lila I WI HA Yl ITI 0 IFYOU tiiiDaGLASS.ILTIDn•l WIHAYIITI • IP YOU tilED • 70 series wllle eYal tire .. HAYIITI • IP YOU tilED a H Series tire WIHAYIITI • IP YOU tilED a 4 PLY POL YISTI• nRI WIHAYIITI • IF YOU tilED a 4 JIL Y NYLON Tl.l WIHAYIITI YOU Sll. WillA "I Tlllll ALLI hd1 Of TIM AM" Tires C.rrits A Miltett $••n•tll As Wtll As Tltt M• tie•w~e IN411 ... ze~ We,....•JIIIip AM •t.n•l Feile,. .......... IF YOUI CAl HAS THE SHAKES, WE WilL BALANCE YOUI WHEELS ON OUI SOPHISTICAnD SCHILDMEIR HIGH SPUD ELECTIONIC BALANCER. UNIROYAL BRIDGISIONI '111STAIIT CIIDfT" I . '.' I I ' ' ESTORES 1711 NIWI'OitT ILVD. COSTA MilA (-Te ~loJ 64$.2JGO e 61$.7022 ' OPIN 7 DATI A WU1 , \ ' .. ,.. ..... / • N.B. OUTRIGGER WINS As hundreds of swimmers :&00 surfers crowded ak>ng Do. heny Beach Saturday, the out- rigger canoe "lmua'' trom Newport Beach rode In oo Ule L&GAL NOTICE NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING Notice ls hereby given that the Plannlng Com mission of the City of Newport Beach wUJ hold a publlc hearing on the appllca- tloo or the City of Newport Beach on property bouDded by MacArthur Boulevard, Jam. boree Road, Bri5lol Street and Birch street to ameod the Planoed Community Text tor "Newport Place" by deleting buaineu and protesstooaJ of- fices 1n the lod.ustrlal secUoo.s. Notice is hereby fw'ther given that said public hearing wtll be held 011 the 17th day of August, 1972, at the hour of 7:30P.M. in the Council Cham- bers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at wblch Ume and place any am all pereons 1Dterested may appear and be heard there-... .... FOR RENT $75 MONTH, biC. U.nable ftlrn. room. Prln.te bath, oo kitcb- eo. Near beach. Man pre- ferred. 96.2-'75 14 di.J or eve. NEW larre mOWJtain home. North shore, Lake Arrow. head. For rent weekend• or· weekly. 549-S612 and 530· 62'15, WANTED -Your old bites 1D trade for Dl1r. Beach BI- cycles, 808 E. Be.Jboa BlYd., 1!&-. 675-1!8!, ...... c"':l .... -. 11111t ru 1 tD Ia llorllo, ••IPWI ...... ...... rt •••••••• i •••• lsleM C.... ••• Newport ........ . I Estate ..... Isle .. c.... ... Lillo ONLY · S34,SOO 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths SHARP Just move ln. • • • • OPEN 1 to S SAT.& SUN. 608 IRIS, CORONA DEL MAR OPEN 1-5 Saturday & Sunday Three bedroom home with Income, overlooking tropical gardens, Quiet and seciuded. Parquet floors, pan- elUng, fireplace ••• ,' very efficient kitchen. Se 'til e 1 •• ... ~ BALBOA ISLAND INVESTMENT PROPERTY ON MARINE AVE., LEASED Call us for Information 1i Y. f' RJU'HO .. IIi Rt:Al.TOR 3250 b1t Collt Hl&hnr Cor01'11 del Mlf, ~lfomll f'tlont: 67J.2222 l'CC)UIN .. MA111N IIULTOIS ' 1 EXCLUSIVI PUSENTATIONS CALII'ORNIA •.•••••• WE ARE NOT COMING IIACKI Owner baa decided to stay on Eut coalt • sell his Calif. home, which is a hop, at:ip 6 a jump from the CdM beach. This cust. home baa all of your requirements for a fine home, right out Lo the garage, where the door opena automatically. Offered at . . . . . . . ... t74,1C50. HARBOR LIGHTS We ahould ahow you this borne at night so you really can enjoy the view ... of all tbe New~ port homes, islands &: thousands ol bolita ... from thb out.standing home. It becomea better when you conaider it has 4 bdrm1., S baths, htd. awimming pool & .kiJur aize lot. Just recently, profess. decorated". Offered at . . . . . . . . . ................... f1f,OOO. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CUSTOM Early Cllil. S BR. borne on ''\tir manicured MACNAB IRVINE FINII H'OMES I'URNISHED BAYFRONT MODEL • EleJant interior by Von Hemert'a Interiors creates a dramatic new . 2-story Bayfront. Entry level fea- tures formal livi ng area &: master suite. Downstairs 3 BR's complete bar lc: dramatic FR. open to cantilevered deck. 50'x100' Jot, 45 slip privilege. ,236,350. Office Open Daily-1657 Bayside Drive. ... [Irvine I" ---. ....... I 0 Ill DwwDrha loU·IHI ..... ,,.. IU-1201 -!~==~··~· .. ~··~·~···-..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! NEWPORT HARBOR EIISIGit lliURSOAY, NJGUST 10,1!72 PIIBUSHED IEEIILY • PAGE 9 COROllA DEL MAR, CAL ofuuk!JJ. PREST16E WATERFRONT HOIIo&S SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT I Lindo lolo Drlw Beautiful new 5 BR., 41-ii Ba. home. Water- front llving rm. • formal dining. Hond10mo oat paneled lam. rm., frplc, wet bar. Largo master auite has frplc. 4k cozy lounge aru.. View of Bay & the mountains. .... $179,500. 1J LincU Isle Drive Completely fum. 5 Bdrm., 41-ii batb home. Lge. waterfront lmng rm. with noor to ceil. marble frplc. Formal dining rm., flmily rm., maid's rm., Pier 6: slip ......... $195,000. 53 Llndl Isle Drive Elegant 5 bdrm., 4\-1 baths; on lagoon. New carpets, dupes 1r wallpaper. Love1y garden • large slip .................... ,200,000 57 Lindo lolo Drl .. -Opon Sunday Custom 4 BR, 3'h ba. home on Lagoon. Mstr. BR. bu sltung area • frplc. Waterfront family rm w/conversation pit around the frplc.; lovely garden, lge. slip ..... $189,500. lOT Lfnd• Isle Drive Lovely 5 BR., 4 ba. borne with downstain waterfront mstr. suite lr: Jge. game rrn. or study. Mexican tile fioors , beam ceilings, quality construction, slip .......... $155,000. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Ple•H C•ll : BILL GRUNDY; Realtor lthnl1n aw.. •t Linlll lt .. 341 IIAYSIDE DR.. 1Un'! 1, N.L 6754161 ••••••••••••••• .How to Improve fij Ill\,\ Ill \Ill ....... ·····•ft.t.~ •••••lfnAL ••• your liome . so it sells You can make a million mistakes trying to sell your own house. One of the big ones is making the wrong improvements. Many times they cost you more than you get back. ~~· t•.~~~~.f~r. ~.~~~ ~.~~~.·. . .~~ .L~ .. ,, ... ,. ao,.••n•• Avoid mistakes. Go to your Realtor. He's not just anyone in real estate. He's the professional who is pledged to a Blrict code of ethics. l' I I EVENING CANYON Located in Shorecliffs, Corona del Mar' a Juab reaidential area. This rare find 11 all ready to move into. It would waata your time • oun to try to deacrlbe thia profe11. decorated home -wby not ... Come by Sat/Sun. 1·5 338 EVENING CANYON RD. (Wolcll for our open bouH aiJD) Call US fw pur rul nt1te n11~1 WI ttaw. .... ., ..... th ..... tetellyou-1 -110a '"~"••••~"••· ,.,.,.,_M. COII•s•aA 'l'fOif ••• ...... c.-..,~ c. ........ -~ ~~ ---· * BALBIA BAYFRONT * PIER/SLIP -BUCH! Charming 5 BR. home plus 2 BR. rental unit. Seller very anxious · Please submit all offers IALIOA BAY UltW. a.lbN N. He can tell you what to do to make your house more salable. And what not to do so you won't lose money. Use your Realtor. It's the quick, easy, profitable way toaell a house. And the smartest way to buy one. Your Realtor• Somebody good to have wrirkinc for you. A Realtor ia a proltnWwl io Nel -..te who oubec:ribeo to a otrict C...S. ol Etbics M • .-mher ollhe ~ Ulil -baudo -o1 1be Natioaal A-.ietioa1 ol RMI _._ Boercla. You ..., .. r ba bllii ..,. thia .aL \ LidoW. ... N.t&pu1 ..... Tw• I •n Ltd.. ..., __ Nwy. (714)1- p.~. /Ja,.,tt ~~~, OWNER TRANSFERRED NICE 4 BEDROOM HOME -'"' quiet otreel Country kitchen-a very a:ood buy at t33.IM>O. Back bay area A MESA VERDE BEAUTY! NEAR GOLF COURSE 1766 Bahama Place • FOUR BEDROOMS o FAMILY ROOM o 2~ BAlMS o 2 FIREPLACES o PAll 0 o OVERSIZED GARAGE • COVERED BREEZEWAY ..u7,·soo .. Open house Sat. & Sun. p.m . ROY R. McCARDLE REALTOR. aSUAIJL! SF.aVfCE' DNCI! U4) Sales through the Yultlple Ltat1J1c Sentce d. tbe Newport Barbor .. Ca.ta Yea Boerd ol. Realtors totalled $8e mWtOD In tbe tint 7 IIIOIItha d. 111'72 • THIS IS A 35'1, INCREASE OVER TBB S.U0: PERIOD OF 18711 2,714 MW Uat1Dp -re proce8Md. d. wtdcb 88'1, WERE SOLDI 83% d. tbe A1H were cooperatl'H, List your property wtth • Realtor. ''······ .... , .• ···~· ... , .... ..... ac'-&IIT REALTORS ItO tft ' t c...-art.. - ........... _, ..... -.......... .. .. . . . . Lido faces Ieise ·crisis (0..1111 ... 11o1t Paao l) ·----.. --.lad-oolle.l" .. IIIII. 'I'IU ..as _.. IIA tM lllldlt-Jae CJIIftM'I ca , .. ., ...... 2 '· -• -lo *--lad .... .. -lo ···D IDIIa ,.-IIIJ, tile CIJ ~I -.. -*-~~~loa ... , lo lbe___. .. as Jill'• at• rtl&al ... af$'150a ,.ar. Tbl.l oa. wu ••••• b7 .. _...... Jlor-d ... -locatodlbet-"" llltWLJ1DI til' ,_...1; Oft UJ ~ IJr a n&djlllllld ·~-·--· A low ,..._,uarMOlloltlle-.. dtpr- ollllt-11' 1-o,IIIU -oltlle-odlob wu -Dod --ol-..,mGoltller-*1. ' ,.. ~ co. ........ all "' tllo Lido lale pr-IJ --"' ~ by tllo -lopar· .... $1,111,11151,1115 CCIIIllract tw tpetentar .....W. evblr, panmeat, JbtHl u,tU. --. -._ plou, lDI•cro-1 wtrlac .,....,. • .. ...,_ lad oloclrlc Upio, Uld tile llrld&O -• tbt lllud to U. me•ahM, Tbe leue for tbe letterld Jc:U,... tfMI. r~ ca Dec. 5, 19U, lor a period oll5 ,.ra. ID J' .. , 1141. tbt ilue wu extended for t5 yeua, aad tlda Ia lilt -WllidlOII>IrOI J,_ 11, 1973, • REDICARlfA 1'1011, OW1IOd by Aoebor 11ar1oe Ropalr o1 Newport Dimeo, pulled l~·JMr -old 1lqolrloe by tllo Eaolto> ba•o brouebl lo U&fll lilt llellbet Sla're Vu ¥-lor of Torrance 1o lilt JaDlor cbamploublp Jut s.-7 1n 111e llllll&l Loac tllo claim o1 tile Lido lale Commuolly A-. lor -"'"• -eb..Ca1alloa ntor lkllog race. Tbe 52-milo rouod-lrtp look looa 1bu 1·1/2 bouro. -1 ol tile bay --Ilea -tile leuina acreoiiMIIII C, B. Sbaaoep, at «JJUoll, loft, Uld 11auk Hlil,botboiNewpor~re(Uiarl)'pilottbe llbaaod_-.J,_r•m'DI.,_eoUidreeo-SUR1r PATROL m--· aJooc Will Jlo ..... t-ullfopardAJ-r. Rllacaru.Uoa. wbieb DOW ranks loth aatioaa111 lD laboard dl'risioa nclDg stancUap. ol old...Umer1 wtio were e~IDJ'ed and aet1Ye 1D Newport '9etlcl1 eeater, etata wUb Brad IAwl&, 1etl, ud Dut a.t.cb. Tbl' ......,., ue polUDr rooldeats Tbe boat pta: lb: oame from tbe filet that It t. a salneed wreet. dt&ir1. Tbere la IDierltood to be a "potlemeo•s acreemeot" to ..-repeal ot a ettJ bu oo eariJ-moraldl nrflD.c. LUeaarda are required to SCHMITZ: HONORED BY --lllo cJIJ Uld lllo doYelopen of Lido ll1e lbela -oolorce lllo baa. (P-by llaYid Lewl.l.) FRC~~o~;:~us. •• Builde r Earl Miller dies ~=~t'~i~~·=::= Ea rl ier su rfing favored .. mils of ·Orup Coal!ty. DOW Earl MIUer, a tla11d1ag con-Elzte lltller of Livermore IDd ue r1 Lido IIJe rMidW•. tbe Amertcu Party t:~ndldllte tractor 1D tbe flarb« area for Ben Millet of Mojave; a st.ter. Tbe Eoalp ieuDed that tbol'ougb research lnto all aspects Sarflra. lorblddea bJ New. Du, wbO 11 IIDlrt noap tor prntdeot, bubeeoltlected 49 years, died llooday al Bev-Bertha Broyles of Rl..-erllde; of tbe I.Jdo Iu. .._ bad been cooducted by Bwlster Creely, port ~ taw from r1dlDr to be lD b1a ..UX year at • ofsodal note as ''m&D of tbe yiU"' by the erly MaPor CCJiltalesceot bos-9 grandcblldren, 4great-&f"'M-•bo wu bu:lDea maapr for the Lido Isle Commla!ib' AaD. the ftftl oft their fllyorlte UCI at tbt &p oilS IAJU'IIItlJ' ., ISG Coogr ... ot Freedom. Tbe cr-pttalta Coat& Mesa. cbUdren, aDd 1 great-great 1a tbe 1950's. He did DOt rneal tbe details oftbe lhl:ty, but West Newport bat!IJt. dvlaC cUd bls bomewart ~eD cxa the " ........... · ..... • ... ., .. · gullalloo w111 prnoat tile Mr. ¥Ulor, wbowu 79, had graodehlld. bo did r-lo Ulaqodry trbelber he hadlouodproolol eorl)' morulnc bours, clalmod nrflJicla"· ATTENTION DUNESUI WIJY award at Its uoU&l c:ccvel1tioo stl:ftered from a loag lll.oess. tbe beacbel belDc bltJd tor the sole U&e of Lido Is!aDdlrs. tb1J weet tblt a ...,..,. PI'OYel "I talked to pollee " be aya liCit eablDee )'OUr twely nter in Lanstnc. llleblpn, on Sept. He tlYed at 205 llapUa SL Ur. CtMlJ commeoted, ••No, I oever fouDd UJ recorded reGdeots ue wtWor to ban "aocllelr!lld ll!&lui.JI.] nrt~ Pli1P'OIIKI wttb tbe historic 8, at which time Mr. Scbmlb Serr:lces were held yesterday statemeot to tbat eftact. Bat lD my iDtervtews with CODCeroed tbe n:• e=~ 19 l ld lDc compla.lllta are dtmtDig. FERRIS WHEEL .ooD to be wiD addre&$ tbe ~ 00 InBell-Broactny cblpeliDCo-part1,n. I foaDd eacb ODt empbaUc that this was a con<ttttoo UCI studeat wbo lc ~ .. ~ lDg. For example, from 54th eneaated trom tbe Balboa F~m "Wbere do we go trom bere?" sta Mesa, wttb Dr. James o. ot tbe deYelllpera llJI!iDC tbe grant deeds to these properties, __..a st. to the rl'fll' jltty, tbere Zor.e. Tbe Uttle merrr·CO- Tbe CODcreu: ot Freedom Combs of tbe First BCpUst mt do1Dc 10 wUbout 1.41 otber CODSideratioo wJat.eoeYer b' surfer crlll&de to cwertwo tbt were ts compJa!W in 19?0 I'OCIIXI would be ttm. too aDd is a coal1Uoo of patriotic or-Cb.urcb of Costa Mesa ofllciat-tbelr Yabable pnparttes. 1 am nre that such a statemeDt11 JoeaJ Jaw, bladed a ..,... at 7 lD 1971 aDd OG1J ooe tb~ 1 periOI!aD.Y get taD• out p.nisatlou ud lndl.Yidal& tnc. Burial was tn Harbor Rest wrttteu eomewbera, but I Jut ftSO't able to flDd it." 4~~~ ~·131u11 week, polled tar ta 1972'!• dt Kee ball aDd 1 the :Snrrr dedicated to restorauoo of to-memcl'laJ part, coata Mesa. A ~eUmlDary title report from Title losuraoce and Trust r..--.--... boDies alciDc He due ~ a letter from areade. But tt•s mostly the dtvidual freedom &Dd st:ates' Mr. Miller. a oaUve of Okla-Co. recardtal tbe lettered Iota states that tbe property is held 15 blocks of oe~ fred UOtiD:I A1cllbnt City Muapr Pbll terrtJ: wheel tbat gins people rii!IU u ....,...... b!' tho boma, Is surn•ed by z daugb-In trust lor tllo -~~of Udo Island Uld tile publlc. 36111 st., 56111 st. Uld In tllo -~Co PoUeo ChloUim tliat DOStalllc foeUor •bell you Coostttution. It meets annually ters; Ruby Jel!k1ns ol Ororille Tbe $750 a.mwal reatal PllYI for the use of aome 844 lineal ~ ADa RlYer jattJ ara. GlaYU, dated llllJ ?, lt7l, tn eee lt lb.lolnc across tbe nter as the •·coDUneotal coogreu aDd Pboebe NOOD&.Q ot Newport teet ol bi.Jfroat, IDcludl.og 6 piers aod noats, and about 200 'Tbe orerwbeJ.m1oc' majority wbleh Mr. IWteDC»«t DOted ••• ud Jt Pn• u air o1 of American patrl.ots"' to lean Beacb; 2 SOClS, Bar len E. )(11. teet ol mar!Da at tbe root ol tbe Lido br'tdp. Tbe 6 piers ml ::~~~~ r:.~e ta~ ... ~ !:' tlat tbt city r.d "Yery fe1r tun time, neD U Jt were ooly from some of the D&tloo's out-ler of Co.ta Mea aDd Howard floats are r8QIIlrtd to be kept ftee and clear to sene u ~ Willi --~ ... .,. eomplatatl ftom tbe WotHew-used tor decoration. Arrtcbance ftalld1ng conaerval:ive leader a MWer ofM1Doeaota;2brotbers; lalld1Dp for 111kllre ud boaters oo the bay wbo need to come til a mootb-~ trial period port rectdents &Del tbt afhaUoo of pTt.Dg th11 Idea a whirl? U aabore tor some emerceocy of &bort-term CODYenJeoce. ODe to surf early, tbeHarborVlew IHIU to be qaft. tolerable to wu 10eplted by Jean Calle of !bose flools bas -deYated lo the use of tho Lido ale Homao reoldeut ll>ldtlloEI!IIp. all.,_enod," ol Nowpari HllrtJtoudealbusl· Yacbt Clab. A race committee commaDd post bu baeD Two by qae!doDI &rei.IDODI Dul allo eocatertd ablentee uttcally eodorsed by Iota of PilUlE ru• & CLASSES FOR ALL BRimS Novleo Thru Utlllfy Also, Schooling For Dog Trainers MARTINCREST KENNELS Boards all 20061 CYPRESS • SA NTA AN A ' •' . \ breeds 546·0989 HEIG HTS WILLARD T. JORDAN. rice-elt:ab11J:hed oa tbt pier, &Dd 2 t1nger sUps tave beeD added tbe 1 aabd bJ DaD ud l!llo'fl laDdlord cla.lmttbltreotlwould others mayor of Costa Ilea, wt1l be tor reptta llle, sarten Mar7 Setterbolm, Brad JO down U eu)J ...tiDe ware • • • • J.ottalled as presJdeot of tbe CIIITeDt market value ot the 844 teet of bay troot ts estimated Lewis, IIlii Du.'•lilter • Tert, allowed. "Realer I ~Ye • more Most people are eJtber vlslt- Orup c-,. Cout Asso. a1 at $2,~000, -'"' $3,500 per troat toot. A roatal lao ol aU I?. pro..-nq ~ IbiD uy. lngor belor Yllllodlhlsseuoo. tbe Auc. 17 biDqaat at the Bat-3 per ceat ot n.lue would produCe an annual total~ $88.120. · To tbe fl.rst quellloa.; "Rue bodJ we taiU2 to,'" be elaime Tba CbarUe Browns of East boa Bay Cltm. Mr. Jorda.D., wbo A 10 per ceat figure would produce an l.lllltal reat ot $295,400. you 8'fer beea~edbyearly Aloog wttb tbe poll, tbe surf: Bluff bin )lat returDed from ww succ:Hd local Rattor JOOD It Ja a matter of record that Uds laDd wu taken from tbe morDiac IUJ'fers? Dan cl:altu IDe crcq. cla.lma &.bout 500 a Yislt to Puerto Rteo __ a M&CDab. Is a former mayor owoerai.Dd deYelclpers apa:a tbe threat ol the 192:8 City CoaDct1 U!lt Ollb' sa per ceat ol tbo8e ·stcnat•• • a petltloa•r"ar ioYeiJ ncatioll sared by DOt ot Cosla Mesa, bas lived LDthta tbat tbe lllbdl:ftaloa map would not be approved tmlesl tba l'et9*"1C &Dn'ered ''yes.'' repeal ot tbe eulf-morDiDc ooly Cbarlle ud Betty, but 3 area siDc:e 1949 ud has~-req....ted lots were deetted to tbe cUy. Tbe iaad wu deUvered To tbe queat:Joza. '•Would you bu. tlds, Eddie, Mary aDd Cleco ated bil archJtectural offtc€'111 to tba city wttraoca a p8llQ1 paid lD cornpens~Uoa. reeommead a trtal per1od witb Betides PI'O'f1Dc a poLDt wUb -~ eom1ne from aU over. Tbe bare for 18 years. other oew A ngplted IOliiUOD to tbe Lido leue dilemma. based oo rtiT18ed surfer recalltsou?" tbelr nney, tba surfers bad Browns a1ao stopped to see oflleera ue: flrst riee~esi-tbe knowledge ol tbe 1928 Co11lcil uWmatum. 1s to return Jomll s.rtaeb ays 89 per ceat t\IL. "Eaeb of u &Dt tmted relaUYes uouod HarrtsburL dG, Rtct.zd steve01, bead o( tbe onerSblp at the wtered kltl to the I...l4o Iale CommuaJ.ty autrered "yu." .lD to &boat 4 piJ'Un 'lfblle we Pa .. oo tbe way bome. tbe Bay Clab; 2Dd Yice"'ll'•ll· A-.~··....., tilt lddld ntl:rietloll ttat 'tbe taDd may be ...S Du aya be wtU to to pt. Wlrt _,troll door t.odoQr ,. • • • deot, Carl Kymta. Neowpcrt ORI7 tor tba PGI'PCIIII cletermload by the aseoe1atloa. Tbe:le the re.altl of the IIII'Y8J pre. Dill Bertlcb AJa ' Jessie BtU. uec~Ye sec- Beach coancllman; aecretlr)', u.te11 W'OttiiJ be deftoed bt' the recorded restrlctloas of recr•-..ted to tM CitJ COWMill's ' rebrJ ol tbe COM Ctamber Rail>h Kiser, formar Edlllon lloiiLI Uld educaU....l uaes, forbidding the ereetloo of uy Aucut 14moeting.Surforowaot COUM TY MOW CHt.Pi'ER of Commerce, has booo nslted ··~ct tr struetureo. Under Ibis p~· tile land orould-bact oo tile tu the law, wblch prol!lblt.,urllng .WILL MEET t.UGUST 17 by bar 11•-, L~ s•~-of ~ • mana. gar; e&tA~ter • -...., •-..__._e 7·"" a.m IIPDd d -,... -...,.v Jac• Fee~· ~ n··_...~ ........ rolls, --H~ .. an estimated •"5,000 In lnt!tal tues. ..._..-. ...., .. 111~ · AI-r. ~· ~·-L .. ·~ ua ..... u,l!<...... a"'-;u;;-""' I. from Aac. 15 t!Dtll Sept. 15 l..lll1aD Poltare, d. tba Na-• .... , ""' ~e yda Beach. Allotber rnattve 1a the refusal of the City COODCtl to wbeo tbe more liberal ~ UOaal OrpnluUoo tor Women could l9l 011 the whlt-to·see- EMTERIHGCHAP'It.H rtbee"""pubUIIIoc. leue, lllus opening 10> tbe U do lllebel!cbeolo sorllngr-·~~·-bo•• (NOW~SUDiegoCbopler,triU ID.&o<aborn CaUior!!la clrcul~ ·•-..-••-au "Tbo ·~·-•--... -~ .. ~--••-IIUm Nancy J. Pole. daughter of Tbe surfers ~ed bd)ra w.eo.; -_, ..,. u ...... .-.... -· • Mr.udMrs.ThomuM.Pole, Dr"lpp "lng trees face axe City CoiiiCU Jul)'ztll>plead lboJam .. IIW.allllr"allbo lted bet acUYIUeo;bul .... 501 Rockford Pl., cameo Higll-tbeJ.r cue, aDd were told to ~ ~! ... ~N0101w,;; ~ still w1Dad t.DddinedbyJessle's laads, a sophomore PiJChOloiJ come bact wtth proof tblt WNt. ...._,. ...,..... p.m. rDIJIJ &!elida. maJor, bao been admitted lo Some dripping eucalyptol tbus llr, Uld lbal !!Ia depart. Newport rolld--'*'1 Tburdy, Aqat 17• Chapman College beg1DD1ng ill trees, wb.leb.Baycrefltrelldeots maot anUclpatea ptUDg Yeey a daDce lDtbelaw.DuBerUcb Mr. 111118 (D~ ~&O) 18 the fa.U semeater oll9'12. Chap. clalrn are maldog a mess: ot few replacement requuts, feels tbl.t be DOW bu tlatproof. cblir'::e of :r s..te rain man College. locatedlDOrup. tbelr ears, are going to be cut "Only tbe corData nrtety "Newport Beaeb is tbe ODJ;J ~~ 1....: .. .,. cb bu kept tbe Is ooe of the state's oldest, dowiiiDd replaced, ot euca~ w1U be re-elt)' tJoac tbe Ora.ap Caut ---r a-amai!MIIt,pueed lodepudently-supported Newport Beacb parks, placed,'" be sald. wltb u aulJ-mc:malal bu ca. b7 tbe U.S. C4Qcreu, bottled cburch-related, llbenl artstn. bel.cbel ud recrM&D d1rec-!!!' Baycrest homeowners clalm surtlor." JOiml BerUcl! poJDts • ut m:' =!; JM U.~ stltuUons, tor Cal Stewart aid thta week that a resLD drlpptac from tbe out, ••am It twllee ODJ::J lD m re u' l' • U.t tbt' city wW replace the trees ca.o oDly be retii(Wed from summer. We sart Jut u mucb == ::;e,;: ::_: to trees. oa request. fol' $22.50 cars wttb hot. .,..,. water cr iD wltb DO !XIUeable CalllorDia nUftcatioD. 08 I I aacb, wftl:l everereea pear or car cleaner. Brtlbue bol trees. Parte, beaches &Dd reera .. Part ~t.eodem: Ric.b.ard tioa commiNioDera IIJili'OYed. Harriaoo. aid yesterday tbat tbe replaeemellt procram at oo reQQeltl have beeD received tbelr 1ut meetJ.Dc,. Banker Les Barnes dies COMPLETE SIJIVICE ' CUM LAUDE HONORS WUllam JOHPI> Gel~ 1407 Outrtcrer. Harbor VIew HUla, bu rece.!Yed cum laude booon at tbe UDJverslty of TeDI 1D Autln. He 11 ooe ot more tbu ZOO stlldeDta mmed to tile -roll ol tho d!Yisk!D at paera..l &Dd comparative ........ MEET CHARLES • • • YO Cbtrles Woodard. u ..rvtce manager of Jotmscm &Dd SOD. directs tbe Goldea Toucb team to prorlde you wtt11 tbe trouble tree new car you'n alway• nuted. Wttb onr ZO years OD the job, Charles is an tJPerl oa LlocoiD-MercUJ"J products. Cbtr1es a1eo ral!b u u npert oa cattle and borMI wbJ.cb 1M aDCI bU: wile, BerU., ud dauctQrs, Jill ud Jan. r&tse, breed and sbow at the flJ.r eYery Jeat 1.a Orup COIIDIJ, Tbef wiD their stare ot blue rtllbou too • • • liCit a bad eoklr combtaaUoa , •• blaa rtbboa ~toe~~; and "Cioldeo Totacb" oew cars • , • I • John Schlnnerer ........ -.................. . .,,,, ......... ., ......... . ... ................... .... ___ ,..,. ____ ...,._ .. ~TFI$1 ............ .. ewe • ...,._..__. ......... ._...,..., .... _ .._ ............ .J.~ ... ................. "" .......... _ .. _ •